The Laws of Nature and Nature’s God

By Lex Greene

January 30, 2025

In the United States, if you believe that your basic Rights came from our nation’s Founders in the U.S. Constitution, as in “constitutional rights,” you’re wrong. The Constitution only grants government certain limited rights and authorities, not you.

If you think your Rights come from the Bill of Rights, you’re still wrong. That document is a list of subjects which the Federal government is strictly prohibited from ever touching. Again, the document provided you with no Rights. The document only prohibits government from having any right or authority over those matters, because those matters involve your “Natural Rights” as a free people.

In just the 1st Amendment alone, our government (Congress shall make no law) is prohibited from any effort to regulate or infringe upon;

  1. establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof
  2. abridging the freedom of speech
  3. or of the press
  4. or the right of the people peaceably to assemble
  5. and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

These Natural Rights and many more are protected by the 2nd Amendment;

  1. the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Now, before the atheists and socialists knee-jerk react here, nowhere in our Charters of Freedom will you find any reference to the phrase “separation of church and state” or a prohibition of faith-based influence in our government. In fact, the title and subject of this piece comes directly from the preamble in our Declaration of Independence, and the 1st Amendment prohibits government from regulating the “free exercise of religion and faith based beliefs.”

That’s because foundationally, our Rights either come from man, or they come from a power greater than that of men. In the case of the United States, from the Mayflower Compact through the Charters of our Freedom, it was firmly established that all of our Rights are derived from The Laws of Nature and Nature’s God, often referred to as Natural Law, and “endowed by our Creator.”

Our Rights as legal American citizens are not from man. They are not regulated by man. They are not subject to the political whims of man.

As a result, no American should object to this foundational reality, unless of course, it doesn’t serve their desire to control others, which is the end objective of every government on earth, including ours.

It’s the Declaration of our Independence as a free sovereign people, that established this foundation on July 4, 1776…

“The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them;”

Because our Rights are “endowed by our Creator” derived from “The Laws of Nature and Nature’s God,” they are “inalienable” (not to be confused with a similar, but not the same term, unalienable) by any governmental authority.

Natural Rights

Our Founders established Rights granted from “Nature’s God” and not mere mortals, simply because that which is given by man, can be taken by man. In stark contrast, that which is given by God, no man or men have the authority to take away.

This is the true source of “freedom” and “liberty.” It does not come from men seeking authority over others, it is “endowed by our Creator,” Nature’s God.

Natural Birthright Citizenship

Likewise, the Laws of Nature dictate that a natural right of citizenship is derived from the same source as the source of our freedom and liberty, the Laws of Nature.

As a result, “birthright citizenship” is not derived from man either, through any acts of government. The enumerated powers of Congress in Section VIII of Article I, do not include any right or power to regulate or infringe upon the natural right of every child to be born into the country of their natural birth Father. It only grants Congress the power to establish a standard “naturalization” process for non-citizens at birth.

Therefore, the 14th reconstruction Amendment pertaining to former slaves and their families, has nothing whatsoever to do with “birthrights.” It is a mass naturalization amendment intended to grant legal citizenship status to former slaves and their families, following the 13th Amendment granting freedom, and preceding the 15th Amendment which granted the same group voting rights.

These Amendments, 13, 14 and 15, do not apply to anyone today as we have not had slavery in our country since. They are obsolete today.

Natural Born Citizen

The only type of citizen eligible for the Oval Office in Article II, is a true “birthright citizen,” the opposite of any “naturalized citizen” via congressional act or court opinion.

The truth in this regard is quite interesting. It’s well known but openly opposed by people at both extremes of the debate today.


The “14th birthright concept” is an open attempt to destroy all foundations in the USA and broaden these terms to include people entering our country illegally, whom they hope will vote for them in the future. This view is based upon a single sentence intentionally interpreted out of proper context…

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” 14th Amendment

Using an intentional misinterpretation of this single sentence to establish “birthright citizenship” via the 14th totally ignores the reality that the 14th was only designed for former slaves and their families, as were the 13th and 15th amendments. It also ignores The Laws of Nature as well, which is the true source of all Natural Birthrights.


Similarly, the extreme right in our country wants to invent its own definition as well. They too rely upon an intentional misinterpretation of just one sentence, properly borrowed from the Law of Nations, an internationally acclaimed treatise on the subject of Natural Law and its effects on humankind, intentionally taken out of proper context…

“The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens.”

A group desperately trying to disqualify Sen. John McCain for the Oval Office in 2008, cherrypicked this single sentence out of The Law of Nations treatise in order to make the claim that John McCain was not a “natural born Citizen” because he was born in Panama in a hospital close to a U.S. Naval Base, and not “born in the country.”

These claims caused the U.S. Senate to adopt a Resolution declaring John McCain a natural born Citizen of the USA eligible for the office, based upon his natural birth Father, who was at the time,  Naval Commander in charge of the Panama Naval Base, which is why John was born in Panama.

Senate members, including Barack Obama at the time, voted 99-0 to affirm McCain a natural born Citizen based upon the bloodline of his birth Father, and the fact that he was born in Panama only due to his Father’s service to the U.S. Navy.

“Permit me to hint, whether it would be wise and seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government; and to declare expressly that the Commander in Chief of the American Army shall not be given to nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen.” – John Jay letter dated July 25, 1787

The words that follow the single sentence misused in the attempt to disqualify McCain are immediately proven false in the words that follow in that same document.

  • “As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights.”
  • “The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children;
  • “I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen;
  • “Their children follow the condition of their fathers;”
  • “By the law of nature alone, children follow the condition of their fathers, and enter into all their rights (§ 212); the place of birth produces no change in this particular,”
  • “The natural, or original settlement, is that which we acquire by birth, in the place where our father has his;”

Both extreme false interpretations are equally dangerous.

NOTE: No such Senate Resolution was ever taken up on behalf of Barack Hussein Obama, whose Oval Office eligibility was also in question at the time, due to his stated birth Father, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., never being a citizen of the United States.

Both extreme’s based upon a single sentence taken out of context in both cases, caused the basic clear term “natural born Citizen” to appear “ambiguous,” and therefore, open to interpretation.

But like all Rights in Nature, these rights follow the bloodline of the Father, and they are “endowed by our Creator,” inalienable to any governmental authority.

The Foundations of Freedom and Liberty will always be The Laws of Nature and Nature’s God, or they will no longer exist at all.

The only scholarly work recognized around the world, used by our Founders and even listed in Article I of the U.S. Constitution, is the international treatise known as The Law of Nations. Everything our Founders established at the beginning, and every Natural Right of a free people, depends upon the proper interpretation and enforcement of our Charters of Freedom.

All acts to undermine these foundations, are acts of treason against the United States and every true Citizen of the United States. It cannot be allowed to stand.

But for people to protect their freedom and liberty for all posterity, they must first know the true source of their freedom and liberty.

The Laws of Nature and Nature’s God!

If We the People fail to get the proper foundations right, we will get everything else wrong!

© 2025 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

Errors in Trump “Birthright” Order

By Lex Greene

January 28, 2025

On January 20, 2025, Inauguration Day for President Trump’s second term, a laundry list of Presidential Executive Orders (EO) were signed in an effort to unravel and reverse a laundry list of anti-American and unconstitutional orders signed by the previous administration. One of those EO’s is titled “PROTECTING THE MEANING AND VALUE OF AMERICAN CITIZENSHIP” addressing decades of abuse and intentional misinterpretations of the 14th Amendment.

BEFORE YOU READ ON: Understand that although the current discussion concerning “birthrights” is narrowly focused on who is and who isn’t a “birthright citizen” according to U.S. Constitutional Law, the issue actually extends far beyond this narrow subject. It involves all Natural Birthrights versus citizen privileges allowed by legislators or courts from time to time, and it impacts all Natural Rights of True Citizens inherent in nature. We will either protect all of it, or none of it.

Chief executives seldom have the time or opportunity to write or even read every policy document they sign, instead, relying upon alleged “experts” to take care of the details in a manner consistent with the stated goals of the executive, especially when involving legal documents establishing the legal foundations for the action.

I don’t know if President Trump read this particular EO before signing it, but as he was signing almost 200 new EO’s the first 24-hours in office, I highly doubt it. Even if he had, I’m sure he was relying upon “legal experts” to get the language right. Unfortunately, lawyers in this country have not been practicing Constitutional Law for decades. Instead, today’s lawyers are only well-versed in English Common Law, unconstitutionally created by our courts.

Constitutionally speaking, any power not established for each branch in the Constitution, is not a power of that branch. Any legislative act which is itself outside the authority granted in that document, which is repugnant to the text and intent of that documents, or violates the additional prohibitions in the Bill of Rights, is strictly prohibited. All governmental acts must be “in furtherance thereof.”

As I read the document, using long established constitutional interpretations on the matter of “birthrights,” a subject I have researched and written on numerous times over the years, I find a few critical errors in the document (EO) that can hopefully be corrected before anyone starts referring to it as “settled law.”

I’m addressing this in an effort to assist, because in the USA under the Charters of Freedom, nothing is more foundationally critical than the subject of true “birthrights.” The matter of “citizenship” rights is only a tiny issue at stake concerning the “natural birthrights” of American citizens. All inalienable Rights of the true American citizens are “natural birthrights,” established by “the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God,” and “endowed by our Creator.”

“Birthrights” have nothing to do with legislative measures or court opinions. “Birthrights” exist in and are produced by nature, not lawyers, politicians or judges with an agenda.

  • Life
  • Liberty
  • Pursuit of Happiness
  • Freedom
  • Birthright Citizenship in the Country of Your Parentage
  • Free speech, free expression, free press, a right to keep and bear arms
  • Immunity from fraudulent prosecution

Just to name a few, but these are all “birthrights” in the USA. According to the U.S. Constitution, only Congress has lawmaking power. In the enumerated powers of Congress is the power to establish “naturalization” laws pertaining to legal “immigrants.” Such laws have been established and violated by government officials for many years. Congress has no authority over any “birthrights” at all.

Furthermore, the Charters of Freedom are not based upon English Common Law, but rather “the Laws of Nature.” Yet, our courts and legislatures have been functioning on English Common Law for many years now, a practice used to undermine the true “birthrights” of all true “birthright citizens” and all natural rights inherited at birth.

As it pertains to the 14th Amendment, it must be read and interpreted within the proper context of all three “reconstruction amendments” adopted at the time, 13, 14 and 15, because all three were adopted during the same time frame and all three pertained to former slaves and their families only,  in post-Civil War America. (Details here)

Problems in the Trump EO

In the Trump EO, based upon the stated intent in Section 1 – Purpose of the EO, I find problems in a few critical areas, as follows.

  1. “But the Fourteenth Amendment has never been interpreted to extend citizenship universally to everyone born within the United States.”

Actually, this is exactly how our government has been intentionally misinterpreting the amendment for decades now. The same Supreme Court that saw a right to gay marriage in the 14th Amendment in 2015, has been misinterpreting an amendment aimed solely at former slaves and their families, to include the children of “illegal aliens” born in the USA illegally since. It should have stated that this is a blatant misinterpretation, rather than an interpretation never used.

  1. “The Fourteenth Amendment has always excluded from birthright citizenship persons who were born in the United States but not “subject to the jurisdiction thereof.”

This is stereotypical legal-beagle word parsing here. Everyone in the USA, including vacationers and visitors, is “subject to our legal jurisdiction” while in our country. When discussing “jurisdiction,” it’s important to understand what jurisdiction is and isn’t. Even “illegal aliens” are “subject to the jurisdiction” of the United States, in this case, our Immigration and Naturalization laws, as well as our criminal codes.

  1. “Consistent with this understanding, the Congress has further specified through legislation that “a person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof” is a national and citizen of the United States at birth, 8 U.S.C. 1401, generally mirroring the Fourteenth Amendment’s text.”

Although the first slaves were not “born in the USA,”, their children were born in the USA, but born into slavery prior to the 13th, hence, the sole purpose of the 13th Amendment. U.S. Codes have also misinterpreted the intent of the 14th Amendment, such as the Code cited above from Trump’s EO.

  1. Section 2 “(b) Subsection (a) of this section shall apply only to persons who are born within the United States after 30 days from the date of this order.”

This section of the EO appears to inappropriately grandfather in the tens of millions of cases of those who were born here “illegally” prior to this effective date of the EO, even though this too, would be in direct violation of our standing Immigration Laws.

  1. “(c) Nothing in this order shall be construed to affect the entitlement of other individuals, including children of lawful permanent residents, to obtain documentation of their United States citizenship.”

Once again, a “birthright” is inherited by the children, from their natural birth parentage. Because “lawful permanent residents” are NOT legal U.S. citizens, they are not able to pass to their children that which they do not possess, legal citizenship. Whoever drafted this EO for Trump, must know that this is false and very dangerous. George Soros holds “lawful permanent residency” in the USA, as do many other evildoers within our midst.

This is probably the worst error in this EO. It essentially grants legal U.S. citizenship rights to children of non-citizens, simply because their residency in the USA is not “illegal.” But in these cases, the “lawful permanent residents” have not taken up legal citizenship in the USA. Therefore, they do not possess what this section suggests, “citizenship,” and they have no right to pass to their children, that which they do not possess.

I’m quite confident in saying that Trump very likely, has no idea what’s wrong in his recently signed EO on this subject. I believe his intentions are correct and necessary to the preservation of our Constitutional system of self-governance.

However, I’m equally confident in suggesting that his “common law experts” who drafted this EO for him, may not know the critical truth either, or may not want to reestablish the truth.

The Love of Money, and the Love of Power, is indeed the Root of all Evil

In any free state, all power belongs to the people, referred to as “inalienable natural rights.” As it pertains to the subject of citizenship, these three words accurately establish the foundation for “birthright citizenship.” It’s not a right derived from mere political servants. It’s a right which is produced by and exists in nature. As such, it is “inalienable” by any governmental body.

Long ago, Thomas Jefferson saw the problem and warned all Americans that would follow.

Immediately following the Marbury v. Madison court opinion of 1803, Jefferson started issuing warning after warning in 1804.

“Nothing in the Constitution has given them [the federal judges] a right to decide for the Executive, more than to the Executive to decide for them. . . . The opinion which gives to the judges the right to decide what laws are constitutional and what not, not only for themselves, in their own sphere of action, but for the Legislature and Executive also in their spheres, would make the Judiciary a despotic branch.” (Letter to Abigail Adams, September 11, 1804)

By 1820 and 1821, Jefferson had already seen the damage done to the Constitutional Republic guaranteed to every State and every Citizen in the Constitution.

“The judiciary of the United States is the subtle corps of sappers and miners constantly working under ground to undermine the foundations of our confederated fabric. They are construing our constitution from a co-ordination of a general and special government to a general and supreme one alone. This will lay all things at their feet, and they are too well versed in English law to forget the maxim, ‘boni judicis est ampliare jurisdictionem’ [good judges have ample jurisdiction]. . . . A judiciary independent of a king or executive alone, is a good thing; but independence of the will of the nation is a solecism, at least in a republican government.” (Letter to Thomas Ritchie, Dec. 25, 1820)

“The germ of dissolution of our federal government is in the constitution of the federal Judiciary; an irresponsible body (for impeachment is scarcely a scare-crow) working like gravity by night and by day, gaining a little today and a little tomorrow, and advancing its noiseless step like a thief, over the field of jurisdiction, until all shall be usurped.” (Letter to Charles Hammond, August 18, 1821)

“The great object of my fear is the Federal Judiciary. That body, like gravity, ever acting with noiseless foot and unalarming advance, gaining ground step by step and holding what it gains, is engulfing insidiously the special governments into the jaws of that which feeds them.” (Letter to Judge Spencer Roane, 1821)

Some two-hundred years later, we no longer have members of the legal profession who know, understand, or revere the Natural Rights of the People, as they are endowed by our Creator. We only have legal professionals familiar with and practicing English Common Law.

As a result, even a President is prone to Constitutional errors as they depend upon alleged “legal experts” in the performance of their duties under their Oath of Office. Many who have taken an Oath to protect and defend the Constitution, are actively engaged in the use of English Common Law to undermine it, instead.

Indeed, many modern law professionals are very proficient in English Common Law. It’s this practice that empowers lawyers, judges and legislators to strip citizens of their “natural birthrights” by simply creating what they call “case law” derived from mere court opinions, falsely referred to as “court precedence” and “case law.”

EXAMPLE #1 – Our courts, politicians and mass media have referred to the court opinion in Roe v. Wade as “settled law” for about 70-years, even though Congress established no such law. But in the end, there was nothing settled about it when a later court reversed that opinion.

EXAMPLE #2 – In 2025, our U.S. Supreme Court looked at the 14th Amendment concerning citizenship rights for former slave families and found some alleged right to gay marriage there. Of course, the 14th has nothing whatsoever to do with marriage or gay rights, but only citizenship rights for former slave families.

In reality, the “reconstruction” amendments (13th, 14th, and 15th) became obsolete one generation following their adoption, as from that point forward, every child in their families were born citizens of the United States with all of the same rights as any other U.S. citizen.

Constitutional Law would allow none of this to ever happen in our courts. But English Common Law is entirely untethered from the limited constitutional authority of the courts, or government as a whole.

“Birthright Citizenship”

Beyond the slave families covered by the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, children born in the USA to “non-citizen” parents have no “birthrights” in the USA whatsoever. They were born in our country “illegally” and remain “illegal.”

But by our government working to grant non-citizens birthrights via legislative measures repugnant to the Constitution, they have undermined the true source of all political power in the USA, the true Birthright Citizens of the USA, those who inherited their citizenship via the bloodline of the birth Father.

“That which God has given…no man has the power to take away!”

This is the very foundation of freedom and liberty. All Natural Rights come from the Laws of Nature and pass from the bloodline of the Father to his children.

If I had direct contact with President Trump, I would explain this and prove it beyond any doubt. But I do not have direct contact with Trump, and I am very aware of the reality that the advisers around him will prefer for him to never know this truth. Most of them are English Common Law lawyers….

So, only you, the reader, can teach others this foundational truth and maybe, someone you teach will have direct access to Trump.

Otherwise, this is no longer a country of, by, or for the true Birthright Citizens of this country. All natural birthrights will be lost, never to be regained! None of the natural rights you thought you had…will you ever have.

In closing, “True Birthright Citizen” is synonymous with the term “Natural Born Citizen” in Article II. However, 14th Amendment citizens are at the very best, “naturalized citizens” via that amendment and subsequent naturalization codes.

Does the 13th Amendment apply to anyone other than slaves at the time? Does the 15th Amendment apply to anyone other than the slaves at that time? The answer is no…and the same is true of the 14th Amendment.

I argue that even in this case, the 14th Amendment establishes no such right beyond the intent and purpose of the Amendment, as it pertained to former slave families at that time, as it is with the 13th and 15th amendments.

Only TRUTH can set us free!

© 2025 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

The 14th Amendment vs. Real Birthrights

By Lex Greene

January 24, 2025

Citizenship rights are front and center in the national debate again, following President Trump’s “Birthright Citizenship” Executive Order (EO) intended to stop the intentional abuse of 14th Amendment language by politicians opposed to national sovereignty and security, including those appointed to the bench. With more than 20-million illegal aliens flooded into the USA by Biden over the past four years, what is and is not a “citizen” eligible for all rights belonging only to legal citizens is of utmost critical importance.

Unfortunately, the lawyers paid to draft that Executive Order for the President may not know what true “birthright citizenship” is either, since today’s lawyers are trained in British Common Law rather than U.S. Constitutional Law.

Over many years now, politicians have worked around the clock to amend the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights without using the lawful constitutional amendment process to do it. Instead, they use British Common Law rules allowing courts to establish new (alleged) laws via mere court opinions, which is a wholly unconstitutional practice, and has undermined the Constitution by way of intentional misinterpretation of the text.

Constitutional Rule #1 – If it’s not written and ratified, it doesn’t exist.

It has become a practice of our courts to interpret “unwritten” words that appear nowhere in Constitutional text, as well as using new definitions of old words that were not in existence when the documents were adopted and ratified, in order to intentionally undermine the original intent and purpose of the Charters of Freedom for partisan political agendas.

Imagine my shock when the U.S. Supreme Court found an alleged “constitutional right” to gay marriage in the 14th Amendment, in the Obergefell v. Hodges, 576 U.S. 644 (2015) case. Clearly, the 14th Amendment has nothing whatsoever to do with marriage or gay rights. But the court imagined language and intent that just isn’t there and is completely unrelated to the Amendment text and intent.

Constitutional Rule #2 – The meaning of the words at the time they were used, remain the true meaning of those words. In 1776, referring to someone as “gay” would have meant they were a “happy” type of person. But in 2025, the word “gay” most often refers to someone who is homosexual.

Constitutional Rule #3 – The proper interpretation of Constitutional text must be consistent with the clear intent and purpose of the text at the time that text was adopted and ratified, whether lawyer, judge or citizen. Only the meaning of the words at the time they were used, was ratified by the member States or the People. The documents were not agreed to or ratified on the basis of new definitions not in existence at the time of adoption.

