Rot at the Top: The Epstein Affair

Cliff Kincaid

The Washington Post reported in September that the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), an exclusive club of mostly Washington, D.C. and New York City insiders, “took no action” against one of its members, pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, after his crimes were known. Epstein, a secretive billionaire with high-level connections in academia and government, had attended CFR events and donated $350,000 to the organization, becoming one of its top donors and a member of the “Chairman’s Circle.” The CFR kept the money.

Epstein, whose “suicide” in jail has been labeled by some informed observers as murder, may be the most controversial CFR member since communist spy Alger Hiss.

If Epstein was murdered, the question becomes what did he know and when did he know it. At the CFR he would have had the opportunity to learn some deep dark secrets about foreign policy matters and the military-intelligence establishment. ABC newswoman Amy Robach said in the video uncovered by Project Veritas,  “He [Epstein] made his whole living blackmailing people.” She stated her belief that he was murdered in jail while awaiting trial on child sex trafficking charges.

Her own well-documented story about the sex fiend was killed by ABC News.

Secret Meetings

There were several big holes in the Post story about this “prestigious” organization and its Epstein connection. The paper failed to note the long list of people from the Post, ABC News, and other Big Media organizations who belong to the CFR. Epstein was found guilty of sex crimes in 2008 but remained a member from 1995 through 2009. He was dropped from the rolls for nonpayment of dues and not because of sex crimes.

The CFR’s “Rules, Guidelines, and Practices,” stipulate that, “Members should bring any concerns related to conduct at CFR to the attention of the vice president for membership or another officer of the Council.”

It looks like nobody said a word about Epstein, even after he was convicted.

While much of what the CFR does is out in the open, in the form of public meetings and a journal called Foreign Affairs, the organization has a “rule on non-attribution” for certain meetings in which identities of speakers are concealed.

CFR leaders “now acknowledge that they never discussed what to do about Epstein’s donations after he pleaded guilty to sex crimes in 2008,” said Post reporter Marc Fisher. He quoted CFR president Richard Haass as saying, “I deeply regret that his conviction did not automatically trigger a review of his membership status.” These comments were in an email to council members “obtained” by The Washington Post.

While he didn’t find time to reject Epstein or his money, Haass appears regularly on MSNBC, an outlet known for Trump hatred. He was on the “Morning Joe” program, featuring Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, both CFR members, where he denounced Trump for “abandoning” the Marxist Kurds in northern Syria. He has also used MSNBC to denounce Trump for “extreme nationalism,” in comments to NBC’s Andrea Mitchell, another CFR member.

The corporate membership is a who’s who of top American companies, including social media firms like Facebook and Google, banks, and hedge funds like Soros Fund Management.


While it was framed as a disclosure about CFR malfeasance, the Fisher story is a classic example of how the media cover for the rich and powerful, including themselves. Members of the media who belong to this exclusive club are nominated, under the rules of the organization, by another CFR member. The membership is over 5,000.

The Fisher story pretends to “cover” Epstein’s involvement with the CFR without going into any significant detail at all and not holding anybody accountable.

The “nonpartisan” CFR attracts some naïve Republicans such as John Bolton by claiming not to take “any position on questions of foreign policy.” But president Richard Haass, a former Bush Administration official, states in an official CFR publication that “internationalism is built into our institutional DNA.” Hence, when the CFR journal Foreign Affairs published the article, “The Hard Road to World Order,” we can safely assume it spoke for most members of the organization, including its leadership. This article, written by Richard N. Gardner in 1974, outlined the various global structures and international organizations needed to bring about a form of world government.

This kind of article, along with a 2017 piece predicting CIA subversion of the Trump presidency, are why authentic conservatives have always regarded the organization with suspicious and distrust. They understand it was founded for the distinct purpose of opposing “isolationism,” or what might today be described as an “America-First” approach in global affairs.

But the organization has had an impact on both political parties. Haass, whose speaking fee is in the $40,000-$70,000 range, met for free with Trump when he was running for president. Trump said at the time, “…I like him a lot. I have a few people that I really like and respect.”

One can safely assume Trump’s opinion has changed. Indeed, CFR domination of the military-intelligence establishment explains why President Trump has to be considered an enemy of the Deep State.

But what interest did Epstein, an alleged blackmailer, have in the organization? The Post article claims, “In his 15 years as a member of the prestigious Council on Foreign Relations, Jeffrey Epstein attended only two events — a dinner for big donors in 1998 and a 2002 conversation with Paul O’Neill when he was U.S. treasury secretary during the George W. Bush administration.”

The Cover-Up

This is stated as a matter of fact when no sources are provided for this information. One has to assume it came from a CFR member. And if the information came from a member, can’t we assume, because of the controversial nature of Epstein’s activities, that perhaps this is not the complete truth? After all, wouldn’t the CFR want to play down his involvement with the organization?

Did any CFR members visit Epstein at his various properties? Did they go there to play chess? Was he solicited for donations? By whom?

Billionaire Bill Gates is being hounded (and rightly so) by some media for meeting with Epstein on several occasions. Although he is not listed as a CFR member in the current membership roster, his wife gave a speech to the organization in 2008 and his foundation has contributed to the CFR.

However, except for the Marc Fisher story in the Post, which is of limited value, this “prestigious” organization has gotten off the hook for its acceptance of largesse from Epstein. In response to the Post’s inquiry, a CFR spokesperson said the organization is now “examining ways to allocate resources equivalent to Epstein’s donations” to combat sexual violence and human trafficking.

But where is the investigation of what CFR members may have known about Epstein’s penchant for young girls?

Post reporter Fisher provides limited information about the CFR as a faithful employee of another rich and powerful man, Jeff Bezos, the owner of the paper who was caught in a sex scandal of his own. Bezos owns Amazon, making him one of the richest people in the world. Bezos had to give his ex-wife a big chunk of his fortune when sexually explicit photos were leaked and he was caught in an adulterous affair.

We have to assume we are not getting the entire picture about Epstein and certainly not about Bezos from the Post. While Bezos is not listed as a CFR member, billionaire George Soros is. His money is said to have played a decisive role in the Democratic Party takeover of Virginia on Tuesday.  The Post hails Soros as a philanthropist, but Republicans in the state say the left-wing agenda in Virginia includes gun confiscation, releasing criminals from jail, a “Green New Deal,” and abortion-on-demand until birth.

We can’t assume we will ever get the full picture from the Post or other media about Epstein’s role in the CFR. Post employees who belong to the CFR include David Ignatius, a mouthpiece for the intelligence community, and Fred Hiatt, editorial page editor. Marc Thiessen, a “conservative” columnist associated with the American Enterprise Institute and featured on Fox News, is also a member.

The media have an obvious conflict of interest in covering one of the most powerful organizations in the world.

Nothing to See Here

The headline over the Fisher article was predictably deferential to this powerful group: “Council on Foreign Relations, another beneficiary of Epstein largesse, grapples with how to handle his donations.” It sounds like a mere bookkeeping error, not a sex scandal involving powerful men passing around money and devoted to running the world.

Meanwhile, with the Epstein matter behind them, the “Amazon Post” will get back to the business of trying to destroy the elected president of the United States because he asked a foreign government to keep its promise to fight corruption. It was at a CFR meeting in 2018 that Former Vice President Joe Biden boasted about withholding aid to Ukraine to force the firing of a prosecutor. Richard Haass presided over the meeting.

Perhaps the CFR connection helps explain why the Biden scandal is not a scandal at all.

In the words of former Post journalist Richard Harwood, the CFR and its members “are the nearest thing we have to a ruling establishment in the United States.” They decide what is news. They decide what is a scandal. And they want Trump out of office.

Who will investigate them?

© 2019 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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How to Deep Six the Deep State

Cliff Kincaid

“The Revolution Will Not Be Televised” was a popular song by Gil Scott-Heron. By contrast, the Deep State Revolution against President Trump is being televised. Some of the plotters, such as Obama’s CIA director John Brennan, are paid to go on television and promote the coup. With a former top CIA official openly saying, “Thank God for the Deep State,” in regard to the process of impeaching President Trump, we have seen dramatic evidence of how subversion of our elected government is being conducted brazenly and openly.

When the CIA was caught in the 1970s engaging in domestic surveillance, the political left called it a scandal and demanded reforms. Today, the political left and their media allies at the New York Times would rather scrutinize Trump’s Tweets for ideological bias than uncover the machinations of the $81.5 billion-per-year intelligence establishment.

While pro-Trump authors are cashing in on books about the Deep State, they have failed to articulate or adopt any kind of strategy to reform the CIA’s illegal and unconstitutional actions. Common sense dictates that you cannot fight impeachment while leaving its main driver, the CIA, in place and untouched. The CIA is just one of 17 intelligence agencies, but it has been carrying the load against Trump.

The most recent declaration of war against Trump, “Thank God for the Deep State,” came from former CIA official John. E. McLaughlin, who genuflected in front of the Deep State during an appearance broadcast by C-SPAN. He was Deputy Director and Acting Director of Central Intelligence. He was on a panel with Obama’s CIA director John Brennan that was sponsored by George Mason University’s Schar School of Policy and Government and the Michael V. Hayden Center for Intelligence, Policy, and International Security. Hayden is a former Director of the National Security Agency and Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

McLaughlin’s affiliations include being a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the club which counted Alger Hiss and Jeffrey Epstein as members, and a Senior Fellow with the Brookings Institution. The latter was headed for years by world government advocate and former Clinton aide Strobe Talbott.

McLaughlin’s outburst isn’t the first time that the CIA and/or its defenders made it abundantly clear what they are up to.

Back in April 2017, just a few months after Trump took office, the Deep State’s house organ, Foreign Affairs, published an article about how the CIA’s coup would proceed. The authors, Christopher R. Moran and Richard J. Aldrich, acknowledged that “during the election campaign, many senior intelligence officials publicly threw their weight” behind Hillary Clinton. This was a reference to former CIA officials Michael Morell, Michael Hayden and Philip Mudd denouncing Trump. Plus, former CIA operations officer Evan McMullin ran against him as an independent presidential candidate.

The authors said that while some CIA officers would leave the agency in protest over Trump’s election, others would “fight back” and engage in “resistance” against the president. One example of this resistance cited in the article was the agency denying a security clearance to a top deputy to then-National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. Of course, Flynn was himself targeted and forced out, after the FBI set him up. Flynn was targeted because he had been critical of the intelligence community and the Obama Administration’s Middle East policy that gave rise to ISIS.

But the authors went further, as the Trump Administration was still in its infancy, by saying, “Since winning the election on November 8, the president has been buffeted by a barrage of unauthorized disclosures of classified and confidential information, often targeting him personally, from details of his telephone calls with foreign heads of state, to drafts of his executive orders on immigration.”

More than two years later, in the case of the CIA “whistleblower” on Ukraine who sparked the impeachment “inquiry,” we see this strategy elevated to a new and higher level.

The authors quoted a political commentator as saying that Trump, who promised to drain the swamp, might be the victim himself, as “the swamp is more likely to drain him, as it did [President Richard] Nixon on August 8, 1974.” The authors concluded, “He [Trump] cannot say he hasn’t been warned.” This was indeed a clear warning of what we are seeing transpire right in front of us.

The Deep State apparatus comes across in the Foreign Affairs article, “Trump and the CIA,” as a form of secret government that no elected official dares to cross. If this is indeed the case, our elections have become meaningless, and our elected officials are functioning as mere puppets. Foreign Affairs is published by the CFR.

But Trump has decided, in more cases than not, to challenge the power of the Deep State. He has gone against their advice in many ways, including his decision to withdraw U.S. forces from northern Syria. That irritated the Obama holdovers in the CIA because their Marxist Kurdish soldiers in Syria, deployed for a time against ISIS, were left alone to face the Turkish Armed Forces. Trump was not interested in getting American troops in the middle of a conflict involving communist Kurdish fighters. “Mr. Trump suggested that the Democrats liked the Kurds in part because they included some communists,” the New York Times reported, without noting that the observation was factually accurate.

In fact, the Kurds practically worship a Marxist-Leninist, now in a Turkish prison, by the name of Abdulla Ocalan, who was identified as trained by the KGB. The Kurds have been waging war against Turkey for decades and have killed thousands of people. Trump figured, with good reason, that it was better to stick with Turkey than a few thousand homeless communists wedded to the imaginary state of “Kurdistan.”

How the CIA came to adopt these Marxist fighters as American “allies” is a story that needs to be told and investigated. It was without approval by Congress. Reports indicate the CIA spent about $1 billion on a war in Syria that produced 500,000 dead and millions of refugees. That disastrous and bloody policy was authorized by President Obama and carried out by John Brennan, who was CIA director from March 2013 to January 2017. Trump wisely decided to let the regional countries, led by NATO member and ally Turkey, take the lead from now on. The American people have cheered his course correction. They’re tired of the non-win wars, dead soldiers, and endless stream of wounded warriors coming out of the Middle East.

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, now a Democratic presidential candidate, was almost alone in wanting to stop Obama’s war in Syria. Her Stop Arming Terrorists Act (H.R.608) had only 14 cosponsors.

As the CIA war against Trump continues, there has been no accountability for what the CIA, as well as the Pentagon, did in Syria. Brennan called the outcome “regrettable,” as he went on to become a paid commentator with MSNBC.

President Harry Truman, a Democrat, soured on the CIA, saying in a 1963 column, “Limit CIA role to Intelligence,” that, “I never had any thought that when I set up the CIA that it would be injected into peacetime cloak and dagger operations…”  With all of the Communist propaganda about the CIA, Truman added, “the last thing we needed was for the CIA to be seized upon as something akin to a subverting influence in the affairs of other people.”

Tragically, the situation is much worse today, with the CIA becoming “a subverting influence” in the affairs of the American people.  The party of Truman has become the vehicle for the Deep State subversion of the Trump presidency.

It’s time for members of Congress, in the House and Senate, to introduce legislation to abolish the CIA.  Otherwise, their complaints about the Deep State can’t be taken seriously.

Rep. Steve Scalise is sending out emails on behalf of House conservatives asking for money and proclaiming, “Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats already know what their plans are. They’re going to remove President Trump from office by ANY means necessary.”

So why not at least try to abolish the element of the Deep State that is behind the plot – the CIA? Until we see our legislators move in this direction, we know they’re not serious about saving Trump – or the American Republic.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Importing Middle East Terrorism

Cliff Kincaid

Obama bureaucrats in the CIA are still stinging over President Trump’s dramatic decision to both withdraw U.S. forces from northern Syria and take down the leader of ISIS. The decision was a win-win, as the communist terrorist PKK/YPG Kurds in northern Syria were dealt a military defeat by Turkey, and the ISIS terrorist leader was sent to hell, as a result of U.S. military might and canine expertise.

But now, American and other ‘volunteers” who went to the Middle East to fight for a Kurdish utopia known as Rojava are coming back to America to continue their revolutionary struggle here.

It never made sense for the U.S. to back one set of terrorists, the PKK/YPG, against another, ISIS. But that was Obama’s conscious and deliberate policy. Trump decided he would pursue a pro-American foreign policy that respected our ally Turkey and would leave both terrorist groups in ashes. In another masterstroke, Trump wisely decided to withhold details of the anti-terrorist operation from the leakers and liars on Capitol Hill.

Now, the Kurds are whining to their Obama handlers, many still in the national security bureaucracy. Hence, the same CIA bureaucrats who engineered Obama’s no-win policy are now retaliating with smears of Trump in the fake news media. They placed an anti-Trump article in the Tuesday New York Times, under the long title, “As Kurds Tracked ISIS Leader, U.S. Withdrawal Threw Raid Into Turmoil.” The theme was that Trump betrayed the Kurdish “allies” who had helped locate the ISIS leader by stealing his underwear.

Here’s how the Times put it: “…even as the Syrian Kurdish fighters were risking their lives in the hunt that led to Mr. al-Baghdadi’s death this weekend, Mr. Trump abruptly shattered America’s five-year partnership with them.”

That “partnership” was initiated by the previous Obama Administration, which has blood on its hands for funding various terror groups in an effort to initiate “regime change” in Syria and Libya.  Let’s remember that Obama’s legacy was up to 500,000 dead in Syria, Libya became a disaster as well, and Germany welcomed a Muslim invasion of Europe.

The PBS Newshour ran an interview with Obama’s CIA Director, John Brennan, in which he called the outcome “regrettable.”

How does Obama’s CIA director get away with simply saying that the human misery and suffering in Syria spilling over into Europe are “regrettable?” Where is the accountability for this debacle? And on what legal and constitutional basis did Obama take America to war in Syria anyway?

Perhaps this is why Brennan and his comrades conceived Russia-gate. It was a largely successful effort to divert public attention from the bloody policies they pursued in the Middle East.

It’s not as if the media didn’t understand what Obama’s CIA was doing. The Washington Post and the New York Times both reported that a secret CIA operation to train and arm “rebels” in Syria had cost $1 billion by the middle of 2015. The Post said the CIA program set up in 2013 was “to bolster moderate forces.” But according to Brennan on PBS, more radical groups joined the fight, leading to a “regrettable” situation.

Those groups joining the fight included the Kurdish PKK/YPG. But they were supported overtly by the Obama Administration, using the CIA and the Pentagon to create a new nation state of Rojava in northern Syria. Members of Antifa, anarchist, and communist groups in the U.S. went there to fight for this new socialist paradise. They formed an “International Freedom Battalion,” a “socialist fighting group of foreign volunteers fighting ISIS and Turkey in Syria.”

Like the CIA and Pentagon war in Syria, Obama’s intervention in Libya was also illegal and unconstitutional. But the media failed to acknowledge the facts. Under the War Powers Act, a president can go to war on his own only if there is an imminent threat to the U.S., and there is a 60-day deadline for the withdrawal of forces. Obama violated both provisions of the law. There was no direct or immediate threat to the U.S. from Libya or Syria, and Obama ignored the 60-day deadline for approval from Congress.

Back in 2007 then-Senator Obama had loudly declared that, “The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.”

One result of Obama’s Libya intervention was the Benghazi massacre of four Americans.

Obama’s intervention in Syria could result in “blowback” on American soil.

Consider the fact that Americans and others fighting for the PKK in Syria produced a film, “We Need to Take Guns,” about their effort. A masked fighter in the film says “this is how internationalism works,” and that those who came to the region would take their experiences “back home.”

Earlier this year, the Times had actually featured an article about some of the “American volunteers.” These were among the “hundreds of civilians from Western nations” fighting for the new Marxist state of Rojava in the PKK/YPG military units. “I’ve always hated capitalism and materialism,” said one American from Texas. “What the Kurds are doing fits with what I believe.”

In fact, in the wake of the PKK/YPG defeat against the Turks, many of these fighters may be returning to the U.S. as hardened communists with military skills, including bomb-making.  A “Solidarity With Rojava” organization in the U.S. claims affiliates in several American cities and has announced a “World Resistance Day” against the U.S. and Turkey.

The theme of Trump “betraying” the PKK/YPG terrorists serves to further radicalize left-wingers in love with the mythical state of Rojava. There was never an “alliance” with the Kurds, as the paper claimed. Obama used them against ISIS, based on their expectation they would eventually get their own state in northern Syria. It was a fiction that Obama’s CIA dangled in front of them. But Trump was having none of it.

Whatever the Kurds did, they did on their own behalf. But Trump was under no obligation to them. Instead, he had a commitment through NATO to NATO member Turkey, which has been attacked by the PKK/YPG for decades, losing thousands of their citizens to terrorism. In Syria, these units called themselves the Syrian Democratic Forces. Their presence on Turkey’s border was a clear and present danger.

Instead of sticking by the Kurdish Marxists, who always had their own terrorist agenda, the United States had and has an obligation to NATO member Turkey to turn over alleged YPG/PKK terrorist leader Ferhat Abdi Sahin, codenamed Mazloum Kobani. The Turkish Embassy says he has killed 41 Turkish civilians and wounded more than 400 in his 28 years in the PKK terrorist organization.

Indeed, Turkey has requested the extradition of Mazloum Kobani under the Treaty on Extradition and Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters between the US and Turkey.

But several U.S. senators are moving in the opposite direction, asking the Trump Administration to expedite a visa for Kobani to enter the U.S. They are Senators Chris Van Hollen (D-Maryland), Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina), Marsha Blackburn (R-Tennessee), Jeanne Shaheen (D-New Hampshire), and Richard Blumenthal (D-Connecticut)

This is a dangerous time and we can expect more of the same “betrayal of the Kurds by Trump” stories, since they conveniently divert attention from Obama’s illegal and immoral policy of arming them in the first place without Congressional approval. Many Obama bureaucrats in the intelligence community and the Pentagon are implicated in this bloody and disastrous policy. They hate Trump for putting a stop to the endless war.

But now, the carnage could come to America.

The February Times article noted that some of the PKK/YPG volunteers “have returned to the United States, where they are often detained on arrival for questioning about their activities,” but that none so far have been prosecuted. However, “…that could change if Turkey — a NATO ally — goes to war with the Kurdish forces in Syria,” the paper said.

As a result, the communist and anarchist hotheads may now be returning to the United States, to take up arms against Trump, who engineered the perceived “betrayal” of their comrades.

America’s new Civil War could be taking an ominous turn.

© 2019 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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The Deep State Wants Trump Impeached Over Syria

Cliff Kincaid

The foreign policy elites from both major political parties reacted with outrage to President Trump’s withdrawal of U.S. forces from the illegal and undeclared war in northern Syria. This was an indication that the interests of the Deep State, especially the CIA, were at stake. What we have discovered is that this area, known to our “allies” the Kurds as Rojava, was being developed as a revoluti onary nation state dedicated to “killing the dominant male,” in the words of Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) founder and cult leader Abdullah Ocalan.

Keep in mind that Ocalan is the communist leader of the Kurds in the PKK and YPG that President Trump is accused of betraying. The real question is how the U.S. was manipulated — and by whom — into arming and supporting these Marxists.

“Man is a system,” declared Ocalan, the convicted terrorist leader and lunatic leftist imprisoned by Turkey. “The male has become a state and turned this into dominant culture…When man is analyzed in this context, it is clear that masculinity must be killed.” In his feminist manifesto, Liberating Life: Woman’s Revolution, he added, “Indeed, to kill the dominant man is the fundamental principle of socialism. This is what killing power means: to kill the one-sided domination, the inequality and intolerance.”

This may help explain who so many Kurdish fighters featured in the western media are depicted as ruthless female killers, with some even posing with their weapons for a photo shoot in the Marie Claire fashion magazine.

Some Christian fighters who wanted to fight ISIS discovered the truth on the field of battle. One seven-year U.S. army veteran was going to join a Kurdish YPG unit until he found out they were “a bunch of damn Reds.” These “damn Reds” were being armed and trained by Obama’s CIA and Pentagon.

Nevertheless, Christian televangelist Pat Robertson actually compared Trump’s withdrawal from Syria to Neville Chamberlain’s appeasement of Adolf Hitler. And Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, who plays a Trump supporter on television, said that Trump was making the “biggest blunder of his presidency” by pulling American troops back from the conflict.

What’s more, so-called “conservative” groups and entities such as the American Enterprise Institute and Foundation for Defense of Democracies savagely attacked President Trump for fulfilling his campaign promise to get out of these endless wars.

Male-Powered Radical Feminism

If you recognize Ocalan’s Marxist mumbo-jumbo as rhetoric justifying extreme forms of “women’s liberation” and even transgenderism, you’re beginning to understand the sheer insanity of the so-called “Kurdish Project” established by the Marxist revolutionaries who ran Obama’s foreign policy. This is a scandal that dwarfs anything Trump is accused of doing or saying.

The evidence, never publicized by the fake news media, shows that, under Obama, a governmental structure had been set up in northern Syria, titled the “Self-Administration of North and East Syria,” supported by the global left and obviously orchestrated by John Brennan’s CIA. Those in charge had developed a “social contract” or constitution for this region, to be guided by adherence to various United Nations documents. In effect, it was a nation-building scheme, a building block of a New World Order in the Middle East.

One of the best insights into what was happening came in a research paper, “Re-enchantment of the Political: Abdullah Ocalan, Democratic Confederalism and the Politics of Reasonableness,” from a 2018 conference funded in part by the Open Society Foundations of George Soros. Whenever Soros money is at work, you know that something sinister is most likely involved.

“Democratic  Confederalism  stands  as  a  highly  salient emancipatory  alternative  to  authoritarian  theocracy,  statist  nationalism,  and  neoliberal  capitalism,” said the research paper. The author, an academic lecturer, proudly reported that women’s liberation and radical feminism, as well as an “ecologically sound society,” were the pillars of this new emerging Marxist state. Much of what was planned sounds like the political agenda of the four Democratic Congresswomen known as the “Squad.”

History shows that Abdullah Ocalan founded the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in order to create “Kurdistan.” It was conceived as another Soviet-sponsored “liberation movement.” Indeed, Ocalan was named as a KGB-trained agent by dissident KGB officer Alexander Litvinenko, and the Wall Street Journal just recently quoted one expert as saying that the PKK “remains a lever for Russian policy against Turkey given four-decade old ties between the Russian security elites and the PKK.” Knowing this, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has to understand that his relationship with Russian President Putin is one of mutual suspicion. He was forced to deal with Putin because of the residual effects of Obama’s pro-terrorist policy in the region.

Extreme Makeover

In order to make this movement more palatable to a Western audience, Ocalan’s philosophy was said to have undergone a radical transformation from old-fashioned Marxism-Leninism to this so-called “democratic confederalism.” Ocalan explains in a book by that name that he now favors creation of a new society dedicated to ecology and feminism.

What also happened over the last several years was that Ocalan’s Marxist followers took advantage of the chaos in the region in order to posture as “allies” of the Americans against the Islamic State, or ISIS. In the process, they established several camps along the Turkish border that they tried to make into a nation state. Not surprisingly, Turkey took exception to this, eventually announcing the recent border security operation to clean out these camps of Marxist terrorists. Wisely, President Trump decided to get U.S. troops out of the way. He did not want American blood to be spilled in a confrontation between the PKK and the Turkish Armed Forces.

Many conservatives accepted the lie that the Marxist Kurds were our allies. The left knows better. Supporters of Ocalan in the United States, including such leftist luminaries as Angela Davis, the former top Communist Party official and California college professor, and Marxist academic Noam Chomsky, have been demanding his release from prison. These leftists have compared Ocalan to Nelson Mandela of South Africa, who, after his death, was revealed to have been a communist all along.

Ocalan is also being viewed by the global left as some kind of Antonio Gramsci figure, a reference to the Italian communist who promoted a strategy of subverting Christian values and Western institutions. In the previously cited paper from the Soros-funded conference, we are told, “The influence of Democratic Confederalism has also increased in North America and Europe with the spread of radical left solidarity groups.”

This is a typical international communist “solidarity” operation, the kind the Kremlin used to sponsor regarding countries like Nicaragua, El Salvador, Venezuela, and even the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico.

Interestingly, the so-called anti-war left came out in support of keeping the U.S. military in northern Syria to protect the region called Rojava, with Chomsky saying the Kurds have “succeeded in sustaining a functioning society with many decent elements” in Syria’s north.

The new left-wing state called Kurdistan was on its way to being created until Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan decided he could no longer tolerate terrorist enclaves on his border. Whatever you may think of Erdogan and his involvement with the Muslim Brotherhood, his country has historically been anti-Soviet and anti-communist. He could play the same role today with a friendly American president like Trump in office. But threats against Turkey from the likes of Senator Lindsey Graham make that difficult.

Antifa in Syria

The Kurdish Project has been a magnet for American left-wingers. In fact, members of Antifa from the United States had been heading to northern Syria to fight. A writer for the socialist magazine Mother Jones visited Kurdish fighters and found an American named “Barry” wearing a black and red anarcho-syndicalist patch on the arm of his uniform. The writer, Shane Bauer, said, “Back in the United States, Barry was part of the antifa movement. He would brawl with fascists, sometimes carrying a concealed gun to protests ‘just in case.’ It was in these circles that Barry first heard about Rojava, the semi-autonomous Kurdish region in northeast Syria that has become a cause célèbre in anarchist circles.”

After acknowledging that Ocalan is the “ideological inspiration for the Rojava project,” Bauer went on to say:

“Today, it is nearly impossible to drive down a street in the Kurdish parts of Syria without seeing Ocalan’s face smiling through a bushy mustache. He is stenciled on walls, plastered on billboards, and stuck on cellphone cases. The United States considers his group a terrorist organization, but his image is often patched on the uniforms of the militiamen who guard coalition bases and carry weapons provided by the Americans.”

As part of this effort, the so-called “libertarian socialist caucus” of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) had issued a statement of solidarity with the “Rojava Revolution.” Another DSA chapter declared Rojava a “revolutionary homeland under the principles of Democratic Confederalism.”

Illegal American support for the PKK was somewhat disguised by Obama’s Pentagon and CIA routing the weapons through the PKK affiliate known as the YPG. Trump came to realize that the policy he inherited from Obama was getting the U.S. further embroiled in a war that could quickly involve NATO member Turkey. He had his then-CIA Director Mike Pompeo kill the $1 billion program of arming terrorist groups in Syria, to be followed by the American military withdrawal we have just witnessed.

Now, with sanctions against NATO member Turkey having been lifted, Trump has the opportunity to patch up relations with Turkey that Obama had done so much to disrupt and destroy.  Obama was doing what the Soviets/Russians always wanted to do – divide and destroy NATO. The resolution of this crisis is a great victory for Trump.

The CIA Destabilizes Turkey

On cue, the Deep State’s house journal, Foreign Affairs, a publication of the Council on Foreign Relations, has published an article attacking Turkish President Erdogan. The author, a college professor who serves as an Adjunct Senior Fellow for Middle East Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, denies the charge of participating in a CIA plot to overthrow Erdogan. He claimed the coup attempt which took place during the Obama Administration appeared to be linked to Fethullah Gulen, a Turkish Islamic cleric who runs a facility called the Golden Generation Retreat and Worship Center in Pennsylvania, the Alliance for Shared Values, and a network of charter schools.

Interestingly, Gulen came to the U.S. for medical treatment and has been here since 1999. He was reportedly given an immigration green card to stay in the U.S. at the request of individuals associated with the U.S. intelligence community.

In order to adjudicate these matters in a court of law and determine whether the CIA was involved in a coup, Turkey has asked that Gulen be extradited to stand trial on sedition charges. For his part, Gulen denies being part of any plot against Turkey.

The pressure is building on Trump to deal with the Gulen presence on American soil. It’s safe to say that, until he gets to the bottom of the Deep State’s operations in Syria and against Turkey, Trump will not fully understand the nature of the threat to his presidency.

Impeachment Now Possible

What is also clear is that the withdrawal of American troops from Syria has become the tipping point, the real reason, for Trump’s impeachment.

An honest left-wing writer by the name of Jim Kavanagh notes that allegations involving Ukraine and Russia, and all the rest of the accusations against Trump, amount to nothing politically significant. He says, “Stipulate the worst: Trump tried to wheedle some personal political benefit from a foreign leader. Shocked! Shocked! Are we?” Instead, he says, the real issue is Trump’s “unreliability as a trigger-puller, his aversion to ordering big military attacks” that makes him vulnerable. He explains, “In the last few months, Trump has made decisions either to reduce US military presence or explicitly not to take military action that was expected and planned.”

