A Time for Truth – War Footing

By Pastor Glynn Adams

January 26, 2025

It is good that Donald Trump was elected President but Donald Trump cannot fix America.  He is political and our problems are spiritual.  He can certainly help us but it is the Body of Christ in America that must step up and resist the evil in this nation.  I warned the Body of Christ in America many times that if the Body of Christ did not step up and resist the evil in our nation, God, who removes kings ….and Presidents, would remove our President……which He did in 2020.  And God gave us a President that was not kind to the Body of Christ in America.  BE WARNED AMERICA IF WE REMAIN PASSIVE!!!

The corporate Body of Christ in America is still refusing to face reality and take responsibility for our actions.  This is the message I am getting from God every day concerning the Body of Christ in America.   We need to face our spiritual reality.  Evil is overcoming our nation on our watch with church goers on every corner.  What God is looking for is some responsible Christians.

The reality is we are in a war against evil, in a war against Islam, race wars, and rumors of war, and Satan, in the form of Democrat/Progressive/Communist/Marxist/Muslims is destroying and overtaking America.  And the Body of Christ in America is allowing it to happen because we are refusing to face this spiritual war against evil and the powers of darkness.   Christians have tolerated evil and ignored evil in this nation until it is now common-place.  “What we tolerate today; becomes the norm tomorrow.”  The Word of God is clear– the sooner we get our act together spiritually, the sooner we can get on a war footing to resist evil.

I once heard Pastor Jeffries of First Baptist, Dallas, Texas, blame the Supreme Court for kicking God out of our culture and government.   Pastor Jeffries that is the blame game Christians love to play.   Christians, God was taken from our culture, the Bible, prayer, and the law of God were outlawed, our culture polluted, and our values assaulted because we were asleep in America and refused to resist the evil before us.   Nor have we fought to put God back in our culture or in the schools but we have chosen to play the blame game – the Courts, the Democrats, and on and on.

Until Christians and our pastors face our reality, take ownership for our failures, and our spiritual responsibility, Christians will remain powerless and our nation will continue down the road to destruction.  When Christians blame others for our failure, we become powerless to change the world around us.  The God we serve is stronger than any Democrat, any President, any Court, or anyone on this earth.   If we will repent, take ownership of our failures and assume our spiritual responsibilities in America, God will meet us at the battlefield and return the power to His Body.

Jesus is the Head and we are His Body on this earth.  We are not failing because the enemy is so much bigger and stronger than we are.  We are failing because the Body of Christ has decided to take the Light of the World that is to expose and resist the unfruitful works and deeds of darkness and we have hid the Light of the World under a bushel basket – our culture religion.  We refuse to take the Name of Jesus, the power of Jesus, the authority of Jesus, the mighty weapons of Jesus, and the cross of Jesus, and defeat the enemy in this nation.   Our pastors are not leading in this war but giving the people the smooth words they want to hear not what they need to hear.

Does the Body of Christ not understand that Jesus can fix the mess we are in BUT YOU AND ME ARE GOING TO BE THE ONES HE WILL USE?   We are Jesus’ Body on this earth!!!  That is when we decide to trust God and seriously make ourselves available to do His will on earth as it is done in heaven!!!!!   When are we going to learn that casual Christianity won’t work in this spiritual war?  Our religious lip service does not defeat Satan.  Our blame game does not work against our demonic strongholds in America.

In reality, today the Body of Christ in America, is in the same mess Adam and Eve were in when they choose death and not life from the Tree of Life.  After their fall, the man and woman looked completely and fully alive but it is so hard to know that you are dead when you are in deception and have lost your discernment.  Over the years, the Body of Christ in America has went from the fullness of life and intimate fellowship with God to mere religious existence, and our symptoms of this change are disobedience and the blame game.  Like Adam and Eve, Christians in America are being disobedient and playing the blame game and in addition, we are hiding in the religious system and comfort zones we have chosen to create.  This gospel of “another Jesus” we have created is ineffective in resisting evil and making disciples

In America, His Body is going to repent, take responsibility for our failures, and seek the greater things of God or we will fall to evil in America.  We are going to be a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession or we are going to continue to be a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense for we stumble because we are disobedient to the Word. (I Peter 2:8-9)  God bless, I remain His radical servant and watchman, Glynn Adams.

© 2025 Glynn Adams – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Glynn Adams: glynnadams@sbcglobal.net