By Jim Sumpter
June 28, 2015
For all the seemingly apparent warts the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump may have, it presents a once-in-the-lifetime-of-our-country opportunity to have a hyper-successful business player in the Oval Office at a time when every other offering is nothing more than a simple-minded, compromised and corrupted politician.
There are staggering challenges awaiting the next president, the most critical being the financial crisis Mr. Obama is going to leave behind as he sashays out of the Oval Office.
Obama leaves (he is leaving, isn’t he?), the United States of America
will have operated without a budget – a budget as required by law
– for his entire term.
Where would one even start to build a budget when the only fiscal practices
of the predecessor have consisted of tax, borrow, print and recklessly
Governments skirt the accountability that fiscal responsibility demands by basing budgets on continued increases to the previous year’s exhausted budget, ensuring the accepted and conditioned bureaucratic mindset as the end of a budget’s term approaches: “Spend it or lose it.”
Absolutely no one can continue the pace of spending that Obama has set and have a prayer for survival of the United States. We have become the country where government has grown so gluttonous that it is literally impossible for the federal government to live within its means.
In January of 2017, someone is going to walk into the Oval Office. That person will either be a Republican or a Democrat – which is to say whomever is elected will be compromised to such a degree that he will not be in a position to change anything – unless that man comes from outside the political-establishment sphere of influence and control. And the only candidate who fits that description is Mr. Donald Trump.
It doesn’t matter who else is elected nor does it matter what political party that person claims affiliation with, there is only one person who has the courage, spirit and most importantly, the skill, team and honed instincts to employ the only approach that will save our republic – zero-based budgeting. That one person is the businessman-candidate who has proven his success over a period of almost fifty years.
Zero-based budgeting means every department doesn’t begin with a budget with built-in increases year after year. It means that every single expense has to be anticipated and accounted for and that each succeeding year begins with reducing the outgo while simultaneously increasing revenue – just like every successful individual, household, or multi-billion dollar corporation must do.
Only Trump has spoken of the country in a way that makes it obvious to anyone listening (and not succumbing to the media’s Alinksy-inspired ridicule of the Trump endeavor) that increased national income doesn’t mean increased taxes on its citizens, but rather a return to what our Founders were inspired to plan from the beginning – that the United States would be funded not by income taxes levied on the citizens but rather by trade – that not only keeps our international trade position strong but supports and encourages American entrepreneurs and corporations.
Trade that isn’t the misleading “free trade” secretly administrated by the traitors in DC, but rather, actual “fair trade”.
It means tough, skilled negotiators putting the United States of America first and guaranteeing that, in any negotiation, the USA prospers.
A Trump presidency would mean the greatest opportunity for fiscal responsibility our country has ever had – the end of tax-borrow-and-spend cronyism and the introduction of ‘zero-based’ budgeting – with every department in the government justifying every dime in its budget. Business people understand this absolute necessity; politicians avoid it because it represents the end of political power maneuvering and actually ushers in proven professional management that creates real and lasting prosperity.
The only hope is a man who truly ‘gets’ it – that for the world economy to be stable, the USA economy must skyrocket.
Trump’s experience with the world at large from the business vantage would make him unique among world leaders. The team he already has in place would assist him in returning the United States to the pre-eminent position in the world and would be without peer.
Mr. Trump is already unequalled in dealing with Communist countries and because of that experience knows that China’s ‘potential’ mass market is a farce. We’re now into many years of trade with China and the only winner has been China. Communists HATE capitalism. They are using the capitulation of Obama as they used the weakness of George W before him. These unholy alliances with our traitorous politicians is burying us in insurmountable debt, destroying our middle class and with it…the American Dream.
Trump’s announcement of his candidacy for the presidency was a meandering mess; but it did provide crystal clear insight into how he would govern:
• A ‘great wall’ will be constructed to stop Illegal immigration.
• Renegotiation of all trade deals. We don’t have free trade – we have trade that is destructive to the USA and that status will be reversed.
• The military will be re-energized and true strategists will be developed as leaders.
• Obama’s executive orders will be terminated.
• Lobbyists will have no influence on the Trump campaign because he can self-fund.
• The 2nd Amendment will be vigorously defended.
• Common Core will be removed from our public schools and control over education will be returned to local governments.
No other candidate will make these promises, except in a lying effort to hook a few gullible guppies because, frankly, Donald Trump is the only overtly pro-USA candidate running.
He was instinctively right on Obama’s ineligibility to be president, but woefully ignorant of the rule of law that proved it. Instead, he bought into the obvious forgery of what was purported to be Obama’s birth certificate from the state of Hawaii that not even the uber-leftist/socialist governor of Hawaii was willing to officially substantiate.
His lack of working knowledge of the Constitution is undeniable but, to my way of thinking, highly preferable to the callous, even contemptuous, attitude toward the Constitution and rule of law that is displayed by every other candidate.
Mr. Trump must surround himself with patriotic, Constitutional scholars and get a primer on the Constitution and the rule of law to empower himself in governing by correct principles. In this endeavor, his instincts, while superb, simply aren’t enough; it’s going to take real knowledge and an unwavering commitment to what he knows to be true.
Donald John Trump, Sr. is far from the perfect candidate; nonetheless, among a field of sell-outs from both parties, he’s the only true patriot we’ve got.
© 2015 Jim Sumpter - All Rights Reserved
Jim Sumpter is a 43-year broadcast industry veteran who has been a disc jockey, program director, general manager, group executive vice president, as well as involvement in radio station ownership and consulting. Until recently, he was a nationally syndicated talk show host on the USA Radio Networks. He’s a Marine Corps veteran who spent 22 months in Viet Nam. Father of four and grandpa to many more.
Website: www.jimsumpter.com
Email: jim@jimsumpter.com
Facebook: facebook.com/TheJimSumpterShow