Muslim Rashida Tlaib in Our House of Representatives: A Jihadist

By Frosty Wooldridge

November 9, 2023

Thankfully, The U.S. House of Representatives censured Jihadist and Palestinian Rashida Tlaib, (D-MI) for her obscene support of Hamas’ brutal slaughter of children, mothers and the elderly in Israel on October 7, 2023.

Once elected, she wrapped herself in the Palestinian national flag outsider office.  In fact, her Palestinian flag stands equal to Old Glory outside her office in Washington, DC. Is she an American who swore on the Bible to uphold our U.S. Constitution?  No!  She is a Muslim anchor baby who swore herself into office on her bible, the Qur’an.

In other words, Tlaib lacks any loyalty or affinity to our country, our laws, our Constitution, our allies, or our freedom of religion.  If given the power, she would kill every last Jewish person on this planet. That’s the mandate brought to her by the Qur’an.

That’s ironic because in an Islamic country, she could be “honor killed” if she stepped out of line from her husband’s wishes.  She wouldn’t be allowed to drive a car.  Muslim women in Muslim lands cannot ride a bicycle or swim with men in a swimming pool. If they do swim, it must be with a full pajama suit on their bodies.  She would have suffered female genital mutilation by the age of nine.  Her elders would have provided a marriage partner without consulting her.  At the local mosque, she would not be allowed to worship with the men. She would be assigned to the back door and the basement.  In other words, Islam proves itself the most tribal, racist, misogynistic and brutal religion on the planet.

Daniel Greenfield, journalist for wrote, “Civilized nations have spent generations trying to convince themselves that the primary religious and national impulses of the Muslim world come down to more than conquest and mass murder.  The horrors of the past few years in Afghanistan and Israel both came down to the mistaken belief that you could negotiate and reach an agreement with Jihadist movements. Unfortunately, there is no ‘moderation’ in Jihad.”

We keep thinking that Muslims in America will ‘moderate’ to Western Enlightenment, when in fact, they remain on their same mandate to “Convert or kill all non-believers.”  If given any chance to freely kill Jews in America, Rashida Tlaib would be America’s Hitler.  It’s that plain and that simple. She stated exactly that in her obscene speeches to drive the Jews from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.  Please note: she said NOTHING against Hamas when they slaughtered 1,400 Jewish women, children and babies.

As a high school student, I learned about bullies. They will torture you with name-calling, pushing, shoving, and punching.  You can’t reason with them. You can’t hope they will respond to your kindness.  They don’t care about rules, civility or humanity. They will kick your ass for the pure fun of it.  They will make your life miserable for as long as they can get away with their brutish behavior.  They will make fun of you until you bash them in the mouth.  How do I know?  Several bullies back in high school picked on me incessantly until I responded like “Rocky.”  Every time I see them at our high school reunions, they remember me.

Look what Hitler did to the Jewish people.  Look what Hamas did to those Jewish children, mothers and babies.  Look what all of the Muslim world would do to Israel if they could.

Almost beyond sickening and beyond comprehension, all the college kids supporting genocide against the Jewish people of Israel, blame the Jews for Gaza’s problems, when in fact, the Jews vacated Gaza in 2005.  The Muslims in Gaza created their own problems as to food, water, sewage and living in an organized and viable society.

At the same time, those same college students want to stamp-out “free speech” provided in the First Amendment.  This past week in Ventura County, California, one of the supporters of Palestine knocked over and killed an elderly Jewish man on the street.  Not one single Muslim supporter came to the aid of the dying man.

Greenfield added, “It is a fundamental error to view Hamas as an “extremist” group. It is an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood whose political parties rule a number of Muslim countries. Its political organizations also dominate Muslim communities in America and Europe. Most of Al Qaeda’s leaders were also members of the Muslim Brotherhood. The myth of a split between political Islam and militant Islam, between moderate and extreme Islamic movements was always just that…a myth.” Islam remains brutal to its core just as its founder, Muhammed.

“The Jihad is the defining force of Islamic political and religious life,”  said Greenfield. “Much as with Communism, coexistence with it is impossible.” The same with Islam, no “ifs”, “ands” or “buts.” They will kill you in an instant to serve their Qur’an and those 72 virgins.

We, the American people, need to understand that with every Muslim immigrant allowed into the United States, we are setting ourselves up for another 9/11 in some form.  Those Islamic zealots mean business 24/7.  They aim to win by bullying us, lying to us, getting elected to national offices like Rashida Tlaib, Corey Bush, Ilhan Omar, Keith Ellison, Magid (Obama’s Sharia Law czar), Barack Obama and hundreds more across America.  They tell us that they will make America an Islamic Caliphate.  We’re just too naïve, too generous, and/or too stupid to listen to their intentions.  Obama said it in his book, “When the winds blow harshly, I will side with the Muslims.”

Finally, “The Jihad made Islam possible,” said Greenfield. “It is also what gives it meaning. It is the precarious reality that colors all relationships with the Muslim world. We have learned to ignore it at our own risk. And every time we unsee it, people die. They die by the dozens, the hundreds and the thousands…9/11 as one example. And the killing and the dying happen because we mistake what is at best a Cold War for a rich relationship. We think that we are building bridges when we’re really welcoming invaders.”

How do you deal with political-religious Islamic bullies/fanatics? You bash them in the mouth, and you don’t allow them into your home or country.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Islamophobia: Why We Need It In America

By Frosty Wooldridge

November 6, 2023

When France opened its borders to unlimited Muslim immigration in the 1970s, French writer Jean Raspail, penned a prophetic novel, Camp of the Saints, describing the consequences of that senseless choice: One of his characters spoke about Muslims, “You don’t know my people—the squalor, superstitions, the fatalistic sloth that they’ve wallowed in for generations.  You don’t know what you’re in for if that fleet of brutes ever lands in your lap.  Everything will change in this country of yours.  They will swallow you up!”

If you look at France and most of Europe in 2023 with over 50 million Muslims, you see dozens of “No-go Zones” where Europeans dare not enter Muslim dominated cities. Muslims do not accept Western Culture or Western Laws as valid in comparison to their Sharia Law.  Which in itself proves to be the most brutal, murderous, terroristic and obscene “law” out of the 6th century into the 21st century.

Among some of the recent desecrations in France, the following took place in just February and March:

  • Islamic Vandals plundered Notre-Dame des Enfants Church in Nîmes and used human excrement to draw a cross there.
  • The Saint-Nicolas Church in Houilles was vandalized on three separate occasions in February; a 19th century statue of the Virgin Mary, regarded as “irreparable,” said a clergyman; and a hanging cross was thrown to the floor.
  • Islamic Vandals smashed statues at Saint-Alain Cathedral in Lavaur, and mangled the arms of a statue of a crucified Christ in a mocking manner. In addition, an altar cloth was burned.
  • Arsonists torched the Church of St. Sulpice in Paris soon after midday mass on Sunday, March 17.

Similar reports are coming out of Germany. Four separate churches were vandalized and/or torched in March alone. “In this country,” PI-News explained, “there is a creeping war against everything that symbolizes Christianity: attacks on mountain-summit crosses, on sacred statues on churches… and recently also on cemeteries.”  (Source:  European Churches: Vandalized, Defecated On, and Torched “Every Day”  by Raymond Ibrahim, Gatestone Institute  April 14, 2019)

Last week in huge European cities, Muslims called for the eradication of Israel.

If you look at rapes, car burnings and squalor, you can look no further than Malmo, Sweden where immigrant Muslims dominate the population.  As you witnessed last week in London, England, Muslims marched for the eradication of all Jewish people. They marched for the total eradication of Israel after that country witnessed the worst slaughter of Jews since WWII.  Hamas Muslim terrorists massacred 1,400 Jewish women, children and old people on October 7, 2023.

One week ago, in Dearborn, Michigan, dominated by 300,000 Muslim immigrants, Jewish leader Samantha Woll suffered being stabbed by a Muslim outside her home.  She was the leader of the last Jewish synagogue in Detroit.  In most cities in Europe, Jews run for their lives in the wake of Muslim immigration.

Muslims Do Not Hide Their Intentions For America

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any faith, but to become dominant. The Qur’an should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.” Omar Ahmed, director of Council on American Islamic Relations.

Last week, while Muslim immigrants demonstrated for the eradication of Jews in America, Canada and Europe, Vice President Kamala Harris announced her latest mandate for Americans: “The National Strategy to Combat Islamophobia in America.”   She expects to lead the charge to make certain Americans understand that Islam marches into 21st century America as a religion of peace. What a FARCE!  Additionally, in the eyes of Allah, Harris possesses ½ the value of a camel or is it ½ the value of a Muslim man?!

She didn’t mention that Islam and its followers in America carry no affinity toward our U.S. Constitution or our 1st Amendment rights to freedom of religion, which proves that she hasn’t kept up with what Islam’s final intention:  to subdue all other religions and governance to Sharia Law of Islam.

Why We Need Islamophobia in America

Harris forgot to tell Americans that Muslims tried to bomb the New York Trade Center in 1993. After failing, they bided their time until September 11, 2001 when they flew airplanes into the twin towers, the Pentagon and tried to level the White House.  Only a handful of Americans on that highjacked plane said, “Let’s roll.”  They brought the plane down into a field, where they died, but saved countless American lives.

Harris forgot to tell the American public that we suffer 23 to 27 “honor killings” in the USA annually as reported by Assistant District Attorney Ed O’Callaghan of the Department of Homeland Security in a White House Press Conference in 2018. (I personally watched that news conference.)   He also noted that over 500,000 Muslim girls suffer female genital mutilation in the United States of America. The United Nations reported that 20,000 Muslim women lose their lives to honor killings annually, here in the 21st century.  In other words, a savage 6th century political-religion has established a massive foothold into America.  It’s on college campuses. It’s in our big cities. It’s in my small city of Golden, Colorado with a mosque in the middle of our downtown neighborhood. It’s growing with chain-migration out of the Middle East.

In Boulder, Colorado, three years ago, a Muslim immigrant shot 13 people to death at King Soopers on Table Mesa. I have shopped at that location for years when I lived there.  I could have died in that slaughter by a Muslim terrorist.

This column could report dozens of other Muslim terrorist acts here in America, Canada and Europe.  If you visit with Robert Spencer, you will see weekly reports of Islamic terror around the world.  It’s simply a “killing-machine religion.”  What’s the worst part about Islam’s followers?  Answer: they don’t mind dying because they go to heaven where they enjoy 72 virgins for their killing efforts.

If you’re reading this column, you must know that Muslim religious nuts have crossed over our borders by the hundreds to join terror groups, Islamic training camps, and they are infiltrating into our own governmental bodies such as House Member Rashida Tlaib of Detroit or Ilhan Omar of Minneapolis, and hundreds more.  We even elected Muslim Barack Obama to do even more damage.

What can Americans do?  We need to deport anyone who follows Islam’s tragic/violent/6th century/evil and pathetic religion.  We need to vote House Members and Senators who will protect our country instead of inviting those who would destroy our country.

What if we don’t?  Just look at what’s happening to Europe. They are finished.  The head Imam of Sweden recently boasted that Sweden would be, “The first Islamic Caliphate in Europe.”  His followers are on the verge of conquering Sweden by sheer numbers/birthrates.  Guess what? That’s happening in London, Paris, Rome, Berlin, Barcelona, and all across Europe. Read the book: The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam by Douglas Murray.  Also, his book, War on the West by Douglas Murray. He’s written what’s happened to Europe and what’s coming to America.

As to Vice President Kamala Harris’ combatting Islamophobia, I say each American must be on alert for the next Muslim attack. They are going to hit our electrical sub-stations to our big cities. They will start fires to burn our Great Plains down. They will poison our waters in our reservoirs.  They will move into our political positions.  They are dedicated, zealous and ready to die for Allah and those 72 virgins.  We must keep “Islamophobia” at its highest level in order to be prepared.

May God help us to help ourselves by deporting all Muslims out of America.  Do you have any other solutions?

As a side note to this column:  House Member Rashida Tlaib swore in on a Koran as a new Congresswoman from eastern Michigan. She said it was Jefferson’s Koran. It was! However, Jefferson abhorred Islam. He called it a barbaric religion/ way of life and wanted the American people and congress to know what we were up against. Jefferson and Adams met with an Imam in England because right after we became a nation, they started taking our ships, enslaving our sailors and demand booty for their return. We’ve been at war with Islam since America’s beginning. We were paying a huge portion of our budget to the Muslims in Tripoli. The imam said he had the right to do whatever he wished to the infidels and would continue because the Koran gave him that right.

Adams and Jefferson returned, and Jefferson had 200 copies of the Koran made to demonstrate how barbaric and anathema to our constitution Islam was. As a result, we got our first Navy and Marine corp. It took several years to defeat them but its memory is etched in the marine anthem    (Leathernecks and from the shores of Tripoli).

The Koran and Sunna states that Sharia supersedes all nations laws, including our constitution. When she swore in on the Koran, she is saying that the Koran is above our constitution. No true Muslim can swear to defend our constitution from all enemies foreign or domestic because they don’t believe it’s worth saving, but Sharia Law is. The enemy is within and Tlaib is part of the plan devised by the Muslim Brotherhood to destroy America from within. It’s called civilization jihad.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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United States of America: Unraveling at the Seams

By Frosty Wooldridge

November 2, 2023

If you don’t think America faces an unraveling at her seams, think again. We’ve got some really crazy, misguided and totally nuts college students parading across America against America. They are threatening Jews with death. They are killing themselves with drugs. They are shoplifting this country into bankruptcy.  They are marching at college campuses in favor of Hamas’ killing Jews.  They demand our institutions to lower academic standards because “math” is racist.

Our president and U.S. Congress have allowed over 8,000,000 illegal aliens, along with terrorists to enter our country in the past 34 months. The president of our country “really” doesn’t know what day of the week it is…and because of his dementia, he cannot pass a mental competency test to save his life.  Instead, he’s killing America.  Or, at least his wife and/or his handlers are killing our country.

As reported by NBC’s anchor Lester Holt last night, Miami’s Jewish old ladies are taking pistol practice at a gun range because they saw many signs, “Free Gaza—Kill All Jews.”  The gun range owner said that his business has jumped 100 percent because of U.S. college campuses demonstrating in favor of Hamas’ killing of 1,400 Jewish women and children on October 7, 2023.

Even the Jewish U.S. Senator Jackie Rosen from Nevada suffered a death threat from an American Hamas supporter, for being Jewish.  Jewish students at Cornell University face thousands marching in support of killing Jews. One bold student of Asian background, Patrick  Dai, threatened to kill male Jews and rape female Jews.  He’s now in custody, but what on earth allowed him to blast his threats all over social media?  Is he crazy or are college campuses producing crazy people or what?

The FBI won’t chase down Islamic terrorists at our southern border, but they call our own citizens at school board meetings “Internal terrorists” because those parents don’t want their kids to be taught about “sexual perversions” in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades.  Then, you find out that the FBI, which is supposed to be non-political, did everything in its power to foment the Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax for three solid years until it was proven to be fraudulent by whistleblowers within the FBI.

We’ve got Black Lives Matter burning, looting and killing across our major cities, but no one faces arrest or a court room.  We have Islamic Training  Camps in America, but we Americans are called “terrorists” if we disagree with Joe Biden.

The National Debt just passed $33 trillion, but Joe Biden wants to give $70 billion to Ukraine while all of Europe contributes nothing to save one of their own countries.

One look at the 10,000 Muslims marching in London over the weekend in favor of Hamas’ slaughter of women and babies in Israel shows you what mass immigration out of the Middle East does to Western Countries.  The same Muslims marched in Paris, France. They marched in favor of killing Jews in most major German cities like Stuttgart, Munich, Berlin and more.

Who in the hell thought it was a good idea to import the MOST violent religion on the planet into Western Civil Societies?   Do you understand Islam instigates the MOST tribal, barbaric aspect of human nature?   How could those Hamas terrorists kill all those Jews with such brutality? How could they burn them alive in their own houses?  Answer: it’s commanded by their Qur’an. “Cut off their fingers, cut off their hands, cut off their heads to honor Allah.”

And now, we’ve got 4,000,000 of these savages in the USA. They  will remain peaceful only as long as our numbers and laws outnumber their numbers.  But they still practice barbaric Sharia Law within America.

How stupid is it to pretend to be solving “catastrophic climate destabilization” with electric cars and banning gas stoves along with weed blowers when Dementia Joe just added no less than 10,000,000  legal and illegal immigrants to America in the past 34 months?  Every single one of those refugees will burn more gasoline, more heating oil, more propane gas, more electricity, more energy of every kind to maintain themselves.

And now, my two U.S. Senators want to bring in more Muslim refugees from Palestine.  What are they using for brains and common sense?  Do we not have enough racial and religious conflict in America without piling on more of what’s causing our societal conflict?

Then, we’ve got an Alaska airline pilot threatening to shoot the captain of the plane with over 100 passengers on board.  He consumed some mushrooms two days earlier.  Does that show you that we’ve got endless crazy people on drugs, mushrooms, pot, fentanyl and worse?

Anybody thinks it’s wonderful that so many kids are driving stoned today? What about the millions of people texting while driving?

Journalist Mandy Sleight wrote, “Although 48 states have texting and driving laws in place, many American drivers still take part in this dangerous practice daily. When driving during the day, there are an estimated 354,415 drivers holding a phone to their ear, and even more using them while driving, according to the NHTSA. In 2020, the CDC estimated that around 3,000 people die annually from texting and driving and other distracted driving practices.”

How would you like to lose your life to one of those mental morons texting and driving at 70 miles per hour?  Or, how about the 14 million drunks on our highways that kill up to 20,000 Americans annually?

With all this craziness, lawlessness and outright insanity, how do we expect to hold America together? How do we expect to remain a cohesive society? How do we expect to continue as a viable economic system?  How do we expect to solve our incredible and incompatible religious divisions?  Our racial divisions?  Do you have any solutions?

Or, are we in so much trouble that there are no solutions?

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Balkanizing America to a Point of No Return

By Frosty Wooldridge

October 30, 2023

Let all Americans bow their heads in prayer at the loss of actor/comedian Mathew Perry this past weekend. He created laughter, joy and smiles throughout his ten years on the sitcom, “Friends.”  He battled alcohol and drug addiction throughout his life. We suffer millions of Americans in our country battling alcohol addiction as well as hundreds of thousands of drug addiction deaths.  We’ve got up to 20,000 deaths on our highways annually from D.U.I.’s. We suffer thousands more dying from “texting” drivers.  Countless drivers ply our nation’s highways while high on any number of drugs.

Such horrors continue because we fail to address the core reasons. We fail to provide more stringent policies for allowing people the privilege to drive.  Until we create greater consequences such as massive fines and jail time, millions of kids and adults will continue to drink and drive.  Mothers Against Drunk Drivers reported that 14,000,000 motorists are drunk on America’s highways 24/7.

As a lifelong trash picker-upper, I can verify that alcoholics toss millions of beer, wine, shooter and whiskey bottles at rest stops, at entrances and exits to the Interstates, and just about anywhere they want along our nation’s roadways.  We simply don’t fine them enough. We don’t take away their driver’s licenses. We don’t take away their cars. We don’t put them in jail. We don’t make it more prohibitive to drink and drive—-so alcoholics continue their driving on every road in America at any hour.

May Mathew Perry rest in peace. He lived a tortured, secluded life. His memoir reads like a bleak novel of loneliness and addiction. May God help all Americans addicted to alcohol and drugs.

Balkanizing America to a Point of Destruction of Our Country

Definition of Balkanization: Balkanization is the fragmentation of a larger region or state into smaller regions or states, which may be hostile to, or uncooperative with, one another. It is usually caused by differences in ethnicity, culture, religion, and some other factors such as past grievances. The term is pejorative; when sponsored or encouraged by a sovereign third party, it has been used as an accusation against such third-party nations.

If you look around at America in 2023, you’re seeing this nation becoming SO Balkanized via mass legal and illegal immigration—that there will come a point where we cannot secure our own liberties, freedoms or a safe and civil society.

If you look closely at the mass slaughter of 1,400 Jewish people in their own country on October 7, 2023—you saw Muslims carrying out the mandates of their Qur’an. It tells its followers to, “Convert or kill all non-believers.”  If allowed, Muslims of the world would eradicate all Jewish people.  That means, they would exterminate them.  Whether it is Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran or any other Islamic country…they want to kill all Jews.

So, here in America, everyone enjoys the practice of their own religion via the U.S. Constitution.  But the fact is, we’ve imported 4,000,000 to as high as 6,000,000 Muslim followers who do not subscribe to our Constitution.  Therefore, did you notice the thousands of kids and adults who demonstrated in favor of Hamas killing those Jews on October 7, 2023?  That’s in our own country.

What happens when we import more and more disparate religious groups who do not subscribe to our values or the sacred laws that allow everyone to follow their own religion?   What happens when we import enough political/religious Qur’an followers that they simply stampede our civil society into anarchy and religious zealotry?  What happens when those incompatible religions create their own enclaves in our cities to a point where they refuse to become Americans?

Guess what?  That’s already happening in New York City, Miami, Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Denver and many more cities.

What about the latest and largest Hindu temple at 87,000 square feet in Robbinsville, New Jersey?  Do you realize that Hindu’s feature three classes of humans?  There’s the top of that caste, the Brahmins, who are privileged. Next, come the middle class, Kshatriyas. At the bottom, the untouchables, the Shudras.  They can never change or climb out of their class.  It’s brutal, and, it’s in America, big time!  Everything in that religion stands against everything in America’s culture, laws and way of life.

What about importing more Kurds, Shi’ites, or Sunni’s…all Muslims?  They cut each other throats for the sheer hatred of the other tribe.  They separate themselves in Iraq because they hate each other.  How many do you think we can continue importing into America? How long will we survive their angry, violent, tribal rituals?

There are some Washington D.C. bureaucrats who want to import Ukrainian refugees. There are millions of them.  Others in that 535 set of geniuses want to import Palestinian refugees from Gaza.  What’s the problem?   Answer: those Palestinian refugees are Muslims who want to eradicate all Jewish people.  What happens when they go after American Jews like what happened in Detroit last week when a Muslim stabbed to death the last Jewish leader in the last synagogue in Detroit?

Are you ready for that kind of a future for our country?  What do you think those 8,000,000 illegal aliens that Biden invited into our country in the past 33 months are going to do when they receive voting power?  Is anyone thinking about what we’re bringing down on ourselves?  Is anyone thinking about our cultural costs, our language costs, our way of life?

Has any country in history ever survived such an invasion of immigrants?  Answer: not one single country.

If you, or your senators, or your house members don’t stop this invasion, we’re going to look like Gaza, Israel, Ukraine, France, Sweden and worse.  France is on the verge of civil war as you read this column. They’ve imported over 5,000,000 Muslims that do not and will not identify as “French.”  Sweden has already lost its society.  They will not recover their country.

Do you think I’m kidding?  Read Civil War II: The Coming Breakup of America by Thomas W. Chittum. He wrote it 30 years ago.  “Social, political and economic forces are pulling America apart and driving her toward a bloody war that may fracture the nation into different countries, dividing along ethnic lines. Riots, gangs, militias, exploding crime rates, mass immigration, rising unemployment, falling wages…these are the factors that will fuel the fires of war.”

Then, you have to ask yourself, “Will my family and I survive the projected 100 million more immigrants added to America within the next 25 years?”

Answer: about as much chance as a snowball in a frying pan.

Do you see it?  If you don’t, why aren’t you paying attention?

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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A Journey Through Cancer: Our Poisoned Food Supply

By Frosty Wooldridge

October 26, 2023

You know, while the middle east destroys its humanity, each of us must live our lives in America as best we can.  Each day brings promise, each day brings problems, each day brings heartbreak, each day brings choices, and each day brings such things as love, joy, glee and that wonderful feeling of being alive.

This past week, my best friend from college some 55 years ago, called me about his wife.  She has developed brain cancer.  She has less than a month or so to live.  She’s been my friend for all those years of my college friend’s life. I held their first born.  I’ve held their grandkids. We’ve skied together.  We’ve bicycled Europe together. We bicycled across America together. We’ve backpacked to mountain peaks. We’ve shared those campfires.

But now, we’ve watched Jimmy Buffet die of skin cancer. Suzanne Sommers died of some malady such as cancer.  It sure makes you take a second glance at your own life when famous people, younger than you, exit the planet.

And, so, to each of you reading this column, I hope your loved ones are safe, sound and healthy.  I wish you a pleasant old age. I wish you health during your “Golden Years.”  I wish you pleasant surroundings and a sense of having lived a good, solid, decent life.

The one thing I wish is that every American learn to avoid poisoned foods such as the GMO’s or Monsanto’s poison Roundup sprayed on crops.  I loathe all the chemical additives in foods. I forever am angry that supermarket “foods” are filled with sugars, high fructose corn syrup, and another dozen forms of sugars. I hate the MSG’s in fast foods that cause people to be “forever hungry”, so they buy that second Big Mac, Fries and that poison liquid of Coke, Dr. Pepper, Mt. Dew, or Pepsi.

I would wish that every American ate and exercised toward a slim, trim and healthy waistline.  It’s so much better to be slim and trim than fat and dying.  I hate seeing 12 year old boys with middle-aged pot bellies like their fathers.  I dislike seeing kids get hooked on sugar.

For certain, I am so sad to see kids locked into their cell phones instead of playing or exercising or expressing themselves by singing, painting, or creating something with pottery or clay.

In schools, I wish they taught dancing in the 6th grade so kids would learn social skills. I wish they would provide afterschool classes that promoted the  Pledge of Allegiance, some kind of prayer of thanks. I wish that teachers were paid well, and parents attended “Parent Teacher Conferences.”  I wish that every child learned everything need to  become a contributing member of our society.

But  this cancer thing makes me horribly sad. Why? Because when you look at all the chemicals sprayed onto our crops, or plowed into the ground or engineered by GMO scientists…really, it makes me sick because of the millions of people whose bodies could not withstand the chemicals…and so, they died of cancer. It’s an ugly disease because it hooks into you, and then, it takes you to a slow death. You agonize and your loved ones suffer grievously throughout the process.

You know what I wish?  I wish that all those food manufactures were concerned more about America’s general health than they are worried about profits. I wish that fast food joints provided organic salad bars like Mad Greens, Crispy and Green, Healthy Habits, Modern Market and other healthy food providers. I wish schools taught children and parents the dangers of white sugar and its role in causing obesity, diabetes, dental cavities and overall poor health.

How can you help.  Write Heinze Ketchup and demand they take sugar out of their products.  Write Sunsweet and demand they take “high fructose corn syrup” out of their products.  Write Monsanto and tell them you want them to stop poisoning this country with “Glyphosate” and GMO’s.  Write your Congress people to ask them to pass laws that stop Monsanto and its stockholders from poisoning our food chain, poisoning our water and contaminating our soils.

Why? Because cancer is one of the top killers in America, and it’s mostly caused by all those chemicals in our food chain.

Thank you for making positive change. Every time you read the ingredients on a “food” label, make a note, and then, call or write that company and demand the offer health foods, organic foods, and decent nutrition for all Americans. Same with fast food joints.

Thank you and may you and yours live health lives free of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, obesity and poor health.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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It’s Crazy Out There in America Today: It’s the Little Things Killing Our Country

By Frosty Wooldridge

October 23, 2023

Part 2: Displacing our poor, depressing wages, mixing incompatible cultures, drug addiction, anchor babies, illegal immigration

One reader remarked about my observations in Detroit, Michigan where 300,000 Islamic immigrants have taken over the city’s housing, schools, language, signage in Arabic, welfare systems, dominating school boards and just about everything that once was an All-American City.

He said, “I had no idea about what was happening in Detroit.”

That’s right.  Very few Americans realize what’s happening to our country’s demographic changes.  Unless you’re right in the middle of what’s happening!  Take for instance, Minneapolis, Minnesota—-some “Woke” bureaucrat in Washington D.C. decided that Minnesota was “Too White”, so he imported 125,000 Somalian refugees into that “Too White” city.

Result: Schools trashed. Academic standards obliterated. Multi-million-dollar EBT (Food stamp cards) scam that netted millions for the refugees. Crime off the charts. Whites fleeing the city to escape the car jackings, the crime, their schools being destroyed, shoplifting, et al.  Essentially, everything that has made Somalia a failed nation is now a central aspect as to why Minneapolis is no longer functioning in the Somalia dominated portion of the city that is totally enclaved because those Somalians don’t integrate with White People.

What’s crazy in America in 2023?  

Look these figures up.  We suffer 540,000 homeless Americans, but no one in Washington D.C. has solved THAT problem. They inhabit the streets, under bridges, near schools and within neighborhoods across the entire of America.  Instead of solving our own homeless problems, Joe Biden allowed another 260,000 homeless illegal aliens into the USA over our Southern Border in September for a new record of illegal border crossings.  That’s on top of the 8,000,000 illegals he imported in the past 33 months. That’s on top of the 124,000 Afghanistan refugees he flew over here in 2021 that are living on our military bases at a cost of billions since he made his incompetent and insane withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Anchor Babies Galore!

Why would you, the American taxpayer choose to allow 300,000 pregnant women to cross over our borders annually to birth their “instant citizenship” babies at your expense and then, remain here so you could feed her and her child, educate that child, house that child and care for that child for the next 18 years?  Why haven’t those legislative geniuses stopped that 14th Amendment loophole 30 years ago?  You’ve paid out trillions for other countries’ baby boom.

Why would you like to pay for seven out of ten African-American babies being on welfare without a father in the home?  Surely some bright light in Washington D.C. would see that nightmare and move to solve it in our country.

Instead, Joe Biden just asked for $106,000,000,000.00 (billion) of your tax dollars to protect Ukraine’s and Israel’s borders, but not America’s borders.  All the while, we’re $33 trillion in national debt that ultimately will bankrupt our entire monetary system.

My two U.S. Senators Bennet and Hickenlooper, along with Governor Jared Polis of Colorado support open borders along with my House Member Brittany Pettersen.  But they don’t have any solutions for 10,000 homeless in Denver, nor the added 3,000 illegal aliens homeless now staggering through the streets of Denver: starving, drunk, drug-addicted, illiterate, pregnant, unskilled and totally unfit to benefit our economic system.

What about Islamic Detroit?

Over the weekend, a 40-year-old female Jewish leader in Detroit, Michigan, Samantha Woll suffered an ugly stabbing death at the hands of an Islamic follower.  She represented the last Jewish Synagogue in Detroit. Just like the Jews in Europe where Muslims have become dominant, Jewish people must flee the area for their lives. Well, it’s now here in the USA along with Honor Killings and Female Genital Mutilation of little girls.  Both crimes against humanity, women and a free society.  Are we stopping it?  Answer: not a chance.  Once they enclave in our cities, they may continue their barbaric Sharia Law practices.

What About America’s Massive Drug Addiction Death Rate? 

The Center for Disease reported 110,000 drug overdose deaths in 2021. It reported 70,000 drug overdose deaths in 2022.  What do you think it will be in 2023?

What do you expect? Joe Biden’s open-door policy to drug cartels is working, BIG TIME!  It’s killing our young with heroin, meth, cocaine, fentanyl and just about any other drug to mess up a kid’s mind and body.  Are there any solutions?  Of course: close the borders with the U.S. Military or National Guard to stop the importation of millions of pills that are killing our citizens.  Will Joe Biden and/or his handlers do it?  Answer: of course not!  Somebody is making a lot of money.  Heck,  Joe’s son Hunter is a big-time drug-addict. He’s probably got a hand in all of that, too.

If you take one look at Sweden and/or most of Europe, you see the results of endless third world immigration.  It’s ugly, culture-destroying, language-destroying and totally unsolvable in the short and long term.

If we keep moving along this path, there’s no way we’re going to survive our forced “multicultural-racial-religious-opposing world view” nightmare provided by our 535 Congressional Critters and our Dementia-ridden President Joe Biden.

Just one look at all the pro-Hamas youth and Muslim rallies in the past two weeks show you that we’ve got a lot of people supporting the mass slaughter of Jews both here and in Israel.  It’s pretty sickening, but they are here in America.

The fact is, we Americans are methodically being replaced. Our schools are being downgraded to the lowest common denominator of third world intellects or lack of intellect.  Do you know why third world countries are poor, failing, starving and miserable?

Why do you think that all of Venezuela’s citizens are moving to America?  In September, out of 260,000 that crashed our borders at the invitation of Joe Biden, the Venezuela illegals outnumbered everyone else.  Why have over 15 million illegal aliens from Mexico already taken up residence in America?  Why would all of Somalia, Congo and Sudan move here in an instant?  Why are Indians chain-migrating to America along with Chinese—by the millions?

What do they bring with them?  Answer: every aspect of their failed countries!  Do you see any Somalians in Minneapolis becoming the new Einstein’s of the 21st century?  Do you see all those Muslims in Detroit honoring Old Glory?  Do they honor our laws by stopping FGM and honor killings?  Do they honor women as equal? Answer: FAT CHANCE!

If you think it’s “crazy” in Israel or Ukraine right now, just wait a few years as we keep importing “crazy” into America.  The Islamic imams in Sweden have already bragged that Sweden will become the first Islamic State in Europe.  They will outnumber the Swedes within a few decades because of their screaming birth rates.

For this journalist, I do not understand why so few in D.C. understand our future. I don’t understand why they can’t see what they are doing to America.  Even worse, like that man who wrote me from Florida, he didn’t “see” what’s happened to Detroit.

For sure, if you’re alive in 2050, you WILL see the result of mass legal and illegal migration into the USA.  We most certainly will devolve into a third world country full of homelessness, poverty on multiple levels, malfunctioning cities, schools that no longer educate, loss of the rule of law, loss of standards, lack of educated citizens, and unsolvable problems with irreversible consequences.  Oh, that’s already upon us! Just one look at LA, Chicago, Detroit, Miami, St. Louis, San Francisco or NYC shows you it’s already here.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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It’s Crazy Out There in America Today: And Around the World

By Frosty Wooldridge

October 19, 2023

President Teddy Roosevelt said, The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities.”

Just to let you know, it’s tough to be a journalist today.  You’ve got to pick a topic that’s pertinent to the American audience.  You’ve got to research the sources you might use. You’ve got understand the ramification of your words. You’ve got to stick to the facts.  You need to write with dynamic intelligence. Because if you don’t, you’ll lose credibility. Once you lose credibility, you lose readership. Why? Because you lose validity.

As an American journalist, I have worked hard at writing two columns a week for the past 20 years.  I bring a ground-level understanding as a former college student, U.S. Army officer, math-science teacher, college lecturer, cardiac catheterization medical tech, long haul truck driver, bartender, dance teacher, volunteer ski instructor for the handicapped, life-long trash picker-upper, and another dozen jobs that gave my life meaning.

Each job taught me many lessons.  Which lesson was the most important?  Answer:  honesty to myself and to others.

In my last column, I spoke about U.S. Army Boot Camp in the summer of 1968 at Fort Benning, Georgia. I mentioned that I experienced moving through a gas hut with gas mask through “mustard gas.”  A veteran U.S. Marine officer called me a “liar” because it was actually “CS Gas.”  Therefore, I apologized to him.  No excuse on my part. I simply didn’t remember anything other than being frightened out of my mind during all of Boot Camp.  My father had died while serving in the United States Marine Corps just before I reached college.  My roommate had been killed in Vietnam.  Talk about trauma for a 19-year-old kid!

So, what’s crazy about America in 2023? 

For starters, we didn’t pay attention to President Teddy Roosevelt when he warned us against importing hyphenated-Americans with  “squabbling nationalities” that spoke many different languages. He should have added, “deadly or incompatible religions.”

President Roosevelt said, “There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism. When I refer to hyphenated Americans, I do not refer to naturalized Americans. Some of the very best Americans I have ever known were naturalized Americans; Americans born abroad. But a hyphenated American is not an American at all.”

“This is just as true of the man who puts “native” before the hyphen as of the man who puts German or Irish or English or French before the hyphen. Americanism is a matter of the spirit and of the soul. Our allegiance must be purely to the United States. We must unsparingly condemn any man who holds any other allegiance.”

“The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities.”

So, what have we done in the past 30 years?  We’ve imported 4,000,000 of the most diabolically stupid, irrational, religious fanatics on the planet in the form of Muslims from all over the middle east.  Right now, they are demonstrating in our cities and colleges in favor of Hamas wiping out and exterminating Israel and every Jew in the world.  That’s NOT what America is about!

They’ve taken over Detroit, Michigan, New York City, and many other cities with their mosques, their schools and their Jihad training camps. One of them is the Attorney General of Minnesota Keith Ellison, whose chief of staff spoke at a rally supporting Hamas’ killing of Jewish babies, mothers and grandmas in last week’s slaughter in Israel by Hamas. We’ve got House Member from Detroit, Rashida Tlaib who supports Hamas and hates America. She hates Jews. Another House Member, Ilhan Omar absolutely hates America, is a racist, and should be deported back to her native Somalia.

We’re teaching our college students this new “Woke” orientation that supports the dumbest of the dumb and the most idiotic of the idiots.  It supports minority students who can’t spell their own names let along perform Algebra, Geometry or Physics problems.  We’ve dumbed down our high school and college curriculums to the point that we feature 45,000,000 functionally illiterate people in America.  We’ve got college graduates that obtain affirmative action jobs where they answer the telephone while polishing their nails. It’s called “affirmative  action” jobs and multi-tasking.

Then, there’s the NCAA people who sanction a huge male 6’4” William “Lia” Thomas swimming against 5’2” women in the name of the most idiotic “transgender” craze because he identifies as a “woman.”  When in fact, he might identify himself as someone who is in need of a psychiatrist and a mental health clinic.  The rest of those transgender advocates think a man can conceive and carry a baby.  Let them compete in their own class of transgender athletes and let the rest of us sane Americans enjoy men competing against men and women competing against women.

Now, we have President Joe “Alzheimer’s” Biden telling us to stop global warming by cutting off gas stoves and buying electric cars. At the same time, he just imported 8,000,000 illegal aliens who will be burning millions of gallons of gas by warming their homes, cooking their food, transporting themselves, and consuming our limited resources. All of them will have another 4,000,000 children that will ravage our environment by burning fuel.  Is that crazy or what?

Our reality at this time would be that President Teddy Roosevelt would turn over in his grave at how stupid we have been to import the world’s most deadly religion, Jihad terrorists, Hamas supporters, and masses of third world people who will destroy our welfare systems at the expense of the American people.

We are being led by 535 fools in Congress and one Dementia President Joe Biden.

Part 2: Homeless, jobs, welfare, anchor babies, environment, global warming, our folly

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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War is the Dumbest Thing We Humans Do, But It’s Coming to America

By Frosty Wooldridge

October 17, 2023

“War is the dumbest thing we humans do,” said Captain Chuck Nash, U.S. Navy.

As I sat watching his interview with Shannon Bream, I thought back on my own time trying to survive the Vietnam War. Robert McNamara concocted the Vietnam War out of some insane idea that a country 10,000 miles away needed saving by America. He convinced President Lyndon B. Johnson to go full-out with 500,000 troops, bombers, napalm, Agent Orange, aircraft carriers and more bullets than grains of sand on the beach.

After Boot Camp at Fort Benning, Georgia in 1968, I figured I was a walking dead man. Forced marches, crawling under concertina wire, gas masks in huts filled with mustard gas, crawling along the ground with bomb craters blowing up within feet of me, drill sergeants crawling down my throat, fire watch, 18 hour days, shooting every kind of weapon along with grenade throwing…how do you live through war?

Then, in 1968 Life Magazine published a full issue with the 300 kids that died in Nam in one week. The whole nightmare made me sick to my stomach. The Draft grabbed my college roommate right out of our room and sent him to Nam. He died in a firefight. He’s on the Vietnam Wall in D.C. I cry my eyes out every time I visit. I run my hands over his name and wonder how his life would have been if McNamara hadn’t created the War. Or, if LBJ was bright enough NOT to enter it! Or, if Westmoreland wouldn’t have been such a moron to engage us further into that hell hole.

In the end, 3.3 million Vietnamese civilians and soldiers on both sides died. We lost 58,479 young men. Another 150,000 of our young men suffered from P.T.S.D., horrible injuries and drug addiction. The Vietnam War brought drug addiction to America. All of it for what? What was accomplished? Nothing but death!

Now, Israel fights for its life. You’ve got a bunch of Hamas Muslim fanatics, in fact, all Muslims are fanatics for Sharia Law and the Qur’an. There’s not another religion on this planet as deadly as Islam. “Convert or kill all non-believers, especially the Jews,” commands the Qur’an.

Why the Jews? What’s the beef? What’s the reason?

Why would anyone want to kill the Jewish tribe that is highly intelligent, extremely creative and has brought SO many advancements to humanity? Here in the USA, Jewish people bring us brilliant entertainment, fantastic medical achievements, engineering prowess, fabulous movies, inventions and SO much more. I don’t get it.

If Muslims enjoyed total force, they would exterminate the Jewish people. If Muslims took over the United States Congress, they would change our country to Sharia Law in a heartbeat.

They would do it by sheer numbers or they would do it by the sword. That’s how they operate. There’s no other church in America that wants to dismantle the U.S. Constitution. But the Islamic Church is here to do just that. Let that sink-in for a moment. Pretty sickening, don’t you think?

My longtime friend Leon Kolankiewicz said, “Contemporary lefties evince the very opposite of the ethnocentrism which has characterized virtually all of humanity until very recently in our evolutionary history. Human ecologist Garrett Hardin called this phenomenon “ethnofugalism” — practiced by those who regard themselves as lofty and transcendent for rejecting old identities and obsolete blood-and-soil ties, and instead adopting cosmopolitanism, universalism, and enlightenment: embracing, coddling, exalting, appeasing, and pandering to every culture, religion, race, and ethnicity but their own.”

Right now, we’ve got thousands of college kids promoting Hamas’ Islam’s violence against Israel. Hamas just slaughtered 1,600 women, children and elderly last week. We’ve even got Gay Groups siding with Hamas. That’s ironic because Muslims behead homosexuals, throw them off buildings and/or simply shoot them.

Have you taken a look at Europe lately, or even Canada? Their Muslims are working their way into every powerful government post to, in the end, force Sharia Law across the land.

Leon continued, “Especially in Western Europe, these tendencies are likely to prove suicidal, as predicted by Douglas Murray’s 2018 book The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam. This best-seller has over 6,000 ratings at, and there is a groundswell of public support for the ideas and profound concerns expressed there, yet the jury is still out as to whether it is already too late for Western Europe. Mark Steyn wrote even earlier (2006) about these trends, in America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It. Yet all these and other brilliant and brave analyses seem able to do is document historic tides and trends, not arrest or reverse them.”

Here’s what America faces:

There should be little doubt that the war that began when Hamas terrorists attacked Israel on October 7, 2023, actually originated in Iran. The multi-pronged, highly coordinated and murderous attacks could not have happened without Iranian government assistance and approval.

The pattern of actions is clear: the Iranian regime, now funded by the Biden administration — who carefully looked the other way while Iran acquired $60 billion by evading US sanctions, — has been, and continues to be, a state actor sponsoring terrorists, terrorist organizations and terrorist attacks.

If You Don’t Think We’re In A Lot Of Trouble; Think Again

While you see the nightmare unfolding in Israel, you better look closer to home. We Americans have imported the Islamic Beast into our own land…and we’re going to pay in the ensuing years.

Muslims have built a new $50 million complex, 150,000 square feet in America. The largest mosque currently is in Dearborn, Michigan (92,000 square feet) wherein Islam has infiltrated all levels of government and society, taking over businesses and out numbering citizens through higher birth rates. Muslims have taken over Dearborn, Michigan. This is Silent Jihad. The the only way to stop it is to ban all manifestations of Islam.

One journalist said, “Nations around the world are recognizing this as the only option. Trying to separate so called progressives (good Muslims) from bad Muslims is an impossible task and one in which Canadians should not be held hostage by some false moral obligation. The enormity of such a task is comparable to trying to take a silo filled with salt and sugar and then be instructed to separate the two. It is impossible and Canadian’s must no longer be put in the position to be expected to do so.” Same with us here in America!

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.” —Roman Senator Marcus Tullius Cicero, 40 B.C.

That’s how Muslims work; and they are coming for America. They will force us into Civil War II. Americans versus Muslims. Who do you think will survive?

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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If There’s Violence on the World Stage: It’s From Followers of Islam

By Frosty Wooldridge

October 12, 2023

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any faith, but to become dominant. The Qur’an should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.” Omar Ahmed, director of Council on American Islamic Relations.

Let that quote sink into your mind, emotions and feelings for a minute.  Muslims prove themselves the most violent tribal people in the world. Allah of the Qur’an mandates that they, “Convert or kill all non-believers.”  That’s you and that’s me.  That’s every American.  That’s every Jewish person.  Without a doubt, Islam mandates a form of racism that supersedes anything seen in any Western Country.  Islam remains ugly, single-minded and perverse in the 21st century.

By fighting for Allah, the men enjoy 72 virgins in the afterlife for all eternity.  They treat their women with violence, cutting of genitals, beatings, 20,000 honor killings annually, and more ugly acts than anyone in America can imagine.

Muslims cannot step into the realities of the 21st century such as women’s rights, religious freedom, personal dress choices, homosexuality, freedom of speech, freedom of choice for a spouse, freedom of the mind and another dozen sickening aspect of the Qur’an.

This past weekend, Islamic Hamas terrorists launched thousands of missiles on Israel.  Hamas killed and/or wounded over 1,000 people, including 22 Americans, thus far.  They brutalized women, children and babies.

What makes it even more frightening?  U.S. House of Representatives Member Rashida Tlaib, a Palestinian, supported Hamas’ murdering, killing and savagery.  In Detroit, Michigan, where there are 300,000 Islamic immigrants, they CELEBRATED and SUPPORTED Hamas with flags, speeches and financial support.

I visited Dearborn, Michigan this past summer. I worked there for 20 years as Muslims poured into Detroit on the American taxpayer’s dollar.  It’s no longer America.  It’s Baghdad in America.  You won’t see Old Glory flying anywhere. You will see women in Burkas and Hajibs. You won’t see English, but you will see “Arabic” worm writing everywhere. Mosques with huge walls like fortresses, stand in every sector of the city.

As a college kid, I remember Muslims murdering 11 Jewish athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympic Games.  They tried to bomb the Georgia Olympics in 1996.  Then, you remember Muslim terrorists shot up Paris France and dozens of deaths.  Yet, the French and all of Europe keep importing them.

According to Fondapol, a French think tank, between 1979 and May 2021, at least 48,030 Islamist terrorist attacks took place worldwide, causing the deaths of at least 210,138 people. On an average, during this period, an Islamist attack has resulted in the death of around 4.4 persons. The most common type of weapon used are explosives (43.9%). The main target of these attacks is the military (31.7%), followed by civilians (25.0%) and police forces (18.3%). Afghanistan was the country most affected by Islamist terrorism, followed by Iraq and Somalia. With at least 82 Islamist attacks and 332 deaths, France remains the country most affected by Islamist terrorism within the European Union.

You cannot help but remember 1993 when Muslim terrorists tried to bomb the Trade Center.  In 2001, they succeeded with planes driven into the Twin Towers.  We call it 9/11.  They killed 3,000 American citizens and several hundred others.

If you read the Qur’an as I have, you learn that this is the most brutal, barbaric, ugly, nasty, tenacious, morbid and pathetic religion on planet Earth.  Its main prophet, Mohammed, was an illiterate, rapist, brute of a man. He cut peoples’ heads and hands off. He killed women without a blink.  His disciples, since the 6th century, brainwash their youth into becoming terrorists.  Only Charles Martell stopped his Islamic terrorists from conquering Europe in 722 A.D.

But here it is 2023, and Islam expects to conquer Europe by immigration. There’s a reported 55 million of them inside Europe.  They expect to subdue America the same way.  They’ve got 4,000,000 of these tribal people entrenched today.  What happens when their numbers reach 40,000,000 (million)?  They cannot, do not and will not become American citizens…nor will they EVER accept our U.S. Constitution.  They only answer to Allah and Mecca back in their homeland.

Like the Hamas, American Muslims have training camps in at least 10 of our states.  There’s little doubt they will target our electrical substations and electrical grid with Rocket Propelled Grenades. They could bring us to our knees within weeks of such attacks.  You must remember this: they don’t care when they die because they enjoy 72 virgins in the afterlife.

Guess what, your U.S. Congress keeps bringing them into America.  Barack Obama ushered them into our midst with greater alacrity. Why? Because Barack Obama is a Muslim. He stated it in his book. In any confrontation, he would “side with the Muslims.”  Biden has allowed countless Muslim terrorists over our borders in the past 33 months.

At this point, with only 4,000,000 of them, they know that our American hunters with millions of rifles would eradicate them. So, they are biding their time.  If it takes 10, 50 or 100 years, American Muslims expect to make America an Islamic Caliphate…and you and/or your children will “convert or be killed” by the followers of Allah.

Personally, would you agree that we should deport every last one of them back to their homeland in order for us to survive in our own homeland?

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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America’s Eventual Suicide: Joe Biden’s Legacy to Future Generations

By Frosty Wooldridge

October 9, 2023

“Immigrants devoted to their own cultures and religions are not influenced by the secular politically correct façade that dominates academia, news-media, entertainment, education, religious and political thinking today,” said James Walsh, former Associate General Counsel of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service. “They claim the right not to assimilate, and the day is coming when the question will be how can the United States regulate the defiantly unassimilated cultures, religions and mores of foreign lands?  Such immigrants say their traditions trump the U.S. legal system. Balkanization of the United States has begun.”  (Speech in 1991)

Letter from reader in Australia who read my column, “What’s Happening to America is NOT Fun to Watch.”  (NWV, October 2, 2023)

No…. it’s not fun to watch Frosty. And it’s happening quicker than the plot changes in “The Days Of Our Lives.”  I know over on the other side of our planet; we only get the very good or the very bad of what is going on…. but to me these days the U.S. resembles a dysfunctional Central American republic along with its commensurate corruption. I will get to see its complete collapse in my lifetime… and I’m already 72.

Once the U.S. loses its management rights to the worlds reserve currency….which as you would know is slowly taking place…. it will be all over but the shouting.  I’m a little surprised that more Americans aren’t moving to New Zealand.   I guess it’s just blind faith in the past that makes you all hang on and hope that things will turn around. Regards, Gary Shaw,  Australia.

The U.S. Border Patrol announced that 8,000,000 (million) illegal aliens have been processed at our southern border at the behest of Joe Biden in the past 33 months of his administration.  Biden expects another 4,000,000 by the end of his first term. If he is re-elected for a second term, he would invite another 12,000,000 (million) illegal aliens to cross our border.  That would equate to 24,000,000 foreigners of every human shape, size, culture, language, brain and world view.

As it stands, America houses 50,000,000 legal immigrants as of 2023.  We house at least 20 million illegal aliens at this moment.  That’s 70,000,000 foreign born.  If you add Biden’s second term totals at 12,000,000 illegal aliens—-that adds up to 82,000,000 legal and illegal aliens housed in our country.

In other words, the American people are being replaced by an invasion of third world people, from a line that explodes by the day, with no regard for our lives, our culture, our language, our environment and our way of life.  That doesn’t include our “quality of life” that’s being destroyed. That doesn’t include the fact that the more people we add, the more they burn fuel…and that adds up to accelerated “climate change” which disrupts our ability to grow crops, live within normal temperatures and enjoy our usual rainfall.

Right now, in New York City, 170,000 homeless people overwhelm that “sanctuary city’s” ability to function.  Same with 100,000 homeless in San Francisco and Los Angeles. That’s added to 10,000 in Denver and another 10,000 in Seattle.  This journalist witnessed them this past summer. It’s a friggin’ nightmare for residents of those cities. Another 20 cities are experiencing tens of thousands of homeless.

If you travel in the Southwest—-Mexican, Hispanic and Latino radio and  TV stations dominate the airways.  Spanish is taking over the four border states.  In other words, English no longer dominates the American landscape.  As reported before, 800 different languages are spoken in NYC daily…other than English.  That means 800 different world views. That means a HUGE percentage of 8.3 million people living in “The Big Apple” do not share American values, culture, language or appreciation for our history or the U.S. Constitution.

How much longer and how many more immigrants can our culture sustain before we see outright violence against ourselves?  Did you see what happened to Israel over the weekend?  Over 700 civilian lives slaughtered. Another 1,000 wounded.  Reality check: Jews and Muslims cannot co-exist. Of course, Muslims cannot co-exist with any Western Country.

What would it be like in the USA if we imported 10,000 Sunni Muslims, 10,000 Shi’ite Muslims and 10,000 Kurdish Muslims into the same area of Michigan?   Answer: all-out war!  Those people hate each other with a vengeance and kill one another with total ferocity.

Did you see the news where American police are guarding Synagogues and Mosques in our big cities?  If you watch Europe, the Jews are terrified by the Muslims who have taken over Belgium, France, UK, Germany and many other countries. Muslims HATE Jews and want to eradicate them off the face of the earth.  It’s their duty as commanded by the Quran.

So, if we keep up this massive immigration invasion, how do you think we’re going to turn out?  What do you think will be Biden’s legacy for your kids?

“Diversity within a nation destroys unity and leads to civil wars,” said social scientist Garret Hardin. “Immigration, a benefit during the youth of a nation, can act as a disease in its mature state. Too much internal diversity in large nations has led to violence and disintegration. We are now in the process of destabilizing America. The magic words of destabilizers are ‘diversity’ and ‘multiculturalism’.”

Stefan Molyneux axiom: “Diversity plus proximity equals conflict.”

America cannot become the “charity ward” for the world’s desperately people. We cannot degrade our citizens for Mexico, Africa, Asia or Central America’s poor. We cannot save Africa’s refugees when we suffer 13 million American children living in poverty and 1.5 million homeless. We cannot pay for immigrants’ food, housing and education when we’re $33 trillion in national debt. We cannot save the rest of the world’s people, but by importing them—we will destroy our own society and civilization.  Exponential growth cannot be sustained.  The third world’s poor prove that as they explode across the globe and race toward first world countries.  Look at Europe!  It’s headed for the toilet of Islamic and African misery.  We must think about and care about our citizens first, middle and always. It’s time to change the ‘good ole boy’ network of corruption in DC.  If we continue on this current path, by adding another 100 million legal immigrants, and millions more refugees, we face collapse into a multicultural-diversity nightmare of overpopulation and sociological chaos.

Finally, if Israel cannot escape Islamic terror, how do you think we’re going to contend with this terrorizing statement by someone who is a legal American Muslim immigrant?

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any faith, but to become dominant. The Qur’an should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.” Omar Ahmed, director of Council on American Islamic Relations.

Muslim Takeover

“Make no mistake…the Muslims have a long range plan to be the dominate religion in the world. There is not one case in Europe or the US where their society has assimilated. This is their religious mission. Europe has all but lost to the invasion of Muslims….they now represent 5-10% of the population in every country in Europe…..with no assimilation.

“Between 2000 and 2010 the number of Mosques in the US doubled to 2,400. All of the money to build these Mosques has come from Saudi Arabia. Most of these Mosques are being located in areas where there are no Muslims….in strong hold heart of America land. These are seeded areas for Muslim groups to cluster….and spread from there. Mohammed Muslim-seed will spread across our great land.”

Read: The Strange Death of Europe by Douglas Murray. Also, War on the West by Douglas Murray.   He shows what’s coming to America.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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What’s Happening to America is NOT Fun to Watch

By Frosty Wooldridge

October 5, 2023

Whether you’re a liberal, conservative, independent or Libertarian, it’s not fun watching what is happening to America.  In fact, it’s sickening and stomach churning.  It’s like we, the law-abiding American people, are being hounded as racists, terrorists and extremists.

If you look at the 2020 riots, those “terrorists” burned, looted and destroyed $2 billion in property, stores and lives across America…with no consequences. Not one of them went to jail!  Today, wild, illiterate and criminal youth across the big cities of America enjoy free dominance of criminal activity.  They can steal, kill, shoplift, carjack, and ransack without consequences. Jason Dean wrote about it, “Not in a small town….”  He got hit with every name in the books by the liberal press. It’s like they condone criminal activity.  His song shot to Number 1 on the country charts!

We’ve lost our youth to “hating” America more than loving our country. We find they respond to their cell phones rather than sit down to dinner with their families. If they have a family!  Fact: 7 out of 10 black kids lack a father in the home, live with a single mother and leach off your welfare tax dollars. Total irresponsible behavior by the millions!

With my latest column on “Climate Change” and population overload causing it, my inbox exploded with your comments.  Here’s one of them:


Like you must be, I am greatly saddened to see what has happened to our beautiful home, the Earth. I suppose if humanity does not extinguish itself as it is currently endeavoring to do, in the future, there may eventually be enough wisdom prevailing to help heal the planet. If that’s not the case, then further in the future when humanity no longer survives, I believe the Earth will eventually heal itself. In either case I believe the Earth will be beautiful and clean again.

As long as 50 years ago my oldest brother and I discussed the degeneration of America. What we could see happening in education, congress, with the environment, entertainment and most importantly the weakening and increasing immorality of the citizenry were significant warning signs. And it was an obvious unraveling trend downward.  However, it all came quicker than we expected. Where we are today is much worse and much sooner than we imagined.

Today with law and order becoming scarce, Congress dominated by corruption and infighting, the theft of the 2020 presidential election becoming more obvious, a corrupt cabal manipulating the doddering old fool occupying the White House, and people divided more than ever, America is all but gone. It will take a miracle now to turn the tide and begin to heal the damage to the environment, our economy, the spirit of our nation and the degeneration and immorality of a large portion of the citizenry.

The state-run media reminds me of listening to radio Moscow in the 60’s on my short-wave radio. The propaganda and lies are blatant but yet they are emboldened by the millions of dupes who still pay attention to them. And the decline of initiative and dreams for future goals and success seem to become passé to a major portion of the mind-numbed youth being taught what to think instead of how to think.

Too many people don’t change or act on things until they feel real pain. Wise use of birth control, protecting and nurturing the environment, standing up to progressive agenda politicians and school boards, and more important common sense activities responsible citizens should naturally perform are ignored until too late. This is all very sad as well as infuriating. It’s going to take more than appealing to congress persons, writing opinion pieces, appearing on radio and TV, and civilized behavior to save our country and environment now.

Cathy and I do play active roles in causes that counter the left and others destroying our nation.  And we love and respect men and women like you who have fought passionately for common sense and right action. But it’s going to take an absolute miracle now.

God bless you Frosty,

Jim and Cathy

That is a letter from my lifelong friend and fellow graduate of Michigan State University.  We were both Resident Assistants at State in the 1960’s. We marched against the Vietnam War. We thought we could stop racism, human overpopulation, wars, Monsanto’s poisoning the world, species extinction and dozens of more causes.

Instead, in the past 50 years since we graduated, everything has gotten worse on the national scale.  Our politicians enjoy total, endemic corruption. Do you think Charles Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Talaib, Maxine Waters, Hank Johnson, Joe Biden, and hundreds more of those elected crooks care about you, our Constitution or our borders?   If you do, you would be a fool.

They lead us into unneeded, unwarranted and fruitless wars.  They spend more money to house, feed and care for illegal aliens rather than the hundreds of thousands of homeless Americans. They care for illegal aliens over our own veterans.  They cratered our national money system into $33 trillion in debt. They gave our jobs to China for their own benefit.  The rich control our media.  None of the major networks will report on WHAT WE’RE REALLY FACING…as I reported in that last column on “Catastrophic Climate Change.”

I’m not kidding when I said that we cannot sustain the projected 100,000,000 more immigrants along with their offspring added to America in the next 25 years.  It’s absolutely insane off the charts to think we will survive it.  Ironically, one liberal reader said I was a “fearmonger.”  I responded, “Facts are not fearmongering. Facts are facts. You either deal with them and solve the problem…or the Darwin Solution will solve the problem for you.  You won’t like the Darwin Solution. It’s rather ugly, brutal and final.”

It’s like we now tolerate “math is racist.”  What a totally moronic statement.  Math does not care about your skin color. You can either work the equation or you can’t.  Or, we tolerate people telling us they can change their sex when it is 100 percent totally impossible to change your sex.  If you think you can change your chromosomes, it’s a mental health issue.

We’ve got 535 Congressional nitwits leaving our borders open to 8,000,000 illegal aliens that we must support with our tax dollars.  Congressional critters have not stopped the invasion, but they want your vote.

Finally, with all the CRAP happening to the American people by Biden’s insanities, 38 percent think he’s doing a good job and would vote for him, again.  My question: what are they using for brains?

Whatever happens in the next 15 months, we down-to-earth Americans better elect a president that will stand up for law and order, for the Constitution, for our families, for our borders, for our economic system, for our jobs and for our children.  We need to stand up for God, our families, our military, our police, our Constitution, our communities and for the future of our country.

If we re-elect that Alzheimer’s Victim Biden, this country won’t survive another four years of his insanity, incompetence and/or that of his handlers

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Climate Change: Our Absolute Stupidity and Absurdity of Trying to Save Ourselves

By Frosty Wooldridge

October 2, 2023

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

In the course of human events, our species has become the “Scourge of Disaster” on this planet.  Our species wrecks the oceans with 170 trillion pieces of plastic as reported by Scott Simon on National Public Radio.  We dump millions of tons of chemicals into the ultimate toilet: our oceans.  We saturate the air with our smoke, our nuclear explosions, our factories and our total disregard for the eco-systems of this planet.

We humans burn 100,000,000 barrels of oil every day of the year.  We burn billions of tons of coal annually.  We create electricity.  We burn natural gas into the billions of metric tons.   We burn forests for fuel.  Is it little wonder we’re cooking up the planet?

Somehow, we’re in denial as to what we’re doing to this globe.  We’ve done nothing to stop plastic trash from inundating our oceans.  We refuse to stop the chemicals whether it be glyphosates from Roundup or deadly chemicals in every walk of life.

Glyphosate is a herbicide that’s used to control weeds and grasses. It’s the active ingredient in many herbicide products, including the popular Roundup. Glyphosate has been registered as a pesticide in the U.S since 1974, and it’s also commonly used in many other countries around the world (along with DDT). Herbicides containing glyphosate are also referred to as weed killers.  It’s now found in human breast milk, wines and more of the foods we eat.

But the “Biggie” facing humans in the 21st century stands out as “Climate Change” or “Catastrophic Climate Destabilization.”  I first learned about it in 1997-98 while I was a journalist at McMurdo Station, Antarctica.  I wrote about it, but no one would take me seriously.  Whether you understand it or not, or believe it or not, we’re treading in some deep water without life preservers. Like a riptide, we can’t see it, but it is boiling in the atmosphere all over the planet.

In 2023, responsible countries pretend to reduce their carbon footprint by electric cars. Which, by the way, do nothing to stop climate change.  Everyone works for clean burning coal. Which by the way, does nothing to stop climate change.  Everyone supports natural gas burning. Which by the way, doesn’t stop climate change.

Mr. Joe Biden forces our country to buy more electric cars, forces the end of natural gas burning, forces a host of solutions that will not stop climate change.

Why is that a fact?

What really exacerbates climate change?  Answer: human population.  Every four days, humans add another 1,000,000 people to the planet. Every year, humans add 80,000,000 more of themselves to this planet.  In America, we add from 8,000 to 9,000 people daily with legal immigration. With Joe Biden’s new open borders mandate, we’ve added 8,000,000 new “resource competitors” in the past 30 months. Along with our normal 1,000,000 legal immigrants, we’ve added 10,000,000 “resource competitors.”  They, in turn will birth at least another 10 to 20 million more kids if they birth 1 or 2 children per woman.

What does that mean? Added to our own “population momentum” of 1,000,000 annually, net gain, it means we are WELL on our way to adding 100,000,000 (million) people to our civilization who will be fighting for resources in the next 25 years.  Why isn’t anyone talking about it?  Why isn’t this topic on “60 Minutes…Meet the Press…Face the Nation…NPR…Terry Gross…Scott Simon…David Muir…Norah O’Donnell…Lester Holt?”  Answer: because no one in high places wants to educate the American public as to what’s coming.  They and we are all in denial of the consequences.

Understand this fact: Every single one of those new additions is a “resource competitor.”   Every single new baby, legal immigrant and illegal alien, and other people added to America and/or the world, net gain daily, competes for water, energy, resources, food, land, transport, housing and more.

Therefore, no matter how many measures we pretend to promote, we don’t stand a chance against the sheer numbers of added millions and billions of “resource competitors.”  According to the United Nations, humans will add at least another 1 to 2 billion by 2050, net gain.

Why is it that this single journalist exposes the obvious, understands the ramifications of the numbers, and comprehends what’s coming—–but cannot make a dent across the USA?  I mean, I’ve tried to interview numerous times on “60 Minutes…Meet the Press…Face the Nation…NPR…Terry Gross…Scott Simon…David Muir…Norah O’Donnell…Lester Holt.”

I’ve tried to interview on Denver, Colorado’s major stations to ask, “What is the human carrying capacity of Colorado as to water, energy, resources, space, air quality, I-70’s traffic nightmare, Brown Cloud, and all the nasty aspects of an overcrowded Front Range.”   All the major channels refuse to interview me.   There’s not one single person in Colorado that will stand up and say, “We need another 3 to 5 million people added to Colorado because it’s going to be good for our state.”

Unfortunately, demographers tell us that Colorado will add that many people in the coming years.  We don’t possess the water. It’s nuts for us to keep growing our population. It’s clearly unsustainable. It’s clearly against common sense. It’s clearly a HUGE loss in quality of life. Once the numbers manifest, there will be NO solutions.

Who would stand up in California with 40,000,000 people and beg for the projected 20,000,000 more expected in 25 years?   Would such individuals tell us that those numbers would solve “climate change?”

And yet, Joe Biden floods our country with millions upon millions of resource competitors as if we stand a chance of surviving their numbers.  Remember that the third world horde adds 80,000,000, net gain, more people annually. For Biden and all the other organizations trying to stop “Climate Change”, I must ask, “What are you people smoking?  Where is your common sense?  What don’t you understand about the ‘Exponential Growth Factor’?  Why won’t you address reality instead of your ridiculous fantasies of stopping climate change via electric cars, et al?”

At some point, we Americans will not be able to dodge, deny or escape reality.  This “climate thing” will be the final curtain for our civilization.  If not the “climate thing”, it will be the “water thing” or “resource thing” or “energy thing.”  What’s ridiculous about it?  We could have changed course. We could have moved toward a balanced, stable, and viable population that we chose since 1970 when American women averaged 2.03 children each.  But instead, we allowed Teddy Kennedy to flood the country with massive, unrelenting and disastrous immigration to give us another 130,000,000 unwanted, unneeded and totally unsustainable humans added to our country.

Do you think your kids will survive another 100,000,000 “resource competitors?” If you don’t think they will survive, why haven’t you screamed to your senators, House members, governors and newspaper editors to stop this invasion madness?  Why isn’t this topic on every radio talk show and TV network program 24/7?  Why aren’t we educating our citizens and leaders as to what our civilization faces?  Why won’t we give ourselves a chance to survive this nightmare by changing course?  Why are we sitting by and watching the slow-motion death of our country?

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

You Ain’t Gonna’ Like What’s Coming To America

By Frosty Wooldridge

September 28, 2023

Re: In 10 to 20 Years, You Won’t Recognize America

“You can fool some of the people some of the time, and all of the people some of the time.  But you can’t fool all the people all of the time.”  President Abraham Lincoln

Perhaps Mr. Joe Biden faces his own Waterloo over his deceitful and fraudulent life whether bribe taking, hair sniffing little girls, lying to Congress, plagiarizing other peoples’ works, lying about his non-existent accomplishments, and now, his incredible schemes with his drug-addict son Hunter via selling his VP office to officials in other countries for millions upon millions of dollars.  He’s gotten away with it for 50 years in Congress, but the noose is tightening around this scoundrel’s neck. It’s going to be an interesting outcome.

U.S. Senator Menendez (D-NJ) faces federal charges in his bribery schemes for hundreds of thousands of dollars.  You have to ask yourself, “How much more money does one person need in a lifetime?”

As to the latest column, wow, readers responded.

Dear Frosty: “Your summation for the reasons underlying the decline and final collapse of the Roman Empire is one of the best summaries I’ve ever run across. Succinct – yet comprehensive and all-encompassing. Your survey of the present and probable future condition of the USA is – again – quite excellent for stating the obvious and indisputable facts about this ongoing “tidal wave” of attacks, subversions and malignancies being inflicted upon the original founding peoples of the United States of America. They are marked out for expungement – extermination.”

TM said, “The question is “Why?”  Why does our tribe have a death wish? What is the root of our pathological altruism?

“It could be argued that it is only when tribes are beleaguered that their members develop a tribal consciousness.  But now that we are on the brink of extinction, at least half of our tribe think it is cause for celebration.

“And at the same time, they tell us—-as Richard Heinberg of the Post Carbon Institute recently did—-that “The Great Replacement Theory” is a “conspiracy” theory,  a “crazy” belief!  If that is the case, then I guess the contention that Seattle or Vancouver is a rainy city is a conspiracy theory, too.  “But oh”,  they say, “though the demographic balance of these cities or nations has shifted away from being European in origin, there was no conspiracy to make that happen, it just happened.”  (Vancouver, B.C. has been immigrated into a majority Chinese population. Canadians don’t stand a chance in their own country.)

“In 1965 the governments of Canada and the United States changed their immigration select criteria so that immigrant applicants from Europe would no longer be given preference. In other words, the net would be cast widely across the globe. But they damned well knew what the implications were. Ted Kennedy damn well knew what the results of chain migration would be, though he denied it. And the Pearson government knew what their new immigration law would do to transform the country.

“Check out the Kalergi plan. The Cultural Marxists had a game plan to fragment and destroy Western culture long ago. What we are seeing in North America and Europe today is the fruition of these intentions.

RJ said, “Yes, but the destruction of the Western culture and its people is THE PLAN. The globalist have not been shy – they have written that they only require 500 millions of population to serve their few thousand administrators and the perhaps two dozen supreme families. However, as the Russians have shown in Ukraine, THE NEOCONS/Globalists can be beaten.  But this also makes them extremely dangerous now as the 80% of the world, which is not under their thumb have seen it, and cannot comply.

“On a micro-level, I live in the Silver Valley in the northern Idaho panhandle. The now local sheriff is a lesbian and is “married’ to a lesbian schoolteacher who got caught pushing the LGBTQ, etc. agenda. Even here, which is very socially conservative, but no one knew. As of yet, no repercussions. But I suspect that underneath, there is seething. At some point, it will go kinetic. Cycles suggest as early as this December.”

G.G. said, “The Eastern Roman Empire in Constantinople survived until it was overtaken by invading Muslim forces, finally defeated in the 15th century. In the West, vestiges of Rome’s influence persisted into the Middle Ages, but the Black Plague (bubonic) eliminated a significant portion of the European population in the 14th century, further diluting any Roman influence. In what is France today, Charlemagne declared in 800 that his rule should be known as the Holy Roman Empire. It was certainly not holy, and referring to it as Roman was more than a stretch

“In addition to your very complete list of events leading to Rome’s downfall, the government also devalued the currency by substituting baser metals for the silver and gold in their coins, and that pillar of any society, the family, took a hit due to infidelity, divorce, and the loss of pater familias, the respect paid to the male head of a household by family members. Sound familiar? ‘Feminization’ now offers men the opportunity to become a Drag Queen.

“Christianity became legal under the Emperor Constantine in the 4th century, but lapses into persecution of Christians continued under subsequent emperors. Frenchman Alexander d’ Tocqueville, author of Democracy in America, was so impressed with the importance of religion in our new nation that he wrote: “America is great because she is good” in the 19th century,  but added the warning that, should we ever cease to be good, we would no longer be great. Our moral compass deviated from True North long ago, our ship of state and nation on a collision course with the rocks.  John Adams opined that our Constitution would only function for a moral society.

“In regard to the title of your article, Klaus Schwab of the WEF has been quoted as saying, “By 2030, you will own nothing and be happy.” I have difficulty attributing such a prognostication to anything other than pure evil, and a desire to control the world and its people as he and his cronies see fit.”

R.P. said, “I already don’t recognize most of the U.S.  Fortunately, I live in the one large Tennessee city that hasn’t been destroyed by the lefties, though Memphis is a goner, and Nashville is on the way.  Very sad indeed.  It seems there’s no way to vote these leftists-Marxists-Communists out of office.  They’ve been infiltrating government, every institution, our schools and churches for decades. The schools (K-college) have been brainwashing and dumbing down our young people for decades, so until the SHTF, they won’t know just how stupid they’ve been to vote for their own destruction and misery.”

And there you have it fellow American.  The majority of Americans keep sitting on their Barker Loungers sipping beer and devouring pizzas as this nation-destroying nightmare continues.  Brought to you by Biden and Congress! We are in deep doodoo.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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In 10 to 20 Years, You/We Won’t Recognize America

By Frosty Wooldridge

September 25, 2023

It took the Roman Empire 400 years to fall into chaos.  They allowed the Visigoths, Franks, Vandals, Celts and many other tribes to penetrate their villages, their army’s ranks, and Rome itself.  A slow self-destruction ensued until Rome burned as Nero fiddled. The Roman Empire expired in 476 A.D.

What were the reasons?

  1. Immigration and barbarian invasion of Italy. “After centuries of fighting the Romans, the once ill equipped and poorly organized tribes slowly became a much more formidable foe. The tactics of the Barbarians developed over time and soon what was once a trivial nuisance became a serious threat.”
  2. Corruption: “The Roman Empire was never totally free of corruption, but it reached its zenith in the 3rd century and onward. Government officials and middlemen became much more interested in their own well-being rather than that of Rome.”
  3. Famine: “This also affected the Barbarian tribes in the North causing them to push southward for a more stable and livable climate. As one could imagine this only exacerbated the countless issues the empire was facing at this time. Unable to care for their own citizens along with the new arrivals, many Romans starved or turned to banditry to find food. Lawlessness was widespread in the final years of the empire.”
  4. Disloyal Military: “By the 3rd century, the legions, made up of highly dedicated and motivated Roman citizens were a distant memory. As the military expanded to keep up with constant wars and raids from its enemies, it struggled to entice Roman citizens to join the legions to protect their homelands.” 
  5. Civil Wars:  “Since the time of Augustus, the Roman Empire could never figure out a functional transition of power from one emperor to the next. This often led to civil wars.”
  6. Economic Destitution: “Rome’s constant wars with its neighbors did not come cheap. The Roman Empire struggled to pay for its military, needing to constantly raise taxes that many could not pay. This killed any semblance of a “middle class” and it also forced rich landowners to come up with ever-ingenuous ways to hide their wealth. An over-reliance on slave labor also hamstrung the empire in its later years.”
  7. Weak and Corrupt Rulers: “The emperors that emerged victorious from disastrous power struggles were not always fit to run the most powerful empire in the world.”

If you look around America today, we suffer 50,000,000 (million) foreign-born immigrants with incompatible world views, political religions like Islam, incompatible cultures and hundreds of different languages. They lack any affinity or commitment to America. Millions of them subsist on welfare.

Not mentioned by the mainstream media, we still house their purported 12,000,000 illegal aliens…a number they have continued to use for three decades…but now, Joe Biden has added another 8,000,000 illegal aliens in the past 30 months. (Source: U.S. Border Patrol) That’s 20,000,000 (million) people breaking into our country, breaking our laws, landing anchor babies, stealing jobs from our citizens, depressing wages, making us pay for their children’s education, food, housing and medical care, and much worse.

This summer, in my travels across America, I saw 125,000 Somalis in Minneapolis that live on welfare. They stole $200,000,000.00 in EBT card scams. They have NO affinity to American history or our flag. They wrecked Minneapolis’ school systems.  They deal in drugs rather than study math, science or history.  Same with Detroit’s Muslims, Lewiston, Maine, Miami, Florida, et al.  They commit hundreds of thousands of female genital mutilations, hundreds if not thousands of honor killings, four wives per man, Halal food that is inhumanity to animals, and terrorists grow among them and their mosques.

