Other The Two Kerry's: "Men in Black" The Cult of The Judges
By Jon Christian Ryter January 9, 2008 NewsWithViews.com In one of most egregious speeches made by President Bill Clinton before an African American congregation while he was in office, was the one in which he claimed to have personally witnessed the Ku Klux Klan bombing of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama on Sunday, Sept. 15, 1963. Clinton, who would have been 17 years old at the time, was in Hope, Arkansas when the attack happened. Not all whoppers are hamburgers. But this type of whopper is more popular with political candidates than those from Burger King. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney claimed that he watched his father (former Michigan governor George Romney) march with Martin Luther King. Yet the Romney Campaign has been unable to offer any evidence to support Romney's claim. Recently he admitted the statement was "figurative." (The word "figurative" is an upscale millionaire's synonym for "lie," or for "...he woulda if he coulda." In poor man's rhetoric, a lie is simply a lie. You either did it or you didn't. Marching with Martin Luther King in the spirit is not marching with Martin Luther King. It's claiming you did something you didn't do. That's the type of thing America's only black president, Bill Clinton, claimed to have done and, time after time when he got caught in his lie, the media simply gave him a pass. Over the weekend someone started a rumor which purportedly came from the Thompson camp. Fred Thompson, according to the rumor, supposedly said if he didn't do well in Iowa he was going to throw in the towel and back McCain. Sen. It would appear on the surface that the McCain camp wouldn't have started the rumor. Huckabee? He was the big winner in Iowa,logic would also suggest that the Huckster was not too concerned about Thompson who was not making enough waves in Iowa to swamp anyone in that race. That only left Romney since he appeared to be the only candidate who was concerned about Thompson when you look at the national numbers. Or at least, that's what it was supposed to look like. In reality, the plot was hatched between Huckabee and McCain to "knock off Romney" in New Hampshire. The plot appears to have been hatched by Huckabee to get rid of the rich guy, making it easier for him to knock of McCain on Super Tuesday where his only real competition would be Thompson and McCain. Romney, unfortunately helped create the appeaance of guilt by jumping in and hiring Thompson's Maryland Campaign director the morning the rumor surfaced. Upset by the report, Thompson angrily responded that he was in the race until the last day. I suspect Thompson�like me and most people who watch the race through the spectacles of logic and not candidate passion�thought Romney was the logical pick as the guy who started the Iowa rumors. But the rumor-monger was "honest" Mike Huckabee. Rev. Huckabee should be smart enough to know that once he gets into the real world where people are not only computer literate but actually research the candidates instead of buying the media hype, Huckabee is going to be revealed as the social liberal parasite he's been for years. For some reason, politicians believe they can deny their recorded words and accuse their detractors of making up stories about them when their past inconsistencies are dredged up for all the world to see and hear. Huckabee won Iowa because respected but misguided Christian pastors forgot that politics is about politics, and chose to reduce the politics of Iowa into a Baptist-Mormon debate. Looking only at those two men�and their moral character and integrity�I think if God was voting in Iowa, He would have cast his vote for Mitt Romney and not Mike Huckabee. Myself, had I been voting in Iowa, I would have cast my vote for Fred Thompson. In my mind, he has the type of character president's require. As a US Senator, Thompson made a career-changing decision to expose Chinagate and the financing of the 1996 Clinton-Gore Campaign by the People's Liberation Army of the People's Republic of China. When he began his investigation, Thompson thought he was dealing only with a dishonest president, his ambitious wife (who is still has a penchant for illegal foreign money) and a dishonest Vice President who was independently taking money from Chinese Intelligence from 1988 when he battled Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis for the Democratic nomination. Gore dropped out of the race with a massive campaign debt. He received a contribution from a communist agent, Maria Hsia and was invited to go on a fact-finding trip to Indonesia funded by Mochtar Riady (who also funded the Clintons in 1984). Gore's trip to Indonesia included a stopover in Taiwan where he visited Master Hsing Yun of the Fo Kuang Shan Buddhist Monastery (which was the headquarters for Red China's spy system in Taiwan). The Thompson Committee Report noted that when Gore returned from Taiwan Maria Hsia began doing fund-raisers for Gore to retire his debt. It was in Taiwan where the Buddhist monastery "community outreaches" were created to provide laundered Chinese contributions for Gore's planned presidential run in 1992. Much to Thompson's surprise, when he launched his investigation, he ran into as much opposition from Republicans as he did from Democrats. The Chinese government's funding of liberal Senators (both Democrat and Republican) through Sen. Alan Cranston [D-CA] began in 1984. Cranston was the recipient of millions of dollars of laundered Chinese yuan as the head the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. The Chinese were determined to defeat Ronald Reagan in 1984 and increase the social progressives' grip on both Houses of Congress. (As a reporter prior to World War II, Cranston authored an abridged version of Mein Kampf�deleting Hitler's anti-Semitism to make him appear human. Hitler sued him for copyright infringement and won. In 1945 Cranston, who was now more socialist than fascist, wrote a book entitled "The Killing of Peace," arguing the United States was responsible for all world tension because they refused to join the League of Nations.) Financed by Chinese money, Cranston jumped into the presidential race in 1984, becoming the first announced candidate in 1983. He lost the race for the nomination to Walter Mondale who, with running mate Patricia Schroeder. lost to Reagan in the biggest electoral upset since James Monroe won all but one electoral vote against John Quincy Adams in 1816. Thompson exposed the graft in the Clinton Administration, but only the Washington Times, Insight on the News, American Spectator and Newsmax magazine gave the story