Is The Maurice Strong Davos Secret Society Out To Destroy Donald Trump’s Administration?

by Constance Cumbey

April 17, 2018

[It’s that time of the year and many of our writers are traveling. NWVs is running past columns we feel are pertinent to what’s happening today.]

A recent John Cassidy NEW YORKER article (January 26, 2018) reported that “Trump Makes Nice at Davos While Mueller Awaits Him at Home.”

Well, not quite.  Both Trump and Mueller were Davos attendees.  Mueller’s was definitely more downplayed.  Clearly from publicity surrounding the closed crowd Davos events, Mueller was the more favored participant of the two.

Figure 1These are two separate photographs of Davos participants Robert Mueller and Donald Trump.

Global governance is and always has been the main game of the Davos crowd and its organizing body, WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM.  Donald Trump has been perceived as doing much in his power to shut down global governance – climate control measures and all.   The Davos crowd of politicians, high financiers, “scholars” and industrialists viewed Trump with neither affection nor favor.

One short week after Trump’s return from Davos, Switzerland and only two days after his State of the Union address,  the New York Stock Market would drop by an astounding 666 points!  That was a number obviously chilling to millions,  including but not limited to Donald Trump’s Evangelical base of support in the USA.  This happened only two days after Trump’s triumphant State of the Union speech to the United States Congress.  A pivotal point of his speech was the dramatic improvement in the USA economy after his November 8, 2016 election.  The 666 droppage would double immediately after the weekend on the following Monday by upwards of another 1200 points in one day.

Coincidence?  Strange omen?  Planned?  Maybe, maybe not.

In 1990, two years before the 1992 Rio Earth Summit event, Maurice Strong publicly fantasized to a Canadian Globe reporter about a novel he considered writing.  It would be about a secret society being formed of Davos participants.  If the wealthiest nations of the world would not sign and implement a global compact, they would decide it their duty to collapse the global economy to bring the change about.  They would have the sophistication about and access to the global levers to make it happen.

“Each year, [Strong] explains as background to… the novel’s plot, the World Economic Forum convenes in Davos, Switzerland. Over 1,000 CEO’s, prime ministers, finance ministers, and leading academics gather in February to attend meetings and set economic agendas for the year ahead. With this as a setting, he then says: ‘What if a small group of these world leaders were to conclude that the principle risk to the earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? …In order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring this about?’

“‘This group of world leaders,’ he continues, ‘forms a secret society to bring about an economic collapse. It’s February. They’re all at Davos. These aren’t terrorists. They’re world leaders. They have positioned themselves in the world’s commodities and stock markets. They’ve engineered, using their access to stock markets and computers and gold supplies, a panic.

The reporter listened to this as Maurice Strong was driving him to the airport.  The Canadian Globe reporteor had interviewed Strong at his Baca Grande compound in Colorado, USA.  The reporter was chilled – this was not just anybody saying this.   The words he had just heard had come from the mouth of the man with the power to make it happen – Maurice Strong.

Maurice Strong is now dead and gone.  He left the world in the fall of 2015.  But his Davos influences clearly live on.    And his fantasized allies are clearly strong presences at Davos, including the World Economic Foundation founder himself, German Klaus Schwab.

The 2018 Davos World Economic Forum was in late January – not February.  Davos 2018 opened on January 23rd and lasted for 4 days through January 27th.  President Trump’s State of the Union message was delivered on January 30th.  Only two days later, February 1st, the Stock Market would fall precisely 666 points.

I’ve looked at organizations with occult agendas long enough to know that they often communicate with winks this way.  People possessing the levers to manipulate financial markets can do so with obvious numeric precision.  It is my opinion that a strong and mocking message was being sent to the Trump administration and to those both hoping for and fighting against “Global Governance,” i.e. global control.

Maurice Strong was a founding member and director of the World Economic Forum starting with its inception in 1970.   Memorializing his life, Klaus Schwab, founder and director of the World Economic Forum wrote:

“. . . He deeply incorporated the World Economic Forum’s mission of improving the state of the world into everything he did. He was a great visionary, always ahead of our times in his thinking. He was my mentor since the creation of the Forum: a great friend; an indispensable advisor; and, for many years, a member of our Foundation Board. Without him, the Forum would not have achieved its present significance . . . . ”

The ability of Maurice Strong and the World Economic Forum Davos participants to change the world by pulling its financial levers clearly lives on.  It is my belief that the sudden financial reversal taking place only two days after Donald Trump’s State of the Union address and only one week after the conclusion of the Davos WEF forum was a strong message that they do what they want when they want.  As the annual Davos participants were gathering, the London Financial Times opined the prevailing sentiment of those about to gather:  that globalization would proceed despite Trump administration opposition.

Knowing that Robert Mueller was present at the Davos events and rubbing elbows with those of like mind with Maurice Strong’s still living and active confederates does little to reassure me that his (Mueller’s) intentions are American only driven pure and honorable.  The Davos dream was Global Governance shaped for the convenience of the various Davos stakeholders.  Trump’s dream was less global governance, more “America First.”  These were colliding world views and the Davos crowd assumed they were playing for keeps.  Not just anybody can go to Davos conferences – it is a tightly controlled event.  Robert Mueller was clearly invited.  For what purpose?

We know now from advance reports on James Comey’s new book that he considered politics in his actions before the Election.  It is not unreasonable to assume that his marching buddy, Robert Mueller might well be doing so as well.  Were Maurice Strong’s fantasies at least partially acted upon post Davos 2018?   Was or is there a Davos “secret society.”  If so, did they invite Robert Mueller to help further their agenda?

I have my strong suspicions.  I hope I’m wrong, but I suspect I’m not.  Donald Trump, Brexit, “populism” are all being used as strong rationales for “global governance now.”  All were topics of deep discussion at the 2018 Davos conference.   The worst may well be happening – now.  But now, that’s a “conspiracy theory” isn’t it?  A “conspiracy theory” perhaps arising from the grave of Maurice Strong and his real life confederates themselves.

Stay tuned!