As to corruption, just look at Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Senator Menendez of NJ, Nancy Pelosi of California, Maxine Waters, Ilhan Omar of MN, Rashida Talaib of Detroit, John Fetterman of PA, Diane Feinstein of California and dozens more in Congress.  All of them corrupt; none of them in jail.

As to famine, we’ve got 1 out of 6 children in the USA that are food insecure.  We’ve got millions living on EBT cards. We’ve got millions living on handouts from food banks. We’ve got 13 million children below the poverty line.

Disloyal Military: look at what happened with the incompetent pull-out from Afghanistan. General Milley showed mega-incompetence. We’ve got people wearing turbans as part of their army uniform.  We’ve got Muslims in the military that only answer to the Quran. We are no longer the world’s finest military. China could defeat us in a heartbeat.

Civil Wars:  we’ve got half the country, liberals, in direct conflict with the other half, conservatives.  Within 10 to 20 years, I predict a civil war of some kind in America. It’ll be between the immigrants and what’s left of Americans.

Economic Destitution: at $33,000,000,000,000.00 (trillion) in debt, mind-blowing hyperinflation, we are digging our own graves.

Weak and Corrupt Rulers:  if Joe Biden doesn’t go down as the single most corrupt president in U.S. history, I will eat my hat.  He’s 100 X’s more corrupt than Al Capone, LBJ…ever thought of being.  He’s weak leader, he’s beyond “old”, he’s a walking cadaver, he doesn’t know what day of the week it is, and his handlers are as corrupt/liars as he is to keep his façade going. Not one of them will give it up that he has totally lost his mind to Alzheimer’s Disease.  If he sits down to talk with a world leader, they can see his brain “is not working.”  We’re literally the laughingstock of the world.  His wife knows he’s “not all there”, but clings to power with her husband…and for the life of me, she talked him into running for a second term.  It’s elder abuse. He’s not cognitively fit to remain in office another single day of the year.

Within the next 10 to 20 years, we’re still facing an added 10 to 20 million legal immigrants from all over the world.  They arrive on our dime at 1,000,000 a year!  They, in turn, will birth at least 10 to 20 million children.  We’re on our way to a whopping 100,000,000 (million) more “resource competitors” chasing the American Dream.  But there is no way in hell this civilization can support or sustain THAT many more people.

What in the hell are those intellectual imbeciles in Washington thinking as they overwhelm our systems, overwhelm our resources and completely destabilize our culture?   Why are those 100 senators sitting on their hands as our borders are overrun with 10,000 refugees a day? Why are the 435 House members squabbling about how many billions to give Ukraine instead of protecting us and our border, the American citizens of this country?

In 10 to 20 years, you will not recognize our country. It will be populated by entrenched poverty from foreigners that cannot and will not be able to contribute to the American Way of Life. We will be like the Tower of Babel.  We will no longer be “Americans”, but a hodge-podge of incompatible cultures, languages and world views.  Our country will become a land of strangers.

We will be like the chaos now engulfing Sweden and all of Europe.  We will be populated by millions of homeless poor, millions on welfare beyond what is happening today, millions bankrupting stores by shoplifting (now at $100,000,000,000.00 (billion) annually), and breakdown of the rule of law even worse than today.

You can bet on this prediction: your children will not be living in the America where you grew up. There will be NO American Dream.  It’s going to be a dog-eat-dog, fight for food, fight for water, fight for energy, fight for clean air, fight for jobs, and fight for existence like no one in America has ever experienced. In one sentence, your kids…all our kids are screwed. If you’re alive in 20 years, you and your family will be living in an unsustainable and collapsing civilization.  You think I’m kidding?  Just hang around for another 20 years.

It took Rome over 400 years to fall. We’re going to accomplish it within less than 100 years.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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The Rapid Decline of America in the 21st Century

By Frosty Wooldridge

September 21, 2023

“Civilization is an occasional and temporary interruption of the jungle.” —Will Durant

How would you like to live in Haiti?  How about the Republic of Congo?  What about present-day Sweden?  What about Somalia? Ever consider immigrating to India?  If your answer is no; why not? Do you have any reasons?

What about the fact that 70 percent of Indians do not have access to a toilet? Millions live in absolute poverty, malnutrition and misery. How about the fact that millions starve or die from AIDS over all of Africa?  Could you live in Haiti where people go around killing one another as a matter of daily life?

The fact is: many countries in the world are one-step from living in the jungle. Simply put, humans step into the Darwin paradigm at the drop of a hat.

Look at Chicago!  Last weekend, 24 people shot by 24 other people. Violent deaths by the hundreds in the Windy City!  Is that not Third World?  Are you noticing a precipitous decline in the viability of America?  Do you see what’s causing it?

Writer Mark Lewis said,  “Civilization” or “being civilized” are not terms that are wholly easy to define. Vagaries and degrees can exist; it would be hard to argue that any human being is totally “uncivilized” or that any human being (or culture) has a monopoly on the term. We tend to think of “civilized” societies as those who possess at least a modicum of decent behavior and progress. Perhaps “civilization” can best be defined—though possibly not with total accuracy—as a distinction between man and the animal kingdom, or in the word Durant used, the

“Animals—despite some idiotic Leftist claims today—don’t have morality, art, economic goals, religion, science—things that we have often considered to be representative of “civilized” societies. Some animals do, on occasion, show some features of what we might call “civilized” behavior, but such is not planned by intelligence; it is wholly by instinct and a desire for self-preservation. The “jungle” isn’t “civilized” in any intelligent definition of the word. “Civilization” is an offshoot of humans created in the image of God, yet with a crucial, important conception: God gives man freedom of moral choice and thus the freedom to descend into barbarity and the jungle if we choose to do so.”

If you look at our major cities, you’re seeing a decline into barbaric behavior.  Last Friday night, a high school kid shot to  death another high school kid at a football game. Another kid executed a police officer who was writing his report in his cruiser. You all remember some guy stabbed to death four college kids while they slept in their home in Idaho. What about the 2020 riots across our country that burned and looted $2 billion worth of goods and property?  This kind of “jungle” behavior sends shivers up your spine.

Are we a civilized society?  Lewis said, “When people sink below a certain standard of decency, responsibility, concern for their fellow creatures, and wise, virtuous conduct, it would be hard to call them “civilized.””

“Are the inner cities of most Democratic Party-controlled metropolises “civilized”? I, personally, would not call them that. There is some behavior everywhere that classifies as “civilized,” but when that certain standard is no longer reached, barbarity becomes dominant. The streets of Chicago and San
Francisco are probably more dangerous than an Amazonian jungle.”

Lewis suggests a few ideas as to uncivilized behavior:

1. Civilized beings do not kill their own offspring for pleasure or self-gratification.
2. Contrariwise, civilized people nurture and care for their children, educate and discipline them, and protect them from uncivilized predators. It is called “the family,” and it has been the foundation of every civilized society in history. The more a society destroys the nuclear family, the less “civilized” it becomes. (Note that 7 out of 10 African-American babies lack a father in the home.)
3. A civilized society knows the difference between males and females. Even animals do. Any society that doesn’t have descended beneath a jungle level. Nature cannot be destroyed, and civilization can be advanced.
4. A civilized society knows that all its collective parts should contribute to the well-being and advancement of that society. It will structure itself in such a way as to accomplish that. A civilized society does not encourage wanton, degraded, degenerate, slothful—or uncivilized—behavior.
5. The glorification of violence and sex in a society is uncivilized.

These things appeal to the most squalid nature of man, his most carnal appetites, not his noblest. Uncontrolled lust and violence are characteristics of the lowest common denominator of humanity. Jungle instincts must be restrained, contained, and overcome for civilization to exist. Any society that refuses to do so will suffer dire consequences, as indeed we see in America today.

Lewis said, “It is evident to any wise, just observer that many parts of the United States today have descended into the jungle and are getting worse. And all at the behest and encouragement of those who should know better. It is critical to understand—and too many people do not—that left unchecked and unhindered, a jungle will overrun everything in its path. But when the jungle is the source of someone’s wealth and power, it is obviously in their best interest to let it grow and flourish.”

At this date, I am reading the book by Mark Levin: Democrats Hate America.  He explicitly shows how those “Woke” politicians are dismantling our history, our historical figures, our culture, our traditions and our language. New York City is nearly 50 percent foreign-born.  They speak 800 languages. Over 160,000 are homeless and leaching off taxpayers. Killings are numerous. New York City is a “jungle” by any definition.

Biden just imported 8,000,000 (million) third world refugees in the past 30 months. He’s on course to import another 4,000,000 in the next 16 months.  How many do you think we can absorb before their “jungle” becomes our “jungle?”

If you look across the American landscape, everywhere liberals dominate, America deteriorates and declines into “jungle” behavior.  You have to wonder whether or not we’ve gone so far down that rabbit hole that there is no chance to climb out.  What do you think?

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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We Are Watching the Disintegration of Our Country & Society

By Frosty Wooldridge

September 18, 2023

Part 1:  Signs of cities decaying, sheer numbers of illegal migrants, degrading culture, loss of the rule of law

With the latest wave of 200,000 illegal migrants crossing our borders in August, even the “welcoming” but overwhelmed “Sanctuary Cities” have reacted with anger, frustration and demonstrations.  Congress-critter with the intellect of a gerbil, AOC, suffered screaming in-her-face New York City residents who hate the 110,000 illegal migrants sleeping, urinating and trashing their streets. They give credence to the acronym N.I.M.B.Y.

Mayor Adams said, “Migrants are ruining New York City.  We cannot afford the $12 billion to house, feed, educate and medicate them.”

That cry for help echoes across American cities where 8,000,000 of those illegals have landed.  They cannot speak English. They lack education to operate in this modern society. Their cultures conflict with our culture.  Their importing endless amounts of drugs that kill 100,000 Americans annually from overdoses.

Out of those 8,000,000 illegal migrants,  how many are Jihad Muslim terrorists?  Answer: you gotta’ understand they are planning the next 9/11 as you read this column.

What does it mean, “Watching the disintegration of our country & society?”

Consider these points and see if you witness them coming to your town or city:

We’ve got schools instigating dishonoring our nation’s founders. Once students begin to hate their country and history, they trash statues of Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Teddy Roosevelt, Benjamin Franklin, Abigail Adams, Susan B. Anthony, John Muir and others. Without appreciation for our founding and the U.S. Constitution, anarchy and rebellion are not far behind.  Without respect for America’s past, our youth will not understand the principles of our Constitutional Republic.  Notice how college kids shout down speakers with which they don’t agree.

Yes, freedom of speech gets messy, however, it’s better than autocratic rule.

We’ve got children thinking they can change their sex from boy to girl and from girl to boy.  That cannot, does not and will not ever happen.  It’s biologically impossible to turn a boy into a girl and vice versa.  But in the process of the charade, illusion or “pretending”, women’s sports are being destroyed by “transgenderism.”   It’s wrong, it’s stupid, it’s a sign that our society is going haywire.  Especially using such idiotic monikers like “birthing person” or pronouns instead of he and she. No wonder so many kids commit suicide or suffer depression. Social media keeps them emotionally and spiritually wrecked.  Worse than that, they suffer “text neck” from bending over into their cell phone with 100 text messages daily, on average for every U.S. teenager.  Good Lord, get rid of that phone and talk to your friends!

The current president, totally unable to string a coherent sentence together on his own…has weaponized the CIA and FBI against other political leaders.  That’s a sign of a “Banana Republic.”  If you can’t beat them, just kill your opponents or send them to the Gulag.

The new “Inclusion, Equity, Diversity” farce cannot and will not make anyone equal.  Neither can “Affirmative Action.” We’ve already enjoyed such equality since 1964.  What we need is: “Study, Hard Work, Personal Accountability.”  That will allow each citizen to participate in this society to the best of his or her abilities.  You cannot give away educational excellence. You cannot put lipstick on a pig and say the pig is educated.  Education must be earned by each individual.

With $100,000,000,000.00 (billion) in shoplifting last year, it means that millions of citizens and non-citizens are stealing mercantile stores to death. If you kill off our merchants, at some point, cities collapse from lack of tax base, goods, services and livability.  Just remember Detroit, Michigan. When it was allowed to go completely lawless by Mayor Coleman Young, a horrific 1.2 million whites fled the city.  I worked there for 20 years to see it, personally.  Already in San Francisco, 20 Walgreen’s have closed shop, Nordstrom’s closed, Whole Foods closed, entire hotels have closed.  Trains are being robbed on their tracks.  Kids can steal $900.00 of goods without penalty of any kind.  A whopping 35,000 homeless have invaded every street and into the suburbs.  San Francisco is dying. How do I know?  I visited it the past three summers. I watched “smash & grabs” from my position on Market Street.  It’s no longer, “The City by the Bay.”  It’s a criminal haven, drug market and lawless nightmare for any visitors.

With that $100 billion in shoplifting, that means millions of our citizens are criminals. A Constitutional Republic demands a moral, ethical and personally responsible citizenry.  What happens when the thefts reach $100, $200 or $500 billion annually? At some point, our big cities will fall into anarchy beyond solving.

In New York City, you’ve got 2,000,000 rats scurrying all over the streets.  They carry diseases and infest peoples’ homes.  NYC houses 50,000 homeless. Now, they are trying to house another 110,000 homeless illegal migrants.  Those migrants steal, trash streets, trash hotels, trash schools and overrun medical services.  They lack any ability to function or contribute to American society.

Criminals in NYC might get caught, but within hours, are re-released back onto the streets to commit as many thefts, murders or drug deals as they can find.  If you travel a NYC subway, your life can end in a millisecond.

Our mindless president wants to forgive student loans while we’re $32,000,000,000,000.00 in our national debt.  Who pays for it?  Answer: you pay!   He has given Ukraine hundreds of billions of our tax dollars when one in six of our children faces “food insecurity.”  He left $90 billion in military hardware on the worst pullout in American military history from Afghanistan.  With that level of incompetence, some folks should have been fired or retired.  Instead, not one answered for the stupid, incompetent deaths of 13 of our military people from a suicide bomber.

Worst of all, we’ve got ½ of all major news services totally bias for the “left” and ½ of the American citizenry on the right.  We’ve got half the country pitted against the other half.  We’re being brainwashed by the NCAA, NPR, CDC, NAACP, BLM, Bud Light, Disney, etc.

Yes, this column will cover another dozen ways we are watching our society disintegrate.  But the one that no one will address grows by the day: we are being overpopulated by this massive invasion of immigrants, both legal and illegal. That’s the situation that will kill our society faster than any war, any disease, any natural disasters. At some point, we will NOT be able to feed this massive human overload.  That’s a fact…and it’s coming as surely as the dawn.

Coming in Part 2: Climate change, food shortages, loss of quality of life, water shortages, cultural conflict, linguistic conflict.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Joe Biden Deliberately Inviting Illegal Invasion of America

By Frosty Wooldridge

September 14, 2023

“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” President Franklin D. Roosevelt

After 33 months in office, Joe Biden invited 8,000,000 illegal migrants to invade our southern border.  He hired Cuban immigrant Alejandro Mayorkas to make sure our borders are open, free to cross 24/7,  and he rewards criminals, drug dealers, sex traffickers and terrorists with plane rides or bus tickets to any city in America.

For the life of me, why haven’t the American people been screaming at the top of their lungs to impeach Biden and his sidekick Mayorkas?  Does anyone in America, black, white or brown understand that everything we take for granted as to the rule of law, citizenship and a decent job with decent pay—-are all being destroyed by this invasion of our homeland?

Even moronic leaders like Mayor Adams of New York City cries out as 110,000 illegal migrants invade the Big Apple.  Chicago morphs into a third world city.  Los Angeles degrades into a homeless nightmare for 70,000 drug addicts and tent people.  And yet, Biden lies like a thief as to what’s happening to our country.  With his severe cognitive decline, he doesn’t possess a clue as to what’s happening across our country.  He looks like a cadaver puppet, walks like one and someone is pulling his strings.  History will dig into his messy life without mercy.

My longtime friend, Bob Dane, Executive Director (retired) at the Federation for American Immigration Reform spoke to me as to what we face.  (Source:

Bob, give my readers a taste of what’s happening:

“Frank Capra understood and cherished America,” Dane said.  “Capturing its spirit vividly in the movies he directed, including the iconic Mr. Smith Goes to Washington and It’s a Wonderful Life. His largest contribution to the nation he loved, however, was a series of seven Why We Fight documentaries made between 1942 and 1945. Each one explained for active-duty troops — and the public at large — why America was at war, and the broad principles for which it was fighting. Whereas newsreels shown at the time informed the public about the nation’s efforts — the “what and how” — Capra’s films illuminated, as President Franklin D. Roosevelt said, the “galvanizing and motivating reasons why.

“Today, America’s challenge is closer to home, and turning the tide on America’s current border crisis involves an entirely different type of citizen effort: public education, civil engagement, lobbying lawmakers, and voting. The similarity is that our current fight for true immigration reform is also grounded in values and principles. With national elections looming and many state legislatures now returning to session, here are some foundational “reasons why” worth repeating for activists:

  • As a sovereign nation, America has the right and responsibility to protect its borders, territorial integrity, identity, and assets in order to maintain national security, public safety, social and economic stability, and cultural cohesiveness.
  • America has the right to limit immigration levels to preserve jobs for its citizens, protect wages, maintain quality health care and education, and ensure the sustainability of social services and precious natural resources.
  • The rule of law is the bedrock of our democracy, and our immigration laws are no exception. Article I, Section 8, of the U.S. Constitution grants Congress the responsibility to “establish a uniformRule of Naturalization,” while Article II, Section 3, requires that the president, “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.”
  • American citizens have a right for their voices to be heard in all policy decisions that affect them; special interests must never be allowed to dictate the terms of public policy.
  • Immigration policy must serve the broad national interests, now and for future generations.

Dane continued, “Unfortunately, these principled and aspirational “building blocks” for sensible policies are always substituted for self-serving arguments by special interests peddling mass immigration, ignored by mainstream media, and often lost in the gyrations and noise of legislative activity. Even for the most ardent activist, it’s easy to lose sight of the “big picture” given the blitzkrieg of immigration issues occurring more rapidly in every facet of society, and with so many fires to put out.

“The fight continues, and it may be a sustained one as long as mass immigration is permitted to fatten the electorate for power-hungry political parties, or provides an exploitable labor pool to unscrupulous employers…or, as long as we lose sight of what’s at stake. Moreover, changing administrations often result in one step forward, one step back; executive power, utilized productively under the previous president to uphold the law, has boomeranged as this president has abused it to dismantle most interior and perimeter enforcement.

“Such whipsawing of our issue with each successive administration may worsen as our nation’s political divide widens. Recognizing that, we can never be content that “mission-accomplished” is defined as a four-year period in which gains are made, only to be subsequently lost.

“When is the job done?  Perhaps when the principles behind fair, practical, and effective immigration controls that preserve our sovereignty and advance America’s interests become normative, enshrined, and immutable public values, durable enough to withstand political vicissitudes and transcend ideology.

“It’s a lofty goal but worth the fight. After all, we have a nation to save.”

I ask you dear fellow American, is this country worth fighting for? Is it worth saving from the hordes invading our land?  What are you doing about it?  What do you think will be the result if we don’t seal our borders?

“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” President Franklin D. Roosevelt

If you haven’t seen these three videos, you need to distribute them to all your networks. We need to have all Americans see what’s coming…because it’s coming for their children.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more. Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls, Roy Beck, director of  www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers-off the chart”  by Roy Beck This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!” 

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Allowing Foolishness & Senility to Rule Our Country

By Frosty Wooldridge

September 11, 2023

Our successful civilization, as we know it or used to know it, stands at the crossroads of insanity, senility, gender craziness and political chaos. We also stand at a critical intersection where our own citizens are being supplanted by illegal and legal invader-migrant(s) replacements. That’s right! You and I are being replaced.  It’s only a matter of two decades before “born and raised” Americans become the new minority in this country. (Source:

Last week, New York Sanctuary City Mayor Eric Adams spoke to the entire United States, “We cannot handle these 110,000 illegal migrants or educate their 21,000 children in our already overcrowded schools. We can’t keep spending $30 million a month on housing, feeding, giving them medical care, let alone teach their children with 50 different languages.”  New Yorkers have paid $12 billion in taxes thus far to babysit 110,000 illegal alien migrants in the past 30 months of Biden’s open borders policy.”

Yet, Mayor Adams blames Texas Governor Abbot for sending them to NYC. When in fact, Abbot only sent 13,000.  Joe Biden flew the other 95,000 into NYC in planes paid for by you, the American taxpayer.  Now, Mayor Adams wants Governor Abbot to keep all the migrants in Texas…to protect the rest of the sanctuary cities from being overrun.  Guess what?  What can anyone do with 8,000,000 new people who lack education, skills, English speaking ability and first world living?  Answer: they tap into our welfare systems until our systems collapse.

Fact: New York City features 50,000 homeless Americans living in city shelters.  Yet, New York City asked for the illegal migrants…and now, New York City hates them, despises them, and cannot sustain them.  But NYC is a microcosm of over 8,000,000 illegal migrants camping out all over America. You now have black minorities in Chicago screaming at Biden for his open borders policy.  Few Americans understand that we’re growing an enormous army of homeless, uneducated, intractable poverty-stricken welfare misfits with no end to their numbers.

With such insanity, you must ask yourself, “Who is really running the show in Washington DC and why are they out to destabilize American society?”  Answer:  a pretty good guess would be Barack Obama and his henchmen who work in Biden’s cabinet.

Just look at all your Sanctuary Cities!  Total lawlessness, total chaos, total “smash & grabs”, total lack of the rule of law.  What countries remind you of this lawlessness across the globe?  Answer: Congo, Somalia, Sudan, Venezuela, Columbia, et al.  Do you see where we’re headed?

This is a fact: immigration is driving our population from 340 million Americans plus 25 million illegal migrants to 400 million within 27 years by 2050.  That’s a demographic reality that should frighten the hell out of you for your children.  But you won’t see any of the 545 Congressional Critters standing up to stop it.  Since they haven’t and they won’t, that’s what’s coming after your children. Is it pure insanity or what?

Transgender Insanities, Stupidities, Idiocies

If you look around you, do you not see grown men in high positions supporting other men pretending to be women…and forcing themselves into women’s sports, women’s college sororities, women’s swim teams, women’s wrestling, women’s track, et al.?  What about these pretenders stepping into women’s bathrooms and showers with your daughters?  It’s a new 21st century perversion and it’s really sickening!

With the little mind that Biden still has operating, he supports transgender boys beating the hell out of female athletes.  Why? Because he has lost his mind with no ability to think rationally or reasonably or with an understanding of biology.  And his handlers support his stupidities of his own dementia. Biden is brainless and his handlers right along with him.

For the love of common sense and rational thinking, who are those people who support the mental disease and emotional sickness of XY chromosome men pretending to be women and being allowed to compete against biological women?  It’s an illusion on a moronic level beyond rational comprehension.  Who in their right mind would allow their children to cut out their breasts, cut off their testicles, inject hormones and disfigure their bodies?

Why not wait until they are 21 to cut off body parts? At least they might have grown a brain to make a more reasonable choice.  Why not create an entire NCTAA or National Collegiate Transgender Association of Athletes?  Why hasn’t someone thought of such a reasonable solution to the insanity that’s now pervaded women’s sports?

Our Senile President Continuing His Façade and Farce

Joe Biden accomplished very little if anything in his 50 years in Congress…other shaking hands, sniffing little girls’ hair, putting his hands on women inappropriately, and making endless forgettable speeches. He’s lied about his academic achievements; he’s plagiarized other peoples’ papers and speeches.  He’s been overtly racist with his speech about not wanting his kids educated in “urban jungles” dominated by black Americans.

Additionally, he raised one of the most pathetic sons ever recorded in American history, Hunter, a drug addict, liar, cheat, thief, scammer, whoring around male slut, fathering an illegitimate child and abandoning that child, accomplishing nothing worth anything in his life of non-substance…and only God knows what else he’s done on the dark side of life.

But now, Joe Biden suffers from Alzheimer’s Disease. He shakes hands with the air. He must be led off stages. He misspeaks, tells tall tales (lies) about his past triumphs, and generally does not know where he is or what day it is.  The man is a walking cadaver and a shell of the man that he wasn’t in the first place.

At the same time, he’s giving hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars to Ukraine while we’ve got millions in poverty, failing schools, degraded highways, infrastructure decay and a $33 trillion debt.

It’s interesting that half the country voted him into office much like they re-elected 90-year-old U.S.  Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA) who can’t think, can’t speak, can’t walk and has no business being a U.S. Senator after 40 years in the Senate.  Or, Nancy Pelosi who is running again at age 83 with accelerating dementia. Why do people in California vote for the old hen who has laid too many eggs and done too little for our country?  She supports mass illegal immigration.  She does nothing to stop the destruction of her district, San Francisco, with 35,000 homeless drug addicts, drunks and mentally ill Americans.  Or what were the people in Pennsylvania thinking when they voted a dead-beat, highly mentally unstable and stroke/heart attack victim like John Fetterman into the U.S. Senate when they enjoyed the incredible mind and dynamics of Dr. Oz?  How does even the dumbest voter place a vote for an imbecile like House member Maxine Waters (D-CA), who is as useless as a dozen rotten eggs and a lifetime of accomplishing nothing?

“The U.S. will set a record in the rate of rise—and fall of an empire. Between wide open borders and fall of the dollar and growing population against a declining resource base, the US will be defeated from within. Mobs will rule the streets in the nation that is now the third largest in the world and unable to support its population except by taking resources from other countries until their resources are exhausted.” Arnold Toynbee, historian

The American people need to wake up and vote to stop this “replacement invasion” of their/our homeland.  Because if we remain on this path, we face a drastically miserable future.  Would you not agree?

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Political Cartoon Satire: Hitting Painfully Funny at the Truth

By Frosty Wooldridge

September 7, 2023

You’ve been reading them all your life in your local newspaper. Today, you watch them online.  The artists offer their brilliant focus of what’s “really” going on with our politicians both here and abroad. It can safely be said that many politicians lie…that includes Adam Schiff, Charles Schumer, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, George W. Bush, House Rep Swalwell…and the list goes back through history.  Those same politicians get a lot of kids killed in bogus wars such as with Vietnam stopping communism, Iraq’s fraudulent weapons of mass destruction, Korea stopping the communist horde, Afghanistan’s rebuilding their nation, Desert Storm, which was a total joke, and more to come.

Why the American people can’t see through those lies, remains a mystery.  In my own State of Colorado, both my U.S. Senators lie like thieves.  Same with our Governor “open border” Polis who lies worse than House Rep Adam Schiff.  Then, you see the incompetent ones remain in office into their 90’s such as Strom Thurmond, present day Alzheimer’s victim Diane Feinstein, totally useless, depressed and incompetent U.S. Senator John Fetterman of Pennsylvania.  If you look into the quagmire of their lives along with their incompetence, it’s makes you sick to your stomach.

Enter the “satirists.”  They bring fantastic cartoons that speak to truth, show it in pictures and ram it home in characters that we love.  I read “Calvin and Hobbes” for years.

You might enjoy these examples:

“If liars’ pants really did catch on fire, watching the news would be a lot more fun.”

Gene Wilder smiled, “I can’t wait until the 5th wave when the people with four shots are blaming it on the people with three shots.”

Picture of incompetent four-star General Milley who got us out of Afghanistan with the most incompetent withdrawal in U.S. history, which Joe Biden called one our greatest military maneuvers.  “Imagine if you will an American General called Milley Lie who will inform the enemy of an upcoming attack.”

Picture Biden pointing to a map of the red states and talking with a democrat operative. The operative said, “Where are you gonna put all the unvaxed illegal immigrants and Afghan refugees?”  Biden responds, “Where we need them most…in all the red states.”

Sign: “This is what happens when you order a President through the mail.” Referring to all the mail-in ballots cast for Joe Biden who sat in his basement for the entire election cycle because of his Alzheimer’s confused mental abilities.

Picture of U.S. National Guard troops guarding the White House. Then, a picture of millions of illegal migrants overwhelming the U.S. Border with Mexico. It’s titled: Biden Administration Priority…U.S. Capitol for the first picture and U.S. Border for the second picture.  And now, we’ve got 7 to 8 million of them and no way to deal with them anywhere in our country.  And yet, Biden expects to be re-elected. Go figure.

“Do we still call Girl Scout cookies, Girl Scout cookies? Or are they called Gender Neutral Fat-ass Snacks now?”

T-Shirt wearer at a gas station, “Whoever voted for Biden owes me gas money.”  It shows his fuel gauge on empty on his T-Shirt.

Picture of a little league football player with his hand over his heart for the National Anthem. “Attention pro athletes; This is how you do it.”

Matt Walsh said, “Leftist activists can come to your house with bullhorns. Film you in your bathroom. Loot your business. Burn police stations. The FBI does nothing.  But if conservative parents raise their voices at a school board meeting, they are hunted down as terrorists.”

Picture of a Taliban terrorists picking up the phone, “Yes, hello.”  Joe Biden on the other end said, “I’m calling you about the extended warranty I gave you on your Humvee.”  He referred to the $90 billion in war machines we left to the Taliban.

Teacher at the head of the class speaking to a student, “Unless you’re one of the millions of undocumented migrants streaming across the southern border, you better mask up, young man.”

Man, at a grocery store with a T-Shirt that reads, “Your mask is as useless as your president.”

Picture of ghetto kids ransacking a store window and making off with thousands of dollars in goods: Acceptable and civilized behavior. Next picture, guy saying, “All I’m saying is that I think the vaccine should be voluntary.” Deemed a “Dangerous Extremist.”

Dr. Ben Carson said, “We’ve been conditioned to think that only politicians can solve our problems. But at some point, we will wake up and recognize that it was the politicians who created our problems.”

Picture of a frowning Joe Biden, “Thank you Joe for making the Dollar Store the Five Dollar Store.”

Picture of a massive wall to protect homeowners along an expressway. “Since 1972 the government has built over 3,000 miles of “sound walls” along our highways to “protect nearby homeowners from traffic sounds.  If the government can spend $6 billion on walls to protect the homeowners from traffic noise, why can’t it spend $5 billion on a southern border wall to protect our lives?”

To date, Joe Biden who will go down in history as the Alzheimer’s President who has invited over 8,000,000 illegal migrants, criminals, terrorists, drug pushers, sex traffickers, birthright babies, welfare sloths, rapists, burglars, and killers into the United States in the past two and ½ years.

That’s a remarkable legacy.  And yet, his democrat constituency expects him to work his miracles for another four years in a second term.

Some satirist needs to draw a cartoon showing how stupid the collective of the American people has become to have elected such an incompetent old man and liar in the first place.  It beats the hell out of me!

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Margaritaville & I Left My Heart in San Francisco

By Frosty Wooldridge

September 4, 2023

Over the weekend, Jimmy Buffet died just short of his 77th birthday.   He sang to us with his hit song, “Margaritaville.”  They said he lived his life like a song up until his last breath.  Painfully, a part of me died with him.   Additionally, this year, one of my all-time favorites, Tony Bennett died at 96 years of age.  He sang, “I left my heart in San Francisco….”  He took a part of my heart with him.  Betty White died at age 99 twenty months ago.  She caused endless laughter in all our Baby Boomer lives.  Cloris Leachman, 94, the great character actor, died, too. Just broke my heart.  The killer for me was when Olivia Newton John died. Who hasn’t seen “Grease” at least a half-dozen times?

This year, NPR’s anchor Scott Simon said, “The new life span of a Caucasian American male has been lowered to 76 years 3 months.  As I sat there in my car seat on my way to the gym I muttered, “Dang, I’ve only got two weeks to live.”    Here it is September, and I’m still doing 100 sit-ups daily, swimming a half mile daily and lifting weights six days a week.  I’m gunning for at least 85, maybe 90.  I’ve got a lot of books to author, articles to write and miles to cover on my bicycle.

Back in 1977, I’ll never forget August 16th, when I crossed the Canadian border on my bike, after riding to Alaska, I saw a front-page headline on a paper on the bench:  “Elvis Dead at 42.”  That just knocked me on my butt.  I had danced to every song he sang. I asked my wife on the dance floor to marry me while he sang, “Can’t help falling in love with you.”   I didn’t find out about his drug addiction and really tragic life until years later when I read about it in a book: What Happened, Elvis?

We baby boomers followed John Denver as he sang “Annie’s Song, Country Roads, Feather Bed, Rocky Mountain High, and Country Boy.”  When he augured his plane into the Pacific Ocean, I just cried my eyes out.

Who remembers Bing Crosby’s “White Christmas”, or Doris Day’s “Que sera sera,” or Robin Williams’ gut-busting humor, or Rita Hayworth’s dancing, or Fred Astaire, or Marlon Brando’s “The God Father?”  They all grew up with us, entertained us, and bestowed their talents to our delights.

Whether they entertained us on the Silver Screen, or we kissed our girl or boy friend at the drive-in, those special singers and actors were/are a part of our lives for our entire lives.  I must admit: being a Baby Boomer has been the greatest era of American history.  We created “Equal rights, Voter Rights, Title IX, Environmental Protection Agency and many more benefits for all our citizens.  The past 58 years have been a great time to be alive.  I’ve certainly benefited from all those boys in WWII who gave the “last full measure of devotion” to our country and to the world.  If you ever visit a national cemetery, each one of those kids made your freedoms, your choices, and your life possible.  I do visit Fort Logan Cemetery, Denver, Colorado gravesites on Memorial Day to give my thanks, personally.

As a matter of fact, during my bicycle trip through Europe from Nord Kapp, Norway to Athens, Greece, I camped out near a cemetery in Italy south of the Poe River.  There were 500 American and British kids buried there. Ages were 18, 19, 20, 21.  It showed their names, ages and ranks.  I was so moved that I spoke to them in the morning, “I want all you boys’ spirits to get up out of your graves, mount your bicycles and ride into this fine day with me.  Let’s do it together.”  At that point, 500 young spirits rose out of their graves…they mounted their bicycles…and followed me out to the road.  I looked back to see their bright yes, healthy bodies and eagerness of youth. “Forward, HO!” I said.  With that, all 501 of us pedaled south for the next hour.  I swear I could hear their shouts of joy, their whoops and hollers as they pedaled with me down that beautiful highway.  After an hour, I looked back, “Well boys, thanks for riding with me…I know you’ve got to go back to your final resting place.”

With that, I turned and pedaled down the road on my own.  My friend Gary who served in the U.S. Navy was waiting beside the road.  “What took you so long?” he asked.

“Oh, I thought it would be good to ride with a bunch of kids from that cemetery where we camped last night,” I said, with tears falling.  “They gave their lives so we might enjoy our freedoms to ride.”

“Gotcha’ bro,”  Gary said.

Right now, I have to admit that Willie Nelson, 90, is on the short list for remaining on this planet much longer.  I listen to his songs daily!  How about “On the road again…City of New Orleans and hundreds more.”  Same with Clint Eastwood at 93!  Who hasn’t seen “The Good, Bad & Ugly or Dirty Harry” at least 10 times? I love Dolly Parton. She possesses a heart as big as the moon.  I hope she outlives me, so my heart won’t break if she passes while I’m still living.  Same with Morgan Freeman…I love his work, his struggles, his triumphs. And that voice,  Whitney Houston, right up there with the angels.

Every one of those actors, actresses, singers, and other entertainers, whether they are street minstrels, mimes, jugglers, acrobats, sports stars…or even high school theater people…all of them enriched our lives.  For their efforts, I am forever thankful.

One of the best films we’ve seen and watched it 10 times is “Forever My Girl.”  It’s on Netflix and/or IMDB.  You’ll see why Sandi and I have watched it so many times.

In the end, American citizens of every color, religion, race and political persuasion have enjoyed the utmost finest opportunities in the last 58 years.  Thank you, Jimmy Buffet and Tony Bennett and all the rest who entertained us. God bless America!

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Travels With Charley II: What We Saw In Big Cities—Not Too Nice

By Frosty Wooldridge

August 31, 2023

Part 3: These travels are almost a polar opposite to Steinbeck’s observations in the 1950’s.  Our big cities exhibit severe decay.

“This journey has been like a full dinner of many courses, set before a starving man. At first, he tries to eat all of everything, but as the meal progresses, he finds he must forgo some things to keep his appetite and his taste buds functioning. ” John Steinbeck, Travels with Charley

One of the aspects of travel during my life continues: education. Travel also brings a sense of gratitude for my good health, good life, and good fortune.  When you’ve traveled through the countries that I’ve traveled…you get down on your knees and thank God for being an American. Our freedoms and opportunities vastly outdo another 100 third world countries.  Our rule of law provides our freedoms.  Our sense of ourselves as Americans gives us bigger choices for our wellbeing and our self-worth.

But what we saw this summer broke our hearts.

You cannot help but travel in California to see 170,000 homeless people wandering the streets of the big cities.  Los Angeles must be the new capital of human misery, followed by San Francisco.  Ironically, both cities are governed by equity, inclusiveness and diversity.  The minority leaders and police forces have turned those cities into human ghettoes no better than Mumbai, India.  It’s either by their design or by their incompetence.

In Los Angeles, black and Asian gangs “smash & grab” $900,000.00 in loot within minutes while they vanish into the night.  Supply trains see youth gangs cut bolts and steal everything inside.  Trash everywhere in the streets, rivers, highways and they even toss trash into the national parks.  You ain’t seen graffiti until you see Los Angeles.

We personally watched a “smash & grab” in San Francisco across the street at a hotel.  They stopped, smashed the windows of an BMW SUV, grabbed three suitcases, camera and handbag with 30 seconds…and pulled into traffic.  Their tactics are so fast, so smooth, so no one gets arrested, or if they do get caught, they’re back out onto the streets within hours per Mayor Creed of San Francisco.  The police suffer total paralysis without any help from the mayor and city council of that city.  We visited where Whole Foods departed after only one year on Market Street.  The trolleys run with 1/3 the tourists because no one can leave their cars on the streets for fear of a “smash & grab” of their belongings.  Many big-name stores closed because of shoplifting on a scale unheard of 10 years ago.  Twenty Walgreen drug stores pulled out of the “City by the Bay.”  They were shoplifted to death.

You cannot comprehend human waste in the streets until you visit San Francisco. Then, you see them dropping their pants and defecating on the curb in broad daylight. Same in LA!  Needles everywhere…provided by the city council.  Drugs EVERYWHERE!  It’s a collection of the lowest levels of human degradation found in America.

We heard a dozen languages other than English.  Just south of San Francisco, two towns are 100 percent Chinese. They speak Chinese, signs are in Chinese, and well, it’s non-American in every respect.  From what we could see, they live here, but do not identify as Americans.

In Portland, Oregon, it’s a total disaster. Homeless live under the expressways.  Worse, they live in tents and tarp cities inside the clover leafs of the expressways.  They endure diesel truck traffic roaring past them 24/7.  They stagger around drunk,  drugged or mentally out of their minds.

If you travel to Chicago, and we did: what a complete disaster for America.  You hear the mainstream news report on one white guy shooting three black people last week.  Al Sharpton stood up telling everyone that America is a nation full of “racist”  and “White Supremists.”  Ironically, two dozen black people shoot two dozen black people every weekend in Chicago. Some weekends, over 40 people are shot.  Sometimes, 10 or 15 die while the others hang on for dear life in the ICU’s at local hospitals. Nobody notices because it’s so normal.  Of course, the same shootings continue nightly in St. Louis, New Orleans, Detroit, New York City and another dozen big cities.

What Steinbeck saw in the 1950’s as America stood proud and strong after WWII, we now suffer internal wars with our own citizens killing one another in over-packed, over-loaded, overwhelmed, and overpopulated cities.  Our cities are SO BIG, there is no way to address or solve any of their problems.

Have you heard what happens when you pack too many chickens into a pen on those massive chicken farms?  Answer: they peck each other to death.  The same thing happens when you place too many mice or rats into a small enclosed prison.  They just kill each other.

So, is there any sanity left in America?  Answer: yes, small towns.  When we traveled through 10,000 or less populated town, we enjoyed local diners where we chatted with locals in English.  We didn’t have to use any special pronouns.  We ate at fine restaurants with great homemade apple pies.  In small towns, girls were girls and boys were boys.  Men were men and women were women.  They used restrooms separately for women and for men.  Thank God!

We chatted with friendly police. We saw lots of American flags, tractors on display, and young folks working at local stores or out in the fields mowing hay, baling, and piling it on wagons.  Where do our kids learn “common sense?”  Answer: in a rural community.

We discovered that we felt sorry for all those kids growing up in concrete jungles with nothing more to do than play with their cell phones eight hours a day.  They’re all suffering from “text neck” and will suffer more in the years ahead from poor posture.

Are we ever going to get back to the Norman Rockwell “America” that I witnessed in my youth?  That’s a heck of a loaded question.  I’m not too optimistic that we will even maintain America if we continue on our present course of mass immigration out of the third world, endless crime, lack of education for our minorities, meaningless existence for inner city youths, and the sheer numbers that are projected to be imported into the USA within 25 years.  In reality, we are destabilizing our country at incredible speed. What do you think?

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more. Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls, Roy Beck, director of  www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers-off the chart”  by Roy Beck This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!” 

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Part 2: Open the Borders to One and All: What’s Coming

By Frosty Wooldridge

August 28, 2023

Part 2: Massive consequences coming, let’s bring them on now so we get a taste of the future in the present.

Usually, a dozen emails from you readers, respond to my columns each week.  After last week’s call for wide-open borders to accelerate our oncoming crisis to our civilization, you flooded me with emails.  It appears we’re already in the midst of seeing our country trampled into the dustbin of history.  Therefore, I’m going to address a few more nightmares awaiting us as those migrants, both legal and illegal, pour into our country at 5 or 10 or 20 or 100 million in the months and/or years ahead.

From a writer in Minnesota:

He said, referring to my references to Australia’s limited water, oil and resources being too limited to expand their population, “Australia is a larger example of the inevitable environmental, social and economic implosion due to open borders, and overpopulation.

“My own city, Brooklyn Center, MN, just north of Minneapolis is a perfect at home example.  The U.S. Government imported 125,000 Somalians who could not read, write, use a toilet, or understand what it means to become educated and actually work in America. (Average IQ of a person born is Somalia stands at 68. That’s an IQ that cannot pass any math, science, biology or other subjects beyond 6th grade.)  That’s why they will remain on American welfare programs generation after generation.  (Source: , Jan 31, 2022. What is the average IQ in Somalia? Avg. IQ: 68.  World ranking: #38.)

“It has gone from a jewel in Minnesota to THE cesspool ghetto of Minnesota.

“The City just completed a survey. Mostly the results said practically everyone loves it. They love it because 9,000 White’s have left, replaced by 3rd worlder’s. A U.S. ghetto is better than a 3rd world overpopulated dysfunctional mess. They control the polling. Indeed, the survey appears to have been designed with a result in mind.

“Our local schools mirror the consequences; they are among the worst in the state, probably the nation. Our high school reflects the change: passing tests in Science 8%, Reading 27%, Math 4%. ACT college readiness rate 3%.

“When our children went to Brooklyn Center High, it was ranked among the best schools in the state when Minnesota had great schools! Now it’s a remedial education dump.”

Little known fact: Somalia’s population stands at 18,000,000 in 2023. By 2050, United Nation projections show them doubling to 36,000,000 (million).  When you deal with illiterate populations, they simply cannot comprehend birth control, family planning, climate change brought about by resource consumption, or the fact that they will overpopulate themselves into starvation.  That’s what’s happening in all of Africa as they jump from 1.4 billion to 2.0 billion within the next 27 years by 2050.

Therefore, it’s imperative that we save them in 2023 by bringing another 10 to 20 million Somalians into our country.

If all Americans cried out in mass that we desperately need to save the rest of the world by importing the “rest of the world” into America in 2023, we could really bring their crisis into our country to become “our crisis.”

How about another example?  How about Egypt?  They stand at 118,000,000 in 2023.  United Nations population projections show them reaching 190,000,000 (million) by 2050…just 27 years from now.  As it is, their form of birth control mandated by the Quran is to add another canal ditch off the Nile, birth four kids each, from their four wives, and keep living in abject misery. Please note, 80 percent of their population lives off grains and other foods from Canada, America and Australia. If not for our ability to produce food, they would suffer incredible famine.

So, let’s save them, too. Let’s bring another 10 to 20 millions of them into the USA in the next five to ten years.

One responder said that there’s no way Americans can kill 1,000,000 vertebrate animals via roadkill 24/7.  That shows you that the majority of Americans do not possess a clue as to what’s coming when we add another 100 million immigrants and their children. Source:   “August 8, 2019 Did you know that roads—across the United States—kill more than one million animals PER DAY? That’s 11.4 every second. This only includes animals found immediately adjacent to the road—not the ones that manage to crawl off the side of the road and die elsewhere.”  A better estimate is over 400,000,000 animals die annually at the hands of motorists, wind turbines, propeller blades, speed boat blades, etc.

Source:  “Every year our nation’s experimenters kill 100 million lab animals, hunters kill 200 million “game” animals, and motorists kill nearly 400 million roadkill animals. Only America’s meat-eaters take a larger toll than its motorists. For every dead animal counted, three or four more die unnoticed.”

Can you imagine those statistics with another 100 million immigrants?  If we import 200 million or 300 million immigrants to give them a better life, we could easily bring our roadkill’s stats ever higher while we wreak havoc on the Natural World.

What will our airports and skies look like with another 100 million immigrants?  Have you been to any of our airports lately?  I can tell you that Denver’s DIA stands as one of the nightmares of the modern world. If we can just jam in another 3.0 million people into the Denver area, which we are doing with all those illegal piling up in our city, well, you can imagine the outcome not only on the ground, but the enormous number of planes in the air.  Have you heard of Denver’s Brown Cloud? It’s dirty, brown, filthy air, loaded with chemicals and everyone living in Denver breathes those poisons 24/7.  Let’s make more of poison air as soon as possible.

Wouldn’t it be great if Joe Biden would import at least 5,000,000 additional illegal aliens annually, on top of the 1,000,000 legal immigrants annually?  I’m certain all those “sanctuary cities” would love to host millions more in their hotels like in New York, Chicago, Denver,  Atlanta and beyond. We could see those 70,000 homeless in Los Angeles jump to 170,000 homeless.  Wouldn’t that be ducky!   Don’t you just love being a taxpayer in a sanctuary city?  Annual costs for illegals:  $150,000,000,000.00. (Source: “Costs to US taxpayers for illegal aliens.”)

Heck, Biden could really rev-up our national immigration crisis in 2023, which would finally, show all Americans their God-awful futures that would match present-day Somalia, India, China and any other overpopulated third world country.

Note: they did it to themselves.  And, so are we doing it to ourselves by voting such pathetically inept and incompetent men or women, Biden/Harris, into the White House or leaders of sanctuary cities/states!  So yes, let’s bring on our national immigration crisis nightmare much faster so we can taste a slice of the future right here in 2023.  Are you excited about the outcome? Especially for your children?

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Let’s Open America’s Borders to One and All: Accelerate the Crisis

By Frosty Wooldridge

August 24, 2023

Have you ever experienced a crisis like Lahaina, Maui’s wildfires that demolished a 12,000 residents’ homes and businesses this past month? What about the Marshall Fire that leveled 1,000 homes near Boulder, Colorado two years ago?  Was there a solution that could have been incorporated before those horrific wildfire events?

How do you deal with a crisis, any crisis?  How do you solve it before it occurs?   Answer: you use history and your brains to solve it before it happens.  I’ve heard it as a mathematical equation called a “Bounding Problem.”  (I think that’s the term.) It means along a spectrum, there will be a solution either by humans or by the Natural World.  In other words, if you don’t solve it, Mother Nature will ultimately solve it for you.

Right now, Australia, which I have cycled the entire perimeter of that continent, offers 95 percent desert, scant water, no oil and few resources to sustain its 26 million people.  And yet, big money corporations want to import another 10 million people from overpopulated countries like India, China, many in Africa and Indochina to create “Big Australia.”  They want to force “Exponential Growth” onto a dry continent with no idea of the consequences.  In other words,  push human numbers beyond sustainability of the carrying capacity of the land.

At some point, as they pile an enormous amount of humanity onto that island continent, they WILL NOT possess enough water or other resources to sustain their human horde. In the meantime, everyone’s lives are reduced to human misery.

So, one of my Aussie friends, Mark O’Connor, who wrote the book, Overloading Australia, said, “Let’s bring on the crisis to ourselves faster by importing endless millions of people into Australia, quickly, to completely exhaust our water, oil and resource supplies today…instead of allowing ourselves to bring a slow death to our civilization in the years ahead.”

In the past 30 months of Joe Biden’s inviting millions to break our laws and invade our borders, let’s all support at least 10 million immigrants annually to invade our country. Remember that the third world adds 83 million new babies, net gain, annually.  So, if we open our borders, you can bet, “they will come.”  Let’s bring the crisis to a nasty, ugly, and horrible state of unsustainability TODAY, rather than a slow death in the decades to come.

What blows this journalist away stems from the fact that the American people have said virtually nothing to stand up against this immigrant invasion, not now and not in the last 30 years.  Most of the U.S. Congress has done NOTHING to stop the invasion in 30 months of Biden’s pretend presidency.  Other than NYC’s Mayor Eric Adams, Denver’s Hancock and a few other leaders protesting that their sanctuary cities are overwhelmed, no one else is protesting.

But, if we accelerate the “immigration-poverty-drug addiction-population” CRISIS to engage its ultimate solution in the next couple of years with that 10 million people added annually, we might be able to change the course of history because every American would be screaming to secure our borders. Even the illegal and legal immigrants would be screaming to shut down the borders.

Many say, “We demand Joe Biden stops the importation of drugs that are killing 100,000 of our kids annually.”  Because that’s how many of our kids die annually from imported drugs.

Maybe we need 500,000 or 1,000,000 drug overdose deaths annually to bring on solution.  At some point, you would hear a citizen outcry.  There would be a solution! Impeachment for  starters!

Let’s add that 10,000,000 (million) immigrants annually because that’s how many people starve to death annually, worldwide.  We can save them, their children, their relatives, and their entire country by bringing them to America on our dime and give them food, housing, schooling, medical and “the good life” pretty much like 125,000 Somalians in Minneapolis living on EBT cards or 300,000 Syrians in Detroit living on your dime or 20 million illegals undercutting every law, every job and every school system in America. They’re already costing American taxpayers $150,000,000.00 annually in the past 30 months.  (Source:, Costs of Immigration Annually.)

Let’s accelerate our automobile gridlocked traffic as fast as we can.  I mean, Denver at 2.4 million is slated to reach 4.0 million by mid-century.  Let’s not wait. Let’s build Denver out to the Kansas border to bring on our water crisis, energy meltdown, schools with 100 languages, God-awful air pollution and total loss of quality of life, sooner rather than later.

Let’s accelerate our homeless and drug-addicted populations to quadruple what they are today.  We could easily encourage more fentanyl, heroin, meth, ecstasy, et al., addictions into the millions by offering it free to anyone…paid for by your tax dollars. That’s what’s going on in California where I just visited.  That’s what Biden’s doing as he’s refuses to secure the borders…or should I say, his handlers?!

With every crisis we are facing in America today, let’s make it worse, sooner, by importing more people to make it even much worse, faster.  Instead of 1,000,000 roadkills daily on our nation’s highways, with another 100 million more automobiles on our nation’s highways, we could reach 2.0 million roadkills daily. To hell with all the rest of those other animals we share North America with, let’s run them over so we won’t have to bother with them.  Or how about this?   Have you seen those wind turbines that create our 2.0 percent of electricity?  They chop of over 500,000 birds annually. If we build 100 X’s more wind turbines, we could chop up 5,000,000 (million) birds annually to bring electrical power to our added millions of immigrants.  How do you like that solution?

Instead of only $100 billion annually in shoplifting via the poor people imported into our country, let’s import millions of shoplifters to accelerate our shoplifting crisis. Would $1 trillion in shoplifting wake us up to our crisis?  What would you consider as a reasonable solution?

This column could give you another 100 really sobering if not frightening examples of what we face with “exponential population growth” brought to us by “exponential immigration growth.”  What do another 100 million people added to this country mean in real terms?  It means we double the populations of our 35 most populated cities. For example: New York  City jumps from  8.3 million to  16.6 million? How do you water, feed, warm and transport THAT many people?  How do you do it for another 34 cities with gargantuan populations?

If we don’t get to a rational ultimate solution sooner rather than later, our kids, your kids…are absolutely going to be swimming in a sociological, environmental, multicultural, catastrophic climate destabilization, and gruesome quality of life: NIGHTMARE.  They will face water shortages that are irreversible and unsolvable.  They will face crises that we haven’t even imagined, yet.

Wouldn’t it make more sense to solve a crisis that we can solve before it occurs?  Don’t future generations deserve a chance?  Why not ask the people in Boulder, Colorado or Lahaina, Maui?  Oh, what was the solution?  Easy: Plow the fields west of the cities annually to keep them all dirt for hundreds of yards or even miles so fires could not burn via west to east winds. Without fuel, fires cannot burn.  The leaders of Lahaina should have taken a lesson from the wildfires in Boulder, Colorado two years ago.

One way or the other, a “solution” will be visiting all of us in the years ahead.  Do you think you will like Mother Nature’s solutions?

“The U.S. will set a record in the rate of rise—and fall of an empire. Between wide open borders and fall of the dollar and growing population against a declining resource base, the US will be defeated from within. Mobs will rule the streets in the nation that is now the third largest in the world, and third fastest growing, and unable to support its population except by taking resources from other countries.” Arnold Toynbee, historian

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more. Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls, Roy Beck, director of  www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers-off the chart”  by Roy Beck This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!” 

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

The Life You Were Born To Live: Finding Your Way, By Choice

By Frosty Wooldridge

August 21, 2023

Just for a week, I want to leave my series on Travels With Charley II, to give you or members of your family, especially high school kids, a better understanding as to what they want in life and how to discover their life’s path.  Please send this column to any and all family members who have teenagers.  Or, any family members who are floundering or are wondering what to do with their lives.

I remember my senior year in high school: I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life.  I had no idea on how to find my path!  My dad had died in my 11th grade year, which left me even more confused about my life.  I carried a daily gut ache over his passing, and complete confusion as to what life had in store for me.

My mom said, “You’re going to college.  Just get those applications into those schools and pray you get accepted.”

Well, I lucked out to be accepted at Michigan State University.  My father had earned a baseball scholarship to Western Michigan University, but WWII pulled him into the United States Marines. He fought in the South Pacific.  He lived…so here I am along with my siblings.

But the one thing they never teach you in high school…is how to operate in this society. How do you balance a check book? What about investing in the Stock Market?  What do you do about a job and how to find one that fits you?  How do you find a marriage partner that works for you?  What happens when you drink and drive?  What does it mean to be a responsible citizen who contributes to this society?

Luckily, after busting my rear-end studying to keep my 2-S student deferment, to let me graduate before the U.S. Army drafted me into Vietnam, I took a class, Creative Writing 201, in my sophomore year under Mrs. Beatrice Moynihan.  She introduced me to Jack London, John Muir, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Edward Abbey, Kahlil Gabran, Ernest Hemmingway, Joseph Conrad, Upton Sinclair, Rudyard Kipling, Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, Amelia Earhart, Nellie Bly, Helen Keller, Edith Wharton, and a host of other writers.  They all set my soul on fire.  My newfound major: Journalism!

Why am I writing this column?  First of all, I became a teacher after serving in the U.S. Army.  I discovered that kids stumbled out of high school not knowing what to do with themselves. They stumbled into jobs. They stumbled into marriages.  They didn’t know where they were going or what they were doing.

They also carried a raft of personal tragedies such as drunken fathers, abuse by their dads, poor parents who berated them, mothers who misguided their daughters…and an enormous amount of societal and family problems.  How did I find all of this out?  Answer: In college, I gave haircuts to guys on weekends for a buck a head. It put coins in my pocket, but also, I heard more stories about their lives than you can imagine.   I learned a great deal about human nature. I took notes.

Anyway, while I taught school, I traveled on my bicycle each summer…piling up tons of unusual stories.  I took notes.  I submitted those stories to magazines.  Guess what? The editors liked them, published them, and paid me.  Not that it was an easy path, mind you. After my first eight children’s books…and hundreds of rejections…I kept at it for 22 years until my first book published.  That’s why I always worked a second job.

One of my customers whom I moved from Detroit to Tampa, Florida said, “You don’t seem like a truck driver.”

I replied, “You’re right! I am a writer temporarily driving an 18-wheeler.”

From all those experiences, I’d like to see every person in America find their dream, chase their dream, catch their dream, and live their dream.  We would enjoy a much happier society if everyone worked at a job they loved, that meant something to them, and that contributed to the overall good of our country.

So, here goes!  These are some of the books that will give any person at any age a leg-up on what to do with their lives.  They’re all on Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

The Life You Were Born To Live by Dan Millman.  I met Dan 25 years ago when he gave a seminar in Denver. We’ve kept in contact over the years. He wants to see everyone live happy lives, too.  He discovered the 37 pathways of life that will enhance each person. Just follow his formula in the book to find out about “The life you were born to live.”  You will be glad you did.

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert. Her brilliant book shows you how to live a creative work life. I bought it on audio and have read it 40 times.  Yes, 40 times. It’s THAT good!

The Enneagram Made Easy by Wagle & BaronYou will fit into one through nine personality traits.  Any of the Enneagram books will show you your personality traits and your strengths for work and your weaknesses. You can work on the positives and be aware of your weaker traits.  If every parent would find out their child’s traits and support their natural paths, we would see incredible improvements in schools and curriculums.

The Career Within You by Wagle and Stabb.  Each of us possesses a little “engine” that wants to do what it wants to do.  Harness it and drive yourself toward a destiny that you love.

Living Your Spectacular Life by Frosty Wooldridge.  Okay, I wrote this book because friends said, “You’re living such a spectacular life…why don’t you show us how to do it.”  I said, “I can do that.”   This book features 12 concepts and practices that you can plug into at any age to find your dream, chase your dream, catch your dream and live your dream.

In the end, I would love to see you, your friends, your kids and everyone in America, and across the planet working jobs that fulfill them, that inspire them, that give them meaning, and that satisfy their love of life.  When you love your work, you love your family, you’re much happier, you’re kinder to your family, you love your community, you love your country, and you love your life.  It doesn’t get any better than that. Vaya con Dios.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Travels With Charley II:  American Cities Too Large, Too Sick, Too Unmanageable

By Frosty Wooldridge

August 17, 2023

Part 2: Our massive cities.  Our gridlocked traffic. Our polluted air.

“I saw in their eyes something I was to see over and over in every part of the nation- a burning desire to go, to move, to get under way, anyplace, away from any Here. They spoke quietly of how they wanted to go someday, to move about, free and unanchored, not toward something but away from something. I saw this look and heard this yearning everywhere in every state I visited. Nearly every American hungers to move.”  John Steinbeck, Travels with Charley: In Search of America

What’s the first thing you hear from anyone who reaches retirement age?  Answer: “I want to travel, see the world, meet people….”

You see those same individuals in monstrous motorhomes like Prevost’s, Winnebago’s, modified old school buses and vans. You see them dragging a car, boat, motorcycles, bicycles and kayaks behind them.

Yes, humans love to travel.  They like to explore their world.  But in places like India, Bangladesh and China…they find themselves bumping into one another from their sheer numbers.  Most people won’t believe this until they see a video, but if you travel through China as I have, you will see 50 lanes of traffic going one way.  India’s traffic is beyond solving as people overload trains, highways and suffer monstrous cities. In fact, India this year, overtook China to become the most populated country in the world at 1.42 billion people.  They’ve created a nightmare with no solutions.

Well, America accelerates along the same path as we are the third largest and third fastest growing country in the world.  Via immigration, we’re adding between 3 and 4 million annually. With Biden’s open borders those numbers have accelerated dramatically.

Sandi and I drove on I-80 on the lower side of Chicago. We were caught in a 20 mile traffic jam that paralyzed vehicles from stop, to three miles per hour, to stop, to five miles per hour, to stop and go for 20 miles. All  the time, we inhaled diesel fumes from thousands of idling trucks.  When we turned north toward Chicago, their area population stands at 9.51 million people throughout the metro complex.  All of them exhausting their cars, chimney’s, ovens, and electrical plants burning coal—-into the air.  Our car could barely remain stable in the giant grooves in the pavement created by 18-wheelers crushing the Interstate 24/7.  Some of those grooves were at least four inches deep.

What’s wrong with Chicago?  Answer: it’s been called the murder capital of America with dozens of shootings and killings every weekend.  Its inner city schools “graduate” illiterate kids who cannot speak correctly, write, read or perform simple math.  The slums?  You haven’t seen slums until you see Chicago’s south side. Correction: you can see them in Baltimore, Detroit, St. Louis, Miami and many other big cities,  too.

So why haven’t they solved quality of life, jobs, education and a decently safe city in Chicago?  Answer: too many people, too many kids, too few teachers, too little money, too little law and order. Chicago features “smash and grab” youths walking into convenience stores, jewelry stores, grocery stores, Apple computer stores—-and sweeping them clean. Outright anarchy.  What happened to Detroit’s destruction now accelerates in Chicago, LA, San Francisco, Seattle, Miami and dozens of other BIG, OVERPOPULATED cities.  Last week, smash and grab youth, unfortunately all African-Americans, stole $900,000.00 in merchandise from a jewelry store.  That’s pretty common these days in many cities.

It’s truly depressing if not disheartening to see what’s become of America’s cities only 60 years after John Steinbeck wrote Travels With Charley.  How do I know?   I traveled through many of America’s cities as a United Van Lines truck driver in the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and into the 21st century.  We enjoyed good, solid highways 40 years ago. We enjoyed law and order in those cities.  We saw community pride.

Today, in New York City with 8.3 million people, Mayor Adams just announced that he is cracking down on the 2,000,000 rats scurrying around the city.  How could any city allow itself to spawn 2.0 million  rats and other varmints?  Answer: when you suffer 80 percent dropout/flunkout  rates in high schools such as Detroit or any big city, the illiterate young American youth lack any understanding of personal responsibility, personal hygiene, and personal care for their communities. They eat fast food and toss their half-eaten burgers/fries and tacos to the curb.  Rats love human food. They eat it and reproduce by the millions.

We saw this same situation in city after city we visited in the past two summers.  Trash everywhere! Graffiti exploding on buildings,  streets and rail cars.  Hundreds of thousands of homeless littering the streets, roads, woods! So much so that there is no way to pick it up fast enough.  There must be billions of bottles, cans, glass, and trash along America’s highways from careless litter bums.

Additionally, in our big cities, the problems have become SO enormous that no one can solve the violence, trash, truancy, murders, slums, graffiti, and social disasters. In all the big cities, rampant murders occur every night of the week. Weekends render one, two, three and even four dozen gun fights where 10, 20 or more get killed in one city.  All the gun control in the world can’t stop inner-city illiterate youths from killing each other.

Lyndon Johnson’s “The Great Society” didn’t solve it in 1965.   Aid to Dependent Children didn’t solve it.  WIC didn’t solve it.  EBT cards haven’t solved it.  Birth control hasn’t solved it. Affirmative Action didn’t solve it. Equity, diversity and inclusion isn’t solving it.

How did it all start?  Answer: origins of our demise as a culture, sustainable civilization and society began with the 1965 Immigration Reform Act that started dumping 1.2 million third world people into the USA annually.  We jumped from 194 million people to our current 340 million, plus another 30 million illegal aliens.  Those numbers have proven to explode our cities and highways.

As a United Van Lines summer truck driver from my teaching  job, I drove clean, clear highways in the 1970’s. You could actually breathe fresh air over most of the country…but as our country’s U.S. Congress added 130,000,000 (million) more people, net  gain, since 1965, we’ve exploded every city beyond comprehension.  Example:  Los Angeles is a nasty, dirty, ugly, gridlocked, air polluted, crime-ridden city with no solutions.  At some point, as we add another 100 million by mid-century, we will pass “fail-safe” and not be able to save our civilization.

India has already sealed its horrible present and worsening future. I’ve seen their mess firsthand.  China, oh my God, what a 1.4 billion people mess they created.   They can’t breathe their air.  Their rivers are sewers flowing into the ocean. They cannot feed their masses…that’s why they are buying up the rest of the world for food. They’ve bought over 250,000 acres of American farmland. They’re buying up our food processing plants. They are buying up land in Africa and South America.

Guess what? We’re following them into the same kind of degraded,  horrible and nasty future. Why? Because no one in our U.S. Congress sees it or will address it or will push bills through to stop mass immigration that is driving America’s accelerating nightmare.

Part 3:  Quality of life, unclean air, poison foods, accelerating consequences across America.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more. Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls, Roy Beck, director of  www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart”  by Roy Beck This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!” 

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Travels With Charley II: In Search of America’s Future

By Frosty Wooldridge

August 14, 2023

Part 1:  A drastically and quickly changing America. Not so good on many levels. Confusion of our youth. Loss of pride in our country.

In a picture over the Internet, it showed a person dripping Tabasco Sauce into his/her eye saying, “I’d rather drop this stuff into my eyes than watch the Barbie Movie.”

Ironically, the Barbie Movie proves conclusively that Americans must tolerate more gender insanities, more “wokeness”, more “transgender” senselessness, more racial conflict, more political absurdities and more of the people who are driving this country into the toilet.

Whether it’s Joy Reid, host of an MSNBC talk show, whining about systemic racism and white privilege in America while she commands a $1.5 million annual salary, or African-American Patrick Mahomes’ $300 million contract to toss a football or the U.S. Women’s Soccer World Cup ladies who refused to honor our National Anthem by at least standing with their hands over their hearts to honor their own country—-you can’t help wonder where all this craziness ends or does it?

Note: millions of patriotic Americans couldn’t help but silently cheer when Megan Rapinoe, who hates America with all her heart, missed a goal that lost the game with Sweden in the World Cup competition.  She will end her career as a loser.  But worse than that, she lost the affection of Americans for her ugly treatment of her own country.

This year, starting in late April, my wife Sandi and I took a 10,000-mile road trip covering 21 states in the Mid-West and West.  Last year, we took a 10,000-mile journey of southern and eastern states…numbering 21 more states.

What we saw wasn’t pretty.  If you remember, back in the 1950’s, Pulitzer Prize winner John Steinbeck wrote, Grapes of Wrath, Tortilla Flats, Cannery Row and other observations of America. One of his most famous quotes came from his book where he traveled around America with his dog to write a memoir, Travels With Charley.  His most memorable quote about travel:  The sound of a jet, an engine warming up, even the clopping of shod hooves on pavement brings on the ancient shudder, the dry mouth and vacant eye, the hot palms and the churn of stomach high up under the rib cage.  When I was very young and the urge to be someplace else was on me, I was assured by mature people that maturity would cure this itch. When years described me as mature, the remedy prescribed was middle age. In middle age I was assured that greater age would calm my fever and now that I am fifty-eight perhaps senility will do the job. Nothing has worked. I fear the disease is incurable.

Anyone who knows me understands that I suffer from the same travel “disease” as Steinbeck.  Give me a road, give me a bicycle…and I will discover the world. Latest book: The Kickstand Chronicles: The Miraculous, Funny, Sublime and Downright Terrifying…Inevitable Moments of the Journey, Bicycling Across Six Continents, 45 years, 150,000 Miles by Frosty Wooldridge.

From my car travels the past two summers, I am writing a new book, Travels With Charley II by Frosty Wooldridge.  I am taking his observations of America in the 1950’s and writing about what’s happened to America in the 2020’s.  We have created a drastically different, angrier, un-American America and fractured if not fragmented country.  We have become more racially separated, and more culturally “multiculturalized” to the point that being an “American” no longer holds any sense of patriotic meaning to millions of our youth or our immigrants.

When Johnny Cash sang, “A Boy Named Sue” back in 1969, we now see boys transgendering into “Susan” to the point that Title IX program for women have been obliterated.  “Wokeness” is destroying any sense of “common sense” at the highest levels.  It’s almost as if the politically correct “nuts” are running the insane asylum.  The fact remains that you can never, ever change your sex of XY or XX chromosomes. You can pretend, you can carry an illusion, you can dress any way you want, but you will always remain your sex at birth no matter how many drugs you take, no matter how many operations, no matter what your emotional makeup at whatever age. All transgenderism is “pretending” and not reality. By advocating for it before the age of 21, it’s destroying millions of young children’s lives.

During our travels, we saw disturbing aspects of what’s happening to America as to the “content” of our non-citizens who invaded our shores either legally or illegally.  We witnessed entire cities being changed to replicate third world countries.  We watched in disbelief homelessness, drug addiction, mental illness into the tens of thousands of lost souls in Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, NYC, Baltimore, Miami and New Orleans.

We saw enormous dichotomies brought about by mayors, governors and city councils that defy understanding.  We saw firsthand the lawlessness that’s undermining our very existence as a society.

You cannot solve problems when you promote them. You cannot solve drug addiction by serving more drugs. You cannot solve homelessness by encouraging it.  You cannot save women’s sports by adhering to the insanity of “transgender” male athletes whipping women into submission.  You cannot encourage patriotism and pride in one’s community when you allow talking heads to trash the foundation of our society.

We cannot save our country by trying to save everyone else’s country. As you watch over 100 hotels in New York City being destroyed by illegal migrants, you begin to understand that your tax dollars cannot save the world…and there’s no way that Washington DC or the governors or mayors in this country can keep doing what they are doing to destroy the foundation of our way of life.

From Sandi’s and my travels around this grand country, we witnessed that we cannot keep traveling down this national “tragic highway” if we hope that our civilization will survive another 20 years.  We must change course…and very, very soon.

I will cover our national tragedy in this series. Buckle up…you’re in for a rough ride.

Coming in Part 2:  You cannot believe what you see.  You cannot understand the thinking behind some of the stuff going on. You cannot comprehend the stupidities allowing what’s happening.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Learn How To Dribble A Football: Life Calls You

By Frosty Wooldridge

August 10, 2023

The famous automobile maker Henry Ford said, “If you think you can or can’t, you’re right.”

Almost everything in your life boils down to how you think, speak and act.

High thinking creates high vibrations in your mind and body.  Such “thinking” loads the body with “oxytocin” that creates love bonding, higher purpose and more energy.  While thinking “love” thoughts, the body floods with “serotonin” that turns every consideration to the positive side of living.

Positive speaking creates mental and intellectual chemistry within the body akin to “joy” on a verbal level.  Notice people who speak highly of everyone else enjoy the adulation of one and all in their realm.

Third in line, action toward a possible or impossible objective creates a certain kind of “spiritual” dynamic that interplays with every cell in a person’s body, especially in his or her mind.  Obviously, Henry Ford understood that dynamic as well as Thomas Edison who created 1,093 inventions.  Often they weren’t his inventions, but the result of his inspiring his cadre of creative thinkers.

In Bruce Lipton’s book, The Honeymoon Effect, he pointed out negative programing that causes individuals to surrender to the “I can’t do that” side of the equation.  He emphatically charged that anyone could reprogram their childhood to think in greater perspectives and possibilities.

Easy?  One must engage awareness, mental grit and emotional fortitude.

Seinfeld comic George Costanza lamented, “My life is the exact opposite of everything I wanted it to be.”

Many children grow up with parents said, “You won’t amount to anything…you’re not so smart…you can’t do that. “ That includes a litany of negative emotional training.

Afflicted Individuals make assumptions that if things fail to go their way, they may fall into:

  • Gossip and complaints
  • Talk about others
  • Compare themselves to others
  • They dive into discouragement
  • They entertain impossible thinking
  • They let the world define their limitations

Do you make an agreement daily, weekly or annually with failure?  How’s it working?  Your job sucks so you return home daily to watch television at the American average of 4.5 hours daily, seven days a week.   It’s called the 40, 40, 40 equation.  Forty hours a week, for 40 years so you can reach your stated goal: retirement.

Why perpetuate such a life-journey when you can change it toward a fulfilling, robust and dynamic life?

How to change your life path toward your chosen destiny:

Proceed toward your highest and best.  Move toward the activities that sustain you.  Move toward work that fills you with passion.   Your greatest trump card: Law of Attraction.

Court positive energy people.  Where?  Today, you may attend groups around the country.  Those people pedal, climb, run, swim and hike in the out-of-doors.  They express their spiritual dynamics with others during those outings.  Such energy soaks into anyone joining them. It soaks into you.

Court positive people at church, civic clubs, classes, swim meets, ski slopes, bicycle rides and other activities you find interesting.  That could be a macramé group, sewing circle, painting club, pottery class, poetry reading club, writer’s club and just about everything else under the sun. If you’re interested in some activity or topic, countless others share your passion.

Can you dribble a basketball?  Yes, very easy for just about every kid and adult in America!  Can you dribble a football?  Some things may be more challenging than others, so pick your opportunities.  Start easy and work your way up.

Learn to actively transform your conditions:

  •  Cheer yourself and travel with others that support you on your journey.
  • Spend time in contemplative thought daily away from the noisy world. Pick your spot to gather your spirit.
  • Remember and cherish all your triumphs, victories and successes by pictures, awards and pins.
  • Resonate in the mental and emotional energy of the possible.

Remember that “life” responds and resonates to your positive energy, your positive thoughts, and your choices that move you forward.  Transcend your mind toward possibilities that inspire you.

2023 Frosty Wooldridge All Rights Reserved

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Cloud Talk—Sitting On a Cloud After You Passed Away

By Frosty Wooldridge

August 7, 2023

A few weeks ago, a preacher spoke about a new term that I never heard before: “Cloud talk—when you die, you elevate to heaven where you sit on a cloud. You may look down on the planet to see where you lived. You may contemplate what you did with your time on Earth. How did you live? What made you tick? Did you fall in love? What kind of friends did you keep? Did you do anything significant with your life?”

(Frosty Wooldridge standing in the middle of the Oracle of Delphi in Greece speaking to the ghosts of the past. How did they live their lives? What legacies did they create? What would their “Cloud talk” cover if they could look back at their lives?) Photo by Gary Hall

The preacher said, “Your greatest challenge will be your greatest triumph. Where would Noah be without the flood? Who would know Babe Ruth if not for opposing pitchers who tried to strike him out? Where would Oprah be if there were no social injustices? Who would know Albert Einstein if not for the mystery of the universe? Who would Peyton Manning be without an end zone? Who would Michael Jordan be without a hoop?”

Before his death, the Beatles singer-song writer John Lennon related a story about what it meant to be alive.

“When I grew up, I asked my mother, ‘What was life all about?’”

“She said, ‘To be happy.’”

“When I reached high school, the teacher asked the class to write a paper about the meaning of life,” said Lennon. “I wrote that the meaning of life was ‘to be happy.’”

“The teacher handed me back my paper with the statement, ‘You don’t understand the question I gave you.’”

“I responded, ‘You don’t understand the meaning of life.’”

What would cross your mind if you sat on a cloud staring down on your life?

When adversity struck you like the floods hit Noah, did you rise to meet the waters with courage? Did you seek solutions? Did you rise with the “Ark” of your creative mind? Did you let other people thwart your aspirations? Did you argue with them? Did you struggle in the same mud?

A fable of ancient times said, “Never wrestle with pigs. You both get filthy and the pigs love it because they brought you down to their level.”

Whatever adversity arrives on your doorstep, you may change arenas as to work, friends and enemies. Sometimes “inner adversity” tears at your insides. Your spirit reveals itself at such times.

Remember that critics always deride everyone’s efforts but their own. As you look down from your cloud, it’s amazing what you couldn’t accomplish by other peoples’ verdicts on your aspirations.

Did you accept the call while you spent your seven decades on planet Earth? Did you break out of a confining life or relationships? Like Noah’s struggle with the flood, ultimately, waters cleanse your body, mind and spirit during the journey.

As you sit back on that cloud, you may realize that struggles on Earth expanded you, enlarged you and taught you. The “Great Spirit” coded your DNA for expansion throughout your time on the planet.

Realize that life brought floods such as inner turmoil, rough waters, scary times, breakdowns and betrayals. While living, you dealt with angry waters that arrived from different directions. You may have created some of your own problems and other challenges came from situations or people. Remember that life also brought you happiness in the form of friends, family and your passions.

