Suing Your Schools

by Lee Duigon

June 9, 2022

Why sue your local public school district? That’s what the superintendent of schools in Harrisonburg, VA, is wondering. Like, what’s the matter with you people?

Chuck Schumer once said “The government is the only thing we all belong to.” Apparently the superintendent takes that literally. The schools are government schools, therefore the kiddies belong to the school, not the parents.

At issue in Harrisonburg is the schools’ “model policy” for kow-towing to “transgender,” drawn up and rushed into place by the state Dept. of Education just before Democrats got blown out in last year’s election. The schools are supposed to find out what “gender” a child “identifies” as, and what pronouns the child wants to be addressed by—and then enforce that. (Sorry for all those quotation marks. They’re necessary: ordinary English words take on some rather strange meanings when leftids use them.)

That’s bad enough—but wait, there’s more.

The school policy says that school staff are “not permitted to notify parents” when a child opts for gender confusion and delusion. That’s why parents and some objecting teachers are suing the school district.

Gee, what’s the matter with them? Who told these parents they had rights? Not in Harrisonburg they don’t.

There was another nifty lawsuit shaping up in Kiel, Wisconsin. There, “school officials” decided to *Investigate* three eighth-grade boys for committing “sexual harassment” by… wait for it!… “mispronouning.” Calling a he a she when he’s still a he but wants to be called a she. And so on. “School officials” cite Title IX of federal law as the basis for a full-blown “investigation”.

Oh, those “incorrect pronouns”! Break out the guillotine! Or at least build a couple of prison camps. Have these alleged educators nothing better to do?

Update: we are told the school is dropping its *Investigation*, possibly for fear of a messy lawsuit that will force them to defend, publicly, their inane policy on pronouns.

By all means, sue public school districts for stupid “policies” tantamount to fomenting racial hatred by teaching Critical Race Theory, grooming children for weird sex by promoting it in the lessons, etc. Sometimes a lawsuit convinces them to back off—

But only until the heat dies down. Then they’ll be at it again.

Can anybody reasonably expect teachers’ unions, teachers’ colleges, and nut-job school administrators to change? These people are maniacs. They want to change reality itself. And worst of all, they think they have a right to do it!

If they can’t sell the public on these policies, their fallback position is to practice them secretly: parents are not to be notified. “What’s said in this classroom stays in this classroom!” Parents are an obstacle to Fundamental Transformation, to be either run over or circumvented, tricked, lied to, or intimidated by the FBI. Thou shalt not question public educators. A lawsuit might scare them off, but it won’t change them. They can’t be changed, so they have to be defeated.

King COVID moved tens of thousands of families into homeschooling; but there are still millions of kids in public school classrooms for the educators to play with. The only protest they’ll ever understand is to take millions of children out of public schools and educate them at home. Let’s see how long they can keep their scam going when there’s nobody sitting in the classrooms.

Really, it’s the only way to save our country.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and drop in for a visit—if only because the Far Left Crazy won’t like it if you do. My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Public Education: Grade Students Based on Skin Color

by Lee Duigon

June 2, 2022

What are our public “educators” trying to do to us; and why are we letting them do it?

Parents have been protesting crazy school board policies all throughout the country, but as yet that doesn’t seem to have slowed the bandwagon. They’re angry, but maybe they’re not angry enough.

Let’s say it up front: the only protest the educators will understand is the removal, by their parents, of millions of children from the public schools. The system is broken, powerful teachers’ unions will not allow reform, teachers’ colleges are totally committed to these insane policies, and the local school boards no longer represent the defenseless taxpayers who elected them. Other than that, it’s just fine.

Two more public schooling outrages have made the news this week.

In Fairfax County, Virginia, parents have protested their school board’s new “transgender” policies strenuously enough for the policies to be tabled until mid-June. Why mid-June? That’s when most of the kids will be out of school, many families will be on vacation, and maybe the board thinks that if they wait till then, they’ll get away with it. Maybe a lot of people won’t notice until the new policies have been put in place.

The board wants to come down hard on children who are guilty of “misgendering” or “dead-naming” (calling a tranny by his or her real name instead of any “new name” he or she– that’s the only “genders” that actually exist–might have chosen). An assortment of “disciplinary actions” will be made available—including “possible referral to law enforcement.”

Did you get that? They want to call the cops on children. Like police in Fairfax County don’t have enough to do. Must be nice, living in a county where the police have nothing better to do than arrest children for not playing the transgender game.

Moving on to Chicago, we have high school “officials” planning to implement a new “race-based grading system… to account for skin color or ethnicity of its students”. That’s because “the traditional grading practices perpetuate inequities,” dontcha know.

Non-white students will also get a free pass for cutting class, misbehaving in school, and failing to turn in assignments. This is because black students in these suburban high schools have a 77 percent failure rate. But of course this can easily be fixed just by drastically lowering the standards. It’s going to be called “Transformative Education Professional Development and Grading.” Hot dog.

How do you fix failure? Just call it success! Problem solved!

Gee, anyone would think that school officials believe black students just can’t make the grade.

Where does our next Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, or Ben Carson come from? Honk if your answer is “from the public schools.”

Yeahbut, yeahbut! We’ve got to wipe out racism—with more racism! Racism preached and practiced by “progressives” is so much nicer than any other kind.

These are only two of the countless public school outrages that populate our headlines. By the time you read this, more will have surfaced. We haven’t even mentioned “Critical Race Theory” today. Now they’re all denying that they teach it, but you know how educators lie. All they’ve done is give it new names. “Social and Emotional Learning (SEL),” for one. Hey, it’s “transformative”!

What if we don’t want to be “transformed”? We pay for all this “education,” but we don’t own it. That’s something that very badly needs to be changed.

But the only thing that’ll change it is if we, personally, take responsibility for our children’s education and take it away from Far Left Crazy public schools.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit… before we all get canceled. My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Big Shots with Lame Excuses

by Lee Duigon

May 26, 2022

When you grow up, you’re supposed to grow out of the habit of offering up lame, ridiculous excuses that no one over five years old would ever believe.

Someone forgot to tell our education bigwigs that.

First we saw it from the National School Boards Assn. You’ll remember that the NSBA raised some hackles last year by sending a now-infamous letter to the White House that got the Justice Dept. and the FBI spying on parents as “domestic terrorists.” Well, as bad as that letter was, it seems there were earlier drafts that were even worse. Some of them have been leaked.

How’s this for a mob of school board characters? They actually asked the government to send troops (!) and MPs… to deal with thoroughly unspecified “threats and acts of violence” against school board members, time and place not mentioned. One conjures up images of Khrushchev’s tanks rolling into Budapest in 1956. Really, who do these people think they are? And where do they think they are?

It seems the soldiers and the MPs were wanted to suppress parents’ objections to their children being “taught” Critical Race Theory (“All white people are born racists”) and force-fed transgender propaganda. How could the NSBA tolerate such insubordination? It’s a peasant revolt! Call out the National Guard!

This did not go over big with the American people, so an excuse was needed—and fast. First they tried “The puppy ate my homework,” but that didn’t fly. Then they came up with a winner: “That guy who wanted troops sent in, he was only an interim CEO, he’s gone now and the whole thing was totally his idea, his bad, and the rest of us, we had no idea what he was up to, we had nothing to do with it,” blah-blah. Honk if you believe this.

The very next day, the State Farm Insurance Co. found itself in need of a pathetic lame excuse. The story had gotten out that State Farm had mobilized hundreds of employees to distribute tranny books to schools, community centers, and libraries… targeting children ages five (!) and up. The public didn’t like that at all. State Farm tried to deny it, but there on their Facebook page was a thank-you note from a school in Tacoma.

In record time, they found a scapegoat. It was some “diversity” schnook in their Florida office, “four levels below,” on the organization chart, the Chief Diversity Jidrool in Indiana—all his fault, we had no idea what he was doing! It seems they got a lot of “customer inquiries”—translation, angry people melted down the switchboards—and so they promised not to deliver any more filth to kindergarten kiddies.

Uh, if Little Mr. Nobody in Florida was four levels below Big Mr. Diversity in Indiana, doesn’t that mean that State Farm has at least five levels of Diversity crapola? And which has what, exactly, to do with providing car insurance?

Public schools have emerged as the most convenient venue for groomers. School boards used to be staffed by normal people, insurance companies used to sell insurance, and no one was required to go along with and “affirm and celebrate” anyone else’s absurd delusion.

And full-fledged adults had no need of paltry lame excuses.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link (I should live so long) and drop in for a visit. My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Where’s the Peacemaker?

By Lee Duigon

May 21, 2022

In 1904 Russia and Japan went to war to decide which of them would dominate Manchuria and Korea. It was a punishing conflict, with high casualties on both sides. A Russian fleet sailed virtually around the world, only to be wiped out by the Japanese in the battle of Tsushima Strait.

Japan appeared to be winning; but there were leaders in Tokyo who feared the consequences of a lengthy conflict. Winning now, but losing later.

Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States (just coming into its own as a world power) intervened—not by helping one side against the other, but by inviting both sides to peace talks at Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Japan and Russia both sent delegations, and by the end of the summer of 1905, they had hammered out the Treaty of Portsmouth, ending the war with a peace that both sides were able to keep.

Today we have a shooting war in Europe, Russia having invaded Ukraine. The damage to lives and property has been immense.

But one thing we do not have: a world leader like Roosevelt, of sufficient stature to command respect and of sufficient neutrality to generate trust.

Someone needs to set up a peace table and get Russia and Ukraine into serious peace negotiations—but who? God help us, several irresponsible persons have already speculated on this war going nuclear—a disaster for the whole world. This needs to be avoided.

There is no Theodore Roosevelt on the scene. With SloJo Biden openly siding with Ukraine, with the Senate poised to dole out $40 billion to Ukraine’s war effort, and motormouths like Sean Hannity and others calling for the assassination of Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, America has disqualified herself from any role in mediation. I mean, would you trust any of these idiots to end a war? If you were Putin, would you trust them to be even-handed?

Who can be the mediator? Everybody’s busy choosing sides. Britain, France, Germany—no neutrality there. China? Not likely. It would have to be the leader of a major power: who’s going to listen to the president of Costa Rica? Meanwhile, who has heard from the United Nations? The world’s supposed peacekeeper is out to lunch somewhere. The European Union is compromised, the UN is AWOL, and the war in Ukraine goes on and on. One might fear that it will spiral out of control—although that may already be the case.

Some of us wonder whether the world’s, um, leaders even want peace. Maybe they like having a chaotic mess. “See? We toldja it’s time for global government! This is just gonna get worse and worse until you put us in charge and give us vast new powers!”

Would this war even have started, with Donald Trump still in the White House? The Biden disaster in Afghanistan showed weakness, fecklessness, and incompetence: not the qualities to be sought in any mediator.

It’s not hard to imagine Trump presiding over the peace table—if you can imagine The Regime allowing it under any circumstances. Would Democrats keep any peace that Trump had brokered? That’s where my imagination gives up and goes home.

We do need somebody to do in 2022 what Theodore Roosevelt did in 1905; but today’s world leaders aren’t up to it. A mediator for this war is desperately needed, but no one has come forward. If you were Donald Trump, would you volunteer for the job? But the current state of America’s domestic politics probably makes this impossible.

This is a job that needs doing, and there seems to be nobody here to do it.

The world needs to find someone—and fast.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and drop in for a visit, before the Ministry of Truth prohibits it. My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Toward a World Government Run by Lunatics

by Lee Duigon

May 19, 2022

They want a world government, with themselves in charge. Now they think we’ll give them that in return for, um, “health.” And “safety.” As defined by themselves.

The pot is boiling, the brew is being stirred. Probably by witches. Check out this timetable drawn up by the Council of Europe, an agency of the European Union. The link, by the way, is to the Council’s official website.

*December, 2021: We find a “global accord” on the need for an international “pandemic treaty.”

*March 3, 2022: Council opens negotiations for a treaty “on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response.” Maybe we could prepare by stopping “gain of function” research. But that was not mentioned.

*August 1: A meeting “to discuss progress on a working draft” of such a treaty.

*2023: Submit a report to the World Health Assembly.

*2024: “Adopt the instrument” as a treaty “legally binding under international law.” And Bob’s your uncle.

The treaty will be binding on all countries that sign it. Their own laws will be subordinated to the decisions of whoever is given power to enforce the treaty (unless, of course, China ignores the treaty’s provisions: then they won’t do anything).

First in line to be given that power will be the World Health Organization. Oh, boy. Check out some of this language in the preamble to WHO’s constitution. It’s from WHO’s website.

*”Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Really, it takes one’s breath away.

*”Unequal development” of the world’s nations is “a common danger.” Gotta make ‘em all equally developed. We are not told how that fantasy is to be made a reality.

*”Governments have the responsibility for the health of their peoples…” Since when? And what about bad governments? The ones in which incompetence and corruption are joined together—and the people haven’t got a chance.

And please don’t ask about WHO’s abnormally cozy relationship with the Chinese Communist Party. The Party might wind up calling most of the shots.

This is madness. There is no such thing as “complete physical, mental and social well-being.” Again and again we see this pattern: “Give us all the power and all the money, and we’ll give you paradise on earth!” What kind of lunatic believes that? Who in the world has ever spent a day of life enjoying complete and total well-being? The Great Reset promises us, “You’ll be really happy, and own nothing.” Guess which half of that promise will be kept.

As for “unequal development,” could it be that this occurs because the nations themselves are not equal? The chief cause of national poverty is bad government. That’s why Costa Rica is prosperous and stable while its neighbors are a mess. Look at our own major cities under Democrat control. How come our own country’s cities aren’t equal? How come so many of them have seen better days? How do we spend so much money on inner-city schools and get so little return for it? The colossal big question is “How the dickens do we make all the countries equally developed?”

Well, the only way for all countries to be developed equally is—trumpet fanfare, please!—for a global government to rule over them all. With the World Health Organization in the driver’s seat. So when WHO thinks your country needs another lockdown because somebody got sick, your country gets another lockdown—like it or not.

Providentially, America’s midterm elections will be held this year: we have another chance to beat back the globalists. A thorough wipe-out of the Democrat Party in 2022 might keep us out of WHO’s clutches in 2024.

And we may finally decide to stop paying the United Nations’ bills.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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How Much More ‘Sex Ed’ Can We Stand?

By Lee Duigon

May 12, 2022

We’ve been warning you for years and years that public education’s not your friend, it undermines your family, and it’s poison for your children.

Most people didn’t listen. It was always so convenient just to pack Johnny off to school every weekday and forget about it. That’s what too many of us did.

Mixing children and sex got to be a thing for “educators.” They can’t let it alone. There’s always got to be more. And we ignored it—until King COVID came along, closed the schools, subjected the kids to “remote learning” via their computers… and parents finally saw and heard what these schools were, um, “teaching” their children. The result was a fourfold increase in homeschooling. Nowhere near enough, but you have to start somewhere.

The people of New Jersey are public schooling’s latest victims. They were shocked last week when the state Board of Education suddenly announced a new “comprehensive sex education” curriculum, to go into effect this fall, featuring the usual potpourri of gender identity, sex-change, “gay” relationships, all seasoned with gender-neutral pronouns. Distracted by COVID news, the curriculum changes—by “changes” we mean “making it even more intrusive than it was”—caught the people napping.

Now they’re demanding public hearings and at least a postponement of the launch date. New Jersey Congressman Jeff Van Drew has introduced a bill called “My Child, My Choice” to protect parents’ right to raise their children as they see fit. Gov. Murphy, who was re-elected by a whisker when he expected to win easily, has suggested that he might “entertain” changes to the curriculum if enough parents object.

But we know what they do with our objections, don’t we?

When all is said and done, and all the bullschiff swept away, what is this about but “grooming” children for sexual activity? I see an ideology here: “Abort as many of ‘em as we can—and those who get born anyway, indoctrinate ‘em into transgender!” And the human race skips merrily into self-administered extinction.

They are so hot to trot with this. Parents don’t like it—but my stars, we gave them this power! We’ve let them get away with it for years. They’ve gone way past just getting the camel’s nose into the tent; now they’re pushing the hump and hindquarters.

Do you really, truly, want your 7-year-olds learning all about sex—from strangers trained by Far Left teachers’ unions? Because if that’s what you want… you’re getting it.

There’s always talk about reforming the schools, the school boards, the teachers’ colleges, the curriculum, etc., etc. It’s nothing more than talk. The most we ever get is insincere promises to tone it down. Every benign change we try to make is bitterly contested by the teachers’ unions and the Democrat Party. Any number of state governors and legislatures are trying to drag the schools back to sanity—for which we give them thanks, we do appreciate it—but the public education establishment is rotten to the core. It can’t be fixed. The only way to protect children from indoctrination by the groomers is to pull them out of public school.

Ours is the costliest education system ever in world history. And we who pay for it don’t own it! How unjust is that? When Terry McAuliffe ran for governor of Virginia last year, he said, publicly, that the parents of the students should just butt out—what goes on in the schools, he said, is none of their business. Those comments played a major role in his losing the election; but that he thought he could get away with them shows how profoundly arrogant the educational establishment is. They despise us.

Unionized teachers, with their Far Left Crazy ideology, belong in empty classrooms.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and drop in for a visit… while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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The Evolutionary Fallacy

by Lee Duigon

May 5, 2022

“New! Improved!” How many 1950s TV commercials featured that slogan?

Welcome to the Evolutionary Fallacy, the faith statement that anything “new! Improved!” has just got to be better than anything that’s old—and that the whole universe, minus any divine guidance, is always naturally evolving toward perfection. Always.

This is the straw that stirs the Far Left’s drink. It justifies anything and everything they do, as long as it’s (ahem!) “new.” In fact, the more shockingly new it is, the better they like it.

Here’s some of the new stuff they’ve brought into our schools just recently. Newer and better all the time.

*Portland (Oregon) schools are going to make “period products” available to the kiddies in 500 school restrooms. The new idea is to put dispensers in the boys’ bathrooms—because it’s a new improved idea that boys can have periods, too.

*An elementary school teacher won’t explain why she made a little boy wear a dress. The boy’s grandfather showed up to demand an explanation, but didn’t get one.

*Echoing the defiant declaration of a “teacher” who featured on “Libs of TikTok,” who said “F*** the parents; when you’re here in my classroom, I’m the parents,” the, um, president of the United States, SloJo Biden, proclaimed to a teachers’ union audience, “The kids are yours.”

*An elementary school in Washington, D.C., put on a white-bashing “presentation” called “Fistbook” in which they asked very young children if they had any adult family members who had “racist beliefs.” What the school planned to do with the answers was left unsaid.

See? Our public schools are constantly evolving! Getting better all the time! We’re just too thick to appreciate it.

The Evolutionary Fallacy teaches that sometimes evolution is slower than we’d like it to be. When that happens, Really Smart People can hurry it along with a violent revolution followed by a reign of terror. Honk if you’ve seen that before. The violence is okay because a) really smart and enlightened people are doing it, and b) because it’s only hastening that journey toward perfection. Everything evolves, and we’re just helping it evolve faster. Eventually it will take us to a Great Reset paradise in which we’ll all be deliriously happy and own nothing.

The schools and colleges are the great laboratory of evolution. Here our gurus and sages can try out the new ideas as soon as they pop into their heads. They don’t have to be good ideas—perish the thought!—just new ideas. And when you’re getting at children in grades K-3, who haven’t lived long enough to understand that what you’re saying is pure ca-ca, you can really make progress! By the time they’re old enough for college, you’ve thoroughly washed and baked their brains. And then they’ll be ready to be trained as public school teachers.

The schools can’t do it all alone, but no fear, they get plenty of help from Disney Corp, the American Library Assn., Hollywood, all sorts of woke corporations, and the Democrat Party. In fact, no one is more committed to the Evolutionary Fallacy than today’s Democrat Party. Aren’t they trying to set up a new Bureau of Shutting Down Anything You Say That the Government Doesn’t Like? Hasn’t The Regime pledged its wholehearted support to Trans “R” Us? Haven’t they ruptured our border and all but sent engraved invitations to everyone in the world to swarm into the USA and get free stuff? Talk about new ideas! They’re doubling down on all of it. “Build Back Better!” And the beauty of it is, none of it ever has to be any good. Just new. Fundamental transformation, baby!

These people must be utterly defeated… if our nation is to survive as anything more than just a name on a map.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and drop in for a visit… before we get “evolved” out of existence. My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Are We Winning?

By Lee Duigon

April 28, 2022

With Elon Musk buying Twitter and taking it over, and vowing to restore free speech to that dark corner of the social media, leftids are screaming bloody murder. Why, he might suppress nooze stories! (Please try not to remember that they were the ones who suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop story.) He might favor some political candidates at the expense of others! (Holy cow—really?) We have wailing and gnashing of teeth, and rending of garments.

Since even before the advent of King COVID, Far Left Crazy went into overdrive. One cannot help but wonder if they’re giving in to panic, and pushing their crazy policies as if they have only a short time left in which to impose them on the country. Is there a sense of desperation in the air? A sense of time running out? Like they can feel America slipping through their fingers, just when they thought they had it all sewn up?

So Musk buys Twitter. Lots of screaming and cursing. Rats fleeing the sinking ship. But it’s not the only thing that’s scared them silly. There’s more, much more.

“Libs of TikTok”—before the Left could shut it down—exposing a host of freaky weird public school “teachers” bragging about how they talk sex in their elementary school classrooms: and some of them have been suspended, they’re out. A judge blocks The Regime’s plan to lift “Title 42” and open our country’s borders for an even bigger surge of illegal immigrants, many of them diseased.

Secret “transition closets” in schools all over the country, encouraging children to “change their gender” while keeping it a secret from their parents—exposed! The mighty Disney Corp smacked down by the state of Florida, after having defied a new state law against grooming children for sex. And CNN+ canceled before it lasted a month.

Exxon bans Black Lives Matter and “Pride” flags being flown outside their offices. And look at that—one state after another banning the teaching of Critical Race Theory (all white people are congenital racists, and all non-whites helplessly “oppressed”) in their public schools, and parents thronging school board meetings to demand an end to various abuses labeled “education”—despite The Regime’s Justice Dept. branding them as “terrorists.”

That’s an awful lot of pushback; and more could be added to the list. There’s almost too much to keep track of.

What does it mean?

Are we winning, and don’t yet know it?

Every bit of this Far Left Crazy country-wrecking has the blessing and support of the Democrat Party… and come November, we’ll have our midterm elections. Barring cheating, always a concern, it looks like the whole smorgasbord of rampant inflation, COVID lockdowns, insane spending, a ruptured border, city crime rates shooting through the ceiling, blatant race hustling, etc., etc., will result in an epic defeat of the Democrats.

This is our generation’s Yorktown. Either we win and save our republic, and put the whole Woke misenterprise out of business, or they win and put America out of business. I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that the voters of America are the only thing that stands between liberty and a disastrous attempt to set up a global government. If we fall, who will stand?

How much of the Far Left’s armor of lies can Elon Musk tear off Twitter? They’re already howling about their leading commenters losing thousands of followers each, forgetting that a vast number of those followers aren’t real people but only robots, plugged in to make the Far Left look much more popular and powerful than it really is. What kind of example will this set?

If God is good to us, and we are good to God, we may live to see the whole Woke-globalist behemoth go belly-up and die.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit (sorry, no bots allowed). My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Replacing God

by Lee Duigon

April 21, 2022

Trust the New York Times—once Josef Stalin’s cheerleader—to mark a major religious holiday by dumping on it. Something about Easter causes them to gnash their teeth.

So on Easter weekend they published an op ed, “In This Time of War, I Propose We Give Up God.” Not that God does not exist; He does. But He’s such a meanie!

So we shouldn’t worship God because this guy doesn’t like Him. But we immediately run into a problem. If not God, then whom or what should we worship? I mean, we’re giving up God’s promise of eternal life, hope, forgiveness of sins, and rejecting truth.

Say it ain’t so! Okay—it ain’t so. We don’t have to give up those good things. We can still have them.

Truth? We don’t need God’s word for that. We can get all the truth we’ll ever need from our public schools and colleges, and our nooze and entertainment media. Who needs Isaiah when you’ve got the New York Times? To say nothing of Gender Studies, Queer Fat Studies, and Study Studies. And what about all that truth we get from movies? And popular music?

What about hope? How quickly we forget! We had a president who gave us Hope And Change—two for the price of one. And we could have him back almost instantaneously: just amend the Constitution overnight—you could make it a mandate—and bring back Mr. Hope And Change for a third term, starting now. He’s gotta be good for another twenty years, at least.

And of course we’ve got a whole two houses of Congress full of hope-givers. What hope have they ever been too bashful to offer to us? Is there anything wonderful that they haven’t promised us? It’s not their fault we haven’t given them enough power, haven’t paid high enough taxes, to enable them to keep their promises. Give it a chance!

Forgiveness of sins, and redemption… come on, now—social media can take care of that. If they can cancel you, then surely they can un-cancel you as well. Today you’re a sinner who refused to use preferred pronouns. But tomorrow you can be all right again, if Twitter and TikTok and FaceBook say you are. You may have to grovel a little, but that’s just entertainment.

As for eternal life—well, the transhumanist crowd is working on it as we speak. You don’t think the likes of Zuckerberg, Gates, and Soros want to die, do you? Heck no. Their plan is to live forever: all they have to do is get the Science right. We’re not talkin’ about a brain in a jar. No one that wealthy will ever have to settle for that. We’re talking sleek new bodies, scientifically grown in a culture medium (or else borrowed from some young, healthy individual who doesn’t need it anymore, heh-heh) and hi tech-modified so it can do amazing things that their original bodies never could. Really—imagine another 700 years for George Soros. Who knows what he might achieve in so much time?

Indeed, with politicians and corporate honchos, celebrities and pop stars living virtually forever… we’ll have new gods! And plenty of ‘em, too. We might have to amend the Constitution again so Hope And Change can be president forever. Imagine the wisdom of a 500-year-old Miley Cyrus. Hot dog!

You can see, can’t you, that the New York Times isn’t just totally full of Schiff after all. Everything God can do, Science and Money—our current gods—can do. They may not do it for everybody—that kind of technology can be expensive—but what us common folk can’t be, we can still worship.

I think this is going to give me nightmares.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit, while you’re still in the body you were born with. My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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How Much More ‘Sex Ed’ Will People Tolerate?

By Lee Duigon

April 14, 2022

We’ve been warning you for years and years that public education’s not your friend, it undermines your family, and it’s poison for your children.

Most people didn’t listen. It was always so convenient just to pack Johnny off to school every weekday and forget about it. That’s what too many of us did.

Mixing children and sex got to be a thing for “educators.” They can’t let it alone. There’s always got to be more. And we ignored it—until King COVID came along, closed the schools, subjected the kids to “remote learning” via their computers… and parents finally saw and heard what these schools were, um, “teaching” their children. The result was a fourfold increase in homeschooling. Nowhere near enough, but you have to start somewhere.

The people of New Jersey are public schooling’s latest victims. They were shocked last week when the state Board of Education suddenly announced a new “comprehensive sex education” curriculum, to go into effect this fall, featuring the usual potpourri of gender identity, sex-change, “gay” relationships, all seasoned with gender-neutral pronouns. Distracted by COVID news, the curriculum changes—by “changes” we mean “making it even more intrusive than it was”—caught the people napping.

Now they’re demanding public hearings and at least a postponement of the launch date. New Jersey Congressman Jeff Van Drew has introduced a bill called “My Child, My Choice” to protect parents’ right to raise their children as they see fit. Gov. Murphy, who was re-elected by a whisker when he expected to win easily, has suggested that he might “entertain” changes to the curriculum if enough parents object.

But we know what they do with our objections, don’t we?

When all is said and done, and all the bullschiff swept away, what is this about but “grooming” children for sexual activity? I see an ideology here: “Abort as many of ‘em as we can—and those who get born anyway, indoctrinate ‘em into transgender!” And the human race skips merrily into self-administered extinction.

They are so hot to trot with this. Parents don’t like it—but my stars, we gave them this power! We’ve let them get away with it for years. They’ve gone way past just getting the camel’s nose into the tent; now they’re pushing the hump and hindquarters.

Do you really, truly, want your 7-year-olds learning all about sex—from strangers trained by Far Left teachers’ unions? Because if that’s what you want… you’re getting it.

There’s always talk about reforming the schools, the school boards, the teachers’ colleges, the curriculum, etc., etc. It’s nothing more than talk. The most we ever get is insincere promises to tone it down. Every benign change we try to make is bitterly contested by the teachers’ unions and the Democrat Party. Any number of state governors and legislatures are trying to drag the schools back to sanity—for which we give them thanks, we do appreciate it—but the public education establishment is rotten to the core. It can’t be fixed. The only way to protect children from indoctrination by the groomers is to pull them out of public school.

Ours is the costliest education system ever in world history. And we who pay for it don’t own it! How unjust is that? When Terry McAuliffe ran for governor of Virginia last year, he said, publicly, that the parents of the students should just butt out—what goes on in the schools, he said, is none of their business. Those comments played a major role in his losing the election; but that he thought he could get away with them shows how profoundly arrogant the educational establishment is. They despise us.

Unionized teachers, with their Far Left Crazy ideology, belong in empty classrooms.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and drop in for a visit… while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Do We Still Need the Consent of the Governed?

By Lee Duigon

April 7, 2022

Has “consent of the governed” become a mere luxury, no longer required to keep a regime in power?

Has public support for party, policy, and candidates become completely unnecessary? How about public approval? Is that now irrelevant, too?

Democrats are acting like the answer to those questions is Yes.

Here’s a scenario that’s being increasingly bandied about.

SloJo Biden has become radioactive. He’s polling around 38-40% approval, and I suspect it’s worse than that. Democrats have every right to expect to be slaughtered in this year’s midterm elections, and it’s widely perceived to be his fault. Well, they have to blame it on somebody, don’t they?

So Joe must go—and that means President Kamala Whatsername, whose polls are even worse than his. Democrats don’t seem to care about that. Who needs public approval anymore? Maybe they can coax Joe into retirement with a boxcar-load of money and blanket pardons for his whole family. Failing that, maybe he can expire peacefully in his sleep, having accidentally smothered himself under a pillow.

President Kamala then appoints two-time loser Hillary Clinton, the most corrupt woman in the world, vice president. The next step is to persuade Kamala to resign—maybe appoint her to the Supreme Court, where she can mindlessly cackle for the rest of her life. However they manage it, Kamala’s gone. And Hillary becomes our president, side-stepping election altogether. After the voting public has already rejected her twice.

As long ago as 2017, Rob “Meat-head” Reiner and some other Hollywood jidrools were yammering about the need to “invalidate” the election of Donald Trump and “install Hillary” so she can “take over.” They seemed to think they were living in Bolivia or some other Third World shambles.

They did it, though—got rid of Trump. And that was their green light to cut the Keystone Pipeline and destroy our country’s energy independence, rupture our southern border, appoint men who say they’re women to high public office, and spend the country into an inflationary spiral that just might finish off our economy once and for all. Can this much damage by caused by mere incompetence, or is it purposeful? Oh! And don’t forget that fiasco in Afghanistan. If any of this fallen world’s bad actors are still afraid of us after that, they need assertiveness training. Vladimir Putin picked up on it right away.

In all of this, the Democrat Party behaves as if public support for its policies has become utterly irrelevant. It’s as if they think they just don’t need it anymore. Is this just hubris, or have they got some cunning plan that we’ll only know about after it’s too late?

Meanwhile, they’ve criminalized the FBI, put babbling morons in charge of our military, further corrupted an already depraved nooze media (I really didn’t think that was possible, but I was wrong—it was), and obliged corrupt school boards by spying on and branding as “domestic terrorists” any parent who speaks out against what the teachers’ unions are doing to our children. Is there any villainy they haven’t yet stooped to?

But you can do all these things and more, once you’re convinced you no longer need the consent of the governed. “Peasants you are, and peasants you shall be—shut up and pay your taxes! And you’d better be nice, or we’ll lay another lockdown on you.”

This is very weird politics, unprecedented in American history.

Well, we’ll know the game is on as soon as our Free & Independent Nooze Media Inc. suddenly begin to discover hidden depths of wisdom in Kamala. When that happens, we’ll know we’re in the crosshairs.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit before they cancel us all. My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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‘Educating’ Ourselves to Death

by Lee Duigon

March 31, 2022

“Our education system sucks” used to be one of those things you just said, not quite meaning it—usually adding, “Yeah, but our schools are still okay!”

But now it’s a thing that’s literally true, and dangerous. You can’t spend billions and billions of dollars, year after year after year, pumping children’s heads full of garbage—can’t do that without winding up with a garbage country. That’s what we’re doing; and not just us, but countries all over the world.

I used to say you could report on a new “education” outrage every day. But there are whole websites devoted to reporting them (Campus Reform, College Fix, et al), one example after another filling up the page: it’s more than one a day.

Here are a couple of examples.

First, from New Zealand (we are not alone): a celebrated Queer Fat Studies professor recently died at 42. Her mission in life, as she put it, was “tearing down white supremacy with my fat fingers.” She herself was white, of course. It’s always white leftids who say this. She described herself as a “fatlicious feminist” dedicated to “glorifying obesity.” The world’s “educators” are always glorifying aberrant, self-destructive behaviors. Eventually they’ll get around to glorifying smoking.

How much tuition money do you have to pay to get a degree in Queer Fat Studies? What doors will that open for you? How will your work in this field—I can hardly believe I wrote that—benefit society?

Second, here at home in Austin, Texas—don’t be thinking your schools are okay because you live in a Red state—a public school held a “Pride Week,” complete with a “pride march” held indoors so people wouldn’t see it. This instruction was given to four-year-olds—along with admonitions not to tell their parents. What you hear in the classroom, kiddies, stays in the classroom. Your parents mustn’t know.

Can you believe they got away with that, even in Austin? “Don’t let your parents find out what we’re teaching you!”

Complete the sentence in 25 words or less and win a tin foil hat: “I let my children be ‘taught’ by these wastes of space because _____.” We’d all love to see the answers.

Third, from Colorado: the Cherry Creek school district has decided to do away with valedictorian honors… because “learning is not a competition”. Heaven forbid that they should reward excellence, or even acknowledge it. Class rank will also be abolished. This will prepare students for an adult world in which everyone is absolutely equal, there is no competition anywhere, for anything, and everybody gets the same reward. Now all they have to do is find such a world.

We could do this all day and not run out of examples. I won’t even discuss the intramural punch-out staged by the Flint, Michigan, school board over who would get to control $150 million (!?) in “COVID aid” doled out to the school district by the government. If you can’t make it to tonight’s pro wrestling matches, try the school board meeting. But it would be depressing to wade into that.

Why, why, why do we continue to send our children to the public schools? We’ve got homeschooling, neighborhood teaching co-ops, Christian schools—what alternative isn’t better than the public schools? And the colleges and looniversities are even worse.

People forget that public education wasn’t even invented until well into the 19th century. How did we get by without it? But we did, though, didn’t we?

We can surely do it again. And we had better. There’s only so much folly a civilization can tolerate before it falls.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and drop in for a visit, just to annoy progressives. My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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A New Low: A Substitute Teacher Masturbating in Front of Class

by Lee Duigon

March 24, 2022

I encountered two nooze stories last week that practically knocked me out of my chair.

Our culture is in trouble.

The first bomb came from Nutley, New Jersey, a high-end town—or so we thought. A substitute teacher was arrested for masturbating in front of a high school class. Hard to imagine, isn’t it? But actually it gets harder.

This was his second offense! He was already being “investigated” for having done the same thing, a month and a half before, in a middle school classroom. One wonders how difficult this must have been to “investigate,” given a whole classroom full of witnesses. But thanks to politically powerful teachers’ unions, it’s almost impossible to fire a teacher… even if it’s only a sub, apparently. So while the “investigation” was going on, the school district gave this kook another teaching gig. This time he had to be arrested.

True, the standards aren’t high. If you can fog a mirror, you can substitute-teach—as long as the police aren’t already chasing you. But it’s really, really hard to imagine something like this really happening. Well, heck—Jeffrey Toobin did it on the air. In front of a camera.

As if it weren’t already bad enough that public schools have teachers teaching Critical Race Theory and transgender propaganda, they had to throw this into the mix? Why do parents still send their kids to public schools? Search me.

Then there was the other incident, this one from Portland, Oregon. We should probably expect this kind of thing from Portland; but we don’t.

Here a children’s hospital is teaching little boys to “tuck”—that is, “moving the penis, testicles, or both out of the way” to make the genital area look flat. They’re concentrating on little boys, but “people of all genders can tuck.” All genders—as if there were any more than two.

They grant you that taping one’s organs “out of the way” can leave you open to some pain when you peel the tape off to go to the bathroom. But they have other ways of meeting your “tucking needs.” (Okay, I’m sorry for these grotesque descriptions. But they’re the hospital administration’s words, not mine.)

I have never known anyone who had “tucking needs.” If you’re a child who’s so alienated from your own body parts that you have to pretend you don’t have them, you need heavy-duty help. You don’t need medical personnel teaching you how to cater to your delusion. Is this drag queen stuff, or what? Why are they doing this?

What do they have to do, to wake us up? Eat the children? How many would they have to consume in a week before the American people got rid of public education?

Because, you see, there’s no saving it. It’s too far gone. Every day there’s a new outrage. Oh, we could mobilize and elect a lot of sane and decent people to our boards of education; but that wouldn’t stop the teachers’ colleges from turning out weirdos; nor would it deter the state’s professional “education” theorists from brewing crackbrained schemes to use the schools to fundamentally transform America into a socialist hell-hole. I remember when school boards used to represent their communities and did it as best as they knew how. But now they sic the FBI on you and label you a domestic terrorist if you complain about their cooking.

There are many alternatives now to public schooling—homeschool, Christian school, neighborhood homeschooling co-ops—and they’re all better and safer than the public schools.

And if your little boy has tucking needs, you probably need help, too.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit, while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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My ‘Bell Mountain’ Books

by Lee Duigon

March 17, 2022

What would happen if a piece of highly advanced technology, still intact, were to fall into the hands of people living a thousand years after the civilization that produced that technology was utterly destroyed?

That’s the question posed in my book, “The Witch Box,” No. 15 in my “Bell Mountain” series, the book which I just finished writing a few days ago. No. 14, “Behold!,” is awaiting publication.

The world’s on fire, and I’m writing fantasy novels? We labor under the chaos of a Biden presidency, and I’m writing these?

Well, yeah.

I do have some readers who say “Enough already! Write something else!” But I also have readers who want more and more of it. Children and adults alike. And I still like writing them, so why not?

I can always turn to the nooze if I want discouragement. I turn to fiction when I want escape. Relief. Whether it’s a J.R.R. Tolkien fantasy, an Agatha Christie mystery, or a historical novel by Sir Walter Scott, novels take me out of Camp COVID and show me something better. I can also find escape in chess, Pogo games on my computer, and movies; but the escape provided by a compelling novel is even better. It’s a more intense experience, with so much more scope for the imagination. And if you say you don’t need escape, I won’t believe you.

Writing fantasy also gives me a way of approaching “big issues” from an entirely new perspective. All sorts of questions can be addressed in a novel. How are we to try to do God’s will? How do we cope with a crisis? What is the role of government? How do ordinary people wind up doing extraordinary things? There’s nothing in real life that can’t be seen and pondered in a novel.

Of course we can have all this by reading history—and hopefully learn from it. We read of things that really happened, and the real people who made them happen, and why other things that should have happened, didn’t. The Bell Mountain books are a history of things that never happened, in an imaginary world. You can also say they’re book-length parables. And parables don’t have to be factual to be true.

Behind all the books in the series is the premise that once upon a time, long ago, the nations of the imaginary world became estranged from God, committed evil acts that earned His wrath, and were destroyed, God having turned them back to where they were a thousand years before. The story itself is set a thousand years after the destruction and tells of a mighty effort, initiated by two children, to repair man’s broken relationship with God—who now shakes the world so that the things that cannot be shaken, remain. And are at long last seen and recognized for what they are.

I can’t do this all in one book. It may be imaginary history, but all the same it never stops: until the very end, there’s always more.

Unlike most fantasies, Bell Mountain does without the services of super-heroes, sorcerers, invincible female warriors who excel at jumpin’, spinnin’ kicks, brawny barbarians with insatiable sexual appetites, etc., etc. The characters are ordinary people, men, women, and children, who must do the best they can in highly extraordinary situations. Sometimes their best is not enough. But sometimes it’s better than they ever dreamed was possible.

So I’m going to keep on writing these for as long as God gives me stuff to write about. As series go, I’m never going to catch up with HerculePoirot, Tarzan, or Inspector Napoleon Bonaparte, Australia’s greatest bush detective. I won’t be here long enough to read everything I want as often as I want. Even as these other authors’ series have delighted and inspired me for years and years, so I hope to do the same.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Drop in for a visit, and click “Books” for descriptions of all my Bell Mountain books published so far. My work can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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New Names for Old S***

by Lee Duigon

March 11, 2022

Leftids get away with all kinds of mischief simply by diddling around with the language. Words like “justice” and “love” and “smart” get twisted around into strange new meanings concealed from the rest of us. They find it necessary to do this as camouflage for outrageous Far Left policies that would otherwise rile the taxpayers.

The Oregon legislature, for instance, is about to enact into law a bill that recasts blatant racism as a “public health crisis”. It would be just plain ugly “racism” if we did anything like this; but when they do it, it’s “public health.”

They want to spend several million dollars on “mobile health units” that would serve “priority populations”—that is, everyone but whites. White people are explicitly excluded—unless, of course, they are LGBT. The units would serve specific populations based solely on race.

You’d think that would plainly violate any number of federal civil rights laws—but who cares about “law” anymore? Law is passe. If you’re running a government and you want to do something, you just do it. Invade another country, hand down a “mandate” that trumps the laws (was I allowed to use that word, “trumps”?), or sign an executive order that’ll stand for years before it makes its way to a court that shoots it down.

We got a taste of this in 2020 when the Thousand Nitwits at the CDC defended widespread rioting as an exercise in “social justice” meant to counter, ahem, “systemic racism,” which they declared a much more pressing problem than any little COVID pandemic. As long as you were part of a riot, you didn’t have to bother with masks and social distancing. Now the state of Oregon wants to make it official: stark racial favoritism.

Then there’s “stakeholder capitalism,” which had another name when Benito Mussolini first invented it. He called it “fascism.” It’s what you get when an authoritarian government picks out a few highly favored corporations and hops into bed with them. Juan Peron in Argentina tweaked it by allowing certain favored unions to join in the fun.

“Stakeholder capitalism,” nee “fascism,” refined into an art form by the Chinese “Communist” Party, is a hot buzzword now among Western globalists. If the Chicoms can get away with rebranded fascism, so can they. (Note: the Chicoms only call themselves communists. They’re really fascists, in the Mussolini mold.) I’m not sure what exactly they mean by “stakeholder.” Is that the stake they mean to pound into our hearts?

And then there’s “equity.” Oh, brother. “Equity” used to mean, roughly, fair play, even-handedness. Now it means whatever leftids want it to mean on any given day.

The public doesn’t like the public schools being used to indoctrinate children into “Critical Race Theory” which teaches racial fear and hatred (all whites are evil racists, all non-whites are “oppressed”—you know the drill by now). CRT is wildly unpopular among sane and decent people.

Here’s where “equity” comes to the rescue. School boards, wanting to keep CRT as a mainstay of their program, but not wanting the public to get wise to it and demand it be chucked out, simply rebrand it. Voila! “Equity education!” Who can be against that? Like, equity’s a good thing—right?

And meanwhile, abortion is rebranded “women’s health.” Somehow pregnancy, and the continuation of the human race, became a disease.

