Lynn Stuter
March 27, 2012
The mainstream media has hyped it; Mama and Papa have had their faces before the mainstream media lens at every available opportunity; Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are running their mouths endlessly, pastors are hyping it, the mainstream media has turned it into a three-ring circus.
To hear all these talking heads tell it, Trayvon Martin was killed in cold blood.
Mama and Papa are screaming at the tops of their voices, echoed by the likes of the usual race-baiting duo of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, all aided and abetted by the mainstream media who has provided them abundant exposure while carefully avoiding the truth.
So hot has the situation become that the whole matter has now been handed off from local law enforcement, who have received death threats, to an outside prosecutor appointed by I'm-bending-over-backwards-to-prove-I'm-not-racist Jeb Bush, Governor of Florida; and the individual who has claimed self-defense in the matter has gone into hiding.
For the past two weeks, the American people have been led to believe, by Mama and Papa, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, the mainstream media and various other talking heads, that the death of Trayvon Martin was a senseless act of cold-blooded murder committed against a black teenage boy by a half Hispanic, half white man wielding a gun.
The terms hate crime, racist, racially-motivated, racial killing, and racism have been loosely bandied about and dropped from the tongues of these people with reckless abandon, have become the impetus and focus of the growing racially-motivated protests across America, and have been spewed forth from the pulpits of supposedly Christian churches with all caution pitched to the wind!
The illegal alien occupying the Oval Office, residing illegitimately in the White House, has proclaimed that Trayvon Martin could have been his child. As one commented, would he have made that statement if Trayvon Martin had been anything but what he was - black? Doubtful, very doubtful, given the illegal alien's racist world view that anyone black is oppressed, anyone white the oppressor, a world view that aligns with the liberation theology taught from the pulpit of his favorite pastor and friend, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
What has not been said, by any of these people, until after reported by an alternative news source in recent days, is that Trayvon Martin was not so innocent in all this; that Trayvon Martin was witnessed pummeling Zimmerman (the "trigger-happy shooter") as Zimmerman lay on the ground with Martin on top of him; that the police report bears out what the witness has reported - that Zimmerman had a bloodied face, the back of his shirt and pants wet from being on his back on the ground, and grass stains on both his pants and shirt, consistent with what the witness saw and reported, and what Zimmerman has told police called to the scene.
Let's take a very similar situation and see how the media has handled that.
In Spokane, Washington, within the past two weeks, a white man, retired high school principal, former military, patient advocate at the regional veterans center, sought to break up a party involving over 100 teenagers at the house next door. He was doing so at the request of the out-of-town home owners whose teenage son had been left at home. The party was out of control, the police had been called, arriving at the same time this white man entered the home. He was there at the request of the home owners.
This white man was slugged by a very black teenage party attendee and knocked to the ground; this teenager claiming the white man shoved (others stated he nudged) the suspect's pregnant teenage girlfriend and he slugged the guy in defense of his girlfriend; further stating that he did not regret what he had done.
The white man got up with blood running from his ear and nose, soon lost consciousness, was rushed to a hospital and died within a few days from traumatic head injury.
The black teenager has now been charged with murder.
Where is Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the illegal alien in the Oval Office? Where are all the black talking heads, all the pastors, all the protestors whipping up anti-white sentiment across America in the Trayvon Martin incident?
Have the terms hate crime, racist, racially-motivated, racial killing, and racism dropped from the tongues of the very same people now exploiting the Trayvon Martin situation?
How about the mainstream media? Have you heard about this incident on the national news? How about your local news?
You've not heard of this incident?
Are you surprised?
How many senseless black on white killings have there been across America that have never reached a local media spotlight, let alone the national media spotlight?
If a white shooting a black in self-defense is racist; what is a black killing a white for no good reason? Is one not just as racist, just as much a hate crime, just as much racially motivated as the other? Yes, it is.
Has this black kid been charged with a hate crime? With a racially-motivated killing? No, he hasn't.
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The hype surrounding the Trayvon Martin incident can only mean one thing - it is propaganda to achieve a political agenda.
The likes of the illegal alien in the Oval Office, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson do not want equality, they want superiority, they want special rights. And the message loud and clear, regarding the color of racism, is that those special rights make it okay for blacks to kill whites, but it is not okay for whites to kill blacks, even in self-defense.
� 2012 Lynn M. Stuter - All Rights Reserved
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Activist and researcher, Stuter has spent the last fifteen years researching systems theory and systems philosophy with a particular emphasis on education as it pertains to achieving the sustainable global environment. She home schooled two daughters. She has worked with legislators, both state and federal, on issues pertaining to systems governance, the sustainable global environment and education reform. She networks nationwide with other researchers and a growing body of citizens concerned about the transformation of our nation from a Constitutional Republic to a participatory democracy. She has traveled the United States and lived overseas.
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