With each passing year, you learned lesson after lesson. Each “flood” subsided while you charged toward higher ground. That meant you evolved into a higher consciousness. Life constituted a journey of becoming.

Okay, let’s fly down from that cloud and realize that you still live upon this planet. Are you following John Lennon’s statement about life, “To be happy”? Are you fulfilling the creative energy of the to grow, expand and discover your highest good?

He also wrote a song titled, “Imagine” that rings in my ears today. Imagine what you want out of your time on Earth because you enjoy living and pursuing whatever makes you “happy” as compared to no one.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Creating Solitude for Your Spiritual Bliss

By Frosty Wooldridge

August 3, 2023

Americans living in big cities race through their days with gridlocked traffic, honking horns, cheeky taxi drivers, police sirens and jostling pedestrians racing toward their destinations.  At work, they juggle temperamental co-employees, deadlines and ashes-in-the-mouth bosses.

Once finished with work, they race home to spouses, kids and dinner preparations.  The working groove consumes them while their responsibilities for daily living press their emotions to the wall.  With all the automobiles, appliances and conveniences in America—we oftentimes lack peace and quiet in our lives. As we race through our metropolitan arenas, even optimists admit that science will be hard pressed to replace this precious spiritual commodity:  solitude.

How can we step back to an oft forgotten pleasure in our lives, in our hearts and in our minds?  How can we refresh our spirits? 

John Stuart Mill writing in 1848 when cities remained smaller, less hurried and enjoyed more community among their residents said, “It is not good for man to be kept at all times in the presence of his species. A world from which solitude is extirpated, is a very poor ideal.

Solitude, in the sense of being often alone, is essential to any depth of meditation or of character; and solitude in the presence of natural beauty and grandeur, is the cradle of thoughts and aspiration which society could do ill without.”

If you feel the same way in your journey, the quest for solitude grows as you add birthday candles.  A certain spiritual bliss accompanies your advancing years.  Solitude brings divine calm and intellectual clarity. To abridge your life creates more simplicity in your daily rigor.  Once mastered, you will enjoy an inner peace and an outer enjoyable countenance.

How does anyone move his-her body, mind and soul into solitude?

  • Take a daily walk in the nearest park in your city.  Sit under a tree. Sit by a pond.  Stare into a patch of flowers.  Pull up a long stalk of grass and stick it into your mouth. Suck the green insides of the stalk of grass to feel the heartbeat of the universe pulsing over your tongue.
  • When you reach a stretch of grass or forest; take off your shoes and socks. Stab your feet into deep grass or sand or rock.  Let your body reconnect with the vibrations and electrical impulses of the Earth to re-harmonize your entire body’s vibrations with our planet.  Many call it “grounding” and it works profoundly to refresh your spirit.
  • Choose the best time of day for your “solitude” moments.  It may be early before work as you sit by a river, stream or on the beach.  It could be a stroll along a quiet walk at dusk where the sun’s final glory mesmerizes your spirit.
  • While solitude means being alone in the “moment”, you might be one who loves solitude with another who shares your “heart strings” about life.  By all means, make your “solitude moments” a couple-thing if that works for you.
  • The point of solitude means to be luxuriously immersed in the quiet moments of your own choices.  You become fully aware of being alive without being ushered into the scurry of daily living.

(Sandi on her bike on the Lewis & Clark Trail)

In my own hiking times through the woods in acceptance of solitude, I feel the “sweet spot” of temperature playing upon my skin. I feel the essence of light shining through my eyes.  I accept my quiet essence pulsing into the energies of life.  Once I reconnect with every blood cell charging through my body, I churn with delight.

Therefore, walk into the woods, the park, along the river or by a pond to discover solitude.  You will enjoy renewed strength to enjoy your days.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Live Life On Your Own Terms

By Frosty Wooldridge

July 31, 2023

In this high-speed society we created for ourselves, Americans live in traffic-congested cities with skyscrapers piercing the sky.

On the ground floor, humans race to catch crowded busses, packed subways and Yellow Cabs. With expressways gridlocked from dawn to dusk, people overflow sidewalks and sirens slash through the air 24/7. The evening news reports robberies, accidents, homicides and a plethora of calamities too numerous for human emotions to endure.

But if you look at all the people living in cities, whether in their workplace or their office cubicle, what do you see on the partition wall?

You see posters of what they would rather being doing: windsurfing, skiing, sunbathing on a beach in the Caribbean, scuba diving, dancing, mountain climbing, camping, rafting, bicycling and a dozen other activities they would rather be living.

If you’re one of those people wishing you lived a different life or wishing you could live your dreams, then why don’t you go after it?

Why not live your poster instead of wishing you were windsurfing across Lake Tahoe or sunning on the beach in Hawaii?

Did you ever wonder how those people you see traveling around the world with a backpack or bicycle, or climbing mountains or taking a winter off to go ski bumming do it?

A couple of people hiking in the mountains Description automatically generated

(Al Wilson and Frosty Wooldridge backpacking the Colorado Trail.)

They defeat the tyranny of resistance.

Henry David Thoreau said, “The mass of men and women live lives of quiet desperation”.

In 2023 America, anyone at any station in life, at any age, can renew his or her life by choice, by intention and by action. Such individuals learn how to defeat the “tyranny of resistance.”

First of all, what constitutes this modern-day tyranny that locks people into cubicle prisons in cities or into humdrum jobs that provide zero meaning?

Such persons yield to an inner resistance to transform themselves because they feel afraid, don’t know how to break their cubicle-bonds and, often times, none of their office mates know any better. It’s easier to be safe with the constancy and comfort of a paycheck and friends.

Do you remember the TV sitcom “King of Queens” with the overweight Kevin James and co-star Leah Remini, who also got overweight in the series, staged in New York City? They never showed any happiness, but mostly conflict. Their jobs: meaningless! They didn’t know how to escape their relationship or their jobs.

If you live such a scenario, how can you avoid a lifetime of regrets?

§ Find your gift of what turns you on to life. Discover your talent, your ability, your genius and your expertise. You can find it by examining what you do in your spare time. Pursue it, love it and live it.

§ Practice self-awareness. Socrates said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” Instead of going through the motions, create your own wave and ride it.

§ Incorporate your independent will as a “course correction” on your way to your life’s destination. As Jack London said, “You can’t wait for inspiration to change your life; you have to go after it with a club.”

§ Discover your True North in the scheme of your life. That’s your soul’s true knowing and what you desire most about your life. It’s your deepest truth.

Finally, you must engage your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

Exercise daily to blow off excess energy in the body to release your mind to express itself. Eat healthy foods to maintain a lean frame. That, in turn, allows you emotional balance that originates with your relationship with friends, families and co-workers. For your mental well-being, read books, take classes and express yourself through journaling, painting, sculpting or other art forms. Finally, feed your spiritual being via inspirational books, church or nature, and the peace you find from a walk down a tree-lined path.

You will find the tyranny of resistance fades as you walk or gallop toward your happiness in work, play and friends. You won’t wish for what you see in the poster on your cubicle wall, you will live it for real.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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The Voluptuousness of Living

By Frosty Wooldridge

July 27, 2023

You face multiple challenges in your life. Thank goodness for that opportunity. Utopian worlds only exist in novels by the likes of Aldous Huxley in Brave New World. If you recall that brilliant story, a couple enjoyed unlimited physical and emotional perfection. They worked faultless jobs for their intellectual inclinations. Did they love it? As time wore on, no, they didn’t enjoy their lives. Instead, they escaped out of the “bubble city of perfection” by running off into the wilderness. They wanted to “feel” their lives and explore their limits.

They chose to search for their food, their shelter and their well-being by being connected to the natural world.

The same applies today in our mechanized world of concrete and glass. As long as you live in America, you can do something with your life.

To be alive—is the first miracle and mystery. Next, you may choose to ­adapt, grow and renew yourself during your entire stay on this planet.

True, you may travel far and you may travel deep. You may­ travel in both dimensions—your mind or your body. In any case, ­you sometimes find that you did not know what you were looking for in your quest. ­That is the true sack of gold that awaits you, the far-traveler.

You possess such power within you. Publish it to ­your friends in your enthusiasm toward life. Search for a deeper ­well in your existence and drink beyond the confusion. That deeper well, is, simply, your inner spirit, a well that commonly endures noise, computer din, meaningless work, TV, and ­the fog of your own necessity to survive in this high speed­ world.

But you can access that well of expression by your letters, ­not by lamplight, but by key board and computer screen. You may pursue­ a craft, painting, macramé, fly making or anything creative that ­you share with others.

Your ongoing message passionately expresses the “Voluptuousness of living.” That means NOT to be so comfortable ­that living becomes too easy. That means not going from an air- conditioned house to a climate-controlled car to an office ­complex where everyone wears the same suits and thinks the same ­way as they claw their way up the corporate ladder with­ accompanying stress levels and ulcers. Too much comfort and success kill your spirit. You need to know the differences—because in the opposites, come perspectives and­ appreciation. You may avoid being a spectator. You can live at a­ vibrating tingle. Like a soaring eagle. Like a leaping gazelle. ­Like a grizzly grabbing a fish from the river. Like a north ­wind blowing. The results of that decision will become more apparent to you each succeeding year.

A bicycle parked on the side of a road next to a lake Description automatically generated

(Notice the couple canoeing across Lake Tenaya in the High Sierra of Yosemite National Park.)

Life sweeps along swiftly enough without spending precious ­hours and days on useless routine and inactivity—especially watching television. Whatever turns ­you on, chase it with a vengeance. No life-crisis for men and women who­ chase their passions. You enjoy seventy odd years to fulfill your­ life and you want to fill them with the voluptuousness of living. That particularly! Be aware of pain, of joy, of­ potential within yourself—become excited for every leaf on a tree as it flutters in the wind or watching a hawk rip down from ­the sky to grab a mouse or the delight of discovering a lady bug­ on your shoulder in early spring or gazing upon a starlit sky.

It leads you to a kind of rage, too, which is the blood sister­ of love—because the people of this world make it a charming, ­insane, exciting and confusing place. You must maintain the­ ability to deal with everyone, with your mind and spirit—at full­ bore. To see is to know and to know is to fall in love with ­living, breathing, throbbing life.

It’s out there for you to pursue as a man or woman and as a human­ being. May God bless your journey.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Ascending The Spiraling Staircase of Your Life

By Frosty Wooldridge

July 24, 2023

While sitting next to a nearly exhausted campfire in upper Michigan on our Northern Tier coast-to-coast ride, I learned a lot from my companions Frank Cauthorn, Robert Case, Don Lindahl and Gerry Mulroy.  Like all friends, each teaches a few lessons for a day, week or a lifetime.  Each one of those thoughtful men brought stories, wisdom, music and their life-energy.  They inspired me to write this vignette about life and its one-time ‘immortality’ on this planet for each one of us.  I hope you too, on your bicycle travels, share your thoughts with all of us.  It makes the world a more peaceful and happier place to live.

(Frosty Wooldridge, touring bike “Condor”, coast to coast across America.)

During your life journey, you may read different authors who share their insights with you.  As a matter of fact, writers lay their guts on the line to aid, assist and support you on your own life path.

So often, you hear older people say they suffer from afflictions, lack of energy and the “gumption” to explore beyond their front room rocking chair or that ever-present Barker lounger.

One of the things I discovered as I traveled through my 20’s, 30’s, 40’s and 50’s—once you engage fully with life, you live an eternity with each event whether work or play, good times or otherwise.  Your eternity equals your lifespan.  It’s endless as long as you continue breathing and ambulating.

One of my favorite authors, John Muir, made a stunning announcement about living forever.  He created a metaphor using a bear.  He said, “Bears are made of the same dust as we, and breathe the same winds and drink the same waters. A bear’s days are warmed by the same sun, his dwellings are over-domed by the same blue sky, and his life turns and ebbs with the heart-pulsings like ours, and was poured from the same First Fountain. And weather he at last goes to our stingy heaven or not, he has terrestrial immorality.  His life not long, not short, knows no beginning, no ending. To him life unstinted, unplanned, is above the accidents of time, and his years, markless and boundless, equal Eternity.”

Isn’t that really profound?  Did it grab you?  I realized by reading John Muir, that bears don’t know when they face death.  They lack any understanding of mortality.  Thus, they live their lives eternally happy with each day, with each season, and with each moment of their lives.

If you appreciate that concept, it means you, too, may choose living at your highest and best for the eternity of your life on this planet.

Notice the title of this vignette: ascending the spiraling staircase of your life.  Your lifespan offers ups, downs, flats, sunny and stormy weather.  It offers romance, friends, enemies, frustrations and sadness.  More profoundly than the bear, you enjoy a choice of happiness.  Incorporate that understanding because life challenges every single person on this planet.  It doesn’t make any difference where he or she lives or what he or she does for a living.  It doesn’t care whether a person enjoys riches or poverty.  Life doesn’t care whether a person enjoys fame or anonymity.

One of the things you may learn along the way: paradise stands under your feet.  That’s right. It’s here and it’s now.  It’s what you do daily, incrementally to move your life toward happiness.

Let’s go back to two world famous artists—Impressionist Pierre-Auguste Renoir and Frenchman Henri Matisse with modern art.

Both buoyed each other throughout their careers.  They “pushed” each other as to creative endeavors.  Matisse, nearly 20 years younger than Renoir, helped his friend into old age.  Renoir suffered from arthritis, which crippled his hands.

At one point, Renoir barely held the brush.  Matisse asked, “Pierre, my friend, why do you continue to paint when you are in so much pain?”

Renoir replied, “The pain passes, and when it does, it allows the beauty to emerge.”

We enjoy three levels of consciousness:  sub-consciousness that runs us under our skulls and many times without our knowing it; unconsciousness when we do something without thinking and consciousness, where we choose our direction.

In order to live at your highest and best, you might incorporate Renoir’s legacy.  Or, pick out one of your heroes or idols who touches your life-energy and inspires you.  It could be Susan B. Anthony, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jane Goodall, Robert Redford, Nellie Bly, Henry David Thoreau, Jesus Christ or Ralph Waldo Emerson.  It might be Robin Williams, Diane Sawyer, John Wayne or Meryl Streep.  Whomever turns you on to vibrant living with their words or deeds, pursue your own spiraling staircase to heaven on Earth.

Some things you can do along the way:

—-Choose to live a cheerful life every day by reading positive authors.  Choose positive friends who support you.  Choose movies and plays that lift you toward your highest vibrational energy.

—-Choose tenderness and warmth with children, your mate or friends.  Touch them with kind words, big hugs and smiling countenance.

—-Commune deeply with nature by walking into a woods, sitting by a pond or standing in a stream.  Choose a pet to share your moments.  Coffee with a girlfriend or a game of racquetball with your buddy.

In the end, you live every day of your life with a sense of eternity because you’re not thinking about anything else.  That’s the best immortality you can imagine.  And remember Muir’s wisdom:

“To him life unstinted, unplanned, is above the accidents of time, and his years, markless and boundless, equal Eternity.”

Frosty Wooldridge, six continent world bicycle traveler

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

God Laughs in Flowers

By Frosty Wooldridge

July 20, 2023

The night before, we slept in the pines along the road on the Lewis & Clark Trail in Montana. We left the main highway on a dirt road that looked very little traveled. Gorgeous scenery everywhere we looked! The night sky featured millions of stars, a full moon, and meteors slashing across the ink-black of space. It was almost like they put an exclamation point at the end of a beautiful day of riding. We cooked dinner over our one-burner stove.

For some reason, food tastes like a Waldorf-Astoria high class seven course dinner every night while pedaling all day. And the trimmings, well, you just can’t beat the sound of a Great Horned Owl hooting in the distance, or crickets chirping, or a squirrel chattering in a nearby tree. Before the sun set, we watched two hummingbirds working a flower patch near our camp.

And the sky, well, those thunderheads lit up with the setting of the sun. Purple-pink dominated the heavens while we sat on our ‘boulder’ chairs watching the Natural World entertain us.

In the morning, we awoke to a sunny sky, dew drops on the grass and a few spider webs that had been weaved during the night, one of them on the corner of the seat tube and top tube of Sandi’s bike. We felt bad that we had to dismantle it.

After breakfast, we were packing up when a rancher stopped by in his pick-up truck. He rolled down his window, “I don’t want to alarm you folks, but there’s a big grizzly walking down this road in this direction about a mile away.”

“Thank you,” I said. “Sandi, let’s gracefully get these bikes packed and get the heck out of here….”

Have you ever heard of “flashing packing”? Well, we quickly, with a sense of urgency, flash-packed our bikes within minutes. We jumped on them and pedaled out to the road with a keen sense of really being alive. I mean, I’ve been face to face with grizzly bears in my journeys through Alaska. Lucky to be alive after having starred one down outside my tent on the Russian River one morning when I woke up. It wasn’t my day to die. He looked at me only five feet away, and then, walked down to the river. I nearly peed my pants. That’s another story that I will tell….

On the road, east bound, we calmed down rather quickly as we pedaled along beautiful meadows filled with flowers. One patch of white mountain daisies covered five full acres. It stunned us as it rolled with the terrain and glistened in the morning sun. We heard the bees humming from one flower to another.

“Sandi,” I said. “Let’s get a picture of you in the wild flowers.”

“Dear,” I said. “Just make it a PG picture showing that you’re enjoying yourself.”

“Well, since we just escaped certain death if that grizzly had come upon our campsite, yes, I’m thankful to be alive. Tell me why I married you again?”

“Remember, I said I loved adventure when we first met,” I said. “You said you liked adventure, too. So, here you are…let’s get a picture of you on this adventure.”

Sandi walked into the field. She gave a dozen poses from different stances. The picture I love best is the one she reclined in the flowers and stuck her feet up. She outstretched her arms as if accepting the beauty, joy, energy, spiritual blessings and warm of Mother Earth.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, a dear friend of Thoreau said, “The Earth laughs in Flowers.”

Flowers by Albert Lainghton

They are autographs of angels, penned

In Nature’s green-leaved book, in blended tints,

Borrowed from rainbows and the sunset skies,

And written everywhere–on plain and hill,

In lonely dells, ‘mid crowded haunts of men;

On the broad prairies, where no eye save God’s

May read their silent, sacred mysteries. Thank God for flowers!

They gladden human hearts; Seraphic breathings part their fragrant lips,

With whisperings of Heaven.

Sandi and Frosty, following the Lewis & Clark Trail, Montana, on tour through the endless energy of flowers lining the roads of our lives.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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What Dream Has Your Name on It?

By Frosty Wooldridge

July 17, 2023

As a veteran touring rider, and also a day rider—when I travel on my bike, I may stop at an overlook, sit by a river…or simply rest on a patch of grass. I may lay on my back in the grass and look up to the clouds skidding across the sky. They make me dream!

Especially when I’m on tour, dozens of people yell, “You’re living my dream!” Some say, “Wish I could do what you’re doing.” One guy said, “I wish I would have done what you’re doing when I was young…I’m too old now.”

A person standing next to a sign with Nullarbor Plain in the background Description automatically generated with medium confidence

(Frosty Wooldridge, coast to coast, entering New Mexico, The Land of Enchantment)

First of all, I am a farm boy from LeRoy, Michigan. Nothing special. I rode my bike five miles to school each day. Milked cows and baled hay, cultivated corn, and fed the chickens. No big deal. My 10th grade teacher said, “I never thought that you would amount to much.”

Somewhere along that path, I decided to explore the world on a bicycle. And yes, I’ve written numerous books and articles. Mostly though, I’d like to see everyone living their own dreams while they enjoy this “singularly amazing moment of life” on this planet.

So, here’s some ideas for you:

Most people stumble through their teens, stagger through their twenties and meander into their thirties.

By forty, they suffer a mid-life crisis before bumping into the Big “5” “0”.

From 50, they face the last third of their lives with a sense of a downhill slide. Most never lived any “great” moments or vanquished any dragons let alone navigated a great sailing ship called the Black Pearl like Captain Jack Sparrow. None took off through space like the Next Generation on the Starship Enterprise.

Most Americans enjoy two-week vacations with scant time to climb Mt. Everest or raft the Amazon. Others feel so locked into their jobs that nothing or no one can change their fate.

What if teens and twenties changed the course of their existence by co-creating their lives with a greater power, a higher understanding and a plan to enjoy their way of life?

Captain Jean Luc Picard said, “Time is a companion that goes with us on a journey. It reminds us to cherish each moment, because it will never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we have lived.”

Breathe that statement into your spirit. Incorporate it into your mind. Engage it with your passions.

What turns you on in your daily existence? What moves you to action? What calls you?

For every human being on Earth, a little engine inside calls for “something” to activate a life-calling. How do you find out which path calls you?

What heroes do you follow? Why? What great moments in history move you? How do you feel when you study a certain subject? What books engage your interest? What famous movie role inspires you?

It’s my contention that you discover your life path by following the slightest thread of your desires. From there, you make your intentions.

One such young lady wanted to fly an airplane. As she grew up, she used a doll for her co-pilot, which she placed next to her in her “airplane” with two seats in her room. As she grew older, she kept the doll next to her and carried it with her when she attended college. After college, she gained work at an airport, but couldn’t afford flying lessons. Nonetheless, she made friends with pilots and trainers alike. At all times, she kept her doll with her to remind her of her dream to fly.

As fate entered the picture, she became an assistant to a veteran airline pilot trainer. She worked hard, showed up on time, stayed late and kept the books in order. After a year of watching her, he offered her some time in a flight simulator. Soon, she showed her adept skills as a pilot that impressed the trainer. He offered to take her up in a single engine plane for flight training. She earned, scraped and saved money for pilot lessons. After two years, she gained her pilot’s license. At all times, her doll sat with her in the cockpit.

Soon, she learned how to pilot a twin engine plane. She flew clients all over the country. With that money, she learned to pilot a 747 with the same trainer who started her out years before. When she received her license to pilot a 747, she earned a job with a major airline. Today, as an international 747 airline pilot, she visits places all over the world. With her, that same doll, that same dream, that same intention rides in the cockpit with her. In fact, she is a friend of mine and wrote a book “Chick in the Cockpit” which publishes later next year.

Ask yourself: What dream has your name on it?

On this long journey of your life, you must co-create your life path with the creative energy within you. You possess all the tools and all the ingenious energy to engage a positive, useful, purposeful and happy life.

Open to possibilities daily, engage the flow, and receive the favors of the universe. Finally, weave your story toward co-creating your dynamic life. Take action toward your chosen destiny.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Bicycling Through the Avenue of the Giants

By Frosty Wooldridge

July 13, 2023

For every bicycle touring rider that pedals the magnificent wonders of the West Coast, perhaps the most stunning, if not peaceful moment occurs when you enter into the Prairie Creek Redwoods…and later, into the magnificent “Avenue of the Giants” of Northern California on Route 101.

Of all my journeys around the globe on my bicycle, I was not prepared for the sheer magnitude, the deep quiet and heights of those ambassadors from 2,200 years ago.  They weigh 120 tons, drink 500 gallons of water a day, spread 25 feet in diameter at their bases, and grow 365 feet into the sky.  Nothing on earth matches their sheer elegance of stature, their eternal wonder, and their ability to inspire artists, poets and adventure-seekers.

(Frosty Wooldridge standing among the giants of the Avenue of the Giants.)

Unfortunately, from 1850 to 1917, lumber companies cut down 96 percent of the 2,000,000 acres of redwoods on the California Coast.  Less than 300,000 acres remain. Those trees had been growing since the Roman Empire, before Christ, before Hannibal crossed the Alps…just an unimaginable amount of time for any kind of being to continue living.  Saved from the lumberjacks’ final cut, back in 1917, members led by Charles Kellogg and the Women’s League of Northern California—bought all the remaining redwood groves they could afford.

John D. Rockefeller, the oil tycoon spent a week in the redwoods, and immediately gifted the League with $2,000,000.00.  They bought and continue to buy every acre of remaining redwoods from private owners.  It’s their gift to all of us.

Once Sandi and I turned off Route 101, we climbed for a mile westward toward the Pacific Ocean until we ran smack-dab into a grove of redwoods that continued for about 10 miles until it reached the campgrounds. The road carefully winds through that magnificent grove. You can stop to explore many trails off the main road.  At one point, you can pull at least four bikes into the base of one burned out, but still living redwood.  Later, “Big Tree” invites you to see its massive base.  Foresters estimated it at around 2,000 years old, 140 tons and 25 feet in diameter at its base.

As you finish the day, the shadows play through the forest floor with the sun peeking in and out of the skyscraper trunks of the trees. Ferns at the base of the trees…and towering wood monarchs rise into the heavens.

When you reach the hiker/biker campgrounds, you will sleep under those monster trees from by-gone eras.

There’s something difficult in describing what it means to sleep in the midst of those ambassadors from another time.  You will feel peace, quiet, charm, silence of the deep woods, time standing still, the distinct scent of trees renewing themselves during the night while you renew yourself in your tent under their incredible canopy over 300 feet above you.

“Let’s do some earthing with this tree,” Sandi said.  “Let’s place our hands on this tree and feel its wonder and wisdom of 2,000 years.”

“Don’t mind if I do,”  I said.

We placed our hands on the tree for 15 minutes of “Earthing” where our right hand was like the positive cable of a battery, and we were the battery that absorbed the positive vibrations of the tree, and then, the negative cable of our left arms drained all the negative energy back into the tree which sent it back into the Earth.  It’s also called  “Grounding” and has scientific evidence that it’s very good for your body, mind and soul.

The next day, we continued south on Route 101 until we reached the fabled “Avenue of the Giants.”  It runs about 35 miles through incredible redwood groves along the Eel River.  Many rich people buy the groves to save them for perpetuity. Park people place their names on the groves.

“This is going to be marvelous and wonderful,” said Sandi as we entered into that sacred road-tunnel winding through those gargantuan trees.

“I’m with you girl,”  I said. “Riding through these enormous trees, well, we can’t pedal slowly enough.”

We stopped at the Dyersville Giant in Founder’s Grove. A walk around that 365 foot fallen giant becomes a study in sheer wonder of its massive size that you can feel after its 2,200 year lifespan ended.  It takes over 20 to 40 years for those trees to fall over after they die, and 100 years for them to decay.  Along that time, they spout new trees and all sorts of plant and animal life along their trunk.

We camped at the main campgrounds where we enjoyed pitching our tent right alongside a redwood.  We walked over to the Park Service Museum for a fabulous movie of the park, more information on the trees, and   There are still more  acres to buy and preserve forever for future generations. I have the League in my will to help their cause.

In the morning, we talked to many tourists. They marveled at  our packed bikes. They marveled that we could make such a long ride from Canada to Mexico on the West Coast.

“On bicycles,” one guys said. “You’ve got to be nuts.”

“Happy nuts,” said Sandi.

After leaving the Park Museum, we headed south. We passed tree after tree growing right up to the edge of the pavement.  I cannot describe my feelings of stupendous joy while riding through that tunnel of giants.  I can tell you this though:  every cell in my body felt alive, inspired.  My eyes filled with glorious wonder.  My skin felt like it wanted to become like the redwoods.  My nostrils breathed deeply from the well-spring of eternity those trees represented.

Just as we neared the end of the park, a box turtle had made his way halfway across the road. I feared for his life as cars raced 50 mph through the park.

“Let me get this little guy over the road and into the woods,” I told Sandi.

“Make sure he doesn’t get killed,”  she said.

I picked him up.  He closed his head and feet back into his shell.

“That’s okay little guy,”  I said. “We’re going to get you to your destination for this day.”

I placed him well into the woods, pointed toward the Eel River. He should be reasonably safe.

“Sandi, isn’t it totally amazing that these trees stand here alive for 2,000 years, and we’re only here for 75 years, and that turtle even less years?” I said, coming back to my bike.

“No question that Mother Nature works in mysterious ways,” she said.

In the afternoon, we broke out of the Avenue of the Giants to head south on the main Pacific Coast 101 roadway.  Trucks, cars, motorcycles and all the usual noise once again became our reality.

But looking back, our feelings, our eyes, our noses, our skin, and our hearing would remember that magnificent ride through beings from another time.  Talk about being blessed!  You cannot beat bicycling through those ambassadors from long, long ago.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

An Amazing Discovery While Pedaling Into Kanab, Utah

By Frosty Wooldridge

July 10, 2023

On a bicycle tour, you run into every kind of surprise under the sun. You might meet an old high school classmate. You could discover a lost dog and take her under your wing. A tourist stops you to take a picture of you standing alongside of him. You might see 10,000 birds swirling around a certain spot in an ocean lagoon… in a feeding frenzy.

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(Sandi riding into the animal sanctuary “Friends Forever.”

At some point, if you’re lucky…on the fabled Big Sur, you might discover a mother Gray whale and her calf surface below your vista point…or dolphins surfing the waves…or sea otters playing a game of tag…or loons giving their haunting call in the wilds of Minnesota.

World bicycle touring offers every rider the “Art of Discovery.” Not only of events and happenings around you while you pedal, but discovering yourself…what you’re made of, what enthralls you, what angers you, what saddens you and a host of other emotions. Why is the world so unfair to some and so sickeningly opulent to others? That’s why long distance bicycle touring offers you to enter into the realm of the Art of Discovery.

This spring, Sandi and I cranked our bikes out of Kanab, Utah, which is just north of the Grand Canyon on Route 89. Not far north, we read a sign along the highway: “Best Friends” Address: 235 S 100 E, Kanab, UT 84741

The logo showed the muzzle of a dog or cat. BestFriends dot org

“Let’s go check this place out,” Sandi said.

“I’m with you, dear,” I said.

We rode the bikes through a canyon surrounded by enormous red-tan rocks with lots of desert cacti and sage brush. It’s pretty hot and dry in that neck of the woods.

At the welcoming center, we saw a lot of dogs, cats, horses, birds and other animals. Indeed, they featured one of world’s largest animal protection areas of 4,100 acres. When we walked in, a number of staff walked up.

Lena said, “Welcome to Best Friends…we have a mission to bring down the 17 million ‘put down’ deaths of cats and dogs 20 years ago in America each year to zero. Last year, we dropped those horrible numbers from 17 million to 625,000 animals in 2020.”

Sandi said, “I had no idea the deaths by injection were THAT high. That’s dreadful.”

I said, “How can we help?”

Lena replied, “We’re forming more organizations of “Best Friends” across the country…one in in Denver where you live. Help them out.”

I said, “I will with money and a helping hand.”

Best Friends across the USA features a “No Kill” of any dogs and cats by 2025.

Later, we pedaled to the largest pet cemetery in the world about a mile or so from the visitor center.

“Holy catfish,” I said, as I surveyed the thousands of grave markers for cats and dogs.

“This is almost unbelievable,” said Sandi.

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(Friends Forever animal cremation cemetery, Kanab, Utah)

We walked around to see pictures of dogs and cats engraved above their markers. Kind words, painful loss, heartfelt appreciation. Additionally, chimes surrounded the cemetery to give soft music as the breezes wafted through that sacred area.

One of the keepers walked up. “How you two doing?”

“Fine,” said Sandi. “We have never seen such a remarkable cemetery.”

“Yeah,” she said. “We’ve buried animals from all 50 states in this cemetery. And, we think we’ve had some ‘human animals’ remains as to cremations buried right alongside their pets. Those animals were their best friends and they wanted to rest eternally with them. Of course, we can’t prove they are human remains, but emotions are powerful between a dog or cat and the owner.”

I could relate because I shared life with a Hungarian Komondor for 13 years, and we XC skied, biked, packed and played frisbee together. When he died, the bottom fell out of my world.

That morning, we made yet another “Amazing Discovery” while on cycle tour. We saw the living trying to save the living from extermination by needle. We saw the dead resting with their owners in eternal repose. We promised to become a part of “Best Friends” by doing our part to make pets’ lives in America more humane.

As we pedaled back out onto the highway, it dawned on me as to how lucky, how fortunate, and how graced we are to pedaling into the world with curiosity, with creative energy and with a sense of high adventure that can only come from riding a bicycle at the perfect speed…pure eudemonia.

What did our visit show us? Well, we discovered that for all the bad people in the world…there an equal and greater number of good people doing good things. What good things are you doing in the world?

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Bikes in Bloom Across America

By Frosty Wooldridge

July 6, 2023

This summer while bicycling 3,400 miles across America from New Port Beach, Oregon to Washington DC, I met hundreds of Americans, tourists and bicycle travelers.  I heard the craziest conversations in coffee houses and diners.  You will be hearing some of their stories in the coming months.

While traveling at 12 miles per hour, I really “see and feel” the landscape.  I become part of it.  I mesh with Mother Nature in a physical, mental and spiritual dance.  Hard to describe, but it’s exquisite on multiple levels.  When it’s hot, I sweat like a horse. When it’s cold, I pedal to keep warm. When it’s raining, I become a duck on a bike.  It takes “true grit” to pedal a bicycle long distances.

You could say that the mountain passes that I climbed “etched” lots of memories into my thighs.  Some call it “hard work” while I call it “hard play.”  Many commented that it would be easier to ride on the flats of the Midwest.  I responded that I would rather climb mountains to enjoy their rugged wildness.

My friend John Muir said, “Camp out among the grass and gentians of glacier meadows, in craggy garden nooks full of Nature’s darlings. Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.”  There is something special about bicycle travel that encapsulates Americans’ imaginations.  I tried to capture my adventure in words:

“If the roar of a wave crashes beyond your campsite, you might call that adventure.  When coyotes howl outside your tent–that may be adventure.  When the wind rips at your tent pegs—that too, may be called adventure.  While you’re sweating like a horse in a climb over a 12,000 foot pass, that’s adventure.  When a howling headwind presses your lips against your teeth, you’re facing a mighty adventure.  If you’re drenched from head to toe in sweat as you pedal across a desert, that’s adventure.  If you’re pressing through a howling rainstorm, you’re soaked in adventure.  But that’s not what makes an adventure. It’s your willingness to struggle through it, to present yourself at the doorstep of Nature.  No greater joy can come from life than to live inside the ‘moment’ of an adventure.  It may be a momentary ‘high’, a stranger that changes your life, an animal that delights you or frightens you, a struggle where you triumphed, or even failed, yet you braved the challenge.  Those moments present you uncommon experiences that give your life eternal expectation.  That’s adventure!”  Frosty Wooldridge

But more than adventure greeted me on my journey across America.  When you travel the blue and red highways of our country, you get to meet “Norman Rockwell America” or better yet, you get to meet “Andy and Barney of Mayberry RFD America.”

Kids in parks ran up to our loaded bicycles.  They took pictures and wanted to touch our cycles and gear. Their parents introduced themselves.  They snapped pictures with their smart phones of my sign “Across America” and immediately visited my website on adventure.  They thanked us for keeping the “Spirit of Adventure” alive.  They marveled at our journey.

In those towns, we thrilled to the architecture from 1880 to 1910 on the fronts of the buildings. We walked into some 120 year old post offices still operating.  We ate breakfasts at old fashioned diners with real “down home” cooking. I fondly recall eating at the One Street Down Restaurant in Redmond, Oregon.  Best oat meal and pancakes in the country.   Another stop in Pinedale, Wyoming at the Rock Rabbit Restaurant served blue berry pancakes and omelets to fight for!  But more than the food, the town folks enthralled us.  Everybody shared their stories.

After riding through Hannibal, Missouri to visit Mark Twain’s former haunts, I pedaled down Old Route 66 along the Mississippi River.  On my ride through Cincinnati, I picked up Route 50 to pedal through a bucolic hamlet named Milford, Ohio.

On the edge of town, I noticed a rusted 1950 Schwinn bicycle with flared handlebars.  In the front basket,  purple and white petunias exploded into the morning sunshine. On the rear rack, another basket of flowers curled their way through its back spokes and covered the seat.  “Good grief!” I muttered. “That’s beautiful!”

On the back staked into the ground, a sign read, “Bikes in Bloom”.

I snapped a few pictures and figured that would be the end of it.  But as I traveled down that 120-year-old Main Street in Milford, Ohio, I noticed a bicycle in bloom in front of every merchant store front.  I discovered incredibly beautiful bikes of every description decked out in flowers. I witnessed yarn woven into the shape of a Pac Man on the front wheels, rhinestone ropes curled around top tubes and yarned up seats and cranks.  Big bikes in flowers and little bikes in flowers.  The entire Main Street exploded in flowers and bicycles.

Every year, Milford, a crossroads for touring bicyclists, features “Bikes in Bloom” as a friendly competition of all the merchants.  Tourists, locals and cyclists enjoy community, creativity and fellowship.  I marveled at the beauty.  Halfway through town and 25 pictures later, I stopped at Bishop’s Bicycle Shop.  What a blast!  I met a bunch of long-distance touring riders working there with Kelly, Chris and Jim.  After a great stop, I continued on my way across America with vivid memories and an idea.

How about everyone reading this column all across America create a “Bikes in Bloom” in your own cities, towns and hamlets?  I already introduced the idea to my Golden, Colorado city council. I presented photographic examples on an overhead projector like you see attached to this column.   They loved it.

Let’s move America toward beauty, flowers, peace, joy and community fellowship.  It’s fun, creative and positive on every level.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Stealth Camping: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

By Frosty Wooldridge

July 3, 2023

Many young world touring bicycle riders live their lives on a wing and a prayer.  That’s how I started out!  Cheap tent, frazzled sleeping bag and a blow-up air mattress that gave me a headache from huffing and puffing for 10 minutes. Either that or the hard ground all night!  Food?  Oatmeal and raisins to start the day.  Peanut butter and jam sandwich for lunch.  Rice and beans, peanuts, apples, bananas and oranges for dinner.

(One of many waterfalls on the Road Going to the Sun, Glacier National Park, Montana)

My best dinners came on a Saturday night when night fell on a church social.  I waltzed into the place…paid $3.00 and ate my brains out on some of the finest home cooking known to humanity. Those church ladies loved to feature their finest efforts as to main courses, potato salads and pies…oh yes, banana cream, lemon méringue, apple, chocolate cream, blue berry and raspberry…brownies…to name a few.

Walking out of those mouth-watering culinary adventures, I looked five months pregnant.  There’s something about bicycle touring that gives a person an insatiable hunger…thus, when we hit an all-you-can-eat joint, no rules!  Thank you, Lord, for church socials and thank you ladies for putting me in ‘food heaven’.

With that ‘wing and a prayer’ financial situation, forget going to a KOA with extravagant prices.  I packed a shower bag and took a shower to keep my body from sweat rashes, fungus infections and B.O. that would knock down a buffalo out if it got too close.

The Good

Camped at the top of Independence Pass, Colorado at 12,100 feet once. Starry night.  No moon.  Shooting stars. Cool air.  We pitched our tents on the edge of the canyon to see thousands of feet below us and millions of miles above us.  Orion, Big Dipper, Little Dipper, Saturn and all the rest shined into our camping spot.

My friend Doug said, “Glad you decided to camp at this elevation…it’s almost like the entire universe awaits our grand entry…at least visually.”

“Yup,” I said. “It’s like a dream and we’re sitting in the middle of it.”

The Bad

Riding out of La Paz, Bolivia, on the  El Camino all-rock highway, we reached 15,500 feet of elevation on the crest of the Andes.  We portaged the bikes and gear on our backs across rivers with no bridges. If it rained, we waited a day for the raging waters to subside.

One evening, as we approached the crest, it happened that we watched a rain squall racing toward us. Lightning crackled all over the sky.

“Better get our butts as low as we can on this alti-Plano or we’re going to eat some electricity,” my buddy Bryan said. “That stuff is coming at us pretty fast.”

“You don’t have to say that twice,” Doug said.

As a veteran rider of all seven continents, he had camped in places like Africa where he had a hippo walk out of the water…snorted as he approached…which got Doug out of his tent…and then, the hippo walked up to the flaps opening and blew snot all over the inside of the tent.  Scared the living hell out of Doug and his buddy. Nothing like cleaning hippo snot from your nylon and gear.

We camped that evening reasonably safely as the storm ripped at our tents, rains drenched us, and the temps fell quickly. After it passed, the sky filled with a magical silver haze that I remember to this day.  And of course, as the sunset created a stunning rainbow over the valley…all was good in the world.

But the next day, as we reached the border of Chile at 15,500 feet, a snowstorm raged toward us.  The temps dropped into the 20’s.  The rocky road started to get slippery with snowflakes.

“We better pitch tents if we want to stop from freezing,” Doug said.

“I second that,” I said.

“Third,” said Bryan.

We pitched tents fast. Cooked up dinner. Ate our fill and then, curled into our sleeping bags. Next morning, we had to clear 10 inches of snow from our tents.  With our mountain expedition touring bikes, after breakfast, we plowed through the freshly fallen snow. Several trucks passed by us to create tire tracks for us to follow.  Still, a bitch to ride that high-elevation highway.

The Ugly

Where should I start? I’ve experienced some really “ugly” camping spots. Sometimes touring on the cheap costs more than money.  It can cost you your life. I’ve been face to face with a grizzly bear right outside my tent. (That’s another story to be told)  I’ve ridden with an Emu in the Outback of Australia.  (Yet another story)  I’ve camped in a junk yard.

One evening on the Lewis & Clark Trail in eastern Washington State, we ran into twilight without finding a reasonable spit of land to camp.  Fences, pastures and cows pretty much wouldn’t let up.  At one point, it was either find camp or ride in the dark.  I hate riding in the dark.  So, we found a dirt road about 100 feet indented into a pasture with a gate at the end.

“Looks like home,” I said to Sandi.

“I’m too tired to eat,” she said. “Let’s do it.”

In that slot, we pitched the tent.  We pulled our gear and quickly dove into our bags. But not before a Guernsey cow came over to inspect us.  We saw another 50 cows out in the field. Quickly, we heard all sorts of racket from cows milling about, bawling, peeing, farting and plopping.

“Good grief,” I said after sticking my head out of the tent. “We’ve got at least 50 cows looking at us.”

“Just dig your ear plugs in deeper,” Sandi said.

All night long, those cows subjected us to endless mini-Niagara Falls raining down right next to our tent. Cows can pee up to six gallons in a day.  They can poop 14 gallons in a day.  Then, they cut loose with their version of “plop-plop-plop-fizz-fizz-fizz” that splattered in all directions.  Then, long bellowing farts that lifted into the air like faulty jet engines.  Later, they got into hoof-wrestling matches where their hooves clacked together minute after minute. Have you ever heard a cow sing? Well, they sang love songs all night….that curled our ears inwards.

Around 3 a.m., Sandi woke nudged me, “Tell me why we love this stealth camping so much,” she said.

We woke with the sun, and cleared camp while the 50 cows spread out across the pasture in search of grass on their breakfast runs.

We pedaled down the highway half awake, half asleep, headache, irritable, ornery, sleep-deprived, hungry and dazed.  THAT was an UGLY night of stealth camping.

Frosty Wooldridge, on the road to adventure…or mis-adventures depending on the day. Summer, 2023

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Our Life Journey Must Include Grief and a Broken Heart

Frosty Wooldridge

June 29, 2023

Have you ever felt the energy of joy? What about winning that soccer game, tennis match or racquetball tournament? Incredible how every cell in your body ‘rises’ to such euphoric heights! You feel good down into the deepest reaches of your heart, mind and body. You explode with something that only you can explain…sheer ecstasy!

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the entire human race could feel joy and ultimately, happiness every day of the year?

On a long bicycle ride, you feel that joy once you reach the top of a mountain pass.  From the grind up Independence Pass at 12,100 feet…to the road leveling off, and then gravity propels you downhill, oh, what a feeling of sheer pleasure! Or, ride along a rushing whitewater river…where the water imbues your cells with energy, joy and happiness. Or, how about siting by a campfire with the embers throbbing with an indescribable beauty? Every cell in your body dances with peaceful energy…spiritual energy. Your entire being feels right with the world.

That’s a taste of the good times while hiking, backpacking, rafting, canoeing or camping. It’s your connection with the wilderness.  On long distance bicycle tours, another kind of connection to the Natural World encompasses your spirit. For months on social media, I followed Canadian Arie Hoogerbrugge across Canada, America and now into Mexico. I followed senior citizen Lee Rogowski on his journey from Key West, Florida to northern most part of Maine. One man is young and vibrant. The other is old, overweight, with a heart condition and used an E-bike to cover thousands of miles.

Both men shared that certain courage that it takes to strike out across the planet on a bicycle no less…much like Marco Polo, Captain Cook, John Muir, my lifelong friend Doug Armstrong (all 7 continents on a bicycle), Heinz Stucke (over 50 years across 196 countries) and dozens more. On the female side, Tahnee Seagrave, Finoa Kolbinger, Sanne Cant, Juliet Elliot, Jenny Graham, my Boulder friend Bonnie Gagnon and dozens of others. It’s certainly been an honor to have met some of them and ridden with them.

What do they all possess in common? Answer: a certain mental, emotional and physical courage to reach outside of themselves for greater wonder, along with true grit and pluck beyond the ordinary person. As they live their lives, they inspire the rest of us mortal human beings.

That’s not only in bicycling, but all endeavors whether it be Simone Biles, Michael Phelps, Caleb Dressel, Tamyara M. Mensah or Sydney McLaughlin. Some become famous for a moment or a lifetime…yet all face their inner demons…just like you do!

For this long-distance rider, I’ve enjoyed the great ‘highs’ in life. It’s been a good journey over the years. But I’ve also discovered the ‘lows’…those times where I was so lonely or depressed that when I Iooked up…all I could see was the bottom. I’ve learned about the reality of Circular Grief.

I lost my Dad when I was a teenager. One lousy heart attack that hit my Dad at 46 years of age…completely changed the trajectory of my life. Pain, hurt, anger, frustration, meaninglessness, and rage. One minute he’s alive umpiring a baseball game, and the next, he’s falling over the catcher and dies on home plate. How do you process that ‘event’ as a young kid with dreams of a college athletic career? I simply staggered into each day until the pain slipped into my rearview mirrors. I kept moving forward because that’s what my Dad taught me, “Keep going son, no matter what…and you’ll get there…whatever your goal.”

Yet these years later, on long distance rides across Europe, America’s Great Plains, the Continental Divide, Alaska’s endless wilderness expanse, the Atacama Desert, the Outback, China…I’ve found that grief is circular.

While riding, my Dad visits me. Sometimes, he rides along with me, or he sits on a ski chairlift, or he swims a lap with me. Sometimes, I spot him in a crowded mall only to wake up out of a dream. At other times, he’s laughing with his buddies on an old 8mm movie. Seeing it immediately brings an instant Niagara of tears. All the time, his 8”X10” picture hangs in my office. His picture remains in my wallet on every journey. He’s with me…he shaped me, he molded me into a man that he wanted to be most proud. Sometimes, I burst out crying because I can’t talk to him. I can’t hug him, and he can’t hug me for assurance.

All I’ve got are memories, pictures and those ‘moments’ when he rides with me via my imagination.

For the millions of you who lost your father or mother at an early age, or any age, we share a circular grief that others don’t know, cannot understand and cannot relate.

I remember that the Spirit of St. Louis flyer Charles Lindbergh said, “Death is the last great adventure.”

When I go on THAT adventure, I know my Dad will be there straddling his bike with his hands on my bike. We will ride together once again.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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The Berthoud Pass Lesson of Life

By Frosty Wooldridge

June 26, 2023

For the next six weeks, I’ll be on the road from the Midwest to the West Coast.  I will be researching the homeless nightmares in Chicago, Detroit, Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles.  Possibly in St. Louis and Atlanta! I’m going to take pictures of the homeless camps by the thousands. I am going to report on our overwhelmed national parks…the gridlock, the parking lots loaded beyond capacity, trying to see Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park, but you can’t even get close.  I’m going to dig into what went wrong with America and how much worse it’s going to become.  Let’s face the facts, Joe Biden and our elected leaders are pulling our country out from under us.

At the same time, I’m going to share with you many positive aspects of American life.

One of my dearest friends, Keith Cooper, lives in Winter Park, Colorado. He and I ski, hike and climb together. He’s nearly my age with incredible world travel.  We spoke on the “Berthoud Pass Lesson” for our lives.

Keith Cooper said, “I was feeling a bit anxious, it was a Sunday and all I could think about was everything I had to do and where I needed to go tomorrow—Monday—The dreaded first day of the working week. After I internalized what I wrote below, I cancelled my Monday appointments and just slept in.”

He continued, “I was reading an article by my friend Frosty Woolridge, a well-known author of twenty-four books, seventeen of which are published. Many of his publications are about his travels and life on six continents. This article, though, was about the happiness factor and was a short comparison on the life in Bhutan and the United States. While reading and agreeing with Frosty’s findings I was struck by the passage: “How fast do we really need to go to get there?” Now the mechanical part of me quickly said, “It depends on how much time you have.”

“My anti-heart, sometimes called my brain, quickly did some calculations to lead me to believe that my speed of getting there is a factor on the time I have, i.e., I don’t want to be late. So, if I have an hour to go 60 miles on I-70, I need to go 60 mph to get where I am going. Or better yet, if I only have 50 minutes, I need to go 70 mph and then I have an excuse to go fast, right? But wait, Frosty said, ‘How fast do we really need to go to get there, get there!” There was no time constraint, so why did I allow my brain, my anti-heart, to put a time constraint in?

“My heart says if we need to be there by a certain time, a time that requires us to go fast, go straight and not pay attention to the journey. Hmmm, isn’t the journey part of the travel? I mean if we were on the Starship Enterprise then we could go to the Transporter room and get beamed anywhere, right? But we don’t have a Transporter room, we have roads, we have communities along those roads, we have people in those communities, and we have potential memories we could make with those people in those communities. So, maybe if we solely focus on getting there, then maybe we should not go at all.

“For Frosty’s point, so well stated is, “It’s not the miles you make… it’s the pictures, conversations, spiritual awakening along the way.” It took me 50 years to realize I could never do meaningful engagement by going fast. It made me think, I spent the first six years of my life in elementary school, I had five teachers (yes, I was held back in the 5th grade) and a severe speech impediment, I stuttered. I still remember each of my five elementary school teachers, to include Ms. Williams, my 4th grade teacher whom I had a crush on. It traumatized me when one day in 1969 there was a man in our classroom standing against the wall, an Air Force Staff Sergeant whom she introduced as her fiancé. It took me years to get over that heartache.

“Anyway, back to the subject of going fast. My point is I can identify each one of my elementary school teachers, I can picture them in my mind, even the assistant to Ms. Allen my first-grade teacher at Denali Elementary. I took things slow; my ambition was to learn and improve. On the flip side, my rise in the corporate world was fast and I probably cannot name ten customers or even ten office mates if given time. I should have used the lessons learned in elementary school to better learn my environment, to enjoy the journey and not look to the destination, to just slow down.

“As I now sit in my home in Grand County, CO, I’m reminded of a trip I take several times a month up and down Berthoud Pass. Some don’t like Berthoud Pass, its windy, somewhat steep and it can be intimidating. But Berthoud Pass is a wonderful drive if you pay attention to the road and not your cell phone alone. Its beauty is unmatched, and the Colorado Road Crew keep the pass in great shape all year-round. But the Pass teaches every driver a lifelong important lesson. You see going up the hill there are two lanes, you can pass, jockey in and out even stop to take a picture. The lanes are wide, paved, safe, wonderful.  But once you crest the top of the hill, well, there is only one lane down. So regardless of how fast you made it up the hill, you’re only going to go as fast as the person in front of you down the hill. Isn’t that what life teaches us?

“For now, let’s think about living where we are, with whom we love, with who we are and when we do venture out, lets enjoy the journey to our destination. God knows, my friend Frosty gets an A+ for always abiding and living by that belief; I am now one of his faithful students.

“Think of a time you were in a hurry and passed someone only to arrive at the same destination, how did you feel when you both arrived and looked at one another, maybe a bit embarrassed?”

As you can tell, Keith Cooper thinks deeply. We have more conversations coming your way.  Hope this helps you along your life-path.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Unless You Think There Is An Award For Being Stupid: There Are Only Two Sexes

By Frosty Wooldridge

June 22, 2023

It’s been said, “There are a good many people in this country with great minds, but “s***” for brains.”

One of those individuals must be U.S. Senator Dick Durbin  (D-IL) who wants to dissolve America with his open borders stance. He wants to see transgender men dominate women’s NCAA sports.  In effect, he wants to destroy women’s rights to be women and compete with women.  He supports DNA males wiping the floor with women athletes…and, additionally, he supports those same “men” romping around women’s dressing rooms. You can’t make this stuff up!

This week in a Senate hearing, Durbin suffered a humiliating “dress-down” by U.S. Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) who used his plain speaking to help the Illinois democrat out of his cuckoo bird’s nest.

Kennedy said, “My Democratic colleagues called a hearing today. They invited three of their witnesses to convince the American people that it’s okay for males to compete against females in sports. I have to say, there was a sort of an “Alice in Wonderland” weirdness about the whole hearing. For example, one of my Democratic colleague’s witnesses testified that there are three biological sexes and an infinite number of genders.”

It’s fine that mentally unbalanced DNA males of any age may identify as a cat, mouse, dog, horse and/or a woman.  Just keep their “illusions” in a separate athletic arena.  Call it, the National Collegiate Transgender Athletics…NCTA.  End of the problem.  Have all those trans people compete against themselves whether they identify as a boy, girl, trans boy,  trans girl or a wild turkey. Gobble, Gobble!

Kennedy continued to educate Dick Durbin,  “I’ve heard better answers on the dating game. Here is the way I think most Americans will look at it. Number one: In America, you should be who you are. Number two: Generally speaking, it’s not acceptable to discriminate against someone because of an immutable characteristic, unless, there are good reasons. For example, it’s okay to tell a 13-year-old that he can’t drive.”

Twelve-time national women’s swim champion Riley Gaines also schooled Durbin.  Gaines pushed back and told Durbin he needs to think about biological women and girls who she said are at a disadvantage competing against trans men.

“Senator Durbin, in your opening statement, you had mentioned this rhetoric,” she said. “You had mentioned that, what message does it send to trans individuals? And my comeback to that is, what message does this send to women, to young girls, who are denied of these opportunities?”

“So easily, their rights to privacy and safety thrown out of the window to protect a small population, protect one group as long as they’re happy,” she said. “What about us? That is the overall general consensus of how we all felt in that locker room.”

If you read about a trans-guy in girls’ volleyball recently…he spiked the ball so hard that he knocked the opposing girl player out with a concussion.  After the match, he wandered into the girl’s bathroom/changing room as if he were a regular female with bra, panties, breasts, et al.

What’s SO absurd and alarming about all of this transgender nonsense stems from the fact that men don’t know squat about women’s sports, their struggles, their gains and losses at the hands of men over the centuries.  Men wouldn’t allow women to run in the Boston Marathon until one gal entered and completed it. Today, top women outrun most men in  that race.  When I was in high school, we watched women in half-court basketball because they were too “weak” to play full court.  It was beyond stupid to watch it, let alone play in it.

Today, we see men pretending to be women…and walking up to the podium with a wry smile on their faces.  You have to be mentally unbalanced to think you beat a woman fairly when you stand 6’4” and weigh 220 pounds and she is 5’2” and weighs 120 pounds.  William “Lia” Thomas must be the laughingstock of the athletic world in the 21st century.  That guy has a  “pair”, but he wears a one-piece woman’s bathing suit.  Thomas takes the cake for “arrogant and stupid.”

Additionally, this huge push for transgender surgeries in kids under the age of 12 or even to 18…must be the most absurd insanity of our time.  A kid younger than 21 doesn’t know what he or she wants.  To choose castration or breast removal before you’re old enough to understand your choices…well, that’s nuts.  Adults should not allow it via laws, and/or doctors should not operate as to ethics.

And this  “woke” crap of placing pornographic books into our grade schools with “drag queens” putting on shows is beyond “stupid.”  It’s immoral, unethical and downright sickening.

We, the rational adults in America need to stand up at school boards, library conferences, and city council meetings to speak with wisdom, common sense and true grit.  We can’t lay down and let an emotionally unbalanced fringe of our society dictate what our kids must read or watch or practice. To be sure, if you’re LGBTQ+, fine, do your thing with your own group.  For certain, if you look at the depression, out-casting and suicides of the transgender crowd, along with the LGBTQ+, it’s a very lonely, ugly, emotional path. My heart goes out to them.  I truly wish all humans well on their life journeys.

In the end, you can practice whatever you like in your own life.  Just don’t shove it down normal peoples’ throats or their kids.  The reality remains, there are only two sexes, XY males and XX females.  The rest are all pretending or living an illusion.  That reality will prevail when all the political stupidities are brought to reality.

As U.S. Senator John Kennedy said, “Unless You Think There Is An Award For Being Stupid: There Are Only Two Sexes.”

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Massive Immigration Just Doesn’t Work

By Frosty Wooldridge

June 19, 2023

Do you think massive, endless and unfettered legal and illegal immigration into America benefits our working poor, our housing, our inner-cities, our culture, our language, our resources, and/or our national ethos?  Do you see any benefits that will enhance America’s future as to water, energy and resources?  What about national cohesion as a unified people?  What about quality of life such as gridlocked traffic, horrific air pollution, paralyzed cities, accelerating crime and another dozen consequences?

What do you think it will be like in 2050 with an added 60 to 80 million more immigrants and their offspring?  Why won’t any of the top people on “Meet the Press”, “Face the Nation”, “60 Minutes”, “National Public Radio” or “Public Broadcasting Systems” interview anyone raising their voices as to what our entire civilization faces?

European writer Paul Watson said, “Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson has acknowledged that “massive immigration just doesn’t work” as he announced changes to the country’s border control policy that would make it the strictest in the European Union.”

“Let me be clear: Massive immigration and poor integration just doesn’t work,” wrote Kristersson. “That is why we are now changing Sweden’s migration policy and making it the strictest in the EU.”…

“A ‘no’ to asylum means ‘no’ and you have to leave the country. That should be obvious, but it’s not,” said the PM. “Equally important, a ‘yes’ should mean that you really get involved in Swedish society.”

He added that up until now,  “There has been absolutely no expectation that anyone who comes to Sweden will really learn our language,” which is the “glue that binds us together.”

As we previously highlighted, even Kristersson’s predecessor, left-winger Magdalena Andersson, vowed to abolish ethnic ghettos, asserting that she didn’t want to see the emergence of “Somali-towns” in the Scandinavian country.  But in fact, those ghettos have formed and are now intractable.

Following ethnic riots that left over 100 police officers injured, Andersson warned that, “Segregation has gone so far that we have parallel societies in Sweden.”

Having been one of the safest countries in Europe 20 years ago before mass uncontrolled immigration, Sweden is now the continent’s second most dangerous in terms of gun crime behind only Croatia.  As a matter fact, 1 in 4 Swedish women faces being raped before her/their 30 birthdays.  Who does the raping?  Nearly 100 percent by immigrants from Africa and the Middle East with peaceful and gentle religion.

Wouldn’t that show you that incompatible cultures do not work when you toss them together?

Here in the United States, we suffer parallel societies in San Francisco with over 35,000 homeless drug addicts, mentally ill and totally uneducated derelicts.  Another 69,000 homeless destroy normal life in Los Angeles.  Wouldn’t that tell you something about parallel societies?

What about the weekly killing zone in Southside Chicago?  Isn’t that a  parallel society?

With over 25 million illegal alien migrants within the United States, and another 7 million added in the past 27 months of Joe Biden’s administration, wouldn’t they be considered a “parallel society” within our country?  Let’s face it…they cannot work legally in our country. They cannot live legally in our society. They cannot be Americans because they are outside the law.

What about those folks that shoplifted $94.1 billion in mercantile goods in 2022?  Is there any benefit to their operating within America and how does their “work” make America viable?  What if their numbers grew to double or even triple the shoplifting in our society as the number of third world migrants continues to grow by tens of millions?

What happens when we cannot find or engage any solutions that would bring those millions of people into the American Way of Life?  What happens when they “do not want to become Americans.”

Right now, in America, the American Reading Association reported that 45 million people are functionally illiterate.  They cannot and do not contribute to America. They leech off us.   What about the 300,000 “anchor babies” along with their mothers that pile into our welfare systems, housing systems, educational systems, free food systems, annually?  Are they not a “parallel society”?

“California is the state with the lowest adult literacy rate in 2023The lowest child literacy rate was in the state of New Mexico. The highest percentage of adults who are literate are in New Hampshire state. The U.S. government bears a cost of up to $2.2 trillion per year for low levels of literacy.”  (Source:

Notice that California houses the most illegal alien migrants along with their children in America.  They have trashed California’s school systems.  They’ve overwhelmed the “free meals” budgets, and they inundate the prisons.  To be blunt, much like Sweden, ”Massive immigration and poor integration just doesn’t work.”

What about the $150,000,000,000.00 (billion) in cash remittances sent  out of our country by immigrants who illegally work in our country for cash under the table…back to their own countries?  Isn’t that a “parallel society”?  They steal jobs from our working poor, don’t pay taxes and send your money out of the USA.  (Source:

What about all those Americans taking unemployment checks because they cannot obtain a job because of those illegal aliens working those jobs?  Isn’t that another form of a “parallel society”?

In other words, those elected House members and U.S. Senators supported, facilitated and augmented this massive invasion of our country.

What’s it going to be like when immigrants’ numbers overwhelm all of us, all of our communities and all of our lives?  What do you think will happen when our $31 trillion in national debt crashes around our ears?  Who will save us? What country can we flee toward?  In the end, what are we going to do with all that illiteracy, poverty, cultural chaos, and human misery burgeoning in all our cities?  Do you have any answers?

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Blatant Choices to Dismantle Law and Order in American Society

By Frosty Wooldridge

June 15, 2023

Each weekend in Chicago, Illinois, an average of 10 African-Americans suffer shooting deaths and EMT’s wheel another 40 African-Americans into emergency wards…as they struggle with bullet holes in their bodies.  Less than 20 percent of the killers face a courtroom because there are so many shootings, there’s no way police can keep up with the killings.

Unfortunately, the same shootings occur in another 20 major American cities where minority turf wars, drug wars, and gang wars spray bullets anywhere and everywhere across the city streets. Detroit, Michigan proved the worst killing zone in the 80’s and 90’s…and now,  Chicago, LA, St. Louis, New Orleans,  Baltimore, NYC and Miami compete for the “Deadliest Cities in America” award.

But you won’t hear a word from Whoopi Goldberg, Al Sharpton or Joy Reid when the black-on-black killings massacre one another.  Yet, let one white guy or one white cop step into the fray…and you’ve got sudden “racism” and “white supremacy.”

This week, U.S. Marine Corps veteran Daniel Penny, faced an indictment for his chokehold on a mentally ill subway rider, Jordan Neely, in NYC who was terrorizing other passengers.  Mr. Penny stepped into the fray because other riders were afraid for their lives.  Unfortunately for Penny, the mentally ill kid was black, and he died, which immediately gave Penny national notoriety.

He faces 15 years in prison for one moment of saving other peoples’ lives.  For one reason and one reason only: Penny is white.  If it had been another black choke-holding another black, it would not have made the evening news.  Why is that?  Because black-on-black killings are so frequent, into the HUNDREDS, even THOUSANDS over the years, that even peaceful African-Americans shake their heads in futility.

“Penny, 24, was arrested on manslaughter charges in the chokehold death of Neely, a 30-year-old erratic Black homeless man who prosecutors say was making threats and scaring people aboard a New York City subway. Penny’s lawyers have maintained the former Marine acted in self-defense and stepped in to protect other passengers on the train. A grand jury voted Wednesday to indict Penny on a second-degree manslaughter charge. He faces up to 15 years in prison if convicted.”

Penny said, “I was listening to music at the time, and I took my headphones out to hear what he was yelling,” the East Village resident continued. “The three main threats that he repeated over and over again were, ‘I’m going to kill you,’ ‘I’m prepared to go to jail for life,’ and, ‘I’m willing to die.’”

And yet, the Neely family hopes to make millions off this trial.

These instances make you wonder:  do we keep allowing lawlessness to dominate our cities with crazy people, drug gangs, turf wars, shoplifting gangs, and endless murders…or do we finally return to law and order?

Anyone remember, “If you commit a crime, you do the time!”

At what point do we responsible citizens take a stand?  It isn’t D.A. Alvin Bragg in NYC or Kim Foxx in Chicago or George Gaston in Los Angeles.  They facilitate rampant crime by not prosecuting criminals.  In LA and San Francisco, you can steal up to $950.00 with no consequences.  Is that nuts or what?

“I didn’t see a Black man threatening passengers, I saw a man threatening passengers, a lot of whom were people of color,” Penny said. “The man who helped me restrain Mr. Neely was a person of color. A few days after the incident I read in the papers that a woman of color came out and called me a hero.”

At some point, we, the American people must stand up for Daniel Penny and others who stand up for America’s basic foundation of the rule of law.  We cannot and must not allow tribalism to trash our Bill of Rights or our U.S. Constitution.

“Some people say I was trying to choke him to death, which is also not true. I was trying to restrain him,” Penny continued. “You can see in the video there’s a clear rise and fall of his chest, indicating that he’s breathing. I’m trying to restrain him from being able to carry out the threats.”

Today, in 2023, Chicago cannot catch 20 percent of its black-on-black killers.  The same holds true for many other big cities.  At what point do we give up?

If Daniel Penny goes to jail for standing up for the rule of law and protecting fellow passengers on that subway, we must all examine why our country has degraded to the level of Jordan Neely’s and his threats to society, and why we collectively allowed it to plummet to the depths of such mental instability.  Why didn’t Joy Reid, Al Sharpton or Whoopi Goldberg step in with their hands to help a mentally ill person before he threatened the lives of others.  Do you see any of them working toward solutions for their minority brothers and sisters?

Whether it’s shooters at Uvalde, Columbine, Sandy Hook,  Denver’s movie theater, or dozens of other killing venues, we need to intercept those killers, restrain them and stop them before anyone of us might be the next victim.

Wouldn’t this be a better, more peaceful and more reasonable society with more Daniel Penny’s taking action before the Jordan Neely’s of the world kill any of us?

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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We’re in a Heck of a Mess with Our Multicultural Society: Race Supremacy

By Frosty Wooldridge

June 12, 2023

America degrades into the depths of an unhappy society in 2023 with all the charges of “racism” springing from schools, from entertainment, from employment, to reparations.  There’s not one day that passes without a headline about racism, white supremacy, white privilege, critical race theory, racist math, low pay based on race, ad nauseum.

Headline: “Schools use racist reparations math to indoctrinate black students with victimization. The 1619 Project teaches students’ only solution to black wealth gap is money.”

Journalist Ivan Rowe reported, “What I learned is that we as black people are still not free. Reparations can help close the wealth gap but instead the government and other citizens feel like they don’t owe anything. But when it comes to low paying jobs, mainly colored people are working them. And most of them are hard laboring jobs.”

Former teacher, and elected to the Maryland city council, African-American Kristen Mink last week said,  “White people should be few, and with good reason, on the speaker lineup.  Healing and unity have for so long meant disregarding the harms done to black, indigenous, and people of color for the comfort of white people.”

If you watch “The View” or MSNBC’s Joy Reid or Whoopi Goldberg or Al Sharpton, you would think every white American stands guilty of every racial sin since the dawn of history.  If you watch Black Entertainment Television (BET), there are no white people in America.  By reading Critical Race Theory, a full 62 percent of Americans, percentage of whites in America, are guilty of being racist from the day they were born because of the color of their skin…that skin color is white.

African-American U.S. Senator Tim Scott, running for the presidency, may be the only leader in America stressing unity, racial harmony and equality of opportunity.

Having watched the racial scene in America since I was a military dependent, high school student, college guidance counselor, U.S. Army officer, inner-city teacher, long-haul trucker out of Detroit, 24 year volunteer ski instructor for the handicapped, traveler throughout all 50 states and six continents around the globe—-I’ve gotten a close-up reality check as to intermingling races, religions and cultures.

What I discovered profoundly sobers me to the aspects of America’s future. Not only have we imported millions out of the third world, but we’ve imported their cultural propensities. As you watch California degrade into chaos, it’s sobering to note that nearly 30 percent of the Golden State’s population is foreign-born.  Another 45 million foreign-born inhabit every state in America.  Note that they are changing America, dramatically and drastically.

Victor Davis Hanson, who wrote Mexifornia 25 years ago, a book illustrating how California has become a Mexican poverty hellhole, said recently, “And yet, I never saw in the slums of old Cairo or in the worst environs of Brussels and Naples, or amid the poverty of 1970s rural Turkey anything like what I saw in San Francisco this year and last. The undressed on Market Street and near Union Square were routinely smoking dope, injecting drugs, defecating, urinating, and in various states of pre-civilized behavior. The homeless enclaves of Los Angeles are worse. Were these scenes being filmed for The Last of Us?”

Having traveled through Los Angeles and San Francisco last summer, I can attest that the leaders of those cities have lost their minds, and over 100,000 homeless, mentally ill and drug addicts dominate large sections of those cities.  But the same mayors, D.A.’s, and city councils that lost their minds in Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Detroit, New York, St. Louis, Denver, New Orleans, Baltimore and Miami.  Outrageous criminal activity has become the norm…and it’s supported by their leaders.

Hanson said, “The daily fare of the Fresno Bee is a recitation of high-speed wrecks, car jackings, fatal DUIs, and hit-and-run smash-ups. When I drive rural roads in central California, I expect that one out of five cars coming in my direction will be drifting into my lane, either due to incompetence, unfamiliarity with U.S. traffic laws (27 percent of Californians were not born in the U.S.), intoxication or drug euphoria—or texting.”

With all the crime accelerating, talking heads like Whoopi Goldberg, House Member Corey Bush, Maxine Waters, Ilhan Omar and many more blame “white supremacy.”   Even Joe Biden, living in a dementia-clouded mind, makes “white supremacists” the greatest threat to America.  Never mind that the divisive book, Critical Race Theory,  Inclusion, Equity, Diversity, and/or 7,000,000 illegal alien border jumpers, or Black Lives Matter have done more damage to this country in the past 27 months of Biden’s administration—-than any white people in America.

We’ve become a nation at odds with itself.

Hanson continued describing current-day America, “The basics of life, especially in our major cities—health care, safety, cleanliness—have reached medieval proportions.

“Or to put it more accurately, there are very different Americas. A sophisticated successful suburban America maintains more or less life as unchanged from the 1970s or 1980s and remains comparable to or better than what is found in Europe.

“And then there are red-state rural country sides and small towns that likewise are still civilized.

“But in a third of America in parts of the suburbs surrounding the major cities and the cores of almost all our major cities, life is truly third or fourth-world. The ERs are dirty, broke, and mostly exist to attend to evening gunshot wounds and other sorts of inner-city violence.”

If we don’t start talking about, “We as Americans need to come together,” we will most surely tear ourselves apart.  If we continue massive immigration, there won’t be enough “patriotic and loyal” Americans left to keep this country together. With the projected 50 to 80 million more immigrants by 2050, do you think our country will survive?

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Non-Participation of Citizens in a Constitutional Republic: Being Bought Out

By Frosty Wooldridge

June 8, 2023

Because the incredible reach of NewsWithViews, all the journalists at this news service website enjoy readers from around the world.  Oftentimes, when we write compelling or frightening or inspirational columns, readers respond.  Some feel angry. Others feel sadness. Still others praise or malign each of us who write our opinions.

Please understand that I write to educate, help you understand America’s situation, provoke action and hopefully, save our country from continuing on its lacerated spiral into the dustbin of history.  At this point, we tip onto the edge of disaster whether it be the invasion of our open borders by millions of refugees, our horrific $31,500,000,000,000.00 (trillion) national debt, our overwhelmed cities, our disastrous educational systems, our water crisis, our national nightmare of transgender men competing in women’s sports, drag queens dancing in front of our elementary school children, abortion, incredible crime rates that continue without consequences, our senile president Biden, China’s dominance of every product that makes our society operate…and the list grows.

The millions of homeless “monsters” in America that haven’t been solved in decades…why in the name of God’s green earth haven’t we solved that problem?  We could, but we don’t!  Yet, we’ve sent over $100 billion to Ukraine for their war to protect their borders! We spent $6 trillion in Afghanistan and Iraq while our infrastructure rotted beyond understanding.  I don’t get how those intellectually vacant minds (you might think of a better name) in DC can sleep at night. I don’t understand why they are totally out of touch with the realities of our country’s demise.

How do you approve of $94.1 billion in shoplifting in 2022?  How do you approve of Chicago, LA, San Francisco, Detroit, NYC all supporting repeat criminals?  How do we allow our schools to be shot up regularly?  Why are our African-American minorities waging war against each other in the big cities?   Why are we allowing every kind of drug cartel to dominate our borders and our cities to kill 300 kids A DAY from drug overdoses?  Why are we allowing millions upon millions of the dregs of the third world to penetrate every aspect of our lives?

What happens when water, energy and resources…that allow this civilization to operate…are simply exhausted beyond replenishing?  Anybody thinking about that gargantuan dilemma staring us in our faces?  Why aren’t our leaders solving it?

Here’s a letter from a reader in Canada:

Dear Frosty,

It’s obvious that you persevere and that you exhibit a marvelous dedication and tenacity. But, in the US populace, there are very few persons showing and actually enacting the duties of concerned citizenship.

The USA is failing. In the Eighteenth and the Nineteenth Centuries, at the time of America’s creation, and in its early formative years, critics in Old Europe pointed out that popular government, that is, government by the members of the commonality, could never work and would never work. Old Europe maintained that good, rational and morally-sound government on a continuing basis could be accomplished only by a hereditary aristocracy, a hereditary ruling oligarchy. Why ? The reason is that the rich will always purchase the government. One way or another, with the passage of time, with patient application, the rich would always in effect ” purchase ” the government. And the only group in any country capable of, and inclined to resist and ignore the blandishments of Money are independently-wealthy hereditary aristocrats. This is what has happened in the USA. For the past 30 or 40 years, the Houses of Congress in Washington have spent a good 90 % of their time attending to requests, suggestions and outright orders, and commands issuing from Wall Street and its attendant structures. Virtually no time at all is spent dealing with the interests and the affairs of the American people.

But – not to ” pick on ” just the USA. The same inescapable train of events has taken place in a vast array of different countries, the whole World ’round’, in Europe, in the Near East, in the Middle East, in Africa, in South America, countries such as Britain, France, Germany, Brazil, Argentina, Norway, Sweden, Egypt. An endless list, really, all falling into very much the same category. The rich will always be able in effect to  “purchase ” the government, and that thing they do with no great difficulty.  Best Wishes, J.S. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, June 7/23.

He’s not far off the mark in that we only see 50 percent of the voting public vote in national elections and less than 20 percent in local elections.  That’s how nimwits like AOC, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Adam Schiff, and SO many other liars, cheats and thieves prosper in Washington DC.

Who actually used their brains, common sense and critical thinking to cast a vote for Alzheimer’s Disease victim Joe Biden?  Personally, I feel sorry for him in that he’s totally unfit to carry out the duties of president. He is no longer in control of his mind.  He’s lived a deceptive life. Why would anyone vote for “cackling” Kamala Harris…when they had Tulsi Gabbard and other fantastic women to support as to women who would actually handle becoming president?  Why would the public vote for John Fetterman as a U.S. Senator when he’s totally incompetent?  Why vote for 90-year-old U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein who doesn’t know what day it is…let alone the year?

Is there any way for America to pull out of this sociological, multicultural, immigration invasion, debt and a hundred other unsolved problems?  Is the writer from Canada correct?

Refer to the late Colorado Governor Richard D. Lamm’s speech: How to Destroy America: The Eight Ways.  It’s on the internet.  If you can’t find it, write me and I’ll send you a copy.  Yes, we are in DEEP trouble.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Cognitively, Physically, and Ethically Unfit for the Presidency of the United States: Joe Biden

By Frosty Wooldridge

June 5, 2023

Several weeks ago, pushing her wheelchair, aides brought 90-year-old U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA), back to her office after several months of recuperation from a debilitating bout with shingles, ongoing dementia and other maladies besetting her advanced age.  She can barely see out of one eye as her eyelids droop beyond repair.  She may be indicative of the breakdown of America’s representative governance.

