The Times That Try Men’s Souls

By J. D. Pendry

In a painful way, it’s interesting phenomena.  Sometimes infuriating.  Sometimes laughable.  Sometimes saddening.  Always dangerous.  Watching it unfold.  Watching freedom swirl around the drain while politicians, the media, and the ignorant cheer.  The legislative branch of our government could not be more broken or morally bankrupt than now.  Devoid of leadership.  Standing back and watching.  Waiting to jump ship and side up with whoever looks the winner.  Side up to whoever puts the plug back in the swamp’s drain.  Letting life in Babylon on the Potomac return to its normal back scratching existence.  As Thomas Pain described the beginnings of the American Revolution in The Crisis, December 23, 1776, “These are the times that try men’s souls.”

Washington’s swamp life, cheerleaders and strap hangers hate President Donald Trump.  It’s not a question.  It’s a declaration.  By extension, they also hate me.  Truthfully, they mostly hate me.  The forgotten American that put Mr. Trump in the Whitehouse.  A commoner hanging on for dear life to what remains of the middle rung of America’s backbone.  The middle class.  Decades of neglect thinned our ranks.  They’ve tried to turn us into a tribal culture of multiple identities then pit us against one another.  Or pit all of us against some non-existent straw dog.  One they can beat on daily keeping the unclean masses angry and in perpetual despair. It’s a dangerous game Washington plays.  Only then to ride in adorned in shining armor declaring in utopian fashion there is only one United States of America.

That didn’t work out so well now did it?  E Pluribis Unum is a quaint concept these days.  The more we declare we are one, the more they try to make us many.  Being a red, white, and blue loving American is offensive.  Getting on your knees, disrespect, hate.  That’s the new way.  Sumer Soldiers and Sunshine Patriots.  Unable to see how blessed they were to be born American.

In his day, President Trump used some bad words.  Who among you haven’t?  He said some uncouth things about women.  How many of you haven’t, men?  And the beat goes on.  Had a fling with a porn star – or wanted to?  Gave nick names to your rivals?  Yeah, you did it.  You just weren’t important or famous enough to have someone record it.  Cast the first stone puritan.

The President doesn’t speak the language of the chattering classes.  Condescending intellectualism using lots of uhs and ums or let me be clears.  He talks in language not familiar to them or the Washington ruling classes.  It’s plain language rather than political double talk.  Common. It’s how we talk out here in Washington’s would be serfdom.  He tells us and the world that the Washington establishment is a corrupt collection of scoundrels who’ve nearly destroyed our country.  And us commoners say hell yes!  That’s what we’ve seen and lived with for decades.  Dual legal standards.  No legal standards.  One step forward and two backward with every whim of Washington’s nattering political class. OK at naming post offices, not much good for anything else unless you consider cut throat politics and thievery.

He’s not Presidential according to you.  You forget that we’ve suffered many years of who you consider presidential material no matter their political nomenclature.  Out here, presidential brings up visions of the egomaniacal.  Self-centered.  Pampered Princes.  Mitt Romney.

Donald Trump does not subordinate himself, or Americans, to foreign leaders.  He vowed to drain the Washington swamp.  There’s is not a swampier swamp on planet earth.  He has the courage to take on the Military Industrial Complex (MIC).  Washington’s center of gravity of power and money.  In Washington, that’s the only thing more sacred than wasting the Social Security fund.  Love it or hate it, it’s the prime reason American politicians cannot end a war.  The prime reason for endless wars, lost lives and treasure.  The MIC is an economic system.  There must be a need for the tools of war.  Profits flow into political coffers which makes it easier to convince them of the need to invade the middle east and plant democracy.  Then stay there for decades of nation building and dying.  Needing more weapons.  Spending more tax Dollars.  Creating another generation of service men and women.  Middle class men and women quickly forgotten when there’s peace across the land.  Except as a cliché in the next political campaign.  President Trump has taken on the globalists, the new world order and their transformational climate change tool.  When I was a child, another President looked to expose the freedom stealing new world order.  President John F. Kennedy.  They killed him.

Aside from every phobic and ist you could dredge up, you claimed he was a justice obstructing treasonous Russian stooge.  For two years and millions of dollars, a hand-picked battalion of Democrat Trump hating lawyers couldn’t find evidence of that.  Now, Democrats lock themselves in the Capitol basement to hold an inquisition.  In secret.  The method?  Draw a conclusion of guilt.  Then set out to manufacture evidence to support the previous drawn conclusion.  You know.  Like the Mueller gang.  Where no one can cross examine the witnesses nor read the transcripts.  No Republicans or legal representatives of the President.  No one.  This is a communist tactic.  One party.  No defense.  You’re guilty. Due process, liberty, the Unites States Constitution tossed into the Potomac.  And you’re OK with that?  Apparently, you are.  Certainly, you must also know that house Democrats are in a race with the DOJ investigation likely to put some of them in prison.  Mark this down.  When the indictments come, all you’ll hear is Trump used the Department of Justice to go after political enemies.  From stem to stern, exactly what the democrats and deep state actors actually did.  Truthfully, the Attorney General smelled snakes in the woodpile.  There may be a reckoning.

As far as it’s known:  Donald Trump has never raped or has been accused of raping a woman.  But Gloria Allred can probably produce one.  He’s never had a sexual encounter with an intern, a cigar, or anyone else in the oval office.  He’s never perjured himself or obstructed justice.  A Democrat did all of that and you raised him up to near God status.  Character faults and all, he’s still a Democrat idle who liked to ride the Lolita Express to Epstein’s Island.  He never ran guns into Mexico and it appears Syria as well.  He never abandoned Americans in Benghazi and repeatedly lied about why it happened.  He never promised a health care plan that would reduce annual cost per family by $2500.00, but rather increased costs twice that and much or more.  And what was the cool whip on top? If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.  He never sold 20% of our Uranium to Russia who could then sell it to Iran who could then make weapons to threaten Americans and our allies.  The Russians and Saudis never contributed millions of dollars to his foundation.  He never put billions of dollars in cash on pallets and flew it to a hostile foreign government who could then use it to sponsor terrorism and build weapons programs.  And with nary a peep out of Washington or the media.  He never sent the IRS after political opposition.  He never told you to put on a sweater and turn down the thermostat.  Instead he said let’s be energy independent.  Now we are.  Finally met a promise made following the 1970s Arab oil embargo.  He never told America’s blue-collar working class that their manufacturing jobs lost to NAFTA and other broken policies were never coming back.  He never told the coal industry he’d bankrupt them.  Instead, he brought jobs back home.  He reopened coal mines.  He reduced unemployment for all categories of Americans to historical woes.  Using that magic wand someone said he must have.

Donald Trump was not mentored through adolescence by a communist pedophile.  His Mother and Grandparents were not communists.  His closest assistant is not a communist.  His political advisors are not communists.  His political career did not begin in the living room of a domestic terrorist and self-avowed communist.  He did not have a Muslim upbringing.  He did not place communists and the Muslim Brotherhood in key positions in our government.

On election night 2016, there was weeping and gnashing of teeth.  An unindicted felon, a most corrupt and vulgar woman whose associates have a propensity toward suicide was rejected by the American people.  Just in the past day or so she had the audacity at a funeral service no less, to refer to the President and First Lady as Ahab and Jezebel.  Could be worse I suppose.  She could have called them Bill and Hillary.

These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated.  —Thomas Paine, The Crisis, December 23, 1776.

From the beginning, the deep staters and anarchists in the streets supported by many of wealth and fame have called themselves the resistance.  Resisting what? Freedom?

President Donald Trump?  He’s leading the real revolution.  Most often it appears, standing alone.  The only one willing to stand between common Americans and the people who are literally destroying our government and our value system.

My humble advice to Democrats, Republican never-Trumpers, deep state assets and the American Pravda.  You cannot impeach a revolution.

God Bless the United States of America.

© 2019 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry:

Website: Pendry’s American Journal

Freedom at Stake – America’s Ignorance Pandemic

J. D. Pendry

Across our land, ignorance is a plague.  In my opinion, one of Biblical proportions.  Self-inflected it’s how nations die.

Our History.

Generations of Americans neither know our history nor world history. They’ve learned a revisionist history. A false, fraudulent history. A history that judges people of another time using the norms of today. A history that puts some classes of people on trial for ancient atrocities. A history that does not permit anyone to live in the present.  To appreciate today.  To look toward a brighter future.  It’s a devious guilt laden scheme.  Nothing requires us to like our history.  Survival as a free country demands we know it.  We must never hide truth.  Love it or hate it good or bad, we own it.  All of it.  Internally we must shudder at thoughts of dreadful events but we must always celebrate the good that disposes the dreadful.  Beauty and the beast.  It’s who we are.  America.  Much more beauty than beast.

Our Government.

Many voting age Americans do not understand how our government works.  Are not familiar with our Constitution.  Do not understand the responsibilities of our separate branches of government.  Cannot name their local city council representative, their Congressional representative or even their US senators.  Cannot explain democracy, communism, socialism, monarchy or our own Constitutional Republic.  Cannot explain the economic differences between socialism and capitalism.  One creates wealth the other takes it.  One claims social paradise the other provides hope and a means to achieve it.  One relies on government control the other on limited government and freedom.


Many people sneer at the idea that America’s foundation is the Judeo-Christian ethic. They decry religion, but cannot distinguish one from another.  They’ll call one hate-filled and bigoted and another the religion of peace.  Out of self-imposed blind ignorance, they have it backwards.  All too many have never opened a Christian Bible, or any religious text for that matter.  Nor have they attended a church service yet display venomous hatred toward Christianity and Judaism.  Why is that?  Both are diametrically opposed to many things worldly.  Things accepted and lawful by human decree, unlawful by God’s decree.  They impose moral boundaries in a world largely desiring no moral boundaries.

What has the ignorance pandemic caused?

Voting age youth, barely out of high school and in or entering college with strikingly little life experience pine for socialism.  An economic/governing system that ultimately leads to communism or some other form of tyrannical or dictatorial government.  They do so because from an early age revisionist history taught them America is unjust.  Evil from its founding.  Only social justice fundamental transformation can fix it.  This according to people of notoriety ranging from entertainers to professional athletes to media types to politicians. People who gained fame and wealth doing what they do in the United States of America.  All with the same indoctrinated education or lack of it as the people they influence.

Perpetuating Ignorance.

Public education is a cultural product.  As socially engineered as the military. In too many cases, standards take a back seat to new cultural norms. Political correctness. Learning historical facts measured by modern day mores, learning classic literature minus every bit of prose containing an offensive word. Learning about government from an ideologue. The federal government and unions trying to shape what happens in local schools.

Politicians and mass media.  One plays on ignorance.  The other perpetuates it by pushing ideology and political agendas rather than using the people’s most important right, freedom of the press, to keep the government in check.  For the people.

Educating Lebron.

Lebron James plays professional basketball.  Straight from high school to wealth and the NBA.  A man of the world.

By now, everyone knows about Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey’s tweet “Fight for Freedom.  Stand with Hong Kong.”  The Communist Chinese, Red China as I’ve always known it, took issue with a tweet.  Trying to oppress one of the freest places on the planet, they intend to change Hong Kong into a Communist state so they can suck dry its freedom and wealth.

The tweet? An exercise of free speech by an American.  The NBA went into meltdown kowtowing to the demands of the Communists.  Willing to toss away freedom, ours and the citizens of Hong Kong, anybody’s, for billions of dollars.  People and freedom do not count.  Only dollars.  When you set out to buy team gear or game tickets remember that you too are just a dollar sign and the NBA, Hollywood and others would happily forfeit your freedom for anyone’s dollars.  And let you pay for it.

So, the NBA trots out their star Lebron James:

“We all talk about this freedom of speech. Yes, we all do have freedom of speech. But at times there are ramifications for the negative that can happen when you’re not thinking about others.  I don’t want to get into a word or sentence feud with Daryl, but I believe he wasn’t educated on the situation at hand and he spoke.”

The real question Lebron is how educated are you about Communist China?  Do you really believe Chinese fans were offended by this tweet?   It would be hard to accept they were because in China Twitter is banned.  China blocked it in 2009.  So, if any Chinese fan ran out and declared he was offended by a tweet, he’d probably be locked up for accessing a site banned by the Communists.  Maybe the fan would join millions already in Communist Chinese concentration camps and labor camps.  Possibly making goods from a slave labor camp keeping dollars pouring into NBA bank accounts.

Lebron, do you know how many people the Communist Chinese murdered?  60 million Lebron.  Chairman Moa Zedung, the grand daddy of Red China is probably the worst mass murderer in history, but I expect you know this from your high school world history and civics classes.  Dead political opponents, death from famine, torture and death in labor camps.  And that was just during Mao’s reign of terror.

The Red Chinese you do not want to offend still have millions in concentration and labor camps.  They have Muslims in concentration camps.  They destroy Christian churches.  They are Godless communists Lebron.  But hey, they bought you and the NBA lock, stock, and barrel.  Didn’t they?

You and the NBA in dealing with this issue surpassed ignorance and moved directly to stupidity.  Stupidity is when someone purposely remains ignorant.  Maybe the NBA should just pack up and move to China.

Fight for freedom.

© 2019 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry:

Website: Pendry’s American Journal

Communism Sucks

By J. D. Pendry

It may be hard to accept that people and events from one decade can have such and impact for decades to come, but what I see today does not differ from what I saw and experienced during the 1960s. —The 60s – The Shape of Things to Come

I don’t remember where we bought them.  The little signs most every kid at Chicago’s Senn High School hung in their school lockers.  Signs of the times mostly.  Peace, love, stop the war.  Mine was different.  It declared Communism Sucks.  It was my junior year of high school.  My last before becoming a 16-year-old unskilled factory worker.  That was my rebellion.  My resistance.  Probably not a wise choice, but I do that sometimes.  March to the beat of a different drum.  For me, it worked out.  I’d not recommend it as a way to set off on a career path.  But everyone needs to set out on their own journey.  It was worthwhile for me to have the realities of life smack a directionless somewhat bull-headed know it all teenager right in the kisser.  With life’s bumps and bruises arriving at a torrid pace, you mature rather quickly.

I never did fit in with the flower child generation although the times kept me on the periphery of the hippie culture.  People actually talked about the paradise of communism.  Yes.  No kidding.  A utopian world.  Exactly what every psychedelic drug user wanted.  Jane Fonda had something to say about the topic.  Yesterday’s Hollywood ideologically not much different from today’s.

I would think that if you understood what communism was, you would hope, you would pray on your knees that someday we would someday become communists. – Jane Fonda, 1970, Address to Michigan State University

I first saw that quote years ago.  I always wanted to ask the North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gunner to whom exactly does a communist pray?  I question because to be fully communist one must be fully Godless.

“A young man or woman cannot be a Communist youth unless he or she is free of religious convictions.  Religion is a kind of spiritual gin in which the slaves of capital drown their human shape and their claims to any decent human life.” Vladimir Lenin quoted in The Naked Communist: Exposing Communism and Restoring Freedom (Freedom in America) (Volume 2)

Vietnam War protestors often marched under the communist North Vietnamese flag.  My brother made it home from that war, unwelcomed by his countrymen abandoned by his government, only to die years later from the ravages of Agent Orange.  Even as a youngster I could not understand why Americans would gather beneath the flag of the enemy American Soldiers were fighting.  From elementary school, I was taught about the evils of Communism.  But that was in a West Virginia public school and not a sophisticated Chicago one.

This isn’t about Jane Fonda or Vietnam era war protestors.  It’s about the culture shift that began in the 1960s and how so many misdirected youths came to embrace socialism and communism.  I talked about the 60s effect a five part series The 60s – The Shape of Things to Come.  Not only did the 60s shape our current political and social environment, it also had lasting impact on our military.  Take a look at Social Engineering and the Military.  These 60s radicals, the shepherds not the sheep, made their way into politics and academia and are entrenched.  They’ve influenced our government and school kids for decades.  Fonda and compatriots like John Kerry and more politicians than you might imagine continue to influence the direction of our country.

Don’t misunderstand.  Not every young person of the 60s enthused by the hippie culture was a Communist.  They were part of a cultural movement that embraced the peace, love, pacifism, and communal living.  Truthfully, most were sex, drugs, and rock and roll weekend hippies.  They were kids like me.  Immature and wandering.  But the hardcore, professional activists had a lasting impact.  And still do.

The Truth About Communism is a complete documentary on the rise of Communism in the former Soviet Union.  It’s 2 hours long, so you’ll need to set aside time if you want to view it.  It’s an educational opportunity well worth the time.  At least, take a few minutes to hear the introduction.  The film is narrated by a Ronald Reagan a strong anti-communist.  Such a documentary would not be produced in our politically correct world.  A world teaching young people about socialist, communist utopia.

I plucked one of my favorite books from the shelf: Reagan, In His Own Hand: The Writings of Ronald Reagan that Reveal His Revolutionary Vision for America. It’s been awhile since I’ve thumbed through it.  It’s a collection of notes hand written by Regan and used in his one-minute radio addresses.  He had plenty to say about the evils of Communism.  But I warn you.  When you pick this book up, you’ll stay in it for a while.  It’s quite prophetic.  Reagan’s thoughts on communism were direct.

The ideological struggle dividing the world is between communism and our own belief in freedom to the greatest extent possible with an orderly society.

Mankind has survived all manner of evil diseases and plagues, but can it survive Communism?

Communism is neither an economic or political system – it is a form of insanity – a temporary aberration which will one day disappear from the earth because it is contrary to human nature.  I wonder how much more misery it will cause before it disappears.

Nowadays, no one talks about the evils of Communism.  They try to camouflage it under the progressive label.  But no one I can recall, not any politician at least, talks about the evil and destructiveness of Communism.  At one time in our history, Communism was taught and talked about as the enemy of freedom.  American Soldiers fought wars to prevent the spread of it.  President John F. Kennedy believed in containing the spread of Communism, the primary reason for committing the United States military to support the government of South Vietnam.

My mind is hard pressed to come up with any politician, Democrat or Republican, ready to talk about Communism.  We’ve simply forgotten about the greatest evil on the planet.  The reason for that?  No one has the guts to be bloodied with the McCarthy bat and abandoned even by his own party.

Congressman Alan West believes there are Communists in Congress.  Only they call themselves progressives.  I’ve always held this as the reason he was chased out of Washington with little help from his Republican counterparts.

Trevor Loudon, author of  a very informative book THE ENEMIES WITHIN: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress published on February 1, 2019 his 2019 list of socialists and communists in Congress.  Evidence backing up his claims is available at Keywiki.  The difference between Alan West and Trevor Loudon is that Progressive/Communist cabal cannot come together and rid themselves of Loudon.  Which is the manner Communists operate.  Just as the secret impeachment coup attempt now taking place.

Those of you who’ve had a government security clearance, well maybe in the past anyway, or even enlisted into the military have answered the question: Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist party?  I’m not sure they do that anymore.

Do you really want to know about Communism?  Should we not teach our school children about it?  Have the ever heard of Marx, Engels, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Castro, Khemer Rouge Killing Fields, the North Korean Kim clan.  What we are doing is suicidal.  Killing ourselves slowly. Death by a thousand cuts.  One insignificant little freedom at a time. Communism kills.

In Washington, there is a pure Communist operation taking place.  It began with a disinformation campaign.  The Russia Collusion hoax.  Now it’s moved on to the Ukrainian hoax, but with a decided new twist.  Secret impeachment hearings where only one party is allowed to call witnesses and ask questions.  You hear these shills declare they are protecting our democracy.  That’s a load of crap.  We do not have a democracy.  We have a Constitutional Republic and it’s being destroyed by a Communist operation with origins inside our own intelligence agencies and government now including secret proceedings to remove a duly elected president.  It’s a coup.  Embraced by media.  The people perpetrating this atrocity on Americans need to be run out of Washington.  If there are any decent politicians left in our country they need to stand by their oaths and end this Communist charade by any means necessary.

© 2019 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry:

I Don’t Think You Like Me Very Much

J. D. Pendry

And here’s a few reasons why I believe that.

I don’t buy into your earth worship religion.

Some great advice can be taken from the adage worship the creator not the creation.

For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. 2 Timothy 4: 3-4 (NIV)

In Revelation 17  the Bible speaks of a false religion calling it the great prostitute.  Don’t rely on me to interpret scripture for you and most certainly not the Book of Revelation.  The climate change cult may not be the great prostitute of the Revelation, but it’s certainly a wannabe.  The Pope is all inSo is the Church of Sweden.

As reported in the Washington Examiner:

“The Church of Sweden declared teen star climate activist Greta Thunberg to be an appointed successor to Jesus Christ in a 2018 tweet that resurfaced in the wake of her speech before the United Nations.

“Announcement! Jesus of Nazareth has now appointed one of his successors, Greta Thunberg,” “

Whoa Nellie!  What’s the kill radius of a lightning bolt?

Practically every country on the planet endorses the climate cult.  Could it be because it’s primarily a grand socialist, communist wealth redistribution scheme?

“Come, I will show you the punishment of the great prostitute, who sits by many waters.  With her the kings of the earth committed adultery, and the inhabitants of the earth were intoxicated with the wine of her adulteries.” Revelation 17

Oops that’s hitting a little too close for comfort.

Children are enlisted as cult leaders or in young Miss Thunberg’s case anointed the new messiah.  “How dare you!”  Came the declaration from an abused and thoroughly programmed autistic child.  The treatment of this young lady is sad.  Considering her mental ailments and being pushed to the forefront by her parents no less, one must wonder if she’ll ever have a normal life.  It wasn’t climate change that stole her childhood.

And, the same indoctrinated and abused children are being frightened on to anxiety medication because their life is over in a few years when the innovative and industrial minded generations that worked hard, fought and died for them and gave them the good things of our worldly existence finally burns down the doggoned planet.

Using children to perpetuate an ideology is not new.  Hitler’s NAZIs were quite good at it.  Indoctrinating children that is.  Just as the earth worshipers are doing now and have been doing for years.  When people become Godless, they seek a golden calf to satisfy their spiritual need.   This time the golden calf is mother earth and a programmed mentally disabled child.

Do you really hate Trump? 

Nope.  It’s me you hate.  Because without me there is no Trump for you to hate.  Yes, there is a little smirk on my kisser.  I am not alone though.  I’m guessing there are more of me now than there was in November 2016.  People tired of the Washington’s corrupt status quo.  That believe in American Exceptionalism – individual liberty and God-given freedom.  That believe in borders and National Sovereignty.   That have grown weary of steadily growing government and endless wars costing us untold amounts of blood and treasure.  Tired of politicians elected behind promises to further erode our freedoms.  To fundamentally transform our free republic.  Tired of liars and thieves masquerading as public servants.  Tired of being attacked and disparaged for being Christian.  For loving our country.  Because we believe that killing unborn children is murder not a woman’s healthcare choice.  Because we believe God created two genders.  Male and female.  Because we believe marriage should be between one man and one woman.  Your favored felonious presidential candidates confirmed for us what you and they believe.

Hillary Clinton says I’m deplorable and irredeemable. What does one do with irredeemable people?  The final solution?

Joe Biden says I’m virulent (contagious, poisonous) and a dreg of society.  A t least I’m not hanging out with him and his crack head kid.

Media mouths have characterized me a NAZI and white supremacist accompanied by a chorus of celebrities.  I’m hated for supporting our duly and legally elected President of the United States.  Because on my worst day I couldn’t bring myself to vote for a felon whose associates are prone to commit suicide.  There’re millions of us deplorable, irredeemable, dregs of society out here.  We aim to keep our country.

Then there’s that other thing.

The Democrats you sent to Congress on a promise of utopia and social justice don’t give a rats hindleg about you other than as a useful idiot.  You went to college a little bit – possibly.  College professors who’ve only lived in the theoretical fantasy land of academia convinced you that the way forward is socialism followed by communism.  Except, you never learned where that trail ends.  No freedom, poverty, mass murder…  You see, these wonderful people cannot change minds.  Cannot change hearts.  And right now, the world is seeing them for who they are.   The problem is, you’re indoctrinated to believe the only road to utopia is to rid the country of people who do not believe as you do.  You’ll groupthink yourself right into a concentration camp where you’ll be issued your gray suit of clothes and a life you didn’t choose.  Life is good in the gulag, but the wealthy communists like those in Congress and Hollywood won’t be there to share the good life with you.  They’re purveyors of it, but will never live it.  They too live life in a fantasized utopia.  But they really just want it for you.  The serfs.

You are witnessing a Soviet style communist disinformation program perpetuated against the President of the United States.  There are Republicans and Democrats in the establishment country club.  They are not doing what they’re doing to save our country.  They’re doing it to keep their sorry backsides from being exposed for the corrupt, deceitful, Godless crooks they are.  They will not go quietly.  You know what’s going to be fun?  Watching the crooks and the media devour one another.  As Enos declared, “Better buckle-up buddyro!”

Do you know how it turns out?  God wins and the freedom he planted here wins.

© 2019 J. D. Pendry, American Journal, All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry:

Hell Yes, We’re Going to Take Your Freedom

JD Pendry

“Hell Yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, Your AK-47.” —Presidential candidate Robert Francis O’Rourke

Robert Francis O’Rourke meant to say take away your freedom.  Not take away your Armalite Rifle (AR) 15.  Your weapon of war.  Robert might be surprised to know my Army basic combat training Drill Sergeants, all recent Vietnam Combat Veterans, taught me that every piece of equipment I carried was a potential weapon of war with which to kill the enemy complete with demonstrations.  Are you coming for my entrenching tool (shovel) next?

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

People, mostly politicians offer promises of hope and visions of a utopian future.  False hope mostly, but collectively we Americans are proven slow learners.  It’s false hope because it’s always proven fallacious, but usually after Americans bought it hook, line and sinker.  False hope through misleading promises always leaves us problems more serious than the problem we hoped to solve.  Will gun control or gun confiscation under whatever misnomer make us safer?  Or will it leave us defenseless in our homes and in public?  Or will it leave us defenseless against a tyrannical government?  The very purpose for the 2nd Amendment.  Did prohibition make us sober or safer?  Nope.  It only created a highly profitable bootlegging black market for the likes of Al Capone.  Then it was repealed and everyone got drunk legally.  So, when they come to take our guns is the offered hope of safety the goal?  Hell no, O’Rourke, it isn’t.  The goal is to remove our means of protecting ourselves and the ability to defend our God-given and Constitutionally guaranteed freedom all under the pretext of making us safer.

There’s lots of false hope spread around.  Sugar candy for the ignorant.  Free Medicare for all.  Do you know what that means?  Every working person my age was government forced into Social Security and Medicare.  We paid for it all of our working lives to cover the senior citizens of our time.  What’s next Comrade Sanders?  A social security check for everyone?  Yang has a plan I hear.  Bottom line, it takes away every American’s freedom to choose.  That’s the goal comrade.  Isn’t it?  By the way comrade, while you contemplate taking away my healthcare only to be followed by my Social Security check and probably military pension, how was it that you became a millionaire owning multiple homes while never holding a job other than civil service.  Your role model Karl Marx was a bum also.

Open borders will make us more diverse and vibrant.  We’ll end racism.  No, not really, but we will end America.  The actual goal.

The biggest false hope.  The most dangerous.  Most of us do not believe that loss of freedom is a possibility.  Not in America.  Let me run this by you?  Do not believe that every member of the United States Armed Forces will stand by their oaths to support and defend the Constitution of the United States regarding the right to keep and bear arms and protection against illegal search and seizure.  Always remember.  Presidents decide who the flag officers are.  The men and women that command the major elements of the military.  Their influence ripples down from the Commander in Chief through the chain of command.  Many will obey a command to knock on your door and confiscate weapons accompanied by your local, in some cases sanctuary state, police forces.

Just as man cannot give you integrity, dignity, courage, your values or cannot determine whether you live honorably, neither can he give you freedom.

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1

As Americans, we can continue as the guardians of freedom or our citizenry can submissively slip the yoke of slavery around its neck.

Freedom cannot be taken.  It can only be forfeited.  We must stand firm.

© 2019 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry:

God Given Talent Got Any? and One Size Fits All

What is God given talent? Whether we own up to it or not, we all have something. You’ve heard sports pontificators declare gifted athletes have a lot of natural ability. You hear it about entertainers, great writers, great orators…. Whatever it’s called, it had to come from somewhere. If you view the world as I do, it all comes from God our creator. But that raises issues for the Godless, doesn’t it?  Self-centered and world-influenced people who achieve all by themselves and are unwilling to credit anyone, mortal or supernatural, for helping along the way. Personally, I like the assurance of knowing that the most powerful Force ever has my back, controls my future, and works hard to keep my compass pointed in the right direction. I just have to make sure I listen.

I’ve heard some great athletes, when being congratulated on a spectacular performance, before saying anything else declare they give all Glory to God. Usually, it’s a live interview otherwise we might not hear that part. I saw a recent interview of Ashley Batcher who starred in the movie Unplanned.  She was asked how she felt about the possibility of being blacklisted by Hollywood. She said she didn’t care adding that God gave her the talent to act and she was going to use it to glorify Him.  I saw that interview on a Fox morning program, but couldn’t locate a link of the clip. Take a few minutes to view this video interview by Rev. Franklin Graham at Facebook Watch.  Awesome.

All of us have talents.  Gifts of some sort.  When we do not know God, we leave the door open for other forces to use our talents and direct our lives.

Good and evil both increase at compound interest.  That is why the little decisions you and I make every day are of such infinite importance.   C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

To steal from Rush Limbaugh, let’s assume we all have talents on loan from God. But if we do not accept that there is a God, what authority guides use of our talents? Deep question isn’t it. Is it the reigning culture? Is it some other supernatural force? If we don’t believe in God, are we not vulnerable to some other life guide? One without boundaries? Realize here, that I’ve included you in another of my self-chats.

The favorite questions for non-believers and those trying to justify for themselves their own place in the world are: If there is a God, why did he let that mass shooting happen? Why did he let the Holocaust or other genocides happen? Why did he let 9/11 happen?

Do you feel the answer needling you just a bit?

God didn’t allow those atrocities. Just as he did not allow Himself to be removed from our public schools – taken away from our children when they’re most vulnerable. Just as he did not allow us to kill more than 60 million unborn children.

People who did not know God are responsible for these acts.

Following our most recent mass shooting in Texas, all the politicians were out there looking to remove inanimate objects from the hands of law-abiding citizens. There are all sorts of ways to restrict freedom and taking away weapons of war being tossed around. I heard one former Congressman, now news commentator, declare that there must be a bipartisan push to solving this problem adding there is no one size fits all solution.

Oh, but there is Congressman.  We can invite God back into our shattered lives and culture.

Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:4-6 (NIV)

Link to Mere Christianity

© 2019 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry:

Website:  Pendry’s American Journal

Under Assault: God, Family, Country – The Pillars Of Our Nation And Culture

By J. D. Pendry

The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone Psalm 118 (NIV)

There is a distinct “God, Family, Country,” American culture.  Along with the foundation of God-given freedom, life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and small non-intrusive government.  Our culture is what made America a great nation. As one people one culture, we stand strong and offer the best hope for our country and the world.  If we are at odds as many, self-interested entities we failWe lose what our ancestors sacrificed to provide for us.  We smother out the torch of freedom kept ablaze by those who came before us and struggled mightily for freedom and civil rights.  When freedom’s light goes out in America, the rest of the world will too be in dangerous darkness.  God Blessed America. American Journal

If you want to bring down a structure, you must weaken what makes it strong – the critical parts that keep it standing steady.  It’s an enduring principle and applies to everything.  Whether a building, a person, a society, or a nation.  Weaken what makes and keeps it strong and eventually, and catastrophically, it falls.

Here in the land of the free, the pillars of our nation are under attack and have been so, mostly unchallenged, for decades.  Too many of us, and especially those ignorant of history and the world, take for granted that the free America we know will always be here.  And even improved once we rid ourselves of the people with which we disagree and fundamentally transform ourselves into a communal Socialist utopia.  Sigh.  Any in public life who might stand in the gap are frightened into fetal positions by the politically correct.  Political correctness is the modern-day moniker and hiding place for Communism.  An atheist philosophy that cannot compete with a higher moral authority or anyone who rejects groupthink.

Recent events show those who want to destroy our culture and country are entering their endgame.  For decades, we’ve allowed weakening of what buttresses our civil society.  Could it be they believe now is their only real chance?  They own the top tiers of the State Department, Department of Justice, establishment Washington, Academia, and the major media propaganda machine.  Over the past two years, we’ve seen evidence of it from the top of our government right down to street level thugs.  Their coup attempt failed now they grow bolder with public statements and acts of street violence unchecked by sympathizing local governments.  They’ve demonized and neutered local police forces.  We are in a fight for the soul of our nation.  They will not give up unless completely and thoroughly destroyed.

War on God and Christianity

I remember beginning each school day with the Lord’s prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance, but I expect fewer Americans do.  Prayer in school ended with the 1962 Supreme Court decision in Engel v. Vitale.  It’s a faulty decision and one that tipped the First Amendment establishment clause upside down.  To see this, one need not have a Constitutional law degree, but only a basic understanding of the history of our beginning.  The first people to arrive in the new world were escaping religious persecution of England’s one religion, the Church of England.  In historical context, the purpose of this amendment was to protect religion from government interference of establishing and imposing the government’s form of religion on the people.  Engel v. Vitale reversed history by restricting the people’s freedom of religious expression and changed the intent of the clause to protect the government from religion rather than protecting individual freedom of religion and religious expression from the government.

Using this faulty court decision, we’ve removed God from the public.  First from public schools, then from the public square.  Young people were no longer introduced to the concept of a creator or higher moral authority.  No one was forced to pray. No one was singled out or shamed for not praying.  What was accomplished was removing the central strand of moral fiber from society and removing it at a most critical time of cultural development.  Childhood.

At the behest of radical atheists, public schools do not allow prayer.  Now, our children, shielded from prayer or any form of Christianity, are taught about homosexuality, while Drag Queens teach toddlers there’s no such thing as boys and girls.  Public schools are starting our children off with moral indoctrination.  Beyond that, children are no longer taught history of the Pilgrims fleeing religious persecution instead they’re taught about early settlers and colonizers.  They are growing up ignorant of the role Christianity played at the start of our country.  Hey, but now they have an appreciation for homosexual culture.

War on the Family

Let’s start with President Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society war on poverty.  Here’s a brief assessment of its impact on families:

The War on Poverty created negative incentives. Instead of promoting the growth of healthy families, the welfare system discouraged them. A single mother could receive larger payments from Uncle Sam by remaining single than by marrying the father of her child.

Over time, many fatherless children entered the world. The welfare checks showed up month after month, regardless of how their parents spent their days. As these boys and girls grew up without fathers around, they came to regard such households as natural. The social safety net, designed to be a temporary help to the people in need, instead kept them trapped in government dependency.

They stayed trapped in poverty as well.  Here’s a full explanation of President Johnson’s so-called War on Poverty: How Johnson Fought the War on Poverty: The Economics and Politics of Funding at the Office of Economic Opportunity  It’s long, filled with statistics, politics and insanity and your eyes may begin to bleed before you finish, but if you muddle through you’ll discover the birth of many well-intentioned failures still affecting our country and families today.

Here’s another long report from the Pew Research Center.  Johnson’s war is but one aspect of changing American culture contributing to the rise of single parent households.  When the report was published, 31% of the children in single parent households were living below the poverty line and 21% of those with unmarried cohabiting parents were as well.  In 1960, 73% of children were living with two parents in their first marriage.  By 1980, it dropped to 61% and by 2014 it was only 46%.  Less than half of American children are living with parents in their first marriage.  Less than half of America’s children grow up in a traditional family.

Nowadays we embrace unnatural non-reproductive family relationships like homosexual marriage with adopted children.  Some women are choosing artificial insemination as a method of becoming a single mother without a relationship or no children at all.  Birth rates are too low to replace the population.  Through abortion, more than 60 million American families ended before they began thanks to another tragic Supreme Court decision.

Over decades, seriously flawed Supreme Court decisions and social justice policies caused a cultural shift away from God and toward destruction of the center pillar of our nation, the nuclear American family.  Our future is dying one family at a time.

Deconstruction of America

History can be well written only in a free country. —Voltaire

History is being rewritten.  A critical element of our history is our Judeo-Christian values system.  It’s the foundation of our government, our laws, and our Constitution.

The Schools could not describe the religious origins of American freedoms without violating Engel v. Vitale.  For this reason, the Pilgrims had to be deleted from our children’s textbooks.  Thus, in 2002, the new Jersey Department of Education removed references to the Pilgrims and the Mayflower from its history standards for school textbooks…. The problem?  “The word Pilgrim implies religion,” said Brian Jones of the Education Leader’s Council, adding, “It’s more difficult to talk about the Bible and the Puritans.”  Some school systems blur historical truth by referring to the Pilgrims as “early settlers,” “newcomers,” or “European colonizers.”DARK AGENDA: The War to Destroy Christian America” —David Horowitz

In 1986… Professor Paul Vitz completed a study of sixty social studies textbooks used by 87 percent of public-school students.  Among his conclusions:

There is not one story or article in all these books, in approximately nine to ten thousand pages, in which the central motivation or major content derives from Christianity or Judaism. Horowitz

When young people do not know their history or the origins of their country they are easily influenced. They learn from biased texts and too often from biased ideologues impersonating teachers. On the back of not knowing our true history in the context of it’s time, they are susceptible to ideas of Socialism, Communism, Atheism, and eliminating the Electoral College.

When I was in elementary school, I was encouraged to read the biographies of our founders and many of them I did. I read other as well.  I always thought it important to learn about important people.  People who made a difference.  One of my favorite biographies as a youngster was George Washington Carver’s.  An incredible story.  Pick it up and read it sometime.

Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe.  H. G. Wells

We cannot live in the past. No one alive today is accountable for the actions of people of their time. Nor is anyone alive today qualified to make judgment. Neither can we predict the future, but we can send children uneducated in history toward catastrophe.

© 2019 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry:

Website: Pendry’s American Journal

Disrespect, Degradation, Dehumanization, Destruction – When Will We See The Light?

By J. D. Pendry

A cheerful headline isn’t it.  Looking at history, all of it for as far back as you care to look, there’s a distinct pattern of human destruction.  From ancient times to present day, every atrocity, every genocide, every ethnic cleansing, religious persecution and other evil visited upon humans are owed to some degree to disrespect, degradation, dehumanization, and destruction.  These are the undeclared tenets of many deadly philosophies.  It’s a constant theme nowadays and with multiple targets.  So many marks the damn is bound to burst.  Producing a new flood of destruction.  It’s men versus God.  For America and the world, it’s about which path to take.

I am neither theologian nor Biblical scholar.  I routinely read the Holy Bible.  Not near as often as I should, but I read.  It is fascinating to me when an ancient message resonates with me and applies to today’s much broader, much more divided, much more dangerous world.  There are also times I feel the pain of being poked in the chest behind the unspoken question:  Are you listening?

Take the story of the Apostle Paul.  Saul, before he became Paul, was a zealot for the law.  The laws of ancient Judaism many of which, like any civil society, were not from God but were man constructed.  Paul was a determined enforcer of the law hunting, arresting, and even watching executions by stoning of early Christians.  That was until he saw the light.  In modern day lingo, we might say Saul had his come to Jesus meeting.  Paul then became an evangelist for what God had to say rather than what men had to say.  Before that, what did he do?  Disrespected, degraded, dehumanized, and tried to destroy the people of The Way – early Christians.

Christian persecution is as old as the faith itself and continues today. “Christians remain one of the most persecuted religious groups in the world. Christians throughout the world continue to risk imprisonment, loss of home and assets, torture, beheadings, rape and even death as a result of their faith.” Open Doors, 2017 World Watch provides a list of the top 50 countries for Christian persecution.  The United States is not on the list because the persecution here is more subtle.  Although, in recent years it’s been a bit more brazen.  No one has reached the point of outright murder, but we see the other things.  Businesses sued for refusing to violate the tenets of their Christian faith and everyone is aware of the assaults on businesses like Chic-Fil-A, assaults on Christian holidays, assaults on Christian symbolism.  There’s no uproar from the great megaphone holding media.  No defense of Christians.  Even many Christians remain silent rather than openly standing firm for their faith and religious freedom.  Can you imagine living in a country where Christian hatred is in the majority?  Don’t imagine, click on the links above.

When you degrade and dehumanize any segment of humanity whether it’s for the color of their skin or religious beliefs, it ends up in atrocity like slavery or genocide.  In America, we fought a war to end slavery.  Other countries banned slavery as well, but modern-day slavery still exists in countries across the globe with estimates as high as 40 million. Right here in the land of the free there is the booming business of sex slave trafficking.  There are illegal immigrants everyone seems so concerned with living on under-the-table slave wages trapped and, in a position to do nothing about it.  Here, we seem only able to focus on the past and the atrocity we corrected.  We cannot accept our history and move on, instead we are told we need to change it.

By doing that we refuse to live in the present.  Hitler’s Germany dehumanized a segment of people including Jews, the disabled, Gypsies, and anyone else that did not fit the master-race mold.  He killed millions.  We killed Hitler and ended his final solution.  Here in America, we dehumanized unborn children and set about murdering more than 60 million of them. That’s our American Genocide.  We own it.  Our most egregious atrocity.  The greatest ever committed.  We wrote it into law.  And it continues.  Will we ever see the light?

Across America, we’ve spread the cancer of human destruction.  Political opponents are demonized.  Movies are made about hunting people degraded and dehumanized as deplorable for sport.  We disrespect Police Officers beginning from the very top of our national leadership characterizing them as acting stupidly.

Our Police Officers are disrespected, degraded, dehumanized and routinely shot.  Many do not have the support of their state and local governments.  What will these states and cities with the major problems do when they begin to walk away?   Anarchy?  Vigilantism? Gang wars?  Is that a goal?

Labeling and dehumanizing people to perpetuate destructive ideology is no accident.  It’s a method.  A strategy to eventually transform America into something unrecognizable.  A one-party dictatorial hell hole.

Traditional liberalism or conservatism no longer compete.  They formed the establishment country club and focused on their wealth.  Leaving us with a mess.  Instead we face the likes of Neo-Nazis and assorted wing nuts, a label with which the media paints Americans with broad strokes.  We have extreme progressivism, socialism, and communism and even the rise of Islamism in our Congress which the media either heartily promotes or pretends does not exist.  All these ideologies have much in common: Godlessness, hate driven, anti-family, pro total government control in whatever form it takes and dehumanizing any opposing voice and great swaths of humanity they’d prefer to render into serfdom or eliminate altogether.

Americans.  If we seek it out, the light is there for us.

…if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 (NIV)

© 2019 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry:

Website:  Pendry’s American Journal

For The Love of Money

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. —1 Timothy 6:10 (NIV)

It is also the root of destruction for governments of all forms. When people can achieve unchecked incredible wealth as civil servants, as the song reminds “And you tell me over and over and over again my friend, you don’t believe were on the eve of destruction.”

I made a small clockwise twist and there was a muffled pop. Fluorescent light shrapnel rained down around me in a perimeter of several feet.  It was a small twist in bulb rather than a tube, so my hand blocked what would have hit me in the face.  The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is concerned enough to put out instructions on cleaning up a broken compact fluorescent light (CFL).  Our politicians decided to ban the faithful incandescent light bulb.  The invention that lit the world.  We were asked to believe It was an environmental decision.  The incandescent bulb used too much energy, contributed to global warming, and was not good for the environment.  We were forced to purchase CFL, LED or some other more expensive replacement.  But they last longer, save energy and save the environment.  Insert Bronx cheer here.

Saving energy and the environment had nothing to do with the incandescent light ban.  Except for its propaganda value.  Who would not cheerfully pitch in to save the planet?  Led by our determined politicians, that’s just what we did.   Large corporations, GE, Philips, and Sylvania dominated the US incandescent market.   Because of the low cost of production, they could not raise prices to improve their profit margins, lest some other company move in and take the business away from them.  The beauty of capitalism is that you and I through the principle of supply and demand determine the price of goods.  Unless there is a government intervention, but then it’s no longer capitalism is it?  To increase their profit margins and force consumers to buy more expensive lighting products, they needed government to ban incandescent light bulbs.  Congress provided the legislation, President Bush signed it and they all celebrated heroically saving the planet and laughed all the way to the bank.   Mercury laden CFL waste now litters the landscape, which of course is great for people and the environment.  Another noteworthy achievement of Congress and its corporate cronies.

But, that’s an old story many of you know.  It’s how the American political industry works.  It’s how politicians on civil servant salaries become millionaires.  It would be interesting to see how many of them and friends and family used their inside knowledge to buy stock in the companies now uninhibited from increasing their profits.  Wink, snicker.  This is the swamp at its finest.  Self-serving at best, killing us bit by bit at worst.  So, the next time you’re picking fluorescent light glass from your hair after inhaling whatever the exploding bulb vented into the air, think about that.

While doing my hazmat clean up, I thought about it.  It angered me some.  No, that’s a lie it angered me quite a bit.  The thoughtless motives of politicians.  Take that example and follow the money on most every must have piece of legislation or every scandal that comes to mind.  You’ll come away disappointed in the politicians you supported.  Disappointed in the bastardization of our great legislative process.  Maybe a little exasperated with the whole 9 yards.  Emotions I’m trying hard to avoid these days.  But it’s a challenge.

From illegal immigration, to trade deals, to climate change and most everything in between, follow the cash flow.  Look at the McConnell-Chao China connections for example then tell me how any China trade deal beneficial to the US is going to get through McConnell’s Senate.  Ask yourself who is fighting hardest against needed immigration reform.  Businesses large and small, especially those who practically enslave illegal immigrants working them for low often under the table wages.  Facts are never part of the narrative.  Helping poor and desperate people makes a much better emotionally driven story.

As long as we have career politicians not term limited getting wealthy via the political industry they’ve built, America will not get well.  The greatest wealth will always belong to those with the means to entice politicians into crony capitalism arrangements.  That’s who we’ve become.  It’s what opens the doors to failed systems like socialism.  But the politicians still get wealthy.  Just ask millionaire Socialist Angry Bernie who, before politics, never held a job in his life.

© 2019 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry:

Website:. J.D. Pendry’s American Journal

Death to America Squad and The New Face of Politics in America

Decision Time

In November 2020, polls be damned we’ll learn what Americans think or if we care.  But it’s probably going to take much more than a simple vote to fix fundamentally transformed America.  No matter the outcome, my worldview will not shift.  God is first, Family is next, and Country brings up the rear.  If it’s God’s Plan for American renewal and survival it’ll happen.

Both political parties and upper echelons of federal civil service are damaged beyond repair their decisions influenced by wild ideologies and outside forces and not forgotten Americans – Washington’s perceived serfdom.  Human frailty and fallibility too often succumb to cultural pressure tilting dangerously away from what’s good and necessary. Unless there’s a deep cleansing of all branches of our government including senior career civil servants, the problem will not resolve.  The 2020 choice is between America as founded, freedom those who’ve never stood up for it take for granted, and the evolving socialist, progressive, communist push.

The Democrats

Surprisingly maybe, but I have some very good liberal friends and was raised in Yellow-dog Democrat country.  For my liberal friends and die-hard Democrats:  You are no longer the party of classic liberalism.  You know, liberty therefore liberal.  You’ve become instead the party of identity politics, social justice and racism, the party of big government freedom robbing socialism, progressivism, and communism and with your newly anointed death to America squad you can add Israel hating Islamism.  I’m not so sure this is such a new face for the Democrat party or one now exposed with the aid of the arrogance and ignorance of a few and a complicit media.  So, there’s your choice as plain as I can make it.  The American Ideal or that.  We’ll keep the light on for you.

The Republicans

Republicans?  You are the epitome of status-quo establishment Republicanism your ranks filled with see-no-do-no-hear-no neo cons.  And the con label is apropos.  Remember?  Give us the House and we’ll fix this.  Give us the Senate and we’ll fix it.  Give us the Presidency and we’ll damn sure fix it.  Americans did all of that including a President promising to fix it.  Wanting to fix it.  Turns out you either didn’t want to fix anything, you’re spineless, or so compromised that cover your behind and the status-quo is the best you can do.  You leave us with the same choice.  The American Ideal or your continued ineptitude.  We’ll keep the light on for you too, but the oil in your lamp is getting low.

Citizens of the World – It’s about our Culture

If you’ll pardon my tone, I don’t recall a time in my life where snobassity, pomposity, arrogance, pure judgmental hatred and other noteworthy qualities were so prevalent in such a tiny yet vocal minority.  The uber wealthy, professional athletes, Hollywood, career politicians, media types et al live in their own ecosphere.  A world 99 percent of Americans, or the world for that matter, will never experience.  Aboard their high horses and from inside their glass houses they cast judgmental stones at anyone and everyone outside their orbit who does not accept their worldview.  They push ideologies into our schools and onto our children who are not equipped to make life altering decisions about sexuality or anything.  They celebrate legislation allowing murder of babies up to the date of delivery and beyond for any surviving an abortion attempt.  Shielded by wealth and means from the ultimate downside, or so they believe, they demand open borders.  For any apposing their wild-eyed concepts, they have labels.  At their core, their labels are more projection than not.  Nazi, fascist, racist, xenophobe, homophobe, deplorable, irredeemable, garbage ….  They turn American patriotism into white nationalism.  For you self-loathing little “a” americans, American patriotism comes in all shades, all religions and all sexual persuasions.  It’s much larger than the constructed media and social media images of our country.  It’s why people want to come here.

America has always welcomed legal immigrants.  More so than most any country on the planet.  People who want to be here and part of the American ideal, contribute rather than take, learn our history and language, respect our laws, assimilate.  The great melting pot.  Remember?  People who embrace the distinct American culture of God, Family, and Country and individual liberty rejecting the failed cultures they escaped.

Life takes us in different directions.  Humbleness is one pathway.  It’s rare these days.  We, even the Godless, are children of God and one day every knee will bow.  We are were we are because God allowed us to get there.  If I may be so forward as to leave you citizens of the world with the best guide for life I know: “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.  And what does the Lord require of you?  To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8 (NIV) Oh, and love your neighbor as yourself.  Even if your neighbor is a conservative, Christian, American patriot.

Death to America Squad

It bothers me to dignify a cluster of short on substance malcontents by labeling them a squad without a pertinent precursor.  A life driven by hatred must be a miserable existence.  The words coming out of their mouths are not words of endearment toward America.  They wish for the death of America, with a seemingly special hatred for white skin tones, and apparently Israel too.  What is more concerning to me than their ignorance braced rhetoric is the lack of pushback from Washington’s cowardly politicians, Republicans and Democrats alike, and the support they get from an equally ignorant and wholly supportive progressive media cabal.  A cabal linked hand-in-hand with America’s great addiction to social media that’s become the most destructive force on this planet.  Go to most search engines and type in a negative, anti-Semitic, or racist comment made by a member of the death to America squad and it’s likely the first twenty responses are fact checkers from who the hell knows where claiming the statements false or taken out of context.  Out of context?  Most of us accept what all knowing Google and Bing puts up there.  Go to entry 3000 and you may find a scintilla of facts.  But just a scrap or two.  This is what disinformation looks like.

Our, and theirs as well, President has been called everything but a child of God and worse than that by a woman who bragged of telling her 15-year-old son that she was going to Washington to impeach the Mother…….  I’m unsure if she said it before or after she wrapped herself in the Palestinian flag.  “A lot of my strength comes from being Palestinian.”  Not American, not one declaring allegiance to our country, Constitution, or people, but to Palestine.  Tlaib explicitly supports the destruction of the Jewish state of Israel and its replacement of a unitary Palestinian state.”  An anti-Semite, racist, and anti-American foul-mouthed bigot.  Maybe she’d do well to go fix what was once the richest city in America, Detroit, where her Congressional district rests.  Where she was a state legislator until term limited.  A once great American city destroyed by progressivism.  Or just go to where her declared allegiance lies.  Palestine.  Maybe she can convince Palestinian mothers that having their children blow themselves up is not a good idea.  Unless she believes it is a good idea.

Ocasio-Cortez is a media made oxymoron, Democratic Socialist.  She and the others are the new face of the Democrat party.  When right out of the box they label you with initials, (FDR, JFK, UBL, AOC) I suppose your destined for fame. At least in some circles.  Infamous in others.  Or maybe you’ll just be exposed for who you are and what you represent.  From the insanity of the fascist, communist Green New Deal, to concentration camps on our borders Cortez demonstrates ignorance and the likelihood that she’s  little more than a script reading empty vessel.  Apparently, this poor girl from the Bronx, is a ghost in her district.  Her Chief of Staff handler, as she does, says of moderate leaning Democrats, “Instead of ‘fiscally conservative but social liberal, let’s call the New Democrats and Blue Dog Caucus the ‘New Southern Democrats.’ They certainly seem hell bent to do to black and brown people today what the old Southern Democrats did in the 40s.” Doesn’t seem to matter your political party, if you don’t embrace their racist supremist views then that makes you a racist.  A Communist method.  Project your despicable personality onto others. Cortez, or maybe her script writer, believes America is garbage“”One perfect example, I think a perfect example of how special interests and the powerful have pitted white working-class Americans against brown and black working-class Americans in order to just screw over all working-class Americans, is Reaganism in the ’80s when he started talking about welfare queens,” Ocaiso-Cortez said. “So you think about this image of welfare queens and what he was really trying to talk about was … this like really resentful vision of essentially black women who were doing nothing that were ‘sucks’ on our country.”  Regan hated communism and fought it from Hollywood to the Whitehouse.  Lovely people Communists.  Legacy of gulags, poverty, homelessness, concentration camps, and mass murder.  Typically, that’s the end state of failed socialist/Marxist states. You know, Venezuela and San Francisco.

Ilhan Omar is singularly focused.  She’s an Israel hating anti-Semite.  She makes no bones about it, and has yet to be rebuked by cowardly Democratic leadership.  “It’s all about the Benjamins baby.”  She is a strong advocate of the anti-Israel Boycott, Divest, Sanctions (BDS) movement.  In her resolution to Congress she compared it to boycotting Nazi Germany, and the actions of the Boston Tea PartyIn an interview with Al-Jazeera, she declared, “I would say our country should be more fearful of white men [than radical Islamic terrorism] across our country because they are actually causing most of the deaths within this country.”  She’s a real gem.  There’s not much more to say about Omar, except she has some personal issues.  An ethics complaint filed by Judicial Watch, “Substantial, compelling and, to date, unrefuted evidence has been uncovered that Rep. Ilhan Omar may have committed the following crimes in violation of both federal law and Minnesota state law: perjury, immigration fraud, marriage fraud, state and federal tax fraud, and federal student loan fraud.”   But we all know what becomes of Congressional ethics complaints.  Nothing.  Hopefully, the same will come of her political career.

Aryanna Pressley.  A racist calling the kettle black. “We don’t need any more brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice,” Pressley said, seemingly taking a stab at the Congressional Black Caucus, which is allied with Pelosi. “We don’t need any more black faces that don’t want to be a black voice.”  Spare me the spin of what she really meant was, or it’s taken out of context.  Nope, it’s none of that. What it is, is one of the most racist expressions I’ve heard south of Louis Farrakhan.  What else is there to add to this woman’s profile?  Nothing.  With one statement she defined herself.  Boldly racist.

The New Face of Politics

I predicted some time ago that the election of Donald Trump to the presidency would change the face of politics in America.  What I envisioned was establishment Republicrats running for the hills.  Following Paul Ryan out the door that’s exactly what some did.  With their abandonment, they forfeited the House to Pelosi and her out of control, Nadler/Schiff Trump’s a Russian clown show and everyone’s a white nationalist racist who don’t like us because we are women of color Death to America Squad.  There was a time when such a racist implication would shut down disagreement.  For the weak-kneed, it still does but there is a new player in town.  He’s angered everyone at least once.  He’s hated by establishment Washington and their media puppies.  He’s especially hated by the far left, the face of which we see in the four horsewomen of the coming apocalypse (Communism, Progressivism, Socialism, Racism).  The left is accustomed to labeling, name-calling, and disparaging America with little or no pushback and knowing the media runs with their false narratives.

Trump’s America first and now love it or leave it has had an affect I did not see coming.  Historically, Democrats trend toward the center and sometimes even a little right of center in their campaign approach because if they try to sell the true extent of their radicalism, they’d never get a vote.  Even the illegal immigrants may give their illegal votes to someone else.  What’s happening now is the four horsewomen of the coming apocalypse has the party following them so far leftward that, according to Hank Johnson, they may flip the planet over.

I’m no political prophet or prognosticator, but it may turn out this way.  With establishment Republicrats drop-kicked through the goal post of life and many members of the Democratic party following the progressive, socialist, communist wing we may see the shattering of both parties and something good for the country come of it.  That’s when Suzie-Q slapped me and I woke up mumbling I know, lipstick on a pig.

Old Timer

Always in my pocket is Grandpa’s Old Timer pocket knife.  It was a gift from my Mother.  By any stretch, it’s not an expensive knife.  I like to reach into my pocket and wrap my hand around it.  There’s comfort in knowing something from the past can ground you in the present with memories of times and people.

Growing up in Southern West Virginia, pocket knives were common.  There’s much to be said about the calming effects of whittling.  Whether carving a masterpiece or simply shaving curls off a piece of wood it’s a great contemplative aid.  It also fills up time between catfish bites.  Shoes off sitting on the riverbank bare feet enjoying the coolness of the shoreline, hook freshly baited, a cloudless sky, birds singing, whittling on a stick.  It doesn’t get better than that.  From such scenes, the world long since moved on.  Probably not enticing to today’s overly stimulated.  There’s a lot of value in God’s calm and creation. The sounds of flowing stream, a fish jumping out of the water, birds chirping, even a bullfrog croaking.  I sat there on the bank of the Guyandotte fantasizing rafting down the river like Huck Finn.  It amounted to some unsuccessful tries and was replaced by the modern technology of the inner tube.  With all of the world’s newfound technology and gizmos, humans cannot recreate that environment.  Even with the best virtual reality goggles we cannot.

For boys of my generation, if you were fortunate enough to have a pocket knife it was always in your pocket.  I don’t know what sort of ruckus it may cause these days if a boy carried his pocket knife to school.  But we all did.   At recess, we’d gather up in the school yard.  We played marbles, always for keeps, or root-the-peg.  It’s also called mumbly peg among other names.  Root-the-peg can be simple or complicated.  With the time constraints of school yard recess, we played the simple version.  With feet spread, you stand facing your opponent.  You throw the knife trying to stick it into the ground as close to your own foot as possible.  Whoever gets closest to his foot wins.  The winner gets to pound the peg (we used match sticks, horrors, we carried them too) into the ground and the loser rooted the peg out with his teeth.  Sticking the knife in one’s foot was rare and not recommended, but it was a winner.

We interacted with other kids and nature.  Nowadays, kids interact with their smart phones and indirectly with others.  Many of us adults do it too.  Seems like we are giving up the natural for imitation.  Could be I’m just hanging on to the past.  The internet and rapidly expanding technology sort of put nature on the back burner.  Interestingly, people who claim we are destroying our planet do so sitting inside air-conditioned cafes, mooching free WIFI, and sipping designer coffee. It’s hard to have real concern for something you’ve never experienced.  When your forest is concrete, it’s difficult to accept your appreciation for nature and God’s creation.  Viewing the world through a smartphone is like drinking diet pop.  It appears the same.  It may fool the taste buds.  But it brings less satisfaction than a glass of chemically treated tap water.  What the body craves and doesn’t get from the diet drink is gained by eating a biggie sized order of cheese fries.  Diet this, lite that, low fat this…  We didn’t have that when we were kids and we were not obese.  Maybe put down the phone get outside and exercise something besides our thumbs and have a bottle of real pop.  Maybe toss in a moon pie.  Maybe go out into the nature you’re convinced cannot survive the cancer of humankind.

It isn’t just smart phones.  We’ve given our private lives over to cameras, microphones, and the tech masters of the universe.  Our electronic assistant plays music for us, gives us the weather, sets the thermostat, locks the doors, starts the car, and opens the garage door.  And listens to every word, belch and fart happening in range of the microphone.  Ever have a neighbor that couldn’t get out of their garage because the electricity was out?  The neighbor that had no idea you can unlatch the door from the motor and open it manually.  Guess they could have found a video showing them how.

We’ve taken the natural out of everything.  Now we strive to dehumanize relationships.  Sex robots.  Never gets a headache, I guess.

I believe I’ll just hold on to Grandpa’s Old Timer.  Time is not passing me by.  Natural doesn’t change.  God’s creation and God never change.  And if you risk a game of root-the-peg, you might get dirt in your teeth.

As we approach America’s Independence Day, let’s focus on what is real.  What endures.  What only has a 1.0 version.  God Bless the United States of America.

© 2019 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry:

Website:  J. D. Pendry’s American Journal

Can America Survive Our Guilt Complex Wholesale Hatred And Hopeless Division?

These days we’re offered heavy doses of guilt, hatred and division.  The people spreading it are the guiltiest of it.  One is left to wonder how the United States of America could produce such a dangerous collection of people.  Dangerous to our country and willing to sell their souls for just a brief taste of dominance and power.

Still fighting the Crusades

The Crusades ended in the 13th century.  Islam still battles and much of the Western world tries not to offend the religion of peace. If you want to learn where the divide began between Isaac, the promised son, and Ishmael,” He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers” read Genesis.  To learn how history ends read the Book of Revelation.  For self-enlightenment, your fate, and the fate of the world, read everything In between.