In this context, a withdrawal of U.S. troops from northeast Syria was seen by the Deep State, as the New York Times put it, as the decision which “touched off a broad rebuke by Republicans, including some of his staunchest allies.”

Trump has been firm, and his supporters in the American heartland have strongly applauded his stance. “I campaigned on the fact that I was going to bring our soldiers home and bring them home as quickly as possible,” Trump said. “I held off this fight for almost 3 years, but it is time for us to get out of these ridiculous endless wars.”

One important question Trump has to answer is why the CIA, whose “whistleblowers” are leading the charge for impeachment, would be supporting Marxists in the Middle East once sponsored by Moscow.

Other questions: Whose side are they on? Why do they want endless wars? And what gives them so much power over Senators Lindsey Graham, Mitt Romney and Mitch McConnell?

© 2019 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Deep State Hate For Rep. Tulsi Gabbard

Cliff Kincaid

Trying to fulfill his campaign promise of getting American soldiers out of illegal and undeclared wars, President Trump encounters opposition from Democrats and Republicans in Congress. This is a body which passed the NATO Support Act (H.R. 676) by a vote of 357 to 22 in January but has now condemned President Trump for standing by NATO member Turkey.

If Congress had done its job during the Obama Administration, all of this might have been avoided. Remember that Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) had introduced legislation to curb the Obama administration’s pro-terrorist policy, in the form of legislation called the Stop Arming Terrorists bill. This is the same member of Congress now being attacked by Hillary Clinton, Obama’s former Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic presidential candidate. Hillary implies that Gabbard is a Russian agent for opposing the war in Syria.

Obama’s support for terrorism did not get the kind of attention that the media, led by the Washington Post and New York Times, lavished on anonymous but false charges from unnamed intelligence officials regarding Russia supposedly helping Trump during the 2016 campaign.

Looking back, perhaps we can safely conclude that Russia-gate was designed to divert the public’s attention away from Obama’s involvement — and the involvement of the CIA — in supporting terrorism in Syria.

While Rep. Gabbard has some typical left-wing views and gave a bizarre “Yoga Day” speech at the U.N. years ago, we noted at the time of Trump’s election to the presidency that she had emerged as an independent voice in the Democratic Party who is willing to blow the whistle on a pro-terrorist Obama Deep State policy that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands in the Middle East. In this area, she strikes a chord with President Trump and many of his conservative supporters.

Interestingly, Trump met with Gabbard when he was assembling his cabinet and grappling with Obama’s foreign policy legacy. She reportedly said that Trump “asked her to meet with him about the country’s policies regarding Syria, the fight against terrorist groups and other foreign policy challenges.”

This isn’t something Republicans or Democrats want to talk about, since many were implicated in Obama’s destruction of Libya, Syria, and much of the Middle East. Instead, in support of the so-called NATO Support Act, the vast majority of House Republicans joined Democrats to pass the bill in January by a vote of 357 to 22, after members of both parties gave impassioned speeches for why the NATO alliance was so vital to preserve and protect.

Yet, when NATO member Turkey engages in a border security operation in Syria, to protect its people from the Communist Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and other terrorists, most members of Congress condemned Turkey and Trump. Indeed, in this latest vote, 129 Republicans joined 225 Democrats in condemning Trump for finally getting U.S. troops out of northern Syria. Only 60 members of the House — all Republicans – voted for Trump’s position.

Let’s understand that Congress failed to authorize the military intervention by Obama but objected when Trump does his constitutional duty by getting U.S. forces out of harm’s way. This serves to validate the point made by Republican Senator Rand Paul – that the U.S. military presence in Syria is the result of an illegal policy.

“The Constitution is quite clear,” Senator Paul notes. “No authorization has ever been given for the use of force in Syria. No authorization of declaration of war. No permission to be there at all. So if they want to insert themselves into this civil war, by all means, let’s have a debate. Let’s have the constitutional debate. But I, for one, am not willing to send one young man or one young woman — one soldier — over there without a clear mission. There is no clear mission.”

The picture is confused by right-wing commentators and conservative web sites being critical of Trump’s decision to withdraw American forces from Syria.

What was the alternative? To keep U.S. troops in northern Syria and have them wage war against the Turkish Armed Forces? It would have gotten American troops killed. And it would have defeated the purpose of having NATO members take more care of their own security needs.

My survey of various conservative news sites showed that most had a knee-jerk response in favor of our Marxist Kurdish “allies” and the Christians who fought alongside them in a front called the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and have ended up as human shields.

Many Christians, here and abroad, forget the Kurdish involvement in the genocide against the Christians in Armenia in 1915. As Trump has said, the Kurds have always fought for themselves and their own interests. Their long-time ally has been Moscow, not Washington.

What we can also say with certainty is that much of this conflict and bloodshed resulted from President Barack Hussein Obama’s policy of using John Brennan’s CIA to funnel $1 billion to various groups fighting the Assad regime in Syria. That cost figure was applied by the New York Times when it noted that Trump’s first CIA director, Mike Pompeo, had pulled the plug on that dangerous and expensive program. The Times, however, indicated no interest in identifying the Deep State operatives behind the policy with blood on their hands.

The fact is that Obama’s CIA director, John Brennan was in charge of an Obama policy that decimated the Middle East by producing an estimated 500,000 dead with seemingly endless wars that produced millions of refugees. And the crisis is ongoing, now with Turkey finally acting to clean up part of the mess on its own border.

For opposing this policy from within the Democratic Party, Gabbard finds herself under attack. But Hillary & Company have picked on the wrong target. Gabbard served two tours of duty in the Middle East, and continues her service as a major in the Army National Guard. She understands the cost of American involvement in military conflict.

As a presidential candidate, one of her legislative priorities, H.Res.411, declares that “if the President initiates wars without prior congressional declarations, such action shall constitute impeachable ‘high crimes and misdemeanors,’ which shall cause the House of Representatives to vote articles of impeachment.”

Even without such legislation, of course, Obama could have been impeached. It is still not to late to investigate this policy and expose those behind it.

For her part, Gabbard has promised to continue “calling for an end America’s interventionist wars of regime change that have cost our nation trillions of dollars and thousands of lives, simultaneously creating more devastation, human suffering and refugees in the countries where U.S. regime change war is waged.”

It is a charge that is demonstrably true but which damages Obama, not Trump. After all, Trump is trying to extricate the U.S. from this misery and death. This fact helps explain why Hillary and her Deep State backers are so desperate to smear Gabbard – and defeat Trump.

© 2019 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Investigate Obama’s CIA For Syria Fiasco

Cliff Kincaid

Many Republicans and Democrats seem to think American national security lies with several thousand communist terrorist homeless Kurdish fighters, who are devoted to a mythical “Kurdistan,” over and above the Turkish Armed Forces, the second largest standing military force in NATO.

Nothing would please Vladimir Putin more. The Russians have long worked to destroy NATO. Now, the Congress, led by Senators Lindsey Graham and Chris Van Hollen,  is doing it for them, threatening to pass economic sanctions against Turkey because the nation is defending its borders from terrorists armed by Barack Hussein Obama’s CIA and Pentagon.

All of this is being allowed to happen because the conservative media have become indistinguishable from the left-wing media on the matter of the alleged U.S. betrayal of our Kurdish “allies.”

The constant pro-Kurdish propaganda demonstrates that the Deep State, with its hooks into both major political parties and much of the media, is desperate to keep the U.S. bogged down in endless and costly military conflicts. Trump is, so far, standing up to the pressure.

Indeed, at a news conference, Trump put the blame where it belongs – on Barack Hussein Obama, saying, “Obama started this whole thing” when he “created a natural war with Turkey and their longtime enemy, PKK. And they’re still there.”

The PKK is the Marxist-Leninist designated terror group whose Syrian affiliate, the YPG, was armed and funded by Obama’s Deep State. Their rationale was that funding one group of terrorists was necessary to defeating another group of terrorists, ISIS.

At this point, despite a ceasefire and plan to move YPG terrorists away from the Turkish border, it’s not clear what the future holds.

Under these circumstances, however, it makes no sense for President Trump or Vice-President Pence to threaten Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. It’s his country that has been under attack for decades by the communist PKK/YPG. He has every right to fight back. And it makes absolutely no sense for the Congress to vote against the president’s policy and then threaten Turkey with crippling economic sanctions to drive it further into the arms of Vladimir Putin.

Turkey’s border security operation wouldn’t have been possible without Trump’s wise decision to get American troops out of the way, and out of the business of protecting Marxists fighting for the Marxist-inspired “liberation” of “Kurdistan.” That was Trump’s only practical way out of this morass. He has nothing to apologize for. Indeed, he ought to express support for Turkey, a long-time member of NATO, in this struggle.

Ignoring the communist terrorist orientation of the PKK/YPG, Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy referred to the Kurdish forces that “fought bravely alongside ours in the recent, successful campaign to destroy the Islamic State caliphate.”

But any real conservative would not justify using one terrorist group to fight another, when American troops are bound to get caught in the middle of the bloodletting. There’s no justification for supporting Obama’s illegal policy of supporting terrorism, on the grounds that “our” terrorists were better than some other terrorist group. This is the kind of madness that results in endless wars and thousands of wounded and dead American military personnel. This has got to stop.

In getting U.S. troops out of the business of funding and protecting the PKK and its affiliate, the YPG, National Review’s Rich Lowry claimed that Trump was repeating Obama’s mistake, when Trump was in fact reversing the Obama policy of support a Marxist guerrilla movement. Lowry, of course, never explained to his readers the Marxist roots of the Kurdistan Workers Party, the PKK, and its demands for their own state of “Kurdistan.” National Review is returning to its Never-Trump roots.

Also at National Review, a “conservative” journal, Andrew McCarthy talked out of both sides of his mouth about our Kurdish “allies,” the PKK and YPG, saying, “…I would be open to considering the removal of both the PKK from the terrorist list and Turkey from NATO. For now, though, the blunt facts are that the PKK is a terrorist organization and Turkey is our ally.”

So despite its terror campaign of killing innocent people, he is suggesting we should consider whitewashing the Marxist PKK’s record or consider changing the law to permit support for terrorism.  This deadly mumbo jumbo is what passes for modern conservatism.  Such a view is guaranteed to get the U.S. more deeply involved in disastrous Middle East politics.

In more confusing rhetoric, he writes, “Without any public debate, the Obama administration in 2014 insinuated our nation into the Kurdish — Turk conflict by arming the YPG [an affiliate of the PKK]. To be sure, our intentions were good. ISIS had besieged the city of Kobani in northern Syria; but Turkey understandably regards the YPG as a terrorist organization, complicit in the PKK insurgency.”

This former federal prosecutor, who had stated publicly that Robert Mueller was a great choice for Russia-gate prosecutor, doesn’t seem to understand that the lack of “public debate” means that “conservatives” at the time said and did nothing. McCarthy writes that arming the Kurds “undermined our anti-terrorism laws while giving [Turkish leader] Erdogan incentive to align with Russia and mend fences with Iran.” Yes, Obama broke the law and pushed Turkey into the arms of Russia. That’s why there is chaos in the region today.

Obama’s intentions were good? The law prohibits support for foreign terrorist organizations. Why wasn’t Obama held accountable or even impeached?

Other commentators on the right, including at the “conservative” American Enterprise Institute, are imagining all kinds of reasons and excuses to continue supporting communist Kurds. Marc A. Thiessen, who also writes for the Washington Post, is regularly on Fox News trying to get Trump to beat up on Erdogan.

The AEI is financed by big conservative foundation money.

One of their most popular arguments is that bolstering Marxism in the region somehow helps Christians. Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council buys into this one. He says the U.S. must “stand” with the Kurds, ignoring their history of Marxist terror.

In the face of the well-documented facts about the communist nature of the PKK, easily ascertained by such diverse sources as The New American and the Wall Street Journal, a so-called “conservative” writer named Quin Hillyer wrote a piece for the Washington Examiner accusing President Trump of malfeasance for supposedly abandoning these brave and heroic people. He makes no mention of their affinity for a philosophy that has killed one hundred million people.

Rather than bash President Trump over Syria or attack long-time NATO ally Turkey, the Congress ought to open investigations into the activities of the Deep State under Obama. The inquiry would and should examine CIA support under pro-communist CIA Director John Brennan for the PKK/YPG.

That investigation would take real guts. Let’s see if Senator Lindsey Graham has the courage to launch it.

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The Next Ilhan Omar Could Be a Kurd

Cliff Kincaid

In response to one of the predictable and common “Trump Betrays the Kurds” pro-impeachment stories, a reader of the libertarian Reason magazine noted, “They are Marxist guerrillas who want to establish an independent socialist state in their ancestral lands. They’ve been fighting for that goal for half a century and they can and will continue doing so without US support just as they always have.”

This reader, armed with common sense and true facts, understands something that most of the media pretend not to — that our Kurdish “allies” are communist terrorists who have murdered thousands of people in Turkey.

Nobody expects the truth from the liberal “fake news” media. But conservative media seem just as ignorant or clueless as their left-wing counterparts. In raw displays of pro-Marxist propaganda, they are now calling Turkey’s border security operation “ethnic cleansing” or even “genocide.”

To its credit, the Wall Street Journal ran an article in 2015 about our “allies,” openly identifying them as Marxist and even Maoist. The writers noted “the remarkable rise” of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, a “cultlike Marxist-inspired group” that evolved “from ragtag militia to regional power player.”

But this evolution was no accident. President Barack Hussein Obama’s CIA and Pentagon set up a PKK front, the YPG, then integrated that outfit into another front, the so-called Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). It was a shell game to disguise a pro-terror policy, justified in the name of defeating another terror group, ISIS.

The Journal article noted, “The Kurdish guerrilla groups pledge allegiance to Abdullah Ocalan, the PKK chief imprisoned on a Turkish island since 1999. From jail in 2005, he established PKK affiliates that evolved into today’s YPG, HPG and PJAK.The PKK and affiliates have car-bombed Turkish cities, kidnapped hundreds and killed Turkish and Kurdish state employees. In 2009, the U.S. Treasury Department designated their leadership as significant narcotics traffickers.”

This is the group Obama directed money and arms to through the Pentagon, the CIA, and other Middle East countries. It is a classic Deep State operation that resulted in more suffering and death.  The same Deep State that ran this illegal undeclared war now wants to impeach Trump because he promised to end it.

For its part, Turkey has every right to defend itself and its citizens. Consider that we have a bad enough problem with our porous southern border. If terrorists were killing Americans from a base in Mexico, we would demand an invasion of Mexico and a declaration of war on Mexico from the U.S. Congress.  That’s the kind of problem Turkey faces across its border.

Turkey’s anti-terrorism operations do not in the least constitute “ethnic cleansing,” as a writer for the Gatestone Institute claims. People may not like Turkey’s government or president, but the fact remains that the nation is a member of NATO and is defending its borders. Traditionally, it was an anti-Soviet American ally.

The Journal article, which is now ignored in the publication’s coverage of the plight of the “Kurdish fighters,” noted that the PKK practices an offshoot of Marxism it calls “Democratic Confederalism” and that it “aims to create a Maoist-inspired agrarian society that opposes landowning classes, espouses gender equality and distances itself from religion. Its guerrillas speak of a leaderless society of equals but also glorify Mr. Ocalan with fanatical devotion. ” Ocalan was identified as a Soviet KGB agent by dissident KGB officer Alexander Litvinenko before he was poisoned by Russia over his knowledge of Russian terror networks.

So this group is not only a Marxist organization, it is a death cult. But its sympathy for “gender equality” undoubtedly made it popular with the left-wing in this country. (The Journal article focused on female Kurdish Marxist fighters).

A young writer for The New American, Alex Newman, had this all figured out years ago, when he wrote an article headlined, “Obama Showers Support on Communist Terrorists in Syria, Iraq,”  He noted, “All of the support [for the Kurdish PKK/YPG] means, in short, that the Obama administration was once again openly and unlawfully providing material support to a designated terrorist organization. Similar activities by an everyday U.S. citizen would and often do see that citizen promptly thrown into prison.”

Looking at the history of this group, which is documented by various open and public sources, Newman pointed out, “The radical outfit [the PKK] was created in the late 1970s by communist militant Abdullah Ocalan, with backing from the mass-murdering Soviet dictatorship. Its primary goal was the creation of a Marxist-Leninist regime to rule over the Kurds in Turkey, with ambitions to one day rule over all Kurds from Iran, Iraq and Syria under a unified ‘Kurdistan.’”

He wrote, “Congress must take immediate action to rein in the Obama administration’s deadly support for communist and Islamist terrorist groups, as well as its flagrant violation of anti-terrorism laws.”

But Congress did nothing. Instead, in the wake of Trump’s smart decision to withdrawal from this hell hole in Syria, the House passed H.J.Res.77, “Opposing the decision to end certain United States efforts to prevent Turkish military operations against Syrian Kurdish forces in Northeast Syria.” It passed by a 354-60 vote, with all 60 dissenting votes coming from Republicans. All House Democrats voted for more war and the Marxist Kurds.

Obama was never impeached over his illegal foreign policy that was passed on to Trump.  And once President Trump decided to get the U.S. out of this no-win situation, members of both political parties and their lapdogs in the media went nuts, accusing Trump somehow of abandoning or betraying our “allies,” in this case Marxist terrorists.

Trump is right: Washington is insane. It seems like the Deep State is promoting Moscow’s objectives in the region.  When Trump pushes back, he is accused of serving Moscow’s interests. It’s a massive scam.

Now, in the pages of Reason magazine, we see the next phase in the anti-Trump campaign.  In an article entitled, “Let the Kurds Come to America,” the writer says we should open our borders to about one million Kurds and that, “Even if they all came to the U.S., America could absorb them without breaking a sweat.”

It’s Kurdistan in America, another source of votes for the “progressive” Rainbow Nation strategy of total power.

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America’s Marxist “Allies” in Syria

Cliff Kincaid

Despite what you may have heard, America’s Kurdish “allies” are not our friends. They are mostly Marxists. The founder of their movement was trained by the KGB. They are not worth one drop of American blood.

In the same away that President Barack Hussein Obama supported Al Qaeda in Libya, leading to the Benghazi massacre, he armed the PKK/YPG Kurdish forces in Syria who are in reality Marxist terrorists.

In this media age, when the phrase “Trump Betrays the Kurds” is easy to repeat for purposes of impeachment, it’s important to take a moment and look at the facts. Once again, we find Trump is the victim of “fake news” from the Deep State and its media allies.

The PKK, a designated Kurdish Marxist-Leninist terrorist organization also known as the Kurdistan Workers Party, has killed thousands of people in Turkey, and has bombed or attacked the country’s tourism industry, hospitals and businesses. Its Syrian affiliate is known as the YPG, for People’s Protection Units.

Dr. Andrew Bostom, an expert on the politics of the Middle East who has analyzed the Kurds as a Marxist-driven movement, tells me,  “I have to say, Trump’s gut-driven ‘vision’ that the Muslim world is a body and soul and wealth destroying morass for the U.S. and getting the hell out of it, is far wiser than any comparable muddled ‘vision’ from the oxymoronically dubbed ‘think tanks.”

​Indeed, various commentators from the think tanks (on the right and left) and in the media, from Fox News to MSNBC to CNN and even the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), are giving us disinformation about our Kurdish “allies” supposedly being “betrayed” in northern Syria.  Our formal alliance in the region is with the Turks, a member of NATO, not the Kurds. Turkey is a member of NATO with an orientation that has historically been anti-Soviet and therefore anti-Russian. Obama’s policies pushed the Turks closer to Russia.

This was because, under Obama, the Marxist Kurds got a new lease on life.

As explained by former Obama official Wa’el Alzayat, “Following the rise of Daesh [ISIS] in 2014, the Obama administration scrambled to confront the terror group without committing US ground troops…In Syria, it settled on the Syrian franchise of Marxist-guerrillas known as the YPG – and from the beginning, the decision was problematic. The YPG shares the same command structure and ideology as their Turkish counterparts, the PKK, who were and remain a designated terror group by Turkey and the United States.”

Alexander Litvinenko, a former Russian intelligence agent poisoned by Russian intelligence, had identified a number of terrorist leaders as actual KGB agents, including Abdullah Ocalan, head of the PKK. His knowledge of Soviet/Russian terror networks is one reason why he was killed.

In the same way Al Qaeda spawned ISIS, the PKK gave rise to the YPG. Alzayat adds: “In an effort to repackage the group, US Department of Defense officials convinced the YPG to rebrand as the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and to add some Arab elements.”

Alzayat, who served as a policy expert at the U.S. Department of State, has given us a very honest and candid assessment of the disastrous Obama policy that Trump inherited. In effect, the Obama Administration played into Russian hands, leading to the conflict and chaos we see today.

Obama had transformed a Marxist terror group into a “democratic” anti-terrorist movement supported by the Pentagon and the Deep State’s CIA. It was a foreign policy never voted on by the American people and which should have necessitated Obama’s impeachment.

Trump was wise – and fulfilling a campaign promise – when he got U.S. forces out of this quagmire.  But he should not fall into the trap of blaming Turkey for what Obama’s policy has done to the Middle East. Turkey is defending itself.

But in order to weaken Trump’s presidency and prepare him for impeachment, his alleged “betrayal” of the Kurds has been trumpeted far and wide. The charge is a lie based on Deep State and CIA propaganda. What should be done is expose the traitorous Obama policies that produced the current debacle.

Israeli journalist Caroline Glick notes in her column that “Taking on the defense of Syria’s Kurds would commit the US to an open-ended presence in Syria and justify Turkish antagonism. America’s interests would not be advanced. They would be harmed, particularly in light of the YPG’s selling trait for Obama – its warm ties to Assad and Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps.”

One of the few voices of reason in the media, Luke Coffey of the Heritage Foundation, has described the YPG as America’s Marxist and terrorist-linked “partners” in Syria.

It makes no  sense to fight Jihadists with Marxists, or vice versa, when they are all opposed to American interests and play into Russian hands.

From the start, as President Trump has suggested, the Kurds have been fighting for their own land and state. They were, of course, willing to take Pentagon and CIA support for their own purposes. They did what was in their interest. In truth, however, they were another Soviet-funded “liberation” movement, part of the “Red Jihad” engineered by Moscow over the course of decades.

It’s sad to see so many “conservatives” and national security “hardliners” buying the left-wing Marxist propaganda about America’s Kurdish “allies.” The development demonstrates that, like the left, many in America’s “conservative” movement are geopolitical ignoramuses with little real understanding of Russian maneuvers in the Middle East.

This helps explain why, until Trump, we had a ‘bipartisan” foreign policy of losing wars and producing thousands of wounded warriors.

It’s time for that bloodshed to end.

Cliff Kincaid, president of America’s Survival, Inc.,  is the author or co-author of 15 books, including Red Jihad,  Permanent Revolution, Back from the Dead: Return of the Evil Empire and Global Bondage: The UN Plan to Rule the World.

© 2019 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Special Report: The Biggest Russia-Gate Scandal of All

Cliff Kincaid

Anti-communist freedom fighter Vladimir Bukovsky suggests there is a simple reason why the West has never held Nuremberg-style court trials for the communists – Western leaders were complicit in communist crimes and they don’t want to be held accountable.

The subtitle of his massive book, Judgment in Moscow, is “Soviet Crimes and Western Complicity,” but it also has lessons for the United States as President Trump confronts Communist China, another threat made possible by Western trade and aid.

Consider that former President Barack Hussein Obama in November 2017 had rushed over to Beijing to clink glasses with Chinese dictator Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China. The Chinese media hailed the reunion as a meeting of “veteran cadre,” an extraordinary term that means the former U.S. President has been operating as a communist agent or operative.  The Chinese state news outlet Xinhua reported that “Xi made a positive appraisal of Obama’s efforts in promoting China-US relations during his presidency.”

Bukovsky’s website proclaims: “The movers and shakers of today have little interest in digging for the truth. Who knows what one may come up with? You may start out with the communists, and end up with yourself.”

His book indicts American officials and names the names of those who thought the Soviet Union could also be integrated into the international order. It is so explosive that all major American publishers rejected it. It was finally published by Ninth of November, a small press headquartered in California that is named after the day the Berlin Wall came down in 1989. Elizabeth Childs, President of Ninth of November Press, has been working hard to get the media to pay attention to the explosive allegations and information in the Bukovsky book.

The book is the story of the ultimate Russia-gate scandal as told by a victim of the Soviet system. Bukovsky experienced communism from the inside, as he was incarcerated in Soviet prisons and psychiatric institutions. A true whistleblower with direct knowledge and access to incriminating documents, not hearsay, he exposes America’s “progressive” elites as apologists for communism and documents how the European Union was a Soviet project from the start. Bukovsky co-authored (with Pavel Stroilov) another eye-opener, EUSSR: The Soviet Roots of European Integration, which examines “secretive discussions between Western and Soviet Union leaders planning to create a collectivist European Union State.”

Those of us who traveled in Europe during the Cold War, when East and West Berlin were separated by machine guns and barbed wire, may have a better appreciation of the stakes. Those who never saw the Berlin Wall can, nevertheless, take a look at what is happening in Hong Kong today. Or they can read Judgment in Moscow if they want to understand Russia.

Russia, as we demonstrate in our book, Back from the Dead: Return of the Evil Empire, went through the communist experiment that lingers there and now grips our nation. The “errors” of communism in Russia, as some Catholic traditionalists believe, have never been “corrected” by the church (and therefore Russia) and that unless Russia is converted to Christ in a consecration ceremony it will continue to wreak havoc on the world.

We see the turmoil all around us. KGB defector Konstantin Preobrazhensky spoke to our conference on Lenin and Sharia in 2012 and understands that America is suffering through its own communist revolution.

Bukovsky tells me he is not a religious man, as he is too skeptical to accept any religion or dogma and has adopted a more “libertarian” view about the basic need for individual rights and responsibilities.

In this spirit, he is a signatory to the “Appeal for Nuremberg Trials for Communism,” which states that “Communism did not fall with the Berlin Wall,” despite the dramatic nature of that event. The appeal says, “This ideology is still alive in the world, in states and parties that are openly communist and in political and cultural thought that minimizes and tries to erase the crimes of communism, as if it were a good idea which only happened to coincide with the rise of one brutal regime after another across decades and continents.”

Indeed, before ultimate victory can be hoped for, an official Nuremberg Trial for the communists and their fellow travelers in the West must be held. Perhaps President Trump could ask Bukovsky to come to the White House to get this proceeding underway. You can bet the Obamas are not going to use their lucrative deal with Netflix to sound the alarm about socialism and communism. Indeed, their recent “documentary” on that platform, “American Factory,” done by a socialist, seemed to suggest the only problem with Chinese communism was the lack of American-style labor unions. The filmmaker had previously directed the film, “Seeing Red,” a sympathetic look at American communists working for Moscow.

Bukovsky’s book notes that the Communist Party USA has been treated as a joke, since there were reportedly only about forty thousand communists in the whole of the USA. “One should not forget,” writes Bukovsky, “that back in 1917, Lenin also started out with only forty thousand comrades.”  He goes on to describe communist involvement in domestic U.S. politics at Moscow’s direction.

Indeed, while praising anti-communist President Ronald Reagan, he notes that a liberal Congress opposed his “Reagan Doctrine” of supporting freedom fighters around the world and “dreamed up the most unbelievable strategems in order to tie President Reagan’s hands.” This outcome reflected what Reagan himself described as increasing communist influence in Congress. Journalist Arnaud de Borchgrave had asked President Reagan in 1987 what can be done “when two dozen pro-Marxists with real political clout can, in our own Congress, influence great issues of defense, arms control and international policy?” Reagan agreed that this was, indeed, “a problem we have to face,” and that the Soviets and their communist agents had tried to “make anti-communism unfashionable. And they have succeeded.” He then made a reference to the days when Congress had a committee (the House Committee on Un-American Activities) that would investigate even its own members if communist involvement was suspected.

Today, the figure is several dozen Marxists in Congress. Dozens more have Marxist or radical Muslim affiliations.

In a telephone interview conducted on June 6, 2019, the anniversary of D-Day, the former Soviet dissident and political prisoner offered his thoughts on Russia-gate, the European Union and President Trump.

I asked Bukovsky on the D-Day anniversary about the successful effort of the world to get rid of Nazism, or National Socialism, but its failure to get rid of international communism. The world considered Nazism a crime, he said, but communism is still regarded as just “an aberration, a mistake.” Plus, he notes in his book, communism made an effort “to masquerade as humanism.” That gave communism a human face of compassion and equality. Similar propaganda seems to be working here, as Senator Bernie Sanders, a self-declared socialist who sympathized with the Soviet Union and even took a honeymoon there, is a popular figure.

The left-ward drift of the Democratic Party validates Bukovsky’s observation that “…upon closer scrutiny, real anti-communists, who understood fully what we had to deal with, were fewer in the West than in the Soviet Union.” The statement suggests America will have to go through the process, with all the suffering that would entail, in order to understand the true nature of communism.

“Let’s put it this way,” he explained in our discussion. “what we had in Russia, the Soviet Union, was a huge experiment. The experiment has failed. Now, in science, a failed experiment is as good as the one that is successful because you learn from it. My desire was the world would understand that the underlying principle of socialism is wrong and cannot work. As a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union, I hoped that the world would analyze it and try to understand how it happened and why it happened, and come to the conclusion that the whole idea of socialism or totalitarianism is completely wrong. It just leads to collapse. But no one made that kind of conclusion. Unfortunately, our experiment did not bring any lessons.”

Regarding the so-called Russia-gate scandal, in which American “progressives” accused president Trump of being a Russian agent, Bukovsky dismissed it as a “political game.” He said, “For the first time, the left-wing establishment discovered the Russian threat. Previously, they didn’t see any threat. When it was real and we tried to attract the attention of the world to the Russian threat, we were accused of being paranoid and unrealistic and things like that. Now we have proven we were not paranoid. It did exist. Suddenly, the world discovers the Russian threat. That, of course, is a political game.”

He said the allegations constitute political games by “the elites,” who “should have come to the conclusion that all of the socialist experiments are absolutely deadly.”

Instead, however, we see that socialism is accepted by many young people and Democratic Party politicians.

The target of Russia-gate, President Trump, came up during our discussion, with Bukovsky echoing the president’s comments about the political “swamp.” He said, “I would say his great achievement was that he disturbed the swamp. We were living in the swamp when the elites were in some kind of consensus in everything and we were losing our freedom and no one would say anything at all.”

When Trump “disturbed the swamp,” he said “It became a subject of discussion, something which for 20 years no one noticed – how far we were sliding down to the left side and all the political correctness. Being an amateur, he came out of nothing, out of nowhere, and started asking questions like a child who just emerged in the world. And that disturbed the whole thing. It forces people to think again and that’s good.”

“That’s the good side,” he said of Trump. “The bad side is that he’s very inconsistent and doesn’t have much experience and makes blunders. But that’s inevitable. He’s not a professional politician. So he makes mistakes. The effect overall is positive because it disturbed the consensus.”