Out in Pennsylvania, heart disease and severe stroke victim U.S. Senator John Fetterman (D-PA), walked into the Senate chambers wearing a hoodie and pair of shorts after three months in a hospital for deep depression and other mental ailments.  His mind cannot understand questions…so he needs a computer to decipher what’s being asked in order to answer.  His all-democrat base elected him not because of his scant qualifications, but because he was a democrat.  Fetterman has not and clearly cannot function as a U.S. senator. He may be another indication of the breakdown of America’s representative governance.

Last week, during the commencement speech at the Air Force Academy near my home, 80-year-old Joe Biden (D-DE), suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease and/or some form of dementia, with growing physical and cognitive decline, tripped on the stage before falling onto the wooden planks near the podium.  Horrified aides hauled him back up to his feet before guiding him back to his seat. The 900 graduating Air Force Cadets gasped that their Commander in Chief read the entire speech from a teleprompter…that at the end told him to exit the podium “stage left.”  With his body and mind failing him, Joe Biden continues to stagger forward into each day…not knowing the day of the week.

What’s VERY disconcerting stems from the fact that his wife knew he suffered from cognitive decline back in 2019 when she urged him to run a third time for the presidency of the United States.  His aides all know that he suffers from severe cognitive decline in 2023, yet not a whisper out of any of them as he runs for a second term in the next 19 months.

How do I know the signs of Biden’s dementia?  Answer: he mis-speaks, can’t remember names, forgets entire sentences, stumbles, cannot remember something 30 seconds after being told…just like my wife who suffers from Alzheimer’s Disease.  I wouldn’t support my wife for president of the local PTA.  She would be incapable of serving. At the same time, I take care of her 24/7 with heart, hugs, attention, love and everything to make her feel joy in this world.

The big question:  why are Biden’s wife and those aides along with the entire mainstream media covering up the fact that the current president of the United States, Joe Biden, is totally unfit for the office of the presidency?  He’s a danger to himself, our country and the future of America.  Another peril stems from the fact that “someone” is running this country, making huge decisions that affect all of us, and we didn’t elect them, don’t know who they are or what their intentions.

Texas GOP Rep. Ronny Jackson, MD, a former White House physician to three presidents, is continuing to raise flags over Biden’s health, concluding that he is “not fit mentally or physically” after the president fell on stage Thursday during a commencement ceremony at the U.S. Air Force Academy.

“I don’t wanna’ sound like a broken record, but I’m going to say it again: This man’s not fit mentally or physically to be our president, and it’s a bad situation for us.”

Jackson said during a Friday evening appearance on Fox News Channel’s ‘Hannity.’ “Part of the job of the President of the United States is to inspire confidence and project power, and he’s not doing that. He can’t do that, he’s too old to do that, and I think it’s a shame.”

The many gaffes and the recent fall he endured show that Biden, according to Jackson, “Is offering a package that doesn’t sell around the world. It’s becoming a national security issue for us. We have to do something about it.”

Physically, he looks like a walking cadaver.  He shakes hands with the air after a speech.  He must be physically guided at White House functions and foreign summits.  He nearly took a nosedive down a flight of concrete steps at the G-7 summit.  He embarrasses himself and our country every time he speaks without a teleprompter.

If a majority of the American people re-elect Biden to give him four more years to the age of 86, it’s almost a sure bet that he will suffer a stroke, heart attack, cancer and/or serious fall that could end up as a concussion.  That event could very well happen in the next 19 months.  His exit from the White House would upgrade the worst Vice President in the history of America into the Oval Office…Kamala Harris. Not picked for her qualifications, but for the fact she was a woman and person of color. She is the ultimate in “Inclusion, Equity, Diversity” that’s destroying our formerly “merit-based” society.

Ethically, Joe Biden has lied, cheated and deceived everyone during his lifetime.  He didn’t want his children bussed into a “racial jungle” aka, integrated schools back in 1970.  He voted against Civil Rights for blacks.  He lied about his college degrees. He plagiarized throughout his career.  He put his hands on and sniffed little girls’ hair in front of cameras for decades.

While Vice President, he used his weight to get his pervert of a son, Hunter Biden, a $50,000.00 a month position on a Ukrainian oil company’s board of directors. Usually in a cocaine stupor, Hunter Biden would not know an oil derrick from a John Deere tractor.

When it comes to “ethics” and swearing on the Bible to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution, Joe Biden has broken his oath every day for the past 28 months.  He illegally invited into our country at least 7 to 8 million illegal alien border jumpers.  He’s invited Mexican drug cartels to pour their poisons into our youth to the tune of over 170,000 deaths in the past 28 months…that’s 300 drug-overdose-deaths PER DAY. Biden has created sex trafficking, child labor and drug addictions in our young.  He’s responsible for the surge in $94.1 billion in shoplifting, annually.

Biden stands in violation of Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution. He also violates U.S. Code 8, Section 1324 in that he won’t enforce our laws.  These are impeachable offences.

His lack of “ethics” has overwhelmed our schools, hospitals and cities. We’re seeing San Francisco, LA, Portland,  Seattle, Chicago, St. Louis,  Detroit, and NYC being destroyed by criminals that are set free within hours of arrest. His ethics oversee over 100,000 homeless in California who camp out, drug-up, and destroy city streets and businesses. All those drugs flood over our unprotected borders. Is anyone thanking Joe Biden for this nightmare? Ironically, 38 percent (approval rating) of Americans think he’s doing a good job!  That 38 percent must be among the 45 million functionally illiterate Americans on welfare, food stamps and Section 8 Housing.

Like the people of California who voted for Feinstein when she was clearly in need of being put out to pasture…why did they vote her in again?  Like the people of Pennsylvania, why did they vote such incompetence and physically, a heart attack/stroke person into the U.S. Senate in Fetterman?  Fetterman’s opponent, Dr. Oz stood like a skyscraper over a mud hut in intelligence and ability to represent Pennsylvania over Fetterman.  Yet, the voters chose a mud hut.  They got one, too.  What happened to common sense in America?

Why is the mainstream press covering for this president who is clearly in the grips of Alzheimer’s Disease and/or some form of dementia?  Why haven’t our elected officials enacted the 25th Amendment to send him to an assisted living home?  Why hasn’t the mainstream media reported to the American people what is actually happening in the White House?

When will democrats and republicans in Washington DC stand up for our country?  Let’s quit the charade!  If they won’t stand up, what kind of a national nightmare awaits us?

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Undermining Intellectual Achievement in America: Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity

By Frosty Wooldridge

June 1, 2023

Diversity, equity, and inclusion provide three closely linked values held by many organizations that are working to be supportive of different groups of individuals, including people of different races, ethnicities, religions, abilities, genders, and sexual orientations.

Woke is now defined in Webster’s as “aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice),” and identified as U.S. slang. It originated in African American English and gained more widespread use beginning in 2014 as part of the Black Lives Matter movement. By the end of that same decade, it was also being applied by some as a general pejorative for anyone who is or appears to be politically left-leaning.

Last month in Washington DC, African-American Phillip Washington, an affirmative-action job climber, enjoyed a selection for the head of the Federal Aviation Administration by Joe Biden and/or *his handlers. I place that “*” in this communication…because very few Americans know who is actually in charge of our “Ship of State.”

While being interviewed by a Congressional committee for the top FAA job, Mr. Washington had never flown an airplane. He could not answer one single question about aviation.  Some of the answers he did give to the committee were totally ludicrous and completely off base.  After making a fool of himself, he withdrew his nomination.

In Joe Biden’s world, the American public faces being forced to accept intellectual mediocrity over intellectual excellence.  The American people must accept persons of color for a job rather than academic distinction.  We are being forced to accept quotas for jobs rather than standards.  Affirmative Action for minorities stands over superior performance by qualified-educated Americans of any ethnic group.

As you read this column, major universities drastically lower the standards for students in pre-medicine, law and engineering in order to “qualify” more students of color.  This practice brings “equity”, but you must ask yourself, do you want someone who cannot pass their SAT tests to become a medical surgeon operating on your heart?   Do you want an “equity” engineering student to design a car you’re driving or a bridge that could collapse like the one in Florida?  Do you want an “equity” student who cannot answer simple aviation questions to be in the cockpit of your 747-airplane flying across the Atlantic?

In other words, do you want to see America lower its standards so low that we acquire “equity” with the kids in the streets of southside Chicago, Los Angeles or New York City?  Do you want to see every American school acquire “equity” by teaching all students down to the lowest IQ in classroom?  Since the lowest IQ cannot perform calculus, algebra, physics, geometry or any other mathematical or science course…exactly how will we educate students to contribute to make our civilization successfully operate?  How will there be any students capable of entering college, a trade school, or any job that requires a person to read, write and perform simple math?

What about “inclusion”?  Do we want to give California’s 100,000 homeless drug addicts, mentally ill and/or just plain bums some kind of “inclusion” in society by giving them free apartments, cars and a monthly unearned paycheck?  Do we want to give “inclusion” to the tens of thousands of minority students who dropout or flunkout of Detroit, Chicago or New York City high schools? Do we want them shoplifting $94.1 billion annually because they cannot obtain a job?  What exactly will become of such “inclusion” in our once “merit-based” society?   How long can we allow entire groups who do not do their homework, to call math classes, “racist.”   Since I taught math, there is only one factor to successfully perform a math problem: you either study and work toward the answer…or, you lack the intellectual ability to perform the equation.  “Math” could care less about your race, creed, color or ethnic origins. Making math “racist” would make you as bright as Joy Reid, Maxine Waters, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Talaib or AOC.  Not too much intellectual company in that group! None of them could pass a 10th grade Algebra II test let alone pass a course in genetics or biology.

Let’s examine “diversity.” America is the most diverse country in the world.  This country houses every race, creed and color known to humanity. It’s got citizens and non-citizens, plus over 30 million illegal aliens in every nook and cranny of all 50 states. It’s got people living here from 190 countries around the globe. It’s got more billionaires, millionaires, rich entertainment stars, small business owners, television stars and wealthy people of every description of the rainbow. More people of every color enjoy more freedom, more money, more food, and more wealth than most all other countries combined.

Even the poor of America enjoy more food, more housing, more transportation, cleaner air, cleaner water and cleaner living standards than over half of the rest of the world. One trip to Africa, India, China or South America would provide ample proof of America’s good fortune.

And yet, MSNBC’s Joy Reid, Ilhan Omar, and so many others bad mouth all “white” Americans. They rip at the foundation of everything American while enjoying the highest standard of living on Earth. Should they visit their home countries, they would be living in refugee camps.  Same with that whole aforementioned group.

What we need in America in 2023: How about a return to personal responsibility?  How about a return to personal accountability?  How about if you enjoy food stamps and Section 8 Housing…you work for 8 hours at any offered job if you’re able-bodied?  How about a return to a two-year service to America such as the America-Corps, combat or non-combat military service, Peace Corps, Service to Communities and/or other organizations that teach skills that benefit our civilization?  How about our youth putting some skin into the game of citizenship and pride in country?  Do we want an endless string of, “11 minority youth shot in Chicago and 46 wounded over Memorial Day Weekend?”  Do we want to see a growing homeless population crisis in all our major cities?  Do we want 100,000 Americans killed by drug-overdoses annually.

Do we want to continue down this current path of national suicide?

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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What the Mexican Border Invasion Means on Memorial Day 2023

By Frosty Wooldridge

May 29, 2023

This 2023 Memorial Day, all Americans need to be more than a little uneasy.  We’re celebrating our veterans from 1776 right up to 2023. We’re celebrating our 50 states, our 339 million citizens, our freedom, our right to choose our own paths toward happiness, our Bill of Rights, our U.S. Constitution, our freedom to participate in the greatest Republic ever created in the world.

Why are many of us “uneasy”?  Simple answer: everything every man and woman fought and died for from Valley Forge, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq—is quickly vanishing as our country no longer enjoys a sovereign border.  We’re being invaded by an unarmed army of illegal alien border jumpers.  They’re pouring over the border by the millions.  They’re being invited by Joe Biden and/or his handlers. Congress continues to sit on its thumbs doing nothing to stop the invasion.

Whatever the outcome, it won’t be kind, gentle or peaceful.

Writer Christopher Brunet wrote about the “Taco Truck Delusion.”

Sure, they come to take the jobs that Americans won’t work.  What most Americans don’t understand if they haven’t traveled to Mexico, (I have extensively), is that Mexico, Central America, and South America are failed regions. People are starving, dying, suffering…but they won’t do anything to save themselves.  They flee to the USA. Understand that those regions south of us are bastions where  “corruption is a mechanism by which third world countries operate.”

We’re paying for it with tens of thousands of drug overdose deaths.  We’re paying for their babies. We’re paying for their kids’ education and medical care.  We’re paying for their rapes, shoplifting, car jackings, smash & grab crimes.  Ultimately, we’re going to pay the ultimate price of losing our entire culture, language and rule of law as a society.

Brunet said, “Five years ago, a 20-year-old college student in Iowa named Mollie Tibbetts vanished while jogging. Police soon found her decomposing body in a cornfield, stabbed to death. A 24-year-old illegal farmhand from Mexico was convicted for the murder and sentenced to life in prison without parole…

“Mollie’s father went out of his way to deny any racial angle to the murder, famously maintaining that Hispanics are “Iowans with better food.” Mollie’s father fell for the taco truck meme, the belief that open borders will just mean more taco trucks and otherwise no major changes to the American quality of life.

“The problem with the taco truck meme is that it isn’t true. I just spent six months living in Mexico. It’s a failed state. The country is ranked number one in the OECD for child abuse, number one in the world for dead journalists, and number four in the world for murder. It is also ranked number three in the world for animal abuse.

“Walking down streets full of starving, chained-up dogs exposes one to a constant stream of psychic pain…

Travel blogger Jake Nomada affectionately refers to the “lack of common sense found in many areas throughout the region as “The Latin Hammer.”

Writer Steve Sailer posits that Mexicans dislike safety precautions because “they sense that keeping their country perilous and shoddy will keep the gringos from swamping it.”

Will Biden stop the invasion?  Hell no!  That man is a walking cadaver.  His legacy will be the most disastrous since the leader of Sweden invited over a half-million Muslims into that country.  Where there was virtually no crime, no rapes, no violence in Sweden 20 years ago—-one in four women can expect to be raped in their lives by immigrants.  Schools are trashed. Buildings are bombed.  Swedes are afraid to walk down the city streets where Muslims now dominate. It is a multicultural nightmare of Africans and Muslims. Sweden will never regain itself.

Neither will we!  This invasion has gotten SO far out of hand, we’re not going to be able to bring our country back to order.  Look at the unbelievable breakdown of our cities!

While Trump succeeded in multiple ways to stem the invasion, his personality has caused the greatest rift ever in our nation.  If he should become president again, I’m afraid he would fracture our country still further.  I’d rather see Ron DeSantis, Marianne Williamson, Tulsi Gabbard, Gov. Chris Sununu, even Tim Scott become president because they offer a more moderate but firm touch in the public domain. God help us if Biden gets in for another four years. He would most certainly suffer cancer, a stroke or a heart attack.  Then, we would get “her.”  Oh my God in heaven!

Running for president, Governor Ron DeSantis said, “American decline is not inevitable—it is a choice. And we should choose a new direction—a path that will lead to American revitalization. I am running for president of the United States to lead our great American comeback.”

“He quickly shifted to the border, where drugs and illegal aliens are pouring into the country. He emphasized that crime is hollowing out American cities and that woke indoctrination is ruining our schools. He offered a platform of strong borders and law and order to challenge the chaos that the radical left has inflicted upon Americans with impunity since Biden reached the White House.”

This Memorial Day, I am proud that my grandfather Jesse Ward Johnson fought in WWI. My U.S. Marine father Howard Wooldridge fought in WWII. I served in the Army during Vietnam.  My brother John Wooldridge served in Iraq both the Army and Air Force during the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.

Every man and women who served in the Armed Forces…did not serve to see a walking cadaver like Joe Biden destroy our country by allowing this invasion.  He needs to be impeached and sent to an assisted living home.  If his wife keeps him staggering forward with props and unknown drugs into another four more years, please God, I beg you to use sensible American voters to send that skeleton of a politician into permanent retirement.

God bless America!

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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When White America Becomes the New Minority

By Frosty Wooldridge

May 25, 2023

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any faith, but to become dominant. The Qur’an should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.” Omar Ahmed, director of Council on American Islamic Relations.

In 1965, just before the Immigration Reform Act passed Congress with its pushers Teddy Kennedy, Howard Metzenbaum, and Jacob Javits, white America dominated the United States with a 90 percent majority. Black held 7 percent and Hispanics hit 3 percent.

After 58 years of relentless legal and illegal immigration, white America has dropped to 62 percent, black America reached 13 percent, and Mexican-Hispanic-Latino America has risen to over 40 percent.  According to, Hispanic America will become the new majority by 2042.

What’s it going to be like when America becomes a minority-minority-minority nation?  What kind of dynamics will erupt in the big cities? What kind of language will dominate? What kinds of cultures will dominate different cities?  What kind of “world views”  will  vie for power?  How will America fare under Sharia Law already practiced in Detroit and Minneapolis…along  with Miami, LA and many other enclaves?  Will our Constitutional Republic survive dozens of incompatible cultures, ethnic groups, violent religions and foreign languages?

Writer Christopher Roach put it this way:

“Things are about to get harder… This rapid onset of disunity has many causes: the education system, the enormous numbers of newcomers, economic precarity, and bad outcomes that have discredited authorities. Traditional unifying values are still held by older people, but every day comparatively conservative Baby Boomers pass away and new Zoomers turn 18 and are able to vote…

“Fewer states are in play politically, and this appears to be favoring the Left. This advantage will likely increase due to the demographic engineering inherent in our immigration policies. While these measures have a delayed effect, as it takes time for immigrants to acquire citizenship or for their children to turn 18, every immigrant group leans left.

Since 2000, Republicans have held the presidency at least half of the time. Yet these markers of cultural decline ticked upwards, all the same….

“Republicans and conservatives need to understand that the description of 2016 as the “Flight 93 Election” was real. That was the time to impose an immigration moratorium and build a wall. Even at that time, it may have been too late. But Republicans failed in addressing this trend. It was later made worse by efforts to render mail-in voting easier.”

Effective Minority Politics

Roach said, “Does this mean we should give up? No. But it does indicate that we should adjust our focus. Instead of sweating about the results of hopeless national elections, the coalition that now makes up the Right—two-parent families, small business owners, and cultural conservatives—needs to start thinking about how to exercise political power as a minority.”

Things are about to get harder, much, much harder!

You might start getting upset when you understand that there is a racial, cultural, and linguistic riptide roaring under the surface of the American landscape.  You can see it in the 125,000 Somali immigrants in Minneapolis who have totally trashed American schools, businesses and the welfare system. They have stolen millions in EBT card money. House member Ilhan Omar, as crooked as they come with cheating on her immigration papers, marrying her brother, and defrauding the federal government…cannot be touched because she is female,  black and an immigrant.

Have you driven through Dearborn, Michigan?  I have. It’s a little Baghdad with 300,000 Islamic followers who could care less about America.  They bow to Mecca five times a day.  You don’t dare build a Christian church in Dearborn.  It’s a welfare city in Dearborn…all your tax dollars paid to fly them here and pay for feeding and housing them here in that once “All-American Motor City.”

How do you think it’s going to work out with Mexicans taking over all of California?  The president of Mexico recently bragged that 40 million Mexican now live in America.  Yes, most of them illegally.

What about New York City’s 80,000 new illegal alien border jumpers taking up residence in that city. Even African-American Mayor Eric Adams noted that his city has been invaded. He needs billions of taxpayer dollars to pay for his Sanctuary City’s growing nightmare of border hoppers. There are 800 different languages spoken on the streets of NYC, daily.

What happens when all those minorities move into elected positions to promote their own cultures, languages and world views in every city, town and village in America?

The fact grows daily: we’re losing America to an entirely degraded, devolved and angry incoming population.  There’s no way a 68 IQ Somali immigrant possesses any idea of what constitutes work, governance, education and speaking English.

There is no way followers of Islam will ever pledge allegiance to the United States of America.

“It is the nature of Islam to dominate, not to be dominated, to impose its law on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet.” -Hassan Al-Banna 

“The West is tremendously naive about the danger of these various Islamic organizations.” -Dr. Mamoun Fandy, Middle East expert on the network of organizations around the Muslim Brotherhood

When France opened its borders to unlimited Muslim immigration in the 1970s, French writer Jean Raspail, penned a prophetic novel, Camp of the Saints, describing the consequences of that senseless choice, “You don’t know my people—the squalor, superstitions, the fatalistic sloth that they’ve wallowed in for generations.  You don’t know what you’re in for if that fleet of brutes ever lands in your lap.  Everything will change in this country of yours.  They will swallow you up!”

Have you been Europe recently?  I have! It’s an accelerating nightmare of barbarians within the gates.

Read this quote and weep:

“Immigrants devoted to their own cultures and religions are not influenced by the secular politically correct façade that dominates academia, news-media, entertainment, education, religious and political thinking today,” said James Walsh, former Associate General Counsel of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service. “They claim the right not to assimilate, and the day is coming when the question will be how can the United States regulate the defiantly unassimilated cultures, religions and mores of foreign lands?  Such immigrants say their traditions trump the U.S. legal system.  Balkanization of the United States has begun.”

This destruction of America accelerates at our southern border where 100 U.S. Senators do nothing to stop it and another 435 House Members follow through by doing nothing.

End result? Our country is being turned into nothing!

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Manhood: What It Means in 21st Century America

By Frosty Wooldridge

May 22, 2023

With all the hoopla about transgenderism, LGTQB+ and drag queens making the headlines in recent years, I felt called to try to bring a bit of common sense and rational thinking as to what it’s like to be a man in 21st century America.

I may fail…however I know what it’s like to be a man because I’ve been an honorable American male all my life.  No regrets. I made my father and mother proud.  I will continue to make them proud until my last breath.

Webster’s definition of manhood: Masculinity, also known as manhood or manliness, is a set of attributes, behaviors, and roles associated with men and boys.  Masculinity can be understood as socially constructed, and there is also evidence that some behaviors considered masculine are influenced by both cultural factors and biological factors.  Standards of masculinity vary across different cultures and historical periods.

For this all-American male, it gets down to the qualities of “being” as a man.  Manhood means that you honor your own integrity toward yourself and others.  You treat women with kindness, respect, a listening ear and understanding.  You treat children and animals with the same respect you would like to be treated.  You honor all races,  colors and cultures.  You try to understand other points of view.  You grow in your capacity toward wisdom, knowledge and enlightenment.  You honor others who take a different path as long as it does not harm your journey.

My father was the youngest of 11 children.  His father left the family when my dad was three.  His mother died when he was eight.  He grew up with one of his older brothers…very poor.  And yet, without any role models, my father raised five kids with kindness, respect, no drinking, no smoking and no cursing.  He drew a line as to our good behavior as to what he expected.  He and my mother raised five productive and good kids.  We contributed to American society with honor.

But today, we’re seeing all sorts of aberrant behavior coming from transgenderism, gay drag queen shows, LGBTQ+ and a host of almost comical if not absurd renditions of human beings.

I respect anyone who wants to pretend to be a woman when they are in fact, a man, or a woman who wants to pretend to be a man, but in fact is a woman. Fact: you cannot change your DNA sex, ever, period!

I do not support a 6’4” man like Will “Lia” Thomas competing in a woman’s bathing suit in the NCAA and pretending to be a female.  He and all trans-men or women need to compete in their own National Collegiate Trans Association.  Let all trans people live their illusions in their own arenas, but leave the rest of us out of that absurd equation. It will be shown in history books that senile, old men like Joe Biden’s support of trans-men in women’s sports was/is incredibly stupid, moronic and really nuts.

Keep trans-men out of women’s bathrooms.  Keep them out of women’s sports.  In the history books, future generations will be laughing at our folly for allowing such a charade to continue for so long with “authorities” supporting the ridiculousness of men competing against women…as if it’s reasonable. It is not!

With the drag queen shows in schools and libraries, I’ve got a beef with gay men. A large percentage of them are sexual predators of young boys. My own fifth grade teacher was gay. He sexually attacked my brother. My sixth-grade teacher was gay…and he sexually molested me.  I don’t think any gay teachers should be teaching in elementary or high school. Young kids don’t know enough to defend themselves let alone understand what a gay person is doing to them.  In college, I was also sexually attacked by gays. By that time, I could kick their asses and fend them off…and I did.

What about “toxic masculinity”?   Well, yes, three women die daily in America from being beaten by their husband or significant other.  Female abuse in America is a “non-spoken” epidemic. Across the world, Muslim men kill 20,000 of their wives and daughters annually…known as honor killings.  Same with female genital mutilation! It’s just plain murder, and assault and battery.  It’s “toxic masculinity” plain and simple. But of course, it’s a taboo subject in America today because we are a multicultural society.  (Source: UN “Honor Killings”)

More toxic masculinity rears its head in America with 7 out of 10 African-American babies being born out of wedlock to a single mother on welfare.  That means those black men spread their sperm without any understanding of masculine integrity or responsibility.  We all pay for it in disintegrating cities, gangs, drugs, shoplifting, carjacking’s, school dropouts, illiteracy and endless teen killings in Chicago, NYC, St. Louis, Detroit, LA, Baltimore and beyond.

U.S. Senator Josh Hawley, (R-MO), wrote a book: Manhood.  In it, he shows how to rear young boys to become responsible men.  He honors the family, the father, the mother, and the family unit.  I think we all could learn from that book.  It’s sensible, honest, reasonable and filled with integrity.

Please understand that a responsible American male, while he’s young, dumb, and stupid…he still must take responsibility for his actions.  We need to force absent fathers to pay for their children…or, send them to jail to pay for their stupidities. One way or the other, we need them in jail to stop spreading their sperm across the landscape.

If we continue to see the massive crime wave spreading across America such as $94.1 billion in shoplifting annually, mostly men, we need to come down hard on them.  Prison, prison, prison.  We could teach educational courses in prison, but if they don’t learn, keep them out of honest American society.

Same thing with the 14,000,000 drunk drivers on our roads 24/7!  Put them in jail to keep them from killing the rest of us at 24,000 deaths annually at the hands of drunk drivers or texters. (Source: MADD)

In the end, yes, I could cover more aspects of “manhood” and what it’s like to be a good, sound, caring, loving, honest and hardworking American man.  I think we need to teach honest masculinity in schools, in marriage counseling before marriage, and especially, to our children.  How a father treats his wife is how his sons will treat their wives.  Not only that, his daughters will learn what to expect from any man they date or marry.  In fact, those daughters will expect and demand respect from any man…boss, colleague, co-worker…in their lives.

In the end, I thank my father for being kind to my mother. I thank my mother for being kind to my dad.  I thank both of them for teaching me to be a good, wholesome and loving human being.  And, along the way, thank them for the laughter…that, to this day, soothes my soul.

It is an honor to be my father and mother’s son.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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This Is What The Great Replacement Looks Like

By Frosty Wooldridge

May 18, 2023

Very few Americans realize that Biden, and your elected Congressional representatives, continue their dogged determination to replace the majority of Americans with an endless and growing line of refugees from 160 countries around the world. In April, the U.S. Border Patrol processed 200,000 of them…and sent them to all points of our country. They live in motels, hotels, U.S. military bases, school gyms, train stations, police stations, abandon buildings with instant Porta-Potties, and private homes. Soberingly, your tax dollars pay for all of it to the tune of $150,000,000,000.00 (billion) annually. Not only that, but Congress imports 1,000,000 (million) legal immigrants annually. They add themselves to our welfare rolls with SSI.

Do you realize if this invasion continues under Biden, you’re going to have third world welfare adults, babies and chain-migrated relatives into the 10’s of millions within 25 years? In other words, you, your city, and your state are being replaced with the poor of the world. Why isn’t anyone speaking up? Why are the NGO’s, Catholic Charities, and Lutheran Charities begging for more illegal and legal migrants? Are they that stupid? Or, are they THAT money hungry?

Worse than that, most Americans remain clueless as to the long-term consequences.

Speaking with Todd Bensman of the Center for Immigration Studies,, I learned a great deal. What’s going on Mr. Bensman? He said, “In recent days, large crowds of immigrants have formed on the Mexican side of the Rio Grande fully prepared to swim over well-worn crossing spots to Brownsville – but seemingly held back by unarmed Mexican immigration officials.

“Over the course of several recent days in this northeastern Mexican city when perhaps 3,000 immigrants a day swam over to Brownsville with no opposition on either side, a curious pattern became evident. At some sort of signal from the Mexican immigration officers, a group of about 100-150 from the crowd would suddenly stand in unison and rush down the riverbank, past the immigration officers, and swim over to America.

“It turns out that this pattern was far from happenstance. The Center for Immigration Studies asked several of the Mexican immigration officers what was going on and learned that… Biden’s Department of Homeland Security has been coordinating these mass swims with Mexico’s immigration service, INM, at high levels on an encrypted Whatsapp channel…

“The Americans on the other side would ask the Mexicans to hold back the migrants – not because such crossings are illegal and should be blocked and obstructed, but only until the Americans had finished processing the last batch into the country through Brownsville…

“Controlled-flow by the Biden administration’s DHS with Mexico also constitutes a highly unusual U.S. policy that demonstrates formal acquiescence to illegal immigration and an official willingness to accommodate mass illegal immigration rather than stopping, blocking, or deterring it, as required by law.”

That’s what Joe Biden and his accomplices are doing to you, your tax dollars and to your community. Eventually, with another 10 or 20 million alien migrants, every community in America will be replaced with third world poverty, illiteracy and welfare recipients.

After spending three weeks on the border, I saw the tons of trash they left in the desert, gullies, riverbeds, riverbanks, and camping areas. They will bring that same “cultural proclivity” into America. They will trash America because they’ve trashed their own countries.

Thousands of tons of junk that buries the natural landscape in trash and filth—destroys the natural habitat. Here is a 2.0-minute video of what I personally witnessed. Trashing America:

“Texas National Guardsmen who patrol the area call it “the mattress because the layers of discarded clothing and personal belongings here [are] so thick and rubbery,” Bensman reported.

“The garbage will, of course, “kill everything beneath it” and destroy the area for wildlife.”

“And you better not fall down: There are syringes, diapers, animal droppings, food, personal sanitation products full of chemicals, non-biodegradable trash of every kind, and human waste. And personal documents, and identification all get tossed before being processed.

Do you know what grinds this American citizen? Answer: I’ll tell you point blank. Our country is getting screwed, choked, and destroyed by a senile president and/or his handlers…along with a majority of 535 useless U.S. Senators and House members. These people are working on the total destruction of our society, our laws, our culture, our way of life.

If you think what’s going on in America today is off the charts “crazy”, just hang around for another 10 years to see our country coming off the rails like in East Palestine, Ohio. China or Russia won’t have to conquer us. We’re being conquered by our own president and Congressional critters.

We’re not going to survive this invasion. We’re being replaced by a third world horde. It’s going to play out in multiple, ugly and destructive ways across our once great country. I feel sorry for our children.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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White Supremacy Vs White Privilege Vs White Western Culture

By Frosty Wooldridge

May 15, 2023

Joe Biden was a renowned racist 50 years ago in that he didn’t want his children educated in an integrated racial jungle.  He repeatedly spoke out against bussing children to integrate schools.

In 1977, Biden said: “Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point.” (Source:

In his latest speech, he called White Supremists the most dangerous terrorists in America.

There’s a big problem with that charge.   Most of the killings in “majority minority” cities like Chicago, St. Louis, New Orleans, Detroit, NYC, LA and beyond…show black-on-black crimes as the fastest way to get killed in America for African-Americans people.  In fact, black crime reduced Detroit, Michigan to car-jackings at stop lights, gang killings, mega-shoplifting, breaking & entering, schools with 80 percent flunkout and dropout rates, teachers fleeing classrooms, graffiti everywhere, burned out cars on streets, single women with 24 children via ADC payments, crooked Mayor Coleman Young…along with the loss of 1.2 million whites fleeing the city.  How do I know all of these facts?  I worked there for nearly 20 years.

Today, we’ve got New York Governor Hochul and NYC Mayor Adams pronouncing that the state and city are sanctuary sites for illegal aliens. But now that they have flooded into the city and state at over 61,000 illegal migrants, they want federal dollars to bail them out. Illegal migrants flood Denver, LA, San Francisco, Chicago, Atlanta and other sanctuary cities?  The question remains: how many millions more can America absorb?  How can we pay for them? How can we feed them? Where will we house them?

How do you spell “White Privilege…White Supremacy…White Culture?”  How does it perform?  What does it take to build a successful and peaceful society?

If you look at “Black Privilege…Black Supremacy…Black Culture,” how do you gage black success?  The fact remains:  black culture dominates Africa.  Would you point to Somalia, Congo, and/or Ethiopia as examples of successful black culture?  If they are successful, why are they all trying to reach America to escape their own misery, starvation and hopelessness in those countries?

Okay, African-Americans dominate Baltimore, Maryland. Its unemployment rolls explode off the charts. Single mothers’ kids on welfare dominate the schools.  Baltimore features 28 major schools where not one kid can perform math, science, reading or writing at grade level.  Why haven’t the African-American school boards,  principals, mayor, police chief, and other elected officials corrected the situation?

I followed T.  Chilton, Neo-Ciceronian Times, May 14, 2023 when he spoke about “Cargo Cult Mentality behind White Privilege.”

He said, “Many of us are familiar with the metaphor of the “cargo cult.” The term itself was coined by the famous physicist Richard Feynman…

“Briefly, the phenomenon of the cargo cult was observed in the South Pacific during World War II. Pacific Islanders would observe the Americans building runways and control towers… The islanders would build their own bamboo mockups… expecting that planes full of food and medicines would come to them as well…

“Ultimately, cargo cults rested on a form of magical thinking, on the failure to understand the fundamental reasons for why a phenomenon was taking place…

“In many ways, the current progressive obsession with “white privilege” is essentially the same kind of thinking…

“Yet, as western nations continue to import low-IQ third worlders, they will not be able to maintain the level of civilization that they have hithertofore achieved…

“An excellent example of this is found in the decolonialization of Africa and other parts of the third world. It showed that you can build the infrastructure of western material civilization and fill it with the spirit of western law and religion, but you can’t maintain it without Europeans or Anglos. When the westerners departed, the streets and sewers and airports were left, but the “mental infrastructure” needed to purvey these resources into genuine societal success were lacking…

“The progressive obsession with viewing human beings as blank slates – free of all interference from genetics or inherited culture – is a fundamentally flawed way of understanding humanity…

“Civic Nationalism is the very quintessence of the nominalism that underlies this cargo cult mentality: we’ll take a non-westerner, give him a piece of paper that says he’s a U.S. citizen, and pretend that he becomes one of us merely by naming him as such. Propositional citizenship (and by extension, nationhood) of this type is wishful thinking at its most destructive. It’s completely cargo cult….”

We’re facing a mega-problem in America if we continue to import third world people who cannot grasp or participate in First World Western Culture.  If they lack the intellectual ability to learn how to be a carpenter, bricklayer, electrician, plumber, home builder, doctor, teacher or any other job that requires minimal intellectual levels—-at some point our society will implode.

For example, we know that Joe Biden, in the throes of Alzheimer’s Disease, does not understand what he is doing to our country with his open borders mandate. Such people as Governor Kathy Hochul or Colorado Governor Jared Polis or Mayor Lori Lightfoot of Chicago or Mayor Mike Hancock of Denver or Mayor Adams of NYC—all of them remain oblivious to the fact that we have already exceeded our carrying capacity for migrants.  And, yet, they pitch the same old barf and crap about their humanity and “sanctuary cities” for every single illegal migrant.

But what happens when the 20 millionth or 30 millionth illegal migrant descends on their cities? What happens when we cannot feed, house or care for them?  What happens when we go broke?  What happens when our Western Culture degrades into third world culture?

Why hasn’t anyone asked these questions?  If we don’t answer them, none of us are going to like what’s coming…because what’s coming ain’t pretty.  I need to write a book: The Strange Death of America and How We Killed Our Country via Our Own Stupid Leaders.  Do you have a better title?

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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America Is Becoming Nuttier Than a Fruitcake

By Frosty Wooldridge

May 11, 2023

Looking out across the American landscape in 2023, you cannot help but appreciate that it’s getting to be nuttier than a fruitcake party. You’ve got men pretending to be women. Drag queens! You’ve got women trying to grow a beard. Cher’s daughter, Chastity. You’ve got male transgenders competing against DNA, real women. You’ve got those same “males” walking into girls’ locker rooms with their “package” in full view as if to announce the “new” femineity for the 21st century.

After fighting for centuries to give women equal rights such as the ability to drive a car, vote, fly a plane, ride a bicycle, play full-court basketball, Title IX programs to boost women’s sports, and equality in marriages—-transgender men are now trouncing women in swimming, tennis, wrestling, weightlifting, track and more. Even the First Lady of America bestowed the crown for “Woman of the Year” to a transgender male (pretend woman) without flinching as to the destruction of her own femaleness.

It’s getting terribly nuts out there in 21st century America.

This past week on a New York City subway train, an African-American, drug addicted, crazy man with 44 arrests was threatening the passengers of the subway before a 24 year old former U.S. Marine took him down along with two other minority men and held him to protect all the other passengers. Mr. Neely died in the process. Now, all black New Yorkers are calling for the Marine to be prosecuted for murder.

At the same time, four African-American youth in Chicago several nights ago, killed an African-American police officer at her mother’s doorstep after working the night shift in bloody Chicago. Police Officer Areanah Preston was highly decorated and about to receive her Master’s Degree on the weekend. What did Black America do? Answer: not a peep about the killing. Oh, four black youths are now in custody for the killing of the black female police officer. What will happen to them? If African-American Chicago district attorney Kim Foxx has her way, they will receive “community service” for a week to teach them a lesson.

Meanwhile, Chicago averages upwards of 20 shootings weekly with up to 10 deaths—as a normal matter of daily living in the Windy City.

With the full-scale invasion of our southern border accelerating with the ending of Title 42 on May 11, 2023, the normal flow of illegals under Joe Biden has been 5,200 per day. In the past two nights, 10,300 illegal aliens crossed our border…each night. They were given passes and busses to anywhere in the USA.

At this point, every city importing those illegal migrants faces foreign homeless refugees that are eating taxpayers’ wallets. And yet, sanctuary cities, their mayors and governors LOVE the refugees with free hotels, food and amenities…at your taxpayer expense…of course.

At the same time, Congress does NOTHING to stop the invasion!

We’ve got President Joe Biden trapped in the throes of Alzheimer’s Disease, but his wife encouraged him to run for reelection. “I need to finish the job,” he mumbled through his teleprompter. His handlers must be wondering how they are going to cover for his dementia for another 5.8 years. If he finishes the “job”, we won’t have a country left.

In Allen, Texas last week, an angry Hispanic named Garcia killed eight people in a mall. Immediately, the mainstream media said he was a “white supremacist.” African-American Larry Elder, running for president of the United States, is called the “black-version” of white supremacy. Why? Because he is a Republican. African-American U.S. Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina announced his candidacy for the presidency. He’s full-on all American…loves the Constitution…loves our flag, but I wonder, what are they going to call him? Answer: probably an Uncle Tom. Another candidate, Vivek Ramaswamy (R), originally from Indian descent, will be called something derogatory at some point. Ironically, he enjoys the highest IQ of all the candidates.

Definition of stupid: knowing the truth, seeing the truth, but still believing in Joe Biden. A whole new form of stupid: voting for him.

Is all of that nuts or what?

Every time you turn around in this country, virtually all white people are called “racists.” Fast foods want their workers to be “less white.” Yet, in the past 26 months, over 7.0 million people of color breached America’s borders illegally to arrive in this “racist” nation. Can anyone explain that phenomenon to me?

“Only in America can African-Americans have Black History Month, The Black Caucus, Black Awareness Month, Black Entertainment Television, Black Only, Miss Black America, all black schools, all black organizations, Blackish, all black colleges, all black dating websites, all black bars—-yet turn around and call all white Americans, racists.”

Today, the U.S. Navy advertises for drag queens, transgenders, homosexuals and other sexually deviant characters to join the Navy. For some reason, Navy brass lack any understanding that homosexuals and transgender “men” make high-octane, high testosterone Navy Seals’ skin crawl at the possibility of serving with those characters in combat. The reality is: transgenders are living an illusion.

Finally, how can this once rational nation support children under 21, who don’t know their own minds and don’t understand consequences of gender surgery—-to perform castrations, breast removal and hormone replacement that will disfigure or change their entire lives in really horrible ways? Why aren’t more rational minds mandating that such children wait until they are 21 to make such drastic choices?

Obviously, I have touched on only a few of the “nuttier than a fruitcake party” topics in this column. We’ve got some really insane racial conflict going on in America. We’ve got cultural conflict. We’ve got gender confusion. We’ve got useless, stupid and worthless U.S. Senators and House members. We’ve got people pushing Critical Race Theory because they want to see race wars promulgated. We’ve got people dumbing down educational curriculums to benefit minorities who lack any educational thrust or intellectual abilities to complete their studies. There are powerful forces trying to collapse America economically, racially and culturally. Guess what? They are succeeding.

And, when you include that transgender moron Dylan Mulvaney drinking Bud Light in a bathtub full of bubbles, dear fellow American, I won’t be associated with drinking Bud Light, either, for the rest of my days!

We’re driving our country into a third world sh*t hole. Ironically, most Americans just sit back, press the remote…and don’t think it will happen to them. They are right! What’s coming will happen to their children.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Full-Scale Invasion of America: The Serious Ramifications to All of Us

By Frosty Wooldridge

May 8, 2023

Part 3:  An astounding 45 million Americans functionally illiterate, 48 million people in the USA foreign born, another 20 million illegals foreign born,  6.6 million more illegals in past 26 months foreign born, Balkanizing America into major conflict, populating it into chaos.

The news journalists on FOX with Lawrence Jones and CBS this past weekend reported that after Title 42 expires on May 11, 2023, the average flow of illegal migrants will jump from 5,200 daily, which equates to 150,000 monthly for the past 26 months—-to 10,000 daily, which will exceed 300,000 illegal migrants every 30 days.

The fact remains that President Joe Biden and/or his handlers prove themselves TOTALLY out of touch with the end result of Biden’s orchestration of this foreign invasion.  His head of the Department of Homeland Security, Alejanhandro Mayorkas, also foreign-born in Cuba, supports the invasion while undermining the U.S. Border Patrol at every juncture.

From my planetary travels through many third world countries, what do  you think I discovered as to what causes endless poverty, starvation and human misery in those nations?  Answer: illiteracy. It’s viciously circular in that such countries lack birth control measures or maintain religions that condemn birth control. Thus, they overpopulate themselves into continued misery because they cannot educate their citizenry.  They add, 83,000,000 new babies, net gain annually.  There is no way they can water, feed, house, educate, or provide work for THAT many people.  Thus, millions search for a new country to inhabit.

Let me make this very clear: we could take in 30 million refugees a year, but that means another 53 million refugees would still be pounding down our borders to get into the USA.  That living nightmare would repeat itself every year to the end of this century. Let that sink-in for a minute.

As it is with the 6.6 million that crossed illegally into our country in the past 26 months, it’s costing U.S. taxpayers $150,000,000,000.00 (billion) annually to house, feed, and care for them. (Sources: U.S. Border Patrol,  Did you see the report on FOX NEWS on Saturday?  FOX anchor Lawrence Jones interviewed a Chicago journalist who gave a report on the “Inn of Chicago” that is housing, feeding and caring for illegal migrants with 359 rooms at $300.00 a night per room. With at least four to a room, they feed 1,436 people three meals a day.  The reporter said, “The Inn of Chicago” is receiving $25 million monthly to house and feed those illegals—that’s your tax dollars.  (I have no idea the validity of that number, but I personally heard the Chicago reporter make that statement.)

If another 6.6 million illegals or more enter, along with 2.0 million more immigrants legally entering our country within the next 20 months of Biden’s term, we are looking at a financial disaster, housing disaster, educational disaster, sociological disaster, cultural disaster, linguistic disaster, and economic disaster—-beyond our ability to comprehend, let alone survive it.

Our Own National Problems Off The Charts Already

According to latest government reports, we house 45 million functionally illiterate Americans in 2023.  (Source: They are homeless, existing  on welfare and food stamps. If they do work a redundant job, what do you think we’re going to do with millions of added illiterate people?  How will we find redundant jobs for these millions of illiterate refugees?  How will we feed millions more of those uneducated migrants?

What about 48 million foreign-born in America in 2023?  (Source: )  What happens when that number tops 100 million foreign-born?  How do we maintain American culture when that 100 million will be manifesting their own cultures within our culture—-that will completely destroy our culture?!  (Source: 100,000,000 immigrants added by 2050, watch video by Roy Beck at the end of this column.)

What about the 20 million illegals who have lived here for the past 30 years? (Source: Adios, America: The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole)   They work illegally; they send $100 billion back to their own countries annually and they possess no affinity to America…other than we pay for their kids’ education and food at school.

With all of this importation of people from 150 countries, do you see what’s coming?   Do you think we, as the American people, will survive any of the “aspects” of all these incompatible cultures, languages and world views?  How will we survive the sheer numbers?

My prediction: WE WON’T SURVIVE IT.  What’s coming at our country is going to be the ugliest demise of a civilization EVER in the history of the world.  As it is, we have not solved our Black/White conflict in America over the past 400 years. How in the hell will we deal with endless racial conflict, cultural conflict and the sheer numbers of another 100 million immigrants descending upon our country?

“Diversity within a nation destroys unity and leads to civil wars,” said social scientist Garret Hardin. “Immigration, a benefit during the youth of a nation, can act as a disease in its mature state. Too much internal diversity in large nations has led to violence and disintegration. We are now in the process of destabilizing America. The magic words of destabilizers are ‘diversity’ and ‘multiculturalism’.”

America cannot become the “charity ward” for the world’s desperate people. We cannot degrade our citizens to “save” Mexico or Central America’s poor. We cannot save Africa’s refugees when we suffer 13 million American children living in poverty and 1.0 million homeless. We cannot pay for immigrants’ food, housing and education when we’re $31 trillion in national debt. We cannot save the rest of the world’s people, but by importing them—we will destroy our own society and civilization.  Exponential growth cannot be sustained.  The third world’s poor prove that fact as they explode across the globe and race toward first world countries.  Look at Europe!  It’s headed for the toilet of Islamic misery.  We must think about and care about our citizens first, middle and always. It’s time to change the ‘good ole boy’ network of corruption in DC.  If we continue on this current path, by adding another 100 million legal immigrants and millions more refugees, we face collapse into a multicultural-diversity nightmare of overpopulation and sociological chaos.

Finally, what does your U.S. citizenship mean in 2023?  Answer: nothing to most of those 535 elected swamp-rats in Washington D.C., along with a president who couldn’t tell you what day of the week it is or what year or the definition of common sense.

If you realize the serious ramifications and consequences to our country in this three part series, please forward to all your networks. We must educate our citizens and create a consensus of Americans to force Congress and Biden to stop this immigrant-invasion of our country.

Once you see these two short videos, you will understand what your children face within 25 years. Anyone alive in 2050 will be subject to the consequences of this invasion’s aftermath as America jumps from 340 million in 2023 to 440 million in 2050:

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls, Roy Beck, director of  www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers-off the chart”  by Roy Beck This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Part 2: It’s a Full-Scale Invasion by Design and Fully Orchestrated by Biden and Congress

By Frosty Wooldridge

May 4, 2023

Part 2: Drug cartels own the border, Title 42 expires, planned invasion by our own politicians, end results in American lives.

This week, White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre stated, “When it comes to illegal immigration, you’ve seen it come down by more than 90 percent.” It’s a quiet secret that the White House press corps whisper that she is an “air head” or worse, “S.F.B.’s.”

Since I stood on the Texas and Arizona border for two weeks in April, my own eyes can verify to you that she is a flat-out liar. But then, so is her boss. He lies; she lies; they all lie. None of them know what’s occurring at the border. Wait a minute! Yes, they do! They orchestrated this invasion.

U.S. Senator Sinema (I-AZ) hit back at Jean-Pierre, “Obviously, the border is not secure. Anyone with eyes can see that. And anyone who lives in a border state like I do, born and raised in Arizona, actually takes offense at comments like that because they’re just factually not true. The reality is, is that border communities in my state are suffering already, and that’s before the end of Title 42.”

Here are the facts as reported by the U.S. Border Patrol: illegal migrants have averaged 150,000 crossings monthly for the past 26 months with several months at 251,000 per month. Border Patrol officers tabulated 5.5 million illegals processed and sent into the country with 1.1 million “got a-ways” who snuck in without being processed.

As reported in Part 1 of this series, Biden invited a total of 10.1 million people into the USA in the past 26 months. If he gets re-elected, it will mean in excess of 20 million people from 150 countries with absolutely NO allegiance or affinity to our culture, language and/or way of life.

As President Lincoln and others have said, America would never be defeated from without, but rather from within. The Historian Arnold Toynbee worded it differently: “Great nations die by suicide.” The Roman Empire, said to have forfeited its hegemony to the barbarian Visigoths, Vandals, Franks, and Celts in 476, was on its way out long before that: its economy over extended, with a devalued currency; barbarians invading porous borders, diluting the culture; corruption and division in government; the society rife with immorality. Sound familiar? America 2023!

One of my friends said, “Very sad that our children and grandkids will never know the America of post-Depression, post-WW2. A quote (paraphrased) attributed to FDR: “If the people think that important world events happen by chance, they would be wrong. We planned them that way.” (Remember Pearl Harbor)

“Our society is now too under-educated to know the import of what has been happening to America over the past century.”

“While America is being brought to its knees, the Chinese are taking over the resources needed to feed the Green Energy agenda, including planting EV battery plants in Michigan, while organizing a counterpart to Western alliances with BRICS, intending to replace the Petrodollar with the Yuan: a roller-coaster ride from Republic to Ruin. The Nobel-winning Economist, FA Hayek, wrote a book in the 1940’s entitled. The Road to Serfdom.”

My interviews of the Border Patrol officers were taken in their trucks right alongside the 30-foot barbed wire wall. I could see illegals with packs walking along the wall in Nogales, Arizona. They wait until five o’clock a.m. to make their moves into the USA where the fence is gone.

Officer Agarrie said, “The fools in Washington don’t understand what they are doing to the country. I’ve got two kids and I’m afraid for their future. We catch migrants in the morning. We process them. We return them to Mexico on Title 42. They jump the border again until they escape north.”

When does it end?

“Well, Trump had stopped most illegals with his ‘remain in Mexico’ mandate,” he said. “Once Biden got in, he opened the floodgates.”

How do so many get to the border?

“Mexico transport busses rush them to the border by the millions. Mexicans are making a fortune,” he said. “Even though the drugs are deadly to America’s youth, we see no end to the drugs coming across the border. As long as there is a market, there will be suppliers.”

How would you like a 30-foot iron fence through your town? How would you like three rolls of concertina wire at the top on your side, and three more rolls of concertina wire at the bottom? How would you like drug dealers, rapists, and killers like the one in Texas who killed a family of five this week, and had been deported four times—to enjoy easy access to your community?

Why would Biden appoint foreign-born Alejandro Mayorkas to be head of the Department of Homeland Security when he has done nothing to stop the invasion? In fact, in Senate committee testimony, he said that we should have open borders for all to enter.

Mayorkas: “We Can Solve the Border Crisis by Opening the Border.”

Columnist Neil Munro said, “Mayorkas is a pro-migration zealot who argues that laws curbing migration as subordinate to the “Nation of Immigrants” narrative that was established by lobby groups during the Cold War, when immigrants were just 7 percent of the population

He has said his border management is “all about equity” which is really the core founding principle of our country.”

What kind of equity does that create for our 540,000 homeless Americans, our tens of thousands of homeless veterans, our drug-addicted youth dying off at 100,000 annually, our cities being overrun by illegals that we pay for at $150,000,000,000.00 annually out of our taxes, our food prices exploding through the roof, our cities gridlocked with cars and toxic air pollution? Is that “equity” Mr. Mayorkas or is it “collateral damage?”

Where’s the equity in all our major cities where crimes dominate the news, daily? What kind of equity does it create for our overwhelmed schools and our kids?

My final questions to you as an American: What do we do when our entire culture, language and ethos fragments into foreign enclaves? Have you seen France or Sweden lately? How do we pull ourselves back from the suicide-brink as spoken by historian Arnold Toynbee? Do we think we can outsmart history? Can we endure another Biden press secretary who features “S.F.B.’s?”

Part 3: What’s the final curtain? What happens to American born citizens? What happens to our culture? What about our sustainability as a civilization? Who has the guts to speak up? What happens when Title 42 expires on May 11, 2023?

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

It’s A Full-Scale Invasion: Joe Biden’s Immigrant Mob

By Frosty Wooldridge

May 1, 2023

In April, I visited the border in Nogales, Arizona, as well as other locations, to witness a full-scale invasion of the United States of America.  What did I learn by witnessing it firsthand? What did I learn from the U.S. Border Patrol?  What did I learn about Joe Biden and/or his handlers? What did I learn about the future of America?

  1. Our country is no longer a sovereign nation. It’s a destination country for anyone and everyone who wants to break our laws, invade our borders and tap into our welfare systems.
  2. Our country is the largest recipient of deadly drugs in the history of the world.  I learned that Joe Biden and/or his handlers, and the majority of the U.S. Senate and House have no intention of stopping the invasion.  It will continue as it has for over 30 years until it breaks our country into pieces.  It will continue until our welfare systems break down. It will continue until we lose our national identity as Americans. It will continue until our culture fractures and fragments into ethnic enclaves and languages.
  3. Our country is being used as a “human dump” for the third world’s poor, destitute, illiterate and diseased.  The migrants have no identification, disease check, Covid check, educational check or religious-terrorist intentions check at the border.
  4. Our Border Patrol agents have become “Travel Agents” for the world’s poor at the explicit orders of Joe Biden.
  5. Our country is being used for child trafficking, sex trafficking, child labor and drug-gang trafficking like no other country in the world.
  6. Our country is being used as a fentanyl, heroin, meth, hash, ecstasy, and other drugs dumping grounds that kill 70,000 to as high as 110,000 of our citizens annually.  And our Washington DC representatives have not and will not stop the drugs from crossing our borders.  In fact, Joe Biden encourages drug cartels to dump their drugs because he hasn’t and won’t do anything to stop them.
  7. Our country has been absorbing an average of 150,000 to as high as 251,000 illegal migrants every 30 days for the past 26 months of Biden’s reign of dementia, incompetence and malfeasance.
  8. Our country’s taxpayers gave those illegal migrants $150,000,000,000.00 (billion) in 2022 to feed, house, educate and medically care for them as tabulated by the Federation For American Immigration Reform. (Source:
  9. If this invasion continues, and it will continue, with another 8,000,000 migrants from around the world in the past 26 months, and Joe Biden allows another 8.0 million into the USA in the next 20 months of his term in office—-it will irrevocably change the fabric of our society, culture, language and way of life.
  10. Our country faces a complete and total breakdown in the rule of law. You can see it across the United States with $94.1 billion in shoplifting in 2022.  You can see it with endless massacres by mentally ill individuals. You see it with hundreds of thousands of homeless.  You’re seeing it with cop killings.  You’re seeing it with enormous destruction of our educational systems.

Interviewing Our Border Patrol Agents

Yes, you receive reports from Bill Melugin with Fox News regularly.  He shows unbelievable videos of that those 150,000 people crossing the Rio Grande River monthly.  He shows people lined up in the streets of El Paso, Nogales, Brownsville and more.  He shows the trash. He shows the children. He shows the thousands of tons of drugs.

This past month, I visited the border for the 7th time in 20 years. It’s beyond sickening that our Washington DC swamp rats have not solved this national nightmare in the past three decades. It makes this journalist wonder, “Who is engineering the breakdown of America?”

Can we absorb another 10, 20, 50 or 100 million refugees?  Will it solve their problems in the countries they flee?  Why won’t anyone address the fact that those countries produce another 83 million babies annually, net gain?  Thus, no end to the line of refugees streaming into America!  Why aren’t our leaders thinking about what’s happening to us, the American people?

During my time on the border, I spoke to a half-dozen agents in their trucks away from the headquarters.

“Agent Martinez,” I asked.  (not his real name)  “What are your feelings as to what’s happening on this border?”

“You want the company line or my take,” he replied.

“Your take,” I said.

“Someone’s in D.C. is bent on changing the demographics of America,” he said.  “They’re succeeding. We’re nothing but a bunch of travel agents for every sorry-ass refugee that crosses. We process them and put them on busses.  Old man Biden doesn’t know that the hell he’s doing to us.  Morale of my fellow Border Patrol agents is shot to hell.”

He continued, “We send them to New York City where it costs $5 million a day to house and feed them in hotels. It’s the damnedest thing to watch firsthand.”

“When does it end?” I asked.

“If the democrats have their way, it won’t end. It’s their new voting bloc. They are importing a permanent voting bloc.  I’m Hispanic, but I don’t like what’s happening.  It’s just plain crazy.  Somebody in Washington wants to destroy this country.”

What did I learn about Joe Biden?  Answer: he doesn’t know what he’s doing to America.  But, he doesn’t care…or his handlers don’t care.  It’s all about power for this moment in history.  Joe Biden will be deemed one of the most incompetent presidents in American history, as well as the most corrupt…not to mention that his handlers knew he is/was severely cognitively unfit for the presidency of the United States.  His dementia will play out even worse in the coming months, but for now, he and his handlers own the White House.

We, the American people will pay a severe price in the coming decades for this national atrocity and tragedy.  This quote says it all:

“Most Western elites continue urging the wealthy West not to stem the migrant tide [that adds 80 million net gain annually to the planet], but to absorb our global brothers and sisters until their horrid ordeal has been endured and shared by all of us—ten billion humans packed onto an ecologically devastated planet.” Dr. Otis Graham, Unguarded Gates

Part 2: Costs of illegals, more interviews with Border Patrol, got a-ways, criminals, drugs,  head of the Department of Homeland Security is Cuban-born A. Mayorkas who supports mass illegal migration, why the mainstream media hides all of it.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Why Did Tucker Carlson, the Most Watched Journalist in America, Get Fired?

By Frosty Wooldridge

April 27, 2023

The Military Industrial Complex corporate heads engineered the Vietnam War.  It cost us 58,479 young American lives.  It killed 2.3 million Vietnamese.  For what? Answer: money.  The same corporate heads orchestrated the 20-year wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.  It cost us 7,100 kids killed and in excess of 30,000 soldier suicides. Those fraudulent wars cost us $6 trillion.

Why has Biden spent $120 billion in Ukraine?  Why are there U.S. soldier boots on the ground over there?  Answer: Military Industrial Complex corporate heads.  What’s to be gained: money.

The Mainstream Media fails at every level to inform the American people. They watch the invasion of our southern border, but address it as little as possible.  They watch the drugs cross over and into the bodies of our kids.  They fail to report on it year after year. Hundreds of thousands of deaths of our citizens—-yet nothing being done to stop the flow from Mexico.  They watch criminal DA’s in big cities completely flaunt our laws—-and do not report what’s happening.

Then, along comes Tucker Carlson.

For several decades, Tucker Carlson has proven that he is the finest, smartest, and most dependable journalist in America.  He brings the facts, the realities and the enlightenment to citizens in the USA and Canada.  Let’s face it, we hunger for the facts. But we do not receive them from ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, NPR and PBS.

None of them will cover the fact or investigate the fact that Joe Biden suffers from dementia/Alzheimer’s Disease—-and is totally unfit for the office of president.  And yet, he’s running for re-election.  He’s almost certain to die in office.  An incredible 72 percent of the American public do not want him to run, but if he does, the democrats will support him.

Can our country be any more screwed up than that?

I interviewed my Canadian journalist friend in Vancouver, BC, Tim Murray.  He’s one of the level-headed writers trying to educate his countrymen/women as to Canada’s predicament. Canada is being invaded just like America.  Trudeau ranks right up there with Biden in the stupidity quotient.

Tim, give American readers an understanding of why Tucker Carlson got fired.  I’m betting he was turning up more and more heat, more and more facts, more and more understanding—-and those corporate-heads could not handle it.  Am I wrong?

Murry said, “When I first heard the news of Tucker Carlson’s firing 24 hours ago. I was instantly enraged— and the feeling has not diminished.

“Friends have told me that no worries, he will go on to better things.  As the saying goes, when one door shuts another one opens. But there is little consolation to be found in the assurance that he will return on another platform, and be more richly remunerated to boot.  The reality is, however, that TV is still King, and that a very great number of people who need exposure to the kind of information that his program has afforded will no longer see or hear it.  Relatively few of us “stream”.

“This circumstance is particularly devastating to his Canadian viewers. Carlson was our “Radio Free Europe.” By consistently interviewing Canadian dissidents he gave them a pipeline to a vast constituency of Canadians who instinctively understood that their state broadcaster and its clones were lying to them. Despite the laudable efforts of outlets like Rebel News, Truth North and The Western Standard, most skeptical viewers lacked the ammunition to fire back at them—or the dupes in their social network who parrot CBC talking points. Blood relatives being the most notorious of them.

“Moreover, many of the American commentators that Carlson hosted—people like Victor David Hanson or Heather McDonald or Dr. Scott Atlas for example—articulated views that resonated with Canadian patriots.  They helped us understand that while we are nationalists, we are part of a transnational movement. Brothers in Arms. We differ on several issues, but we are in unison on the ones that count most.

“That being the case, those patriots who love liberty must take an interest in the struggles of patriots in other lands, especially the lands closest to theirs, geographically, ethnically or culturally.  Their tribulations are ours as well. What happens to Tucker Carlson or Mark Steyn or Christine Anderson matters to us, even if some of us have not heard of some of them.

“The question is, how can we help each other? What can we do, as Canadians, to send Fox News a message? How can we offset the loss of Carlson’s show with gains on other fronts?

“I didn’t know what to do with my anger. I cursed. I kicked the chair. Then I stormed outside,  grabbed an axe and took it out on logs that needed chopping. Venting pent up rage in such a manner is both understandable and forgivable.  But it’s a temporary fix, and it doesn’t punish our oppressors or hit them where it hurts them the most.

“In fact, the wisest of their strategists know that providing harmless outlets for discontent serve them best.  By allowing us to let off steam they can better manage us, and by obliging them in that fashion we in effect become our own controlled opposition. Keyboard warriors too often think that simulating action with online rants is equivalent to actual action.

“But merely writing about our predicament and leaving it at that accomplishes little .  As our Marxist foes remind us, understanding the world does not change it. It is about praxis, comrades. praxis. If you can’t get out on the street and demonstrate, or run for office, or launch a petition, you can at least financially contribute to those who do.  Now of course there are dozens of causes that warrant financial support, and those of little means or scarce dollars like me cannot help them all. But we must help some, even if in small amounts.

“An hour after splitting wood and clearing up debris from our last mega-storm, I was physically exhausted. So, I went inside and went to my computer, found the website of the United Conservative Party of Alberta, and then made a donation to their campaign war chest. We can’t vote our way out of this global mess, but we must at least hold the line while we can.

“Premier Danielle Smith and her party are the only governing politicians left to defend our fortress. She is not a messiah and doesn’t cover all policy bases or match all of our views.  But she is fighting for our most basic liberties. Freedom of speech, the right to make our own medical choices without coercion, and provincial sovereignty are most salient. You know she is on the right track when you take notice of who is more hysterically determined to bring her down.  The rule is, if CBC journalists want to destroy you, your cause is righteous.

“Alberta is our Alamo, and we can’t afford to surrender it. Daniel Smith must be re-elected.   Do it for Alberta. Do it for Canada. And do it in honor of Tucker Carlson’s accomplishments.”

As for this journalist, for the life of me, I do not understand why the liberals are trying to destroy America. They are undermining the Constitution at every juncture.  They are turning our kids against our flag, against our cultural values and against everything that has made America the most successful country in history.  If we keep traveling on this lawless, ruthless and treacherous path, I fear for our children. I fear for our viability as a civilization.  If we keep making more “Detroit, Michigan”  cities as we’re seeing in LA, NYC, Chicago, San Francisco, St. Louis, New Orleans—we are in for a horribly rough ride.

Example here in Denver this week, three teens threw rocks at passing cars.  One rock hit the windshield of a very attractive high school girl, Alexa Bartell. Killed her, instantly.  They go to prison and she’s dead. What’s wrong with Generation X, Z, Trans, et al.?

We need Tucker Carlson because few other journalists possess the courage, the guts and the voice to inform Americans and Canadians.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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The Farcical Reality of Earth Day April 22, 2023

By Frosty Wooldridge

April 24, 2023

Created by Wisconsin U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson in 1970,  Earth Day activists sponsor an annual event on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. First held on April 22, 1970, it now includes a wide range of events coordinated globally by EARTHDAY.ORG, including 1.0 billion people in more than 193 countries. The official theme for 2023 is: Invest in Our Planet.

Unfortunately, in 2023 some 53 years after the original Earth Day celebration that I celebrated in my senior year of college, the planet staggers forward having jumped from 3.5 billion humans to 8.0 billion humans with an added 4.5 billion more people since 1970, hundreds of millions of cars, boats, planes and motors of all kinds—spewing carbon by the billions of tons into our biosphere 24/7.

Humans were burning 50 million barrels of oil 24/7 in 1970. Today, humans burn 100 million barrels of oil, daily.  Have you ever wondered who thought that was a good idea?

“The next few decades will be the end of the kind of civilization we’re used to.  Humanity is consuming 175 percent of what the earth can regenerate. Our current way of life is unsustainable.” Paul Ehrlich, population expert. Thousands of scientists agree with him.

Remember Dustin Hoffman in “The Graduate”?  One of his buddies said, “Your future is in plastics!”  Today, our current reality of 5.5 trillion pieces of plastic floating on the surface or sunk below the waves of all the oceans of the world—makes anyone sick to their stomach. Additionally, humans toss another 8,000,000 pieces of plastics into the oceans every single day of the year.  Millions of avian and marine lives die because they swallow plastics or get caught in drift nets.  Essentially, we’re killing the oceans.  Why haven’t the leaders of Earth Day promoted a 50-cent or even $1.00 international deposit-return law for all plastic containers as well as all metal and glass containers?  Who thinks we can continue trashing the planet like this?

Special note: within America, only 30 percent of Americans recycle regularly. Seventy percent of Americans toss millions of their cans, bottles, plastics, cars, trucks, tractors, motor homes, cars, trailers, construction materials, and more, into the wilderness.  Why haven’t we created collection sites for all our heavy metal waste?  Who are we fooling on Earth Day?

With all that carbon being dumped into the biosphere, it always falls into our oceans. It’s changing the alkaline-acidity PH of our oceans. It’s killing our reefs. It’s killing the marine life on the reefs.  I’ve scuba dived all over the world since 1963.  We humans have brought devastation to our oceans with our 84,000 chemical poisons, our plastics, our carbon footprint, our human waste pumped by the quad-trillions into our oceans. The beaches off Rio de Janeiro are brown with human waste. Signs read: Poison water. I was there to see it.

“We’ve poured our poisons into the world as though it were a bottomless pit…and we go on gobbling them up. It’s hard to imagine how the world could survive another century of this abuse, but nobody’s really doing anything about it.” Daniel Quinn

I witnessed the mouth of the Ganges and Yangtze Rivers that spew uncountable poisons into the Indian Ocean 24/7 to create 20,000-mile square dead zones where vertebrate marine life cannot live.  The Mississippi River features a 10,000 square mile dead zone.  Where are the Earth Day people on that one?  Doesn’t it make you wonder why we spent $6 trillion on 20-year wars in Afghanistan and Iraq while we’re committing environmental suicide in North America?

Whether you understand “catastrophic climate destabilization” or not, what do you think of the 22-year drought now gripping the Western United States?  What about those 100,000-acre wildfires that destroy everything in sight?  What about Lake Powell that feeds water to Arizona, Nevada and California—down by 150 feet?  The Colorado River cannot feed it enough water…but Arizona stands to gain 3,000,000 people in 25 years, Nevada will gain at least 2,000,000 people, and California is projected to add 20 million people.  What aren’t those dim-witted light bulbs in Washington DC not understanding about what we’re all facing?

In 1970, animal scientists told us that we were losing 40 to 50 species of animals and plants to extinction, daily. Today, we lose 80 to 100 species of animals every 24 hours.  Why? They are being poisoned by our chemicals, run out of their habitat and destroyed by our technology. Not to mention that we added 4.5 billion of our own numbers in the last 53 years!  How do we expect to continue on this murderous path?

What do you think is causing this planetary mayhem?

In 1970, America housed 195,000,000 (million) people.  That was a decent number of people. Earth Day advocates said we needed to stabilize our population.  From 1970, American women averaged 2.03 children per mother.  But because of the 1965 Immigration Reform Act that started dumping all those overloaded countries into our country—-we house 339,000,000 (million) people in the USA.  Our cities suffer horrible consequences brought about by importing third world people who are now creating third world conditions in America. What do you think it’s going to be like in 25 years with another 100,000,000 (million) people?

We’ve got massive gridlocked cities.  We’ve got horrific air pollution. We’ve got acute water shortages staring us in the face. We’ve got environmental nightmares every summer as our countryside burns up in wildfires. Our quality-of-life spirals into the toilet in all our big cities.

Whose bright idea in Washington DC ‘s Congressional Swamp was it to flood America with the rest of the world’s poor and uneducated?  Especially when the rest of the world adds 83,000,000 more babies, net gain, annually?  Anyone answer that question?

This column could continue in a 10-part series. Actually, I wrote a book about it and what’s coming: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge.  In that book,  I show you exactly what’s coming for anyone living in 2040-2050 as water, energy and resources are exhausted.

In the end, Earth Day 2023 has failed the planet and all its animals and wildlife.  We Americans, in fact, most humans live in cognitive dissonance…also known as total denial of reality.

“At this point, it’s almost certainly too late to manage a transition to sustainability on a global or national scale, even if the political will to attempt it existed, which it clearly does not. Our civilization is in the early stages of the same curve of decline and fall as so many others have followed before it. What likely lies in wait for us is a long, uneven decline into a new Dark Age from which, centuries from now, the civilizations of the future will gradually emerge.”

Simple question: why is everyone avoiding, suppressing and stopping any mention that mass immigration is destroying America’s ability to live sustainably?  Why are we not thinking of our children?  Why are we so collectively senseless as a people?

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Ascending The Spiraling Staircase of Your Life

By Frosty Wooldridge

April 20, 2023

While sitting next to a nearly exhausted campfire on our Northern Tier coast-to-coast ride, I learned a lot from my companions Frank Cauthorn, Robert Case, Don Lindahl and Gerry Mulroy. Like all friends, each teaches a few lessons for a day, week or a lifetime. Each one of those thoughtful men brought stories, wisdom, music and their life-energy. They inspired me to write this vignette about life and its one-time ‘immortality’ on this planet for each one of us. I hope you too, during your travels, share your thoughts with all of us. It makes the world a more peaceful and happier place to live.

During your life journey, you may read different authors who share their insights with you. As a matter of fact, writers lay their guts on the line to aid, assist and support you on your own life path.

So often, you hear older people say they suffer from afflictions, lack of energy and the “gumption” to explore beyond their front room rocking chair or that ever-present Barker lounger.

One of the things I discovered as I traveled through my 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and 60’s—once you engage fully with life, you live an eternity with each event whether work or play, good times or otherwise. Your eternity equals your lifespan. It’s endless as long as you continue breathing and ambulating.

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One of my favorite authors, John Muir, made a stunning announcement about living forever. He created a metaphor using a bear. He said, “Bears are made of the same dust as we, and breathe the same winds and drink the same waters. A bear’s days are warmed by the same sun, his dwellings are over-domed by the same blue sky, and his life turns and ebbs with the heart-pulsings like ours, and was poured from the same First Fountain. And weather he at last goes to our stingy heaven or not, he has terrestrial immorality. His life not long, not short, knows no beginning, no ending. To him life unstinted, unplanned, is above the accidents of time, and his years, markless and boundless, equal Eternity.”

Isn’t that really profound? Did it grab you? I realized by reading John Muir, that bears don’t know when they face death. They lack any understanding of morality. Thus, they live their lives eternally happy with each day, with each season, and with each moment of their lives.

If you appreciate that concept, it means you, too, may choose living at your highest and best for the eternity of your life on this planet.

Notice the title of this vignette: ascending the spiraling staircase of your life. Your lifespan offers ups, downs, flats, sunny and stormy weather. It offers romance, friends, enemies, frustrations and sadness. More profoundly than the bear, you enjoy a choice of happiness. Incorporate that understanding because life challenges every single person on this planet. It doesn’t make any difference where he or she lives or what he or she does for a living. It doesn’t care whether a person enjoys riches or poverty. Life doesn’t care whether a person enjoys fame or anonymity.

One of the things you may learn along the way: paradise stands under your feet. That’s right. It’s here and it’s now. It’s what you do daily, incrementally to move your life toward happiness.

Let’s go back to two world famous artists—Impressionist Pierre-Auguste Renoir and Frenchman Henri Matisse with modern art.

Both buoyed each other throughout their careers. They “pushed” each other as to creative endeavors. Matisse, nearly 20 years younger than Renoir, helped his friend into old age. Renoir suffered from arthritis, which crippled his hands.

At one point, Renoir barely held the brush. Matisse asked, “Pierre, my friend, why do you continue to paint when you are in so much pain?”

Renoir replied, “The pain passes, and when it does, it allows the beauty to emerge.”

We enjoy three levels of consciousness: sub-consciousness that runs us under our skulls and many times without our knowing it; unconsciousness when we do something without thinking and consciousness, where we choose our direction.

In order to live at your highest and best, you might incorporate Renoir’s legacy. Or, pick out one of your heroes or idols who touches your life-energy and inspires you. It could be Susan B. Anthony, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jane Goodall, Robert Redford, Nellie Bly, Henry David Thoreau, Jesus Christ or Ralph Waldo Emerson. It might be Robin Williams, Diane Sawyer, John Wayne or Meryl Streep. Whomever turns you on to vibrant living with their words or deeds, pursue your own spiraling staircase to heaven on Earth.

Some things you can do along the way:

—-Choose to live a cheerful life every day by reading positive authors. Choose positive friends who support you. Choose movies and plays that lift you toward your highest vibrational energy.

—-Choose tenderness and warmth with children, your mate or friends. Touch them with kind words, big hugs and smiling countenance.

—-Commune deeply with nature by walking into some woods, sitting by a pond or standing in a stream. Choose a pet to share your moments. Coffee with a girlfriend or a game of tennis with your buddy.

In the end, you live every day of your life with a sense of eternity because you’re not thinking about anything else. That’s the best immortality you can imagine. And remember Muir’s wisdom of the bear:

“To him life unstinted, unplanned, is above the accidents of time, and his years, markless and boundless, equal Eternity.”

Frosty Wooldridge, six continent world bicycle traveler

© 2023 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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A Sense of Glee, Joy, Celebration

By Frosty Wooldridge

April 17, 2023

The night before, we slept in the pines along the road on the Lewis & Clark Trail in Montana. We left the main highway on a dirt road that looked very little traveled. Gorgeous scenery everywhere we looked! The night sky featured millions of stars, a full moon, and meteors slashing across the ink-black of space. It was almost like they put an exclamation point at the end of a beautiful day of riding. We cooked dinner over our one-burner stove.

For some reason, food tastes like a Waldorf-Astoria high class seven course dinner every night while pedaling all day. And the trimmings, well, you just can’t beat the sound of a Great Horned Owl hooting in the distance, or crickets chirping, or a squirrel chattering in a nearby tree. Before the sun set, we watched two hummingbirds working a flower patch near our camp.

And the sky, well, those thunderheads lit up with the setting of the sun. Purple-pink dominated the heavens while we sat on our ‘boulder’ chairs watching the Natural World entertain us.

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In the morning, we awoke to a sunny sky, dew drops on the grass and a few spider webs that had been weaved during the night, one of them on the corner of the seat tube and top tube of Sandi’s bike. We felt bad that we had to dismantle it.

