Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin

By John Dyslin

April 14, 2024

“[The Prophet Daniel speaking to King Belshazzar of Babylon:] And this is the writing that was written, Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin. This is the interpretation of the thing: Mene; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it. Tekel; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting. Peres; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.” –Daniel 5:25-28

“Mene mene tekel upharsin.”

These were the words the wicked, self-indulgent king Belshazzar of Babylon saw, but could neither read nor understand, the day his life was demanded of him. He called the old Israelite prophet Daniel out in the middle of the night to read and interpret these words – the ‘writing on the wall.’ We at the end of this Church Age have no need of a living prophet to interpret. We have His Word, His Son, His Holy Spirit, understanding, discernment, right teaching, right preaching, exhortative fellowship, and on and on.

We ought to understand; we ought to know better.

This carcass of a nation received an eclipse – a ‘warning shot’ across the bow of this land – August 21st of 2017. Many threw parties; millions drove to witness the silent, terrifying (if appropriately understood) sign from the heavens.

That eclipse crossed seven US cities named ‘Salem.’ Those cities are not, as some have attested, named for Jerusalem. No; both the root of the name Jerusalem and each of the aforementioned cities are transliterated “shalom,” meaning the Lord Almighty’s perfect, abiding, total peace. Jehovah Shalom, the Lord of Peace.

It’s as if the Lord said, “I’m now (or I will) remove My perfect peace, my Shalom, from this wicked, feral nation, if you do not repent of your despicably wicked ways and turn to me.”

False preachers healing with watered down milk, preaching, “’Peace, peace,’ but there is no peace (Jer. 6:14).” “As a fountain casteth out her waters, so she casteth out her wickedness: violence and spoil is heard in her; before me continually is grief and wounds (Jer. 6:7).” Ancient Jerusalem was playing farm club ball compared to the major league depravity of this Mystery Babylon expanse of rotting filth we’re raising our children in today. Just when I think that things have gotten as bad as I’ve ever seen them, they only get worse.
The Lord promised that,

“*If* my people, which are called by my name, shall
1) humble themselves, and
2) pray, and
3) seek my face, and
4) turn from their wicked ways;
*then* will I
5) hear from heaven, and will
6) forgive their sin, and will
7) heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14).”

Yet there is no repentance, in this depraved, sin-wallowing nation, but even more tragic, there is no repentance in His own house, and from His own children.

We know that “Judgment begins in the house of the Lord (1 Peter 4:17).” And that, if we as believers “are barely saved, what will become of the godless and wicked (1 Peter 4:18)?” It’s as if our house of standing with God is engulfed in flames; meanwhile we’re enjoying our preferred form of circuses and making sure the outside of our social media cup is well-cleaned – while on the inside it is caked with filth, rotten to the core.

A good, if infrequently engaged, friend of mine, Morgan, died Resurrection Sunday. I found out five days later. He choked to death on a piece of steak in a crowded restaurant full of those watching, striving to help, panicking, and possibly streaming for others’ enjoyment. I, who as a giant am well capable of solving such a dilemma, was nowhere around.

I also to this day don’t know – was Morgan saved!?! Did he know the Lord!?! Had he denied himself, and taken up his cross, and followed Jesus Christ daily!?! Missing the opportunity to know, and potentially to share the Gospel with Morgan in tears, haunts me.

So today, as I write, the 8 April 2024 Ninevah eclipse approaches America. This second warning shot bisects seven Ninevahs. In Jonah’s time, following his warning to the city – as well as the Assyrian Eclipse, also called the Bur-Sagale Eclipse, of 15 June 763 BC – that great capital of the Assyrian Empire, from the king on down to the livestock, repented with three days of fasting from both food and water, desperately and fervently seeking the face, and forgiveness, of God. The Lord had pity on the city, relented of his impending judgment, spared Ninevah, and gave them peace for 120 years, and for many, amazingly, salvation.

In the wicked Babylonian King Belshazzar’s time, when the fateful words “Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin” were written, there was no more time. His life was taken that night, as was his kingdom.

The Lord is sovereign; He will do as He wills. He could, in His sovereign grace, wisdom, and mercy, save this wretched, festering nation, compelling depraved, spirit-riddled men and women to fall on their faces before His righteous, ferocious anger and repent in ashes and sackcloth. But I doubt it.

