By Butch Paugh

In Deut. 30:15-20, God tells us as individuals as well as nations that He has said before us life and good, and death and evil.  He has given each of us a choice for ourselves to live or die and the duty to demand good (righteousness) and life for our society!  Societies (nations) are made up of individuals!  Such individuals are accountable on how they influence their society!  Truly righteous individuals cannot “peaceably” co-exist with evil!  If we are not in contention with evil and facing confrontation every day, then we are part of that evil!  To remain silent and try to remain neutral is a denial of the one you say you serve!  You are a hypocrite!  And we know that no hypocrite (unrighteous person) shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven!  ((I Cor. 6:9) My dear reader, let’s not deceive ourselves!  James 1:22 clearly tells us that to be a hearer and not a doer of the Word means we are deceiving ourselves into damnation!  Rom.2;13 makes it even clearer, just hearing the Word and not doing the Word makes us unjust (sinners) before God!

But we serve a genuinely loving, merciful, and forgiving God if we are willing to repent and turn from our wicked ways! ( II Chron. 7:14)   This applies to individuals and nations!  But repentance and turning away from evil is demanded!

He asks us in Ezekiel 18:30-32 and also in chapter 33:10-15 why will we choose evil and death over life and good?!  He is not willing that any should perish, and He takes no pleasure in the death of  the wicked!  (II Pet. 3:9)

America has become as Sodom and as Gomorrah because the mass of the people love it to be so! (Jer. 5:31)  Even most of the denominations, sects, or how the Bible calls denominations, “heresies” love to have it so.  They have become “proud” of the sin of sexual perversion (Is. 3:9, II Pet. 2:1) -look up “heresies” in your Strong’s Concordance)  We, as a nation, and even most individuals no longer even blush or become angry with the sin and desecration that has become the norm in America!  (Jer. 6:15, Ps. 7:11)

Now, I fully realize that what I am about to say will shock and anger many, but it has to be said because it is the truth!  For the people who attend the “tickle my ears fellowships” and the “name it and claim it” social clubs, this is going to shake your world so you might want to stop reading now!  America is not dying!  America is dead!  She doesn’t need a revival!  She needs to be resurrected!  The corpse is already rotten and a stench in the nostrils of God and of His true children and joint heirs with Christ!  No, not those professing salvation through, but those who possess salvation through Christ with the fruit (works) of  salvation proving to the world that they are the redeemed of God!   (Mt. 5:16-7:15-20, James 2:22-26)  As a matter of Biblical fact, if you are not greatly troubled by the wickedness in society today you are not living righteously in Christ!  (II Pet. 2:7-8A vexed, or troubled heart and soul is a “mark” of a true believer!  (Ezek. 9:4Very few church goers are being, or even trying to, exhibit the pure “light” of Christ and they certainly are not “salty” in Christ!  This is the reason the name of Christ is mocked in our nation and He has been “kicked” out of our institutions” He has departed from most of so-called churches and heresies voluntarily and written “Ichabod” on their doors!  (Matt. 5:13, I Sam. 4:21)

Speaking for and about myself, I have to admit that I feel ashamed that although I have endeavored to preach and teach God’s Word for over forty years, I did not have a much greater burden and zeal to expose and stand against the lawlessness (sin) that is all around me and, God forgive us, being tolerated by most “Christians” and openly embraced by many!

Ecclesiastes 8:11 states, “Because sentence against an evil work (crime) is not executed speedily, therefore the hearts of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil (lawlessness)” We in America cannot blame our civil “leaders” because we were to be the “government” and demand righteous leadership!  And the church was to be the “influencer” of society to guide and lead the people into righteousness!  John Adams said, “the church is the moral compass of society”.  The great preacher Johnathan Edwards said, “The only way we can know whether we are sinners is by knowing His moral law.”  Louis Berkof stated, “The civil law is simply the application of the principles of moral law to the civic and social life of the people in all its ramifications”.

Charles G. Finney said:

“If immorality prevails in the land, the fault is ours in a great degree.  If there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it.  If the public press lacks moral discrimation, the pulpit is responsible for it.  If the world loses its interest in religion, the pulpit is responsible for it. If Satan rules in our halls of legislation, the pulpit is responsible for it.  If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our government are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it. Let us not ignore this fact, my dear brethren; but let us lay it to heart and be thoroughly awake to our responsibility in respect to the morals of this nation.”

You see, my friend, all “true” crime is a sin!  A crime against God and His moral law!  Many things have been made a crime by man’s standards but are not a crime (sin) by God’s standards. [Conspiracy” is one of the broad brushes governments paint with when there is no victim to an alleged crime”.  “Malum Inse” God’s law verses “Malum Prohibta” – man’s law!  Let’s look at some examples of the two.

(1)  Stealing — Against God’s law with strict consequences, but made legal by man’s law and it’s called massive taxation and millions “stealing” through fraud!  Lying to receive monies from the civil powers stolen from honest people!  All liars go to Hell!  (Rev. 21:8)

(2)  Murder — Against God’s law and requiring the death penalty, but legal under man’s law.  75,000,000 babies slaughtered in the name of Constitutional freedom.  Man’s law again has been made an idol to many.

(3)  Fornication — (shacking up) Adultery (sex outside of wedlock by married people) Both okayed by man’s law system, but both worthy of death under God’s laws!  We even give fornicators funds for living together and having bastard children!  By the way, in (I Cor. 6:9) fornicators are the first group listed that will not enter God’s Kingdom!

(4)  Sexual Perversions — Rape, worthy of death by God’s law, but normally lightly punished by man’s law.

(5)  Sodomy — Homosexuality – An abomination in God’s eyes, and worthy of death, but celebrated protected and glorified by man’s law.

(6)  Lesbianism — Same as above!

(7)  Bestiality – Again an abomination in God’s eyes, but never mentioned to speak of by man or his law system!  Although it is much more likely that an individual will be punished by man’s law for hurting or causing harm to an animal then for harming a human.  75,000,000 murdered babies can attest to that fact!  We could continue this comparison for more pages, but enough has been said to prove the point!

“So called” Christians that attend many denominations (heresies) today not only tolerate many of these crimes against God, but celebrate the “freedoms” to commit them!  The Episcopal, United Methodist and many Baptist denominations now ordain women in offices of leadership in their corporations they call churches, including that of being a pastor!  Clearly an unGodly act.  Search the scriptures for yourself on this one!

The Episcopal, Methodist, Church of Christ and Presbyterian Churches all uphold the murder of unborn babies.

It’s hard to believe and beyond disgusting to know that many Catholic sects along with many Baptist branches, the Church of Brethren and Mennonites, Presbyterian, Anglican, Quakers, Episcopal, Church of Christ, Methodist, Pentecostal, Lutheran, Seventh Day Adventists, Charismatic, Unitarian, all support sexual perverts, sodomites, lesbians trans and more.  Not all who perhaps attend a fellowship of these sects support this filthy act for sure, but I must say this!  If you claim to be a part and use the name of any of these sects, you are, to a great extent, giving them credibility!  Shame on you!

In closing let’s read a quote from Dietrich Bonhoeffer:

Silence in the face of evil is itself evil:  God will not hold us guiltless.

Not to speak is to speak.  Not to act is to act.

The truth of the matter is this.  America needs resurrected because the church died!  Let’s stand united as the remnant of Christ’s True Church in Christ and abide by His Word and Law system and get in the face of the evil (lawlessness) that’s all around us!  Put on the whole armor and fight for righteousness and lost souls!

(John 14:1, Neh. 13:17, Prov. 28:4, Jude 1:3)

In Christ’s Service,

© 2021 Butch Paugh – All Rights Reserved

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