Khizr Khan exploits his son’s death to attack Trump

Muslims are allowed to lie to unbelievers in order to defeat them. There are two forms:

verse 5:32 (that if anyone kills “it shall be as if he had killed all mankind”) while neglecting to mention that the rest of the verse (and the next) mandate murder in undefined cases of “corruption” and “mischief.” 

Know When to Hold Them, Know When to Fold Them

I have been blessed to get inside the Trump Organization and speak to a great number of Trump’s people. I absolutely believe this man will do everything he can to straighten out our country and bring her back to a semblance of decency. I also love Mr. Trump, because I’ve done so much research on him. Having said that, he needs to know when to hold them, and know when to fold them, a la Kenny Rogers. He needs to know when to counterpunch and when to leave it alone. He should have told Mr. Khan, “I’m sorry your son died. I was against this middle east war, and had I been president, your son would still be alive today.”

The commie democrats and neo-con republicans don’t care about us or the Muslims infiltrating this country, they care only about power and money. The interests of the American citizens are not even in their scripted lies and propaganda to the American people! They don’t even mention it!

Hillary Hires Khan to Attack Trump

Khizr Khan caused a sensation the last night of the DNC convention when he and his wife took the stage (a stage with a wall around it), and challenged Donald J. Trump’s proposed ban on Muslim immigration. He even asked Mr. Trump if he had ever read the Constitution, and then stated that Mr. Trump had never sacrificed anything or anyone. 

He said that Trump has a black soul. Well, Mr. Khan, Trump’s soul is probably the purest and most Godly soul we’ve seen in a Presidential candidate in decades. I wouldn’t even venture what kind of soul belongs to Hillary Clinton or Islamic terrorists. Actions speak so much louder than words, Mr. Khan!

Trump took sharp offense, saying that, “While I feel deeply for the loss of his son, Mr. Khan who has never met me, has no right to stand in front of millions of people and claim I have never read the Constitution, (which is false) and say many other inaccurate things.” 

In previous remarks, Trump has acknowledged the positive contributions of most Muslims, while focusing on the need to fight radical Islamic terror.

Of course Mr. Khan never made any mention of radical Islam or terrorists who for hundreds of years have attacked and brutally murdered innocent men, women and children and even animals. According to a recent Breitbart article, Khan claimed that terrorists have nothing to do with Islam. I have to wonder if Mr. Khan has ever read the Hadith or Quran. 

He also falsely claimed that the Constitution does not allow a ban on Muslim immigration, and walls on our borders are unconstitutional. 

The audience immediately reacted with applause. However, Khan apparently chose to disregard the American legal system which operates under the Constitution. The president actually does have the authority to implement such an immigration ban. Democrat Jimmy Carter used it when he banned Iranians from entering our country in 1980. (Not to mention Theodore Roosevelt and Dwight D. Eisenhower)

Title 8, Section 1182(f) specifically states:

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.

The 1952 McCarren-Walter Act, motivated by concerns over communist subversion also allows for restrictions. This law was written by two Democrats and required immigrants to be of good moral character, to honor and uphold the principles of the Constitution, and to assimilate into American society. Only those who were willing to accept these conditions were allowed into the country.

Gold Star Mothers

Mrs. Khan, is a Gold Star mother, and as such she is off limits for any comments. I find it sad that after 12 years she couldn’t have said something about her son while she was on the stage with her husband. All Gold Star mothers are highly respected by veterans as well as they should be by all Americans. 

Humayun S. M. Khan, posthumously awarded the Purple Heart and Bronze Star, was just 27 years old when he was killed in Operation Iraqi Freedom on June 8th, 2004 by a taxi car bomb that exploded in his base. According to the Department of Defense Captain Khan was an exemplary soldier, and served the US military with distinction. He saved the lives of those around him telling them to “hit the dirt” moving toward the speeding vehicle to intercept it.

Hillary on Sean Smith’s Mother, Patricia

When Hillary called Patricia Smith a liar after her speech at the RNC convention, where Mrs. Smith stated that Hillary lied to her, the media and DNC colluded to besmirch Mrs. Smith. She lost her son, Sean, because Hillary Clinton and the administration refused to send much needed help to Benghazi. It is just fine for the media to attack one mother who has lost a child because of the incompetence and disregard for human life of this administration and Hillary Clinton in particular.

However, because Mr. Trump intimated that Mrs. Khan didn’t speak because she’s a good Muslim wife, his statement created a whirlwind of controversy, as though he’d attacked a Gold Star mother, which is not what he was doing or saying at all. He knows full well that in Islam, women are second-class citizens, and that is what he was referring to with only her husband speaking at the convention.

The double-standard is glaring and so very obvious. Hillary, whose negligence contributed to Sean Smith’s death, essentially called Patricia Smith a liar on national TV, and few in the media objected. Some, in fact, joined Clinton’s attack. And what was done to Sean Smith’s mother when she lost her son because of Hillary’s incompetence, is far worse than anything Mr. Trump has said.

Just Who is Khizr Khan?

Khizr Khan Believes the Constitution ‘Must Always Be Subordinated to the Sharia’.

accused of selling US citizenship.

Remember that Hillary Clinton has received $25 million plus from the Saudi’s through the Clinton Foundation. 

reported by Walid Shoebat, used to work at the law firm Hogan Lovells, LLP, a major D.C. law firm that has been on retainer as the law firm representing the government of Saudi Arabia in the United States for years, which the Washington Free Beacon exposed weeks ago. 

This same firm handles Hillary Clinton’s taxes and has since 2004, and is also connected to the email scandal. They think they’re fooling us…no way.

What The Media Is Not Telling You About the Muslim Who Attacked Donald Trump: He Is A Muslim Brotherhood Agent Who Wants To Advance Sharia Law And Bring Muslims Into The United States.

The article states that Khan is a promoter of Islamic Sharia Law in the U.S. He was a co-founder of the Journal of Contemporary Issues in Muslim Law (Islamic Sharia). Khan’s fascination with Islamic Sharia stems from his life in Saudi Arabia. During the eighties, Khan wrote a paper titled Juristic Classification of Islamic [Sharia] Law. In it he elucidated on the system of Sharia law expressing his reverence for “The Sunnah [the works of Muhammad] — authentic tradition of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).”

Khizr Khan wrote that any writings on judicial matters “must always be subordinated to the Shari’ah and open to reconsideration by all Muslims.”

Should this connection give us pause? Absolutely, it should!!!!!!

Despite what David Barton or Khan may believe, Sharia Law and the Constitution are not compatible.


In an effort toward clarification, Donald Trump released a statement:

“Captain Humayun Khan was a hero to our country, and we should honor all who have made the ultimate sacrifice to keep our country safe. The real problems here are the radical Islamic terrorists who killed him, and the efforts of these radicals to enter our country to do us further harm. Given the state of the world today, we have to know everything about those looking to enter our country, and given the state of chaos in some of these countries, that is impossible.”

A Blue Star mother wrote a letter to Mr. Khan that was brutal in its response. Here is that letter, and it needs to be read by every American who loves freedom and liberty. Please let me know that you’ve read it!

Mr. Trump is again right, and righteous! He holds us all to a higher standard for the citizens of our country.

Donald J. Trump upset the applecart of racism 30 years ago

All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy and hope. —Winston Churchill

Both of the above quotes belong to Donald Trump because of his actions over 30 years ago when he purchased Mar-a-Lago, a 28-room, 70-year-old mansion built by cereal heiress Marjorie Merriweather Post. Trump paid about $7 million for the 17-acre property.

Mar-a-Lago was one of the centers of upper crust social circles in Palm Beach. It was where old money would meet and party and give to charities at elite social functions. This old money was mostly inherited and trust fund wealth. 

Donald Trump’s Palm Beach story is much like the 1947 movie, Gentleman’s Agreement with Gregory Peck, Dorothy McGuire, and one of my favorite actresses, Celeste Holm. In the movie, Greg Peck is the journalist assigned to write a series of articles on anti-Semitism. Searching for an angle, he finally decides to pose as a Jew, and soon discovers what it is like to be a victim of religious intolerance.

No “Gentleman’s Agreement” for Trump

Mr. Trump has waged successful battles against anti-Semitism and racism over the decades. He challenged Palm Beach society by using the legal system to overturn institutional discrimination when he purchased Mar-a-Lago and changed Palm Beach society.

So what exactly happened in Palm Beach, Florida? In a 1997 WSJ article, it told about Donald Trump’s upsetting the old order of things in the then-racist Palm Beach elites. In 1987, James Jennings Sheeran, the publisher of the Palm Beach society magazine, estimated that approximately 65% of the residents lived on inherited or trust fund monies. He claims that today only about 25% do. He said it was a nice clean senior citizen community, but now there is junk bond money all over the place.

Another society writer states that she doesn’t go to Mar-a-Lago because it doesn’t attract high-end money. Really? The snobbery is anathema to Donald Trump’s beliefs and attitudes.

Trump Battles the City

In the early 1990’s as a way to combat the $3 million yearly maintenance costs, Trump decided to divide the Mar-a-Lago property into smaller lots for residential development. That started the first battle with the city. Palm Beach had earlier approved such a plan from another developer, but rejected Trump’s plan.

Trump sued the city for $50 million, but then later dropped the suit when he decided to turn Mar-a-Lago into a private club. The city agreed, but told him he couldn’t have more than 500 members. When the club opened, the city was appalled because Trump wasn’t catering to old established money, but to new money and to younger people.

Trump had asked the city to lift other restrictions on the club, but they had not. His lawyer sent each of the council members a copy of “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner,” a film that deals with upper class racism. He even asked certain council members not to vote because of their membership in other clubs, because it was a conflict of interest.

When the council refused, Trump filed a $100 million suit alleging that the discrimination against Mar-a-Lago was because it allowed Jews and African Americans as members of the club.

Of course, the town denied the allegations saying it was merely a matter of zoning!

Trump Changes Palm Beach Society

Gradually, things started to change in Palm Beach, and Jewish and African Americans were admitted to other clubs. But back in the late 90s, when a group decided to hold a meeting at Mar-a-Lago, they’d receive threatening letters and emails. Nevertheless, their meetings were well attended.

Estelle Curran, from the older set of wealthy, stated, “Mr. Trump has made so much trouble in this town. A lot of people feel that if we boycott the place, we won’t help him make money.”

They sure didn’t like the change brought by Donald Trump to Palm Beach, but Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League said this, “He put the light on Palm Beach, not on the beauty and the glitter, but on its seamier side of discrimination. It has an impact.”

Mr. Foxman said that Jewish residents have told him how the clubs in Palm Beach have changed. Most have begun to admit Jewish patrons and people of color. One who was well known for its discriminatory behavior, actually named a Jewish resident as its chief officer.

The Real Donald J. Trump

website. She is also an African American.

Blue collar billionaire, Trump, tells the American people at all his rallies that he loves them, and he truly does!

Ted Cruz, Obama, and the RNC convention

Ted Cruz Flies on Air Force One with Obama

Sen. Cruz refused to endorse Donald Trump, but spent hours in a plane with those working to destroy America from the inside out? Potentially troubling implications to be sure…Why would Ted Cruz spend hours in Air Force One with the Obama’s and Iranian Muslim, Valerie Jarrett? 

The junior senator from Texas was invited to fly down to Dallas aboard Air Force One and he accepted the invitation to the Dallas Police Memorial, according to the Dallas Morning News

The Senator also made sure he got a picture of himself next to the Seal on Air Force One.

according to the Hill. “I have Democrat friends and Republican friends. I get along with almost everyone,” he said. “But I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life.”

Trump’s Plane Interrupts Cruz Speech

When Cruz was addressing delegates in Cleveland during the day of his speech at the Convention, Donald Trump’s plane flew in and interrupted the speech. Obviously Cruz wasn’t too happy about it, but it was rather humorous. Watch the short video.

Ted’s Lack of Class at RNC Convention

Donald Trump offered Ted Cruz an olive branch and a prime time opportunity to speak at the Convention. Cruz showed his true colors.

Kasich, Bush, and Cruz are not endorsing the RNC nominee. They would rather open the door to a Hillary Clinton win, not only because of their globalist agendas, but because they are so self-aggrandizing, that they don’t care one whit about the country and our children’s futures. Their interests are all in their own self-promotion.

At the close of Ted’s selfish speech on Wednesday night, the Convention delegates were chanting, “ENDORSE TRUMP! ENDORSE TRUMP! ENDORSE TRUMP!” Then came the loud BOOS! Cruz did not endorse Donald J. Trump, and his speech went over like a lead balloon.

Here is a video of the full speech, at 18:52 he states, “We deserve leaders who stand for principles, who unite us all behind shared values, who cast aside anger for love.” (Really Teddy? You aren’t casting aside anger for love. You’re actually so full of bitterness that it spews from you like a broken water pipe.)

He continued, “If you love our country, and love your children as much as I know that you do, stand and speak and vote your conscience.” He continued and said we needed candidates faithful to the Constitution. 

(ENDORSE TRUMPwas repeated over and over again, because the delegates knew what ‘vote your conscience’ meant. If Cruz was actually faithful to the Constitution, he wouldn’t even have run for the office of Senate, much less President of the US.)

Then Ted says, “I appreciate the enthusiasm of the NY delegation.” 

Wait the hell a minute Ted, it was the entire 50 states of delegates screaming, “ENDORSE TRUMP!!!!!!!”

“We will unite the party, we will unite the party, by standing together for shared values, by standing for liberty. At this point, we see Trump standing in the audience and clapping. 

There was no endorsement by Cruz of the Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump. The entire audience booed as he left the stage.

Heidi Cruz left the Convention during Cruz’s speech to the shouts and jeers of “Goldman Sachs!” She was escorted out by security. 

Trump Knew About Speech Changes

There were reports that Cruz went to a cocktail party, hosted by Donald Trump, before the convention cranked up, and he started breaking glasses before he left! So, he was angry and bitter prior to stepping on the stage.

The speech Cruz turned into the RNC was approved, but two hours before his speech, he decided to change it. Trump left it alone. He certainly couldn’t pull Cruz’s time slot at this point, so he gave him the rope, and Cruz used it to hang himself. The day after the Convention, Trump thanked his volunteers and mentioned Cruz’s speech.

The Fallout was Huge

Matt Drudge tweeted, “Cruz condemned to Republican hell.” 

Sheldon Adelson had invited Cruz up to his suite after the speech. However, after Cruz’s speech, Adelson rescinded the invitation and blocked Cruz at the door. Cruz was stopped at the door by several attendees inside the suite who were furious with his decision to not endorse Trump. An aide to Adelson then confirmed that Cruz was turned away. Senators inside the suite stated that Cruz was not welcome in the suite. One senator said, “because he’s a piece of sh*t.” 

Mike Huckabee posted several comments on his Facebook page, 

Ted Cruz chose to not keep his word that he (along with me and every other GOP candidate) gave one year ago in that very arena where tonight he put his own ambitions above country.

Donald Trump did something no previous nominee has done—he allowed Ted Cruz to speak without his promising to support the nominee. I’ve spoken at every convention since 1992, and I can attest to the fact that no one got near that stage without supporting the nominee. Trump trusted Ted and was rewarded with a betrayal, but the delegates in that arena booed Cruz off the stage and out of Cleveland.

Ted Cruz walked in tall, and walked out small.

Reports from Convention delegates state that Ted and Heidi were booed when seen entering their hotel suite, and the next morning, Mr. Cruz was booed by members of the Texas delegation at a breakfast.

The Latest Bomb Against Cruz

Reports are showing that Rick Perry, three term Governor of Texas, may be considering throwing his cowboy hat in to primary Ted Cruz in Texas. [Link]
Rick Perry and conservatives are outraged at Ted, who has done nothing in the Senate aside from advancing his failed Presidential campaign. He continued that anyone who does not want to sign on to help Trump is helping presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s race for the White House.

Top Donors Slam Cruz

Hedge-fund billionaire Robert Mercer and his daughter, Rebekah, issued a rare public statement, slamming Cruz, who suggested during his convention appearance that Republicans “vote their conscience.” Mercer had donated $13 million to the Cruz PAC.

In a statement, the Mercers said:

Last summer and again this year, Senator Ted Cruz pledged to support the candidacy of the nominee of the Republican Party whomever that nominee might be. We are profoundly disappointed that on Wednesday night he chose to disregard this pledge.

The Bitter and Divisive Ted Cruz

Facebook page is telling people how many states allow write-in candidates and that they can write in his name. In doing so, he is urging his supporters to vote for him, thus taking votes from Trump. This very well could lead to a Hillary Clinton win in the electoral college. He has since changed the page, but a portion is still available at the above link. There are literally dozens of pages urging Ted Cruz as a write-in candidate.

Cruz carries a Bible in one hand claiming he’s a devout believer, but in the other hand, he carries a knife, always ready to use it on his perceived enemies.

He rose to the top, but now has thrown his reputation down the drain. Remember the old saying that cream rises to the top. Well, it does. I remember my grandmother putting the pasteurized milk in her refrigerator. Once it cooled, the cream was poured off the top. However, on the very top of the cream was scum. That scum was scrapped off and went down the drain as useless.

Proverbs 16:18 says it best, “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.”

We have our Presidential nominee, and it is Donald J. Trump!

Trump to repeal 501c-3 clergy-muzzling Johnson amendment

“Under the First Amendment, the pastor has the right to determine what is said from the pulpit, not the IRS.” —David Fiorazo

Trump says “No More Restrictions on free speech for clergy!” Here’s the latest from Donald John Trump.

Trump to Overturn The Johnson Amendment

In the following Trump rally of 16 July 16, where Mr. Trump introduced Gov. Pence as his running mate, he also talked about the 1954 Johnson Amendment. This is the law which restricted American clergy’s ability to speak about political candidates from their pulpits. It was an amendment to the tax-exempt status (501c3) which stated that if clergy preached politics from the pulpit, they could lose their 501c3 exempt status.

At about 13:20, in the video, Mr. Trump speaks about this first amendment right and how it was muzzled by the Johnson Law of 1954. Trump stated that he told evangelicals, “We’re going to do something that no one has even tried to do.” He goes on to say the platform of the Republican party now contains the plan to repeal this first amendment muzzle on America’s clergy. 

In the video, Mr. Trump says that he had many great religious leaders up to his Trump Tower office to speak with him many times. He asked these leaders, “Why is it that you’re so powerful as an individual and yet when you get out there, you are rather timid?” He said they didn’t know how to answer the question. Trump stated it took two or three meetings before he figured it out. He said the following:

“One great, great gentleman who everybody knows, but whose name I will not reveal, said, ‘Mr. Trump, we live in fear in our churches and our synagogues, we live in fear that we’re going to lose our tax-exempt status if we say anything that’s even slightly political.’ And I looked out the window. I was in Trump Tower, and I pointed to people walking down the street. I said, well they have the right to speak and you don’t, but that means they’re more powerful than you are. We have to do something about it.” 

Trump asked this gentleman, “How did it start? How did it start? And he said it started with Lyndon Johnson, and he actually had a problem in Texas with a certain religious leader, and he did this, and he got it done. And we’re going to undo it, so that religious leaders in this country, and those unbelievable people, and not because they backed me in unbelievable numbers, but so that religion can again have a voice, because religion’s voice has been taken away. And we’re going to change that, okay!”

The Agenda to Silence Christians

The 1954 Johnson Amendment, passed by Congress, stated that non-profits, Christian churches and organizations, could not speak in favor of any political candidate despite the prohibition stated in the First Amendment of our Bill of Rights.

This event paved the way for the increased squelching of free speech, and because of the confusion and misinformation about the law, many religious leaders have been unnecessarily self-censoring for over six decades. They are not only censoring on political candidates, but on any political subject matter. Because of their fear of the IRS, and their misunderstanding of the actual amendment, the pulpits have literally shut down their comments on anything happening in society via state or government politics. They are absolutely frozen in fear when it comes to talking about the Bible as it relates to cultural, political, fiscal, and social issues, which all fall under the category of moral issues. 

In Radio Host, David Fiorazo’s book, The Cost of Our Silence, he explains what happened:

“Texas Democrat, Lyndon B. Johnson, was a powerful politician running for reelection as Senator, but two anti-communist, tax-exempt groups were opposing him and passing out literature during the campaigns. He contacted the IRS and found the group’s activity was legal, so he sought other options to fight them.

Johnson shrewdly appeared on the Senate floor on July 2, 1954, and offered his amendment to a pending, massive, tax code overhaul bill. The bill was supposed to modernize the tax code. Records indicate an absence of committee hearings on the amendment. No legislative analysis took place to examine the effect the bill and the amendment would have, particularly on churches and religious organizations. The amendment was simply created to protect Johnson.

The Johnson Amendment was passed by Congress as an amendment to section 501c3 of the federal tax code… stating entities that are exempt from federal income tax cannot “Participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of – or in opposition to – any candidate for public office.”

The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ.

Worse yet, the Johnson amendment succeeded in turning the churches into agents of the state. Leftist and liberal organizations and unions have all been allowed to promote, endorse and fund candidates of their liking. This is the failure of our justice system, and has resulted in silencing and neutering our pulpits. I know so many sound doctrine Christians who no longer attend services, and it is because they feel their pulpits are like those described in Jeremiah 23:1. 

Trump Phones Falwell

On the morning of 13 July 16, Donald J. Trump called Jerry Falwell, Jr. and woke him up with news he’s long waited to hear. The new Republican platform, the GOP nominee told Falwell, calls for the repeal of a half-century-old tax law prohibiting churches and tax-exempt institutions from political organizing. 

“He was so excited,” Falwell says. “After 30 years of the so-called conservative leaders who have been elected by evangelicals, none of them thought to advocate for the repeal of the Johnson amendment, giving evangelical leaders political free speech. … He thinks it is going to be a revolution in the Christian world.”

The Trump campaign move to include this in the Republican platform has been hailed as a major call to all religious and tax exempt institutions to get out the vote for Trump. 

“This is something that could make a difference with Christian voters in the fall,” Falwell says. “It is almost as important for Christians as the appointment of Supreme Court justices.”

It should make a huge difference with all religious faiths.

We Need Donald J. Trump in the Oval Office

Every American should fear an IRS that uses its vast power to target, threaten, and punish political opponents. Churches have succumbed to this regime of fear for the last 60 years under the Johnson Amendment, which was added to the tax code specifically to silence speech a politician didn’t like.

Donald J. Trump has seen unbelievable inequality and injustice in many areas in our country, all of which are starkly unconsttutional.

Remember Mr. Trump’s speech in Alabama where he spoke about reversing the 1964 liberal Warren Supreme Court decision? This decision allowed media to lie with impunity about public figures. For the full story, see my article Supreme Court Ruled the Media Can Lie With Impunity. The lies and twists of media against Mr. Trump and any true conservative political candidate cannot be challenged in court unless one can prove “actual malice.” This is near impossible. America’s people need to be fed truth, not the liberal media’s lies, prevarications and distortions. When a public figure is slandered or libeled, they should have the recourse of suing in the courts. 

Justice needs to prevail for the 501c3 groups. Rip the muzzles off the mouths of the religious leaders in our pulpits. We have Louis Farrakhan calling for the murder of police and 10,000 black congregants to kill white Americans from the pulpit, and nothing is done to stop him.

The media needs to be muzzled from lying, calling evil good and good evil. And, the pulpits of America need to be set free to speak the truth.

Elect Donald J. Trump as the 45th President of this United States and hold his feet to the fire, because these are changes the American people need and changes Donald Trump believes in 100%.

Donald J. Trump wins RNC nomination for president

The above quote illustrates what the Donald Trump campaign has fought against since he announced his campaign for president. The globalist cabal promoted by our elected politicians has been in force for decades, working slowly towards the New World Order. Along comes Mr. Donald Trump who, over his own lifetime, has watched the progression of our nation’s destruction, and decided it needed to be stopped. 

What has resulted is a movement in America that has awakened the silent grassroots folks who love this country and who felt they were helpless in figuring out how to stop the decline of our beloved country.

At every step, Mr. Trump has had to fight the powers-that-be, and he will continue to have to fight them. The people have spoken however, and their choice, in numbers never seen before, is resolutely for The Donald. The Convention is under way.

Protestors, Violence, and Protection

There was great concern over the impending violence that could result from a huge gathering of Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Black Panthers who were funded and sent by the Soros gang to disrupt the convention. Obviously, the forecasted amount of protestors didn’t show up. Once the ACLU, hired by Roger Stone, won their case against the City of Cleveland regarding permits and areas, the balloon of possible dissension was popped.

Prior to the start of the Convention, I saw an article in the NYTs regarding Gov. Kasich stating that firearms would not be restricted at the Convention. I sent it to Mr. Stone and asked him if this was true. He wrote back and said, “Yes, don’t worry, we are heavily armed.”

Stone’s speech was magnificent at the “Citizens for Trump” rally. He said, “Unity is a misnomer, this is the elites versus Donald Trump and the American people.”

Bikers for Trump showed up in droves to protect the pro-Trump rally folks, and were seen on the highways leading to Cleveland on Sunday and early Monday morning. I know the pro-Trump folks were very glad to see them. Thank you bikers!

Anti-Trump Delegates Shut Down

bottom of this article and read about the real Mike Lee.

Colorado delegate, Kendall Unruh, had planned to sabotage not only Mr. Trump, but the American electorate who chose Mr. Trump as the Republican presidential candidate. The delegates leading the 11th hour rebellion were infuriated. Two states actually left the convention hall, Colorado and Iowa.

Trump critics were unlikely to be able to vote down the rules, even with a roll-call vote, and even less likely to achieve their ultimate goal of replacing the rules with ones that “unbound” pledged delegates. Their main purpose was to voice their displeasure with Mr. Trump, but if they claim they’re true conservatives, why are they displeased? The reality of this is they are establishment globalist Republicans. [Link]

The Daily Themes of the Convention

 Monday was “Make America Safe Again,” and was loaded with fabulous speakers, the highlight of the evening being Melania Trump’s speech about her husband.
 Tuesday is “Make America Work Again.”
 Wednesday is “Make America First Again.”
 Thursday is “Make America One Again.”

Each day is loaded with some wonderful speakers, and some speakers we’d probably mute the TV for, ahem. Listening on CSPAN is the best.

First Day Convention Speakers

For the first day’s theme, Making America Safe Again, the speakers were spectacular.

The place was packed with delegates! Thanks to our former Knox County, TN sheriff, Delegate for Mr. Trump from TN, we have all these great pictures!

What an amazing line up! Willy Robertson gave an absolutely wonderful and humorous speechregarding his support of Donald J. Trump.

Patricia Smith, the mother of Sean Smith, spoke with strength and bluntness against Hillary Clinton and the death of her son Sean, in Benghazi. She blamed Hillary Clinton, and she was right. The audience was moved to tears.

SEAL Marcus Leutrell spoke about why he is supporting Donald Trump.

Parents whose children were murdered by illegal aliens made impassioned speeches to the delegates.

Sheriff David Clarke’s impassioned Convention speech was one that made the crowds cheer. The delegates love this man for his courage and his support of Mr. Trump. His first sentence was, “I’d like to make something very clear, BLUE LIVES MATTER.”

John Tiegen and Mark Geist of the U.S. Marine Corps gave a speech about what happened at Benghazi. It was horrifying and illuminating.

Border Agent, Brian Kelly, was shot in the back resulting from the “Fast and Furious” gun running operation by the Obama Administration. His brother and sister, Kent and Terry Kelly, spoke from the border of Arizona about the loss of their brother, and why our borders need to be sealed.

Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions gave a rousing speech endorsing Mr. Trump for President. Sen. Sessions was my first choice for Trump’s vice president. 

Next up was the amazingly exuberant former Mayor of New York, Rudy Giuliani. He enthralled the audience with his fiery speech for Mr. Trump. Rudy told that he was breaking a promise to Donald, and told about how every time New York had a tragedy, Donald Trump was there to help, and never took any credit for it. He also thanked Cleveland for their police protection during the Convention.

She gave a beautiful and impassioned speech about America, her people, the movement created by her husband, and the next few months run for the presidency. She was poised and gracious. The first thing we heard this morning was out of Hillary Clinton’s mouth claiming Melania’s speech writers plagiarized her words from the speech of Michelle Obama. 

Campaign Manager, Paul Manafort, said, “This is once again an example of when a woman threatens Hillary Clinton, she seeks to demean her and take her down. It’s not going to work against Melania Trump.”

The leftists actually said, “Melania Trump is a dumb bitch who can’t speak English.” Excuse me “tolerant” leftists, but Melania Trump speaks five languages fluently. How well do all your beloved Islamic refugees and illegal immigrants speak English? Huh? American patriots understood her perfectly. And, she came to America legally and became an American citizen.

Sorry, liberals, but Melania Trump did not plagiarize anything from Michelle Obama’s speech, and here is why.

Every 4 years, a first lady, or potential first lady, stands on stage at their convention and talks about the same subjects: upbringing, values and family.

Go back and look at Laura Bush’s speech, Nancy Reagan, and even Hillary when she was first lady and you’ll find the same type of comments.

In a speech Hillary Clinton gave in 2014 for the New American foundation, Hillary spoke of the same values saying, “My mother and father gave us a middle-class life with opportunities she never could have imagined for herself, but which she always believed could be possible for her children. And that was a great gift that I will be forever grateful for, and then Bill and I of course worked hard to pass on those values to our daughter.”

Mrs. Trump used words that anyone would use in describing her family and how she was raised. It is a bizarre attempt to discredit one of the most brilliant women we could ever have as a first lady, but that is typical of the left and the globalist cabal. What is most irksome is the fact that former Campaign Manager, Corey Lewandowski actually believed the plagiarism tale and said that the speech writers should be held accountable. C’mon people, you really think they’d copy from Michelle Obama? 

Melania Trump was truly the highlight of the evening. From the convention floor comes this photo from Delegate Tim Hutchison, former sheriff of Knox County, TN.

Retired LTG Michael T. Flynn gave the final speech I listened to, and again it was one that was very strong on the theme of the day, Make America Safe Again. The Islamic terrorists in this world are a huge danger to freedom and liberty, and Flynn knows this nation is the greatest country in the history of the world, and we need to sustain her. He said we cannot sit this election out. LTG Flynn said, “As a citizen, veteran, patriot and American, the American people must stand tougher and stronger together against any ideology of any people or any nation that attacks America, America’s way of life, and our proud heritage of fearlessness.” LTG Flynn was my second choice for VP. 

Tuesday night’s Delegate votes:

Senator Jeff Sessions nominated Donald J. Trump for President with a wonderful speech, followed by two morn seconds to the nomination.

Trump 1725 Delegates
Cruz 475 Delegates
Rubio 114 Delegates
Kasich 120 Delegates
Carson 7 Delegates
Jeb Bush 3 Delegates
Rand Paul 2 Delegates


Donald J. Trump is the Republican candidate for United States President.

Here is the line-up of speakers for the next three days of the Convention ending with the acceptance speech by Donald John Trump as the 2016 Republican nominee for President of the United States of America.

Trump’s brilliant VP choice in our globalist society

While running errands today, I was listening to Alex Jones’ show hoping to hear an update from frequent guest, Roger Stone. Instead, I heard Jesse Ventura spouting his diatribe against Donald J. Trump. He stated that both Trump and Hillary have massive negatives, and he wants the public to vote for Gary Johnson of the Libertarian party, so as to divide the electoral college so no one wins. He also stated that we need to get rid of the electoral college and go to a popular vote.

Gary Johnson is the former governor of New Mexico, he is pro-abortion, for a Constitutional Convention, for a pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens, and pro-gay marriage.

As for the electoral college, does anyone in America even know why our founders put it in the Constitution? Only 25 of the top 75 universities in America even teach American history anymore! Please read this brilliant expose of the push for the popular vote and the elimination of the electoral college by retired attorney and federalist papers expert, Publius Huldah. The electoral college protects the smaller states and gives them equal voice in the elections. Our founders were brilliant men, something lacking in today’s political realm.

Trusting Trump

Do I trust Donald J. Trump to do what he said he’d do? Do I trust Donald J. Trump to stand by the policies he stated in his book, Crippled America? Do I trust Donald J. Trump to choose the right people for every position he needs to fill as president? 

The answer is a resounding YES, I TRUST MR. TRUMP!

Do I agree with all of them? Of course not, but I trust Mr. Trump’s ability to do what he says he will do, and he’s a heck of a lot savvier than I am.

Okay people, let’s get it together here. In the political society we have today, there are very few people to choose from who would be hailed as wonderful by those of us who know more than the average citizen. The political realm is nearly all globalist, and if you haven’t seen that by now, you need to get your head out of the sand. Left and right, Dems and Repubs, are both in on the same agenda, and that includes the phony “Christian” right. So choosing someone for top spots in the Trump administration is not going to be easy.

Will Trump make mistakes? Of course he will, but he will remedy those mistakes and make it right. Remember, Trump has no problem saying, “You’re fired.”

The Top Choices for VP

In my previous article, Three Vital Considerations for Trump’s VP Choice, I said there were three men who were my top choices. The first was Senator Sessions, the second was LTG Michael T. Flynn. Both men would have been superb and served Mr. Trump well. And there was a third choice who hasn’t been mentioned.

Long discussions ensued with Senator Sessions, and they came to the conclusion that he was needed more in the Senate than in the White House, albeit he was first choice. 

The second choice, and a man I greatly admire, was LTG Michael Flynn. I believe Mr. Flynn would have been the VP had he not taken a middle of the road answer when asked about pro-life/abortion. The one-issue voters would not have taken to him, despite the fact that Flynn is the best choice we have to oversee and eliminate the Islamic invasion in America. He would have freed up Mr. Trump to tackle other overwhelming problems facing our country. I hope he will have a spot in Trump’s administration.

Uniting the GOP with Indiana Gov. Mike Pence

Pence is Mr. Trump’s ultimate choice, and in fact, it was brilliant. He has succeeded in greasing the skids to the nomination and his election. The globalist enemies of Mr. Trump, Jeb Bush, Paul Ryan, and delegate Bruce Ash of Arizona, (who called for the execution of the entire Trump campaign), along with the Christian right evangelicals, are endorsing Governor Pence. Trump gave them one of their own, albeit a weaker specimen, and one who happens to be a strong pro-lifer. Mr. Trump said he would unite the party, and it looks as though he is doing just that.

I would have much preferred to see the men I mentioned above, or even Rudy Giuliani, who has massive name recognition and is beloved by all America for his actions after 9/11. Rudy would have accepted I’m sure, and despite being a liberal Republican, the American people would have accepted him gladly.

Too many people do not know Mike Pence, but they will soon enough. I just pray that Trump changes and encourages Pence, and that this is not a Reagan/Bush type alliance. We don’t want 8 years of President Trump to be undone by the following 8 years of Mike Pence.

One must always remember that Trump is not only a great negotiator, not only a multi-billionaire in his own right, not only the father of very successful and brilliant children, but Trump himself is always five to ten chess moves ahead of everyone else. So whatever you’re thinking, relax and watch, because this man knows exactly what he’s doing.

Does this old saying ring any bells? “Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.” 

Ann Coulter broke with Donald over his choice of VP, but know that Ann is a publicity whore, and she endorsed McConnell for Senate…so give it little credence.

The backlash from Hillary has already begun. She has slammed Pence for saying, “I long for the day Roe is in the ash heap of history.” And she’s losing support! Hillary cannot step foot in our White House ever again, or this nation is finished!

Thank God VP is Not Newt

The media just foamed at the mouth constantly pushing Gingrich for VP, but those of us who do our homework know all about Newt. Dozens of people have written about him, including yours truly, Steve Farrell in his 8 part article, and fellow researcher, Devvy Kidd. I detest this CFR globalist lump of humanity who divorced two wives, one after she became ill. Needless to say, he’s not a “family values” type of guy. Had Newt been the VP choice, I would be afraid of another JFK/LBJ scenario. 

 In 1968 he was the Southern regional director for the brief and unsuccessful presidential campaign of the liberal Nelson Rockefeller.
 In 1976, Gingrich ran for Congress, emphasizing environmentalist and “reform” themes, and enlisting significant support from liberal Democrats.
 Gingrich wrote the foreword for Alvin and Heidi Toffler’s Third Wave book, Creating a New Civilization, and has been in this camp since the 70s. Few people realize he wants to rid us of our Constitution and private property rights.
 He voted Yea to the creation of the Dept. of Education
 He voted YEA to designating 68 million acres as Federal protected wilderness.
 Gingrich is pro-amnesty, pro-foreign aid, and pro-Obamacare.
 Newt is also big on trade agreements.
 He voted for Public Law 101-216, which eliminates all armaments, including those of private citizens. This was signed into law by George H.W. Bush.
 Worst of all, he actually called Mr. Trump’s statements about the judge hearing his Trump University case, “utterly stupid,” when the statements made by Mr. Trump, regarding the judge, were spot on.

Sean Hannity strongly promoted Gingrich, so much so that according to CNN, he flew Newt to Indianapolis for the final meeting with Trump. I cannot see where Newt would match up to any of Mr. Trump’s policies.

Trump’s Administration Choices

There are some excellent people to choose from, and I’m sure many of my readers would have other suggestions.

Here’s a few of the choices I’ve had for various positions, but there are many more who could be just as competent and effective.

Dr. Ben Carson would be an excellent choice for surgeon general as long as he doesn’t make vaccines mandatory.

LTG Michael Flynn would be a superb choice for head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff or the Dept. of Homeland Security, or any other intel position.

Rudy Giuliani would be wonderful as head of the Dept. of Homeland Security or Attorney General.

Palin says she’d gladly oversea the dismantling of the EPA.

There are so many administrative areas to be filled, and I’m sure Mr. Trump is thinking about great choices to fill all of them. But first, we need to get him elected!


More and more endorsements are coming in from people you’d expect would reject Mr. Trump. It is because they see the real man and his goals for America.
Right now however, he has to conquer the Convention and gain the nomination despite the likes of phony conservative, Senator Mike Lee of Utah.

Mr. Trump is the people’s choice. We need to sit back, relax, and watch him work. He would be a great 45th President of the United States of America.

Anti-Trump groups defeated in federal court

The jaws of power are always open to devour, and her arm is always stretched out, if possible, to destroy the freedom of thinking, speaking, and writing. -John Adams

“Never Trumpers” are Defeated

Donald Trump’s website has reported victory in the battle against the Never Trumpers. Senior United States District Judge, Robert E. Payne, today ruled in favor of Trump campaign delegates who had argued – in line with overwhelming public opinion – that RNC delegates must follow election results and that delegates cannot be stolen at the national convention. Delegate Beau Correll, Jr., had brought the suit against the Commonwealth of Virginia hoping to reject the will of the voters, but was soundly defeated. [Link]

Trump Campaign Attorney and former FEC Chairman Don McGahn issued the following statement:

See Part 1 of my previous articles on the Plan to Sabotage Trump at the RNC Rules Committee, regarding the group called Delegates Unbound, run by Curly Haugland and Sean Parnell.

In Roger Stone’s article in The Hill, he clarifies the falsities promoted by Haugland and Parnell:

Certainly, any rule can be changed, as we have shown. But as of now, it is in force and will remain so unless changed, and for it to be changed will require 1,237 votes, and thus the defection of hundreds and hundreds of Trump delegates on the first day of the convention. 

So, to Mr. Haugland and his small misanthropic band of Never-Trumpers, we simply say read the rules again. The rules are as they are, not as you wish they were.

The band of disingenuous anti-Trumpers are defeated. I can imagine they’re kicking the cat over this one. Too bad! Righteousness won! We look forward to Mr. Trump’s nomination of GOP candidate for President, on the first ballot.

Roger Stone and the ACLU Prevail

Thanks to the efforts of Roger Stone and the Ohio ACLU, Citizens for Trumpwins!

On June 23rd, a federal judge struck down rules set for protesters at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland starting on the 18th of July.

Ohio’s branch of the American Civil Liberties Union brought the suit against the City of Cleveland, arguing that restrictions on protesters within the “event zone” around Quicken Loans Arena are unconstitutional. Those restrictions would ban certain items, including large backpacks, tape and string, and limit where within the 3.5 square mile zone demonstrators can speak and hold a parade.

In his comments, the judge attacked several aspects of the event zone and the accompanying restrictions, which the city announced late last month. After weeks of back and forth in the lawsuit with the city of Cleveland, the judge ruled in their favor, citing the city’s newly imposed security parameters as overreaching and unconstitutional. In the end, the good guys won and got their permit.

Roger Stone Discusses the Lawsuit

In early July, Roger Stone told Alex Jones


“We had a big victory today and we finally prevailed over the City of Cleveland. We have our permits, after going to court, and being represented by the liberal ACLU to do so. We have knocked down their restrictions on free speech. The rally where many wonderful patriots are speaking is July 18th, at 11 a.m. EST, at the Settler’s Landing Park. We now have a permit from the City of Cleveland. We are scrambling to raise the money to pay for the staging that is required by the city, as well as the public address system we will need, the marshals, and all the rest. We’re going to have to raise at least $30,000 to pay for everything, soup to nuts.

We stopped our fundraising when the city stopped negotiating with us, and now we have to gin it back up.

Thankfully, Alex Jones of Infowars is helping to fund Citizens for Trump.

These two wins for the Trump Campaign are smoothing the way to the nomination and ultimately to the White House. Try to be there for the America First Unity Rally in Cleveland next Monday, July 18th.

Plan to sabotage Trump at the RNC rules committee Pt. 3

There are three people heading up the RNC and Trump campaign in Nevada. It appears as though these three were in cahoots to sabotage the Trump campaign in that state. Let’s take a closer look. 

Nevada Shenanigans

In Part 2 of this article, we discussed Bruce Ash, and Linda Brickman, members of the RNC Rules Committee from Arizona. Both Arizona and Nevada are headed by Trump campaign manager, Charles Munoz. 

In Nevada, Jordan Ross is one of the two Rules Committee members. Diana Orrock is the other Rules Committee member and has always been a Trump supporter.

State Campaign Manager Charles Munoz, Chairman of the Nevada Republican Party, Michael McDonald, and Jordan Ross worked closely together. According to Trump campaign volunteers, these three people actually worked against the campaign. 

Candidate Stan Vaughan

Stan Vaughan is a passionate Trump supporter, and he is running for Nevada State Assembly, District 15. He knows the state rules by heart and for this reason was considered verboten by Jordan Ross. When Stan was at the Clark County GOP Convention, he sighted the convention rules verbatim, and actually forced those who were disregarding the rules-of-voting to follow them according to Hoyle (i.e., keeping to the exact rules). This was not appreciated by the powers-that-be. 

Mr. Vaughan also heard Trump Campaign Manager Charles Munoz state that the delegate slate was made, and he announced this on a local radio station prior to voting at the state convention. When a copy of this tape was requested by Stan’s campaign director, they were told that portion of the interview with Munoz wasn’t recorded. Well, it appears what he heard was true.

Jordan Ross

Volunteer Penny Clark stated, 

“When the nomination forms and ballot box were removed from the convention, that action violated Clark Co. GOP bylaws, Section 11.0, as no ballot security was provided. As State Trump Manager, Munoz should have protected the box and nomination forms. Instead, the Trump delegates took to the floor and protested the forms and box from being removed without security. 

The resulting animosity toward Vaughan was diabolical. Jordan Ross actually kept Mr. Vaughan out of the State GOP Convention/Caucus. It is against State Convention rules to disallow someone to actually enter the Convention. They can be removed if they cause a disturbance inside the hall, but they cannot be kept out. Keeping Vaughan out of the State Convention was the goal for those who had ulterior motives in disregarding the State Convention rules. That allegedly included Munoz and McDonald.

Michael McDonald

Michael J. McDonald, Chairman of the Nevada Republican Party, lives in a house owned by high-rolling Vegas sports bettor, Billy Walters, who is accused of breaking securities laws to make tens of millions of dollars through insider trading. In 2000, there was a failed recall attempt on McDonald. In October of 2015, McDonald resigned his post as a senior deputy treasurer in the state Treasurer’s Office after less than three months on the job because McDonald faced a lawsuit over a loan gone bad. [Link]

Michael McDonald

Certainly not the pristine type of individual one would like to see heading up a state Republican Party.

Back in January of this year, Trump had no endorsements from any law maker in Nevada. Of the Nevada delegation to the 2016 RNC Convention, only four of the 60 some delegates can actually be counted on to support the presumptive nominee. 

The attitudes and actions of these three men, Ross, McDonald, and Munoz, all tell a story that is not reflective of the magnificent campaigns for Trump in most of the states.

Nevada Chairman, Charles Munoz

The Nevada volunteers for Mr. Trump had many negative things to say about Munoz’ handling of the campaign. Many of them claimed he was very inexperienced, unorganized, always short of promotional materials he claimed he had ordered, and was in the campaign only to enhance his own resume. 

Volunteer Gary Goodwin spent his own monies for postage materials, packaging, and simple office necessities. During the first Trump rally, the volunteers signed up hundreds of new voters, and changed the status of hundreds more. Mr. Goodwin has stated that, “Munoz was rude, condescending, disrespectful and a downright ass, especially to veterans.” 

The problems reported regarding the Nevada Trump campaign are too numerous to mention, but there were several glaring situations that were reported to Corey Lewandowski, but unfortunately were never properly addressed. 

Veterans Mistreated

“Doc” is a disabled Vietnam combat veteran who served two combat tours in Vietnam before he was old enough to vote. He wrote a letter to two of the top campaign volunteers regarding what happened at two of the Trump rallies while they were waiting in line for Mr. Trump to arrive. 

At another rally, Doc stated that he was standing in the handicapped line with a number of other disabled veterans. He saw several friends, but also one who had joined the Trump campaign and who had great campaign experience. When Doc asked him how it was going, he was told there was no evidence of a ground game in the NV campaign, and it was very troubling. 

Doc told how the veterans all seemed to search each other out, and he spotted three WWII vets, and many Korean and Viet Nam vets. He stated the following in his letter. (I have removed names to protect privacy):

I was told that nothing could be done. I insisted that they find me someone in charge of the event because I thought I knew how Mr. Trump viewed our Veterans and this must be an oversight or a gross mistake.

After making a major nuisance of myself, bordering on getting myself thrown out, I was told by a Trump Campaign Staffer that this shameful cloistering of our Veterans was a mandate by one Mr. Charles Munoz, Nevada State Director of the Trump Campaign


Just who the HELL is this pompous ASS of a MORON?!?

EVERY campaign that I have worked on in Nevada has had Veterans in virtually every position. And every campaign where we Veterans were told that we were not needed or even wanted were losing campaigns. Sue Lowden and Mitt Romney come to mind.

I managed to finally corner this volunteer, and asked her about what I had been told. She was on the verge of tears, and confirmed what I had been told.

Mr. Charles Munoz is the voice of the Trump Organization in the state of Nevada, and he has made his position, and thereby the position of Donald Trump unequivocally clear. 

Certainly not the type of representation Mr. Trump would tolerate at all. 

Utah Rules Committee Members

Surprise, surprise! The Rules Committee members from Utah are Senator Mike Lee and his wife, Sharon Lee. Both are Cruz supporters, and Mike Lee also supports legislation that will bring more Muslims into America. No wonder he is anti-Trump! 

In January of 2015, a handful of Senators quietly introduced new legislation in Congress that would allow for virtually unlimited Muslim immigrationinto the United States – lifting caps entirely on several categories of visas favored by immigrants from Muslim countries. The Mark Zuckerberg-backed legislation, S.153, is called the Immigration Innovation Act (or I-Squared). [Link]

The I-Squared bill is significant for a second reason. One of the Senators who introduced the bill, former Presidential candidate, Marco Rubio, is now running for reelection to the Senate in Florida. Remember the Gang of Eight?

In August of 2015, Senators Cruz, Grassley, and Sessions were all lobbying for legislation that would enact a mandatory minimum prison sentence of five years for immigrants who try to re-enter the country illegally after being deported. This was in response to the murder of Kathryn Steinle after Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, an immigrant from Mexico who had repeatedly re-entered the United States illegally after being deported, allegedly fired the shot that killed the 32-year-old woman on July 1, 2015.

According to Politico, Lee was aligned with liberal Democratic Sens. Patrick Leahy of Vermont and Dick Durbin of Illinois to ease mandatory minimums for certain crimes, and is uncomfortable with such binding punishments for immigration offenses. He even threatened to oppose sanctuary cities legislation that includes mandatory minimums. 

Mike Lee has not decided which way he’ll go during the Rules Committee, whether he’ll vote to keep the rules we have now, or if he’ll vote to allow changes which would give delegates the right to “vote their consciences.” 

Anyone who believes Lee is a conservative should check his voting record and where he stands on many issues. 

The Reality of the Rules Committee

By now, it should be obvious to the electorate how very many rotten globalists control the Republican party and are complicit with the left’s desire for a “New World Order.” This time, however, the people have spoken, and we want Trump.

Let’s hope Politico is right on this one. Knowing the advisors to Mr. Trump, as well as Paul Manafort’s skill, I am looking forward to hearing that Donald J. Trump has been voted the GOP nominee for President on the first ballot.