So it seems to me – and I most certainly could be wrong – that we as a nation are on the precipice of the Lord’s holy, perfect, righteous wrath. And if so, I say, Thy will be done. Yet, although this God-sized batch of afflictions is far beyond my capacity to heal, there are things I can do, in my life, and with those around me, walking in obedience and setting my face like flint to be bold in warning those whom I encounter – close friends, family, and strangers alike, as the Lord provides opportunity – to share the Good News of a Risen Savior, Who died so we *might* live, if we repent and believe on His Name, and all the astounding power – dunemis in the Greek, like ‘dynamite’ – that it contains.


How is your standing with the Lord today!?! Anything to repent of? Should you make a special, fasting effort to seek His face and slough off the glittering fool’s gold of this world?

And, who’s a Morgan in your life? Who’s quietly, ignorantly choking to death, spiritually speaking, at the table next to yours, as you look on? Wouldn’t it be worth it, to push through the fear and discomfort, in agreement with your Savior and as the Holy Spirit leads and equips you, to boldly and compassionately share the message of the Gospel with those dying all around you today!?! for no man is promised tomorrow; neither your choking neighbor, nor you to deliver it.

“You have been weighed; you have been measured; and you have been found wanting.”
Don’t let these words apply to you, or your neighbor.

Today, so long as it is called today, run your race in a manner befitting a King Who left His glory in heaven, to become your brother, and to die the death you deserve, that you might live. You, and your neighbor.

“. . . But they that do know their God shall be strong and do their exploits – Daniel 11:32 (b)

© 2024 John Dyslin – All Rights Reserved

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Right on Time

By John Dyslin

April 17, 2023

“…I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure… (Isaiah 46:9-10).

In the Resurrection season we celebrate Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice and victory; we look forward to family gatherings, humble celebration, and for too many the infrequent church sermon.  This is my favorite holy day, as we celebrate Tetelestai!It is finished! – Jesus’ victory on the cross over the tyranny of sin for all who would receive His free gift.

Yet this season also carries an astounding confirmation of the veracity of Jesus’ claim as Messiah.  An ancient foretold historical account – Daniel’s Prophecy of the 70 Weeks – bears not only astounding fulfillment, but gives even the greatest skeptic real reason for joy this season.

“Seventy weeks are determined…to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity…from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks…And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself… (Daniel 9:24-26 selections, for clarity)”

Daniel recorded this prophecy around 550 B.C., long before anyone involved in its fulfillment was even born.

Sir Robert Anderson was an acclaimed Scotland Yard detective in the latter 19th century of formidable intellect and investigative gifts.  He was also a devout believer.  In The Coming Prince Mr. Anderson details years of research pertaining to this prophecy, which I summarize here.

“It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter (Proverbs 25:2).”

  1. Stick with me…

The “70 Weeks prophecy” of Daniel 9:24-27 has some complexity to it; I’m focusing for our purposes on the first 69 weeks of the 70 weeks (“seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks”).  The ‘weeks’ referred to are prophetic ‘weeks,’ or ‘sevens,’ of years.  So, instead of a ‘week’ or ‘seven’ of days, think of 69 weeks here as 69 ‘sevens’ of years – or, 69 x 7 = 483 total years.

As is longstanding Jewish custom, prophetic years are comprised of 360 days.  So, the timeframe proscribed in Daniel’s prophecy is

69 weeks x 7 years/week x 360 days/year = 173,880 days.

So, when does this all start?  Well, secular ancient history gives us the timing of “the going forth of the commandment,” or the issuance of a royal decree, while Jewish prophetic convention begins from the first day of its month’s fulfillment.  The history and backstory are detailed in the Book of Nehemiah, where King Artixerxes Longimanus issues a decree for the Israelites to rebuild Jerusalem.  The date for our calculation, then, is the 1st day of the Jewish month of Nisan, or 14 March, 445 B.C.

I long wondered, Why is this timeframe divided into “seven weeks, and sixty-two weeks?”  The interceding event at the end of the initial 7 weeks or 49 years was two-fold – first, the completion of the restoration of the city of Jerusalem.