You’ve got to watch these people closely, all the time. The truth is not in them. Every time a leftid tells the truth, about anything, a fairy dies. The very words they use, stolen from the English language and given esoteric pseudo-meanings, are lies in and of themselves.

There are a lot of very bad people running the world these days, corrupting everything they touch. Beware.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and drop in for a visit, while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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“Viva Yo!”

by Lee Duigon

March 3, 2022

There’s a Spanish expression, “Viva yo!”, which means, literally, “Long live me!” But it means a little more than that. “I come first! I’m the king. The rest of you, out of the way!”

There’s a lot of “Viva yo” going around these days.

For instance, there’s a Guardian article about what to feed your pets, especially your dog or cat. “Owners worried about the climate cost [?] of traditional pet food are switching to crickets, mealworms, and black soldier fly larvae…”.

The Masters Of The World are always trying to get us to eat bugs, and occasionally threaten to take away our pets. Because ClimbitChainge. That doesn’t go down too well at all, so they’ve shifted gears: now they want our pets to eat bugs.

Cats will indeed eat insects when they get the chance, but a steady diet of crawlies would not be beneficial. But this is “Viva yo.” It’s not about the cats. It’s about you, parading your obnoxious virtue, your profound commitment to climate justice, blah-blah. It’s a loud prayer in the middle of the marketplace, meant for everybody else to see and hear. And admire. “Oh, wow, there’s somebody who’s really fighting climate breakdown! What a great lifestyle choice!”


Then there’s an actress that I never heard of, Motormouth Somebody, who, when Russian armies invaded Ukraine, hit the Twitter circuit with a poem she’d written to Vladimir Putin, the cold-blooded ex-KGB guy now calling the shots in the Kremlin. This “Viva yo” even nauseated a few liberals. It was all about “If I were your [Putin’s] mother…”

Somebody open a window! Boy howdy, this really is too much. Gooey, syrupy, suffocatingly awful—and on top of it all, this 34-year-old wench has never been a mother! Never had a child. But this is “Viva yo”—“If I were Mr. Putin’s mother, none of this bad stuff would be happening!” Can we have a chorus of “Tiptoe Through the Tulips”?

The war in Ukraine has really brought out the “Viva yo” crowd, big-time. John Kerry, the annoying stick-figure who almost became our president in 2004, now serves as Slojo Biden’s “climate czar” and whines and whinges about a shooting war in Europe “distracting” the public from the all-important, albeit imaginary, “threat” of ClimbitChainge. “Hey! Whatsamatta with you peasants? Look at me, look at me! My issue is the one that matters! Who cares about some stupid little war, when Topeka is going to be underwater by 2015 unless we DO SOMETHING???” Gigantic, impersonal natural processes of the sun and moon and planets have got to be controlled (!) by pygmies in the government. “And that’s a global government, you silly slobs!”

That’s a “Viva yo” on steroids.

Nevertheless, the microbe brain and towering ego of “The Views’s” Joy Behar has a “Viva yo” to match Kerry’s. She’s cheesed off because she wants to go to Italy for a vacation and is afraid that World War III will break out and scuttle her plans. Dammit! “Don’t these people know who I am? How dare they interfere with my vacation plans?”

It’s “Viva yo” all over the world, it seems. Honk if you think The Smartest People In The World are doing a bang-up job of running the show.

Can a civilization survive such an abundance of babbling, self-centered, abject stupidity?

God only know where we’ll be a hundred years from now.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and drop in for a visit… before they lock us all up. My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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How Our School Boards Turned Against Us

by Lee Duigon

February 24, 2022

When I was a newspaper reporter in the 1970s, I covered several local boards of education. Board members were ordinary people who wanted to make sure their communities provided a decent education for their children. By and large, it was a calm, peaceful, humdrum process.

There was the occasional controversy. Maybe an old school had to be closed, because it wasn’t worth the money to keep repairing it, and a new one built to replace it. This could lead to some pretty lively public meetings. Or maybe some “expert” down in Trenton would recommend the schools provide sex education curricula. Then the parents would show up to the next meeting and gently persuade the board not even to try doing this; and that would be the end of it.

Two forces rose up to change this—a power-grabbing New Jersey Dept. of Education, founded in 1945 and now feeling its oats, and money-grabbing teacher unions, established in the 1960s.

Bit by bit, the DOE took over the running of New Jersey’s schools. From time to time, the unions would launch a teachers’ strike for higher pay and benefits. With their hired consultants, lock-step unity, and increasingly large war chests, the unions usually won these public relations battles. Children were prompted and coached to go to board meetings and plead, “Oh, please, don’t fire our beloved teachers!” The school boards usually caved.

By the mid-Seventies, the state was dictating to the local boards, which had no power to resist. Whenever the public voted down the school budget, the state almost always restored the cuts. And the unions got richer and richer, allied themselves to the Democrat Party, and began making demands of their own.

And school boards gradually turned into the satraps of a kind of Great King down in Trenton, and began to view the people who elected them not as citizens, but subjects. “Hey! We’re the ones who know what’s best for children! Stuff the parents.” And why not? They were there to do the state’s bidding, they were there to keep the unions happy. Trenton could cancel any decisions they made that weren’t politically correct. And of course we now had a U.S. Dept. of Education that was even more demanding. Remember “Common Core”?

Now we have local school boards whose members meet in secret and, egged on by the unions and the state, routinely plug in such abominations as Critical Race Theory, “comprehensive sex education” (don’t even ask), promotion of “transgender” propaganda, and stocking the school libraries with what can only be described as filth. And parents, the undefended taxpayers who have to fund these orgies of misgovernment and educational malpractice, can’t object without the school boards running to the federal Dept. of Justice and having the parents branded as “potential domestic terrorists.” Some objecting parents have even been arrested on the spot—for questioning their school board.

Vote them out, and you only get more satraps. Any local board that tries to stand up against the state and federal governments, and the unions, usually gets crushed. I should mention that it’s never been hard to get elected to the school board. I knew a man in Union Beach who was elected to the board when five of his friends wrote him in as a prank.

What can we do?

The only thing we can do that will mean anything, that will have any positive effect, is to pull our children out of public school and educate them at home. This year, the number of families homeschooling their children increased four times over, the biggest increase ever.

America needs more homeschooling, not less. Public education has become Far Left Crazy’s favorite indoctrination mill, with the colleges and universities finishing the job. Today we have more alternatives to public schooling than we’ve ever had before. Let’s use them to empty out the classrooms.

Kill public education, and the Far Left in America… dies for lack of nourishment.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit, while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Goose-Stepping into Paradise

by Lee Duigon

February 17, 2022

I didn’t realize the Winter Olympics were on until they were almost over (which happens this Sunday, I suppose). I chanced to see a picture of the opening ceremonies—Chinese Communist soldiers goose-stepping under their flag.

Why do brutal tyrannical regimes always seem to come up with these silly walks for military parades? Hitler, Stalin, Peron, Kim Whatsisname—they all made their soldiers perform silly walks. Who knows why? Maybe it’s just a dictator thing.

China is a bloodthirsty communist dictatorship which world leaders like to pretend is a civilized country. In fact, the global ruling class is very fond of China and would love to do a lot of things the Chicoms do. That “social credit” system, for instance—boffo. If they’d had that in Canada this year, the Freedom Convey never would’ve gotten started. And name an American Democrat who doesn’t admire and want to emulate Red China. I remember Thomas Friedman of the New York Times (he has two swimming pools, not just one) longingly sighing over China’s ability to disregard public opinion, dispense with debate, and Just Do a Green New Deal whether the plebs like it or not. But don’t hold your breath waiting for China to play nice with Climate Change—although in general it’s a good idea to hold your breath when visiting a Chinese city. You can cut the polluted air with a machete.

Have we learned nothing from that disastrous 20th century—when every time you turned around, there was more barbed wire and another pile of dead bodies? Red China is this fallen world’s hangover from that horrible century. It seduces stupid intellectuals. It promises great things.

But these are not new promises. Ye shall be as gods, Satan promised Adam and Eve and launched the DIY Divinity project that they’re still working on today. We break eggs to make the omelet. It’s gonna be great! Just give government enough power over people, the power to sweep off anyone who gets in the way, enough money—all of it, if need be—and the Science and technology it needs to Do Everything (I can’t believe I’m writing something so ridiculous)… and it’s bob’s yer uncle—paradise on earth! All our sins, all our follies, all our hardships, will be engineered out of the system by The Smartest People In The World. Honk if you trust Bill Gates.

Barbed Wire. Dead bodies. That’s how it always turns out. We spent a whole century proving it. Papa Doc Duvalier. The nut in Rumania. Idi Amin. Castro. But who has space to list them all? And none of them could hold a candle to China’s Chairman Mao, when it came to murdering the people of his own country. Tens of millions, at least.

But never mind! China is the future! Join the Chinese Communist Party in goose-stepping into Paradise! See—those golden gates are right in front of us, and we’re gonna go through—globalism’s gonna bring us through.

Just as soon as they get rid of those grubby little Uighurs. And anyone else who’s in the way.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit my site… while you still can. My work can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Christian Communists?

By Lee Duigon

February 3, 2022

Were the first Christians… communists? It seems Francis I, the Red Pope, thinks so. He bases his opinion on the Bible, Acts 4:32, which says:

“And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common.” They sold their lands and houses and donated all the money to the church.

Well, that sounds pretty communistic, doesn’t it? But what was the context? After all, there’s nothing in the Old Testament that says there’s anything wrong with private property—very far from it. Certainly the laws, as handed down by God through Moses, established all sorts of property rights.

What the Pope didn’t see fit to mention was that this, in Acts 4, was the very first generation of Christians—the foundation of the whole Church, which would soon spread throughout the world. Their mission, far more important than any other consideration, was to establish the Church. From this mission nothing would be permitted to distract them. Property, lands, business, personal possessions—these would have been distractions. So they were set aside.

The Pope’s remarks centered around taxation, which he described as “a necessary tool of wealth redistribution”. In fact, he said, taxation “must”—yes, he said must—“promote the redistribution of wealth.”

What bunk.

From voluntary contributions to the church, for the purpose to establishing the Church as a new thing in a fallen world, the Red Pope swings effortlessly into involuntary contributions to the state, backed up by lethal force—as if they were the same thing! As if the early saints were the same as Bernie Sanders, Karl Marx, or any other socialist. As if there were no difference between creating the Church and scarfing down tax dollars to set up vast bureaucracies for the purpose of controlling people.

As soon as we come up against the question of who gets to redistribute everybody else’s wealth, the potential for abuse leaps out at us with a scream. The early church created deacons, appointed by the apostles themselves, to administer the church’s resources. The idea was to remove the distractions of ordinary, everyday life so that the saints could concentrate on the church’s mission. You can’t do that if you have to devote your time to paying bills and keeping your household from falling into debt.

Throughout history the Church practiced charity. Socialists practice control. Government gets swollen to enormous size and gets involved in everything. Most of the money they collect in taxes sticks to the government’s fingers, in the form of ever-bigger, ever-more complicated, bureaucracies. Some is doled out to favored groups of voters. The world has had many socialist governments, all of them focused on only one thing: accumulating power over their own people—and other peoples, if they can get them.

There is no comparison between the wealth generated by capitalism and the failure and frustration that never fail to accompany socialism. Or haven’t you had a look at Venezuela lately? Socialists took over a well-off, thriving country and made it poor. And miserable.

Whom does the Pope think will do the redistributing? Government, of course! Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Barak Obama—very, very far from being saints. Take the working taxpayer’s hard-earned money and use it to grow the government. With sops handed out to various groups of dependents: just enough to keep them dependent.

Can he possibly be so naïve as to think that greedy politicians, with their private jets and mansions and $30,000-a-plate fundraisers, will ever do anything but have a damned good time at the public’s expense?

I’ll see your Lenin and raise you a Gavin Newsom.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and drop in for a visit. My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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We Must Be Crazy

By Lee Duigon

January 27, 2022

There must be something seriously wrong with us, the American people, that we continue to tolerate the deluge of toxic idiocy poured on us by what we call our public education system.

Three recent examples will suffice.

Exhibit A: A Denver elementary school has announced a plan to teach kindergarten and first grade kids (ages 5-6!) to “disrupt the nuclear family”—that would be their families—by being “queer- and trans-affirming.” And their parents are expected to sit still for that. After all, it’s part of a “Black Lives Matter Action Week.” Words fail me here: I can’t believe this.

But wait, there’s more! They’re bringing back segregation—which once upon a time was a Very Bad Thing, but now it’s… good? They’re reserving the playground; the sign outside the school says “Families of Color Playground Night.” No whites allowed. Hello! When did this become acceptable? But then the whole thing is the educators’ playground, isn’t it?

And we tolerate it. Like there’s something wrong with our ever-lovin’ minds.

Exhibit B: Loudon County Schools, Virginia, has fired its chief executive. You remember this case. The educators decided they ought to have “transgender bathrooms,” and then a boy in a skirt invaded the girls’ bathroom and raped a girl. What did they do about it? Very quietly transferred him to another high school… where he raped another girl. Now the fat was really in the fire: mustn’t let anything torpedo the transgender bathrooms. When the first girl’s father showed up at the school board meeting to complain, they called the cops and Herod’s Men arrested him—shoved him to the floor and cuffed him.

A judge has since declared the boy rapist a sex offender (for life). The district’s chief executive has been fired, his name and very existence scrubbed from the district’s website—but the superintendent of schools and the other higher-ups, the ones who hatched the stupid bathroom policy in the first place—well, they’re all still there.

Just shut up and pay your school tax, peasants! We’ve got the Justice Dept. watching you—in case you turn out to be domestic terrorists.

Exhibit C: Virginia again, Fairfax County this time, where they compelled students to play a little game called “privilege bingo”—to get them thinking about how unworthy they are, how undeserving. Somehow it’s bad if, say, your parents have a stable marriage and you’re brought up in a sane and loving home. That’s “privilege,” kids! What about all those oppressed minorities—they’re always oppressed—who don’t have two-parent homes? (Like that’s your fault? You got something that they didn’t, and you don’t deserve it!) What earthly use is this except to make children feel bad about themselves?

A lot of military families live in Fairfax County, and they got pretty cheesed off about the educators saying they were “privileged,” and somehow responsible for other people’s not-so-nice lives. So the school board backed off on that, modified the game, and kept on playing it. Hey, kid! You’re white, you’re middle-class—you should at least detest yourself.

And there sit the parents, the taxpayers, shelling out the bucks for these bizarre exercises perpetrated by the educators.

Why do we let them do this to us? Why do we continue to send our children to those wretched schools? Where’s our self-respect? Whether it’s home school, Christian school, or just a group of families getting together to educate their children themselves, what alternative could possibly be worse than what the public educators offer in Colorado, Virginia, and everywhere else in the country?

We really must be crazy.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit, before they cart us all off as domestic terrorists. My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Desperate Democrats

by Lee Duigon

December 30, 2021

With a slim five-vote majority in the House of Representatives, 23 Democrats have already announced that they won’t be running for re-election in 2022. Uh-oh.

What to do, what to do?

Aha! Lower the voting age to 16!

This is the “Hail Mary” pass recommended recently by The Hill. We know this is an act of desperation by The Hill’s insistence that this be done before the 2022 elections. They expect teenagers to rescue the Dems from electoral disaster. Because… “They are better prepared to address crucial issues confronting our democracy than any generation since those who returned from World War II.”

Oh, my stars. Did you catch that “our democracy” bit? We do not have a democracy. The Constitution guarantees us a republican form of government, not a “democracy.”

Why stop at 16? Why not 14? Or 12? And why do we not let 16-year-olds drive cars, sign legally binding contracts, hold public office, or have their own credit cards? Could it be that their judgment has just not matured to a point where they can be trusted with such privileges?

But yowsah, yowsah! It’s time our politicians courted the votes of high school students! Surely our Far Left teachers’ unions will equip them to make the right decisions. All that flap over teaching kids Critical Race Theory can easily be circumvented just by calling it something else—“Equity and Inclusion Education” springs to mind. By the time the peasants figure out that they’ve been diddled again, the damage will be done. The kids will sit in class for six to eight hours, five days a week, and “taught” everything the Democrat Party needs for them to know—or think they know.

I mean, really, how hard is it to bamboozle a lot of teenagers who don’t pay taxes, haven’t lived long enough to experience the trammels of adult life, and are rigorously shielded from any but the, um, “right” opinions? Unionized “teachers” will have the kiddies eating out of their hands.

And presto, the entire Democrat deluxe Fun Pack is back in the picture and the Party is back in power. Build Back Better! Open borders! Mail-in voting, ballot harvesting, and never lose an election ever again! And plenty of nice Climate Change legislation! Who could ask for anything more? And just to make sure, amend the Constitution to let under-thirties run for president!

And just to make doubly sure the new fundamental transformation scheme goes off without a hitch, award voting rights to non-citizens, too. This is already being talked about in several Democrat strongholds.

Oh, the kiddies are “prepared to address critical issues,” all right. Who better? Prepared by movies, social media, video games, and TV shows—what could go wrong?

Some of us are worried that we might outlive our republic. It wouldn’t be the first time a great country was turned into a trash heap by insane public policies. Better to rule over a pile of rubble than to serve in a prosperous republic!

Aside from going all-out to win in 2022, our most immediate and effective recourse is to pull all our children out of public schools. We have to stop letting our children be “educated” by Far Left crazies who despise us, hate our country, admire communism, and want to turn the USA into Venezuela North. Public education is not our friend.

However unpleasant it may be, we have to realize that leftists are working feverishly, fanatically, to bring America as we know it to an end. This time the enemy isn’t bombing Pearl Harbor.

This time the enemy is here.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit—while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Hijacking Christianity

by Lee Duigon

December 16, 2021

A Bible verse, Romans 8:28, teaches us, “And we know that all things work together for good to those that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose.” That is, God is sovereign over His entire creation, including us; and He will, in time, regenerate our fallen world. He can regenerate us, too—by His sovereign grace.

But in the 19th century, along comes Charles Darwin, with this:

“And as natural selection works solely by and for the good of each being, all corporeal and mental endowments will tend to progress towards perfection.”

The resemblance to Romans 8:28 is no accident; Darwin knew what he was saying. He had churchmen in his family. It’s reasonable to assume he had some acquaintance with the Scripture, and more than just a nodding one. In just these few words, he dethrones God and replaces Him with the blind, impersonal force of “natural selection.” And opened the door wide to the horrors of the 20th century—which are still with us today.

In 1974 a popular song, “Desiderata,” declared “You are a child of the universe… [N]o doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.” And we are back to Romans 8:28—this time with a blind, insensate “universe” supplanting God… and God’s sovereign grace.

We want what Christianity has to offer. We want redemption, of ourselves and of the world in general. We want hope, salvation, liberation from bondage to the darker aspects of our nature.

But we don’t want to pay for it!

By “we” I mean the non-Christian crowd of “spiritual” characters who want blessings without God, without any obligation to themselves to believe in God, to love Him, to trust Him, and try our best to live according to His will—but who don’t want God. Oh, no, not that. For God is also the judge of all the earth, and they most certainly don’t want judgment.

And in throwing out our need for the sovereign grace of God, now we rely on laws and governments to make us… good! And to remake our world as an earthly paradise. We set up the devouring state and beg the state to make the omelet for us—never mind how many eggs get broken in the process. Give the state enough raw power and enough money, give it “science” as its grand vizier, and it, too, will progress towards perfection. No more war (global government will put a stop to that!), no more disease, poverty, inequality, injustice: no more bad blind dates, or cigars that burn unevenly. Isn’t that worth a concentration camp or two?

The original sin was man’s desire to be as God, deciding for himself what was good or evil, true or false. Today that sin manifests itself in such monstrosities as “choosing your gender,” wiping out “systemic racism” by convincing all white people that they’re villains, and that whole transhumanist pipe dream of merging ourselves with our machines so we can live forever—another 700 years of Nancy Pelosi in the House of Representatives. If you’ve bought stock in original sin, you’re going to become a millionaire. You’re also going to cut yourself off from God, but never mind—“science” says it’ll work just fine.

The Church—the whole Church, not just this or that denomination—has a calling today: to stand on God’s word and not only refuse to surrender any more ground, but to win back the ground we’ve allowed to be piddled away. Only God is God; only Jesus Christ is Savior. Natural selection will not transform us all into philosopher kings. As for the “universe,” it has no will, it has no plan—all of it is no more, and no less, than God’s creation. He owns it; we just live here.

Assigning sovereignty to governments managed by individuals loaded down with sin, folly, truly ridiculous ideas, wishful thinking, cruelty, lust for power, and sheer, obstinate wooden-headedness—

Well, honk if you think that’s in any way desirable.

Government must be limited, even as we are limited by law, conscience, and the very awareness of our limits. If the 20th century has taught us nothing else, it has shown us what happens when the limits are removed.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit, while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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EU Drops Plan to Scrap Christmas

by Lee Duigon

December 9, 2021

This is not one of the more pleasurable eras in American history, but it could be worse. We could be part of the European Union.

The EU excels at making government more burdensome, more asinine, than it ever really has to be. And one sure-fire way to do that is to find some Far Left wacko and give her a well-paid government post with a license to spout nonsense that everybody has to listen to.

Recently the EU’s “equality minister” recommended that Christmas be abolished and replaced with a vague “Holiday Period.”

Oh! And she also recommended that the names “John” and “Mary” be tossed out and not used anymore—‘cause they’re, like, “Christian names” and therefore “not inclusive.”

To her astonishment, the Vatican, an EU member in good standing, totally freaked out and demanded a retraction. Which they got—but please don’t think that means the Equality Minister has changed her so-called mind. She’ll try again someday, after all the idiots in the government have had a little more time to beat down the plebs and make their minds right.

She didn’t bring up the subject of names like “Muhammad” and “Fatima.” Probably because she doesn’t want to be beheaded the next time she goes out on the street to buy kombucha.

Here in America this year, we haven’t yet seen the annual anti-Christmas campaign waged by liberals. Is it possible that they’re just a teeny bit afraid to lay that on us? What with the Afghanistan debacle, crazy spending bills in Congress, inflation going through the roof, our southern border wide open, and public schools “teaching” Critical Race Theory in spite of parents’ protests… would it really be all that wise of them to go gunning for Christmas? SloJo and Whatsername aren’t exactly popular just now. I wonder what happens when a president’s job approval rating dips below 30 percent, with the vice president’s down to single digits. Maybe they’re less than eager to find out. Then again, maybe they’d consider it an interesting experiment in practical politics. But I digress.

Equality ministers. Diversity officers. Inclusion counselors. Our ruling class is garbage. It needs to be chucked out, replaced, exiled to uninhabited islands in the Arctic where they can wait for Climate Change to keep them warm at night. And as awful as it is to have these ninnies in our government, that’s only the tip of the iceberg. We have them in our business, too. And mobs and mobs of them infesting our schools and universities. It wouldn’t take too much to push us into full EU/Canada/Australia mode.

Where do they even find a flaming fat-head who wants to use government to abolish common personal names? Do you even know anybody who’d like to do that? How many rotting logs do you have to turn over before one of these characters scurries out?

Ordinarily it would be America’s calling to say “No! No more!” It would be our country’s mission to inspire and lead a resurgence of freedom—dare we say “a return to full adulthood”? But our own ruling class is a house already half-eaten up by Far Left termites. How in the world do we get rid of them? I wish I knew.

It’s only 16 days till Christmas. Sixteen days in which our left-wing bigwigs can frantically search for some way to snatch our Christmas from us. Otherwise they’ll just have to gnash their teeth while we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Let’s look to these other countries as lurid examples of government gone wild, as vivid object lessons in what we ought not to do. Ever.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit… while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Hostile Government

by Lee Duigon

December 2, 2021

Apart from our country’s spiritual problems—which are at the root of all the other problems—we seem to have a hostile government.

We are governed by people who don’t like us, our country, or our way of life; who don’t listen to us; who try to deceive us at every opportunity, because they think we’re fools; who “teach” our children that America is a racist hell-hole, unworthy of their loyalty; who spend our money carelessly, as if to show us how little they respect us; who let convicted felons out of jail to prey on us some more; who refuse to stop illegal aliens from swarming over our southern border, hoping to turn them into reliable Democrat voters—well, the list could go on and on for quite a ways, couldn’t it?

School boards! They “teach” our children Critical Race Theory, then lie about it when we object: “If we change the name to ‘Equity and Inclusion,’ they’ll never see through it!” School boards who petition the Justice Dept. to sic the FBI on parents who dissent from school board policies, claiming to have been menaced by “threats” which no one has ever carried out; who hire private detectives to dig up dirt on parents; who violate open public meetings laws to do their mischief out of public view; who, in Loudon County, Virginia, covered up a rape in a high school girls’ rest room because it might discredit their transgender bathroom policy—and they had the victim’s father arrested for demanding an explanation.

Then there’s the head honcho of the CDC in St. Louis, a Marie Antoinette wannabe, who recommended we all have freakin’ soybeans for Thanksgiving dinner instead of turkey. Honk if you think this jidrool ever sits down to a big bowl of soybeans for dinner. That would be almost as shocking as to see one of our leaders pay for something with his or her own money.

And what’s this—even the Salvation Army has gone woke? “I’m afraid it is so, kid.” They’ve been training their personnel in “anti-racism,” which is a euphemism for hating white people, going so far as to urge their people to “apologize” for being white. When the news broke, they denied it: but that little booklet, “Let’s Talk About Racism,” has their Salvation Army logo on it.

It’s supposed to be a Christian organization that follows the Bible and its teachings. But they seem to have missed the one about Jesus Christ washing away our sins. What could possibly be more self-righteous than to “lament, repent, and apologize” for other people’s sins? What—did Jesus miss a spot? Did He forget to take away our sin of racism? And of course only white people can be racists! Everybody else is just a mass of poor oppressed victims who need white liberals to tie their shoes for them. How insulting!

It could be worse. We could find ourselves actually depending on this government to defend us from an armed enemy. Ask our allies in Afghanistan how that turned out. Twenty years at war, and all these woke fools in Washington have succeeded in doing is to arm the Taliban with boxcar-loads of modern weapons—tossed aside in our frantic skedaddle out of that country.

Our enemies in government rebrand riots as “social justice protests” and “racial justice events.” That makes it so much easier to bear, when they burn our stores and trash our neighborhoods. We are expected to put up with it forever.

This whole “woke” enterprise as got to go—and that means starting now, not waiting for the 2022 elections and pinning our hopes on them. It’s got to stop. Must we sit on our hands while they wreck America?

No more Critical Race Theory, no more diversity & inclusion officers, no more border-jumping, no more silly stupid pronouns, no more FBI spies hanging out at school board meetings, no more “mostly peaceful protests” making a shambles of our streets, no more 2,000-page spending bills in Congress—no more any of it, the whole infuriating mess has got to go. Not waiting for any more elections—if they stole one, they’ll steal another.

We want them out, out, out! They’ve already been in power much too long, and it’s killing our country. Out, out, out!

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit, before they make a Mandate against it. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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What We’re Getting for Our Money

by Lee Duigon

November 25, 2021

Neatly hidden in the House Democrats’ insane spending bill, somewhere around Page 1,350, we find an exhilarating plan to entertain Americans while at the same time making our minds right.

So $20 billion (for starters) has been set aside to create half a dozen new theme parks throughout the country, from sea to shining sea, all of them identical, all of them… the word is “educational.”

Once upon a time in the Bronx, New York, from 1960 to 1964, there was an extravagant new theme park called “Freedomland USA.” I remember the commercials for it. “Mommy and Daddy, take my hand, take me out to Freedomland, $2.95 is all you pay for Freedomland all day!” See the Great Chicago Fire! And other historical re-enactments. The place went bankrupt after just four years, but who can forget it?

“This’ll be a lot like Freedomland,” says Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, “only America has moved on from stuff like that. Our new park will be called Commieland. You’ve gotta love it!”

A ticket for a day of fun at Commieland will cost just $295—“We just moved the decimal point, that little thing that looks like a dot,” she explained—per person and admit every ticket-holder to any exhibit, ride, or jab. Upon entering the park, each person will receive an indelible mark on either the forehead or the hand.

“We don’t want to go bust like Freedomland,” says Cortez, “so we’re gonna Mandate everything. We love Mandates! The Mandate will require every person in America to visit the nearest Commieland at least once a year—and you know what happens to you if you don’t obey a Mandate! Oh—and if you don’t have the mark, later on you won’t be allowed to buy groceries, hold a job, or sell anything. It’ll make life easier for everybody!”

Some of the attractions planned for Commieland are truly innovative. Instead of the familiar roller coaster, Commieland will feature “the Gender Coaster.” As the ride goes up and down, riders will be required to change their genders if they wish to continue. “Actually you can’t get off the ride,” sez Cortez, “so you kinda have to continue! But it’ll give you a whole new appreciation for gender fluidity!”

Then there’s the “Afghanistan Skedaddle,” a mock-up of Bagram Airport. Patrons will don military uniforms and see how many weapons they can throw away as they rush to grab seats on departing airplanes. Park employees dressed like Taliban fighters will hurry the patrons along.

But the most popular attraction is expected to be “the Border Jump,” in which patrons will have to climb up and down a high fence to get free stuff on the other side. One of the prizes will be President Biden hand-puppets, but wooden effigies of Kamala Harris are also expected “to go like hotcakes,” Cortez chortles. “The head is real hard; you can use it as a hammer.”

Also mandated will be attendance at lectures on Critical Race Theory, punctuated by self-denunciation sessions required of all white patrons. “And just for fun,” adds Cortez, “for just another $25 you can ‘Throw a Brick at the White Man,’ and if you hit him, you win a genuine Anti-Racist Badge! This will entitle you to identify as Black!”

But, we ask, is America really ready for Commieland?

“The beauty of it is,” says Cortez, “that we don’t care! Like, ready or not, here we come! What’re they gonna do—vote us out? I don’t think so! Whether you like it or not, all you deplorables and white supremacists out there are gonna get your minds right!

“We’re gonna call it Commieland because that’s what it is. Comrade Xi Jin Ping has already promised to send over a whole crowd of consultants to help us set it up. Hey, America, capitalism is over! Get used to it!”

Author’s Note: I really shouldn’t have to say this, but probably I’d better. This essay is a satire. There is no Commieland.

Not yet.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, .  Click the link and visit, before they drag us all off to Commieland. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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School Boards Gone Rogue  

by Lee Duigon

November 18, 2021

Who would have ever thought, just a few years ago, that our local school boards would turn into tyrants trying to crush us underfoot? School boards!

Who would have ever thought a school board president—and his father, for crying out loud!—would go around stalking parents who objected to a school board policy, collecting private information on them and making it publicly accessible? What kind of personal information? Social Security numbers! They won’t have time to protest anything, once the scam artists see those SSNs. Oh—and also divorces, finances, and even family trees. Mr. President and his father even went so far as to hire private detectives to dig up more dirt on dissenting parents. You won’t object to our board policies and get away with it!

Incredible, isn’t it? But that’s what happened in Scottsdale, Arizona. This is not to be confused with the National School Boards Assn. asking the Justice Dept. to “investigate” parents as “domestic terrorists.” Or the Loudon County, Virginia, school board having a girl’s father arrested after they covered up his daughter’s rape by a “trans” boy in a dress, right there in one of the high schools: they had him arrested because he didn’t like it. Imagine that! Oh—and they simply transferred the boy to another high school… where he raped another girl. They covered it up to hide the failure of their “gender fluid” bathroom policy.

When the Scottsdale scandal came to light, the board held a special meeting this week to request the president’s resignation. First he blamed it all on his father, and then on unnamed “bad actors” (and I don’t think he meant Kevin Costner). When he declined to resign, the board voted to replace him. So far he isn’t answering any questions.

Once upon a time, our local school boards consisted of our friends and neighbors serving the community. Then the school districts and the boards got bigger and bigger, the board members got less and less accountable to the public, we created a U.S. Dept. of Education that peppered us with Title This and Title That, and state departments of education that told the school boards what to do… and somehow, over the years, a lot of Far Left wackos got elected to those boards.

So now our “education” establishment is run by people who despise us, never listen to us, and think our children are theirs to mold into useful idiots. That’s how we wind up with “Critical Race Theory” and transgender propaganda saturating the schools we pay for. And if we don’t like it, we’re domestic terrorists. If they can’t get the Justice Dept. to smack us down, they hire private detectives to dig up dirt on us.

One stands in awe of the American people’s apparent willingness to be abused. We pay for the schools—oh, how we pay!—but have no say in what gets taught or who teaches it. The $100,000-a-year schoolmarm is now to be found in virtually every school district, no matter how small: with a cushy pension on top. Multitudes of six-figure diversity experts, gender counselors, and other “administrators”—they’re all on our dime. And if we don’t keep quiet about what they’re pushing on our children, they sic Herod’s men on us.

How much of this are we expected to put up with? Why should we have to put up with any of it at all?

Nothing would be of greater benefit to America than the abolition of public education, teachers’ unions and all. Far Left politics wouldn’t last another week without teachers’ unions pumping money into it, and unpaid volunteers to help them get their Democrat friends elected.

When are we going to wrest our children out of the clutches of these vampires?

Pull America’s children out of public education and watch the Far Left Crazy die from lack of nourishment.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit… before they brand you a domestic terrorist. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Is It Still ‘Our’ Government?

By Lee Duigon

November 11, 2021

I have to ask: in our coast-to-coast system of representative government… is anybody representing us?

The elections were last week—right? And they’re over now, there are winners and losers, and there won’t be more elections till next year.

So how come we’re getting bombarded with emails from various Congressional campaigns, pleading for more money? And they’re all coming from out of state. Contribute to this guy in Virginia, this woman in who-knows-where: they have, they say, a “desperate need” for funding.

Does this mean that political campaigns now go on forever? And why am I being asked to donate to campaigns for Congressional candidates in states other than my own?

I don’t like this whole idea of perpetual campaigning funded by out-of-state contributors. Things got bad enough when the 17th Amendment was passed. Originally, U.S. senators represented their states and were chosen by their own state legislatures. The amendment turned them into water-carriers for nationwide special interests. Direct election of senators turned the senators into agents for whoever dumped the most money into their campaigns.

Now it looks like the House of Representatives is about to go the same way. Are they going to continue to represent their districts, or will the avalanche of out-of-state funding turn them into Votes ‘R’ Us?

But let’s look at local politics. At local school boards, in particular. Whom are our local school boards representing?

Not us!

In Chandler, Arizona, leaked emails reveal the school board huddling with the cops to arrest parents who protest the board’s mask “mandates.” The board has also been cooperating with the police to “monitor” groups of parents who protest the board’s Far Left curriculum. Parents don’t like Critical Race Theory (“All whites are born racists, and all non-whites are sad sacks who can’t tie their shoes without help from Big Brother”). They don’t like it when the public schools push “transgender,” either.

Stop and think: are you getting this? The Chandler school board is coming down on the undefended citizens who elected them as their representatives! And who pay for the freakin’ schools, to boot. Those six-figure salaries for school administrators, those lavish pensions for the teachers—it all comes out of the public’s hide. And what do they get for it?

Their elected school board wants to sic the cops on them. And the police, as if they were Herod’s men, seem well inclined to do the school board’s bidding.

How is it that sane and normal law-abiding citizens wind up getting “represented” by Far Left wackos who want to lock them up in jail? With that kind of representation, you don’t need enemies.

Yeahbut, yeahbut! The teachers’ unions want Critical Race Theory! The teachers’ unions want transgender. I wonder how many of them, in running for their office, stood up in front of a crowd of citizens and said “Vote for me, and I’ll give you a bellyful of Critical Race Theory—and all the transgender you can handle!”

It’s not hard to go through an entire election season without ever hearing what your school board candidates intend to do, if elected. In one school board election that I covered as a reporter, a man who most emphatically wasn’t running was elected on five write-in votes his buddies cast as a prank.

Yeah, well, the joke’s on us, isn’t it?

We have to take a much closer look at the characters who are supposed to represent us, from Congress right on down to the smallest local board of education. Because I don’t think they’re representing us.

Remember when elected officials of all kinds were known as “public servants”? Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum to that! If they’re going to sic the cops on you because you object to their asinine policies, they’re not your servants anymore.

As for the school boards—well, what else can we do but take our children out of those schools? Nothing else will work.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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On The Road to Lunacy

by Lee Duigon

November 4, 2021

I can almost hear the voice of Rod Serling: “Mile markers on the road to… the Twilight Zone.” Only I think it’s more the road to lunacy.

Here are three signposts on this highway. Just three little markers. You might not even notice them, especially if you’re in a hurry. But they’re there.

*Have you ever wondered how human flesh would taste if you made it into a hamburger? It’s okay if you haven’t. Anyway, a Swedish company specializing in plant-based foods—by which they mean “vegetarian,” but “plant-based” sounds less frivolous—launched a new product just in time for Halloween: the Human Meat Burger.

It’s supposed to be “exciting.” Honk if you’re excited. Don’t honk if you’re just grossed out. They say they did a lot of, er, “research” to make sure they got the taste exactly right. Whom did they ask—Hannibal Lecter? Really, where do you find someone who can answer the question, “What does human meat taste like?” I don’t know anyone like that; do you? Is there a cannibal community in Sweden, or did they have to go farther afield to find qualified experts on that subject? (The interior of New Guinea springs to mind.)

They say it’s a gimmick to demonstrate to us plebs that vegetarian dishes can be created to taste like anything your heart desires. Again, I don’t know anyone who ponders “Gee, I wonder what human flesh tastes like!” Whoever they are, I’d rather they weren’t wandering around loose.

*The newest fad in Communist China is to try to mold your baby’s head to make it round. They have special helmets for it, to shape the baby’s skull bones as they develop. Somewhere there is a factory that makes those helmets. The baby wears it every day until his skull is… well, round. Because people don’t want flat heads anymore. As one mom put it, “I have a flat head, and I know how painful it is for women who are chasing beauty.” Be careful what you catch.

Once upon a time in ancient South America, people used to shape their babies’ heads to make them long and cone-heady. When we see these skulls in museums, we wonder: space aliens? Are these the remains of ancient astronauts? Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

*At a recent demonstration against the state of Texas’ new restrictions on abortion, a doofus was photographed carrying a sign that read “Safe, Accessible Abortions for All Genders.” This person stood next to someone else who had a sign that read “Abortion Is Our Future!” We could have a vote to decide which sign was more preposterous.

“All genders,” eh? Do characters who say this sort of thing really, truly, honestly believe it—that there are all these different genders instead of only two? Or do they only say it because—well, I can’t imagine any compelling reason for it. Showing off a mental illness? Purposely trying to undermine our culture because he or she hates it? Have you encountered any pregnant men lately, who might want abortions but Texas won’t let them have ‘em?

As for being “our future,” aborted babies have no future. And if we aborted enough of them, the human race would have no future, either.

By the way, have you noticed that “My body, my choice!” just goes away when they’re talking about COVID-19 vaccine mandates? They’re perfectly happy to have Big Brother make that choice for them. Sure, shoot us up with experimental chemicals! But it’s “my choice” to off my unborn child. Was it Arnold Schwarzenegger or Howard Stern who said “F*** your freedom”?

Why so much idiocy? I think you have to expect that when a people turns its back on God and worships the claptrap that comes out of their own willfully disabled minds. Proverbs 8:36: “All they that hate me love death.”

We could surely find more of these little signposts; but if they’re as depressing to read about as they are to write about, we can quit while we’re ahead.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit, while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Loudon County Schools… Melting Down

by Lee Duigon

The Loudon County school district, in Virginia, is where the action is these days. Or to put it more simply, it’s a mess.

This week a juvenile court judge found a 14-year-old high school boy—who was wearing a skirt at the time, and claiming to be “transgender”–guilty of raping a female student in a high school rest room. And Loudon County parents and students are a bit ticked off that the school board’s first instinct was just to transfer the boy to another school…

Where he attacked another girl.

But that’s okay, because when the first girl’s father showed up at a school board meeting to demand an explanation—well, they had him arrested, didn’t they?

And meanwhile the National School Boards Assn. asked the federal government to declare protesting parents “domestic terrorists” and have the FBI—those are the guys who used to chase gangsters—“investigate them.”

Why? Because they didn’t like the schools’ curriculum—especially the Critical Race Theory (“All white people are born racists,” etc.) and the cheerleading for transgenderism. In fact, parents thought the board covered up the rape to protect its transgender bathroom policy.

So one of the board members has resigned. In addition to the aforementioned controversies, she was in hot water for violating the open public meetings law by organizing secret meetings via text messages. Don’t want the plebs finding out what the grandees are up to!

Also this week, students walked out of at least five Loudon County high schools to protest what they saw as school officials sheltering a rapist. “Loudon County protects rapists!” they chanted. Ya think?

Wait a minute! Couldn’t the school board ask the feds to brand these kids “domestic terrorists,” like their parents? Sure they could! Everybody knows that “educators” are wise and good and infallible and anyone who criticizes them should be hauled in by a squad of G-men.

Meanwhile, two more state school board associations, in Missouri and Ohio, have severed their connections with the National School Boards Assn. They don’t want to be judged by the company they keep.

All this fracas started because they closed the schools for The Pandemic and kids had to learn at home, via remote learning. Thus for the first time ever, parents saw and heard what their kids were being “taught.” And they didn’t like it! Then again, the Far Left teachers’ unions didn’t like parents being hip to the curriculum. They tried—but failed—to get parents to sign “pledges” not to listen in on their children’s lessons.

Never mind—all over America, parents thronged school board meetings to demand an end to Critical Race Theory and all the rest of the craziness in the curriculum. School boards tried to fob them off with feeble denials that they were teaching CRT; but at the same time, the teachers’ unions doubled down on it. “Shut up, you peasants! We’ll teach Critical Race Theory whether you like it or not—and you’d better like it, or else!”

The question is: Is there any limit to the abuse American parents will take from public school officials? What do they have to do to people to get their dander up? We, the undefended public, pay for those wretched schools. Every penny comes out of our pockets. But what do we have to show for it? Well, I’ll show you my FBI dossier if you show me yours!

Our public education system is now owned, operated, and weaponized against us by Far Left teachers’ unions—the Chicago union actually sent a delegation of teachers to Venezuela to “learn” how to teach socialism—lunatic “educators,” and the Democrat Party. They won’t listen to our objections, don’t give a hoot for our concerns, and pour our money into ideologies that hurt us.

The only meaningful response we can make, and the only effective one, is to pull our children from these schools.

Kill public education, and Far Left Crazy dies.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit—before the FBI grabs both of us. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Our Military Goes Downright Silly

by Lee Duigon

Imagine it as a scene in a movie. General George Patton is up late at night, laboring to plan the relief of Bastogne. Can he get there in time, before the Germans overrun the town? It’s the Battle of the Bulge, and the situation is critical. How about the weather? Will his combat aircraft be able to fly support missions? Work, work, work!

He is interrupted by an aide who enters with a woman in a chic suit.

“Excuse me, General, but this message comes straight from Army Headquarters! Sir, this is Col. Suzy Woozy, from the Pentagon. She has been assigned to you as your gender adviser. She will help you to address the gender needs of people and minorities in war or conflict zones.” The aide flees as the general’s hand creeps toward his holstered pistol.

And Bastogne falls as the general has to take time out to address… gender needs.

Today our new woke military, having been run out of Afghanistan like children caught shoplifting, has a new mission, one involving some 13,000 Afghan refugees distributed among nine military bases. Does it concern food, water, or first aid? Housing, maybe?

Nope, none of those. This is a mission that requires the services of… gender advisers. Whatever they may be. Somehow I’m afraid to ask.

See, there’s this new law, passed in 2018, that “mandates the US military to address the gender needs of people and minorities in war or conflict zones.” What do they mean by “people and minorities”? Are they two different things? Maybe we’d better go upstairs to the US Indo-Pacific Command office and ask the “chief gender adviser.”

