FBI Now Terrorizes Ohio Pastor: Americans Have Every Right Under God to Protest Corruption

By Bradlee Dean

October 19, 2022

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. -Amendment I

What do American expect when they tolerate unconstitutional agencies targeting law abiding citizens? I’m talking about the FBI, ATF, TSA, Department of Homeland Security etc.  None of these agencies are constitutional, not a one (Amos 3:3); and yet, they are terrorizing the law-abiding people within this country.

If they were a constitutional agency, then they would arrest the very people that we all know that they are protecting because it is NOT the American people they are protecting (Psalm 94:20).

Furthermore, the DHS already identified who the domestic terrorists are and, once again, it is not corruption within this system of government.  Instead, they have identified those who protest and expose them for who they are (Luke 12:2).

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Friends, Americans have every right given unto them by their Maker to protest corruption within (Ephesians 5:11).

That is the history of this country that was demonstrated by our founding forefathers.  Apparently, those who are to serve “We the People” have forgotten this history lesson.

Therefore, there are Christian, patriotic Americans that are taking the time to remind them of that history lesson and they have every right to do so (Deuteronomy 4:6).

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The Gateway Pundit reported: Stasi-FBI Arrests Ohio Christian Pastor for His Church Sermon on Stolen Election – And then Walking into US Capitol on Jan. 6 with Bullhorn.

The Biden regime arrested an Ohio Christian pastor this week for his public sermon in church in December 2020 where he refuted the 2020 election results. Pastor William Dunfee later walked into the US Capitol with a bullhorn on January 6th.

The regime raided his home this week — nearly two years after the stolen 2020 election.
God save us!
How dare he challenge the fraudulent election during church!

Tom Fitton responded to this outrageous event. “So Biden DOJ just arrested a Christian pastor for his sermon?”

Justice Dept announces arrest of pastor of New Beginnings Ministries of Warsaw, Ohio

Prosecutors say William Dunfee entered Capitol grounds w/ bullhorn saying “We are taking our house.”

In court filing, feds allege Dunfee said this to congregation after election ==> pic.twitter.com/Jmc2RFn1WP

— Scott MacFarlane (@MacFarlaneNews) October 5, 2022

The message being given to the American people today BY THESE terrorist agencies is that we are to shut our mouths and bow the knee to our masters at every given directive regardless of if it is lawful or not.  That just isn’t going to happen, friends.

For the FBI to attack the innocent in protecting the guilty is about as telling as it gets (Proverbs 17:15).

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We have rights, not privileges, and we must fight to uphold those rights (1 Timothy 6:12), and so we will!

This is No More Biden’s Government Than It Was Trump’s

By Bradlee Dean

October 12, 2022

—It’s Our Government Under God!

“We the People, under God, are the Government, period!”

Most recently, someone posted that our government is Biden’s government, as if to suggest that he can do what he wills with it.  This is not true in any sense of the word.  He simply does what the people allow and prohibit him to do, nothing more and nothing less. They are not a government unto themselves. After all, the Declaration of Independence, “under God,” tells us just that.

“That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

This is no more Biden’s government than it was Trump’s government or Obama’s government or Bush’s government, etc.


This Bible is for the Government of the People, by the People, and for the People.“ – John Wycliffe

If the American people do not want to take responsibility in righting those that are doing the wrongs the way that their forefathers did, then the American people will get exactly what it is that they deserve (Article II, Section 4; Article I, Section 3, Clause 7 US Constitution; Amos 6:3).

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As we all know, the Declaration of Independence is just that, a declaration of the abuses and usurpations of the tyrant king that would not be ruled by God, just as I wrote what it is that we are now seeing today in the present.

Remember our forefathers penned: “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

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They did not bow the knee to him and his lawless acts of tyranny (Daniel 3).  Instead, they merely threw off his murderous and oppressive rule and put themselves under Him who makes men truly free, that is if they love Him enough to obey Him (2 Corinthians 3:17).

Thomas Paine, the man who has been labeled by many as the least religious forefather, wrote in his book “Common sense”:

“But where some says is the King of America? I’ll tell you, friend, He reigns above, and doth not make havoc of mankind like the Royal brute of Britain. Yet, that we may not appear to be defective honors, let a day solemnly be set apart for proclaiming the charter; let it be brought placed on the divine law, the Word of God; Let a crown be place thereon, by which the world may know, that so far as we approve of Monarchy, that in America THE LAW IS KING!”

In conclusion: If your said representatives will not be ruled by God in upholding His laws,  though they swore to Him and the people under oath with their hand on the Bible (Numbers 30:2; Deuteronomy 23:23), then the people are to take lawful responsibility and do the same that was set forth as an example set before us by our forefathers (Psalm 94:16)!

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We the People, under God, are the Government, period – This is our Government!

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Rand Paul Highlights Inflation While Asking His Constituents To Stop Inflation!

By Bradlee Dean

September 5, 2022

The Oath, as stated in Article II, Section 1, Clause 8 of the U.S. Constitution, is as follows:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

Senate oath:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

Somehow or another. Americans have been deceived into believing that their representatives are to do nothing more than to highlight the crimes of those they fail to prosecute. It is not. It is their job to uphold the laws found within the U.S. Constitution, to enforce the laws in establishing judgment upon the heads of the wicked (Isaiah 26:9) in order that we, as a people, might know righteousness and peace.

Are the judgments which guard your liberties what you are getting from these politicians? Not at all.  They highlight the very crimes of the guilty that go uncondemned so they can in turn fleece their constituents.

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In Leviticus 26:14-15. it tells us, “But if ye will not hearken unto me, and will not do all these commandments; And if ye shall despise my statutes, or if your soul abhor my judgments, so that ye will not do all my commandments, but that ye break my covenant:”

That judgment will then fall on the people who refuse to obey the Lord. In this case, that would be the 86% of the American people who profess to be what they are clearly not, namely Christians (1 John 2:4).

One of those judgments, in particular, is found in Leviticus 26:26:

“And when I have broken the staff of your bread, ten women shall bake your bread in one oven, and they shall deliver you your bread again by weight: and ye shall eat, and not be satisfied.” –Leviticus 26:26

Bible commentator Adam Clarke wrote:

Though in general every family in the East bakes its own bread, yet there are some public bakehouses where the bread of several families is baked at a certain price. Moses here foretells that the desolation should be so great and the want so pressing that there should be many idle hands to be employed, many mouths to be fed, and very little for each: Ten women shall bake your bread in one oven, &c.

Inflation: In economics, inflation is a general increase in the prices of goods and services in an economy. When the general price level rises, each unit of currency buys fewer goods and services; consequently, inflation corresponds to a reduction in the purchasing power of money.

Senator Rand Paul from Kentucky highlighted this week the crimes of his colleagues when he stated, “Friend, have you seen the latest on inflation?”

It’s insane.

  • Gas: +25.6%
  • Fuel Oil: +68.8%
  • Electricity: +15.8%
  • Groceries: +13.5%
  • Meat, Poultry, & Fish: +8.8%
  • Milk: +17%
  • Eggs: +39.8%
  • Baby Food: +12.6%
  • Airline Fares: +33.4%

Meanwhile, hourly wages are DOWN by over 2%!

Look at Rand’s net worth!

Conclusion: While at every turn Americans are dealing with being taxed to death, we receive more news from those who claim to be the good guys in American government that prices are skyrocketing while they then ask for Americans to support them in putting a stop to inflation. Nope, you cannot make this up (Amos 5:7).

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© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Are Governors Greg Abbott & Ron DeSantis Executing Joe Biden Agenda?

By Bradlee Dean

September 28, 2022

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of NewsWithViews.com, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

“How do you help a people that refuse to help themselves?”

If Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is not getting standing ovations from the American people for importing illegals into their own backyards, then he is setting fund raising records to the equivalent of up to 177 million dollars. Yes, you heard me right. All of this is for setting himself up as the one to stand against Joe Biden and his criminal administration’s agenda (Hosea 4:6).

The problem here is that most people are not aware of the fact, or they are simply not paying attention, that Ron DeSantis is executing the Joe Biden agenda by dispersing illegals (Marxist communists) into America.

Pay attention, he is IMPORTING them into America, not deporting them (Jeremiah 5:21). Thus, he is endangering the lives of the American people, as the American people praise their destroyers (Deuteronomy 28:43).

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On his heels is Texas Governor Greg Abbott outdoing Ron DeSantis in IMPORTING over 11,000 illegals into America since April.

Fox News reported, by playing divide and conquer with the unconstitutional 2 party system (Mark 3:25):  Texas buses have transported more than 11,000 migrants to sanctuary cities.

AUSTIN, Texas – Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s office says more than 11,000 migrants have been transported to cities run by Democratic mayors since April.

The governor gave the new numbers as part of an update on the progress of the governor’s border security-focused Operation Lone Star.

The governor’s office says more than 8,000 asylum seekers have been sent to Washington, D.C. since April, more than 2,500 to New York City since August 5 and more than 600 Texas migrants have been bused to Chicago.

The program requires asylum seekers from the border to volunteer to take the trip across the country. Gov. Abbott’s office says the program is “providing much-needed relief to our overwhelmed border communities.”

On Thursday, 2 buses of migrants from Texas arrived outside of Vice President Kamala Harris’ residence in Washington, D.C.

“The Biden-Harris Administration continues ignoring and denying the historic crisis at our southern border, which has endangered and overwhelmed Texas communities for almost two years,” said Gov. Abbott. “Our supposed Border Czar, Vice President Kamala Harris, has yet to even visit the border to see firsthand the impact of the open border policies she has helped implement, even going so far as to claim the border is ‘secure.’”

Gov. Abbott’s border plan has led to harsh criticism from Democrats.

Abbott’s challenger in November’s election, former Congressman Beto O’Rourke, tweeted on Friday “Abbott is all stunts, all the time. I’ll be a governor who is focused on solutions and on delivering for the people of Texas.”

Take note that Fox News reported these as mere migrants, not illegal immigrants.

Conclusion: What I have seen over the last 21 years in this country is not only the unbelievable, but also the unthinkable as to what the American people have allowed their politicians to do with their blood bought freedoms. IMPORTING illegals into their own backyards and yet, they are being praised for it. How do you help a people that have become so willfully blind (Jeremiah 5:25)?

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Department of Homeland Security Demonizes Americans Again!

By Bradlee Dean

September 21, 2022


If you remember right, on October 26, 2001 the unconstitutional Patriot Act was pushed forward in spite of the fact that not one representative had an opportunity to read it.  It was laid on their desks at 3:30 am.

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If you also remember right, the United States did not know who to attack after September 11, 2001.  So, they decided to attack Iraq and, in turn, Vice President Dick Cheney profited to the tune of 39.5 billion dollars (Proverbs 17:15).

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If you also remember right, for 18 years, the American people were told by the mainstream media that the Muslims were a threat to this country at every given step.

Now, they attack Americans in defending those who are here to conquer illegally.

Truth be told, the very ones that are allowed to set the narratives here are the very ones setting up their political opposition within the borders of this country (Ephesians 4:14).

Friends, those who were originally accused for the Twin Towers coming down could have never dreamed of what it is that the American government has done to its own people to date (Leviticus 26:15-16). Therefore, America will never be destroyed from the outside.  If we falter and lose our freedoms it will be because we destroyed ourselves (Numbers 32:23).

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To add insult to lying injury after lying injury, we now have the unconstitutional Department of Homeland Security Gestapo head Alejandro Mayorkas, and right on que, accusing the American people of being the “domestic extremists.” We all saw this right after the 72 definitions from the DHS came out publicly (Revelation 12:10).

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MSNBC recently highlighted Mayorkas saying, “The threat landscape has evolved considerably over the last 20 years,” and that foreign terrorism has now taken a back seat to domestic extremism.

“We are seeing an emerging threat, of course, over the last several years of the domestic violent extremist,”
said the DHS chief.

“The individual here in the United States radicalized to violence by a foreign terrorist ideology, but also an ideology of hate, anti-government sentiment, false narratives propagated on online platforms, even personal grievances,” he added.

As Chris Menahan highlights, Mayorkas has wielded a pretty broad brush when it comes to defining what behavior qualifies as ‘domestic extremism’.

“Mayorkas said last year that white extremists are the greatest threat to America and put out terror alerts painting opponents of covid lockdowns and people who don’t trust the Biden regime as potential domestic terrorists.”

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President James Madison warned long ago: “If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.”

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Judge Roy Moore Wins Big: I Knew He Would When They Started Attacking Him Again

By Bradlee Dean

September 14, 2022

If there was one guy they should have turned the other way in attacking, it was Judge Roy Moore.  Now they know! –Reported by The Sons of Liberty Media, November 22, 2017

Scripture is clear, friends:

“One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established. If a false witness rise up against any man to testify against him that which is wrong; Then both the men, between whom the controversy is, shall stand before the LORD, before the priests and the judges, which shall be in those days; And the judges shall make diligent inquisition: and, behold, if the witness be a false witness, and hath testified falsely against his brother; Then shall ye do unto him, as he had thought to have done unto his brother: so shalt thou put the evil away from among you. And those which remain shall hear, and fear, and shall henceforth commit no more any such evil among you. And thine eye shall not pity; but life shall go for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.” -Deuteronomy 19: 15-21

In law, this is still applicable today.  The only problem is that most Americans think that it is free speech when nothing could be further from the truth.

Free speech does not give anyone license to lie or maliciously attack nor does it permit anyone to defame.

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The Associated Press reported Jury: Democratic PAC defamed Roy Moore, awards him $8.2M

A federal jury awarded Republican Roy Moore $8.2 million in damages Friday after finding a Democratic-aligned super PAC defamed him in a TV ad recounting sexual misconduct accusations during his failed 2017 U.S. Senate bid in Alabama.

Jurors found the Senate Majority PAC made false and defamatory statements against Moore in one ad that attempted to highlight the accusations against Moore. The verdict, returned by a jury after a brief trial in Anniston, Alabama, was a victory for Moore, who has lost other defamation lawsuits, including one against comedian Sacha Baron Cohen.

“We’re very thankful to God for an opportunity to help restore my reputation which was severely damaged by the 2017 election,” Moore said in a telephone interview.

Ben Stafford, an attorney representing Senate Majority PAC, said in an emailed statement that they believe the ruling would be overturned on appeal.

Moore, a former Republican judge known for his hardline stances opposing same-sex marriage and supporting the public display of Ten Commandments, lost the 2017 Senate race after his campaign was rocked by misconduct allegations against him. Leigh Corfman told The Washington Post and said Moore sexually touched her in 1979 when she was 14 and he was a 32-year-old assistant district attorney. Moore denied the accusation. Other women said Moore dated them, or asked them out on dates, when they were older teens.

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© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

And These Are The Ones Driving The Narrative – No Wonder Why Americans Are Confused

By Bradlee Dean

September 7, 2022

“We were warned long ago about taking on this language.”

Friends, we were warned long ago about the language of today being parroted by the mainstream media’s useful idiots (Matthew 15:14).

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Remember when George Orwell said, “Political language (Of today) is designed to make lies sound truthful”?

Let’s go back to our founding forefathers and see what they had to say about the unconstitutional 2 party system (Mark 3:25).

George Washington said, in his 1796 Farewell Address, that political parties “are likely, in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”

He went on to argue:

“The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders and miseries which result gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of public liberty.”

What Washington called “the spirit of party” was, he argued, “inseparable from our nature, having its root in the strongest passions of the human mind”—namely, the tribal passion to separate the world into “we” vs. “they,” into rival and competing groups. This spirit can then easily become a desire to see “our side” win, regardless of whether our side is better than “their side” and regardless of the issues at stake or the facts of the matter.

President John Adams provided a far more succinct comment on the matter.

“There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.” – Letter to Jonathan Jackson (2 October 1780), “The Works of John Adams”, vol 9, p.511

How is it that the unconstitutional, two-party system is set up today in contrast to its original intent?

the United States Constitution, Article IV, Section 4, US Constitution states:

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive, against domestic Violence.

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The short video below demonstrates the absolute ignorance of the mainstream media’s minions (And these are the adults) in driving a narrative that is everything but American Government and how it is to function. (Hosea 4:6).


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In conclusion: Americans are just too easy for them that are pulling the narrative strings (Ephesians 4:14).

The propagandists have the people warring against each other instead of against those who are creating the divisive narratives (Psalm 94:16).

What’s worse is that the American people are divided over that which is not even true. Then again, the first casualty in every war is the truth. Therefore, if truth is the first causality of the war, then what must become of the war if the truth takes its rightful place? We will have peace (Isaiah 51:4).

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Marjorie Taylor Greene Busted Again

By Bradlee Dean

August 31, 2022

“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” -John 8:44

Once again, Marjorie Taylor Greene has been caught betraying her constituents (Amos 5:7).

If you remember, Marjorie Taylor Green, the one who decried the “Vaccine Nazis” and who boasted about not being vaccinated, was found to be guilty of investing into the very companies that she was publicly condemning (Proverbs 17:15).

In 2020, at least 13 senators and 35 US representatives held shares of Johnson & Johnson, the medical behemoth that produced the single-shot COVID-19 vaccine that more than 15 million Americans have received.

At least 11 senators and 34 representatives also held shares in 2020 of another COVID-19 vaccine manufacturer, Pfizer…

Lawmakers held these investments in COVID-19-minded companies as Congress was at the center of pandemic relief efforts. In 2020 and 2021, members of Congress voted on six relief bills together worth nearly $6 trillion. Congress also authorized more than $10 billion to help drug companies develop and distribute vaccines and forced health insurers to cover the cost of getting the shot.

Policymakers especially viewed the coronavirus vaccines developed by Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Moderna — which each spent substantial amounts of money lobbying the federal government in 2020 — as critical to helping countries around the planet overcome the grip of the pandemic…

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Republican from Georgia who has decried “vaccine Nazis” and boasted about not getting vaccinated against COVID-19, reported owning stock in COVID-19 vaccine makers during 2020, including Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and AstraZeneca, according to a financial disclosure she submitted in August.

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Do you remember Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene owns stock in Walt Disney, which she says is ‘pro-child predator’?

  • Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia has accused the Walt Disney Co. of sexualizing children.
    • Greene also owns up to $45,000 worth of Disney stock.

Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene this week accused Walt Disney Co. of sexualizing children after the entertainment giant criticized a Florida education law that critics have dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill — and vowed to fight against it.

“It’s hard to believe that Disney, Walt Disney, the Walt Disney Co., would be the very place that this is happening,”
she said during an interview…

“This is supposed to be the happiest place on Earth, a place where innocence is celebrated. But it seems to be the place where innocence is actually under attack.”

Greene added: “Walt Disney — they need to pay a serious price for this.”

What Greene didn’t mention is that she is a Disney investor, according to personal financial disclosures filed with the Clerk of the House of Representatives.

Entering 2021, Greene owned between $1,001 and $15,000 in Walt Disney Co. stock, her most recent annual financial disclosure indicated.

Greene subsequently added Disney stock to her portfolio. She purchased shares valued at between $1,001 and $15,000 on August 31, 2021, and then more shares valued in the same range on November 15, 2021, congressional records show. By law, members of Congress are only required to disclose the value of their assets in broad ranges.”

Friends, Marjorie Taylor Greene is not the hero to the Republic that she claims to be (Luke 22:48).



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Now, Marjorie is being found out once again (Good job, Business Insider).  Business Insider just reported: “Marjorie Taylor Greene says student loan forgiveness is ‘completely unfair’ despite the fact her company had loans worth $183,504 forgiven.”

  • Marjorie Taylor Greene has criticized Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan announced on Wednesday.
  • Speaking on Newsmax TV, she called the student loan relief “completely unfair.”
  • Taylor Greene’s company had $183,504 in PPP loans forgiven in April 2020, according to public data.

Marjorie Taylor Greene criticized Biden’s student loan forgiveness plans as “completely unfair,” despite records showing that her own company had $183,504 worth of Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans forgiven in 2020.

The Republican politician and businesswoman was speaking on US conservative news network, Newsmax TV.

On Wednesday, the Biden administration announced plans to forgive $10,000 of student debt for most borrowers, fulling a campaign promise and extending relief to millions of borrowers.

Any US residents earning less than $125,000 are set to be eligible for the loan forgiveness.

In her interview, Taylor Greene said the plan was unfair to taxpayers who had never taken out a student loan.

She added that she opposed the student loan program in place in the US, saying: “There should not be a system in place that allows them and encourages them to pile up massive debt in these big colleges and universities.”

Data from ProPublica, a tracking site that uses data from the Small Business Association, shows that Taylor Green was one of several Republican members of Congress who had private loans forgiven.

The data shows that the total amount forgiven was $183,504, which represented full forgiveness of the original $182,300 loan plus the accrued interest. The majority of the relief issued in April 2020 was used for payroll, per the data.

In Conclusion: How many times do these corrupt politicians need to be exposed before the American people hold them to the very laws that they are to uphold (Luke 12:2)?

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

The Department of Homeland Security Whistleblower Confirms the Unthinkable

By Bradlee Dean

August 24, 2022

“Apparently Americans still have not learned the lesson that this is history repeating itself at the expense of the young people.”

Well, Americans, you know how the unconstitutional Department of Homeland Security was sold to us.  It was sold to us by a corrupt system of government that told you that a bunch of foreigners attacked the twin towers in New York and then, in turn, attacks a country (Iraq) that has nothing to do with the attacks; and in the end, that government attacks its own American citizens (Leviticus 26:15-17).

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This is the same Homeland Security that was stacked with Muslim Brotherhood operatives after September 11, 2001 by that of Barack Obama during his criminal incumbency. Remember that we were told that we were under attack by the Muslims for 18 years by the Mainstream media (John8:44).


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The same Homeland Security was ushering in illegals into America thereby further endangering the American people (Deuteronomy 28:43).


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Well, now knowing this, and this is just the tip of the iceberg, it should come as no surprise that this is the same unconstitutional agency illegally trafficking young children (Luke 17:2).

Banned Video just found that the DHS is trafficking 30-40,000 kids illegally through the state of Texas.

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© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Radio Show Censored for Exposing the Media’s Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out Be True!

By Bradlee Dean

August 17, 2022

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American people believe is false.” -William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

How telling can this be?  Saturday’s The Sons of Liberty radio show was censored for exposing the mainstream media’s conspiracy theories that turned out to be true (Jeremiah 11:9).  This happened all in the face of the viewers’ responses stating: “The Sons Of Liberty ought to be required listening.”

As you well know, the CIA controlled media has a long history of propaganda, blatant lies, half-truths and even attempting to cover for conspirators (John 8:44).  They helped prove the point again on Bradlee Dean’s radio show.

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Saturday’s censored radio show

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© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Bradlee Dean Taking the Time to Confront Antifa to Their Face! (Video)

By Bradlee Dean

August 10, 2022

“Anti-Fascist Action”

This last Friday, I preached in Tennessee where we were asked to be a part of OSA National Event “Foundations of Freedom” (Luke 24:47).

The following day, we were then asked to go to downtown Nashville to protest abortion at the capitol which we obliged (Matthew 3:2).

Upon arrival, there were those that were dressed up like a bunch of terrorists trying to do their best to intimidate everyone that they could.

I guess that they called themselves ANTIFA, the Anti-Fascist Action to which I am also opposed, but like so many of these groups, we know that it is not what they are truly standing against but just the opposite (Isaiah 5:20).

As a matter of fact, we know that many of these groups ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter groups are state sponsored or rather they are paid provocateurs.  They are the modern-day brown shirts sent in to create domestic insurrection and or browbeat their opposition. Well, friends, I was going to have none of it.

These are uneducated people playing into the hands of their oppressors and being used, in the end, to their own demise where they want to take everyone with them (Proverbs 14:12).

You are not to be afraid of these advocators of crime.  You are to confront them and to give them the knowledge of their sin both before God and our laws in hopes that they will repent (Psalm 94:16).

The short video below will show you the encounter, as well as the opportunity given unto me by the Lord in setting the record straight (Mark 1:3)!

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Jesus Was The One That Told You To Buy That Sword

By Bradlee Dean

August 3, 2022

“Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.” -Matthew 10:34

Just the other day, someone had put out a fleece calling on theologians to step up to the plate and tell them why it is so important for us to have our guns, which are protected under the 2nd Amendment.

Let’s take this in a couple of steps.

In 1 Samuel 13:22, Scripture tells us: “So it came to pass in the day of battle, that there was neither sword nor spear found in the hand of any of the people that were with Saul and Jonathan: but with Saul and with Jonathan his son was there found.”

In other words, their oppressors ruled over them by disarming them of their weapons.

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Jesus said, “When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace:  But when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils” (Luke 11:21-22).

If you haven’t read the Hanover Resolves, you might want to take the time to do so.

Our forefathers, when fighting off the tyrant across the pond that would not be ruled by God, said:  “Our cause we leave to heaven and our rifles.”

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. -2nd Amendment of the Bill of Rights

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Not good enough? Let me take you to Barnes and his commentary on the subject from Luke 22:36.

“Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.”

But now – The Saviour says the times are changed. “Before,” he sent them out only for a little time. They were in their own country. Their journeys would be short, and there was no need that they should make preparation for a long absence, or for encountering great dangers. But “now” they were to go into the wide world, among strangers, trials, dangers, and wants. And as the time was near; as he was about to die; as these dangers pressed on, it was proper that they should make provision for what was before them.

Adam Clarke said:

“Judea was at this time, as we have already noticed, much infested by robbers: while our Lord was with his disciples, they were perfectly safe, being shielded by his miraculous power.

Shortly they must go into every part of the land, and will need weapons to defend themselves against wild beasts, and to intimidate wicked men, who, if they found them totally defenseless, would not hesitate to make them their prey, or take away their life.

However, the matter may be understood, we may rest satisfied that these swords were neither to be considered as offensive weapons, nor instruments to propagate the truth.

The genius and spirit of the Christian religion is equally against both.

Perhaps, in this counsel of our Lord, he refers to the contention about supremacy: as if he had said, Instead of contending among yourselves about who shall be the greatest, ye have more need to unite yourselves against the common enemy, who are now at hand.”


© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Inactions of Franklin Graham Is Why the Enemies of Righteousness are So Encouraged

By Bradlee Dean

July 27, 2022

“Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets.” -Luke 6:26

For years now, I have observed the Grahams, both Billy and his son Franklin and Billy’s grandson, I have to say that there is no doubt in my mind that they are controlled opposition.

They are installed by the corrupt in hopes that the people look to them as the standard by which Christians must live their lives (1 Kings 13:33).

They have stood by every president since the 1950s and upheld their position regardless of whether or not it is godly (Ezekiel 44:23).

They are also the first ones called up by the mainstream media when they need some religious support from their friends in the Graham’s camp.

How they are loved by the world (John 15:19), held in high esteem and praised and adored by the wicked

That which is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God. -Luke 16:15

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The Grahams have had the opportunity to publicly denounce the crimes against Heaven and against our laws in which the corrupt have advocated and yet, they say and do nothing but advocate prayer without works (James 2:14-26).

Apparently, men have forgotten that they are not only responsible for what they say but also what it is that they do not say (Matthew 12:36)!

In the case of the Grahams, it is interesting what they will say.

Concerning treasonous Joe Biden’s criminal administration:

“Yesterday President Joe Biden tripped and fell going up the steps to board Air Force One. While some may be making fun of this incident, it should instead be a pointed reminder to all of us that we need to pray for this man. Whether you voted for him or not, and whether we agree with him or not, this is our president. We need to be praying every day for God to help him, to reveal His truth to him, and to work in his life. The Bible tells us to pray for “all who are in authority” that we may lead quiet and peaceful lives. Make no mistake—amazing things happen when we pray.”

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Of the vaccine, Franklin stated:

“Franklin Graham says that not only does he believe his father Billy Graham would have received and advocated for the COVID-19 vaccine, but that he believes Jesus would have, too.
Franklin, the son of evangelist Billy Graham, made the comments in an interview with ABC News.

“I would hope that the pastors in the pulpit would tell people how they can be saved from God’s judgment,” says Franklin. “I think for a pastor to tell someone not to take the vaccine is problematic because what would happen if that person got coronavirus and died?”

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Now, concerning sodomy & homosexuality (Leviticus 20:1; Romans 1:27; Jude 1:7), listen to what Franklin said in an interview with Piers Morgan.

Homosexuality is not a sin.   It is scripturally called an abomination (Leviticus 18:22)!

In conclusion: For the record, the Grahams are NOT the standard.  Jesus Christ is the standard (John 14:6)!

Let’s get this right and get on the offensive rather than capitulating and holding to the defensive (Proverbs 28:1).

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Gun Owners, Are You Tired of Being Accused of Crimes of the Guilty?

By Bradlee Dean

July 20, 2022

It was reported over this last weekend how many criminals used a weapon to illegally to murder another human being (Exodus 20:13).

Of course, and without fail, the purposeful lying and deceptive media, working hand in glove with corrupt politicians, did their best to divert Americans into accusing the weapon for the crimes rather than the one that made the choice to pull the trigger (Deuteronomy 30:19). The act, my friends, is not apart from the actor (Romans 6:16).

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If only the American people would take the time and see through the obvious when it comes to what it is that these politicians leave undone, enforcement of the law, in deterring the crimes rather than accusing and attempting to disarm the innocent (Proverbs 17:15).

We should also observe what it is that they are responsible for when it comes to these illegal gun free zones where 94-96% of all these mass shooters.

It is for the American people to remove the corrupt politicians (Article II, Section 4; Article I, Section 3, Clause 7 U.S. Constitution) before the people are disarmed and subjugated to them.


Please watch and share this brand-new short video: Gun Owners – Why Are The Innocent Accused Of The Crimes Of The Guilty?

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© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Bloodguiltiness: It Isn’t Over Yet- There Will Be Recompense On The Heads Of The Guilty

By Bradlee Dean

July 13, 2022

“Let justice be done though the heavens fall.” –The Maxim signifies the belief that justice must be realized regardless of consequences.

Blood Guiltiness: The guilt or crime of shedding blood.

After the Roe vs Wade decision made by the Supreme Court of the United States came down, it was interesting to see the ignorance displayed by the American people (Hosea 4:6).

It was almost, as if to suggest, it was ever legal to murder their own baby in the first place.

The government in this country has no business whatsoever giving permission to the people, under the guise of “choice,” to murder the fruit of their wombs. It is the government’s purpose to condemn such an act, not to advocate for it (Proverbs 17:15).

What is more disturbing than this is when the American people somehow saw it their way to advocate the murder of the innocent in the first place especially, when it comes to those who pretend to be what they clearly are not (Titus 1:16; 1 John 2:4)!

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Some might say, Well, I didn’t have an abortion.”  I respond with 63 million babies have been murdered since 1973.  I have to ask you, where have you been?

Maybe you have forgotten that you are your brother’s keeper.

Simply put, if you are not standing against it, then you are guilty of it! Their blood is on your hands (Proverbs 6:17).

One professor posted an arrogantly, flippant statement: “Prayers heard,” as if that was enough. “Faith without works is dead” (James 2:14-26).

Friends, Scripture tells us: “He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination” (Proverbs 28:9).

God’s law states, “Thou shalt not murder” (Exodus 20:13), and if these biblically ignorant ones understood what this meant, they would have understood that the Lord does not hear their prayers.  Why, you may ask?  They did not enforce the law against those who were doing the murdering (Deuteronomy 19;19). In other words, these bystanders were made accomplices of the crimes that were being committed.

Another woman went on and said, “Praise God, the curse has been removed.” Once again, this comes from an individual who has not taken the time to search the Scriptures to know the heart of God (2 Timothy 2:15). Friends, I am here to tell you that there will be recompense bestowed on this nation for every single drop of innocent blood that has been shed… every drop (Nahum 1:13).

Their blood cries from the ground.

Genesis 4:10: “…the voice of thy brother’s blood crieth unto me from the ground.”

“Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed.”
-Genesis 9:6

Numbers 35:33 also tells us: “So ye shall not pollute the land wherein ye are: for blood it defileth the land: and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it.”

Also, read 2 Samuel 21:9, 2 Kings 21, Galatians 6:7, etc.

In conclusion: This woman making unbiblical posts in response to me calling her out, even went on to say that what I am saying only applies to the wicked.

I, of course, responded that the wicked, as defined in Websters 1828 Dictionary, are those that have deviated from the divine law (Exodus 20), and you know who that is (Jeremiah 5:28).

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© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Representative Decries The FBI For Acting Like The Gestapo

by Bradlee Dean

July 6, 2022

“Louie Gohmert claims Justice Department and FBI using ‘Gestapo tactics.’”

Biden’s Justice Dept. rounding up innocent conservative political dissidents, Video

This is one of those topics that we cover quite a bit at The Sons of Liberty Media and that is the parallel to what is happening in America today and the Germans under Adolph Hitler in the 1930s, and here we go again (Hosea 4:6).

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All one has to do is to look to the history of many of these agencies here in America and one will come to the same conclusion.

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The Washington Examiner recently reported:

NASHVILLE, Tennessee — Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) ripped the Department of Justice and the FBI for lacking moral clarity, likening some law enforcement actions to “Gestapo tactics.”
“They think it’s OK to lie, especially if you’re going after Republicans,” he said Thursday at a conservative conference. “Is it reasonable or even moral for the FBI to bust down doors in the middle of the night of people that have never done anything violent, never done anything threatening?”

He added, “These are Gestapo tactics that have been incorporated in our own country, and it’s got to stop.”

Conclusion: Look to the history of how these agencies have been used.  Many are under the delusion that they are there to protect the little guy from the big guys when the opposite is true (Proverbs 17:15).

Taking it one step further, these agencies do not have constitutional standing.  So, what should one expect when they act in a foreign manner to the Constitution (John 8:44)? Just exactly what it is that they are getting.

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Christianity: This Isn’t The Military! Oh, Yes It Is!

By Bradlee Dean

June 29, 2022

“We are sent to make war and to stop short of nothing but the subjugation of the world to the sway of the Lord Jesus.” -William Booth

When I look at the present state of the American Church, or so it is called, I wonder what it is that men do not see (Jeremiah 5:21).

A couple of years back I remember a very immature woman (Who simply had a head knowledge of the Word of God in part, not understanding that God speaks to the heart and not the head in producing testimony (2 Timothy 2:6).  This woman said about Christianity, “This isn’t the military, you know!”

This is, of course, an enemy of the cross (Philippians 3:18), one that loves to dance around the cross rather than actually bear the cross (Matthew 16:24).  There sure is a lot of this going around today. No wonder why no one can take them seriously. These are the same ones that have taken on the modern version of another gospel, which Paul warned of preaching (Galatians 1:8).

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Yet, on the other hand, there were those who bore the cross, understood the power of God unto salvation (2 Corinthians 11:23-26), who were partakers of the afflictions (2 Timothy 1:8), and were found to have endured as good soldiers of Jesus Christ (2 Timothy 2:3).

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There was a reason the Lord told us to follow them that went before us in the faith (Hebrews 13:7) and to go back to the old paths that we would know peace (Jeremiah 6:16).

You will notice, when looking to the men of old (Jeremiah 6:16) that were called Christians, that they were tried in the furnace of affliction and how they emerged and came out as more than conquerors (Romans 8:37).

E.M. Bounds is one such man.

In conclusion: Let me give you a quote which explains what many in America today do not understand when it comes to the contrast between the old Gospel and the modern-day Gospel.

“God’s church is a militant host. Its warfare is with unseen forces of evil. God’s people compose an army fighting to establish His kingdom in this earth. Their aim is to destroy the kingdom of Satan and to erect the kingdom of God over its ruins, which is “Righteousness”, and “peace”, and “joy” in “The Holy Ghost.” This militant army is composed of individual soldiers of the Cross, the armor of God is its defense, and prayer is the added power that crowns it all.”

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Government Giving a Month of Celebration to What American Laws & Bible Condemn

By Bradlee Dean

June 22, 2022

“Sex before eight before it’s too late” -North American Man Boy Love Association motto, Seen holding signs during homosexual pride parades

It should be of interest to the American people to know for what the government today is allowed to advocate, by the people, is against the laws of our union, as well as the One that established this governmental institution (Exodus 18:25), which, in turn, makes them criminal.

No enactment of man can be considered law unless it conforms to the law of God.” -William Blackstone

Yet, everything for which the government pays falls to the people that are working to pay for it, namely you and me.  If not corrected, this will be to our own demise (Genesis 19:24; Numbers 32:23).

Why is this a month of pride as it is called, when the Lawgiver Himself condemns it (Leviticus 18:22, 20:13; Romans 1:24; Jude 1:7)?  Where are the American people at when it comes to holding their said representatives accountable to the laws (Romans 3:31)?

“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” -Proverbs 14:34

We all know to whom this is aimed, the children (Luke 17:2).

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Conclusion: Maybe this video will help the American people understand where this is all coming from.

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© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

The Ones Accusing Americans for Gun Crimes Are the Very Ones Responsible For Crimes Against the Innocent

By Bradlee Dean

June 15, 2022

“The very ones that are creating the “gun free” zones are the ones responsible for the crimes that they are decrying.”

It has been reported most recently that a said representative yelled “Spare me the b#** s#@# about constitutional rights.”

Congressman David Cicilline told House Republicans they should “spare me the b.s. about Constitutional rights,” during a debate on gun control Thursday.

The Rhode Island representative refused to yield his time during the outburst, while discussing legislation related to “red flag” laws, that would allow the government and law enforcement to confiscate firearms from anyone deemed to be a danger to themselves or others.

“You know who didn’t have due process?” Cicilline continued. “You know who didn’t have their constitutional right to life respected? The kids at Parkland, and Sandy Hook, and Uvalde and Buffalo, and the list goes on and on.”

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First off, Americans, there is no gun debate. They have, not a one of them from the president down, no right to strip you of your God-given rights (Psalm 94:20).

