Rubio has been one of the most ardent champions for increasing Muslim migration. The U.S. has admitted roughly 1.5 million migrants from Muslim countries since 9/11 on a permanent lifetime basis. Yet Rubio has sought to grow that number vastly. In 2015, Rubio introduced an immigration bill which would have allowed for an unlimited increase in Muslim migration. [Link]
Yep, it was Marco Rubio!
The entire purpose of fast-track is for Congress to surrender its power to the Executive for six years. Legislative concessions include: control over the content of legislation, the power to fully consider that legislation on the floor, the power to keep debate open until Senate cloture is invoked, and the constitutional requirement that treaties receive a two-thirds vote. Legislation cannot even be amended.
By contrast, without fast-track, Congress retains all of its legislative powers, individual members retain all of their procedural tools, and every single line, jot, and tittle of trade text is publicly available before any congressional action is taken. [Link]
When Rubio served as speaker in the Florida House, he stopped bills from coming to the floor that would have deported illegal immigrants in state prisons and that would have denied food stamps to illegal immigrants.
He even stopped a bipartisan proposal that would have allowed the deportation of about 5,000 illegal immigrants in Florida prisons, provided they had served half their sentence and agreed to be deported. Similar legislation saved $141 million and $13 million in prison costs in New York and Arizona.
Watch Rubio Back Cap and Trade:
That outrageous $1.1 Trillion Omnibus Bill funds the most horrendous programs, which also locks in huge spending increases!
remember Kathryn Steinle)
• funds all refugee programs
• funds illegal alien resettlement
• quadruples H-2B foreign worker visas
• funds the release of criminal aliens
• funds tax credits for illegal aliens, and much more
Political Influence
While the Majority Whip of Florida House, Rubio used his official position to urge state regulators to grant a real estate license to his brother-in-law, a convicted cocaine trafficker who had been released from prison 20 months earlier, according to records obtained by The Washington Post. [Link]

Senator Jacob Howard, who introduced the 14th Amendment’s citizenship clause, said its grant of citizenship would not include persons born in the United States who are foreigners or aliens.
The Record Rubio Wants Forgotten
Arming Libyan Rebels
celebrated with the rebels they helped to arm, just a year before these rebels attacked the embassy in Benghazi. We know the rest of the story.
Rubio and H-1B Visas
Link] Moore says Trump is the only one who is standing up to bullies. Dena Moore never realized the laws which were being passed bringing in low wage foreigners to replace American’s jobs.
In 2015, Rubio introduced a bill to triple the number of H-1B visas. This bill—known as the I-Squared bill— was endorsed by Disney CEO, Bob Iger, via his immigration lobbying firm. Disney is also one of Sen. Rubio’s biggest financial boosters– having donated more than $2 million according to Open Secrets.
Donald Trump has taken the opposite stand, exposing what Rubio has done to American workers and calling on Disney to rehire the Americans.
Rubio Loves Amnesty
To win in the 2010 Tea Party Wave, Rubio ran as the anti-amnesty candidate despite an aggressive pro-amnesty record. Politico reports:
Gang of Eight” bill which was amnesty on steroids. It wasn’t surprising, and every single Democrat and liberal in Congress voted for it. However, if the Florida voters had been listening closely prior to electing Marco, they’d have heard him slamming Arizona’s SB 1070 anti-amnesty bill of 2010. Rubio actually likened the bill to creating a “police state.”
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
Chris Crane is ICE Council President, he is a former Marine, and has served with ICE for 13 years. In a recent Breitbart article, Crane tells of his dealings with Gang of Eight, Rubio. Crane was actually ejected from a Gang of Eight press conference, where he tried to ask questions.
He was integral in stopping this legislation from passing, and Sen. Jeff Sessions says it was a near miss.
The Gang of Eight reached out to big business and amnesty lobbyists in writing this horrendous bill, but never reached out to law enforcement. Crane said he never called on law enforcement personnel to tell what is needed and what they go through day after day.
Finally Crane was allowed to meet with Rubio and told him the changes which needed to be made, and Rubio stated he would make those changes. Not one of the changes suggested by law enforcement made it into the bill before Rubio introduced it.

Much more happened when Officer Crane tried to ask questions of the Gang of Eight, at a press conference, and was booed down by pro-amnesty people and ushered out by law enforcement with nary a word from Rubio or any of the other politicians.
But Sen. Rubio and the Gang of Eight gave ICE no additional resources. Why? Because they don’t want interior enforcement. Or I should say the Chamber of Commerce and other special interests involved in writing Sen. Rubio’s bill don’t want interior enforcement.
Last year, ICE was ranked 314th—or dead last— in morale among 314 federal agencies surveyed by the Office of Personnel Management. Survey data for this year indicates morale at ICE continued to drop this year, even though ICE ranked 318 out of 320 agencies surveyed.
ICE is literally crumbling from within, but efforts by Sen. Rubio and the Gang of Eight were clearly more focused on legalizing criminals than assisting this agency in turmoil.

my latest article, was published by I’ve received permission from three people to use their letters to me. I think you’ll enjoy them.
Natural Born Citizen
has agreed to hear a lawsuit on Senator Ted Cruz’s eligibility for president. This virtually ensures that the issue will dominate the news in the run-up in the South Carolina primary.
The best thing that could happen, is that the court would receive copies of Emer de Vattel’s The Law of Nations. I wish someone would get a copy to Mr. Trump as well. Retired attorney, and Constitutional expert, Publius Huldah, has given us a superb explanation of “Natural Born Citizen.” It is only 12 minutes long and describes the law perfectly. Watch it here.
Again, I wish Mr. Trump could listen to this. Remember, the bottom line for eligibility to run for President or Vice President is that you must be born of two American citizen parents.
Trump Loves Veterans, and Veterans Love Trump
From the Honorable Allen B. Clark, Lay Minister to Veterans, came a lovely compliment and a heart wrenching note.
Allen Clark has written two books, Valor in Vietnam, and Wounded Soldier, Healing Warrior. He also has two websites, and Check them out, they look terrific!
The War We Fight
Pocket Resource for Christians, Rattlesnake Road, Exiled: The Story of John Lathrop 1584-1653, and Namesake: Seeking the Living Christ.
The Great and Abominable Church of the Devil by H. Verlan Andersen), ‘God may judge all men by their political beliefs.’ The author goes on to say that ‘our political philosophy is a reliable measure of [our] moral character.’ The book does not have to do with any organized religion, but everything to do with freedom vs. slavery and how good people get duped into buying into the lies. The author is dead now, but he would be firmly against the NWO which is anti-Christian, anti-freedom, anti-family, anti-Constitution, and pro-communism, pro-world rule, and pro-controlling the people and denying them liberty.”

When folks like Dennis Kelly, Allen Clark, and Helene Holt write to me, it keeps me doing what I do. It fills me with hope to know that so many, besides these three, support and love Donald Trump, and that he is filling a void, and he resonates with so very many Americans.
It also makes me weep to know there are so many wonderful Americans just like me. I received many letters in response to the article, SC GOP Leader Says Trump Has Supernatural Power Behind Him, and all but one were very positive about Donald Trump.
The State Chairman of the South Carolina GOP, Matt Moore, was on Fox News this morning, February 17, 2016.
Why The GOP Establishment Hates Donald Trump.
Has God Given Us a Second Chance with Mr. Trump?
See Mr. Trump at a S.C. rally holding up one of my articles a few days ago.
Jonah and Nineveh
They tried to bring the ship to shore, but could not, so they threw Jonah into the sea. Immediately the storm stopped. Jonah was swallowed by a great fish and was in the belly of the beast for three days and three nights.