© 2018 Constance Cumbey – All Rights Reserved

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John E. Fetzer, the Fetzer Institute, and the New Age Movement, Part 2

When I discovered the existence of the New Age Movement, strangely, the lady I extracted the phrase “New Age Movement” from (Phyllis Warren) did speak to me of events taking place in my home town of Fort Wayne, Indiana. One year later, on March 10, 1982, the day of the New Agers’ long awaited “Syzygy”. I read in a Detroit Free Press article of a John Davis giving a talk that same day on “the three stages of the Christ’s Reappearance.” It was in 1988 that Marilyn Ferguson went out of her way to make an unexpected telephone call to me that she was attending a large world-level event in Kalamazoo, Michigan, held by a “Fetzer Foundation.” Newspaper articles I then read contemporaneous with that event told of many notables in attendance including the widow of assassinated Egyptian Prime Minister Anwar Sadat, Robert Muller of UNESCO, Willis Harman, Laurence Rockefeller, and many others.


What I did not know until the past seven months, starting on December 30, 2018, the day the Detroit Free Press ran a full two and a half page story on former Detroit Tiger owner John E. Fetzer was that a very major center of New Age activity had been centered not so much in California or London, but in Kalamazoo, Michigan — 125 miles from me as the crow flies.


What I also did not know was that John E. Fetzer had financed much of the New Age activity I had been witnessing.  I certainly did not know then that John E. Fetzer had graduated from Emmanuel Missionary College in Berrien Springs, Michigan as the class valedictorian.  Ironically, he had given his valedictory speech on his chosen topic of “Faith of Our Fathers.”  It was a faith from which he shortly after radically departed.  Ironically, it was the same faith as in which I was raised in my formative years — the Seventh Day Adventist Church.


It appears to me, sadly, that John Fetzer tossed out his Bible and replaced it with his new chosen Bible — first Tesla (with his fascination for technology of radio waves and beyond) and then later with such New Age sources as “The Book of Urantia” (said by some of the Fetzer Institute website sources to have possibly been written by one Kellogg (also a former Seventh Day Adventist).  Fetzer was later to put faith in The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ.  He also became a true devotee of Alice Ann Bailey and had his close associates recite her channeled “Great Invocation” at his Monday Night meetings that are detailed in Brian C. Wilson’s John E. Fetzer and the Quest for the New Age as well as the numerous original sources that Brian C. Wilson used.  Those sources were obtainable and downloaded by me from the Fetzer Institute’s website.

It also became obvious to me that there had to have been Evangelical “cult expert” sources who were aware of these Fetzer connections back in 1982.  They tried frantically to stop my work against the New Age Movement.  I now know, for example, that Richard Halverson, president of International Christian Leadership had his personal file on the “Institute of Noetice Sciences,” furnished him by his good friends, Paul and Diane Temple.  Paul N. Temple was the co-founder and CEO of the Institute of Noetic Sciences.  During this very time, John E. Fetzer was on the Board of Directors of IONS (Institue of Noetic Sciences).


It is now my educated guess that the very sophisticated video equipment I witnessed filming Benjamin Creme’s lecture in Detroit on November 4, 1981, most likely was furnished by Mr. Fetzer.  He owned a large network of radio and television stations as well as the Detroit Tigers.  The video was never circulated.   Extremely professional bright sodium lighting was employed that night.  I suspect I might have personally ruined that video for them.  At the end of the evening, everybody was to recite “The Great Invocation.”  After that, Benjamin Creme was to deliver a message directly channeled through him by “Maitreya the Christ.”


Benjamin Creme requested those present to gather closely together for that recitation.   A very prim and proper well-dressed black lady who looked like she could have been active and a pillar of the church in any local Baptist church sat next to me.  I said to her as gently as I could, “I hope it doesn’t offend you, but I will not say the Great Invocation with you.  I will say my own prayer.”  She responded, “no, Honey, that’s alright.”  I said, “the reason I will not say the Great Invocation is that the Bible very clearly said that the antichrist would declare that Jesus was not the Christ.   Benjamin Creme has said all evening that Jesus is not the Christ — but Maitreya is.”  The woman parroted back what Benjamin Creme had said all evening:  “there’s been many Christs.”  I said to her, “there’s been only one and HIS NAME IS JESUS.”  From a few rows around, people were looking at me as if I were from outer space.”  Friends who came with me were cowering back, afraid I would be ripped limb from limb.


Benjamin Creme re-entered after that intermission and again tu rned  his head as close to a full spin of the head as I have ever witnessed.  Then he and the audience started chanting:  “From the point of light within the Mind of God, May light stream forth  . . .


Simultaneous with that, I went nice and loud (the acoustics were wonderful!) “Our Father, who art in Heaven — Hallowed be THY NAME.”  I did that every stanza as they recited it.  Finally they came to the culmination of their “Great Invocation”:  “May light and love and power restore the plan on earth and may it seal the door where evil dwells (sort of New Age talk for getting rid of us monotheistic dissidents).  Again, I went nice and loud:  “MAY JESUS CHRIST RETURN TO EARTH AND END THE EVIL PRESENT IN THIS ROOM TONIGHT.”


Well, the funniest thing happened, or may I say  it didn’t happen.  The audience was expectantly waiting from the transmission from “Maitreya.”  Benjamin Creme waited, waited, and waited.  Finally, he said to the audience, that will be all, you are dismissed.”


I note for the record that if Benjamin Creme had been making things up, he could have said anything.  He was honestly waiting for whatever spirit possessing him to take over.  It appears plainly that Maitreya could not come out and play at the Unity Center for Holistic Living on November 4, 1981,


I have now learned from my extensive downloading and reading of the Fetzer archives that John E. Fetzer suffered a great disappointment when the Creme promised “Day of Declaration” of May 20, 1982, did not occur.  The worldwide newspaper ads of which I suspect Fetzer had been a primary donor ran on April 25, 1982.  On April 25, 1982, Fetzer’s chosen psychic, channeler, Jim Gordon, sent John E. Fetzer a letter of congratulations.  Earlier on March 10, 1982, Gordon had told Fetzer that the new cycle, including the Bailey prophesied “cleansing action” was beginning.