A living document?

The U.S. Constitution is indeed a “living document” in two ways. The intent and purpose of that document that existed 248-years ago, still lives today. But also, the document can be updated from time to time, but only via the constitutional amendment process.

It is wholly unconstitutional to “amend” the Constitution by any means other than by the established lawful constitutional amendment process. The U.S. Constitution is essentially a contract between the Federal government, all three branches, and the member States and the legal U.S. Citizens. Like any contract, only the items written and agreed to in the contract are a part of that contract. The courts have no power to unilaterally renegotiate the terms of that contract at will, by simply misinterpreting the document to include things it doesn’t say, changing the definitions of words, or in a manner never intended at the time of the agreement.

With this understanding, we must settle the critical distinction between true “birthright citizenship” and the text agreed to in the 14th Amendment, in accordance with the three fundamental Constitutional Rules explained above.

Before we can properly discuss “birthright citizenship,” we first have to settle what a “birthright” actually is…

True Birthrights

Imagine my surprise when in researching this subject, when I found that modern online Law Dictionaries are missing the legal term “birthright.” On the website, a search for the term “birthright” resulted in this search result – “birthright” isn’t available in the dictionary,” as if the term doesn’t exist in law at all.

The Law Dictionary has no definition for the word either. The Cornell Law School offers this pile of convoluted nonsense when you search their site for the word “birthright.” How can anyone declare anyone a “birthright citizen” when the legal dictionaries don’t even acknowledge the term “birthright” itself?

However, the Merriam-Webster Law Dictionary takes a stab at it, defining the term this way;

Fortunately, the Merriam-Webster Law Dictionary not only answers the question, but it answers the question correctly. Webster’s 1828 Dictionary confirms the proper definition of “birthright,” in agreement with Merriam-Websters Law Dictionary definition.

The only way to protect the future sovereignty, security, freedom, liberty and justice of the United States is to properly interpret, uphold, defend and enforce the Foundations of Freedom cemented in our Charters of Freedom, under “the Laws of Nature, and Natures God,” as established in our Declaration of Independence, which is the true source of all natural “birthrights.”

EXAMPLE 1: No government has the authority over the natural “birthrights” of your children. By mere fact of the birth, a child is the natural offspring of the natural birth Father and Mother. No government has the power to declare your child not yours, or yours. They are your children by an act of nature alone, and those children are entitled to inherit all conditions and possessions of the parents by their tacit consent, as a result of The Laws of Nature alone. All Rights that come from Nature, are “inalienable” by man, or any government actions of men.

EXAMPLE 2: No nation or government has the power to lay claim to your child simply because you happened to give birth to your child on foreign soil. No matter where you may have been at the time of your child’s birth, the child is your child and they inherit by “birthright,” legal citizenship in your country the moment they are born. These are “natural birthright citizens.”

Therefore, all “birthrights” are simply inherited from your natural birth condition. It has nothing to do with anything created by any government body. In fact, no government has any authority or power over the matter at all, to grant or deny this most fundamental “birthright.”

Birthright Citizenship

Although governments can and throughout history have acknowledged the real source and purpose of all natural birthrights, these rights are not derived from or subject to any governmental influence. Our Declaration refers to them as “inalienable rights, endowed by our Creator.”

Once you know what a “birthright” is, now we can properly establish what a “birthright citizen” is, and what it isn’t.

Based upon British Common Law, it can mean anything anyone wants it to mean, which is why our courts use Common Law to invent laws that just aren’t so, as opposed to the strict limitations of Constitutional Law.

Citizenship by “birthright” simply means you “inherit” legal citizenship in the same country to which your birth parents are members, at the time of your birth. It has nothing whatsoever to do with any law, amendment, court opinion, or act of government.

During Reconstruction following the Civil War, it was necessary and proper to extend full “citizenship” rights to former slave families via the three Reconstruction Amendments, which combined granted former slave families freedom (13th), citizenship (14th) and voting rights (15th).

True History and Intent of the 14th Amendment

Again, the only way to properly interpret anything in the Constitution or law is to interpret it in proper context. Anything less is an overt attempt to rewrite and amend those documents unconstitutionally and it can even rise to the level of treason against the United States.

Understand that all three post-Civil War amendments, the 13th, 14th, and 15th, are all “reconstruction” amendments. All three were designed and adopted to rectify issues pertaining to former slave families from the past, and only those families at that time.

“To former abolitionists and to the Radical Republicans in Congress who fashioned Reconstruction after the Civil War, the 15th Amendment, enacted in 1870, appeared to signify the fulfillment of all promises to African Americans. Set free by the 13th amendment, with citizenship guaranteed by the 14th Amendment, Black males were given the right to vote by the 15th Amendment.”

Before the 14th Amendment, two prior events drove the purpose and intent of the 14th.

“Passed by Congress June 13, 1866, and ratified July 9, 1868, the 14th Amendment extended liberties and rights granted by the Bill of Rights to formerly enslaved people.

Following the Civil War, Congress submitted to the states three amendments as part of its Reconstruction program to guarantee equal civil and legal rights to Black citizens. A major provision of the 14th Amendment was to grant citizenship to “All persons born or naturalized in the United States,” thereby granting citizenship to formerly enslaved people.”

What caused the focus on the 14th at the time, and therefore the purpose and intent of the amendment?

In the Dred Scott v. Sandford case (1857), the U.S. Supreme Court stated that enslaved people were not citizens of the United States and, therefore, could not expect any protection from the federal government or the courts. The opinion also stated that Congress had no authority to ban slavery from a Federal territory.

“In 1846, an enslaved Black man named Dred Scott and his wife, Harriet, sued for their freedom in St. Louis Circuit Court. They claimed that they were free due to their residence in a free territory where slavery was prohibited.”

Before the 14th Amendment was the 13th Amendment, making slavery and involuntary servitude illegal in the United States, most specifically in the Confederate States. The 13th followed President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation (1863).

“Passed by Congress on January 31, 1865, and ratified on December 6, 1865, the 13th Amendment abolished slavery in the United States.

In 1863 President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation declaring “all persons held as slaves within any State, or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free.”

However, the 13th Amendment fell short of making former slaves and their families eligible for legal “citizenship” in the United States. Although the 13th established freedom from slavery and involuntary servitude for former slave families in the United States, it did not grant them legal citizenship or citizenship rights in the United States.

Because the 13th Amendment codified what President Lincoln established in his Emancipation Proclamation but failed to extend “citizenship” rights or constitutional protections to former slave families, Congressman John A. Bingham of Ohio, submitted a proposal for the 14th Amendment to the House of Representatives with the stated intent and purpose of extending liberties and rights granted by the Bill of Rights to formerly enslaved people in the form of “mass-naturalization” originally titled “A Naturalization Amendment

In legal terms, the 14th was a (one-time) “blanket naturalization” of all former slave families, by act of Congress and adoption of the 14th Amendment, extending full “citizenship rights” to all former slave families. For those families, every generation born since has been born legal citizens of the United States by “birthright” as the children of citizens.

In the United States and most of the world, the “birthrights” of a child are derived from the Father of those children.

The Source of Confusion

In a word… lawyers are the source of the confusion. Lawyers who teach in law school, lawyers on the bench, lawyers who write things like legal definitions, lawyers who have been writing legislation for 248-years on the basis of British Common Law instead of Constitutional Law, lawyers who argue their political interest in a court, lawyers the media tells you are “experts” and “scholars.” Yes…lawyers!

The “love of money” isn’t the only root of all evil. The “love of unbridled power” is too!

Most Americans think their elected Presidents and Legislators run this country, but it isn’t so. Lawyers run this country, and they have ever since Marbury v. Madison in 1803. This is the Supreme Court case that established the courts as the final arbiters of truth, justice and the American way, even though the Constitution says no such thing.

NOTE: At the adoption of the Constitution, the definition of “interpret” was essentially for the courts to translate legalese into plain English so that citizens could know and protect their own Rights. In the case of the Constitution, the founding documents were not written in legalese, requiring a legal “expert” to translate the foundational documents into plain English for the average citizen. The Founders intentionally wrote and adopted the Constitution in plain English, so that any citizen able to read and comprehend English, can properly interpret the documents for themselves.

Since this case, lawyers have felt untethered to the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Through the unconstitutional use of British Common Law practices, they have done exactly what Thomas Jefferson warned us about between 1804 and 1823…on the heels of the Marbury v. Madison decision.

  • “Nothing in the Constitution has given them [the federal judges] a right to decide for the Executive, more than to the Executive to decide for them. . . . The opinion which gives to the judges the right to decide what laws are constitutional and what not, not only for themselves, in their own sphere of action, but for the Legislature and Executive also in their spheres, would make the Judiciary a despotic branch.” (Letter to Abigail Adams, September 11, 1804)
  • “You seem . . . to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy. Our judges are as honest as other men, and not more so . . . and their power [is] the more dangerous, as they are in office for life and not responsible, as the other functionaries are, to the elective control. The Constitution has erected no such single tribunal, knowing that to whatever hands confided, with corruptions of time and party, its members would become despots.” (Letter to William Jarvis, Sept. 28, 1820)
  • “At the establishment of our constitutions, the judiciary bodies were supposed to be the most helpless and harmless members of the government. Experience, however, soon showed in what way they were to become the most dangerous; that the insufficiency of the means provided for their removal gave them a freehold and irresponsibility in office; that their decisions, seeming to concern individual suitors only, pass silent and unheeded by the public at large; that these decisions, nevertheless, become law by precedent, sapping, by little and little, the foundations of the constitution, and working its change by construction, before any one has perceived that that invisible and helpless worm has been busily employed in consuming its substance. In truth, man is not made to be trusted for life if secured against all liability to account.” (Letter to A. Coray, October 31, 1823)

To put a very fine point on this matter, the 14th Amendment became obsolete once the former slave families were granted freedom, citizenship and voting rights via the Reconstruction Amendments.

However, the lawyers have continued to amend the intent and purpose of the 14th to suit their political agendas and ambitions via the overt abuse of that one sentence ever since.

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”

While these words were quite clearly directed solely at former slave families during reconstruction, with no mention of “birthrights” or “gay marriage,” the clear intent and purpose of these words were only applicable to the former slave families at the time of its adoption, just as the 13th and 15th apply only to that special class as well.

These words were never intended to be abused by lawyers for 248-years to essentially eliminate true “birthright citizenship” and allow such a lofty reward to anyone and everyone who stumbles across our borders illegally to give birth to a foreign citizen on our soil.

For the record, everyone, while in the United States, on vacation, a work or school VISA, as a second home to their primary residence in their home country, is “subject to our jurisdiction” while in our country. The only exception is those foreigners who have been legally granted “diplomatic immunity” by our laws.

The “common law” practices to undermine our Constitution, Bill of Rights and all Natural Birthrights of American citizens, is a treasonous act against the United States and every legal citizen of the United States.

Unless corrected, we will no longer be a Constitutional Republic of, by or for the legal American citizens!

Last, the Executive Order just signed by President Trump on the subject is in error. It’s in error because like most modern citizens, Trump doesn’t know all of the facts presented in this lengthy piece and he depended upon lawyers to write the EO for him.

His lawyers got it wrong…so, Trump did too!

The intentional legal profession bastardization of natural “birthrights” and “birthright citizenship” took a major turn for the worse in United States v. Wong Kim Ark (1898) case, often cited as a “landmark legal decision” by modern law professionals. It’s since this case that our courts and politicians have falsely used Common Law to totally undermine all “natural birthrights” and all “natural birthright citizens” of the United States, and today, we barely recognize our country as a result.

Regardless of any other priorities or personal pet agendas today, if we, Trump, fails to correct everything exposed in this piece, no one will be able to save the Constitutional Republic from total collapse via British Common Law undermining even our most basic foundational Rights, no one!

This is the hill all Natural Birthright Citizens must be willing to die on! Naturalization is not a “birthright.”

© 2025 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Biden’s FAKE Pardons

By Lex Greene

January 23, 2025

Yet another attempt by leaders of today’s undemocratic party to con the American people with a “fake” action for mere publicity, that enjoys no force of law whatsoever. Legally and constitutionally speaking, there is no such thing as a “preemptive pardon.”

“In the United States, the pardon power for offenses against the United States is granted to the president of the United States under Article II, Section 2 of the United States Constitution which states that the president “shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment”. The U.S. Supreme Court has interpreted this language to include the power to grant many different forms of clemency (generally less sweeping than a full pardon), including not only pardons, but also conditional pardons, commutations of sentence, conditional commutations of sentence, remissions of fines, forfeitures and other criminal financial penalties, respites and reprieves, and amnesties.[61]

The pardon power of the president applies only to convictions under federal law.[62] Additionally, the power extends to military court-martial cases as well as convictions in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.”

By legal definition and U.S. Law, a “pardon” pertains only to those who have already been charged with a crime. Pardon power does not apply to anyone who has not yet been charged, tried, convicted or sentenced for a crime.

If someone is not guilty, charged or convicted of any crime, they do not need, nor are they legally eligible for a pardon. No one can pardon someone for crimes they have never been charged with. On the other hand, if one attempts to provide “blanket immunity” via fake pardons, it is presumed that those recipients must be guilty of crimes which they could indeed be charged with and convicted for, at some future date, hence the purpose of the fake preemptive pardon attempt.

This legal principle applies to the “fake” pardons for GENERAL MARK A. MILLEY, DR. ANTHONY S. FAUCI, and the “fake” J6 Committee which was nothing more than a lynch mob for Trump supporters, listed in Biden’s “fake” pardon as;


The above “fake” Biden pardons are nothing more than a publicity stunt and effort to provide “blanket immunity” for political friends who committed crimes in the performance of their political offices. After a proper investigation into their actions, if evidence of crimes exists, these individuals are not immune from prosecution as a result of Biden’s fake pardons, because the President has no power to grant blanket immunity for political friends guilty of crimes, also known as “preemptive pardons.”

As for Biden’s attempt to grant his son and family members “blanket immunity” via other “fake” pardons, Joe “Big Guy” Biden does not have the power to provide a blanket of immunity for his family simply due to the fact that “the Big Guy” was at the helm of their international crime spree. As the head of the crime family, it is not within the power of the “Big Guy” to pardon his co-conspirators, even if the Big Guy happens to be President of the United States.

In fact, a President and all political office holders are to be held to a higher standard than any average citizen, not a lesser standard, or God forbid, blanket immunity.

Contrary to popular belief, pardon is not a get-out-of-jail-free card for criminals who simply do not want to be charged with their crimes at some future date.

Pardons are “Executive Actions” … If the original Biden Executive Action is invalid, unlawful, unconstitutional, or itself a fraudulent action, then those actions can very likely be reversed by Executive Action as well.

At the very least, these fake pardons in an attempt to preempt future criminal charges are examples of unlawful and unconstitutional Executive “obstructions of justice” by attempting to unilaterally create a special class of citizen exempt from criminal investigation, indictment and prosecution, for political purposes.

Therefore, the fake pardons must not be allowed to stand. It was a nice try, fraudulently trying to protect Biden cohorts guilty of crimes against the United States, but it shouldn’t be allowed to hold.

The price of these types of obstruction, which establish political friends as a special class protected from the law, is just too high. Therefore, the new administration must immediately seek proper legal procedure for setting aside or reversing the fake pardons.

In the USA under the equal protection clause in the Constitution, we are not two separate classes of citizens. Either everyone is subject to the rule of law, or no one is…

© 2025 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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A Constitutional Representative Republic

By Lex Greene

January 19, 2025

Sadly, there are whole generations in the USA who have zero connection to the foundations of freedom, liberty, and justice for all. Thanks to anti-American federal control over education in the USA, especially the college campuses, resulting in generational mass indoctrination instead of education, America is nearing a point in history when society itself will destroy those foundations for all posterity, by “democratic” process.

A majority of Americans believe that the U.S. Constitution created a “democracy.” That’s what politicians, academia and the news media have been telling them for decades now. They believe that Democrats are “pro-democracy,” and Republicans are “anti-democracy” and even “pro-fascism.”

Because they believe in these obvious falsehoods, they are doomed to destroy their own freedom and liberty soon, by voting the USA out of freedom and liberty, and into bondage.

The U.S. Constitution created a Constitutional Representative Republic, not a “democracy.” This distinction is critical to the future of freedom.

The world has many nations, and only a few different types of government, from Monarchies to democracies, republics and dictatorships. Most are labeled as forms of democracy, even though there is nothing “democratic” about those governments at all.

The People’s Republic of China is listed as a “democracy,” even though the country has existed under brutal communist rule for decades. Russia is technically a “democracy,” also referred to as a “republic.” England lists itself as another form of “democracy,” a republic which is in reality a “Constitutional Monarchy.”

Unique in the world is the United States, a Constitutional Representative Republic. It is the only government of its kind in the entire world. It is a form of “democratic society” only in that the government is required to be of, by and for the people, via democratically elected representation. But it is not a “democracy,” never was, and never should be, for what should be obvious reasons.

All three words are critical to the USA form of “self-governance.” The USA doesn’t have Kings or Queens, an unelected oligarchy or unbridled dictator. It has a system of “self-governance” unlike any other nation on earth, so long as the people protect and preserve it for all future generations.


How many times have you heard someone use the term “constitutional rights?” There’s actually no such thing. The U.S. Constitution is not a document enumerating the many “natural Rights” of the people, far too numerous to ever number. It’s a document assigning certain limited rights, powers, authorities and duties to the Federal government on behalf of the member States and the People.

The only power and authority that belongs to the Federal government are those assigned to that three-branch body in the Constitution.

The Bill of Rights is not an enumeration of the People’s rights either. It’s a list of additional restrictions placed upon the Federal government, specifically prohibiting the Federal government from power or authority over certain natural rights of the People, such as a right of free speech, free religious expression, and a right to keep (own) and bear (carry) arms. These are not “constitutional rights,” they are all “natural rights” of a free People.

The Federal government is under strict control of these two documents, even though that body has spent more than a hundred years in violation of both. This is only possible when the People fail to be forever vigilant in the defense of their own freedom and liberty.

Any authority not granted to the Federal government via these two documents, is “unconstitutional.”


The Federal government must be representative of the will of the People. The three branches have limited specific constitutional authority unique to each branch. But each branch must serve the will of the People, within the constraints established in the Constitution, void of any actions prohibited by the Bill of Rights.

Only one Federal branch has the constitutional authority to create “law,” the Legislative Branch, or Congress. But even Congress is prohibited from creating any law which is repugnant to the Constitution.

The Executive Branch and Judicial Branch possess no constitutional lawmaking authority whatsoever. When either of these two branches attempts to create “law,” either via court opinion, or Executive Order, it is “unconstitutional” and without the consent of the People. Constitutionally speaking, such acts have no force of law.

However, “silence” is always regarded as “consent.” Until the member States, or the People object, the Federal government assumes unbridled authority and power over the States and the People, as if the 9th and 10th Amendments no longer exist.

Amendment IX

“The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”

In other words, only the rights assigned to the Federal government, and not prohibited in the Bill of Rights, belong to the Federal government. All else remains the power and authority of the People.

Amendment X

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

Likewise, if the member States did not assign a specific power to the Federal government in the Constitution, or prohibited such powers in the Bill of Rights, then that power does not belong to the Federal government.

Any action by the Federal government which is not in the best interest or general welfare of all free People of the United States, is prohibited by our Founding documents.

The Federal government in the United States was created and authorized by the U.S. Constitution and restricted by the Bill of Rights. The Federal government was brought into existence by the adoption of the Constitution. In order to gain the necessary votes from the original colonies to ratify the Constitution in 1787, the framers had to agree to complete the first Ten Amendments referred to as our Bill of Rights, adopted in 1789, or the Constitution would never have been adopted by the colonies, and our Federal government would have never been created at all.

The point of it all was to make every possible effort to secure for all posterity, freedom and liberty for all Americans. The goal was to establish a form of self-governance that would preserve the natural Rights of the people over time, preventing the newly formed government from ever possessing the power to become destructive of its sole purpose.

  1. to form a more perfect Union,
  2. establish Justice,
  3. insure domestic Tranquility,
  4. provide for the common defense,
  5. promote the general Welfare,
  6. and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity


As noted repeatedly by the framers many writings, they openly rejected a “democracy” and chose to guarantee every Citizen and every member State “a Republican Form of Government” instead, as codified in Article IV – Section IV of the U.S. Constitution.

“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion;”

It is on this basis alone that our Constitution was adopted, and our Federal government was created. Without the adoption of this document and strict adherence to it, the Federal government has no right to exist at all.

The government was divided up into three distinct branches with three separate distinct powers, a “lawmaking branch” in Congress, the “Constitutional enforcement branch,” the Judiciary, and the “Administrative Branch,” the Presidency.

The distinction between a “democracy” and “a Republican Form of Government” is easily explained and critical to the future of freedom and liberty in the United States.

