US Leaders Highlight World Economic Forum Agenda Global Taxation And Tax Harmonization Does The
Joan Veon Nuclear Power The US has endorsed the use of nuclear power in outer space and is developing a framework with the United Kingdom. They have held joint meetings with the IAEA on the objective, scope and general attributes of nuclear power. According to the U.S. representative to CUPULOS, a nuclear power source on a satellite can be as little as a shoe box or as large as a dining room table. There are a number of states that are concerned about nuclear power and what they see as the militarization of outer space. The U.S. does not agree with them and does not believe that the objectives of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space should be changed as a result. Global Earth Observation System of Systems-GEOSS Actions and decisions are coordinated and comprehensive for a sustained earth. Begun in 2005 with 19 countries and several international space NGO�s confirmed. They will hold their first meeting in October in Vienna and adopt terms of reference and then implement a working plan. The purpose of GEOSS is to achieve comprehensive, coordinated and sustained observations on the earth system in order to improve an understanding of earth�s processes and enhance prediction of the behavior of the earth system. Global Tsunami Warning System Because the South Seas which was hit by a major tsunami in December, 2004 did not participate in the global tsunami warning system, at the UN 60th Anniversary meeting in 2005, there was discussion of both a regional Indian Ocean early warning system and a global early warning system. I did several interviews on the global warning systems. UN Undersecretary-General Robert Carr told me that there were seismic sensors in the bottom of the Indian Ocean but they are used for other purposes and that they needed to determine how to fuse various pieces together. I then asked Jan Egeland, UN Undersecretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator about a global system. He told me
I then asked him if it would include The Law of the Sea and outer space. He replied,
Lastly I asked him if once it was put in place if it would constitute a �global FBI of the seas�, he refused to answer. DIMISCO DIMISCO is the proposed disaster management international space coordination entity that would be a �one-stop� to provide support to the disaster management community at large and a platform for fostering alliance, that it would be user driven and it would contribute to bridging the gap between the disaster management and space communities. Satellites in Outer Space There are many different types of satellites: (1) Astronomical satellites which are used for observation of distant planets, galaxies, and other outer space objects, (2) Communications satellites are artificial satellites stationed in space for the purposes of telecommunications using radio at microwave frequencies. Most use geosynchronous orbits or near-geostationary orbits, (3) Earth observation satellites are satellites specifically designed to observe Earth from orbit, similar to reconnaissance satellites but intended for non-military uses such as environmental monitoring, meteorology, map making, etc., (4) Navigation satellites which use radio time signals transmitted to enable mobile receivers on the ground to determine their exact location, (5) Reconnaissance satellites are Earth observation satellites or communications satellites deployed for military or intelligence applications. Since most of their information is classified, we cannot know what they do, (6) Solar power satellites are proposed satellites built in high Earth orbit that use microwave power to Beam solar power to a very large antenna on Earth where it can be used in place of conventional power sources, weather satellites are used to monitor the weather, and then miniaturized satellites which are low weight and small, the nanosatellite is below 10 kg. Space stations are man-made structures designed for humans to live in outer space. The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration-NOAA launched its first meterological satellites in 1960. Earth observation satellites are used for hydrology, oceanography, management of coastal zones and agriculture, food security, forestry and deforestation, drought and desertification, land-use management, prospecting gas and oil reserves, ecosystem studies, environmental monitoring, early warning for disasters, monitoring and controlling forest fires, meteorology and weather monitoring, atmospheric circulation and air quality monitoring and forecasting, monitoring global climate change and greenhouse gases, monitoring ice sheets, high-resolution mapping, urban planning, transportation management, and aviation safety and humanitarian relief. [See Joan Veon in the New DVD "Under Siege"] Satellites may orbit at almost any altitude. The space above earth is divided up into Low Earth Orbit, Medium Earth Orbit, Geosynchronous Orbit, Geostationary Orbit and High Earth Orbit. Satellite manufacturers include: Alcatel, EADS Astrium, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Orbital Sciences, SS/Loral. By 1991, major projects UN from space included: (1) The Enhanced Greenhouse Effect Detection Project � NASA, (2) The Global Stratospheric Ozone Project � NASA, (3) The Global Consequences of Land Cover Change Projects, (4) The World Forest Watch Project (Brazil) � EU, (5) The Global Satellite Image Mapping Project led by the Austrian Space Agency, and (6) The Global Change Encyclopedia Project (Canada). U.S. Development of Outer Space Man on the Moon In 1961, just three weeks after Alan Shepard became the first American in space by flying the Mercury-Atlas 6 mission, President John F. Kennedy set a goal of humans landing on the moon and returning safely to Earth by the end of the decade. In setting this goal, he said, �Now it is time to take longer strides-time for a great new American enterprise-time for this nation to take a clearly leading role in space achievement, which in many ways may hold the key to our future on Earth.� In 1958, several years earlier, President Eisenhower set up the National Aeronautics and Space Administration-NASA which became home to the Space Task Group which was formed in November of that year. According to Dr. Bill Deagle, the word �NASA� is Hebrew for �high and lifted up.