A Time For Truth About Freedom

By Pastor Glynn Adams

February 9, 2025

Today I want to talk about America, its citizens and the gathering crisis of sustainable freedom in our nation and some things that are happening that makes it urgent that we deal with them now. Freedom is unquestionably what we Americans love supremely, and love of freedom is what makes Americans the people we are. America has won its spurs as a world power in defending freedom but today we are losing this freedom in our nation and that will be our end.

Even though Donald Trump has been elected President, Globalism and the New World Order is not going away and will forever be the battle we will face here in America and around the world. We must wake up to the ones who are the Globalists and what the New World Order is and take our stand!!!

But while we champion freedom around the world, we have ignored it here at home. Consequently, we are on a dangerous course that few are aware of. The truth is that freedom is far more difficult to sustain that most Americans realize. I will go so far to say that the average American doesn’t have a clue about how our freedom came to be and what it takes to sustain it. Few are paying attention and nothing is on the horizon to stop our path to suicide and to bring us to our senses. And I mean nothing!!!

One reason we are losing our freedom is debt. In the last fifty years we have gone from the early-American stress on hard work, savings, thrift and delayed gratification to turning Americans into a nation of perpetual debtors. The United States has shifted from producing to consuming, with American citizens and our government consuming more than they earn or take in and promising to spend still more. America’s household debt and our government debt are already pass dangerous levels as we are mortgaged up to our eyeballs to foreign investors.

Because we no longer have the wisdom of God, we have no idea of the link between debt and freedom. We are too stupid to understand or either we don’t care nor have we even given it a thought that the deeper the debt, the less freedom and flexibility we have. Our huge spending and borrowing tsunami compounded by our greed, corruption, dishonesty, and crony capitalism of Wall Street and government has long been gathering speed and rolling fast toward our shores. Our chickens are coming home to roost and we won’t like what is about to happen to our economy and freedom in this country.

In closing, not only are we losing our freedom nor do we have a plan to sustain our freedom so let me give you an example of our arrogance and pride concerning our freedom, how our current vision of freedom is naïve and that we don’t have a clue as to what is going on with our freedom here in this country. In President George W. Bush’s second inaugural address in January 2005 and his “State of the Union Address” a few weeks later, he gave a myriad of references to America’s destiny in bringing freedom to the world, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world. Here is a leader whose nation is failing to hold on to its own freedom without virtue.

A nation that is breaking all the rules necessary to sustain our own freedom and whose citizens are heedlessly pursuing a vision of freedom that is short-lived and suicidal. In addition, at the time our president was speaking his rhetoric to the world, this nation was way down the road to tyranny itself. Can I say hypocrites!!! We had better get our own nation in order before we try to fix other nations. Our exaggerated claims for freedom are a dangerous delusion that America and the world can’t afford. Our current American Way, far from the last best hope for the world, has become a riot of indulgent freedom that is anything but positive and liberating.

America, wake up!!! We are losing our freedom and there are few to help sustain it!!! We have a President, most of Congress, and government officials who are more interested in their destructive agendas and securing a place for themselves with the New World Order/ Globalists than protecting or looking out for the citizens of this nation. Some seem to be deliberately undermining the very Constitution they swore to uphold. Some act as if an enemy rather than a patriot of this nation!!!

When is enough – enough? When are “We the people” going to see the seriousness of our situation? Time is running out!! It is not our redemption that is drawing near but our day of reckoning with calamity and the sword of judgment coming upon us at mock speed!!! God bless, I remain His servant and watchman, Glynn Adams, glynnadams@sbcglobal.net

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E-Mail Glynn Adams: glynnadams@sbcglobal.net