Simply stated, a “democracy” is rule by a simple majority. 50.1% of the People would be free to run roughshod over the other 49.9% of the people by simply outvoting them on every issue. Our Founders correctly referred to a “democracy” as nothing more than “mob rule.” The ability of a simple majority to rule over a simple minority. This form of government, while “representative” of 50.1% of the People, is not representative of the other 49.9% of the People. In fact, it’s a form of tyranny by a simple majority.

Imagine the reality of a true “democracy” this way…

  • If a nationwide vote was taken today regarding the right to abortion, abortion would be illegal throughout the USA so long as 50.1% of voters voted to outlaw it.
  • If a nationwide vote was taken today on LGBTQ rights, there would be no special LGBTQ rights if 50.1% of the people voted to outlaw them.

This is how “democracy” works. But it isn’t how a “Constitutional Representative Republic” works.

First, this form of government requires all government actions to be representative of all Americans, not just special interest groups with the larger majority, or a loud minority group. Second, the actions of government are limited to only those actions which are a) authorized by the Constitution; b) taken via constitutional means; and c) are in no way repugnant to the Constitution or in violation of the Bill of Rights.

A “Republican Form of Government” is limited to powers that serve the People as a whole, without any favoritism, “representative” of the will of the People in continuation of the stated purposes of the Federal government and restricted to the authorities granted each Branch and the Constitution, and not in violation of the additional restrictions on government enumerated in the Bill of Rights.

In a Constitutional Representative Republic, the will of the majority must be respected. However, unlike a “democracy,” the will of the majority has no right to infringe upon the same natural rights of the minority.

Whether a Citizen is in the majority or minority, the Constitution and Bill of Rights prevent the government from any actions that infringe upon the natural rights of any Citizen. 50.1% of the people have no right to run roughshod over the other 49.9%. In fact, even 90% of the people have no right to control the other 10%… Every Citizen has an equal right to the same rights, inherent in the Laws of Nature and inalienable by any governmental body.

All Citizens are protected equally in a Constitutional Representative Republic.

If every American understood this, our country would not be politically divided today. A “free people” are born with the blessings of “free will.” No matter your personal preferences in life, so long as you do not infringe upon the same individual rights of others, no one, no government, has the right to infringe upon your individual natural rights.

A Constitutional Representative Republic is designed to protect the individual natural rights of all Citizens. Anything less is not freedom, liberty, justice or within the confines of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

This is something every American Citizen should be able to unify around. If you can’t, then it isn’t freedom you seek…

© 2025 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Congressional Communists Take Center Stage

By Lex Greene

January 15, 2025

As we near Inauguration Day for President-elect Donald J. Trump and witness the congressional circus in the U.S. Senate confirmation hearings for the President’s selected cabinet members, keep in mind who and what you are watching as democrats launch their first efforts to obstruct the incoming administration.

The list of congress members I’m about to share is based upon official public records. They seldom refer to themselves as “communists” because face it, even most dumb-down democrat voters in this country would never knowingly vote for an avowed communist. But doubt not, each of the names presented below are confirmed communists, even though they most often use flowery labels like socialist, Marxist, liberal or progressive.

The U.S. Senate

The U.S. House

The 31 House members and 7 Senate members listed above are all confirmed avowed communists (albeit by kinder labels) currently serving in the U.S. Congress.

Aside from the obvious question, should any anti-American communist ever be allowed to hold public office in the USA? (absolutely not) …it’s important to know that in addition to these confirmed communists in Congress, there are dozens of anti-American communist sympathizers in Congress who fear tipping their hand to the public about their true intentions for America by wearing the correct political label.

In addition to these miscreants, there are numerous fake republicans as well, democrats by trade who had to run as republicans in left-leaning districts, many of whom are involved in international war-for-profit activities, along with their democrat cohorts, and partisan friends in the courts and news media.

Now, one need not look any further for why our Constitutional Republic is teetering on the brink of extinction. Of course, even more anti-American miscreants can easily be found at the state and local levels as well, such as card-carrying Communist Party “activist” Mayor Karen Bass in Los Angeles, Governor Gretchen Whitmer and her leftist friends Secretary Benson, and AG Nessel in Michigan.

So, as you watch the Senate confirmation circus, keep these folks in mind. As they voir dire Trump cabinet appointees, questioning their “qualifications” for office in the senate hearings, maybe the nominees should challenge the qualifications of Senate members to occupy their offices, especially those who are either communists or communist sympathizers.

This is exactly what a “fifth column” is, in military terms.

“a group of persons inside the battle lines of a territory engaged in a conflict, who secretly sympathize with the enemy, and who engage in espionage or sabotage; — sometimes also referred to as a trojan horse.”

Other times, they aid and abet our enemies by simply interfering with elections, spreading false propaganda, establishing policies that directly harm the American citizens, for benefit of foreign interests, or sabotaging the operations of their political opponents via tangling up processes, or weaponizing political justice against them.

But at the end of the day, you can hardly blame politicians for behaving like politicians, or even communists for behaving like communists. In the USA, the buck stops with the American voters.

Senate members are “term limited” to six years, unless you re-elect them for another six years. House members are “term limited” to only two years, unless you re-elect them for another two years. And occupants of the Oval Office are “term limited” to only two four-year terms, if you elect them for a second term.

Every two years, you get the chance to throw out a bad House member, a bad Senator every six years and a bad President every four years. If you don’t do that, who’s fault is it??? The real problem is YOU!

New constitutional amendments are not necessary to solve the problems in America today. Constitutional enforcement is necessary! Legal Citizen ACTION is… and we’re running out of time.

Go ahead…check the backgrounds of anyone disrupting the senate confirmation process today. You may be shocked to know who those people really are and what their true motives might be.

© 2025 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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The 2025 Global Collapse of Woke-ism

By Lex Greene

January 8, 2025

As I log in to write my first piece of 2025, news of yet another woke Marxist resignation in Canada unfolds, as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau makes the worldwide headlines. Meanwhile, Congress convenes to certify Donald J. Trump as the incoming President of the United States.

Citizens of Germany, France, the UK and numerous other nations destroyed by woke policies, work to toss their woke politicians from power and reclaim their lands and governments. Ukraine announces that they expect an end to their war the minute Trump takes office, because it was never their war to begin with, but rather O’Biden’s war on national sovereignty and security against Putin, nearly identical to their war on Trump and his supporters around the globe.

Parents everywhere are fed up with watching their children’s childhood and future stolen by woke Marxist and Communist politicians, and they are finally standing up to protect their kids and grandkids from evil totalitarian rulers.

Contrary to the warmongering rhetoric of the global left in D.C., “white supremacy” isn’t the greatest threat to freedom and liberty, the leftist woke politicians and their insane policies are, and everyone with an IQ above their shoe size can see it now. What the extreme left calls “white supremacy” is in reality, a burgeoning new American patriotism by all citizens who demand to be proud to be an American again, and these patriots come from every walk of life and every ethnicity!

They are AMERICA FIRST Americans, period!

It turns out sane people don’t want grown men in their little girls public restrooms, men beating the hell out of their little girls in women’s sports, ANTIFA and BLM looting and burning their cities, illegal aliens raping and murdering their families, or scumbag politicians lining their own pockets via international taxpayer money laundering, while those politicians work around the clock to bankrupt every taxpayer! They aren’t impressed by men in dresses or women with surgical penises…

They don’t like their daughters being raped and murdered while jogging on a college campus, or being set on fire on a NYC subway, by illegal aliens that have no right to be in our country at all. They know that if democrats had not spent the past fifty years committing national genocide via abortion, democrats wouldn’t be trying to import millions of illegals from every 3rd world toilet on earth just to have workers.

American patriots sure as hell don’t like O’Biden rushing to protect known rapists, murderers and terrorists, or releasing Middle East terrorists back to the streets from Club Gitmo.

But no, these woke dirtbags will not go quietly into the night. Instead, they are busy setting up powder kegs across the country and around the world to derail any effort by the incoming administration to save the USA and all freedom lovers everywhere. They are handing out what used to be the most prestigious awards in the country to the biggest treasonous scumbags in our country, like Hillary (Benghazi) Clinton and globetrotting nazi nation-wrecker, George Soros.

We have to face the sickening reality that despite the absolute worst White House record since the Great Depression, approximately 75-million Americans actually voted for the worst Presidential ticket in 248-years of American history, Harris-Walz. The threat to the USA isn’t just the corrupt cabal in D.C. or the current extreme anti-American democrat party, it’s 75-million American voters who either don’t know any better or are as evil as their political heroes.

For the record, the reelection of Trump in 2024 was the greatest landslide victory of any presidential candidate in history. Trump received over 3-million more votes in 2024 than in 2020, and about 15-million more votes than in 2016. Meanwhile, Harris-Walz received over 6-million fewer votes than Biden allegedly received in 2020. Trump won all swing states, at least 30 of 50 states, and almost 90% of all counties across the country. In a nation allegedly more divided than ever, it was an absolute landslide victory for the Make America Great Again Team, and an absolute massive rejection of America’s extreme left totalitarian lunacy and anti-American democrats!

But still, Obama’s anti-American network of corrupt traitors and terrorists remain the greatest threat to USA freedom and liberty, and his 75-million sycophants may be the biggest problem of all. Every Harris voter falls into one of two categories, a) a completely indoctrinated fool; or b) as evil anti-American as their political heroes.

There’s so much this group fails to grasp, from the reality that every socialist and communist country has failed throughout history, to it’s their own party that has already weaponized our entire government against their political opponents, not Trump.

But the biggest message they are missing today is this…

  1. Being pro-America First doesn’t mean anti-anyone. It means doing what every American is called to do in the preservation of freedom and liberty for all.
  2. The MAGA movement grew from the patriotic grassroots citizens up, not from Trump down.
  3. The movement to reinstate the foundations of freedom is global, not just here in the USA. Leftist governments are being removed from power all over the world right now, because the policies of the left have failed freedom-loving people everywhere.

Our Founding three documents stand as the Charters of Freedom. But the foundations of freedom and liberty are Faith, Family, and Country first. They always have been, and they always will be. It isn’t just Trump voters celebrating the Trump victory, but freedom-loving citizens all over the globe.

So, out with the woke insanity and in with the foundations of freedom. Out with the global destruction of the USA…and in with the USA returning to the beacon of freedom and liberty for the entire world.

Out with fearmongering, gaslighting, false propaganda, and government-controlled censorship…and in with truth, justice and the American way.

For those who refuse to understand this, or get on board this freedom train…understand, it’s on the bus, or under the bus!

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Winning the War, Battle-by-Battle

By Lex Greene

December 16, 2024

The 2024 Elections were a major battle victory for the Make America Great Again Team. But it’s just one victory in just one battle in the ongoing war to reform the USA back to a sane and lawful Constitutional Republic. Now the real war begins…and the future battle lines are drawn.

Over the years, millions of Americans have come to treat elections like watching a sports event, picking their favorite team and following events as they unfold as if watching a reality TV series. The biggest fans buy a ticket to the game by donating to their favorite team, while most watch from the comfort of their recliner at home, waiting to see how it all turns out. Both think they are “in the game.” But are they?

Like their favorite sport, winning teams don’t just have to win one game in the long season of games to be played, and one victory by itself changes nothing for the overall season, or which team will emerge in the end, the national champions.

Wars are won battle-by-battle. One victory in a long string of competitions will ring hollow, unless the team stays in the fight all the way to the end of the season. Likewise, one loss isn’t the end either. It’s the win-loss ratio throughout the entire season, that will determine who gets to face off for the final championship to end the war.

To emerge the final victor, three things are required…

  1. We must begin and effective November 5, 2024, we have begun
  2. We must fight and win every battle after beginning
  3. We must stay engaged and finish the fight to emerge the victor

How grand it would be if securing the future of freedom, liberty and justice were as simple as showing up once every four years to vote for our favorite team. It would be wonderful if just electing one person would be enough. But it isn’t…it never has been, and it never will be.

It turns out, freedom isn’t a spectator sport, and this time, you won’t get to try again next season if you lose. The American people have been losing season after season for decades, simply because they failed to adhere to the three rules of the game above. For more than a hundred-years now, the American people either failed to enter the fight, focus on battle-by-battle, or remain in the fight to the finish.

They won’t be able to do that this time!

The game of politics is not a spectator sport, but rather a dirty blood sport, usually taking place in a corrupt sewer full of poisonous vipers. Yet, solving our problems via constant political engagement is far better than settling our differences in the streets, when diplomacy fails.

248-years into the grand freedom and self-governance experiment, our government barely resembles the Constitutional Republic guaranteed every citizen and member state of the union in the U.S. Constitution. Instead, it more resembles a dangerous combination of lawless weaponized dictators elected by mob-rule democracy special interest voters, not focused on saving our country, but gaining gifts from the taxpayer’s treasury.

Make no mistake, corrupt governments are the direct result of either corrupt voters, or disengaged citizens, usually both. Contrary to modern beliefs, in the USA the President, Congress, the Supreme Court or any other governmental body, are not the “supreme law of this land.” The U.S. Constitution is the Supreme Law of this land.

Even though every political office-holder is sworn to uphold, defend and enforce the U.S. Constitution, the buck stops with the American citizens. Legal American Citizens are the final arbiters of truth, justice and the American way. Elected, appointed, and for-hire public servants must keep their oaths of office, or they have no right to hold those offices.

But it’s us, the American citizens, who hold the ultimate responsibility to make sure the protections provided in the Constitution and Bill of Rights are strictly adhered to by all public servants. If public servants are allowed to operate in violation of those protections, the fault rests with us, all of us. Those who seek to cheat the system for personal gain, and those who leave the future of freedom, law and order in the hands of others are equally responsible for the demise of a once great nation.

Yes, we won the political battle of 2024… but this only sets us on the road to war with those who do not love America, truth, sanity, peace, decency, freedom, liberty and justice for all. We won the battle, to begin the war.

“If it is to be, it’s up to me!” (and You)

Our opponents will not stop just because they lost this battle. No, they will double and triple down. They will pull the plug and put it all on the table to defeat us now. They may even choose “scorched earth” in the end, to prevent us from having a country they were denied.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t want war with your enemies, because regardless of how you feel about it, your enemies are at war with you! The sooner you grasp this, the better.

We are in uncharted waters here. Our country has never been in this place before. We don’t know exactly what this war will look like as events unfold. But if we want truth, freedom and justice to prevail, we will have to remain in this fight to the finish regardless, no matter the cost.

Americans across the board have had it too good for so long that they have lost sight of the reality that freedom has never been free. In fact, nothing on earth is more expensive than freedom. But no earthly goods will ever hold the value of freedom either!

We hope and pray that President Donald J. Trump, Vice President Vance and the entire Make America Great Again Team enters this war ready to do whatever it takes, because if they don’t, they can’t win.

But the real warriors on the Make America Great Again Team is you, and me, and every other freedom-loving American. Without us, the Trump Team would not have even been elected. Without us, they won’t be able to complete the mission we have given them either.

So, now that we have started the fight, we must win battle after battle after battle until we win the war for the future of America.

Our kid’s, grandkid’s and great grandkid’s entire future hangs in the balance of our actions! Never accept failure. Never leave the winning up to others. True Americans are not “wait and see” Americans. We are not victims of circumstances. In this great country of amazing patriots, we create our own circumstances! We don’t leave our future to mere chance…

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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True “Birthright” Citizenship

By Lex Greene

December 11, 2024

This issue may become a front-burner issue in 2025 as incoming President Donald J. Trump has publicly stated that he intends to do away with “birthright citizenship” due to the misuse of the 14th Amendment to grant legal citizenship to “illegal aliens,” just because they made it across our border “illegally” to have a child, accurately referred to for decades as “anchor babies.”

Before the President addresses this very real problem in our Immigration policies, everyone needs to know what true “birthright citizenship” is, that it does not come from the 14th Amendment or any Immigration or Naturalization Code, and that it is critical to the continuation of the American way of life, freedom, liberty and justice, and our constitutional form of government.

248-years into the grand freedom and self-governance experiment known by the world as America, land of milk and honey, personal liberty and equal justice for all, we are able to see why throughout human history, “democracies” always fail, usually within 200-years.

The more our nation moves away from its foundational “constitutional republic” towards some form of a “democracy,” the closer our nation gets to the brink of collapse under the weight of dumbed-down voters led by corrupt politicians.

Now, to be clear, so long as the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights remain the supreme law of this land, the USA must remain a constitutional republic, as guaranteed every citizen and member state of the union. But it doesn’t take as much to undermine and destroy that foundation as you might think.

Thanks in great part to anti-American global Marxist academics in our college lecture halls, and the subsequent dumbing-down of society in government-controlled K-12 education, we now have whole generations that are completely separated from reality and the foundations of freedom. When society finds itself drifting so far off track, such as the case in the USA in the 21st century, the first step has to be a return to the basics, the fundamentals, to ensure the blessings of freedom and liberty.

14th Amendment Citizenship is not “birthright citizenship.”

For many years now, our government, the courts and most citizens have believed that certain terms regarding legal citizenship are synonymous, as if there is no important difference between the terms. Many Americans have been taught to believe that 14th Amendment citizenship and birthright citizenship are the same thing. But they are not at all the same.

  • Natural Born Citizen
  • Native Born Citizen
  • Naturalized Citizen
  • Birthright Citizen
  • Permanent Resident – non-citizen
  • Undocumented citizen (there’s no such thing)

But in reality, in law, each of these terms have a different and very specific legal definition and purpose.

According to constitutional law, a 14th Amendment citizen, one who acquires legal citizenship via the 14th Amendment is a “naturalized” citizen. Someone who is not a “birthright citizen,” but rather someone who is a citizen by means of legislative process, specifically, the 14th naturalization amendment and/or subsequent U.S. Immigration and Naturalization statutes created by Congress.

The 14th Amendment followed the 13th Amendment

Following President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, effective on January 1, 1863, the 13th Amendment passed Congress on January 31, 1865, officially abolishing slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime. But the 13th Amendment failed to grant legal citizenship status to former slave families, hence the purpose of the 14th Amendment that followed, adopted on July 9, 1868, which granted legal citizenship rights to former slave families. This series of constitutional amendments were all part of “reconstruction” in a post-Civil War America, ending slavery in the USA and granting equal rights to former slaves and their families.

The original title of the 14th Amendment was “A Naturalization Amendment” using the legislative powers of Congress to grant citizenship rights to former slave families via the enumerated power of Congress “To establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization” in Section 8 of Article I of the U.S. Constitution..

Therefore, 14th Amendment citizenship is not a “birthright,” but rather a right legislated by Congress under its enumerated powers “To establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization.” All 14th Amendment citizens are “naturalized” citizens, according to constitutional law.

Naturalization – the proceeding whereby a foreigner is granted citizenship. Naturalization is the legislative legal process of granting someone who is “not a natural birthright citizen,” legal citizenship.

Obviously, undocumented migrants, temporary or permanent residents, visitors from foreign nations, foreign citizens here on work or student VISAs, do not have any “birthright” to legal citizenship in the USA. The following two common legal arguments fall short of the 14th political agenda goal as well.

  1. “All persons born or naturalized in the United States” – The mere event of being born in the USA does not automatically make the child a legal U.S. citizen. Millions of children are born in the USA to foreign citizens residing legally or illegally in the USA at the time of the child’s birth. Most are born citizens of their parents’ home country, despite being “born in the USA.”
  2. “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” – Everyone in the USA, legally or illegally, citizen, resident or visitor, is “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” while in the USA. This alone, or in combination with “born on soil” does not automatically make anyone a legal citizen of the USA or establish any such “birthright.”

In fact, for the USA to lay legal claim to any child born of foreign citizens on American soil, just because they happened to be in the USA at the time of the child’s birth, would be a direct violation of International Law and Human Rights. This is because no matter where on earth a child is born, the child has a “natural birthright” to become a legal citizen of the same country to which the father is a citizen, at the child’s birth.

Birthright Citizenship is Natural Born Citizenship

In Article II of the U.S. Constitution, we find a few important qualifications for the office of President and Commander-in-Chief. It’s important to note that the 12th Amendment applies the same qualifications to the office of Vice President, as the VP is first in line to succeed to the Presidency in the event that the elected President is unable to serve or complete their term for any reason.

“no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.”

Article II states “No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President;”

Since no citizens alive at the time of the adoption of the Constitution remain alive today, only a “natural born citizen” is eligible for the office of President or Vice President today.

So, what is a natural born citizen and why is this requirement for the highest offices in our constitutional republic so important?

The foundational purpose of this all-important clause is to prevent Oval Office occupation by any foreigner, with dual or divided national loyalties. Since the elections of 2008 in particular, many have opined on this subject, both legal professionals and average citizens, in almost every case, driven by a political agenda.