So, Matt Moore, GOP leader of South Carolina believes Trump has a supernatural power behind him, and I believe that supernatural power is the Lord God who is hearing our prayers for our country. I believe we have a hope for our country in Mr. Trump. God can use whom He chooses to use to answer our prayers. We have an opportunity, a last chance before total destruction, to save our country from disaster, and God has chosen Donald Trump as the vessel who can save us.
Yes, Supernatural powers are behind Trump, as well as the American people who are for the first time in decades, hearing the voice who resonates with them.
James Monroe, speech in the Virginia Ratifying Convention, 1788
according to USA Today.
So when I received a TrumPac notice in my email, I was suspicious. So was the cyber friend who sent it to me.
Who is TrumPac?
Amy Kremer
Kremer speaking at the 2011 Conservative Political Action Conference
Amy Kremer was originally with Tea Party Patriots(TPP), initially organized by FreedomWorks, which was headed by amnesty loving Dick Armey. The two controlling entities of TPP were Mark Meckler and Jenny Beth Martin. Martin still controls TPP, but the infamous Meckler left to become involved in promoting a Constitutional Convention. TPP was infiltrated and neutralized by the neo-cons of the Republican party from the very beginning.
Americans For Prosperity (AFP), another very leftist group posing as conservatives. AFP also funds Constitution Convention promoting American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).
gay marriage and stem-cell research. Doesn’t sound very conservative, does he?!
Kremer states the following on the TrumPac website blog,
This is a blog about Donald Trump and specifically about his campaign to be the next President of the United States of America.
Whether he will make good on this ambition remains to be seen but he’s off to an excellent, if a little controversial start.
This blog will consist of reports on Donald Trump and some of his opponents, both Republican and Democrat.
It is not an “official” Trump report.
It is not vetted by or financially supported by Donald Trump.
It is not vetted by or financially supported by his family.
It is not vetted by or financially supported by his election organization or any of his staff.
It reflects my personal take on things, sometimes complimentary and sometimes critical.
Also I should declare that I am not, never have been, nor do I ever want to be for that matter, a member of the Republican or Democratic Parties.
The Trump Report could be a very short blog, if Donald Trump is not selected as the GOP’s presidential candidate.
On the other hand it could be a much longer one, if he is selected, or runs as a third candidate.
If he goes and gets himself elected President then who knows.
If you like what you read please follow The Trump Report, tell you friends and colleagues and lets (sic) try to generate enough traffic to make it all worthwhile.
Kremer sounds like the establishment republicans in these statements. Trump has filled a vast void that is now being filled with truth for the first time in many decades. This is why he resonates with the people. Controversial? Yes, I guess the truth has become controversial in America with establishment GOP, DNC and MSM, but not with the grassroots Americans.

Anti-Trump Super PAC
Super PAC Against Trump: “If It Bleeds, We Can Kill It.” If you missed it, it’s very short, succinct and to the point. Basically a well-funded super PAC has been set up to run negative ads against the GOP frontrunner, Donald Trump. The “Our Principle Super PAC” is run by Katie Packer, Mitt Romney’s deputy campaign manager. She is supported by a number of GOP leftists, including Willard Romney and John McCain. A Republican run Super PAC just for the sole purpose of taking down another Republican.
Yes, the establishment GOP would rather hand the country over to the corruption of Hillary Clinton or the communism of Bernie Sanders, than win an election with an outsider. One need only watch the numerous GOP debates to see the establishment bias against Trump, if not by the questions and moderators, by stacking the audience with lobbyists for the establishment candidates. My God America! Wake up! This is why we need Mr. Trump as President of the United States!
Surprisingly, someone from Fox actually gets it. Fox host, Eric Bolling, has a message for all the anti-Trump ‘elites’ out there after seeing them endlessly attack and go after Trump.
“Look, establishment, if you truly care about America as I do, Trump’s not your problem. Liberals and socialists are. Why not use that Super PAC money to expose the dark underbelly of liberal politics?”
Watch the video.
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” -Joseph Goebbels
A false witness shall not be unpunished, and [he that] speaketh lies shall not escape. -Proverbs 19:5
Bashing Trump with Eminent Domain
Jeb should have his name legally changed to Hypocrite Bush.
During the pre-New Hampshire ABC GOP presidential debate, Bush slammed Donald Trump on eminent domain. He was playing to a clearly hostile anti-Trump crowd, knowing that the Trump supporters only received 20 tickets for the debate. Jeb used eminent domain as a club to bash The Donald, citing a decades-old case of an elderly Atlantic City lady who refused to sell her
property to Trump, which he wanted for a parking lot. Atlantic City condemned her property, trying to force her to sell, she challenged the condemnation in court and won. Trump quickly abandoned the idea in favor of more willing neighbors who sold their property to Trump for his parking lot, and he paid them quite well for their properties.
As Florida Governor, Jeb Bush loved eminent domain and practiced it.
Jeb Bush and Jesse Hardy
Governor Jeb Bush authorized the State Department of Environmental Protection to begin eminent domain proceedings against an elderly man who just wanted to keep his land.
phone, a satellite dish. He had solar panels on the roof and a big generator out back.
Jesse was a businessman, he ran a limestone quarry on his property that generated considerable revenue. His land, he said, was his life. Jesse Hardy fed bread to the fish in one of the stocked ponds on his land. The ponds were a byproduct of his limestone mining operation.
In 1995, the niece of a family friend gave birth to a premature boy with severe medical problems. Tara Hilton, age 43, and little Tommy had nowhere to go. So they moved in with Hardy, who raised the boy as his son.
Like Tommy, the fish thrived, and Hardy and Hilton said they hatched bigger plans to dig four 20-acre lakes for recreational and commercial use.
Jesse in front of his stocked pond
Then Naples started growing, and encroaching, as the everglades to the east became drier.
(President Bill Clinton and Gov. Jeb Bush met in the Oval Office on Dec. 11, 2000, to launch a $7.8 billion effort to revive the Florida Everglades.)
Hardy paid $60,000 for his 160 acres, valued for tax purposes in 2000, at $860,000. The state offered him $711,725 in 2002. He said no. It offered him $1.2-million in 2003. He said no. $1.5-million? No. $4.5-million? No. No. No.
Hardy settled.
his website
When Jeb was governor of Florida, he ordered backyard citrus trees to all be destroyed without compensation to residents, because of an outbreak of citrus canker disease. This was the largest private property confiscation via eminent domain in the State of Florida. [Link]
He not only ordered seizures by force, but it was Bush himself who refused to reimburse the residents for the property he unlawfully ordered to be removed and destroyed.
Bush’s action is now costing the State of Florida hundreds of millions in lawsuits and legal fees. A south Florida jury has ordered the State of Florida to pay $11.5 million as compensation to 58,225 residents of Broward County. Similar class-action lawsuits took place in Miami-Dade, Palm Beach, Lee, and Orange Counties. The Palm Beach verdict came in at an estimated $16.1 million reimbursement. [Link]
Bush Family Used Eminent Domain
Pensito Review regarding the shenanigans pulled by George W. The article states, “This is exactly the sort of gambit used by former Illinois governor Otto Kerner, who was convicted of tax fraud as a result.” [Link]