Benjamin Creme concocted a story that I never believed, mainly because he did not come up with it until five days after he and I had a serious debate over local WRIF Detroit rock station, Sunday night interview.  The New Agers had the confidence that Alice Bailey books had given them that no significant opposition could develop.  It developed and suddenly they were on the run.  It is now clear to me from reading the Fetzer archives that John Fetzer was in some respects in May 1982 like the original 1844 Adventists who sat on the mountain expecting the immediate Second Coming that William Miller had told them would happen on a specific date.  It was a huge disappointment to them.  May 20, 1982 was a similar huge disappointment for John E. Fetzer.


Fetzer sold his network of radio and television stations and then the Detroit Tigers so he could follow the channeled messages from Jim Gordon and the demons possessing Gordon to establish the Fetzer Institute so the New Age Movement could continue after the 1982 disappointment.   I have also now read in those Fetzer archives that they are now confident that they will now succeed whereas in 1982 they failed — because now a majority hold New Age beliefs.


Time and events will tell, but I think it would be good for the souls of those at the Fetzer Institute who think they are duty bound to implement John E. Fetzer’s vision for the New Age to realize that perhaps if John E. Fetzer could come back and talk to them, he would now beg them to cease and desist, much as Jesus warned in the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus.


My first feelings towards John E. Fetzer were of anger.  However, the more I have listened to the Fetzer archive tapes of conversations between him and Jim Gordon, I am realizing I was listening to a thoroughly hypnotized or brain-washed gullible man who was almost child-like in his belief in reincarnation, “the Ascended Masters,” and a “New Gospel for the New Age.”  He was, bluntly and tragically, deceived.


I would charitably tell the crew left behind:  Carolyn Dailey, Attorney Mike Gergely, Bruce Fetzer and the rest of the crew is that “you don’t have to go through with this.  The eternal consequences for those worshiping the Beast and his image were clearly spelled out in Scripture 2,000 years ago.  I submit that should have much more credibility than any “Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ” and the Alice Bailey writings.


May the Lord keep us all free from New Age temptation and deliver us from New Age evil.

© 2019 Constance Cumbey – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Constance Cumbey:

John E. Fetzer And Constance Cumbey – Fighting Either For Or Against The “New Age Movement”

Two former Seventh Day Adventists originally from the Fort Wayne, Indiana area – very, very different paths!

The ironies have not escaped me.  One of the greatest perpetrators of the New Age Movement came from the same corner of Indiana where I was born and raised, although he arrived much earlier than myself (1909 vs. 1944).  That was John E. Fetzer.   One sounding the major warnings against the New Age Movement, myself, also came from that same corner of Indiana.  John Fetzer was born in Decatur, Indiana.  I was born in Fort Wayne, Indiana.  Ironically,  for formative years of our respective lives, we were both once Seventh Day Adventists.  Out of curiosity, I searched online for mentions of our respective selves in SDA archives.  The following is from the James White Library of Andrews University, the flagship Seventh Day Adventist university located in Berrien Springs, Michigan.  Mr. Fetzer (1909-1991 and myself (1944 – present) took very, very different paths.  Ironically, I only learned of Fetzer’s Seventh Day Adventist background after reading a by now well publicized book by Brian C. Wilson, a professor of Comparative Religions at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan.  Kalamazoo, Michigan is where John E. Fetzer was headquartered for many years and where he built his business empire worth hundreds of millions of dollars.  Kalamazoo is the home of the recipient of the huge fortune left by Mr. Fetzer on his death in Hawaii in 1991.

Ironically, all I knew of Fetzer until 1988, the year Marilyn Ferguson called me to brag that she was enroute to a very large New Age conference John Fetzer was holding in Kalamazoo, Michigan.  Prominent figures from around the globe — New Age and globalist elites were to be in attendance, per Ms. Ferguson to me the very day she went there.

Marilyn Ferguson and I were rivals — literally competing for souls.  She for the New Age Movement, myself against same.  I met her personally on a few occasions and was even in her home on 3 different occasions at her her invitation and urging .  The New Agers were anxious to check me out, but considered me a very real threat.   I know Marilyn Ferguson was a dedicated New Ager for most of her adult life.  I personally heard her very worried mother who happened to be in her house one of the two different days I was there plead with her daughter Marilyn to go back to Jesus.  Over the years I had several encounters with Marilyn Ferguson, including but not limited to a live television debate against her on an Marilyn Ferguson and I met on several occasions.  She sent my publisher, Huntington House a threatening letter.  When that moved neither them nor myself, she next sent me a letter somewhat more conciliatory.  We had breakfast in a Windsor Ontario Restaurant in 1982.  In 1984 I was surprised to be called by her secretary and invited to come to her home in Los Angeles, California for the first New Age “World War IV” party.

I said I would let them know.  I called Bill Keith, president of Huntington House,  my publisher and told him of the sudden invitation for an event only two days away.  Richard Trosclair, his partner, called they called me back saying it was very important I be there.  They would make the arrangements for the flight.  I called a fellow researcher, Sylvia Beadleston McKevey in San Jose who agreed to fly up to Los Angeles and join us.  We both stayed with another researcher friend Betty Irwin in the Los Angeles Palos Verdes area.  On Sunday afternoon we three made our way to Marilyn Ferguson’s home at the top of Mt. Washington in L.A   The New Agers were obviously curious to look me over.  It was quite a disparate collection of backyard with nametag attendees.  Indeed, Timothy Leary was one of those present in her backyard party.

I was at her home on two future occasions — one was in early October 1987, right after a major earthquake in the LA area.  There I met her mother, justifiably worried about Marilyn being involved in a movement denying Jesus, and I met her husband and children along with the family parrot.  The next time I had a live encounter with Marilyn Ferguson was in the early Spring months of 1988.  An Indianapolis TV station producer called to ask me to debate her on a live television program.  Apart from that, we had many long telephone conversations from time to time over the years.  All calls were initiated and placed by her.  Motives are some times difficult to gauge, but I suspect she respected me.  I also assume she was calling to try to find out how much I knew.  Certainly, she learned that I knew plenty.  Most certainly she could never say she was not fully and politely warned.  Marilyn Ferguson could be a very likeable and personable individual.  I’ve prayed that when she died on October 8, 2008 in Banning, California at only age 70, that maybe she better late than never had accepted her worried mother’s warning — one that I personally heard her give in October 1987.