On one side, people who are not fans of John McCain tried to disqualify McCain from seeking the Oval Office claiming that he was not “born on soil” and was not a natural born citizen eligible for the office, despite being born in Panama, the son of a U.S. Naval Commander stationed abroad in the service of our country. This resulted in a Senate Resolution adopted by 99 of 100 U.S. Senators declaring McCain eligible for the office, McCain himself abstaining from the vote. No such Senate Resolution was even considered for Barack Obama…

On the other side, those who are not fans of Barack Hussein Obama tried to disqualify Obama from the office based upon a non-citizen father and documentation suggesting he was born in Kenya, not the USA, and was in fact adopted by an Indonesian stepfather Lolo Soetoro, making him a legal citizen of Indonesia, which is exactly what his early college records confirm at Occidental, under the student name Barry Soetoro.

Since then, numerous non-natural born citizens have attempted to seek the Oval Office, using a variety of bastardized interpretations of those three simple words, natural-born-citizen. The following are each 14th Amendment citizens of the USA ineligible for the Oval Office, Bobby Jindal, Marco Rubio, Nikki Haley and Kamala Harris.

Further, legal records establish that Senator Ted Cruz (TX) was born in Canada, a legal citizen of Canada at the time of his birth, and according to Cruz, he has never naturalized as a legal U.S. Citizen, as proven by his Canadian Birth Certificate and no U.S. Birth Records.

Natural – a condition produced by nature alone
Born – at the time of birth
Citizen – legal member of society

No one seems to struggle with the word “born,” but these days, millions of Americans do seem to struggle with the terms “natural” and “citizen.”

Simply stated, “natural born citizenship” is true “birthright citizenship.” Becoming a legal citizen of society at birth as a result of being born to a legal citizen Father of society is birthright citizenship. The right passes from Father to child, as a result of “nature alone” and not a result of any legislative or legal process. Modern efforts to establish “equal rights” of men and women have convoluted the subject as well.

However, the source of Natural Rights, Natural Law, true birthrights, establish the specific source from which all natural rights pass to the newly born…

  • “As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers and succeed to all their rights.”
  • “The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children; and these become true citizens merely by their tacit consent.”
  • “I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country.”
  • “By the law of nature alone, children follow the condition of their fathers, and enter into all their rights (§ 212); the place of birth produces no change in this particular,”
  • “The natural, or original settlement, is that which we acquire by birth (birthright), in the place where our father has his;”

True birthright citizenship, also known as natural born citizenship, is derived from Natural Law, the Laws of Nature, not legislative or legal processes, such as amendments to the constitution, statutes adopted by Congress, or opinions issued by courts.

The Declaration of Independence set the cornerstone of law upon “the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God,” not British Common Law based upon changing customs and altered or amended by mere court opinions.

The word “inalienable(not to be confused with the term unalienable) is equally critical, when discussing foundational Rights. Inalienable means a right which cannot be alienated by any means, including the legislative powers of government.

“All men have certain natural rights which are inalienable; The estate of a minor is inalienable without a reservation of the right of redemption, or the authority of the legislature.”

True “birthright citizenship” is the “inalienable” right of every child to become a legal citizen of the same country in which the natural birth father is a member, at birth, by “tacit consent,” period.

So, it isn’t true “birthright citizenship” that Trump needs to eliminate. It’s the abuse of the 14th Amendment and erroneous court interpretations which have allowed our nation to be invaded by foreign citizens using “anchor baby” policies never intended by the 14th Amendment, resulting in ineligible non-natural-born-citizens even seeking the highest offices in our land.

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Drain the Swamp 2025

By Lex Greene

December 5, 2024

More than anything else, the 2024 election results are a broad-based voter rebuke of the past global government corruption, democrat party lies and double standards, the O’Biden weaponization of our government to defame, prosecute and assassinate their political opponents, and the total extreme LEFT insanity that had almost become a norm in the USA.

It was not so much Donald Trump defeating the unfit and unelected democrat opponent Harris, or the worst possible running mate in history in Tampon Tim Walz, but rather the defeat of a 4th Obama term as the puppet master over whomever Obama coronated as the face of his administration[s].

In 2016, some 62,984,828 American voters cast their ballot for the first Trump administration, almost entirely on the basis of his promise to “drain the DC swamp” and “lock her (Hillary Clinton) up.” Despite all of Trump’s very real accomplishments for the American people in his first term, he failed at the one thing people elected him to do, “drain the swamp.”

But in 2020, 74,223,975 American electors were even more determined to give Trump a second chance to “drain the swamp” with an increase in voter support of more than 11.2M more votes than he received in 2016.

The message from voters could not have been any clearer… DRAIN THE DAMN SWAMP!

Also proven by the 2024 election is, 2020 was absolutely a “stolen election” by team O’Biden. Without delving into all the details in this piece, over 2.5M 2020 alleged Biden votes went to Trump in 2024. In addition, another 4.4M 2020 Biden ballots vanished entirely in 2024. (more details here)

In 2024, Trump increased his voter support yet again, by more than 2.5M votes for a popular vote total of 76,779,944. He won the Electoral College vote, all seven swing states, 31 of 50 states, control of the U.S. Senate and House, and 8 of 11 governor races. It was by modern standards in a deeply divided country, a “landslide” victory for the Make American Great Again team!

All of it is for one major agenda item, DRAIN THE SWAMP!

The American people are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. The people are fed up with government corruption and political weaponization. Despite Biden’s promises to not pardon his son, regurgitated by leftist media personalities as the gold standard of law-and-order democrats, there was never any doubt in my mind that Biden would pardon his son before leaving office.

That’s because any ongoing investigation or prosecution of Hunter Biden is going to end on the “big guys” (Joe’s) doorstep at some point, and when these international crimes result in the indictment of a sitting president, the charge has to be treason. Joe did not pardon an innocent son out of a father’s love, he pardoned himself to protect himself, Obama, and the Clintons.

The laundry list of evildoers that must be brought to justice in the next four years is long, distinguished, and very powerful. Trump won’t be able to do it unless he has good majorities in both chambers of Congress, and a Supreme Court willing to rule on the basis of Constitutional Law instead of British Common Law customs of the courts, wherein they ignore the law and invent it themselves, falsely referred to as “case law.”

“Case law is the [alleged] body of law developed from judicial opinions or decisions over time, whereas statutory law comes from legislative bodies and administrative law comes from executive bodies.”

“Case law is sometimes called judge-made law. In the United States, lower courts must follow precedent of higher appellate level courts in the same jurisdiction. The decisions of the appellate level courts are binding case law – – judge-made law – – that inferior courts must follow.”

To some degree, this legal theory makes sense. If a superior court has already established a legal position on something, lower courts lack the power to overrule a superior court. That said, no court opinion is in reality, a law. It’s a legal precedence, as-in already determined by a superior court. But that is not a “law.” The error is to treat it as if it is…

The U.S. Constitution grants all law-making powers exclusively to only one branch of government, the Article I Legislative Branch, known as statutory law. Meanwhile, administrative law by Executive Order only applies to Executive Branch agents and employees, administrative staff, no one else. So-called “case law” via court opinions, is not actually law at all, at least according to the Constitution. None of the three branches has authority or power to overrule, infringe upon, extend, or diminish the separate powers assigned to each branch.

Constitutional Law is the check and balance of government authority and power, limiting each branch to the powers granted to each via the Constitution itself. Supreme Courts were originally granted “original jurisdiction” over cases concerning the “constitutionality” of government actions, for the sole purpose of expediting the case in an effort to avoid the need for States or citizens to take matters into their own hands, when government abuses of authority take place.

The U.S. Constitution has only one “guarantee clause” defining the primary purpose and function of the federal government, found in Article IV – section IV.

“Article IV, Section 4 is generally known as the Guarantee Clause.1 Through its terms, the United States makes three related assurances to the states:

(1) a guarantee of a republican form of government;

(2) protection against foreign invasion; and

(3) upon request by the state, protection against internal insurrection or rebellion.”

For years now, the federal government has miserably failed to meet any of these three guarantees, all three branches. There is no way to “drain the swamp” without correcting the most fundamental constitutional abuses of government power. Most of what the federal government does in modern times is “unconstitutional.” The courts are supposed to prevent this from happening but have failed miserably in this duty as well.

Until the courts begin to truly uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, and enforce the laws passed by Congress, the courts will be not only be entirely useless in the process of draining the swamp, but they will also continue to be an intentional obstruction of justice as well.

Either the U.S. Constitution still stands as the supreme law of this land, or the federal government has no right to even exist, much less rule over this country.

Have Trump supporters learned their lesson yet?

Draining the swamp at this point in history is the biggest and most dangerous undertaking since the American Revolution to create our free independent nation. Trump doesn’t just have to overturn the past four years, or past fifteen years since Obama 1.0, but the past two-hundred years of British Common Law practices used to undermine and destroy our Constitutional Republic.

“A constitutional republic is a state where the chief executive and representatives are elected, and the rules are set down in a written constitution. The head of state (president) and other representatives are elected but they do not have uncontrolled power. What their power is limited to is written in the constitution. If there is dispute about what the constitution means, this is decided by a court system that is independent from the representatives, and President, but not independent of the Constitution itself, including the original Bill of Rights.”

We either have a constitutional republic, or no nation at all. The U.S. Constitution creates and limits the federal authority as defined in the quote above. Article IV – Section IV guarantees every member State of the Union and every legal American citizen “a republican form of government.”

Has the U.S. Constitution been repealed or terminated? If so, by whom, when, and under what authority?

If not, then all three branches of the Federal Government are still required to abide by, uphold, defend, and enforce the Rule of Constitutional Law.

But for over two-hundred years now, the Federal government has abused its limited powers in an effort to destroy our constitutional form of government and rule over the people by unconstitutional acts, be they “Executive Orders” or “Judicial Opinions,” neither of which has any law-making authority whatsoever.

The people should have learned this lesson with the overturning of Roe v. Wade, that court opinions are not laws. One court’s opinion was wiped out in an instant by another court’s opinion, which happens every day in the USA. The entire appellate process exists so that superior courts can overturn lower court opinions any time they see fit.

The question is, are court opinions based upon Constitutional Laws? Is the nation subject to rule by Executive Order, as if we were some sort of mob-rule democratic dictatorship? Or are we subject to British Common Law court opinions, as if the Constitution created an unelected and unaccountable oligarchy of nine lifetime partisan political appointees? The notion that there is anything politically unbiased by courts occupied by partisan appointees, is just silly.

At our foundation, this is the difference between a “democracy” and a “constitutional republic.” Our Founders correctly referred to a democracy as mere “mob rule,” wherein a simple majority is free to rule over any minority by simply outvoting them.

Our Constitutional Republic is not a pure “democracy,” nor should it ever become one. Our republican form of government is not ruled by court opinions, executive orders or even unconstitutional statutes created by the legislature. We are self-ruled under “the supreme law of the land,” the U.S. Constitution…or we are not a united nation of fifty-member states anymore and the federal government no longer has a right to exist at all.

The mission 2025 is to “drain the swamp.” Trump is going to need the help and backing of all 76,779,944 American voters who just chose him to lead this mission. Now is not the time to rest or wait to see what happens next. Now is the time to stand all day every day with everyone committed to achieving this mission.

We won the 2024 battle. Now comes the war of 2025!

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Unverifiable Elections are Uncertifiable

By Lex Greene

November 22, 2024

Indeed, over the past four years since the stolen 2020 Presidential election, determined investigators have uncovered literally hundreds of methods used by the Democrat Party to steal elections. Some of the methods are glaringly obvious, such as dead votes, non-citizen voting, ballots cast by voters no longer living in the state, mail-in, drop box and ballot harvesting operations.

Other methods involve high-tech electronic vote manipulations via software programming and outside intrusions through internet connectivity, even involving foreign agents abroad who “hacked” into the electronic voting machines. These methods require a more advanced technology engineering investigation to identify and expose, often with election officials working to block public oversight and audit access necessary to uncover the truth.

But no matter how many different mechanisms cheaters use to steal elections, it can all be stopped by one simple action based upon one indisputable reality.

Unverifiable Elections are Uncertifiable Elections!

Junk in = junk out! Simply stated, you can never get a “legal” outcome from an “illegal” process. If the election procedures are “unverifiable,” then the election results are “uncertifiable.”

Article I – Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution“The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of choosing Senators.”

While it’s true that the States are responsible for the “time, place and manner” of elections within each State, it’s also true that Congress has constitutional authority to establish laws that apply to all states, as it pertains to nationwide standards for all federal elections.

In this case, USC 18 611 makes it illegal for any non-citizen to vote in U.S. elections under Federal Code. As a result, every “sanctuary” city and state in the country is a huge problem when it comes to election time. They harbor literally millions of “illegal aliens” that they then allow to vote in their elections, and in some cases, even allow “illegal aliens” to serve in law enforcement and court positions, over legal U.S. citizens.

To be very clear, regardless of any formal declarations or lack thereof, if a state has just one sanctuary city, it is a sanctuary state. Both the city and the state are harboring illegal aliens in direct violation of Federal Immigration and Naturalization laws.

Article I – Section 8 – Item 4 of the U.S. Constitution states – Congress alone has the power “To establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization — throughout the United States;” and Congress has established uniform codes for legal immigration and naturalization. While the States do have the power to set “The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections,” they do not have the legal right to violate Federal Immigration Codes or Election laws.

Once a state has established itself as a sanctuary for illegal activities, harboring those in our country illegally, aiding and abetting illegal activities and undermining efforts by federal law enforcement to protect the nation from foreign invasion, the state has established itself as an enemy of the constitutional republic.

As it pertains to elections, such actions within the states create a circumstance wherein it is impossible to “verify” or “certify” election results due to the inability of state officials to demonstrate to legal electors, election officials, congress or the courts, that only legal electors (voters) participated in their elections.

Source: A list of Sanctuary States, Cities and Counties as of 2024

States Allegedly Won by Harris-Walz 2024 (226 EC Votes)

  1. California
  2. Colorado
  3. Connecticut
  4. District Of Columbia
  5. Delaware
  6. Hawaii
  7. Illinois
  8. Massachusetts
  9. Maryland
  10. Maine – At Large
  11. Minnesota
  12. New Jersey
  13. New Mexico
  14. New York
  15. Oregon
  16. Rhode Island
  17. Virginia
  18. Vermont
  19. Washington

All 19 States are “sanctuary” states with millions of illegal aliens harbored, aided and abetted by the State and local governments. As a result, all 226 Electoral College votes for Harris-Walz could and should be disqualified as without any absolute voter ID or any audit trail of who voted, or how many “illegal” ballots were cast in these states, the “unverifiable” elections are legally “uncertifiable.”

As of this morning, there are still over 7-million “illegal” ballots missing in the 2024 presidential election, that were allegedly cast for Biden in 2020. They are all missing from these same blue states.

This isn’t about winning the 2024 election now, as that has already been settled, with Trump receiving 312 Electoral College votes, winning the popular vote and 31 of 50 states, taking control of the U.S. Senate and maintaining a majority in the U.S. House.

These same states are now openly threatening to thwart efforts by ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) to remedy the deadly mass invasion of illegal aliens that has taken place over the past four years, and for many years before that. Each state is controlled by the Democrat party. In other words, they are openly declaring war against the United States, Federal Law Enforcement, U.S. Codes and the U.S. Constitution in their overt attempts to protect ongoing illegal activities that undermine the Rule of Law.

It’s entirely impossible for Americans to not see and understand the problem at this point. Sanctuaries for illegal activities are unlawful and unconstitutional, plain and simple. They directly impact the ability of legal American Electors to determine the future of their own country via legitimate democratic processes and as a result, these actions in these states must not be allowed to stand any longer.

So long as illegal sanctuaries exist, illegal activities will persist in those areas, negatively impacting the entire country, most importantly, in our elections.

Until now, nobody in the federal government has been willing to solve this threat to American sovereignty and security. Hopefully, with the mandate just given Trump for a second term, that will change, because it has to, or this will no longer be a country of, by and for legal American citizens.

Until our elections are “verifiable” in every state, the states that refuse to comply with the Rule of Law must be treated as such. Until they are willing to participate in our country lawfully, they must be treated as a threat to the nation, because that is exactly what they are!

The people won the 2024 battle for sanity, sovereignty and security on November 5, 2024. But the war for the future of the USA is far from over. The people must remain engaged every day from now on, or even Trump will not be able to do what must be done to secure the Rule of Law and future of freedom.

The 2024 election victory isn’t the finish line, it’s the starting line of a New American Revolution to reinstate Constitutional government in D.C. and in every state and city across the country. No political leader has the power to accomplish this alone. But over 76-million Americans do, if they only will!

Before we can clean up the country, we have to clean up our own cities and states. Only by this means, can Americans save their country. Those who lack the power or will to clean up their cities, have no power or will to save their country!

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Seismic Political Shift 2024

By Lex Greene

November 14, 2024

The global Marxist democrats in the USA are reeling from the seismic political shift underway in the 2024 elections, lashing out in all directions looking for who to blame for their massive loss, taking crazy to a new level, as they wrestle with a clear and compelling message from American electors that they just refuse to comprehend.

The “MAGA” movement is much bigger and stronger than they had imagined, as they were Pavlov-trained by their elitist leaders to believe it was all about one man, Donald J. Trump, and that all of his supporters were mere mindless members of his alleged “cult.” That was a fatally flawed belief…promoted by the “legacy media.”

The legacy of the “legacy media” is they no longer control the hearts and minds of the American electorate. It was bound to happen sooner or later, thanks to social media, making it possible for people to get to the truth with a little honest research, and walk away from the mass-propaganda machine known as the “legacy media.”

A full week after election day, a few democrat-controlled states like California and Arizona are still having trouble counting their votes and reporting their final numbers. But we can already see exactly what happened in the 2024 elections, and the people should have seen it coming for years.

The Trend Started Years Ago

In 2016, the political outsider Trump upset “sure thing” Hillary Clinton to become President with only 62,984,828 popular votes, but 304 Electoral College votes to take the White House. The Left was enraged, calling for the termination of the Electoral College, without which Hillary Clinton could have become the 45th President of the United States by an alleged popular vote of 65,853,514, with a total combined national popular vote of 128,838,342.

So, the democrats went to work on how to seize back the White House in 2020 by any means necessary. By 2018, as democrats worked around the clock to destroy Trump and his administration via numerous fake investigations, false accusations, two failed impeachments and a global “plandemic” used to undermine election integrity across the country by a multitude of measures, not the least of which included the CV19 lockdowns, they were on their way.

But despite all of their maniacal efforts, Trump would still receive 11,239,147 more votes in 2020 than he received in 2016, with a grand total of 74,223,975 popular votes, a record 17.8% increase in voter support for a second term. Never before in history has an incumbent President gained that much popularity in a bid for reelection, much less lost the race. Such a dramatic increase in votes for a second term would normally be an impossible task for any challenger, but not in 2020.

2016 Total Popular Vote – 128,838,342

2020 Total Popular Vote – 155,507,476 (a 26,669,134-vote increase, 20.7% up)

2024 Total Popular Vote – 147,893,931 (a 7,613,545-vote decrease, 4.9% down)

Still, Joe Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 election with a reported 81,283,501 popular votes, allegedly defeating Trump who received 74,223,975 popular votes.

The election results from 2008 and 2012 provide a stark contrast to what allegedly happened in 2020.

In 2008, Barrack Hussein Obama allegedly won the Presidency with 69,498,516 popular votes, out of 129,446,839 total votes. But in 2012, Obama allegedly won reelection with only 65,915,795 votes (a loss of 3,582,721 votes or a 5.1% decrease) for his second term bid. Yet, Obama was still declared the winner even though he lost over 3.5-million votes from his first campaign.

So, how did Trump allegedly lose the 2020 election, with 11,239,147 more votes in 2020 than in 2016? The answer to this question is the same as how Kamala Harris just lost the 2024 election to Trump. It all revolves around the abnormally high overvotes counted for Biden in 2020, which are now missing for Harris in the 2024 election.

Indeed, Trump increased his votes again in 2024, from 74,223,975 in 2020 to 75,520,058 in 2024, continuing his increase in voter popularity that started in 2020 when his popularity jumped by 17.8% over 2016. But this isn’t what caused the outcome of the 2024 election.

The Missing Votes

The HUGE shift in the electorate trend actually started for Trump in 2020 when he increased voter support by 17.8% over 2016. His new 2024 increase in voter support is only a 1.7% increase over 2020.

The BIG shift in 2024 isn’t in the increased votes for Trump, it’s the obvious decrease in votes for Harris, as compared to the votes declared for Biden in 2020. The obvious question is, where did the overvote come from for Biden in 2020, and where did they go in 2024?

As of this writing with 99% of the 2024 votes in and counted, approximately 7.6-million democrat votes from 2020 are missing. This does not include the 1.3-million new votes for Trump. There are over 7.6-million votes missing for Harris that Biden allegedly received in 2020.

Like many who have spent four years looking into the many anomalies in the 2020 election, I expected to find some if not most of these missing votes in the swing states. But Trump took all seven swing states in 2024, and six of the seven had more votes in 2024 than they had in 2020. So, where did we find the missing votes?