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Secondly, are not these same said representatives, the ones claiming to protect the innocent, also the very ones for illegally sanctioning the murder of the innocent in the womb (Proverbs 6:17)?

Thirdly, do these that are creating these debates over gun confiscation using mass murderers represent the law-abiding gun owners? Not all, but the law abiders are always the ones accused of the crimes of the guilty (Proverbs 17:15).

Are you paying attention to the fact that it is these said representatives who are creating illegal policies to undermine Americans’ ability  to protect themselves? Gun free zones is where 94-98% mass shootings take place (1 Samuel 13:22).

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In conclusion: Instead of debating what is not lawfully admissible, then let’s go to where it is admissible. When it comes to condemning the guilty, and that is in dealing with these said representatives that are representing their highest bidders, we should be impeaching and prosecuting (Article II, Section 4; Article I, Section 3, Clause 7 U.S. Constitution) them for their crimes against the innocent (Deuteronomy 25:1).

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Do Mass Murderers Represent Law-Abiding Gun Owners? Why are the Innocent Always Punished?

By Bradlee Dean

June 8, 2022

“To ban guns because the criminals use them is to tell the law-abiding that their rights and liberties depend not on their own conduct, but on the conduct of the guilty and lawless.” -Lysander Spooner

Over and over again, after mass shootings that take place, Americans sit back and watch their said representatives congregate, in direct contrast to what it is that their forefathers established, to further attack their God-given Rights, namely the right to bear arms (Luke 11:21-22; 2nd Amendment of the Bill of Rights).

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There is only one reason a politician would aim to disarm, and for no other:  They want gun control because they want the control (1 Samuel 13:22).  Just look to history.

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The truth of the matter lies in the face of the law.  Not one piece of gun legislation, as they call it, is legal. Again, we have rights, not privileges.

Let me ask the question, does the law breaker represent the law abiders?  They no more represent them than the corrupt politicians represent the law that they are to uphold (Psalm 94:20).

The truth of the matter is that to blame guns for mass murder is like blaming spoons for people being overweight.

I ask, when Cain killed Able, did the Lord blame the weapon used or did He lay the consequences to Cain (Genesis 4:8-13)?

You do not accuse the innocent for which the guilty are responsible (Revelation 12:10).

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Also, take note that those who mean to accuse the innocent by disarming them do so with taxpayer funded armed security detail (Matthew 23:3). Consider who it is that are calling for gun control measures.

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For the politicians who want to go along to get along and undermine our God-given rights, it is time for them to be held accountable for what it is that they are responsible for doing, and that is the death of the innocent in their illegal gun-free zones.

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© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Another “Gun Free” Zone School Shooting? – Time to Hold Politicians Accountable

By Bradlee Dean

June 1, 2022

“So it came to pass in the day of battle, that there was neither sword nor spear found in the hand of any of the people that were with Saul and Jonathan: but with Saul and with Jonathan his son was there found.” -1 Samuel 13:22

We all know that the best way to ensure the enslavement of men is to disarm them.

“To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.” -George Mason

Not only does disarmament mean to enslave but it also means to take away one’s ability to protect themselves.

Lt. Col Jeff Cooper said:

“If a violent crime is to be curbed, it is only the intended victim who can do it. The felon does not fear the police, and he fears neither judge nor jury. Therefore what he must be taught to fear is his victim.”

Most recently, there is a report of another school shooting.

The irony here is that, once again, it happened in a “gun free” zone. This is illegal at every given step to disarm any law abiding citizen (Psalm 94:20).

One has to only ask themselves the question, why is it that after mass shootings take place that a majority of them take place in unconstitutional “gun-free zones,” which the mainstream media and their “useful idiots” are always blaming the law-abiding gun owners for the crimes of the assailants? (Hosea 4:6)  The mainstream media is continuously magnifying the crime and omitting the law (Isaiah 59).

Jesus said, “When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace: But when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils (Luke 11:21-22).”

The first president of the United States George Washington said:

“The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference.”

The third president of the United States Thomas Jefferson said:

“Laws that forbid the carrying of arms … those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes… Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage rather than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.”

Friends, it is time to hold politicians and agencies legally accountable for their crimes against the innocent (Psalm 94:20).

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© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Unbiblical and Unconstitutional Welfare State Now Has 59 Million Dependents

By Bradlee Dean

May 25, 2022

“This is not doing unto others as they would have them do unto themselves.”

First off, I would say that by no means am I saying that there are not people that do need our help. There are legitimate poor people in this country, no doubt (Galatians 2:10).

However, the point that I am going to make here is that there are more that are taking advantage of a system that is, in fact, taking advantage of the good intentions of people that are looking out for them, and there are those who are taking advantage of a system that is unbiblical, as well as unconstitutional called welfare (Psalm 94:20).

Let’s start with the welfare system.  We have been looking at a system strategy that was created by two persons that has been titled “Cloward Piven,” which was created to produce  an economic disaster. Prior to Cloward-Piven, the government back in 1935, in the middle of the depression, set up a system of welfare in which the government illegally steals from those who work to give to those that do not work (2 Thessalonians 3:10).

In FY 2022, the total US government spending on welfare — federal, state, and local — is “guesstimated” to be $1,776 billion, including $823 billion for Medicaid, and $953 billion in other welfare.

There are now 59 million government dependents.  For whom do you think those 59 million people will vote?

Some might say, “But they are poor.”

  • 80 percent of the poor in American households have air conditioning. In 1970, only 36 percent of all Americans had it.
  • 92 percent of poor households have a microwave; two-thirds have at least one DVD player and 70 percent of the poor have a VCR.
  • 75 percent of the poor in America have a car or truck; 31 percent of the poor have two to three cars.
  • 80 percent of poor adults and 96 percent of poor children in America were never hungry at any time during the year because they could not afford food.
  • Nearly two-thirds of the poor in America (63.7 percent) have cable or satellite television.
  • Half of the poor in America have a personal computer.
  • More than half of the poor families in America with children have a video game system such as Xbox or PlayStation.
  • Just under half of all of the poor in America have Internet access.
  • One third of the poor in America have a widescreen plasma or LCD TV.
  • One in every four poor people have a digital video recorder such as TiVo.
  • And finally, the average poor person in America has more living space than the average non-poor person in Europe.

So, how poor is America?

This video is of a man who was a committed Marxist, who was raised up in Puerto Rico and came here to help destroy America from within. When he came to America, he converted to America’s ideals and began to expose the enemy within. What he noticed was the victim and entitlement mentality of the “poor” that was destroying this country.

“Blessed poverty, give me more.”

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Now, to those who are capitalizing off the goodness of the people in this country…

How often can you see across America on a street corner, under a bridge, on a highway overpass, or in front of a store, a poor person with a sign asking for charity from people who can lend a helping hand in a time of need?  They hold signs stating, “Homeless and Hungry,” “Have no food or money,” etc.

I have also noticed that these poor people, almost without fail, have a cigarette hanging out of their mouths (a pack of cigarettes is $5.95), a bottle of booze (a cheap bottle is around $10) in a little brown paper bag, or lottery tickets in their hands.

Not too long ago, in the state of Minnesota, a news outlet did a piece concerning the poor that were out on the streets and found that these people were making up to $400-$600 dollars a day. Not bad for a poor person’s day of working the sympathies of the American people.

Now, friends, do not get me wrong here. I have, on a personal level, helped those who were broke and homeless on a couple of occasions. I understand from personal experience their plight due to the fact that I was a welfare kid. I hated it so much that I just needed a little push in the right direction in the hopes of having never to return to the slough of despond (Psalm 37:25).

But what is offensive here is that they all the while know what they are doing.

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Start at :33

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In conclusion: We must be aware of what it is that the government is illegally doing, along with what those are doing that are pulling on the heart strings of the people that work.

Yes, it is more blessed to give than receive (Acts 20:35), but just make sure that to whom you are blessing really needs it.

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© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Where Is the Prosecution For Those Corrupt Politicians That Are Guilty?

By Bradlee Dean

May 18, 2022

“They are a serious embarrassment, as well as pathetic. At the end of the day, that reflects the American people.”

Do you realize that when crime is magnified by what we have been desensitized to believe is the Right (Matthew 5:13; Mark 8:15) without bringing forth judgment upon the heads of the guilty (Article II, Section 4; Article I, Section 3, Clause 7 U.S. Constitution), they are merely showing you that they are leaving off justice (Isaiah 26:9)?

At least we still have Greene, Boebert, Paul, Cruz, Jordan and other good conservatives to tell us what it is that they are not doing when it comes to the crimes of this current administration.  Yet, that is all they are continuously doing: magnifying the crimes and not the law against their crimes (Psalm 9:16-17). This is known as controlled opposition.

They are worthless, to say the least. They are actors, appeasing those who keep their heads in the sand (Ephesians 4:14).

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In close pursuit are those who do not take the time to know the difference when it comes to our laws and how they have been violated by the repeat criminals that we have had in front of us for the last 20, 30 and, in some cases, 40 years.

Where is the justice that guards our liberties (Deuteronomy 4:6)?

The video below will show you that the only thing keeping us free is our willingness to deal with the corrupt because if we fail in the endeavor, all will be lost (1 Timothy 6:12).

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© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

The Rapture is Created as an Exit Strategy for Those Who Have Refused to Obey the Lord?

By Bradlee Dean

May 11, 2022

“Today’s church wants to be raptured from responsibility.” -Leonard Ravenhill

If there is one reoccurring issue with the heretics in the Church of America today it is that of the rapture.  This is the doctrine that is promoted that puts the people’s hope of being raptured from responsibility (Proverbs 13:13).

As if the Lord is going to raise up an army only to rapture them from the war that they have been called to wage (Psalm 78:9). Occupy until He comes, the Bible tells us (Psalm 94:16; Luke 19:13).

The rapture of which they speak, of course, does not scripturally or historically exist.

Enoch, Elijah and, upon His resurrection, Jesus were translated (Hebrew 11:5; 2 Kings 2:11; Acts 1:11).

If anyone deserved to be raptured it would have been that of the Christ and the 11 disciples that were martyred.  Yet, somehow or another, and in their heretical minds through adding to Scripture, these structuralists attempt to justify that which is unjustifiable.

Matthew 24:36 tells us: “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.”

In John 17:15 tells us: “I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.”

Friends, the rapture is NOT a Biblical doctrine, period.

This is a doctrine that was invented in the 19th century in Ireland by James Darby.

James used to indoctrinate, through his Bible studies, his rich and nobles in Powerscourt where the rapture doctrine was developed (Galatians 1:6).

It is not a doctrine affirmed historically by any of the great confessions of the Christian faith. It is based upon a misinterpretation of certain passages found within Scripture.

Therefore, the rapture is simply created as an exit strategy for those who have refused to obey the Lord by keeping His commandments (Deuteronomy 28:63; Joshua 22:5).

[See DVD: Enemies Within: The Church]

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© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Disney Employees Being Exposed for Crimes Against Children?

By Bradlee Dean

May 4, 2022

“It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” -Luke 17:2

Oh, how the sodomite agenda has come full circle in the last 15 years (Galatians 6:7).

It wasn’t long ago that, while speaking at high school assemblies across America (Still doing them), I was accused of everything from that of being a bigot, to a hater and a liar only to now turn around and see that what I warned about is exactly what we knew that they were, in fact, guilty of doing (Isaiah 5:20).

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Despite all of this, they want you to believe that you want them to watch your kids while enjoying one their parks (Proverbs 19:9).

Comicbook.com just reported Disneyland Poll Suggests Child Day Care Service in the Works for Theme Parks.

While Disneyland is very much a family destination, it’s not solely for families. Not only do many adults come to the Happiest Place on Earth without children each year, but there are special events and festivals that themselves have components that are definitely not for kids. That includes the Food & Wine Festival at Disney California Adventure and it’s a survey that was sent out to guests after this year’s festival that suggests a day care service could be in the works for future events at the parks.

According to WDW News Today, guests who attended the 2022 Food & Wine Festival were asked to rate their interest in a variety of offerings or experiences for future Disney California Adventure Food & Wine Festival events. There were questions about the quality of food and beverages, healthy food and beverage offerings, more bookable experiences, and one about a “day care option for parents”. That one is of particular interest. While the festival is family friendly — the website even describes the event as “during the festival, your whole family will get to experience local, celebrity and Disney chef demos and delight in a smorgasbord of delicious dishes curated by Disney chefs” — there’s a good bit of programming for the festival that is geared toward adults only, including Carthay Circle Winemaker Receptions, Wine, Beer and Mixology Education & Tasting Seminars, and more. For guests with children, some of those offerings could be a real challenge, which would make a childcare option attractive.

Conclusion: This is adding insult to injury in so many ways.

This is not the first time that Disney, Sea World and Universal have been caught and exposed for crimes against children!

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© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Governor Signs Bill to Make Parents Aware of Sexual Materials for Their Children

By Bradlee Dean

April 27, 2022

“Youngkin Signs Bill Requiring Schools to Notify Parents of Sexually Explicit Material”

It isn’t like the governors of the states, or so they like to be called, are not committing the crimes that they are committing in the dark.  No, this is being done in the light of day and right in front of our faces (Jeremiah 5:21).

What’s worse is that they act like it is the norm in doing so when, in fact, it is a crime to do what they are doing (1 John 3:4). GOVERNOR YOUNGKIN THEN ACTS AS IF HE IS DOING THE PARENTS A FAVOR.

This should come as no surprise when we all the while know the history of the corrupt incumbent (Luke 17:2).

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Townhall reported:

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) signed a bill into law requiring school districts in the commonwealth to adopt a policy to disclose sexually explicit school instruction to parents.

Senate Bill 656, which Youngkin signed Friday, mandates the state Department of Education to develop policies ensuring that parents are notified when sexually explicit content is taught in the classroom. Local school boards must adopt the policy by Jan. 1, 2023.

Under the law, local school boards will be required to ensure that parents are notified of sexually explicit instruction, directly identify specific material and subjects deemed sexually explicit and allow parents of any student in the district to “review instructional material that includes sexually explicit content and provide, as an alternative, non explicit instructional material and related academic activities to any student whose parent so requests.”

Youngkin said in a press release that the bill delivers on his “Day One promises to give parents a greater say in their children’s education.”

Conclusion: Not blaming the government for that to which the parents give their children over (Proverbs 22:6), but since when was it the government’s place to sexualize your children?

I have to ask, why isn’t this governor or other governors condemning the content of these materials that are being introduced to the children? They are assuming authority over the children that has never ever been given to them. The state has no children. This is criminal!

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

The Poisoning of America’s Food Supply: 45 Out of 86 Products Contained Alarming Levels of Glyphosate

By Bradlee Dean

April 20, 2022

“Pre-Harvest spraying Monsanto-Bayer Round-up is leading to contamination of essential ‘healthy’ foods.”

It is interesting to note that the little guy in small business seems to be a thing of the past when it comes to going to a food chain or grocery store (Leviticus 26:15-17).

What are your given options today? Target, HyVee, Walmart, Whole Foods, etc. and yet, this is where they are finding that America’s food supply is being poisoned!

Healthnews.com reported:  Contamination of U.S. Food Supply Worsens as 50% of Foods Tested Contained Cancer-Causing Glyphosate Herbicide

The Detox Project recently published their latest results from the most comprehensive glyphosate testing of food products ever conducted in the U.S., showing that the contamination of the U.S. food supply with the cancer-causing herbicide glyphosate is becoming significantly worse since their first report published 5 years ago.

In our first report nearly five years ago, we found alarming levels of glyphosate residues in 29 bestselling foods from major food companies in the continental United States, as increases in the spraying of more toxic pesticides was skyrocketing across rural America.

In this new report, we disclose the glyphosate residue testing results of 83 foods found in major Big Box, grocery and natural food stores purchased in Des Moines, Iowa, including Walmart, Whole Foods, Target, Natural Grocers, and Hy-Vee and foods bought online through Amazon.

Incredibly, more than half the foods tested, a total of 45 foods out of 86 products, contained alarming levels of glyphosate, ranging from 12 parts per billion (ppb) in “sprouted wholegrain bread”6 from Whole Foods to as high 889 ppb in Walmart’s brand chickpeas,7 to 1,040 ppb in Whole Food’s 365 Brand Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread, to the highest level detected of 1,150 ppb in Hy-Vee’s 100% Whole Wheat Bread.

While none of these foods are genetically engineered, they still contain ingredients that are at a high risk of glyphosate contamination. There is no GMO wheat or chickpeas on the market in North America. For the past two decades, farmers in the U.S. and Canada have regularly sprayed Monsanto’s (now Bayer) Roundup on wheat, oats, barley and dry bean crops as a ‘pre-harvest drying agent’ to get the harvested crop to market faster.

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Homeland Security Defines Law Abiding Americans as Potential Terrorists (Video)

By Bradlee Dean

April 13, 2022

“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.” -President Harry Truman, Special Message to the Congress on the Internal Security of the United States, August 8, 1950

Recently the unconstitutional agency known as Homeland Security (Psalm 94:20) posted a warning about the rising concern of what and who may be a threat to our homeland.

It seems that, and according to the Homeland Security, law-abiding Americans are the responsible party when it comes to those who may be a threat to the homeland (Isaiah 5:20).

It’s not the Muslims, mind you, that the mainstream media has been highlighting as the responsible party for the attacks on September 11, 2001, and this for over 18 years.

Again, and according to Homeland Security, potential terrorists fall to that of the American people who hold to the Word of God and the U.S. Constitution!

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© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

US Government Paid Mainstream Media $1 Billion in Tax Dollars To Falsify Covid-19 “Vaccine” Narrative

By Bradlee Dean

April 6, 2022

“Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me!”

How many times does the mainstream media need to be exposed for their fraud, their lies and their propaganda?

This ministry has been faithful to expose the MSM’s corruption at every given turn (Ephesians 5:11), only to have the corrupt to fill up their cup with a new deception (Ephesians 4:14).

The American people know all the while that there is no truth in them (John 8:44) and they allow them to set the next narrative without an ounce of truth in it, and the people love to have it so (Jeremiah 5:31)!

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Libertyloft.com  just posted:

The US government paid the mainstream media $1 billion in tax dollars to falsely push Covid-19 vaccines
In response to a Freedom of Material Act (FOIA) request, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) provided information to The Blaze.

According to the material, the federal government spent $1 billion on advertising as part of a media push to boost public confidence in the Covid-19 vaccination.
The program is being described as a “national effort” by the Department of Health and Human Services.
The US government paid the mainstream media $1 billion in tax dollars to falsely push Covid-19 vaccines.

In response to a Freedom of Material Act (FOIA) request, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) provided information to The Blaze. According to the material, the federal government spent $1 billion on advertising as part of a media push to boost public confidence in the Covid-19 vaccination.

The campaign is being branded as a “national push to improve public trust in, and uptake of, COVID-19 vaccines while promoting basic preventative strategies such as mask-wearing and social distance,” according to the Department of Health and Human Services. Although the data does not support these claims, the media effort was most likely concealing something more nefarious.

Anyone who has spent time reading the news or watching news coverage on television can attest to this

Virtually every one of the news organizations paid by HHS, including ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and the New York Post, covered stories about the vaccines and did not disclose they had accepted taxpayer dollars to support the vaccine effort.

Because it is normal practice for editorial teams to work independently from advertising departments, it appears that the organizations did not see the need to reveal their funding.
The ads included a humorous social media campaign starring Elton John and Michael Caine, fear-based ads presenting survivor stories, and clear factual ads supporting the safety and efficacy of the current COVID-19 mRNA injectable.

The Washington Post’s vice president of communications, Shani George, issued a comment about the federal government’s financing for media advertising, saying:

“Advertisers pay for space to share their messages, as was the case here, and those ads are clearly labeled as such. The newsroom is completely independent from the advertising department.”

A funny social media campaign starring Elton John and Michael Caine, fear-based commercials including survivor stories, and straightforward factual ads confirming the safety and efficacy of the current COVID-19 mRNA injection were among the advertisements.

Shani George, vice president of communications at the Washington Post, commented on the federal government’s funding of media advertising, saying:
In an October BuzzFeed post, health agency specialists such as CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, and epidemiologist Dr. George Rutherford provided “important facts” about vaccine eligibility and skewed, pro-vaccine views.

All of this in spite of…

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© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Media Cover-up Continues as US Soldiers Die In Their Bunks

By Bradlee Dean

March 30, 2022

“83 soldiers died at Fort Bragg in the 18 months ending June 2021. Only 11 of those deaths were from natural causes. Fort Bragg hasn’t announced any fatalities since then. They’re still happening, but the base has gone dark.”

Friends, most are now awake to the fact that the government in this country has now gone rogue.  They have been deceiving the people on a daily basis (Proverbs 19:9) and murdering its own citizens in the light of day since at least 1973 (Proverbs 6:17). It is no secret.

One thing I have said to my radio listeners, year after year, is that if the American people roll over in the face of a government that advocates the murders of innocent babies, how long do you suppose it will be before it is you for whom they will be coming (Galatians 6:7)?

Call me what you will, but it is exactly what is happening today through the latest of created crises that have been contrived by the corrupt (John 10:10).

Then again, American have seen the history that led up to the last 3 years concerning this plandemic (Jeremiah 11:9).

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Recently, Wayne Depree took the time to make Americans aware of the realities which are before our very eyes and ears today. Wayne shared the following:

There’s A Lot of Young, Healthy Servicemen Suddenly Dying in Their Bunks, and The Military Won’t Talk About It

There is something very odd going on at Fort Bragg.

So, incredibly odd, that an investigative reporter and the contributing editor of Rolling Stone Magazine wants to know what the heck is going on.

His name is Seth Harp, and he’s been following a disturbing story out of North Carolina, involving A LOT of servicemen who are turning up dead in their bunks at Fort Bragg.

Here’s what Seth said in a tweet from February 9th, 2022,

“83 soldiers died at Fort Bragg in the 18 months ending June 2021. Only 11 of those deaths were from natural causes. Fort Bragg hasn’t announced any fatalities since then. They’re still happening, but the base has gone dark.”

Back in January 2022, Seth wrote about this for Rolling Stone. In that piece, he discusses the MANY mysterious deaths occurring at Ft. Bragg since early 2020.

He writes: meanwhile, Fort Bragg soldiers have been turning up “unresponsive” in their barracks on a disturbingly regular basis since the beginning of 2020, including Caleb Smither, Terrance Salazar, Jamie Boger, Joshua Diamond, Matthew Disney, Mikel Rubino, Michael Hamilton, and numerous others who have not been named. Drugs may have been involved in the cases of Diamond and Disney, who were found dead on the same day in June 2021, just two weeks after an airborne master sergeant named Martin Acevedo III was charged with trafficking cocaine. Otherwise, there has been absolutely no explanation from the Army for how these apparently healthy young men died.

How long do you suppose Americans are going to continue with their eyes and ears closed to the obvious? That is up to you (Psalm 94:16)!

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Actor, Comedian: Meet The Man That The Mainstream Media Failed To Introduce

By Bradlee Dean

March 23, 2022

“Presidents are not elected, they are selected.” -President Franklin D. Roosevelt

How many times have the American people have been pulled right back into a cycle of no change (Ephesians 4:14)?

They are given two options to pick from when there happens to be over one thousand different options to choose from for the next president, and for the next 1 and 1/2 years they fight over the two that have been hand-picked and delivered up. Insanity.

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The ones that are delivered up as options are corrupt.  They are extorted and allied with the agenda that they are pushing forward (Isaiah 28:18). All clowns are actors in the circus of politics and the world seems to be their stage (Proverbs 27:6).

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If it is happening in America, one must come to terms with the fact that it is happening all over the world. After all, the powers that are tolerated are trying to create a new world order (Revelation 17:17).

One such comedian, who plays the piano with his genitals, is actor and homosexual Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Let me introduce you to the man that the mainstream media somehow forgot to introduce.

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Conclusion: Just think, the mainstream media, under the control of the CIA, wants you to support such a person (Romans 1:24).

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© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

“Fake News” Media Outlets Are Never Censored, Just Those That Tell The Truth Are

By Bradlee Dean

March 16, 2022

“If you would know who controls you see who you may not criticize.” -Tacitus

For all of the illegal censorship going on over here at the Sons of Liberty Media from Facebook deleting our public page with 770,000 followers to Google expunging our content, I had to dig into how the mainstream media and their “useful idiots” deal with censorship. Here is the short of it:  They don’t have to deal with it because they work for the same criminals that are doing the censoring (John 8:44)

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There have been so many times I have also noticed that those that are a part of the CIA’s Mockingbird Media are in fact the very one’s spewing out fake news. These are the outlets that are pushing forth illegal agenda’s that are in fact subversive to American government (Psalm 94:20).

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” -David Rockefeller, Baden-Baden, Germany 1991

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Yet, I have also noticed that there has been NO censorship when it comes to Fox News, no censorship at MSNBC, no censorship at ABC News, no censorship at CBS, no censorship at NBC.  quite telling, is it not?

With all of this, the people in this country that are telling you the truth are being called “fake news” and are being censored illegally at will. In other words, everyone is lying except for them.

The mainstream media’s propaganda outlets are owned by 6 corporations worldwide.

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“If you would know who controls you see who you may not criticize.” -Tacitus

Corruption is censoring the speech that exposes them for who they are and for what crimes they are responsible for committing (Luke 12:2).

The mainstream media has a long history in covering for them that are responsible and it must stop. Furthermore, they must be held accountable for their said crimes against American law (Psalm 94:16).

In this way and in this way alone will their subversive agendas be put to an end. Friends, they do not have a right to lie (Proverbs 19:9).

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“If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” — George Washington

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Jamming The Mainstream Media: People Are Starting To Catch On

By Bradlee Dean

March 10, 2022

“You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all the people all of the time.”

Back in 1989, Romania went through a revolution whereas the 2 dictators that ruled for over 4o years were executed by the up-and-coming generation.

You see, the younger generations had seen what it was that the corrupt had done to their parents, though their parents submitted to them in rebellion towards God (Deuteronomy 1:26), and they took a stand and sent the message loud and clear that they would have none of it (Deuteronomy 1:39).

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You see, the state-run media during this time controlled the masses by allowing the people to only feed on the narrative that was contrived by the corrupt in government (Psalm 94:20).  In fact, much of what you see today in and around the world is very similar to that of Romania before its overthrow.

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The good news here is that many across the globe today are catching onto this very fact and are not putting up with their propaganda any longer (John 8:44), and are jamming (Shouting down) the conduits.

It was just reported: Big Media Propagandist Reporters Getting Destroyed, No Longer Able To Walk The Streets [VIDEOS]

Just watch this reporter’s face as the people openly mock him for what he does.

The attack on the Freedom Convoy protesters wasn’t just orchestrated by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as he claimed the group was nothing more than a fringe minority. Along with the Prime Minister, the mainstream media in the country also rallied with Trudeau to present the protesters as aggressive and creating illegal blockades. At the same time, it was shown that the protests were accompanied with bouncy castles and hot tubs. But as law enforcement moved to disband the movement, it appeared that the mainstream media became the target of the protesters.

In the video, which is featured below, a Canadian reporter attempted to do a segment on the protests currently taking place and the supposed clash between organizers and law enforcement. It didn’t take long after the reporter started speaking that he was surrounded by protesters not hitting him or being violent. Instead, they mocked his ability to try and showcase them in a negative light.

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Conclusion: If the people were to put a stop to the tyrannies on a global basis, it would be for them to bring justice when it comes to the heads of those who are promulgating their lies and propaganda, namely corrupt politicians and the mainstream media (Isaiah 26:9).

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Double-Vaccinated 20-Year-Old Model Suffers Heart Attack And Both Legs Amputated

By Bradlee Dean

March 2, 2022

“How many innocent people need to suffer before they awaken to the reality of the horrors that are taking place today?”

The mainstream media, once again, proves the point when they attempt to cover for these big pharma, big government conspirators (Jeremiah 11:9).

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Here is the next innocent victim that has fallen into their genocidal trap (Isaiah 59:3).

Health Impact News reported – Claire Bridges: Double-Vaccinated 20-Year-Old Model Develops Myocarditis, Suffers Heart Attack And Has Both Legs Amputated.

A previously healthy model from Florida has been in hospital fighting for her life after suffering a heart attack earlier this month (January 2022).

“Claire Bridges, 20-years-old, was admitted to Tampa General Hospital on January 16th with severe leg pain and was diagnosed with myocarditis, rhabdomyolysis, mild pneumonia, cyanotic and acidosis. A few hours after being admitted, her heart stopped.

Two weeks ago, Claire’s health rapidly deteriorated when her heart and other organs were impacted. She was quickly put in ICU on life support. Her father, Wayne, said about the ordeal:
“She has been through so much with this. The last two weeks have felt like two months.”

Wayne received a call from the ICU doctor saying CPR was being administrated because his daughter’s heart had stopped. Over the span of an hour and a half, the 20-year-old had to be revived two more times. Doctors and surgeons worked together to come up with the next course of action for her heart and other organs.

The next morning, she was placed on a Tandem Heart and additional life support. And only a few hours later, she was placed on continuous dialysis because of her failing kidneys.

While all of this was going on, pressure was building in her legs, not allowing blood to flow. Ultimately, it was decided the damage to her legs was too severe and irreversible — they needed to be amputated. Both her legs were surgically removed on Friday.

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© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

It’s Only A Question That You Can Answer: Americans Vs. Foreigners

By Bradlee Dean

February 23, 2022

“I should say that full one third were averse to the revolution…. An opposite third… gave themselves up to an enthusiastic gratitude to France. The middle third,… always averse to war, were rather lukewarm both to England and France;….” -President John Adams

John Adams stated: “I should say that full one third were averse to the revolution…. An opposite third… gave themselves up to an enthusiastic gratitude to France. The middle third,… always averse to war, were rather lukewarm both to England and France;….”

It is quite clear what it is that President John Adams has given us here. We have a view of the lay of the land during that particular time.

As a matter of fact, did you know that less than 3% of the population along with 13 colonies and 56 signers were used by the Lord to establish what it is that we now have in the present? We have the longest standing constitution in modern history (Deuteronomy 28:1-15).

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Our forefathers fought, bled and, in many cases, died giving us the freedoms that we have today (John 15:13).

Yet, the question that I have for the modern-day American is why are foreigners that are acting out in defiance towards tyrants seem to look and act more like the posterity of our forefathers than the Americans do (Jeremiah 3:19)?


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The question that every American must answer: Why Do Foreigners In Protest Act More Like Forefathers Than Most Americans Do?

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© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Corporations Working Hand-In-Glove To Enforce Illegal Government Mandates

By Bradlee Dean

February 18, 2022

Fascism-an authoritarian system of government under absolute control of a single dictator, allowing no political opposition, forcibly suppressing dissent, and rigidly controlling most industrial and economic activities.

One thing I have noticed over the years is how the corrupt in government advocate some unlawful agenda and then, the corporations nationwide, and world-wide, that are working in alliance with them attempt to push through what it is that the government could never do without them (Isaiah 28:18).

  • Abortion Agenda
  • The Race Card
  • Gay Agenda
  • Homosexual Marriage
  • Transgender Agenda
  • Marijuana
  • Mask mandates
  • Vaccine Mandates
  • Vaccine Passports etc.

To prove the point, Hershey fired un”vaccinated” employees.

“The Hershey Co. has begun firing office workers who have declined to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

On the way out the door, the candy manufacturer is asking the fired employees to sign a nine-page confidentiality and release agreement that would remove their rights to sue the company or talk about their experience.

While their signature comes with a “special separation payment,” many haven’t signed the agreement and won’t get the money. Employees say the payment was determined by an algorithm, and for some, amounted to just over two months’ pay.

By most accounts, working at Hershey was a great job. Employees at the company’s headquarters in Hershey, Pennsylvania, and at offices in other states report higher than average wages and bowls of candy placed around the offices for snacking. For holidays, employees would get a big bag of treats to take home, although that practice stopped after Easter 2021. There’s a sample room for trying new products, colorful graphics decorating the walls, and the products are more fun than selling insurance.

But it stopped being fun after months of human resources department meetings that employees say included education about the vaccines, asking if the employee had changed their mind about getting the shots, as well as uncomfortably invasive questions.

“I really thought I’d be OK,” Kim Durham, a former payment analyst and sourcing buyer, told The Epoch Times. “I thought, you cannot question my faith. Nobody can question that.”

Can anyone show me where a company has the lawful authority in doing so? You cannot answer that because there is NO law that gives them the power or authority in doing so, just the opposite.

As a matter of fact, the companies just told you that they were, in fact, breaking the law.

The article reported: “On the way out the door, the candy manufacturer is asking the fired employees to sign a nine-page confidentiality and release agreement that would remove their rights to sue the company or talk about their experience.”

Why would they request this if they were abiding by the law (Psalm 94:20)?

Americans need to be acquainted with the law here.  Therefore, they are doing what they are doing because most do not know the difference (Hosea 4:6).

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© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Everything They Touch Is Cursed! Gay Comic Book Bombs!

By Bradlee Dean

February 9, 2022

“Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.”  —Jude 1:7

Most recently, another mainstream media “useful idiot” attacked The Sons of Liberty radio and media outlet with accusations of being hateful, bigoted, conspiratorial and engaged in efforts to undermine democracy (Revelation 12:10).

First off, if the law is hateful in condemning sodomy, “crimes against nature” (Leviticus 18:22-20:13), or any other subversive organization in America, then we are guilty as charged. Check your state statute-it is illegal in every state of our union.

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For those who are paying attention, the mainstream media has a long history of covering for conspirators (Jeremiah 11:9).

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Finally, as to their last accusation of “efforts to undermine democracy.” We are NOT a democracy; we are a Constitutional republic (Article IV, Section 4 US Constitution)!

So, after considering the source (John 8:44), here is another prime example of what it is that the MSM means to conceal from the people (Luke 12:2).

The Boy Scouts of America’s plan to emerge from bankruptcy with a $2.7-billion settlement suffered a major setback this week, but the youth group and lawyers for thousands of men who were sexually abused in the ranks say they will continue to work toward a deal.

The Scouts’ opening bid was rebuffed when it failed to garner “overwhelming support” — which both sides defined as 75% — from the nearly 54,000 abuse survivors who voted on the proposed settlement, touted as the largest of its kind in U.S. history.

A preliminary tally released late Tuesday showed the reorganization plan fell just short of what was needed to be confirmed by the bankruptcy judge presiding over the case. The count put the “yes” votes at 73%.

“Survivors understood that the Plan does not adequately compensate them,” John Humphrey, co-chairman of the official tort claimants committee appointed by the bankruptcy trustee to represent all victims, said in a statement.

This is after the people gave the Boy Scouts of America the green light to open the flood gates to the sodomites in making a prey out of the young boys (Romans 1:24).

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What’s worse is that not one word of justice upon the heads of the perpetrators was mentioned, not a word!

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The American people, somehow or another, believe that this abominable lifestyle is what the people are asking for, but it’s just the opposite.

These haters push the agenda in hopes of normalizing the crime.  Yet, in America, it is backfiring over and over again.

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Brietbart just reported:

DC Comics turned Superman into a bisexual who fights climate deniers, and to the shock of no one who lives in the real world, the comic has bombed.

Previous estimates for the book’s sales showed it was in the gutter with Comichron claiming the first book of Superman: Son of Kal-El only sold 68,800 issues back in July when it first debuted. That was good for the 17th best selling comic of the month.

The most recent data compiled by Comichron reveals that the book’s third issue only sold 34,000 copies in September. That was good for the 77th best selling comic of the month.

That 68,800 number for the first issue is even worse when you compare it to previous Superman #1 issues. When the series was rebooted when Brian Michael Bendis took over the title back in 2018, Superman #1 sold 133,700 copies.

Other Superman #1 editions sold 118,434 copies, 105,380 copies, and 118,376 copies.

Bisexual Superman (who now has a boyfriend with pink hair) has already fallen out of the top 50 comic sellers. What a humiliation, After all, this is Superman we’re talking about, the most famous superhero of all time, and DC’s woketards killed the brand so effectively it couldn’t crack the top 50.

It should be pointed out that Bisexual Superman is not Superman-Superman. Bisexual Superman is the son of Superman-Superman and Lois Lane, but who cares? These people are out of their minds.

In conclusion: When the Lord said that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump (1 Corinthians 5:6), He meant just that.

Americans know what the end aim is here with this abominable agenda and to act otherwise is self-deceptive to the highest of Heavens.  Consider the children (Luke 17:2).

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

We Warned You That It Was Coming

By Bradlee Dean

January 26, 2022

“History teaches that you can only oppress a people for only so long before they lawfully retaliate.”

Back in June of 2020, I wrote an article warning about corruption within, namely politicians that history teaches that you can only oppress a people for only so long before they lawfully retaliate (Exodus 1:12).

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For those who did not take heed to that warning, let me help you understand with your eyes because, apparently, you do not understand with your ears (Jeremiah 5:21).

Ken Powers reported of Kazakhstan:

And what was it that ensued?

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In Bulgaria, the corrupt within the walls of government, wanted to test their steel.  They are getting a response and it probably isn’t the one for which they were hoping.

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In France, the dictator wannabe is also testing his steel, if you want to call it that in stating that His strategy is to piss off the unvaccinated.”

I have not seen a greater fool in all my life (Romans 1:22)

His cruelties are swelling the ranks.

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What of Germany?

What of the world?



In conclusion:  Americans are still trying to figure out if the same politicians and bureaucrats that have been lying to them for decades are now telling them the truth (John 8:44) while the world is in a revolt. How shameful!

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It is only a matter of time before the corrupt and their alliance with hell and their covenant of death will, in fact, be disannulled (Isaiah 28:18).

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Holocaust Survivor Warns America – The Nazis Accused the Jews of What The Unvaccinated Are Being Accused of Today!