As to John E. Fetzer, I learned from Dr. Wilson’s book that he graduated as valedictorian from Emmanuel Missionary College in Berrien Springs, Michigan.  While in attendance there he organized and ran its first radio station.  That station he later purchased and relocated it to Kalamazoo, Michigan changing it from its religious format to a more secular one.

I am suspecting that John Fetzer may have known much more about me than I did about him, most likely starting in the year 1982, the year my work detailing the hidden dangers of the New Age Movement went very public.

I faced tremendous challenges and foes in outlining the horrifying plans that New Age activists were not afraid to put in print.  They were riding high in 1982.  Between 1975 and 1982 and for many years thereafter, another personality, Benjamin Creme, an Englishman of what he claimed was Jewish and Scottish descent toured the world in style proclaiming first that a new “Christ” was coming and after July 19, 1977, he was here.

I am now suspecting that John Fetzer was a major contributor to what had to be the enormous travel bills for Benjamin Creme and his claimed messianic cause.  I now know from books publicly placed on the market and documents available online from the Fetzer Institute of Kalamazoo, Michigan, that former Seventh Day Adventist long since turned to New Age spiritualism and beyond studied and read Creme along with his nephew, Bruce Fetzer, also from a Christian heritage.

John Fetzer was one of America’s wealthiest men.  Childless from his marriage to another Seventh Day Adventist, Rhea, he left his entire vast fortune to be used for propagating New Age beliefs and their goals of a New World Order, a New World Religion, and to secure acceptance for a new “messiah” they freely admitted was not Jesus.

The irony also has not escaped me that Fetzer also might have been a large factor in the treatment I received from those in the Evangelical community trying so hard to persuade the Christian world first that there was no New Age Movement.  When that effort failed, there were major attempts to redefine it — denying both its obvious Luciferic and political aspects.  The effort was to tell Christians that it was not a threat to Christianity and the other monotheistic religions of the world, Jews and Moslems included.

If you have not already read my now several years old articles on the internet about “The Hijacking of Evangelicalism”, you might want to now retrieve and read them.  If you have already read them, you will want to review them.   I am about to update them with information I have gained on Fetzer’s possible role in that process — in his close personal relationship with Paul N. Temple and Temple’s Institute of Noetic Sciences.

It is now my growing suspicion that Fetzer may have even paid a substantial portion of the cost of producing the world-wide newspaper ads ran in a half million dollar campaign.  Those ads ran in upwards of 20 major papers on April 25, 1982.  They proclaimed that their new “Christ” would be introduced to the world within two months.  They firmly believed they would do so.

It is my belief that with the help of God, we took them and that campaign by surprise and they have been delayed for upwards of 37 ears — between 1982 and 2019.

It is further my belief that they are now on the march and sanctifying the New Age belief system complete with Alice Bailey (Lucifer Publishing Company, Lucis Trust) via attempting to confer public sainthood on John E. Fetzer and his “spiritual” work.

Where have the Seventh Day Adventists been on this?

I did a little digging on the internet tonight.  I also found this quote from a Kalamazoo site:

Fetzer Institute

But most of the money went to the John E. Fetzer Foundation, which he established in 1962. Called the Fetzer Institute today, it sponsors research into what Fetzer called the connections between body, mind and spirit – another interest of his from his youth. In August of 1987, Fetzer moved his foundation and its staff of nearly 30 to new headquarters overlooking Dustin Lake on West KL Avenue in Oshtemo Township. The structure is an equilateral triangle shape representing the three connections he believed in. His interest in parapsychology and spirituality began at an early age, and he claimed to have had several spiritual experiences that influenced his later life. While spending a year bedridden with complications of influenza, he made this commitment, “If I am permitted to live, I will devote my life to the spiritual work of the Creator.” For the next 73 years he did. . . . [1]

Well, as I read the texts that John Fetzer and I were both raised with, he was doing mirror image opposite work to that of the Creator.  More accurately, he was following every biblically forbidden spiritual practice as well as the “Thou Shalt have no other gods before me” from the 10 Commandments.  What led him that way?  Was it an excuse to him that his mother once confessed to having visited a fortune teller?

Ironically, my own mother once confessed that to me.  There was a time in her post Seventh Day Adventist years that I was dismayed to find her with a Ouija board.  These were religious practices condemned by the Seventh Day Adventist Church.  They were also clearly condemned by Scriptures.

Is there Seventh Day Adventist fault in these deviations from the faith?  Maybe.  I’m reading into the Fetzer experience as outlined by biographer Brian C. Wilson that Fetzer equated some of his own “spiritualism” to Ellen G. White, the prophetess of the Seventh Day Adventist Church.

Maybe there was far too much emphasis in the Seventh Day Adventist Church on the writings and “visions” of Ellen G. White and too little on the plain wording of Scripture.  I am thinking that I remember little emphasis on Deuteronomy 18 that contained an explicit list of spiritual practices forbidden to the Israelites as they entered the land that the Lord took from others for pursuing those practices.  Here is the express language taken from the King James version of the bible.  It reads just about the same way in every other version:

When thou art come into the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.  There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.

For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord: and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee.
Thou shalt be perfect with the Lord thy God.

For these nations, which thou shalt possess, hearkened unto observers of times, and unto diviners : but as for thee, the Lord thy God hath not suffered thee so to do.

The Seventh Day Adventists also, following the teachings of Ellen G. White, characterized many of the Gnostics as the true Christians — the “true church” that went underground for a period of 1,260 years.  I heard this teaching many, many times during my youthful years in the Fort Wayne, Indiana Seventh Day Adventist Church.