While you try to figure out what, exactly, are your gender needs, let us ask a simple question: Is this tragedy or farce? Sometimes the line is thinly drawn. What’s comical and ridiculous in a position of safety can quickly turn grim and dangerous when the bullets start to fly.

How funny is it that there are actually high-ranking jidrools in the Pentagon who think this is all a good idea? Like, how did Admiral Halsey ever get through World War II without a gender adviser on his flagship? How did Washington hold his army together at Yorktown without a clear idea of its gender needs? We want to laugh at this foolishness; but in that it takes time and effort that would be better used in trying to win a war instead of losing it, it’s not so funny.

It’s too bad Donald Trump never got around to weeding Obama-era wokies out of high positions in the military. We are lumbered with generals who think Climate Change and “white supremacists” (all twelve of them, plus their pickup truck) are a much bigger threat than hostile foreign powers will ever be. They should have all been fired. Now we’re paying the price for that omission. Really, we should have known the problem was getting serious when they had ROTC cadets marching around in high-heeled pink shoes. That was in 2015 at Temple University, in case you missed it first time around. That really should have clued us in, big-time.

So now we’re gonna teach 7th-century Afghans to be 2021 gender-hip—like they’re just dying to glom onto modern feminism. Think they’ll go for that transgender stuff? Yeah—with a lot of gender counseling, they’ll turn into characters from a 1960s Swedish movie.

Who dreams up this stuff? What loony bin did they raid, to find them? What nimrods in Congress inserted this garbage into our defense budget?

We are in a very hazardous period in our country’s history, governed by thieves, liars, lunatics, mountebanks, and fools. And if this woke general staff ever has to plan a battle, let alone a war, we’re finished.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit, while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Phony, Pandering, Condescending, and False

by Lee Duigon

Is there anything about this so-called presidential administration that isn’t phony, pandering, condescending, and false?

Somehow, when she’s supposed to be minding our southern border, alleged Vice President Kamala Harris found time to make a little video for NASA—you know, those guys who once used to send men to the moon. In “Get Curious,” Ms. Borders frolics with a pack of cute, enthusiastic, bubbly “children.”

I put “children” in quotes because they’re all professional child actors reading lines written by others.

It’s always disgusting when adults exploit children for political ends. (Have I mentioned that Doddering Joe Biden has a fake White House set for filming some of his blather? What’s wrong with the real White House?) Political animals have always done this. When I was a reporter I covered teacher strikes. Inevitably the teachers’ union trotted out coached children to plead for their beloved teachers—“Oh, please give them more money so we can go back to our beloved school!” You could just heave.

But of course the big dog-and-pony show so far has been the National School Boards Assn. getting our corrupt, politicized FBI to “investigate” alleged death threats made by parents who throng school board meetings to complain about the curriculum—Critical Race Theory which teaches children racial fear and hatred, cheerleading for transgenderism, and highly questionable presentations of… well, they call it sex.

Not one of these “threats” has ever been carried out, but the FBI broke all speed records in doing the school boards’ bidding.

I wish I had a dollar for every one of these “threats” that turned out to be perpetrated by the so-called victim. They write hate mail to themselves. They vandalize their own property. They make stuff up. Let one example, out of thousands, suffice: in 2018 a “student journalist” at an Ohio university got caught manufacturing “threats” against herself and wound up getting charged with a criminal misdemeanor. This happens so often that we’re tempted to say it always happens. The threats just about always turn out to be phony.

Yeahbut, yeahbut! Don’t we want the FBI investigating parents, just in case they’re really hateful? Cast a wide enough net, often enough, and you just might catch a fish! Do we really want G-men chasing gangsters, when Critical Race Theory in the schools is on the line? Don’t we want white children “learning” that they and their families are evil racist monsters? Don’t we want minority children “learning” that all the whites are out to get them and only a Far Left Democrat government can protect them?

Some of this phoniness is so heavy-handed, so blatant, that it’s almost funny. At a recent art show at a Los Angeles gallery, Doddering Joe’s toweringly corrupt offspring, Hunter Biden, sold five “reproductions” of his paintings at $75,000 each. The originals sell for up to half a million! We are told Hunter has no idea who’s buying them. Honk if you believe that’s true. What do you want to bet The Big Guy—that would be Daddy-O in his mockup of the White House—knows exactly who bought them? But of course he would never, ever, do any special favors for anybody nice enough to shower Hunter with cash…

We wish, oh, how we wish, that we could laugh this off. If it were only just a movie, it’d be hilarious. I mean, really, you can’t be that corrupt!

Oh, yes, you can. If your name is Biden.

A commenter on my chess forum, though, was able to name a few things about this administration that are guaranteed genuine: “Their greed, fascism, and contempt for the little people.”

I think he got that right.

I have discussed these topics and others throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit—while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Socialist School Boards vs. American Parents

by Lee Duigon

Remember when local school boards actually represented the communities they served?

This week the National School Boards Assn. has successfully petitioned the Justice Dept. to sic the FBI on us—because parents don’t like the Far Left Crazy curriculum they’re serving up to us, and poisoning the children’s minds.

So now parents are pushing back—vigorously, because they must. They absolutely must. They’ve branded us “domestic terrorists”—because we don’t want “Critical Race Theory” forced down our children’s throats. To say nothing of their obsession with promoting transgenderism.

We’ve been accused of all sorts of “threats”—not one of which has been carried out—and “hate,” always “hate.” But it looks more like the school boards are the ones who hate us, hate our country, and are trying to turn it into something else, God knows what.

For this the FBI has been directed to “investigate” parents who dare dissent from the curriculum. As if that were a crime.

What else have these school boards done?

They violate open public meetings laws by making unannounced changes in the location of their meetings.

They hold secret discussions by means of text messages—a violation of the law in many states.

They restrict public access to the meetings, limit discussion, and charge ridiculously high fees to anyone who wants to view public records and curriculum materials.

And they waste boxcar-loads of our money, our tax dollars, on toxic, useless, garbage instruction in “diversity,” “equity,” “systemic racism,” and other woke shibboleths.

And the U.S. attorney general who unleashed the FBI on us has a daughter who works for Panorma Education, a company that provides these Far Left curriculum materials.

Other than that, nothing to complain about!

I remember when this started, in the early 1970s, with the creation of the U.S. Dept. of Education and various state departments of education. School boards resisted this at first. But the aspiring revolutionaries in the unelected government bureaucracies have had several decades in which to transform local school boards into yes-men and lap-dogs. And because we made the mistake of trusting them, entrusting our children to their tender care, they did everything they wanted without the public noticing—except for those rare occasions when a community voted against that year’s school budget and the state restored the budget cuts. So those anti-budget votes didn’t mean much, did they?

It took a pandemic to clue us in. Fearing the spread of COVID, they closed the schools and put the kiddies on “remote learning” on their home computers. That turned out to be a strategic error—because, for the first time, parents got to see and hear what their children were being, er, “taught.” And they didn’t like it.

A few school boards, incredibly, tried to pressure parents into signing a pledge not to listen in on their children’s instruction. That didn’t fly. In Virginia the odious one-time Clinton bag man, Terry McAuliffe, running for another term as governor, publicly said he didn’t think parents should be telling the schools what to teach—just shut up and pay your school tax. Did these uppity peasants think their children were really theirs? Where did they ever get that idea?

We don’t want Hypocritical Race Theory: it’s poison. We don’t want transgender propaganda. Some school boards have tried to convince the public that no, heck no, they’re not teaching CRT! But at the same time, our Way Far Left teachers’ unions have been doubling down on CRT—“We’ll teach it whether you like it or not! Shut up and pay.”

This has to stop; and the only way to stop it is for parents, en masse, to remove their children from the public schools for homeschooling or genuine Christian schooling. This is what we have to do, because the educators despise us and refuse to listen to us. Their arrogance is bottomless, and there’s no point in even trying to negotiate. Pull the children from the schools and let public schooling die.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit, before the FBI shuts us down. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Shut Up and Pay

by Lee Duigon

Once upon a time—in the real world—if you bought something, if you paid for it… you owned it.

The public pays for what people who don’t know any better call “public education.” But the public doesn’t own it. In that very real sense, “public education” isn’t public. Every moment of instruction, every textbook, school building, teacher pension, administrator’s gorgeous salary, every visual aid, locker, sports equipment—every cent of it, the public pays for.

And has no say in what that money buys.

Which brings us to former Clinton bagman and former governor Terry McAuliffe, now seeking another stint as governor of Virginia (replacing the abortion guy, whatever his name was), who recently had this to say about Virginia’s public schools:

I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they ought to teach”.

Shut up and pay.

There’s been a great deal of vehement controversy in Virginia lately over what is being taught in public schools. It’s due to the COVID panic: when they closed the schools and required students to try to learn via “remote learning” at home, tens of thousands of parents, for the very first time, saw and heard what their kids were being taught. And they don’t like it. They have descended on their local school board meetings to tell the educators they don’t like it.

Which the Bagman doesn’t think they should do. Just shut up and pay.

What don’t they like?

Well, the biggest fly in the salad is “critical race theory,” which, er, “teaches” kids that white people are born racists, inherently evil, always looking to oppress the other races, and America’s a dirty racist country that has to be radically changed. Children are taught to hate themselves, hate other kids, hate their country, and hate their no-good racist families.

To add insult to injury, school boards usually deny they’re doing this—even as the teachers’ unions double down on it: “We’ll show you, you racists! You aren’t going to stop us from pumping this poison into children’s minds!”

They also “teach” that the whole reason the United States of America was established was to promote and protect slavery.

And when they’re not busy with that, they’re “teaching” the doctrine of Transgender. Trans this, trans that, you can be a boy one day and a girl the next, depending on how you feel. It’s a wonderful thing, you really ought to try it! Why else do you think we spend the public’s money on “comprehensive sex education?” It’s so tremendously liberating! Cast off the shackles of binary gender! And so on and so forth.

The parents don’t like that, either.

But they shouldn’t say so, should they? I mean, what business is it of theirs, what their kids are taught? Boy howdy, don’t they trust the teachers’ unions?

If you pay for it but don’t own it, what does that make you? Does the English language even have a word for that? Maybe “sucker” comes close.

For years and years, the American people have entrusted public schools with their children. They went about their business and left the schooling up to the professionals. But somewhere along the way, “education” turned into political and cultural indoctrination and not that many people noticed—although some did, and shouted warnings from the housetops.

Too many didn’t listen. “Oh, not in our schools!” Uh-huh. They didn’t want to rock the boat. Didn’t want to get involved.

Well, now they have to get involved.

Governor-wannabe Terry McAuliffe thinks they shouldn’t. He thinks you should just shut up and pay.

But if you do shut up and close your eyes and ears, that’s how you wind up paying for Critical Race Theory in your child’s classroom.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week in my blog, . My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Read! Read More!

By Lee Duigon

I’m a writer, so naturally it distresses me when I hear someone brag, “I never read!”

And bragging it is. Genuine illiteracy is seldom involved. It’s much more a conscious decision not to read at all—or to read only when one’s job requires it. I know so many people like this, it’s easy for me to believe that scholastic reading scores, nationwide, are racing toward the bottom; and that many people will never read a book again—on purpose—once they’ve finished high school or college.

Why is reading so distasteful to them? Was it the way it was pitched to them in school? When I was in high school, I sometimes suspected that the curriculum designers went out of their way to find the most boring, the most irrelevant, and the least entertaining books they could lay their hands on, and then giggle slyly to themselves as we poor students plodded through them. They also dug up monstrously abridged versions of literary classics: the alleged “Ivanhoe” we had to read had all the guts, all the spirit, gouged out of it, leaving nothing but a rather silly story. Many years went by before I decided to give Sir Walter Scott another chance. The difference between the “Ivanhoe” he wrote and the “Ivanhoe” they had us read was like the difference between the living and the dead.

If I had had to rely on just the reading provided us in school, I might’ve been forever put off reading, too. But my family was full of readers, our houses full of books, I could see my mother and my aunts and my grandparents enjoying them—so I became a reader, too. School had nothing to do with it.

Choosing not to read, to me, seems like choosing not to go outdoors. If you’re a good reader, a habitual and effective reader, there’s almost nothing you can’t learn. Whatever it is you want to know and understand, someone has written it down. Reading can expand your scope of knowledge.

And it can do so much more than that. Escape. Relief. A good long laugh. Insight into what it means to be human. Excitement. The benefit of other people’s experiences. Good and bad examples. Thousands of years’ worth of tradition, discovery, knowledge gained and knowledge lost, wisdom and folly, adventure, amazement—it’s all there in the books.

Oh, come on! What about the internet? All that stuff in the books, you can get online.

If only it were so.

Yes, there’s all sorts of treasure on the internet. There’s also all sorts of crapola, and more and more people cannot tell the difference. And it’s so easy to get distracted! In fact, it requires much discipline not to be distracted. Read the headline, skim a paragraph or two, and then go on to something else. Or just stop reading and see what’s hot on YouTube. Or play another video game. And of course you’ll want to chat with other users, keep up with the latest trends, get influenced by—ugh—“influencers,” and revel in conformity.

I call it a digital stupor. The never-reader lives in a bubble of now, has no interest in anything that happened more than a few hours ago and probably isn’t even aware of it, and is a sitting duck for any pseudo intellectual twaddle being peddled on the screen.

This is serious. How are we supposed to maintain a constitutional republic—and keep our liberties!—if hardly anybody knows, or cares, what a republic is, how a constitution works, or what history tells us will not only not work, but can actually lead us into disaster? Ignorance is bad civics. It’s not bliss; it’s a great big “Kick Me” sign that every tyrant, every snake-oil politician, every prating socialist doofus, can read. They home in on ignorance like heat-seeking missiles.

Read! Read the Bible, the classics, and everything else that might appeal to you. Learn how to tell wisdom from idiocy.

Because all the trendy chit-chat in the world will not keep us free.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . See? Another thing to read! My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Dancing on the Brink of Doom

by Lee Duigon

Those “Met galas” in New York always give me the creeps. The one this year charged $30,000 a ticket. That’s what assorted high-end leftists paid to show off their overpriced threads—there are always photographers handy.

This year the star of the show was socialist Congresswoman Alexandria O’Crazy-O Cortez and her, ahem, “couture gown”. Click the link to the New York Post article to see pictures of this monstrosity. Someone took a bucket of barn paint and slapped on the slogan, “Tax the Rich.” At a $30,000-a-ticket potlatch. We are not told exactly how much the gown cost, but most of the costumes worn to this wingding cost more than $25,000: some of them a lot more.

So we’re talking, oh, $50,000 to $60,000 (at least) to get the bartender-turned-national-oracle into the gala with the other swells. None of the biggies wore masks like they tell us we had better do, or else. All the servers had to, though.

Why does this make me think of the French Revolution? Betcha there were some pretty snazzy parties at Versailles before the plebs started chopping heads off. Or maybe, more appropriately, a little number by Edgar Allen Poe, “The Masque of the Red Death.” Everybody’s safe in the castle, partying all day and night… until the Red Death gets in and kills them. It’s a disease, sorta like COVID.

O’Crazy-O asserted that her gown was a groovy gown because it was created by An Immigrant Female of Color. I guess anything An Immigrant Female of Color creates has got to be good. We have a condescending left-wing fat-head’s word for it.

She sees no incongruity at all in herself and all her cronies swanning around in $30,000 gowns, some of which look like Halloween costumes, all trying to outdo each other in conspicuous consumption… all the while she and others like her babble “Tax the rich!” and propose to transform America into a socialist paradise like Venezuela. Where they kill and eat the zoo animals because the economy’s shot and groceries are hard to come by. But even in Venezuela, that suburb of Hell, you’ve got a rich-as-Croesus ruling class partying while the common people starve. Something about that scenario has always caused leftist hearts to flutter.

And to top it all off, they fancy they’re making a “revolution”! Living proof that ignorance is bliss. Robespierre’s crew in Paris started off sending “the oppressors” to the guillotine and wound up sending Robespierre, too—and as many of their colleagues as they could get their hands on. Stalin shot all the old Bolsheviks who’d made the Russian Revolution. And in China it turned out there was no room for anybody in the limelight but Mao Tse-tung.

It always turns out Morlocks and Eloi. Always. Except for the American Revolution—only that was just to protect slavery, according to the AOC contingent. America, boo, hiss.

We are told some of the bigwigs at the gala worried about “the optics”—that is, what would this blast look like to ordinary normal people who don’t have $30,000 in mad money to spend on a gown? I believe I can put their minds at rest: Dudes, the optics were terrible! If you were purposely trying to alienate and exasperate people, you could hardly have done a more thorough job of it.

How in heaven’s name did we ever wind up being governed by the likes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? What does that say about our political system? I mean, is it broken? Has it got a virus that makes it crazy? To say nothing of a senile so-called “president,” generals who worry about “white supremacy” and have members of the Chinese Communist Party on speed-dial, former presidents who babble about Jan. 6 being comparable to World War II… Our ruling class is garbage. How did we wind up being ruled by garbage?

God must be awfully mad at us. And who can blame Him?

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit: you’ll find a lot to read. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Two Questions That Demand Answers

by Lee Duigon

There are two things we need to know about COVID, but whose questions can be heard in the middle of a stampede?

Why this should have even been a stampede leads us to the first question. What is so uniquely terrible about this virus that it forces governments to take extreme measures whose like we’ve never seen before?

I remember the polio epidemic from my childhood, and any number of flu scares, some of which were much deadlier than COVID-19. But I don’t remember any lockdowns, I don’t remember any wholesale cancellation of ordinary personal liberty, and I certainly don’t remember any “mandates.”

Why haven’t we had our president sit down in front of the TV camera and say, “My fellow Americans, here’s why we have to do these things we’ve never done before…”? And if the president doesn’t know why, and if there’s no one else who can tell us—then why in the world should we be expected to comply? Aren’t we entitled to some reasons? What makes this the scariest disease ever?

Unless you’re already sick with something else, or saddled with some other medical condition that puts you at high risk, the survival rate for this disease is over 99 percent. For that we let the government herd us around like livestock? For that we had to sacrifice our family holidays, church services, workouts at the gym, and more? To say nothing of a censorship regime that’s butchered our First Amendment rights.

And that’s America. By contrast, Australia has dived headfirst into a full Soviet Union makeover. The state of South Australia is going to use high technology to keep tabs on all its, er, “citizens.” They’ll subject you to random checks on your whereabouts, via your cell phone; and if you don’t text the government within 15 minutes of receiving the message, they’ll sic the cops on you. And they brag about it, too. Red China’s got nothing on Australia.

I’m not saying that there is no COVID. I’m saying we’re entitled to some reasons for these freakin’ mandates—something rather more cogent and persuasive than just “to keep you safe.”

The other question that demands an answer is this. If these new “vaccines”—which might be more accurately called “experimental gene therapy undertaken with no information as to long-term effects”—are so good, so effective, so safe—then why are so many healthcare professionals refusing to be vaccinated, even at the cost of their jobs?

Our Free & Independent Nooze Media Inc. assure us that it’s only a handful of malcontents who only want to rock the boat; but since when do noozies tell the truth? Heaven help us if we listen to them! When a credentialed doctor or a nurse would rather give up his livelihood than get a shot, we ought to sit up and take notice. We’re also being told that this could lead to a serious manpower shortage in our hospitals and clinics. Either one nooze report or the other must be dead wrong.

We are tempted to ask, “How much of this is really necessary?” Is this an experiment in global government, to see what they have to do to force everybody in the world to do as they say? We’ve never before seen such a world-wide campaign to control all the people, everywhere. One gets the impression that the globalists were waiting for it—waiting for some excuse to crack down on us.

We must dig in and declare: no answers, no compliance. Government is already too big, too intrusive, too enamored of visions of control. It needs to be trimmed back before it suffocates us altogether. We do not want to live in some globalists’ crack-brained vision of “The Hunger Games.”

No answers, no compliance. We really must insist on that.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit before we call get cancelled. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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‘Educating Perversion’ With Little Or No Consequences

by Lee Duigon

If the United States of America ever turns into a failed state, a socialist hell-hole that’s only another name on the map, nothing will have played a bigger part in its destruction than what we like to call our public education system.

We are literally educating our country to death.

This coming weekend there are expected to be “teacher” rallies in over 100 cities to protest several states’ legislation (that the teachers call “gag orders”) against the teaching of Critical Race Theory—the most overtly racist ideology in all the world. It “teaches” that all white people are born racists, all guilty, boo-hiss, they’ve gotta pay for this, etc., etc. Hate yourself, hate the other kids, hate your country… The teachers’ unions love it and don’t want to give it up.

The good news is that citizens and parents all over the country have mobbed school board meetings to demand an end to CRT indoctrination. The bad news is that our Far Left teacher unions are doubling down on it. Oh, wait: that’s not the bad news. The bad news is that millions of parents, for reasons I simply can’t imagine, continue to send their kids to public schools.

How bad are our public schools? How awful are our teachers’ unions? Let two examples, both from California, suffice.

An unidentified California teacher—yes, they’re keeping her identity a secret—recently had her students pledge allegiance to the “gay” flag. She took down the American flag and hid it somewhere. The school rule is that students are to pledge allegiance every afternoon—but suddenly there was no American flag to pledge allegiance to. No problem! The, uh, “teacher” had them pledge to the “gay” flag instead.

School officials (oh, brother) are “aware” of the situation and “taking action to address it.” What do you want to bet the teacher won’t be fired?

Meanwhile, Project Veritas has captured on video an Advanced Placement Government teacher at Inderkum High School crowing, “I have 180 days to turn them [his students] into revolutionaries”. He brags, “I have an Antifa flag on my [classroom] wall” and goes into a lengthy communist rant about how bad America is and needs to be overthrown and replaced by a communist regime, blah-blah. Students get extra credit for joining “protests.”

Why hasn’t he been fired? Why haven’t the nincompoops on the school board, who hired him in the first place, been forced to resign?

What good can come of “teaching” a whole generation of Americans that their country is not worthy of their loyalty?

Have we gone barking, howling, driveling mad? We pay a fortune for public education! In my town the cost of our four schools is more than the cost of all other municipal services and functions combined. The money is sucked up as taxes—and we have no say as to who gets to teach in those schools or what gets taught. All we do is pay. We have no ownership rights. But this is the case everywhere: just shut up and pay.

Public education is killing our country, and it has to stop. The only way to stop it is to remove our children from the schools, out of the clutches of the teachers’ unions. The COVID panic has practically doubled the number of homeschooling households in America, but we still have a long way to go. Honestly, if parents themselves can’t do a better job of educating their own children than the teachers’ unions do, they really ought to be ashamed of that.

There’s also Christian schooling to be considered. America needs more Christian schools.

If millions of children are removed from public education, the system will shrivel up and die. We can’t be asked to fork over $100,000 a year to some communist doofus to bloviate to a virtually empty classroom.

And if the teachers’ unions are driven to a well-deserved extinction, the whole Far Left Crazy enterprise will come tumbling down after them.

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit while you can—before they decide we’re all terrorists and shut us down. My articles can also be found at .

Look At Us Now

by Lee Duigon

I don’t think America has been in this bad shape since the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.

Look at us. Chased out of Afghanistan, after 20 years of wasting blood and treasure there, by a lot of medieval misfits—who are now armed to the teeth with the modern weapons we left behind when we skedaddled. Chased out like naughty children caught trying to break into an electronics store. Tail between our legs.

We had just about achieved energy independence, but the Biden regime threw that away by shutting down the Keystone Pipeline. “Please, Mr. OPEC! Please sell us some oil!” Just plain threw it away.

Our southern border—look at that. Ruptured. Torn wide open. Millions of illegal aliens from all over the world swarming into our country. How many of them are carrying the COVID germ? We don’t know! We never checked. Are any of them terrorists? We don’t know! We never checked. They just swarm across the border, every one of them breaking our laws—and our alleged government chauffeurs them all over the country. “Settle down and get free stuff!”

And just as bad as all this, we have comments and suggestions from our ruling class that once upon a time would never have been spoken anywhere in America. These politicians, appointees, opinion shapers, TV noozies, “entertainers” (whom do they actually entertain?), and academic twaddlers are so alienated, so estranged, from the American people, and from American life and traditions, that they might as well be space aliens.

Back in March we had a former Dept. of Justice prosecutor proposing something called “The Democracy Pledge.” As he explained it, “Every business in America must sign a pledge that the election of Joseph Biden was free and fair and produced accurate, reliable results”. Wow. Must sign a pledge. How did creatures like this ever wind up in our government?

A week ago it was a former NSA director—once the CIA director, too—saying he’d like to deport Trump supporters to Afghanistan. What—all 75 million of us? I thought the NSA was supposed to protect us from communists. But it looks like they’re the commies now.

A few days ago, a “teacher” in Washington fell “under investigation” for comments she made on Facebook… to the effect that she wished people who chose not to get the COVID vaccine would die. Comments like this one: “If we’re lucky we can cut out 30% of the population that votes the wrong way”. And you send your kids to public school to be “taught” by these wackos because…?

Oh! And CNN’s gasbag Don Lemon has said, on the air, that “the unvaccinated”—here we go, a whole new category of suddenly second-class citizens—should not be allowed to buy food, or to work. That’ll learn us.

Do you get the impression our ruling class doesn’t like us? Not that a republic, like ours is by law, ought to be saddled with a ruling class at all. But these characters who lord it over us really do seem to despise us, and talk like nothing would please them more than to turn America into Third World chamber-pot—with themselves on thrones.

All of this mess—Afghanistan, the border, the inflation—was easily avoidable! It was never carved in stone. But after that travesty of a 2020 election, we had Democrats in charge of everything. They made these messes! Who made them throw open the border? Who made them shut off the pipeline? Who made them initiate spending bills that would horrify any sane person? And who allowed the disengagement from Afghanistan to turn into a panic? Good lord, we left our bases and our weapons for the Taliban to pick up from the ground—modernize your army at no cost to anyone but the American taxpayer. A Roman emperor would have executed any general who left an intact fort full of weapons to the enemy.

Our generals will get promoted for it.

Some citizens expect to rectify the situation in the 2022 elections.

I’m not sure we’ll last that long.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit—while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be seen at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Kicking Sand in America’s Face

by Lee Duigon

Remember those old Charles Atlas ads in 1950s comic books?

“Fear No Man! Crush Your Enemies!” And there he stood, in all his muscular glory, a human powerhouse.

The ads usually came with a mini-comic strip featuring some poor “skinny runt” at the beach getting sand kicked in his face by a musclebound bully who jeers at the runt’s discomfiture while the poor guy’s girlfriend watches, ashamed. But then the runt signs up for Charles Atlas’ program; and the next time he is at the beach, he settles the bully’s hash but good.

Now turn we unto the state of our beleaguered union.

What a difference nine months makes. With Donald Trump running the show, America was a powerhouse. We were making America great again. Our economy, which the last president, old *Batteries Not Included, said would never come back… was coming back. And humming!

But now America is the poor skinny runt.

The Taliban is kicking sand in our faces. Those Afghans who sided with us in 20 years of war, the ones who haven’t been able to get away in the general panic, are waiting to be killed. Twenty years we poured down that hole—and how long did it take the Taliban to seize the capital city of Kabul, once our new “president” announced his great skedaddle? Twenty minutes?

Red China is kicking sand in our faces, trumpeting to the world that the USA is no better than a broken reed to lean on, a straw man of an ally who drops the ball and runs away when the going gets tough. “Better surrender to us while you can! Don’t expect America to help you. Taiwan, you’re next!” And they kick more sand at us and say “What are you gonna do about it, you skinny runt?”

It took the doddering Biden virtually no time at all to rupture our country’s southern border. Millions of illegal aliens are kicking sand in our faces now. Some of them are surely carrying the COVID germ, but nothing’s done about it… beyond chauffeuring them to various locations throughout the country, at the taxpayers’ expense. Probably some of them are terrorists. Thousands of ISIS and Taliban bad guys are now being let out of prison. Don’t expect them to devote their new freedom to gardening and bingo.

Our own Democrat Party, wacko governors and mayors and all those loons nesting on Capitol Hill, are kicking sand in our faces. Huzzah! Another humiliating American defeat. As bad as that business in Saigon! And just watch us squander money! Fundamental transformation, anyone? The socialist millennium is here!

Everything President Donald Trump accomplished, from securing our border to bringing our manufacturing back home and stopping all that Hypocritical Race Theory training in our bureaucracies, has been undone. On purpose. By people who do not like America, and say so, and yet enjoy high positions in government and all our other institutions. Big Tech, Hollywood, the colleges and universities, our Free & Independent Nooze Media Inc.—“You’re going down, America! It’s our time now, and you deplorables are going down!”

Is it even possible that someday we’ll recover from the disaster that was the 2020 election, get our country back, kick out all the socialists, and get to continue as a constitutional republic instead of just a name on a map? Sheesh, even our freakin’ football teams despise us! And our National Basketball Assn. is totally in China’s pocket.

Pray unceasingly, pray hard, work hard, and press forward in faith.

We appeal to the Judge of all the earth; and He will do what’s right.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit, before they make a mandate against it. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

A High School Diploma… For Nothing

by Lee Duigon

Would you want to hire someone who couldn’t read, couldn’t write, and couldn’t do math? If so, Oregon’s public high schools will soon have graduates who fill the bill!

Late last month the Oregon legislature and governor passed a law that, in its own words, “prohibits the State Board of Education from requiring for a high school diploma that student show proficiency in any academic content area if student successfully completed credit requirements”.

In other words, as long as the student actually showed up for class and sat there at his desk all year, he doesn’t have to have learned anything to get a diploma.

Oh, yeah! The legislature voted to “suspend academic standards” for five years. Would you like to try to guess why they did that? I mean, there’ll be students in Oregon’s high schools who’ll be in there for four whole years without learning bupkus. No reading, no writing, no math. Under the circumstances, it would seem pointless for teachers to hand out grades, and unlikely that students would motivate themselves to learn, given that they’ll get their diplomas regardless of their grades.

Unless you’re some ninny in the State House, you’ll never be able to come up with a reason for all this. But of course those ninnies have an explanation.

They’re going to go without any academic standards at all until they can—drum roll, please!—dream up new, “equitable graduation standards”… for, now you’ll guess it, minorities!

See, minorities just can’t learn anything unless it’s real, real easy. High school reading levels are beyond their grasp. Ditto writing and math. They couldn’t do anything at all, without white liberals to make things easy for them.

Am I the only one who finds this insulting, condescending, and offensive? Five years—on purpose!—without any academic standards. Think they’ll reduce the school tax, given that the students won’t be learning anything? Don’t hold your breath.

The phrase “the soft racism of low expectations” springs to mind. I don’t see how expectations can get any lower than this.

Yeahbut, yeahbut! They’ll still be teaching that there are forty or fifty different “genders.” You know they’ll want to keep on teaching Hypocritical Race Theory: teachers’ unions have already doubled down on that. But reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic (never mind algebra!)—those subjects are just too hard.

At least you won’t have to acquire any proficiency in Hypocritical Race Theory. Or anything else, for that matter, for the next five years.

Anyone who’s not a leftid would think the schools want to hold back minority students, keep them from achieving anything, withhold from them the knowledge that they’ll need to get ahead in life. And make the public pay for it!

Because we always pay, don’t we? Our public education system costs a fortune, and every penny of it comes out of our paychecks. We pay for it, lock, stock, and barrel—but we don’t own it, do we? We have no say in what gets taught—or, in this case, neglected—or who gets hired to teach it. If we question the curriculum, the teachers’ union sues us! Shut up and pay.

And for the next five years in Oregon, at least as far as the high schools are concerned, what will the public get for all those tax dollars that they pony up?

Nothing! No academic standards. Because “minorities,” they tell us, just can’t meet those standards. (Note to minorities: you need to stop listening to white liberals.)

Our public education system is needed in interstellar space, out beyond the OortCloud.

It’s not needed here on earth.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit before Big Tech decides you can’t. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Stupid Stuff That Has to Stop

by Lee Duigon

We are doing stupid stuff, these days, that could kill our civilization—not just in America, but throughout the Western world. And it must be borne in mind that Democrats and other idiots, worldwide, *want* to do this stupid stuff.

Take just four incredibly stupid public policies and cultural trends. Take them as far away as possible.

*Hypocritical Race Theory, also known as Critical Race Theory or CRT—the teaching that all white human beings are born racists, their countries are racists, they’re all just naturally and intractably evil, blah-blah: in other words, leftids actively foment racial strife and use the public schools to teach children to hate and fear each other, hate themselves, and hate their country.


Why in the world would anybody want to do this? Because it’s a “divide and rule” strategy that’s supposed to help Democrats wield their politics against us and keep them in power. They’ll do anything to get and keep power. Including turning their own countries into hell-holes.

*Open borders—wasn’t that what finally killed the Western Roman Empire? Our glorious progressive leaders have ruptured our country’s southern border. The chaos brewed there will spread throughout the country. Destruction seems a high price to pay for cheap labor—and even cheaper votes.

*That whole transgender thing—are we out of our freakin’ minds? In what conceivable way can this benefit America, or anywhere else? Bill Gates is always saying how much he wants to reduce the human population of the earth. Well, this’ll do it. When you hear a professor at a medical school abjectly apologize—or rather grovel—for saying “when a woman gets pregnant,” you know sanity has left the building.

Forcing people to say things that aren’t true, that they know are not true, that they know are downright daft, not only erodes their self-respect. It turns them into fools. And a country full of fools has a very poor prognosis.

*Locking down, masking up, suspending basic liberties, and panicking whenever a new disease crops up—how much of that can any nation’s economy stand? To say nothing of its culture. It does make it a lot easier to steal elections, though. Are we going to just keep on doing this? Doing it until we forget that we were ever free?

A top “health” honcho in Australia has said it’s time for us all to be “minimizing our interactions with others”—once upon a time, that was called “life”—and… stop talking! Because talking, of course, spreads germs. Honest, you can have your freedoms back as soon as the government can guarantee a germ-free environment!

Who wants to live this way? “Sure, you can go on living—as long as you don’t do any of those things that constitute living.” Don’t go to church, don’t have a backyard cookout with the neighbors, don’t talk in the checkout line, don’t shake hands—they call this living?

Why in the world are we doing all these things? If we’re in a race to extinction, why don’t they at least tell us whom we’re racing against? God help us—what will our world look like with all this crazy stupid stuff going on at once?

We’re doing it because politicians, teachers’ unions, cracked college professors, A-list celebrities, Big Tech, and all the rest of the usual suspects are telling us we have to! The mystery of it is, why are we obeying them? What’s so wonderful about racial animosity, ruptured borders, men calling themselves women and women calling themselves men, and living in a bubble because we’re mortally terrified of this or that new “variant” of COVID? What’s so great about this, that we should desire it? Have we frankly lost our minds?

We have to stop doing these things. They’re bad for us and they will never be good.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and come on in… while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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My New Book “The Wind From Heaven” Is Out

by Lee Duigon

My newest book, “The Wind from Heaven,” has just been published. It’s No. 13 in my “Bell Mountain” series.

What happens when God stirs up a spiritually dormant world, and moves its people to seek Him?

Visions happen, and prophecies. Acts of desperate heroism—and villainy. Nations on the move, and wars for survival. A doomed and desolate past reaches out for the present and holds the keys to the future. Holy men who don’t believe in God; and children, reformed criminals, the old, the powerless, who do: with conflict everywhere.

Adventures happen, and fabulous discoveries. Ordinary people are called upon to do extraordinary things. The whole world is wakening to a frightening realization that the last thousand years has only been a kind of sleeping-spell that held them in apathetic sin and ignorance.

All right, all right—let’s not get carried away. The books are fantasy-adventure novels embedded in a Biblical worldview. I’ve tried to write them to an audience of intelligent twelve-year-olds; but thousands of adult readers have enjoyed them, and I’m always surprised when readers let me know the stories are a hit with children as young as eight. Published by the Chalcedon Foundation, all thirteen are available at the Chalcedon Store (,, and elsewhere—in both paperback and ebook formats.

I’m proud that I’ve been able to leave our own world’s politics out of my books altogether: even liberals have enjoyed them. As far as fantasy goes, I think that’s as it should be.

For fantasy, like poetry, should be about bigger things. Universal things. Fantasy has access to regions of the heart and mind that are not readily available to other kinds of story-telling. It can provide the read with an imaginary world which offers a new perspective on the real world.

One purposeful difference between my books and many other fantasies—if not most of them—is that I’ve strictly ruled out magic and sorcery. “Bell Mountain” is not a Harry Potter knockoff. I do create characters who claim to have extraordinary powers, but that’s something that has always existed in our world. I allow nothing that’s not allowed in the Bible—which, you’ll have to admit, gives ample scope for marvels.

Why write fantasy at all? I mean, our world’s on fire, we have plenty of serious problems to worry us—why bother with the imaginary problems of an imaginary world?

But problems of faith, meaning, sacrifice, temptation, the lust for power and wealth, government, war, and fear are anything but imaginary; and the world of Bell Mountain has them all. Nor are there any super-heroes, super-wizards, or fantastic martial arts to call upon. The problems in “Bell Mountain” must be faced and dealt with by ordinary people with ordinary resources.

And what resources are those? The same real resources available to us—faith, wisdom, courage, self-sacrifice, and endurance. The motto of the Shackleton family, believed in whole-heartedly by the explorer Ernest Shackleton when he went off to try to cross Antarctica, was only this: “By endurance we conquer.” He didn’t succeed in crossing Antarctica, but when his expedition met disaster, he performed a rescue operation that was little short of miraculous.

The Bible itself, and high points of our own world’s history, have inspired me and upheld me throughout the writing of these books. I revel in an inexhaustible mine of inspiration.

And I hope my books will inspire others.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Have We Gone Off the Deep End?

By Lee Duigon

Bad enough we have to listen to pap like “Men are women with penises, women are men with vaginas,” all white people are racists, and “riots are Mostly Peaceful Protests.” The list could go on all day.

But now we’re told that 2 + 2 ain’t 4 no more.

Yes, that’s the contribution offered by “school officials” in Ontario, who have announced their plan to teach 9th graders that “Mathematics has been used to normalize racism” by its “marginalization of non-Eurocentric mathematical knowledges” (

Does that make sense to you? If it does, you’re as loopy as they are.

See, it’s all those “right answers” to math problems, like “2 + 2 = 4.” Sez who? Maybe, to People Of Color (POCs), it makes five. Or three. Maybe in Ontario it makes a different sum day by day, depending on how you… feel.

Do you want these idiots calculating your week’s pay? Do you want a woke paycheck?

But never mind that! What if any old answer you feel like giving on any given day is the math that goes into building multistory condos, airplanes, and bridges? The condo collapses, the plane crashes, and the bridge falls down. Because even if you’re only a few percentage points off, that nice bridge you just designed is going to fall into the river. And heaven only knows where that rocket you just launched will land.

We live in an age when barking crazy nonsense rolls sonorously out of the mouths of people who are supposed to be experts, sages, authorities, role models, and (God help us) “leaders.” We’ve got a senile “president” to prove it.

How much of this can any civilization stand before it keels over onto the ash-heap of history? Go ahead—try to maintain your own household with hokey arithmetic. See how far you get before they turn your lights off.

With the voice of God’s wisdom personified, the Bible says “All they that hate me love death” (Proverbs 8:36). We reject wisdom—and experience, and tradition—in favor of leftid political fairy tales, many of them decidedly unwholesome. Just because 2 + 2 always used to make 4 doesn’t mean it does so anymore! That’s a white people’s answer! It disrespects all those wonderful people for whom 2 + 2 make 3! Not that such persons ever actually existed, outside of a mental hospital or some incredibly rustic environment—but wokies can’t be bothered by such petty considerations as reality.

If enough people decide to be gay, be transgender, or have abortions, sooner or later the human race dies out. If we all do it, we die. Our planes crash on takeoff. Our smart cars decide to play demolition derby. Everything goes wrong.

What percentage of the population has to believe woke fairy tales before we reach a point of no return? When are things so screwed-up, they can’t be fixed? When have we strayed far enough off the road of sanity that we can’t find our way back?

If it were only a few micro-constituencies, we could just shrug it off. But these micro-constituencies enjoy the throttle-wide-open support of the Democrat Party, teachers’ unions, Big Tech, wacko Far Left billionaires, Hollywood, the universities, and even pro sports—all of them pushing this garbage as if their very lives depended on it. God only knows what they’re thinking. I very much doubt that they can explain themselves.

We have to take back our civilization. We appeal to God, the Judge of all the earth.

God can do without this civilization; another one will take its place, built on the ruins.

But we can’t do without God; and I would like to see our civilization survive.

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit, before they make it illegal or something. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Are You an “Extremist”?

by Lee Duigon

Are you an extremist?

Have you been “exposed to extremist content” online?

Do you know someone who’s at risk of becoming an “extremist”?

Facebook wants to know!

Facebook has been issuing “warnings” about extremists and extremism. Oh, not that they’ve bothered to define it! Where would be the fun in that? Besides which, it was only a “test.” (Sorry for all the quotation marks, but we do need them here. We are quoting pure blather.) We are not sure what it’s a test for.

Has somebody got a little list somewhere—a list of “extremists” and potential extremists? Persons who are guilty of… “hate”? Who need to be kept track of? And the very least, who need to be canceled out of social media? Who gets to see that list? Is it somebody in the government who can send goons to knock on the extremists’ doors?

Well, they have to know who doesn’t love Big Brother, don’t they? Meanwhile, I think I have a pretty good idea of whom they would consider an extremist.

Some Christian florist who doesn’t want to be involved in a “gay wedding.” For religious reasons (there’s that pesky First Amendment—but never mind).

Someone who’s opposed to open borders.

Biggited Haters who don’t want their kids taught Critical Race Theory.

Someone who thinks there really are only two genders, male and female. Imagine daring to think that! Time to set up re-education camps.

Right-to-Lifers. Don’t they know that aborting babies is the key to Women’s Health?

Persons who think the military should be more concerned about Red China than a handful of hillbillies with a pickup truck.

You get the idea: anyone who isn’t Far Left Crazy. Anyone who isn’t them. Perish the thought that any definition of “extremist” should include the Mostly Peaceful Protesters from Antifa and BLM! No, no, a thousand times no. An “extremist” is a parent who goes to a local school board meeting to object to his or her children being taught that white people are evil.

Let’s come right out and say it: This is war. Leftids want to take America down and “fundamentally transform” it into God knows what. I’m guessing a socialist hell-hole, a la Venezuela or Cuba, with themselves at the top of the pyramid, forever. The rest of us are to be enslaved.

Western leftids are the only people in the world who don’t know that socialism has never been anything but an unmitigated disaster. The few who don’t know that, don’t care.

If we don’t want that done to us, we have to stop it. No more reaching across the aisle: all we ever get for that is a double handful of trash. No more sitting at home on Election Day because The Righteous Candidate never showed up. This is war—against a ruthless enemy who must be utterly defeated. And we might start by pulling Christian children out of anti-Christian public schools. Unless, of course, you really want your kids being taught racial fear and hatred, gender fluidity, and neo-Marxism. Kill the teachers’ unions, and radical leftism dies.

We can’t ignore this anymore. For as long as the Democrat Party remains viable, America cannot be safe—because they are out to take us down.

I guess that’s what Facebook means by extremism.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit… sometime before they come knocking on your door. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Can They Hijack Our Dreams?

By Lee Duigon

The political science discovery of the century has got to be this, originally brought to us by King COVID:

If there’s a mean and nasty trick that the government is not allowed to do because it would be illegal… they can always find some goons in the private sector to do it for them. You know—like forcing people to take experimental drugs against their will.

Have you ever heard of “Targeted Dream Incubation”? It’s the latest thing!.