By Bradlee Dean

January 19, 2022

“Jews are lice: they cause Typhus.” -Nazi Propaganda poster

Ever since 2013, the Lord has had me on the topic of history, the history of the Germans from back in the 1930s. How many times I have watched documentaries on Adolph Hitler’s regime (Hosea 4:6).

How many times I have spent on writing articles and doing radio programs to show the parallels of the Germans of the past and comparing what it is that we see in American government today (Ezekiel 33).

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Then, there is the Bush connection, going all the way back to Prescott Bush and his indictment in illegally financing Hitler’s war. Do consider 405, 309 of our boys were sacrificed fighting off that tyrant.

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There was also Project Paperclip, in which 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians were taken from former Nazi Germany to the U.S. for government employment after the end of World War II.

Who could forget September 11, 2001 and the comparison to the Reichstag and what it was that was established after they were both attacked.

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Consider how Adolph Hitler hired the Muslims as mercenaries in aiding him to kill off his political opposition (John 10:10).

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Then there were the warnings to those who claimed they are just doing their jobs by enforcing Hitler’s unconstitutional edicts!

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And who was it that was installed to do the job? The reason for putting sodomites into government positions explained (Leviticus 18:22, 20:13 etc.).

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The parallels as to why corruption in this government spends so much time attempting to disarm Americans is incredible (1 Samuel 13:22).

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All of this has been done with the help of the CIA-controlled media.

Operation Mockingbird-CIA Controlled media narratives and controls

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Don’t forget that the mainstream media today is under that American version of the gestapo’s control.

“I never would have agreed to the formulation of the Central Intelligence Agency back in forty-seven, if I had known it would become the American Gestapo.” -President Harry Truman

Below is the video of Holocaust survivors warnings to those who have not quite learned from history.

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In conclusion: For those who want to excuse all of this as a conspiracy theory, I strongly suggest that you take note of the facts that the mainstream media in this country and globally have a long history of covering for conspirators (Jeremiah 11:9).

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SS Officer, the Angel of Death Joseph Mengele, said: “The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.”

Wake-up (Ephesians 5:14; Acts 20:21).

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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Marjorie Taylor Greene, Who Decried “Vaccine Nazis,” Investing Into Pfizer, J&J, and AstraZeneca

By Bradlee Dean

January 12, 2022

“A Representative cannot defend a nation if he is not held accountable to its laws.”

Here we go, again. Another politician, like so many others, that publicly slams vaccine mandates-mask wearing, found out to be just what she is, another Judas selling out her own constituents for 30 pieces of silver (Luke 22:48).

Political Champions Say, Do As I Say, Do Not Do As I do!

Marjorie Taylor Green, the said representative from Georgia, the one that mysteriously appeared on the scene to defend the God-given rights of the people, or so she would have you believe, was put up as a warrior that takes to the battlefield in confronting the illegal mandates that the said Federal and State governments are attempting to enforce.

How is she to defend the people when she is not held accountable to the laws? (Article II, Section 3)

Sorry to let you down, once again.  Yet, this is just not the case when it comes to the likes of Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Marjorie, like her corrupt colleagues (Ephesians 4:14), somehow enjoys playing up to the people by claiming to be one thing when in all actuality she is just the opposite of that claim (2 Corinthians 11:14-15).

She, like “The best that you have been given,” magnifies the crimes that she swore to condemn (Deuteronomy 25:1), and then does a fundraiser to accumulate wealth unto herself while justice is left undone (Amos 5:7).

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In taking it a step further…

“In 2020, at least 13 senators and 35 US representatives held shares of Johnson & Johnson, the medical behemoth that produced the single-shot COVID-19 vaccine that more than 15 million Americans have received.

At least 11 senators and 34 representatives also held shares in 2020 of another COVID-19 vaccine manufacturer, Pfizer…

Lawmakers held these investments in COVID-19-minded companies as Congress was at the center of pandemic relief efforts. In 2020 and 2021, members of Congress voted on six relief bills together worth nearly $6 trillion. Congress also authorized more than $10 billion to help drug companies develop and distribute vaccines and forced health insurers to cover the cost of getting the shot.

Policymakers especially viewed the coronavirus vaccines developed by Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Moderna — which each spent substantial amounts of money lobbying the federal government in 2020 — as critical to helping countries around the planet overcome the grip of the pandemic…

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Republican from Georgia who has decried “vaccine Nazis” and boasted about not getting vaccinated against COVID-19, reported owning stock in COVID-19 vaccine makers during 2020, including Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and AstraZeneca, according to a financial disclosure she submitted in August.

Adding More Insult To More Injuries: Politicians Have Stock In The “Plandemic” Vaccine Companies – Makes Sense Now Why It Hasn’t Stopped?!

To add more insult to more injury, Marjorie Taylor Greens slams mandates as she feebly attempts to defend the father of the vaccine, Donald Trump, and his propaganda push when it comes to his Covid jab stance, regardless of his attacks upon his own supporters.

Marjorie told them that would listen to her that Donald Trump is “100% AGAINST the mandates, but he still encourages everyone to get the vaccine and booster.” And why wouldn’t she, all the while knowing that she is invested into what Donald is selling?

Trump Attacks His Own Supporters for Not Endorsing His COVID-19 Vaccines – Republicans “Opposing” Vaccine Mandates Own Stock in Pfizer, Moderna, J&J

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This is confusion by design and it is upon the people who refuse to serve the Lord (Daniel 9:7).

In Conclusion: It might be a good idea for the people in this country to take care when it comes to those they take for face value, as well as those that they support (1 Corinthians 15:33).

© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Let Me Get This Right, You Want The Same Supreme Court To Weigh In On Vaccine Mandates?

By Bradlee Dean

January 5, 2022

“To take all the robes of all the good judges that ever lived on the face of the earth, and they would not be large enough to cover the iniquity of one corrupt judge. How about 9 of them?”

First off, friends, the Supreme court is not the final arbiter in what is and what is not law in this country. It is the job of these unelected bureaucrats to discover and apply the laws that God has given, period (Exodus 20). Nothing more, and nothing less. They are not to play the activist from the bench, nor are they to legislate from the bench!

With that said, so as I can get this right, are the American people awaiting the Supreme court to weigh in on treasonous Joe’s vaccine mandates? They are illegal!

Americans learn the lesson right now.

Why does the Supreme court need to be called upon to intervene on the issues that are unconstitutional (Psalm 94:20)?  Doesn’t common sense come into play?

How many times have Americans been duped in this fashion by the said Supreme court injustices (Amos 5:7)?

Edmund Burke rightly stated: “If they can get you to ask the wrong questions then they do not need to give you the right answers!”

Isn’t that what they are doing here?  Why, yes, it is!

The objective here is to hand it to the courts in a feigned (counterfeit) manner to give false pretenses to a pretended authority.

Friends, the burden of proof is on them when it comes to the law and yet, they have beguiled the Americans into believing the burden of proof is on them.

To send this to the Supreme court is to send it to the fox in the hen house, in order to establish policies which counter constitutional laws.

As a matter of fact, let me give you some examples.

Is this not the same Supreme court that committed oligarchy when taking prayer out of public school?  Yes, it is.

By the way, the people never lost the right.  The people forfeited their GOD GIVEN RIGHTS.

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Is this not the same Supreme court that said it was a choice to murder your own babies? This occurred all in the face of common sense. The sixth commandment commands us to not murder (Exodus 20:13)! Furthermore, the Fifth Amendment says to the federal government that no one shall be “deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law.”

US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was clear as to what the Constitution states: “The Constitution contains No Right to Abortion.”

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This is the same Supreme court that has said that pornography was free speech (1 Corinthians 6:9). It was illegal up until 1968.

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This is the same Supreme court that has stated that teaching the young to murder their fellow students, to rape, to kill police, and even shoot the president’s head off through video games is free speech (Proverbs 22:6).

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It is the same Supreme court that has crossed the clear lines between “church and state” in assuming authority that has never been given to them by declaring that two men and two women can hold marital status (Romans 1:24).

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This is the same Supreme court, namely Chief John Roberts, that has turned the Affordable Care Act, the name of which changed 3 times, inexcusably into a tax.

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Don’t forget about Brett Kavanaugh, who played up to the pro-lifers until he took to the bench (Proverbs 19:9).

Don’t forget about Amy Coney Barrett, the Trump appointee who denied students their rights to refuse vaccines at Indiana University.

Some of these same appointed injustices have never judged a case a day in their lives and yet, they are allowed to remain like that of radical lesbian Elena Kagan (Leviticus 18:22).

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How about the international globalist Sonia Sotomayor, who arrived just in time for the illegals.

That is not how the judges are to act nor is it what the Constitution teaches.  It teaches that judges sit during good behavior, period (Article III. Section 1). If not, they are to be impeached (Article II, Section 4) and then charged for their transgressions (Article I, Section 3, Clause 7).

These are not above the law.  They are to uphold the law, something in which they have failed to do time and time again and somehow or another, the people ignorantly sit back and suffer their abuses (Amos 3:3).


“Liberty is the right to do what the law permits! -Charles d Montesquieu

These are not above the law nor are they a law unto themselves.  They are to magnify the law against the crimes (Romans 3:31).

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In conclusion: We can see clearly that these said judges are acting out like the devils that they are (Matthew 7:16; John 8:44) while Americans are in hopes that they will act as the righteous judges that they swore to be (Deuteronomy 25:1), which just isn’t any longer the case!

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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Politicians From Both Parties Have Stock In The “Plandemic” Vaccine Companies

By Bradlee Dean

December 29, 2021

“Seems a little hypocritical that the Legislative Branch, the Judicial Branch, the White House staff, CDC employees, FDA employees, Pfizer employees, Moderna employees and illegal aliens have no UNLAWFUL mandates but they want the people to ignore the fact by blindly following their misleadings” (Proverbs 14:12).

Pfizer’s CEO hasn’t gotten his Covid vaccine yet saying he doesn’t want to cut in line

For those who are caught up in the unconstitutional two-party system, you may want to take the time to understand that this system was set up to divide the American people (Mark 3:25).

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With that aside, do also remember that we are sold, through the mainstream media’s useful idiots, that the Republicans are the “good guys” while the Democrats are the “bad guys.”  Nothing could be further from the truth. There would not be a left if the right were doing their job in enforcing the laws against their crimes (Matthew 5:13; Mark 8:15).

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What is of interest here is that when it comes to the “plandemic” that has been used to war against our God-given rights over the last 2 years, one has to wonder why nothing has been stopped.

Health Impact News just reported:  Republicans “Opposing” Vaccine Mandates Own Stock in Pfizer, Moderna, J&J.

A recent report published by Business Insider reveals that many Republican lawmakers who state they oppose vaccine “mandates” actually own stock in the pharmaceutical companies producing the vaccines, and are profiting from them.

Dozens of Republican and Democratic lawmakers on Capitol Hill have invested in companies that have a direct stake in the nation’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to an Insider analysis of federal financial records.

In 2020, at least 13 senators and 35 US representatives held shares of Johnson & Johnson, the medical behemoth that produced the single-shot COVID-19 vaccine that more than 15 million Americans have received.

At least 11 senators and 34 representatives also held shares in 2020 of another COVID-19 vaccine manufacturer, Pfizer. Two representatives or their spouses held shares of Moderna during the same year that the world went on lockdown in response to the pandemic.

Lawmakers held these investments in COVID-19-minded companies as Congress was at the center of pandemic relief efforts. In 2020 and 2021, members of Congress voted on six relief bills together worth nearly $6 trillion. Congress also authorized more than $10 billion to help drug companies develop and distribute vaccines and forced health insurers to cover the cost of getting the shot.

Policymakers especially viewed the coronavirus vaccines developed by Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Moderna — which each spent substantial amounts of money lobbying the federal government in 2020 — as critical to helping countries around the planet overcome the grip of the pandemic.

The tally of investments is part of the exhaustive Conflicted Congress project, in which Insider reviewed nearly 9,000 financial-disclosure reports for every sitting lawmaker and their top-ranking staffers.

Even some Republican lawmakers who vocally opposed COVID-19 vaccine mandates also invested in vaccine manufacturers.

Vivien Scott, the wife of Rep. Austin Scott, a Republican of Georgia, traded up to $50,000 worth of Johnson & Johnson stock on two occasions this year. Austin Scott has bashed President Joe Biden’s workplace vaccine mandates but stressed that he supports vaccines, particularly given that he had COVID-19 in 2020 and spent several days in the hospital on oxygen.

“Congressman Scott and his wife own stocks like millions of American families do, and they follow all laws on trading,” Scott’s spokeswoman, Rachel Ledbetter, told Insider.

Republican Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama sold up to $50,000 worth of Pfizer stock in August 2021 and then was nearly a month late filing his disclosure. Brooks, an unabashedly pro-Trump lawmaker who is running for a US Senate seat, previously accused the pharmaceutical giant of playing politics with the timing of its announcement about vaccine-efficacy data.

Martha Brooks, the congressman’s wife, told Insider that she handled all the family’s stock investments and used an investment broker to conduct these transactions. She acknowledged that she disclosed the stock transaction late.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Republican from Georgia who has decried “vaccine Nazis” and boasted about not getting vaccinated against COVID-19, reported owning stock in COVID-19 vaccine makers during 2020, including Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and AstraZeneca, according to a financial disclosure she submitted in August. (Full article.)

Lawmakers bought sold covid 19 related stocks during pandemic

I am going to leave this right here (Amos 2:4).

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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Attorney: Justice Will Not Come Through The Courts But By The People Rising Up!

by Bradlee Dean

December 22, 2021

“Sad to say, but the truth needs to be spoken.  These foreign countries act more like that of our Founding Forefathers’ posterity than the Americans do.”

Over and over, friends, I have reminded the people with the fact that the courts are not serving up justice the way that the law demands and therefore, if the law does not serve us, then we must serve as the law, and that under God (Deuteronomy 4:6)!  It seems that the people, instead of taking heed to these warning, get angry with those who are doing the warning (Ezekiel 33:3).

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Health Impact News recently reported: Attorney Reiner Fuellmich on Nuremberg 2.0: Justice will Not Come Through the Courts but by the People Rising Up.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich practices law in Germany and in California, and he has been exposing the crimes against humanity by the Globalists who have inflicted the false COVID-19 narrative on the public and mandated their dangerous bioweapons called “vaccines” through his Corona Investigative Committee for the past two years.

We have published some of this work here on Health Impact News.

It has been called “Nuremberg 2.0” by many, as expectations have been that there would be some kind of trial in an international court of law where these criminals would be prosecuted.

Dr. Fuellmich recently revealed much of what his Corona Investigative Committee has found in a meeting in Poland, and he made clear the same thing I have been saying for many months now, that the judicial system is owned and controlled by the Globalists, and justice will not be found in today’s courts, whether it is Germany or the U.S., or any other country.

He stated: The only way to end this is by the people rising up and telling the authorities that this is the end of the line.

It is not the courts of law. The courts of law, maybe we can use them to clean things up. But I am afraid that they are not even good for that. Because they are so infiltrated by the other side that we’re going to have to setup a whole new judicial system.

That doesn’t mean that they are not going to proceed with a trial that will be similar to the original Nuremberg trials. He states that there will be a real judge, real lawyers, and real witnesses, but the jury will be “the people” who will watch it via live stream. And he expects this to happen soon, before the end of the year.

I was very pleased to watch his presentation, and how he fielded questions, in this presentation in Poland. I had been concerned for some time now that his work was giving people a false sense of hope that there was some kind of International Court out there somewhere that would try this case and arrest all the criminals responsible.

But he made it very clear that justice would NOT happen through the current court system, especially in Germany. His years of experience in litigating in these corrupt courts have also taught him that the politicians are merely puppets, and that the real criminals are a small group of very wealthy people who are actually calling the shots, and these are the people that need to be tried.

And the original Nuremberg trials after WWII did NOT bring justice against the Globalists who funded both sides of the war, as the rich leaders of corporations like IBM and Ford were never tried, let alone convicted for their crimes against humanity that allowed Hitler and Nazism to rise to power.

Some of the Nazi doctors who were just “following orders” were tried, convicted, and executed, but the ones giving the orders were not.

If you have never watched Maximilian Schell’s Academy Award winning performance for his role as the German Attorney in Hollywood’s presentation of the original Nuremberg Trials, it is well worth a look, as it seems to be pretty close to what was actually said during the trials.

But this is very important work that Dr. Fuellmich and his team have been doing, nevertheless, because they are exposing the entire COVID conspiracy, and as he stated, “There are no more conspiracy theories left. They have all become true and are no longer theories.”

One of the questions posed to him was the fact that many claim that the virus does not exist, as it has never been isolated.

His response was that from a legal standpoint, it really doesn’t matter. The fraud has occurred with the PCR tests, and that is what will be exposed legally.

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Massive protests erupt all over the world against coNvid -1984 tyranny – well never give up

Conclusion: Maybe the people in this country should begin to ask themselves the questions as to why the people all over the world are up in defiance when it comes to this “plandemic” and yet, they are still trying to figure out if they are being lied to by the same criminals that have lied to them for decades (John 8:44).

Sad to say, but the truth needs to be spoken.  These foreign countries act more like that of our Founding Forefathers’ posterity than the Americans do.

© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

The Unspoken: Administrators, Doctors, Coroners All Getting Paid To Push Plandemic – Experimental Jab

by Bradlee Dean

December 15, 2021

“At no point in history have the people forcing others into compliance been the good guys. The welfare of humanity has always been the alibi of tyrants. Do you not realize that this vaccine does not protect you from Covid, it does however protect you from government oppression.” -Christine Anderson, EU Parliament

Friends, for the record, I am as tired of highlighting the crimes against humanity as you are, but on the other hand, I am also tired of highlighting the apathy and tolerance of those who do nothing in the face of these tyrants (Psalm 78:9).

This whole plandemic has had very little to do with a virus, but has always been about compliance.

If only the people would open up their eyes and ears to see what the pill in the jam has always been about (Jeremiah 5:21), and this for their own good (Jonah 2:8).

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After all those pushing the lie do not even believe what it is that they are selling (Ephesians 4:14).  Yet, they are profiting off of the ignorance of the compliant.

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Recently, the AAPS reported: “Biden’s Bounty on Your Life: Hospitals’ Incentive Payments for COVID-19.”

Upon admission to a once-trusted hospital, American patients with COVID-19 become virtual prisoners, subjected to a rigid treatment protocol with roots in Ezekiel Emanuel’s “Complete Lives System” for rationing medical care in those over age 50. They have a shockingly high mortality rate. How and why is this happening, and what can be done about it?

As exposed in audio recordings, hospital executives in Arizona admitted meeting several times a week to lower standards of care, with coordinated restrictions on visitation rights. Most COVID-19 patients’ families are deliberately kept in the dark about what is really being done to their loved ones.

The combination that enables this tragic and avoidable loss of hundreds of thousands of lives includes (1) The CARES Act, which provides hospitals with bonus incentive payments for all things related to COVID-19 (testing, diagnosing, admitting to hospital, use of remdesivir and ventilators, reporting COVID-19 deaths, and vaccinations) and (2) waivers of customary and long-standing patient rights by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

In 2020, the Texas Hospital Association submitted requests for waivers to CMS. According to Texas attorney Jerri Ward, “CMS has granted ‘waivers’ of federal law regarding patient rights. Specifically, CMS purports to allow hospitals to violate the rights of patients or their surrogates with regard to medical record access, to have patient visitation, and to be free from seclusion.” She notes that “rights do not come from the hospital or CMS and cannot be waived, as that is the antithesis of a ‘right.’ The purported waivers are meant to isolate and gain total control over the patient and to deny patient and patient’s decision-maker the ability to exercise informed consent.”

Creating a “National Pandemic Emergency” provided justification for such sweeping actions that override individual physician medical decision-making and patients’ rights. The CARES Act provides incentives for hospitals to use treatments dictated solely by the federal government under the auspices of the NIH. These “bounties” must paid back if not “earned” by making the COVID-19 diagnosis and following the COVID-19 protocol.

The hospital payments include:

• A “free” required PCR test in the Emergency Room or upon admission for every patient, with government-paid fee to hospital.
• Added bonus payment for each positive COVID-19 diagnosis.
• Another bonus for a COVID-19 admission to the hospital.
• A 20 percent “boost” bonus payment from Medicare on the entire hospital bill for use of remdesivir instead of medicines such as Ivermectin.
• Another and larger bonus payment to the hospital if a COVID-19 patient is mechanically ventilated.
• More money to the hospital if cause of death is listed as COVID-19, even if patient did not die directly of COVID-19.
• A COVID-19 diagnosis also provides extra payments to coroners.

CMS implemented “value-based” payment programs that track data such as how many workers at a healthcare facility receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Now we see why many hospitals implemented COVID-19 vaccine mandates. They are paid more.

Outside hospitals, physician MIPS quality metrics link doctors’ income to performance-based pay for treating patients with COVID-19 EUA drugs. Failure to report information to CMS can cost the physician 4% of reimbursement.

Because of obfuscation with medical coding and legal jargon, we cannot be certain of the actual amount each hospital receives per COVID-19 patient. But Attorney Thomas Renz and CMS whistleblowers have calculated a total payment of at least $100,000 per patient.

Conclusion: Instead of lawfully dealing with these tyrants, the American people have taken on that somehow or another the same corrupt politicians are now telling them the truth.  Friends, there is no truth in them (John 8:44)!

Rather than dealing with their oppressors, they submit to their tyrannical measures. This is neither what the Word of God teaches nor what it is that our forefathers have taught us through their examples (Hebrews 13:7).

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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Anthony Fauci Doesn’t Represent Science, He Represents Dr. Mengele [Video]

by Bradlee Dean

December 8, 2021

‘The more we do to you,the less you seem to believe we are doing it.’ – Joseph Mengele, SS Officer “Angel of Death”

The comparisons to that of America and Germany in the 1930s now coming to the forefront in the news and comments of people are astounding to say the least (Hosea 4:6).

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At The Sons of Liberty, we noticed this years back in comparison from the Bush connections to that of the Mockingbird media to Project Paperclip to September 11, 2001, etc… (Jeremiah 11:9).

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Most recently, journalist Lara Logan ripped into Dr. Anthony Fauci, comparing him to the Nazi SS doctor, Josef Mengele.

“What you see on Dr. Fauci, this is what people say to me, that he doesn’t represent science to them. He represents Josef Mengele … the Nazi doctor who experimented on Jews during the Second World War and in the concentration camps,” Logan told Fox News. “And I am talking about people all across the world are saying this. Because the response from COVID, what it has done to countries everywhere, what it has done to civil liberties, the suicide rates, the poverty, it has obliterated economies.”

“The level of suffering that has been created because of this disease is now being seen in the cold light of day, i.e., the truth, and people see there is no justification for what is being done,” she added.

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Conclusion: This woman is spot on with her assessments and observations in judging Fauci by his fruits (Matthew 7:16).

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Yet, it would do good for Americans to take heed to the fact that they are, at this point in history, responsible for letting not only Fauci but also their said government murder far more than Mengele ever did.

This same government that wants you to believe that it is about safety are the very ones that have illegally sanctioned the murder of the babies in the womb (Proverbs 6:17).

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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Trying To Drive A Wedge: Pit Us One Against Another

by Bradlee Dean

December 1, 2021

“Black supremacy is as dangerous as white supremacy…” -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

While preaching in Michigan, the issue of topic turned when a black woman tried to play the victim when she said of herself that she was “a person of color.”  I stopped her in her tracks to remind her that white people are a people of color, red people are a people of color, brown people are a people of color, etc…, and she did not know how to respond.

I went on to tell her that we are in this together and that the Bible says that we are one blood (Acts 17:26 KJV), and that Jesus came to save our souls not our skin. What could she say? Apparently, she had to search out her sources as to where she got the idea that she was a victim and, of course, I helped her realize that it was coming from the mainstream media and the useful idiots that they continuously prop up in hopes of dividing the American people (Mark 3:25).

I told her that Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Oprah Winfrey, and Colin Kaepernick were all a part of the same losing team of propagandists and useful idiots (Romans 1:22).

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Most recently, Colin Kaepernick, who by the way was adopted by white parents, decided to push forth more of his ignorance when comparing the NFL players (Colin signed a $114 million contract) to those involved in the slave trade during the early years of America.


One might ask themselves what damage can this do? Well, friends, I can show you, especially to the people that take this propaganda on.  You must understand that it breeds hate towards the innocent; and that at the end of the day, the objective of those who guide these fools is won (Proverbs 13:13).

One such individual is a man that spoke at a school board meeting who looked at the people and threatened parents with an army of “‘over 1,000 soldiers READY TO GO’ ‘LOCKED & LOADED.’”


Conclusion: Americans must get this right.  We are in this together, and together we must put a stop to those who mean to pit us one against another (Psalm 33:12), and if not, we will go down in the history of the world as the greatest fools to ever live on the face of the planet.

© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Devil Wants To Depopulate The World By 3 Billion, Then Punish if You Dare Speak Out

by Bradlee Dean

November 24, 2021

“The world today has 6.8 billion people that’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15%.” -Bill Gates (Video below-4:35 Mark)

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Here we are today in the midst of a created crisis working to lower the world’s population just as Bill Gates proposed to do back in 2010 (John 10:10). This should come as no surprise due to the fact that he was influenced during the time that his father was on the board of Planned Parenthood (Proverbs 6:17).

Bill Gates is the one that is paying to set the narrative concerning this global plandemic, and he is the one who pretends to be what it is that he is not (2 Corinthians 11:14-15).

For the record, Bill Gates is NOT a doctor, nor is he a elected representative.

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Apparently, Bill Gates does not know his place nor his lawful limits, and how could he when the people, on a global basis, sit back and allow him to do what it is that he is doing?

Bill wants to turn up the heat on individuals exposing him for his agenda and for his crimes against humanity (John 8:44).

Apparently, Bill did not get the memo.  At the Sons of Liberty, we do not ask the devil for permission to obey God (Matthew 16:17-19).

Newspunch recently reported: Bill Gates: Governments Must PUNISH Online Users Who Oppose Masks and Vaccines

Bill Gates has urged governments worldwide to issue punishments to online users who question mask and vaccine mandates.

In a new 30-minute interview with British politician Jeremy Hunt, Gates discussed “pandemic preparedness” and the current global vaccine rollout.

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“We need a new a new way of doing the vaccines,” Gates told Hunt.

Bill Gates admits COVID-19 vaccines don’t stop viral transmission. Despite being one of the largest proponents of presently-available COVID-19 vaccines, Gates admits to the failure of the vaccine industry that he has worked tirelessly to prop up.

[RebelNewsOnline – Despite being one of the largest proponents of presently-available COVID-19 vaccines, Gates admits to the failure of the vaccine industry that he has worked tirelessly to prop up.]

Lifesitenews.com reports:

Gates stressed the importance of suppressing what he called “false information” surrounding the novel coronavirus and the accompanying government approved “vaccines.” He lamented the rise of so-called “mask hesitancy” and “vaccine hesitancy” among those who choose not to don the coverings or subject themselves to the experimental shots.

Instead of relying on social media to regulate “what stuff should circulate” online regarding scientific discussions on medicine and COVID shots, Gates suggested that governments ought to “step up” to control censorship of online media after criticizing platforms like Facebook for being “a little slow” to bring down the hammer.

Continuing, the technology mogul heaped yet more opprobrium on social media giants, mocking their motivations regarding content publishing as being far from virtuous, while at the same time advocating for governments to take over the policing of internet discussions.

Arguing that it is not “realistic” to expect Big Tech to moderate heavily enough, Gates suggested that “eventually governments will decide [on supposed] wild conspiracy theories: do they have to be double checked? Do they have to slow down their spread? Do you have to put counterbalancing point of views there?”

After expressing some dissatisfaction with the global response to COVID-19, Gates explained that he now wants to see politicians planning for “future pandemics,” building on the back of 2020’s concerted efforts by having international bodies establish medical surveillance programs and begin to “practice” responding to possible biological threats using a series of “germ games.”

Gates called for a “pandemic task force at the WHO [World Health Organization]” which would carry out simulations of bioterrorism attacks at airports, he said, for example. “You say, okay, what if a bioterrorist brought smallpox to 10 airports? You know, how would the world respond to that? There’s naturally-caused epidemics and bioterrorism-caused epidemics that could even be way worse than what we experienced today.”

The task force would require “tens of billions” of dollars in investment from the world’s nations to prepare for the possibility of a manufactured bioweapon, Gates suggested.

“So you’d think this would be a priority,” he said, predicting that “next year will be where those [financial] allocations have to get made, including this global pandemic task force.”


Conclusion: When the people, on a global scale, understand that the devil is in their midst and that they have power over him because of what Christ has done for them on the cross (Luke 10:19) and decide to make a responsible decision to put an end to all of this, then they can and they will. Until the people have had enough and stop it, this will continue (Isaiah 59:4)!

© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

If You Want To Know The Truth, Just See What The Wicked Are Afraid Of

By Bradlee Dean

November 17, 2021

“She has done it again.”

You all may know Alyssa Milano, the child actor from the television series “Who’s the Boss.”

She is one misguided and confused individual who continuously makes a fool of herself, and that without shame (Proverbs 29:15).

This time she proves the point of which we have been making here at the Sons of Liberty Radio for years and that is they do not have the support that they want you to believe that they have.

Saul Alinsky said: “Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.”

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The mainstream media and the powers that are tolerated have used this method for decades to belittle their opposition, to polarize, to single them out as if to lead them to believe that they are the only ones resisting the wrongs, and it is all brought about through deceptive measures (Ephesians 4:14).

The minority is convincing the majority of the opposite of what is true and Alyssa Milano just showed us this truth once again (Isaiah 5:20).

Let me explain…

We are being told by the treasonous and disgraceful Joe Biden that, somehow or another, a quarter of the population in America has yet to be vaccinated. The fact of the matter is, and you can rest assured, that three quarter of Americans have not been manipulated into getting these dangerous experimental jabs. Why the unlawful and unconstitutional forced mandates if everyone is getting one? Does this not exhibit the lies behind the measures that they are taking?  Why yes, they are (Luke 12:2).

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Alyssa Milano recently parroted the propaganda narrative (Sorry for her language).

50 Years Later What Americans Have Not Learned From Lying Government And Mainstream Media (Brighteon Video)

She then went on in hopes of proving her point, as well as everyone following her lead into subjecting their kids ages 5-11 to these dangerous experimental jabs, by asking a question in an online Twitter poll with 173,439 participants.

Friends, these are the blind following the blind that are taking this poll (Matthew 15:14). These are t.v. watchers.  These are those who seem to think that Alyssa is a person with credibility that answered these questions, not those who claim to be Christians or conservatives, not that there is much difference (Matthew 5:13).

The bottom line here is this: If an erroneous and immoral actress can take a poll from her Twitter account, which touts 3 million subscribers, and get these kinds of results, one must ask the question, what it is that the mainstream media and all of those who are unified in this plandemic not revealing (Isiah 28:18)?

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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Accredited Media? Think Again – “We All Lie For The CIA”

By Bradlee Dean

November 10, 2021

“I’ve been a journalist for about 25 years, and I was educated to lie, to betray, and not to tell the truth to the public.” -Dr. Udo Ulkotte

One thing that we have all finally come to realize is that these that call themselves representatives of the people are not representing the people but rather they represent special interest groups in an attempt to establish a global order (Isaiah 28:18). This is a fact that no one can dispute.

We know that there is, and has been for decades, massive voter fraud taking place in this country (Proverbs 19:9). To suggest otherwise is to suggest that the people in this country have voted for those that intend to strip their God given rights.  This is insanity; because I have not met those people quite yet.

Listen to the voice of the people.  Does it sound like the people voted these criminals into office to transgress the laws that they promised to uphold?

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To me, what is more telling is when they refer to the mainstream media as being credible (John 8:44).

Recently, the globalist New Zealand prime minister ended her press conference when she was asked a tough question.

Now, one must keep in mind that that the “accredited media,” as she called it, are all a part of keeping the narrative congruent.

The softballs that are put to this said prime minister are all scripted and she did not like it when someone did not play by their unlawful rules, even going so far as to belittle the person asking the real questions, which is very telling within itself as to how the game of politics and propaganda is played (Ephesians 4:14).

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A Little History On The Mainstream media…

Most of us have known this for some time, especially in light of the Central Intelligence Agency’s Operation Mockingbird (for more on that, click here and here), which was their operation to control the mainstream media. The main difficulty we’ve had is trying to distinguish between what is true in the midst of the lies we are told. However, Dr. Udo Ulfkotte is the latest journalist to come out and declare that government is buying and even at times threatening journalists to write the stories they put out.

Arjun Walia has the story at Global Research:

Recently, Dr. Udo Ulfkotte went on public television stating that he was forced to publish the works of intelligence agents under his own name, also adding that noncompliance with these orders would result in him losing his job.

He recently made an appearance on RT news to share these facts:

I’ve been a journalist for about 25 years, and I was educated to lie, to betray, and not to tell the truth to the public.

But seeing right now within the last months how the German and American media tries to bring war to the people in Europe, to bring war to Russia — this is a point of no return and I’m going to stand up and say it is not right what I have done in the past, to manipulate people, to make propaganda against Russia, and it is not right what my colleagues do and have done in the past because they are bribed to betray the people, not only in Germany, all over Europe.

Those are pretty strong words, wouldn’t you say? If that was not enough, Ulfkotte appeared on RT to say that European media is being pressured by the CIA to write pro-US stories.

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Before taking the criminal politicians for their word in answer to the CIA-controlled criminal “accredited media,” do consider the source.

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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

The “Heroes That The People Need” Capitalizing Off The American People

By Bradlee Dean

“Whenever the people need a hero, we shall supply him.” -33 degree Mason, Albert Pike

Is anyone paying attention to the fact that with all of the said grillings taking place by the conservative talking heads of the day that nothing more than grilling is brought forth, just empty threats (Proverbs 25:14).

Apparently, these do not understand wounding what it is that they do not kill when it comes to justice (Amos 5:24).

The importance of this is that justice guards our liberties, which is on the back of the Supreme Court building under Moses holding the two tablets of God’s moral law (Exodus 20), and yet, justice is what is never brought forth.  These appeasers just talk a big game.

An appeaser is one who feeds the crocodile in hopes that it will eat him last.

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Why just the big talk?  It’s because it is designed to appease the American people and put them to sleep (Ephesians 5:14) by what is called “controlled opposition.”  In other words, they are put there in hopes that you will let them take care of the problems that they deceive you into believing that they are bringing resolve towards.

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Friends, these appeasers are not a threat to what Americans complain about when it comes to that of the establishment.  They are there fueling the narrative to prop it up.

Let me ask you, why is Michelle Malkin (Net worth 25 Million) bringing no resolve?  Why is Candace Owens (Net worth 3 million) called up to testify in Congress? What of anti-Christ (1 John 2:22-23) Ben Shapiro (Net worth 20-25 million)?

Again, they are not a threat to that establishment.  They are appointed to keep it erect in its design, advertently or inadvertently.

What of Senator Ted Cruz (Net worth 4 million) when grilling big tech for their illegal censorship? Ted is already in a position of incumbency to fight the illegalities of what it is that he pretends to fight against.  Keep in mind that his salary is $174,000 a year.

Senator Rand Paul (Net worth 2.5 million) caught Anthony Fauci in lie after lie (John 8:44) and what happened?  Rand Paul also receives a $174,000 annual salary.

Where is the justice, guys?

“When thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.” -Isaiah 26:9

Is justice that guards our liberties prevailing with these?  Not at all, just the opposite.

“The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted.” -Psalm 12:8

What of Representative Thomas Massie (Net Worth $6 Million) who warned of more gun control? His salary is $174,000 yearly.

What of Trey Gowdy grilling Hillary Clinton?

Then there is Jim Jordan dropping the bomb on treasonous Joe Biden administration and yet, no justice can be found, just more injustice!

By the way, there is not one individual in government that has drawn up the articles of impeachment and prosecution of treasonous Joe Biden (Article II, Section 4; Article I, Section 3, Clause 7).

Tom Cotton, Dan Crenshaw, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Daryl Issa, Jason Chaffetz, etc. are other appeasers.

The law is on our side.  The people are unified under that law and 330 million people save 1.7 % and yet, no justice.

These that have been named are doing nothing more than magnifying the crimes against the law (Isaiah 59:14), never bringing in resolve.  Yet, they are always selling lawlessness and fear-mongering to do another fund raiser in capitalizing off the ones for whom they claim to be fighting, and that is the people that they are fleecing. Wake-up friends.

As the wicked and evil Albert Pike stated: “Whenever the people need a hero, we shall supply him.”

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© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

The Blood On The Hands Of Propagandist And Warmonger Colin Powell

By Bradlee Dean

“No one pushed the false narrative of Weapons of Mass Destruction against an innocent people more than this criminal.”

When you have treasonous and disgraceful Joe Biden, George W. Bush and Barack Obama singing your praises on and through the mainstream media, you know as well as I do that he was just as corrupt as the ones praising him (Luke 16:15), and in the case of Colin Powell, nothing could be truer.

No one played the Judas like that of Colin Powell (Luke 22:48). He sold himself out, as well as everyone and anyone else that would stand in the way of his climb up the political ladder regardless of who had to be sacrificed in the process.

Colin Powell pushed the propaganda narrative (weapons of mass destruction) for the Iraq war without any provocation on their part (John 8:44).

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Population-based studies produce estimates of the number of Iraq War casualties ranging from 151,000 violent deaths as of June 2006 (per the Iraq Family Health Survey) to 1,033,000 excess deaths (per the 2007 Opinion Research Business (ORB) survey). Other survey-based studies covering different time-spans find 461,000 total deaths (over 60% of them violent) as of June 2011 (per PLOS Medicine 2013), and 655,000 total deaths (over 90% of them violent) as of June 2006 (per the 2006 Lancet study). Body counts counted at least 110,600 violent deaths as of April 2009 (Associated Press). The Iraq Body Count project documents 185,000–208,000 violent civilian deaths through February 2020 in their table. All estimates of Iraq War casualties are disputed.