Far more dramatically, however, it also marks “the great crisis of Jewish history” – the close of the testimony of the Lord’s prophetic messengers to his chosen people, ending with Malachi.

434 years of haunting silence.

Back to our exploration of the sixty-nine weeks…so what day is pointed to through Daniel’s mysterious prophecy?

The considerations clouding our view through the epochs of time are many and complex, including the mislabeling of 0 A.D. as 1 A.D., all the 5-day additions on Julian versus Jewish prophetic years, leap years, etc., resulting in 476 Julian years plus 24 days (see The Coming Prince for all the gory details).  According to Sir Robert’s exquisitely detailed research, the day at the end of the full 69 weeks (of years) resolves to…the 10th day of Nisan on the Jewish calendar, or Sunday, 6 April, 32 A.D.

We followers of Christ know that day for its unique title – the day of the triumphant entrance into the very City of Peace of the Prince of Peace, Who was greeted by cries of “Hosanna!  Hosanna!”, but who by week’s end would be brutally assassinated and buried in a rich man’s tomb.

Palm Sunday.  The Palm Sunday.  The Matthew 21, John 12, Zechariah 9 Palm Sunday.


Needless to say – the implications of what this means for all of mankind is far-ranging.

If you’re someone who’s been railing against God all these years, blaming Him for your woes – well, He sent His Son Who paid the ultimate price so you could live.  And, Who arrived on the very day the Prince was prophesied, more than half a millennium beforehand.

What more would you have Him do?

If you’re following some cult, a facsimile of the truth that can’t hold a candle to the astounding power and undeniable Truth of Scripture – and Jesus as the hero of it all! – why continue on with a lie?

Run to the One Who died that we all could live.


As demonstrated in the above-detailed prophecy, Jesus the then-coming Messiah literally was right on time.  To the very day prophesied.

Right.  On.  Time.

So we know that the soon-returning same Messiah will be right on time – as always.

For those of us who know the truth, you may have noticed that these days are getting kind of bad.  Well, He told us it would be like this; just go read Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21.  And I could go on (Romans 1; 1 Timothy 4; 2 Timothy 3).

He forewarned us so we wouldn’t worry.

He also said, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world (John 16:33; my emphasis).”

What about you?  Is there something you’re late on?  Something you ought to have done but haven’t?  Thankfully Jesus is a gracious God Who offers us grace.  (Consider the 11th hour workers of the vineyard parable, Matthew 20:1-16.)

Maybe that’s you – alert, aware, alarmed, yet not where you ought to be, nor doing what you know you ought to do.

“A righteous man falling down before the wicked is as a troubled fountain, and a corrupt spring (Proverbs 25:26).”

Find your place on the battlefield.  Get busy with His business to confront and put down evil, lift up and comfort those around you, all while speaking unashamedly of Him.

Let Him worry about your protection, preservation, and provision.  He’s got you in the palm of His hand!   He’ll see you through.

And, when your race is through, He’ll be right on time, again – as He has always been.

© 2023 John Dyslin – All Rights Reserved

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Calling Good Evil

by John Dyslin

February 19, 2023

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter (Isaiah 5:20)!”

Celeste Solum was lovely enough to host me for a little iron-sharpening February 1st.  (You may see the entire discussion here; the relevant segment may be seen here.)

As I was minding my own business on my way to writing a completely different article I noticed I had a comment on the aforementioned interview.

I couldn’t help but take the bait.


Bushmaster76239 – Why God sent people here to take the vaccine and die or be handicapped in 2020 s ?  [sic to all]


Texas Triggerman!  Thanks for engaging.

It’s possible you’re trolling here.  I’m going to take you at face value though, out of grace.

There’s so much unfounded presumption to unpack in your drive-by comment that time does not suffice, but I’ll give it a go.

“God sent people here…”  Even by His detractors’ accounts, The Lord is clearly a God of free will.  “It is not God’s will that ANY man perish, but that ALL might come to a knowledge of the truth…”  God ‘sent people here’ for a multitude of reasons, with the essential, overarching reason being for us to find our way back to Him (see the parable of the prodigal son, Luke 15:11-32).

To accuse the Most High God of indiscriminately feeding folks into a medical woodchipper is, to say the least, careless, and lacks even a fundamental understanding of the Lord of Scripture – regardless of whether you’ve chosen to follow Him or not.