vote fraud as well, mostly on the Democratic side, but questions have arisen.
title was, “Ted Cruz Says Voters Don’t Want Attacks—Then Takes Aim at Donald Trump.”
It appears that the GOPe wants Rubio as president, but when Trump jumped into the fray, this created a big block of votes, and the GOPe felt it had to be split. They seem to feel they need to keep Ted in the race for now to hold down the Trump coalition.
Plans to Derail Trump
The Conservative Treehouse documents in detail how the GOPe plan was working as predicted, and how Mr. Trump has thrown a wrench into all their plans. The establishment had to modify everything they were doing when The Donald showed up. Levin, Limbaugh, Beck, Barton, Fox News, and the rest of them are all in on it. With Rand Paul and Santorum dropping out, weight will be thrown behind Cruz first, and then Rubio.
gang of eight” anchor baby Rubio, shows how the GOPe is working hard to oust the one who is not part of their globalist cabal. Oh yes, and Rubio endorsed Mitch McConnell for re-election.
Link] Fox News’ Vice President, Bill Sammon’s daughter, Brooke, is Marco Rubio’s national Press Secretary.
Gang of Eight
Conservative Tree Housetells what Ted Cruz is now doing in South Carolina. One of their readers sent in this information:
“I live in SC, and I received a call from TPC Polling – a push poll against Trump.
The last two questions came after I identified Trump as my candidate. They (recording) asked something about how Trump wanted to work with Putin, and “was that a good idea”?
Then they asked the slanderous question, saying that Trump wants to close veteran-owned small businesses because they made the neighborhood look bad, and does that make me very angry, a little angry, or not angry at all.
After that, the call disconnected.
It would appear Senator Ted Cruz’s campaign is picking up in South Carolina right where his campaign left off in Iowa – same tactics.
Conservative Tree House has stated that it is not Kellyanne Conway’s organization. Her organization was not responsible for this push poll. There is another organization called Target Point Consulting, but we’re not sure they were the push poll organization either. Our apologies to Kellyanne’s organization.
If you read my last article, you understand why the New York Times Co. v. Sullivan Supreme Court decision allows media and public figures to get away with these types of lies, especially when Trump supports the veterans and has for decades.
Lack of Discernment
Republican Howard Baker and Vote Fraud
Link] Suspect? I think so. In today’s world, there are no coincidences.
There is ample proof that twelve Indiana counties have more registered voters than residents. This is also the case in many counties in Ohio. Across the country, there are at least 160 counties spread over nineteen states that have more registered voters than residents.
Most aware Americans know about these breaches, only because of the diligent work of volunteers eager to help the RNC fight back. Since 1982, the RNC has been quiet, but they too are culpable. Their goal is to always elect one of their own establishment hacks.
This agreement between Baker and Byrd came about because Democrats in New Jersey, arguably one of the most corrupt states in America, complained that Republicans had been investigating voter fraud in predominantly minority districts. Among the specific charges was that off-duty police officers posted themselves at polling places to help insure voting integrity. [Link]
The GOP sellout started a long, long time ago.

Voter fraud exists because fawned over, traitorous, Tennessee Senator Howard Baker, sold out the party and the American people. The only way we can counter it is to be precinct workers and watch everything very closely.
Donald Trump has a huge fight on his hands. He needs to come out with both barrels blazing now because the Cruz fanatics will use any subversive and underhanded tactic they can to get the votes.
There is only one hope, and anyone with any discernment and ability to research and read, knows it is the true outsider, businessman, Donald Trump.
A Class Act
People often mistake Donald Trump’s self-confidence for arrogance or even narcissism. But there is not a narcissist on the planet who would have put themselves into a position like Trump did to assist a competing colleague at the latest debate.
The other names continued to be called, and proceeded as mentioned. But not Donald Trump, he remained with his friend thereby reducing the internal anxiety felt by Dr. Carson.
Then, like a boss, when Dr. Carson was called to the stage, Trump waited and allowed Ben to get the audience response and appreciation. It takes a lot of courage to make split second decisions like this, and it shows a remarkable insight into the man’s character.
Make sure you check out The Classiest Debate Moment That No-One Noticed – Never Leave A Good Man Down… This shows the real Mr. Trump, a class act, unlike the rest of the candidates who just walked on by Dr. Carson. Make sure you watch the videos too.
The Stacked Bush Audience
If you watched the February 6th debates, you noticed it was another stacked deck against Trump. This time however, it was far more subtle than it has ever been on Faux News. According to Gateway Pundit, only 20 tickets were sold to Trump supporters. The rest of the audience appeared to be Bush supporters.
Business Insider reported:
Frontrunner, Donald Trump confronted a Republican debate audience who repeatedly booed him during an exchange with former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush:
The audience loudly booed Trump, driving the back-and-forth off the rails. Trump said audience members were all members of the Republican establishment.
The booing continued. Trump said he was self-funding his campaign, so Republican donors weren’t a fan of his candidacy.
“The reason they’re not loving me is I don’t want their money.
Trump was right.
The audience was stacked against the GOP frontrunner.
Trump’s close associate Roger Stone tweeted out that the Trump camp was only given 20 tickets by the GOP!
Jeb Bush Attack
Trump who saved a Georgia family farm, is going to oust a homeowner who doesn’t want to sell? The town tried to condemn her property and take it, but she won the court case and kept her home.
Agenda 21 destroys private property ownership, and the Ford Foundation’s New States Constitution, waiting in the wings to replace our 1787 Constitution, does the same thing.
ABC News anchor David Muir and ABC News chief global affairs correspondent Martha Raddatz were moderators. Additional questions were posed by WMUR political director, Josh McElveen, and conservative blogger, Mary Katharine Ham. The questions were not targeted to destroy a particular candidate as they were in the previous Fox News debates, but the audience was definitely stacked against Trump.
Was it stacked? You bet it was! For Jeb Bush! Nevertheless, Trump came off looking Presidential and answering the questions with perfect aplomb and skill. He was calm, deliberate, and had brilliant answers ready for every subject matter questioned.
Despite the audience being very light on Trump supporters, purposefully only 20, I believe this was one of the better debates so far. If you missed it, you can read the transcript here.
Cruz and Rubio Should Bow Out
Vattel’s The Law of Nations, which defines “natural born citizen” from Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution. There were three copies of The Law of Nations at the 1787 Convention for the very purpose of defining “natural born citizen.”
Proof That Ted Cruz did Not Become an American Citizen at Birth, brings up some valid points.
Marco Rubio is an anchor baby and is not eligible. Despite being born in America, his parents were both Cuban citizens at the time of his birth.
The truth of the Constitution is this. To be eligible to run for President or Vice President in America, you must be born to two American citizen parents. Here again are two great articles on this very subject.
The Elephant in the Constitution that No One References When Dealing with the Natural Born Citizen Issue.
More War With Cruz and Rubio
Foreign Policy Advisors
Several of the Republicans are using the same foreign policy advisors as Hillary Clinton. What’s the difference between Hillary Clinton and globalists like Cruz and Marco Rubio?
Beacon Global was founded in 2013 by former senior officials from the State Department, Department of Defense, and Central Intelligence Agency, and has more than a dozen clients, primarily defense contractors, according to Defense News.
here, and note the last paragraph:
Beacon Global Strategies’ seed funding came from Claude Fontheim, a former Clinton adviser who now serves as a lobbyist to the U.S.-China Exchange Foundation, a nonprofit reportedly used by Chinese government officials and Hong Kong tycoons to shape American policy toward China.
Despite the manipulation of every single debate to destroy Donald Trump, the support for his candidacy keeps growing. He is beholden to none of the groups the globalists are funded by. The people know, and the people want him. The only way this man will not win the nomination, and then presidency, is through fraud and corruption by the Republican party and the phony conservatives who so many people put their faith in falsely.
And guess what? All the polls still show that Trump won this debate too. [Link]
“The difference between a politician and a statesman is that a politician thinks about the next election while the statesman think about the next generation.” — James Freeman Clarke
“Our leaders know we’re turning into a giant ghetto and they are taking every last hubcap they can get their hands on before the rest of us wake up and realize what’s happened.” — Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone (Goldman Sachs)
certain conservative circles, (those who signed onto National Reviews’ ‘Against Trump’) that Donald Trump does next to nothing to help veterans. It turns out Trump has been generous with veterans over the past decades–all it takes is a little more research than those with an ax to grind seem willing to do.
UPI reported in 1995 how Trump was credited with ‘saving’ the New York Veterans Day Parade. The parade that year was marking the fiftieth anniversary of the end of World War II. A 1995 video report archived by Getty Images features Trump speaking about the parade.
Donald Trump with wife Melania and sons Eric and Donald, Jr. Trump holds the Phelps Award as 2008 Honoree of the Year by the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Plaza.
Trump said, “The fact is you have a group of people that has been so tremendous for this country and they’ve been forgotten. And I think that tomorrow they’re going to be remembered.”
This was not Trump’s first time supporting the New York Veterans Day Parade. In 1987 Trump gave $1 million to help the parade when it was in transition, according to a history of the parade reported by Business Insider in 2013. [Link]
candidate. I found it extremely touching. Look at the smile on that veteran’s face!
Why They Can Lie
We can thank the liberal 1964 Warren Supreme Court for a unanimous decision in New York Times Company v. Sullivan. It was argued on January 6-7, 1964, and decided on March 9, 1964. (In a 1962 case, this Court was the one who
ruled that religious prayer in public schools was unconstitutional according to the First Amendment principle of church and state.)
The Warren Court
In August 1962, the Alabama Supreme Court upheld the judgment.
The oral arguments on the case before the US Supreme Court took place in January 1964.
Mr. M. Roland Nachman was the lawyer for the plaintiff, Mr. Sullivan. His daughter, Linda Connelly said, “Daddy said to his colleagues and family, ‘Either I will win the case or they will change the law of the land.’” The law of the land was changed.
The following few paragraphs tell the story:
First and Fourteenth Amendments in a libel action brought by a public official (Sullivan) against critics (NYT’s) of his official conduct. The decision further held that under the proper safeguards the evidence presented in this case is constitutionally insufficient to support the judgment for Sullivan.
And just how does one now prove ACTUAL MALICE?
The Decision:
Thanks to the decision in New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, we now know why they can lie and get away with it.
The ignorance of one voter in a democracy (Republic) impairs the security of all. —John F. Kennedy
Voting is a right best exercised by people who have taken time to learn about the issues. —Tony Snow
As I mentioned in an earlier article, in 1980, Reagan did not attend the last debate before the Iowa Caucus and he lost to George H.W. Bush. This really shocked the nation. When it came to winning the election, he only lost a few states.
In 1996, Bob Dole won the Iowa Caucus. He won the nomination, but lost the election to Bill Clinton. Remember that was the year of Ross Perot as well.
In 2000, George W. Bush won the Republican Iowa Caucus, and went on to be elected president.
John Kerry won the Iowa Caucus in 2004, and was defeated by George W. Bush.
And of course, in 2012, Rick Santorum won the Iowa Caucus, but again, did not make it to the nomination for Republican President. Instead, Willard Mitt Romney won the nomination and then lost to Obama.
Iowa and New Hampshire