STATE                  2020                     2024                     DIFFERENCE

Arizona                3,333,829            3,240,711               -93,118

California            17,117,157          13,251,320          -3,865,837

Colorado             3,168,959            3,065,209            -103,750

Illinois                 5,918,806            5,363,951            -544,855

New York            8,496,883            7,806,356           -690,527

New Jersey         4,491,713            4,064,465            -427,248

Washington        3,954,263            3,582,016            -372,247

Oregon                2,298,831            2,038,218            -260,613

Massachusetts   3,549,404            3,307,532            -241,872

Maryland             2,961,437            2,678,077            -283,360

D.C.                         335,909               307,446              -28,463

Virginia                4,375,998            4,247,595            -128,403

Connecticut        1,795,971             1,726,492               -69,479

Hawaii                   562,994               505,553                -57,441

New Mexico         903,508               889,206                -14,302

Rhode Island       507,408               495,131                  -12,277

For the most part, these are the states where the 2020 Biden votes are missing in the 2024 election, and they are all missing between Biden and Harris…democrat votes. The vast majority of missing votes in 2024 were easily found in the above list of states.

These states have a few other things in common…

  1. With the exception of Arizona, these are states Harris did win in 2024
  2. All of these states are democrat party controlled, including Arizona
  3. All of these states are “sanctuary” states with sanctuary cities and millions of “illegals”
  4. None of these states require absolute voter ID to vote

Why Did These Votes Vanish?

It’s likely there are a number of reasons, starting with people leaving these states for greener pastures in the better run RED states in recent years. But that won’t account for all of this, or even close.

It could be that the Democrat Party and Harris campaign was just that unpopular in the ranks of their own party loyalists. But the fact that Harris received more votes than Obama ever received, indicates that she wasn’t as unpopular in her own camp as she should have been.

It could be they alienated too many Americans with hateful attacks on everyone who wouldn’t vote for them, including the minority groups they built their party upon.

But none of this explains the 7.6-million votes missing for Harris, that allegedly went to Biden in 2020. There’s only one reasonable explanation for that! This crude graphic does explain it though…what did happen in 2020, simply didn’t happen in 2024. The only question is why didn’t it happen again in 2024?

Entering the 2024 elections, forcing Biden out and Harris in, without a single American primary voter behind her, you would think that democrats would have seen Harris as, at best a long shot. But no, they were entirely confident in their unelected candidate and her goofy running mate.

It wasn’t the under-qualified candidates they had any confidence in though, it was the “steal” they had in place that gave them that confidence. They had quadrupled down on the election theft of 2020 for 2024, and they had zero doubts they would be able to carry it off again.

So, what happened to make all of those fake Biden votes from 2020 vanish into thin air?

Yes, Trump gained 2024 support over 2020 and 2016 in all voter demographics. His rise in voter popularity has been a continuous upward trajectory since his first election in 2016. In 2024, Trump received a whopping 12,535,230 more votes than his victory in 2016. An increase of 19% since his first win.

Meanwhile, Harris-Walz received 7,613,545 fewer votes from democrats in 2024, than Biden allegedly received in 2020, not counting the 1,296,083 democrat votes from 2020 that switched to Trump in 2024, bringing the total vote deficit for Harris-Walz 2024 to 8,909,628 votes down.

There’s only one reasonable conclusion from these hard number facts… Biden did not receive these same 7,613,545 votes in 2020, that vanished for Harris-Walz in 2024. These were “fraudulent votes,” cast and counted in a number of democrat-controlled “sanctuary states” in 2020, that were not cast or counted for Harris-Walz in 2024, as shown in the list above.


If we deduct 7,613,545 fraudulent votes from sanctuary states for Biden in 2020, Biden had exactly the same number of votes Harris just received in 2024: 72,373,873 real votes. This means that Trump did actually win 2020 by a popular vote margin of 74,223,975 to 72,373,873, a Trump margin of victory of 1,850,102 votes, Trump 50.6% to Biden 49.4%… 2020 was stolen, not counting additional margins for Trump made possible via electronic machine vote manipulations, fake ballot harvesting, and mail-in ballots.

In 2024, Trump defeated Harris by a 51.1% to 48.9% margin. The biggest difference is the missing Biden votes from 2020.

Why didn’t the democrats carry out their embedded steal for 2024?

We know the answer to this question, and it will be presented in a detailed report in the coming days. Now we know how to stop the steal for all future elections.

Trump was right and so were his millions of voters. They were right about all of it. But by all means, please verify all of the numbers and facts presented here for yourself. Other than the 1% yet to be reported, these official numbers are dead-on accurate as of the reported counts the morning of November 13, 2024.

Politicians lie… but the forensic numbers don’t!

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Great Again vs. 3rd World Destruction

By Lex Greene

November 2, 2024

Days before the 2024 elections on November 5th, the choice Americans will make could not possibly be more stark in contrast. If the news reports are even remotely close to reality, that the USA is split right down the middle 50/50 between MAGA Trump and Marxist Harris, our country is indeed headed for a second civil war, sooner or later.

Every news outlet in the USA continues to insist that polling data shows the nation split with 50% supporting “making America great again” by upholding and restoring the constitutional republic for all future generations, and 50% supporting a lifelong Marxist candidate that no one voted for, whose policy positions are a direct violation of the founding principles and values of our country.

If this is true, then the only way to save the constitutional republic in the end…will be a second civil war between two very different agendas for the future of the USA. I’m not calling for it, but it sure is easy to predict.

Before going forward here, I actually do not believe the country is divided 50/50, at least not in the terms of legal American voters in a legitimate election process. I believe it’s only 50/50 due to non-citizen voters, fraudulent voters and fraudulent election processes currently being exposed. If Americans can eliminate the fraud, the 2024 race won’t be “tight” or even close.

But this doesn’t solve the very real problem that a growing number of citizens are no longer pro-America. They are no longer pro-freedom, liberty, justice, national sovereignty and security for all American citizens. Instead, they are anti-America, in favor of global Marxism, sexual perversions, a Godless society, and a land of fruits and nuts.

  • It’s freedom vs. free stuff from taxpayers
  • It’s personal liberty vs. government authority
  • It’s lawful vs. lawless
  • It’s fair vs. cheating
  • It’s free speech vs. government censorship
  • It’s a right to earn and own vs. socialism
  • It’s truth vs. lies
  • It’s Americans vs. anti-Americans
  • It’s life vs. death
  • It’s peace vs. war
  • It’s prosperity vs. poverty
  • It’s decency vs. indecency
  • It’s common sense vs. no sense at all

The 2024 elections are very clear and as a result, there are very few if any who are still “undecided” days before the elections. Instead, voters are deeply entrenched in one ideology or the other, make America great again, or destroy the constitutional republic forever.

Best I can tell, in a legitimate election, about 30% of Americans would vote against America and for the candidate that was elected by no one, Harris. They will vote for death instead of life, socialism instead of freedom, censorship instead of free speech, government power instead of individual power, open borders vs. national security, globalism vs. Americanism, racism vs. real equality, hate and a cancel culture vs. unity and honor. They are literally mentally ill.

This 30% threatens everything and everyone, including themselves and their own futures. But they have been gaslighted, lied to, and manipulated to believe in the things they do. They’ve been dumbed-down, infested with evil, indoctrinated, brainwashed and abused by their supposed political saviors.

The other 70% could make this 30% politically irrelevant, but only if they work together in a unified fashion, to put down the most evil people threatening the future of freedom in our country today.

They have to unify behind the only “duly elected” candidate in the race, Trump, able to stop the fraudulent election of the worst presidential candidate in history, Harris. They have to flood the polling places making this election “too big to rig” and they also have to watch for fraud underway, and video document it for the entire world to see via social media. No one can sit this out on the sidelines or throw their vote away on any 3rd party fantasy campaign.

Trump is right, there is an “enemy within now,” and they are in plain view, as a laundry list of famous P Diddy and Epstein Island pedophiles, perverts and child sex traffickers, rush to endorse Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in the closing days of their campaign for unbridled anti-American power.

This election cycle isn’t about two competing political parties or two individuals running for the most powerful office in the world. We call it an election, but make no mistake, this is war! It’s all about the future of freedom, liberty, justice, decency, peace and tranquility, and prosperity over poverty for every legal citizen of the USA.

In just a few days now, one of only two individuals will emerge as the next President of the United States, Trump or Harris. The national agendas of these two individuals are polar opposites. The difference between these two candidates is as clear as day and night, light and darkness, life and death.

But there is a very real 52/48 political split in America right now, and that split is not based upon race or religion. It’s a very clear and highly dangerous gender divide wherein 52% of eligible American voters are females, with 48% being male voters. Sadly, a growing segment of the male voting population are now spineless beta males, just as dangerous as the females they vote with.

So, aside from the massive election fraud already visible across the country, the election is likely to be decided by the female voting population which outnumbers male voters 52-to-48 percent, and a minority of (beta) male voters who now perform exactly like the worst of the female population.

Not all female voters are “abortion” voters, but about 56% of female voters and beta males are strictly abortion voters. This is the most dangerous voting bloc in the USA, not only because it is a very powerful united voting bloc, but because they are united only via a death-cult already responsible for the infanticide of more than 70-million American babies.

This united democrat party voting bloc would vote for Hitler himself, to protect their sick alleged right to murder their own children in the womb, under the demonic guise of “women’s rights.”

This is the voting bloc that American voters will have to outvote. Every other voting bloc has been shifting to the “Make America Great Again” movement since 2015, including over 11-million more votes for Trump in 2020 than in 2016. The DNC has lost the ability to control their minority groups, after years of lying to them, with abortion voters being the exception.

The Harris campaign is based upon only three things…

  1. “Trump is a fascist threat to democracy,” per the only “unelected” candidate in the race
  2. Abortion
  3. Promises to use taxpayer revenue to buy votes

Because Harris was never elected as the nominee, intelligent people can see who the real threat to democracy really is, the candidate not elected by anyone. And because democrats have promised to “raise people out of poverty” by using taxpayer revenue to do it, without ever lifting anyone out of poverty, smart people don’t buy this lie anymore either.

But Item #2, abortion, a demonic right to infanticide, drives the democrats biggest voter bloc, 56% of the female voters, and a few beta males. This is the most dangerous voting bloc in the USA today, responsible for the death of over 70-million innocent American children.

This is the voting bloc Americans have to defeat, not only in this election, but in our country, for good over evil.

If we don’t, then everything America has ever been, will never be again.

America Great Again – vs – the end of America is the choice every American voter will make in 2024, including those who don’t know that their inaction is still an action. The time for going-along to get-along has passed.

The time to make a firm stand has arrived!

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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2024 Back to the Basics

By Lex Greene

October 30, 2024

When all else fails, always go back to the basics to get back on track. Over many years now, I have found a few useful key life practices that have helped me stay on track or get back on track when things started seeming a bit too complicated to sort out.

Rule #1 – The more complicated the circumstances seem, the simpler the solution has to be. Simplify the problem so that you can simplify the solution. Complex solutions never reach the end goal. KISS…” Keep It Simple Stupid” – Simple solutions are much easier to accomplish.

As someone who played football growing up, and raised a football player later in life, I often use football analogies to make sense of things that people have trouble making any sense of. For you football fans out there, this might work for you.

EXAMPLE: Sooner or later, winning teams with all the talent in the world, falter, falling into losing seasons. First one, then another and another, until the coaching staff is fired, and a new group of leaders are brought in. A couple of seasons later, the team is on a winning streak again.

The new head coach that “turned the team around” is being interviewed and they are asked “what did you do to turn things around?” The coach, almost dumbfounded by the question replies, “we just went back to blocking and tackling.” In other words, they tossed out the 300-page fancy play book and returned to the basics of the sport.

Rule #2 – Don’t overthink it!

Most things are actually much simpler than they appear. Think about these examples…

  • INFLATION is simply caused by “demand” outpacing “supply.” When more people want something than the supply line can offer, prices rise to slow down consumption. Inflation isn’t actually “higher prices,” it’s instead the result of a declining purchasing power of a currency. The same dollar just won’t buy as much. “Economic experts” responsible for the policies resulting in inflation, want you to believe the problem is “too complex for you little people to understand.” But the problem is actually quite simple and so is the solution.

SOLUTION – Freedom is a “consumer-based” economy. Increase supply to outpace demand, or reduce demand, and watch the prices fall.

  • AN EXPLODING NATIONAL DEBT CRISIS is the direct result of irresponsible governmental policies. Every penny in national (taxpayer) debt is the direct result of “deficit spending,” in simple terms, spending money the government doesn’t have, or government spending outpacing government revenue. Again, the “experts” think you are not smart enough to figure this out.

SOLUTION – Stop spending money you don’t have. If the funds are not in the budget, you can’t spend it, just like your budget at home. If you are personally buried in debt, it’s due to the same problem driving the unsustainable national public debt, spending money you didn’t have, and borrowing in order to do it. The problem is rarely a revenue problem. It’s much more often an irresponsible spending problem. Without debt (deficit) spending, there won’t be any debt. Make government live on a budget, just like we have to! If you can’t agree on where to cut the budget, cut all of it across the board. Make every department take a haircut! Never forget that “the borrower will always be a slave to the lender.”

  • FRAUDULENT ELECTIONS are simply the absence of true election security. Just as darkness is merely the absence of light, election fraud is just the absence of right! Despite the hundreds of methods used to commit election fraud today, they all fall into just two categories…
  • Legal legitimate votes which are not properly cast, counted and reported.
  • Illegal ineligible votes being improperly cast, counted and reported.

SOLUTION – Make sure that every voter proves that they have a legal right to vote and that every legal vote is properly cast, counted and reported in complete transparency, without any foreign or domestic outside intrusion, interference or manipulation. Election fraud is the very worst form of theft and it’s illegal.

  • MASS VIOLENCE – Happy people are not violent people. Increasing mass violence is the result of a peoples’ unhappiness, a sense of sinking, failing, a futile existence, enemies all around them with no positive future in sight.

SOLUTION – “Where the people fear their government, there is tyranny. Where the government fears its people, there is liberty.” Despite recent “factchecker” attempts to conceal the original source of this quote, usually attributed to Thomas Jefferson over many years, it none-the-less remains true. Only when people lose faith in their ability to survive, succeed and resolve issues peacefully, do they resort to mass violence. Free the people to succeed in their lives, to reduce or eliminate the sense of futility. A mass sense of futility will always result in mass violence.

Rule #3 – All People are Imperfect!

So, the mere notion that anyone will ever find a perfect political candidate is insane on its face. For most of our 248-years, Americans were born knowing that there is no such thing as a trustworthy government or politician.

But in recent years, thanks in great part to government-controlled education, younger generations tend to look at politicians as Gods, people they entrust their futures to, despite the constant public exposure of rampant corruption and criminal activities by the same people they hope will save them.

Just as people have been trained to worship Hollywood stars, sports figures, entertainers and political con artists, they have been trained to look at career politicians as someone worthy of their adulation and trust. Nothing could be further from reality…

Rule #4 – Big Money always attracts BIG CORRUPTION

It’s not money itself that is the “root of all evil,” it’s “the love of money,” in other words, those who make decisions based solely upon the economic impact of those decisions, in a personal pursuit of wealth and power.

Money, like a gun, a pen, a hammer, is an inanimate object incapable of doing anything by itself. Each can be either a tool for good, or a weapon for evil. The determining factor in each case is whose hands hold the tool or weapon. What’s the intended use, by the person in possession?

In the private sector, “dirty business tactics” are the result of “the love of money.” In the public sector, the often-unquenchable thirst for power over others drives the “love of money” needed to acquire that power.

People who think Trump is a God are wrong. So are the people who think Harris, Biden or Obama are Gods. Each is as human and flawed as you and I, most more so. All fall far short of perfection.

Rule #5 – The “lesser evil” is the best we have!

We do not live in heaven but instead, here on earth and on earth, good and evil both exist. If you insist upon waiting for a perfect candidate to vote for, you will never vote.

What separates people isn’t “good people” vs. “evil people,” it’s people who strive to do good, vs. people who thrive on evil. Because no one is inherently good all the time, what separates us is our intentions and actions.

Someone who strives to do good, what’s right for the country or the world, is a “lesser evil” to those who thrive in an environment of evil, willing to say and do anything to quench their thirst for power over others.

Rule #6 – Freedom isn’t for everyone

In the beginning, our Founders, an equally imperfect people, declared that “freedom is only well-suited for a moral people,” and they were absolutely right. Our prisons are filled with “immoral” people convicted of “immoral” acts perpetrated against others. They used their freedom…to in many cases, do unspeakable things. They used the good tool of freedom as a weapon for evil intentions.

The political divide in the USA today is often discussed in terms of Right and Left. But in reality, it is a battle between Right and Wrong.

Likewise, in terms of American voters, some today are simply not well-suited for freedom. As a result, their electoral focus is upon “free stuff” from the taxpayer’s pockets. Most do not realize that nothing on earth is actually “free,” or that if the “free” thing isn’t costing you money, it is costing you something much greater than money!

Rule #7 – If you have no right to what you earn

Then you have no rights at all…

Today, almost half of the country has been Pavlov trained via government-controlled education to believe that they have a “right to equity,” a legal right to that which someone else earned and owns.

So long as the U.S. Constitution remains the Supreme Law of this Land, the alleged “right” of some to take that which does not belong to them, against the will of those who earned those things, will remain unlawful and wrong. Electing someone to steal on your behalf, is worse that having the courage to steal it yourself.

Politicians who seek power by promising to rob from those who earn, for benefit of those who have not, will continue to be “unconstitutional” in the USA, and a plight on all of society.

There are only two solutions to this threat to true democratic self-governance…

  1. We can teach all Americans the true difference between “equity” and “equality” and the benefit of self-reliance and self-governance in a free sovereign society wherein most seek to do good;
  2. Or we will sooner or later, be forced to eliminate the enemies of freedom and liberty, so that good can prevail over evil in our country.

Never forget that as the USA goes, so goes the world.

If the USA is no longer free and prosperous, no place on earth will be! It’s not possible to plunder the assets of the USA to raise the world out of poverty, war and starvation. It’s only possible to bring the USA down to the same unsustainable 3rd world status, by killing the goose that laid the golden egg. A lowering tide, grounds all ships…

Keep it simple in the 2024 elections… vote for good over evil. Vote for freedom for all! You are a member of the “all” I speak of…

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Election Fraud Cover-up Begins

By Lex Greene

October 24, 2024

Obama’s Democrat Party has done everything possible to steal yet another election and prevent the legal American Electors from choosing their leadership. Since 2009, the Obama regime has been in control of the entire Federal government, even while Trump held the Presidency, which is why and how the Federal government worked around the clock to undermine, destroy and end the Trump administration.

  1. Obama established ACT BLUE, the illegal international money laundering operation for the Democrat Party, BLM, and ANTIFA.
  2. Democrat controlled State governments like Michigan and Arizona are refusing to remove known illegal voters from their voter rolls.
  3. Democrat controlled NGOs (non-governmental organizations) like The Brennen Center, Gates Foundation, and Soros Foundations, are actively involved in cyber-hacking election machines across the country.
  4. Foreign governments have been working with high-level Democrat party officials to interfere with U.S. Elections since 1997, under the Clinton Administration.
  5. California just signed a new law only a few weeks before Election Day 2024, making it “illegal” for any election workers to even request proper identification from anyone attempting to vote, with millions of illegals residing in California.
  6. The Biden-Harris DOJ (Department of Justice) is suing States that have or are removing known “illegal” voters from their voter rolls.
  7. Democrat controlled States like Michigan, led by Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who also happens to be Co-Chair of the DNC and Harris Campaign in a blatant conflict of interest, have even gone so far as to illegally amend the State Constitution and ram through unlawful new election codes to protect and preserve the “steal.” They essentially outlawed any means of challenging unlawful election procedures or auditing any election results and have openly threatened election workers not to challenge election results. Michigan voters have filed suit, but so far the Michigan Supreme Court is dodging the issues.
  8. From Texas to Arizona, and Michigan to Georgia, reports of unlawful and fraudulent election acts are already pouring in, concerning electronic machine “vote-switching” and fraudulent voter rolls. The situation risks creating an “uncertifiable” election outcome, sending the nation into a tailspin headed for what some worry will be a civil war.
  9. Democrats also control the news media and censor the social media platforms.
  10. Judges are helping to hold “the steal” in place by even ordering election workers to “certify election results even when evidence of fraud exists.
  11. Obama even tells “illegals” how to vote in the USA, without getting caught.

The list of Democrat efforts to destroy U.S. Elections for all legal American Electors is endless at this point.

A new case, the first of its kind, was just filed by The Former Feds Group representing thousands of legal American Electors from across the country, with the U.S. Supreme Court. The petition or Writ of Mandamus seeks an order from the Court for all 50 States and the District of Columbia, to comply with standing Federal Election Laws in the November 5, 2024, election, or declare the Electoral College votes from non-compliant states disqualified.

