By Allan Wall
9, 2008
Obama has just defeated John McCain for president of the United States.
Why did Obama win?
It was a convergence of factors, including (though not limited to) Barack
Obama himself, McCain and his campaign, the media, the economy, the
state of the Republican party, and the current nature of the American
First, to give the man his due, Barack Obama ran a very competent and
effective campaign. In just a few short years, the man emerged on to
the national stage , vanquished the mighty Clinton Machine (no small
accomplishment) and went on to win the election for the presidency.
Obama is an eloquent speaker who was able to motivate millions to eagerly
support his candidacy.
In contrast, the McCain campaign was incompetent from start to finish.
As a matter of fact, how did this guy become the GOP candidate to begin
with? Part of the reason is the insane policy in some key states of
allowing Democrats and independents to vote in the Republican primaries.
Throughout McCain’s political career, he has enjoyed betraying
the conservative base. But when it came to fighting against a left-wing
Democrat, his heart just wasn’t in it.
Indeed, some believe that McCain really didn’t want to win. The
candidate just wouldn’t go for the jugular. There was plenty of
Obama’s record that a determined candidate could have attacked.
There was unrepentant terrorist William Ayers, an Obama associate. But
McCain barely brought him up. There was Obama’s longtime preacher,
Jeremiah Wright, a rabid anti-white activist. McCain was afraid to talk
about that much. And so on.
If McCain really didn’t want to win, he should have resigned and
let somebody with some gumption take a stab at it.
Another factor in the Obama victory was the Mainstream Media (MSM) which
was right there in the ring with Obama. If it were up to the MSM would
anything negative about Obama seen the light of day? Well, what do you
expect? At least we have the Internet and talk radio.
The economic situation, specifically the mortgage crisis hurt McCain.
And that wasn’t exactly fair. The mortgage crisis was caused by
both parties. Both the Clinton and Bush administrations pushed subprime
loans in a big social engineering project to equalize minority homeownership.
But of course McCain would never point that out, would he?
It also didn’t help that the Republican party has strayed so far
from its principles. Limited government? What’s that? Nowadays,
Republican leaders see what the Democrats are doing and bravely stake
out their position a few notches to the right. After all, they are the
“conservatives,” aren’t they?
But, let’s face it, the American electorate has changed too. How,
one may ask, can an outright socialist win the presidency? For one thing,
there are so many socialists who voted for him. Many Americans today
would never call themselves that, but they support all kinds of big
government social engineering projects. Isn’t that socialism?
And, we must be honest. One of the major reasons for the Obama victory,
and a harbinger of future victories by candidates even farther to the
left, is the massive demographic shift taking place in our country.
The historic white majority of the U.S.A. is being systematically reduced
to minority status. If present trends continue, whites will be a minority
by 2042. Would a U.S. without the white majority – indeed, without
any majority to hold it together- be a country that practices limited
Indeed, the demographic transition is already eroding the strength of
the Republican party, rapidly changing Republican strongholds into Democratic
states. California used to be a Republican state, nowadays GOP strategists
just write it off.
The demographic transition is the biggest threat facing the Republican
party – indeed, any conservative, libertarian or limited government
party or candidate. Look at the election that just took place. Not only
did 95% of blacks vote for Obama, but both Hispanics and Asian-Americans
went 2 to 1 for Obama. It’s not just an economic thing either.
On average, Asian-Americans are wealthier than white Americans.
Some people say pandering is the answer, that Republicans should support amnesty, mass immigration and bilingualism to win Hispanic voters. McCain’s experience should prove the folly of that strategy. John McCain has pandered to Hispanics his entire political career. McCain has celebrated the growth of the Spanish language and culture in the U.S., defended illegal immigration, and wants to amnesty millions of illegal aliens. And yet, he couldn’t win the Hispanic vote. There ought to be a lesson there.
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Demographics - that’s where the future lies. Unless immigration is drastically reduced, more and more states will be voting Democratic, until the Republican party is politically irrelevant.