Rogue scientists—maybe I should put quotes around “scientists”—employed by Coors Breweries are working on techniques to slip advertising messages into your dreams, so that when you wake up, you’ll have a hankering to buy their product.

What? We aren’t safe from them even in our dreams? Well, that’s the general idea.

The Federal Trade Commission, of course, could ban this practice, just like they banned subliminal ads in movies. But how would you ever know they really did? The dirty work is done while you’re sleeping.

And how many of us already have those little “Alexa” units in our bedrooms—where they can switch themselves on at 2:30 in the morning and give you the urge to buy, oh, lacy see-through shorts for men? There must be all sorts of ways for them to do this without getting caught.

And what happens to us if the government gets its hot little hands on this technology? And you wake up thinking, as you never thought before, “Y’know, those open borders really do sound like a good idea! Why didn’t I realize this till now?” To say nothing of what they might do to us, come election time.

It may be argued that we’re already as daft as can be and don’t need any help from Alexa. A few months ago, somebody paid $18,000 for an “invisible sculpture” by one Salvatore Garau. Were this buyer’s dreams “targeted,” or did he commit this act of folly all on his own? We have no way of knowing.

But think of what they could do to us, once they slithered past our protective wall of sleep. Suddenly everybody’s all aboard the Transgender Express. Joe Biden goes completely ga-ga and is re-elected anyway. Unanimously. And we’re all wearing quadruple face masks and chanting about how we love Big Brother. No end of mischief might ensue.

The scary part is… the sheeple just might like it! All decisions made for you, by your betters, while you sleep. No more responsibility! It’ll be even better than Communist China’s social credit system. How are you going to guard your freedoms in your sleep?

Best of all, it’s Science! It’s technology. You don’t want people to think you’re against Science, do you? It’ll be the triumph of Manufactured Consent. You won’t even know you’re doing as you’re told. You’ll just wake up and want to do it.

They’re always rebuilding the Tower of Babel, always striving to be as gods. Someone always wants to rule the world—Red China, globalists, George Soros, there’s always somebody on fire to take up the burden of global governance. They used to try to do it with armies, but nowadays they’ve opted for seduction. “It’s gonna be great, you’ll see! No more war, no more inequality, no more disappointment!” And please don‘t look behind the curtain where we’re piling up the dead bodies.

And then, at some point or other, God intervenes because He just can’t stand to listen to it anymore.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit, before Alexa says you can’t because you have to hurry to the store and buy a new smart phone. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Let Them Defend the Indefensible

by Lee Duigon

It’s my fervent hope that Far Left Crazy, aka the Democrat Party, goes down in flames defending “Critical Race Theory.”

This is the “theory” that all white people are racists, born bad, everything they will ever do will be racist, blah-blah-blah. It has been slipped into our public schools while no one was looking: teaching children to hate themselves, hate each other, hate their families, and hate their country. Our Marxist teachers’ unions are in love with it.

But now, to the dismay and shock of “educators,” noozies, and other species of leftids, parents all over the country are up in arms, descending in throngs on local school board meetings to demand an immediate end to CRT instruction. While they’re at it, they’re also somewhat displeased with their children being force-fed transgender indoctrination.

The great thing about CRT is that virtually everybody hates it. Black people, it turns out, don’t like being told they’re perpetual victims, oppressed, helpless to achieve anything by their own efforts; and white people don’t like being told they’re evil, no good, responsible for everything that ever goes wrong anywhere on earth. Even ultra-liberal Loudon County, Virginia, hates critical race theory. Loudon County parents have let their school board know they’re highly cheesed off about this.

So no one likes this except for dyed-in-the-wool brain-dead leftids. CNN noozie Jim Acosta was practically beside himself. When he finished hyperventilating, he called the Loudon County parents’ protest an “insurrection.”

Yeah—suddenly everything the libs don’t like is an insurrection. Would someone please buy them some dictionaries? Like “gravitas” in the G.W. Bush era, “insurrection” has become one of those buzzwords that the Left barks out a million times a day. So when parents demanded that their school board put a stop to CRT, Acosta called it an insurrection—characterized by “trans-bashing and an anti-CRT moral panic.” Are there any meds he could take for that?

How did this genie get out of the bottle? It just might be King COVID’s doing. With tens of thousands of kids kept home from school and getting “remote learning” via their computers, parents—for very likely the first time—got to see and hear what their kids were actually being “taught.”

Well, the “educators” knew that’d be trouble. They tried to cut it off at the pass by demanding that parents sign agreements not to watch or listen to what their kids were being fed remotely—I mean, they really thought parents would agree to butt out of their children’s education. To their astonishment, nobody agreed to that. Parents saw, parents heard, and now they want it out, out, out!

Too bad it took a pandemic to wake them up. It turns out you can’t trust “teachers” to teach your children anything but anti-American pap. But they are awake now, and they’re not going back to sleep. They’re going to their local school board meeting to read the riot act. And they think many of their board members need to be replaced, now that the public knows what they’ve been up to.

All Donald Trump’s fault, Acosta bleats. Trump put them up to this!

If he did, he deserves a medal for it. But what really happened was quite simple: the schools got found out. The evil, race-baiting, hate-mongering CRT spoke for itself.

And no, the parents are not too thrilled with all this transgender business, either.

Once upon a time the communities served by the public schools owned their public schools. They decided what was taught in there, and by whom. But little by little, starting in the late 1960s, state and federal governments, and teachers’ unions, stripped them of their ownership rights and totally took over. That’s how we wound up with a U.S. Dept. of Education and state departments of education, with Title This and Title That and the people can just shut up and pay. We still pay for all those schools, and that is all that we’re allowed to do: pay.

But the long-awaited pushback’s here in force—and we must work and pray for its success.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit: show those Big Tech censors who’s boss! My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Mocking the Left

by Lee Duigon

I’ve been criticized for mocking leftists, being mean, calling them names. “We’re better than that!” So don’t throw water on the fire? Thanks, but I’ll take a pass on that.

Elijah mocked the prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18). They were false prophets of a false god, the Democrats and humanists of their day. If Elijah had tried to be… I believe the word is “winsome”… they would have killed him. All for his own good, of course.

Today false prophets, representing a plethora of false gods, have a certain trump card (if you’ll pardon the expression) that they always play: “We’re smarter than you, so shut up!” The leftid that you’re trying to have a conversation with may have an IQ only slightly higher than a chair’s, but he still relies on his superior intelligence as a given. After all, he’s been to college! He’s learned real smart things from real smart people! And he can recite them flawlessly, even while he’s busy burning down a dollar store in a Mostly Peaceful Protest. You must be nuts, to think he could be wrong.

Besides, how many times have his professors, and celebrities, and noozies told him how profoundly wise he is? How many times has he been told “Good job!” You’re not going to convince him that he’s no smarter than an ashtray; but the presumption of his superior intelligence is the balloon that must be burst. And why?

Because so many people have heard it so many times, they actually believe it, as ridiculous as it is. They need to be there when the bubble bursts. They need to see these dunces laughed off the stage.

How dumb, how ignorant, how clueless are they—even leftids who’ve been given, or stolen, high positions in the government?

Let one example, out of many thousands, illustrate the point.

Christians Engaged, a non-profit group in Texas, recently applied to the Infernal Revenue Service for tax-exempt status—and got turned down. You’ll never guess why.

According to some gibbering dolt at the IRS, Christians Engaged can’t be tax-exempt because—wait for it—“the Bible’s teaching is affiliated with the Republican Party.

Does he not realize that he’s just branded his beloved Democrats the Anti-Bible Party? Does he really think Noah, Abraham, Isaiah, St. Paul, and Jesus Christ Himself… were Republicans? He has plumbed new depths of ignorance. What’s he using for a bathysphere?

Does he even know what a Republican is? Good grief. If the GOP is the best the Bible can do, we’re all in trouble. Who does he think wrote the Psalms—Donald Trump? Mitch McConnell? Does he think the Ten Commandments were handed down to Ron DeSantis at the last Republican convention? The Republican Party wasn’t even founded until 1854. Augustine, Aquinas, Calvin, Luther—does he think they were Republicans?

This is pure silliness of a very high order.

But that’s the reason the IRS gave for denying tax-exempt status to Christians Engaged.

We are probably racists for pointing that out.

Because they truly believe in their own superior mental powers, which is quite a serious delusion, Democrats say a lot of funny things that deserve to be mocked. We offer mockery as a service to the public, in hopes that the American people, once they realize what dimwits their self-anointed betters are, will just stop listening to them.

And the libs will really hate it when that happens.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit, while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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The Pope’s Mixed Message

by Lee Duigon

Where does Francis I, the Red Pope, stand on any given issue? It’s very hard to tell.

On Monday the Pope was asked to give Communion to Joe Biden, a self-described Catholic who supports and promotes abortion, sodomy, and “transgender” like his life depended on it. Normally the Pope would say yes. But on Tuesday he backed off.  Why?

Because on Wednesday the Catholic bishops of the United States were to begin discussions on “Eucharistic coherence.” This has to do whether or not they should give Communion to persons whose “acts or deeds or words [go] against the commandments,” which include a strict prohibition of abortion.

At the same time, the Vatican “warned” the American bishops not—repeat, not—to withhold Communion from Catholic politicians who support and promote abortion.

Can you say “mixed message”?

If the Pope were to personally administer Communion to the most abortion-happy politician of them all, where does that leave the bishops? Like, if the Pope’s going to do it, right out there on center stage, how can they not do it?

This is what happens when, year after year, you ignore a problem instead of facing up to it. How the bishops would love to keep on ducking it! But how can they? Catholic teaching on abortion is crystal clear: abortion is a very serious sin, and you’re not supposed to receive Communion if you’re in an active state of sin.

The Vatican says they warned the bishops off because they don’t want the Eucharist to get mixed up in politics. Remember, years ago, when the then-governor of New York, Mario Cuomo, said that he was “personally against abortion”—personally? What does God care for his personal opinion?—but as a public official, he wouldn’t do anything to oppose it. Too bad they don’t give you an Oscar for compartmentalizing real life. Cuomo went on his merry way, supporting abortion because that was the Democrat Party’s position. God’s position, he ignored.

And the Catholic Church let him get away with it.

Now we’ve got a whole crop of supposed Catholics in government whose policies shred Catholic teachings and Biblical morality. After they kicked Raymond Cardinal Burke upstairs to  get him out of their hair, the Vatican turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to the hypocrisy.

If the bishops go against the church’s teaching and continue to give Communion to abortion supporters, what happens to their moral authority? Who’s going to listen to them?

And this is not the only tar pit waiting to suck them under.

For three years in a row—and they intend to do it again this month—a Catholic church in New Jersey has held a “Pride mass” to, God help us, “celebrate” homosexuality. How many times does the Bible have to tell them that homosexual acting-out is a grave sin? But this church holds a special mass to celebrate it, saying in effect that the Bible is wrong and it’s not a sin after all, everybody’s cool with it. This is another trouble spot the bishops have ignored.

If the Bible is not the Word of God, then what is? Why do the bishops allow this? Could it possibly be because this is another issue for which the Pope has provided a mixed message? All of a sudden a sin is not a sin? Why? Because the world says so? But since when have bishops of the church, any church, been authorized to turn to the world for guidance?

If Christians of any stripe can’t find a church that’s faithful to God’s word, then they’ll have to be the Church, the bishops aren’t up to it anymore. No one asked the bishops to squander their authority, to fritter it away on worldly fads.

Faithful bishops, faithful ministers and preachers, will be found. Our Lord Jesus Christ will provide them. And those who are left out in the cold will have only themselves to blame.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Christian Bloggers, Unite!

By Lee Duigon

I’m not the only Christian blogger who’s seen his viewer numbers take a nosedive this year. It seems to have happened to most of us.

Why should that be? There are many of us, we all have different things to say—we can’t all have turned off our audience at the same time. My blog’s viewership has grown steadily over ten years; and suddenly in 2021, pop goes the weasel. But again, this is anything but rare.

There are Big Tech bad guys out there trying to suppress everybody’s opinion but their own, making the world safe for Far Left Crazy. They can’t just out-and-out ban us all. That might force Congress to take action. Much better, much safer, just to whittle us down by playing with the search engine rankings, or whatever it is they do, to make it harder for readers to find and read our posts. That’s how so many of us have wound up with only half the views we were getting just seven months ago.

But how can we go up against mindless algorithms employed by multi-billion-dollar oligarchies?

The same way David went up against Goliath.

There are many of us. And we’re the little guys. Some of us are downright microscopic. Why should Big Tech ever be afraid of us? Let the robots gag us.

But when you put a lot of little guys together, you get an army. An ant is a small thing, but army ants will scare anybody.

What if the world’s Christian bloggers came together to support each other? To set an example, I’ve been posting links to the work of other Christian bloggers—posting the links on my blog, , so that my readers, who wouldn’t ordinarily see these pieces by other Christian bloggers, will now be able to access them through my page. It costs nothing but a few minutes of my time, and it’s so easy to do, even I can do it.

What if you posted something and five different Christian bloggers picked it up and either reblogged it or linked to it? I hardly dare hope for ten, although it’s certainly possible. And if your post got just five more views on each of those other bloggers’ pages, you’d have 25 more views that you wouldn’t have gotten ordinarily. And if 25, why not 50? Last year I was getting 50 to 80 views of posts reblogged from other Christian sites. I think my colleagues were mighty pleased to get those extra views!

(It’s not as complicated as it sounds. If I can do it, you can do it, too.)

Why should we let these Big Tech bad guys suppress us? All we need is to come together in an informal network of mutual support. We only have to be successful enough to still be here by the time Christian-friendly, free-speech-friendly platforms become firmly established, and then we can go there.

This will be a revolution, and we need it: we can’t afford to let Silicon Valley leftids dictate the terms of our national discourse. Today’s redcoats work for Google and Facebook; and each of us must take up the work of Paul Revere. When they slap one of us down, let two pop up. Confront them with a Whack-a-Mole game that they can’t win.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit, while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Three Abominations—Shall We Try for Four?

by Lee Duigon

Let me first reiterate a rule of thumb: Whatever societal tinkering is proposed by Far Left Crazy, ask, in response, “What if everybody does it?” And if the answer is either, “The human race goes extinct,” or “America loses its freedom”—reject it. Don’t do it.

In my own lifetime, three such abominations have been imposed on civilization.

First, abortion. Once upon a time it was a crime, killing a baby in the womb. And it was certainly a sin. But along came the Supreme Court with umbras and penumbras and, without any legislation at all, abortion became the law of the land and is now called “choice,” “women’s health,” and “reproductive freedom.” What would we do without euphemisms? Now we have Democrat governors wanting to abort babies even as they’re being born.

Aside from the millions of lives lost, have we not cheapened life itself? To say nothing of our constitutional system of checks and balances: suddenly our courts could do anything they pleased, with no accountability to the nation. So not only does it prevent babies from being born and living their lives, but it also weakens our republic.

For abortion, the answer to my question is a double “Yes.” If enough babies are aborted, we go extinct. And we have been robbed of a piece of our sovereignty.

Second, normalizing homosexuality—with the Supreme Court again involved, arrogating to itself the authority to impose deep social changes that the people never got a chance to vote for. But the court was backed up by the Democrat Party, the nooze media, Hollywood, and the world’s worst and costliest education establishment.

What if everybody does it? Babies don’t even get conceived, unless by artificial insemination. And meanwhile our First Amendment rights get put at risk. How dare you question “gay marriage”? You must be a Hater! What? You don’t acknowledge that the Bible is wrong? Convene a “human rights” tribunal! We’ll soon show you what your religious principals are worth.

Third, the whole “transgender” movement. Again, if everybody does it, no more human race. And look at the abuse that’s heaped on anyone who dares to question it. So when some guy  says, absurdly, that he’s a woman because he wears a dress, etc., we wind up appointing him to a high position in the U.S. Dept. of Health. And we’re expected to go along with his preposterous claim… or else.

It’s impossible to see how this folly can do our nation anything but harm.

That’s three world-changing abominations heaped on America just in my own lifetime. But they’re not done yet.

Critical Race Theory—the “teaching” that all white people are evil no-good racists, blah-blah—was all lined up to be Abomination No. 4, taught in all our schools and preached by all our media. Democrats calculate it’s easier to remain on top of a country where big chunks of the population hate and fear each other. King COVID was a windfall for them. But even without COVID, the racial hatred industry was never going to be part of securing the domestic tranquility. It’s a big part of “divide and rule.”

But then, unexpectedly, who would have thought it—opposition! There is actually opposition to Critical Race Theory, and it’s growing, growing fast. Even a few brave public school teachers have spoken out against it. Parents have discovered what the teachers’ unions and Far Left Crazy “education” theorists want to pump into their children’s minds—hate yourself, hate each other, hate your family, and hate your country—and they don’t like it. All over the country, they don’t like it. And they’re working hard to put a stop to it.

Too bad it took a stolen election and a whole summer’s worth of non-stop riots to wake us up. But something had to.

Pray we’re not too late.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit before Big Tech censors it out of existence. My articles can also be found at .

It’s Pushback Time

by Lee Duigon

[I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit—while it’s still alive. My articles can also be found at .]

Once upon a time, and not that long ago, the communities served by public schools owned those public schools. We need to keep reminding ourselves of this, if only to understand that it’s not impossible. What was done once can be done again. We don’t own those schools anymore; but we used to. And then along came the U.S. Dept. of Education (thank you so flaming much, Jimmy Carter!) and a mob of state departments of education… and Far Left teachers’ unions… and took the schools away from us.

This week parents in Scottsdale, Arizona, held their own public meeting outside Coronado High School. They did it because that’s where their Unified School District board meeting was supposed to be held, but the board members never showed up. To avoid answering to the public, they held a “virtual meeting” online.

The week before, again to avoid answering questions, the board members walked out on their scheduled meeting before it even started. What kind of representative government is it, when the representatives run away from the public?

There were two matters that the board did not want to discuss with the taxpayers: keeping the kids in face masks , without proving any need for it—and Critical Race Theory. For some odd reason the people who pay for the schools don’t want their kids being taught that all white people are racists and America is a rotten racist country, they should hate it, hate themselves, and hate each other. That’s “CRT,” and people don’t want it anymore. Not that they ever wanted it; but they weren’t looking when it was slipped into the curriculum.

At the other end of the continent, a parent in Palm Beach County, Florida, has hired a lawyer to demand that the school district sever its links to the “Black Lives Matter” website. BLM’s spiel, based on Critical Race Theory—and Marxism—is nothing, he says, but out-of-control race hustling that taxpayers shouldn’t be paying for.

The people in Palm Beach County are upset by the school district’s “mission statement,” which is to purge “white advantage,” whatever the devil that is. They’re tired of paying these educators to call them racists and they want it to stop. Meanwhile, Governor DeSantis has promised to ban CRT from all Florida public schools.

People, what took you so long? Well, maybe it took something as awful as a stolen election and flagrant racism in the schools to sound the wake-up call. Maybe things had to get that bad before most of us realized that our country is in trouble.

The parents in Scottsdale say their plan is to get serious in the 2022 elections and vote in new board members who will listen to them and get out of the racial strife business. All right, fine, let’s do that. But if this slime is coming down from the federal government, they’ll threaten to cut off funds to school districts that won’t play ball with the race hustlers. Depending on whether you’re in a Red state or a Blue state, the state departments of education might also threaten to cut off your district’s funding. That would leave the entire burden of funding public schools on the shoulders of local taxpayers. And they can’t afford it. Not when you have to pay six-figure salaries to your army of “educators,” lavish pensions, and all sorts of added luxuries. A high school I once worked in had its own TV studio. Ka-ching, ka-ching.

The solution that will work is to pull the children out of the public schools, millions of them at a time, and put them into homeschooling or Christian schools.

And here is an incentive:

Kill public education, and Far Left Crazy shrivels up and dies.

That would be worth just about any price we’d be called upon to pay.

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Cuomo’s ‘Leadership Lessons’

by Lee Duigon

I can’t make up my mind what to write about today—Andrew Cuomo getting a $5.1 million book deal, or the IRS and the Postal Service teaming up to frustrate our efforts to pay our taxes. Let’s see if I can find space for both.

Cuomo’s book has a catchy title—“American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic.” We have heard the original title was “How to Get Away with Absurd Public Policies that Really Hurt and Even Killed a Lot of People, and Survive a Barrage of Sexual Harassment Scandals That Would Sink an Aircraft Carrier,” but it was felt that this might be construed as bragging. Gov. Cuomo is nothing if not modest; and he does have a lot to be modest about.

Under Cuomo’s inspired leadership, COVID patients were carelessly shunted into nursing homes where they infected a lot of elderly residents, thousands of whom died. Cuomo’s efforts to pin the blame for this catastrophe on others is enough to inspire a new dance craze.

To protect convicted felons from catching the virus, Cuomo let thousands of them out of jail. Guess what a lot of them went back to doing as soon as they got out. Cuomo also got rid of bail requirements: half an hour after they bust you for armed robbery or aggravated assault, they let you go. By following these simple steps, New York under Cuomo (and I do mean under) achieved a soaring crime rate that’s the envy of the uncivilized world.

But that’s only the public portion of Gov. Cuomo’s leadership lessons. Aside from this, he is currently leading the public figures’ league in active sexual harassment scandals—no mean accomplishment, these days. There’s a virtual ballpark full of women accusing him. We’ve lost count. It staggers the imagination, trying to calculate the energy expended on hitting on so many women. But he still needs one rape accusation to break Bill Clinton’s record.

Colleges and universities are already scrambling to make “Leadership Lessons” a degree program on a par with Gender Studies, using Cuomo’s opus as the textbook. We’ve gotta believe he’s already booking speaking arrangements all over the country so he can rake in the cash after he’s done being a governor.

But for the time being, the fact that residents are fleeing New York in droves is eloquent testimony to the effects of Cuomo’s leadership. Let’s not forget the immortal words he spoke in 2018: “America was never that great.”

It’ll never be that great again, if he has anything to do with it.

Oh, fap! I don’t really have enough space left to devote to the cockups perpetrated by the Postal Service and the IRS vis-à-vis our attempts to pay our taxes. Suffice it to say that a letter from the IRS, which we were supposed to receive last Friday, never arrived and now the Postal Service is saying they can’t find it. The sage advice offered by the clerk: “You can just wait until you get it.” Uh-huh. Somehow it reminds me of General Custer saying to his troops at the Little Bighorn, “We’ve got ‘em now, boys!”

It’s invigorating to know our country’s in such good hands. What a stroke of genius it was, to entrust such a big chunk of our presidential election to the Postal Service.

It could’ve been worse.

We could have entrusted it to Andrew Cuomo.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit, while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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War of the Worlds

by Lee Duigon

I posted two nooze items this week which, taken together, tell us much that we need to know about the disastrous age in which we live.

So let me say it right up front. The crisis of our age, as it was from the beginning, is a religious crisis. It is a war of the worlds: God’s world that He created, with Jesus Christ as king, and a world that fools and dolts think they can create, with themselves as kings.

This past weekend was our annual National Day of Prayer, kicked off, as usual, by a presidential proclamation. But the patzer currently inhabiting the White House left God out of his proclamation. True, he forgets a lot; maybe he forgot God, although he never forgets to promote abortion or transgender.

He didn’t mention God in his proclamation. Just flapped his jaw about “many religious and belief systems” and a “power of prayer.”

It makes us wonder: who—or what—is he praying to? Does he even know? Does he look at a chart of “belief systems” and go eeny-meeny-miny-mo?

And what is any “power of prayer,” if the prayers are not addressed to God? Who are you praying to, dude? Or is it just that if you get a lot of people praying for the same thing at the same time, it sort of has to happen? Whose “power” is it, then? Prayers without God are only mumbo-jumbo. New Age wallies tell us that it’s Our Power. That’s what makes it all happen. Well, that’s another one of those belief systems. Take a number, and the line forms over there beside the deli counter.

Meanwhile up in Canada, a Calgary police SWAT team, armed and armored, arrested Father Artur Pawlowski and charged him with “inciting” people to attend church services. I think that’s part of a priest’s job description.

But who did they think he was—the Terminator? How many armed and armored cops does it take to arrest a priest?

Yeah, well, that was a little demonstration for everybody else’s benefit, wasn’t it? This is what happens if you mouth off like Father Pawlowski did. A couple of weeks ago he refused to let the Calgary cops into his church to disrupt the service. Videos of the incident went viral: the whole world saw this priest run the cops out of his church, calling them Gestapo, communists, and a few more unflattering epithets.

He showed them up. They couldn’t let him get away with that. The priest is a representative of Christ’s kingdom; but the statists have no king but Caesar. So they had to show us all who’s boss.

We see in these nooze items the two approaches used by statists to establish their kingdom.

One way is to confront Christianity by watering it down, speaking of it as only one of many belief systems—and they’re all pretty much equal, aren’t they? Hint: no, they’re not. The only way they can all be equal is if each of them has a truth value of “zero.” So you have a National Day of Prayer without God, ‘cause you don’t want to Exclude all those people who worship grilled cheese sandwiches or umbrella stands. The hope is that eventually you water it down so much that Christ’s Kingdom isn’t a threat to their kingdom anymore.

The other way is to break out the mailed fist and scare the plebs into submission. “This is what happens to you if you defy the state!” Probably Canada will not murder Father Pawlowski, or make him disappear: too messy. But there are quite a few progressive states that would do just that. Don’t mess with our mandates, children, if you know what’s good for you!

Statists want a global government so bad, they can taste it—and with themselves in charge, micromanaging everybody else’s lives.

They have no king but Caesar.

We have no king but Christ.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit… while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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‘Public Education’ as a Car: A Parable  

by Lee Duigon

Suppose the government decided you had to buy a new car every year, whether you want to or not. If you already have a car, you can keep it. You don’t have to take possession of the government car, but you’ll still have to pay for it. They suck the money out of your taxes, so you’re stuck.

What kind of car would you like? The question is irrelevant: Government Motors manufactures the cars and you have to take what they decide to give you. They’ll choose the model, the color, the options, and everything else. You just pay for it. They’ll also decide how often you can use it, how far you can drive, and where you can or can’t go. You have no ownership rights: none at all. You just pay for it. Every year. Out of your taxes.

Does that sound like a raw deal to you? But it’s exactly the same kind of deal you get with what they like to call “public education.” Pay for everything; own no part of it.

Once upon a time we owned our public schools. Before anyone got hip to what was happening, the government sucked away our ownership rights to our schools.

The U.S. Dept. of Education (thank you so much, Jimmy Carter!), your state’s department of education, and the teachers’ unions—they now own your schools. You don’t. You just pay. They decide who teaches in those schools, not you. They decide what gets taught, not you.

Critical Race Theory? You don’t want it, but there it is; and you pay for it. Anti-American “teachers” who go on junkets to Venezuela to learn more about socialism? You don’t want them, but there they are. You pay their salaries, and really sweet pensions.

How did we ever get suckered into this? It’s like we woke up one day and that was how it was. Did they ever ask us if we wanted a Dept. of Education? Did they ever ask us if we wanted our kids to be taught that all white people are evil racists, that America is an evil racist country, or that you can be a boy one day and a girl the next, depending on how you feel?

Yeah, well, they never ask us, do they?

Especially in the Democrat-run inner cities, kids come out of public school barely able to write their names and knowing virtually nothing about history, literature, civics—and all they know about Science is that it’s always right so just shut up about it and obey.

And then millions of them go on to… “college,” I think they call it… which finishes the job of turning them into useful idiots for the Far Left Crazy.

This is a really rotten deal. We’ve been had. We’ve been taken to the cleaners. And still there are Americans who send their kids to those wretched schools because they think, “But it’s free!” Because the money comes out of their taxes before they even see it, and they don’t have to write checks—so they think it’s free. But then they, too, have been “educated” in those schools and never been introduced to the art of thinking.

Years ago, before the situation was anywhere near as bad as it is now, I told a class of high school kids, “For the first time in recorded history, the vast resources of the state are used to teach a whole generation that their country’s no good and unworthy of their loyalty. How well do you think that’ll play out, down the road a piece?” One girl in the class came up to me a few months later and said, “I can’t stop thinking about that thing you said to us.”

Well, at least she was thinking.

They’ll do that, if you give them half a chance.

Even in the public schools.

We have to get out from under this raw deal before it ruins us. This is a car that won’t run.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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The Far Left Tool Kit

by Lee Duigon

Fundamentally transforming America into a socialist hell-hole is a big job, even for confirmed fanatics and other bad guys. But they’re doing it as fast as they can; and here are six of the most useful tools in their kit.

*The Ruptured Border. Refusing to enforce our nation’s borders is indispensable. You not only import chaos—and people will give the government more power if they think it will protect them from chaos—but you can also import weird foreign diseases. And now we know that the threat of a new disease can justify all sorts of restrictions on our freedoms. Since the rise of a certain disease in 2020, statists have never had it so good.

*Riots Ready to Go. The threat of riots will deter courts from making rulings that the wokies don’t like. So they keep the riots simmering on the stovetop, ready at an instant’s notice. Raw physical terror, coupled with millions of dollars’ worth of damage to our cities, will keep the judges in line.

*Fomenting Racial Strife. The Far Left in America would be hard pressed to carry on without continual racial strife. Keep the people hating each other, fearful of each other, and the odds are they’ll never join together to demand the restoration of their liberties. You might be able to accomplish this by insisting on lockdowns, face masks, and social distancing; but hey, no plague works forever. But if you can get all the different races hating each other, you’ll never have to worry about them uniting to oppose the runaway state. Let’s hear it for Critical Race Theory! With this as a pedagogical fixture in our schools and colleges, the Left will never run short of useful idiots.

*Transgender. This is an attack on the very fabric of reality. We all know, unless we’re profoundly stupid, that no one can actually change his “gender.” Surgical mutilation, drugs, hormones, and behavioral modification can’t change a single one of the millions and millions of chromosomes in every human body. Even so, if you can make it a rule that everyone else has to pay lip service to “trans,” or else, you establish the principal that there’s no such thing as real reality: there’s only whatever you say is real. This used to be called insanity. Now it’s a political doctrine.

*Censorship. We don’t want people talking, do we? Not unless we can control what they say! Big Government relies on Big Tech to erase dissent, and Big Tech is very glad to do it. They see themselves as someday forming a vital piece of a global government. See, if we have a dissenting thought or two, what good is it if we can’t share it? If we can’t discuss it with anybody else? One-person protest movements don’t get very far, do they?

*Let the Corporations Do the Dirty Work. Why go to the trouble to enact, uh, “laws,” if some court is going to rule them unconstitutional and shut them down? Ah! You can get the private sector to do things that the government can’t do. Vaccine passports, for instance: blatantly unconstitutional, even Democrats might (I say “might,” not “can”) realize it’s a wasted effort. But what if an airline refuses to sell you a ticket unless you can prove you’ve been vaccinated—with a drug not yet approved by the FDA, and therefore an experimental drug, which the law says you can’t be forced to take? You either don’t fly, or you put yourself through the rigors of suing the airline. Each and every abuse of liberty by the private sector, be it a restaurant, a ballpark, or whatever, would require its own individual lawsuit to correct. This can consume years and years—and meanwhile the statists continue on their merry way, wiping out our freedoms.

Lady Liberty has a price on her head, and globalists and other leftids are trying to hunt her down and put her away.

And my word count tells me that if I had stopped with that last sentence, I would have written an essay of 666 words.

Tell me it’s a coincidence.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit, while you still can. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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A Tale of Two Follies

by Lee Duigon

Which will prove to be the worse disaster as a leader of the world—Communist China under President-for-life Xi Jin Ping, or the Vatican under Francis I, the Red Pope?

It’s not a trick question. It’s an unanswerable question.

Red China has just launched a new app to make it easier for—I won’t call them citizens; “slaves” would be more accurate–to report each other for “mistaken opinions”. Western liberals howl and smite their breasts in paroxysms of envy.

But next month the Vatican will host a “world health conference” (you are excused for laughing; I know it’s hard not to) in which the Pope will buddy up with Doc Fauci, abortion cheerleader Chelsea Clinton, and New Age superstar Deepak Chopra—plus assorted Big Pharma CEOs, movie stars, rock stars, and other fabulous celebrities you never heard of. No, it’s not a PBS pledge drive. I don’t know what to call it. Together they will expound the meaning of life. While pushing for a global government.

Is any of this real, or is it just some really bad dystopian movie that hopefully is almost over? I mean, really—Deepak Chopra?

The Chicoms hope their captive people will enthusiastically “supervise” one another. Sort of like DYFS on steroids. Tick off your neighbor, and he can make you disappear. Any criticism of the Communist Party, its leaders, its policies, or of China in general, in any way, shape, or form, is to be reported to the government. I think I just heard Mark Zuckerberg cry out, “Why didn’t we think of that?” But our own Big Tech oligarchs are used to playing catch-up to the commies.

But don’t sell Pope Francis short. If nothing else, he sticks to the task at hand. This, after all, is the pope who twice had “Pachamama”—a heathen thingy from the Amazon—carted into the Vatican gardens to receive what looked very like a form of worship. He had to do it twice because the first time some Catholics carried the idol out and dumped it into the Tiber. Francis had it salvaged and brought back. This time he seems to have taken pains not to invite any Catholics to the Vatican.

How do you choose between rock-hard, jackbooted tyranny, a la Xi, and subtle, seductive, really cool and trendy B.S., a la Francis and his new playmates? Or do you have to choose at all—because either one seems likely to lead to the same end? You can either be bullied into submission or driveled into it.

Wow, though. Imagine a whole country of a couple billion people all trained and encouraged to rat each other out to the government. It takes one’s breath away. Can’t you just see Chuck Schumer frantically jumping up and down and shouting “Here, here, here! We want it here!” And China will have the new app coupled with its existing “social credit system,” so that any deviation from the party line can be punished instantly: and you can be just as instantly rewarded for turning someone in. Oh, boy—a free slurpee at my nearest Seven-Eleven. I’ve gotta find some more lives to wreck!

We mustn’t make the mistake of thinking the Pope and Red China are competing with each other. Does anyone compete with China? They’ve already bought our sports leagues, dozens of our most influential politicians, whole platoons of college professors, squads of scientists, and most of Hollywood. Who’s left to compete with them?

Think, rather, of Francis and Xi working in harmony, virtually in tandem, to bring about the socialist paradise they both crave so passionately: a world in which Diversity is guaranteed by complete, coerced uniformity of word and deed, and liberty is strictly controlled, limited, and, well, erased. Think of an unholy matrimony of church and state.

And then pray very, very hard it never happens.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit, while it’s still allowed; just click the link. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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The Next Big Lockdown

by Lee Duigon

Really severe lockdowns are still a thing in Europe, although the beautiful people in Paris just ignore them and whoop it up at “secret restaurants”.

Here at home, our lockdowns appear to be easing up. But don’t be fooled: it’s the calm before the storm.

The Portland school board has provided us with a harbinger of things to come. They were about to adopt a fir tree as the mascot for their schools, but suddenly had second thoughts. Wait a minute! Those trees… they might be—oh, no!—racist trees. After all, “trees” were often used in lynchings. That would make them racist. And, by extension—extension really works great, here—all trees. And a picture of a pine tree on a sign outside a school—well, c’mon—that would make the school racist! And, by extension, all of Portland with it.

The trees, of course, couldn’t perform lynchings on their own. Who aided and abetted the trees? People! Human beings!

So people are racists. The schools already teach Critical Race Theory, that states that all white people are racists, all guilty, all evil, etc., etc. Presuming that no amount of “teaching” can possibly erase that guilt, it becomes obvious that from now on, white people must be… kept away from trees!

There are only two ways of doing that: either chop down all the trees, or lock down all white people so that they can’t do anything bad anymore.

But we all want to stay safe, don’t we? And the safest option here is to lock down… everybody! It’s the only way we can be sure of reining in all racism.

You may think we could get by just by locking down white people, no one else. There is much to be said for that point of view, but none of it is printable. And they’d have to be in lockdown mode forever, because they’re all born racists, born guilty, and they can’t change. Even the ones with Black Lives Matter lawn signs—what little trigger would it take to turn them into foaming-at-the-mouth racists? Better safe than sorry.

Ah! But what about “Contact Racism”? This is racism that’s spread by contact with persons—and things—already infected with racism. At this point in time there is no known vaccine for racism, no gene therapy. Exposure to racism can turn anyone into a racist. There is no immunity. Already any number of Minority Persons have been turned into white supremacists: more than a few of them even went so far as to vote for Donald Trump [five-minute break for horrified gasps]. It is suggested that quadruple face-masking might protect Minority Persons from being turned into white supremacists; but Dr. Fauci has been going back and forth on that, and we must wait for him to make up his mind.

What if you buy a used car once owned by a racist? Well, that would be a racist car—and, by extension, anyone who drives it would be a racist, too. Probably a number of racists took part in manufacturing the car. Probably? Almost certainly! So stay away from manufactured products of all kinds… because you don’t know who was working in the factory that they came out of.

Systemic racism is surely a worse problem than even King COVID, justifying draconian methods of fighting it. No one is safe. There is no immunity. You can catch it from the trees! Even palm trees, by extension. Trees, water fountains, doorknobs—all have been used by racists at one time or another.

But if we lock down everybody, and never let them out—well, then we’ve got a chance.

And that’s what we mean by saying, “Stay safe.”

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit, while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Killing Our Culture

by Lee Duigon

All over the world, Far Left Crazy is feverishly working to destroy our culture. We could cite thousands of examples; but three will suffice.

First, you can hardly hope to wreck a civilization unless you can trash its arts and, at the same time, make it virtually impossible for people to communicate with one another. The nitwits in the Oxford University Music Dept. know that. So they’re thinking of getting rid of… musical notation. [Link]

Why get rid of sheet music? After all, without it, musical compositions can’t be preserved as is. But they don’t want it preserved: because, of course, musical notation is “too colonial” and also has a high degree of “complicity in white supremacy.” Is it really necessary to explain how asinine that is? No more Mozart, no more Beethoven! Everyone who ever wrote down his musical compositions was a racist! If a white person produced it, it must be bad. Nothing racist about that.

But let’s zoom around the world to California, where the state board of (LOL) “education” recently voted unanimously to adopt an “ethnic studies curriculum” for all the public schools, grades K-12.

The purpose of these alleged studies is to teach children that their country, America, is nothing but a hate machine. It will focus on all the evil bad things America has done to various minorities throughout her history (can I still say “her”?)—which of course does not explain why so many millions of people, from all over the world, will do just about anything to come here. Like, hey, they had no idea what they were letting themselves in for!

And guess who’s guilty of all that hate and racism. Oh, those white people! Worst people ever. Let’s spend 12 years “teaching” kids that they’re guilty, evil, worthless, and that their country is the worst and hatingest country ever, totally unworthy of their love and loyalty. And their families stink, too—and don’t even get started about their no-good religion.

Why in the world does anyone put up with this? Do you really want your children soaking up 12 years of this?

We don’t want to give the impression that all this culture-killing is done by our education industry, chief culprit though it is. Here’s a plum from what we like to call our entertainment industry.

A rapper calling himself “Lil Nas,” whatever that’s supposed to mean, and ballyhooed as “a young queer Black man” who breaks down “barriers,” is selling “Satan Shoes”—and being sued by Nike for doing so ( It kind of makes it look like Nike is endorsing Satanism—not a great selling point. The shoes are modified Nike sneakers with the Nike logo still on them (that’s not going to look good in court!), plus a little pentagram and—supposedly: they might be lying—“a drop of human blood” in the soles. Mr. Nas is only going to sell 666 pairs, so get ‘em while they’re hot. They’ll probably let you wear them in Hell.

It would diminish me if I tried to write any kind of description of Mr. Nas’ musical video endeavors. Suffice it to say they’re about what you’d expect from a self-proclaimed Satanist who sells Satan Shoes.

Kill the culture, and it will kill you back.

Teach people to hate and fear each other—you don’t need masks and social distancing for that, although it helps—take away their ability to communicate anything of value to one another, and then marinate them in “entertainment” that embraces and celebrates whatever is foul, wicked, absurd, self-destructive, unholy, and stupid… and there you go, you’ve wrecked your civilization. That leaves leftists free to build something truly horrific on the ruins.

Pray the Lord will overthrow their enterprise.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and drop in for a visit… while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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It Just Plain Stinks

by Lee Duigon

You’d think the people who paid for something, whatever it was, would own it. And once upon a time, they did.

We pay for public schooling. “Public money” is our money, which we worked for, paid out in local, state, and federal taxes. You’d think we’d have some kind of a say as to what gets taught in those schools, and by whom. And yet we don’t. They take our money and do as they please.

Thanks to Far Left teacher unions and wacko “education” theorists, our public schools have degenerated into indoctrination mills. They teach children to hate themselves, their country, and each other. And thanks to political campaign contributions by those teacher unions, the Democrat Party is fully committed to using the schools to support and fuel the racial grievance industry.

The state of Idaho is trying to do something about it ( The House Education Committee has proposed a bill that would ban “teaching racism,” and cut state funding by 10% to any school district that taught it anyway.

What, exactly, are they banning? Among other things, the following “teachings”:

*Your own race can (and, of course, does) make you “unconsciously racist”
*You are personally responsible for bad things done by other people in the past
*”Merit-based systems” are inherently racist/sexist/whatever
*The state of Idaho (talk about biting the hand that feeds you!) is racist.

All the Democrats on the committee walked out in protest. That’s because Democrats want to teach such things. They’ve got to earn those contributions doled out by the unions. Besides, most of them hate America anyway.

Meanwhile, at the other end of the country, Howard County, Maryland, allows children to vote in school district elections. One of the eight board members is to be a public school student, and kids in grades six through 11 will elect him. Kids as young as 11 or 12 years old. The student board member will vote on school expenditures and policies. Students in religious schools are not allowed to vote or serve. A lawsuit has been filed.

Can you see a combo here? The, um, “teachers” pump the kiddies full of critical race theory propaganda, and then they let ‘em vote. Wow! If all the nation’s school districts let kids vote, we’d suddenly have several million more useful idiots! Dems wouldn’t have to rig elections anymore.

Squeaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has publicly stated her support for lowering the voting age to 16—when, if we had any sense, we really ought to raise it to 50—so it looks like they see some great potential here. “Fundamental transformation,” here we come!

We salute Idaho for at least trying to get the race hustling yanked out of the schools. But in fact, the only schools owned by the people who use them are homeschools and Christian schools. The teacher unions own the public schools, and the Democrats have their backs. They consistently vote against anything resembling reform; and if they can’t vote it down, they go judge-shopping until they can find a court to gavel it down. No meaningful reform of public schooling will ever occur, if they have anything to say about it.

“Divide and rule” is at the very heart of Democrat political strategy. That’s why they always do everything in their power to stoke up racial animosities. People who fear and hate each other will never come back together to reclaim their freedom.

Homeschooling and Christian schools are the only alternatives that can get us out from under the travesty that our public education system has become.

Be warned: we are “educating” our country to death.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit… while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Except the Lord Build the House…

by Lee Duigon

“Except the LORD build the house, they labor in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.”  –Psalm 127:1

This is one of the wisest verses in the Bible; but we as a nation have been ignoring it for centuries.

At the Constitutional Convention, on June 28, 1787, Benjamin Franklin moved for a prayer to be said at the start of each day’s business, “imploring the assistance of Heaven, and its blessings on our deliberations.”

The motion failed. We had a chance to ask the Lord to build the house, right at the beginning, and we didn’t take it. No end of trouble has ensued.

We are in trouble today, deep trouble. But then what’s the history of all the world but one trouble after another? We thought to build the house ourselves, a DIY republic.

Maybe we can’t build a house ourselves, but we certainly know how to build a prison.