“…to take the vaccine…” – It would be hard to think of anything more ungodly than for ANYONE to send someone to take that, in my educated opinion.  “A prudent man foresees disaster approaching and avoids it, but the foolish continue on and are punished.”

If someone fails to use the common sense God gave them, or ignores it, and does what seems convenient, that’s on their head.  “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him…”

If someone receives any experimental mutagenic injection out of a spirit of fear, well then, that’s entirely out of order relative to what the Lord has freely offered to all.  God exhorts those who follow Him so many times in Scripture to ‘fear not,’ that in the ‘70s David Wilkerson, founder of Times Square Church and author of The Cross and the Switchblade, published a Christian calendar with unique Scripture exhorting the reader not to fear for every day of the year!

After all, “We are given not a spirit of fear, but of POWER, and of love, and of a sound mind.”  For anyone operating out of a fear of man, or the authorities, or death: that didn’t come from God (and we all know who it came from).  Fear of God, well, that’s “the beginning of knowledge,” and produces a whole other response!

“…and die or be handicapped…”  Back to what I said before — the Lord is NOT the force causing this bloodshed.  “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for peace and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

This synthetic plague is the product of our enemy, his demonic minions, and the traitors to humanity who think it’s all a big joke.

“Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?  The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, ‘Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.’

“He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision (Psalm 2:1-3).”

Don’t worry about the demonic hordes who cooked this whole despicable brew up.  Their time is coming, and right soon.  The Lord of Hosts, Jehovah Sabaoth, will definitely square that ledger.


Now, since we’re asking questions, Triggerman, I’ve got one for you.

What “didache demonoia” – doctrine of demons – have you embraced to cause you to ask, possibly unawares, a question brimming with lies?

If you’re sincere, then I have some good news (pun intended) for you!

The Lord God Almighty created this entire world; created time and all those subject to it, so there would be a place, and an age, where men could live for a time and be presented with the opportunity to find their way back to Him (the prodigal son parable).

The linchpin that holds all of human history together – the one event that literally splits the arc of human history, from “Before Christ” to “Anno Domini” – was the arrival, life, ministry, and most especially propitiatory sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  He died so wretched filthy sinners like you and me could live.  So, He Who would sacrifice His own Son (John 3:16) – the fruit of His body for the sin of your soul – is simply void of the bloodthirsty nature you speak of.

You must be thinking of another god – the dragon of Revelation.  He’ll have his hour, but his reckoning is coming soon.  I look forward to my front-row seat (Revelation 19:19).

You’d do well to fall on your face while it is still called today; repent, believe, and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.  The alternative…well, it ain’t pretty.  Weeping and gnashing of teeth territory.

Of course, there’s always the possibility this is / you are a funny troll; that you’re simply entertaining yourself, mocking God and His elect; that this whole effort at response is lost on you.

I pray not!

“Do not be deceived; God will not be mocked.  Whatever you sow, that will you reap.  If you sow to your flesh, from your flesh you’ll reap destruction.  But, if you sow to the Spirit, from the Spirit you’ll reap eternal life (Galatians 6:7-8).”

Either way, as with the engineered pathogenic “treatment” – choose wisely.  There’s more at stake than we can possibly imagine.

© 2023 John Dyslin – All Rights Reserved

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Stuck on ‘Stop’: Don’t Remain Between Two Positions

By John Dyslin

February 12, 2023

“And Elijah came before all the people and said, How long will you halt between two positions?  If the Lord is God, follow him: but if Ba’al, then follow him.  And the people answered him not a word (I Kings 18:21).”

My dear friend Andrew has a remarkable testimony – and a recent season of hesitancy we all could learn from.  (Yes, Andrew granted me permission to share this with you.)

Andrew walks a commendable life of humble faithfulness.  A Brooklyn transplant from Jamaica, he repented years ago of a worldly, lustful lifestyle now working out daily, eating one simple vegetarian meal daily, and rising early each day to pore over Scripture and share verses with over 100 followers.