Thankfully, we also sang “give me the Bible, holy message shining.”  Fortunately for me, that part stuck.  There were others, like David Koresh, John Fetzer, and others now deeply ensconced in the occult who interpreted things very differently or in the characterizing the Roman Catholic Church as the Beast of Revelation, missed other scriptural indicators of what the real beast would eventually bring forth — as foretold in Revelation Chapter 9, the rise of the occult.  Another sad indicator of that was a site for a former Seventh Day Adventist I found on the internet.  She had formed her own church devoted to radical feminism, goddess(es) and all.  She calls herself “Katia” and is now openly into all forms of the occult, radical feminism, Eckart Tolle.  Here is something she wrote:

I went to Seventh Day Adventist schools and boarding schools during all my childhood and teen years. They teach a love for the Cathars big time. Our elementary school teachers made us read stories and color pictures of Waldensian and Albigensian children walking perilous mountain cliffs, hiding from the Inquisition on pain of death, carefully writing out copies of the Bible. [My book “The Hidden of the Rainbow” is out of print. A few copies remain on Amazon and shopping cart.]

I left the Adventist church as a young adult because they don’t acknowledge the Divine Feminine, but I still have a friendly attitude toward some of their doctrine. I have been studying the Gnostic Cathars more in depth than usual lately and found some old notes I made last year. I realized the Adventists have a lot in common with the Cathars — who were called Waldensians and Albigensians in their day, only the Roman Catholic Church called them Cathars, originally a derogatory term meaning “purists” or “pure ones.”

Here is what I jotted down last year when I realized the uncanny similarity between the SDA’s and Cathars / Waldensians / Albigensians. The SDA founder, Ellen G. White, visited the Cathar / Waldensian valleys area in Europe (Italy and France border area) twice in 1885 to 1887 while she was in Europe. Chapter 4 of her famous book, The Great Controversy, is about these cool heretics. Adventists really really honor heretics!, good for them.[2]

Author: Katia is a consecrated independent sacramental bishop. She directs the online Esoteric Mystery School and Interfaith Theological Seminary. Check it out at


Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow is available on this website.

© 2019 Constance Cumbey – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Constance Cumbey:


[1] This is the website for the Kalamazoo Public Library.

[2] Here’s what she is doing today, per her blogspot/website:
Author: Katia is a consecrated independent sacramental bishop. She directs the online Esoteric Mystery School and Interfaith Theological Seminary. Check it out at, or tinyurl. The blogger calls herself “Katia” and she is obviously well-versed in SDA theology and teachings as well as her unfortunate and obvious involvement in the occult, sanctified in her mind by its equation to her own belief set.  Her article goes on to discuss other parallels.  I looked up Ellen G. White’s own comments in my copy of “The Great Controversy” and did note that she had indicated that those fleeing had been subject to some degree to pagan influences.

Yes, There May Be ‘Global Warming’ Coming Even Hotter, But Not For The Reasons You May Think

Lately, I’ve been listening to all the international hysteria as one of the longest New Age agenda items is being challenged by the Trump administration — “global warming” cum “climate change”.

As long as I’ve knowingly observed the New Age Movement (since 1981), there were sub-goals in addition to their New World Order, New World Religion, and New Age “Messiah”  ones.

Among those subgoals were:

  1. Reduce the USA;
  2. End separation of Church and State (so as to promote New Age, New World Religion concepts)
  3. Earth reverence and worship of “Her” as “Mother Earth”, “Pachamama”.
    and/or “Goddess Gaia”.

Now in the early days that I first observed the intricacies of the New Age, I found small paperback volumes on the perils of a coming ice age — if we didn’t do exactly as the proponents said we should do.  A few milder winters later, and it was suddenly “global warming.”  And then a few then even colder winters later, it was “climate change.”

Well, I doubt if many of those watchers have bothered to dust off their Bibles, but had they done so, they might have even found some passages supporting their “global warming” theories.  As there are the fewer copyright issues with the King James Version of the Bible, I will quote from it.  One can find very similar language, also, in the Catholic Douay Bibles.

16 And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth.

And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.

And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea.

And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood.

And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus.

For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy.

And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments.

And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire.

And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.

10 And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain,

11 And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds.

But BEFORE all of this,  Revelation 14 tells us all are given fair warning:

And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,

Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.

And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.

And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,

10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:

11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

It appears that the prophecy warns that we were to fear only the God who created the heaven and earth and the sea and the fountains of waters.

There has been a great deal of speculation as to who and what might be the Beast and  his image.  Having observed the New Age Movement as closely as I have for the past  36 years, I have become increasingly of the opinion that the “image of the Beast” may well be that of the “Whole Earth.”

Indeed, that image was discussed as pivotal in Marilyn Ferguson’s New Age coming out party volume, THE AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY.  Chapter 13 (page 405) of her book is even named “The Whole Earth Conspiracy.”  I found  20 detailed references in the volume to “Whole Earth” concerns.  The New Age contempt for the beliefs and God of our Fathers is richly reflected in her prose:

Those of us born into the “broken-earth” paradigm have two choices: We can go to our graves with the old view, like the generations of die-hard scientists who insisted there were no such things as meteorites, or germs, or brainwaves, or vitamins-or, we can consign our old beliefs unsentimentally to the past and take up the truer, stronger perspective.

We can be our own children.(page 406)

The “spiritual values” to which the New Age cum “cultural creatives” cum “Mindfulness” crowd subscribe is clearly more Earth oriented than Creator based:

Spiritual values, indeed, are at the base of much of the ecological concern in our time, a quickening sense of the whole earth, respect for the matrix of our evolution, the nature in which we are embedded. (Ferguson, page 357)

It is not just water conservation, nor air protection that the New Agers seek.  They  also aggressively put forth an “Earth Charter” accompanied by an even more more blasphemous “Ark of the Covenant”.   Interestingly enough, they trotted that out for public display in a Vermont ceremony only two days before the “911” events of September 11, 2001 when the World Trade Center was destroyed.  Al Gore had a large Whole Earth poster behind him often shown on TV as he was interviewed in his Vice-Presidential office during the William Jefferson Clinton presidency (1993-2001).