Call the Rules Committee Delegates in your state and demand they vote for the people’s choice, Donald J. Trump! They’re all listed here.

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Plan to sabotage Trump at the RNC rules committee Pt. 2

The People’s Choice

Donald Trump won 1541 delegates, and received more votes than anyone in primary history. He should be a shoe-in as the Republican Presidential nominee. However, Mr. Trump is not part of the good-ole-boy globalist cabal. Only those who want to be in his cabinet, or who are stepping out for freedom are endorsing him. The rest of the GOPe are sticking with their New World Order buddies. So the next hurdle for Mr. Trump is gaining the nomination.

Isn’t it a sad thing that he has to fight his own party more than the leftist enemy? It should be obvious by now that there truly is only one party, and that one party, made up of both Republicans and Democrats, does not have our Constitutional freedoms and liberties at heart.

The Rules Committee meets the weekend before the Convention begins on Monday, 18 July 2016. Anything can happen in this meeting. We’ve seen it before. Mr. Trump’s Campaign Manager, Paul Manafort, and his advisors, are well aware of this and are also well prepared.

So let’s look at the hurdles to be overcome.

The Rules Committee

What exactly is the Rules Committee? What does it do? Who can serve on it? And how might it affect the 2016 Republican National Convention? This last question is the one that we’re worried about.

The Rules Committee consists of 112 members with one male delegate and one female delegate from each state, territory, and Washington, D.C. They are elected at state conventions in the spring. This is different from the RNC Standing Committee on Rules, which can be read about here.

The Republican National Chairman has the responsibility of appointing from amongst the 112 committee members a chair and co-chair of the committee. RNC Chairman Reince Priebus appointed anti-Trump globalist, Enid Mickelsen [Link] of Utah and Ron Kaufman of Massachusetts as chair and co-chair of the committee on June 17, 2016.

According to Ballotpedia

The Rules Committee crafts the rules that govern the Republican Party, including the rules that govern proceedings of the Republican National Convention. The committee formally begins its deliberations the week before the convention begins. On the first day of the convention, it proposes a rules package to the convention’s delegates, who, in turn, are responsible for approving the proposed rules by a majority vote or sending them back to the Rules Committee. There will be 2,472 delegates at the 2016 convention. 

Ballotpedia also lists the rules committee delegates from each state. You can click on their names and see where they stand, how they’re bound, and who they supported. There are numerous troublemakers who will be at the convention.

Colorado Delegate Kendal Unruh

Kendal Unruh plans to sabotage not only Trump, but the American electorate who chose Mr. Trump as the Republican candidate. She is going forward with her plan to replace Trump at the GOP Convention. Unruh sent the Convention Rules Committee a letter outlining the proposed change. It would let delegates buck their pledges’ votes, generally governed by the results of each state’s primary or caucus, by invoking a “conscience” clause. Unruh is one of at least 30 delegates hoping to thwart Trump’s expected nomination on the convention floor. Fortunately, a small number. 

They are moving forward with a plan to block him by giving delegates a way out of voting for him. The strategy centers on a rule change for the Republican National Convention that would let delegates vote for any candidate even if they are pledged to support Trump. Unruh said on June 17, her campaign lacks an alternative if it keeps Trump from officially becoming the Republican standard-bearer.

Ms. Unruh, there is no alternative!!!!! We voted for Trump!

Correll Files Suit

She’s not alone, in Virginia, delegate Carroll Boston Correll, Jr., has filed suit to be allowed to opt out of being bound by state law in voting for Mr. Trump. This globalist ass says “Trump is unfit to serve.” I’d say you’re unfit to serve Mr. Correll.

Delegates in North Carolina and Arizona are saying the same thing, they want to be unbound from their states in the laws that require them to vote for Mr. Trump. 

This shows you again how absolutely rotten to the core the Republican party has become.

Free the Delegates” is calling on delegates to vote at the convention as their conscience dictates.

Arizona Republican Party Chairman Robert Graham will have none of it.


The State of Tennessee

The Tennessean that the Trump campaign, and Tennessee Republican Party chairman Ryan Haynes, had agreed Wednesday, March 30th, on the names of seven of the 14 at-large delegates who, under party rules, are to be appointed by the state party. All seven were Trump supporters.

We know for a fact that this has happened in other states as well. However, some of the state laws bind the delegates to the state’s primary winner. Yet, stacking the deck with GOPe anti-Trump delegates plays right into the hands of the globalists and the anti-Trump members of the Rules Committee.

TN GOP Member Resigns Corrupt Party

A member of the Tennessee Republican State Executive Committee (SEC) says he’s resigning his position, blasting state party leaders, and questioning the direction of the Tennessee Republican Party on his way out.

He went on to say, “Wrongdoing in the TN GOP has really become commonplace the last few years. So stories of staff collecting obscene amounts of GOP cash while working to defeat conservatives is neither new nor shocking. It’s no different than party officials creating secret PACs to target SEC members and candidates they don’t like, or a confidential personnel file finding its way into TV ads.”

Thank God for a few men with integrity. Mr. Trump should hire Mark Winslow!
Trump Delegates in Oregon

Key Trump volunteers in Oregon found the continuation of Trump Campaign Manager, Jacob Daniels, to be intolerable. Daniels was hired by consultant Robert Stryk, (of who we believe was hired at the behest of former national Campaign Manager, Corey Lewandowski. Daniels failed to follow through on many occasions. He allowed the opposition establishment in the Republican Party to name its own non-Trump supportive Delegates, throwing his own people, who would push for no convention changes, under the bus. He even pushed the slate, which resulted in known dubious Chinese national committeeman, Solomon Yue, becoming the Delegation’s Rules Committee representative. (See my previous article on Yue) Volunteers put forth their own largely pro-Trump delegation candidates, opposing Daniels and the establishment—with mixed results.

The one to worry about is Solomon Yue, especially since he’s a member of the Rules Committee. Yue may be one of the Cruz delegate organizers, and he may well be the one who will do all he can to hurt Trump. Yue, like Cruz, is itching to make trouble at the convention. It even looks as though he’d like Trump to lose, in the hopes that Cruz can run and win in 2020.

Campaign Mgr. for Nevada and Arizona

Charles Munoz is the Trump Campaign Manager for the States of Nevada and Arizona. He was hired by former national Trump Campaign Manager, Corey Lewandowski. Both of them were former employees of Americans for Prosperity (AFP), David Koch’s organization.

David and Charles Koch detest Donald J. Trump.

Perhaps Charles Munoz’ former position with AFP influenced some of his actions as campaign manager for the two states.

Remember, Curly Haugland and Sean Parnell of Delegates Unbound, who I mentioned in part 1 of this article? Well the AFP/Koch Brothers infiltration is far bigger than most would suspect. Sean Parnell is part of Concerned Veterans for America (CVA), a Koch Brothers front group. They are funded through Freedom Partners which is completely funded by the Koch Brothers. The official paycheck Sean Parnell gets is through a 501-(c) 3 and 4 trust called Vets for Economic Freedom, again funded through Freedom Partners. Here is their 990 from 2014 linking them to CVA.

A large number of delegates from many states are members of groups funded by Freedom Partners/Koch Brothers. This information comes first hand from people who were employees of same. 

Arizona Rules Committee Members

Bruce Ash is an automatic delegate to the 2016 Republican National Convention from Arizona. He is bound to support Donald Trump for only one ballot. 

While Ash currently serves as the chairman of the Standing Committee on Rules for the Republican National Convention, he was also appointed to the conventions RNC Rules Committee, and like Solomon Yue of Oregon, he is not a Trump supporter.

Ash would change the rule book governing the convention from the long-used rules of the U.S. House of Representatives to Robert’s Rules of Order. This is exactly the same thing proposed by Solomon Yue.

Linda Brickman is the other Arizona delegate who is on the Rules Committee. She is working to build a strong coalition to move Senator Cruz into the winning seat.

Ash Calls for Executions

Astonishingly, Ash has stated that Trump is not his first, second, or third choice, and on James T. Harris’s conservative talk radio show, he called for the “execution of Donald J. Trump’s staff.” [Link] Two years ago, he even called for “kneecapping” talk show host, Harris.

Bruce Ash sounds more like Bill Ayers with his violent outbursts, than he does a so-called conservative. There are repeated calls for his resignation from Republican leadership.

“You would think by now the Republican Party would learn that if they don’t stop a cancer in its tracks it will grow. Ash is a cancer that has grown across Arizona and now is metastasizing. Bruce Ash’s rhetoric has brought havoc to southern Arizona candidates, and now is spreading hate, and division on a national level,” stated Harris.

Ash has been working toward replacing Priebus with someone of his liking after the convention, and to that end he is selling himself as a grassroots Trump supporters’ champion. Ash and his cabal do not support Trump, but according to sources, the money flowing to them – should they succeed – is what counts. 

Stay tuned for Part 3.

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Michael Flynn best choice for Trump’s VP

And support it we must. If you choose not to vote because the candidates are not absolutely perfect to your liking, it is then that we end up with the likes of Barry Soetoro. At this time in American history, we absolutely cannot afford to have 8 years of Hillary Rodham Clinton because one-issue voters refuse to vote. The Islamic threat is far too real. America does not want to end up like Europe. 

Michael T. Flynn, Fired by Obama

LTG (Lieutenant General, Army) Michael T. Flynn is a great choice for a Vice President to Donald J. Trump. I like him very much. Why? Because he was the first man to expose the fact that Barack Hussein Obama is protecting and supporting the enemies of freedom. In doing so, he has also proven to us that Obama is emptying our military of officers who truly want to stop the Islamic enemies of freedom.

Flynn told about what happened to him. He said, “Two years ago, I was called into a meeting with the undersecretary of defense for intelligence and the director of national intelligence, and after some “niceties,” I was told by the USDI that I was being let go from DIA.”

“I knew then it had more to do with the stand I took on radical Islamism and the expansion of al Qaeda and its associated movements. I felt the intel system was way too politicized, especially in the Defense Department. After being fired, I left the meeting thinking, “Here we are in the middle of a war, I had a significant amount of combat experience (nearly five years) against this determined enemy on the battlefield and served at senior levels, and here it was, the bureaucracy was letting me go.” [Link]

See Something, Say Nothing, where he said that the DHS was ordered by Obama to scrub records of Muslims with terrorist ties, both in 2009 and 2012. These included individuals, organizations, and networks, both across the United States and affiliations within foreign countries. 

We are dealing with an administration who has destroyed intelligence, and fired high ranking military who are doing their best to protect our country from Islamic terrorists. As I see it, and as Mr. Trump says he sees it, Islamists are the biggest threat to our culture, liberty, and freedom. It is another reason we truly need a man like Flynn at Trump’s side. 

Flynn Briefing Trump

The outspoken and brash LTG Michael Flynn — who was forced out of his post by the Obama administration in 2014 after pointing out the rising global jihadist threat — has already briefed the Republican presidential candidate on several occasions and is in close touch with high levels of Trump’s staff.

One issue voters will take him to task regarding his statement about abortion, but if you read through it, he was really noncommittal. He would have been safer to have said, “I personally don’t like abortion, but it has to be overturned by the courts.” Nevertheless, I believe he was caught off guard and answered with difficulty.

Here is what we know about LTG Michael Flynn:

 58 years old
 Allegedly a Democrat, but has voted independent for 20 years, and a fierce critic of Obama.
 Formerly director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) from July 2012 to August 2014.
 Served in the US Army for 33 years, from 1981 to 2014.
 His military career was primarily operational, with numerous combat arms, conventional and special operations senior intelligence assignments. He was the senior intelligence officer for the Joint Special Operations Command, where he was credited with creating innovative intelligence-interrogation techniques that led to major breakthroughs in counterterrorism operations against Al-Qaeda in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere.
 Like Trump, Flynn is not hostile toward Russia. Last year, he sat next to Russian President Vladimir Putin at a Moscow dinner honoring RT, the English-language network aligned with the Kremlin that broadcasts into the United States and other Western countries.
 Flynn has a B.Sc. in management science from the University of Rhode Island (1981); an MBA from Golden Gate University; a Master of Military Art & Science from the United States Army Command and General Staff College; and a Master of Arts in National Security and Strategic Studies from the Naval War College.
 A published author, with articles in military and intelligence publications like Small Wars Journal, Military Review, Joint Forces Quarterly, and the Center for a New American Security, Flynn has a book coming out July 12, titled Field of Fight: How We Can Win the Global War Against Radical Islam and Its Allies.
 He’s shown a willingness to be an attack dog, a role often played by VP candidates. Flynn said this about Hillary Clinton, when asked by CNN last February about her email practices while secretary of state: “If it were me, I would have been out the door and probably in jail.” Flynn has called on Hillary to drop out of the race. 

Why We Need Flynn

This man’s cultural issues will bother some and will be used to attack Trump, but the man’s credentials and abilities are so very necessary to the protection of our way of life. Yes, he’s a heartbeat away from the Presidency as Mr. Trump’s VP, but he is also a man of honor, who will stand by Trump’s policies and cultural beliefs. He is not an LBJ to our Kennedy.

I am a staunch pro-life believer. I believe that the taking of human life in the womb is the vilest thing this country has ever allowed, and we are paying for this in massive ways. Having said that, despite Flynn’s middle-of-the-road stance on abortion, his policies otherwise reflect Trump’s, and that is what we need, and we need it now. 

The risk of ending up like Europe with floods of so-called Islamic refugees, and Somalis, who have neither been vetted, nor checked for diseases, is a dangerous possibility. Flynn can help Trump keep this from happening to America.

Watch this video of Hillary Clinton and how many more of these Islamic refugees she would allow into our country!

As well, Mr. Trump absolutely cannot choose globalists who have been paraded into our homes by the media, as candidates for Vice President. We really need two strong men to protect our nation. Please let Mr. Trump know that you will support Michael Flynn as his vice president.

Here is the number to call: 212-832-2000, and pass that number on to your friends and encourage them to call.

Do not ask for Mr. Trump, just ask to leave a message for him, and say, “Please choose Michael Flynn for Vice President.” Make it short and sweet.

Plan to sabotage Trump at the RNC rules committee Pt. 1

I weep for the liberty of my country when I see at this early day of its successful experiment that corruption has been imputed to many members of the House of Representatives, and the rights of the people have been bartered for promises of office. —President Andrew Jackson 1837

Efforts to Derail Trump Nomination

Donald Trump has brought millions of people to the Republican party, or at least to his candidacy, and these more than offset the “Never Trump” gang. Trump is the only candidate in decades who has expanded the party. The movement and this candidacy is much bigger than the Republican party.

The globalists are working their butts off to try to sabotage the Trump nomination at every corner. Their efforts will likely go down in flames, especially because of Paul Manafort’s skill, along with Trump’s superb advisors, including Roger Stone. The globalist New World Order cabal is in high gear to stop the people’s choice, yet it’s unlikely they’ll succeed. Check out this great interview with Paul Manafort:

Many of the Rules Committee members and state delegates are GOP establishment. This same GOPe replaced many of the state Trump delegates with their own establishment delegates, in the hopes of derailing Trump. Why? Because he’s not one of their own…he’s a man of the people, a man for America, and a man who wants to make America great again! Both Republicans and Democrats have a globalist agenda (aka World Without Borders), and they hate Donald J. Trump, because he is not a member of their rotten cabal!

The RNC Rules Committee

“You’re counting on a lot to convince a party regular to throw the convention into chaos, but I wouldn’t be telling you the truth to say that it’s not a realistic possibility — and everyone is gearing up for it,” Randy Evans told reporter Greg Bluestein at The Atlanta-Journal Constitution. Evans is an attorney from Georgia, and an outspoken member of the RNC Rules Standing Committee. While Evans thinks it would be implausible for Donald Trump to be denied the nomination, he still says it is not impossible.

Unfortunately, state delegates across the country are being urged by the #DumpTrump crowd to throw the convention into a state of turmoil by changing the convention rules. Ex-Congresswoman, Enid Mickelson, is the chairwoman of the RNC Rules Committee at the convention. She is an ally of the Bush and Romney families. She has stated she is not a huge fan of Mr. Trump. She served one term in Congress and was charged with campaign finance violations.

How wonderful…that we have someone charged with corruption as the chairwoman of the Rules Committee. God help us…this is the GOP establishment!

Delegates Urged to Vote Their Consciences

National Review and with David McIntosh’s pro-amnesty Club for Growth.

Here is the text of the proposed rule change…

Preserving Delegates’ Ability to Vote Their Individual Conscience

The secretary of the national convention shall receive and faithfully announce and record each delegate’s vote in accordance with these rules. If any such delegate notifies the secretary of his or her intent to cast a vote of conscience, whether personal or religious, each such delegate shall be unbound and unconstrained by these rules on any given vote, including the first ballot for the selection of the Republican nominee for President of the United States, without the risk of challenge, sanction, or retribution by the Republican National Committee. 

Allowable personal reasons shall include the public disclosure of one or more grievous acts of personal conduct by a nominee candidate, including but not limited to, criminally actionable acts, acts of moral turpitude or extreme prejudice, and/or notorious public statements of support for positions that clearly oppose or contradict the policies embodied in the Republican Party’s platform as established at the national convention.

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus announced that former RNC Chairman Mike Duncan will serve as Chairman of the Committee on Credentials for the 2016 Republican National Convention. How wonderful to have the former Director of the Cleveland Federal Reserve, Cincinnati Branch, in this position. Just add another globalist to the mix. He’ll be in good company with many of the Rules Committee globalists. Top it all off with the fact that he is a long-time supporter and fundraiser for Senator Mitch McConnell, who by the way is still criticizing Trump, but praising globalist Hillary. [Link]

Roger Stone

Back in May of this year, Roger Stone outlined the situation with Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell, neither of whom would win prizes for being Constitutional Conservatives! Here’s what Stone stated:

Paul Ryan is posturing by making his support for Donald Trump conditional on a set of demands. First of all, it’s important to understand the history. RNC Chairman, Reince Priebus, is often publicly identified with Romney, or his governor in Wisconsin, Walker, but in truth, Reince Priebus is a Ryan man. That’s his birthright in politics, Paul Ryan. Don’t forget that as we move forward. 

So, in essence what Ryan is going to demand of Trump, is that control of the Republican National Committee will remain in the hands of Priebus and his cohorts. They would also demand that the Trump campaign use the data vault, which was built and partially owned by Karl Rove, for all of their outgoing voter contacts. 

We happen to know that this system is flawed, it’s dirty, and it was proven to be ineffective in the 2012 campaign. They’re essentially just taking the Romney data program, which crashed on election day, and recycling it as a new product. It’s still flawed, beyond that they want to demand that the individual Republican State Chairmen have control and run the Trump campaigns in the individual states. 

This struggle is mostly about money, it’s about the favored vendors for Priebus getting multi millions of dollars of the business from the Trump campaign and from the 2016 effort. 

Here’s what Reince Priebus doesn’t understand. He and Paul Ryan are about to meet the toughest negotiator probably alive today. Speaking as someone who over the last 30 has negotiated multiple compensation agreements with Donald Trump, I can just tell you, he’s tough, he’s clear, he’s blunt, and he understands that the movement that he is leading is far bigger than the Republican party. He will not be blackmailed. He will call for Ryan to step down as Convention Chairman. There is, as I reported, a back bench revolt among individual liberty minded congressmen who are furious with Ryan.

Mitch McConnell and Ryan have already stated they’d rather have Hillary, which means they have no place at the head of the RNC, no place as a Speaker, and no place as the Senate Majority leader. These men have admitted they would scuttle the race and give it to Hillary. So why the hell are either of them Republican, and worse yet, why are either of them even called conservatives when that word has totally lost its original meaning? Roger Stone continues:


This is the insidious hand of Karl Rove. Remember Rove has a proprietary interest in the data trust data bank, and Rove has a tight relationship with many of these Republican state chairmen. So, the fix is in if Ryan and Priebus get their way. I also believe that the RNC has a $1 million bank debt that the Trump campaign is unaware of. I also think there are accounting tricks being used at the RNC to make their fundraising totals look more impressive than they are. 

Since the 1860s it has been the right of the Republican National nominee to control the party in an election year. So giving in to any of these globalist neo-cons would be a huge mistake, and Trump knows that.


Next, we’ll discuss the Rules Committee, and some of the state members who are not Trump supporters, and never have been.

1, 23,

Patriot Paul Nehlen challenges big government globalist Paul Ryan

Who is Paul Nehlen?

So, just who is challenger Paul Nehlen? Well, he’s a throwback to a true believer in America’s greatness and her Constitution and Declaration of Independence. And he’s running for Congress in Wisconsin’s 1st District primary election on August 9th, 2016, against none other than Speaker Paul Ryan. According to Red State Watcher, Paul Nehlen has now taken the lead over Ryan with 47% to 41%!

Paul Nehlen campaigned and voted for Paul Ryan, but now he is challenging Ryan in Wisconsin’s primary. Why? Because like so many other neo-conservative globalists, Ryan was all talk and all promises, but his actions belied his words. He betrayed his constituents. Big time!

Hankerson Campaigns for Nehlen and Trump

The Northeast Florida Regional Director for the Donald Trump for President campaign is Derek Boyd Hankerson. Hankerson, who is of Gullah Geechee heritage, is an African-American documentary filmmaker, author, and historian in addition to his political background. He’s also the Get Out The Vote (GOTV) Director for Wisconsin congressional candidate, Paul Nehlen.

Nehlen’s Policies and Beliefs

I recently had the opportunity to speak to Paul, and I asked him if he would answer some questions for me. We had a great conversation, and then I sent him the following questions. His answers are telling, and we have them in print to hold his feet to the fire. It is my belief that we need hundreds more Paul Nehlen’s in Congress.

Here are my questions and Paul’s answers. Please donate to his campaign and help him to oust Paul Ryan.

 Have you studied the Constitution and Declaration of Independence?

Yes, I have. There are clearly words written in those documents, that if strictly adhered to, would keep this nation on a straight and narrow path towards prosperity and free from tyranny.

Unfortunately, many of our elected officials believe that they know better than those they were hired to represent, and better than the Framers of both documents. Paul Ryan certainly falls into the group of elected officials who thinks he knows better than we do.

 Where do you stand on the Second Amendment…any restrictions? How about registration? How about CC permits?

I am a staunch supporter of the 2nd Amendment. It was not written for hunting geese or deer. It was written to ensure we have the ability to defend our freedom. More on my thoughts about the 2nd Amendment here.

 How about the 4th Amendment? The illegal searches and seizures are totally out of control. (Patriot Act, NDAA, etc.) [Link]

 Where do you stand on charters, vouchers and choice?

 Are you for a Constitutional Convention, a Convention of States, or a Balanced Budget Amendment (BBA)?

We tax too much and spend too much. In addition to what this article lays out I would add:

The 10th amendment is pretty clear. The states are sovereign.

This is the Progressive / Marxist / Communist agenda unfolding before our eyes (reference The Naked Communist). States that fail their citizenry should suffer the consequences of their voting preferences. Those that choose well will have life, liberty, and property. 

The Puerto Rico bailout was a swindle and must be undone before more states like Connecticut and Illinois try it.

 How do you feel about women in the military (in combat)?

 Your position on homosexuals/transgenders in the military…

 Your position on the Middle East wars

The U.S. should have the strongest military in the world. We should annihilate any who attack us and let them rebuild themselves. 

We should most definitely not interject ourselves into Islamic civil wars.
Paul Ryan has abdicated his unique role as Speaker of the house in two key ways and should vacate the Speaker’s chair:

 Where do you stand on foreign aid?

We should only aid our allies in securing Liberty and safety here at home. I see no reason for our Veterans and active duty service members to suffer sub-standard care and equipment when we dole out billions to those that would do us harm.

 How would you secure our borders?

 What is your stance on illegal aliens?

Enforce existing immigration law. There is a legal path to citizenship now. Use it.

 What is your stance on Muslim refugees?

We should not take any Muslim refugees. Sharia law is incompatible with The U.S. Constitution and you cannot separate sharia from Islam. We should pray for Muslims to find Jesus Christ.

 Where do you stand on trade? NAFTA to TPP, and fast tracking

 Where do you stand on healthcare (Obama Care)?

Abolish it.

 Are you fully pro-life?

 What is your stance on H1B Visas?

The H-1B visa program is a metastasized cancer that is spreading across this country. 

It was never designed to be utilized the way big businesses have corrupted it.
Companies like Abbott Labs, Intel, New York Life, etc., are replacing American workers with less-skilled H-1B visa holders and the H-1B visa holders are treated like indentured servants. Didn’t we fight a war against slavery in this country?

 What do you do for a living?

 What faith are you?

Isaiah 6:8

Vote for Nehlen

It is obvious that Speaker of the House Paul Ryan needs to be replaced. It would be wonderful to see another defeat of the incumbent as we saw with Dave Brat when he ousted Eric Cantor. With the latest polls, Paul Nehlen now leads Speaker Ryan by 47% to 41%. Let’s help him oust Ryan!


Here are the 10 things Paul Nehlen says he’ll do within the 60 days after he’s elected. Congress has, at best, a 5% to 9% approval rating. If we elect more men and women like Paul Nehlen, the ratings will definitely improve. I believe this man will honor the oath of office, and it is why I support him.

Please do all you can to promote Mr. Nehlen’s efforts to unseat Paul Ryan in the August 9th Wisconsin primary. Donations can be made through his website, and an address is included should you wish to send a check.

Canada, U.S. and Mexico leaders plot North American union

Obama’s NAU is Alive and Well

Think the North American Union (NAU) is on the back burner? Think again! Brexit didn’t stop Obama’s plans to fundamentally change America and allow the invasion of illegal immigrants and Muslim refugees. Obama’s North American leaders’ summit was to discuss global warming, trade, environment, human rights, and cooperation between the three nations, basically plotting the expansion of the North American Union. 

Ahead of the summit, Canada and Mexico also announced new bilateral measures to reduce barriers between the two countries. Canada is lifting visa requirements for Mexican visitors starting in December 2016, while Mexico will open its markets to Canadian beef.

President Barack Obama’s meetings with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto came at a time of growing isolationist sentiments, not only in North America, but across the pond. 

“The integration of national economies into a global economy, that’s here. That’s done,” Obama said. 

The corrupt Mexican government is sending their people across the southern border to leech the substance out of the American people. These illegals are immediately put on the government dole, sucking up tax dollars in benefits they didn’t earn. Open borders are what the globalists want, and it is why globalists on both sides of the aisle fight against Donald Trump’s wall. The Congress has been complicit in helping Obama to bring in his Marxist utopia, to fill our nation with those who will never assimilate, and to bring disease and destruction to our people. 

Global Warming Initiatives

according to The New York Times.


Trade Deals

Obama repeatedly pushed his sovereignty destroying Trans Pacific Partnershiptrade deal which is despised by Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions.

Mr. Trump has threatened to pull out of the two-decade-old North American Free Trade Agreement and vowed to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a 12-country pact that has yet to take effect, if he is elected. Another reason the sovereignty destroying globalists on both sides of the aisle despise Mr. Trump.

As Patrik Jonsson of the Christian Science Monitor writes in the first of a five-part series on free trade, the globalization of industry has produced lasting decline in some areas of the US:

“More than a decade after opening their doors to Chinese goods, many Americans have endured unemployment or low pay for longer than anyone expected, widening the gap between rich and poor. Except for Mr. Trump on the right and Sen. Bernie Sanders (D) of Vermont on the left, presidential candidates who lambasted recent trade deals, the political establishment by and large has yet to grasp the enormity of the problem.

Fears of a Trump Presidency

Nevertheless, the summit was overshadowed by the worry of Donald Trump’s march towards the White House and it sneaked into the discussion, not to mention the damper the UK’s withdrawal from the EU put on the meeting.

Obama spent much of the time reassuring Canada’s Trudeau and Mexico’s Nieto that the North American Community will continue with open borders and free trade, and that Donald Trump’s wall will not be built.

He dismissed Donald Trump with a derisive hand gesture and saying, “Setting aside whatever the candidates are saying, America is a nation of immigrants.” 

Well, Barry, that is true, but this nation was never built on illegal law breakers. It was built by people who came here to become American citizens and to make a better life for themselves and their families. Unfortunately, too many Americans have died at the hands of illegals crossing our southern borders. And now we have Muslim refugees flooding our country who are not vetted or checked for diseases, and who hates Jews and Christians…all thanks to this rotten Marxist Muslim administration.


One thinks of the Mexican government as being so very corrupt, and truly, they are. However, the American government, and the Canadian government are just as criminal. All three of these hard leftist leaders are plotting for the destruction of the sovereignty of their countries.

I believe that only with Mr. Trump will the 4th of July again have the meaning of true independence for the United States of America.

Donald Trump stands in the gap to protect America and her citizenry. It is up to us to stop the onslaught of the New World Order and to support Donald Trump for the 45th President of the United States.

Bilderbergers notorious for choosing our presidents, not this time!

Pompous Congressman Gohmert Requires Trump Apology

Representative Louis Gohmert recently appeared on O’Reilly’s show on Fox News, and made the statement that he would not support Trump until he apologizes to Lyin’ Ted Cruz. Can you believe this nonsense? He is obviously following the hubris of Paul Ryan. If anyone should be apologizing to the American people and Donald Trump, it is Ted Cruz, for all his underhanded and dirty shenanigans during the primary campaigns. I’m not going to list them again because they’re all well known, but this arrogant self-aggrandizing ass, who is supposed to be the peoples’ servant, actually was discussing his “conditions” for supporting Donald Trump. Add to this list the foul smelling MSM, the likes of crazy Glenn Beck, and all the heretical dominionists backing Cruz. Kiss my grits Gohmert!

I don’t recall any “conditions” for supporting Willard Romney, John McCain, George W. Bush, or George Bush Sr., or any of the other globalists who were on the ticket prior to those mentioned. However, because Mr. Trump is not one of their NWO cabal buddies, there are “conditions” Mr. Trump must meet to get these rotten traitorous scalawags to support him. How I wish Trump could just tell them where to stick it! But of course, that would not be good politics.

They Want to Stop Trump

Back in March of 2016, top tech giants from Apple, Google, Napster and Facebook, along with GOP elites, including Karl Rove, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Ben Sasse and Kevin McCarthy, met at a Sea Island, a private barrier island off the coast of Georgia to plot how to stop Trump. [Link]

Phyllis Schlafly stated the following in a recent article by the Gateway Pundit:

“In 1957, I discovered that a secret group of business leaders, political and elected officials, and media elite were meeting off the coast of Georgia. They flew into Georgia on private planes and had catered meals flown in from New York. That meeting was an annual gathering of a group calling itself DeBilderberg after the hotel in Europe at which the group first convened. The first account of that previously unreported meeting appeared in my 1964 book, A Choice Not An Echo.

The Bilderbergers, as they came to be known, were globalists who sought to undermine the sovereignty of America by deeper involving. Over the coming decades they served at the highest levels of government, business, and media. They were the Kingmakers who sought to influence the nominees of both major parties. In 2004, for example, the selection of John Edwards as the Democratic vice-presidential candidate was attributed by the New York Times to Edwards’ ‘performance at Bilderberg.’” [see p. 236 of 50th anniversary Choice Not an Echo].

Well, nothing has changed. Phyllis Schlafly has been right about the Bilderbergers choosing our Presidents. Except, this time is different, and Mrs. Schlafly is backing the only hope to save America, Donald J. Trump. 

Bill Kristol, National Review, and the Bilderbergers

Bill Kristol is editor of the Weekly Standard with Fred Barnes. He is also a Fox News commentator. He is the son of Trotskyite, Irving Kristol.

Bill Kristol tried to recruit a National Review staff writer, David French, to run against Mr. Trump. Kristol said he’d love to see Romney run, or former vice-presidential candidates Joe Lieberman or Paul Ryan, former cabinet officials Mitch Daniels or Condoleezza Rice, or former presidential candidates Marco Rubio or Jeb Bush, governors Nikki Haley or Susana Martinez. Kristol even stated he’d rather see Hillary win than Trump. Some conservative he is!

French has since backed out of Kristol’s desire for him to run as a third party candidate.

Remember, National Review was founded by William F. Buckley, who was CFR, CIA agent, and Skull and Bonesman. They came out against Donald Trump months ago, with a list of neo-con Trotskyite globalists as the signees, even including Thomas Sowell, and later, Ron Paul.

However, a sharp reader, Drudge Addict, smartly points out these same voices were the exact group who gathered together in an exclusive meeting with President Obama in 2009 to sing his praises after the ’08 election. The list included, George Will, Michael Barone, David Brooks, Charles Krauthammer, Bill Kristol, Lawrence Kudlow, National Review President Rich Lowry, and Peggy Noonan. So is it any wonder these people hate Trump when he is diametrically opposed to Obama’s policies?

But what a lot of people don’t know is that Bill Kristol is a long time member of the Bilderbergers, and he attended their recent meeting. Of course, they’re backing Hillary for the 2016 Presidential campaign.

Bilderberger Attendees

Bill Kristol rubs shoulders at the Bilderberger meetings with the likes of Diane Feinstein, George Soros, David Rockefeller (at 101, he was not present at the recent meeting), CFR President Richard Haass, Timothy Geithner, Robert Zoellick (who is employed at Goldman Sachs and was a contributing member in the drafting of the North American Union, as is Heidi Cruz), Bill Clinton, Henry Kissinger, Vin Weber and many more.

Here is a map of some of the Bilderberger members and their connections. Simply click on the picture to enlarge.

Up Next, the Convention

The Never Trump wing of the GOP is totally out of ideas concerning derailing the candidacy of Donald Trump. In the words of Mick Jagger, “You can’t always get what you want.

Now they will try to derail Mr. Trump at the July RNC Convention. I do not believe they’ll succeed there either, because Trump has the secret weapon of Paul Manafort. 

Roger Stone and many other great people are working to help Mr. Trump Make America Great Again. That includes all of us at who are keeping Americans abreast of the latest shenanigans pulled by the globalists against Mr. Trump. Stay tuned!

Donald J. Trump, braveheart and freedom

The People Reassert Authority with Brexit

On the 24th of June, Donald Trump was in Scotland with his three children, Ivanka, Donald Jr., and Eric at the grand opening of his new hotel and golf course. He was featured on Fox News as he gave a news conference for 48 minutes. Scotland is the homeland of Trump’s mother. It is a country famous for wonderful golf courses. Eric Trump was responsible for this new Trump Organization facility and course. 

Mr. Trump tweeted, “Just arrived in Scotland. Place is going wild over the vote. They took their country back, just like we will take America back. No games!” 

Mr. Trump answered questions regarding the British vote of 52% to 48% to leave the European Union and Prime Minister David Cameron’s resignation after the loss.

Donald Trump stated, “The people of the United Kingdom have exercised the sacred right of all free peoples. They have declared their independence from the European Union, and have voted to reassert control over their own politics, borders and economy.”

“Come November, the American people will have the chance to re-declare their independence. Americans will have a chance to vote for trade, immigration and foreign policies that put our citizens first. They will have the chance to reject today’s rule by the global elite, and to embrace real change that delivers a government of, by and for the people,” he added.

Scotland will likely seek independence for a second time this decade after the historic vote for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union, Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said Friday. Scotland is one of four countries that make up the United Kingdom. England, Wales and Northern Ireland are the others. Scottish voters overwhelmingly backed remaining in the EU, 62% in favor of staying to 38% who want to leave. I found that surprising.

Remember the movie Braveheart? It was more fiction than truth. Nevertheless, Scotland gained its independence some 23 years after William Wallace’s execution,

with the Treaty of Edinburgh in 1328, and Wallace has since been remembered as one of Scotland’s greatest heroes. FREEDOM was the rallying call in 1305, just as it is today.

The revolution against globalist is underway, it started in America with our Republican Candidate, Donald J. Trump, and in Europe it started with Brexit. May it gloriously spread throughout the free world. 

European Countries Want Out of EU

Britons who voted to leave the EU said they did so for two reasons. Taking in all the Islamic migrants and Sharia law were the biggest reasons for the “leave” vote. The loss of cultural identity was also at the top of the list. [Link]

America’s North American Union

Henry Kissinger, Ted Cruz’s wife, Heidi, and former world bank president and Goldman Sachs boy, Robert Zoellick, were three of the many CFR members who helped to draft “Building a North American Community.” Heidi was a member of the CFR for five years, yet Ted Cruz has said the CFR is, “a den of vipers.” Remember too that Heidi Cruz worked for Condoleezza Rice, who is a member of the CFR and Trilateral Commission. Ted Cruz dropped out of the presidential race, but his wife has still not gone back to work at Goldman Sachs. Dirty tricks are expected by Cruz and the GOP establishment at the RNC Convention in July.

The globalists from both parties in America are certainly unhappy with the results of England’s vote to withdraw from the EU. This puts a huge damper on their plans for the North American Union. 

The People Rise Up

Finally, anger over the destruction of their country through EU demands made the British people stand up. This is about the very fundamentals of society, and the people being utterly disgusted with the politicians running their country and robbing them of their future. They have had enough. Their strong vote arose not out of fear and pique, but out of love for country and pride of place.

In America, it is much the same. People are rising up with the new revolution of Donald Trump supporters. Trump received more votes in a nominating contest than anyone previously. American citizens who love their country also do not want their culture changed, and neither do they want more job losses with the cheap labor invading our country, and our culture being destroyed with the influx of Islamic refugees.

The establishment giants on both sides of the aisle, but especially on the so-called right have viciously and violently attacked Trump in every way possible. They want to draw monies away from Trump, so they have created a “shadow operation” where they are trying, in every conceivable way, to destroy him.

This “shadow operation” is nothing more than globalists from both sides of the aisle getting together in smoky back rooms laying out plans to eliminate Trump from the race. They’ve infiltrated the rules committee, which meets the 16th and 17th of July, two days before the convention starts. They own the media which disparages Trump every chance they get. They form groups who say, NEVER TRUMP! They do everything in their power to stop the peoples’ choice.

The Cost of Freedom

The shadow operation is siphoning monies away from the large contributors who might have donated to the Trump campaign. And the only way he can win is if the little people contribute — thereby thwarting the power elite’s attempt to control the outcome of the election. 

As in the United Kingdom, the American grassroots can have the final say. It is in helping Donald Trump with our donations. The easiest way to get rid of globalism is to donate to Mr. Trump’s campaign. Mr. Trump spent $40 million on his primary campaign, and is still spending his own money, as well as losing income from those companies who have divorced him for going against the New World Order plans.

It is the little people with low incomes, it is the elderly on social security, it is the broken family who out of their need, takes a few dollars from their grocery money and sends it to Mr. Trump. It is those who’ve lost their jobs, those who have lost hope, those who are weary of defeat, who have been inspired to help. It is those of us who have worked hard all our lives and have watched our country being destroyed, who give our last few dollars in the hopes that Mr. Trump will be elected our 45th President.

Remember the Biblical story of the widow’s mite. Luke 21:1-4 KJV

The elitists think we’re stupid, that we’re the unwashed masses they can rule, that we are too ignorant to know what is good for us. Well, we sure as hell know the globalist neo-conservative Trotskyites of the right, and the hardcore Stalin/Lenin Communists of the left are not good for us or for America.

Truly, it is the little people who will make the difference in our country, who will stand up and be counted, even with their last few pennies. It is us who will give America a second chance by supporting Donald J. Trump. and are two authorized Trump PACs. To send a check by mail to the Committee for American Sovereignty, send you donation check to this address:

645 West Ninth Street
Suite 110-257
Los Angeles, California 90015

P.S. Every day new articles appear in your inbox to keep you informed as to what is happening in our world. Thanks to NewsWithViews Publisher, Paul Walter, those of us who do the research are guaranteed to reach thousands upon thousands of readers. Freedom is not free, and NewsWithViews is supported only by your donations. Whatever you can afford, please help keep this website up and running, so we can bring you the latest news from around the world. If you wish please click here to donate.

Please donate to the man with integrity, Donald J. Trump

Donald J. Trump’s Integrity

Alvin and Heidi Toffler Third Waver. He’s a loyal globalist and New World Order puppet. Bottom line, Newt is just another neo-con Trotskyite.

Public Law 101-216 in 1989 (an update to the General and Complete Disarmament Law, Public Law 87-297) you will find that Newt Gingrich voted in favor of section 2 of this disarmament bill which reads:

Gingrich’s disarmament vote alone would discredit him from even a long list of folks considered for Mr. Trump’s Vice President. Trump’s comments after the Orlando shooting tell where he stands. Trump didn’t mince words Friday, in Woodlands, Texas, as he addressed the Orlando terrorist attack, referring to the gunman as a “son of a b—-” and arguing that guns in civilian hands could have mitigated the carnage.

Trump Says NO THANKS to Bribes

Here’s the reality of Trump’s true integrity. Trump needs donations, but he refused $300 million (basically a bribe) to accept Newt Gingrich as his vice president. The MSM reported that casino magnate Sheldon Adelson was willing to contribute $100 million to Trump’s campaign, but what wasn’t reported was the additional $200 million the establishment offered Trump in exchange for choosing Gingrich.

Sheldon Adelson

Remember JFK and LBJ? LBJ was chosen as the VP for JFK because FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, gave LBJ the file on Kennedy’s dalliances with other women. In 1959-1960, the news of Kennedy having affairs outside of his marriage would have ruined his career. Can you say “blackmail?” And then on November 22, 1963, Kennedy ends up assassinated, and we end up with LBJ as president and his unconstitutional “Great Society.”

In 1980, Ronald Reagan was elected, and although many of us knew what Ronnie really was, he was elected despite his choice of George H.W. Bush for VP. Maybe he decided he was going to do the presidency his way, but only 69 days into his first term, on March 31,1981, an attempted assassination occurred. John Hinckley Jr. was not the shooter. The shot that hit Reagan came from above and nearly killed him. After this assassination attempt, Reagan’s administration was filled with CFR members. Years ago John Judge was a guest on the Roger Fredinburg show for two hours and he exposed what really happened with Reagan’s assassination attempt. [Link]

Trump does not need another LBJ as vice president in the form of Newt Gingrich. If anything happened to Trump, Gingrich would bring the country right back into the NWO globalist fold, and Trump knows that.

All the talk of Senator Bob Corker being a VP choice is also just talk. Trump knows that Corker was the deciding vote for the Iran deal

So please stop listening to the MSM spewing all their beliefs and polls, because 99 9/10th of what they write is false. Trump needs a Vice Presidential candidate who has the same policies and beliefs that Trump has.

Gingrich Retaliates

For weeks Gingrich was on every Fox News show, spoken about in the MSM, and portrayed as the number one choice by Trump for VP. As soon as Gingrich found out that Mr. Trump had declined the monies (which he needs), Gingrich started lashing out at him publicly. Gingrich became vitriolic in his criticism of Trump. He stated that Trump made “one of his worst mistakes” for pointing out that the federal judge, (who should recuse himself) handling the Trump University lawsuit, has close ties to LaRaza Hispanic nationalist organization. Gingrich told the Washington Post, “I don’t know what Trump’s reasoning was, and I don’t care.”

Trump Needs our Donations

There have been millions of Americans who have attended Mr. Trump’s rallies. I am calling on all of you to pass this article to any other Trump supporters. Why? Because Trump now needs the funds for his campaign against Hillary Clinton. He financed his own primary campaign…he received no PAC monies, but now he needs our help. If each of us who have attended Trump rallies would send $100.00, he would be helped so very much.

I’m sending a donation to Mr. Trump every month because I want to save my country. We must now put our money where our mouths have been. “GO TRUMP” means we financially support him to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. and are two authorized Trump PACs. To send a check by mail to the Committee for American Sovereignty, send to this address:

645 West Ninth Street
Suite 110-257
Los Angeles, California 90015


What did Jesus say in Revelation 3:16? “So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth.” So many are like this, lukewarm in all they do, but not Donald J. Trump!

The establishment crooks offered Mr. Trump mega bucks to take their Vice Presidential choice of Newt Gingrich. Because of the integrity and honesty of Donald J. Trump, he refused their “offer,” despite the fact that his campaign needs the funds. Trump is no “lukewarm” candidate, he’s strong on his principles, and he hasn’t wavered. Those principles and policies have resonated with Americans. 

I fully believe the Lord’s Hand is on Mr. Trump. I also believe that as long as Trump stands true to his convictions and never wavers, that God will supply his needs. Please, do what you can to help this man succeed and become America’s 45th United States President.

Democrat controlled city of Cleveland grants Trump haters permits to RNC convention

I have learned to hate all traitors, and there is no disease that I spit on more than treachery. —Aeschylus

Ohio Governor John Kasich

Treachery does abound, especially by Governor John Kasich of Ohio, who undoubtedly has a voice in what transpires at the July RNC Convention in Cleveland. Before we delve into the machinations at the Ohio Convention, let’s review Governor John R. Kasich’s policies. 

Ohio has lost 112,500 jobs to TPP. In 1994, when he was a US Congressman, John Kasich proudly voted for the Clinton Gun and Magazine ban. He believes illegal aliens should have a path to citizenship, and he accepted the Medicaid expansion under the Obamacare bill for the State of Ohio. [Link] Kasich paints a wonderful picture of Common Core that would be nice, if only it were rooted in reality. [Link] What a joke! Democrat or better yet, a socialist, belongs behind this governor’s name!

So knowing just these few tidbits about John Kasich, would you expect graciousness to the presumptive Republican nominee, especially knowing Donald Trump’s policies are the polar opposites of Kasich’s? 

Permits Granted to Anti-Trump Groups

click here.

What is even more diabolical, is that a confined protest parade space will leave protesters from opposing sides together in Cleveland and competing for rally space on a first-come, first-serve basis. Yet, to date, only anti-Trump permits have been issued.

Here is the recently released list of groups who have received permits for protests at the Convention. 

Among this list is the virulently anti-gay, anti-soldier, Kansas-based group, Westboro Baptist Church, founded by now deceased, Fred Phelps. Why any city would grant a permit to this filth is absolutely beyond me. The first amendment seems to be granted to the vilest of groups, yet Christian or patriotic groups are shunned.

Others receiving permits include, Code Pink (A United Nation’s Non-Governmental Organization), League of Women Voters (pro-aborts, pro-climate change, pro-gun control), and the 50 member, Stand Together Against Trump, whose big focus is on snuggling up with Muslims and illegal immigrants. 

Not to be denied, Rose Hamid, is another terrorist-supporting Muslim who is masquerading as a good American! 

Note her usage of similitude with the “Star of David” patch proclaiming Muslim, rather than Jude as it did in Nazi Germany. Portraying herself as though Islamists have suffered what European Jews suffered with the Nazis in WWII is heinous.

Walid Shoebat reported:

Hamid is president of the nonprofit Muslim Women of the Carolinas. Their Facebook page is here. She is associated with several groups, including the Muslim American Society(MAS) of NC, CAIR, and the Islamic Society of Charlotte. The MAS is a front for the terrorist group Muslim Brotherhood. CAIR is an internationally recognized terrorist organization. The Islamic Society of Charlotte has ties to the infamous Holy Land Foundation Terrorist Financing case, as has been reported by the Carolina Journal Online.

One of the fund-raising groups that had connections to North Carolina was the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, which formerly was based in Richardson, Texas. The Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets named the charity a specially designated terrorist organization and shut it down in 2001.

The foundation was a front organization for Hamas and sponsored offices and fund-raisers nationwide, including in Charlotte. The foundation was one of the largest Islamic charities in the United States, raising about $13 million annually.

See my previous article for more information on the Holy Land Foundation. 

ACLU of Ohio Files Lawsuit

Roger Stone, confidant and advisor to Mr. Trump, has apparently helped guide the ACLU in this suit. They are upset over complaints of a lack of permit granting and a restrictive “event zone.” The Daily Caller article, Documents Reveal RNC Convention Protesters Are Set Up For Confrontation, explains the details of the ACLU lawsuit, and the obvious bias of those issuing the permits.

Roger Stone told the Daily Caller, “It is also a combustible mix to force Trump supporters and paid agitators into the limited space allowed as what they propose is a recipe for violence.” Anyone who has permits from the City are guaranteed protection by law enforcement. 

Trump Supporters Being Gagged

Roger Stone is absolutely correct in stating that Trump supporters are being gagged by the Democratic machine, not to mention abridging the first and fourth amendments to the Bill of Rights.

Citizens for Trump has yet to receive a permit for the Convention. Sound one-sided? You bet it is. The group was originally planning on having a march of 5,000 people featuring motorcycles from the group Bikers for Trump. According to a letter to the ACLU from Cleveland’s chief counsel, the motorcycles would be a security issue. 

“After the June 6 meeting, we discussed this issue with our safety forces and the U.S. Secret Service. Bicycles, motorcycles, and any vehicle containing gasoline or other fuel will not be allowed on the Official Parade Route,” the letter says. What a bunch of one-sided bull dung! 

Citizens for Trump was also originally planning on hosting a multi-speaker six-hour event at a park, but will now be competing against other rallies for space.