The biggest issues as we head into the 2024 election

  1. All Fifty States must require absolute voter photo ID, proof of legal citizenship, before allowing anyone to vote. This is of increased importance since the Biden-Harris administration has ushered millions of illegal aliens into our country and spread them from sea to sea. A government elected by “illegal voters” is not a government of, by or for, any American Citizens.
  2. An auditable paper ballot trail must exist in every state, to verify the tabulation and reporting of voter activity correctly.
  3. Complete public transparency must exist in all 50 states, wherein all election procedures are open to public view and scrutiny, in order to build public confidence in the outcome of the elections.

Of course, more needs to be addressed, but these three things should be the very bare minimum American voters should expect from any legitimate election process. The only people who would object are those who are engaged in the fraud, or foolishly think they somehow benefit from the fraud.

This should truly be a no-brainer for the U.S. Supreme Court, if they are still committed to upholding, defending and enforcing the U.S. Constitution as the Supreme Law of our Land. Attorney Ed Tarpley representing the case, explains it all quite well in this interview with freedom fighter Ann Vandersteel.

Reacting to the free-falling Harris-Walz campaign and public knowledge of very real concerns over election procedures, the Brennen Center (behind the DOJ, CISA and CIS election interference operation) just issued a defensive statement aimed at tricking American voters into a false sense of security. The cover-up is underway.

In an overt effort to counter increasing concerns over “illegal voting” in the 2024 elections, the Brennen Center statement begins with the headline, “Some Good News for Donald Trump: We Already Use Paper Ballots.”

The statement goes on to claim, “Around 98 percent of all votes will be cast on paper in the 2024 general election,” which of course, isn’t true at all. The “mail-in, drop-box, and ballot harvesting ballots” will be on paper, and they must be heavily scrutinized for fraud. Most states now use electronic touch screen voting machines with no paper trail at all. But the good news here is…The Brennen Center effort to cover-up the fraud with this statement, just admitted that they have no reason to oppose paper ballot voting and paper ballot hand counting of the elections, to verify the electronic results in a transparent audit.

Even states that still use a paper ballot, use electronic tabulators to record and count the votes. Despite repeated false claims that “none of the machines are connected to the internet,” the Federal Government begs to differ, forming a special sub-agency under DHS (Department of Homeland Security) CISA, to develop systems to counter “internet related cyber-attacks.”

Instead of a federal agency under FOIA laws creating “a solution to cyber-attacks,” they created a private 501 front organization CIS, which is not subject to FOIA statutes, to provide “a solution” to a problem that could not possibly exist, if the machines were not accessible via the internet.

Coincidentally I suppose, these groups are also headed by Brennen Center democrat party operatives.

If you really want to know how deep and wide this operation is, and how long it has been a problem for U.S. elections and elections around the globe, CLICK HERE. Watch this video just released by highly qualified and decorated national security experts.

America currently has four types of enemies within…

  1. Everyone who sold our country out for a seat at the global Marxist table of international corruption, those engaged in “stealing elections” for personal gain
  2. Those in power who know what’s happening, but have chosen to protect their lofty positions and paychecks instead of our free Constitutional Republic
  3. Those too ignorant and blind to see the truth, or who foolishly think they will somehow benefit from stolen elections
  4. Good people who can see it all, but will allow evil to prevail, just to avoid having to do anything about it

As is always the case, this leaves the heavy lifting to just the true American Patriots willing to make a serious united stand against all of this, before every American loses their country.

Now, for you election fraud deniers, I have provided direct active links to every assertion made in this piece, so that you can easily check the facts presented here for yourselves.

This is about much more than just this one election.

It’s about much more than individual candidates or competing party agendas. It’s about the ability of the “legal American Electors” to control their own destiny, legally, securely, transparently, and constitutionally.

Without this, we no longer have a country, a Constitution, a Bill of Rights, or any “democratic” form of government.

Watching the Democrat Party remove a democratically elected candidate in Joe Biden from their own ticket and replace him with an “unelected” empty-headed surrogate for a 4th Barack Hussein Obama term should have been enough to turn every legal American Elector against the most “undemocratic” organization in the USA today…the Democrat Party.

When a state like California, with 56 Electoral College votes and the ability to impact the entire nation, can outlaw proof of a legal right to vote, the U.S. Supreme Court MUST STEP IN!

If everything presented here doesn’t do it, nothing else can and our future as a free sovereign nation will come to an end on November 5, 2024.

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Who’s Voting in America 2024?

By Lex Greene

October 17, 2024

In the leadup to the 2024 elections, an estimated 65% of Americans lack faith and trust in current election systems, across the political spectrum. Only 35% of Americans say they trust that our elections are free, fair, secure, lawful and transparent, proving that 35% don’t pay attention at all, or lie to suit their undemocratic agenda.

For the past four years, literally thousands of Americans have worked to investigate, discover, evidence, and expose broad systemic fraud in our elections. Meanwhile, the powers that be, have continued to deny there is anything to see here, claiming all is well.

But isn’t the reality of the problem much easier to prove than most think?

In the 2020 elections, official reports indicate that there were as many as 38-million more votes than legally eligible registered voters. The incumbent Trump received 11 million more votes in 2020 than in 2016, normally an insurmountable reelection of a sitting President. Yet, somehow, his opponent who hid in his basement throughout the elections, won? This alone should have caused an unprecedented nationwide investigation into how the impossible was able to happen.

Still, as we enter the 2024 voting period, there’s an even easier way to prove just how serious the problem really is.

A Right to Vote

In order for the government to be constitutional, a government “of, by and for” American citizens, from whom all political power is derived, it must be lawfully elected by those legal citizen U.S. Electors. A government elected in whole or in part by non-US-citizens is not a government of the American citizens.

As a result, Federal Election Law under 18 USC 611 makes it illegal for any non-citizen to vote in U.S. Elections. Only legally eligible U.S. citizen electors have a right to vote in U.S. elections. Non-citizens, be they illegal aliens, foreign citizens who are temporary or permanent residents, visitors, vacationers, or those in the states on a work or education VISA, do not have any right to vote, any more than American citizens have voting rights in other countries.

This raises the question of “who’s voting” and what are the mechanisms in place to make certain that only legal American citizen Electors are voting, having their ballots lawfully cast, counted and reported, without any “ineligible” votes spoiling the integrity of our elections?

Absolute Voter Identification

The only way to know who is voting and whether or not they have a legal right to vote, is for every state to require absolute voter ID before allowing any individual to vote in our elections.

The following States do require photo ID in order to vote

Now, these states are at least making an effort to limit their elections to only legally eligible citizen electors. However, as is always the case with the insanity lawmakers come up with, the devil is often in the details, such as Michigan* which allows someone to vote without any ID at all, as long as they sign a paper saying they have the right. But without any ID, who signed the paper? Other states issue photo drivers licenses to “illegal aliens,” with some even registering them to vote at the same time via the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Click on your state to get the devil in the details.

The next group of states require non-photo ID to vote

The obvious problem in these states is, without the ability to match the face on the ID to the face trying to vote, who does the ID actually belong to? Who is the person standing in line to vote, with a paper indicating they have that right, but no facial match to connect the person in line to the person on the ID? You might as well not even bother.

States that require NO ID at all to vote

To put a fine point on the matter, these 16 of 50 states, with 220 Electoral College votes, refuse to prevent illegal voters from voting. As usual, California* is a special case, even among the most far-left states in the country. Just 30-days before the 2024 elections, California adopted a new election law making it “illegal” for election workers to request any ID at all in order to vote.

This grouping of states have a couple other things in common, they are all democrat party strongholds in the country, and they have the highest level of illegal migrants in their states, which I suspect, is both how and why they are blocking any means of knowing who is voting in their states and whether or not they are legally eligible to vote, in direct violation of 18 USC 611.

Unless only legal U.S. citizen electors are able to vote and be lawfully verified as eligible to vote, our elections cannot possibly be lawful, secure, free, fair, transparent, or even certifiable.

No ID means there is no way to prove that all voters have the right to vote.

Adding insult to injury, the Biden-Harris Department of Corruption (DOJ) is currently suing states that have removed known “illegal and ineligible” voters from their voter rolls. Yes, the Biden-Harris DOJ is trying to force states to keep “illegal voters” on their voter rolls.

Is it even possible for anyone to claim that our elections are free from fraud when these states cannot prove who any of their voters are, or if they are legally eligible to vote? No, it isn’t possible.

So, before you get caught up in the back-and-forth over well-documented election machine irregularities and internet hacking of our election systems, look no further than the inability of these states to offer any proof at all that any of their voters were even eligible to vote.

When it comes to Presidential elections, decided by Electoral College votes, assigned by popular vote in each state, without the ability to prove their voters had a legal right to vote, shouldn’t their 220 state Presidential Electors be disqualified? Is it possible to certify the votes without knowing who voted? Is it constitutional to count the Electoral College votes as legitimate?

24 States require Photo ID and have a right to have their Electoral College votes counted.

But 16 States have taken measures to NOT verify voters right to vote or provide any means of knowing who is or has voted, lawfully. Should their 220 Electoral College votes be given equal weight and power as those who have done it right by the law?

The Equal Protection Clause in the 14th Amendment requires that all “legal citizens” receive equal treatment under the law. Illegal non-citizen voters do not have equal voting rights, and therefore, they must not be given equal weight, or the elections are entirely “unconstitutional” and “uncertifiable.”

18 USC 611 applies to all elections for Federal Offices, President, Vice President, and Congress, both chambers. Legally speaking, the only way to lawfully certify the 2024 Presidential election is to disqualify Electoral College votes from all states that do not verify the legal eligibility of their voters. There is no other way, legally.

Last, if you happen to live in one of the 16 states that have taken extraordinary measures to eliminate any ability to certify your votes due to no ability to verify your voters, you have to blame those in control of your state for placing you all in this position. Don’t blame any of the other 34 states for a problem that your state officials and you created.

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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An Uncertifiable Election 2024

By Lex Greene

October 9, 2024

In order for any election to be certifiable, it must be verifiable. We must have total election transparency, lawful procedures, unbiased reporting, secure voting mechanisms, and proof that only legally eligible American voters were able to vote in the elections. If we cannot verify that the elections are lawful and secure, then the elections will not be certifiable.

Thanks to historic measures taken by party elites, especially today’s democrat party, the American people have none of these certifiable requirements today. This is not theory, it’s a fact, easily proven to anyone who wants to see the truth. Only those who do not want to see the truth, or don’t want you to see it, will deny it. This includes politicians from both political parties, the entire news media, partisan search engines, and censored social media platforms.


What’s already under way in early voting, and will take place on November 5, 2024, is the most unlawful, unsecure, non-transparent, and unverifiable election cycle in 237 years of history since the adoption of the U.S. Constitution in 1787. This election will not be legally certifiable, and I’ll explain why.

  1. Numerous democrat-controlled states are blocking election officials from requiring any form of legal ID to vote. California just made it illegal for any poll worker to even request ID from voters, a state with millions of illegal aliens. Who’s voting?
  2. Numerous states have been issuing State IDs in the form of Drivers Licenses, and registering illegal aliens to vote at the DMV, for years now. That’s how “illegal aliens” (aka ineligible voters) got on to so many States voter rolls illegally. States that have “same-day motor-voter” laws have made illegal voting even easier. The elections will be long past before anyone can identify illegal votes that should have never been cast or counted.
  3. The Biden-Harris Department of Justice (DOJ) is suing states for removing “known ineligible voters” from their State voter rolls, while democrat-controlled states like Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, refuse to remove “known ineligible voters” from their voter rolls, an estimated 218,000 of them in Arizona alone.
  4. In 2022, Congress adopted new Election Certification rules, making it impossible for even members of congress to challenge the legitimacy of the elections.
  5. States like Michigan have even unlawfully amended their State Constitutions and rushed through new election laws since 2022, making it illegal for anyone in the State to challenge election results even when the evidence is clear and compelling. They have also unconstitutionally made it a “crime” for any election worker to challenge or expose election fraud happening in broad daylight.
  6. The Michigan Secretary of State Benson has been in an illegal collusion and election tampering operation with all other “swing states” to establish unlawful, unsecure, non-transparent and fraudulent systems in each. She also stands in violation of at least three court orders to clean Michigan voter rolls and was just recently ordered to withdraw her unlawful Election Guidelines and issue new lawful guidelines before the elections.
  7. In excess of 20-million illegal aliens have been intentionally flooded into the USA by the Biden-Harris regime in just the past four years. They have been dumped in carefully chosen voting districts. Combined with democrat’s efforts to block voter ID requirements, it will be impossible to prevent millions of illegal aliens from voting in the 2024 elections, in direct violation of U.S. Election Codes that make voting by non-citizens illegal.
  8. The same unsecure elections hardware and software in question from 2020 and 2022 remain in service throughout the country. Over the past four years, more than 100 lawsuits have been filed in both State and Federal Courts seeking to enter evidence of blatant election fraud into the courts, and in every case, these suits were rejected by the Courts with no evidence allowed, on the legally faulty premise of “lack of standing” or “lack of Court jurisdiction.” They have told 320 million Americans that they “have no standing” to challenge blatant election fraud.
  9. All Election Integrity efforts all across the country have been blocked by our Courts, ridiculed by the media, and honest citizens even prosecuted and jailed for trying to expose the reality that the current USA election systems are no better than that of Venezuela, Russia, or China.
  10. The American people know it, but they are scared to stand up against it, having witnessed how the democrat’s machine threatens everyone who dares to speak out on the subject.
  11. Democrats who want to eliminate the Electoral College altogether, have also interfered with the Constitutional purpose and authority of the Electoral College, making it nothing more than a rubber-stamp process for the fraud everyone knows is happening.
  12. The hurricane damage in Florida, North Carolina, Georgia, parts of Tennessee and South Carolina, has rendered the good people in these affected areas unable to vote in the 2024 elections. They are still without power, cell service, landlines, internet, food and water as they fight to save their neighbors and secure themselves, absent any real help from the Biden-Harris regime. Election results in these states will be “uncertifiable” just because citizens won’t be able to vote. The clean up and restoration will take a very long time, with another hurricane headed towards them ahead of the elections.


Despite the billions spent to create a public perception that Kamala Harris is leading in the Presidential race, most Americans inherently know that this is a numeric impossibility. Kamala Harris finished dead last in 2020, the most unpopular candidate seeking the DNC nomination in 2020, with less than 1% support from her own party voters.

During her four years as Vice President, she has been almost entirely invisible to the public, other than a steady diet of cackling photo ops that made her look like a complete drunken airhead. Her public approval rating as VP has been even worse than her showing in the 2020 DNC primaries. Then, as party powers forced the elected DNC nominee, Joe Biden, out of the race, and coronated Harris as their 2024 candidate without a single vote from a single American, even millions of democrat voters are enraged to have their votes cancelled in the most undemocratic act in presidential campaign history.

Making matters even worse, Harris then chose the extreme left communist Governor of Minnesota as her running mate. Both have made total fools of themselves every time they wander off script, when we actually get a rare glimpse into the maniacal minds of these two mental midgets.

To be kind about it, hell would freeze over before a majority of legal American voters would ever vote for the most undemocratic, extreme left, empty-headed, Presidential ticket in all of American history.

So, there is no way on God’s green earth that the democrat party can allow anything remotely close to a legitimate election to take place. They’d rather burn the entire country to the ground, than give up unjust unbridled power just because the people won’t vote for them.

Let’s be honest here…Harris didn’t need a single American voter to become the party nominee. What makes you think she needs more than a handful of legitimate, but deaf, dumb and blind stooges to defeat the most popular political figure in the world since Ronald Reagan? Biden did it from his basement in 2020, with the help of what Biden called “the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD ORGANIZATION in the history of American politics!”

They don’t need you, they just need unlawful, unsecure and non-transparent elections. U.S. Code makes voting by non-citizens” illegal! But a number of democrat-controlled “sanctuary” states have adopted unconstitutional laws on the matter.

However, such elections are “unverifiable,” and thereby, “uncertifiable.”


The more than 100 lawsuits filed over the past four years were intended to prevent what’s happening right now. Not a single court in the country has allowed any hard evidence to be presented, or any serious questions to be asked.

So, the American people are headed into uncharted waters here. Things like this have happened in 3rd world countries for centuries. But the USA has never been here before.

We have an unprecedented full-blown constitutional crisis on our hands and the democrat party, and their operatives, including social media trolls, have made it quite clear, they will do anything to maintain political power of the USA.

Nothing has worked to prevent the inevitable here, simply because the American majority, while fighting for their candidate in an uncertifiable election process, failed to stand together behind all who have been fighting for election integrity for the past four years.


There’s actually no plan for what to do when the constitutional crisis results in an uncertifiable election. The democrats will likely declare a State of Emergency and claim they will hold power until some future (unknown) date when maybe we can try to hold another election.

But make no mistake, because the American people have not dealt with these issues long before now, the USA is highly unlikely to ever see a legitimate election again in our lifetime, if ever.

If you think the upcoming elections will be decided by you, the legally eligible American voter, you haven’t been paying attention for a very long time!

Meanwhile, the true “State of the Union” is on the brink of total collapse. Obama did it, he “fundamentally transformed America.”

And Americans let him do it!

In case you are wondering, the only Court in the country that has the authority to stop what’s happening is the U.S. Supreme Court. Laws are not “law” if they are “unconstitutional.” The Supreme Court has just one supreme duty, and that is to uphold and defend the Constitution and Bill of Rights, in protection of all legal American electors, against all enemies, foreign and domestic, to prevent the people from taking matters into their own hands. They still have time to do it, and if they don’t, then what comes next will be the direct result of their inaction.

Last word… 52% of the US voting population is female and 56% of them will vote on the single issue of “abortion” even if that means burning the USA to the ground. They don’t care about their own children, so what makes you think they care and you or our country?

So, to defeat the extreme left in this election, it will require a vast number of past democrat voters to defect from the party and vote for America. I see a lot of movement in this direction via social media, but the news media continues to claim Harris is a “sure winner” due to the fraud in place.

We need to help democrats defect from America’s Marxist party between now and November 5th. We will need their votes, even though Kamala didn’t! We also need independent voters to avoid the election of a much greater evil in Harris and Walz.

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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An Americans First Platform

By Lex Greene

September 30, 2023

In the event that the 2024 elections can actually take place on November 5th, one of only two people will emerge as the next President of the United States, former President Donald J. Trump, or current Vice President Kamala Harris.

Both candidates have their policy priorities posted on their campaign websites, the TRUMP PLATFORM HERE and the HARRIS PLATFORM HERE. Every voter should take the time to carefully look at the posted platforms of the two candidates before attempting to cast an intelligent vote. Fully informed voters make the best voters.

Trump has 20 top priority items posted on his site, and Harris has recently added 23 on her site, although 4 of her 23 are the same one, falsely repeated 4 times, “Trump Project 2025 Agenda,” which of course, Trump has nothing to do with. So, Harris actually has 19 priority items on her site, some of which she recently borrowed from the Trump platform, like not taxing tips and tax-breaks for the working class. NOTE: Tips were not tracked and taxed until the Biden-Harris administration, and they also reversed Trump tax cuts for the working class.

Now, as we all know, political campaign platforms are not exactly a tell-all effort to share the inner-most thoughts and concepts of the candidates. Instead, they are designed to appeal to certain voting blocs, triggering an emotional reaction from target groups, or outright using taxpayer-funds to simply buy votes from certain targeted voting blocs. These days, most campaign statements and ads are not based upon “why we should vote for someone,” but instead, “why we shouldn’t vote for the other person” in an endless stream of “false narrative gaslighting” targeting specific low or no information voters.

“Gaslighting is an insidious form of manipulation and psychological control. Victims of gaslighting are deliberately and systematically fed false information that leads them to question what they know to be true, often about themselves. They may end up doubting their memory, their perception, and even their sanity. Over time, a gaslighter’s manipulations can grow more complex and potent, making it increasingly difficult for the victim to see the truth.”

But after you do your research on the two Presidential candidates at their official campaign sites, I’d like to offer every American what I call “The Americans First Platform” which neither of the two candidates talk about on their campaign platform pages.

Working with some of the great researchers at the Constitutional Research Group, we narrowed what we believe to be the most critically important political platform items in a short list of our TOP 10.