Big money and big names are associated with the Threshold Foundation.  I have mentioned this organization in earlier posts, in views of Elaine DeWar’s book CLOAK OF GREEN, and histories of the powerful convergences of the New Agers as they were seeking to implement their major tri-fold agenda.  You will remember that it was James George’s book ASKING FOR THE EARTH was largely about the Threshold Foundation, its pioneering conferences and its work.  Marilyn Ferguson said of its goals in THE AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY (p. 410)

The Threshold Foundation, based in Switzerland, stated its intent to help ease the transition into a planetary culture, “foster a paradigm shift, a new model of the universe in which art, religion, philosophy, and science converge,” and promote a wider understanding that “we exist in a cosmos whose many levels of reality form a single sacred whole.

The book of Revelation is both feared and despised by the New Age/Globalist/Deep Ecology Movement.  Indeed, an important New Ager who has lyingly denied being one, “Sir” Martin Palmer an adviser of note to Britain’s Prince Philip  as well as his boastful claims of heading a trillion dollar environmental fund (churches’ moneys, no less) spent considerable ink faulting me for that in his 1993 book

Well, even a broken clock is right twice a day.  The New Agers and their “environmental movement” compatriots/comrades in arms may well be right about “global warming” coming.  They are, however, dead wrong about its causes.  If they want to prevent “global warming” or a “New Ice Age” as still earlier books of theirs called for, perhaps they might want to give thanks rather than blasphemies to their Maker.

Stay tuned!

© 2017 Constance Cumbey – All Rights Reserved

Angela Merkel Says EU Can No Longer Rely On Others

Donald Trump has just returned from his visits to Saudi Arabia, Israel, Palestinian Union leaders, the Vatican, and lastly NATO.  It is no understatement to say that things are in turmoil both home and abroad.  Reading about European reactions to his trip, it is another night when I wish that Herb Peters were still here to discuss what he called “”.

Angela Merkel has said that it is now clear that Europe can no longer rely on others and must take events into its own hands.

The ten toes of Daniel immediately come to my mind.  Some were strong, some were weak.  Some were clay, some were iron.  They “would not cleave together.”  However, ultimately, per the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation events would bring them together and work to eliminate some that would even be pulled up by their roots.  Which ones?  We could be possibly viewing the fulfillment of those prophecies with recent European events.

It is not new for demands to be made that Europe take matters into its own hands.  Javier Solana has long called for the consolidation of European military facilities into one shared operation.  He did this repeatedly during his long tenures as head of NATO, then head of the Western European Union (a military federation), Secretary General of the European Union (1999 to 2010), and “High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union (1999 to 2010).

In his “retirement” which appears to be as busy as his long-time official EU tenure, if not more so, he has continued to issue these calls and head critical EU military exploration operations.  In 2015 he issued widely circulated “wake calls” for a common European Union defense union.   He made that call from Berlin at the Friedrich Ebert Foundation where he went to present the CEP-FES report “More Union in European Defence,

Interestingly, the Friedrich Ebert Foundation’s (in Germany called Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung) operations and interests do not appear to be purely European.  A Google search shows a broad international, global governance scope of its operations.  Such a search shows that it has a Washington, D.C. address of 1023 15th Street, NW.  It also shows a USA phone number of 202-408-5444.  It also shows offices in Ottawa, the capital city of Canada.

The USA based Brookings Institution, of which Javier Solana is also a Fellow recently released a list of Javier Solana’s publications, book contributions, and articles.  You may access it by clicking here,  Given that the Brookings Institution is headed by former World Federalist head Strobe Talbott, it is more than fair to say that their interests are also global governance.

As regards the Friedrich Stiftung report delivered by Solana to the Berlin audience in 2015, it was the report of a CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies) task force chaired by Javier Solana.  Interestingly, the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (Germany) was one of the sources of funding for the 1995 Commission on Global Governance Report:  Our Global Neighbourhood (page 376).  The person credited with bringing the parties together to form that commission which included Maurice Strong was Willy Brandt (1913-1992), a former Chancellor of Germany (1968 to 1974) and leader of the Social Democratic Party of Germany from 1964 to 1987.   Brandt also served as Mayor of Berlin for 9 years from 1957 to 1966.

I have always listened carefully when I heard the name Willy Brandt because Benjamin Creme made frequent laudatory mention of him in the November 4, 1981 speech I witnessed Creme making at the Unity Center for Holistic Living of Detroit’s Unity Church.  Creme was so very confident that “Maitreya” appearance was near because of Willy Brandt’s then ongoing advocacy for global unification..

Creme’s first book, THE REAPPEARANCE OF THE CHRIST, had similar laudatory language about Willy Brandt (page 250):

This information not only confirms that unique events are taking place in the world. but aJso emphasizes, once again, that changes must occur naturally through the actions of man himself. Maitreya and the Masters can direct spiritual energies to stimulate the development of all manner of plans, but it is up to man to react – and act.

How concrete these reactions already are, can be deduced, amongst other things, from a report of the North-South Commission, of which 18 well known politicians under the chairmanship of the former West German Chancellor Herr Willy Brandt, are a part.  Edward Heath, the former Prime Minister of Great Britain, and Olof Palme of Sweden, are members of this Commission.

Maitreya’s submission, that the world has only two choices, sharing or total destruction, is dramatically underlined by the Commission. The title of the Brandt report, “A Program for Survival,” makes that quite clear. . . .

The German connection and the Willy Brandt origins are interesting.  Also making laudatory comments about Willy Brandt and his work leading to the formation of the Commission on Global Governance was former Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev in his 1987 book PERESTROIKA (page 206).  Gorbachev’s later book MANIFESTO FOR THE EARTH (2006) was even more militantly world government cum “Global Governance.”

