Related Miami
Other Global Taxation And Tax Harmonization Does The
Joan Veon I remember the morning in 1994 well. I was having a cup of coffee and reading The Washington Times when my eyes saw a very small obscure article that said Jack Kemp wanted a common currency for all of the countries of the Western Hemisphere. I gasped and said, "What!!!" The article vaguely referenced the historic summit in Miami called the Free Trade Areas of the Americas which called for the integration of all of the countries of this hemisphere. After a couple of phone calls and obtaining a few documents, I realized that the Clinton Administration was putting together a regional free trade zone that would not only expand NAFTA but would basically look like the European Union. In 1998 I went down to Santiago, Chile where I covered the second FTAA meeting. There the Clinton Administration handed out a report called, "Words into Deeds" which explained that every cabinet level secretary had been meeting with his or her counterparts from the other 33 countries of this hemisphere since 1994. Furthermore, "Words into Deeds" was an explanation of how the integration between the 34 countries would take place by 2005. The closing ceremony constituted the signing of a document by the presidents and prime ministers which affirmed the new integrated arrangement between our countries. Shivers went through my body as I realized this was a new "Hemispheric Constitution." Returning home, I had a plane change in Miami and purchased all of the English speaking newspapers I could. Guess what? Not one of them reported what the FTAA was or what it would do and how it would change all of the political, economic, social and environmental dynamics between all of the developed countries (US and Canada) and the other lesser developed countries. Furthermore, it covered up the real agenda by discussing what Bush has now obtained, "trade promotion authority" whereby the president could bypass Congress (given to him by Congress) and make any trade agreement that would benefit the U.S. economically without additional Congressional affirmation. In 2002, I covered the third FTAA meeting in Quebec and saw the 34 presidents and prime ministers of this hemisphere sign another "Hemispheric Constitution" reaffirming their pledge to merge all of our countries into this new trade zone. Guess what? Not one word by the mainstream press. The protestors in Miami who have been protesting the FTAA are part and parcel of the choreography to inform the American people that they have been had. Their Constitution is no longer valid because the greater interest is the political and economic integration of this hemisphere. This is already a fait accompli. The protestors are basically paid to protest so that they become the excuse for the established press to tell you that we no longer function SOLEY as the United States of America but are now part of a greater unit, the Free Trade Areas of the Americas. What will this mean? Well, all you have to do is pay attention to what is happening in Europe to see the pattern for what will take place here in the U.S. Already you know that truck drivers from Mexico and below no longer have to conform to all of the regulations that American truck drivers have to adhere to. You should know that all of the environmental regulation that American companies have to adhere to will not apply to the lesser developed companies from south of the border, thus giving them economic advantage over American corporations. Furthermore, there will be an integration of our currencies. Does that scare anyone? Think of it�.the dollar is going to be integrated with the Chilean, Brazilian and Mexican peso. What does that mean? Well, the dollar must drop (which it is in the process of doing) in order for those currencies to appreciate so that there can be a new parity. What do these countries have that we in America could want besides cheap labor that is already affecting the worker class in America? Drugs? What American farmers don't understand is that Latin America needs to export something to America and we need to export something to them so that we can have "free trade." Already, the inability of American farmers to sell their tomatoes and other fruits and vegetables are making a severe impact on their ability to continue farming. Furthermore, we have been told that the sad condition of the Chesapeake Bay has accounted for the loss of the Maryland crab industry. All you have to do is go to any good restaurant along the shore or in Maryland and you will find that the crab now is coming from Mexico or Chile. Furthermore, much of our fish is coming from Latin America as well. You can believe the bad condition of the Chesapeake Bay or you can perhaps determine that the U.S. has been busy transferring business to Central and South America. Therefore, the reports that this is a hollow deal are bogus for all of the juicy deals have already been made. Furthermore, the FTAA has been set up as a public-private partnership. The governments involved are: The Organization of American States (OAS), the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank and the UN Economic Commission on Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). The Governments are the 34 countries and the private sector is the non-governmental organizations and multinational corporations that are on board. Lastly, in researching the structure of the FTAA, I realized that the beautiful granite and marble building two blocks from the White House called the Organization of American States is a "congress" of all of the countries of this hemisphere. They have already their own structure with the U.S. sending representatives to represent us in their regional dealings. This is not "hollow." President Bush recently held a joint press briefing with British Prime Minister Tony Blair. When asked about Free Trade, Bush replied, "My administration is committed to free trade-the first administration in a long time to achieve trade promotion authority from the Congress. And we're using that to promote free trade agreements on a bilateral basis, on a hemispheric basis." Please note there has been no political and economic change between Clinton and Bush. The Globalists are running the world and you and I are pawns in the game. � 2003 Joan Veon - All Rights Reserved Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts
Joan Veon is a businesswoman and independent
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"The protestors in Miami who have been protesting the FTAA are part and parcel of the choreography to inform the American people that they have been had."