Concerning the future, he thinks the European Union (EU) will collapse. “I predicted it 15 years ago,” he noted. “It’s going to collapse like the Soviet Union. It’s inevitable. So for me it’s a time to buy popcorn and sit in a chair and watch it unfold in front of me.”

While that may seem likely, as the British exit from the EU (known as Brexit) proceeds, what is not so clear is that an EU “collapse” would mean the end of international communism in Europe, or what Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev called their “Common European Home.” Indeed, Bukovsky documents Soviet influence over European “socialist” movements, including the Socialist International.

In the U.S, after carefully considering Bukovsky’s revelations, the only issue to debate is whether these Western elites were dupes or Kremlin agents. In any case, they must be identified, held accountable and punished. Bukovsky names the names. It’s our job to act.

In the pages of a 1994 edition of the left-wing publication Dissent, historian Eugene D. Genovese wrote, “The Crimes of Communism: What did you know and when did you know it?”  Genovese was a Marxist who became a conservative Catholic. But the discussion never went beyond academia to the actual creation of international tribunals to prosecute the criminals.

Bukovsky asks, “How is it possible to explain to people who have never lived under this regime that communism is not a political system and not even so much a crime as a sort of mass illness, like an epidemic of the plague?”

We see such illness all around us, in the form of political correctness, as well as the spectacle of a young Swedish girl reaching a fever pitch as she lectures the U.N. about changes in the weather that she sees as life-threatening Armageddon. By appearing at the U.N., headed by a former president of the Socialist International, she seemed to think a global government of some sort would save us.

In their booklet, EUSSR, Bukovsky and Stroilov write about not only a “collectivist European State” but how Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev envisioned “many other homes of cooperation” beyond the European home, leading to a World Government.

It was the West’s favorite Soviet communist, Mikhail Gorbachev, who launched the climate scare in the first place, to keep communism going under a different name, “sustainable development.” While going green, the former Soviet president had declared his commitment to a one-world communist state, saying on November 2, 1987, “We are moving towards a new world, the world of communism. We shall never turn off that road.” This statement concluded his report, “October and Perestroika: The Revolution Continues.”

Gorbachev figures prominently in Bukovsky’s book, as a hero to the elites who accepted his “fables” about changes in the Soviet Union and around the world and became the subject of “thoughtless euphoria” in the West.

Despite a record of Soviet assassinations of dissidents, Bukovsky, now 76 years old and in stable but poor health, laughs and says he doesn’t fear for his safety and is not scared of anyone. “When they try to kill you every year,” he said, “you stop worrying about it.”

But many people in the United States are afraid of Bukovsky – and his message. That’s why it took so long to get this book, written in 1995, published in English. But after twenty-five years, the book that was nearly lost to the English-speaking world is now available.

© 2019 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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A Bloody “Gringo” Backlash to Aztlan

If the alleged El Paso killer’s so-called manifesto against Mexican “invaders” is to be taken seriously, what we have seen is a bloodthirsty backlash to a well-established political movement that seeks to diminish the influence of white voters and replace their role in American society with that of brown people and other designated minorities. This political movement favors free health care, free college, and public housing for illegals, in order to entice them to enter the U.S.

Former FBI agent Steve Hooper told the Mike Broomhead Show that the manifesto suggests the alleged killer saw the Democratic Party debate in which the candidates “all said [they favored] free healthcare [for illegal aliens], they all raised their hands. That’s what pushed him over the edge. He felt he was justified. He felt he ran out of alternatives.”

“White Nationalists Pose Urgent Threat” was the Wall Street Journal headline. But since liberals are supposed to be interested in the “root causes” of unrest, the FBI would be well-advised to examine  the campaign by Latin extremists for seizure of four Southwestern states and creation of a new nation called “Aztlan.”

Founded in 1969, the Mexican-American student group MEChA, which is active on many college campuses, stands for Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan. “In its five decades, chapters of the group have been responsible for pressuring universities to create Chicano and ethnic studies programs. Chapters also raise money for scholarships and hold their own graduation ceremonies for Latino college students,” noted NBC News.

The group recently voted to remove “Aztlan” from the name not because it was offensive to whites but because it might imply “the erasure of Indigenous peoples [Indians] who are the true ancestral stewards of the US Southwest.”

Nevertheless, the “liberation” document, “The Spiritual Plan of Aztlan”, can still be found on the website. It denounces the “gringo,” the “foreign Europeans,” and “the occupying forces of the oppressors,” while calling for a “bronze continent…” An entre section is devoted to Chicano nationalism. Another section, “Action,” urges “‘self-defense against the occupying forces of the oppressors…”

As far back as 1996, Accuracy in Media (AIM) founder Reed Irvine and I were writing about the separatist Aztlan movement, based on an Aztec word that is used to describe the Western U.S. states that they hope to take over and restore to Mexico.

The title of the book, Brown is the New White, by a political strategist aligned with former President Barack Hussein Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, is designed to put whites in their place, subservient to a new ruling class.

The strategy involves deliberately overwhelming the white or European-American vote at the polls. As analyst Trevor Loudon has explained, this anti-white strategy aims to swamp a very damaged President Trump in 2020 and win with a bare majority of the vote. They’re counting on a small percentage of “progressive” white voters to join their new “Rainbow Coalition.” Then, they’re going to legalize every single illegal immigrant remaining in the country, which will give the Democrats tens of millions of new voters overnight, virtually assuring them of permanent one-party rule.

At that point, in the next phase of revolution, the “progressive” strategy will undoubtedly entertain the idea that Mexican-rights activists have a right to reclaim most of the Southwest United States as Mexican territory.  If the United Nations continues its support for “indigenous peoples,” as some Mexicans in the Southwest U.S. continue to define themselves, we can anticipate the world body joining the effort to dismember the U.S., turning over some states to Mexico and perhaps others to “native Americans.”

The United States of America will be no more.

The destruction of the white majority has been an open objective of liberals and “progressives” for years. President Bill Clinton in 2002 had said he believed “an America without a white majority is a worthy destiny.” Clinton had told a small gathering of black columnists that, “Along with our founding, which was an act of genius, and the freeing of slaves in the Civil War and the long civil rights movement, this will arguably be the third great revolution of America, if we can prove that we literally can live without having a dominant European culture.”

In a June 13, 1998 speech to the students at Portland State University, Clinton said, “Today, largely because of immigration, there is no majority race in Hawaii or Houston or New York City. Within five years there will be no majority race in our largest state, California. In a little more than 50 years there will be no majority race in the United States. No other nation in history has gone through demographic change of this magnitude in so short a time.” Students applauded Clinton’s remarks.

Obama’s “Brown is the New White” strategy is the current practical approach to making Clinton’s vision a reality.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi said on February 7, 2018, that it’s “beautiful” to think of white America turning brown, saying, “I am reminded of my own grandson. He is Irish, English, whatever, whatever, and Italian American. He is a mix, but he looks more like the other side of the family, shall we say. When he had his sixth birthday, he had a very close friend whose name is Antonio. He is from Guatemala, and he has beautiful tan skin, beautiful brown eyes, and the rest. This was such a proud day for me because when my grandson blew out the candles on his cake, I said: ‘Did you make a wish?’ And he said: ‘‘Yes, I made a wish.’ We said: ‘What is your wish.’ He said: ‘I wish I had brown skin and brown eyes like Antonio.’ It was so beautiful, so beautiful. The beauty is in the mix. The face of the future for our country is all-American, and that has many versions.”

So a boy with an impressive European-American background is being encouraged by his grandmother to turn his back on his heritage – and America’s founders.

The late Larry Grathwohl, former FBI informant in the Weather Underground, understood the significance of a 2009 book by former communist terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn entitled, Race Course Against White Supremacy.   Grathwohl said they always regarded Barack Obama, whose political career they sponsored, as a tool — a puppet — to use against white America. Ayers and Dohrn had declared America’s founders to be “white supremacists,” to be replaced by such figures as Karl Marx and Che Guevara.

Some students who applaud the vision of a non-white majority future may have gone to the University of Illinois, where Ayers was an instructor. One of his courses featured a book titled Pedagogy of the Oppressed as required reading. Author Paulo Freire, a Brazilian Marxist, declared: “This, then, is the great humanistic and historical task of the oppressed: to liberate themselves and their oppressors as well.”

Indeed, Mexican revolutionaries on American soil see whites as the “oppressors.”

It turns out that the Freire book was required reading in “Raza Studies” or Mexican-American courses in the high schools in Tucson, Arizona. Other required books were Occupied America by Rodolfo Acuña, a professor emeritus of Chicano studies at California State University in Northridge (CSUN), and Prison Notebooks by Antonio Gramsci, the Italian Communist.

Occupied America, the fifth edition, includes an image of Fidel Castro on the front cover, and Castro and Che Guevara on the back cover. It refers to white people as “gringos” and actually includes a quotation on page 323 from someone angry over the cancellation of a government program. He declared: “We are fed up. We are going to move to do away with the injustice to the Chicano and if the ‘gringo’ doesn’t get out of our way, we will stampede over him.” The individual “attacked the gringo establishment angrily at a press conference and called upon Chicanos to ‘Kill the gringo,’ which meant to end white control over Mexicans.”

Whether they intend to “kill the gringo” or just take their land, the message suggests a seizure of power and the end to a way of life. This threat has to be taken seriously by the FBI, already under pressure to monitor “white terrorists.”

In order to avoid more bloodshed, political leaders, including President Trump, have to understand the grievances of white voters, so their anger can be channeled into democratic channels. At the same time, whites have every right to peacefully advocate policies advantageous to their race.

Demonizing white people and denying their advocates access to the public square, in the form of the Internet and social media, can only cause desperate people to take matters into their own hands and generate more backlash.

But panicked by the liberal media into acting, the White House meeting on Friday about online “extremism” with representatives of Internet and technology companies could quickly degenerate into calls for more censorship.

As strange as it may seem, those who honor and want to celebrate the legacies of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson could even emerge as potential targets of censorship and FBI surveillance.

© 2019 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Trump Joins the Socialist Revolution

President Trump asks, “Why is so much money sent to the Elijah Cummings district [Baltimore] when it is considered the worst run and most dangerous anywhere in the United States?” Perhaps it’s because of bad budget deals financing failed liberal policies like the one he just made with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

On another level, the budget deal brokered by his Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is euthanasia for the young, leaving them a legacy of death through bigger government that will tax them at higher and higher rates as they attempt to raise their families in freedom and balance their own family checkbooks.

The deal with Pelosi passed the House with Democratic Party votes as the leader of the socialist Squad, Ocasio-Cortez, voted with Trump. In exchange for more domestic spending and debt, Trump got some extra money for the Pentagon, which is in such a state of mismanagement that it can’t even pass an audit.

He appears to be counting on easy money policies from the Federal Reserve to keep the economy moving forward.

But the debt can only slow economic growth. The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget reports that if it is signed into law, “…it will be the third major piece of deficit-financed legislation in President Trump’s term. In total, we estimate legislation signed by the President will have added $4.1 trillion to the debt between 2017 and 2029. Over a traditional ten-year budget window, the President will have added $3.4 to $3.8 trillion to the debt.”

Trump’s budget deal with Democrats has left true conservatives despondent and dismayed.  Conservative Rep. Chip Roy comments that while the Robert Mueller Russia-gate hearing was a train wreck, the bad spending deal train wreck is alive and well. He notes, “$320 Billion ABOVE the [budget] caps over two years is the wrong direction to go when the caps still leave us with $1 trillion deficits.”

Most House Republicans voted against the Trump-Pelosi massive spending and debt bill. They understand what the great economist Henry Hazlitt explained in his book, Economics in One Lesson. “The government cannot keep piling up debt indefinitely; for if it tries, it will someday become bankrupt,” he noted.

Rep. Thomas Massie proposed changing the name of the “Bipartisan Budget Act of 2019” to the more honest, “A Bill to Kick the Can Down the Road, and for Other Purposes.” The change failed 384-47. Massie also introduced a bill (HR 899) to terminate the Department of Education.  He only has 11 co-sponsors.

President Reagan campaigned on a platform to abolish the Education Department. He tried but failed. Trump and most Republicans today don’t even try.

Politico reported that Trump told Senate Republicans “that he was happy Fox News and other conservative media had largely held their fire on the budget deal, according to two attendees.”

That’s right: “conservative” Fox News went along with the plan. So did Rush Limbaugh, a self-declared Reaganite who never voted for Reagan. Such is the state of conservative commentary today.

Limbaugh declared support for the deal and said Trump would have been attacked if he had pressed for spending cuts and less debt. “I’ve been hearing my whole life how it’s gonna wreck us and how it’s gonna destroy us, the national debt, the deficit’s gonna ruin us, and so far none of that’s happened,” he said. “At some point it’s got to, but it hasn’t happened when the experts have told us it’s going to. Anyway, do you want to see more ads of Trump pushing Granny over the cliff? Well, I mean, you know what the Democrats would do with this.”

The tough guy president who takes on socialists is afraid of Democratic Party attack ads? It appears Trump put more effort into getting a rapper released from a Swedish prison than fighting Pelosi over budget priorities and getting America’s fiscal house in order.

By taking us further into debt, he’s adopting the socialist argument that we can actually afford Medicare for All and the Green New Deal.

Conservatives operating under the rubric of the Conservative Action Project were huffing and puffing in opposition, saying they oppose the “trillion dollar spending boondoggle.” But this isn’t a boondoggle.  It’s socialism. It’s piling debt on debt.

“We’re All Socialists Now” should be the slogan of both political parties.

This financial threat, more so than the military capabilities of China, Russia, and/or Iran and North Korea, could result in the “New World Order” of global socialism that Trump supporters fear.  A 1996 book calls it “The New World Fiscal Order” that will be imposed on the U.S. and other countries world because of prior spending commitments built into major entitlement programs.

As Trump argues against “socialist” schemes such as Medicare for All and the Green New Deal, while increasing the debt and deficit, there is another crisis developing on top of predicted shortfalls for Social Security and Medicare — a public pension funding gap. The Pew Charitable Trusts, which monitors the problem, just reported that despite revenue growth and strong investment returns, the public pension funding gap for all 50 states still exceeded $1 trillion in 2017.

The public and private pension problem is so great that a Joint Select Committee on the Solvency of Multiemployer Pension Plans has been created. Co-Chairmen Senators Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) haven’t yet  come up with a solution but have issued a statement “committing to continue their work” on a “bipartisan solution.” You can bet one proposal will be higher taxes through a federal bailout.

The world’s six largest pension systems – the U.S., United Kingdom, Japan, the Netherlands, Canada, and Australia – will face a $224 trillion gap by 2050. That’s $224 trillion. The funding gap of this “Global Pension Timebomb” is set to dwarf global GDP.

An astute businessman who understands the nature of debt, Trump must know that we are entering dangerous territory – what the socialists call “the highest stage of capitalism,” leading to credit bubbles, increased volatility, and a possible economic crash. Currency wars, de-dollarization strategies of China and Russia, and the emergence of new currencies and digital assets, symbolize this dangerous new phase.

The businessman President needs to address the crisis in global capitalism before it is too late.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

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The Green Killing Machine And The Red Jihad

The media have their narrative: the New Zealand mosque shooter was a gun-toting Trump supporter who hated Muslims. His “manifesto” declares, “The nation with the closest political and social values to my own is the People’s Republic of China.” This looks like a case of Red Jihad.

The media have been pressuring the high-tech companies to destroy the evidence about what this killer really thought about current and world events. They do not want us to investigate this matter without them filtering the information. I located a copy of his so-called “manifesto.” Try to find it. Let me know if you find it. Email me at It will give you an insight into his mind-set.

He was not a conservative or a Christian. He was a self-proclaimed “eco-fascist” who admires Red China. In China, they put Muslims in camps. Rather than do this, law enforcement should do a better job of monitoring Jihadist sermons within the mosques and closing down those mosques which facilitate violence and murder. Our FBI should do a better job on going after the enemies within using mosques to plan attacks against Americans.

The New Zealand mosque shooter says he was motivated in part by the murder of an 11-year-old Swedish girl, Ebba Åkerlund, who was killed by a truck on her way walking home from school by a “asylum seeker” and Islamic State recruit who had been ordered deported in 2016. But the New Zealand mosque shooter favors killing children in his own murder spree, as long as they are Muslims, and has no regrets.

I suspect a foreign intelligence service is behind the New Zealand mosque shootings. Indeed, the New Zealand mosque shooter looks like a Russian plant, designed to further the Marxist dialectic of constant struggle and conflict. He reminds me of the “fascist” Turk who shot Pope John Paul II and was under the control of the KGB.

He declares himself to be a fascist and asserts “Green nationalism is the only true nationalism.” He hates capitalism.

As you know, however, the media are trying to link him to Trump or “the right.” That’s typical of reporters who know nothing and won’t bother to find out. His only reference to Trump is to declare him a symbol of whiteness. Of course, Trump is white.

I repeat: as you can see, there is a full-court press to identity him as a Trump supporter and right-winger. All of this is false.

The killer took a legitimate complaint about foreign invasions of Western countries and transformed that into an argument for communist control of society on environmental grounds. It’s all in the manifesto.

This is why left-wingers in the Big Tech companies are so desperate to take down the killer’s postings on the Internet. They will show that he was one of them – an eco-fascist.

The killer was trying to appeal to the right and left, and is a personal mix of all of these different ideologies, in order to promote further destabilization of society.

He should be given the death penalty after a trial. But his “ideology,” such as it is, needs to be scrutinized and explained. He declares himself right-wing and left-wing at the same time. This is how Vladimir Putin works, depending on the left-wing socialist and communist parties while appealing to the right-wing “nationalists.” Angela Merkel has been his agent, destabilizing Europe through a mass Islamic invasion of refugees.

Since the killer clearly used the Internet to assemble his “manifesto,” we can anticipate a renewed effort to “crack down” on various sources of information said to be linked to his extremism.

The killer explains that when “I was young I was a communist, then an anarchist and finally a libertarian before coming to be an eco-fascist.” Now he favors “Green nationalism.” All of this is in his manifesto. He says mass murder of Muslims happens when Western governments don’t protect their populations from “foreign invaders” and Islamic terrorist attacks. He declares that “a violent, revolutionary solution is the only possible solution to our current crisis.” Hence, he serves the interests of the communists.

He says he hopes his mass murder will result in a crackdown on gun rights in America, in order to provoke gun owners, leading to more revolution. He says he has given up on peaceful change and democratic means.

He also says he is not a conservative, as “conservatism is corporatism in disguise, I want no part of it.” He adds, “Conservatism is dead. Thank god. Now let us bury it and move on to something of worth.” He would not say if he was a Christian or not, “That is complicated. When I know, I will tell you.”

For more, consider the work of Mark Musser, the author of “Nazi Oaks: The Green Sacrificial Offering of the Judeo-Christian Worldview in the Holocaust”. Nazi Oaks explores the Nazi roots of the radical environmental movement. Musser notes, “The beastly nature of the holocaust is best understood through the barbaric naturism of the Nazis, rooted in a racially charged ecology that would not be undone until all the smoke from the great battlefields and gas chambers of World War II was cleared.”

Watch Nazi Oaks And “Hitler’s Green Killing Machine” – America’s Survival TV With Cliff Kincaid.

Speaking of revolutionaries, listed here are the official endorsers of Saturday’s “Hands Off Venezuela” National March on Washington that will take place at noon. As you know, I am opposed to U.S. intervention in Venezuela, because there is no non-socialist alternative to Maduro. It’s a big mess that can get bigger. The communists oppose intervention because they support Maduro.

As Jeff Nyquist argues in our recent video, Red Jihad, Border Wars, and Nuclear War: Can America Survive?, we should rely on neighboring countries such as Colombia and Brazil to lead the way.

Speaking of the left-wingers and the communists, look at some of these signatories:

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For America’s Survival,

Cliff Kincaid,

© 2019 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Tucker Carlson And The Real Victims Of Media Censorship

Billionaire Bill Gates is pouring some of his wealth into development of an HIV/AIDS vaccine that will be mandatory for all young people, even children, in the U.S. Perhaps a scheduled “breakthrough” in this controversial effort and a plan for universal HIV vaccinations explain why major media organs and corporate and government officials are being used to demonize those concerned about the safety of vaccines. The U.N.’s World Health Organization (WHO) has gone so far as to issue a report ranking “vaccine hesitancy” as one of the top “Ten Threats to Global Health in 2019.”

With a mandatory HIV/AIDS vaccine on the horizon, we should be hesitant. The AIDS vaccine could be a major threat to global health. As a vaccine, it gives people a form of the virus that causes AIDS on the assumption that we won’t develop the entire deadly disease. If this assumption is faulty, it could cause HIV/AIDS in millions of healthy people, many of them children and the elderly. There was a swine flu vaccine scandal in the 1970s, when people got neurological disorders from the vaccine before it was withdrawn.

Another Russian Plot?

Now that the Russian “collusion” story involving President Trump has run out of steam, new villains have to be identified. Indeed, Rep. Adam Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee who is still pursuing Russia-gate against President Trump, has openly called for big companies such as Google, Amazon, and Facebook to censor information casting doubt on the effectiveness of vaccines.

Although it has been open to different views in the past, the “conservative” Fox News channel is now apparently backing Facebook’s effort to “crack down on misinformation about vaccines.”  Reporter Dan Springer’s story was headlined, “Study links Russia to US misinformation campaign on vaccinations.” But his own story quoted research saying the Russians were playing both sides – running articles for and against vaccines.

Despite claims to the contrary from Big Government, Big Pharma, and Big Media, many people believe there is evidence linking the rise in autism among children to the MMR vaccine. Rather than have an open debate, the controversial film “Vaxxed,” which explores corruption in science regarding the MMR vaccine, was yanked from theaters and pulled from Robert De Niro’s Tribeca Film Festival. The producers of “Vaxxed” also report their film was removed from Amazon Video, including Prime and streaming, and Pinterest removed searches about safer vaccines and vaccine injury.

Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center, is the parent of a vaccine injured child and draws attention to children and young people now being subjected to 69 doses of 16 vaccines (starting on the day of birth) by the age of 18. She recently recorded a video on “The New Internet Police” that explains how a coordinated attack is already underway on those who believe in personal freedom and informed consent in regard to these vaccines. Her group is being actively censored and treated almost like a “hate group.” On January 19, she notes, the editorial board of the liberal New York Times declared that “anti-vaxxers” are “the enemy.”

Fox News should resist this kind of censorship scheme. But its own host, Tucker Carlson,  author of Ship of Fools, made a fool of himself years ago by spouting offensive nonsense on a shock jock show hosted by “Bubba the Love Sponge.” Now, Carlson’s job is hanging in the balance, as he claims being victimized by “the mob.” He has a national media platform that he can use to defend himself, and Fox News is sticking by him (for the time being.) A media personality who generates over $70,000 per speaking appearance, Carlson also has the Daily Caller News Foundation, the non-profit arm of the Daily Caller, which he founded, doing articles on his behalf. It has received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the Koch Brothers and the Sarah Scaife Foundation.

But this face of modern conservatism is now looking like a major embarrassment to the conservative movement. He’s not even that conservative; he frequently brings on anti-American journalist and Edward Snowden collaborator Glenn Greenwald as an authoritative source of information on Russia-gate, and allows Fox contributor Tammy Bruce, a pro-abortion lesbian activist, to posture on his show as a deep conservative thinker. It looks like Tucker has personal knowledge of the “Ship of Fools” he writes about. He may be going overboard.

Who’s More Foolish?

What’s far more important than the fate of a rich wise guy talk show host confused about conservatism is that we have a national debate on Fox and other channels on such matters as the well-established and verifiable fact that vaccines do cause injury and death, and that an HIV/AIDS vaccine is being fast-tracked. Many people even today do not realize that while vaccines work for a large majority of people, they can also cause serious health problems, even death, for some. In recognition of this fact, Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. A National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program to compensate victims of vaccines has dispensed over $4 billion for vaccine injuries and deaths.

The common sense driving the parental concern crosses ideological lines. In my case, one day after the birth of our third child, hospital personnel tried to take him away for a hepatitis B vaccine shot. It’s because of the work of Barbara Loe Fisher and the National Vaccine Information Center that I was skeptical of some vaccines. My wife and I refused to have our child injected with this controversial vaccine. Six months later, concerns were raised about possible mercury exposure in children given hepatitis B vaccines containing thimerosal, a preservative derived from mercury, a toxic metal that can cause immune, sensory, neurological, motor, and behavioral dysfunctions. Thimerosal is a preservative that was used as an additive in vaccines to prevent bacterial and fungal contamination.

Hepatitis B mostly affects drug users, the sexually promiscuous, blood transfusion recipients, and health care workers. So why are innocent children who are not at risk being required to be vaccinated? It’s because the government doesn’t want or can’t identify those who ARE at risk. It’s easier to get the children, who are least likely to get the disease. The same is likely to be true for an HIV/AIDS vaccine. Even assuming that such a vaccine could be developed, it will be easier for national and global public health officials to target those for vaccination who are at less risk of contracting the disease.

I interviewed Barbara Loe Fisher four years ago. “There is a tightening of the noose around the people’s neck when it comes to being able to make vaccine choices,” she said on America’s Survival TV. She also discussed the prospect of a mandatory AIDS vaccine. She is the co-author,  DPT: A Shot in the Dark (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1985), and has served on several federal advisory panels and committees. But her organization today is facing a massive censorship campaign because it stands in the way of global and national efforts to inject populations with vaccines containing controversial and sometimes deadly ingredients.

National HIV/AIDS Emergency

Years ago, I launched the Committee to Protect Medical Freedom, a project of America’s Survival, Inc., and held the first national conference opposing a mandatory HIV/AIDS vaccine. Barbara was a speaker. Jim Turner, a Washington, D.C. attorney and expert on the swine flu vaccine scandal of the 1970s, discussed how government vaccination programs can go horribly wrong. We examined how President Bill Clinton had declared AIDS a “national security threat,” created a Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS through an executive order, and that U.S. military personnel were being subjected to experimental vaccines. President Barack Obama issued his own follow-up executive order, “Implementing the National HIV/AIDS Strategy for the United States for 2015-2020,” in 2015, and President Trump continued implementation of this strategy in 2017.

Such an “emergency” declaration could also be used today on the civilian population.

The recent controversy over vaccines suggests a governmental effort at the national and even global levels to roll out a controversial new mandatory vaccine policy, possibly involving an HIV/AIDS vaccine. Does President Trump understand what the bureaucrats are doing?

Despite the censorship, a Coalition for Informed Consent in vaccinations has been established. The NVIC is one of dozens of member organizations around the country opposed to mandatory vaccination laws. Hundreds of concerned citizens favoring freedom of choice in health care traveled to Washington D.C. to have their voices heard at a stacked Senate hearing on March 5, 2019, regarding “Preventable Disease Outbreaks.” Parents concerned or “hesitant” about vaccines were portrayed as the villains.

Rather than censor and ostracize concerned parents, Congress should be scrutinizing where taxpayer and U.N. dollars are going. Needed scrutiny should begin with the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI), an organization backed by grants from the William H. Gates Foundation, the World Bank, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Starr Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, USAID, PEPFAR (the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief) and UNAIDS. The president of IAVI is the former chief public health and science officer with Merck Vaccines and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

World AIDS Vaccine Day is observed annually on May 18.  It marks the day Bill Clinton gave a speech declaring, “Only a truly effective, preventive HIV vaccine can limit and eventually eliminate the threat of AIDS.” The truth is that most people can avoid HIV/AIDS if they just live a healthy and normal lifestyle. But we may not be able to avoid the AIDS vaccine.

The lives of thousands of innocent Americans are far more important than the careers of a few rich talk show hosts on Fox News. Let Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity give these Americans a voice. That would truly drive the liberals and their own Fox News corporate bosses crazy. It would also reaffirm the right of freedom of speech.

© 2019 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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The Border Wars Plot To Destabilize And Transform America

The Center for a Secure Free Society held a news conference the other day about the roles of Russia, China, Venezuela, and other countries in flooding the U.S. with illegal aliens. Mario Duarte, Secretary of Strategic Intelligence for the Republic of Guatemala, spoke at the event, calling the caravans and their impact on U.S. border security the “weaponization” of refugees.

The term, “weaponization,” was also used by NATO’s top commander in Europe, Philip Breedlove, to describe what the Russians and Syrians were doing in the Middle East with the Islamic refugees there. Germany’s Angela Merkel welcomed them, destabilizing Europe. Here, President Trump campaigned for office on the basis of stopping this flow into the U.S. Objectively speaking, Merkel and not Trump has been serving Russian interests.

The popular reality TV show, “Border Wars,” on the National Geographic Channel, captures the determined efforts of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, ICE, DEA, the U.S. Coast Guard and local law enforcement to keep our nation safe. They fight terrorism and apprehend drug smugglers. The process of intercepting people entering the United States illegally is another mission they have. These illegal aliens have become a weapon of war, just like in the Middle East. A Border Wall would be another line of defense.

Venezuela, Russia, and Cuba

Participants in the SFS news conference said the evidence shows that Venezuela, propped up by Russian and Cuban forces, and Chinese loans, has been financing the caravans, as part of a plan to destabilize the United States. The security experts also said Russia practices strategic deception. That is, they focus our attention on one thing when they are busy causing trouble somewhere else. Indeed, the weaponization of the refugees of Latin America can be seen as an explanation of Russia-gate – the idea that Trump was a Russian agent. It was a masterstroke by the Russians. The disinformation has led to almost two years’ worth of investigations, by a special counsel and Congress, into Trump’s political, personal, and business dealings. As all of this was unfolding, the Russians were up to no good south of our border, as thousands of illegal aliens have flooded our country, some marching in caravans. It has been Trump, the alleged Russian agent, who has pushed back against the Russian plan.

Center for a Secure and Free Society (SFS) participants David Grantham, Director of Intelligence for the Tarrant County (Texas) Sheriff’s Office, and Joseph M. Humire, Executive Director of SFS, were reluctant to  admit in interviews with this columnist that Russia-gate was a strategic deception operation. They did not want to admit what is now being reported openly by NBC News – that a two-year Senate intelligence committee investigation has uncovered no evidence of Trump conspiring with the Russians.

The Russia-gate investigations, including the one by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, have the earmarks of a Russian disinformation operation, carried forward by the Democratic Party, to divert the attention of our nation from what really matters – Russian meddling in Latin America. We know that Russia-gate was conceived in Russia, in the form of the fake Russian dossier on Trump, and was used by the losing political party in the 2016 presidential election as a means by which the Democrats intended to delegitimize Trump.

Except mainly for proceedings involving Trump friend Roger Stone and Jerome Corsi, and their possible connections to WikiLeaks, a Russian asset, it is apparent that Russia-gate prosecutor Mueller has come up empty on the issue of direct Russian influence on Trump. Still, whether WikiLeaks had Russian connections or not, the Democratic Party emails that were released were legitimate and newsworthy. They were embarrassing to the 2016 Hillary for president campaign. Mueller’s team also obtained a guilty plea from a Russian woman whose apparent purpose was to infiltrate the NRA. That’s interesting but hardly evidence of the Trump campaign working with Russia.

