A New Low: A Substitute Teacher Masturbating in Front of Class
by Lee Duigon
March 24, 2022
I encountered two nooze stories last week that practically knocked me out of my chair.
Our culture is in trouble.
The first bomb came from Nutley, New Jersey, a high-end town—or so we thought. A substitute teacher was arrested for masturbating in front of a high school class. Hard to imagine, isn’t it? But actually it gets harder.
This was his second offense! He was already being “investigated” for having done the same thing, a month and a half before, in a middle school classroom. One wonders how difficult this must have been to “investigate,” given a whole classroom full of witnesses. But thanks to politically powerful teachers’ unions, it’s almost impossible to fire a teacher… even if it’s only a sub, apparently. So while the “investigation” was going on, the school district gave this kook another teaching gig. This time he had to be arrested.
True, the standards aren’t high. If you can fog a mirror, you can substitute-teach—as long as the police aren’t already chasing you. But it’s really, really hard to imagine something like this really happening. Well, heck—Jeffrey Toobin did it on the air. In front of a camera.
As if it weren’t already bad enough that public schools have teachers teaching Critical Race Theory and transgender propaganda, they had to throw this into the mix? Why do parents still send their kids to public schools? Search me.
Then there was the other incident, this one from Portland, Oregon. We should probably expect this kind of thing from Portland; but we don’t.
Here a children’s hospital is teaching little boys to “tuck”—that is, “moving the penis, testicles, or both out of the way” to make the genital area look flat. They’re concentrating on little boys, but “people of all genders can tuck.” All genders—as if there were any more than two.
They grant you that taping one’s organs “out of the way” can leave you open to some pain when you peel the tape off to go to the bathroom. But they have other ways of meeting your “tucking needs.” (Okay, I’m sorry for these grotesque descriptions. But they’re the hospital administration’s words, not mine.)
I have never known anyone who had “tucking needs.” If you’re a child who’s so alienated from your own body parts that you have to pretend you don’t have them, you need heavy-duty help. You don’t need medical personnel teaching you how to cater to your delusion. Is this drag queen stuff, or what? Why are they doing this?
What do they have to do, to wake us up? Eat the children? How many would they have to consume in a week before the American people got rid of public education?
Because, you see, there’s no saving it. It’s too far gone. Every day there’s a new outrage. Oh, we could mobilize and elect a lot of sane and decent people to our boards of education; but that wouldn’t stop the teachers’ colleges from turning out weirdos; nor would it deter the state’s professional “education” theorists from brewing crackbrained schemes to use the schools to fundamentally transform America into a socialist hell-hole. I remember when school boards used to represent their communities and did it as best as they knew how. But now they sic the FBI on you and label you a domestic terrorist if you complain about their cooking.
There are many alternatives now to public schooling—homeschool, Christian school, neighborhood homeschooling co-ops—and they’re all better and safer than the public schools.
And if your little boy has tucking needs, you probably need help, too.
I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Click the link and visit, while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at www.chalcedon.edu/ .
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E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net