And American casualties, As of July 19, 2021, according to the U.S. Department of Defense casualty website, there were 4,431 total deaths (including both killed in action and non-hostile) and 31,994 wounded in action (WIA) as a result of the Iraq War.

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Put what General Wesley Clark said of this up against what it was that Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld, George W. Bush, Paul Wolfowitz and Dick Chenney had to say.

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Colin Powell was honored by Joe Biden, George W, Bush, and Barack Hussein Obama for lying to the American people and sacrificing their young men by sending them out into to a foreign nation to steal away their natural resources (Oil) (Proverbs 19:9).

Of course, after these warmongers here capitalize off their sacrifice in making them 34 billion dollars, they then admit that there were no weapons of mass destruction.

Remembering why American’s loathe Dick Cheney

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Conclusion: When it comes to the honorability of Colin Powell, there is no honor, but dishonor and disgrace (Proverbs 17:15).

If the American people had taken the time to know the truth of the matter, Colin Powell would have been tried for his war crimes against an innocent people, both Iraqis and American soldiers (Isaiah 26:9).

The good news is that he has now met his Maker and will now pay in eternity for his crimes for all eternity (Hebrews 9:27).

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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Billy, Franklin And Now Will Graham: “Sin Is Fun,’ But Living For Christ Is ‘More Fun'”

By Bradlee Dean

“If ye were of the world, the world would love his own:” -John 15:19

First, there Was Billy Graham, the evangelical pope, the ecumenical (oneness) preacher who has stood with every president and their corruptions since the 1950s.

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Political pawn Billy Graham, before passing away, received a star on Hollywood Boulevard.  He was honored and adored by witches, warlocks, Satanists, pedophiles, sodomites, adulterers, fornicators, in short, the demoralizers of culture (Luke 6:36).

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Then we have Franklin Graham, who also allies himself with presidents at every given cycle as a mere pawn to keep the sheep in line just like his father (1 Kings 13:33).

Mr. impotent neutralizer of the faith himself, Franklin Graham tells his followers to pray and yet, says nothing about doing (James 2:14-26). Faith without works is dead!

Don’t forget that recently Franklin also told the blind and ignorant in the American Church to love your neighbor as yourselves because Jesus would have also taken the deadly experimental jab.  Blasphemy (Hosea 4:6)!


Then we have the new up and coming hireling grandson of Billy Graham (John 10:12), Will Graham, who is carrying on the tradition of preaching another gospel (Galatians 1:8) just like that of his predecessors.

This last week, Will Graham thought it to be cute somehow to teach the biblically illiterate (Malachi 2:6) that which is not biblical. Will said ‘sin is fun’ but living for Christ is ‘more fun.’

The Christian Post reported:

Billy Graham’s grandson Will Graham told hundreds gathered for prayer and worship over the weekend in Iowa that while sin can be “fun,” the gratification one receives from it eventually wears out and leaves them searching for a more permanent gratification and purpose in their lives.

Iowans gathered in from Friday to Sunday in Des Moines for one of Graham’s “Celebration” evangelistic outreach events, where they heard performances from singers like CeCe Winans and Aaron Shust, as well as a message from the 46-year-old evangelist.

Graham, the son of Franklin Graham, has hosted about three dozen Celebration crusade events worldwide since 2015.

“Sin is fun, but then you have to do it again tomorrow, and then you have to do it again to keep it up,” Graham, executive director of the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove in North Carolina, said.

“It just wears off. And then, all of a sudden, you realize it never satisfied. But, when you give your life to Christ, [satisfaction] never wears off,” he added. “I never met a person who gave their life to Christ that regretted it. I’ve had more fun being a Christian than I ever could not being a Christian.”

I cannot find in Scripture anywhere that “sin is fun,” but I did find in Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death.”

I did find in James 1:13-15:

“But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.”

I did find in Revelation 21:8 that on the day of judgment, which applies to all of us, that the “the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whore mongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”

Sin is fun? Really!

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One thing that Will forgets to tell these people is that their sins are before God, that they need to repent (Acts 20:21) and put their faith in Christ, and to bring forth fruit the fruits of repentance (Matthew 3:8) in taking vengeance upon the sin that put Christ on the cross (2 Corinthians 7:10-11), and living for Him who died for them (2 Corinthians 5:15).

And that Hell is the place for people that reject Christ!

One more thing I would like to add to Will’s lack of biblical understanding.  Will said but living for Christ is ‘more fun’ Hmmm.

Eleven of the 12 disciples were martyred.

Jesus was crucified. After His resurrection He tells those that will follow him:

“And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: But when they persecute you in this city, flee ye into another.” -Matthew 10: 22-24

In Acts 14:22, the Bible tells us: “Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.”

Jesus told us in John 15:17-19: “These things I command you, that ye love one another.  If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.”

In John 20:20-21, after His resurrection, we are told: “And when he had so said, he shewed unto them his hands and his side. Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the LORD. Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.”

Fun? Will is preaching a different gospel, friends (Galatians 1:6).

Jude warns of such:

“Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.  For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.”

And what of the apostle Paul, the one responsible for penning 2/3 of the New Testament? Was it “fun” for him to serve Jesus? Let’s go to 2 Corinthians 11:23-28.

“in labours more abundant, in stripes above measure, in prisons more frequent, in deaths oft. Of the Jews five times received I forty stripes save one.

Thrice was I beaten with rods, once was I stoned, thrice I suffered shipwreck, a night and a day I have been in the deep;

In journeyings often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils by mine own countrymen, in perils by the heathen, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils among false brethren;

In weariness and painfulness, in watchings often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness.

Beside those things that are without, that which cometh upon me daily, the care of all the churches.”

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Conclusion: Friends, when thoroughly vetting the Word of God over and over, you will find (2 Timothy 2:15), stark contrasts and blatant contradictions as well as things that have been merely found to be nowhere in the bible by these enemies of the cross (Philippians 3:18).

God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your lives-Someone please show me that. Love is always found in demonstration, not with lip service (Matthew 15:8).

The Grahams have never been, in the past or in the present been found preaching out against the sins that are promoted by corruption in the government – Abortion, homosexuality, illegal indoctrination in public schools etc… on the contrary, the Grahams have stood alongside the corrupt in the process.

The Grahams are not a threat in any way to the corrupt establishment in the church or in the government and that alone should show you who it is that are (2 Corinthians 11:13-15).

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The good news is that the Grahams are not the ones that we are to look to or to emulate (Hebrews 13:7), Jesus Christ is.

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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

We Knew This Was Coming: Politicians Attack And Then Play The Victim

By Bradlee Dean

Hiding Behind Teachers To Protect Themselves Against The People They Are To Serve!

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. —Amendment I of the Bill of Rights to the US Constitution

When I saw the headline coming from the Daily Mail, I knew that it was the criminal politicians that were hiding behind these criminal board members. In the end, they could use it to safeguard themselves against the people that they are to serve.

Here’s the headline:

“Teachers call angry parents terrorists: School officials beg Biden to send in the FBI to protect them from ‘extremist’ parents angry over vaccine and mask mandates and say it should be treated as ‘domestic terrorism’”

What is happening here is that the federal and the state governments would like to have their way with your children regardless of if it is illegal or not (Exodus 22:23).

After speaking at 364 high schools in 25 different states, I have heard principals tell me that the “science and the history books are being changed every 3-7 years” (Hosea 4:6).

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They are attempting to make your children prey to the sodomite agenda (Leviticus 18:22, 20:13), including child porn, which is a felony in this country (Luke 17:2).

This is how the peoples representatives should be upholding the law against all crimes video

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According to this report:

♦ The National School Boards Association urged the president in a letter Wednesday to mobilize federal agents to protect them from protesting parents

NSBA President Viola Garcia and Interim Executive Director and CEO Chip Slaven penned the complaint, which was also published online
The correspondence states that outbursts from ‘extremist’ parents irate over vaccine and mask mandates should be treated as ‘domestic terrorism’
The letter to the US president requests ‘immediate assistance’ for school staffers and board members, who they say are under ‘immediate threat’

An institution representing more than 90,000 school officials across the US begged Joe Biden Wednesday to send FBI and Secret Service agents to protect them from ‘mobs’ of angry parents irate over vaccine and mask mandates forced upon their children – asserting their protests should be treated as ‘domestic terrorism’ by ‘extremist hate organizations.’

In a letter penned to the president and published online, the National School Boards Association implored the US government to take a stand against these vexed parents, stating that teachers and other school staffers are under ‘immediate threat’ because of their burgeoning ‘acts of malice, violence, and threats.’

The complaint, signed by NSBA President Viola Garcia and Interim Executive Director and CEO Chip Slaven, called upon Biden personally to and use his executive power to mobilize FBI and US Secret Service agents to guard school officials.

There were 11 pages deep of the propagandists striking at the same time. Translation: They are trying to defend themselves concerning the crimes they are intending to commit.

Conclusion: “Domestic terrorists” are protecting their children from those who are indoctrinating, from predators and those that are illegally mandating masks and experimental jabs. Who are the actual domestic terrorists, the parents or those in the federal government?

The criminals in the federal government are wanting to use agencies against the people in transgressing the law that they all swore that they would uphold.

Furthermore, maybe these fools, and fools they are, should take the time and read the 1st Amendment of the Bill of Rights which states:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Parents have every right given unto them by God to confront corruption wherever it may be (Psalm 94:16).

This is nothing more than an attempt to garner more control over the lives of the children while playing the victims. Nothing new here (Ecclesiastes 1:9).

© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

When Hollywood Hypocrites Preach To The American Church, This Is What You Get!

By Bradlee Dean

“Growing up with a preacher as a father, Denzel Washington went to church every Sunday, he told GQ. He’s been going to the same church for 30 years, and he reads the Bible every day. In a 2015 commencement address, he told the grads of Dillard University to ‘put God first in everything you do’.”

Who has preached through his actions to the world as much as Denzel Washington, a self-professed Christian, as to how to commit adultery, fornication, murder-gun violence, lying, stealing, drinking, swearing, etc. (1 John 3:4)? And friends, Denzel is just the tip of this hypocrisy when it comes to the lot in Hollywood.

Chris Pratt, Tom Hanks, Mark Wahlberg, Brad Paisley, Dwayne Johnson, Charlie Sheen, Bono, Larry Flynt, Whitney Houston, Kevin Costner, etc… And the list of hypocrites goes on, and on, and on (Matthew 23:3).

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Let’s get back to Denzel Washington and listen to what he had to say when preaching to the American church goers who just have not taken the time to read the Word of God for themselves (John 7:17). Anti-Christ Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire reports

Denzel Washington Advises Crowd At Christian Event To ‘Stay On Your Knees,’ Says ‘Strength and Leadership’ Are Part Of God’s Role For Men

Denzel Washington has long been one of the rare outspoken Christians in Hollywood. On Saturday, he once again shared his faith in explicit terms.

As first reported in The Christian Post, the two-time Oscar winner was a featured speaker at the “Better Man Event” — a religious convention hosted by First Baptist Orlando in Florida. There he told the crowd of fathers, sons, and husbands, “The world has changed. What is our role as a man? The John Wayne formula is not quite a fit right now. But strength, leadership, power, authority, guidance, patience are God’s gift to us as men. We have to cherish that, not abuse it.”

Washington also shared some advice for men seeking success: “Stay on your knees. “Stay on your knees. Watch me but listen to God,” he said, adding, “I hope that the words in my mouth and the meditation of my heart are pleasing in God’s sight, but I’m human. I’m just like you. What I have will not keep me on this Earth for one more day.

Share what you know, inspire who you can, seek advice. If you want to talk to one someone, talk to the one that can do something about it. Constantly develop those habits.”

What I have will not keep me on this Earth for one more day. Share what you know, inspire who you can, seek advice. If you want to talk to one someone, talk to the one that can do something about it. Constantly develop those habits.

In conclusion: Denzel said. “Stay on your knees. Watch me but listen to God.”  He add, “I hope that the words in my mouth and the meditation of my heart are pleasing in God’s sight, but I’m human.”

Watch me, but listen to God? If people were listening to God, they would not be watching Denzel or any others when it comes to these hypocrites (Titus 1:16).

These in Hollywood are exhibiting a lack of Christianity (1 John 2:4), and remember that no one rebuked the religious hypocrites more than Jesus Christ Himself (John 7:7)

What?  Watch me but don’t do as I do? Jesus rebukes these hypocrites in Matthew 23:23, and so should you (2 Timothy 2:15)!

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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

This Is How The People’s Representatives Should Be Upholding The Law Against ALL Crimes

By Bradlee Dean

“Write a sex scene you wouldn’t show your mom…”, “Describe a time when you wanted to orgasm but couldn’t…”, “Write a sermon for a beloved preacher who has been caught in a sex scandal…”, “Write a X rated Disney scenario…”, “Choose how you will die…”, “Write a scene for the first time I killed a man…” “You have a dream that you murdered someone, who is it? How and why did the murder happen, and what happens afterwards…”, “You are a serial killer…”, -Content found in schools curriculum

After speaking at hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of high schools across the country, I have to say that if I were to publicly promulgate what these bureaucrats have decided to put into the curriculums in public schools, I would be placed under arrest as a deranged pedophile in promoting child pornography and suggestive content (Luke 17:2).

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Conclusion: After watching the video I have to personally say that the criminal intent of the school board members towards the students was already revealed (Romans 3:20).

If I were in the position of this mayor I would not have given them the option of resigning, they were guilty and everyone knows it and should rightly be held accountable for their crimes though he did take it the right direction (Proverbs 8:20).

© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Detroit TV Asks For Stories Of Unvaxxed Dying From COVID – Gets Over 180K Responses Of Vaccine Injured And Dead Instead

by Bradlee Dean

“Cannot hide the facts.”

We all knew that this was coming. You can only hide it for so long. They can lie, they can manipulate, and they can censor only for so long before it all comes to the light (Luke 8:17).

Health Impact News reported:  Local Detroit TV Asks for Stories of Unvaxxed Dying from COVID – Gets over 180K Responses of Vaccine Injured and Dead Instead

The corporate media narrative that unvaccinated people are filling up the hospitals and dying from COVID is quickly falling apart, perhaps faster than they even expected.

WXYZ TV Channel 7 in Detroit asked their viewers on their Facebook Page last Friday to direct message them if they lost a loved one due to COVID-19 if they refused to get one of the COVID-19 vaccines.

This is a clear indication that they are getting desperate to find these stories, and are having a difficult time finding them.

I don’t know if they got any such stories through direct messaging, but the post on their Facebook Page, as of the time of publication today, had received over 182,000 comments, and they seem to be all comments of those who have lost loved ones after receiving a COVID shot, and comments asking them why they are not covering that story.

I paged through many dozens of the comments, and did not see a single one stating that they lost someone to COVID after refusing a COVID-19 shot.

People who have been silenced and censored on Facebook and other Big Tech platforms took advantage of the opportunity to share their stories instead. It is amazing that Facebook left these up, but after so many had commented, it would probably have been an even bigger story if they had taken down the post and comments.

I wonder what WXYZ will do now? Will they do what most corporate media companies do, fueled by almost unlimited resources from their billionaire Wall Street owners who are almost all connected to the pharmaceutical industry, and just go out and hire actors instead to do the story and make them up?

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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Tolerating Political Crimes, Crooked Politicians, Is The Recipe For Self-Destruction

By Bradlee Dean

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” -The US Constitution Preamble

Recently, I had some one send me a link in my email, which I receive about 2-300 a day, for one of their favorite show hosts highlighting and magnifying the crimes of the corrupt in giving us more information of the same criminals that have been tolerated by the American people for decades.

Do we really need more self-proclaimed Christian conservatives (1 John 2:4) giving us more information concerning the crimes of the same corrupt politicians (Jeremiah 5:28)? No, we do not.

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We know that the corrupt are not above the law, though most give them a pass in acting as if they were passed. As a matter of fact, they swore to uphold the laws that they are continuously transgressing (Deuteronomy 23:23).

Are they upholding the law unto judgment, establishing righteousness so that we can have peace (Isaiah 51:4)? No, they are not, just the opposite!

Then why is it that we need more information? How is it that the American people do not see the missing remedy here, which is to bring justice upon the heads of the wicked (Isaiah 26:9)?

Our forefathers exhibited exactly what it is that we are to do in case of the present circumstance (Hebrews 13:7).

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
” -The Declaration of Independence

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Is it that these self-proclaimed Christian conservatives are cowards, that they are fearful (Revelation 21:8) to actually stand up in honor of where our veterans have fallen in fighting off concerning tyranny in other lands (2 Corinthians 5:15), while desensitized Americans tolerate them in office in our own lands (Hosea 4:6)?

Is it good enough for Americans to enjoy their freedoms at the price of their fathers yet when it is their turn to stand up and fight that are the first ones to capitulate (Psalm 78:9)? This is shameful conduct to say the least (Jeremiah 6:15).

“This republic was not established by cowards; and cowards will not preserve it.”

To expect nothing but highlighting the crimes of the wicked concerning more information of newer crimes being committed are all vain and worthless.

In fact, we are undoing ourselves by tolerating more of their crimes (Isaiah 59).

Without the American people coming to the realization that they are the law under God, all will be lost (Psalm 33:12) and we will self destruct (Numbers 32:23).

“A nation ceases to be republican…when the will of the majority ceases to be the law.” -Thomas Jefferson:

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We all know that they are corrupt for if not then where is the justice that guards our liberties.

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For Those of You Throwing Off this “Plandemic” As a Mere Conspiracy Theory

by Bradlee Dean

CONSPIRACY, noun [Latin See Conspire.] 1. A combination of men for an evil purpose; an agreement between two or more persons, to commit some crime in concert; (Jeremiah 11:9)

The National File reported: COVID Quarantine Camps: Inside The CDC’s Plan To Intern People For The Greater Good.


In the document released last year, titled “Interim Operational Considerations for Implementing the Shielding Approach to Prevent COVID-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings“, the CDC offers an operational procedure for “humanitarian settings” in which putting people in camps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 may prove necessary. The document appears to contain procedures meant for use outside of the United States.

The CDC explains that “This approach has never been documented and has raised questions and concerns among humanitarian partners” but nevertheless explains that “The purpose of this document is to highlight potential implementation challenges of the shielding approach” from the perspective of the CDC.

The document explains that “The shielding approach aims to reduce the number of severe COVID-19 cases by limiting contact between individuals at higher risk of developing the disease,” and these “high-risk” people “would be temporarily relocated to safe or ‘green zones’” that can be established at the “household, neighborhood, camp/sector or community” level depending on the need. “They would have minimal contact with family members and other low-risk residents,” the document explains.

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Conclusion: What is this all about? You tell me (Deuteronomy 28:63).


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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Don’t Tell Me That One Person Cannot Make A Change!

By Bradlee Dean

“When a Christian tries to live by reason he is moving out of Gods country into the enemy’s land. We belong in the miraculous and the supernatural realm.” -John G. Lake

The Bible says in Romans 5:20: “But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.”

Then, it tells us in Ephesians 2:8: “For by grace are ye saved through faith (Faith that overcomes the world 1John 5:4); and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:”

Yet, if we are truly saved by grace, we not only abound (Favorable influence of God; divine influence or the influence of the spirit, in renewing the heart and restraining from sin – Websters 1828), but “we are also His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10).

How many times I have heard from those who profess to belong to the Lord that continuously make excuses as to why this country is in the position that it is in today (1 John 2:4). They say, “I am just one person.  What can I possibly do?” The truth of the matter is that they don’t want to do anything about our state but forfeit more of their God-given rights through surrendering in hopes that they are still going to Heaven (Psalm 78:9). These types are using the grace of God as an occasion for the flesh (Galatians 5:13) and have no idea what the fruit of grace and faith truly bring forth (John 15:8). They are, in fact, from beneath, not from above (John 8:23). Instead of doing what the Church is to do in bringing the answers to the world (Isaiah 58:12), they want to create a hopeless version of a false Gospel to put others in the position that they are in (Galatians 1:8).

These are succumbers, not over-comers.

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On the other hand, I think of Jesus Christ, one man, the Son of God, who turned the world right side up in order to save the souls of men (Luke 19:10).

Well, you might say, “I am not Jesus,” and you are right, you are not, but do remember that you are a joint heir with Him (Romans 8:17).  Remember what was written of Him while on earth.  In John 21:25, it states” “And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written.”

Wasn’t it Jesus in John 14:12 that said, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”

The Father of the Old and New Testament said, “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not” (Jeremiah 33:3).

With all of the promises made to the Church, I have to say that I cannot find defeat, only victory. The defeat comes to the disobedient, not the obedient. Nowhere can you find in Scripture where the Lord ever, one time  failed a faithful man or woman of God.  Nowhere!

“If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land;” -Isaiah 1:9

When I think of the patriarchs, both in the Church and without, I think of the men that stood with the Lord, them and them alone.

  • Moses
  • Joshua
  • King David
  • Gideon
  • Samson
  • The major prophets
  • The minor prophets
  • The Apostles

I think of Martin Luther, the great reformer.

  • Oliver Cromwell
  • John Knox
  • Charles Spurgeon
  • Jonathan Edwards
  • William-Catharine Booth
  • Sir Thomas Moore
  • The Black Robed Regiment

I think of our forefathers, who made an appeal to the “Supreme Judge of the World” in establishing this great nation in which we live (Psalm 33:12). Where were their appeals directed toward?  The flags that were flying were “Appeal to Heaven” and “No King But Jesus” (I Timothy 2:5).

Did they make excuses for what they left off?  Not at all.  They proved the God of Israel by standing with Him, and Him alone.  Having met Him on his terms (Matthew 6:33), they found Him to be immutable and as faithful to the preceding generations (Hebrews 13:8).

Don’t tell me that one person cannot make a change!

“And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets:Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions. Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection:” -Hebrews 11:32-35

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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Why Do The French, Germans, English, Etc. Act More Like Children Of Our Forefathers Than Most Americans?

By Bradlee Dean

“Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God!”

Yesterday, while doing the radio show, I found myself asking the question to 153 cities why it is that the French, the Germans and the English know how to act more like our forefathers than most Americans do?

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Why is it, friends, that the U.K., the Netherlands, Japan, Israel, Australia, Amsterdam, Israel, Austria, Belgium, etc. are up in arms and in defiance against the tyrants in their perspective countries and yet, Americans are trying to still figure out if they are being lied to by the same people that have been lying to them for decades (John 8:44)? Shameful (Jeremiah 6:15)!

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Americans, let me ask you, what is 75% of the Declaration of Independence entail if not our forefathers teaching all of us the importance of taking responsibility before God, who gave us our rights (“that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights”), in dealing with corruption and establishing “New Government”?

“That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.”

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Though I prefer reformation and not a revolution, we must understand that what is taking place globally is a provocation of war.

For those that still do not understand what is taking place here in America and globally, let me clarify: the war has already started, and it is long overdue that the people in this country get into that war for the very purpose of ending this criminal conspiracy (Isaiah 28:18).

Americans must take their rightful place (Psalm 33:12) and open their eyes to their own history and stand up and lead the way to freedom (2 Corinthians 3:17).

We must also remember that the ones creating these crises are not the ones doing the fighting (The powers that are tolerated are bribing and extorting politicians to push forth their agendas; Luke 22:48).  They are merely the ones that are doing the lying, the killing and the dividing; and we should all know better than this (John 10:10).

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If you want to make America great again, then we are the ones that are responsible to make that happen (1 Timothy 4:16).  We must establish our liberties once again in the ways in which the Lord has commanded through His judgments (Deuteronomy 4:6; Psalm 9:16, 89:14, 97:2; Isaiah 26:9; Jeremiah 9:24).

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It is time to lawfully deal with these devilish perpetrators and put an end to their contrived agendas (Jeremiah 11:9).

In doing so, I revert and make reference to that of the U.S. Constitution’s preamble: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice…,” which, in the end, guards our liberties!

Watch what the mainstream media globally means to censor – As the world is in protest.

© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

You Are Being Distracted by Cuomo’s Crimes, De Blasio is Mandating Proof Of Vaccines

By Bradlee Dean

“We’ve got to shake people at this point and say ‘c’mon now.’ We tried voluntary. We could not have been more kind and compassionate as a country…free testing, incentives, friendly warm embrace — the voluntary phase is over.” -NYC Mayor de Blasio

While most New Yorkers are being distracted right now with the crimes of their governor, the subversive Mayor Bill de Blasio is pushing the people to see how far that he can go with them (Psalm 94:20; Amos 3:3).

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Conclusion: I’m still trying to find in either federal or state laws where they have the constitutional authority to do this. On the contrary, there is no law, and they are, in fact, testing the people to see if they even know the difference (Hosea 4:6). This is criminal.

Any compulsory Covid-19 vaccination requirement is a violation of federal law. I urge you to advise all students that they have the right to refuse or to take any COVID-19 vaccine. Any other action is contrary to federal law.

Covid-19 Vaccines are Experimental.

Covid-19 vaccines are not approved by the FDA. The Covid-19 vaccines are only approved under an Emergency Use Authorization, for investigational use only. Covid-19 vaccines lack requisite studies and are not approved medical treatment. The FDA’s guidance on emergency use authorization of medical products requires the FDA to “ensure that recipients are informed to the extent practicable given the applicable circumstances … That they have the option to accept or refuse the EUA product …”

Title 21, Section 360bbb-3 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the “FD&C Act”) vests the Secretary of Health and Human Services with the permissive authority to grant Emergency Use Authorizations (“EUAs”) providing that appropriate conditions designed to ensure that individuals to whom the product is administered are informed:

  1. that the Secretary has authorized the emergency use of the product;
  2. of the significant known and potential benefits and risks of such use, and of the extent to which such benefits and risks are unknown; and
  3. of the option to accept or refuse administration of the product, of the consequences, if any, of refusing administration of the product, and of the alternatives to the product that are available and of their benefits and risks. 1

The right to avoid the imposition of human experimentation is fundamental, rooted in the Nuremberg Code of 1947, has been ratified by the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki, and further codified in the United States Code of Federal Regulations. In addition to the United States regarding itself as bound by these provisions, these principles were adopted by the FDA in its regulations requiring the informed consent of human subjects for medical research. It is unlawful to conduct medical research, even in the case of an emergency, unless steps are taken to secure informed consent of all participants.

The following Emergency Use Authorizations have been issued for Covid-19 vaccinations:

12/11/20 Moderna – FDA issued an EUA for emergency use of the Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccine for recipients 16 years of age or older.

12/18/20 Pfizer/BioNTech – FDA issued an EUA for emergency use of the Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA vaccine for recipients 18 years of age or older.

2/27/21 Johnson & Johnson – FDA issued an EUA for emergency use of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine (aka Janssen vaccine) for recipients 18 years of age or older.

Each of the above EUAs was issued in conjunction with a similar Fact Sheet from the FDA. For example, the Janssen fact sheet contains the following notice:

As the vaccination provider, you must communicate to the recipient or their caregiver, information consistent with the “Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers” (and provide a copy or direct the individual to the website to obtain the Fact Sheet) prior to the individual receiving the Janssen Covid-19 Vaccine, including:
• FDA has authorized the emergency use of the Janssen Covid-19 Vaccine, which is not an FDA approved vaccine.
• The recipient or their caregiver has the option to accept or refuse the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine.
• The significant known and potential risks and benefits of the Janssen Covid-19 Vaccine, and the extent to which such risks and benefits are unknown.

Clearly, any attempt to force anyone to take a Covid-19 vaccine is a violation of federal law and the conditions under which the Covid-19 vaccine has been authorized for use. The law is clear, experimental medical treatment cannot be mandated.

Businesses are not shielded from liability with experimental agents.

Under the 2005 PREP Act enacted by Congress, pharmaceutical companies that manufacture EUA vaccines are shielded from liability related to injuries and damages caused by their experimental agents. However, any employer, public school, or any other entity or person who mandates experimental vaccines on any human being is not protected from liability for any resulting harm. While vaccine manufacturers may be shielded from liability, your institution is not protected, and neither are you.

You are hereby on notice that if you illegally or irresponsibly mandate EUA medical therapies on students, such as the experimental Covid-19 vaccine candidates, I may have no choice but to take legal action, and you may be personally liable for resulting harm.

I urge your institution to comply with the FD&C Act and the terms of the EUA and its accompanying Fact Sheet, and to advise all employees of their right to accept or refuse any Covid-19 vaccine. Any other course of action is contrary to federal law.

Thank you for your time and for protecting the best interest of your students.

UPDATED Form for Students Attending Colleges or Universities Requiring Covid-19 Injections

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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

If Everyone is Sick & Tired of The Establishment, Then Why Are They Still Playing The Same Game?

By Bradlee Dean

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” -Albert Einstein

I’m out on the road right now in Michigan.  We just finished up in Colorado, California and Wisconsin and I am continuously seeing the same confusion by the people across this country concerning the system of government that is being played out in front of their faces (1 Corinthians 14:33). If you are one of these people, then listen up.

You have all heard the saying: “Garbage in, garbage out,” and so it is.

If you are feeding on the modern-day version of the American version of the Gospel, this may explain why so many are confused (Matthew 23).

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If you are feeding on the conservative talking heads of today, which are in fact yesterday’s liberals, this may help explain why so many are confused (Mark 8:15).

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If you are distracted by watching those who are controlled lead through to created opposition (the clowns in the circus of politics), this may help you understand why so many are confused ( 1 Kings 13:33).

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Apparently, the American people, whom are confused (Daniel 9:7), have yet to come to the realization that there is a political language that has been created to make lies sound truthful (Isaiah 5:20; Ephesians 4:14).

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Do you want the soundness of mind and confusion to be gone (2 Timothy 6:12)?  Then break the cycle and quit feeding into the lies.

The Masses Globally Are Not Running To Get Vaccinated, They Are Running To Defy The Tyrants

By Bradlee Dean

“Their cruelties are swelling our ranks.”

Recently, a friend of mine sent me an article reporting on how the people of France are running to get their vaccinations (People must beware as to what narrative that they are fueling; Numbers 13:32).

Of course, this is what they are doing and, once again and right on cue, the useful idiots would have you believe what is the furthest thing from the truth in hopes of neutering and paralyzing the masses. This is what would you expect from those who have long lost their propaganda narrative (Ephesians 4:14).

They would have you believe that you are the only one refusing their experimental injections (2 Timothy 1:7). This is an attempt to single you out and to ostracize you.

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Simply put, cause the enemies to our global agenda, say they, to believe that there are more of us then there are of them (Isaiah 5:20; Jeremiah 11:9).

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As I have shared with our readers in the past, the people are growing in defiance on a global basis to their plandemic and furthermore, they know it and are becoming desperate in their attempts to wield more control in their corralling.


The fact of the matter is that the police in France are even laying down their shields and joining in with the 100,000 marchers (Exodus 1:12).


To further report what it is that the Mockingbird media means to withhold from you, remember that the masses are saying that they have had enough of this criminal conspiracy.  Greece, Belgium, Australia, The U.K., Romania, France, Germany, Israel and now the United States are standing up in defiance to this global tyranny (Romans 12:21).



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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Bonnie And Clyde: Why Do You Want To See Their Car?

by Bradlee Dean

“And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:” -Hebrews 9:27

It amazes me as to how the world today loves to praise the bad guys and frown upon many of the good guys (John 7:7).

What’s worse is that we know that the devil loves to glorify himself through those bad guys (Matthew 4:9). As a matter of fact in America today, Americans have been conditioned to show more mercy to the wicked in glorifying them than they are the victims who suffered at their hands themselves and In the case of Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow, no other two criminals could be a better example, that is until the Lord said no more!

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After watching the true story of Frank Hamer, former Texas Ranger, and Maney Gault, who joined forces to capture the notorious outlaws Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow, I had to see the history around it for myself.

Bonnie Elizabeth Parker (October 1, 1910 – May 23, 1934) and Clyde Champion Barrow (March 24, 1909 – May 23, 1934) were an American criminal couple who traveled the Central United States with their gang during the Great Depression, known for their bank robberies, although they preferred to rob small stores or rural gas stations. Their exploits captured the attention of the American press and its readership during what is occasionally referred to as the “public enemy era” between 1931 and 1934. They are believed to have murdered at least nine police officers and four civilians. They were killed in May 1934 during an ambush by police near Gibsland, Louisiana.

Now, while touring through Colorado and Las Vegas in venturing over into Rancho Fe, California, we had to stop and see the car that Bonnie and Clyde were in when they were finally captured (I love to get as much history as I can when traveling).

In the process of seeking it out, which was literally right off the main highway that we were on, my wife said to me, “Why do you want to see their car?  They were both criminals, isn’t that glorifying them?”

In response, I said, “I don’t want to see the car in order to glorify them. I want to see the riddled car in order to see how the Lord brought justice upon them through the likes of Frank Hamer and Maney Gaultin in glorifying himself – A BIG difference (Isaiah 26:9; Hebrews 9:27).

Scripture is clear when the Lord said “Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? saith the Lord GOD: and not that he should return from his ways, and live?” the fact of the matter is that there just some that refuse the mercy of God in living their lives for the devil (John 10:10).

“The LORD is known by the judgment which he executeth.” -Psalm 9:16

As Frank Hamer rightly stated “He shot the devil out of them!”


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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

NEA To Vote On Mandatory Covid-19 Shots For School Children

By Bradlee Dean

A coup d’état, or just coup, is the removal and seizure of a government and its powers. Typically, it is an illegal, unconstitutional seizure of power by a political faction, the military, or a dictator.

Propaganda outlet FOX News just reported: “America’s largest teachers’ union to vote on mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations, masks and testing for students.”

The National Education Association, America’s largest teachers’ union, is holding a vote on requiring mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations, masks and testing for students before classes return in the fall.

The new business meeting action item submitted by 50 delegates is “awaiting debate” on the NEA’s website.

The action item calls for “mandatory safe and effective COVID-19 vaccinations and testing for all students and staff before returning to face-to-face instruction in the fall, subject to medical exceptions, in accordance with existing law, and will widely publicize this position via social media.” Corey DeAngelis, national director of research at School Choice Now, first highlighted the action item on Twitter.

The description continues: “We will further call for and publicize that safety measures such as social distancing, masking, and proper ventilation be mandatory for all.”

The action item notes that more than 600,000 people have died of COVID-19, adding that “Black and Latinx communities have suffered twice the deaths, and this inequality will deepen as variants spread.”

DeAngelis pointed to a “massive power imbalance between the teachers union monopoly and individual families” as the “main problem with K-12 education in America” in a response to the action item on Twitter.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in January that there is “little evidence” schools “have contributed meaningfully to increased community transmission.” In February, the agency said the adverse effects of virtual learning outweigh the threat of transmitting the virus during in-school learning.

“There is more spread that is happening in the community when schools are not open than when schools are open,” CDC Director Rochelle Walensky told reporters at the time.

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These illegal attacks continue and now, they are aiming for your children (Luke 17:2), and that with full steam head.

However, what is of interest here is that the mainstream media, along with corrupt politicians and agencies, want you to believe that now the National Education Association has the legislative authority to vote on if children are to receive the experimental injections. I have a question for you, where is the NEA deriving their delegated authority from if not from “WE the People”?

The NEA has no more authority than does the CDC or The WHO or, for that matter, the president of the United States; and if he does not have the constitutional authority to do so, how is this being pushed forward (Psalm 94:20)?

Outside of the blatant ignorance of the American people and their unwillingness to educate themselves and stand up against this tyranny, they are, in fact, being deceived through something called administrative law.  In other words, it’s a pretended authority!

The Declaration of Independence shows us that those who work for us “derive their just powers from the consent of the governed.” Our RIGHTS come from God and “We the People” delegate to our said representatives to uphold the enumerated laws of the U.S. Constitution.

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What our said representatives have done is that they have taken what “We the People” have entrusted them to uphold and in turn, illegally have given over to special interest groups who have taken upon themselves the position of a legislative branch within our government.  IT IS NOT THEIRS TO GIVE! THEY ARE NOT A LAW UNTO THEMSELVES!


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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Which is Worse, Those That Write the Evil Curriculum, Or the Ignorant Parents That Subject Their Kids to It?

by Bradlee Dean

“What kind of a fool sends their kids to be raised up by their sworn enemies?”

The Bible is very clear: “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6).

I did not read that I was to hand over my children over to the federal government so that they can illegally indoctrinate them through a clear violation of the 10th Amendment of the Bill of Rights.

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What American children are now being subjected to is illegal and, in many cases, criminal on the behalf of the architects of these indoctrination agendas (Leviticus 17:2). Furthermore, the federal government, all the while, knows this to be true.

Remember, it is 86% of parents that profess to be Christians, patriots and or conservatives that are dropping their children off at the school gate to be made a prey.

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Let this mother now share with you what it is that they are attempting to throw on the American children.

In conclusion: For the record, the majority are not giving their consent in advocating this behavior though the mainstream media would have you believe so (John 8:44).

These agendas are criminal in nature.  So, it is not enough for the parents to stand up and complain about to what it is they are subjecting their children, they must have every single one of these “educators’ thrown in jail for participating in this criminal agenda (Isaiah 51:4).

When The Criminals Set The Precedent

By Bradlee Dean

“Soft judges produce hardened criminals.”

I’m sure you have probably heard of Christ Watts, the monster that killed his pregnant wife and buried the two in a shallow grave, and then strangled each one of his two daughters before throwing them into separate oil bins in Colorado.

Friends, Chris now thinks that he has done enough time in prison and wants out.  He believes that God has a plan for his life.

