PART 3 of 3
Jon Christian Ryter
January 4, 2012
In the meantime, as Obama seeks green job opportunities in order to provide clean energy, his Energy Secretary, Steven Chu, is promising massive coal plant closures in an effort to force people to accept very expensive, very inefficient, green energy. Chu has launched the start of his new energy initiative after publicly stating that the Obama Administration would bankrupt the coal industry through the use of EPA regulations. The EPA began enforcing draconian regulations that triggered rolling blackouts from maxed out power plants in Texas. The Electric Relianility Council of Texas, the agency that oversees that State's power grids, confirmed that the rolling blackouts were the result of a "maxed-out power grid" due to the EPA's draconian regulations. Obama has now mothballed the construction of several new clean-buring coal-fired plants, and the EPA is now shutting down existing electric-generating plants. If you think Obama is a man who doesn't know what he is doing in this instance—think again. He is manufacturing an electrical energy crisis that can only be solved by green energy.
One benefactor of the green tax credit that Obama claims will save America received a $535 million stimulus loan to make solar panels. The company was California-based Solyndra LLC. It turns out, according to media reports, that a top 2008 Obama fund-raiser, Tulsa billionaire George Kaiser's family foundation was heavily invested in the startup company. On Sept. 1, as the media revealed that a Solyndra-investor was an Obama bundler, Kaiser issued a statement to the media in which he said he was not personally invested in Solyndra and did not participate in any discussions with the US government about a loan. House Republicans are not satisfied with Kaiser's denial of culpability and vowed to fully investigate the extent of White House involvement in the Solyndra loan. White House logs show that Solyndra officials made numerous trips to the White House. Between March 12, 2009 and April 14, 2011, Solyndra officials made no less than 20 trips to the West Wing. In the week before the $535 million loan guarantee came through, four separate visits were logged.
Political corruption is a byproduct of government. The more government, the more corruption. Most people don't know that the term "lobbyist" was coined by President Ulysses S. Grant who used it to describe the political grifters who spent their days in the lobbies of the Washington hotels around Congress, waiting for their turn to bribe Congressmen and Senators. The decision by Solyndra to close came just weeks after the company—and the Obama Administration—faced charges from conservative congressional critics that the Fremont, California company was being propped up with government subsidies and a low interest loan. The company, the critics said, could not survive without continued taxpayer handouts.
Last year, hawking green energy, Obama and Energy Secretary Steven Chu visited Solyndra, touting the company as an exemplar of an emerging green economy. Taxpayer dollars paid the salaries of Solyndra's 1,100 employees. On Wed., Aug. 31 Solyndra filed bankruptcy in Delaware and laid off its more than 900 employees, keeping a core group of 113. On Friday, Sept. 8 the FBI and investigators from the Energy Dept. Office of the Inspector General showed up at Solyndra's headquarters in Fremont, California with multiple search warrants. The Inspector General investigates suspected fraud. House Republicans, who were already investigating the loan to Solyndra, issued a statement calling for answers. Congressman Fred Upton [R-MI], Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee said " is imperative that American taxpayers are not paying the price for the sins of Solyndra."
Solyndra was not the only Obama-investment into green energy that failed. Two other solar panel companies who benefited from green energy loans from the federal group also went belly-up in August, 2011 were Evergreen Solar of Massachusetts and SpectraWatt of New York. BP Solar (a division of British Petroleum) closed its production facility in Frederick, Maryland last year. But they did not fail. They simply relocated—to China. Those bankruptcies and plant closing: Solyndra, Evergreen, SpectraWatt represent a loss of 20% of all the solar panel business in the United States. The technology of both Solyndra and Evergreen depended on using less polysilicon (the primary material used in solar panels), thereby reducing the cost of the panels to consumers and making them more competitive with solar panels from China. The problem is, as Solyndra courted the White House, selling Obama and Chu on their "competitive edge," no one was paying attention to the polysilicon market. Over the past four years, the price of polysilicon dropped 80%. On the day Solyndra received its green loan, it had no competitive advantage. The day they opened their doors they were already a company on its way out of business.
The taxpayers always pay for the sins of greedy, corrupt politicians who simply can't resist trading taxpayer dollars for campaign dollars, pretending that one is not connected to the other. This form of legalized bribery needs to not only be outlawed, but it must also be branded as a crime. During election campaigns, the mainstream media touts the big money collector as the most viable candidate. In 2008, the media reported that Obama had a war chest of close to one billion dollars. (It was actually $750 million.) What does that say about the candidate? Not only can you not trust him, you—as a taxpayer—can't afford him. For every million dollar a bundler donates, he or she expects a tenfold return. It's called tithing. You do it at church. Lobbyists tithe to their gods just as you tithe to our God. Only, their gods are politicians and the blessings they bequeath come with dollar signs. Obama, the community organizer who understands the quid pro quo as well as any tenured politician, is very proficient in bequeathing monetary blessings on those who tithe to him.
Barack Hussein Obama entered the 2008 presidential race in the hip pocket not only of financier George Soros, but the collective transnational bankers and industrialists who pulled their support from Sen. Hillary Clinton on the eve of the New Hampshire Primary—which she won. At the time, Hillary had $18 million in her war chest, and Obama had $13 million in his. In the first quarter of 2008, Obama raised $133,549,000.00. Hillary had to loan her campaign money to stay in the race. Obama raised $21.9 million in May, and $52 million in June. In June, Obama announced he would turn down matching funds (which limited the amount of money he could spend on campaign ads). In August, the Obama Campaign received donations totaling $66 million, and in September, it announced it had raised $150 million in small donations of $200 or less in September over the Internet.