One can now see that the impact of the investigations wasn’t to produce a case against Trump but divert attention from the real Russian plot to flood the U.S. with refugees after a period of destabilization south of our border. Remember that former President Barack Hussein Obama had been indifferent or even sympathetic to the plans by socialist Hugo Chavez of Venezuela to form an anti-American bloc in Latin America. Obama even recognized Communist Cuba, signaling acceptance of “socialism” by the United States.

Obama is the Russian Mole

If any U.S. president has been a Russian agent, it was Obama. He was raised and mentored by a Communist Party member, Frank Marshall Davis, and as president facilitated Russian and Communist operations throughout Latin America by treating Venezuela, Cuba, and Brazil as worthy experiments in socialism. It’s interesting to note that Marxist former presidents of Brazil Lula and Rousseff were allies of Obama but have since been impeached or thrown into prison. An anti-communist alliance of nations, including the U.S., Colombia and now Brazil under Jair Bolsonaro, is making a mark. But in Venezuela itself, as a result of Obama’s policies, the only real “alternative” to Maduro, the successor to Chavez, is another socialist, Juan Guaido.

The lessons have to be clearly understood and the implications of what we know have to be stated in stark terms. One of the key players in Russia-gate was Obama’s CIA director John Brennan, who, interestingly enough, had voted for the Communist Party when it was funded by Moscow. Finding out how this security risk was hired by the CIA and how he became CIA director would go a long way toward understanding the nature of the Deep State and why Trump is today suspicious of findings from intelligence agencies such as the CIA. See Trump address Venezuelans in Miami.

The Crisis in Latin America

History shows that at the same time that Russia-gate was unfolding, Russia, China, and Venezuela were causing trouble in Latin America, producing not only millions of refugees (3 million from Venezuela alone) but directing thousands of them in caravans on their way to the U.S. southern border. It was Trump, all along during this entire process, who was exposing and standing up to the real Russian plot to cause conflict and chaos in Latin America. While some of these migrants have sincere motives and seek a better life, Mario Duarte, Secretary of Strategic Intelligence for the Republic of Guatemala, cited evidence in his talk of how Islamic extremists are infiltrating the caravans. Has the FBI been paying attention to this? Or has it been too busy plotting to remove President Trump and sending a heavily-armed SWAT team to apprehend Roger Stone?

Trump, who has now gotten a deal for a little more than $1 billion for his Border Wall, after originally calling for $25 billion, has been targeted by America’s enemies, using our own media against him, in one of the greatest Russian deception operations of all time. His presidency hangs in the balance, along with the security and survival of the United States.

The Democrats, of course, had another motive for going along with the Russia-gate ploy. Their “Brown is the New White” political strategy involves bringing in more people from Latin America to vote for them in U.S. elections. By doing so, they diminish the importance and power of conservative voters. In this context, largely because of the impact of illegal immigration, California has become a socialist one-party state within the U.S. It’s a model for what they intend to do to America as a whole.

This was predicted back in 1962 by Karl Prussion, a former FBI informant, in his booklet, “California Dynasty of Communism.” He wrote, “To all communists in the United States, California is the pilot area. The Golden State has been chosen to be the model Soviet state.”

Of course, some Republicans and big Republican donors, such as the Koch Brothers, favor more immigrants as well – as a means by which Big Business obtains cheap labor. And with the failure by leaders of the Congressional Republicans and Democrats to deliver funds for a complete Border Wall in the latest deal, tens of millions more people will be coming. In fact, Gallup reports that 42 million Latin Americans are ready to move to the U.S. permanently.

The Russians must be laughing themselves silly.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Fighting Communism With Socialism Won’t Save Venezuela

All freedom-loving people support the overthrow of the tyrannical socialist Nicolás Maduro regime in Venezuela. But President Trump’s replacement, Venezuelan National Assembly President Juan Guaido, is also a socialist. His Popular Will party is a “progressive” party and a member of the Socialist International.

It was President Trump who told the United Nations, “All nations of the world should resist socialism and the misery that it brings to everyone.”

Yet, Trump has been convinced by his advisers to intervene on behalf of Guaido, a socialist “alternative” to Maduro who has pledged an amnesty for virtually all officials of the Maduro regime, including its most corrupt bureaucrats and military officials.

The crisis in Venezuela is what happens when the State Department uses its funding agencies, including USAID, to support “opposition” groups. Rather than promote anti-communist groups which embrace American ideas of limited government and free enterprise, USAID programs subsidize left-wing political figures and movements, often described as “civil society.” The National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a federally-funded entity, does the same thing on a much larger scale. It spends more than $150 million a year on “democracy assistance” in foreign countries.

President Ronald Reagan started the NED program in 1983 and figured it would maintain an anti-communist bent. But neoconservatives with socialist backgrounds who support globalism and American intervention in foreign countries quickly took charge.

Who is Juan Guaido?

Andres Oppenheimer, columnist for The Miami Herald and El Nuevo Herald, says the leaders of the opposition in Venezuela see 35-year-old Juan Guaido “as an accidental and temporary president, who only seeks to preside over a rapid transition to democracy.” An industrial engineer, Guaido appears to be sincere and well-motivated but rather naïve in his approach to the communist butchers running his country. His offer of amnesty to Maduro and top military officials would undermine the survival of the democracy he says he is trying to achieve. What’s more, if snap elections are held, as a result of the demonstrations and international pressure now taking place, the socialist and communist parties would have the edge.

More seriously, the replacement of a communist thug by a different kind of socialist will not eliminate the Chavistas, named for Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, the predecessor to Maduro, in the Armed Forces and intelligence service. Even with amnesty, they would stay behind, with help from Russia, Cuba, and China, to destabilize any new regime and spark a full-blown civil war, perhaps leading to calls for U.S. military intervention.

Journalist Martin Arostegui explains what is happening in Venezuela: “While communist propaganda has always associated U.S. policy in Latin America with right-wing coups and death squads, the State Department has focused its main effort in co-opting the non-communist left.  Hugo Chavez’s predecessor in Venezuela, Carlos Andres Perez, was a luminary in the Socialist International who cooperated closely with the U.S. in trying to influence other democratic socialists.  But the state control to which Chavez submitted Venezuela’s economy was in large measure facilitated by the fact that Venezuela’s oil industry had already been nationalized by more moderate predecessors with U.S. compliance.”

An End to Socialism?

Using Trump’s favorite news outlet, Guaidó gave Opens a New exclusive interview to Trish Regan of Fox Business and was reported to have said that he hopes the transition to democracy happens as soon as possible “to end the country’s last chapter as a socialist state.” But that’s not exactly what he said. He spoke of protecting private property and private businesses, but that is not necessarily the end of socialism.

Fox Business added, “President TrumpOpens a New Window. has vowed to use the ‘full weight’ of America’s power to help the poverty-stricken country go from a socialist state to a genuinely democratic Venezuela.” This may be the goal of Trump, who later spoke to Guaido over the phone, but the members of the Socialist International orchestrating this regime change do not want to see the end of a socialist state in Venezuela. Their goal is to make Venezuela into another kind of socialist state – similar to what Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of the Democratic Socialists of America is proposing for America. Indeed, the DSA was once an affiliate of the Socialist International.

Interestingly, American economist Joseph E. Stiglitz, a Nobel Prize-winning professor from Columbia University, is a member of the Socialist International Commission on Global Financial Issues and an adviser to billionaire hedge fund operator George Soros. A former Clinton official and financial contributor to the Democratic Party and its candidates, Stiglitz has argued for a variety of global tax schemes that would cost American taxpayers billions of dollars. One of his latest columns endorses the “Green New Deal” of Rep. Ocasio-Cortez.

Don’t be surprised if Stiglitz surfaces as an adviser to a new government in Venezuela that promises a kinder, gentler form of socialism. Of course, it will require a heavy dose of American foreign aid, even some form of global taxes, to generate the revenue to make it work, all under the watchful supervision of the United Nations. Let’s hope President Trump doesn’t fall for the scam. The people of Venezuela deserve freedom and free enterprise, not a new version of socialism that lends itself eventually to another complete communist takeover of Venezuela.

And under no circumstances should Maduro and his henchmen be given amnesty. They should be prosecuted and held accountable for their communist crimes.

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Congress Votes To Secure Borders For NATO Countries

In what has been called a “strong message” to President Trump, the new socialist-controlled House of Representatives has passed the “NATO Support Act” (H.R. 676) by a vote of 357 to 22.  So while the House under the direction of Speaker Nancy Pelosi has resisted paying for a wall to defend the sovereignty of the United States, the House has voted overwhelmingly to defend the borders of countries in Europe.

The NATO Support Act is described as one of the first bills pushed through the new Democratic-majority House. This demonstrates their priorities: open borders for the U.S. and secure borders for the rest of the world, to be guaranteed by American fighting men and women.

Incredibly, many Republicans, including House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy, went along with the ploy. The bill prohibits withdrawal from NATO and even endorses “robust United States funding for the European Deterrence Initiative,” a plan for even more spending by the U.S. on our European “allies.”  One can easily see this developing into American support for a European Army or even a United Nations Army.

But the U.S. can’t protect its own southern border.

Trump’s position has been that NATO members should pay their fair share, a minimum of two percent of their GDP on defense by 2024. This stance has made him, in the view of House Democrats and some Republicans, a Russian agent. What it really means is that deadbeat nations do not think enough of themselves or their people to safeguard their own sovereignty. Trump is simply recognizing this fact, and trying to shock them into recognizing reality. Only through self-reliance can these countries ever hope to stand up to Russia.

Only 22 members of the House voted against this misguided bill that commits American blood to defend the borders of other countries.

Republican Rep. Russ Fulcher told the Idaho Statesman that he voted “no” because it empowers foreign leaders too much authority by locking the United States into the current terms of NATO.” He added, “More than 20 countries currently don’t pay their dues; in so doing increasing obligations to the U.S. If we remove our own ability to make any changes to our position in the future, we also remove any leverage we could have to hold other nations accountable to pull their own weight.”

Another dissenter, Rep. Tom McClintock, noted, “This act prohibits U.S. withdrawal from NATO and commits perpetual American support.  While I support NATO and our continued presence in it, this bill is unnecessary and appears deliberately aimed at undercutting the President’s efforts to get NATO countries to pay their fair share for its support.  NATO was formed to provide security against the now-defunct Soviet Union; not to relieve individual European nations from their responsibility to maintain their own defenses at America’s expense.”

Rep. Scott Perry objected to the bill for many reasons, including that the proposal was clearly unconstitutional by violating the “separation of powers” through Congressional interference with legitimate presidential authority. He explained, “The Executive Branch is responsible for international relations and treaties. The Constitution is very clear. The bill attempted to supersede the Constitution and case law; only the president has the Constitutional authority to negotiate treaties.”

What Trump has been saying about the NATO deadbeats is entirely factual. He has questioned the value of NATO when only five of its 29 members actually pay their way.

In an article headlined, “Trump is right about the NATO deadbeats,” Yahoo Finance reported last July that, “In 2014, NATO agreed that each member country should spend a minimum of 2% of GDP on defense within a decade. So far, only five countries [of NATO’s 29 members] meet that threshold: the United States, the United Kingdom, Greece, Estonia and Latvia.” Of course, NATO continues to insist that its members will eventually meet the target.

There was a time when NATO was perceived as an anti-Soviet alliance. But that completely changed under President Clinton, who illegally transformed NATO into an offensive military force without submitting a new NATO Treaty to the Senate for ratification.   NATO’s new “Strategic Concept” involved operating outside the borders of NATO member-states and undermined the so-called “principle of collective defense” under Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty.

All of this brings up the most protected man in the media today, globalist George Soros, who wrote Toward a New World Order: The Future of NATO, back in 1993. He figured that NATO could take on the military responsibilities of the New World Order until the U.N. was ready to do the job.

Giving NATO a blank check has real consequences.  As a result of expanding NATO to 29 countries in 2017, American troops are now obligated to defend tiny Montenegro, the newest NATO member and a so-called “critical addition” to the Transatlantic alliance, without Congress first passing a declaration of war. For questioning why Americans should die for Montenegro, Trump was accused by the late Senator John McCain of “playing right into Putin’s hands.”

The “NATO Support Act” now goes to the Senate, where we can anticipate anti-Trump Senator Mitt Romney of Utah joining the campaign for a bigger NATO that’s paid for by American taxpayers. The Senate legislation, S.J. Res. 4, is officially sponsored by Senators Tim Kaine (D-VA), Cory Gardner (R-CO), Jack Reed (D-RI), Lindsey Graham, (R-SC), Chris Coons (D-DE), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), and Susan Collins (R-ME). But their claims about NATO being “the world’s most successful military alliance and a major force for peace” are demonstrably false.

The NATO war on Yugoslavia launched by President Clinton benefitted a Muslim terrorist group, the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), with links to Osama bin Laden, who had declared war on America in 1996, bombed our embassies in Africa in 1998, and would later, of course, orchestrate 9/11. It was a NATO war which only benefited the Muslim terrorists in the KLA, further destabilizing the region. Clinton could have been impeached for taking the country to war under false pretenses and without congressional approval. Indeed, his intervention in Kosovo was rejected by Congress, and Clinton proceeded with the war anyway. He waged it through the use of executive orders and presidential power. Under this self-designated authority, Clinton delegated command-and-control of U.S. forces to NATO and its then-Secretary-General Javier Solana, who decided when the air war would be discontinued and had the authority to order U.S. troops into military action once again. (Solana also served as European Union high representative for common foreign and security policy and secretary-general of the Council of the European Union.)

As part of this process, Clinton deployed U.S. forces to Macedonia as part of a United Nations force, prompting one patriotic U.S. soldier, Michael New, to declare he signed up for the “Green Team,” the Army, not the “Blue Team” of the U.N., and he resisted.  His father Daniel New and I wrote a book, Michael New: Mercenary or American Soldier, about how he was court-martialed and given a bad conduct discharge for refusing the illegal and unconstitutional orders.

Despite a solid record against the United Nations, we are still waiting on the White House to grant a presidential pardon of Michael New. This is something Trump can easily do that cannot be reviewed by the courts. It’s a way that the president can reassert the value of a pro-American foreign policy. He could also threaten to veto the NATO Support Act.

Before the deadline of February 15 arrives regarding negotiations on border security, Trump could explain to the American people that Congress is now in the strange position of promising that American soldiers should die to protect foreign borders while it fails to authorize a Border Wall to protect our own people. In effect, the U.S. Armed Forces have become a Border Wall for foreign countries that will be reinforced by the spilling of American blood.

It is not promoting Russian interests to question this insanity. It is good old-fashioned American patriotism.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Did The Ultra Radical Marxist Nancy Pelosi Beat Trump?

The predawn raid on Roger Stone and his arrest are the latest developments in what is an obvious plan to force President Trump from office or impeach him. On the matter of border security, Trump looks weak and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi looks strong.  The deal between the White House and congressional Democrats to negotiate over border security measures is a major loss for Trump. He has become toast for re-election because he has disappointed his base. The question now becomes how long he can survive as president.

Let’s review how he arrived at this juncture. Rush Limbaugh on Friday was talking about former prosecutor Andy McCarthy’s view of the current situation. It has finally dawned on McCarthy that Russia-gate Prosecutor Robert Mueller is after Trump. But remember that back in May, 2017, McCarthy, a former assistant U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, wrote an article for National Review that called Mueller a “solid choice” for Russia-gate. McCarthy, described as one of the nation’s most prominent voices on legal and national security issues, said: “Bob Mueller is a widely respected former prosecutor, U.S. attorney, high-ranking Justice Department official, and FBI director. He is highly regarded by both parties…He is a straight shooter, by the book, and studiously devoid of flash.” Using “Bob” seemed to imply they were friends or associates.

It’s because of this kind of conservative “wisdom” that Trump is now in a mess. He picked too many members of the Swamp to advise him on critical matters.

But Trump’s political enemies aren’t just Democratic socialists. We enter the dangerous period 2019-2020 with the knowledge that Utah Senator Mitt Romney, the leader of the resurgent Rockefeller wing of the Republican Party, is determined to force President Trump out of office and/or damage his presidency. At the same time, a new socialist-oriented House of Representatives is mounting an impeachment drive that could weaken the country, create the conditions for one-party rule in 2020, and undermine a global effort to create an anti-communist alliance of nations.  The impeachment of Trump and his removal from office, at this critical time in world history, would be a setback to conservative and patriotic movements worldwide.

In order to mask the nature of their on-going revolution, one-time “liberals” have now become “progressives,” tolerating a few open “socialists” in their ranks. But socialism is just another stage on the way to communism, and both are grateful to Karl Marx for his hateful ideology. For those who think it’s can’t happen here, analyst Trevor Loudon points out in an article in Epoch Times that the forces on the left have devised an “inside/outside” project that includes outright socialists and communists and which admittedly “translates practically into …engaging with the Democratic Party and voting for Democrats to defeat right-wing candidates.” The “unity statement” from the Communist Party (CPUSA), the Democratic Socialists of America, and other groups is designed to “fight Trump” and build the left.

This is the old CPUSA once directly funded by Moscow. But if Trump is a Russian puppet, why is an old Russian front organization backing the Democratic Party? Why is a former CIA director who voted communist, John Brennan, in the forefront of claiming Trump is doing Moscow’s bidding.

The stakes are huge. Despite his mistakes, Trump continues on the right path in regard to asserting American independence in foreign affairs. He has decided to make a decisive break with globalism.

And the world, or at least the parts of it that should matter, are going his way. In contrast to NATO, a collection of mostly deadbeat nations with no real sense of security or sovereignty, a real anti-communist alliance of nations is being formed. The Conservative Summit of the Americas was recently held, featuring officials from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, the United States, Hungary, Paraguay and Venezuela. In this case, President Trump is not only leading the forces of freedom but is drawing attention to the policies of the socialists in Congress trying to remove him. Trump announced that the U.S. officially recognizes Juan Guaidó as the Interim President of Venezuela, not the Marxist Maduro.

The Marxists in the House of Representatives were supporters of the Marxist regime in Venezuela until the money ran out, the economy crashed, and millions of people started fleeing. It’s the same old socialist story that we in the United States are now beginning to live through. The Catholic kids controversy is just one illustration of the revolutionary warfare being directed against all of us. Proposals like the “Green New Deal” and “Medicare for All” will make the U.S. into Venezuela.

Even in the face of a hostile Congress still consumed by Russia-gate, Trump is making progress, and the communists know it. That’s why rallies are being scheduled in front of the White House by the Party for Socialism and Liberation, in support of Venezuelan socialist President Maduro. We can expect the “progressives” and “socialists” in the Democratic Party to follow suit. Indeed, California Rep. Ro Khanna is now on record opposing any American support for freedom forces in this “internal, polarized conflict” in Venezuela. Khanna, First Vice Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, had served as Obama’s Deputy Assistant Secretary at the U.S. Department of Commerce. He is one of many “progressives” who refuse to blame socialists for the problems they are causing. They are true believers in socialism and want to try it here.

If Trump’s brave stand in favor of freedom in Venezuela means the collapse of the socialist regime there, America may learn a lesson in time to save ourselves.

© 2018 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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How Mitt Romney Is Plotting His Revenge On Trump

The new leader of the anti-Trump resistance in the Senate, Mitt Romney, will take the oath of office January 3. The former Massachusetts Governor and failed GOP presidential candidate represents what could be called the reemergent Rockefeller wing of the GOP.

You may recall that Romney delivered the most scathing anti-Trump speech by a Republican during the 2016 election cycle, calling Trump a “phony” and a “fraud.” Romney wrote in his wife’s name on Election Day 2016 rather than vote for Trump. He has said that he is not ready to endorse the president for reelection in 2020.

After Trump was elected, Romney was summoned for an interview for a position of some kind in the Trump Administration. Romney even got a follow-up interview with President-elect Trump. “Romney got played,” one journalist noted. It was payback. When nothing materialized, Romney went to Utah to plot his political comeback.

One day after we recorded our new video, “Can Trump Survive Until 2020?,” which looks at the background of Never-Trump Senator Romney, we noticed with interest that an anti-Trump Washington Post journalist by the name of Jennifer Rubin wrote about how Romney is “the ideal person” to fight Trump’s agenda in the Senate. The liberal writer said Romney “has a chance to begin his party’s revival, contain a lawless president, and prevent domestic and international calamities.” She explained, “The Senate has a principle, sanity and gravitas deficit created by the passing of Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and enlarged by the retirements of Sens. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., and Jeff Flake, R-Ariz. Romney is the ideal person to fill that void — perhaps the only one who can. But he doesn’t have to operate solo.”

She went on to suggest that Republican Senators Thom Tillis of North Carolina, Joni Ernst of Iowa, Cory Gardner of Colorado and Susan Collins of Maine “can be enlisted in an effort” to stall Trump’s agenda.

Of these, Collins is already a power-broker, having cast the deciding vote for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. He promised her that he would be defer to previous Supreme Court decisions on abortion and gay rights, and he delivered with his recent ruling in favor of Planned Parenthood. Gardner made a name for himself by stalling various Trump nominees in exchange for a promise to accept legalization of marijuana on a national basis. Gardner’s marijuana bill is co-sponsored by Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren, who just entered the 2020 presidential race.

Republicans such as those listed by Rubin and led by Romney could help make an impeachment conviction of Trump a strong possibility in the new Senate. We should remember that one version of Nixon’s fall from office, as detailed in Gary Allen’s famous book, The Rockefeller Family, was that members of Congress, financial interests, and others associated with the wealthy Rockefeller family maneuvered to force the resignation of President Nixon. After Nixon resigned under threat of impeachment, Vice President Ford was sworn in as President and named Nelson Rockefeller as his vice president. Rockefeller had unsuccessfully sought the Republican presidential nomination in 1960, 1964, and 1968.

Could something like this happen with Trump?

On the most recent edition of our America’s Survival TV show, investigative journalist Steve Baldwin described Romney’s record of fake conservatism and how he could posture as a reasonable Republican. “He portrayed himself during his campaigns as a conservative,” Baldwin said of Romney, “but his record as governor [of Massachusetts] was very, very weak. In fact, he led the country on three of the left’s most cherished issues — cap and trade, gay marriage, and socialized medicine. Some of this legislation served as a model for national versions of those same policies. He really is the leader of the RINOs in America today. With the Senate barely under Republican control, Romney is now in a position to break off a few key senators and cause Trump trouble as Trump pursues an America First agenda.”

In an article headlined, “How Mitt Romney could wind up running the United States 6 years after losing the presidential election,” Elaine Kamarck noted,Republican Senator Romney will have what no other Republican Senator currently has, a Republican constituency that does not like President Trump. Trump came in third in the Republican primary in Utah in 2016 and in the general election a large number of voters voted for the independent and Mormon conservative Evan McMullin, rather than pull the lever for Trump or Hillary.” McMullin, a former CIA operations officer, received 21 percent of the vote, compared to 45 percent for Trump and 27 percent for Hillary.

Baldwin, former California legislator and executive director of the Council for National Policy, wrote an entire book on Romney that was ultimately rejected by a conservative publishing house that was fearful of offending establishment Republicans. In one of the chapters, “The Buying of a Movement,” he alleged that Romney captured the 2012 GOP presidential nomination not only by falsely advertising himself as a conservative but by funneling donations from his family foundation to influential conservative groups.

Groups like my own America’s Survival, Inc. had published documentary evidence of Barack Hussein Obama’s communist connections back in 2008. Romney didn’t win the GOP nomination in that year. But Arizona Senator John McCain, who did win the nomination, wasn’t interested in bringing any of that to the public’s attention. He lost an easily winnable race against Obama.

In 2012, when Romney won the nomination and ran against Obama, Joel Gilbert released a popular documentary “Dreams from My Real Father,” drawing on our material and going into substantial detail about Obama’s Marxist roots. Gilbert had argued that the right strategy to defeat Obama was to expose his Marxist views, including the role of communist Frank Marshall Davis in molding Obama’s political philosophy. But Romney and top Republicans disagreed. Karl Rove told Republican donors, “If you say he’s a socialist, they’ll go to defend him. If you call him a ‘far out left-winger,’ they’ll say, ‘no, no, he’s not.’” Rove said that Republicans had to “adopt a respectful tone” in criticizing Obama.

By contrast, Gilbert argued, “If Republicans had made Obama’s Marxist agenda and personal background the main issues of the campaign, Americans would have had a much clearer understanding of the choice between American values and Marxism.”

Romney has now followed-up his failed 2012 presidential campaign with a successful run for the Senate from Utah, the base of his church and its wealth. Mike Kennedy, a state lawmaker, ran against Romney and had tried to warn Utah voters during the primary that Romney was a carpetbagger and flip-flopper. Then, during the campaign, independent candidate Tim Aalders argued that Romney was actually a “progressive” who was out-of-step with conservatives.

Sam Bushman, host of the Utah-based Liberty Roundtable radio show, says, “I believe Romney is still young enough that he thinks he has another shot at maybe being president or staying long-term as leader of the Senate. He doesn’t care which as long as he maintains political power.”

At the current time, according to the latest McLaughlin & Associates survey, 72 percent of Republicans favor Trump in the 2020 race and only 9 percent back Romney. That suggests Romney’s approach will be to get accolades from the Washington Post and other liberal media by leading the anti-Trump Republicans in the Senate. After the Democratic-controlled House impeaches Trump, Romney could emerge as the Republican Senator arguing for Trump to resign for the sake of the Republican Party.

At that point, Romney could decide to run for president again. Or perhaps he would settle for the vice presidency under President Mike Pence. It would be a case of Romney’s revenge.

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The Kavanaugh Catastrophe And The Beltway Bandits

Some of President Trump’s biggest supporters on the Religious Right are now facing humiliation over Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s recent ruling in favor of Planned Parenthood. Kavanaugh, Trump’s second nominee to the court, joined with Chief Justice John Roberts and the liberal justices to declare that Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, had a constitutional right to taxpayer money.

Rockefeller Republican Senator Susan Collins, who cast a deciding vote in favor of confirming Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, said she was feeling “vindication” after the new justice’s vote in the Planned Parenthood case. “Planned Parenthood was Brett Kavanaugh’s No. 1 opponent,” Collins said on CNN. “They went after him with everything that they had, and yet when it came to this case, he was able to put that aside and rule impartially, independently.” CNN noted, “Kavanaugh’s vote helped prevent the court from taking up the issue, effectively handing Planned Parenthood a win by leaving two lower court opinions in place.”

The conclusion is that, in order to get his lifetime job, Kavanaugh made a devil’s bargain with one of the most prominent congressional supporters of the abortion industry. It’s clear that he promised liberal Never-Trump Republican Senator Susan Collins that he would vote to preserve the pro-abortion ruling Roe v. Wade.

In addition to the human carnage, the really sad aspect of the Kavanaugh decision is the disappointment young pro-life conservatives feel at the perceived “betrayal” by Religious Right groups with fancy offices inside the beltway which relayed messages from the Trump White House that Kavanaugh was a sure pro-life vote. “The Pro-Life Generation Supports Brett Kavanaugh” was a video they produced in advance of his confirmation fight. “President Trump promised us he would only appoint pro-life justices to the Supreme Court,” said Kristan Hawkins, President of Students for Life of America. The cries of betrayal have given way to tears for the unborn.

The Family Research Council (FRC), a big backer of Kavanaugh, ran a bland article, “Supreme Court Refuses to Rule on State Decisions to Defund Planned Parenthood,” noting that the case was important “because of videos released depicting Planned Parenthood officials engaging in the sale of fetal tissue and body parts.”  Yet, Travis Weber, vice president for policy at the Family Research Council, told CNBC that his group was not holding Kavanaugh’s decision against him, because while the decision was “not the greatest result,” it was largely procedural. In this case, the procedural decision means more babies will die at taxpayer expense.

Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association (AFA) was more honest, writing a column under the headline, “Duped again: Kavanaugh biffs on first chance to defend life.”  The AFA initially opposed Brett Kavanaugh, saying he was not conservative enough, and then supported him.

The Catholic Family News made a risky decision, running my column opposing Kavanaugh and laying out the reasons why Kavanaugh was the wrong choice. And then it ran my follow-up after the Planned Parenthood decision, “Brett Kavanaugh’s Chickens Come Home to Roost.” Sad to say, but my opposition was vindicated. However, many conservative web sites refused to run my columns exposing and criticizing Kavanaugh’s pro-abortion record. They fell for the propaganda.

One of the best reports on the implications of the ruling was on the conservative website Red State. It said, “Given the criminality involved and the basic absence of medical care available at Planned Parenthood facilities (no, they actually don’t do mammograms and most of their services are no more sophisticated that what you get at a drug store and do yourself at home…other than killing babies, of course) this should have been an open-and-shut issue of what businesses state governments decide to give their money to. What the Supreme Court has done with this decision is signal two things. First, it has no intention of touching abortion. Second, if it does touch abortion it will come down squarely on the side of abortion providers. In particular, this decision places Planned Parenthood in a competitive position unknown in the current health care field. Despite illegalities and improprieties, Planned Parenthood, alone, is now legally protected from losing access to Medicaid dollars regardless of what conduct it engages in.”

Daniel Horowitz of Conservative Review commented, “In a new trend where several members of the ‘conservative wing’ of the court allow very consequential bad lower court rulings to stand, Justices Roberts and Kavanaugh refused to hear an appeal on the issue of forcing states to fund Planned Parenthood…Thus, anything conservatives ever want to accomplish, even if they win elections, is essentially dead on arrival because of lower court judges allowed to reign supreme.”

Pro-abortion Senator Susan Collins, whose support of Kavanaugh was vindicated by the Planned Parenthood ruling, is now predicting that the Supreme Court will overturn a ruling by a federal judge in Texas that the entire Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional.

She has reason to be confident that Kavanaugh will join with Roberts and the liberal justices in this case and save Obamacare.

It’s not enough to say that conservatives and Christians were fooled again. We have to have a heart-to-heart talk with disillusioned young people about why the basic right-to-life of the innocent unborn is so easy to sacrifice on the altar of political power and expediency. We have to be blunt about the principalities and powers running this world and their ability to corrupt our political and religious leaders.

[BIO* America’s Survival, Inc. (ASI) President Cliff Kincaid has had a nearly 40-year journalism career that includes serving as a co-host for the debate show “Crossfire” on CNN in the 1980s. He currently appears in a popular film on media bias and anonymous sources that is being shown in the Newseum, the journalism museum in Washington, D.C. Kincaid has written or co-authored more than 20 books and hosts an Internet-based Roku TV channel called America’s Survival TV that is available in more than 60 countries and is also on YouTube. Cliff’s book on Marxist dialectics, The Sword of Revolution, has been translated into Portuguese to reach people in Brazil, where an anti-communist revolution has taken root.]

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E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

A No-Confidence Vote In Trump?

You may remember the days when President Trump was calling for a $25 billion Border Wall to be financed by Mexico. Now he’s shouting at the Democrats to give him a measly $5 billion from the hard-pressed American taxpayers.

Just as Theresa May faced a no-confidence vote for failing to make a proper deal to remove Britain from the European Union, many conservatives here are becoming increasingly skeptical of President Trump’s claim that “people would revolt” if the Democrats impeach him. Some of his legislative maneuvers are leaving supporters scratching their heads in dismay and disgust. It looks like he’s selling out to the Swamp.