Over a year ago Andrew became convicted that God desired him to return to Jamaica for a new mission, bringing salt and light to a poor, violent community there.  The Lord has moved remarkably to ‘unencumber’ and open doors for him.  These include leading Andrew to close his training gym of more than twenty years; discontinuing his workout class training; and an amazingly rapid sale of his American home.  He’s even successfully rehomed one of his three dogs.

And yet…

Andrew had been waffling between his past and his future; between two homes, home cities and homelands for well over a year, and has actively put off what he knows he should run to.  He could have made do with his tired Jamaican home, but initiated a remodel.  He ran a scaled-down, relocated gym instead of closing his gym earlier.  He continues to fret over placing his remaining dogs when Jamaican souls are on the line.  (And, if you’re a dog-lover like me, check out what Elisha did with his team of oxen when he determined to follow Elijah in 1 Kings 19:19-21.)  He’s listened to the admonitions and gainsaying of others who plant seeds of fear and doubt.  And – worst of all! – as his path to leave opened wide following his American home sale, Andrew purchased a run-down, rat-infested home here rather than running to his new calling!

As Andrew and I recently sharpened iron through tears, digging through the maddening frustration of his ongoing (and self-inflicted) delays, we unpacked some invaluable truths.

First, though, start with a little grace toward yourself – if a ‘supercharged’ believer such as Andrew can falter and have a hitch in his walk, all of us can.

Stuck on ‘stop.’   Andrew is stuck on ‘stop;’ he’s got a hitch in his giddyup stranding him in this purgatory of in-betweenness that’s bearing limited fruit – except for the fruit of identifying, cutting out, and leaving behind whatever thorns in his side hinder his walk (which is commendable fruit indeed).

Fear as a force divisor.  Warriors teach of force multipliers – tools or tactics that provide and outsized edge versus one’s adversaries.  Well, fear serves to substantially drain one’s effectiveness in living with boldness and purpose.  In Andrew’s case, it manifests as fear of violence, lack of income, and the unknown.

Doubt.  Andrew has at times been beset with seeds of doubt – doubt often planted by others with whom he’s shared his calling.  (The particularly destructive timing of these naysayers, is occasionally downright uncanny.)  Yet many of these doubters aren’t even believers; how much stock should Andrew even put in their opinions?  Even regarding the believing doubters, Andrew’s calling wasn’t for them; who are they to question what God purposed in Andrew’s heart?

Shortfall of childlike excitement.  The Lord clearly tapped Andrew for a mission of consequence to his kinsmen.  What an honor!  I believe if he had even a hint of the joy he’s about to garner he would run forward and never look back.

Hanging on instead of letting go.  Although he’s taken steps, he’s struggling to just…let…go.  To take that step, out into the blue…to close his eyes and fully trust that His faithful Father has him in the palm of His hand.

Enough about Andrew.  Where do you stand?

What two positions are you halting between – between what the world would have you do, what your comfortable past has been, and what the Lord would have you do, and who the Lord would have you be?

What lies does the father of lies (John 8:44) whisper in your ear to sow doubt and disempower you?

How fearlessly would you step into your calling if you truly died to yourself – your comfort, your fears, and your doubts – and utterly trusted in Him instead?

How much smaller is the god of your imaginings, and of the corrupted Laodicean church teachings, than the Most High God, Whose towering, indominable works declared throughout Scripture attest to His absolute dominion over all – including your provision, well-being, and victory?

How far could you go if you laid down your fears and doubts, unreservedly put your faith in your Savior, and stepped fearlessly into what He’s laid on your heart to do?

I declare in Jesus’ name, let TODAY be the day of redemption in your life!  Right now is the moment to break off your shackles of fear, doubt, and faithlessness that have immobilized you!

Redeem the time this very day.

Tonight – before you go to bed –

  • List on paper what ‘hitches’ you have in your life – fears; doubts; shortfalls in faith.
  • Identify one or two (or three!) most important things, big or small, you should do immediately to be a blessing to others and storm the gates of hell.
  • Repent of and ask forgiveness for halting short of God’s will for your life.
  • Resolve to start your day tomorrow, listing in writing one to three tasks that you’ll complete tomorrow that will propel you forward.
  • Wake up tomorrow, get to work – and never look back.

“…choose you this day whom ye will serve…but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15).”

© 2023 John Dyslin – All Rights Reserved

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