Additional Titles










The Real

Scuttling Bad Trade Agreements










PART 2 of 2




By Steven Yates
August 5, 2007

Upshot of Part 1: a confrontation of historical proportions is building between those who want unlimited government (often in partnership with unlimited corporate power in quest for profits) and those who want Constitutionally limited government. That is to say, a confrontation is building between the elite culture and what we might as well call the populist culture, between the corporatist-globalists who meet behind closed doors at SPP Meetings and We the People who protest these strategies.

The Ron Paul Revolution is just one example. The real clash of civilizations is building on several fronts, and may result in a major political realignment once the dust settles.

Now of course, Dr. Paul himself is probably the least confrontational person in the presidential race. Those in Washington who disagree with him 180 degrees usually like him as a person. His demeanor is always calm and congenial�exuding the confidence of a man who knows he is right and that his critics are all wet, but is too polite to say so openly.

But as I said, the movement that is developing spontaneously around his candidacy is larger than he is, and it isn�t going anywhere. Not all of those involved are nonconfrontational�for better or for worse. Possibly because it is a luxury we can no longer afford. Dr. Paul has been in Congress. Down here in the trenches, things look very different.

The elite culture wants �immigration reform� in the worst way. The colonization of America by illegal aliens and affording them tracks to citizenship, after all, helps dilute something the elites have despised for decades: middle class America, with its predilection to save instead of spend and its goal of financial independence which leads to other forms of independence (educational, intellectual, ecclesiastical, etc.). Importing cheap labor drives down wages for working Americans. Illegals �do the jobs Americans won�t do,� goes the official mantra, which neglects the high percentage of illegals in prison or on welfare, and is rubbish in any event: there isn�t a job an American won�t do if he or she is paid decently! We the People, who see more of our jobs disappearing and more of our towns and neighborhoods destroyed by the soaring rates of crime and gang activity associated with the illegal alien colonization, want nothing to do with �immigration reform� which will lead only to ever-greater waves of incursions by illegals, as it did after the last amnesty bill signed by Ronald Reagan in 1986. Not this time! With a lot of Senators facing re-election next year, when their phones rang off the hook a few Thursdays ago with over 80 percent of callers demanding a thumbs-down on that Kennedy-McCain-Graham abomination, they knew that voting with the elites could send them packing next year.

We the People spoke! The Senate obeyed. There is an important object lesson here: when We the People get up off our butts and do something, we can win a battle or two or three!

The elite culture wants Real ID (or its equivalent by some other name) in the worst way. They see it as a stepping stone to total information awareness on every U.S. citizen, and thereby a means of securing power. They are doubtless aware, again, of the grassroots rebellion sweeping through state legislatures often led by private citizens groups, i.e., We the People. Again, we the people are speaking, and winning battles one state at a time. Seeing to it that we are not forced to accept national ID cards is going to take some doing�as the elites� minions in Congress will try to slip it into every bill related to employment in one way or another, or possibly as another of those legislative land-mines in an unrelated appropriations bill. Again, however, when We the People are vigilant and do something, we can make the elites slow up.

The elite culture want the Trans-Texas Corridor as the first leg of their proposed NAFTA Super Corridor system, as the elites� proposed �North American Community� will need a transportation infrastructure to move cheap Chinese crud up through Mexico and into this country on (poorly inspected) Mexican trucks. The Texas branch of We the People has spoken loudly: ordinary Texans do not want it. Texas Governor Rick Perry (representing the elite culture) does, of course. A confrontation is building in Texas, especially as Perry vetoed the bill calling for a two-year moratorium on the construction of the TTC.

We the People have not won this one yet. But stay tuned. I�ve learned enough about Texans over the years to know that among their number are some who will not go quietly when the Texas DOT and its corporate partners try to use post-Kelo eminent domain abuse to take away the 584,000 acres of land they�ve worked all their lives, and which their fathers and grandfathers worked before them. This does not mention the potential for more illegal alien smuggling, drug trafficking, and possibly even terrorists sneaking nuclear materials into this country via Mexican trucks coming up that road.