Consider that Trump has pressured Senate Leader Mitch McConnell to bring up for a vote a piece of liberal jailbreak legislation known as the First Step Act.  It looks like he’s trying to attract the felon vote that normally goes for the Democrats. CNN’s Marxist commentator Van Jones is behind Trump and his son-in-law Jared Kushner on this one. In fact, Jones, a former activist with the group, Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM), looks like the one orchestrating the entire “empty the prisons” effort.

For some reason, perhaps having to do with the inside-the-beltway desire to look fashionable, many Republican Senators are going along with the scam.

Time is of the essence, as responsible and thoughtful conservatives such as Senator Tom Cotton are fighting this bill right now. Cotton says one version of the bill reduced the penalty for trafficking fentanyl, a substance implicated in tens of thousands of opioid deaths.

In his latest statement on the legislation, the Senator declared, “For months I’ve said the First Step Act allows violent felons and sex offenders to be released early. I’m pleased the drafters have finally acknowledged that reality and made changes to address some of the specific issues I pointed out. Unfortunately, the bill still has major problems and allows early release for many categories of serious, violent criminals. This includes felons who commit violent bank robberies with dangerous weapons, who assault children, and who commit carjacking with the intent to cause death. I look forward to debating this bill on the Senate floor and introducing amendments to address its many remaining threats to public safety.”

Incredibly, Van Jones, who was nominated and then fired by the Obama Administration for being too radical,  was invited into the Trump White House to support this piece of “criminal justice reform” legislation. The registrant and sponsor for the main website backing the bill is Dream Corps, a leftist advocacy group founded and led by Van Jones and financed to the tune of $200,000 by the Open Society Foundations of George Soros.  The purpose of the grant was to to “reduce America’s incarcerated population by fifty percent over the next ten years.”

“In just a few days,” says the Van Jones group, “ we could pass the First Step Act — which the New York Times says will deliver ‘the most significant changes to the criminal justice system in a generation.’”

When Van Jones and the Times endorse a piece of legislation, you know it’s going to be bad news for America. The bill may not affect the liberal elites and members of the Swamp living in gated communites or guarded by the U.S. Capitol Police, but it is certain to result in more dead and injured ordinary Americans assaulted by criminals released back on the streets. Of course, the criminals being released from prison will quickly be signed up to vote Democrat in 2020.

One Soros-funded group, Critical Resistance, was founded by communist Angela Davis and actually seeks to abolish prisons entirely by “challenging the belief that caging and controlling people makes us safe.” Her organization got $200,000 from the Soros-funded Open Society Foundations in the year 2000, $200,000 in 2002, and another $100,000 in 2009.

Dr. Tina Trent, an advocate for victims of crime, discovered that Critical Resistance had invented the “cop-watch concept” that would be popularized by Van Jones in Oakland, California, through an anti-cop organiation called Bay Area Police Watch.

Ironically, on page two of the Dream Corps annual report, founder Van Jones is shown denouncing President Trump for “stoking economic and racial fears to win the Republican nomination and the presidency.” Yet Jones was invited into the Trump White House by Trump son-in-law and White House adviser Jared Kushner, whose father, once a top Democratic Party donor, is a convicted criminal. Kushner even went on Jones’ CNN show to promote the legislation.

Most establishment “conservative” groups backing the legislation are run by libertarians funded by the Koch Brothers. The same list of backers includes most of the liberal media, which helps explain why critics of the bill like Senator Cotton are being regularly pilloried in the press.

One of the supporting organizations is listed simply as “Catholic Bishops,” a group that has problems with criminals and child predators in its own ranks. In this case, one can argue for more incarceration, not less.

On the “Thank You to Donors” page of the Dream Corps annual report, you find a long list of liberal and left-wing foundation support for the movement. In addition to Soros, we find NextGen Climate, the organization supported by another billionaire, Tom Steyer, who is promoting Trump’s impeachment.

You may remember that Hillary Clinton had made incarceration the centerpiece of her first major policy address after declaring her candidacy for president in 2016. She lost to a candidate promising law-and-order and the building of a wall to keep criminals and drugs out.  That candidate, Donald J. Trump, has now embraced Hillary’s position and has even invited one of Obama’s most extreme nominees into the White House.

It’s difficult to see what Trump is accomplishing by trying to pander to those denouncing him as a racist in need of removal from office. Perhaps he anticipates he will need Van Jones’ support for early release from prison if he’s impeached and then jailed by the leftists.

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Brett Kavanaugh’s Chickens Come Home To Roost

Citizen journalist David Risselada has written a book, Psychopolitics in America: A Nation Under Conquest, in which he explains how so many are being led astray by what passes for the “conservative media.”  Consider the case of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who was sold by Fox News and other beltway groups as a conservative pro-lifer. After Kavanaugh’s Monday ruling in favor of Planned Parenthood, many grassroots conservatives are beginning to realize they were misled about his real record. One conservative website called it a “betrayal.”

It wasn’t a surprise to us. My group, America’s Survival, Inc., was virtually alone in exposing Kavanaugh’s real record on abortion and other social issues. We published the 44-page report, “The Deep State Wears Black Robes,” and called his nomination a “Trojan Horse.”  Yet, Fox News and other conservative media, as well as various Washington, D.C.-based conservative groups, had advertised Kavanaugh as a strong conservative. Many of them were invited to the White House to listen to Kavanaugh hail the legacy of “liberty” of the man he would replace, pro-abortion and pro-gay Justice Anthony Kennedy. That turned out to be an indication of Kavanaugh’s liberal direction on the court.

We had conducted a careful study of Kavanaugh’s record, noting that he was a virtual clone of Justice Kennedy. A liberal Catholic, Kavanaugh actually had a record of ruling against evangelical chaplains. But one leading conservative told me I had gone off “the deep end” by opposing Kavanaugh. Fox News refused to cover our detailed critique of his record. It was a very controlled “debate” with “both sides” defined so as to exclude the real truth.

But Fox News wasn’t alone in stacking the deck. All of the major conservative websites fell for the ruse that Kavanaugh was a conservative. They know who they are. They owe their readers an apology.

Kavanaugh’s ruling against pro-lifers will protect taxpayer funding of the abortion industry.  A liberal commentator was ecstatic: “Justice Kavanaugh just saved Planned Parenthood from red states attempting to defund the clinic network.” Another said Justices Kavanaugh and John Roberts “joined with the court’s progressives to preserve Planned Parenthood’s public funding.”

Drawing upon the material at our website, America’s Survival, Inc., Risselada’s book quotes from one of our reports on Kavanaugh’s Deep State and Washington insider background. Of course, Soros-funded groups were organizing against Kavanaugh. But we saw the opposition as largely fake and designed to get liberal-left forces agitated about the future of the court. In short, it was an organizing tool that accelerated when the sex charges were launched against him. In truth, Kavanaugh was one of the best judges they could hope for from a Republican president.

Our opinion was that they were going through the motions of opposition in a dialectical maneuver designed to force conservatives in line behind him. A much better nominee would have been Judge Amy Coney Barrett, a conservative woman with a clear pro-life record. But she didn’t have Kavanaugh’s Washington establishment connections.

In light of Monday’s ruling, Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel said that he isn’t ready to throw in the towel on Kavanaugh just yet, expressing the hope that another abortion case could come before the court in 2019 and that Kavanaugh and Roberts could end up on the right side.

But pro-life author Gregg Jackson, who opposed Kavanaugh, isn’t surprised by his ruling in favor of the abortion industry: “We all know President Trump and the Republicans promised to defund Planned Parenthood in the run-up to the 2016 election, to get the pro-life Evangelical and Catholic vote. Instead of defunding Planned Parenthood when they had the ability to do so with a Republican congressional majority, Republican president, and Republican-appointed majority Supreme Court, not only did they fully fund Planned Parenthood baby killers/body parts sellers, giving them over a billion dollars in the last 24 months but they also increased funding by 37 percent. Republican-appointed judges gave us the  pro-abortion rulings Roe and Casey and have funded Planned Parenthood at a greater clip then Democrats have!”

It’s fascinating to note that an old photograph has surfaced showing a young Brett Kavanaugh appearing with a young lawyer by the name of Rod Rosenstein. It turns out they were both on the staff of Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, who went through the motions of investigating the Clintons without pursuing charges of murder in the Vincent Foster death case. Rosenstein, now the United States Deputy Attorney General, appointed Robert Mueller as the Russia-gate prosecutor.

As we argued in “The Deep State Wears Black Robes,” if Mueller or another prosecutor subpoenas Trump, and Trump refuses to comply, the case could very likely appear before the Supreme Court, where Kavanaugh could emerge as the deciding vote.

We noted that the progressives are already calling for Kavanaugh to recuse himself from anything related to the Russia investigation if it comes before the Supreme Court. But rather than recuse himself, Kavanaugh could actually rule in favor of Mueller and the Russia-gate probe. He could vote against Trump in order to counter the criticism that he believes presidents can’t be subpoenaed and are “above the law.”

The chickens are coming home to roost. President Trump, who is in the midst of a White House staff shake-up, should root out those who betrayed him in the Kavanaugh matter.

For their part, responsible conservatives who backed Kavanaugh and either were deceived or consciously deceived the American people concerned about human life issues have no option other than to propose impeachment of the court’s newest Justice.

[BIO]* America’s Survival, Inc. (ASI) President Cliff Kincaid has had a nearly 40-year journalism career that includes serving as a co-host for the debate show “Crossfire” on CNN in the 1980s. He currently appears in a popular film on media bias and anonymous sources that is being shown in the Newseum, the journalism museum in Washington, D.C. Kincaid has written or co-authored more than 20 books and hosts an Internet-based Roku TV channel called America’s Survival TV that is available in more than 60 countries and is also on YouTube. Cliff’s book on Marxist dialectics, The Sword of Revolution, has been translated into Portuguese to reach people in Brazil, where an anti-communist revolution has taken root.

© 2018 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Trump Navigates The New World Order

President Trump accuses his enemies of McCarthyism. But anti-communist Senator Joe McCarthy had many of the same enemies Trump has.  And McCarthy’s fate may teach Trump a lesson.

Not one to embrace the “New World Order” of the late former President George H.W. Bush, Donald J. Trump has disavowed many of the elements of world government put in place by Republican and Democratic presidents. That has made him an enemy of the globalists. Trump withdrew the U.S. from Barack Hussein Obama’s Paris climate agreement, a wise decision considering that the COP24 climate change conference, which is now underway, is set to consider “a global tax on CO2,” as if a life-giving gas is somehow a pollutant. This is to be expected from a global United Nations bureaucracy that treats life-killing abortion as a basic human right.

“We are committed and active in bringing about a revolution in thinking, policies and lifestyles, to address these new challenges,”says the Socialist International in its “global call for a sustainable world society – before it’s too late.”

But facing enemies within, the Trump Administration recently released an alarmist climate change report that President Trump said he rejects. The report was written in part by an Obama holdover in the federal bureaucracy and used material funded by one of Trump’s political enemies, billionaire Tom Steyer. Trump’s enemies will use the report against the Administration’s America-first economic policies at the COP24 conference now underway.

Analyst Natalie Grant wrote about this years ago, noting that “…protection of the environment has become the principal tool for attack against the West.” In her 1998 article, “Green Cross: Gorbachev and Enviro-Communism,” Grant explained in detail how a communist campaign, using the climate as an organizing tool, was launched after the so-called collapse of the Soviet state, when Mikhail Gorbachev, the last Soviet president, embarked on an environmental crusade, using the United Nations and other international organizations. Eventually, this effort, part of the so-called New World Order, continued through various United Nations conferences, giving rise to the concept of “sustainable development,” another way to describe socialism. We see this campaign reflected in the current COP24 conference and the socialist blueprint called the Green New Deal, introduced by  the new socialist member of Congress, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

As that moves forward, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi is promising to increase funding for the United Nations, provide amnesty for illegal aliens, and offer the radical LGBTQ “Equality Act” in the new House.

As the late President George H.W. Bush is being hailed as a compromiser with the Democrats who abandoned his “No New Taxes” pledge, we can anticipate pressure on Trump to make deals with the liberal-left. Trump’s current retreat on the border wall is not a good sign that he understands his current predicament. Trump is now demanding a paltry sum of $5 billion for some kind of barrier but had previously sought $25 billion.

One of Trump’s original supporters, columnist Ann Coulter, tells Breitbart News that the Republican Party is “just at the point of extinction without a shot” being fired due to massive illegal and legal immigration to the country. She predicted that Trump, if he fails to follow through on the Wall and restrict immigration, will be the last Republican president because of demographic changes. She notes that the Democrats “have already flipped California” from the days when it was Republican and are now in the process of flipping Texas and Florida and various other states.

Like the faulty climate models which supposedly predict global warming, the numbers of illegals are arrived at by what the “experts” call “mathematical modeling.” Trump was honest during the campaign, saying, “Our government has no idea. It could be 3 million. It could be 30 million.” Yale researchers estimated there were 22.1 million illegal aliens in the United States. Another researcher, James H. Walsh, formerly an Associate General Counsel of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, estimated as many as 40 million in an analysis published in 2007. Whatever the number, if they’re legalized, the Republican Party is finished as a force for conservatism.

But more than America’s political future and two-party system is at stake. The lives of our fellow citizens continue to be taken away by these invaders. One of those illegals, identified as 25-year-old Darwin Martinez-Torres, just plead guilty to the June 2017 murder of 17-year-old Nabra Hassanen. The illegal alien, who was reportedly a member of the El-Salvador-based MS-13 international criminal gang, beat her with a baseball bat and “raped her while she lay unconscious and dumped her body in a pond,” one news account said. Having ripped-off the United States by illegally entering the country, he will now get life in prison, at taxpayer expense. This will cost taxpayers $27,462 annually. The cost of the victim’s life cannot be calculated.

President Trump has righty called members of the gang, which has more than 40,000 members internationally and 10,000 in the U.S., “animals.” Andrew Ford of the Asbury Park Press of New Jersey just wrote an eye-opening article about the activities of this gang in New Jersey. In Massachusetts,  six members of the violent, transnational organization were recently charged with a racketeering conspiracy that included the murder of a teenage boy in a city park where children play.

The border wall has been justified in the name of keeping bad people out of the country as well as discouraging drug smuggling through the southern border. However, the illegal drug lobby now wants to legalize these drugs north of the border and are doing so on a state-by-state basis. Indeed, former President Barack Hussein Obama, a heavy drug user, and his Department of Justice set this process in motion, with the assistance of pro-drug groups financed by George Soros. It turns out that Obama backer Soros, main funder of the drug legalization movement, is in business with Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, and they are working with libertarian billionaire marijuana investor Peter Thiel to pass a bill to protect the dope industry from federal anti-drug laws.

Concerned parents, victims of illegal drugs, and drug policy experts are now pleading with President Trump not to buckle to the Big Marijuana lobby and exacerbate the problems caused by Obama’s soft-on-drugs policies. Incredibly, former Republican House Speaker John Boehner is lobbying on behalf of nationwide legalization and  RINO Republican Senator Cory Gardner of Colorado claims to have Trump’s commitment to back new national legislation co-sponsored by Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren to officially allow marijuana legalization without interference by federal authorities. This can only create millions of more stoners voting for Democratic politicians promising more drugs at cheaper prices. Some will end up getting treatment under Obamacare. Others, like Richard Kirk of Colorado, will go crazy and kill. He’s serving 30 years in prison for eating a marijuana edible, having a psychotic reaction, and shooting his wife to death.

Trump’s willingness to sign a piece of liberal jailbreak legislation, known as the First Step Act, is also troubling. The bill is supported by Marxist Van Jones, a former Obama official, and opposed by many law enforcement groups. It will enable liberal judges to cut sentences for violent drug users and traffickers. Haven’t liberal judges – or what Trump calls “Obama judges” – caused enough problems already without giving them more power in the name of “criminal justice reform?”

Jones was actually invited into the Trump White House to meet with Trump adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner. On the other hand, conservative and law enforcement groups trying to support law and order find it difficult to get their voices heard.

The left-ward drift of the Trump Administration on “criminal justice reform” and drugs illustrates the failure of the Trump Administration to hire strong conservatives and purge Deep State operatives operating right under Trump’s nose. Clearly, Trump has been betrayed by his staff, some of whom have jumped ship to write books and go on TV or radio for big fees. His lawyers have given him bad advice.

At the G20 summit, the White House appeared to hold firm, issuing a worthwhile document noting that Trump’s economic policies have resulted in the United States seeing historically low unemployment and strong economic growth. However, Trump signed a new NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) that he calls the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement. The new NAFTA includes some beneficial changes to the original but leaves the basic trilateral structure, a form of transnational regional government, in place. Equally significant, new provisions, inserted by Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, include protections on “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.”

Looking back in history, McCarthyism is not a dirty word but something to be studied and understood. While Trump and Joe McCarthy share many of the same enemies, McCarthy had a better undestanding of who they were. In the end, however, McCarthy took on a powerful Deep State agency — the CIA — and lost.  J.C. Hawkins, author of Betrayal at Bethesda, notes that McCarthy faced strong resistance in wanting to investigate the infiltration of the agency by Soviet and Chinese intelligence operatives. Three years after he was censored by the Senate, McCarthy went into the naval hospital at Bethesda, Maryland, with a knee injury on a Sunday afternoon and was pronounced dead five days later from acute hepatitis.

Will Trump meet the same fate as McCarthy? As he navigates the legal demands of Russia-gate prosecutor Robert S. Mueller and threats of impeachment by the House, Trump’s presidency and even his life will be in danger. He will need all the friends he can get so he must not betray or alienate the millions of people depending on him. He will need to be able to spot enemies disguised as friends.

© 2018 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Mueller’s Legal Terrorism Threatens A Free Press

President Trump’s failure to fire Russia-gate prosecutor Robert Mueller has resulted in  pro-Trump journalist Jerome Corsi facing financial ruin and imprisonment as a result of Mueller’s tactics of legal terrorism. But Corsi has now made a smart move, hiring combative attorney Larry Klayman to take the fight to Mueller. Klayman may save Corsi from a frivolous prosecution, but he can’t save Trump from Mueller or impeachment.

It appears that Corsi made some of his own mistakes by associating with controversial characters such as Roger Stone and Alex Jones and perhaps attempting contact with Julian Assange of WikiLeaks. Assange was a one-time host of a Russian propaganda television show whose interviews included the notorious leftist academic Noam Chomsky. A leftist with an anti-American agenda, he was out to get Hillary Clinton for reasons of his own. Although there are legitimate questions about whether the sources of WikiLeaks were linked to Russian intelligence, it’s difficult to see how Corsi’s involvement in researching a story about Hillary constitutes any form of criminal conduct. Corsi is a pro-Trump journalist who was looking for a story he thought could damage then-candidate Clinton. Under interrogation by Mueller’s operatives, he made some mistakes or misstatements but won’t plead guilty to lying.

Not all of Corsi’s work can be defended, but it is a fact that he is a curious and tough-minded journalist who authored The Obama Nation, a book on the controversial background and communist connections of Barack Hussein Obama. His book cited our material, released during Obama’s first run for the White House, on Obama’s debt to communist Frank Marshall Davis. Davis was Obama’s mentor and father figure. A drinker and pothead, Davis was a lover of Red Russia and a designated security risk suspected of espionage of behalf of the Soviet Union. This relationship alone should have disqualified Obama from the presidency. It is the real Russia-gate scandal that Robert Mueller, one of Obama’s FBI directors, had —  and still has —  inside information about.

But while Corsi sought to publish stories and a book about the secret life of Obama, journalists from the Washington Post repeatedly played down damaging evidence about Obama having a relationship with the Russian agent Frank Marshall Davis, who had been under FBI surveillance for 19 years. We released Davis’s 600-page FBI file in 2008. Post journalist David Maraniss was one of the worst offenders in terms of the media cover-up. It was later disclosed that he had personal connections to the Communist Party USA through his parents, who were members of the Moscow-funded entity that doubled as an espionage apparatus for communism in America. Red-diaper baby Maraniss never repudiated his parents and their love for communism. He went on to write a sympathetic Obama biography.

Trump’s failure to fire Mueller isn’t entirely to blame for what is happening to Corsi.  Trump may have felt he had to let Mueller continue his investigation after conservatives like former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy joined liberals in saying Mueller was an honest professional who could be trusted to do a thorough job. They ignored his service to the Obama-Davis cover-up, not to mention Mueller’s mishandling of the post-9/11 anthrax investigation and purging of FBI materials on the Islamic threat.

Upping the ante, Trump has now retweeted an image of Mueller, Obama, and others behind bars for treason. But Corsi is one of the few journalists who had wanted to investigate that topic. He is now in legal jeopardy because Trump let Mueller continue his “Witch Hunt.” His days as a journalist are now in question as he struggles to survive Mueller’s attempt to jail him. This matter, not the denial of a press pass to CNN’s obnoxious Jim Acosta, involves real First Amendment freedoms.

At this time of political peril for Trump and threats to political journalism from Mueller’s team, former Bush adviser and Fox News contributor Karl Rove has laughably emerged to offer Republicans advice as to how to fight the new crop of socialists in Congress. His Wall Street Journal column is headlined, “Stopping the Socialist Resurgence: Republicans need to fight the wild ideas of the Democratic Party’s left wing.” But when Barack Hussein Obama was running for president, Rove told Republican donors to avoid calling him a socialist because some people would object to using that term. Rove told the donors, “If you say he’s a socialist, they’ll go to defend him. If you call him a ‘far out left-winger,’ they’ll say, ‘no, no, he’s not.’” That meant no talk of Obama’s communist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, and no talk of his backing from the Communist Party USA, Democratic Socialists of America, and other such groups.

It’s because of Obama’s success – and timidity like Rove’s — that the liberals and socialists took as many as 40 seats in the House on November 6. However, Trump compounded the problem, calling the defeat a victory.

As a result of Rove’s strategy when John McCain and Mitt Romney ran as the GOP presidential candidates against Obama, the American people were denied a clear understanding of the choice between American values and Marxism. Obama was president for two terms and his legacy of “permanent revolution” — and the cover-up surrounding his own Russian connection — continues. In the words of the Post slogan that was devised to justify its anti-Trump journalism, this is how “Democracy dies in darkness.”

* America’s Survival, Inc. (ASI) President Cliff Kincaid has had a nearly 40-year journalism career that includes serving as a co-host for the debate show “Crossfire” on CNN in the 1980s. He currently appears in a popular film on media bias and anonymous sources that is being shown in the Newseum, the journalism museum in Washington, D.C. Kincaid has written or co-authored more than 20 books and hosts an Internet-based Roku TV channel called America’s Survival TV that is available in more than 60 countries and is also on YouTube. Cliff’s book on Marxist dialectics, The Sword of Revolution, has been translated into Portuguese to reach people in Brazil, where an anti-communist revolution has taken root.

© 2018 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Is Trump’s Presidency Collapsing?

The high-tech Big Media companies and academia are two major headquarters for the anti-Trump movement in America. President Trump refuses to take them on, except in ineffective Tweets. Now it looks like he’s selling out to the “prison reform” movement and Big Marijuana. This means more criminals and potheads on the streets. How’s that for making America great again?

He pardoned two turkeys, Peas and Carrots, before Thanksgiving and may soon have to pardon himself.

At this rate, he can kiss reelection in 2020 goodbye. His political people have absolutely no understanding of the “rainbow” forces or “permanent revolution” being assembled against him and financed by the leftist billionaires George Soros, Tom Steyer, and Michael Bloomberg, and assisted by New Age leader Oprah.

From a conservative perspective, as the Trump presidency flounders, it’s clear that much has been left undone by the Congress and President Trump. You can bet nothing much of benefit to conservatives will be done when socialists take control of the House next year.

To demonstrate the extreme disappointment among conservatives, consider a piece I wrote more than two years ago: Trump Threatens Liberal Media Monopolies. In a hard-hitting statement, Trump adviser Peter Navarro had announced that Trump, if elected president, “will break up the new media conglomerate oligopolies that have gained enormous control over our information, intrude into our personal lives, and in this election, are attempting to unduly influence America’s political process.”

Nothing has been done. Now, in just one of many cases of censorship, Facebook has “unpublished” activist Peter LaBarbera’s Facebook page, claiming his opposition to homosexuality and transgenderism is “hate speech.” Pete LaBarbera notes: the social media giant cites “safety” concerns and being “respectful,” but by not respecting and tolerating Christian conservatives’ views, is Facebook guilty of “hate” and bigotry?

We just learned that Senator Chuck Schumer’s lesbian daughter is an executive at Facebook.

To be sure, Navarro, now the White House trade advisor, is doing his best to take a hard line against Communist China. Navarro recently denounced the Wall Street bankers, hedge fund managers, and globalist billionaires for opposing Trump’s America-first trade policies. But his position was then undercut by White House economic adviser and “free trader” Larry Kudlow, a former commentator for CNBC, part of the Comcast conglomerate.

Rather than take on the Big Media, Trump is appeasing the far-left and the libertarian Koch Brothers with his “prison reform” bill. Fortunately, Senator Tom Cotton released the following statement about the so-called First Step Act: “Unfortunately, the new text of this legislation reveals that what started as a prison-reform effort has transformed into sentencing reductions and early-release for dangerous, repeat felons, and I therefore cannot support this bill.”

One of the most basic lessons in politics is not to alienate your base. Trump claims to be for law enforcement and public safety. But he wants to rush a pro-criminals bill through Congress in the lame duck session. The bill is supported by Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, whose father was a criminal, and Van Jones, a former Obama official exposed as an anti-cop Marxist.

It will be up to Cotton and perhaps a few other conservatives to stop this dangerous jail break legislation.

Another failure by Trump, as we noted in our recent TV show with analyst Trevor Loudon, was the announced effort by Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. to lead a presidential task force on higher education. We have to dismantle the Marxist Madrassas, as we argued in our book by that name, partly through more online learning opportunities. But nothing has been done by the White House or the Falwell task force. No wonder millennials with no jobs and college debt voted for Bernie and the socialists.

Then there’s the dope problem. The “Special Report” on Fox News on Tuesday highlighted in a positive way the legalization of dope in Massachusetts. Nothing was said about the evidence linking the drug to mental illness and violence. It was all fun and games: Wow! An East Coast First! Look at those long lines for dope.

It’s reported that Trump may go for full legalization of a nationwide basis, under the advice of Kushner and Trump adviser and marijuana investor Peter Thiel. Trump’s policies on dope are looking worse than Obama’s. And Fox, which regularly censors criticism of George Soros, is looking more and more like CNN and MSNBC.

Trump still refuses to face up to the historic Democratic landslide on November 6, calling it a “victory” for him.  The Democrats even captured Orange County in California, known as Reagan Country.

Analyst Trevor Loudon notes the use of the Rainbow Coalition or “Brown is the New White” strategy, embraced by Barack Hussein Obama, against the Republicans. They will use it in 2020 against what they hope is a very damaged President Trump and win with 52, 53 percent of the vote. “Then,” he adds, “they’re going to legalize every single illegal immigrant remaining in the country, which will give the Democrats 30 or 40 million new voters overnight, and then they have the one-party state.”

Despite a solid record against the United Nations, we are still waiting on the White House to grant a presidential pardon of Army soldier Michael New, who was court-martialed and given a bad conduct discharge under Bill Clinton for refusing orders to serve the U.N. in Macedonia. This is something Trump can easily do that cannot be reviewed by the courts. But again, nothing has been done except to shuffle our request on to another administrative office somewhere.

However, if you’re Kim Kardashian and make an appeal for freedom for a convicted drug trafficker, your wish is quickly granted.

It looks like, in order to get anywhere with the Trump Administration, you have to have powerful family, corporate or Hollywood connections or else rent a fancy room in the 5-Star Trump International Hotel. The Family Research Council, for example, was advertising a dinner at the Museum of the Bible and accommodations at the Trump International Hotel as part of the group’s first-ever Christian heritage tour & summit!

While that may work for private groups with Big Donor money seeking access to government power, liberal judges seem to be having the last laugh, thwarting Trump at every turn. Rather than fight, he laments the power of judicial supremacy and backs off. He has lost a series of immigration cases and even suffered a major setback on the matter of cancelling a White House press pass for the obnoxious Jim Acosta of CNN.

“Put simply,” writes public interest lawyer Larry Klayman, “the overwhelming majority of the jurists selected by both Democrat and Republican presidents are the compromised product of the establishments of both parties.”

Klayman’s observation is most certainly true, and it even applies to Trump’s most recent Supreme Court nominee, Justice Brett Kavanaugh, a Washington insider recommended for the job by another Washington insider, the former Trump White House counsel Don McGahn.

Trump seems to think he can eventually win some of the cases he’s losing, as precious time slips away and more illegal aliens enter the country, when they arrive before the ultimate arbiter, the U.S. Supreme Court.

These cases may include Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s anticipated decision to go to court to force Trump to testify in the Russia-gate probe. Kavanaugh would likely rule against Trump, demonstrating his subservience to liberal Rockefeller Republican Senator Susan Collins (who provided the decisive vote to confirm him) and solidifying his status as a Washington insider beholden to the Deep State.

Eventually, Trump may join the ranks of turkeys Peas and Carrots in seeking a pardon for himself. If that happens, and it looks likely, the biggest turkey for conservatives may turn out to be the Trump presidency. He may go down in history as the last Republican president, as a result of ushering in a socialist one-party state.

[BIO:* America’s Survival, Inc. (ASI) President Cliff Kincaid has had a nearly 40-year journalism career that includes serving as a co-host for the debate show “Crossfire” on CNN in the 1980s. He currently appears in a popular film on media bias and anonymous sources that is being shown in the Newseum, the journalism museum in Washington, D.C. Kincaid has written or co-authored more than 20 books and hosts an Internet-based Roku TV channel called America’s Survival TV that is available in more than 60 countries and is also on YouTube. Cliff’s book on Marxist dialectics, The Sword of Revolution, has been translated into Portuguese to reach people in Brazil, where an anti-communist revolution has taken root.]

© 2018 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

The Search For A Russian Mole

Will the investigation of anti-Trump bias in the FBI turn into something even more ominous? Consider the well-established fact that President Barack Hussein Obama, using a pseudonym, knowingly exchanged emails with Hillary on her private unsecure server. He then lied about it. That’s why Hillary was spared. The FBI spared her to protect him.

The leadership of the FBI knew Obama was a Marxist operative and agent of influence for the world communist and Islamic movements. They knew he had ties to Louis Farrakhan and former Weather Underground terrorists. They also had a 600-page FBI file on Obama’s mentor, Communist Party operative Frank Marshall Davis. It was released to America’s Survival, Inc. in the summer of 2008 and we then made it public. A mentor to Obama for about eight years, he taught Obama to hate white people and admire Red Russia.

Instead of investigating Obama for espionage, the FBI used a dossier based on Russian sources to investigate Trump for supposedly having Russian connections! This fact alone demonstrates the susceptibility of the FBI’s top leadership to Russian disinformation and propaganda operations. The dossier, paid for by the Hillary campaign, was concocted by a former British intelligence agent who was considered a socialist in college. He is now the subject of a criminal complaint for making potentially false statements about the distribution of claims contained in the dossier.