The Big Steal

Stop the Steal is the non-violent, peaceful march and rally co-sponsored by Citizens for Trump, We Will Walk, Truckers for Trump, Women for Trump, Students for Trump, and Bikers for Trump.

Stop the Steal has been asking Trump supporters to come to the Convention on Monday, July 18th in Cleveland for a peaceful, non-violent rally and march. We need to send a clear signal to the GOP through our sheer numbers that we will not vote Republican, or work for the ticket if Donald Trump is robbed of the nomination at the Convention. 

We must outnumber the paid professional agitators sent by radical Mexican groups, Move-On, and Black Lives Matter to incite violence, which the MSM will blame on Trump and his supporters. Above all, we must not be provoked into violence.

Stop the Steal needs the grassroots rebellion to turn out in droves. Why? Because even if Donald Trump secures 1237 commitments on the first ballot, the anti-Trump forces are stealing a majority on questions of rules and credentials. By placing anti-Trump Republicans in the Trump delegate seats (so called Trojan Horse delegates) they plan a rules change that will unbind the delegates. Because they have stacked the Trump delegate seats with ringers, this crucial vote comes before the first ballot for President. If passed the Trump delegates will no longer be bound by party rules to vote for Trump. Anti-Trump quislings are being planted in various delegations that will be free to betray Trump, regardless of the will of the voters. This is the BIG STEAL.

Stop the Steal, so expenses for cheap housing for Trump supporters, porta-potties, sound systems, etc. can be purchased. 

This is an urgent call to support our candidate, Donald J. Trump, at the RNC Convention.


My friend and fellow journalist, Devvy Kidd, wrote an article that gives the best explanation of why America is in the crucial and tragic situation we have today. Primary Voters Still Voting For Their Own Destruction tells the full story. Comic strip, Pogo, made the famous and all true statement, “We have met the enemy, and he is us.” Devvy and Pogo are spot on. 

Believe me, I know there are a myriad of other reasons, and hordes of demonic entities and organizations are responsible, but we need to get off our fat behinds, and go to the polls in droves.

Very few of America’s electorate turn out for the most important vote, and that’s the primaries. They are where we choose who will be the candidates. If you don’t show up there, the same ole, same ole, garbage is the candidate again, and then “we” wonder why there is no one to vote for, and we end up with the same traitorous slop we’ve had for the last two or six years.

Congress has an approval rating of 5% to 9% at best, and we’ve repeatedly put these Judas’s back in office. The backstabbing duplicity of these re-elected incumbents continues because of us. That’s the bottom line.

As we’ve seen over the last year of this campaign, both Republicans and Democrats are responsible for the rancorous and malicious attacks on the voters’ choice, Donald J. Trump. 

Our support for the man we’ve chosen as the next president of the United States is crucial. It is incumbent upon us, Mr. Trump’s supporters, to greatly outnumber George Soros’ community organizing communist agitators. 

Be in Cleveland on July 18th, pray for Mr. Trump and his family, and pray for our country. This is the watershed make or break election for America.

The government’s submission to Jihad

Dietrich Bonhoeffer (who died in a Nazi concentration camp) said, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil.”

He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it. —Martin Luther King, Jr.

Muslims with Terrorist Ties Scrubbed from DHS

See Something, Say Nothing.” Mr. Haney is a founding member of the Department of Homeland Security. Employed with DHS for 15 years, and what he told Hannity should send shivers down your spine and create a backlash of immense proportions. He said that the DHS was ordered by Obama to scrub records of Muslims with terrorist ties. These included individuals, organizations, and networks, both across the United States and affiliations within foreign countries.

So, before going into the details, let’s cut to the chase. Obama’s order to scrub Muslims with terrorist ties from the DHS compiled list, made connecting the terrorist dots far more difficult. In doing so, it also opened the door for more Islamic jihads within our borders. The result of this order includes two things, the purposeful death of innocent Americans, and new draconian and unconstitutional laws which will destroy our liberties and freedoms. 

Americans Unaware of Obama’s Treason

Mr. Haney’s book tells the full story, but he wrote a condensed version in an article in The Hill. He explained that jihadists planned to murder another 290 travelers during the 2009 Christmas holiday. On a flight from the Netherlands to Detroit, brave passengers subdued the terrorist after explosives in his underwear had failed to detonate.

After this attempted attack, Obama excoriated the intelligence community for their failures. He said, “This was not a failure to collect intelligence, it was a failure to integrate and understand the intelligence that we already had.”

Haney stated the following in his article:

Most Americans were unaware of the enormous damage to morale at the Department of Homeland Security, where I worked, his condemnation caused. His words infuriated many of us because we knew his administration had been engaged in a bureaucratic effort to destroy the raw material—the actual intelligence we had collected for years, and erase those dots. The dots constitute the intelligence needed to keep Americans safe, and the Obama administration was ordering they be wiped away.

Obama and Islam

Surely by now, Americans who are paying attention understand that Obama is nothing more than a Muslim plant in our White House. It certainly appears that way with the seeding of Islamic so-called “refugees” throughout our nation.

With the massacre in Orlando, Islamic terrorists have now killed 91 and injured more than 370 on American soil since President Obama took office. Yet Obama still refuses to admit that radical Islam is a threat. In fact, he refuses to even use the term, “radical Islam.” Even more disturbing is the fact that the term is not used by the majority of our Congress, our media, and the Christian right.

Obama also recently appointed a Syrian Immigrant, Laila Alawa, who said, “9/11 changed the world for good,” as a Homeland Security Adviser. [Link] She is a sitting member on the Homeland Security Advisory Council’s (HSAC) Subcommittee on Countering Violent Extremism and is a 25-year-old immigrant of Syrian heritage, and has consistently disparaged America, free speech, and white people on social media.

Truly, God help us…this is such an abomination.

Trump Attacked for the Truth

Donald J. Trump was viciously attacked by both Obama and Hillary Clinton for telling the truth to the American public. In fact, Obama lashed out in a seething tirade against Trump for his statements regarding Islamic terrorism and the protection of American citizens.

Joining these two Marxists in their vilification of Mr. Trump are both the Democrats and neo-con Trotskyite Republicans. Trump sent out this statementto his supporters, and here is his speech the morning after the Orlando tragedy.

Donald Trump reiterated his call for an indefinite ban on immigration from Muslim countries, and asserted that the president would be empowered to establish such a ban on his own. “The immigration laws of the United States give the president the power to suspend entry into the country of any class of persons that the president deems detrimental to the interests or security of the United States, as he deems appropriate,” Trump said. Remember President Jimmy Carter actually banned Iranians from entering the country.

Paul Ryan on Muslim Ban

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan made a total ass of himself again by publically stating that a ban on Muslims entering the country is not in America’s best interests. [Link

Obama’s Goal: Total and Complete Disarmament

The end which justifies Obama’s means…total and complete disarmament of the American citizens, and the elimination of the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights given to us by God, and written down by our founders.

Obama Administration and UN Announce Global Police Force to Fight ‘Extremism’ In U.S.” They really are coming for your guns. They really do think you are stupid. Of course the politicians themselves are not going to disarm you, they are counting on the loyalty of the police to do their dirty work. And if they get their way, all they have to do to disarm you is by having a bureaucrat put your name on a secret government list. Even while importing huge numbers of Islamic immigrants from countries illegally bombed and destroyed by the Obama administration and its allies, Obama’s secretary of homeland security now claims Americans must submit to much more gun control — this time, for “national security” reasons. [Link]


Matt Drudge tweeted to Jeh Johnson that he could go first with giving up his firearms and protection…ahem.

Link] Really? Of course they don’t mention that the attack occurred in a “gun free zone.” The U.S. has a right to totally ignore that filthy organization and their communist plans for the world. Those gun-free zones are the most dangerous in America, and that includes all government schools.

A group of Democrats fueled by the Orlando LGBT nightclub murders committed by Omar Mateen are planning to slip a couple gun-control measures into a bill by Rep. Tim Murphy that’s supposed to focus on mental health. Isn’t that just how they continually operate, under the cover of darkness.

What most Americans don’t realize is that back in December of 1989, Public Law 101-216 was signed into law during the term of George H.W. Bush. It calls for the elimination of armaments of all types. This includes the arms owned by law abiding citizens. Check out the list of those who voted “Yea,” and you’ll find Newt Gingrich’s name there. Any wonder Trump refused Adelson’s $200 million to make Newt his VP?! 


God institutes government, and we do get the government we deserve. However, Romans 13 does not mean we are to be slaves to tyrants. We are to submit to what God ordains, but not to sin, and “submit” does not always mean “obey.” Revelation 13, using imagery from Daniel, depicts civil government as a terrifying “beast.” 

Daniel disobeyed Darius and went to the lion’s den. The three Hebrew children broke the law for not bowing. The parents hid baby Moses from Pharaoh. Rahab lied to protect the Hebrew spies. The Apostles went to prison for preaching Christ in the authority of Heaven. Paul and his followers in Acts 17 did contrary to all the decrees of Caesar in order to make Jesus the King. Even Jesus lived in direct opposition of the political religious leaders of his day and went to the cross for us. We are to obey God, not to have blind obedience to corruption and sin when it is in our government.

If you are in a church that insists you submit to evil in government through Romans 13, then you’d better find another church, because the preacher occupying the pulpit is a spineless political correct coward.

If you want this unconstitutional filth overturned, keep praying for God’s Hand to straighten out this mess. There is only one candidate who can and will do it. I am convinced that the God given choice is Donald J. Trump. He is the only person who listens to us, who loves us, who loves America, who knows how to bring us back from the brink of destruction, and who will stand for the Constitution and our unalienable God Given Bill of Rights. There is no other choice! Vote to Make America Great Again.

Trump on Islamic terrorist attack in Florida

“The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie. One word of truth outweighs the world.” —Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Trump released a statement regarding the terrorist attack in Orlando, Florida. Here is part of what he said.

Radical Islam

Mr. Trump also reminded people that President Obama has failed to use the words, “Radical Islam,” and said that if Hillary also refuses to use those words, she should get out of the race. Euphemisms and political correctness are anathema to our presumptive Republican nominee. Thankfully, Mr. Trump tells it like it is, and that is why he resonates with working Americans.

He is right, there will be more attacks. The barbaric destruction of civilization by Islamists is well-known worldwide. The root word for Islam is “al-Silm,” which means “submission” or “surrender.” The Quran not only calls Muslims to submit to Allah, it also orders them to subdue people of other religions until they are in a full state of submission to Islamic rule. This has inspired the aggressive history of Islam and its military and demographic success in conquering other cultures.

Obviously, Muslims, as individuals, can choose how much of their religion they practice, if any. However, once there are enough of them in any country, history shows that they all join with the Imams in demanding special privileges in a nation they are desirous of Islamizing.

For many years, America has accepted hundreds of thousands of Muslim immigrants, and for the past seven and a half years, our Marxist Muslim President has seeded the American nation with millions of Islamic young men. The so-called “refugees” are pouring into our country daily. This is called a “Hijrah,” the migration to Islamize a new land, and it is Hillary’s invasion of Libya that caused the snowball effect we see today with boatloads of refugees arriving in America daily.

What we’ve seen in Europe with rapes and pillaging has changed the landscape of the countries who have accepted these “refugees.” Homes and towns have been destroyed, cultures demolished, civilization eliminated. Muslim male refugees are actually gang raping women in Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, France, Denmark, Austria, Switzerland, and Finland. All created by their high-paid government officials.

Islamic hatred for Jews and Christians is well known. Women are second class citizens, and the horrors they endure are an atrocity to modern societies. Many Muslim women have suffered genital mutilation, and acid attacks by Muslim vigilantes for failing to wear hijabs. Children are raised to hate, and to even desire to become martyrs by strapping bombs on themselves to kill infidels. Dogs are hated, they are crucified and poisoned, injected with painful acids to kill them slowly. We’ve all seen beheadings, and read stories of children forced to watch their parents die by this gruesome evil. Young boys are actually taught to cut heads off their toy Teddy Bears. Worldwide historic artifacts have been systematically destroyed by Islamists. 

Homosexuals are despised, and the Islamic belief is that they should be put to death. And thus the Islamic terrorist attack on the gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida which has now killed 

Muslim Terrorist Responsible for Orlando Attack

CBS News says that shooter, Omar Mir Seddique Mateen had ties to Islamic terrorism. Mateen is a registered Democrat. Here’s his voter registration (from Florida Voters). Mateen is a Muslim.

Class D license, given to security guards; and a Class G license, which is a general concealed carry license. Both were set to expire in September 2017. An ATF spokesperson confirmed that Mateen was able to legally purchase guns, and bought both of the weapons used in the attack within the last week. (Gawker)

In other words, gun control — which Obama called for in reaction to the shooting — would not have deterred Mateen. Even a total ban on gun sales would not have stopped Mateen because he would have access to arms as a licensed security officer.

You can bet the farm, the MSM will not tell you the truth about Mateen, but they will push gun control so that the American citizenry has no protection against radical Islamists who are overwhelming our nation.

Omar Mateen, whose bloody siege inside the packed Orlando gay nightclub ended when SWAT teams stormed the building and killed him, was a radical Muslim who followed and was radicalized by New Black Panther party member, Marcus Dwayne Robertson, a law enforcement source said. 

The latest toll is 50 people dead, and 53 injured.

Donald J. Trump Understands Terrorism

Almost all of the Republican primary candidates opposed allowing Syrian refugees to resettle in the United States. They generally emphasized the difficulty of vetting the refugees and the possibility that terrorists could slip into the country. The only one who felt they should be allowed was Jeb Bush.

Donald J. Trump has taken a particularly aggressive stance, promising that he would expel any Syrian refugees allowed into the country by the Obama administration. 

We are in a dire situation where the invasion and seeding of our country with Islamic militant young men can change not only our culture, but destroy our entire country. 

Here are the three core principles of Mr. Trump’s immigration reform:

1. A nation without borders is not a nation.There must be a wall across the southern border.
2. A nation without laws is not a nation.Laws passed in accordance with our Constitutional system of government must be enforced.
3. A nation that does not serve its own citizens is not a nation.Any immigration plan must improve jobs, wages and security for all Americans.


Flooding our country with illegal alien immigrants and Muslim refugees, is not protecting American Citizenry. The government is not only using our tax dollars for people who have never paid into the system, but it is also taking jobs from Americans in an economy where employment opportunities are extremely scarce. The danger of allowing millions of Islamists to flood our nation, will cause tragedy upon tragedy. Illegal immigrants are responsible for thousands of American citizen’s deaths each year. We have seen what has happened in Europe because of the influx of millions of Islamic refugees. 

America is an immigrant melting pot, but when foreign invaders refuse to assimilate, we are asking for a great deal of distress.

The only candidate who totally understands the dangers inherent in this invasion of our country, is Donald Trump. Pray for the families who suffered losses in this tragedy.

Donald J. Trump’s authorized super pacs

“I will tell you that our system is broken. I give to many people, I give to everybody, when they call I give, and you know what? When I need something from them, two years, three years later, I call, they are there for me” — Donald Trump

Time to Support Mr. Trump

Donald Trump is right, but there’s another side to his giving. He has given to people he doesn’t even know because he cares about them, and what they’re doing, or what they’ve done. It is now up to us to give back to the man who has stepped forward to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. 

For those of us who are in the working class and struggle to make ends meet and even save a few dollars, we are unable to give large donations. However, we can send what little we can spare to help Mr. Trump win the presidency. How many thousands have shown up at all of Mr. Trump’s wonderful rallies? Now, we all need to show our appreciation and donate to his campaign to beat Hillary Clinton. It’s time to put our money where our mouths are! If we truly want America great again, we must help. Hillary Clinton needs to be soundly defeated, and Trump is the man to do it. Let’s take a look at where to donate and know that every penny will go to Mr. Trump.

Authorized Trump PACs

My email seems to always be flooded with people asking me what PACs for Mr. Trump are valid. Here again are the valid PACs, and there is a new one on the horizon which is not yet blessed by Trump, but looks great.

 Committee for American Sovereignty, Headed by a key player and close friend is former Trump exec, Nick Ribis and Ben Carson’s former advisor, Doug Watts. This is a totally legitimate PAC. Make sure you check the “about” portion of this PAC. Our wonderful former County Sheriff is on the advisor list, along with Admiral James A. Lyons USN (Retd.), remember his speech at the Center for Security Policy’s “Defeat Jihad Summit.” – several informative articles on this page, and a great way to keep up.

Giving to either of these PACS is a safe bet.

The Newest PAC on the Scene

Tom Barrack is one of Donald’s closest personal friends, truly a peer. Barrack pulled together hard commitments for $32 M virtually overnight – (remember Pro-Hillary PACs have $45M cash on hand and are about to start a heavy negative TV buy for June). 

This new Super PAC hired Alex Castellanos. He previously worked for Mitt Romney and was quietly supporting a Stop Trump effort last fall. Castellanos is now helping guide “Rebuild America Now” along with its backer, Tom Barrack. The Trump campaign has not publicly blessed the super PAC. However, Castellanos has come out with a 30 second video that is amazingly good, and never mentions Mr. Trump.

Roger Stone sees this as the number one PAC to help Trump. He thinks it’s a hard money PAC, and a big money PAC.

Unauthorized Trump PACs

trademarked name of Trump’s campaign, Make America Great Again. It was officially shut down in October of 2015.

Mike Ciletti, a Colorado GOP operative, was working for this PAC. After initially telling media that he did not know Ciletti, former Trump Campaign Manager, Corey Lewandowski, acknowledged that he was familiar with the Colorado consultant. But he said he did not ask him to start the super PAC, as Trump was self-funding his primary campaign.

Lewandowski knew Ciletti, because Ciletti’s WizBang Solutions had done extensive work as a mail vendor for Americans for Prosperity (AFP), in both 2012 and 2014, and Corey previously worked as a regional director and national director of voter registration at AFP. 

 Great America PAC – This is a very aggressive PAC, and it is NOT authorized by the Trump Campaign. They advertise on internet, and Fox News, and constantly send you emails. They have huge lists of potential donors via dominionist Gary DeMar’s Liberty Alliance. [Link] This is a scam. This is NOT the place to go if you want to donate to Donald Trump’s campaign. It is run by Jesse Benton and Ed Rollins. See my previous articles here and here on this false PAC. 

Jesse Benton, grandson-in-law of Ron Paul was convicted of falsifying campaign records for attempting to conceal the use of campaign funds to secure the endorsement of an Iowa state senator during Paul’s 2012 campaign. Benton has ties to Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell.

Ed Rollins currently works at Teneo Strategies, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Clinton, Inc. Roger Stone believes this is a sabotage operation. Even Mother Jones magazine has reported that only $5.00 of any donation goes to Trump. So where does the rest of the money go?


The two places to donate to Donald Trump’s campaign are the Committee for Sovereign America, and Tom Barrack’s PAC looks to be great for collecting from large donors. 

BuzzFeed. They became the first national news outlet to swear off Trump’s ad dollars. CEO Jonah Peretti said the company had canceled a $1.3 million contract with the Republican National Committee to run political ads for Trump’s presidential campaign beginning in the fall — in the final key months before the election on November 8.

Dish Network has also dropped Newsmax, which featured pro-Trump, Steve Malzberg and others. Newsmax didn’t even charge Dish for their show. Their shows were actually the only ones on cable who reported a truly Constitutional conservative view.

So there you have it. If people ask you where to donate to Mr. Trump’s campaign, simply send them this article. Time is short, please do whatever you can to help.

Unauthorized Trump pac showing up in your email?

“Greed is a fat demon with a small mouth and whatever you feed it is never enough.” —Janwillem van de Wetering

Teneo and Ed Rollins

Teneo was actually founded by Hillary’s former ambassador to Ireland, Declan Kelly, and Bill Clinton’s former aide, Doug Band. Even Huma Abedin, Hillary’s closest aide, has worked for Teneo. The founders of Teneo have profited by their close affiliations with the Clintons. Guess who is promoting this unauthorized Trump PAC via email?

Dominionist/Reconstructionist Gary DeMar

A good friend of mine with a sharp eye, scrolled the email she received from Ed Rollins’ Great America PAC. What she found at the bottom of the email was very telling.

Copyright © 2016. is a member of Liberty Alliance (address). All rights reserved.

147 Ponderosa Trail | Dallas, GA 30132

The Dallas Georgia address belongs to Gary DeMar of American Vision. Here is the leadership of Liberty Alliance, and virtually all of them are Dominionists/Reconstructionists (D/R). Note that Gary DeMar of American Vision is on the Liberty Alliance board. Scroll down the page to see their member sites and partners.

Google map the address at the bottom of the email. Then Google the address itself in a search engine. Then google it with “American Vision” and/or “Gary DeMar.” This address has come up on dozens of campaign email literature this past year and some smart researchers have tracked it to this 147 Ponderosa Trail, which is the SAME ADDRESS as Gary DeMar’s headquarters.

For a while DeMar was hard-core pro-Cruz, but it appears he has switched now. What concerns me the most is that this 147 Ponderosa Trail is the repository of all of DATABANKING going on — anyone who presses reply, or donate, is then part of DeMar’s LISTS! This is building a Reconstructionist empire, and bet me Ed Rollins and gang have gotten the lists of a great many groups of people.

Other DeMar promoted Email Websites

Clash Daily – Note, Steve Deace and Mark Levin, both supporters of Dominionist Ted Cruz, and both support a Constitutional Convention with Cruz.

Patriot Depot – Note the request for funds from Ted Cruz for President. – Note, Patriot Update and Liberty Alliance at the bottom of page. 

Patriot Update – member of Liberty Alliance and also promoting Rubio.

Patriot Update – And here’s more datamining with a presidential primary survey by none other than Reince Priebus, Chairman of the RNC.


There are far too many websites to list, although if you’ll click on the leadership of Liberty Alliance and scroll to “member sites,” you’ll see the many websites affiliated with D/R Gary Demar’s American Vision address. Liberty Alliance promotes fellow Reconstructionists/Dominionist websites and people, Eagle Rising, Godfather Politics, Political Outcast, and dozens and dozens more.

Thanks to some vigilant researchers, and you two gals know who you are, now everyone will know the various sites which are emailed and promoted by Liberty Alliance. One needs only to look at the address of 147 Ponderosa Trail, in Dallas, Georgia, or for Patriot Depot and Liberty Alliance at the bottom of the email, to know you’re in a website promoted by D/R Gary DeMar.

Gary DeMar’s Liberty Alliance is promoting Ed Rollins unauthorized Great America PAC via email, and to lists garnered in various ways. They even have the anti-Common Core lists from Glenn Beck and David Barton, so I’m sure you’ll see one of Rollins’ emails in your inbox. When you do, you’ll now know who is sending and promoting it.

Solomon Yue, the rules committee and the Trump nomination

“Never attempt to win by force what can be won by deception.” — Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince

Donald J. Trump is all too aware of the underhanded tactics of the GOP establishment (GOPe). It is why he hired the best man to help him with delegates and rule changes at the RNC Convention. That man is Mr. Paul Manafort, and he is already aware of the various dishonest shenanigans by the GOPe in several states. He will level the path to Mr. Trump’s nomination at the Cleveland Convention in July. 

A Look at Oregon

Oregon Trump supporters have a convoluted and menacing problem within the GOPe. There are any number of players, but for the purpose of brevity, we’ll concentrate on only one in this article.

The one to worry about is Solomon Yue. Yue may be one of the Cruz delegate organizers, and he may well be the one who will do all he can to hurt Trump. Yue, like Cruz, is itching to make trouble at the convention. It even looks as though he’d like Trump to lose, in the hopes that Cruz can run and win in 2020.

Perhaps Mr. Soloman Yue lives by the above quote from Machiavelli, and deception is the key. Oregon’s Trump supporters are very concerned about Yue’s alliances. 

Who is Solomon Yue?

Yue is involved in a number of organizations, but the few we’re concerned about include his membership in the Republican National Committee’s Standing Committee on Rules, and his membership as the National committeeman for Oregon’s Republican Party for the last 16 years. In 2013, Mr. Yue assumed the role of Founder, Vice Chairman and CEO of Republicans Overseas, representing and influencing a large percentage of the 8.7 million U.S. citizens abroad. Some inside sources feel Yue is independently funded by several Super Pac schemes and by Chinese Communist sponsors. 

Yue’s bio reads that he’s an escapee from Chinese communism, and now a virulent anti-communist and Constitutional conservative. Inside sources in Oregon believe Yue wears a conservative mask that belies his true agenda.

Yue Immigrates to U.S.

Solomon Yue says his grandfather met Democrat Glenn Olds, then president of Alaska Pacific University, at an international Methodist conference, and asked him to assist his 16-year-old grandson, Solomon, in Shanghai, to immigrate. Olds was a consultant to President John F. Kennedy on the creation of social programs, including the Peace Corps, and the formation of Vista, Volunteers in Service to America. Olds was a devout globalist. He was appointed to the United Nations Economic and Social Council, and he was also the Chair of the World Federalist Association Board of Directors. [Link


The Rules Committee

Solomon Yue has been regarded as one of the driving forces bringing change to the Republican National Committee (RNC). He sits on the committee that could rewrite the rules for the party’s nominating convention for president and vice president from July 16th through 18th in Cleveland, Ohio. There are 112 members of the RNC Rules Committee, and Yue is among the top 20 most senior members. 

Yue wants the RNC’s rules committee to recommend that the convention adopt different rules for how the process works. As it stands, the convention will be operated under the same rules that the House of Representatives works under. Accordingly, Paul Ryan, Speaker of the house, will be in charge and wielding the gavel with absolute power. Believe me, this is not my idea of a great situation either, however, this will mean no funny business and no filibusters.

In April of 2016, Solomon Yue proposed rule changes for the Convention. [Link] He proposed replacing the complicated Republican rules book — based on the rules of the U.S. House — with Roberts Rules of Order. Yue clashed with RNC head, Reince Preibus, on this proposal. A GOP rules committee meeting in Florida rejected Yue’s proposal on a voice vote. [Link] Yue knows what he wants and why he wants it, and it’s certainly NOT to protect Mr. Trump’s nomination on the first ballot.

What Yue and a sizable number of committee members would like, is decentralized power with many opportunities for delegates to block the process. 

Since Mr. Trump’s hiring of the brilliantly capable, Paul Manafort, it seems that it is the Cruz delegation who has the most to lose under a heavy speaker’s gavel. Now Cruz faces the very strong possibility of an establishment yielding to Trump, and slamming the door on the first ballot without Cruz never getting to stage a floor fight. 

Trump has his 1237 delegates, and more, but many of the delegates and their preferences are in dispute, especially because of state GOPe involvement in Trump’s delegates. Under Yue’s desired rule changes, Cruz’s team would hope to be able to disqualify some delegates or even unbind some that don’t have autonomy on the first ballot. A powerful parliamentary officer can shut down procedural tactics, calls for further debate, or the re-visitation of credentials or rules. Ryan, however, could hammer closed the selection process on round one, and send furious Cruz backers out into the northern Ohio night. 

Saul Anuzis, Solomon Yue, and Ted Cruz

Saul Anuzis, who is tight with Muslim loving CFR and CNP member, Grover Norquist, was also Cruz’s Hezbollah loving Michigan campaign chief. Anuzis has a long record of reaching out to Hezbollah’s American agents and supporters. As Chair of the Michigan Repubs, Anuzis made it a point to pander to Shi’ite Muslims in Dearbornistan who were and are open supporters of Hezbollah. In an article by Debbie Schlussel, she states, “Saul Anuzis ran for Chairman of the Republican National Committee, a position which he lost to Reince Priebus, (even though Tea Party Nation backed Anuzis). But when he was running, my previous articles about Saul Anuzis and his Hezbollah-pandering on this site (including here, and here, and here,) came back to bite him.”

According to Breitbart, Cruz instructed his operatives to build up a bloc of votes to dominate both the party’s Rules Committee and the writing of the platform, said Saul Anuzis, a senior advisor to the Cruz campaign. The article also stated, 

The former manager of Cruz’s Michigan campaign said the campaign is still organized, with state chairmen and coordinators in each congressional district, and the campaign is developing its whip system for the convention.

In addition to the 559 delegates already bound to Cruz, Anuzis said he is confident the Cruz bloc will reach up to 700 delegates at the convention in Cleveland. “They are conservatives and they care about the same issues that Ted Cruz cares about,” he said. More than 300 delegates have not yet been designated.

Anuzis and Yue are well acquainted with each other, both traveling in the same circles and on many of the same committees. Their goals are the same, both working for a disruptive convention, Yue with rules changes at the last minute, and Anuzis hoping Yue succeeds so Cruz has a chance at stopping the first ballot for Trump.


The machinations behind the scenes in the GOPe are so complex and twisted, that even skimming the surface of their schemes is overwhelming. As I stated in the beginning of this article, I concentrated only on one individual, Solomon Yue, so that people understand that it’s not over until the fat lady sings, and Donald J. Trump has the GOP nomination for President of the United States.

Paul Manafort is in charge of overseeing this entire process. He was directly hired by Mr. Trump, because Trump hires only the best, and I have complete faith in the man and his abilities. Mr. Manafort knows the will of the American people, and his job is to put our choice in our White House for the next 8 years. As such, we must keep all of them in our prayers.

Trump says country comes before tv cameras

Never in the history of the world has any soldier sacrificed more for the freedom and liberty of total strangers than the American soldier. —Zell Miller

National Anthem Shall Be Sung!

Last Wednesday at a campaign rally in Anaheim, California, when he arrived Donald Trump was told that they would not be singing the National Anthem as was originally planned and as is customary. The singer was there, in fact he spoke with the woman who was supposed to sing for the crowd and she told him that the reason had something to do with television cameras. That’s no reason in Trump’s book.

Trump started his speech by saying, “Here’s what happened. I got here, and they said to me, ‘We don’t have time for the National Anthem.’ And I said, ‘Yes we do!’ We have time for the National Anthem, right?” So he asked Sherry Wilkins to come up and sing the National Anthem, and she did a beautiful job of it. This is the kind of president we need, a real patriot who is proud to be an American.

Decoration Day, aka Memorial Day

There are only two holidays a year that bring me to tears. The first is Decoration Day (now Memorial Day) and the second is Independence Day, July 4th. A few years ago, I wrote an article entitled Real Americans. I told of the loss and heartbreak I felt when I saw the flags waving and heard the firecrackers. The loss of what we once were, and what we have become, is overwhelming. The same feeling is present with Decoration Day.

Our Flag Honors the Fallen

The Memorial Day flag is to be raised briskly to the top of the pole at dawn and then lowered to half-mast until noon. This is done in remembrance. At noon, the flag is again raised to the top of the pole for the remainder of the day.

As a youngster, I always went with my grandparents to the cemetery to clean up the gravesites, place flowers, and sit a spell to remember those we lost. It was a quiet day, one that was somewhat solemn.


This Year is Different

This year, for the first time in 53 years, we have hope. That hope has come to us in the form of a billionaire businessman whose plain spoken, shoot from the hip comments and policies have awakened the masses who love this country. This year, the veterans know the GOP presumptive nominee is on their side. This year, we look forward to turning the tide back to the great America we once knew. This year, we know our candidate hears us. This year we have someone who insists the National Anthem be sung at all his rallies! This year we have someone who resonates with the masses, and God willing, this year we’ll have a newly elected President who loves America and her people. Thank you Donald J. Trump for giving us renewed hope.

Beware of Ed Rollins, Teneo and the unauthorized Trump pac

Instead of loving people and using money, people often love money and use people. —Wayne Gerard Trotman

Confusion Over Valid Trump PACS

clip of Ed Rollinssaying, “Donald Trump is not going to be a viable candidate.” 

Rollins statement is at 8.35 in the video.

Now, however, Ed Rollins is alleging, on Fox News and other media, that he is the co-chairman of Donald Trump’s Great America PAC. In my previous article, Be Wary of Bogus Trump Super PACS, I stated that the Great America PAC with co-chairman, Ed Rollins, was an unauthorized PAC. Rollins has openly admitted that it is not the official anointed PAC at this time. [Link]

Ed Rollins is a Republican campaign consultant and advisor. He lives in New York, where he has served as political commentator for CNN and (currently) Fox News and Fox Business. He has been a television commentator and a senior adviser to the Clinton-aligned firm, Teneo. Therein lies the rub. 

The only authorized Trump Super PAC is Committee for American Sovereignty. You can safely donate to the Committee PAC or to

Open Secrets has the summary data on this PAC, which shows they are collecting some monies, but again, unauthorized by the Trump Campaign. [Link]

Pickens Postpones Trump Fundraiser

Note that T. Boone Pickens is postponing a fundraiser for Donald Trump that had been scheduled to take place at Pickens’ ranch next month. [Link] Apparently he found out that the Great America PAC is not a sanctioned Trump PAC.

In a statement provided to the Dallas Morning News on Saturday, Pickens spokesman, Jay Rosser, blamed the cancellation on scheduling. In recent weeks, major news outlets have reported there is confusion among wealthy donors over where to give

Teneo and the Clintons

Teneo Holdings is a global consulting firm with deep Clinton connections. Teneo serves in an odd relationship to Clinton Inc. Doug Band, Mr. Clinton’s right-hand man for many years, is a Teneo founder. Huma Abedin, Mrs. Clinton’s right-hand woman for many years, was a senior advisor to Teneo at the same time she held a top position as part of Mrs. Clinton’s inner circle at the State Department. Bill Clinton was both a paid advisor to Teneo and a client. Secretary of State Clinton’s former Economic Envoy to Northern Ireland, Declan Kelly, is a Teneo co-founder and its CEO. Teneo isn’t really well known other than in the upper echelon of the elite, with only a few known corporate clients. It is best known for its relationship with the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation.

“The idea for Teneo was to have Fortune 400 companies pay large monthly stipends in exchange for access to Doug Band, Clinton, and their massive international network. Daniel Halper, in his book, “Clinton, Inc.,” wrote, “The group would ‘consult’ with the companies, offer strategic advice and help them overcome issues in various countries across the globe.” But a former Teneo employee told Halper that what the clients really got was nothing, other than an “implicit promise of access to Clinton.”

Doug Band (left) holds the door to the Oval Office open for Bill Clinton (right) and his chief of staff John Podesta in 2001.

In addition to Clinton, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, former US Sen. George Mitchell, and Ed Rollins, Ronald Reagan’s campaign manager, all came on board at Teneo. [Link]

Clinton was the key to Teneo’s success. “The two needed the president,” a source told Halper. “It was he who they were selling to their corporate clients.” Or, more precisely, it was their proximity to the power elite — former President Clinton, and his wife, who was then secretary of state. 

Teneo wasn’t much talked about until Mrs. Clinton’s formal entry into the presidential race. It was then that the media started looking at the Clinton Foundation, Teneo, and the disappearing State Dept. emails and realized this signaled some sort of gigantic sleazy game is afoot. Still, it’s under the radar of the electorate.

Clinton Foundation and Teneo

The Clinton Foundation is partly a philanthropy, partly a platform for post-presidential private enterprise (Bill’s speeches and consulting), and at one time, a presidential campaign-in-waiting (Hillary at the State Department and after). It includes the Clinton Global Initiative, a glitzy stage for big money pledges to various Clinton endeavors presided over by Bill himself, the Clinton Global Initiative University, and the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock. Under the auspices of the foundation, there is the Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiative, the Clinton Climate Initiative, the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative, the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership, the Clinton Development Initiative, the Clinton Economic Opportunity Initiative, and the Alliance for a Healthier Generation. The Clinton Foundation has long been thought a “charity fraud.” [Link]

Doug Band was actually the founder of the Clinton Global initiative, which he had suggested to Bill Clinton. He is on their board, and fundraises for them, while he also is a partner and founder of Teneo.

Doug Band (Counselor to U.S. President Bill Clinton, and he assisted in creating the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) [Link]); and Paul Keary (former Senior Managing Director of FTI Consulting). [Link

Declan Kelly

Kelly was a bargain for the State Dept., as he asked for no salary and paid for his own staffers. He pushed for US companies to invest in the once troubled Northern Ireland region, which was a priority for Hillary. Here’s the key however, while reaching out to global corporations for those investments, Kelly was also working for two of them as a private consultant and earning $2.4 million from Dow Chemical. Dow was one of Kelly’s long time clients and one of the investors in Hillary Clinton’s initiative.

While Kelly was working for the State Dept., he and Doug Band, a close aide to former President Bill Clinton, were preparing to launch a global consulting business that would soon become a well-known and controversial success story. Teneo Holdings was the new venture and this company has close ties to both Clintons. Teneo employed numerous Hillary Clinton associates, including her closest confidante, Huma Abedin, and, for a time, Bill Clinton as “honorary chairman,” giving clients rare access to the couple and their network of world leaders.


So there you have it. Bill Clinton was serving in the paid position of honorary chairman of Teneo, and Hillary as Secretary of State employed the founder of Teneo. The corporate executive clients of Teneo paid $250,000 a month, or more, for consulting and assistance, but with that came a chance to rub shoulders with the former first family. Teneo also formed a very beneficial relationship with the Clinton Global Initiative, (CGI) the fancy annual Clinton Foundation event starring the former president and other world leaders. The New York Times and The New Republic first reported three years ago how the philanthropic gathering provided an ideal nexus for Teneo to both recruit new clients and enhance the visibility of existing clients by getting them speaking roles.

Former employees of Teneo said a key element of Kelly and Band’s pitch to new clients was donating to the foundation or joining CGI to “raise your leadership profile.”

“They used the Clinton connection to launch it,” said a former employee who was there before the public unveiling. 

New Republic article. Clinton ended his relationship with Teneo on February 2012. [Link] He is now a friend and an unpaid advisor. Doug Band’s longtime advisor relationship with Clinton ended in 2013 after concerns that Band had used his ties with Clinton to increase Teneo’s holdings. 

Huma Abedin and Teneo

Link] In November 2015, the New York Times reported that in a letter to Senator Grassley, Teneo stated that prior to Ms. Abedin’s hiring, it had required her to sign an independent contract agreement that she would avoid any work that could potentially pose a conflict with her role at the State Department. “We have no reason to believe any of her activities as an independent contractor were inconsistent with the commitments she made in this regard,” wrote Mr. Kelly according to the media report. [Link]


Rollins actually criticized Trump for going after Republican Gov. Susana Martinez (N.M.) at a rally Tuesday in Albuquerque. Trump blasted the governor for the increasing number of new Mexicans on food stamps, as well as the growing population of Syrian refugees living in the state. The presumptive Republican nominee said Martinez is “not doing her job,” joking that maybe he should run for governor in New Mexico.

Trump’s decision to knock Martinez, though, should not come as a surprise. The governor, a rising star in the GOPe, and the chair of the Republican Governors Association, has slammed the real estate developer for his stance on immigration. [Link]

Rollins criticism makes it even more suspect as to who he is working for…himself or the Clintons…it is certainly not for Donald Trump.

Mugwump. Everyone should be extremely cautious of sending donations to Rollins’ unauthorized Great America PAC. We can’t be sure of where any collected monies would go, or if they would somehow end up in the Clinton coffers…so send any donations to the Committee for American Sovereignty, or

NYT’s: criminalizing normal male behavior

It is the characteristic excellence of the strong man that he can bring momentous issues to the fore and make a decision about them. The weak are always forced to decide between alternatives they have not chosen themselves. —Dietrich Bonhoeffer

“You have enemies? Good. It means you’ve stood up for something in your life.” —Winston Churchill

NYTs Lies with Impunity

Remember the NYTs v. Sullivan Supreme court decision? In 1964, the liberal Warren Supreme Court ruled that media can lie with impunity. The decision was 9-0. It is why media gets away with lies over and over and over again about Mr. Donald Trump and anyone else they want to try to destroy. This decision stated that unless one could prove “actual malice,” there was no recourse for slander. Like the GOP and DNC, the MSM hates Trump because he’s not part of the globalist cabal. They also hate the people who vote for and back Trump, the grassroots Americans who have supported him. Those same Americans are called stupid, ignorant, low informed voters by the enemies of freedom.

However, the recent slanderous article in the NYTs regarding Trump’s history with women, when he was single, has backfired on the Times. In this case, there seems to be “actual malice,” and as such, Trump’s lawyers could sue. I would hope that when Mr. Trump becomes president, he would overturn this horrible liberal Warren Court decision. Telling the truth in the public arena has become verboten, and with someone like Trump, who hates liars, this is anathema to the Republic and true liberty. 

NYTs Lies About Trump and Women

The Hill reported that a NYTs article on Trump’s history with women totally backfired. Why? Because women actually testified on several media outlets, that the NYTs lied and twisted their words. Can you imagine that? 

One of the women in the NYTs article, Brewer Lane, says she was stunned and felt she’d been taken advantage of when she read that her words were used to make Trump appear to be a lecher.

“I think it was intentional,” she said. “They have an agenda to make Trump look unfavorable at this point in the race.”

Brewer Lane, who said she will vote for Trump in the general election, has made appearances on Fox News Channel, MSNBC and CNN to dispute the Times story.


She told interviewers, “They promised several times that they would do it accurately. They told me several times, and my manager several times, that it would not be a hit piece, and that my story would come across the way that I was telling it and honestly, and it absolutely was not.” Asked what the newspaper got wrong, Lane said this: “Well, they did take quotes from what I said and they put a negative connotation on it. They spun it to where it appeared negative. I did not have a negative experience with Donald Trump, and I don’t appreciate them making it look like what I was saying was a negative experience, because it was not.”

Mr. Trump was a single man at the time and dated a lot of women, beautiful women, but obviously, the agenda of the leftist NYTs rag was to distort the truth and paint Mr. Trump with a negative brush. 

Bill Clinton’s Escapades Never Mentioned


Clinton has a huge list of ignored accusers, and a wife who was actively protecting her husband’s public image. 

Townhall’s article, Hillary’s War on Women Who Boinked Bill, states:

“While agents of Bill and Hillary were publicly trying to destroy the women Bill slept with and molested, the IRS was going after them as well. Before Obama’s IRS harassed the Tea Party, Clinton’s IRS audited Gennifer Flowers, Liz Ward Gracen, Paula Jones and Juanita Broaddrick.

Even worse, several of the Clinton women faced extremely creepy harassment. Both Gennifer Flowers and Juanita Broadrick say their homes were burglarized.”

Quoting Ann Coulter’s book, High Crimes and Misdemeanors: The Case Against Bill Clinton, former Clinton mistress Sally Purdue received “a series of threatening visits, phone calls and letters.” Purdue claimed that a man visited her who said, “If I was a good little girl, and didn’t kill the messenger, I’d be set for life: a federal job…I’d never have to worry again. But if I didn’t take the offer, then they knew that I went jogging by myself and he couldn’t guarantee what would happen to my pretty little legs.”

We have had a philanderer in chief, and his enabling wife who has taken a stern stand against sexual assault and harassment during her 2016 campaign for President. However, her attitude was quite the opposite 25 years ago when she led the effort to discredit the women who came forward with stories of assault and harassment by Bill Clinton. Hillary handled all the “bimbo eruptions,” digging up personal papers and official records that could be used to undercut the stories told by dozens of women. One top aide later recounted Mrs. Clinton’s intent to “destroy” the story of one accuser, while former adviser Dick Morris said Mrs. Clinton engaged in “blackmail” to try to force women to recant their stories.

The dichotomy between Hillary’s present day campaign rhetoric, and her actions during her husband’s presidency, is becoming an issue in her campaign, and many of these women are again coming to the fore.

Donald J. Trump’s Female Employees Love Him

Needless to say, Trump’s natural and normal behavior towards women is the target for endless attacks from the MSM. Again, it is because the globalist cabal will do anything to put the corrupt wife of a former corrupt president into our White House.

The MSM and opponents have spread the lie that Trump hates women, that Trump is a misogynist, that Trump is sexist. Well, they don’t know how much Trump’s female employees love him.

And, the MSM journalists haven’t bothered to do any homework on the employees at the Trump Organization! Appearing on “CNN’s New Day” with Chris Cuomo, Michael Cohen, Trump’s general counsel and an executive vice president at Trump Organization, said that while the billionaire’s companies employ 57 percent men and 43 percent women, “there are more female executives at the Trump Organization than there are male.”

“And women who are similarly situated in positions similar to that of their male counterparts, are actually paid more,” Cohen said.

Mr. Trump really needs to wage a strong battle in ads on this nonsense. Don’t believe the lies of the media and pundits who are out to destroy the only candidate who is standing against the globalist plans of the elitists. 

All of this leads to Mr. Trump’s plans for restoring America. Why? Because the globalists in the RNC, DNC and MSM will attack anything to destroy Trump’s campaign for making America Great Again. Remember the Saul Alinsky book, Rules for Radicals. When you cannot attack their policies, their plans, their strategies, you attack the messenger. This is exactly what is happening.

Trump’s plans are what they all hate because he is not in their globalist cabal.

Trump’s Economic Plans

The middle class is suffering because of trade agreements that have destroyed America jobs. Thirty percent of America’s manufacturing is gone. Trump promises to bring jobs back. The globalist cabal wants us leveled to a third world nation, but Mr. Trump wants us all to prosper. Wives want their husbands to have decent employment, and to be able to raise their families. The children want their parents to have successful careers. So do the brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers of middle class Americans want their family members to be able to work and lead productive lives.

Donald Trump is not only selling hope, but he has plans already in place for making America Great Again. If families wish to once again prosper, fathers, mothers, children, aunts, uncles, sisters and brothers need to vote for the only candidate who has a plan to put America back on the road to prosperity. He is our best and only choice.


Three vital considerations for Trump’s VP choice

Three Requirements for Vice President

Several names of Trump’s Vice Presidential candidates have surfaced in the last few weeks. All most likely have been promoted by the MSM, talking heads, and insiders who believe they can sway public opinion with names who are not even in the running. There is so much disinformation that it’s difficult to decipher truth from fiction. Trump has said himself that he would not choose/disclose his VP candidate until right before the convention. We need to look at the VP choice with as much emphasis on their policies as we place on Mr. Trump’s.

 Donald Trump must choose a Vice President who will follow Trump’s policies, especially the most important principles Trump has set forth. This includes the wall on the southern border, healthcare reform, U.S.-China Trade reform, Veterans Administration reforms, tax reform, Second Amendment rights, and big time immigration reform. It also includes the sustainability of our western culture. 

Mr. Trump needs to have a Vice President who, like him, is feared for not being a globalist traitor to America. This alone could protect Mr. Trump from winding up like Garfield, McKinley, Lincoln and Kennedy. Should anything happen to the President, his vice-president will carry on with the same plans.

 Who can Mr. Trump choose who could help him with carrying swing states? Or is that really important if he chooses someone the grassroots folks also admire? And, is this even a necessary consideration? 

trade and immigrationecho Trump’s.

 Who can mend the party who is a true Constitutional conservative, not a globalist, and bring the party together? We know the establishment wants an Eastern liberal republican like Romney or Ryan. Other than Sen. Sessions, I cannot think of one politician, but there are military men who could also fit the bill perfectly.

There are some extremely admirable retired military men, who would make excellent vice presidents. The veterans, and especially disabled veterans, would love to see a military man in the second slot with Donald J. Trump.

Veterans for Vice President

When I spoke with Roger Stone a while back, I asked him if Mr. Trump would choose a businessman or a politician for Vice President. Stone mentioned a third avenue, someone from the military with foreign policy experience.

There are many great military veterans, but two I know of…both of whom would fit the bill. One is Michael T. Flynn. Flynn is a retired United States Army lieutenant general who served as the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, commander of the Joint Functional Component Command for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, and chair of the Military Intelligence Board from July 24, 2012, to August 2, 2014.

Several retired military veterans have suggested Mr. Flynn would be a wonderful choice should Mr. Trump choose from our military.

Subsequent service in Vietnam assigned to the Army Special Forces (the Green Berets) in covert operations found him on June 17, 1967 at Dak To camp in the Central Highlands where a mortar attack in the early morning hours caught him in the open. For his actions that morning he was awarded the Silver Star, America’s third highest decoration for valor. His shrapnel wounds caused amputation of both his legs below the knees. As if this was not enough of a wound, he also suffered from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder that hospitalized him in a closed psychiatric ward for fourteen weeks in 1968, and that began his war after his war. He received a Purple Heart and Combat Infantryman’s Badge. He is airborne-qualified. He personally presents many speeches on his war and healing experiences.

But that story doesn’t tell you all of the real Allen B. Clark. He is a man who strongly supports Donald J. Trump, who has worked in and been active all his life in politics, a man who is upholding the Constitution, a man who has helped so many other veterans who returned home with PTSD, a man who has written many books about surviving, and a man who is the epitome of courage so many disabled veterans show. Allen and his wife live in Texas, and his first book was, Wounded Soldier, Healing Warrior.

There are great men of valor and promise who have survived through devastating tragedies, and come out on the other side as men who should lead. Allen B. Clark is one of them, and another great leader is Michael T. Flynn.

Both have the experience Mr. Trump can use, and today’s veterans and disabled warriors would love to see one of their own help Mr. Trump in Making America Great Again! I know there are plenty of others that Mr. Trump could choose from.