After breakfast, we were packing up when a rancher stopped by in his pick-up truck. He rolled down his window, “I don’t want to alarm you folks, but there’s a big grizzly walking down this road in this direction about a mile away.”

“Thank you,” I said. “Sandi, let’s gracefully get these bikes packed and get the heck out of here….”

Have you ever heard of “flashing packing”? Well, we quickly, with a sense of urgency, flash-packed our bikes within minutes. We jumped on them and pedaled out to the road with a keen sense of really being alive. I mean, I’ve been face to face with grizzly bears in my journeys through Alaska. Lucky to be alive after having starred one down outside my tent on the Russian River one morning when I woke up. It wasn’t my day to die. He looked at me only five feet away, and then, walked down to the river. I nearly peed my pants. That’s another story that I will tell….

On the road, east bound, we calmed down rather quickly as we pedaled along beautiful meadows filled with flowers. One patch of white mountain daisies covered five full acres. It stunned us as it rolled with the terrain and glistened in the morning sun. We heard the bees humming from one flower to another.

“Sandi,” I said. “Let’s get a picture of you in the wild flowers.”

“Dear,” I said. “Just make it a PG picture showing that you’re enjoying yourself.”

“Well, since we just escaped certain death if that grizzly had come upon our campsite, yes, I’m thankful to be alive. Tell me why I married you again?”

“Remember, I said I loved adventure when we first met,” I said. “You said you liked adventure, too. So, here you are…let’s get a picture of you on this adventure.”

Sandi walked into the field. She gave a dozen poses from different stances. The picture I love best is the one she reclined in the flowers and stuck her feet up. She outstretched her arms as if accepting the beauty, joy, energy, spiritual blessings and warm of Mother Earth.

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Ralph Waldo Emerson, a dear friend of Thoreau said, “The Earth laughs in Flowers.”

Flowers by Albert Lainghton

They are autographs of angels, penned

In Nature’s green-leaved book, in blended tints,

Borrowed from rainbows and the sunset skies,

And written everywhere–on plain and hill,

In lonely dells, ‘mid crowded haunts of men;

On the broad prairies, where no eye save God’s

May read their silent, sacred mysteries. Thank God for flowers!

They gladden human hearts; Seraphic breathings part their fragrant lips,

With whisperings of Heaven.

Sandi and Frosty, following the Lewis & Clark Trail, Montana, on tour through the endless energy of flowers lining the roads of our lives.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

True Grit: Dave Carder Running Across America

By Frosty Wooldridge

April 13, 2023

Have you ever met a person in your life that inspired you? Did that person raise your energy for living a more creative life? Did they rouse your soul to become greater?

In my bicycle adventure across America in 2010, near Denton, Texas, a man drove up behind me. He waved at me to stop. I pulled my bicycle to the side of the road.

Seconds later, the driver walked up to me, “My name is Dave Carder.”

“Frosty Wooldridge,” I said, extending my hand.

“I couldn’t help but wonder what you are doing on a 100-degree day riding a bicycle through Texas,” said Carder.

“Sweatin’, lots of sweatin’” I said. “Just making my way coast to coast across America.”

“I’m an endurance runner,” he said. “So, I have a feel for what you’re doing.”

After some small talk, we exchanged business cards and he drove away. Over the past two years, we kept contact through Facebook. While he didn’t say very much about his life when I met him, his website activities astounded me. He moved to Yellowstone National Park shortly after I met him. Over Facebook, I asked him why he had left his very successful life in Texas to move to a remote area in Wyoming.

“I needed to get out of the box,” he said. “I wanted to live a more minimal and happy life in the woods. Big city living may bring lots of money, but it also brings lots of stress, pressure and a feeling of being in a box.”

I said, “John Muir said something about.”

Muir said, “Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity; and that mountain parks reservations are useful not only as fountains of timber and irrigating rivers, but as fountains of life.”

In 2011, I bicycled down the Continental Divide through Yellowstone National Park, but Dave Carder ran in a 100-mile endurance race in another state. We just missed each other as I pedaled through Yellowstone.

On Facebook in 2012, he told his 1,600 friends that he and three women and four other men would run 2,400 miles from Chicago to Santa Monica Pier 59 in California on old Route 66. You can see the run at . To tell you the truth, his running escapades defy my imagination, but at the same time, inspire me to my own greater potential.

All in all, I didn’t think much more about his run as I bicycled across the USA in 2012. But as luck would have it, his brother moved within several blocks of me in September. Dave Carder decided to visit his brother in Golden, Colorado last week.

He called and we made a lunch date. During the discussion, he talked about his run across America. Not only did he and his companions run across our country, they stopped at dozens of schools along Route 66 to start running clubs in disadvantaged communities. They brought healthy food to kids without food.

They worked with local dentists to drill and fill as well as teach kids and parents how to brush and floss. They inspired kids to work through obesity problems toward healthiness in their lives. They created support systems to keep kids enthusiastic about health, wellness and doing well in school.

As I sat there listening to this man who is a boyhood friend of the seven time world champion of the Tour de France, Lance Armstrong, I felt my spirit move. I felt inspired by his true grit, his compassion for humanity, his sense of responsibility to others. Later, I talked about taking a backpacking trip to one of my favorite locations in the Colorado Rockies—a small pond at 11,000 feet near Vail, Colorado in the Mount Holy Cross area.

“You got time to go backpacking?” I said.

“I’m in,” Dave said.

On the weekend, my old friend Bob, Dave and I hoisted our packs over our shoulders and hiked from 8,000 feet to 11,000 feet to a little-known pond with lodge pole pines surrounding its crystal-clear waters. I call it my “Walden Pond of the Rockies.”

After a three-hour hike through the golden colors of autumn, we reached the pond and set up camp. We hiked around the pond. Stunning beauty in magnificent colors!

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“Hey, you might like this,” said Dave, as he pulled a flat smooth rock out of his pocket. “Do you see this?

It read, “Meg Annette Rork.”

On the other side, it read, “May the force be with you.”

“Yeah,” Dave said. “I found it while I was running along the Teton Range this summer. I couldn’t figure out why anyone would leave such a beautiful flat rock with a person’s name and a quote from Star Wars. I looked up her name and found out that she was a really beautiful woman who died at the age of 41. She had lived a fantastic life. She got married a month before she died. I Googled her to find out about her life story. From now on, I am going to carry this rock with me and take Meg on many adventures in my lifetime. It seems like a good thing to do.”

“Man,” I exclaimed, “that’s heavy-duty profound. You have touched me deeply with that story. Good grief, what a terrible early death, but she lives on through her friends and that rock that you will carry on your adventures. Deeply touching my friend.”

“No telling what life brings to us or how fast it will end,” said Bob. “Nice to see you’re advancing Meg’s life a thousand-fold.”

As usual around any campfire, mountaineers tell stories. We laughed as we sipped more hot chocolate. I told of my love affair with Henry David Thoreau.

“Well, I’ve got a surprise for you,” said Dave.

“Yeah, what’s that?” I asked.

Henry David Thoreau said, “If you advance confidently toward your dreams, and endeavor to live the life which you have imagined, you will meet with success unexpectedly in common hours. You will pass through invisible boundaries and you will live with the license of a higher order of beings.”

“Since you’re a Thoreau admirer,” he said. “You might like this.”

At that moment, Dave pulled out his smart phone and turned on the audio from the book Walden. In a split second, Henry David Thoreau began talking about his experiences on Walden Pond. He spoke quietly and simply. He spoke to us as we sat around the campfire. He spoke about life and the pursuit of living. He spoke to us from 150 years ago—through the amazing technology of a smart phone with an audio book download.

“Good grief!” I said. “This is fantastic! This is incredible.”

“Pretty neat,” said Dave.

For the next half hour, we listened to Thoreau espouse his wisdom, his ideas, his thoughts on life. He described everything about living on Walden Pond.

“I can’t thank you enough,” I said to Dave. “Just amazing!”

“I thought you might like this as a special treat in the wilderness on your special pond that you have shared with us,” said Dave.

A few moments in life stand out. Somehow, those moments cement themselves into your memory banks—never to be forgotten. That night, as I sat there with my college roommate Bob and my new friend Dave whom I had met on my bicycle ride across America in Texas in 2010, I knew that I would remember the magic of Walden Pond at 11,000 feet, the campfire and the amazing voice of Thoreau reaching out to all of us over the endless tracks of time. Dave showed us the rock with Megan Annette Rork that he would carry to further her life adventure.

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Bob sat back with a sense of peace and tranquility for his own remembrances in the woods. All three of us gathered for a photo flash near the campfire. It turned out fantastically with three dudes enjoying a singular moment in time.

“I went into the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life…to put to rout all that was not life; and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” ~Henry David Thoreau

“Rise and shine dudes,” I said next morning, slapping their tent nylon. “The sun is coming up over the mountains and will soon be upon the lake. Get out your cameras.”

We stood on the shoreline to watch the sun first hit the mountain tops, then work its way into the tree line, and finally, with slow moving drama, it reached the glass still waters of Walden Pond. The tall pines reflected off the water followed by the jagged rocks from the mountains above—they created a sublime tapestry of nature’s artwork. The combination of huge rocks along the shoreline, criss-crossing logs, dragon flies, water bugs and sunbeams—gave Thoreau’s musings a special accent on the transcendent.

We watched the magic unfold. Slow moving, changing colors. Certain evolving of sunbeams on the still waters. A slight breeze kicked up to create ripples on the far end. The pine needles seemed to spin on their own with the water ripples.

After the lake filled with sunshine, we filtered some fresh water, ate some breakfast and loaded our backpacks.

We stood on the edge of the water for a group shot. Three smiling faces. Three exultant spirits. Three souls plus Megan Annette Rork smiled into the camera. Seconds later, we headed into the deep woods too silent to be real. Walden Pond would continue shimmering throughout the day while we made our way along the mountain riches and pure golden memories.

Down the mountain, we walked on golden gilded trail replete with endless fallen golden leaves raining down from branches above. Golden ribbons hemmed the slopes and traced the streams that meandered down the valley—orange to red, saffron to copper and yellow to gold. They rained down on us like gentle golden butterflies. They decorated pine trees like Christmas lights. They caught in the purple asters and snagged themselves in the heavy under brush.

Next summer, Dave Carder and his team will run from El Paso, Texas to Orlando, Florida to help establish running clubs in cities along the way. I urge you to donate your money and time to their efforts to make America a better, healthier and kinder place. You will be inspired and happy to be a part of his legacy to serve the youth of America. His work will inspire you to create something good in your own community.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

It’s the Tiniest Things That Create Wonder in the World

By Frosty Wooldridge

April 10, 2023

As you bicycle travel in this world, normally, you take pictures of El Capitan in Yosemite, or perhaps the Old Faithful Geyser in Yellowstone, or maybe a shot of the epic coastline of Big Sur in California.  Who doesn’t take a shot of themselves in front of the Eiffel Tower or the Great Wall of China?  What about you intrepid cyclists who rode through Torres del Paines at the bottom of South America?  What about that Vicinhu (camel-like creature…only smaller version on the way to Torres del Paines) that spit in your face when you stopped to take a picture of him?  His snot stunk like hell and I still can’t get that odor out of my mind these many years later.

Those provide the ‘big’ moments of a ride.  They last a lifetime, and more often than not, you’ve got an 8X10 photograph on your office wall or hanging where you can remind yourself of your explorations into the world when you were young or even older.

I show a 36”X40” canvas of my two friends and I standing in front of the sign: Frontera Peru Bolivia.  It reminds me of our grand year in South America with my cycling mates Doug, Bryan and Bryan.

At the same time, I love the little things in life.

On a recent tour of the West Coast, we found a dirt road to follow back into the woods.  After traveling far enough into the wilderness, we parked the bikes near a barbed-wire fence.  We tore the packs off, pitched the tents and ate dinner.  As usual, I always lock my bike to anything that will deter would-be thieves from stealing it in the dead of night.

In the morning, I noticed that a spider has spun its web across the back of my seat, on the top strand of the barbed wire, and attached part of his web to my cable. He spun a perfect formation of insect-catching web in the dead of night.  Such perfection in the middle of darkness!  How do you do that?  There, in the morning, his handiwork had collected dew drops.  As the sun hit the strands, they sparkled like colorful gems.  When he saw me approach, he scampered away.

(Look closely at the spiderweb between the seat, barbed wire and steel post.)

Since I worship the Natural World, it pained me to break the spider’s web in order to pack my bike…but I knew it would spin another in order to catch its dinner.  As I pedaled out of that campsite, the web remained on my mind as to the power of creative design of Nature. Also, the delicate tenderness of insects.  They are going about their business in this life just as you and I are going about our own.

At one point, we camped on the southern shore of Lake Superior during the fall leaf changes.  If you haven’t seen the astounding fall leaf changes in the mid-west, northeast or even the Rocky Mountains on a bicycle tour—you’re in for a stunning visual treat.

While we sat there watching the sun set over Lake Superior, the surrounding birch, maple and poplar trees sprayed the colors across the woods. Sitting facing west, the backlighting of the sun’s rays provided a kaleidoscope of brilliant colors.  Of course, I wore a very bright yellow, red and green jersey.  At a few minutes before the sun sank below the waters of the lake, a hummingbird flew within 12 inches of my face.  It hovered there for maybe five seconds thinking my jersey was a nectar-filled flower.

Its wingbeats dazzled me. I looked right into its eyes.  Hummingbirds must be the most delicate and phenomenal flying wonders on the planet.  They  can fly up, down, backwards, sideways, forward and do summersaults in mid-air. Their wings beat 70  times a second.  Their hearts beat 282 to 396 beats per minute.   Anna’s hummingbird flies at 60 mph.

After finding out that I wasn’t good nectar material, that tiny creature zipped out of my life.  But it wasn’t done with me.  At a hummingbird feeder down the road at a farmer’s house, he told me to place my little pinky in front of the feeder.  Within seconds, a hummingbird settled onto my finger.  Its little talons ever-so-delicately dug into my skin. I have never experienced such a sensation as that moment ever again.

Whether it’s a spider and her web, or a hummingbird with its ephemeral journey into and out of our lives—we each learn that the Natural World sustains us in the big moments…and most certainly at the most delicate times of our lives.

Are we blessed or are we blessed?  Anything like these experiences ever happen to you?

Sandi and Frosty Wooldridge, on tour, West Coast. Latest book: The Kickstand Chronicles: The Miraculous, Sublime, Funny and Downright Terrifying.  Subtitle: Inevitable Moments of the Journey,  Bicycling Across Six Continents, 45 Years and 150,000 Miles

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Harvesting Plastic From The Pacific Ocean For Art

By Frosty Wooldridge

April 6, 2023

You never know what you’re going to see on your bicycle while riding down the West Coast.  It could be dolphins “surfing”  the waves while you pedal along an unknown beach.  You might sit on the edge of a cliff to watch 10 pelicans flying in a line across the surf.  At some point, you might see 200 seagulls gathered in one spot in a secluded cove. Out beyond the surf, whales blow 30-foot columns of spray when they surface for air.

(A shark created totally from ocean plastic washed up on Oregon beaches.)

Your pedaling efforts render many rewards. The Oregon coast may be one of the prettiest, if not most unusual in North America.  High cliffs, white sandy beaches, towering redwoods, quiet coves, waterfalls, endless sea life, light houses and centuries-old sailing ports.

We rolled into Bandon, Oregon featuring two sections of a small coastal town.  We pedaled through New Bandon with its modern stores, apartments and homes, and “Old Bandon” right out of a 1900’s picture-book of three-masted schooners, old sailor’s bars and piers that jut out into the water.

Old Bandon features an arching sign over the roadway leading into that section of the city.  On our right, a pedestal featured a plastic fish made up of hundreds of plastic pieces.  It featured every color of the rainbow and then some.  We pedaled up the main drag before taking a right turn along a row of buildings.

“Hey,” said Sandi. “Let’s check out this “Washed Ashore” business.”

“Looks different to me,” I said, parking my bike against the building frame.

When we walked into the store, a huge plastic skeleton of a whale, made up of gallon plastic milk jugs ushered us into this unusual store.  On the right, hundreds of plastic pieces of junk resembled a jellyfish.  On the left, a huge bird made of plastic pieces seemed to flap its wings, trying to get airborne.  In the back, a half dozen women and several guys worked on plastic collages.  Each carried a specific theme.

Plaques showed that humans have tossed 5.5 trillion pieces of plastic into the planet’s oceans over the last 50 years.  Humans continue tossing 8 million pieces of plastic into the oceans every day of the year.  An average of 46,000 pieces of plastic float on every square mile of the Earth’s oceans.  Plastics now have sunk into the deepest parts of the oceans.  As some plastic break down, they find their way into the food chain where fish eat them.

One plaque spoke about the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch”  with 100 million tons of plastic floating in an area the size of Texas…about 1000 miles west of San Francisco.  It runs 30 to 60 feet deep in places.  It kills millions of  seabirds, whales, dolphins,  turtles and many other marine creatures. It’s jamming up reefs all over the world.

“This is really quite depressing,”  Sand said.

“Yeah, I’m not too thrilled to read about all this human destruction of the oceans,” I said.

“This lady Angela Pozzi started this artwork in 2010,” I said. “Over 14,000 volunteers picked up 300 miles of Oregon coastline, and 30 tons of plastic were transformed into artwork.  She’s trying to educate the public as to the damage plastics do to ocean life and marine creatures. She organizes it through WashedAshore dot org.”

For someone like me who has picked up over 1,000,000 pieces of trash on six continents during my lifetime, it’s particularly painful. I began scuba diving in the Florida Keys as a teenager. I saw pristine reefs, perfect sandy bottoms of the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic.  Today, I’ve witnessed plastic in all the oceans where I have been diving.  It’s painful visually as well as ecologically.  I hope at some point, humans develop plastic from corn or any other biodegradable sources.  In the meantime, we need a 50-cent deposit-return law, internationally. That would solve a great deal of the tossing of plastics.

We spent the rest of the day walking on the piers, watching the crab people throw their crab cages into the water, and enjoying the artwork presented along the fence-line of the pier…all by little kids painting ocean scenes.

In the afternoon, we grabbed our bikes for the ride south.  I am thankful for women like Angela Pozzi, 14,000 volunteers who keep picking up the coastline in Oregon, and those who pick it up around the world.  I salute anyone who cares about our planet and for all animal and plant life sharing this planet with us.

The one thing about being on tour on your bicycle, you run into unexpected people caring about things that you didn’t really know about until you ran across them.  For certain, I love the Natural World and I do everything I can to help all plant-life, all animals, all birds, and all living creatures on this planet.  We’re all in this together.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Indicting President Trump: A Form of Warfare on America’s Justice System

By Frosty Wooldridge

April 3, 2023

This is a targeted, political prosecution! Legal scholar Alas Dershowitz explains why judge may quickly toss out Trump indictment: “Foolish, foolish decision.”

Whatever comes from Trump’s absurd indictment for “imagined”  crimes that he committed; it’s not going to go well for any of us. It’s going to split our country into opposing factions that may never be healed.

We’re seeing a “personal crime vendetta” from an incompetent “affirmative action” recipient named Alvin Bragg out of New York City.  He has personally caused the accelerating crime wave in New York City during his tenure.  He has made charges against former President Trump over a payment to Stormy Daniels that have no basis for a crime.  At the same time, Bragg encourages crime by allowing hardened criminal back onto the streets within hours of their arrests for crimes.  In a few words, Alvin Bragg is the product of “affirmative action”, where he was given a law degree from Harvard University, without the brainpower to earn it.   It’s the whole “Inclusion, Equity, Diversity” mantra coming to fruition.

If brains were gasoline, Alvin Bragg wouldn’t have enough gas to fill an ant’s motorcycle and drive halfway around a BB.  What’s worse, there’s more like him being “placed” into positions of power throughout the USA by a man named Soros.  That man hates America with every fiber of his body.  But he’s got billions of dollars to fulfill his agenda and destroy this country.

Who loses?  We, the American people lose our justice system that’s devolving us into a third world banana republic.  With intellectual midgets like Bragg, we will devolve into another Somalia, Congo or Ethiopia.

At the same time, Joe Dementia Biden invites millions of invaders across our borders without lifting a finger to stop them.  His Homeland Security chief Mayorkas is as useless as flat tire on a 747-jet plane.  Does anyone understand that this invasion is changing our culture into a lawless, homeless, illiterate, and ultimately, fragmented and collapsing future?

Look at our southern border!  Biden invites Chinese nationals, drug cartels, endless drugs, Jihadi terrorists and worse at an average of 150,000 a month for the past 26 months.  Who thinks that’s going to work out well for any of us?

It’s already not working out in Chicago, St. Louis, Los Angeles, Detroit, Denver, Miami, San Francisco, Seattle, Portland and most big cities where shoplifting, drugs, homeless and the loss of the rule of law has destroyed any sense of what it is to live in America.

Bragg takes Trump to court for a money payment to a whore, which is not a crime in the first place, but Bragg has allowed downtown New York City to become a drug infested, homeless, crime-ridden war zone.  Who dreamed this kind of a reality up for The Big Apple?

At the same time, Joe Dementia tells us that the Chinese are our greatest enemy, but he invites endless Chinese nationals to cross over our borders.  He allows China to buy up hundreds of thousands of acres of American farmland. The Chinese are buying up our meat factories. They are intertwining themselves into every aspect of American life.  Over 80 percent of the items you buy at Lowe’s, Home Depot, Walmart, clothing stores, equipment, tractors, et al., come from China.  We have become a dependent stepchild.

With Bragg weaponizing the justice system, it ultimately means he could indict you for any imagined crime he wants.

Do you think this is going to end well for any of us? Whether you’re a liberal, independent or conservative, this is not going to end well for you, your family or your friends. We cannot continue to fracture our country with endless immigration, multiculturalism, illiteracy and third world customs.

We need downhome, common sense, and patriotic Americans to run for office to change course toward a rational and stable future.  We need reasonable Americans to vote all of this nonsense of transgenderism in women’s sports, I.E.D., reparations, affirmative action, lowered academic standards, and sexual perversions being taught to our children—into the trash can.

Finally, we, the American people need to fire Alvin Bragg for gross incompetence, stupidity and arrogance.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Reparations for Slavery in the 1800’s? Who Decides?

By Frosty Wooldridge

March 30, 2023

Part 2: Who gets what? Who earned it? Who pays? Who does it benefit?

“America’s African-American citizens are the richest and most privileged black people alive – a bounty that is a direct result of the heritage that is under assault. The American idea needs the support of its African-American citizens. But African-Americans also need the support of the American idea. For it is this idea that led to the principles and institutions that have set African-Americans – and all of us – free.” —David Horowitz

If you look at Africa, you see horrific diseases like HIV that have killed over 15 million Africans. If you look at genocidal wars of the Hutsi’s and Tutsi’s, you cannot help but shudder if you lived in Africa. If you look at the hundreds of thousands living in huts and starving to death, it’s a sure bet that no African-American would choose to live in Africa in 2023.

One reader responded, “The biggest problem as I see it is culture. The evolution of each culture and if there is a tribal component to a culture, how it influences assimilation. All cultures are not created equal and their values differ. Then throw in a color difference and for some unknown reason, whether it is evolutionary, learned or emotional, it seems to add fuel to already existing friction.

“Look at the American Indians and the waring between tribes even though they were so closely related. There must be something deep inside our primal makeup that switches on and causes conflict, and in some cases, hate. We know it can be overcome by working together but if the difference is accentuated, it drives a wedge deeper and separates further.

“Right now, there are organizations that strive to separate, like BLM, NAACP, repatriation pushers and others that destroy any progress made in our immediate past. Then throw in the ignorant government scumbags that destroy the black families with free money and you get 70 plus percent black kids with no fathers in the house and a gang culture to further divide and foster hate and crime.”

David Horowitz also wrote ten reasons why reparations would be a very bad thing for American blacks. I couldn’t argue with any of them. We already know that the “Great Society” welfare state has caused enormous harm to black Americans. Those 7 out of 10 black babies without fathers has created a lost youth bent on shoplifting, drugs and illiteracy from dropping out of school. There’s no way any person can function in modern American society without being able to read, write, think, and perform simple math.

My black friend added, “Second, focus on the problem, stay at the principled level, don’t propose temporary solutions to solve symptoms. Address the real problem as “racism” and by the way, if we were as smart as we say we are, why wouldn’t a solution to discuss race help all minority groups and minority religions. Why should we as a nation come up with a solution that, in some people’s mind, make African Americans well, at the expense of Americans who are Jewish, Muslim, Asian, Indigenous….etc. Shouldn’t we address the issues as a whole not just one part. So, any solution that we discuss that would help racism against black Americans in my mind would also have to help on going racism against other ethnic groups and bring everyone in our country forward.”

To which I ask the question: what about black racism against white people? There’s a whole lot of it across the board in the entertainment community, at work where blacks dominate the workforce, and even in Congress with the Black Caucus among dozens of other completely black groups. If you’re white, you wouldn’t choose to walk the streets of Somaliland in Minneapolis, Minnesota or in south Chicago during the day or night. So, if blacks can enjoy all-black housing areas and groups, why is it racist for whites to enjoy their own groups?

My black friend responded, “I don’t expect your view to align with mine, I just wanted to explain myself and why I did, what I did. By the way, this is not a democrat or republican issue, it’s an American issue, both parties need to eliminate the aisle and come together to work toward, not necessarily completely solving, but work toward reducing the racism experienced by many in America.”

“If you have come to help me you are wasting your time. But if you recognize that your liberation and mine are bound up together, we can walk together.” —Lilla Watson, activist and visual artist

Like it or not, America is becoming a minority-minority civilization. Within 25 years, there will no longer be a white majority. What do I see as a world traveler who has witnessed such societies? If places like India are any indication, we are in for a bumpy, conflicted and very rough ride.

Whatever happens to America in this 21st century, I hope we educate our youth and our adults toward a positive acceptance and respect for one another. We don’t have to be forced to like each other or live with each other; however, we must at least tolerate our basic tribal differences…and move forward, peacefully.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Should American 2023 Taxpayers Pay for Reparations for Slavery in the 1800’s?

By Frosty Wooldridge

March 27, 2023

Part 1: Slavery, reparations, reasonable choices, can we fix it?

You may be interested in this topic since it encompasses the wrongs of the past versus corrections in the 21st century.  Are any corrections fair to an American taxpayer?

First of all, Rome, China, India, Great Britain, Persia, Egypt, America and many other civilizations conducted slavery since the dawn of recorded history.  Humans’ bloody history hinged on one tribe conquering another tribe…enslaving them, killing them, torturing them and eradicating them.  Much like humans are eradicating the animal and plant life on planet Earth in the 21st century!

It’s been documented that 1,000,000 slaves died in the Roman Coliseum to the delight of 60,000 blood-thirsty Roman countrymen and women—every weekend.  Another 3,000,000 animals found death in the 500 plus years of the “Games.”  Today, we enjoy 104,000-seat stadiums where one city such as the Kansas City Chiefs conquers another like the Philadelphia Eagles.  Today, the “slaves” trying to kill one another in the “arena” get paid millions of dollars to give up their bodies to the football gods.  The “fanatics or fans” of the 21st century are no less drunk, no less crazy and no less blood-thirsty than they were in Roman times.

Since slavery has been around for thousands of years, can we go back and pay the ancestors of slaves in China, India, Rome, Persia, Egypt and elsewhere?   Since slavery flourished in America until 1865, can we go back and pay African-Americans for the sins of the past?

An infantry colonel U.S. Army West Point graduate, African-American, and I have become friends over the years.  He’s traveled the globe. He’s an extraordinary man.  He’s an aviator. He’s a problem solver. He and I are trying to sift-out whatever kind of solutions we can muster to find a way to make things “right” for present day African-Americans.

He Said, “Frosty, as you are probably aware, San Francisco is proposing a $5M payout, $97K for 25 years, relief of all personal debt and the ability to buy a home for $1 for all African Americans in the city of San Francisco, who can trace their lineage to slavery.  You and I may laugh at this, we may say it’s impossible, but both of us need to wake up and stop this cancerous belief that money can fix racism.”

I replied, “As to reparations, as an educator, I would move from giving money to individuals…which would be fundamentally short-lived on an individual basis, but would not further the collective of African-Americans in America. I would give any and all reparations to provide funding for top grade schools, top high schools, top teachers, top vocational schools, top after-school programs, top food programs and more in every inner-city in America.  I would use those billions to build top grade living quarters/apartments/homes for the inner-cities where misery and poverty continue to degrade African-Americans to their lowest levels.

“As to California, correct me if I’m wrong, but it was never a slave state.  And, it would be impossible to figure out who was/is eligible and who isn’t.  Again, giving money on an individual level…SOLVES NOTHING as to the needs of all of Black America.”

He said, “Personally, I’ve experienced it and I still do. As successful as some might think I am, I’ve been the scapegoat, I’ve been denied promotion and to this day based on my fear of a police stop, I have a permanent camera in my 12-year-old truck that records my speed, location and visually a picture of me and anyone like a policeman who might approached me.  That information is fed to the cloud and available for all to see. Bottom line, what has occurred to African Americans has me scared, too, because I am African American and no different, based on race, than Travon Martin or George Floyd.”

I replied, “From both our enormous experiences with race and culture, we’re fighting against biology.  But instead of fighting against the natural inclinations of races being incompatible, we are in a racially intermingled society that cannot be changed. At the same time, we CAN work toward mutual respect through educational opportunity, relief from poverty, and minimum wages that are livable wages.

“The harsh reality about slavery and racism is that it has built the Great Wall of China, built the Pyramids, built Troy, built Rome, and many other civilizations, and slavery and racism have been with us from all of recorded history. It’s still going on in many countries.  Can we stop it?   I doubt it.”

He said, “So, what’s the answer/what’s an answer/what’s an approach?”

He said, “First, the acknowledgement that the historical discussion is true, my ancestors were slaves, they were treated horribly, and some of the things my grandfather, who picked cotton as a free man in Thomasville, GA, could not do, held him back and my mom back, which did not allow them to go to college and get the same treatment as their white counterparts. (My parents worked hard and that’s a story for another day.) So yes, the systemic racism followed my grandfather and likely me, let’s not ignore that. But as you look at the news URLs and my interview, keep track of the simple philosophy and ask yourself, “What problem are we trying to solve? Will giving every person of a race money who can trace their lineage to slavery, fix racism, or even racism against blacks? It doesn’t matter if it’s $5M or $5,000, there is no linkage to a solution.”

I said, “When it comes to racial progress, America is out front with laws, education and understanding.  We’re in a tepid tolerance of each other.  In the end, most people of one race/culture/language would rather be around others of the same race/culture/language. That’s biology and there’s no escaping it or educating ourselves out of it.  It’s in our DNA from millions of years of evolution.”

He said, “America has made a lot of progress in the area of race relations. Some think because we elected a black president twice, everything is fine, that’s not even close to being true. What is true, however, is we are America! What is true is most of us want to move forward. What is true is we are better together. What is true is if any nation can work to get it right, it’s us, together. What I’m professing is the way ahead is to look ahead and learn from the past, not go back to the past. I also believe that America, regardless of who is in charge, democrat or republican is not as bad as people think.”

He ended with, “My view is monetary reparations are not the solution to the problem of racism toward African Americans, nor should they be a way to settle previous documented racism of our ancestors.  I’m not even going to get into the principle of how we would pay because once you go down that slippery slope of saying we can’t afford it, what you are really saying is, “If we had the money, we would do it.” My belief is it’s not about money although both liberal and conservative outlets are playing the money tune; it’s really about principle. We are a nation that can find money if it’s the right thing to do. This is not the right thing to do.  If money would fix the sins of slavery and put black people in an environment where no racism existed, we should do it.  I think you and I know, money in the bank will not make you like me, any more or any less.”

What question and/or solutions would you add to this discussion?

Our discussion continues in Part 2: What’s really going on? How do we steer toward a viable future for black and white Americans?

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Odds and Ends: Things You May Want To Follow-Up On

By Frosty Wooldridge

March 23, 2023

On Wednesday, March 22, 2023, CRN’s Talk radio show out of California, hosted by veteran radio personality Chuck Wilder, interviewed yours truly on my latest column: This Tangled Mess We’re In: America’s Drastically Dangerous Future. Mr. Wilder commands a national/international audience. He wondered why I thought America faces a dangerous future.

But before that, he asked about my wife Sandi’s Alzheimer’s Disease, how it was progressing, how she was doing, and was there any chance for her recovery? He got into a few “odds and ends” about what’s happening in America. He wanted to know how we got our country into such a mess. What’s that mess? Answer: men competing in women’s sports as if it’s sane, rational and fair! Men beating the heck out of women in women’s sports…and standing on the podium with a woman’s trophy while wearing a women’s bathing suit…but in reality, it’s a guy. It’s beyond idiotic, but we’re tolerating it. Why?

How about men being given trophies for “Lady of the Year” at the International Women’s Festival held at the White House? What a complete insult to all the women of the world! First Lady Jill Biden is as nutty as her husband!

Mr. Wilder wondered how a country facing daily racial conflict could allow high schools, colleges, our military services and corporations…to teach Critical Race Theory—that makes one race the oppressor and another race the oppressed? Why make one race the victim and the other race the demon? How do you think that’s going to end up? Answer: one race hates the other race, and the other race must constantly defend itself from a “theory” that simply doesn’t hold water in 21st century America.

If multiculturalism and diversity stand as our greatest “strength”, why do many colleges offer Black, Asian, Native American and LGBQT+ separate graduation ceremonies…such as Grand Valley State University in Allendale, Michigan. I’m partial to that school because I earned a post graduate degree and teaching certificate from GVSU. But I noticed that there are no Straight, White ceremonies for Caucasian graduates. If there were, there would be hell to pay with riots and Joy Reid, Joy Behar, Whoopi Goldberg, and Don Lemon…talking your ear off at how evil and racist America is for black people. If a white TV host had said anything like Lemon, Reid or Goldberg have said, they would have been banned from hosting anything more than a toilet-bowl cleaning party.

Why is it that we have All Black TV, Black Entertainment Television, all Black Movies like Black Panther, all black advertisements on TV, Miss Black America, Congressional Black Caucus, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and another 100 all-black organizations…but if one single organization ever tried to produce White Entertainment Television, there would be a march on Washington DC by Black Lives Matter and the NAACP that would burn down the city?!

Why is it that “woke” professionals want to mandate “Inclusion, Equity, Diversity” into every aspect of American life, but not individual effort, excellence or successful results? How is that such woke entities want to put an unqualified minority into the cockpit of a 747, but not take responsibility for the deaths when that pilot…and there was one glaring incident recently…kills a lot of people? Do you want to be flying on an airplane piloted by someone because of “Inclusion, Equity, Diversity?”

How about a new mantra: “Personal responsibility, personal accountability, top grades, hard earned achievement, ethics, excellence in education, and meritocracy for jobs?”

Another “odds and ends” aspect of what we’re seeing in America today is: corruption of standards. In my world travels, I discovered that “corruption is a mechanism by which a third world country operates.” It’s endemic to their culture. That’s why they never become educated. They never improve. They never advance. They never change toward a better life for their citizens. That’s why 25 percent of the world population cannot access clean water. An added 45 percent do not have access to water treatment plants. (Source: Reported by NPR)

If you look at the corruption of the Norfolk Southern train rails in East Palestine, Ohio, you’re seeing third world corruption. Bearings not checked on rail car wheels, rails not secured onto ties, hazardous loads that should have had serious safety rules in place, and double-walled container cars! None of those safety rules were in place or enforced. Who was the moron in charge that lit up the entire load of chemicals? Answer: someone grossly incompetent. Was it “Inclusion, Equity, Diversity?”

Do you remember that’s the same formula for “I.E.D.s” in Iraq and Afghanistan that blew up our soldiers for 20 years and caused thousands to lose their legs? Maybe this new “I.E.D.” is meant to blow up our country culturally, linguistically, and racially? Who wants that? Apparently, every “Woke” imbecile who pushes such insane agendas! If they keep pushing for CRT, we’re going to see generations of angry blacks, Asians, and other immigrants killing, looting, burning, rioting and worse because that’s all they’ve been taught.

As to my wife Sandi’s Alzheimer’s Disease, thank you for your prayers. Thank you for praying for all the people suffering from diseases in this country. Sandi follows a specific exercise, nutritional, supplement, study program second to none. I am with her 24/7 with love, support and encouragement. As of 10 weeks ago, we have “fasted” for 40 hours once a week to accelerate “Lysosome Process” that carries the “trash” out of her mind. She’s actually able to read a clock this month. She couldn’t do that six months ago. Here is the video that will give you information if you have a loved one who suffers from Alzheimer’s Disease:

THIS 11- minute video is INCREDIBLE! It totally steps ahead and beyond the “amyloid plaque” theory of Alzheimer’s. This may be the BEST protocol to prevent and recover from Alzheimer’s.

Solving Alzheimer’s

At the end of our hour together, Mr. Wilder asked me what concerned me most as to America’s “Dangerous Future.”

I repeated this quote over the air: “The next few decades will be the end of the kind of civilization we’re used to. Humanity is consuming 175 percent of what the earth can regenerate. Our current way of life is unsustainable.” Dr. Paul, population expert

Having seen what humans are doing to this planet from my travels all over the world…as well as under the waves of all the oceans of the world…I am terrified for the future of our children.

If you were driving your car into the mountains and were told that an avalanche had just killed 10 people on the road, would you keep driving toward that avalanche? Would you dare another avalanche to hit you and kill your family? Would you drive your family into the funnel of a tornado?

Would you want your family to face another 100,000,000 more immigrants added to America by 2050?

“The U.S. Census Bureau projects America’s population will grow by another 75-100 million in the next 40 years, with roughly 90% of that caused by immigration.”

Is that what you want for your kids? All of our kids? If not, what are you doing about it? Are you going to watch the current president and/or his handles to add another 10 million people by 2024? Why? What in the daylights are we doing to America’s future? Do we want to be another Mexico, India, China, et al.?

What can you do? How about getting on social media. Ask, demand, encourage the TV producers to address what we face: ; ; Anderson Cooper at CNN, ; , , FB Meet the Press, Face the Nation, Terry Gross of NPR, Scott Simon of NPR, PBS . Send your letter to your U.S. Senators, House member, Governor and more. I can speak on any of those programs with sobering facts, figures and what we face. I have another 20 colleagues who can speak to our water, energy, resources and climate conditions facing all of our children. Americans need to be educated as to what our civilization faces. We need to change course toward a viable civilization.

If we don’t stop endless and mass immigration, your kids won’t have a civilization that’s livable.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

This Tangled Mess We’re In: America’s Drastically Dangerous Future

By Frosty Wooldridge

March 20, 2023

United States Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz said, “The US does not have “operational control” of the southern border.”

That statement contradicts Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. In fact, Mayorkas has kept our southern border open, with Joe Biden’s bidding, for a whopping 26 months.  Anyone from over 150 countries, and any drug cartel mules with millions of fentanyl pills, along with more than 100 documented terrorists, have had total access to cross America’s borders—unimpeded.

This massive number of people has been transported, fed and housed to all locations in America…at taxpayer expense into the billions of dollars.

The U.S. Border Patrol chief also noted that the constant numbers of illegal migrants has sustained 150,000 crossing per month for 26 months.  The highest numbers have exceeded 251,087 per month for several months.

A former Clinton staffer, William A. Galson, said, “Inflation is Joe Biden’s biggest problem.”

Inflation drives all of us into the poor house…or a much lower standard of living.  Why? Because we’re paying huge increases for food, energy, transport and medical care…but at the same time, we’re paying billions to house, feed, transport and care for those millions of migrants.  To date, according to, your tax dollars pay out $338 million annually.

Galson might have added that America’s labor markets are being inundated with millions of unskilled, uneducated people who usurp jobs from America’s poverty-stricken minorities.  How do we raise the standard of living for our working poor when we’re adding millions more of unskilled poor?

Galson might have added that we cannot build homes fast enough for the average increase of 5,000,000 to 6,000,000 million people added, net gain, to the United States, annually, virtually all of those increases—from immigration.

Since we maintain a stable human population, how will we deal with housing starts that are driven by endless immigration?  It’s evident, according to the Wall Street Journal, that immigration-fueled housing prices are driving inflation.

Kathy Jones, a chief strategist at the Schwab Center for Financial Research, said, “For those who would prefer not to have to wade upstream into macroeconomic theory against most of the punditry in order to live a striving and optimistic American life, these graphs and terms may fall somewhere between esoteric and ethereal. Which makes it easier to avoid a major media discussion of the topic, as per Eric Weinstein’s concept of the “Gated Institutional Narrative.”

She added, “I couldn’t help but notice that Mark Zuckerberg-backed, pro-amnesty and mass immigration pushers are gaslighting that more immigration would help tame housing price-driven inflation.”

Wouldn’t you expect your two senators to bring illegal border crossing to an end, and reduces legal immigration to a level that better manifests our national interest?

Because, if Washington DC Swamp Rats don’t stop this invasion, every American household will be paying enormous amounts of money just to maintain all the newcomers.

Drought and Lack of Water in the West

Not figured into this equation of massive immigration into America—WATER!  There’s a finite amount of it. Once you overwhelm the carrying capacity of water, you’ve got BIG problems facing you!  They will become critical, ugly and unsolvable at some point.

From Denver to Los Angeles, more than 40 million people depend on the Colorado River to keep their farms thriving and taps flowing.  But now, Western states are at a critical juncture – after a 23-year drought and rapid population growth, a water supply crisis is becoming real.  As part of the Colorado River Compact, established in 1922, seven states are struggling to agree on how to divide water from the waning Colorado River.  I should know because I live in Colorado where our drought continues…and the cost of water in Denver rises dramatically every year.  At some point, we won’t have enough water for everyone’s taps.

“At the end of January 2023, California took a dramatic step to protect its share of the Colorado River by claiming “senior water rights,” and proposed water cuts for the other six Compact states.  California gets 15% of its water from the Colorado, but that water contributes 33% of that used by Southern California, home to 23 million people.  If the states cannot come to an agreement, then the Bureau of Land Reclamation likely will impose its own cuts in water use.”

Again, it won’t matter how many cuts hit Western states when there’s not enough water to maintain crops, animals and humans.

A big concern has been the drastically falling levels at two of the West’s biggest reservoirs, Lake Powell and Lake Mead, which have fallen to one-third their capacity. The fear is that they could hit what’s known as “dead pool,” i.e., the level at which the water behind either the Hoover or Glen Canyon dam is too low to flow out, thereby ending downstream flows.  Water managers worry that could happen within two years.

With 40 million people (and growing with no end in sight) relying solely on the beleaguered Colorado River for domestic and agricultural use, immigration increases demand on a declining resource.  The Census Bureau projects America’s population will grow by another 75-100 million in the next 40 years, with roughly 90% of that caused by immigration.  If nothing is done to bring population growth rates down, then the West will be burdened with millions more people, fewer farms, more expensive water, and an increasingly parched landscape.

In the end, this “exponential growth thing” will be our undoing.  It’s got this civilization by the throat.  We could stop it, but D.C. Swamp Rats won’t!  Well, it will stop at some point by the “Darwin Solution”, which of course, is brutal, ugly and without mercy.

In a few words, our country is being overwhelmed by those SWAMP PEOPLE in Washington DC.  Who’s leading this nightmare to become a reality?  None other than Joe Biden who won’t be around to see what he has done to our country and/or future generations.

Do you see what I see?  Do you understand that we’re in BIG TROUBLE within the next 10 to 20 years?  How stupid can we be to allow such huge numbers of immigrants to invade our country to the detriment of all Americans?

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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The United States’ Bald Eagle In The Coal Mine

By Frosty Wooldridge

March 16, 2023

You’ve heard the old saying, “The warning comes from the canary in the coal mine.” When miners took a canary into a coal mine, they knew that if it continued to chirp, it meant the air was breathable. If it died, it meant they had struck a methane gas seam that would kill all of them. For certain, mining was/is a deadly business.

Is anyone in America paying attention to the “canary in the coal mine” or as I would say, “Are we paying attention to our country in order for it to survive to mid-century?”

America’s most famous Sunday night program, “60 Minutes” presented a sobering look into America’s and the world’s future. That program on January 2, 2023 covered the animal extinction rates in America and worldwide. As our human population continues expanding, animal and plant life dwindles…rapidly.

“The next few decades will be the end of the kind of civilization we’re used to. Humanity is consuming 175 percent of what the earth can regenerate. Our current way of life is unsustainable.”

“Biodiversity is declining faster now than during any time in human history, and the decline is still accelerating. In the past 50 years alone, vertebrate wildlife populations have shrunk by almost 70% and an estimated one million species are now threatened with extinction.” London Garden, August 17, 2021

That’s pretty sobering information. In my world travels, I’ve seen it firsthand as I have scuba dived all the oceans of the world, except the Arctic Ocean. What I saw in 1963…and now what I see in 2023 completely stuns me and numbs my mind. In 1963, I witnessed sheer beauty in the Galapagos Island, Great Barrier Reef, Hawaiian Islands, Indian Ocean off the west coast of Australia, the Great Lakes, Southern Ocean and much more. In 2023, 5.5 trillion pieces of plastic with 8.0 million more pieces added 24/7…kill millions of seabirds, whales, sharks, dolphins, turtles and SO many marine life creatures. It’s beyond sickening and disgusting that humans won’t stop growing the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch” that holds 100 million tons of plastic floating like an island in the Pacific Ocean. It’s upwards of 30 to 90 feet deep and stretches for hundreds of miles.

The easiest solution would be a worldwide $1.00 container deposit- return law. That would ensure 99 percent return and recycle. We knew about it 30 years ago, but have done nothing at the United Nations nor here in the USA.

Washington DC columnist Don Collins said, “Elon Musk reports that if all motor vehicles ran on electricity, the fossil fuel dilemma would be over. His ingenuity, laudable as it surely is, does not tell us how we feed 8 billion people as we add 80 million yearly, on a planet whose sustainable population is estimated by numerous scientists to be no more than 3 billion. Experts predict 3 billion more will be added by 2100.”

In 2005, I attended a conference in Washington DC where the late Harvard Biologist Edward O. Wilson said, “With current human growth and encroachment on ocean and wilderness habitat, we can expect to cause the extinction of 1/3 of all vertebrate life by 2050 and over ½ by the of the end of this century.”

For certain, I wrote about it in my latest book, America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations. I sent copies to “60 Minutes” producers, NPR, PBS and 30 other news outlets to obtain an interview, but they wouldn’t touch it. Ironically, I’ve seen those extinction rates manifest beneath the ocean waves, across the Amazon, across the Outback, across Asia, and across America.

What have I noticed? There are some powerful forces in Washington DC and the mainstream media that don’t want any Americans to be educated as to what’s coming. I’ve always said that you can avoid reality for a long time, but at some point, reality won’t ignore you.

Crazy as it seems, the genius of Elon Musk wants to save us from carbon footprint, but he demands massive population increases. In one area of technology, he’s a genius. In the area of environmental science, he rates an IQ between a toothpick and a blade of grass.

At the same time, Joe Biden promised to never drill for oil in Alaska. He thinks we can keep taking it from the Middle East. But guess what? He just signed a bill to drill in Alaska!

Lost in this insane shuffle shows Biden doesn’t possess a clue as to what he is doing. He just added 10 million legal and illegal immigrants and their offspring to America in the past 26 months. He’s about to double that in the next 20 months. They ALL burn energy and accelerate climate change.

We’re now experiencing the “Sixth Extinction Session” that causes the eradication of an average of 100 creatures daily being wiped off the planet.

There are an estimated five million species on earth currently. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, over 26,500 species are on the verge of extinction. The IUCN has accessed only 106,000 species out of 1.5 million animal species. The actual number of species facing extinction is likely much higher. According to a recent report, an estimated 1.0 million animal and plant species face extinction.

As we break down the animal kingdom, as well as the insects, and the entire web of life, I can’t help but wonder when our species will take its turn in the “Sixth Extinction Session?” Will the Bald Eagle survive? Can you and I ignore reality until it won’t ignore us?

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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By Definition: We Live In Bewildering Times

By Frosty Wooldridge

March 13, 2023

Are you confused about life in 2023 America? Are you confused about the meaning of a boy or a girl? Are you stymied as to why we have borders to protect our country, but our president has invited the largest invasion of criminals over those borders for the past 26 months? Does it concern you that drugs such as fentanyl have killed 100,000 of our youth annually for the past two years…as our leaders in Congress continue to help drug dealers import those poisons over our borders?

Did you see 1,000 illegal migrants “bum-rush” our border at El Paso, Texas yesterday. They are part of over 3,000,000 who will break into our country in 2023—at the invitation of President Joe Dementia Biden. Who is paying for this? Does that make any sense to you?

Does it make sense to you that our cities feature hundreds of thousands of homeless people in the richest nation on this planet? Does it make sense to you that Silicon Valley Bank collapsed last week because it board of directors and president cheated the system into bankruptcy? Are you confused as to the Secretary of Health and Human Services is a man who wears a dress, is obese, grows long hair and carries a five o’clock shadow even after “she” shaves?

Is it strange that our children are being indoctrinated into being “transgender” changelings at the tender age of 6, 7, 8, 9 and/or 10? Is it not strange to you that preteens are being castrated or having their breasts removed before they even know what their lives are all about?

Does it make sense for a 6’4” William “Lia” Thomas to wear a woman’s bathing suit and swim in women’s races in the NCAA? Does any of this nonsense make sense when that same “dude” who identifies as a “woman” takes the trophy? Does it make sense while he stood on the podium with a straight face? Does it make any sense to nominate “him” for “Female Athlete of the Year” by the NCAA?

Am I losing my mind because I think all of this national insanity is flat-out being waged by “woke” crazy people or some kind of “woke virus” that makes people totally nuts in the head and unable to deal with reality?

Why is it that the majority people in this country are guilty of just about every crime ever committed in the last two centuries, but lost in the shuffle remains the fact that every person in America enjoys the highest standard of living EVER in the history of the world. All guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution!

Does it make any sense that this new acronym of EID… “Equity, Inclusion, Diversity” means that we should lower academic standards to put somebody into the cockpit of a 747…or bestow an M.D. degree on someone who will perform a heart transplant…or send someone on a moon landing or place them into an air traffic control tower by the virtue of the color of their skin?

Does anyone reading this column want to fly on an airplane with two such pilots? Or received a heart transplant? Or work with someone in an air traffic control tower that’s about to crash a couple of planes?

So, why are we doing this horse-sh*t to ourselves? Who is forcing us to move from excellence, achievement, academic prowess, freedom of speech and meritocracy…to honoring stupidity, ignorance, illiteracy and high school dropouts?

During my youth, I grew up on a farm much of the time. I learned hard work, chores…milking cows, feeding chickens, shearing sheep, plowing, planting, cultivating, cutting hay, baling hay, stacking it in the barn, making maple syrup, repairing machinery…and learning common sense.

In the 1960’s, women fought for more rights, equal pay and more say in politics. Title IX arrived to give women athletic energy and competition. Additionally, dignity! It made sense!

But last week, First Lady Jill Biden, with a straight face, at the “International Women’s Day Celebration” presented a trophy at the White House to a really big “man” pretending to be a “woman.” He even kissed her on the cheek along with kissing Secretary of Defense Anthony Blinken. Almost hilariously, Blinken winced when the “guy” grabbed him in a wrestling hold and smacked him with a “female” kiss on Blinken’s cheek.

Have you noticed that Joe Biden wants to prevent climate change, but in fact, accelerated it by adding 10 million immigrants and their offspring in the past 26 months to America’s shores? Every one of those 10 million people will burn energy for food, warmth, and transport…along with the energy needed to grow, harvest and truck all that food to feed them. Is that nuts or what? How can we maintain this Faustian Bargain? Answer: we can’t.

How can we as a nation continue down this inane, insane, and totally ridiculous path? How can this president and 535 Congressional Critters be THAT stupid, that useless, and that out of touch with reality? There are a few good apples: Josh Hawley, Tom Cotton, Jim Jordan, Tim Scott, Lauren Boepert, and a few more. But too few to save our country!

Who in America understands that we are galloping over a water, energy, resource, quality of life, standard of living, sociological, racial and tribal cliff?

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more. Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, “Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls“, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation. Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers-off the chart” by Roy Beck This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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What The American People Weren’t Told About January 6th

By Frosty Wooldridge

March 9, 2023

The SWAMP people in Washington DC do not like journalists like Tucker Carlson exposing their nefarious activities. They hate seeing a light shined on their unscrupulous agendas.

For instance, Jesse Waters exposed that former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made millions of dollars on “insider trading” of defense contract stocks that she supported with her votes over the 20-year war with Afghanistan and Iraq. She made millions and lived the “high life” in Washington DC, while our young soldiers died to the tune of 7,500 combat deaths and 114,000 suicide deaths over that 20 year period.

Before that, 60 Minutes reporter Steve Kroft caught her red-handed at a news conference where he asked her if her stock trading wasn’t malfeasance. She answered that she was above board on all her dealings and she was legal in her activities. It makes you wonder why those two wars took 20 years to lose.

Of course, you cannot help remembering that the CIA and FBI dreamed up the Trump-Russia collusion scandal as certain agents tried to derail the Trump presidential run. Those same agencies continued with the Mueller investigation that spent millions to find out that it was all a cooked-up fraud. Trump might be a self-absorbed narcissist, but he’s All-American. He actually secured our southern border and did a lot of good things for America.

In the past two nights, journalist Tucker Carlson, one of the finest investigative men in the field, exposed the “real” aspects via video records of what “really” happened on January 6th. He exposed the lies, the fraudulent activities and complete farce of the Liz Cheney-led Congressional investigation seeking to drag Trump into the gutter.

Not once did any of those agencies investigate Joe Biden and/or his son Hunter’s oil dealings in Ukraine or China. Tell us how a drunk-drug addicted-sexual deviant could make $50,000.00 a month to sit on the board of an oil company in Ukraine? Thus, the answer to that question jumps up in the front row: Joe and Hunter were/are as corrupt as Al Capone.

If truth and honor were leather, Hunter and his father Joe Biden wouldn’t have enough leather to shoe a flea! How is that so? Easy! Joe Biden has been a member of Washington DC swamp for so long, he feels immune to being lawful Americans who actually work for a living. Same with Nancy Pelosi, et al!

After the first night’s expose’ by Tucker Carlson, even the SWAMP leader of the U.S. Senate, Charles Schumer, D-NY for the past 40 years, gave an impassioned plea to shut Carlson down.

Except, you cannot shut down facts! You can’t stop our First Amendment rights. You can’t get away with lying your butt off in a free society that’s governed by the U.S. Constitution. Eventually, facts and the truth will come out by men such as Tucker Carlson, Jesse Watters, Mark Levin, and women such as Kayleigh McEnany, Harris Faulkner, Tammy Bruce, and other brave journalists.

What about January 6th ? A bunch of disgruntled Americans stormed the Capitol Building. A few broke down the doors. None of them carried guns of any kind. No one fired a shot…except a security officer killed a female military veteran without cause. During the proceedings, most of the disgruntled citizens milled around taking pictures.

It was a riot, nothing more, nothing less. Out of 339 million American citizens in this country, only 2,000 rioted without weapons at the Capitol. I don’t think you could call that an “insurrection.” But what we didn’t know: Capital police were warned to beef up their numbers a week in advance. Trump offered Pelosi who was in charge of security to bring in the National Guard. She declined that offer. The security guards asked for more bodies. They were declined.

A special, partisan committee was set up by ex-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to review the events of Jan. 6, 2021, at the Capitol, when some people rioted and vandalized. The committee ignored a number of key factors.

“One that never was addressed was Pelosi’s own culpability, as she refused President Trump’s offer of National Guard troops to protect the building that day. Another was Capitol Police officer Tarik Johnson, who now has told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson what happened that day.

According to Fox, Johnson, a 22-year veteran, was assigned to secure the certification of the 2020 presidential election.

“My voice is one of the first ones you hear on the audio transmission, so I did expect to get an interview (with the Jan. 6 committee) sometime, but it didn’t happen,” Johnson explained. “I guess the focus was on Donald Trump.”

As Lord Acton said 100 years ago, “Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts, absolutely.”

The GREATEST mistake of the Founding Fathers: not installing term limits of 6 to 10 years. Serve your country…and then, go back to your home state and make a living.

What have these “forever” elected reps done during their 30-to-40-year tenures?

Joe Biden—50 years of living off the American taxpayer without accomplishing virtually anything other than giving hot air speeches that meant nothing.

Maxine Waters, D-CA, for 35 years, she’s done nothing for 100,000 homeless in her state. She’s been angry, provoked violence and lived the life of luxury while her constituents starve for jobs and housing.

Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, for 40 years, leeched off the American taxpayer, insider trading on defense contracts, supported 20 year wars, did everything she could to aid, abet and destroy law and order in America.

Hank Johnson, D-GA, over 20 years, thinks Guam will tip over because of too many people on one side of the island. A complete and intellectually bankrupt waste of taxpayer dollars.

And in 2023, we’ve got a whole new class of useless elected Congressional forever members: Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and the list grows and grows.

We’re being led by a president with severe dementia, forever Senators and House members who are so corrupt, they would shame Caligula, Al Capone, Charles Manson, John Wayne Gacy, Ted Bundy, and Jim Jones.

If there was ever a greater reason to vote for Term Limits, the time is now!

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Can Our Country Be Put Back Together?

By Frosty Wooldridge

March 6, 2023

When you look across the American landscape weekly, you can’t help but wonder if we can every stitch this country back together again. This past weekend, National Public Radio hyped multiple racism counts against White people in America. It’s ironic because 90 percent of NPR’s audience happens to be White. That makes for a lot of “guilt.”

On Sunday, Joe Biden wobbled across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama to commemorate the Selma Freedom March in 1965. I remember it well because I attended high school in Albany, Georgia at the time. It’s ironic that the bridge still exists because citizens named it after a Confederate General, U.S. Senator and state leader of the Ku Klux Klan.

Additionally, on the tail end of one of my coast-to-coast bicycle rides along the southern tier, I followed the march route. I camped where they camped. I crossed the bridge on my bicycle. I “felt” the energy of the Civil Rights Movements.

For certain, we’ve come a long way since those dark days in the 1960’s.

At the same time, is there any rest from the reported racial violence we see on social media, national news, angry TV hosts like Joy Reid or Whoopi Goldberg or Don Lemon on CNN and MSNBC? You can feel their black anger against whites oozing out of every sentence they speak. It’s also ironic because Whoopi is worth $70 million from her movies that white audiences attended for decades. It’s sad to see her on “The View” at age 68, obese, walking with a cane…and simply living an angry life. But the same goes for Lemon, Reid, Sharpton, Jackson, Ilhan Omar, Maxine Waters, Hank Johnson and many others who have benefited dramatically by enjoying their American birthright.

If you look at the headlines weekly, a racial crisis emerges with very newscast in large cities, like Chicago. Mayor Lori Lightfoot suffered defeat last week, but blamed it on being black and a woman. One of the funniest videos I saw on social media was Lori Lightfoot being reduced to a cashier at a McDonald’s drive-thru while she handed a burger, fries and Coke to Donald Trump. If you can access it, you’re in for one heck of a funny laugh!

Out in California, never a slave state, Governor Newsome expects to give every black person up to $5 million just for being black…because of slavery…which, of course, no black person in 158 years has ever faced slavery in America. Does that mean taxpayers must pay all the Hispanics, Chinese and South Americans who live in California, too? Question: what happens when whites run out of tax money to pay for all of these financial windfalls?

What am I getting at? Answer: it seems that critical thinking and rational thought have gone the way of the Dodo Bird here in America.

It’s all racist this, racist that, quotas, Critical Race Theory, inclusion, diversity, equity…and everyone who is other than white…crying a Mississippi River of tears. When in fact, most African-Americans love America and would not move back to Africa for any amount of money. So why are the “black media terrorists” being listened to or promoted on CNN and MSNBC? What’s the point to create so much anger?

At the same time, we’re dealing with a president who suffers from Alzheimer’s Disease, who at 82 in 2024, expects to run for another four years in the White House. Worse, there are high level people who support such an idiotic idea. The man doesn’t know what day of the week it is, let alone the year or even his best friend’s name.

One reader said, “Frosty, of any president in my lifetime of 72 years, Biden is by far the emptiest suit I have ever seen. He is just a mouthpiece, a puppet. The democratic party is the president of the USA.

“The bigger issue is they have no one, I mean no one to run in 2024. Harris and three old white guys all over 75 that no one likes. My fear is they know this and will pull something to stop the next election or set things up so that only one party will ever win again. Civil war will make Putin and Xi jump for joy and a third party will never change the direction of this nation. We are too divided.

“This is all about communist influence from China and Russia to destroy the USA. They are doing a good job. This will not end well.”

Here’s a headline on Sunday: Minnesota legislator: ‘I’m sick of White Christians’ adopting Native American babies, continuing ‘genocide’. How do you fight that kind of “racism?”

Wife of Prince Harry, African-American Megan Markle, called the entire Royal Family in Great Britain a bunch of racists.

Black comedian Chris Rock said, “I joked that I understood Markle’s “dilemma” as a “Black girl trying to be accepted by her White in-laws.”

Rock quipped that it was not “as hard as a White girl trying to be accepted by her Black in-laws.”

“Meghan Markle, I know the dilemma,” Rock continued. “I’m like, ‘If you Black and you wanted to be accepted by your White in-laws, then you need to marry a Kardashian because they accept everybody.”

Personally, how does Prince Harry live with one of the biggest “Drama Queens” in modern history? That woman would drive a normal American black or white guy to a life of drunkenness, drugs and sitting at the bar telling his woes to anyone who might listen.

Then, you have this racially charged headline: “Texas Tech suspends men’s basketball coach Mark Adams for “racially insensitive comments toward a player. He referenced the Bible about workers, teachers and parents.”

We’ve got Black Lives Matter trying to burn the country down, while, at the same time, Antifa anarchists want to rip up our Constitution. They would do it if given a chance.

My question repeats itself: are we going to ever stitch this country back together? Are we ever going to enjoy racial peace? Are we going to fix our schools? Are we going to protect and defend our borders? Are we going to repair America’s emotional and spiritual balance? Or, is this nation going straight to hell? Or are we going to re-elect a frail, inept, incompetent, dementia-vacant minded old man back into the White House to continue our journey into the history books like the Roman Empire? What’s your guess?

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Our Completely Decrepit & Incompetent President

By Frosty Wooldridge

March 2, 2023

Yesterday in a Congressional meeting in Washington DC, an American housewife who lost two of her sons to fentanyl over-doses gave her testimony to disinterested democrats.  They listened politely, but as usual, will do nothing to secure our southern border when millions of deadly drugs cross over 24/7.  Last year, over 100,000 drug over-dose deaths…and in 2021, 110,000 drug over-dose deaths.

She said, “If you had 100,000 Chinese soldiers at our southern border with 100,000 rifles ready to kill 100,000 Americans, I bet you would do something to stop them…but instead, you’re helping kill 100,000 Americans with drugs that are being invited over the border by our own president. If this isn’t corruption or incompetence at the highest levels in Washington DC, I don’t know what is.”  (Source: Tucker Carlson interview, March 1, 2023)

Right now, in the streets of America in all our big cities, the homeless use their food stamps money to buy drugs.  In that program, Carlson interviewed a homeless man who spelled out how the homeless buy their drugs.  He said, “When you pay for bad behavior, you get more bad behavior…we’ll never solve the drug crisis with easy access coming over our borders.”

As I sat in my chair watching the program, it wrenched my guts to think that President Biden supports, facilitates, encourages and condones the massive amount of drugs pouring into our country.  He’s either too stupid, too inept, too callous, or simply suffering from too much dementia to understand what’s going on in America’s cities.

When you multiply 100,000 Americans who died from a preventable cause, it turns your guts inside out.  That’s 100,000 parents who lost their kids to drugs.  That’s a total of 200,000 mothers and fathers crying, sobbing and suffering at their kids’ funerals.  That’s another 100,000 people who lost a friend.  The numbers are staggering as to the amount of misery our own President Biden and/or his handlers are importing into America.

When Carlson asked the mother if she felt that her testimony would do any good, she said, “What’s changed since the 110,000 deaths in 2021?”

I know that my two Colorado U.S. Senators, Hickenlooper and Bennet, haven’t, won’t do anything to stop the drugs from killing our families. Why? Because they are pro-open borders.  Same with Governor Jared Polis!  Same with Mayor Hancock of Denver.  All of t hem are useless, corrupt and meaningless as to carrying out their sworn duty to uphold the U.S. Constitution. They violate their oaths of office…and don’t care.

One of Carlson’s guests talked about solving the problems by moving the 70,000 homeless in LA, or 65,000 homeless in Chicago, or the 50,000 homeless in NYC, or the 10,000 homeless in Denver—-into apartment buildings. Bring medical care and mental care. Move them into jobs.

But what does Biden and/or his handlers do?  He gave Ukraine $110,000,000,000.00 to fight a war that is none of our business.  That’s painful because we already wasted $6 trillion in 20 years in Afghanistan and Iraq.

And, Jill Biden wants her husband to run for the presidency in 2024. The man is a walking cadaver.  He cannot complete a sentence without a teleprompter.  He says some really weird things to audiences when off the teleprompter…such as having a registered nurse “whisper in my ear.”

We must be the laughingstock of the world every time Biden opens his mouth.  He’s sniffed little girls’ hair for 50 years in front of the public, and now, he’s telling us about a nurse, “…whispering in my ear.”

One U.S. Senator said, “It’s time for us to enact the 25th Amendment.”

The burning question for this journalist remains: what in the hell is going on in Washington DC?  Why is everyone silent when the “Elephant in the Room” is a president with Alzheimer’s Disease…but everyone stands by in silence?   Biden needs to take a “cognitive test” to determine if he even knows what day of the week it is or what year this is….”

In reality, everyone is waiting for him to keel over dead, or suffer a heart attack or a stroke.  But in the meantime, he’s taking this country apart by not serving the American people.  Historians will write that this is America’s dumbest hour, and this president is the worst in American history because he was incapable of serving the American people.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Affirmative Action, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Transgenderism: Recipe For Disaster

By Frosty Wooldridge

February 27, 2023

Individual initiative, creativity, meritocracy and personal drive form the underpinnings of the social, economic and cultural foundation of the United States of America.

By working your butt off, by striving for something you want, and for creating something of value—-you enhance America, yourself, your family, your community and future generations.

The main reason our U.S. Constitution works: it requires the citizenry of this country to earn their education by attending school from K through 12.  It requires that students work toward a trade or profession that benefits this society.  It requires that every citizen carries a moral, ethical and personal responsibility-accountability to do his/her best to enhance themselves, their community and this country.

That’s how a society thrives. It’s how America succeeded. It’s how all of us benefit from the truck driver to the first-grade teacher to the carpenter to the dentist to the waitperson.  Whatever you’re doing from the janitor to the CEO of a corporation, you’re benefiting this society by your actions, your responsibilities, and your personal gifts.

All that changed in 1964 when President Lyndon Baines Johnson killed personal initiative along with personal accountability by introducing “affirmative action” into The Great Society.  Since that time, those who discovered they could loaf their way through school in order to obtain a diploma—did just that and “earned” their high school diploma while becoming functionally illiterate.

Once they loafed their way through school, they enjoyed a job through “affirmative action” that allowed them to work with equal pay while other more qualified people took up the slack by working harder and more hours.  Then, racial quotas came along to make sure that every workplace carried a quota of specific races…whether they were qualified or not.

The result of the last 50 years of The Great Society has given us 500,000 homeless, millions working in jobs doing nothing much more than painting their fingernails while answering the phone as they “work” for the government.  Welfare has gone off the charts where working Americans pay billions, even trillions for those who enjoy EBT cards, Section 8 housing, welfare for single mothers, and 2.4 million criminals in our U.S. prisons, $32 trillion national debt and a bunch of angry youth who think they are justified in burning, stealing and robbing other Americans.

There is a video out there of an attractive 30 year old mother with four kids on welfare that proudly announces, “With all my benefits, I don’t know why anyone would want to work in America.”

Today, in 2023, instead of students maintaining educational standards, we’ve dropped those standards to such a point that a college degree means nothing.  You’ve got African-American studies that prepare the student for nothing in this society.  He/she can’t fix a plumbing problem, electrical problem, repair a bicycle, change the oil on a car, and a hundred other simple tasks that make that person useful for him or herself in their daily activities.

We’ve got “equity” standards, but in fact, not one minority student in Baltimore, Chicago, New Orleans or NYC can read at their grade level.  (Source: NPR, Scott Simon) We now feature more than 45 million functionally illiterate Americans who graduated from “affirmative action” high schools.

You’ve got “diversity” quotas in movies, advertisements and schools…but a total loss of excellence in standards.  Major colleges are dropping their L-SAT requirements so low, a turtle can become a dentist, doctor or lawyer.  How’s that going to work out in the years ahead?

Of course, the new moniker, “Inclusion” means everyone must be included in the winner’s circle because we don’t want to make anyone feel badly about the fact that they didn’t study, didn’t train, didn’t perform…but they deserve a trophy to make them feel good.  In other words, we’re training all those who lack drive, determination and accountability for their actions into  “winners” when it fact, they didn’t accomplish anything.

And finally, we’ve got mentally “off” males deciding that they are not a boy, but in fact, a girl.  Worse, they want to compete against real DNA females…and step onto the podium with their 6’4” stature, wearing a woman’s bathing suit, along with a pair and a Johnson between their loins…with a straight face as they accept a trophy for their victory.  All the while, the heads of the NCAA approve of such insanity.

And, then, there’s the girls who think they are boys.  We even have allowed a female minority Supreme Court Justice not able to give the definition of a “woman.”   She’s a woman but can’t define a woman.

Personally, it matters little if a boy wants to pretend to be a girl. It’s okay if a girl wants to pretend to be a boy.  So, let us let them compete against each other in the same arena.  For sure,  the American crowds will be like the Roman Coliseum’s blood-thirsty crowds—-cheering the transgender athletes onward toward victory.  Or, they might feed them to the lions. Crowds are fickle that way. Would Will “Lia” Thomas get the thumbs up or down?  Personally thinking, he needs a better bra and jock strap!

In the final analysis, when are the rational, reasonable and sane leaders in this country going to come down to common sense, ethics and morality?  When are those people in power such as in the NCAA going to do what’s right instead of what’s stupid?  When are we going to escape the stupidities and racism of “affirmative action, inclusion, diversity and equity” to maintain standards of excellence for all races, colors and ethnic groups?  When are we going to return to what made America successful?

It’s this simple:

Individual initiative, creativity, meritocracy and personal drive form the underpinnings of the social, economic and cultural foundation of the United States of America.

By working your butt off, by striving for something you want, for creating something of value—-you enhance America, yourself, your family, your community and future generations.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Train Wreck In East Palestine, Ohio: A Living Nightmare

By Frosty Wooldridge

February 23, 2023

“Equity, diversity and inclusion are about as intelligent as allowing a 10-year-old child to pilot a 747 airliner. Would you want to be a passenger?” Unknown author

You cannot help but cringe when you saw the black plume of smoke rising from that horrific train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio. But it’s what you didn’t see that made that tragedy more disturbing.

When transporting such deadly chemicals by rail, why wasn’t the train going slower? Why weren’t the tracks checked for defects? Why hadn’t Norfolk Southern maintained the utmost in maintenance for such a deadly cargo being transported on its tracks? Why weren’t standards in place to make sure that such a tragedy never happened?

Why puncture those deadly chemical-laden rail cars to burn those deadly chemicals into the air—-knowing that the air would be horribly polluted for miles around? What about the acid rain that would fall onto the fields…poisoning them for years to come? What about the rivers that will forever be polluted and deadly for fish and wildlife?

Why didn’t top Washington bureaucrats visit the area? Why did it take “affirmative action” recipient Secretary of Transportation “Mayor” Pete Pothole Buttigieg over two weeks to visit the area to direct clean up?

First of all, it’s apparent that the rails, ties and spikes that hold the tracks into place were NOT maintained. We’re talking about track inspectors being paid off to appease CEO’s to make higher profits instead of public safety.

Second, we’re failing to understand what it takes to maintain our first world civilization. Why are we deteriorating our country to its lowest levels? Mike Rowe, author of Dirty Jobs, said it best: “We’re churning out a generation of poorly educated people with no skills, no ambition, no guidance and no realistic expectations of what it means to go to work.”

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The driver for capitalistic profits overwhelms moral responsibility, a sense of ethical accountability, and simple choice of goodness over destroying peoples’ lives.

Third, whose bright idea was it to burn those deadly chemicals instead of siphoning them into waiting truck tankers? How stupid was the person in charge to order something THAT idiotic? Why weren’t the finest environmental engineers contacted immediately, flown to East Palestine, and given a chance to offer a more reasonable solution?

Here is what I discovered in travels through third world countries: they don’t maintain train tracks until a major accident occurs. At that point, they only repair the tracks where they broke. They never maintain the tracks. When it comes to their cars, they run them until the brakes fail. Then, repair the brakes and run them until the next accident.

Well, Pete Buttigieg announced that we have three derailments daily in the USA. So, why hasn’t that nightmare been remedied with proactive maintenance to make sure there are NO derailments, daily?

Instead of competent people fulfilling jobs competently, we in America have instituted “Inclusion, diversity and equity” guiding us into lowering every standard in our society to match Haiti, Columbia, Congo, Somalia or India. How’s that working out for the people of East Palestine, Ohio?

How’s that working for the backup of ships in the Los Angeles harbor for six months? How’s that working for airlines cancelling thousands of flights? How about those planes nearly colliding because incompetence in the air traffic control tower? How’s that working out for all those cities voting to “defund the police”? How’s it working out where we lower the L-SAT scores for minorities to become doctors, airline pilots or astronauts…when they can’t perform math problems past 2+2= 4?

It’s become so crazy in this new “woke” world that a child cannot pretend to be an Indian, but a grown man can pretend to be a woman and actually compete in women’s sports. How’s that working out for women in America?

How far down that rabbit hole will we descend into equity, inclusion and diversity? Do we want enough illiterate people with “equity diplomas” to become electricians, doctors, pilots, train engineers, dentists, pharmacists, plumbers and lawyers? Which one of them would you hire to work for you?

America’s Illiteracy Race to the Bottom

“More than 45 million people read at a fifth-grade level or below which makes them functionally illiterate. In the United States, 44% of adults don’t read a book in a year. Six out of ten households don’t purchase even one book each year. Three out of four welfare recipients are illiterate. 20% of Americans are illiterate. Literacy is required to make a living wage.”

What happens when more “equity, diversity and inclusion” takes hold of our society? What happens when there are more of them than the ones of us who actually make our society function? Remember Jackson, Mississippi? Their water cannot be consumed, and their water treatment plants were not maintained until they totally broke down…leaving sewage everywhere. That town suffers under equity, inclusion and diversity.

What can we do as a nation? We better return to standards in education. We better teach our kids to be responsible, engaged, and finally, learn how to work a job that benefits them and our society. We better stop spending our money on foreign wars in Ukraine and spend it to stop the rot and deterioration of our own cities like Chicago, New Orleans, Detroit, LA, San Francisco, et al. Those cities are rotting with crime, drugs, and illiterate youth, carjacking’s, shoplifting and killing people at will.

We need standards and we need them enforced if we hope to maintain our “once” first world country. Finally, we need to honor, fund and support our police across America. We need to teach our children to honor themselves, one another, their communities and their country.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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What Are “They” Doing To Our Country? Will We Survive?

By Frosty Wooldridge

February 20, 2023

While listening to NPR over the weekend, Scott Simon casually announced that the United States of America in the past 12 months, via Joe Biden and Congress, imported 100,000 Ukrainian refugees. He flew them 8,000 miles to our country, put them up in hotels, spread them across the nation and will be feeding them for the foreseeable future. Who paid for all of it? Answer: your tax dollars!

I just about fell out of my seat. He interviewed one couple that expressed such happiness to come to America that they said, “We won’t go back.”

