America is Abandoning God
By Glynn Adams
January 29, 2023
America is now a humanistic culture but not yet a totally humanist culture; neither are we a Christian Nation and how do we know this? Most of a Christian nation’s citizens obey God and follow the ways of God. The Founding Fathers and the early Puritans and Pilgrims are turning over in their graves for what Christians and citizens today as well as previous generations have allowed to happen to America!!! “For My people are foolish, they have not known Me. They are silly children and they have no understanding. They are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge.” (Jeremiah 4:22 NKJV)
The early Puritans and Pilgrims as well as our Founding Fathers understood there are two world systems on this earth – the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan. The word Kingdom means a government system that rules. The government of God is ruled by righteousness made up of the laws and ways of God and people who follow the rule of God have liberty and freedom. The government of Satan is worldly and evil; it has doctrines of demons and Satan is in rebellion against God. People that follow the government rule of Satan are in bondage and live under the tyranny of powerful and evil Globalists men.
Our Founders knew and witnessed the bondage and punishment that powerful and evil men will inflict on people under a world government. The number one problem on this earth is the world and its systems. God warns us in 1 John 2:15-17, “Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world – the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life – is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away and the lust of it but he who does the will of God abides forever.”
Both the books of 1 Peter 5:8-9 and James 4:7 say we are to resist Satan and his evil ways. If we do not submit to God and if we ignore evil, evil will eventually overtake you and your nation. HATH GOD REALLY SAID TO RESIST SATAN? If you read 1 Peter and James you will see we have not submitted to God and we have ignored Satan and his evil and it has overtaken this nation and now Satan rules over America.
Our Founding Fathers struggled and labored for months to come up with a government that would protect the citizens from big and intrusive government. They were all in for all of us that would live in this land to protect us from ruthless men seeking power and who would destroy whatever was in their way to get it.
We had such ruthless men in our nation during the late 1800s and 1900s and today. Powerful and wealthy men who were known Globalists in our nation such as John Dewey, J. D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, J. P. Morgan, Cecil Rhodes, and Klaus Schwab and many more whose god was power and money. Truly the Bible is correct that “The love of money is the root of all evil.” According to history, these men in the 1800s and 1900s, planted the seed to destroy the Constitution, its freedoms, Christianity in America, our educational system, our economy, and corporations and those seed are bearing fruit today.
It was also during this time that the culture begin to change and citizens begin electing unrighteous men who were beholding to other Globalists and demonic occult organizations more than the Constitution on which they swore to defend. But the church was silent and did not resist this evil. Freedom is not a secular concept but in essence is spiritual and freedom is precious and can be lost as we are now seeing.
Our Founding Fathers gave us a Republic form of government. A Kingdom government based on the laws and ways of God. A government where WE THE PEOPLE would self-govern themselves based on strong spiritual roots that come from God. They did not want a kingdom ruled by a king nor did they want a pure democracy that had no standard of justice and fairness and where 51% of mob rule could impose horrible injustices upon innocent victims. A pure democracy unbridled and uncontrolled is one of the worst and most unstable forms of world government. “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. (2 Corinthians 3:17)
A WARRING HERE; If we are so stupid to allow a Convention of States in this nation in our present condition, we will lose control of this Convention and we will end up with a pure democracy. Citizens do your homework: Look who is talking about Democracy today on television and do you want them to rule over you? Karl Marx favored such democracies because he said in the Communists Manifesto, “The first step in the revolution by the working class… to win the battle of democracy.”
Our Founding Fathers, with much pressure from the Puritans and Pilgrims, designed our Bible-based republic to be directly dependent upon the virtue of its citizens and their ability to 1) govern themselves personally according to the moral codes of the Bible, 2) to learn the Scriptures and Constitution so that with maximum authority and vigilance they could and would govern their political representatives by holding them accountable before God and the Bible. We have not done this and it has been costly!!!
Citizens of America – do you comprehend what I just wrote about our responsibilities as citizens? As citizens it is our responsibility and duty to elect righteous and God-fearing men to office if we want to remain free. Freedom is not free. The beneficiaries of freedom carry with it enormous responsibilities to follow God if we want to have freedom and leave this Republic and its freedoms to our children.
James Madison, known as the “Chief Architect of the Constitution,” reportedly said, “We have staked the whole future of American civilization not upon the power of government, far from it. We have staked the future of all of our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind-for-self-government; upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, and to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God.”
Ultimately, it all comes down to this: God is the Guarantor of our freedoms but only if we obey God. If we will do this America will remain free. But disobedience to God is to abandon God and to the extent that we abandon God, He will abandon us. Surely by now we realize the American government and the Constitution are the most precious possessions that could be inherited because the American system is the political expression of ‘Kingdom ideas.”
What later generations of Americans failed to learn is that those “Kingdom ideas” equate to one thing and that is freedom results from effective Bible-based self-government. William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, summed it all up: “Those who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.” Later generations in America did not learn from history that “Governed by God” is founded upon His moral and civil laws of righteousness and citizens that practice and live by them will be free. “Ruled by tyrants” is democracy founded upon the rule and laws of evil fallen men who follow the ways of Satan.
Because we no longer express those “Kingdom ideas” in our government, the America of old is gone. All that is left is the reruns of “Ozzie and Harriet” and “Mayberry, USA”. There are plenty opinions as to why the America our Founders, the Puritans and Pilgrims built is gone. But if you will listen to our Founders closely, there is but one reason why America has been transformed into a nation unrecognizable – a nation plagued by demonic occults, drugs, poverty, pornography and violence. Our citizens are carnal, the Globalists are making more disciples than the church, and we lack the knowledge of God because we know not the Scriptures or our Constitution. Our once leading educational systems of learning are now war zones of racial conflicts, teaching our children globalist’s doctrines of indoctrination and brainwashing and lies, sexual perversion, genderism, and most who graduate cannot locate their city on a map or tell you how many states are in the United States.