The MSM, pundits, insiders, etc. are all speculating who will be Mr. Trump’s Vice President. Names have been bandied about. Articles have been written telling us who is on the short list. Grassroots folks get upset and nervous because they listen to this nonsense. Roger Stone has made it clear that Mr. Trump is keeping this close to his vest until the convention. So please ignore the yada, yada, yada squawking of the media who just need something negative about Trump to parrot. It’s not worth our time, and certainly by now we know Mr. Trump is far ahead of the rest of us.

As for the people the Trump campaign is hiring…once again I must tell you that we have to trust Trump. He’s the man who has made $10 billion and worked all his life in New York City, so stop with the worry.

And for heaven’s sake, forget who he’s invited to meet with, it’s nothing more than a courtesy call. Get over it! These meetings mean nothing, but they do help grease the skids for his nomination…and we need him as our 45th President!

Again, Roger Stone has it right when he says the following:

Donald Trump knows Wall Street will play both sides – why shouldn’t he take their money to beat Hillary?

They are going to find out you can’t co-opt Donald Trump – he’s his own man with his own nationalist views.

He can’t be bought. He can’t be bullied.
No one cons Donald Trump. He knows the elites, but knows their policies have destroyed the country.

He’s a master. He’s using them – they aren’t using him.

Donald Trump is not only selling hope, but he has plans already in place for making America Great Again. So please be confident that he knows exactly what he is doing and why he’s doing it. This is a great man, a brilliant man, someone who plans way ahead. America needs him, and so do all of us in the dwindling middle class. So sit back, relax, and watch this brilliant man work.

Be wary of bogus Trump super pac’s

He who receives money in trust to administer for the benefit of its owner, and uses it either for his own interest or against the wishes of its rightful owner, is a thief. —Jose Marti

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. —I Timothy 6:10

Donald J. Trump’s authorized Super PAC is the Committee for American Sovereignty. Any others are not sanctioned by the Trump campaign.

Unauthorized Trump PACs?

During the primary campaign and now that Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee, phony Trump super PACS have popped up all over the place. They try to cash in on Trump’s popularity, and then use the money against him and for themselves.

Yesterday, I received a World Net Daily email that forwarded an advertisement for the “Great America PAC,” with Ed Rollins as Co-Chairman. 

Donald Trump financed his primary campaign out of his own pocket. He rejected any PACs and actually had them refund any monies they had collected. In fact, I wrote an article last February about one of those unauthorized PACS. The PAC being pushed by Ed Rollins is the very same one I wrote about, but the name has been changed to Great America PAC. 

Open Secrets shows they collected and spent zero dollars.

Kremer with her daughter

Amy Kremer was originally with Tea Party Patriots(TPP), initially organized by FreedomWorks, which was headed by amnesty loving Dick Armey. The two controlling entities of TPP were Mark Meckler and Jenny Beth Martin. Martin still controls TPP, but the infamous Meckler left to become involved in promoting a Constitutional Convention via a Convention of States. TPP was infiltrated and neutralized by the neo-cons of the Republican party from their very inception.

Americans For Prosperity (AFP), another very leftist group posing as conservatives. AFP also funds Constitution Convention promoting American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).

gay marriage and stem-cell research. Doesn’t sound very conservative, does he?!

Kremer recently resigned from Great America PAC, because she felt she wasn’t consulted on important issues including the hiring of Ron Paul’s grandson-in-law, Jesse Benton as Senior Advisor. Benton, a former campaign manager for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, has been found guilty of corruption for an attempt to buy a presidential endorsement for former U.S. Rep. Ron Paul in 2012. The MSM tried unsuccessfully to tie Donald Trump to this unauthorized PAC in order to smear him with the Benton corruption.

Open Secrets on this PAC’s monies, it is quite telling.

So, Just Who is Ed Rollins?

Rollins is a Republican campaign consultant and advisor. He lives in New York, where he has served as political commentator for CNN and (currently) Fox News and Fox Business.


The words of Rollins regarding this Super PAC are obviously very questionable. According to a NYT’s article which also calls this Donald Trump’s Super Pac, they state the following:

“In the conference call on Wednesday with potential donors, Mr. Rollins, who has been a television commentator and a senior adviser to the Clinton-aligned firm, Teneo, said the group would move away from ad spending and try to fill in gaps in the campaign’s infrastructure.”

Right, they’re a million bucks in debt and they’re going to fill gaps in the campaign’s infracture….sure.

Judicial Watch has reported extensively on Teneo Holdings and the Clintons. One wonders just exactly who Ed Rollins is really working for, especially since the debt ridden Great America Pac is not sanctioned by Donald Trump or the Trump campaign.

So Who is Teneo?

Teneo Holdings, is a global consulting firm with deep Clinton connections. Teneo serves as a kind of private-enterprise satellite to Clinton Inc. Doug Band, Mr. Clinton’s right-hand man for many years, is a Teneo founder. Huma Abedin, Mrs. Clinton’s right-hand woman for many years, was a senior advisor to Teneo at the same time she held a top position as part of Mrs. Clinton’s inner circle at the State Department. (Abedin is also Hillary Clinton’s vice-chair in her Presidential campaign.) Bill Clinton was both a paid adviser to Teneo and a client. Secretary of State Clinton’s former Economic Envoy to Northern Ireland, Declan Kelly, is a Teneo co-founder and CEO.

Judicial Watch reports, “Teneo is rather shadowy, with only a few known corporate clients. It is best known for its relationship with the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation. Journalists so far have seemed unwilling or unable to penetrate much further into Teneo. But that appears to have changed with Mrs. Clinton’s formal entry into the presidential race and the dawning realization among media types that the Clinton Foundation, Teneo, and the disappearing State Dept. emails really do signal that some sort of gigantic sleazy game is afoot.”


The Authorized and Sanctioned Trump Super PAC


Mr. Trump is the presumptive nominee, and he knows the cost for the campaign against Hillary can reach $2 billion. He now has his own Super PAC for the upcoming presidential race.


Always be aware of where and to whom you’re sending your funds. Often your monies are not going to help the candidate of your choice. Many folks have mailed letters and donations to Mr. Trump at Trump Towers in New York, even when he said he was financing his own primary campaign, and he’s actually read a few of those letters at his rallies. I would hope that only the valid Trump Super PAC raises monies, because we have no idea where the monies actually go with unauthorized PACs.

Be very afraid of the real gobalist Newt Gingrich

Some of the most poisonous people come disguised as friends and family.

The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies.

Newt Stumping for Trump

Although Gingrich has not endorsed a candidate in 2016, the former speaker is leading the campaign for Trump. Gingrich has been stumping for Trump behind the scenes, on Capitol Hill and elsewhere. Last week, in a closed-door meeting, before more than 100 Republican chiefs of staff from the House and Senate in Baltimore, Gingrich raved about the Republican frontrunner, calling him a “blue-collar bar room brawler.”

I’ve found it interesting as to who has decided to back Mr. Trump. Most of them I wouldn’t want anywhere near the White House, much less in Trump’s administration. I would gather that many of the politicians simply want a spot in the Trump administration. What is even more interesting is the list of so-called “conservatives” who will not vote for Trump, but that’s another article. They’re not conservatives. The very word has been destroyed by the likes of Irving Kristol and William F. Buckley…. they are instead, traitors, leftists masquerading as Republicans. Newt Gingrich fits this bill.

Newt Masquerades as a Conservative

Newt masquerades as a rightwing conservative, but is one of the most dangerous enemies of freedom. 

Richard N. Gardner’s April 1974 article in CFR’s World Affairs, Gardner called for an end run around national sovereignty eroding it piece by piece. The CFR was founded in 1921 for world government and eliminating national independence. Henry Kissinger is also a CFR member and actually schooled Newt, and both claim they’re conservatives. Newt is also a fellow at phony conservative think tanks, the American Enterprise Institute(AEI) and Hoover Institution, focusing on U.S. politics, world history, national security policy, and environmental policy issues. Trotskyite Irving Kristol was a senior fellow at AEI, and Richard Allen, author of NAFTA while at Heritage Foundation, is a Hoover fellow.

Gingrich has been married three times. In 1962, he married his first wife, Jackie Battley, who was 6 years his senior and his high school geometry teacher. In the spring of 1980, Gingrich left Battley after having an affair with Marianne Ginther. 

Gingrich’s Voting Record

Newt was elected Congressman from Georgia in 1978. In 1979 he voted: 

Link], [Link]

Donald J. Trump wants to eliminate the Department of Education.

Donald J. Trump believes in property rights, not the confiscation of properties by the Bureau of Land Management, the EPA, and the Federal Government.

In 1994 Newt voted:

1. YEA to the National Endowment for the Arts
2. YEA for 1.2 billion for UN peacekeeping
3. YEA for the presidential line item veto
4. YEA for 13 billion in foreign aid
5. YEA for 166 million more for the IRS
6. Led Congress into GATT with fellow CFR member Bill Clinton and then stated that it was a very big transfer of power. It was, because it overrode Article 1, Section 8 of the constitution. As well, GATT reduces the amount of money we can save for pensions. He jawed with President Clinton in NH, that he was a huge fan of FDR and Woodrow Wilson, two of the most despised early communist leaning presidents. Remember Wilson gave us both the federal reserve and the 16th amendment, income tax.

Donald J. Trump would never approve of this type of spending. And he certainly is against these trade deals which destroy American jobs.

Newt also voted:

1. China as Most Favored Nation for trade.
2. Voted to supply funds to subsidize trade with the Soviets.
3. Voted to transfer 2.2 million acres in Idaho to Wilderness status.
4. Voted for federal funding loan guarantees for greater trade with Red China.
5. Voted for taxpayer funds being available to foreign governments through export/import banks.
Donald J. Trump is strongly against amnesty and wants to protect our borders and build that wall.

Newt also backed a strong central government, strong environmental laws, national service programs, the United Nations Goals 2000 (which many Republicans voted for), federal financing of local police, and UN peacekeeping missions for our military.

8. Gingrich is pro-Obamacare and even advocated it in the 90s on Meet the Press, and recently. [Link]

Donald Trump says Obamacare should be repealed and replaced.

9. Newt did a Global Warming ad with Nancy Pelosi that is coming back to haunt him, and in reality, he is a big environmentalist. 

10. Newt is pro-gun control.

Public Law 101-216 in 1989 (an update to the General and Complete Disarmament Law, Public Law 87-297) you will find that Newt Gingrich voted in favor of section 2 of this disarmament bill which reads: 

Donald J. Trump is strongly pro-Second Amendment.

Newt Gingrich is a Third Waver

article about Gingrich, the very best information on The Third Wave and Newt Gingrich was written by Steve Farrell. Print out Farrell’s 8-part series, and read it carefully. It is a picture of what is happening to America. In a previous article about Newt Gingrich and the Third Wave, I quoted extensively from Steve Farrell’s excellent article. 


Recent primary voting has shown Republicans that the chosen nominee is Donald J. Trump. Now, many of these Republicans are jumping on the bandwagon to endorse Trump, and the endorsements are appreciated. However, not all of them would line up with Mr. Trump’s positions on the issues, and neither will Trump line up with theirs. Newt Gingrich is hailed as a strong conservative, but his voting record and beliefs belie the label.

Trump names national campaign Finance Chair

Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“One of the penalties of refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” —Plato

New York Military Academy. He was sent there by his father to learn character and leadership development, ethics and discipline, tenacity, grit, and perseverance and academic excellence. NYMA is famous for developing young leaders who are inspired, engaged, and ready to learn. The truth is that America’s military prep schools carry on a proud tradition of academic and personal excellence which has withstood the assaults of negative media attention and changing fashions in education.

Five years of military discipline sticks with people. The idea of duty, honor, country becomes ingrained. Those five years are the core of Donald Trump’s training. Peter Ticktin, Trump’s classmate from 50 years ago, tells how everyone liked Donald Trump and what a terrific young man he was even back then.

The Reality from Roger Stone

Donald Trump knows Wall Street will play both sides – why shouldn’t he take their money to beat Hillary?

They are going to find out you can’t co-opt Donald Trump – he’s his own man with his own nationalist views. He can’t be bought. He can’t be bullied.

No one cons Donald Trump. He knows the elites, but knows their policies have destroyed the country.

He’s a master. He’s using them – they aren’t using him.

Trump needs $1B to beat Hillary. He’ll take their money, but he won’t change his views on America, sovereignty, trade, NATO, or his commitment to make hedge fund managers pay their fair share of taxes.

Many people do not understand him, or his actions, but wait long enough and everything becomes clear. As a pragmatist, this man is exceptionally clever and astute. Mr. Trump plays chess in everything he does, and is always several moves ahead of his opponents. He recently hired Paul Manafort to stop the stealing of delegates, and Paul is succeeding.

Trump Names Steven Mnuchin as National Campaign Finance Chair

The WSJ reported, “Facing a prospective tab of more than $1 billion to finance a general-election run for the White House, Donald Trump reversed course Wednesday and said he would actively raise money to ensure his campaign has the resources to compete with Hillary Clinton’s fundraising juggernaut.” “I’ll be putting up money, but won’t be completely self-funding,” the presumptive Republican nominee said in an interview Wednesday. Mr. Trump, who had largely self-financed his successful primary run, added that he would create a “world-class finance organization.” 

Interviewed by Bret Baer, Mr. Trump stated, “Mnuchin is one of the best fundraisers. I have hired him to raise money for the Republican party, not just me.” 

According to Bloomberg, Mnuchin is a Co-Founder, Co-Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Dune Capital Management LP. He co-founded One West Bank Group LLC in 2004 and served as its Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. He is a Founder of Dune Real Estate Partners LP. He was an Investment Professional of Soros Fund Management LLC.

Mnuchin spent 17 years at Goldman Sachs where he was a Partner. According to Variety, Mnuchin built a $46 million fortune at Goldman before leaving the firm.

He serves as a Director on the Yale Development Board and is a member of the board of the Los Angeles Police Foundation.

Here is the full list of his major affiliations:

The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
CIT Group Inc.
Soros Fund Management LLC
ESL Investments, Inc.
Yale University
SFM Capital Management
Sears Holdings Corporation
Relativity Media, LLC
CIT Bank, National Association
OneWest Bank Group LLC
Dune Real Estate Partners LP

“Donald generated such broad-based support that we’re looking to tap into existing party members as well as the new people that have joined the party for him,” said Steven Mnuchin, CEO of Dune Capital Management LP.

Does the Soros/Sachs background bother me? I’m certainly not a fan of either, and believe both are extremely dangerous. Nevertheless, this man is the best in his field, and that’s what Trump always hires. He made that clear in his book, The Art of the Deal.

The Art of the Deal

Don’t believe that this hire of Mnuchin undercuts the “outsider” image. As stated above, Donald Trump is one smart cookie, and knows exactly what he’s doing.

In fact, in his book, Art of the Deal, he states, 

In Chapter one, Trump tells about how he hires the best. 

Later in the book, he again mentions Hyde.

That is his philosophy, and what he very obviously is doing now.

Even Corey Lewandowski was hired away from the Koch Brothers. He servedas New Hampshire state director, followed by east coast regional director, and subsequently as national director of voter registration at the Koch brothers-backed Americans for Prosperity (AFP) — among the biggest of the dark money groups that do not disclose their donors.

Of course my avid readers know that I’ve exposed the Koch Brothers and AFP many times…talk about leftists in Republican drag!


Thing is, Trump’s philosophy stuck in my head. He hires the best, offers better positions and better money. I think it is telling that they all want to go to work for him.

Trump cannot be co-opted. After he gave his recent foreign policy speech in which he asserted, “We will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism.” The globalists were very alarmed, including CFR President Haass. Trump met with Haass back in March, but despite Trump telling MSNBC about his “respect” for Haass, the two had major disagreements. Paul Ryan and Lindsey Graham about lost it when they heard Trump’s speech. They told people that Donald doesn’t understand that we’re in a global economy. The hell he doesn’t understand! The reason these GOP establishment traitors hate him is because Trump hates what this whole globalist agenda has done to our country.

Wait and watch…because Trump is the best at what he does!

Real Donald Trump & why he should be president

Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster, and what has happened once in 6000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world. —Daniel Webster

Donald Trump Wins Indiana

May 2nd, 2016, Presidential Candidate, Donald J. Trump appeared in South Bend, Indiana, the home of Notre Dame University. He was endorsed by former Notre Dame coach, Lou Holtz, and former Indiana University basketball coach, Bobbie Knight. Mr. Trump was there because of the efforts of one person in particular.

Diamond and Silk celebrate Trump’s Indiana Victory

My dear friend, Suzy Chilberg, head of Tea-Mac in northern Indiana, wrote to me hoping that she could get Mr. Trump to come to northern Indiana. She clearly identified the many northern Indiana corporations who had been decimated with the economic downturn. She reiterated why Mr. Trump needed to be there, because he’s going to bring jobs back to America!

I sent her letter to Roger Stone, who sent it to Mr. Trump’s schedulers and sure enough, the plans were laid for South Bend, Indiana. Thanks again to Roger Stone! Suzy Chilberg was very involved in organizing the event with local people, and actually got to meet Mr. Trump. She also informed me that up close and personal, Mr. Trump has no makeup on, no fake tan, and he looks absolutely great. (Glenn Beck might want to take note of that.) Here is Suzy with our next President:

The Trump Organization Women

The MSM and opponents have spread the lie that Trump hates women, that Trump is a misogynist, that Trump is sexist. Well, they don’t know how much Trump’s female employees love him.

And, these people haven’t bothered to do any homework on the employees at the Trump Organization! Appearing on “CNN’s New Day” with Chris Cuomo, Michael Cohen, Trump’s general counsel and an executive vice president at Trump Organization, said that while the billionaire’s companies employ 57 percent men and 43 percent women, “there are more female executives at the Trump Organization than there are male.”

“And women who are similarly situated in positions similar to that of their male counterparts, are actually paid more,” Cohen said.

Lynne Patton Speaks Out

Lynne Patton is the director of the Eric Trump Foundation and assistant to Eric Trump, Ivanka Trump, and Donald Trump Jr. As a black female executive, she was appalled at the vitriol and lies told about her boss in this presidential campaign. Now, she has set the record straight. 

Lynn says, “To the skeptics who will undoubtedly claim that I am doing this at the behest of the Trump family or with the promise of reward, I deliberately chose not to seek their approval nor council in advance to this video for fear that there would be more concern for me and its potential viral ramifications than they would be for themselves and the fact that quite simply this is the right thing to do,” said Patton, who posted the video on YouTube and has been flooded with comments on Twitter.

“The Trump family that I know is, without question, one of the most generous, compassionate and philanthropic families I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing and the honor to call friends,” she said. “They have been incredibly loyal to me and to the countless dedicated people they employ around the world – hiring more minority and female executives than any other company for which I’ve ever worked.”

Watch this five-minute video about her employment with the Trump Organization. It’s well worth the time.

We applaud the courage of Lynne Patton to speak truthfully about her employer and about the Trump family she has been blessed to be a part of for many years. 

Donald Trump’s Private Air Force One Plane Documentary

Two nights ago, I received the following video in my email. I tuned in and watched the entire program. It is 45 minutes long and may dissuade some of you from starting it, but it held my interest for the entire time. It will give you an idea of what Mr. Trump will be like as America’s 45th President. He is exacting and precise, and he demands excellence.


Indiana was a wonderful victory for Mr. Trump, and I’m thrilled because it was my second home as a child, and I spent many summers on my grandparents’ farm.

Of course the race is not over, and there are several more states yet to vote, but I believe Mr. Trump will succeed in getting the 1237 needed delegates. After the states have all voted, then comes the GOP Cleveland, Ohio convention. We pray Mr. Trump wins on the first ballot. Yet we know there has been delegate theft by both Cruz and the GOP establishment. “Stop the Steal” is the answer. Please read their information, and get to the march!

Stop the Steal is an important part of this convention. It is a peaceful rally and march on July 18th, 2016 in Cleveland, Ohio. 

Many of us will be there, and I hope many more will join in. Let’s MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Cruz globalist machine behind Eagle Forum Coup

“When somebody challenges you, fight back. Be brutal, be tough.” —Donald Trump

Eagle Forum is a conservative organization founded by Phyllis Schlafly in 1972. They claim 80,000 members. In my previous articles, here and here, I explained how Eagle Forum was being torn apart by Cruz supporters within the organization. 

Anne Cori and the Attempted Takeover

Phyllis Schlafly endorsed Trump, upon which her daughter, Anne Cori, launched a Board coup to take over Eagle Forum, and seize the bank accounts in the 501(c)4. This is where the money lies, and money that can be given to candidates. A 501(c)4 allows endorsements of candidates. The following court case was brought by Phyllis’s daughter, Anne Cori, against Phyllis and Eagle Forum.

On April 26th, Phyllis went to court in Madison County, IL. Here is the press release sent out by President Ed Martin:

Phyllis Schlafly To Defend Herself, Eagle Forum, from Takeover Attempt

Lawsuit by Six Individuals Seeks to Remove Schlafly from Bank Accounts and Operations

The lawsuit is part of a continuing coordinated effort by the six individual plaintiffs to take control from Phyllis. Their lawsuit seeks emergency orders against Phyllis and Eagle Forum specifically to remove Phyllis from bank accounts and to manage other aspects of her organization.

In addition, Eagle Forum is in the midst of an election by its members of an at-large director of the Eagle Forum board according to its by-laws. The lawsuit by these individuals seeks judicial intervention to stop this election by the members of the private association.

The case is captioned Cori, et al. v. Eagle Forum, et al. and may be found at 16-MR-011. 

This case will not succeed because the coup does not have the two-thirds majority needed to make structural changes to EF. There are six coup members on the11 member board. Since 54% is not two-thirds, the coup does not prevail. I’m not sure what all is being litigated beyond the by-law percentages.


Donna Hearne and the Constitutional Coalition

The Missouri Constitutional Coalition is backing Cruz and is involved in the coup. Donna Hearne is the executive director of the Constitutional Coalition, and is a top player at Bott Radio. According to sources, Hearne killed Phyllis’s national radio show and deleted all references to Phyllis and her archives from Bott Radio. The Constitutional Coalitions’ website is currently down, however, here is their FB page, as well as documentation on Donna Hearne’s control of the Constitutional Coalition. According to an inside source, Hearne has been paying herself an awfully big salary for a small non-profit organization, as reflected in the Form 990 for 2014 (the most recent one publicly available). 

Donna Hearne brought an “Anti-Trump Cruz Slate” to Creve Coeur township, which had a Trump slate. Phyllis lives in this township and was on the Trump slate. She could not make it to the caucus because she was dealing with the coup. Hearne got a number of Cruz bots to show up at the township meeting, and the Cruz slate won by a few votes.

What many people are not aware of is that Donna Hearne has sponsored many of the Reconstructionist/Dominionist professors and pundits for years at her conferences. This likely plays into the reason she is a Cruz supporter. Cruz, his father, and many of his supporters, are Dominionists/Reconstructionists. These include David Barton, Flip Benham, Kevin Swanson, Tony Perkins, (president of the Family Research Council), would-be reality TV stars the Benham brothers, and anti-gay Houston activist and Dominionist, Dave Welch. Perkins is also a United Nations Non-Governmental Organization member. And, Senator Ted Cruz, isn’t backing away from the endorsement of Mike Bickle, a controversial Dominionist pastor who once characterized Hitler as “a hunter” sent by God to go after Jews who don’t to convert to Christianity. [Link]

Remember, Ted Cruz believes he is anointed to bring the spoils of war to the priests. 

Schlafly a Stalwart Against Con-Con

The anachronism here is stunning: How can the Constitutional Coalition support Ted Cruz, who fully intends to make globalist changes to the Constitution via a Con-Con?

Phyllis had warned the Constitutional Coalition about the impact of Con-Con at a conference speech, but the coalition insists it is not a problem. So, we have another instance of the Christian Right serving the purposes of the globalist establishment. 

The Cruz’s are economic globalists. Adding Fiorina totally seals the assessment. The majority of the politically-active Christian Right Elite have sold out to the economic globalists. However, the grassroots little guys are not buying it. So, this adds to the great dislike of both the Republican Party and the Christian Right – who appear to be committing mass suicide in this election. It is now obvious to those who have eyes to see, and ear to hear, that the GOP establishment is in on the same agenda as the left. Some, of course, still have scales on their eyes.

Cruz Wants a Constitutional Convention

Cruz has called for a number of constitutional amendments. In reality, he wants a Constitutional Convention (Con-Con). Why? Because he knows that in order to pass the North American Community which would give us a North American Union, he needs the Con-Con

Heidi, was on the CFR Task Force to write up the plan for the North American Community. He absolutely knows about the Parliament which the Plan sets up over Canada, the United States, and Mexico! The Parliament will consist of fifteen members (5 from each nation) to rule over the NAU. The North American Union would be yet another collective regional government, a new North American Soviet, that would clearly be the enemy of United States sovereignty.

Cruz’s close friends and supporters are also on the bandwagon for a Con-Con, Glenn Beck, David Barton, Mark Levin, and others.


Up to 20 women were involved in this EF coup, and several of them were for a Constitutional Convention. Phyllis Schlafly has always been an absolute warrior in battling against a Con-Con. This is another huge reason she endorsed Donald J. Trump, because Trump is adamantly against a Constitutional Convention.

The enemies of EF and Mrs. Schlafly are spreading the lies that she is senile, and this even appeared in an article in the leftist Daily Kos in 2015. However, Phyllis’s public endorsement of Donald Trump in March of 2016, in St. Louis, Missouri, made it clear she still has all her faculties and is sharp as a tack. Not only that, but she recently released a video regarding this attempted takeover which showed the strength and spine this woman still has at the age of 91. See videos here.

Cruz plays fast and dirty, he’ll do anything for an endorsement and money. He changes his tune depending upon to whom he’s reaching out for more campaign cash. These women, including Phyllis’s daughter, Anne Cori, who attained their positions in Eagle Forum because of their founder, Phyllis Schlafly, have turned their backs on her for the likes of a man with low ethical standards, a man who has no problem lying about his opponents and himself. Ted Cruz is the man who hired the dirtiest and lowest campaign manager available, Jeff Roe, and that’s why we have seen so many rotten campaign tricks.

As Phyllis has said, everyone has a right to vote for whomever they wish. But when a group of people within an organization pull a traitorous coup against the leader who put them in these powerful positions, just because they didn’t like Phyllis’s endorsement of Donald Trump, then it’s time for them to be purged.

Cruz and Fiorina, a dream ticket for globalists

“The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.” —Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli of England in his political book, “Coningsby,” 1844

What is important is to dwell upon the increasing evidence of the existence of a secret conspiracy, throughout the world, for the destruction of organized government and the letting loose of evil. —Christian Science Monitor Editorial, June 19, 1920

Leftist Thought Process

We have neighbors with whom we are friendly, who happen to be die hard Democratic socialists and Hillary supporters, and I’m always astounded with their total stupidity.

Let me give you a few examples. Recently the husband said to me, “Do you really think people care about Hillary’s email problems?” Unfortunately, there are two answers to that question. The dumbed down Americans who listen only to the MSM probably don’t care. However, those of us who do any research absolutely believe she is not only corrupt to the core, but the murderess of Benghazi. I answered him with the scandal of General Petraeus who got the axe for far less than Hillary.

Another time I was walking with the wife and she said to me, “What would we do without China making all our goods?” I was floored. I said to her, “Well, we would have American people with jobs, we wouldn’t have an over trillion-dollar debt to China, and we wouldn’t have much of our tax dollars going to families who had lost everything and now were counting on government funds to support them.” 

Truly, there is no end to the idiocy. Just yesterday this neighbor told me that Donald Trump hates women. I asked her how she knew that…she said she’d done her homework. I asked her if she knew how many women were employed and promoted at Trump companies. She said very few. Again, I had to argue with her on that one.

From the Daily Caller:

Appearing on “CNN’s New Day” with Chris Cuomo, Michael Cohen, Trump’s general counsel and an executive vice president at Trump Organization, said that while the billionaire’s companies employ 57 percent men and 43 percent women, “there are more female executives at the Trump Organization than there are male.”

“And women who are similarly situated in positions similar to that of their male counterparts, are actually paid more,” Cohen said.

Of course she told me that was all lies. 

But let’s get back to Cruz and Carly, two peas in a pod, and both far more globalist leftists than people understand.

Cruz and Carly

Now she’s joining with him and lauding his character and trustworthiness. In fact, she broke into song when it was announced that she would be his vice-president.

I really think these people have lost their minds, but then I knew what they were a long time ago, and have written about it over and over again. Crazy Glenn Beck who wants to knife Donald Trump, and Dominionist David Barton who believes Sharia Law and the Constitution are compatible, and all of them joining together to push a Constitutional Convention. These are Cruz’s closest friends and supporters.

And top it off with John Boehner calling Ted Cruz “Lucifer in the flesh,” and a “crazy SOB.” [Link] Talk about the pot calling the kettle black, they’re really two of a kind, albeit Cruz is far creepier.

Then there’s the lesser known tale of Ted Cruz actually trying to uphold a ban on dildos. Does it get even more weird than this? You bet it does. His former Princeton roommate says that the women would continually ask him to keep creepy Cruz out of their hallway. [Link]

an extremely creepy individual.”

And of course Ted has called the Council on Foreign Relations a “nest of vipers,” but his wife worked there for five years helping to write the North American Community. As well, his mentor at Princeton was none other than Robert George, CFR and UNESCO. Hmmm….if CFR is a “nest of vipers,” why has Cruz accepted George’s endorsement and his wife’s five year tenure at CFR?

Revisiting Carly Fiorina

Readers might want to revisit my two articles on Carly, her devastating destruction of Hewlett Packard, and how many in California still detest the woman. (Surely choosing Carly Fiorina for VP will help Donald Trump win big in California.) [Link], [Link]

Fiorina has openly admitted that she uses the Marxist Hegelian Dialectic every day, and lauds Islam as “the greatest civilization in the world.” 

Link], [Link]

Achieve Inc. (architects of the Common Core standards), hosted a private fundraiser for Carly Fiorina in AZ on 9/10/15, according to the Maricopa County Republican Committee (MCRC) Briefs.

Carly on Abortion

Daily Caller reported that Fiorina joined Revolution Health Group, (RHG) when it was founded in 2005, along with Colin Powell, as an investor and board member. RHG was a website which promoted abortion benefits and directed users to Planned Parenthood, National Abortion Federation, and NARAL for more information. Women were urged to “think through” their “choices,” but a pro-life perspective was not offered.

While campaigning for John McCain, Fiorina assured pro-choice folks that McCain “has never signed on to efforts to overturn Roe vs. Wade.”Why would a pro-lifer regard this as a positive attribute to be touted? Why would a pro-lifer sign on as a surrogate for that sort of candidate?

And why…when Ted Cruz claims he’s a conservative would he join with someone like Carly Fiorina?

Destroying Hard Drives

Prior to Fiorina’s takeover of the board of Hewlett Packard, she had an employee take a hammer to five of her hard drives. One has to wonder what she wanted destroyed. Sure sounds a lot like Hillary Clinton antics. She and Cruz make a good pair.

Cruz and his infamous campaign manager, Jeff Roe, have run the dirtiest campaign I’ve seen in a long time. He lied about Carson in Iowa, Rubio in Hawaii, and now with Kasich, [Link], and add in all the lies he’s told about Trump. Even CNN corrected many of the lies Cruz spouted during the debates. Top all this off with the stealing of delegates, and the GOPe helping Cruz to receive delegates in states where votes weren’t even cast. 

Carly on Amnesty

The DREAM Act (acronym for Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) is an American legislative proposal for a multi-phase process for undocumented immigrants in the United States that would first grant conditional residency, and upon meeting further qualifications, permanent residency.

The bill was first introduced in the Senate on August 1, 2001, S. 1291 by Dick Durbin and Orrin Hatch, and has since been reintroduced several times (see legislative history) but has failed to pass.

Link] So, what is the difference? She also added she is open to immigration reforms that would give citizenship to children of illegal aliens. If that’s the case, she might as well give every illegal alien citizenship. They are not “undocumented immigrants.” They have broken the law and invaded our country. 

Ted’s wife believes in building a North American Community with Canada and Mexico, and eliminating our borders, thus making us one big North American Union, just like the European Union. Needless to say, he and Carly have much more in common than most people understand. 

Guess who is running all the negative ads in Indiana against Trump? None other than Club for Growth, who originally spent $3.3 million on negative ads against Trump and is now funding even more. Wonder why? Because Club for Growth is pro-amnesty, and they know Cruz and Fiorina are too, whereas Donald Trump will close the borders and build that wall!


Cruz and Fiorina have much in common, both are consummate globalists, and both have flip-flopped on so many issues, all of course, to fool the American electorate.

Remember too, it was Fiorina at Cruz’s side when the National Enquirer story broke the story about his affairs with five women. It was Fiorina who answered the questions from the press, not Cruz, and certainly not Heidi Cruz, who disappeared for several weeks. Funny too that Ted never did sue the National Enquirer.

Both of these globalists need to be strongly rejected by the voters. I’ve often said that today’s Christians have very little discernment, but maybe they’re finally waking up to the real Ted Cruz. Let’s hope so!

Roger Stone on the Trump campaign

problems when you become successful is that jealousy and envy inevitably follow. There are people — I categorize them as life’s losers — who get their sense of accomplishment and achievement from trying to stop others. As far as I’m concerned, if they had any real ability, they wouldn’t be fighting me, they’d be doing something constructive themselves.” —Donald J. Trump

The GOPe, DNC, and MSM are all working to derail the peoples’ choice for GOP presidential nominee, Donald J. Trump. His campaign staff is working diligently to keep the many delegates he’s won, and add hundreds more. With Paul Manafort at the helm, Roger Stone says they will be successful, but we know the globalists won’t give up.

As a matter of fact, John Kasich is suspending his campaign in Indiana to give his votes to Cruz, hoping to derail another win for Mr. Trump. [Link] According to a source close to the campaign, in exchange for suspending the Indiana campaign, Cruz will cease operations in New Mexico and Oregon, thus allowing both candidates to maximize their resources in areas where they can best be used. [Link] The globalist insiders continue their efforts to upset the choice of the American people, Donald J. Trump.

To top it off, the Obama administration is funding a blitz with our tax dollars, to naturalize anti-Trump voters. This is part of an organized effort aimed at converting green-card holders into U.S. citizens in order to vote against Donald Trump, a Daily Caller investigation reveals

Through an initiative called Networks for Integrating New Americans, which the White House formed in April 2014, the administration has partnered with the National Partnership for New Americans (NPNA), an immigration rights umbrella organization that has denounced Trump’s “hateful rhetoric.” Of course Trump’s rhetoric is all about protecting American citizens, and Trump supporters know that.

The 2016 GOP Convention

The 2016 Republican National Convention will be held in Cleveland, Ohio at the Quicken Loans Arena July 18-21, 2016.

The RNC convention will host approximately 2,470 delegates and 2,302 alternate delegates from all 50 states, the District of Columbia and five territories.

Roger Stone, author, political consultant, lobbyist and Republican strategist, would like Trump supporters to gather at the convention in Cleveland, Ohio on Monday, the 18th of July. Trump supporters from all over the country need to be there, especially the first day. There will undoubtedly be Soros funded groups present and agitating for violence. Mr. Stone has stated that the Trump campaign wants absolutely NO VIOLENCE, and should never throw the first punch, no matter what the Soros protestors do. We are to gather together, and maintain the dignity expected of Donald J. Trump supporters and his campaign.

Delegate Theft and Bribes

Mr. Stone told me that despite the anger American voters feel, and despite the corruption in the GOPe, the “theft” of delegates by Cruz supporters is not illegal. Likewise, the replacement of Trump delegates with GOP establishment delegates by state GOP leaders, is also not illegal. 

There is a recent story regarding Cruz bribing delegates to vote for him. Trump actually tweeted, “I win a state in votes and then get non-representative delegates because they are offered all sorts of goodies by Cruz campaign. Bad system!”

Here’s a video of what looks like a monetary bribe. Nevertheless, again, this is not illegal. He could take them to lunch and talk to them about voting for him, and it’s not illegal. Watch the video of what looks like Cruz bribing a delegate.

Mr. Stone stated that some of Cruz’s super PACs haven’t spent any money, and may be saving up for payoffs or expenses for delegates.

There is also evidence that GOP establishment money is funding Mark Levin, Glenn Beck, and Erick Erickson to attack Trump. Also, not illegal, just rotten and corrupt.

Cruz and Eagle Forum

Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum just barely survived a coup takeover by a number of high powered women in the organization who wished to promote Cruz for president over founder, Phyllis Schlafly’s endorsement of Donald J. Trump. [Link] Mr. Stone and I agreed, that behind this attempt was none other than Ted Cruz himself, and destroying Eagle Forum means nothing if he gets both their endorsement (deceitfully or not) and mega dollars from the 501(c)4 division of Eagle Forum.

Previous Battles for Nomination

This is not the first time we’ve seen a contentious battle for the nomination, but I believe it is still the worst in history.

In 1952, there was a hard fought delegate battle between conservative Howard Taft and Dwight Eisenhower in the primary GOP nomination. This was truly the end of the old right with the nomination of Eisenhower. [Link] (You can read about Ike’s treasonous actions in The Politician by Robert Welch.)

The 1964 Republican campaign was much the same. Senator Barry Goldwater was the staunch conservative and his rivals were liberal New York Governor, Nelson Rockefeller and moderate George Romney. [Link] Governor Rockefeller was placed in nomination to keep delegates from Oregon and other states, committed to him, from swinging to the Goldwater camp. [Link]

Vice Presidential Choices

I asked Mr. Stone if Trump would choose a politician or a businessman for vice-president. Roger stated that there was another option, a military man, one who is well-versed in foreign policy. On the CNN interview with the Trump family, Mr. Trump was asked about adding any of the other candidates to his administration. He stated that although he likes many of the other candidates, he has not said he would ask them to be vice president. Roger Stone said basically the same thing, that it would be highly unlikely for Trump to join with Cruz, Rubio or Kasich.

Cruz and the North American Union

In discussing Heidi Cruz’s many years at the Council on Foreign Relations helping to write the North American Union (NAU) which would eliminate our sovereignty and our borders, I mentioned that Ted Cruz, his staunch supporters, David Barton and Glenn Beck, are all for a Constitutional Convention which would be needed to pass the NAU. Mr. Stone stated that Donald J. Trump is firmly against a Constitutional Convention.

Google and Fake Malware Attacks

Mr. Stone mentioned that this was happening to any number of websites who are supporting Mr. Trump or exposing Ted Cruz. There really is no malware even when the malware warning pops up when trying to open an article or enter a website. It is because the website has been put into Google’s list of “attack” websites, even though they do not have malware. Simply click the button to proceed, and you’ll get to the website or article. All of this started when Mr. Trump tweeted one of my articles on Jeb Bush’s eminent domain usage in Florida. 


Cruz on Common Core and Fast Tracking TPP

What about commercials regarding Ted Cruz’s stances on Common Core, Cruz’s TPA fast tracking vote on the TPP trade deal, and Heidi Cruz’s five years at the Council on Foreign Relations writing the North American Community document which eliminates American borders and sovereignty? Roger Stone said there would probably be radio ads, and asked if I’d send information on two of the above two topics. I will discuss them in full in an upcoming article.

Cruz Lies on Common Core

Ted Cruz tells his supporters he is against Common Core, and supports home-schooling. But his co-sponsorship of S306, “Enhancing Educational Opportunities for all Students Act” (ESEA), tells a very different story than what Cruz tells his supporters.

How Ted Cruz is Sneaking Common Core on Homeschoolers.

Cruz Voted for TPA Fast Tracking of TPP

Here is the video of Cruz stating he’s for fast tracking for the TPP

Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Ala), who has been the leading principled opponent of Fast Track in the Congress, provided many more reasons why his colleagues should vote against handing TPA/Fast Track to President Obama. In a speech on the Senate floor, Sessions pointed out that the main objection to TPA is that it will almost guarantee passage of three major Obama Trade packages that threaten our national sovereignty: the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA).

Among the many crucial arguments Sen. Sessions makes are:

living agreements” that will continue to evolve, meaning they will mutate into whatever the trade architects (or future leaders) want them to be;
• The TPP/TTIP/TiSA subject the United States to rulings of international tribunals;
• TiSA could be used to undermine our immigration laws by forcing the U.S. to issue more temporary worker visas; (Cruz once proposed an immediate increase in the base H-1B cap from 65,000 to 325,000. Cruz offered the H-1B increase as an amendment in 2013 to the Senate’s comprehensive immigration bill.)

• President Obama is “breaking arms and heads” not to increase trade, but to get the political “trans-national union,” with international law that can be used against America’s interests.

According to Senator Sessions: “The predictable and surely desired result of the TPP is to put greater distance between the governed and those who govern. It puts those who make the rules out of reach of those who live under them, empowering unelected regulators who cannot be recalled or voted out of office. In turn, it diminishes the power of the people’s bulwark: their constitutionally-formed Congress.” 

(Remember that regionalism, which is gradually becoming the accepted method of unelected governance in the United States (unelected councils, regulators, and task forces, participatory democracy, public-private partnerships, etc.) is the form of government used in democratic socialist and communist countries.)


Donald Trump is truly the choice of our electorate for GOP nominee. He is the man who can put our nation back on the winning track, the man who cares about America’s people, America’s jobs, America’s borders, America’s veterans, America’s debt, America’s Second Amendment rights, enforcing America’s Constitution, and ultimately America’s survival. We need him in our White House.

A special thank you to Roger Stone for taking the time in his busy day to answer a few questions regarding the Trump campaign. Hopefully, we’ll be able to speak again as the convention draws closer.

Trump on transgenders in public restrooms

As stated in a previous article, Trump is a pragmatist. As such, he always thinks in common sense terms when he answers a question. Thus the answer he recently gave about the transgender bathroom issue was what I would have probably said, because running into a transgender in a public facility is highly unlikely.

Here in Knoxville, we have one transgender in our neighborhood. He was previously married and has children. He was even a radio host. There was an article in the local newspaper about him years ago. I haven’t seen him for a while, but he was going to go through with the hormonal changes and surgery to change his looks from male to female. When I’d see him, he would be wearing a long blond wig, have on short shorts and tight tops over some well-developed fake breasts. I don’t know what’s happened to him, but I do know that the surgeries performed to change gender identities have not worked out well as far as helping the person become more well-adjusted.

military is told to accept transgendered.

There’s a lot the sex change industry doesn’t tell you. Here’s a prime example from Charisma News. The picture is of Nancy Verhelst, a 44-year-old woman disappointed by her female-to-male surgery, who decided to die by euthanasia.

Link] But studies repeatedly show that “transgender” people who seek to become the opposite sex are in fact not happy or fulfilled. In fact, a life-or-death internal war is continually going on within, to the degree that many, if not most, seek to end their lives. 

Trump on Transgender Bathrooms

Trump was asked, in an interview on CBS News, about North Carolina’s controversial bathroom law, HB2, which, by stopping local governments from passing anti-discrimination rules, effectively requires so-called “transgender” people to use bathrooms assigned to their biological sex at birth. 

In the interview, Trump said North Carolina should “leave it the way it is” because before HB2, “there have been very few problems. There have been very few complaints the way it is. People go. They use the bathroom they feel is appropriate. There has been so little trouble. And the problem with what happened in North Carolina is the strife and the economic — I mean the economic punishment that they’re taking.” HB2 is negatively affecting North Carolina’s economy. [Link]

Of course, the pressure from the politically correct crowd is astronomical. Perhaps, NC is right, but there are problems either way. Yet, the chances of meeting up with a transgender are still minimal, and the cost to the state from the PC crowd is huge. (Would you like Cher’s daughter Chastity, who is now Chaz, to show up in a woman’s bathroom? Chaz now looks so obviously like a male.)

Trump is, of course, absolutely right. In the 1960s, I lived on the near north side of Chicago, the State and Rush Street area, where all the nightlife happened. Even back then there was a particular club on Rush Street where you knew that inside were men dressed as women doing imitations of famous people. Chicago’s near north is where the action happened, and we didn’t pay much attention to the club. I do know however, that many of these men, when made up, were absolutely beautiful looking women. At that time, and in that area, there was never a problem with public facilities and transgender men or women. 

America’s Transgender Population

The best estimates I could find of the number of transgenders in America’s population, were 700,000 or .1 to .3% of the population. In reality this is quite miniscule. The chances of running into a transgender in a public facility with numerous stalls, is still miniscule. Thus the reason for Mr. Trump’s statement. As well, transgenders have higher than average crimes committed against them. 

I cannot see a male, dressed as a woman, going into a male restroom. Other males would immediately react negatively. Neither can I see a male dressed as a woman going into a woman’s restroom without most women leaving immediately. Of course, there are those transgender men who truly look like women and vice versa. Needless to say, the population is still so insignificant, that running into someone in a public facility who is a transgender is extremely microscopic.

Trump Expounds on His Original Remark

A day later, faced with backlash from conservatives, Trump explained his initial remark. In an interview on Fox News tonight, Trump told host Sean Hannity:

“I love North Carolina, and they have a law, and it’s a law that, you know, unfortunately is causing them some problems. And I fully understand that they want to go through, but they are losing business, and they are having people come out against it. I think that local communities and states should make the decision. And I feel very strongly about that. The federal government should not be involved.” [Link]

The Politically Correct Crowd and Reality

Realistically, Mr. Trump is absolutely right. Prior to the politically correct brouhaha of transgenders and bathrooms, there was little chance anyone would run into a male or female transgender in a public restroom. Knowing that many restrooms only have one facility for male and female, and that facility has only one stall and the door locks, there is no problem. However, facilities with numerous stalls could ultimately cause concern.

Now that this potty problem has been forced to the front of daily discussions, we will be hearing and probably seeing more and more transgenders purposely using facilities that do not match their birth gender. Still the risks are minimal.

I would agree with the pragmatist statement made by Mr. Trump…and why is it even a question in today’s presidential campaign when we have so many huge problems that totally outweigh the question of what potty the gender-undecided actually uses.


Where on the scale of importance does this issue sit when we have Islamic Syrians invading our country, when we have a $21 Trillion-dollar debt, when our military is spread all over the world, when trade agreements have destroyed the jobs of this country, when our borders are like sieves? 

The Other Side of This Issue

Now that the PC crowd has made such an issue of the potty problem for those who are gender challenged, there will surely be bathroom confrontations that would not have occurred had this not been the number one topic of social and main stream media.

Allowing transgenders to openly use the toilets of their sexual choice is going to result in other problems, much more profound than running into a man who wants to be a woman.

Take the case of a man in Toronto claiming to be a transgender to gain access to and prey on women in two shelters. Under the name “Jessica,” he was able to get into the women’s shelters, where he sexually assaulted several women in 2012, the Toronto Sun reports.

In Kailey Triller’s article, A Rape Victim Speaks Out About Transgender Bathrooms, she is appalled that locker rooms in schools, gyms, and businesses are actually allowing transgender people to use the facilities of the sex they identify with, regardless of their anatomy. Kailey is not saying that transgenders are predators, and statistically, they are not. However, there are enough predators in today’s world who will likely make good use of the situation and “pretend” to be a transgender person to gain access to the people they wish to exploit, namely women and children. Just Google Jason Pomares, Norwood Smith Burnes, or Taylor Buehler, for starters.
Kailey Triller goes on to say:

Do they know that more than 99 percent of single-victim incidents are committed by males? That they are experts in rationalization who minimize their number of victims? Don’t they know that insurance companies highlight locker rooms as a high-risk area for abuse that should be carefully monitored and protected?

Don’t they know that one out of every four little girls will be sexually abused during childhood, and that’s without giving predators free access to them while they shower? Don’t they know that, for women who have experienced sexual trauma, finding the courage to use a locker room at all is a freaking badge of honor? That many of these women view life through a kaleidoscope of shame and suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, dissociation, poor body image, eating disorders, drug and alcohol abuse, difficulty with intimacy, and worse? 

Why would people knowingly invite further exploitation by creating policies with no safeguards in place to protect them from injury? With zero screening options to ensure that biological males who enter locker rooms actually identify as female, how could a woman be sure the person staring at her wasn’t exploiting her? Why is it okay to make her wonder?

Who Is Responsible

Once again, we have the politically correct crowd pushing a new social order, an order that relegates a miniscule minority above the majority. As constraints on behavior increasingly are loosened, the social fabric increasingly becomes frayed, resulting in increasing chaos and disorder. But a society cannot function under such circumstances, so citizens increasingly turn to the state as a solution, thereby expanding the powers of an already corrupt government.

Numbers 26 and 40 of the 1963 Communist Goals For America, which was entered into the Congressional Record (Appendix, pp. A34-A35) on January 10, 1963, states:

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”

40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.


Realistically, it is not the transgender folks who are the problem, but the predators who will use the restrooms, locker rooms, showers, etc. for their own deviant purposes, masquerading as a transgender. It is nothing short of negligent to instate policies that elevate the emotional comfort of a relative few over the physical safety of a large group of vulnerable people.

So, yes, I agree with Mr. Trump. Had this not even been a topic of conversation promoted by the PC crowd and the media, we most likely would not have problems. Now that these entities have made this a huge topic of discussion, we could end up with the problems Kailey Triller presents in her excellent article.

Trump always answers these “gotcha” questions with pragmatist answers…and every time, he’s been right.

Ted Cruz, liar liar, pants on fire

A false witness shall not be unpunished, and [he that] speaketh lies shall perish. —Proverbs 19:9

Remember the grammar school taunting rhyme, “Liar, Liar, pants on fire, nose is longer than a telephone wire?” It was taken from the Pinocchio story where when he lied, his nose grew longer. Well, it’s the same thing with Senator Ted Cruz, and I cannot even begin to cover all the lies this man has told since his political career started. We’ll only cover a few.

As Cruz has quickly climbed the political ladder, he has left a long line of associates who complain, without much prompting, that he is an insufferable schmuck, and this includes his fellow senators.

Mother Jones Magazine printed an article entitled, Is Ted Cruz Really an Awful, Terrible Jerk? Yes, I know Mojo is a leftist magazine, but I also know they do their homework on both the left and the right, and they’ve never been sued. However, in this article, they list the left leaning neo-con Trotskyite Republicans who all detest Trump, i.e., McCain, Boehner, Dole, George W. Bush, Rep. Peter King, Sen. Lindsey Graham, etc. The reality is this, no one who gets close to him, likes Cruz. It is not because he’s not “one of them,” but because he’s insufferable, and people simply do not like the man. Nevertheless, they’re using him to try to destroy Trump, then they’ll dump Cruz, hoping to install one of their own choosing.

From the Mojo article comes this insightful piece:

Isn’t that telling? No one really wants to be around Ted Cruz because of his personality. Yet, he has deceived millions of Christians into believing he is a Constitutional conservative. Obviously, these Christians have absolutely no discernment and are listening only to his words, not checking his actions. We are, after all, to judge them by their fruits. Lies and deception seem to be the core of Ted Cruz’s campaign.

A Few of the Lies and Deceptions of Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz is gaining quite the reputation for saying one thing to his supporters, and doing quite a different thingTed Cruz lies. He talks very eloquently about conservatism, while his establishment agenda is hidden by deceptive lawyer tricks.

 Senator Cruz appeared on Fox News (full video here) and was caught in several lies to add to his abysmal record.

One of the more egregious claims was when Cruz stated he immediately denounced the Melania Trump attack ads (mailers in Utah) put forth by a Pro-Cruz Super-PAC. No such denouncement, prior to the Utah election, ever took place.

 Ted is so anti-gay that he proposed overturning gay rights in D.C. and is 100% against gay marriage. 

However, in April, Ted was hosted at a dinner by the gay Manhattan hotel tycoons Mati Weiderpass and Ian Reisner, owners of the city’s gay Out Hotel and accepted a $2,700 donation from Resiner. [Link] He is shown below with Mati Weiderpass in a photo posted on Weiderpass’s Facebook page.

Ted’s wife, Heidi, is a managing director at Goldman Sachs (currently on leave), which took a $10 billion government bailout! Cruz earned a million bucks a year from his law firm, and the Cruz’s took low-interest loans from Goldman Sachs and Citibank that he failed to report. [Link], [Link]

 Cruz told a CPAC crowd that Democrats issued an ominous threat to the Catholic Church: “Change your religious beliefs or we’ll use our power in the federal government to shut down your charities and your hospitals.” Politifact naturally deemed this “both incorrect and ridiculous.”

 Cruz said ISIS is “right now crucifying Christians in Iraq, literally nailing Christians to trees.” It wasn’t, and Cruz wasn’t able to offer any evidence. (Not to say ISIS isn’t committing other atrocities.)

 Cruz described a “strong bipartisan majority” in the House that voted to repeal Obamacare. Two Democrats joined the Republicans, that’s not strong bipartisanship.

 In recent weeks, Cruz has been using some variation of this line: “There are 110,000 agents at the IRS. We need to put a padlock on that building and take every one of those 110,000 agents and put them on our southern border.” The IRS doesn’t have 110,000 employees. (There are 14,000). 

I want all our military brought home and put on our borders…not IRS agents.


leadership team, told the Washington Examiner he could not stay silent about the falsehoods repeatedly uttered by the senator on the campaign trail. Specifically, Tucker takes issue with Cruz’s comments about Donald Trump’s ideas on healthcare. [Link]


 Ted Cruz tells his supporters he is against Common Core, and supports home-schooling. But his co-sponsorship of S306, “Enhancing Educational Opportunities for all Students Act” (ESEA), tells a very different story than what Cruz tells his supporters.

Ted Cruz sneaked an amendment into the bill. Cruz quietly attached: Section I, Title I Portability under ESEA. Cruz’s amendment is a tricky proposal for state standards and state testing. Ted Cruz’s misleading amendment really means that any Title I child who accepts funds to implement a federal education program is considered a recipient of federal financial assistance. Unfortunately, this also means that Ted Cruz’s amendment essentially mandates Common Core to any school who accepts the enrollment detailed in his sneaky amendment. [Link]

How Ted Cruz is Sneaking Common Core on Homeschoolers.

• Politifact has found only 8 of 47 (or 17 percent) of Ted Cruz’s statements to be deemed either “True” or “Mostly True.” The lone “True” statement pertained to toilet seats. Only 4 of the 7 “Mostly True” statements checked by Politifact happened since he became a senator. Of those 4, three of them, while technically factual based on his wording, were contextually inaccurate. To put it another way, Ted Cruz is one of the most dishonest politicians this country has ever seen.

Cruz is so effective at misleading voters one cannot tell when, if ever, he is being sincere. If he can lie with such ease and “reframe” his views so readily, how will Congress and the American people trust him? 

Cruz’s Constant Flip-Flops

Watch the following video, Who Is the Real Ted Cruz? It discusses Teds flip-flopping, on government surveillance, Syrian refugees, background checks, amnesty, H-1B visas, birthright citizenship, whistleblowers, ethanol subsidies, Obama Trade, Iran deal, the TSA. All of these, and more, are issues Cruz has flipped on.

Ted’s Campaign Donors

Cruz says, “I will never get, nor do I want money from the DC lobbyists or the special interest billionaires.

Really Ted? How about the millions you’ve gotten from New York hedge fund billionaire Robert Mercer, Texas natural gas billionaires Farris and Dan Wilks, and private-equity partner Toby Neugebauer? I guess they don’t count and don’t have “special interests.” [Link]

The below Contributor chart shows that pro-amnesty Club for Growth really likes Ted as does Goldman Sachs.


Cruz’s top surrogate supporter, Glenn Beck, repeatedly compared Donald Trump’s supporters to Hitler’s notorious paramilitary group known as the “Brown shirts.” [Link]

On the Christian Broadcasting Network, Cruz said, “Listen, Donald does well with voters who have relatively low information, who are not that engaged and who are angry.” Cruz is saying, “Trump voters are stupid, lazy Neanderthals who don’t know what they’re doing while the Cruz supporters are intelligent, involved and worthy of a relationship with Reverend Ted.

After what we’ve seen with the Eagle Forum attempted coup, I would say the “brown shirt” statement might more readily apply to the Cruz supporters. As for Trump’s supporters being low information, it is just the opposite. Folks who support Donald Trump know more about what has happened to America the last 100 years than the rest of the electorate. Trump truly has awakened the silent majority.

Eagle Forum Coup is all about Cruz and money

“The whole art of government consists in the art of being honest.” —Thomas Jefferson

In my last article regarding the attempted coup within Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum, I explained how this attempted takeover by six Eagle Forum leaders was done basically because they disagreed with Phyllis’s endorsement of Donald Trump, who she called, “America’s last hope,” but there is more. 

It’s All About Money

In a recent radio interview, Phyllis stated their real goal was to take control of the organization and get their hands on the assets and the lists. Why would they want to do that, and why did they come out last January and state that Eagle Forum was endorsing Ted Cruz?

The answer lies in the fact that there are two organizations within Eagle Forum. Phyllis’s son, John Schlafly, explained that last Monday’s vote was regarding the 501(c)3, educationally oriented non-profit organization of Eagle Forum, not the 501(c)4 organization that allows it to support political issue campaigns.

“The two organizations have different boards,” John explained, “and those opposing Phyllis only have a majority in the 501(c)4.” This is where the money lies, and money that can be given to candidates. A 501(c)4 allows endorsements of candidates. The 501(c)3 allows tax free status as a charitable foundation by the IRS, but endorsements of candidates are prohibited.

The problem is that the 501(c)4 controls the name Eagle Forum, meaning the future of the organization will be uncertain if the 501(c)4 leaders succeed in ousting Phyllis Schlafly as its chairperson and CEO. So far they have failed in this attempt.

The six women involved in this attempted takeover were backing Ted Cruz as well as many of them backing a Constitutional Convention which Phyllis has always taken a stance against. If they could take over, then the assets in the 501(c)4 would be theirs to use as they wished. 

Take Note: Donald J. Trump does not want or need private monies for his campaign and has refused all but minor donations from American citizens who support him. Ted Cruz’s campaign has accepted monies from people he will be beholden to in the event he is elected, and these entities are corporate, banking, political, and religious. 

It appears the intended goal of these women was to take control of the assets of Eagle Forum in order to put these monies behind the candidate of their choice, Ted Cruz.

Eagle Forum Responses

I received a huge number of responses to my previous article, the majority of which were from Eagle Forum members who agreed with what I stated in the article, and were outraged over what was done. Here is a letter to me from Jim Schindler of Colorado Eagle Forum:

Your article is accurate for the most part. However, the reference to Cruz hailing Eagle Forum’s endorsement from 20 state leaders is from back in January of this year.

We regret adding our names to the list endorsing him and have subsequently withdrawn our support of him, as have others. I can confirm our retraction as well as one other. Jayne Schindler and Jim Schindler of Colorado Eagle Forum, and Susan Ellsworth of Arizona Eagle Forum.

Those who have engulfed on this hostile takeover of Eagle Forum are receiving many communications outwardly criticizing this coup attempt, so I would imagine that there will be more confirmations of withdrawals from the list of Cruz supporters offered back in January 2016!

Phyllis Schlafly has earned, and is receiving support from around the country. This is truly an American tragedy!

Jim Schindler

I wrote back to Mr. Schindler and thanked him for writing to me, and asked if he would allow me to use his statements. He then sent me another email which made it clear that many of the Eagle Forum members and officers were very angry at the attempted coup. He sent me the following letter from Joan F. Langenberg, Former President of Missouri Eagle Forum, and Mr. Schindler’s comments follow.

Dear Group of 6,

I and many others are appalled at your meeting this past Monday, and the actions decided upon. Your attempt at a hostile takeover of Eagle Forum is truly unconscionable. I am particularly shocked at the actions of Anne Cori. For a daughter to treat her mother in such an egregious and disrespectful way is unspeakable. And to present your betrayal of Phyllis and Eagle Forum as a noble action is beyond hypocrisy. Everyone knows that this deceptive action to take control is because of Phyllis’s endorsement of Trump and your opposition to Ed Martin. Why didn’t your group have the honesty and courage to state these things in your press release? It’s incredible to me that you would be willing to destroy a person, tear a family apart, and betray an organization over the endorsement of a Republican candidate that many conservative leaders have endorsed. And to demand the resignation of Ed Martin, who has been an excellent leader and a loyal friend to Phyllis, is outrageous. 

If you were that upset with the Trump endorsement and Ed Martin’s leadership – the proper and right action would be to resign – not to maneuver an illegal takeover and demand resignations. It’s very noteworthy that all of Phyllis’s 5 other children are solidly behind her. Finally, to betray Phyllis with false rumors and to take these despicable actions against Eagle Forum is antithetical to the moral values upon which Eagle Forum’s foundation is built.

All of you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Joan F. Langenberg Former President of Missouri Eagle Forum

I believe Ms. Langenberg’s letter is really quite telling of how the majority of Eagle Forum member and officers truly feel. Here is the response to Ms. Langenberg by Mr. Schindler:

Dear Joan, 

You have eloquently stated all of our exact feelings about this tragic action by a select few who have obviously combined both motive and opportunity to move on their personal biases.

It is truly shameful, and we support Phyllis, Ed, John and Andy and the rest of the Schlafly family who will stand true to this most wonderful leader.

Jayne and Jim Schindler, Colorado Eagle Forum Co-directors


Phyllis Schlafly’s April 10th letter regarding this attempted takeover, she stated, in part, the following:

In recent days, you may have heard about some issues we are having at Eagle Forum. I am grateful for your concern for me and our work. 

For reasons that are not entirely clear to me, some people have been working to attack me and Eagle Forum. My disappointment is compounded by the fact that these are people with whom I have worked closely in the past. I have asked them to resign from the Board immediately so that we may continue our important work. 

Phyllis also stated in radio interviews that Eagle Forum members could, of course, support and vote for anyone they wished. However, Eagle Forum is run by Phyllis Schlafly, and Schlafly has endorsed Donald J. Trump.

Once again we see the disastrous results of involvement with the likes of Ted Cruz who will take advantage of any source to gain both endorsements and campaign funds.

Like the majority of Eagle Forum members and leaders, I too am appalled at the actions of these six women. At the age of 91, Phyllis Schlafly surely didn’t need to go through this stressful attack. My worries are what will happen to the organization once Phyllis is no longer with us. I pray they have put protections in place that will disable any future attempts to destroy Eagle Forum.

Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum torn apart by Cruz supporters

“Sometimes the people you’d take a bullet for are the ones behind the trigger.”—Taylor Swift

After Phyllis Schlafly’s endorsement of Donald J. Trump, a rift started in her organization, Eagle Forum (EF). The coup, which has emerged, is over Phyllis’s endorsement of Donald Trump, and her battle against a Constitutional Convention. 

pro-familyand reports membership of 80,000. 

In March, Schlafly introduced and endorsed Donald Trump at a rally in St. Louis, two months after many state and local Eagle Forum leaders had announced their support for Ted Cruz. She felt Trump was a strong conservative who really would make America great again. Here is the video of that endorsement.

In August of 2015, Schlafly named Ed Martin to take over her day-to-day duties as president of Eagle Forum, and she became chairperson and CEO of the organization. 

Here’s a portion of what he said and the women behind this coup:

On Thursday, we received a tip from a longtime EF member in South Carolina that the Con-Con people are pursuing a scheme to push Phyllis Schlafly out of Eagle Forum.

Six directors of Eagle Forum are holding a rogue meeting in violation of the Bylaws unless they are stopped. The rogue group members have a hidden agenda, and most refused to return phone calls personally made to them by Phyllis to ask what their concerns are.

They are being guided by a big, liberal law firm that they refuse to identify, but the press has identified. They also refuse to say who is funding the high paid liberal lawyers.

Here are the six directors of this Gang of 6:

Eunie Smith – allowed Alabama to be one of the first states to pass Con-Con, in May, 2015.

Carolyn McLarty – owes Reince Priebus of the RNC for her special committee position on the RNC from Oklahoma.

Ann Cori (Phyllis’s daughter) – did nothing to stop the Con-Con as it sailed to passage in Missouri last year, until national Eagle Forum intervened.

Rosina Kovar – does not return calls to her by Phyllis and has mentioned to someone else that her ringleader told her not to talk to anyone.

Shirley Curry – does not return calls to her by Phyllis.

Cathie Adams – disparaged and insulted Phyllis in a publicly quoted interview in Dallas, phoned Phyllis to apologize, but has not retracted her statements.

Last night we found out that Cathie gave a new on-the-record press interview about this and is trying to push her agenda. Thanks to Cathie, we are now seeing this terrible betrayal of Phyllis play out in the media.


The Eagle board endorsed Ed Martin, but would not allow Ed Martin to attend the private meeting they had called. Schlafly stated that “The six board members calling the telephone meeting won’t tell me what the meeting is about, but I think it’s an attempt to vote me out. It’s disloyal and terribly shocking, and I’m completely depressed about it.”

Dissidents are pro Constitutional Convention and Cruz Supporters

These six women are against Schlafly’s opposition to a new push for a Constitutional Convention via Balanced Budget Amendment (BBA) as well as the Convention of States. Schlafly has always fought a Con-Con, and was at our side in the early 80s to defeat the call then when the same ruse of a BBA was used. 

As of January, 27 states had passed resolutions calling for a constitutional convention, most relying on model legislation drafted by the American Legislative Exchange Council and the Convention of States, a little-known group founded by Michael Farris.

Five of these six women are also Cruz supporters, and Cruz is all for a Constitutional Convention. He needs a Convention in order to pass the North American Union which his wife, Heidi, so diligently worked on at the CFR for five years. Supporter Glenn Beck, and David Barton who heads up the Keep-the-Promise Cruz PAC, are both pushing a Con-Con. 

Facebook page and wrote, “Mark’s book sparks an important discussion about how to fix the problems that face our Republic.” As well, check out Ted’s article in the National Review where he promotes a Convention.

In a conversation with Bob Menges, the South Carolina director for the Convention of States (COS) Project, Cruz reiterated his support for the movement

Cathie Adams, gave an interview to the Dallas Morning News, critical of Schlafly’s endorsement of Trump. I fully believe Cathie Adams and Ann Cori have spearheaded this entire takeover of Eagle Forum, the ousting of Ed Martin, as well as eliminating founder, Phyllis Schlafly. Phyllis rescinded her endorsement of Cathie Adams to be vice chair of the Texas GOP after Adams’ interview with the Dallas Morning News.

Here is the letter Phyllis wrote after this phone meeting was finished:

I have just released the following statement to the press and our members: 

Ed Martin stated, “When people don’t return your phone calls or give you a straight answer about what they’re doing, Phyllis knows enough to recognize that’s pretty hostile.” Martin also cited an instance where an EF member who was also working for Ted Cruz, took a membership list and gave it to the Cruz campaign for marketing. “The Cruz campaign backed off using the list,” he said, “But we have a few incidents and the EF members who have endorsed Cruz are not happy with Phyllis’s endorsement of Trump.”

The End Result

Ed Martin was fired, even though he was Phyllis’s choice for President of EF. Eunie Smith, one of the six dissidents is now acting President until a new president can be elected. Cruz has now claimed the endorsement of Eagle Forum. It looks as though the Cruz and Con-Con supporters in Eagle Forum have turned their backs on their founder and her endorsements and Constitutional stances.

Ted Cruz extends middle finger to Colorado republican voters

“Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor” 9th Commandment 

“Thou shalt not steal” 8th Commandment

Cruz Actions Belie His Christianity

Ted Cruz calls himself a Christian, but he has broken the above commandments over and over again, and the latest example of this is what has happened in Colorado. “Thou shalt not steal” obviously means nothing to Cruz. It is theft, and a slap in the face to the voters of Colorado. 

Ted blew what could have been a great PR opportunity for his campaign. If he had made a public statement saying, “It is against my principles of justice to be the recipient of delegates that have not been awarded to me honestly through the process of caucus and elections,” those words would have given him Christian standing. 

However, the egocentric basturd (yes, I spelled it that way on purpose) is blinded by his incompetence to assess opportunity. He didn’t say a word. He just chalked up one more victory covertly awarded to him by his venomous campaign shenanigans, the GOP elitists, and his filthy manager, Jeff Roe.

The only people who have the right to decide to whom their delegates are awarded, are the voters from the great State of Colorado.

Ted Cruz can’t win enough delegates at the voting box to win the Republican nomination. So his campaign, led by Jeff Roe, is pushing supporters to steal delegates from states Donald Trump won.

The Gateway Pundit reports that Colorado Trump Delegates were scratched from ballots at the GOP Convention – and the Cruzers Listed TWICE! There was actually a resolution passed around at the convention that instructed Colorado Republicans to not vote for Trump. The resolution was created by Colorado Republicans for Liberty – apparently a Cruz offshoot group.

Colorado Trump Delegate Reacts

Lindsey said, “I’ve been a Republican all of my life. And this corrupt bunch of thieves is not even worth fighting for. I’ll find another party that believes more like I do. I’ve had it with them. But Jan Morgan you’re not going to get away with this. I’ll find somebody to listen to me. I’ll find some way to hold you accountable for this.”

Never Trump Twitter Backlash Greenwood Village, CO. – The Colorado GOP is getting some backlash after someone with access to the party’s Twitter account posted, and quickly deleted, the following message: “We did it. #NeverTrump.”

The tweet came minutes after Ted Cruz swept through all 34 delegates during the GOP assembly in Colorado Springs on Saturday. The party deleted the tweet within minutes, saying the message was posted by someone “with unauthorized access to our account.”

Trump’s Reaction

“I’ve gotten millions … of more votes than [Sen. Ted] Cruz, and I’ve gotten hundreds of delegates more, and we keep fighting, fighting, fighting, and then you have a Colorado where they just get all of these delegates, and it’s not [even] a system,” Trump said, during the Fox News broadcast. “There was no voting. I didn’t go out there to make a speech or anything. There’s no voting.”

“They offer them trips — they offer them all sorts of things, and you’re allowed to do that,” Trump said of the method by which some woo delegates. “I mean, you’re allowed to offer trips, and you can buy all these votes. What kind of a system is this? Now, I’m an outsider, and I came into the system and I’m winning the votes by millions of votes. But the system is rigged. It’s crooked.”


GOPe Corruption


Donald Trump is a brilliant experienced businessman, but he is a novice when it comes to understanding the corruption and deception of the GOPe. As a pragmatist, he spoke to the people, saw them rally to his stated positions, and in a Constitutional Republic, this would easily result in his winning the nomination. Unfortunately, he did not realize the hypocrisy of the Republican party, or the criminal element willing to destroy the party to keep Trump from the nomination.

In 1964, Barry Goldwater battled the underhanded tactics of his own party, including George Romney, and his Democratic opponent was Lyndon Johnson. We have a parallel situation today. Trump is battling his own party and the underhanded tactics of establishment insider, Ted Cruz.

For the first time in 53 years we actually have a candidate who loves our country and is not part of the globalist cabal, neither is he beholden to any interest, corporate or otherwise.

We are at war people, and it is time to fight your state GOP establishment and legislators who want to deprive the American voters of the candidate we’ve chosen. Get out of your easy chair and get to work. It’s up to us to save our country.

Trump and ‘thrill up the leg’ Chris Matthews

“I have to tell you, you know, it’s part of reporting this case, this election, the feeling most people get when they hear Barack Obama’s speech. My, I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don’t have that too often.” —Chris Matthews

The reason I added the above definition of pragmatist is because that is exactly what Trump is and how he responds. He takes a practical, common sense approach to most subjects. Caught off guard by the continual jabbering and interruptions of Chris Matthews, he answered quickly with the pragmatist’s mind set. In retrospect, he rescinded his original statement, and he was right to do so.

Trump is a Strong GOP Pro-Life Candidate

Who in Trump’s campaign told him to do the Chris Matthews Hardball show? Why should Trump reward the bad behavior of someone who believes the Marxist Muslim in our White House is a wonderful president. Obviously, the hypothetical questions asked by Matthews were skewed and purposely asked to put Trump in an awkward position. 

Not once would Chris Matthews shut up long enough for Trump to speak a full sentence. Like many who interview, they are more interested in what they have to say than what their guest has to say. Here’s the video.

And here’s a portion of what transpired: 

A woman in the audience asked Mr. Trump about a woman’s right to choose her own reproductive health. Of course Donald Trump answered that he was pro-life, with the three exceptions. Matthews interrupts and asks, “What should the law be on abortion?” Trump answers that the law will depend upon who gets elected, especially with the loss of pro-life Supreme Court Judge, Scalia.

Matthews then says, “I’ve never understood the pro-life position. What crime is it?”

Trump answers, “Well, it’s human life!”

Matthews continues, “Should a woman be punished for having an abortion? Should abortion be punished?” Matthews then interrupts Trump and says, “This is not something you can dodge.”

Trump answers, “People in certain parts of the Republican party say yes they should be. I would say that it’s a very serious problem that we have to decide on. Are you going to say ‘Put them in jail.’”

Matthews says, “No, that’s what I’m asking you because you say you want to ban it.”

Trump says, “I am pro-life and I am against it.”

Matthews says, “How do you ban abortion, how do you actually do it?”
Trump states, “They’ll go back to a position like they used to have, where some may go to illegal places, but you have to ban it.” 

Trump then asks Matthews, “Are you Catholic, then how do you feel about the Catholic church’s position?”

Matthews answers, “Well, I accept the teaching of my church on moral issues.”
“And do you concur with their position?” asks Trump.
“I concur with their moral position,” states Matthews
“But what do you say about your church?” asks Trump.

Matthews answers, “But the churches make their moral judgments, but you running for president of the United States will be Chief Executive of the United States. Do you believe in punishment for abortion? Yes, or no as a principle.”

“The answer is that there has to be some form of punishment,” answers Trump.
“For the woman?” says Matthews
“Yes, there has to be some form of punishment.”
“Ten years?” says Matthews.
“I don’t know. That I don’t know.”
“Why not, you take positions on everything else.”
“Trump says, “Because it’s a very complicated issue. I’m pro-life.”

Matthews interrupts which he’s very good at doing, and then Trump says, “But the Catholic Church is pro-life.”

Matthews says, “We’re not talking about my religion.”

Trump answers, “But we are talking about your religion. You say you’re a very good Catholic.”

Matthews says, “I never said I was a very good Catholic.”

Matthews continues to press Trump, who states he’s not going to play that game, and it continues to disintegrate into back and forth with Matthews continually talking over Trump. 

The Reality of Abortion

Is there punishment for the woman who kills her unborn child? For anyone other than a cold hearted Hillary supporter, yes, there is punishment, maybe not immediately, but often times later on there is pain from what they’ve done, and from the loss. They’ve not only deprived their own child of life, but they’ve deprived the grandparents, siblings, father, cousins, etc. of a child they should have known. Abortion causes two things, death to one, and pain and loss to the other, and the pain the woman struggles with later can be very devastating.

Is there punishment in our society for murder of the unborn? Remember Scott Peterson? He was the husband who killed his wife, Lacey, and their unborn child, Connor. He was convicted and sentenced to death for the first degree murder of Lacey and the second degree murder of Connor. The unborn child was murdered, and Peterson is sentenced to death.

What about when a drunk driver hits and kills a pregnant woman? Many states will charge the drunk driver with two manslaughter homicides. Some will not, depending on their laws. However, in many cases, there is punishment for the murder of an unborn child.

The argument on murdering your own unborn child will never end, but the result is always the same, a dead baby and a mother who may later feel deep regret and sadness. That alone is the punishment.

Trump and Pro-Life

In Moonies for Cruz, by Ann Coulter, she was writing about Ted Cruz’s constant lies about Trump’s pro-life stance:

Sometime in the intervening 16 years, Trump became fully pro-life. 


The following is from a delightfully well-spoken cyber buddy in New York.

Politicians can’t keep it in their pants.
They are stupid on purpose, because they have an agenda.
They pander to their donors, not the people.
Most of them give these lofty speeches, but it’s all lies.

They will use a war record as an excuse to get elected, and then milk it while they live off our taxes, and retire with millions from lobbyists.

Professional politicians are lawyers who want to steal from ‘We the People’ rather than actually working a job like we do. I’m not so sure many lawyers actually work, but maybe a couple perform some valuable service to somebody somewhere.

So it was great to see Trump on Long Island.

Wisconsin reminds us how many truly stupid people there are in this country. It is a shame they made it to adulthood with their heads up their own asses.

Savage just had a guy on who pointed out that it may have been democrats voting for Cruz that cost Trump the Wisconsin election, that and voter fraud.

Democrats do not have to vote in the democratic primary since that’s all been fixed for Hillary. They can jump in and screw up the GOP’s. So, Go Trump!

And I second these words. Go Trump! We desperately need you to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Of course Donald Trump isn’t perfect

“My grace is sufficient for thee, for my strength is made perfect in weakness”2 Corinthians 12:9

Imperfect people are all God has ever had to work with. That must be terribly frustrating to Him, but he deals with it. So should we. —Jeffrey R. Holland

Before you even begin reading this article, please know that I am NOT SAYING that Donald Trump is a Biblical hero, neither am I saying he is perfect. I do not agree with everything that Donald J. Trump says, neither do I agree with all of his positions. As true Constitutionalists, and there are many of us, it is rare when we fully agree even with others who are like-minded.

Nevertheless, Trump has struck gold with the American people. His supporters have been called low-informed by Ted Cruz, ignorant and backward by media, racist and Nazis by the Soros radicalized communist left, and even uneducated by various pundits.

In reality, we are Americans who have not seen a candidate who has echoed our thoughts and our concerns in many decades. Oh sure, they all talk a good game, but then when we elect them, they turn around and do exactly what the rest of the globalists do. Point in fact, the twice elected Tea Party candidates of 2010 and 2014 have not stopped one thing Obama has done, not even a judicial nominee.

So when Trump rails on the loss of working class jobs due to horrid trade agreements, and the unfair competition for those jobs – along with security threats – due to the flood of illegal immigrants pouring across unsecured borders, it resonates with those who have suffered so many losses.

The losses aren’t just in jobs, but in personal losses like Kathryn Steinle, a 32-year-old resident of San Francisco who was gunned down in broad daylight near Fisherman’s Wharf on the San Francisco waterfront in front of dozens of witnesses by an illegal alien. Francisco Sanchez, a 45-year-old with a last known address in Texas where he was on probation for felony assault has been deported on numerous occasions to Mexico, and was back in the US again illegally.

Years ago I read an FBI report and it stated that nearly 10,000 American citizens die every year at the hands of illegal aliens. That really is an astronomical figure. If we don’t have secured borders, we don’t have national sovereignty, and neither do we have a protected populace. When he says, “Build the wall,” we say, “Yes!”

Trump reminds me and many others of General Patton who used to say, “Americans play to win all the time.” What does Trump say? “We will have so much winning if I get elected.” Then he says, “You’ll never get bored with winning. You’ll never get bored!”

Trump’s Style

People tell me they’re voting for Trump, but they’re not fond of his style. I guess they prefer the sing-song hypnotic generalities from the globalist politicians. You know, the same kind of rhetoric you get in their letters when they tell you they’ll keep your thoughts in mind when they vote. We all know this is hogwash.

Jon Rappoport describes Trump’s style perfectly when he says, 

On top of all this, Trump is delivering messages that are beyond the pale, according to current standards of political correctness. Another jolt.

None of Us Are Perfect


Well, if there is a supernatural power behind Trump, it is God himself who has heard the prayers of the American people, prayers of repentance and pleading, prayers to save our beloved country. These are not prayers asking for the destruction of evil ones, but prayers asking God to help us restore our country. I believe Trump is the answer to those prayers, but it’s still up to us. Mark Twain said, “You’re never wrong to do the right thing,” and I believe that’s what God has laid on Mr. Trump.

Our Biblical Heroes were Imperfect

Truly, the only perfect person in God’s Word, was God himself! All the other heroes of the Bible were far less than perfect, basically just old sinners like the rest of us. 

Noah got drunk. Abraham was very old, and his wife Sara very impatient. Jacob was a cheater. King David was an adulterer and murderer. Solomon had many concubines who influenced his belief in God. Moses was a murderer, a doubter, had anger issues, and he stuttered. Aaron decided a golden calf was worth worshipping. Jonah ran from God (remember Nineveh?). Gideon was terribly insecure. Miriam was a gossip. Elijah was moody. Paul was a murderer. Peter was a liar and denier. Thomas was a doubter. And on and on with the heroes we know were God’s chosen to do His work. Not a one of these heroes were perfect, but they were chosen of God for His purposes.

Many folks question Mr. Trump’s Christianity. He is private about his faith, but he has shown it in so many other ways. He is fervent about attending church, and yes, I know going to church doesn’t make you a Christian. Yet, actions speak so much louder than words, and Trump never talks about his generosity to others, the recipients do! The Bible doesn’t call very many folks “good men,” but I believe this man, Donald J. Trump, is truly a good man.

The Generosity of Donald Trump

Trump showed kindness with a large check for little Megan who has a terrible bone disease. She was on the Maury Povich show with her mother, and Donald Trump called in to speak to her when Maury gave her the check to help with her medical expenses.

 Veteran asks Trump for job, what Trump does next is awesome
Video here

Video Here.

Jerry Falwell, Jr. told of other charitable acts by Donald Trump that the media never speaks about. The media probably doesn’t even know because Trump keeps his generosity quiet…

“Right after he visited here last time, I called him about a large Christian ministry in another state that needed some help,” Falwell explained. “I learned within a day or two he had donated 100,000 dollars of his own money.”

Falwell also recounted the story of an inner inner city basketball tournament Trump rescued from financial disaster.

“He learned about Clyde Frazier Jr. who ran the Harlem Hoops tournament in the inner city and was killed in the 9/11 attacks,” Falwell said. “He searched down the family and donated the money to keep that tournament going.”

Falwell also recalled how three local Maytag dealers were about to go out of business when Trump stepped in and purchased products for his hotels from them and saved their businesses. 

Trump also helped a Domino’s Pizza out by giving them money to buy cheese and bread so they could stay in business!


Donald Trump quietly helped out Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, who was left to rot in a Mexican prison for 214 days, and who Obama ignored. A source told Top Right Newsthat the “money” Trump sent Tahmoreesi was “very substantial,” ($25,000) and included paying all of the family’s legal bills, financial needs while he was held prisoner for nearly a year, and cash to get him back on his feet. 

There are so many cases of Trump’s generosity, that there are too many to list, and probably thousands we’ll never know about.


God chooses whom He will use..and we have found someone who sees a problem and knows how to fix it. We’ve found someone who says the same things to us that we’ve been saying to each other for years. We’ve found someone who listens to the American people. We’ve found someone who wants to right the wrongs. We’ve found someone who wants to unite us all as Americans again! We’ve found someone who actually tells us he loves us. We’ve found someone who is a gentleman to others. 

We’ve found someone who has a giving nature. We’ve found someone who cares about this country as much as we do. We’ve found someone who isn’t beholden to any interests. We’ve found a mature, capable, and brilliant businessman who wants to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

No, you’re not ever going to find a perfect person on earth, nor a perfect candidate for president. God chooses imperfect men and women to carry out His work, He has from the beginning of time, and He will continue to do so. Donald Trump is our new General Patton. He tells it like he sees it, and consequences be damned…because the truth is more important to him than political correctness.

Pray for Mr. Trump, his family, and our country.

GOP establishment steals Trump and Cruz delegates in Tennessee

“Among a people generally corrupt, liberty cannot long exist.” —Edmund Burke

The American electorate has been voting for the wrong people for so long, and now we’re being screwed out of the candidate we really want by those same people. 

In the State of Tennessee

The Tennessean the Trump campaign, and Tennessee Republican Party chairman Ryan Haynes, had agreed Wednesday, March 30th, on the names of seven of the 14 at-large delegates that, under party rules, are to be appointed by the state party. Delegates will ultimately decide the party’s nominee at the Republican National Convention this summer.

Morris said two of the pro-Trump at-large delegates supported by the campaign, but now taken off the list, are Republican state Sen. Bill Ketron, R-Murfreesboro, and Mark Winslow, former chief of staff of the Tennessee Republican Party. Both men were delegate candidates in the March 1 primary. Morris said Ketron is now slated to be an alternate delegate and that Winslow is no longer even on the list.

Trump Won Tennessee’s Primary

A handful of Trump/Cruz operatives were allowed in. Trump supporters left outside the room were reportedly banging on windows to attract the attention of those inside.

For video click here.

Cat Hughes reportedwhat happened in Nashville where the GOP was holding this meeting to appoint the remaining delegates. 

Congresswoman Diane Black, (she was one of our representatives that attended the outed meeting to get rid of Trump on a Georgia island resort). Presumptively, this type of meeting is taking place at all state GOP headquarters. There were no objections allowed for anyone specifically on the slate. It was all on the slate or none on the slate.

Rocky Top Politics Reports

The fix is in. Ryan Haynes and GOP establishment force through their slate which contains numerous phony delegates posing as Trump or Cruz supporters.

Want to know why voters are so upset with the Republican party? Look no further than the 44 slime balls who voted for themselves and their cronies while flipping off the voters and presidential candidates who actually earned their standing at the ballot box.

Trump and Cruz Delegates Now Working Together

Breitbart’s latest is that Trump and Cruz delegates are forming a grassroots alliance pledging support for anti-establishment candidates. 

“I am concerned about the future of our country, and I believe a brokered convention will only mean that Hillary will win,” State Senator Mae Beavers (R-Mt. Juliet) an at-large Trump delegate told Breitbart News. “It’s time we all honor our commitment to the process and to the people who elected us. I will do whatever I can to work with all delegates to make sure that is done,” Beavers added.


Trump has been maligned by the GOPe, the DNC, and the MSM for everything under the sun. He has been lied about over and over again by the national media who claims he hates women, when he hires and supports promoting women in his organization. [Link]

Donald Trump has been accused of inciting violence, when in fact, the violence has been from communist George Soros and his paid lackeys. [Link], [Link]

The American people have chosen Donald J. Trump as their candidate, but the establishment GOP wants both Trump and Cruz gone. Their goal is for neither of them to be the candidate. They want a brokered convention where they can stick us with Jeb Bush or John Kasich, two hardcore establishment globalist republicans. Then we’ll end up with Hillary Clinton in our White House again. This is the goal of our false friends in the Republican party. Don’t let it happen!

P.S. Special hat tip to my friend in Nashville, and to Knoxville’s former sheriff and delegate for Donald Trump.

Cruz and his media try to bring down Trump

If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin. —Samuel Adams

If a republican government fails to secure public prosperity and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the divine commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the laws. —Noah Webster

Romney and Beck Join Together to Win Utah for Cruz

Here’s how they took Utah, but it’s more than the state having a large Mormon population. Romney and Beck, both Mormons, helped Cruz to win Utah in order to keep Trump from gaining the delegates.


However, A Soros board member chaired the firm running online balloting for Utah’s caucus, and the voter fraud in Utah is also linked to the same source, Soros, and the United Nations. Sen. Ted Cruz walked away from Utah with the state’s 40 delegates, but some voters left disillusioned due to billionaire George Soros’ ties to the process and fishy behavior at caucus sites. [Link]

United Nations Deputy Secretary-General(2006), as well as development specialist at the World Bank and United Nations (1994- 2005), and a communications consultant and journalist.

Most folks understood Trump would lose Utah when Romney re-entered the political scene. What must be galling to Donald Trump is the amount of money he donated in 2012 to Romney’s campaign when the latter asked Trump for help. But then again, maybe Trump is used to this by now. The entire purpose of Kasich and Cruz staying in the race is the hope of bleeding off delegates resulting in a brokered convention to keep Trump from the nomination.

Cruz Blames Trump for Belgium Attacks

Even with all this, I’m surprised that Utah voted for “open borders” Cruz after the Islamic terrorists injured so many Mormons in the Belgium attack.

Yet, Cruz had no trouble blaming Trump for the Belgium attacks. Don’t try to say he didn’t, it’s right there in the video.

Ted Cruz and the GOPe jumped into the fray of Soros Chicago politics and actually blamed Donald Trump for the protests. According to Ted Cruz, Trump is to blame for not being politically correct, and thus causing the protests and violence. Anti-Trump protesters are now admitting they were hired on Craigslist, and several admitted answering a Craigslist ad paying $16.00 an hour for protesters. [Link] The lead anti-Trump protester in Arizona was also just exposed as a Soros community organizer. [Link]

Cruz Blames Trump for Violence

Ted Cruz’s campaign issued a statement Tuesday afternoon in response to the charge against Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, taking issue with the “behavior” of his GOP rival’s campaign.

“Unfortunately, this abusive behavior seems to be part of the culture of the Trump campaign,” said Alice Stewart, Cruz’s campaign manager. “Personal attacks, verbal attacks, and now physical attacks have no place in politics or anywhere else in our society.”

Again, this is total hogwash. Corey Lewandowski was charged with misdemeanor battery after allegations of forcefully grabbing a reporter at a Jupiter news conference. Following a March 8, conference at Trump National Golf Club, Michelle Fields, a 28-year-old reporter formerly with Breitbart News Network, said she was grabbed on the arm by Lewandowski, 41, after she asked Trump a question about affirmative action.

Fields, who Tweeted photos of bruises on her arm she said resulted from the battery, resigned Breitbart less than a week after the incident. She cited Breitbart’s refusal to stand behind her amid the allegations as her reason for leaving.

Lewandowski replied to Fields’ Tweet, writing: “You are totally delusional. I never touched you. As a matter of fact, I have never even met you.” 

Ben Shapiro, former Breitbart editor-at-large, also resigned, claiming in a prepared statement that the conservative news outlet, seen largely as supportive of Trump’s presidential bid, “abandoned” Fields “in order to protect Trump’s bully campaign manager.”

Several other employees followed suit in the following weeks and resigned, according to multiple reports.

Donald Trump’s campaign manager allegedly grabs reporter at event.

So, you’ve got Cruz supporters, Ben Shapiro and Fields both resigning from Breitbart, but what they aren’t telling you is that Breitbart is owned and funded by Robert Mercer, and Mercer is the main donor behind four of Cruz’s Super Pac’s, who raised a total of $31 million. Makes you wonder if Fields’ allegations were true or not since Breitbart wouldn’t back them up.

Members of the secret service have said that Fields touched Trump twice before Lewandowski intervened. She was warned she was too close to the presidential candidate. [Link

Here is Trump’s video on what happened to Corey Lewandowski.

We’ve Got a Voice Now with Trump

Billy Inman’s son was killed, and his wife crippled when an illegal alien rear ended their car at 60 mph. Their son was killed instantly, and he and his wife terribly injured. 

“It’s like we’ve got a voice now. People are listening,” says 53-year-old Billy Inman, whose teenage son was murdered by an illegal alien nearly sixteen years ago. “Donald Trump gives us a little bit of hope. … For years, I’d talk to our ‘elected ones,’ and it was like talking to a wall … [but] Donald Trump is bringing us onto his stage.”

Inman said that he does not believe any of the other politicians running for president are committed to securing the nation’s borders. “Cruz is a talker,” Inman explained, adding: “He can talk about it, but I haven’t seen nothing done. He might come out–especially during election times–and say, ‘This needs to be done, and that needs to be done,’ but nothing has ever gotten done on illegal immigration with any teeth to it. … He’s going to be more of the same. He didn’t say nothing about this until after Donald Trump got into it. Why?”

“I wish he [Cruz] cared as much about American people–and got as angry about what’s happened to us–as he’s gotten about Donald Trump tweeting about his wife,” Inman said. [Link]

Cruz and Bimbo Eruptions

This all started with a pro-Cruz Super Pac putting out the GQ magazine picture of Melania Trump posing nude, although the photo doesn’t show much. Most people are speculating that it was purchased or approved for purchase by Ted Cruz’s campaign manager Jeff Roe. Given Jeff Roe’s long history of running dirty campaigns I would not be surprised. If someone from Ted Cruz’s campaign is involved, that would be a violation of the FEC rules. Not that Senator Cruz takes those rules very seriously.

Ted Cruz did not denounce the ad run by the pro Cruz Super-PAC. It makes you wonder why Ted Cruz gets a pass, but Mr. Trump is denounced for re-tweeting a side by side photo of his wife and Heidi Cruz. It should also be noted that Donald Trump defended Ted Cruz when his children were depicted as monkey’s. Here’s his tweet:

Donald J. Trump Verified account?@real Donald Trump
The @washingtonpost, which is the lobbyist (power) for not imposing taxes on #Amazon, today did a nasty cartoon attacking @tedcruz kids. Bad

Rubio campaign, but Ted Cruz blamed Donald Trump. This is Cruz’s modus operandi…blame Trump.

Bill Still is reporting that the number of Cruz babes has now reached eight.

In this article, Texas Lobbyist and Ted Cruz Operative Admits Origin of Campaign to Attack Donald Trump’s Wife…, a video from early March clearly shows the origin of the Ted Cruz campaign plan to target Donald Trump’s wife, Melania. Here’s the interesting part of this expose’ from The Conservative Tree House:

Liz Mair’s Super-PAC “Make America Awesome,” took their marching orders and began sending controversial flyers of Melania Trump to upcoming states. Thus kicking off the response from Donald Trump in defense of his wife.

However, as with all campaign machinations, and poorly hidden campaign to Super-PAC coordination efforts, there’s a little more to this story.

Look closely at the mailing address for Liz Mair’s Super-PAC: [Make America Awesome, P.O. Box 26141, Alexandria, VA. 22313]

Now look at the mailing address for Carly Fiorina’s Super-PAC (Carly for America):[Carly for America, P.O. Box 26141, Alexandria, VA. 22313]

The post office box is exactly the same.

Again, as with almost all of the discoveries within this political cycle, we discover the same political operatives are working multiple campaigns. In essence, the heart of the “splitter strategy” is evidenced. Multiple candidates all coordinating their efforts and campaigns toward a common goal, retention of the UniParty. (And elimination of the front runner and America’s choice, Donald J. Trump.)

Ashley Madison

In Dr. Eowyn’s article, Ted Cruz’s Senate e-address was a Subscriber of Ashley Madison Adultery ‘dating’ Service, she exposes the following:

Last July, Ashley Madison, the Canadian-based online “dating service” for adulterers with 37 million subscribers, was hacked by a group that calls itself the Impact Team.

The hackers made public the personal information of the subscribers, including their names, email addresses, and sexual fantasies. Some of the subscribers actually used their work email addresses, as shown by the many addresses that end in .gov, .mil, a company name (e.g., WellsFargo), a university name (UTexas), and even the United Nations.

What we weren’t told then is that there was one U.S. Senate email address among the Ashley Madison subscribers — the email address of Ted Cruz’s senate office.


Cruz is a first term senator, ineligible for the office, and his birth and citizenship records are sealed. Doesn’t this sound familiar? Cruz is nothing but Obama in Republican drag, and his globalist intentions are the same. Check out this 12-minute video that explains Natural Born Citizen.

Jeb Bush’s endorsement of Cruz is very telling, especially since both Cruz and his wife Heidi worked for Jeb’s older brother, George W., and the globalist cabal sticks together. Infamous Silverado Banking scandal brother, Neil Bush, is also on Cruz’s campaign staff. George W. however cannot stand Ted Cruz.

The American public should surely see by now what is happening, and that we have only one party, a snake with two heads. 

The GOP keeps searching for ways to stop Trump. Donald Trump captured victory in Louisiana by a narrow 3.6 percentage points over Texas Sen. Ted Cruz during the state’s Mar. 5th primary, 41.4% to 37.8%.


But despite victory in the state, Trump is set to lose ten delegates to Cruz — and
Trump is preparing a lawsuit over it. [Link]

The bottom line is that all these establishment people have joined together to stop Donald Trump because Trump is not a GOP approved globalist candidate. Things have turned topsy-turvy for the elitists in charge. They are dragging out the biggest artillery to destroy Mr. Trump, hoping beyond hope that something they do will work to ruin his charge toward the GOP nomination. Should Trump lose a couple more important states to Lyin Ted Cruz, there could be a brokered convention. 

What the American electorate wants, compared to what the globalist cabal of politicians want, are two diametrically opposed choices. Pray for our country, and pray for Mr. Trump.

Cory Lewandowski set-up by a professional man hating scammer

Objective journalism is one of the main reasons that American politics has been allowed to be so corrupt for so long. —Hunter S. Thompson

“Crippled America” by Donald Trump

In Trump’s latest book, “Crippled America,” he talks about the media in chapter 15.

He says, 

“It’s incredible to me how dishonest the media in this country really is. People sometimes forget that the newspapers and television stations are profit-making businesses – or at least they’re trying to be. If they have to choose between honest reporting and making a profit, which choice do you think they will make? The sad thing is that all it does is prove that both liberal and conservative news outlets can lie and distort the news shamelessly. I’ve had meetings with reporters who faithfully recorded what I said, then changed the words and meaning.”

“There are some experiences I’ve never forgotten. I had a so-called journalist from a well-known publication come up to my office and interview me and several of my executives. We gave him a pile of paperwork, we gave him financial reports and statements, anything he asked for – then he wrote one of the most inaccurate stories I’ve ever read. The public pays attention to a story for less than a week, especially when you get as many stories as I do. But the impression a bad story leaves lasts a lot longer.”

What Mr. Trump says is absolutely true, and it is why the establishment is trying to fill the media with phony stories that will hurt the Trump campaign. They can lie with impunity as well, all because of the 1964 Supreme Court decision in NYTs v. Sullivan.

The Set-Up

Journalism and today’s reporters are now two different things. There still is journalism, but the majority of main stream media is so tainted as to be utter propaganda. The brainwashing of the dumbed down electorate (thanks to the government schools) continues.

Corey Lewandowski is Donald Trump’s campaign manager. He was charged with misdemeanor battery after allegations of forcefully grabbing a reporter at a Jupiter news conference. Following a March 8, conference at Trump National Golf Club, Michelle Fields, a 28-year-old reporter formerly with Breitbart News Network, said she was grabbed on the arm by Lewandowski, 41, after she asked Trump a question about affirmative action.

Fields, who Tweeted photos of bruises on her arm she said resulted from the battery, resigned Breitbart less than a week after the incident. She cited Breitbart’s refusal to stand behind her amid the allegations as her reason for leaving.

Lewandowski replied to Fields’ Tweet, writing: “You are totally delusional. I never touched you. As a matter of fact, I have never even met you.” 

Ben Shapiro, former Breitbart editor-at-large, also resigned, claiming in a prepared statement that the conservative news outlet, seen largely as supportive of Trump’s presidential bid, “abandoned” Fields “in order to protect Trump’s bully campaign manager.”

Several other employees followed suit in the following weeks and resigned, according to multiple reports.

So, you’ve got Cruz supporters, Ben Shapiro and Fields both resigning from Breitbart, but what they aren’t telling you is that Breitbart is owned and funded by Robert Mercer, and Mercer is the main donor behind four of Cruz’s Super Pac’s, who raised a total of $31 million. Makes you wonder if Fields’ allegations were true or not since Breitbart wouldn’t back them up. Shapiro is a Cruz bot and I’d imagine Fields is as well.

Trump Tweets

Who is Michelle Fields?

I really have to wonder what she got paid to bring assault charges against Corey, as I definitely believe someone hired her to do what she did. Twice she touched Donald Trump, and the Secret Service who were several steps behind him told her to stop. Corey Lewandowski was there and moved her away. She had a pen in her hand which is not surprising for a reporter, however, it can be seen as a weapon. This woman has a history of complaining about her treatment by those she’s trying to interview or ask questions. 

Here is the actual video showing that she was not thrown to the ground, that she didn’t lose her balance, that Corey actually just gently moved her away from Mr. Trump.

Michelle Fields crossed the threshold of the secret service and did not lodge a complaint for three days. Again, one wonders who paid for her to complain because it was a non-issue. Corey barely even looked at her or made eye contact with her, he was just protecting Trump…he doesn’t know her, even though these reporters think everyone knows them.

Who is the Prosecutor?

Corey Lewandowski is only guilty of doing his job, and that includes protecting his boss. He has stepped in before to avoid tragedy.

From the Conservative Tribune

When anti-Trump protesters and hecklers turned violent in Arizona on Sunday, it didn’t take long for the media to do what they do best: blame Trump.

They were even more stoked when video emerged of Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, grabbing the collar of a protester. Most every media outlet described the incident as being totally unprovoked.

However, new video from the Tucson, Arizona, rally Saturday night shows something even more disturbing: the anti-Trump protester was about to attack a young woman and Lewandowski prevented the attack through quick action.


Feminist Media ask Trump to Fire Lewandowski

Make no mistake. This is a gender-identity based attack on Trump. The signatories use their status as women to push this anti-Trump agenda.

Letter from Female Media

The press is to have an adversarial, yet civil approach to those in, or running, for elected office. Never in this line of work is it acceptable to respond to reasonable and legitimate questioning with use of physical force. The photographs, audio, videos, and witness accounts documenting the treatment of Michelle Fields by Corey Lewandowski, Donald Trump’s campaign manager, are inexcusable and unprofessional. Donald Trump should immediately remove Lewandowski from his campaign. However, unlike the Trump campaign, we believe in making a statement on the record to clearly highlight the difference between right and wrong,” it concludes.


Dana Loesch (Radio America, Blaze TV) (Glenn Beck – Cruz supporter)
Katie Pavlich, (Townhall, Fox News) (where she works tells it all)
Meghan McCain, (America Now Radio, Cosmopolitan, Fox News) (same here)
S.E. Cupp, ( New York Daily News, Glamour, CNN) (same here)
Mary Katharine Ham, (CNN, The Federalist) (same here)
Christine Rosen, (New Atlantis, Commentary)
Christina Hoff Sommers, (American Enterprise Institute) AEI gathered the billionaires to stop Trump
Bethany Mandel, (The Federalist, Acculturated) (and CNN)
Emily Zanotti, (American Spectator)(funded by pro-abort Richard Mellon Scaife)
Elisha Krauss, (Ben Shapiro’s radio co-host) (Shapiro for Cruz)
Karol Markowicz, (New York Post)
Kristen Soltis Anderson, (Washington Examiner)
Mona Charen, (Ethics and Public Policy Center, Creators Syndicate)
Sarah Rumpf, (freelance)
Brooke Rogers, (National Review) (The hate Trump group)
Mary Chastain, (Breitbart) (funded by Cruz supporter Robert Mercer)

Back Stabbing Ted Cruz

First he stabbed Carson in the back by telling Iowans that Carson had dropped out. Then he stabbed Rubio in the back in Hawaii by telling voters Rubio had dropped out. 

Donald Trump’s presidential bid.


Will Corey Lewandowski get a fair shake? Highly doubtful with the political connections. The Florida prosecutor hates Trump and has called him names in the past. Since he is a democrat aligned with Hillary Clinton, it certainly doesn’t bode well. Yet, there is video, as seen above, where it is obvious that absolutely nothing happened to Fields. One wonders why it took her three days to file a complaint, not to mention where the bruise on her arm really came from. Even more so, will Donald Trump get a fair shake?

Remember folks, the GOP establishment, the left, and the media are all in on the globalist agenda, and that’s why they hate Trump. It’s also why the American people love him.

Ted Cruz, Kasich, Bush and George Soros – partners in globalism

Donald J. Trump is the New World Order globalists’ worst nightmare. Now even Sunday sermons are being disrupted by the Obamanistas. Many people believe the right is joining hands with the left, only to destroy the Trump candidacy, but the right has been in bed with the left and with the left’s agenda for over a century now. Today’s Obamanistas are the Soros communists as well as the false friends on the right.

It really became visible in the 1960s when Goldwater ran against LBJ in 1964, and his own party worked to destroy him, including George Romney, father of Willard Mitt. Yes, the entire Romney family voted for LBJ because they were so angry that Goldwater got the nomination instead of George Romney. The latter was a moderate who leaned left, and of course Goldwater was still representing old right Constitutional conservatives.

The avalanche against Trump shows the knowledgeable electorate just exactly who has been in bed with the left for so very long. When so-called conservative pundits tell you they’ll vote for Hillary if Trump wins the Republican nomination, then you know they are in the bag with the leftists. They prefer another globalist NWO agenda president rather than someone who will bring America back to her glory days. It is so obvious that I’m astonished at the lack of discernment by Christians and even secular voters. The hatred and lies against this man are so overt. The Democratic and Republican parties are just two heads of the same snake, and by now, even the politically uninterested should see it. 

Cruz and Kasich on Free Trade

The well-researched in our electorate know John Kasich absolutely loves and embraces all kinds of free trade. He voted for NAFTA and is on board for the Trans Pacific Partnership. He’s all for common core, throwing the borders open to foreign elements, and giving amnesty to the law breakers already here. And don’t fool yourselves, for over 20 years the media pundits have been saying we have 12 million illegals in America. It’s more like 50 to 60 million by now.

The same is true of Ted Cruz, albeit he’s waffled so many times, that his middle name should be flip flopper. Check out this video in Cruz’s own words where he flip-flops on so many issues.

Remember Cruz voted for TPA which is fast tracking for the Trans Pacific Partnership, which, if passed, will destroy sovereignty, the Constitution, and jobs, more of which will go out the door to foreign countries. 

The entire purpose of fast-track is for Congress to surrender its power to the Executive for six years. Legislative concessions include: control over the content of legislation, the power to fully consider that legislation on the floor, the power to keep debate open until Senate cloture is invoked, and the constitutional requirement that treaties receive a two-thirds vote. Legislation cannot even be amended.

By contrast, without fast-track, Congress retains all of its legislative powers, individual members retain all of their procedural tools, and every single line, jot, and tittle of trade text is publicly available before any congressional action is taken. [Link]

United Technologies boss gets $192 million, 110 ft. yacht, as 2100 jobs move to Mexico at $3.00 per hour. If you want more of this, just keep voting for those who love free trade.

Kasich doesn’t have a chance of winning, and in reality, neither does Cruz, but these are men with establishment banking and corporate interests, men who will continue the downward spiral of the globalist New World Order.

Kasich and Soros

Oh yes, Kasich, Cruz and Rubio all blamed Trump for the riots by Soros’ and Ayers’ elements in Chicago. The three of them joined with the likes of communist Van Jones to excoriate Trump as though he was behind the Chicago protests. What a farce! 

Both Rubio and Cruz who claim to be Christians have even praised Fidel Castro’s comrade, Communist Nelson Mandela, a man who never repented, even in prison, for the torture he perpetrated on so many.

When Rubio knew he was failing as a candidate, he told people in Ohio not to vote for him, but to vote for Soros-funded John Kasich in order to keep Trump from winning Ohio.

During Kasich’s 2016 presidential campaign he has received $202,700 from none other than Soros Fund Management! Yes, you read that right– as in George Soros! But why not? Kasich loves Obamacare, Common Core, Trade agreements and amnesty, all right up Soros’ alley. Soros is the Demon behind some of the most extreme and dangerous communist activism in the U.S. and worldwide. Remember Ferguson and Baltimore riots? That was Soros, his tax records show he spent $33 million in Ferguson alone bussing people in to riot in that city. [Link] There’s even more, totaling $700,000. [Link]

Now a growing sex scandal linked to a major backer of Kasich has come to the fore. Venture capitalist Michael Goguen has been accused in a shocking sexual assault lawsuit that alleged he kept a woman as a sex slave for more than a decade. The super-PAC, “New Day for America,” backing John Kasich’s candidacy said Tuesday it will turn over a $250,000 contribution from embattled Silicon Valley investor Michael Goguen to nonprofit groups fighting human trafficking — as a result of these allegations that he “sexually abused” a woman for 13 years, including subjecting her to “countless hours of forced sodomy.” [Link]

The problem with something like this however, is that it has nothing to do with the candidate. Kasich is a moderate at best, he loves what the left loves, but linking him to Goguen because of a scandal is farfetched. Goguen obviously prefers leftist Republicans, but Kasich cannot control who endorses and/or funds him.

The same goes for Donald Trump. The media yammered and yammered about former KKK nutter David Duke endorsing Trump. All of it was a lie. Duke never endorsed him, and Trump never accepted that endorsement anyway.

Kasich is not a leader I’d want in our White House, especially with his ties to Communist billionaire, George Soros.

Cruz Endorsements

The latest endorsement for Cruz is Lindsey Graham who, when he dropped out of the race, originally endorsed Jeb Bush. Needless to say, Jeb and Cruz have a lot in common.

Cruz joined the Bush-Cheney campaign in 1999 as a domestic policy adviser, advising President George W. Bush on a wide range of policy and legal matters, including civil justice, criminal justice, constitutional law, immigration, and government reform.

Cruz assisted in assembling the Bush legal team, devising strategy, and drafting pleadings in the Florida and U.S. Supreme Courts during the 2000 Florida presidential recounts.

After President Bush took office, Cruz served as an associate deputy attorney general in the U.S. Justice Department and as the director of policy planning at the U.S. Federal Trade Commission.

Remember the Neil Bush Silverado Banking scandal that cost American taxpayers $1.3 billion? Neil also has a rather sordid past of consorting with cultist Sun Myung Moon, just as his father did. He also is involved in education reform; the same kind of reform we’ve been fighting for decades. [Link]

Carly Fiorina has also endorsed Cruz, which is absolutely no surprise. It was Cruz’s Keep the Promise I PAC that gave Carly Fiorina $500,000. Did Cruz PAC give Carly $500,000 to help his data mining agenda with Cambridge Analytica which creates psychometric dossiers on American citizens? Cruz Partners with Donors ‘Psychographic’ Firm. Carly KNOWS NSA data collection to a “T.” She was chairman of the CIA’s advisory board helping the NSA to develop privacy invading spy networks on American citizens after 9/11. Hewlett Packard was the private business that supplied the government with the spy hardware and software. Carly knows everything.

These endorsements, along with many others, are from the establishment globalists. Add in his connections through Heidi to Goldman Sachs, the CFR, and the North American Union, and this is not a man who should lead America.

Heidi Cruz Also Worked for G.W. Bush

Ted met his wife, Heidi, when they both worked on the Bush campaign. She later worked for the Bush administration in 2003 as a top deputy to U.S. Trade Rep. Robert Zoellick, focusing on economic policy. Zoellick was counselor to Secretary James Baker. Remember Baker was the wonderful Republican who made the deal with KKK Democrat Robert Byrd which states that until December of 2017, the Republicans cannot go after the Dems for voter fraud. Zoellick heavily promotes free trade and environmental issues. He has also served on the boards of the German Marshall Fund and the European Institute and on the pro-abortion World Wildlife Fund Advisory Council. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and was co-chair of the CFR Independent Task Force on building a North American Community. He works for Goldman Sachs, just like Heidi Cruz, and he was president of the World Bank.

Heidi was then appointed director of Western Hemisphere on the National Security Council, reporting directly to CFR member, Condoleezza Rice. Don’t forget that she’s spent five years at the CFR helping to write the North American Community just like Robert Zoellick.

The Cruz’s are total GOP establishment.


What we need in a leader, is one who is not indebted to banking and corporate interests, or beholden to any group of lobbyists or the globalist cabal.

Donald Trump doesn’t know everything he should know, but he is learning. He does listen to the American people, and it’s up to us to keep him informed. He is a leader, and he is hated by the entire New World Order gang on the left, the right, and in the media. This alone should tell the American people that we need this man in our White House.

Lyin’ Ted Cruz attacks Trump’s wife Melania

People who live in glass houses, shouldn’t throw stones. —Anonymous

Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren Calls out Cruz

The Make America Awesome super Pac, recently put out an ad with the now famous 16-year-old picture of Melania posing nude aboard an airplane on top of fur. The picture is Playboy-esqe in nature and was taken some years ago (2000) for GQ magazine. Yet, the pose actually showed far less than anything Playboy would have shown.

Mrs. Trump is the lovely Melania, who has had a pretty decent modeling career, and is now a businesswoman in her own right. The “Make America Awesome” (again Cruz has to copy Trump) ad reproduces the nude photo with the text, “Meet Melania Trump, your next first lady. Or you could support Ted Cruz on Tuesday.”

What’s wrong with this? Let us count the ways. A dirty move against a candidate’s family member. Spouses are noncombatants unless they’re also involved in policy, which Melania is not. 

Ted Cruz’s wife, on the other hand, is very involved in policy. Not only is she still a Goldman Sachs VP, but she’s also responsible for helping the Council on Foreign Relations task force to write the North American Union (building the North American Community). Heidi Cruz is in bed with the one world government cabal.

But the idea that a 16-year-old nude photo of a leading candidate’s wife is fair game? One article calls it, “nonsense on stilts.” It’s smacks of dirty politics again, something Ted Cruz and his campaign folks use willingly, over and over again.

Of course, Ted Cruz didn’t say the ad was inappropriate, neither did he apologize. Instead he claimed he wasn’t responsible. Yet, a Texas lobbyist and Ted Cruz operative admit the origin of the campaign to attack Melania Trump

Trump warned him stating, “Be careful Lyin Ted, or I will spill the beans on your wife.” He may not have, but others did. [Link]

Needless to say, Trump didn’t have to do anything. Another tweeter, Mark Gillar said, “Let me do it for you.” 

In 2005, Heidi was going through a rough time, and apparently left her home and sat dangerously close to a busy highway with her head in her hands. We don’t know what caused this, but reports have said Heidi suffered from depression. Whatever the case, police happened upon her and a report was written.

Heidi Cruz responded with, “A lot of things Donald Trump says has no basis in reality.” But, Donald Trump didn’t say it…

Unfortunately, Heidi, the tweet is true, and there is a police report to prove it. Many of us go through hard times, and can become as depressed as Heidi obviously was at that moment, but it’s already been out there in the media, and to make the statement about Trump was rather foolish. She’d have been smarter to have kept her mouth shut.

Nevertheless, I don’t believe this was what Trump was talking about. Trump didn’t put this out…but it is a documented police report. We know of Heidi’s trade involvements in selling Americans out to China, and we know she’s still employed by Goldman Sachs. We also know Ted is on Goldman Sachs’ health insurance. Heidi was also part of drafting NAFTA which started the destruction of American jobs, and was a part of the CFR in helping to draft the North American Union. Her husband Ted, called the CFR a “pit of vipers,” so why then did she work for them for five years? Ted also has claimed he was honored to hang out with fellow CFR member and NAU drafter, Henry Kissinger.

pit of vipers” who are “working to undermine our national sovereignty,” and then tell everyone you are “honored” to hang out with cold-blooded war criminal scumbag murderers like Kissinger, who sold our Viet Nam POWs/MIAs down the river,…what are we to think? Cruz has even argued in his own amicus brief to the Supreme Court that assault weapons bans in certain states are “reasonable regulations.”

Attacks Come Back to Bite Cruz

The tabloid National Enquirer has run an article on Ted Cruz and five of his alleged mistresses. The article is written by Pulitzer Prize winner, J.R. Taylor, who won the Pulitzer for his expose of John Edward’s affair and love child. The National Enquirer broke the story of Rock Hudson’s homosexuality along with the San Francisco Chronicle, as well as the expose’s on Jesse Jackson and Gary Hart. Now other media are picking up the story and it is gaining feet. 

One of the alleged mistresses was Carly Fiorina’s deputy campaign manager. Although the half million given to Carly by the Cruz campaign was allegedly because she’d worked with the NSA while at Hewlett Packard, and could help with Cruz’s data collection on voters, it may well have been hush money. [Link]

Of course, Ted Cruz blamed Donald Trump for this attack. Donald Trump responded Friday afternoon to Cruz’s charge that he’s responsible for the story. Here’s what he said in a tweet:

“I have no idea whether or not the cover story about Ted Cruz in this week’s issue of the National Enquirer is true or not, but I had absolutely nothing to do with it, did not know about it, and have not, as yet, read it. I have nothing to do with the National Enquirer, and unlike Lyin’ Ted Cruz, I do not surround myself with political hacks and henchmen and then pretend total innocence. (He’s talking about Jeff Roe). Ted Cruz’s problem with the National Enquirer is his alone and while they were right about O.J. Simpson, John Edwards, and many others, I certainly hope they are not right about Lyin’ Ted Cruz. I look forward to spending the week in Wisconsin, winning the Republican nomination, and ultimately the Presidency in order to Make America Great Again.”

pushing the story before he dropped out — but it’s not clear whether those efforts led to the Enquirer piece. Two of the five women have stated “the Enquirer article is pure B.S.” Here’s another reportwith more info. Drew Johnson of the Washington Times confirmed on Twitter Thursday night that two of Ted Cruz’s mistresses named by the National Enquirer are accurate.

Truth or fiction, we don’t know yet, and we may never know. I don’t believe Ted Cruz is a babe magnet, so we’ll have to wait and see if someone else can find the truth.

Ted Cruz Takes a Line from the Movie, American President

The Gateway Pundit happened to catch this comment that Ted Cruz made regarding Donald Trump and his wife, and it exactly matches a comment from the movie, American President with Annette Bening and Michael Douglas. Check out the video on the Gateway Pundit site

Cruz likes quoting movies and shows. He quotes The Princess Bride, despite Inigo Montoya himself asking Cruz to stop doing so


Ted Cruz consistently starts something with Donald Trump because he knows that Trump’s Achilles heel is liars, but attacking his wife, Melania, for her modeling career and a nude photo shoot from 16 years ago was in extremely poor taste. This time however, it may backfire on Ted, not because of Trump, but because Cruz carries a Bible in one hand and a knife in the other. He has lied so many times in this campaign that even CNN has proven him wrong. He has hired Jeff Roe, an aggressive campaign strategist who uses dirty tricks and lies against opponents. Roe knows nothing can be done because of the 1964 Supreme court decision in NYTs v. Sullivan, where lying about public figures can be done with impunity.

It really is a sad state of affairs that for over 50 years we have not had honest discourse in the public arena, and the lies are so egregious as to permanently damage one’s character. We would hope the media is truthful, but knowing who owns them makes us doubt their veracity.

I have been appalled at the number of lies perpetrated by Ted Cruz and the GOPe against Donald Trump. However, we know these puppets want their globalist plans to continue. Trump’s candidacy has spoiled their carefully laid plans to put Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton in the White House.

There is a huge army waging the battle to destroy Trump. Nevertheless, without lies and voter fraud, I believe he would have won every state so far. As it is, he’s still in the lead. The masses need to come out and vote for him, and if you’re registered as a democrat and want to vote for Trump, make sure you don’t have to change your status in your state, or you’ll be denied the ability to vote for Trump.

I’ve never seen an election cycle like this, and it’s been over 50 years since I’ve seen a candidate I can truly support. That in itself is so amazing! Pray for our country and pray for Donald Trump and his family.

Voters don’t pick the nominee, we do

The fight for justice against corruption is never easy. It never has been and never will be. It exacts a toll on our self, our families, our friends, and especially our children. In the end, I believe, as in my case, the price we pay is well worth holding on to our dignity. —Frank Serpico

Communism has never come to power in a country that was not disrupted by war or corruption, or both. —John F. Kennedy

The neo-conservative politicos and their corporate buddies are making plans to eliminate Donald Trump. In previous articles, I’ve mentioned that the onslaught would become worse. The globalist elitist New World Order gang has a number of plans up their sleeves, including a brokered convention and the nomination of Jeb Bush. It was a puzzling statement when Jeb Bush said early on, in his run for president, that Republicans need to stop trying to win the argument, and that he would rather lose the primary in order to win the general. 

Rush Limbaugh warned his listeners that members of the Republican establishment have a blueprint for foisting former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush on the American people despite his disastrous campaign. The plan was for Hillary and Jeb to be the contestants, either one would follow the NWO agenda, but the chosen one is Hillary. 

From an MSNBC article entitled, “Voters Don’t Pick the Nominee, We Do.”

Political parties, not voters, choose their presidential nominees, a Republican convention rules member told CNBC, a day after GOP front-runner Donald Trump rolled up more big primary victories.

Squawk Box.” He even questioned why primaries are held.

54 Private Jets at Meeting to Stop Trump

Billionaires, tech CEOs, and top members of the Republican establishment flew to a private island resort off the coast of Georgia for the American Enterprise Institute’s annual World Forum, according to sources familiar with the secretive gathering. The topic of this meeting was how to stop Donald Trump. [Link]

Apple CEO Tim Cook, Google co-founder Larry Page, Napster creator and Facebook investor Sean Parker, and Tesla Motors and SpaceX honcho Elon Musk all attended. So did Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Bush guru Karl Rove, House Speaker Paul Ryan, Senator Tom Cotton, Senator Cory Gardner, Trump supported Senator Tim Scott, Senator Rob Portman, and Ben Sasse, who recently stated he “cannot support Donald Trump.”

The meeting was the annual World Forum, an off-the-record conference hosted by the American Enterprise Institute. AEI has hosted the “secretive” event since 1982, but this year had the focus on their biggest globalist threat, Donald J. Trump. Bilderberger Bill Kristol was there. Kristol had previously stated that if Mr. Trump were the nominee, he’d vote for Hillary Clinton. That should tell you their mindset.

Remember, Bill’s father, Irving Kristol, (former Trotskyite) along with William F. Buckley (CFR, CIA Agent, Skull and Bonesman) were responsible for destroying old right Constitutional Conservatives and bringing to the fore, the neo-conservative Trotskyites as the new Republican party. Trotsky was a communist just like Stalin and Lenin, he just wished for people to “choose” Marxism rather than having it foisted upon them. As is quite obvious today with the democratic candidates, we can see the plans of the Trotskyites, as well as the propaganda and brainwashing of today’s American education, have been successful in creating a class of American communists.

American Enterprise Institute

AEI’s founders included executives from Eli LillyGeneral MillsBristol-MyersChemical BankChrysler, and Paine Webber. To this day, AEI’s board is composed of top leaders from major business and financial firms, corporate America to be exact.

In 1954, William J. Baroody, Sr., became executive vice president of the association and changed its name from American Enterprise Association to AEI. The institute is often cited as a center right-leaning counterpart to the left-leaning Brookings Institution. However, the two entities have often collaborated: from 1998 to 2008, they co-sponsored the AEI-Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies (now housed solely at AEI), and in 2006, they launched the AEI-Brookings Election Reform Project. So crawling in bed with the enemy is obviously not a problem for AEI. AEI is the most prominent think tank associated with American neo-conservatism, in both the domestic and international policy arenas. These are the GOP enemies of Donald Trump.

Link). Many prominent neoconservatives—including Democrat CFR/TC/UN Ambassador, Jeanne Kirkpatrick, Democrat Ben Wattenberg, and Democrat, Joshua Muravchikspent the bulk of their careers at AEI. Muravchik was National Chairman of the Young People’s Socialist League (YPSL) from 1968 to 1973, and supported the majority of the Socialist Party of America in renaming the organization to Social Democrats, USA. Bernie Sanders would love them. 

Tully Friedman. Current notable trustees include Arthur C. Brooks, who published a survey and analysis of “Gross National Happiness,” which we hear about as it relates to UN Agenda 21 happiness project. [Link]

Gordon Binder, former managing director and CEO of Amgen; former vice president Dick Cheney; and Daniel D’Aniello, cofounder of The Carlyle GroupHarlan Crow, is chairman and CEO of Crow Holdings, and a founding member of pro-amnesty and Trump hating, Club for Growth. Crow is also a close friend of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, who was Monsanto’s corporate lawyer. [Link] Crow is a member of the all-male Bohemian Club, and as early as 1997 had hosted Thomas as a guest at the group’s annual summer encampment: the Bohemian Grove.

Peter G. Peterson Foundation who gave a grant to AEI. And just who is Peterson? He’s the chairman emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations and founder and chairman of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation. He was also the former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York between 2000 and 2004. Remember too, Peterson is a partner with the Club for Growth. 

In an editorial in Newsweek, Pete Peterson describes his inspiration for starting his Foundation, and his goals:

Eli Broad—each with a passion to do good, each getting so much pleasure from giving their money away. I decided that’s what I wanted to do. But to which worthy cause would I direct my money?”

So, Petersen believes the likes of these men have a passion to do good? I would beg to differ, especially after Soros’ communist followers were the protesters against Trump in Chicago.


Gardasil vaccine.

Frederick M. Hess who authored reports and other education projects and whose working group includes Washington, D.C. schools chancellor Michelle Rhee and Michael Feinberg, the cofounder of KIPP.

Our Principles PAC

The name of the “anyone but Trump” multi-million-dollar effort calls itself, Our Principles PAC, and is headed by former Mitt Romney deputy campaign manager, Katie Packer. John McCain supports this group. According to Open Secrets, this PAC has spent more than $12 million against Republicans, and nothing against Democrats. 


This majority of GOP politicians and corporate entities are all globalists. They certainly want nothing to do with Donald J. Trump who has thrown a wrench in their NWO plans. They’d rather have a ringer like Cruz, Kasich or Clinton in our White House again because they know they’re controlled, and would continue the downward spiral of America into a third world country.

Their fear of Trump is so overwhelming, that the GOP are willing to destroy their own party, even more so than they already have with their leftist agenda. The attacks will continue, and they will escalate. The powers that be simply cannot allow Donald Trump to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

Pray for Mr. Trump, and pray for our country.

Thanks to the diligence of Paul Walter, CEO of NewsWithViews, many ideas for my articles have come from him. Paul immigrated from communist Yugoslavia, providence of Slovenia, and therefore he sees more clearly the dangers to our Republic than those who have always known free America as home. Please support

Resurrecting sixties radicalism to silence Trump

It is sobering to reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for independence. –Charles A. Beard

We need a revolutionary communist party in order to lead the struggle, give coherence and direction to the fight, seize power and build the new society.Bill Ayers, Weathermen Underground

Threats Against the Trump Family


What so few of the ignorant and brainwashed commie protestors don’t know is that the entire Trump family is not only generous to a fault, but gives more to society than any of the other candidates. Remember Cruz hasn’t even given 1% of his income to charity. The Eric Trump Foundation alone has given over $20 million to St. Jude’s, the children’s cancer hospital who does not charge the parents, and who treat youngsters with the toughest cases. Often times they find cures.

The 60’s Commies Are Back!

Dr. Rich Swier had an article out today that exposed the 187 organizations directly funded by George Soros who are attacking Trump. Take a look at this amazing article.

The highway was blocked by a few dozen people, and closed for over an hour with cars lined up for miles trying to get into Trump’s rally in Maricopa County, Arizona. Protesters were arrested for blocking the roadway, but there weren’t that many of them. Sheriff Arpaio who was there to introduce Mr. Trump, said, “The main mission is to make sure Donald Trump is secure, protected, and also everyone else in the town.” [Link]

In New York, the protestors, which included (illegal) immigrants’ rights activists, students and socialists, (read Communists) gathered in Columbus Circle near the Trump International Hotel and Tower. Understand that Soros recruits these protestors by paying them $10 to $15 an hour. They come from areas of deep unemployment, and these people are easily manipulated by the lies of the MSM. 

The reality is the Mr. Trump’s policy plans with trade and immigration would open up more jobs, especially those in the black communities. They are protesting against their own futures which would be rebuilt with Trump’s policies.

If you do not believe we are dealing with the Communists on the left, on the right, and in the media, then ask yourself why all the establishment globalists want to stop Donald Trump. McCarthy was right, and today we’re seeing the end result. The New World Order globalists all hate Trump, and their desire is to squelch his free speech to Americans who love him, to Americans who he resonates with, to Americans who want our country restored to her glory days. They hate him so much that if he is nominated, they have stated they will vote for Hillary Clinton. They would rather a corrupt, lying, thieving, murdering woman be in power than someone who would turn America around. This is what Mr. Trump is dealing with, and I would hope by now the American electorate would wake up to that fact.

TPP Tries to Still Free Speech

And Jenny Beth, if you really feared for free speech you’d be violently opposed to the communists leading the propagandized college youth and paid Soros unemployed to protest against the free speech of Donald Trump. But where the heck is your voice for Trump’s free speech? It’s unheard, and we’ve known exactly what you are since your very inception. 

Communist Hatred on Display

This short film is eye opening and shocking. If you want to know the true intentions of the Chicago protestors that shut down Trump’s rally, then you need to hear it straight from their mouths. It’s nothing more than radical leftists attempting to silence the opposition.

Rebel Pundit’s, Jeremy Segal and Andrew Marcus, directors of the motion picture Hating Breitbart, documented the “protest” on film, including an interview with Bill Ayers, a founder of the violent Weather Underground, who discusses the motivation behind the premeditated and well-funded demonstrations.

Watch this seven minutes of exposed filth if you can stand it. Their message? We all have to live under their choice for president:

Soros Plans More Violence

From The Horn News, “Soros Planning Ten Day anti-Trump Protests”:

The same anti-Donald Trump protestors who scheduled violent demonstrations in Chicago are plotting their most ambitious plan yet.

Funded by billionaire liberal George Soros and big union thugs, they’re organizing a mob of thousands of radicals into “one of the largest civil disobedience actions” in American history.

Their goal: march across the East Coast in the thousands and spark a “fire that transforms the political climate in America” by taking over the U.S. Capitol Building.

The new left-wing group is calling itself Democracy Spring, and is receiving help for their plan of “action on an historic scale” from the usual suspects. Leading the charge is noted liberal group, an organization funded by Soros that recently played a key role in shutting down the Trump rally at the University of Illinois.

They’re not alone. The country’s largest labor union, the AFL-CIO, has announced they’re “all in behind Democracy Spring.”

Also throwing their weight into the plan are over 115 labor unions, socialist groups, and other radical leftist organizations, some of which have also been implicated in disrupting Trump events.

Democracy Spring’s announced plan involves meeting up for a mass protest at the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia in early April, and then sending waves of protestors on a 10-day march into D.C.

Once in our nation’s capital, the group has announced their intention to invade the U.S. Capitol Building on April 11th with over 2,000 fellow radicals, which the group has announced training sessions for leading up to the protest.

While they claim the intent of the protests is to return government to the people and remove special interest money (especially ironic given the participation of labor union), critics see a more nefarious purpose. In short, Soros and his liberal pals are attempting to activate thousands of potential activists ahead of the 2016 election.

“We will make this election a referendum on whether our democracy should belong to the People as a whole or to the billionaire class alone,” the group said in a release — one that was likely paid for by billionaire Soros.

Remember that GOP candidates Kasich, Cruz, and Rubio all sided with Soros and Ayers stating that it was Trump who caused the Illinois protests at University of Chicago. (Personally, I’d love to know who scheduled a rally at that bastion of communist ideology, as it’s the last place I’d want to go.)

How very sad that communist billionaire Soros and the likes of Bill Ayers are not repudiated by the GOPe, the DNC and the MSM, and especially the other GOP candidates. What does that tell you?

Watch this new ad by Trump, he even calls out Soros!

Ephesians 6:12 says, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” This is so very true, and many of these ‘rulers of darkness’ are the two-legged variety.

Truly, evil comes in many forms, but the evil I’m seeing today I have seen before. Many have said we need to form our own protests, and perhaps that will happen. 

Instead, I’m calling everyone I know into deep prayer. We truly must be on our knees against the powers of darkness, for the protection of Donald J. Trump and his family, for our failing country, especially for the unborn babies, and for the American people to be heard in this election. I believe with all my heart that God has given us a chance to change our direction, but it is up to us to follow through.

Thanks to the diligence of Paul Walter, CEO of NewsWithViews, many ideas for my articles have come from him. Paul immigrated from communist Yugoslavia, providence of Slovenia, and therefore he sees more clearly the dangers to our Republic than those who have always known free America as home. Please support

Trump, the candidate who listens to Americans

“Trump fills the vacuum left by a political faction that has for years promised its voters it would do things it had no intention of doing.” —The Federalist

“Trump has the fire in his belly to make America great again, and probably do it the right way.” —Mike Ditka, in a Chicago Sun-Times interview

Oregon cowboy, LaVoy Finicum died at the hands of local police. He was shot in the back three times according to autopsy reports. [Link] Ranchers all over the west are losing their land, and it’s the Bureau of Land Management who is the culprit. [Link]

When Trump was first questioned about the land in the Western states being held by the Feds, he thought it was okay. Then he got some flak from the American citizens who know what’s going on. So he sent his son to investigate, and this is the outcome of that investigation.

Trumps do their homework!!!!! And Donald Trump listens to the people. I know that for a fact myself, because he’s talked about two of my articles in public and on twitter. I don’t know of one politician in power today who listens to anything we have to say. Watch this video where Trump takes on the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and calls them a dictatorial agency.

The latest article in the Reno Gazette Journal is Trump: Nevada, US Needs a President Who Obeys the Law. Here is part of what Donald Trump states in this article: 

The United States of America is a land of laws, and Americans value the rule of law above all. Why, then, has our Congress allowed the president and the executive branch to take on near-dictatorial power? How is it that we have a president who will not enforce some laws and who encourages faceless, nameless bureaucrats to manage public lands as if the millions of acres were owned by agencies such as the Bureau of Land Management and the Department of Energy? In Nevada, the lack of enforcement of immigration laws and the draconian rule of the BLM are damaging the economy, lowering the standard of living and inhibiting natural economic growth. The only way to change these circumstances is to bring to Washington a president who will rein in the federal government and get Congress to do its job. It’s not that we don’t have talented people in D.C. It’s that we have no leadership there.

The BLM controls over 85 percent of the land in Nevada. In the rural areas, those who for decades have had access to public lands for ranching, mining, logging and energy development are forced to deal with arbitrary and capricious rules that are influenced by special interests that profit from the D.C. rule-making and who fill the campaign coffers of Washington politicians. Far removed from the beautiful wide open spaces of Nevada, bureaucrats bend to the influence that is closest to them. Honest, hardworking citizens who seek freedom and economic independence must beg for deference from a federal government that is more intent on power and control than it is in serving the citizens of the nation. In and around Clark County, the situation is even worse.

Read the rest of the article, it’s quite informative as to what Trump sees and understands. 

Trump Listens to The People

Look, Trump isn’t a politician, he’s a businessman, and he knows how to run a business and get along with people, but he doesn’t know about everything we know. Those of us who have been watching the destruction of our country for over 50 years know many facets of the globalist agenda. Trump knows there’s something very, very wrong, and he knows he can fix it. Reading his book, Crippled America, will tell you he understands the problems we’re facing. Yet, just like the BLM grab of western land, which we all know is UN Agenda 21, Trump is getting educated on more and more of the problems that face American citizens, problems that he really had no information about previously.

The mere fact that this man reads and listens is a huge plus in the argument for him. How many of your local state reps or your federal representatives send you back these meaningless letters that say they’ll keep your thoughts in mind when they vote. Like hell they will, they don’t give a rat’s behind what the American Citizen thinks or wants. We all know it too, and that’s where the anger has come from, and that’s why Trump resonates with the hearts of the people who love America.

One of my cyber buds who I think a great deal of, because she’s so very knowledgeable on the horrors of Islam, actually called Donald Trump an idiot and said to me that only the uneducated and ignorant are voting for him. Well, excuse me all to hell and back, but if Mr. Trump is an idiot, we need a lot more like him to come to the fore. How many idiots do you know who could take $1 million and turn it into $10 billion? Granted, he later inherited $200 million from his father, but he still made a lot more on his own.

Let’s take a look at just a few of the things Donald Trump stands for, and what he’s actually said. All the subjects below are Mr. Trump’s own words. There were many more, but these were the top ones.

Education – I’m a tremendous believer in education, but education has to be at a local level. We cannot have the bureaucrats in Washington telling you how to manage your child’s education. So, Common Core is a total disaster, we can’t let it continue. We are rated 28th in the World. The United States, think of it, 28th in the World! Frankly we spend far more per pupil than any other country in the world, by far, it’s not even a close second. So here we are, we spend more money and we’re rated 28th. Third world countries are ahead of us. We’re going to end common core and have education an absolute priority.

(Mr. Trump has stated he likes charter schools, and I would suggest he doesn’t understand that charter schools are tax funded, but have absolutely no oversight. They do not report to the local school boards. We have Islamic charter schools, new age Waldorf charter schools, Chinese charter schools, and any other number of charter schools that we know nothing about. We are taxed, but we have no oversight. Charter schools are taxation without representation! No, Mr. Trump, I am not for Charter schools, and neither should you be.)

The Military – I’m going to make our military so big, so powerful, so strong, that nobody, absolutely nobody is going to mess with us. We’re going to take care of our vets and we’re going to get rid of ISIS, and get rid of them fast.

Jobs – One of the things I’m proudest about is that I create jobs, over the year’s tens of thousands of jobs for our country, and I’ll do that for you. I will tell you this and I will say it with certainty, I will be the greatest jobs producing president that God ever created. I love the subject, I love doing it, and I love helping people. There’s nothing like helping people than getting them and their family great jobs.

Political Correctness – I have a great education, I went to an Ivy league college, but I’m not politically correct. Because to be politically correct just takes too much time, it takes too much effort. We have to get things done in this country, and you’re never going to get it done if we just stay politically correct.

Law Enforcement Respect – The police in our country are not appreciated. We do not give them the kind of respect that they have to have. Sure, there’ll be a bad apple, there’ll be a bad thing happen, and it ends up on the news for two weeks and everybody hates the police. The fact is, they do an incredible job. We have to give them more authority and more respect. Without the great police forces we have throughout the United States, we wouldn’t be sitting here, and we wouldn’t have the lives that we have. They do a fantastic job, we have to appreciate and respect our police.

First Day in Office – So many people are asking me, what would I do on my first day in office. Well, you have executive orders all over the place. So many would be terminated. The good thing about an executive order signed by our president is that it can be unsigned immediately. You don’t have to go through Congress. So I would get rid of the attack on our second amendment, because that’s what Obama is doing when he does that. I would very, very strongly get rid of the attack on the border. We have a border that’s like a piece of Swiss cheese, people are pouring through. That order will be the single first thing I do, and we will work on all of these executive orders, and the bad ones of which mostly that’s what you have, will be terminated immediately my first day in office.


Crippled America for more in-depth discussions of his plans.

Ted Cruz has said “Donald Trump’s voters have relatively low information and are not that engaged.” I beg to differ with Mr. Cruz. Mr. Trump’s voters want to return America to her past greatness. We want to make America great again, and we know it can be done with Donald Trump!

Thanks to the diligence of Paul Walter, CEO of NewsWithViews, many ideas for my articles have come from him. Paul immigrated from communist Yugoslavia, providence of Slovenia, and therefore he sees more clearly the dangers to our Republic than those who have always known free America as home. Please support

John Kasich loves NAFTA, TPP, Common Core, Amnesty and Clinton’s gun ban

One of the biggest challenges facing the American economy is that we lack a domestic manufacturing base. Simply put we do not produce anything anymore. We buy tons of foreign goods and then wonder why we are lacking jobs. We import most of our goods which has resulted in a huge trade deficit and industrial job losses. Our economy has transitioned from an agricultural society to an industrial society to a service economy. —Mark Riddix

So who is your choice? John Kasich? He voted for NAFTA when in congress and then presided over the industrial exodus as governor of Ohio. NAFTA was the beginning of the end of middle class jobs. Now he’s promoting TPP which not only will destroy more American jobs, but will threaten American sovereignty and our Constitution.

Marco Rubio, an ineligible anchor baby pawn of the Koch Brothers who wants to throw open American doors to the entire world? Rubio cast the deciding vote for the TPA fast track, and didn’t even read it. Link Now he’s telling people to vote for Kasich in Ohio, to stop Donald Trump.

Ted Cruz, an ineligible Canadian Bush globalist, who quadrupled the H1B foreign worker program? Cruz even backed fast track for Obama for the TPP. [Link] Probably one of the worst deceptions I’ve seen in a long time. He has a Bible in one hand, and a knife in the other. 

Donald Trump, a self-confessed Establishment slayer and successful real estate developer- and ELIGIBLE who wants our borders closed and a wall built to stop the influx of illegals? He is for trade, but not for the rotten deals that destroy American jobs and leave us with huge deficits. Is he a politician? No. Does he know every facet of America’s problems? No. But this man, unlike all the rest, listens to the people of America.

Kasich and NAFTA

North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act. In doing so, the exodus of America jobs started going south. See the best Trump rally to date in Boca Raton Florida yesterday.

The calls to our Congress Criminals were 10 to 1 against it, yet the Republicans saved the day for NAFTA and voted for this job destroying agreement. Within 10 years, over a million American jobs were lost. [Link] American industry has been decimated. 

After two decades of NAFTA, we can measure its actual outcomes. The grand promises made by proponents remain unfulfilled. Many outcomes are exactly the opposite of what was promised. Many U.S. firms used the new investor protections to relocate production to Mexico to take advantage of its low wages and weak environmental standards and to attack NAFTA countries’ environmental and health laws in foreign tribunals. Over $340 million in compensation to investors has been extracted from NAFTA governments via these “investor-state” challenges. The American people have suffered, and the old statement of jobs being sucked south to Mexico is radically true.

Kasich and TPP

GOP presidential candidate Ohio Gov. John Kasich came out in support of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement during the fourth GOP primary debate hosted by Fox Business, saying the deal is “critical.” So far, Ohio has lost 112,500 jobs to TPP.

Donald Trump has a totally different take on the Trans Pacific Partnership. Here’s what he said in answer to a debate question posted by WSJ’s Gerard Baker:

Trump was exactly right…China will come into it, and it is a deal that is more destructive than all the other trade deals combined.


The Obama administration-backed agreement is bad news for a number of other reasons too, threatening U.S. sovereignty, the economy, and the Constitution. As such, it must be stopped, according to a recent four-part video series examining different elements of the regional agreement by researcher and analyst Christian Gomez, who has studied the treaty, and William F. Jasper, senior editor of the New American magazine. [Link]

Kasich on Second Amendment. 

In 1994, when he was a US Congressman John Kasich voted for the Clinton Gun and Magazine ban. Nothing more needs to be said. Kasich not only lacks a solid understanding of world affairs and world history, but he is also anti-gun.

And if voting for the Clinton gun and magazine ban is not enough proof, as Governor of Ohio, Kasich signed Medicaid reform that contained a version of “see a shrink lose your guns.” Governor Kasich is simply another politician who will excuse criminal behavior as mental illness and by extension would likely void the Second Amendment rights of anyone who sees a “shrink.” [Link]

Kasich on Amnesty

Illegal immigrants are “a critical part of our society” and should be provided a route to amnesty, Republican presidential candidate John Kasich tells a coalition of Hispanic company executives. Kasich wants a path to legalize all Illegal aliens, see video below.

“For those that are here that have been law abiding, God bless them,” he told the business group, which is a major advocate for expanded immigration.

“Then I think the [illegals] should have a path to legalization… I think that can pass,” Kasich said, using one of the euphemisms for granting legal residency to illegal immigrants. [Link]

Syrian Refugees

Kasich was all for taking in Syrian refugees and encouraged Obama to accept them. Then the Paris attacks happened, and he decided perhaps it wasn’t such a good idea, and joined other governors saying no to refugees. Instead, he wants a more robust U.S. military presence in the Middle East and pointed to his experience in Congress on the House Armed Services Committee. [Link]

Personally I believe our soldiers have spent enough time in the Middle East, bring them all home, and put them on our borders.

Health Care

Despite saying he’s against Obama Care, Kasich accepted the Medicaid expansion under the bill for the State of Ohio. [Link]


Gov. John Kasich defended his support for Common Core, claiming the standards were developed by governors and adopted locally. Critics argue that Common Core was written behind closed doors with little evidence governors were closely involved, then forced on schools by the federal government. Who says our governors are any good at deciding what American education should be? How about taking us back to academic teaching instead of behavioral modification a la Pavlov/Skinner?

“Governors themselves wrote the standards,” Kasich said at the National Review Institute’s Ideas Summit. “We’ve implemented the standards. I didn’t implement them, Obama didn’t implement them, nobody did. The local school boards have adopted the standards, and now, the curriculum is being written by local school boards. I don’t know what’s wrong with that.” 

Kasich paints a picture of Common Core that would be nice, if only it were rooted in reality. [Link

What a joke!

Charters, Choice and Vouchers

Fethullah Gulen charter schools, Chinese charter schools, (Chinese investors are putting millions into Florida Chinese chartersWaldorf charter schools, etc. etc. ad nauseam. Do you want to support Islamic, communist, and Rudolph Steiner’s Anthroposophical Society charters with your tax dollars, to name just a few?

Politics, Markets and America’s Schools, 1990). Please read that again slowly. Get it in your heads…they want a choice system that is beyond the reach of the taxpayer and parents!

Please understand that private schools cannot remain independent once they have accepted federal funding through vouchers/choice.

The desire for total government control of education started long ago. However, back then, we had preachers who told the truth and informed the public. In August of 1933, Dr. J. Gresham Machen, gave the speech, The Necessity of the Christian School. He was Professor of New Testament in Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pa. The lecture was given at the Educational Convention held in Chicago under the auspices of the National Union of Christian Schools.

Whatever the government funds with our tax dollars, the government ultimately controls.


John Kasich is a pro-life governor, and has closed many clinics in Ohio, he also wants to defund Planned Parenthood in the state. As great as that is, his stances on education, free-trade, jobs, the second amendment, and amnesty are those of the left. At best, Kasich is a moderate.

Thanks to the diligence of Paul Walter, CEO of NewsWithViews, many ideas for my articles have come from him. Paul immigrated from communist Yugoslavia, providence of Slovenia, and therefore he sees more clearly the dangers to our Republic than those who have always known free America as home. Please support

Ted Cruz joins Soros group in Trump attack

It is by its promise of a sense of power that evil often attracts the weak. ~Eric Hoffer (1902-1983) American philosopher and author.

Leftist anarchists sparked security fears in Chicago on Friday and shut down a rally that had drawn tens-of-thousands of Trump supporters.

Thousands of Donald Trump fans were stunned to hear that riots had succeeded in derailing the event at the University of Illinois-Chicago. The announcement came amid protests outside the venue.

Oh yes, George Soros’ anarchists, along with Bernie Sanders, Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall street, F**k the Police, and typical
Chicago-Style-Democrat-thug politics were responsible for the riot in Chicago where Trump was to speak. [Link] Many were carrying Mexican flags and wearing “Muslims Hate Trump,” t-shirts. This is the second stage of planning to derail Trump. Because Trump had to cancel the Chicago speech, these gangsters will try this again and again. Yes, it’s the 60s again, with commies fomenting hatred for freedom of speech from the only candidate who wants to return America to her founding principles. And of course, Obama’s buddy, Bill Ayers, was in the crowd demonstrating

Born and raised in Chicago, I know the politics of this democratic held city only too well, and it very, very ugly.

Ted Cruz Claims Trump Responsible

Ted Cruz and the GOPe jumped into the fray of Soros Chicago politics and actually blamed Donald Trump for the protests. So, Ted Cruz blames Donald for not being politically correct and thus causing the protests and violence.

Diane Marshall of the Marshall Report writes this:

What if the Trump supporters decided to go ballistic and riot Cruz town halls because of Glenn Beck’s garbage mouth calling them ALL NAZIS and Trump Hitler! He can’t blame that all on Beck…he stood their nodding with that snaky grin approving all of the liar messages every time they were spoken, over and over and over again.

Cruz has lied over and over again about Trump, and even about Carson and Rubio. His supporters don’t seem to understand the deviousness of his campaign and continue to say it’s untrue, but we’ve documented his lies many, many times. Cruz has even accepted monies from David McIntosh, the president of Club for Growth. 

Remember Club for Growth is pro-amnesty, and when they asked Trump for a million-dollar donation, Trump refused. So CfG spent $3.3 million in attack ads against Trump. Of course Ted Cruz has no problem accepting money from McIntosh, and why wouldn’t he, he’s for open borders. Heidi Cruz spent five years at the Council on Foreign Relations helping to write the North America Union, and that filthy sovereignty destroying piece of legislation eliminates the borders between Canada, Mexico and the United States. If Cruz becomes president, we will become just like the now failed, European Union.

Fox News Joins in Blaming Trump

Fox News, (especially Megyn Kelly), who has proven to be worse than CNN, has even joined the left ( and George Soros) in blaming Trump for this communist demonstration from the far left anarchists. They’re saying Trump should accept that America no longer allows total free speech, that it should be curtailed to be more “inclusive and politically sensitive.” Excuse me, while I go get my barf bag. If this doesn’t sound like commie rhetoric, I don’t know what does!

Who Owns What?

The GOP establishment, the DNC establishment, the MSM establishment, and the anarchists from Soros’ leftist organizations all hate Trump, but even the web outlets we believe give us the truth have questionable ownership.

Robert Mercer

Billionaire Robert Mercer founded Cruz’s super Pac for $10 million, but he also purchased for another $11 million. [Link] Mercer has given $750,000 to the infamous Club for Growth (CfG). In my article, Why The GOP Establishment Hates Donald Trump, I exposed CfG partners and allies include the Peter G. Peterson FoundationPeterson is chairman emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations and former chairman of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. Another ally is the US Chamber of Commerce, who is so behind the invasion of illegal aliens on our southern borders. 

Mercer has also given $2 million to American Crossroads, founded by that stellar neo-conservative commie, Karl Rove. Mercer was/is the originating financial backer for the Ted Cruz “Keep the Promise” (KtP1, KtP2 and KtP3) Super-PACs. Mercer is also the financial backing behind Cambridge Analytica.

Cambridge Analytica is the receiver of the contact information provided to Breitbart when you participate in their on-line Presidential Poll. [Link] They were hired by Cruz as his spy machine on voter attributes via Facebook.
Wilks Brothers

The Daily Wire is actually owned by the Wilks brothers, Levi and Farris Wilks. These two are the other end of the Ted Cruz financial team, and massive multi-million dollar donors to Cruz’s presidential bid. Ben Shapiro is the front-man for The Daily Wire, and as such he is 1000% behind Cruz

prominent faith leaders (including David Barton, James Robison, and John Hagee) at the ranch of Texas tycoon, Farris Wilks. Wilks supports most of the phony rightwing groups in the secretive Council for National Policy. Farris and his brother Dan have donated $15 million to a super PAC which supports Cruz. Cameras and recording devices were not allowed at the Wilks ranch when Cruz spoke, so only God and attendees know what was said at the event. However, one might be able to get an idea of how Cruz views God’s role in American politics by reviewing his associations. Farris Wilks heads the Assembly of Yahweh, Seventh Day. Here’s what they believe

National Review

National Review, who came out with their list of who hates Trump not long ago, now is endorsing Ted Cruz. We shouldn’t be surprised at that since those on the list are the neo-cons claiming to be conservatives. Remember that the National Review was founded by William F. Buckley, CFR member, CIA agent, and Skull and Bones man. Buckley actually appointed the present head of National Review, Rick Lowry, in 1997 to carry on with the neo-conservative propaganda of the founder. If you haven’t read John McManus’s book, “William F. Buckley, Pied Piper for the Establishment,” I’d really suggest getting a copy. It is heavily referenced and has a wonderful index. 


By now, most Americans, who have been politically astute for many decades, can see just exactly what the Republican party has become in the last 60 years. Very few of them are friends of the Constitution, and neither are they conservatives. 

The establishment Republicans, and media all claim Mr. Trump isn’t conservative enough, but this is a euphemism for saying he isn’t a globalist establishment insider. Americans who flock to his rallies know this, they know he resonates with freedom. They know he isn’t perfect and he doesn’t know every subject, but they know he’s a good man, rough around the edges like General Patton, but always telling us the truth the way he sees it. We rejoice in hearing this truth. It’s thrilling after so many years of hearing the false drivel from the moderate left leaning Republican candidates.

Am I thrilled that Ben Carson endorsed Trump? You bet I am because even though I have my problems with Ben, I believe this skilled doctor is a good man who is decent and who can spot another honorable man. And, if Trump becomes President, maybe he can consider appointing Dr. Carson as Surgeon General.

Why do I think Ben Carson endorsed Trump? Because Trump showed that he was the only gentleman among the candidates…truly, a gentleman. [Link]

Let’s give America a Nineveh…vote Trump!!

Thanks to the diligence of Paul Walter, CEO of NewsWithViews, many ideas for my articles have come from him. Paul immigrated from communist Yugoslavia, providence of Slovenia, and therefore he sees more clearly the dangers to our Republic than those who have always known free America as home. Please support

Ted Cruz at “kill the gays” dominionism rally

Dominionists provide the most enthusiastic constituency for stoning since the Taliban seized Kabul.

No matter how simplified I try to keep the definition of Dominionism, it is such a huge topic, that it’s difficult to make it concise, or even use the K.I.S.S. method. I constantly receive emails from people asking me to explain this aberrant doctrine in Christianity. Despite my previous efforts, many still do not understand. There are wonderful researchers who I’ll link to for your perusal, hoping this will help. It is really of the utmost importance because one of the candidates is steeped in this false doctrine, as are his close supporters, Glenn Beck, David Barton, and Ted’s father, Rafael Cruz, Sr.

What is Dominionism?

There are three basic tenets to Dominionism 

 Dominionist wants a theocracy (government) of their form of Christians leading the country.
 Dominionists wants a theonomy (Old Testament Law) in this theocracy, which means, their beliefs are based on Old Testament Mosaic laws, minus a few dietary restrictions, which will govern/rule the society.
 Dominionists want to use Old Testament law, including “stoning” to rid the country of sinners such as homosexuals, adulterers, disobedient children, those who take the Lord’s name in vain, etc., although not all Dominionists subscribe to this tenet of the doctrine. 

Al Dager in his book VENGEANCE IS OURS: The Church In Dominion (Sword 1990) lists two further definitions of Dominionism:

A basic premise of dominion theology is that when Adam sinned, not only did man lose dominion over the earth, but God also lost control of the earth to Satan. Since that time, some say, God has been on the outside looking in, searching for a “covenant people” who will be His “extension” or “expression” in the earth to take dominion back from Satan. According to the dominionist interpretation, this is the meaning of the Great Commission.

Some teach that this is to be accomplished through certain “overcomers” who, by yielding themselves to the authority of latter-day apostles and prophets, will take control of the kingdoms of this world. These kingdoms are defined as the various social institutions, such as the “kingdom” of education, the “kingdom” of science, the “kingdom” of the arts, and so on. Most especially there is the “kingdom” of politics and government. (Dager, p. 44)

Dominion theology is predicated upon three basic beliefs:

Dominionism Popularized

The term “Dominionism” was first popularized in the 1990s by researchers, including Chip Berlet, scholar Sara Diamond, and Fred Clarkson, who needed a term to describe the political aspirations of Christian Rightists who believed that they have a biblical mandate to control all earthly institutions –including government – until the second coming of Jesus. But the idea of conservative Christians gaining political power sufficient to take dominion over society predated their use of the term by decades.

The two main schools of Dominionist thought include Christian Reconstructionism, founded by the late R.J. Rushdoony, which advances the idea not only of the need for Christians (of the right sort) to dominate society, but institute and apply Old Testament “Biblical Law.” Again, a theocracy (ruled by Dominionist Christians only), will be on Old Testament law, (a theonomy) and this includes all 613 Mosaic laws, other than a few dietary laws. Those hardcore Dominionist leaders, like Gary North, believe in stoning sinners in the street.

The other, closely related form of Dominionism is advocated by the Pentecostal New Apostolic Reformation, which exuberantly advocates for Christians to “reclaim the seven mountains of culture”: government, religion, media, family, business, education, and arts and entertainment. [Link]

Yet, both forms cross over into each other’s territory. In the 1980s, the Reconstructionist leaders—despite their pretensions of theological integrity, worked compatibly alongside Charismatic leaders in the Coalition on Revival (COR) for political action, spelling out how they planned to rule over 17 “spheres” of society in America. These 17 spheres are a direct precursor to the 7 mountains taught by C. Peter Wagner and his group of “apostles” who claim they will reign as “kings.” (See KINGS and PRIESTS) Rafael Cruz’s sermons have spoken of the “seven mountains and kings and priests.”

Seven Mountains Mandate

Sarah Leslie, has just completed research on these doctrines in dominionism, and written an article on the Seven Mountains Mandate with Dr. Orrel Steinkamp. It is titled, 7 Mountain Politics and Theology. It is an in-depth overview and is important in understanding the entire culture of this apostasy in the church today. The Herescope website states:

Herescope has published many articles about the 7 mountain theology. Our critical perspective is distinctly biblical, and thus distinguishable from the criticism of the seven mountains coming from the political Left, although we do share some of their concerns about this radical agenda for the church to transform society and/or government(s) into a church-state via cultural, political and/or “warfare” activism. In our articles, we clearly articulate our theological differences with this 7 mountains teaching.

I urge readers to delve into this article in order to understand the full ramifications of this heretical doctrine. Sarah Leslie is one of the finest researchers on aberrant doctrines in today’s church, and I cherish her friendship and her work.

Dominionists Who Support Ted Cruz

Swanson then introduces Ted Cruz as the next president of the United States after his diatribe against homosexuals. In addition to Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee and Bobby Jindal were also at this conference as speakers.

Swanson actually said he would give some time for homosexuals to repent, but he didn’t say how long before the executions would begin.

Cruz claims he doesn’t know what Swanson has said or not said, but he certainly didn’t take time to find out about this very controversial pastor. Neither did Huckabee nor Jindal. Swanson’s supporters also distributed “death to gays” pamphlets at the event.

Swanson bragged on his radio show about the “amazingly successfully” National Religious Liberties Conference held in Iowa in early November, during which he declared he was “not kidding” when he said he’d spread excrement all over himself if his son ever married another man.

“I’d spread it all over my body,” he preached. “That’s what I would do and I’m not kidding! I’m not laughing!”

Cruz’s Rally for Religious Liberty

After appearing at the Kevin Swanson Iowa rally last November, candidate Cruz hosted his own anti-LGBT hate fest in South Carolina.

Cruz’s “Rally for Religious Liberty” was held at Greenville’s Bob Jones University, which once famously argued that its racist policies were protected under the First Amendment.

Among the speakers at Cruz’s event were Dominionist Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, would-be reality TV stars the Benham brothers, also Dominionists, and anti-gay Houston activist and Dominionist, Dave Welch. Perkins is also a United Nations Non-Governmental Organization member.

Other Dominionists Endorse Cruz

Phillip “Flip” Benham, another Dominionist pastor, once arrested and prosecuted for stalking the judge who heard Kim Davis’s case, is also endorsing Ted Cruz.

And, Senator Ted Cruz, isn’t backing away from the endorsement of Mike Bickle, a controversial evangelical pastor who once characterized Hitler as “a hunter” sent by God to go after Jews who don’t to convert to Christianity. [Link]

Despite calls from Jewish groups to denounce Bickle’s interpretation of scripture, a senior advisor to Cruz instead welcomed the pastor’s support in a statement published in the Jewish Journal.

Cruz trumpeted Bickle’s endorsement in a post on his website. Sadly, Christians do not do any investigation into these endorsements.

Bickle’s IHOP/New Apostolic Reform

Here is a brief synopsis of the IHOP/NAR history from

Kansas City Prophets” that has been around since the mid-1980s.
 These Kansas City “prophets” are leaders who track a direct lineage back to the old Latter Rain cult.
 John Wimber became an overseer of the KC group in the late 1980s when their cult excesses became public and controversial, and set them up under his Vineyard denomination.
 John Wimber was a mentor to C. Peter Wagner and vice versa, and the two of them have a history that tracks back into the mid 1970s at Fuller Theological Seminary where they concocted doctrines together.
 C. Peter Wagner’s “Third Wave” movement, the predecessor to the NAR, was founded on Wimber’s signs and wonders mysticism.
 C. Peter Wagner’s “New Apostolic Reformation” was founded on the convergence of the mystical streams of John Wimber, the Kansas City group, and Fuller Theological Seminary.

Be sure to click on this link:

In January, 1990, Ernie Gruen, a Charismatic pastor in Kansas City for 27 years released a 233-page document listing erroneous prophecies, statements, doctrines and incidents involving the Kansas City Prophets. Gruen’s shocking report on the Kansas City Prophets, “Documentation of the Aberrant Practices and Teachings of the Kansas City Fellowship (Grace Ministries),” is filled with evidences of spiritual abuse and theological excesses of Bickel, et al. 


In several previous articles, I’ve exposed the Dominionist teachings of Rafael Cruz Sr., David Barton, and now, even Glenn Beck who seems to have joined the Dominionist ranks. Ted Cruz masquerades as a Christian, yet his actions speak otherwise. Cruz has openly lied about other candidates, he’s used tactics via Jeff Roe, his campaign manager, that are deceitful and dangerous.

Cruz lied about Dr. Carson dropping out during the caucus in Iowa, and then lied again about Rubio dropping out in the latest Hawaii vote. His actions speak louder than his words and his public prayers. The Lord tells us to judge them by their fruits, yet today’s Christians seems to swallow the hollow words and accept everything as gospel. The lack of discernment is telling.

Take the story of Pastor Jack Morlan. He was radically saved out of a homosexual lifestyle by Jesus Christ. He and his wife, and their two sons boldly proclaim a Gospel of Salvation. Jack’s ministry was treated very badly during the 1990s by the Christian Right leaders, who told him frankly that they found much more enjoyment in bashing gays, and that they made much more money attacking gays in their fundraisers. They informed Jack that they didn’t WANT to share the Gospel with homosexuals. Pointing a finger and screaming “SINNER,” wins no one to Christ and salvation.

With Dominionist theology, there is no grace, and the opportunity to change would be cut short with their punishment. When Ted Cruz said as a teenager that he wanted to rule the world, people found it humorous and the silly statements of youth. But, his form of aberrant doctrine truly believes he should rule the world.

WHERE IS THE REAL GOSPEL, TED? This isn’t the Gospel of Salvation!

Thanks to the diligence of Paul Walter, CEO of NewsWithViews, many ideas for my articles have come from him. Paul immigrated from communist Yugoslavia, providence of Slovenia, and therefore he sees more clearly the dangers to our Republic than those who have always known free America as home. Please support

Leader of tea party patriots attacks Trump at CPAC

18 minute speech and was appalled at her lack of Constitutional knowledge, not to mention her support for a liberal Warren court decision, NYT’s v. Sullivan, which allows media and public figures to destroy the reputations of others with impunity. 

Cruz’s campaign manager, Jeff Roe, who has no problem lying about opponents, and in one instance Roe’s lies and attacks even caused a public figure to commit suicide.

lawyers Cruz and Rubio know this, but to pass the CFR’s North American Union (NAU) may well require another Constitutional Convention. Remember, Heidi Cruz, along with Ted’s friend, Henry Kissinger, were on CFR’s NAU Task Force.

As a matter of fact, while Meckler was still with TPP, he co-sponsored a conference on an Article V convention at Harvard with several pro-Convention leftists, including Obama associate, Lawrence Lessig. Absent were the people and groups against a Convention. [Link], [Link] They were never invited.

Meckler and Martin

New York Times v. Sullivan

the lies of Ted Cruz against both Donald Trump and Ben Carson. The Court’s decision eliminates the 9th Commandment in the public arena. “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”

Jenny Beth Martin, GOP establishment

Koch brothers’, Americans for Prosperity. There were originally three founders of TPP. Mark Meckler and Amy Kremler left for various reasons, and Martin retained control. Before Martin became a Tea Party star, she was scrubbing floors and cleaning houses for suburbanites after her husband’s business went bankrupt in 2007. Nothing wrong with physical labor and hard work, but she’s sure had a lifestyle change heading up TPP. In 2011, she was making $6 K a month at TPP. What was disturbing to many people within the TPP, was that she put her husband in charge of TPP’s finances, especially since they had huge IRS debts because of his bankruptcy.

Ralph Reed, formerly Director of the Christian Coalition, and infamous for the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandals, along with Grover Norquist. Martin has appeared on panels at Reed’s “Faith and Freedom Coalition” conferences, and Reed has returned the favor by speaking at TPP gatherings. During 2004, both of them worked on the Bush campaign, as did Ted and Heidi Cruz. All of them are Bush establishment GOP!

Link] Martin wouldn’t even accept Brat’s phone calls. What does that tell you?

While the national TPP group is flush with cash, much of it raised through fundraising pitches that tell donors the money will be directed to grassroots activities. The smaller TP organizations around the country are struggling on shoestring budgets. TPP is not and never has been a grassroots organization. It is strongly affiliated with the GOP establishment and has been from its inception.

Jenny Beth Martin is just another GOP establishment clone, following the lead of the globalists to derail Donald Trump. They are desperately afraid of him, and have pulled out all the stops to eliminate him from the nomination, despite what the American people really want! With voter fraud, with intimidation, with attacks and lies, with Romney and Ryan, he still leads, and the people still love him.

Thanks to the diligence of Paul Walter, CEO of NewsWithViews, many ideas for my articles have come from him. Paul immigrated from communist Yugoslavia, providence of Slovenia, and therefore he sees more clearly the dangers to our Republic than those who have always known free America as home. Please support

The lies of Romney, Megyn Kelly, and Ted Cruz

Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny. —Thomas Jefferson

Trump has Revived Hope in Americans

death of him. They will do anything to stop him from derailing their New World Order globalist plans. So now they’ve hired Willard Romney.

The Truth of Why Willard Mitt Romney Attacked Trump

Willard the Rat,” and at this point, he fits the description. Romney plans, try to derail Trump for his globalist friends and possibly create a brokered convention. He has been hired to help destroy Trump. Why? Because the plan is to have another globalist in our White House to continue the New World Order Agenda. Since Jeb Bush is out, their last hope is no other than Hillary Clinton. Romney is the hired thug to unseat Trump. 

Romney is again leading the assault.

And guess what? Romney is being sued in federal court for criminal racketeering. Steven “Laser” Haas is the owner and sole shareholder of Collateral Logistics Inc. (CLI) the firm which was retained to oversee the liquidation of assets in the bankruptcy of eToys in 2001. Along with Romney, Haas has named Goldman Sachs, Bain Capital, Michael Glazer, Barry Gold, and Paul Traub in the suit. Haas has claimed that he has evidence that the parties involved have committed perjury on 35 separate occasions — even alleging that there have been murders carried out in attempts to cover up their wrong doing.

Obviously, if Romney were on the stage with these candidates, you can bet this would not be brought up, but a small civil suit over Trump University is a major discussion during the debate. How absolutely asinine. 


The NAU eliminates the borders between Canada and Mexico, and makes us one big North American Union with one currency, and obliterated sovereignty, much like the European Union which is now failing.

he’d vote for Hillary over Trump. So Kristol and his phony Republican ilk prefer to have a corrupt, failed Secretary of State (think Benghazi murders and Libya at the top of the list), than an honest businessman who wants to “Make America Great Again.” What does that tell you?

Glenn Beck Wants to Stab Trump

the stabbing just wouldn’t stop.” Now they’re lying about it after a visit from the FBI.


Beck is not the only crazy in America who is filled with hatred for the one candidate who could turn America around.

Like Louis Farrakhan who has promoted the murder of whitey by 10,000 of his congregants, nothing is done. But let a threat be mentioned against Obama or Hillary and the FBI is there with a warrant for their arrest. 

Report These People!

U.S. Secret Service
Office of Government and Public Affairs
245 Murray Ln,
Washington, DC 20223
(202) 406-5708
For local field office, click here.
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Click here for FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Click here for FBI Field Offices in the U.S.

The Lousy Debates and The Lies

the rating was an A as Trump claimed. 

Rubio and Cruz have jumped on the bandwagon following their orders from the GOP to destroy Trump during the debates with lies, innuendos, and twisted half truths. The moderators were the culprits with starting the attacks on the leading candidate and allowing Cruz and Rubio to continue the attacks. 

CNN did a fact check and found this was untrue. According to the Federal Election Commission and the Center for Responsive Politics, Trump donated one $600 check to Clinton’s presidential campaign in 2007. But Trump also contributed to 2008 GOP nominee Sen. John McCain’s campaign, and gave him more, to boot.


There is only one man who is not part of their train wreck to hell with the New World Order, and you all know, it is Donald J. Trump. Support him or our country is lost.

Thanks to the diligence of Paul Walter, CEO of NewsWithViews, many ideas for my articles have come from him. Paul immigrated from communist Yugoslavia, providence of Slovenia, and therefore he sees more clearly the dangers to our Republic than those who have always known free America as home. Please support

GOP spreads vicious lies about Trump

Rev. Charles Finney, 1792-1875

The Lies and Hatred

Remember the media and other public figures can lie with impunity, because of the 1964 Supreme court decision in New York Times v. Sullivan.

The independent ballot document, stamped “confidential,” was authored by staff at Data Targeting, a Republican firm based in Gainesville, Florida. The memo notes that “it is possible to mount an independent candidacy but will require immediate action on the part of this core of key funding and strategic players.” [Link

Perkins has also caused controversy being pictured addressing a group that has been known for white supremacist rhetoric, the Council of Conservative Citizens, while a Louisiana State Representative. [Link]

Max Lucado and Christian Post

Evangelical Immigration Table (EIT) and are for amnesty with far-left Democratic activist, Jim Wallis, founder of Sojourner MagazineBreitbart News has reported, that EIT’s efforts have been funded by the George Soros financed National Immigration Forum. Thus the EIT will be fighting Trump’s nomination all the way. 

Both Samuel Rodriquez and, one-world-religion loving CFR member, Richard Land, were signatories to the EIT statement supporting the 2013 Gang of Eight illegal alien amnesty bill co-sponsored by Senator Marco Rubio.

Planned Parenthood

12th video is out regarding Planned Parenthood’s abortions of intact late term babies. Trump is pro-life, and the argument is moot.

Trump University

Trump has said he will not release his tax returns until an IRS audit is complete.
“For many years, I’ve been audited every year. Twelve years or something like that,” he said during Thursday night’s GOP debate.

Any tax professional that has high end clients that routinely report complex tax matters has had multiple examinations. They may or may not have been successive, but it (as far as the taxpayer and his hired professionals are concerned) is considered ongoing.

Stay tuned, so much more to report!

Thanks to the diligence of Paul Walter, CEO of NewsWithViews, many ideas for my articles have come from him. Paul immigrated from communist Yugoslavia, providence of Slovenia, and therefore he sees more clearly the dangers to our Republic than those who have always known free America as home. Please support

Why Cruz and Rubio lie to Donald Trump and their globalist agenda

“The biggest criminals that I have met in life are working for the government. They make mass murderers look like amateurs.” —Steven Magee

Barry Goldwater. 

No matter the cost we must fight for the truth.

Why Cruz and Rubeo Lie:

Senators Cruz and Rubio are deliberately using lies and innuendos to anger Mr. Trump, not only on the stage during debates, but every time they appear on TV they repeat the same lies. Personally, I think it was so obviously childish and wicked, and hope most Americans see through it. 

The Marshall Report, “He is coming in through a partial truth – that states want their federal confiscated lands returned. He then is on your side. Then he says – states have to maintain these, and if they can’t, they can sell them. So the land will be sold to foreign entities for minerals and logging, etc. We the people lose our resources and our land. This is all part of the Wildlands Project to aggregate the land into NWO globalists’ hands and steal it from the people. Read the article here and Agenda 21 in One Easy Lesson.

Heidi a Cruz sits on the advisory board of the faith based, Living Waters International. It is funded by the United Nations. [Link]



video on the NAU, and SPP.

Cruz joined the George W. Bush presidential campaign in 1999 as a domestic policy adviser, advising then-Governor George W. Bush on many topics. 

After Bush took office, Cruz served as an associate deputy attorney general in the U.S. Justice Department and as the director of policy planning at the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. Cruz is a Bush establishment candidate.

Ted Cruz met his wife, Heidi, while both were working on the George W. Bushpresidential campaign of 2000. She worked for CFR member and National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice.

Cruz wrote at the time in the National Review. According to a 2005 Sun-Sentinel report, Cruz once praised Roberts as “one of the best constitutional minds in the country.” With the decisions of the Supremes, Cruz is now back peddling big time on his support of Roberts. [Link]

Two years ago, Cruz proposed amendments to a bill sponsored by four Republican senators—Marco Rubio, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and Jeff Flake—and four Democrats. The bill would have tightened border security and employee screening. But it also would have allowed undocumented immigrants to apply, eventually, for legal status. [Link]

Link] and as a “free-trade advocate” by the Wall Street Journal. [Link] All these trade deals have destroyed America’s jobs and middle class. 

Why is the alleged conservative Cruz in support of TPP, otherwise known as Obamatrade? [Link], [Link]

Cruz supported giving Fast Track to President Obama for Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP).


Link] He has flip flopped and lied about where he really stands on amnesty. [Link] Watch Megyn Kelly question him in the January 28, 2016 debate sans Donald Trump. Video


As a lawyer, Ted Cruz knows he is not eligible to be president. Watch this short 12 minute video by retired attorney and Constitutional and federalist paper expert for the clearest explanation of Natural Born Citizen.

The questions can be answered by looking at the very reason why only natural born citizens can be President—foreign influence. As much as conservatives refuse to believe it or even discuss it, Ted Cruz is not a natural born citizen as outlined by the Constitution. (For a very detailed and vetted/sourced explanation, read this article.) 

all his records are sealed, and FOIA requests are denied…one has to wonder why and who gave the order.

Thanks to the diligence of Paul Walter, CEO of NewsWithViews, many ideas for my articles have come from him. Paul immigrated from communist Yugoslavia, providence of Slovenia, and therefore he sees more clearly the dangers to our Republic than those who have always known free America as home. Please support

Two boys and a man running for president

The difference between the men and the boys in politics is, and always has been, that the boys want to be something, while the men want to do something. —Eric Sevareid

To anger a conservative, lie to him. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth. —Theodore Roosevelt 

H.W. Bush and Barbara at Debate

Senator Cruz

Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link]

Senator Rubio

How about anchor baby, Marco Rubio? His affiliation with the Aspen Institute as an Aspen Rodel Fellow and his invitation to speak on foreign policy at the Council on Foreign Relations with Charlie Rose should be enough to alert people that, like Ted Cruz, Rubio is another globalist. [Link]


Both Senator Cruz and Marco Rubio are promoting another Constitutional convention when they know the dangers, and the 1787 precedent, but doing so would enable them to help complete the New World Order agenda.

Hatred for Mr. Trump

Stop, Hate, Dump Trump” campaign. They include Michael Moore, Harry Belafonte, Jane Fonda, Noam Chomsky, Jodie Evans (the founder of Code Pink), Roseanne Barr, Rosie O’Donnell, Lily Tomlin, and other members of the Ultra left Hollywood establishment. For most of my adult life these people have stood against everything I believe in, and I consider some of them traitors to our country. Jane Fonda who gave aid, comfort, and support to the North Vietnamese while our brave soldiers were fighting, injured and killed there, has never apologized for her treasonous actions against our own military men.

came forward to CNN, after a meeting Wednesday in Manhattan, to allege that Rubio is preparing for a contested Republican Convention.

Terry Sullivan, Rubio’s top campaign adviser, provided a blueprint for such a tactic at the meeting with top donors, the sources said. [Link

Pope Francis vs. Donald Trump. By the way, the Vatican has armed guards, despite the fact Francis doesn’t like firearms.

Grassroots Americans Choose Trump

Mr. Trump has raised the biggest issues in our country, issues that grassroots Americans talk about and have been frustrated about for decades. 

Closing our borders, which are sieves. We have been flooded with millions and millions of unvetted illegal aliens. Building that wall! 

Stopping the insane destruction via trade agreements, and bringing both corporations and jobs back to America.

Strengthening our military and stopping this worldwide intervention in nation building which has resulted in even more wars, and has caused this ungodly invasion of young male Muslims throughout Europe and now North America.

Restoring our second amendment rights.

Defunding Planned Parenthood.

Taking good care of all our veterans, and making sure they have timely health care.

Eliminating Obama Care and replacing it with a truly strong healthcare program.

Reducing the horrendous tax code, lowering our taxes, and getting rid of bloated government departments, including the NEA.


1. American interests come first. Always. No apologies.
2. Maximum firepower and military preparedness.
3. Only go to war to win.
4. Stay loyal to your friends and suspicious of your enemies.
5. Keep the technological sword razor sharp.
6. See the unseen. Prepare for threats before they materialize.
7. Respect and support our present and past warriors.

Read his books, therein lies the truth. 

So what are you going to choose, the man or the boys?

Thanks to the diligence of Paul Walter, CEO of NewsWithViews, many ideas for my articles have come from him. Paul immigrated from communist Yugoslavia, providence of Slovenia, and therefore he sees more clearly the dangers to our Republic than those who have always known free America as home. Please support

Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz the master of lies

A false witness shall not be unpunished, and [he that] speaketh lies shall perish. —Proverbs 19:9

Trump’s poem about snakes. It is the perfect analogy of why we should not be allowing all these “refugees” into our country.

The Lack of Discernment by Christians

The Crazy Cheerleaders for Ted Cruz

a group of related pro-Cruz political committees that raised $38 million in the first half of the year, more than the super-PACs supporting any other candidate with the exception of Jeb Bush. [Link]

Glenn Beck’s latest statement again makes it look as though he no longer has a grip on what is acceptable and what is outrageous. People are asking if Beck is on drugs. He said, “God allowed Scalia to die in order to highlight the importance of electing Ted Cruz.” Here is the exact videowhere he calls into his own show and makes this disgraceful statement.

Dominionist Rick Joyner’s Morning Star Fellowship Church to “fall to your knees and pray to God to reveal to you what the hour is.” Rick Joyner’s church is considered a cult, there is nothing Biblical about what he teaches or what they do in their “church.” [Link], [Link], [Link] Ted Cruz also attended a national security forum held at Joyner’s Church in Ft. Mill, SC in January.

In January, Beck argued the “hand of divine providence” brought about the birth of Cruz. Earlier in February, Cruz’s wife Heidi told a crowd that her husband shows the country “the face of the God we serve.”

The latest was Beck asking people to fast for Cruz after the loss in South Carolina. [Link]

sermon at a church in Irvin, Texas, that his son is “anointed” from high above to serve as a “king” to bring about the “great transfer of wealth” from the wicked to the righteous. Rafael Cruz and his son are Dominionists. They believe America should be governed by their interpretation of Biblical law, and exclusively by those who believe as they do. [Link]


Flip-Flops, Embellishments, and Outright Lies



wrote at the time in the National Review. According to a 2005 Sun-Sentinel report, Cruz once praised Roberts as “one of the best constitutional minds in the country.” With the decisions of the Supremes, Cruz is now back peddling big time on his support of Roberts. [Link]

Link] He has flip flopped and lied about where he really stands on amnesty. [Link] Watch Megyn Kelly question him in the January 28, 2016 debate sans Donald Trump. Video Listen to his twisted response.

Two years ago, Cruz proposed amendments to a bill sponsored by four Republican senators—Marco Rubio, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and Jeff Flake—and four Democrats. The bill would have tightened border security and employee screening. But it also would have allowed undocumented immigrants to apply, eventually, for legal status. [Link]

Cruz Lies About Donald Trump




No Senator Cruz, Donald Trump does NOT want Single Payer health care. [Link]

Cruz says Trump will try to take away our second amendment rights, when Trump is one of the strongest proponents of the right to bear arms and he says so in every speech that he has made for years. He and his sons are members of the NRA.

In Iowa, Cruz told thousands of Ben Carson voters that Dr. Carson had left the race and to instead vote for Ted Cruz. He apologized when the race was over. He stated he was repeating what CNN had said, but they never said Carson was dropping out. 

Likewise, his fraudulent voter violation forms sent to Iowa voters.

Link] Sorry Cruz, wrong again, Trump said he’d sign a bill to defund Planned Parenthood. [Link]

Watch this Trump interview with Oprah from 25 years ago. And yes, Trump has changed parties from Democrat to Independent to Republican. 


Axiom Strategies and has worked on a host of congressional races. The normally combative Roe had ducked interview requests from The Star, The St. Louis Post-DispatchTalking Points MemoMother Jones and other media until the spring of 2015, when he was announced as a top advisor to Ted Cruz. Why? Because a radio ad that made fun of Missouri Auditor, Tom Schweich was the final straw that caused Schweich to commit suicide. The auditor was considered rather fragile, but the cruel radio ad put him over the edge. Here is a copy of the despicable ad run by Roe for Schweich’s opponent in the Missouri Governor’s race.

Jeff Roe



The best way to stop the Jeff Roe tactics is to do as others have done and vote against the politicians who use them.

Marco Rubio, the Aspen Institute, and the CFR

Caricature by DonkeyHotey

Marco Rubio Affiliations

The Aspen Institute is sort of an American Bilderberger Group. In addition to the globalist Aspen and Brookings Institutes, there are a staggering number of private groups that shape and command American policy, including the CFR, and Trilateral Commission, etc. Nearly every elected official is influenced by them, and this includes Marco Rubio. The Aspen Institute is largely funded by one world government foundations such as the Carnegie Corporation, The Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Ford Foundation, none of whom have freedom and liberty as their top priorities.

Scroll down in the article to see the list of names including Marco Rubio, along with the photo of Rubio as Aspen Inst. Rodel fellow. [Link]

Link] Sure doesn’t make me feel warm and cozy. And there you have Marco Rubio…

Marco Rubio and the CFR

American Conservative believes Rubio’s speech was pretty lame, but you can decide for yourself. He stated that America’s role in the world is as a security guarantor. Rubio also claimed as president, he would “use the American power to oppose any violations of international waters, airspace, cyberspace, or outer space. This includes the economic disruption caused when one country invades another, as well as the chaos caused by disruptions in chokepoints such as the South China Sea or the Strait of Hormuz.”

Rubio-Schumer Gang of Eight amnesty billlikely would not have passed the Senate had Rubio not been such a prolific supporter. [Link], [Link] He’s now waffling on the fact that he is a great supporter of illegal aliens gaining citizenship.


Rubio has been one of the most ardent champions for increasing Muslim migration. The U.S. has admitted roughly 1.5 million migrants from Muslim countries since 9/11 on a permanent lifetime basis. Yet Rubio has sought to grow that number vastly. In 2015, Rubio introduced an immigration bill which would have allowed for an unlimited increase in Muslim migration. [Link]


Yep, it was Marco Rubio!

The entire purpose of fast-track is for Congress to surrender its power to the Executive for six years. Legislative concessions include: control over the content of legislation, the power to fully consider that legislation on the floor, the power to keep debate open until Senate cloture is invoked, and the constitutional requirement that treaties receive a two-thirds vote. Legislation cannot even be amended.

By contrast, without fast-track, Congress retains all of its legislative powers, individual members retain all of their procedural tools, and every single line, jot, and tittle of trade text is publicly available before any congressional action is taken. [Link]

When Rubio served as speaker in the Florida House, he stopped bills from coming to the floor that would have deported illegal immigrants in state prisons and that would have denied food stamps to illegal immigrants.

He even stopped a bipartisan proposal that would have allowed the deportation of about 5,000 illegal immigrants in Florida prisons, provided they had served half their sentence and agreed to be deported. Similar legislation saved $141 million and $13 million in prison costs in New York and Arizona.

Watch Rubio Back Cap and Trade:

That outrageous $1.1 Trillion Omnibus Bill funds the most horrendous programs, which also locks in huge spending increases!

remember Kathryn Steinle)
 funds all refugee programs
 funds illegal alien resettlement
 quadruples H-2B foreign worker visas
 funds the release of criminal aliens
 funds tax credits for illegal aliens, and much more

Political Influence

While the Majority Whip of Florida House, Rubio used his official position to urge state regulators to grant a real estate license to his brother-in-law, a convicted cocaine trafficker who had been released from prison 20 months earlier, according to records obtained by The Washington Post. [Link]


Anchor baby, Marco Rubio armed Benghazi rebels

Senator Jacob Howardwho introduced the 14th Amendment’s citizenship clause, said its grant of citizenship would not include persons born in the United States who are foreigners or aliens.

The Record Rubio Wants Forgotten

Arming Libyan Rebels

celebrated with the rebels they helped to arm, just a year before these rebels attacked the embassy in Benghazi. We know the rest of the story.

Rubio and H-1B Visas

Link] Moore says Trump is the only one who is standing up to bullies. Dena Moore never realized the laws which were being passed bringing in low wage foreigners to replace American’s jobs.

In 2015, Rubio introduced a bill to triple the number of H-1B visas. This bill—known as the I-Squared bill— was endorsed by Disney CEO, Bob Iger, via his immigration lobbying firm. Disney is also one of Sen. Rubio’s biggest financial boosters– having donated more than $2 million according to Open Secrets.

Donald Trump has taken the opposite stand, exposing what Rubio has done to American workers and calling on Disney to rehire the Americans.

Rubio Loves Amnesty

To win in the 2010 Tea Party Wave, Rubio ran as the anti-amnesty candidate despite an aggressive pro-amnesty record. Politico reports:

Gang of Eight” bill which was amnesty on steroids. It wasn’t surprising, and every single Democrat and liberal in Congress voted for it. However, if the Florida voters had been listening closely prior to electing Marco, they’d have heard him slamming Arizona’s SB 1070 anti-amnesty bill of 2010. Rubio actually likened the bill to creating a “police state.”

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)

Chris Crane is ICE Council President, he is a former Marine, and has served with ICE for 13 years. In a recent Breitbart article, Crane tells of his dealings with Gang of Eight, Rubio. Crane was actually ejected from a Gang of Eight press conference, where he tried to ask questions.

He was integral in stopping this legislation from passing, and Sen. Jeff Sessions says it was a near miss.

The Gang of Eight reached out to big business and amnesty lobbyists in writing this horrendous bill, but never reached out to law enforcement. Crane said he never called on law enforcement personnel to tell what is needed and what they go through day after day.

Finally Crane was allowed to meet with Rubio and told him the changes which needed to be made, and Rubio stated he would make those changes. Not one of the changes suggested by law enforcement made it into the bill before Rubio introduced it.

Much more happened when Officer Crane tried to ask questions of the Gang of Eight, at a press conference, and was booed down by pro-amnesty people and ushered out by law enforcement with nary a word from Rubio or any of the other politicians.

But Sen. Rubio and the Gang of Eight gave ICE no additional resources. Why? Because they don’t want interior enforcement. Or I should say the Chamber of Commerce and other special interests involved in writing Sen. Rubio’s bill don’t want interior enforcement.

Last year, ICE was ranked 314th—or dead last— in morale among 314 federal agencies surveyed by the Office of Personnel Management. Survey data for this year indicates morale at ICE continued to drop this year, even though ICE ranked 318 out of 320 agencies surveyed.

ICE is literally crumbling from within, but efforts by Sen. Rubio and the Gang of Eight were clearly more focused on legalizing criminals than assisting this agency in turmoil.


Donald J. Trump, born in the USA

my latest article, was published by I’ve received permission from three people to use their letters to me. I think you’ll enjoy them.

Natural Born Citizen

has agreed to hear a lawsuit on Senator Ted Cruz’s eligibility for president. This virtually ensures that the issue will dominate the news in the run-up in the South Carolina primary.

The best thing that could happen, is that the court would receive copies of Emer de Vattel’s The Law of Nations. I wish someone would get a copy to Mr. Trump as well. Retired attorney, and Constitutional expert, Publius Huldah, has given us a superb explanation of “Natural Born Citizen.” It is only 12 minutes long and describes the law perfectly. Watch it here

Again, I wish Mr. Trump could listen to this. Remember, the bottom line for eligibility to run for President or Vice President is that you must be born of two American citizen parents. 

Trump Loves Veterans, and Veterans Love Trump

From the Honorable Allen B. Clark, Lay Minister to Veterans, came a lovely compliment and a heart wrenching note. 

Allen Clark has written two books, Valor in Vietnam, and Wounded Soldier, Healing Warrior. He also has two websites, and Check them out, they look terrific!

The War We Fight

Pocket Resource for Christians, Rattlesnake Road, Exiled: The Story of John Lathrop 1584-1653, and Namesake: Seeking the Living Christ

The Great and Abominable Church of the Devil by H. Verlan Andersen), ‘God may judge all men by their political beliefs.’ The author goes on to say that ‘our political philosophy is a reliable measure of [our] moral character.’ The book does not have to do with any organized religion, but everything to do with freedom vs. slavery and how good people get duped into buying into the lies. The author is dead now, but he would be firmly against the NWO which is anti-Christian, anti-freedom, anti-family, anti-Constitution, and pro-communism, pro-world rule, and pro-controlling the people and denying them liberty.”


When folks like Dennis Kelly, Allen Clark, and Helene Holt write to me, it keeps me doing what I do. It fills me with hope to know that so many, besides these three, support and love Donald Trump, and that he is filling a void, and he resonates with so very many Americans.

It also makes me weep to know there are so many wonderful Americans just like me. I received many letters in response to the article, SC GOP Leader Says Trump Has Supernatural Power Behind Him, and all but one were very positive about Donald Trump.

S.C. GOP leader says Trump has supernatural power behind him

The State Chairman of the South Carolina GOP, Matt Moore, was on Fox News this morning, February 17, 2016.

Why The GOP Establishment Hates Donald Trump.

Has God Given Us a Second Chance with Mr. Trump?

See Mr. Trump at a S.C. rally holding up one of my articles a few days ago.

Jonah and Nineveh

They tried to bring the ship to shore, but could not, so they threw Jonah into the sea. Immediately the storm stopped. Jonah was swallowed by a great fish and was in the belly of the beast for three days and three nights.


So, Matt Moore, GOP leader of South Carolina believes Trump has a supernatural power behind him, and I believe that supernatural power is the Lord God who is hearing our prayers for our country. I believe we have a hope for our country in Mr. Trump. God can use whom He chooses to use to answer our prayers. We have an opportunity, a last chance before total destruction, to save our country from disaster, and God has chosen Donald Trump as the vessel who can save us.

Yes, Supernatural powers are behind Trump, as well as the American people who are for the first time in decades, hearing the voice who resonates with them. 

Two super pacs – one unauthorized and one out to destroy Trump

James Monroe, speech in the Virginia Ratifying Convention, 1788

according to USA Today.

So when I received a TrumPac notice in my email, I was suspicious. So was the cyber friend who sent it to me.

Who is TrumPac?

Amy Kremer

Kremer speaking at the 2011 Conservative Political Action Conference

Amy Kremer was originally with Tea Party Patriots(TPP), initially organized by FreedomWorks, which was headed by amnesty loving Dick Armey. The two controlling entities of TPP were Mark Meckler and Jenny Beth Martin. Martin still controls TPP, but the infamous Meckler left to become involved in promoting a Constitutional Convention. TPP was infiltrated and neutralized by the neo-cons of the Republican party from the very beginning.

Americans For Prosperity (AFP), another very leftist group posing as conservatives. AFP also funds Constitution Convention promoting American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).

gay marriage and stem-cell research. Doesn’t sound very conservative, does he?!

Kremer states the following on the TrumPac website blog

This is a blog about Donald Trump and specifically about his campaign to be the next President of the United States of America.

Whether he will make good on this ambition remains to be seen but he’s off to an excellent, if a little controversial start.

This blog will consist of reports on Donald Trump and some of his opponents, both Republican and Democrat.

It is not an “official” Trump report.

It is not vetted by or financially supported by Donald Trump.

It is not vetted by or financially supported by his family.

It is not vetted by or financially supported by his election organization or any of his staff.

It reflects my personal take on things, sometimes complimentary and sometimes critical.

Also I should declare that I am not, never have been, nor do I ever want to be for that matter, a member of the Republican or Democratic Parties.

The Trump Report could be a very short blog, if Donald Trump is not selected as the GOP’s presidential candidate.

On the other hand it could be a much longer one, if he is selected, or runs as a third candidate.

If he goes and gets himself elected President then who knows.

If you like what you read please follow The Trump Report, tell you friends and colleagues and lets (sic) try to generate enough traffic to make it all worthwhile.

Kremer sounds like the establishment republicans in these statements. Trump has filled a vast void that is now being filled with truth for the first time in many decades. This is why he resonates with the people. Controversial? Yes, I guess the truth has become controversial in America with establishment GOP, DNC and MSM, but not with the grassroots Americans. 

Anti-Trump Super PAC

Super PAC Against Trump: “If It Bleeds, We Can Kill It.” If you missed it, it’s very short, succinct and to the point. Basically a well-funded super PAC has been set up to run negative ads against the GOP frontrunner, Donald Trump. The “Our Principle Super PAC” is run by Katie Packer, Mitt Romney’s deputy campaign manager. She is supported by a number of GOP leftists, including Willard Romney and John McCain. A Republican run Super PAC just for the sole purpose of taking down another Republican.

Yes, the establishment GOP would rather hand the country over to the corruption of Hillary Clinton or the communism of Bernie Sanders, than win an election with an outsider. One need only watch the numerous GOP debates to see the establishment bias against Trump, if not by the questions and moderators, by stacking the audience with lobbyists for the establishment candidates. My God America! Wake up! This is why we need Mr. Trump as President of the United States!

Surprisingly, someone from Fox actually gets it. Fox host, Eric Bolling, has a message for all the anti-Trump ‘elites’ out there after seeing them endlessly attack and go after Trump.

“Look, establishment, if you truly care about America as I do, Trump’s not your problem. Liberals and socialists are. Why not use that Super PAC money to expose the dark underbelly of liberal politics?”

Watch the video.

Proof: Jeb Bush under eminent domain took a diabled veteran’s property

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” -Joseph Goebbels

A false witness shall not be unpunished, and [he that] speaketh lies shall not escape. -Proverbs 19:5

Bashing Trump with Eminent Domain

Jeb should have his name legally changed to Hypocrite Bush. 

During the pre-New Hampshire ABC GOP presidential debate, Bush slammed Donald Trump on eminent domain. He was playing to a clearly hostile anti-Trump crowd, knowing that the Trump supporters only received 20 tickets for the debate. Jeb used eminent domain as a club to bash The Donald, citing a decades-old case of an elderly Atlantic City lady who refused to sell her property to Trump, which he wanted for a parking lot. Atlantic City condemned her property, trying to force her to sell, she challenged the condemnation in court and won. Trump quickly abandoned the idea in favor of more willing neighbors who sold their property to Trump for his parking lot, and he paid them quite well for their properties. 

As Florida Governor, Jeb Bush loved eminent domain and practiced it.

Jeb Bush and Jesse Hardy

Governor Jeb Bush authorized the State Department of Environmental Protection to begin eminent domain proceedings against an elderly man who just wanted to keep his land. 


phone, a satellite dish. He had solar panels on the roof and a big generator out back. 

Jesse was a businessman, he ran a limestone quarry on his property that generated considerable revenue. His land, he said, was his life. Jesse Hardy fed bread to the fish in one of the stocked ponds on his land. The ponds were a byproduct of his limestone mining operation.

In 1995, the niece of a family friend gave birth to a premature boy with severe medical problems. Tara Hilton, age 43, and little Tommy had nowhere to go. So they moved in with Hardy, who raised the boy as his son.

Like Tommy, the fish thrived, and Hardy and Hilton said they hatched bigger plans to dig four 20-acre lakes for recreational and commercial use.

Jesse in front of his stocked pond

Then Naples started growing, and encroaching, as the everglades to the east became drier. 

(President Bill Clinton and Gov. Jeb Bush met in the Oval Office on Dec. 11, 2000, to launch a $7.8 billion effort to revive the Florida Everglades.)

Hardy paid $60,000 for his 160 acres, valued for tax purposes in 2000, at $860,000. The state offered him $711,725 in 2002. He said no. It offered him $1.2-million in 2003. He said no. $1.5-million? No. $4.5-million? No. No. No.

Hardy settled.

his website

When Jeb was governor of Florida, he ordered backyard citrus trees to all be destroyed without compensation to residents, because of an outbreak of citrus canker disease. This was the largest private property confiscation via eminent domain in the State of Florida. [Link]

He not only ordered seizures by force, but it was Bush himself who refused to reimburse the residents for the property he unlawfully ordered to be removed and destroyed. 

Bush’s action is now costing the State of Florida hundreds of millions in lawsuits and legal fees. A south Florida jury has ordered the State of Florida to pay $11.5 million as compensation to 58,225 residents of Broward County. Similar class-action lawsuits took place in Miami-Dade, Palm Beach, Lee, and Orange Counties. The Palm Beach verdict came in at an estimated $16.1 million reimbursement. [Link]

Bush Family Used Eminent Domain

Pensito Review regarding the shenanigans pulled by George W. The article states, “This is exactly the sort of gambit used by former Illinois governor Otto Kerner, who was convicted of tax fraud as a result.” [Link]


Voter fraud? Thank Howard Baker

vote fraud as well, mostly on the Democratic side, but questions have arisen.

title was, “Ted Cruz Says Voters Don’t Want Attacks—Then Takes Aim at Donald Trump.” 

It appears that the GOPe wants Rubio as president, but when Trump jumped into the fray, this created a big block of votes, and the GOPe felt it had to be split. They seem to feel they need to keep Ted in the race for now to hold down the Trump coalition. 

Plans to Derail Trump

The Conservative Treehouse documents in detail how the GOPe plan was working as predicted, and how Mr. Trump has thrown a wrench into all their plans. The establishment had to modify everything they were doing when The Donald showed up. Levin, Limbaugh, Beck, Barton, Fox News, and the rest of them are all in on it. With Rand Paul and Santorum dropping out, weight will be thrown behind Cruz first, and then Rubio.

gang of eight” anchor baby Rubio, shows how the GOPe is working hard to oust the one who is not part of their globalist cabal. Oh yes, and Rubio endorsed Mitch McConnell for re-election.

Link] Fox News’ Vice President, Bill Sammon’s daughter, Brooke, is Marco Rubio’s national Press Secretary.

Gang of Eight

Conservative Tree Housetells what Ted Cruz is now doing in South Carolina. One of their readers sent in this information:

“I live in SC, and I received a call from TPC Polling – a push poll against Trump.

The last two questions came after I identified Trump as my candidate. They (recording) asked something about how Trump wanted to work with Putin, and “was that a good idea”?

Then they asked the slanderous question, saying that Trump wants to close veteran-owned small businesses because they made the neighborhood look bad, and does that make me very angry, a little angry, or not angry at all.

After that, the call disconnected.

It would appear Senator Ted Cruz’s campaign is picking up in South Carolina right where his campaign left off in Iowa – same tactics

Conservative Tree House has stated that it is not Kellyanne Conway’s organization. Her organization was not responsible for this push poll. There is another organization called Target Point Consulting, but we’re not sure they were the push poll organization either. Our apologies to Kellyanne’s organization.

If you read my last article, you understand why the New York Times Co. v. Sullivan Supreme Court decision allows media and public figures to get away with these types of lies, especially when Trump supports the veterans and has for decades. 

Lack of Discernment

Republican Howard Baker and Vote Fraud

Link] Suspect? I think so. In today’s world, there are no coincidences.

There is ample proof that twelve Indiana counties have more registered voters than residents. This is also the case in many counties in Ohio. Across the country, there are at least 160 counties spread over nineteen states that have more registered voters than residents.


Most aware Americans know about these breaches, only because of the diligent work of volunteers eager to help the RNC fight back. Since 1982, the RNC has been quiet, but they too are culpable. Their goal is to always elect one of their own establishment hacks.

This agreement between Baker and Byrd came about because Democrats in New Jersey, arguably one of the most corrupt states in America, complained that Republicans had been investigating voter fraud in predominantly minority districts. Among the specific charges was that off-duty police officers posted themselves at polling places to help insure voting integrity. [Link]

The GOP sellout started a long, long time ago. 


Voter fraud exists because fawned over, traitorous, Tennessee Senator Howard Baker, sold out the party and the American people. The only way we can counter it is to be precinct workers and watch everything very closely.

Donald Trump has a huge fight on his hands. He needs to come out with both barrels blazing now because the Cruz fanatics will use any subversive and underhanded tactic they can to get the votes.

There is only one hope, and anyone with any discernment and ability to research and read, knows it is the true outsider, businessman, Donald Trump.

GOP debate audience stacked with Bush supporters

A Class Act

People often mistake Donald Trump’s self-confidence for arrogance or even narcissism. But there is not a narcissist on the planet who would have put themselves into a position like Trump did to assist a competing colleague at the latest debate. 

The other names continued to be called, and proceeded as mentioned. But not Donald Trump, he remained with his friend thereby reducing the internal anxiety felt by Dr. Carson. 

Then, like a boss, when Dr. Carson was called to the stage, Trump waited and allowed Ben to get the audience response and appreciation. It takes a lot of courage to make split second decisions like this, and it shows a remarkable insight into the man’s character.

Make sure you check out The Classiest Debate Moment That No-One Noticed – Never Leave A Good Man Down… This shows the real Mr. Trump, a class act, unlike the rest of the candidates who just walked on by Dr. Carson. Make sure you watch the videos too.

The Stacked Bush Audience

If you watched the February 6th debates, you noticed it was another stacked deck against Trump. This time however, it was far more subtle than it has ever been on Faux News. According to Gateway Pundit, only 20 tickets were sold to Trump supporters. The rest of the audience appeared to be Bush supporters. 

Business Insider reported:

Frontrunner, Donald Trump confronted a Republican debate audience who repeatedly booed him during an exchange with former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush: 

The audience loudly booed Trump, driving the back-and-forth off the rails. Trump said audience members were all members of the Republican establishment.

The booing continued. Trump said he was self-funding his campaign, so Republican donors weren’t a fan of his candidacy.

“The reason they’re not loving me is I don’t want their money.

Trump was right.

The audience was stacked against the GOP frontrunner.

Trump’s close associate Roger Stone tweeted out that the Trump camp was only given 20 tickets by the GOP!

Jeb Bush Attack

Trump who saved a Georgia family farm, is going to oust a homeowner who doesn’t want to sell? The town tried to condemn her property and take it, but she won the court case and kept her home.

Agenda 21 destroys private property ownership, and the Ford Foundation’s New States Constitution, waiting in the wings to replace our 1787 Constitution, does the same thing.


ABC News anchor David Muir and ABC News chief global affairs correspondent Martha Raddatz were moderators. Additional questions were posed by WMUR political director, Josh McElveen, and conservative blogger, Mary Katharine Ham. The questions were not targeted to destroy a particular candidate as they were in the previous Fox News debates, but the audience was definitely stacked against Trump.

Was it stacked? You bet it was! For Jeb Bush! Nevertheless, Trump came off looking Presidential and answering the questions with perfect aplomb and skill. He was calm, deliberate, and had brilliant answers ready for every subject matter questioned. 

Despite the audience being very light on Trump supporters, purposefully only 20, I believe this was one of the better debates so far. If you missed it, you can read the transcript here.

Cruz and Rubio Should Bow Out

Vattel’s The Law of Nations, which defines “natural born citizen” from Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution. There were three copies of The Law of Nations at the 1787 Convention for the very purpose of defining “natural born citizen.”

Proof That Ted Cruz did Not Become an American Citizen at Birth, brings up some valid points.

Marco Rubio is an anchor baby and is not eligible. Despite being born in America, his parents were both Cuban citizens at the time of his birth.

The truth of the Constitution is this. To be eligible to run for President or Vice President in America, you must be born to two American citizen parents. Here again are two great articles on this very subject. 

The Elephant in the Constitution that No One References When Dealing with the Natural Born Citizen Issue.

More War With Cruz and Rubio

Foreign Policy Advisors

Several of the Republicans are using the same foreign policy advisors as Hillary Clinton. What’s the difference between Hillary Clinton and globalists like Cruz and Marco Rubio?

Beacon Global was founded in 2013 by former senior officials from the State Department, Department of Defense, and Central Intelligence Agency, and has more than a dozen clients, primarily defense contractors, according to Defense News.

here, and note the last paragraph:

Beacon Global Strategies’ seed funding came from Claude Fontheim, a former Clinton adviser who now serves as a lobbyist to the U.S.-China Exchange Foundation, a nonprofit reportedly used by Chinese government officials and Hong Kong tycoons to shape American policy toward China.


Despite the manipulation of every single debate to destroy Donald Trump, the support for his candidacy keeps growing. He is beholden to none of the groups the globalists are funded by. The people know, and the people want him. The only way this man will not win the nomination, and then presidency, is through fraud and corruption by the Republican party and the phony conservatives who so many people put their faith in falsely. 

And guess what? All the polls still show that Trump won this debate too. [Link]

Supreme Court ruled media can lie with impunity

“The difference between a politician and a statesman is that a politician thinks about the next election while the statesman think about the next generation.” — James Freeman Clarke

“Our leaders know we’re turning into a giant ghetto and they are taking every last hubcap they can get their hands on before the rest of us wake up and realize what’s happened.” — Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone (Goldman Sachs)

certain conservative circles, (those who signed onto National Reviews’ ‘Against Trump’) that Donald Trump does next to nothing to help veterans. It turns out Trump has been generous with veterans over the past decades–all it takes is a little more research than those with an ax to grind seem willing to do.

UPI reported in 1995 how Trump was credited with ‘saving’ the New York Veterans Day Parade. The parade that year was marking the fiftieth anniversary of the end of World War II. A 1995 video report archived by Getty Images features Trump speaking about the parade.

Donald Trump with wife Melania and sons Eric and Donald, Jr. Trump holds the Phelps Award as 2008 Honoree of the Year by the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Plaza.

Trump said, “The fact is you have a group of people that has been so tremendous for this country and they’ve been forgotten. And I think that tomorrow they’re going to be remembered.”

This was not Trump’s first time supporting the New York Veterans Day Parade. In 1987 Trump gave $1 million to help the parade when it was in transition, according to a history of the parade reported by Business Insider in 2013. [Link]

candidate. I found it extremely touching. Look at the smile on that veteran’s face!

Why They Can Lie

We can thank the liberal 1964 Warren Supreme Court for a unanimous decision in New York Times Company v. Sullivan. It was argued on January 6-7, 1964, and decided on March 9, 1964. (In a 1962 case, this Court was the one who ruled that religious prayer in public schools was unconstitutional according to the First Amendment principle of church and state.)

The Warren Court


In August 1962, the Alabama Supreme Court upheld the judgment

The oral arguments on the case before the US Supreme Court took place in January 1964.

Mr. M. Roland Nachman was the lawyer for the plaintiff, Mr. Sullivan. His daughter, Linda Connelly said, “Daddy said to his colleagues and family, ‘Either I will win the case or they will change the law of the land.’” The law of the land was changed.

The following few paragraphs tell the story:

First and Fourteenth Amendments in a libel action brought by a public official (Sullivan) against critics (NYT’s) of his official conduct. The decision further held that under the proper safeguards the evidence presented in this case is constitutionally insufficient to support the judgment for Sullivan. 


And just how does one now prove ACTUAL MALICE? 

The Decision:

Thanks to the decision in New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, we now know why they can lie and get away with it.

‘End justifies the means’ and Ted Cruz

The ignorance of one voter in a democracy (Republic) impairs the security of all. —John F. Kennedy

Voting is a right best exercised by people who have taken time to learn about the issues. —Tony Snow

As I mentioned in an earlier article, in 1980, Reagan did not attend the last debate before the Iowa Caucus and he lost to George H.W. Bush. This really shocked the nation. When it came to winning the election, he only lost a few states.

In 1996, Bob Dole won the Iowa Caucus. He won the nomination, but lost the election to Bill Clinton. Remember that was the year of Ross Perot as well.

In 2000, George W. Bush won the Republican Iowa Caucus, and went on to be elected president.

John Kerry won the Iowa Caucus in 2004, and was defeated by George W. Bush.

And of course, in 2012, Rick Santorum won the Iowa Caucus, but again, did not make it to the nomination for Republican President. Instead, Willard Mitt Romney won the nomination and then lost to Obama.

Iowa and New Hampshire

Former Presidents

In the last 40 years, just one person has gone on to win the presidency after losing both Iowa and New Hampshire — Bill Clinton.

Eric Draper/AP 

Then-Texas Gov. George W. Bush spoke in front of a painting of Jesus Christ during a campaign stop in Colfax, Iowa in 2000. Bush is the only Republican to win Iowa since 1976 and become president. 

Republican Nominees

New Hampshire has been better at picking nominees for Republicans. Since 1976 (Gerald Ford won the nomination but lost to Jimmy Carter):

Some Facts

 Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan all lost Iowa but went on to win the presidency.
 Bill Clinton didn’t win either Iowa or New Hampshire in 1992, but was still declared “The Comeback Kid” after his second-place finish in the New Hampshire.
 The person who led the longest in Iowa in the crowded Republican field in 2015, according to the RealClearPolitics average of polls, was … Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker. He led for six months, from February to August, before dropping out because of falling support. Remember when he dropped out, he made the statement that Trump must be defeated.

Praise Jesus then lie like hell

Link] “To have campaigns come out and send emails to their caucus speakers suggesting that Dr. Carson was doing anything but moving forward after tonight is the lowest of low in American politics,” said Carson campaign manager Ed Brookover. [Link]

Check out these cards that were being distributed at caucus locations in Iowa. I think there should be an investigation conducted and the results of the Iowa caucuses declared invalid. Appearances of these cards equates to distribution of campaign materials, since it is clearly an attempt to discredit Trump by showing him associating with the Clintons at his wedding. Not sure who is behind it, Cruz or Rubio, but it is called electioneering to distribute campaign materials at polling places on election day, and it is a major violation of federal election laws.

Globalist Game Plan


I believe with the obvious poll numbers prior to the Iowa Caucus that there is absolutely no way Cruz could have won, nor could Rubio receive the votes he garnered. Many strongly believe that votes were siphoned from Trump and given to Rubio. It has been done before and no one has stopped them.

The Elephant in the Constitution that No One References When Dealing with the Natural Born Citizen Issue.

Pray for our nation, and pray that we do not end up with another globalist in our White House. We need an outsider to try to straighten out this huge myriad of filth that has pervaded our country for dozens of decades.

Did Ted Cruz succeed fooling Iowa voters with his shaming letter?

Link] On Saturday, Paul Pate rebuked Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz’s controversial use of a mailer to encourage turnout at the Feb. 1 caucuses.

Cambridge Analytica Involved?

Mercer alone was the fourth largest individual donor in the 2014 cycle, according to Open Secrets. Mercer is a major financial supporter of the 2016 presidential campaign of Ted Cruz, contributing $11 million to a super PAC associated with the candidate. Cruz used Cambridge Analytica to harvest (I actually hate that word) data on tens of millions of unsuspecting Facebook users. [Link] Researchers at Cambridge University were used to gather detailed psychological profiles about the US electorate using a massive pool of mainly unwitting US Facebook users built with an online survey. [Link]

Ted Cruz’s Iowa Mailers Are More Fraudulent Than Everyone Thinks

She was chairman of the CIA’s advisory board helping the NSA to develop privacy invading spy networks on American citizens after 9/11. Hewlett Packard was the private business that supplied the government with the spy hardware and software. Carly knows everything.

Barack Obama. 

memoirs to hand out to his own staff during his successful 2012 Senate race. Ted Cruz has said, ” There are some in the political world that vilify Barack Obama. Personally, I’ve never been one of them.” [Link]

Cruz, however, was defiant to reporters when asked about the mailer in Sioux City, Iowa, on Saturday night.


Can you imagine if this type of flyer were delivered to BLACKS in the SOUTH? Big Brother is watching how you vote?!?!?!?

This flyer is a threatening and intimidating act!!

Fox News equals democrats in republican drag

If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin. —Samuel Adams

Corruption of the Republican Party

McConnell is trying to fast track authorization to give Obama unlimited war powers. One could write a book just on the things the Republicans have done to help Obama get exactly what he wanted through all these years. I can’t name one thing they’ve stopped. 

Fox, Trump, and the Spin


Roger Ailes

So Ailes is getting a FREE PASS by the controlled press right now, and they are buying into the official “spin” that the Cruz campaign put out immediately after the fiasco happened.

The real story got out at the very beginning and then there was a spin-filled cover-up. Now Cruz is spinning every possible lie about Trump that he can think of to help himself and destroy Mr. Trump. The electorate seems to be getting wise to these deceptions however.

Here is the video where Mr. Trump tells that it is Roger Ailes who has caused the problem:

Bloomberg reported:

Trump isn’t the first top-tier presidential candidate to skip a debate. Ronald Reagan did not attend a Republican debate ahead of the 1980 Iowa caucuses, which he lost to George H.W. Bush. Reagan went on to the win the nomination and the presidency, and won in a landslide. See all those red states?!

Megyn Kelly 

‘Love-Fest’: Megyn Kelly Blasts Donald Trump, Flirts With Michael Moore, author John Nolte tells of the brilliant planning by Donald Trump. He states, “In short: Trump spent a half-year carefully crafting and building the Narrative that Fox News was out to get him, and with one press release, Roger Ailes blundered right into it.”

love-fest.” The article is well worth the read.

Fox Owners Fair and Balanced? Bah Humbug! 


The 60-year-old prince said he had been inspired by the Gates Foundation, set up by Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his wife Melinda in 1997.

Bilderberger Bill Gates and philanthropy? God help us! Gates is all about population reduction, Agenda 21, and eugenics.

Donations to Hillary

Federal Election Commission and Center for Responsive Politicsdata, 21st Century Fox News Corp. has donated more than $3 million to Clinton family accounts. Overall, this lands Fox as the Clinton family’s 9th largest donor. 

Greta Van Susteren Poll

Having spent years in advertising, I certainly can imagine the advertisers complaining when they paid for 24 million viewers, and without Trump will only get 3 or 4 million! That is going to hurt!

The Experienced Businessman

Only a fool would walk into a deliberate ambush. Once again, Mr. Donald Trump demonstrates his superior intellect. Fox News outfoxed themselves by over scheming to entrap Trump, but he proved he knew what they were up to and outfoxed them all.

My cyber friend, Bud, had this to say:

1) do not watch the Faux News debate (destroy their ratings/hit them in the purse),
2) drop all support for Glenn Beck and The Blaze (also hit them in the purse, and
3) make Donald Trump the GOP candidate and the next POTUS!! 

Veteran Event

Huckabee even says Ted Cruz flip-flops on his positions all the time.) Most folks watched on CSpan. Here is the list of organizations who will receive benefits from


These are the people that also own and control the Federal Reserve and all the Western Central Banks that have held our economy hostage to their New World Order Agenda, robbed us of Constitutional Governance, and relegated our children and grandchildren to debt slavery in a quasi-Marxist Poverty State.

The Caucus starts Monday. Go Trump!

Trump will skip Iowa debate on Fox


There is no negotiation. Trump said he most likely will hold a competing event during the debate and give any monies to veterans.

Megyn Kelly Interviews Glenn Beck

Here is a part of that interview. 

Her next guest was a pro-Trump person who was on for five minutes and continually interrupted by Kelly. Fair and balanced my backside!


National Review “Against Trump” garbage lead a debate between you two. Get Real! And all three of these yahoos, Cruz, Beck, and Levin want a Constitutional Convention…birds of a destructive feather flock together. God help us if the good people don’t see through this and wake up, and soon!

Google and Foux Add Three Trump Haters to the Debate

According to an article on Breitbart, Fox News has invited three YouTube personalities to ask questions at the Jan. 28 GOP debate — including a Muslim advocate who describes Donald Trump as a bigot and visually portrayed him as being in agreement with national socialist Adolf Hitler.

Google and Fox announced Tuesday afternoon that an anti-Trump Muslim advocate, Nabela Noor, would be allowed to play a role in the debate. She was apparently chosen by Youtube, with help from the RNC and Fox. African American, Mark Watson, and Latino, Dulce Candy —will also join the moderators in the debate to ask the candidates a question on an issue that matters to them and their communities.

Last August during the first debate, Megyn Kelly made an absolute fool of herself with her rancorous attitude toward Donald Trump. Even the questions were structured to attack the man. Everyone who tuned in to that first debate saw her in action. It has become so obvious that Fox News and Megyn Kelly are the RNC mouthpieces out to destroy Donald Trump.

Pray for Donald Trump and our country.

Establishment piranhas in a feeding frenzy over Trump

Beck, Barton and Cruz

Link] Really Beck? You really believe that?

On January 23, 2016, Breitbart reported that Glenn Beck administered a mock presidential “oath of office” to Senator Ted Cruz as he endorsed him on stage—and Cruz got the oath wrong when he took it. Beck and Barton are in Iowa campaigning for Cruz. The desperation of these people is becoming absolutely comedic. Beck even told the crowd he prefers democratic socialist, Bernie Sanders, over Trump. [Link]

We Are the Lifeboat of The World’: Beck Pleads Cruz Rally To Accept Even ‘Marxist Atheists’ Because ‘They Renew Us‘, reported in Breitbart’s latest article. Really Glenn? Then we should be extremely renewed after seven years of Obama.

Top Glenn Beck Execs Leave to Start New Venture,” it states:

Last year, (2014) Beck tried and failed to strike a deal with CNN. During that time, he attempted to moderate his image for television executives. He apologized for his inflammatory comments about Obama. As Breitbart News noted, Beck started positioning himself toward the political center, bashing Americans who were against illegal immigration during last summer’s border crisis. Trying to distance himself from politics, he also proclaimed on CNN that he would rather be Walt Disney than Edward R. Murrow or Rush Limbaugh.

endorsed Ted Cruz, and Cruz announced it himself.

Cruz, Barton, and Beck are all for a Constitutional Convention, and by now most folks understand there is a very dark purpose in wanting a Con-con. The promoters state that changing the Constitution will make politicians obey it, but in reality changing it will only succeed in destroying the freedoms granted by our founders. Instead, force them to obey what we have, or vote them out! Cruz supporter, Mark Levin wants a Con-con, and the son of his fiancé is a full time staffer for Senator Cruz.

Megyn Kelly, National Review, and Weekly Standard

The hatred for Trump continues from the GOPe at Fox News.

Conservatives Against Trump” article. Kelly had all the political piranhas in a feeding frenzy trying to destroy Mr. Trump. 

William F. Buckley, Pied Piper for the Establishment, by John McManus, documents everything I’ve stated, as well as referencing the sources. Today, Rich Lowry is the editor of National Review. He was appointed by Buckley in 1992.

The Weekly Standard is edited by founder, Bilderberger William Kristol, and sidekick, Fred Barnes. It has never been profitable, but has stayed in circulation by its benefactor, CFR member, Rupert Murdoch, owner of Fox News, and WSJ.

Megyn Kelly first showed Sarah Palin endorsing Mr. Trump. By the way, Willie Robertson of Duck Dynasty has also endorsed Donald Trump. As well, Michelle Wiles – one of the Palmetto State’s most influential conservative activists – is leaving the South Carolina leadership team of Ted Cruz and joining the campaign of Donald Trump. [Link]


Reminder – Donald Trump’s 2016 NRO Critics Were President Obama’s 2009 Fan-Boys…, it states:


Since June ’15, on almost every issue those same pundits have now openly aligned themselves with GOPe agenda items like global trade, tax policy, big government spending, and advocacy to including advancement of Speaker Paul ‘Omnibus’ Ryan.

However, a sharp reader, DrudgeAddict, smartly points out these same voices were the exact group who gathered together in an exclusive meeting with President Obama in 2009 to sing his praises after the ’08 election. Including :

 George Will
 Michael Barone
 David Brooks
 Charles Krauthammer
 Bill Kristol
 Lawrence Kudlow
 Rich Lowry
 Peggy Noonan

The post-meeting/dinner report in The New Yorker Magazine holds the quotes told by the glowing participants of their time with President Obama. Check it out! 


Libertarian David Boaz who also writes for National Review
 L. Brent Bozell III, owns Media Research Center, his wife is the sister of William F. Buckley, and he too writes for National Review. He claims he is not a Republican.
 Mona Charen former regular commentator on CNN and author for National Review.
 Ben Domenech who blogs for editor Erick Erickson’s Red State, also writes for National Review.
 Erick Erickson, Red State, was also a commentator on CNN, and left to become a commentator on Fox News.
 Steven Hayward, writes for Weekly Standard, National Review, NY Times, Los Angeles Daily News, Cleveland Plain Dealer, etc.
 Mark Helprin, Council on Foreign Relations member, writes for The New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the Atlantic Monthly, the NewCriterion, the National Review, and American Heritage.
 Bilderberger Bill Kristol, son of Trotskyite Irving Kristol.
 Yuval Levin, The New Republic has dubbed Levin “the right’s new Irving Kristol, God help us, just what we need, another Trotskyite (slow Marxist). Levin writes for National Review and Weekly Standard.
 Blaze employee Dana Loesch, Blaze is owned by Glenn Beck.
 Andrew McCarthy, another columnist for National Review.
 Club for Growth‘s David McIntosh who backs Cruz because both are for open borders, which Ted needs as president to pass the North American Union, which his wife helped to write at the Council on Foreign Relations.
 Michael Medved, radio host, commentator.
 Edwin Meese III, member of secretive Council for National Policy and sits on the board of controlled opposition, Heritage Foundation.
 Russell Moore of the Manhattan Declaration led by CFR member and UNESCO promoter Robert George, communitarian.
 Michael Mukasey who has advised the Jeb Bush campaign, was US Attorney General for George W. Bush 2007-2009.
 Katie Pavlich, National Review Washington fellow, writes for Townhall, Fox News contributor.
 John Podhoretz, contributes to National Review and Weekly Standard
 R.R. Reno, editor of First Things
 Thomas Sowell who, in his 20s was a Marxist. Sadly, Tom is like the rest of them.
 and USA Today columnist and Fox News contributor, Cal Thomas.

Note, most of the signees are contributors to National Review or Fox News. 

Who is Climbing in Bed With Whom?

Brilliant researcher, writer, and expert on heretical doctrines, Sarah Leslie, tells it plainly:

The Neo-Cons really didn’t control the Charismatic Dominionists — until now. The Neo-Cons had to make inroads into the Charismatics, some of which were impassable due to the insular nature of the elites in the New Apostolic Reformation. And part of the problem, frankly, is that the Neo-Cons are hardened rational atheist type MEN. They really didn’t appeal to the touchy-feely experientialism of the Charismatics. 

But the mainstreaming that we’ve been warning about on the Herescope blog is finally happening. The Neo Cons are a nasty group with a bad agenda, and they tend to alienate everyone by their excessive controlling agendas. They share a common mandate with Dominionists to rule the world. 

Many on the Religious Right do not like the Neo-Cons — there is a long history of dislike. So Trump seems to be currently appealing to a group of people who are not beholden to the Neo-Cons, may have had no previous experience with them, or who may be the ones who have a long history of warning about their agenda. 

The fact that the Neo-Cons are now going to bed with Bickle, Beck, and Cruz is a scary development. Neither group tolerates anything but 100% compliance with their message and mandate.


Remember, a false friend is far more dangerous than an open enemy. This is what we have today and frankly, it gives me the willies. 

Vote Trump, and pray for him and our country.

Rafael Cruz declares son Ted ‘the anointed one’

But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, evendenying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. -2 Peter 2:1

Yugo, and make them think they bought a Cadillac. However, Ted wasn’t so slick in college, where his roommate, Craig Mazin, now a successful screenwriter, tells what people thought of Ted back then. Mazin called Ted a creepy, greasy 18 year old. Obviously, between then and now, Ted Cruz has polished his act.

Drop Dead Ted.”

Ted Gives Carly Fiorina $500,000

Keep the Promise I ($11 million PAC, June) was funded mostly by donor, Robert Mercer, owner of Cambridge Analytica. It was Cruz’s Keep the Promise I PAC that gave Carly Fiorina $500,000. Did Cruz PAC give Carly $500,000 to help his data mining agenda with Cambridge Analytica which creates psychometric dossiers on American citizens? Cruz Partners with Donors ‘Psychographic’ Firm.

She was chairman of the CIA’s advisory board helping the NSA to develop privacy invading spy networks on American citizens after 9/11. Hewlett Packard was the private business that supplied the government with the spy hardware and software. Carly knows everything.

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

As Ted Cruz tells it, the story of how he financed his upstart campaign for the U.S. Senate four years ago is an endearing example of loyalty and shared sacrifice between a married couple. “Sweetheart, I’d like us to liquidate our entire net worth, liquid net worth, and put it into the campaign,” he says he told his wife, Heidi, who readily agreed. [Link] But it was a lie.

revealed that Ted Cruz and his wife secured a significantly large loan from Mrs. Cruz’s employer and Wall Street financial giant Goldman Sachs to fund Ted’s Senate campaign. Likely aware that even Texas voters would see the hypocrisy in taking Wall Street money while criticizing Wall Street, Cruz failed to disclose that loan and one from Citibank as required in his campaign finance reports. [Link

This picture appeared in the Cleveland Plain Dealer on Sunday, January 17th.

Cruz is Left of Center


ESEA and end federal involvement in education. S. 306 does the opposite and creates a NEW entitlement and tightens the noose on home and private schooled students.


 Ted Cruz is pushing UN AGENDA 21 New World Order goals, This one is called the WILDLANDS PROJECT! He is coming in through a partial truth in the back of your heart – that states want their federal confiscated lands returned. He then is on your side. Then he says – states have to maintain these and if they can’t THEY CAN SELL THEM. So the land will be sold to foreign entities for minerals and logging etc. We the people lose our resources and our land. This is all part of the Wildlands Project to aggregate the land into NWO globalists hands and steal it from the people. [Link


Huffington Post.

 What is more than interesting is the Ted Cruz fund raiser by Mary Matalin and James Carville at their home in New Orleans. [Link]

Link] Cruz will be very beholden to Dominionist Farris, especially since Farris has endorsed him. [Link]

 Senator Cruz is just another puppet of the establishment. What do you really expect from a Bush lawyer and advisor with a Goldman Sachs/Council on Foreign Relations Bush advisor wife, who just so happened to co-write the CFR’s blueprint for the North American Union? This man even argued in his own amicus brief to the Supreme Court that assault weapons bans in certain states are “reasonable regulations” for crying out loud.

Rafael Cruz

Link] In fact, Cuban peers dispute Rafael’s story of fighting for Castro. [Link]

Purifying Fire Ministries was founded by Suzanne Hinn, ex-wife and then wife again of Trinity Broadcasting Network televangelist, Benny Hinn. (Watch Suzanne Hinn preach about the Holy Ghost Enema). Hinn is a preacher of the Prosperity Gospel (also known as Word of Faith), a false teaching that Christians can receive massive amounts of wealth, physical healing from illness, beauty, fame, miracles, and financial prosperity by “sowing a seed” or sending money to Hinn’s ministry. 

New Apostolic Reform, (NAR) or Dominionism



Phony Christian Right

Paul Weyrich, the grand poobah of the secretive Council for National Policy, first president of the Heritage Foundation (controlled opposition), head of Free Congress Foundation, and founder of American Legislative Exchange Council

New Apostolic Reformation. That movement is really a rebranding of what we know as the “Religious Right,” as they were called in the days of Reagan, but with a 21st century dominionist twist. Rafael was a member of the Religious Roundtable in the 1980s, an activist group of Christians who were committed to engagement in politics. Ed McAteer was head of the Roundtable, and he and many other Dominionists signed the notorious Coalition on Revival manifesto. [Link]

Rafael boasts in the following interview of serving on the state board of that organization as well as stating that God has his son, Ted, destined for greatness:

Iowa Renewal Project — David Lane. Lane’s project is heavily funded by Don Wildmon’s Dominionist organization, American Family Association. Another pastor laying hands on Senator Cruz was David Barton, former vice chairman of the Texas GOP, who is a very close friend of Ted Cruz. [Link]


 Ted Cruz, Dominionism and Jesus
 Crazy Ted Cruz
 Rafael Cruz Declares Son Ted Cruz ‘The Anointed One’
 Why Walid Shoebat is Against Ted Cruz


If you are unsure what Christian Dominion Theology is, but would not wish to live in a modern theocracy complete with the death penalty for LGBT persons, stoning of heretics, adulterers and the like, then you need to read up on the belief system here: Dominion Theology.

Ted Cruz needs a constitutional convention to pass the nAU

For all his allure as an outsider, Canada-born Ted Cruz is in fact an insider playing a role similar to the one Barack Obama played back in 2008 when his handlers portrayed him as the hope and change candidate out of nowhere. Ted Cruz set out to be an elitist from the very beginning. 


LinkedIn profile. She also served as an economic advisor for the Bush administration. In 2011, a Cruz campaign spokesman portrayed Heidi as “an expert on North American trade,” in other words she is savvy when it comes to globalist transnational trade deals like NAFTA, the single most destructive government move against the American worker in history. Remember Heidi Cruz is also a co-author of the North American Union which totally destroys American sovereignty, and she spent five years at the CFR drafting the NAU. Link Want to hear a bunch of bunk from Ted Cruz about his wife’s involvement with the CFR when he was running for the Senate? Watch the below video:

Gay Marriage

In June, 2015, Ted Cruz promised on NPR that opposition to gay marriage would be “front and center” in his 2016 campaign. In July, Cruz called the decision from the Supreme Court, “the very definition of tyranny.” 

However, in December, it turns out that in a closed door fund-raiser, Cruz assured attendees that overturning gay marriage wouldn’t be among his top priorities as President. In this Politico article, you can listen to the secret tape from a New York fundraiser.


When it comes to immigration, Cruz has had a hard-line response, until it looked like the political winds were shifting in favor of legalization, and a pathway to legal status for immigrants already within the country. On Fox News, in 2013, he changed his stance to earnestly support that legal pathway. The original video was scrubbed from the internet. However, watch this recent interview with Bret Baier asking Cruz about his flip flopping stances on amnesty.

CfG spent $3.3 million on attack ads against Donald Trump because he refused to donate $1 million to them, and for good reason. 

In fact, for every hard line in the sand that Cruz has said he won’t cross, he’s gleefully stepped over when the politics of the moment called for it. Defunding Planned Parenthood? Not so much now. Repealing Obamacare? It’s the law of the land. Stopping the Iran deal? The deal got done. The list of hard stances Cruz has earnestly taken and subsequently abandoned goes on and on, just as he earnestly supports everything that he’s saying at that very moment. Like Machine Gun bacon, which still isn’t a thing in Texas.

If you need any further convincing of the scale of Cruz’s ego, you only have to check out the over 15 hours of B-Roll footage his campaign has made available on Youtube. The part where his mom gives him an epic eye-roll when he claims she spends hours a day in prayer over him is the best.

Another example of the legendary scale of Cruz’s ego, shortly after an inappropriate cartoon lampooning Ted Cruz for trotting out his young daughters as political props was published, he sent out an email decrying the attack against his family and asked for more money to help defend his kids.

Ted Cruz Wants a Con-Con

Facebook page and wrote, “Mark’s book sparks an important discussion about how to fix the problems that face our Republic.” As well, check out Ted’s article in the National Review where he promotes a Convention.

AMAC, which is heavily advertised by neo-con, Laura Ingraham. [Link] Many believe these people and organizations are true Conservatives. Some may be misguided, but I highly doubt it.

North American Union would be yet another collective regional government, a new North American Soviet, that would clearly be the enemy of United States sovereignty.

If you do not understand the dangers of a Constitutional Convention today, with all the leftists in power on both sides of the aisle, and the faux conservatives pushing this destruction, then please avail yourself of the many articles on same by Publius Huldah, the John Birch SocietyPhyllis Schlafly, and many others, including the Father of our Constitution, James Madison.

Woolsey was a national security specialist and former Director of the CIA under the Clinton administration. He heads up many Neoconservative groups including being the Chairman of the Foundation for Defence of Democracies, and Founding Member of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

More than just academic advocacy of the military-industrial complex and the global deployment of American troops to force democracy on the world, Woolsey has no problem putting the noose around those who act against the growth of the government.

In a December 2013 interview with Fox News, Woolsey made the following shocking statement when asked about NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: “I think giving him amnesty is idiotic,” Woolsey said. “He should be prosecuted for treason. If convicted by a jury of his peers, he should be hanged by his neck until he is dead.” [Link]

That’s not just think-tank rhetoric, that’s reign-of-terror-type talk.

The Partnership for a Secure America Discusses Climate Change on Capitol Hill

In This Photo: Wayne Gilchrest, James Woolsey

Former CIA Director James Woolsey (L) and former U.S. Rep. Wayne Gilchrest (R-MD) discuss climate change during a briefing on Capitol Hill in February of 2013 in Washington, D.C. The briefing was hosted by the Partnership for a Secure America to discuss a letter signed by 35 national security experts on the threat of climate change. (Note the leftists on the advisory board of PSA)

Ted Cruz’s choice of Elliot Abrams to help craft his foreign policy is disappointing. Like his colleagues on Cruz’s council, Abrams is a leader in the neocon world, and he is a leader of what is perhaps the most powerful and pernicious group in the neocon network: the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

Elliott Abrams, Speaking at CPAC, Feb., 2012

While the CFR is the most notorious of the associations of Abrams, it isn’t the only one. He is also a member (or former member) of the Center for Security Policy, Hudson Institute, National Endowment for Democracy, and many more.

It is likely that it is because of the membership of Abrams in the CFR that George W. Bush chose him to be his deputy national security adviser for Global Democratic Strategy, and that Ted Cruz has chosen to follow his advice on questions of foreign policy. Remember Iran-Contra? Abrams was pardoned for his involvement in same by George H.W. Bush.

In fact, it is probably the experience of all these people that compelled Ted Cruz to choose them to be his closest advisors. 

check out this article by Coach Collins. All the data is available at

Ted Cruz, David Barton and Sharia Law


A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. -James 1:8

It is unfortunate that Christians have so little discernment, or even the desire to research the presidential candidates, and they continue to believe everything they spew. Sadly, this is why our country has ended up in such a disastrous state. Truly, the church is a very big part of the problem. 

Cruz Donors

Cruz Donors Accused of Money Laundering, Helping Tax Cheats, Pro-Amnesty Revisionist History,” Collins lists the nefarious donors to Cruz’s campaign and what they might want in return. Then he lists the sources for each of the donors. There is quite an amazing array of globalists who are behind Ted Cruz and buying his favors. Also see, In Accepting Campaign Cash, Cruz is Just Like Everyone Else, Which is Exactly the Problem

Cruz on Trade Agreements

Cruz undoubtedly agrees with his friend, Henry Kissinger, on trade. (Kissinger was also part of the NAU Task Force like wife Heidi). On January 24, 2015, Cruz said that he is for “fast tracking” trade agreements and supports Obama doing same. Apparently Cruz cares little about American jobs, and even less about American sovereignty, but of course, this was before he decided to run for President. 

Obviously Mr. Cruz has not seen the decimation of ranchers, family farms, and manufacturing in America since the passing of NAFTA! The loss of middle class jobs is astronomical. And our trade deficit tells a whole different story than Cruz tells.

The entire purpose of fast-track is for Congress to surrender its power to the Executive for six years. Legislative concessions include: control over the content of legislation, the power to fully consider that legislation on the floor, the power to keep debate open until Senate cloture is invoked, and the constitutional requirement that treaties receive a two-thirds vote. Legislation cannot even be amended.

By contrast, without fast-track, Congress retains all of its legislative powers, individual members retain all of their procedural tools, and every single line, jot, and tittle of trade text is publicly available before any congressional action is taken. [Link]

Once Cruz decided he was running for president and found out that the American people did not even want this horrid new trade deal, he backtracked on everything and actually voted against fast tracking. Can you say flip-flop? [Link], [Link], [Link]

In a procedural vote on June 23, the Senate passed fast-track once again, 60-38. More power was handed over to this dictatorial Marxist Muslim in our White House.

The Cruz Family

Link] Ted’s parents were divorced in 1997. [Link]

Cruz and the Phony Religious Right

While at Princeton, Cruz came under the tutelage of Professor Robert George. George is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations who poses as a conservative Christian while serving common core loving, UNESCO, and the CFR’s agenda. He was also a signatory of the Manhattan Declaration. George met regularly with Cruz and advised him on his senior thesis, an analysis of the history and meaning of the 9th and 10th amendments. [Link]

The September 8, 2013 Politico story from Stephanie Simon documented U.S. Senator Ted Cruz’ very close ties to pseudo-historian David Barton (one of the more influential national middle-aged leaders on the Christian right). Let’s take a quick look at David Barton. 

It is important that we understand just exactly what Barton, Rafael Cruz, and other so-called evangelicals who support Ted Cruz, actually believe. Why? Because their doctrine is considered wholly unorthodox, and it is just a bit too close to Islam for me. 


Barton’s endorsement of Cruz was widely seen as a big boost for his upstart campaign to represent Texas in the U.S. Senate. He also campaigned for Florida Senator Marco Rubio in 2010 and has long backed Texas Governor Rick Perry. Perry’s ties to the Dominionist, New Apostolic Reform were evident at his August, 2011 prayer fest, (organized by American Family Association, who are also Dominionists), prior to his announcement as a presidential candidate. [Link

Mr. Barton, whose academic degree is in Christian Education from Oral Roberts University, has been labeled a biased amateur who cherry-picks quotes from history and the Bible. Both secular critics and Christian scholars have denounced Barton as a fraud who manipulates and misrepresents history to serve his political goals. In his book, The Jefferson Lies, he portrayed Jefferson as an orthodox Christian. Barton is considered a fraudulent historian and has been called out by actual conservative Christians. [Link]

In a shocking interview with Jon Stewart, in May of 2011, Barton is totally comfortable with Shariah law and claims it is compatible with our Constitution. (Scroll to 8:20 in the video)

On November, 2013, David Barton sat in for Glenn Beck on his program. He spent the entire hour on the Constitution, and on an Article V call for a convention. Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz are also both supporting a Constitutional Convention.

It is not surprising that David Barton is a Cruz supporter, as he and Ted Cruz’s father, Rafael Cruz, are dominionists who believe in the Seven Mountains mandate. This fits well with both Barton’s and Cruz’s belief systems wherein a Christian theocracy should rule. Here and here are definitions of Dominionism/Reconstructionism (D/R). 

D/Rs wants a theocracy, leaders for America who are Christian Dominionists. They also want a theonomy. Critics see theonomy as a significant form of Dominion theology, which they define as a type of theocracy. Theonomyposits that the Biblical Law is applicable to civil law, and theonomists propose Biblical law as the standard by which the laws of nations may be measured, and to which they ought to be conformed. They also believe in the 613 Old Testament Mosaic Laws, other than a few dietary restrictions. They even believe in Old Testament stoning of law breakers/sinners, which Biblical Israel did very rarely. Reconstructionists provide the most enthusiastic constituency for stoning since the Taliban seized Kabul. Denial of future repentance and faith is quite obvious, which is what both Old and New Testaments teach.

For an overview of what D/R leaders like Dr. Gary North believe and have written, see part 21 of Enemies on the Left, False Friends on the Right.

Pastor Kevin Swanson Wants to Execute Homosexuals

Ted Cruz Will Have to Answer For His Own Rev. Wright, And Dodging the Question Won’t Cut It“…

On Friday, November 6, 2015 Cruz attended a campaign rally in Des Moines, Iowa, hosted by a Colorado pastor who frequently calls for putting gay people to death. The Pastor, Kevin Swanson, is well known for calling for Christians to execute homosexuals just the same as the Islamists do and Hitler’s Nazi Germany did. Pastor Swanson has accused the Catholic Church of wanting to “legitimize” child molestation saying, “The Catholic Church will never be able to legitimize pederasty.”

Cruz knew exactly who Pastor Swanson is and what he is all about, but denied any knowledge of the man’s past statements. Swanson has been calling for the execution of gays since as far back as July of 2012. Just as Westboro Baptist Church members do, Swanson believes, “Christians should hold up signs at gay weddings holding up the Leviticus verse, instructing the faithful to put gays to death because what they do is an abomination.” This is exactly the type of talk we hear from Islamists: “Kill those we don’t like or you are now people we don’t like.” Catholics do not believe in murdering homosexuals so this explains why Pastor Swanson hates the Catholic Church.

Cruz Supporter, Farris Wilks

prominent faith leaders (including David Barton, James Robison, and John Hagee) at the ranch of Texas tycoon, Farris Wilks. Wilks supports most of the phony rightwing groups in the secretive Council for National Policy. Farris and his brother Dan have donated $15 million to a super PAC which supports Cruz. Cameras and recording devices were not allowed at the Wilks ranch when Cruz spoke, so only God and attendees know what was said at the event. However, one might be able to get an idea of how Cruz views God’s role in American politics by reviewing his associations.

False teachers are an abomination and a stench in the nostrils of Jehovah God. They are anathema. They deny the Cross of Christ and repentance.

Beware of Abu Chris Christie

Republican Party who has served as the 55th Governor of New Jersey since January 2010. He is a moderate leftist Republican, not a Constitutional conservative. Christie earned a J.D. at Seton Hall University School of Law. He is married to Mary Pat Foster, who is currently a managing director at the Wall Street investment firm Angelo, Gordon & Co

Governor Christie has not yet declared his candidacy for President in 2016, but said he would announce a decision by late May or early June.

Fort Lee Lane Closure Scandal (Bridgegate)

Mark Sokolich (D) for not endorsing Christie in the 2013 gubernatorial election. [Link

The former Port Authority official who personally oversaw the lane closings at the George Washington Bridge, central to the scandal which swirled around Governor Christie, said that “evidence exists” that the governor knew about the closings when they were happening.


United States Attorney for the District of New Jersey and the New Jersey Legislature are ongoing. 

Beware of Abu Christie


publicly ranted against Jews and in support of funding Hamas, a U.S. government–designated terror organization, and on the eve of his deportation hearing for not hiding an Israeli conviction for membership in Hamas. And, in a June 2007 sermon at the ICPC, Imam Qatanani condemned Christians to “eternal hellfire.” He is an advocate of Islamic blasphemy laws that criminalize criticism of Islam. In addition, Christie designated a top aide, Assistant U.S. Attorney Charles McKenna, to testify as a character witness for Qatanani. 

Investigative journalist, Daniel Greenfield, reports that, “despite the fact that Mohammed Qatanani was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, the organization that is behind both al-Qaeda and Hamas, despite his own guilty plea to being a member of Hamas, and despite the fact that even in the United States, he had defended a charity that provided funds to children of suicide bombers (this is done as an incentive to reassure terrorists that if they die their families will be taken care of), Qatanani was not deported.”

Imam Mohammed Qatanani greets his supporters outside the Peter Rodino Federal Office Building in Newark last June after testifying in his deportation trial. Photo by Walter Ruby

successfully represented Fenton to get his job back.

defendingPalestinian Islamic Jihad operative Sami Al-Arian (his indictment, Mohammed said, was “nothing but a witch-hunt”), and helping Qatanani’s legal defense. Mohammed established himself not just as the Islamists’ lawyer, but as one of them.

Armanious family, Coptic Christians massacred in Jersey City in 2005. A cover-up of the facts in this case is alleged. 

Christie ridiculed the lawmakers, “Sharia law has nothing to do with this appointment of Mohammed at all. It’s crazy. It’s crazy. . . . So, this Sharia law business is crap. It’s just crazy. And I’m tired of dealing with the crazies. I mean, you know, it’s just unnecessary to be accusing this guy of things just because of his religious background.” For this outburst, unsurprisingly, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) thanked and applauded Christie.

Governor Chris Christie attends the Swearing-In Ceremony for Sohail Mohammed as New Jersey Superior Court Judge at the Passaic County Courthouse in Paterson, N.J. on Tuesday, July 26, 2011.

CAIR excoriated many of its critics in its 2013 ‘Islamophobia” report, but the group also had a ‘Best List’ of Muslim-sympathizers which included New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. Here is the full report. Other inductees on the “best list” are Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL), Rais Bhulyan, CNN’s Anderson Cooper, Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-CA), Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), Rep. Yvette Clark (D-NY), Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-LA), Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS), Rep. Laura Richardson (D-CA), Wired magazine’s Spencer Ackerman, and former Congressman Hansen Clarke (D-MI). Notice the rest are all Democrats.

Senator Jeffrey Chiesa

Clarion Project broke the story that four Islamists belong to Attorney General Chiesa’s Muslim Outreach Committee. One member, Imam Mohammad Qatanani, has a long and close relationship with New Jersey Governor Christie.

Imam Mohammad Qatanani, who deportation is sought by the DHS for not disclosing on his green card application that he was arrested and convicted by Israel in 1993, for his involvement with Hamas.

Ahmed Shedeed, a fervent supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood and President of the Islamic Center of Jersey City, a mosque with a history of Islamist leadership. Its website (which was recently removed because of a 2014 fire in the mosque) contained disturbing statements about jihad, the West, wife beating and polygamy.

Imam Abdul Basit of the New Brunswick Islamic Center, a mosque founded by a radical cleric. In July, it held a Brotherhood-linked seminar featuring multiple extremist speakers.

There is far more one could expose regarding Governor Christie, but suffice to say, his snuggling with all the Islamists is enough to eliminate him from the 2016 GOP presidential race.

Kelleigh Nelson Archive 2009 – 2015