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Did you hear about the homosexual in Switzerland that stalked and raped a 13-year-old boy, tied up his family, raped and then killed all four by cutting their throats and setting fire to the house?

He was the local youth coach that was preying on children.

Swiss public broadcaster SRF reported

…the defendant, during Tuesday’s proceedings, said he wanted to one day look after his mother, and was hoping to start a distance-learning course in economics in prison.

‘My goal is to someday be back in society and re-socialized,’ he was quoted as saying.

Swiss daily Tages-Anzeiger reported that the suspect envisaged himself in the distant future seated at a fireplace with a dog at his side.

No fear of God here (Proverbs 16:6)

It is interesting that these criminals have been conditioned not to fear the punishment but rather look to set the precedent when it comes to their outcome. How true it is that soft judges produce hardened criminals.

This is what takes place when man turns a justice system, according to God’s law into a system of injustice according to man’s policies.

“Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.” -Mark 7:13

Scripture says in Deuteronomy 19:21: “And thine eye shall not pity; but life shall go for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.”

And why? Deuteronomy 12:28 tells us, “Observe and hear all these words which I command thee, that it may go well with thee, and with thy children after thee for ever, when thou doest that which is good and right in the sight of the LORD thy God.”

And finally, we have John Hinkley Jr., the would-be assassin of an American president, an American songwriter and criminal who is best known for his attempted assassination of U.S. President Ronald Reagan in Washington, D.C. on March 30, 1981.

Using a .22 caliber revolver, he wounded Reagan, police officer Thomas Delahanty, and Secret Service agent Tim McCarthy. He critically wounded Press Secretary James Brady, who was permanently disabled in the shooting.

Hinckley was reportedly seeking fame in order to impress actress Jodie Foster, with whom he had an obsessive fixation.

He was found not guilty by reason of insanity and remained under institutional psychiatric care for over three decades. Public outcry over the verdict led to the Insanity Defense Reform Act of 1984, which altered the rules for consideration of mental illness of defendants in Federal Criminal Court proceedings in the U.S.

In 2016, a federal judge ruled that Hinckley could be released from hospice as he was no longer considered a threat to himself or others, albeit with many conditions. After 2020, a ruling was issued that Hinckley may showcase his artwork, writings, and music publicly under his own name, rather than anonymously as he had in the past. Since then, he has maintained a YouTube channel for his music and is making an appeal to get his due. Only in America.

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How backwards and upside-down America has become (Isaiah 59).

And thou…, which art exalted unto heaven, shalt be brought down to hell. -Matthew 11:23

In conclusion: Then again, when the law fails to serve us, as Americans, we must serve as the law (Psalm 94:16)

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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Plandemic Warning: Pakistan Gov. Shut Off Phone Service To Those Who Refused Vaccines

by Bradlee Dean

“Or what of my telephone? If they don’t like my lawful speech, which exposes their conspiratorial alliance (Isaiah 28:18) with the state having control over my life by now calling it “hate speech,” will they decide to shut my service off? Is that capitalism or tyranny?” -Written October 12, 2018

It all started with section 230, which was given to the big tech companies to ban pornography if it should appear on one of their social media platforms.

Pornography was illegal in this country all the way up until 1968, and according to God’s law and American law, it still is (1 Corinthians 6:9).

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Today, we see that the big tech companies are now operating as a law unto themselves as our representatives remain silent while they illegally censor free speech and attack their political opposition (Revelation 12:10).

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It was not too long ago when highlighting the crimes of these big tech companies when I had a business owner tell me that they can do what they want to because it is their platform, which is true up to a point. Yet, the problem that we are having is that these big tech companies are operating in a subversive manner to the U.S. Constitution which in fact, makes it illegal. Remember, liberty is the right to do what the law permits, according to Charles D. Montesquieu.

“Or what of my telephone? If they don’t like my lawful speech, which exposes their conspiratorial alliance (Isaiah 28:18) with the state having control over my life by now calling it “hate speech,” will they decide to shut my service off? Is that capitalism or tyranny?” Warned on October 12, 2018

Look at Twitter and the filth that they spew on a daily basis, busy trying to demoralize the people by advocating unlawful content and activity. Then, they sit back and shadow ban and censor other people’s content because it does not fall into the same filthy, reprobate state as their own (Jeremiah 6:30).

How telling! How Un-American and obviously illegal! They get away with it because the people think that they have a lawful stance to do so.

I can hear someone say that this is free market capitalism! After all, they can do what they want to do because it is their platform! Really? To use the law against the law by declaring that which is illegal is now somehow legal? By illegally monopolizing, banning, censoring and adhering to the same policies that are un-American and un-Constitutional, are they acting as free market capitalists? There is nothing free about it.

Still not convinced? What do you think of the banks that refuse to give credit to purchase guns or ammo to circumvent the Constitution and federal laws? “We the People” have the right to bear arms. Yet, banks are now saying we will no longer extend credit to those who have a God-given right to do so. This is dictatorial, totalitarian and tyrannical in every way.

What happens when the electric company no longer agrees with what I lawfully say? Are they are going to shut off my electricity and say that they did it lawfully?

Or what of my telephone? If they don’t like my lawful speech, which exposes their conspiratorial alliance (Isaiah 28:18) with the state having control over my life by now calling it “hate speech,” will they decide to shut my service off? Is that capitalism or tyranny?

It has been rightly said that those that mean to rule over you, mean to silence you. Is that what is happening, today? Of course, it is! All of it is being done under the guise of being done legally because big money tech companies and corrupt politicians have said so.

What happens if Americans let this continue in the direction that it is going?  I’ll show you.

Did you hear about what is happening now in Pakistan? Technocracy.news reported:

Pakistan Shuts Off Phone Service To Non-Vaccinated Citizens

The Technocrat hand of tyrannical government is coming down on the “un-vaxxed” all around the world. Pakistan now has at least two programs in place; disabling sim cards in cellular phones for all citizens and refusing to pay government employees who refuse to take the vaccine. ⁃ TN Editor

The extreme decision was made during a meeting of high-ranking civil and military officials chaired by Punjab Health Minister Yasmin Rashid.

Rashid said that the policy would disable SIM cards belonging to those who fail to get vaccinated “beyond a certain time.”

“We are doing all we can to compel people to get vaccinated… The government cannot allow individuals, who do not want to get vaccinated, to risk lives of those who are already vaccinated,” the health minister told Pakistan’s Express Tribune. She said that the provincial government would devise a timeline for the policy’s implementation once it received formal approval from the National Command and Operation Center, which coordinates Pakistan’s national response to Covid-19.

Punjab’s Primary and Secondary Health Department announced the measure on Thursday in a tweet detailing the outcome of the meeting.

In conclusion: Since the beginning of this plandemic, we have seen the pill in the jam.

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As I have said, and say again, the same ones selling you the virus are the same ones selling you the experimental injections (Leviticus 17:11, 19:19).

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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

American Government Promoting And Celebrating What It Should, By Law, Be Condemning

by Bradlee Dean

“These felons are, in fact, trying to create a world without God.  They are attempting to Europeanize America.  They want absolute control over the people and the way to do that is to demoralize them first.”

Here we are again, in the month of June, watching the mainstream media, working hand in glove with corrupt representatives, promoting that which not only God’s law condemns but also what American law condemns (Leviticus 18:22, 20:13; Romans 1:24; Jude 1:7).

“Gay pride,” they call it. Satan was kicked out of Heaven for his pride (Isaiah 14:11-15).

They use a flag with a rainbow on it out of ignorance (Hosea 4:6).  The Lord gave the covenant of peace through the symbolism of a rainbow.  Yet, what people forget is that it was given after the Lord flooded the earth in destroying all life on the earth (Except Noah and family-animals).  And why?  It’s because of the wickedness of man (Genesis 6-9).

Today, in America, they are now allowed to somehow attack the family and make a prey out of the children.  In the end, it creates a war against God (Micah 3:5), a war that will never be won!

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These felons are trying to create a world without God.  All of this is an attempt to Europeanize America.  They want absolute control over the people and the way to do that is to demoralize them first. Wake-up! (Psalm 94:16)


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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

When A Drag Queen Warns You About Our Children, Maybe You Should Listen

By Bradlee Dean

“Sex Before 8 Before It’s Too Late.” North American Man Boy Love Association – Gay Pride Parades

What may be of interest here is that before they started pushing the sodomite agenda on your children in public school, I never had any issues while speaking at public high school assemblies nationwide.


No matter how many times I warned the American people concerning the history of the sodomite agenda (Leviticus 18:22, 20:13; Romans 1:24), they refused to listen in siding with, advertently or inadvertently, to that which the Lord clearly condemns.

I was called “bigot” and “hater.”  I was told that it was not about the children and yet, that is what it is been about since day one.

In 1987, Michael Swift revealed in his “Homosexual Manifesto,” which was put into the congressional record, what it has always been about, and just like I said, it’s about the children (Exodus 22:22-24; Luke 17:2).

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Recently My Christian Daily reported: When A Drag Queen Has To Lecture Parents On Morality

You know that American culture has hit an all-time low when it takes a drag queen to tell “woke” parents to keep their kids out of drag bars. Who would have thought?

I just did a search for “drag queen lectures parents,” looking for articles related to the subject of this article.

The results of the search were telling, yielding headlines like this on a wide variety of drag-related stories:

“School Board Scolds Parents for Opposing Drag Queen’s Makeup Lesson.”

“Some Parents Outraged After Drag Queen Speaks At School Career Day.”

“Viral Video Shows Drag Queen Teaching Children To ‘Twerk’ As Parents Look On.”

“Drag Queen Prostitute Visits Texas School.”

“Parents outraged after X-rated drag queen speaks to 11-year-olds at school career day.”

What on earth is going on?

There is even a debate as to whether or not a drag queen flashed toddlers during a recent reading event. I am not making this up.

Adding to this madness is the new phenomenon of little boys being celebrated as drag queens, most famously the little boy known as Desmond Is Amazing. And little Desmond actually performed in a gay bar, leading to a firestorm of criticism. Reporting on this controversy, Pink News reported that, “Drag kid Desmond is Amazing’s mum defends gay bar performance.”

Well, one drag queen has said enough is enough, scolding parents for the insane practice of bringing their children into gay bars where drag queens perform.

As reported by Will Maule on Christian Headlines, “A popular drag queen known as ‘Kitty Demure’ has issued a stark warning to parents who are seeking to involve their children in the crossdressing scene.”

In the video, which is going viral, “Kitty” asks pointedly, “What in the h*** has a drag queen ever done to make you have so much respect for them, and admire them so much, other than put on makeup and jump on the floor and writhe around and do sexual things on stage?”

A friendly message to mothers who want their kids influenced by drag. #dragqueensarenotforkids #dragqueenstorybookhour #drag #moms #woke #Liberals pic.twitter.com/EmOovz4E3F
— Kitty Demure (@demure_kitty) January 19, 2020

Precisely so!

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In conclusion: Most do not know that this is, in fact, criminal and it’s being played out right before your eyes by the mainstream media in compliance with the said legislators that remain silent while these foam out their own shame (Jude 1:13).

It is called “crimes against nature” and it is a felony in every state of our union (1 John 3:4).

This is about demoralizing your children into further enslavement where they are easily made a prey (Deuteronomy 28:68).

I would strongly admonish every American to consider the end of this abominable life choice (Deuteronomy 30:19); that he who spits against Heaven will surely fall on his own back, and this includes the passive and tolerant accomplices as well.

© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Jezebellian Michigan Governor Is Only Sorry That She Got Caught

by Bradlee Dean

… And Boy Did She Get Caught!

“She isn’t even abiding by those rules.”

Before sharing this new report, I would like to remind people that governors, mayors, the Department of Health, the CDC, the WHO, the federal government nor state governments have the authority to implement mandatory shut downs, face masks, or vaccines, in any sense of the word (Psalm 94:20).


Furthermore, friends, one should take note that these criminal politicians attempting to push forth this plandemic for what’s left of it, do not even believe what they are selling, as you will see (Proverbs 19:9, Jeremiah 11:9).

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Yet, if you do not fall in line, they will even begin to do what it is that totalitarians do.  They will begin to accuse you of that which they are guilty (Revelation 12:9).



Over this last weekend, it was reported: “Gov. Whitmer apologizes after photo shows her violating own COVID-19 order at Lansing bar.”

Yes, you read that right.

LANSING, MI – Gov. Gretchen Whitmer apologized Sunday after a photo circulated of her at a Lansing bar violating Michigan health department orders by closely gathering unmasked with a dozen other people.

No more than six people can gather together at indoor restaurants, and groups of customers must be six feet apart, according to the latest Michigan Department of Health and Human Services pandemic order. The photo of Whitmer and the 12 other patrons was first reported on Sunday by the right-wing publication Breitbart.

Whitmer apologized later on May 23 after the photo circulated, saying her group “didn’t stop to think about” the implications.

“Throughout the pandemic, I’ve been committed to following public health protocols,” Whitmer said Sunday in a statement. “Yesterday, I went with friends to a local restaurant. As more people arrived, the tables were pushed together. Because we were all vaccinated, we didn’t stop to think about it.

“In retrospect, I should have thought about it. I am human. I made a mistake, and I apologize.”

The gathering took place at Landshark Bar & Grill in East Lansing, Breitbart reported, and the photo was posted on Facebook before it was deleted. The picture also shows Tricia Foster, Michigan’s chief operating officer, who received criticism for an April trip to Florida in violation of state travel restrictions at the time.

Whitmer isn’t following restrictions that her executive branch has ordered, said Tori Sachs, executive director of the conservative activist group Michigan Freedom Fund.

“Capacity limits, patrons per table limits, curfews & other ridiculous restrictions need to end immediately,” Sachs wrote on Twitter. “She isn’t even abiding by those rules.”

Jezebel Gretchen Whitmer is relying on the ignorant in her state (Hosea 4:6) and she does not have, and never had, the authority to implement any of these unconstitutional edicts.

In conclusion: For those of you who have been paying attention, every single one of these said representatives of the people, not just in America but globally, have been a concerted effort (Isaiah 28:18) in an attempt to wield more control over the lives of their constituents and are, in fact, personally responsible.  It is not enough for them to say that they are sorry for the businesses and lives that have been lost since their tyrannical declarations (Isaiah 26:9).

© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Sean Hannity Pretends With Bruce Jenner – This Is Why You Have A Left

by Bradlee Dean

Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. -Matthew 5:13

One thing that we have always said on the Sons of Liberty Radio show is, “If the right was doing their job there would not be a left.” You will understand more in a minute.

Though this took place last week, I had to digest it a bit more before doing this piece on Sean Hannity sitting down to interview Bruce Jenner, who now wants you to believe that he is a woman (Deuteronomy 22:5; Romans 1:18-32).

Sean played along with this man that wants you to believe that he is a woman.  You first better understand that the Lord decided his gender a long time ago.

For the record, Bruce comes across as a cool guy with a good head on his shoulders when it comes to the issues of what is in fact taking place in this country and yet, when it comes to what he is attempting to do in a deceptive scheme of self-transformation, one has to ask, what happened there?  He has clearly lost his senses.

Furthermore, one has to ask what is wrong with Sean Hannity (I have always liked Sean, but this time he has gone way too far) pretending with Americans that Bruce Jenner is now Caitlyn Jenner. Is he kidding me?  Apparently, not.

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This is the problem that the said “right” is having today is they are just as bad as what they complain about.  By the way, there is no left-right war going on here, friends.  It is set up to divide (Mark 3:25).  We are ruled by law as a Constitutional Republic (Article 4, Section 4) .

What do you see today’s conservatives do when it comes to what they call “the left,” they magnify their crimes but do nothing in response only to show you how weak and worthless they really are, and that is why we have rightly stated that today’s conservatives are yesterday’s liberals.  There is no difference!

What should be even more bothersome here is that they both call themselves “Christians” and yet, what they both are promoting is what God clearly condemns.  This is confusion by design and a clear lack of Christianity every step of the way in this said interview (1 John 2:4-6).

In conclusion: The message has been and always will be “Repent ye: for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand,” and this applies to all of you who want to turn and look the other way while Sean and Bruce are attempting to give more sway to that which destroys souls and countries.

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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Hi-Jacking Government: FDA Authorizes Emergency Use For Pfizer’s mRNA Injections On 12-15-Year-Olds

By Bradlee Dean

Up To State Governors To Save Children

“As many people have died from Covid-19 vaccines as ALL vaccines in the last 20 years.”

On Tuesday, in Minnesota, the Minneapolis Star and Tribune, which locals call the Red Star-Communist, reported that young kids 12-15 can now receive the experimental Covid-19 vaccines.

Despite all the statistics coming out on the deaths of young and old people dying from these experimental vaccines, what do they do?  Do they stop?  No, they do not stop.  They push forward while they rely on the mainstream media and the big tech companies to censor any information that is in contrast to their set narrative (John 8:44).

Friends, everything that has to do with this plandemic has been fraud since the very beginning. Consider the sources (Ephesians 4:14).

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Healthimpactnews reported: Criminal FDA Authorizes Emergency Use for Pfizer’s mRNA Injections on 12-15 Year-olds – Up to State Governors to Save the Nation’s Children

As expected, the FDA granted emergency use authorization to Pfizer’s experimental COVID mRNA shots to be injected into children between the ages of 12 and 15 today.

The FDA is a criminal organization comprised of medical professionals with ties to Big Pharma who are serving the pharmaceutical industry, and not the public.

None of the COVID-19 injections given emergency use authorization were done so legally. Many scientists and doctors have protested, and even filed official complaints against the FDA, because there are already effective treatments for COVID-19, making an emergency use authorization unnecessary.

In addition, the current injections for COVID-19 do not meet the legal definition of a “vaccine,” but are an entirely new class of injections that inject an operating system into your body and works directly with your DNA. See:

Moderna’s Top Scientist on mRNA Technology in COVID Shots: “We are Actually Hacking the Software of Life”

Many young people aged 16 to their early 20s have already died and been seriously injured following the Pfizer injections, and we have covered their stories here on Health Impact News.

There is a eugenic agenda here to reduce the world’s population, and for those young girls in the 12 to 15 year age range whose parents allow them to get this experimental injection, most if not all of them will probably become infertile and never be able to bear children, if they survive the shots.

Governors Need to Reject the FDA Guidance in Their States and Refuse to Allow Children to Receive Experimental Injections that Violate the Nuremberg Code

It is one thing to offer experimental injections to a willing adult population who voluntarily choose to be part of an experimental drug trial, but it is another thing to inject children who are too young to make an informed consent decision.

Parents uneducated about how dangerous these shots are put the lives of their children at risk, and the hundreds of thousands of children across the nation in foster care custody will have no choice in most situations but to be forced to receive these shots.

In conclusion: What is of interest here is that the FDA states that it is up to state governors to save the nations children.  Really? Where did the FDA receive delegated authority to do what the governors cannot?

Your government, friends, is being hijacked by the pharmaceutical and medical industry, who are, in fact, not a law unto themselves yet, who are circumventing the law to which both them and the governors are to submit. In other words, if the governors do not have the authority to force these vaccines on the people, then who is the medial industry to assume such authority? Challenge that authority, friends, while you still have the time because they do not have authority in doing so (Amos 6:3)!

© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Political Theatre – They Do Not Even Believe Their Own Propaganda

by Bradlee Dean

“Just ask them.”

Well friends, here we are again, onto another crisis most Americans are letting the bad actors in government getting away with (John 8:44).

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This time around, it has been called an “invisible enemy,” and this invisible enemy that has been attacking Americans and their God given rights is in plain sight (Jeremiah 5:21).

What is of interest to every person that has been under incessant attack is that the attacks have not come from a virus but rather a bunch of clowns in the circus of politics that do not even believe the propaganda that they have been pushing on you (Ephesians 4:14). If you question if it is the truth or not, that is all you have to do is ask them, or even better yet, just watch them because out of the sight of the public they will play the real man/woman (Matthew 7:16), and sometimes even in public where a microphone will catch what they mean to withhold from the public (Luke 12:2).

Without further ado, please do yourselves a favor and watch how these know how to lie better than most know how to live the truth (Romans 1:18).

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Do You Remember The 60 Minutes Vaccine Fallout From 1976? Fraud Then, Fraud Now

by Bradlee Dean

“I will not take another shot that my government tells me to take.”

After viewing the video below, I have to believe that many of you will come up with the same conclusion as myself after watching.

What we are dealing with today in America concerning the likes of the federal government, the CDC, the medical field, and corruption within these organizations is the same from yesteryears. Had Americans dealt with this corruption long ago, we would not be in the position that we are in today (Isaiah 26:9). When will Americans learn to avail the lessons taught from the past (Hosea 4:6)?

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So, without further ado, learn from the past so we do not repeat this horrific history.

Mike Wallace 60 Minutes Exposes Swine Flu Pandemic Vaccine Fallout of 1976


© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Manipulating Vaccine Recipients Numbers to Isolate The Non Vaccinated

By Bradlee Dean

“The same ones that have lied to you for decades (because you have tolerated them) are the same ones lying to you again today.”

Are you paying attention to the fact that it is that same actors that are selling you their version of this pandemic day by day (Ephesians 4:14)? Of course, no qualified doctor can propose an opposing view which would call their pandemic into question.

These are the same ones hyping up and exaggerating fears over more COVID-19 spikes that have been found to be flat out lies (John 8:44).

You are also aware, I am sure, of these same actors that are, in fact, the responsible parties for profiting from the vaccinations that they are attempting to drive you towards (Deuteronomy 16:19).

You are aware, are you not, that these are the same actors that have been found to be the ones responsible for having manufactured death certificates, as well as manipulated the test results of what they have sold you when it comes to that of COVID-19.

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The truth be told, the only ones that we can verify that are dying are the ones that have taken their vaccines (Leviticus 17:11, 19:19).

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In essence, friends, from start to finish, this has been one big fraud that has been perpetuated on the people on a global basis.

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One thing that has stood out to me concerning this plandemic of late is the arbitrary numbers that are continually rained down upon the people in order to isolate them.

Last week, we were told by the mainstream media that over 100 million people have been vaccinated. I knew that it was not true.

Then, at the end of that same week, the same media spin doctors reported that the corrupt CDC said that 66 million people had been vaccinated.


The following week, we again heard by the same useful idiots, which are controlled by 6 corporations globally, that 77 million people had been vaccinated. Still not true.

Then mid-week, we were told by treasonous Joe Biden that over 100 million people have been vaccinated. Not true.

Now, how do I know that these numbers are manufactured?

I have a friend that is the main law enforcement officer in his county. One day, he voluntarily told me that we are being told that 75% of the elderly have been vaccinated by the mainstream media and yet, these numbers do not fit. He went on and said that we have 147,000 alone in this county.  He said that he had the real numbers in front of him and out of that 147, 000 only 5,400 people had received their vaccinations. Friends, that is not 75%, that is less than 3%.

So, if you take 330 million people, let’s go to the high numbers, and 3% of the 100 million, which Joe Biden reported have taken it, have actually been vaccinated, that is only about 3 million people.

The reason for this is that they have lost the narrative.



People are not going along with it and that is why they have taken measures to manipulate the truth and force the vaccinations upon you (Psalm 94:20).

In conclusion: The reason that they are manipulating the numbers is the same reason they get away with what they do. The American people believe the same ones that they say that they do not believe (Romans 1:18).

These propagandists are manipulating you to believe that everyone is getting the vaccines when the opposite is true.

This is the reason for the Saul Alinsky tactic that, once again, is being played out right before your eyes: “Cause the enemy to believe that there are more of us than there really is.”  It is to isolate you into believing that you are the only ones that are refusing to comply.

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© 2021 Bradlee dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

One Thing That The “Officials” Forgot To Tell You About The Vaccines, The Truth

By Bradlee Dean

“Four scathing federal studies, including two by congress, one by the U. S. Senate, and one by the HHS Inspector General, paint CDC as a cesspool of corruption, mismanagement and dysfunction with alarming conflicts of interest suborning it’s research, regulatory and policy making functions.” -Robert Kennedy Jr.

A couple of weeks ago, the tyrant Minnesota Governor Tim Walz was cheerleading the people to take their vaccinations so that things can go back to normal (Matthew 7:13).  By the way, Tim Walz extended his unconstitutional emergency powers for the 13th time this week.

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“Big Pharma is among the nation’s largest political donors, giving $31 million last year to national political candidates. It spends more on political lobbying than any other industry, $3.0 billion from 1998 to 2014—double the amount spent by oil and gas and four times as much as defense and aerospace lobbyists.” -Robert Kennedy Jr.

I wonder if this has anything to do with it (Deuteronomy 16:19).

The carrot that was set before them was the freedoms being offered back to the people if they did what it was that they were told to do (Psalm 94:20).

Just for the record, my rights do not come from the state, they come from the Lord (2 Corinthians 3:17).  Furthermore, those that work for me derive their just powers from the consent of the people, not the other way around (The Declaration of Independence).

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With that said, here is the short video that should be shared with every person in this country.  Enjoy.

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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Video: People Take Stand For Business Owner, Tell Health Department Gestapo “To Get Out”

By Bradlee Dean

“Lions never bow before hyenas.” -Artur Pawlowski

People across the globe have begun to awaken to the fact that they once again have been played by their perspective governments concerning this latest global fraud (Ephesians 4:14).

Joe Kovacs reports at World Net Daily:

In the second case from this past weekend, video shows health authorities being booted of a building courtesy of loud shouting from people objecting to their presence.

The latest confrontation took place at the Corduroy restaurant in Vancouver, British Columbia, which allegedly was at odds with the current COVID-19 safety guidelines banning indoor dining in the Canadian province.

The video depicts two health inspectors speaking with the restaurant’s owner, Rebecca Matthews. No one inside the eatery appeared to be wearing face masks, except for the government officials.

“Who do you work for?” Matthews asked the inspectors.

“You see the signs on the door there,” she continued. “You understand what you’re doing here? You’re trespassing on my private property.”


This video was posted by Rebel News on April 05, 2021

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Conclusion: It is of interest how the Lord is raising up His Church from the likes of the unexpected (1 Corinthians 1:27).

Friends, the Lord will have His way one way or another, with or without us. It is for us to respond to His commandments (Deuteronomy 4:6), not for Him to do what it is that many have left off, which brings in a curse (Deuteronomy 28: 63). It is up to us to put a stop to all of this.

© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Political Pawn Franklin Graham Steps Into To What The Corrupt Are Selling – Vaccines!

By Bradlee Dean

After this thing Jeroboam returned not from his evil way, but made again of the lowest of the people priests of the high places: whosoever would, he consecrated him, and he became one of the priests of the high places. -1 Kings 13:33

What the men of old stood against when it comes to the preachers, the modern-day hirelings are doing just the opposite (John 10:12).

Oh, how right William Booth was when he said:

“The chief danger that confronts the coming century will be religion without the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, Heaven without Hell.”

Think of this with me, if you would, when our forefathers taught their posterity that “rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God,” today’s hirelings teach just the opposite, “Rebellion against God is obedience to tyrants.”

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Who better to point to than that of both Billy and Franklin Graham? They have had 7 decades of having the opportunities of confronting the corruptions in administration after administration.  Yet, what is it that we have gotten from the two of them? Compromise, diplomacy, and in the end, more corruption.

And oh, how the professed Christians love the Grahams!  Say what you will about Jesus, but you best not say it about the Grahams (Matthew 16:15).

“Woe to you, when all men speak well of you, for so their fathers did to the false prophets.” -Luke 6:36

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Getting to my points here when it comes to Franklin Graham.  He posted:

Yesterday President Joe Biden tripped and fell going up the steps to board Air Force One. While some may be making fun of this incident, it should instead be a pointed reminder to all of us that we need to pray for this man. Whether you voted for him or not, and whether we agree with him or not, this is our president. We need to be praying every day for God to help him, to reveal His truth to him, and to work in his life. The Bible tells us to pray for “all who are in authority” that we may lead quiet and peaceful lives. Make no mistake—amazing things happen when we pray.

Well Graham, Biden is not my president.  King Jesus is!  And the Supremacy Clause found in Article 6, Section 2 of the U. S. Constitution demonstrates Biden is in violation of that law, but then again, you should know that and probably do but you are just doing your job (Luke 22:48; Isaiah 28:18; Ephesians 4:14).

Apparently, Franklin has forgotten that Joe Biden had been a part of the most corrupt administration in the history of this country under criminal Barack Hussein Obama.

Apparently, Franklin has forgotten that Joe Biden is guilty of the act of Treason (Article 3, Section 3 U.S. Constitution).

Furthermore, Franklin has apparently forgotten about what took place with Joe Biden back in 1988.  Then, again, evil men understand not a judgment because if they did, we would not have a Joe Biden today (Proverbs 28:5).

Remember, Franklin wants you to pray for him, which is only a distortion of Scripture in leaving off the Lord’s Commandments (Deuteronomy 8:11) in judging the wicked, which preserves our Republic (Isaiah 51:4).

How could it be otherwise when men take heed to the Grahams rather than the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 7:16)?

Franklin, like his father, is nothing short of controlled opposition just like that of an extorted politician (Mark 8:15).  They are making war against God and slaves of men to corruption.


Adding insult to injury, here comes Franklin Graham stating his support of vaccines and goes onto say Jesus would too.

CHVN95.1Fm reported:

Franklin Graham says that not only does he believe his father Billy Graham would have received and advocated for the COVID-19 vaccine, but that he believes Jesus would have, too.

Franklin, the son of evangelist Billy Graham, made the comments in an interview with ABC News.

“I would hope that the pastors in the pulpit would tell people how they can be saved from God’s judgment,” says Franklin. “I think for a pastor to tell someone not to take the vaccine is problematic because what would happen if that person got coronavirus and died?”

Franklin is the president and CEO of Samaritan’s Purse, a ministry which has been heavily involved in the fight against the pandemic.

The ministry has set up several field hospitals around the world since the pandemic began, helping alleviate pressure on overrun hospitals. Samaritan’s Purse staff and volunteers are also in Thunder Bay, Ont., helping with an outbreak there.

Franklin told ABC that his father, who was born during the 1918 flu pandemic, lost many family members to the pandemic.

“Anytime there was a vaccine or something that could help protect you, he was an advocate for, he took it,” says Franklin. “I think if there were vaccines available in the time of Christ, Jesus would have made reference to them and used them.”

Friends, this is BLASPHEMY. The Lord is the healer (Exodus 15:26-27). As a matter of fact, Jesus even gave power to heal to His disciples which is found in Matthew 10:8. And the Lord did not stop there, He even gave us (The church) power to raise the dead.

Don’t forget about the woman who had an issue of blood who gave all that she had to the doctors and was not made better (Luke 8:43-48) and how Jesus instantly healed her.

One more thing to think about here, why would Franklin Graham, knowing all the while, that the death tolls from these injections are skyrocketing all over the world and yet, lead the sheep to take one?

Worldwide people are taking to the streets in protest to them.

Why would Franklin support Bill Gates’ narrative when it comes to depopulating the world by 3 billion people?  How did Bill Gates intend on doing this, if he did a good job with vaccines?

“The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care & reproductive health services, we could LOWER that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” -Bill Gates

Why would Franklin Graham promote a man whose father was a board member of Planned Parenthood that is responsible for the murder of over 60 million babies (Proverbs 6:17)?

Why would he support a man and woman such as Bill and Melinda Gates who just patented “Luciferase-Luciferin” Patent US10202584B2?

This is all self-explanatory.

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Conclusion: Is Franklin Graham stupid or naïve?  Was his father?  Or are they just controlled opposition? Because if you come to the conclusion that the last 70 years of them turning on the Church and putting them to sleep in the face of tyranny has been done inadvertently, I cannot help you (Jeremiah 5:31) and you deserve what you have been putting up with.

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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

World-Wide Protests: History Does Teach Us That You Can Oppress A People Only For So Long

By Bradlee Dean

“Stand tall, straighten your backs. He said that ‘whenever men and women straighten their backs up, they are going somewhere because a man can’t ride your back unless it is bent.’” -Martin Luther King jr.

How true it is that when the corrupt afflict the righteous, the more they multiply (Exodus 1:12).

In other words, their cruelties are swelling our ranks, and let me tell you that they are.

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I know that many are beat down today to believe that 300 evil men are running the world (Isaiah 28:18).

I am here to tell you that the only people that are controlling your lives, as you are about to read and to see here, are the ones to which you are submitting yourself, period.

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Zerohedge reported: “Burn Your Masks!” Massive Anti-Lockdown Protests Rage Worldwide

Thousands, and possibly tens-of-thousands of protesters across Europe marched on Saturday against continued government lockdowns and other pandemic restrictions based on questionable science – which have resulted in mass unemployment, destroyed small businesses, stoked widespread depression and mental illness, and cost taxpayers trillions to keep the whole ship from sinking.

Protesters in London, Germany, France, Sweden, The Netherlands, Australia, Belgium, Japan, Vienna and elsewhere came out for the Worldwide Rally for Freedom.

Conclusion: Friends, as you can well see, people are slowly, but surely, awakening to the tyranny that is at play, and that on a global scale.

Happily, I must say, the people in perspective countries are rising up in the face of tyranny and taking back what it is that is rightfully theirs (1 Timothy 6:12), and this beyond the control of the said tyrants and their enforcers.

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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

The Israeli Vaccine Holocaust Just Got Worse

By Bradlee Dean

Israeli’s Are Now Told That They Can Have Their Freedoms Back Only If They Take The Vaccines!

“Now the government in Israel is offering their people back their freedom only if they take the vaccinations.”

First off, the unlearned in Scripture have in their minds that Israel (geographically) is the chosen of God, not understanding that Israel are the children of God.

They believe that we must stand with Israel at all costs regardless of what they do because they, again, are the chosen of God. I cannot find that in Scripture (Deuteronomy 25:1).

Let me ask you, do the chosen of God advocate the very things that God does on so many levels clearly condemn? Are they the children of God who advocate what the Lord clearly condemns?  Obviously, not (Ezekiel 44:23).

This then leads us to understand in distinction those who are His, and who are not His (1 John 3:7)

“Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.” -1 John 3:7

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Today, and some-how or another, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is nothing more than another puppet on the global stage, is hailed by the American people as one of God’s men.  Let’s see if this is true by judging him by a few pieces of his fruit (Matthew 7:16)

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The hot topic today is, of course, vaccinations. And once again, you are not being told the truth of the matter by the mainstream media when they tell you that 25% of the Israelis refuse the vaccinations.  The real numbers are 75%, as are they calling it the vaccine holocaust. This, of course, is happening under that of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Taking it a step forward, in a much more devious direction, the people in Israel are now being offered their freedoms back only if they comply with the government, which just exposed them for who it is that they are.

As Israel Reopens, ‘Whoever Does Not Get Vaccinated Will Be Left Behind’

New government and business initiatives are moving in the direction of a two-tier system for the vaccinated and unvaccinated, raising legal, moral and ethical questions.

BAT YAM, Israel — Israel has raced ahead with the fastest Covid vaccination campaign in the world, inoculating nearly half its population with at least one dose. Now, the rapid rollout is turning the country into a live laboratory for setting the rules in a vaccinated society — raising thorny questions about rights, obligations and the greater good.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet voted this week to open shopping malls and museums to the public, subject to social distancing rules and mandatory masking. For the first time in many months, gyms, cultural and sports events, hotels and swimming pools will also reopen, but only for some.

Under a new “Green Badge” system that functions as both a carrot and a stick, the government is making leisure activities accessible only to people who are fully vaccinated or recovered starting Sunday. Two weeks later, restaurants, event halls and conferences will be allowed to operate under those rules. Customers and attendees will have to carry a certificate of vaccination with a QR code.

Israel is one of the first countries grappling in real time with a host of legal, moral and ethical questions as it tries to balance the steps toward resuming public life with sensitive issues such as public safety, discrimination, free choice and privacy.

Conclusion: As I have said from the very get-go concerning this whole plandemic, they are forcing people through illegal measures (There is nothing legal about the way that are advancing their depopulation agenda-John 8:44), corralling them into compliance, offering them their freedoms back (As if to suggest that government is where freedoms are derived), but only if you take their experimental vaccinations (Revelation 13:17).

As I have said, and I say again, those who are selling you the virus are the same ones selling you the vaccinations (Ephesians 4:14).  Now, it is your freedom (1 Timothy 6:12).

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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

I Thought That It Was Not About The Children – Of Course It Is!

by Bradlee Dean

“Sex before 8 before it’s too late.” —NAMBLA

The years of abuse that I took from the sodomite lobby in standing up for the young people across the country is nothing short of criminal.

From threatening my ministry center to be burned down to putting my house up online, only to then receive death threats; and with all of this, the mainstream media was right there keeping the target not only on me but also my wife and children (Genesis 19:1-29).

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What was shouted from the rooftops from this ministry was simply to look to Canada to understand the course which they would take here in America (Ezekiel 3:19).

The first thing that the sodomites did in Canada, after jumping over God in their country’s preamble, was to claim rights, which God never gave, to then attack whoever they would and, sure enough, they did (1 Peter 2:8).

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They attacked church overseers by telling them that they will marry men that want to marry men and women that want to marry women (Romans 1:24). They felt so emboldened to tell homeschoolers that they will not teach their kids that sodomy is an abomination (Leviticus 18:22, 20:13). And finally, the sodomites wanted to lower the age of anal consent from 16 years old to that of 14-years-old (Luke 17:2).

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What they did in Canada is exactly what they are doing here in America.

Media propaganda arm U.S. News reported:  “California Governor Signs Bill Changing Sex Offender Law.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed a law that would give judges a say on whether to list someone as a sex offender for having oral or anal sex with a minor.

SACRAMENTO, CALIF. (AP) — California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Friday signed a law that would give judges a say on whether to list someone as a sex offender for having oral or anal sex with a minor.

The bill would expand the discretion currently granted judges in statutory rape cases and was promoted as bringing fairness under the law to LGBTQ defendants.