You didn’t hear about it on the major networks. You didn’t hear about it being reported in the big newspapers like the New York Times or Washington Post. You didn’t hear about it in your newsletter from your U.S. Senator. You didn’t hear about it on Anderson Cooper, Gutfeld, Terry Gross, Tucker Carlson, ABC, CNN, CBS, NBC or PBS. They are news cartels keeping all Americans in the dark.

At the same time, last month, another 250,000 border-jumping refugees from all over the world violated our borders, got flown all over our country and landed in hotels, motels, Air BnB’s, military bases and tent cities all over America. At your expense!

That’s on top of the 124,000 Afghanistan refugees that still inhabit five of our military bases from the 2020 fiasco brought to you by Joe Biden vacating Afghanistan. He had no right to flood our country with refugees like that! Costs? Into the hundreds of billions of dollars!

That’s on top of the 1,000,000 legal refugee immigrants who waited years to arrive in America, last year. That’s on top of the 6.6 million who arrived in the past 25 months illegally via Joe Biden. (Source: U.S. Border Patrol on illegal entries)

Is Anybody Counting the Numbers Cascading into Our Country?

Are our leaders and this president completely out of their minds? Answer: we know that Joe Biden does not possess a mind at this late juncture in his life. He’s totally out of touch with reality with his Alzheimer’s Disease. But why aren’t the rest of those Congressional Critters screaming at the top of their lungs?

Have you ever seen a civilization collapse down around the ears of the citizens of that civilization? Why isn’t Terry Gross interviewing those of us who know what’s coming? Why hasn’t “60 Minutes” run a huge expose’ on what we face with this massive overload of humans? Does anyone understand that we can’t keep saving the rest of the world?

If we could, we would have to transport, feed and house 4,000,000 kids annually who starve to death in places like Africa, India or Indochina—every year, year in and year out. We would have to rescue, according to the United Nations, 8,000,000 adults who starve to death annually or die from extreme malnutrition.

My question: who is going save us when our civilization collapses? Have you read the book, Blip: Humanity’s Self-Terminating Experiment with Industrialism by Christopher O. Clugston? We’re absolutely going to run out of water, energy, food and resources to sustain our ENORMOUS human population by 2040-2050. By importing millions more people, this nightmare will hit us even sooner.

Here is what we face!

Author Peter Goodchild said, “The main difference between the past and the future is that the cycle of “civilization” can no longer be repeated. Oil is not the only mineral that will be in short supply in the twenty-first century. Industrial civilization has always been dependent on metals, but hematite, for example, is no longer sufficiently common, and mining companies now look for other sources of iron, which can be processed only with modern machinery. In fact, most metals are globally now either declining or heading in that direction.”

Goodchild continued, “All civilizations grow too large to support themselves, and their leaders have little foresight. These civilizations then collapse and are buried in the mud. The fall of the Roman Empire, for example, has been ascribed to various factors, from laziness to lead poisoning. The impoverishment of the soil, and the consequent lack of food, played a large part.”

Since you’re reading this column, do you think California can sustain the projected 20 million more people, net gain, by 2050—a scant 27 years from now? They expect to jump from 40 million to 60 million. What about Florida about to double from 20 million to 40 million within 27 years? That’s what’s coming! Can New York City add another 10 million and survive? What about Miami, Chicago, LA and Atlanta?

Goodchild added, “There is no way for a small group of people to prevent systemic collapse, but it may be that things will be better when the collapse is completed. At the moment, there is only one direction, and that is out. We must literally step out of the present economy—and by “we” I mean those few who are clever enough to be saved, those few who make the effort to pack their bags.”

We need to move toward Steady State Economics (production, consumption, and waste that can be ameliorated as to carrying capacity of a land mass), and that requires Steady State Population. We achieved that with our 2.03 fertility rate since 1970. But those intellectual morons in Washington DC keep piling all the rest of the world’s desperate people into our country. Why are they desperate? Answer: they add 83,000,000, more of themselves, net gain, annually to the planet. What’s it going to take get our leaders off their rear-ends and understand that their children, along with yours, are facing a terribly unfortunate future?

Does anyone understand what our civilization faces?

Share these videos all over America:

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, “Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls“, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation. Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

We Are Teaching Our Kids Violence In America

By Frosty Wooldridge

February 16, 2023

Michigan State University, one of the first Land Grant colleges in America, took a shot to the guts this week.  Three coeds died of gunshot wounds while five other students hang on for dear life in their ICU beds.  A disturbed lone gunman from off campus, Anthony McRae, walked onto the grounds with his guns blazing.  Later, as the police tracked him down, he shot himself.  Too bad he didn’t kill himself before killing those kids in cold blood.

Why was it so painful to me and why did I cry my eyes out at reading the news?  Those killings brought home the violence accelerating in America because I spent five incredible years learning how to be a journalist at MSU.  I love the Spartans.  I love “Sparty” the statue that stands proudly on campus near Spartan stadium.  It’s where Magic Johnson got his start. It’s where the Red Cedar River flows through our beautiful campus. It’s where the autumn colors from the thousands of maple trees decorate those bucolic surroundings.  My youth, my heart and my mind remain on MSU’s campus.  But that was 53 years ago!  Why would I cry over those deaths of those young people?

That vicious event caused my tears because three young women won’t ever get to live their lives, work, perhaps bring up families, and enjoy the fruits of our magnificent country.  Their families weep as you read this column.  The five who survived won’t ever forget their brush with death.

But then I look out across America 53 years after my college experience to see violence has become a way of life for thousands of people.  In fact, we “teach violence” at mall arcades where every game features blood, guts, killing, mayhem, murder and sickening brutality. Kids fill every seat as they handle the weapons to kill anyone in their sights.

Have you noticed a dozen TV shows where violence dominates? How about Criminal Minds, NCIS Los Angeles, NCIS Miami, NCIS Washington DC, Murder She Wrote, Law and Order: SUV, Hannibal, Killing Eve, Django Unchained, Irreversible, and the list grows ad nauseum.

Watch the graphic violence in the movies! The bloodshed defies imagination.  Giant robots killed humans at blinding speed.  Blood everywhere!

Every week, you hear about a kid who shot up a grocery store in Buffalo, New York.  A kid shot up Sandy Hook Elementary school. Look what happened in Uvalde, Texas!  That kid who killed four students in Idaho…what and why?  Another kid shot up the King Soopers where I used to shop in Boulder, Colorado.  Another kid walked into a movie theater in Denver and shot a dozen people to death as they watched yet another violent movie.  It’s nuts out there…and it’s accelerating.

Every weekend in Chicago, Detroit, Denver, New Orleans, New York City, Miami, LA, San Francisco, St. Louis—dozens of kids get killed in drug and turf wars by shooting each other.

What’s the greatest violence being handed to our kids?  President Joe Biden subverts the laws of our land by inviting Mexican drug cartels with millions of fentanyl pills to be distributed to our kids.  That’s just the tip of the iceberg, Biden allows meth, cocaine, ecstasy, heroin and other deadly drugs to be distributed by MS-13 gangs in every small town and city in America.  Over 100,000 drug overdose deaths annually!  That’s on Joe Biden who swore to “defend and protect.”  With his advancing Alzheimer’s Disease, he couldn’t tell you what day of the week it is let alone who is the president of the United States in 2023.

This latest killing hit close to home.

One MSU friend said, ”The shooter, a 42 year old Lansing resident with no ties to MSU, was charged in Ingham County in 2019 with felony illegal possession of a gun, but let off by the liberal prosecuting attorney, with alleged ties to George Soros, and given a plea bargain which included no jail time and only a year of probation: a phenomenon which diminishes our rule of law, and has allowed in other instances dangerous criminals to get off without bail, a court date pushed far into the future, and an opportunity to commit more crime. Someone once said, ‘you almost always get more of what you subsidize.’”

Another MSU friend said, “We asked ourselves the same questions.  We came up with nothing else to ease the pain. Mentally disturbed people do wicked things. Why are they loose among us?  The number of state hospital beds shrunk by 94 percent since the 1950’s. State hospitals themselves were often punitive, and in the 1960’s Congress passed a law to replace them with community health centers. But few of those centers were ever built, and the government have failed to put money into programs like crisis response teams or treatment options. Instead, funds have flowed into jail and prison systems, which are now the largest providers of mental health care in the country. So, until a mentally disturbed person executes a heinous act, the majority get no help for their condition. Unassisted, they do the unexplainable!  We, through our elected representative, are allowing this to continue. We will hear the clamor for gun controls, but not mental health assistance for the mentally disturbed.  We are reaping what we have sown.” BJ

What do I think?  Answer: I think America, via the Internet and smart phone age, has lost a sense of community and identity in the big cities.  We’ve got teen suicides screaming off the charts. We’ve got drug usage beyond comprehension.  We’ve got 14 million drunken drivers on our highways 24/7 according to the Mothers Against Drunk Driving.  We’ve got divorces at half of all marriages.  Their kids lose “structure and security.”  We’ve got 7 out of 10 black kids reared in single family homes with a mother on welfare, living in the ghetto.

We’ve got over 500,000 homeless Americans.  And yet, Joe Biden and Congress totally and completely ignore any solutions.  In fact, Dementia Joe has invited another 6.6 million homeless refugees into America in the past 25 months.  How do you think that’s going to work out in the years to come?

In a few words, I think our country is TOO big, TOO complicated, TOO fast, TOO multiculturalized, TOO crazy and going more insane by the day.  And, as this system adds more human misery and humans without purpose or community connection…it can only worsen in the years ahead.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Our American Ecological Footprint Is Three Times Larger Than Our Country

By Frosty Wooldridge

February 13, 2023

While we watched Superbowl LVII, and the commensurate celebration of our national pastime, other more serious consequences continued grinding down our ability to sustain our civilization.

As you know, Biden and Congress have invited over 6.6 million refugees into our country within the past 25 months. The next 24 months with Biden’s push to leave our borders open to anyone and everybody will result in another 6.6 million people. That’s over 13.2 million added people and another 4.0 million of their babies. We’re talking something to the tune of 17.2 million more people who need water, food, housing, medical, schooling, energy and LAND. All in just four years!

Biden suffers from Alzheimer’s; thus, he has NO idea of what he is forcing onto America’s future. He cannot comprehend the consequences of his actions. Our 535 Congressional members are just about as brain-dead as Biden.

What’s coming as to our ability to sustain America?

It’s called unsustainable “ecological footprint” or what it takes to sustain all 340,000,000 (million) of us…now and into the future. We’re running out of water, energy, food and resources to sustain our population. But we’re about to add 100 million more within 27 years. I can’t say this fact enough!

Roy Beck of said, “The “migrant busing” story has taken a new turn. New York City – a self-proclaimed “sanctuary city” – has “no more room” according to its Mayor. Same with Denver, Chicago, LA, New Orleans and NYC!

Exceeding worldly limits can quickly become a cruel kind of compassion. There are 160 million adults worldwide who want to permanently relocate to the United States today. Hundreds of millions more would resettle here today if they could.

New York City is buckling under 30,000 migrants. Mayor Adams believes he needs $4.2 billion to cover the costs of the crisis in 2023 and 2024, and he doesn’t have the budget. That’s the cold reality.

Beck said, “The welcoming instinct may be limitless in the human heart, but there are only so many people a city can house, feed, and otherwise provide for. Even in a rich megacity like New York, the promise of infinite vacant housing and empty beds eventually runs up against spatial limits and proves to be unsustainable.

“In addition to housing, people need new/expanded municipal infrastructure such as water supply lines, roads, schools, police/fire, and even sewage treatment capacity. Increased density can mitigate the impact this development has on nature and open space, but it cannot offset the losses. This 90 second graph will show you what ecological footprint means to you and your children.”

This is a 90 second explanation and graph about ecological footprint:

Chart, funnel chart Description automatically generated

Beck said, “Now that illegal immigration has numerically overtaken legal immigration, Congress must act. The Border Safety and Security Act, H.R. 29 would require the Department of Homeland Security to turn illegal migrants away if they cannot be detained or put into a program like the Migrant Protection Protocols. By requiring DHS to stop releasing migrants into America, this bill would remove the incentives and expectations for coming to America without authorization, and would be the first step towards stabilizing the border.”

In the end, we must ask ourselves as mother and fathers if we want the kind of future that is exploding into our faces. Yes, the rest of the world suffers from 83 million new babies, net gain, annually. But, are we supposed to take all of them into our country? And where will that lead our civilization?

“Most Western elites continue urging the wealthy West not to stem the migrant tide [that adds 80 million net gain annually to the planet], but to absorb our global brothers and sisters until their horrid ordeal has been endured and shared by all—ten billion humans packed onto an ecologically devastated planet.” Dr. Otis Graham, Unguarded Gates

What can you do? You need to write, call and visit your House member, your two senators. You need to write your governor, mayor, newspaper, and more. You need to get on FB, and the rest of social media and demand that talking heads address what’s coming. Speak on your local radio talk shows. Contact 60 Minutes, Terry Gross of NPR, Scott Simon of NPR, your local radio stations, David Muir, Norah O’Donnell, Lester Holt, Anderson Cooper, Tucker Carlson. Do it repeatedly by the week. You are the energy that will drive a national movement to save our civilization from certain collapse.

“Unlimited population growth cannot be sustained; you cannot sustain growth in the rates of consumption of resources. No species can overrun the carrying capacity of a finite land mass. This Law cannot be repealed and is not negotiable.” Dr. Albert Bartlett, , University of Colorado, USA.

And the last question: why isn’t anyone in Washington DC addressing this horrific future?

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more. Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, “Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls“, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation. Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

The Mannequin President: Stilted Walk, Not Quite Alive, Shaking Hands With The Air

By Frosty Wooldridge

February 9, 2023

Let’s face it, Joe Biden has been blowing hot air and shaking hands with other politicians for over 50 years in that den of thieves, liars and cheats called Washington DC.  Notice how they promise to solve America’s problems during their stump speeches, but when it comes down to brass tacks, they fail the American people on all fronts.

If they actually worked at their jobs, we would have solutions. Forever House Member Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi of California have watched over 100,000 homeless in their districts for decades—and did nothing.  If Ilhan Omar of Minneapolis was honest, she wouldn’t have lied and cheated on her immigration papers when she defrauded us by marrying her brother to gain citizenship.  If Charles Schumer actually did something as Senate Leader, he would have solved our $32 trillion Federal debt before it manifested.  If the entire Congress did its job, we would not have an invasion at our southern border of millions of illegal migrants.

But they don’t. That includes your two senators and House member.  They sit on their thumbs while they attend wine parties. Words count for nothing. It’s actions and results that bring improvements.

On February 7, 2023, Joe Biden, a man suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease, and who now shakes hands with the “air”, and must be led off the podium by his protective wife, gave a speech that he didn’t write.  Furthermore, he lacks the mental abilities to understand what he’s doing to our country. He’s very much like a mannequin in a store window who looks good in clothes, but there is no substance or life under the fancy garments.

Whoever wrote that speech must live in “LaLa Land.”  What’s worse, Biden’s handlers are running our country…and they are running it into the ground.

Biden gave $100 billion to Ukraine while we pay $4.00 to $5.00 per gallon of gas.  He invited over 6.6 million illegal aliens into our country in violation of our laws…and houses them in hotels that they trash…at our expense to the tune of $338 billion annually for food, housing, medical, schooling, transport and more. We’re paying $9.00 for a dozen eggs, IF we can find them.  My grocery bill gives me high blood pressure every time I walk into King Soopers.

Across America, food banks face devastating shortages.  Our schools are being overwhelmed.  Hospitals are going broke from illegal migrants not paying a dime for services.  They are being transported by planes, busses and trains to every city in America—–that cannot house them.

And yet, Joe Biden gave a ridiculously absurd speech on the “positives”  in America.  If you heard it, you wanted to mentally puke.

What others are saying about the speech!

“Idiotic,” one father and grandfather in Iowa said bluntly in remarks about the speech. “Biden is not leading us — he’s misleading us down a very slippery slope, morally, economically and geopolitically.”

He continued, “What I mean by geopolitically is this: The China spy balloon should have been shot down as soon as it crossed into the U.S. The message Biden sent to his own people and to leaders around the world is one of hesitation and weakness.”

The newly-elected Arkansas Gov. Sarah Sanders delivered the GOP rebuttal to President Biden’s second Tuesday, calling for a “new generation of Republican leadership” and describing the choice between Democrats and Republicans as a choice “between normal or crazy.”

“Being a mom to three young children taught me not to believe every story I hear. So, forgive me for not believing much of anything I heard tonight from President Biden. From out-of-control inflation and violent crime to the dangerous border crisis and threat from China, Biden and the Democrats have failed you,” Sanders said.

“It’s time for a change. Tonight, let us reaffirm our commitment to a timeless American idea: that government exists not to rule the people, but to serve the people. Democrats want to rule us with more government control, but that is not who we are,” she added.

Sanders noted that she and Biden didn’t have a lot in common because she is “for freedom” and he’s “for government control,” and went on to note the four decades difference in their ages.

“At 40, I’m the youngest governor in the country. At 80, he’s the oldest president in American history.  I’m the first woman to lead my state. He’s the first man to surrender his presidency to a woke mob that can’t even tell you what a woman is,” she said.

“In the radical left’s America, Washington taxes you and lights your hard-earned money on fire, but you get crushed with high gas prices, empty grocery shelves, and our children are taught to hate one another on account of their race, but not to love one another or our great country,” she added.

After traveling across America for the past two summers coast to coast, I witnessed what Governor Sanders said.  We Americans are getting our butts kicked by our own president, and/or his handlers.

“President Biden inherited the fastest economic recovery on record. The most secure border in history. Cheap abundant, home-grown energy. Fast-rising wages. A rebuilt military. And a world that was stable and at peace. But over the last two years, Democrats destroyed it all,” Sanders said. “Despite Democrats’ trillions in reckless spending and mountains of debt, we now have the worst border crisis in American history.”

Obviously, Biden cares little for our children. Along with his crack-head son Hunter Biden, our borders are open to every drug cartel in Mexico. Who pays? Our citizens at 100,000 overdose deaths a year!  How’s that for the State of Our Union?

I don’t know about you, but I’m not thrilled with a man who is SO mentally “not there”, that he shakes hands with the “air” after his teleprompter speeches.  He’s made America much worse and our citizens much worse in the past 25 months.  He’s so full of B.S. that he doesn’t even understand his predicament, much less ours.

I absolutely fear for our country in the next 23 months of this lifeless mannequin living in the White House and pretending to lead our country.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Your Anguish May Be My Anguish: Climate Change, Open Borders, Unlimited Criminals

By Frosty Wooldridge

February 6, 2023

You may be wondering what kind and how many incompetent elected officials continue running our country over a cliff.  Whether it’s the president or his handlers, who must be as senile as he is, or it’s the woke crowd—or it’s simply all too much to grasp.  Whatever is going on in America, you can’t quite intellectually grapple with the insanity of it all.

For example, I listen to NPR on Saturday mornings with Scott Simon.  His grandfatherly voice and demeanor sooth most of his listeners with his interviews of ecology experts, social do-gooders, authors and sports stars.

At the same time, he confounds listeners with some really out-of-touch with reality people he interviews. This past Saturday, he interviewed an expert who wants to stop all gas stoves to cut down on climate change. Never mind an electric stove uses more coal- fired electricity!  He spoke about the need to engage all-electric cars to save all of us from our carbon footprint via gas-powered transport.  The expert gave facts, figures and statistics to prove his points.  “We can bring our country to carbon-neutral….”

But what he didn’t say left the audience in total darkness as to the reality that we will never reach any kind of carbon-neutral because by 2030,  we will have added 35 million more people to the USA. By 2040, we’ll have added another 35 million people, and by 2050, another 35 million people.  All of them will be burning some kind of energy to cook, to stay warm, to be transported.  At the same time, another 2.0 billion people will be doing the same thing around the planet.

I’ve sent Scott Simon and the entire NPR staff over 10 top national experts on water, energy, resources, food production, and more.  All of them would tell you that our civilization cannot sustain those numbers. He won’t interview any of them.  Why? You tell me!

What’s the driver of all our problems?  Exponential human population growth!  You cannot escape the FACT that we cannot sustain another 100 million people added to our civilization. But Scott Simon, Terry Gross, Steve Inskeep, Lax Mai Sing and the rest of them at NPR won’t touch that sacred subject of immigration-driven human overpopulation.  On purpose! They won’t educate you as to what’s coming with another 100 million people added to America…virtually all of them by immigration and birth rates!

Why do you think “the most trusted NPR programming” wants to keep you blind, deaf and dumb as to our future?  What’s their purpose…when you realize their kids or grandkids will be around when the sh*t hits the fan in this country?

Did you notice that a half-dozen planes narrowly missed each other during take-off and landings in the past two weeks?  NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN and FOX reported on the near- misses.  Two planes actually broke off each other’s wings while crammed into their parking slots.

Can you imagine the air traffic with another 100 million people added to America, net gain, within 27 years?  (We are projected to jump from 340 million to 440 million.)

And yet, NPR won’t speak a word about what’s going on at the border!  As documented by the U.S. Border Patrol in the last 24 months, Biden invited no less than 6.6 illegal migrants, another 2.0 million legal migrants, and another 2.0 of their birth rates.  We’re talking numbers SO enormous that you just can’t get your arms around them.  And yet, the pretending-president of the United States refuses to stop the invasion of our country.  He’s in violation of U.S. Federal Law that warrants impeachment. But there’s no one with the courage in Washington DC to impeach him.  It’s beyond insane!

Then you see criminals from New York City to Los Angeles running wild with car jackings, murders, shoplifting, arson, rapes, drug trafficking…but mayors and governors assist them in getting back out on the streets of Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit, Denver, San Francisco, Miami and more. What is going on when a District Attorney releases more criminals than he or she puts in jail?  What’s going on when Chicago Mayor Lori Lamebrain (Lightfoot) must be the dumbest, most incompetent elected official in this country besides AOC, Maxine Waters, and Ilhan Omar—but she’s still in office?  Does any of this make sense?

Why am I in despair and emotional anguish?  Why wouldn’t I be?  Why wouldn’t you be?  Why aren’t we electing officials to carry out our laws? Why aren’t we electing school board leaders that want to educate our kids instead of indoctrinating them with Critical Race Theory, woke transgenderism, men pretending to be women, and/or blaming the rest of us for all their problems?  What a load of crap: white superiority, white privilege, white supremacy, et al.  In the end, every American, no matter what his or her color, must work and earn merit their advancements in life.  Affirmative action is another world for “political correctness stupidity and laziness.”

Top educational leaders are lowering the standards on tests for doctors…to create equity, diversity and inclusion.  Do you want an “equity” graduate of medical school who can’t spell his or her own name to operate on you as to a heart transplant?  Good luck with that!  How stupid are we becoming to accept this form of political correctness?

At some point, I’ve got to believe that there are more of us with common sense, rational thinking, historical perspective, academic standards, reasonable actions and pride in our country and communities.  There MUST be countless millions of us who believe in the goodness of America, our citizens and our U.S. Constitution.

In the meantime, I’m in overload with emotional anguish and mental despair as to what’s happening to our once-beautiful country.  What about you?

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Tell Me Exactly What Is The Meaning White Supremacy, Again?

By Frosty Wooldridge

February 2, 2023

African-American educational leaders state that, “Math is racist.” Except mathematics has no more to do with racism than green grass is “racist.” Mathematics forms the foundation of our entire civilization as to engineering, construction, transportation, food, and just about everything that allows this country to thrive. So, how exactly did “race” get thrown into the mix? Answer: by those who won’t or can’t do their homework to discover the answer to the equation! The equation is solved or not solved. It doesn’t care about the color of your skin!

Other black leaders have enshrined the women-beater, car jacker, Federal felon, local porn star, drug addict and drug trafficker George Floyd as a national hero. Never mind the man died of a fentanyl overdose while three minority cops and one white cop subdued him on the ground for committing yet another crime in his crime-ridden life…passing counterfeit bills.

After that moment, Black Lives Matter and Antifa burned down American cities, stole and smashed everything in sight across the nation to the tune of $2 billion in damages as well as killing over a dozen people. Not one anarchist/arsonist/thief saw a jail cell.

That’s when the term “White Supremacy” became the call word for African-Americans being shot, mistreated, jailed and harmed by white cops. That’s when the call for “defund the cops” and “kill cops” became the clarion call…in inner cities across America.

Since that time, criminals have enjoyed the freedom to rob stores, rob trains, jack cars, shoplift, and shoot people with complete immunity in America’s largest cities.

So, you might ask the question, “What exactly is the meaning of white supremacy?”

Because Whoopi Goldberg, a black lady on the TV show, “The View”, wanted to know if anything would be done if white people were shot or beaten like Tyree Nichols was beaten last week by five black police officers?

Last week, five black Memphis, Tennessee police officers stopped Tyree Nichols, a 29-year-old black man, for reckless driving. He resisted arrest, broke loose and ran from the officers. They tased him with an electrical taser gun, but that didn’t stop him. They pursued him in a footrace. A total of five black officers beat the living crap out of him with punches and kicks to the head. Finally, after more kicking, punching, and beating…they cuffed him. He suffered such a beating that he was taken to the hospital where he died.

CNN host Joy Reid called the beating “White Supremacy” in action. America’s number one conman and tax evader, Al Sharpton called it entrenched white supremacy. In other words, African-Americans who administered the Tyree Nichols beating were pronounced “white supremacists.”

Except, here’s the reality of the situation: Memphis, Tennessee features 70 percent black population. The mayor is black, police chief a black woman, city council all black, most teachers are black, most police officers are black all the way down to black workers at McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Arby’s, and Pizza Hut. Most of the kids in school are African-American.

You may be wondering, exactly, what in the devil is “white supremacy” and how is it dominating Memphis, Tennessee where the black population dominates every aspect of the city?

How can white supremacy be blamed when 9.5 out of 10 killings in big cities are black on blacks killing blacks? Let’s take a look at the facts on any given weekend in black-dominated cities:

January 28, 29 2023, CHICAGO (CBS News) — At least 51 people were shot over weekend in Chicago, and nine of the victims have died. Four of the victims were under 18 years old, including a 4-year-old who was shot in the South Chicago neighborhood Friday evening. South Chicago is virtually 90 percent black or Hispanic or illegal alien migrants. This killing rate continues every single weekend in a city run by black Mayor Lori Lightfoot.

January 28, 29, 2023, NEW ORLEANS (WVUE) – Violent crime plagued New Orleans again over the weekend. Nine shootings, two dead, 10 robberies. Police investigated multiple homicides, shootings, and 10 different armed robberies. On Sun., June 26, police say three robberies happened back-to-back in the Marigny. In each of the cases, police say three men, armed with guns, demanded victims’ belongings and took off on foot.

Los Angeles: The Beverly Crest shooting came just eight days after a Jan. 21 mass shooting in the Los Angeles County city of Monterey Park, where 12 people were fatally shot at a dance studio allegedly by a 72 …

These shootings and killings in these big cities continue as black on black killings, people of color shooting people of color. How do you define those killings as “White Supremacy” Whoopi Goldberg and/or Joy Reid, and Al Sharpton?

At some point, we need to have a reckoning with black people in America to take responsibility for accountability in a civil society, and foundational ethics.

How can America’s minorities ever climb out of the inner cities when 80 percent of them, as in Detroit, Michigan, where I used to work, flunk out or drop out of high school? Most big black dominated cities feature the same illiteracy rates. There’s no way that white America can save black America if black America won’t save itself. Please note that I taught in inner city Grand Rapids, Michigan for two years to see exactly what was happening for myself. How do minority kids do their homework? Their parents sit them in front of the television. Or, they play games on their computers. They spend 10 hours a day on their cell phones. Not too much educational pursuit going on in those homes!

Are there any solutions? Of course! But our Congress and presidents would rather fight 20-year wars in Iraq and Afghanistan by spending $6 trillion on their countries rather than our country. Biden and Congress would rather send $100 billion to Ukraine to defend its borders instead of securing our borders. Biden would rather invite six million illegal refugee migrants into our country rather than serve our schools and our children.

Worst of all, the American people sit by and watch it happen…and do nothing to stop it. They continue voting in the same corrupt Congressional critters…so they get the same results. In the end, the inner cities will continue with crime, murders, mayhem, misery, suffering and anarchy. It’s only going to get worse and it’s not going to get better. White supremacy? How about inner-city insanity by inner city black supremacy?

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Americans Not Aware of China’s Onslaught of the USA

By Frosty Wooldridge

January 30, 2023

This year in 2023, China dominates every possible aspect of American commerce. If you visit Home Depot, Lowes, Ace Hardware or any toy, trinket or clothing store—–you will find the “Made in China” tag on 90 percent of the products.

If you start looking into the amount of land and agricultural businesses they own in our country, your shock-level would rival the latest California earthquake.

Foreign-owned land accounts for about 2.7% of all U.S. farmland and forest land, which, according to the Department of Agriculture, stands at 897 million acres. That data also shows that 190,000 acres of farmland are owned by Chinese interests.

How much United States property is owned by China?

In 2019, Chinese nationals purchased 6,300 properties in the United States, generating about $4.5 billion in sales.

In other words, our own U.S. Congress allows American lands and properties to be owned, operated and profited to the benefit of the Chinese…and against our citizens.

Four Reasons Why China is Becoming the Dominant World Power

1. They do not tolerance crime. The death sentence is swiftly and routinely used for terrorists, murderers and drug traffickers. They do not allow any immigration. When I visited China years ago, they suffered a crime wave. How did they stop it? They executed 50,000 petty criminals for stealing bikes or shoplifting. When Amnesty International protested, the CCP said, “We have 1.4 billion people. We need to make sure they are all honest in order to maintain a viable society. Those 50,000 taught 1.4 billion a lesson.”

2. Very low tolerance for religion. No such thing as a God. Almost no religious killings and they are getting rid of the Indigenous Chinese Muslim population as fast as they can.

As an authoritarian society, they do not tolerate protest or religion of any kind.

3. They have not been involved in any expensive wars or invaded any country for the last seventy years. They will simply “acquire” Taiwan. We will be powerless to stop them.

Unlike the USA that has been embroiled in 10 and 20-year wars for most of the last 70 years since WWII, China simply buys up countries with its vast wealth. We spent over $4 trillion in Vietnam for 10 years, $6 trillion for 20 years in Afghanistan and Iraq Wars. We’re $31.5 trillion in debt and pay out over $525 billion annually in interest rates.

4. Their primary weapon of choice to conquer the world is finance, and countries around the world are falling fast. Not just the USA, but all world is in trouble.

In the near future, China will employ millions of American workers and dominate thousands of small communities all over the US. Chinese acquisition of U.S. businesses set a new all-time record last year. It is on pace to shatter that record this year.

One writer who asked to remain anonymous said, “The Smithfield Foods acquisition is a good example. Smithfield Foods is the largest pork producer and processor in the world. It has facilities in 26 US states, and it employs tens of thousands of Americans. It directly owns 460 farms and has contracts with about 2,100 others. But now a Chinese company has bought it for $ 47 billion, and that means that the Chinese will now be the most important employer in dozens of rural communities all over America.

“Last year a Chinese company spent $2.6 billion to purchase AMC entertainment, one of the largest movie theater chains in the United States. Chinese companies control more movie ticket sales than anyone else in the world.

“”Economic beachheads” are being established all over America. For example, Golden Dragon Precise Copper Tube Group, Inc. recently broke ground on a $100 million plant in Thomasville, Alabama. Many of the residents of Thomasville, Alabama will be glad to have jobs, but it will also become yet another community that will now be heavily dependent on Communist China.

“And guess where else Chinese companies are putting down roots? Detroit! Chinese-owned companies are investing in American businesses and new vehicle technology, selling everything from seat belts to shock absorbers in retail stores, and hiring experienced engineers and designers in an effort to soak up the expertise of domestic automakers and their suppliers.”

When you total up all imports and exports, China is now the number one trading nation on the entire planet. Overall, the US has run a trade deficit with China over the past decade that comes to trillions of dollars. China has more foreign currency reserves than anyone else on the planet.

China now produces more than twice as many automobiles as does the United States. After being bailed out by US taxpayers, GM is involved in 11 joint ventures with Chinese companies.

China Dominating Every Product in the World

♦ The uniforms for the US Olympic team were made in China.
♦ China now consumes more energy than does the United States.
♦ China is now in the leading manufacturer of goods in the world.
♦ China uses more cement than the rest of the world combined.
♦ China is now the number one producer of wind and solar power on the entire globe.
♦ China produces 3 times as much coal and 11 times as much steel as the United States does.

China is now the number one supplier of components that are critical to the operation of our national defense system.

As you can see, the Chinese people are much smarter and more educated than the American people. They carry a significantly higher IQ collectively than American citizens. Average Chinese IQ: 106. Average American IQ: 97. They are a monoethnic society without racial, class, religious or ethnic conflict. They are buying up land in Africa and South America in order to feed their enormous and unsustainable population that expects to grow by 100 million, net gain, by 2050. They are singled-minded to dominate the world economy, social issues, land, food, water, energy and countries.

We, the American people, are pawns on their chessboard. Our president and Congress are facilitators for the Chinese.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Transgender Woke Balderdash: I Am A Cat

By Frosty Wooldridge

January 26, 2023

In the past three years in America—–illogical, irrational and numbingly stupid people have taken control of the national narrative.  The head honchos of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) allowed men to compete against women in swimming, track, wrestling and other sports.  They totally trashed Title IX programs across the board.  They crushed women’s sports in favor of politically correct “Woke” stupidity on a scale never seen before in human history.

Never mind that Will “Lia” Thomas stood 6’4” tall, a DNA male who weighed 210 pounds, and just whipped every female he swam against. With a straight face, he stood on the podium with his trophies.  What a complete a**!

What astounds this journalist stems from the fact that guys pretending to be girls weren’t allowed to compete against real women at the U.S. Open, Wimbledon, Australian Open, French Open or any other big tennis venues.  Why?  The crowds would have “Booed” the DNA male tennis players right out of the stadium.  The same would happen at Women’s Professional Golf Association games. Can you imagine some DNA male pro golfer walking onto the greens in a skirt or shorts that show off his hairy legs?  The whole scenario issues a whole new sense of “icky, icky, weird and really weird.”

Who are those people in high places pretending to be presidents, CEO’s and leaders that allow such a national charade to continue? Who in charge of track meets thinks that DNA males should race DNA females and think it’s reasonable and fair?  What about a guy with a “pair” wrestling a DNA female who can’t possibly match his strength?  This whole “Woke” insanity needs to be met with equal opposition by intelligent, reasonable Americans like Lindsey Graham, a mother, who dressed up as a cat and spoke to her city council in a small town in Arizona.

She wore a cat costume to drive home her point about the school’s woke/transgender agenda.

A video of Lindsey Graham, the host of the “Patriot Barbie” podcast, swept across the internet last month featuring her in a complete cat costume as she voiced her concerns about the confusing message a male member of the school board, who identifies as transgender, was sending to elementary-age children. (If you can’t find it on the Internet, you can view the video on my Facebook page: Frosty Wooldridge)

Graham stood up at the lectern at her city council

“This is in my neighborhood where there is a member of the school board whose name is Paul Bixler. He’s a man, he’s very clearly a man,” said Graham.

“The only thing he does to identify as a female is put lipstick on. He grew his hair out a little bit, and he wears his deceased wife’s clothing to school, to sporting events, to school fundraisers, and school events in front of the children.”

“Believe it or not, he actually demands on being identified one of two ways, either Paul, which is a man’s name or Ms. Bixler,” she continued. “It’s very clear he has a gender identity crisis. Not only does he appear in front of the children and insist that the children define him as a woman, but he sits on the board and he’s making decisions for these children.”

“I’m a cat. Meow, meow. I’m not a woman dressed as a cat. I am a cat. How many of you believe and confess that I’m a cat?” she asked. “How many of you believe that your child or a child from this school would believe that I’m actually a cat? No one. You’re right. Truth prevails over imagination. Reality exists. Discernment is innate and something that we’re wired to have. One look at me, and you know this to be true. I’m a woman posing as a cat.”

Graham tried to send a very simple message at the school board meeting

“The point I am trying to make as a cat is that obviously you can’t just identify as whatever you want and demand that other people identify you as whatever you want,” Graham said. “But someone with this kind of mental illness can enjoy that mental illness all they want in the comfort of their home. But when you put them in charge of children, we’re talking about a new type of indoctrination, and that’s what’s really terrifying, is seeing these people in charge of our kids’ education.”

“This is elementary school. So, these are young vulnerable minds. The teachers, the rest of the school board are identifying him as Ms. while he’s talking in just the deepest manly voice that he was born with and so to see these parents take no responsibility for the education of these kids and to teach them true right and wrong, and true biology and true facts and science, and truths is just so alarming that we have this in the school system,” she added.

Graham said she received a surprising amount of support after confronting the board member, recalling an exchange she had with a different member of the school board the next day.

“I saw one of the members of the school board. He looked at me a little odd. I said I’m sure you don’t want to remember who I am. He said, ‘the cat.’ I thought he would proceed to chew me out,” she said. “He said, ‘You know what, thank you so much for getting up there and saying what you said. Thank you for being bold enough to speak truth. I’ve been fighting this agenda, fighting this teacher and this school board member.’”

“There are people on our side,” she continued. “All it takes is a few of us to stand up and speak truth and find the partners in crime, if you will. We really can unite together, and fight back and save our children.”

We’ve got the heads of the NCAA going along with the idiocy of allowing men to compete in women’s sports.  We’ve got superintendents of schools agreeing that “Math is racist.”  That’s about as intelligent as saying, “Chocolate is racist.” Or,  that Critical Race Theory will bring our different races into some kind of bouquet of peace and joy.  When in fact, CRT teaches our young kids to hate anyone of a different skin color.

If someone wants to be “transgender”, that’s fine…but just don’t drive it down the throats of third graders.  Don’t force it into women’s sports.  Keep it out of women’s bathrooms.

If you like CRT, read the book, and then, make your own decisions on your own time. Don’t force it onto impressionable young minds that cannot decipher its deep, divisive, violent undertones.   We’re trying to pull this country together instead of tearing it apart.

Speak for common sense, for civility, for law and order, for citizenship, for your country…The United States of America.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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251,400 Border Jumpers in December: This Is An Invasion Of America

By Frosty Wooldridge

January 23, 2023

According to the Associated Press, the U.S. Border Patrol reported that it processed 250,400 illegal alien border jumpers last month, December of 2022.  All of them were placed on airplanes, busses and trains to be distributed all over America.  All of them were invited by Joe Biden, but all of them are being housed, fed and medically cared-for, by you, the American taxpayer.  Costs?  Into the hundreds of billions of dollars. When asked about the prospects for 2023, the border patrol agent said, “We’re looking at several million more crossings.”

That December 2022 report did not include the suspected 10,000 to 20,000 “got a-ways” normally discovered through night-cameras that are set up along the border at known drug carrying routes. They didn’t  get processed, but simply brought their drugs, guns and child trafficking into our country without notice.

None of those 250,400 refugees were checked for identity, medical problems, drug addiction, criminal behavior or records, diseases or origins.  None were checked for terrorist intentions, child trafficking, and drug smuggling.

In other words, President Joe Biden, and/or his handlers continue inviting and facilitating the biggest invasion of illegal aliens EVER in the history of the United States of America.  Worse than that, 535 Congressional reps help him, aid him, don’t stop him, and/or don’t try to slow him down.  In fact, most democrats applaud Joe Biden.

My own Denver, Colorado Mayor Hancock and Governor Polis, both open borders advocates, are begging for federal dollars to contend with thousands of homeless illegal aliens trashing downtown Denver.  But both of my U.S. Senators are open borders advocates…Hickenlooper and Bennet.  Please note:  there’s already a problem: we have 10,000 homeless Americans in Denver who live on the streets.  One trip along California Avenue and 14th Street in Denver would make you sick to your stomach.

Where are those Federal dollars coming from to pay for more homeless refugees?  Answer: your pocket.  Right now, according to  Federation for Immigration Reform,, you and I are paying out $338 billion annually for all forms of immigration into America.

You’re paying in many other ways.  You’re paying for 107,000 drug overdose deaths in 2021, and another 100,000 drug overdose deaths in 2022.  They haven’t tallied up the final numbers yet, but experts predict it’s well over 100,000 American deaths.  Why? Because Joe  Biden invited all those cartels to pour their deadly drugs into our communities and into our children.

You’re paying for burials of the dead. You’re paying for the ambulance rides. You’re paying for mortuaries. You’re paying for hospital visits.   You’re paying for $94.1 billion in shoplifting.  You’re paying your hard-earned money for schooling their children…into the billions. You’re paying for each kid’s E.S.L. courses, which they won’t pass.  (English as a Second Language.) You’re paying to feed their children breakfasts and lunches.  You’re paying billions for our U.S. Border Patrol to become the largest travel agency in the world.  You’re paying for their travels across the USA.  You’re paying for the enormous crime wave in our cities.  You’re paying for illegals to be put up in hotels in NYC,  Detroit, Chicago, LA, San Francisco, and dozens more. You’re paying for their cell phones given to them by Joe Biden.

You’re paying for all our working poor who are cheated out of jobs by illegal aliens. You’re paying for the unemployment benefits to all our unemployed because legal and illegal immigrants displaced our people from jobs.  You’re paying for home burglaries from illegal aliens. You’re paying for rapes of our children.  You’re paying for drunken illegal alien drivers with no insurance in crashes.  You’re paying higher insurance premiums because of higher theft, burglaries, arson and lawlessness.

What will be the final costs to our country?

Have you traveled to Chicago, LA, NYC, Miami, St. Louis, Detroit, Minneapolis and most of our big cities?  They’ve become human killing zones.  Just this past weekend, some crazed killer shot 10 people to death in a dance hall in Monterey Park, California.  He hated Asians and Hispanics in that once peaceful city.

Those millions of illegal refugees come from over 140 third world countries.  Does anyone understand the ramifications of adding THAT many poverty-stricken, uneducated, incompatible cultures, languages and world views into our first world country?

If you think we have exploding “crime” in 2023, you haven’t seen anything, yet!  It is already snowballing beyond solving. Once our entire country loses its moral, ethical and principled foundation—all hell will  break lose.

Just last week, the Muslims of Michigan passed a law for animal sacrifice in our first world country. Just slash a goat’s or sheep’s throat and let it bleed to death while onlookers cheer. They’ve legally plunged us back into the 6th century. And, and we can’t do anything about it. What happens when they legalize honor killings and degrade women’s rights? Are you ready for your daughter to suffer female genital mutilation? You know it’s coming. The following article is normal in Muslim countries as reported by Robert Spencer:

“Islamic Republic of Iran: Man gets eight years prison for beheading his teen wife” by Robert Spencer

Jan 22, 2023

“No, Islamic law does not permit a man to murder his wife. The Qur’an does, however, say “When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks…” (47:4) Sajjad Heidarnava may have considered his wife Mona Heidari to have become an unbeliever by rejecting something he considered Islamic.”

“Diversity within a nation destroys unity and leads to civil wars,” said social scientist Garret Hardin. “Immigration, a benefit during the youth of a nation, can act as a disease in its mature state. Too much internal diversity in large nations has led to violence and disintegration. We are now in the process of destabilizing our own country. The magic words of destabilizers are ‘diversity’ and ‘multiculturalism’.”

And the topic that NO ONE will address or even whisper: these refugees, if continued, are projected to add 100,000,000 (million) people, net gain, to the USA  within 27 years by 2050.  Are you ready for that?  Do you have ANY IDEA of what we face if those numbers manifest?

Well,  I  DO…I’ve spent time in every overpopulated country in the world.  Once the numbers manifest, everyone is screwed. Water,  energy, food, air, resources: all exhausted beyond carrying capacity.   One look at  China, India, Indochina, Mexico, Rio de Janeiero, Tokyo, Hong Kong, et al., and I guarantee you, they simply wait until they collapse into mayhem.

If this invasion continues, do you, as an American, understand the cultural fragmentation we face? Do you understand the racial conflicts that cannot be solved?  Do you understand the linguistic chaos we face? Do you appreciate the religious insanity of Sharia Law in America we face?  Do you understand the sheer overpopulation load we face that is unsustainable?  Do you understand that we will lose our viability as a civilization, country and culture?   Do you realize we are committing national suicide of our own country?

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more. Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, “Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls“, Roy Beck, director of  www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart”  by Roy Beck This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!” 

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Anti-American Media Terrorists: Reid, Lemon, Sheila Jackson Lee, Whoopi Goldberg, Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters

By Frosty Wooldridge

January 19, 2023

As you enter 2023 with your hopes held high for a good year for you and your family, you can’t help but wonder how we’re going to survive the continuous attacks on the “character” of the United States by what might be termed, “media terrorists.”

They sling pejorative names, degrade our finest, and rant about racism, xenophobia, white nationalism.  Much like Black Lives Matter or Antifa anarchists, those media terrorists fail to bring solutions to the table other than slander, vilification and worse.  You see it daily on that vacuous show, “The View.”   You see it with every word spoken by Joy Reid on MSNBC.  You see it every time Al Sharpton, one of the biggest con artists in history, visits a tragedy (in his private jet) so he can sink his teeth into that tragedy…to blame all of white America.

In the past week, U.S. House Member Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) introduced a bill that basically says that every white American is a white supremist,  racist and prejudiced.  Amazingly,  she’s been so long in Congress without having accomplished anything for her poverty-stricken constituents, that you might see mildew and mold growing on her torso.  She’s THAT antiquated.  In fact, if you look at videos of her speaking in Congress over those 30 years, nothing but loathing anger toward white Americans.

“Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee has introduced a House Bill to criminalize “conspiracy to commit white supremacy,” which includes any criticism of non-white people that influences (such as something published or said online) someone who commits a hate crime,” conservative pundit Ian Miles Cheong tweeted.

“What we are speaking about is of course the words ‘white nationalism’ and ‘white supremacy.’ For it is clear the FBI makes a direct point between dehumanizing and derogatory comments which come from white nationalists and white supremacists to the idea that it generates, as you have heard here on the floor of the House. It generates the death of Dr. Martin Luther King. It generates Charlottesville. It generates Charleston, SC. It generates hateful acts that result in death,” she charged.

In reality, Sheila Jackson Lee and Maxine Waters have done nothing for their constituents in their respective states for over 30 years.  In Waters’ district in California, there are 70,000 homeless while she lives in a mansion.

Then you see black, gay Don Lemon berating white men as the terrorists in America.

“CNN host Don Lemon is under fire after a disturbing, on-air rant in which he declared that “white men” are the biggest terror threat to the United States, noted that “there is no white-guy ban” and wondered aloud, “what do we do about that?”

“Lemon’s latest spurt of acid is a most unusual plea for national unity. ‘We have to stop demonizing people,’ and then, just two words later, a blast of divisiveness worthy of a machete,” Murdock said. “Painting with a roller rather than a mere broad brush, Lemon slams millions of his fellow Americans. He does not say they are wrong, mistaken, or misinformed. Rather, they are a ‘terror threat.’”  (Source: CNN)

If he lived in Saudi Arabia, they would toss him off a building for being “gay” because it’s against the holy Quran.

African-American Whoopi Goldberg, (real name Karen Johnson), blasts white America at every juncture on  “The View.”  Yet, she’s a multi-millionaire because white audiences paid to see her movies.

Out in California, top black leaders call for reparations to the tune of over $200,000,000,000.00 to individuals at over $5,000,000 per African-American.  Except one glaring reality: California was never a slave state.

As to Al Sharpton, he’s got to be the biggest con man since Paul Newman in the movie,  “The Sting.”  He owes millions in back taxes, but because he’s black, the feds won’t touch him. If they did, the BLM would move on and burn any city it chooses.

Aren’t you, as an American, getting sick with all this verbal crap?  Let’s face it, the vast majority of black, white, brown and other Americans go about their daily life…working, dining, playing, concerts, sports,  families, and hobbies.

Isn’t it ironic that in the past 24 months, over 6.1 million people,  mostly of color, violated America’s borders,  JUST to live in America?  Do you understand that another 2.0 million people of color moved here legally as invited immigrants?  Why do you think they moved to such a “white nationalist…white supremist…racist and evil terrorist-filled nation?”

At some point, we need all the black billionaires,  millionaires, wealthy sports stars, rich entertainers, movie stars and black leaders across the board to stand up and be proud to be an American.  If they don’t, we’re seeing those “media terrorists” turning kids and adults against their own country.  If you get enough of them, you get Chicago, Detroit, NYC, Miami, LA,  St.  Louis, New Orleans, San Francisco, Denver…and on and on…shootings, killings, mayhem, stealing, drugs, gangs and chaos.

In the end, you don’t see anyone of color or otherwise immigrating to Africa, China, Mexico, India or any other failed country.  Wouldn’t it be better for all Americans to be proud of the one country on this planet that gives its citizens the ability to be educated, live, work, thrive, pursue happiness, enjoy health, sports, and live their dreams?

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Importing Barbarians Into America: Animal Sacrifices In Hamtramckistan, Michiganistan

By Frosty Wooldridge

January 16, 2023

Last week, a Detroit area town’s Muslim dominated city council passed a law that allows animal sacrifice. Anyone can slit the throats of sheep or goats within the city limits as a sacrifice to Allah.  The animal suffers a horrible death as it bleeds out until it dies.

U.S. News reported, “This is when Muslims recognize Abraham sacrificing a sheep instead of having to sacrifice his son,” Walid said, referring to the passage in the Quran and Old Testament.  Hamtramck residents will be required to notify the city, pay a fee and make their property available for inspection.  Hamtramck has a population 28,000. More than half of the residents are of Yemeni or Bangladeshi descent.”

That kind of activity remains an aspect of the 6th century, of illiterate tribesmen, and of a religion that sacrifices women in “honor killings” into the 21st  century.  Not  only that, that religion practices horrific killing of animals via “Halal” meat.

Whose bright idea was it to bring the Dark Ages into America where women have less value than a goat? Why must little girls suffer female  genital mutilation?  Why allow a religion where women’s rights are zero in a male dominated religious society?

Where are the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals?  Where are the Humane Society people? Where is ASPCA?  Michigan Animal Cruelty Society? Where are all the animal rights people?

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”  – Mahatma Gandhi

There is another sickening aspect being shoved down America’s throat:  Islamic Halal meats sold in Whole Foods, Kroger, King Soopers, Subway, Walmart, KFC, Publix, and many more.

My journalist colleague Fred Elbel in Denver visited a store with Halal meats, “I recently experienced a rather disgusting encounter with the cult of multiculturalism and their dissolute corporate profiteers.

“Under the false impression that Whole Foods carries top quality products, I recently purchased several Safron Road frozen dinners. Back home, I fortunately caught the fine print “certified Halal” warning label, which allowed me to avoid ingesting this filth. I complained to store headquarters and received a terse response saying that they emphasize “product quality”.

“For those who are uninformed, “halal” means that the animal must be butchered under conditions of extreme cruelty. The animal’s throat is slit, and it is strung up upside down to bleed out while it is still alive and conscious. Islamic religious chants must be issued while the animal suffers an excruciating death.

“Sadly, FDA does not mandate that halal-certified foods sold in America are in fact labeled as such.

“It is inconceivable to me that American stores are carrying meat and food products from animals killed in this manner. Anything for a buck, I guess. I won’t be frequenting those stores.”

Whose bright idea was it to import this kind of barbarism into our country?  Was it Congress?  Who in Congress?  Why?

Today in 2023 America, we see over 1.0 to 2.0 million cases of female genital mutilation by our 4.0 million imported Islamic followers.  The procedure cuts out the genitals of the woman.

According  to Department of Homeland Security, we have 23 to 27 honor killings annually in the USA from our Muslim immigrants.  This is killing nightmare that is truly before the Dark Ages all the way back to the 6th century when that murderous, illiterate tribesman Muhammad cut peoples’ hands off, raped little girls and killed women at will.

The United Nations documented that Muslims honor kill 5,000 to as many as 20,000 women annually for dishonoring their husbands or family.  How sickening is that?  How disgusting?  How barbaric?  Well, it’s here in the United States in 2023!

Honor Killings – Justice Speakers International reports: “Honor” Killings According to the United Nations, it is estimated that globally there are 5,000 murders called ‘honor killings’ every year. Women’s advocacy groups have estimated the number of victims is closer to 20,000 annually because many of these murders are covered up as accidents or suicide (Source: Honor killings.

That’s the narrative that is used to justify these brutal attacks on women and girls, but here are the facts:

  • The UN estimates that around 5,000 women and girls are murdered each year in so-called “honor killings” by members of their families.
  • “Honor” killings are widely reported in regions throughout the Middle East and South Asia, but these crimes against women occur in countries as varied as Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, Ecuador, Egypt, India, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Morocco, Pakistan, Sweden, SyriaTurkey, Uganda, United Kingdom, and the United States.
  • Like other forms of violence against women, “honor” violence against women may be considered a form of torture, whether enacted by the state or by an individual.
  • While “honor” crime is committed predominantly against women and girls, “honor” crime is also on the rise against LGBT people, particularly gay men.
  • In many countries, the punishment for “honor” crimes are inadequate or non-existent—laws either do not recognize “honor” crime or have insufficient sentencing for such crime. And in countries where laws have been passed to curb “honor” crime (for example, in Jordan), such laws often go un-enforced.
  • According to the Iranian and Kurdish Rights Organization, “Honor Killings are on the rise”, especially in Europe and the US.

The only reason for these honor killings in Western countries stems from the fact that they imported Muslims into their countries.  These immigrants are using the U.S. Constitution to install Sharia Law, which is barbaric, backward and deadly to women, animals and all humans.

We need to ask ourselves if our Western Culture is worth preserving? Do we want barbaric Sharia Law in America?  Can we afford to keep importing these barbarians into our midst?  As their numbers grow, as they have in Europe, Western countries are losing to this form of savagery.  What can we do to ban all Sharia Law in America?

As a first world country in the 21st century, how much further can we degrade our society back to the 6th century?  How can we allow “animal sacrifices”?  How can we tolerate Halal suffering of animals? How can we tolerate female genital mutilation?  How can we accept honor killings within our civilization…and still pretend that we are an advanced society with morals, ethics, humane treatment of animals and women?  Today, in 2023, we can’t!

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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The Exponential Growth Factor: What It Means To Your Future in America

By Frosty Wooldridge

January 12, 2023

The United Nations stated that India expects to become the most populated country in the world this year, 2023. In other words, India will exceed China’s 1.45 billion people on India’s way to 1.55 billion within three decades. Which, as you can imagine, equates to a “blink in time.”

What’s wrong with that picture? First of all, India’s collective poverty exceeds anything any American can comprehend. Can you imagine that 70 percent of Indians lack access to a toilet, wash basin and/or shower? They drink polluted water, breathe filthy air in their overloaded cities, eat meager diets, and struggle with any kind of quality of life.

What India’s leaders and/or their religions don’t understand stems from the little understood “Exponential Growth Factor” that consumes everything in sight. It means that an entity continues growing until it devours everything that allows it to keep growing. If it’s a horribly obese person, that person keeps eating until they suffer clogged arteries, diabetes, cancer, stroke and/or can no longer walk. At some point, all their systems collapse.

“Unlimited population growth cannot be sustained; you cannot sustain growth in the rates of consumption of resources. No species can overrun the carrying capacity of a finite land mass. This Law cannot be repealed and is not negotiable.” Dr. Albert Bartlett, , University of Colorado, USA.

When a civilization follows that same “exponential growth pattern,” that same civilization ultimately runs out of water, energy and resources. It’s called, “Exceeding Carrying Capacity.” That’s what’s happening to China right now as it consumes more food than it can produce. It consumes more metal and other resources than it possesses. It pollutes more air than its inhabitants can safely breathe. To save itself, China buys farmland in Africa, America and South America to produce more food. It’s literally devouring its own environment. Dr. Warren M. Hern described it in his latest book: Homo Ecophagus. In plain English, it means “Devouring the Eco Systems” or “Devouring the Earth.”

While the phenomenon continues in the 21st century, it causes massive disruption to the climate known as “catastrophic climate destabilization.” Some call it Global Warming, Climate Change, It manifests in massive hurricanes, acidified and heated oceans, dying reefs, droughts, wildfires, accelerating extinction rates, and aberrant disruptions of the normal aspects of the Natural World.

As it accelerates, it reduces “quality of life” for humans trapped in its grip.

Notice that NO ONE immigrates to China, Mexico, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, India, Indochina, or other overpopulated areas. Where do they migrate? Answer: to any country that can feed them.

If you paid attention in the last 24 months, Joe Biden invited 5.5 million illegal border-jumping refugees that were processed and escorted into America by the U.S Border Patrol. Another 1.1 million were reported to have gotten through without being processed, known as “Got A-ways.” The U.S. Congress allowed 2.0 million legal refugees in the past 24 months. They, in turn birthed more than 2.0 million more babies. That’s a total of 10.6 million people.

With another 24 months of Joe Biden, we can expect at least another 10.6 million immigrants. By the end of the 2020’s only seven years from now, we’ll explode from 35 to 40 million more people. The U.S. Census Bureau just tabulated that our 2023 human population has reached nearly 340 million people. The problem with all those immigrants? Answer: they won’t be Americans. They will be the poverty-stricken masses of the world. Biden and Congress import intractable poverty on a scale never witnessed in human history.

Crowding, Jamming, Cramming and Stuffing Americans Into Cities

In the past year in the United States, we saw incredibly brutal slaughtering of human beings with the four college kids knifed to death in Moscow, Idaho. We saw thousands of gun deaths in Chicago, St. Louis, New York City, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Detroit and Miami. We watched ruthless gangs robbing stores and stealing from trains from New York City to Los Angeles. We’ve got an average of 45,000 suicides annually. We have three women killed daily by a spouse or significant other. We suffered $94.1 billion in mercantile shoplifting in 2022. Our big cities have become killing zones.

We saw the meltdown of the airlines in the past month. Thousands of flights were cancelled. Millions were adversely affected. From LA to NYC, traffic has become intolerable, dangerous and gridlocked.

How will we solve any problems when our U.S. population reaches another 100 million people within 27 years according to the U.S. Census Bureau?

If you understand what happens when there are too many chickens in a coop, you know that once they are overcrowded, they start pecking each other to death. (I’m an old farm boy.) When you crowd too many animals into one area, you create horrific conflict.

Right now, the United States accelerates its own numbers into that “Devouring the Earth” conundrum reported by Warren M. Hern’s book: Homo Ecophagus.

What do another 30 or 40 million people, net gain, by 2030 mean to America on our way to an added 100 million by 2050? Answer: it means everything we worked for, everything we created, everything about the American Dream—will worsen to the point that we will become victims of this massive onslaught of humanity. Once it manifests, much like India and China—there will be no solutions.

Do you think we should continue on this “Exponential Growth Pattern?” Do you think we can survive it? Do you think the Natural World will survive it? Do you think the animal extinction rates will diminish? Do you think the oceans can survive another 10 or 20 trillion pieces of plastic that will be tossed by another 100 million Americans or another 2.0 billion humans added to the world by 2050?

And the last questions: why isn’t anyone in Washington DC addressing this horrific future? Why isn’t 60 Minutes reporting on it? Why isn’t NPR’s Terry Gross interviewing top experts who have written dozens of books on what’s coming? Why hasn’t Bill Nye the Science guy address it? What about Scott Simon at NPR? Why hasn’t PBS educated Americans as to our predicament? Why haven’t the people at CNN, FOXNEWS, NBC, CBS, ABC and top radio stations interviewed environmentalists, species extinction experts, climate experts, ocean-plastic experts?

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more. Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, “Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls“, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation. Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

A Pretend President Pretending To Protect America’s Borders

By Frosty Wooldridge

January 9, 2023

“Does Joe Biden know that it’s Friday, or what month, and even, what year it is?” said Fox News host Sean Hannity last week.  “Does he have any idea of the consequences of his actions?”

Answer:  not a clue!

If you had visited America’s southern border in the past 24 months, you would have discovered yourself facing 6.6 million illegal refugee border jumpers.  That’s more than many of our states’ populations.  You would have witnessed millions of fentanyl pills, heroin, meth, ecstasy and other deadly drugs pouring over the borders.  You would have seen thousands of children being sex-trafficked…and refugees from over 160 countries. You would have seen that America is no longer a sovereign country.  It’s not a country anymore…it’s a permanent destination.

Today, we have a “pretend” president “pretending” to protect our country from a foreign invasion.  What else would you call 6.6 million illegal border jumpers?

There’s a hitch here, though!  Biden invited, promoted, instigated, facilitated, enabled, assisted and sponsored all of them.   All 6.6 million of them, according to the U.S. Border Patrol.  Here’s the kicker: both of your U.S. Senators and House rep have done NOTHING for the past two years to stop this incompetent president, and/or his handlers who are actually running the country…Nothing!  Zip!  Nada!

Guess what, you pay out $335 billion annually for all those legal and illegal migrants.  You, yes, YOU!   (Source:

(January 5, 2023, Washington, D.C.) — This is a statement by Mr. Dan Stein of regarding today’s White House announcement of new unlawful programs that seek to enhance, but not address the historic crisis along our southern border:

“After two years of denying that the situation at our southern border constitutes a humanitarian, national security, and public health crisis, President Biden has issued new ‘border enforcement measures’ and ‘additional safe and orderly processes’ for unprecedented numbers of migrants attempting to enter the United States illegally.

“Far from stanching the self-inflicted, unprecedented flow of illegal

aliens, the Biden administration announced today that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will now grant parole to Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and (per the prior program) Venezuelans facing ‘unique challenges’ in their home countries. This is not a recognized category under current law for granting entry into the United States, nor does it satisfy the requirements of the parole statute. Still, the Biden administration insists that it is creating a humane ’legal and orderly pathway’ into the United States. Apparently, they have forgotten such a pathway already exists– it’s called a visa.

“The fact that the current administration outright admits that the program was created in response to a specific request from Mexico is even more insulting, as all immigration policy should be guided by the will of the American people – though Congress – and in the national interest. It should not be done to appease a foreign government whose failure to secure its own borders has exacerbated this crisis.

“The president’s plan amounts to nothing more than masking the problem under a claim of limitless parole authority to allow ineligible aliens to enter the country. President Biden is illegally and unilaterally attempting to re-write immigration law, abusing parole authority to essentially create new categories for entry. Only Congress has the power to do this.

“What was unveiled today is one of the most egregious and unlawful abuses of humanitarian parole authority in the history of our nation and another example of unconstitutional usurpation of power by a president who is hell-bent on subverting immigration laws and replacing them with his own politically-driven policies – namely, allowing as many people as possible to enter the United States regardless of the impact on the American people and the communities in which they live.

“The statute authorizing parole explicitly states that parole may only be used on a ‘case-by-case’ and ‘temporary’ basis. How can the Biden administration claim with a straight face that they’ll be issuing parole on a case-by-case basis when they’re creating industrial scale programs out of thin air?

“This is illegal entry under the guise of legality – full stop. The Biden administration doesn’t want to end the crisis; they want to launder it.”

After having watched this invasion firsthand for the past 20 years by visiting the border six times…I submit that 535 Senators and House members in Washington DC have no intention of stopping the invasion. In fact, back in 2013, my own U.S. Senator, Michael Bennet, part of the “Gang of Eight”, wrote SB 744 to increase legal immigration from 1.0 million annually to 2.0 million annually.  That’s how absurdly stupid he proved himself.  His Ph.D. translated into “piled higher and deeper.”

So now, we see our dementia-racked Joe Biden opening the borders to anyone, any drug, any criminal and any sexual predator to lay siege to our country.  If was a betting man, I would bet that Congress, Joe Biden, and/or his handlers will keep this massive flow of refugees pouring into our country without ever stopping it…until we are no longer our country.

Douglas Murray who authored the Strange Death of Europe will be writing his next book…The Stupid Death of America by Its Presidents and Congress.  Subtitle: And The Apathy Of The American People.

We will not recover from this invasion! Why? Biden imports an entire criminal class that operates in all our cities.  He imports illiteracy, drugs, crime, third world misery, intractable poverty…and in the end, no way to solve any of it.

Make no mistake: this is an invasion. The sheer numbers will destroy our civilization…10, 20, 30 or 50 million refugees. At some date in the near future, there will be a “tipping point” where we cannot survive this human invasion of our country.  Every American will pay a severe price either now or down the road.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more. Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls, Roy Beck, director of  www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart ”  by Roy Beck This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!” 

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Educational Equity, Racist Mathematics, Lowest Common Denominator

By Frosty Wooldridge

January 5, 2022

If you want to see how a civilization succeeds or fails, it’s irretrievably tied to the educational standards maintained by its citizens. If you’ve got a lot of smart people who excel in their educational pursuits, you enjoy a very successful society. Each person will be trainable as a plumber, electrician, doctor, teacher, police officer, firefighter, and yes, even a fully capable truck driver. We need each person to be educated to his or her highest level. If you’ve got a lot of dumb people who flunk out or drop out of high schools, you inevitably face a failing society.

The farther a society goes down the “dumb” rabbit hole, the sooner it ends up in chaos, mayhem and breakdown. You can see examples all over the world in places like India, Mexico, Africa, and South America. Nothing works because most of their citizens lack educational excellence to repair electrical outlets in buildings. Or, they cannot create sewage systems or water treatment plants. Or, they lack teachers to teach the young how to read, write and perform math.

If you watched the national news recently, a reporter exposed how Loudon County Schools in Virginia penalized top students in math, science, physics and chemistry. They hid the scores from SAT testing in order to create “equity” for marginalized students.

In other words, let’s reward students who lack the educational horsepower to pass math, science, English, calculus, biology, zoology, history, chemistry and other solid courses that will make them contributing members of Western societies. Instead, degrade smart kids who perform in favor of dumb kids who cannot perform…or refuse to study or have no interest in studies because they lack the brains to do the work.

Those are the kids who scream that math is racist. Why? Simple. They cannot perform the work…so then, it becomes a racial matter. Except, math could care less about your race, color, gender or ethnic group. You can either work the equation or you can’t.

As a former math-science teacher back in the 1970’s, that’s when the “dumbing down” of educational curriculums began in America. For some asinine reason, upper crust educators wanted to level the playing field for marginal students…usually minorities. They made us pass them up to the next grade when they weren’t prepared to advance to the next level. Once they arrived, they failed some more, but were passed onward and upward.

Finally, they graduated from high school as functionally illiterate 18-year olds. They were prepared for nothing more than janitor, assembly line worker, and/or any other redundant work.

Then some really brilliant politicians cooked up the “affirmative action” movement to place really unqualified people who failed to graduate from high school…into high paying jobs…just to make them feel better. But that backfired because the qualified people had to work twice as hard to make up for their unqualified co-workers.

Then another “brilliant” politician dreamed up Aid to Dependent Children, WIC and other welfare programs to promote women to have 10 or more babies and get paid big more for their fecundity. We know how that’s working out as mothers keep churning out their “money-babies” while 7 out of 10 African-American babies face life, fatherless. The single mothers face a life of constant poverty, depression and no responsibilities for their actions.

Anyone wondering why St. Louis, New Orleans, Chicago, LA, Detroit, Atlanta, Miami and New York City feature the highest crime rates and murder rates in American history?

So, you have to ask yourself, in order to make this a more “equitable” society, do you want your wife or husband to be given a heart by-pass surgery by an affirmative action doctor? Do you want someone who couldn’t pass a high school English, math or science exam to be a police officer with a gun? Do you want someone who thought math is racist to be your dentist?

In 2017, when we were cycling across America, we passed through Minnesota. At that time, Minneapolis was filled with 125,000 Somalian immigrants that were plucked out of the African bush and plopped down in modern apartments with toilets and running water. Unfortunately, the average Somalian features an IQ of 68. That’s barely beyond retarded. To make things “equitable”, they gave Somalians badges and guns on the police force.

While we were passing through, a lady called the cops about a prowler around her house. As she walked toward the police cruiser in her white robe, the “affirmative action” Somalian cop pulled out his gun, and shot across the front of the other police officer driver, and killed her dead. He was THAT stupid. Now, multiply that kind of illiteracy being given jobs across America.

In 1970, the average IQ in America stood at 100. Today, because of mass immigration from third world countries, we’ve dropped to 97.

Look up “country by country IQ” or “IQ Somalia” on the Internet. You’ll find the IQ point average of every country in the world. They range from 59 to 108 average IQ in specific countries. The higher the IQ rates, the more successful the countries. The lower their collective IQ rates, the more war-torn, uneducated and miserable those countries.

Now, what kind of minds and educational levels are pouring into our country from all over the world? How long do you think it will take before our national IQ drops into the 80’s or even 70’s?

With that harsh reality in mind, how long before there won’t be anyone to repair your electrical grid, water treatment plant, drive a truck, become a police officer, prepare to be a medical doctor, and all other jobs that need an educated citizen?

And finally, what happens when blind-faith religious fanatics begin their onslaught on the U.S. Constitution?

“It is the nature of Islam to dominate, not to be dominated, to impose its law on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet.” -Hassan Al-Banna

“Diversity within a nation destroys unity and leads to civil wars,” said social scientist Garret Hardin. “Immigration, a benefit during the youth of a nation, can act as a disease in its mature state. Too much internal diversity in large nations has led to violence and disintegration. We are now in the process of destabilizing our own country. The magic words of destabilizers are ‘diversity’ and ‘multiculturalism’.”

Stefan Molyneux axiom: “Diversity plus proximity equals conflict.”

Is our country in a lot of trouble, or what?

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Charles Manson Was Right In His Madness: Helter Skelter In America

By Frosty Wooldridge

January 2, 2023

If you look across America in 2020, 2021, 2022 and heading into 2023, you’re watching Charles Manson’s Helter Skelter mayhem playing out in big cities across the land.  Mass shootings, school shootings, individual mass murders like the one in Moscow, Idaho of four young college kids, one dead and nine slashed in Times Square on New Year’s Eve by an Islamic follower, one dead and another nine more shot in Philadelphia’s New Year massacre…throw in two dead and four others shot in Ocala, Florida on New Year’s Day.

The “usual” shootings and deaths in Chicago continued over New Year’s weekend:

AP, Chicago: “At least four people are dead, and 15 others were wounded in shootings over the new year’s weekend. The ages of the victims range from 10 to 55.  In the first shooting of the weekend, two men were found shot and killed inside a home on the city’s South Side Friday. Police say officers responded to a person shot and found the men, 23 and 30, with multiple gunshot wounds.  Both victims were pronounced dead at the University of Chicago Hospital. About an hour later, a 25-year-old man was shot while putting gas in his car in the 4700 block of West End around 11:32 p.m.”

This is the “norm” in the top 20 cities in America. Charles Manson must be smiling in his grave with the satisfaction of a born-killer.

AP: “Even if you don’t know much about vintage Hollywood, you probably know the name Sharon Tate. The up-and-coming actress and wife of director Roman Polanski was just 26, and eight and a half months pregnant, on August 8, 1969, when four people broke into her home in Beverly Hills — a house their cult leader, Charles Manson, had previously visited as a guest — and killed everyone inside. The next night, desperate to make the first round of deaths look like part of a race war, Manson ordered his followers to a different address in Central Los Angeles, this one owned by middle-class couple Leno and Rosemary LaBianca, to kill again.

“The Tate-LaBianca murders, a.k.a. the Manson Family murders, profoundly shook America’s perception of itself. They upended ideas of safety, security, and innocence, and effectively sounded the death knell of ’60s counter-culture, ushering in a new decade of exploration of America’s seedy underbelly.”

Fast forward to 2020…Black Lives Matter torched entire cities to the tune of $2 billion. Along with dozens of deaths!  Not one single arrest of the leaders or followers.  In 2021, 107,000 drug overdose deaths because of drug cartels from Mexico freely transporting millions of pills of every kind into America without any law enforcement…at Biden’s behest or his handlers.  Fast forward to 2022, over $94.1 billion in “smash & grab” thefts.  No one arrested or jailed!  Entire trains robbed while transporting goods out of California.

Antifa rioted anywhere it wanted without consequences.  Those youth hate America, but don’t have a clue as to how to replace the U.S. Constitution with a better governance.  In fact, they “get” to riot and tear down the flag “because” of our Constitution. Teachers unions, universities, Black talking heads like vacant- minded Joy Reid who genuinely hates America, and the military, ushered in the venomous Critical Race Theory teachings to young minds…in an effort to pit one race against the other by skin color.

All the while, Joe Biden accelerated America’s decline into a third world country now being seen with over 100,000 homeless in California and another 400,000 more homeless across our country.  He imported over 6.1 million more homeless across our now vanished southern border—in the past 24 months.  At the same time, Congress imported another 2.0 million legal invaders called  “immigrants.” That’s 8.1 million added third world people  who are leeching $338 billion in welfare benefits out of your tax dollars, annually. What Biden has done to this country is Helter Skelter right out of the Manson’s play book.  They  jailed  Manson until he died.  Congress should impeach Biden for his violation of U.S. Constitutional Law.  Note: Congress impeached Trump for one phone call to Ukraine.  Biden’s son siphoned-off millions of petro dollars on his father’s name.  Anyone understand that the Biden-Crime Family will be found out to be greater than Al Capone’s?  (Source: Immigration Costs, , )

During the past two years of Biden, we no longer enjoy a sovereign nation.  America is now a “landing spot” for every human being on the planet that refuses to defend, support or change his or her own country toward a better place to live. Worse, those refugee invaders arrive from 160 different countries. We face an enormous overload of people that lack any compatibility for or toward American culture, language, education or morality. And, there is no end of the line of refugees!

In reality, we are about to  run  out of hotels, motels, bases and any other facilities to house those millions of refugee-invaders.  How exactly are we supposed to support another 8 million of them in the next 24 months?  What if their numbers grow to 10 or 15 million in the next 24 months of our open borders?

“Immigrants devoted to their own cultures and religions are not influenced by the secular politically correct façade that dominates academia, news-media, entertainment, education, religious and political thinking today,” said James Walsh, former Associate General Counsel of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service. “They claim the right not to assimilate, and the day is coming when the question will be how can the United States regulate the defiantly unassimilated cultures, religions and mores of foreign lands?  Such immigrants say their traditions trump the U.S. legal system.  Balkanization of the United States has begun.”

We face a Catch-22 situation where every American loses.  Our homes are unsafe. Our cities are overrun. Our schools are totally  trashed.  Our food programs exhausted. Our medical facilities are inundated. Our resources completely depleted.

Worst of all, Biden will give amnesty/citizenship to in excess of 25 million illegals who will be able to vote. Do you think they will vote for America’s best interests?  Think again.

And, the big Helter Skelter about this nightmare is this: it’s only going to get worse in 2023.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more. Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls, Roy Beck, director of  www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart ”  by Roy Beck This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!” 

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Your Dreams For Your Life In 2023

By Frosty Wooldridge

December 30, 2022

While moving through childhood, oftentimes parents ask their kids, “What are you going to be when you grow up?”

Like most children, you didn’t possess a clue. You didn’t know what you faced when you grew up let alone what you might become as a human being.

Nonetheless, you blurted out , “I’m going to be a fireman or nurse or baseball player.”

Everyone smiled while you spoke your answer. In reality, most people don’t possess an inkling about their life-purpose. Many lose any chance of pursuing their dreams because they get caught up in life by getting married, raising children and working a job. They chase their dreams after they retire.

What if you could live your dreams while living your life? Any chance you could design your life around your dreams?

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true.”

As you grow into your teens, 30s, 40s and older, explore your natural gifts. You may be able to draw, sculpt or paint. You may enjoy tremendous musical talent with a violin or guitar or French horn. You may be a powerful athlete in swimming, tennis or triathlon. You may be an exceptional teacher.

Take each gift, explore it and apply your time. As you hone your gift, try to align it with your mental, emotional and spiritual power. Explore it from different arenas. For example, you may be able to paint exact replications of bodies in athletics. Or, you might love abstracts. Attend an art museum with its multiple artists in every arena. See what heightens your interest among the many. Return home to apply your talents.

In that application, you may hit a “chord” in your nervous system, your heart and your intellect. Once you hear the “chimes” flowing with your talents, pursue them with vigor.

During your pursuit of your dreams, avoid becoming the victim. “Oh, I can’t do that; I’m no good at that; I wish I could draw better, I wish I was more athletic,” you lament.

