PART 2 of 2
Lynn Stuter
April 13, 2010
The purpose in all this?
Those who truly believe in the Constitution and Bill of Rights must be painted as some kind of right-wing nut, extremist, whack job, etc., if by association only; they must be made to appear violent even though violence is more the modus operandi of left-wing groups such as those to which AKA's good friends and associates, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, belonged — the Weather Underground, part of the Students for a Democratic Society, with ties to Saul Alinsky.
It's the oldest trick in the book — smear those who truly believe in freedom, who truly know what is wrong with the Marxist ideology of the likes of AKA, who truly know why we must protect the Constitution and Bill of Rights at all cost, so people won't realize they are being led down the path to their own enslavement.
If people shun those who believe in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, if they can be led to believe the leftist lamestream media bilge that "all conservatives are alike" and that fringe groups representative conservatism as a whole, they are guaranteeing their own enslavement at the hands of Marxists like AKA, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Patty Murray, and Maria Cantwell, who are trying frantically to convince the people that what they believe in, what they are pushing, is not Marxist; that they have the "best interests" of the people at heart.
And if the people cannot be persuaded, as the anger over government-run healthcare has more than adequately demonstrated, then pull a false-flag operation to convince people the good guys are really the bad guys and the bad guys, the ones behind the false-flag operation, are the good guys.
Hitler had great success doing this in Germany, the Reichstag fire was blamed on Jews but was the work of Hitler's men just like the good Congressman's claiming he was spit on was his own doing in an attempt to falsely accuse whites of racism, the targeting of the Hutarees, and the self-serving conniption fits being voiced by the likes of Christine Gregoire over the letter from the Guardians of the free Republics has been done in an attempt to paint those believing in the Constitution and Bill of Rights as "extremists."
Patty Murray's exploitation of little Marcelas Owens, in her zeal to enslave the people under government-run socialist medicine, is another good example. While selling government-run healthcare as a way for everyone to get health care, Patty Murray very carefully avoids the fact that government-run healthcare will be managed care and the only way to accommodate the inefficiency and graft that permeates every government-run program, the only way to curtail costs while supporting the government bureaucracy, including the burgeoning payroll of new employees, will be to deny people needed healthcare.
It becomes obvious that young Marcelas Owens was not more than a tool to be used and exploited by the likes of Patty Murray to her own ends. That she would so shamelessly exploit this naive child is beyond unconscionable.
But she is not without accomplices in that endeavor. There is more to the Marcelas Owens story than Patty Murray wants known.
Gina Owens, grandmother to Marcelas Owens, child of Tiffany Owens, deceased, is a member of a group called Washington Community Action Network or Wa-CAN. This is a community organizing group out of Seattle, Washington, undoubtedly affiliated with Saul Alinsky's Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF), undoubtedly also affiliated with ACORN.
Wa-CAN, as is true of all IAF affiliated groups, is promoting "democracy". The United States, as established, was not established as a "democracy". The founding fathers, in fact, abhorred the term. In the words of James Madison,
"…Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives, as they have been violent in their deaths. Theoretic politicians, who have patronized this species of Government, have erroneously supposed, that by reducing mankind to a perfect equality in their political rights, they would, at the same time, be perfectly equalized and assimilated in their possessions, their opinions, and their passions."
In other words, democracy is about equal outcome not equal opportunity. Equal outcome is the stuff of Marxists like AKA who want to take from those who have made good decisions, who have worked hard for what they've got, who have made the most of their lives, and give it to those who haven't made good decisions, who haven't made the most of the opportunities afforded them, in a redistribution of wealth.
The U.S.S.R. was a democracy as are all Marxist nations (whether flying the flag of communism, fascist or Nazism).
If you go to the Washington Community Action Network website, and scroll down just a bit, there you will see Patty Murray happily ensconced among Wa-CAN members. While happy to give the impression that Marcelas Owens approaching her was quite by accident, it's pretty obvious that Patty Murray was looking for a poster child for healthcare reform and Wa-CAN was only too happy to accommodate Murray in the form of Marcelas Owens, the newest Wa-CAN activist in the Owens family.
