American Genocide And The New World Order
Some recent horrific legislation and disheartening dialogue brings abortion back into the national discussion. For me, the question has never been about choice, but rather about life and death. America is at a perilous place. It’s a place where we must think not only about a child’s life, but the life or death of our country, our homeland, the world’s remaining beacon of freedom.
In America, since the Roe vs Wade decision the steadily rising number of surgical abortions has exceeded 61 million. Additionally, Pharmacists for Life International estimate 250 million babies were chemically aborted since 1973. If the Pharmacists’ estimate is valid, 311 million Americans died because men decided taking their lives is a perfectly legal and constitutionally protected choice. If that doesn’t make your heart ache… But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Luke 18:16 The current population of the United States is just over 328 million. With abortion and population numbers in mind, the US birth rate has dropped to a 30 year low and below the population replacement rate of 2,100 births per 1,000 women. Along with killing babies, we are killing our country.
You may call me wild-eyed and a little crazy in my thinking at times, but that’s okay. I do feel some anxiety when I look at what’s happening not just to America, but to Western Civilization itself. For ages, we’ve heard from the people who believe overpopulation will eventually destroy mother earth whom they worship. Worshipping the creation rather than the creator was never a good idea. The progressives, or whatever label you feel is appropriate, play the long game from depopulation to climate change. The long game that ends in their borderless, nationless, Godless one world hellhole where even I will be looking for another way off the planet, praying I’m good enough to make the cut on rapture day.
For years, political ineptitude failed to resolve our immigration problems. Or maybe it’s not ineptitude as much as it is intentional. Consider our country’s leadership throughout your lifetime. They’ve passed immigration laws that made it easier for immigration from third world countries. They’ve preached about the seriousness of illegal immigration and border security, but that seems for the benefit of our ears. A fixable problem has worsened to the point of repeated caravan invasions. With the exception of the one person trying to solve the problem we must wonder who do these other plutocrats represent. Certainly, and unquestionably it is neither the American people nor the security of our country.
According to a report from the Pew Research Center, “The U. S. foreign born population[includes illegal immigrants] reached a record 43.7 million in 2016. Since 1965, when U. S. immigration laws replaced a national quota system, the number of immigrants living in the U. S. has more than quadrupled.” A short report at Breitbart using data from the Migration Policy Institute and Center for Immigration Studies shows, “There are at least 4.5 million anchor babies in the country, a population that exceeds the total number of annual American births, as about 300,000 anchor babies are born every year, exceeding the total number of births in 48 states.” Consider those staggering numbers and our failed immigration system. Question the motives of politicians of all persuasions who have intentionally failed to lance this festering boil. People supposedly representing American citizens are fighting tooth and nail to leave our borders open as caravan upon caravan advances on America. To whom exactly are America’s political class beholden?
It’s not only immigration and abortion that’s replacing the American born population. It’s many other progressive social manifestations of our time. A cultural shift away from faith and family. Toxic feminism (heh-heh) pushing women toward male and female egalitarianism while putting aside the prospects of family and motherhood or passing on them all together. Welfare programs that destroy families leaving countless fatherless homes and generations of poverty. Normalizing abnormal sexual behavior that encourages non-reproductive families. The list is long of programs and fostered attitudes detrimental to the nuclear family.
Abortion, uncontrolled immigration, distancing ourselves from God, and destruction of the American family unit did not just happen. We have generations educated and indoctrinated to accept this guided cultural shift as the norm. Thanks to our political class, the new world order’s progressive long game bent on destruction of American culture and replacement of American born population continues. When I see young people out in the streets supporting all of this, I see people who are ill-equipped and not strong enough to survive the potential outcome they cheer for. The rest of us? For their end game, they’ll call us the insurgency. Our elimination is the final solution.
Have a cheerful day.
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