You may remember some of them. It was then that Mickey Mouse, Daffy Duck, Bart Simpson, O.J. Simpson, King Kong, Family Guy, Will B. Good, and even assorted, random letters of the alphabet that spell nothing, made thousands of donations to Obama in the summer of 2008, leading to his record $750 million in campaign contributions.
Many people turned a blind-eye to the donor fraud that was perpetuated by the Obama Campaign which misrepresented the donations and where they came from. Obviously Mickey Mouse, Daffy Duck and Bart Simpson didn't donate to the Obama Campaign. The question is, who did—and in what amounts or amount, that would make the Obama Campaign feel the need to conceal it by making up thousands of donor names to conceal who the donor, or donors, were? By the way, one of the donors (above) was O.J. Simpson. You likely dismissed it with an arched eyebrow, thinking, Simpson's a black guy who would likely have donated $5 to Obama. The problem was the supporting documentation. "Simpson" listed his address as Los Angeles, and his employer as the "State of Nevada," and his occupation of "Convict." And, of course, "Simpson," like most of the others, used a prepaid gift credit card to make his donation.
The answer to the donor puzzle may come from somewhere else. Avi Lipkim is an American-born Israeli who served for several years in the Israeli Defense Forces and also served as an aide to the Assistant to the Israeli Prime Minister. Today, he is an author who writes books under the pseudonym of Victor Mordecai, and is very-much-in-demand guest speaker who has spoken at more than 500 churches and synagogues in many countries of the world. In addition, he has appeared on hundreds of TV programs worldwide. Lipkim's wife is Rachel, an Egyptian-born Jewess who immigrated to Israel in 1969. She has worked in Israel's radio industry in Arabic for the last 25 years monitoring Arab language broadcasts.
In a 2009 interview with Gary Stearman on Prophecy In The News, Lipkim said that his wife was picking up Arab broadcasts for years before the 2008 election, and the Saudis were saying, "We will have a Muslim in the White House in 2008." The video raised an interesting question that all of us have wondered about since seeing the YouTube video of Obama bowing to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia (that was almost immediately pulled by YouTube). "If this is so," the video producer asks, " could it be that we have been set up by the Muslim world and perhaps the king of Saudi Arabia. Could this be why Obama bowed to the king of Saudi Arabia in 2009, to everyone's shock?" American presidents bow to no monarch. They are equals among equals. "Amazingly," the speaker continues, "Obama has bowed to other foreigners, but now we understand that it was possibly to cover his earlier faux pas." Lipkim, writing under the name of Victor Mordecai placed his accusation in print prior to the 2009 interview.
In another 2009 article, Lipkim wrote: "There is no doubt that Mubarack Hussein Obama..." (in Islam, Barack is a nickname for Mubarack) " the son of a proud member of a Sunni Muslim tribe in Kenya, the same tribe that massacred Kenyan Christians a few years ago..." in retaliation for Obama's cousin, Raila Amolo Odinga's, loss in the Kenyan presidential election in 2006. Intimidated, Odinga was appointed Prime Minister of Kenya. "There is no doubt," Lipkim continued, "that his white mother remarried a second husband, also a Sunni Muslim, who lived with Obama in Indonesia for a number of years Obama attended a madrassa..." (radical Islamic school) until just prior to his 12th birthday "...and prayed at a local mosque. According to Islamic faith, if a father is a Muslim, so is the son."
A previous Jon Christian Ryter article, OBAMINATION, details Obama's Muslim roots. The article includes a photo of a Muslim African-American deal maker, Dr. Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour (real name, Donald Warden)— an orthodox Muslim and an outspoken critic of Israel who was raising money in the Muslim community in the United States for Obama's Harvard education. Warden, or al-Mansour, approached a former New York borough president Percy Sutton (who was a New York mayoral candidate in 1977) to write a letter of recommendation on behalf of Obama (whom he didn't know) to King Abdullah, which he reportedly did. al-Mansour was an American advisor to Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, a billionaire and nephew of King Abdullah. It was Prince Al-Waleed, you will recall, who handed then New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani a $10 million check in the aftermath of September 11, as he calmly suggested that US policy around the world caused the World Trade Center attacks. Giuliani, if you recall, refused the check. That said, the media in Europe reported that al-Mansour, acting as a bundler, kicked in what appears to be a donation of £1.8 million ($3.5 million) to the Obama campaign in April 2007. The consensus (without evidence) is that the funds came from Prince Al-Waleed. If the theory is true, then the Ari Lipkim video has credence and the community organizer is a Manchurian Candidate.
If that's true, then America is in deep trouble because neither Obama nor any of his Marxist cohorts in the White House have any private sector management experience. Nor do they have any public sector policy management experience. Most spent their lives registering people to vote who were not eligible to vote. It never dawned on the socialists who wrested control of the People's House away from the American People that their day of reckoning might show up before they left.
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Usually, the mistakes of most Administrations are visited upon the children or grandchildren of those who elected them. But when you are really inept, the fiddler begins to play before the last curtain call. Barack Hussein Obama is not FDR and George W. Bush is not Herbert Hoover. But there is one thing he has in common with FDR. He is very likely going to create a Depression out of another President's recession. Roosevelt's deficit spending and massive tax increases that were used to jumpstart the economy created the Great Depression. It is important to understand that when you drain billions upon billions of dollars from the private sector for the purpose of expanding the public sector, you kill wealth creation. The private sector is the only place where wealth is created since the government produces no goods or commodities.
From February 1, 2009 on, the declining economy of the United States is solely Obama's fault, not Bush's if for no other reason than Obama was absolutely clueless what to do and, other than try to spin his way to prosperity while he blamed Bush, he did nothing to fix anything because neither he nor his advisers knew what to do.