It was a classic Russian maneuver. As the Senate Subcommittee on Internal Security explained in a 1967 study on The Techniques of Soviet Propaganda, “Soviet propaganda uses as a fundamental psychological stratagem the ancient and familiar ruse of crying ‘thief’ to divert attention from its own thievery.”

America’s Survival, Inc. presented the evidence of Obama’s service to the Russians at a November 10, 2017, National Press Club conference. As part of the campaign to hold Obama accountable, America’s Survival, Inc. has published the books, Comrade Obama Unmasked and Red Star Rising.

The issue goes beyond FBI misconduct.  We know FBI counterintelligence special agent Robert P. Hannsen was a Soviet/Russian mole inside the bureau. His record of treason spanned 22 years, from 1979 to 2001. The situation was so bad that a Commission for the Review of FBI Security Programs was created in 2001 under the leadership of William H. Webster and issued a report in 2002. As Reed Irvine and I reported at the time:

The Webster report is familiar reading for those acquainted with the disastrous neglect of security during the Clinton administration. The report is a litany of security lapses, vulnerabilities, and bad practices in what is supposed to be the nation’s premier law enforcement, counterespionage and counter terrorism agency. Webster and his panel found an institutional bias against security and a lack of sufficient resources, personnel and management attention, all of which began in the mid-1990s.

Webster found that there were practically no controls on highly sensitive classified documents and that computer systems were absurdly vulnerable to the “insider threat.” FBI agents with access to classified intelligence information were not required to take polygraphs. There is not even a Bureau-wide definition of what constitutes a security violation. No wonder Hanssen was able to give the Russians so much classified information and compromise so many human intelligence sources and intelligence collection programs.

In a follow-up column, “The FBI Protected Russia’s Spy,” we noted evidence that the FBI was informed back in 1990 that Hanssen might be spying for the Soviet Union. Hanssen’s brother-in-law, Mark Wauck, who was also an FBI agent, had told his superiors that he suspected that Hanssen was spying for the Soviets. The FBI did not discover Hannsen’s espionage at the time.  So he continued spying for the Russians for another 11 years.

Hannsen was a top-level FBI Supervisory Special Agent who worked for the Soviet Counterintelligence Division within the Bureau’s New York City office and the Soviet Analytical Unit within the Intelligence Division.  It was a case of a Russian spy being assigned to catch other Russian spies.

Robert S. Mueller, the Russia-gate special counsel, became FBI director after Hannsen was caught. The Inspector General warned Mueller in a report that Hanssen had escaped detection “because of longstanding systemic problems in the FBI’s counterintelligence program and a deeply flawed internal security program.” The Inspector General had recommended a central repository for the receipt, collection, storage, and analysis of derogatory information concerning FBI employees “with access to sensitive information.” Such a repository could help identify security risks and spies.

By 2007, the Inspector General said that Robert Mueller’s FBI had “not yet established” such a repository.

Mueller had issued a statement in 2003 saying he was taking the proposed reforms seriously. It’s clear that Mueller and his successor, James Comey, failed. Otherwise, how could anti-Trump and pro-Hillary FBI operatives such as Lisa Page and Peter Strzok have survived and prospered in the FBI? How could they plot with Andrew McCabe, who has just been removed as FBI deputy director?

Incredibly, Strzok, former chief of the counterespionage section in the FBI, joined the Mueller probe but was eventually let go. However, he still works at the FBI. How and why was he hired by Mueller in the first place? Who recommended him?  Why were Strzok and Page allowed to carry on an adulterous affair while they worked for the FBI? Until we get complete and honest answers, we have to assume the worst – that security risks who may be Russian agents have continued to work inside America’s premier law enforcement agency.

We may be living through an American version of “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy,” the gripping espionage novel by author John le Carré about penetration of British intelligence that was made into a film and had people wondering until the end about the identity of the Russian mole.

FBI Director Christopher Wray will have to clean house – not just of the partisan operatives but the security risks and possible Russian agents. Then the focus can move back to where it belongs — the espionage activities of Hillary Clinton and her boss, Barack Hussein Obama.

What about charging obstruction of justice in this case?

© 2018 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Reversing The Damage Done By Chairman Barack

Friday’s March for Life, 45 years after the Supreme Court legalized abortion on demand, demonstrates how difficult it is to reverse the effects of evil decisions and policies. The fact that complete victory is not immediately at hand does not cause true believers to give up the fight. That’s why thousands will turn out for the 45th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

Overturning Marxist or “progressive” policies is a difficult challenge when much of the media and even some prominent members of your own political party are against you.  But the economic and financial turnaround under President Trump has already been amazing. Trump’s record of appointing conservative and pro-life judges is also impressive. Some pro-lifers have declared Trump is the most pro-life president in modern history.

Economically, one of Trump’s major challenges is to reverse eight years of Obama selling out our economic base and America’s workers to Communist China. If progress is made here, we may also see progress in other areas, such as reversing the social and cultural breakdown that we see all around us.

Sensing a confrontation is in the works, Obama in November rushed over to Beijing to clink glasses with Chinese dictator Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China. The Chinese media hailed the reunion as a meeting of “veteran cadre,” an extraordinary  term that means the former U.S. President has been operating as a communist agent or operative. We had warned about this before Obama was elected, when we disclosed his relationship with Communist Party USA operative Frank Marshall Davis. Last year we published two books, Comrade Obama Unmasked and Red Star Rising, explaining the significance of America’s first Marxist president.

On January 11, 2018, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross formally submitted to Trump the results of the Department’s investigation into the effect of steel mill product imports on U.S. national security. The Commerce Department notes that, after this submission, by law, the President has 90 days to decide on any potential action based on the findings of the investigation.

Trump trade adviser Peter Navarro has linked U.S. trade policies under Obama and other presidents to the loss of hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs and the resulting economic and social costs. White House documents published by Navarro, in the form of PowerPoint slides, link economic problems to social problems, including a higher abortion rate, more drug use, higher crime, and more homelessness.

National security is also an issue. United States Steel Corporation says, “With the completion of the Department of Commerce’s investigation, United States Steel Corporation encourages President Trump to take swift and decisive action.  Our nation cannot afford to allow the continued rise of foreign imports that undermine America’s capacity to produce the steel necessary for our country’s national and economic security.”

It is fitting, in this context, to note that House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) is one of the featured speakers at Friday’s March for Life. Ryan understands both the problem of abortion as well as deindustrialization. The 2017 book, Janesville: An American Story, by Amy Goldstein, tells the story of Ryan’s hometown and the destruction of its industrial base. The book helps explain why Trump won the votes of the workers in 2016.

The media will claim that Trump’s anticipated actions against China will undermine the global trading system. But remember that China, under Obama, flooded the U.S. with cheap imports, while conducting cyber warfare against America and stealing our technology.  Steven W. Mosher, president of the Population Research Institute, has written a new book, Bully of Asia: Why China’s Dream is the New Threat to World Order, explaining the dimensions of the China threat.

As Trump is predictably pummeled in the press, think about why Obama’s recent visit with his fellow “veteran cadre,” Xi Jinping, was given such fawning attention. We actually have photographic evidence of Obama meeting with Xi, with reports indicating they went behind closed doors to discuss their strategy against America. Obama’s visit with Xi came “at a time when the Trump administration was attacking China’s economic practices,” noted the British Guardian. But there’s much more to this story. Their closed door meeting smells of collaboration, even collusion.

As president, Obama spokeswoman Katie Hill said in a statement, Obama forged “a close and cooperative partnership with President Xi on issues ranging from growing the global economy to combating climate change, and he looks forward to catching up with his former counterpart.” It sure looks like “growing the global economy” benefited China.

Nevertheless, Trump receives non-stop abuse while the Obama name is being put on schools, libraries, streets, and highways across the United States. Barack Obama’s birthday has been declared an Illinois holiday. Pro-Obama books are being released with regularity.

It is increasingly difficult for conservative organizations like America’s Survival, Inc. and conservative personalities to tell the truth about Obama’s legacy. Matt Margolis, author of  The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack Obama,  has been encountering problems since he started promoting his follow-up, the forthcoming, The Scandalous Presidency of Barack Obama. After he took out ads for the book, he was banned from Facebook groups for six days with no explanation.

Perhaps the high-tech social media giants are doing to America what the Chinese Communist Party is doing to China. “Under President Xi,” says the group Reporters Without Borders, “Internet surveillance has come to be practiced on an industrial scale and the Great Firewall keeps 750 million Internet users away from foreign news websites. At least 2 million people are employed to censor and spy on them, that is to say, one censor for every 375 Internet users. Several people received jail sentences last year for comments posted online or made during private chats on messaging services.”

[Read Cliff Kincaid’s book “Global Bondage: The U.N. Plan to Rule the World“]

It looks like Facebook may be testing its own version of the Great Firewall in the U.S., in order to protect Chairman Barack and his legacy. Obama is being transformed into a cultural icon and even mystical historical figure. Negative views are being censored.

The emerging Cult of Obama, protected by the media, is starting to look a lot like the Cultural Revolution of Chairman Mao. These Marxists will not give up their power without a fight. In fact, they are expanding their power in an effort to silence our voices.

© 2018 Roger Stone – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Turning Red States Marxist Red

The Alabama win for Barack Obama’s candidate Doug Jones  confirms our thesis that Obama is running the Democratic Party and the anti-Trump resistance. Obama, who recently compared President Trump to Hitler,  recorded a robocall in support of the Alabama Democrat, calling him a “fighter for equality, for progress.” His notion of progress means suppressing the white vote and inciting black voters, who now believe by a margin of 72 percent that Trump should be impeached.

Reports indicate that Jones’ win was the result of a surge of Democrat voters statewide, “and specifically in African-American strongholds.” The grassroots of the Tea Party, evangelical Christians and conservative Catholics in Alabama couldn’t match the “Brown is the New White” strategy of Obama’s political strategist and operative Steve Phillips. Analyst Trevor Loudon discussed Phillips’ leftist background and association with Obama during his talk at our November 10 conference about Obama’s plan for a one-party socialist state.

We have studied Obama’s background, including his grooming by a hard-core communist, and his future plans, in our books, Comrade Obama Unmasked and Red Star Rising.

As America’s first Marxist president, his job isn’t done and he will not rest until a complete Marxist takeover is complete. His mentor, communist Frank Marshall Davis, taught Obama that blacks have a “reason to hate” white people. But other minorities and constituency groups will also have to be mobilized.  Looking at what happened in both Virginia and Alabama, where the Republicans were defeated with Obama’s help, the former president’s return to Marxist power politics has to be seen as a development that could not only result in the Democratic Party taking control of Congress, but impeaching Trump.

Going forward, two black Democrats, Senators Kamala Harris and Cory Booker, have to be considered as presidential possibilities in 2020. Booker campaigned for Doug Jones and has praised the Phillips’s strategy of “increasing racial and cultural diversity” as the means to power. That means diluting and diminishing the white vote. What this entails, as conservative writer Vic Biorseth documents, is the socially-destructive political agenda of identity politics, in order to destroy the “original identity” of America, based on what used to be shared values and assimilation.

Booker has the added feature of appealing to the pothead vote, since he favors drug legalization on a nationwide basis. Sadly, there are literally millions of potheads in the U.S. today as  a result of Obama’s pro-marijuana policies. He ordered his Attorney General Eric Holder to let the states legalize and market drugs in defiance of federal anti-drug laws.

According to government statistics, marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug. The estimate is that 22.2 million people have used it in the past month. Assuming they can be mobilized and directed to the polls, the stoners are a potential major voting bloc.

As ridiculous as it may seem, the use of drugs in the “fundamental transformation” of America cannot be downplayed. Obama, a member of the marijuana-smoking “Choom Gang,” was the perfect politician to carry out the plan of hedge fund billionaire George Soros to turn America into a virtual narco-state. The next step, as Tina Trent outlined at our November 10 conference, is access to LSD and other mind-bending drugs, marketed as “medicine.” Heroin injection centers are being planned for liberal Seattle.

Many of the stoned voters are “progressive whites,” products of the Marxist Madrassas called colleges and universities. They damage their brains with drugs, graduate with useless degrees and big debt, and become cannon fodder for the revolution. The University of Maryland’s upcoming  “Trans(form)ing Queer” conference is another example of this trend. One topic, “Sex work and sexual economies,” suggests another constituency group for the Democratic Party – prostitutes. There is really no end to mobilizing disaffected and alienated groups of people for special recognition and benefits.

Having conquered Alabama, they are targeting Georgia and Texas. In fact, left-wing journalist John Nichols has written an article, “Can Our Revolution Build a Blue Texas?,” explaining how a “Revolutionize Texas” campaign can change the political nature of this Republican state.

On college campuses, not surprisingly, the brainwashing is well underway. The University of Texas in 2016 held its first annual international Black Studies conference, “Black Matters: The Futures of Black Scholarship and Activism,” featuring communist Angela Davis. Earlier this year Texas State University also hosted Davis. Houston Style Magazine said her audience consisted of “adoring students.”

If students at major Texas universities are giving a black communist a sympathetic or adoring reception, you know that “Red State” Texas may be turning not only blue but into a kind of “red” that conservative Republicans may not anticipate.

Remember that Trump won Texas in the 2016 presidential race by only nine points. He had won Alabama by about 28 points.

It seems clear that since Trump’s amazing victory, Obama has outsmarted Stephen Bannon and the Republican Party every step of the way.

Alarmed by political developments, former Republican House Speaker and Fox News contributor Newt Gingrich says the GOP is on the “edge of disaster” and that avoiding a Democratic wave election in 2018 “requires action now.”

But it may be too late for a strategy to derail Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller’s campaign to impeach Trump by charging him with obstruction of justice. Gingrich had praised Mueller’s appointment but now questions his fairness.

The new Gingrich book is titled Understanding Trump. It’s too bad he didn’t understand what Mueller was up to. Obama and his comrades in the Department of Justice surely do.

© 2017 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Conservative Dupes In The Russia-Gate Probe

Rush Limbaugh has interviewed former prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy about how Robert S. Mueller’s Russia-gate investigation has turned out so badly for President Trump and his associates. That’s funny. Back in May, McCarthy, a former assistant U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, wrote an article for National Review appearing under the headline, “Robert Mueller: A Solid Choice for Trump-Russia Investigation ‘Special Counsel.’”

Here’s what McCarthy, described as one of the nation’s most prominent voices on legal and national security issues,  said: “Bob Mueller is a widely respected former prosecutor, U.S. attorney, high-ranking Justice Department official, and FBI director. He is highly regarded by both parties…He is a straight shooter, by the book, and studiously devoid of flash.” Using “Bob” seemed to imply they are friends or associates.

Limbaugh himself said that Mueller “has perhaps the best and the cleanest reputation in all of official Washington. He is Mr. Integrity. He is Mr. Cultured. He is Mr. Mannered. He is Mr. Sophisticated. There isn’t a soul in Washington who dares utter nary a negative word about Mueller.”

Seven million dollars later, there has been a lot of flash, leaks, a few pleas, some indictments, and Trump’s presidency is on the line. McCarthy, a buddy of Limbaugh who also appears on his radio program, now thinks Mueller is building a case for impeachment. They didn’t recognize Mueller as the hatchet man for the Deep State that he really was.

Clearly, McCarthy was fooled bigly. So were many others. It is an indictment of the “conservative media” that failed to do their digging into Mueller’s real record.

Forgive me for tooting my own horn, but I said from the beginning that Mueller was going to take down Trump. How did I know? Did I have insider information? No. But I did have access to the objective facts about Mueller’s disastrous tenure as FBI director. All that a journalist had to do was review history and consult knowledgeable sources. These facts included implicating the wrong people in the post-9/11 anthrax attacks, working with the Muslim Brotherhood to purge FBI materials of the truth about radical Islam, and failing to reform the FBI’s internal security system after Russian spy and FBI agent Robert Hanssen was caught.

Mueller is the ultimate symbol of what has gone wrong with our system of government. In an honest world, he should have been forced into retirement in disgrace.  Instead, he is running a Star Chamber proceeding targeting our elected president.

McCarthy’s May 17 column declared, “Democrats are so Trump-deranged that I suspect, despite Mueller’s solid reputation, they will claim the fix is in if impeachment does not appear to be on the horizon in short order. But most people will give Mueller a chance. And he deserves that.”

This is how conservatives, led by National Review, rolled over and let things get out of control.

I knew where it was heading. My June 9 column was titled, “Trump Should Say ‘You’re Fired’ to Special Counsel.” I wrote, “Since Mueller can’t indict Trump, his investigation could produce impeachment charges against Trump, which would be filed by the House if the Republican majority disappears in the 2018 elections.”

This has been the plan all along. Charges of impeachment, based on obstruction of justice and even sexual harassment allegations against Trump, will be lodged. For now, the process continues. “House Overwhelmingly Rejects Trump Impeachment Vote,” said the Daily Caller on Wednesday. The vote was 364-58.

Mueller and his Deep State allies understand that the impeachment process is at an early stage and that clueless conservatives can be counted on to keep saying (to themselves) that there is really nothing to worry about.

By the middle of June, McCarthy seemed to be having second thoughts about the work of honest “Bob” Mueller, the “straight shooter.” He wrote an article under the headline, “Mend, Don’t End, Mueller’s Investigation.” McCarthy was now saying, “The alarm bells that led to Mueller’s erroneous appointment cannot be un-rung. But legal surgery needs to be done, lest Mueller’s amorphous mandate lead to Scooter Libby 2.0, or worse, another Iran-Contra epic — a fiasco that seemed to have a longer run than Phantom of the Opera.”

It looks like Mueller had a case of Trump-derangement syndrome. Perhaps that stemmed from Trump’s open disgust with the U.S. intelligence community, also known as the Deep State. It appears that Trump understood that the U.S. was losing in the world because our CIA, FBI, NSA, and other agencies were seemingly unable or unwilling to defend America and its interests. America’s enemies had been winning and growing more powerful under former President Barack Hussein Obama. Why? This is the area that cried out for an inquiry.

Now, in December, however, McCarthy has concluded that something has gone wrong in the investigation and that the “straight arrow” Mueller is now targeting Trump personally for charges of obstruction of justice and is making a case for impeachment.

Once again, because of his prestige, background, and credentials, he made news.  “Former federal prosecutor Andy McCarthy is also saying this is now an obstruction of justice investigation and the ultimate goal is to impeach President Trump,” said Sean Hannity on his Fox News show. Yes, but McCarthy and other legal experts and scholars had assured us that Mueller was honest and a straight shooter.

Patting myself on the back, I wrote last May that Mueller had fooled a lot of people and that his appointment was good news for the Swamp but bad news for Trump. I noted the evidence that Mueller had badly mishandled the anthrax investigation after the September 11, 2001, attacks, and that he was being criticized for a cover-up in the case and sued. That same month, May 2017, I wrote a column under the headline, “Special Counsel Mueller Will Get His Man,” explaining more of the corruption surrounding Mueller’s tenure as FBI director. I cited evidence that Mueller purged government materials of information that identified the nature of the Islamic terrorist enemy. I said Mueller was determined to get Trump and would pursue the president.

Here’s what I wrote: “Those who say there is no evidence of a crime in Russia-gate miss the whole point. Mueller will produce evidence of a crime out of nothing if he has to.” I predicted a flimsy “obstruction of justice” charge against Trump, based on Mueller’s probe of Michael T. Flynn. This is exactly what we are seeing come to pass.

My column explained, “Mueller’s job is to damage and destroy a President elected by the people. His job is to protect his friend, former FBI director Comey, who used a spurious document, the ‘Trump Dossier,’ to conduct an inquiry that has turned up nothing.” This was apparent from the beginning.

Another motive is to divert attention away from the other problems in the FBI that we have seen on display in such incidents as the Las Vegas massacre (where the FBI seems to have no clue on motive), left-winger James Hodgkinson’s planned massacre of Congressional Republicans (the FBI blamed it on “anger management” problems), and FBI involvement in the attempted assassination of Pamela Geller in Garland, Texas (an FBI undercover agent was among the Jihadists).

Finally, there’s Mueller’s handling of the case of Robert Hannsen, the most damaging spy in FBI history. He had spied for Soviet and Russian intelligence services against the United States for 22 years, from 1979 to 2001, and was caught before Mueller took over as FBI director. But Mueller was responsible for making sure something like this never happened again. He was supposed to carry out reforms to catch infiltrators and spies. The Inspector General said that Hanssen had escaped detection “because of longstanding systemic problems in the FBI’s counterintelligence program and a deeply flawed internal security program” and had recommended a central repository for the receipt, collection, storage, and analysis of derogatory information concerning FBI employees “with access to sensitive information.” By 2007, the Inspector General said that the FBI had “not yet established” such a repository, which could help identify security risks and spies.

This failure may help explain why and how we had an FBI agent with an anti-Trump bias named Peter Strzok reportedly running investigations of Trump and Hillary and having an affair on the side with another FBI employee. He was a security risk on the Mueller Special Counsel payroll. He hasn’t been fired, just reassigned.

Although various conservative outlets carried my columns about FBI corruption and Mueller’s game plan in Russia-gate, I was never invited on the conservative talk shows or quoted in Breitbart about Mueller’s desire to take down Trump. I was virtually alone in warning about what was to come. People like McCarthy and Limbaugh, with their claims about Mueller’s honesty, made what is happening today possible. They were dupes, now with egg on their faces.

The stakes are enormous. The fate of an elected president hangs in the balance. From the FBI point of view, a corrupt agency and corrupt agents are at risk of being exposed and punished.  What I fear is that the same Russian operatives who wrote the “Trump Dossier” are pulling the strings in the FBI itself. Hence, Russia-gate is a diversion from corruption and moles within the FBI. It’s a big mess, as Trump might say.

At this point, it doesn’t look like Trump is willing to fire Mueller and issue pardons for Mueller’s victims. Convinced that Mueller was an “honest” man and a “straight arrow,” Trump may have waited too long. Firing Mueller at this point might make him look desperate and accelerate demands for his impeachment.

In the meantime, conservative defenders of Mueller should explain in detail how and why they went so badly wrong. It would be appropriate for this mea culpa to begin on Rush Limbaugh’s radio show.  It turns out that he flunked out of his own fictitious Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies. His claim about being right 99.9 percent of the time has taken a huge hit. But he won’t lose his job. Trump will.

[Read Cliff Kincaid’s book “Global Bondage: The U.N. Plan to Rule the World.” Book is out of print and supply is limited.]

© 2017 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Sacrificing Their Own To Get Trump

The words “national reckoning” are appearing with some regularity in media reports about various sex scandal cases. It’s almost as if there is an unseen hand in the media orchestrating or coordinating in advance the presidential race in 2020, a year already being labeled “The Year of the Woman.” It’s designed to create an opportunity for California Democratic Party Senator and staunch feminist, Kamala Harris, to run as a presidential candidate. In this culmination of the “national reckoning,” she’s ready to take on the male power structure and break the glass ceiling. Where Hillary failed, Harris will succeed.

It’s as if our whole society is being indicted for the alleged misconduct of a few disciples of the late Hugh Hefner, who happened to be a funder of Democratic Party causes.

It’s time for caution, objective reporting, and the truth, rather than partisan political advantage. The proof exists in the cases of Democratic Senator Al Franken and Rep. John Conyers.  When evidence exists, such as a photo, documentary evidence of a settlement, or admission of guilt, that’s one thing. But charges alone do not convict anyone of anything. That’s why the case of Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore case is so different. He has denied the charges and evidence for them seems weak, non-existent, or in dispute. One accuser seems to have relied on a forgery.

Strangely, the cavalcade of allegations and charges has ignored the role of Playboy’s liberal founder in exploiting women, polluting the culture, and creating an atmosphere in which sexual exploitation and abuse occurs. Instead, we are being told that we have got to come to grips with America’s oppression of women and take the next step toward a Marxist paradise. That means Trump and his backward Christian supporters like Roy Moore must go. America already elected a black man, Barack Hussein Obama, who is still acting like he’s president. The logical next step is for a feminist to take the presidency. Her name is Kamala Harris. The plan is already set in motion. This is the script they are writing and following.

Harris is “fast on the rise as a prominent and powerful feminist voice,” declared the Washington Post, the liberal tool of Amazon’s Jeff Bezos which began the assault on Roy Moore.  Aggressively taking on her male colleagues in the Senate, Harris said, “This is not a time for courtesy. This is a time for courage.” She can be counted on to lead the effort to expel Moore should he win the Alabama race on December 12. She will attempt to ride this train all the way into the 2020 presidential race.

But without a “national reckoning” about media malpractice and misdeeds, another serious disease in the body politic, there is reason to suspect that the liberal media are sacrificing their own sexist allies in the Democratic Party for “the greater good.” The ultimate goal is getting rid of Trump, assuming that “Russia-gate” doesn’t do the trick.

This is why the media reluctantly exposed Bill Clinton as a womanizer and Hillary has been thrown overboard.

The stakes are huge. As analyst Trevor Loudon noted at the recent America’s Survival conference in Washington, D.C., the Democratic Party and its allies were “freaked out” by Trump’s 2016 presidential victory. Loudon suggests the goal is to elect another black president in 2020, possibly a black female such as Senator Kamala Harris. The senator’s sister, Maya Harris, is a veteran operative working with Steve Phillips, the author of the Obama-approved “Brown is the New White” strategy of taking power.

With the economy improving and the workers who went for Trump in 2016 probably sticking with him in 2020, the “progressive” strategy has got to be to rile up another segment of the coalition – women. Hence, female potential voters, a majority of the population, are being conditioned to believe that sexism and the capitalist system’s “patriarchy” are stacked against them, and that they have no alternative but to make their mark on the political process by voting for the first woman president. With Hillary out of the way, a real radical feminist can be nominated and elected. Harris fits the bill. She’s black and female. In addition, there are new Democratic constituency groups – potheads and felons, who can perhaps make up for the white voters sticking with Trump.

The sheer number of sex scandal cases has been enough to convince almost anyone that America is infected with so much moral corruption that it can only be solved by giving a woman the presidency. But the media’s adoration of Hugh Hefner, the dirty old man and pervert, demonstrates they could care less about abusing women for the benefit of men. Most liberals still adore him because he put some of his money into causes like abortion and gay rights, drug legalization, and the ACLU. In other words, the liberals took the dirty money and were bought off.

Accused serial sex abuser Bill Cosby was a regular at the Playboy mansion. As the Washington Post put it, Cosby “partied with Hugh Hefner and was a regular at the magazine mogul’s Playboy Mansion bacchanals,” a term which means “an occasion of wild and drunken revelry.” Various news organizations then ran articles quoting Hugh Hefner, aka “Hef,” as saying he was shocked — shocked– by allegations that Bill Cosby molested a 15-year-old girl at his Playboy mansion. There was no follow-up investigation into the fact that Playboy, according to researcher Judith Reisman, had pioneered the depiction of little girls as sex objects.  Dr. Reisman, now a research professor at the Liberty University School of Law and Director of the Child Protection Institute, discovered that deliberate child sexual images were planted in Playboy.

Over the years, in addition to funding the liberal-left, Hefner had contributed thousands of dollars to Democratic Party candidates. He even gave then-presidential candidate Barack Obama $2,300 in 2007, according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) records.

Hefner, described by one brave feminist as “the ultimate advocate for the objectification of women,” may even have inspired the activities of Senator Al Franken and Rep. John Conyers. But “can’t touch this” is the approach to beloved “Hef” and his place in American history.  Media reports described him after his death as an American icon or a cultural icon.  He ruined countless lives.

The cases of abuse we are reading about are terrible. But Hefner was the trailblazer who made it all possible and acceptable through the sexual revolution that brought America record rates of sexually-transmitted disease, including HIV/AIDS. My 1992 book, The Playboy Foundation: A Mirror of the Culture?, noted that Hefner’s “Playmates” had suffered from venereal diseases, attempted suicide, procured abortions, used illegal drugs, and engaged in orgies to please Hugh Hefner.

But our media did not shed any tears for them. They didn’t rush to tell their stories. They didn’t demand the records of who visited the Playboy Mansion.

Hefner and his daughter Christie, a “feminist” active in the Democratic Party, made tens of millions of dollars exploiting women and then passed on some of the obscene profits to the media, in the form of Hugh Hefner “First Amendment Awards.” The list of winners and judges is a who’s who of the liberal media establishment that includes Michael Moore and Bill Maher. Rep. Maxine Waters served as a judge.

At a recent memorial service in Chicago, where Playboy was originally based, “Hef” was fondly remembered by such liberal icons as Jesse Jackson. It turns out that “It was Jesse who brought Martin Luther King to the mansion in Chicago,” Hefner said in a film about Playboy. Like King, Jackson had his share of extramarital affairs. Jackson admitted having sex with a female employee and fathering an illegitimate child.

The adoration for Hefner, after the cultural damage he inflicted, demonstrates that the left is not sincere about holding men “accountable.” Instead, they are creating national hysteria over touching and groping for the ultimate purpose of unveiling another accuser or even a series of accusers against Trump. You can bet these women are being prepared and rehearsed even now.

© 2017 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid has written two books on Obama, two on the United Nations, and many on media bias.  His public policy group America’s Survival, Inc., has produced several films and videos on America’s first Marxist president and was instrumental in disclosing Obama’s communist connections in Chicago and Hawaii before he was elected. Cliff can be reached at

The re-education brainwashing camps we call universities

The totalitarian attitude on campus hit me in a very personal way on March 30 as I was sitting on an airplane at Reagan National Airport on my way to Albany, New York. I was informed that a campus debate I was scheduled to participate in later that day had been cancelled. I was told to get off the plane and go home.

I believe this is the first time on a college or university campus that a left-right debate has been cancelled because of objections to one side of the debate.

It appears the totalitarian left is so determined to crush the conservative point of view that it had to be suppressed even when a leftist was on the same panel.

My debate opponent, Jeff Cohen, the founder of Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR), was taken aback. It was as if the far-left censors on the campus of the State University of New York (SUNY) at New Paltz didn’t think he could hold up his end of the debate.

The topic was media coverage of the presidential campaign. Jeff and I have participated in such debates many times in the past, always getting a good reception and generating many questions. The contracts had been signed. New Paltz cancelled the morning of the debate.

The student paper said the event was cancelled after a sociology professor who helps teach women’s studies had caused a controversy over my appearance. She apparently had Googled my name, turning up a denunciation of my views from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). The SPLC reportedly said I had made “controversial statements in the past about Muslims, climate change and homosexuals,” and that I was “an unrepentant propagandist for extremist right-wing causes.”

I was not allowed to respond to the charges before the decision was made to prevent me from appearing.

Digging into the fiasco, the student paper said, “In a discussion that originated on the faculty email system and subsequently obtained by The New Paltz Oracle, Anne R. Roschelle, Ph.D., a sociology professor, voiced her objections to Kincaid’s involvement in the debate. However, Roschelle made clear to note that she did not seek to bar Kincaid from speaking.”

That was quite interesting. She had “voiced her objections” to my involvement in the debate but did not “seek to bar Kincaid from speaking.” Whatever the meaning of this double-talk, it appears that a faculty member had decided what students should be exposed to on campus.