The current law, in place for decades, permits judges to decide whether a man should be placed on California’s sex offender registry if he had voluntary intercourse with someone 14 to 17 years old and was no more than 10 years older than the person.

But that discretion only applied to a man who had vaginal intercourse. The new change permits judges to use that same discretion when the case involves voluntary oral or anal sex.

The measure won’t apply when a minor is under 14, when the age gap is larger than 10 years, or when either party says the sex wasn’t consensual.

The bill was introduced by state Sen. Scott Wiener, a San Francisco Democrat.

The law ends discrimination “by treating LGBTQ young people the exact same way that straight young people have been treated since 1944,” Wiener said in a statement, adding: “Today, California took yet another step toward an equitable society.”

Equality California, a non-profit civil rights group that co-sponsored the bill with the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office, also applauded Newsom’s signing.

“If we want a California for all, then we need a justice system that treats all Californians fairly and equally — regardless of who they are, what they look like or whom they love,” Executive Director Rick Chavez Zbur said in the statement released by Wiener’s office.

The bill passed the Assembly and Senate on split votes, with some members objecting to what they saw as an easing of punishments against those who have sex with minors.

“I cannot in my mind as a mother understand how sex between a 24-year-old and a 14-year-old could ever be consensual, how it could ever not be a registrable offense,” Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez, D-San Diego, said before the bill’s passage. “We should never give up on this idea that children should be in no way subject to a predator.”

To consider the source here, friends, this useful idiot ends his hit piece on those that dare oppose it with “Online critics had falsely blasted the measure as legalizing pedophilia.”

The bill was supported by civil rights groups as well as the California District Attorneys Association and California Police Chiefs Association.

This is called daring the justice of God, and justice they will get.

Conclusion: This should not at all come as a surprise due to the fact that it is the politicians who are the ones pushing these crimes against children (Exodus 22:22).  They are doing it with the approval of those who stand down and tolerate it (Amos 6:3).

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The finishing point that I want to make here is that you can rest assured that if the courts will not bring forth justice upon the heads that make America’s children a prey, the American people then have no other option than to see that it does.

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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Another Doctor Comes Forward On This Fraudulent Plandemic

By Bradlee Dean

“At the highest levels of the medical cartel, vaccines are a top priority because they cause a weakening of the immune system. I know that may be hard to accept, but it’s true. The medical cartel, at the highest level, is not out to help people, it is out to harm them, to weaken them. To kill them. At one point in my career, I had a long conversation with a man who occupied a high government position in an African nation. He told me that he was well aware of this. He told me that WHO is a front for these depopulation interests” ― Jon Rappoport interview with ex-vaccine Researcher

Here we go again.  If it is not the blatant lies or the fraudsters themselves (Ephesians 4:14) that have been exposed over and over again (Luke 12:2), or the 1 of the 400 adverse side effects, including death, that have been exposed concerning the dangers of the vaccines (Leviticus 17:11, 19:19), one has to ask themselves why no one has been incarcerated yet (Psalm 94:16).

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CDC caught inflating coronavirus cases deaths

Laughing all the way to the bank vaccine makers and liability protection conflicts of interest undermine children’s health

Recently, a very sound doctor named Dr. Larry Palevsky, MD came forward and stated, “This vaccine is a MURDER WEAPON!”

It is well worth your time to watch the video below so that you can understand how serious the issues are that we face as a nation (Amos 4:10).


Conclusion: After reading the above information, I have to ask what is it that the American people still have not come to terms with?

Crimes are being perpetrated against us without consequences to those committing the crimes. The reason there are no consequences is because the people have forgotten that they, under God, are the law to bring about judgment upon the heads of the wicked (Isaiah 26:9, 51:4).


America, Do You Like Being Lied To? Kamala Harris Returns Home, Only 2 People Welcome Her

By Bradlee Dean

The Mainstream Media Told Us That Harris And Biden Had 80 Million Votes – Where Are They? They DO NOT EXIST!

“Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.” -Saul Alinsky

How right was Fredrich Douglas when he told us, “Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them.”

No matter how many times or how many ways you say it or share it, the people in this country blindly rally behind those who are setting the narratives (Ephesians 4:14).

By following thems, Americans are day by day adding strength to tyranny (Psalm 94:20).

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Back in October of 2020, I wrote an article exposing the fact that literally, no one was there in Arizona to support either Biden or Harris (Luke 12:2).

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We exposed the likes of the fraudulent Barack Hussein Obama, who DID NOT have the support of the American people (Ephesians 5:11).

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We did the same with the likes of criminal Hillary Clinton.

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This teaching, of course, comes from Hell’s minion Saul Alinsky, who told his followers to deceive the people into believing there are more of them than there really are.

“Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.” -Saul Alinsky

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Conservative Fighters reported:

WATCH: Massive Crowd of Two Supporters Welcomes 81 Million Vote Recipient Kamala Harris Back to Her California Home

Reported 81 million vote recipient Kamala Harris and her husband Doug Emhoff were greeted by all of two supporters when the couple returned to their Los Angeles home in Brentwood on a sunny Friday afternoon for the first time since Harris was sworn in as vice president last month.

Video taken by a local reporter shows an older couple standing in the curb lane waving while holding an American flag and a Biden-Harris campaign sign as Harris’ motorcade drove by. The video shows no one else on the street except for a news videographer filming the motorcade.

Harris has no public events planned and is reportedly spending the weekend packing for her expected four-year stay in D.C.

WATCH: Massive Crowd of Two Supporters Welcome Kamala Harris Back to Her California Home

In conclusion: With all of the information given to expose these criminals for who and what they are, one has to ask how it is that they are not all in jail for the crimes against the American people. How, I ask, do you help a people that do not help themselves (Amos 6:3)?  Only you can answer that!

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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

If Americans Understood the Price of Their Freedoms

By Bradlee Dean

“Was is it on a football field or in a boxing ring that you’re God-given rights were won? Or was it on a battlefield where men sacrificed themselves to give it?”

Americans can attempt to deceive themselves into believing, with the use of sophistries by the corporate-owned and operated media, that they are given correct and right information. Most of you know that they are not telling you the truth concerning any matter, if, in fact, the topic even matters.  Unless, of course, it works to their owns ends (Psalm 101:3). You are taught that if you question their narrative, somehow, that you are just conspiratorial (Romans 1:18).

You can send your children to schools where you know the indoctrinators are the “proselytizers of a new faith,” where their books have been revised and fabricated with intentional propaganda (Article 10 of the Bill of Rights; Hosea 4:6). Yet, you are taught that everyone else is doing it, and you do not want to be ostracized for raising up your own children (Proverbs 22:6), but happily submit to bring them to an agent of the state who is illegally indoctrinating them. We’re in an ever-changing con-game (circus of politics) that is being played out through the mouths of corrupt politicians (Luke 22:48) in hopes of incrementally and unconstitutionally creating a new world which looks and runs contrary to the original God-ordained model and purpose. Yet again, you have been taught that if you dare take a stand against corruption you might look like you are an anarchist, or anti-government (1 Kings 18:17-18).

Most Americans have been good, little subjects when it comes to their masters’ directives. Americans have even gone so far as to believe the “fictitious” when it comes to Hollywood and their productions in an attempt to create a world in which they want to live in by ignoring reality (Jeremiah 8:5).

The truth of the matter is that the Lord God is bringing a reality to your front door, like it or not, and the issues at hand must be dealt with lawfully (Isaiah 51:4). I know that to some, the truth is stranger than fiction.  Yet, it matters not (Amos 7:8), no more than one has to believe in trucks.  If you stand in front of a moving one, the rest will take it’s course, believing in trucks or not. You cannot do the wrong thing and expect the right results (Galatians 6:7). You can never be doing the right thing by attempting to change God’s reality and fighting against His spiritual truths (Exodus 20; Romans 7:12).

You must submit and adhere to His model, and that model is Jesus Christ (John 14:6), and Christ is for us to emulate (John 14:21). I remember, in passing, I noticed a news anchor on a television broadcast addressing politicians that just violated constitutional law, and in response, he said that it was “nothing personal.” When I heard that and understood the offense (scandals, lies, illegal and unconstitutional bills passed etc…), I said it is “totally offensive.” Does he not understand the price paid for American freedoms to flippantly give a pass to these criminals!?

When a game is played (football, hockey, baseball, soccer boxing etc…) and an offense occurs according to the said rules, often times you will see the two players shake hands, pat each other on the back and continue on as if it never happened. Yet, when it comes to laws and transgression of constitutional laws, we must keep in mind that these laws are to be magnified against crimes.

They are there to ensure our God-given rights; rights in which are blood bought, for “justice is the guardian of liberty” (Psalm 9:16). As a matter of fact, to show you how this is played out in politics, I remember our trip to the federal floor in Washington D.C. Our guide said that around here, you just go along to get along. Apparently, these politicians have forgotten the awful price paid to give them the opportunity to serve! Do Americans have any idea as to how many unconstitutional bills have been passed in such a fashion?  Go along to get along? I wonder, did our veterans compromise to go along to get along when many were maimed, shot or killed on the battlefield ratifying the Constitution against an enemy to the United States? Were our veterans fighting for their favorite unconstitutional party line, the Democrats or the Republicans? Did our veterans, when fighting for our God-given rights, play diplomatic games with the enemies of our country when being shot at?  And to think, many of our veterans that came home after fighting for the corrupt politicians and their unconstitutional wars were being protested by their own people at the airports while the compromised politicians that sent them did nothing to stop it. Apparently, they were to busy diplomatically fraternizing with America’s enemies within.  After all, they have to go along to get along. The price of freedom is always a sacrifice of heroic souls on the behalf of their people (John 15:13).

The price is always been blood (Hebrews 9:22). If you look to Calvary, where the Son of Man took to the battlefield in defeating sin on the behalf of man (1 Peter 3:18),  you can see that He was crucified and set forth as the propitiation of the sins of the world (1 John 2:2) as the Lamb of God (John 1:29). Take heed concerning the cost of redemption and spiritual freedom, which is always a great expense of blood.  The lesson is to be learned in the natural (1 Corinthians 2:14). Next time someone wants to use sophistries or tries to teach you a lesson of “sportsmanlike conduct” in an attempt to add strength to tyranny, consider the severity of the price paid for your freedoms (John 3:16).

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Article posted with permission from Sons Of Liberty Media

Supreme Court to Decide Whether or Not Police Can Enter Your Home to Seize Your Guns

By Bradlee Dean

“If this is revised by the courts, you can count on the fact that it will further strip the people from the rights that God has clearly given them.”

It is something that I noticed decades ago, the Supreme Court likes to pick and choose the cases that make way for the global agenda.

The Supreme Court decided if prayer should be a part of school curriculums and was involved in the removal of the Ten Commandments.  The oligarchy overreached its authority by stating that they were not permissible objectives.  What do they make reference to in deciding cases? (Exodus 20; Deuteronomy 25:1).

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The Supreme Court decided to sanction the murder of the innocent and called it a choice (Proverbs 6:17).

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Then, they decided to overreach into the affairs of the Church and determined what is permissible when it comes to marriage and called it love (Matthew 19:4-6; Romans 1:24-32).

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This just scratches the surface when it comes to these injustices taking up that which they have not been given authority to rule against.  The Lord has already decided these issues (Hebrews 17:8)

Supreme Court to Decide If Police Can Warrantlessly Raid Homes & Seize Guns Of Innocent Citizens

Forbes reported that the Supreme Court will decide whether police can enter a home to seize guns without a warrant.

The Fourth Amendment right against warrantless searches of a person’s home is a pillar of Americans’ constitutional liberties. Before a police officer or any other government official can enter your home, they must show a judge that they have probable cause that they will discover specific evidence of a crime.

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However, there is a broader cousin to these exceptions called the “community caretaking” exception. It derives from a case in which the police took a gun out of the trunk of an impounded vehicle without first obtaining a warrant. The Supreme Court held that there is a community caretaking exception to the Fourth Amendment’s warrant requirement because police perform “community caretaking functions, totally divorced from the detection, investigation, or acquisition of evidence relating to the violation of a criminal statute.” The Court held that police activity in furtherance of these functions does not violate the Fourth Amendment as long as it is executed in a “reasonable” manner.

We need to stop right here.

As you well know, this is a will to a broad and unlawful misconstrued and misinterpretation of the courts.  Just consider the source and their histories.  They are doing this while gutting the pith and marrow of the Fourth Amendment. If they are to have their way, it will lead to gun confiscation which is a violation of both the Fourth and the Second Amendments (Psalm 94:20).  You can mark my words.

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Let’s take a quick look at the TSA in the airports today, brought about by the US Government under the guise of stopping terrorism.

All of it was sold to us as for “our safety” and yet, to date, the TSA has not one given case of protecting us from any terror attacks. This is a total violation of the Fourth Amendment.

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What has government gained through the ignorance of the people with the use of terror and the TSA?  They have gained a free hand in accusing every one of us as being a potential terrorist by putting their hands upon us and searching our bags while the borders are left wide-open and the mayors across the country then allure illegals into America.  By the way, did you know that illegals do not have to produce identification?

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Behind the mainstream media’s silence, the Muslims, which the government told us were the responsible party for 911, are covertly taking to governmental positions.

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Friends, this is the government overreaching once again.  It is the furtherance of the encroachment upon the people’s God-given rights in an attempt to strip them away in hopes that they can revise what our rights plainly mean.

In conclusion: These injustices have no business whatsoever deciding what the law is and our God-given rights are because they have already been determined. Like corrupt politicians, these judges are to sit during good behavior (Article 3, Section 1 US Constitution), and if they fail in doing so, they are also to be impeached and prosecuted for their transgressions (Article 2, Section 4; Article 1, Section 3, Clause 7 US Constitution).

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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

After The Damage Is Done, In Many Cases, Governments Are Admitting To The False Flags

By Bradlee Dean

“You had to attack civilians, people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public, to turn to the state to ask for greater security.” –Vincenzo Vinciguerra

On Thursday, we had a guest on our radio show who brought up the staged events that took place in Washington D.C. (Psalm 2:8).

We know that there were protesters bused in.  It’s all on video.

We know that there were paid provocateurs.  It’s all on video.

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Friends, this is the history of dictators.  They create chaos and then bring in their new order (Ecclesiastes 1:9).

It’s the same cycle with similar methods but the same devils (John 8:44).

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Which now segues into the refresher course of the history and admittance to the conspirators themselves.

On February 10, 2017, I wrote:

George Soros stated that the “main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.”

Furthermore, Paul Warburg said, “We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”

So, we can clearly see that America is still under threat of terrorism, both within and without.

“And if ye shall despise my statutes, or if your soul abhor my judgments, so that ye will not do all my commandments, but that ye break my covenant:

I also will do this unto you; I will even appoint over you terror…” -Leviticus 26:16


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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

According To US Government Documents, Most Americans Are “Domestic Terrorists”

By Bradlee Dean

Another Bill Targeting Americans

“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone livesin fear.” —President Harry Truman

Oxford’s Original English Dictionary defines “terrorism” as “Government by intimidation.”

We all saw that after September 11, 2001, when the two trade towers were taken down, that agencies were quickly created through the act of tyranny called the Patriot Act to define American as terrorists.  You read that right.

But then, again, we were warned by the fourth President of the United States James Madison who said, “If tyranny or oppression ever comes into this land it will come under the guise of fighting a foreign enemy” (Jeremiah 11:9).

Friends, a foreign government could not have dreamed of doing to Americans what it is that its own representative government has done to its people (Isaiah 59:15).

‘For 18 Years The US Government And The Media Claimed That We Were Under Attack By Muslims VIDEO

Yahoo News reported:

Tulsi Gabbard: ‘Domestic-Terrorism Bill Is ‘a Targeting of Almost Half of the Country’

Tulsi Gabbard, the former Democratic representative from Hawaii, on Friday expressed concern that a proposed measure to combat domestic terrorism could be used to undermine civil liberties.

Gabbard’s comments came during an appearance on Fox News Primetime when host Brian Kilmeade asked her if she was “surprised they’re pushing forward with this extra surveillance on would-be domestic terror.”

“It’s so dangerous as you guys have been talking about, this is an issue that all Democrats, Republicans, independents, Libertarians should be extremely concerned about, especially because we don’t have to guess about where this goes or how this ends,” Gabbard said.

She continued: “When you have people like former CIA Director John Brennan openly talking about how he’s spoken with or heard from appointees and nominees in the Biden administration who are already starting to look across our country for these types of movements similar to the insurgencies they’ve seen overseas, that in his words, he says make up this unholy alliance of religious extremists, racists, bigots, he lists a few others and at the end, even libertarians.”

She said her concern lies in how officials will define the characteristics they are searching for in potential threats.

Conclusion: How many times have we seen that corruption in this government has continuously turned on its own people (Matthew 10:18; Mark 8:15)? Now you have the criminals defining what it is that is a threat to their ungodly rule (Proverbs 29:2).

Here is a list of 72 definitions of wht this government has defined as a domestic terrorist.


America It Is NOT A Foreign Enemy Attacking You VIDEO

© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Leading The People To Empty Promises: ‘Q-Anon’ Just Another Psyop

by Bradlee Dean

“Those who mean to destroy through lies will be destroyed by the truth.”

While preaching in Michigan this last week, I had an individual ask me my thoughts on ‘Q-Anon’ (Luke 19:10).

Although ‘Q-Anon’ has been forecasting promises un-fulfilled (smoke and mirrors) for years I was a little taken back that there were still them that were hanging on to this obvious pysop that is taken place in America today, then again, this does explain why these people are hopeless and confused (Psalm 18:21; Daniel 9:7).

This only works with a people when the people put their trust in men and speculation as desired outcome rather than having their faith in Christ (Jeremiah 11:13,1 Corinthians 15:58).

Let me explain. Recently, Information Liberation highlighted ‘Q-Anon’ bears striking resemblance to Bolshevik psy-op from 1920s known as ‘Operation Trust.’

“Operation Trust” was a Bolshevik counterintelligence operation run from 1921 to 1926 aimed at neutralizing opposition by creating the false impression that a powerful group of military leaders had organized to stop the communists’ takeover.

Conclusion: ‘Q-Anon’ is responsible for more than nothing than leading the sheeple to un-fulfilled predictions, and that for years (Jeremiah 5:21).

‘Q-Anon’ is nothing more than an operation of deceivers to lead people into chasing shadows and, of course, that is exactly their end aim, to bring the people that are following them to nothing (Jeremiah 6:16). To date, that is has been exactly the result.

This then only buys them more time to dismantle the country and undermine and weaken the people into compliance. Yet, the problem is that they just do not realize that they are also destroying themselves (Luke 22:48).

“Those who mean to destroy through lies will be destroyed by the truth.”

© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

Death By Vaccine: The Last Things They Wanted You To Hear! (Video)

By Bradlee Dean


Recently, a friend of truth, David Knight, reported the deaths of those who have recently received the vaccines and within a very few days they were dead (Proverbs 14:12).

With all of the information that is now available concerning who is behind this criminal conspiracy and what is that is in these untested vaccines, you would think that people would be up in arms by now as well as throwing a whole lot of criminal politicians in jail for their perpetrated fraud upon the very people that they are in fact to serve (Ephesians 4:14).


Here is a look at adverse effects around the world, health professionals balk at vaccination, pharmacist destroys 500 doses intentionally, Romney lays the foundation for the military to push needles into arms and the tragic death of Congressman-elect Letlow, 41, may indicate issues with Fauci’s “standard of care,” Remdesavir (Leviticus 17:11, 19:19).


© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Dr. Martin: They Are “Using The Word Vaccine To Sneak This Under Public Health Exemptions” – This Is NOT A Vaccine!

By Bradlee Dean

“It is a medical device, not a drug!” -Dr. David Martin

Recently, a friend of mine took the time to send a program called “Focus on Fauci” in which they present a short expose on the long history of repeat criminal Anthony Fauci (Ephesians 4:14).

Throughout the video, they share with the viewers the actions of the unqualified Anthony Fauci, who has been wrongly labeled “America’s Doctor.”

The Same Ones Selling You The Virus, Are The Same Ones Selling You The Vaccines – Just Watch Them! VIDEO

Robert Kennedy Jr., Judy A Mikovitis, PhD, Rocco Galati, Sacha Stone, and Dr. David Martin do an outstanding job of exposing the actions of this fraudulent “criminal conspiracy” that is taking place on a global scale today (Jeremiah 11:9).

Do yourselves, your friends and your family members a loving favor by sharing with them the truth concerning the FDA, Big Pharma, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and this current administration and what it is that they mean to hide from your eyes and ears. Your lives may just depend upon it (Habakkuk 1:3-4).

At the 1:42:34 mark, Dr. Martin Explains that this “vaccine” being pushed on the people as a vaccine is not a vaccine at all.


© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Major Victory Happens When Americans Fight The Good Fight Of Faith Against Tyranny? They Win!

By Bradlee Dean

“The Lord is willing to give you what it is that you are willing to fight for.”

We hear in the American Church today the much-repeated Scripture found in 1 Timothy 6:12: “Fight the good fight of faith.”  Yet, how few actually practice what the Word preaches?

I think of the commonly know faith chapter found in Hebrews 11:32-34 where it tells us:

“And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets: Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions.
Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens.”

How foreign is this to the American Church today?

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It seems that the world, in many ways, has a better grip on Scriptures than those who claim to be Christians (1 John 2:4).

WIVB News reported:

ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. (WIVB)- Orchard Park gym Athletes Unleashed is now allowed to reopen at full capacity after a ruling from the State Supreme Court.

According to attorney Paul Cambria, Judge Paul Wojtaszek struck down the 25% capacity rule specifically for the gym.

Gym owner Robby Dinero has been fighting with the state since November when the county slapped him with a $15,000 fine for defying government COVID orders to shut down his business and getting into a confrontation with sheriff’s deputies and an inspector for the health department trying to close him down.

Video of that incident went viral and Dinero went on Fox News and announced the fine ripping it up on air.

Video Shows Robby Tear Up $15,000 fine.

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Conclusion: In contrast, here you have an individual who wins the day because he sees right through the fraud that is being perpetrated upon the American people, and where are the professors in the Church?  They are masked up and submitted to the tyrants that mean to rule their lives (Luke 16:8; Romans 12:21).

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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Unlawfully Corralling You Into Taking Vaccinations That May Have Serious Side Effects

By Bradlee Dean

“That’s part of its sovereign immunity.” —Dorit Reiss, professor at the University of California Hastings College of Law

It’s pretty crazy, to say the least, as to what is going on in America today (Psalm 9:17). The corruption stinks to high heaven, no doubt (Jeremiah 9:24)!

Here we have corrupt politicians working hand in glove with the mainstream media, who are pushing fear 24-7, over a narrative that they cannot prove, in an attempt to corral everyone into taking their vaccinations (Leviticus 17:11, 19:19).

On the other hand, they also want you to know that they, the politicians who are to serve the people but are instead working on the behalf of Big Pharma companies against the will of the people (Judases – Luke 22:48), have created unconstitutional policies to indemnify vaccine companies from consequence if you were to have serious side effects (Proverbs 17:15).

Look at their brazen and haughty arrogance, as if to suggest that we are to submit to their lawlessness and there is not a thing that we can do about it (Psalm 94:20).

CNBC reported:

You can’t sue Pfizer or Moderna if you have severe Covid vaccine side effects. The government likely won’t compensate you for damages either.

  • Under the PREP Act, companies like Pfizer and Moderna have total immunity from liability if something unintentionally goes wrong with their vaccines.
  • A little-known government program provides benefits to people who can prove they suffered serious injury from a vaccine.
  • That program rarely pays, covering just 29 claims over the last decade.

The federal government has granted companies like Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability if something unintentionally goes wrong with their vaccines.

“It is very rare for a blanket immunity law to be passed,” said Rogge Dunn, a Dallas labor and employment attorney. “Pharmaceutical companies typically aren’t offered much liability protection under the law.“

You also can’t sue the Food and Drug Administration for authorizing a vaccine for emergency use, nor can you hold your employer accountable if they mandate inoculation as a condition of employment.

Congress created a fund specifically to help cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses for people who have been irreparably harmed by a “covered countermeasure,” such as a vaccine. But it is difficult to use and rarely pays. Attorneys say it has compensated less than 6% of the claims filed in the last decade.

Immune to lawsuits

In February, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar invoked the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act. The 2005 law empowers the HHS secretary to provide legal protection to companies making or distributing critical medical supplies, such as vaccines and treatments, unless there’s “willful misconduct” by the company. The protection lasts until 2024.

That means that for the next four years, these companies “cannot be sued for money damages in court” over injuries related to the administration or use of products to treat or protect against Covid.

HHS did not respond to CNBC’s request for an interview.

Dunn thinks a big reason for the unprecedented protection has to do with the expedited timeline.

“When the government said, ‘We want you to develop this four or five times faster than you normally do,’ most likely the manufacturers said to the government, ‘We want you, the government, to protect us from multimillion-dollar lawsuits,’” said Dunn.

They continue, but pay close attention to the word play here with the phrase “Sovereign Immunity.”

Is anyone liable?

Remember, vaccine manufacturers aren’t the ones approving their product for mass distribution. That is the job of the FDA.

Which begs the question, can you sue the U.S. government if you have an extraordinarily bad reaction to a vaccine?

Again, the answer is no.

“You can’t sue the FDA for approving or disapproving a drug,” said Dorit Reiss, a professor at the University of California Hastings College of Law. “That’s part of its sovereign immunity.”

Sovereign immunity came from the king, explains Dunn, referring to British law before the American Revolution. “You couldn’t sue the king. So, America has sovereign immunity, and even each state has sovereign immunity.”

There are limited exceptions, but Dunn said he doesn’t think they provide a viable legal path to hold the federal government responsible for a Covid vaccine injury.

Bringing workers back to the office in a post-Covid world also carries with it a heightened fear of liability for employers. Lawyers across the country say their corporate clients are reaching out to them to ask whether they can require employees to get immunized.

In conclusion: As much as they would have you believe that they are above the law with their “sovereign immunities,” I am here to remind you that is not true. I am humored by their arrogance and stupidities (Romans 1:22).

Article 6, Clause 2 reminds us otherwise:

“This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.”

Again, as much as they want you to believe that they are above the law (Isaiah 14:12-13), they are not.

They receive delegated authority from “We the People,” and you can rest assured that “We the People” did not delegate to the politicians an authority to give immunities to vaccine companies from the very laws that they have sworn to uphold.

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© 2020 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Globally Refusing Vaccines: 75% Of Israelis Refusing To Get Vaccinated

By Bradlee Dean

“Their cruelties are swelling our ranks.”

The voice that the mainstream media does not want you to hear is definitely surfacing as the days, weeks and months roll out in the face of this plandemic (Luke 12:2).


As it has been rightly said: “You can only oppress a people for so long before they rise up,” and rising up they are (Daniel 3).

If it is not in the UK, where hundreds of thousands are taking to the streets in defiance to tyranny, then you have Australia, France, Germany, and now, the Israelis.


Christians for Truth reported: Up To 75% Of Israelis Refusing To Get Vaccinated In Coming COVID Vaccine Holocaust

Despite the relentless COVID propaganda in the Israeli press — including Prime Minister Netanyahu allegedly agreeing to be the first in Israel to be vaccinated — the vast majority of Jews in Israel do not plan to get the COVID vaccine when it becomes available to the public in late December:

Israelis who choose to get vaccinated against coronavirus will receive “free movement” waivers, allowing them to bypass certain health restrictions, the Health Ministry has said.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said last week that Israel will begin administrating coronavirus vaccinations on December 27 and that Israel was ready to vaccinate 60,000 people a day. Thousands of doses of the Pfizer vaccine arrived in Israel last week via special charter flights.

The so-called “green passports” will be handed out only after the second shot is administered since Pfizer vaccine requires two jabs in order to be effective.

Holders of the passports will be able to attend public events and eat at restaurants among other things, Health Ministry Director-General Chezy Levy told Channel 12 on Sunday.

They will also not be required to enter mandatory quarantine after contact with a confirmed patient or after returning from a “red country” abroad. Those travelling will also not be required to take a mandatory COVID-19 test before leaving the country.

Health Minister Yuli Edelstein, meanwhile, told Channel 13 the idea behind the plan was not to grant privileges to the “green passport” holders, but to make sure they can engage in activities that are potentially dangerous for those who had not been immunized.

Recent polls reveal 50% to 75% of Israelis are unwilling to take the jab, mostly due to concerns over how fast it had been developed.

The Health Minister is lying — of course the idea behind the “vaccine passports” is to incentivize people into getting these untested and potentially deadly vaccines — Bill Gates all but admitted that has been the plan all along.

And from the average Israeli’s perspective, their families “survived” the so-called “Holocaust”, including grotesque “medical experiments” at the hands of Josef Mengele — along with having their gold teeth stolen from them by the Nazi dentists to fund Hezbollah — so they aren’t about to die in a real Holocaust with these deadly vaccines.

In conclusion: On a global basis, people are catching onto the alliance of globalists throughout the world (Isaiah 28:18).

The pattern is the same (Ecclesiastes 1:9).  They want control at all costs and people are seeing them for the criminals that they are (Ephesians 4:14), and they are rising up with the message of “No, we will not!”

© 2020 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

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Do As I Unconstitutionally Say, But Don’t Do As I Hypocritically-Criminally Do

By Bradlee Dean

FRAUD, noun [Latin fraus.] Deceit; deception; trick; artifice by which the right or interest of another is injured; a stratagem intended to obtain some undue advantage; an attempt to gain or the obtaining of an advantage over another by imposition or immoral means, particularly deception in contracts, or bargain and sale, either by stating falsehoods, or suppressing truth.

What is it that Americans will not tolerate? I know not.  From Austin’s mayor vacationing in San Lucas to a governor golfing and gathering at a social event. Do Americans really believe that this corruption will not catch up to us?  Because it is. It has rightly been stated that those that are not zealous against error are not likely to be zealous for the truth.

The history of Machevilli is just that. The people in that republic, which America is, allowed corruption to reign and, in the end, it was to their own demise.  It will be the same here (Psalm 9:17).

On the Supreme Court building in Washington D.C., you will notice, etched on stone, the image of Moses holding the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20) and under him are the words “Justice the Guardian of Liberty.”

Some may not understand Scripture enough to understand that it is a mercy of God when corruption is exposed (Luke 12:2). Then, it is for the Church and the government (Deuteronomy 17:9) to bring about justice by executing the law against the transgressors (Deuteronomy 4; Isaiah 51:4).

The Statesman reported:

Austin mayor was vacationing in Cabo when he said residents ‘need to stay home’

“In early November, as health officials warned of a impending COVID-19 spike, Austin Mayor Steve Adler hosted an outdoor wedding and reception with 20 guests for his daughter at a trendy hotel near downtown.

The next morning, Adler and seven other wedding attendees boarded a private jet bound for Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, where they vacationed for a week at a family timeshare.

One night into the trip, Adler addressed Austin residents in a Facebook video: “We need to stay home if you can. This is not the time to relax. We are going to be looking really closely. … We may have to close things down if we are not careful.”

Then, we have a FOX News report on the Louisiana governor saying he did ‘nothing’ wrong after maskless photo surfaces.

“Democratic Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards defended himself against criticism after a photo surfaced of him maskless while out in public at a restaurant earlier in November in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

There was absolutely nothing I did that day that violated the rules that were in place,” the governor said when asked about the photo during the news conference Wednesday.”

Edwards has implemented a number of restrictions on gatherings and urged constituents to wear a mask to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The photo, taken in the second week of November, was during Edwards’ Phase 3 order requiring everyone to wear a face mask when social distancing with a minimum of six feet of space between individuals was not possible.

In conclusion: All of this is coming on the heels of other political frauds that are warring against the very people that they are to represent-not unlawfully attack (Revelation 12:10)!




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© 2020 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

What Happens To A Nation That Refuses To Hold Their Representatives To High Standard Of American Government

By Bradlee Dean

Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee, which frameth mischief by a law? -Psalm 94:20

What do the American people expect of their representative government when they act outside of their scope of authority, especially when they themselves are immoral reprobates?

These representatives place their hands on the Bible and swear to uphold the enumerated laws found within the US Constitution and yet, when they win office, they live in open rebellion toward the very God that they swore an oath to obey in upholding His laws (Deuteronomy 25:1; 1 John 5:2).

For example, Governor Kate Brown from Oregon, who is a known bisexual, which engaging in such behavior is a felony in every state of our union, is responsible for advocating that which stands in stark contrast to American law.

“For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:” -Romans 1:26

In other words, Kate Brown is backwards, and if you allow her to act out in such a fashion, you will reap backward judgments, and so it is (Isaiah 59).


Conventionofstates.com reported:

Oregon Governor: “Call the cops on your neighbors if they have more than 6 people at Thanksgiving”

Our “leaders” in government have gone off the rails.

In a frankly shocking interview, Oregon Governor Kate Brown called on Oregonians to call the cops on their neighbors if they have more than six people attending their Thanksgiving dinner.

“Do you want people calling the police on their neighbors, non-emergency lines or 911?” KGW’s Maggie Vespa asked Brown on Friday.

“Look, this is no different from what happens if there’s a party down the street and it’s keeping everyone awake,” Brown said. “What do neighbors do? They call law enforcement because it’s too noisy. This is just like that. It’s like a violation of a noise ordinance.”

“But that could be a yes,” Vespa pointed out.

Brown answered, “Yes. Yes.”

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First off, I would like to add to this report that we do not have leaders, we have representatives that “derive their just powers from the consent of the governed.”  In other words, they work for us, we do not work for them. Kate Brown does not have the authority to implement that which is unlawful and yet, she does because the people allow her to act out in such a way and how, you might ask?  They do not know the lawful difference (Hosea 4:6).

Secondly, what do the people expect these people to do when they take office? The American people give a green light to what it is that God clearly condemns. Kate Brown is in rebellion towards the government that the Lord has established through the Mosiac institution in this country.  It is called Common Law (Exodus 20).

This mentally-ill woman is given permission by the people of Oregon to create a state of war with God by using the law against the law.

Where did she get the authority to implement that which other governors declare that they do not have?


In conclusion: They will always get away with that which you let them get away. How could the people of Oregon expect anything else (Galatians 6:7)?


© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Christians: The Forefathers Appeal Was To Jesus and Heaven – Not To Politicians

by Bradlee Dean

“No King But King Jesus” & “Appeal to Heaven” -Flags raised up during the War For Independence

How Americans have forgotten their Christian heritage amazes me to no end (Hosea 4:6).

What happens to a people when they forsake God’s moral law (Exodus 20)?  Well, the Bible tells us that they praise the wicked (Proverbs 28:4), and the wicked they praise.

Today, instead of making an appeal to Heaven, the professed Christians (1 John 2:4), and professors they are (Matthew 23), make their appeal to their favorite politicians in the place of Christ.  In turn, they then reap the curse that they sowed (Jeremiah 17:5; Galatians 6:7).  How contrary to that of our founding forefathers.

56 founders, along with 13 colonies, stood against the greatest military in the world and threw off a tyrant that would not be ruled by God. Their appeal was to Heaven where Jesus now resides (Acts 7:55)

25 of the 56 signers had seminary degrees and the least religious founder, Thomas Paine, was found in France rebuking scientists who were attempting to take praise unto themselves that belonged to the Lord (Romans 1:22).

We have Christian crosses over the heads of our fallen, God in every state preamble, God on our money, Moses and the Ten Commandments, which drives us to Christ (Galatians 3:24), etched into capital buildings across the country, politicians swearing-in with their hand on the Bible.

Colleges such as Yale, Harvard, Princeton, etc. started out as Christian colleges to raise up congregants to preach to the world (Luke 19:10).

Friends, we are rich in Christian heritage and most do not even know it. This is a Christian nation (Psalm 33:12).

In contrast, what is it that we see today?  Those who call themselves preachers are driving men to their favorite politicians in the place of Christ (John 14:6) in replacing God’s government (The Mosiac institution, Common Law) for that of man’s.  They then sit back and wonder what is the problem. In truth, these said preachers of today (Hirelings is more like it; John 10:12) are bringing men to the curse rather than to the blessing (Isaiah 30:1-3).

These hirelings are pointing their finger towards man’s favorite politicians rather than to the Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world (John 1:29).

It used to be that every Sabbath Day in this country that the law and the prophets were preached.  Now, it’s their favorite politicians that are proclaimed, which have a long record of lying, stealing and even killing (John 10:10).  Yet, they then wonder why their country is turning into the hell that it is (Psalm 9:17).

Today, men honor what God calls an abomination (I Kings 13:33; Luke 6:26, 16:15)

In conclusion: If Christians were Christ-like they would know to do their own due diligence and read the Bible for themselves to know the difference (2 Chronicles 19:2; John 7:17).

It is time to go back to the old paths (Jeremiah 6:16) and get educated so that we can preserve what it is that our Savior (John 3:16) and our forefathers have fought, bled and died to give to us (John 15:13).

© 2020 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Another Governor Bites The Dust! Judge Says Wisconsin Governor Oversteps His Authority

Bradlee Dean

“No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” -14th Amendment Bill of Rights

We are seeing more and more of the judges across the country educating the American people as to what governors can and cannot do concerning the coronavirus plandemic, and this in the light of day (Luke 12:2).

However, there are still some that think that they are to submit to tyrants regardless of what they may attempt to legislate without the aid of the legislators (Psalm 94:20).

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Apparently, these that submit to tyranny are ignorant of the intents of our founding forefathers and are, in fact, adding strength to tyranny and that on many fronts.

The amendments are a list of specific prohibitions on governmental power, not ours.  They work for us, we do not work for them.  As a matter of fact, during its drafting and in response to calls from several states, the Bill of Rights was written for greater constitutional protection for individual liberties. In other words, the Constitution is not a document for the government to restrain the people: it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

We have now seen good judges in the government begin to strike down tyranny-tyrants by lawfully putting them back into their proper function (Exodus 18:25).