According to Maitreyan evangelist and former State Department official author Wayne Peterson in his 2003 book Extraordinary Times, Extraordinary Beings:

There was one individual, however, who made it clear he had no problem with the public knowing he had met the Christ. His name was Mikhail Gorbachev. Since he was now out of political power in his country, I assume he felt he had nothing to fear or lose from such a disclosure. I was not surprised to learn this about Mr. Gorbachev, since I had heard much earlier of his involvement with Maitreya from a Pentagon official. I had also heard, from people I place much confidence in, that Mrs. Gorbachev had been to India several times to see the Avatar Sai Baba. I find it interesting that the international press never questioned Mr. Gorbachev more about his spiritual beliefs, since both he and his wife became Christians during his term in office. From the freedom and openness he introduced to the Soviet Union, it appeared obvious to me that he was being influenced by the Christ. Eventually, we will hear more of this story and how the Soviet empire collapsed. (page 100)

It is my present belief that what may be coming together is what I earlier wrote for this blogspot and for NewsWithViews — that this may well be a fulfillment or attempted fulfillment of the prophecy that 10 kings would come together and share power with the Beast for one hour — a very short period of time, Biblically speaking where a day represents a year and 1260 days represents 3 1/2 years.

Writing this, I took another peek at current news stories and found this startling headline:  Is President Trump pushing Merkel to create a German Superpower?

To the New Agers I have long observed and studied, “crisis = opportunity”.  Could this be the crisis that triggers their window of global governance opportunity?  Who knows?

Stay tuned!

© 2017 Constance Cumbey – All Rights Reserved

Will President Trump save Europe by it uniting against him?

I wish Herb Peters were still here to discuss this one with me.  I’m sure he might see possible prophetic significance in it.  There is an organization in Europe that is the equivalent of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations).  It is called what else but “European Council on Foreign Relations.”  Names very familiar to the research I have done on the European Union for the past 22 years since 1995 and very familiar to Herb Peters on the research he did between 1999 and 2007 when he died are on its leadership lists.  Here are both the link and a picture of a recent post of ECFR:

The propaganda war (a/k/a “The Resistance”) against the Trump Presidency has been non-stop and relentless from the time of his election through the present time and continuing.  The present scenario very much reminds me of an old novel about an attempted coupe against the United States Presidency named “Seven Days in May.”  There is also a movie by that name.

Looking at what is occurring also brings to mind Bible passages that Herb Peters and I once discussed.  There is a prophecy about the 10 toes of Daniel — some strong, some weak.  They would “not cleave together.”  But eventually, something was going to happen that the 10 kings would be brought together to fulfill a prophetic purpose — “to hand their power over to the Beast and thus fulfill the words of this prophecy.”  Whoever it would be would be someone, per that prophecy, “to whom they would not give the honor of the Kingdom.”  He would come in peaceably, with the aid of a few, and obtain the Kingdom by flatteries.  He would pull up three of the kingdoms that gave him power by their roots.

Strange words indeed?  They don’t look quite as strange in the light of recent events.  The current oft repeated strategy of the global governance including somebody Herb Peters and I long and carefully watched — the author of the Western European bill introduced in the Year 2000 by Javier Solana — “Recommendation 666,”  Indeed Javier Solana’s original European Union job was created as Section 666 of the European Union coded documents.  That job with the startling number was created for the Europa Code in December 1998 by the Vienna Council in session at that time.

Javier Solana “retired” from his 11 year held European Union post in 2010 after repeated attempts to gain European ratification of the new European Union constitution were repeatedly defeated.  Only after Javier Solana announced he would be “retiring” did the necessary ratification occur in Ireland.  Javier Solana “stepped down” and a lesser qualified candidate took the job with the very high salary that had obviously been created for Solana.  She was Catherine Ashton, a woman lacking prior diplomatic and elected political experience.  She held the job for the five year term.  When her term was up, a probably more qualified person was appointed — another woman — Federica Mogherini, who had served as Foreign Minister of Italy.

I will confess to personally liking what little I know about Ms. Mogherini, if for no other reason, her obvious hard work and her dedication to freeing Miriam Ibrahim of Somalia, a Christian sentenced to death by the Somalian regime for apostasy from Islam by marrying a Christian.  Ms. Mogherini and her then boss, Prime Minister Rinzo of Italy worked tirelessly and successfully for her release from the shackles and death sentence.  Federica Mogherini was pictured in the media carrying Miriam Ibrahim’s small son off the plane the Italian government had dispatched to transport her to freedom.

Far from “retiring,” Javier Solana has continued to work and campaign hard for global governance and for European ascendancy.  He serves on the board of ECFR, heads the Esade Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics, and advises on European affairs in many matters.  In my observation of Solana in the past, he so very often, using the vernacular, “sucked up” to USA politicians, particularly Presidential ones.  However, he has not done so with President Trump whom he continues to describe as a “despicable person.”

Looking at current events, I have seen some other things I would have loved to discuss with Herb Peters.  Javier Solana’s former “hatchet woman,” Cristine Gallach is now the Under Secretary of the United Nations for Communications and Public Information.

There are numerous reports on the internet that she has been operating in that job with a decidedly heavy-handed, even ruthless manner.  In my opinion, that job is hers because of Javier Solana’s heavy influence in global governance and United Nations circles.

There are times that I think I may have paid too much attention to Dr. Solana, but once again, I’m not so sure.

Stay tuned!

Obama’s last act – throw Israel to the wolves and incite war with Russia?

In my life and its memories, I have seen Presidents come and go. My personal recall goes back to the last days of the first Truman administration. He had entered office as a Vice President and became President when Franklin Delano Roosevelt died in 1945. My personal memories of hearing the radio discussions about the upcoming election stem from 1948. Truman was expected to become a “lame duck” in 1948, but it did not happen.

Truman went to bed with news that Dewey had won. He awoke to learn that he, instead had prevailed. Truman was succeeded in 1952 by Republican Dwight David Eisenhower. My parents paid attention to that election where they had voted for Eisenhower in the first election and the Democratic candidate in the 1956 election.