A big key to reaching your dreams stems from your sense of the “colossal calling of your life.”

Spend your time with affirmative thought and energy toward your dream. Maintain a clarity of spirit and a sense of intention daily.
♦ Move with purposeful work toward your dream. Everything takes effort over time. There’s an old saying, “The harder one works, the luckier one gets.”
♦ Affirm your worthiness every day with meditation, prayer or a daily walk. You must accept and believe in yourself.
♦ Affirm your newness in the world. Break out of judgment into acceptance. That single act creates a confidence in your mind that drives your dreams forward.
♦ Speak to your inner self with positive ideas, thoughts and actions.
♦ Affirm your dreams to yourself, your family, your mate, your friends and to the world.

Finally, assert your partnership with the “Creative energy of the universe.” Whatever your connection to the “Creator”, you may think, speak or co-partner with that entity. Think of it “championing” you toward your destiny.

Accept that the energy that runs through the universe also runs through your body and co-partners with your imagination. You harness that energy as a purposeful creative process that unfolds every single day of your life.

Along your path, stick your neck out. Sniff the wind. Harness your mind. Call upon your muscles to engage. Gaze upon the horizon with your eyes. Remain alert to the creative process.

Your dream becomes your reality by your relentless, passionate and purposeful actions toward it. Note: many of life’s failures were people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

As Henry Ford said, “If you think you can, or you think you can’t—you are correct.”

For the coming year of 2023, may your dreams come true by your creativity, your hard work and your actions.

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Inequities, Ironies and Insanities In 2022

By Frosty Wooldridge

December 26, 2022

Without a doubt, millions of Americans must be scratching their heads as to the choices and stupidities of our elected representatives in Washington DC.  Every time you turn around, they out-do themselves with dumb, dumber and really stupid decisions that harm the American people. Instead of representing our best interests…they represent everyone else’s best interests.

On the world stage, how could one man rain-down so much death and destruction onto innocent men, women and children of Ukraine?  Hitler did the same thing, and now, all these decades later, another nutcase named Putin has killed untold tens of thousands of innocent people.  He’s displaced millions of people from their homes. He’s forced millions into other peoples’ countries.  He’s wrecked an entire country.  As this winter drags on, his death toll will become astronomical.  His actions portend pure madness.

And yet, world leaders, especially in Europe, sit by twiddling their thumbs. There’s some kind of madness going on in the world when such a madman as Putin can get away with the same kind of madness as that Kim Jong Un nut-bag in North Korea.   How do such insanity cases get to be leaders of major countries?

But then, you look at the United States…and scratch your head.  We’ve got a senile president that has sent something close to $100 billion in war aid to Ukraine for them to protect their borders.  But he’s allowed in excess of 6.6 million illegal refugee migrants to storm our borders, overwhelm our cities, and millions more to come in 2023.  In fact, tens of millions more are expected to penetrate our country with no consequences. Along with that, he’s opened the borders to the greatest drug cartels known in modern history to kill off our own citizens by the hundreds of thousands of young people annually.  No one in Congress blinks an eye to any of this human tragedy occurring in our own country.

Even more ironic, we voted most of the incumbents back into Congress this past November…that have caused the nightmares we’re living financially, gas-prices, inflation and racial conflict.

While we spend millions helping other countries, over 500,000 American homeless citizens sleep in the streets 24/7.  Nothing is being done to house them, feed them, care for them or, in any way, give them a chance for a better life in our own country.  While they sleep in the streets, Biden sends all those illegal refugees to hotels with food services.  Tell me that any of that insanity makes any sense!

Have you seen the continuing criminal onslaught in our major cities where “smash & grab” crimes have become the norm?  This year alone, $94 billion in stolen goods from mercantile stores across America.  What’s being done?  Nothing!  In fact, the attorney generals in most of those big cities give those criminals “no-bail” releases within hours…that’s “if” those criminals are caught.  They are back in business in places like California and they are allowed to steal up to $900.00 of goods with no penalty or prosecution.  You can’t help but shake your head at the insanity of it all.  We’re actually raising a generation of kids who lack an adequate education, job skills, and any sense of ethics, personal accountability and morality.

The Founders of this country wrote our U.S. Constitution based on a morally and ethically responsible citizenry.  What we have today are minorities who enjoy the greatest opportunities on this planet demanding that we “defund the police”, “do away with prisons”, and “anything goes.”  What happens when their numbers supersede the numbers of responsible American citizens?  Answer: we’re talking anarchy on a national level.

One of the worst attacks going on in America is a re-engineering of our First Amendment rights.  Stanford University pitched a whole new vocabulary that does not fit America.  In reality, that institution of higher learning teaches its students to condemn free speech.  You can’t say, “American” any longer because it “degrades” other people.  When you have such “media terrorists” like Joy Behar, Whoopi Goldberg, and Joy Reid trashing half the country daily on their programs, is it little wonder that kids hate their own country and want to see it destroyed?  Isn’t it ironic that NPR features a 90 percent white listening audience, but condemns America as basically a racist country where minorities have faced horrible inequities? When in fact, America’s minorities enjoy the highest standard of living, educational and job opportunities in the world!

Do such people that rail against America have a better replacement?  Answer: look around the world folks. It’s not so nice in China, Russia, Mexico, India, North Korea, Bangladesh, Somalia, et al.

How much longer can our country continue on this kind of unethical path where so many of our House and Senate members are dishonorable, our president is senile beyond anyone’s comprehension, and we citizens are taken for fools?

How many more millions of refugees can we absorb before we, too, become refugees?  Can we take-in another 20 or 30 million or more?  Because they ARE coming!  How can we survive our $31.5 trillion national debt? How can we survive the outflow of over $100 billion annually in cash transfers by these “immigrant refugees”?  How much longer will we remain any kind of a cohesive society with so many completely alienated against our country?

If we continue on this path set by Biden, Congress and other world leaders, the year of 2023 will prove an even greater disaster than 2022.  You can count on it.

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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This Christmas: A Letter of Thanks to My Dad

By Frosty Wooldridge

December 22, 2022

This Christmas, I am sending a letter to my Dad for his gifts to me. I hope this letter inspires you to call or write a letter to each of your parents to appreciate them for their loving and caring for you every day of your life. In America, all of us enjoy SUCH enormous blessings not found in places like Africa, Asia, Mexico, South America, Middle East, Indochina and numerous less fortunate places in the world. Your letter to your parents will be received with joy, tears of happiness and much gratitude.

Dear Dad,

It’s been 58 years since you drew your last breath on this planet. That moment you left; my heart stood still. With your passing, my mind dropped into a lower gear. My spirit, usually “up” because of your guidance and constant encouragement, deflated. My sense of the world became senseless. There was no question that my life became a slow slog through painful emotional swamp.

A person in a military uniform Description automatically generated with medium confidence

(MSgt. Howard Wooldridge, United States Marine Corps, WWII, Korea)

(As a side note, my father was umpiring a baseball game from behind the plate in Albany, Georgia between Valdosta and Albany High School. At the top of second inning, he called, “Strike Three! Take Your Base.” The batter turned around, confused. At that moment, my father clutched his chest plate, fell forward over the catcher and died on home plate. His death at age 46 changed the life-trajectory of my entire family.)

How did it happen that life chose to take you away from our family? You had four boys and a daughter to raise! You attended all our sporting events from baseball to basketball to football. You taught us how to swim. You taught us how to scuba dive. You taught us golf. Oh, and that sport called, tennis! I loved walking onto that court.

But then, you were gone. What? Why? At the funeral, I stood in a trance at seeing your lifeless body in that casket. Everybody walked by saying how handsome you were at your youthful 46 years. Yours was the last open-casket funeral I ever attended. I would have rather remembered you umpiring behind the plate. I would have rather remembered playing a round of golf with you.

But what really distressed me was when the preacher giving your eulogy said, “God decided that Howard Wooldridge needed to be called to heaven much earlier than expected.”

I sat there in the pew, stunned! Why would God pull you, our father, away from our family to be in heaven…when you, our father was needed MUCH more on Earth to take care of your wife and kids? At 17, that was the last time that I ever thought God made any sense. Especially since you had attended church every Sunday of my entire life! You put money in the basket when you didn’t have money to put in the basket. You and mom were good, wholesome, kind and loving couple. To take you away made no sense, whatsoever.

Later, I didn’t blame God, but I really questioned preachers who had no idea about what they were talking about.

That day of your burial still resides in my mind. What did I take from it? Your death totally undercut the foundation of my life. With no counseling or help, I staggered forward not knowing what to do or what to say or how to act.

Honest to God, Dad, I finished my junior year in high school in a total blur. Nothing really made sense. Playing sports didn’t mean much without you cheering Rex and me on from the stands. I never got to walk off the field again with you waiting to shake my hand, “Son, you played a hell of a game out there, tonight. I’m proud of you.”

Of all your gifts Dad, I miss that praise, “I’m proud of you, son!”

Years later, when I see a father and son skiing, rafting or biking together, I feel such envy. I’ve even gone up to them and complimented their activities together. I even tell them how lucky they are to be sharing a father-son adventure. Some look puzzled because they have no idea of what I am talking about. They took it all for granted.

I remember most of the things you taught me like, “Son, if you start something, you finish it. You need to maintain confidence in yourself. At your lowest points, and those moments will come in your life, look up, stand up and be counted. Always tell the truth so you will be respected by all you meet.”

“I can tell you this, son,” dad said. “You’ll face different adversaries in this life. Meet them head on with integrity, honor and confidence. That way, you can always hold your head up high.”

Honest to God, Dad, I didn’t begin to regain myself until I attended college. I became the vice president of my floor. Later, secretary of the dormitory. Our Head Resident Advisor, Gary North, saw something in me. He asked me to be a Resident Assistant in a new dorm on campus. He unknowingly inspired me to my highest and best self. I became an excellent R.A. for three years. I earned the Dean’s List my last six quarters in college. I sure wish you could have been there when I graduated from MSU. Oh, and by the way, I visit and maintain contact with Gary North over 50 years later. You said I would meet good men and women in this life. Gary and Marty North are the finest in my life.

It shows you that all of us need someone to be proud of us.

Yes, I became an ROTC U.S. Army officer. Served to the best of my abilities! Made it through the Vietnam War in once piece!

Then, two more years in college at GVSC in Allendale, Michigan, and a teaching degree. Like many foolish young men, I married a lovely lady, but we were totally incompatible. She liked five-star hotels and I would rather camp out next to a blazing fire. We divorced with no kids. That’s when I used my three months off from teaching to bicycle across six continents in my lifetime. It’s been great, Dad. I KNOW you’re proud of me because you’ve been watching my progress across South America, Australia’s Outback, Europe, 15 times across America coast to coast, the South Pole, all of Asia and so many countries.

You know what I want to thank you for Dad? Thank you for giving me the confidence to strike out on grand adventures…many times alone. I simply used the confidence you gave me, and I made it my companion. So far, so good.

For certain, through the years, when I’ve ridden up ski lifts, or biked some lonely road, or sat by a campfire, or played tennis, you’re there with me. I’ve had conversations with you in my dreams. One thing is for sure: I wish I could just have one day to talk with you, man to man, about what kind of a son you raised for the world. I’d proudly tell you about all my exploits around the world. I’d bring pictures.

With all of that, I’d love to hear your story, your life, your dreams. I know that what was inside you as a man, was what you bequeathed to me. Thank you from my heart, mind and spirit.

Also, each morning when I walk into my office, the first thing I see is an 8” X 10” photo of you in your U.S. Marine Corps uniform. I greet you. Sometimes with a salute, and sometimes with, “Good morning, Dad.” Additionally, I carry your picture in my wallet. You’ve been all over the world with me. You’ve stood on the Great Wall of China, the South Pole, Machu Picchu, the Himalaya, scuba dived most of the oceans of the world, ridden across the Outback, won some tennis matches, skied deep powder, canoed the Mississippi River, written 17 published books, and another 100 great moments that we’ve shared in this life.

For the love of God, I can’t thank you enough, Dad.

Finally, in the latter part of my life, I met a fabulous gal named Sandi. She is a fantastic dancer. We meshed like two peas in a pod. It took me seven years to ask her to marry me. Being a romantic, I asked for her hand while on the dance floor with Elvis Presley’s “Can’t help falling in love with you.” She said, “Yes!” And so here we are more than 20 years later still dancing, laughing, sharing and romancing. Like you with Mom, I feel like a very lucky man.

When I finally breathe my last breath, I want you to know that I made you proud. I honored you in my daily life. I know that you were never a famous man…and at the same time, you’ve been the highest towering figure in my life. I sure hope you’re still umpiring behind the plate in Heaven.

You and Mom, the best a son could ask for in this life!

Finally, Dad, I’m proud to be your son.

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Christmas Gift: Your Fate Follows Your Vibrations

By Frosty Wooldridge

December 19, 2022

This Christmas season, humanity’s vibrations accelerate toward love, fellowship, brotherhood, sisterhood, family and friends.  Each of us gravitates toward kindness, reverence and gratitude.

While we may scurry around town purchasing gifts, watching our kids perform at the Christmas musical or talk with old friends on the telephone—a new focus of renewal cascades into our lives.

You may see it as the birth of a child in Jesus Christ. You may look upon it as the metamorphosis from the shortest day of the year to the lengthening of light that brings hope for spring.  You may be religious or otherwise, but this much remains certain: your vibrations enjoy a response to something in the air, something undefined and something magnetic that leads to spiritual outreach.

Notice everyone decorating their homes with colorful lights, beautiful trees in their windows and green wreaths hanging as a welcoming sign at their front doors.

“Your action has nothing to do with your abundance. Your abundance is a response to your vibrations. Of course, your belief is part of your vibrations.”  Abraham/Hicks

During Christmas, a tender hug for your spouse brings heightened vibrations.  A loving word to your child renders a magnetic ambiance.  A simple “Merry Christmas” to a stranger jumps the vibrational-field of humanity by untold mega points.

Additionally, you might find yourself looking into the eyes of a passer-by when you say, “Merry Christmas”, which in turn repays you with a smile, welcoming eyes and heartfelt appreciation.

Life comes down to pulsing vibrations that mingle with and around our biosphere.  You may call it love, attraction or energy. You find it vibrating in the air, around a fireplace or seeing a Christmas tree lit up with lights.  You might find it in a church sermon.

You may find yourself wishing upon a star or dreaming upon a full moon hanging in the midnight sky.

“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.”  Anatole France

This Christmas, you’re invited to create your life anew, to render unto the world your transformed vibrations.  It’s a choice as Christmas focuses your options toward joy and appreciation; toward love and kindness; toward inspiration and lofty beauty.

Long ago, using such inspiration, Michelangelo declared, “I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set it free.”

You possess the same capacity to set free the angel or the devil or the loving human being in your own life.  You may forgive all who have wronged you to set you free from such burdens to your spirit. You may forgive yourself for your own mistakes toward others. You may set free the joy waiting to be heard by the world in song, rhyme or story.

What gifts do you possess to enliven the world at Christmas? Whatever your talents, share them with all of us.  Your creativity may change the world.

Your vibrations originate from your thoughts.  The higher your thoughts, the greater your vibrations.  Great thoughts bring about great ideas, which lend themselves to great actions.  Do you desire peace in the world for all humanity?  Live those vibrations in your own life, in your community and share them in order that others may aspire to them or feel inspired by them.  Think high in order to ripple the energy all around. Spread the energy and the vibrations.

By changing your inner thoughts, by acting on your highest vibrations and by moving with those energies that transform you—you in turn, transform the world.  If a little child in a manger can transform the world with his or her vibrations—you carry the same power in your sphere.

So, this Christmas, examine your highest and best.  Extricate that which serves you poorly and move toward that which serves your loftiest and noblest ideals.  Move toward gracious living, abundant thoughts and spiritual bliss.  When you attend a gathering on Christmas, let the tears flow, and glide with the vibrations that promise a remake of your life.  Love your family, friends and all of humanity.

Your vibrations tuned into the highest and best of the universe will propel you into a new year with joy, energy and love.  It’s true that “love” brings the highest vibrations of the world into you and you out to the world.

With love, joy and tenderness, Sandi and I wish you a very Merry Christmas and joyful New Year.

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Pedaling To The Edge Of The Map

By Frosty Wooldridge

December 15, 2022

Since we’re in the middle of the Christmas season, I’d like to turn toward some uplifting essays that instruct, inspire, and maybe, just maybe…assist you in your unique journey through this life.  Whether you travel by bicycle, backpack, canoe, sailboard, kayak, skis or other methods…this story may inspire you toward your highest and best adventure-seeking during your time on this planet.  It would be SO satisfying to see all Americans, indeed, all people around the planet being able to pursue their dreams.  Find your own “edge of the map” and move toward your destiny.

Some pedal for emotional peace.  Others pedal for exercise. Still others pedal for the “high” it brings to every cell in their bodies.  Many pedal for friendship in a group ride.  A few find spiritual bliss…well, make that “many” find spiritual harmony. Others pedal for the competition to see who can burn up their thighs in the process of going for more speed.  As you age, you pedal to relax while you pedal around the neighborhood hoping to stop and talk with someone.  It’s a mix of emotions on your bicycle from that first ride at the age of seven until that last ride at the age of seventy…or maybe eighty.

(Frosty Wooldridge inspecting a map to see where he is located. Quickly, he realized he was in the middle paradise. Ten minutes later, he pitched his tent and watched the sun go down over the Rocky Mountains.  Location outside Dubois, Wyoming, on the Continental Divide, coast to coast bicycle adventure.)

But some men and women possess a need to “Pedal to the Edge of the Map.”   You read about them cranking their bikes all over the globe.  Why? What makes them do it?  How can they survive those tenuous miles across the Outback of Australia or the endless sand of the Atacama Desert in South America?  What makes them want to ride up to the Wall of China or visit the Taj Mahal.  What would drive a man like Robert Fletcher at the age of 80 to ride from Alaska to Panama City in 2022 (BTW, he just made it December 12, 2022)?  Look him up on Facebook.  Sandi and I met him on the Oregon Coast during his ride this summer.  He’s 80 years old and out there giving life his all.  Or, what about Heinz Stucke riding around the planet his entire life?  Good grief, but Stucke has pedaled over 600,000 kilometers in 60 years of bicycle travel.  How do you wrap your arms around that?

After 50 years of chasing toward the “edge of the map”, I think I’ve discovered what drove Amundsen, Shackleton, Amelia Earhart, Bird, Leif Erickson, Lewis & Clark, John Muir, Jack London, Nellie Bly, Jane Goodall,  Harriet Adams, Heinz Stucke, Gertrude Bell, Sarah Marquis, Thomas Stevens, and many more.

When I finished college, I made a promise to myself that I would pedal all seven continents and as many countries as possible.  I hadn’t heard of Stucke.   Why did I make such a preposterous commitment?  At the time, I didn’t understand what I was telling myself.  But “myself” kept speaking to me somewhere in my gut, or maybe in the deeper recesses of my creative mind.

Whatever that “myself” was saying to me, I simply answered the call.  I made plans to ride coast to coast across America.  Of course no one would go with me.  “You are out of your mind,” several friends told me.I’m sure they said that to Columbus, Shackleton, Amundsen, Scott, Captain Cook, Amelia Earhart, Nellie Bly, Jane Goodall, and all the rest.  Well, screw them!  Some of us dance to the beat of a different drummer. Some of us hear something in the wind.  Others of us decide that we want as much out of life as we can stuff into our 80 years of living.  What separates those who quest versus those who sit and watch?  Answer: Action! Perseverance! Guts! Gumption! True Grit!

And finally, creative living with a certain gusto!

Once I pushed off the Pacific Ocean in 1975, with a fully loaded touring bike…and not knowing what the hell I was doing…I just kept pedaling.  As soon as I pedaled onto the Mojave Desert of California, the road stretched to the horizon.  I followed it.  I drank a lot of water. I devoured gobs of food.

What did I notice?  The horizon pulled me toward it. It beckoned with sunrises that stunned me.  Those mountain peaks tugged at my heart-strings.  The breezes whispered in my ears.  That desert heat caused me to sweat whether in Death Valley or the Atacama Desert or the Outback.

How did it feel?  Was it miserable?  You bet it’s miserable in 120 degrees F. heat with bushflies trying to eat you alive in the Outback. Just cooks you in the saddle and the flies rattle your brain.  Was it wet in the Amazon?  Gees, four hours of rain every day…mildewed my gear…sweated me to death…and the bugs…oh dear God the bugs. How do you survive 1,000 miles of nothing but sand in South America in the Atacama Desert, the driest in the world.?   And yet, the edge of the map pulled me through.

Yes,  that’s where the edge of the map really tests your resolve.  Do you really want to get to the edge of the map?  What is your location in life? Where are you headed?

For those of us that feel the “tug of adventure” in our guts, that “edge” brings some pretty amazing moments.

To this day, I remember the West Coast of Australia where I stopped at the Pinnacles of Cervantes, north of Perth.  I had to grind it out on a sand road to reach those giant sand pillars near the ocean.  In the morning, I woke up with sand in my tent, but as I packed, a mother kangaroo and her little roo jumped out of the bush, up a ridge and vanished into the dunes.  Mother Nature knows how to entertain a long-distance touring cyclist. Later, I pedaled to the Pinnacles to see one of the strangest sights on that circumnavigation of Australia.  How did Nature form them?  Why? What purpose?   Walking among those natural skyscrapers was like walking through downtown New York City.

Later, I rode up on Monkey Mia Beach where I discovered some people playing with dolphins racing around in the water. The Aussies invited me to play with the dolphins, too. I jumped into their play-pin to catch a ride on their dorsal fins.  I was literally dancing in the water with wild Indian Ocean dolphins.  How’s that for pedaling to the edge of the map?

Do you remember Jurassic Park I ?   Remember that frilled lizard that surprised the escaping heavyset boy who stole the dinosaur embryos?   At first the lizard looked innocent enough, until he “frilled” his fan to scare the living crap out of that bad guy…then, ate him!  Well, in Northern Australia, I awoke one morning, looked out of my tent to see a lizard looking right at me.  When I moved, he “frilled” his red fan that scared the daylights out of me.  Thankfully, he wasn’t big enough to eat me like in the Jurassic Park movie.  But I’ll tell you this, that moment remains in my mind for the  rest of my days.  Talk about pedaling to the edge of the map!

In the end, what’s your “edge of the map?”   Are you pedaling toward it?  Are you walking, backpacking, and/or climbing toward your dreams? Maybe you’re a birder taking shots of every species you can discover.  Perhaps you’re into macramé.  Maybe landscape painting turns your crank. What about photography?  Do you possess the same “guts” or “determination” associated with Jack London, Amelia Earhart or Thomas Stevens (the first man to bicycle around the world, and he did it on a Penny Farthing High Wheeler 1884 to 1886.)?

I can say this: it’s not a foreign country or those “moments” in wild  places that tingle your senses, enthrall your heart or scare the living hell out of you. It could be a ride across your own state or across your entire country.   You will have countless “amazing” moments in the USA as you will have on all the other continents.  It’s that amazing formulation of the creative yearning that dwells in every cell of your body while you’re alive on this planet. Some heed it, most don’t.

If you heed it, you may equal anything Amelia Earhart, Jack London, John Muir, Nellie Bly or any of the rest of those famous people accomplished.  The road awaits you for your journey to the “Edge of the Map.”

Frosty Wooldridge, 6 continent world bicycle traveler, heading toward the edge of the map.  My next book publishes January 1, 2023: The Kickstand Chronicles: The Miraculous, Funny, Sublime, and Downright Terrifying—Inevitable Moments of the Journey—Bicycling Across Six Continents, 45 Years, 150,000 Miles by Frosty Wooldridge. In that book, I promise you maximum adventure…and how to do it yourself!

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Brittany Griner Who Hates America Vs U.S. Marine Paul Whelan Who Served America

By Frosty Wooldridge

December 12, 2022

Help me understand this situation that unfolded on the international stage last week.  We had a “supposedly” female Women’s National Basketball Association player named Brittany Griner, who hates America, receive a swap with the “Merchant of Death” Viktor Bout of Russia. This man is an arms dealer who has killed countless Americans by supplying arms to our enemies all over the world.

Griner doesn’t want anyone to sing the National Anthem before games, and crossed international boundaries with drugs, and, was serving a nine year sentence for his/her/whatever it is, transgressions. We’ve all seen authentic pictures of this guy shirtless with a male’s body, but he hasn’t declared his/her transgender status.

Griner has bad-mouthed the United States, wears a ton of tattoos that show his/her emotional/intellectual maturity, and simply is a non-descript person.  Even LeBron James said she would be better off in Russia because James is not particularly loyal to America, either.

But then Joe Biden swapped Bout for Griner, but left former U.S. Marine Paul Whelan in prison in Russia.  Andrea Mitchel of NBC News said that Biden had a choice between Whelan and Griner.  Biden, and/or his handlers chose Griner who is not what you would call a darling figure on the national sports scene or anyone you would want for a role model for kids in America.  That is unless you want your kids to trans into “gayness.”

Imprisoned American: former US marine Paul Whelan. 

Mr. Whelan, 52, was given a 16-year jail sentence in 2020 after being arrested in Moscow on suspicion of spying in 2018.

The Michigan native was not part of the prisoner swap which saw Ms. Griner exchanged for convicted Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout – an omission that his brother has called a “catastrophe for Paul.” (Source: BBC)

At a news conference on Thursday, President Biden said that the US government will “never give up” on securing Mr. Whelan’s release.

Why didn’t Biden swap for Whelan?  How about the fact that he is not covered in tattoos, he’s not a person of color, he served his country in the U.S. Marine Corps, he didn’t take drugs across borders, he’s got a wife and kids back in the USA, he’s a standard issue, hardworking, family man who has already served five years of that 16-year bogus sentence.

It’s interesting to me that Joe Biden got out of the draft with a fraudulent 1-Y deferment of asthma after playing four years of high school football.  He’s been on the American taxpayer’s dole for over 50 years as a do-nothing politician.  Maybe that’s why he chose Griner over Whelan.  Joe Biden prefers those who are as useless as he is useless.  Again, this whole sordid tale came down to Biden’s handlers.  Biden does not possess enough “intellectual ability” to continue as president.

He won’t do what’s right, but what’s politically beneficial for the moment. That defines Joe Biden, his son Hunter and his wife Jill Biden, and/or his handlers.

Quote by Brittany Griner:

“When I was at Baylor, I wasn’t fully happy because I couldn’t be all the way out. It feels so good saying it: I am a strong, black, lesbian woman.”

“I don’t think we need to listen to the National Anthem before games.”

Did Griner serve America?  Has Griner done anything to deserve a swap in front of Paul Whelan?  Is she a good role model for 99 percent of American children who are not gay?

Is she a good role model for good citizenship for America’s youth?

Personally, this is an outrageous miscarriage of justice, of common sense, and a total disregard for doing the right thing by Paul Whelan, United States Marine.

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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America Becoming An Old Nation, A Lost Nation, Bereft of Identity

By Frosty Wooldridge

December 8, 2022

Joe Biden, 80 years old, frail and suffering from dementia stands as a perfect example of our “old” nation.  We’ve chosen an old man to represent us because we have lost that “energy of youth.”  We’ve lost that sense of creating our own destiny.  Instead of new, fresh ideas and solutions, we chose an old man incapable of any ideas or solutions. Instead of leading, the author of the teleprompter tells him what to say, where to sit, when to shake hands, and how to move off stage.  Biden staggers into his twilight years…and he’s dragging the rest of us with him.

A friend of mine who will remain anonymous said this about America’s old age:Men, like nations, think they’re eternal. What man in his 20s or 30s doesn’t believe, at least subconsciously, that he’ll live forever? In the springtime of youth, an endless summer beckons.

As you slide pass 70, it’s harder to hide from reality….as you lose friends and relatives.  Nations also have seasons: Imagine a Roman of the 2nd century contemplating an empire that stretched from Britain to the Near East, thinking: This will endure forever…. Forever was about 500 years, give or take…. not bad, but now gone!! France was pivotal in the 17th and 18th centuries; now the “Land of Charles Martel” who defeated the Muslim savages, is on its way to becoming part of the Islamic State.  In fact, virtually all of Europe faces extinction at the hands of the Islamic Empire.

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, the sun never set on the British empire; now Albion exists in perpetual twilight. Its 96-year-old sovereign (recently passed away) is a fitting symbol for a nation in terminal decline.

In the 1980s, Japan seemed poised to buy the world. Business schools taught Japanese management techniques. Today, its birth rate is so low and its population aging so rapidly that an industry has sprung up to remove the remains of elderly Japanese who die alone.

I was born in 1945, almost at the midpoint of the 20th century – the American century. America’s prestige and influence were never greater. Thanks to the ‘Greatest Generation,’ we won a World War fought throughout most of Europe, Asia, and the Pacific. We reduced Germany to rubble and put the Rising Sun to bed. It set the stage for almost half a century of unprecedented prosperity.

We stopped the spread of communism in Europe and Asia, and fought international terrorism. We rebuilt our enemies and lavished foreign aid on much of the world. We built skyscrapers and rockets to the moon. We conquered Polio and now COVID. We explored the mysteries of the Universe and the wonders of DNA…the blueprint of life.

But where is the glory that once was Rome?

America has moved from a relatively free economy to socialism – which has worked so well NOWHERE in the world. We’ve gone from a republican government guided by a Constitution to a regime of revolving elites. We have less freedom with each passing year. Like a signpost to the coming reign of terror, the “Woke” cancel culture is everywhere. We’ve traded the American Revolution for the Cultural Revolution.

The pathetic creature in the White House is an empty vessel filled by his handlers. At the G-7 Summit, ‘Dr. Jill’ had to lead him like a child. In 1961, when we were young and vigorous, our leader was too. Now a feeble nation is technically led by the oldest man to ever serve in the presidency.

We can’t defend our borders, our history (including monuments to past greatness) or our streets. Our cities have become anarchist playgrounds. We are a nation of dependents, mendicants, and misplaced charity. Homeless veterans camp in the streets while illegal aliens are put up in Regency hotels.

The president of the United States can’t even quote the beginning of the Declaration of Independence (‘You know – The Thing’) correctly.  Ivy League graduates routinely fail history tests that 5th graders could pass a generation ago.  Question to a Gen X, “Who was George Washington?”  “Well, uh, could you repeat the question?”

Crime rates soar and we blame the 2nd Amendment and slash police budgets. Our “Woke” culture is certifiably insane. Men who think they’re women. People who fight racism by seeking to convince members of one race that they’re inherently evil, and others that they are perpetual victims. That sums up CRT. A psychiatrist lecturing at Yale said she fantasizes about ‘unloading a revolver into the head of any white person.’ We slaughter the unborn in the name of freedom, while our birth rate dips lower year by year.

Our national debt is so high that we can no longer even pretend that we will repay it one day. It’s a $31-trillion monument to our improvidence and refusal to confront reality. Our ‘entertainment’ is sadistic, nihilistic, and as enduring as a candy bar wrapper thrown in the trash. Our music is noise that spans the spectrum from annoying to repulsive. Patriotism is called an insurrection, treason celebrated, and perversion sanctified. A man in blue gets less respect than a man in a dress. We’re asking soldiers to fight for a nation our leaders no longer believe in.

How meekly most of us submitted to Fauci-ism (the regime of face masks, lockdowns, and hand sanitizers) shows the impending death of the American spirit.

How do nations slip from greatness to obscurity?

* Fighting endless wars, they can’t or won’t win

* Accumulating massive debt far beyond their ability to repay

* Refusing to guard their borders, allowing the nation to be inundated by an alien horde

* Surrendering control of their cities to mob rule

* Allowing indoctrination of the young

* Moving from a republican form of government to an oligarchy

* Losing national identity

* Indulging indolence

* Abandoning God, faith and family – the bulwarks of any stable society.

In America, every one of these symptoms is pronounced, indicating an advanced stage of the disease.

Even if the cause seems hopeless, do we not have an obligation to those who sacrificed so much to give us what we had? I’m surrounded by ghosts urging me onward: the Union soldiers who held Cemetery Ridge at Gettysburg, the battered bastards of Bastogne, those who served in the cold hell of Korea, the guys who went to the jungles of Southeast Asia and came home to be reviled or neglected.

This is the nation that took in my immigrant grandparents, whose uniform my father and most of my uncles wore in the Second World War. I don’t want to imagine a world without America, even though it becomes increasingly likely.

During Britain’s darkest hour, when its professional army was trapped at Dunkirk and a German invasion seemed imminent, Churchill reminded his countrymen, ‘Nations that go down fighting rise again, and those that surrender tamely are finished.’  With our “trans” soldiers, LGBTQ+ men in soldier skirts, and CRT teaching each soldier not to trust one another because of his/her/its sexual orientation…the battle to defend America will be short-lived.

The same might be said of causes. If we let America slip through our fingers, if we lose without a fight, what will posterity say of us?

While the prognosis is far from good. Only God knows if America’s “day in the sun” is over.”

Will America become like Rome, Troy, Greece, Great Britain?  Will it simply fall into the ash-heap of history?  You might ask yourself, what am I doing to support, defend and secure America for future generations?

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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A Methodical Path To Destroy America: The Butcher’s Bill of Illegal Immigration

By Frosty Wooldridge

December 5, 2022

Re: New amnesty bill being jammed down our throats before Congress takes a break…and the new Congress takes over.

Did you watch the video on Tucker Carlson last Friday night (Tucker Carlson, Fox News, Dec 2, 2022), where two minority kids in their twenties walked into an Apple Store in front of customers and swept $35,000.00 in products into their bags and walked out without anyone stopping them and no police chasing them? That kind of anarchy killed Detroit, Michigan 30 years ago. Detroit became a lawless, third world, hellhole. I lived and worked in Detroit at the time. White people vacated Detroit to the tune of 1.2 million who ran in fear of their lives. What did the Federal Government do? It replaced them with 300,000 middle eastern migrants who have deformed Detroit into an Islamic State where de facto Sharia Law now operates in violation of our U.S. Constitution. Yes, honor killings, FGM and multiple wives!

How do you kill a country? How did they kill the Roman Empire? How are they killing Europe early in the 21st century? How are they killing Canada? How do you kill America?

Answer: change the demographic makeup of the people who created any country. Once you finish them off, you’ve finished off the country. Here’s how it’s being done in America.

1. Immigration depresses wages and salaries among manual laborers and professionals.
2. When illegal migrants are amnestied and naturalized, it disrupts the voting balance to the advantage of the party giving them welfare and citizenship.
3. Illegal and legal immigration cost you, the American taxpayer $116 billion annually. (Source:
4. Illegal and legal immigration overloads our schools, so our kids are left behind.
5. All immigration overloads the carrying capacity of a country.

Ask a few questions of what Americans face in the future because of this “planned” invasion of our country:

What illegals bring with them.
What illegals do once they’re here.
What happens to those who don’t make it.

What They Bring: Drug Addictions by the Millions

According to reporter Hans Wanker, “The United States is in the midst of a nationwide epidemic, far deadlier and longer lasting than COVID-19. That epidemic is drug addiction, primarily the addiction to opiates and methamphetamines. The drug fentanyl, in particular, is especially deadly. Fentanyl is an extremely potent synthetic opiate, hundreds of times more powerful than heroin. It was first created in 1959 and began to be widely used recreationally in the 1970s. Its use since then has taken innumerable lives.

“Most illegal fentanyl in the U.S. today is produced in China and smuggled into our country from Mexico. Its availability as a street drug has mushroomed in recent years, accounting for a large proportion (at least 71,000) of the 109,000 overdose deaths in 2021.”

Wanker continued, “White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre bragged last month on the alleged “success” of the administration in combatting fentanyl smuggling, claiming as evidence the 200% increase in fentanyl seizures during July 2022. As the New York Post points out, however, the stepped-up seizure rate is merely an indication of just how much of the deadly drug is getting through. There is so much of it that America is currently experiencing 300 overdose deaths, much of it from fentanyl, every day.”

The facts: Joe Biden has unleashed a Katrina Tsunami onto America. Expected deaths in 2022 will exceed 110,000 Americans. Every one of those victims’ families may point their fingers to Joe Biden for their loved ones’ deaths.

Wanker said, “The drug smuggling cartels have benefited enormously by the open-door policies of the Biden administration. The huge uptick in “asylum seekers” crossing our border with Mexico has pulled Border Patrol agents off patrol duty and occupied them with the hand-holding and baby-sitting functions necessary for processing. Drug/migrant smuggling cartels have learned to leverage this vulnerability by sometimes releasing large numbers of migrants at one point on the border to distract and preoccupy U.S. officials there, while they send drug smuggling “mules” across elsewhere. The Biden government has no more “secured the border” (Jean-Pierre’s words) in regard to drug smuggling than they have secured it against illegal migrants themselves (of whom there have been at least two million so far and counting).”

The U.S. Border Patrol has released these figures for 2022: 5.5 million illegals have crossed our border. Another 1.2 million have crossed, but not registered for asylum. Another 2.00 million have crossed legally. They, in turn, have birthed 1.0 million anchor babies.

What Those Immigrants Do

Wanker reported, “Even migrants not directly involved in drug smuggling often bring criminal behavior with them when they come. Fox News reported in July that “crimes committed by illegal immigrants in the United States surged in fiscal year 2021 after declining in the years before that.” According to the Fox report, illegals committed at least 1,178 violent crimes in 2021, a more than 400% increase over the previous year. Among those crimes were 60 convictions for homicide or manslaughter, a 1,900% increase. Drunk driving is another violation common among illegals, convictions rising 347% from 364 in 2020 to 1,629 in 2021. In recent years, approximately 7,500 Americans have been killed annually by unlicensed drivers, more than half of whom were illegal.”

In 2016, the Political Action Committee of Americans for Legal Immigration estimated that more than 3,000 U.S citizens were losing their lives each year due to insufficient enforcement of existing border and immigration laws. That number is undoubtedly greater today.

And those who don’t make it?

Deaths of American citizens being of little apparent concern to Joe Biden, what about deaths among illegal migrants themselves?

In addition, CBP agents were involved in 12,854 rescues in 2021, far exceeding the previous high of 5,335 set in 2019. So far this fiscal year, there have been 748 confirmed deaths along the border, again a certain undercount.

While most American are not directly affected by this invasion, each of us and all of our family members WILL be affected in the coming years. Once immigrants destroy our schools and cause massive illiteracy in our country, we will devolve into another “developing country” or, if we’re honest, we will become a “third world country.”

Illegal migration encouraged by campaign promises of American politicians is often a deadly business for the migrants trudging toward our borders. For many of those who make it to the U.S., it also becomes a deadly business for Americans, through violent crime, drunken and reckless driving, and the importation of lethal drugs. The only solution is border security and a firm resolve to deport those not legally entitled to be here. Under Biden, that won’t happen.

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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If America Stays On This Path: This Is Where It Will End

By Frosty Wooldridge

December 1, 2022

According to the U.S. Border Patrol, in the past 23 months of Biden’s administration, a documented 5.5 million illegal migrants jumped America’s borders.  At the same time, border agents documented that 1.1 million illegal migrants were termed “got-aways” since they vanished into the bush without being caught.

That totals 6.6 million individuals who now reside in America illegally in the past 22 months. But it doesn’t end there.  Another 2.0 million refugees legally migrated into the United States from January 2020 to December of 2022.  They arrived from 140 different countries. That totals 8.8 million new people tromping around our country.  They need to be fed, watered, housed, educated, medically cared for, and somehow get them into jobs.  Otherwise, they subsist on your welfare tax dollars.

But if we find jobs for them, we destroy our own working poor, so it’s a lose-lose for American citizens.

When you dig deeper, DHS tells us that we have 11 million illegal aliens housed in the USA. They’ve been saying that for the last 20 years.  The  Yale Report that came out in 2018 reported that America houses 25 million illegal aliens.  So, if you take 8.8 million in the past 23 months added to 25 million, that’s a mind-numbing  33.8 million people who don’t belong here.

It gets worse: according to Dr. Steven Camarota of, those immigrants birth a million babies annually. If you take the last 20 years, that means we must take care of 20 million anchor babies. Now that 33.8 million adds up to 53.8 million people that should never have been allowed into our country. Why? Because we are already facing water, energy and resource consequences all over our nation.

And officially, the U.S. Census bureau tells us that America now houses in excess of 45 million foreign born residents.  That doesn’t include the 53.8 million that you just saw added up.

So, you must ask yourself: whose country is this anyway?  How much longer can we keep doing this massive number count?  What’s going to happen to our core cohesion as a country, culture, people, language and culture?  If we can’t solve the enormous problems we suffer in 2022, how will they be solved with another 13 million people added, net gain, by the time Biden leaves office in 2024?

“Can you think of any problem in any area of human endeavor on any scale, from microscopic to global, whose long-term solution is in any demonstrable way aided, assisted, or advanced by further increases of population, locally, nationally, or globally.” Dr. Albert Bartlett

Bartlett spent his last 30 years trying to alert our country as to what it was going to look like with another 100 million people. That’s just the sheer numbers that cannot be sustained!  It’s like our leaders and our citizenry suffer from brain-dead apathy.

On the sociological front, “Diversity within a nation destroys unity and leads to civil wars,” said social scientist Garret Hardin. “Immigration, a benefit during the youth of a nation, can act as a disease in its mature state. Too much internal diversity in large nations has led to violence and disintegration. We are now in the process of destabilizing our own country. The magic words of destabilizers are ‘diversity’ and ‘multiculturalism’.”

Don’t we suffer enough racial, religious and cultural conflicts in 2022 without bringing in 100 million people from 140 countries?

America cannot become the “charity ward” for the world’s desperate people. We cannot degrade our citizens for Mexico or Central America’s poor. We cannot save Africa’s refugees when we suffer 13 million American children living in poverty and 1.0 million homeless. We cannot pay for immigrants’ food, housing and education when we’re $31 trillion in national debt. We cannot save the rest of the world’s people, but by importing them—we will destroy our own society and civilization.  Exponential growth cannot be sustained.  The third world’s poor prove that as they explode at 83 million net gain annually across the globe and race toward first world countries.  Look at Europe!  It’s headed for the toilet of Islamic misery.  We must think about and care about our citizens first, middle and always. It’s time to change the ‘good ole boy’ network of corruption in DC.  If we continue on this current path, by adding another 100 million legal immigrants and millions more refugees, we face collapse into a multicultural-diversity nightmare of overpopulation and sociological chaos.

Here’s the big question: why do I see what’s coming, but not a single man or woman in Washington DC can see it?  Why can’t the American people see it?  Didn’t they just reelect most of the people encouraging this massive invasion of our country?

When France opened its borders to unlimited Muslim immigration in the 1970s, French writer Jean Raspail, penned a prophetic novel, Camp of the Saints, describing the consequences of that senseless choice, “You don’t know my people—the squalor, superstitions, the fatalistic sloth that they’ve wallowed in for generations.  You don’t know what you’re in for if that fleet of brutes ever lands in your lap.  Everything will change in this country of yours.  They will swallow you up!”

If you look around at our major cities with the crime, conflict, et al., you’re seeing your own country being swallowed up. The latest reports showed shoplifting thefts at $94.1 billion this year. Who makes up the difference in prices? Answer: you do.

Again, here are the visuals of what your children face:

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more. Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls, Roy Beck, director of  www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart”  by Roy Beck This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!” 

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

I’m Just Sad At What’s Happening In Our Country

By Frosty Wooldridge

November 28, 2022

As we near one of the foundational events in our country’s history, Christmas, I’m just sad.

When I look at what happened in Moscow, Idaho, I just want to cry my eyes out.  Three beautiful University of Idaho coeds and one college boy were murdered with a knife in their sleep!  How could someone possess such rage against four innocent lives?  He’s probably a guy…and he stabbed them multiple times until they died.  And, he was very thorough at his task. Not a one of them cried out to wake the others.  Now, he’s out there, but even if he’s caught, he faces a jail cell for life, and the parents of those four kids will suffer a lifetime of pain, sorrow and loss of their cherished children.

The whole event in Idaho sickens me to my stomach.

It reminds me back when I was a college kid at Michigan State University.  Guys got drafted off my floor to serve in Vietnam. More than 58,479 of them didn’t come home.  Their young lives were terminated by politicians who killed them via the military industrial complex’s corporate elites.  Why? Answer: money.  So many promising young men never got to live their lives!  The same thing happened in Afghanistan and Iraq for 20 years!  We lost 7,100 combat deaths, 114,000 soldier suicides and $6 trillion totally wasted in those useless and meaningless wars.

Then, last week, we’ve got a 31 year old minority kid who slaughtered six innocent lives at a Walmart in Virginia.  He walks in with raging anger, struts right up to his co-workers—and shoots them dead.  How do you do that?  Then, he shoots himself.  But in the process, he left some children fatherless or motherless. He killed six people who were the daughters and sons of some parents. Those six had best friends who will never get to tip a beer with them or play softball at the company picnic.  I just cry a thousand tears.

Even worse, this kind of killing spree occurs every weekend in Chicago, NYC, LA, San Francisco, Atlanta, Detroit, Miami, St. Louis, New Orleans, et al.  It’s nuts! Have we lost our collective minds into a barbaric black hole?

Last Christmas in Waukesha, Wisconsin, minority nutjob Darrel Brooks took his SUV and mowed down dozens of parade participants, killing six of them and wounded another dozen.  None of them had anything to do with Mr. Brooks.  He should have been assigned to a psychiatric hospital years before because he had made so many violent charges on his social media site.  But instead, he got to kill all those mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers.  It makes me tear-up just thinking about it.

This year, 2022, we’ve got the  “Woke Crowd” allowing DNA men to pretend they are women, and they get to beat the crap out of DNA female college athletes who train their whole lives to swim, track, wrestle and other sports…for scholarships and athletic competition among other women.  And yet, those intellectual morons at the NCAA allowed that kind of insanity to continue so that 6’4” 210  pound second-rate swimmers like Will “Lia”  Thompson could hoist a trophy and destroy every woman in his wake.  Yet, we’ve got NCAA “woke” women in positions to allow that crap to continue.  And if you don’t, you’re called a racist, narcissist, misogynist, and any other name they can call you if you don’t agree with their own insanity.

Why do those “Woke” people do it to some sports, but not tennis or basketball or football or soccer?  Why not create separate sports competitions for  “trans-athletes” to compete against other trans-athletes of their own DNA categories?  That would stop this nonsense in a New York Second.   Or, why didn’t DNA women athletes simply Boycott any event with a DNA trans dude?

What about Critical Race Theory being taught in colleges, the military and corporations?  Why not just teach hate, anger, and racial conflict as the perfect solution to America’s racial problems? That way, we can all be at each other’s throats every day.  Why not teach “how to hate your country” because of the color of your skin or lack of color?  Why not teach every American kid how to stomp on our flag? Why not teach each kid to dishonor his parents?   Yes, let’s all be, as McDonald’s teaches its employees, “just a little less White.”  That’s about as stupid as telling Black people to be a little less black.

How about teaching all our children that “God is Dead”, so nothing matters?  Your religion doesn’t matter, your parents don’t matter, your teachers don’t matter, your local police don’t matter…and your firefighters don’t matter.  How do you think that’s working out for the Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioters that destroyed $2 billion in property and got a lot of people killed in 2020 with the support of people like Kamala Harris who is now vice president of America?  I am sick to my stomach at the disrespect shown to our country, our laws, our police, our teachers and/or anyone trying to keep this nation in one piece.

What about Joe Biden’s total disregard for our laws concerning the invasion of refugees, now over 8.1 million invited into our country in the past 22 months?  Did you notice that November 16, 2022, the world population reached 8.0 billion people?  And more than 1.6 billion of them want to migrate to the USA, Canada and Europe?  Do you understand the implications of those numbers?   And yet, Time Magazine wrote an absurd article this week that it’s now 8.0 billion people with new opportunities.  But in fact, every new added baby at over 83,000,000 annually, net gain, exacerbates human misery, starvation, wars for resources, catastrophic climate destabilization, crowding, water shortages, animal extinction rates and more.

If you want to know what we’re doing to the planet with our sheer numbers, watch these two 90-minute videos on YouTube. They will sober you up as to what humanity is doing to the oceans, air, land and water.  They are: Seaspiracy at 90 minutes and Cowspiracy at 90 minutes.  You will be shocked at what kind of a world your children will inherit.  I cry for the future of our children.

Here I sit in front of my computer this last week of November 2022.  I’m sad at the prospects for America’s future if we keep voting into Washington DC the power-seekers, money-mongers, the corporate elites for the military industrial complex, and people like Joe Biden who suffers severe dementia, AOC /Rashida Tlaib/Ilhan Omar/Maxine Waters/Sheila Jackson/ Nancy Pelosi/Hank Johnson and quite a few others who possess a brain somewhere on the level of the Scare Crow in the Wizard of Oz.  (The scarecrow wished he had a brain instead of a head full of straw.)

This Christmas, with love and respect for God and our fellow Americans, we need a Renaissance of Thought and Action in our country.  I say my prayers every night…hoping for a better tomorrow.  What are you doing to bring such a Renaissance to your family and community?

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

This Thanksgiving: Forgive Them Anyhow

By Frosty Wooldridge

November 24, 2022

During Thanksgiving, let us do our best to lighten our emotional loads by appreciating our friends, thanking our parents, enjoying our neighbors and forgiving those who have hurt us. Let us all work as Americans toward a more peaceful, united and stable society. May we all smile, thrive and bless all we meet during this season of “Thanksgiving.”

Back in high school, rumors started as fast as a lightning storm to destroy any girl’s reputation. Often out of jealousy for some perceived transgression, classmates concocted stories to create hurt for another person.

(If you look closely, you can see a cyclist navigating that dirt road leading into the Valley of the Gods, Utah. During your lifetime, you face curving roads, blind corners that you can’t see coming and things up ahead that you can’t imagine. You will also meet friends, moments and predicaments that bewilder you. Keep pedaling, paddling or hiking toward your truest self. The journey will reward you with an amazing life.)

As we grew older, most of us learned through the years that everyone paddles his or her canoe as best they can on this unique journey through life.

But along the way, in most communities around the world, people talk about other people. They make judgments. They hold verdicts. They render conclusions based on their perceptions.

Someone always gets emotionally damaged by bitter reprisals, anger, gossip and other peoples’ frustrations.

It’s been said, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”

I once knew a friend who carried grudges against those who wronged him. He piled them into a potato sack that he slung over his shoulder every day when he traveled to work. When I saw him for lunch one day, he carried on about new additions to his “potato sack full of grudges.”

Finally, I said, “Jack, you carry so many negative thoughts about folks who have done you wrong that you keep piling complaints into that sack that you carry around on your back. The more you complain, the more you add to the sack—I think it must be getting pretty heavy and pretty rotten. Have you ever thought of forgiving all those who wronged you?”

“I just can’t,” Jack said.

“If you did,” I said, “it would take a load off your mind and emotions. Give it a try.”

“How do I do it?” he asked.

“People can be harsh, unfair, perverse, dishonest and irrational,” I said. “Just forgive them anyhow. Forgive them unconditionally in your own mind and heart. They don’t need to know it. You don’t have to tell them. Just know that you forgave them. In doing that, you forgive yourself. It’s really freeing.”

Jack seemed to “click” the solution into his mind. From that day, he let go of his anger, bitterness, frustrations and disappointments he experienced with people. One of the best things he did: Jack associated with people who supported him. He fled “those” people who remained in his former paradigm. He changed jobs.

The facts: if you grow into a successful person, others may deride you. Forgive them anyhow.

It’s possible that if you maintain honesty and speak your mind, others may call you names or betray you. Forgive them anyhow.

You may build a business or work hard to succeed, but someone undermines you. Forgive them anyhow and move toward your dreams on your earned experiences.

If you show positive energy and aliveness, others may be jealous and display their envy. Guess what? Forgive them anyhow.

In my lifetime, I have picked up a million pieces of trash from rivers, lakes and streams. Also, I picked up trash in the oceans, along roads and in parks. I’ve organized major river/trash pickups. Nonetheless, people keep throwing it. As angry as it makes me, I forgive them anyhow.

Therefore, you may do good things in the world, but people don’t care and forget quickly. Do your good anyhow.

While the world disappoints, frustrates and diminishes everyone along the journey, give the world your best anyhow.

During and at the end of your life, you discover that you define your journey, how you live it and how you maintain yourself in the whirling tempest of living.

Shakespeare’s Polonius in Hamlet said, “Neither a borrower nor a lender be. For the loan oft loses both itself and friend, and borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry. This above all else, to thine own self be true, and it must follow as the night the day, though canst be false to any man.”

Interesting because Polonius’ detractors spoke of him as overly officious, garrulous and impertinent.

Be yourself anyhow, because in the end, it’s all between you and the Great Spirit (God) that expresses through all of us.

Happy Thanksgiving from our house to your house. Sandi and Frosty Wooldridge, Golden, CO.

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Something Fundamentally Going Wrong With Our Country

By Frosty Wooldridge

November 21, 2022

Last Saturday night in Colorado Springs, a city where I once worked, a 22-year-old kid, Anderson Aldrich, killed five and injured 25 LGBTQ patrons at a gay bar.

Last summer, in New York City, a guy followed a mother with her child in a stroller down the street…and shot her in the back of the head. Killed her instantly and made the child an instant orphan.

Two years ago, a Muslim immigrant in Boulder, Colorado’s King Soopers on Table Mesa, a place where I used to shop, killed 13 in a madhouse killing spree.

In Idaho, some nut-job knifed three college girls and one guy to death in their own home, in their own beds, with two other roommates sleeping in the same house.

Last Christmas, a crazy guy with a crazy history, ran down six people and injured a score of others in a Christmas parade in Wisconsin. He told countless people of his intentions, but police let him go.

Each weekend in Chicago, NYC, Detroit, New Orleans, St. Louis, LA and San Francisco—dozens of crazy men kill or injure other citizens as they walk along the streets of their cities.  As of this column being written on Sunday afternoon, 11/20/22, Chicago registered 12 killed and 45 wounded last weekend.  The count goes on to 12 midnight…so there will be more death and mayhem in the streets of Chicago.

On Sunday night in Denver, my wife Sandi and I are going to see the Pentatonix singing group in Denver because the leader singer, Scott Hoying has been a friend of ours since he was a little kid. His father, Rick Hoying, got us front row tickets. I actually motorcycled to Alaska with Scott Hoying when he was 12 years old as he rode with his father.  We’re hoping we don’t get shot going to the concert.  Because the reality is…we could get shot.

In our small town of Golden, Colorado, every Christmas, we accompany four thousand residents carrying candles and singing, “We wish you a Merry Christmas….” We walk down the hill on Washington Avenue along with Santa and Mrs. Claus. At the end of the street, we have always enjoyed all the lights being lit up along the river.  But this year, we seriously will not attend the parade because there could be a nutcase with a gun shooting at random.

In other words, something is fundamentally going wrong in America.

Our D.A.’s, judges and other people in power are not prosecuting criminals. We are seeing intellectual nut-cases advocate for “defunding the police” in the face of exploding crime. A criminal is released back onto the streets within hours of being caught via cashless bail.  Most murders are NOT solved.  There are just no consequences to crime in 2022.

We’re seeing kids learning how to commit violence with video games. We’re seeing millions of fatherless children acting out their own frustrations with violence.  We’re seeing sociopaths being born and developed in our inner cities.  We’re seeing homeless drug addicts by the tens of thousands plying our city streets. There are 10,000 in Denver.

In 2021, we lost 107,000 Americans to fentanyl, heroin, meth and other drugs while our own president of the United States facilitated massive drug importation at our southern border.  Mexico’s president is in on the drug deal. Our president invites those drugs into our country.  The police can’t keep up with it. And, very emotionally disturbed American children are taking drugs by the millions.  We can expect another 107,000 or more drug deaths in 2022.

One guy, a high roller, Samuel Bankman Fried, defrauded 4.0 billions of dollars from investors at FTX, the new crypto or Bitcoin currency.  He funneled donations into the billions to democrat candidates he wanted elected. In other words, money buys our elections and money elects our candidates.  We’re talking corruption, cheating, liars galore and sheer undermining of our Constitution at every level.

As of the weekend report, criminals stole or destroyed an estimated $94.1 billion in 2022, thus far.  (Source:

Our founders based the success of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights on the premise that most if not all of our citizens contribute to their country via educated, moral, ethical, personal accountability and personal responsibility as the mainstay of our laws.

Obviously, that ain’t happening!

On Saturday night, I spoke with one of my longtime Army buddies. He said, “The way things are going, we’ve crossed the Rubicon…and we’re not going to get this country back.”

If we citizens fail to elect representatives, judges, police chiefs and others to enforce our laws, we could lose our own lives at any moment.  If we elect pathetic, incompetent/corrupt figures like Ilhan Omar, Rashida Talaib, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Sheila Jackson, Hank Johnson, Alvin Bragg, Kim Foxx, Joe Biden, George Gascon, Lori Lightfoot and many others like them…well, we deserve our lawless society.

As it keeps getting worse, every one of us could end up getting shot and/or killed.

From our household, please God…protect us and all good citizens of America.  May each of you enjoy a blessed Thanksgiving and may your family and friends be safe from harm.

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Humanity Just Hit Eight Billion On This Planet: What Does It Mean For America, Canada and Europe?

By Frosty Wooldridge

November 16, 2022

This week, November 16, 2022, world demographers announced that the eight billionth human being just made his or her entry onto the planet.  In just 12 years, from 2010, humans added another billion of themselves onto Earth.  In another 12 years, humans will add another one billion of themselves, net gain, to our world.

At the same time, over 1,000,000,000 human beings live in extreme poverty with lack of clean water, food and shelter.  Most of them live in Africa, India, South America, Mexico and Indochina. Over a half million of them live homeless in America.

As to poverty, 5,000,000 children starve to death annually. Another 8,000,000 adults die in various aspects of starvation, nutritional deprivation and disease.  Oct 15, 2022: “How Many Children in the World are Starving? Research conducted by UNICEF in 2018 stated that 4.1 million children die from undernutrition every year, that’s 45% of children under 5 years old in developing nations. One in six children (100 million) in developing nations is underweight and one in four of the world’s children are stunted. Child mortality or the under-five mortality rate refers to the probability of a child dying between birth and exactly 5 years of age, expressed per 1,000 live births. In 2020, 5.0 million children under 5 years of age died. This translates to 13,800 children under the age of 5 dying every day in 2020. Globally, infectious diseases, including … (Source:

In other words, there’s a whole lot of death among third world nations that suffer massive, endless, exponential birth rates.  While we’re seeing extraordinary poverty/death rates, humans continue to procreate at a furious pace.  Two billion more by mid-century.

What Does That Mean For First World Countries?

First of all, since Earth Day in 1970, Western countries chose birth control to bare two children per woman on average across Canada, America, Europe and Australia.  Those countries stabilized their populations.

But the rest of the world exploded from 3.5 billion in 1970 to our current 8 billion in 2022.  That’s an addition of 4.5 billion “resource competitors” scrounging the planet for water, energy, food and resources.

More sobering stems from the fact that Africa at 1.4 billion in 2022 expects to reach 2.0 billion by 2050.  India at 1.3 billion in 2022, will hit 1.55 billion by 2050. China, even with 1 child per family, will jump from 1.4 billion to 1.5 billion by 2050.

“Unlimited population growth cannot be sustained; you cannot sustain growth in the rates of consumption of resources. No species can overrun the carrying capacity of a finite land mass. This Law cannot be repealed and is not negotiable.” Dr. Albert Bartlett, , University of Colorado, USA.

What’s going to happen with those astounding human numbers…all of them needing water, food, clothing and shelter?   Here’s the harsh reality check that no one wants to talk about…those desperate refugees are flooding into Europe, Canada and America.

In the last 22 months of the Biden administration, the U.S. Border Patrol tabulated 5.5 million refugees jumped the border that they counted, and 1.1 million “got-aways” made their way across without being caught.  That’s 6.6 million refugee migrants. That’s on top of the  2.0 million legal immigrants in the past two years.  If allowed,  we will  see upwards of 10,  20, 30 and even 50 million  more immigrants crossing into the USA in the next 10 years. (Source:

Canada has seen over 2,000,000 refugee migrants cross its border to the invitation of Justin Trudeau.  Those middle eastern and African refugees are changing the entire culture of Canada into a mixture of racial conflict, welfare burden for Canadians and outright overpopulation of that once sane country.

Europe has absorbed over 2,000,000 refugees in past three years. And, there is no end to the line. Their cultures, religions, languages and sheer numbers have caused horrific degradation of Europeans in every country.

At some point, America, Canada and Europe will see their countries degrade into cultural conflict, religious tension, acute water shortages, severe energy crisis, food shortages and resource exhaustion.  That could devolve into anarchy and total breakdown of society.

“Most Western elites continue urging the wealthy West not to stem the migrant tide [that adds 80 million net gain annually to the planet], but to absorb our global brothers and sisters until their horrid ordeal has been endured and shared by all—ten billion humans packed onto an ecologically devastated planet.” Dr. Otis Graham, Unguarded Gates

Finally, on the international scene,  Jane Goodall said it best:

“We can’t go on like this. We can’t push human population growth under the carpet. I would encourage every single conservation organization, every single government organization to consider the absurdity of unlimited economic development on a planet of finite natural resources.” Jane Goodall

You want a picture of what’s coming to America?  Try these two short videos. This is what your children face.

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Our Enormous, Insane, Crippling National Debt: $31 Trillion

By Frosty Wooldridge

November 14, 2022

“Bleeding Americans into bankruptcy with a thousand financial cuts”

As of this November 2022, our national debt reached $31,246,400,000,000.00 (trillion).  Each American citizen owes $93,732.00 as soon as they draw their first breath.  Our national debt jumps another $30,000.00 every ten seconds.  ( ) (National debt clock)

Congress jumped the national debt from $9 trillion 16 years ago to its current record of $31 trillion in 2022.

Oct 4, 2021: The interest payments on the federal debt ran $413 billion in 2021 according to the Congressional Budget Office.

What does that mean to you?  Answer: it means you are paying horrendous interest rates that are reflected in inflation rates.  In other words, the U.S. government uses your credit card to pay bills that it can’t pay.  So, it borrows more money. You pay for that borrowing.

At the same time, your two senators and House member keep voting for such things as giving Ukraine $51 billion in military armaments and cash to fight their war 10,000 miles away.  Congress votes for billions in foreign aid:

Feb 7, 2022: Over a five year period, our Congress away $300,000,000,000.00 to foreign countries.  In 2021, the United States budgeted $38 billion for foreign aid spending. As of this reporting, it has disbursed over $32 billion. Almost 25% of that budget has gone to just ten countries: Ethiopia ($1.13 billion) Jordan ($1.03 billion) Afghanistan ($860 million) South Sudan ($821 million) Congo ($814 million) Yemen ($814 million).  (Source)

All of those countries are overpopulated, poor, illiterate, Islamic and totally unproductive.  There’s another problem in Africa: at 1.4 billion people in 2022, the United Nations projections show Africa will jump to 2.0 billion within 27 years. In other words, all your tax dollars going to those poor countries are totally useless, totally wasted and totally a rip-off by our U.S. Congress.  You must wonder what kind of financial morons are running our country.

Where else are your tax dollars going?

EBT (Electronic Benefits Transfer) food stamps are a government-funded program that provides assistance to low-income families and individuals. The program is administered by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the cost of the program varies depending on the size of the household and the state in which they live.

In general, the average cost of EBT food stamps for a family of four is about $4,000 per year. However, this amount can vary greatly depending on the specific circumstances of the family. For example, families who have more children or live in high-cost areas may receive more assistance than those who have fewer children or live in lower-cost areas.

NPR and the major networks don’t tell you that over 40,000,000 Americans and illegal aliens tap into the EBT bonanza.

Sep 6, 2022: According to the latest data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, more than 42 million people were using food stamps in 2016, which is about 13 percent of the population. There are a number of reasons why more people are using food stamps, including the Great Recession, which led to job losses and reduced incomes for many families.  (Source:

With the Covid pandemic, the number of people using food stamps as well as illegal aliens applying for and using food stamps…increased.

Not only that, our 125,000 Somalian immigrants in the Minneapolis, Minnesota area, scammed over $100,000,000.00 in falsified EBT card money.  They spent it and/or sent it back over to Somalia in briefcases while you paid for their flights.  If such illiterate refugees like those Somalians could steal that much money off the U.S. Government, you can imagine the scams going on all over the country.

No wonder we’re in debt for $31 trillion!

How many kids receive free breakfasts and lunches across the USA?

One in five American children live below the poverty line, and over 2.9 million students live in households where they are unsure when they might get their next meal. Around 30 million students around the country qualify for free or reduced cost school lunches through a federal program called the National School Lunch Program.

The average cost of each of those breakfasts and lunches runs over $10.00 per child (transport, labor, food costs). If you do the math, you’re looking at $300 billion annually for kids with parents who lack enough money to feed their own children. So, why did they have them if they couldn’t afford or feed them? Answer: third world  mentality, illiteracy and their ace-in-the-hole: your tax dollars.

This report of our national debt only touches the tip of the corrupt iceberg.  We’ve got U.S. Senators and House members scamming the American people with insider trading on defense contracts.  We’ve got 42,000,000 people on EBT cards that contribute nothing to America in the way of work, earnings or paying taxes. In other words, they are useless to themselves and to our society.  We’ve got $52,000,000,000.00 in shoplifting annually across America. We’ve got 23 to 25 million illegal alien people sending back cash transfers of $69 billion annually, to their country of origin. (Source: )

What about drug money leaving the USA?

Americans spend a whopping $150,000,000,000.00 in illegal drugs annually that come in from our southern border. (Source:  Thanks to Joe Biden, those numbers will double and triple in the next two years of open borders.  Deaths on overdose: 107,000 overdose deaths in 2021. Expected to increase to over 120,000 deaths in 2022.

What’s so sickening if not horrifying stems from the fact that our own president of the USA facilitates drug addiction, drug trafficking and child trafficking…with his open border policy.

What’s the worst part of all this nightmare?  From what this journalist can tell…it’s only going to get worse.  And, since our own leaders fail us at every juncture, there’s nothing we citizens can do about it.  And, from the elections last week, we voted most of the same idiots that have done nothing to secure our borders…back into office.

At this point, according to the US Border Patrol, Biden allowed in excess of 6.6 million illegal aliens into the USA in the past 22 months…at a cost of in excess $20.4 billion. (Source:  It’s going to be interesting to see what the total will be when Biden leaves office in 2024. A guess would be well over 12 billion illegals and another 6 billion of their birthrate kids.

As one great historian said, “Most large countries destroy themselves by choosing national suicide.”

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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A Few Post-Election Thoughts: Our Tumultuous Future

By Frosty Wooldridge

November 10, 2022

Americans are suffering through the most crushing economic conditions in decades, rampant crime, endless infusion of drugs across our southern border, reckless foreign/nuclear war flirtations, the most perverse assaults on family and parental rights in history, and topped off by an embarrassing, senile, unpopular disaster in the White House. He leads with bellicose pronouncements as he shows indifference to the ordeal he is inflicting on working American people.  And yet, American voters, largely, chose to continue on the same path. How do you figure that out?

One of my dear friends in Washington DC wrote me right after the election results.  He wondered how someone like John Fetterman, a man who has never worked a job in his life, and who faces enormous health problems that could kill him at any moment—won a U.S. Senate seat away from the highly articulate Dr. Oz?

Because of my friend’s background, he’s very articulate on all aspects of the immigration invasion intensifying on our southern border.  The fact is, we have lacked any border enforcement for the past 22 months.  We are no longer a sovereign nation.

So, my insider DC friend, what do you make of our dilemma?

“My biggest frustration is obviously that there was no red wave,” he said. “Given how deplorable Biden’s policies are and what an absolute wreck he has made of our country, if voters didn’t repudiate that with new leadership, then when would they ever? Just how bad do things have to get to see a reaction?

“Half of Americans seem to have lost their instinct for survival, if not common-sense decision-making.  The left keeps harping about “saving Democracy.”  What’s more essential to the preservation of the Republic than being able to identify major problems in society and selecting new leaders who can fix them?

“I disagree with some of my fellow conservatives this is due to election fraud. Yes, it exists here and there and needs redress but attributing our losses and poor performance to that masks the far more consequential reasons for our slide: demography, indoctrination and censorship.”

What are the three most dangerous aspects of what’s going on in Washington DC that all of us, liberals and conservatives, facing?

Demography is destiny and is inextricably linked to immigration,” he said.  “Importing tens of millions of poor, government-dependent foreigners into the U.S. who overwhelmingly vote for the party of big government is the Democrats’ key strategy for maintaining an electoral advantage in all perpetuity. Just since Biden took office, 5,500,000 million aliens have entered our country along with 1.1 million reported “got-aways.” No, they can’t vote yet in federal elections, but they will, and by the way, a growing number of jurisdictions are now allowing non-citizens to vote in local elections.  And the millions allowed in under Obama, they are voting at all levels.  Given the slim margins of victory we see now in elections, I fear we are witnessing a shift to permanent mathematical advantage for the Democrats.

Indoctrination of young people is occurring at every level, not only schools but in work environments, entertainment, churches, and the military. “Give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world.”― Vladimir Lenin.  Yep, Gen Xers showed up last night and robotically did what they were brainwashed to do.

“Finally, censorship occurring systematically throughout our culture chills civic debate and labels those who dare to argue as racists and haters who must be disenfranchised.  It is an insidious intimidation tactic that effectively maintains the leftist status quo, particularly with Millennials and the aforementioned Gen-Xers.  (We can hope Elon Musk prevails in liberating Twitter).

“All three combined means the Dems don’t really need fraud to win; they’ve achieved their means far more comprehensively.

“The good news from last night’s midterm is it appears conservatives will take the House. This is significant because it carries with it “power of the purse” authority that can reduce spending, grants oversight, subpoena and impeachment power, and of course means the GOP can stop legislation. Keep in mind that while Republicans didn’t win by the margins they hoped for, taking the House was a step forward. Another positive is that DeSantis has primed all-important Florida for a 2024 run Trump’s re-election hopes are now dashed.”

But how did the good people of Pennsylvania elect John Fetterman? What would cause 70 percent of Americans that say we’re headed in the wrong direction—to re-elect U.S. Senators and House Members back into their seats of power?

“Yes, Fetterman.  (Me slapping my forehead in sheer disbelief) Stroke or no stroke, he’s still an idiot but with his level of current incapacitation, he ranks as America’s all-time worst candidate.  The fact that half of PA voters chose him is Exhibit A in how blind allegiance to leftism trumps all else.  It’s a truly shocking example of how mentality incapacitated extreme leftist voters are, and reveals – even more than the broader election does – the challenges we face making our case.”

You gotta’ ask, how much worse does the crime have to become? How many millions more refugees do we have to import before our society breaks down?  How many more drug overdose deaths will it take to close our borders? How much more in debt do we have to fall before our entire system fails?  When are we going to solve our problems rather than import more of them?

Anybody asking these questions across America?

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Democracy Is On The Ballot: Actually, Viable Candidates Are On The Ballot

By Frosty Wooldridge

November 7, 2022

Okay, I watch television news programs from all sides.  It’s good to get perspectives from liberals, libertarians, conservatives, constitutionalists and independents.  Each group thinks they possess the answers on how to maintain America.  At one point, up until the late nineties, they all pulled together to some degree to pass laws that benefited all Americans.

Since that time, unfortunately, our country has been torn asunder with too many people from too many different countries with too many opposing world views, and they lack any understanding of the intricacies of a Constitutional Republic.  We’ve morphed from a similar culture and language into multiple cultures, multiple languages and incompatible thought patterns.

America no longer holds that, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.”

In America today, racial conflict surfaces daily.  Critical Race Theory advocates WANT division of one race against the other. Crime surfaces 24/7 in our big cities at an alarming rate.  People murder each other at the drop of a hat in Chicago, New Orleans, NYC, Detroit, LA and San Francisco.  Our once sovereign nation is today, a free-for-all invasion of the world’s refugees.  We’ve got religious tension because of so many incompatible religions.  We’ve got inflation because the folks in Washington DC fail to balance the books.  We’ve got gas and food prices off the charts.

All of those problems accelerated once Joe Biden walked into the White House 22 months ago.  Yes, he displays his dementia every time he stands behind a podium, even with his teleprompter telling him what to say or do.  But it’s his handlers who are calling the shots…and they are calling a LOT of bad shots. We’re talking “The Peter Principle” personified, i.e., incompetence, negligence and gross stupidity.

It has caused enormous problems for us both here and abroad.  Biden pushes the Green New Deal, but fell asleep at a conference of world leaders on Climate Change in Europe.   He tells us that the borders are secure, but doesn’t understand that his invitation to all refugees has allowed over 6.6 million illegal aliens to jump our borders in the past 22 months. While our homeless and veterans languish in the streets, he puts illegal aliens into hotels with transport, food and medical care.  At our expense, of course!  And he’s violating our laws. (Source: U.S. Border Patrol, Illegal entries, 2022, )

Whether it’s massive crime of “smash & grab” in our cities, or outright thousands of murders of blacks on blacks in our cities, or the depletion of our oil reserves—Joe Biden and 545 Congressional Critters continue to drive our country into the toilet.

Democracy is on the ballot this Tuesday, November 8, 2022

But on the Democrat side, the talking heads like Morning Joe, Joy Reid, Rachel Maddow, Jake Tapper, Chuck Todd, et al., keep repeating, “Democracy is on the ballot” this coming Tuesday with our national elections.

That’s not true in any way, shape, form or matter.  What’s on the ballot is a new set of citizen-candidates like Dr. Oz of Pennsylvania, Kari Lake for governor in Arizona, Black Masters for U.S. Senate in Arizona, Candidate for U.S. Senate Adam Laxalt in Nevada, Lee Zeldin for governor of New York, Tudor Dixon for governor in Michigan, Buldoc of New Hampshire, and Hershel Walker for U.S. Senate in Georgia.

What’s the big deal?  For starters, all those old, worn out incumbents haven’t done squat to improve the nightmare now gripping America.  So, as the U.S. Constitution promotes, new citizen-politicians compete against corrupt, career politicians like Nancy Pelosi, 82, 40 years in Congress, Charles Schumer 30 years in Congress, Maxine Waters, forever in Congress, Whitmer of Michigan doing a very poor job as governor…and the list grows.

So, is “Democracy on the ballot”?   In fact, our republic stands the test of time because “we the people” are about to hire a group of competent leaders from our ranks who will secure the border, who will stomp on crime, who will stop the drugs, who will promote America First, who will spend wisely, and who will change what’s been happening, toward a new direction.

Letters from readers; yes, there are reasonable American citizens thinking rationally and asking straight-forward questions

T.R. from Arizona said, “If I knew a Democrat, I would ask them about the open border, shutting down our oil and gas industry, releasing criminals onto our streets to commit more crimes etc…. If Liberals want to shut down the production of fossil fuels, that’s fine, but wait until the alternative is fully functional. If EV’s are such a good deal, why do we need to pay people to buy them?”

  1. A. Cave Creek, AZ said, “Sir, I commend you and your well written articles. Yours is an earth-shaking brutal assessment of our current situation in this country! This has been part of the plan to destroy our country from within.

“Soon we must address the elephant in the room entailing the minority folks of this great United States. Somehow, we can’t bring ourselves to be honest and forth right on this subject people continually are afraid of. Black Americans need to control their own and change their hatred for others.  In my life, I have witnessed more violence by Blacks than twenty people. I lost my hearing in my left ear in Vietnam from what is called the knockout game. I’ve been shot and stabbed while working 15 years as a police officer in Chicago’s ghettos. It seems to be only getting worse by what you see. We must do something to curb this violence.  You give me hope for our future and my children and their children. Please keep up the great work, we are behind you.”

On Tuesday, our democracy is not on the ballot.  However, our country stands in the balance. If the majority of Americans like what Joe Biden has done to our country in the past 22 months, well, vote for him and all his supporters.

If you’re sick and tired of the nightmare Joe Biden and his supporters have created, vote for anyone but the people who support and allowed 6.1 million illegal refugees to violate our borders, endless drugs killing 100,000 Americans annually, inflation, waste, racial conflict, rampant crime, no answers to our problems, and a continuation of incompetence.