She was quoted as saying that she was “not advocating he be uninvited or that people disrupt his talk.” But Roschelle said, “What I am suggesting is that for people who do go to his talk to ask critical questions and make your alternative voices heard. We are an open-minded campus.”

Yes, and that’s the purpose of a debate. A debate by definition is where different voices are heard.

It couldn’t be that she was concerned that different voices were not going to be heard. That was the whole purpose of the event. Her concern was that MY voice was going to be heard.

Of course, this isn’t the first time a conservative has been kept off campus. In this case, however, the event was a debate involving a left-wing media critic who happens to be a professor at Ithaca College. In other words, both sides were going to be represented. Still, the mere fact that I was going to be part of the debate was enough to get the event cancelled. I think this is unprecedented. It demonstrates the kind of atmosphere that exists at New Paltz.

This is the kind of “educational atmosphere” that Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), the socialist running for president, wants to subsidize with more taxpayer dollars.

This incident and others have convinced me that the old brick-and-mortar universities have run their course and need to be defunded. It’s time to replace them with true centers of learning that offer real academic freedom, and courses that teach marketable skills at a reduced cost. The kind of “political revolution” we need in this country is not of the Bernie Sanders variety. Rather, it’s a way forward that offers real learning through alternative educational institutions that provide online opportunities and career-advancement to students where they live and work.

The taxpayers who pay the bill for these Marxist re-education camps we call colleges and universities have to revolt against the socialism that rules higher education in America. Sanders wants to perpetuate that mind-set because he knows that, under the guidance of faculty from sociology, women’s and queer studies, students are being mind-controlled and groomed for jobs that don’t exist. Hence, they become more cannon-fodder for the revolution.

Perhaps the taxpayers who help fund New Paltz might want to know how such things happen in an atmosphere that is supposed to assure freedom of speech on campus. I certainly want to know.

Indeed, I am attempting to get to the bottom of the reasons for the cancellation of the event through a Freedom of Information request using a state law meant to assure transparency in state government and state-funded institutions. Let’s see if the university administration will follow the law and give me the names.

I want to determine who on the campus was part of the process to deny students the right to hear a left-right debate on coverage of the campaign.

New Paltz declares on its website: “Creativity permeates campus life at New Paltz. The learning atmosphere has an air of imaginative inquiry that bridges all academic endeavors. The faculty encourages students to question, experiment, and discover in ways that lead to innovative thinking.”

But not in this case.

The website also declares that a New Paltz education is “one that retains lifelong relevance through what is required to achieve it: broad and specific knowledge, exposure to differing perspectives, open-minded inquiry, and a spirit of inventiveness.”

But not in this case.

Parents who consider New Paltz for their students are being given a big dose of false advertising.

I informed University President Donald P. Christian in a letter:

“I was very disappointed for the lost opportunity to share my ideas with young college students. I had thought that a college campus was the perfect place for an exchange of ideas. I have had two of my sons go through college, and my youngest, who is turning 17, is on a tour of college campuses.

• “What should I tell him about New Paltz being open to different ideas and freedom of speech and expression?
• “Why should any student or parent consider New Paltz as an option for those who engage in free thinking, rational thought, and open debate and discussion?
• “Why has this happened at New Paltz, alone among many different colleges and universities?”

Later that day, after receiving my letter, the administration reversed itself, saying they wanted to reschedule and bring the debate to campus after all. Unfortunately, my schedule wouldn’t permit such an event until the fall. I look forward to going back, with adequate security and police protection.

By then, I should have the answers to why, in an unprecedented development, a debate was cancelled on a university campus.

What we know so far is that “diversity” on campus doesn’t apply to diversity in thought and opinion. These institutions of “higher education” are bankrupt financially and morally.

© 2016 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

Bernie Sanders the biggest demagogue of them all

The liberal media want us to believe that Donald J. Trump is the most notorious political demagogue to arrive on the American political scene in decades. But Trump is a piker compared to socialist Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who has gotten millions of young people into a revolutionary frenzy and fervor over the idea of a taxpayer bailout for colleges that provide useless degrees in such areas as women’s studies and queer studies.

Consider the Sanders proposal to “make college tuition free and debt free” for young people. My oldest son Clifford has studied this issue, and has taken many online courses through accredited institutions of higher education. He has written an article noting that the Sanders proposal would funnel students “into an expensive and inefficient system that is largely failing today’s graduates.” He adds, “By doing nothing to address the underlying cost increases of education, the American taxpayer could be looking at a new Medicare, with no horizon in sight for the ever-increasing costs of the program.”

“Why should the American taxpayer and government continue to subsidize a failing university system?” he asks. “The costs of textbooks, tuition, and fees have all increased many multiples against inflation. Textbook prices alone have increased over 1,000 percent since 1977. Many college professors now demand that their students buy the book that they wrote. Not only this, but a new edition is released almost yearly. Even if a student wanted to get by using last year’s edition, new textbooks often have an ‘online key’ that can only be used once, making the purchase of a new textbook essential in order to do the mandatory homework that can only be accessed online using this key.”

The state schools that Sanders wants to subsidize usually include these exorbitant textbook requirements. By contrast, “other new and innovative online schools like the online American College of Education (ACE) require no textbook,” he points out. “Rather, they assign readings and coursework using academic journal articles. The advantages of such an approach are two-fold for the student: they eliminate expensive textbooks and provide information that is much more up-to-date than a textbook can provide. Not only are expensive textbooks a thing of the past at ACE but so is expensive tuition—ACE offers numerous master’s degrees in education for around $7,000.”

Indeed, he notes that “in recent years there has been a proliferation of low and reasonable cost options for schooling, especially online. Lest there be any confusion, these are not online diploma mills. Rather, many of these are regionally-accredited, respectable institutions that offer bachelor’s degrees, master’s and even doctoral degrees for very reasonable costs.” He cites Western Governors University as an example of an affordable, accredited university. It was founded by 19 governors of Western states in 1995 to offer affordable tuition by taking advantage of online learning technologies.

My son concludes his article by saying, “Forget a bachelor’s in basket weaving; this university offers coursework in highly marketable areas like information technology, nursing, education, and business. Coursework for many of these programs can be completed entirely online. The programs with required field experiences can be conveniently completed in or near one’s own hometown.”

He notes that the major flaw in the Sanders proposal is that many universities “are failing to prepare today’s students for tomorrow’s jobs.” He explains, “Last year, 260,000 bachelor’s degree holders were making the federal minimum wage. Add in the 200,000 associate degree holders making the minimum wage, and we’re left with just short of half a million college degree holders getting a very poor return on their college investment, which includes not only tuition dollars but also two to four years of their time and associated lost wages.”

What Sanders is proposing is to funnel more tax dollars into an educational system that is already wasting money and failing. He will saddle the taxpayers with more debt in the name of relieving the debt being paid by students who end up with either no jobs—or bad jobs. If this is not demagoguery, then what is?

My son’s admonition to forget about a bachelor’s in basket weaving at your local college, and to take a look instead at what’s being offered by accredited online universities, brings up another excellent point. The Sanders proposal does nothing to fix the proliferation of useless courses being offered by traditional brick-and-mortar universities. You cannot walk through a tour of most colleges without getting lectured about the need for “diversity” and the prevalence of women’s and even queer studies.

My youngest son and I took a tour of Columbia University in New York City recently and were told that the contributions of the great Western thinkers to our civilization would be “updated” in various classes with reference to the involvement of feminists and homosexuals. There is even a “Queer House” or “Q House” on campus. A 28-page guide is available on “Resources and Programs at Columbia University related to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) Issues.”

A tour of the University of Virginia, supposedly more conservative, found fliers on bulletin boards advertising “Pride Week 2016” with “Safe Space Training” and a “Pronouns Workshop.” The sponsors included the Virginia Department of Health, the Queer Student Union, the LGBTQ Center, the Student Council, and the Office of the Vice President and Chief Officer for Diversity and Equity at the University of Virginia. What jobs does this produce for young people?

Dr. Tina Trent, who writes about problems in academia, says that non-ideological and technologically-oriented students are increasingly being drawn to online learning opportunities that prepare them for the real world. Many students, she notes, just can’t afford to “mess around for four years” in areas that offer nothing practical or marketable. Still, she notes, “the big money is behind the brick and mortar perversity circus.”

That big money is what Sanders is promising more of. He says he wants to pay for free college tuition through a Wall Street tax. “The cost of this $75 billion a year plan is fully paid for by imposing a tax of a fraction of a percent on Wall Street speculators who nearly destroyed the economy seven years ago,” he says. But a so-called Wall Street tax would also affect the 55 percent of Americans who report having money invested in stocks. This category of Americans includes parents trying to save enough money to send their children to college.

While he is now claiming that his free college tuition plan is “fully paid for by imposing a tax on Wall Street speculators,” that is not true. A “College for All Act” he proposed in the Senate depended on the states to provide at least one-third of the costs. When pressed on this, he admits that many states can’t, or won’t, pay for that one-third. Sanders has deliberately obscured the details in order to deceive young people and get them enlisted in the “political revolution” that he claims to be leading.

Even with all of the problems in academia these days, it doesn’t take much of an education to conclude that Sanders is lying about the cost of his plan, and misrepresenting how it would be paid for. He is a demagogue of the worst order, manipulating the hopes and fears of millions of young Americans. Even worse, he is leaving them with no hope—or hope in socialism, which is a dead end.

What we really need is a revolution in education, away from the brick-and-mortar institutions of the past to modern institutions that provide less expensive but more relevant courses that lead to real jobs. But this kind of revolution would not serve the political purposes of the socialists working desperately to capture the minds of the next generation.

Our media should start telling the truth: Bernie Sanders is a demagogue and his proposals are fraudulent.

© 2016 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

Expelling white heterosexuals from the news business

The media are once again going nuts over the fact that a state legislature has acted to protect Christians and their churches and businesses from the demands of various sexual minorities. As we have noted before, the power of the real one percent has enormous influence in the major media. The real one percent consists of the open and closeted homosexuals and their allies in positions of power in the major media, academia and the corporate world.

When they want to make an example of Indiana, North Carolina and now Mississippi, they can do so. It is something to behold. They have the ability to make an entire state look like a hotbed of homophobia and hate. The special rights of homosexuals and even “transgendered” people suddenly take precedence over the constitutional rights of religious believers.

What is being demanded is nothing less than the “right” of a man to dress up as a woman and invade the privacy of real women and girls in a ladies’ restroom. That is one of the “rights” that is at stake in what is happening in Mississippi. The legislature and the governor have rejected what is clearly perverted behavior and have affirmed the rights and privacy of those of who understand the science of DNA and biological differences.

Before Mississippi took center stage as the most villainous state, North Carolina was under attack because its legislature passed—and its governor signed—a bill known as the North Carolina Public Facilities and Security Act. It will prohibit men from using women’s restrooms, locker rooms and shower rooms.

Liberty Counsel, which is offering to defend the law in court, points out, “The North Carolina law was passed to maintain statewide uniformity and prevents abuse, such as has happened in other states. Recently, a 51-year-old cross-dressing male in Georgia entered the women’s restroom and exposed himself to women who were shocked and offended. In Minneapolis, a 15-year-old boy entered the girls’ locker room where five girls were in various stages of undress as they prepared for a basketball game. The boy looked around and disrobed in front of the frightened girls. When the girls and the parents complained, school authorities said they could not prevent boys from using the girls’ locker room because of the so-called ‘transgender’ policy.”

You don’t have to have a journalism degree to know that there’s something wrong with the journalism business, and understand that it’s dominated by special interest groups. One of the most powerful is the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association, financed by all of the Big Media corporations.

In the past, our main worry as media critics was the influence of liberals and left-wing Democrats. Now we see a concerted push by sexual minorities, including men who dress like women, to assert their rights in the newsroom. They are already exercising influence over news coverage, but now want even more leverage over how the “news” is reported, and by whom.

The idea of concentrating on such elementary questions as who, what, when, where, why and how, is now considered old-fashioned journalism. Instead, the focus is on who reports the news, as they define it, and whether they are members of protected groups. Being white is not a protected class of people. White people are the villains, unless they identify as a member of a protected group. That leaves white heterosexuals as people who have to be demoted or dismissed.

Indeed, several so-called “journalism groups” have now gotten together to issue a joint statement urging newsrooms to “close the race and gender salary gaps.” I’ve read their statement and I am still at a loss to explain how skin color or one’s gender or sexual preference is critical to journalistic skills.

But one thing is certain: whiteness is considered a cancer in the newsroom.

“As representatives of more than 7,000 journalists of color across America, we are pleased that The Wall Street Journal and its parent company Dow Jones have pledged to close the race and gender salary gaps among their employees, as reported by the Washington Post on March 25,” they say in their statement. “But we will remain vigilant until those inequities are remedied—not just at The Journal, but in all newsrooms.”

Indeed, whiteness is such a cancer in the newsroom that a “remedy” is needed. These white people have to be put in their place. They must be cut down to size.

The story in the Post cited union data as having “revealed that white men make significantly more money than everyone else at publications owned by Dow Jones & Co.” The assumption seems to be that these white men do not deserve more money. Do they? Have they been there longer? Are they more productive? Are they better writers and editors?

All that I see is a conclusion that because they are white, they are not entitled to higher wages.

It appears that these white men are guilty of discrimination as charged, simply because they are white. That sounds like discrimination to me.

The groups protesting the position of the white male in journalism include:

• Asian American Journalists Association
• Native American Journalists Association
• National Association of Black Journalists
• National Association of Hispanic Journalists
• National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association
• Journalists for Diversity

Don’t get the impression that because the name of the last group includes the word “diversity” that diversity of thought and opinion is important to these people. They are talking about “diversity” of appearance or behavior. None of this has anything to do with how you do your job as a journalist.

In their statement, they say, “We urge all news organizations to conduct their own inquiries about pay and ensure that hard working journalists are being paid fairly and equitably, regardless of color or gender.” Perhaps they should have conducted this research before spouting off. Where is the evidence that hard work is not paying off? Where is the evidence that journalists are being denied opportunities because they are black or gay?

It doesn’t really matter what the evidence shows. The evidence is irrelevant. What matters is your color or sexual orientation. This is what journalism has become.

Hence, the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA) just held a national fundraiser in New York City sponsored by Fox News, NBC, CNN, CBS News and ABC News, among others.

You may have thought these news organizations were in competition with one another. That’s what they want you to believe. But when it comes to promoting the homosexual agenda, including the “rights” of transgenders, they are on the same page. That’s why the coverage of these sexual issues by so many news organizations that seem to differ in their ideological orientation is in fact similar in bias and approach. The real one percent is in charge and growing stronger by the day. They are now determined to expel normal, white heterosexuals from the newsroom.

© 2016 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

Where’s the scrutiny of Hillary on abortion?

GOP presidential candidate Donald J. Trump is taking a beating from the press over his flip-flops on abortion. But the leading Democrat candidate for president, Hillary Clinton, has escaped serious scrutiny over her extreme position that would seem to prohibit any restrictions on the procedure.

Trump regularly compares his flip-flops to how Ronald Reagan changed on the issue. Of course, Reagan changed in a much more dramatic and thoughtful way. He actually authored a major essay, 3,600 words in length, which was made into a small book, “Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation.”

Trump has posted an eloquent 600-word statement that notes that he did not always hold the pro-life position, “but I had a significant personal experience that brought the precious gift of life into perspective for me.” He previously had said that “what happened is friends of mine years ago were going to have a child, and it was going to be aborted. And it wasn’t aborted. And that child today is a total superstar, a great, great child.”

Reagan’s essay, which was published 10 years after the Supreme Court legalized abortion on demand, drew upon moral considerations but also medical and scientific evidence. He noted that 1981 Senate hearings on the beginning of human life brought out the basic issue more clearly than ever before. “The many medical and scientific witnesses who testified disagreed on many things, but not on the scientific evidence that the unborn child is alive, is a distinct individual, or is a member of the human species,” he said.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has exploited Trump’s flip-flop on abortion. Christina Reynolds, Deputy Communications Director for Hillary for America, sent out an email asking for financial support to protest Trump’s position on “the health care decisions” of women, neglecting the rights of the unborn child.

It’s Mrs. Clinton who should be subjected to tough questioning over the issue to see whether her pro-abortion advocacy can hold up under pressure.

Some of the pressure is coming from fellow Democrats who object to the cult-like devotion to abortion on demand.

The group, Democrats for Life of America, says, “We, as Democrats, can no longer advocate for a radical abortion agenda.” The group is drawing attention to a former abortionist who is using medical animations to depict the violent reality of what actually happens to a baby and her mother during an abortion. The video features Dr. Anthony Levatino, a board certified obstetrician-gynecologist with 40 years of medical experience who performed over 1,200 abortions in the first and second trimesters.

Democrats for Life is sponsoring an “Open the Big Tent” rally at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in July. The title of the event is an attempt to draw attention to the Democratic Party’s embrace of the pro-abortion mentality and exclusion of pro-lifers. “Over 23 million Democrats in the United States are pro-life. Nonetheless, their voices are not being heard inside our own party. Those voices are being shut out of party discussions and inadequately represented in our party,” the group says.

So while Donald Trump is being castigated by the media for being inarticulate on the issue of abortion, Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party are being given a free ride by the press for a policy that suppresses the scientific and medical evidence of the humanity of the unborn child.

But the media’s pro-abortion bias goes far beyond ignoring the activities of pro-life Democrats.

Kirsten Powers, a liberal Fox News political analyst, had complained publicly about the scant coverage given by the so-called “mainstream media” to the 2013 murder trial of millionaire abortionist doctor Kermit Gosnell, who was subsequently convicted on murder charges and sentenced to life in prison. He is called America’s biggest serial killer in a forthcoming movie about the case. He slit the spinal cords of babies he deliberately aborted and killed them outside the womb.

At the time, Mollie Hemingway quoted Sarah Kliff of The Washington Post as saying she didn’t cover the trial because it was a “local crime.” Eventually, the paper did cover it. Kliff apologized, saying that when she described the Gosnell case as a local crime story, she was wrong. “The egregious and horrifying crimes committed in the physician’s West Philadelphia abortion clinic have become a matter of national attention,” she said.

Indeed, Gosnell operated his “clinic” in Philadelphia, where the Democratic Party convention is taking place.

Another film, “3801 Lancaster: An American Tragedy,” has already been released. It tells the story of “violence, greed, and a cover-up that shook the nation” in the Gosnell case. The title refers to the specific address of his Women’s Medical Society abortion clinic.

During an interview with Chuck Todd of NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Mrs. Clinton, who is a grandmother, was asked, “Are there reasonable restrictions that you would ever support on abortion?” She seemed to reply that she supported no limits to abortion up until the moment of birth. She replied, “I’ve said that there were. And that’s under, that’s under Roe v. Wade, that there can be, uh, restrictions in the very end, uh, of, uh, you know, the third trimester.”

The “very end” of the third trimester is, of course, birth.

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), the other Democratic presidential candidate, shares the view of no restrictions or regulations of abortion on demand. “Can you name a single circumstance at any point in a pregnancy in which you would be okay with abortion being illegal?” Bret Baier of Fox News asked. Sanders replied, “It is wrong for the government to be telling a woman what to do with her own body.”

Mrs. Clinton’s response was, “I have been on record in favor of a late pregnancy regulation that would have exceptions for the life and health of the mother.” But a late pregnancy regulation with these exceptions would also seem like justification of abortion on demand.

The exchanges with Clinton and Sanders at a Fox News-sponsored Town Hall meant that seven Democratic debates or forums had passed without a single question on abortion. The media want to protect the Democrats from being exposed for their extreme positions and lucrative funding from Planned Parenthood and the abortion lobby.

It’s also clear the liberal media are using the issue to bash Republicans for being “anti-woman.”

Reagan had turned the tables on the pro-abortionists in his famous essay, quoting the American founders and the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

“Abraham Lincoln recognized that we could not survive as a free land when some men could decide that others were not fit to be free and should therefore be slaves,” Reagan said. “Likewise, we cannot survive as a free nation when some men decide that others are not fit to live and should be abandoned to abortion or infanticide. My Administration is dedicated to the preservation of America as a free land, and there is no cause more important for preserving that freedom than affirming the transcendent right to life of all human beings, the right without which no other rights have any meaning.”

In this context, pro-life groups are vigorously opposing Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland to the U.S. Supreme Court. “A Justice Garland replacing Justice Scalia would move the Court dramatically to the pro-abortion position,” they said in a statement. “How do we know? Because President Obama and the abortion lobby wouldn’t have it any other way. Anyone he nominates will join the voting bloc on the Court that consistently upholds abortion on demand.”

They back this statement up by quoting the liberal New York Times as saying that “A Supreme Court with Merrick Garland Would Be the Most Liberal in Decades.”

© 2016 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

Free Otto Warmbier

A student who studied economics at the prestigious University of Virginia has been sentenced to 15 years in the North Korean gulag for stealing a banner praising the patriotic socialism of the late communist dictator Kim Jong Il. Otto Warmbier was on a trip to the communist workers’ paradise sponsored by Young Pioneer Tours, and apparently wanted a souvenir or memento.

It’s not clear if he was a Bernie Sanders-style socialist or a member of the campus Democratic club. In any case, he didn’t realize the power of the state. Perhaps he is a victim of academia or Sanders’ notion of socialism.

Washington Post columnist Christine Emba, in an article on our “socialist youth,” writes about how socialism seems to have become “the political orientation du jour among voters of a certain (read: young) age.” Emba says socialism has ceased to be a dirty word, and there’s nothing wrong with young people turning out in support of the “democratic socialist” Sanders.

“When Sanders’s critics raise the alarm about socialism’s return, they paint a picture of collectivization, supply shortages and totalitarian regimes,” she writes. “But in fact, the socialism that most millennials want is simply a return to a more muscular form of traditional liberalism, one that would have felt right at home in the administration of FDR.”

So is FDR’s New Deal to be found in North Korea? Perhaps Emba ought to devote some time and attention to the bloody record of 100 million dead from communism.

Despite running around the country as a “democratic socialist,” Sanders insists he is not a socialist or a communist. He says, “The next time you hear me attacked as a socialist…remember this: I don’t believe that government should take over the grocery store down the street, or control the means of production. But I believe that the middle class and the working families who produce the wealth of America deserve a fair deal.”

Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) National Political Committee Member David Green says, “Our goal as socialists is to abolish private ownership of the means of production.” That’s communism.

Sanders has appeared before various DSA conventions and rallies over the years and has been reported to be a member of DSA. He has thanked the group for supporting his various campaigns for public office. He hasn’t been asked by the media to comment on the fact that one of his prominent supporters in the Washington, D.C. area is a convicted former spy for the Soviet Union and East Germany who is still a member of the DSA.

DSA has signed on as a co-sponsor of Democracy Spring, a march from Philadelphia to Washington, D.C. beginning April 2, with “actions” in the capital April 11-16 that are predicted to include “mass civil disobedience with a potential for arrests.”

It’s too bad Warmbier won’t be here to participate. Will Sanders travel to North Korea to get freedom for the American student?

“Welcome to Young Pioneer Tours, the first company to offer budget tours to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea [DPRK],” says the group that sponsored Warmbier’s trip to communist North Korea. It also sponsors tours to Cuba. The symbol of the tour group is a person holding a red flag with the hammer and sickle.

You may recall that the media discovered, through digging (because the Sanders campaign was not forthcoming), that Sanders lived in an Israeli commune whose members paraded around carrying red flags and were dedicated to Joseph Stalin. Sanders and his wife later went on a honeymoon to the Soviet Union.

Stalin engineered the North Korean invasion of South Korea, resulting in the deaths of 54,246 Americans.

In a question-and-answer section on the tour group’s website, we are told that North Korea is “Extremely safe!” and that “Despite what you may hear, North Korea is probably one of the safest places on Earth to visit. Tourism is very welcomed in North Korea, thus tourists are cherished and well taken care of. We have never felt suspicious or threatened at any time. In fact, North Koreans are super friendly and accommodating, if you let them into your world. Even during tense political moments tourism to the DPRK is never affected.”

You may have seen Warmbier crying on television and apologizing for his crimes against the communists. He blamed the United States, saying, “I wish that the United States administration never manipulate people like myself in the future to commit crimes against foreign countries. I entirely beg you, the people and government of the DPRK, for your forgiveness. Please! I made the worst mistake of my life!”

The University of Virginia Cavalier Daily described Warmbier as a third-year student in the McIntire School of Commerce, where he is pursuing a double major in commerce and economics.

Rather than insist that these students merely want a “more muscular form of traditional liberalism,” it would appear that some of these Sanders supporters desire socialism or full-blown communism.

“President Obama told a group of young people in Argentina not to worry about the differences between capitalism and communism and ‘just choose from what works,’” The Washington Times reports. Obama knows his Marxism. According to the Marxist dialectic, socialism is just one stage on the way to communism. What “works” is what works at a particular time in a particular country.

Obama had just left Cuba, which is a Marxist-Leninist single-party state.

Not much is known about the political views of student Otto Warmbier, but it’s a safe bet he was a victim of academia and the media regarding the nature of Marxism and Marxist regimes.

Did he not understand that the term “young pioneers” harkens back to the Young Pioneers in the Soviet Union? According to Russia Today’s Russiapedia, “…the Pioneers was militaristic in style with many symbols of hierarchy and the state. Flags, bugles and drums all helped to instill a sense of belonging to a cause, and young pioneers wore uniforms with badges of rank.”

Sanders has said, “I worry very, very much about an isolated country,” in regard to North Korea. He says it’s “a very, very strange country because it is so isolated, and I do feel that a nation with nuclear weapons, they have got to be dealt with.”

Yet, on February 10, when the U.S. Senate approved new sanctions on North Korea for its nuclear tests by a 96-0 vote, Sanders was absent. “GOP presidential candidates Marco Rubio of Florida and Ted Cruz of Texas came off the campaign trail to cast their votes on the important national security issue, while Democratic 2016 hopeful Bernie Sanders of Vermont did not,” CNN reported.

Clinton campaign spokesman Jesse Ferguson said, “It is unfortunate that yet again, Senator Sanders has shown a lack of interest in vital national security issues, failing to vote on sanctions against the country he said poses the greatest threat to the United States.”

How exactly is the Sanders brand of socialism different from that practiced in the DPRK? Perhaps Warmbier can now enlighten us.

“The DPRK is an independent socialist state representing the interests of all the Korean people,” the government’s official website declares. “The socialist system of the Republic is a people-centered social system in which the masses of the working people are the masters of everything and everything in society serves them. In accordance with the nature of its socialist system, the Government of the Republic defends and protects the interests of workers, peasants and intellectuals and all other working people who have become masters of state and society, free from exploitation and oppression.”

Was Warmbier a true believer? Or was he duped like so many of the others?

Come on, Bernie. Demonstrate your commitment to democratic socialism by traveling to North Korea to get the American student back. Denounce the regime. Stand up for freedom.

© 2016 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

Sanders exposes himself on national tv

Democratic presidential candidate and Senator Bernie Sanders has finally been exposed as the hard-core communist he is. It happened at the debate in Miami on Wednesday night, hosted by Univision and The Washington Post, and broadcast on CNN. On Thursday, CNN trumpeted the news from the debate that Sanders had refused to disavow his previous support for the Castro dictatorship in Cuba. Instead, he had reverted to anti-American nonsense while smearing a Democratic president named John F. Kennedy in the process.

As we have been saying for months, “democratic socialism” is just another name for communism.

Until that point, Sanders had been riding a wave of support from foolish Democrats who thought socialism was somehow different than communism, and that Sanders didn’t favor a dictatorship of any kind. He had spoken of socialism in places like Denmark. He was seen as the friendly face of “democratic socialism” with a powerful message of taking it to the so-called “one percent.”

But on Wednesday night, the real Bernie Sanders came through loud and clear.

Hard-core Marxists had been rallying around the Sanders campaign for months. Alan Maass, the editor of, had said, “…the Bernie Sanders campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination has done more than anything else to bring the discussion of socialism into the mainstream.” Maass was ecstatic that “the opinion polls tell us that more and more people are identifying with socialism, or at least preferring socialism over capitalism…”

It was true. A poll of 1,000 likely Democratic voters by the American Action Forum (AAF) found that 57 percent answered “positive” to the question, “Do you think socialism has a positive or negative impact on society?”

This was happening because news organizations had not explained how socialism makes people poor and dependent on government—and murders those who get in the way of the Marxist planners. Hence, in the Fox News Democratic presidential town hall on Monday night, even moderator Bret Baier highlighted how Sanders is considered “honest and trustworthy” in opinion polls. This followed Sanders’ claims that he would control the national debt by giving people free health care and college.

During that town hall, when asked how he would get his proposals enacted into law, Sanders said, “I was the chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. Working with people like John McCain, Jeff Miller over in the House—he was chairman in the House Republican. We put together the most comprehensive veterans’ health care bill in the modern history of America, okay?”

A new health care bill was needed because the socialist VA health care system failed veterans. We have pointed out that Sanders’ pitiful performance as chairman of the Senate Veterans Committee came under serious scrutiny by CNN and other media for defending the VA bureaucrats, putting their interests above the veterans they are supposed to serve.

It’s true that Sanders, who had become chairman of the Senate Veterans Committee in 2013, had worked with Republicans to craft a bill designed to fix the problems. But after playing down the serious nature of the scandal, Sanders was forced to recognize, under pressure from Republicans, that the government-run VA health care system could only be saved by giving patients a private health care option.

We had previously reported how Fox News groveled to Sanders to get him to appear on the town hall. It took several more weeks to get Hillary Clinton to agree to appear. While Baier asked Mrs. Clinton some tough questions, the appeasement of Sanders continued. Baier failed to ask about such topics as Sanders’ membership in a communist Israeli kibbutz called Shaar Haamakim that was dedicated to mass murderer Joseph Stalin, and whose members celebrated May Day with red flags.

But during Wednesday night’s debate in Miami, the issue of Sanders’ support for communist totalitarian regimes was brought up. It will prove to be a major turning point in the campaign. Univision anchor María Elena Salinas said to Sanders: “In 1985, you praised the Sandinista government and you said that Daniel Ortega was an impressive guy. This is what you said about Fidel Castro. Let’s listen:”

Sanders: “You may recall way back in, when was it, 1961, they invaded Cuba, and everybody was totally convinced that Castro was the worst guy in the world. All the Cuban people were going to rise up in rebellion against Fidel Castro. They forgot that he educated their kids, gave them health care, totally transformed their society.”

The “they” Sanders was referring to was the anti-communist U.S. presidency of Democrat John F. Kennedy, who was determined to overthrow Castro. The evidence shows that Kennedy was killed by a Soviet-Cuban conspiracy involving Marxist “Fair Play for Cuba” member Lee Harvey Oswald. A Palestinian Marxist Killed JFK’s brother Robert.

Sanders, the independent-turned-Democrat, had shown callous indifference to the anti-communism that used to dominate the national Democratic Party. He seems oblivious to the evidence that Castro was involved in the assassination of President Kennedy.

Salinas asked, “In South Florida there are still open wounds among some exiles regarding socialism and communism. So please explain what is the difference between the socialism that you profess and the socialism in Nicaragua, Cuba and Venezuela.” Socialism is so successful in Venezuela that the currency is worth less than toilet paper, which is in short supply.