We’ve got all these pipsqueaks on the loose, holding way more power than is good for them, all determined to re-shape America and maybe the whole world—because, after all, hey, they’re rich! People have to listen to them. They know computers! They own colossal companies, employing multitudes of Really Smart People. And they’ll be able to do all these wonderful things that God couldn’t do, or forgot to do, or just failed to do because He doesn’t exist.

But look at them. Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO: a twerp. Bill Gates, Everything Else: there are things wrong with him. George Soros: a living fossil. We are to be ruled by… these? We’re going to live in the house they build?

Wow, though. They banned the president of the United States from Twitter! Have you got a question or concern about the new COVID-19 vaccines? They’ll censor you right off YouTube—we can’t have people going around questioning the World Health Organization. They’re Big Tech and they can shut you down—no matter who you are. World leaders, you’d better behave. Or you’ll be next.

Pipsqueak Andrew Yang, who wants to be mayor of New York, thinks Communist China’s “social credit” system is tickety-boo for over here. “Using technology wisely,” as it says in the Humanist Manifesto, Big Tech can keep track of everything you say or do, and reward you or punish you accordingly: makin’ a list and checkin’ it twice, they’re gonna find out if you’re naughty or nice. If you’ve been a good little serf, you can ride the bus. But if you’ve said anything bad about the government, you won’t be allowed to buy your groceries.

You’d almost think it was our technology itself that’s turned against us; but really it’s the pipsqueaks who own the technology who are looking to devour us. And you thought “The Hunger Games” was science fiction.

At the very least they hope to consign us to a perpetual infancy, totally dependent upon their approval, all our decisions made for us by The Higher Authority; and anyone who doesn’t like it, well, you won’t be seeing them around much anymore. Big Tech knows best.

Government thought it could control Big Tech, but now it’s looking more like the shoe is on the other foot. “Trump isn’t president anymore. We took him out. If you like it up there on Capitol Hill, you’d better keep us happy—or the next election will see you out on your ear… if we decide to wait that long.” Except the Lord Build the House… It doesn’t matter whether it’s Gates or Zuckerberg who says this. Chuck Schumer will listen.

No, we didn’t want the Lord to build the house. We wanted to build it ourselves. Only suddenly Big Tech owns both the blueprints and the contractors.

Pray often. Pray hard. And pray it’s not too late.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit, while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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History… and Fantasy

by Lee Duigon

I’m tired of writing nooze, tired of reading it, tired of watching Democrats murder my country by inches. So today I’m going to write about my books instead—because I think there’s a lesson in them somewhere, if I can coax it out.

When my twelfth “Bell Mountain” book, “His Mercy Endureth Forever,” came out last year, a few reviewers suggested that the series was getting stale, the stories didn’t grab them anymore: that the time had come to put it to bed, grant the good guys final victory, and let them all go home and live happily ever after. After all, Tolkien did it with “Lord of the Rings.” He ended the story with all the villains beaten down and only the good guys left standing.

If only it could be that way.

In “Bell Mountain” the protagonists plod along through good times and bad, weathering one crisis after another, doing their best to please God, although the world sometimes seems to fight them every step of the way. Once upon a time, this pattern was called “history.”

History doesn’t stop, which means I don’t have the power to grant my fantasy characters a final victory. An author can’t do just anything he pleases, or the story won’t ring true.

Was World War II a final victory? Hardly. The Axis powers were crushed, Hitler and Mussolini dead, the Japanese Imperial Navy at the bottom of the ocean; but it was no final victory. Almost immediately, the world war was replaced by the Cold War. Korea, Vietnam, the Middle East—the Cold War had its hot spells. Not to mention the domestic crises which each and every country in the world has to endure. They come, they go, and new ones take their place.

History continues. The Byzantine Empire, after some 300 years of war, finally defeated and, for all practical purposes, wrecked the Sassanian Persian Empire. They struck gold and silver medals to celebrate it. But the same emperor was still in office when Islam broke out of the deserts of Arabia and crashed against the walls of Constantinople. That war went on until the Turks took the city in 1453; and then the war moved on to Europe. The Turks’ empire was finally wiped out by World War I.

But as Christians we believe there is a final victory—not ours, won by us, but God’s, won by Jesus Christ. He has already won it, spiritually. It will be completed on the earth when He returns. The Book of Revelation gives us a glimpse of what His final victory will look like. And then, as C.S. Lewis once suggested, the greater story, the greater history, will really begin.

We don’t know when that will happen. God has not told us that. He has not let us see His calendar. We aren’t mature enough for that.

So we work. We plod on through good times and bad, wars and rumors of wars, crisis after crisis: we work to spread the good news of the Gospel, to give hope to a fallen world and light to the darkness. There is still great wickedness afoot, and we have to deal with it. And there will be times when it seems there is no path to victory. But God knows otherwise.

Our God is the god of history: He rules it, and from time to time, intervenes in it. It’s heaped high with the wreckage of evil empires and would-be masters of the world, dead with their delusions.

We can’t begin to imagine what the Father has in store for us, once His creation is renewed and Christ’s throne established on the earth, freed from sin and death. It’s well beyond our grasp. What more will He have for us to do?

Given that He has the entire universe at His disposal, there will be more than enough scope for any future history.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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It’s All About Control

by Lee Duigon

I used to think Alex Jones’ “Prison Planet” was a silly name for a website. Now I’m not so sure.

Our global ruling class has insatiable desires for power and wealth. They never have enough, they’re always grabbing for more. They have used the COVID crisis, to increase their power over us, like Rembrandt used oils.

But it’s not just COVID that they’re using. Big Tech and the social media have morphed into even more serious threats against our liberty.

Let me share with you a quote cited by Allum Bokhari, senior technology correspondent for Breitbart News, in an interview with a “source” at Facebook. Here is what the source said.

“We have thousands of people on the platform who have gone from far right—“ whatever he means by that—“to center in the past year, so we can build a model from those people and try to make everyone else on the right follow the same path” (Imprimis, Vol. 50, No. 1, January 2021).

Yes, he said “make everyone else on the right follow the same path.” Make them. Think about that, and be afraid.

Big Tech has all sorts of subtle little tricks to influence public opinion—to help manufacture a kind of consent of the governed. Not a real consent: no. He’s talking about *making* us consent. Making us think, believe, say, and do things not according to our own will, but to theirs. They’ll “make” us behave as they think we should behave. Heck, they stole our election. What can’t they do to us? Puppet-masters pulling our strings.

Meanwhile they’re using COVID to scare the pants off us, with fear porn spewing out of our Free & Independent Nooze Media 24/7.

In Canada the Peel Regional schools, covering three suburbs of Toronto, have hatched a scheme that has even a lot of the “experts” on the warpath. Here’s what they want to do.

If one child in your child’s class tests positive for COVID, school officials want you to take your child home and “self-isolate” him in one room for 14 days. During that time, he must stay in the room and not come out, use a separate bathroom if possible, and have no contact with his parents or his siblings: brothers and sisters have to stay home for 14 days. They didn’t say anything about sliding the isolated child’s food through a slat at the bottom of the door. And parents will be fined $5,000 for “non-compliance.”

To more than a few experts this sounds a lot like heavy-handed child abuse. It sounds like solitary confinement in a prison. Here in America, incarcerated felons get a better break than this. But the Peel Schools have shown no sign of buckling: “They’re our peasants and we’ll crush them all we like!”

Obey. We are expected to obey. And Big Tech will see to it that we *want* to obey.

Can you imagine being six years old and being treated like this? You probably aren’t even sick. What would they do to us if an even more dangerous germ popped up in the environment? Have us put our children down? Put ourselves down? There are many diseases deadlier than COVID-19, but this one is being ballyhooed as the deadliest ever. And we have never been told why it’s being sold to us as that. As Dr. Fauci the sage said, “Now is the time for everyone to do as they are told.”

When do we get to stop obeying? When does normal human life start up again? How scared are we supposed to be—and for how long? Are we trying to create whole nations full of hypochondriacs?

We have nothing left but our prayers, and we’d better pray hard.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit… while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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The Public’s Masters

by Lee Duigon

Somewhere along the way, public servants became the public’s masters. Paternalism is hard to bear even when it’s well-meaning, and benign. But when the paternalists despise the people that they govern—well, that’s where we are now. Two examples will suffice.

At a meeting of the school board of the Oakley Union Elementary School District, a suburb of San Francisco, unaware that they were currently live-streaming to an audience, the board members lit into the parents who pay the taxes that fund those public schools. As a result of what they said, and what the people thought of it, the whole board has had to resign.

In deference to King COVID, the Oakley schools have been closed for months and all the pupils had to be served by “remote learning.” Parents weren’t satisfied with the quality of that education and had begun to grumble.

Well! How dare they? Not realizing that the camera was running and the microphones were on, the board members, employing an unusual amount of profanity for school board members in a public meeting, unloaded on the parents. “They just want their baby-sitters back!” quipped one. “So they can do drugs all day,” added another. Too late, they discovered that suddenly the people who pay for the schools now knew just what their school board thought of them. In just a few days there were 7,000 signatures on a petition calling for the whole board’s ouster. They all resigned before the demand became unanimous.

Gotta turn off those microphones, guys, before you speak the truth.

Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, British police in Merseyside set up a “hate crime awareness” campaign with a “mobile billboard” displaying the slogan “Being Offensive Is an Offense”. Along with the rainbow flag of Organized Sodomy, which sort of shows you whom they think they’re working for.

The people who have to pay for this police force were a little bit ticked off by what they thought of as a North Korea-style policing doctrine. There is no law against “being offensive” per se. How could there be? Someone out there is going to be offended no matter what you say or do. Everything is offensive to somebody. To make the law work, they’d have to lock up everyone. That would probably appeal to leftids. Lock up everyone who isn’t them.

If you were thinking the police over here mindlessly do the bidding of whoever is in power, the British police have ‘em all beat. And you may have noticed that in Britain it seems impossible to offend Christians: always open season on them—not part of any Cherished Minority entitled to special rights and protections. Including the right not to be offended.

Hey, remember the “Western democracies”? What ever happened to them? How did we reach the point where those whom we elected to serve us now hold us in contempt and view us as herds of dumb and nasty livestock that have to be controlled—by them?

That’s the thing about the Swamp: it’s full of leeches and gators. And now that they’ve learned how to control the outcome of a national election, and proved that they can do it, “consent of the governed” is just something for them to laugh at. Again, guys, turn off the microphones. You don’t want us hearing what you really think.

When did we elect these people to be our masters, not our servants? We have to find a way to demote them. That’ll be hard, because currently they control everything. They’re not afraid of us. I wonder what would have happened if the Oakley school board hadn’t decided to resign. And really—the Organized Sodomy flag on a police vehicle? Instead of the Union Jack?

We still have our prayers; and we had better make good use of them.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, .  Click the link and stop in for a visit. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Hungary, 1956: Freedom or Death

by Lee Duigon

When I was seven years old, Hungarian state police opened fire on a student protest and launched the Hungarian Revolution. That was on Oct. 23. By Nov. 10, Russian troops had crushed the uprising and the victorious communists broke all their promises to reform the government. Hungary would not be free until the Iron Curtain crumbled, a whole generation later.

These events sparked an exodus of 200,000 refugees—not counting the ones who tried to escape, but couldn’t. I became friends with a boy whose family literally had to crawl under and through barbed wire entanglements, guarded by Russians with machine guns, to get out. Some of them migrated to New Brunswick, NJ, where there was already a thriving Hungarian community. Some of them joined our church, sent their kids to our schools.

By and by their stories came out and most of us heard them. Imagine that the government of your country is so oppressive, so violent, that you’re willing to risk your life to get out of there. Just a few years later, thousands of refugees from Cuba had similar experiences. Their stories were abundantly reported and most of us heard them. And most of us understood: here were people who had faced death in order to be free. Hard for us to imagine, here in America—where we took our freedom for granted.

What must the children of these brave and desperate refugees—children now in their seventies, or older—think of America’s current, hot, flirtation with socialism, led by the Democrat Party? They probably think we’ve lost our minds. We can imagine them asking, “Have you forgotten what we told you? Do you think we made it up? Do you think we endured all those hardships, faced all that danger, for no reason? Freedom is better than socialism! So much better, it’s worth risking your life to get it!”

They know communism for what it is, experienced it first-hand. And want no more of it.

A friend of mine who grew up in Budapest recalled how, once a week, all the children in her school were marched off to the theater to sit through propaganda films about the wonderfulness of communism, the goodness of a government that 200,000 of them had crawled through barbed wire to escape. When she grew up, she left for America. She has little tolerance for Far Left propaganda: no vote for Bernie Sanders there.

How could we have forgotten this?

Our public schools, our colleges and universities; our Free & Independent Nooze Media Inc.; our sports and film celebrities, our Big Tech and corporate magnates; and ahead of them all and leading the charge, our Democrat Party—they want what the Hungarian people risked their lives to get rid of. Bigger and more intrusive, ever more intrusive, government; higher and higher taxes; tighter and tighter restrictions on our rights—they’re out there every day campaigning for it.


As the daughter of a Budapest police chief once said, many years ago, “But dahling—it wasn’t communism for me!” It must’ve been nice and cushy for those happy few on top of the heap. Which is where all our own Far Left loonies expect to wind up, once they turn America into Venezuela.

Once you steal an election, the rest of the job comes easily.

One big difference between now and 1956: there will be no place left to run to, when the curtain comes down on America. The Hungarians, the Cubans, who wanted to be free came here.

But where will we go?

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit, while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Republican Cowards

by Lee Duigon

We were inundated this weekend with emails begging for funds for assorted Republican politicians. You know—the ones who were nowhere to be found when our president needed them. The ones who were nowhere to be found when we needed them.

And now they want our money. Now they’ve got the tin cups in their hands.

The most depressing thing about this juncture of history is not the massive election fraud that has saddled us with an illegal government. Even more depressing than that is the sheer determination, by all sorts of important people, not to do their duty.

Evidence of fraud? We’ve got boxcar-loads of it. But can we find a court to look at it? Not on this planet. And even if they do concede the abundant evidence of fraud, they still refuse to do anything about it. “Yeah, all right, looks like we’ve got 200,000 fake votes here, and the only legal remedy is to take ‘em out. But that would totally change the outcome of the election! And we’re just not gonna do that.”

They will not do their duty.

Have they no duty to at least look at the evidence? Libs say the charges are “unfounded.” How can we know they’re unfounded, if they’re never examined? If there’s never a trial?

Why won’t they do their duty?

Because we have a professional political class, and regardless of party affiliation, they stick together. They side with each other: not with the American people.

Donald Trump was an outsider, and his great crime was that he sided with us, not them. So he had to go. The entire political establishment united against him, threw at him every dirty trick in the book, and finally took him out.

Capitol Hill Republicans, and those supposedly “conservative” judges we were getting, were only too glad to see this president brought down. Maybe they let the Dems do all the dirty work, but they were more than willing to share in the profits of it. And heck, if it screws up our republic and puts every election under a cloud from now on… so what? No skin off their nose.

If they could somehow tear their hands away from their eyes, if they could somehow be forced to examine the evidence—what then? They could refuse to believe it: that’s the most likely outcome. Because if they did believe it, then the question becomes, “Well, what are you going to do about it?”

They don’t know what to do about it. Granted, it’s a hard question. What to do? They don’t know. And they don’t want to have to decide. Because they’re cowards.

But what do we do, if we find that 2020 was a fraudulent election? A do-over? Let Cheatin’ Joe run again? Or simply remove the whole illegitimate Biden regime, void all his appointments and executive orders, and restore Donald Trump to the White House? Yeah, try that one on for size—Democrat riots in Democrat cities coast to coast. And then we’re back to hoping the rioters will go away if we give them what they want.

Republican cowardice has landed us in all this trouble. Democrats rioted all year long, all over the country, and the GOP never twitched a finger to stop it. Democrats attacked our president every day for four whole years and change—and are still attacking him, even though he’s out of office—and the Republicans’ defense of him was, at best, something less than lukewarm.

And now they’re begging us for money—like nothing happened. “More, please!”

Go to war and win some battles for us, sunshine—if it isn’t already too late. Don’t come back without a gunny sack full of Democrat foreskins. (Am I still allowed to use that rhetorical flourish?) Do something about this rotten election, and then maybe we can talk.

But no more contributions till you do.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit—while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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How Crazy Is It Going to Get?

By Lee Duigon

Crazed ideology leads to crazed behavior. You can bet your paycheck on it.

For instance: In Merrie Olde England recently, police arrested a woman for… singing in her back yard. You really ought to click the link and watch the embedded video. It’s scary stuff.

At least four officers—in body armor, no less—“pushed into” this woman’s house, totally freaked her out, scared the children, threw her face-down on the floor, cuffed her hands behind her back, and dragged her off to the cop shop.

I’m assuming there’s still enough sanity left in Britain that you can’t just phone the police and demand that they charge right over and bust your neighbor for singing. Even if it was particularly bad singing. Who made the complaint, and what in the world was the basis for it? We also wonder if the cops had a warrant to force their way into the home. What kind of judge issues a warrant to arrest someone for singing?

Another instance: Some geniuses at the Center for Disease Control are calling on Americans to wear not one face mask, but two or even three. How long before they try to ban breathing? Meanwhile, they’d like another Mandate—we don’t bother with actual legislation anymore: so much more fun, just to hand down mandates from the mountain-top—forbidding us from using any form of mass transportation unless we double up on the masks. And don’t let them catch you singing.

The ideology behind all this is the hyper-humanist delusion that The Smartest People In The World can solve any problem, overcome any obstacle, even make a virus go away, if they are given enough power to order everybody else’s lives. They shall be as gods—didn’t the Serpent promise?

We are the peasants, see—the deplorables, the great unwashed. Our job is to be herded like cattle, taxed, robbed, lied to, bullied, scared into paralysis by Our Free & Independent Nooze Media Inc., mocked, and blamed for everything that ever went wrong in history and everything that still goes wrong today. Their job is to do these things to us.

Because it’s all for our own good, don’t you know. We can’t possibly understand all the nuances and mysteries so deftly fielded by the likes of Obama, Kerry, Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer: really, it’d be just a waste of time, trying to explain it to us. Our job is to obey. As the sage and philosopher-king, Dr. Anthony Fauci, puts it, “Now is the time to do as you’re told.”

So they bust you for singing, but let armed robbers go free because they don’t want those little darlings catching COVID while in prison. Besides, having a lot of criminals on the loose will encourage the rest of us to stay off the streets.

Is this what they used to call “non-linear thinking”? We can all think of quite a few other names for it. Lady Liberty has a price on her head, and the global elites mean to shoot her on sight.

Heaping up the hubris; blinded by their dreams of global government, with themselves in charge; piling restrictions onto our lives; stealing elections; partnering with Communist China because they think the Chicoms have a good thing going—this is where their rule-the-world ideology inevitably leads them.

May God’s justice overtake them soon.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit… while you still can. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Impeach ‘Em All

By Lee Duigon

Now that Congress has established that they can impeach someone who doesn’t hold a public office, to prevent him, sometime in the future, from running for office and getting elected, a whole new world of capricious idiocy has opened up for them.

Their current target is Donald Trump, former president and now a private citizen like you or me. If they can convict him of something, anything, then they can ensure he’ll never be allowed to run again. So far, so good!

You’d think that with Dominion Systems voting machines in play, they could run Salvador Dali and get him, er, elected. And yet they’re still afraid of Trump.

But it gets better than that.

If they can impeach a private citizen, why can’t they impeach any private citizen? Me, for instance. I have no plans of seeking any public office, but what would it cost them to make sure I never do?

Some 75 million of us voted for President Trump. That’s 75 million Threats To Our Democracy. Those threats can be met with 75 million impeachment trials. It’s not like Chuck Schumer & Co. have anything better to do. Impeaching 75 million people will keep senators off the streets and out of trouble.

But impeach us for what? For voting for Trump, of course. If he’s guilty of anything, then so are we. “Anything” is the operative word here. Once you control the entire government, no one’s safe from you.

And why stop there? What about Americans who *might* grow up to be Republicans? Just because somebody’s only nine years old now doesn’t mean he won’t ever grow up to be A Threat To Our Democracy. Better impeach the kiddies, too.

I realize this is a very short column, and I’m sorry for that. Really. It’s just that the solution to the Democrats’ problem is so terribly simple that it doesn’t require a lot of explanation. It requires hardly any explanation at all. And explanations has never been their strong suit.

As Plutarch once observed, tyranny is a very nice perch, but there’s no safe way down from it.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and enjoy a visit before you, too, get impeached. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Are We Living in a Tom Clancy Novel?

By Lee Duigon

Once again I find myself writing in the full knowledge that between now and the time of publication, fast-moving events might overtake and overturn whatever I wrote. But I can’t help it.

As of now, Monday afternoon, National Guard troops are still pouring into Washington, D.C., supposedly to guard against “pro-Trump extremists” intending to disrupt the inauguration of an organ grinder’s monkey as president. And they’ve got to vet the Guardsmen to be sure there aren’t any bad guys sneaking in.

If this were a Tom Clancy novel—or a Bruce Willis movie—these troop movements would be the preparation for a staged, phony “insurrection” aimed at “our democracy.” Some people whom they wanted dead anyway would be shot, our Free & Independent Nooze Media Inc. would shout it up as a full-blown rebellion, and it would be used to justify anything and everything the Democrats do to stamp out what’s left of our liberty.

Much has already done to heap up The Narrative, the Big Lie; and the next step would be to force all of us to say that we believe the Lie—or else. So we will have to say things we know are not true: there was no fraud in the 2020 election; all the violence was incited by President Donald Trump—we won’t be allowed to mention all the Democrat riots, including their various incursions of the Capitol: that’s just “whataboutism,” a new word invented by leftists by way of demanding that we should completely disregard their crime and violence—and of course we have to obey all their new Mandates “because COVID” etc.

It’s an ongoing Reichstag Fire that no one can put out. Our political overlords keep throwing gasoline onto it.

But it’s not a novel, not a movie. No hero is going to step in at the last minute to save us. We can’t even look forward to the next election to put things right—not with Dominion voting machines making sure Democrats win no matter how few people actually vote for them.

We are now a Captive Nation. Remember those? Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia. Poland, Czechoslovakia, East Germany. The whole Soviet empire, behind the Iron Curtain. In all those countries, communists and puppet governments shut down freedom for half a century—and more than that, for some.

Many of us can’t wait seventy years for the new Iron Curtain to come down. We won’t be here to rejoice when it does.

But they aren’t calling it an Iron Curtain. Globalists have a nicer name for it: The Great Reset. You’ll like it, really. It’s all for your own good, and owned and operated by The Smartest People in the World. Just obey; and, as Col. Saito said in The Bridge Over the River Kwai, “Be happy in your work.” Because we’ll lock you in the sweat-box if you don’t.

The only thing we have going for us is the sure and certain knowledge that our God is omnipotent and righteous, and that not one of history’s evil empires ever lasted a minute longer than He allowed. His hand is on the tiller of history. We may not understand the course He’s steering now; but wherever we’re going, He will get us there. The judge of all the earth will do right.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and enjoy a visit—while you can. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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The Big Lie Takes Form

By Lee Duigon

Even as we sit here watching, horrified, incredulous, the Big Lie—or, if you’re a member of the nooze media, “The Narrative”—is being sculpted and imposed on us. We haven’t found a way to stop it.

Here are its chief components.

*There was no fraud in this past election. Thousands of statements under oath, by thousands of witnesses, and hours and hours of video posted for all the world to see… don’t count.

*Some 80 million people, who haven’t been seen or heard from since, supposedly voted for China Joe Biden. This goes beyond lying. It is simply preposterous.

*President Donald Trump incited a riot at the Capitol. The riots incited by the Democrats for the past four years don’t count. Those riots included several invasions of the Capitol, by leftists—remember Code Pink barging in on Congress? But that was okay. Also okay was the spectacle of a leftist mob pounding on the doors to disrupt Brett Kavanagh’s swearing-in as a Supreme Court justice. What would have happened, had they broken down those doors? But not a single Democrat had a single discouraging word to say about it.

*COVID-19 is the deadliest disease in all of human history and fully justifies any and all draconian measures and abridgements of our civil rights to…LOL… fight it. And wait’ll they unload on us some of the new restrictions being “discussed” by the British government. You can only go outdoors once a week. No talking allowed in supermarkets. No “social interactions” in the parks. Do you call this “living”?

*America is an evil racist country sorely in need of fundamental transformation by the worst people on the planet. Wow! We’ve got to amnesty 20 million illegal aliens and quickly give them voting rights! That’ll learn us.

*Communist China is our friend. It must take an awful lot of dark energy to come up with a lie like that.

And we don’t know what to do. How do we stop it? We’ve never before encountered a crisis quite like this. There are 75 million of us, if not many, many more—and we are helpless? The Far Left Crazy and their running dogs in our Free & Independent Nooze Media can just run right over us without even slowing down? But they stole our election and we don’t know what to do.

President Trump stood alone against the Deep State, against a globalist elite in all its corrupt power—and they finally struck him down. We are grateful to him for trying. No one else in the government even tried. All the institutions of government, in which we innocently placed our trust, have failed us. The three Supreme Court justices appointed by our president, for whom we fought, argued, and prayed: at their first opportunity, deserted us.

So now we’re stuck with an illegitimate government in bed with every crime combine in the world, paid satraps of Communist China, who will sell us out every chance they get: part of their “Great Reset,” don’t you know.

There’s nothing left to us but our prayers, nowhere to turn but to our God. And we haven’t exactly busted our humps to please Him, have we?

But the Bible exhorts us to pray unceasingly, and the Lord is our defense. Save us, O God.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit… while you can. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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If They Can Do It to Us, They Can Do It to You

By Lee Duigon

I am writing this on Tuesday, under a self-imposed deadline. You’re reading it on Thursday.

But in between lies Wednesday, January 6. To me it’s tomorrow, and I have no idea what tomorrow may bring.

Senator Ted Cruz, with eleven other senators, has stated his intention to object to the certification of 2020’s travesty of an election and says he will demand an audit. Who believes the Democrats will allow it? Although you’d think, given the thousands of allegations of massive fraud, backed up by a mountain of evidence, that Democrats would want to put those charges to rest… somehow. That they refuse an audit can only mean they have very much to hide.

So all we get out of them, and out of their stooges in the nooze media and Big Tech, is bald denials that there was any fraud at all, name-calling, ridicule, and a manic rush to get China Joe Biden into the White House come hell or high water. They refuse to look at the evidence.

They stole the election and want to keep it.

We will ignore the question of whether we even trust the government to investigate itself. Since President Donald Trump first declared his candidacy, Democrats, nooze media, and the Deep State worked around the clock to defeat him; and having failed in that, to run him out of office with one hoax after another. After four years of that, we are now expected to play nice and believe the whopper that 80 million of us voted for a doddering plagiarist who spent most of the campaign hiding in his cellar.

We do not believe it and we will not play nice.

What we are looking at here is a vast scheme to impose a global government on us while maintaining the illusion that nations are governed by themselves. Now they have the technology to dictate the results of any election, anywhere. A manufactured consent of the governed. And if they can seal the deal here in America, they can do it anywhere in the world. No government, ever again, will need to worry about public support for its agenda. The Dominion Systems voting machines will provide however many votes the tyrants need.

We are asked to believe that 80 million of us—who have not been seen or heard from since Election Day—voted for higher taxes, non-existent borders, the Green New Deal, lockdowns and face masks for as long as needed to whip us all into obedience, transgender, sweetheart deals for Communist China, and every other lunatic project that Far Left Crazy can imagine.

No, we did not vote for those things. We voted to re-elect our president who, without the fraud, would have had a resounding victory. But our votes were canceled out. By fraud.

Do I know what to do about it? No, I don’t. We’ve never dealt with such a colossal crime before. We are asked to submit to a government that has no right to be there. I can only pray that we will not.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week at my blog, . Click the link and visit before somebody shuts me down. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Losing Heart? Don’t

By Lee Duigon

I’ve been getting private emails from readers who have lost heart. Their burden is: the bad guys stole the election, they’ll get away with it, our republic is over, our country is finished, etc., etc. Some of the public comments on my blog are of a similar flavor.

I’m also getting a dozen or more emails every day from Mitch McConnell and other aphids calling on me to pour more of my own money into the U.S. Senate race in Georgia. In the wake of McConnell & Co. giving up on President Trump and conceding the White House to Biden the Fraud, I find their schnorring really hard to take.

“Oh, well, it’s only Joe Biden and he’s all right! Why, we go back together years and years! It’s just a big happy family, up there on Capitol Hill. Hey, Joe is one of us! How many times have he and I had lunch together? It’ll be business as usual—you’ll see! Now… how about ponying up some bucks for the campaign in Georgia?”

Extremely hard to take.

We are asked to believe that China Joe got 80 million votes—from people who have not been heard from since. Does anyone believe that? The evidence of fraud is piled as high as the sky. Just this week in Pennsylvania, a committee of legislators found that out of 6.7 million votes actually cast, 6.9 million votes were counted. That’s 200,000 more votes than voters—and all 200,000 of them went for Biden, way more than enough to swing the election.

We are asked to believe that 80 million of us voted to raise our taxes, endorse riots, shut down our economy again, tear down our nation’s borders and flood the country with illegal aliens, kow-tow to transgender, and go whole-hog for draconian Climate Change regulations… and maybe arm Iran with nuclear weapons, if we get around to it. Do you believe the American people really voted for those things?

Biden himself is no more than an organ grinder’s monkey for a cabal of Far Left crazies who’ll be cranking out his tune. He’s practically gaga, but no problem. If it gets out of hand, he can resign and we’ll have President Kamala—who dropped out of the Democrat primaries when she couldn’t get as much as 5 percent of the vote.

We are asked to accept this.

No wonder people are downhearted. They stole our country out from under us, to bring back all the horrors, and then some, of those miserable Obama years.

But don’t get sad; get mad.

We must not accept this, not ever. When “consent of the governed” is replaced by manufactured consent spat out by Dominion voting machines, we wind up with a government that has no need of public support and can ignore public opinion. This is intolerable. This is shameful. This is Communist China—on our turf.

Individually, there’s not much we can do. They don’t need our consent for anything they wish to do.

But there are 75 million of us! That has to count for something. Are we to lie down and let Antifa and Black Lives Matter walk all over us—because we’re afraid they’ll riot if we don’t? The Supreme Court, whose last three appointments we fought for, has turned its back on us—because they’re afraid of riots. The hand that rocks the riots rules the world.


There has to be something that 75 million real people can do to make our government fear us more than it fears the Far Left Crazy. We must never give in, never surrender, never accept the manufactured outcome of this travesty of an election.

May God Almighty show us what to do, and save us. For Jesus’ sake, Amen.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit… while you still can. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Did We See a… Pterodactyl?

By Lee Duigon

Christmas Eve today, and Christmas Day tomorrow—I don’t feel like writing about politics, and I don’t blame you if you’d rather not read anything about politics. With a stolen election hanging over our heads, our country is in the most danger it has faced since World War II. We are looking down the barrel at the end of our republic.

But our Defender and our Champion is mighty, whose birth we proclaim this day as a historical event: our Lord Jesus Christ, whose right it is to rule Creation; and His Father, God Almighty, will carry out His plan even if no mortal in this world believes in it, and regardless of any worldly forces arrayed against Him.

But in a spirit of rest, and of leaving things up to God for two days, I travel back in memory to a lovely summer’s day, ten or fifteen years ago.

It’s our anniversary; and my wife and I have treated ourselves to a day on the Seaside Boardwalk. Now we’re driving home, on Route 34 through Holmdel—usually quite a busy highway, but today, oddly, we had it practically to ourselves.

I have a habit of glancing up at the sky now and then. So I looked up and saw something that I couldn’t quite understand.

“What’s that?”

My wife saw it, too. It glided lazily across the sky over the wooded Holmdel hills.

At first we thought it was a hang glider. But how could that be? How could he have gotten up there? For miles around there are no cliffs, no skyscrapers, nowhere for a hang glider to launch. But it certainly wasn’t any kind of small plane that we’d ever seen.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

I usually am, and this time was no exception.

“It looks like a pterodactyl,” I said. And I said that because that was indeed what it looked like—more like a soaring pterodactyl than anything else. Up there in the sky, though, all by itself, we couldn’t guess its size: nothing up there to compare it to. But we both had the feeling that it was at least as big as a human hang-glider with his apparatus.

But it couldn’t be a pterodactyl: they went extinct along with the dinosaurs. There are no more large flying reptiles.

Except for this one.

“But it can’t be,” I argued with myself. “Where would it live? And you’d need a pair of adult pterodactyls to give it birth. Why hasn’t anyone else seen it?”

How many times have I read about these creatures, drawn them, collected models and replicas of them, looked at their fossils in museums? I should know a pterodactyl when I see one! And by now I was pretty sure that I was seeing one.

We watched it soar across the sky, never flapping its wings—well, we’ve seen buzzards doing that—and as we cruised up the highway, the enigma glided out of sight.

“It can’t be!” I muttered. “But what else could it be?”

We are both convinced we saw a pterodactyl—that, or something completely unknown to us. It would’ve been nice if it had soared over the Seaside Boardwalk and a thousand people saw it; but somehow that’s never the way that these things happen.

God made flying reptiles and has since tucked them away somewhere in His universe where we can’t see them. Maybe the Holmdel pterodactyl came from someplace we can’t go; maybe it came from some other universe altogether. The science-fiction cliché of “a doorway into another dimension” springs to mind. Pseudo-science to the rescue.

The whole experience only took two or three minutes, at most; but neither of us will ever forget it. Nor will we ever be able to explain it.

Who can search out all the ways of God?

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit—while you can. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

The Age of Manufactured Consent

by Lee Duigon

How do you govern a country when roughly half the citizens, and very likely more, believe you have no right to govern them at all? Because you lied, cheated, and stole votes to rig an election: that’s how you got your power.

Historically, the answer to that question is “by brute force and a reign of terror.” And we have already seen Democrats begin their journey down that road. The party’s blackshirts, Antifa and Black Lives Matter, stage riot after riot in our major cities. And there’s censorship, cancel culture, doxing, and other forms of intimidation. And wait till they go back to turning the IRS loose against all dissidents.

The Far Left Crazies in the House of Representatives have already put forth a bill to let hundreds of thousands of convicts out of prison: the “Dismantle Mass Incarceration for Public Health (!) Act”. Depending on which standards are finally used, this would release anywhere from 200,000 to 680,000 convicts, including convicted murderers, rapists, and child molesters.

Who would get this Get Out of Jail Free card? Any prisoner who’s 55 years old or older, or “obese”—very loosely defined—or in any other way “unhealthy.” Out they go, to prey on the public. And that’s not counting all of the illegal aliens they wish to release. Some of them are in prison for committing crimes of violence. One way or another, some half a million predators would be turned loose on our society—despite the fact that urban crimes rates have already skyrocketed due to earlier releases: can’t let the killers catch the virus, don’t you know.

It seems as good a way as any to terrorize and punish Americans for supporting President Donald Trump.

But even more potent than brute force and a reign of terror is a brand-new approach to practical politics: Manufactured Consent.

Our Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson, proclaims that “governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” This consent is foundational to the legitimacy of government. Without it, government is only brute force.

Ah! But what if the ruling party, or the party that wants to rule, can manufacture “consent” as needed? Just pre-program the computerized voting machines to crank out however many votes are needed to win an election—as has been done here, this year, in the United States of America.

The party that can manufacture consent no longer requires any real consent at all. Elections become meaningless, mere fruitless exercises to make the plebs think they get to decide who governs them. Manufactured Consent: the greatest abuse of technology since the invention of the atomic bomb. And much less destructive. Who wants to rule a heap of radioactive rubble?

This is what we are up against. We are robbed of our power to grant or withhold consent. This is what Democrats, corrupt courts, and spineless Republican surrender monkeys are asking us to settle for. It seems that Donald Trump is all alone in trying to fight it.

Thanks to Manufactured Consent, we can be told by our rulers that it is “the will of the people,” God help us, to see their taxes raised, their national borders thrown down, sweetheart deals that benefit China but not America, insane Climate Change treaties, violence in the streets of our cities, more transgender “rights,” and all the rest of the Democrats’ deluxe fun-pack. We are actually told that we somehow voted for all this! Hey, the hi-tech Dominion voting machines don’t lie…

This is what must not be allowed. The travesty that was this year’s presidential election must not stand.

Because if it does, all our elections from now on will be rigged against us.

And the light of liberty will be snuffed out.

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit—while you still can. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Pearl Harbor Day, 2020

by Lee Duigon

I’m writing this on Pearl Harbor Day, the day which President Franklin Roosevelt said would live in infamy forever.

Looking back on it from 79 years, it’s hard to believe Germany and Japan ever thought they could actually do what they set out to do. Germany wished to conquer and control continental Europe; Japan aspired to conquer and control the Pacific and huge chunks of eastern Asia. How could they ever have expected to do those things? Their lust far outran their capability. But equipped as they were with top-of-the-line military machines, they made a fearfully strong run at it.

History is full of conquerors, of empires. In a fallen world, someone, be it an individual, a group, or a whole nation, is always trying to take more than his fair share—and mostly by force. They may, like Rome or Assyria or the Mongol hordes of Genghis Khan, succeed for a time, even for centuries. Rome took over more territory than the Third Reich ever did, and kept it many times longer, but still came to a violent end. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

But in the 21st century, wars of conquest have fallen out of fashion. They cost too much, and modern weapons are almost as dangerous to the user as to the victim.

What has not fallen out of fashion is the lust for more—more power over more people, more wealth, more glory. That’s a dynamic of history, and it hasn’t changed. But who says military conquest is the only way to feed the lust?

What if, instead of attacking America’s Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor, the Japanese sought to dominate America politically, economically, financially? What if they had access to technology that would allow them to corrupt American leaders and meddle successfully in American elections?

Suddenly we’re talking about the Chinese Communist Party in 2020. And not just them, but also an international class, a whole class, of globalists and hi-tech barons with globalist ambitions. And instead of super-battleships like Japan’s “Yamato,” super-computers that can be used to manipulate votes?

Fleets and armies—not for them.

Their day that will live in infamy is November 3, 2020—the day they all worked together to steal America’s presidential election: the day it all came together for them. No more embarrassments, no more inconveniences like the Brexit vote or Donald Trump’s election in 2016: those were the result of having left too much to chance. They learned from those defeats: learned to use all their resources. Big Tech, the deep state, the Free & Independent Nooze Media, the social media, urban riots, a vastly overfunded public education system—mobilize and weaponize everything you have… and you conquer the United States without firing a shot.

None of this foolishness like invading Russia or trying to gobble up China! Even if military conquest is successful, it doesn’t last. Go modern, go technological, control information, craft the narrative—the deplorables will never know what hit them. They’ll wake up on November 4, having gone to bed with President Trump far ahead, and discover that “The Associated Press has called the election for Biden.” As if by magic, all the votes the bad guys needed materialized in the middle of the night.

We are expected to accept it as a fait accompli, way too late to do anything about it—get ready for open borders, Critical Race Theory, more transgender, higher taxes, Climate Change treaties, sweetheart deals for China: the whole Far Left fun-pack coming our way. If they can grab the Senate, they can pack the Supreme Court. And as long as they have the technology to dictate the outcome of any election, they’ll never have to worry about being voted out of office. They will have murdered our republic, and replaced consent of the governed with a manufactured consent courtesy of Big Tech.

What Hitler and Tojo couldn’t do to us with all their fleets and armies, even after crippling our navy at Pearl Harbor, the new partnership of globalists and Chinese communists will have done without the risk of war.

We must not accept this—ever. It must not be permitted to stand.

Because if it does, our republic is over.

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit before they shut us all down; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

How to Set Up a Global Government

by Lee Duigon

Globalists want a global government. They’ve wanted it for years; and right now, they’re closer than they’ve ever been to achieving it. And they can do it, too—if only they can solve a few simple problems.

First you’ve got to have a law code. If you’re going to have different law codes for all the different countries—well, we’ve already got that, we wouldn’t need a global government to give us that. So how do you create a law code for the whole world?

One approach would be to cobble together a code from bits and pieces of many countries’ law codes. We always want to be inclusive, so we’ll take laws from all over the planet—from the United States, the European Union, China, the Muslim world, and everywhere else. This is guaranteed to exasperate everyone. There would be infinite haggling over which laws to keep and which laws to throw out. So all you have to do is get everybody to agree.

Or, globalist sages could take time out from sipping overpriced drinks in Davos to draw up a whole new code from scratch. It need not resemble any particular country’s law code. It must be admitted that there’s a possibility that everyone on earth would passionately hate the new law code. But surely we can trust the Experts to come up with something.

Failing that, they could keep it simple and just adopt China’s law code in its entirety. The Chinese Communist Party would generously reward this.

The next step would be the easiest: stage rigged plebiscites in every country in the world. That this can be done has been proved right here in America: Democrats rigged our 2020 presidential election and stole it. Now that they’ve got the software to ensure a desired result in any election, all votes become irrelevant. And they’ve got the international nooze media to back it up. “The AP has called the world-wide elections for the global government! The ‘Yes’ vote has racked up 88 percent, world-wide!”

The “No!” votes wouldn’t matter. The hand that rocks the Dominion voting machines will rule the world. And with each rigged election, the political engineers will refine their technique: they’ll get better and better at it, and voting them out of office will become impossible. They’ll never be voted out.

By now, what you have here is an empire. And throughout world history, all empires are held together by the one thing that they all have in common—brute force. The global government, like the Roman Empire, the Assyrian Empire, the Soviet Union, will rely on brute force to keep the plebs in line.

What? There’s a revolt in the Middle East? Send in the legions and crush it. Crucify or impale the rebels, leaders and followers alike—and remember, always, that it’s for their own good. They’ll thank you for it later! But in the meantime, the bodies rotting on the stakes all along the highways will ensure that the people get the message.

And if it seems unwise to kill so many people, there are always concentration camps. China is in the concentration camp business as we speak, the CCP knows exactly how to do it. Ask any Uighur.

Finally, the globalist honchos can just sit back and enjoy it all while getting richer and richer, with more and more power over more and more people—sit back and revel in it until the whole damned thing collapses.

All in all, America’s 2020 presidential election has proved to the globalists that they now have the equipment to do anything they please.

And they will. They will.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in and visit (while it’s still allowed); a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Teaching the Peasants Who’s Boss

by Lee Duigon

The lesson we learn from 2020 is really quite simple: Once you demonstrate that you can control the outcome of a national election, you can do anything you please.

Two Democrat governors have really taken that to heart.

Last week it was the California golem, Gavin Newsom. Having just announced another string of restrictions on families gathering for Thanksgiving, Mr. Noisome rushed out to one of San Francisco’s toniest restaurants to enjoy a birthday bash for one of his favorite yes-men.

No face masks anywhere in sight, twelve families all jammed together around the table—so much for social distancing—and although Newsom at first insisted that the gathering was held outdoors, an abundance of video and photographs shows that that was a lie: they were all dining together indoors.

Gee, what happened to “keep your mask on between bites”? Didn’t Newsome admonish all Californians to do that?

But none of those restrictions applied to him, did they? And once his hypocrisy was exposed for everyone to see, he smirked, tee-hee, and got off a lame “sorry about that,” admitting “We should have modeled better behavior.” And so much for that.

And this weekend it was New Jersey’s governor, Phil “Mandate” Murphy, taking his family dining out without face masks and no hint of social distancing. This was just hours after he announced a new executive order (we quote) “RETIGHTENING restrictions” on social gatherings, including family Thanksgiving dinners. But there he was in a restaurant, chowing down without a face mask.

The scene was caught on film, and some of the diners called him out and cursed him. Well, folks, you had to elect this doofus, didn’t you? When are you going to learn never to elect a Democrat?