On September 11, 2001, America was attacked by Islamists.  Put all of the conspiracy theories away and accept that it was Muslims mainly from Saudi Arabia that killed 3000 Americans.  We promptly added Islamophobia and xenophobia to our growing list of American phobias.  Fraught with American guilt, we started (and continue) teaching public school children about Islam, about Mohammad, about their holidays, how they pray, how they dress…  Go into any public-school classroom, where Christmas break is depicted on the academic calendars as winter break so as not to offend, and teach a class about Christianity and Jesus Christ.  Then prepare for all manner of hell to be visited upon your doorstep.  Islam is moving forward.  America, Christianity, and most of the Western world is in retrograde.

“Islam is not a religion by any standards. It is a militant, political and violent cult created by one man: Muhammad. It is time that we treat Islam as the greatest threat to the human race. The Islamic treasury, flushed with oil extortion money together with the help of Marxist-Democrats and Hollywood celebrities (“Muslim Brotherhood front-groups have targeted Hollywood as one of many vehicles through which to conduct its civilization jihad.”) are having the upper hand in this battle of survival for freedom.” Amil Imani, Is Islam a Religion?

Still fighting the US Civil War

Do we treat one another differently here in the land of the free?  Not much really.  The US Civil War ended over 150 years ago and along with it the abomination of slavery.  We’re still fighting it and some are trying to rewrite history of it while capitalizing on all opportunities to divide our people.  Some members of Congress are raising the issue of legislation for slavery reparations.  Not only must we continue to divide a citizenry that has no one living who was a slave holder or a slave, we also seek the wedge that would destroy our hope for unity.  Congress and a multitude of presidential candidates are not interested in addressing problems and are much less interested in a united America.  A united populace – we the people – is the greatest fear of Washington’s establishment and their globalist cohorts.  No, they prefer to stir hatred pitting manmade identity groups against one another or turning them all against, as Presidential candidate Joe Biden the whitest of white men puts it, “a white man’s culture.”  If this continues, they may end up with the war they pine for.  And then, what was once the greatest nation God ever allowed to exist will lay in ruin waiting for our true enemies to sweep away the broken pieces making room for the new world order.  All while American patriots of all walks become insurgents in their own land.  The land where freedom was forfeit.

America’s guilt complex

It is somewhat confusing when you think about it.  We are a distinct culture that’s twisted itself into an unrecognizable creation trying to prove (not to the world or any group in particular because the world does not care about us and our incessant need to please everyone) to ourselves how diverse, inclusive, and multicultural we can be.  We’ve morphed from proud to be an American to a guilt ridden, self-loathing lot.  At least that’s how we project to the world.  Clearly, it’s a guilt we aim to expunge through self-destruction.  It bears repeating that generations of Americans were taught through revisionist history to hate where we came from and through ideas of gloom, doom, and destruction to dread even more where we are headed.  No one is allowed to appreciate where we are lest he or she be labeled a climate change denier, hopeless phobic or an ist of some sort.  The new American mindset?  What we have is good.  How we got it is bad.  Where we are headed is worse yet.  Miserable people driven toward hopelessness.  Guilt and hatred with blame laid at the feet Joe Biden’s white man’s culture.  Wed emotions leading to nothing good.  Nothing good at all.

“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”  Philippians 4:12-13

Media and entertainment industry cesspool

Our media and entertainment industry are little more than gigantic brainwashing and propaganda operations.  There was an ABC television program that lasted a couple of seasons.  I was pleased when I learned Netflix bought the rights and put out new season 3.  This story of an unlikely President was a decent prime time television program although it had its moments when the brilliant independent president constantly clobbered the arrogant conservative.  The Netflix version offered an F-bomb in every other sentence, raw gay sex between two men, and a plot by a bio hacker to create a virus that only attacks people of color.  I gave up on it.  In the movies, toxic masculinity becomes bumbling idiot man replaced by heroic woman.  This is how our entertainment industry fundamentally transforms young American minds.  No, they’re not just movies.  They’re indoctrination for the ignorant who tend to weave fiction into fact.  They’re a total withdrawal from natural law.  A total embrace of social justice memes.  A total embrace of a world without bounds.  A world having not place for God.

Make America Great Again

Is it really so difficult to understand why Make America Great Again appeals to so many people in America’s forgotten heartland and rotting cities?  I’ve been blessed to have spent nearly five decades of my working life with America’s best whether a high school dropout in a Chicago factory, in the service, at a high school, or my last working years serving Veterans.  America’s politicians worked hard over the past few decades giving away those factory jobs and ignoring the plight of the great American middle class.  Many of our great cities are a rotting mess.

A sad state

Our country is in a place where it has not been for many years.  Americans of all walks have employment, if they want it.  And the American way is to want it.  We are forfeiting our identity so that we may blend with the world.  We are the exceptional nation founded on the precept of individual liberty.  People are flooding our borders to take from the world’s most prosperous nation rather than embrace its freedom and contribute to it.  They do not come here to embrace American exceptionalism.  They do not know what it is.  They’ve been taught that America stole from them and their purpose is to take back what’s rightfully theirs.  Instead of thoughts of freedom, they bring with them failed cultures and ideologies for which America is also blamed.

Just a side story

Do the reading I suggested at the beginning and you’ll come away understanding the United States of America is just a side story in the long history of the world.  Barely a blip on the celestial radar.  Biblically, there is no United States of America.  You won’t find it in Genesis or the Revelation or on any pages in between.  All of it ends where it began.  We didn’t control the beginning.  Neither can we control the end.  From here to there, we can only control the journey.  We the people need to decide the path of our journey.

How do we survive?

Borders, language, culture, and unity of purpose define sovereign nations.  On our current path of hatred and division, how do we survive?  Can we survive?

Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them: “Any kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and a house divided against itself will fall.” Luke 11:17

© 2019 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry:

Website: J. D. Pendry’s American Journal

America: We’ve Become A Contradiction Wrapped In Absurdity

Most mornings, if I didn’t stay up too late to watch the Cubs get beat, I come down to the bunker while Suzie-Q is still snoozing.  I don’t mess with the news.  Usually l turn on some soft music like Lifescapes-Beethoven.  I sip my coffee, ponder our world, and consider matters I’d like to pontificate about.  Sometimes that works for me and other times the music switch in my head flips over Hank Williams Jr. and all of the sudden Hank’s rowdy friends invade my thinking mechanism.  Beethoven’s soothing sounds sometimes stimulate thought and other times my brow furrows and I grit my teeth then I know it’s going to be one of those days when, like Hank, I was born to boogie.  That’s when it wells up inside of me and I decide I’ve about had it.  Maybe you have too.  Or maybe I’m just going nuts.  Or nuttier.

Dichotomy wrapped in a paradox.

We’ve become a dichotomy wrapped in a paradox – a contradiction wrapped in absurdity.  Our government is dysfunctional.  The great ideals on which our nation was founded starkly contrasts with what we see every day.  We’ve been taught that there exist contrasting views between the pachyderms and jackasses.  On rare occasion there is, but mostly on display is the absolute absurdity of the Washington establishment – the career politicians made wealthy by bribes and insider trading.   They are so beholden to outside influences they have no time to attend to the business of Americans.  They keep blabbering about saving our democracy.  It’s something we don’t even have.  Don’t let them fool you.  If we were a true democracy questions like abortion and homosexual marriage would be put on the ballot for the voice of the people and not forced upon us by the 9 rulers of the earth.  That’s why we are a republic, so every voice supposedly has a chance to be heard even if no one else likes it.

Exceptional Nation?

The United States of America.  The world’s one exceptional nation founded on the principle of individual liberty.  A Constitutional Republic.  A government of the people, by the people, and for the people.  I don’t know how to phonetically present a Bronx cheer, so mentally add one here.  Our Constitution is in tatters.  The people do not know what’s in it.  Legislators ignore it.  And the courts pretend it means whatever they want it to mean.  A fine for not buying government insurance becomes a tax.  Killing unborn children is a right that outweighs life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  Sanctity of life?   Government by the people?  Oh, say can you see?

The Swamp.

I am sickened by the politics of Babylon on the Potomac.  Especially their new legal standard where one must be exonerated by a two-year 35-million-dollar anal probe.  Guilty until he or she can prove themselves innocent.  Is this the new American way?  These miscreants are either insane or truly believe the general public is gullible?  Gullible enough or brain washed enough to traipse behind them down a road that ends freedom.  Yes.  Ends it.  Ends America as she was conceived.  Fundamentally and forever transformed.  It isn’t just politicians and their paid political hacks doing damage to freedom.  It’s also the humongous media megaphone that feeds their tripe daily into the heads of millions of Americans and keeps it spinning around in there in dizzying perpetuity.  Even Fox News is beginning to show true colors.

Death of the Free Press.

Truthful and objective journalism is dead – its head on the proverbial pike.  If it ever really lived.  I can’t be certain if it ever did.  Can you?  In America, there is no more free press.  It’s a myth.  The press and its wannabe journalists sold its soul for political ideology.  Ever since miffed FBI Agent Deep Throat called up Woodward and Bernstein every so-called journalist has taking down a president as a life goal.  Adolph Hitler would have marveled at the reach and magnitude of the American propaganda machine.  We once laughed at press releases from places like North Korea, now we hang our heads in shame at the actions of our press.  Watching truth die.  Disheartened by the loss of a great American virtue – an honorable and free press.  And they wonder why people seeking truth turn to blogs and Internet news sites.  Adding to that social media censuring truth and we’ve allowed click bait and tweets to guide national discussions. We’ve done this to ourselves.  We allowed it to happen.  We refuse to search out the truth for ourselves.  Mostly we’re afraid to because the truth found may not be the truth sought.

Fueled by hatred.

Whether you despise our President or the Washington Establishment, you cannot like the state of our union.  A country fueled by hatred will not survive.  We’ve become a country filled with people who revel in the potential destruction of others.  People who would cheerfully place the other half into concentration camps.  People that applaud profane elitists and hold in utter contempt people inhabiting America’s rural heartland – the deplorable irredeemable gun toting Bible thumping backbone of America.  We stand divided by people unable to appreciate the present and unwilling to allow the rest of us contentment in it.  People who will not allow us to move beyond the past.  People who exist in an ever-heightening state of agitation because the mental rendering of our future fed into their minds is even more discouraging than the past they’ve been taught to hate.  We are dead in 12 years easily influenced emotionally driven young 18-year-olds are told.  What are you going to do about it?  If you want to live longer than 12 more years, make sure you go out and vote for our socialist utopia where equality reigns and everything is free?

Extortion the new fascism.

Extortion is the new fascism.  If your state does not agree with us that it’s acceptable to kill unborn children or allow boys who think their girls to use the girl’s restroom then we’ll take our business elsewhere.  I suggest the nearest Islamic theocracy.  Although we will continue to do business in countries that outlaw abortion, countries that often force abortion, countries that put religious minorities into concentration camps, countries that jail and execute homosexuals.  You cannot have a fast food restaurant in our town because you are Christian and hold firm to your Christian values.  You cannot have a fast food restaurant in our airport because you are closed on Sundays.  You cannot make a living baking cakes because you refuse to use your product to promote our behavior.

The real American way is simple.  If I own a fast food chain, I stand with the food chain that stands by its beliefs.  If I own a bakery, I stand with the baker that holds fast to his beliefs.  Otherwise, I open the door to people who may want to eliminate my business because my worldview may be contrary to theirs.

Maybe we should boycott the tyrannical fascists.  Tell Hollywood and Disney, et al, to take their businesses back to Hollywood – the place they fled.  While there, enjoy working with the unions and paying California taxes.  California needs your taxes to pay for their illegal immigrant sanctuary.  And for those restaurant chains out there who remain silent hoping someone will take out their wildly successful competition – you’re next?

Then along came Jones.

On top of all the confusion in our political zoo, along came Jones.  You know Jones.  He’s the guy that rode in to save Sweet Sue from the villain that demanded, “Give me the deed to your ranch or I’ll blow you all to bits.”  A political outsider rode into Washington and won the presidency.  On live television, journalists cried.  FBI agents declared we’ll stop this.  A political campaign hired a political hitman and then passed his work to the FBI and the CIA and the DOJ who used his made-up work to spy on a campaign and ultimately a President.  The DOJ appointed a prosecutor and a team from the cabal and after two years they declare they are unable to exonerate the President of wrongdoing although they did manage to practically destroy the lives of good people like General Mike Flynn.  And they continue the greatest political scandal of our time.  All because Jones rode into town declaring he was going save the country from Washington’s swamp dwellers.

Is this the country you want?  Me?  Well, right now I want another cup of coffee.  Long live the land of the free and the home of the brave.

© 2019 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry:

Website:  Pendry’s American Journal

The Internet And Social Media Turned Me Into A Shallow Headline Reader

I even have trouble making it through a one-minute video.  I’m told patience is a virtue.  I guess I must strike another from my dwindling list.  I read, but if a book doesn’t capture me in the first few pages, I move on.  I suffer from self-inflicted attention deficit disorder.  Don’t roll your eyes, you do too.  I’m told you can’t solve a problem unless you admit you have one.  I’m still convinced the Internet is a government plot to make us all stupid or at least to guide our thinking and actions and we fell for it.

Good headline writers coax you into mind-numbing prose and have you searching for the rarely found headline promise.  More often than not they rely on common assumptions to draw you in.  I am convinced the Internet and social media are dumbing us down.  So convinced that when I saw the headline, IQ rates are dropping in many developed countries, I just knew some enterprising journalist proved my theory.  I read until my head drooped, my eyes were half shut, and a little drool leaked out the corner of my mouth.  Turns out it’s in Western European countries where the bulbs are dimming.  Right before I slammed the door shut, the writer put forth a theory:   Because of too much poverty and too little social support the US of A is not as advanced as the European countries.  In other words, we have to catch up to them (become more utopian I suppose having the government do everything for us) before we can achieve their level of intellectual decline.  What a goal?  Maybe if they had to solve their own problems…. The clunking sound you heard was my IQ dropping.  Being an old country boy from up the holler I don’t have a lot of IQ points to fool around with.  You ain’t so bright either.  Be careful what you read.  Excluding of course everything I write.

There’s the news about eliminating the electoral college.  Some states are voting to give their electoral college votes to whomever wins the national popular vote.  That of course is insane unless you live in the major coastal population centers where your vote could turn the remainder of the country into a serfdom.  If a lot of states pass such legislation, it would actually be a Constitutional crisis.  I’m not a soothsayer, but let me promise you this.  If a Republican wins the national popular vote, these pure democracy-seeking New York and San Francisco Communists will twist themselves into pretzels trying to explain why they were just kidding.  Sounds to me like a true Russian democracy.

Did you read about Badnawar, India’s rampaging monkey?  The monkey attacked people in town for 9 days killing one person and injuring nine others.  I’ll save you some reading time.  No one shot the monkey.  Instead there was a protest for lack of rabies vaccinations.  Eventually they captured the wild monkey terrorist.  Monkey 10, humans 0.

Out in Washington state, they’re going to start composting humans.  Not live ones, I hope.  They’re out to save the earth they worship.  Here’s the deal.  The vessel that carries my spirit and soul is just that.  I won’t be there so whatever you do with the body is meaningless.  If I do this life right, I’ll certainly be in a much better place.  You earth worshippers?  Good luck.  I used to tease Suzie-Q, but she didn’t like this particular tease.  I told her go cheap when I die.  Maybe a 2-ply trash bag and put me out by the curb on garbage day.  Now, all she has to do is haul the wood chipper up near my compost pile and stuff me in it.  Piece by piece of course.

Finally, there’s politics in the twilight zone.  Never matter that we only have 12 years before the world goes up in flames.  Put down your coffee because it’s painful when hot coffee spews out of your nose.  Joe Handsy Biden assures us that President Trump inherited the great Obama Biden economy.  They tell me that old blue-collar Joe knows.  And this is why they need to eliminate the Electoral College.

Life is good.

© 2019 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry:

Website:. Pendry’s American Journal

So Help Me God – The Battle For The Heart And Soul Of America

Life presents in black and white.  Doesn’t it?  Right and wrong, good and evil, light and dark.  I know metaphorical expressions wear us out, but these well-known comparations suggest for us what is and is not acceptable behavior.  They’re a product of natural law.  Unchanging principles and morality many believe endowed by God.

“A fundamental presupposition of Natural Law is that man’s reasoning power is a special dispensation of the Creator and is closely akin to the rational or reasoning power of the Creator himself.  In other words, man shares with his creator this quality of utilizing a rational approach to solving problems, and the reasoning of the mind will generally lead to common-sense conclusions based on what Jefferson calledthe laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.’“  The 5000 Year Leap, A Miracle that Changed the World

Natural law is a precept embraced by our founders based on the thinking and writings of ancient Roman lawyer Cicero.  Cicero defined natural law as true law.

“True law is right reason in agreement with nature; it is of universal application, unchanging and ever-lasting; it summons to duty by its commands, and averts from wrongdoing by its prohibitions…. It is a sin to try to alter this law, nor is it allowable to repeal any part of it, and it is impossible to abolish it entirely.  We cannot be freed from its obligations by senate or people, and we need not look outside ourselves for an expounder or interpreter of it.  And there will not be different laws at Rome and at Athens, or different laws now and in the future, but one eternal and unchangeable law will be valid for all nations and all times, and there will be one master and ruler, that is God, over us all, for he is the author of this law, its promulgator, and its enforcing judge.  Whoever is disobedient is fleeing from himself and denying his human nature, and by reason of this very fact he will suffer the worst punishment.” Cicero, taken from Great Political Thinkers and quoted in The 5000 Year Leap.

In a civil society, absent written laws, natural law is observed by humankind.  At least by those who choose not to live in breach of humankind’s enduring principles and “the laws of Nature and Nature’s God.”

“(Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law. They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them.)”  Romans 2:14-15

I stand in good company proclaiming that we arrived in this world knowing right from wrong.  Like freedom, it was written on our hearts.  People argue against that.  Especially if they do not accept the natural order or a Supreme moral authority.  The moral authority that defines right and wrong.  It’s the reason we do not need written laws to know that lying, stealing, and murdering are wrong.  Going against what we inherently know, puts us in a place where people and nations lose their way.  Life without contentment is frustrating.  During our brief time in this world, contentment is impossible if there exists a nagging feeling that what we’re doing is wrong.  Unnaturally wrong.  When our man written laws make the unacceptable acceptable or turn evil to good then, as we say over here in the hills, we are on the rocky road to perdition.

It’s an age-old internal struggle. Spiritual warfare some call it.  We choose to follow a Supreme moral authority or we cast it off and decide for ourselves what’s right and wrong.  We become our moral authority with ever expanding boundaries. When boundaries expand to encompass others, others who may not hold to what we embrace as moral and natural, we see fits of rage and demands that they not be allowed to have a business or even exist in the public square.  Observe today’s America.  People cast off the concept of a Supreme moral authority, what is or is not natural, and then insist that others not only accept their behavior, but also endorse it.  That is where the battle for the heart and soul of not just people, but for a nation ensues.

In the latest effort to rid ourselves of divine influence, Democrat led committees no longer require witnesses to end their sworn oaths with “So Help Me God.” They’ve removed the Supreme authority from the oath.  So, who is it that’s holding them ultimately responsible for truthfulness?  Go read Kelleigh Nelson’s excellent article on the subject.

If you’ve read this far without moving on, maybe your asking what exactly is it I’m babbling on about.  It’s not hard, you know.  I need not provide a list, but I will.  Go read Romans 1.  The letter from the Apostle Paul to the Romans may as well have been addressed to America and for that matter the entirety of Western Civilization.  America cannot exist as America living in the gloomy gray between black and white, light and dark, good and evil.

© 2019 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

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“Some People Did Something” – Where Does Christianity Make Its Stand?

On March 20, 2019, Breitbart reported “Twelve French Churches Attacked, Vandalized In One Week.”  Without evidence, we cannot make a connection between these attacks and the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral.  But, shouldn’t we at least be a little suspicious.  The article further reported an average of two Christian churches per day were vandalized during 2018.  Yet, none of this was mentioned during the coverage of the Notre Dame fire.  Just seems to me we, in America and across the World, we go to great lengths to downplay attacks on Christianity and Christian symbols.  If this was just one of the other more than 1000 attacks on European Christian churches in the past year, we would have not heard of it.

I watched a little of the coverage on Fox News during the Cavuto show.  Cavuto interrupted and cut off Catholic League President Bill Donahue who mentioned his suspicions that that it may be more than an accident.  Actually, Cavuto was closer to we can’t talk about that, speculate about that even mention that hysteria as he continued to talk over Donahue until his mic was dropped.  Another of Fox’s liberals, Shepard Smith did the same to a guest on his program. Hear no evil, see no evil heads in the sand and unwilling to entertain the slightest possibility that is was anything other than an accident.   Or maybe American Journal contributor Kelleigh Nelson had it right and Neal and Shep were toeing the corporate line.

Just to educate Fox and the remainder of the intentionally ignorant media, Raymond Ibrahim, Gatestone Institute reports: “European Churches: Vandalized, Defecated On and Torched “Every Day””  He reports of incidents across Europe adding, “Sometimes, sadly, in European regions with large Muslim populations, there seems to be a concomitant rise in attacks on churches and Christian symbols.”  He concludes with a comment from a German News Site, (Politically Incorrect) PI-News that states: “Hardly anyone writes and speaks about the increasing attacks on Christian symbols. There is an eloquent silence in both France and Germany about the scandal of the desecrations and the origin of the perpetrators…. Not a word, not even the slightest hint that could in anyway lead to the suspicion of migrants… It is not the perpetrators who are in danger of being ostracized, but those who dare to associate the desecration of Christian symbols with immigrant imports. They are accused of hatred, hate speech and racism.”  Sounds like a description of the American News Media and our chicken politicians and a tenet of the new world order.

European Union states liberalism with its open borders and uncontrolled migration by masses of military aged men, invited this upon their people.  If you’ve traveled much in Europe, you know nearly every city has its Notre Dame, historic and ancient symbols of Christianity.  Those cities also have their Muslim No-Go Zones for police.  Attacks on these Churches and symbols of Christianity is a beginning that has an ugly end.  It is the first ingredient of a recipe for much worse

In Nigeria, the American Center for Law and Justice reports what amounts to Christian genocide by  ISIS-affiliated Boko Haram and Muslim Fulani tribesmen.  Here in America, there seems to be no media interest.  The Christian Post reports that Christian persecution is expected to increase in 2019. From Nigeria, to India, to China, to North Korea, to Eritrea, to Pakistan, to Egypt ….

Do you think there are no attacks on Christianity here in the land of the free?  David Limbaugh wrote a well-sourced book on the topic, Persecution: How Liberals Are Waging War Against Christians.  Although published in 2003, the book lays out many examples of attacks on Christianity.  It would be worth your while to read.

We live in a country founded on the precept of unalienable rights endowed to us by our Creator.  God-given.  If you live in the United States of America, no matter the reason that brought you here, understand that it is the Judeo-Christian value system that’s the foundation of the world’s only country founded on the principle of individual liberty.  It is the core value of the world’s exceptional nation.  It is what makes American culture unique.  We have brought in and allowed into our country cultural mindsets antithetical to our core values.  People unwilling to assimilate or embrace our culture, yet use America’s freedoms to attack us.

But it isn’t just immigrants attacking our great culture and with it freedom itself.  It’s our own citizens.  People who are offended by Christian symbols.  People who will label you as a bigot because you will not embrace behavior or lifestyles that go against your Christian beliefs.  People who preach tolerance, but cannot bring themselves to be tolerant of Christians or for that matter most anyone who offers diversity of thought.  Groupthink, stifling views of others, persecuting those who do not agree with your life choices…  None of that leads to freedom.  It leads to tyranny and serfdom followed by much worse.

I don’t care about what you believe, your race, your sexual orientation, your religion or any other identifying characteristic you may come up with.  If you embrace America and it’s founding ideal of individual liberty, I will stand shoulder to shoulder with you and defend the America from all enemies foreign and domestic.

Where does freedom make its stand?  Where does freedom’s foundation, Christianity, make it’s stand?  If we cannot answer those questions maybe we do not deserve the great nation with which God blessed us.

© 2019 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

Website: Pendry’s American Journal

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“If I Were The Devil” – America’s Culture War

Some of you from my generation, maybe earlier maybe later, remember Paul Harvey.  Even during my younger days, I enjoyed his commentaries and his “Rest of the Story” broadcasts.  In 1965, he broadcast a rather prophetic warning to Americans.  “If I Were the Devil” was apparently reworked by him over the years, but the message delivered as only Paul Harvey could is more appropriate today than any other time I can recall.  And as they say here in the hills, “I’ve been around here a day or two.”  Another great one is, “So God Made a Farmer.”  Take a couple of minutes and listen to both.  You may want to listen to them more than once.

As he did with most every topic, Paul Harvey grasped the heart of America.  He aptly zeroed in on what truly makes America great.  It is her boundless middle-class people like our farmers who still feed the world, but he just as aptly pointed out what may destroy us.  The loss of our God, Family, and Country culture.  Today he’d be reviled by large segments of our society.  He’d be branded with the whole list of phobic epithets we read or hear broadcast across today’s major media platforms and reserved for the voices declaring love of America.  Branded by the people determined to shred our binding fabric ripping us from our cultural foundation and replacing it with something wholly unrecognizable.  Not only unrecognizable to our founders, but also unrecognizable to the ignorant cheering for it.

God, Family, and Country buttress our free and civil society.  Remove them or damage them so severely they become meaningless, and you destroy America.

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1

The 2014 General Social Survey showed in 1990 7% of Americans declared no religious affiliation.  In 2014 it was 21%.  Inside those numbers are what’s most revealing.  In 1990, 9% of 18-24-years old declared no religious affiliation.  In 2014, it was 33%.  Similar change is shown for the age groups up to age 44.  The college educated showed comparable increases.  In 1990, 15% of political liberals declared no religious affiliation.  In 2014, it was 38%.  Political moderates increased from 6% to 19% and political conservatives from 5% to 9%.

The Pew Research Center’s, Religious Landscape Study, shows 38% of age group 18 to 29 years do not believe in God along with 34% of age group 30 to 49.  The Pew study also shows that 32% of age group 18-39 and 36% of age group 30-49 view religion as not at all important.  79% of people who believe in God with absolute certainty also believe that abortion should be illegal in all or most cases.  The degree of certainty a person believes in God correlates with their views on not only abortions, but every social issue and political view.

Rejecting God means much more than declaring disbelief in God.  It also means rejection of a moral authority.  It is only through an accepted moral authority that we believe murder, stealing, lying, etc. are wrong.  The increasing rate younger generations are rejecting God, religious affiliation, and with that a moral authority does not bode well for a free and civil society.  If these generations hold firm to their beliefs, until they are of age and in majority to run the country, America is lost.

As the Psalm reminds, God is our fortress.  When we weaken the fortress, we endanger families and our country taking refuge behind.  We’ve seen families destroyed by welfare schemes, excessive poverty in single parent homes, high divorce rates, increasing abortion rates and states passing laws allowing abortion up to the time of birth, marriage encouraged that cannot naturally produce children, drug abuse destroying families, and the list goes on.  We witness daily attacks on our country.  Our founders, men of their times, are disparaged by the ignorant with standards of our time.  Objects of history are destroyed.  There are attacks on our Republic, attacks on the methods we use for election of our president to ensure the entire country is represented.  Attack after attack on our country’s foundation.

Attacks on God, Family, and Country are reaching a crescendo.  Our survival relies on restoring and strengthening our foundational pillars.

© 2019 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

Website: Pendry’s American Journal

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Unplanned: A Story About Government Sanctioned Evil

Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. John 3:20

A few weeks back, I wrote American Genocide and the New World Order.  The article put forth the thesis that America is being steadily depopulated through abortion, now more than 60 million, and that population is being increasingly replaced by immigration, most of it illegal.  When combined with the estimated 250 million chemical abortions, it nearly equals the current population of the United States.  Our national birthrate is below the necessary population replacement rate.  The government sanctioned evil of murdering unborn children and the cultural shift that endorses it is also killing America’s soul.  At some point, if not already, we will reach the tipping point where evil wins.

My bride and I went to a Friday matinee and watched Unplanned.  If you have never watched it, before you read farther, please take a few minutes and watch The Silent Scream.  The Silent Scream Video was made in 1984.

Unplanned, is the true story of Abby Johnson who was one of the youngest Planned Parenthood directors in the United States.  She reports during the time she was a Planned Parenthood director, her clinic performed more that 22,000 abortions.  She was a pro-abortion and “women’s reproductive rights” advocate.  On a busy day, she was asked to help out during an abortion procedure.  It was an ultrasound guided abortion.  Abby’s task was to hold the ultrasound probe to guide the doctor as he pulled the baby apart with a suction hose.  See witnessed the child fighting for its life and ultimately losing to the abortionist.  After watching the dismemberment and death of the baby, she resigned from the clinic and became a pro-life advocate.

“Today, Abby travels across the globe sharing her story, educating the public on pro-life issues, advocating for the unborn, and reaching out to abortion clinic staff who still work in the industry. She is the founder of And Then There Were None, a ministry designed to assist abortion clinic workers in transitioning out of the industry. To date, this ministry has helped over 430 workers leave the abortion industry. Abby lives in Texas with her husband and seven precious children.” Abby Johnson

Planned Parenthood’s abortion practice has become a billion-dollar killing machine including our federal tax dollars. A killing machine protected by politicians and the most defective and obscene Supreme Court decision in the history of our land.    According to a Government Accounting Office report Planned Parenthood received “$344.5 million in federal funds and another $1.2 billion in funding from Medicaid (which includes a combination of federal and state funds) for a total of $1.5 billion over three years from federal programs. The abortion giant receives $1.2 billion from Medicaid, $201 million from the Title X family planning program $40.6 million from Title XX Social Services block grants and $25.9 million from the Title V Maternal and Child health Services block grant.”  They are also earn money through their business of selling body parts of the children they kill.  Some of that cash makes it’s way back to our politicians. According to, Planned Parenthood donated $533,205.00 to Democrat Representatives and Senators and nothing to Republicans. Their new president, Leana Wen said, protecting and expanding access to abortion is their core mission.  They no longer lie about their focus.  They perform over one-third of the estimated abortions in the entire country, 332,000 a year.

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.  Isaiah 5:20

The usual Hollywood collection, whose views are mostly important only to them, led by Alyssa Milano vow to boycott Georgia over their legislation banning abortions after a heartbeat is detected.  Milano’s letter threatening the state’s law makers, said, “We can’t imagine being elected officials who had to say to their constituents, “I enacted a law that was so evil, it chased billions of dollars out of our state’s economy.”  Hollywood thrives on selling immorality.  They set moral standards for their make-believe world, but not for any thinking person.  Maybe the many states who’ve passed heartbeat bills are no longer interested in bartering with their souls nor concerned about the threats of boycotts.  They recognize that “women’s reproductive rights” in the sense it’s used means taking the right to life away from our most defenseless.  A living human inside the womb.  Maybe Ms. Milano, they are ready to call evil, evil.  Maybe they stand with the 81% of Americans who support substantial abortion restrictions.

Unplanned was “R” rated meaning anyone under the age of seventeen must be accompanied by an adult.  In this movie, there is no profanity, no sex scenes, and no violence other than that committed by the abortion clinics.  You can find worse PG-13 movies.  The R rating is a curiosity, especially when someone not old enough to see the movie can walk into an abortion clinic and get an abortion.  Want to do something enlightening?  Just type “can a minor get an abortion without parental consent” into a search engine – I recommend You will be amazed, beginning with Planned Parenthood’s advice, about the amount of guidance given about how to get an abortion without parental consent.  Why the R rating?  The pro-death side does not want young people to view their atrocity.

The reviews?  Just as biased as you might expect from the pro-death view.

“The one-sided abortion drama “Unplanned” isn’t going to change anyone’s mind about pro-life/pro-choice debate, nor is it designed to.  It’s strictly set up to rally its base…. Anyone else will likely find “Unplanned” abhorrent.” Adam Graham, The Detroit News  You got one thing right Adam abortion is abhorrent.  Pro-choice is not the opposite of pro-life, pro-death is.

Frank Scheck, Hollywood Reporter called it “proselytizing agitprop” in English, Christian propaganda.  Which is exactly what Scheck does for Planned Parenthood.  By reading his agitprop (bovine scatology) you’d think Planned Parenthood was the victim here and not the children they dismember.

From Owen Gleiberman, Variety, more of the same pro-death views.  “Unplanned” isn’t a good movie, but it’s effective propaganda”

I’m sure there’s many similar reviews.  These movie reviewers did not review anything.  In my review of their reviews rather they go over the top giving us their pro-death views.  What they miss is a moving story about a life changing event in a woman’s life.  It probably didn’t move their pre-disposed hatred one inch.  The bottom line with reviews, ratings and social media, and media blackouts, “evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed.”  For a comparison, go here to IMDb and read some of the glowing reviews of The Cider House Rules, an academy award winning movie that at its core is a glorification of abortion.

Let me end this with a paraphrased quote from Unplanned.  When you dehumanize a segment of the population you reap atrocities such as slavery and the holocaust.  In America’s case we’ve allowed dehumanization of a defenseless infant in the womb making it okay for us to kill more than 60 million of them.  Sixty million.  It’s an atrocity, evil sanctioned by law, that we as a people will be held accountable for.  Especially if we let it continue unopposed.

© 2019 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry:

Website: J. D. Pendry’s American Journal

There Is An Education Scandal Way Beyond What’s In The News

Do you really think this college admissions scandal is new?  A new racket?  Just look at some of those we know supposedly educated at highfalutin institutions of higher learning.  Our political families?  People who would die rather than hob nob with the peasants over at the public school.  It’s always been that way.  Daddy donates a few million and junior is admitted. Even if junior is dumb as a box of rocks. President’s kid? Pick any school.  According to Ben Shapiro, a brilliant young man and Harvard Law graduate, these children of the wealthy are not going to school to learn a skill set.  They’re going there for the credential and the lifelong social connections – another participation trophy.  Yep, these are the people with their “credential” and “connections” who end up running our country.  Certainly, it’s not every wealthy kid just as certain as it is that there are principled and ethical parents who actually worked hard for what they have and believe their children should do the same, but from the evidence it’s easy to surmise it is many.

I’m not going to delve too deeply into our education system as American Journal is privileged to have an expert on our team, who I expect will have plenty to say about that in future posts.

“What are the humanities?  The humanities can be described as the study of how people process and document the human experience. Since humans have been able, we have used philosophy, literature, religion, art, music, history and language to understand and record our world. These modes of expression have become some of the subjects that traditionally fall under the humanities umbrella. Knowledge of these records of human experience gives us the opportunity to feel a sense of connection to those who have come before us, as well as to our contemporaries.” Stanford Humanities Center

When we consider these young people who are mostly getting degrees in the humanities, which has expanded to encompass things beyond classic humanities such as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender studies, what is their likely career path?  It’s academia, government, journalism and similar occupations because they have nothing to offer industries that need engineers, mathematicians, scientists or other skills. Don’t misunderstand, I know there are value to the degrees.  We must know our history.  We must have people who are skilled at running a free and fair press.  We must have teachers and as bad as it may be most days, someone to run our government.

Each year our universities, elite and not so elite, turn out into society, legions of young people who know “how process and document the human experience.”  They take that education and the “sense of connection” and just want to make our lives better.  Humanities subjects themselves are important to any society, but I’m left to ponder what additions to these areas of study do professors offer their students.  Do they get history lessons accompanied by a fact less possibly tainted worldview?

I am left to wonder when I see and hear these young people root for Socialism while offering disdain for capitalism.  I hear them defending and demanding democracy when we are a representative republic not a pure democracy.  I hear them demanding that we abandon the Electoral College and instead rely on a national popular vote to elect a president clearly not understanding that to do so would mean east and west coast population centers turning the rest of the country into voiceless serfdom – and that unfortunately is the stuff civil wars are made of.  They oppose voter identification laws while supporting sanctuary cities and in some cases sanctuary states for illegal immigrants.

They think 16 year old children should vote, as their matron Nancy Pelosi declared, “I think it’s really important to capture kids when they’re in high school, when they’re interested in all of this, when they’re learning about the government, to be able to vote.”  Exactly, Madame Speaker, when they have zero life experience and are easily emotionally manipulated, “Our world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change!”  I was 16 once and was never “interested in all this” but I was as gullible as any 16 year old could be.  They also believe illegal immigrants should be allowed to vote, might I add legally. Write it down, it’s the next voting rights move.

They listen to Bernie Sanders and cheer for free Medicare for all, discounting the millions upon millions who were forced into the system and now depend on it.  A guaranteed living wage that will close the doors on small business quicker than you can say bankruptcy.  And it goes on and on and on until we get to free college for all the voting age 18-year olds and maybe 16 as well.

There are millions of Americans like me.  We do not have a lot, but we’re okay.  We worked decades for what we do have and that makes us appreciate things more, especially our free country.  But the system made us dependent.  Dependent on a military pension or some other, social security, and our often-piddling retirement accounts.  All of which will disappear in a puff of smoke when our children educated in the “human experience” with a healthy dose of 60’s activism votes for utopia.  They tell me however, they’re no longer interested in old white men so it’s not likely to be Bernie who does us in.  Kamala and Spartacus?

© 2019 JD Prndry – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry:

Website: Pendry’s American Journal

Where Will Our Blindness To Ugly History Lead?

My last article was a brief history of the Selective Service System, a discussion of the draft, Vietnam era draft resistors, and whether recent Department of Defense policy changes and court decisions could change the status of women and Selective Service Registration.  I may have touched a nerve or two about an unpopular subject.  But when you write about things many Americans lived through, the painted picture is not always a pretty one.

As a people, we’ve managed to overcome national atrocities of slavery and civil rights.  It’s ugly history, but it is our history and must not be buried or forgotten.  Our early treatment of Native Americans is too an atrocity.  It’s another ugly piece of our history getting little modern-day attention.  The Civil War was an ugly part of our nation’s history.  We tend to glorify the willingness of Americans killing Americans when we should acknowledge and learn from it.  It is estimated that 2.5 percent of the US population of the time died in our war.  Calculated by today’s population that’s more than 8 million.  Media and politicians continue to divide our country in a manner not seen since the pre-civil war days.  Will their unharnessed quests for control and power push us into another?  And sadly, the good history of our country, our founding, the revolution, the creation of a free republic of a kind never before seen in human history is now billed as an abomination created by old white slave owners.

The Vietnam War fought by young men who were told they were saving a people desiring freedom from the onslaught of communism is ugly history.  In Vietnam and here at home, it was a political war.  It dragged on for 20 years driven by political rather than military decisions.  Even with tremendous loss of life and treasure, today’s Vietnam is communist.  And on the ugly underside is the military industrial complex first mentioned by President Eisenhower when he warned of the “danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.”    It is a wealth building circle.  The defense industry sells the latest and greatest weaponry to the Pentagon.  The lobbyists and Generals convince Congress of the need for the latest and greatest.  Money flows in a neat little circle from the treasury to the defense industry to political coffers. For everyone except Soldiers, war is a wealth builder.  It must always be the absolute last choice for a people – a truly great nation.  Our country’s poor treatment of Vietnam Veterans is a bleeding wound the guilty are still trying to cauterize.  Are we doing it again?

We don’t learn from our ugly history.  In 2012, I wrote Just Another Vietnam?  Looking back, it’s prophetic.  Now we have another generation of young men and women with repeated combat tours in Afghanistan and Iraq who are committing suicide at an unheard of rate.  We are not embracing them, giving them needed counseling and decompression time before we drop them back into their communities as if they’ve been on a vacation.  It is sad to me to that I would even entertain such thoughts but there is great wealth in the military industrial complex and nation building.  But at what cost to generations of our young who bear the burden of fighting our nation’s wars.  At what cost do we continue to fight seemingly unending interventionist wars in such a manner?

What do we do with our ugly history?  Instead of learning, healing and moving on, we use it as a divisive bludgeon.  We ignore it while many Americans remain destitute on reservations.  We try to destroy any reminders of it as if that will remove it.  Our military is fighting and dying in a foreign land but just like Vietnam, America isn’t.  Our politicians do not seem concerned, the media certainly isn’t, and because of that the average American isn’t either.  Every time we hear the suicide rate our hearts ache for a minute, then we head for the mall.

Not only will ignorance of our history result in our own destruction, ignorance of the world will as well.  College kids, media and even politicians nowadays do not hesitate to call someone a NAZI or fascist.  What they cannot do is tell you how National Socialism came to power in Germany behind utopian promises from a charismatic monster.  They cannot define fascism, which is what they practice each time they riot on campus to shut down voices of those holding different views or ignore facts and real news.  They cannot tell you about the failures of Socialism across the world and the millions of deaths left in its wake.  They can tell you about an amazing society where everything is beautiful, everyone is equal, college is free, medical care is free, and life is blissful.  They do not understand that socialism by its very nature is a failed theory.

It’s a hard lesson even the Pilgrims learned.  If there is no incentive to produce, no possibility of improving one’s stature in life then no one produces and the collective dies.  Many Americans are wide-eyed, voting aged and worldly ignorant.  It’s not only the kids, and that should scare everyone.  What they do not understand is that there will always be the wealthy who can afford the good things and pay for the best private medical care.  Ironically as living people are the advocates for abortion, the wealthy who can escape it are the biggest advocates of socialism.  While they enjoy the good life, the rest of us in the egalitarian utopia are equally destitute, equally miserable and equally unable to raise our stature.

There will always be wild-eyed, charismatic, and angry Pied Piper politicians ready to capitalize on manufactured ignorance of history and the world to sell us a society from which the only escape is death.  History suggests we may blindly follow.

© 2019 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry:

Website: Pendry’s American Journal

Rule Of The Harvest

In 1999, my mind was still focused on being an Army Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO).  It seemed everywhere I looked, everything I read, and practically every conversation I heard was about the attributes new Soldiers just out of basic combat training lacked.  The noise was coming from NCOs and officers.  Maybe I was simply aging and needed to fade away as old Soldiers supposedly do. On October 1st, I did.  I also wrote a lengthy rant titled “Rule of the Harvest” It’s probably too long for an internet article, but then I wasn’t too concerned about that.  Twenty years later, I heard the same noise.  It was loud enough the Army decided to fix basic training and physical fitness.  This time, I believe those parts did need repair.

The old article was on my mind because Sunday morning my Pastor’s sermon was from the book of Mark, “The Parable of the Sower.”  I went back and revisited the old tirade.  You know what?  The rule of the harvest is still rule of the harvest.

The Pastor focused some on a piece of the scripture and there was little doubt he was talking directly to me. “Still others, like seed sown among thorns, hear the words; but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful.” Mark 4:18-19  In our worldly existence, we allow much to get in the way of what’s important, don’t we?

I knew the Pastor was talking to me directly, or more likely it was a much greater Voice I heard.  It made me think of when I was a youngster sitting in the pews of our small wooden church.  The church was white and sat beside a dusty dirt road.  The dust seemed to settle on everything except the church.  It was always gleaming white.  I would sit in those hard-wooden pews, squirming mostly, until the Preacher started his sermon.  He would hold a worn Bible in one hand and a handkerchief in the other.  He would traipse back and forth shouting fire and brimstone, as the old folks called it, to the frequent amen and occasional halleluiah from the congregation.  I knew beyond any doubt that every hell-bound word that came out of the Preacher’s mouth was pointed at me.  As he dabbed his forehead with the handkerchief and pointed with his Bible, I would slide down lower and lower in the pew trying to escape his fiery words and glare.  I’d inch up a little and sure enough each time I did it, he was staring right at me sending all manner of hell and damnation my way.  My adult reaction was subtle.  I turned my good ear toward the Pastor and really tried to contemplate the message.

We are blessed to live in a great country.  The parable of the sower is descriptive of modern-day America.  Our founders planted seeds in the right places enabling us to overcome many bad decisions made by men although we still hold to some horrific ones.  In the beginning, we embraced In God We Trust.  But we’ve allowed ourselves to become distracted by “the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things.”  Not only has our nation been on a lengthy path of turning away from God, we’ve forgotten our purpose.  I firmly believe that America has a purpose.  The purpose of leading the world toward what’s good.  We are still the beacon of hope for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

There is a quote attributed, wrongly so some declare, to Alexis de Tocqueville: “America is great because she is good.  If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.”   The source of the quote matters less than does the truthfulness of the statement.  We are drawn away from good by “the desires for other things.”  According to our 2nd President, John Adams, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.  It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”  Take a look around.  Godless countries are under the boot of brutal, godless dictators.  We have politicians, would be leaders, selling the same look to the government not God approach to America.

“Of all the dispositions and habits, which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.” George Washington, Farewell Address.

In 1999, I asked the complaining NCOs what they were going to do about the problems they aired.  Now, it is more of a personal question for each of us, I think.   If you feel as I do that our country has been making a long turn away from what is good and that fiery old preacher is pointing his Bible at you, then what must each of us do about it?  It’s a look in the mirror question.

“As I have observed, those who plow evil and those who sow trouble reap it.” Job 4:8

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry:

Website: Pendry’s American Journal

American Genocide And The New World Order

Some recent horrific legislation and disheartening dialogue brings abortion back into the national discussion.  For me, the question has never been about choice, but rather about life and death.  America is at a perilous place.  It’s a place where we must think not only about a child’s life, but the life or death of our country, our homeland, the world’s remaining beacon of freedom.

In America, since the Roe vs Wade decision the steadily rising number of surgical abortions has exceeded 61 million.  Additionally,  Pharmacists for Life International  estimate 250 million babies were chemically aborted since 1973.  If the Pharmacists’ estimate is valid, 311 million Americans died because men decided taking their lives is a perfectly legal and constitutionally protected choice. If that doesn’t make your heart ache…  But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Luke 18:16 The current population of the United States is just over 328 million.  With abortion and population numbers in mind, the US birth rate has dropped to a 30 year low and below the population replacement rate of 2,100 births per 1,000 women.  Along with killing babies, we are killing our country.

You may call me wild-eyed and a little crazy in my thinking at times, but that’s okay.  I do feel some anxiety when I look at what’s happening not just to America, but to Western Civilization itself.  For ages, we’ve heard from the people who believe overpopulation will eventually destroy mother earth whom they worship.  Worshipping the creation rather than the creator was never a good idea.  The progressives, or whatever label you feel is appropriate, play the long game from depopulation to climate change.  The long game that ends in their borderless, nationless, Godless one world hellhole where even I will be looking for another way off the planet, praying I’m good enough to make the cut on rapture day.

For years, political ineptitude failed to resolve our immigration problems.  Or maybe it’s not ineptitude as much as it is intentional.  Consider our country’s leadership throughout your lifetime.  They’ve passed immigration laws that made it easier for immigration from third world countries.  They’ve preached about the seriousness of illegal immigration and border security, but that seems for the benefit of our ears.  A fixable problem has worsened to the point of repeated caravan invasions.  With the exception of the one person trying to solve the problem we must wonder who do these other plutocrats represent.  Certainly, and unquestionably it is neither the American people nor the security of our country.

According to a report from the Pew Research Center, “The U. S. foreign born population[includes illegal immigrants] reached a record 43.7 million in 2016.  Since 1965, when U. S. immigration laws replaced a national quota system, the number of immigrants living in the U. S. has more than quadrupled.”   A short report at Breitbart using data from the Migration Policy Institute and Center for Immigration Studies shows, “There are at least 4.5 million anchor babies in the country, a population that exceeds the total number of annual American births, as about 300,000 anchor babies are born every year, exceeding the total number of births in 48 states.”  Consider those staggering numbers and our failed immigration system.  Question the motives of politicians of all persuasions who have intentionally failed to lance this festering boil.  People supposedly representing American citizens are fighting tooth and nail to leave our borders open as caravan upon caravan advances on America.  To whom exactly are America’s political class beholden?

It’s not only immigration and abortion that’s replacing the American born population.  It’s many other progressive social manifestations of our time.  A cultural shift away from faith and family.  Toxic feminism (heh-heh) pushing women toward male and female egalitarianism while putting aside the prospects of family and motherhood or passing on them all together.  Welfare programs that destroy families leaving countless fatherless homes and generations of poverty.  Normalizing abnormal sexual behavior that encourages non-reproductive families.  The list is long of programs and fostered attitudes detrimental to the nuclear family.

Abortion, uncontrolled immigration, distancing ourselves from God, and destruction of the American family unit did not just happen.  We have generations educated and indoctrinated to accept this guided cultural shift as the norm. Thanks to our political class, the new world order’s progressive long game bent on destruction of American culture and replacement of American born population continues. When I see young people out in the streets supporting all of this, I see people who are ill-equipped and not strong enough to survive the potential outcome they cheer for.  The rest of us?  For their end game, they’ll call us the insurgency.  Our elimination is the final solution.

Have a cheerful day.

© 2019 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry:

Website: Pendry’s American Journal

America’s World Class Middle Class

When he turned 45, my Father had been a coal miner for 30 years.  His hair was white, his face rugged, and his body broken.  In his day, the coal mine bosses didn’t want men his age.  They wanted young men as Ernie Ford declared in his classic tune, to load sixteen tons. To find work, Dad migrated north to Chicago.  We soon followed.  There in a Chicago factory, he spent the rest of his working life before returning home to his beloved West Virginia.

At the age of 16, I too was working in a Chicago factory.  Approaching my 19th birthday and observing men twice my age performing the same physical labor as me.  I did not like the view of my future.  I made a change.  I walked into the Army recruiter’s office on North Clark Street and 3 days later I was in basic combat training at Fort Ord, California.  Forty-eight years later, I spend my quiet time pondering.  I’m retired from two successful careers and am firmly fixed on the rungs of America’s Middle Class.

What I learned from my Dad and men and women like him throughout my life was the middle class, working class ethic.  Christian values, working hard for those dependent on you, honesty, service, respect, God, family and country.

I hope I didn’t bore you with that short biographical picture, but I think, as I write, it’s important you understand that I am as middle class as middle class gets.  I am content where God put me.

What separates the United States from the third world is our World Class Middle Class, America’s backbone.  It is now and always has been the core strength of our nation – the strength of any free western nation.

I don’t like harping on globalism, or for that matter any topic, but the largest roadblock to globalism is a strong American middle class.  Our country’s middle class already fills the ranks of our first responders, the military, medical professions, public education, and countless other service-oriented professions.  Our country is also filled with men and women skilled in other professions found in manufacturing.

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), we were told, was to create a million U.S. jobs.  Instead, since NAFTA and entering the World Trade Organization (WTO) “trade deficits have soared nearly 600 percent…close to five million American manufacturing jobs were eliminated from the U.S. economy…shuttering of nearly 50,000 U.S. manufacturing facilities”.  The devastation of closing those factories extends well beyond the lost jobs.  Entire communities are devastated.  Much like here in Wild and Wonderful during the war on coal.  Entire community economic systems rely on coal miner income.  Politicians address this as free trade when truthfully, it’s artfully camouflaged global wealth redistribution and destruction of the American middle class.

The other major impact is the widening wealth gap between American upper, middle, and lower income households.

Politicians once plied their bovine scatological tales of humble blue-collar beginnings.  They all claimed to be champions of the middle class.  Always out to help it.  Always out to fix it.  Taking off their ties and tailored suit coats, and rolling up their sleeves to get out there among’em.  I’m one of ya’ll. I feel your pain.  With all the years of blowing smoke up America’s rear end, they’ve nearly destroyed the middle-class glue holding our country together.  Now, they are out there appealing to another group with I’m gonna have me a beer videos, teeth cleaning videos, and bragging about their pot smoking days.  If there is anyone who can see a phony coming from a mile away, it’s someone whose spent their life being with and working with real people.

For many years, Donald Trump has been in public life.  When he shows up to a crowd, there’s no pulling off the coat and rolling up the sleeves.  He may put on his MAGA hat when he’s had an abnormally bad hair day.  He’s not a politician and does not try to be one.  He speaks to everyone in the plain language common to most Americans.  He reinforces what everyone knows is wrong with how our government functions or doesn’t function and how the globalist political class nearly broke the back of our middle class.  He connected.  President Trump doesn’t pretend to be anyone other than who he is.  By bolstering our economy and putting people back to work, he has solidified the support of our World Class Middle Class.  He is the biggest threat globalism has ever encountered.  For that reason, he needs our prayers and support.  In my lifetime two Presidents have been as outspokenly pro-America as Donald Trump – John Kennedy and Ronald Regan.  One was assassinated and the other shot.

Our world is filled with places where there exists aristocracy and peasants with nothing in between.  It’s the perfect environment for wealthy elitists to solidify control.  Donald Trump is leading America back from that abyss.  He is bucking an age-old movement with a biblically defined end of one world government and one world religion.  God Speed Mr. President.

© 2019 J. D. Pendry – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry:

Modern Liberalism Pushing The Boundaries Of Personal Liberty

Classical liberalism is a political ideology that advocates limited government, constitutionalism, rule of law, due process, individual liberties including freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and free markets.”

Classical liberalism is today’s radical right wing.

In his book, Slouching Towards Gomorrah:  Modern Liberalism and American Decline, Dr. Robert H. Bork explains that modern liberalism, not to be confused with classical liberalism, has constantly moved away from “the constraints on personal liberty imposed by religion, morality, law, family, and community.”   These constraints comprise the heart of American middle-class values built on a foundation of Judeo-Christian values.  Modern liberalism discards them.  It’s as if they see themselves as more enlightened than those who adhere.  For them, they believe, a moral code especially concerning personal liberty is unnecessary.  They know what’s best.  They push or more accurately eradicate boundaries placing constraints on their concept of personal liberty.

Too many Americans have fallen prey to this amoral ideology.  It’s a philosophy that casts off morals and natural law.  The morals we have or discard are the basis for the principles by which we live.  They also abandon principles.  This forces anyone holding to Christian values to choose a path.  It’s a choice that can only be made by looking inward.  It comes down to an assessment of what is good and what is evil.  For each of us, good and evil is determined by the morals and principles we abide.  From the beginning of time, the battles have always been between good and evil.  In America, we have reached a potential tipping point where evil believes it’s good.  Evil does not get to decide what’s good unless we let go of our morality.  Isaiah 5:19-21  Audio

What happens when people, a nation of people, abandon “the constraints on personal liberty imposed by religion, morality, law, family, and community?”  Evil creeps in.  Little by little it saturates society before kicking the door wide open.  It’s as simple as language.  People feel no compunction about walking around with profanity presented in its most vulgar form on tee shirts, or protest signs, emanating from their mouths, filling their text messages and social media posts.  In tirades toward the nation’s President, celebrities feel free to blast it out on national television.  Especially when it’s to thunderous applause of their peers.  Adolescents routinely use the same language.  When I was young, sneaking a smoke was pushing the boundaries, now it’s who has the boldest most foul mouth.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not angelic in the language department, but I spent most of my life in the Army where cussing can be an art form.  Even hard-core Soldiers understood and followed a code of civility.  They knew when to dial it back.  There is no restraint these days.  Ahh just language, right?  No.  It’s evil sneaking in and tainting souls.

Language kind of cuts us loose.  We’re free to talk as we please anywhere we please.  We decide if it’s bad.  When we start throwing F-bombs around like it’s an aw shucks and that becomes accepted, we’ve not only changed the face of our society, but we’ve changed the fiber of it.  So where do we go?

We legalize marijuana.  There’s no harm.  No worse than having a drink or two of alcohol is it.  As a mushy headed teenager of the 1960’s, I will tell you something with complete certainty.  Marijuana gives teenagers the bravado, the edge or the hey man far out attitude to try something a little more potent.  The craving to get a little higher – go tripping.  In those days, psychedelics like LSD produced dead kids who thought they could fly.  Today it’s cocaine, meth, heroin, fentanyl, and death.  I was a fortunate young man, when my aim for the military pulled me out of that environment.

The looser we get, the more we delve into the hidden. We normalize homosexuality and transgenderism.  It’s not enough that people may live life as they choose in America.  They must demean and slander as bigoted anyone who chooses to follow a different moral code – someone who does not follow along with tossing away those self-imposed moral constraints on personal liberty.  Not only do they demean, they try to outright destroy.

We loosen our language.  We embrace the drug culture.  We normalize the abnormal.  Does it stop there?  Not a chance.

Evil passes laws these days declaring to standing ovations that evil is good.  A woman choosing to kill her unborn child up to and including the day of birth and actually raising discussion about whether one that’s born alive can be killed or allowed to die.  Evil wants us to accept that’s good.  It’s not murder, it’s a woman’s health choice.

Meanwhile in Congress there’s pending legislation introduced to make animal cruelty a felony.  Now I believe it’s the lowest of the low that mistreats or intentionally harms animals, especially those we’ve domesticated and made dependent on us.  But wouldn’t you think if Congress could come up with this bipartisan law, it could figure out how to protect the most defenseless in our society.  Good versus evil.  Evil wins when good does not confront it.

Romans 1:18-32Audio

© 2019 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry:

Website: J. D. Pendry’s American Journal.

American Political Rebellion

I live in a country where elected millionaire representatives, purportedly representatives of the people, cannot agree on securing the country and protecting the citizens they are supposed to protect.  What is their purpose?  Does anyone know?

They’ve or we have given them many labels: Conservative, Liberal, Progressive, Socialist.  Communists too, but they won’t outright admit it.  But I must tell you it’s getting more difficult each day to sort them out and place those who belong there into the human looney bin.  Maybe it’s the whole lot of them. The meaning of any of these labels is long lost.  You can put all of them under one column labeled politicians synonymous with liars, crooks, and flimflam artists.  We cannot evaluate them based on what comes out of their mouths but rather what they achieve for the good of the country.  I don’t like to paint with a broad brush.  I know there are many who go to Washington with the right intentions only to find out, aside from political and ideological divides, there is an impenetrable establishment wall.  It’s the only wall Washington has ever managed to construct.  It protects them from outsiders.  If only our borders were the same.  Their options then are to leave Washington after a term or become a lockstep establishment drone.  Most decide to stay.

We have a new crop now.  They are fearless, or maybe stupid depending on your perspective, when it comes to sharing their socialist, communist, progressive views of the world.  I don’t think they’re stupid.  I’ll tell you why.

The 1960’s radicals found their way back to the universities and succeeded in pushing conservative thought (the Constitution, free market capitalism, American Exceptionalism… you name it) out along with any professors holding those views.  As time went along, they became more entrenched evidenced by faculty endorsed near riots when conservative speakers show up on campus.  For decades, they’ve been “taught” about the social injustice of capitalism, they cannot define American Exceptionalism, our constitution is a dated document that doesn’t apply to the new world globalist environment, the virtues of socialism and its accompanying egalitarian paradise (although they probably cannot define egalitarian), revisionist history heavy on the failings of the founders, that God is dead or never was, killing unborn children is a woman’s health choice, and that old white men are the scourge of the planet.

What they haven’t learned is that these progressive ideals wrapped in their utopian socialist bubble always, without fail, lead to tyrannical government and mass death.  The evilest of the evil, Hitler, Stalin, Mao all made the same promises.  Even when tried by modern day politicians considering themselves smarter and more enlightened, they still fail.  Always.  This enlightened new breed of socialist, progressive, communist politicians know is that there is a large, ignorant, and well indoctrinated voting bloc, the only group with a voter turnout increase since 2012, out there waiting for them, already prepped and needing to hear the right words tied with the pretty bow of social justice.  Will they follow the Pied Piper?  Yes, many will.  Right down into the depths of hell.  They will because they’ve been conditioned to believe that America is what’s wrong with the world and that America’s current leader is the worst of the worst.  It is a dangerous and deadly game played by politicians and activists and someone forgot to give the rule changes to the establishment old guard.

We are on the front end of a political rebellion.  It may fall flat, crushed by establishment Washington.  It may change the face of politics for generations to come. It began with the election of Donald Trump.  According to the political class, Trump had no chance to win.  They were laughing at the thought of it.  What these people, so far separated from middle-class America and the middle-class values that bind our nation together, thought was that everything happens and all knowledge exists behind the establishment wall.

They knew who was supposed to be next and it wasn’t Trump.  A middle-class rebellion of American loving working people had a different idea.  They went after Trump with everything they had in the intel community and the Department of Justice before, during and after the election and he’s still there.  Now the counter rebellion of utopia peddlers is on the move.  Establishment Washington values, Middle-class values, and progressive, socialist, communists’ ideals cannot coexist.  It’s time to decide where you stand.

© 2019 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry:

WebSite: Pendry’s American Journal.

Who Is Building Walls?

Walls can be protective or they can be destructive.  Why do we have trouble figuring that out?

Berlin had a wall.  It was infamous and quite familiar to my generation.  I was honored and privileged to be serving in Germany when it fell.  I have a few pieces of it encased.  My son chipped those pieces from the wall.  They’ll always be a reminder of many Americans and Soldiers from other NATO countries who stood firm until the wall and the Communist iron curtain fell.  The Berlin wall was there to keep people from leaving the grips of communist rule.  People died, shot dead by East German guards while seeking the freedom existing just beyond the wall.

The discussion nowadays centers on border walls designed to control migration.  Walls are up or going up across Europe.  This in the European Union, a bastion of open borders globalism.  These walls are not designed to keep people from leaving.  The purpose is controlling the numbers of people entering.  At the root of it, most migrants are fleeing failed states, failed social systems, and failed economic systems.  It is human nature that people have always sought a better place.  There is however, a stark difference between legal immigration where one is intent on assimilation and building a life in the chosen new land and the economic migrant whose purpose is furtherance of their economic standing and transferring wealth to the countries they fled.  The latter holds no allegiance to the new country and has no desire to assimilate.  Instead, they congregate in migrant communities, do not learn the language, and often proudly display flags of the countries they fled.  They become a burden to today’s modern welfare states’ taxpaying legal immigrants and citizens.

Open borders are the bridge to globalism the hope of the super wealthy.  They are the world’s self-appointed aristocracy.  Their wealth is their wall against the harm this ideology forces on the masses.  If another world war happens upon us, it’ll start where the last two did.  It’ll be between the expansionist globalist union that now wants to form its “union” military and the countries wanting to preserve their sovereignty, culture and heritage.  It is the logical end for one ideology or the other.  From the beginning of time, it’s the human way.

Walls, physical barriers or whatever term chosen to describe them are not a new phenomenon.  Walled cities, walled countries, walled estates, etc. are at least as old as recorded human history and probably older.  People keep building them because they serve the desired function of protecting whatever is behind them.  The thing about physical barriers, unless they’re freedom deniers like the Berlin wall, is they always have a proper way in and a proper way out.

Physical walls hog the debate, but it is a debate born of more destructive human made inner walls.  Ideological walls, cultural walls, religious walls, social status walls, the human caste system wall the elitists will never own up to, political walls and probably dozens more.  People hide out behind inner human barriers because that’s where their parents stood or that’s where the identity group with which they identify stands, that’s where peer pressure keeps them hostage, or that is where the ideology they embrace fits best.  Unlike physical barriers with a gate these walls too often have no entry points and for some no easy exit.  Either you are inside or outside.  Over the years, people of prominence, wealth and political stature built these walls thicker and taller and vigorously defended them.  The goal it seems is to ensure no one, or at least not a majority, embraces the wall behind which stands a people united by one ideal.  It is difficult to accept this happens without plan.  Maybe human, maybe supernatural, but in any regard not without plan. This is how a society, a nation, and a people destroy themselves.  There is only one America, but within its own borders it’s becoming Balkanized by human barriers.  America is in the process of committing suicide.  The rebirth will reside far from utopia and distant from individual liberty.

There is another wall.  It is the most lethal wall our country and much of the world faces today.  It is the wall erected around the truth.  The truth is systematically walled off from the people.  This wall is unique in that the truth doesn’t get in and it’s not allowed out.  It’s a Berlin Wall against truth.  We’ve seen magnifications of it in recent days with the inaccurate report from Buzzfeed and about the Covington Catholic School boys in Washington.  If you should search for either, the misinformation still populates the search screen first.

Our media once consisted of nightly news on the major networks, prominent papers in our largest cities, and a few news talk radio programs.  Now it’s vast and instantaneous and blasts information, right, wrong, and unverified around the world 24/7.  People running on emotion from behind those human constructed walls grab on to anything reinforcing what they’ve been conditioned to believe through their blind hatred and social indoctrination and as the adage goes, a lie circles the globe before the truth gets it shoes on.

Physical barriers securing our borders and protecting our sovereignty are not the barriers with which we need concern ourselves.  The barriers that are destroying our country are those that have pulled us apart and away from American Exceptionalism.  The biggest threat to our country is not the exercise of free speech and free expression.  It is the wall erected around the truth by mass media and and turned dangerously caustic by the ignorant and social media tyranny.

It’s not too late to turn back.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry:

Web Site:  Pendry’s American Journal

Toxic Masculinity And All My Rowdy Friends

Certainly, you’ve heard of the new American Psychological Association’s Guidelines for the Psychological Practice with Boys and Men.    It tackles the harmful effects of “traditional masculinity.”  Timeout.  Please define traditional masculinity.  Today we have 10-year-old drag kidsExamine the consequences of fatherless homes.  Yet, being a man and fulfilling the traditional role of father, provider, protector is somehow harmful.  Yet, in the name of inclusivity and embracing the world we confuse and likely harm for life pre-pubescent children.  I don’t know what the APA has to say about that.

Now.  Now! The company that makes the shaving products I’ve used since the first time I butchered my face with Dad’s double-edged Gillette tells me I need to shave away my toxic masculinity.  Here’s a news blast.  Not every man is Harvey Weinstein.  Not every man wants to harass or rape a woman.  Not every man is a bully.  Actually, most are the exact opposite.  Most men unconsciously adhere to a moral code.  Most men are not the Hollywood version of brutes and perverts.  C. S. Lewis summed it up quite eloquently: “The man without a moral code, like the animal, is free from moral problems.”

Do I need to replace my shaving soap encrusted razor?  Maybe I need to lose the shaving soap mug and brush altogether.  It is one of the few joys of shaving and evidence of my backward ways.  Maybe I’ll wax my chest and get some eyeliner?  I shower every day.  I do not cuss in the presence of ladies unless it’s return fire.  I already run things around the house.  The vacuum, dishwasher…  How much more do I need to give?  Skinny jeans?  Do you really want wussified, make up wearing, manicured, perfumed…? Oh, I know.  Back in the bra burning hay day Gloria Steinem declared, speaking for all women I presume: “We are becoming the men we wanted to marry.”  She was trying to turn women into men so maybe today’s more enlightened seek the opposite.

Suzie-Q pointed toward the Rocket.  Of the multiples in our house, the Rocket is my favorite vacuum cleaner.  Maybe it’s the name.  Unlike Gillette, it’s one of those toxic masculine names.  She then pointed toward the bunker.  Like a good Soldier unquestioning, I fully understood Household 6’s intent.  I secured the Rocket and moved out smartly.  Well, as smartly as my knees allow these days.  Making my way down below ground I experienced a little seasoned citizen attention deficit disorder.  In laymen terms we call it the hereafter disease.  That’s where you wander into a room, look around, and ask yourself, “What am I here after?” During my momentary distraction, I turned on the amplifier, opened up the media player and looked at my music selections.  I lost control of my remote-control thumb as it forced me to select Hank Williams Jr.’s, Born to Boogie. “Well my name is Bocephus I drink whiskey by the gallon and I never back down and I love a good challenge.”  While Bocephus filled the room with toxic masculinity, the subwoofer was thumping and I was boogieing, mentally rather than physically, when HH6 peered around the corner and reminded me of my mission.  I cranked up the volume another notch or two and boogied over to the Rocket.  By the time Hank was Buck Naked I was still fully attired and the mission was completed.  Well, back to Beethoven.  It’s hard to concentrate on anything else or nap in the recliner when Hank is thumping in the background.

I know people who quit watching Monday Night Football when ESPN fired Hank.  Do you recall why he was fired?  He compared Obama to Hitler when he said that Speaker John Boehner playing golf with President Obama would be like Netanyahu playing golf with Hitler.  The liberal media world was aghast.  Hank was now in the company of the Rodeo Clown who had the audacity to were an Obama mask.  For his comment, ESPN fired the Monday Night Football icon.  If that’s the standard, most of the people on television these days should be jobless.  Which, by the way, is not such a bad idea itself.  That is firing most of the people on television.  ESPN replaced Hank with successive female singers, Faith Hill and Carry Underwood.  Both amazing singers.  Who could not listen to Carry Underwood sing How Great Thou Art, repeatedly. It’ll put a tear in your eye.  Even a Clint Eastwood’s squinting masculine eye.  For as good at they are their efforts just didn’t speak football – at least not to me.

Six years after they fired him, amid abandoning sports talk for political commentary, dwindling ESPN ratings and subscribers jumping ship, they brought him back.  Capitalism.  Political correctness defeated by the bottom line and toxic masculinity?  Nope.  The new tune is depressing.  Hank is an afterthought bellowing out his signature, “Are you ready for some football?”  Sadly, it turns into a menagerie of artists covering for Hank and trying to connect with someone or group, I suppose.  You cannot improve Fur Elise.  ESPN’s attempt to improve the original theme does not excite me to watch a game and invite all my rowdy friends to join me.  I’m sorry Bocephus, but in my toxic masculinity tainted dinosaur-esque world view it flopped.  I hope they paid you well.

I am not ready to declare that Hank was fired because his presentation only appealed to the masculine side, but whose to say.  It was however a horrible business decision and obviously more women did not start watching football because the fired Hank.

Just one more thought.  Did you watch the death of the Star Wars franchise, also known at The Last Jedi?  Here’s the plot.  Every heroic act and every decision were made by a woman, even the one who used the force to fly through the vacuum of space.  The only bumbling fool was a man painted as the gunfighting idiot who nearly got everyone destroyed.  And Luke? A defeated washed up old has been whose successor is a woman.  Maybe Steinem had it right.  In my life, I’ve known and served with many smart, strong women who were also excellent leaders of Soldiers.  There was mutual respect.  In real life, Luke Skywalker, A.K.A. Mark Hammill believes it’s time to “let women take charge completely.”  I’m thinking Mark had some input into the script.

God made men.  God made women.  Each with a natural purpose. God provided us a moral code.  In our enlightened times, we’ve abandoned traditional roles and we’ve largely abandoned His higher moral authority.  The result of that is razor blade companies trying to define men and Mothers turning their little boys into drag queens.  Sodom ain’t got nothing on us.  “Well my name is Bocephus I drink whiskey by the gallon and I never back down and I love a good challenge.”

© 2019 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry:

Website:  J. D. Pendry’s American Journal

Why Is Rod Rosenstein Leaving Now?

I do not believe in coincidence.  Neither am I a conspiracy nut.  I read, observe, and catalog information on the cranial hard drive.  When I start to see patterns, it arouses my curiosity.  I’m told recognizing patterns is an indicator of obsessive-compulsive disorder.  I spent much of my life in the Army.  From the first day you learn there is order.  Always order.  Everything is kept a certain way and in its proper place.  People do what they’re supposed to do, when they’re supposed to, and to a prescribed standard.  After decades of such an existence, one might become slightly OCD.  Anything less than order and purpose is chaos.  When a pattern breaks, I notice.  When out of the blue a pattern develops, I notice.

Take President Trump.  He broke the pattern of one establishment globalist pre-selected Presidential candidate after another.  Hillary was the pre-selected one.  All the Republican possibilities were losers.  Trump is the outsider who defeated the world establishment, globalist, political world.  Against all odds, he won the Presidential election.  Heads exploded, news anchors choked back tears, and traditional politicians ran away from him like cock roaches when the light switch is flipped on.  They ran away because he’s the bull that ran in to the globalist china shop and immediately began breaking stuff.  He’s also a lifelong international businessman who dealt out of necessity with crooked politicians.  At the top of the list is probably New Yorkers like Chuck Schumer.  President Trump knows who the political contributions (legal bribes) went to in order to conduct business.  It could be they really don’t want his tax returns released.  He’s the biggest threat ever to the established political world.  On top of that, he’s been able to do what none them could or sincerely wanted to do.  He’s connected with the country’s backbone, it’s forgotten middle class.  He could probably topple that corrupt house of cards.  They know it.  That’s why he must go.  That’s why the Russian collusion hoax was concocted and a special counsel investigation started.  It’s a coup d’état.  Now if you take your news from CNN, MSNBC or the major networks you believe all of the collusion stories and negativity you hear 24 hours a day.  Not to worry, you will not be spared from their tyranny if they succeed.

Following the news, I’ve noticed another pattern.  I doubt I’m the only one.  Each time there is a major event or breaking news that that puts President Trump in a positive light and the Democrats in the dark, there is a leak or made up revelation from the Mueller coup d’état operation.  It always seems perfectly timed to change the media narrative.  Media lackeys are more than eager to run with anything negative and bury anything positive concerning the Trump administration.

Just as the border battle heats up and the President makes the Democrat leadership look bad there’s an announcement directly impacting Mueller and his operation that’s pulling attention away from the border crisis.  Assistant AG Rod Rosenstein is leaving the Department of Justice.  Rosenstein and Mueller have connections going way back.  They were primary actors in covering up the Uranium One scandal that gave the Russians 20 percent of our uranium reserve.  Mueller was the FBI director and US Attorney Rosenstein signed the order to seal the records.

Rosenstein had but one function during his short tenure.  Cover and run interference for Mueller and help to cover up the criminal activity at the top of the Department of Justice, by the FBI leadership, the Democratic National Committee, and the Hillary Clinton for Presidential Campaign.  Now in a few weeks he’s leaving.

If Rosenstein is leaving the DOJ it signals a couple of things.  Evidence is destroyed, cover up is complete, Democrats in the House can now effectively block further inquiry and can use the Mueller report to step off into endless investigations, and Mueller is ready to submit his report which will be illegally leaked to the press before the President and counsel have had the opportunity to review, respond and rebut.  Because it’s a hit job, a coup d’état.

Understand something you probably didn’t catch on the news.  The Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton Presidential campaign through Marc Elias, Clinton’s campaign lawyer, of Perkins Coie law firm, hired Fusion GPS who then hired British spy Christopher Steele who then put together a false dossier on Trump with information provided by Kremlin associated Russians.  Senator John McCain leaked it to the press.  This is now common knowledge easily found with minimum research.  This is the beginning and end of Russian Collusion, but it was never about that.  This is what started the Mueller investigation.  An investigation in search of anything that can harm the President.  If you’re okay with this, then good luck to you in the tyrannical state where we the people, including you, do not have anything to say about anything.  The state where anyone who gives up their life to buck the establishment and anyone who supports them will be destroyed.  This is an operation any communist dictator would be proud of.

Why is Rosenstein leaving?  The real reason? Mission complete.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Open Border And Sanctuary City Proponent Nancy Pelosi Defines Morality

No Speaker Pelosi, you do not get to define morality

According to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi securing our border with a physical barrier is immoral and does not represent who we are as a country.

Abortion advocate:

Speaker Pelosi’s House just passed a bill that included foreign aid money destined for use to perform abortions overseas.  It also included money for the United Nations Population Fund supporting human rights abuses like China’s forced family-planning.

Human trafficking advocate:

Pelosi’s House does not support a physical barrier on our southern border that’s proven to curtail illegal immigration.  More importantly it would hinder significantly human trafficking across our southern border, (see Human Trafficking, Sex Tourism, and Child Exploitation on the Southern Border, 2011, not current but certainly provides an accurate picture of this horrendous atrocity).

Drug smuggler advocate:

It incumbers drug smuggling including deadly fentanyl which according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse was responsible for the sharp increase in 2017 of more than 72,000 US drug overdose deaths.  My state of West Virginia had the highest opioid related overdose death rate in the United States.  Most of those deaths are attributed to synthetic opioids and heroin.  Some are attributable to overprescribing opioids, but too many others are attributed to fentanyl laced heroin.  We have entire communities devastated by these drugs.  This is real terrorism we allow to cross our borders.

Criminal illegal immigrant advocate:

It will slow the infestation of illegal immigrant gang members. In a June 28, 2017 article, Breitbart reported on 5 Deadly Illegal Alien Criminal Gangs Thriving in U.S.A, “…the flood of unaccompanied minors since 2012 from primarily El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala has provided some of these gangs with a steady flow of members to bolster their ranks.”  People are dead and violent crimes are committed because of illegal immigration all of it 100% preventable.  A border barrier would go a long way toward prevention of the crimes against Americans (The truth about crime, illegal immigrants and sanctuary cities, The Hill, April 19, 2017 “As Americans, we should only care about three things: (1) are the immigrants in the U.S. illegally; (2) have they committed violent crimes predominantly against U.S. citizens; and (3) had these criminals not been in our country illegally, these crimes, the victimization of our citizens and the costs of their crimes borne by American taxpayers could have been completely avoided.”).

Terrorist advocate:

Terrorism is with us.  Our government’s most important and moral responsibility is the protection of American citizens.  From 2006 to 2015, 67,180 illegal immigrants were apprehended by Department of Homeland Security, including the Transportation Security Agency’s ten countries of interest and four official state sponsors of terrorism.  Not all of them were from the southern border, but a significant enough number were.  Certainly, enough to support better security at our border including a physical barrier. “We live in an age in which jihadists and other terrorist organizations have the United States at the top of their hit list,” Ira Mehlman, Federation for American Immigration Reform’s media director, tells me. “They understand what our vulnerabilities are, and they will not hesitate to exploit them. Our unprotected borders are just such a vulnerability. Our government has an obligation to take reasonable steps — infrastructure, technology, and manpower — to minimize these threats to our national security.” National Review, Deroy Murdock, January 31, 2018

Speaker Pelosi’s idea of morality includes enabling those desirous of taking the lives of unborn children even to the point of forcing American taxpayers who may hold this practice as absolutely abhorrent and immoral to pay for it.  She does not want to protect American victims of human trafficking, the drug cartels, criminal illegal immigrants, or potential deadly terrorist attacks.

Speaker Pelosi, neither you or the foul-mouthed members of “your” house get to define morality for me.  Please make sure the American people understand that it’s your morality or lack thereof of which you speak.  Not the morality of our country.

Speaker, I recommend a book for you.  I was written by Robert H. Bork, Slouching Towards Gomorrah:  Modern Liberalism and American Decline.  I’m certain you remember the name.  In his Book, he quoted T. S. Eliot concerning modern liberalism, “It is a movement not so much defined by its end, as by its starting point; away from, rather than towards something definite.”  Bork added, “What [modern] liberalism has constantly moved away from are the constraints on personal liberty imposed by religion, morality, law, family, and community.”  Your morality, Madam Speaker, and that of your house is far removed from my concept of morality and I expect from that of a great many Americans.

© 2018 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry:

Website: J. D. Pendry’s American Journal

Choices To Make – There Could Not Be A Better Laid Plan To Destroy Our Country Than What Is Unfolding Before Us

It is hard to say how our country derailed or lay the blame for it on to one person.  We’ve all had a role and I do have some things to say about it.  I pray every American is thinking hard about the choices before them and the future choices made brings.

It is sad for me to state it, but we’ve become a godless, hate filled nation.  It is always worth remembering that God does not inspire hatred.  He inspires greatness, justice, mercy and humbleness.

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” —Micah 6:8

We’ve abandoned common decency.  We show little respect to anyone who disagrees with us.  The sad thing is, too many of us do not know what we believe and instead side with one group or the other out of ignorance and blind hatred.  We’ve been led down this path by fallible people.  People who are or would be our leaders are not ignorant of our history or how an economy works, but choose to distort or revise it to suit their motives.  And those who are wholly ignorant choose to blindly follow a personality.  Other than supernatural, there could not be a better laid plan to destroy our country than what is unfolding before us.

Americanism versus Socialism?

There are varying definitions of Americanism.  It may mean holding to a collective identity, upholding traditions and values, the manner of using the English language, or a cultural style.  Most anything can hang beneath that shingle.  First, it means freedom and individual liberty as a human birthright.  A birthright from God long preceding founding of the United States of America and is as old as humankind itself.  It is an Americanism because it is the cornerstone of our great nation and guaranteed us by the law of the land.  A laissez-faire economic system where transactions between private parties ought to be free of government interference is an Americanism.  Because of the expansion of government and creeping socialist tendencies, keeping the government at bay is growingly more difficult than it should be.  Each individual’s pursuit of happiness and wealth by providing goods and services others need and desire also provides employment for the producers.  It is the circle of economic growth responsible for the wealthiest nation on earth.  Even with that very basic understanding there is a threatening push for socialism.

How about the bottom line up front?  If Socialism is such a panacea why does there always seem to be a caravan from failing Socialist countries headed to our undefended practically invisible borders.  Short of war, the people in control of those countries will never change.  Instead, they’ll open the pressure valve releasing the poverty stricken and uneducated for the journey north rather than allowing it to blow.  There is a narcissistic view held by American Socialists that they are smarter and know how, under the veil of social justice, to make Socialism work.  Never admitting that every attempt at Socialism has failed resulting in abject poverty and body counts into the hundreds of millions.  Government is only marginally good at governing.  When it controls the entire economic system, means of production and healthcare it isn’t even marginally good.  In fact, it’s disastrous.  Hitler was a Socialist.  The biggest head scratcher is the most prominent voices pushing Socialism and Communism are the pampered and super wealthy such as entertainers and athletes where evidence of hard work and educational letters are a rarity.  Wealthy only because they were blessed to be in America.  They are the cheerleaders for the classless society.  The society in which they’d never willingly belong.

Make the choice.

Open borders?

I’m married to a legal immigrant.  Our country is filled with many legal immigrants who are assimilated American citizens making significant contributions to our country.  I support legal immigration, but it must also be controlled.

Open borders are part of the globalist worldview supported by the ultra-wealthy.  This is the worldview that brought about the no borders European Union.  Mass migration into these open borders countries is causing untold problems, not the least of which is a failure to assimilate.  In most all cases, they appear to be economic migrants rather than the purported war refugees.  Difficult for any country to absorb, especially the European welfare states.

Open borders are what some are pushing for the USA.  These are not spontaneous gatherings of humans.  Instead it is a well-organized and supported assault on our sovereignty.  These people are marching behind the flags of their countries toward our borders.  They’re economic migrants not looking to assimilate only to earn, in most cases tax free, money and send it back home to prop up the failing socialist economies they’ve fled.  If Washington’s politicians want a look, just drive a short distance West on US Route 50 to Falls Church or a little way out Columbia Pike to Annandale.  Read all of the “how to avoid immigration and ICE” posters at the restaurants and stores.

The bottom line?  If we open our borders to all comers our country will simply cease to exist.  We will only succeed in importing the socialism these economic migrants fled and if ever allowed citizenship and the right to vote we will have lost forever.  Our country will break up quicker than you can say Balkanization.

Make a choice.

The New World Order?

This is the aim of the world’s ultra-wealthy the likes of George Soros and everything mentioned up to this point are just aims of the plan.  Ultimately, one world governance, one world economy, one world religion…  There would be the George Soros’s of the world and you and I in the serfdom.  We would be the classless society.  There is but one barrier for the New World Order.  It’s the United States of America and thanks to the genius of our founders a free and armed society.  We’ve had past presidents who subscribed to globalism and worked diligently to move us in that direction.  What we have now, adored and hated, is a New World Order battering ram.  In my lifetime, only Presidents Kennedy and Reagan spoke with as much passion about America and her greatness as does Donald Trump.  Most assuredly Kennedy and Reagan spoke more eloquently and neither had a cell phone, but the message rings the same.  We are a great and sovereign country capable of great things and we should strive to remain so.  All three in their actions bucked the new world order.  Kennedy was assassinated, Reagan was shot.  With all the vitriol spewed daily toward President Trump we should, even if required to set aside blind hatred, pray for the safety of him and his family.

Make a choice.

© 2018 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry:

Website: Pendry’s American Journal

Man Size It

Do you sometimes feel like you rolled over, stepped out of bed, and landed in another dimension?  Or maybe there really is a Twilight Zone, “a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man.”  No, that wouldn’t work because in our dimension that is a blatantly sexist expression.  It presumes that what’s known to women, men cannot grasp.  But I don’t understand that either.  Maybe women do know about the dimension that’s unknown to men.  We are so jacked up that Ph. D. John Gray wrote a book designed to fix us.  Men Are From Mars and Women Are From Venus.  I begins like this:

“Imagine that men are from Mars and women are from Venus.  One day long ago the Martians, looking through their telescopes, discovered the Venusians.  Just glimpsing the Venusians awakened feelings they had never known.  They fell in love and quickly invented space travel and flew to Venus.”

In today’s world, our newfound dimension, we can’t have anything called “Mansized.” Seeing modern metro-sexual men walking around in skinny jeans I’m beginning to understand that thought process.  I believe the aim is to remake men in the image of women.  Would it be okay to have something Ladysized?  Mansized, Ladysized, is there not a distinct difference?  A difference the average asexual thinking human could readily grasp without being offended?

Let’s examine the opening paragraph of Dr. Gray’s book.  The book whose stated purpose is A Practical Guide for Improving Communication and Getting What You Want in Your Relationships.  What was acceptable in 1991 would today not pass the politically correct muster.  The Doc would be scalded across many media platforms.  His opening paragraph implies that men are intelligent enough to invent space travel while the women who awakened before unknown feelings apparently driving the men wild are mere objects of male sexual desire.  Come on Doc.  You can’t get away with that here in the Twilight Zone.

Hey, how about a Manwich for dinner.  I guess that would be a mansized meal and therefore unacceptable.  We could call it a bigwich.  Could there be a shewich?  Oh, a transwich.  How about a kidwich?  If you were passing through your favorite fast food drive through and the teenager on the microphone asked, “Can I mansize that for you?” wouldn’t you understand?  Or would you be so offended that you’d pitch a hissy fit and drive away?  I’m guessing you’d say hell yea and throw in some extra ketchup packets.  Is hissy fit another sexual reference?  If it is my apologies, remember that I’m wandering around in a dimension beyond that which is known to man.

Well, I did not put the bottom line up front.  Had I, it would have been the top line.  I’m just getting old and have no desire to relearn the English language or its common expressions.  That would be a mansized headache.  What got me off on this Sunday morning chat is that I hear the Kleenex company was pressured by a “social-media uproar” to change the name of its “Man Size” tissues.  Actually, that’s not entirely true.  What happened is an electric power line tower was blown over by yesterday’s high wind and most of the town is in the dark.  No electric, no church services so I had a little extra time on my hands this morning.

How does social media pressure anyone into doing anything?  If you’re not willing to stand up for anything, why are you even in business?  Why not declare that you will now have a Ladysize and you’ll add a caption to the Mansize noting it’s also appropriate for women having mansized schnozollas?  I guess there is a good outcome for some.  On ebay, Vintage Man Size Kleenex is going for $29.95 a box.

Maybe you’re old enough to recall the dimension when masculinity actually sold products.  Lava soap to wash the tough grease from your hands.  The Marlboro Man of this dimension would be wearing skinny jeans and eyeliner.

© 2018 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry:

Website: Pendry’s American Journal

Seasoned Citizens

I am officially old now.  I have a federal government issued card in my wallet to prove it.  I started working when I was 16.  From every paycheck for the next five decades, I purchased that little card.  Now some socialist nitwits, either in Congress or wanting to be, want to give everyone a card, even those here illegally, or more than likely give no one a card.  Control healthcare, control the people is the adage.  What’s worse, brainwashed people believing the government actually has free stuff, will vote for the idea.  That’s fine, but even the marginally informed understand the government has no money.  They collected my money for all those years and are still taxing the pension check.  As President Regan put it concerning the government’s view of the economy, “If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving regulate it.”  That pretty much applies to people too.  The government can only spend what it gets from taxpayers or prints and half of us pay no taxes.  Either way, that puts us on the express train to a Venezuelan economy.

No politician is brave enough to take away Medicare, but some are nutty enough to try to give it to everyone – every living human in the United States of America – meaning the health care you earned through your lifetime of coerced investment into that little card evaporates.  Poof.  You then become a question.  Are you too old and expensive to get the healthcare you need and paid for?  There are plenty of good reasons to vote.  This is but one.  Now that was depressing.

Being an official seasoned citizen is not all gloom and doom.  Unless your kids have you destined for a nursing home.  Just so you know, I have it from several former good sources nursing homes are not where you go to live.  I qualify for all available senior citizen discounts, but have difficulty remembering that we get a grocery store discount the second Thursday of every month or for that matter which grocery store it is that gives it.

Over here in Wild and Wonderful, younger ladies call me sweetie or honey and sometimes even darlin’.  I’m certain it’s because they believe me harmless.  I am.  The lady taking about a half dozen tubes of my blood down at the Doc’s office today was exceptionally flattering.  When I rolled up my shirt sleeve, she told me not so high because she wanted to put the rubber band around my shirt sleeve so as to keep it from pulling my arm hair.  And that’s another thing about us older guys.  We’re apt to have more hair growing out of our ears than from the top of our head.  Anyway, I thanked her for that and pointed out that she was the first ever I recall doing that.  Then she shared a story about her Dad.  Turns out Dad had an emergency appendectomy.  She pointed with her eyes and said, “they didn’t even shave him down there.”  In a rare moment of speechlessness, I winced.

She then explained how she had to use a safety razor to help him cut off the tape.  All the while she’s telling the story I’m becoming a little concerned and thinking that maybe this is just too much information.  She pressed a piece of gauze over my wound and taped it down right over my hairy arm.  She smiled and said, “I left a little tab on the end, love, so you could pull it off easily.”  I slipped away while she wished me a good day.  Don’t get me wrong.  I like it when people are pleasant, especially when they’re poking a siphon hose into my arm, but you can put too much honey on a biscuit.  It makes us old guys a little anxious.  It’s like the movie Misery where Kathy Bates hobbled James Caan“Shhh darling.  Trust me.”

The journey to seasoned citizenship goes by much too fast, but there are some perks once you get here.  Afternoon naps, seven-day weekends and weekday matinees come to mind.  There isn’t much that we haven’t seen before except for possibly butts hanging out of ill-fitting trousers.  If you think skinny jeans are a new fad you are too not familiar with the 50s and 60s.  There are too many doctors in our lives, but I guess we can be grateful we have access to them.  We can also be grateful for our lives in the greatest country God ever made possible.  There is another of those paid for human caravans headed for our borders.  Whoever organized and sponsored this invasion, and it is no doubt an invasion, is an enemy of the state and need to be treated so.  They do not wish us well.  No borders mean no USA, a globalist vision.  Those of us who’ve been blessed to live our lives here, need to use the full weight of our vote to keep it.

© 2018 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

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An Ideologue Activist Court Or A Constitutional Originalist Court?

“The biggest myth about judges is that they’re somehow imbued with greater insight, wisdom, and vision than the rest of us; that for some reason God Almighty has endowed them with superior judgement about justice and fairness.  But the truth is that judges are men and women with human imperfections and frailties.  Some have been brilliant, principled, and moral.  Others have been mentally impaired, venal, and even racist.” —Mark R. Levin, Men In Black

Mark R. Levin’s Men In Black, How the Supreme Court is Destroying America is a go to book for anyone wanting to learn about the Supreme Court but more specifically about Supreme Court Justices and how some historical decisions, as Levin puts it, are destroying America.  Levin superbly supports his thesis with facts, temperament and decision-making processes of the various Justices, and decisions that wreak of social/political activism rather than constitutionalism.  Armed with this understanding of the Court’s history, it’s easy to understand why certain of our country’s political and activist factions adamantly oppose having a Constitutional originalist seated on the Supreme Court.  Instead, the prefer activist judges pulling decisions from ideology rather than the original text and intent of the Constitution.

There is a theme running through some of these courts that undermines the Constitution and block by block disassembles the Republic.  Justice Thurgood Marshall explained it by sharing that he did not believe “that the meaning of the Constitution was forever “fixed” at the Philadelphia convention” implying that original text and intent are not firm and using bases that agrees with his worldview the Constitution can mean whatever he or the court deems it to mean.  Justice Ginsburg explained her views on the topic by stating that sometimes “boldly dynamic interpretation departing radically from the original understanding” of the Constitution is sometimes necessary.  Necessary why?  So laws the founders never intended can materialize in the court’s chambers?  Others, Kennedy, O’Conner, and Stevens believe when making decisions we must also consider international law so as to align ourselves globally.  The purview of the Supreme Court does not include rewriting the Constitution from the bench or making America more palpable to the global community.

By now, you’ve certainly seen the video of the woman pounding on and clawing at the doors of the Supreme Court.  It’s frightening to witness such conduct.  In any context, is this normal behavior?  We do not tolerate this from our toddlers.  People who act this hysterically are dangerous to themselves and our country.  Put ANTIFA masks over their faces and they would cheerfully and brutally march you off to the ovens.  It’s serious mental derangement inspired and encouraged by a major political party.  This, from the people who want to call the rest of us NAZIs among other things.  The same people who will stoop to any level to disqualify a judge.

Hugo Black built the one wall Progressives love.

In 1937, President Franklin Roosevelt (FDR) appointed Hugo Black a former Klu Klux Klansman to the court.  Justice Black built the mythical wall that progressives love.  The establishment clause is quite clear declaring the government, “can make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting free exercise thereof.”  The original intent protects the people from federal government establishment of a state religion such as the Church of England.  Justice Black when writing the court decision for Everson v Board of Education, relied on the metaphorical statement, “wall of separation between Church & State” found in a letter written by Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury, Connecticut Baptist community.  He then stated that the establishment clause, whose original intent was to restrict activities of the federal government regarding establishing a religion, also applied to state and local governments.  Since 1947, the mythical “wall of separation” is the bludgeon used by Progressives to prohibit the free exercise of religion.  It’s the wall that’s destroying our country’s Christian based culture rather than protecting it from government established religion as originally intended.  In Justice Ginsburg’s words it was a “boldly dynamic interpretation departing radically from the original understanding”.  Our country would be better off if we adopted the view of Justice William Rehnquist: “the “wall of separation between church and State” is a metaphor based on bad history, a metaphor which has proved useless as a guide to judging.  It should be frankly and explicitly abandoned.”

In 1962, another Justice Black behind the wall ruling (Engel v. Vitale) held that school sponsored non-denominational prayer violated the establishment clause of the first amendment.  There have been countless court orders prohibiting prayer at school graduations and sporting events most championed by the organization whose name implies it stands for civil liberties.

It is possible to resist.  In his book, Persecution: How Liberals are Waging War against Christians, David Limbaugh recounts a story from my hometown. A federal judge outlawed a student-led prayer at the St. Albans High School graduation.  He also awarded legal fees to the 18-year-old atheist who brought the suit.  The judge decided the student-led prayer would likely cause irreparable harm to the atheist.  During a moment of silence, more than 100 students stood, bowed their heads, and recited the Lord’s prayer.  Irreparable harm?  The atheist student did not attend the graduation ceremony.

In 1973, Justice Harry Blackmun found a “zone of privacy” in the Constitution which according to him included the right to abortion.

“Blackmun felt that the right to privacy, where ever it comes from, includes the right to abortion.  Do not look any further for legal argument amidst the voluminous opinion, because it does not exist.   Perhaps the excessive historical analysis was included to compensate for the lack of legal analysis.” Mark R. Levin, Men In Black

Following Justice Blackmun’s decision, nearly 58 million unborn children have lost their right to life.

Every right and the freedom we cherish is at risk with anything less than a court of Constitutional originalists.  Mark R. Levin sums it up quite well:

“Activist judges have taken over school systems, prisons, private-sector hiring and firing practices, and farm quotas; they have ordered local governments to raise property taxes and states to grant benefits to illegal immigrants; they have expelled God, prayer and the Ten Commandments from the public square; they’ve endorsed severe limits on political speech; and they’ve protected virtual child pornography, racial discrimination in law school admissions, flag burning, the seizure of private property without just compensation, and partial-birth abortion.  They’ve announced that morality alone is an insufficient bases for legislation.  Courts now second-guess the commander in chief in time of war and confer due process rights to foreign enemy combatants.  They intervene in the electoral process.”

Forget liberal or conservative labels.  The difference between a judge and an ideologue is that a judge can put aside ideology, whether liberal or conservative, and arrive at decisions based on the historically supported original intent of the Constitution.  We’ve witnessed the lengths some are willing to go to prevent such judges from being seated.

If saving the Republic from the ongoing “fundamental transformation” is important to you then there exists a no more vital reason to vote.

© 2018 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry:

Website: J. D. Pendry’s American Journal

First Man – Continued Deconstruction Of America To Make Way For The New World Order

On July 20, 1969, an impressionable teenager I sat glued like most everyone else in the world who had one, to the television screen.  I watched as Neil Armstrong made his way down the ladder of the lunar lander Eagle to be the first man to set foot on the moon.  Shortly behind him came Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin.  Together, they planted the American flag and a plaque stating: “Here men from the planet Earth first set foot on the moon – July 1969 A. D. – We came in peace for all mankind.”

“For the eyes of the world now look into space, to the moon and to the planets beyond, and we have vowed that we shall not see it governed by a hostile flag of conquest, but by a banner of freedom and peace.” President John F. Kennedy

I watched previews for the movie First Man, the true account of this world changing event.  Afterwards, I wanted to see the movie.  I enjoy historically accurate drama.  It’s like being there when it happened.  It’s also educational for those who might not have witnessed the first man stepping on the surface of the moon.  The real truth is that such movies are educational for the viewing audience whether or not they’re historically accurate.

Planting the American flag is the most iconic scene from the first lunar landing, the one that’s burned into my memory and I suggest the memories of most anyone who watched it.  This historic image was left out of the movie’s dramatic presentation of history.  Imagine dramatizing history of the Revolutionary War assault on the Hessian garrison in Trenton, New Jersey without the portrait of Washington crossing the Delaware.  Ryan Gosling, the actor portraying Neil Armstrong stated they who made the movie didn’t view the lunar landing as an American achievement but rather a human one, therefore the American flag planting scene was not in the movie.  Using Mr. Gosling’s logic if the greater humankind benefits all achievements by default are human achievements.  Even the Patriots who crossed the Delaware with Washington.  After all, human kind benefited greatly – and still does – through the existence of the United States of America.

Once again Hollywood’s feeds the globalist worldview directly into the minds of Americans and for that matter the world as well.  Most who will see this movie likely never watched the live televised event of the historic planting of the American flag on the surface of the moon.

You need only read President Kennedy’s speech to a joint session of Congress May 25, 1961 and at Rice University September 12, 1962 to be certain that this was an American achievement.  It was led by a visionary American President, paid for by American tax dollars, and made possible due to the heroic pioneering spirit and ingenuity of Americans.

“First, I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the Earth.

But in a very real sense, it will not be one man going to the moon–if we make this judgment affirmatively, it will be an entire nation. For all of us must work to put him there.”

“Yet the vows of this Nation can only be fulfilled if we in this Nation are first, and, therefore, we intend to be first. In short, our leadership in science and in industry, our hopes for peace and security, our obligations to ourselves as well as others, all require us to make this effort, to solve these mysteries, to solve them for the good of all men, and to become the world’s leading space-faring nation. …

We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade …, not because [it’s] easy, but because [it’s] hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win…”

It most certainly was a great leap for mankind as Neil Armstrong declared.  But it was an American achievement, it was about America leading, and as distasteful and uncomfortable as it may be to some these days, it was about America winning.  Americans landed on the moon.  No one else did nor has anyone since the last lunar landing December 11, 1972.

The deconstruction of America began with the Supreme Court decisions declaring school prayer, Bible reading or Christian displays in schools or on public property unconstitutional.  This began the continuing assault on Christianity itself.  When conflicts of constitutionally guaranteed religious freedom arise, it only seems to be about Christianity.  Nowadays, it’s commonplace including incidents where people in the workplace have been instructed to hide their crucifix necklaces because they’re offensive.  Christianity, God, God given freedom all sit at the foundation of our country.  To take down a country, you must first weaken its foundation.  Take down a nation’s religious and moral foundation, you are well on the way to taking down the nation.

“I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her commodious harbors and her ample rivers—and it was not there. . .  in her fertile fields and bound less forests—and it was not there. . .  in her rich mines and her vast world commerce—and it was not there. . .. in her democratic Congress and her matchless Constitution—and it was not there. Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.”  ― Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America

We are seeing our history revised in the minds of our historically undereducated children and population in general and attempts at eradicating it altogether right before our eyes.  Just as there is no perfect people and no perfect country there is also no perfect history.  There are always periods and events we’d rather forget, no longer contemplate.  It is the greatest injustice we could ever perpetuate upon the generations that follow us.  When people do not know the real truth about where they’ve been, how they’ve come to be who they are they can be led in most any direction.  Led by people who view them as no more than pawns on an imaginary global chessboard.  People celebrate destruction of Confederate statues and monuments.   People have every right to dislike the Confederacy and what it stood for, but no one has the right to destroy reminders of history good or bad.  How long before there is a demand to remove other historical markers and revise history to calm sensibilities?  To remove the history that does not lead to the ultimate utopian goal?  If a country was never good or great in the eyes of its citizenry, why not just toss it all and begin anew?  Why not just topple Lady Liberty now and be done with it?  Why not do away with are Constitution and bow to the whims of the global community – the United Nations?  Who needs individual liberty anyway?

What is the ultimate goal of the revisionists?  I believe President George H.W. Bush made it quite clear in his address to before Congress March 1991.

“What is at stake is more than one small country; it is a big idea: a new world order, where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind — peace and security, freedom, and the rule of law. Such is a world worthy of our struggle and worthy of our children’s future.” President George H. W. Bush

To me, President Bush described the failing borderless European union.

What is the new world order?  Is it the George Soros view of one world government?  Of multilateralism where there is no super power world leader?  A world without borders?  A world that requires the managed decline of America?  …it’s a big idea: a new world order…  A new world order destined for a constant state of war driven by nothing more than human nature.

For decades, our government has been filled with globalists.  Adventurists and neo-conservatives who get us involved in endless, needless wars in their attempts to shape the new world order described by President Bush.  In the background, groups filled with the world’s rich and powerful such as the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, and the Council on Foreign Relations influence this adventurism while pulling the deep state’s puppet strings.  There is one thing that stands directly in the path of the new world order.  The existence of the United States of America.

Take a long-term view and it’s easy to conclude that unless there is an American decline, unless her citizens through revision and eradication of history are groomed to accept that America is not good and never was they will never realize the new world order that will necessarily consist of the wealthy and powerful, an all-encompassing one world government and a remaining human serfdom.  That, Mr. Gosling, would be a true human achievement albeit one of abject human failure.

The following was written by Ferdinand Mount and published in the London Daily Mail July 5, 1976.  It was quoted by Ronald Reagan in a September 21, 1976 radio address.  From the book, Reagan in his Own Hand:

 “What the world needs now is more Americans.  The U.S. is the first nation on earth deliberately dedicated to letting people choose what the want and giving them a chance to get it. For all it’s terrible faults, in one sense, America still is the last, best hope of mankind, because it spells out so vividly the kind of happiness which most people actually want, regardless of what they are told they ought to want.  We criticize, copy, patronize, idolize, insult but we never doubt that the U.S. has a unique position in the history of human hopes.  For it is the only nation founded solely on a moral dream.  A part of our own future is tied up in it and the greatest of all the gifts the Americans have given us is hope.”

Take away the foundation, revise the history, groom and brainwash the population.  Take away hope.  That leads us to a new and better world order?  No, it leads to endless conflict and human suffering.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry:

Book Links:

1- Democracy in America
2- Reagan in His Own Hand

The Deep State Is Real

I started with a list names attached to nefarious activity.  The list grew so long that it would take a book or two to lay out their deeds.  So, you get the condensed version of the web.  Their activity so dangerous at stake is survival of our Constitutional Republic.  Relatively speaking, only a few in our vast media world are taking an objective look or searching for truth.  The truth of what transpired.  When the truth is right before them it’s ignored.  Through overt hatred, they root for an outcome placing the greatest nation on earth on the road toward self-destruction.  Self-destruction may not be accurate because most Americans, even those cheering for it, do not want the remnants of a country we’ll be left with.  They’re simply to ill-educated and over indoctrinated to know any better.

Each time I added names to the list, they pointed me toward other names and other events.  As the list grew, the deviousness and connections became more obvious.  Different names pointed to different events, but as it came full circle it was clear that it was one group.  One goal.  One cabal.  They’re the ones that walked away from every criminal act while others were blamed or imprisoned.  They walked away unscathed from Benghazi, Uranium One, the DNC Server scandal, the Clinton server scandal, unmasking and spying on Americans without cause, and if not stopped they are on their way to walking away from a political scandal of such proportions that it likely involves hundreds.

The Russians, Chinese, and Iranian Mullahs must be shouting halleluiah!  And, much like Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith, “this is how liberty dies, to thunderous applause” the socialists and progressives cheer the death of liberty.  The Nazi-like and Fascists are labeling others as Nazis and Fascists.  It is what they do.  Just like Hitler did it, they’ve let loose indoctrinated youth mobs to intimidate and distract others, especially the media, from what’s happening in the background.  It was their aim to fundamentally transform America into their vision of a nation state.  A place where only one voice is permitted.  Now they want to destroy her outright.  Why?  Their benevolent dictator lost the election.  The shadow government of progressive Republicans and Democrats and covert Socialists and Communists, the Washington Establishment, the swamp, the deep state or whichever label you choose to hang upon it is threatened.  They’ve come out of the shadows to applause emboldened by a wildly sycophantic media and their misperception of forgotten Americans.  They will fight to the death.  Either theirs or our nation’s.

If President Trump had not won the election, Americans would remain ignorant, sadly many of them by choice, of the truth.  And we would remain under the control of a vast criminal cabal.  Something the majority of Americans could not envision happening in the land of the free.  The cabal is real.  It runs deep.  For as far back as you care to look with figurehead Presidents and a charade of government by and for the people, it’s ran our country for far too long.

Maybe it was divine intervention that they are now exposed to the light.  Evil cannot exist in the light.  Even the complicit media will not for much longer be able to keep the growing mountain of evidence from the people.  This is a war.  It will end.  Political persecution has started.  Opposing voices are being silenced by major media propaganda and blackout and social media black listing.  When it does end either the cabal will be crushed or the Constitutional Republic known as the United States of America will no longer exist.  Make no mistake.  Whether we are active participants or not, we are in a fight for our existence.  If the deep state wins, it will no longer be the deep state.  It will be the state and it will be more brutal than any other in the history of nations.

I spent my working life in the military and as a federal civil servant.  I was not political during my military service time.  I was politically aware just not involved.  My opinions during my civil service time were rarely shared beyond trusted and like-minded friends.  Both the military and civil service, in theory at least, require one to be apolitical.  I tried that, but it was difficult to restrain.  Especially in the civil service environment where so many were blatantly politically biased.  What I can tell you is that during an eight year reign a Commander in Chief (CINC) changes the military by littering the upper echelons of command with like-minded politically oriented Flag Officers.  These Generals and Admirals work tirelessly to reshape the military to suit the CINC’s worldview.  The federal government and judiciary are also reshaped by presidential appointments.  These high-level military and civil service appointees then fill the ranks with sycophantic followers.

People who remain and carry the torch beyond leadership change.  People who believe they are powerful enough to do as they please, powerful enough to bring down a president, bold and arrogant enough to give it a try.  People who are so certain their candidate will win they feel free to take any action criminal or otherwise because they expect to be rewarded for their acts rather than prosecuted.  This, my friends, is how the deep state is built and how it functions.  I’ve seen it firsthand.  Its deadly tentacles reach wide and go deep into our government.  Just from common human relationships, for every single one that’s known there’s probably a baker’s dozen that aren’t.  This is the swamp, much larger than its Washington establishment core, that must be drained to save our country.

The longer the Russian collusion ruse continues the more it exposes layer upon layer of corruption within the highest levels of our government.  But, it’s much more than the Russian collusion myth.  It is a textbook Russian disinformation campaign pointing toward a soft coup of the presidency.  At the end of this winding road may well be a Russian or two, but more than likely there is the fabricated evidence placed just where the disinformation campaign leads.  Probably appearing late October and proving the narrative sold 24/7 by an ignorantly complicit media and disinformation leakers.  To truly sort it all out would take a legion of special counsels.  Or, it could take only one ballsy and focused Attorney General.  If only we had one of those.

Here’s how it began.  The Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton Presidential campaign through Marc Elias, Clinton’s campaign lawyer of Perkins Coie law firm, hired opposition research firm Fusion GPS who then hired British spy Christopher Steele who then put together a dossier on Trump with information provided by supposedly Kremlin associated Russians.  The unverified dossier miraculously found its way to CIA Director Brennan.  Brennan then briefed Democratic Senator Harry Reid and members of the Gang of Eight.  Brennan asked Reid to keep it close hold.  Anyone with a firing brain cell knew, just as Brennan knew, what Reid would do.  Reid sent a letter about Russian collusion to FBI Director James Comey and then leaked it to the New York Times.  Brennan kicked off the collusion investigation and used Harry Reid to plant the narrative in the media.  Brennan also put unsourced information from the unverified dossier into President Obama’s Presidential Daily Briefing (PBD) providing him knowledge. The disinformation campaign began.

The biggest scandal in the history of American scandals includes our intelligence apparatus, but more specifically the Central Intelligence Agency, via former director and former Communist and Muslim Brotherhood apologist John Brennan.  It also involves James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence.  These two men had at their disposal assets of the entire US intelligence apparatus.  Makes one wonder why acting Attorney General Sally Yates and the FBI were so hot on the trail of Former Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Director, Lieutenant General Mike Flynn.  Evidence reviewed through congressional investigations indicates Flynn’s FBI interview statement may have been altered post interview to make him appear guilty.  It was James Clapper and undersecretary of defense for intelligence Michael Vickers that engineered Flynn’s ouster at the DIA.  Unanswered questions arise concerning who unmasked General Flynn in a monitored telephone conversation and if they were truly investigating Russian influence on the Trump campaign and subsequent Presidency why the haste to take out prospective National Security Advisor General Flynn?  The DIA for all practical purposes is the domestic version of the CIA.  My cynicism makes me question what Flynn knows that he’s holding back to protect his family from Special Counsel Mueller et al?

Aside from the intel community, the scam includes the State Department, the Department of Justice including the Federal Bureau of Investigation and members of the Executive Branch in direct contact with the President and any number of minions scattered throughout our government.

Don’t take my word for anything.  Before you drag out your conspiracy theory flame thrower do a little of your own research.  Type John Brennan into your favorite search engine and see how quickly your list grows to fifty or more intertwined names and events.  The credible news is still out there for the inquisitive.  At least for now it is.  The deep state is real and it’s coming for your freedom.

Russian Collusion or Deep Date Disinformation Campaign
A Conflagration of People and Events
Communists, Russians and Collusion

© 2018 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry:

Website:  J. D. Pendry’s American Journal

Don’t Be A problem Be A Solution – The NFL On Its Knees

I was note doodling the other day trying to stimulate the brain a little.  It’s what I do, but in this case, it was not too stimulating.  I decided to post my notes to Facebook and take the pulse of my FB friends.  I didn’t get too many fire bombs thrown at me.  I never liked singing to the choir anyway.

This is what I posted to Facebook:

The National Football League (NFL) minimum salary for 2018 is $480,000.00.  That means the lowest player on the depth chart who most likely did not graduate from college and may spend an entire season riding the pine makes about 9 times the US median income.  An Army Private with less than 2 years of active service is paid $19, 659.00 per year.  A West Point graduate entering service makes $37, 292.00 per year.  A Staff Sergeant with 6 years of service and most likely supporting a family makes a whopping $38,059.00 per year.  An Army Major with 6 years of service makes $74,862.00 per year.  The NFL league minimum for 6 years of experience is $790,000.00.

The combined salaries listed above for active military service is $169,872.00 per year.  That is just a little more than one quarter of the salary of single NFL rookie whose never played a professional down.

I chose the military pay scale for this illustration because that is my background.  For the record, the median annual pay for a public school teacher is $55,259.00.  That means half of them make less than that.  The average salary for a police officer is $49,808.00.  For a Firefighter its $45,969.00.  The average for an EMT is $34,000.00.  The average for a Registered Nurse is $66,640.00.  The combined salaries of our nation’s most critical servants is $251,676.00.  Just barely more than one half the cost of an NFL rookie.

For $421,548.00, less than the minimum pay of a first year NFL player, we can field a professional Army a squad willing to put their lives on the line defending us (even football players).  We can provide a school teacher for our children, a police officer to protect us, a fire fighter risking life to save our property, and EMT to save our lives on the way to the hospital and a registered nurse to care for us when we get there.

So, kneeling fist raising NFL player.  Tell me again about social justice.

I’m told to accept that kneeling or whatever other gesture one might make is meant to bring awareness to social justice issues.  Social justice can mean many different things and has over time.  Equal treatment under the law, etc.  When I look at the data base of NFL players arrested compiled from public records and media reports by USA Today sports writer Brent Schrotenboer, I imagined there may be some personal justice system issues here.  But, put that aside and let’s not judge.

I know that comparing salaries from different occupations is not a basis for drawing too many conclusions about anything.  For me, it illustrates a societal view of the world.  Wealthy people, many of whom may be paupers like me within a year or two of leaving the NFL (Sports Illustrated How and Why Athletes Go Broke), often have a somewhat inflated view of themselves or of their importance to most anything except their exceptional athletic ability.  Athleticism and special treatment cultivated from childhood.  In this regard, they are not unlike entertainers.  For most of their existence, they’ve existed in a walled off world typically far from reality.  It’s hard to effect change when life has not taught you where the change needs to start.

Now, let’s take this issue back to its origin.

“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,” Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game. “To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.” Colin Kaepernick

On multiple occasions, I’ve heard NFL players when challenged declare that this has never been about disrespecting the flag.  Doesn’t that conflict with their founder’s declaration.  Regardless, to take a knee or make any other gesture when the national colors are displayed and the national anthem played is disrespectful.  No matter the declared reasoning, it cannot be rationalized.  It is a display of disrespect and disloyalty to our country.  God gave you the free will to choose your way, but He did not relieve you of the consequences of your choices.  There are movies I won’t go see because the people starring in them have chosen to share their political views while insulting large numbers of people who ultimately pay their exorbitant salaries.  Last year I switched off my favorite NFL pre-game show right in the middle of a certain color commentator’s comments about the President and the 1st Amendment.   What I wanted to hear was thoughts on football.  Last season, I didn’t watch their program again or another game.  It didn’t hurt my wallet one bit.  When political activism is divorced from football, I may tune in again.  For now, however, I am enjoying baseball and looking forward to the college football season.

I’ve also heard that it is about freedom of speech.  According to some, if team owners forced players to stand for the flag and anthem they would be taking away their freedom of speech.  Freedom of speech is guaranteed us by the US Constitution.  There is a big however.  When paid professional football players take the field for a game, they are employees.  Employees don’t have a Constitutional right to free speech or freedom of expression at work.  Constitutional right to free speech means the government cannot restrict free speech.  It all comes down to what the team owner allows or restricts.  But, not to worry most of them straddle the fence as well.  If their income takes another big hit this season, we’ll see.  Leave them be, I say.  Let them kneel, fist pump, sit, stay in the locker room.  Who cares?

If players have to be forced or coerced to stand for our flag and anthem, I don’t want them to stand.  I prefer honest disloyalty and disrespect to feigned respect.  I prefer to know who they are not who they pretend to be.   For me, I have a choice.  I choose not to participate in your protests or be a spectator of your entertainment.  See how easy this was?

The people mentioned at the beginning of this contribute daily to our country and our communities.  They perform invaluable services enthusiastically for a pittance compared to what these protesting athletes get.  I have a question for the players who continue to kneel.  What have you done for communities in need?  Take your wealth and fame and go do something rather than protesting.  The government, politicians, and activists are not the solution.  Truth be known, they are the problem.  Always demanding that someone else do something is the problem.  Try doing something rather than demanding that something be done.  You know.  Don’t be a problem.  Be a solution.

I wager the next chickenshit move for the NFL is to do away with pre-game posting of the national colors and playing the national anthem.  Or at a minimum not televising them.

© 2018 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

Website:  Pendry’s American Journal.

E-Mail JD Pendry:

E Pluribus Unum – Out Of Many One

We are not living up to the words gracing our national symbol, E Pluribus Unum.  Out of many one.

You can be a wing nut left or right, middle of the road kill, anarchist, or even call yourself an independent.  Frankly, I don’t know any independents.  If a right-wing nut is surrounded by left wing nuts he or she suddenly transform into an independent.  They lack courage to stand their ground.   Independent is a good barrier to hide behind.  Then there are the intellectually deficient who agree what a great idea something is until they discover it comes from someone they’re ideologically conditioned to hate.  With all of this mess, is it any wonder that our political system, which many of us do not even understand, needs an enema.  When a group of overpaid and over-served people cannot agree that a good idea is a good idea then we are lost.  Doomed to spend the rest of our days trapped in in the pit of regressive ideological hell.  Two plus two once equaled four.  Give the problem to congress and they would debate this for months.  Have hearings and investigations.  Ask the Justice Department to appoint a special counsel to investigate.  And, in the end we’d have common core math where any answer is fine.  Then the Supreme Court would rule the Constitution supports that conclusion.

We have an ever-widening array of ideologies, culture conflicts and identity groups.  What is growing more difficult is finding are red, white, and blue Americans.  Those great melting pot people.  Then ones who left less than satisfactory lives for the American ideal of individual liberty.  They embraced exceptionalism became Americans.  A people who have their internal squabbles about one policy or another, but who would stand shoulder to shoulder defending our way of life.  People who believe in the founding principles of our country.  People who want to defend and be governed by our Constitution rather than some ideologically driven activist judge.  People who would never take a knee.

Where are those people?

They’re still here in overwhelming numbers I believe.  The discounted people.  The people who’ve felt the pain inflicted by politicians wholly owned by the donor class.  The people talked down to by condescending political and media types.   The people who work everyday to provide for their families should they be fortunate enough to have a job.  The people who fill the ranks of our military, police forces and fire departments.  They work in our factories, run small businesses, provide services. Fix our plumbing.  The great middle class.  The people politicians promise to help but never do. The forgotten people.

The Washington establishment, the media establishment, the people convinced they are decidedly smarter than everyone else believe they all had it figured out. Then they lost to a non-political outsider.  They hated one candidate and loved the other.  They overlooked the character flaws of one, but not the other.  They considered one an intellectual giant and the other an idiot. They could not conceive that one candidate could possibly win an election yet it happened.  They were left distraught and astounded because they were conditioned to think in a certain way.  Conditioned to draw a mental red line and automatically despise anyone that stands on the other side.  Conditioned to believe they were the smart people who knew what was best for the rest.  They built up pre-conceived notions about people and set about trying to prove those notions to themselves and everyone else.  Even if it meant ignoring, burying or misconstruing the truth.

Anyone who believes that voter fraud to some extent has not played a role in elections for the history of elections is rather naïve.  We have concocted every conceivable method of potential voter fraud.  Absentee ballots for most anyone, early voting, allowing non-citizens to register to vote in local elections, sanctuary cities, sanctuary states, automatically registering people to vote when they obtain a driver’s license when you don’t need to be a citizen to get a driver’s license, no voter identification laws.

When all else fails and the establishment’s favored candidate loses they promptly roll out the tired argument of doing away with the electoral college and have the president elected by popular vote.  If you look at the 2016 final election results you’ll see that minus the sanctuary state of California, the popular vote changes sides.  That is the brilliance of the electoral college.  It does not allow one population center to control the outcome of presidential elections.  It makes every vote count for something.

We are not living up to the words gracing our national symbol, E Pluribus Unum.  Out of many one.  We are devolving into ideological Balkanization.  We no longer embrace American Exceptionalism.  The world’s one country founded on the principle of individual freedom.  We are trying to take the exceptional one and turn it into a divided many.  Your culture, color, ethnicity, religion…. None of that matters.  What matters is are you an American?  One who embraces our Democratic Republic?  The time for choosing is upon us.  Out of many one or out of many nothing?

© 2018 J. D. Pendry J. D. Pendry’s American Journal

E-Mail JD Pendry:

Seek The Truth It Will Set You Free

I was minding my own business doing research on the players in the biggest political scandal in our nation’s history.  What an ugly and divisive event this has been for our country.  While looking over my notes I opened the web browser to search for something.  Facebook was on the open tab and staring me right in the kisser was a big picture of an aging Jane Fonda.  There was a sigh.  There was a lengthy message accompanying the photo and I knew parts of it were bogus.  Many of us accept without much question everything we read on Facebook as they do with media news and commentary.

We’ll accept it more readily if it’s negative toward someone to whom we already have an aversion.  The Internet is a wonderful tool, but it’s made us lazy headline readers and victims of search engines leading our attempts at research.  It also worsens our national attention deficit disorder.  Instead of sticking to what I was doing, I felt compelled to add at least one bit of truth to Ms. Fonda’s Facebook spread.  I added her quote about communism:

If you understood what communism was, you would hope, you would pray on your knees that we would someday become communist. . .. I, a socialist, think that we should strive toward a socialist society, all the way to communism. – Jane Fonda

Back in 2000, while trying to sell a book, she presented sorrowful for her excursions with the North Vietnamese.  I wrote a letter explaining that there are better places to begin making amends than the Oprah show.  If in fact it was her aim to make amends.  Over the years, however, she’s only appeared apologetic for taking a picture with North Vietnamese soldiers perched on an anti-aircraft gun.

After I posted to Facebook her views on communism, a Fonda apologist responded.  It should not have surprised me.  Not long ago, after reading about John Kerry trying to derail or prevent talks between the Trump administration and the Palestinians, I thought I’d remind people about who John Kerry is.  An angry Kerry apologist responded, quite incoherently I might add.  It’s interesting how all of them use the same tact.  They build a strawman and commence pounding the snot out of him while attacking your character and everything for which they believe you stand.  Yet, in all their zeal they never acknowledge they don’t know you from Adam and never ever address facts presented.  They just spew illogical hatred.  And just as you see and hear the yapping heads on television or radio, they will never let you have the last word.

If it was possible to filibuster in print, they would.  Maybe it is some type of psychosis which, unless I am familiar with the sender, is why I rarely respond to comments or emails.  However, while defending the Jane Fonda’s and John Kerry’s of our world they forget what’s most important.  Time passes, views may soften, and there is always generational ignorance of the truth, but the truth remains the truth.  And the documented truth is these two individuals betrayed our military members serving in Vietnam, betrayed our country, and collaborated with our enemy.

According to the Fonda apologist my Dear Jane letter is just more garbage and I am harboring anger over something that happened nearly 50 years ago.  I am also a lost soul trapped in my sin of anger.  I guess she told me.  It may come as a shock to her and like-minded others, but I am not an angry person.  I am not angry at Jane.  Rather I pity her as I pity anyone who cannot look or think through their malignant hatred and deeply ingrained biases to see the greatness of this country.  I especially pity the self-loathing and those who, because of the opportunities our country provides, have lived privileged lives yet want to change the country to conform to an ideology or form of government that would ensure no one else can ever raise their life’s status.  Life’s hard lessons taught me that harboring anger and hatred sucks the life right out of you.  We need to let go of it.  But letting go of hatred does not mean that I or anyone should ever let go of the truth or allow it to be buried beneath misinformation or incoherent rage.  As a people, we’ll certainly fair better when we accept the truth and move on.

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32

Nowadays, it is quite difficult to have civil discussion.  Angry people hold to arguments made up out of whole cloth.  They either lack knowledge of facts or they simply accept a storyline that plays to their emotional state.  A story that justifies hatred held for a person or group.  Sadly, our country’s major media are the greatest purveyors of the slanted stories and the hatred.  Some have morphed into around the clock hate machines.  It is our nation’s greatest abuse of hard won freedom.

Humans are fallible.  Not a single one of us is perfect.  All of us have something in our past for which we wished we could have a do over.  I suspect most of us could not endure the scrutiny and hatred directed at our President.  His supporters are deplorable, they smell, they’re Nazis, they’re stupid and it goes on and on and most of it coming from other politicians, employees of the federal government and the news media.  With all of our human failings, we have the audacity to stand in judgment of people we’ve never met or engaged in conversations.  We’ve turned into a fairly pathetic lot.  We long ago stopped seeking the truth.  It is only the hard and unbridled truth that doesn’t always agree with our worldviews that will set us free.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Pendry’s American Journal

What Happened To Our Country? These Are Not Our Values, This Isn’t Who We Are

I think I’ve figured it out.  There’s multiple Americas.  I don’t mean North, Central and South.  I mean multiple US of As.  What other explanation could there possibly be.  When I hear a windblown politician, a television yakking head, or the wholly ignorant in the streets making these comments I think:  That’s exactly what should be happening in our country!  That is exactly what I value.  That is exactly who I am.  So, here we rest our weary hearts and minds.  In a standoff across an ever-widening abyss.  An abyss of wayward ideologies, ignorance, directionless baseless hatred, stupidity… multiple Americas.

As they like to declare over there in East Virginia, let me be clear.  There are rational people who consider themselves either liberal or conservative.  There are irrational people who are used as a broad brush to categorize them all.  Not every liberal is a progressive socialist.  Not every conservative is a white supremacist.  There are conservatives more liberal than self-identified liberals.  There are liberals more conservative than self-identified conservatives.  I would say the same about self-identified Democrats and Republicans except with each passing day, that nom de plume is becoming more meaningless.

One America has become irrelevant.  Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is irrelevant.  Our Constitution is only relevant to the extent we can get enough judges to declare it means whatever we want it to mean.  What’s relevant is political power at all costs.  What’s not relevant is loyalty to our country, knowledge and acceptance of our history including the good, bad and ugly, understanding American Exceptionalism – the only country ever founded on the precept of individual liberty, and basic knowledge of how the branches of our government are supposed to function.

Own up to it, the world’s most powerful country, we are no longer a unified like-minded people.  Like minded in the importance of liberty that is.  Nope.  We are a color, an ethnicity, a religion, a gender, a hyphenated American, a sexual orientation, pro-life, pro-abortion.  We are you name it – everything except freedom loving Americans.  Guardians of freedom.  We hear about the unfairness of capitalism by people who’ve become wealthy because of capitalism.  We hear of the virtues of Socialism and Communism minus their world scourge from the already wealthy or the ignorant.

A house divided against itself cannot stand.

Washington is filled with people who forgot their purpose is service.  Many of them in Washington for so long they’re no longer cognizant of life outside the beltway.  They are not beholden to the people who continually send them there.  They are beholden to mega corporation and defense industry lobbyists.  Beholden to power and to the people who give them money to help them stay in power.  Their decision cycle is quite simple.  What do my donors want?  How much cash can I milk them for to push legislation they want?  How do I spread the wealth around to garner support from other swamp dwellers?  How can I dress it up so the saps who vote for me will think I am doing something great for them?  Repeat.

The Washington cartel relies on the divisions they foster.  They also rely on the stupid-ignorant.  Stupid are those lacking intelligence or common sense.  They’re prone to unreasoned thinking.  It is, as they say, hard to fix stupid.  Some even insist you can’t fix it.  The ignorant lack knowledge.  In this case knowledge of our country from our founding through our history, our Constitution and functioning of the branches of our government.  Ignorance is fixable, but it is a grand challenge when the ignorant do not believe they are so because of life-long indoctrination.  When stupid is combined with ignorance, it is the perfect formula for self-destruction.  The Washingtonians rely on it as do those who inspire the no borders no country protests, those who attack people for their beliefs, and those driven by blind hatred toward a group or an individual.

What happened to our country?  What are our values?  Who are we?

Questions for our time.  If all of us cannot answer them with the same response then we have no country, no values and no identity.

© 2018 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

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Patriotism Or Politics?

It is the solemn question for our time.  For decades, we’ve been asked to pick an ideology, choose a political party, focus on one important issue, or choose the cause of the flavor of the day identity group.  It’s refreshing and energizing when someone proclaims we should instead focus on America.

The first hymn at Sunday morning’s Church service was America the Beautiful.  It’s the poem’s final version written by Katharine Lee Bates.  Over the years, some have maintained it should be our National Anthem.  Especially those who may view Francis Scott Key’s Star Spangled Banner as too “militaristic” or question his character in a 21st century context. Most do not know more than the first verse of the Star Spangled Banner.  If they did, they would see that both Bates and Key attributed the greatness of our country and our freedom to God.  Although Bates did it with more poetic flair than Key, their resounding message is the same.

Many Americans embrace the idea of Divine providence being responsible for our country’s historically rapid ascension to arguably the world’s leader.  Both Bates and Keys embrace freedom as something worth fighting to preserve and per Bates written into law “confirm… thy liberty in law!”

Many others, we see and hear daily on every television channel, believe our national prosperity and freedom are products of deviousness.  That we were set on a wrong path by the people of their time who founded our nation and wrote our Constitution.  They view anything outside utopianism as evil.  They spew a venomous hatred toward America.  A tiny minority when compared to the total population, yet they are made to appear much larger through social and news media.  Nothing good stems from such hatred.  Nothing good can come from hatred no matter it’s origin.  If hatred for any person or group is what motivates you, it is also what blinds you.  It prevents you from seeing the truth or anything good.

We have been shown what is good.  We can summarily abandon it or passionately hold to it.

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
    And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
    and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8 (NIV)

I saw a disheartening news snippet a day or so ago.  It was a video made by Prager U.  Incredibly, there are young adult Americans who do not know what we celebrate on July 4th nor do they know the significance of the year 1776.  It’s not good for our country when young people do not know the most significant events in our history like the birth of our nation or the current history of the political parties they embrace.  When you don’t know what you don’t know, it is easy to become captivated by some smooth-talking person or ideology that life’s experience later teaches you was a far distance from the right way.  But, by the time it’s learned, it’s too late.  The young are easily swayed.  I declare this from experience.

Many young voting age Americans are not well educated, by design I propose, about our history or the various forms of government employed around the globe. That the most leftward of the left hope to encourage these youngsters to vote for their globalist socialist, open borders, no immigration enforcement worldview is the only explanation I can come up with for their current socialist, pro-illegal immigrant anti-immigration enforcement message.  They have no message or no ideas good for Americans.  They’re building a platform built of hatred and dissent.  One that ignores our laws.  It is a strategy playing on emotion of hatred for our current administration and empathy for children brought here illegally.  Too many destined for human trafficking or gang life.  We hear about the two thousand separated from their parents, but nothing about the ten thousand that arrived without parents.

Now, the President is about to select a new Supreme Court Justice, and most likely not his last.  There seems to be but one concern.  Will the court overturn Roe V. Wade?  There is no concern about the Constitution.  The concern is about abortion.  Would not the patriotic view be that we demand a judge who is a Constitutionalist?

There is a wave for socialism.  The government should provide everything.  A guaranteed job or wage, free education, free medical care.  There is no understanding or knowledge of how socialism has destroyed nations and people.  Anyone who does not sign on to the socialism wave is called a NAZI by people who do not know that Hitler’s party was the National Socialist German Worker’s Party.  He promised everything the socialists want for today.  Indeed, it sounds wonderful but at the end of the day it’s a totalitarian nightmare.  We see it playing out in today’s Venezuela.

We have to choose.  Do we want to be Americans defending our Constitutional Republic?  A place where liberty is confirmed in law, where there is opportunity for anyone who’ll pursue it.  Or do we want to devolve into something totally opposite.  Do we want to continue to sway in the wind of politics and activism or stand up for and hold firmly to the things that made our country great?  Patriotism or politics?

© 2018 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

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How About A Red, White, And Blue Wave?

Some are cheering for a blue wave, others for a red one.  Others are dreaming of gray anarchy.  From where I sit here in Wild and Wonderful, unless we fix Washington, I’m not sure it makes a hill of beans difference what we get. Politicians and groups of people want power. They’ll do most anything to get what they want. It’s an end justifies the means existence. Either they want power to push an agenda or to kowtow to the agenda of those to whom that are beholden. Except for the useful idiot piece, it is not your or I to whom they are bound. They promise what they believe garners votes then when elected they return to the Washington status quo. It’s a well trampled path of which most Americans are quite weary.  What if someone happened on the scene wreaking destruction on the well-established political country club?

We find ourselves in a sad political situation left with no one to blame but ourselves.  Well paid by our taxes and well-funded by wealthy donors the establishment, no matter their battle colors, do not want to solve problems.  It’s not just the democrats or the republicans.  It takes some of all of them.  Together they fail our country.  It’s, whatever it is, is always too hard to do or too hard to stop or we know it’s a bad situation for Americans, but it’s our new normal.  Learn to live with it.

The Washington establishment comprised of career politicians and unelected senior career civil servants control everything.  They thrive in an environment that keeps Americans at one another’s throats.  Unless the swamp is drained the forgotten people, who mind their business and go to work every day often struggling to just make it, will always lose.  Together these swamp rats play the media, who enthusiastically carries their water, like a Stradivarius.  Both do and say all they believe is necessary to ensure an outcome preferable to people who own their souls.  Even if their desired end means destruction of our country.  They’ll still be grasping for power and trying to justify their actions as their pathetic souls swirl down the drain.

Somehow, they think with lies, deceitfulness and hatred they’ll always control the narrative and with it the direction of our country. The point they’re missing is quite simple.  In 2016, there was no red wave. There was no blue wave. In 2018, there will be neither again.  Just like 2016, there is going to be a red, white, and blue wave. With that election, America’s political landscape is changed. Likely forever and for the good. Fed up Americans rejected Washington’s failures. We rejected smug political hacks who continually crammed it down our throats. We elected a non-politician outsider who spoke to us about the issues that most affect us. And he did not speak to us condescendingly. He spoke to us directly and to the chagrin of the establishment he’s working double time to fulfill his commitments.  He kicked down the doors to the country club filled with bought politicians and their wealthy donors and media cohorts. For us, he fights all of them. Every day he and his family endure a wrath of negativity, outright falsehood, and demonization.  He’s the Washington establishment’s nightmare.

They, democrats and republicans, are working hard to ensure he doesn’t succeed.  It’s due to their unbridled hatred and the fact that he kicked over their apple cart.  Just as he promised.  They truly hate the man that had no chance of winning, was not supposed to win, and who beat their anointed candidate.  The establishment and their media pawns have tried every play in their books.  They manufactured a bogus investigation.  They’ve bankrupted and destroyed the lives of people who’ve worked for or were associated with him.  Alleged news media, alleged entertainers and others have profanely attacked his family including his 12-year-old son and 4-year-old granddaughter.  In contrast, I can recall a rodeo clown who was promptly fired because he once wore an Obama mask.

It’s not just the hatred of the man that’s a problem.  It’s extended to the whole class of people who voted for him and in increasing numbers support him.  They are a “basket of deplorables.”  One MSNBC nitwit stated during a program that it’s not just the president that’s bad.  The people who support him are NAZI guards, the bad guy.  People have been attacked for wearing a MAGA hat.  These bad Americans, in record numbers, still support and still attend his rallies.

Now public attacks are taking place against prominent people who work for him and prominent people who support him.  Media and political hacks would have us believe these are spontaneous.  They’ve spent entire media cycles trying to rationalize their own hatred.  To use their nearly worn out phrase for justifying themselves, “this is not who we are.”  Or is it?  I ask all these pundits and so-called journalists to investigate the NAZI Brownshirts.  They were the paramilitary wing of Hitler’s National Socialist party.  They attacked Hitler’s political opponents and destroyed property.  When you’ve completed your assignment explain to us about harassment of the director of homeland security, a state attorney general, the President’s press secretary, and an advisor.  Maybe explain for us how you rationalize a member of Congress publicly calling for these acts to intensify.  Then I want you to have the audacity to call someone else a NAZI.  For your edification, history will recognize you and ANTIFA as NAZI kindred spirits.

You’ve hopelessly lost in the world of ideas.  You are mired in hatred most Americans reject. You have no chance of winning more elections unless it’s through fraud or voter intimidation.  I know Democrats, reasonable people who do not support what you are pushing.  They may never vote Republican, but a large number will probably not vote at all.  You failed.  Out of desperation, you’ve turned down a path leading our country to a dangerous destination.  Sooner rather than later, someone is going to get killed behind your constant stream of hatred.  You will not be able to disown it and you’ve already ensured an overwhelming red, white and blue wave.

© 2018 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

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Website:  J. D. Pendry’s American Journal

Saving Our Democracy?

Eff Trump, save our democracy.  It’s the battle cry of the day.  Entertainers, professional athletes, and media types, demonstrating the psychopathology of a derangement syndrome triggered by Republican presidencies, profanely rant, rave, and break into hysterics before lamenting the loss of our democracy.  Most politicians are democracy demagogues ignorantly postulating on the floors of Congress that we must preserve our democracy.  Our school children run about demanding we protect democracy from whomever it is they perceive or have been taught is threatening it.  Save our democracy rhetoric would be dandy if we had a democracy, but thankfully we do not.  If we did have one, it would not be worth saving and by this time in our history we would have either destroyed ourselves or be begging for a dictator to rescue us from mob rule.

In a pure democracy, minority opinions or minorities of any sort do not matter.  It’s the adage of two wolves and a sheep voting for what’s for lunch.  In a democracy, there is no protection for the sheep.  No matter how glorious it’s made to sound as it rolls off the tongues of the ignorant, the mob rules.  There are no rights, there is no freedom, unless the mob deems it.  As recent events demonstrated mobs, truth be damned, are easily whipped into a frenzy.  When our billionaires lobby for a universal wage, the mob cheers and would most certainly vote for it.  The mob would trade freedom for a gray suit of clothes and a free paycheck rendering us middle-classless and nationally destitute once we’ve incentivized idleness and drained the national treasury. I know, a tad bit exaggerated but it makes the point.  Besides, before the end, a French styled Revolution would break out against the American bourgeoisie and Karl Marx would be overjoyed.  But, let’s not sharpen the guillotines just yet.

Fortunately for us, our founders were learned critical thinkers.  They didn’t have the Internet to make them lazy and ignorant, their social media was pamphlets and hand-written letters, one-page newspapers, or radical for the time a proclamation nailed to a tree.  There were no news monopolies steering thought or public opinion.

In their original form, our founders read books many of them held in their personal libraries.  For moral authority, they read the Bible.  They read John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government for the concept of natural laws; Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s, The Social Contract for the concept of sovereignty; Baron de Montesquieu’s The Spirit of the Laws on separate branches of government with checks and balances.  They were also influenced by Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations and invisible hand theory that it is people working in their own interests (selfishly or greedily or ever how you choose to characterize it) that grows an economy and the best thing a government can do is get out of the way.  They studied forms of government and the reasons many of them failed.

From their studies, discussions and much debate they did arrive at a democratic form of government, but not a democracy.  What our founders learned is that government by humans, even the supposedly cherished democracy, always seems to go a little haywire right before collapse.  So, they reasoned that men should be ruled by law instead and created a Republic based on that concept.  Our form of government is a Constitutional Republic, governed by The Constitution (the law of the land) that protects our natural rights, recognizes the sovereignty of the separate states, and has three branches of government executive, judicial, and legislative complete with checks and balances so that one branch cannot be superior to the others.  Our economic system is forever tinkered with, but at its roots is Adam Smith’s invisible hand.

Unlike the mob rule of democracy, the sheep has rights.  Rights that are protected and guaranteed by our Constitution as amended by the Bill of Rights.  We can never rely on the virtuosity of humans to protect our freedom or physical safety, instead we must rely on adherence to the law of the land lest the wolves have lamb for lunch.

Maybe if we began to educate Americans on the form of our government and actually re-instituted civics teaching at the elementary school level people would began to understand the virtues of a Constitutional Republic versus the drawbacks of mob rule.

Important read:

The Social Contract
Second Treatise of Government
The Spirit of Laws
The Wealth of Nations

© 2018 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

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Freedom’s Just Another Word – Old Glory No Longer Flies Atop The Mountain

On the Index of Economic Freedom, the United States ranks 18th.  On the Human Freedom Index, we rank 17th.

Liberty, freedom, guaranteed rights, free market capitalism…. Does not our national anthem declare us the land of the free?  Is it not often avowed, by us, that we are the freest earthly nation?  In measuring what counts, what enables or hinders economic and human freedom, our flag no longer flies atop the mountain.

“the end of law is, not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom. John Locke, Second Treatise of Civil Government (1690)”

John Locke was one of the most influential philosophers studied by our founders.  His thoughts pepper our founding documents.  His quote captures the reason we are no longer the gold standard for freedom.

…not to abolish or restrain…  All you need do is listen to prevailing political and social debate.  There is always a faction wanting to abolish what is important, our Constitution or significant portions of it.  The Constitution is the law of our land.  The document preserving and guaranteeing our freedom.  Oh, but it’s antiquated goes the argument.  Written for another time.  The principles of freedom and limited government do not change with time.  What changes with time is the socialist, globalist influence of the uber wealthy and politicians they own.  What changes with time are teachers and professors who prefer ideological indoctrination to education and teaching critical thinking.  Pick any one from the Bill of Rights and you will find arguments for ridding ourselves of it or restraining its practice by the citizenry.  Freedom of religion, speech, and the press; the right to keep and bear arms; rights to life, liberty and property; other rights kept by the people; undelegated powers kept by the states and the people – just to name a few.

Read W. Cleon Skousen’s, The Campaign to Abolish the Constitution, while you ask where is the national push to preserve and enlarge freedom?  But do not despair.  President Trump has made significant strides in government deregulation and reducing the tax burden that is returning to us some economic freedom.  Maybe he recalled President Reagan’s thought on how the government restrains economic freedom: “Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases:  If it moves, tax it.  If it keeps moving, regulate it.  And if it stops moving, subsidize it.”

“Freedom’s just another word for nothin’ left to lose, Nothin’ ain’t nothin, but it’s free.”  Kris Kristofferson, Me and Bobby McGee

Kristofferson is one of the most prolific song writers of our time.  He’s an Oxford Rhodes scholar, an Army Veteran Airborne, Ranger, Helicopter pilot.  He accomplished all of that before he decided to pursue an incredibly successful music career.  For all of the great lyrics he’s written, quoted above is my favorite.  In the past I’ve spent time pondering it and have quoted it more than once whenever I am writing about our freedom.  If you place it in the context of the song, when Bobby left (Bobby was a lady) him, “Freedom’s just another word for nothin’ left to lose, And nothin’s left was all she left to me”, all he had left was his freedom.

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing; the last of the human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” —Viktor E. Frankl, Holocaust survivor and author, Man’s Search for Meaning.

I suppose that could be a sad situation. When you have no possessions, no attachments, no relationships or commitments you are free. Free to go and do as you please. But, I prefer to look at it differently. If everything is taken from you, you still have freedom. Freedom of thought, freedom to choose your own way, and freedom to choose your attitude. With that also comes the freedom to wallow in hopelessness and self-pity. And the freedom to understand that The Spirit of Freedom is the foundation of our country.

Freedom is often restrained by government, but government can only take freedom to the extent that we forfeit it.  Freedom is a human birthright although much of the world’s population is not free.  Just look at the UK’s Tommy Robinson incident.  It is a total suppression of free speech and of the press.  The British people, by allowing this to stand, have forfeited any illusion of free speech or free press.  Our founders accepted this human birthright and enshrined it in our Constitution.

As I wrote in The Spirit of Freedom:

“The cornerstone of our nation’s foundation is trust in God and God given freedom. Preserved on this foundation is our most enduring principle. We arrive in this life as free men with unalienable rights, blessed by God, and equipped with the ability to reason, choose and distinguish right from wrong and good from evil. God instilled that spirit of freedom in the hearts of all men, not just those who were fortunate to have been born American. Being born in the world’s freest nation is indeed a blessing but being born here does not ensure freedom.

The gift of freedom and the blessing of life in the United States of America obligate us to defend the one place on this earth founded on the principles of trust in God and God given freedom. Allowing men to be the givers of freedom will crush the rock on which our nation stands. We must protect the foundation that lights the one true pathway of hope for the un-free world.”

© 2018 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

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John Kerry – The Anti-American Communist Subversive

The road traveled by John Kerry on his way to our nation’s top diplomatic job went from the Viet Cong, to Ortega and the Sandinistas, and now to Iran’s Mullahs, and the Palestinians.

There is consistency in John Kerry’s life.  He’s an anti-American subversive with a long career colluding with our nation’s enemies.  Anyone from the Vietnam era knows him well.  Some day he and Jane Fonda will walk hand in hand through the gates of hell for their disservice to Americans serving in that war. Kerry did not let his anti-American communist loving activities end with Viet Nam.  Current generations probably know little about him because he’s a progressive.  The media does not report negative character traits of progressives.  Sharks do not attack other sharks.

There is so much about this phony baloney, it’s difficult to do it justice in one article.  To understand what is at his core, start with Unfit for Command, Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry.  This little book was published in 2004.  It deconstructs Kerry’s questionable version of his four months of Vietnam service and his post-service anti-war activities.   The port-siders declared the book debunked and the liberal media coined a whole new reason for liberals losing elections.  He was “Swiftboated.”  To most of us being Swiftboated meant something different.  It meant someone was about to tell the world who you really are. There is another book that you’ll not be able to find, The New Soldier published in 1971 was written by John Kerry and The Vietnam Veterans Against the War.  You can read excerpts of the book here including Kerry’s testimony before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, April 22, 1971.

“We will not quickly join those who march on Veterans’ Day waving small flags, calling to memory those thousands who died for the “greater glory of the United States.”  We will not accept the rhetoric.  We will not readily join the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars-in fact, we will find it hard to join anything at all…”  From The New Soldier, By John Kerry, 1971

On February 18, 1966, Kerry enlisted into the Navy Reserve.  We’ll put aside his questionable and highly-debated Vietnam service, which by his 1971 account was a four-month long continual atrocity that magically became heroic service when he wanted to be our president.  Kerry is not defined by his military service but by his actions following service including collusion with the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong.

In May 1970 Kerry, still a commissioned Naval Reserve Officer, traveled to Paris and met with the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong delegation to the Paris Peace talks.  A year later during his Senate testimony Kerry pushed for an immediate, unilateral withdrawal and referred to the withdrawal plan offered by Madame Nguyen Thi Binh, the Viet Cong representative.  Kerry’s authorized biographer, Douglas Brinkley, confirmed that Kerry told him he met with the North Vietnamese in 1970 and 1971.

Kerry was anti-war, anti-American, and anti-military but when convenient to his run for President he became a proud American combat hero.  Evidence abounds that he received an other than honorable discharge from the Navy Reserve.  A discharge later upgraded under President Carter’s first Executive Order 11967 and Presidential Proclamation 4483 issued  Inauguration Day January 21, 1977.  For his six-year commitment, he should have been discharged in 1972, rather than 1978 following Carter’s pardon.

While you’re at  treat yourself to Hanoi Jane Fonda’s broadcasts on Radio Hanoi July-August 1972.  Those messages must have been such a great comfort to our Soldiers.  Just as comforting as was Kerry’s Senate testimony to our POWs.

“Capt. James Warner had already spent four years in Vietnamese custody when he was handed a copy of your testimony by his captors. Warner says that for his captors, your statements “were proof I deserved to be punished.” He wasn’t released until March 14, 1973.”Bring it on John, Oliver North August 27, 2004

“Maj. Kenneth Cordier, an Air Force pilot who was in Vietnamese custody for 2,284 days, says his captors “repeated incessantly” your one-liner about being “the last man to die” for a lost cause. Cordier was released March 4, 1973.”Bring it on John, Oliver North August 27, 2004

“The measure of a person’s character is their whole history up until the present,” he said. “It’s not what they say they believe or what they’ll do when president or all these platitudes. …And he has consistently take the side of our enemies and other countries that oppose us or have a different viewpoint.” – Cordier quoted, Ex-POWs slam Kerry’s war protest activities, Richard Tomkins, UPI Aug 4, 2004

“Navy Lt. Paul Galanti says your accusations “were as demoralizing as solitary (confinement) … and a prime reason the war dragged on.” He remained in North Vietnamese hands until February 12, 1973.”Bring it on John, Oliver North August 27, 2004

For Kerry the words change some, but the tune is always the same.

“They told stories that at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Ghengis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country.” – War Protestor John Kerry 1971

“And there is no reason… that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the – of – the historical customs, religious customs.” – Senator John Kerry-2006

“You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you, you can do well.  If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”  – Senator John Kerry –  Senator John Kerry 2006

In the eyes of the North Vietnamese, Kerry is a war hero.  Only for their side.  His photograph, being greeted by Comrade Do Muoi, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, is prominently displayed in the Vietnamese Communist War Remnants Museum in the section dedicated to anti-war activists who helped the Vietnamese Communists win the War.

Kerry was certainly unfit to command and his traitorous support of our nation’s enemies did not end with Vietnam.

Dear Comandante:

“We want to commend you and the members of your government for taking steps to open up the political process in your country. The Nicaraguan people have not had the opportunity to participate in a genuinely free election for over 50 years. We support your decision to schedule elections this year, to reduce press censorship, and to allow greater freedom of assembly for political parties.”

That is the opening of a letter sent to Nicaragua’s Communist leader Daniel Ortega signed by Democrats including our future Secretary of State.  During this time, President Regan was seeking aid through Congress for the Contra resistance to Ortega’s communist reconstruction of Nicaragua.

A few days before a Senate vote on Contra aid freshman Senators Tom Harkin and John Kerry visited Nicaragua.  They returned with a peace proposal from communist Ortega which led to the defeat of the Contra aid bill.  A few days following, Ortega was in Moscow.  He returned with a $200 million Soviet aid package and promise of arms and Cuban advisors.  Aiding communist victory in Vietnam was not enough for Kerry.  A communist foothold in Central America was even better.

Now we learn that John Kerry continues his subversion as he meets, as a private citizen just as he did with the Viet Cong, with Iranians and European leaders trying to save the Iran nuclear deal.  Via his son-in-law, Kerry has family ties.  If he was a Republican, that alone would and should have ended any bad Iranian deals.

“I am proud of the Iranian-Americans in my own family, and grateful for how they have enriched my life,” Kerry said in the official statement. Kerry also said he was “strongly committed to resolving” the differences between the United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran, “to the mutual benefit of both of our people.”

There is also evidence he’s coaching the Palestinians to not give in to Trump in peace talks.  According to the Jerusalem Post Kerry advised the Palestinians not to yield to Trump’s demands because within a year there is a good chance Trump would not be in the White House.  He also suggested to the Palestinians that maybe it was time for them to put forth their peace plan.  Maybe it will be as good as the plans he supported from the Viet Cong and communist Sandinistas.  Or maybe a Palestinian peace plan would be as good as the Iran deal if bolstered by $100 billion cash delivered in the dark of the night.

© 2018 J. D. Pendry – All Rights Reserved

Website: J.D. Pendry’s American Journal

E-Mail JD Pendry:

Aren’t You Supposed To Sweat?

I am working on an article about John Forbes Kerry.  As old anger welled up, it became difficult to remain objective and factual.  I had to take a break from it lest I turn something that should be informative into an epic rant.  Fortunately, according to my training schedule, Friday mornings are gym mornings.  At about half past 6:00 AM I arrived at the gym door.  My membership allows me to enter the gym anytime between 4:00 AM and midnight.  While I was fumbling with the key chain for the key fob that opens the gym door, I read the sign that said apologetically “we are working diligently to fix the air conditioning.”  I thought that explains why the parking lot is empty.  It has been an unusually warm and muggy week.

I had water.  The lack of air conditioning was not going to hinder my exercise time.  Aren’t you supposed to sweat?  Isn’t that a part of exercise? My mind made it back to Fort McClellan, Alabama where I spent almost three years as an Army Drill Sergeant.  In the summer my feet would get so hot moving troops on the hard ball that I’d think they were on fire.  It was always refreshing to look out ahead and see the heat mirage rising from the road experienced with the ambience of a couple hundred sweating stinking trainees.  It was almost worth it though to see the Senior Drill Sergeant pop a smelling salts cap in the nose of a chubby female Second Lieutenant right after she went belly up.  “Get in the truck EL Tee.  We can’t have you passing out in front of the troops.  And no bangs hanging out the front of your headgear please.”  I’ve been hot before, I didn’t need no stinkin’ air conditioning.

There was at least a half-dozen fans scattered around the weight room swirling thick air.  Without air recirculation the stink was building up.  It was not quite as bad as an outhouse.  Imagine a several days-old sweat socks stuck to your face with just a hint of armpit.

I tossed my Army Retired ball-cap, keys and water bottle into one of the bins near the door.  I pulled on my work out gloves.  The ones that let my fingers stick out.  It’s one of the accouterments that makes me look like I know what I’m doing.  It also makes my pose in front of the mirrored wall look better.  Figured I better water up before I got started so I grabbed my water bottle and took a bid swig.  My eyes settled on the drink machine over by the door.  There’s a sign on it that says no outside drinks please.  I could buy their water for a dollar.  There’s a big red sign on the wall just above the door advising me that I was under video surveillance.  So, I posed, looked directly at the camera and took another drink.  I felt rebellious.

I was alone in the sauna filled with weight machines.  First things first.  I grabbed the television remote and set all the TVs except one to the Fox News channel.  I like to watch the liberals grimace and nearly injure themselves in their haste to plug in the ear buds.  The other I put on the food channel. People can get anal about TVs in the weight room. There is this one OCD guy that comes in and picks up any weight room equipment someone may have left on the floor and puts it on the racks.  Then he goes to the dumbbell rack and puts them all in order.  After that, without asking anyone, he’ll put every TV on Good Morning America.  He does inspire me to put a little more effort into my workout.  Good Morning America?  Really?  Yes, when he’s there, I do intentionally put dumbbells back in the wrong place.

I must tell you about this one guy.  Big dude.  NFL tight end size.  He does some intense weight training.  He had a big beard and looked killer serious.  One day he showed up without the beard.  He had no chin.  I asked why he shaved off the beard.  Can you imagine how painful it was for me to not bust out laughing before a man that was foot taller than me and had arms as big as my waist when that girlish voice came out of his mouth.