  1. Support, uphold, defend and enforce the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights as originally adopted, including constitutionally guaranteed balanced budgets via Congress, ending the misuse of “continuing resolutions” to avoid balancing the federal, state, or local budgets, ending all “deficit spending” and retire the debt
  2. Secure all borders and the nation against foreign invasion, protect national sovereignty and security, and deport all in the country illegally, beginning with those who have committed additional crimes inside our borders, or are known violent criminals in their home countries
  3. Repeal Amendments 16, 17, 23 – and reform the continuous misinterpretations and misuse of Amendment 14, restoring the Constitutionally protected Rights of the States, with State’s representation in DC via the U.S. Senate, elected by State Legislatures – end taxation of “wages” – and end DC “state status” all which is prohibited by the U.S. Constitution
  4. Reform all American Courts to Constitutional Courts and eliminate British Common Law in the USA and end the unconstitutional practice of allowing the Courts to act as a legislature, and the Executive Branch to act as a “dictatorship” via “executive orders” – eliminate “constitutionally protected Rights” for all “non-citizens” in the USA illegally
  5. Eliminate the UCMJ “penal code” and use the same Constitutional Criminal Justice System for all Military and Agency personnel, and every legal U.S. Citizen
  6. Eliminate all election practices and procedures that make our election vulnerable to outside intrusions, interference, manipulation, and hacking, and protect the Right of only legal American citizens to vote in any election within the boundaries of the United States
  7. Make violating the Oath of Office a criminal act for anyone holding public office at any level, rising to the level of Treason and Sedition against the United States, with constitutionally appropriate consequences
  8. End the misleading misuse of “democracy” to replace the Constitutionally guaranteed “republican form of government” and uphold all constitutional protections of our representative republic, including but not limited to the Electoral College, and force the Electoral College to serve its intended purpose
  9. Protect the fundamental Right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for every legal American citizen, no matter race, creed, gender, age, or color
  10. End the use of American taxpayer funds to engage in and cause foreign wars and end all foreign interference or influence over the self-governance of the American people by any foreign group or agency, including but not limited to, The United Nations (UN), World Health Organization (WHO), NATO, the World Economic Forum (WEF), the Bilderberg Group, Davos Group, or any foreign nation.

This Platform requires no new laws or amendments…Just enforcement, the repeal of amendments that never should have been adopted, and the elimination of all unconstitutional and un-American practices.

Yes, every American citizen should first and foremost, vote for someone they truly believe will put America First in the 2024 election, up and down the ballots. But this isn’t just about putting our country first, it’s really about putting AMERICANS FIRST, over foreign cabals, foreign nations, foreign invaders, or any foreign interests or agendas.

You see, for almost 250-years now and until recent years, the USA has been the freest and most prosperous nation on earth, an envy of the entire world, where people have come from all over the globe just for a taste of freedom in our land, that was not available to them in their home lands, and a chance to prosper for their families in the freest nation on earth. They didn’t come seeking “equity,” but just equal opportunity.

The foundations of freedom, opportunity and prosperity are the direct result of principles and values established almost 250-years ago, and the foundations of freedom never change. They are established and set in stone in our Charters of Freedom, because nothing less can succeed.

Unlike the two political platforms of the candidates, designed to gain support from their target groups, The Americans First Platform should have the support of every legal American citizen, no matter political party, race, creed, age, gender, or color. It’s not based upon intentionally divided competing voting blocs, but rather unity via the best interests of every legal American citizen, for the future of freedom, liberty, and justice for all Americans.

I’m not running for office, so you will have to decide which of the two candidates seeking the office of president will best serve the Americans First priorities.

For our nation, freedom, liberty, and justice for all to survive this election cycle, this is the basis upon which every American will have to vote. No voter can afford to put any personal pet issues, fantasies or whims, ahead of the foundations of freedom.

I’ll leave you with this very well-known quote from history…that still applies today!

“Those who expect to be both ignorant and free, expect what never was and never will be.” – Thomas Jefferson

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Just 51 Days to STOP THE STEAL

By Lex Greene

September 15, 2024

If you still believe in freedom, liberty, justice, peace, tranquility and prosperity for yourself, your children and grandchildren, then you only have 51 days to STOP THE STEAL already deployed at the county level for the 2024 elections on November 5, 2024.

If you are determined to defend and enforce the US Constitution and Bill of Rights for all future generations, you are running out of time to do it.

Anatomy of the STEAL

We are up against a “global reset” by Marxist Nazi tyrants partnered with Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF). Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are mere puppets of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. But Obama and Clinton are mere puppets of the WEF Nazi global cabal.

This election isn’t just between democrats and republicans, vying for support from independents. This election is “winner take all” and all the marbles are in play. Everything you ever thought America was for the past 248-years, is about to end abruptly in less than 60-days, if “we” don’t STOP THE STEAL.

For the official record, election fraud is nothing new. There is no debate over whether or not election fraud happens, only to what degree. Everyone knows that illegal ballots are cast, counted and certified in every election and a laundry list of candidates have challenged election results for decades. The only issue is whether or not elections are being decided by that fraud.

Everyone also knows that in this Presidential election cycle, one candidate is the “democratically” elected and nominated former President, and the other is an unelected current Vice President with a blank resume’ who was installed by party elites without a single primary vote, despite 14-million primary voters having voted for someone else. We have never seen a more “undemocratic” presidential candidate in U.S. history.

Prior to 2020 and the planned CV19 event used to convert elections to mail-in and dropbox voting, fraudulent election activities played a much smaller role in our elections. But from 2020 on, political powers have perfected the art of stealing elections as explained below, and they have installed the processes down at the county level across the entire country now.

Current Challenges

  • No electronic voting machine is secure from cyber-intrusions, hacking, and vote manipulation
  • Despite false statements concerning internet connectivity by officials, they are connected
  • Many states have moved towards unsecure “mail-in” and “dropbox” balloting
  • Many states have eliminated any means of knowing the legal eligibility of voters
  • Many states have thousands of “illegal voters” still on their voter rolls
  • Honest election officials are being removed from oversight if they raise any questions
  • The courts have refused to allow any evidence into the courts, because they know
  • Some states have even adopted Constitutional Amendments and new election laws to make it impossible to detect election fraud, while blocking public transparency and disallowing any transparent recounts or audits

These are just the high points. There are many more ways cheating is planned for the 2024 elections, including engagement by all news networks and social media platforms being used to mislead the American public regarding polling data which makes the election look close enough to hide the steal.

And in case you are unaware, the Obama-Biden-Harris government has weaponized the Department of Justice which has established “special sub-agencies and task forces” designed to target anyone who attempts to expose any part of the steal currently in place.

The Democrat Party has shepherded the mass foreign invasion of our country over the past four years (and much longer under Obama’s eight years) to the tune of at least 20-million illegal aliens who the federal government has granted “protected status” in the lead-up to the most critical election cycle in U.S. history.

Unverifiable is Uncertifiable

The notion that an election can be lawfully “certified” when the ballots, voters and electronic systems cannot be lawfully “verified,” is not just silly, it’s treasonous. The efforts that some have taken to eliminate all “citizen oversight” of the elections and deny “legal standing” in the courts for legal citizen voters, demonstrates that our Constitutional form of government is teetering on the brink of total collapse.

The simple truth is, under the current election procedures in place, the elections are not certifiable, simply because they are not verifiable. States that do not require any legitimate form of voter ID have no way of knowing who is voting or whether or not those voters are eligible to vote under our laws.

Federal Law makes it legal for only “legal American Citizens” otherwise eligible to vote, to vote in our elections. Non-citizen residents, foreign visitors, and illegal aliens are prohibited from voting in U.S. elections, and everyone involved knows it. So, in order to allow illegal voters to cast a ballot, they have removed verification measures so that no one knows who is voting or if they are eligible to vote.

It should go without saying, but I have to say it now…dead people cannot vote legally either, nor can anyone cast more than one legal ballot in just one proper voting district. But both things still happen in every election cycle…

In-Person, Paper Ballots, Hand Counts

In a perfect America, free from any evil intent, modern technologies would make managing elections much more efficient. But in today’s America, those same tools have become weapons against the lawful American voters.

A nation which does not have legitimate, verifiable and lawfully certifiable elections, does not have a government of, by, or for its people. Even the Iraqi’s had more security measures in their elections after the fall of the Hussein regime. The Hussein (Barack Obama) regime in control of the USA right now, is far worse than Saddam ever dreamed of being.


One should have to look no further than the fact that the 2020 elections saw more votes than legally eligible or registered voters to see the problem in plain view. Of course, those concerned with legal legitimate elections have seen plenty of evidence already. But those who don’t care how they win, will use any tool or weapon to win. These folks cannot see what they choose not to see…and they certainly will never admit it, no matter how blatant and obvious.

“I’m just one person, so what can I do?”

Since alone, none of us can do anything, we cannot afford to work alone. There is strength and security in numbers. Unite with others determined to STOP THE STEAL.

“The courts won’t do anything to stop it.”

The fact that the courts haven’t done anything to stop it since they stopped the Al Gore steal in 2000, is proof that this is a very safe assumption, with only 51-days to go until election day. So, we best not rely on any court in the country to stop the steal…even though legal efforts are still underway in the courts.

“Where is our power?”

In the USA, “all political power is derived from the consent of the People,” you and me. STOP CONSENTING and what I mean is, if your silence is being interpreted as your consent, STOP BEING SILENT. Work together with a very loud voice!

“Where can I make a difference?”

Remember, “all politics is local,” especially elections, which is why the LEFT has installed the steal down at the county level. In every county across the country, elections are run by local county election officials. This is where we have to go to work immediately.

In the 2020 presidential election, President Trump won 2,595 of 3,153 counties across the country, 82.3% of the counties in the USA. Biden won only 558 counties, a meager 17.7%. Yes, I’m well aware of the reality that democrats control all major population centers, which is how they take over RED states and a RED nation in elections. But that isn’t the point here…

This means that We the People have the power to “stop the steal” in 82.3% of the RED counties across the country, if we work together in each of our counties to do it. That will isolate the theft to only 17.7% of the deep blue counties, making the theft entirely detectable and uncertifiable in those areas.

NOTE: BLUE counties are mostly stolen by illegal ballots dumped into the count. But in RED counties, the theft is mostly done via electronic vote switching in real-time, via electronic system networking and internet intrusions. Unplug the machines in all RED counties and return to paper ballots, hand counts and on-site election monitoring, transparent recounts and audits. By far the most dangerous threat to American duly elected government today is the widespread concerted effort to block election data from public access and scrutiny, in a near complete extermination of open public transparency. The Department of Justice and numerous State governments are “criminalizing” legitimate citizen doubts about the integrity of our elections. This is all 3rd world stuff that should never be allowed anywhere in the USA.

If all true American patriots work together at the county level, we can stop the steal in all RED counties, 82.3% of the nation, isolate and expose the theft in the 17.7% of BLUE counties, where the theft will mostly happen via unverified voters and uncertifiable illegal ballots.


My WWI Grandfather used to say, “Can’t…has never done anything!” …and he was right! He taught us all to completely remove the word “can’t” from our vocabulary, because “can’t” simply means “won’t.”

This is the last chance Americans will have to save our Constitutional Republic via an election. After November 5, 2024, if we fail, it will be the end of our Constitutional form of government and what comes next, no American will like!

At this moment in American history, if you are not “all-in,” you are “out.”

Never forget that this country was freed and established by the work of just eight determined very average men who launched what would become the Declaration of Independence resulting in the Revolutionary War, our Constitution and Bill of Rights, that has so far lasted for 248-years.

The enemies within will not stop until We the People stop them. We only have 51-days to do it. Is there some higher priority in your life? There can’t be…if you want to save this country!

If you made it to the end of this piece, you can never again ask what you can do to help save this country, because I just told you what all of us can do. You can never again claim that there’s nothing you can do, because there’s plenty you can do. You can not continue to blame anyone else for what doesn’t get done, if you’re not going to do it yourself.

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Equality v. Equity

By Lex Greene

September 13, 2024

Throughout most of my life, I have been a firm fighter for equality, freedom, liberty, true justice, national sovereignty and security, peace and tranquility. Millions of Americans think they stand for these same things and many do. But today, millions do not stand for these things at all and fundamentally, it is what divides our nation in every election.

The primary division in the USA at present is the division between those who still believe in and will fight for the foundations of freedom as established and protected by the Charters of Freedom versus those who think leaders like Chairman Mao, Vladimir Lenin, Stalin, Marx and even Hitler had a better plan. Those who believe in “equality” versus those who think they prefer “equity.”

These two terms are not synonymous, but in fact polar opposites.

To explain the difference between the two in our intentionally and systematically dumbed-down and drugged up society today, I’ll put it in terms that even the average 3rd grader can comprehend. You may not know it today, but words have very specific meaning. There is the factual definition of a word, found in dictionaries, and then a proper application or use of that word or term.

EQUALITY: noun, plural e·qual·i·ties. the state or quality of being equal 2; correspondence in quantity, degree, value, rank, or ability

PROPER USE: In the USA, regardless of race, gender, political views or religion, “all men” (mankind, human-kind) are “created equal” with certain “inalienable” Rights, among them, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, as “endowed by our Creator.”

This means that citizens deserve “equal opportunity,” and if they happen to possess equal talents, equal work ethics, equal productivity, and equal ambition, and perform the same job equally, they are entitled to “equality” in return, in this example, “equal pay” and “equal benefit.”

But let’s say you are a top-level performer, and I am the slacker of all slackers, and you out-produce me 3-to-1 every day. “Equality” dictates that although we had the same “equal opportunity” to succeed, we did not take “equal” advantage of that opportunity. Do we still deserve the same “equal” pay and benefit? Should I make the same as you, even though you out-perform me 3-to-1? If so, what is the motivation to excel at anything? What is the motivation for me to not continue to be a “slacker?”

EQUITY: noun, plural eq·ui·ties. the quality of being fair or impartial;

Interestingly enough, this term is most often used improperly today. There is nothing at all “fair” or “impartial” about today’s misuse of the term “equity,” based upon the factual definition of the term above.

This term is often misused as a mere political tool of division today, suggesting that first and foremost, some people are born less equal than others. Misuse of this term is in reality, not only a misuse of the term, but a divisive and often “racist” use of the term, as in the case of New York Governor Kathy Hochul’s recent claim that “blacks are not equal because they don’t even know what a computer is…”

Aside from being a false statement, as there is no one in America today who doesn’t know what a computer is, when almost every citizen holds one in their hands, known as a “smart phone,” her statement was also entirely “racist” towards the entire black community, as if they simply are not “born equal” to all other ethnicities.

The misuse of the term “equity” is designed to establish a ground upon which to then “buy votes” from certain voting blocs by first declaring their natural deficiencies, and then using promises of taxpayer funds to “level the playing field” for those who according to them, are not “equal” by nature. Honestly, it’s hard to imagine a more “racist” point of view.

“Fair” means everyone is treated equally, impartially. “Impartial” means that no one is given special treatment above another…no one is given an “unfair” advantage as a “special group.” This is a protection of all legal citizens via the “general welfare” clause in the U.S. Constitution, forbidding government from choosing favorites at all.

But is this how the term is being used to divide Americans into two political groups, those who believe in “equality,” equal opportunity and equal outcomes for equal output… versus those who think they are entitled to an equal outcome for unequal input, “equity?”

Whose idea was it to divide America into nice, neat little predictable and totally controllable voting blocs? Whose idea was it to eliminate “equality” with misuse of the term “equity?”

This concept is not an “American” idea based upon the foundations of freedom…quite the contrary. This idea was born of tyrants who sought ultimate unbridled control over their people, a means to, as Karl Marx put it, “take from each according to their ability; and give to each according to their need.”

Of course, there are a couple other important parts to this nefarious agenda. Before government can “save someone,” they first have to “hurt” them. They must create a “people in need” in order to buy their votes with promises to serve those needs, by taking from others.

I recall a story I heard years ago that made the point perfectly. A father was listening to his college age daughter teach him about how unfair equality is, and how great equity is. The father listened patiently to everything she had learned from her college professors. When she finished “teaching the old man,” he responded…

The father asked his daughter what her grade point average was for her last semester, and she proudly told Dad she was carrying a 4.0… to which Dad was quite proud as well. Then he asked, “what’s the overall GPA in her class,” to which she answered, “oh, it’s awful, like a 1.8 to 2.0…”

The father then said to his daughter, “I have an idea for you. When you return to classes for your next semester, suggest to the professor that he change your 4.0 to 3.0 so that he can give the 2.0 students a 3.0 in the name of equity.”

His daughter immediately gasped and replied, “are you crazy? I worked my butt off for that 4.0 and these other students don’t even show up for class half the time.” To which her Dad replied, “now you understand the difference between “equality” and “equity.”

Freedom requires that every citizen have an equal opportunity to succeed without any interference from government. It also requires that there be no government-imposed limit to what one has a right to earn and achieve through their own talents, work ethics and intelligence, and that government shall have no legal power to take from anyone, that which they earned. This is economic freedom at its foundation…without which, there can be no freedom at all, for anyone.

But those selling “equity” believe that others are entitled to that which you have earned, and that government has the power to take earnings from some against their will, to buy votes from others. It’s a form of socialism, Marxism and in the end, communism and it’s entirely anti-American.

Throughout world history, governments that have used these methods to seize assets from those who earned, and buy power from those who don’t earn, have failed 100% of the time…in the end, unable to feed their own people due to a total lack of productivity in a society which penalizes success and encourages sloth behaviors.

The USA was not driven to over $35-trillion in public debt by wars or national security spending, which accounts for less than 13% of the national budget. This debt is from Marxist “social spending” which now accounts for over 62% of the national annual budget.

“Equity” as designed by lifelong losers like Karl Marx, is how whole nations and societies go bankrupt and eventually collapse. “Equality” is the basis of freedom, liberty, and true justice, and the means by which the most productive and prosperous nation ever known to mankind was built, the USA.

Those who oppose the foundations of freedom…oppose freedom itself. Watch what and who you vote for, as in every election cycle, we only get a chance to vote for or against FREEDOM…FOR OR AGAINST EQUALITY!

Last, taking from others that which they have rightfully earned, against their will, is NOT “charity.” Charity requires the consent of the giver. It’s THEFT and when you vote to put someone in power that promises to steal on your behalf, it’s a cowardly act of theft on the part of the voter!

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Why are Kids Killing Kids?

By Lex Greene

September 9, 2024

In the name of full disclosure, I am a lifelong supporter of the 2nd Amendment, and every other natural human Right protected by our Charters of Freedom…because I’m a supporter of Freedom, Liberty, and real Justice for all. Maybe by the time you finish reading this piece, you will understand.

Of course, every time another school mass shooting takes place, Marxists rush to blame the inanimate object, the weapon used to commit the crime. Never mind the fact that the inanimate object is entirely incapable of harming anyone on its own, or that decades of crime statistics here and around the world prove two very important facts…

  • Criminals don’t follow laws, only law-abiding citizens do
  • Disarming law-abiding citizens always results in an increase in violent crime

No one ever asks the right question regarding these events, because they are far more focused on their anti-American agenda of eliminating the 2nd Amendment Rights of every legal law-abiding citizen to keep (own) and bear (carry) arms in the United States. An unamerican agenda that no one in the United States has the legal authority to adopt, execute, or enforce.

A Right to defense of self and property is fundamental to the survival and success of any free society…not to mention, also a necessity in a nation run by anti-American criminals who continue to import millions more violent criminals from 3rd world toilets.

For those too young to remember the term “postal,” this term evolved out of a string of post office shootings that started in the USA in 1970. I’m including the list of these “postal” events so that readers know how long so-called “random acts of violence” have been happening in the USA, and where it all started.

  1. August 13, 1970, Los Angeles, California
  2. March 22, 1975, Gadsden, Alabama
  3. November 4, 1980, New Orleans
  4. August 19, 1983, Johnston, South Carolina
  5. December 2, 1983, Anniston, Alabama
  6. March 6, 1985, Atlanta, Georgia
  7. November 15, 1985, Manitou, Oklahoma
  8. August 20, 1986, Edmond, Oklahoma
  9. December 14, 1988, New Orleans, Louisiana
  10. August 10, 1989, Escondido, California
  11. October 10, 1991, Wayne, New Jersey
  12. November 14, 1991, Royal Oak, Michigan
  13. May 6, 1993, Dearborn, Michigan
  14. May 6, 1993, Dana Point, California
  15. May 4, 1994, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  16. March 21, 1995, Montclair, New Jersey
  17. July 10, 1995, City of Industry, California
  18. December 19, 1996, Las Vegas, Nevada
  19. September 2, 1997, Miami Beach, Florida
  20. December 20, 1997, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  21. January 30, 2006, Goleta, California
  22. April 4, 2006, Baker City, Oregon
  23. November 28, 2006, San Francisco, California
  24. December 23, 2017, Dublin, Ohio
  25. October 12, 2021, Memphis, Tennessee
  26. October 20, 2022, Chattanooga, Tennessee

Now, that’s 26 “postal” events between August 13, 1970, and October 20, 2022. There are a few things to take note of from the above list of “postal” shootings, including the use of the term “going postal” for alleged “random acts” in public places, which now happen in shopping malls, city streets, concert venues and yes, schools.

If you take the time to study these “postal” events, the first thing you will notice is, none of the acts were “random.” In every case, the event was the result of some unresolved conflict or grievance, involving people who knew each other.

The next thing you will notice is one event tends to lead to another, copycat events. In each case, the target was “defenseless.” Last, you will notice that events like this tend to happen not in the most “well-armed” places, but instead, in states with the most stringent “anti-gun” laws on the books, like California.