For example:

North Carolina
Federal judge: there is no pandemic exception to the constitution – then why are Americans going along with it

Another federal judge rules that coronavirus shut downs are unconstitutional – of course they are

Power hungry governor struck down by the courts – again why are the people still wearing masks

Judge limits California governor’s powers during pandemic

And now as a reminder, Wisconsin:

The Washington Times reported MADISON, Wis. — The Wisconsin Supreme Court struck down Gov. Tony Evers‘ coronavirus stay-at-home order Wednesday, ruling that his administration overstepped its authority when it extended it for another month without consulting legislators.

The 4-3 ruling essentially reopens the state, lifting caps on the size of gatherings, allowing people to travel as they please and allowing shuttered businesses to reopen, including bars and restaurants. The Tavern League of Wisconsin swiftly posted the news on its website, telling members, “You can OPEN IMMEDIATELY!”

And what was the governor’s response?

Evers reacted angrily in a conference call Wednesday night, saying the state has been doing well in the fight against the coronavirus. He predicted the court ruling will lead more counties to adopt their own restrictions, leading to a confusing patchwork of ordinances that will allow infection to spread.

“Today, Republican legislators convinced four members of the state Supreme Court to throw the state into chaos,” Evers said. “They have provided no plan. There’s no question among anybody that people are going to get sick. Republicans own that chaos.”

Chief Justice Patience Roggensack wrote for the majority that health secretary Andrea Palm’s order amounted to an emergency rule that she doesn’t have the power to create on her own.

Thank God for the good government-judges which maintain our God-given rights (judges 2:18).

In conclusion: if the American people continually remain ignorant concerning the function of their said delegates, then they will soon lose the very freedoms that remain (Hosea 4:6), and we cannot let that happen (1 Timothy 6:12)!

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© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

If Trump Would Have Prosecuted Biden For Treason, Biden Would Not Have Become Your President Elect

By Bradlee Dean

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of NewsWithViews.com, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. -Patrick Henry

One of the promises left undone by that of point man Donald Trump, was to bring back the rule of law.  Along with that promise, he also promised over and over again that he would drain the swamp.  Those are his words, not mine. In other words, he was saying that he was going to deal with the corruption in Washington D.C. (Isaiah 26:9)

Remember, he was going to bring in a special prosecutor concerning Hillary Clinton,.  Then, after he won the people’s White House, 41 seconds into his victory speech, he turned on his supporters and said to them that the American people owed Clinton a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country.  He later went on to call the Clintons “good people” and said that he ” did not want to hurt them.” (Proverbs 17:15)

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How many crimes have the Clinton’s committed against the American people, as well as the other third world countries?

Then, we have Barack Hussein Obama who transgressed the US Constitution over 1,163 times, and 330 million people in this country stood back and allowed him to do so.  Do you remember the Iran scandal?

The president of the United States this week accused Barack Hussein Obama of funding the missiles that attacked Americans in Iran. This is true and the American people knew of it when he did what he did. What should be observed here is that the president acknowledges his treason and yet fails to charge him for treason (Article 3, Sections 3, US Constitution), which would deter anyone else from daring the justice of God in our government (Proverbs 16:6).

Instead, the president put sanctions on Iran in hopes of you misreading his confusion (Daniel 9:7) by overlooking the law that he is to “faithfully execute” against “all enemies” here domestically (Romans 3:20; Article 2, Section 3, US Constitution).

Barack Hussein Obama is responsible for more than just what took place in Iran, this on top of the fact that he never has been qualified to be America’s president, he is not a natural-born citizen (Article 1, Section 2, US Constitution).

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Now, coming to the most recent criminal left unprosecuted, we have President-Elect Joe Biden, who by the way, has been called out repeatedly for treason by that of Donald Trump, but has failed in ever faithfully execute the laws against Biden’s said crime, which, in the end, will destroy this country, and so it is.

“Justice The Guardian Of Liberty,” not injustice (Amos 5:15)!


This would have been the surest way to know what it is that you were dealing with when it came to the likes of Donald Trump: Is he just, or is he unjust?  What is it that you now see?

“A king (Article 6, Section 2 of the US Constitution) that sitteth in the throne of judgment scattereth away all evil with his eyes.” -Proverbs 20:8

© 2020 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Germany In Defiance Toward Tyranny: In Case You Were Under The Delusion That Everyone Is Just Going Along

By Bradlee Dean

“And You Haven’t Heard A Peep – Pictures Are Worth A Thousand Words!”

Why is the mainstream media so set on propping up that which does not exist, creating divisions and wars among the people, or just plainly withholding news of worthy topics such as the unity among the people who are, in fact, taking a stand against the very tyrants that they should be exposing?

At least you now know for whom it is that they are working and it is not for the people in acting as the journalists that they claim to be (Isaiah 8:20; Jeremiah 11:9; Mark 2:25; John 8:44; Ephesians 4:14).

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France, United Kingdom, Israel, Australia, etc. are countries that are taking a stand against the tyrannies in their perspective governments when it comes to the plandemic and its illegal business shut-downs and mask mandates (Isaiah 28:18).

Let me just remind many that believe the lies of the MSM that across this country, I get to see and share with you the pictures of the people that are unified rather than divided (Psalm 33:12).

These useful idiots, known as journalists, do not want the people unified and that is precisely why it is that they are busy dividing (John 10:10).

You see, divided we fall and united we stand, but do remember, that if we ever forget that we’re one nation under God, then we will be one nation gone under (Psalm 9:17)!

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This is how the CIA-controlled media works. They want to single you out and make you feel as if no one else feels the same way that you may. Their worst nightmare is that the people in this country will awake in such a fashion. So, be encouraged and help make that nightmare their reality (James 2:14-26).

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The pictures below are Germany, and Germany alone. Also, consider the other countries that are doing the same lest you feel isolated and alone in your stand against tyranny (Psalm 27:2).

Apparently, people in other countries are catching on (Jeremiah 6:16) and I praise God for every one of them that are awaking to that very fact (Acts 10:35), in case that you were under the delusion that everyone was just going along with it, which they are not (Matthew 7:13-14)!

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© 2020 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media.

American Church: Taking Off The Robe Of Christ For Tyrants

Bradlee Dean

“What is the problem here? Instead of these Church leaders adhering to Christ and His Word, they want to adhere to the tyrant lest they should offend the weak-You cannot make this up!” —Bradlee Dean

Recently, while driving into Tennessee to minister, I was on the phone with a friend of mine who was sharing with me a bit of the message that he had received this last week from a local minister (John 10:12).

He said that he had shared with his congregation how he wears a mask lest he should offend the weak ones in the Church. You heard me right.

He wears a mask concerning a virus that cannot be proven to ward off an invisible enemy that he cannot see that has been promulgated by the mainstream media and the government that he does not trust (Isaiah 5:20).

This leader, to what I know not, was clearly wresting and perverting scripture.

1 Corinthians 8:9 says “But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to them that are weak.”  Notice the word “liberty.”

Friends, I have to tell you that it never ceases to amaze me as to how backwards and upside down these self-proclaimed ministers can be.

He is, in fact, teaching his congregation how to become messengers for the tyrants that he is commanded to throw-off rather than the Christ that he claims to serve.

What he is talking about when wearing a mask lest he should offend?


Do I take on the ways of a tyrant to show men how they are to be made free in Christ (Amos 3:3; John 8:32)?

Do I act like the devil to lead the weak to Christ (1 John 2:4), lest I should offend?

Do I transgress God’s law by committing sin in order to show men how to live by grace (Romans 6:1-2), lest I should offend?

Do I become a criminal before God so that I do not offend the weak? Blasphemy!

The only thing that is being offended in this sort of heretical talk is God Himself!

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Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6).  He is not confusion, lies and death (Romans 6:23)!

Do I lead the weak by being just like the weak? That is like becoming the blind to lead the blind and we all
know where that ends up, the ditch (Matthew 15:14)

Does one lead from the back? Do the uneducated biblical illiterates teach the rest of us because I might offend the weak ones?

We need to take time to read our Bibles and know for ourselves as to what it declares (2 Timothy 2:15).

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Again, do I put on the chains of the tyrant to convert men to Christ? Christ broke those chains off (John 8:32; 2 Corinthians 3:17).

I have never seen anything so ridiculous in all of my life.  The Lord said that men are destroyed for the lack of knowledge and that is exactly what is happening today (Hosea 4:6).

It’s just another excuse for the Church to remain in disobedience to the Word of God in an attempt to further justify the unjustifiable (Revelation 21:8).

It’s a good thing Jesus Christ is the standard and not fallen man and his heretical teachings.

In conclusion: Is not the law of truth to be found in the mouth of the preacher (Malachi 2:6)? Yes!

Does the Bible teach us, “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them (Isaiah 8:20)?

Yes, it does.

Does the Bible teach us to submit to those who violate God’s moral law?

Absolutely not! Nowhere in Scripture can you find that to be true.

“Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod.” -Mark 8:15

Does the Bible tell us that we are the salt of the earth? Yes, it does, and what if we lose that savor?  We then become good for nothing, we are then cast out, and to be trodden under the foot of men.

Is that what is happening in so many different ways today?  Yes, it is!

“Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.”

Were we warned time and time again by the Lord not to be deceived? (Matthew 24:5) Yes, we were.

“That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive.” -Ephesians 4:14

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© 2020 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Driving and Controlling the Narrative at all Costs – Facebook’s Subversiveness and Lawlessness

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. -Amendment 1 Bill of Rights

If it is not Facebook suppressing, censoring, expunging or just blatantly deleting content that does not help drive their subversive narrative, then they are busy setting up discredited Fact Checkers like that of the illegitimate and implausible Snopes (John 8:44).

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How much of the narrative do they think that they control?  As much as you allow them to do so.  Why would they have to do that if their narrative was legitimate?

As a matter of fact, Facebook now says that they are going to ban anti-vaccine ads.


Mac Slavo, contributor with sonsoflibertymedia.com, reported:

“Facebook announced on Tuesday that the social media giant will ban all ads encouraging people to avoid vaccination. Facebook is now censoring factual information on the adverse health and side effects of getting vaccinated.

Anyone paying attention knows that there will be a COVID-19 vaccine, and it will, for all intents and purposes, be mandated for all and distributed by the military. This is not news to most, however, the propaganda campaign has begun, and Facebook will assist the tyrants with censorship.

“Our goal is to help messages about the safety and efficacy of vaccines reach a broad group of people while prohibiting ads with misinformation that could harm public health efforts,” Facebook’s head of health initiatives, Kang-Xing Jin, said in a blog post, according to the Hill. “We don’t want these ads on our platform.”


All of this is to help aid in their end objective-vaccines, over a virus that they cannot even prove. Friends, this is nothing short of criminal activity.


Like that of the president working hand in glove with the likes of Bill Gates and his henchman Anthony Fauci, we can all clearly see that they are not in opposition to one another, but are all in concert pushing forth another illegal agenda.



Apparently, Facebook and today’s big tech companies think that they are above the law by attacking the people’s free speech (Isaiah 14:12-14). They are not!

The question that I have always asked myself is why the American people have continuously allowed such blatant violations of their blood bought freedoms to go on without lawful consequences (Amos 6:3).

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© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Power Hungry Mask Loving Michigan Governor Struck Down By The Courts Again

Bradlee Dean

Why Are The People Still Wearing Masks?

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants.” -William Pitt

Just this week, while I was preaching in Michigan, a man looked at my family as they were walking into the hotel that we were to stay for a couple of nights and said “Masks.”  Of course, he was requesting of them that they should put one on and pretend with him. I came in right behind them and caught the tail end of what he said to them and I responded, “What did you say?”

He said, “You have to wear a mask in Michigan.”

I asked him if he worked there and he said that he did not.  I then responded with it is “unconstitutional” and “apparently you did not get the memo.”  I ended with “Mind your own business” (Hosea 4:6).


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This should come as no surprise to anyone considering what people are dealing with in Michigan.

Apparently, power-hungry Governor Gretchen Whitmer did not get the memo either.

Friends, the Michigan Supreme Court did a great job in striking down her un-constitutional orders (Proverbs 7:2) not only once but have also come in a second time to remind her what it is that she can and cannot do constitutionally (Deuteronomy 25:1).

(CNN) The Michigan Supreme Court on Monday denied Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s request to delay the effect of an opinion that ruled her executive orders on the coronavirus pandemic are unconstitutional.

Ten days ago, the court ruled Whitmer, a Democrat who is a former prosecutor and a first-term governor, had no authority to issue or renew executive orders relating to Covid-19 beyond April 30.

Whitmer filed a motion last Monday, saying more time was needed to “allow for an orderly transition during which some responsive measures can be placed under alternative executive authority and the Governor and Legislature can work to address many other pandemic-related matters that currently fall under executive orders.”

In its order Monday, the court wrote that “our decision today … leaves open many avenues for our Governor and Legislature to work together in a cooperative spirit and constitutional manner to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Monday, the state Supreme Court also reversed a lower court’s judgment in a lawsuit brought by the Legislature, saying “the Emergency Powers of the Governor Act is incompatible with the Constitution of our state, and therefore, executive orders issued under that act are of no continuing legal effect.”

Now, knowing all of this, I have to ask, why is it that anyone anywhere in the United States is wearing a mask?

© 2020 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Burn Your Masks: Attorney Katherine Henry Wins Over Michigan Tyrant Governor Gretchen Whitmer

Bradlee Dean

“That means burn your masks right now if you didn’t already. Open your gym and movie theater and open whatever business you have,” Attorney Katherine Henry said. “Go on and frequent whatever business you would like to go to, if you have a church that’s limited your services because of how you’re reading the EOs, forget that. All of those executive orders, based on COVID-19 circumstances, from 2020, they’re out, they’re gone, they’re done.”

It seems that when the people in this country feel that an issue is worth fighting for, they, without fail, win out (1 Timothy 6:12); and oftentimes, and before a victory is given, the Lord will ask His people to do something that requires faith especially, in the direst situations-namely to fight the good fight of faith (1 Timothy 6:12).

After all, the Lord is willing to give what it is that for which His people are willing to fight.

One of those examples is that of Attorney Katherine Henry, who took on Michigan tyrant Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who likes to dictate at will.

Katherine Henry simply reminded this said governor of her place by holding the US Constitution up as straight stick, if you will, in exposing the corruption of that of the crooked governor (Exodus 20).

When the odds of corruption were stacked against her people, she looked to the One that could give absolute victory over that of the would-be tyrant and won (Romans 12:21; Article 6, Section 2 US Constitution).

Fox 2 Detroit: [VIDEO] reported: Attorney says “burn your masks” following Supreme Court decision

Newsweek also reported:

Attorney Katherine Henry, who argued before the Michigan Supreme Court against Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s executive emergency orders regarding the coronavirus pandemic, social distancing and masks, has urged Michigan residents to “burn your masks.”

The Michigan Supreme Court ruled this past Friday that Whitmer, a Democrat, had no lawful authority to extend the state of emergency and require social distancing measures beyond April 30. Henry, who founded the Restore Freedom Initiative, told WJBK (Fox 2 Detroit) that this meant the executive orders were overturned as of Friday afternoon.

“That means burn your masks right now if you didn’t already. Open your gym and movie theater and open whatever business you have,” Henry said. “Go on and frequent whatever business you would like to go to, if you have a church that’s limited your services because of how you’re reading the EOs, forget that. All of those executive orders, based on COVID-19 circumstances, from 2020, they’re out, they’re gone, they’re done.”

Well friends, Katherine is right as we can now all see, and if the American people would begin to emulate Katherine in reference to the US Constitution and the Author of Common law you could rest assured that we could put a lot more of these tyrants out of business for good (Hosea 4:6, Hebrews 13:7).

Congratulations to Katherine and to the good people of Michigan in proving once again that we are a nation of laws and not of men (Psalm 33:12).



Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Burn Your Masks: Attorney Katherine Henry Wins Over Michigan Tyrant Governor Gretchen Whitmer

Bradlee Dean

“That means burn your masks right now if you didn’t already. Open your gym and movie theater and open whatever business you have,” Attorney Katherine Henry said. “Go on and frequent whatever business you would like to go to, if you have a church that’s limited your services because of how you’re reading the EOs, forget that. All of those executive orders, based on COVID-19 circumstances, from 2020, they’re out, they’re gone, they’re done.”

It seems that when the people in this country feel that an issue is worth fighting for, they, without fail, win out (1 Timothy 6:12); and oftentimes, and before a victory is given, the Lord will ask His people to do something that requires faith especially, in the direst situations-namely to fight the good fight of faith (1 Timothy 6:12).

After all, the Lord is willing to give what it is that for which His people are willing to fight.

One of those examples is that of Attorney Katherine Henry, who took on Michigan tyrant Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who likes to dictate at will.

Katherine Henry simply reminded this said governor of her place by holding the US Constitution up as straight stick, if you will, in exposing the corruption of that of the crooked governor (Exodus 20).

When the odds of corruption were stacked against her people, she looked to the One that could give absolute victory over that of the would-be tyrant and won (Romans 12:21; Article 6, Section 2 US Constitution).

Fox 2 Detroit reported:  VIDEO: Attorney says “burn your masks” following Supreme Court decision

Newsweek also reported:

Attorney Katherine Henry, who argued before the Michigan Supreme Court against Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s executive emergency orders regarding the coronavirus pandemic, social distancing and masks, has urged Michigan residents to “burn your masks.”

The Michigan Supreme Court ruled this past Friday that Whitmer, a Democrat, had no lawful authority to extend the state of emergency and require social distancing measures beyond April 30. Henry, who founded the Restore Freedom Initiative, told WJBK (Fox 2 Detroit) that this meant the executive orders were overturned as of Friday afternoon.

“That means burn your masks right now if you didn’t already. Open your gym and movie theater and open whatever business you have,” Henry said. “Go on and frequent whatever business you would like to go to, if you have a church that’s limited your services because of how you’re reading the EOs, forget that. All of those executive orders, based on COVID-19 circumstances, from 2020, they’re out, they’re gone, they’re done.”

Well friends, Katherine is right as we can now all see, and if the American people would begin to emulate Katherine in reference to the US Constitution and the Author of Common law you could rest assured that we could put a lot more of these tyrants out of business for good (Hosea 4:6, Hebrews 13:7).

Congratulations to Katherine and to the good people of Michigan in proving once again that we are a nation of laws and not of men (Psalm 33:12).



Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media.

© 2020 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Anthony Fauci: The Most Despised Con-man On The Planet Is Being Hailed By Time Magazine

By Bradlee Dean

“If ye were of the world, the world would love his own:” —John 15:19

Time Magazine has once again outdone themselves by playing a very dangerous game with American freedoms from praising Transgenders, lesbians and sodomites to the likes of Black Lives Matter founders, to criminal Kamala Harris, treasonous Joe Biden, activist from the bench John Roberts to the loony and psychotic Nancy Pelosi. And who do you suppose they put on the front cover on the latest issue of Time’s 100 most influential?  None other than the despised Anthony Fauci. You cannot make this up (Leviticus 18:22; Exodus 22:18; 1 Kings 13:33; Amos 5:7; Luke 22:48).

How can anyone with even the smallest sense of morality not see what is taking place here? They are clearly advocating what God clearly condemns.  Yet, this is nothing new (Deuteronomy 25:1).

Anthony Fauci: The Most Despised Con-man On The Planet Is Being Hailed By Time Magazine As One Of The Most Influential…See How This Works

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When we look to the standard, the Word of God, we can see as to what is being played out here right before our faces.

After this thing, Jeroboam (Corrupt high arch) returned not from his evil way (Refused to follow Gods moral Law), but made again of the lowest of the people priests of the high places (Actors, musicians, priests, politicians, reporters, judges, etc): whosoever would, he consecrated him, and he became one of the priests of the high places. -1 Kings 13:33

In other words, the powers that were tolerated would take the baser sorts such as liars, thieves, murderers, and cons and put them up as the standard in hopes that the people would emulate them (Isaiah 14:9-14).

All of this was done by ill-designing men to wield more control over the masses (Ephesians 4:14).

Oh, how these immoral criminals love to be praised and one another!

Jesus said, “And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God” (Luke 16:15).

Time Magazine has a long history of this sort of self-degrading, shameful and demeaning propaganda, along with the mainstream media (John 8:44).

Time has propped up the likes of war criminal and pedophile Henry Kissinger, tyrants and mass murderers Adolph Hitler, Joesph Stalin, Ayatollah Khomeini, and the treasonous foreign sodomite Barack Hussein Obama, as well as others.

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So, you can rest assured that whatever Time Magazine puts up as praiseworthy, God and His Word is sure to condemn. Maybe this explains why 94% of the American people do not trust them!

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© 2020 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

S.D. Governor: I Don’t Have The Authority to Lockdown the State, They Are Attacking Our Religious Freedoms

Bradlee Dean

“So I never issued a shelter-in-place, I never closed a business. I didn’t even define an essential business … because I don’t have the authority to do that.” —Governor Kristi Noam

9 Governors of states within our union have refused to play games with the likes of the federal government, Bill gates and his little henchman Anthony Faucci concerning the fraud that they have perpetuated on the people of this country.

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And the one Governor that seems to stand out more then others is that of South Dakota’s Kristi Noam. Krist said that “I know that when you have a leader overstep their authority in a time of crisis, that’s really when you lose this country. And I didn’t want to be guilty of doing that,” Gov. Kristi Noem said.

Justthenews.com reported “South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem has declined to lock down her state amid the coronavirus pandemic even as other government leaders around the nation issued restrictions that significantly throttled the U.S. economy.

She said that she listened both to health officials and to individuals who informed her about the bounds of her gubernatorial authorities.”

“I know that when you have a leader overstep their authority in a time of crisis, that’s really when you lose this country. And I didn’t want to be guilty of doing that,” the Republican Gov. explained during an interview on “The Pod’s Honest Truth” podcast. “So I never issued a shelter-in-place, I never closed a business. I didn’t even define an essential business … because I don’t have the authority to do that.”

She went on “Noem explained. And during those calls she found that fear was driving people’s actions.

“What I am saying though is that what I heard on those conference calls was fear,” she said. “I was shocked and amazed by how fear controlled people and how emotional that they were. And to me it indicated that in this country we’ve lost faith and the steadfast promise of God’s faithfulness in our life every day has real consequences.”

She said that Americans must defend their religious liberty, which has been attacked amid the pandemic.

“They are attacking our religious freedoms. And so we need to use every tool that we have to make sure that we still have the ability to practice our faith and to gather as we see fit,” the governor said. “And we have directly seen in many of these states where they have allowed other gatherings yet restricted those who want to go to church and worship together.”

So I ask that if the people in this country see that this is completely un-Constitutional and that the federal government along with some of the states Governors and Mayors are attacking businesses and the church then why is it that people are falling into line with this perpetuated fraud (Psalm 78:9, 94:20, Ephesians 4:14).

In conclusion: The people must rise up and impeach every single one of these tyrants for transgressing the US Constitution and indict each and everyone of them (Article 2 section 4, Article 1 section)

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E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Another Federal Judge Rules That Coronavirus Shut Downs Are Unconstitutional

by Bradlee Dean

“A law repugnant to the Constitution is void, and courts, as well as other departments, are bound by that instrument.” -Chief Justice John Marshall

On July 25th of this year, I brought to your attention the obvious when it comes to governors, attorney generals and/or mayors implementing that which is clearly out of the scope of delegated authority given unto them by the people that they are to serve (Matthew 20:28).

I wrote that nsjonline.com reported:

RALEIGH — “A federal judge issued a temporary restraining order preventing the enforcement of Gov. Roy Cooper’s executive orders that restrict church worship in North Carolina. A group founded by pastors and churches sued Cooper over his executive orders alleging they violate the U.S. and N.C. constitutions.

U.S. District Court Judge James C. Dever heard arguments on Friday from a group of plaintiffs who challenged Cooper’s authority to restrict religious activities. Saturday, the judge said the plaintiffs are “likely to succeed on the merits of their Free Exercise claim concerning the assembly for religious worship provisions in Executive Order 138, that they will suffer irreparable harm absent a temporary restraining order, that the equities tip in their favor, and that a temporary restraining order is in the public interest.”

The judge said unequivocally that “There is no pandemic exception to the Constitution of the United States or the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment.”

Federal Judge: ‘There Is NO Pandemic Exception To The Constitution’ – Then Why Are Americans Going Along With It?

Well, another good judge, making reference to that which is constitutional and that which is unconstitutional (Deuteronomy 25:1), came into play on a national forum to state the obvious.

The Hill reported:

A federal judge ruled on Monday that Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf’s (D) coronavirus orders, which shut down the state, closed businesses and limited gatherings, were unconstitutional.

U.S. District Judge William Stickman IV, a Trump appointee, said in his opinion that COVID-19 orders from Wolf and Pennsylvania Secretary of Health Rachel Levine violated and continue to violate the First Amendment right to freedom of assembly and the due process and equal protection clauses of the 14th Amendment.

The efforts to stop the spread of the coronavirus “were undertaken with the good intention of addressing a public health emergency,” Stickman wrote.

“But even in an emergency, the authority of government is not unfettered,” he added.

“There is no question that this Country has faced, and will face, emergencies of every sort,” he wrote. “But the solution to a national crisis can never be permitted to supersede the commitment to individual liberty that stands as the foundation of the American experiment.”

In conclusion: Friends, there is enough information exposing this perpetual fraud for what it is (Ephesians 4:14). I just thank the Lord that He sent in good judges to help further expose this fraud it for what it truly is.

“And when the LORD raised them up judges, then the LORD was with the judge, and delivered them out of the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge: for it repented the LORD because of their groanings by reason of them that oppressed them and vexed them.” Judges 2:18

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© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

California Passes Bill To Reduce Penalties For Sex With “Willing Children”

By: Bradlee Dean

“Sex before eight before it’s too late.” -North American Man Boy Love Association

With all that is going on the world today, one might consider asking the question as to why our said representatives have so much time on their hands to take the time and decriminalize those who mean to prey upon children (Luke 17:2).  Then again, we live in a country that gives a pass to those who sanction their murder (Proverbs 6:17).  So, it should come as no surprise to anyone as to how backwards Americans have become (Isaiah 59).

When the sodomites began to attack my ministry (Matthew 5:10) when we were defending our children from them back in the early 2000s, that is when George Bush was pushing forth their agenda behind the backs of his supporters. I remember being called every name in the book of the reprobates (Romans 1:28).

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They called me such names as “bigot” and “hater.”  I was also called a “liar” when I brought up the fact that their end aim was children.  All anyone had to do was to go to the congressional record to find out if it were the truth or not.

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The Daily Mail recently reported: “French ‘paedophile’ faces death by firing squad in Indonesia ‘for molesting 300 children and beating those who refused to have sex with him’.”

“A French man could be executed by a firing squared in Indonesia after being accused of molesting more than 300 children and beating those who refused to have sex with him.

Police said they arrested pensioner Francois Abello Camille, 65, last month at a hotel in Indonesia’s capital Jakarta, where they discovered two underaged girls in his room.

Camille faces death by firing squad or life in prison if convicted on the raft of charges – including accusations he filmed the illicit encounters – under Indonesia’s child protection laws.”

Only in America, where not only the representatives of special interest groups but also the accomplices that give these criminals a pass in daring the justice of God (Jude 1:7), do these people want to normalize the unthinkable.  We have sodomite Scott Weiner advocating a criminal act.

It is interesting to note, as Hollywood paedophiles are beginning to be called out for their crimes against children, these feigned representatives of the people are calling forth the normalization of crimes against children (Exodus 22:22-24).

Pamela Geller, a contributor from The Sons of Liberty Media, writes:

California lawmakers passed a bill Monday that would reduce penalties for adults who have oral or anal sex with a willing minor child if the sex offender is within ten years of the age of the victim.

According to SB 145, the legislation “would exempt from mandatory registration” as a sex offender “a person convicted of certain offenses involving minors if the person is not more than 10 years older than the minor and if that offense is the only one requiring the person to register.”

The measure would allow a judge to decide if an adult who engages in oral or anal sex with a child must register as a sex offender if that person is within ten years of the age of the victim.


Say what you will, friends, concerning the acts of these paedophiles, but you can rest assured that the God-fearing daddies and mommies in this country are not going to put up with it, and neither am I (Proverbs 16:6).

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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Bill Gates: Those Who Engage In Anti-Vaccine Efforts – They Kill Children!

Bradlee Dean

Ever Take The Time To Know What Is In Vaccines? (Videos)

“So it’s an absolute lie that has killed thousands of kids. Because the mothers who heard that lie, many of them didn’t have their kids take either pertussis or measles vaccine, and their children are dead today. And so the people who go and engage in those anti-vaccine efforts — you know, they, they kill children. It’s a very sad thing, because these vaccines are important.”

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This, of course, coming from none other than Bill Gates, who is not a doctor nor is he an elected representative.

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Bill is the one responsible for calling forth the depopulation of the planet as he is also the one trying to sell you the virus as being legitimate. He is also the one trying to sell you on the vaccines (Ephesians 4:14).


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Most of us today, know that which is taking place in America today concerning a virus is nothing more than a perpetuated fraud (John 8:44)


Let’s go to the next step.

Despite hundreds of thousands of doctors debunking the coronavirus, the government is running roughshod over the people and says to get ready for vaccinations. This is totalitarianism, a government of force, and nothing short of it (Leviticus 26:15-18).


What one needs to know is exactly what is in some of the vaccinations and what are the ingredients to them.

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Regardless of what is being sold to us concerning another pandemic, if we do not get behind the government, then we are all enemies of the state.  It is time for people to understand that the government has no business whatsoever enforcing any vaccination on anyone anywhere (Psalm 94:20).

It is time to resist and time to deal with those who are, in fact, guilty of perpetuating these crimes on the people.

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In conclusion: Robert Kennedy Jr. stated” “Governments love pandemics the same way that they love wars. It gives them power, it gives them control, it gives them the capacity to impose obedience on human beings.”


© 2020 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

Created Crisis: They Have Lost The Coronavirus Narrative

Bradlee Dean

Now Yale University Is Attempting To Manipulate People Into Taking The Vaccinations

“You never let a good crisis go to waste. And what do I mean by that; it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” —Rahm Emanuel

For anyone that is paying attention to the perpetuated fear and fraud that is being pushed on the American people by special interest groups operating through corrupt politicians in American government today, you can see clearly that they have lost the narrative no matter how hard they push their propaganda through the “useful idiots” found in the mainstream media (Luke 22:48).

It took a little bit for the people to begin to put the pieces together in exposing this preplanned agenda (Isaiah 28:18).


First, they attempted forced compliance through their unconstitutional edicts in hopes that no one would know the difference.  Then they got a major kick back by the people across the country (Psalm 94:20).


This, of course, happened because people were, in fact, paying attention to the doctors that were telling us the truth in contrast to what the mainstream media and big tech companies were promulgating.

People also considered the source, namely Bill and Melinda Gates, who are NOT licensed doctors nor are they elected representatives in America. Also, bringing into the equation was Bill Gates call for depopulation on a global scale (John 10:10), which only makes sense considering that Bill’s father was the head of Planned Parenthood, which is responsible for the murder of over 60 million babies in America alone (Proverbs 6:17).



This now brings me to Ben Swan and his discovery of Yale’s recent study to manipulate Americans into taking a COVlD Vaccine.

In conclusion: I started off with former Mayor of Chicago Rahm Emanuel’s quote:  “You never let a good crisis go to waste. And what do I mean by that; it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before,” even when they have to create it themselves.

© 2020 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

San Francisco’s Scott Wiener Introduces Bill to Decriminalize Men With Boys Sex

Bradlee Dean

Pedophile In New Jersey Says He Wants His Right To Sexual Contact With Children, Appeal Granted!

“Sex before eight or else it’s too late.” —North American Man Boy Love Association Slogan

Just this last week, I had taken the time to reveal to the American people that those they call representatives in this country that are, in fact, advocating for sodomy, pedophilia and pornography are also guilty, in many cases, of committing crimes against children (Jude 1:7).


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In San Francisco, Sen. Scott Wiener introduces a bill to decriminalize men having sex with boys.

San Francisco state Senator Scott Wiener has introduced a new bill to decriminalize adult men having sex with boys and he and his allies in the media are smearing all opposition as “homophobic” and “anti-Semitic.”

From The Federalist, “No California Shouldn’t Decriminalize Adult Sex With 14-Year-Olds”:

LGBT activists have pushed reasonable notions of equality to its limits with obscene perversions. State Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco — the same lawmaker who co-sponsored a bill in 2017 to remove the felony penalty for knowingly exposing another person to HIV — has introduced a bill, Senate Bill 145 to give judges more flexibility in sentencing gay men who abuse minors.

Under current law — which Wiener, who is gay, describes as “horrific homophobia” — a straight 24-year-old male who has sex with a 15-year-old girl can avoid being put on the sex-offender list if the judge feels the situation does not deserve it, but a gay man in the same scenario with a similar-aged boy would not be given the same option.

Wiener’s argument is one of evolving social standards. In 2015, the California Supreme Court upheld the long-standing separation of vaginal sex from other forms of sex-based on the misguided idea that if pregnancy occurred, placing the father on the sex-offender list could ruin his chances of providing for his family. The extreme of the scenario would be an 18-year-old man with a 17-year-old girlfriend.

Wiener’s bill, however, is not so straightforward. He argues all forms of sex should be treated equally under the law.

Apparently, this criminal right here does not understand that he, nor anyone else, does not have the right to violate moral law, and why? It’s because the Lord never gave them the right (Psalm 94:20).

Furthermore, and 180 degrees diametrically opposed to this sodomite (Leviticus 18:22, 20:13), the law condemns such measures (Deuteronomy 25:1).

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So, in taking it directly to the next point, we can see why others are emboldened to commit such crimes without fear of consequence. In New Jersey, 101.5 reported:

A convicted sex offender who argued that pedophiles are victims of discrimination and that laws against sexual contact with children violate his rights has been granted a narrow appeal.

The legal victory this month was not based on what the court called the defendant’s “unusual” strategy of promoting pedophilia but on the constitutional right to a speedy trial.

The now-31-year-old Gary Wolchesky was first arrested in 2009 but it took seven years before his trial started.

In a 44-page decision released Jan. 28, a three-judge appellate panel said that part of this delay was the fault of Wolchesky, who insisted on representing himself. But part of the delay also was the result of the investigation and new charges that were later added on.

Wolchesky was accused of — and readily admitted — using his Xbox to communicate with boys ranging in ages of 10 to 15, getting them to send him sexually explicit videos and sending them sexually explicit videos of himself.

Wolchesky argued that “pedophiles are a persecuted minority and that the New Jersey Code of Criminal Justice wrongfully makes this conduct a crime,” the appellate decision summarized.

He also argued that what he did was not against the law because the boys consented to his requests.

Monmouth first became aware of Wolchesky after he posted YouTube videos advocating for pedophilia. The videos still appear on YouTube.

It was the mother of one of the victims who got the ball rolling on the case after she looked at her 12-year-old son’s computer and noticed that he was chatting with someone named TEENTECH, whose profile said he was “20 years old and I like little boys.”

The mother sent TEENTECH, who turned out to be Wolchesky, a message telling him to stop communicating with her son. He replied: “I don’t care what your mom says.”

The mother notified the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, who then notified Monmouth County prosecutors. A month later, after he continued to communicate with her son, she called Monmouth authorities and granted them permission to analyze her son’s phone.

Wolchesky was already known to Monmouth detectives. Six months earlier they had interviewed him after he posted videos on YouTube promoting the concept of pedophilia. During an interview with detectives, he admitted that he found 10-year-old boys “just so hot” and he discussed using his Xbox to communicate with children using the screen name TEENTECH. He was not charged with a crime at that time.

Authorities said they found evidence linking Wolchesky to five victims plus thousands of files of child sexual exploitation. Eventually, he was only convicted on charges related to four victims because the fifth child declined to testify at trial.

A trial was initially set for 2014 but was delayed when several of the victims revealed for the first time that Wolchesky had also gotten them to sexually penetrate themselves on video.

Wolchesky exercised his right to have the new charges brought before a grand jury, which handed up a superseding indictment on 27 charges.

“It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” -Luke 17:2

In conclusion, I can tell you right now, friends, that the American people are sick and tired of being sick and tired when it comes to seeing the way that these said representatives are violating the law and our children and how it is that the courts are lowering the law by advocating for crimes against children, which is making them a prey.

Regardless, the American people are now responding in a way to these crimes where these pedophiles will no longer need a courtroom, and rightly so (Luke 17:2)!

When the law fails to serve us, then we must serve as the law!


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© 2020 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media.

While You Were Distracted By The Mainstream Media, 87 Politicians Are Being Exposed For Their “Horrific” Crimes Against Children

Bradlee Dean

“Americans have known this for decades and have done little to nothing, these are our children. No wonder why America being judged is under judgment! Malachi 2:2!”

Americans, the list below should come as no surprise as to what is taking place in your country today. It explains why we have seen that our said representatives are continuously bearing forth corrupt fruit. For decades, we have known of this corruption and now, it is all coming to the light (Hebrews 4:13).



Friends, for the record, a corrupt tree is not going to bring forth good fruit.  It is, without a doubt, going to bring forth corrupt fruit. Scripture is clear.

“Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” -Matthew 7:16-20

No matter how many different ways or methods these people try to put themselves up as the righteous, the Lord will bring, and is bringing, it into the light as to who they really are (2 Corinthians 11:14-15)!

Before we get into this list, let me remind you that these are the same criminal politicians that have advocated sodomy, pedophilia (Exodus 22:13; Matthew 18:6), and pornography as free speech etc…(Exodus 20:14; 1 Corinthians 6:9).