� On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first of 12 men to walk on the moon, successfully meeting Kennedy�s challenge. To date, the U.S. has had 144 human space missions and has lost 17 astronauts COMSAT In 1945 scientist Arthur C. Clarke had written a scientific paper concerning the establishment of a worldwide communications system by placing three satellites at equidistant locations in the geosynchronous belt. This idea was put into action when President Kennedy signed legislation to create the Communications Satellite Corporation-COMSAT on August 31, 1969. COMSAT�s first mission was to establish a world-wide communications network to promote world peace and understanding. Intelsat The International Telecommunications Satellite Organization-Intelsat was organized on August 20, 1964. It currently has 125 nation members consisting of governments or communication entities designated by governments to oversee communications requirements. These organizations use 19 satellites located in geosynchronous orbit over the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans to provide international links to 180 nations, domestic links to 40 countries and 900 separate ground stations. These provide for 70,000 hours of television and 133,000 channels for telephone calls. Recently Intelsat purchased one of the world�s four global providers of satellite services, PanAmSat, which will give the new company a combined fleet of 51 satellites that will reach 99% of the world�s populated areas. What we are seeing is the control of space through governmental organizations. The GIS system was a major development and is used for estimating agricultural production, soils, weather, historical agricultural statistics, cropping intensity and a vegetative index derived from remote sensing. The International Space Station-ISS Originally proposed by President Ronald Reagan, the United States is the lead country in the development of the International Space Station-ISS. A joint partnership between the United States, Canada, 11 members of the European Space Agency (Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the U.K.), Japan, and Russia, its mission, we are told, is scientific. The ISS will be put in space in three phases. The first phase was the Shuttle-Mir Program which began in 1995 and involved two years of continuous stays by astronauts aboard the Russian Mir Space Station and nine shuttle docking missions. Phase 2 is the assembly of the U.S. and Russian components which are needed to begin research and the final phase consists of outfitting it with the European, Japanese, and Canadian contributions. The ISS began in November, 1998 with the launch of the Russian-built, U.S. owned Zarya Control Module. A month later on December 4, 1998, the U.S. Unity Node was launched aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavor. When completed, the station will include about eight large cylindrical sections called modules. Each module is being launched from Earth separately and then astronauts and cosmonauts are connecting the sections in space. Eight solar panels will supply more than 100 kilowatts of electric power to the station. Each panel is 360 feet long. The U.S. and Russia are providing most of the modules and equipment. More than 80 flights of U.S. space shuttles and Russian rockets will be needed to complete the space station. The ISS is the largest and most complex international scientific project in history. When it is complete, it will weigh over one million pounds and measure 356 feet across and 290 feet long with an acre of solar panels to provide up to 110 kilowatts of power to six state-of-the-art laboratories. Currently the space station is half-built and can carry on some experiments but the science of the mission has changed to support President Bushes vision of �Moon, Mars and Beyond.� On July 4, 2006, the space shuttle Discovery lifted off for the International Space Station from Launch pad 39B for a 13-day mission. This is the second time since Columbia disintegrated over Texas on February 1, 2003 that the U.S. has gone to the space station. NASA intends to fly the shuttle 17 more times to finish assembly of the space station before retiring it in 2010. Another shuttle, Shuttle Atlantis is scheduled for liftoff on August 28. According to the Washington Post, 6/29/06, the state has been in a caretaker state with a two man crew consisting of one American and one Russian who have been keeping vital operating systems running. The space station has been re-supplied by the Russians up until now. The U.S. Space Policy Project The U.S. Space Policy Project promotes American national security and international stability by providing the public and decision-makers with information and analysis on civil and military space issues, policies, and programs. It [website:] keeps track of the activities of the world�s space agencies. The Project is dedicated to increasing international cooperation in space as a means of improving global cooperation to solve problems on earth. The World of the Space Policy Project is supported by the Scherman Foundation, the John Merck Fund, the W. Alton Jones Foundation, and other individual contributors. Spiritual Aspects of Outer Space As we consider outer space, perhaps it would be good to understand that one of Satan�s names is the �Prince of the power of the air.� When we consider this title, we can see how outer space, communications, television, satellites, etc. all come under this aegis. According to Dr. Bill Deagle, �The U.S. controls every cubic inch of space. We are so far advanced in outer space that no country in their right mind will do war with us.� He says that the U.S. has been mining the Moon for years and that it is the goal of the U.S. Space Command Center in Colorado to achieve total prescience in space, land, sea, and air. According to writer John Christian, operations of NASA have been long dominated by the American Masonic Lodge. He reports in his book on The Secrets of the Alpha Course,
In conclusion, the Bible tells us that God is all knowing, all powerful and present everywhere. It is astounding and shocking to understand that man has been able to duplicate God and take His place. With thousands of satellites recording every move around the world by trees, birds, the oceans, ants, and humans, the idea of privacy has been given over to a new god. Of course we are told that everything that is occurring in outer space is good and for science and the advancement of human kind. Unfortunately, whoever controls space controls the world which includes you and me. This new and last frontier is really quite frightening and destroys the idea of freedom, liberty and privacy. Note: Websites consulted include:,, and To receive a copy of the final version of this article, please call The Women�s International Media Group, Inc. at 301/371-0541. The cost is $10.00. For a CD containing The Secrets of the Alpha Course, send $20 to The Women�s Group, Inc., P.O. Box 77, Middletown, MD 21769 Click
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Joan Veon is a businesswoman and international reporter, having covered 75 Global meetings around the world in the last ten years. Please visit her website: To get a copy of her WTO report, send $10.00 to The Women's International Media Group, Inc. P. O. Box 77, Middletown, MD 21769. For an information packet, please call 301-371-0541 E-Mail: