Sheriff: Help Me! My Park and Rec Department is Mask Bullying

by Jake MacAulay

Just this past weekend I witnessed the injurious ignorance of my local parks and recreation department in Johnston County, NC. I am a baseball coach for 11-12 year-olds. I signed up to coach baseball, not to enforce lunatic face mask regulations as strictly as the most religious zealot.

I have, on numerous occasions, informed the league that I will not force my players to wear masks because that is a medical decision the players’ parents must determine. Again, I am a coach, not a physician. Despite the obvious lack of laws – federal, local, state or otherwise – the athletic director and many of his subordinates have chosen to go to war with me, my pre-pubescent team members, and their parents. They chose to do so despite a tragic accident with a fly ball whereby the player was inhibited by a mask, which in turn caused a mouth and dental injury.

So I am calling on my sheriff for simple protection from this unlawful harassment of city workers. I am asking him to make good on the following statement that we at the Institute on the Constitution will be releasing in full version very soon as a template for others to use as an appeal to their local sheriffs.

We are requesting in urgent that our sheriffs definitively declare:

As the elected sheriff of my county, I have taken an oath before the “Supreme Judge of the Universe” to keep the peace and to secure, defend and protect the people of this jurisdiction from threats to their liberties, their livelihoods, and the peaceable enjoyment of their property.

The nature of that solemn oath requires that the actions of the sheriff in the performance of his duty must conform to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of my own State. 

These documents are the supreme law of the land and describe the powers entrusted to civil government by the consent of the people. They also provide limits to those powers which are absolute, permanent, and perpetual.  

In March of last year, the governor of this state issued executive orders closing businesses, churches, schools, even parks and recreation departments, denying the people of this state their God-given and constitutionally-protected right to travel, to worship, to assemble, and to exercise personal autonomy respecting wearing face masks or medical devices. When these directives were first issued, they were accompanied by statements indicating they were an attempt to deal with a medical catastrophe and were expected to extend for only fourteen days.

Despite several judicial rulings that these measures lack constitutional authority, the governor has expanded and extended these orders for more than fourteen months. 

During this time there has been a coordinated and constant effort by media and some government agencies to justify the suspension or denial of God-given, constitutionally protected rights under a plea of emergency; but this is precisely what is forbidden by the Constitution of the United States.

Moreover, the Constitution of my state provides that all lawmaking power is vested in our state legislature and further provides that the powers and authorities of one branch of government shall not be discharged by an official from a different branch.

Lawmaking power being thus vested in the legislature, the Governor has no constitutional authority to make law. Therefore, the edicts of the Governor (or a health department subordinate), whether they are characterized as mandates, orders, proclamations, or directives, are not law and cannot be lawfully enforced.

In point of fact, no governor, state agency, or local recreation worker has the authority to suspend the Constitution.  Any attempt by a governor to suspend constitutional rights is an act of lawlessness and a violation of his/her oath of office.

When I took my oath of office as sheriff, I swore obedience and fidelity to the United States Constitution and the Constitution of this State. I did not swear allegiance to a mayor or a governor or a health department bureaucrat.

Fidelity to my oath requires that I abstain from enforcing any edict or order from a governor, or any executive, which lacks constitutional authority.  Moreover, my sworn duty requires that I resist such edicts and orders and act in such a manner as to shelter and protect the citizenry from all acts of lawlessness, even and especially when they originate from civil authorities.

The people of my county are entitled to the protection of their God-given and constitutionally-protected rights.  As the elected chief law enforcement official of this jurisdiction, it is my responsibility, duty and privilege to do everything in my lawful power to protect, defend and secure these rights.

And I fully intend to.

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Standing Trial for a “Face-Mask Crime” That Does Not Exist

By Jake MacAulay

The World Health Organization has recently confirmed that the Covid-19 PCR test is a flawed procedure. This means that all the estimates of “Positive Cases”, which you have been hearing about incessantly for more than a year now are, at best, inconsequential and, at worst, totally meaningless.

Now, you have probably been very suspect of the motives of Fauci, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the mainstream managed media, with their overbearing and desperate censorship of anyone or anything that challenged or even criticized their narrative.

But now it is publicly admitted by its WHO perpetrators.

But, as we have said here before, constitutionally, lawfully, all this does not (and never did) matter.

The supreme law of every state is the State Constitution. Every elected official – every law enforcement officer – every judge –  every civil servant – every citizen – everyone is subject to its terms. No one is exempt. No circumstance – No emergency – No pandemic provides justification for any public officer to set aside or suspend its application.

But, there are some in our country like Harford County Sheriff, Jeff Gahler, and Assistant State’s Attorney, Logan Hayes, who think that the law that applies to the rest of us does not apply to them.

I say this because, when a law-abiding citizen named Dan Swain peaceably walked into his polling place last Election Day to cast his vote without wearing a face mask, he was arrested by Sheriff’s deputies, subsequently charged by the State’s Attorney, and was put on trial for disobeying a law that did not exist. In fact, during the course of the trial the states attorney put forth no evidence for failure to wear a face-mask.

This, of course, is not surprising because there exists no “face-mask law.”

Now, the Constitution of the state of Maryland clearly sets forth and describes a process for the enactment of legislation. (Article III, Sec. 29, 30, 31).

And to date there has not been an enactment by the Maryland General Assembly requiring anyone, anywhere, at any time, to wear a face-mask of any kind.

But that didn’t seem to matter to the Harford County Prosecutor, Miss Logan Hayes, who has reportedly said that she wants to make an example of Mr. Swain.


Well, my speculation is that she doesn’t want Mr. Swain (or me or you) to challenge the lawless tyranny of a governor who pretends, by use of Executive Order, to exercise authority he doesn’t have.

Since only legislature can make law, any governor’s face mask order is an obvious breach of his/her constitutional authority. It is not law.

So, Dan Swain stood trial for a crime that does not exist.

What does exist – what is taking place before our eyes – is a crime against the constitution by a lawless governor and his junior commissars in Harford County.

In conclusion, even if the whole pandemic was NOT erroneously handled and purported, the Constitution – the rule of law – is not affected by “pandemics,” or any other emergencies or circumstances.

The people, like Dan Swain, whose rights have been criminally violated by governors, police, health department officials and others, have a right and a duty to seek justice.

As the false narrative is unravelling, this very well may occur.

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A Lesson From Constitutional Minnesotans Defying Their Governor

By Jake MacAulay

Every so often we get stung because we forget something that we should never forget.

We forget that men are capable of desperate wickedness.

Thankfully, the Founders of America were well studied in God’s Word, which describes man’s sinful nature and just how dark and deceitful his heart can be. And we should thank Almighty God that they incorporated this truth into our constitutions and our legal system.

Back in 1646, in a work titled “Limitation of Government,” Reverend John Cotton explained the need to limit governmental power because of the corrupt nature of human beings.

“Let all the world learn to give mortal men no greater power than they are content they shall use–for use it they will…,” he wrote.

“And unless they be better taught of God, they will use it ever and anon….”

“There is a strain in a man’s heart…” he continued, “…that will sometime or other run to excess…; it is necessary, therefore, that all power…on earth be limited.”

This is why our State Constitutions wisely place limits on the power of governors and other officials.  — And provide lawful remedies when those limits are transgressed.

One such Governor is Minnesota’s Tim Walz, who served up a ghastly Christmas gift to his states small businesses. An executive order that in effect prohibits dine-in service at Minnesota bars and restaurants.

Shortly after the order was made the Minnesota Department of Health went on a rampage against the states small restaurants announcing numerous lawsuits with assistance from the states Attorney General’s Office of Keith Ellison.

One such victim was a small-town restaurant named Haven’s Garden. The restaurant served customers indoors, in violation of an executive order issued by the Minnesota governor.

Thankfully, Haven’s Garden owner Larvita McFarquhar knows that there is no authority in the Minnesota Constitution for a Governor to close any business, nor is there authority for the Governor to magically create legislation with his pen.

Exercising her constitutional education this restaurant owner posted a video on social media saying the restaurant will stay open.

“I am open, and I will stay open,” McFarquhar said, and she urged other businesses affected by the executive orders to open. “Let’s stand together,” she said.

Like the 1600’s Reverend John Cotton earlier mentioned, Pastor Darryl Knappen of Cornerstone Church in Alexandria, MN is preaching and bringing legal action against Governor Walz. Knappen’s message to businesses as well as the governor is simple, Governor Walz’s orders are “unlawful,” and he is right.

In 2005 the state legislature took out the wording in state statue 12.31 that would have otherwise allowed the governor to declare a peacetime emergency for a public health emergency. In April of 2020 the legislature considered adding the words back into the statute but declined to because there was a lack of support and votes to get it done. So, the conclusion is, as the good Pastor declared, Tim Walz is acting illegally and should be restrained.

Like you and I, Tim Walz is a sinful man. But he has wickedly assumed absolute power, and has been absolutely corrupted in the process.

And so, it is the duty of all citizens, to restrain him, and other corrupted officials, by invoking the lawful remedy of impeachment. Along with the needed action of the legislature, Minnesota’s attorney general, rather than suing to enforce this corrupt governor’s executive order, ought to be taking action against him.

Founding Father, Thomas Jefferson, feared that “Having found, from experience, that impeachment is an impracticable thing, a mere scare-crow, they consider themselves secure for life; they sculk from responsibility to public opinion.”

Because these lawless officials have violated their sworn duty and remain sculking at those they swore to protect, and we must faithfully perform our duty to impeach them — even if it stings.

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Celebrating Christmas is Politically Correct

By Jake MacAulay

In their effort to make a point, those who discuss law and government and politics for a living often miss the most crucial – the most critical point of all. So, as we celebrate Christmas, this is a good time to take a deep breath and revisit the first principles of America.

We should remember the political significance of Christmas. Now don’t get distracted by arguments that early Christians latched onto a pre-existing pagan holiday to establish the date of Christmas. That may be true, but it is a distraction from what’s truly important. The important thing is the birth of the Savior, Jesus Christ.

The birth of the Savior is the most significant political event in human history. This bears repeating. The birth of Jesus Christ is the most significant political event in the history of the universe.

Why? Well, simply put, it is because liberty does not and cannot exist absent the acknowledgement of the Almighty, Omniscient, Living and Everlasting God of the Bible, whose Son is Jesus Christ — Who created the world, entered His own creation, and sacrificed His life to cover our sins and make us presentable before the Throne of Grace.

For liberty to exist in the world, this acknowledgement of Christ’s authority must exist in the hearts of the people and it must be the operating principle of civil government.

If it is, then peace on earth will prevail. But to the extent that the hearts of the people are distracted and the civil government forgets that it is a ministry of Jesus Christ (look up Romans 13), is the extent that injustice, chaos, corruption and tyranny will prevail.

Now you may not share the Christian beliefs I’ve just described, but that doesn’t affect my point here because it is indisputable that the founders of American government believed them and established a system of law and liberty based on them.

So, your disbelief in them does not extinguish them. Whatever beliefs you personally hold, please remember that far from violating any law, the acknowledgement of Jesus Christ as the Source of Law and Government is the very first presupposition of American government. It is contained in the Declaration of Independence, which is the organic law of the United States. The Declaration states that there is a Creator-God, that our rights to Life, Liberty, and pursuit of happiness come from Him, and that the purpose of civil government is simply to secure the rights He gave to His creation.

Therefore, celebrating Christmas through Nativity displays, public prayer, sacred song, and all other forms of Christian witness are consistent with and supportive of the American View of Law and Liberty and are the essence of American government.

Publicly celebrating the blessed birth of the Savior of the world is not only lawful, it is patriotic in the purest sense and the most politically correct thing you can ever do.

So with that, we at the Institute on the Constitution wish you a very Merry Christmas this year.

© 2020 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

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Remaining Thankful in 2020

By Jake And Dominic MacAulay

Author of the first American dictionary, Noah Webster, says Thanksgiving is “a public celebration of divine goodness; also, a day set apart for religious services, specially to acknowledge the goodness of God, either in any remarkable deliverance from calamities of danger, or in the ordinary dispensation of his bounties.”

The tradition of Thanksgiving as a time to focus on God and His blessings dates back almost four centuries. While such celebrations occurred at Cape Henry, Virginia as early as 1607, it is from the Pilgrims that we derive the current tradition of Thanksgiving.

The Pilgrims left England on September 6, 1620, and for two months braved the harsh elements of a storm-tossed sea. After disembarking at Plymouth Rock, they, first and foremost, had a prayer service and began building hasty shelters. However, unprepared for a harsh New England winter, nearly half of the settlers died before spring.

Yet, persevering in prayer, and assisted by helpful Indians, they reaped a bountiful harvest the following summer. The grateful Pilgrims then declared a three-day feast in December 1621 to thank God and to celebrate with their Indian friends — America’s first Thanksgiving Festival. This began an annual tradition in the New England Colonies that slowly spread into other Colonies.

The first national Thanksgiving occurred in 1789. According to the Congressional Record for September 25 of that year, immediately after approving the Bill of Rights:

Mr. Elias Boudinot said he could not think of letting the congressional session end without offering an opportunity to all the citizens of the United States of joining with one voice in returning to Almighty God their sincere thanks for the many blessings He had poured down upon them. With this view, therefore, he would move the following resolution:

“Resolved, That a joint committee of both Houses be directed to wait upon the President of the United States to request that he would recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer… Mr. Roger Sherman justified the practice of thanksgiving not only as a praiseworthy one in itself but also as warranted by a number of precedents in Holy Writ…. This example he thought worthy of a Christian imitation on the present occasion.”

The resolution was delivered to President George Washington who heartily concurred with the congressional request, declaring:

Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor… Now, therefore, I do appoint Thursday, the 26th day of November 1789 . . . that we may all unite to render unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection.

I believe every year is a perfect time to revisit these first principles, and, especially in light of this historical year of events that may challenge our thankfulness, I believe it is even more important to continue to recognize God’s sovereign hand in our affairs.

So, this Thanksgiving, let us give thanks to the God of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for America’s incredible founding and urgently pray that our government would never relinquish its God-given duty to secure our rights despite its own urges to play god and control our lives under the guise of protecting them.

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What We Really Need This Election

By Jake MacAulay

America was once a bastion of liberty where government understood constitutional boundaries and feared the repercussions of encroaching on individual liberties. Tragically the events of this past year have revealed just how far we have devolved from thinking American. In addition to a tyrannizing government, the people of the land have become subject to illogical hatred, division, and violence.

This exceptionally rampant state of decay is nothing more than an indication of the loss of the previously shared sets of principles and values America was founded with. Over time, the moral foundation of American life and government has been cast aside and replaced by an age of irresponsibility and convenience.

As a result, the America that once was is now the America that is no more. In a short two hundred years, the people of America have forgotten the firm reliance on God that our founders had. The unity under the moral law of God has been dispersed into passionate and unresolved debates and a people who can only seem to acknowledge their own wants and desires. No longer is there a natural moral code that reigns over the minds, actions, and speech of the American people. Now it simply seems to be, “My way, and if you disagree, you’re a hater.”

This new type of rhetoric has corroded away the basic principles and understanding of truth that America was founded on. In its wake, the desecration of property and liberty through such things as riots and mask mandates have assumed full control over the people of America. Justice has been thwarted. Reason has been forgotten. And an overall hatred and carelessness has spread throughout America infecting the minds of her people.

The laws of nature and nature’s God have been cast aside because of their supposed hateful, bigoted, and sexist connotations. The enforcement of justice has become hatred in the public eye. The holy sanctity of marriage has become bigoted and hateful because of the restrictions it places on so-called “love.” And the right to life for the unborn is now considered sexist because it controls a woman’s “body.”

Following the dismissal of God’s laws in America, the Constitution has also been carelessly tossed aside. The allowance of illegal governmental control and the outright transgressions of its citizens’ rights have been seen all the more in the past year. The people of America, in an act of rebellion against God, have traded his laws for those of a tyrannical government.

And now, after seeing the effects of placing all their hope in their favorite political party, the American people have resolved to do this once again for the upcoming election day. Let me be clear: the only one we can place our trust in to save us in this time of crisis is God and God alone. Relying on a president alone to save the day will result only in a loss of rights, freedom, and eventually the life we all enjoy.

So please, join me in returning America to God and His law as our foundation. If we desire real change we must bend our knee to the Creator as our authority. He is our only defense and our ever-present help in time of need.

© 2020 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

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What Is the Solution to Abortion?

Jake MacAulay

Following the recent series of debates, the issue of child abortion has once again resurfaced. Continuing the usual trend of conservative rhetoric, the Republican party is, in speech and theory, opposed to abortion, promising to bring a swift end to the practice.

Such promises have developed an association between Republicans and pro-life decisions, prompting many people to blindly vote for anyone sporting the Republican title. However, it would appear that these righteous and constitutional promises have all been made without the proper action to support them.

Sure, some minor oppositions to abortion have come from these candidates, but there has really been no concrete change. Abortion is still assumed and carried out under the color of law.

This normalization of a criminal act that directly defies the words, “all men are created equal,” largely began with the Supreme Court opinion in Roe v. Wade which is now confused as law. The decision of the Supreme Court to ignore the written law and pretend to overrule its writing has resulted in the unborn’s right to life being completely disregarded in the public eye.

But does the Supreme Court’s opinion even carry legal weight outside of that particular case?

Well, there are two reasons that it absolutely does not. First, the Supreme Court has a very specific duty: Apply the law. The Constitution specifically designates “All legislative Powers” to be given to Congress leaving no lawmaking authority to the Judicial branch.

The second reason is that any law made in addition to the Constitution cannot exist in contradiction to its basic principles. The 5th amendment to the Constitution states that no person shall “be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” This judicial opinion is an act of direct contradiction to an affirmed right which is given by God and protected by the Government, rendering it void in the legal realm.

So, if this opinion from the courts is not even legal to begin with, why is it still treated as so despite the Republican party holding the majority in the Supreme court for almost the entirety of the past fifty years?

This is because hope cannot be found in a simple political party. Just because a candidate is Republican does not in any way guarantee that they will be active in the direction they should. Voting for a candidate must be a decision based on the principles and actions of each person concerned.

But what type of action should be taken against these corrupt patterns of pretended legislation? Michael Anthony Peroutka gave a precise series of actions the President can do to quickly rid this country of these atrocities:

  1. Prohibit public and federal funding of any and all abortion organizations as well as any organizations that advocate or perform these abortions.
  2. As the President, direct your attorney general to find and prosecute every single abortion clinic in America on the grounds of child slaughter.
  3. And lastly, encourage state and local officials to do the same.

In the end, no political party is the answer. A firm admission of the God-given right to life and action to follow this admission is the only thing that can correctly right this wrong. That is why it is imperative that we demand candidates of Biblical constitutional principals and actions, and stop blindly trusting any particular party or party candidate to fix the atrocities that exist due to our negligence to our Creator and the Constitution.

© 2020 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

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Could Amy Coney Barrett Appointment Lead to the Packing of the Court?

Jake MacAulay

In the past couple of weeks, we have heard a lot of noise surrounding the supreme court.

First of the topics is whether the Senate should, or even can in the first place, reject Supreme Court Nominee, Amy Coney Barrett, during a Presidential election year.

Article 2, Section 2, of the Constitution allows the President to appoint Supreme Court justices, but they may not hold office without the approval of the Senate. This Constitutional check James Madison referenced in The Federalist No. 51 as “necessary” is now being used by the Democratic party to overturn President Trumps election. And they have every Constitutional right to do so!

But aside from the constitutionality of the Senate’s decision, there is another issue that has arisen from the appointment of Amy Barrett to the Supreme Court. This issue is whether the next President in office can appoint additional Justices to balance out the roster of Democratic and Republican Justices.

The idea of appointing additional Justices to the nine sitting in the Supreme Court originated with President Franklin D. Roosevelt. You see, after a continued rejection of his unconstitutional orders, Roosevelt threatened to add new Justices to the court who would approve his orders, giving him the power to accomplish his goals. But before he could put this to practice, the Court buckled and approved his orders.

The question before us today is this: can a sitting President actually do this?

The President has absolutely NO authority to overrule this, and, therefore, cannot legally appoint another Justice to the Supreme Court without an amendment to the Constitution. This amendment, of course, would have to be moved approved by both segments of Congress.

So, yes, with the proper process, a President could appoint additional Justices to balance out the Supreme Court as far as political party affiliation is concerned.

The purpose of the court, however, is not to be a place of balanced parties. Founding Father Alexander Hamilton postulated: “[A] limited Constitution … can be preserved in practice no other way than through the medium of courts of justice, whose duty it must be to declare all acts contrary to the manifest tenor of the Constitution void.”

The underlying Judicial dilemma is that most Americans assume rulings and decisions handed down in cases that come before American courts are based on, and consistent with, “Constitutional law,” that is to say,“real law. ”

But, regrettably, this is not true.

Often times, Judges operate contrary to the Constitution and presume to mandate outrageous, anti-American motions, and, furthermore, pretend that these mandates are, in fact, law. Although connections between these actions and certain political parties may be valid, the issue is that there has been a drastic loss for American principles and we now see them replaced with un-American politics. This is the problem that requires our attention, not that of party balances.

As for Amy Barrett, again, it does not matter whether she is Democratic or Republican. What should concern us and our Senate is whether she, or any Justice for that matter, will follow the Constitution, or the sway of a political party. This must be our focus. If we lose sight of the Constitution, then we have already lost the freedom we all seek to protect.

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Which Candidates Support the Execution of Children in America?

By Jake and Dominic MacAulay

Along with the sudden surge of Presidential debates and the new election season comes another issue to captivate the minds of Americans: abortion. President Trump tweeted earlier this week that,“Biden and Democrats just clarified the fact that they are fully in favor of (very) LATE TERM ABORTION, right up until the time of birth, and beyond — which would be execution.” The President continued with “Biden even endorsed the Governor of Virginia, who stated this clearly for all to hear.”

Using the excuse of, it is the mother’s body, mother’s choice, child murder activists have pushed the agenda to the acceptance of this horrendous practice even after the child has been successfully born.

Now, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights along with the following amendments all specifically guarantee the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Citing phrases like, “all men are created equal,” and “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights.”

This definitive wording of the law, however, has been passed over by those in governmental positions by creating the argument that the unborn are not yet human until called as such by their caregivers. This argument has brought about a clear, barbaric change in the nature of giving birth and has allowed for the expelling of life in the womb under the assumption that full birth has not yet taken place.

But where does life truly begin? When does the matter inside a woman’s body receive its rights to its life, its liberty, and its pursuit of happiness?

Many pro-life activists have cited boldly that every human on this planet is born with these rights, and, therefore, they cannot be taken away. As morally correct as it may sound, this statement can actually be used as a dangerous argument for the opposition to life in the womb.

You see, life does not begin at birth. A child does not become human when they take their first breath in the open world. This is something that our founders identified from the very beginning. This is why they specifically worded the Declaration of Independence to include the phrase, “all men are created equal.” We are created, not born, equal.

Benjamin Rush a Declaration of Independence signer and medical doctor stated that life’s “first motion is produced by the stimulus of the male seed upon the female ovum … No sooner is the female ovum thus set in motion and the fetus formed than its capacity of life is supported.”

Life begins at conception, not at birth. This is a simple, precise fact. When we begin to move away from this very clear, moral law, that is when our rights are lost. And as we have seen, the rights of the unborn have been cast aside and are now at the mercy of the parents involved. This negligence for the duty of each and every person to protect the innocent has led to, as President Trump worded it, an allowance of child execution.

I leave you with this question: “If the rights of the defenseless children of America are cast aside for the sake of convenience and there is no legal action taken against this, how long will it be before the rights you and I share and enjoy are also cast aside for the sake of another’s convenience?”

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A President is Not The Solution to the 2020 Dilemma

By Jake MacAulay

The year 2020 has been one of great political testing for the American people. We have seen an alleged pandemic give way to the allowance of governmental “divinity.” And, following closely on its heels, is the recurring issue of racial discrimination and hatred.

With rioting and emergency laws taking the precedent of most all current political issues, I have found myself surrounded by both conservatives and liberals battling over what the true solution to America’s problems is.

Those on the left seem convinced that the removal of Donald Trump as America’s president, the blatant pandering to the will of the mob, and the reinforcement of a Democratic government’s control will save America from its impending doom.

Those of the opposing right wing believe that salvation may be found in President Trumps reelection, a lockdown on lawlessness, and the enhanced ability of the Republican party’s control over America.

Although these parties are so diametrically opposed to each other in their beliefs, both will inevitably choose to employ the metric of a gradually more controlling government to complete their objectives.

But would a stronger government truly be able to solve the problems ailing us? Could any form of government be fully capable of saving the people of America from every one of its issues?

Samuel Adams, the Father of the American Revolution, knew the answer to this fundamental question and said this concerning it, “Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.”

Adams perfectly summarized the entirety of this governmental dilemma, saying that there is no version of a law or a constitution – or a Government for that matter – that is capable of protecting a people’s rights from men who are naturally bound to destroy it. Safety cannot, and will not, ever be found in a government whose parts are comprised of a people bound to naturally corrupted passions.

What, then, can save America?

The answer is God.

As the creator of government, He is the only one who can truly govern a people to its best. In other words, there is no version of a secular government that can contend with the unhinged passions of its people. God is the only one capable of this impossible task.

When a people acknowledge God as the creator and giver of their rights and the ultimate foundation on which freedom is built, they will live in the peace and prosperity in which he created them.

The founders of America were very clear in their understanding of this fact. Following his original statement, Samuel Adams again said, “Could I be assured that America would remain virtuous, I would venture to defy the utmost efforts of enemies to subjugate her.”

Solidifying their belief that no government formed and operated without God as its authority, our founding fathers created American law with an absolute acknowledgement of God as the only foundation capable of securing their rights.

There is only one thing that can save America, and it is not the government. It is not the Democratic party or the Republican. It is God. And if we the people of America do not return to fundamental admission of God as our authority, we will never truly see the unabridged peace we all seek.

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It is Time to Decommission Our Governors

Jake MacAulay

Recently a patriotic Pastor and close friend of mine became sick with the corona virus and is now bedridden in his local ICU. Despite this, Pastor Paul resolved to write his congregation a letter petitioning them to keep their church doors open. He did so while stating that the church’s role as a beacon of hope and light in its community is so unequivocally essential, that nothing, not even his current condition can be a valid reason to close its doors.

But, aside from the church’s necessary role, is there any concrete, scientific evidence supporting the belief that churches should remain open?

Well, as it turns out, there is, in fact, a magnitude of evidence supporting the reopening of not just the churches, but also the entirety of America.

In relation to the death rate of the corona virus, Pastor Paul wrote that out of the approximated 7.8 billion people on planet earth, a tragic, but relationally minute amount of less than 1 million have actually died. That means that the corona virus has only killed .01% of the world’s population which further accounts for less than 2% of the yearly death toll in general!

Now, aside from the clearly over exaggerated death rates being pushed by the media, there are numerous logical fallacies pertaining directly to the safety measures that have been pressed on America. IOTC Chapter Leader, Ricki Pepin, uncovered multiple issues with the CDC’s safety measures showing how they simply don’t line up.

Perhaps the most aggravating fallacy would be the fact that large businesses such as Walmart, Target, and Lowes, are constantly bustling with un-socially distanced customers and are allowed to remain open, whereas smaller businesses who rarely see crowded traffic must be shut down in the name of “safety.”

Another fallacy relates to the indecisive statements on protests and public gatherings. Up until this summer, all public gatherings of any kind, including those of protest and assembly against the lockdown, were deemed a danger to all society and were shamefully criticized on public television.

However, once the rioting spurred by BLM activists began, it was suddenly accepted and even welcomed as a powerful raising of the people’s voice. Chaos and the destruction of innocent people’s homes and property became the very acts that the media propagated to America as necessary, blaming the immediate spike in COVID cases on Independence Day celebrations and not the close quarters rioting.

These fallacies, inconsistencies, and outright breaches of freedom, are only two of the numerous mask misconceptions, biased press reports, safety delusions, and overall prejudice against the God-given rights bestowed upon us at birth. Even if these illogical measures were not being taken, there is no such authority given to the government by any laws or any charters to override the Constitution.

Thomas Jefferson made this defining statement, Who will govern the governors?  There is only one force in the nation that can be depended upon to keep the government pure and the governors honest, and that is the people themselves.  They alone, if well informed, are capable of preventing the corruption of power, and of restoring the nation to its rightful course if it should go astray.  They alone are the safest depository of the ultimate powers of government.”

In no uncertain certain terms, it is time to decommission our Un-Constitutional Governors…

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During These Times of Crisis, Hold on to the Constitution

By Jake MacAulay

I have always considered it a blessing to be born and live in a country founded on biblical principles, and I have made it my life’s work to study the Constitution and share what I learn.

Father of the American Revolution Samuel Adams made the following prophetic exhortation to his beloved countrymen:

“If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.”

I believe, more than ever, that the time Adams spoke of is now.

Cities in our country have literally been taken over by lawless mobs, and their criminal occupations have been fully sanctioned by governors, mayors, sheriffs, and city councils.

The anti-Christian, anti-American, pro-choice, avowed communist movement known as Black Lives Matter (which, by the way, cares nothing for black lives) has been openly praised and embraced by professional sports organizations, massive media, and entertainment conglomerates, along with civil government at all levels.

In complete violation of their offices, Governors around our country have stopped their state’s economies, ruined the livelihood of their citizens, misused the police power of the state leading to falsely imprisoning millions of people in their own homes, and announcing themselves as the author of a “new normal”.

Our Supreme Court has determined they are God and have used their position in an attempt to normalize infant murder and self-sanctioned the re-write of the sacred institution of marriage to include the abominable practice of Homosexuality.

The popular online entertainment streaming company known as Netflix is now airing child pornography for its viewers. In addition to this, the largest populated state in our union, California, has legalized pedophilia with consenting 14-year old’s of both homosexual and heterosexual sex.

And amidst all of this, we have seen Christ removed from schools, prayers eliminated in our governments, and Churches shut down to prevent gathering to worship. In the name of freedom, all moral concepts have been stripped away, and their alternatives have now become the new societal norm.

But when we eliminate all moral standards – When nothing is really considered to be “wrong” anymore, do we really have greater freedom?

One of the nation’s greatest orators, Daniel Webster knew the answer to this present question.

“Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world.”

You see, if America’s Constitution and original Christian founding cannot be upheld and if the authority granted by the law is ultimately used to destroy the law, there will be no freedom.

Now is the time to, as our founders did, stand against the tyranny surrounding us. But, as we do this, we must remember to appeal to the divine providence our founders did. God is the maker and giver of laws, and if we try to solve these issues without Him, we may not see the same success.

Sign up for a FREE U.S. Constitution course with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution.

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Are People Losing Their Professional License Celebrating Freedom?

Jake MacAulay

Recently, I was emailed by a fellow patriot in Colorado. The email contained a letter from the Department of Regulatory Agencies of Colorado concerning the “safer at home” Labor Day weekend. In summary, the letter decreed that all Labor Day celebrations adhere to the strict COVID-19 guidelines set by the state government. If the regulations were to be disobeyed, anyone present would have their work licenses revoked or at least, negatively affected.

In addition to the license warning, the letter also addressed the rise in COVIC-19 cases throughout the month of July. While forgetting the BLM riots which certainly did not abide by any health ordinances, the Department undoubtedly blamed the sudden spike on those participating in July 4th Independence Day celebrations without adhering to CDC health ordinances.

Those from this department concluded that, in order to stop another spike in cases like the one from mid-July, the health ordinances must be strictly followed under the “force of law.” In their “professional” opinion, these celebrations of freedom cannot be so freely celebrated.

But is Labor Day a true celebration of freedom to begin with?

In the late 19th century, millions of European citizens began to flee to America, many for its Capitalist free market opportunities. These immigrants brought with them the numerous Communist theories they had learned from men like Karl Marx. Upon arrival to America, they realized how “unfair” the free market of America was in the Industrial era.

With this realization, the immigrants, led by Eugene Debs, began to call for a communist change in America, sporting the concept of equal share of resources as their motto. Soon enough, peaceful protests turned into riots among the working class of America.

After years of unrest, murder, protests, and rioting, the sitting president, Grover Cleveland decided to appease the small, complaining portion of the populace by designating a free day off, with the hope of an increased chance of reelection. In the end, this day off became known as Labor Day, Eugene Debs, the leader of the communist rioters was imprisoned, and Grover Cleveland failed at winning the next election.

So, you see, the first Labor Day was actually a result of individuals breaking the law to get their way. However, it is currently considered to be a day of celebration where Americans can rest and truly enjoy the fruits of liberty… until now.

Now, such free celebrations have been removed, instead replaced by a constricted day of pretended legislation. This injustice, however, is no longer a result of an un-American populace. It is a result of an un-American Government.

The entity that was first designed to protect our liberty has now become the one that denies them. Departing from its sole purpose, the government has created ordinances, mandates, and regulations under the color of “Law” to accomplish their one-sided growth.

They have then tricked the American populace into believing these mandates are enforceable by coining the phrase, “force of law.” After years of the people of America accepting and even welcoming these breaches of law, the government has established a dominant control over the constitution and, likewise, the American people.

What we now face is the compilation of corruption caused by years of these un-American tyrants. This tyrannical government now believes that it has the authority to suspend your rights on the basis of “safety” as it sits idly by as innocent people lose their livelihood in the same types of communist riots that the government of the 19th century allowed.

This is why it is so incredibly crucial to remember our Capitalist founding based on the Ultimate Word of God. When we stray from our biblical founding, tyranny begins to reside, people become restless, and the nation falls. That is why it is our duty to fight against this tyrannical injustice. That is why we must stand together. This is how America was founded. This is how we must make it again.

Holy Writ reads, “Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” Let us as the people of America rest in the Lord and act in the Government around us to bring about the same change our founders did. Let us as Americans abide where the Spirit of the Lord is.

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The BLM Takeover of NY Public Schools: Promoting Black Panther Agenda

Jake MacAulay

The events of the past few months have been perilously traumatic on the American people. With reports of police brutality, protesting, rioting, and the recurring topic of racism in America, the attention of the American people has been captivated and a new regime has begun to undermine the principle of America’s founding.

Saul Alinsky, an activist and political theorist in the 60’s and 70’s was most notably known for his book, Rules for Radicals. After giving an acknowledgment to Lucifer in the front pages of the book, Alinsky wrote:

“The organizer must first rub raw the resentments of the people of the community, …fan the latent hostilities of many of the people to the point of overt expression, …stir up dissatisfaction and discontent, and …search out controversy and issues, rather than avoid them.”

Unsurprisingly, Alinsky was exactly right in his statements, and, unfortunately, this has become the case in modern America. With the rapid escalation of racial issues and so many opting towards divided chaos and destruction rather than a firm and united voice against injustice, it is easily realized that Alinsky’s teachings are increasingly effective.

Recently, I received an email titled, “The Black Panthers: Ten Point Program” containing a list of new learning point demands BLM will be introducing into the New York Public high school’s curriculum.

The ten points listed by the Black Panthers were essentially a “We want this” list directed towards the government to ensure a free cost of living to every black individual underneath its jurisdiction.

Commodities such as food, housing, health care, land, clothing, education, employment or a guaranteed income, and “just” compensation for years of injustice are not just asked, but demanded of the government to be given to all black communities in America. In addition to the fulfillment of every need and the many wants of the Black Panthers, an end to America’s Capitalist free government is especially required.

Aside from teaching the outrageous demands of the Black Panthers, high school teachers are additionally encouraged to ask the students leading questions pertaining to the “benefits” of Socialism and the justification of violent crime.

This program is an outright attack on the founding of America, demanding a departure from its Capitalist free economy and not only justifying, but promoting the evil acts of violence suffered on the innocent American people as if they are deserved.

Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., one of the greatest and most respected civil rights activists of his time, stated many times in his teachings that bitterness, hatred, and violence was to be despised and would do nothing but create more problems than before. In addition, he firmly stood against those who ignored the many pressing issues surrounding them.

Rather, the Reverend decisively positioned himself against both the complacent and the destructive, opting rather towards “the more excellent way of love and non-violent protest.”

Instead of adhering to these principles, BLM has assumed the position MLK described as “the black nationalist” and has acted in the extreme with the destruction of private property and now implementation of narcissistic and violent education.

Now is the time for us in America to follow in Rev. King’s footsteps and not be complacent in this time of numerous injustices, but stand firm against them while remaining true to the underlying principles of peace America was founded upon, and not let the violent passions of others become the means by which we base our current life.

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Our President and the Constitution Share the Same Enemies

Jake MacAulay

In his classic book Democracy in America (1835), Alexis de Tocqueville of France observed: “There is no country in the whole world in which the Christian religion retains a greater influence over the souls of men than in America; and there can be no greater proof of its utility, and of its conformity to human nature, than that its influence is most powerfully felt over the most enlightened and free nation of the earth.”

There is no argument to the unequivocal truth that our Creator God is the source of all liberty and that American liberty exists due to His benevolent intervention.

In his first Inaugural Address on April 30, 1789, George Washington repeatedly talked about God’s blessings upon America, saying, “No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the Invisible Hand which conducts the affairs of men more than the people of the United States.”

Since Washington first added “so help me God” to his inaugural oath, every president since has likewise asked for God’s assistance at his inauguration.

Since its first meeting in 1774, Congress has opened its sessions with prayer; and since at least the 1820s, the U.S. Supreme Court has opened its court sessions with the prayer of “God save the United States and this Honorable Court.”

Since God graciously opened my eyes to His architecture in my country, I have joined our founders and have been guided by my allegiance to the American View of law and government, which is also the Biblical view of law and government.

That view begins with the Acknowledgement of — and the submission to — the Creator God of the universe.  And subject to His law, we form governments for the purpose of protecting the rights that He has granted and protecting the ability to perform the obligations He requires.

The Constitution of the United States, and the constitutions of the various states, set forth what is essentially the compact or contract that defines and limits the powers granted by the people to elected and appointed officials, along with civil servants to serve the ends, and perform the terms, of that contract.

I have always considered it a blessing to be born and live in a country founded on biblical principles, and I have made it my life’s work to study and share what I learn.

One of the many things I have learned is that there are some people who do not share this view.  In fact, there are some who detest it.  They include not only looters and rioters and brick-throwing thugs, but also mayors and governors and county executives who make excuses for this lawlessness rather than arresting and prosecuting these criminals.

I also observe that these enemies of America are united in their hatred for Donald Trump.

Our Creator’s Holy Writ urges, “…that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.”

I make it a point to weekly pray for my President (along with congress, the supreme court, and all subsequent governing bodies on my state and local levels). I know of no better way to assist our President and work for the healing of our land. I am hoping you will do the same.

Sign up for a FREE U.S. Constitution course with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution.

© 2020 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

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Are Local Gathering and Mask Mandates Constitutional?

Jake MacAulay

You’re a good parent. Let’s suppose you think it wise to buy a watchdog in order to protect your little girl from any intruders who may wish to do her harm.

After a little time, the puppy you bought becomes a full-grown animal. His muscles become fully developed, his teeth are big and sharp, and now he towers over your little girl. You are worried that he is becoming too aggressive and one day you look out the door and witness your worst fear —you see the dog’s jaws are on her neck and blood is on her clothes.

As you burst out the front door, she has gotten free and is cowering in the corner of the fence by the tree. The dog is charging across the yard and in a few seconds will be at her throat again. You only have enough time to do what your instincts tell you to do: you get your body —you insert yourself —between the dog and the child —between the danger and the daughter.

The actions you just chose are defined as interposition.

You interposed between the agency that was originally a protector but had become a threat and the person or persons you have the duty to protect.

The doctrine of interposition is as American as apple pie, baseball, and jazz.

Interposition is precisely what the Declaration of Independence was all about, and it is precisely what we want our state and local officials to do. Our sheriffs, our police, our local judges, our legislators, and our appointed officials are duty-bound to rush out into the “front yard” and interpose between the people and the lawless actions of the federal government.

But what happens when it is no longer the federal government attacking your rights?

What if it becomes your governor, who is declaring health emergencies, thereby denying your rights to your own business, healthcare, commerce, or worship through phony emergency orders?

Are these state and local agencies authorized to take such action?


First of all, the COVID-19 emergency powers exercised by governors are not granted in federal or state constitutions.

An easy rule of thumb to discover state and local overreach is this: civil government derives all its just powers from We the People. We the People can only grant to civil government powers to do things we could do ourselves. We hire them as our servants, delegate to them tasks we could do. So if I can’t steal my neighbors property; prevent him from worshiping; force him to wear a mask; or vandalize his home, neither can civil government.

Our safeguard is found in the words of Founding Father Alexander Hamilton:

“[N]atural liberty is a gift of the beneficent Creator, to the whole human race; and that civil liberty is founded in that; and cannot be wrested from any people, without the most manifest violation of justice.”

Thankfully, the concept of interposition can work both ways. The local government can protect against an overreaching state or federal government; and state or federal governments can interpose against tyranny on the local level.

We are calling upon our sheriffs, police forces, courts, juries, state and federal representatives to identify these violations of justice and stop the mask mandates and prohibition on local gatherings.

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Rioters Threatening Words: “This Isn’t Your World Anymore”

Jake MacAulay

Rioters have again converged on Portland neighborhoods chanting, “Every city, every town. Burn the precincts to the ground.”

This time, on the 70th night of their lawless attacks, a pair of elderly women met these leftists head-on in Portland, Oregon. The target this time was the city’s east precinct.

The station reported that an elderly woman who said she lives in the neighborhood pleaded with the group to stop the vandalism and stood in the way of those who were splashing paint on the plywood outside the building.

So the rioters did what any anarchist would do: they splashed paint on her and wrapped crime scene tape around her head.

As I read an article highlighting the story, the part that got my attention wasn’t the behavior of these humans acting like animals.

No, there was something more to the story that stood out to me. It was the words that this mob yelled at the woman, “This isn’t your world anymore!”

Let that sink in for second…

“This isn’t your world anymore! This isn’t your world anymore!”

The reality is, these criminals are right. This old woman’s sense of virtue, honor, respect for law, and plain humanity no longer have a place in the “new world” lawless rioters are creating.

Thankfully at this point and time these grown children are only throwing silly temper tantrums. However, while we focus energy and anger on them, I believe we are being sidetracked from paying attention to the orchestrators of this chaos.

Ask yourself:

Why are police not encouraged to get this under control?

Why are the governors, mayors, council members, and civil magistrates not cleaning this mess up when it could be done quickly and efficiently?

Why is the President excoriated for offering aid and assistance to citizens in these war zones that he swore an oath to protect?

It is almost like these lawless leaders are proud, like proud parents.

Make no mistake, the behavior of the mobs in the streets are not only encouraged by their parent figures in office, they have learned this behavior from their parents, the nanny state.

Consider the numerous governors right now, in concert across these United States, that have assumed powers not allowed them by the terms of their office and misuse the police power to enforce their unlawful edicts, mandates and orders that destroy the livelihood, businesses, property of the law-abiding Americans.

Rather than invoking special emergency powers when their cities are on fire, they invoked power where there is no emergency in order to suspend the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens.

What we are seeing is hateful power structures that are willing to suppress, oppress, and deny the God-given rights of people like our brave elderly woman.

The reality today is the same reality that has always existed in our world: the two greatest threats to liberty are criminals and government.

Thomas Jefferson believed, “In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the constitution,” or else the later will become a legalized version of the first.

Don’t lose your fight Americans, our cause is tied in with the Creator…

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Guess Who Wants to Count Illegal Immigrants in the Census?

Jake MacAulay

Recently one of our long-standing Institute on the Constitution students and supporters had a family member unload on her in a Facebook rant about President Trump’s executive order preventing illegal immigrants from being counted in the 2020 census.  Here is just part of the rant:

…Your lawless President Trump again issued an executive order that directly contradicts the Constitution of the United States by ordering Census Bureau workers not to count everyone who is living in this Country.  FYI, if you decide to listen to him you will be breaking Federal Law.  That comes with a 5 year Prison Sentence and a $250,000 fine.  The Constitution mandates that everyone living in the United States must be counted regardless of citizenship.  The Constitution is very clear on this issue…

While I agree the Constitution is very clear on this issue, its conclusion does not support the above rant.

Part of the Order states: “Although the Constitution requires the ‘persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed,’ to be enumerated in the census, that requirement has never been understood to include in the apportionment base every individual physically present within a State’s boundaries at the time of the census.”

In his 1828 dictionary, Founding Father Noah Webster defined “citizenship” as: the state of being vested with the RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES of a citizen. (emphasis added)

He defined “citizen” as: The native of a city, or an inhabitant who enjoys the FREEDOM AND PRIVILEGES of the city in which he resides; the freeman of a city, as distinguished from a foreigner, or one NOT entitled to its franchises.  In the United States, a person, native or naturalized, who has the privilege of exercising the elective franchise, or the qualifications which enable him to vote for rulers and to purchase and hold real estate. (emphasis added)

Clearly, our founders believed voting was for citizens only, not just somebody living within our borders.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi believes: “The Constitution is clear: it requires an ‘actual Enumeration’ of the ‘whole numbers of persons’ for the population count and congressional apportionment. There is no ambiguity about its command.”

The actual words of the Constitution in Article I, Section 2, Clause 3, read:

Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several states which may be included within this union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other Persons.

Senior Instructor at the Institute on the Constitution, Pastor David Whitney, explains:

The language defines three categories that must be determined by the process of taking the census.

Note the status of Native Americans; they were citizens of a foreign country though living within the boundaries of the United States and therefore not counted for representation. Slaves were in a separate category and counted differently, but after the 13th Amendment that category no longer exists. But this indicates the census must have a method of determining who fits into each of these categories. 

So then what is the category into which non-citizens fall? As with Native Americans, they are part of another nation until they become a naturalized citizen of these United States. 

The obvious conclusion? This executive order is completely constitutional and President Trump is fully within his Article 2 constitutional powers to issue it, for it instructs only officers under the executive branch.

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Face Mask Tyranny is Here

Jake MacAulay

This past weekend reported, “A woman has gone viral after reportedly pepper-spraying a couple having a picnic in a San Diego, California, dog park — allegedly because they weren’t wearing face masks while eating their lunch.”

The masked woman called the couple “idiots” and stuck up her middle finger at the two dining before deploying pepper spray at them and their food. She apparently felt force was necessary to keep others “safe” from the mask-less couple.

This begs the question: is there a connection between the woman at the dog park and the governors’ behavior since March?

One reason that we have legislatures making the law is because lawmaking needs to be a deliberative process. When “law” is dictated by one person it is subject to capricious, emotional, and contradictory results.

Therefore, if a governor in a statehouse takes it upon himself to tyrannize others, why shouldn’t a woman in a dog park do the same thing?

The elderly woman’s emotional, over-the-top assault on the rights of others was modeled for her by the governor because lawlessness breeds lawlessness.

We have given authority to a tiny minority of governors who are taking advantage of the good nature and self-sacrificing predisposition of the American people.  These governors currently feel it is their duty, like the woman at the park, to bully citizens who are not wearing a mask.

The tragedy of COVID-19 is that there is not even one law that has required this behavior. We have been defrauded into complying with mandates, not law. If there were any such face-mask laws, it would be the result of a constitutional legislative process whereby both houses of the state legislatures voted on it favorably.

If it then received the governor’s signature it would become law provided it did not violate the United States Constitution, the state Constitution, or the higher Moral law.

Many governors have issued executive orders regarding the wearing of face masks. They claim they have the authority to do so pursuant to some variation of “Emergency Powers” legislation passed by their state legislatures. These rogue governors further claim that his/her orders are “law” or have the “force of law”.

This is not accurate for at least three reasons:

Firstly, neither the statute on which the governor relies nor any other statute which pretends to give him the authority to make law, are valid. Lawmaking authority is vested in the legislative branch and cannot be “delegated” nor transferred in any way to the executive branch.

Secondly, the legislature cannot, by means of “pretended” legislation, confer upon the governor “pretended” authority which supersedes the limits on his authority established under their state’s constitution.

Thirdly, executive orders, which are otherwise valid, apply only to those in the executive branch of government, not to the general public.

For these reasons, there exists no “law” requiring the wearing of face-masks. Statements made by government officials or media or businesses to the contrary are inaccurate and misleading.

This is probably why Walmart, CVS, Walgreens, Home Depot, Lowe’s, and other nationwide retailers said they would serve customers even if they violate mask mandates, according to CNN.

These wise corporations understand that defending a mandate that is not law is irresponsible and harmful to their companies.

In conclusion, any business enforcing these mask requirements claiming them to be law is improperly restricting the freedoms of the citizens of their state with no lawful basis to do so.

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Government Fraud Against the American Church

Jake MacAulay

This past weekend I had the privilege of joining a group of amazing Patriots in Virginia. As I entered the church, I found myself in a time jump back to when things were normal. There was not a single mask to be found in the entirety of the church. People worshipped their Creator unencumbered by coercive burdens laid upon them by the state.

While it was refreshing to experience biblical Christianity for the weekend, on Monday morning I found myself once again thrust into the Twilight Zone of 2020 America where decrees from governors have ranged from:

Churches shall not assemble at all … churches must meet outdoors … churches can meet indoors if they social distance with rigid sanitizing practices … churches may meet but cannot sing praise and worship, touch each other, have baptism, marriage, or funeral services, or partake in the holy sacrament of communion. To top it all off, governments are now requiring that churches must mandate their congregants to wear a mask when attending services.

Now we are told that all of these regulations carry the force of law. However, to say that these regulations have “the force of law” is a direct admission that they are not law.

This perhaps, is the greatest fraud contrived against the American church in history.

When Thomas Jefferson promised a protective wall of separation of Church and State to the Danbury Baptists, he assured them that no American civil government would ever be construed to deny Churches their religious rights and privileges. Furthermore, Government could never dictate, regulate, or make any law concerning an establishment of religion that would prohibit in any way shape or form the free exercise thereof. Jefferson of course, was referring to the First Amendment to the United States Constitution to back up his claims and promise.

There is no lawful authority for Government to encroach upon the religious worship of the church. To say the government can tell the church what to do would be likened to saying that I, Jake MacAulay, can dictate the actions of the president of Russia or the Prime Minister of Japan. This is because our Founders intended that the very same authoritative separations that exist between countries like the U.S. and Russia or Japan exist between the American Civil Government and the Church.

At worst, this could be considered a conspiracy against the American church. At best, this is an embarrassing admission that Government views churches as irrelevant as they do a local social club.

Founding Father Noah Webster asserted, “The Christian religion, in its purity, is the basis, or rather the source of all genuine freedom in government…and I am persuaded that no civil government of a republican form can exist and be durable in which the principles of that religion have not a controlling influence.”

As our governors delay the restoration of unencumbered church services and add more conditions, it is crucial to understand regardless of whether the virus is fatal or phony, the lockdowns and shutdowns and mandates for social distancing and masks have no lawful basis in a church sanctuary.

Pastors, I implore you, don’t stand resolute and determined to willfully give up the authority of your Church to the government. As you abandon your authority, you abandon your flock to wolves.

Sign up for a FREE U.S. Constitution course with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution.

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When the Bully Says Shopping Without a Mask is a Crime

Jake MacAulay

This weekend I went shopping for a tank top for my son at a local retailer. I walked in the store like a normal human with shoes, shirt, and pants. While I headed to the men’s department, an employee proclaiming my inconsiderate oversight accosted me. I didn’t wear a mask, a mandate given by the governor of my state. I responded with, “I have a condition,” and continued walking.

My son followed me and said, “I have the same thing as him”.

Those of you that know me understand the fact that I am rarely uncomfortable, but while I walked around the store to give this retailer my business, I felt the eyes of the entire room on my son and me. We were depersonalized and ostracized…but we breathed freedom.

During times like these I am encouraged by Founding Father Patrick Henry:

“Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense, I should consider myself as guilty of treason toward my country, and of an act of disloyalty toward the Majesty of Heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings.”

This pandemic is being used by politicians, plain and simple.

Dr. Ron Paul, the former U.S. Presidential candidate and 22-year Congressional veteran was quoted recently stating:

“After so many years in Washington, I thought I was immune to being shocked by what our government does. But the actions that our elected officials… the Fed… even the medical community have taken in the past few weeks have gone beyond anything I could have imagined.”

Let’s consider this: with no constitutional authority, governors and agencies within the executive branches of state governments have stopped the economy of the country; they have ruined the livelihood of millions of people (with more to come); and they have misused the police power of the state to forcibly deny rights and privileges to human beings which were granted to them by God Almighty.

Shouldn’t these politicians and supposed experts be right about their predictions and truthful about their counterfactual outcomes?

Fauci has not been truthful. He lied about the scientific necessity for mask wearing, among other things, and then admitted it. Would you tolerate your doctor lying to you? There is a term for this…malpractice.

And the governors across the country who have abused the trust of the people by following these flawed policies are no less culpable.

Are these the type of individuals that we trust to lead? I seem to remember a story in history class that talked about a small group of 56 men who declared independence from their country because their leader was such a one “whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.”

I am praying America will snap out of the COVID-coma that has pushed miscalculated factors and flawed models, followed by predictions needing revision and re-revision and re-re-revision.

These “experts” many are following, like Fauci, your governors, and your press (really, your press?!) have proved they are incompetent and disgraced, and no one should continue following their essential, non-essential decrees and their mandatory mask-wearing nonsense.

Wear a mask if you want, but no one should be bullied, right?

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The War on Black Lives in America

Jake MacAulay

Despite being a culture of death, Americans have uncompromisingly (or so we think) done away with slavery and racial discrimination in a pursuit of liberty for all men and women.

Noah Webster clarifies that the liberty of one depends not so much on the removal of all restraint from him, as on the due restraint upon the liberty of others.” 

This restraint on the liberty of others is exemplified in chattel slavery.  Webster defines a slave as, A person who is wholly subject to the will of another; one who has no will of his own, but whose person and services are wholly under the control of another.”

During a Congressional hearing about the Heartbeat Protection Act, pro-life leader Star Parker — a black woman who had four abortions early in her life — testified, “In fact, when you put the Dred Scott decision next to the Roe v. Wade decision they read almost verbatim.” Parker continued, “Abortion is the leading cause of death in the black community today.”  She went on to explain that since the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, “Twenty-million humans have been killed inside of the womb of black women.”

When “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd queried if an unborn child’s life is wholly under the control of the mother, former presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson asserted, “During slavery, a lot of the slave owners thought that they had the right to do whatever they wanted to that slave. And, you know, what if the abolitionist had said, you know, ‘I don’t believe in slavery. I think it’s wrong. But you guys do whatever you want to do’? Where would we be?”

Infant murder, as horrid as slavery and lynching, has become an unprecedented abomination in our country, taking roughly 4,000 lives a day!

Wall Street Journalist Jason Riley wrote the following: “Prior to his run for president, civil rights advocate Jesse Jackson called abortion ‘murder’ and once told a black newspaper in Chicago, ‘We used to look for death from the man in the blue coat and now it comes in a white coat.’”

Tragically deceived by white establishment political parties, many leaders of black civil-rights organizations today are joined at the hip with abortion-rights proponents such as Planned Parenthood.

The magnitude of the death toll of African-Americans in these pro-choice clinics is nothing short of staggering.

In 2014, black women were 13% of the female population, yet 36% of all abortions were black babies.

According to a New York City Health Department report, between 2012 and 2016 black mothers terminated 136,426 pregnancies and gave birth to 118,127 babies. That means more black children were murdered than were allowed to be born.

“You shall not murder” does not apply to white lives alone, and violation of this supreme law results in personal and societal consequences.

When we abandon God’s Word, we abandon all rationality. We instead have to prop up an abstract morality full of racism, contradictions, deceit and worse.

The white-American acceptance of racist white police officers murdering black men in cold blood or a genocidal white doctor dismembering black infant Americans has always been and will always be an abomination.

Let’s be clear, any political agenda justifying one over the other and maintaining “freedom for the people” is outright duplicitous and unloving.

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What Makes July 4th Truly Significant?

Jake MacAulay

As we enter the 245th year of the independence of these United States, it seems more than appropriate that we pause and consider what “independence” means, from whence it originates, and, perhaps most importantly, how it can be preserved for future generations.

At the heart of the Declaration of Independence is a legal and logical argument, which can be summarized like this:

The King of England had persisted in continual wrongdoing against the rights of the people of the American colonies. Therefore, the dissolution of the previous relationship between Great Britain and the American colonies was the reasonable and sensible remedy for that continual wrongdoing.

Well, that’s all well and good, but doesn’t it presuppose that the affairs of nations are governed by an objective standard of right and wrong?

Well, yes, it does. In fact, the Declaration contains a list of 27 grievances against the king; but without a transcendent standard for right and wrong, any listing of perceived wrongs would be nothing but an exercise in nonsense.

Perhaps this is why our founders dealt with this essential element of their argument in the very first sentence. They referenced the “Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.”  In other words, they said the standard for right and wrong was God’s Word.

The Declaration is direct evidence that American independence was — and still is — based upon a universal acceptance of God’s Word and His law as authoritative in all matters.

This is why it is so disappointing to hear foolish voices of politicians, institutions of higher learning, and members of media rejecting the moral law — rejecting God’s standards of right and wrong — and ignorantly and foolishly working against their own interest and the interest of future Americans.

America’s founders properly understood that rights come from God. Therefore, we have no right to do what God has declared to be wrong. There is no right to murder one’s child. There is no right to kidnap a human being and force them into involuntary slavery of any sort. There is no right to enact man-made laws that discriminate based on skin color rather than moral conduct. There is no right for ministers to perform same-sex marriages. All of these, and many more perverse behaviors, are unlawful and are in contra-position to the underlying philosophy of American law and government.

Here’s one more crucial thing to remember about Independence Day:

Our ancestors’ Biblical understanding of right and wrong would have no historic significance absent their commitment to boldly defend their God-given rights.

Despite the certain calamitous outcome, on July 4th, 1776, America’s fifty-six representatives sealed their commitment in the Declaration of Independence with a solemn oath: “For the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”

This Fourth of July, while you celebrate American liberty, let’s not forget the words of Thomas Paine: “Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.”

Happy Independence Day, America!

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Black Lives do Matter; Read the Constitution’s Three-Fifths Clause

Jake MacAulay

We are barraged again by war in our midst, a war over something as diabolical and nonsensical as skin color. This war has been with us since the creation of man in God’s own image, and its root is an innate hatred towards God, best reflected in the discriminatory destruction of our fellow man due to any quality, as seen in the case of Cain and Abel. This hatred is a sickness we bring upon ourselves when we agree with the enemy of God that men are not created equal, or endowed by their Creator with unalienable rights of life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness.

The Gospel of Peace teaches people of every color and nationality that hate is synonymous with murder.  Clearly, a stop must be put to incidents of hate of all parties concerned, but how?

I personally have repented for the inexcusable atrocious crimes of slavery and systemic racism my country has perpetuated while claiming to adhere to her founding documents of freedom.

I strongly urge Americans to divorce the words of these documents from the hypocritical behavior of many of those in power.

For example, the three-fifths clause in the Constitution has been a huge stumbling block to Americans of African descent. However, we can find solutions for skin-based hatred when we find the true meaning in this clause and the original intent of our founding documents.

It was Frederick Douglass who provided clarity on this issue. In a speech delivered in Glasgow, Scotland, March 26, 1860, Douglass explained the true meaning of the three-fifths compromise:

“It is a downright disability laid upon the slave holding States; one which deprives those States of two-fifths of their natural basis of representation. A black man in a free State is worth just two-fifths more than a black man in a slave State, as a basis of political power under the Constitution. Therefore, instead of encouraging slavery, the Constitution encourages freedom by giving an increase of “two-fifths” of political power to free over slave States.”

Thus, the three-fifths clause was written for the sole purpose of limiting congressional representation of the slave states and denied the slave states additional pro-slavery representation in Congress!

Frederick Douglass also stated, “Now, take the Constitution according to its plain reading and I defy the presentation of a single pro-slavery clause in it. On the other hand, it will be found to contain principles and purposes entirely hostile to the existence of slavery.”

Though imperfectly, America and Americans have always struggled and inter-meddled with the concept of equality and liberty to all mankind.  There are phrases found in our Declaration of Independence like, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,” or, “Endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights.” Massive amounts of resources, tears, and blood have been consumed on this holy and sacred struggle.

I would be so bold as to add that next to the Bible, America’s founding documents have remained one of the greatest scourges against inequality that the world has ever seen.

I believe adhering to our founding documents and especially to the Word God, who created all men equal, will continue to provide solutions for the evil sickness of inequality and skin-based hatred that continues to plague the human race.

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A Message to the Fathers of America

Jake MacAulay

Fathers of America, have you noticed how much attention has been given to shameful current events? Brutal force and murder by corrupt police officers, racism, and riots have been a firestorm throughout America.

These events, of course, are not isolated to just our modern times. However, here are just a few things that isolate modern uprisings from those of as recent as the 50s and 60s.

With so few fathers today, less than half (46%) of all children are living in a family with two married parents in their first marriage. Church attendance led by fathers is declining consistently. As a result, the enormous infrastructure of love and community found in the Church body is virtually unknown by so many families in our modern culture.

Fathers, we have willfully detached ourselves from the power that can heal our land. This power was demonstrated at the first Thanksgiving, the uniting of the colonies to declare independence from tyranny, and all the way down to the recent Southern Christian Leadership Campaign, whose mission was to awaken the moral conscience of this country through Christian love.

During the American Revolution, American fathers then did what any “real man” would do: they banded together and formed defenses to, and I quote the preamble to the Constitution: “Secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.”

Blessings only come from the Divine and, “Religion in a Family is at once its brightest Ornament and its best Security,”said founding father Samuel Adams.

It breaks my heart that so many in our country won’t be celebrating Father’s Day this year because they don’t have fathers involved in their lives. Reversing the trend of this affliction thrust on our youth is essential if we are ever going to restore the American family unit. Unless and until we do, despite America’s great wealth and prosperity, we will remain divided, destitute, and poor.

I am praying that this Father’s Day, American fathers will once again be the Christian example of men who will join together in brotherhood to heal our broken land.

Fathers, I implore you, leave a legacy epitomized in the following admonition by Patrick Henry:

I have now disposed of all my property to my family. There is one thing more I wish I could give them, and that is the Christian Religion. If they had that and I had not given them one shilling they would have been rich; and if they had not that and I had given them all the world, they would be poor.

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Property and Liberty are Burning

Jake MacAulay

While we are watching massive demonstrations of unrest across our country, city governments are disassembling police forces. At the same time, state governments are assembling armies of tracers, informants, and bureaucratic busybodies intent on coming to your home to force you to test or to quarantine or to vaccinate.

Unlike the riotous Marxist armies of Antifa destroying physical property, these armies will be empowered to invade your privacy and to substitute their medical judgment for yours.

Like you, I am confused.

Despite CDC statistics indicating that COVID-19 is not as deadly as advertised and that the lawless lockdown of the economy based on flawed models, state and local governments are not through meddling with your healthcare and your liberty.

The COVID-19 recovery rates among the vast majority of the populace are beyond the 99th percentile. Why do we need to be testing and tracking and mapping and spending resources (we have long ago depleted) to find out who already had it? Just what are we trying to accomplish by this?

If the testing reveals that more people have been exposed than we formerly estimated, doesn’t that make the mortality rate even less?

And if the testing reveals that less people have been exposed than we formerly estimated, didn’t we succeed in flattening the curve?

But even if we didn’t flatten the curve, our hospital systems were still not overrun. So what are we doing?

Tragically many Americans have started to feel relieved because their governors have lifted some of the restrictions on their liberties in a piecemeal fashion.

But complacent acceptance of these table scraps is dangerous and here’s why.

In the first place, the nullification of God-given and constitutionally protected liberties by any elected official is a violation of his/her oath of office, and a rejection of the rule of law. It violates the principles of English and American government, which go back at least 800 years — back to and beyond the Magna Carta.

It appears Americans are facing tyranny today, in 2020, just as they faced it in 1776. At that time the colonies were compelled to acknowledge and declare that King George III, by his repeated and continuous violation of his compact with the people, had broken the bonds, which connected him to them; and them to him.

They declared him “unfit” to be their ruler.  They declared that he had “un-kinged” himself.

Now consider that many governors, in concert, across these United States have assumed powers not allowed them by the terms of their office and misuse the police power — which originates from and belongs to “We the People” — to enforce their unlawful edicts, mandates and orders.

Like King George III, they have openly and continuously violated their contract with the people, thus breaking the bonds that connect them to us; and us to them.

They have proven themselves “unfit” to govern.  They have “un-governored” themselves.

And although a few of these executive officials may be well-intended, we must heed the words of Daniel Webster: “The Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions.”

History testifies that in bondage we burn, but in freedom we flourish. Now more than ever, we must stay freedom-focused.

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Unrestrained Power Leads to Murder

Jake MacAulay

Founding father, abolitionist, and the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Jay reflected:

It is much to be wished that slavery may be abolished. The honor of the States as well as justice and humanity, in my opinion, loudly call upon them to emancipate these unhappy people.  To contend for our own liberty, and to deny that blessing to others, involves an inconsistency not to be excused.

During the unconstitutional lockdowns of COVID-19, many in the white communities of America finally started waking up to the drastic and gross measures by which hateful power structures are willing to suppress, oppress, and deny the God-given rights of themselves and their families. Tragically our brothers and sisters of African descent have been experiencing this systematic oppression for hundreds of years.

Starting with the institution of chattel slavery leading to the hatred and persecution of individuals based on the color of their skin rather than the content of their character, it is clear to any observer that both sinful and abominable behaviors stand in direct contradiction to the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.

These sacred laws provide the structure and order that our Creator intended for humanity in which every man was to be considered equal and protected by the divine Law with the unalienable rights to Life, liberty and property.

John Adams contested, “Liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it, derived from our Maker.”

Founding Father James Wilson observed, “Without liberty, law loses its nature and its name, and becomes oppression.”

Thomas Jefferson, later realizing God-given rights ought to be afforded and protected by all men, penned the words, “…all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with the right to [not only] life and liberty, [but the right to] pursue happiness,” within the moral structure and virtue of our Creator.

Due to much hypocrisy throughout our history, leading theologians, statesmen and ministers have demanded of our civil body politic to be TRUE to what our Founders said on paper.

Last month I had the opportunity to share a similar message at the capital of North Carolina. I reasoned that the lawless closure order of the governor was outrageous and filled with contempt for the rule of law and this contempt is exceedingly dangerous because lawlessness breeds lawlessness.

For example, when the Governor of the state of Minnesota jettisons his duty as the protector of rights and becomes a violator of rights, he becomes a lawbreaker and he sets an example that encourages other officials, like the police, to lose respect for law and order as well.

I am grateful to see media, politicians, and everyday citizens finally acknowledge that rather than distancing, once again liberty is worth assembling for, singing for, peacefully protesting for, holding hands for, and living for.

I submit to everyone’s candor that right now being a true American and a true child of God, you realize that there should be no distance between any American and their liberty.

We will fight any oppressive, tyrannical system that would murder the most basic rights of humanity given to us by our Creator as recorded in Genesis, Chapter 1.

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The Shadow Cast on Memorial Day 2020

Jake MacAulay

During the time of our Founders it was clear who was threatening the life, liberty, and property of Americans.

For example:

When King George’s assaults on American liberties increased, American Richard Stockton sided with the Americans and was chosen as a delegate to the Continental Congress, where he signed the Declaration of Independence as a representative for New Jersey.

Stockton was then kidnapped from his home by neighbors who were Loyalists (Americans who supported the King of England). He was “dragged from his bed by night, stripped and plundered of his property” and “treated with the utmost rigor and indignity.” He was placed in a notoriously brutal prison in the middle of winter and was denied even the basic necessities.

While imprisoned, Stockton’s library, papers and other property were burned or destroyed, and his farm was left desolate and inoperable. As a result of his cruel treatment, Stockton died in 1781, never getting to experience the national freedom for which he had sacrificed so much.

On Memorial Day we celebrated those like Stockton, who courageously faced America’s enemies. Yet, I can’t help but wonder if this day of remembrance is being overshadowed by an invisible enemy?

What if the present lockdowns, the mandates, the orders, the gross misuse of police powers, and everything that has ruined the livelihoods and trampled the liberties of millions of Americans was the result of a foreign invasion?

James Wilson, who was a Founding Father, Declaration signer, and Supreme Court Justice, said, “Without liberty, law loses its nature and its name…”

Suppose an enemy army invaded and occupied your state, enforcing house arrests along with inconsistent, arbitrary, and self-contradictory orders.

Would this alter your opinion of what is going on today?

Would this alter your approach, your response?

Would you be less apt to accept assertions that this is for your own good and for your safety?

I would like to pose a simple yet potentially controversial question:

Whose advice have the stalwart shutdown governors been following?

The United States Constitution?

Their State constitutions?

Any American ideals?

Or have you noticed them following the globalist agendas of the World Health Organization, aligned with internationalists like Fauci and Gates, and in collusion with other foreign governments?

Make NO mistake, these organizations and systems of government are foreign to the American Constitution, American ideals and American principles, including the integrity of the American family and the sanctity of the House of God.

Under these foreign directives, in many instances our healthcare has become essentially “weaponized” and has annihilated a once robust and efficient hospital system as well as a once robust economy that helped to make that system possible.

If it looks like the enemy and destroys like the enemy and colludes with the enemy…. well…

I pray God blesses every American soldier, veteran, and citizen who exercises Patriotism against any and all enemies of America, for in the words of General Douglas MacArthur:

“No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant in its preservation.”

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The New Normal is Not Normal

Jake MacAulay

It was the author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, who exhorted his country:

“The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive. It will often be exercised when wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all.”

Referred to as the Father of America, our first President George Washington reflected:

“The very idea of the power and the right of the People to establish Government presupposes the duty of every Individual to obey the established Government.”

The phrase “new normal,” injected so early and so often by medical experts and media and politicians, was a signal of underlying, ulterior motives and should have alerted us all to potential the potential villainy that was developing.

So many Americans have become infuriated when they consider that the continued lockdowns and the loss of livelihood and liberty may have been anticipated, but serve no medical purpose. Rather, they seem designed to take advantage of the good nature and self-sacrificing predisposition of the American people.

As our Governors delay the restoration of economic and religious liberty and add more conditions, it’s crucial to understand regardless of whether the virus is fatal or phony, the lockdowns and shutdowns and mandates for social distancing and masks have no lawful basis.

James Madison, Father of the U.S. Constitution, declared:

“The powers of the federal government are enumerated; it can only operate in certain cases; it has legislative powers on defined and limited objects, beyond which it cannot extend its jurisdiction.”

The widespread notion that governors have special emergency powers which can be invoked as an excuse to suspend the constitutional rights of the people is a hoax and a fraud. Such authority does not exist in any state that has been lawlessly locked down.

It follows, therefore, that any phased-in, three-step, or regional plan for opening is not necessary nor advised.

Wouldn’t that mean that any such plan for reopening is just as lawless as the lockdown?

Wasn’t it founding father John Adams, labeled the “Colossus of Independence”, who determined that, “There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty.”

The NEW NORMAL is just such danger. It is narcissistic, nociceptive, nasty, nauseating, needless, negligent, nefarious, and it is certainly NOT NECESSARY, NOT NATURAL, AND NOT NORMAL by any stretch of the most ignorant imagination.

I realize this appears to disrespect some Americans who stand resolute and determined to willfully give up their own autonomy to the  government, but that is only because many Americans have not been taught to think American and therefore they find the principles that support their liberties, peace and prosperity odious.

We would be wise to follow the words of Thomas Jefferson: “I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education.”

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The Proper Response of Law Enforcement to Unconstitutional Executive Orders

Jake MacAulay

There are many who are saying that this current COVID-19 crisis makes it necessary to suspend the exercise of God-given, constitutionally protected rights; this includes the freedom to practice religion, freedom of assembly and association, and the freedom to move about without molestation.

However, no governor in any state has the authority to suspend the Constitution.  And no pretended “Emergency Powers” legislation can give it to him because the legislature cannot give the Governor an authority that they, themselves, do not have.

Right now, our lives are being severely affected by these “so-called” “executive orders.” Perhaps it is imperative for us to understand just what they are — and what they are not.

What they are not is a “stroke of the pen… Law of the Land… Kinda cool,” as defined by former President Clinton Advisor Paul Begala.

The first executive order givenwas in 1789 by George Washington to the heads of departments “to impress me with a full, precise, and distinct general idea of the affairs of the United States.”

As you may note it was addressed to officials of the executive branch of the national government. It was applicable to those already under his authority as head of the executive branch.

Properly understood, this is the nature of executive orders: They are directives or policy instructions addressed to and binding upon persons who are already under the authority of the executive, but they have no binding effect on anyone else. They are not “law” and they do not have the force of law.

Only legislatures have lawmaking power, and that power is specified and limited by the Constitution.

So, if the governor of a state wanted to do so, he could direct his department heads and employees in the executive agencies of the state to wear masks and stay six feet apart while they are in state office buildings. He could, arguably, order them to do that because they work for him.

But he can’t order the rest of us to do that because we don’t work for him — he works for us.

Executive orders have their purpose and place, but it is crucial that all Americans — and especially those in law enforcement — understand that they are not law and cannot lawfully be enforced.

Therefore, I would like to remind all law enforcement agents that when you took your oath of office, you swore obedience and fidelity to the United States Constitution and the Constitution of your state.

You did not swear allegiance to a mayor or a governor or a judge or a president.

Your fidelity to your oath and to the rule of law requires you to abstain from enforcing any edict or order from a Governor, or any executive, which lacks constitutional authority.

In the words of founding father James Madison, “We are right to take alarm at the first experiment upon our liberties.”

Finally, your duty requires that you shelter and protect the citizenry from all acts of lawlessness, even and especially when they originate from civil authorities.

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Wake Up America, You are the Last Asylum for Liberty on Earth

Jake MacAulay

Judge Andrew Napolitano recently made the following accurate claims on Fox Business Channel:

“The lockdown in Maine, just like the lockdowns everywhere else, is without legal authority.”

“It may be wise. It may be scientific — it may be the right thing to do … I cooperate with it — you cooperate with it — the overwhelming majority of Americans may cooperate with it, but it is not the law. Governors don’t write the law.  Only state legislatures do.”

Many scientific experts, having reviewed the now available data, are concluding that the COVID-19 virus is not as dangerous and not as deadly as had previously been imagined.  However, the lawless actions of many governors across our country are proving to be more dangerous and deadly than perhaps anyone can imagine.

As we have said before, any governor’s false imprisonment of the general populace in their homes, the arbitrary declaration of some commerce as non-essential, the misuse of police powers to enforce pretended legislation, is all without constitutional authority and demonstrates a profound disrespect for the rule of law.

Briefly described, the “rule of law” is the principle that all people, including those in authority and all institutions, are accountable to the law, which is fairly applied and enforced.

In Federalist Paper 47, Father of the Constitution James Madison made the assertion:

“The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.”

Last week I had the opportunity to address a crowd of 1,000 or so patriots at the capital of North Carolina. I reasoned that the lawless closure order of the Governor was outrageous and filled with contempt for the rule of law.

But isn’t it also dangerous, because lawlessness breeds lawlessness?

When the chief executive of the state jettisons his duty as the protector of rights and becomes a violator of rights, he becomes a lawbreaker and he sets an example that encourages other officials to lose respect for law and order as well.

In his famous book entitled “The Law,” Frederick Bastiat noted, “No society can exist unless the laws are respected… The safest way to make laws respected is to make them respectable.”

When those who are charged with enforcing the law, use the law to break the law, the law becomes perverted…and disrespected.

I recently went out to play ultimate frisbee with a handful of families that had been quarantining over the past month. While keeping distance, we were still asked by a reluctant law enforcement officer to disperse.

However, another officer, clearly at odds with this ridiculous order, informed us of another park where we would not be “harassed,” and we were able to finish the day’s enjoyment.

While my story ends with a good recreational conclusion, I submit to you there is not another country where the arm of tyrannical, coercive, socialism will not harass us.

In the words of Samuel Adams:

“Courage, then, my countrymen, our contest is not only whether we ourselves shall be free, but whether there shall be left to mankind an asylum on earth for civil and religious liberty.”

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The Virus Agenda is Worse That The Virus

Jake MacAulay

Following the ever-changing stats of COVID-19 are as confusing as finding the truth about the health of North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un.

While the state of Pennsylvania was forced to remove hundreds of deaths from its official coronavirus death count after glaring errors in the state’s counting methodology were discovered, many across America are growing more skeptical of information regarding the virus agenda.

I have personally received correspondences from irate individuals who can’t even believe that I would question the actions and agendas of numerous government officials and agencies, calling them unconstitutional. Statements like this one:

I would have no problem if you fools worried about your “freedom” all went out and got COVID. If only you could sign a form stating that you revoke your right to have medical treatment based on your cavalier antics and refusal to abide by CDC and medical professionals’ advice.

But didn’t Thomas Jefferson say, “In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the constitution?”

So isn’t our duty as Americans to question these government officials?

For example, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy issued an executive order banning large gatherings requiring residents to stay at home. Under the order, 15 men were arrested for attending a synagogue service. During a Fox News interview with Tucker Carlson, Gov. Murphy was asked about his constitutional basis for his order that led to the arrest of the 15 men. Gov. Murphy said:

That’s above my pay grade, Tucker. I wasn’t thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this (executive order). … We looked at all the data and the science, and it says people have to stay away from each other.

So, not only are they not considering the Constitution, they don’t get paid enough to know it?

How about the First Amendment protection of religious exercise?

Louisiana pastor Tony Spell, who leads Life Tabernacle Church in Baton Rouge, was placed on house arrest and fitted with an ankle-monitoring device last week for refusing to suspend church services amid the coronavirus crisis.

This morning on, I read about two women were arrested in Laredo, Texas, after they were caught running a beauty salon inside their homes.

The women were arrested during an undercover sting operation by the Laredo Police Department [who] were informed of the activities through an anonymous tip sent to the Laredo Police Department mobile app on April 15.

So the arresting cops were part of the COVID-19 task force enforcement detail where they set up an appointment for a cosmetic, beauty service that is prohibited under the emergence ordinance?


Ana Isabel Castro-Garcia, age 31 allegedly agreed to provide an undercover officer with a manicure. She was charged with “Violation of Emergency Management Plan C/B,” and was taken to the Webb County Jail for booking, where she was held on a $500 bond.

Similarly, Brenda Stephany Mata, 20, was arrested after she reportedly agreed to perform eyelash service inside her home for an undercover cop.

I want to be clear; my intention is not simply to silence my adversaries by using my microphone to slam them. That would be a lack of self-government and it rises out of a competitive rivalry. To quote Michael Anthony Peroutka, “You haven’t converted a man just because you silenced him.”

We need to realize the enemy is the agenda-driven politics that breed fear and division.

Growing up on the basketball court, we would play shirts and skins in order to identify teams. While that is a good strategy for competition, it is not the strategy for America; being Constitutional is, that keeps us all on the same team.

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There Is A Virus And There Is A Virus Agenda

Jake MacAulay

Despite what you hear from “constitution experts” on the TV, no president or governor or health department official has the authority to suspend the Constitution by ordering people not to congregate, or by closing businesses, or by falsely imprisoning people in their homes.

The TV legal experts usually speak of “balancing” individual rights against government interests with words like “compelling state interest” and “least restrictive means.”  But this is a false pretense. The Constitution doesn’t contemplate any “balancing.”

Unless a jury of your peers convicts you of a crime, your constitutional rights are absolute. And it’s the governors’ sworn duty to protect these rights, not to violate them.

Is this what James Madison was referring to when he declared in Federalist 47:

“The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.”

Well, I have regrettably observed that many modern Americans know almost nothing about the Constitution, or American history, or about the Source and nature of law.

It seems the culprits responsible for this shameful situation include at least the public schools, the “managed media,” career politicians, cowardly pastors, and a lazy citizenry.

There is a virus.  And there is a virus agenda. They are not the same thing.

My field of expertise is the Constitution.  And I have already offered you my opinion that many actions of state governors are not lawful; and that no emergency or plea of necessity excuses a governor’s violation of their state Constitution.

Of course, I am not a medical doctor, but many health professionals believe and the CDC has admitted that the original estimates of the virility and the lethality of COVID-19 were grossly overestimated and that, despite the admitted inflating of COVID-19 related deaths by the CDC, this so-called “pandemic” is turning out to be less deadly than a normal flu season.

So, there’s good news about the virus, but there’s not-so-good news about the virus agenda.

The question I have is,despite the flattening of the curve, lower hospital admissions, and falling fatality rate, why are many governors are ramping up their edicts and mandates when it seems they should be relaxing or rescinding them.  The lockdown continues in “lockstep.”  And on the national stage, Drs. Fauci and Birx from the CDC seem committed to structuring a “new normal” for all of us when there seems to be no reason why we can’t return to the “old normal.”

Now, that’s because the belief that the virus was both deadly and novel was the pretext for governments to justify policies which, despite their draconian nature, most Americans were willing to suffer and endure because they perceived this to be for the benefit of their families and communities.  But as each day passes, citizens are feeling betrayed by the news that the overreaction to COVID-19 by the WHO and the CDC may have been intentional and calculated.  This breeds further resentment regarding the increasingly despotic actions of governors.

I agree with Thomas Jefferson who stated, “I own I am not a friend to a very energetic government. It is always oppressive.”

Make no mistake, there is a virus and there is an agenda.  While the threat from one seems to be ending, the threat of the other seems to be just getting started.

Recall founding father John Adams who declared, “Liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it, derived from our Maker.”

Therefore, let us support Liberty and deny this tyrannical threat to our God-given rights.

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Do Governors Have The Authority to Shut Down State Economies and Commerce?

Jake MacAulay

Today, President Trump posted on social media: “…some in the Fake News Media are saying that it is the Governors’ decision to open up the states, not that of the President of the United States & the Federal Government. Let it be fully understood that this is incorrect. It is the decision of the President, and for many good reasons…”

To clarify, nowhere in the Constitution is the President given the authority to regulate commerce, let alone intrastate commerce. An American President is not an autocrat. To put a finer point on it, the media he is criticizing are also incorrect because Governors are not the autocrats of their states either.

However, as of last week eight Minnesotans have been charged with violating Governor Tim Walz’s stay-at-home order, an offense that could earn them up to 90 days in jail and a $1,000 fine.

To make matters worse, the Walz administration currently maintains a hotline that citizens can use to report each other for disobeying his orders.

David M. Schuster, was arrested after police discovered him playing cards with three friends in the closed bar that he owns with the doors locked, according to the Star Tribune.

Residents in Riverside County, California, are now required to wear face coverings and could face a fine of $1,000 per violation per day if the mandate is ignored.

“This is a valid order and enforceable by fine, imprisonment or both,” said Riverside Sheriff Chad Bianco in a Monday video statement.

According to CBS Los Angeles, L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti stated, “If any non-essential businesses continue to operate in violation of the stay at home order, we’re going to act to enforce the safer at home order and ensure their compliance.”

The mayor’s office confirmed that many businesses had been visited and referred for misdemeanor filings.

“You know the old expression about snitches,” Garcetti said last week. “Well, in this case, snitches get rewards…We want to thank you for turning folks in and making sure we are all safe,” he said.

The consistencies that I am seeing with the mentality of executive power on international, federal, state, and local levels is that these officers can unilaterally act and declare orders without consent of the lawmaking bodies in their geographic regions. This is not republican; it is despotic and it is unconstitutional on all levels from the President to your local mayor.

No matter what level of government we are speaking about, an executive order is only legally applicable when used to execute existing laws.

No authority is given to a president, governor, sheriff, or mayor to make law.

Uniformly across America, lawmaking responsibility is given to democratically elected legislatures and councils.

Most of these jurisdictions have a specified process for the declaration of an emergency, which requires emergency action in the legislative body… not executive orders that are binding for extended periods of time.

It was President Thomas Jefferson who declared, “The greatest danger to American freedom is a government that ignores the constitution.”

The key to answering my title question is reading your own state constitution and/or county charters and identifying the powers given to the executive branches of your respective state; they will be listed. If their actions go beyond their delegated authorities, then you will know your executive is acting unconstitutionally and illegally.

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

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After Another Week of COVID, Do You Still Feel Free?

Jake MacAulay

Last week, Donald Trump made an abrupt departure from his “conservative” rhetoric and joined with Congress to sign the most massive multi-trillion dollar socialist scheme in history.

Many have scoured at Democrats who attempted to cram a wish list of unrelated demands into the COVID-19 economic relief bill, but the point is he signed it and now the government is unconstitutionally “giving” American businesses money that it has printed or stolen by fiat from those same businesses.

Rather than the aforementioned actions of our federal government, the completely doable AND constitutional means to recover from this crisis would be to:

  • Immediately suspend the collection of withheld taxes as well as estimated taxes.
  • Rebate to taxpayers all payments made by them so far for the tax year 2020.
  • Rebate to every taxpayer the amount of taxes paid in 2019.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is already calling for another huge relief package and Presidential hopeful Joe Biden told George Stephanopoulos this weekend, “We’re going to need not only the last CARES Act that the Congress passed, which did a great deal. We’re going to need at least two more iterations of that, I believe, to help the economy.”

While men like House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn are telling their Democratic colleagues that the current COVID crisis is “a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.”

Tragically, my concern about the ravaging effects of COVID and how it may impact my own family is being rivaled by my worry for our country and the behavior of my government.

At the same time, more and more we are hearing from doctors and other health professionals questioning whether the dangers of the coronavirus have been overstated and that the reaction to it has been overblown.

As we struggle to separate the emotions from the issues and parse our way through the political agendas of the presenters, we seem to be facing a question that we heard posed to Americans during the Vietnam era.

“Are we going to destroy the village in order to save it?”

Let me put it this way: which of these two options would you choose?

Would you like to have your livelihood, your liberty, your peace of mind, your Constitutional government, and have a chance of getting a virus that you will almost certainly survive?


Would you like to have your livelihood destroyed, a loss of liberties you now enjoy, live under executive privileges of governors or presidents, and a chance of getting a virus that you will almost certainly survive?

John Adams warned, “There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty.”

Make no mistake, the virus will pass, we will be healthy again, and back to business.

But will our liberties be as vibrant when we return?

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Do We Really Want Government to Be God?

Jake MacAulay

Last week, I exhorted Americans and the President to abandon the scourge of Socialism in the face of our international pandemic.

Not only has Donald Trump made an abrupt departure from his “conservative” rhetoric, the president has now joined with Congress and signed the most massive multi-trillion dollar socialist scheme in history.

In the face of a national emergency, the President and the Congress have jettisoned the rule of law.

The Trump Administration’s willingness to circumvent the Constitution constitutes a gross perversion of what limited power the Constitution affords both the legislative and executive branches.

New England’s Rev. John Cotton observed in the 1600s:

“Let all the world learn to give to mortal men no greater power than they are content they shall use, for use it they will: and unless they be better taught of God, they will use it ever and anon … for whatever transcendent power is given, will certainly over-run those that give it, and those that receive it: there is a strain in a man’s heart that will sometime or other run out to excess, unless the Lord restrain it, but it is not good to venture it.”

The question we all ought to be asking ourselves right now is this:

Do we really want Government to be God?

As the good puritan preacher observed, they will gladly take that role.

Yesterday, my neighbor came across the street to give me an orchid. While both of us wind up on opposite ends of the political spectrum, we exist in general societal harmony.

As she delivered the beautiful flower, she went on to explain that she now had to carry papers with her in her car while she drove around during the day. I wasn’t sure where the conversation was going to go from there, but then she commented that it made her feel strange; it was an eerie feeling having to carry papers just to work and drive her car…”

In Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, the author describes:

“That was when they suspended the Constitution. They said it would be temporary. There wasn’t even any rioting in the streets. People stayed home at night, watching television, looking for some direction. There wasn’t even an enemy you could put your finger on.”

Every intentional patriot American knows that you can always count on the government to take advantage of a crisis; legitimate, or purposefully fabricated… remember the weapons of mass destruction?

Make NO mistake; the coronavirus pandemic is no exception.

I have often been critical of government exploitation of national emergencies for its own nefarious purposes. I am grieved to say those critiques pale in comparison to what is presently unfolding.

While it is good and right to have the president and governors advising caution and limited quarantine of segments of the population, enforcing lockdown powers under penalty of prosecution or fine, and the quarantine of whole communities by executive fiat is unacceptable. Insolence has prevented many current orders from even recognizing the exemption of churches and religious institutions or the First Amendment that defines their religious associations. Are state officials really prepared to prosecute pastors who plan to live stream services from their place of worship?

Tragically, American citizens are once again looking to government for financial handouts, medical intervention, protection and security.

It was Lord Acton who admonished mankind that, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.r”

I implore you, Mr. President, Congress, State Legislatures and Governors that have gone rogue. Do not be deceived, the powers you shamefully usurp will be placed in the arsenal of future Governments to be used once again when they feel it convenient to alter the Constitutional landscape of the United States.

Rather than playing God, lead Americans to implore God’s aid lest the scourge of Tyranny outweigh the scourge of this pestilence.

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* Script contributions by Michael Anthony Peroutka

Socialism is the Greater Crisis

Jake MacAulay

We live in interesting times, don’t we?

Just a month ago, with our economy humming along, our attention was on March Madness, and the upcoming baseball season.

Now we are occupied with COVID-19 and “social distancing”.

I think we can all agree that this has happened very quickly and reactively, and the attitude of government officials is that they must take whatever actions necessary to intervene in the economy, as well as to dictate our comings and goings.

What is concerning me most in the public discourse is any reference to the authority, and the limits of authority, by which governments are acting.

In many instances, one might say that under the banner of emergency, our liberties are being redefined as privileges by government rather than as gifts of God.

For example, I have found it very helpful to listen and act on the warnings of state and federal officials regarding the dangers of personal contact.

However, I can find no authority for governors to declare edicts that restrict gatherings to ten persons, attaching stiff criminal penalties for those who do not comply with the suggestion.

Let me explain. In the state of Ohio, IOTC’s Chapter Leader Ricki Pepin identified:

“An EXECUTIVE ORDER is legally applicable when used to execute existing laws.[1] No authority is given to an Ohio governor to make law.  Governor DeWine’s illegal order to destroy free enterprise by closing businesses, public or private, is contrary to state law.”

“Ohio’s lawmaking responsibility is given to the General Assembly by mandate of our state constitution.[2] A specified process is addressed for the declaration of an emergency action that is necessary ‘for the immediate preservation of…health or safety;’ however, executive order is not involved in the process.”[3]

“Emergency legislative action remains in the hands of the General Assembly.”

“Regardless of a citizen’s viewpoint regarding the value of such a shutdown, blanket acceptance of any autocratic actions opens the door to limitless control by a single, renegade official.”

This is the stuff that children’s movies are made of…remember A Bugs Life? Fievel Goes West? Star Wars?

It seems like only yesterday that President Trump firmly declared, “America will never be a socialist country”.

In an abrupt departure from his earlier rhetoric, the president is now engaged in promoting a whirlwind of socialist schemes including a multi-trillion dollar plan to make direct payments to families and individuals along with bailouts for both small and large businesses.

There is, of course, no authority granted to him by the Constitution to do these things, but that doesn’t seem to matter to anyone in Washington anymore.

In the name of emergency, elected officials have jettisoned the rule of law.

I will certainly acknowledge that there is an emergency and a crisis. Therefore, I want to make a suggestion that would put much-needed cash in the hands of hardworking everyday Americans in a way that is not only fair but constitutional — that is to say — lawful.

Here the plan:

  • Immediately suspend the collection of withheld taxes as well as estimated taxes.
  • Rebate to taxpayers all payments by them made so far for the tax year 2020.
  • Rebate to every taxpayer the amount of taxes paid in 2019.
  • Make a subsequent determination regarding rebating tax payments from 2018 and earlier.

This is an eminently fair way to deal with all parties.

And, it is a lawful plan.

And, because the IRS already has the data, it is doable.

AND, best of all, it is NOT socialist.

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[1]- The supreme executive power of this state shall be vested in the governor.  (Constitution of the State of Ohio; Article III, §5)

[2]- The legislative power of the state shall be vested in a General Assembly consisting of a Senate and House of Representatives but the people reserve to themselves the power to propose to the General Assembly laws and amendments to the constitution, and to adopt or reject the same at the polls … (Constitution of the State of Ohio;Article II, §1)

[3]- …emergency laws necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health or safety, shall go into immediate effect.  Such emergency laws upon a yea and nay vote must receive the vote of two thirds of all the members elected to each branch of the General Assembly, and the reasons for such necessity shall be set forth in one section of the law, which section shall be passed only upon a yea and nay vote, upon a separate roll call thereon…  (Constitution of the State of Ohio;Article II, §1d)

An American Answer to the Coronavirus

Jake MacAulay

When faced with hardship, Americans have a history of coming together and crying out to God.

This morning I read an article in that recorded numerous occasions of prevailing prayer over American calamities:

At the start of the American Revolutionary War, the Continental Congress declared: “Congress … considering the present critical, alarming and calamitous state … do earnestly recommend, that Thursday, the 20th of July next, be observed by the inhabitants of all the English colonies on this continent, as a Day of Public Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer, that we may with united hearts and voices, unfeignedly confess and deplore our many sins and offer up our joint supplications to the all-wise, omnipotent and merciful disposer of all events, humbly beseeching Him to forgive our iniquities.”

Our novice American patriots went on to win a miraculous victory in the war for independence against the greatest empire in the world.

In his Inaugural Address, President George Washington acknowledged, “[I]t would be peculiarly improper to omit in this first official act my fervent supplications to that Almighty Being who rules over the universe, who presides in the councils of nations, and whose providential aids can supply every human defect…”

In fact, almost every other president since has issued a proclamation of thanksgiving and/or prayer.

During World War I, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed May 30, 1918, to be a day of prayer. The German empire had almost broken through the Allied lines. One day after the proclamation, the United States Marine Corps began its first major engagement of the war at Belleau Wood. Then something miraculous occurred: the Americans won a stunning victory over the Germans, keeping the Allies from losing the war.

During the mid-1800s, an estimated 150,000 Americans died from cholera, which was spread by drinking unsanitary water, though this was unknown at the time.

It was the first truly global disease, killing tens of millions in crowded cities all over the world:

My friend Bill Federer, in his American minute newsletter, recently shared:

On July 3, 1849, President Zachary Taylor proclaimed a National Day of Fasting:

“At a season when the providence of God has manifested itself in the visitation of a fearful pestilence which is spreading itself throughout the land, it is fitting that a people whose reliance has ever been in His protection should humble themselves before His throne, and, while acknowledging past transgressions, ask a continuance of the Divine mercy.”

“It is therefore earnestly recommended that the first Friday in August be observed throughout the United States as a Day of Fasting, Humiliation, and Prayer…to implore the Almighty in His own good time to stay the destroying hand which is now lifted up against us.”

After President Taylor’s Day of Fasting, it was reported the number of deaths dropped suddenly in August.

That same year, 1849, English physician John Snow confirmed that the disease was spread through drinking contaminated water.

And in 1884, Nobel Prize recipient bacteriologist Robert Koch successfully confirmed the identity of the cholera bacillus, which aided in future treatment and prevention.

While this global pandemic of COVID-19 is new only in name, the solution remains the same: employ biblical sanitary practices, and pray to our Creator that He would stay this plague and bless His Church so we may help the world through this daunting time.

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To Honor Women is American

Jake MacAulay

This past weekend the world celebrated International Women’s Day (IWD) and every one of you reading this article knows that without the determination and vigor of the woman who carried and gave birth to you, your life would be an unwritten story.

Concerning IWD, President Trump commented, “Across the United States and around the world, women are making important contributions to global prosperity, security, government, and innovation.  As we celebrate these remarkable achievements on International Women’s Day, we also recognize the critical role our nation plays in advancing equal opportunity for all women so that they can reach their full potential and inspire the next generation of leaders.”

Since her inception, the citizens of America have always cherished, valued, and fought for their rights to “life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness,” which are documented and given to them by their Creator in Genesis chapter 1, verse 28.

But did you know the Biblical morality that underpins American law and government has always supported the equality and value of women? Though not always practiced by many Americans, our Creator has always required it of us.

Just one verse prior to Genesis 1:28, Holy Writ records that God:

“…Created mankind in His own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”

Both male and female are created in God’s image and he authored the philosophy of equality.

This was a concept many of America’s founding Mothers understood, but tragically did not see fully practiced in colonial servitude. One such mother was Abigail Adams.

As a fierce proponent of women’s rights, she is very well known for her March 1776 letter to her husband John and the Continental Congress, requesting that they, “remember the ladies, and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors.” She continued, “Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the Husbands. Remember all Men would be tyrants if they could. If particular care and attention is not paid to the Ladies we are determined to foment a Rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any Laws in which we have no voice or Representation.”

Though her poor health kept her from receiving a formal education, Abigail rose above this, teaching herself to master several areas of study, including learning a foreign language. She was the close confidante of her husband John Adams, who trusted her counsel and relied on her for sound military intelligence information as well as political guidance. She was an excellent businesswoman, a faithful wife, and a devoted mother. She was the first female representative from the U.S. at the court of Britain and the first woman to live in the White House. She was the wife of one U.S. President and the mother of another. She was also a strong and outspoken Christian, leaving behind a rich legacy in her extensive personal writings.

“[H]e who neglects his duty to his Maker may well be expected to be deficient and insincere in his duty towards the public,” stated Ms. Adams.

In a letter to her close friend, Mercy Otis Warren, America’s first female historian who is called “The Conscience of the American Revolution,” she wrote:

“A patriot without religion in my estimation is as great a paradox as an honest man without the fear of God.”

Today, more than ever, we are in need of fiercely committed Christian women like Abigail to support our communities, strengthen our country, and preserve the blessings of Almighty God for every American.

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Truth is the Glue: Biden and Bloomberg Lies are the Hoax

Jake MacAulay

The recent purposefully deceptive statements made by Joseph Biden and Michael Bloomberg regarding the President’s response to the coronavirus emergency are shocking and revealing.

First, Joe Biden repeated earlier erroneous press reports that the Trump administration is “muzzling” Dr. Anthony Fauci, which Fauci had firmly denied the day before.

Next Mike Bloomberg told CBS’s Scott Pelley that Trump called the coronavirus “a hoax.”

“I find it incomprehensible that the president would do something as inane as calling it a hoax,” Pelley immediately stopped him, clarifying, “He said the Democrats making so much of it is a Democratic hoax, not that the virus was a hoax.”

After his outright incriminatingly false statements Bloomberg did not even acknowledge he had made a mistake and arrogantly continued with his diatribe.

Statements by both presidential hopefuls are both outrageous and insulting on their face. It is interesting to note their attitudes and the apparent attitudes of their followers about the lies they continue to conflate.

There seems to be no amount of guilt or remorse for these deceptions at all. On the contrary, the entire effect presented in the tone and attitude of the candidates and those who defend the deceptions reveals a blasé, smug, implicit pretext.

Simply stated, it goes like this:

We are the ruling class and we will lie to you for your own good.”  Further, if you catch us at it, it doesnt matter at all.

We will have our way.  You will do our will.  We will lie to you if it suits us.

The dangerous result of this approach is that truth, and truth-telling, are no longer things that we can rely on when we deal with government.

This is most serious and most dangerous.


Because truth-telling, and the reliance on truth-telling, is the glue that holds a society together.

Without the “glue” of truth-telling, our transactions and interactions with government, and with each other, become extremely burdensome and eventually impossible.

Frederic Bastiat, in his famous work “The Law,” wrote, “No society can exist unless the laws are respected to a certain degree.  The way to make laws respected is to make them respectable.”

He continues, “When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense or losing his respect for the law.”

When those in authority show their contempt for truth-telling, then the “glue” — the respect for lawful authority — cannot long survive.

If we cannot rely on those in authority to tell us the truth, then we will very soon lose faith in their leadership.  When we lose faith in their leadership, we will stop following their dictates.  To keep us following their orders they must then resort to despotic, tyrannical force.

That’s why truth-telling is so important. That is why these revelations are so damning.

In the words of our first President George Washington, “Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains taken to bring it to light.

As progressive politicians, activists, and media continue their departure from truth-telling, their credibility and viability is extinguished.

Therefore, for the sake of our country and our sanity, we must resolve to make our departure from them.

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

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The Acknowledgement of God’s Authority Over America is Constitutional

Jake MacAulay

There was a time in our not too distant past when the acknowledgment of God and His authority over all things including our civil government was a value shared by Americans almost universally. This is undeniably reflected in the following observation by founding father Samuel Adams:

The right to freedom is the gift of God Almighty…. The rights of the Colonists as Christians may be best understood by reading, and carefully studying the institutes of the great Lawgiver and Head of the Christian Church: which are to be found clearly written and promulgated in the New Testament. 

When Mr. Adams declares that rights are the gift of God, he implicitly acknowledges the existence and supremacy of God. Moreover, he is positively connecting our liberty with our shared Christian view of law and government.

Sadly, while this view was once widely understood by Americans, today it is lost on many… if not most. This is largely due to our ignorance of American history and misunderstanding the meaning of “Separation of Church and State.”

In the American view of law and government, we recognize that the Law of Nature and of Nature’s God is a fixed, unchanging standard.  Also, jurisdiction — the authority to speak and enforce the law — is given to four separate governments.

First, there is self-government, in which we, as individuals, are required to control ourselves; to conform our behavior to the strictures of God’s commandments.  (Thou shalt not steal…or lie… or murder, etc.)

The other three jurisdictions are institutional in nature.

There is the family; ordained by God in the Garden of Eden and charged with the health, education, welfare, and marriage of its members.

Next, there is the church, whose head is Jesus Christ, and charged by Christ with the promulgation of His word, the distribution of the sacraments, and charitable assistance to the less fortunate with healthcare, education and welfare.

Lastly, there is the civil government, which is charged by God with defending the borders and administering justice so that the Lord’s people might live in peace and harmony.

Overarching all these jurisdictions and their authority is God’s jurisdiction, which, by nature of his status as Creator, is all-encompassing and universal.

So while there is, in fact, a separation between the duties of the Church and the State, there is no separation of God and His law from civil government. Conversely, there is an absolute duty on the part of the civil government to understand, promote, and enforce the Natural Law of the Creator.

In the Declaration of Independence, our founders referred to God as the Supreme Judge of the universe because His jurisdiction supersedes every act of civil government.

So, you see, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a state official acknowledging the Word of God as authoritative and controlling in the civil affairs of men.

Actually, quite the opposite is true.  No State action or law is valid unless it conforms to God’s law and His Will.

So, if someone tries to tell you that God and His law don’t have anything to do with civil government, then you can be sure that this person does not understand American history or American government.

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Communist Candidates are the Enemy of America

Jake MacAulay

The Washington Examiner recently reported that Presidential hopeful and Democratic frontrunner, Bernie Sanders, made the following statement while running for governor in 1972: “I don’t mind people coming up and calling me a communist.”

During the Reagan era, Sanders even campaigned for self-described Trotskyites, a Marxist sect that openly calls for violent revolutions.

Sanders’ involvement with the Socialist Workers Party raised so many suspicions that he was even investigated by the FBI.

Should this concern Americans?

On January 10, 1963, less than 10 years before the Senator from Vermont owned the label of “Communist,” Democrat Congressman Albert Sydney Herlong, Jr.,read into the Congressional Record the 45 Communist goals for America, which included No. 28:

“Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of ‘separation of church and state.’”

With so much misunderstanding regarding the phrase “wall of separation between church and state,” it is helpful to review opinions of past Supreme Court Justices.

Justice William Orville Douglas, nominated by Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt, served the longest term on the bench in the Supreme Court’s history — 36 years.

Douglas wrote:

“The First Amendment, however, does not say that in every and all respects there shall be a separation of church and state… Otherwise, the state and religion would be aliens to each other — hostile, suspicious, and even unfriendly…”

“Municipalities would not be permitted to render police or fire protection to religious groups.”

“Policemen who helped parishioners into their places of worship would violate the Constitution.”

“Prayers in our legislative halls; the appeals to the Almighty in the messages of the Chief Executive; the proclamations making Thanksgiving Day a holiday; ‘So Help Me God’ in our courtroom oaths; these and all other references to the Almighty that run through our laws, our public rituals, our ceremonies would be flouting the First Amendment.”

“… A fastidious atheist or agnostic could even object to the supplication with which the Court opens each session: ‘God save the United States and this Honorable Court…”

“We find no constitutional requirement which makes it necessary for government to be hostile to religion and to throw its weight against efforts to widen the effective scope of religious influence…”

“We cannot read into the Bill of Rights such a philosophy of hostility to religion.”

Many of you may not be aware that in the very week that Congress approved the Establishment Clause as part of the Bill of Rights for submission to the states, it enacted legislation providing for paid Chaplains for the House and Senate…

Chief Justice Warren E. Burger stated,

“Our history is replete with official references to the value and invocation of Divine guidance in deliberations and pronouncements of the Founding Fathers and contemporary leaders.

The very chamber in which oral arguments on this case were heard is decorated with a notable and permanent — not seasonal — symbol of religion: Moses with the Ten Commandments. Congress has long provided chapels in the Capitol for religious worship and meditation.”

Make no mistake; communists are adversaries of Christianity and in the words of Declaration signer John Witherspoon, “Whoever is an avowed enemy of God, I scruple not to call him an enemy of his country…”

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The Deliberate Christianity of Our Founders

Jake MacAulay

John Dickinson, Revolutionary War general and signer of the Constitution, made the claim:

“[Governments] could not give the rights essential to happiness… We claim them from a higher source: from the King of kings, and Lord of all the earth.”

The Constitution concludes in the subscription clause with the words:

“In the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven…”

Often left out of the newer copies of the United States Constitution, this statement is a significant acknowledgement of the birth of Christ 1,787 years earlier. “Our Lord,” therefore, clearly refers to Jesus Christ.

In order to marginalize Christianity and the impact that it had on founding and governmental structure of America, my detractors will often assert, “Christianity was just a part of the times but it had no real critical relevance to the founding fathers and their struggle for independence. Why do you attach such significance to it? This was just the status quo during a time of political upheaval and revolutions.”

Well, no. Let’s contrast the “firm reliance on Divine Providence” the founders of America had with that of their contemporaries: the French revolutionaries.

Unlike the French, the Framers of our Constitution had no reservations about referring to Jesus Christ as “our Lord” and using His birth as the central event of history.

In fact, the French revolutionaries’ philosophies included a harsh enmity to Christianity and Christ’s Church. For example:

  • The French calendar replaced the birth of Christ with the birth of the French Republic.
  • God and Bible were proclaimed dead.
  • Christian Holy days were replaced with secular revolution days.
  • The Sabbath was eliminated and the workweek was extended to 10 days.
  • A nude woman was placed on the altar of Notre Dame Cathedral.
  • Christianity and Christians experienced a persecution in France antithetical to the cherished support and partnership the American Revolution afforded to the Christian Church.

Contrasting the Biblical wisdom of our Founders with that of the French revolutionaries, one can quickly see the stability Christian thinking offers.

In the same period of time, the United States has had one form of government. France has had over a dozen:

  • First Republic, 1789-1792
  • Reign of Terror, 1793-1794
  • The Directory, 1795-1799
  • Consulate, 1799-1804
  • First Empire, 1804-1814
  • New Monarchy, 1814-1815
  • Napoleon’s 100 Days, 1815
  • Monarchy, 1815-1848
  • Second Republic, 1848-1852
  • Second Empire, 1852-1870
  • Third Republic, 1871-1940
  • Vichy France, 1940-1944
  • Fourth Republic, 1947-1959
  • Fifth Republic, 1959-

While comparing the American Revolution with France’s numerous revolutions, 13th President Millard Fillmore observed:

“Our own free institutions were not the offspring of our Revolution. They existed before.

They were planted in the free charters of self-government under which the English colonies grew up, and our Revolution only freed us from the dominion of a foreign power whose government was at variance with those institutions.

Fillmore concluded that:

“Liberty unregulated by law degenerates into anarchy, which soon becomes the most horrid of all despotisms …

“We owe these blessings, under Heaven, to the happy Constitution and Government which were bequeathed to us by our fathers, and which it is our sacred duty to transmit in all their integrity to our children.”

Decades after the signing of the Declaration of Independence,  in 1854 the United States Congress, House Judiciary Committee, reaffirmed those biblical principles that established American Independence with the exhortation:

“Had the people, during the Revolution, had a suspicion of any attempt to war against Christianity, that Revolution would have been strangled in its cradle… In this age, there can be no substitute for Christianity… That was the religion of the founders of the republic and they expected it to remain the religion of their descendants.”

Our founders were deliberate in their foundation and construction of a free government system under the guidance of and supplication to Almighty God. To assume or say otherwise is just disingenuous.

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The Senate Duty in Impeachment Trials

Jake MacAulay

“[T]he Senate may dismiss articles of impeachment without holding a full trial or taking any evidence… Put another way, the Constitution does not impose on the Senate the duty to hold a trial. In fact, the Senate need not hold a trial even though the House wishes to present evidence and hold a full trial[.]”

“In a number of previous impeachment trials, the Senate has reached the judgment that its constitutional role as sole trier of impeachments does not require it to take new evidence or hear live witness testimony.”

These are the words of former Senator Joe Biden who argued during the impeachment of former President Bill Clinton that witnesses, according to a memo obtained by Politico, should be rejected by the Senate.

Politico also reported, “While the Senate eventually requested the testimony of three witnesses in the impeachment trial of Clinton — Monica Lewinsky, Vernon Jordan, and Sidney Blumenthal — each of those witnesses had already been deposed before the House of Representatives or a federal grand jury following lengthy litigation. The Senate refused to call new witnesses whose previous testimony hadn’t already formed a basis for the impeachment articles against Clinton.”

(You can read Biden’s full memorandum here.)

Last week we established that the claims of the House were erroneous and “pretended articles of impeachment” because they fail to make a case for impeachment even if they were true.

Firstly, neither of the Articles contains an accusation of criminal conduct on the part of the President.

Secondly, separation of powers deems “Obstruction of Congress” not possible for a President who has every right and privilege to disagree with Congress and owes them no duty that supersedes his duty to keep his Oath to the Constitution.

Article 1, Section 2, determines,“The House of Representatives… shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.”

This means the House is the prosecuting attorney, the one who holds the sole duty to build the case against the said defendant. This includes evidence, accusations, and the compiling of witness testimonies with the desire that a jury will bring a conviction based on the evidence they have prepared and presented.

After the House votes with a simple majority to impeach a President, the Senate takes over to try the evidence similar to the function of a jury. Article 1, Section 3, of the Constitution states: “The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments…And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two-thirds of the Members present.”

So we see clearly here that Senator Biden was right. The job of the Senate is not to compile evidence or call new witnesses.

Furthermore, if more evidence or witnesses are required, this would only show a dereliction of duty on the part of the House for presenting a rushed case lacking due diligence before the “court”.

The “Pelosi impeachment” is the first in history without bi-partisan support and now the “party of Pelosi” is demanding the Senate make up for the shortfalls of the House?

We would do well to heed the words of Declaration author Thomas Jefferson, “Justice is the end of government. It is the end of civil society. It ever has been and ever will be pursued until it be obtained, or until liberty be lost in the pursuit.”

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The Pretended Articles of Impeachment Against a President

Jake MacAulay

We recently received the following inquiry at Institute on the Constitution:

“One of the Articles of Impeachment delivered to the Senate was a charge of obstruction of justice because Trump didn’t cooperate with the investigation. But isn’t there protection from self-incrimination in the Bill of Rights? Does a sitting president (or anyone, for that matter) have to cooperate with an investigation?”

Assuming that many others may have similar questions, we thought we would share with you the response of our founder, Michael Anthony Peroutka.

The two charges leveled at the 45th President are:

  • Abuse of power
  • Obstruction of Congress

Frankly, in our view, neither of these makes any sense for at least the following reasons:

Firstly, neither of these Articles contains an accusation of criminal conduct on the part of the President.

Article II, Section 4, of the Constitution provides, “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

Since the specific language of the Constitution states two crimes (treason and bribery) and then contains a clause, which contains the words “other crimes,” it seems clear that criminal conduct is contemplated by the drafters of the Constitution for this impeachment clause to become operative.

Therefore, I believe these are really “pretended articles of impeachment” because they fail to make a case for impeachment even if they were true.

Secondly, both “pretended” articles of impeachment lack what I believe is necessary, specificity. For example, “abuse of power” is so broad that it may be considered to be “void for vagueness.” Moreover, the argument of those advancing the impeachment of the president seems to center on the idea that he has somehow “hijacked“ the foreign policy of the United States.

The difficulty with this argument is that the president is the only person in all of the constitution who is charged with developing and implementing foreign policy. Therefore I don’t see how it’s possible for him to “hijack” foreign policy since all the decisions are ultimately his to make.

Lastly, “Obstruction of Congress” seems to be the silliest charge of all.

The president has every right and privilege to disagree with Congress and owes them no duty that supersedes his duty to keep his Oath to the Constitution. And, of course, he has no legal obligation to participate, encourage, or aid and abet the mischief of Congress.

Remember, Congress is the body with a secret slush fund that according to the Office of Compliance has reportedly paid victims of harassment, sexual or otherwise, more than $17 million since its creation in the 1990s.

It is also the body that provides funding to murder the most innocent and defenseless among us.

It is also the body that exempts itself from the rules it makes for others.

The Constitution grants Congress no special privilege that requires the president to cooperate in their corruption or immorality.

Again, I prefer a president who acts independently and provides a check and restraint on the excesses and “pretended” authority of the legislative branch.

In fact, one could argue that “obstructing Congress” is not only NOT a crime; it is the Constitutional DUTY of the President.

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A Lesson About Law From a Birmingham Jail – Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

Jake MacAulay

This week Americans will be paying tribute to this century’s likely brightest orator and most dedicated man to individual liberty, Reverend Michael King, Jr., aka Martin Luther King, Jr. While I am almost certain that the good minister from Atlanta, Georgia, would not condone having a day named after him, I do not condone the worthless heaping of accolades by any people group who co-opt, blindly turn from, or outright despise the Christian minister’s teachings.

Immorality, theft, vandalism, Second Amendment violations, and so-called civil rights were not the basis of this Baptist minister’s philosophies. His mission was to proclaim the Gospel and his basis was God-given rights, and liberty under Law, which in his case was eloquent enough to land him behind bars.

You see, King understood that an unjust, man-made law is to be disobeyed.

In his Letter from a Birmingham Jail, he stated “One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws.  Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.”


Pastor King’s letter goes on to quote renowned theologian and early church father Augustine that, “…an unjust law is no law at all.”

King knew the definition of law. As stated in his letter, “A just law is a man made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God.” This definition coincides with what the Declaration calls “the laws of Nature and Nature’s God”.

At one time in our history, this was widely understood.  However, in recent years, Americans have largely forgotten the fact that purported laws draw their efficacy — their validity —from adherence to these two fixed standards. Indeed, in modern times, these two critical standards are not applied by most Americans to the actions of government because these two critical standards are not studied or even known to the people.

Americans desperately need to be reintroduced to the Supreme Law of the Universe (the Bible) and the supreme law of the land (the Constitution).

This country, as great as it is, suffers from many sociopolitical diseases, one of which Dr. King coined “schizophrenia” when discussing founding documents like the Declaration of Independence.

He describes that government has a tendency to praise one concept while malevolently tearing down its foundations.

The lesson for us today is we need to resist what is not law and obey what is; but, of course, we need to know the difference.

56 years ago this blueprint was given to us from a jail cell in Birmingham, Alabama.

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The Constitutionality of Long Distance Air Strikes, Part 2

Jake MacAulay

Last week when I stated that I was troubled by the lack of constitutional authority I could find for the president’s action with regard to Qasem Soleimani, I received more emails than I have for quite some time. And it appears we are not done with the topic.

Trump produced a record-breaking tweet supporting the people of Iran’s protest after the Iranian government admitted its armed forces “unintentionally” shot down a Ukrainian commercial plane, killing all 176 people on board.

Combining your response and the president’s comments, I wanted to finish where I left off.

Last week I affirmed there is no authority found in the Constitution for the president’s use of long-distance airstrikes without a letter of marque or a congressional declaration of war.

This week I would like to pose the following questions:

  • Was Soleimani an elite Iranian sanctioned military leader? Yes.
  • Was Soleimani planning to attack our United States Embassy in Iraq? The evidence given to the President by the Pentagon would suggest so.
  • Has Congress delegated preemptive military action to the President when the threat is real and imminent? Yes, the War Powers Resolution of 1973. This resolution requires the president to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days, with a further 30-day withdrawal period, without a congressional authorization for use of military force (AUMF) or a declaration of war by the United States. This resolution was passed overwhelmingly by two-thirds of the people’s representatives in each of the House and Senate, overriding the vetoof the bill by then-President Richard Nixon.
  • Did the President abide by the rules of Congress and the War Powers Resolution when he eliminated Soleimani? Yes

Neither Congress nor any presidential administration has ever challenged this resolution and we all know why. Because a challenge to the limits and powers of the presidency in any way would affect the powers of a presidency of their own political party.  It is far more politically expedient to demonize another party without challenging the foundation they stand on.

Like you, I despise this political hypocrisy, but then again many are guilty of it. We carte blanch support everything our favorite candidate does and insult the other side for everything they do.

There is only one perfect person and that is our Creator, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This is why our founding fathers placed limits on the power of sinful humans in government. Father of the Constitution James Madison declared, “The powers of the federal government are enumerated; it can only operate in certain cases; it has legislative powers on defined and limited objects, beyond which it cannot extend its jurisdiction.”

As I stated last week, your opinion and my opinion does not matter; constitutional authority matters.

With regard to Soleimani, my conclusion is that Trump did nothing outside of what Congress has authorized in 1973 and has stood by for decades until this present day. However, just because it was passed by Congress does not make it Constitutional.

The solution? Instead of just whining along the party line rhetoric, Congress needs to challenge the War Powers Resolution of 1973 or thank the President for his decisive action they authorized.

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The Constitutionality of Long Distance Air Strikes

Jake MacAulay

The recent assassination of Iranian military leader Qasem Soleimani carried out by United States military personnel under orders from President Donald J. Trump has caused much turmoil in America.

From the instant that the details of the deadly mission were announced, critics of the president have been shrill in their condemnation of his actions.

At the same time, supporters of the President are universally outraged that the president’s decisive and successful action is being criticized at all.

However, when I listen to the arguments that are put forward to defend and to justify this long-distance termination of human life I must admit I am very troubled.

It’s a question of authority.

You see, I am struggling to find the authority for this termination of life.

Now, don’t get me wrong.  Along with many Americans, I am disposed to applaud Mr. Trump’s boldness and decisiveness, along with his desire to protect the American people.

But while I appreciate his acting with certainty, I believe it to be the duty of all Americans to make certain that our president is acting within the limits of the authority vested in him under the Constitution and subject to the laws of nature and of Natures’ God.

Please consider just how important this is for us all.  If we allow our military to engage in deadly force without the benefit of a clear articulation of the lawful authority by which they kill, there is nothing to stop them from killing anyone they may someday, somehow, find convenient.

In Article II, Section 2, the Constitution provides that the President is the Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy. But the title “Commander in Chief” alone does not provide justification to kill anybody.

Just because Bush and Obama did something doesn’t make it moral or constitutional.

Just because it is asserted that “Soleimani is a known terrorist” or that “he needed to be taken out” doesn’t make it moral or lawful.

What would make it constitutional would be to comply with Article 1 Section 8 which vests the power in Congress “to declare war” on a nation-state, or “grant letters of marque and reprisal.” These letters are essentially permits for private individuals to use force against enemies of the state on its behalf. This would include a renegade pirate or terrorists who is not a part of a recognized government.

That’s relatively simple but Congress hasn’t declared war since December 8, 1941, following Pearl Harbor.

If Soleimani and his ilk represent the nation-state of Iran then we ought to declare war on Iran and terminate the radicals as a matter of war.

If Soleimani is an individual terrorist killing and terrorizing American citizens then the president ought to request Letters of Marque from Congress to terminate this man and his forces.

Bypassing the Constitution and their own authority Congress, passed a “Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution” of 2002. Since then, there have been US Soldiers on the soil of the Middle East that haven’t been authorized by Article 1 Sec. 8.

We clearly have a real conflict that does exist and has for some time, but this conflict has not been declared or defined which is causing an escalation of conflicts. I believe this is because we have abandoned what the constitution authorizes.

Again I am very troubled…

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Guns Save Lives

Jake MacAulay

“The suspect is deceased, and the threat has stopped thanks to the heroic action of those two parishioners at the church,” said White Settlement Police Chief J.P. Bevering at a news conference Sunday.

“The two security volunteers saved 242 other parishioners who were in the church,” said Jeff Williams, director of public safety.

The AP reported this weekend, “A gunman who killed two people during a Texas church service was fatally shot within seconds by armed congregants, said state officials, who hailed the state’s gun laws that allow weapons in places of worship.”

The natural and God-given right of self-defense is perfectly summed up by this exposition found in America’s fundamental law which regulates all our civil government institutions: “…the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Definitive, bright, unequivocal, and by no stretch of the imagination is the Second Amendment confusing.

If anyone is to begin discussing the topic of Americans’ right to bear arms we MUST understand it has never been the government’s responsibility to protect us as individuals.

What did you say, Jake?

That’s right. Courts have even ruled to support the fact that police are not responsible to protect individuals.  If you call 911 and no police officer shows up and you or someone you know is vandalized, brutalized, or killed, you have no legal right to sue the police department for negligence. You see, it has always been the people’s responsibility to protect themselves; the government’s responsibility is to protect the right of the people to protect themselves.

The promulgation of emotional ignorance has always been the tool to convince people to give up this right of self-preservation in favor of trusting that criminals will give up their crime and that government can boundlessly protect you.

As seen in every single mass shooting, the government is completely incapable of protecting the citizenry from these kinds of attacks. If the people do not protect themselves, there is no protection. Have you noticed that nearly all “gun-control” laws fight or obstruct innocent people from protecting themselves? This is why state leaders have an obligation to declare any and all federal gun-control laws to be null and void, and boldly declare to law-abiding citizens of their states that they will honor and protect the people’s right and duty to defend themselves.

Our forefathers did not arm the American people for the purpose of hunting, but rather to protect themselves from those who were doing the hunting, namely the tyrant King George. The Second Amendment is a primary vouchsafe of our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and to ensure all of the other rights given unto us by our Creator.

George Washington, our first president, said:

“From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences and tendencies prove that to ensure peace, security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable … the very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference – they deserve a place of honor with all that is good.”

This week as we pray for the families and friends of the deceased at West Freeway Church of Christ, please take an additional moment to give thanks for the law-abiding heroes that saved so many lives. May it challenge us all to follow their example of love.

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Celebrating Christmas is Politically Correct

Jake MacAulay

In their effort to make a point, those who discuss law and government and politics for a living often miss the most crucial – the most critical point of all. So, as we celebrate Christmas, this is a good time to take a deep breath and revisit the first principles of America.

We should remember the political significance of Christmas. Now don’t get distracted by arguments that early Christians latched onto a pre-existing pagan holiday to establish the date of Christmas. That may be true, but it is a distraction from what’s truly important. The important thing is the birth of the Savior, Jesus Christ.

The birth of the Savior is the most significant political event in human history. This bears repeating. The birth of Jesus Christ is the most significant political event in the history of the universe.

Why? Well, simply put, it is because liberty does not and cannot exist absent the acknowledgement of the Almighty, Omniscient, Living and Everlasting God of the Bible, whose Son is Jesus Christ — Who created the world, entered His own creation, and sacrificed His life to cover our sins and make us presentable before the Throne of Grace.

For liberty to exist in the world, this acknowledgement of Christ’s authority must exist in the hearts of the people and it must be the operating principle of civil government.

If it is, then peace on earth will prevail. But to the extent that the hearts of the people are distracted and the civil government forgets that it is a ministry of Jesus Christ (look up Romans 13), is the extent that injustice, chaos, corruption and tyranny will prevail.

Now you may not share the Christian beliefs I’ve just described, but that doesn’t affect my point here because it is indisputable that the founders of American government believed them and established a system of law and liberty based on them.

So, your disbelief in them does not extinguish them. Whatever beliefs you personally hold, please remember that far from violating any law, the acknowledgement of Jesus Christ as the Source of Law and Government is the very first presupposition of American government. It is contained in the Declaration of Independence, which is the organic law of the United States. The Declaration states that there is a Creator-God, that our rights to Life, Liberty, and pursuit of happiness come from Him, and that the purpose of civil government is simply to secure the rights He gave to His creation.

Therefore, celebrating Christmas through Nativity displays, public prayer, sacred song, and all other forms of Christian witness are consistent with and supportive of the American View of Law and Liberty and are the essence of American government.

Publicly celebrating the blessed birth of the Savior of the world is not only lawful, it is patriotic in the purest sense and the most politically correct thing you can ever do.

So with that, we at the Institute on the Constitution wish you a very Merry Christmas this year.

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Is Teaching the Christian Heritage of America Dangerous?

Jake MacAulay

How do we reach the next generation with the Biblical American View of law and government? Have you ever asked that question?

During my travels for IOTC, I am almost regularly sharing in public education institutions.

The general question people ask is, “How are you getting into the public schools?”

My response is, “I am normally invited by a teacher, school board member, parent, donor, or administrator. So I start by arriving, opening the door, and walking in.”

It is not complex, but it does come with the occasional challenge.

I have never been asked to stop my presentations. I have never been kicked out of a school. The response has always been exceptionally positive. The challenge is when people are afraid they may get in trouble for referencing the Christian foundations in America.

The tragedy, of course, is there should be no challenge at all to teach the original intent of our Founders, which happens to include the Biblical underpinnings of American Law and Constitutional Government.

Noah Webster, named the “Schoolmaster of America” who authored scores of school textbooks, including the famous dictionary that bears his name, asserted:

The Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things that children under a free government ought to be instructed.

Webster again declared:

The moral principles and precepts contained in the Scriptures ought to form the basis of all our civil constitutions and laws. All of the miseries and evils which men suffer from; vice, crime, ambition, injustice, oppression, slavery and war, proceed from the despising or neglecting the precepts contained in the Bible.

Signer of the Declaration and President of Princeton University, John Witherspoon, declared:

Whosoever is an avowed enemy of God, I (hesitate not) to call him an enemy to his country.

The Father of America, George Washington, concluded his first presidential inauguration with the following exhortation:

It would be peculiarly improper to omit in this first official Act, my fervent supplications to that Almighty Being who rules over the Universe… No People can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand, which conducts the Affairs of men more than the People of the United States. Every step, by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation, seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential agency. 

In fact, it was Delaware, the first state in our union, that mandated:

“Every person … appointed to any office … shall … subscribe … ‘I … profess faith in GOD THE FATHER, and in JESUS CHRIST His only Son, and in the HOLY GHOST, one God, blessed for evermore; and I do acknowledge the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be given by Divine inspiration.'” (emphasis added)

Pennsylvania, home to our first Congress, was operating under its 1776 Constitution, signed by Ben Franklin, which stated:

“Each member, before he takes his seat, shall … subscribe … ‘I do believe in one GOD, the Creator and Governor of the Universe, the Rewarder of the good and the Punisher of the wicked. And I do acknowledge the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be given by Divine Inspiration.'”

Written in numerous letters and legal documents we find the source of American liberty is unequivocally the God of the Bible. Shouldn’t we teach, encourage, and celebrate it?

We must conclude… if teaching this is dangerous or wrong, then our detractors must believe that our history and our heritage of liberty is dangerous… and that is Un-American.

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Did the Education of American Seminaries Found America?

Jake MacAulay

Did you know that almost half the signers of the Declaration of Independence, as well as most every Founding Father, graduated from orthodox Christian teaching seminaries?

Many of our Founding Fathers that graduated from seminaries were considered church elders or church officers. Here is a small list of those involved in the original Congress or later signed the Declaration of Independence:

  • Samuel Adams, Father of the Revolution
  • John Hancock, the first signer of the Declaration and acting president
  • Robert Treat Paine
  • John Lowell
  • John Treadwell
  • Joseph Montgomery
  • James Manning
  • Pastor John Joachim Zubly

Many ministers of the original Congress went on to serve in Congress like Rev. Abiel Foster, Rev. Benjamin Contee, Rev. Abraham Baldwin, Rev. Paine Wingate, Rev. John Peter Muhlenberg, and his brother Rev. Frederick Augustus Muhlenberg who later became the first Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Some of these Church officers who signed the Constitution included Hugh Williamson, Rufus King, and William Samuel Johnson.

My travels across America allow me the wonderful privilege to exalt what the Congress of 1854 labeled, “The great, vital, and conservative element in our system…the belief of our people in the pure doctrines and the divine truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

Noah Webster, Founding Father and author of the first American dictionary, boldly stated, “[T]he religion which has introduced civil liberty is the religion of Christ and His apostles… This is genuine Christianity and to this we owe our free constitutions of government.”

Unfortunately, many of the institutions of learning that I am invited to speak in hold a so-called “politically correct” viewpoint that argues pluralism – the acceptance and celebration of differing religions, philosophies and ideologies – will maintain justice, freedom, and peace in America.

Though diversity of culture and backgrounds is the beauty of America, this is not the source of our blessings; rather it is the Christian foundation of America that has made our nation so free.

“The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity”, said John Adams, who also declared, “The Christian religion is, above all the religions that ever prevailed or existed in ancient or modern times, the religion of wisdom, virtue, equity and humanity.”

International diplomat and Founding Father Benjamin Franklin minced no words when he declared, “As to Jesus of Nazareth, my opinion of whom you particularly desire, I think the system of morals and His religion as He left them to us, the best the world ever saw or is likely to see.”

Let me pose a question: When we eliminate biblical standards and then allow paganism or immoral philosophies of other religions to become paramount in American polity, do we experience enhanced freedom?

Those who founded and fought for our American culture and our American form of government didn’t think so.  In fact they had a very different view reflected in another resolute statement by Noah Webster, stating, “[T]he Christian religion… is the basis, or rather the source, of all genuine freedom in government.”

From colonial America’s seminaries, to the architects of America’s founding documents, to the preservation of Liberty in America…there is one common theme: the Christian Religion.

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Supreme Court And The Second Amendment: New York City Wants To Weasel Out Of Its Own Case

Jake MacAulay

This week the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case of New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. City of New York.  The plaintiffs in this case are challenging New York City’s nearly complete ban on the transportation of firearms.

While New York grudgingly accepts the ruling in the 2010 case of McDonald v. City of Chicago and the 2008 case of District of Columbia v Heller, which protected the right of persons to keep arms in their homes, they are anxious to prosecute those who might want to transport a firearm from one home to another, or from home to the firing range and back home again.

Interestingly, when the Supreme Court agreed to take the current case, New York City, fearful of the recently changed composition of the Court, quickly figured out it stands a chance of losing on the merits.  The City immediately went onto “damage control” and altered its regulation to be only slightly less draconian.  New York then asked the Court to dismiss the case as moot.  The Court, so far, has denied The City of New York from weaseling out of the controversy that they initiated.

While this may sound somewhat promising, the very existence of such cases and controversies shows just how far the American people have allowed their government to stray from the plain language of the Constitution regarding the ownership and use of firearms.

The Framers of the Second Amendment, referring to the people’s God-given and pre-existing right to bear arms, used the most sweeping and all-encompassing language in the Constitution to describe this right as something that, “shall not be infringed.”

Moreover, they said that a well-regulated (that is to say, well equipped and well trained) militia was necessary to the security of a free state.  Now please remember that the word “militia” in the Constitution simply refers to the able-bodied men of the country.

So, the Second Amendment is designed to make sure that the citizenry is armed.  New York City and others who seek to eliminate private gun ownership through registration, confiscation, and limits on transportation of firearms, are promoting an agenda that is anti-American, and also immoral inasmuch as it seeks to infringe on the God-given right to self-defense and the defense of innocent others.

Indeed, following each and every episode of gun violence in a school or a mall or elsewhere, we hear the incessant screeching from gun control advocates. Underneath all the screeching and shouting is the premise that the guns are the problem and that it should be even harder for law-abiding people (remember…this is the militia) to obtain and to become trained on them.

We believe this is a false premise.  Let us give you at least one good reason to reject it.

Consider the images that we see on television after these episodic shooting events. What do we see at each of these crime scenes without exception? We see scores of police, often in SWAT gear, rushing to the scene, and all around the scene, brandishing what?

Brandishing what?

Guns…that’s what.

Now please think about the logical implication of this obvious fact. The fact is that the first responders to these emergency situations, whether they are local police, state police, FBI, or other law enforcement all show up with guns…lots of guns…

Why do they do that?

If guns are the PROBLEM, then why would you bring guns to a place where there already is a problem?  And why doesn’t the presence of more guns — many more guns—make the situation worse?

The conclusion is inescapable!

Clearly, these “first responders” — these professionals — don’t view guns as the problem.  To the contrary, they hold the professional opinion that guns are the solution to the problem!

The conclusion (again) seems inescapable….

Shouldn’t we take their professional advice and carry solutions with us everywhere we go?

The City of New York says no…

…but the Constitution says yes.

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Americans Celebrate Thanksgiving to God

Jake MacAulay

Statistically speaking, American Millennials’ (ages 18-34) worst subject is history.  Many know very little about our European ancestors, the Pilgrims, to whom the first Thanksgiving is attributed. These were the first Christian families to settle on the East coast of America.  Contrary to modern-day teaching, the main purpose the Pilgrims came to America was NOT religious freedom.  They had already gained religious freedom twelve years earlier, in 1608, when they fled England for Holland to escape extreme persecution from the tyrannical King James I. They told us specifically why they decided to come to America in the Mayflower Compact – the first American government document: “…for the glory of God and advancement of the Christian faith…”

The Pilgrims came to America to set up an entire nation for the purpose of glorifying God and advancing the Christian faith.  This radical statement UNITED government with a responsibility to God and left a strategy for future generations to follow that has arguably brought about more liberty, prosperity, and joy to our nation than any other political philosophy in any other country in the history of the world!

The first national Thanksgiving occurred in 1789. According to the Congressional Record for September 25, immediately after approving the Bill of Rights, Mr. Elias Boudinot said he could not think of letting the congressional session end without offering an opportunity to all the citizens of America to render their sincere thanks to Almighty God for the many blessings He had poured down upon them.

The resolution was delivered to President George Washington, who heartily concurred with the congressional request, declaring:

Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor…  Now, therefore, I do appoint Thursday, the 26th day of November 1789… that we may all unite to render unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection.

For years after, Americans were delivered from countless perils, received many victories and blessings, prospered beyond any country, and soon everyone envied the American Dream that God had given to persevering Americans.

America started becoming self-sufficient, we increased in knowledge, built powerful bombs, and decided we had arrived; we had no problems to overcome.  We became like spoiled children, it was all about us, and if we weren’t blessed in the way we wanted it, we blamed the God we at one time thanked. Thanksgiving became a holiday, a day off work to eat until we were stuffed, watch the football game, and bless ourselves.

This Thanksgiving let us give thanks to the God of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for America’s incredible founding and pray that our government would never relinquish its God-given duty to preserve our rights.

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Jesus Christ is King of America, Her Constitution, and the Billboard Charts

Jake MacAulay

As our culture cultivates more hostility to the Bible and the virtue that Christ promotes in the Gospel, I thought I would take a minute to speak about the frenzy surrounding rapper Kanye West‘s first faith-based album, Jesus is King. The album has sparked history on Billboard’s Hot Christian Songs and Hot Gospel Songs charts. It concurrently crowns the all-genre Billboard 200, Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums and Top Rap Albums charts and currently reigns as the first set ever to rule all five rankings. In light of the album’s success, searches for “Jesus” and “What do Christians believe?” have spiked on Google.

West has drastically transformed from the once vulgar, misogynist Grammy-winning rapper to a Christian artist who now intends to remove all expletives from his previous songs.

The 42-year-old’s gospel-rap album is filled with biblical references, and now the American Bible Society promised to hand out free copies of the Bible to interested fans.

For those of you who didn’t know, the American Bible Society was founded in 1816 by people who were committed to the Bible and to the end of slavery. The first president was Founding Father Elias Boudinot, who had been president of the Continental Congress from 1782 to 1783. John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, was named president of the Society in 1821.

It sure is refreshing to see the influence of America’s Founding Fathers still permeating our culture today.

West’s work is catching fire all over America, promoting the Bible that John Adams claimed, “contains the most profound Philosophy, the most perfect Morality, and the most refined Policy, that ever was conceived upon Earth.  It is the most Republican Book in the World, and therefore I will still revere it . . . .”

Perhaps one of the most prevalent influences of men like John Adams and the Founders was Baron Charles Montesquieu.

In his work “The Spirit of the Laws,” Montesquieu emphasized:

…A moderate Government is most agreeable to the Christian Religion…The Christian religion is a stranger to mere despotic power. The mildness so frequently recommended in the Gospel is incompatible with the despotic rage with which a prince punishes his subjects, and exercises himself in cruelty.

Founding Father Dr. Benjamin Rush explained:

In contemplating the political institutions of the United States, I lament that we waste so much time and money in punishing crimes and take so little pains to prevent them.

We profess to be republicans, and yet we neglect the only means of establishing and perpetuating our republican forms of government, that is, the universal education of our youth in the principles of Christianity by the means of the Bible.

Dr. Rush concludes:

For this Divine Book, above all others, favors that equality among mankind, that respect for just laws, and those sober and frugal virtues, which constitute the soul of republicanism.

From our Creator to our Constitutional Republic, to the influence of the Bible in popular culture, the Old and New Testaments of Jesus Christ remain a beacon of liberty to the world.

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Happy Veterans Month, Here is to Patriotism

Jake MacAulay

For the first time in the 100-year existence of the New York City Veterans Day Parade, President Donald Trump and the First Lady returned to his home city and state to mark the holiday.

Organizers have invited every president over the last 25 years to the parade, and Trump was the first to accept.

Veterans Day, originally known as Armistice Day, is a federal holiday in the United States observed annually on November 11, for honoring military veterans who have served in the United States Armed Forces. The holiday began after major hostilities of World War I were formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 when the Armistice with Germany went into effect.

True to his campaign promises, President Trump has honored and held in high esteem the Veterans of these United States, even proclaiming “November 2019 as National Veterans and Military Families Month.”

Many have argued that this administration has brought patriotism to a whole new level that we have not seen in America for decades.

Our founding fathers understood that true patriotism of one’s country is tied directly to the morality of its people and the ministers of its government.

In his Thanksgiving Proclamation 1789, President George Washington affirmed, “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.”  Washington later queried, “Happiness and moral duty are inseparably connected.”

Perhaps one of the only examples left of government following their “moral” or “divine” directive is found in the young men and women in our Armed Forces.  As a general rule, they are willing not just to work for the protection of our liberties, but they are willing to die securing them.

We are reminded every year on Veterans Day to honor these men and women, and I do. It is a holy act for any individual to lay down his life in sacrifice for his neighbor.  It is the example that Christ Himself gave humanity. Our children should be taught to honor and have respect for those individuals who practice this sacrifice as a way of life.

In light of this week’s Veterans Day observance, we would do well to reflect on the reality that all across America thousands of individuals have, and continue to, answer the call to serve and protect our nation.

This is true Patriotism…

God Bless every American soldier, veteran, and citizen who exercises this Patriotism. As President Trump reflected, “Each warrior who fights for our Nation, along with their families, has earned our eternal gratitude, and I ask that all Americans thank and support them.”

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What is American Law?

Jake MacAulay

A nation ceases to be republican only when the will of the majority ceases to be the law. — Thomas Jefferson

Tragically, many in America have no knowledge of what law Jefferson is referring to. Are they Republican laws, Democrat laws, Fascist, Antifa, Black, White, Socialist, the Supreme Court’s, or Trump’s Laws?

Thankfully, our Founding Fathers codified the principles of our Creator God as the standard with regard to American Law and Government. Under God’s authority, laws are designed to keep our rights secure, which in turn keeps us free.

Recall that in the struggle for American liberty our founders were all united by the principles ratified in the Declaration of Independence:

When in the course of Human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the LAWS OF NATURE AND OF NATURE’S GOD entitle them… (emphasis added)

This phrase, “The Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God,” was a well-known legal phrase during the Founding era. The Laws of Nature were defined by Webster’s 1828 Dictionary as:

A rule of conduct arising out of the natural relations of human beings established by the Creator, and existing prior to any [written] precept

The Laws of Nature’s God are defined as:

The moral law…contained in the…Ten Commandments, written by the finger of God.

Sir William Blackstone, one of the foremost legal authorities of the time, wrote extensively about the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God. In his commentaries, Blackstone identified the source of the laws of Nature’s God:

These doctrines are to be found only in the Holy Scriptures.

In addition, Blackstone defined the Laws of Nature:

As man depends upon his Maker for everything, it is necessary that he should in all points conform to His Maker’s will.  This will of His Maker is called the Law of Nature.  These laws laid down by God are the eternal, immutable laws of good and evil to which the Creator Himself conforms in all dispensations. This Law of Nature, being co-equal with mankind and dictated by God Himself is, of course, superior to any other law.  It is binding over all the globe in all countries at all times.  No human laws are of any validity if contrary to this.

As we define the source of American Law, we can understand why the Ten Commandments were placed in our courthouses and schools. They serve as a memorial and reminder of the foundation of our laws.

Failing to uphold the foundational Laws of the Creator is to say that liberty no longer matters.

Jefferson queried, “And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with his wrath?”

Ask yourself which is better: upholding the Creator’s laws or beholding the Creator’s wrath?

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Why Are We Still in Syria, Mr. President?

Jake MacAulay

Last week President Donald Trump made the unequivocal statement that the United States was pulling its troops out of Syria. “Bring soldiers home,” he said. “Let someone else fight over this long-bloodstained sand.”

But then he overturned himself later in the same speech saying, “We’ve secured the oil and therefore a small number of U.S. troops will remain in the area where they have the oil. And we’re going to be protecting it and we’ll be deciding what we’re going to do with it in the future.”

Later on the President mentioned sending ExxonMobil into Syria to extract the oil “properly.”

This week former Congressman Ron Paul commented:

Where does President Trump think he gets the legal or moral authority to send U.S. troops to illegally occupy foreign territory and determine what that foreign country can or cannot do with its resources?

The good Congressman was both speaking constitutionally and correctly.

As we discussed last week, quoting George Washington, “The Constitution vests the power of declaring war in Congress. Therefore no offensive expedition of importance can be undertaken until after they shall have deliberated upon the subject and authorized such a measure.”

The operative clauses to look up here are Article I, Section 8, Clause 11, of the U.S. Constitution, which grants Congress the power to declare war. The President, meanwhile, derives the power to direct the military after a Congressional declaration of war from Article II, Section 2, which names the President Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces.

Because there has been no declaration of war by Congress, the president has no authority to keep troops in Syria or steal another country’s resources.

Imagine with me for a moment that my house had been vandalized and my family and I were painfully assaulted.

In an attempt to apprehend those responsible for the tremendous damage to my home and family, I chased after the perpetrators. Following a long series of clues left by the felons, I realized they were in your home unbeknown to you. I immediately called local law enforcement and together we surround your home. After some destruction to your property we apprehended the criminals and they were brought to justice.

As we were in the midst of the struggle, however, both the police and myself notice some very valuable articles of artwork in your home. To your surprise I leave a security guard in your home to watch after the artwork until I decide what I would like to do with it.

This, of course, would be outrageous and unrealistic…or would it be?

We the People have been entrusted to defend the Constitution. In his Farewell Address, George Washington declared, “the free Constitution, which is the work of your hands, may be sacredly maintained.”

I certainly hope that the American people rightfully resist this unconstitutional use of power and sacredly maintain the administration of the executive branch.

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If Troops are Needed in Syria, Then Congress Should Act

Jake MacAulay

Our Founding Fathers made it very difficult for Americans to be sent to war.  They had witnessed centuries of tyranny strengthening itself in countries where kings and parliaments used their own people as pawns and slaves in self-serving wars for more power and self-aggrandizements.

Therefore, the Constitution they crafted did not grant the president any authority to unilaterally attack other nations.

“The Constitution vests the power of declaring war in Congress,” said George Washington, “Therefore, no offensive expedition of importance can be undertaken until after they shall have deliberated upon the subject and authorized such a measure.”

James Madison asserted, “The executive has no right, in any case, to decide the question, whether there is or is not cause for declaring war.”

The operative clauses to look up here are Article I, Section 8, Clause 11, of the U.S. Constitution, which grants Congress the power to declare war. The President, meanwhile, derives the power to direct the military after a Congressional declaration of war from Article II, Section 2, which names the President Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces.

So while cooperation between the President and Congress regarding military affairs is required, only Congress has the authority to attack or “declare” war; not the President.

Unfortunately, throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, many presidents have engaged in military operations without express Congressional consent. The Korean War, the Vietnam War, Operation Desert Storm, the Afghanistan War of 2001, and the Iraq War of 2002 are some examples.

Amidst a cascade of criticism by many in the media regarding President Trump’s abrupt withdrawal from Syria, I saw this as an opportunity to comment on the constitutionality of dangerous wars for empire.

Trump has answered his detractors saying the U.S. shouldn’t be involved in “endless wars” in the Middle East and “it’s time for us to come home.”

He also commented that if Syria wants to fight over land that doesn’t belong to the United States, “That’s up to them and Turkey.”

The President is correct in his assertions. Let me explain by way of an illustration:

Imagine your yard is an embarrassment to the community and an eyesore to my family and me. It is a disaster that needs mowing, weeding, and trimming. To top it off, your dog has not been cleaned up after for months!

Despite my tremendous abilities as a landscaper and my urgent desire to bring your yard to the level of my satisfaction, I am powerless to do anything absent your authorization even if it is a good idea for the neighborhood and my family. If my obsessing leads me to act without your permission, I would be guilty of illegally trespassing.

Syria may be a mess, but our boots on Syrian soil is a trespass without a specific congressional declaration or authorization.

In his characteristic and untactful way, the President declared, “It’s not between Turkey and the United States, like a lot of stupid people would like you to believe.”

In the meantime, he said, “Our soldiers are not in harm’s way, as they shouldn’t be.”

If we need to be in Syria, let’s have Congress declare war.

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Chicken Little is Telling Us, “We Need to Eat the Babies”

Jake MacAulay

This month, New York Representative Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez hosted a local meeting in Queens, when a woman took to the microphone to address the “climate crisis.”

“Your next campaign slogan has to be this,” she said, removing her jacket to reveal a T-shirt that said, “Save the Planet, Eat the Children.”

“We got to start eating babies,” the woman said. “There’s too much CO2. All of you, you know, you’re a pollutant.”

It was like a Saturday Night Live skit. Chicken Little is telling us we need to “eat the babies,” taking this ridiculous climate change jargon to the next level. It had every earmark of being a spoof, but no one openly condemned her statements, leaving us unsure about whether proponents of climate change think this insane philosophy is agreeable.

We have to ask ourselves the question, What does it mean to call something crazy when everything is crazy? 

If you didn’t know better, propaganda espoused by the high priests of climate change — like Khan, Cortez, Nye or Gore – might lead you to conclude that, “Climate Change” programs are about saving the environment.  But, of course, you do know better.

To be clear, the issue of whether or not the climate goes through changes has no significant weight.  After all, climate has been changing since the beginning of time.   The real issues — the relevant issues are:

  • Are climate variances exceeding cyclical norms?
  • To what extent is it anthropogenic (i.e., man-made)?

When more closely examined, it seems that exaggerated Climate Change has little to do with the environment, but has everything to do with communism vs. free-market capitalism.

Consider this:

Ottmar Edenhofer, vice-chair of the U.N. International Panel on Climate Change, says, “One must say clearly that we… redistribute the world’s wealth by climate policy.”

Harvey Ruvin, former Vice-Chair of the International Council on Local Environmental Initiatives, made the claim, “Individual rights will have to take a back seat to the collective in the process of implementing Sustainable Development.”

Are you catching these undercurrents of Marxism?

Perhaps the most straight-forward is David Foreman, founder of Earth First and director of the Sierra Club, who stated, “We must make this an insecure and inhospitable place for capitalists and their projects … We must reclaim the roads and plowed land, halt dam construction, tear down existing dams, free shackled rivers and return to wilderness tens of millions of acres of presently settled land.”

One way to identify “climateers” is by the changing terms they use.  First, it was “Global Cooling” then, “Global Warming” next, “Climate Change” and now, perhaps the most cryptic term, “Climate Disruption.”

So, every time there is a storm, hurricane, tornado, typhoon… you name it…  hotter, colder, wetter, dryer, more snow, less snow… see, it’s exactly what we warned would happen.  Their diagnosis is always the same.

Spoof or not, Chicken Little is telling us that, “Climate Change” is all about just what the proponents say it is about — a Marxist world economy that pledges no allegiance to America, Americans, or the Constitution. In fact, like a god, it desires and requires all others to pledge allegiance to itself.

We would be better off acknowledging God’s authority over Government and the planet.

We would do well to obey God, not play God.

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NFL Quarterback Drew Brees Promotes Our Founders Approach to Education

Jake MacAulay

Every October 3rd, students in schools all across America celebrate what is called “Bring Your Bible to School Day” This year legendary NFL quarterback Drew Brees made a video affirming Christian students: “I want to encourage you to live out your faith on Bring Your Bible to School Day, and share God’s love with friends. You’re not alone.”

This is a tender, amiable message from a professional athlete that we should all value considering how often we see the adverse and negative behavior of so many high paid sports icons.

Tragically, encouraging ethical and loving behavior is sometimes met with antagonism. Many critics opposed Brees for making this video stating the New Orleans Saints quarterback was somehow “anti-gay.”

Despite the criticism, Brees reaffirmed his encouraging video that the Bible and love should permeate the life of students despite the occasional societal pessimism against Christian beliefs.

Noah Webster, author of the dictionary that bears his name, is also known as the “Father of American Scholarship and Education.” In Webster’s definition of the word education, he wrote:

“To give children a good education in manners, arts and science is important; to give them a religious education is indispensable; and an immense responsibility rests on parents and guardians who neglect these duties.”

During the years of 1776-1835 in America, various educational choices were established that brought about a 70-100% literacy rate in the colonies, much higher than what existed in Europe, which had many more universities. During the founding era, churches became involved and established charity schools for the poor in the community who could not afford to pay teachers. These were known as “Free Schools”.

With the Bible at the heart of schooling, early Americans understood the paramount role of God and the Scriptures in their lives, gaining knowledge about creation, learning what was needed for a productive life, and learning to live right by God.

Tragically, the deluded Supreme Court of 1963 believed the Bible and prayer should be banned from schools indefinitely.  What fruit has this netted?  Academically, America is near the bottom of science and math scores in developed countries. Even worse, crime and violence have increased dramatically on school campuses in addition to our neighborhoods.

You may ask yourself then, how will liberty survive in America?

By teaching the safeguards of Liberty, as Founding Father Samuel Adams explained:

“The right to freedom is the gift of God Almighty….The rights of the Colonists as Christians may be best understood by reading, and carefully studying the institutes of the great Lawgiver and head of the Christian Church: which are to be found clearly written and promulgated in the New Testament.”

So my hat’s off and my support is to Drew Brees and the Saints that he leads in America.

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Some Say Impeachment, What Does the Constitution Require?

Jake MacAulay

A new CBS News poll conducted by YouGov shows 55% of Americans think the newly opened probe for the impeachment of this President is necessary, while 45% of Americans think it is unnecessary.

Last Tuesday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced a formal impeachment inquiry into the President after a “so-called” whistleblower complaint, accusing Trump of “using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 US election.” The whistleblower alleged that Trump pressured the Ukrainian president into investigating Joe Biden, and Democrats have claimed this appeared linked to US military aid to Ukraine — which Trump denies.

I must explain that the government of America is not a democracy, but a Republic; “an empire of Laws, and not of men,” as Founding Father John Adams put it.  Despite the fact that the authority of law does not come from the majority of unelected people, I do believe that all Americans should rightly understand that no public servant is above the law.  Furthermore, “We the People” must understand we have the ability to remove any public servant from a position of power under certain circumstances.

These circumstances can be found in Article II, Section 4, of the United States Constitution: “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

Impeachment is a legitimate Constitutional check-and-balance, a powerful tool to rein in corrupt politicians.  Yet it is rarely used today, so it is important to understand what encompasses an “impeachable offense” according to the contextual meaning of the framers’ specific words.  We can find these meanings by exploring their definitions as written by Founding Father Noah Webster in his 1828 Dictionary, a primary source document.

Treason means “to levy war against the United States, adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.”

Bribery, also defined by Webster, means “giving or taking rewards for corrupt practices, false judgment, testimony or performance of that which is illegal or unjust.”

The final term of Article 2, Sec. 4, — “high crimes and misdemeanors” — was defined by President James Madison’s Supreme Court Justice appointee Joseph Story who said, “The offences to which the power of impeachment has been and is ordinarily applied as a remedy are…what are aptly termed political offences, growing out of personal misconduct, or gross neglect, or usurpation, or habitual disregard of the public interest.”

If this president, or any member of public office, is deserving of impeachment, the following procedures must take place:

First, a 51% majority vote of the House is required to impeach said official.

Following the impeachment vote, a hearing of the Senate will commence with the Chief Justice presiding.  A vote will then be taken.  If two-thirds or more Senators vote in favor of charges, said official will be removed from office.

Frustrated with certain public officials in his day, Thomas Jefferson made the cynical statement at one time that, “impeachment is scarcely a scare-crow.”

I believe this further compounds the need “We the People” have to understand the powers that protect us from certain harassing fowls in our tremendously fruitful garden of American liberties.  This will give us a greater ability to hold our elected officials accountable, and insist on impeachment proceedings from our legislators wherever, whenever and to whomever, they may apply.

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Kavanaugh and the Crime of Bearing False Witness

Jake MacAulay

It’s now been over a week since The New York Times correctly retracted its slanderous libel against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. It turns out the “new allegation” isn’t supported by the victim, a fact many believed was purposely left omitted from their the story.

Despite this very public information, Presidential hopeful Kamala Harris, Liz Warren, Beto O’Rourke, Julián Castro, Cory Booker and Pete Buttigieg have not rescinded their demand for Kavanaugh to be impeached.

This has led me to write about the treacherous crime of bearing false witness.

The Book of Proverbs, chapter 18, verse 17, says this:

“The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him.”

It’s true that we are apt to believe the first story that we hear, especially if it tends to confirm what we already suspect, and especially when it’s something that supports our pre-existing agenda.

However, this Proverb is a solemn warning to us to be careful to listen to both sides of an issue before making judgment.  More importantly, it requires that the one who is accused must have the opportunity to face and to cross-examine his accuser.

This is and has been a crucial underpinning of our system of justice for centuries.

Regrettably, in the emotionally charged climate surrounding many accusations in our current culture, many abandon this foundational principle of American jurisprudence.

This is a shame, but it is also a dangerous thing. To jettison due process and fundamental fairness is to put each and every one of us at risk.

Not only is, “Thou shalt not bear false witness,” one of the Ten Commandments that Moses holds in his hand atop the U.S. Supreme Court building, but it is also one of the firmest props of our Common Law legal system in America; a system based and wholly influenced by God’s Law.

You see, this commandment is a safety mechanism for all society to be protected against unjust criminal prosecution and penalty.  It dissuades parties with personal vendettas and little to no evidence from bringing false accusations for fear that they may wind up on the judgment seat. This, of course, protects the innocent, which is the purpose of the Law.

I am sure that most of you reading have been falsely accused. Perhaps you have been accused of something that you not only did not do, but that you would not do and consider to be horrible and heinous?

Well, it happens more often than you might think. And it is a dreadful experience.

In my travels, I have frequently been on the receiving end of many false accusations. If this has happened to you, then I don’t have to tell you that the pain never totally goes away.

Regrettably, we are now living through a season of screeching and politically charged accusations demanding justice for the victims of abuse. And if the accusations are true, then punishment is well deserved so healing can take place.

The law, however, requires us to “inquire diligently”; for if these very serious accusations are false, then the accuser is the criminal and the accused is the actual victim.

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Presidential Candidates Playing Make-Believe

Jake MacAulay

If your home is like my home, you have a kitchen where you, among other things, prepare and maybe also eat your meals.

Again, if you are like me, you, of course, stand and walk around on the floor of the kitchen and you don’t try to walk on the ceiling or on any of the walls.  And you don’t try to place, say, a bowl of soup on the wall because it would immediately spill to the floor.

The very idea of trying to operate your kitchen or any room in this way, seems silly and stupid.  Imagine trying to sleep in a bed that was placed vertically on the wall or bolted to the ceiling.

The reason this is such a futile thing to contemplate is that when you try to walk on the wall or the ceiling you are clearly and obviously trying to operate as if one of the physical laws of nature did not apply to you.  We call it the law of gravity.

Ignoring the law of gravity or trying to live as if it doesn’t apply to you will only result in injury, chaos and unhappiness.

But suppose we don’t believe in gravity.  Suppose there are a lot of us that reject the traditional idea of gravity.  Suppose we all join together and pass a law that says we can walk on the ceiling and live upside down if we choose.

Same result.   We fall to the floor.  We get hurt.

Despite man’s attempt to defy gravity, it is immutable.

This is because gravity is part of God’s creation.  It is the way He made the world.  It is real.  To ignore it is to play “Make-Believe”.

What about the moral laws of the universe?  Do they come from the same lawgiver?  Are they also immutable?

The Founders of America thought they were, and the American legal system is based on the belief that they are.

In the American View, governments are supposed to recognize and to defend God-given rights to life and to liberty and to property.  But when governments try to invent rights, like the “right” to kill your own child, or the “right” to gender mutilation, or the “right” to marry someone of your own sex, isn’t it trying to ignore or repeal the immutable moral law?  Isn’t it trying to walk on the ceiling?

As I watch the unfolding of un-American Political parties where we are actually considering Atheist, anti-Christian, sexually perverted, Muslim, and even Socialist candidates in America, I can’t help but think that this is the result of man’s sinful desire to make up his own rights. We no longer hear about God-given rights, instead it is now Civil Rights. This of course is a right given by Government that you are entitled to. Things like free healthcare, free citizenship, college education, the ability for a person to choose their own gender and other such madness.

Having jettisoned this fixed, objective standard, government tramples God-given rights and now pretends to issue what it calls “civil rights”.

But “civil rights” are make-believe.  Real rights come from the Creator.

In the Book of Romans, Paul describes a culture that has rejected God’s authority.  He says that they “became vain in their imaginations”.

Summarizing their condition Paul says, “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools”.

Is it any wonder that we experience chaos and tyranny when we play this foolish and dangerous make-believe?

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Are Students Really Withholding Conservative Religious Views in College?

With few exceptions, if you were to ask the most far-right or left-leaning American which country is the best in the world, undoubtedly the answer would be America. That is because all sincere and honest Americans know that, despite all her imperfections, America offers the safety, prosperity, and opportunity to pursue our dreams.

With this commonality of understanding, it regularly shocks me that so many in my beloved country outwardly reject the wisdom and counsel of America’s founders and architects.

It would do all Americans well to study the thoughts and philosophies of those who established the moral foundation and system of civil government, which has benefited all American citizens tremendously. Founding father Samuel Adams identified these benefits:

“The liberties of our country, the freedoms of our civil Constitution are worth defending at all hazards; it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors. They purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood. It will bring a mark of everlasting infamy on the present generation — enlightened as it is — if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of designing men.”

By the wisdom of Sam Adams, we understand that there will be contention and struggle to maintain those divine and sacred rights given us by our Creator.

Consider a recent survey of 1,000 Republican and Republican-leaning college students by College Pulse. When asked, “Have you ever withheld your political views in class for fear that your grades would suffer?” Seventy-three percent of students who identify as “strong Republican” reported that they had, while 71 percent of students who identify as “weak Republican” said yes. Even students who identify as Republican-leaning independents indicated they’ve kept quiet: 70 percent reported they have withheld their political views to protect their grades.

Young Americans for Freedom revealed recently that America’s college and high school students across the political spectrum have held back their real opinions out of fear they would offend a friend.

Based on these findings and other evidence, I do not see a conspiracy against these students, but rather an apprehensive trepidation to inspire classmates and faculty with their beliefs and values when challenged.

Perhaps our unrivaled American prosperity has produced an apathy that has led many students to believe the amazing benefits will remain with no effort on their part?

In the words of Daniel Webster, the reality is: “God grants liberty only to those who love it and are always ready to guard and defend it.”

As a statesman, abolitionist, and expert orator of first-century America, Webster exhorted Americans, “Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years may not happen again.”

I realize there is a tremendous amount of pressure on you 30% of students who will speak your values, but do not lose heart. Our Founders did it, and by God’s grace so will you.

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What Does Separation of Church and State Mean?

Our recent national observation of what is called “Labor Day” got me to thinking. When we observe national holidays, what, exactly, are we celebrating? And when I consider how fashionable is the modern focus on “diversity” it makes me wonder how past American leaders could ever have come together to establish any national holiday since “unity of purpose and commonality of understanding” rather than “diversity” is the organizing principle of such an observation and celebration.

For example, there was a time in our not too distant past when the acknowledgment of God and His authority over all things — including our civil government — was a value shared by Americans almost universally. This is undeniably reflected in the following observation by founding father Samuel Adams:

“The right to freedom is the gift of God Almighty…. The rights of the Colonists as Christians may be best understood by reading, and carefully studying the institutes of the great Lawgiver and Head of the Christian Church: which are to be found clearly written and promulgated in the New Testament.”

When, Mr. Adams declares that rights are the gift of God, he implicitly acknowledges the existence and supremacy of God. Moreover, when he directs our attention to the specific body of knowledge by which our understanding of the Source and Nature of our rights and privileges is exposited, (The Gospel of Jesus Christ) he is positively connecting our liberty with our shared Christian view of law and government.

Sadly, while this view was once widely understood by Americans, today it is lost on many if not most. This is largely due to American ignorance of American history and American misunderstanding of “Separation of Church and State.”

In the next minute and a half, I am going to clarify all this for you…


Let’s start with the word jurisdiction?

The Latin word Juris means “law” and Dicto, means “I speak.”  So if a person — or an institution — has jurisdiction over a matter, this means that the person or the institution has the authority to speak, or to say, what the law is regarding this matter.

Now, please, notice this doesn’t mean that jurisdiction gives one the authority to make the law, just to speak it — declare it — and enforce it.

In the American view of Law and Government, we recognize that the Law of Nature and of Nature’s God, is a fixed, unchanging standard.  And jurisdiction — the authority to speak and enforce the law — is given to four separate governments.

First, there is self-government, in which we, as individuals, are required to control ourselves; to conform our behavior to the strictures of God’s commandments.  (Thou shalt not steal…or lie… or murder.)

The other three jurisdictions are institutional in nature.

They are the family; ordained by God in the Garden of Eden and charged with the health, education and welfare of its members.

Next, we have the Church, whose head is Jesus Christ, and which is charged by Christ with the promulgation of His word and the distribution of the sacraments.

Lastly, we have the Civil Government, which is charged by God with defending the borders and administering justice so that the Lord’s people might live in peace and harmony.

Overarching all these jurisdictions and their authority is God’s jurisdiction, which, by nature of his status as Creator, is all-encompassing and universal.

So while there is, in fact, a separation between the duties of the Church and the State, there is no separation of God and His law from civil government. Conversely, there is an absolute duty on the part of the civil government to understand, promote, and enforce the law of the Creator.

Our founders, in the Declaration of Independence, referred to God as the Supreme Judge of the universe because His jurisdiction supersedes every act of civil government.

So, countrywide observances of holidays that acknowledge the existence and authority of God and the Saving work of His Son, Jesus Christ, are made possible and meaningful because of a shared understanding of and submission to an American — that is to say Biblical — view of law and government.

Now, that is something Sam Adams would celebrate.

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Title X Noose Removed From the Hands of Planned Parenthood

As reported by the Washington Post:

Planned Parenthood announced Monday that it is pulling out of the Title X federal family planning program (for low-income Americans) rather than abide by a new Trump administration rule prohibiting participants from referring patients for abortions.

Pro-life groups heralded the abrupt decision as a major victory — and one that signaled that Planned Parenthood, contrary to its claims, is primarily a politically motivated abortion provider, not a healthcare organization.

I would add this appears to be evidence that the organization values a pro-abortion agenda more than it does the essential health-care services it provides to so many women and girls.

This rule stands in clear opposition to the Clinton administration rule in 2000, requiring Title X providers to tell patients where they could get abortions if they were asked. The Department of Health and Human Services argues that its new rule better reflects the underlying law, which bars Title X funds from going to programs “where abortion is a method of family planning.”

I am sure you will agree that this is certainly a necessary and legal step in the right direction for the federal government.

You see, abortion is illegal. And protecting, committing, funding, or participating in the act is criminal…period…even if it is the federal government.

I do not make this statement because the Constitution says it, but because God says it.

The Bible was the chief source of law and morality for the founders of our nation. They understood that God’s protective laws such as “thou shalt not murder” were not negotiable and eternal.

Alexander Hamilton declared, “The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for among old parchments or musty records. They are written, as with a sunbeam, in the whole volume of human nature, by the hand of the divinity itself, and can never be erased or obscured by mortal power.”

The truth of Hamilton’s assertion can easily be seen in America’s founding documents:

In the Declaration of Independence, our founders stated, “All men are created equal with certain unalienable rights.”  Did you catch that?  They were not “born equal,” but rather “created equal” by their Creator with certain unalienable rights – chiefly life.  And we all know human beings are created in the womb of their mother at conception.

The Preamble of our Constitution declares its purpose: “To secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.” In other words, our founders pledged to protect the life of future generations.

In the Constitution we find the framers again securing and guaranteeing protection of all life in the Fifth Amendment: “No person shall be deprived of life…without due process of law.” This applies to every living person, and we know abortion violates this right by killing babies before they’re born, let alone before due process.

It is essential our government stay subservient to the rules of our Eternal God.

I leave you with the wisdom of founding father John Dickinson:

“Our liberties do not come from charters; for these are only the declaration of pre-existing rights. They do not depend on parchments or seals, but come from the king of kings and the Lord of all the earth.”

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Who Made the Rules for the Struggle of Liberty?

Are you distressed that many in America are rapidly digressing from the principled, honorable standard of morality we once held? This standard produced an example of biblical morality that constructed one of the greatest civil documents of liberty the world has ever seen: the Declaration of Independence. The principles of this Document still motivate the world, as seen by recent demonstrations in Hong Kong.

As America progressed we have corrected enormous hypocrisies, and to say we are a flawless country that will soon attain perfection is absurd.

In our “struggle for liberty,” what should be the rules, so to speak? Should they be Republican Rules, Democrat Rules, Fascist, Antifa, Black, White, Socialist, or Trump’s Rules?

Thankfully our Founding Fathers codified the principles of our Creator God as the standard in the struggle to maintain Liberty.

In a letter to Thomas Jefferson, John Adams makes known the American standard and principles of Liberty:

“The general principles, on which the Fathers achieved independence, were the only Principles in which that beautiful Assembly of young Gentlemen could Unite, and these Principles only could be intended by them in their address, or by me in my answer. And what were these general Principles? I answer, the general Principles of Christianity, in which all these Sects were United: And the general Principles of English and American Liberty…

“Now I will avow, that I then believed, and now believe, that those general Principles of Christianity, are as eternal and immutable, as the Existence and Attributes of God; and that those Principles of Liberty, are as unalterable as human Nature and our terrestrial, mundane System.”

This rule has corrected many erroneous laws not only in America, but also across the world. Take, for example, the amazing redemptive power of the Christian Church born over 2,000 years ago in a revolution of true love and freedom.

In 369 AD, the Christian Church built their first hospital. Today Christian-provided health care still stands as the single largest provider in history.

The Christian Church created the first and largest orphanage system in the world.

Of America’s first 110 universities, 100 were founded as Christian institutions of learning.

The Christian Church has shaped much of the world’s greatest art, science, literature, and music.

Because of their fidelity to the Creator’s command to “love thy neighbor,” the Christian Church will continue to provide food and water, disaster relief, justice, and the abolition of slavery to the world every day until Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, restores His reign.

I submit that the true enemy of liberty, American or otherwise, is the loss of that virtue given by the Creator, personified in Christ.

For in the words of Founding Father Samuel Adams, “A general dissolution of principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their virtue they will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader.”

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If Black Lives Matter Why Take Away Their Guns?

Very few Americans will remember the following historical facts regarding Black-American gun ownership in America:

  • The first task of the Democrat-controlled Ku Klux Klan was to disarm the black population in the South.
  • It was citizen militias that repelled white mobs who were attacking black neighborhoods in many Northern cities in the days before reconstruction. On at least two occasions, those militias were composed entirely of black gun owners.
  • During the freedom struggles of the 1960s, organized black militias in at least three Southern states protected civil rights workers of all races.

Recently, Ken Blackwell, former Secretary of State in Ohio, wrote, “Tragically, despite this heritage of responsible and effective use of firearms, equal citizenship has frequently been denied to black Americans through the use of gun control laws. Such laws were used to keep firearms out of the hands of African Americans—to deny their very equality as human beings—from the earliest colonial days through the end of Jim Crow in 1965.”

Blackwell continued, “I would argue that even today, blacks continue to suffer disproportionate harm from gun control laws, as major cities deny legal firearms to the residents of high-crime urban neighborhoods.”

I completely agree, Mr. Blackwell.

I am honestly perplexed at the level of evil represented in recent and past shootings in America; it is senseless, violent hate without a mask. The struggle to protect the innocent from armed aggressors is one every American, regardless of party affiliation, should be a part of.

In many instances, anti-gun politicians use religion to excoriate Second Amendment supporters. Phrases like, “How can you as a Christian stand for this kind of lawless behavior where people have easy access to guns and kill others? It doesn’t make sense – you ought to be for more gun control if you’re a Christian!”

These hypocritical assertions come from many who believe the act of murder against a black American is okay so long as the child is unborn or infant. This is driving me crazy because I can’t even wrap my head around this nefarious, illogical absurdity.

Many black political leaders and “so-called” non-Eurocentric political leaders should consider an overhaul of their disdainful thinking of the Second Amendment. Their support of government infringement of the right to bear arms is violating the Constitution and robbing black Americans of the ability to defend themselves, demoting them to second-class citizenship.

As seen in every single mass shooting, the government is completely incapable of protecting the citizenry from these kinds of attacks. If the people do not protect themselves, there is no protection. All “gun-control” laws do is fight or obstruct the people from protecting themselves.

Our Founding Fathers dedicated our Constitution to “preserve the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity” (emphasis added). The Second Amendment was a part of their way to ensure we can accomplish this regardless of our color.

To quote Mr. Blackwell again, “…Any political party that undermines those rights is making the minority community most vulnerable. Law-abiding Americans deserve the right to defend themselves.”

I believe today we need “control” of our leaders and we need to make sure that they advocate, endorse, and sponsor the protection of all Americans’ God-given right to life, liberty, and property.

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Democratic Socialists Are Absurd

What we are witnessing in the current political arena, mainstream media, and public education has become nonsensical. It is the intentional validation of absurdity, and it is not reality.

Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines “absurd” as: opposed to manifest truth; inconsistent with reason or the plain dictates of common sense.

An absurd man acts contrary to the clear dictates of reason or sound judgment.

An absurd proposition contradicts obvious truth.

An absurd practice or opinion is repugnant to the reason or common apprehension of men.

It is absurd to say six and six make ten, or that plants will take root in stone.

Many Democratic Socialists weekly try to correct my biblical/constitutional teaching and instructions. My conclusion? They are absurd.

To start from a place of universality, the following statement must be understood: Socialism is totally secular and is predicated on theft, atheism, and a lack of respect for individual rights.

The overwhelming majority of our Founding Fathers were diametrically opposed to this philosophy. Their faith was in Jesus Christ, built on the Word of God, the revelation of Scripture, and the belief that a loving God created us in His likeness with unalienable rights. The same Creator God gave us freedom to live an abundant life that is founded on liberty.

When you eliminate a Creator-God, opinions about issues like — marriage, gender, a national minimum wage, K-16 public education, a Green New Deal, open borders, abortion before and after birth, and redistribution of wealth — become absurd rather than normal and natural.

To even speak of the aforementioned issues as Constitutional indicates a misunderstanding of the purpose and design of the Constitution. It enumerates and limits the authority of the federal government. Therefore, to suggest the American people are entitled to any programs whereby the federal government can change fixed and unchangeable laws, steal wealth from any class of citizens, and redefine itself as the author of all moral standards is — you guessed it — absurd.

Thomas Jefferson cautioned us that, “Bad government results from too much government.”

To continue aggrandizing government and marginalizing our duty to God is absurd.

I leave you with the wisdom of Robert Winthrop, former speaker of the House during the mid-1800s, succeeding the framers of the Constitution:

Men, in a word, must necessarily be controlled, either by a power within them, or by a power without them; either by the word of God, or by the strong-arm of man; either by the Bible, or by the bayonet.

If we can all agree that being ruled by a bayonet is absurd, we should equally agree to take on the benevolent yoke of liberty offered by our Creator.

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This Leftist Gave Me A Piece Of His Mind

Last week we discussed a group of women serving in Congress labeled “The Squad” who support various anti-American socialist concepts and policies.

In response to my column, I received a long, exhaustive email in support of The Squad while excoriating my supposed hateful, narrow-mindedness.

This week I want to take you into the mind of a leftist as I share his Un-American view. His philosophy of government is a direct contradiction to the America our Founders fought to establish:

Everything you are saying about the four congresswomen is absolutely false. The things they advocate are not only good for America, but absolutely necessary to preserve this country…There is absolutely nothing “socialist” about the policies of the Democratic Party…  

  1. It is absolutely essential for Americans to be able to earn a living wage.  Laws against this are totally Un-American and totally unconstitutional.
  1. K-16 public education? This is absolutely necessary for America if we are to remain competitive in the global economy. A college education is simply too expensive for most young Americans. To deny them the financial help they need to do this can only be shooting America in the foot.
  2. If Americans cannot earn a good living and have good benefits and there is no help for them, this will cause mass poverty; unemployment and chaos in America and our entire economy would collapse.  You know and understand absolutely nothing about our constitution… The constitution is whatever YOU and those with the same views say it is, not what it really is.
  3. It is absolutely imperative for America to have good sources of energy other than coal, etc… A “Green New Deal “ is not only essential, but entirely feasible. The U.S. government has been criminally negligent in failing to address the disaster situation in Flint, Michigan and other American cities.   The U.S. government MUST protect the American people from such disasters, or it has absolutely no right to exist.
  4. The Trump administration’s immigration policies are absolutely criminal, and Trump is guilty of crimes against humanity…Yes, we DO have concentration camps at our southern border…The Democrats and the squad do NOT advocate “open borders.”   All they are asking for is a humane treatment of people coming across our border…
  5. No one in the Democratic Party advocates allowing infants who survive botched abortions, to die!… No one in the Democratic party advocates women and doctors allowing born infants to die merely because they do not want them to live…

Anti-choicers like you…couldn’t care less if poor women who give birth to children starve and die in the streets along with their children.   This is not only totally Un-Christian but also monstrously hypocritical…

7. Condemn Antifa? Antifa never attacks innocent people. Who are the real “terrorists?” They are neither evil nor dangerous. Right-wing extremist groups ARE evil and dangerous. 

I for one would not want to live in the kind of America right-wing extremist evangelical Christians advocate. There would be no freedom at all.

If this leftist fears the loss of freedom, he would do well to consider the warning of Founding Father James Madison:

“If Congress can employ money indefinitely, for the general welfare, and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare, they may take the care of religion into their own hands…they may take into their own hands the education of children, the establishing in like manner schools throughout the union; they may assume the provision of the poor…. Were the power of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for, it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature of the limited government established by the people of America.”

I prefer the liberty established by the brilliance of our far-sighted Founders to the disastrous, short-sighted ignorance of Socialism.

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This Squad Certainly Doesn’t Play For America

Samuel Adams, known as the “Father of the American Revolution,” once made the statement: “If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.”

In his farsightedness, Adams defined the infectious political climate of Americans today.

In this current day and age, we have individuals swearing an oath to uphold our American Constitution while espousing and openly working for an anti-American Socialist government that is in contradiction to the Constitution.

Once in a while, some Patriots are given a large enough microphone to call this insanity out, but tragically many Americans have developed an erroneous mindset: conflating calling out names for name-calling.

But there is a difference.

A prime example is the recent disputes between our President and a few congresswomen now known as “The Squad.”

In this instance, I believe you will find that “The Squad” is “name-calling” on behalf of its agenda. They use fake arguments to leverage fake logic.

The President, in response to their fake logic, is “calling names” on the behalf of protecting America, inviting those who hate America to move.

He tweeted: “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), are now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States – the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth — how our government is to be run.

Trump added: “Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came? Then come back and show us how it is done.”

Rather than condemn the words of the President, real logic would ask, “Why do we have representatives that espouse big Government and anti-American sentiments like those on Alexandria Cortez’s Twitter Account:

Medicare for All
A Living Wage & Labor Rights
K-16 schooling, aka Public Colleges
100% Renewable Energy
Fixing the pipes in Flint
Not Hurting Immigrants

Cortez recently implied that border agents are running concentration camps, and if we support border security…we are Nazi sympathizers.

Cortez was also filmed saying immigrants attempting to enter the country, many of them illegally, are “more American than any person who seeks to keep them out ever will be.”

Fellow Squad member, Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar, was recently identified as the “first member of Congress to ever describe terrorists who killed thousands of Americans on 9/11 as ‘some people who did something,’” by Rep. Dan Crenshaw of Texas, a former Navy SEAL who lost his right eye in Afghanistan.

The Squad supports abortion up until the point of birth, partial-birth abortion, and refuse to mandate care for babies accidentally born alive.

They desire to abolish the Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). They advocate policies that will eliminate private health insurance and force Americans to pay for healthcare of undocumented immigrants. They desire the elimination of the Electoral College and support packing the Supreme Court.

Cortez, Omar, and Tlaib all refused to condemn a recent Antifa terrorist attack against an Immigration and Customs detention center in Tacoma, Washington.

I leave you with the following question, “Who’s team is this squad playing for?”

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Are Deportation Raids Constitutional?

I believe we can all agree that despite our shortcomings the United States is likely the greatest country to live in. This, of course, is due to the blessings of Almighty God and the unashamed dedication our Founding Fathers had to Him and His Law. They believed in a doctrine of sacred “God-given Rights” and what is termed “the Rule of Law,” which would defend and ensure those sacred rights.

It should be noted that the height of American greatness corresponds directly to the Constitution, which is the foundation of the laws that govern our land.

As Brandon Judd, President of the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC), pointed out recently:

“From the beginning of our country’s history, we’ve believed in the rule of law, which has provided opportunity and prosperity to all who reside within our borders.  We are the envy of the world – which is the reason we face illegal immigration rates not seen by other nations year after year.”

Judd then astutely pointed out:

“Consider three of the countries from which so many people are fleeing today –Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.  All three countries are rich in natural resources. All three countries have seaports, which allow for trade with other countries. They all have an able and willing workforce. So why aren’t they prosperous? Because all three countries have governments that fail to uphold the rule of law.”

In an attempt to restrain this illegal immigration problem, President Trump has resorted to Obama-era tactics called deportation raids. These raids seek individuals who have already gone through the entire court system and were ordered to leave or be deported months ago for many reasons, including crimes that they committed.

We have often seen federal lawmakers and agencies take actions that are beyond the limited and enumerated powers granted to them by the terms of the U.S. Constitution. I have regularly, if not frequently, raised objections to our federal government using this false premise of the rule of law to encroach on individual liberties and rights.

So, it must seem strange for you to hear me raise my voice to favor the authority of the federal government, but that is what I find myself doing today.

You see, in the case of deportation raids, it is the federal government who is acting within the jurisdiction granted by the Constitution. Adversaries of these constitutional actions are interfering with the proper and valid duty that is delegated to the federal government pursuant to Article IV, Section 4, of the Constitution.

Let me be clear that the reason I would side with the federal government, or why I would not do so, is determined by whether or not their actions line up with the Constitution.

The Constitution is the test.

The Constitution is the American rule of law.

I agree with George Washington who, in an address to a group in Boston in July 1795, affirmed, “…the Constitution is the guide, which I will never abandon.”

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What Was Missing At The World Cup?

Though I didn’t watch much of the Women’s World Cup this past weekend, I sure was happy to hear that America emerged victorious. Unlike other victorious World Cup teams across the world, there was no mention of thanks to God or Jesus from the American players.

I believe this is symptomatic of the emerging citizenry of America. Tragically, the outward proclamation of our belief, reliance, and thankfulness to our Creator is becoming less and less prominent, while an increased deification of man, will power, and self has become the rule. This has created an outright rejection of God-given rights, which has been replaced with rights we as humans create for ourselves.

Let me explain the senselessness of this ancient religion of self, using the World Cup as an example.

Imagine just before kick off a new rule was introduced.  According to this new rule of play, the U.S. could actually never have possession of the ball.

Every time they either received a kick-off or recovered the ball or intercepted a pass, play would stop immediately and possession of the ball would be returned to the other team.

In this scenario, you couldn’t possibly win because you need the ball to score.

In the same way, if we try to argue for our rights to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness without acknowledging that our origin is a Divine one, we are trying to score without the ball.

It’s impossible to make a case for your individual rights without first — as our founders did in the Declaration of Independence — acknowledging the existence of a Creator God, Who is the author of those rights.

If we don’t start with Christ as the Creator and author of rights, we have no rational or logical basis for asking others to respect them.

Trying to argue for your rights without a Supreme Right Giver is like trying to score without the ball.  Game over.

Dr. Benjamin Rush was considered by John Adams to be one of America’s three most notable Founding Fathers. He declared: “It is only necessary for republicanism to ally itself to the Christian religion to overturn all the corrupted political and religious institutions of the world.”

I believe every American woman on that World Cup field deserves the highest respect and praise for their amazing achievements and the great victory they have won for America. However, I am grieved that not one of them could acknowledge the self-evident truth understood by Americans since our founding.

The God of the Universe and His providential hand through many of his disciples set the stage for a free-market society where sports and entertainment can thrive. This is just another reason we should all be grateful to Jesus Christ and His gracious love towards us.

My prayer is that before the tremendous opportunity to win next year’s title, our unified belief in this eternal Truth will be made apparent to the world. This would be right. This would be American.

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Understanding Independence

As we enter the 244th year of the independence of these United States, it seems more than appropriate that we pause and consider what “independence” means, from whence it originates, and, perhaps most importantly, how it can be preserved for future generations.

At the heart of the Declaration of Independence is a legal and logical argument, which can be summarized like this:

The King of England has persisted in continual wrongdoing against the rights of the people of the American colonies and the dissolution of the previous relationship between Great Britain and the American colonies is the reasonable and sensible remedy for that continual wrongdoing.

Well, that’s all well and good but doesn’t it presuppose that the affairs of nations are governed by an objective standard of right and wrong?

Well, yes, it does.  In fact, the Declaration contains a list of 27 grievances against the king.  But without a transcendent standard for right and wrong, any listing of perceived wrongs would be nothing but an exercise in nonsense.

Perhaps this is why our founders dealt with this essential element of their argument in the very first sentence. They referenced the “Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.”  In other words, they said the standard for right and wrong was God’s Word.

So…the Declaration is direct evidence that American independence was…and still is…based upon a universal acceptance of God‘s Word and his law as authoritative, complete and controlling in all matters.

This is why it is so disappointing to hear foolish voices of recent presidential debates rejecting the moral law — rejecting God standards of right and wrong — and ignorantly and foolishly working against their own interest and the interest of future Americans.

America’s founders properly understood that rights come from God. Therefore, we have no right to do what God has declared to be wrong.  There exists no rights for non-Americans to illegally enter the United States. There is no right to murder one’s child. There is no such thing as same-sex marriage.  All of these perverse behaviors are unlawful and are in contra-position to the underlying philosophy of American law and government.

And here’s one more crucial thing to remember about Independence Day:

Our ancestors’ Biblical understanding of right and wrong would have no historic significance absent their commitment to boldly defend their God-given rights.

Our founders didn’t just declare and propose — they also saw it as their duty to organize and fight.  Indeed, they risked their fortunes and their lives to defend this thing called “independence. ”

So…Our celebration of Independence Day should include a recitation and a demonstration to America’s children regarding the depth of their commitment. Their bitter struggle — their bloody sacrifice speaks to their Love of liberty.  They believed!!! And they acted!!!

They are to be honored and imitated.

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Is It Constitutional Or American To Eliminate Gender Distinctions?

Last week, reported about a student who was kicked out of class in a Scotland high school for asserting the indisputable biological fact that there are only two genders: male and female.  The incident “was triggered when the teacher found only ‘male’ and ‘female’ gender options on a website, which he denounced as ‘old fashioned.’ When a student voiced his disagreement, the teacher kicked him from class.”

This week I read that the student has been suspended.

In March 2018, Fox News reported, “A religious studies major was barred from Christianity class at Indiana University of Pennsylvania for saying during class that there are only two genders.”

Despite needing the class to graduate at the end of the semester, the student, Lake Ingle, was told by IUP Provost Timothy Moerland, “You are barred from attending this class in accordance with the Classroom Disruption policy.”

Thankfully, IUP President Michael Driscoll stood up against the decision and reinstated Ingle after 18 days.

The undeniable basic presupposition of the Declaration of Independence – which transcends all cultures and people groups unequivocally – is that we were Created by God, our Rights come from Him, and the single duty of Government is to protect those God-given Rights.

The authority of the Declaration relies on the Law that preceded all law documents: the Holy Word of God.  The Bible declares, “God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” (Genesis 1:27)

This text bears witness to the human dignity, equality, and liberty given to mankind by his/her Creator in this extraordinary and unprecedented act of love and kindness.

Contrary to Biblical/American thinking, these public-funded school systems want to “support” children who are confused about who they are.

Queerly enough, what they teach in Biology class is that in the human body, every single cell contains 23 pairs of coiled DNA called chromosomes. Included in this group are the two sex chromosomes, simply dubbed X and Y. Cells in women’s bodies have two X chromosomes (XX), while cells in men’s bodies have one X and one Y (XY). But what they teach in Biology, radical teachers and administrations now deny by school policy. No wonder students emerge confused. Which version of reality are they to believe: the scientific facts put forth in biology class, or the notions proclaimed in every action of the school’s response to delusional kids?

One of the lessons sure to be taught either in history or literature classes is the terrible injustice done at the Salem Witch Trials. If you know anything about what took place there, the mistakes and injustices were all based on the fact that the court relied upon the testimony of children. The children who were making up wild and crazy stories about adults in their community were simply delusional.

To quote my friend and colleague Pastor David Whitney, “What hypocrisy to decry the delusions of 18th-century children while forcing everyone to support the delusions of 21st-century children.”

Please join me and pray for those who are victims of this tragic delusion and by love let’s seek to preserve the reality that men and women are loved, cared for, and equal in the sight of God and our Constitution.

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Founding Fathers Would Abhor #MenForChoice Fathers Day Perversion

It is in the love of one’s family only that heartfelt happiness is known. By a law of our nature, we cannot be happy without the endearing connections of a family. Thomas Jefferson

The month of June has traditionally been known for the celebration of Father’s Day. Tragically, however, there has been an attack on the family unit by celebrating a distorted view of family through the LGBTQ Pride month. By design, a family is a man and a woman raising and training children who will perpetuate new life, commerce, and liberty under God. Many seek to distort this holy and natural definition of marriage and family. I don’t want to be graphic, but think for a moment about the actions they are trying to sell and trying to promote as normal?

After celebrating my 17th Father’s Day with my family, I was shocked by an anti-life group that disgustingly broadcasted another distortion of the family on Twitter. The words:

“Happy #FathersDay to all the pro-choice dads out there! #MenForChoice support equality and value bodily autonomy—and that makes them great role models!”

What can be more bizarre than talking about pro-abortion fathers?

Many took to Twitter in an effort to reorient this thinking with comments such as:

“Might be more appropriate to wish folks a happy Anti-Father’s Day. #MenForChoice are willing for children to be killed to avoid becoming a father. Nothing fatherly about that. And killing innocent people makes a guy lots of things but a good role model is not one.”

“Great role models for the next genera… oh wait.”

What we are dealing with in these United States are the words of the Hebrew statesman and prophet Isaiah, as recorded in Holy Writ:

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”

We must not allow Father’s Day, the month of June, or the families in America to become co-opted by this evil, dark and bitter anti-life agenda. Fathers, we have a duty to make sure this happens.

To conclude, I quote the Father of American Independence, Samuel Adams:

“Religion in a Family is at once its brightest Ornament & its best Security. The first Point of Justice, says a Writer I have met with, consists in Piety; Nothing certainly being so great a Debt upon us, as to render to the Creator & Preserver those Acknowledgments which are due to Him for our Being, and the hourly Protection he affords us.”

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A Thirteen-Year-Old Is Threatened While Standing For Life In The Womb

Addison Woosley, 13, spoke out during a Raleigh, North Carolina, city council meeting Tuesday. Woosley called for an end to abortion and to make Raleigh a “sanctuary city for the unborn“.

“Abortion should be illegal because it is murder. The definition of murder is the killing of one human being by another,” Addison said. “There’s no way around it. Abortion is murder. So, why is it if an infant is destroyed before birth, there is no problem, but if killed after birth, it’s considered a brutal murder?”

The truth of Miss Woosley’s assertion can easily be seen in America’s founding documents. In the Declaration of Independence, our founders were acknowledging a “self-evident truth” wherein they stated, “All men are created equal with certain unalienable rights.”  Did you catch that?  They were not “born equal,” but rather “created equal” by their Creator with certain unalienable rights – chiefly life.  And we all know human beings are created in the womb of their mother.

“On ultrasounds, the baby tries to move away from the disturbing instruments that try to kill the baby,” Addison said, “The baby’s mouth opens wide in a scream when being killed. These babies are alive. They feel being killed. It hurts them and there is nothing they can do about it.”

“Are you choosing to be like the plantation worker flogging the little black child,” the girl asked the council, “Or are you going to protest even if it cost your life like Martin Luther King, Jr.?”

In reaction to the middle schooler’s oration regarding the protection of the pre-born, shouting progressively became louder until her voice was drowned out altogether. Despite looking understandably frightened, Addison Woosley wrapped up her speech confidently and walked alone back to her seat where the thirteen-year-old girl was berated and jeered at by adults in the crowd.

I want to personally and publicly thank you, Addison Woosley, for your courageous, selfless stance against the abominable practice of infanticide. You have been thrust into this hostile war on your generation and you are responding like a boss.

Yet, despite that and against the odds of our morally depraved culture, you are willing to fight for the lives of the defenseless.

“You shall not murder” is as pertinent today as it was when God created us with the right to life. Our founders acknowledged that the “Supreme Lawgiver” created this law as a protection for His creation, and violation of His law results in personal and societal consequences.

When we abandon God’s Word, we abandon all rationality. Instead, we have chosen to prop up an abstract morality full of contradictions and deceit.

Addison is right; chattel slavery and infant murder have always been, and will always be, an abomination.  Justifying one over the other and maintaining “freedom for the people” is outright duplicitous and diabolical. Rather than threaten this thirteen-year-old, Americans ought to concede to her godly, constitutional wisdom.

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Can You Read, Do You Read?

Part of my work here at the Institute on the Constitution involves making presentations across the country about matters of law and government and the Constitution.

Sometimes, I’ll ask the members of the audience to raise their hand if they have ever read a Supreme Court opinion.  Almost always there are no hands raised.

Do you find it curious that almost no one reads that which almost everyone considers to be the “law of the land” – which, by the way, it isn’t.

This may be the quintessential example of the degradation of the formerly vibrant American culture.

There are at least three massive leaps of faith born out of the laziness and the ignorance of our Godless and reckless culture:

First, we falsely accept the notion that the Courts, which are the judicial branch of government, make law, which is the province of the legislative branch;

Secondly, we don’t read what this false oracle writes and therefore don’t even know what the man behind the curtain – the great and wonderful OZ — has actually said;

Then thirdly, we blindly accept the word of Rachel Maddow or George Stephanopolis of Sean Hannity, as to the meaning of that which we have not even read.

What kind of people would act this way but a people who are no longer capable of self-government?

The enemies of America know the answer to this question:

What is the difference between a people who can’t read and a man who don’t?

The answer is, of course, “Nothing”

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Did We Forget About Memorial Day Already?

What if I asked you, “Do you feel patriotic paying taxes to fund the central government’s nationalization of the banks, the insurance industry, the automobile industry, the health care industry, and now local police forces or the use of the American military for unconstitutional and immoral, wasteful wars for empire?”

I am assuming that if you are a patriot–a genuine American of good will– you would answer, “No.”

What if I told you government’s only purpose is to secure your rights.  That’s correct: our government’s purpose and mandate that God has ordained is so limited that all they are to do is protect the rights He has given you. That’s it!  The Declaration of Independence presupposes that all men are created with unalienable rights, and that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men.  When the American government executes its God-given purpose of limited powers and maximum protection of our God-given rights, this will produce Patriotism!

And this Patriotism depends on the strength of our morality as a country.

It was none other than American Patriot and General Douglas MacArthur who informed the world, “History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a spiritual awakening to overcome the moral lapse, or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster.”

Perhaps one of the only examples left of government following their “moral” or “divine” directive is found in the young men and women in our Armed Forces.  As a general rule, they are willing to not just work for the protection of our liberties, but they are willing to die securing them.

We are reminded every year during Memorial Day to honor these men and women, and I do. It is a holy act for any individual to lay down his life in sacrifice for his neighbor.  It is what Christ Himself did for you and me.  Our children should be taught to honor and have respect for those individuals who practice this sacrifice as a way of life.

In light of our recent Memorial Day observance, we must reflect on the reality that Americans have been robbed of their loved ones who have answered the call to serve and protect America. The tragedy is that while we sleep at the proverbial wheel of entertainment and immorality in America, we allow our own veterans to be used to aggrandize the very bureaucratic institutions we consistently complain about. This is not patriotic.

Wouldn’t it be far better for us to reverence our soldiers’ personal sacrifice by keeping them safe and reeling in big, unconstitutional government actions every day in America? This is true Patriotism…

God Bless every American soldier, veteran, and citizen who exercises this Patriotism—our hats are off in memorial to you not just today, but every day.

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An Open Letter To Rep. Steve Cohen: Your Denial of God In The Oath Disqualifies You From Office

Sacred Writ guarantees the nation whose God is the Lord will be “blessed”.

Thomas Jefferson testified: “Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God?”

Tennessee Congressman Steve Cohen tells us:

“I think God belongs in religious institutions: in temple, in church, in cathedral, in mosque — but not in Congress,” said Cohen, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution, civil rights and civil liberties. “What Republicans are doing, is using God.”

“And God doesn’t want to be used,” he said.

My conclusion?

Steve Cohen, you are not qualified to be a member of Congress, much less chairman of the Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution.

To say, “So help me God,” is not “using God”; it is acknowledging and asking for advocacy and aid from whom the Declaration of Independence identifies as our Creator.

This feeble display of intellect shows your shallowness, Mr. Cohen. You are an inch deep regarding the constitutional and theological underpinnings of America. Our founding documents declare that our Creator endowed every individual with their rights and it is the government’s duty given by the Creator and His creation to secure those rights.

When you make the statement that any American, Republican or otherwise, is “using God,” it is a not-so-clever way of trying to disavow God’s authority in the matter.

The Constitution contemplates that God’s authority be acknowledged and his assistance and favor be sought.

By denying the sovereignty of God over American justice, you deny the advocacy and backing of the Author and Protector of your right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

Making an oath before Almighty God reminds the oath taker that there is an eternal system of rewards and punishments that applies to him personally. This, of course, safeguards the justice system by calling on the Author and Warden of Justice.

This is precisely what an oath is all about.

I think we can assume that if the witness does not see himself accountable to God for the truthfulness of his oath and he/she doesn’t fear eternal consequences from God, then what would stop them from lying if they are able to get away with it? Why should they care about a Congressman, or Judge, or any human for that matter?

Mr. Cohen, understand that while the purpose of Government is not to make a man a Christian, it is to penalize by statute and justice those who seek to inflict violence upon the liberties God has given to mankind.

Government exalts Law because it was given authority from God, and it (government) is a servant of God that will benefit mankind.  If Government were to separate itself from the God who ordained it, it will corrupt, for no one has another person’s interest in mind without the moral constraints given by the God who redeemed mankind.

Lest you forget, Mr. Cohen, you swore an oath of office to uphold this “American View” of law and government.

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The Make-Believe World Of A Transgender Powerlifter reported this week “Powerlifter Mary Gregory — a biological male who competes as a female — made headlines last month after breaking multiple women’s powerlifting records, which sparked widespread outrage.”

But after a review, the Raw Powerlifting Federation has stripped the weightlifter of the titles because they determined Gregory was not eligible to compete as a woman.

Some things are real. Some things are make-believe. Knowing the difference is critically, crucially important.

Let’s imagine that the X and Y-chromosomes no longer have anything to do with the biological sex of a human. From now on you are free to medically treat males and females however you want. Cervical and prostate cancer screenings are no longer necessary because reproductive organs are just an old delusion of gender-phobic, reproductive tyranny.

To act upon this train of thought is very dangerous and will cause great harm… probably fatal harm. The example I just used is easy to agree with because the physical laws of the universe – like the laws governing health and reproduction – are quite easy for us to discern.

Unless you are a transgender powerlifter?

Raw Powerlifting Federation President Paul Bossi released a comprehensive statement explaining why the federation stripped Gregory of the titles.

“Our rules, and the basis of separating genders for competition, are based on physiological classification rather than identification. On the basis of all information presented to the board of directors for this particular case, the conclusion made, is that the correct physiological classification is male,” Bossi explained.

“Since the lifter’s gender classification for the purpose of our rules is not consistent with female, no female records will be broken by these lifts,” he added.

Gregory was “infuriated” by Bossi’s statement, especially since the weightlifter has been taking female hormones for a whole year.

“I feel like I’m being tarred and feathered as this person who got in there, competing against 50 women, and just stomping all over them, and won by some magnificent total,” Gregory said. “Not to denigrate my own accomplishments or achievements, I’m so very proud of them, but the numbers that I lifted aren’t class leading.”

You see, even Gregory knows deep down that he is a male. Based upon his statement, he is acknowledging the laws of Nature and Nature’s God, while denying them with his actions.

If you, perchance, have swallowed the notion that these moral laws don’t exist, or that you can invent them and discard them at your will, or if you think that only the ones that you actually happen to believe in actually apply to you, then you may be careening carelessly toward the end of a moral cliff. You see, you don’t break the rules; the rules break you. And we might do well to remember that this is true not just for us as individuals, but also for our community and our country.

If our country continues on a path of denying the fixed, moral laws of the universe, this is a clear indication that we are no longer acting in accordance with reality. It is not real to think that a person, or a people, can do these things without disastrous consequences.

Shouldn’t we pay attention to what our founding documents declare? When God made the world he made physical and moral laws. To think or to act as if they don’t exist is make-believe… dangerous… deadly.

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Is The Electoral College Worth Keeping?

“It unites in an eminent degree all the advantages,” Alexander Hamilton wrote in The Federalist No. 68, “the union of which was to be wished for.”

As discussions begin again on the next presidential election, the Electoral College debate has been rekindled. I find it necessary to get ahead of the curve and discuss the facts about the Electoral College and why our Founders created it.

In their infinite wisdom, the United States’ Founders created the Electoral College to ensure the STATES were fairly represented. Why should one or two densely populated areas speak for the whole of the nation?

Consider the following statistics:

  • There are roughly 3,100 counties in the United States.
  • Trump won approximately 2,600 of them.
  • Clinton won just under 500.
  • Trump’s county win covered about 84% of the geographic United States.
  • Clinton won 88 of the 100 largest counties.
  • Without these counties, she would have lost by 11.5 million votes. Even so, Clinton only garnered about 2.8 million popular votes than Trump.

In other words, Clinton’s votes were very concentrated in only a few states whereas Trump’s votes came from a wide enough geographic area to win the Electoral College. Trump had 304 Electoral votes; Clinton had 227.

Here is a very quick civics lesson:

Article 4, Section 4, of the United States Constitution states, “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government.” Nowhere in the Constitution does the word “DEMOCRACY” appear. It also appears nowhere in the Declaration of Independence.

In a Republic, the law is supreme, and all men, including its leaders, are subject to it.  The Law is objective, a fixed standard; it is what we call the “Rule of Law.” In a Republic, the minority has rights, which even the majority may not violate. In a Democracy, however, majority rule is absolute. This makes the law subjective and ever changing. It is what we would call the “Rule of Man.”

To select our president by a popular vote would be a purely democratic election. This election would favor only states with major population hubs, making the rest of the country irrelevant. The tyranny of the majority populace would dominate America, and minority population would never be assured protection from the majority.

The Electoral College was to be a wholly separate body for choosing the president. Developed at the Constitutional Convention of 1787, it was a compromise among plans for a national popular vote and to have Congress choose the president. It also acts as a State check on Federal power, thus protecting smaller States.

Liberty and justice for all Americans is the goal of the Constitution, making the Electoral College both right and American.

And in the words of Alexander Hamilton, “If the manner of it be not perfect, it is at least excellent.”

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Obstruction Of Injustice Is Not A Crime – It’s A Duty

For two years we heard the drumbeat of “Collusion, Collusion”

Now, we keep hearing the phrase “Obstruction of Justice.”

I’m curious about this phrase and I think it deserves some examination.

“Obstruction of justice” is what they call a “process crime” and falls into the same category as “contempt of court,” and “perjury.”  These acts are prosecuted because they are considered to harm the public interest in the functioning and integrity of the judicial system.

But this presumes that the judicial system is functioning in the public interest and functioning with integrity.  What if government agents or even whole agencies are not pursuing justice but are themselves acting in a corrupt manner designed to serve a private or a corrupt purpose?

If investigators or prosecutors misuse their authority and, under the color of law, use the law to break the law, isn’t it the duty of citizens to resist — that is to say — obstruct, such wrongdoing?

And isn’t it especially the duty of elected officials (like a President) to resist and to oppose?  Doesn’t their oath of office compel them to interpose against the corruption?

When investigators, investigating agencies and prosecutors misuse their power and authority to further an injustice, I am hoping and praying that my elected officials will resist, interfere and obstruct with vigor.

In the Old Testament Book of Micah, we are told that the Lord God requires of all men, “…to do justly.”

So, “Obstruction of Injustice” is not a crime.

In fact, it’s a duty.

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The Movie “Unplanned” Gives Insight To Dehumanizing Acts Like Sri Lanka

What do chattel slavery, the Nazi holocaust, global genocide, and the bombings in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday have in common?

By dehumanizing the victims, these horrific acts become tolerable and unobjectionable.

The plantation owner thought the African was not fully human; the Nazi thought the Jew was not human; one political faction thought the same of their rival faction; and terrorists believed Christians were undeserving of life, so they murdered them on the day Christians celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Many make the argument that our American political system has taken the same approach to the unborn.

Let me explain.

After taking all of my children to see the movie Unplanned this weekend, we learned about the true underbelly of the murderous, government-funded, billion-dollar global corporation of Planned Parenthood. The movie was told from the life experience of a former clinic director Abby Johnson.

On September 26, 2009, Abby was asked to assist with an ultrasound-guided abortion, where she watched in horror as a 13-week baby fought for, and ultimately lost, its life at the hand of an abortionist. After some 22,000 abortions as director of a Planned Parenthood clinic, she resigned and became an outspoken advocate for the pro-life movement.

Abby physically witnessed what our American founders recognized and recorded in the Declaration of Independence, that, “All men are created equal.” We are NOT “born equal”; we are “created equal” by our Creator with certain unalienable rights – chiefly life.  And we all know every human being is created in the womb of his or her mother.

Benjamin Rush, a Declaration of Independence signer and medical doctor, stated that life’s “first motion is produced by the stimulus of the male seed upon the female ovum … No sooner is the female ovum thus set in motion, and the fetus formed, than its capacity of life is supported.”

In the Constitution we find the Framers securing and guaranteeing protection of all life in the Fifth Amendment: “No person shall be deprived of life…without due process of law.” The Fourteenth Amendment also states, “nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law…” This applies to every living person, and we know abortion violates this right by killing babies before they’re born, let alone before due process.

John Locke, who highly influenced the Founders’ views, extracted from the laws of nature and specified that individuals are: “not to kill another man; not to know more women than one; not to procure abortion; not to expose their children; not to take from another what is his …”

The obvious truth Locke was asserting by stating abortion violates natural law was that abortion did, in fact, violate another human being’s right to life.

Abortion is the dehumanization of the unborn. It is murder. Abortion is un-American and illegal. Consequently, protecting, committing, funding, or participating in the act is criminal. Period.

Therefore, every elected official in America should repent of this evil they have allowed and fulfill their oath of office to protect the unborn because even unplanned life is still life.

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Are Socialists Really Thieves?

In light of so many eager Socialists serving in or running for office, I feel the need to talk about Socialism.

The essence of Socialism is theft.

Contrary to Socialism, in America we have an absolute God-given right to property given to us by our Creator. We can find this right recorded in the sacred text:

“And God blessed them, and God said unto them, ‘Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.’”

This right to property is codified in Constitutional Law, clearly identified by the Fifth Amendment prohibition against theft: “No person shall be… deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.”

Unless you have committed a crime, your property is yours and will remain yours — fully protected by government.

Hostile to this Biblical/American concept of private party, the goal of a socialist is to steal your money or your property and take it for himself.

But a socialist is a little more sophisticated than a mugger or a burglar.

A socialist uses the government to do the otherwise dangerous work of stealing your property from you.  A socialist uses the power of the state to force you to surrender your property.  This is what Frederic Bastiat called “Legal Plunder”.

In his book “The Law”, Bastiat describes this process and asks the hard question we must ask ourselves: “What do I do when those entrusted with enforcing the law, use the law — to break the law?”

When I was growing up, “Socialism” was a pejorative.  To call someone a socialist was to hurl an insult.

Not any more. Socialist propaganda is openly promoted and championed by both major parties.  BOTH parties.

How did this happen?


Tragically, ever since the middle of the last century the public schools have been indoctrinating America’s children to accept and even demand socialist programs.

Indeed, and in fact, this is precisely what the original architects of public schools designed it to do. The modern public school movement began in the 1840s by men like Robert Owen and Horace Mann, and was later continued by Robert Dale Owen and John Dewey. These men, by their own admission, were socialists and communists, but most people don’t realize this. And many more folks know that it’s true but don’t want to face it.

From their beginning, the schools were designed to steal your possessions by deceiving and robbing the minds of America’s children who will, in turn, give them your property.

If you want to keep your possessions and your children, you might want to consider taking control of the education system.

Declaration signer Dr. Benjamin Rush, also known as the Father of Public Schools, said, “The only foundation for a useful education in a republic is to be laid in religion. Without this, there can be no virtue, and without virtue, there can be no liberty, and liberty is the object and life of all republican governments.”

Like you, I prefer to keep my kids, my property, and my liberty; so I will be following the good doctor’s advice. I encourage you to do the same.

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Is Christianity The Religion Of American?

Last week, we discussed the first Muslim representative elected to the Pennsylvania legislature who demanded an apology from another member because they began their session with a prayer to Jesus Christ, calling it ‘highly offensive.’”

I received a message from a reader, who I believe to be sincere, stating, “The Founders NEVER intended to favor Christianity over any other religion… None of the founders were explicitly Christian except the couple who were ministers. These arguments that the founders favored Christianity are historically incorrect, divisive, and anti-American. Your intent is only to rile up fear for political purposes.”

Let’s take a look at what a majority of our Founders believed.

George Mason, the “Father of the Bill of Rights,” had suggested the wording of the First Amendment be:

“All men have an equal, natural and unalienable right to the free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience; and that no particular sect or society of Christians ought to be favored or established by law in preference to others.”

The fact is there were numerous Christian denominations in the various colonies.

Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story, who was appointed by President James Madison, explained in his “Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States,” 1833:

“In some of the States, Episcopalians constituted the predominant sect; in others, Presbyterians; in others, Congregationalists; in others, Quakers … The whole power over the subject of religion is left exclusively to the State governments, to be acted upon according to their own sense of justice and the State Constitutions.”

We have to remember that the States created and ratified this Federal Constitution, so the Amendments to the Federal Constitution, particularly regarding religion, did not override individual State Constitutions. The original 13 states all declared similar statements as Maryland, who declared:

“No other test … ought to be required, on admission to any office … than such oath of support and fidelity to this State … and a declaration of a belief in the CHRISTIAN religion.” (emphasis added)

Delaware stated:

“Every person … appointed to any office … shall … subscribe … ‘I … profess faith in GOD THE FATHER, and in JESUS CHRIST His only Son, and in the HOLY GHOST, one God, blessed for evermore; and I do acknowledge the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be given by Divine inspiration.'” (emphasis added)

Pennsylvania was operating under its 1776 Constitution, signed by Ben Franklin, which stated:

“Each member, before he takes his seat, shall … subscribe … ‘I do believe in one GOD, the Creator and Governor of the Universe, the Rewarder of the good and the Punisher of the wicked. And I do acknowledge the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be given by Divine Inspiration.'”

In 1840, Justice Joseph Story wrote in “A Familiar Exposition of the Constitution of the United States”:

“We are not to attribute this prohibition of a national religious establishment to an indifference to religion in general, and especially to Christianity (which none could hold in more reverence than the framers of the Constitution) …

Story continued:

“The real object of the First Amendment was not to countenance, much less to advance Mohammedanism, or Judaism, or infidelity, by prostrating Christianity, but to exclude all rivalry among Christian sects and to prevent any national ecclesiastical establishment which should give to a hierarchy the exclusive patronage of the national government.”

Written in many documents, here we have, not fear-based opinions and arguments, but your actual Christian history, Americans.

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Muslim Representative Calls Prayer To Jesus In House Chambers Highly Offensive

This week, The Blaze reported, “The first Muslim representative elected to the Pennsylvania legislature is demanding an apology from another member who began their session with a prayer to Jesus Christ, calling it ‘highly offensive.’”

The Pennsylvania State Democratic party called the prayer an “Islamophobic message,” while Party Whip Jordan Harris shrieked:

Today, we saw religion weaponized in the House chamber in what could be considered a gross attempt to intimidate, demean and degrade a Muslim State representative in the presence of her family, friends and guests.

This got me thinking: The United States was founded by immigrants of many cultural and religious diversities. Since the early 1600’s, America was known as the place where people could go to start a new life with freedom of religion, the liberty to choose your own occupation, and a place of refuge from oppressive governments.

The Mayflower Compact states why the Pilgrims came to America in unequivocal terms:

Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honour of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia…

During the time of our founding, Islam was a major religion in many parts of the world. Therefore, there were numerous Muslims living in America during the time of its founding. Naturally, there was great concern over Muslims taking over America’s Christian value system, especially since America was in a war against Islamic terrorists – the Barbary Powers War – that spanned over the presidencies of Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and Madison.

Concerning the fear of Muslims holding high office in America, Supreme Court Justice James Iredell, who was nominated to the Court by President Washington, stated:

But it is objected that the people of America may perhaps choose representatives who have no religion at all, and that pagans and Mohammedans (Muslims) may be admitted into offices . . . . But it is never to be supposed that the people of America will trust their dearest rights to persons who have no religion at all, or a religion materially different from their own.

Make no mistake, the intent of our founders was not to sanction religions outside of Christianity. In the words of Supreme Court Justice and Father of American Jurisprudence, Joseph Story, “The real object of the (First) Amendment was, not to countenance, much less to advance Mohammedanism (Islam), or Judaism, or infidelity, by prostrating Christianity; but to exclude all rivalry among Christian sects, and to prevent any national ecclesiastical establishment, which should give to an hierarchy the exclusive patronage of the national government.

Lastly, we definitely need to understand that when our founders referred to the Lord, they were referring to Jesus. George Washington acknowledged Christ as the Divine Author of our blessed religion. This is also the same Lord they acknowledged when signing the Constitution “in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty-seven.”

Why were they so exclusive?  Simple, because Christianity is the ONLY system of worship designed to bring liberty and freedom to all mankind who are created in God’s image. Contrary to being a weapon, Christianity is a defender of the physically, spiritually, and mentally oppressed. You see, where the Spirit of our Lord is, there is liberty.

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Can Liberty Survive In American Public Education?

Last week we discussed The Un-American Education System in America, and I received a lot of feedback. Among those responding was Rich, who I quote:

As a retired public high school physical sciences teacher for 34 years, I couldn’t agree with you more. I used to start my unit on the origin of life and earth history by asking the students if the ideas about the origin of life and the origin of humans mattered much. Then I quoted the Declaration of Independence just to let them see that our founding fathers had some idea about the origin of humans and the origin of Rights. I was told by my Superintendent of Schools that I could not do that because that violated the separation of church and state. I was shocked but he insisted.

Noah Webster, author of the dictionary that bears his name, is also known as the “Father of American Scholarship and Education.” In Webster’s definition of the word education, he wrote:

To give children a good education in manners, arts and science is important; to give them a religious education is indispensable; and an immense responsibility rests on parents and guardians who neglect these duties.

Notice his emphasis for education is NOT the responsibility of government, federal or state, but rather parents.

During the years of 1776-1835 in America, various educational choices were established that brought about a 70-100% literacy rate in the colonies, much higher than what existed in Europe, which had many more universities. During the founding era, churches (NOT the government) became involved and established charity schools for the poor in the community who could not afford to pay teachers. These were known as “Free Schools”.

With the Bible at the heart of schooling, early Americans understood the role of government to be a simple one: protect the God-given rights of life, liberty and property found in Genesis 1:26-27.  They understood the role of education as coming to know God and the scriptures, gaining knowledge about creation, learning what was needed for a productive life, and learning to live right by God.

Tragically, public education has become a godless, monolithic monopoly today (overseen by government bureaucrats rather than parents) with forced, compulsory attendance and content that is more about teaching students what to think rather than learning how to think.

The deluded Supreme Court of 1963 believed the Bible and prayer should be banned from schools indefinitely.  What fruit has this netted?  Academically, America is near the bottom of science and math scores in developed countries. Even worse, crime and violence have increased dramatically on school campuses in addition to our neighborhoods.

So how can liberty survive in America? By teaching the safeguards of Liberty.

On his 80th birthday, President Herbert Hoover concluded:

Our Founding Fathers did not invent the priceless boon of individual freedom and respect for the dignity of men. That great gift to mankind sprang from the Creator and not from governments. If our YOUTH are rightly instructed in the faith of our fathersthen our power will be stronger… The great documents of that heritage are not from Karl Marx. They are from the Bible, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States.  Within them alone can the safeguards of freedom survive. [emphasis added]

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The Un-American Education System In America

Have you ever asked the question “Just what makes you an American?”

I believe it is ascribing to the doctrine of what the U.S. Code calls the “organic law” of the United States: The Declaration of Independence.

This amazing document contains the ideology “that all men are created equal that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights Governments are instituted among Men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” Therefore the principle prerequisite to American citizenship is the acknowledgment that there is a God our rights come from Him and the purpose government exists is to secure (protect) our God-given rights.

My entire adult life has been spent in educating Americans to be… well… American.  My mission has compelled me to follow in the steps of our founders to “secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity” as well.

During this time I have experienced hope in the resilience and courage of youth to stand boldly against injustice and despair. I also perceive their boldness being co-opted by a system of thinking designed to destroy and replace the moral fabric of our American Republic.

Mark Twain has been credited with the following statement: “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” Tragically I have observed this first-hand in the youth culture of America.

The United States public educational trend has become “If God says it you must reject it!” Our youth are being taught “what just ain’t so” and tyranny appears to increase at the exact pace that Christianity has decreased in our education systems.

Beneath its vacuous rhetoric purporting to “care about the youth” Christian beliefs have been removed — along with the memory of those beliefs — from their minds by successful compulsory public education.

Remember possessing an education doesn’t mean anything if you are educated incorrectly.

Declaration signer and founding father Dr. Benjamin Rush also known as the Father of Public Schools said “The only foundation for a useful education in a republic is to be laid in religion. Without this, there can be no virtue and without virtue, there can be no liberty and liberty is the object and life of all republican governments.”

The Northwest Ordinance first enacted in 1787 then reenacted in 1789 by Congress and signed by President Washington stated: “Religion morality and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged.”

Since the 1850s this public government-run school system has become more and more entrenched and more and more expensive. Of course, no amount of money stolen from taxpayers to finance the secular conditioning of their children’s minds can have any effect but to destroy the culture and the country.

Make no mistake you cannot subjugate and enslave a Christian culture; they will recognize and reject tyranny before tyranny can get a foothold.

Unless and until education is accomplished God’s way under the influence, control and jurisdiction of the family (not government) there is no hope for any improvement.

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Thanks To Public Schools, Socialism Is On The Rise

To quote founding father Thomas Jefferson, “The Constitution of the United States is the result of the collected wisdom of our country.” He also said about America, “With all the imperfections of our present government, it is without comparison the best existing or that ever did exist.”

Statesman Daniel Webster made the claim, “Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster, and what has happened once in 6,000 years may not happen again.”

Recently, I was having dinner with a couple and the comment was made, “I can’t believe how mainstream Socialism is becoming in America. Socialism is the opposite of our founding and what the Constitution stands for.”

Unfortunately I can, and I believe I may know why.

Currently, the public schools in an overwhelming majority of counties in America devour more than half of the county budgets.  And, of course, it’s not enough. It’s never enough.

But, aside from the runaway spending, the far more important reason is what I have come to know as a destructive mission of the schools themselves.

Before I continue I want to assure you that I speak as an individual who has had the privilege of speaking to several thousand public school students in hundreds of public schools across the country.  I have met numerous amazing teachers, principles, and administrators who are doing their best to educate the next generation of Americans to succeed in this ever-changing culture and world.

Despite what (my dad has) I have just explained, I still feel that our America’s vast, public, government-run school systems are one of the largest promoters of a godless, socialist agenda, leading to the dumbing-down of the culture.

They promote sexual immorality, under the guise of diversity.

It’s no accident that students are immersed in radical environmentalism, leading to nonsense like the green new deal.

It’s no accident that public schools train children to dismiss and often ignore the values of their parents, leading to the disintegration of the family.

And it’s no accident that public schools drain the resources of the citizenry, making it more difficult for families to educate their children privately.

During my last two public school presentations, I was applauded by teachers and students… but not before everyone looked over their shoulders wondering how in the world I could discuss the topic of the biblical underpinnings of American Government in their school. There is an ominous presence holding everyone in fear, and purposefully preventing them from teaching any historical realities of America, her God, and her current crisis. Instead, this presence is forcing the institution of the godless, socialist empire. Public schools are rapidly attacking America’s origins, and the results are devolving us from true liberty.

Fellow Americans, I plead with you in the words of Daniel Webster, “Finally, let us not forget the religious character of our origin. Our fathers were brought hither by their high veneration for the Christian religion… God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it.”

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Senators Who Support The Murder Of This Generation

After signing the Declaration of Independence, John Adams wrote to his wife:

“I am well aware of the toil and blood and treasure, that it will cost us to maintain this Declaration … Yet through all the gloom, I can see the rays of ravishing light and glory. I can see that the end is more than worth all the means.

And that POSTERITY will triumph in that day’s transaction, even although we should rue (regret) it, which I trust in God we shall not.”

When the Declaration of Independence refers to the unborn it speaks of those “Created with the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Notice the term specifically used by our founders is created, not born. These words have extraordinarily different and distinctive meanings.

(Scroll the names of popular Senators that voted this way) Tragically over 40% of those serving in the Senate have willingly conspired to disregard the Constitution and profane their oath of office.  All but three Democrats recently voted against a procedural motion on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, denying it the necessary 60 votes to proceed.

The bill would require a health-care practitioner to “exercise the same degree of professional skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of the child” as he or she would to “any other child born alive at the same gestational age.”

Several medical groups, including the American Public Health Association, also have publicly opposed the bill. In a recent letter to senators, they said: “It represents a dangerous government intrusion into private health-care decisions.”

Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) described the bill Monday as “clearly anti-doctor, anti-woman and anti-family.”

While many of these Senators are screaming and decrying the so-called inhumane treatment of children at the southern border they believe like Senator Murray, that protecting the life of an infant child “has no place becoming law,” and that the legislation would “do nothing except help Republicans advance their goal of denying women their constitutionally protected rights.”

Who said anything about women? We are talking about the constitutional duty of you and your colleagues in the Senate to protect the fundamental right that precedes all human rights, Life.

The Declaration of Independence and the Fifth Amendment both declare that no created person shall be deprived of Life without due process of Law. Both founding documents declare this action as murder and illegal.

Nazi agents and soldiers murdered millions of defenseless Jewish women, children, and men. I often wonder why or how they could do this to another human being.

The answer is not very complex; however, it is satanic. The German soldier did not believe human beings of Jewish ethnicity were actually humans. They were like pests that had invaded their country; no different than a massive infestation of rats in one’s home.

Is that what Murray and her ilk feel about infants?

George Washington wrote in his Orders, July 2, 1776:

“The fate of UNBORN MILLIONS will now depend, under God, on the courage and conduct of this army … We have, therefore to resolve to conquer or die.”

It is the tragedy of our age that we have brought this current generation to the same crisis. What a detestable shame.

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The Losers Want To Get Rid Of The Electoral College – It’s Not Fair, They Say

In our recent Presidential election, Hillary Clinton won more votes than Donald Trump, but due to the Electoral College, Donald Trump became the next president of these United States.

Is this fair? Is this American?

In an article by Vanity Fair entitled, “The Electoral College is Not Democratic,” the author stated, “The Electoral College is an artificial device, but it has the fairy dust of history sprinkled on it. It works so well that the nation soon forgets that a majority of voters did not want George W. Bush as president and do not want Donald Trump either.”

Hillary Clinton stated during a CNN interview: “I think it needs to be eliminated. I’d like to see us move beyond it, yes.”

Before President Trump’s victory in 2016, he tweeted, “The Electoral College is a disaster for a democracy.”

Now, as you know, the form of government guaranteed by the United States Constitution is a REPUBLIC.  Nowhere in the Constitution does the word “DEMOCRACY” appear. It also appears nowhere in the Declaration of Independence.

Article 4, Section 4, of the United States Constitution states, “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government.”

In a Republic, the law is supreme, and all men, including its leaders, are subject to it.  The Law is objective, a fixed standard; it is what we call the “Rule of Law.” In a Republic, the minority has rights, which even the majority may not violate. In a Democracy, however, majority rule is absolute. This makes the law subjective and ever-changing. It is what we would call the “Rule of Man.”

The Electoral College was to be a wholly separate body for choosing the president. Developed at the Constitutional Convention of 1787, it was a compromise among plans for a national popular vote and to have Congress choose the president. It also acts as a State check on Federal power, thus protecting smaller States.

“It unites in an eminent degree all the advantages,” Alexander Hamilton wrote in The Federalist No. 68, “the union of which was to be wished for.”

Here is how the Electoral College works: States choose Electors equal to the total number of Senators and Representatives from that State. These Electors normally are pledged to support the candidate who carried their State, but they are not obligated and sometimes will violate the pledge.

To select our president by a popular vote would be a purely democratic election. This election would favor only states with major population hubs, making the rest of the country irrelevant. The tyranny of the majority populace would dominate America and minority population would never be assured protection from the majority.

The old adage comes to my aid: “Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for lunch.”

Liberty and justice for all Americans is the goal of the Constitution, making the Electoral College both right and American.

And in the words of Alexander Hamilton, “If the manner of it be not perfect, it is at least excellent.”

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The Myth Of Three Co-Equal Branches Of Government

In today’s delicate, thin-skinned and ultra-sensitive world where the gospel of “equality of outcomes” is paramount, it should come as no surprise that most Americans favor the unconstitutional myth of three co-equal branches of government.

Well, unfortunately for America, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”

Last month at an MSNBC Town Hall, Nancy Pelosi, a self-proclaimed Constitutional Scholar and current Speaker of the House of Representatives, stated: “Our Founders envisioned three co-equal branches of government. There’s little excuse for one chamber of Congress refusing to do its job and simply giving power over to the President.”

My good friend and Institute on the Constitution Chapter Leader, Gary Porter, made the following observation in his recent presentation on the topic. “Speaker Pelosi is not alone in her confusion as to our government’s design, the ‘Three Co-Equal Branches’ myth has been drummed into millions upon millions of public school children’s heads for probably the last one-hundred years.  A simple Google search finds people ranging from reporters, to sitting Congressmen, to lawyers groups and, of course, educational websites repeating this patent untruth.”

So just what is it that these zealously uninformed crusaders of equality “know for certain that just ain’t so”?

First of all, we need to consult the architects of our Republic – the Founding Fathers – to see how closely this belief conforms to the Framers’ design.

James Madison, known as the father of the Constitution, stated in Federalist Paper 51, “In republican government, the legislative authority necessarily predominates. The remedy for this inconveniency is to divide the legislature into different branches.”

By consulting with Madison we discover that in actuality, Congress’ authority predominates, which is why we have divided the power into two branches.

By simple mathematics we see this reality to be true.

If we place the number of authorities of each Branch found in the Constitution, we see the scale disproportionate with the Legislative Branch having roughly forty-eight powers, followed by the Executive Branch with roughly twelve powers, and in last place the Judicial Branch with roughly three powers.

This, of course, correlates with the number of Federalist Papers written by our Founders. These Papers explained the functioning jobs of each of our three Constitutional branches of government. There are fifteen Papers for Congress, nine for the President, and six for the Courts.

To add further credibility to the discriminate powers of Congress, we find they have power to impeach ANY member of the other two branches!

For the Speaker of the House to be unaware of the proper balance of power is very problematic. Perhaps she ought to read Madison and get more acquainted with the document she swore before Almighty God to uphold and defend.

Better yet, the American people ought to read Madison, learn the Constitution for themselves, and avoid ignorance in office.

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Trump: America Will Never Be A Socialist Country – But Is It?

Among his ardent supporters, President Donald Trump’s recent State of the Union speech has been hailed as a masterpiece. Particularly praised by pundits is his dramatic declaration that the United States will never be a socialist country.

This remark was a pointed rebuke of his political opponents, including Senator Bernie Sanders, to whom the television cameras immediately panned.

Some are suggesting that this sound byte might be remembered historically.

I can’t predict if this quote will become a piece of history, but I can assure you this statement is not true, although I wish it were.

I say this because America is already a socialist country.

It didn’t start out that way. As the President noted, “We were born free…” but disturbingly, the America of today is thoroughly saturated in socialism.

In creating the Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx, a German philosopher and atheist, designed ten planks AS A TEST to determine whether a society has become communist or not. If they are all in effect and in force, then the people ARE practicing communists.

Consider that most of the audience that applauded the president’s remark is an audience that has accepted, embraced and voted to fund seven of those ten planks:

  • A socialist system of education for their children,
  • A socialist, government-managed healthcare system,
  • A completely socialist universal retirement program,
  • A massive socialist bailout of the automobile industry and the banking industry,
  • A socialist system of agriculture subsidies,
  • A socialist taxation of real property,
  • and arguably the largest social welfare system in the history of the universe.

We can see with clear sight that virtually every plank of Karl Marx’ communist manifesto has been fully implemented in this country.

Remember, communism by any other name is still communism.

Communism offers no safety or asylum for the American view of individual God-given rights.  In the words of the atheist Karl Marx, “The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness. To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions.”

Nonetheless, Marx’s diabolical philosophies would not have been welcomed in the company of our founders or in the company of Liberty.

In the words of founding father and second president John Adams, “The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God.”

Adams later stated, “Without religion, this world would be something not fit to be mentioned in polite company: I mean hell.”

Tragically, I fear that Bernie Sanders wasn’t scowling because his socialist ideas are under attack. He may have been smiling because he knows that they have already been adopted.

Nevertheless, the president’s proclamation that the United States will never be a socialist country was effective rhetoric.

I just wish it were true.

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Socialism Is A Lie And Kamala Harris Is A Liar

Announcing her intention to seek the presidency, U.S. Senator from California, Kamala Harris, said she favored “Medicare for all,” which would essentially mean the complete socialization of health care.

Asserting her ignorance about the Constitution and healthcare, Harris has tweeted in the past:

“Here’s what I believe: health care is a right, not a privilege. RT [re-tweet] if you agree.”

Please pay attention to what I am about to say.

Kamala Harris is a socialist. She is also a liar. This is because socialism itself is a lie.

Webster defines socialism as the “governmental ownership …of the means of production and distribution of goods…a system in which there is no private property.”

Socialist theory is antithetical to the principles on which America was founded.  Under the original American view of government, private property rights are championed and protected.  But in the socialist view, private property ownership is denounced and demonized.

Socialism is un-American, and socialism has always destroyed any society where it has taken root. Look at Venezuela.

While Harris, Sanders, Waters, Cortez and their ilk continue to push for Americans to embrace “new rights” like a socialist European healthcare system, they are not the originators of this concept in America.

Franklin Roosevelt, in his annual address to Congress, set the nation on this path.

Here’s what FDR said in that speech:

“So to speak, [we need] a second Bill of Rights under which a new basis of security and prosperity can be established for all…Among these are:

“The right to a useful and remunerative job…

“The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation…

“The right of every family to a decent home;

“The right to adequate medical care…

“The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment;

“The right to a good education.

“All these rights spell security.”

Please note that Roosevelt’s so-called second “Bill of Rights” is not based on the same premise as the original. God didn’t grant anyone the right to a decent home, a remunerative job, an education, food, clothing or recreation paid for at the expense of others. Likewise, God nowhere grants the right to healthcare.

You see, in order for government to provide healthcare or any other of the second “Bill of Rights,” it must necessarily violate the original Bill of Rights by stealing the money it needs to make these phony guarantees. This directly reflects the premise and philosophy of the Communist Manifesto.

Despite this scary reality, socialism is gaining popularity in America.

How can this be?

For one thing, public schools have been indoctrinating the youth of America into the ideology of socialism for over 100 years now.  They are so successful that Kamala Harris panders directly to them.

The public schools are promoting socialism.  They are lying to their students.

But I repeat myself.

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Let’s Be True To What Is On Paper – All Men Are Created Equal

Why were Nazi agents and soldiers able to murder millions of defenseless Jewish women, children, and men? How could a concentration camp administrator gas thousands of women and children in the morning, and then return home to dinner with his family that evening and help his child cope with bullying at school, or engage in a meaningful conversation with his wife about the burdens of life and raising a family?

The answer is not very complex; however, it is satanic. The German father and his entire family did not believe human beings of Jewish ethnicity were actually humans. They were like pests that had invaded their country; no different than a massive infestation of rats in one’s home.

How would you feel if rats overran your home? You believe these rats may be carrying disease; they will devour your food, and, if left to reproduce, they would eventually drive you and your family from your home.

What is your solution? Kill the invading pests using traps and poison! Each time you throw another dead rat out of your home, you are rejoicing! Finally, you dig a trench and burn them all. With a sense of accomplishment, you come inside, clean up, and celebrate with your family. The infestation is finally over.

You might say, “Well, those are rats, not humans.”

My point exactly.

To exterminate humans as if they are no different than pesky rats violates the natural law by our Creator, which forbids murder. The Declaration of Independence and the Fifth Amendment both declare the right to Life, and that no one shall be deprived of Life without due process of Law.

Alice Paul, a pioneer of feminism in America, believed, “Abortion is the ultimate exploitation of women.”

How… Why… When did this happen to us?  Some may say it happened slowly. They are wrong. It happened quickly through inaction when judges authorized it in Roe v. Wade, and government on all levels willfully abandoned their oaths to the Constitution and refused to criminalize it.

As a result, the most dangerous place to be in America is in the womb. American veterans who have died for our nation since 1775 come to a total of 1.1 million. It is shocking and devastating that 1.1 million babies in the womb are murdered per year.

New York’s uncivilized and barbaric legislation is no surprise. Hitler’s legislators cheered him just like Cuomo’s legislators cheered him.

This is a culmination of an ignorant citizenry and a Pagan view of law, where government is God on the evolutionary scale with unlimited power, and they ready to tyrannize the invading “class of pests,” while the masses worship at their feet.

The true American (and Biblical) view of government is that we are all Created equal, with the right to life given by our Creator. This Creator then ordained the government with the limited authority of protecting your God-given rights. This, of course, produces the correct form of Patriotism, based on the moral code of the Creator. The result is a Republic that criminalizes murder. This Republic still remains the form of Government on paper in America.

In the words of pro-life and equal rights champion Martin Luther King Jr., “All we say to America is, ‘Be true to what you said on paper.’”

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Should Karen Pence Resign From “Anti-gay” School?

In an employment application, Immanuel Christian School in Virginia requires its staff and applicants to adhere to basic tenants of Christianity found in the Bible.

Makes sense, right?

The application states: “I understand that the term ‘marriage’ has only one meaning; the uniting of one man and one woman in a single, exclusive covenant union as delineated in Scripture…”

The application goes on to outline, “Moral misconduct which violates the bona fide occupational qualifications for employees includes, but is not limited to, such behaviors as the following: heterosexual activity outside of marriage (e.g., premarital sex, cohabitation, extramarital sex), homosexual or lesbian sexual activity, polygamy, transgender identity, any other violation of the unique roles of male and female, sexual harassment, use or viewing of pornographic material or websites, and sexual abuse or improprieties toward minors as defined by Scripture and federal or state law.”

So why exactly is the ACLU (the “so called” Human Rights Campaign), along with Lady Gaga, so hysterical about this one Christian school in a country with over 34,000 other Christian schools?

Well, it’s because Second Lady Karen Pence, wife to the current Vice-President Mike Pence, teaches at this school.

What does she teach?

Art class.

The ACLU recently tweeted, “Do we want to live in a country with leaders who are willing to disavow LGBTQ youth?”

I believe the ACLU is asking the wrong question.

Let me explain.

Tragically, a common question of many American youth today is, what is marriage?  Well, in order to find the meaning we must consult the Creator of marriage.

That Creator is the Person the Declaration of Independence refers to as Nature’s God, the Author of all human rights and the laws that protect those rights. God clearly created and defined marriage when He created the first man and woman.

So what were a man and woman capable of that two men together were not? This explanation is found in what thousands of years of civilization has sanctioned.  Marriage between a man and a woman is codified with the following statement from the book of Genesis: “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” The result of this union? Children. The family is at the center of the world in which we live.

In the New Testament, Jesus Christ, along with Paul (the most notable author in the New Testament), reaffirmed this exact definition of marriage.

Just as our founding documents look to the God of the Bible as the source of individual rights, so it defaults to the Bible for the definition of the right we call “marriage.”

Americans, please realize there are consequences if we embrace this perverted redefinition of the word “marriage” given to us by the Supreme Court.

Founding Father John Adams stated, “[I]t is religion and morality alone which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand. The only foundation of a free constitution is pure virtue.”

It is important to recognize that while avowing the moral standard of the Bible and disavowing sin, Immanuel Christian School is protecting, nurturing, and caring for its students.

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No Creator-God, No Rights

Imagine you were playing football against a very determined opponent and a new rule was introduced. According to this new rule of play, your team could actually never have possession of the football. Every time you received a kick-off, or recovered a fumble, or intercepted a pass, or even when you took over on downs, play would stop immediately and possession of the ball would be returned to the other team.

In this scenario, you couldn’t possibly win, because you need the ball to score.

In the same way, if we try to argue for our rights to life, or for our liberties, or for the right to be free in our pursuit of happiness—including our right to own and enjoy private property, and including our right to worship, and to speak freely, and to assemble, and to protect and defend ourselves and our family—and we try to make these arguments and defenses without acknowledging that their origin is a Divine one, we are trying to score without the ball.

It’s impossible to make a case for your individual rights without first acknowledging—as our founders did in the Declaration of Independence—the existence of a Creator God, Who is the author of those rights.

In my education work, I frequently speak to patriotic groups, and I’m asked by some of the more libertarian bent if it’s really necessary to emphasize Jesus Christ so much in talking about our rights and how to redeem them and secure them.

The answer, of course, is “Yes, it is.”

This is because, if we don’t start with Christ as the Creator and author of rights, we have no rational or logical basis for asking others to respect them.

This is why those who seek to deprive us of our rights have first made sure to erase the memory of their origin from our cultural conscience. This is what the great lie of separation of Church and State has accomplished in America.

Don’t let them lie to you. There is no mention of separation of Church and State in the Constitution, but more importantly, there can be no separation of God from government, because He created it to secure the unalienable rights He created you with.

Trying to argue for your rights without a Supreme Right Giver is like trying to score without the ball, no Jesus, no rights—Game over!

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Is A Border Wall Constitutional And Necessary?

Dr. Barrett of made the statement this week, “Centuries of history prove that walls make a huge difference, which is why the number of nations building them has risen from 7 to 777 since WWII.”

However, Congress refuses to pass a spending bill that would build a wall on the southern border, which remains insecure and vulnerable to illegal aliens.

New House speaker Nancy Pelosi has called the wall “an immorality”.

So, is a border wall constitutional and should it be a priority?

Article 4, Section 4, of the Constitution states, “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion.”

Ask yourself, do the following facts about illegal immigration constitute an “invasion”?

  • An illegal alien in the state of Arizona is twice as likely to commit a crime than a legal citizen.
  • Ninety percent of all heroin and fentanyl come across the southern border.
  • Over 10,000 children are illegally sex trafficked across the southern border every single year.
  • There are 56,000 illegal immigrants in our federal prison system and countless in our state penitentiary system.
  • The Washington Examiner reported that the financial burden on U.S. taxpayers every single year is a record $135 billion for illegal immigration. This covers their health care, education, and a huge law enforcement bill.

This is clearly considered invasion on a number of levels, and it is clear we need protection from invasion.

Therefore, we can conclude that a border wall is Constitutional.

Perhaps we should discuss fairness?

It is not fair that Americans should be deprived of exceptional individuals from across the world that have to fill out an application, NOT commit a crime, wait in a line for a decade to come into this country and maybe have a chance to become an American.

This leads us to perhaps the most important point of all: sovereignty.

We are not Mexico. We have a unique culture, we have a unique identity, and we most certainly have a unique American View of Government. That view obligates our government to “secure the rights of the governed.” If a wall offers the security we need from the devastating consequences of illegal immigration, then we ought to get started.

The Democratic Party is referring to the border wall as a “border barrier”.

But is it possible that the now majority speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, has a wall that completely surrounds her mansion and estate? And is it likely that most members of Congress have one as well

When asked about Trump’s promise to build a wall along the U.S./Mexican border, Pope Francis said: “A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian.”

That is rather hypocritical. There are miles of walls up to 30 feet tall that surround much of Vatican City and the Castel Gondolfo, where the pope lives. These walls were originally constructed and the Swiss Guard established for what purpose? It was to keep out foreign invaders and protect the interest of the Roman Catholic Church.

Look, I do not lock my doors because I hate those who are outside. I lock my doors because I love those who are inside.

So where is the love, Congress?

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A New Year To #MAGA

“Make America Great Again” has turned into a vibrant, contagious slogan.  It is a slogan that has given hope and restored the voice of those in America who had become despondent and discouraged with what many have called the D.C. Swamp.

In their quest for greatness, our founding fathers laid a consistent and discoverable pattern that would establish and ensure the greatness of America.

John Adams, Father of American Independence and second President, asserted, “It is the duty of all men in society, publicly, and at stated seasons, to worship the SUPREME BEING, the ‘great’ Creator and Preserver of the universe.”

As Americans we MUST understand we are only great when we are morally good, that is to say “godly”. The word “good” is derived from the word “God.”  To be good is to be godly.  A good citizenry is one who appreciates and rehearses the attributes and the characteristics of God.  Make no mistake, when America ceases to be morally good she will cease to be great, and #MAGA becomes an irrelevant slogan.

Noah Webster, Father of American Education, understood, “The religion which has introduced civil liberty is the religion of Christ and His apostles, which enjoins humility, piety, and benevolence; which acknowledges in every person a brother, or a sister, and a citizen with equal rights. This is genuine Christianity, and to this we owe our free Constitutions of Government.”

“Finally,” said Daniel Webster, “let us not forget the religious character of our origin. Our fathers were brought hither by their high veneration for the Christian religion. They journeyed by its light, and labored in its hope. They sought to incorporate its principles with the elements of their society, and to diffuse its influence through all their institutions, civil, political, or literary.”

“Great” is not being in the Top 10 international ranking for crime, drug use, murder, rape, or violent crimes.

“Great” is not government condoned or sponsored abortion, international wars for profit, or the breakdown of the sacred biblical family unit of a father and a mother.

I conclude with the assertion of Thomas Jefferson in his second inaugural address as President of these United States, “I shall need, too, the favor of that Being in whose hands we are, who led our forefathers, as Israel of old, from their native land, and planted them in a country flowing with all the necessaries and comforts of life; who has covered our infancy with his providence, and our riper years with his wisdom and power; and to whose goodness I ask you to join with me in supplications, that he will so enlighten the minds of your servants, guide their councils, and prosper their measures, that whatsoever they do, shall result in your good, and shall secure to you the peace, friendship, and approbation of all nations.”

If you still need a resolution for 2019, #MAGA!

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Christmas Is Politically Correct

It seems like every Christmas Season we suffer through the same old anti-Christian and anti-American propaganda designed to eliminate Christian signs and symbols from the public arena.

So, I think it timely to revisit the case that the birth of Jesus Christ is the most significant political event in the history of the universe.

Why?  Well simply put, liberty is the product of order, not chaos.  And a culture that values, promotes and protects ordered liberty cannot exist absent the acknowledgement of the Author of liberty, the Living and Everlasting God of the Bible whose Son is Jesus Christ.

At Christmas, we celebrate the fact that He entered His own creation and sacrificed His life to cover our sins.

Now you may not share the Christian beliefs I’ve just described, but that doesn’t affect my point here because it is indisputable that the founders of American government believed them and established a system of law and liberty based on them.

So, your disbelief in them does not extinguish them.

Whatever beliefs you personally hold, please remember that the acknowledgement of Jesus Christ as the Source of Law and Government is the very first presupposition of American government.  Therefore, celebrating Christmas through Nativity displays, public prayer, sacred song, and all other forms of Christian witness are consistent with and supportive of the American View of Law and Liberty and are the essence of American government.

Publicly celebrating the blessed birth of the Savior of the World is not only lawful, it is the most politically correct thing you can ever do.

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A Note To My Critics: Fidelity To God Is Commitment To Liberty And America

Every week I receive responses from my weekly commentaries by critics; comments such as:

Our public schools are places for teaching, not preaching. They have NO RIGHT to subject youngsters who[se] parents are not Christians to Christian indoctrination! Prayer has absolutely NO PLACE in public schools.

Evolution, communism, and sex-ed are NOT a religion. Students in school are not taught that they must be atheists or communists. The notion that this is happening is just plain ludicrous.

To teach youngsters creationism is as insane as teaching them that the earth is flat and that Santa Claus and the tooth fairy actually exist!

Sorry, but “God” (whatever that is) has never said anything about abortion, and there is not a single reference to it in the Bible. Abortion IS legal, and the founders NEVER intended U.S. law to be based on the Bible.

Our rights come “from God?”   WHICH God?   Zeus?  Allah?  Brahma? Jehovah?  Odin? The Flying Spaghetti Monster? The Buddha? The Great Spirit of the American Indians? And where has the God of the Bible specified our rights? NOWHERE.

Please don’t get me wrong; as a secular liberal I do not hate Christians; I am just appalled by the intolerance, narrow-mindedness and self-righteousness of extremist ones.

Alright. Let’s not be extreme. Why don’t we judge the Founders’ words?

Noah Webster, named the “Schoolmaster of America” who authored scores of school textbooks, including the famous dictionary that bears his name, asserted:

The Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things that children under a free government ought to be instructed.

Webster again declared:

The moral principles and precepts contained in the Scriptures ought to form the basis of all our civil constitutions and laws. All of the miseries and evils which men suffer from; vice, crime, ambition, injustice, oppression, slavery and war, proceed from the despising or neglecting the precepts contained in the Bible.

Signer of the Declaration and President of Princeton University, John Witherspoon, declared:

Whosoever is an avowed enemy of God, I (hesitate not) to call him an enemy to his country.

The Father of America, George Washington, concluded his first presidential inauguration with the following exhortation:

It would be peculiarly improper to omit in this first official Act, my fervent supplications to that Almighty Being who rules over the Universe, who presides in the Councils of Nations, and whose providential aids can supply every human defect, that his benediction may consecrate to the liberties and happiness of the People of the United States… No People can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand, which conducts the Affairs of men more than the People of the United States. Every step, by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation, seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential agency.

In conclusion, I would like to exhort my detractors with one more statement by George Washington:

You do well to wish to learn our arts and our ways of life, and above all, the religion of Jesus Christ.  These will make you a greater and happier people than you are.

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Are We Really Talking About the Right To Choose Your Age?

A 69-year-old man, Emile Ratelband, recently sued in a Dutch court to legally lower his age by 20 years.

Ratelband reasoned, “You can change your name. You can change your gender. Why not your age?”

He feels his age should match his physique, which he believes appears much younger than 69 years.

Is it possible that we think the same way in America?

Make no mistake, some things are real and some things are pretend. Knowing the difference is critically, crucially important.

If I told you that I was a 24-year-old superwoman, I would be telling you something that is not real even if you saw it on my Instagram profile. Would you encourage me to live out the reality of my social media profile and jump out of buildings while chasing world terrorists? I think we would agree this most assuredly would end in fatal harm.

The example I just used is easy to agree with because the physical laws of the universe – like the laws governing age, gravity, motion, or gender – are quite easy for us to discern; but what about the moral laws of the universe?

If you, perchance, have swallowed the delusion that these moral laws don’t exist; or that you can invent them or pretend them away at your will; or if you think that only the ones that you happen to believe in actually apply to you, then get your cape and let the “pretend” comic book life begin!

Consider the consequences of playing pretend in America:

We pretend life in the womb is not a child and have allowed the murder of over 50 million children in America.

We pretend societal norms such as marriage and gender classification can be changed based on feelings, not science and natural law; thus making both science and law irrelevant.

Now, the law schools of our country have tragically produced thousands of attorneys who pretend the true Source and nature of law (God and His word) are non-existent and have no legal authority. Many of them are now judges and politicians.

These actions on the part of our country indicate that we are no longer conducting ourselves in accordance with reality. It is simply “pretend” to think that a person, or a people, can do these things without disastrous consequences.

The undeniable basic presupposition of the Declaration of Independence – which transcends all cultures and people groups unequivocally – is that we were Created by God, our rights come from Him, and the single duty of Government is to protect those God-given rights.

In the Declaration, our Founding Fathers used the term “pretended” to describe legislation that does not square with the “Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.” As a result, this legislation had no lawful authority.

Founding Father John Adams consented, “The Bible contains the most profound philosophy, the most perfect morality, and the most refined policy that ever was conceived upon earth.”

Thankfully the Dutch court denied the request of Ratelband and refused to “pretend.” My prayer is that Americans will see that this “pretend” road leads to chaos and embrace reality.

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Why Would Americans Hate Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving this year delivered a crushing blow to the NBA’s Boston Celtics who lost to the New York Knicks. NBC Sports reporter Abby Chin told Celtics star Kyrie Irving, “Happy Thanksgiving,” to which Irving responded, “F*** Thanksgiving.”

Apparently, Irving’s late mother was born into the Standing Rock Sioux tribe in South Dakota and he has recently begun embracing his Native American heritage.

But why would that cause Irving to be so hostile and unthankful for America?

