








Global Cities for Global Corporations








PART 2 of 3




Patrick Wood
November 21, 2005

The Original Membership: 1973-1978

A short look at the first U.S. membership list is instructive. We have taken liberty to organize the names according to broad functions, which is not fully adequate to explain the interrelationships. As one examines the biographies of these individuals, one sees a "revolving door" phenomenon where people rotate in and out of government, business, think-tanks, etc., on a regular basis. This is one of several tests used to identify a member of the true core of global elite.

Trilateral Commission Membership, 1973[1]

Banking Related

  • Ernest C. Arbuckle Chairman, Wells Fargo Bank
  • George W. Ball Senior Partner, Lehman Brothers
  • Alden W. Clausen President, Bank of America
  • Archibald K. Davis Chairman, Wachovia Bank and Trust Company
  • *Peter G. Peterson Chairman, Lehman Brothers
  • *David Rockefeller Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank
  • Robert V. Roosa Partner, Brown Brothers Harriman & Company
  • Bruce K. MacLaury President, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
  • John H. Perkins President, Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company

Press Related

  • Doris Anderson Editor, Chantelaine Magazine
  • Emmett Dedmon Vice-President and Editorial Director, Field Enterprises, Inc.
  • Hedley Donovan Editor-in-Chief, Time, Inc.
  • Carl T. Rowan Columnist
  • Arthur R. Taylor President, Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc.

Labor Related

  • *I. W. Abel, President United Steelworkers of America
  • Leonard Woodcock President, United Automobile Workers
  • Lane Kirkland Secretary-Treasurer, AFL-CIO


  • John B. Anderson House of Representatives
  • Lawton Chiles United States Senate
  • Barber B. Conable, Jr. House of Representatives
  • John C. Culver United States Senate
  • Wilbur D. Mills House of Representatives
  • Walter F. Mondale United States Senate
  • William V. Roth, Jr. United States Senate
  • Robert Taft Jr. United States Senate

Other Political

  • James E. Carter, Jr. Governor of Georgia
  • Daniel J. Evans Governor of Washington
  • *William W. Scranton Former Governor of Pennsylvania


  • J. Paul Austin Chairman, The Coca-Cola Company
  • W. Michael Blumenthal Chairman, Bendix Corporation
  • *Patrick E. Haggerty Chairman, Texas Instruments
  • William A. Hewitt Chairman, Deere and Company
  • Edgar F. Kaiser Chairman, Kaiser Industries Corporation
  • Lee L. Morgan President, Caterpillar Tractor Company
  • David Packard Chairman, Hewlett-Packard Company
  • Charles W. Robinson President, Marcona Corporation
  • Arthur M. Wood Chairman, Sears, Roebuck & Company
  • William M. Roth Roth Properties


  • David M. Abshire Chairman, Georgetown University Center for Strategic and International Studies
  • Graham Allison Professor of Politics, Harvard University
  • Robert R. Bowie Clarence Dillon Professor of International Affairs, Harvard University
  • *Harold Brown President, California Institute of Technology
  • Richard N. Cooper Provost and Frank Altschul Professor of International Economics, Yale University
  • Paul W. McCracken Edmund Ezra Day Professor of Business Administration, University of Michigan
  • Marina von N. Whitman Distinguished Public Service Professor of Economics, University of Pittsburgh
  • Carroll L. Wilson Professor of Management, Alfred P. Sloan School of Management, MIT
  • Edwin O. Reischauer University Professor, Harvard University; former U.S. Ambassador to Japan

Law Firms

  • Warren Christopher Partner, O�Melveny and Myers
  • William T. Coleman, Jr. Senior Partner, Dilworth, Paxson, Kalish, Levy & Coleman
  • Lloyd N. Cutler Partner, Wilmer, Cutler, and Pickering
  • *Gerard C. Smith Counsel, Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering
  • Cyrus R. Vance Partner, Simpson, Thacher and Bartlett
  • *Paul C. Warnke Partner, Clifford, Warnke, Glass, McIlwain & Finney


  • Lucy Wilson Benson President, League of Women Voters of the United States
  • Kenneth D. Naden Executive Vice President, National Council of Farmer Cooperatives


  • Thomas L. Hughes President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
  • Henry D. Owen Director, Foreign Policy Studies Program, the Brookings Institution


  • Anthony Solomon Consultant

* Indicates member of Executive Committee

Rockefeller and Brzezinski's strategy was nefarious, yet brilliant.