Still alone as I was leaving the gym, I put one TV on the Hallmark channel and the other on C-Span.

Back to John Forbes Kerry.

© 2018 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry:

What You Need To Know About The History Of Korea And The Players

Nigh on to 50 years I’ve had family ties to the Republic of Korea (South Korea).  I try to keep up with current events so that when Suzie-Q says “that guy is a communist” I understand what she means.  She’s a child of the Korean War era and grew up in farm country where indoor plumbing, electricity and even drivable roads were practically non-existent.  Her worldview differs significantly from the newer generations of South Koreans who instead of experiencing war and the hard times that followed, they’ve only known the miraculous growth, economic boom, qnd western influenced popular culture that is South Korea today.

I’ve been reading a bit to bring my thinking current, because the Korea I first saw in the spring of 1972 no longer exists. Views have shifted from staunch anti-communist to dreams of unification with a belligerent and communist north. They’ve shifted from conservatism toward liberalism. Their politics look a lot like American politics with the parties at each other’s throats and presidential impeachment seems always on the menu. Popular culture displays a strong American/Western influence.  Christianity has surpassed Buddhism to become the Country’s largest religion. High rise apartment buildings long ago replaced the single home compounds that made up the residential areas.  They’ve maintained and modernized the traditional market areas, but they also have some spectacular modern shopping malls.

I am sharing some bits of information that may provide insight and understanding.  For a little more understanding, you may want to read Fire and Fury.  Additionally, I have supplied links to much of what I reviewed while writing this.  Understanding the political landscape is important to grasping the possibilities, pitfalls and dangers of the upcoming summit.

A Brief History:

The Japanese colonized Korea from 1910 to 1945.  Before that, it was ruled by the Koryo Dynasty, the origin of the western name Korea, followed by the Choson Dynasty.  Colonization is a polite descriptor of what the Japanese did.  Brutal occupation with attempted eradication of history, language, and culture is a more adequate description.  The Japanese took over agriculture, industry, schools and government.  Koreans were relegated to an underclass the Japanese intended to assimilate into their society.  The Japanese intended to erase a distinct culture that existed since 400 BC.  Animosity toward Japan still exists in the older generations.

There were Korean resistance fighters in the south and north.  Those in the south were mostly destroyed by the Japanese.  In the north, they were able to retreat to and resupply in Manchuria and Russia.  One of the northern resistance fighters was Moscow schooled Kim Il Sung, future first premier of North Korea and Grandfather of the current premier Kim Jong-Un.

The Japanese colonial rule ended with their WWII surrender.  Much like post war Germany, Korea was divided into a US backed South and a Soviet backed North.  On June 25, 1950, Kim Il Sung led a Soviet backed North Korean invasion of South Korea to unify the peninsula under communist rule.  In July 1953, a cease fire line was established leaving Korea divided along the 38th parallel where a Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) was established and still exists.  The war never ended.

Over the years, the Republic of Korea (R.O.K, South Korea) has seen extensive economic growth and democratization.  On the other hand, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (D.P.R.K, North Korea) has become one of the world’s most isolated and controlled communist states.

Since 1948, it has not been a smooth road to democratic government and relative freedom for the South Korean people.  During the country’s relatively short modern post war history, there have been at least five iterations of government.  Arguably, the period most responsible for Korea’s rapid economic expansion was the 18-year rule of Park Chung Hee.  On May 16, 1961, General Park led a military coup.  For the following two years he was the country’s unelected leader.  Afterwards he was elected to three terms until he was assassinated October 26, 1979 by the head of the Korean Central Intelligence Agency.  Park’s reign included a period of martial law, restrictions on civil liberties, suppression of the press and opposition political parties and control over the judicial system and universities.

Fast forward to current history:

In 2013, Park Geun-hye, the daughter of Park Chung Hee, became Korea’s first female president.  At age 22, after her mother was killed during a 1974 North Korean assassination attempt of her father, Park began fulfilling the role of Korea’s first lady. Later, she would become vice chairperson of the conservative Grand National Party (renamed the Saenuri Party and currently named the Liberty Korea Party) serving five consecutive terms.  In a December 2012 election, she defeated liberal former human rights lawyer Moon Jae-in to become Korea’s first female president.  As president, reminiscent of her father, she was criticized for using power to silence opposition.

Impeachment Scandal:

Choi Soon-sil is the daughter of Choi Tae-min founder of a religious cult, the Church of Eternal Life.    In 1974 following the death of her mother, Mr. Choi befriended Park, Geun-hye.  He continued to mentor her and maintain their relationship following her father’s 1979 assassination.  Korean media reports rumors of an improper relationship between Mr. Choi and Park.  Others believe she was under strong influence of the cult.   After Mr. Choi’s death, the relationship continued through friendship with his daughter, Choi Soon-sil.  It is believed that Mr. Choi built substantial wealth through his relationship with President Park Chung-hee.  Choi Soon-sil apparently continued to profit from the relationship while remaining President Park’s close confidante.  It was discovered that she influenced policy, reviewed the President’s speeches, and had access to classified documents without a security clearance.  She made millions of dollars selling influence to Korean corporations including Samsung and Lotte.  President Park was impeached behind the scandal.  Both women are currently serving prison sentences.

Election of Moon Jae-in:

Following impeachment of Park Guen-hye, Korea elected Moon Jae-in president ending nearly a decade of conservative rule.  Moon is described as a left-leaning liberal.  He is a former student activist and civil rights lawyer.  Moon was also the Chief of Staff for liberal President Roh Moo-hyun known for meetings with North Korea during his presidency.  In 2007, the Roh administration abstained from a United Nations vote on North Korea’s human rights record reportedly based on Moon’s coordination with North Korea.  Roh favored the Sunshine Policy of former liberal President Kim Dae-jung on whose cabinet he served.  Roh’s presidency was also embroiled in scandal resulting in his impeachment, which was later overturned by Korea’s Constitutional Court. In 2009, during investigations over alleged bribery, Roh committed suicide.  Moon vowed to continue the Sunshine Policy emphasizing dialogue with North Korea.  During North Korea’s ballistic missile threats, he opposed deployment of the American missile defense system citing environmental concerns.  He agreed to have the North and South Korean Olympians march under a unified Korea flag.  For many South Koreans, it was not a popular decision.  There is no evidence indicating policies of Moon will differ from the liberal and communist friendly presidencies of Kim and Roh.

The Kim Clan:

The DPRK’s first leader was Kim Il-sung.  He was born near current day Pyongyang, the DPRK capital.  His family migrated to Manchuria during the Japanese occupation.  During the 1930’s he was a Korean resistance fighter.  He changed his name from Kim Song-ju to Kim Il-sung to honor a guerilla fighter.  He relocated to the Soviet Union and joined the Communist party.  During WWII he commanded the 1st Battalion of the Soviet 88th Brigade made up of Chinese and Korean exiles fighting the Japanese. He returned to Korea in 1945 and led the 1950 invasion of the South hoping to unify the peninsula under communist rule.  He began the country’s work toward developing nuclear weapons.  He died July 8, 1994.

Following the death of his father, Kim Jong-il took full control of the DPRK.  In a communist regime, it was the first occurrence of a transfer of power between a father and son.  He continued the oppressive dictatorship, maintained a military first approach during difficult economic times, and continued work toward development of nuclear weapons.  Kim Jong-il died December 17, 2011.

As his father did, Kim Jong-un followed his father into power.  As he assumed power, Kim reportedly executed or removed senior officials left over from his father’s regime.  He also reportedly executed his uncle and allegedly members of his uncle’s family and ordered the assassination of his brother who was living in Malaysia.  He has been the most aggressive and boisterous of the Kim clan in the development of ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons.

Since 1948, the Kim family has ruled the DPRK and by most accounts brutally.  Amnesty International and others have documented the existence of prison camps holding political prisoners, some of them held for offenses committed by family members.  Reports show that as many as 200,000 people are held in these camps and up to 400,000 have died in them.

America’s players:

The North Korea problem spanned the Clinton, Bush, and Obama administrations and continues into the Trump administration.  Clinton’s legacy was the 1994 Agreed Framework, for Bush it was the Six-Party talks and removing North Korea from the list of State Sponsors of Terror after labeling it a member of the Axis of Evil, and for Obama it was the policy of Strategic Patience.  None of these moved an inch toward denuclearization of the Korean peninsula or a lasting peace.  During each of these administrations it is safe to repeat the well-used axiom kicked the can down the road.  The Trump administration appears to be making some headway amid ratcheting up sanctions and intensifying pressure on China who is North Korea’s lifeline.  Trump may succeed but remember that North Korea has continually lied and broken every agreement made.

Where to from here:

For decades, the Kim clan has brutalized the North Korean people.  They have been winners in every failed negotiation receiving food stores, nuclear reactors, and fuel oil only to break every agreement reached.  To entertain that the present Kim is going to swing open the borders and let the light shine on the atrocities committed there is naivete on steroids.  To do so would be the end of the regime and North Korea.  Kim has either had an epiphany or he is running the greatest con of our time.  When the President shakes Kim’s right hand, he better ensure he knows what the left hand is doing.  We cannot afford to get starry eyed over the prospect of peace and denuclearization and lose sight of the danger this regime poses to the world.  Let’s pray the Trump administration can finally get it done, but let’s not have a peace in our time moment.

© 2018 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry:

Website: JD. Pendry’s American Journal.


Sources used for this article: Korean History and Political Geography
Park Geun-hye Biography, The website
Moon Jae-in Biography, The website
Britannica: Liberty Korea Party
New York Times:  A Presidential Friendship Has Many South Koreans Crying Foul Five Things To Know About South Korea’s Presidential Scandal
The Korea Times: Is Park Geun-hye a cultist?
The Guardian: Who is Moon Jae-in, South Korea’s new president?
The Guardian:  Inter-Korean summit’s key players:  Kim Jong-un and Moon Jae-in
Britannica: Roh Moon-hyun Biography  Sunshine Policy of Kim Dae-jung
Yonhap News Agency:  Controversy erupts over S. Korea’s abstention from U.N. Vote in 2007
Kim Il-sung Biography, The website
Kim Jung-il Biography, The website
Kim Jung-un Biography, The website
Amnesty International:  North Korea prison camps very much in working order
Business Insider:  The stories from inside North Korea’s prison camps are horrifying
S. Department of State: Agreed Framework Between the United States of America and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea – 1994
President Clinton Remarks on the Nuclear Agreement With North Korea
Heritage Foundation:  The Clinton Nuclear Deal with Pyongyang:  Road Map to Progress or Dead End Street
President George W. Bush Discusses North Korea June 2008

The First Law Of Nature Is The Human Right To Self-Defense

At the Battle of Thermopylae, 480 BC, 300 Spartans stood in the gap facing a massive Persian Army.  Persian King Xerxes wrote to Spartan King Leonidas demanding, “Hand over your arms.”  Leonidas replied, “Molon Labe” meaning come and take them.

On April 19, 1775, British regulars marched on Lexington and Concord.  One of their missions was seize and destroy the Colonists’ military stores of weapons and ammunition.  Seventy-Seven Minutemen met them on Lexington Green and another 400 again at Concord’s North Bridge.  An American Patriot militia stood their ground for a free state.  This began the American Revolution.  This began America.

“This may be considered as the true palladium of liberty …. The right to self-defence is the first law of nature: in most governments it has been the study of rulers to confine the right within the narrowest limits possible.” —St. George Tucker’s View of the Constitution of the United States

The basic human right to self-defense pre-exists man-made law.  It is the first natural inalienable right followed closely by freedom which depends upon it.  It extends from defense of the individual to defense of the body of people comprising the free state.

Reading legalize written about the second amendment, for that matter any of our rights, is a mind numbing, eye bleeding undertaking.  However it is well worth your while and understanding of the second amendment to make your way through the Supreme Court decision on District of Columbia et al v. Heller.  Justice Antione Scalia writing the Opinion of the Court thoroughly dissects dissenting opinions and provides excellent defense and explanation of our second amendment right.  It should be required reading down at the high school house and in the halls of Congress.

Supreme Court Justices cannot seem to agree among themselves on the most basic understanding of our guaranteed rights.  Supposedly that is the manner of its design.  Recent history concludes however that they have, given an opportunity, a psychic ability to create new ones.

Learned men and women who are our country’s absolute authority on understanding and applying the United States Constitution, stand widely apart on understanding any right and most certainly the one most basic to protecting liberty.  That always has us teetering on the verge of losing our inalienable right to self-defense and following that all others.  Teetering just as we were when “conservative” Chief Justice Roberts rewrote the Obamacare mandate by calling it a tax.  The difference is Obamacare is just the beginning of loss of liberty.  Repealing the second Amendment ensures total loss of liberty.

We cannot trust that a Washington entrenched government removed from the people and becoming more so each passing day will not at some point need removing by a means other than voting.

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” — Thomas Jefferson

Jefferson’s quote is a truism, but if Americans are disarmed it will be patriot blood only.  There will be no liberty.  History past and present demonstrates the first thing an oppressive government wants is to disarm the people.  The roll call of Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin, and others left in their wake millions of dead citizens disarmed and unable to resist.  The British knew the essentiality of disarming the populace so we could be forcibly controlled by thier standing army.  Our founders also knew this when they added the second amendment to our Constitution.

“history showed that the way tyrants had eliminated a militia consisting of all the able bodied men was not by banning the militia but simply by taking away the people’s arms, enabling a select militia or standing army to suppress political opponents.” —District of Columbia et al v. Heller.

The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. The Bill of Rights:

II. A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

“The Amendment could be rephrased, “Because a well regulated Militia is necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.””District of Columbia et al v. Heller

A well regulated militia is not a militia organized by the government.  It is not today’s National Guard.  It is a citizen militia formed out of necessity to protect our freedom by standing ready to oppose an out of bounds government.

“It was understood across the political spectrum that the right helped to secure the ideal of a citizen militia, which might be necessary to oppose an oppressive military force if the constitutional order broke down.”District of Columbia et al v. Heller

Being necessary to the security of a free state:

Any Christian well tell you a church is not the structure.  It is the body of believers just as a free state is neither the land, territory nor the government.  It is instead the body of people.  The right to keep and bear arms is essential to the security of the free people.

“Joseph Story wrote in his treatise on the Constitution that “the word ‘state’ is used in various senses [and in] its most enlarged sense, it means the people composing a particular nation or community.”” District of Columbia et al v. Heller

The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed:

We have the right to keep and bear arms.  It is an individual right, but more importantly a necessity to the forming of, if needed, a citizen militia to defend the free state.  Our right shall not be infringed meaning in any way limited in a manner actively breaking the terms of our Constitutionally guaranteed right.

The debate of the day centers around the types of weapons or arms we should be allowed to keep and bear.  In the days of our founders, weapons were muskets, flintlock pistols and knives and swords.  Arms in the possession of the people were the same as the military arms of the time.  Over time, our society deemed it acceptable to infringe by banning civilian ownership of certain types of arms for example automatic weapons.  Now only criminals possess such weapons.   No one I know stands opposed to that, but admittedly it is the first inch toward a mile of infringement.  That aside, the push now is to ban cosmetically modified semi-automatic rifles and to assign an age limit to a Constitutional right.  Handguns we own are as capable as any military issued handguns, some more so.  So where does infringement end?  For some factions of our country, infringement ends with total weapons ban.  Respectfully, it is a utopian view ignorant of human nature and history lacking understanding that someone else will always have a gun and not always with good intent.

 “Some have made the argument, bordering on the frivolous, that only those arms in existence in the 18th century are protected by the Second Amendment.  We do not interpret constitutional rights that way.  Just as the First Amendment protects modern forms of communications, e.g., Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union, 521 U. S. 844, 849 (1997), and the Fourth Amendment applies to modern forms of search, e.g., Kyllo v. United States, 533 U. S. 27, 35–36 (2001), the Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding.” —District of Columbia et al v. Heller

I cannot compose a better closing argument than that made by St. George Tucker:

“Wherever standing armies are kept up, and the right of the people to keep and bear arms is, under any colour or pretext whatsoever, prohibited, liberty, if not already annihilated, is on the brink of destruction.” —St. George Tucker’s View of the Constitution of the United States

We must never forfeit our right to keep and bear arms because to quote President Reagan, “If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth.”  If our government ever deems it necessary to attempt to take away our arms and our right to keep and bear them, we need to remember what Leonidas said to Xerxes.  Molon Labe.

Visit D. Pendry’s American Journal

© 2018 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

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Collusion Illusion

With chants of Rudy! Rudy! as Giuliani joins the Trump defense team vowing to end this thing in a week or two and along with indications Mueller’s probe is unraveling at the seams as key players were referred for criminal investigation, I’d suggest everyone take a deep breath.  Now let it out slowly and remember, according to Yogi Berra, “it ain’t over ‘til it’s over.”  Communists never go quietly or easily.  If they did, Havana would be bustling tourist hot spot and the sports cars on the streets wouldn’t be 55 Chevys.  As Coach used to warn, keep your eye on the ball don’t be fooled by the head fake.

In March 2017, after reading about it in Disinformation: Former Spy Chief Reveals Secret Strategies for Undermining Freedom, Attacking Religion, and Promoting Terrorism by Soviet defector and former spy chief Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa I wrote about Russian disinformation operations.  Watching the Russian collusion tale unfold through the media and investigation leaks, I concluded maybe that’s what is happening with the Trump Russian collusion investigation.

“Simplistically and in a nutshell, according to the General, dezinformatsiya built a false history (a past) then leaked information to spur the media into a feeding frenzy in order characterize a perception of the target. Boy, does that not seem too familiar? Then just at the appropriate time the “real” bombshell proof finally emerges verifying what most people have been conditioned to believe. It is more complex than that involving many real players and dupes, but that is the general picture. We are seeing something very similar every day, from our media, “Intelligence Sources”, and politicians.”  – Communists, Russians and Collusion – March 2017

Let’s see how well the collusion saga fits the pattern.

Build a false history:

It is well established through multiple sources the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) through the law firm Perkins Coie paid Fusion GPS to conduct opposition research on presidential candidate Trump.  Fusion GPS in turn hired former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele. Steele had established ties with the FBI and the U.S. Intelligence community.

The now infamous and yet unverified Steele Dossier was supposedly prepared using information provided by Russian sources from inside the Kremlin.

“Specifically, the idea is to fabricate a new past for enemy targets in order to change how the world perceives them.” Disinformation

Although Fusion GPS at the behest of the Clinton campaign and the DNC contracted Steele for opposition research on candidate Trump, the dossier found its way into the hands of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director John Brennan, Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper, National Security Agency (NSA) Director Admiral Mike Rogers, Senator John McCain and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director James Comey.  Who knows how many others got it.

It’s actually crafty, yet very basic.  President Trump’s well-known persona is that of a brash billionaire international real estate mogul and playboy.  Building on this perceived personality – a kernel of truth- the salacious and unverified false history was crafted.

Spur the media into a feeding frenzy:

“The truth is, The Western media are quite easily manipulated, for they often craft their stories from press releases and tend, on the whole, to be indiscriminate about the nature and reliability of their sources.” Disinformation

According to information in the recently released Comey Memos,  the classified briefing given to Trump in 2017 provided the news hook CNN and others needed to begin reporting the story.

“The classified briefings last week were presented by four of the senior-most US intelligence chiefs — Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, FBI Director James Comey, CIA Director John Brennan, and NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers.” CNN January 12, 2017

“According to a House Intelligence Committee report, Clapper leaked that Trump had been briefed by senior officials on the contents of the dossier and in effect, the briefing, “gave the dossier legs and news agencies began to publish its contents because it had now become official news” Sarah A. Carter

For more than a year later the story has dominated the liberal legacy news media.  For some media outlets, it consumes their programming.  As the adage proclaims, a lie can travel half way around the world before the truth can get its pants on.  This lie has actually lapped the world a few times and the truth that may someday set us free is buried beneath Washington and legacy media noise.  When we need him, where is Detective Joe Friday?

Follow the path to the real bombshell evidence:

Before a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing, fired FBI Director Comey admitted:

“I asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with a reporter,” Comey told the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday. “I didn’t do it myself for a variety of reasons but I asked him to because I thought that might prompt the appointment of a special counsel.”  The Hill

Joe knows the deal.

“We could’ve piled up a hundred years of great policemen and great detectives: men with honor and brains and guts. You tore down every best part of them. The people who read it in the papers, they’re gonna overlook the fact that WE got you; that we washed our own laundry and we cleared this thing up. They’re gonna overlook all the good. They’ll overlook every last good cop in the country. But they’ll remember YOU. Because you’re a bad cop.”Joe Friday

Special Counsel Robert Mueller was appointed within a couple of days of the leaked Comey memo.  It seems, at least to my cynical view, that it was just another piece of a well laid disinformation operation.  Mueller and his politically biased team fed by the politically biased inside the FBI, our intelligence agencies, and the Department of Justice embarked on an investigation in search of a crime.  All though there are indictments, there is nothing related to the Trump campaign or to the President himself.  There is certainly no evidence of Russian collusion.

Enter Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen.  Cohen has worked years for Trump including his business dealings with Russia.  So, the Mueller inspired FBI raid on Cohen’s home and offices, vacuumed up everything including records and computers much of it most likely protected by attorney-client privilege.  Contained in those records or on those computers and cell phones are undoubtedly business dealings in Russia with Cohen representing Trump’s interests.

I’m just a country boy.  Generally, I do not delve too deeply into conspiracy theories.  However, when I see a clearly defined pattern and follow it to a logical end I am prone to try and figure out what that end might be. This is especially so when logically following the pattern leads me to a specific but not otherwise explainable point.

Ever since the DNC servers were hacked, we’ve been hearing how it was the Russians and how devious the Russians are.  That is just underpinning for the larger operation.  The FBI was not allowed to examine the DNC’s servers (or maybe they were, who knows), so we have to take the word of the DNC – the people who launched the whole shebang with the Steele dossier –  that the Russians did it.  How much of a challenge would it be for these so-called superstar Russian hackers to bury that last piece of “bombshell” evidence onto one of Cohen’s computers.  To accept that, we must accept the premise the Russians were ever involved in the first place.  I do not.  At least not to the extent claimed.

A more likely scenario has our own intelligence agency deep staters, who are working tirelessly to take down a President, planting the bombshell and waiting for the right time to steer someone toward it.  If there exists such evidence, it’s been sitting there for a while.  A disinformation campaign starts with the end in mind.  The evidence will verify what Americans have been conditioned to believe by the media’s yearlong misinformation campaign– that Trump colluded with the Russians.  If there, it will be an ah ha discovery but not by the Special Counsel.  As they scour Cohen’s records, it will be stumbled upon by the Southern District of New York Attorney General providing cover for the deep state.  Over at CNN they may be hyperventilating.

Very clean is it not?  I know that sounds too conspiratorial for most to accept, but one must accept that it all follows the pattern of a disinformation operation right up to Mr. Cohen’s doorstep.  The Russians did not corner the market on disinformation.  We’re pretty good at it too.  The fat lady ain’t singing yet and until she does let’s not feel too good about it.

© 2018 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

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Our Orwellian Hole

In the internet era, the amount of information we offer up about ourselves is staggering.  No one has to dig around for what we freely give.  We do it without much thought and seem concerned only when there is a breach revealing our credit card numbers and even then there is a thriving industry to cure that ailment.  Practically every app we download to our phones asks us for access to virtually every piece of information we carry around or receive.  Then, we appear shocked when our information is used for purposes we did not intend –  like unwittingly helping out political campaigns. Now we are excited to spit on a Q-tip and give up our DNA as if every other piece of personal data about ourselves, our relationships and what we buy at the grocery store is not enough.  With the advance of artificial intelligence, how long before even a hint of privacy becomes a fantasy.  We have no one to blame but ourselves and our addictions to gadgets and social media.  After all, it is exciting when Alexa’s soothing voice, always peering out at you through her camera and always listening through her microphone, gives you the weather, your appointments and plays your favorite music.  The persistent questions are how far have we willingly gone down the Orwellian hole?  And can we ever climb out of it?  There will always be some willing to take a potential good thing and use it for bad purpose.

Within weeks of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack, President George W. Bush signed into law the Patriot Act.

There was some debate, but with urgency an overwhelming Congressional majority passed it.  There were concerns about electronic surveillance of Americans inside the United States in violation of their rights to freedom of association and freedom of speech.  We trusted politicians and political appointees to do the right thing.  Following the Ben Franklin axiom, we forfeited some liberty for promised safety.

On the subject, I was one of many fence sitters.  I wanted our agencies enabled to collect intelligence and foil terrorist plots.  I did not think it likely they would intentionally collect data on average Americans.  My naivete also steered me to believe the Government of a free United States of America would never abuse this power to spy on Americans for reasons other than anti-terrorism and especially not political opposition during a Presidential campaign.

Back in 2005, when the political conversations heated up around the subject, I favored the Patriot Act because I chose political sides.  If certain people came out against anything rigid thinking automatically compelled to be for it.  My thinking has matured some since.  Even though I made and received frequent international calls as the NSA was making bulk collection of phone records I expressed concern then that I feared Google more than the remote possibility the National Security Agency would capture my data illegally or otherwise.

Surveilling the landscape today I sort of feel like a prophet – at least as it relates to Google.  I also believe that our government intel collection methods capture everything to sort out later if needed.  How long before the Russians or Chinese hack them servers?

If you have a Google account, an Android cell phone in your pocket, and use the Chrome web browser you can probably hear the old 80’s The Police tune Every Breath You Take playing in the background.

Every breath you take and every move you make
Every bond you break, every step you take, I’ll be watching you
Every single day and every word you say
Every game you play, every night you stay, I’ll be watching you

Google not only captures but stores enormous amounts of data on each of us.  Data we offered up freely.  The potential for abuse of this data by criminals, unknown intelligence agencies (foreign and domestic), and political parties should concern every American.  Especially in light of current events.

Over recent months, we learned unscrupulous people are willing to abuse the Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) to spy on Americans under the guise of monitoring possible foreign agents.  It just so happens the foreigners being monitored were having conversations with members of an opposing political party during a Presidential campaign.  We’ve also learned FISA court judges appear, with a 99.97% approval rate for warrants, rubber stamps.  Google may actually do a better job protecting our data than the government.  With our proven abilities to gather and store vast amounts of data, whose to say our government doesn’t already have its arms wrapped around Google and others.  What’s the downside?  Abuse of this power likely leads to legislation and regulation that hinders our ability to protect ourselves and restricts our ability to freely use the Internet.  Or we become Mr. Orwell’s totalitarian state.  For public consumption, what we write may end up being nailed to a tree.

As our founders reminded, our system of government is designed for law abiding people.  With no exceptions, people proven to have illegally abused FISA and illegally spied on Americans must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.  The saddest fact?  Most people consume only legacy news media and nowadays social media so are literally blind to this abuse.

And then there’s Facebook.  Facebook also collects data offered up freely by people who decide the need for a Facebook presence – myself among them.  It seems we want to be noticed so we readily give up many details about our lives and readily “friend” people we know nothing about giving them access to our personal information.  It is something most of us would never do in a face to face conversation with a stranger.

By what you read, what you share, what you like, what products you search for, who you follow, who follows you Facebook can make a relatively accurate assessment of you and your social network.  Facebook analyzes and uses this information for lucrative targeted advertising.  When you are the world’s largest social media network, it’s an absolute gold mine.

In terms I can understand, a social graph is a chart that shows relationships between all the people in a community.  In the internet era, it’s sort of like the universe.  It’s massive and endless.

As of 2010, Facebook‘s social graph is the largest social network dataset in the world, and it contains the largest number of defined relationships between the largest number of people among all websites because it is the most widely used social networking service in the world. – Wikipedia

Facebook has some problems however.  They’ve decided to protect us by deciding what we should post and what we should read.  It’s that algorithm thing we keep hearing about –  the process that decides what’s hate speech, what’s unsafe, what’s fake, and what’s real.  They want to know all about us and then guide us toward their idea of what’s good for us.  It is a utopian mindset.  It’s as if they would prefer to rid the planet of critical thinking.  Their other problem is the data they collect with which to target us is also available to or accessible to anyone or organization savvy enough to mine it.  They played fast and loose with our data until a company that did not share their worldview used some of it.

Cambridge Analytica is a data analytics company that mines and uses data about what we like, what we share, who we friend, etc. to target political advertising.  Their problem, it seems, is they provided data to some conservative campaigns and supposedly to the Trump campaign.  These assertions alone led to Congressional hearings.  It was unacceptable that a company helping conservative campaigns may have used information readily available to anyone including President Obama’s campaigns.  It was so offensive that Facebook banned them.

Congresswoman Maxine “Impeach Trump” Waters let the cat out of the bag some time ago, but it never broke through the liberal media firewall other than to compliment the genius of Obama’s social data mining.

“The president [Obama] has put in place an organization that contains the kind of database that no one has ever seen before in life. That’s going to be very, very powerful. That database will have information about everything on every individual in ways that it’s never been done before.” Maxine Waters

While Facebook and assorted liberals are throwing a conniption fit about the activity of Cambridge Analytics, they are ignoring the fact that they either provided or allowed access to data on millions of users to Obama’s reelection campaign.  This could be a violation of federal election law, but don’t hold your breath for the investigation to begin.

Carol Davidsen was the Director, Integration and Media Analytics for Obama for America.

“In 2011, Carol Davidsen, director of data integration…” and media analytics for Obama for America, built a database of every American voter using the same Facebook developer tool used by Cambridge, known as the social graph API. Any time people used Facebook’s log-in button to sign on to the campaign’s website, the Obama data scientists were able to access their profile as well as their friends’ information. That allowed them to chart the closeness of people’s relationships and make estimates about which people would be most likely to influence other people in their network to vote.

“We ingested the entire U.S. social graph,” Davidsen said in an interview. “We would ask permission to basically scrape your profile, and also scrape your friends, basically anything that was available to scrape. We scraped it all.” – The Washington Post

“We ingested the entire U.S. social graph.”  In other words, millions of “friends” had their data sucked up without their knowledge or consent.  According to Davidsen, Facebook was really broken up by this revelation.  She recently Tweeted:

“They came to office in the days following election recruiting & were very candid that they allowed us to do things they wouldn’t have allowed someone else to do because they were on our side,” – Carol Davidsen – The Daily Caller

Whether it is information swept up by NSA surveillance or what we freely give to Facebook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, et al we have made ourselves vulnerable to manipulation and misinformation campaigns.  We have allowed others, using psychological graphs and other tools, to guide us.  They want to guide our thinking, steer us toward the news and information some “algorithm” has determined is safe for us.  Being human, we like the easy route so we are likely to go where the search engine leads.  We prefer to follow rather than lead and our youth are the most susceptible.  It’s brainwashing on a sophisticated global scale.  Survival requires us to start searching for the way out of the Orwellian hole we’ve dug for ourselves.

© 2018 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

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