American Policy Center Promises Support for Anti-UN Legislation

By Tom DeWeese

December 21, 2024

Tom DeWeese, President of the American Policy Center (APC), just delivered petitions to the office of Congressman Chip Roy (R-TX), asking him to reintroduce his DEFUND Act into the upcoming 119th Congress. The petition also called on Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) to do the same in the U.S. Senate.

The petitions were gratefully accepted by Rep. Roy’s staff.

Said DeWeese, “these two Members of Congress took courageous action in the current 118th Congress by introducing the DEFUND Act. This is one of the most powerful anti-UN bills ever introduced in Congress.”

DEFUND stands for Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle!

The Bill calls for:

♦ Termination of U.S. membership in the UN and all affiliated bodies, conventions, and agreements.
♦ Stops all funds to any UN body.
♦ Prohibits U.S. participation in UN peacekeeping operations.
♦ Throws the UN headquarters out of the U.S.
♦ And ends U.S. membership in the World Health Organization!

DeWeese went on to say, “The United Nations is the center of the globalist agenda to eliminate national independence as it seeks to control the world’s economy and political policy. If the United States would exit the United Nations, it would collapse almost instantly. Many other nations would leave it with us. And you would see the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization and the nearly 20,000 Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs), that help to enforce the agenda, also collapse as the money and political power they create dries up.”

As DeWeese met with Rep. Roy’s staff, he related a story concerning APC’s long dedication to getting the U.S. out of the United Nations. In the year 2000, APC worked closely with former Congressman Ron Paul when he introduced a similar anti-UN bill.

At that time, APC gathered over 350,000 signed petitions for Rep. Paul’s bill. The group then sponsored a national news conference, featuring Rep. Paul and the late Congresswoman Helen Chenoweth, as the petitions were delivered to Congress.

DeWeese promised Rep. Roy’s staff that APC would do this again if Rep. Roy and Senator Lee would reintroduce the DEFUND Act.

DeWeese pledged that APC would work to create a steady flow of pressure to Congress to pass the DEFUND Act by gathering thousands more petitions in support of the bill; provide leadership and training of local activists to organize local “Exit UN” rallies; and even create a telephone call-in to Congress to keep their office phones ringing.

Concluded DeWeese, “The fact is, due to the massive change that is taking place in our federal government right now, as President Trump prepares to take command, I believe we have never had a stronger opportunity to make Exiting the UN a reality.”

Here is Tom DeWeese presenting the petitions to Congressman Chip Roy’s staff.

Here is the huge stack of 350,000 petitions APC gathered back in 2000 in support of Rep. Ron Paul’s bill to get the US out of the UN. DeWeese wants to do this again for Rep. Chip Roy’s DEFUND Act

The late Congresswoman Helen Chenoweth and former Rep. Ron Paul speaking at the APC sponsored national news conference supporting Rep. Paul’s bill to get the US out of the UN. APC intends to build major support for the DEFUND Act too!

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