The whole Marcelas Owens episode was contrived, beginning to end; the child was exploited start to finish.
It is truly sad that Tiffany Owens saw fit to have not one, but three children, out of wedlock. Did Tiffany Owens make good decisions? Obviously, she did not. But Patty Murray truly believes you should pay for Tiffany Owens poor decisions. And Gina Owens obviously believes she is entitled to the fruit of your labor as well.
In the end, people like Tiffany Owens and Marcelas Owens are not but pawns for Marxists like Patty Murray. As Paul Likoudis said, so well, in the closing remarks of chapter one of his book, The Legacy of CHD (Campaign for Human Development, a Catholic charity set up to fund Industrial Areas Foundation activities), 1994, Wanderer Press,
"As for the poor, for whom CHD alleges to have such concern, their lives are never improved; their poverty is never eased or escaped. They are just voters – and pawns in leftist politics."
And in all the leftist lamestream media promotion of government-run healthcare, not one word has been spoken about the fact that the Senators and Representatives, indeed not even AKA, will be subject to the same government-run healthcare system being forced on the people.
And while AKA wants to "spread the wealth around", you will notice that it isn't his wealth he wants to spread around, but he's quite willing to take yours and spread it around.
That is always the way with elitists. While they portend to know what is best for you, what they think is best for you, and what they believe is best for them, don't jibe.
That's because they believe themselves somehow superior to you, even though they contend otherwise.
And when leftist blacks hurl racial slurs — like the "n" word, "Oreo", and "Uncle Tom" — at those blacks who don't agree with them, not one word will you hear from the leftist lamestream media about it. When leftist blacks hurl racial slurs at whites, you will not hear one word from the leftist lamestream media about that either.
Too many blacks have become pawns of leftist politics; pawns in a game that will only enslave them. They are a captive audience to the likes of Jesse Jackson, Al Franken, Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton and others who exploit blacks for their own personal and monetary gain.
AKA, who sat in the pews of Jeremiah Wright's church for 20 years and listened to him spew bigotry and hate from the pulpit, who worships at the altar of self-avowed Marxist Saul Alinsky, who surrounds himself with people who espouse Marxist ideology, is very much an exploiter of people to his own narcissistic ends. Slavery of all people is his goal. He truly envisions himself a "messiah."
Barack Insane Obama is an enemy of our Constitution and Bill of Rights; he is an enemy of anyone who loves freedom, liberty and justice.
An article, published at WorldNetDaily on April 8, 2010, exposes further the fact that Kenya claims Barack Insane Obama was not born anywhere near Hawaii. On March 24, 2010, Mr Orengo, Minister for Lands, speaking before the Kenyan Parliament (page 31), acknowledged that Obama was born there, asking, "how could a young man born here in Kenya, who is not even a native American, become the President of America?"
Beyond the fact of his dual citizenship at birth, this makes Obama, then and now, an illegal alien in this country in violation of existing U.S. law.
The American citizens have produced the proof of this man's ineligibility. Barack Insane Obama, on the other hand, has produced nothing to prove otherwise.
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Barack Insane Obama is illegitimate; he must be removed.
If those empowered to remove him refuse to do so, they become accomplices in the crimes he has and is committing.
Recommended viewing: Types of Government, Explained. For part one click below.
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Activist and researcher, Stuter has spent the last fifteen years researching systems theory and systems philosophy with a particular emphasis on education as it pertains to achieving the sustainable global environment. She home schooled two daughters. She has worked with legislators, both state and federal, on issues pertaining to systems governance, the sustainable global environment and education reform. She networks nationwide with other researchers and a growing body of citizens concerned about the transformation of our nation from a Constitutional Republic to a participatory democracy. She has traveled the United States and lived overseas.
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