An Americans First Platform
By Lex Greene
September 30, 2023
In the event that the 2024 elections can actually take place on November 5th, one of only two people will emerge as the next President of the United States, former President Donald J. Trump, or current Vice President Kamala Harris.
Both candidates have their policy priorities posted on their campaign websites, the TRUMP PLATFORM HERE and the HARRIS PLATFORM HERE. Every voter should take the time to carefully look at the posted platforms of the two candidates before attempting to cast an intelligent vote. Fully informed voters make the best voters.
Trump has 20 top priority items posted on his site, and Harris has recently added 23 on her site, although 4 of her 23 are the same one, falsely repeated 4 times, “Trump Project 2025 Agenda,” which of course, Trump has nothing to do with. So, Harris actually has 19 priority items on her site, some of which she recently borrowed from the Trump platform, like not taxing tips and tax-breaks for the working class. NOTE: Tips were not tracked and taxed until the Biden-Harris administration, and they also reversed Trump tax cuts for the working class.
Now, as we all know, political campaign platforms are not exactly a tell-all effort to share the inner-most thoughts and concepts of the candidates. Instead, they are designed to appeal to certain voting blocs, triggering an emotional reaction from target groups, or outright using taxpayer-funds to simply buy votes from certain targeted voting blocs. These days, most campaign statements and ads are not based upon “why we should vote for someone,” but instead, “why we shouldn’t vote for the other person” in an endless stream of “false narrative gaslighting” targeting specific low or no information voters.
“Gaslighting is an insidious form of manipulation and psychological control. Victims of gaslighting are deliberately and systematically fed false information that leads them to question what they know to be true, often about themselves. They may end up doubting their memory, their perception, and even their sanity. Over time, a gaslighter’s manipulations can grow more complex and potent, making it increasingly difficult for the victim to see the truth.”
But after you do your research on the two Presidential candidates at their official campaign sites, I’d like to offer every American what I call “The Americans First Platform” which neither of the two candidates talk about on their campaign platform pages.
Working with some of the great researchers at the Constitutional Research Group, we narrowed what we believe to be the most critically important political platform items in a short list of our TOP 10.
- Support, uphold, defend and enforce the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights as originally adopted, including constitutionally guaranteed balanced budgets via Congress, ending the misuse of “continuing resolutions” to avoid balancing the federal, state, or local budgets, ending all “deficit spending” and retire the debt
- Secure all borders and the nation against foreign invasion, protect national sovereignty and security, and deport all in the country illegally, beginning with those who have committed additional crimes inside our borders, or are known violent criminals in their home countries
- Repeal Amendments 16, 17, 23 – and reform the continuous misinterpretations and misuse of Amendment 14, restoring the Constitutionally protected Rights of the States, with State’s representation in DC via the U.S. Senate, elected by State Legislatures – end taxation of “wages” – and end DC “state status” all which is prohibited by the U.S. Constitution
- Reform all American Courts to Constitutional Courts and eliminate British Common Law in the USA and end the unconstitutional practice of allowing the Courts to act as a legislature, and the Executive Branch to act as a “dictatorship” via “executive orders” – eliminate “constitutionally protected Rights” for all “non-citizens” in the USA illegally
- Eliminate the UCMJ “penal code” and use the same Constitutional Criminal Justice System for all Military and Agency personnel, and every legal U.S. Citizen
- Eliminate all election practices and procedures that make our election vulnerable to outside intrusions, interference, manipulation, and hacking, and protect the Right of only legal American citizens to vote in any election within the boundaries of the United States
- Make violating the Oath of Office a criminal act for anyone holding public office at any level, rising to the level of Treason and Sedition against the United States, with constitutionally appropriate consequences
- End the misleading misuse of “democracy” to replace the Constitutionally guaranteed “republican form of government” and uphold all constitutional protections of our representative republic, including but not limited to the Electoral College, and force the Electoral College to serve its intended purpose
- Protect the fundamental Right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for every legal American citizen, no matter race, creed, gender, age, or color
- End the use of American taxpayer funds to engage in and cause foreign wars and end all foreign interference or influence over the self-governance of the American people by any foreign group or agency, including but not limited to, The United Nations (UN), World Health Organization (WHO), NATO, the World Economic Forum (WEF), the Bilderberg Group, Davos Group, or any foreign nation.
This Platform requires no new laws or amendments…Just enforcement, the repeal of amendments that never should have been adopted, and the elimination of all unconstitutional and un-American practices.
Yes, every American citizen should first and foremost, vote for someone they truly believe will put America First in the 2024 election, up and down the ballots. But this isn’t just about putting our country first, it’s really about putting AMERICANS FIRST, over foreign cabals, foreign nations, foreign invaders, or any foreign interests or agendas.
You see, for almost 250-years now and until recent years, the USA has been the freest and most prosperous nation on earth, an envy of the entire world, where people have come from all over the globe just for a taste of freedom in our land, that was not available to them in their home lands, and a chance to prosper for their families in the freest nation on earth. They didn’t come seeking “equity,” but just equal opportunity.
The foundations of freedom, opportunity and prosperity are the direct result of principles and values established almost 250-years ago, and the foundations of freedom never change. They are established and set in stone in our Charters of Freedom, because nothing less can succeed.
Unlike the two political platforms of the candidates, designed to gain support from their target groups, The Americans First Platform should have the support of every legal American citizen, no matter political party, race, creed, age, gender, or color. It’s not based upon intentionally divided competing voting blocs, but rather unity via the best interests of every legal American citizen, for the future of freedom, liberty, and justice for all Americans.
I’m not running for office, so you will have to decide which of the two candidates seeking the office of president will best serve the Americans First priorities.
For our nation, freedom, liberty, and justice for all to survive this election cycle, this is the basis upon which every American will have to vote. No voter can afford to put any personal pet issues, fantasies or whims, ahead of the foundations of freedom.
I’ll leave you with this very well-known quote from history…that still applies today!
“Those who expect to be both ignorant and free, expect what never was and never will be.” – Thomas Jefferson
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