A Good Time for Truth

By Pastor Glynn Adams

March 9, 2025

Moses spent 40 years in the wilderness getting prepared to be used by God. In the fullness of time, God commissioned Moses to deliver the Hebrew children from Pharaoh in Egypt. Moses asked, “Whom shall I say sent me?” God answered, “Tell them I AM sent you.” (Ex 3:13-14) Why did God call Himself I AM? Perhaps I AM was an invitation to get to know God more than it meant to describe His identity. In giving Moses this elusive name, God wanted to provoke His people to a joyful journey of discovering the countless and wonderful ways in which I AM could be known?

In God’s confrontation with Pharaoh, God was saying, “I want you to see that I AM the One who confronts the strongman who holds you in his grip. In the plagues on Egypt, God was saying, “I want you to know that I AM the One who contends with those who contend with you.” As Moses and the people stood helpless at the shores of the Red Sea while Pharaoh’s powerful army advanced upon them, God was saying, “I will show you that I AM the One who makes a way for you where there is no way.” In God’s dealings with His people throughout all of Scripture, He is showing that I AM is the one who ushers you through every barrier and I AM the One who helps you scale any wall.

I AM your source, I AM your wisdom and I AM your sustainer. I AM with you, I AM the One who sees you, I AM the One who hears you, and I AM the One who keeps my promises to you. Most of God’s people who came out of Egypt never entered into the promise land because they never discovered I AM and their undoing took place in the wilderness.

While Jesus was on this earth, He was and is the very nature of I AM. He showed the heart and love of God by setting free those in bondage to sin, those in bondage and held captive by demons, and the sick who needed healing. Jesus proclaimed the good news of the Kingdom of God. He said, “I AM the light of the world, I AM the living water, I AM the bread of life. I AM the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for His sheep. I AM the resurrection and the life, and I AM coming again.”

Today, just as with God’s people escaping the bondage of Egypt so long ago, God’s love for us at Calvary has set our freedom in motion. But many Christians today are in danger as God’s people were in the wilderness. Please be warned – our trials, our tribulations, and our persecutions, regardless how painful and hurtful they may be, will not undo us. Each crisis, which is never more than we can bear, merely exist to move us into the wonder of discovery of knowing and experiencing God as the One who confronts our Pharaoh and parts the sea for our safe crossing over. The dead-end place in which you may find yourself today, that frightening, threatening thing that confronts you, the impossible wall you need to scale, is merely a disguise for the sacred invitation to know I AM.

So what will be our undoing as the children of God? It is our failure to accept God’s invitation to sustain a daily, intimate relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ to discover who He is and to know Him. Not to know about Him but to know Him intimately. To know Jesus is to love Him and obey Him. To have the mind of Christ and the nature of Christ only comes from knowing Christ. To know His ways, to hear His voice, to converse with Him, to know He hears us, to praise Him, to worship Him, to give Him all glory and to feel His presence only comes in time from knowing Him. Let us never forget in this solemn moment of time that Christianity is not about buildings, programs, prosperity, teaching and sermons.

Christianity is about an intimate relationship with a living person – Jesus Christ. We must get to know this Living Deity who knew us before we were formed in the womb (Isaiah 44:2) and who has inscribed us on the palms of His hands (Isaiah 49:16). “My people are fools; they do not know me…” (Jeremiah 4:22) Let us not suffer the same fate as those who died in the wilderness. They had the same option, we now have, to prevent their undoing. It is to accept God’s invitation to sustain a daily, intimate relationship with our God to discover who He is and to know Him!!! God bless, I remain His Minister and watchman, glynnadams@sbcglobal.net (My thanks to Kay Vinci of Morningstar Ministries for some of her insights on I AM)

© 2025 Glynn Adams – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Glynn Adams: glynnadams@sbcglobal.net