When Sanders failed to answer the question, Salinas shot back: “Senator, in retrospect, have you ever regretted the characterizations that you made of Daniel Ortega and Fidel Castro that way?”

This exchange then took place:

Sanders: I’m sorry. Please say that…

Salinas: In retrospect, have you ever regretted the characterizations of Daniel Ortega and Fidel Castro that you made in 1985?

Sanders: The key issue here was whether the United States should go around overthrowing small Latin American countries. I think that that was a mistake…

Salinas: You didn’t answer the question.

Sanders: …both in Nicaragua and Cuba. Look, let’s look at the facts here. Cuba is, of course, an authoritarian undemocratic country, and I hope very much as soon as possible it becomes a democratic country. But on the other hand… it would be wrong not to state that in Cuba they have made some good advances in health care. They are sending doctors all over the world. They have made some progress in education.

Except for the rather vague and misleading reference to Cuba being “an authoritarian undemocratic country,” it was noteworthy that Sanders had not one word of criticism for the Castro dictatorship.

Sanders talks a lot about non-intervention. In fact, however, Sanders supported NATO’s bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, an illegal and unconstitutional war waged by President Clinton.

On the matter of Cuba, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was prepared, coming back during the debate to say, “I just want to add one thing to the question you were asking Senator Sanders. I think in that same interview, he praised what he called the revolution of values in Cuba and talked about how people were working for the common good, not for themselves. I just couldn’t disagree more. You know, if the values are that you oppress people, you disappear people, you imprison people or even kill people for expressing their opinions, for expressing freedom of speech, that is not the kind of revolution of values that I ever want to see anywhere.”

An anti-communist Hillary had suddenly emerged on the scene. We all know it’s about getting votes in Florida, but it was a decisive moment nonetheless.

The day after the debate, the Hillary Clinton campaign let loose, noting that Sanders “has a troubling history of admiration for the Castros.” The headline over the item on the Clinton-for-president website blared, “Bernie Sanders just refused to disavow his past support for Fidel Castro.” Among other things, Sanders had called Cuba “a model of what a society could be.”

Referring to the poll on Democratic Party support for socialism cited earlier, an editorial in Investor’s Business Daily asked, “How could average Americans of a supposedly mainstream political party throw their lot in with a creed that’s responsible for more human misery and poverty in the world than any other? It boggles the mind. Socialism, and its evil twin, communism, murdered well over 100 million people during the last century, a scale of slaughter unmatched in human history.”

The answer is that some people, like Sanders, deliberately try to separate socialism from communism, despite the fact that the father of both is Karl Marx. Analyst Trevor Loudon notes that so-called “democratic socialism,” as preached by Sanders, is simply a euphemism for socialism. “Socialism is the last stop on the road to Communism,” he notes. The Marxist dialectic is said to produce the final stage of communism through struggle or conflict.

Some people get confused because they think that Communist China has abandoned both socialism and communism in favor of capitalism. Those who doubt that China is still communist should take a look at the recent Wall Street Journal article entitled, “China’s Xi Jinping Puts Loyalty to the Test at Congress.” It’s all about enforcing loyalty to the Chinese Communist Party. The communists are using capitalism to strengthen communism. They consider it another phase the country has to go through to achieve the highest stage of communism.

One of Ronald Reagan’s favorite jokes was about two Russians walking down the street, and one asks, “Comrade, have we reached the highest state of Communism?” The other replies, “Oh, no, I think things are going to get a lot worse.”

This is the brutal and bloody record of socialism and communism.

Yet our media let Sanders run around the country talking about socialism being “democratic.”

Our media have tried to get around this question by framing the issue as one of “income inequality.” It’s just another term for Marxist class warfare.

Now we know that when Sanders talks about imposing socialism on the American people, he’s talking about a dictatorship. Thanks to Univision and anchor María Elena Salinas for bringing out the facts in this case.

© 2016 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

Justice Scalia was more Catholic than the Pope

On Saturday night, a lunatic by the name of Jason Brian Dalton went on a weekend killing spree in Michigan. The next day, contradicting the official Catholic Catechism, Pope Francis called for the worldwide abolition of the death penalty.

The pope doesn’t have to worry about Dalton getting the electric chair or a lethal injection. Michigan does not have the death penalty, which means Dalton, even if convicted of murder, will be entitled to a life at taxpayers’ expense—complete with three meals a day, free health care and cable TV.

On the same day that the pope spoke out against capital punishment, the late Justice Antonin Scalia, a Catholic, was laid to rest. Scalia had said that judges who oppose capital punishment should resign. But that’s not a contradiction of church teaching. Article 2267 of the Catholic catechism, an authoritative compendium of church teaching, says the church “does not exclude recourse to the death penalty, if this is the only possible way of effectively defending human lives” against criminals.

Scalia said the death penalty is not immoral and noted that support for it has been part of Christian and Catholic tradition in the old and new testaments.

The pope said, “The commandment ‘You shall not kill,’ has absolute value and applies to both the innocent and the guilty.”

But that’s not what Christianity or Catholicism teaches. As noted by Cardinal Avery Dulles in the April 2001 issue of First Things, “Turning to Christian tradition, we may note that the Fathers and Doctors of the Church are virtually unanimous in their support for capital punishment, even though some of them such as St. Ambrose exhort members of the clergy not to pronounce capital sentences or serve as executioners.” He noted that St. Augustine wrote in The City of God:

“The same divine law which forbids the killing of a human being allows certain exceptions, as when God authorizes killing by a general law or when He gives an explicit commission to an individual for a limited time. Since the agent of authority is but a sword in the hand, and is not responsible for the killing, it is in no way contrary to the commandment, ‘Thou shalt not kill’ to wage war at God’s bidding, or for the representatives of the State’s authority to put criminals to death, according to law or the rule of rational justice.”

The pope’s comments were widely covered, but news outlets failed to point out that the pope’s position is definitely anti-Catholic and anti-Christian.

The pope appealed “to the consciences of government leaders” that they might join the “international consensus for the abolition of the death penalty.” The official Vatican Radio Network said he “spoke directly to Catholic leaders,” asking them, as a “courageous and exemplary act,” not to carry out any death sentences during the Holy Year of Mercy.

Scalia would have disagreed. In fact, Scalia’s final order was to deny the stay of execution of a Texas man, Gustavo Garcia, who was sentenced to death. The loony-left site ironically named “Think Progress” ran a story headlined, “Scalia’s Final Order Was To Let This Texas Man Die.” It was as if Scalia had failed to save the life of an innocent man. Garcia was executed by the state of Texas on February 16.

Who was this man? CBS News reported, “Court documents show Garcia shot [Craig] Turski in the abdomen on Dec. 9, 1990, then reloaded and shot the man in the back of the head. A month later, Garcia and [Christopher] Vargas entered a Plano convenience store armed with a sawed-off shotgun and carried out a holdup in which another clerk, 18-year-old Gregory Martin, was fatally shot in the head.”

The so-called “Think Progress” website fretted that “a commonly used lethal injection cocktail causes the sensation of being burned alive.”

It had no comment on the sensation of being shot in the head by a criminal.

In another recent case, the Supreme Court ruled 8 to 1 that death sentences handed down against three men, in what became known as the “Wichita Massacre” in 2000, should not have been tossed out by Kansas’ highest court. Scalia wrote the decision. The sole dissenting opinion came from Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, an Obama appointee who was confirmed by the Senate in 2009 in a largely party-line vote, 68 to 31.

The case involved what the court called a “notorious Wichita crime spree [which] culminated in the brutal rape, robbery, kidnaping, and execution-style shooting of five young men and women.” The victims were white and the Carr brothers are black.

Hearing the case last year, Justice Samuel Alito said it involved “some of the most horrendous murders that I have ever seen in my 10 years here. And we see practically every death penalty case that comes up anywhere in the country. These have to rank as among the worst.”

The Wichita Eagle reported:

“Underscoring the court’s apparent tilt, Justice Antonin Scalia took the unusual step of reading, at length, a detailed account of the Carrs’ December 2000 crimes: The brothers broke into a Wichita home on Dec. 15, where they forced the three men and two women inside to have sex with each other while they watched, then repeatedly raped the women over about three hours.

“The brothers then forced the victims to withdraw money from ATMs before taking them to a soccer field at 29th Street North and Greenwich, making them kneel and shooting each one in the head.

“Four of the victims died, but one woman survived a gunshot wound to the head because a plastic clip in her hair deflected the bullet. She ran naked through the snow for help and later testified against the brothers at trial.”

Sedgwick County, Kansas, District Attorney Marc Bennett commented, “More than one family member from the Carr case commented as to how much it meant to them when Justice Scalia cut through all the legalese and recited the litany of brutal acts back to one of the attorneys for the defendants.”

By contrast, Reuters reported that Pope Francis made his comments “to throw his weight behind an international conference against the death penalty starting Monday in Rome and organized by the Sant’Egidio Community, a worldwide Catholic peace and justice group.”

You know that when you hear the words “peace and justice,” you’re dealing with the far-left.

This constitutes nothing less than an attempt to impose what has been called a “new global legal order” on the United States. It’s an insidious campaign to replace U.S. law with “international law” and United Nations treaties.

In a 1999 case, Knight v. Florida, Clinton-appointed U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer voted to give a stay of execution to a convicted killer scheduled for execution on death row in Virginia. He cited several foreign court rulings as justification for his decision.

Breyer has actually written a book, The Court and the World: American Law and the New Global Realities, which The New York Times noted had raised the question, “Does foreign law have a place in interpreting the American Constitution?”

Calling the book “lucid,” the paper said that “Breyer contends that events in the world have effectively resolved the foreign law controversy. Playing the judge as enlightened modern technocrat, he offers a reasoned elaboration of the mounting costs that judicial isolationism would entail in our increasingly interconnected world. Globalization, he argues, has made engagement with foreign law and international affairs simply unavoidable.”

The Times forgot to mention that a Supreme Court justice takes an oath swearing allegiance to the U.S. Constitution. So why aren’t Breyer’s views grounds for removal from office?

That oath is:

“I, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

© 2016 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

Clinton corruption leads to Russian aggression

The New York Times endorsed Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination, calling her “one of the most broadly and deeply qualified presidential candidates in modern history.” There was one big problem with the editorial. Her policy toward Russia laid the groundwork for the Russian aggression that the Pentagon now has to spend billions of dollars to prepare for. The paper somehow forgot to mention that.

The Obama/Clinton Russian “reset” policy in 2009 set the stage for Russian wars of aggression and military intervention in Ukraine and Syria, and Vladimir Putin’s decision to give sanctuary to NSA defector Edward Snowden. Snowden’s stolen documents have assisted the rise of ISIS.

The liberal paper is entitled to endorse anybody it pleases. But to endorse Mrs. Clinton and not explain or justify her failed policy with regard to Russia is an oversight that borders on dishonesty.

When President Obama’s own Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, just a few days later, identified Russia as one of America’s biggest threats, the Times was put in a bad spot. How could it defend endorsing the former secretary of state when the Russian threat she had ignored was now taking center stage, and going to cost the U.S. billions of dollars?

The paper’s editorial writers had to think fast. That’s right: blame Secretary Carter for asking for too much money! The Times ran an editorial suggesting in a vague way that Carter’s $582.7 billion budget request for the Pentagon was not correct, and that additional spending on the threats from Russia and ISIS needed to be recalibrated in some way. The Times wasn’t too specific, but it decided to call his request a “blank check,” and added that “it is unclear” that Carter’s plan is the right one. This was supposed to take the heat off of Mrs. Clinton for not anticipating the threat that the United States and its allies now have to face.

It’s important to set the record straight. Not only was the reset policy wrong, but even the photo opportunity where the new policy was announced was a disaster. Hillary Clinton had presented Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with a mock reset button with the word, “peregruzka,” meaning “overcharged,” not “re-set.” She said, “We worked hard to get the right Russian word.” He replied, “You got it wrong.” The video of the embarrassing exchange includes the infamous Hillary Clinton cackle.

Ignoring all of this, the Times said, “As secretary of state, Mrs. Clinton worked tirelessly, and with important successes, for the nation’s benefit. She was the secretary President Obama needed and wanted: someone who knew leaders around the world, who brought star power as well as expertise to the table. The combination of a new president who talked about inclusiveness and a chief diplomat who had been his rival but shared his vision allowed the United States to repair relations around the world that had been completely trashed by the previous administration.”

The Russian “re-set” was one such effort to “repair relations.” It failed. It’s best, from the Times’ point of view, just to ignore this disaster.

“Russia and China are our most stressing competitors,” said Defense Secretary Carter the other day. “They have developed and are continuing to advance military systems that seek to threaten our advantages in specific areas. And in some cases, they are developing weapons and ways of wars that seek to achieve their objectives rapidly, before they hope, we can respond.”

In regard to what he called a “resurgent Russia,” Carter spoke of the need for “a strong and balanced approach to deter Russian aggression…” He said that “we haven’t had to worry about this for 25 years; while I wish it were otherwise, now we do.” He went on to talk about threats from China, North Korea, Iran and ISIS.

It’s true that, for 25 years, administrations of both political parties have misjudged Russia. The Times and other media need to demand accountability from those who thought Russia could be our “partner” in global affairs. Instead, the paper ran an editorial endorsing Mrs. Clinton for president and cited her alleged expertise. This is the mark of a paper that is determined, for political reasons, to make Mrs. Clinton into something she is not. She was not a success. She was a failure. The editorial won’t hold up under scrutiny.

The honest approach would be to analyze why Mrs. Clinton was so wrong about Russia. Interestingly, the Times may have the answer to this question in its own pages.

Could it have something to do with the contributions to the Clinton Foundation from Russian interests? The Times itself ran the story, “Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal,” on April 23, 2015. It talked about how Russian President Putin had moved “closer to his goal of controlling much of the global uranium supply chain,” based on a Russian deal to acquire a company called Uranium One—a deal that required U.S. State Department approval when Mrs. Clinton was the secretary of state.

The paper said that as the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One during the time period 2009 to 2013, millions of dollars in “donations” were flowing to the Clinton Foundation from Uranium One’s chairman and his family foundation. “Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.” The deal gave the Russian government control of 20 percent of the uranium in the United States.

We can conclude that the Russian reset was an exercise in selling our national security to Russia. It was corruption. But rather than retire from public life, which would have been the honorable thing to do, Hillary Clinton decided to run for the highest office in the land, and has the support of The New York Times. She hopes the American people will forget what she did. The Times has already done so, for political reasons.

Today, in order to counter the Russian threat, Secretary Carter is calling for “reinforcing our posture in Europe to support our NATO allies in the face of Russia’s aggression.” He calls it the European Reassurance Initiative. It cost $800 million last year, Carter said, and this year’s budget request asks for $3.4 billion. The Russian reset will be incredibly expensive. But the Clintons already have their millions.

The New York Times quibbles with the financial cost of addressing the threat while ignoring Hillary Clinton’s role in making the world a more dangerous place. The paper shares in the corruption that the Clintons have specialized in. In fact, the Times has become nothing more than a house organ of Hillary’s presidential campaign.

© 2016 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

Financial scandals follow socialist millionaire Sanders

Responding to one of Anderson Cooper’s softball questions, socialist Bernie Sanders (I-VT) told the CNN Town Hall on Wednesday night that he lives a frugal life and indicated that he doesn’t care about money or status. “I have a small Chevrolet,” he said. “It is one of the smallest Chevys that they make.” He said it was about five years old.

But James O’Brien, a political consultant and former publisher of Campaigns & Elections magazine, says the career politician, who has been a mayor, member of Congress and U.S. senator, has achieved the financial status of a millionaire.

O’Brien has analyzed the financial status of Sanders and his wife, including their financial disclosure report, and has concluded they have a net worth in the range of $1.2 to $1.5 million, not the $700,000 or less that is usually reported by the media.

Rather than “Feel the Bern,” the phrase associated with popular support for the self-declared “democratic socialist,” O’Brien says that Sanders is personally “Feelin’ the Wealth.”

Equally significant, his wife, Jane O’Meara Sanders, left her position as president of Burlington College under controversial circumstances and is now being accused of federal bank fraud. She left her position at the college and was given a severance package known as a “golden parachute” that also benefited Senator Sanders’ personal wealth.

Brady C. Toensing, a partner with the law firm of diGenova & Toensing, has filed a legal complaint with federal authorities requesting an investigation into apparent federal bank fraud committed by Ms. Sanders. His complaint was sent to Eric S. Miller, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Vermont, and Fred W. Gibson, Jr., Acting Inspector General with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

A Sanders spokesman told the Burlington Free Press that the complaint was an effort to throw mud at the presidential candidate.

O’Brien says that Sanders’ financial disclosure forms are incomplete. “For someone who doesn’t care about money, he goes a long way to cover up his true net worth,” he says. “Bernie does not disclose the value of real estate holdings. He can. He is not required to, but he could if he chose. It is known that he and/or his wife own at least two homes—one with rental income in Vermont and one near Capitol Hill where the median home value is $722,000.”

O’Brien bases his conclusions about Sanders’ millionaire status on what is known and can be estimated about his salary, the income of his wife, joint income, investments, pension, and value of his real estate properties.

On top of this, O’Brien notes that Sanders benefits from a multi-million dollar U.S. Senate staff and a multi-million dollar U.S. presidential campaign staff.

In addition to the questions about his real net worth, Jane Sanders’ exit from Burlington College continues to generate controversy, even scandal. She was president of the college from 2004 until 2011.

Federal officials have acknowledged the complaint about Jane Sanders from attorney Brady C. Toensing, but they won’t say whether they are going forward with an investigation.

Although Senator Sanders frequently complains about the “corporate media” that are supposed to have a bias against his candidacy, the necessary task of digging into the finances of his wife has been left to the conservative media and some local Vermont news organizations.

At the very least—as noted by Bruce Parker, a Vermont reporter for—Senator Sanders should be asked to explain how his opposition to severance packages for corporation executives squares with his wife getting a cushy severance of $200,000.

In a story headlined, “Bernie Sanders’ Wife May Have Defrauded State Agency, Bank,” reporters Blake Neff and Peter Fricke of the conservative Daily Caller News Foundation reported the essential facts of the case, noting that she nearly bankrupted Burlington College when she took on $10 million in debt to finance the purchase of a new, far more expansive campus. “The move backfired massively, leading to Sanders’ departure from the college and the near-collapse of the institution,” Neff and Fricke report.

By any standard of fair and objective news reporting, a candidate who promises “free college” to America’s young people should be asked to address the issue of his wife’s financial shenanigans almost bankrupting an institution of higher learning. But it hasn’t been raised in the debates.

At one point it was reported that Burlington College was fighting for its very survival. “As a result of its financial woes, Burlington College is on academic probation from the New England Association of Schools and Colleges,” reported, a statewide news website, in 2014.

VT Digger confirmed the nefarious role played by Jane Sanders, noting that she “overstated donation amounts in a bank application for a $6.7 million loan that was used by the college to purchase a prime 33-acre property on Lake Champlain in 2010.” Jane Sanders “resigned under pressure from the Burlington College board of trustees nearly a year after obtaining the multi-million dollar loan,” the site reported. “After both sides lawyered up, the board gave Sanders the title of president emeritus and a $200,000 severance package.”

A Republican activist named Skip Vallee produced a 60-second television advertisement entitled, “Bernie’s Golden Parachute,” describing the nature of the $200,000 severance package and making the point that while Sanders was planning a presidential run “on a theme of railing against golden parachutes and excesses” on Wall Street, he took “his own golden parachute” through his wife’s curious dealings with the cash-strapped college.

The ad features the “S” in Sanders in the shape of a dollar sign and shows Sanders saying the rich in America “manipulate a rigged system” and benefit from “golden parachutes.”

On top of this scandal, The Washington Free Beacon has reported that Senator Sanders used campaign money to benefit members of his family, and that Jane Sanders directed six-figure sums from Burlington College to her daughter and the son of a family friend.

“Getting money out of politics” is one of the planks in Sanders’ presidential campaign platform.

© 2016 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserve

Conservatives oppose Obama’s mass criminal release

With the presidential race the focus of most of the media attention, a major division among Senate Republicans over so-called “criminal justice reform” has gotten little attention. But the liberal media are now beginning to notice that conservatives are mounting a campaign to stop a piece of legislation that has been advertised as a major part of President Obama’s left-wing legacy.

The Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act (S. 2123) would release thousands of criminals back on the streets at a time of rising crime rates, in the name of reducing what liberals call “mass incarceration.”

In a major story on the new developments, The New York Times noted that the effort to pass the bill “has been driven by an unusual right-left alliance that includes the conservatives Charles G. and David H. Koch and the American Civil Liberties Union,” but that Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) has now taken a strong leadership role against the bill.

In fact, the Koch brothers are libertarians, not conservatives.

Cotton told the Times, “I don’t believe we should allow thousands of violent felons to be released early from prison, nor do I believe we should reduce sentences for violent offenders in the future.”

A key development has been a triple murder committed by a convicted crack cocaine dealer who was back on the streets because his prison sentence on drug charges had already been reduced twice. The crimes were committed in Columbus, Ohio, and are now starting to get national media attention.

The Columbus Dispatch (Ohio) reports that Wendell L. Callahan, who is charged with killing his ex-girlfriend and two of her children, twice benefited from changes in federal sentencing guidelines, which reduced his sentence by a total of more than four years. His ex-girlfriend, Erveena Hammonds, 32, and her daughters, Breya Hammonds, 7, and Anaesia Green, 10, were viciously stabbed to death.

The publication Politico cited the triple murder case as a major complicating factor in the effort to pass the bill.

A conservative organization called Americans for Limited Government is leading opposition to the bill, taking issue with Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) for working with Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) to pass the controversial legislation.

The Times said, “Some analysts have suggested that it could help Republicans by broadening their appeal to independents, Democrats and minorities who believe that the criminal justice system is unfairly tilted.”

Cornyn seemed to accept this, telling the paper that Republicans should support the legislation to show that they care about people in prison and want to give them a second chance. “It doesn’t hurt to show that you actually care,” he said. “This is a statement that is not just symbolic, but actually shows that you care about people. It doesn’t hurt to show some empathy.”

Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning countered, “Senator John Cornyn, whose sense of empathy must have developed at Washington, D.C. cocktail parties, should prove he truly cares for people whose neighborhoods have been ravaged by drugs and violent crimes by moving to one of those neighborhoods so he can see for himself the impact of releasing early thousands of hardened drug kingpins and violent criminals back on to the streets of America. Senator Cornyn’s ‘empathetic’ conscience needs to meet the reality of the street, where a 77 percent recidivism rate amongst released prisoners is the norm, with 25 percent of those crimes being violent in nature.”

The alleged killer in the Columbus case was released early from prison because Congress passed the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010, which reduced sentences for those in prison for dealing crack cocaine and directed the U.S. Sentencing Commission to amend federal sentencing guidelines to let drug dealers out of prison at an earlier date.

President Obama supports the Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act legislation, as do many in the liberal media anxious to see a piece of “bipartisan” legislation pass and become a part of the Obama legacy.

In addition to Senators Cornyn and Lee pushing the Senate bill, Politico had previously reported that House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) wanted the GOP to pass “criminal justice reform” in early 2016, and that he had said, “I think criminal justice reform is probably the biggest [issue] we can make a difference on… There’s a real way forward on that.”

Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning called Ryan’s plan a “risky mass criminal release scheme” that comes at a time when “police are overwhelmed with record murders in cities like Baltimore and Chicago.”

There were 342 murders in Baltimore in 2015, an all-time high. There were 468 murders in Chicago, compared to 416 in 2014.

The U.S. Sentencing Commission had announced in July of 2014 that it was launching a plan to release 46,290 drug offenders from federal prisons.

Obama is already in the process of releasing 6,000 drug dealers from prison in what The New York Times calls “one of the largest discharges of inmates from federal prisons in American history.” Last December he issued 95 commutations, mostly to drug offenders.

On the Columbus Dispatch Facebook page, one citizen commented, “For all of you who thought Prez O [Obama] was so compassionate when he pushed for letting drug dealers out of prison early, well what do you think of Prez Hope and Change now?”

The Columbus Dispatch said that the alleged killer “likely would have been deep into a 12 1/2-year federal prison sentence if sentencing guidelines for convicted crack dealers had remained unchanged.” It added that “The changes to his federal sentence came as part of retroactive attempts by the U.S. Sentencing Commission to rectify sentencing disparities between dealers who sold crack and those who dealt powdered cocaine.”

A local citizen wrote to the paper to note, “Hammonds and her daughters should be living examples of how harsh sentences against drug dealers and violent criminals protect our welfare. Instead, they’ll be laid to rest as examples of a broken system.”

Despite the murders, liberal pressure groups are demanding that the Senate Republican majority pass S. 2123. In a release headlined, “Civil and Human Rights Coalition Urges Senate Republicans to Stay the Course on Sentencing Reform in 2016,” Wade Henderson, president and CEO of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, referred to “recent reports” about divisions among Senate Republicans and urged the Senate GOP conference “to stay the course on passing a sentencing reform package in 2016.” The Senate Republican Conference is the organization of Republican members in the U.S. Senate and is chaired by Senator John Thune of South Dakota. Thune has been quoted as saying that criminal justice reform has a “better than 50/50” shot of passing Congress and reaching Obama’s desk.

“The window of opportunity is here,” said Henderson. He claimed passage of the “bipartisan bill” and Obama’s willingness to sign it into law “is a rare chance to show the country that Washington can both reduce the size of government and protect its citizens all at once.”

The phrase “reducing the size of government” means cutting the cost of prisons. But the idea of “protecting” people by releasing criminals doesn’t make a lot of sense to law-and-order conservatives and the public at-large.

© 2016 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

Ukraine still fights for freedom

With the 88th Academy Awards ceremony in Los Angeles approaching, freedom lovers are cheering for the Netflix film, “Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom,” which is being considered for an Academy Award in the category of Best Foreign Documentary. “Winter on Fire” is an inspiring story of a former Soviet republic resisting incorporation in the new Russian empire and seeking membership in the Free World. It’s a story whose ending is still in doubt.

The trailer captures the intensity of the entire film, as a young boy is shown putting his life on the line and calling home, telling his mom, “I love you.” He did not know whether he would live or die in the face of the regime’s armed thugs, and the security police beating and killing peaceful protesters.

Vladimir Putin’s puppet, Viktor Yanukovych, had won election as president of Ukraine by promising close ties to the West—but he secretly negotiated a deal to bring the former Soviet republic back into Moscow’s sphere of influence. The people of Ukraine were betrayed, and then revolted in a series of protests that will go down in history as the Ukrainian revolution of 2014. It is also known simply as Euromaidan, named for the pro-European tilt of the protests and the central square in Ukraine’s capital, Kiev, where the demonstrations began.

The film shows people of all ages and backgrounds taking to the streets, wearing pots and pans as helmets, filling sandbags with snow and ice to make barricades to keep the regime’s forces at bay. There are graphic scenes of the injured and dead. Still, the demonstrators kept coming back, day after day. The people had nothing but will and determination to be free of Russian influence. In the end, after 93 days of protest, at least 125 people were killed, 65 were missing and 1,890 had been injured.

The American director, Evgeny Afineevsky, was born in Russia but won’t be returning there anytime soon because of the obvious danger to his life. He emigrated to Israel, where he was raised and educated, before coming to the United States. “I haven’t been to Russia for a couple of years and I am not planning to go there at the moment,” he says. “I am probably not a welcome guest there. But there are filmmakers everywhere and all of us deserve freedom of expression and freedom of speech.”

Of course, the story of the anti-Soviet/Russian protests in Ukraine does not have a completely happy ending. Putin responded with a Russian invasion of Ukraine, a struggle that continues as the Ukrainian government continues to plead for weapons for self-defense. President Obama has turned a deaf ear and blind eye to their pleas.

Putin’s invasion had to be based in part on the knowledge that if a revolution could depose his crony in Ukraine, it could also happen to him. Indeed, it was an opportunity for the U.S. government, if Obama had been so inclined, not only to support Ukraine’s bid for independence but to seek regime-change in Moscow. Instead, Obama continued his soft-on-Russia policy that has also led to Russian military intervention propping up the Syrian dictatorship.

Nevertheless, the protests have pushed forward a process of “de-communization” in the parts of Ukraine not under Russian occupation. Volodymyr Viatrovych, the historian who serves as director of the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory, spoke about the process last November at the Kennan Institute of the Wilson Center, outlining a series of laws that have been passed by the new Parliament and signed by new President Petro Poroshenko to eliminate communist and totalitarian influence in society. The laws honor the memory of Ukrainian freedom fighters, authorize access to the archives of the communist regime, and ban the use of both communist and Nazi symbols. As a result, the Communist Party of Ukraine has been outlawed.

Hundreds of Lenin monuments or statues have been torn down, with Viatrovych noting that Ukraine had been the “most Leninized” part of the old Soviet Union. One statue of Lenin was converted into Darth Vader. Streets, squares and state enterprises named after communist figures are being renamed as part of this process.

Beyond tearing down communist statues and removing Soviet symbols, the Ukraine Crisis Media Center has published an infographic on communism’s victims, estimated at 100 million, and asking for a “Nuremberg-2,” a follow-up to the original Nuremberg tribunals that exposed the Nazis for their crimes and brought them to justice. This time, the hope is that communists will be brought to justice, including figures such as Vladimir Putin, the former Soviet KGB spy who continues to celebrate Russia’s Soviet past. Another infographic demonstrates how Ukraine’s neighbors have succeeded or failed to overcome their communist pasts. In Russia, for example, the Communist Party was banned in 1991, then restored, and is now a major force in the Russian parliament. It maintains friendly relations with Putin’s United Russia Party.

Tragically, both Republican and Democratic administrations in the U.S. have accepted the fiction that Putin was a new and modern Russian leader. It was that flawed bipartisan approach that gave Russia Permanent Normal Trade Relations status in 2012.

The estimated number of people killed in Ukraine since the Russian invasion has now exceeded 8,000. In addition to this carnage, pro-Russian terrorists shot down a Malaysian airplane over eastern Ukraine, killing nearly 300 people.

David J. Kramer, former president of Freedom House, says, “Congress has passed several pieces of legislation by large bipartisan majorities calling for the provision of lethal arms to Ukraine, and virtually every member of the Cabinet as well as his vice-president support such a step; President Obama is the lone holdout…”

By this point, the explanation for this state of affairs is an old story. As a young man in Hawaii, Obama was mentored by a pro-Russian communist, Frank Marshall Davis, who taught him that “Red Russia” was a savior of the world’s oppressed peoples. Obama mocked 2012 GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney for calling Russia a geo-political threat.

If anything, Donald Trump, the GOP front-runner in the 2016 contest, is to the left of Obama. He told a Ukraine conference in September that their nation was invaded because “there is no respect for the United States” and “Putin does not respect our president whatsoever.” He also insisted Ukraine was a European problem. The comments were considered so weak, in terms of pledging American support for Ukraine’s freedom and independence, that Trump was named by one Ukraine website as a “Kremlin agent.” This was before AIM disclosed Trump’s business connections to the Putin regime.

Perhaps Trump can take some time off the campaign trail to watch “Winter on Fire.”

[NOTE: The forgoing article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

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