Former Presidents
In the last 40 years, just one person has gone on to win the presidency after losing both Iowa and New Hampshire — Bill Clinton.
Eric Draper/AP
Then-Texas Gov. George W. Bush spoke in front of a painting of Jesus Christ during a campaign stop in Colfax, Iowa in 2000. Bush is the only Republican to win Iowa since 1976 and become president.
Republican Nominees
New Hampshire has been better at picking nominees for Republicans. Since 1976 (Gerald Ford won the nomination but lost to Jimmy Carter):
Some Facts
— Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan all lost Iowa but went on to win the presidency.
— Bill Clinton didn’t win either Iowa or New Hampshire in 1992, but was still declared “The Comeback Kid” after his second-place finish in the New Hampshire.
— The person who led the longest in Iowa in the crowded Republican field in 2015, according to the RealClearPolitics average of polls, was … Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker. He led for six months, from February to August, before dropping out because of falling support. Remember when he dropped out, he made the statement that Trump must be defeated.
Praise Jesus then lie like hell
Link] “To have campaigns come out and send emails to their caucus speakers suggesting that Dr. Carson was doing anything but moving forward after tonight is the lowest of low in American politics,” said Carson campaign manager Ed Brookover. [Link]
Check out these cards that were being distributed at caucus locations in Iowa. I think there should be an investigation conducted and the results of the Iowa caucuses declared invalid. Appearances of these cards equates to distribution of campaign materials, since it is clearly an attempt to discredit Trump by showing him associating with the Clintons at his wedding. Not sure who is behind it, Cruz or Rubio, but it is called electioneering to distribute campaign materials at polling places on election day, and it is a major violation of federal election laws.
Globalist Game Plan

I believe with the obvious poll numbers prior to the Iowa Caucus that there is absolutely no way Cruz could have won, nor could Rubio receive the votes he garnered. Many strongly believe that votes were siphoned from Trump and given to Rubio. It has been done before and no one has stopped them.
The Elephant in the Constitution that No One References When Dealing with the Natural Born Citizen Issue.
Pray for our nation, and pray that we do not end up with another globalist in our White House. We need an outsider to try to straighten out this huge myriad of filth that has pervaded our country for dozens of decades.
Link] On Saturday, Paul Pate rebuked Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz’s controversial use of a mailer to encourage turnout at the Feb. 1 caucuses.
Cambridge Analytica Involved?
Mercer alone was the fourth largest individual donor in the 2014 cycle, according to Open Secrets. Mercer is a major financial supporter of the 2016 presidential campaign of Ted Cruz, contributing $11 million to a super PAC associated with the candidate. Cruz used Cambridge Analytica to harvest (I actually hate that word) data on tens of millions of unsuspecting Facebook users. [Link] Researchers at Cambridge University were used to gather detailed psychological profiles about the US electorate using a massive pool of mainly unwitting US Facebook users built with an online survey. [Link]
Ted Cruz’s Iowa Mailers Are More Fraudulent Than Everyone Thinks
She was chairman of the CIA’s advisory board helping the NSA to develop privacy invading spy networks on American citizens after 9/11. Hewlett Packard was the private business that supplied the government with the spy hardware and software. Carly knows everything.
Barack Obama.
memoirs to hand out to his own staff during his successful 2012 Senate race. Ted Cruz has said, ” There are some in the political world that vilify Barack Obama. Personally, I’ve never been one of them.” [Link]
Cruz, however, was defiant to reporters when asked about the mailer in Sioux City, Iowa, on Saturday night.

Can you imagine if this type of flyer were delivered to BLACKS in the SOUTH? Big Brother is watching how you vote?!?!?!?
This flyer is a threatening and intimidating act!!
If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin. —Samuel Adams
Corruption of the Republican Party
McConnell is trying to fast track authorization to give Obama unlimited war powers. One could write a book just on the things the Republicans have done to help Obama get exactly what he wanted through all these years. I can’t name one thing they’ve stopped.
Fox, Trump, and the Spin
Roger Ailes
So Ailes is getting a FREE PASS by the controlled press right now, and they are buying into the official “spin” that the Cruz campaign put out immediately after the fiasco happened.
The real story got out at the very beginning and then there was a spin-filled cover-up. Now Cruz is spinning every possible lie about Trump that he can think of to help himself and destroy Mr. Trump. The electorate seems to be getting wise to these deceptions however.
Here is the video where Mr. Trump tells that it is Roger Ailes who has caused the problem:
Bloomberg reported:
Trump isn’t the first top-tier presidential candidate to skip a debate. Ronald Reagan did not attend a Republican debate ahead of the 1980 Iowa caucuses, which he lost to George H.W. Bush. Reagan went on to the win the
nomination and the presidency, and won in a landslide. See all those red states?!
Megyn Kelly
‘Love-Fest’: Megyn Kelly Blasts Donald Trump, Flirts With Michael Moore, author John Nolte tells of the brilliant planning by Donald Trump. He states, “In short: Trump spent a half-year carefully crafting and building the Narrative that Fox News was out to get him, and with one press release, Roger Ailes blundered right into it.”
love-fest.” The article is well worth the read.
Fox Owners Fair and Balanced? Bah Humbug!
The 60-year-old prince said he had been inspired by the Gates Foundation, set up by Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his wife Melinda in 1997.
Bilderberger Bill Gates and philanthropy? God help us! Gates is all about population reduction, Agenda 21, and eugenics.
Donations to Hillary
Federal Election Commission and Center for Responsive Politicsdata, 21st Century Fox News Corp. has donated more than $3 million to Clinton family accounts. Overall, this lands Fox as the Clinton family’s 9th largest donor.
Greta Van Susteren Poll
Having spent years in advertising, I certainly can imagine the advertisers complaining when they paid for 24 million viewers, and without Trump will only get 3 or 4 million! That is going to hurt!
The Experienced Businessman
Only a fool would walk into a deliberate ambush. Once again, Mr. Donald Trump demonstrates his superior intellect. Fox News outfoxed themselves by over scheming to entrap Trump, but he proved he knew what they were up to and outfoxed them all.
My cyber friend, Bud, had this to say:
1) do not watch the Faux News debate (destroy their ratings/hit them in the purse),
2) drop all support for Glenn Beck and The Blaze (also hit them in the purse, and
3) make Donald Trump the GOP candidate and the next POTUS!!
Veteran Event
Huckabee even says Ted Cruz flip-flops on his positions all the time.) Most folks watched on CSpan. Here is the list of organizations who will receive benefits from
These are the people that also own and control the Federal Reserve and all the Western Central Banks that have held our economy hostage to their New World Order Agenda, robbed us of Constitutional Governance, and relegated our children and grandchildren to debt slavery in a quasi-Marxist Poverty State.
The Caucus starts Monday. Go Trump!
There is no negotiation. Trump said he most likely will hold a competing event during the debate and give any monies to veterans.
Megyn Kelly Interviews Glenn Beck
Here is a part of that interview.
Her next guest was a pro-Trump person who was on for five minutes and continually interrupted by Kelly. Fair and balanced my backside!
National Review “Against Trump” garbage lead a debate between you two. Get Real! And all three of these yahoos, Cruz, Beck, and Levin want a Constitutional Convention…birds of a destructive feather flock together. God help us if the good people don’t see through this and wake up, and soon!
Google and Foux Add Three Trump Haters to the Debate
According to an article on Breitbart, Fox News has invited three YouTube personalities to ask questions at the Jan. 28 GOP debate — including a Muslim advocate who describes Donald Trump as a bigot and visually portrayed him as being in agreement with national socialist Adolf Hitler.