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The List

87 Democrat and Republicans (If you are caught up into the divide and conquer un-constitutional scheme- Mark 3:25) were exposed for the crimes against children!

Democratic Illinois State Representative, Keith Farnham, has resigned and was charged with possession of child pornography and has been accused of bragging at an online site about sexually molesting a 6-year-old girl.

Democratic spokesperson for the Arkansas Democratic Party, Harold Moody, Jr, was charged with distribution and possession of child pornography.

Democratic Radnor Township Board of Commissioners member, Philip Ahr, resigned from his position after being charged with possession of child pornography and abusing children between 2 and 6 years-old.

Democratic activist and BLM organizer, Charles Wade, was arrested and charged with human trafficking and underage prostitution.

Democratic Texas attorney and activist, Mark Benavides, was charged with having sex with a minor, inducing a child under 18 to have sex and compelling prostitution of at least nine legal clients and possession of child pornography. He was found guilty on six counts of sex trafficking.

Democratic Virginia Delegate, Joe Morrissey, was indicted on charges connected to his relationship with a 17-year-old girl and was charged with supervisory indecent liberties with a minor, electronic solicitation of a minor, possession of child pornography and distribution of child pornography.

Democratic Massachusetts Congressman, Gerry Studds, was censured by the House of Representatives after he admitted to an inappropriate relationship with a 17-year-old page.

Democratic Former Mayor of Stillwater, New York, Rick Nelson was plead guilty to five counts of possession of child pornography of children less than 16 years of age.

Democratic Former Mayor of Clayton, New York, Dale Kenyon, was indicted for sexual acts against a teenager.

Democratic Former Mayor of Hubbard, Ohio, Richard Keenan, was given a life sentence in jail for raping a 4-year-old girl.

Democratic Former Mayor of Winston, Oregeon, Kenneth Barrett, was arrested for setting up a meeting to have sex with a 14-year-old girl who turned out to be a police officer.

Democratic Former Mayor of Randolph, Nebraska, Dwayne L. Schutt, was arrested and charged with four counts of felony third-degree sexual assault of a child and one count of intentional child abuse.

Democratic Former Mayor of Dawson, Georgia, Christopher Wright, was indicted on the charges of aggravated child molestation, aggravated sodomy, rape, child molestation and statutory rape of an 11-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl.

Democratic Former Mayor of Stockton, California, Anthony Silva, was charged with providing alcohol to young adults during a game of strip poker that included a 16-year-old boy at a camp for underprivileged children run by the mayor.

Democratic Former Mayor of Millbrook, New York, Donald Briggs, was arrested and charged with inappropriate sexual contact with a person younger than 17.

Democratic party leader for Victoria County, Texas, Stephen Jabbour, plead guilty to possession and receiving over half a million child pornographic images.

Democratic activist and fundraiser, Terrence Bean, was arrested on charges of sodomy and sex abuse in a case involving a 15-year-old boy and when the alleged victim declined to testify, and the judge dismissed the case.

Democratic Party Chairman for Davidson County, Tennessee, Rodney Mullin, resigned amid child pornography allegations.

Democratic activist, Andrew Douglas Reed, pleaded guilty to multiple counts of 2nd-degree sexual exploitation of a minor for producing child pornography.

Democratic official from Terre Haute, Indiana, David Roberts was sentenced to federal prison for producing and possessing child pornography including placing hidden cameras in the bedrooms and bathrooms at a home he shared with two minor female victims.

Democratic California Congressman, Tony Cárdenas, is being sued in LA County for allegedly sexually abused a 16-year-old girl.

Democratic aide to Senator Barbara Boxer, Jeff Rosato, plead guilty to charges of trading in child pornography.

Democratic Alaskan State Representative, Dean Westlake, resigned from his seat after the media published a report alleging he fathered a child with a 16-year-old girl when he was 28.

Democratic New Jersey State Assemblyman, Neil Cohen, was convicted of possession and distribution of child pornography.

Republican Tim Nolan, chairman of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in Kentucky, pled guilty to child sex trafficking and on February 11, 2018 he was sentenced to serve 20 years in prison.

Republican state Senator Ralph Shortey was indicted on four counts of human trafficking and child pornography. In November 2017, he pleaded guilty to one count of child sex trafficking in exchange for the dropping of the other charges.

Republican anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth is a convicted child rapist in Florida.

Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison.

Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation.

Republican anti-abortion activist Nicholas Morency pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer and offering a bounty to anybody who murders an abortion doctor.

Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17.

Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls.

Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge was sentenced to three years probation for taking nude photographs of a 15-year old girl.

Republican Senator Strom Thurmond, a notable racist, had sex with a 15-year old black girl which produced a child.

Republican pastor Mike Hintz, whom George W. Bush commended during the 2004 presidential campaign, surrendered to police after admitting to a sexual affair with a female juvenile.

Republican legislator Peter Dibble pleaded no contest to having an inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl.

Republican Congressman Donald “Buz” Lukens was found guilty of having sex with a female minor and sentenced to one month in jail.

Republican fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found guilty of child porn charges and paying two teenage girls to pose for sexual photos.

Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of sex crimes involving children.

Republican activist Randal David Ankeney pleaded guilty to attempted sexual assault on a child.

Republican Congressman Dan Crane had sex with a female minor working as a congressional page.

Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell admitted to an incestuous relationship with his stepdaughter.

Republican congressman and anti-gay activist Robert Bauman was charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar.

Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped.

Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. “Republican Marty”), was taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual activity with an underage girl and one count of delivering the drug LSD.

Republican legislative aide Howard L. Brooks was charged with molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography.

Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having sex with his 12-year old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media.

Republican preacher Stephen White, who demanded a return to traditional values, was sentenced to jail after offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him.

Republican talk show host Jon Matthews pleaded guilty to exposing his genitals to an 11-year-old girl.

Republican anti-gay activist Earl “Butch” Kimmerling was sentenced to 40 years in prison for molesting an 8-year old girl after he attempted to stop a gay couple from adopting her.

Republican Party leader Paul Ingram pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison.

Republican election board official Kevin Coan was sentenced to two years probation for soliciting sex over the internet from a 14-year old girl.

Republican politician Andrew Buhr was charged with two counts of first-degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy.

Republican politician Keith Westmoreland was arrested on seven felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to girls under the age of 16 (i.e. exposing himself to children).

Republican anti-abortion activist John Allen Burt was charged with sexual misconduct involving a 15-year old girl.

Republican County Councilman Keola Childs pleaded guilty to molesting a male child.

Republican activist John Butler was charged with criminal sexual assault on a teenage girl.

Republican candidate Richard Gardner admitted to molesting his two daughters.

Republican Councilman and former Marine Jack W. Gardner was convicted of molesting a 13-year old girl.

Republican County Commissioner Merrill Robert Barter pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual contact and assault on a teenage boy.

Republican City Councilman Fred C. Smeltzer, Jr. pleaded no contest to raping a 15-year-old girl and served 6-months in prison.

Republican activist Parker J. Bena pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography on his home computer and was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison and fined $18,000.

Republican parole board officer and former Colorado state representative, Larry Jack Schwarz, was fired after child pornography was found in his possession.

Republican strategist and Citadel Military College graduate Robin Vanderwall was convicted in Virginia on five counts of soliciting sex from boys and girls over the internet.

Republican city councilman Mark Harris, who is described as a “good military man” and “church goer,” was convicted of repeatedly having sex with an 11-year-old girl and sentenced to 12 years in prison.

Republican businessman Jon Grunseth withdrew his candidacy for Minnesota governor after allegations surfaced that he went swimming in the nude with four underage girls, including his daughter.

Republican director of the “Young Republican Federation” Nicholas Elizondo molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six years in prison.

Republican benefactor of conservative Christian groups, Richard A. Dasen Sr., was charged with rape for allegedly paying a 15-year old girl for sex.

Dasen, 62, who is married with grown children and several grandchildren, has allegedly told police that over the past decade he paid more than $1 million to have sex with a large number of young women.

Democratic donor and billionaire, Jeffrey Epstein, ran an underage child sex brothel and was convicted of soliciting underage girls for prostitution.

Democratic New York Congressman, Anthony Weiner, plead guilty to transferring obscene material to a minor as part of a plea agreement for sexted and sending Twitter DMs to underage girls as young as 15.

Democratic donor, activist, and Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein is being criminally prosecuted and civilly sued for years of sexual abuse (that was well known “secret” in Hollywood) including underage sexual activities with aspiring female actresses.

Democratic activist and #metoo proponent, Asia Argento, settled a lawsuit for sexual harassment stemming from sexual activities with an underage actor.

Democratic Mayor of Racine, Wisconsin, Gary Becker, was convicted of attempted child seduction, child pornography, and other child sex crimes.

Democratic Seattle Mayor Ed Murray resigned after multiple accusations of child sexual abuse were levied against him including by family members.

Democratic activist and aid to NYC Mayor De Blasio, Jacob Schwartz was arrested on possession of 3,000+ child pornographic images.

Democratic activist and actor, Russell Simmons, was sued based on an allegation of sexual assault where he coerced an underage model for sex.

Democratic Governor of Oregon, Neil Goldschmidt, after being caught by a newspaper, publicly admitted to having a past sexual relationship with a 13-year-old girl after the statute of limitations on the rape charges had expired.

Democratic Illinois Congressman, Mel Reynolds resigned from Congress after he was convicted of statutory rape of a 16-year-old campaign volunteer.

Democratic New York Congressman, Fred Richmond, was arrested in Washington D.C. for soliciting sex from a 16-year-old boy.

Democratic activist, donor, and director, Roman Polanski, fled the country after pleading guilty to statutory rape of a 13-year-old girl.

Democrats and Hollywood actors still defend him to this day, including, Whoopi Goldberg, Martin Scorcese, Woody Allen, David Lynch, Wim Wenders, Pedro Almodovar, Tilda Swinton and Monica Bellucci.

Democratic State Senator from Alaska, George Jacko, was found guilty of sexual harassment of an underage legislative page.

Democratic State Representative candidate for Colorado, Andrew Myers, was convicted for possession of child pornography and enticing children.

Democratic Illinois Congressman, Gus Savage was investigated by the Democrat-controlled House Committee on Ethics for attempting to rape an underage female Peace Corps volunteer in Zaire.

The Committee concluded that while the events did occur his apology was sufficient and took no further action.

Democratic activist, donor, and spokesperson for Subway, Jared Fogle, was convicted of distribution and receipt of child pornography and traveling to engage in illicit sexual conduct with a minor.

Democratic State Department official, Carl Carey, under Hillary Clinton’s state department, was arrested on ten counts of child porn possession.

Democratic Maine Assistant Attorney General, James Cameron, was sentenced to just over 15 years in federal prison for seven counts of child porn possession, receipt and transmission.

Democratic State Department official, Daniel Rosen, under Hillary Clinton’s state department, was arrested and charged with allegedly soliciting sex from a minor over the internet.

Democratic State Department official, James Cafferty, pleaded guilty to one count of transportation of child pornography.

Democratic radio host, Bernie Ward, plead guilty to one count of sending child pornography over the Internet.Democratic deputy attorney general from California, Raymond Liddy, was arrested for possession of child pornography.

Knowing all of this, the people should demand the halls of government be vetted. Americans, it is not enough to know of the corrupt fruit on the branches, it is for “We the People” to now lay the axe to the root of the tree and cut it down for our kids’ sake (Matthew 3:10)!


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© 2020 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Since When Did Bill and Melinda Gates Become Licensed Doctors?

Gates Paying For Desired Outcome -This Is Illegal!

“Bill and Melinda Gates foundation (BMGF), launched in 2000, is reported to be the largest private foundation in the world. The primary goals of the foundation are, globally, to enhance healthcare and reduce extreme poverty, and, in the U.S., to expand educational opportunities and access to information technology.” -Wikipedia

First off, I would like to remind people that Bill Gates is the one calling for depopulation of the global population.  He said, “The world has 6.8 billion people… that’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 to 15 percent.” Read John 10:10.


Secondly, what does Bill Gates mean when he says “reproductive health services”? Does Bill mean organizations like Planned Parenthood, which is responsible for the murder of over 60 million babies?  You bet it does (Proverbs 6:17).


Finally, I ask, why is it that the mainstream media’s cameras and microphones are up to the faces and mouths of Bill and Melinda Gate, as well as their paid minions, every time they make a sound?

When did they receive their medical degrees-licenses?

How are they qualified to disseminate medical advice when it comes to vaccines?

Did you know that this is against the law (Psalm 94:20)?

Do people realize that you or I would get into some serious trouble if we were to impersonate a doctor!

A nurse recently shared with me when I was doing my research that “If you sold vitamins and supplements you CANNOT make claims for better health.”

NOTE: Bill Gates answered that the FDA (Video Below) would be the ones to regulate the vax when asked about side effects? The FDA says you can’t make claims about vitamin and supplements, and they approve and regulate drugs that we KNOW can cause death, right? Bill hides behind the FDA when the FDA is in question.

According to the law, Bill and Melinda Gates are in violation …

Impersonating a Doctor and the Law

There are legal ramifications for misusing the title of ‘Doctor’.  The Medical Act 1983 states:

‘Any person who wilfully and falsely pretends to be or uses the name or title of physician, doctor of medicine, licentiate in medicine and surgery, bachelor of medicine, surgeon, general practitioner or apothecary, or any name, title, addition or description implying that he is registered under any provision of this Act, or that he is recognised by law as a physician or surgeon or licentiate in medicine and surgery or a practitioner in medicine or an apothecary, shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 5 on the standard scale’

So, actually telling people you are a doctor or giving the impression that you are licensed for medical practice is a criminal offense.

Furthermore, the Fraud Act of 2006 makes ‘Dishonestly making a false representation to make a gain for oneself or another or to cause loss to another or to expose another to a risk of loss’ a criminal offence. Cautions and prosecutions under this piece of legislation have been steadily increasing over the years and the severity of the punishment will be relative to the severity of the crime. The crime of fraud under the act can carry a sentence of up to 10 years in prison and an unlimited fine.

How then is it that Bill and Melinda Gates are above the law?  They are not, that is if the people know the difference (Hosea 4:6). They simply hide behind their money, buying off those who will simply do their biddings (Luke 22:48).

The Politico reported Meet the World’s Most Powerful Doctor: Bill Gates:

Some billionaires are satisfied with buying themselves an island. Bill Gates got a United Nations health agency in Geneva.

Over the past decade, the world’s richest man has become the World Health Organization’s second biggest donor, second only to the United States and just above the United Kingdom. This largesse gives him outsized influence over its agenda, one that could grow as the U.S. and the U.K. threaten to cut funding if the agency doesn’t make a better investment case.

The result, say his critics, is that Gates’ priorities have become the WHO’s. Rather than focusing on strengthening health care in poor countries — that would help, in their view, to contain future outbreaks like the Ebola epidemic — the agency spends a disproportionate amount of its resources on projects with the measurable outcomes Gates prefers, such as the effort to eradicate polio.

Concerns about the software billionaire’s sway — roughly a quarter of WHO’s budget goes toward polio eradication — has led to an effort to rein him in. But he remains a force to be reckoned with, as WHO prepares to elect one of three finalists to lead the organization.

“All of the candidates are going to have to ally with him in some way,” said Sophie Harman, associate professor of international politics at Queen Mary University of London. “You can’t ignore him.”

Evidence of Gates’ unprecedented influence abounds in ways subtle and showy.

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In conclusion: It is for the people to be the strength and the enforcement of the law, the laws that need to be enforced against them that think that their money is going to wrest judgment (Deuteronomy 16:19).

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© 2020 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Good News: You No Longer Have To Choose Between The Lesser Of Two Evils

Bradlee Dean

Between the lesser “of two evils, choose neither.” —Charles Spurgeon

Have you ever noticed that when politicians, regardless of their office before serving the people, put their hands on the Bible and swear to uphold the enumerated laws found within the US Constitution (Deuteronomy 23:23)? And to that, they add, “So help me God…”

Have you also taken the time to take note of what a president (Article 1, Section 9, Clause 8) is required to do before God in serving the people?

How is he to serve the people if he does not obey God (1 John 5:2)?

In Deuteronomy 17:14-20, it tells us what the president’s obligations before God and the people are to be.

“When thou art come unto the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, and shalt possess it, and shalt dwell therein, and shalt say, I will set a king over me, like as all the nations that are about me;

Thou shalt in any wise set him king over thee, whom the LORD thy God shall choose: one from among thy brethren shalt thou set king over thee: thou mayest not set a stranger over thee, which is not thy brother.

But he shall not multiply horses to himself, nor cause the people to return to Egypt, to the end that he should multiply horses: forasmuch as the LORD hath said unto you, Ye shall henceforth return no more that way.

Neither shall he multiply wives to himself, that his heart turn not away: neither shall he greatly multiply to himself silver and gold.

And it shall be, when he sitteth upon the throne of his kingdom, that he shall write him a copy of this law in a book out of that which is before the priests the Levites:

And it shall be with him, and he shall read therein all the days of his life: that he may learn to fear the LORD his God, to keep all the words of this law and these statutes, to do them:

That his heart be not lifted up above his brethren, and that he turn not aside from the commandment, to the right hand, or to the left: to the end that he may prolong his days in his kingdom, he, and his children, in the midst of Israel.”

Yet today, and in complete disregard of God’s Word in wickedly departing from Him, look at what has been set in its place: corrupt men, where the people are then told to vote between the two evil options in which the powers that have been tolerated have given them (Ephesians 4:14).

Did you know that there are 1,152 other candidates running for the presidency of the United States? Yet, you have been given only two candidates as options and are then told to vote for the “lesser of two evils” (2 Chronicles 19:2), only to find that both candidates are on the same team, and the agenda goes forward.

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How many times does it need to be pointed out that the mainstream media cannot be trusted (Jeremiah 5:21)?

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The mainstream media is set on promulgating, with the help of their useful idiots, a narrative of propaganda for which they are at the time advocating.

“Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have.” -Richard Salant (1914-1933), former President of CBS News

“We are going to impose our agenda on the coverage by dealing with issues and subjects that we choose to deal with.” -Richard M. Cohen, Senior Producer of CBS Political News

“The entire mainstream media is totally fake!… Taught to lie, to betray the people and not to tell the truth to the public…. The CIA get’s control over all of the majority of journalists.” – Dr. Udo Ulfkotte German Editor, Journalist

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In conclusion: If Americans are as sick and tired of the same rhetorical cycle of insanity, receiving the same broken promises from the same corrupt politicians that have been puffed up by the MSM, then simply take the time to know the real options that have been given where it is you will not have to choose from the lesser of two evils.

As of July 27, 2020, there are 1,156 candidates who filed to run for the White House.


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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

If We Want To Make America Again, “We the People“ Will Have To Make Corrupt Politicians Fear the Punishment Again, and Soon!

Bradlee Dean

“If we do not maintain justice, justice will not maintain us..” 

It has been said that whoever is content with the world, and who profits from its lack of justice, does not want to change it, they want to destroy it. How right on this quote is.

If justice guards our liberties, which it does, then what must injustice bring but the destruction of a nation?  This is the history of nations destroyed (Hosea 4:6). Then again how would most Americans know how to bring forth justice if they don’t even know the Law (Torah-Commanl Law)!

“Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.” -President Theodore Roosevelt

Read more: https://www.wiseoldsayings.com/justice-quotes/#ixzz6LJEbyiLH

We hear from politicians over and over again about the change that they want to bring (Proverbs 24:21).  They use the right words, but chose the wrong course of action (Jeremiah 6:16). 

Let me remind you, Americans, that there is no more road (Excuses) to kick the can down any longer. 

For years, we have been promised by this administration that he would bring back the rule of law (Exodus 20), that he could do whatever he wanted with the Department of justice and that he would drain the swamp. Over and over again, and year after year, we have heard this and yet, nothing has been done when it comes to Donald Trump’s promises being fulfilled.

As a matter of fact, we have seen just the opposite from this president (Isaiah 5:20).  Instead of prosecuting these criminal political lifelong politicians, he has granted many of them clemency that were imprisoned (Isaiah 59).

“He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the Lord.” -Proverbs 17:15



Without belaboring this point again, concerning this lack of justice and failed promises of prosecution, let’s turn our attention to what happens when a people have had enough with justice left undone. One such man was Oliver Cromwell…

Oliver Cromwell was a political and military leader in 17th century England who served as Lord Protector, or head of state, of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland for a five-year-period until his death in 1658. Cromwell was known for being ruthless in battle, and he twice led successful efforts to remove the British monarch from power. 

Cromwell, a devout Puritan, was particularly intolerant of injustice, Cromwell was credited for helping to lead Great Britain toward a constitutional government.

After seeing that King Charles the first continuously dissolved the parliament (The voice of the people-Representatives) and was preparing war against his political opposition within his own country (Treason), with the use of foreign military the people finally had enough.

By the end of 1648, the Parliamentarians had won a decisive victory in the Second English Civil War. After Pride’s Purge, in which troops under the command of Colonel Thomas Pride arrested those in Parliament still loyal to the monarch, the chamber was reconvened with a membership that was decidedly anti-monarch.

In the aftermath of the purge, the remaining Parliamentarians voted to arrest and execute Charles I. Cromwell returned from the north of England to become the third Member of Parliament to sign the resulting document ordering the king’s arrest, and Charles I was beheaded in January 1649.

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Some might say that this is radical, too extreme.  Really? Let me tell you what is radical and extreme, a government that sanctions the murder of 60 million of its own innocent babies (Proverbs 6:17).

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A government that uses its own sons to unconstitutionally topple foreign governments who refuse to submit to a global order is extreme.


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A government that commit treason against its own people on a daily basis (Luke 22:48; Article 3, Section 3 US Constitution).


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Desperate situations call for desperate measures, and we are there. Read Article 2, Section 4 and Article 1, Section 3, Clause 7 of the United States Constitution.

I would also remind you, friends, that our forefathers understood the price paid to achieve the freedoms which we have now obtained through the Revolutionary War (2 Corinthians 3:17) by throwing off the tyrant King George from across the pond. Patrick Henry stated:

“Caesar had his Brutus, Charles 1 had his Cromwell; And George 3 – Treason Cried the speaker-May profit by their example. If this be treason, make the most of it.” 

Let me also remind you that we still hold those freedoms today because of their sacrifice (John 15:13) because our forefathers understood the price of freedom they also knew how to maintain it. They would magnify the law against the crimes unto judgment so that they might establish righteousness and peace within the nation.  By doing so, this would educate the people unto the fear of The Lord (Proverbs 16:6) in departing from evil (Proverbs 16:6), the consequence of transgressing law (1 John 3:4) that would apply against any, and against all, that would dare jeopardize the sacrifice given on their behalf (Hebrews 10:26).


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How are we to maintain our freedoms?  Look to our examples (Deuteronomy 25:1; Hebrews 13:7).

How did George Washington, America’s first president, deal with those who attempted to jeopardize the American cause? (Psalm 94:20)!

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“For when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.” -Isaiah 26:9

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To Whom is This Generation Looking? There Is Only ONE Who Can Pull You Out Of The Mire

Bradlee Dean

“For God is not the author of confusion…” -1 Corinthians 14:33

Recently, I came across some videos from the not too far past. One video showed a mentally ill woman walking into a restaurant crying for snow, a name for chickens that the people were eating, and then another video showed a woman speaking during an Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Townhall in which she spoke about why it is that we need to eat the babies because they are the problem (Romans 1:28).


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“The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.” -Proverbs 19:15

What is it that these young people are feeding on that they would be in such a mental state?

  • Muslims
    • Irreligious and atheist
    • Hindus
    • Buddhists
    • Taoists/Confucianists/Chinese traditional religionists
    • Sikhism
    • Spiritism
    • Judaism
    • Bahá’ís
    • Jainism

Or perhaps, many claim to be Christians, but have actually created a Jesus that looks and acts just like themselves (Exodus 20:4; Matthew 7:23), which is idolatry (1 John 2:4).

“For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;” -1 Timothy 2:5

Let’s set the record straight.

Famous Chicago preacher D. L. Moody (1837-1899) brought closure to the issue in a very scriptural manner.

Will these non-Christian religions bear the test? Stoicism was perhaps the noblest of the Greek philosophies, but it rapidly developed into utter cynicism, and culminated in the asserted impossibility of attaining virtue.

Epicureanism started out fairly well, but its founder was not dead before it earned for itself the opprobrious epithet that it was doctrine worthy of swine.

Look at Buddhism, with its filthy ceremonies and cruel tortures. All these systems exhibit a conflict between theory and practice. They failed in their object, because they approached the difficulty on the wrong side. They trimmed away at the branch, not recognizing that the tree was rotten at heart.

Christianity alone will stand the test of raising men out of the pit. And how does it propose to do it? Not by minimizing the danger and the need. It say’s: “The whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint. From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds and bruises and putrefying sores.” It demands as the first necessity a new birth (John 3:3), regeneration by the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:5).

“Ye must be born again.”

It does not place sanctification before justification, the redeemed sinner the love of Christ and the fellowship and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

A converted chinaman once said: “I was down in a deep pit, half sunk in the mire, crying for someone to help me out. As I looked up I saw a venerable, gray-haired man looking down at me.”

“My son” he said, “This is a dreadful place.”

“Yes,” I answered, “I fell into it; can’t you help me out.”

“My son,” was his reply, “I am Confucius. If you had read my books and followed what they taught, you would never have been here.”

“Yes, father,” I said, “but can’t you help me out?”

As I looked, he was gone. Soon I saw another form approaching, and another man bent over me, this time with closed eyes and folded arms. He seemed to be looking to some far-off place.

“My son,” Buddha said, “just close your eyes and fold your arms, and forget all about yourself. Get into a state of rest. Don’t think about anything that can disturb. Get so still that nothing can move you. Then my child, you will be in such delicious rest as I am.”

“Yes, father,” I answered, ‘” will when I am above ground. Can’t you help me out?” But Buddha, too, was gone.

I was just beginning to sink into despair when I sam another figure above me, different from the others. There were marks of suffering on His face. I cried out to Him; “O father can you help me?”

“’My child,” He said, “What is the matter?”

Before I could answer Him, He was down in the mire by my side. He folded His arms about me and lifted me up; then He fed me and rested me. When I was well He did not say: “No, don’t do it again,” but He said: “We will walk on together now”; and we have been walking together until this day. This was the poor Chinaman’s way of telling of the compassionate love and help of the Lord Jesus.

“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12

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© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar Wants To “Dismantle America”

Bradlee Dean

“This is the same subversive woman that wanted insurance policies for Muslim men killed fighting on the behalf of ISIS.”

Recently, the head of the terror-tied organization The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Jaylani Hussein, stated that America is at the cusp of a revolution. He went on to add, “CAIR Minnesota has stood on the side of justice in Minnesota for a over a decade and we continue to fight that battle alongside of all of you, today. We stand with the protestors, not just in voice, but in action. We are using our resources to educate (indoctrinate) the public, lobby for policy change, which undermines the US Constitution, defend the oppressed (Transgressors – 1 John 3:4), and protect the weak in our communities, which are really those that want the power to rule. We are at the center of the revolution and we must be champions of justice (According to the Koran) at all costs.”

Just think, this guy sets on the treasonous Governors’ (Luke 22:48) board as Council on Law Enforcement alongside Attorney General Keith Ellison, who supports cop killers and is calling for a 300% increase of Muslims from the Middle East. Friends, can you make this up?

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To add insult to injury, we have Ilhan Omar, who sits as the representative of the 5th district in Minnesota, where the Muslims were covertly colonizing during the 1990s, to the Muslim population that means to conquer the United States (Deuteronomy 28:43).

llhan, as you all know, was responsible, as one of her first legislative acts, was to oppose a bill that would not pay insurance to families of ISIS members from South Minneapolis, Minnesota who were killed in jihad.

Neonnettle.com recently reported Sen Blackburn Declares Ilhan Omar a ‘Threat to Our Democracy,’ Demands Resignation-Republican senator slams radical Democrat over calls to tear down America’s economy

Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) has torched Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) over the radical Democrat’s recent calls to tear down America’s political and economic systems.
The GOP senator urged Omar to resign after the far-left lawmaker expanded on her calls for “dismantling” the police to include attacks on the U.S economy.

Omar made the controversial comments Tuesday during the Minnesota People of Color and Indigenous Caucus event in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. During a speech at the “anti-racism” event in her home state, Omar told the crown “we are fighting to tear down” the “economy and political systems,” adding that “as long as our economy and political systems prioritize profit without considering who is profiting, who is being shut out, we will perpetuate this inequality.

“We cannot stop at criminal justice system,” she added.

“We must begin the work of dismantling the whole system of oppression wherever we find it.”

One clip prompted condemnation from Blackburn, who tweeted, “Ilhan Omar took an oath to defend and protect the Constitution, not shred it.

“Omar and her Marxist comrades are a threat to our Democracy. Omar should resign.”

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First off, we are not a democracy.  America is a Constitutional Republic (Article 4, Section 4, US Constitution). Second, calling for her resignation?  Is she kidding me? A Muslim who swore in on the Koran that runs antithetical to the US Constitution, who has been called out for misappropriation of funds, being married to her brother, etc., and she wants her resignation? No wonder why these subversive enemies within act in such a fashion!  They are encouraged by these said representatives who do not know the difference. They are to be removed (Article 2, Section 4), and then prosecuted for their crimes against American law.  Those laws, let me remind you, that they swore to uphold, not tear down (Article 3, Section 1, Clause 7 of the US Constitution).


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When you look to the subversive organizations that have been tolerated over the last 8 decades in this country such as Planned Parenthood, American Civil Liberties Union, Southern Poverty Law Center, Council on American-Islamic Relations, etc. look at the damage that has been done (Leviticus 26:14-46; Deuteronomy 28:15-68).

For Americans to give this sort of subversive a free hand deserves not the freedoms which have been bestowed through the sacrifice of others on their behalf (John 15:13). This is NOT a game.

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© 2020 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

You Can Only Oppress The People For So Long

Bradlee Dean

“Don’t Tread On Me!” -Gadsden Flag

For some time now, I have been feeling that the people in this country are coming to the end of themselves when it comes to the crimes of the politicians (John 10:10). We see continuously where the politicians are assailing the people and their God-given rights, as if they have a right in doing so, and this is happening on a daily basis.

It has been said that you can only oppress people for so long before the bad guys get a lawful response, and this is the very thing that is taking place in America today. “Don’t Tread On Me,” where the coiled snake is striking is on the move today.

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Senior editor for The Sons of Liberty Media Tim Brown recently highlighted the protests going on in Kentucky.

He writes:

In the Support The 2nd Amendment group on Facebook, Ben Kennedy wrote, “One of the most powerful things we did at our rally was to issue our DECLARATION OF THE FREE CITIZENS OF KENTUCKY DEMANDING THE RESIGNATION OF GOVERNOR ANDY BESHEAR! I knew the leftist media would never report the real reason that we marched to the Governor’s Mansion which was to try to present it to Andy or one or his representatives in person but of course, no one answered the door which is why I taped it up on the door for everyone to see.”

“I am a little disappointed that so far not 1 of our elected officials here in KY has joined us in demanding Andy’s resignation because anyone who reads our Declaration can see that all that we have accused him of doing in violating our Constitutional rights is 100% true and Andy should be force to resign!” he added.

“Everyone start calling your representatives in the KY Legislature and ask them why they are not calling for Andy’s resignation because even the FOP in Louisville has demanded the resignation of Mayor Fischer and what Andy has done to Kentucky is so much worse. Of course, it takes some real guts like we had in issuing our Declaration to make such a demand and apparently NONE of our state’s elected reps have none.

Tim highlights in the same article, which seems to read more like the Declaration of Independence and the usurpations in which our forefathers threw off concerning that of King George (Daniel 3), the following:

Here’s a copy of the text of the declaration.


Whereas the governor of Kentucky, Andy Beshear took a solemn Oath of office on December 10, 2019, in which he publicly stated: “I do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of this Commonwealth, and be faithful and true to the Commonwealth of Kentucky…so help me God.”

In the short time he has been in office he has grossly violated his oath of office as evidenced by the following egregious actions that have deprived the citizens of Kentucky their basic rights guaranteed to them by both the United States Constitution and the Kentucky Constitution:
He has gone to great lengths to silence anyone critical of him, grossly “abridging the freedom of speech.”

He has done everything he can to interfere with “the right of the people peaceably to assemble” especially in regard to voicing their objections to his draconian orders by illegally barricading the places for assembly at the capitol building.

He has refused to listen to all attempts made by the citizens of Kentucky “to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

He has blatantly interfered with the “the free exercise” of religion by not allowing the citizens of Kentucky to go to church, and by threatening them with forced home incarceration if they disobey.

He has violated the rights of the majority of Kentuckycitizens by forcibly incarcerating them in their homes without “due process of law.”

He has illegally disrupted interstate commerce.
He has illegally attempted to practice medicine without a proper medical license.

He has failed to protect the lives of all Kentuckians by keeping abortion clinics operating that killed four times as many babies as the virus he used as an excuse to shut down the entire state.

He has allowed only certain businesses to remain open while forcing other businesses to close violating their right to “equal protection of the laws.”

He has interfered with the fundamental inalienable Rights of all the people to enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness by not allowing people to work.

Governor Beshear’s actions have been such a blatant disregard for the most basic rights of the people of Kentucky that other top political leaders of Kentucky have publicly denounced him. U.S. Senator Rand Paul has said that Andy Beshear is “drunk with power” and running a “totalitarian state.”

U.S. Congressman Thomas Massie exclaimed: “What the actual hell?” When he heard about Beshear’s tyrannical plan to record the license plates of church goers on Easter in order to force them into home incarceration.

THEREFORE, we the Free Citizens of Kentucky, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do hereby demand that Governor Andy Beshear resign his office as Governor of Kentucky immediately!

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Then, we have in Texas people rising in opposition to tyranny (Romans 12:21).

Again, the senior editor from The Sons of Liberty Media writes:

“Texas Governor Greg Abbott has demonstrated that he is not the conservative that people thought he was in his antics to impose a mandatory mask order against the people. And they aren’t having it!
Abbott came under criticism recently for a mask demand.

Counties and cities across Texas swiftly followed Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff’s lead this week after he ordered businesses — without opposition from Gov. Greg Abbott — to require employees and customers wear face masks when social distancing is not possible.
Although the governor issued an executive order June 3 banning local governments from imposing fines or criminal penalties on people who don’t wear masks in public, Abbott on Wednesday commended Wolff for putting the onus for face masks on businesses. In an interview with KWTX, Abbott said the local official “finally figured that out.”

“Government cannot require individuals to wear masks,” he added. “Local governments can require stores and business to require masks. That’s what was authorized in my plan.”

That, my friends, is doublespeak. “Government cannot require… but local government can require… I authorized it in my plan.”

Even within the government, we have those who are beginning to take a stand in upholding their constitutional oaths.

RALEIGH, N.C.North Carolina Lt. Gov. Dan Forest said Monday his impending lawsuit against Gov. Roy Cooper for unilaterally closing businesses and mandating face masks due to COVID-19 isn’t politically motivated, despite their November election matchup.
Forest, a Republican, said at a news conference the Democratic incumbent has failed to seek or receive support for a half-dozen executive orders since March from the Council of State.

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The history lesson that needs to be learned on behalf of the wicked is that the righteous will only tolerate you for so long before you understand the consequences of violating God’s laws (Deuteronomy 25:1).

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© 2020 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Mayor Orders American Flags Removed From All City Buildings

Bradlee Dean

“At the core, the American citizen soldiers knew the difference between right and wrong, and they didn’t want to live in a world in which wrong prevailed. So they fought, and won, and we, all of us, living and yet to be born, must be forever profoundly grateful.” —Author Stephen Ambrose

What defines someone as an enemy to this country, one who denies his patriotism in deed and in word?  No wonder why the enemies of this country are encouraged and enabled.

What’s worse is when the American people allow their said representatives to act in such a fashion for it shows the rest of us that he/she is not alone in their cowardice capitulating treason (Luke 22:48) towards America and her children.

Here we have a mayor in Bowling Green, Kentucky taking it upon himself to remove city flags for safekeeping from the poles because of outside groups. You heard me right.

WNKY reported:

BOWLING GREEN, Ky.- Bowling Green Mayor Bruce Wilkserson told WNKY on Friday that he ordered all American flags to be temporarily removed from city-owned properties.

Wilkerson would not provide on the record details on why he made the decision, although he said the flags will once again be flown on Saturday.

As of Friday afternoon, American flags were not on display at Circus Square Park or the Bowling Green Police Department.

Now look at how this article ends:

“However, American flags were still flying at Bowling Green City Hall and the Bowling Green Fire Department.”

Yet, City Commissioner Sue Parrigin, in her confusion, attempts to cover for her mayor, as well as herself by saying that she “is confident the reasons Wilkerson had for removing the flags will be supported by the majority of the community.” I highly doubt it.

The message that this mayor and city commissioner were not expecting was that their own constituents were not going to put up with it.  They are now protesting the mayor, and rightfully so.

Click below to watch the report.

This is that which the American people need to come to terms:  These sort are not American, though they live here, nor are they representing the American people (Matthew 7:16).

Apparently, this representative of what city and country I know not does not understand that these colors do not run, and they surely do not deny through their act of cowardice that hundreds and thousands of men fought, bled and died to give us the freedoms that we have today because of their sacrifice (John 15:13).

Friends, a mayor that wants to hide the flags for safekeeping… Unreal!

Because he does not understand what it took to obtain our freedoms, he will not know what to do to maintain our freedoms. We could have no one worse in any capacity of government.

You do not deny them; you acknowledge them by living for them (2 Corinthians 5:15) by hanging the flags as high they can be flown (Psalm 33:12).

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© 2020 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com