Yeahbut, yeahbut! So what? They just stole an election! If they can do that, how are you ever going to be able to vote them out of office? The hand that rocks the Dominion computers rules the world. That’s the whole point: when you steal an election, you erase accountability.

Just for insurance, though, Big Tech has their backs. A few days ago, an eminent medical scientist, former chairman of the Royal College of Physicians’ Examination Committee in Canada, with a list of credentials as long as your arm, denounced the COVID-19 lockdowns, face masks, etc., as “the greatest hoax ever” and slammed politicians and nooze media for trying to scare people into submission. And when LifeSite News reported his remarks, YouTube suspended LifeSite for a week.

What? Now you can’t report the news? Dr. Roger Hodkinson’s comments were *news*. But you don’t want the peasants hearing any news that might contradict the Ruling Party’s, um, “narrative.”

It’s just like Global Warming/Climate Change: the big shots who are pushing it don’t believe a single word of what they’re selling us. How many times did President *Batteries Not Included yap about rising sea levels gonna drown us all—and then go out and buy a multi-million-dollar mansion on Martha’s Vineyard, practically on the water-line? And how much fuel do the private jets burn up when all the fat-heads gather at Davos to natter about the climate crisis?

No, they don’t believe a word of it. Climate Change is only a boogie-man story told to keep the proles in line.

If COVID-19 is as deadly as they say it is, how come they’re not afraid of it? How come their pet rioters aren’t dying off like flies after crowding into the streets?

But as long as you can dictate the outcome of a national election, it’s What Me Worry for them and Shut Up and Pay Your Taxes for us.

This is a shame to us, and it must not be allowed to stand.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the magic link and have a visit—while you still can. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

The Media Cult

by Lee Duigon

It creeps me out when I hear a whole bunch of people all saying the same thing at the same time and using the same terms. I know, I know—I have just described what our over funded useless universities call “diversity.”

But I have also described our mainstream nooze media.

Totally in the bag for Democrats, and the world’s most practiced fear merchants—that’s them. That’s “journalism.” And it’s by no means unjust to call what they dish out “fear porn.”

First they tried to freak us out with fake science and Man-Made Climate Change, aka “Global Warming.” The message was always the same: “Do as we say, or you’re all gonna die.” They’ve been flying that flag for years now, but still can’t get most people to salute it—not even with our Free & Independent Nooze Media Inc. peddling it tirelessly, incessantly, for well over a decade.

A year or two ago, it was measles. They tried to scare us into submission with measles. But they dropped that like a hot potato as soon as COVID-19 came along.

At last—a scare that really worked!

It’s a truism that news outlets are irresistibly drawn to bad news—the worse, the better. “If it bleeds, it leads.” But the COVID coverage was way more than that.

By grossly overemphasizing the threat posed by the virus, and blaming it on President Donald Trump, our Free & Independent Nooze Media sought to scare and anger people into voting Democrat. Only Dozy Joe Biden could save us! It’s all Trump’s fault! The clamor from the whole herd of noozies was virtually unanimous—all saying the same thing at the same time. You’d swear they were all the same person. It was as if they were popping out of a vending machine, one after another, all exactly the same.

Cultists sound like that. Trying to talk to one is like trying to hold a conversation with a robo-call. No matter what you say, the robot just drones on and on.

Just like a “journalist.”

We always thought we needed a free press, wide-awake reporters and editors who would dig deep, ask questions, and find out what was really going on—and tell us, so we could make well-informed decisions as to what to do about it. We still need that, only now we don’t have it. All we have is a Democrat Party echo chamber.

When I was a boy we used to laugh at the “news” produced in communist countries. Its only function, obvious even to a 12-year-old, was to serve the interests of the ruling party. How many pictures of the current dictator could they put on every page? How many dissidents could they accuse of preposterous, even impossible, crimes against the state? How many disasters and mass deaths, caused by the state’s insane policies—remember Mao Tse-tung’s Great Leap Forward—could they cover up?

Is our Free & Independent Nooze Media any better? Is it even any different?

So now, except for a host of alternative news outlets struggling to make up the deficiency, we have no reliable source of information on matters vital to the public interest. Now, in addition to our daily dose of COVID fear porn, we have incessant “analyses” of a fraudulent election—commentary after commentary, salted with flip remarks and disingenuous interviews with Never Trumpers who liked The Swamp just the way it was, all of them nattering on and on about Trump’s “hopeless,” “fruitless,” and “pointless” challenge of highly suspect election results—not to mention throwaway lines of “Well, yeah, there might have been some voter fraud, somewhere—but nowhere near enough to affect the outcome of the election.”

Question! How much fakery, how much cheating, are we supposed to tolerate in our elections? I always thought the answer was “None.” Now we’re instructed to believe that “some” is okay.

But “some” is not okay. “Some” always has a way of growing into “more.”

The answer is still “none,” whether noozies like it or not. And the fraud imposed on us this year must not stand.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and enjoy a visit. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Will Riots Scare Us into Surrender?

By Lee Duigon

I was chatting with a neighbor the other day, and trying to lift his spirits; but he was up to his neck in defeatism. Because of this travesty of an election, of course.

“We’ve been scammed,” he said, “and there’s nothing we can do about it. It’s going to wind up in the Supreme Court, and nothing’s going to happen.”

And why will nothing happen?

“The court wouldn’t dare overturn this election, no matter how corrupt it was,” he said. “They just wouldn’t dare. If they did, we’d have a revolution. We’d have riots like you wouldn’t believe.”

So that’s it? A new political doctrine—whoever can stage the biggest riot gets to own the government. Sheesh, I hope he never raised kids that way. As long as you don’t throw a tantrum and break things, you can do anything you want?

But he’s not alone. A recent essay by Robert Arvay in “The American Thinker” came right out and said it: “The courts might be afraid…”.

Oh, boy—living in fear! That’s some nice republic you’ve got there, America. Never mind the law—who’s got a pile of bricks to throw at cops? We have to let them get away with stealing a national election because they’ll riot if we don’t?

It will go down in history as the day our constitutional republic died. Or rather, was assassinated.

We already have a mob of self-proclaimed revolutionaries threatening to “burn it all down” if they don’t get what they want. That’s a quote from “Black Lives Matter.” We’ve already had riots and are more than likely to have more.

A state that can’t enforce the rule of law—including its election laws!—is not a state. It’ll be a failed state, a jungle. Eventually everyone will catch on to the idea that violence is how you get your way and stop the other guy from getting his. Presto! Thomas Hobbes’ “war of all against all.” Hobbes also remarked that life under such circumstances would be “nasty, brutish, and short.” History is chock-full of examples that prove him right.

So what do we do if the court throws out the invalid votes—all of which seem to have been, by some strange coincidence, for Biden—overturns the election, puts Donald Trump back in the White House where he belongs… and there are riots?

Uh, at the risk of being thought simplistic… arrest the rioters and put them out of circulation? Stiff federal prison sentences for all the ringleaders? Would that work?

But the only alternative is to let them have their way, let them have our country—and that, we really ought to understand, wouldn’t work at all.

I used to know a boy whose grandfather gave him a dollar for every day he didn’t throw a tantrum. It didn’t do much for his character. Applied to the governance of a great nation, is that principle anything short of insane?

I do understand: Trump swore to drain The Swamp, The Swamp doesn’t want to be drained, and it has defended itself. Deep State, Big Tech, corrupt politicians (including White Flag Republicans) who’ve been making money hand over fist by selling government favors to anyone who’d buy them—I have just described Joe Biden—they all got together and threw at this president every dirty trick they have: and they have plenty of them.

The best thing this crime has going for it is its sheer enormity. Fixing an election makes fixing the World Series look like child’s play. But they now have the technology, and the money, to do it—one accidentally-on-purpose “computer glitch” after another, just to name one of many tricks employed. The unprecedented scale of the crime makes it hard for some people to believe it was possible. If you’re gonna go bad, go big.

Riots or no riots, this must not stand. And eventually you fill enough paddy wagons to finish off the riots.

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit… while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

The Dems’ Deplorable Word

by Lee Duigon

“If we can’t rule America, then let there be no America!”

Is this the corner into which the Democrats have driven themselves? I think it is.

In 1955, the world lived in fear of a nuclear war that would destroy all life on earth. Memories of World War II were quite vivid, and people didn’t find it hard to imagine something even worse.

In that year C.S. Lewis published another Chronicle of Narnia, “The Magician’s Nephew.” In it he told of a world called Charn. There, in ancient times, two queens battled for supremacy. When she was about to lose that war, Queen Jadis spoke a magic spell, The Deplorable Word, which wiped out every living thing in Charn, leaving only dust and ruins.

Are Democrats getting desperate enough to speak their own Deplorable Word? Consider their policies, as proposed by their candidates.

The Green New Deal: a Luddite scheme to Stop Climate Change by bankrupting the country and plunging its people into poverty.

New lockdowns. Facemask Nation forever. We’ve already seen how good lockdowns are for the economy, never mind their effects on people’s minds and morale.

A pledge to destroy the oil industry. That would leave us without the energy needed to sustain modern life, but never mind: whatever happens to the rest of us, they’ll still have their mansions and their private jets.

A scheme to pack the Supreme Court, transforming it into a rubber stamp for any bizarre thing they want to do.

Massive tax hikes—a policy guaranteed to fail, but it will succeed in expanding the reach and power of the federal government.

Encouraging riots by Far Left loonies like Black Lives Matter—nothing like a heaping helping of terror and violence to get the people to obey the power.

And of course we’ll also be treated to policies favoring abortion on demand, right up to the time of birth, transgender, and “teachings” in our schools to turn young people against their country—like the New York Times’ infamous “1619 Project,” which proclaims that the only reason America ever existed was to promote and protect slavery. We fought a terrible Civil War that ended slavery in 1865, but so what? All white people are bad!

Put them all together, and they add up to something that comes about as close to a Deplorable Word as it’s possible to come without promising to start a worldwide nuclear war. They haven’t reached that point yet, but God only knows what they’ll come up with if the American people don’t surrender to them on Election Day.

They have reached a point where there is almost nothing they won’t do to get power. Power to impose their socialist fantasies on 350 million people. Power to stifle even the most trivial dissent. Power to re-engineer all our basic social institutions. Power to end America as we know it—forever.

Communists have always liked to say you have to break eggs to make an omelet, although never in history did they ever get past the egg-breaking stage. But what we’re talking about here is breaking all the eggs. All of them. And depend on this: if they ever do get back into power, Democrats will change the rules so that they’ll never be turned out of power again. Not without a mammoth expenditure of blood, toil, tears, and sweat.

Most NewsWithViews readers don’t need to be exhorted not to vote for Democrats; and there is no website for the undecided. But if you do happen to know any undecided voters, you have less than a week to work on them before Election Day. Get busy.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link before some Democrat makes it disappear. My articles can also be found at . They’ll make that disappear, too, if they can.

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Is ‘Journalism’ Bottoming Out?

By Lee Duigon

When I was a teenager, we used to get a lot of good belly-laughs out of crazy tabloid headlines. “Bigfoot Kept Lumberjack as Love Slave!” “Mad Dentist Rips Out Patient’s Tongue.” And “Girl Too Ugly to Go to School,” complete with clumsy composite photo that wouldn’t fool a five-year-old. These guys were writing click bait before clicks were invented.

Now it’s over fifty years later: and the new CEO of the Sacramento Bee has a plan to tie his reporters’ pay to the number of clicks their stories get. And those reporters are horrified.

The Sacramento Bee News Guild says the new policy “encourages controversy and quantity over clarity and quality,” to say nothing of accuracy. It will tempt writers to create “click bait,” and “It cheapens our work.” You don’t say?

There must have been readers, back in the 1960s, who believed those loopy headlines. But I think most of us understood that it was just mere silliness. “174-MPH Sneeze Blows Off Woman’s Hair.” Come on: who was standing there with scientific apparatus to measure the velocity of that sneeze?

Besides, we had the real news. On TV. And in the papers. Once upon a time, Walter Cronkite was billed as “the most trusted man in America.” He and his colleagues were really deft at picking our pockets. At least they pretended to be bound by journalistic ethics, even as they exercised their subtle skills to steer public opinion to the left. Very few Americans realized they were doing that.

Now, though, they don’t even pretend. The Sacramento Bee is only taking it just one step farther. Whoever gets the most clicks gets paid the most money. Bring back Bigfoot’s love slave. And while we’re waiting for the next mad dentist, they can “report” Amy Barrett’s paycheck signed by Putin, Donald Trump’s lurid affairs with space aliens, and the 16 weeks we’ve got to stop Climate Change before it kills us all.

If “journalists” are upset about being forcibly herded into the production of fake news, whom have they to blame but themselves? Aren’t they all Woke by now? Is there any Far Left fantasy they haven’t pushed as if their lives depended on it? Some guy declares himself a “woman”—and does any journalist, anywhere, fail to knuckle under with the female pronouns? And Black Lives Matter is a benevolent association, Joe Biden is a centrist, Hillary Clinton the world’s smartest woman and oh, look! Biden’s up double digits in the polls!

It’s getting so the definition of “sucker” is anybody who believes anything he hears from the nooze media.

But what the heck, it’s all about clicks now, isn’t it? My own headline, up above, wouldn’t pass muster with the Sacramento Bee. It should’ve been something like “Nude Journalists Caught Performing Human Sacrifice.” And watch the clicks come rolling in.

Asked to choose between reporting the news accurately and only reporting it in ways that help the Democratic Party, America’s noozies have made their choice and made it clearly: it’ll be helping the Democrats every time. They want to shape the news, not describe it. They want to be kingmakers. They’re in the bag for the fundamental transformation of America.

I wonder what they expect to get out of it. The Party will jail them last? Some dictator will pat them on the head and say “Nice noozie”? The first American Hugo Chavez clone will declare he couldn’t have done it without the New York Times?

They have no one but themselves to blame.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link (oh, boy, a click!) and walk right in. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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‘Pro-Life Evangelicals’ for Abortion

by Lee Duigon

Sometimes my fellow Christians—if that’s what they really are—say and do things that are incomprehensible to me.

Recently a group of “pro-life evangelicals, some of them noted biblical scholars” (according to the Christian Post) endorsed abortion-happy Joe Biden for president. We are not given their names, nor told who has “noted” them as, ahem, “biblical scholars.” But we do know that Biden has been endorsed by Planned Parenthood: seems like funny company for “biblical scholars” to be keeping.

If these people actually exist… are they mad? What Bible have they been studying?

The Democrat candidate for president is on record suggesting that the government compile a “national register”—sort of like a terrorist watch list, he explained in 2019—of those naughty Christian churches who are a bit slow to hop aboard Organized Sodomy’s bandwagon. Because, he said, such churches are “like terrorists.”

But the nameless scholars say they support Biden because Trump cut funds for AIDS research (never mind that he persuaded other countries to pay more), and also he’s a racist. Do not mention the tens of millions of black babies who have been aborted. After all, the scholars never mention it. Trump is also a bad guy for wanting to repeal Obamacare, and the scholars are all for Obamacare. Somehow they found government ownership of health care in the Bible.

And of course they’re against him because of Climate Change. Gotta Save The Planet, and we can’t do that with a Climate Change Denier in the White House.

In what outre sense are any of these nameless nimrods “pro-life”? How are they okay with killing babies? What Bible did they find that in?

But we know what motivates them, don’t we? They crave the approval of the secular, anti-Christian power structure in a fallen world. And once Democrats start tossing Christians into prison for Climate Change Denial, misgendering, refusing to go along with same-sex pseudomarriage, showing insufficient submission to Black Lives Matter, and any other new crimes a Biden regime might think of—well, the scholars expect the Democrats will jail them last. They throw everybody else into the pool of alligators in hopes that they’ll be eaten last.

They have no king but Caesar.

They have a passion to grow the government, a firm conviction that government has all the answers. They would agree with the 2012 slogan of the Democrat National Convention: “Government is the only thing we all belong to.”

They aspire to be chattels of the government.

Meanwhile liberal denominations—Presbyterian Church USA, United Church of Christ, Evangelical Lutheran Church, Episcopals, etc., etc.—are bleeding out. Members are fleeing. Some of these denominations won’t be here to greet the next century. Christians will find church homes elsewhere. They don’t want to sit in the pews listening to some transgender preacher rattle on about how he/she/whatever looks to Beyonce as a source for hymns.

Are we expected to be gung-ho for abortion, are we go to “Ridin’ with Biden,” because some self-anointed “scholars” do?

When was the last time you saw a “biblical scholar” who actually believed in the Bible? A United Methodist bigwig once bragged to me that the very first thing he learned in seminary was that the Bible is not—repeat, not—the Word of God. Well, false prophets are nothing new. And if these “pro-life evangelicals” who support abortion are not false prophets, what else could they be?

The late D. James Kennedy used to say the church in America was the greatest unserved mission field in all the world.

And he was right.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit; if you’re a reader, you’ll find kindred spirits there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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They’ve Just Got to Control Us

by Lee Duigon

What makes “progressives” tick? What gets them up in the morning and sustains them through the day? What makes their lives worth living?

The sheer delight of controlling other people’s lives.

While people flee New York City in droves, fleeing the high taxes, the burgeoning crime rate, and the prospect that worse will surely be in store for them if they stay, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio—it’s not even his real name: his real name is Warren Wilhelm—who’s so progressive that he once went down to Nicaragua to help the Sandinistas—this Mussolini who can’t make the trains run on time: this preposterously inept mayor, who had the gall to run for president but dropped out when he racked up Zero percent in the polls—this proud progressive has announced that the face masks, the social distancing, and the plethora of restrictions… is going to continue.

“[W]e’re not done,” he said, “until we hit zero” cases of COVID-19.

Did you get that? No going back to normal until *nobody* gets the virus anymore.

In other words, forever. Because they will never reach that point of zero cases. The virus is loose, the genie has escaped from the bottle, it’s in our environment now, and we’re stuck with it. So de Blasio gets to play Great Dictator until the mother ship comes to take him back to Mars.

But never let it be said that California takes a back seat to New York when it comes to meddling with people’s lives.

The Berkeley City Council has unanimously passed an ordinance forbidding supermarkets to sell “unhealthy foods” in their checkout aisles. No more candy bars, no more little bags of chips: the pro-choice crowd has taken that choice away from you. Which is what they do: remove people’s choices.

Babbled one of the councilors, this is “really good behavior economics.” I’m afraid to ask exactly what she means by that. Babbled another, this latest ban makes Berkeley “a world leader in healthy living.” All for the insignificant cost of one more teeny-weeny little freedom that no one will ever miss!

But see, that’s progressivism—telling people what they can and can’t eat. We can be thankful that they didn’t Issue A Mandate (mandates are all the latest rage) requiring people to keep their face masks on while eating. Even Warren Wilhelm never thought of that.

It all goes back to the bizarre mix of ideology and pseudo-religion imbibed by liberals. Denying the existence of God, their search for an ultimate authority can take them no higher than the state, with Science hobbling along beside it like Igor shambling to keep up with Frankenstein. Between them they claim to be able, eventually, to do everything that God should have done but didn’t because He isn’t real. Not to worry! The smartest people in the world are on the job. All they need is more power, more money, more air time, and they’ll fundamentally transform the world. Into a utopia, of course. It’s always a utopia.

Currently they’re working on controlling our health, to be accomplished by controlling everything that they can get their hands on, removing our choices, taking decisions out of our hands, and by cracky, look at this—zero cases! And no more obesity, no more tooth decay, and no more chewing gum! And we can all go back to our playpens because Daddy de Blasio and Mommy Council will take care of us!

Imagine how upset they’ll be if they lose the election in November. But as joyous an occasion as that would be, it won’t make them go away. Only several decades’ worth of long, hard work can possibly accomplish that. And even then we’ll need God’s blessing—because leftist politics is Original Sin at work.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and enjoy your visit. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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The Ideology of Playing God

by Lee Duigon

Joe Biden says that if he’s elected president, Heaven forbid, one of the first things he’ll do is issue a nationwide face mask mandate. And everyone will have to Obey—to hear is to obey—even if you’re out alone in the wild, fly-fishing in Montana.

One wonders when all this face mask business will end—but why should it ever end? It springs directly from the ideology of messianic statism, if I may coin a phrase.

Messianic statism is the proposition that the state, and all the little tinhorn tyrants who serve it, shall be as God. It’s a weird ideology, maybe even a pseudo-religion. And it works like this.

There is no God, so the very highest authority must reside in the state and in its consultant, Science. Science knows everything and the state can do everything. Nothing bad should ever happen, but the only way to make sure of that is to grow the government to prodigious size and give it more and more power. And ultimately it will be big and powerful enough, and guided by the omniscient wisdom of its pet scientists, it will wipe out everything that makes life bad—war, poverty, disease, income inequality: you name it, it’ll be gone.

Communists used to describe this as breaking eggs to make the omelet, except they never, ever got beyond the breaking eggs stage. That’s simply because you can’t create an infallible state and infallible Science when all you’ve got to work with is eminently fallible human beings.

Oh, but it’s a seductive ideology! If you are poor, they’ll make you rich; if you are sick, they’ll make you well; and they throw in complete sexual license to sweeten the pot, if that’s the kind of thing that sweetens it for you.

So along comes the Chinese Communist Party Doomsday Virus, COVID-19; and based on chock-full-o’-nuts computer models that predicted 2.2 million deaths in the USA alone, they shut down the world’s economy, subjected all the healthy people to a global quarantine, and issued mandates on everything from having to wear face masks all the time to not being allowed by buy seeds for your garden. Suddenly everywhere you looked were signs reading, “By Order of the Governor.” ‘Cause we’re all gonna die unless we do what they say.

When’s all this mask stuff going to be over? After all, there are many diseases more deadly than COVID-19. Shouldn’t we be protected from those, too? Why should anyone get sick and die, when the state has the power to prevent it? Or rather, if we can give the state that power? It’s for our own good, you know! Besides, freedom itself is overrated: it’s so White Male, like the Constitution. It’s a luxury that invites disease.

Controlling other people’s lives is what makes statists’ lives worth living. They can’t get enough of it. And that messianic ideology is all they need to cast themselves as the good guys, doing what’s best for people even when they’re too stupid and ungrateful to appreciate it. Not only do they get what they want—control of other people’s lives—but they also get to look in the mirror and say “What a good boy am I!”

And we are left to wonder why, if everything they’re doing is for our good, they let criminals swarm into the streets and shoot our cities’ crime rates up to High Olympus. They protect us by defunding the police? But we don’t call them the Far Left Crazy for nothing, do we?

We may also wonder why we stand for such abuse, why we let them get away with it. Well, ordinary people are often at a disadvantage when dealing with fanatics. Evil is usually permitted to run wild for a time before we pluck up the courage to smack it down.

Which we will have an opportunity to do, this November.

Crush the Democrat Party, and you put messianic statism out of business.

Until, given the dynamics of our fallen world, we have to do it again.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week at my blog, . Stop in for a visit; the bad guys will hate it if you do. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Scaring Ourselves Silly

by Lee Duigon

I saw a rather bizarre sight the other day.

Children were coming out of St. Francis’ school, across the street: all of them wearing face masks. Instead of laughing and talking as they always do, they were completely silent. And to pay their deep respects to Social Distancing, they walked with their arms outstretched in front of them, as if they were wearing blindfolds. It reminded me of Lou Costello imitating Frankenstein.

Good grief, they’ve made school even worse than it has always been. Around the block, at Campbell School, the kids don’t come out at all, except to leave. No recess. Empty playground. Unless it’s bad weather, that playground’s always full of children… playing. But it’s been beautiful weather all week, and the kids can’t go outside. King Virus will getcha if you go outside.

In fact, when it comes to the dreaded coronavirus, outdoors is the safest place to be. Sunlight kills the germs. Even a little breeze scatters them. King Virus would surely rather have the kids cooped up indoors all day. But who ever says our schools teach things that are true? Can you say “the 1619 Project”?

We’re scaring ourselves silly and freaking out our kids. There are many diseases more deadly than COVID-19. Are we supposed to shut our country down from now on, whenever a disease is on the loose?

And as if that weren’t enough to bear, there won’t be any marshmallow Peeps this year. That’s right—no Peeps. What kind of civilized country has no Peeps? But the company’s afraid to re-open the factory. King Virus will getcha if you go to work. But of course it’ll totally let you alone if you go out to riot. The virus is a fan of Mostly Peaceful Protests.

But if you want something you can really be afraid of, don’t go yachting just now in the waters off Spain and Portugal. It seems killer whales have been attacking yachts and fishing boats, ramming them repeatedly, damaging the steering gear and injuring the crews—and scientists do not know why. It’s not something you have to worry about if you live in Kansas, but it really does sound kind of scary. And the scientists are baffled.

Britain’s premier Far Left noozepaper, The Guardian, is not baffled, though. Not for a minute. The whales are getting nasty because of [trumpet fanfare] Climate Change! And we’ve only got another “51 days to save the planet!” Otherwise it’s the End O’ The World. Well, someone had to inject new life into the Climate Change boogieman, which is past its sell-by date. Can’t blame The Guardian for trying. You hate to lose a good apocalypse.

So we’re all gonna die from Climate Change, we’re all gonna die from the virus, we’re all gonna get bushwhacked by the white supremacists who are hiding under every bed, and if none of those get us, sooner or later the big bad orcas will. And don’t forget Systemic Racism! Maybe that’s what has cheesed off the whales.

Only government can save us, say the progs. And not just any government: this is a job for Global Government. Give ‘em absolute power and watch ‘em do their thing! Put The Smartest People In The World in charge, and they’ll deliver. Hell’s bells, if Joe Biden can’t get us out of this predicament, who can? While you’re waiting for Antifa and Black Lives Matter to come and torch your neighborhood, take a few minutes to reflect on what a wonderful job they do of raising our consciousness. What are a few burned-out city blocks, compared to that?

I don’t believe in an all-powerful, all-devouring government, but I do believe in God. Psalm 24 teaches us, “The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.”

And I trust in His providence, and in His righteousness, to see us through—

In spite of all our foolishness.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit to our whale-free zone; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Trump’s on Our Side

by Lee Duigon

President Donald Trump takes the American people’s side against self-anointed elites and opinion-shapers. That’s why they’re trying to destroy him.

Last week he delivered body blows to Far Left Crazy. Oh, the pain!

First he banned “Critical Race Theory” from being “taught” to federal employees in just about every branch of the bureaucracy. “Critical Race Theory,” a poison concocted by our academic establishment, proclaims that all white people are evil, born racists, to blame for everything that’s ever been wrong in our country, and that they all need and deserve to be punished for it—and all of this with their consent, no less!

For some reason, President Trump thought this was “divisive” (ya think?) and virulently anti-American. They were ordering white male employees to write “apologies” to non-whites and women: no submission, no job. So of course he banned it. Can you imagine a “Critical Race Theory 2.0” that turns the tables to require the purposeful humiliation of black people? That would be allowed for how many nanoseconds?

A few days later, the president took aim at the New York Times’ hate-America classroom package, “the 1619 Project”. I don’t know why we had to wait till Donald Trump came along to have one of our elected representatives asking why in the world we should have to pay Far Left teachers’ union creeps to “teach” our children that our country sucks. But then it was a mystery why we ever let them do it in the first place.

If it comes from the New York Times, you know it’s got to be bad for America: the Times never met a communist it didn’t like. “The 1619 Project” teaches that America was, and is, all about perpetuating slavery and oppressing non-whites. It’s intended for use in public schools from coast to coast. In fact, its perpetrators have been boasting about how they hope to get it into every school.

Fine, says our president—but not with federal money, you don’t. He has directed the Dept. of Education to look into it, starting with California (where else?); and wherever it’s been brought into the school, pull the funding.

Now it’s virtually unprecedented for the president to side with the people against the know-it-all elites—Far Left “educators,” Far Left teachers’ unions, Far Left nooze media, et al. In addition to being profoundly grateful to Mr. Trump for doing so, we must support him to the hilt. As he sides with the people, so the people must side with him—not just sit back and wait for him to do it on his own.

He needs and deserves our votes, and not just in the presidential election. He can’t, by himself, give us back our schools that we pay for. We have to take back our natural, God-given authority over the education of our children; and he can, and will, help us take it back.

If we ever lose our republic, and our liberties, our foolishness in allowing people who hate us to educate our children will be the number-one cause of it.

How can that be hard to understand? Don’t let people who despise you teach your children!

Don’t let them do to us with textbooks what Hitler and Stalin and Tojo, with all their fleets and armies, couldn’t do.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Now, Will You Listen?

By Lee Duigon

Should parents have any say in what their children are taught in public schools?

“Hell no!” say the—ahem—educators.

So in Rutherford County, Tennessee, “school officials” are demanding that parents sign a waiver promising not to listen in on their kids’ lessons in the virtual classroom. This would be the remote learning provided by the school district, using its own teachers.

They want the poor devils who pay for all this “education” to waive their rights as parents—and waive their responsibilities, too, while they’re at it. Shut up and pay—six-figure salaries, and benefits that most taxpayers can only fantasize about.

Once upon a time the people in the communities served by the schools, who paid for the schools, decided what was taught and who taught it. Government wrested that right away from them, creating a federal Dept. of Education, with Title This and Title That, and the various state departments of education. Local school boards, elected by the people, can only do what the state allows them to do; and in the unlikely event that the state sides with the people against the educators, a friendly Democrat judge will whip them right back into line.

So now, smug and secure in their power, and in their friends in politics, school officials tell parents, “Just butt out! What we teach your kids is none of your business. Your business is to shut up and pay your taxes.”

They say it’s for “privacy.” They say it’s so they can teach the kiddies all about “diversity”—which the rest of us know as coerced uniformity of thought—and America’s profoundly incurable racism. With a little bit of Climate Change and Green New Deal thrown in. They don’t want parents interfering in this process.

So they make us pay them to browbeat our children and turn them against their families, their country, and their God. Your hard-earned tax dollars pay for it.

If the parents can’t hear it, and discuss it, then it just plain shouldn’t be taught. Everybody used to understand that. Then along came the radical teachers’ unions—“Red for ed,” they call themselves—and the insatiable demands of government, and that was the end of the people owning the schools they pay for.

Homeschooling advocates and public commentators have been warning you about this for years—but who listened? Public school was so convenient! You didn’t even have to write out a check for it; they just sucked it out of your property and income taxes. Without a care in the world, you just sent your kids off to school each day and that was all there was to it. Simple. Easy. You didn’t have to devote any thought to it at all. Seductive.

And now they’ve got you where they want you. Far Left Crazy doesn’t have to reproduce: they just turn your children into clones of themselves. And you pay them for it.

“Conservatives” nationwide are loudly calling for the public schools to be re-opened, enough of the COVID-19 quarantine already. How stupid is that? Do they think those Red for ed teachers are going to teach the kids to love their country? How can they not know the truth? Thousands of reports have been made public; and yet too many people still say, “Oh, no! That doesn’t happen in our schools!”

Because if they ever accepted the truth, they’d have to do something about it. They’d have to take responsibility for their children’s education—and who wants more responsibility? Homeschool, Christian school, local education cooperatives: these are only three of the available alternatives to public schooling. But they all translate into extra effort, extra time; and who wants that?

So now they’ve got you, people. Now they feel secure enough to tell you just back off and leave them to it, indoctrinating your children into the wonderful world of woke. Let them get on with the business of fundamentally transforming your country out from under you.

Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week at my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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‘Moral Enhancements’—in Your Drinking Water

Lee Duigon

Every time you think America’s university professors can’t take one step deeper into wicked foolishness, they prove you wrong. Big-time.

An ethics professor at Western Michigan University has called for “moral enhancers” to be administered to Americans to make them wear masks and socially distance—yes, “make them.” As in compel them to. This’ll knock out the COVID-19 pandemic, he says. And then, he adds, it can be used to make people believe in Climate Change.

And you thought Bob Hope was kidding when he likened Democrats to zombies.

The professor suggests that “moral enhancements” could be surreptitiously added to our drinking water supply. Isn’t it cool, the way the pro-choice crowd always tries to take away your choices? Once you get a belt of “enhancement,” he says, you will acquire an increased “ability to be empathetic or altruistic or cooperative.” Whatever they want you to be, as defined by themselves. Maybe a pill that would compel you to rat out your neighbors or your family members, if they do something the government doesn’t like.

Ah! But he doesn’t tell us just what the “moral enhancements” might be. Pills? Show up with a dump truck full of ‘em and dump ‘em in the reservoir? Potions? You’ll need a tanker truck. Or maybe you could administer it with crop-dusting planes over populated areas. And if this stuff, whatever it turns out to be, winds up making you deathly ill, or turns your brain into something like whatever it is Joe Biden’s got—well, heck, at least they tried!

What kind of “ethics” does this jackass teach? Is it still ethics if you don’t have a choice anymore? Is it still “morality,” if they make it impossible for you to behave in any other way? God could have done that, but He created us with free will instead. Is some professor somewhere wiser than God?

People are paying this doofus to teach their children. How many young men and women will pass through his classes and come out of them as raving Red Guards?

Do we still need these universities? For what? To turn young people into robots? Look at all the white middle-class college students who turn out to riot every time Only Black Lives Matter tells them to. How much more of this can our country stand?

We could write this guy off as a nut—in which case, why is he still teaching?—but that would hardly do him justice. His totalitarian notions reach all the way back through history to Plato. He proposes to enslave his countrymen: not with a whip, but with something sneaky in our drinking water.

Defund the universities. Throw out, as garbage, the whole inane idea that everybody has to go to college. It’s only the absurd expansion of our higher education system that has created jobs for fools like this twaddler at Western Michigan. You could buy a nice house for the money that you blew on college.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in today for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

College: Poisoning America

by Lee Duigon

Our colleges and universities are poisoning our country. Look at the riots: multitudes of white middle-class college students, useful idiots. But let’s look at two examples of what the colleges are…uh, “teaching” them.

Syracuse University has brewed up a new policy to eradicate “hate” from the campus. From now on, bystanders and witnesses to any undefined “act of hate” are to be punished for “silence and inaction” if they fail to intervene.

What exactly is an “act of hate”? We are left to guess. Saying “All lives matter”? Wearing a “Re-elect President Trump” button? Failing to agree that some intensely disturbed man who has his business hacked off is now a “woman”? It probably won’t be declaring “All whites are evil, all whites are guilty,” blah-blah-blah. Because college professors all over the land proclaim this every day.

This is an astounding legal doctrine. “You saw it, so you did it!” Bystanders and witnesses are now as guilty as the perpetrator. Boy, that’d fill up the prisons in a hurry. Somebody snaps at somebody else in the student lounge—and you’re guilty, too, because you were there? You didn’t barge in to support the leftist side of an argument? How can this not be an exhortation to engage in some weird species of vigilantism? And what if you mis-heard or misunderstood an ordinary interaction, and were mistaken in deeming it an “act of hate”? And butted in, resulting in a punch-out.

Really, who wants to live like this? We’re gonna eradicate hate by hating the haters? Wouldn’t that brew up… more hate? Suddenly you’re responsible for everything that somebody else does.

Let’s move on to Iowa State Looniversity, where you can be kicked out of class for “othering”. If you don’t know what that word means, it’s probably because you’re not an idiot.

So what is “othering”? According to Wikipedia, it’s treating a person or a group as if that person were different from oneself, or his group different from yours.

This from the prophets of “diversity”! What—have certain lewd persons only just invented the whole idea that, well, people are… different? Stop the presses. It turns out we’re all alike! And there’s no such thing as differences among various groups of people, either.

I didn’t know dementia was contagious.

At Iowa State, “othering” takes the form of daring to criticize abortion, failing to support Only Communist Black Lives Matter, not being gung-ho for same-sex phony “marriage,” etc. In other words, not being a Far Left wacko like the prof. You’ll be kicked out of class for not having beliefs identical to, presumably, everybody else’s. More diversity.

Why in the world would anybody ever want to go to Syracuse University? Why would anyone in his right mind want to take this lib-fascist professor’s course at Iowa State? And by the time you’re finished getting your degree in Gender Studies, you’re over a hundred thousand bucks in debt. You could’ve bought a house for that much money.

What kinds of pernicious, toxic inanities are our sons and daughters being “taught” at their colleges and universities? What kind of bizarre mental landscape is being grafted over their minds? Come on, now—people *aren’t* different? That’s what you’re supposed to “learn”?

Harvard has a budget of over $40 billion a year. This is monstrous. This is absurd. The universities are rolling in money, flabby with money, and a lot of it is public money. People worked for it, struggled for it—and look what they get for it. Bad enough they shell out huge chunks of all the wealth they’ll ever have, to put their kids through these indoctrination mills. But for tax money to be poured into the universities’ insatiable mouths is indefensible.

The funding has to stop. Before our country stops.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Teachers to Parents: Butt Out

Lee Duigon

We’ve warned you about those teachers’ unions, but who listened?

Well, maybe you’ll listen to the teachers.

A big-name “educator,” one Mathew Kay, recently complained on Twitter about parents overhearing the content of online lessons and trying to butt in. He thinks they should butt out.

Millions of kids are now in virtual classrooms, online, with schools closed due to the coronavirus panic. Mr. Kay isn’t happy that parents might be finding out just what their kids are taught. He objects to “many potential spectators [those pesky parents]… overhearing the discourse. What does that do for our equity/inclusion work?” And parents, he added, are a threat to “honest conversations about gender/sexuality.”

What he’s talking about, of course, is indoctrination—“teaching” young Americans to be obedient little leftists and useful idiots for Far Left Crazy. One alleged teacher on his thread called the parents “outsiders.” And Kay himself wants the erection of “secure barriers” to keep those nosy meddling parents out of their children’s virtual classrooms.

What more do you need to know?

When I was substitute teaching at a public high school in the 1990s, the only gig I never got, never, was sex education. They never called a substitute for that. If the teacher had to be absent, they turned the class over to an assistant principal. And under no circumstances were any of the textbooks or other teaching materials to leave the classroom. Not ever. Obviously they were afraid parents might dip into those textbooks and kick up a fuss over what was being taught.

They’ve been concealing it for years, and getting away with it. A school in Chicago even tried to get teenaged kids to sign a “contract” forbidding them ever to discuss their lessons with their parents. But minors can’t sign binding contracts, so the scheme fell through. But you could still threaten kids with failure if they revealed the union’s secrets.

Why in the world do parents tolerate this? Do they just not care what is taught, as long as the kids are kept out of their hair? We may certainly be pardoned for thinking so.

But what with a federal Dept. of Education riding herd on all the school districts in America, and state departments of education, and the wealth and political power of the teachers’ unions, there’s very little, if any, authority left at the local level. Local school boards have to do what they’re told. Public schools are government schools, owned by the government. Shut up and pay your school tax.

And so the public schools were reshaped into indoctrination mills dominated by unions of devoted socialists, communists, and culture-killers. Some of them have made pilgrimages to Venezuela—to express their admiration for this great experiment in government-imposed poverty and repression, and to “learn” its techniques. Others just call themselves “Red for Ed” and demand higher salaries.

Once upon a time communities ran their own schools, deciding what should be taught in them and who should teach it. When they first tried to introduce sex education in my home town, outraged parents stopped it cold. But that was before we had a New Jersey Dept. of Education calling all the shots. So shut up and pay your taxes.

But now you can see for yourselves the insolence, the arrogance, and the revolutionary commitment of the teachers’ unions, who will damned well teach your children the virtues of collectivism, racial strife, and transgenderism and you, the parents, can just back off—it’s none of your business.

Just now, with thousands of schools still closed, America will never have a better chance to get out from under public education. Homeschooling has never been more efficient, more affordable, and more desperately needed. And there’s also Christian schooling to consider.

To concede the education of Americans to persons who despise America makes no sense at all.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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When ‘Smart’ is Stupid

Lee Duigon

When you were a kid, did you ever draw up a treasure map and then go try to find the treasure? Didn’t work, did it?

Well, some folks never stop doing that. They just clothe it in a new vocabulary.

I grew up believing in Evolution, because that’s what I was exposed to and I never heard anybody question it. But now a lot of people question it, including me—because it just doesn’t make sense.

Its great stumbling block is the inability to explain how life began in the first place. Once upon a time, people believed in spontaneous generation: horse-hairs turn into worms, flies grow out of rotting meat, and so on. This went out with the 18th century; and it left those who rejected Scripture with an unanswerable question: How did life start?

You could make a song about it: “Oh, it rain on de rocks an’ de rocks come alive, doo-dah, doo-dah…” Yes, now they say it rained on the rocks and life originated out of that. And because a lot of us don’t believe that, they sneer at us and say it’s because we don’t understand [trumpet fanfare]… “abiogenesis.” Ta-dah.

Abiogenesis? What’s that? Why, it’s “the natural process by which life has arisen from non-living matter,” that’s what. Note the “the.” Note the “has arisen.” Not “a process,” but “the process.” Not “may possibly, conceivably, just maybe might have arisen,” but “has arisen.”

And presto, we are back to spontaneous generation.

Abiogenesis has never been observed in nature. Never. Not by anyone. Nor has it ever been successfully achieved in laboratory experiments that have been going on for 70 years. But never mind! It’s a Scientific Fact! And anyone who isn’t buying it is Anti-Science and deserving of no respect at all. Because all The Smartest People In The World believe in abiogenesis, so there.

This is like one of those polls that tell us “most college-educated persons believe UFOs are craft flown by intelligent beings from other planets.” Oh—that makes it true, because a lot of folks who went to college think it is? You know, those same colleges that hand out degrees in Gender Studies and Intersectional Feminist Political Ecology. If they believe in space aliens, we should, too. Because we want to be Smart People, too.

And please be sure to note the paradox. If we say God created life, that’s just Creationism or Intelligent Design and not scientific. But if they say they can create life in the laboratory… are they not pushing Intelligent Design, too? Not God’s design, but theirs. And who was around a kazillion years ago to set up a laboratory and *design* and create those first primitive life-forms out of non-living matter?

Some of them dodge this question by taking refuge in a fairy tale called “panspermia.” This says life was brought to earth on comets and meteorites. But it doesn’t tell us where that life came from, or how it arose. Some even gabble about Space Brother scientists purposely “seeding” the earth with microscopic life. Lots of luck finding any evidence for that.

Yeahbut, yeahbut! We’ve got computer models, man! Who needs nature when you’ve got computer models? We’ve got models that tell us we’re right, it did rain on the rocks and it did make the rocks come alive! And anyone who doesn’t think so is a racist. Or something just as nasty—but “racist” is such a handy catch-all term, so we might as well use it here.

And once life starts, then you’ve got to evolve microbes into plants and animals—another thing that no one has ever actually seen—and eventually into Hillary Clinton and black flies. What did that first amphibious mammal with legs do when it gave birth to a whale? And how did it ever find itself a mate by which to beget more whales? No, the whole business is too silly for words.

You’d think that after anointed Experts gave us the Chinese Virus pandemic and shut down the global economy, we’d be disinclined to listen to them anymore.

I don’t know why anybody does.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit before they lock me up for being anti-science. A single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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The ‘Socialization’ Scam

Lee Duigon

Supposed conservatives, of all people, are beating the drum to re-open the public schools and get the kiddies back into the classroom lickety-split. Even if weird and awkward things have to be done to protect the children from the Chinese Communist Doomsday Virus—“they’ve got to go back to school! Got to!”


Millions of school-age kids and college students today are learning at home, learning online. Why send them back to the same public schools that these same conservatives have denounced, and rightfully so, as indoctrination centers? Why send them back?

Because, we are told, the kids need the “socialization” that public school provides.

I was teaching in a middle school, one day in the 1990s, when I had to send a boy to the principal’s office for repeatedly disrupting the class. Let’s call him Andre. Not long afterward, the principal buzzed me to the office, too. He was going to meet with Andre’s father, and he wanted me to participate.

This man had to take off work and hustle to the school because his son wouldn’t behave. “He was never like that before,” he said. “But he has been, since he got in with that bad crowd.”

A few days before, Andre and his friends seriously vandalized a teacher’s car. The principal confirmed that up until this new school year, Andre hadn’t been a problem. Now he was acting up all the time. “We have to break up that group,” said the principal, “and we need you to help us.”

“You leave it to me,” the father said. “Andre won’t be running with that crowd anymore. I’ll make sure of that.”

But these commentators! Were they never kids themselves? Have they totally forgotten what it’s like to be one?

As a boy I did many things I shouldn’t have done. Some of them were dangerous. All of them were wrong. And who encouraged me to do them, dared me to do them, and did them with me?

Other kids! My age-group peers at school.

That’s who performs the schools’ “socialization” function. Other kids.

But what is the No. 1 lesson that public school teaches?

That your age-group peers, and not your boring old family, are the most important people in your life; that their approval is what, above all things, you simply have to have; and you should do just about anything to get it.

They teach conformity. You dress as your peers dress, you like the same movies, TV shows, music, and video games that they like; and what they do, you do.

A long-time childhood friend of mine, when we were in high school, dropped his old friends and took up with a set of drug abusers and delinquents. Nothing his family or his friends could do could dampen his hunger for his new peers’ approval.

He died of a drug overdose in his twenties. I still miss him today.

With so many students now homeschooling in America, because the public schools are closed, we’ll never have a better opportunity to wean our people off the moral and academic disaster that is public education.

Look and listen. We’re already paying a ruinously high price for allowing our children to be “taught” by imbeciles and Marxists.

Don’t let the price get any higher.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Robbed of Their Adulthood

by Lee Duigon

Rational thought, hard work, and intact families—according to a “portal” put up by the Smithsonian Institution, and quickly taken down again, that’s all white people’s stuff, and Persons Of Color (POCs) have only, well, borrowed and internalized them because that bad ol’ white culture is dominant.

What is this? Do they mean to say that POCs would never have become acquainted with rational thought, hard work, and intact families if they’d been left to their own devices? White people are bad, says Far Left Crazy, aka the Democrat Party: therefore rational thought, hard work, and intact families must be bad, too. If only POCs could rid themselves of them!

Hello, minorities! Have you stopped to think about how liberals are portraying you? What must they think of you, to say the things they say? Like, you just can’t make it unless rich white liberals run interference for you? Wouldn’t you be ashamed if that were true?

Obviously it isn’t true, or there would be no Ben Carson, no Oprah Winfrey, no Denzel Washington, no Thomas Sowell, no Clarence Thomas—the list could go on and on all day, and that’s just a few of the really famous names. What about the millions of you who own their own homes, drive new cars, own and operate small businesses, or work at steady jobs, and send your kids to school every day? To say nothing of the millions of people who break the law to come here, or the millions more who come here lawfully. Are they perversely flocking to a racist hell-hole, just so they can be abused?

We shouldn’t even have to say these things; only how many self-anointed activists declare they aren’t true? And how many of you wind up believing them? Believing what you know, from your own experience, to be not true?

I thought it was only racists who say that minorities are inferior, and can’t achieve anything without special favors from their betters. Oh, wait—liberals say this. You can’t make it without them. As several rich and famous leftists have said, “You didn’t build that.” Because, apparently, you aren’t capable of innovative ideas and the hard work it takes to make your dreams come true. Only the government can make it happen. You can’t.

Do you really want to be wheeled around in strollers by Joe Biden and his Far Left playmates? What are we to make of anyone who can’t get by without the government as his nursemaid? What adults want to be treated as toddlers by the nanny state—a government that will never let you grow up if they can help it?

Like, once upon a time, before the Europeans came and set up colonies, all those people in African and Asian countries lived idyllic lives free of rational thought, hard work, and intact families? Can this be so? Does anyone who doesn’t work for the Smithsonian or CNN believe that? But that’s what the teachers’ unions serve you up in high school, and the professors in what they laughingly call the universities.

Are you content to be robbed of your adulthood because some Democrats have promised you free stuff?

Think it over, good and hard.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit before they cart me off for re-education; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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The Enemy Is Here

Lee Duigon

Here it is, Independence Day 2020, Fourth of July—and they’re mandating us six ways from Sunday. No legislation, no debate—just one mandate after another, handed down from high Olympus.

I must’ve missed those Federalist Papers that said “When in doubt, mandate.”

They’re letting convicted felons out of jail, cutting police budgets and whipping up anti-police hysteria—and then they’re dumbfounded when their nice blue Democrat cities’ crime rate shoots into the stratosphere.

In return for exorbitant tuition payments and lavish government grants, our colleges and universities have spent the last five years “teaching” the evils of America and the inborn guilt and racial criminality of all white people. Don’t bother even to try to defend yourself: “systemic racism” means you were born guilty.

A little farther down the academic food chain, Far Left teachers’ unions—is there any other kind?—“teach” public school children the immutable wonderfulness of all things transgender. It’s not enough to indoctrinate them to hate their country; they must be made to hate themselves. That way they won’t complain or resist when libs tear down their country; and if they despise themselves enough, they’ll think they deserve what happens to them next.

Why is it that every socialist nabob in every country where they exist winds up as rich as flaming Croesus? What—is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez not yet a millionaire? But then she’s only just started. Bernie Sanders didn’t start out rich, but he is now. And former President *Batteries Not Included now has tens of millions of dollars to play with. Socialism been very, very good to them!

It’s Fourth of July and they’re out there pulling down our statues, denouncing our history, and trying to erase our nation’s memory of everything that ever was before they came along. Hitler and Tojo tried to do that, too, but we didn’t let them. Now we have our own home-grown enemies doing it—and do we see anyone seriously trying to stop them?

St. Gildas in the 6th century wrote “On the Ruin of Britain,” in which he described his country’s leaders and magnates as “running on all fours into Hell.” The Anglo-Saxons came over and conquered them. A man named Arthur did a rather good job of stopping them—until the Britons turned on him and stopped him.

We have let the enemy, who call themselves “progressives,” take control of all our institutions and turn them against us. For this we have no one to thank but ourselves. How do we get out of this? Who is left now to defend us?

King Alfred, fighting off another wave of invasion from Denmark in the 9th century, wrote, “But the Lord is our defense: Jesu defend us.” He knew there was no hope but in the Lord.

Where will we be as a nation on the Fourth of July, 2021? A conquered place, where they throw you in jail for “climate change denial” or “misgendering,” but let you out for armed robbery? Where mandates rule, and the legislators might as well sit home and count their money? Where they shut down churches for not performing same-sex pseudo-marriage?

Pray for courage, pray for strength, and pray for wisdom. Turn to God, and He will turn to us.

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear them from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).

The spirit of Caleb and Joshua must descend on us—but only if we ask God for it.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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We Want Our Country Back

by Lee Duigon

Once upon a time American colonists, enraged by the high-handed tactics of Great Britain’s Parliament, threw a whole shipment of tea into Boston Harbor rather than pay a tax imposed on them without their having any say in it.

Could we do that today? Or would an environmental impact statement keep us quiet and submissive?

The tea tax, in that it was levied on the colonists without them having any opportunity to debate it, and certainly no chance to vote on it, because they had no representation in Parliament—that tax was less like a law and more like one of those “mandates” we hear so much of lately.

Our country was set up as a republic whose people governed themselves through their elected representatives. Laws didn’t just materialize out of the ether. They had to be proposed, publicly debated, and then voted on by the legislature. At every step of the process was room for further discussion and possible amendment.

Our system served us for 200 years and more. But now in 2020, thanks to the Chinese Communist Death Virus, we’ve abandoned it in less time than it takes a child to hand over his lunch money to a bully.

Laws? Who has time for laws? The Virus doesn’t give us time for any such luxuries as laws!

So what we have instead of laws is “mandates.” These are handed down as from Olympus by governors, mayors, and appointed, not elected, bureaucrats—no legislation, no debate, no vote. Mandates have stifled our economy, ruined businesses, gutted personal savings, and confined us to only those places deemed “essential” by the government—permitting us to go there if we jump through the hoop of “social distancing.”

So… When we started to re-open the economy before it was quite dead altogether, The Virus retaliated with “spikes” in some of those states where The Great Lockdown was being lifted. We have not been told just how sick the people in those spikes were getting.

The solution?

No more state and city mandates. No! What we need now is a big fat “federal mandate”—and Democrats Joe Biden, their presidential candidate, and Squeaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, are all set to give us one.

The federal mandate, they say, will be imposed on us by the Center for Disease Control.

Have you ever *voted* to elect anyone to the CDC? Oh, but that’d be representative government! We don’t have time for that! Hey, if it saves one life, scuttling our whole system of government will be worth it—right?

We might as well have paid the tea tax.

Mandates. Since when has America been governed by an endless string of mandates? We can’t even take it to the Supreme Court because Chief Justice Roberts will just vote against us like he always does. It’s been a long time since he met a Far Left project that he didn’t like.

When can we get back to being a republic—to being America? Never, if the Democrat Party has its way. Create the chaos, blame it on Trump, and they’re back in the White House. God help us.

Yeahbut, yeahbut! It’s The Virus, man! If we wait for actual laws to be passed—or not—we’re all gonna get sick and die. Don’t we want to be *safe*?

Benjamin Franklin said it best: Those who trade liberty for security deserve neither.

We’re letting them steal our country out from under us, mandate by mandate. And why we’re not a great deal madder about it than we are… is a mystery to me.

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit (if The Virus hasn’t got you yet); a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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What Is God About to Do?

By Lee Duigon

The Bible tells us, “For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.” (1 Corinthians 1: 19)

This is the age of panic. The wise and prudent, turned into fools, and our entire ruling class—politicians, banks, big corporations, professional sports leagues, social media platforms, Hollywood, teachers’ unions, college professors—is stampeding to grovel at the feet of Only Far Left Black Lives Matter. They’re wiping out our culture. No more Aunt Jemima, no more Eskimo pies, no more statue of Theodore Roosevelt at the American Museum of Natural History, no more history. History has got to go, replaced by a national amnesia equivalent to a return to infancy. One wonders if they mean to ban everything. Where would they stop?

“For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble are called…” (v. 26)

The mighty and the noble and the wise have all rushed over to the Far Left side of the boat—a good way to make it capsize. There are none of them left on our side. The wise, the powerful, the highly-esteemed and influential, the rich and famous: they compete with each other, frantically, to see who can be the most servile, the most obsequious, the most woke. They compete to see who can most loudly denounce our country.

“But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; and base things of the world, and things which are despised hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to naught things that are: that no flesh should glory in His presence.” (Verses 27-29)

So there’s no one left on our side but us. The little people, the nobodies, the deplorables. The ones they laugh at when they hunker down in Davos with their overpriced cocktails. The ones whose hard-earned money they take: no one goes home poor from Capitol Hill. The ones whose only function is to pay taxes and do what we’re told.

They despise us. They sneer at our religious faith. When they pray, they look into a mirror. The wise, the mighty, and the noble. They have no king but Caesar. Render unto Caesar… everything.

It is well within God’s power and authority to bring this era to a close, to bring down the curtain with a crash. He has told us the means by which He’ll do it: by things which are foolish, weak, despised, or even non-existent. Maybe even by us. However He chooses to proceed, it will be in such a way that no one will be able to attribute it to anyone or anything but God Himself. The Lord our God, strong to save. Who triumphs where all worldly solutions fail.

They call the preaching of the gospel foolishness, the message of salvation “hate”—because for them hate is love and love is hate. When they’re not laughing at us, they’re shopping for corrupt judges who will oblige them by silencing the gospel.

“Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.” (v. 25)

There’s going to be a bad time for the wise, the mighty, and the noble, who have chosen the wrong side and expect to wind up on a throne. That is not where they will sit, and their visitation will not be infinitely postponed.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Don’t Wait For Your Religious Leaders – Stick Up for Our Country, Now!

by Lee Duigon

Why do we Americans just lie on our backs and take it when the Far Left and their pet nooze media dump their toxic “narrative” all over us? “Narrative,” by the way, doesn’t mean what the dictionary says it means. It has morphed into a euphemism for an endless stream of slimy lies spewed out by left-wing noozies.

The “narrative” tells us that America is a racist hell-hole consumed by “systemic racism.” That’s the thing they invented to take the place of real racism: imaginary problems are better than real problems because they can’t be solved and never go away. So America is Hell and it’s all white people’s fault, we’re all guilty, it’s in our DNA—and only Far Left wackos can bring us to utopia. Which they’ll do if we hand the country over to Democrats.

Nagging is supposed to make you feel guilty, wear you down till you surrender. But getting nagged, yelled at, called names, and blamed for things you didn’t do doesn’t make me feel guilty. It only makes me mad. But that’s okay with Democrats. They want us mad at each other.

By “us” I mean persons, unique individuals. But there’s no “You” in the leftist mind. “You” don’t exist as an individual. When they say “you,” they mean nothing more than a set of external and ultimately meaningless characteristics—like sex or skin color—that define you, that entitle you either to respect or abuse.

So they nag us. Today the Firefox search page bore this message: “Educating ourselves is how we can begin dismantling systemic racism.” Isn’t that clever, the way they just slip it in so that the reality of “systemic racism” is assumed, is a given? We don’t get a chance to debate it: it’s already there. This is a cheap rhetorical trick, beloved of liberals.

While the Left’s useful idiots and compulsive criminals riot in our streets, the social media, huge corporations, and Hollywood celebrities dump on our presumed racism—did you know we’re *all* “white supremacists”?—nag us, browbeat us, torture us with endless repetition, and demand our surrender. We’re wrong, we were born wrong, and we must all kneel and genuflect to “Black Lives Matter.”

By this they mean that “only black lives matter.” But not all black lives. Just left-wing black lives: everybody else is totally expendable.

You’ve got to hand it to them, though. The name is a stroke of genius. Who would dare oppose them? You’d be accused of thinking black lives don’t matter! This gaggle of Marxist, homosexualist, racialist creeps, abundantly funded by George Soros and his kind, gets credit for representing *all* black people. And idiot suburban liberals put up “Black Lives Matter” lawn signs. Makes ‘em feel virtuous.

Why are all those corporations backing a Marxist fringe group? Beats me!

And normal, decent, not-crazy people are not heard from. If you only had the media to go by, you might assume we don’t exist: that there’s nobody here in America but White Supremacists and self-anointed Freedom Fighters of assorted colors.

In addition to smearing the greatest country in the world as a devouring racist monster, “progressives” also hold out the illusion of eventual perfection—of paradise on earth, guaranteed free of racism, income inequality, war, illness, and everything else that makes the little snowflakes cry. Flagrantly imperfect human beings are going to construct for us a perfect world—but not until after they’ve torn down this imperfect world. This has always been the siren song of revolutionaries, and you know what happens to sailors who listen to the sirens: wrecked on the rocks and drowned. How many times are we going to fall for it?

America is not perfect. So what? Neither is anywhere else. It is not in human capacity to achieve perfection. That only comes when Jesus Christ returns.

But America is good enough so that half the world wants to come here, by hook or by crook. It is certainly not the house of horrors being sold to us by noozies and their stupid narrative.

Where’s the pushback? When are we going to stick up for ourselves?

Now, this minute, would be a good time to start.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit, before I get banned; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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‘Science’ Disgraces Itself

by Lee Duigon

What do you get when you mix science and politics?

Politics! The science part is only window dressing.

We got used to seeing this in recent years as “science” and politics carried each other’s water for imaginary man-made “climate change” (which used to be “global warming” until it stopped getting warmer), on their way to the golden prize of global government, owned and managed by themselves. And how many times—note: even *without* an investigative press to help us—have we caught “science” cheating? Suppressing data, getting doubters fired from their posts at universities, fudging figures, abandoning the observation of nature for the manipulation of computer models, created by themselves to give them the answers they wanted to hear.

You know—like the computer models that told us that “millions” of Americans were going to die from Wuhan virus unless we scuttled our economy.

So some of us had already acquired a hefty skepticism toward “science.” And now this.

Proclaiming that “Social justice is more important than social distancing”, a bunch of the same “scientists” who told us we were all gonna die unless we kept at least six feet apart from one another have turned around to say social distancing be damned, it would be even worse for America if we *didn’t* run out and join mobs of densely packed nitwits engaging in “mass protests”—their euphemism for rioting—“to end systemic racism.”

Oh, no! Systemic racism! What’s that? Wouldn’t you just love to hear some of these airheads try to explain what it is? But that would be like asking some doofus on the Minneapolis City Council, “After you abolish our police force, what do I do if some creep breaks into my home in the middle of the night?” You’ll get a lot of words, but you’ll never get an answer.

As near as I can make out from all the babbling about it, “systemic racism” is the very essence of an evil empire called “America,” it’s an ineradicable part of being white and we’re all guilty and we’ve all got to pay for it somehow… and only black lives matter, the rest of us don’t even deserve to be here. And all the virtue-signaling ninnies who voted for Obama are guzzling the Kool-Aid. See them kneel.

That’s what these “scientists” say is much more deadly than any puny little virus.

So… Because of social distancing, we can’t go to church, can’t have a family picnic, can’t visit poor Grandpa as he lays dying in a nursing home, can’t go into a store without a mask—but we can join a riot? Oops, sorry—“mass protest.”

And we’re supposed to believe them because Science is the ultimate authority, it’s always right, and weren’t you listening when we told you Science says we’ve got to have a global government so it can Save The Planet? No wonder Democrats think we’re just a basket of deplorables, clinging bitterly to God and our guns.

We are looking at a serious, well-funded, and thoroughly ruthless campaign to overturn America and replace it with a “new world” bearing more than a passing resemblance to the late Soviet Union. We are looking at a push for global Stalinism—with a self-anointed scientific elite perched on tyranny’s shoulder like a parrot.

Our oceans protected us from Hitler and Tojo until we could muster all our resources and destroy them. But they can’t protect us from these enemies.

Because they’re already here.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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My New Book is Out

by Lee Duigon

We’re still locked down, we’re being told “the masks are here to stay,” and this past weekend we had coast-to-coast riots. The Left snapped up the murder of George Floyd as if it were a gift-wrapped birthday present with their name on it.

Didn’t take long to bring this country to its knees, did it? Of course, certain people did work very hard to make it happen.

So what am I doing, publishing a fantasy novel at a time like this? A fantasy novel? You’ve got to be kidding.

“His Mercy Endureth Forever” is Book No. 12 of my “Bell Mountain” series, and it’s about… well, mercy. The mercy that everybody needs, which God holds out to those who seek Him—and even to those who don’t. Some receive mercy, but others turn away from it.

“Mercy” continues the story begun in the first book, “Bell Mountain,” when Jack and Ellayne climbed the mountain and rang the bell placed on its cloud-hidden summit two thousand years before. “Mercy” is now available from in Kindle format, along with its eleven predecessors. If you wait a little while, it’ll be in paperback, too.

But how can this possibly be a time for fantasy?

Obviously there were none of this past week’s mischiefs going on while I wrote the book. Our nation’s economy was flying high. We were working our way out of old wars without blundering into any new ones. What could go wrong?

Well, by now we all know what went wrong.

I like to say my books are guaranteed to be 100% free of current politics. Even liberals have been able to enjoy them. The characters who inhabit my fantasy world have their own politics to keep them busy, and I’m careful not to let any of ours seep in.

My characters live in a civilization poised between revival and destruction. They have heroes and villains, wise men and fools, great leaders who fail them and children, old women, slaves and ex-slaves, converted Heathen warriors, and reformed criminals who step into the breach and by the grace of God save their country—only to have to do it again. A slave boy has become their king, a former traitor heads their church, and a man who ran their capitol city’s gambling racket is now among their heads of government. They are all doing the best they can.

I have excluded “magic” and sorcery as ways to get things done. The heroes in this fantasy have no wizards they can call on to help them out of jams. They have to rely on faith, courage, and self-sacrifice, even as we do when the chips are down. Ultimately the dangers, the conflicts, and the issues that confront them are the same ones that have always confronted us. And that’s not fantasy.

So I’ve dispensed with wizards, know-it-all elves, invincible male and female warriors, and all those other clichés that burden so much of fantasy and make it tiresome. No buxom tavern wenches here: just ordinary men and women, boys and girls, who face extraordinary challenges. If that’s your cup of tea, drink up.

We can read or watch the nooze any time we please—although I’m not so sure it does much for us anymore. Does it actually “inform” us—in the sense of providing us with reliable, accurate information we can use to guide us toward a sane and responsible public policy? Or is it only meant to inflame us, and keep us waiting uneasily for another shoe to drop?

Fantasy can do much to keep us focused on what’s real, which it does by inviting us to view reality from a new and mostly symbolic vantage point—

And I’ve just seen a beautiful deer trot across my yard while I was writing this.

I think I’ll take it as a sign.

I’ve discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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How Much of Our Country Does China Own?

By Lee Duigon

What, exactly, are colleges and universities supposed to do for us? After all, they cost us hundreds of billions of dollars a year, and there are some 18 million students sitting in their classroom—who have paid handsomely, if not exorbitantly, for the privilege.

But that doesn’t satiate the universities: far from it. Tuition payments, government grants, private endowments and donations—and still they clamor for more. Driven by the superstition that *everybody* has to go to college, necessitating perpetual expansion, more and more hires, more and more pensions, Higher Education can’t seem to get by on just the billions it siphons out of the American economy.

Harvard has an annual budget of over $40 billion—more than the GDP of certain countries—and even that is not enough. More, more, more! Hey, we’re turning out the elite here, the future leaders of the country! (Well, all right, we’re turning out a lot of idiots, too, with degrees in gender studies and astral projection; but that’s only because we’ve got to keep expanding because.) And you expect us to scrape by on $40 billion?

That’s where the friends from abroad come in.

Since 2018 the U.S. Dept. of Education has been investigating hundreds of millions of dollars to Harvard and Yale “in foreign gifts and contracts”. Mostly from guess who? If you guessed anyone but communist China, you just aren’t with it. And the universities have been stonewalling Congress’ demands for facts and figures on their finances.

These “gifts” have been going to professors and administrators—some have already been formally charged with filing false tax returns, trying to hide these sometimes rather hefty gifts—who are suspected of serving China’s interests by means of intellectual property theft, spying, propaganda, and counterfeiting. It makes for quite an ugly picture.

But wait, there’s more!

Since 2013, the University of Pennsylvania has collected a cool $67 million in “gifts” from China; and Jolly Joe “Quid pro Quo” Biden, who’s running for president, has set up, at the university, the Biden Center for Diplomacy and Engagement—which has, since its establishment in 2017, raked in another $22 million in Chinese “gifts”. A very generous crew, the Chinese Communist Party.

We know the quid; so what’s the quo?

Red China owns a sizeable chunk of our country’s Higher Education. This is more of that stupid stuff that we really have to stop doing if we don’t want our country to collapse.

Is there any way to spin this so it doesn’t sound like treason? Senator Joe McCarthy would’ve had a field day with it.

So an unfriendly foreign power is “invested” in our universities, which presumably earn those gifts by doing China’s bidding—and we shouldn’t be concerned by this? And “concerned” is putting it too mildly.

Now we can wonder if that’s not just the tip of the iceberg. It makes the berg that sank the Titanic look like the last forlorn cube floating around in an unfinished martini.

How about Hollywood? We know the Chicoms are invested in our “entertainment” industry. How about former government officials on the Chicoms’ payroll? Surely former senator and vice presidential candidate Joe Lieberman isn’t the only bigwig lobbying for China. It leads us to wonder if any *serving* members of Congress are getting gifts from Xi Jinping.

But the ones who have me wondering the most are our tirelessly Trump-hunting Free & Independent nooze media. These are the culprits who can really damage us—by spinning and lying and making us blind and deaf to Chinese influence on what gets done and doesn’t get done in America.

And maybe we ought to be wondering about the unions, too—especially the teachers’ unions.

How much of our country does China own? How much has it bought? And to what degree has it influenced America’s response to the Chinese Communist Death Virus?

This is a wake up call—and heaven help us if we fail to heed it.

You don’t need armies and navies to conquer another country anymore.

Sometimes bribes and flattery will do the trick.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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We Can’t Afford to be Stupid

by Lee Duigon

What sense does it make, asks Robert Weissberg in The American Thinker, to have America’s “top universities squander millions in guaranteed-to-fail social engineering while China races ahead technologically?

Good question! And easy answer: absolutely none at all.

Have we forgotten how dangerous a place this fallen world is? Even without exotic new diseases running wild through it, there are still a multitude of bad actors out there who mean to do us harm. While our looniversities hand out meaningless silly degrees in gender studies and critical race theory, China is assiduously training young people in the sciences—and also in the arts of hacking other countries’ computer systems, stealing intellectual property, and counterfeiting. We are just jerking around. They are serious.

Someone whose job it is to set up and protect firewalls told me people would be shocked if they ever saw the number of hits which come from China, Russia, North Korea, the Ukraine, and Iran: the number, he says, is “staggering.” It represents “serious professional” hackers seeking to exploit any weakness they can find. Bad guys trying to take us down.

While we worry about white privilege.

China has already launched the most ambitiously intrusive and oppressive program of social control ever seen, the “social credit system.” You have to carry your cell phone everywhere so the government can keep track of everything you say and do, everywhere you go. And they’ll give you a score based on how well you conform to whatever the government thinks you should conform to. If your score isn’t high enough, you can’t ride a bus, buy a plane ticket, eat in a restaurant, buy new shoes, etc.

Name a Democrat Blue State governor in America who wouldn’t like to have that! Name a college professor or an Atlantic Monthly author who wouldn’t like to see that in America.

Remember Sputnik, the first satellite to successfully orbit the earth? The Russians launched it in 1957 and terrified America. Hey, they could drop nuclear weapons on us from outer space—no defense was possible.

It was quite a wake-up call. Overnight, “Science” was pushed to the front of the line. Suddenly smart was cool. We had to catch up to and pass the Soviets before they buried us. And we did. Along came these guys in white shirts with pocket-protectors and slide rules, and crew-cuts, and in 1969 they put a man on the moon. From then on the Russians had to play catch-up, and it broke their bank. No more Soviet Union.

But now we’ve got Nancy Pelosi running the House of Representatives. Never mind landing on the moon. Just howl at it.

While Red China works to take us down, we teach elementary schoolchildren that there are 30 different genders—the number varies, depending on which mental case is doing the teaching—and they can “choose” to be any one of them and everybody else has to “affirm” your “choice” or else!

And what would a “social studies” curriculum be without a full dose of “America is a stinking racist slave-holding hell-hole”? Do you think Chinese teachers teach Chinese kids that communism is a bloodthirsty tyranny imposed on them by psychopaths? Why do we try to teach our kids to hate their country?

Who benefits from any of this stupid stuff we do? Who benefits, but our enemies?

Now our economy is flat on the canvas, we wear these stupid little masks and get threatened by our governors if we dare to try to earn a living—and hello, is this another wake up call? This is the Chinese Communist Death Virus From China: is it this generation’s Sputnik? Can we respond by not frittering away our time and energy on stupid idle nothings anymore?

Or are we just going to keep rolling down that road until the bad guys bury us?

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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When Do We Get Our Freedoms Back?

Lee Duigon

Surely the most inane argument we get for continuing our national lockdown is, “If it saves one life, it’s worth it!”

Automobile accidents are far and away the leading cause of accidental death in America. Banning the use of cars would save many lives—wouldn’t it? Or they could limit driving a motor vehicle to “essential persons”—government officials and their families, unionized public employees, LGBT characters, undocumented migrants, Democrat Party operatives, Hollywood big shots: because, you see, most car accidents involve—well, those of us they call “deplorables.” Us peasants are murder on the highways.

Another prime cause of accidental death is slipping and falling at home. Shouldn’t government get involved in that? Maybe you shouldn’t be allowed to go up or down a flight of stairs without permission. Maybe they ought to ban throw rugs. For throwing people.

Thing is, ordinary activities in everyday life all involve some element of risk. You could keel over playing bingo. Bad eating habits can kill you. Think of Michael Bloomberg’s soda ban: and he spent a quarter of a billion dollars this year trying to become our president. Imagine the fun he could have had with that.

But the lockdown, we are told, is necessary because the risk posed by the Chinese Communist Death Virus From China is tantamount to an extinction event. It’s also a wonderful way to get people angry and frustrated—maybe even mad enough or crazed enough to put a Democrat wacko in the White House. Hey, it’s worth a try.

I want to think our elected officials are simply doing their best in a difficult situation for which no one was prepared. But then I think of Nancy Pelosi.

If I live to be a hundred, I’ll never forget how fast—how terrifyingly fast—our national economy got flattened (we were supposed to be “flattening the curve,” but we also flattened our economy) and with what dreadful haste our civil liberties got put on ice. Free exercise of religion, freedom of assembly—kiss ‘em goodbye. At least until the coronavirus germ is history. Then we’ll give you your rights back. Honest.

But these rights are not sweet treats doled out to us by an indulgent government for being good little boys and girls. They are God-given rights, enshrined in law: we are born with them. The government’s only involvement is a duty to protect them.

Where does it say our rights get put on hold whenever there’s a crisis? During the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln suspended the right of habeas corpus. He was wrong for doing so. During World War II, Franklin Roosevelt’s government—apparently believing that due process rights ceased to exist in time of crisis—imprisoned Japanese-Americans, American citizens who had committed no crime. They were forced into camps only because they or their parents or their grandparents had come here from Japan.

Does anybody remember that “lockdown” was originally a prison tactic for controlling the prisoners? Is there more jailhouse lingo in store for us?

Well, at least now we’ve all had a little taste of socialism. How do you like it? And remember that months before anyone heard any mention of COVID-19, assorted Democrats were campaigning to let convicted felons out of prison. And abolish the police, while we’re at it. The virus gave them an excuse to spring thousands of jailbirds. Again, it was something they’d been wanting to do for quite some time. Gotta use some of that prison space for Climate Change deniers and other Enemies of the People.

Endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights, says our Declaration of Independence. Not endowed by government. And “Inalienable” means that they cannot be given away, sold, or taken away by force: they are not canceled by any crisis that happens to come along.

A tyrant may be strong enough to tread on us, maybe even crush us; but he can never do it lawfully. And as the philosopher Plutarch noted, tyranny is a fine, high perch with a lovely view; but there is no safe way down from it.

We want our rights back.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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A Few Random Thoughts

by Lee Duigon

I’ve had some random thoughts today. Let me share them with you.

Remember “laws”? You know—those suggestions that were publicly debated, voted on by legislatures, and signed into law by a chief executive. Do we even do that anymore? Or is it all just court rulings and inflexible decrees by governors and mayors? It’s rather alarming, how quickly we’ve passed from regular legislation by our chosen representatives, to pseudo-laws just handed down by rulers. Those are the guys we used to call “public servants.”

The Church ought to lead the culture into better things—not be led by the culture into worse things. Yes, “Clergy for Choice,” I’m talking to you.

Never, never believe anyone who comes to you with a computer model claiming to predict the future. The predictions are always wrong. They can’t help being wrong. What goes into the model is only what the modeler knows—or, worse, only thinks he knows. All sorts of factors should have gone into the model, but didn’t: either because they haven’t been discovered yet, or the modeler didn’t know about them, or he simply didn’t choose to put them in. And don’t forget the roles of ignorance, wishful thinking, and plain dishonesty.

Communism in general, and Chinese communism in particular, must be destroyed. Communism is an evil relic of the worst of the Twentieth Century, responsible for more suffering and wretchedness than any other form of government devised by fallen man—not to mention tens of millions of untimely deaths. Surely the people of China have suffered enough. Civilized countries should put pressure on the Chinese communist regime until it collapses, just as Russian Soviet communism collapsed. Whatever takes its place can hardly help being better.

And while we’re at it, we ought to get to work dismantling the United Nations. How about we try having *no* permanent international organizations? When a problem comes along requiring international cooperation, nations could just—well, cooperate on an ad hoc basis. After seeing the way the World Health Organization aided and abetted Red China in trying to cover up the coronavirus outbreak, what more do we need to know?

Have you thought about what the future of our constitutional republic might be like, if those crooks in the Deep State get away with what they did? Perverting the course of justice, manufacturing fake evidence, lying to a court, sending innocent people to prison—all in a campaign to overturn the 2016 presidential election: is this what’s going to happen from now on, every time a bunch of self-anointed gatekeepers don’t like the way the people voted? Certainly they’ll do it again, if they go unpunished this time.

And why is it so hard to believe that any of these little tinpot tyrants will ever be brought to justice? We keep hearing “Indictments are coming,” but we don’t see them. I won’t believe it until I see some of these bad actors doing the perp walk in their orange jumpsuits.

And as for The Great Quarantine of 2020—and let’s pray it’s *only* 2020—is this what’s going to happen every time there’s a germ on the loose out there? We have yet to see whether our nation’s economy will recover from being radically shut down. Are we now stuck with this—every time there’s a crisis, our civil liberties go out the window? As if they were mere luxuries?

Well, they’re not. In fact, they’re the whole reason for our country’s existence. To preserve those liberties should always be the top priority for any republican government.

And please, those of you who keep on doing it—stop babbling about “our democracy.” We don’t have a “democracy,” and heaven help us if we ever do.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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The Year Civilization Collapsed: 1177 B.C.

by Lee Duigon

Once upon a time—say 1250 B.C.—in the Middle East and around the Eastern Mediterranean, there was a multinational, multicultural, political and economic system that in many ways resembled what we would call a global system. They didn’t have the ability to get to China or the Americas, so it wasn’t a truly “global” global system. But it was close to being one.

The major players in this system were the Egyptian and Hittite empires, pre-classical Greece, Assyria, Babylonia, Cyprus, the Mitanni state, and the assorted Canaanite kingdoms. Each was linked to the others by trade routes, business dealings, treaties, a common level of “Late Bronze Age” technology, and similar polytheistic religions. And after the great war between the Egyptians and the Hittites, the whole system was at peace.

Sometime around the year 1177 B.C., the whole thing collapsed. In the words of lecturer Dr. Eric Cline, “Civilization collapsed”. All the major players were overthrown, with only Egypt surviving in a weakened state. No more Hittite Empire. Assyria and Babylonia needed several centuries to come back. Mycenaean Greece never did.

How could a whole international civilization collapse? In these days of trying to create a real globalist system, this seems like a question that really needs an answer. What happened, to take down the whole damned thing? Could the catastrophe have been avoided?

God has said, “I shake the earth, so that those things that cannot be shaken will remain” (Hebrews 12:26). But secular historians can only see God’s tools and their effects. They cannot see His purposes. They don’t want to see them.

So what happened? Lots of things, all of them bad. A regional drought that went on and on for decades (at least). Serial earthquakes throughout the region. Political unrest within those kingdoms. And wave after wave of invasions by hordes of barbarian “Sea Peoples” that shut down the trade routes, sacked cities, and destroyed whole empires. Pharaoh Ramesses III, in desperate battles, kept the invaders out of Egypt; but following that crisis, conditions in Egypt were bad enough to lead to the assassination of the pharaoh.

When the economy shuts down, and stays shut down, a lot of life shuts down with it. Cities don’t get rebuilt. Crops don’t get grown. Trade networks don’t get re-established.  Things stop.

If we are confined, by secular presuppositions, to preoccupations with “climate change”—which is always happening, to some degree or other—and political and military errors—what age has ever been free of those?—we look only for purely worldly solutions to the problems: and we never find them. But we will, eventually. Honest. Because we’re so much smarter than those ancient peoples. Really.

Today, in our coronavirus/lockdown-ravaged world, we still expect to solve the problems of a fallen world: there just have to be answers. If only Science and enlightened global rulers can find the solutions, finally we’ll achieve perpetual stability. We will at long last devise a utopian global system, free of war, poverty, disease, economic inequality, and bad blind dates. Now that we’ve got Artificial Intelligence to guide us, the system will eventually be perfect. Trust The Smartest People In The World!

God laughs at those pretentions.

If you honestly believe a perfect world can be achieved by the likes of Bill Gates, the Chinese Communist Party, John Kerry, Greta Thunberg, Michael Moore, and the whole transgender movement—

You’re crazy.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit (before civilization ends); a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Baloney Against Homeschooling From Harvard

by Lee Duigon

Harvard Looniversity’s annual endowment is $40.9 billion (!). It buys a lot of baloney.

Harvard Magazine’s latest load of baloney is an article on “The Risks of Homeschooling”. The primary source is a Harvard law professor who sounds like she was raised by insects.

The article calls for a government ban of homeschooling.

Just for the record, homeschooled students run rings around the publicly schooled, academically, to the frustration of the teachers’ unions and the Far Left crazies who staff our colleges. Yeahbut, yeahbut! What about the *risks* of homeschooling?

Children shouldn’t be homeschooled, babbles the prof, because it “may keep them from contributing positively to a democratic society.” It’s hard to fathom that depth of stupidity. The prof doesn’t bother to define any of her terms, so we don’t know what she would view as a “positive contribution,” nor can we be sure what she means by a “democratic society.” A society in which everyone votes Democrat?

Homeschooling, she says, tends to “isolate children” and expose them to child abuse—which never, never happens in a public school! Has she ever been inside a public school? Some of those schools are “Lord of the Flies.” Kids can be fantastically cruel to each other. Or your child can fall in with the wrong company and be led into delinquency.

Once upon a time in a public school, I sent a boy to the office because he kept disrupting the class. Soon the principal buzzed me: the boy’s father was coming in, and he wanted me to take part in the discussion. The man had to take time off from work because his son, egged on by his new friends, vandalized a teacher’s car. “He never did anything like that, before he started running with this crowd,” the father said. We believed him. So please, government school boosters—don’t waste our time with arguments that public school is great for “socialization.”

Another “risk” of homeschooling, the professor says, is homeschooling is “driven by conservative Christian beliefs,” many of which are “extreme.” You can’t find any “extreme” beliefs in public schools, can you? All the beliefs they teach in public school are wise and good. Like socialism, transgenderism, racial strife, etc., etc. Since when is it a problem, having “conservative Christian beliefs”? Who gave any Harvard pipsqueak the authority to decide that?

Homeschooling, we are told, gives parents too much “power” over children. The prof doesn’t seem to have much use for parents. Maybe she had an unhappy childhood. Therefor everybody’s parents are apt to abuse them: that’s how liberals think.

This all springs from a weird and perverse ideology: the perfectibility of man, by man. Everything ought to be ideal—and it would be, don’t you know, if *we* were in charge! Some parents are no good, so take all the kids away from their parents—this will “protect” them from abuse—and have them raised in institutions run by The Enlightened Ones.

Well, this is a fallen world and nothing in it is ideal and never will be, until Christ sets His throne upon the earth and Creation is restored. If anyone in Harvard believes that, he or she believes it very quietly. But the great hope of hyper-humanism is Education. Administered by themselves—can’t trust those parents, what do they know? Hey! If we weren’t The Smartest People In The World, would we have 40 billion dollars?

Yapping about the “risks” of homeschooling, while ignoring the uncountable multitude of problems inseparable from public education, displays a spectacular blend of ignorance and misdirected pride.

Speaking as a former teacher and a student, I have found the chief lesson taught by public schooling is conformity. Fit in with your age-group peers. After all, they’re the ones who will be doing most of your socialization. They will become the most important persons in your life—much cooler than your family.

It would take far too long even to list the shortcomings of our public schools—the most expensive failure in human history.

And how many Harvard law professors do *not* send their own kids to the public schools?

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Kudos and Black Eyes

by Lee Duigon

Before memories fade and people start lying, I’d like to record who was nice and who was naughty in the Great Quarantine of 2020. These are personal observations.

Kudos to the supply staff and checkout clerks at our supermarket. Under trying conditions, they have done their level best. How many times a day do they get asked the same questions? “Do you have this? When are you going to get it?” I haven’t seen any of them lose their temper. I’m not good at this sort of thing, but now I make a point of telling them, face-to-face, that I appreciate their work: “What would we do without you?”

No toilet paper, no paper towels, no rubbing alcohol, no hand sanitizer—there’s a lot of empty shelf space in our supermarket. That’s where the little hometown newsstand, right here on Main Street, comes in.

I don’t know how they do it, but these guys *have* paper towels, toilet paper, and even rubbing alcohol! You don’t even have to say “Joe sent me.” They have very loyal customers, having earned that loyalty. Whatever they can do for you, they do. You could almost weep for joy at the sight of virgin rolls of toilet paper sitting on the shelves, right there where you can buy them.

We do tend to take service personnel for granted—and we shouldn’t. You can’t keep a civilization going without them.

I must also thank the office staff at my eye doctor’s, who, with communications almost hopelessly tangled all around them, and things getting really complicated, found a simple way to provide me with the eye drops that I needed.

So much for the kudos. It’s also time to hand out a few black eyes.

First, to hoarders: anticipating shortages, they create those shortages by over-buying toilet paper, alcohol, frozen vegetables, frozen dinners, and any number of other needful things—a self-fulfilling prophecy. Probably they’re the same people who, every time there’s snow in the weather forecast, go out and buy gallons and gallons of milk that’ll go bad before they can use it, just in case they get snowed in for a month or two. The fact that this has never happened here does not register. They stampede into the supermarket and fill two carts to the brim, stripping the inventory. It’d be nice to buy a couple of frozen dinners, but Mr. and Mrs. Hoarder have already grabbed ‘em all.

A black eye to our nooze media—siding with Red China, wasting everybody’s time with pointless gotcha questions, and, above all, turning Death into some kind of rock star and scaring everybody. Yeah, I know, “If it bleeds, it leads.” But every hour on the hour, they feature a story about somebody dying—hopefully a celebrity, but they’ll settle for anything they can turn into a tear-jerker. And we know there’s a political dimension to this: they don’t care what damage they do to the country, as long as they can damage Donald Trump.

The communist government of China is, of course, the ultimate villain here. Messing around in a biowarfare lab, they let the virus out, covered up the story (with help from the World Health Organization, thank you so much) for several weeks, tried to blame it on America, and played an exceedingly dirty trick on the whole world.

This regime needs to be put out of business, permanently; and the sooner, the better.

But let’s not forget the multitude of willing lap-dogs purchased by the Chicoms right here in America. You could get dizzy, trying to count them—Hollywood, the National Basketball Assn., assorted university bigwigs, semi-retired politicians cleaning up as lobbyists, and a whole Democrat Party that reckons anything that’s bad for America is going to be good for them, politically. Was Bill Maher the first American leftist who publicly rooted for a recession, saying that we needed one to take down Donald Trump? He certainly was not the only one. And it looks like they’ve gotten what they wanted, doesn’t it?

Shame, shame, shame on us if we don’t remember that in November.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Three Lessons That Must Be Learned

by Lee Duigon

If we learn nothing else from our steel cage match with the Chinese Wuhan Communist Death Virus, let us at least learn these three lessons.

These are easy lessons. A ten-year-old could learn them. All right, I haven’t tested to see whether Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez could learn them. But all the same we’d better learn them. The next time, presuming we come out of this bout alive, might be fatal.

So what are these three easy lessons?

No. One: “Open borders” is a suicidally insane doctrine that all but gets down on its knees and pleads for outbreaks of unusual diseases. History buffs: remember what happened to a good chunk of the Native American population because they had no resistance to European diseases, like smallpox? They could have used some tightly sealed borders.

One of these days someone’s wide-open border is going to let in a disease even nastier than the Wuhan Killya, and that’ll be the end of that country. Maybe the end of some of its neighbors, too.

No. Two: Hyper-urbanization, a la Agenda 21—cramming people into cities as densely as possible, and packing them into public transportation—that’s just asking for the next pandemic. Germs just love cities. Historic plagues in Athens, Constantinople, and London teach us that.

Any number of scientific experiments show that rats, mice, and other animals don’t prosper when they’re overcrowded. In addition to freaking out against each other, diseases get passed around like joints at a Bernie Bros reunion. Human beings under similar conditions will fare no better. Science says so, man.

No. Three: A country that outsources the manufacture of medicines, medical supplies, and other essential goods to other countries that are potential enemies—well, how good an idea does that seem now? America needs to bring home all the manufacturing that we allowed to wander off to China. The excuse that it looked like easy money has worn rather thin.

What kind of lunatic would trust Red China anymore? Chairman Mao—the most prolific mass murderer in history, widely admired by Western liberals and other moral imbeciles—taught his people to lie, cheat, cut corners, and pretend: because if they didn’t meet their quotas, they stood a fair chance of being killed. This is Mao’s legacy, to this day. They’re still lying, cheating, cutting corners, and pretending—not to mention stealing intellectual property and buying up loose bits of Hollywood.

The Chicoms’ feverish attempts to cover up the sudden emergence of the coronavirus cost weeks of valuable time that could have been used to contain it. Lying and pretending again, weren’t they? Our country’s close relationship with that regime has proved to be unwholesome and dangerous. It’s time we backed off, and brought our medical manufacturing back home.

You may have noticed that those three lessons add up to Lesson No. Four: globalism is folly. It is a bad idea whose time has never come and now is gone. They can take their global government and stuff it: good riddance. We have also seen, once again, that the United Nations is both corrupt and unreliable. Is there any reason not to get rid of it?

You’d think we would have learned that lesson already from all the problems caused by our now thankfully decreasing dependence on Middle Eastern oil. But that was only shortages, interminably long lines at gas stations, and crazy prices. A walk in the park.

Well, the virus has given us a harder lesson; and heaven help us if we refuse to learn it.

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Red China: How Much Longer?

By Lee Duigon

We should have noticed there were two big, bright disaster flags flapping in the wind. But then the Chinese Wuhan Communist Death Virus attacked the whole world and swallowed up all the other news, and we lost track of whatever those flags were trying to tell us.

In December there were reports that Hong Kong’s anti-government riots had spread to the mainland. The red regime just couldn’t leave Hong Kong the way it was, and the people there resented it. They were tearing the place apart, and it seemed the government didn’t know what to do about it. Once upon a time, and not so long ago, they would’ve sent in the army and crushed the protesters with tanks. That they didn’t do that, this time, was puzzling. Were they afraid the army wouldn’t obey the order to massacre the people?

And just this month it has been reported that 21 million Chinese cellphone users have dropped out of the picture. Gone missing. The immediate speculation was that the communist government, as is its invariable custom, had lied gigantically about the coronavirus death toll in their country. But 21 million people, in just a few weeks? That’s an awful lot of dead people to have to hide.

The second disaster flag denoted China’s shiny new “social credit system,” surely the most ambitious attempt, ever, to impose total control on the entire population of a major country. The idea was, you had to maintain a certain “trustworthiness” score to be allowed to do various things—like travel in an airliner, eat at a restaurant, buy a new pair of shoes, or just about anything else that in a civilized country would be taken for granted as a part of daily life. With the aid of high technology, the government would keep track of everything you said or did, and reward you or punish you accordingly. Liberals could hardly wait to do that here!

To make the social credit system work, the Chinese government would have to watch its people all the time, with robots and algorithms to keeping a running score. To that end, Chinese law required everyone—yes, we said everyone—to have a cellphone. One of those cool phones that spies on you.

Now, suddenly, 21 million Chinese people are out of cellphone contact. How come? We don’t believe they all died. We don’t even believe that a million of them died.

But I do believe they tossed their cellphones. Oh, yeah. Got tired of the government keeping tabs on them morning, noon, and night, got tired of being told they couldn’t ride the bus because the algorithm said they weren’t trustworthy, weren’t good and docile citizens of the workers’ paradise. Encouraged by the persistence of the Hong Kong protesters, 21 million people got rid of their government-mandated stoolie cellphones.

What’s really surprising is that it was only 21 million of them—but they had to start somewhere. What’s going to happen if another 20 million do it? Or many times 20 million?

Red China has done everything it could think of to turn tyranny into an exact science. For the Muslim Uighurs in the north, it’s concentration camps and forced labor. For the Han Chinese themselves, it’s 24/7 surveillance and a social credit system. For Chinese Christians, it’s bulldozing their churches and making their pastors disappear.

The dictatorship of Chairman Mao taught the Chinese that, to stay alive and out of prison, they had to lie, cheat, and pretend. That was Mao’s legacy, and it’s very much alive today. It’s why impressive new structures get built in record time and almost immediately begin to fall apart.

The people of China deserve better than this. And those disaster flags are still flying, whether or not the communists—both the ones over there and the ones right here at home—continue to ignore them. It may well be this evil regime’s days are numbered.

Whatever takes its place is bound to be better.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Lessons To Be Learned

Lee Duigon

As we all sit around stalemated by the Wuhan Chinese Communist People’s Liberation Virus, it’s to be hoped that we can at least learn some lessons from it. Like these, for instance.

Relying on Red China as anything but a rogue dictatorship is folly. Everything we get from China has a sting in it. During the Great Leap Forward, everybody in China learned that if you don’t meet your quota, the government will kill you: so they learned to lie and cheat and pretend to meet their quotas. It became a permanent part of their communist culture. Even now they pretended, for several weeks, that there was no coronavirus problem. They don’t tell the truth, they steal intellectual property, they worm their way into our colleges and movie studios, and we have permitted our country to be entirely too dependent on them.

Trade with civilized people from now on, not communists.

“Open Borders” is an idea whose time has never come and which now has gone. Can you imagine what would happen to us, disease-wise, if we had a government that stubbornly refused to close our nation’s borders? Oh, wait, we had a government like that once, didn’t we?

Many colleges and universities have been closed for the duration of the crisis, however long that might be. We are about to learn that we don’t actually need all those colleges and have been wasting our money on them. The only thing they’re good at is training students to be brain-dead leftist zealots. We can more than get by without Gender Studies, non-binary pronouns, and diversity consultants. The whole idea that everyone should go to college was never anything but foolishness.

A lot of our public schools have been temporarily shut down, too. We are going to be shown that we get a lot less value from those schools than we ever realized. Just how badly do we need teachers’ unions and gender counselors? I’m guessing not at all. Title This and Title That, Common Core, state and federal governments up to their elbows in (LOL) “education”–how did we ever let ourselves get roped into all that? If we absolutely must have public schools, then the public that pays for them should own them–and control them. At the community level: no higher.

An international ruling class of elite globalist schiff-heads is not smarter than us. If anything, it’s even dumber. Have they spectacularly dropped the ball this time, or what? They were so busy selling End O’ The World Climate Change, they couldn’t be bothered to watch out for Red China’s little science projects. Indeed, they hoped to profit from it all. Maybe buy a few more private jets. Do we still need them for anything at all?

Come to think of it, our own professional governing class is nothing to write home about, either. How many of them are not wallowing in the Ukrainian mud-bath? How many of them would not sell us out for cheap votes and cheap labor? Maybe it’s time to re-think the whole question of who gets to run the country.

And if we learn nothing else, let’s at least learn that Democrats are not, not, not our friends. Rooting for a recession. Trying to sink the coronavirus relief bill because the Senate wouldn’t let them slip public funding for abortion into it. They’re hoping this disaster will destroy President Trump and boost them back into power, so they can get on with fundamentally transforming America into Venezuela with cold winters.

Oh! And if it turns out you don’t like perpetual shortages at the supermarket and huge, swollen government meddling in your life and in your business–well, folks, socialism is like that all the time. Talk to anyone who risked his life to paddle over here from Cuba. They’ll tell you socialism’s very far from being all it’s cracked up to be.

If we can learn these lessons, we will be a stronger country than we were six months ago.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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An Interview with Western Civilization

by Lee Duigon

[Transcript of last night’s broadcast of “Eternity Today”]

HOST: Welcome, welcome to another “Eternity Today,” the show that has the whole afterlife talking! I’m your host, Monty Griffin; and please give a warm welcome to tonight’s special guest, Western Civilization. [Applause. Exchange of pleasantries.]

HOST: Western Civilization has just died after a run of—what was it?—at least 3,000 years. Pretty good, eh? [Applause] So tell us, Western Civilization. When you finally crashed and burned… what were you doing?

WESTERN CIVILIZATION: [Shuffles feet. Looks at floor. Mumbles incoherently.]

HOST: Relax! It’s all over now—learn to be comfy in eternity. Just tell us what you were doing when the crash came.

WESTERN CIVILIZATION: Well… Like… Oh, man, this is so embarrassing! We… well, we were making up genders. Okay? Dozens of new genders! And new sexual lifestyles to go with them! And new laws against saying it was a really bad idea.

HOST [amazed]: You mean, while the Chinese communists were dominating your markets, buying their way into Hollywood and into so many of your universities…. And inventing new diseases, like the one that wiped you out… instead of watching them closely and trying to prevent them from doing stuff like that, you guys were…sheesh!… inventing new genders?

WESTERN CIVILIZATION: That’s about the size of it, Monty. Oh! I’m so ashamed! Who ever would’ve thought that it would end like this?

HOST: Uh, actually, Westy, a lot of different people thought so. And warned you. Again and again. But you never listened. You just said it was “religion,” and made faces at them and called them bigots and haters who were on the wrong side of history, and drew up new speech codes to shut them up. You stopped your ears and turned away. Not to mention all that time and energy you wasted on that Climate Change business—which you knew was just a lot of nonsense, but you pushed it anyway. You got people good and scared over that—so they were primed for panic, really primed, when that whole virus thing came along.

WESTERN CIVILIZATION: If only I’d come to my senses in time! On my way to this studio, in fact, guess who was driving my cab. Babylonian Civilization! “Thought it couldn’t happen to you, eh? It happened to me, but not you! How does it feel, Westy—sitting on the ash-heap with the rest of us? Even the Gauls are laughing at you!” I had to listen to him all the way here!

Oh, if only I’d taken adequate precautions! Why, oh, why, did I ever listen to the globalists? If only I hadn’t been so greedy for all that Chinese money, that it made me totally blind to the slap-dash way they do things in Red China! How could I have been so blind? If only! I might’ve gotten off with just a damned good scare—just enough to scare me back onto the right track. But no! I was preoccupied with all sorts of silliness.

HOST: You were busy making up new genders. Hey, you had to know that none of that was real! You had to know that all along, didn’t you?

WESTERN CIVILIZATION: [Breaks down into tears, wailing, and gnashing of teeth. Rends his garment.] Of course I knew it! I knew it all the time! But then I convinced myself I didn’t know it! Just like I convinced myself that I could work the Green New Deal. And the next thing I knew, I was not only woke, but broke! Brother, I learned my lesson, big-time—but I learned it too late! [Agonized howls. Studio audience breaks into thunderous applause.]

HOST: Whew! That was really something, wasn’t it? Well, folks, that’s it for “Eternity Today” today. Tune in to “Eternity Today” tomorrow for another special guest who wishes it was… yesterday! [Cut to commercial]

I have discussed these and other issues throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Never Give In – Never Give Up

Lee Duigon

Winston Churchill said, “Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never in nothing, great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.”

I’m a story-teller, and I consume other people’s stories. It’s fuel. I need it like a car needs gasoline. So, in addition to reading stories, I watch stories online, movies and TV shows.

Lately it’s become almost impossible to find a show or a miniseries that does not subject the viewer to one or more commercials for homosexuality. Some recent examples:

In “Brokenwood,” a New Zealand cop show, the best and wisest man in town is, of course, openly “gay” and proud of it. He’s the mayor, too. And police officers counsel a lesbian not to break up with her girlfriend because “love” is love, blah-blah. So no more “Brokenwood” for us.

“Murdoch Mysteries” (Canadian) recently aired its 200th episode. That’s quite a successful series. The hero, Murdoch, is a devout Catholic and a man of high moral character. But this season they have decided to turn one of the regular characters into a homosexual, for no reason I can see. Maybe the government leaned on the producers: for diversity, you know.

In some Irish thing we watched, the loving mother says to her son, “Why don’t you find a nice young man and settle down?” If anyone has ever said this in real life, our species is in trouble.

And the other night, in “Father Brown,” of all places, we were treated to a budding lesbian romance.

There are more, but enough is enough.

Legions of viewers passively absorb these commercials. The purpose here is to tear down our culture by tearing down the family, so the Far Left Crazy can build a brand-new culture on its ruins—something much more to their liking, with themselves in charge of it.

We are losing our culture. Oh! And we’ll also lose our republic and our freedom, too, if the cabal of schemers and corrupt spies and bent cops who tried to undo the 2016 election and take out our president are not punished so severely, and publicly, that no one ever tries to do it again.

Now is not the time to give in. It’s never time to give in. Here are some things we can do instead of surrendering.

Cling to the cross of Jesus Christ, and to the Bible. It’s God’s word, and it will not return to Him defeated.

Pray several times a day, and keep a store of hymns handy.

Stick together and encourage, comfort, and support each other. On my blog we have a Christian fellowship. Many more of them need to be created. Let’s use this dazzling communications technology to build a truly universal Church.

Never go along to get along. More mischief has been done by that than by any other means that I can think of.

Speak the truth, stand up for it. Too many people change their core beliefs just because they’re told to. We must not. No matter how many times they tell us we should. What do they know? Who anointed them? Don’t listen.

The enemy’s might does seem overwhelming. They come at us all day, every day, from all directions. But even the weakness of God is stronger than they are; and the foolishness of God is wiser than men (1 Corinthians 1: 25). It is required of us to keep the faith.

No one ever faced a more daunting, a more hopeless challenge than Winston Churchill did in 1940. He refused to be daunted. He refused to give up hope. And when the smoke cleared in 1945, Churchill was still standing tall and Hitler was dead.

Never give in.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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The All-Time Dirty Deal

Lee Duigon

I used to cover local school board meetings, as a reporter, back in the days when the State Dept. of Education and the State Commissioner of Education were new. People hadn’t yet learned what to expect from them.

But we soon learned.

By and by, the twenty-something babe from the department would come up from Trenton and recite to the board a multitude of things the state now commanded that they do. When board members had questions, she answered, “Tee-hee! You’re just confused because you don’t speak Education-ese.” You stupid peasant, you. An older board member commented, “This sounds like one of Stalin’s five-year plans.” He got two “tee-hees” for that. And a “Don’t be so nervous, it’s all going to work out just fine!”

If your state has a state department of education, you have one department of education too many. And this was before we got a federal Dept. of Education.

The state of Illinois’ education commissars have a group called the “Affirming and Inclusive Schools Task Force,” which is one task force too many. It has issued a report: “Strengthening Inclusiveness in Illinois Schools”. Its recommendations are meant to apply to all schools, all the time, from preschool through Grade 12.

To list just a few of these asinine proposals: no more prom queens or kings; no more “gender language,” like “boys and girls”—absolutely forbidden; all school activities to be gender-neutral (can they still play football? Or only if the girls play, too?); gender-neutral dress code, whatever that might be; all bathrooms and locker rooms open to anyone who wants to stroll in; and—this is the kicker—

Only involve parents “as appropriate.” Translation: “Never.”

Meanwhile, up in Wisconsin, the Madison Metro School District teachers’ union has demanded—yes, demanded—the right of “transgender educators” to share bathrooms with the kiddies. Uh, does anybody still think teachers’ unions ought to be allowed? In Chicago the teachers’ union sends members on junkets to Venezuela so they can learn first-hand how to trash a country. You pay for those little trips, by the way.

Public education is the all-time dirty deal: a sucker deal of monumental proportions.

The only thing “public” about it is, the public has to pay for it. And oh, how we pay! Six-figure salaries, cushy pensions, early retirement—not to mention all sorts of bizarre programs and experiments, with the children as lab rats. To this day, no one has dared to calculate the total cost of a year’s public schooling in America. How much do you suppose it cost to produce “Strengthening Inclusiveness in Illinois Schools”? Don’t ask!

And what do we get for those billions, maybe even trillions, of dollars? We get “gender fluid”! We get a “transgender” movement that’s sweeping through the whole public education establishment like a wildfire—with plenty of eager arsonists torching the underbrush. They’re pushing it like their very lives depended on it. And, at the same time, teaching children that their United States of America is a racist hell-hole whose only reason for being was the spread of slavery—but that’s another scandal.

You pay, and pay, and pay some more. You get no say in who teaches, you get no say in what is taught, your elected school board is powerless to protect you—and your children—from state and federal bureaucrats whose only purpose in life seems to be to train up children to be as cracked as they are. You have no say in any of it. You have no ownership. It’s more like they own you.

And you still don’t pull your children out of there?

That’s the part that’s simply inexplicable.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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The News You Won’t Believe

Lee Duigon

The nooze has developed a habit of hitting you with stories that you don’t want to believe, and maybe can’t believe. But you check it out and it turns out to be true: heaven help us.

Here are a couple of flagrant examples that appeared last week.

A group of parents are suing the Madison, Wisconsin, Metro School District over its “gender policy”—under which the schools are to “help” children “transition” to another sex without the knowledge or consent of their parents. In fact, the policy as written says “District employees are prohibited from notifying parents, without the child’s consent.” A ten-year-old can’t have a driver’s license, or contract binding debts, without the parents’ or guardian’s consent, but “he” can “transition” into “she” with the school’s blessing and assistance and the parents none the wiser—until it’s too late.

Is there any outrage that public education can’t commit, without making parents mad enough to pull their children out of there? Why are only 14 parents suing over this?

Just for the record, and because it’s important to speak the truth, there is no such thing as “transitioning” into another sex. It’s all make-believe. That it is being perpetrated in the schools is intolerable—or damned well should be.

We pay for these schools. We pay a lot. But we get no say in who teaches there and who doesn’t, and we get no say in what gets taught. All we do is pay. How did we ever get suckered into such a dirty deal?

Then there was the Democrat debate in Las Vegas, in which the audience booed Michael Bloomberg for saying, as tepidly as he could, that “communism doesn’t work.” Boo! Hiss! Moan! I mean, he could have said, with justice, “Communism is an abomination and a monstrosity that was responsible for some 100 million untimely deaths in the 20th century alone—and it still sucks today.” But just find a Democrat who’d say that. JFK is dead.

To someone who grew up in the 1950s—back when Nikita Khrushchev was pounding his shoe on his desk at the U.N. and declaring, “We will bury you”—this display bordered on the utterly fantastic. Now communism’s good? Now Democrats boo any criticism of it—even ludicrously understated criticism? Say it ain’t so.

Then you remember that they once booed God at their national convention.

But even more incredible, even more bizarre, was an announcement by the state of New York that from now on, as part of some incomprehensible species of “justice reform,” accused criminals are to be given a list of names of the witnesses against them. Bail is a thing of the past: arrest ‘em and release ‘em. But don’t forget to give ‘em that list of witnesses.

This is beyond folly. Are they purposely trying to touch off a crime wave? What’s next—a list of the witnesses’ children, and where they go to school?

Yeahbut, yeahbut, yeahbut! It’s only gonna be for “non-violent crimes.” That list includes “second degree manslaughter, aggravated vehicular assault, promoting an obscene sexual performance by a child, possessing an obscene sexual performance by a child, criminally negligent homicide, and aggravated vehicular homicide.” Do those sound “non-violent” to you? Purposely running someone over with your car is “non-violent”? What are these lunatics thinking?

They say their goal is to release 125,000 criminals from prison per year. Oh, that’s good news for everybody else! And don’t sign up to be a witness unless you want to be murdered.

They’re also giving accused criminals the right to conduct their own “investigations” of the crime scene. “Oops! I’ve found some evidence that I did it!” But this is really just too crazy to be analyzed.

The Far Left wants to tear down our civilization so they can build a brand-new one, according to their own depraved and deluded notions, on the ruins.

Whenever you vote for a Democrat, you’re helping them do it.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Warning! Shipwreck Ahead

by Lee Duigon

The bad ship S.S. Far Left Crazy is sailing merrily and carelessly among assorted rocks and shoals, and sooner or later one or more of them is going to tear her bottom out. That will sink her. The sad thing is, who will she take down with her? Disaster doesn’t spare the innocent. We can count ourselves blessed if the whole country doesn’t get sucked under.

Ships operated by sane and decent people steer clear of these hazards; but the officers of Far Left Crazy refuse to acknowledge them as hazards.

Here are a few of the most dangerous ones.

The government has no money of its own. It has only what it can squeeze out of the people as taxes and fees. Very few people seem to understand this. They think the government can easily pay for free healthcare for all (even illegal aliens), free college for all, forgiveness of a trillion dollars’ worth of student debt, universal basic income for all, and the Green New Deal—just to name a few. But hey, no problem! Just tax the rich! And print up more money. What could possibly go wrong? Well, we could go broke; but they’ve promised not to let that happen. We can spend our way to solvency. I think Joe Biden said that first.

America is not a “democracy,” but is, by law, a republic. So fine-sounding schemes to “make the country more democratic” are misguided and inappropriate at best, and potentially disastrous at worst. The problem is not that we don’t have enough people voting. We have too many people voting, and they vote their ignorance. If it sounds nice, vote for it! If it’s “time we had a woman president,” vote for her. This is how you get laws and public policies based on ignorance—to say nothing of unthinking emotion, blind prejudice, and wishful thinking. Plus leaders who aren’t fit to organize a softball team, let alone a country. Historically, democracies tend to self-destruct. They get hysterical and do self-destructive things. Our country’s founders knew that. It’s why they gave us a republic, not a democracy. They had no wish to follow the Athenian Empire into oblivion.

Fomenting racial discord, as a means of acquiring and keeping a political advantage, helps no one but immoral and power-hungry politicians. Setting people at each other’s throats does not lead to national stability. Brewing up chaos, so that you have an excuse for doing all sorts of draconian things to tamp it down, may look like a good idea at the time. But as Plutarch once said, the tyrant has a nice high seat, but no safe way down from it. There’s no way to climb down; either you fall, or you get pushed or pulled off your perch. There’s always someone nastier who wants to sit there.

There is no such thing as “transgender.” And laws and policies aimed at cementing it in place as a permanent feature of society are nothing but legislated lunacy. Again, the only imaginable benefit of this is to stir up enough chaos to justify an increasingly authoritarian regime. When the government has descended so far down as to tell you what pronouns you can use, it has lost any inhibition it might have ever had. The gulags will be just around the corner.

Ah! But what if they mean to sink the ship *on purpose*? Because they want to build their own, according to their own peculiar vision of what a ship should be; but before they can do that, they have to get rid of the ship that they took over. They’ve got their places reserved in the lifeboats, don’t they? Too bad about all those poor passengers—but there’s more where they came from. And so they steer a reckless course, heedless of the consequences: the sea wouldn’t dare drown them.

But it will. It surely will.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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That Crazy Party

by Lee Duigon

How crazy are the Democrats? One soon runs out of superlatives.

Last week the University of Massachusetts announced the results of a poll of New Hampshire Democrats, four hundred respondents. Sixty-two percent of them said they would rather see a meteor strike “extinguish” all life on earth, than to see Donald Trump re-elected president.

“Oh, they’re joking!” some said. “The whole thing was just a put-on.” It’s possible. But if UMass has the money to fritter away on a joke poll, then the tuition is too high and UMass is getting more public money than it knows what to do with.

Really—like, everyone in Southeast Asia has to die, if we don’t get our way in this election? These nuts could achieve a similar effect by committing suicide; but then they’d lose the pleasure of taking everybody else down with them.

But let’s say, just for the time being, that it was a put-on. Is there any other evidence that this party has totally lost its mind?

Well, there’s presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, who had his honeymoon in the Soviet Union and makes no bones about being a “socialist” (translation: communist blowhard). He’s running strong so far; and earlier this month, he proposed that the federal government nationalize electricity—that is, take over the production and distribution of this indispensable resource.

How crazy is this? The state of California has already tried state ownership of the major electricity utility—remember how well that worked? Throughout this past summer, California residents had their electricity cut off several times by the government. Is that a scenario we’d like to have on a national scale?

At the same time, Bernie wants to cut us off, cold turkey, from fossil fuels. Does he not know that fossil fuels are used to produce electricity? No gas and oil, and there won’t be any electricity for him to nationalize!

Meanwhile, what do you think the odds would be against Barack Obama’s zillion-dollar Martha’s Vineyard mansion having its electricity cut off? But all those hardships and sacrifices—all To Save The Planet, don’t you know—are only for us peasants: not for all those nabobs with the private jets. You can be entirely sure that President Bernie would never have to try to sleep on a sultry summer night without air conditioning. That’s for us, not them.

Earlier this month, conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh announced that he has been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer. The Far Left Crazy—that would be Democrats—turned cartwheels over it.

A high school English teacher in Milwaukee joined a multitude of other leftists in rejoicing at the news. Here’s what he tweeted: “Limbaugh absolutely should have to suffer from cancer. It’s awesome that he’s dying, and hopefully it is as quick as it is painful”. Don’t flinch: this always happens whenever any kind of tragedy overtakes any prominent person who isn’t a liberal. The school district, faced with public outrage, had to suspend this yoik; but there are thousands more as depraved and miserable as he is. Judging only by what they say publicly, they’re all as crazy as bedbugs. As they see it, anyone who isn’t them, anyone who doesn’t toe the “progressive” line 100%, without any deviation whatsoever, is nothing but a human monster and deserves nothing but suffering and death.

Nice people.

I remember when there used to be normal, decent people in the Democrat Party. If any like them still exist, they’re more a subject for cryptozoology than for political science.

Something has moved Democrats to cast off the mask of sanity and flash us all their naked totalitarianism. Is it delusion? Desperation? Or do they think they know something that we don’t know—something that tells them they can get away with it?

I take them at their word. They are crazy, and they need to be utterly defeated in November. These are not the kind of people who ought to be entrusted with power.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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A Cornucopia of Tyranny

Lee Duigon

Just in the last week or two, the Far Left Crazy—that would be Democrats—has come out with several draconian proposals to curtail our civil liberties and fundamentally transform America into a socialist basket case.

*Squeaker of the House of Reprehensibles Nancy Pelosi has suggested that President Donald Trump’s defense lawyers be disbarred… for defending him. This from people who have been caught, red-handed, creating fictional phone transcripts and using another fictional document, created by an out-of-work British spy, to set off a chain of bogus “investigations” that has cost American taxpayers tens of millions of dollars.

But we always pay, don’t we? We go out to work every day to earn money that government parasites, at every level, use to help themselves and hurt the rest of us.

It’s going to be a little tough to be a defense lawyer if you’re going to get kicked out of the legal profession every time you try to defend a client who’s the target of a political vendetta.

*NBC “News” recently aired an op-ed stating that voting for Donald Trump would be immoral, unconstitutional, and maybe even illegal. I think the Dems might have something here: outlaw the opposing candidate and jail anyone who votes for him! This tactic has been successfully employed by Far Left, er, governments all over the world. NBC would like to see it tried here.

*Also on our dime, that we worked for, Congresswoman Kathy Castor, Florida Democrat, has demanded that Google/YouTube censor anyone who expresses disbelief in The Climate Crisis That Will Surely Cause The End O’ The World, blah-blah. Google owns YouTube, and both are already censoring some Climate Apocalypse skeptics. Ms. Castor wants them to do a lot more of it, until there’s no more Climate Change dissent to be had.

Ms. Castor has a seat on the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis, so she just might have some clout to go with it. And you know how leftids use their clout. Sayonara, free speech. But what’s a little tyranny, when you’re trying to Save The Planet?

*On the purely local level—and again, on our dime, that we worked for but these people didn’t—a publicly-funded pre-school in New York City plans to challenge 3- and 4-year-olds to “choose” their gender—“boy or girl, or both, or neither, or something else”. But wait, there’s more.

This new curriculum, school officials say, has been inspired by “The 13 Principles of the Movement for Black Lives.” This is nothing but warmed-over communism with racialist icing on the cake: the 13 Principles include globalism, transgender affirmation, and “collective values.” It’s going to be enacted during Black Lives Matter Week.

No, it’s not a satire: we only wish it was. Out-and-out communism, on our dime. Yeahbut, yeahbut! It’s going to “reduce racism.” By cramming more racism down defenseless children’s throats. And we’re paying for it! But we get no say in what’s taught in these schools, or who gets to teach it. All we do is pay. And what we’re supposed to get out of this particular caper, God only knows.

Want to freak yourself out? Just imagine Hillary Clinton in the White House instead of Donald Trump, and Chuck (“Who’s that invisible person sitting in my chair?”) Schumer as senate majority leader. If Far Left Crazy is this crazy when they’re out of power, think what they would do if they were in.

Once upon a time, liberals at least pretended to be sane, passing themselves off as only slightly left of center and basically moderate. Now they’ve stopped pretending. Are they merely deluded, or do they think they know something that we don’t know?

If we fail to crush them in November, we’ll find out. But by then it’ll be too late.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit: a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

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More Climate Change Hypocrisy

Lee Duigon

If they gave an award for climate change hypocrisy, Prince Charles—good grief, he could be king of England someday!—would be strongly in the running for it.

Last week this guy used three private jets, and a helicopter, to fly 16,000 miles before finally coming to earth at Davos for the World Economic Forum and some photo ops with teenage climate scold Greta Thunberg. He then gave an “impassioned” speech about how we gotta “do something” about the climate or else we’re all gonna die, blah-blah; and when that was finished, hopped onto yet another private jet and flew off somewhere else.

The Prince of Wales’ gallivantings cost British taxpayers an estimated 280,000 Pounds—to say nothing of a gigantic carbon footprint that whole towns of private citizens would be hard put to match if it took them all year. Yeahbut, yeahbut! He’s only jetting all over the place because he’s on Important Government Business… and probably has to get back in time to catch the Westminster Dog Show.

Wasn’t there something about jet travel killing the earth and so you can’t do it anymore? Shouldn’t he have crossed the English Channel in a canoe, and then walked, biked, or ridden an oxcart to Davos? How come he gets to do all these things that he and his friends tell us we shouldn’t be allowed to do?

Because it’s all just hogwash, that’s why.

Not one of this fallen world’s Climate Change prophets of doom—no, not one—acts like he or she believes a single word of this apocalypse that he’s selling to us peasants. Rising sea levels? But they build mansions on the shore. They’re not afraid of rising sea levels.The science is settled, so shut up already.

It’s so drearily obvious. Saving The Planet is the best excuse ever dreamed up for a ruling class to do anything it wants. Beggar us with taxes. Rub out our civil liberties. And then, when absolutely no catastrophe occurs, look us in the eye, smirk from ear to ear, and say “See? Nothing happened! All those new rules we imposed on you—they worked! We’ve saved the planet! And no, you can’t have your air conditioning back; and in order to keep on Saving The Planet, we’re going to have to cut your meat ration by another 88 percent…”

What they’re after, of course, is a global government with themselves in charge of it. No more pesky populism! And after all, it takes a global government to do all the things a government should do—and could do, if only people would stop getting in the way—abolish war and poverty and disease and income inequality and no more thinking bad thoughts… The only reason those things haven’t been done already is because you, with your archaic notions of religion and freedom and all the rest of it—you wouldn’t let us! Using technology wisely—and we, your government, do everything wisely—why, we can direct the course of human evolution! It says so, right there in the Humanist Manifesto. And that’s **Science, so there!

So while Greta “demands” instantaneous divorce from fossil fuels, the Davos crowd elevates her to an ersatz sainthood even as they themselves revel in private jets, stretch limos, mansions fit for maharajahs, and any other kind of conspicuous consumption that their hot little hands can reach out and grab. The austerities, the hardships—those are for us, not them. Never them.

One thing they can almost certainly achieve is to make everyone—except themselves—poor. That would be a kind of equality, wouldn’t it?

A mad teenager fronting for a criminal enterprise on a scale never before attempted…

We live in an interesting time.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit (as long as us Climate Change deniers are still allowed Internet access); a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Voting for Trump is… Illegal?

Lee Duigon

If leftists could get inside your head and uproot and throw out everything they found in there that they didn’t like, and replace your thoughts with their thoughts, they’d do it in a New York minute.

Which leads us to the latest bit of fascist wackiness from NBC Nooze.

Some brief quotes will give you the flavor of this op-ed, as they call it.

“Trump voters motivated by racism may be violating the Constitution” by voting. ‘Cause voting for Trump is “not just immoral, but illegal”.

How do they know what motivates anybody’s vote? Liberal logic to the rescue! Donald Trump’s a racist—they say so, so it must be so: it’s what they call a given. Therefore, everyone who votes for him is a racist, too. In logic, this is what they call a sillygism. If it were rational, if the premise of Trump’s “racism” were in any way a real thing, it would be called a syllogism.

But how could they *prove* your vote was motivated by racism? Well, they could torture you until you admitted it. But trying to prove things gives liberals a headache. When do they ever have to prove anything?

They’re on even shakier ground when asked to explain why a vote for Donald Trump is unconstitutional and illegal. There are court rulings, they say, that “racist appeals” in labor union elections are unconstitutional. Is Mr. Trump running for the presidency of Local 402 of the Amalgamated Pipe-Fitters Union? But only a racist would put up such a quibble!

So Trump is a racist, because they say so, “Make America Great Again” is a racist appeal, because they say so, and anyone who votes for him is violating the Constitution. Please don’t ask me to explain this line of reasoning.

But this is just awful! The government has to step in and put a stop to it! By “the government,” of course, they mean some nut-job judge, somewhere, appointed by Obama. Man, we can’t have people running around voting for someone for the wrong reason! The only votes that count should be votes that are cast for the right reason! Wanting more free stuff that other people have to pay for. Voting for someone because she’s a woman and it’s her turn. Or voting for a Democrat for any reason, presuming you can actually think of one.

There’s yet another issue—is this “news,” in any honest sense of the word? Can we trust NBC Nooze to give us straightforward, accurate information about, well, anything? (Hint: no, we can’t.) If they’re not going to provide us with real information, then what do we need them for? What purpose do they serve? (Hint: none.)

If we’re at all conscientious about voting—go ahead and laugh!—then we need good information about public affairs and current events to guide our choices in the voting booth. Who’s going to give us that—NBC?

Meanwhile, CNN, an even more hysterical purveyor of left-wing rants disguised as news, plus a goodly portion of outright falsehoods, is now partnering with HBO to craft a documentary on “the rise of fake news”. Oh, please! Our nooze media are so dishonest, even with themselves, that they don’t know they’re fake. Just in passing, let us mention that CNN last week had to shell out some tens of millions of dollars to settle a lawsuit filed against them by the Covington High School teenager whom they smeared and lied about last winter. It turned out that that particular “news” was fake, big-time.

Now these journalistic fraudsters want to stop people from voting if their minds aren’t right. That would be, oh, 60-some million of us, at last count.

But at least they have bestowed on us a good, solid principle of decision-making.

Whatever the nooze media say we ought to do, or believe, simply do or believe the exact opposite, and you’re sure to be right.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit, provided you’re not motivated by racism. A single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Yes, It’s True, They’re Crazy

Lee Duigon

When you receive the queen of spades in a game of hearts, it pretty much dashes your hopes for that hand. Among hearts players, the queen of spades is nicknamed “Greta.” That nickname has lately become shockingly appropriate.

Anointed by the Far Left Crazy as Scold O’ The World, Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg has issued a set of “demands” to the elite globalists who are getting ready to board their private jets and head to Davos for the World Economic Forum.

She’s more than just some goofy kid babbling about things she doesn’t understand. She’s Time Magazine’s Person of the Year. They trotted her out a few months ago to scold world leaders at the U.N. General Assembly. She’s the new voice of Climate Change hysteria, and somebody is making sure she stays on center stage.

We need to quote from her at some length to display just how crazy the Far Left Crazy is.

“We demand” (her favorite way to begin a sentence) “that… all companies, banks, institutions, and governments immediately halt all investments in fossil fuel exploration and extraction, immediately end all fossil fuel subsidies, and immediately and completely divest from fossil fuels… We don’t want these things done by 2050, 2030, or even 2021, we want them done now—as in right now.

“Anything less than immediately ceasing these investments would be a betrayal of life itself.”

But wait, there’s more!

“Colonial, racist, and patriarchal systems of oppression… We need to dismantle them all.” And while we’re at it, get rid of capitalism.

Imagine if the world could actually give little Greta what she wants—what she demands—just by waving a magic wand. Imagine if we really could, overnight, cut ourselves off from fossil fuels.

Uh-oh. The lights went out. The freezers and refrigerators went off. No more deliveries of food to your local supermarket. No more high-tech medical procedures. No more Internet, either. No more phones.

We aren’t sure what exactly she means by all those “systems of oppression,” so we’d better just overturn our whole social order “right now.”

And suddenly we’re living in a world that makes the dystopia of “The Hunger Games” look like a week at Club Med. Maybe if we’re lucky it’ll only be as bad as the world of “Mad Max.”

You thought our world leaders were bad enough? Imagine what would happen if they really tried to do what Greta demands of them.

It would be nice if we could just ignore her; but the thing is, she’s fronting for someone. For someone who doesn’t want to be identified, so they’ve got this child running interference for them and anyone who doesn’t like it is just an ogre who picks on children.

Obviously the fabulously wealthy big shots of the Climate Change crowd—Gore, Obama, Kerry, and the rest—don’t intend to go without their luxuries. Obama just bought a palace on Martha’s Vineyard a few yards above the high-tide line: he’s not afraid of rising sea levels. He just wants us to be afraid of it. They all want us to be afraid—it makes us easier for them to manipulate, while they live like maharajahs.

What are they up to? What are they using Greta to accomplish?

Well, that’s easy. Climate Change is their ticket to ride. To Save The Planet, we are supposed to give them extraordinary powers to order our lives: as New York Mayor Bill DeBlasio said, not long ago, “to order their [meaning “ours,” not his] day-to-day reality.” Saving The Planet justifies every drop of tyranny they can squeeze out of it. They also expect to get even wealthier than they are already.

We can’t just ignore Greta. We have to ignore them all—and crush them, once and for all, in this year’s national elections.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Now They Want to Abolish Police

Lee Duigon

In London, where it’s just about impossible to lawfully own a gun for self-defense, the murder rate for 2019 was the highest it’s been for the whole decade—149 people killed. It wasn’t at its highest for the new century, though: in 2008, the body count was 154.

How was this feat accomplished in an environment of strict gun control—complete with closed-circuit TV cameras all over the place? Well, there were 90 knife killings, and another 42 listed as “gang-related.” The total does not count serious assaults in which the victim survived; nor does it include persons killed in terrorist acts. So the real level of violence is higher than the murder numbers show.

They took away the guns, so the murderers used knives. Now the government is considering stricter knife-control laws. But if you take away the knives, the killers will use blunt instruments. Since a nearly infinite number of inanimate objects, from doorstops to skillets, can be used to kill someone, blunt instrument-control is probably not practical.

They’ve tried several ways to keep people from killing each other, and none of them seems to work. Could it be that Western culture has deteriorated so far that murder, to some, looks like a convenient solution to life’s problems?

Kill the culture, and it will kill you back.

They don’t want to reform the culture—that would be racist, sexist, this-phobic and that-phobic, so it’s clearly off the table. But there has to be a limit to how many murders a society can tolerate before it collapses altogether; so what can they do to keep that limit from being reached?

American progressives have the answer!

Abolish the police.

“Criminal justice activists”—beware of anything the Left pitches you with the word “justice” in it—have issued a “call to action” (oh, please) to abolish police.  Leftids know that when you stop arresting criminals and stop charging them with crimes, lo and behold, the crime rate goes down! Like magic.

We have to get rid of all the cops, they say, because having a police force somehow equates to “slavery.” On board for this, already, are several politicians in Chicago and Seattle, along with the usual academic boneheads and liberal, er, “journalists.” Heck, they’ve tried everything else to lower the crime rate in those cities. When all reasonable measures fail, preposterous measures, no matter how absurd, have just got to work!

Which leaves you wondering, “who you gonna call” the next time your store gets robbed or your car gets stolen? But objecting to that probably makes you a racist.

According to some numbskull on the Bolshevik magazine, The Nation, everything will come up roses if we simply replace our police forces with “full social, economic, and political equality.” Damn, why didn’t I think of that! Once everybody in the world is fully “equal” to everybody else, no one will commit any crimes and there’ll be no more need for the policeman.

Do libs really, truly believe the ridiculous things they say, or do they only say them because they think that you’ll believe them? Are they genuine idiots, or just incredibly hypocritical, cynical, manipulators of what they think must be fabulously credulous persons?

With any bad luck at all, your city, state, or country could actually elect some of these fools and invest them with decision-making power. (Hint: they’re all Democrats.) Think about that, the next time there’s an election.

First we totally disarm all law-abiding citizens, thus making them easy prey for those who don’t obey the laws… and then we remove the police and let the predators have the run of the streets.

Yeah, that’ll work!

Liberalism—killing society by inches, day by day. But they would rather be killing us by yards.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Teacher Unions vs. Teachers

Lee Duigon

This is what happens when virtue-signaling legislators are thoroughly insulated from the consequences of their daft public policies.

Starting in the 2020 school year, a new law in California will make it illegal to suspend students for disobeying their teachers.

In 2020 the law will cover students in grades 1-5. From 2021 through 2025, it will be expanded to grades 6-8.

Where is the teachers’ union? Why aren’t they fighting tooth and nail against this?

It’s because of the—ahem!—“reason” offered by the legislature as to why this measure is necessary. To wit: Suspension is used “disproportionately” against “students of color.” To union leaders, chaos in the classroom is a small price to pay for Social Justice. Especially when neither legislators nor union honchos have to pay it.

Having been a classroom teacher, I can say for a fact that if you don’t have order in the classroom, you don’t have education. You just have tax money being wasted. But what do the legislators care for that? What do the unions care?

As today’s alleged educators see it, Job One of the public schools is to crank out a whole generation of Far Left loons, who will then go on to college where their politics is to be hard-wired by left-wing professors. That would be the long-term project of fundamentally transforming America into a Venezuela-style hell-hole with themselves sitting comfortably at the top of the heap. The Chicago teachers’ union even sent delegates to Venezuela to learn how it’s done.

Suspension is the teachers’ next-to-last resort, expulsion being the last resort, for removing disruptive students from the classroom so that some small amount of education can get done. With that option removed, the only alternative would be to isolate the trouble-makers in a special holding room during the school day. Honk if you think that will fly.

This kind of mischief got its start in the latter years of the Obama administration, when school officials in Minnesota received a “Dear Colleagues” letter from the government—they called it a “guidance letter”—threatening “investigations” by the Justice (LOL) Dept. and the Dept. of Education into schools that “disproportionately” exercise discipline on minority students.

Surprise! Incidents of violence against classroom teachers went through the roof. In desperation, the Minnesota legislature in 2016 passed a Teacher Protection Act.

Which the teachers’ union opposed.

Can you smell the liberal racism here? “Minority students” and “students of color” can’t be expected to behave themselves, so you have to let them misbehave—while enlightened liberals run things for them. There’s always a handy liberal somewhere nearby who’s eager to run your life for you. If the kids come out of public school having learned nothing but how to waste their lives, so what? They’ll either go on to college or on welfare. We don’t want the common people meddling in government, do we? Why should they bother governing themselves, if liberals can do it for them?

All of this mischief, which we still call “public education,” is the work of the Democrat Party. What a low opinion they must have of minorities! But then for liberals no one is a person in his or her own right. “You” are not you, but only a member of this or that identity group, to be treated accordingly.

We are in a battle for the preservation of our constitutional republic, under which our liberties have flourished for more than 200 years.

One more Democrat president, with a Democrat congress, and we can kiss it all goodbye.

If at all possible, homeschool. Because if we can kill of public education, the Far Left Crazy dies with it.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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