The elite culture wants that �North American Community� in the worst way, as a crucial stepping stone in their long-term effort to integrate as much of the planet as possible under a single global regime ruled by themselves. The elites see unlimited bureaucratic-plutocratic power, exercised through their public-private partnerships (not genuine free markets�suggestion: read everything Joan Veon has written on the subject). The elite culture does not want government by consent of the governed. Its corporatist side sees unlimited profits through the ease of outsourcing and the ready availability of cheap labor once the free movement of peoples and capital through an essentially borderless North America is established. Its politically correct/collectivist side sees mass control of persons through the subordination (intellectual, psychological, etc.) of the individual to the group (racial/ethnic, gender, the �self-directed work team,� etc.).

The SPP speaks of �security and prosperity.� It doesn�t add up. Again, we are looking at elite-speak. Only when We the People are free from government and corporate fetters can we take the actions that will lead to true prosperity, and true security (through the self-sufficiency and independence from centralized authority that brings about stable families, effective education, crime-free neighborhoods, and much, much more that We the People find good!).

China and India have already reaped the rewards of the Western elite culture having destroyed our families, dumbed us down in government schools, maintained a divide-and-conquer principle on race and gender first with affirmative action programs and then political correctness, while engineering America�s economic decline through destructive, corporatist trade policy (e.g., NAFTA, CAFTA, etc.) and the accompanying refusal to secure our border with Mexico. Samuel Huntington gets it half right. Like all elitists, he sees the impending decline of the U.S. as a world power as a natural process, not the product of a deliberate, multi-faceted, long-term agenda.

We the People want no part of any of this. We are tired of paying out over a third of our incomes into taxes�especially with that mounting suspicion that the federal income tax is one of the two biggest scams of all time, the other one being the Federal Reserve (a government-created corporation owned lock, stock and barrel by the super-elite). Those of us who have learned how our money system really works, how it has privileged the super-elite and those attached to them while subtly assaulting the financial independence of We the People, more and more want an end to this system. Let us shut down the IRS, so that working Americans of all stripes can keep their hard-earned money. Let us shut down the Federal Reserve and restore Constitutional money (see Article 1, Section 8).

Most Americans would cheer at the former but are not ready for the latter. They haven�t yet seen America: Freedom to Fascism or The Money Masters. A new national conversation in the U.S. will eventually get this �sleeper issue� discussed, possibly as soon as next summer�s Republican National Convention courtesy of Ron Paul�s greater visibility and the increasing visibility of his issues.

Canadians, by the way, are also mobilizing their own We the People (Vive le Canada, the Canadian Action Party, et al.) to oppose their branch of the power-elite represented by the Canadian Council of Chief Executives and the Canada West Foundation, both of which advocate �deep integration� with the U.S. and Mexico. When the SPP meets August 20-21 at Montebello, Quebec�surrounded by heavy security�there may be as many as 10,000 protesters in the area. Interestingly, Canadians seem more aware of the momentum toward an integrated North America than do Americans. They understandably fear being overwhelmed by the far larger and more powerful entity to their south. They worry that U.S.-based multinational corporations will plunder their resources, e.g., the oil-rich shale deposits near Fort McMurray in northern Alberta, bringing in cheap foreign labor so that ordinary Canadians do not see a dime of the profits.

What We the People want, here or there, is to restore control over our economic and cultural lives and destinies�as opposed to being expendable pawns in a gigantic game of chess played by a power elites whose only gods are money and power, and who never see the carnage caused by their decisions and policies.

This clash of civilizations�between the super-elite mindset (I believe it was also Samuel Huntington who coined the term the Davos culture to describe it) and the populist one of We the People that is rising to prominence on the uncensored information available via the Internet�is just the latest chapter in the longest struggle in the history of Western civilization generally.

