Are you looking for some truth?
Please forgive me if this seems a little self-promotional. I certainly don’t intend for it to be viewed that way but I know that is how some readers might take it.
The exact opposite is true. I am writing about this because I believe it will be a help to YOU!!
There are a lot of things available on the web. I hardly ever turn my television on any more…except for an occasional sports event. I loooong ago gave up cable news and I certainly don’t waste time watching brain-dead entertainment.
If you are like me, you are hungry for Truth…and something to watch that will be worth the investment of time that you put into it.
Over the years I have also come to the realization that there is a great spiritual hunger as well. Our churches have failed to present the Truth and so much of what we hear from the pulpits is pabulum that often has no relevance to what is going on in the real world.
As one of my friends told me, we have become so heavenly minded that we are no earthy good. By the hundreds of thousands Americans have stopped attending church. Although they love the Lord they have voted with their feet and have chosen to “do church” at home in hopes of finding a deeper, more relevant faith to where they live their lives.
This is not good. Too many former church-goers are “dying on the vine” as their spiritual nourishment is not sufficient for the times in which we live. But they are sick of being laughed at, shunned by church leadership, and written off as “kooks” by others who are oblivious to what is happening in the real world.
As I have written in the past, I am not now, nor do I ever plan to start a “church.” I have never been to seminary, but I can read and I can think. I know that in my own life I have been hindered less by what I didn’t know, than by what I had been taught that simply was not true.
I am a seeker of Truth and I not afraid to look at the possibility that I don’t know it all. Even in my coaching days I was smart enough to employ the strategy that “in the multitude of many counselors there is great wisdom.” Chances are we will learn more truth from each other than we will ever learn from some politically correct pastor standing in America’s pulpits.
“My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.” Could it be that the American church is suffering so badly because Christians refuse to look outside the box of traditional Christian orthodoxy? The availability of information on the World Wide Web has helped me discover Truths that had been hidden from me before. I seek out knowledge and then let the Holy Spirit guide me to all Truth.
It has truly been an invigorating journey.
Many of you have been reading my writings for over a decade. I hear from you regularly and enjoy the feedback that I receive from y’all. I am inviting you to go a little deeper.
This past January I launched an internet TV/Radio show on Google hangouts. It is an interactive show that allows the participants to join with us on the air where we are able to have live dialogue. We spend an hour discussing the issues of the day and the SPIRITUAL significance to what is going on around us.
In addition, the show is simulcast LIVE on our YouTube channel and archived for viewing at a later time. Our group has been meeting live EVERY WEEKDAY from 7-8 EDT and our numbers are growing.
But even better than that…WE ARE GROWING…spiritually…as individuals. Many no longer feel alone and isolated but are being fed daily!! We would LOVE for you to be part of this exciting adventure. It is mainly men, although women are welcome. My wife listens regularly on her phone but she enjoys the “masculinity” that oozes from the show.
The show is FREE. We don’t ask for money…membership…and we stay free from doctrinal differences. We simply open the Bible, start reading, and discuss what the WORD speaks to us.
But here is the exciting stuff. We bring up topics that you will never hear in church because our pastors are too PC to bring up controversial stuff. Yes, you may have to bring your tin foil hats because some of the things that we discuss are a bit out of the mainstream…meaning you won’t hear it discussed on FOX News. But do you really want to know what is going on in the world and what role we as Christians are supposed to play?
So, I invite you to join us. I don’t want to start a church and I don’t want to be your pastor. We are interested in learning the Truth and have found that these hour-long sessions are providing the spiritual nourishment that so many are longing for.
Here is all you have to do. Simply log on to The show starts at 7 am EDT and there is only room for 10 “Live” participants. If you don’t get in the queue live you are immediately transferred to live viewing on YouTube.
I challenge you to go to any one of the archived shows available for FREE viewing or downloading at The shows are edgy, Gospel centered, action oriented, and invigorating. Our shows connect the Spiritual war to the natural world.
Stop wasting away at home all alone. You have many fellow travelers out in ether land. Come in and join us. The water is fine!!
© 2016 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved