By Investigative Reporter, Ed Snook
August 1, 2014
John Goodman, have you heard the name? Something to do with Polo, right? And, a car crash? What else have you heard? Have you heard he was drunk and speeding; that he caused the crash? Did you hear that he fled the scene? Or, that he is guilty? ... Is he guilty? Are these statements of fact, or are they only what you have read as reported by the mainstream media and those attempting to convince you that Goodman is guilty? The facts just might surprise you.
college, John Goodman came home to Texas to become chairman of Goodman
Global Holding Inc. Taking advantage of his keen business sense and college
education, Goodman grew the business into the largest privately held heating
and air conditioning manufacturer in the United States.
On Feb. 12, 2010 Goodman was in an automobile accident which tragically resulted in the death of 23-year-old Scott Wilson. In what was a highly publicized initial trial, Goodman was convicted. However, those proceedings were ruled a mistrial due to jury misconduct. According to legal experts, other evidence and appealable trial errors warranted a new trial, but the juror's misconduct guaranteed it. Now, John Goodman has a new trial slated for October 6, 2014 which could be delayed as Goodman’s blood evidence has been called into question. Its admissibility will be decided by a Tallahassee administrative court in August, something trial court Judge Jeffrey Colbath should pay very close attention to. If convicted in October, Goodman faces 30 years in prison for DUI manslaughter and failure to render aid; charges of which John Goodman has always maintained his innocence.
With media hype focused on who John Goodman is and what he is alleged to have done, rather than the facts of the case, its difficult to separate the truth from conjecture. In the midst of this confusion, a jury will be asked to determine Goodman's fate. But, will they be presented all of the facts? With evidence having been previously destroyed at the hands of the prosecution, and motions filed to keep the jury from hearing convincing testimony for the defense, it is highly unlikely. But, the public will.
Enter the US~Observer
The US~Observer is currently investigating John Goodman’s case. Not only does our cursory research indicate corruption and/or crimes committed by the State, the evidence the US~Observer has collected thus far also casts absolute doubt upon the State of Florida’s case against Goodman.
As part of the US~Observer investigation we are also looking into the people in charge of “putting Goodman behind bars.” Since Goodman has been labeled a criminal by Prosecutor(s) Ellen Roberts, Alan Johnson, Sherri Collins, along with Deputies Mitch Rieger, Troy Snelgrove and Ricardo Safford, Judge Jeffrey Colbath, and the mainstream media, the US~Observer believes it is equally important to investigate these parties and their actions - not only in Goodman's case, but any case they have been involved with that exemplifies corruption. Do you know instances of wrong-doing by these individuals unrelated to court cases? We find these applicable, too - contact us.
These people are public servants, but are they serving the public in the way they should? Or, are they trying to win a name for themselves by going after a high-profile figure? The US~Observer will provide you the answers.
Questions of Factual Concern in John Goodman’s Case
Did the deputies performing Goodman’s criminal investigation lie? Have they lied before? Did Deputy Ricardo Safford lie under oath? Did Deputy Troy Snelgrove lie under oath? Was any other key evidence withheld from the defense?
Did Deputy Snelgrove deceitfully create evidence that “provided” him the “verification needed” to obtain a conviction? Does Deputy Snelgrove have a crystal ball that allows him to see what others can’t and experts claim to be “humanly impossible?”
Did the State’s main witness, Lisa Pembleton (now Del Mundo by marriage), lie to authorities? Did she receive legal representation paid for by the alleged victim’s family and/or their civil attorney’s former legal partners?
Did Prosecutor Ellen Roberts use her public position to aid in the civil suit against Goodman in order to secure a more lucrative position with the firm suing him? If so, isn’t that an ethics violation?
Did Ellen Roberts knowingly dispose of Goodman’s vehicle to prevent a future jury from seeing it as evidence? Isn’t it safe to assume that important evidence such as Goodman’s car should be preserved in the event of an appeal? Could Ellen Roberts have colluded with the civil attorneys to get rid of Goodman's car, before any appeals were filed?
Did Prosecutor Sherry Collins obstruct justice by threatening a deputy in order to prevent testimony on Goodman’s behalf?
Did Goodman’s car malfunction? Did the state withhold evidence of other vehicles like Goodman’s having similar malfunctions?
Could Scott Wilson have been alive when emergency personnel arrived on scene?
Did the first responding deputies fail to render aid to Wilson? Were certain deputies more concerned with “pesticide poisoning” from the water in the canal where his car laid, than they were with saving his life? Did a 911 dispatcher instruct a civilian responder “not (to) go into the canal” to rescue Wilson? Did a deputy instruct a witness to stay out of the canal?
Did other emergency personnel fail to render aid to Wilson? Were they reprimanded for their actions?
Where are the photos of Wilson’s car as it was found after the accident?
Was the evidence obtained from the vehicles involved properly preserved?
Did, in fact, John Goodman drink after the accident? And, did deputies hide evidence of John Goodman's actions and whereabouts after the accident?
Where are all of the dash-cam and audio recordings from the multiple sheriff's vehicles who responded to the scene of the accident?
Did the Sheriff’s Department choose to deviate from the standard on-hand law enforcement blood draw kit to obtain Goodman’s blood sample? Was his blood test conducted according to medical and legal standards? Was his blood-alcohol level even relevant at the time it was drawn?
Is Judge Colbath biased against John Goodman? If so, why? Is it possible for John Goodman to have a fair second trial with Colbath presiding? Is it even possible for him to have a fair trial at all?
Why has the mainstream media already condemned John Goodman when the facts of this case prove just the opposite?
These are logical, relevant questions, and there are answers to each one, and many more that disproves the state's case completely.
The US~Observer will publish our full investigative report the last week of August. Our conclusions, as well as all supporting documents will be made available so that you can make an informed decision regarding John Goodman’s innocence.
While none of us are in a courtroom yet, the court of public opinion will soon have the unabridged, accurate, objective information it needs to make an informed decision – it's too bad the jury won't be so informed.
[Editor's Note: The US~Observer can use your help. If you have any information that could be considered relevant to or beneficial in the case of John Goodman, please come forward. If you have any information on Bentley and vehicle malfunctions, don't hesitate, please call immediately. And, don't forget to send us information on the “public officials” pursuing this case!]
Contact:, or, 541-474-7885.
� 2014 - Edward Snook - All Rights Reserved
Edward Snook is 20-plus year investigative journalist, with a college major in criminal justice and the publisher of US-Obsrver newspaper. 541-474-7885