The election of democrat James Earl "I will never lie to you" Carter was assured by delivering the mostly democratic labor vote. This was accomplished by adding to the inner core: Leonard Woodcock (UAW), I.W. Abel (United Steelworkers) and Lane Kirkland (AFL-CIO).

By 1977, three more labor leaders were added to the membership: Glenn E. Watts (Communications Workers of America), Martin J. Ward (president of United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices), and Sol Chaikin, president of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union.

Leonard Woodcock served as Chief Envoy to China under Carter, and was largely responsible for solidifying economic and political ties with Communist China. [Editor's note: Any reader who is or was a member of one of these unions will instantly have flashes of insight as to the enduring duplicity of labor management -- you were effectively "sold down the river" starting 1973 and continuing into the present.]

Those commissioners who Carter brought into his administration (the initial "steering committee", if you will) were Walter Mondale (Vice President), Zbigniew Brzezinski (National Security Advisor), Cyrus Vance (Secretary of State), Harold Brown (Secretary of Defense) and W. Michael Blumenthal (Secretary of the Treasury,) among others.

As the Washington Post phrased it:

"Trilateralists are not three-sided people. They are members of a private, though not secret, international organization put together by the wealthy banker, David Rockefeller, to stimulate the establishment dialogue between Western Europe, Japan and the United States.

"But here is the unsettling thing about the Trilateral Commission. The President-elect is a member. So is Vice-President-elect Walter F. Mondale. So are the new Secretaries of State, Defense and Treasury, Cyrus R. Vance, Harold Brown and W. Michael Blumenthal. So is Zbigniew Brzezinski, who is a former Trilateral director, and, Carter's national security advisor, also a bunch of others who will make foreign policy for America in the next four years."[2]

Before Carter's term was completed, no less than 18 members (thirty percent of the U.S. Commission membership) of the Trilateral Commission served in his administration. Coincidence? Hardly!

This article purposely leaves out discussion of the non-U.S. membership of the Commission membership, which will be saved for another day. Suffice it to say that the European and Japanese contingents were just as powerful and effective in their respective home countries. Approximately one-third of the membership came from Europe and the other third from Japan. The joint membership met annually (no press allowed) to formulate policy and action plans for their respective regions. Many, if not most, of their policies were published in the Commission's quarterly journal, Trialogue.

The most damning argument ever launched against the Trilateral Commission is the unconstitutional influence of other governments and forces upon the U.S. For instance, Commission members are not elected nor representative of the general population of the U.S., yet they effectively dominated the Executive Branch of the U.S. government. When the Commission resolved policies (behind closed-doors) with non-U.S. members, who were a mere one-third minority, could it be said that foreign influences effectively controlled U.S. policy?

These concerns were never addressed by Congress or the Judiciary. The Executive branch would have nothing to address because it has been continuously dominated by Commission members -- who repeatedly assured us that there was no such conflict of interest. Of course, the answer to these questions are self-evident: U.S. interests, economic and political, have been subverted.

The economic subversion of the U.S. was studied in The August Review's For Sale: The United States of America and was likened to the plundering of a nation, the likes of which have not been seen in modern history.

Current Trilateral Membership

The following list of north American members is not exhaustive. These are selected because of their high visibility in positions within Corporate, Political or Economic and Press. A future installment of The August Review will examine the entire membership list more carefully and completely. The purpose here is to show that the Trilateral Commission has grown, rather than declined, in strength over the years.

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Keep in mind that there is no enrollment or application process to belong to the Trilateral Commission. One is invited to join in a manner similar to a college student being "tapped" for membership in a fraternity. Thus, the process is highly selective and discrete. Candidates are thoroughly screened before invitation is delivered. For this reason, one can be relatively sure that anyone who is or who has ever been a member of the Commission is in the core of the global elite. There are likely a few members who are not truly a part of the core, but for the sake of aggregate analysis, this is not an important issue.

NEXT: Analyze the current membership of the Trilateral Commission and compare to the original membership list.


1, The Trilateral Commission, Membership List,
2, Washington Post, January 16, 1977

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Patrick M. Wood is editor of The August Review, which builds on his original research with the late Dr. Antony C. Sutton, who was formerly a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution for War, Peace and Revolution at Stanford University. Their 1977-1982 newsletter, Trilateral Observer, was the original authoritative critique on the New International Economic Order spearheaded by members of the Trilateral Commission.

Their highly regarded two-volume book, Trilaterals Over Washington, became a standard reference on global elitism. Wood's ongoing work is to build a knowledge center that provides a comprehensive and scholarly source of information on globalism in all its related forms: political, economic and religious.


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The global elite march in three essential columns: Corporate, Political and Academic.