full court press. They became the foundation of what Hillary Clinton labeled the "vast right wing conspiracy." The mainstream liberal media lightly covered the Thompson Committee hearings and the evidence produced by Larry Klayman who was, at that time, the general counsel of Judicial Watch. But, as usual, the liberal media covered the story like they cover any story that makes their side look evil. In the end, while they had enough evidence to convict the Clintons of accepting money from a foreign government, Congress decided to impeach the president over a semen-stained blue dress. Thompson lost his taste for the good ol boys on the Hill and decided not to seek a second term in the US Senate. Why is he running for President? Because when you want to fix a system that is broken, you can only fix it from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue since the keys to the bureaucracy are held not by Congress but in the Oval Office which tacitly controls it since the unelected 4th branch of government is part of the Executive Branch of government. In actuality, the bureaucracy is more controlled by the views of the Council on Foreign Relations than by their constitutional bosses�the Secretaries who are appointed by the President but must kiss the royal behinds of Senators in order to be confirmed for their jobs. That's why so many of the second tier bureaucrats seem to float so easily from Democrat to Republican administrations and, effortlessly, back to Democratic regimes. Hillary Clinton, who is for-and-against pulling troops from Iraq�depending on her audience�has a leaflet circulating in New Hampshire that promises that "...Hillary will begin immediate phased withdrawal [from Iraq] with a definite timetable to bring our troops home." Yet, in Iowa, the Clinton rhetoric was slightly different. In Iowa the Senator did not think it's wise to commit to bringing US troops home before the end of her second term. (What you can steal once, you can steal more easily a second time.) Hillary's mistake was promising the voters an "experienced Clinton," and, at the same time, something "new" in Washington. It was an oxymoron Iowa just didn't understand. She came in third. I was wishing that Dennis Kucinich beat her, too. That would have made Iowa worth the TV coverage. For all of you history buffs, when President Bill Clinton sent US troops to Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1995, he promised that he would have the troops home by Christmas. Twelve Christmases have passed and the troops are still there. Yet you don't hear the antiwar groups complaining about those troops, or the troops who have been along the 38th parallel in Korea for 57 years. Presidential candidate Joe Biden claims to his supporters that, in 1979, he led a delegation of 19 senators who negotiated the START II agreement with Leonid Brezhnev. (It was actually a follow-up on the SALT II meetings after the Treaty was signed,) Biden was part of a senatorial delegation, not the State Department delegation that actually negotiated the treaties.) Biden's group did not meet with Brezhnev, but with Prime Minister Alexei Kosygin whose job it was to meet with nuisance bureaucrats. And, there were only six senators in the group, not 19. What Biden and his group were doing was haggling with the Soviets over a couple of minor points before the Democratically-controlled Senate would agree to ratify the Salt II Treaty that was already signed by Brezhnev and Jimmy Carter. When Biden returned to Washington, the Senate ratified the Treaty which was never signed by the Soviets�even though the United States abided by its terms. It was not until George W. Bush took office that anyone realized that the Soviets had never signed it. Since a one-sided treaty is not a treaty, Bush announced he was going to proceed with Reagan's nuclear umbrella. At that point Vladimir Putin hurriedly signed the treaty that the Soviets had not observed for 22 years. As it tuirned out, Joe Biden's committee and the worst president in the history of the United States, Jimmy Carter, signed a one-sided treaty that obligated only the United States to reduce its nuclear defense system. Yup, Biden's really qualified to lead the nation. In my view, he's barely qualified to handle a Whopper�the hamburger. The least qualified�or rather, the only completely unqualified candidate for President�former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, noted to the media that he is "...probably one of the four or five best known Americans in the world." If Giuliani believes being well known qualifies him to be the leader of the free world, then he is obligated to believe that Paris Hilton and Britany Spears�both of whom are much more well known than him�will also be qualified to be President if they don't die of drug overdoses before they reach 36-years of age since the average idiot on the street will recognize their names before Giuliani's. Considering only political people, Giuliani still falls far below almost every GOP candidate on the recognition scale�even Ron Paul who, prior to this election season, was a virtually unknown Texas congressman who was known only by the anti-IRS, anti-Fed far right conservatives who remembered him as a renegade Libertarian presidential candidate in 1988�whose campaign went no-where fast.
This time around, Paul, who is polled 11% in Iowa, and is polling around 8% nationwide, still polls better than Giuliani who is polling around 6%. Paul will outlast Giuliani only because when you only came along for the ride, you're going to enjoy the ride as long as it lasts because it fills the scrap book with pleasant memories the grandchildren will enjoy after you're gone. For part two click below Click
here for part -----> 2, � 2008 Jon C. Ryter - All Rights
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Jon Christian Ryter is the pseudonym of a former newspaper reporter with the Parkersburg, WV Sentinel. He authored a syndicated newspaper column, Answers From The Bible, from the mid-1970s until 1985. Answers From The Bible was read weekly in many suburban markets in the United States. Today, Jon is an advertising executive with the Washington Times. His website, www.jonchristianryter.com has helped him establish a network of mid-to senior-level Washington insiders who now provide him with a steady stream of material for use both in his books and in the investigative reports that are found on his website. E-Mail: BAFFauthor@aol.com |
Barack Obama was born and raised Islamic not only by his Kenyan Muslim father, but also by his Wahabbi Muslim stepfather. He was trained in a Wahabbi school which means his ingrained views of Jews�and Gentiles�are extreme.