President Eisenhower was succeeded by the candidate of the opposite party by Democrat John Fitzgerald Kennedy. That was 1960. I was a Junior in high school. I do not remember public rancor and anger during that transition, even though Richard Nixon, Eisenhower’s Vice President had a surprise loss. The Kennedy years were brief with his tragic assassination in Dallas on November 22, 1963. He was succeeded by Lyndon Baines Johnson, his Vice President. Johnson was re-elected over Barry Goldwater in 1964. The years to follow were tumultuous and very reminiscent of what is happening now. Lyndon Johnson was exceedingly unpopular among many Democrats and did not seek re-election for what would have in effect been a third term in 1968. Richard Nixon instead was elected. Although the times were turbulent and the Cold War was on, I do not recall an ugly transition period — at least in my then perception.

President Nixon was re-elected in 1972. There was turbulence, but that turbulence seemed to stem more from Nixon’s insecurities, the ongoing Vietnam War, and what was shaping up that we came to know as “Watergate.” Gerald Ford succeeded fallen and disgraced former Vice President Spiro Agnew in that office and then became President of the United States upon President Nixon’s resignation in disgrace. Although times were turbulent indeed, I do not recall an ugly transition period when Jimmy Carter took office as President of the United States (POTUS). I do not recall, however, the December 1976 through January 1977 being an ugly or tumultuous period in terms of the Presidential succession.

Carter was a one-termer, having been defeated in 1980 by Ronald Reagan. Although Democrats were saddened at the loss, I do not recall the transition period being an ugly one. Ronald Reagan after serving two terms was succeeded by his Vice President George H. W. Bush who served only one term as President after having served two full terms as Vice President. William Jefferson Clinton was elected President. Although the Republicans were disappointed, I recall the inauguration and transition period proceeding smoothly and cooperatively.

There was real turbulence in 2000 when Vice Presidential Albert Gore and George W. Bush’s races collided. There were angry and politicized Supreme Court challenges that fell in favor of George W. Bush. Nevertheless, the transition proceeded smoothly despite the rancor.

Then we came to 2008 when Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton had a tumultuous primary race where Obama prevailed. Obama was elected President over John McCain his first term and over Mitt Romney his second term. The Bush-Obama transition went smoothly.

Now we come to the very last days of the Obama Administration. Suddenly, globally precipitous moves are made by the outgoing administration, obviously designed to make the transition anything but smooth. President Obama, in his declining days, it appears, has made war on both Israel and Russia. I don’t get classified briefings, nor do I know what the full facts are, but it is a safe bet that both countries have been actively spying on the other — but the accusation that Hillary’s defeat blamed first on FBI director James Comey and now on “the Russians” is unique in our history, at least as my personal recall goes.

It is my impression for better or for worse that what Barack Obama is doing is working actively to prevent a smooth transition of power and to create a far more dangerous world for Israel and for the United States than existed before. The actions against Russia are provocative to say the least.

My prayer is that Russia does not take the bait! May the Lord help us all!

© 2016 – Constance Cumbey – All Rights Reserved

Democratic party McCarthyism for the 21st century

I’m old enough to remember the unpleasant days from my childhood when the “Cold War” started, Joseph McCarthy accused practically everyone and their brother of having Moscow “Red” links, and “Russian connections.” Back in those days, it was often the Republicans making the charges against the Democrats that they called “fellow travelers” to alleged Communist influencers.

Well, here we are in the 21st century, nearing the end of the second decade of same, no less. The current administration of the United States Executive Branch, i.e. President Barack Obama was shown during the latter days of his first term assuring the Russians that he could work much more closely with them once he had been re-elected.

And so there was “peace on earth” or so it illusorily seemed.

All that appeared to change in my eyes once Barack Obama who once espoused marriage as between a man and woman then publicly “evolved” his view to one of “marriage equality”, i.e. man marries man, woman marries woman. The winter Olympics were set to be held in southern Russia. The conservative Russian Orthodox community promoted laws passed by the Russian government outlawing “homosexual propaganda.” The United States sent openly “gay” members to Russia to represent the United States government in the Olympic doings. Vladimir Putin said to the USA and to all that “gay” athletes were welcome to come but “please leave our children alone.”

Maybe coincidence, maybe not, but suddenly the “Cold War” was back on and heating up at that. EXCEPT this time the accusers were generally Democrats accusing Republicans and Evangelicals of being “Russian sympathizers.” At an annual Press Association “roast”, Barack Obama cynically stated that conservatives liked Vladimir Putin. Perhaps he was referring to some of Pat Buchanan’s public observations — perhaps something else. After all, I don’t get “classified briefings.”

That the intelligence services of the USA appear at least superficially to this observer to have been to at least some extent “politicized”, I am more than skeptical about the late claims reached by “consensus” (mostly Democrats with dissenting Republicans). That John McCain is angered and perhaps holding a grudge against Donald Trump is understandable. Senator Lindsay Graham is no great surprise either.

Suddenly, Barack Obama demands an investigation to be completed before his rapidly expiring term of office ends. And now today, we read from an on-line news source, “The Hill” in major news presentations from MicroSoft, the following:

At least 10 members of the Electoral College are asking U.S. intelligence officials for more information on ongoing investigations surrounding President-elect Donald Trump’s relationship with Russia.The electors, including the daughter of Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, Christine Pelosi, wrote an open letter to Director of National Intelligence James Clapper asking for the information ahead of their Dec. 19 meeting to vote for the next president. “The Electors require to know from the intelligence community whether there are ongoing investigations into ties between Donald Trump, his campaign or associates, and Russian government interference in the election, the scope of those investigations, how far those investigations may have reached, and who was involved in those investigations,” the letter read.

“We further require a briefing on all investigative findings, as these matters directly impact the core factors in our deliberations of whether Mr. Trump is fit to serve as President of the United States.”Nine democrats and one Republican signed the letter.”Separate from Mr. Trump’s own denials of Russian involvement in the election, the confirmed communication between Trump’s aides and those associated with the Russian election interference activity raise serious concerns that must be addressed before we cast our votes,” the letter read.

I, for one, smell a big, fat rat? How about the rest of you?

© 2016 – Constance Cumbey – All Rights Reserved

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