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R. Usher If radical feminists are not burying us under fakeumentaries about domestic violence, they are rolling out sexism-as-art. Such is the case with a new play titled �Respect: A Musical Journey Of Women,� appearing in playhouses in Atlanta, Detroit, Green Bay Wisconsin, Minneapolis, Melbourne Australia, and Brisbane Australia. The play is based on a book by Dorothy Marcic, a feminist professor at Vanderbilt University. The theme is merely a ruse for insulting and ridiculing men in profoundly sexist ways not seen since the movie �First Wives Club.� Reviews of the play have been careful not to quite nail the catfish to the tree. One reviewer called it a �self-help concert� � a �one woman soapbox (with backup vocals) dedicated to the struggle of females through 20th century music� � saved �from being a complete disaster by forwarding into each era with medleys, solos and group numbers.� One gentleman found himself at the play as part of a class reunion in Atlanta with his girlfriend. Here is an excerpt from his report to me:
Now, if the actors know the show is sexist, perhaps a little activism can shut the show down. If the actors won�t put on a dud, the show won�t go on. While acting is fun, there is much more money to be made waiting in fancy restaurants, without destroying men for a living. Back in 1996, the Men�s Movement protested �First Wives Club� by doing an information picket. We were there every night with signs and handouts asking everyone to come see the movie � not as a comedy � but as the best documentary ever filmed on sexism in America. We sent press releases to all the local media in the 25 cities we protested in. The protest was a smash success. Universal Studios killed the sequel to First Wives Club because they �got the message.� Here is the truth: Sexism is no more acceptable than racism. If these theaters would not put on a production D.W. Griffith�s �Birth Of A Nation,� which glorified the Ku Klux Klan, they have no business even thinking about this play.
theaters need to get the message. I sincerely hope men�s groups in
these cities will organize informational protests, and let men going
into the theatres know that it is OK to boo and hiss when the play
steps over the line. Perhaps �BOO� signs could be given to playgoers
as they go in. I�ll lay money that it won�t take more than one or
two men in the theater to get the whole room booing. � 2007 David Usher - All
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David R. Usher is Legislative Analyst for the American Coalition for Fathers and Children, Missouri Coalition and is a co-founder and past Secretary of the American Coalition for Fathers and Children. E-Mail: drusher@swbell.net
Now, if the actors know the show is sexist, perhaps a little activism can shut the show down. If the actors won�t put on a dud, the show won�t go on.