Alternative Energy Is Not The Answer, Part 3
By Pastor Roger Anghis
July 16, 2023
One thing that we are seeing over the last few years is a demand that no other opinion but the radical left be allowed to be stated. In a nation where differences of opinion have always been allowed as well as allowed to be discussed, we have come to a point where anything but the radical left’s point of view is to be canceled, silenced, and even destroyed if necessary.
One of the most controversial subjects today is climate change. I’m sorry but anyone who thinks that man is causing any form of climate change is a fool. CO2 is the biggest culprit but not all information is being allowed to be discussed concerning it. We are being led to believe that CO2 is the number one cause of climate change and even the EPA outright lies about CO2. On their site, they say that 79.4% of CO2 produced annually is man-made.[1] In a testimony to Congress they claim that 49% of CO2 is from automobiles. Both so-called facts are outright lies. Of all the global warming gases CO2 is .38%, not the 49% or the 79.4% claimed. Man’s contribution to the CO2 from cars, manufacturing, farming ships, airplanes, and other sources is .036%. The planet itself produces ten times the CO2 that man produces. The push for EV cars to reduce our ‘carbon footprint’ is nothing more than an attempt to control what we do and how we do it.
Over in Europe, they are shutting down farms because farming in the biggest cause of global warming. Well, which is it? Cars or farming? If you have an opposing opinion to the radical left, they will silence you. Earlier this summer, the CO2 Coalition was banished from LinkedIn. The CO2 Coalition, with only three full-time employees and an annual budget of under $1 million, had committed the unpardonable sin of sharing contrarian perspectives on climate science. Its work, produced by a network of volunteers that includes dozens of distinguished scientists, offers indispensable balance on a topic that requires honest debate now more than ever.
Among the many comments that followed LinkedIn’s decision, the mentality of the climate crisis mob came through loud and clear. If “the science is settled,” then any contrary perspective is dangerous and must be silenced. A typical comment: “Why does LinkedIn allow so much Climate Disinformation to persist throughout its platform?” Brigades of these content wardens continuously log complaints with LinkedIn against climate skeptics. The impeccable work of Bjorn Lomborg is one of their next targets.[2]
If what the left was pushing was true it would be one thing but most of what they are shoving down our throats is nothing but pipe dreams. They have no factual basis for their so-called reasoning where we base all our decisions on hard facts. I bring all this up because their alternative energy will create more pollution than what we are doing now. An EV from mining materials, manufacturing, and maintenance to disposal creates 30% more CO2 than the average internal combustion engine vehicle. The question is, if they create more pollution as well as use an extreme excess of rare earth materials, why are we going in that direction? The only logical solution to what they are doing is setting a foundation for a completely different type of government than what we now have. One where a few govern the masses.
It is obvious that the present alternative energy sources are not and never will be that reliable otherwise they would have been implemented decades ago and the public would have fully embraced them. A couple of years ago a winter storm in Texas proved that neither solar nor wind are reliable full-time replacements for oil. If the wind doesn’t blow, windmills are useless. If the solar panels are covered in snow, solar energy is worthless. Oil can operate under any condition.
Shutting down farms creates food shortages. But shutting down farms give the government power and power is the ultimate goal of the radical left. If you want to have proof that all of the threats of melting icecaps and rising seas are outright lies, ask yourself ‘Why are the elite buying multimillion-dollar beachfront homes when those areas are supposed to be the first to be flooded when the ice caps melt. It tells you that they do not believe their own propaganda.
We are headed in the wrong direction, which is typical when Democrats are in charge. According to Victor David Hanson, we haven’t built a new power plant in the last 10 years but China is building one every month. An employee of the EPA testified in front of Congress and said that the proposed $50 trillion we need to spend on global warming will not significantly reduce the Earth’s temperature by more than .025%. A lot of money to spend on such a small movement in temperature.
The government is causing a lot of the shortages that we are seeing and will soon see. With worldwide refinery closures outpacing new construction, shortages, and inflation are likely to be the new norm that inflicts regressive expenses upon those that can least afford it, as control of the worldwide refining industry shifts to Asia and Europe.
As the world has become impassioned with increasing its electricity generation from wind turbines and solar panels from breezes and sunshine, the world is silently slipping into a future of shortages and inflation as society’s demands for all the products and fuels manufactured from crude oil are exceeding the supply available from the dwindling number of refineries.
There were almost 700 oil refineries in the world as of January 2020, but as a result of continuous over regulations, permitting delays, aging equipment, and the worldwide support of the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) to divest in fossil fuels, the right operating model and level of integration will be crucial for survival and sustained profitability of refineries.
In 2019 there were 135 refineries in the U.S. but five facilities were shuttered during the last two years.
Each refinery location is a business that needs to make business decisions. Consequently, one in five oil refineries is expected to cease operations over the next five years. One in five is 20 percent, or almost 140 refineries expected to be shuttered worldwide, resulting in a 20 percent decline in the products manufactured to meet the ever-increasing demands from society.[3]
This is how liberals set the basis for control. Create the problem, then claim to have a solution to the problem. More proof as to why democrats should never be allowed to be in charge of anything. This is the path they want us on. Our votes must reverse this trend.
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