Our pastors/churches care more about their religious institutions than equipping the people for spiritual warfare and ministry to the lost and those in need of help. They see the institutional local church as a clubhouse where religious people hang out with other people who think, dress, behave, vote, and believe like them. The institutional church teaches religion and not how to live the Christian life.
What is now kicking in our nation from our Constitution is because we have abandoned God, He is no longer our Guarantor of our freedoms. Unless we repent from our heart and return to God, this will not change. We are on our own. We no longer have the ability to self-govern because we no longer live according to the moral codes of the Bible and we have no Biblical authority to hold our President and representatives accountable before God. We are running out of moral and righteous people and children to maintain this Republic. Unless we repent and soon, our judgement that awaits us is a demonic and ruthless Global Government and a total loss of freedoms in America. We have forgotten to the extent that the citizens abandon God; He will abandon us!!!!!!
In the Book of Jeremiah 3:8, the Bible says God gave Israel a writ of divorce because Israel was backsliding and committing adultery, going after other gods. No one knows where those ten tribes are now. Has God divorced America for our sins and will there be a day when the question is asked, “Where are the Americans?” If we don’t repent and soon, we shall surely find out!!!
Can God restore us? Yes because He is in the restoration business. But those who claim to follow Him must change your relationship with Him and your ways. We must change the way we do church so we can maintain a good spiritual life. The word church is corrupt to Americans especially among our youth. We have not lived up to the standards of Christ – we have not loved the people and served them as Christ demands. Like the Scribes and Pharisees, we loved our denominational institutional religious cults more than the people and they know it!!! This has to change.
The Remnant of God outside of the institutional church in America is more than is inside the institutionalized church today. Like many of you, God and His Kingdom church and His Kingdom ministry was my spiritual world. But it because a world that I increasingly found it difficult to feel at home because it lacked spiritual purpose and missional vitality. We forgot to win the lost and make disciples of Christ. I have a covenant with Christ to obey Him and not the traditions of men in the institutional church system.
The Remnant of God that is outside of the church and the Remnant that is still in these religious institutions must come out of them and form a coalition of believers with an overall strategy to reshape the Christian movement in this nation believing a future already exists that will significantly alter the spiritual landscape in America.
The Bible is not a book of models; it is a record of radical obedience of people who listened and responded in radical ways to the direction of God for their lives. The quality of leadership we need for the renewal of America require that we have people who are in much prayer operating under the leadership of the Holy Spirit of a well-thought-out approach so they will know what they are doing, why they are doing it, and not just copying someone else’s cool plan or purpose.
We must bring back to Christianity why it exists. The church, which is the people of God, are to be God’s instrument in His redemptive mission in the world to expand His Kingdom. Its union with Christ is designed for reproduction – the growth of the Kingdom of God. God is calling His people to get into the streets where the people are to expand His Kingdom of God message and it is an invitation to be part of a spiritual movement not a religious club.
When Jesus came on this earth, He tapped into the widespread sentiment of disillusionment with religion and the people who had a hunger for God responded to the teaching of Jesus about the Kingdom of God and how people could become a part of it. His emphasis was on universal “come as you are” acceptance as opposed to the exclusivity of the Pharisees. His Kingdom teaching was radical but He practiced grace in terms of how God deals with people. He preached that God was for people not against them and that religion was useless, Godless, and dangerous!!
Jesus defined the litmus test for genuine spiritually in terms of one’s relationship – our relationship with God and with other people. He declared the first and second commandments as these: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and love your neighbor as yourself.” (Luke 10:27 NKJV)
Jesus hung out with sinners. His strategy was to go where people were already hanging out. This is why he went to weddings, parties, and religious feast day celebrations. Jesus loved being around all types of people and the Pharisees accused Him of hanging out with sinners. Our strategy for penetrating the culture is we go to where the people are. Jesus did not say, “come and get it at the beautiful building we built’ but “go” into all the world systems and reach the people by preaching the gospel of the Kingdom!!!
Kingdom of God theology will force us to reexamine our strategy for penetrating the culture. Today most church ministries are on the church itself and church members. The call of Jesus is to take the gospel of the Kingdom to the streets is more than the call to think up some new evangelism or outreach program. Why? Since the church presents no moral compass in culture and are absent from the streets, people are turning to all kinds of false answers to their spiritual quest. Church members have the gall to sit in their churches and then pass judgment on people for their errant beliefs and behavior.
We need a spiritual presence at our schools and colleges, in hospitals, every mall, Wal-Mart Superstores, at every sporting event, at fairs, at rock concerts, on the streets; everywhere the people are. If McDonalds place their stores where most people already are, should not the Remnant, which is in the people business also, do no less?
There is only one way to save America from a Globalists takeover and certain destruction. Repent, lead others to repent and the Remnant has to set the example of returning to Christ, radical obedience and submission to Christ, and to live righteous and holy lives by living by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. We have to sacrifice ourselves in service and complete allegiance to the LORD Jesus Christ. We were created for good works and it’s time to do them!! God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams (Thanks to The Killing of Uncle Sam by Rodney Howard-Browne, The Present Future by Reggie McNeal, Abandonment Theology by John Chalfant, the late Myles Munroe and The Kingdom of God and so many great pastors and my learning from others over the years made this article possible!!!)
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