Vote for new, fresh minds who will serve you rather than corporate interests. Vote for your children’s futures. Vote for America’s future.

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Affirmative Action: The Most Racist Program In America

By Frosty Wooldridge

November 3, 2022

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President Lyndon Baines Johnson first codified “Affirmative Action” during his presidency in the 1960’s.

What is affirmative action and how does it work?

Affirmative action is a policy in which an individual’s color, race, sex, religion or national origin are taken into account to increase opportunities provided to an underrepresented part of society.

What affirmative action isn’t:  it’s not based on achievement, effort or intellectual abilities.  It’s based on the color of one’s skin or gender. It’s based on quotas.  In America, since Affirmative Action became law, it has discriminated against Caucasians, Asians, Jewish people and others who perform higher on SAT’s and other standardized tests.

It furthers racism at the national, state and local levels.  Instead of a nation where a person’s hard work and excellence carry him or her into college or jobs, Affirmative Action places people of color or gender into colleges and/or jobs above other, more qualified persons.

At this moment, the Supreme Court faces a test as to the validity of Affirmative Action continuing in America.  If America is to reward individuals on their hard work, intelligence and merits, Affirmative Action must be abolished.  This is America where our U.S. Constitution guarantees a level playing field for all citizens.

Who has benefited from Affirmative Action?  While I attended Michigan State University in the 1960’s, I played football with Bubba Smith and many other African-American superstars. Unfortunately, few of them were academically prepared for college courses.  Bubba Smith and most of the defensive/offensive linemen at MSU never attended classes. In fact, I remember taking Physiology 316.  I studied my rear-end off for that course. The first day, over a dozen African-American “student athletes” sat near me. They never attended again until the final test.  They all received 4.0’s and I earned a 3.0 grade.  That was Affirmative Action for them and academic fraud for the professor.  That’s how Bubba Smith continued his academic eligibility throughout his four years at MSU along with his friends.  He sat in the North Wonders Hall grill most nights with his girlfriends or buddies.  I suspect that he and his friends were functionally illiterate.

Finally, the academic fraud became so great that the NCAA passed Prop. 148 that supposedly forced student-athletes to academically perform to at least a “C” level.  Of course, if you look across all the big colleges, that isn’t happening.  They should change to a specific “Football Major” where virtually no academic standards are needed.

Through the years, when a company is forced to hire someone to fill out their quotas, the other personnel in the company must “cover” for the person who is unqualified and/or simply cannot perform the work.

Who are some of the people who benefited from Affirmative Action?

Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor admitted in an interview that she became a justice because of Affirmative Action.   The latest justice to gain her job because of her gender and color—Justice Jackson.  Biden picked Kamala Harris for vice president because of her gender and color. Obviously not because of her qualifications.

In a recent interview, Indian-American writer Vivek Ramaswamy said, “Affirmative action doesn’t work.  It’s an assault on American democracy.  What if they forced affirmative action onto the NBA where there are 95 percent blacks, or the NFL where there are 90 percent blacks?  It would ruin the sport, and nobody would watch.”

In the same interview, whites are penalized 310 points off their SAT scores and Asians penalized 400 points off their SAT scores when applying for college so people of color can gain those college slots.  (Source: Carlson Show, FOXNEWS, November 1, 2022)

At Harvard Medical School, blacks are seven times more accepted over whites, which results in doctors with questionable abilities.

It begs the question; who would like an unqualified Affirmative Action medical doctor to perform heart surgery on them or an unqualified person to fly an F-16 jet in combat or perform technical tasks on a spaceship?

You can get away with Affirmative Action as to “student-athletes” because they advance into the NFL or NBA.  But the ones that don’t make the big leagues are left with vacant college experiences, no degrees and no skills for a quality job.

As it stands, Affirmative Action, LGBTQ+, CRT and Transgenderism are wrecking the U.S. military.  Students at the military academies are being brainwashed beyond comprehension.  While some of the male soldiers want to wear a dress and lipstick…it’s freaking out the straight cadets. That’s why recruitments have dropped dramatically for our all-volunteer military.

But, in 2022 America, you’re a racist if you question Affirmative Action.  In reality, it needs to be questioned because Affirmative Action is racist to its core.

With all the welfare, EBT cards, ADC, WIC, Section 8 housing, unemployment benefits and government give-aways going on, I remember one welfare queen with four children on a video said, “With all my benefits, I don’t know why anyone would want to work in America.”

She featured such illiteracy, that she didn’t understand that you and I  pay for her benefits with our 40 to 50 hour per week jobs.

First and foremost, America has worked because all of our citizens have rolled up our sleeves like “Rosie the Riveter” in World War II, and we got the job done.  We made this country successful because we carried the  “work ethic” with us from former generations.  Whether you are a teacher, truck driver, soldier, nurse, tire-changer, cashier, waitperson, doctor, prison guard, police officer, maid, snowplow operator or trash truck driver—we all make America successful by our dedication and hard work at our jobs.

With these kids today spending 10 hours a day on their smart phones via social media, and/or continuing Affirmative Action, we need to be questioning what kind of a society we’re creating from here on out?  Will we be able to defend ourselves? Will we be able to maintain law and order? Will we be able to feed ourselves?  Will we be able to keep our country viable?

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Breakdown Of The American Family: Tom Brady & Gisele Bundchen

By Frosty Wooldridge

October 31, 2022

1. Why marriages go wrong. How to change marriages toward successful relationships. Simple steps to secure a solid relationship before the wedding vows.

The breakdown of marriages in America must be one of our saddest tragedies in the 21st century.  One out of two ends up in divorce.  Dissolution of a marriage rips the structure and foundation out from under the children.  They suffer an emotional trauma that lasts a lifetime.  Sometimes it’s amicable between the parents; at other times, it’s vicious.  Either way, the children are torn between one parent and the other.  They no longer come home from school to a balanced house.

Fathers become weekend visitors. Mothers become emotional wrecks. Stress transfers to the kids.  Nobody feels happy; everyone feels confused.  Divorces wreck the foundation of America’s basic unit: the family.

Why such high divorce rates?  Why such incompatibilities?  How can couples prevent a 50 percent failure rate?  What kind of educational understandings can we teach young people so they might enter into a successful relationship…not just a few years…but for a lifetime?

This past week, we watched tall, dark and handsome superstar Tom Brady finalize his divorce with gorgeous, smart, rich and sophisticated Gisele Bundchen.  After 13 years of marriage, worldwide fame, two beautiful children and more money than Fort Knox, they called it quits.  In other words, no amount of money, attractiveness or fame could hold them together.  Their incompatibilities became too great to endure toward a lasting marriage.

My Beginnings of Understanding Relationships

As a barber in college, I heard story after story about their parents from my customers. As a college guidance counselor, I learned a lot about good and bad marriages from my fellow students.

As a former elementary, high school and college teacher, I watched people meet in September and share their marriage vows the next June.  I watched my students break down crying in class because, “My parents are getting a divorce.”  Those kids suffered shredded emotions via their parent’s divorces.  Sometimes the men cheated on their wives. At other times, they fought too much.  They experienced poor sexual compatibility. Different interests.  Clashing personalities. Religious differences.

In a divorce, younger kids experienced more pain.  The older kids felt betrayal or anger at their parents.  In any event, their solid family world disintegrated from under them.

After college, like so many, I married a gorgeous woman, lovely lady and great companion. She felt fascinated that I loved skiing, tennis, canoeing, racquetball, triathlons, mountain climbing, rafting, hut skiing, sailing, dancing, windsurfing, and just about every active sport I could play.  But within a year, she returned to her roots—a couch potato. We were about as compatible as a flat tire at a NASCAR race.  After three years of silent tension, we chose divorce.  Thankfully, no kids.

She stepped forward to become an art teacher while I bicycled around the world.  She married a millionaire while I loved to sleep in a tent. Late in life, I married Sandi who loves to dance and camp. We both found a better path for ourselves.

As a teacher, during my summers, I drove a United Van Lines furniture truck for Corrigan Moving Systems out of Detroit.  I moved people as soon as they returned from their honeymoons. I moved them after their first, second and third child.  I moved divorced couples. I slapped inventory stickers on her boxes and different color stickers on his boxes. I felt the tension.  I watched the kids. I moved people to Florida for their retirement years.

So, what are the secrets to a lifelong relationship cemented by love, honor, respect, fun, joy and fulfillment?  What are those other 50 percent of marriages doing that makes them thrive?

From my teaching, counseling, and truck driving careers, I learned the basics of successful marriages.  Wealth, good looks and fame won’t make for a successful marriage. Just look at Hollywood! I’m recommending three books that will give you the best chance for a lifelong, successful and happy relationship.

From my experiences, I’ve found that most married couples on their way to divorce…met in September and married in June. They were in the heat of sexual passions, but never got to know each other.  Here’s a new way toward a successful match.

First, Are You the One for Me? by Barbara DeAngelis. This lady has the male and female answer questions about themselves. They tabulate the positives and negatives.  At the end, the scores indicate your chances for success. You will find out whether you should shake hands now, and say goodbye because you are SO incompatible or, if you wait until you’re married, you’ll be angrily hating each other and splitting with two kids becoming victims of your poor choices. This is the best book I’ve read to show you whether to quit now, or go ahead with your wedding plans.

Second, one of my friends, who was on his third divorce said, “Frosty…you need to write a book to show the rest of us how to stay married.”  I said, “Okay, I will.”

How to Deal With 21st Century American Women: Co-Creating a Successful Relationship by Frosty Wooldridge.  This book shows you the eight most important compatibilities you need for a successful relationship. In this book, you will learn the eight factors for a successful marriage:  similar emotions, sexuality, spirituality, interests, values, lifestyle, personality compatibility, listening, and goals.  You need to share these factors, or your chances dim with each incompatible factor.  Also, it’s recommended that you date for two years, and then, live together for one year.  You’re sure to discover whether or not you could make it for the rest of your lives, together.  It’s an investment if you choose to have kids…for them and you.  Yeah, the religious preachers will go nuts over living together, but this is the 21st century, so get over it. Use common sense over emotions or old paradigms that fail to connect with this new age.

Third, The 8 Essential Traits of Couples Who Thrive by Susan Page.  Her eight factors compliment my eight factors.  She brings compelling insight into how relationships thrive or dive. She demonstrates how to regain, maintain and prosper in your relationship.

These three books would bring couples to 80-90 percent successful marriage rates, maybe even higher.  Why? Because the authors of these three books learned the hard way.

In the end, don’t we all want to be happy with a mate we love, honor and cherish?  Isn’t it great to be on the dance floor with your loving mate?  How about sitting around a campfire with your mate roasting marshmallows?  What about mutually bringing up your kids to be happy, secure and healthy adults?  If you’re a couch potato, wouldn’t it be great to be matched up to another couch potato?

You’re darned right!  You need to be matched up with a spouse that shares those eight factors. That way, you don’t have to “work” at your marriage. You simply enjoy each other, and life shows you a great time!

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Why Are Our Borders Wide Open To Everyone In The World?

By Frosty Wooldridge

October 27, 2022

Who exactly continues to destroy America with open borders?  Is it Biden? his handlers?  Is it the New World Order people? Is it Soros?  Is it the people attempting to imitate the European Union by creating a North American Union of Canada, America, Central America and Mexico? Please note: Europe is being destroyed by immigration via the European Union.  Is it Barack Obama who promised to, “Fundamentally change America…?”  Is it someone who wants to displace Whites because they displaced the Native Americans?  Who is it that actually would like to see total chaos and breakdown of America?

At this point, whomever is trying to destroy the very foundation of America, and our Constitution…they are succeeding.  They have kids hating their own country enough to form Antifa, La Raza, Black Lives Matter, the Muslim Brotherhood, Somaliland, Islamic Detroit, Smash & Grab, abortion vs pro-life, 35 documented Islamic training centers from New York To California, Covid 19 jabs for everyone with deadly R-MNA, 540,000 homeless Americans, enormous illiteracy in big cities and the list grows.

With all of that nightmare, we have a full-scale invasion of our southern border.  To date, since Dementia Joe settled into the White House 21 months ago, the latest reports show 4.4 million illegal alien border jumpers have swarmed into our country according to the U.S. Border Patrol and Another 600,000 “got-a-ways.” They are invading our cities, towns and military bases.  They are housed in hotels, tents, military bases and even being pushed into Air BnB housing. Their children are overwhelming our schools.  All at your expense!

Those are no small numbers!  FAIR also tabulated the cost to American taxpayers at a whopping $20.4 billion of your money.  And, that’s just the beginning.

I can’t say this enough: there are 83,000,000 new babies added to the planet, net gain, annually.  There’s no way we can save even a fraction of them. We can help them in their own countries, but we  cannot continue importing millions of them…because their numbers are beyond our ability to save them.  But we sure can destroy ourselves and our children’s futures if we keep importing them over our borders either legally or illegally.

Cheering those border jumpers on…Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, suffering from  dementia at age 82, applauds them as crop-pickers needed in Florida.  She said that last week while in her own State of California, no less than 100,000 homeless sleep on the sidewalks of Los Angeles and San Francisco.  While she celebrates over 4 million illegals  in her own state, along with Governor Gavin Newsome, you’re paying the bills with your hard-earned tax dollars.

Even before Biden assumed office, with Dr. Steven Camarota tabulated 500,000 illegals crossing our borders annually since 1986 when Reagan gave over 4.0 million illegals amnesty. That’s when the invasion started.

But notice, not one House Member or U.S. Senator has ever done anything to stop the human onslaught…save House Member Tom Tancredo from Colorado 20 years ago.

So, what do you make of 23 to 25 million illegals siphoning welfare dollars, education and medical care off your country into the trillions of dollars?  Is there any wonder that you and me, the American taxpayers are up to our eyeballs in $31 trillion in national debt? Is it any wonder that we must listen to Spanish on hundreds of radio and TV shows because their numbers are so great?  They are not here to become Americans.

Have you noticed the ads on TV these days?  Talk about “affirmative action” quotas that have run off the scale!  Have you noticed that education has devolved from the Three R’s, to Critical Race Theory being taught so your children will be despised for the  color of their skin?  What about transgender changes for third graders, and men competing in women’s sports to the point of total destruction of women’s sports?

In fact, this past weekend at a college volleyball game, a transgender guy hit a spike so hard, that when it hit a girl in the face on the other side of the net, the ball knocked her out.  Why? Because a man pretending to be a woman has enough muscle to bash a ball at least 50 miles per hour faster than a woman.  Not only did she suffer a concussion from his spike, but she suffered another concussion when she hit the wood floor.

As an American citizen, a citizen journalist and a man who loves his country—we need to change course if our country hopes to survive the next two years and beyond.  Because, if we don’t, we will exceed a “fail-safe” point where we cannot save our country.

If you like the borders open and you understand the long-term ramifications of such actions by our House members and U.S. Senators,  by all means, vote for more of the same.  Vote Nancy Pelosi, Charles Schumer, all of Biden’s supporters, all open border candidates and all illegal alien sympathizers.  Because, as of 2022, they are winning, and America is losing.

If those open borders people keep winning and keep getting elected…do you have any idea of how much worse it’s going to get for all  of us?

Whom am I supporting?  Every governor should be a Kari Lake out of Arizona and a Senator Blake Masters out of Arizona. They are regular citizens who are sick and tired of worthless career politicians. Every Senator should have the brains, common sense and energy of Dr. Oz out of Pennsylvania.  I’d vote for Lee Zeldin in New York for Governor.  He makes sense and supports the police and the rule of law.  He would fire Attorney General Alvin Bragg who gives criminals a free pass and back on the streets within hours.  He opposes sanctuary cities. I’d vote for Tudor Dixon for governor of Michigan. Why? These people are all-Americans, and they stand for the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law.

We can add Adam Laxalt in Nevada and O’Dea in Colorado.  Both of Colorado’s U.S. Senators Hickenlooper and Bennet are open borders advocates along with Governor Jared Polis.  All of them  have done nothing for U.S. citizens…and in face, work against all of us by supporting Colorado as a “Sanctuary State.”

Whatever you do the next two weeks, think about your future. Think about your kids’  future. Think about your community. Think about your city. Think about your country…right here, the United States of America.

Finally, if we allow our elected leaders to continue on this massive immigration invasion of our country, do you want to live in this country with another 100,000,000 foreigners by 2050?  Do you want us to jump from 335 million to 440 million people all struggling for water, food, energy, transport and resources?  How do you think it will turn out for your kids?

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Joe Biden & His Handlers Place NO Value Or Respect For U.S. Citizenship

By Frosty Wooldridge

October 24, 2022

In fact: Ultimately, Joe Biden invites into our country the terrorists who will bring the next 9/11 event.  That’s a given.  Who dies? Answer: average American citizens.

Would you allow your front door to be unlocked if you lived in a big city?  Would you allow your children to become victims of anyone who might want to break into your house?  Would you allow such individuals to introduce your children to drugs, rape and/or violence?  Would such choices be a dereliction of your responsibility to your wife or husband or children?  How would you feel if someone who broke into your house got your kids hooked on fentanyl, heroin or meth?

Would anyone respect you or your actions for not protecting your family?  In fact, concerned neighbors would call the police and/or family services to have you handcuffed and taken to the local jail for dereliction of parenthood.

To date, President Joe Biden, in the past 21 months, has disrespected our laws, our country, our citizens, our legal immigrants, our right to defend our borders, and worst of all, our citizenship as Americans.

Since he took office in January 2021, he has invited and/or allowed…in excess of 4,000,000 illegal alien refugee border jumpers who have invaded our country.  He has degraded U.S. citizenship into the toilet.  He has invited drug cartels to distribute millions of fentanyl pills, heroin, meth, ecstasy, and other drugs into our elementary schools, high schools and colleges. He’s fed the drug habits of hundreds of thousands of homeless, veterans and mentally unstable American citizens.  Result?  In 2021, more than 107,000 American citizens died at the hands of Joe Biden’s choices to allow endless drugs into our country.  That number will be exceeded in 2022 as the number of drug overdoses is expected to explode beyond last year’s.

What else has he done to our once successful and thriving country?

As President of the United States, Joe Biden has degraded U.S. citizenship into the role of a third world country.  Corruption is a mechanism by which third world countries operate.  Joe Biden,  and/or his handlers has/have turned the United States into a massive crime wave in our cities, a horrifically drug-infested society, total loss of respect for our laws, and he’s taking us on a spiraling path where “crime is the norm” because it’s facilitated instead of punished.

In addition to allowing this illegal invasion against average American citizens, he’s spent more than $20 billions of our tax dollars to house, feed, educate, medicate and transport those four-million illegal border jumpers.

Along with that, we now have illegal alien gangs robbing stores in major cities across the country. We have MS-13 gangs distributing all those drugs to our children with no chance of being caught or punished.  He’s invited those third world refugees to shoplift $52 billion in mercantile  goods annually.  At the same time, he’s facilitating the largest underground economy in the world that works off the books, paid in cash and never taxed.

While that activity runs into the billions of dollars in cash transfers out of our country, more than $100 billion annually, we have to pay for illegal aliens’ kids as to their education at $8,000.00 annually per child, $2,000.00 for ESL classes, and as much as $5,000.00 per year per child for breakfasts and lunches, along with all medical costs.

Just last year, the  125,000 Somalian refugees in Minneapolis, Minnesota stole in excess of $100,000,000.00  (million) of our tax dollars in the form of EBT card rip-offs. The  money  was  never  recovered as they carried it back to Somalia in suitcases, or  distributed it among themselves in a massive graft and embezzlement scheme.

These same illegals will be siphoning off  all our welfare reserves, while at the same time, stealing jobs and displacing our working poor.  Those same  third world refugees will and are creating massive homeless slums in America.

If we absorb enough of them, they simply will drive our entire  civilization into poverty, slums, crime, racial conflict, illiteracy and devolvement of our society.

Ultimately, Joe Biden invites into our country the terrorists who will bring the next 9/11 event.  That’s a given.  Who dies? Answer: average American citizens.

Historian Victor Davis Hanson, author of Mexifornia, said it this way, “Citizenship then requires a large and self-reliant middle class—currently shrinking under enormous economic strains. Clearly defined and enforced borders are also essential to ensure a civic space in which citizens can nurture common customs, sustain traditions, and honor their own shared past.

“Yet borders are now increasingly fluid as mere residence and citizenship seem often indistinguishable. Pre-civilizational tribalism—identifying by superficial appearance rather than through shared culture and values—is returning to America as so often the salad bowl replaces the melting pot.”

Additionally, the mainstream media tells us that we already carry 11 million illegals in our country. The Yale Report of 2018 stated that we suffer 23 to 25 million illegals. At the very least, if you combine the 4 million from Biden’s 21 months in office and the mainstream media figure of 11 million, that means at least 15,000,000 (million) people living in our country who are all criminals and shouldn’t be here.  How many more can we survive?

In other words, you and I, legal American citizens take a back seat in our own country…while at the same time, we pay for Biden’s folly if not downright corruption at the  highest level in American history.  Is anyone appreciating that Joe Biden is complicit with his drug-addicted, lying and cheating son, Hunter Biden?  Like father, like son!

In the end, this tiny column exposes a miniscule amount of the fraud Biden and Congress are foisting on the American citizens who built this country.

Are you not tired of getting screwed by President Biden, and/or his handlers (really…does anyone think Dementia Joe is running this country?)  He can’t even finish a simple sentence or walk up a flight of  stairs.  How much worse do you think it will become in the next 27 months?

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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St. Louis, Baltimore, Chicago, Philadelphia, NYC, LA, And San Francisco Becoming More Like Detroit

By Frosty Wooldridge

October 20, 2022

The great science fiction writer, Robert Heinlein, author of, Strange In A Strange Land, said, “A society begins to fail when citizens lose respect for one another and themselves.”

His statement prophesizes exactly what’s going on in our big cities across America.  This week, a bunch of outlaw dirt bike motorcyclists surrounded cop cars, threw bricks and rampaged across our formerly “Great American City of Brotherly Love.”

In the past, we locked up people who disrespected others by committing crimes such as murders, shoplifting, robberies, arson, drunk driving, drug distribution, rape and all other uncivil activities.

But today, we’re seeing a U.S. Senator candidate, John Fetterman, from Pennsylvania promising to empty more than half the prisoners from that state’s prisons.  We’ve got NYC District Attorney Alvin Bragg failing to keep criminals off the streets by giving them immediate “bail-less” free passes.  We’ve got Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot who actively promotes criminals, gangs and shootings in the “Windy City.”  She possesses no respect for the law-abiding citizens of that area.  The elected officials of all those big cities refuse to enforce the laws.  Many of them push for “defund the police” and “no bail” releases of hardened criminals.

St. Louis is dying, just like Detroit.

“Resignations have continued piling up at the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department this year, setting off concerns from top law enforcement leaders.

“We’re reaching critical mass,” St. Louis Police Officers Association President Jay Schroeder said this month of staffing issues on the city’s force. “About 819 officers have left the department since 2017, according to the St. Louis Police Pension Board. The department lost an average of 119 officers each year between 2017 and 2019. In 2020, 129 officers left the force, with an additional 174 leaving in 2021, according to the pension data.”

That’s happening in all the aforementioned cities.  New York City’s mayor stands eyeball deep in crime, but he’s impotent to stop it, because he chooses NOT to stop it.

According to national news, seven police officers have been shot to death in the past 14 days.  Would that number be an indication that our own citizens don’t respect our own law-enforcement citizens? What about the horrific number of killings across the country as of October 2022?   That’s a lot of disrespect of one citizen who shoots another citizen with a gun or stabs them with a knife.


The Chicago Police Department reported the lowest number of employees in recent history at the end of March. The Seattle Police Department reached a 30-year staffing low this year. The vice president of the Philadelphia FOP Lodge sounded the alarm in August that the department is set to lose 800 officers in the next four years.

“We see law enforcement officers leave our profession at a rate we’ve never seen before,” National Fraternal Order of Police President Patrick Yoes said at the Faith & Blue conference in Washington, D.C., in August. “Our profession is dependent on the best and brightest stepping up and taking this job. And because of the actions, and because of the turmoil that has happened in the last two years, we have a crisis right now in manpower.”

St. Louis’ Murder Rate, Already the Highest in US, Soared Last Year: Mayor Tishaura Jones vows to defund the police

“We still have two separate police unions – one for Black police officers and one for White officers,” Tishaura Jones, the first black mayor of St. Louis told the outlet. “If they can’t trust each other, then how can they expect the public to trust them?”

The one item not mentioned in mainstream media news reports glares at anyone who lives in those cities:  it’s African-Americans killing African-Americans.  It appears to be a taboo to somehow hide the fact that our inner cities face horrific crime and killing rates among  blacks.  That’s why Detroit, Michigan dominated by African-Americans dropped from 1.85 million residents back in the 80’s to 650,000 in 2022. (And half of that number are Muslim immigrants)  Why?  Black Mayor Coleman Young facilitated crime out of his own office.  Over 1.2 million whites fled Detroit  (for fear of their lives) over a 15-year period.

All of us, black and white, have to ask ourselves how far down this rabbit-hole of allowing or facilitating criminals can we descend? Whether it’s D.A. George Gascon in Los Angeles or a Governor Gavin Newsom in California who oversees a crime-ridden state…somebody at some point needs to step up to reality.  “Woke”  doesn’t work. It’s failing miserably.

Yes, we must engage social programs that attempt to improve inner city ghettos.  But how do you stop 7 out of 10 black babies from being born to illiterate single mothers on welfare…while the illiterate sperm-donor runs around donating his sperm to the next illiterate teenage black girl?

If we are to recover respect for our laws as a society, we need to bring down the “hammer of the law” so hard that we lock all criminals up and keep them there…so they can’t continue their craft.  You kill a cop: immediate death penality.

If not, we’re going to see more Americans fleeing to smaller cities, more rural areas and more sane living.  What they leave behind will be more mass mayhem, killings, lootings, burnings, more welfare babies and destroyed cities like Detroit, Michigan.

One observer said, “Our cities are becoming self-cleaning ovens where the lawless simply annihilate one another.”

Personally, having traveled through and worked in all those cities, I don’t see any hope of their recovery to civil societies.  When you combine too many cultures, races, languages and illiteracy—it can only boil over into conflict and disintegration.

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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What About America’s Conflicted and Confused Future?

By Frosty Wooldridge

October 17, 2022

In the October 2022 rendition of Time Magazine, Pulitzer Prize winning writer Jon Meacham wrote a deliriously idealistic piece titled: “How Our Great President Saved Democracy and We Can Too.”

In his commentary, he noted how Lincoln brought the South to its knees, freed the slaves and saved the Union. He talked about how polarized the north and the south were in 1861. He spoke to the super-polarization of America in 2022.

With incredible naivete, he felt that we can sew the nation back together by repeating what Lincoln said, “We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies.”

But in 2022, we don’t have a “Great President.” We’ve got a senile, old man suffering from dementia and advanced age.

That might be okay for Mecham, but he lacks any understanding that America is no longer made up of a majority of European Americans. We’ve become a disastrously multiculturalized and culturally diverse nation.

Not wanting to see the editors pretend that Meacham actually understands his inane position, I wrote Time editors:

Dear Time editors: (

Re: “How our Greatest President Lincoln Saved Democracy and We Can Too” by Jon Meacham, October 24, 2022, Time, page 42

The future of America resembles current-day Europe: death by immigration and cultural disintegration. Today, these two factors are splitting America at the seams. The fate of multicultural America coincides with the fate of the Roman Empire. Rome faced barbarians invading from the north, and the USA faces its own demise by Biden’s inviting 2,000,000 third-world illegal migrants pouring across our southern borders annually, as well as being invited into the country legally at over 1,000,000 per year. All of them carry different world views, contentious religions, incompatible cultures, and languages that cannot and will not coalesce with America—and, they possess no affinity for the American Way of Life.

While Lincoln faced one great question, which was slavery, 21st Century America faces a plethora of racial conflicts like Black Lives Matter, La Raza, CAIR, LuLac, Muslim Brotherhood and White Power. Like Rome, the majority descended in numbers while the minorities ascended in numbers toward ultimate power.

We can no longer pretend that we are a nation of compatible immigrants transforming into a melting pot. This past week in Dearborn, Michigan, with 300,000 Muslim immigrants, Jihadis Openly Called for Enforcement of Sharia Law in Michigan Schools While Non-Muslims Remained Clueless by John D. Guandolo.

“Jihadi leaders in Dearborn, Michigan put out the call to flood last Monday’s school board meeting and sharia-adherent Muslims turned out in droves to enforce sharia. Islamic schools in the United States teach the purpose of Islam is to impose “Allah’s divine law – sharia – on all humans on earth.” Sharia mandates that all non-Muslims convert to Islam or be subject to capital punishment.” (Source: UTT Newsletter, October 15, 2022)

Those Muslim immigrants cannot stand LGBQIA+ adherents who push for Gay Rights, Transgender Rights, Lesbian Rights, Queer Rights, Bisexual Rights and + Rights. In the Quran, it calls for death to all homosexuals and any other type of sexual proclivity. In Muslim lands, they throw them off the tops of buildings, behead them, cut their throats, hang them and shoot them. All in the name of the “all-merciful Allah.” If you can figure that one out, you’re a religious genius.

At the Dearborn City Council, the Muslims trashed the place because they only understand violence…to their women, animals and anyone who opposes them. The Quran will never tolerate or abide by the U.S. Constitution. That’s why Dearborn, Michigan lives by de facto Sharia Law, i.e., honor killings, female genital mutilation, no women’s rights, no animal rights, majority of them on welfare, and no allegiance to the U.S. Constitution.

And, there is nothing American laws can do about it because of their numbers, their enclave and their Quran.

When you see bumper stickers that read, “Celebrate Diversity…Celebrate Multiculturalism,”—-which American women do you see lining up at the local female genital mutilation clinic or can’t wait for their turn at an honor killing? Note: there are 20,000 honor killings in Muslim-dominated lands annually. (Source: United Nations “Honor Killings”) What American woman would love to be controlled by her man 24/7? What American woman would want her education taken away by devout Muslims who want to keep their women illiterate?

At the same time, we’re facing 800 languages being spoken in New York City by immigrants refusing to learn English. Much the same in California. You must understand that a person with a different language than English, understands and sees the world in a totally different context than an American citizen. As we allow more linguistic confusion to overrun our own language, we shall see more conflict. It’s inevitable.

When you add catastrophic climate destabilization, toxic air pollution over our cities, species extinction rates, gridlocked traffic, water shortages, energy exhaustion, accelerating human population growth to add 100 million people to America by 2050, and resource depletion—you’ve got a recipe exploding ten times worse than what took down the Roman Empire. It will take us down, too.

The late Colorado Governor Richard D. Lamm said at a speech in Washington DC in 2003: “If you believe that America is too smug, too self-satisfied, too rich, then let’s destroy America. It is not that hard to do. No nation in history has survived the ravages of time. Arnold Toynbee observed that all great civilizations rise and fall, and that, “An autopsy of history would show that all great nations commit suicide.”

That’s where we’re headed.

I’m a certain that Time Magazine’s Jon Meacham lacks any understanding of history, diversity’s dangers, multiculturalism’s insanity and the results of tossing endless languages onto the American landscape.

The third world suffers because it/they are overpopulated, suffer from mass illiteracy, conflicted religions, brute-force leaders who, themselves, cannot solve their problems.

And all of them are invading our country. At some point, their numbers will overwhelm our ability to function. I can see it coming as surely as the coming of the dawn.

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Is There Something Drastically Wrong With American Society?

By Frosty Wooldridge

October 13, 2022

This week in Georgia, a white football star high school student, Elijah DeWitt, college bound, suffered a shooting death at the hands of two teenaged black kids at a mall.  His girlfriend went into a burger joint to bring them food. He stood outside waiting for her. The two boys shot him on a whim.  She walked out after hearing the gunfire to find her boyfriend dead on the mall floor. He was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

How do you process that kind of insanity if you are his girlfriend or his parents? Or his teammates?  How do the parents of the two black kids process such cruelty by two of their kids facing a lifetime in prison?

Here is another nut case!

A self-described “incel,” or “involuntary celibate,” from Ohio on Tuesday pleaded guilty to plotting a mass shooting of about 3,000 women, including sorority girls, according to the Department of Justice.

Tres Genco, 22, of Hillsboro admitted to planning a hate crime to shoot women at an Ohio university in 2021.

“Genco wrote a manifesto in which he stated that he would “slaughter” women “out of hatred, jealousy and revenge,” referring to death as the “great equalizer.” In another note obtained by law enforcement, Genco said he wanted to “aim big” for a 3,000-person kill count, according to the DOJ.”  News Report

National News report:  “A Florida bodybuilder is accused of killing and cremating his ex-wife after federal investigators say they found bone fragments in a 50-gallon drum on his property that “reeked of decaying flesh.”

“Ian Christopher Baunach, 43, an International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness competitor, faces a slew of charges, including first-degree premeditated murder, illegally cremating a body, drugs possession and violating federal firearms law.

“Deputies allegedly found stockpiles of both steroids and unregistered silencers when they searched his house for missing ex-wife Katie Baunach, who was a 39-year-old nurse, according to a Facebook profile. The couple shared two children, according to investigators.”

The radio talk host Alex Jones faces a $1 billion payout to victims of Sandy Hook:  “A Connecticut jury ordered Alex Jones to pay nearly $1 billion to families of the victims of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting for spreading lies about the massacre.  Six adults and 20 children were killed during the shooting in December 2012 in Newtown, Connecticut, just 20 miles away from where victims’ families gave tearful testimony in Waterbury Superior Court during the trial.

Jones repeatedly told millions of listeners on his Infowars show that the shooting was a hoax and the victims were crisis actors hired as part of a scheme to impose gun control laws.”

If you follow the daily news in America, you might think we’re living in a nuthouse society.  Yes, you’re seeing all these various violent events all around the country, and, they are accelerating.

In Chicago, in the last four weekends,  54 shot…8 died; 38 shot…7 died; 34 shot…5 died; over Labor Day 55 shot 11 died.  In Chicago as of September 2022…2,021 shooting victims that actually got shot, but lived.

You gotta’ being kidding me!  That’s nothing!  New Orleans stands as the new  “Murder Capital of America.”

Gun Deaths Annually in America

May 2, 2022: Using CDC mortality data, the analysis revealed that overall firearm-related deaths increased by 15% in 2020 to 45,222, the highest number ever recorded by the CDC since it began tracking firearm deaths in 1968. This translates to 124 individuals on average dying from gun violence every day.

Is America going collectively nuts or what? How did those two teen black kids in Georgia obtain guns and then, blatantly kill that high school football player before he could even begin his life?

How can millions of American citizens, or illegal aliens or inner city  youth, shoplift $52 billion annually out of mercantile  stores—and think that’s normal or okay?

How can we send $63,000,000,000.00 (billion) worth of war materials over to Ukraine,  when we’re $31,000,000,000,000.00 (trillion) in debt?  And how does our president give away that much money to a foreign country when we’ve got 540,000 homeless in our own country that need our help…including thousands of veterans?

A Drug Addicted Nation

Last year, 107,000 America citizens died from fentanyl and other overdoses.  But Biden left the border open for more drugs to cross!  How can you measure THAT many people living such miserable lives that they  killed themselves with drugs?

“Drug and alcohol addiction impacts millions of Americans each year. More than 20 million people in the U.S. have an addiction. Yet only 10% of these people receive any addiction treatment. Drug and alcohol addiction costs the United States an estimated $600 billion each year.” (Source: CDC, USA)

Are We A Moral, Ethical and Decent Society?

“There are over 463,000 rape victims in America each and every year. Young Americans are at the highest risk for sexual violence. 90% of adult rape victims are women. 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men experience sexual violence in their lifetime. 1 in 2 transgender Americans will experience sexual violence.” (Source:

How could our country’s parents raise 463,000 men who go out and rape 463,000 women annually?  What kind of monsters could do that to  young girls?

How Cruel Is American Society to Animals?

Jan 8, 2022;  “Disturbing Animal Cruelty Facts. One animal is abused every minute. Annually, over 10 million animals in the US are abused to death. 97% of animal cruelty cases come from farms, where most of these creatures die. Laboratory testing kills 115 million animals in experiments every year. Dogs comprise 65% of all abused animals.” (Source:

You have to ask yourself,  “What kind of a society am I living in, and how  can I change it away from these devastating realities?”

Well fellow American, I am sick to my stomach at how we treat ourselves and how we treat our animals. Is there a way to solve this daily nightmare across America? Or is it just too big, too much and too pervasive to change? Or, is it simply human nature to be SO violent, SO heartless,  and SO inhumane to ourselves and our fellow animals?

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

The Biden Border Rush IS A National Disaster: By Design

By Frosty Wooldridge

October 10, 2022

Have you ever seen a country turned inside out and outside in?  Have you seen a country lose its culture, lose its identity, and lose its own people?

Take a look at Sweden, Denmark, Norway, France, United Kingdom, Germany, Finland and Belgium.  They are losing their identities, their languages, their cultures and their way of life.  Here’s a harsh reality: they are not going to get their countries back.

Look around you at the United States of America. It’s becoming a minority-minority country.  No single culture, no single language, no single identity. It’s become a fractured, fragmented and disassociated multicultural, diversified, politically abrasive and racially splintered country.

NPR on Sunday featured a Latino lady who could not identify with her white doctor because he couldn’t speak her language or identify with her culture.  “He didn’t understand me,” she said.  She couldn’t find a  Latino doctor.

Our country faces an uncertain future.  “It’s a deliberate government policy.  Important contributions are made by the so-called NGOs – non-governmental organizations. Although supposedly independent, these NGOs often work hand in hand with government agencies to further the mass immigration agenda.” Alan Wall

“If you follow the money, you see government and “non-governmental organizations” sharing funds, much of it originating from you, the taxpayer.” Alan Wall

On September 28, Fox News reported, “The Biden administration awarded $41 million in taxpayer-backed government contracts to a new liberal nonprofit working to help illegal immigrants fight deportation amid the escalating border crisis…”

“The group under discussion is the Acacia Center for Justice, an organization “born from a partnership between the Vera Institute of Justice and Capital Area Immigrants’ Rights (CAIR).”

Earlier in the year, Fox News reported that same Vera Institute had “landed a $171.7 million taxpayer-funded government contract that could potentially hit $1 billion to help unaccompanied minors avoid deportation…”

Look at our completely invaded borders. We no longer possess a border.  We no longer can claim being a sovereign nation.  Your tax dollars are being used to destroy your own country.

Influence Watch reports, “The bulk of the VIJ’s funding in the 2020 fiscal year came from the U.S. Department of Justice to represent illegal immigrants and refugees through various subagencies, …it has received over $811 million in funding from the federal government since 2008. As of July 29, of the 2021 fiscal year, VIJ had received over $89 million in funding from the U.S. Department of Justice, Department of Health and Human Services, and other federal government agencies.”

A document from NILC titled ‘Strategic Framework for Transformational Change’ lays out the organization’s plan to ​​‘consolidate immigrant power’ and ‘forge consensus for culture change.‘”

There you have it in writing!  Joe Biden and company proceed to tear apart America’s culture and implement cultural change into what most certainly will be a third world culture. Think “India.”  It’s a multi-lingual,  multicultural, living, breathing nightmare for most of its citizens. India is SO confused and SO disparate that 70 percent of its citizens do not have access to a toilet. Its water is undrinkable and its “misery index” is right up there with Africa’s.

Here is what’s going to happen to you as an American citizen: “The Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC), which “has received over $2.3 million from OSF in eight different grants between 2016 and 2020. The organization seeks to encourage immigration and naturalization and then mobilize them as a newly imported voting bloc.” Alan Wall

If you remember Barack Obama…he promised to fundamentally  change America.  Well, he’s still at it and he’s under the radar along  with George Soros…to fundamentally change America from a successful culture, language and “The American Way” to the same nightmare now engulfing Europe and Canada.

If America keeps voting for more legal immigration, more illegal immigration, more birthright babies, more chain migration, more languages, more cultures, more religions and more illiteracy that goes with this invasion—we’re going to see our civilization degrade, devolve and overpopulate into history’s worst quagmire, mayhem and cesspool that has ever been seen, EVER!

How can you tell it’s coming?  Just watch the news for a week. A black guy beat the living hell out of a woman in the subway. He kicked her in the head and stomped on her face.   Another minority shot four people and wounded three in Memphis…for no reason.  Another illegal immigrant (Guatemala) knifed two people to death and six wounded in Las Vegas.  Another immigrant pushed a lady onto the subway tracks in NYC to see her sliced up by the oncoming train. Black Chicago gangs kill at least a dozen people every weekend.

New Orleans is now the new murder capital of America.  Detroit is now the new Islamic Center of America.  Southern California is an extension of Mexico into America. Another black guy walked into a  furniture store in LA and shot the single girl to death. Another minority, pissed that his fries were too cold at a McDonald’s, pulled out his gun and shot the 23 year old cashier, dead.

You do not dare walk into “Somaliland” in Minneapolis, Minnesota if you are a white person.  There are 125,000 Somalian immigrants who don’t like you, period!

San Francisco…crime ridden, few  Americans, mostly immigrants, 36,000 homeless and a deadly place to visit.  Los Angeles…crime  ridden, 69,000 homeless, murders galore, carjacking’s the norm.

Detroit, Michigan, 300,000 Islamic followers, all immigrants, all practicing Sharia Law, and none flying the American flag. Talk about racism! If you are not one of them, you are the enemy.

If what’s left of American citizens don’t stop this invasion by voting for elected officials who will close our borders, none of us will make it through the race wars, religious wars and cultural conflicts facing our country.  One other note:  we need to deport over 25,000,000 illegal  aliens, and do it now!

Make your voice heard. Write these addresses and demand they interview yours truly and dozens of other top voices on the greatest crisis facing America in the 21st century.  Write Jesse Watters at FoxNews, ;  Martha McCallum at ;  60 Minutes, ; Lester Holt, ; Face the Nation ; Terry Gross, ;  FoxFriends, ; Neil Cavuto, ; Anderson Cooper,

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

What’s Going On At The Mexican Border Right Now Is An Invasion

By Frosty Wooldridge

October 6, 2022

We’ve got a heck of a dichotomy going on right now on our southern border from California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.  As a nation and as a people, we are being invaded by an endless line of refugees from all over the world. The major networks won’t cover it…and in fact,  they cover it up.

Note: We already import 1,000,000 legal immigrants annually, more than the rest of the countries of the world, combined.

Joe Biden, totally out of his dementia-ridden mind, or, at least his handlers, are out of their minds, has invited over 2,000,000 illegals into our country in the past nine months.  He invited 1,500,000 in 2021.  And they are coming, too.  They will keep coming because the world faces over 100,000,000 homeless refugees.

As per : “Staggering record 100 million people forcibly displaced worldwide represents 1% of the global population and is equivalent to the 14th most populous country in the world. The number includes refugees and asylum seekers as well as the 53.2 million people displaced inside their borders by conflict. “The international response to people fleeing war in Ukraine has been overwhelming….”

Over five million people have fled war-torn Ukraine into adjacent countries like Poland and Moldova.  Over 1.5 million refugees have fled Africa into Europe.  Millions flee India and the Middle East. Starvation and famine cripple Afghanistan and Iraq.

They are flooding over America’s border to the tune of thousands daily.

Even former president Bill Clinton said,  “There’s a limit as to how many we can take.”  (October 2, 2022 speech)

So how many can we take?  Could we support 100,000,000 homeless world refugees?  Can we support 10,000,000?

What is the upper limit as to how many people American can sustain in the coming years?

Here’s another sickening fact:  The United Nations tells us that 3,100,000 children under the age of 12 starve to death annually.

“A child dies from hunger every 10 seconds. Poor nutrition and hunger are responsible for the death of 3.1 million children a year. That’s nearly half of all deaths in children under the age of 5. The children die because their bodies lack basic nutrients. Globally, 822 million people suffer from undernourishment.”

The reason I bring this nasty condition to your attention stems from the fact that NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, FOX, NPR and PBS won’t, don’t and flee from these harsh realities.  It’s like they think we are immune to all the nasty realities of endless immigration into America.  Unfortunately, we are not!

In a world of wealth, 9 million adults die every year from hunger, WFP Chief tells Food System Summit

NEW YORK – “The United Nations World Food Program Executive Director, David Beasley, has called on world leaders to make food security a reality for all and to build a stronger, healthier planet through better food systems.

“Now is the time to roll up our sleeves because, you know, children can’t eat empty promises. It’s up to us to deliver and make food security and nutrition a reality.”

“If we’re struggling today to reach the 7.9 billion people, imagine having 10, 11, 12 billion people on earth. It’s a lot cheaper to address root cause and give the people the resources they need to empower them, helping indigenous populations, empowering and inspiring the youth, all of this coming together to make this a stronger, a healthier, a better planet.  Yet 1000 people per hour are dying from hunger.”  (Source:

How will we feed 10 billion people by mid-century with dwindling crop lands, water shortages and catastrophic climate destabilization? What happens when gasoline runs out…and it will be exhausted by 2050 according to top experts: Blip:  Humanity 300-Year Self-Terminating Experiment with Industrialism by  Christopher O. Clugston.

What happens to our civilization and every citizen in America when we allow enough refugees into our country to add another 100 million people by 2050?  Do you think we can feed, water, house, educate and provide work for them?

My late colleague said it best, ““Unlimited population growth cannot be sustained; you cannot sustain growth in the rates of consumption of resources. No species can overrun the carrying capacity of a finite land mass. This Law cannot be repealed and is not negotiable.” Dr. Albert Bartlett, , University of Colorado, USA.

At what point do we become a country that features starving, illiterate and homeless Americans into the endless millions?  For a fact, if we remain on this course, we WILL become a nation of starving people with no solutions.

“Most Western elites continue urging the wealthy West not to stem the migrant tide [that adds 83 million net gain annually to the planet], but to absorb our global brothers and sisters until their horrid ordeal has been endured and shared by all—ten billion humans packed onto an ecologically devastated planet.” Dr. Otis Graham, Unguarded Gates

If we continue on Biden’s illegal immigration track, who will save us and what country can we escape to in order to save our families and ourselves?

Answer: nada, none,  zero, zilch.

We need a national outcry to stop mass legal and illegal immigration into America. Otherwise, your children are screwed, and their lives totally ruined. If you are alive in 2050, you won’t like what happened to your country…the United States of America.

Make your voice heard. Write these addresses and demand they interview yours truly and dozens of other top voices on the greatest crisis facing America in the 21st century.  Write Jesse Watters at FoxNews, ;  Martha McCallum at ;  60 Minutes, ; Lester Holt, ; Face the Nation ; Terry Gross, ;  FoxFriends, ; Neil Cavuto, ; Anderson Cooper,

Here’s what’s coming to America:

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, “Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of  NumbersUSA, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation. Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Video: Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls

“Immigration by the numbers-off the chart” by Roy Beck. This 10 minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

Video: Immigration by the numbers-off the chart.

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Autumn Gold Backpack Adventure into Mt. Holy Cross

By Frosty Wooldridge

October 3, 2022

In late September, changes arrive in the High Country of the Rocky Mountains.  A whisper of cool winds rustles through the trees. The mountain creeks run low over their rocky beds as the snowfields diminish from their summer melt.  Forever green pines cover the mountains like a silent blanket.  Within their realm, every kind of animal, insect and plant prepares for the harsh winter ahead.

The ground cover turns every color of the rainbow and more: topaz, burgundy, red, yellow, pink, orange, purple, and endless shades in-between.

This is the time to take an autumn backpack trip.

Steven and I slammed 35 pounds of gear into our backpacks. Tent, sleeping bag, air mattress, food, water, bear spray, water filter, rain gear, long johns, jacket, wool socks, stove, cookware, compass, map, toothbrush, floss and paste.

“Man, these packs get heavier every year,” Steven said.

“Yeah, well, we keep getting older every year,” I said.

“Well, let’s get a move on it,” Steven said. “I don’t want to be caught in the dark on our way up to Magic Lake.”

We tossed the packs into his car along with our walking poles.  Within minutes, we hit the mainstream of traffic on I 70 heading west toward Loveland Tunnel Pass, Vail Pass, Battle Mountain Summit Pass and finally into the Mt. Holy Cross Wilderness.

There’s something about traveling through deep canyons in the Rocky Mountains.  You’re at the bottom.  You look up to see all that green covering the peaks all the way up to the tree line at 12,000 feet. As you travel upward, entire sides of  the mountains turn gold with the aspen trees dominating patches randomly spread hither and yon.

“Man,” Steven said. “We’re hitting the mountains at peak color change. It’s like a golden extravaganza.”

“Sure is,” I said.

We crested Loveland to travel through the tunnel. Back down into Frisco, and then, up over 10,400-foot Vail Pass. Through Vail, and then south on route 24 through Minturn…over Battle Summit Pass,  and then, a turn on an old dirt road into the Mt. Holy Cross Wilderness. We drove in five miles to hit the trailhead to Magic Lake.

It’s a 3 ½ hour trip up a steep, rocky trail that passes through golden aspen groves, across streams, and upward into the evergreens. It gains elevation from 8,000 to 11,000 feet. Every step of it, shouldering a 35-pound pack, and maintaining the rocky trail…takes 100 percent concentration.  You can’t afford to turn an ankle.

The mountain man John Muir said,  “Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going  home; that wildness is a necessity; and that mountain parks and reservations are useful not only as  fountains  of timber and irrigating rivers, but as fountains of  life.”

(Backpacking into the wilderness of Mt. Holy Cross, Rocky Mountains.)

At rest stops on big boulders or fallen tree trunks, we looked around us to see such sublime beauty.  The white trunks of aspen trees lifted into their golden leaves with a blue-sky background burnished with puffy, white clouds.  Some hadn’t turned gold yet, which provided a green contrast…and many times, the leaves turned red/pink/orange.

“This sure heats the heck out of a walk in downtown Denver,” said Steven.
“Oh, man,”  I said.  “And look at that hawk.”

“It’s a redtail,” Steven said.

“Yeah, he’s looking for lunch,”  I said.

We ate energy bars and drank plenty of water.  Once again, we donned our heavy packs for the journey upwards.  We passed a whitewater stream that rushed over huge boulders, lots of fallen timber and mossy rocks.

Into the third hour, we looked back across the valley behind us to see dozens of golden aspen groves decorate the green meadows. Green,  gold, green and gold. The show never let up…to our great visual light.

Finally, 4 ¼ hours later, we arrived at Magic Lake, at 11,000 feet, about six acres in size, with pine trees surrounding it, crystal clear, cutthroat trout surfacing for bugs, and Mt. Whitney at 13,500 feet behind it. The glass-smooth water provided a perfect mirror to reflect the mountain, trees and massive rocks surrounding the lake.

“Man,” said Steven.  “Never get tired of this view.”

“Hey, look at that across the lake,”  I said. “That’s a big racked moose. He’s stepping into the water.  Heck, he’s swimming across the lake.”

Right in front of us, we watched a big male moose swim across the lake.  We just stood there in wonder of our good luck. When he got to the other side, he shook himself off and vanished into the wood line.

John Muir said,  “How many hearts with warm red blood in them are beating under the cover of woods, and how many teeth and eyes are shining? A multitude of animal people, intimately related to us, but of whose lives we know almost nothing, are as busy about their own affairs as we are about ours.”

(Glass-still Magic Lake in the Rocky Mountains.)

“That was way too cool,” Steven said.  “Let’s get the tents up,  campfire and dinner.”

“I’m with you all the way after that little treat,”  I said.

We pitched camp about 50 feet from the water’s edge.  Our tent flaps opened to the lake, Mt. Whitney and the night sky.  Ponderosa pines towered over us.  They were so close; we could smell the sap.  Squirrels dropped down pinecones above our heads.  We built a campfire, cooked our dinners and ate in the quiet of the evening sun going down over the lake’s waters.  In the final moments of the day, the sky turned pink, backlit clouds and the first stars twinkled in the sky.

After dinner, we talked about everything and nothing. Just a good time under the night sky with stars twinkling all the way to the ends of the universe.

There’s something about friendship that makes life worth living. It comes into focus around a campfire.  Steven and I have skied together, climbed to the peaks of mountains, and packed into the wilderness. We know the woods.  We appreciate each other’s company.  We share thoughts about God and the wilderness. We understand our place in the scheme of things.  We help each other during good times and otherwise.  Friendship may be the most important “love” in a person’s life.  It gives us strength, honor, courage and understanding. To have a dear friend is one of the miracles of the universe.  To have a friend share a campfire, must be one of the great joys of life.

Have you ever sat by a campfire?
When the wood has fallen low.
And the embers start to whiten,
Around the campfires crimson glow?

With a full moon high above you,
That makes the darkness so complete.
And the night sounds all around you,
That makes silence doubly sweet.

Tell me were you ever nearer,
To the land of heart’s desire,
Than when you sat there thinking,
With your face toward the fire?

“Can’t get over that moose swimming across the lake,”  I said.

“Sure was a treat,” Steven said.  “Life is good.”

Later, we let the fire burn low into the rocks.  The temperature promised to turn below freezing that night.  We climbed into our zero-degree bags for a good sleep under the canopy of the universe. I got up for a bathroom break around 2:00 a.m.

“Gees,” I muttered. “The Big Dipper, Orion and all the constellations are distinct in this moonless sky.  What a lucky dude I am.”

(Frosty Wooldridge at Magic Lake, Mt. Holy Cross Wilderness)

Next morning, we did a little fly fishing out over the still waters of the lake. It was a perfect mirror reflection of the trees and mountain ridges.  Just incredible!  We caught four trout, but it’s  “catch and release” on this lake.  Always fun to bring them in and let them go.

Later in the morning, a gray front approached. We broke down the tents in the rain. We put all our gear on to keep dry.  We checked the campground for  “Leave No Trace”, as if we had never been there.

One the great joys of the wilderness comes from the unexpected. As we made our way downward along the trail, the ground cover had turned to yellow/green.  We felt like we were walking along the yellow-brick road from the “Wizard of Oz.”  It was THAT profoundly beautiful.

Later, we dropped back into the aspen groves. At one point, I took a shot of Steven sitting on a rock while he starred out at a half circle of golden aspen.  From there, we walked into them. The wind kicked up that caused millions of golden aspen leaves to drop onto us.

“It’s raining gold right out of the sky,” I gasped.

“I’ve never seen this before,”  Steven  said. “This is incredible. It’s a golden rain-shower.”

You know something, I’m going to leave off with this moment, this packing through a golden rain-storm. Life, it doesn’t get any better than this.

“Camp out among the grass and gentians of glacier meadows,  in  craggy garden nooks full of Nature’s Darlings. Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.  Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.  The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.” John Muir, 1888, Sierra Mountains

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

If I Had Elon Musk’s $250 Billion Bank Account

By Frosty Wooldridge

September 29, 2022

Over 60 years ago, in the infancy of television, from 1955 to 1960, a wealthy benefactor gave away $1,000.000.00 to lucky recipients. During the program, the benefactor tracked their lives, their choices, and their outcomes.

One guy bought a building and turned it into a recreation center for the poor kids in his inner city.  Another single parent started an entire organization to deal with adopted kids, homeless kids and drug addicts.  Each story gave hope to the audience.  For me as a young man, I felt that such “good” in the world needed to be multiplied throughout our society.

Here in 2022, we’ve got more problems, divisions, violence, angry youth and political turmoil than can be handled.  We’re being totally, systematically and sociologically torn to pieces.  We’re no longer Americans pulling in the same direction.  Democrats hate Republicans and vice versa.  At least when we were all Americans, we all enjoyed a positive stake in our mutual outcomes.

Today, we’ve got 45 million foreign-born. We’ve got 3,000,000 crashing our borders illegally this year. All those legals and illegals are birthing 1,000,000 more of their own, annually.  How long can that keep up? How long can we even pretend that this is our country anymore?   How long will  we remain sustainable? Answer: maybe 20 to 30 years, but not much more.

We’ve got the mainstream media lying to us. We’ve got a senile old man for a president who has done nothing of value in all his 50 years on the dole of the American taxpayer, as a politician. Joe Biden cannot grasp what’s going on in the world/nor his handlers.  We’ve got Congress tied up in knots.  Our cities rot at the core as to useless schools, beleaguered underpaid teachers, gangs galore, drugs everywhere and illiteracy driving the madness.  Pick any big city!  You hear about 50 shootings and 10 deaths as a matter of course in Chicago every weekend.  Notice that Black Lives Matter folks don’t do anything to respond to all that black on black killing.

But just have one police officer shoot a minority while resisting arrest or committing a crime—and BLM or Antifa thugs burn down $2 billion worth of city blocks in dozens of cities!

So, what if I had Elon Musk’s $250,000,000,000.00 bank account?  What would I do?

First of all, because education stands as the foundation of a successful civilization, I would gather all the greatest educational minds in the country to come up with educational solutions to our illiteracy rates that are off the charts.  I would give money to educational organizations to mentor, build after school facilities, teach vocational jobs and more solutions that would give inner city minorities a chance to thrive.

For those kids with very low intellectual horsepower, I would create programs that guide them toward redundant jobs with dignity, a decent salary and positive outcome.  Let’s face it, we wasted $6 trillion in 20 years of those two bogus wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.  Surely, we can spend money on our youth to become productive citizens.

Second, I would gather the finest business minds in America to create a new job paradigm that includes environmental responsibility, iron-clad integrity, social responsibility and more.  I would encourage new-thought to solve the problems of poverty in Chicago, NYC, St. Louis, LA and every city where the poor subsist. I would spend that money to find solutions.

Third, I would endeavor to discover much-needed answers for 540,000 homeless Americans.  We must use loitering laws to keep them off the streets and into apartments, and feed them. We need every kind of therapy to help them off drugs.  We need educational systems to catch them before they become useless human beings.

Fourth, I financially support all senators and House Members for sending the National Guard to totally shut off our borders. I would stop the drug cartels within weeks to shut down illegal immigration and drugs.  I would push to enact laws that put any and all drug dealers in jail for life, no parole.

Fifth, I would spend money to support law enforcement for all our laws to apprehend and prosecute all criminals with harsh prison sentences.  You shoot a cop? You’re in prison for life with no parole! I would use that money to make criminals understand they face enormous prison terms.

Sixth, I would use TV ads to show criminals what it’s like in prison as to killings, drug distribution, rapes, robbery, smash n grabs, and all other horrendous crimes.  Show them what’s going to happen to them, and then, just put the little anarchists in prison for very long sentences.

Seventh, I would put billions of dollars into brilliant minds to create alternative energy, wave, wind, solar, fusion, river turbines and any other scientific advancement.  The fact remains—our civilization cannot continue to exist without energy.

Eighth, I would spend money to pass laws to enforce egress vs ingress as to immigration.  We only take in as many as leave our country annually. Those who immigrate must love America, speak English, bring a much-needed skill and pass all exams for citizenship.  I would spend money to help citizens of the world in their own countries.

Ninth, I would spend billions to educate all American employers to NOT employ illegal alien migrants.  I would make sure employers who broke our laws…also go to prison. Enforce, enforce, enforce! Employ only Americans at a living wage.

Tenth, I would run educational ads to create a 50-cent deposit-return law at the federal level to make sure that every piece of plastic, metal and/or glass enjoys a return for the money. Kids would scour the country for 50 cents per item.

Eleventh, I would move toward a Steady State Economics model to enhance our ability to remain sustainable now and into the future.  (Casse)

A steady state economy is an economy of stable or mildly fluctuating size. The term typically refers to a national economy, but it can also be applied to a local, regional, or global economy. An economy can reach a steady state after a period of growth or degrowth. To be sustainable, a steady state economy may not exceed ecological limits.

Such a system also means a stable population that maintains itself within the carrying capacity of the land, water, air and resources.

That’s just a start. What ideas do you have that I can publish in Part 2 of this series?

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

War On Western Culture: Why?

By Frosty Wooldridge

September 26, 2022

Part 6: How will this anti-Western Culture end up?

“We are already destroying meritocracy,” said Victor Davis Hanson. “We are reverting to tribal racial branding. We are strangling energy and food production because of green superstition.

“We are unleashing the criminal upon the weak and innocent. (Look at Chicago every weekend.)

“Destroy the bounty that produced and empowered the woke decadence, and we won’t have anything—the woke included. Wokeism is, for now, an affordable irrelevancy that rests on the wealth and lessons produced by those long dead and now much rebuked. But it won’t remain affordable.

“Instead, we will learn what woke itself produces—barbarism, chaos, poverty, and civilization in reverse.”   Victor Davis Hanson

What do you do with that absurd “woke” philosophy?  What kind of mind devolves to such lunacy?

“I always ask: When did a diverse country/empire exist which was not extremely authoritarian? Soviet Union, Yugoslavia? Roman Empire? Diversity is not our strength, it is our imposed weakness, if not total destruction. Just imagine our DIVERSE/WOKE  military involved with a war with a peer military. Our military leaders are not chosen for military competence, but for their PC.” Best, R.J. (Notice the total incompetence of pulling out of Afghanistan and leaving $90 billion in military hardware.)

We are being diversified to death and multiculturalized to death, and immigrated to death by the hands of our own Congress and this president. Reality: we don’t need one single more immigrant added to our country, period.  In fact, every new immigrant added is another brick of destruction that will crumble as they invade our society.

Samuel Huntington said, “…for centuries civilizations have been kept apart by distance and serious geographical obstacles. However, modern technologies are eroding these obstacles and as civilizations begin to interact on a more regular basis they will find each other so repugnant they will be unable to resist trying to slaughter one another.”

“Immigrants devoted to their own cultures and religions are not influenced by the secular politically correct façade that dominates academia, news-media, entertainment, education, religious and political thinking today,” said James Walsh, former Associate General Counsel of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service. “They claim the right not to assimilate, and the day is coming when the question will be how can the United States regulate the defiantly unassimilated cultures, religions and mores of foreign lands?  Such immigrants say their traditions trump the U.S. legal system.  Balkanization of the United States has begun.”

Here Is What You Don’t See Happening Across the USA and Canada 

  • Fort McMurray will have the Largest Mosque in North America upon completion.
  • $50 million complex.  150,000 sq.ft. The largest mosque currently is in Dearborn, Michigan (92,000 sq ft) wherein Islam has infiltrated all levels of gov’t and society, taking over businesses and out-numbering citizens through higher birth rates. Muslim takeover in Dearborn, Michigan This is unfolding precisely according to the Explanatory Memorandum  wherein Silent Jihad is instructed… the only way to stop it is to ban all manifestations of Islam. Nations around the world are recognizing this as the only option.  Trying to separate so called progressives (good Muslims) from bad Muslims is an impossible task and one in which Canadians should not be held hostage by some false moral obligation. The enormity of such a task is comparable to trying to take a silo filled with salt and sugar and then be instructed to separate the two.
  • We are under siege by a crafty enemy who is using self-victimization, manipulation and strategically maligning our Charter of Rights to use against us.  Islam is not a religion but a dangerous set of political ideologies intending to dominate the World.  The burden to protect so called progressive Muslims becomes even more complicated when you consider Taqiya…Muslims directive to lie …as instructed in the Quran, to advance their agenda.  We are losing our freedoms and democracy just as we see rapidly unfolding throughout Europe and the UK.
  • Muslims will never ever assimilate. For their Religion/boring/harsh/strict way of life, not any fun allowed, prevents them/forbids them from assimilating. Like no booze, no dancing/no music/no smiling/ total segregation of men & women/no any fun allowed & the more boring & miserable life you lead, the better Muslim you are; is the mindset.

The Islamic religion-political system: a highly emotionally infectious, contagious, repugnant and debauched ethnic disease masquerading as a religion–added to a diabolical Sharia Law mandate.  It warps minds of all adherents and forces them toward brutal, violent, cruel, vicious and insane behavior toward men, women and children.  It creates suicidal maniacs and insensate intellectual morons.  Humans under its spell lose their sensibilities, rational values, dignity and minds.  They resort to wanton acts of murder, cruelty, perversion and barbarism.  Because of mass immigration into first world countries, this insane religious disease floods into every corner of the planet—and with it a complete destruction of women’s rights, children’s rights, intellectual rights, gay rights, free speech, free choice of religions, dress, free choice of spouse, killing of gays, honor killings of women and a complete loss of humanity by Islam’s adherents.  If not stopped by the willpower and force of first world countries, it will ravage the free world back into the Dark Ages.  FHW

Loss of culture will absolutely KILL America.  We must fight to maintain it. THE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE must be preserved at all costs, at all junctures, and for all future generations.  It matters little what your color is…you are lucky as hell to be an American in our Western Culture.

“People growing up in the West today remain among the luckiest people in human history,” said Douglas Murray, author of The War On The West.  “But luck is not an entirely abstract thing, and nor is it a complete  lottery. Societies are not simply lucky. As  Branch Rickey said, “Luck is the residue of design.”  We in the West are  lucky because men and women before us worked hard to make it so and performed feats extraordinary and mundane to see that luck was what we got.”

Historians will write 30 years from now, “Why didn’t  the American people understand their predicament as they allowed themselves to be invaded, and once the invaders reached significant numbers to overwhelm American culture, the Americans became victims of their own stupidity.”

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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War On Western Culture: Why Continue Along Our Current Path?

By Frosty Wooldridge

September 22, 2022

Part 5: You cannot escape the numbers. What do you do about the cultures?  How will you solve what cannot be solved once it manifests? Islam’s only intention in the West.

First of all, let’s repeat Joe Biden’s speech from 2019. Let it sink into your mind, heart and soul.  Then ask yourself, do you want “his”  future manifested on your children and our country?

Joe Biden said, “We want an unrelenting stream of immigration. Non-stop. Non-stop. Folks like me who were Caucasian, of European descent, for the first time, we’ll be an absolute minority in the United States of America. Absolute minority.  Fewer than 50 percent of people in America, from then on, will be of white European stock. That’s not a bad thing.  That’s the source of our strength.” (Biden speech, Washington DC. April 26, 2019)

In reality, instead of immigration being our source of strength, that kind of a future will be the complete and total unraveling and/or destruction of our society.  You have to wonder about Biden who has lived on the public dole his entire life as a politician…who has never worked a real job…who is 80 years old and TOTALLY out of touch with history…who carries a mindset that fails to comport with reality—how did such a sidewinder rattlesnake like Biden claim the White House?

Once he made the presidency, he’s been an absolute abysmal failure on multiple fronts.  He and/or his handlers possess NO comprehension of what he or they are doing.  He does not understand what he’s causing.  He created $5.00 a gallon gas prices.  He created an invasion of our  southern border that has rendered us a “destination” for millions of refugees from around the world.   He’s inviting fentanyl and dozens of drugs across the border to be  distributed to our children.  Note: as reported on major networks, fentanyl kills 220 Americans every single day of the year.  He’s piling millions of refugees onto our welfare rolls to the tune of billions of our tax dollars for illegal migrants.  He’s doing NOTHING for our 540,000 homeless Americans and veterans.  He’s making a mockery of our laws by not enforcing them.  He’s leading our country into a lawless, no-man’s-land with endless murders every weekend in Chicago, NYC, Detroit, St. Louis, Baltimore, San Francisco, Denver, Houston and many more.

Somewhere along the line, there will be no escape for the American people.

At some point, there’s no way for our country to handle the immigrant load.  At some point, they  will be living in refugee tent cities in our country.  At some point, they will be marauding our cities, our schools, our children and our lives.  At some point, they will recreate their own poverty and misery in our country—because there is no way we can pay for them, feed them, educate them or save them.

This past week’s example of Martha’s Vineyard dealing with 50 refugee immigrants shows you exactly what’s transpiring.  The rich will not tolerate the immigrants in their midst.  In my travels around the world, I discovered that there are always “rich” people in every country. They isolate and insolate from the poor people—and don’t care about their misery.  They shun them.  Martha’s Vineyard people shipped all 50 illegals out within 24 hours…saying they couldn’t house them. Yet, they professed to be a “sanctuary city.”  What  a crock!

At the same time, Biden invited over 2,000,000 illegals already this year, with another 1,000,000 waiting to cross.  Again, the numbers lining up at our border will continue into the millions. That’s how nasty it is out there in the third world.

But the more we import the third world people into America, the more the United States will become a third world country itself.  So, what happens when all those millions who cannot speak English, are totally illiterate, possess no viable skills, and simply cannot function in this first world society—grow their numbers to a point where we cannot feed, house or work them?

With these numbers and these realities facing us, do you think our culture can survive?  How?  Who will maintain our Western Culture?

Again, we remain on course to add 100,000,000 immigrants to the USA by mid-century. This is what it looks like in sheer numbers. Every American should see this video because this is what’s coming:

“Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

If we remain on this course set by Biden and Congress, those numbers will manifest.  Those refugees from around the world with all their  incompatible religions and cultures, along with their languages—will manifest in our Western Culture.  But they won’t mesh with our culture because they can’t.  Absolutely for certain, Islam cannot and will not mesh with Christianity, period.  There’s no middle ground for Muslims.

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any faith, but to become dominant. The Qur’an should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.” Omar Ahmed, director of Council on American Islamic Relations.

“It is the nature of Islam to dominate, not to be dominated, to impose its law on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet.” -Hassan Al-Banna 

Mary Ann Frieling said, “Between 2000 and 2010 the number of Mosques in the US doubled to 2,500. All of the money to build these Mosques has come from Saudi Arabia. Most of these Mosques are being located in areas where there are no Muslims….in the strong-hold heart of America. These are seeded areas for Muslim groups to cluster….and spread from there. Mohammed Muslimseed will spread across our great land.”

“For Muslims, Islamic Law has Allah as its author. Any other legislator is illegitimate.”  Mohammed Hocine Benkheira, Le Point, 3/21/2016

There you have it.  They  spell it out for  us.  And we keep importing them until they simply destroy our Constitution and our Western Culture.

Part 6: Conclusion, violence, dissension, poverty, failed society, Jarod Diamond’s  book: Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed.

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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War On Western Culture: Will We Survive What’s Coming?

By Frosty Wooldridge

September 19, 2022

Part 4:  How do we expect to survive another 100 million immigrants?  How will we maintain our own culture?  What do you expect will happen to your children?

If you watch what’s actually happening at our southern border with over 3,000,000 illegals projected to invade our country in 2022 (2/3 of that figure are already here), are you under any illusion that we will survive this invasion?  How many of us natural-born citizens will be left when over 100,000,000 immigrants land on our shores in the next 27 ½ years from now, by 2050?

Right now, the official count for foreign-born residents of the United States stands at 45.2 million.  Not counted in that census: somewhere between 20 and 25 million illegal alien foreign-born. That’s somewhere north of 70 million foreign-born—with cultures and world views totally different from average Americans.  From there, you must understand that those immigrants birth 1,000,000 of their own babies annually.  Thus, by 2042, Americans will become the new minority within their own country. That’s you, your children and all of us!  (Source: ;

That’s got to shake you up just a little bit!  If not, you fail to understand the implications.  For a demographic fact, Europeans are being displaced from their own countries.  In fact, Sweden and Norway face total absorption by their immigrants.

Radical Imam: “Sweden is Ours” Days after Sweden’s new pro-Islamic party gloated publicly about “taking over” Skåne County, the province that’s home to the infamous city of Malmö, one of the country’s most radical Islamist preachers claimed Swedish land belongs to Muslims.  Days after Mikhail Yuksel, the leader of Sweden’s new pro-Islamic party, gloated publicly about “taking over” Skåne County. He claimed Sweden belongs to followers of Islam.”

There are 55 million Muslims slowly, and methodically taking over every country in Europe. They mean business. The greater their numbers, the greater their power.  They are actually using democratic laws to work their Sharia Law into place.  Douglas Murray documented it in his book: The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam.

You don’t think it could happen over here?  If not, you might be a tad slow on the uptake. The one thing that most people don’t learn from history…is the fact that they don’t learn from history.

As a matter of fact, “Equal if not greater ignorance can be found in America.  A poll carried out in 2020 found that two-thirds of Americans between the ages of eighteen and thirty-nine had no idea that six million Jews were killed in the Holocaust during World War II.”  That coincides with the mall host asking simple questions like,  “How many sides are there two a square?”  Answer by a twenty-something kid, “How should I know?’

So here we are allowing Biden to break our immigration laws, and both houses of Congress aiding him in breaking them…and no one understands the ultimate ramifications of the end result.  As  long as most American aren’t affected at this moment, the nation simply watches the invasion with passive nonchalance.

Did you notice what happened in Martha’s Vineyard when Florida Governor DeSantis dumped 50 illegal aliens onto that multi-billionaire “sanctuary city”?  Answer: within 24 hours, they rounded all of them up and shipped them over to a military base.  In other words, the ultimate N.I.M.B.Y. fraudulent stance of the rich, famous, high and mighty!

Barack Obama’s “wife” once said, “We all need to sacrifice…we need to give up some of our own wealth to provide for others who don’t have anything.” (para)  When 50 illegal migrants knocked on her door, she called for a bus to ship them out.”

Barack Obama said, “America is and always has been, a nation of immigrants. Throughout our history, immigrants have come to our      shores in wave after wave from every corner of the globe. Everyone of has an ancestor who was born somewhere else.  The basic idea of welcoming immigrants to our shores is central to our way of life. It is in our DNA.”  Notwithstanding, Mr. Obama called for the busses to carry 50 illegal migrants away from his sprawling 29-acre mansion and estate.  Maybe his “sanctuary” policy stems from his Kenyan origins.  Obama was America’s first anchor baby president.  Who really knows?  We do know that he carries a fraudulent Social Security card number of a dead man from Connecticut—given to him by his mother who worked in that government office. The final story on Obama hasn’t been told, but one day, it will be exposed by a top journalist.

In 2019, Joe Biden said, “We want an unrelenting stream of immigration. Non-stop. Non-stop. Folks like me who were Caucasian, of European descent, for the first time, we’ll be an absolute minority in the United States of America. Absolute minority.  Fewer than 50 percent of people in America, from then on, will be of white European stock. That’s not a bad thing.  That’s the source of our strength.” (Biden speech, Washington DC. April 26, 2019) I would suggest that his dementia was in full swing at that time because such a statement proves that he was/is totally out of his mind.

How do I know?  India is a nation of minorities and over 100 languages. They cannot and do not work on the same page.  That’s why 70 percent of 1.3 billion Indians do not have access to a toilet and that nothing ever changes to improve that country out of its own misery.

Reframing America’s History To That Of An Evil Nation

At this point, writers, newspapers and the media push the “1619 Project” as the “true” founding of America.  It’s a black perspective.  Now, we have Critical Race Theory tearing down the very fabric of America’s Constitution.  If you add ANTIFA, La Raza, Sharia Law and Black Lives Matter, you’ve got a wholesale destruction of the foundation of America’s origins, its Constitution and its laws.  Worse, the very system that built the United States into a prospering, free country—capitalism—faces a very uncertain future.  I personally, suggest, “Steady State Economics” as the only viable alternative.

In the last two years since that carjacking, drug-addict, fentanyl pusher, woman abuser, shoplifter and counterfeit-money-passer George Floyd met his self-demise, angry crowds have torn down statues of Christopher Columbus, General Robert E. Lee, General George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and many more—as if they can erase history.  That’s interesting when you realize that 2/3 of America’s youth don’t know anything about the 6,000,000 Jews gassed to death in 40 death camps in Germany and Poland during WWII.

What’s the big deal?  Answer: as a former educator, I understand the need for historical perspective. I understand that you must know history in order to NOT repeat the bad things of history.  To pretend that you can erase those bad things proves to be sheer folly.

The harsh reality we face: if we keep allowing endless refugee immigration into America, at some point, whether it’s in Detroit or Minneapolis where a virulent religion prevails, we’ll hear something like what’s happening in Sweden…an imam will proclaim, “Michigan is America’s first Islamic State and Sharia Law dominates…long live Allah.”

In the end, enough American educators, governors, senators and mayors of all our cities need to honor America. Honor its extraordinary accomplishments as a country! Honor everyone and every event in order to understand and make-better for future generations.  Because if we don’t, we’ll find our country filled with angry, illiterate and useless citizens or non-citizens that will not participate in a positive way to carry forth this republic. We will become like another India.

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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