This is the struggle between those who want to be left alone, and those who will not leave them alone. It is the struggle between those who wish to live as they see fit, independently, and those who want power (accumulating huge quantities of wealth has often been a means to achieving power through easily-bought politicians). I believe this struggle emerged in the West, and nowhere else, because nowhere else did human beings develop such concepts as limitations on the power of the state, government by consent of the governed, and that of people dealing with one another freely and peacefully instead of through coercion. We alone honor the individual, and at one time recognized responsible individualism as an advance, morally as well as economically, over tribalism (collectivism). This is because, when we put our minds to it, we were able to see each person as a unique being put here by the Creator for a purpose�not a random product of nature and not simply an insignificant pawn to be used by the powerful.

Let me sum all this up. I have been asked, What chance do you think Ron Paul really has of getting the Republican nomination next year? Obviously, the Republican Party�s elite handlers will pull out all stops to make sure he doesn�t get it, no matter how large the grassroots support. Dr. Paul is, after all, rapidly becoming the biggest threat to their supremacy in decades�quite unlike Ross Perot, who understood our money system and had NAFTA right, but acted like a nut and finally self-destructed. (It has been suggested to me a time or two that Perot was threatened. I have no evidence one way or the other. It wouldn�t surprise me, though. I sincerely hope Dr. Paul has hired a few bodyguards and has his brakes checked periodically!)

But my purpose here has been to look beyond Ron Paul�s candidacy. A movement larger than him is emerging. Even if Dr. Paul doesn�t get the nomination, this movement isn�t going anywhere, and will probably get larger. Working under the assumption that the Bush Regime doesn�t find (or create) cause to declare a national emergency and place the country under martial law, very soon now We the People will be able to compel a new national conversation on the future of the United States of America, including scrutinizing institutions that have been sacrosanct. Does a free society need a Federal Reserve or any other central bank? How do we fix our money system so that money is our servant and not the means of our enslavement? Reading our Constitution might be a good place to start. (Also Thomas Jefferson.) What is the Constitutional and statutory basis for the personal income tax? If it has none, then We the People should demand that the IRS also be shut down.

Do we want a sovereign U.S.A.? What are we willing to do to keep it? Do we want to ensure that government answers to We the People. How do we make this happen? It means holding our representatives� feet to the fire as we did over amnesty-for-illegals, and taking action at the voting booth. Though it�s another article, I would recommend getting rid of paperless electronic voting machines, to certify that elections cannot simply be stolen.

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We the People cannot, under any circumstances, allow this conversation to be shut down. If the elite culture continues to do as it places, it will mean the eventual loss of every personal freedom that matters, and doubtless our privacy as well. We are close to having the critical mass to force this new national conversation. Shall we seize this moment? The choice is ours. For part one click below.

[Author�s note: this is a lengthened version of an article that previously appeared in The Times Examiner, based in Greenville, South Carolina.]

Click here for part -----> 1,

� 2007 Steven Yates - All Rights Reserved

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Steven Yates earned his Ph.D. in Philosophy in 1987 at the University of Georgia and has taught the subject at a number of colleges and universities around the Southeast. He currently teaches philosophy at the University of South Carolina Upstate and Greenville Technical College, and also does a little e-commerce involving real free trade. He is on the South Carolina Board of The Citizens Committee to Stop the FTAA.

He is the author of Civil Wrongs: What Went Wrong With Affirmative Action (1994), Worldviews: Christian Theism Versus Modern Materialism (2005), around two dozen philosophical articles and reviews in refereed journals and anthologies, and over a hundred articles on the World Wide Web. He lives in Greenville, South Carolina, where he writes a weekly column for the Times Examiner and is at work on a book length version of his popular series to be entitled The Real Matrix (hopefully!) to be completed this summer.












Do we want a sovereign U.S.A.? What are we willing to do to keep it? Do we want to ensure that government answers to We the People. How do we make this happen? It means holding our representatives� feet to the fire as we did over amnesty-for-illegals, and taking action at the voting booth.