I think I may know the reason.

Statistically speaking, Kyrie and American Millennials’ (ages 18-34) worst subject is history. Many know very little about our European ancestors, the Pilgrims, to whom the first Thanksgiving is attributed. Tragically, revisionist history has left out the specific reason these pioneers settled in America and instead have created a new inhumane narrative that has caused men like Kyrie to despise America.

Thankfully our American history is well documented and I would like to share some of it. You see, the Pilgrims wrote their reason for settling in America in the Mayflower Compact – the first American government document: “…for the glory of God and advancement of the Christian faith…”

By coming to America, the Pilgrims determined to set up an entire nation for the purpose of glorifying God and advancing the Christian faith.  This radical statement UNITED government with a responsibility to God and left a strategy for future generations to follow that has arguably brought about more liberty, prosperity, and joy to our nation than any other political philosophy in any other country in the history of the world! That is something to be thankful for.

The first national Thanksgiving occurred in 1789. According to the Congressional Record for September 25, immediately after approving the Bill of Rights, Mr. Elias Boudinot said he could not think of letting the congressional session end without offering an opportunity to all the citizens of America to render their sincere thanks to Almighty God for the many blessings He had poured down upon them.

The resolution was delivered to President George Washington, who heartily concurred with the congressional request, declaring:

“Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor . . . . Now, therefore, I do appoint Thursday, the 26th day of November 1789 . . . that we may all unite to render unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection.”

For years after, Americans were delivered from countless perils, received many victories and blessings, prospered beyond any country, and soon everyone envied the “American Dream” that God had given to persevering Americans, including amazingly talented athletes like Kyrie Irving.

I encourage everyone reading with this: let’s not just wait until Thanksgiving to thank our benevolent Creator. Like our founding fathers, let us give thanks to the God of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for America’s incredible founding. Let us pray that our government would never relinquish its God-given duty to preserve our rights. And finally, let us pray that American education would once again be based on truth, not dishonesty and disinformation.

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Who Could Possibly Support Nullification?

Donald Trump’s new interim Attorney General, Matthew Whitaker, was recently criticized by CNN for holding to the proper, legitimate, and constitutional position that states have a right and a duty to interpose and nullify unconstitutional federal laws, policies, or court opinions.

Now Black’s Law Dictionary defines Interposition, as “the action of a State while exercising its sovereignty in rejecting a federal mandate that it believes is Unconstitutional or over-reaching.” Similarly, Nullification is defined as “The act of making something void; the action of a State in abrogating a federal law on the basis of State sovereignty.”

In a 2013 campaign speech Whitaker stated about nullification: “Now we need to remember that the states set up the federal government and not vice versa. And so the question is, do we have the political courage in the state of Iowa or some other state to nullify Obamacare and pay the consequences for that?”

He went on to add:  “But do I believe in nullification? I think our founding fathers believed in nullification. There’s no doubt about that.”

Mr. Whitaker of course is correct, both nullification and interposition were used by our founders in 1776 being documented in the Declaration of Independence wherein are written the words, “When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them… such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations.”

Nullification was also the tool of anti-slavery abolitionists who used it as much as possible, especially against the abominable Fugitive Slave Act. Almost every northern state passed what were known as personal liberty laws meant to thwart the unconstitutional Act.

Now opponents of our founding fathers, like CNN contributor Stephen Vladeck, believe concepts like nullification are “…irreconcilable not only with the structure of the Constitution, but with its text, especially the text of the Supremacy Clause of Article VI—which not only makes federal law supreme, but expressly binds state courts to apply it.”

Tragically the average ignorant American will believe Vladeck but if they would just read Article VI of the Constitution, they would realize that Vladeck’s assertions are utterly false. What Article VI does not make supreme are “federal laws,” what it does make supreme is the “Constitution.”

Another calamitous view many Americans have, is that whatever the federal courts rule as “constitutional” is what is “constitutional.” This is known as judicial supremacy — and judicial supremacy is also a misinterpretation of the Constitution.

What we all must understand is that all federal laws and Supreme Court opinions must comport with the Constitution – and if it doesn’t the states must interpose, challenge, and nullify.

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Is Nationalism Bad? Should We Look To France?

During an Armistice Day centennial observance in Paris on Sunday, French President Emmanuel Macron said the “ancient demons” that caused World War I and millions of deaths are growing stronger.

The French leader said, “Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism. Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism. In saying ‘Our interests first, whatever happens to the others,’ you erase the most precious thing a nation can have, that which makes it live, that which causes it to be great and that which is most important: Its moral values.”

Along with most of you reading this, I am certainly glad that our founding fathers did not look to France for any political advice. George Washington, America’s first President of our Constitutional Republic, reflected in his Farewell Address after two successful terms in office that “…along with the peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none; the support of the State governments in all their rights, as the most competent administrations for our domestic concerns and the surest bulwarks against anti-republican tendencies; the preservation of the General Government in its whole constitutional vigor, as the sheet anchor of our peace at home and safety abroad.”

Was George Washington a prideful dictator who didn’t care about the rest of the world? Did he perhaps consult with demons and desire to start a world war?

By common sense and reason, Donald Trump arrived at the same conclusion as Washington.  On Monday, the President tweeted:

“Just returned from France where much was accomplished in my meetings with World Leaders. Never easy bringing up the fact that the U.S. must be treated fairly, which it hasn’t, on both Military and Trade. We pay for LARGE portions of other countries military protection… I told them that this situation cannot continue – It is, and always has been, ridiculously unfair to the United States.”

I would add that it is not only ridiculously unfair, but it is unconstitutional, that is to say, unlawful.  Let me say that again in clear certain terms. When Americans allow their government to operate outside of the clear authorizations of the Constitution, things become ridiculously unfair to THESE United States. Therefore our founding fathers made these types of actions by the federal government both unauthorized and illegal. Any congress or president who acts outside of these powers become the adversary to what Washington called “the anchor of our peace at home and safety abroad.”

Make no mistake, our Founding Fathers were not interested in sustaining other countries, nations, or empires with the wealth, citizenry, military, or political infrastructure of America.  They were interested in very few and defined duties which lead to the peace and prosperity of American citizens, who were then free to help the rest of the world with their personal resources and morality. The evidence of this successful thinking can be witnessed in the thousands of missionaries and billions of dollars sent by Christians and non-profit organizations to the underprivileged and poverty stricken of our world.

Washington knew, “’Tis folly in one Nation to look for disinterested favors from another; that it must pay with a portion of its Independence for whatever it may accept under that character; that by such acceptance, it may place itself in the condition of having given equivalents for nominal favours and yet of being reproached with ingratitude for not giving more. There can be no greater error than to expect, or calculate upon real favours from Nation to Nation. ‘Tis an illusion which experience must cure, which a just pride ought to discard.”

I am grateful that experience is finally discarding this illusion in America.

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What Do We Need To Learn From This Election?

Despite being founded on the principle of limited, enumerated powers derived from the will of the people and subject to the transcendent Will of the Creator God, the current government in Washington DC is now a corrupt corporation acting as an organized criminal enterprise. Departing from its roots, wherein it acknowledged the God of the Bible as the Creator and Lawgiver, it has become Godless and grasping and now has its tentacles in virtually every aspect of our lives.

This dilemma is nothing new; it is a byproduct of state worship, commonly known as state-ism and has often been calculated and collaborated by both major political parties. The solution is not to simply elect our favorite political party into power. No political party is America’s savior. While certain political victories may serve to slow down the degradation of our culture, they certainly cannot be the solution to those problems.

Jedidiah Morse, who was a historian, educator, and known as the Father of American Geography, made the following conclusion with regard to our current American conundrum:

“To the kindly influence of Christianity we owe that degree of civil freedom and political and social happiness which mankind now enjoys. All efforts made to destroy the foundations of our Holy Religion ultimately tend to the subversion also of our political freedom and happiness. In proportion as the genuine effects of Christianity are diminished in any nation… in the same proportion will the people of that nation recede from the blessings of genuine freedom… Whenever the pillars of Christianity shall be overthrown, our present republican forms of government — and all the blessings which flow from them — must fall with them.” 83

The Hebrew prophet Jeremiah warned, “Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes man his strength, whose heart turns away from the Lord. He is like a shrub in the desert, and shall not see any good come…” Contrasting this is the promise,  “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water…and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.”

Regardless of the outcome of this current election, the urgent need now is to return to the fixed standards found in the Law of Nature and of Nature’s God. Unless this Godly American agenda lives in the hearts of the people, we are at the mercy of evil and ruthless men.

I love the Constitution, but my work is worthless unless our foundation is the God of the Bible.

President John Adams insisted, “Statesmen, my dear Sir, may plan and speculate for Liberty, but it is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish the Principles upon which Freedom can securely stand… (The people) may change their Rulers and the forms of Government, but they will not obtain a lasting Liberty. They will only exchange Tyrants and Tyrannies.”

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© 2018 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

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The Tragedy Of America Playing Make-Believe

Some things are real. Some things are make-believe. Knowing the difference is critically, crucially important.

If I told you that you could safely drive off a 100-foot cliff at 80 miles an hour because your car would simply float lazily to the earth, I would be telling you something that is not real. If you followed my advice, you would be acting very dangerously and suffer great harm – probably fatal harm. The example I just used is easy to agree with because the physical laws of the universe, like the laws governing gravity and motion, are quite easy for us to discern; but what about the moral laws of the universe?

If you, perchance, have swallowed the notion that these moral laws don’t exist; or that you can invent them and discard them at your will; or if you think that only the ones that you happen to believe in actually apply to you, then you may be careening carelessly toward that cliff.

You see, you don’t break the rules; the rules break you. We would do well to remember that this is true not just for us as individuals, but also for our community and our country.

In my lifetime, my country has allowed the murder of over 50 million of its own children.

In my lifetime, my country has invaded other nation states that did not invade or threaten to invade these United States; and in the process, killing and maiming thousands of American troops and countless innocent occupants of those places.

In my lifetime, my country has allowed its president, its legislature and its courts to lie and steal and commit treason with impunity.

In my lifetime, my country has debased its currency by printing trillions of worthless Federal Reserve Notes that are backed by nothing but foolishness.

Lastly, the law schools of my country have produced thousands of attorneys who have NOT been taught the true Source and nature of law. Many of these are now judges and politicians.

These actions on the part of my country indicate that we are no longer acting in accordance with reality. It is not real to think that a person, or a people, can do these things without disastrous consequences.

Shouldn’t we pay attention to what our founding documents declare? When God made the world he made physical and moral laws. To think or to act as if they don’t exist is make-believe…dangerous…deadly.

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Migrant Caravans, Immigration And Anchor Babies reported: “A growing throng of Central American migrants resumed their advance toward the U.S. border in southern Mexico on Sunday, overwhelming Mexican government attempts to stop them at the border.”

On Monday, President Donald Trump rightly declared that this was a national emergency, assuming this caravan attempts to cross our border illegally.

Perhaps, like many in America, this caravan of people believe the fast track to becoming a citizen is to cross the border and then have a child. In doing so, not only is the child considered an American citizen, but the parents as well because now someone has to take care of that “American” child.

The Mexican government, in a lawsuit against Texas, declared, “The denial of birth certificates to U.S. citizen children born to immigrant parents not only jeopardizes their dignity and well-being, but could threaten the unique relationship between Mexico and Texas.”

Mexico believes these children are instantaneously U.S. citizens as soon as they are born anywhere on U.S. soil.

Rightly named the Father of the Constitution, James Madison asserted, “If the sense in which the Constitution was accepted and ratified by the Nation … be not the guide in expounding it, there can be no security for a faithful exercise of its powers.”

For the purpose of understanding this issue of immigration and citizenship many people look to the Fourteenth Amendment.

So let’s focus on the guide.

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”

The six critical words, “…and subject to the jurisdiction thereof,” lay at the foundation of what we understand to be the jurisdiction phrase:

The Senate debate before the Fourteenth Amendment’s ratification makes clear that the Citizenship Clause’s proponents were careful to preclude any automatic grant of citizenship based only on birth within the territory of the United States.

The primary concern of the amendment’s proponents was the extension of civil rights to recently freed slaves, to forestall any denial of citizenship to freed slaves, and to overturn the Dred Scott decision explicitly.

Introducing the proposed amendment, Senator Jacob Merritt Howard of Michigan believed the Citizenship Clause was “simply declaratory of what I regard as the law of the land already.”

He went on to say specifically whom the law excluded: “This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers.”

It is absurd to reason that, through breaking United States laws and entering and remaining here illegally, an illegal alien has somehow transferred his allegiance from his home country to the United States. It is more absurd still to allege that, by breaking into its territory, the illegal alien subjects himself willingly to the jurisdiction of the nation he has invaded.

If the caravan seeks to avert our border and our laws, then I pose the question: “Should they even be allowed to come into America, let alone stay long enough to give birth to a child, simply so they can manipulate the law and try to remain here illegally?”

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© 2018 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

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Is The Blue Wave Actually A Crime Wave?

The recently reported:

Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams said last week that illegal immigrants — who are not eligible to vote in elections — will be a part of Democrats’ promised “blue wave” in this November’s midterm elections.

Just listen:

“The thing of it is, the blue wave is African American. It is white. It is Latino. It is Asian-Pacific Islander. It is disabled, it is differently abled. It is LGBTQ. It is law enforcement. It is veterans,” Abrams said.

“It is made up of those who’ve been told that they are not worthy of being here. It is comprised of those who are documented and undocumented,” she added.

Undocumented? Isn’t that another way of saying illegal?

Perhaps she is referring to what many of the lawless in America are calling the undocumented “productive” citizens…well…except they aren’t citizens?

So just what kind of movement is this “blue wave?”

You see, until the illegal immigrant is an American, by legal definition they have broken the laws of the land, making them a criminal, and thereby forfeiting their rights to liberty in America.

But criminally entering America is not their only crime.  Before any illegal alien receives his/her first paycheck or cash payment the potential of at least 28 crimes will be committed by him/her.

For example:

  1. Conspiring to cross the border illegally. (1 count)
  2. Hiring a coyote or a drug cartel for guided passage into the USA. (1 count)
  3. Crossing the border with a coyote and in many cases smuggling drugs. (1 count)
  4. Traveling, illegally, to their destination or to a destination determined by their “smuggler.” (1 count)
  5. Obtaining fraudulent documents via identity theft or manufactured documents….driver’s license, green card, social security card, birth certificate (each count a felony). (4 counts)
  6. Look for work using these documents. (1 count)
  7. Fill out work documents falsely, i.e., federal and state IRS forms, SSN forms, immigration forms, workers comp forms (each a separate felony). (6 counts)
  8. Driving on our roads without a legal license, registration, and insurance. (3 counts)
  9. Getting paid via check or under the table, thus conspiring with the employer to defraud the government via the use of false documents. (2 counts)
  10. Opening bank accounts via the use of false documents in violation of federal law and the Patriot Act. (2 counts)
  11. Obtaining housing via the use of false documents. (1 count)
  12. Obtaining a car or truck via the use of false documents. (1 count)
  13. Obtaining healthcare via the use of false documents. (1 count)
  14. Securing public service benefits via the use of false documents – food, housing, healthcare, etc. (3 + counts)

Rather than simply breaking the law by crossing the border illegally, illegal aliens of the “Blue Wave” may be guilty of multiple misdemeanors and criminal acts.  In a relatively short period of time they proliferate their violations of identity theft, conspiracy, obtaining false documents, making false statements, fraud, violation of federal and state and local laws, and perjury.

This  blue wave is sounding to me like a crime wave. This is not American and it is not “productive.”

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The Supreme Court Circus

The recent confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court has many individuals ecstatically relieved and filled with hope. At the same time others are terrified, and, as a result, they are acting like an out-of-control mob.

One of the tragedies of our time is that Senate hearings on Supreme Court nominees have become a circus designed to distract your attention.

Now, I have immense respect for the many thousands of very well intended people who have spent four decades and millions of dollars trying to overturn Roe v Wade.  But I believe, and respectfully suggest, that they have been distracted.

While I believe all Americans, especially Congress, should work hard to nominate justices who will vehemently deny the erroneous and deadly court opinion of Roe v Wade, this alone would not make abortion illegal.

It is generally taught and generally thought that this 1973 ruling made abortion legal in America.  This is NOT TRUE.  Let me repeat this.  Abortion was not legalized by this or any other decision of the Supreme Court or of any court.   Abortion was murder prior to the case of Roe v Wade, and abortion is murder still.

Here are two simple reasons why this is so.  Reason #1: The Law of Nature and Nature’s God, which is operative in all the earth and during all times, specifically forbids the taking of innocent life.  (Please see Exodus 20 and verse 13.)

Reason # 2:  The Constitution doesn’t grant any court the authority to make law.  So the Supreme Court has no authority to “legalize” anything.  They can only render opinions that apply only to the parties before them.

It’s just that simple.  The confusion has come because there are powerful forces that want you to believe that the courts have powers and authorities that they don’t have.  And Roe v Wade is a striking example of this deception.

So, I am saying that the laws against taking innocent lives still exist and they still apply.  They are just NOT being enforced by our state and local governments.

My suggestion is to stop focusing on the circus in Washington and focus on the thousands of local officials who can and should use their valid authority to prevent murder in our communities.

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The Crime Of Bearing False Witness

The Book of Proverbs, chapter 18, verse 17, says this:

“The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him.”

It’s true that we are apt to believe the first story that we hear, especially if it tends to confirm what we already believe, and especially when it’s something that supports our pre-existing agenda.

But this Proverb is a solemn warning to us to be careful to listen to both sides of an issue before making judgment.  More importantly, it requires that the one who is accused must have the opportunity to face and to cross-examine his accuser.

This is and has been a crucial underpinning of our system of justice for centuries.

Regrettably, in the current emotionally charged climate surrounding many accusations in our current culture, this foundational principle of American jurisprudence is abandoned by many.

This is a shame, but it is also a dangerous thing; because to jettison due process and fundamental fairness is to put each and every one of us at risk.

Furthermore, the book of Deuteronomy, chapter 19, verse 18, deals with those who bring false charges against the innocent.  It says this:

“The judges shall inquire diligently, and if the witness is a false witness and has accused his brother falsely, then you shall do to him as he had meant to do to his brother.”

Not only is “thou shalt not bear false witness” one of the Ten Commandments that Moses holds in his hand atop the US Supreme Court building, but it is also one of the firmest props of our Common Law legal system in America.  A system which is based and wholly influenced by God’s Law.

You see, this commandment is a safety mechanism for all society to be protected against unjust criminal prosecution and penalty.  It dissuades parties with personal vendettas and little to no evidence from bringing false accusations for fear that they may wind up on the judgment seat. This, of course, protects the innocent, which is the purpose of the Law.

Now I am sure that most of you reading have been falsely accused —US perhaps you have been accused of something that you not only did not do, but that you would not do and consider to be horrible and heinous?

Well, it happens more often than you might think. And it is a dreadful experience.

Frequently in my travels I have been on the receiving end of many false accusations and if this has happened to you, then I don’t have to tell you that the pain never totally goes away.

The only true healing I have found is by the Blood of the Savior, who also was falsely accused and executed for a crime of which He was innocent.

Regrettably, we are now living through a season of screeching, politically charged accusations demanding justice for the victims of abuse. And if the accusations are true, then punishment is well-deserved so healing can take place.

But the law requires us to “inquire diligently.”  For if these very serious accusations are false, then the accuser is the criminal and the accused is the actual victim.

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Guess What Country Free Speech Is Being Limited to Zones?

In this day and age, many believe that “hate speech” must be controlled or censored by someone or some group. Unfortunately, due to the ignorance of so many in our country, terms like “control” and “regulate” ipso facto refer to government control and government regulation.

Perhaps you are a constitutionally minded individual who believes, like founding father Benjamin Franklin, that “freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free government; when this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved, and tyranny is erected on its ruins.”

No matter what type of political, social, or religious views you may have, it is imperative you understand the government does not grant you free speech.

The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects “the freedom of speech” from infringement by the government. The drafters of the First Amendment carefully referred to it as “the” freedom of speech. This presupposed that free speech had a pre-political existence. An existence that God created; hence, it pre-existed the government.

We must make the distinction that speech is not force; it is merely opinion that needs no physical defense. Yet on many University campuses there appears to be a fear of the First Amendment. For example:

The Students for Life chapter at California State University, Fresno, received permission to chalk pro-life messages around campus in May 2017. But a professor and several students from his class erased the messages. The professor claimed that they had no right to speak outside the speech zone (which does not exist on the campus) and that he had the right to erase their messages. He also proclaimed “college campuses are not free speech areas.”

Chike Uzuegbunam is a student at Georgia Gwinnett College who sought to share his faith with his peers by handing out pamphlets at a plaza on campus. A security guard and librarian said he was not permitted to do this because he was outside the speech zone. Chike then followed school policy to reserve the speech zone, but campus security again silenced him because other students complained. In fact, the University even classified his speech as “disorderly conduct.”

In 2009, The Liberty, a conservative/independent student newspaper at Oregon State University, discovered that its distribution bins on campus were confiscated by the University and thrown in a trash heap.

The founders of America staked their struggle on the ability to speak, assemble, and petition freely.  In fact, there would be no America if there were no First Amendment.

To be fair, freedom of speech has always been a double-edged sword. Constitutional law states few exceptions for free speech, such as speech presenting clear and present danger to national security or public safety; and speech soliciting crime, violence, obscenity, and defamation.

However, colonial scholars – all scholars for that matter – would agree that having absolute emotional insulation and comfort at all times is extremely elementary and it’s anti-intellectual.

“Free speech for me, but not for you,” has always been considered fascism, and that is the antithesis of liberty and America.

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Prof Shoots Himself On Campus In Protest Of Trump, AR-15’s, And Malnutrition

This week I have some bathroom humor that is…well, not funny.

Sociology professor Mark J. Bird brought a gun to the College of Southern Nevada, where he is an emeritus professor. Bird proceeded to enter a bathroom and discharged his weapon into the arm of…. himself.

Bird fired the self-inflicted shot to his arm in protest of Trump and his administration’s policies, including the lack of gun-control measures, malnutrition, and pollution. He had also taped a $100 bill to the bathroom’s mirror to compensate the janitor for the bloody mess he made inside the facility.

Police charged Bird with “discharging a gun within a prohibited structure, carrying a concealed weapon without a permit, and possessing a dangerous weapon on school property.”  That is a lot of broken laws.  It seems ironic that a man so concerned about gun-control laws would break so many in order to force lawmakers to create more.

This follows the same mentality of a child who murders both parents and then pleads with the court that he is an orphan.

I am grieved to say that this mentality has made more and more inroads into our culture today. Since there are no lawful measures authorized by God or the Constitution to fulfill our own agendas, we are willing to break the law — thereby harming ourselves — so we can appear to be a victim of “injustice.” We then try to do away with the law in order to protect ourselves more?

Quite literally, we are shooting ourselves in order to protect ourselves.

Webster’s 1828 dictionary defines the term “derangement” as a “disorder of the intellect or reason; delirium; insanity; as a derangement of the mental organs.”  I only bring this meaning up because I think we all fall victims to this mentality if there were not an independent standard of right and wrong; something our founding fathers called self-evident truths.

Let me explain:

Our Creator, the God of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, created each human being in His image; and He endowed us with unalienable rights of life, liberty, property, and the ability to pursue the happiness of virtue. After sin entered His creation, the need to protect those inestimable rights was now essential; and the Creator assigned certain Laws of Nature that would protect those rights. To break this law is nothing short of war against God and His creation.

The Law is never and can never be used to attack or deny our God-given rights in order to expand them.  That would be like shooting yourself to protect yourself.

In this case, the gun was not the problem; the gun is innocent and so is the God-given, Constitutional Second Amendment right to self-defense.

Violence was in the heart of Mr. Bird, along with so many in America today who war against God, and the consequences are tragically self-inflicting.

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Local Legislator Defends The Unborn With The Law

Just last week Michael Anthony Peroutka, Chairman of the Anne Arundel County Council, introduced RESOLUTION 30-18 recognizing and declaring the humanity of preborn children. The resolution urged the citizens of Anne Arundel County to take all appropriate actions to prevent cruel and inhumane treatment of all human beings, including preborn children, as well as to promote and defend the dignity of all human beings within Anne Arundel County.

When presented with a resolution acknowledging and declaring that children in the womb are human beings, the council voted 4-3 against.

Peroutka then made the statement, “This begs the question… If they don’t think the life inside of the womb is human, then what species do they think it is?”

Despite the fact that the humanity of the pre-born was acknowledged by the President of Planned Parenthood more than 20 years ago, why couldn’t Councilmen Grasso, Pruski, Smith and Trumbauer vote for the obvious?

One woman at the meeting made the following observation and statement:

“As a woman, I was stunned by the utter lack of self-government exhibited by female testifiers and their rudely clapping supporters, all opposing Chairman Peroutka’s Resolution 30-18…I fear for the soul of Anne Arundel County. In that moment we indeed moved from a culture of life to a culture of death. I pray for these councilmen to one day realize that on Judgment Day there will be no attorney to defend their vote, nor any jury.  Only sentencing, with no appeal.  Just like abortion.”

The fact that these councilmen betrayed their oath of office and abandoned their God-given duty is appalling to say the least.  To reiterate Mr. Peroutka’s question, “If they don’t believe life inside of the womb is human, then what species do they think it is?”

When investigators enter a crime scene, they look for evidence of DNA – a strand of hair or a sample of blood — to prove a person was at the location.

This information can be used in a court of law to link a person to a crime because the DNA of each person is never found in any other person.

And, science has proven the DNA of each person is established at conception and reproduced in every cell thereafter. This means that if the DNA in one cell can prove a specific person was present at the crime scene, then the DNA in one cell can prove a specific person is present in the womb.

Moreover, since the DNA of each person is unique, we know that the DNA of the baby is different from the DNA of the mother.

At no time is the baby part of the mother’s body.

Instead, each person starts life as a delicate new creation in need of their mother’s body for protection and nourishment in order to grow until he or she is strong enough to survive outside the womb.

So, every person is a masterpiece, a one-of-a-kind treasure, created for a purpose, to fulfill a mission.

When a person is killed in the womb, then that purpose — that mission — is murdered.  And the world experiences a loss which can never be recovered.

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What Can We Do To Produce Liberty?

Have you ever noticed you can’t only avoid eating unhealthy foods; you must eat nutritious foods?

You can’t only avoid mistreating your wife or children; you must love and care for them as you love yourself.

You can’t only avoid mistreating your employees or those you have authority over; you must treat them with respect and dignity.

Borrowing the wisdom of my friend and Christian patriot, Bob Peck, this simple principle exists in everything in life.  To simply avoid evil is not the answer.  Rather, while steering clear of something that is inherently wicked, you must do the contrary or you will make no progress and inevitably fail.

Just look in our culture today…the negativity of finger pointing, gossiping, complaining, insulting, berating and so on.  Has this behavior ever resulted in lasting motivation for individuals or society itself to reform?

Our Creator designed us by nature to actively pursue what is good. Rather than moral neutrality or standing as a judge and condemning every evil action, God has given us the following solution: “Love your neighbor as yourself,” and, “Overcome evil with good.”

Apply this to American government. The so-called “conservative” movement has spent decades opposing every evil political policy, reckless spending, socialized medicine, Agenda 21, etc. Despite their soapbox condemnation, all those things continue.

Even when we elect supposedly conservative majorities, or Republican majorities, truly good government is never restored. We’re calling out government overreach, but we’re not always advocating for, and leading people in, the works of Christian Constitutionalism.

Conservatism tends to be against something, but rarely is it for something. Perhaps if we spent more time being “for” the works, policies, and teachings of Christian Constitutionalism and working to implement the same, then Christian Constitutionalism would naturally replace all the unconstitutional, ungodly policies without having to continually fight against every manifestation of tyranny.

That is what our Founding Fathers did.

In his diary entry dated February 22, 1756, John Adams, one of the chief instruments God used to produce the Declaration of Independence, wrote:

Suppose a nation in some distant region should take the Bible for their only law book, and every member should regulate his conduct by the precepts there exhibited! Every member would be obliged in conscience, to temperance, frugality, and industry; to justice, kindness, and charity towards his fellow men; and to piety, love and reverence toward Almighty God…What a Utopia, what a Paradise would this region be.

Our Framers believed freedom was impossible without virtue. Neutrality and inaction will not produce this essential virtue. We the People provide virtue by actively and wholeheartedly exercising our religious/Christian values.

In the departing words of his farewell address, George Washington affirmed, “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, Religion and Morality are indispensable supports.

Please understand the role of Christianity in government is to help people become better, freer, and prosperous citizens.

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We Aren’t Talking About Humans, So Why Defund Planned Parenthood?

“My amendment would end funding to Planned Parenthood, but it is being blocked by… Republicans,” Rand Paul said on the Senate floor and on twitter recently. reported recently, “An amendment that would have blocked Planned Parenthood from receiving taxpayer funding was rejected in a 45-48 vote in the Senate on Thursday.”

Why would a bill to defund Planned Parenthood, something that pro-life candidates, namely Republicans, have consistently campaigned on, be stopped by a pro-life, Republican-controlled Senate?

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul answered this question with his own conjecture:

“The truth is that Republican leadership favors bloated government spending more than they care about Planned Parenthood. This appropriations bill before us exceeds the spending caps by nearly $100 billion. Big spending Republicans fear that blocking funding for Planned Parenthood would derail their plans to greatly expand the welfare-warfare state.”

Senator Paul then asked on the Senate floor, “The question is, what is more important to these Republicans? Saving lives or spending money?”

Perhaps our fascination with big military spending and the unconstitutional policing of the world seems so important that some would be willing to compromise the most fundamental right God has given to His creation, the right to Life.

Or is it because these members of the Senate don’t believe it is actually a life in the womb?

Please consider this:

Suppose you are standing at your kitchen sink, looking out the window at the backyard.  Now suppose your five-year-old comes in the room behind you and says

“Hey Mom, can I kill this?”

What is your answer?

Well…what do you need to know before you can answer?

The question you need to ask – the answer you need to know is, “What is THIS?”

Is he holding a spider?

Or is he holding your one-year-old?

Does it matter?

Yes, it matters.

An estimated sixty-million babies have perished in the last forty-five years in America largely due to the successful efforts to dehumanize the preborn.

Our lawmakers, and culture in general, seem to have accepted the idea that a child in the womb who is welcome and wanted is a precious life and a human being. However, at the very same time, a child who is inconvenient is not human and not entitled to the dignity that accompanies humanity, is only a protoplasmic and parasitic intruder on the life and lifestyle of the mother.

This is cognitive dissonance.  This is a rejection of reality and it is crazy.

According to, Planned Parenthood received more than $543 million in the fiscal year 2016-17. And while it is forbidden that taxpayer dollars go directly to funding abortions, it does free up money to perform abortions.

The report cited a Duke University study that found that taxpayers cover nearly 25 percent of abortion costs.  That means one out of four abortions performed by Planned Parenthood are funded by your tax dollars!

I am hoping that before any member of Congress votes on the funding of Planned Parenthood, he or she can answer this question:

“How can two human parents conceive an offspring that is not human, but later becomes human?”

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Do “We the People” Have The Right To Alienate Freedom?

Have you noticed a trend in America that views liberty under God as rebellion to power structures existing in our nation?  Although this is perverse thinking, it is nothing new to Americans.

Before the Declaration of Independence, the First Continental Congress in 1775 issued the Olive Branch petition to King George III. It was an attempt to assert the rights of the colonists that were no longer being recognized by the king while maintaining their loyalty to the British crown. King George not only refused to read the petition, he proclaimed that the colonists had “proceeded to open and avowed rebellion.” He declared his American subjects had been “misled by dangerous and ill designing men, and forgetting the allegiance which they owe to the power that has protected and supported them.”

This week I have pondered the king’s “fight’n words,” and I believe it is time for us to take old principles and make modern applications.

So let’s revisit exactly what caused the despot king to accuse our founders of rebellion. Then we shall consider if what we desire today is truly freedom, or just plain sedition.

The founders believed that England had engaged in a “long train of abuses and usurpations” against the colonies.  This was not a one-time event; the abuses were tirelessly repetitive and protracted.

England abolished colonial charters. The king dissolved colonial legislatures, prevented emigration to colonies, controlled judges, and refused to approve needed laws. This caused the administration of colonial justice to be impossible, while appointing bureaucrats to harass the colonial population.

Then there were the atrocities of the standing armies in the colonies, not subject to control of colonial government, who owned the colonists home, commerce, property, and, sinfully, their wives and daughters.

The king would cut off colonial trade with the rest of the world, deny colonists of the sacred trial by jury transporting colonists for trial in England, and take colonists captive on high seas.

The colonists’ money was stolen from them by a taxation system, because they had no representation to determine the usefulness, fairness, or justness of the tax. This was nothing less than involuntary servitude to a monarch. This monarch then abrogated English Common Law in Canada, setting an example for the same in the colonies.

Our founders concluded that this king was “unfit to be the ruler of a free people,” and, “That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be, Free and Independent States….”

Therefore, with a “Firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence,” the colonists embarked on the tumultuous quest for freedom, knowing, in the words of Thomas Paine, that, “Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.”

Thomas Jefferson believed (and I think you will agree), “The functionaries of every government have propensities to command at will the liberty & property of their constituents. There is no safe deposit for these, but with the people themselves.”

If we judge the founders’ cause just and our desires for this liberty pure, then John Adams has our marching orders. “The right to freedom being the gift of God Almighty, it is not in the power of Man to alienate this gift.”

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Should “In God We Trust” Return To Public Life And Be Backed By Law?

On July 30, 1956, President Dwight Eisenhower signed legislation establishing, “In God We Trust,” as America’s national motto in 36 US Code 302.

According to Fox News, public school officials in Alabama are looking to put God back into their schools through displays of the national motto.

Florida State Rep. David Standridge sponsored the original legislation that gives public bodies the right to display the “In God We Trust” motto. Six state legislatures passed laws mandating that every public school prominently display the U.S. motto, “In God We Trust.” Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Arizona, Louisiana and Tennessee. Minnesota passed a law allowing, but not mandating, that public schools post the motto, and North Carolina law requires the Department of Motor Vehicles to issue optional “In God We Trust” license plates.

Although this legislation is perfectly realistic, practical, and indisputable, there are some in our country like the obscure Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFR) who feel, “It’s a tsunami of Christian national laws in our country right now…With the Republicans in charge of Congress and so many of these states, we are seeing a constant push for theocracy.”

This of course is absurd. A theocratic government, as so many Islamic nations mimic, forces conversion to their religion. While American Government can most definitely enforce the moral conduct laws that God has clearly defined – because God is the Author of Law – Government cannot take from a non-religious man the rights that Nature’s God has granted so long as his behavior stays in line with the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.  When a man breaks a moral law, he forfeits the liberty that law protects.

There are many reasons that America has long been seen as such an exceptional nation — but those reasons are tied to the religious beliefs and the moral principles of the people that established America.

In his Farewell Address, George Washington believed it was appropriate to recognize these religious beliefs and moral principles, claiming;

“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of man and citizens.”

Please understand, while the purpose of Government is not to make a man a Christian, it is to penalize by statute and justice those who seek to inflict violence upon the liberties God has given to man. Government, like a schoolmaster, is to guide a man to the love of the God who gave rights, and who jealously guards those rights with an impenetrable wall of Law.

Government exalts Law because it was given authority from God, and it (government) is a servant of God that will benefit mankind.  If Government were to separate itself from the God who ordained it, it will corrupt, for no man has another man’s interest in mind without the moral constraints given by the God who redeemed mankind.

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