Google and Fox announced Tuesday afternoon that an anti-Trump Muslim advocate, Nabela Noor, would be allowed to play a role in the debate. She was apparently chosen by Youtube, with help from the RNC and Fox. African American, Mark Watson, and Latino, Dulce Candy —will also join the moderators in the debate to ask the candidates a question on an issue that matters to them and their communities.
Last August during the first debate, Megyn Kelly made an absolute fool of herself with her rancorous attitude toward Donald Trump. Even the questions were structured to attack the man. Everyone who tuned in to that first debate saw her in action. It has become so obvious that Fox News and Megyn Kelly are the RNC mouthpieces out to destroy Donald Trump.
Pray for Donald Trump and our country.
Beck, Barton and Cruz
Link] Really Beck? You really believe that?
On January 23, 2016, Breitbart reported that Glenn Beck administered a mock presidential “oath of office” to Senator Ted Cruz as he endorsed him on
stage—and Cruz got the oath wrong when he took it. Beck and Barton are in Iowa campaigning for Cruz. The desperation of these people is becoming absolutely comedic. Beck even told the crowd he prefers democratic socialist, Bernie Sanders, over Trump. [Link]
We Are the Lifeboat of The World’: Beck Pleads Cruz Rally To Accept Even ‘Marxist Atheists’ Because ‘They Renew Us‘, reported in Breitbart’s latest article. Really Glenn? Then we should be extremely renewed after seven years of Obama.
Top Glenn Beck Execs Leave to Start New Venture,” it states:
Last year, (2014) Beck tried and failed to strike a deal with CNN. During that time, he attempted to moderate his image for television executives. He apologized for his inflammatory comments about Obama. As Breitbart News noted, Beck started positioning himself toward the political center, bashing Americans who were against illegal immigration during last summer’s border crisis. Trying to distance himself from politics, he also proclaimed on CNN that he would rather be Walt Disney than Edward R. Murrow or Rush Limbaugh.
endorsed Ted Cruz, and Cruz announced it himself.
Cruz, Barton, and Beck are all for a Constitutional Convention, and by now most folks understand there is a very dark purpose in wanting a Con-con. The promoters state that changing the Constitution will make politicians obey it, but in reality changing it will only succeed in destroying the freedoms granted by our founders. Instead, force them to obey what we have, or vote them out! Cruz supporter, Mark Levin wants a Con-con, and the son of his fiancé is a full time staffer for Senator Cruz.
Megyn Kelly, National Review, and Weekly Standard
The hatred for Trump continues from the GOPe at Fox News.
Conservatives Against Trump” article. Kelly had all the political piranhas in a feeding frenzy trying to destroy Mr. Trump.
William F. Buckley, Pied Piper for the Establishment, by John McManus, documents everything I’ve stated, as well as referencing the sources. Today, Rich Lowry is the editor of National Review. He was appointed by Buckley in 1992.
The Weekly Standard is edited by founder, Bilderberger William Kristol, and sidekick, Fred Barnes. It has never been profitable, but has stayed in circulation by its benefactor, CFR member, Rupert Murdoch, owner of Fox News, and WSJ.
Megyn Kelly first showed Sarah Palin endorsing Mr. Trump. By the way, Willie Robertson of Duck Dynasty has also endorsed Donald Trump. As well, Michelle Wiles – one of the Palmetto State’s most influential conservative activists – is leaving the South Carolina leadership team of Ted Cruz and joining the
campaign of Donald Trump. [Link]
Reminder – Donald Trump’s 2016 NRO Critics Were President Obama’s 2009 Fan-Boys…, it states:

Since June ’15, on almost every issue those same pundits have now openly aligned themselves with GOPe agenda items like global trade, tax policy, big government spending, and advocacy to including advancement of Speaker Paul ‘Omnibus’ Ryan.
However, a sharp reader, DrudgeAddict, smartly points out these same voices were the exact group who gathered together in an exclusive meeting with President Obama in 2009 to sing his praises after the ’08 election. Including :
• George Will
• Michael Barone
• David Brooks
• Charles Krauthammer
• Bill Kristol
• Lawrence Kudlow
• Rich Lowry
• Peggy Noonan
The post-meeting/dinner report in The New Yorker Magazine holds the quotes told by the glowing participants of their time with President Obama. Check it out!
Libertarian David Boaz who also writes for National Review
• L. Brent Bozell III, owns Media Research Center, his wife is the sister of William F. Buckley, and he too writes for National Review. He claims he is not a Republican.
• Mona Charen former regular commentator on CNN and author for National Review.
• Ben Domenech who blogs for editor Erick Erickson’s Red State, also writes for National Review.
• Erick Erickson, Red State, was also a commentator on CNN, and left to become a commentator on Fox News.
• Steven Hayward, writes for Weekly Standard, National Review, NY Times, Los Angeles Daily News, Cleveland Plain Dealer, etc.
• Mark Helprin, Council on Foreign Relations member, writes for The New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the Atlantic Monthly, the NewCriterion, the National Review, and American Heritage.
• Bilderberger Bill Kristol, son of Trotskyite Irving Kristol.
• Yuval Levin, The New Republic has dubbed Levin “the right’s new Irving Kristol, God help us, just what we need, another Trotskyite (slow Marxist). Levin writes for National Review and Weekly Standard.
• Blaze employee Dana Loesch, Blaze is owned by Glenn Beck.
• Andrew McCarthy, another columnist for National Review.
• Club for Growth‘s David McIntosh who backs Cruz because both are for open borders, which Ted needs as president to pass the North American Union, which his wife helped to write at the Council on Foreign Relations.
• Michael Medved, radio host, commentator.
• Edwin Meese III, member of secretive Council for National Policy and sits on the board of controlled opposition, Heritage Foundation.
• Russell Moore of the Manhattan Declaration led by CFR member and UNESCO promoter Robert George, communitarian.
• Michael Mukasey who has advised the Jeb Bush campaign, was US Attorney General for George W. Bush 2007-2009.
• Katie Pavlich, National Review Washington fellow, writes for Townhall, Fox News contributor.
• John Podhoretz, contributes to National Review and Weekly Standard
• R.R. Reno, editor of First Things
• Thomas Sowell who, in his 20s was a Marxist. Sadly, Tom is like the rest of them.
• and USA Today columnist and Fox News contributor, Cal Thomas.
Note, most of the signees are contributors to National Review or Fox News.
Who is Climbing in Bed With Whom?
Brilliant researcher, writer, and expert on heretical doctrines, Sarah Leslie, tells it plainly:
The Neo-Cons really didn’t control the Charismatic Dominionists — until now. The Neo-Cons had to make inroads into the Charismatics, some of which were impassable due to the insular nature of the elites in the New Apostolic Reformation. And part of the problem, frankly, is that the Neo-Cons are hardened rational atheist type MEN. They really didn’t appeal to the touchy-feely experientialism of the Charismatics.

But the mainstreaming that we’ve been warning about on the Herescope blog is finally happening. The Neo Cons are a nasty group with a bad agenda, and they tend to alienate everyone by their excessive controlling agendas. They share a common mandate with Dominionists to rule the world.
Many on the Religious Right do not like the Neo-Cons — there is a long history of dislike. So Trump seems to be currently appealing to a group of people who are not beholden to the Neo-Cons, may have had no
previous experience with them, or who may be the ones who have a long history of warning about their agenda.
The fact that the Neo-Cons are now going to bed with Bickle, Beck, and Cruz is a scary development. Neither group tolerates anything but 100% compliance with their message and mandate.
Remember, a false friend is far more dangerous than an open enemy. This is what we have today and frankly, it gives me the willies.
Vote Trump, and pray for him and our country.
But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even
denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. -2 Peter 2:1
Yugo, and make them think they bought a Cadillac. However, Ted wasn’t so slick in college, where his roommate, Craig Mazin, now a successful screenwriter, tells what people thought of Ted back then. Mazin called Ted a creepy, greasy 18 year old. Obviously, between then and now, Ted Cruz has polished his act.
Drop Dead Ted.”
Ted Gives Carly Fiorina $500,000
Keep the Promise I ($11 million PAC, June) was funded mostly by donor, Robert Mercer, owner of Cambridge Analytica. It was Cruz’s Keep the Promise I PAC that gave Carly Fiorina $500,000. Did Cruz PAC give Carly $500,000 to help his data mining agenda with Cambridge Analytica which creates psychometric dossiers on American citizens? Cruz Partners with Donors ‘Psychographic’ Firm.
She was chairman of the CIA’s advisory board helping the NSA to develop privacy invading spy networks on American citizens after 9/11. Hewlett Packard was the private business that supplied the government with the spy hardware and software. Carly knows everything.
Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
As Ted Cruz tells it, the story of how he financed his upstart campaign for the U.S. Senate four years ago is an endearing example of loyalty and shared sacrifice between a married couple. “Sweetheart, I’d like us to liquidate our entire net worth, liquid net worth, and put it into the campaign,” he says he told his wife, Heidi, who readily agreed. [Link] But it was a lie.
revealed that Ted Cruz and his wife secured a significantly large loan from Mrs. Cruz’s employer and Wall Street financial giant Goldman Sachs to fund Ted’s Senate campaign. Likely aware that even Texas voters would see the hypocrisy in taking Wall Street money while criticizing Wall Street, Cruz failed to disclose that loan and one from Citibank as required in his campaign finance reports. [Link]
This picture appeared in the Cleveland Plain Dealer on Sunday, January 17th.
Cruz is Left of Center
ESEA and end federal involvement in education. S. 306 does the opposite and creates a NEW entitlement and tightens the noose on home and private schooled students.
• Ted Cruz is pushing UN AGENDA 21 New World Order goals, This one is called the WILDLANDS PROJECT! He is coming in through a partial truth in the back of your heart – that states want their federal confiscated lands returned. He then is on your side. Then he says – states have to maintain these and if they can’t THEY CAN SELL THEM. So the land will be sold to foreign entities for minerals and logging etc. We the people lose our resources and our land. This is all part of the Wildlands Project to aggregate the land into NWO globalists hands and steal it from the people. [Link]
Huffington Post.
• What is more than interesting is the Ted Cruz fund raiser by Mary Matalin and James Carville at their home in New Orleans. [Link]
Link] Cruz will be very beholden to Dominionist Farris, especially since Farris has endorsed him. [Link]
• Senator Cruz is just another puppet of the establishment. What do you really expect from a Bush lawyer and advisor with a Goldman Sachs/Council on Foreign Relations Bush advisor wife, who just so happened to co-write the CFR’s blueprint for the North American Union? This man even argued in his own amicus brief to the Supreme Court that assault weapons bans in certain states are “reasonable regulations” for crying out loud.
Rafael Cruz
Link] In fact, Cuban peers dispute Rafael’s story of fighting for Castro. [Link]
Purifying Fire Ministries was founded by Suzanne Hinn, ex-wife and then wife again of Trinity Broadcasting Network televangelist, Benny Hinn. (Watch Suzanne Hinn preach about the Holy Ghost Enema). Hinn is a preacher of the Prosperity Gospel (also known as Word of Faith), a false teaching that Christians can receive massive amounts of wealth, physical healing from illness, beauty, fame, miracles, and financial prosperity by “sowing a seed” or sending money to Hinn’s ministry.
New Apostolic Reform, (NAR) or Dominionism.
Phony Christian Right
Paul Weyrich, the grand poobah of the secretive Council for National Policy, first president of the Heritage Foundation (controlled opposition), head of Free Congress Foundation, and founder of American Legislative Exchange Council.
New Apostolic Reformation. That movement is really a rebranding of what we know as the “Religious Right,” as they were called in the days of Reagan, but with a 21st century dominionist twist. Rafael was a member of the Religious Roundtable in the 1980s, an activist group of Christians who were committed to engagement in politics. Ed McAteer was head of the Roundtable, and he and many other Dominionists signed the notorious Coalition on Revival manifesto. [Link]
Rafael boasts in the following interview of serving on the state board of that organization as well as stating that God has his son, Ted, destined for greatness:
Iowa Renewal Project — David Lane. Lane’s project is heavily funded by Don Wildmon’s Dominionist organization, American Family Association. Another pastor laying hands on Senator Cruz was David Barton, former vice chairman of the Texas GOP, who is a very close friend of Ted Cruz. [Link]

• Ted Cruz, Dominionism and Jesus
• Crazy Ted Cruz
• Rafael Cruz Declares Son Ted Cruz ‘The Anointed One’
• Why Walid Shoebat is Against Ted Cruz
If you are unsure what Christian Dominion Theology is, but would not wish to live in a modern theocracy complete with the death penalty for LGBT persons, stoning of heretics, adulterers and the like, then you need to read up on the belief system here: Dominion Theology.
For all his allure as an outsider, Canada-born Ted Cruz is in fact an insider playing a role similar to the one Barack Obama played back in 2008 when his handlers portrayed him as the hope and change candidate out of nowhere. Ted Cruz set out to be an elitist from the very beginning.
LinkedIn profile. She also served as an economic advisor for the Bush administration. In 2011, a Cruz campaign spokesman portrayed Heidi as “an expert on North American trade,” in other words she is savvy when it comes to globalist transnational trade deals like NAFTA, the single most destructive government move against the American worker in history. Remember Heidi Cruz is also a co-author of the North American Union which totally destroys American sovereignty, and she spent five years at the CFR drafting the NAU. Link Want to hear a bunch of bunk from Ted Cruz about his wife’s involvement with the CFR when he was running for the Senate? Watch the below video:
Gay Marriage
In June, 2015, Ted Cruz promised on NPR that opposition to gay marriage would be “front and center” in his 2016 campaign. In July, Cruz called the decision from the Supreme Court, “the very definition of tyranny.”
However, in December, it turns out that in a closed door fund-raiser, Cruz assured attendees that overturning gay marriage wouldn’t be among his top priorities as President. In this Politico article, you can listen to the secret tape from a New York fundraiser.
When it comes to immigration, Cruz has had a hard-line response, until it looked like the political winds were shifting in favor of legalization, and a pathway to legal status for immigrants already within the country. On Fox News, in 2013, he changed his stance to earnestly support that legal pathway. The original video was scrubbed from the internet. However, watch this recent interview with Bret Baier asking Cruz about his flip flopping stances on amnesty.
CfG spent $3.3 million on attack ads against Donald Trump because he refused to donate $1 million to them, and for good reason.
In fact, for every hard line in the sand that Cruz has said he won’t cross, he’s gleefully stepped over when the politics of the moment called for it. Defunding Planned Parenthood? Not so much now. Repealing Obamacare? It’s the law of the land. Stopping the Iran deal? The deal got done. The list of hard stances Cruz has earnestly taken and subsequently abandoned goes on and on, just as he earnestly supports everything that he’s saying at that very moment. Like Machine Gun bacon, which still isn’t a thing in Texas.
If you need any further convincing of the scale of Cruz’s ego, you only have to check out the over 15 hours of B-Roll footage his campaign has made available on Youtube. The part where his mom gives him an epic eye-roll when he claims she spends hours a day in prayer over him is the best.
Another example of the legendary scale of Cruz’s ego, shortly after an inappropriate cartoon lampooning Ted Cruz for trotting out his young daughters as political props was published, he sent out an email decrying the attack against his family and asked for more money to help defend his kids.
Ted Cruz Wants a Con-Con
Facebook page and wrote, “Mark’s book sparks an important discussion about how to fix the problems that face our Republic.” As well, check out Ted’s article in the National Review where he promotes a Convention.
AMAC, which is heavily advertised by neo-con, Laura Ingraham. [Link] Many believe these people and organizations are true Conservatives. Some may be misguided, but I highly doubt it.
North American Union would be yet another collective regional government, a new North American Soviet, that would clearly be the enemy of United States sovereignty.
If you do not understand the dangers of a Constitutional Convention today, with all the leftists in power on both sides of the aisle, and the faux conservatives pushing this destruction, then please avail yourself of the many articles on same by Publius Huldah, the John Birch Society, Phyllis Schlafly, and many others, including the Father of our Constitution, James Madison.
Woolsey was a national security specialist and former Director of the CIA under the Clinton administration. He heads up many Neoconservative groups including being the Chairman of the Foundation for Defence of Democracies, and Founding Member of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
More than just academic advocacy of the military-industrial complex and the global deployment of American troops to force democracy on the world, Woolsey has no problem putting the noose around those who act against the growth of the government.
In a December 2013 interview with Fox News, Woolsey made the following shocking statement when asked about NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: “I think giving him amnesty is idiotic,” Woolsey said. “He should be prosecuted for treason. If convicted by a jury of his peers, he should be hanged by his neck until he is dead.” [Link]
That’s not just think-tank rhetoric, that’s reign-of-terror-type talk.
The Partnership for a Secure America Discusses Climate Change on Capitol Hill
In This Photo: Wayne Gilchrest, James Woolsey
Former CIA Director James Woolsey (L) and former U.S. Rep. Wayne Gilchrest (R-MD) discuss climate change during a briefing on Capitol Hill in February of 2013 in Washington, D.C. The briefing was hosted by the Partnership for a Secure America to discuss a letter signed by 35 national security experts on the threat of climate change. (Note the leftists on the advisory board of PSA)
Ted Cruz’s choice of Elliot Abrams to help craft his foreign policy is disappointing. Like his colleagues on Cruz’s council, Abrams is a leader in the neocon world, and he is a leader of what is perhaps the most powerful and pernicious group in the neocon network: the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
Elliott Abrams, Speaking at CPAC, Feb., 2012
While the CFR is the most notorious of the associations of Abrams, it isn’t the only one. He is also a member (or former member) of the Center for Security Policy, Hudson Institute, National Endowment for Democracy, and many more.
It is likely that it is because of the membership of Abrams in the CFR that George W. Bush chose him to be his deputy national security adviser for Global Democratic Strategy, and that Ted Cruz has chosen to follow his advice on questions of foreign policy. Remember Iran-Contra? Abrams was pardoned for his involvement in same by George H.W. Bush.
In fact, it is probably the experience of all these people that compelled Ted Cruz to choose them to be his closest advisors.

check out this article by Coach Collins. All the data is available at
A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. -James 1:8
It is unfortunate that Christians have so little discernment, or even the desire to research the presidential candidates, and they continue to believe everything they spew. Sadly, this is why our country has ended up in such a disastrous state. Truly, the church is a very big part of the problem.
Cruz Donors
Cruz Donors Accused of Money Laundering, Helping Tax Cheats, Pro-Amnesty Revisionist History,” Collins lists the nefarious donors to Cruz’s campaign and what they might want in return. Then he lists the sources for each of the donors. There is quite an
amazing array of globalists who are behind Ted Cruz and buying his favors. Also see, In Accepting Campaign Cash, Cruz is Just Like Everyone Else, Which is Exactly the Problem.
Cruz on Trade Agreements
Cruz undoubtedly agrees with his friend, Henry Kissinger, on trade. (Kissinger was also part of the NAU Task Force like wife Heidi). On January 24, 2015, Cruz said that he is for “fast tracking” trade agreements and supports Obama doing same. Apparently Cruz cares little about American jobs, and even less about American sovereignty, but of course, this was before he decided to run for President.
Obviously Mr. Cruz has not seen the decimation of ranchers, family farms, and manufacturing in America since the passing of NAFTA! The loss of middle class jobs is astronomical. And our trade deficit tells a whole different story than Cruz tells.
The entire purpose of fast-track is for Congress to surrender its power to the Executive for six years. Legislative concessions include: control over the content of legislation, the power to fully consider that legislation on the floor, the power to keep debate open until Senate cloture is invoked, and the constitutional requirement that treaties receive a two-thirds vote. Legislation cannot even be amended.
By contrast, without fast-track, Congress retains all of its legislative powers, individual members retain all of their procedural tools, and every single line, jot, and tittle of trade text is publicly available before any congressional action is taken. [Link]
Once Cruz decided he was running for president and found out that the American people did not even want this horrid new trade deal, he backtracked on everything and actually voted against fast tracking. Can you say flip-flop? [Link], [Link], [Link]
In a procedural vote on June 23, the Senate passed fast-track once again, 60-38. More power was handed over to this dictatorial Marxist Muslim in our White House.
The Cruz Family
Link] Ted’s parents were divorced in 1997. [Link]
Cruz and the Phony Religious Right
While at Princeton, Cruz came under the tutelage of Professor Robert George. George is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations who poses as a conservative Christian while serving common core loving, UNESCO, and the CFR’s agenda. He was also a signatory of the Manhattan Declaration. George met regularly with Cruz and advised him on his senior thesis, an analysis of the history and meaning of the 9th and 10th amendments. [Link]
The September 8, 2013 Politico story from Stephanie Simon documented U.S. Senator Ted Cruz’ very close ties to pseudo-historian David Barton (one of the more influential national middle-aged leaders on the Christian right). Let’s take a quick look at David Barton.
It is important that we understand just exactly what Barton, Rafael Cruz, and other so-called evangelicals who support Ted Cruz, actually believe. Why? Because their doctrine is considered wholly unorthodox, and it is just a bit too close to Islam for me.
Barton’s endorsement of Cruz was widely seen as a big boost for his upstart campaign to represent Texas in the U.S. Senate. He also campaigned for Florida Senator Marco Rubio in 2010 and has long backed Texas Governor Rick Perry. Perry’s ties to the Dominionist, New Apostolic Reform were evident at his August, 2011 prayer fest, (organized by American Family Association, who are also Dominionists), prior to his announcement as a presidential candidate. [Link]
Mr. Barton, whose academic degree is in Christian Education from Oral Roberts University, has been labeled a biased amateur who cherry-picks quotes from history and the Bible. Both secular critics and Christian scholars have denounced Barton as a fraud who manipulates and misrepresents history to serve his political goals. In his book, The Jefferson Lies, he portrayed Jefferson as an orthodox Christian. Barton is considered a fraudulent historian and has been called out by actual conservative Christians. [Link]
In a shocking interview with Jon Stewart, in May of 2011, Barton is totally comfortable with Shariah law and claims it is compatible with our Constitution. (Scroll to 8:20 in the video)
On November, 2013, David Barton sat in for Glenn Beck on his program. He spent the entire hour on the Constitution, and on an Article V call for a convention. Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz are also both supporting a Constitutional Convention.
It is not surprising that David Barton is a Cruz supporter, as he and Ted Cruz’s father, Rafael Cruz, are dominionists who believe in the Seven Mountains mandate. This fits well with both Barton’s and Cruz’s belief systems wherein a Christian theocracy should rule. Here and here are definitions of Dominionism/Reconstructionism (D/R).
D/Rs wants a theocracy, leaders for America who are Christian Dominionists. They also want a theonomy. Critics see theonomy as a significant form of Dominion theology, which they define as a type of theocracy. Theonomyposits that the Biblical Law is applicable to civil law, and theonomists propose Biblical law as the standard by which the laws of nations may be measured, and to which they ought to be conformed. They also believe in the 613 Old Testament Mosaic Laws, other than a few dietary restrictions. They even believe in Old Testament stoning of law breakers/sinners, which Biblical Israel did very rarely. Reconstructionists provide the most enthusiastic constituency for stoning since the Taliban seized Kabul. Denial of future repentance and faith is quite obvious, which is what both Old and New Testaments teach.
For an overview of what D/R leaders like Dr. Gary North believe and have written, see part 21 of Enemies on the Left, False Friends on the Right.
Pastor Kevin Swanson Wants to Execute Homosexuals
Ted Cruz Will Have to Answer For His Own Rev. Wright, And Dodging the Question Won’t Cut It“…
On Friday, November 6, 2015 Cruz attended a campaign rally in Des Moines, Iowa, hosted by a Colorado pastor who frequently calls for putting gay people to death. The Pastor, Kevin Swanson, is well known for calling for Christians to execute homosexuals just the same as the Islamists do and Hitler’s Nazi Germany did. Pastor Swanson has accused the Catholic Church of wanting to “legitimize” child molestation saying, “The Catholic Church will never be able to legitimize pederasty.”
Cruz knew exactly who Pastor Swanson is and what he is all about, but denied any knowledge of the man’s past statements. Swanson has been calling for the execution of gays since as far back as July of 2012. Just as Westboro Baptist Church members do, Swanson believes, “Christians should hold up signs at gay weddings holding up the Leviticus verse, instructing the faithful to put gays to death because what they do is an abomination.” This is exactly the type of talk we hear from Islamists: “Kill those we don’t like or you are now people we don’t like.” Catholics do not believe in murdering homosexuals so this explains why Pastor Swanson hates the Catholic Church.

Cruz Supporter, Farris Wilks
prominent faith leaders (including David Barton, James Robison, and John Hagee) at the ranch of Texas tycoon, Farris Wilks. Wilks supports most of the phony rightwing groups in the secretive Council for National Policy. Farris and his brother Dan have donated $15 million to a super PAC which supports Cruz. Cameras and recording devices were not allowed at the Wilks ranch when Cruz spoke, so only God and attendees know what was said at the event. However, one might be able to get an idea of how Cruz views God’s role in American politics by reviewing his associations.
False teachers are an abomination and a stench in the nostrils of Jehovah God. They are anathema. They deny the Cross of Christ and repentance.
Republican Party who has served as the 55th Governor of New Jersey since January 2010. He is a moderate leftist Republican, not a Constitutional conservative. Christie earned a J.D. at Seton Hall University School of Law. He is married to Mary Pat Foster, who is currently a managing director at the Wall Street investment firm Angelo, Gordon & Co.
Governor Christie has not yet declared his candidacy for President in 2016, but said he would announce a decision by late May or early June.
Fort Lee Lane Closure Scandal (Bridgegate)
Mark Sokolich (D) for not endorsing Christie in the 2013 gubernatorial election. [Link]
The former Port Authority official who personally oversaw the lane closings at the George Washington Bridge, central to the scandal which swirled around Governor Christie, said that “evidence exists” that the governor knew about the closings when they were happening.
United States Attorney for the District of New Jersey and the New Jersey Legislature are ongoing.
Beware of Abu Christie
publicly ranted against Jews and in support of funding Hamas, a U.S. government–designated terror organization, and on the eve of his deportation hearing for not hiding an Israeli conviction for membership in Hamas. And, in a June 2007 sermon at the ICPC, Imam Qatanani condemned Christians to “eternal hellfire.” He is an advocate of Islamic blasphemy laws that criminalize criticism of Islam. In addition, Christie designated a top aide, Assistant U.S. Attorney Charles McKenna, to testify as a character witness for Qatanani.
Investigative journalist, Daniel Greenfield, reports that, “despite the fact that Mohammed Qatanani was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, the organization that is behind both al-Qaeda and Hamas, despite his own guilty plea to being a member of Hamas, and despite the fact that even in the United States, he had defended a charity that provided funds to children of suicide bombers (this is done as an incentive to reassure terrorists that if they die their families will be taken care of), Qatanani was not deported.”
Imam Mohammed Qatanani greets his supporters outside the Peter Rodino Federal Office Building in Newark last June after testifying in his deportation trial. Photo by Walter Ruby
successfully represented Fenton to get his job back.
defendingPalestinian Islamic Jihad operative Sami Al-Arian (his indictment, Mohammed said, was “nothing but a witch-hunt”), and helping Qatanani’s legal defense. Mohammed established himself not just as the Islamists’ lawyer, but as one of them.
Armanious family, Coptic Christians massacred in Jersey City in 2005. A cover-up of the facts in this case is alleged.
Christie ridiculed the lawmakers, “Sharia law has nothing to do with this appointment of Mohammed at all. It’s crazy. It’s crazy. . . . So, this Sharia law business is crap. It’s just crazy. And I’m tired of dealing with the crazies. I mean, you know, it’s just unnecessary to be accusing this guy of things just because of his religious background.” For this outburst, unsurprisingly, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) thanked and applauded Christie.
Governor Chris Christie attends the Swearing-In Ceremony for Sohail Mohammed as New Jersey Superior Court Judge at the Passaic County Courthouse in Paterson, N.J. on Tuesday, July 26, 2011.
CAIR excoriated many of its critics in its 2013 ‘Islamophobia” report, but the group also had a ‘Best List’ of Muslim-sympathizers which included New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. Here is the full report. Other inductees on the “best list” are Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL), Rais Bhulyan, CNN’s Anderson Cooper, Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-CA), Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), Rep. Yvette Clark (D-NY), Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-LA), Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS), Rep. Laura Richardson (D-CA), Wired magazine’s Spencer Ackerman, and former Congressman Hansen Clarke (D-MI). Notice the rest are all Democrats.
Senator Jeffrey Chiesa
Clarion Project broke the story that four Islamists belong to Attorney General Chiesa’s Muslim Outreach Committee. One member, Imam Mohammad Qatanani, has a long and close relationship with New Jersey Governor Christie.

Imam Mohammad Qatanani, who deportation is sought by the DHS for not disclosing on his green card application that he was arrested and convicted by Israel in 1993, for his involvement with Hamas.
Ahmed Shedeed, a fervent supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood and President of the Islamic Center of Jersey City, a mosque with a history of Islamist leadership. Its website (which was recently removed because of a 2014 fire in the mosque) contained disturbing statements about jihad, the West, wife beating and polygamy.
Imam Abdul Basit of the New Brunswick Islamic Center, a mosque founded by a radical cleric. In July, it held a Brotherhood-linked seminar featuring multiple extremist speakers.
There is far more one could expose regarding Governor Christie, but suffice to say, his snuggling with all the Islamists is enough to eliminate him from the 2016 GOP presidential race.
- The “Christmas Thing”, 12-25-15
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