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By David Ruben
October 29, 2015

All Black Americans should be sickened by the fraudulent social movement known as “Black Lives Matter” because their claims and propaganda is typical Marxist aged-prop. The fact is, Black on Black crime accounts for 93% of murders. That’s right, according to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, 93 percent of black homicides were indeed committed by other blacks between 1980 and 2008. In 2012, the most recent data posted on the web, the figure was 91 percent.

So, the real issue is not police violence against Blacks, but Blacks in generational and social programming warring on the battleground of their own neighborhoods. The pattern of dysfunction literally looks more like a mental illness than a crime problem. The question then that must be answered about Black cultural violence is WHY is there such an epidemic of violence?

“Trickle-down economics” was devised by Democrats in the 1980s as a way to attack President Reagan’s economic policy. So, the unpleasant truth of ‘trickle-down immorality’ has to be recognized if there is to be an end to the mayhem. More to the point, the fact is that Leftist/Marxist ideology is itself a mental disease inducing cultural philosophy resembling a political form of Munchausen syndrome by proxy.

Clinically defined, Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSbP) is a behavior pattern in which a caregiver fabricates, exaggerates, or induces mental or physical health problems in those who are in their care. With deception at its core, this behavior is an elusive, potentially lethal, and frequently misunderstood form of abuse or neglect.

In Munchausen syndrome by proxy, an adult caregiver makes a child mentally or physically ill or impaired by either fabricating symptoms or actually causing harm to the child, in order to gain the attention of medical providers and others. In order to perpetuate the medical relationship, the caregiver systematically misrepresents symptoms, fabricates signs, manipulates laboratory tests, or even purposely harms the child (e.g. by poisoning, suffocation, infection, physical injury). Studies have shown a mortality rate of between 6% and 10% of MSbP victims, making it perhaps the most lethal form of abuse.

Now do you see the connection? The angry caregivers of the troubled communities perpetuate the culture of dysfunction with the GOVERNMENT welfare system as the enabling partner! The children, about 7 of 10 are born out of wedlock, encouraged by the poverty pimps that profit from the spiraling whirlpool of corruption from cradle to grave.

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Black Lives Matter is another “red-herring” tactic to further restrict the ability of police and law enforcement to perform their duties of maintaining the peace and social order. The sad, terrible, horrid truth of black violence is that POTUS and almost all politicians don’t want to face the and address the real cause of wasted lives. Every time another human being looses their life, the deeper all of us become absorbed in the Munchausen syndrome.

Are you sick of the news showing the murders, riots, and civil rights aggressors with their bull horns, shouting slogans about killing the cops as they walk arms locked in unity? If so they are literally MAKING YOU SICK! Is there any question about why so many people are on some kind of mood disorder substance?

Well, at least now you know what is affecting your ability to function… call it what it is: Political Munchausen Syndrome.

© 2015 David Ruben - All Rights Reserved

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David Ruben, Senior Executive Producer, America’s Morning News heard on 150 radio stations




Now do you see the connection? The angry caregivers of the troubled communities perpetuate the culture of dysfunction with the GOVERNMENT welfare system as the enabling partner! The children, about 7 of 10 are born out of wedlock, encouraged by the poverty pimps that profit from the spiraling whirlpool of corruption from cradle to grave.


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