Four Takeaways

  • Mass shootings are almost never “random”
  • Always the result of unresolved conflicts or grievances
  • The victims are always “defenseless”
  • They happen most often in “gun free zones” with heavy anti-gun laws in place

School Shootings

In studying the recent trend of school shootings in particular, reportedly, the first in American history took place at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999, in Columbine, Colorado, during the Clinton Administration, killing twelve students and one teacher, and injuring twenty-one more. This event was reportedly the first of its kind in the USA, but it wouldn’t be the last.

Similar to the “postal events,” Columbine was not a “random act.” The shooters, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, were students at Columbine and they knew their victims. Their victims knew them.

According to official investigation reports, these two young men had planned the event at Columbine for over a year, originally designed to be a bomb detonation, followed by gun fire as students tried to escape. But the bomb they created didn’t detonate, and the rest is history.

Twenty-five years later, investigators claim that “the motivation is still unknown.” Sound familiar, like the assassination of JFK and his brother Robert, or the attempt on President Reagan, or Trump less than two-months ago, or every other “school shooting” that investigators just can’t figure out? Why do you think they never seem to figure out or report the motive of the assassins? More on this later…

More Critical History

Actually, Columbine wasn’t the first “school massacre” in US history. The first took place on

July 26, 1764, known as the Enoch Brown school massacre. Four Lenape Native Americans entered the school and shot the teacher, Enoch Brown. Brown was then scalped, while 10 other students were beaten to death with clubs and also scalped. The shooting of Brown marks the first instance of a school shooting in the Colonial States and in North America.

Many “school massacre” events have happened since, and I do mean many. (Resource)

So, those who think these events are something brand new, the result of “assault weapons” that didn’t even exist for most of these events that have happened since before the Founding of the United States, simply don’t know their facts, or choose to ignore them.

Critical Takeaways from History

  • If someone is intent upon killing, they will find a way
  • The “weapon” is only incidental to the subject, it’s not a cause
  • It’s almost never “random”
  • Most are the result of unresolved conflicts or grievances
  • The target is almost always defenseless (unarmed)
  • In fact, the defenseless is always the target
  • Gun laws create “defenseless victims” not lawful criminals
  • The true motive is usually quite obvious
  • Laws don’t create lawful behavior, they at best punish criminal acts
  • When seconds count, law enforcement is only minutes away

Now, these are all proven facts, and facts are funny things…they don’t care if you like them or not. We can only choose to ignore them or learn from them. We can’t change them or invent our own facts, otherwise known as mere opinions.

The Most Important Question of All

Why are kids killing kids, no matter their choice of weapon, or target?

On careful research, thought and consideration, I submit the following and yes, it’s just my opinion, however, my opinion is based upon the known facts.

  1. A general disregard for the value of human life

Kids that kill kids see no value in the lives of their victims, or themselves. Like the mass-shooting trends that escalated from the 1970s, so did the societal acceptance of “murder for convenience” in the form of “abortion,” wherein mothers take the lives of their own innocent and defenseless children for mere convenience. Did you really think this practice would not result in a growing lack of regard for human life?

According to official reports, just in 2023 alone 32 innocent lives were taken in school shootings. While tragic in every case, it’s impossible to compare this problem to the 1,037,000 innocent young lives taken by abortion in 2023, an increase from 2022, despite the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade. While Marxist democrats pretend to care about the 32 deaths in school shootings, they protect the killing of over a million innocent children every year for decades, then wonder why human life is so easily discarded.

  1. A Failure to provide peaceful resolutions to conflicts and grievances

When I grew up, kids got in fist fights all the time. Despite most kids having guns in their trucks or cars in the school parking lot, for hunting purposes before or after school, no one ever shot anyone. That’s because disputes, conflicts and grievances between students were quickly and safely resolved by proper adult supervision, or a fist fight. Nothing was left to fester until it became a matter of life and death.

  1. The motive is almost always quite obvious

The target usually exposes the motive. In the cases of JFK, RFK, Reagan, Trump, even Martin Luther King and Malcom X, the targets are all political public figures. They are all individuals targeted for their political views and positions, at public gatherings. Therefore, the motive in each case was “political,” plain and simple…a means of eliminating a political opponent.

In the case of the “postal” shootings, the motive was more personal in nature, a work-related or personal grievance. Therefore, the motive was either a work-related or personal conflict left unresolved until someone took matters into their own hands.

As it pertains to school shootings, the shooters almost always have a history with the victims, a string of unresolved conflicts never settled. The motive in these cases is most often “vengeance” for past conflicts. It’s made possible and even likely, by a general lack of respect for human life to include their own, poor parenting at home…often broken homes, unprofessional adult supervision in the schools, and a general sense of no hope for the future.

  1. Focus on the wrong things

How someone is killed is far less important than why someone is killed. Someone intent upon killing will find a place, time and means to do so. Right now, as I write, innocent people in the UK are being killed with knives. In Aurora Colorado, innocent people are being run from their family homes with machetes, knives and clubs. The choice of weapon is irrelevant. People who intend to do harm will do harm, almost always in places where their victims are defenseless.

  1. Defenseless people make perfect victims

Trying to infringe upon the Constitutionally Protected Rights of all legal law-abiding citizens is an overt effort to create more “defenseless” victims, while allowing illegal aliens, terrorists, gang-members, rapists, looters, arsonists, and convicts of violent crimes back on the streets, is the absolute wrong solution to an increasingly serious problem in America. Frankly, it amounts to acts of treason against the lawful American people.

  1. No Police State

Turning our free republic into a police state isn’t the solution either. Every school in the USA has a police presence now and not even once has that prevented a school shooting from happening. At best, it may have reduced the number dead or injured, but every single life counts. What next, a militarized zone on every school campus across the country?

I have a very simple philosophy on matters like this. If you don’t allow terrorists to live among you, there will be no terrorism in your area. If you keep known thugs, gang-members, thieves, arsonists, murderers and looters off the streets, there won’t be any crime. And if you provide appropriate methods to resolve conflicts between students on the campuses, no one will feel the need to kill others to solve their problem.

  1. The dumbing-down and drugging up of whole generations

It’s now a known fact that public education in the United States has grossly failed whole generations for years now. More often than not, public education is graduating k-12 students that can’t even read, write, or do basic math correctly, much less enter the world with a full knowledge of how to succeed in a free society under their own ambitions. Making matters even worse is the political movement to legalize illicit drugs and allow deadly mind-bending drugs to cross into our country, rendering whole generations incapable of freedom and liberty.

  1. And YES, if you stop supporting and voting for political policies that overtly devalue human life, people may gain respect for human life again.

Stop using the fact that our kids are killing kids as a political tool to infringe upon the Rights of legal law-abiding citizens and start dealing with the reason kids seek to kill in the first place.

There is no other solution!

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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The Entire Democrat Party is Built on Lies

By Lex Greene

August 24, 2024

The made-for-TV con-job masquerading as a party convention may be the final straw that breaks the back of the Democratic Party for the next hundred years. For at least the past seventy-years, the party has been built upon two failing ideas that have left the party painted into a corner they may not be able to escape in the 2024 elections.

  • Pandering to all warring minority voter factions
  • Using blatant lies to do it

For the first time in American history, past democrat loyalists are outside the convention walls protesting their own party and politicians inside the building, by the thousands. Ever since Obama 2008, terrorizing democrat groups like BLM and ANTIFA have been protesting Republican events, burning and looting cities across the country in support of their Marxist “squad” in a failed attempt to scare and silence pro-America voters.

But now, those same groups are outside the Chicago convention…protesting their own.

The “citizen army” Obama built, BLM and ANTIFA, organized, and mobilized via “free Obama phones,” is turning on the people who created them, democrats. This is happening for two reasons…

  1. Seventy-years of the same old tired lies are becoming very obvious to even democrat voters now, as the party elites are reading the same old party lies from teleprompters and last night, it just so happens that every made-for-TV party “headliner” from Obama and Clinton to Oprah and Legend, is listed in the Epstein pedophile Island files. That’s why they fear Trump, who is NOT on that list.
  2. Pandering to competing factions has left the party walking a tightrope in an effort to continue pandering to their voters, when their voters are not at all united on the issues at hand. They are just manipulated by con artists in control of the party, and they can now see what has been going on for decades. The DNC hasn’t been a “blue collar party” in many years. It’s the party of global Marxist billionaires now.

As the DNC convention winds down, I think what we will see is this event will have driven even more voters to Trump. Democrats have simply run out of room in the corner they have painted themselves into, policy wise, politically. They have built their party pandering to both Islam and Jews, Gaza and Israel. They pander to the black community, but falsely claim their candidate is “black” who chose one of the whitest male Nazis in America as her running mate. A man who brought Martial Law to Minnesota and ordered police to fire on citizens at their own homes during the COVID scamdemic.

The well-known female Nazi Governor Whitmer of Michigan was a Vice-Chair of the Biden Campaign one day, and Vice-Chair of the Harris campaign the next. The party that has all but eliminated the female gender, wants women to vote for the “female” in the race, just because she’s a female. She wants all “black” people (a racist effort) to vote for her because she’s “black,” when in reality, she’s Jamaican-Indian. Voting for someone strictly on ethnicity is the same as refusing to vote for someone strictly on the basis of ethnicity, it’s “racist.”

It’s truly amazing to watch stooges who claim to be “anti-fascist” support blatant tyrannical Nazis in 2024.

Harris has already been in office for almost four of the worst years in American history, with everything getting worse every day. But she wants you to vote for her to fix everything democrats have broken since 2009. Look no further than every democrat-controlled city in the country to see exactly how democrat leadership destroys everyone and everything.

In case you haven’t been paying attention, again this week, the federal government reported that 818,000 American jobs “vanished” just last month. 818,000 fewer jobs than what Biden and Harris told you they “created” last month. Month after month, the Biden and Harris job reports have been false, later “adjusted” when the actual hard numbers come in, and always adjusted downward from the lies Biden and Harris told a month earlier.

Just as important, any jobs they have created in the past four years were either government jobs, or government funded jobs, meaning, each at additional taxpayer expense! Meanwhile, private sector jobs are in steady decline with once golden businesses closing up shop across the country, unable to remain in business due to Biden and Harris policies.

A Century of Outright Lies

  • Democrats are for minority groups – when in fact, it’s democrats who opposed freeing the slaves, formed the KKK, and voted against every Civil Rights Act passed by Republicans in the past 125 years.
  • Democrats are for protecting your Rights – when in fact, it has been democrats who have attacked everything in the Bill of Rights for the past hundred years.
  • Democrats are trying to “save democracy” – when in fact, it is democrats who stole a party nomination from Hillary Clinton in 2008, and Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders in 2020, and have now coronated Kamala Harris as the 2024 party candidate for President, without a single vote from any democrat voter. Over 14-million democrat voters cast a ballot for Joe Biden, not Kamala Harris, and each was entirely disenfranchised by their own party. It doesn’t get more “undemocratic” than that!
  • Democrats are for “protecting your vote” – when in fact, it is democrats who have established multiple means of stealing elections, including fighting for the right of non-citizens to vote and be counted the same as legal US Citizens.
  • Democrats are for Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness – when in fact, it’s democrats who are responsible for the murder of over 70-million innocent defenseless American babies in our country, and so demonically callused as to offer “abortions” at their Chicago Convention via mobile abortion buses.
  • Democrats are promising to “fix” all of the problems we face today – when in fact, they have caused every problem we face today, via their anti-American global Marxist policies.

This list could go on for pages, but those who refuse to see reality, will not see it, no matter how many pages of facts I present.

Watching the cult-like “JOY” of mindless dopes rallying behind the most unfit and unqualified Presidential candidate in American history, can only be summed up as watching a fool’s parade. Sadly, I’m under no illusion that any mountain of facts can reach these fools now. They are doomed to doom themselves and everyone else, unless sane Americans put them all down.

If Barack Obama, John Legend, Taylor Swift, or Oprah Winfrey told these voters to drink poison, the convention center would be filled with dead democrats before the end of the convention.

Interesting set of Coincidences

  • From July 9-11, 2024, Biden, Harris and their democrat party cohorts hosted their global Marxist military partner NATO for a 75th Anniversary summit held here in the USA. All current members of NATO support the Klaus Schwab WEF Commie Global reset underway around the world, and here in the USA.
  • Two days later, on July 13, 2024, there was a highly coordinated assassination attempt against Republican Presidential “democratically nominated” candidate Donald J. Trump. The last time there was an attempt on a President’s life was Republican Ronald Reagan, on March 30, 1981, over 43 years ago.
  • Eight days later, on July 21, 2024, the democratically nominated 2024 DNC Presidential nominee, Joe Biden, was forced to withdraw from the race by party elites, in yet another blatant example of totally undemocratic activity from the party.
  • Three days later, on July 24, 2024, VP Kamala Harris is named by party elites, the new DNC Presidential nominee for 2024, without a single vote from anyone, other than a very small number of Marxist party comrades.
  • Then, DNC donors for Biden were robbed of their donations as party elites stole the Biden campaign fund and put it behind their unelected Presidential nominee. When money is raised under one pretense, and then used for another pretense, it’s “fraud.”

In other words, a democrat party led coup took place in just 15-days, from July 9 to July 24. The entire global and U.S. fake news media has been totally on-board, immediately referring to the unnominated Harris as the party nominee.

In the end, all liars will be ensnared by their lies, including voters and social media propagandists.

Watching the DNC Convention reminded me of the sinking of the Titanic. After hitting the iceberg, the ship’s Captain ordered the band to keep playing, so that the joyful passengers could continue dancing without knowing they would soon die.

Likewise, today’s blind dumbed-down democrat voters actually believe that the people they are supporting will “save democracy,” while the same people are openly committing the most undemocratic acts in the history of this once great country.

Like it or not, believe me or not, everyone will very soon see that the 2024 elections are a winner take all battle for the future of this country. In winner take all battles, little to nothing is ever left to chance or coincidence.

According to media reports, Robert Kennedy Jr. is about to withdraw as an independent candidate after democrats spent millions to deny him ballot access in the democrat-controlled swing states. Some speculate that he will endorse Trump and join him on the campaign trail, which makes sense after democrats have done everything they can to deny Americans the right to vote for him. How “undemocratic” of the democrats, right?

Real working Americans have had enough of this garbage. Only government handout dependents and fools still believe anything a democrat or fake news network says. We don’t believe your polls, your lies, or your threats.

If you think you have what it takes to take our country down, get busy. Bring it!

We are resigned to the reality that some of you will only learn the hard way! So, let’s get this party for freedom and liberty underway. The sooner we begin, the sooner we can finish.

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Our Government is a Reflection of YOU

By Lex Greene

August 19, 2024

Baseball used to be the national pastime in the USA. But that’s back when a single income was enough to raise a family. It’s back before online pornography, and kids who have been raised in their bedrooms playing video games with their doped up virtual friends, desensitized by killing, rioting and looting for points of no value whatsoever.

Back then, a mother’s womb was the safest place on earth for any child through the early developmental period…and now, it’s the most dangerous place on earth for children. No one was unsure about their gender or sexual orientation, after the first few baths when they found their private parts for the first time, and back then, their parts were private, not on parade in the middle of downtown American streets.

E Pluribus Unum was our national motto, Latin for “Out of many, one” …unlike today where power-drunk political hacks have divided our nation into tiny impotent factions based upon every possible means of division.

“One Nation Under God” because a “free people” are self-governed under very basic laws of decency and honor, and under the boot of no one else.

And because of all of that, our country grew to become the most advanced, civilized, decent and prosperous nation on earth, known all around the globe as the beacon of freedom, liberty, justice, and hope, for the entire world.

But that’s not who or what the USA is anymore…

Everything has changed, because the American people have changed…

Now, political warfare is the new national pastime!

Whether 1776 or 2024, our government is at all times…a mere reflection of its people. It always has been, and it always will be, for better or worse. If you don’t like what it is, change it. But be very careful what you have been Pavlov trained to want!

“With liberty, and justice, for all…”

By all, we don’t mean the entire world, at our expense. All means all legal American citizens, from whom all political power is derived. We don’t mean for some people, just white, or just black, just Christian or just Jewish, just female or just male…all means ALL.

But some think these foundational precepts, also known as the Charters of Freedom, are old, outdated, no longer of any use, and should be replaced by new “progressive” ideas, like communism, socialism, Nazism, Marxism, fascism…some sexy sounding palatable form of totalitarianism, evil under a kinder term.

At the base of this problem is the reality that some simply do not want freedom, liberty and justice for all. Instead, they want it all for thee, but not for ye

The USA is not governed by popular vote (a democracy), or even the Electoral College, (a republic), much less Executive branch dictates, or opinions of an unelected and unaccountable oligarchy, known as the Courts. No, our country is governed by “the people.” The people are the final arbiters of truth, justice, and the American way. All political power in the USA is derived from the “consent of the governed,” the people. Through our founding documents, the Charters of Freedom, it’s the people who established government, under certain very limited conditions, spelled out and codified in the Charters of Freedom.

The Charters of Freedom were not written in legalese, which would require legal experts to interpret those words. They were written in plain English, so that every legal citizen able to read basic English, could know exactly what those documents say, what they mean, and what their inalienable Rights are as free American citizens.

However, 248-years into the world’s greatest freedom experiment, the people are so disconnected from the foundations of their own freedom and liberty, that they are easy marks for a halfwit con job by blatant frauds only concerned with controlling you, instead of protecting you.

These halfwit frauds have divided you into warring factions, pitted against one another, for their own benefit, not yours, or mine. These maniacal morons keep you so busy fighting each other that you don’t have the good sense or time to hate the people who are tearing your entire world apart.

But in the end, that cabal of social misfits and demonic liars are not to blame. They are a mere reflection of you, the American voters.

  • Strong people will vote for strong leaders, while weak people will vote for weak leaders.
  • Ethical and moral people will vote for moral and ethical leaders, while immoral and unethical people vote for immoral and unethical leaders.
  • Smart people vote for smart leaders, while stupid people vote for stupid leaders.
  • Liars will vote for liars.
  • Communist and socialist voters will vote for communist and socialist leaders.
  • Freedom lovers vote for freedom and liberty protectors.
  • Voters with no regard for human life will vote for leaders who will protect their right to take innocent lives.
  • Thieves will vote for thieves.
  • Racists will vote on the basis of race, as well as gender, false ethnicity, sexual preference, etc.
  • Selfish people will vote for self, without any regard for the destruction they cause for everyone else.
  • People who hate America will vote for leaders who also hate America.
  • Perverts and pedophiles will vote for leaders who celebrate perverts and pedophiles.

You get the point… as a result, our government is a mirror reflection of voters, all of them. The simple truth is, there are no perfect people, therefore, no perfect candidates. But there is another name for “lesser evil,” … “better choice.”

We reap what we sew… so we experience the consequences of our actions, often in a direct and inevitable manner. The hell we live with is brought upon ourselves, by the natural consequences of our actions, or inaction.

“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” – anti-federalist Republican Thomas Jefferson

Today, the dumbing down and demoralization of American voters has reached a new level never before seen in the USA. How dumbed down can dumbed down get?

Millions of Americans are currently supporting the most undemocratic act in our history, a Presidential candidate that not one single American voted for, while claiming to “save democracy.” This candidate has zero accomplishments beyond slithering her way to power by any means necessary along the way. She dropped out of the 2020 primaries dead last in the democrat race with less than 1% support from her own party. But she was appointed by Obama to become Biden’s VP, before Obama forced Biden out of the 2024 race and appointed Harris the DNC nominee, nominated by no one.

This, the communists and socialists call “democracy.”

Ignorance is a problem easily solved with true and factual information. But stupidity is an entirely different problem.

Stupidity is voluntary ignorance, with a total disregard for truth and fact. Stupidity is most often driven by selfish personal pursuits at the expense of others. “I want what I want, and the facts are irrelevant.”

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he [she] is known and carries his [her] banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his [her] sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he [she] speaks in accents familiar to his [her] victims, and he [she] wears their face and their arguments, he [she] appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He [she] rots the soul of a nation, he [she] works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he [she] infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”Taylor Caldwell, A Pillar of Iron

For the terminally stupid, the facts are not only irrelevant, but they are also a threat. They must be silenced or eliminated. They must be censored from public access, ridiculed and even jailed, to protect the preferred lies of the terminally stupid.

Such is the condition of our once great nation today.

Unless smart and decent people show up to overcome the grossly ignorant and indecent voters this year, they will take our country down for good, come November. Nothing is more important than free, fair, lawful, secure and transparent elections in any truly democratic society. Nothing!

The only way to “stop the steal” in 2024 is to unplug all electronic voting machines and use verified paper ballots and hand counts, followed by careful recounts to insure a secure and legitimate elections for all legal American voters, all across this country. I used to support the notion of advanced voting technologies in a country of over 320-million. But now I know that ALL electronic voting is entirely compromised, all the way down at the county level.

The “steal” is already in place, via the election machines connected to the internet in 98% of the counties across this land. Paper ballots and hand counts is the only way to stop “the steal” in 2024, and there is little time to accomplish this in every State.

This is a “do or die” moment in American history. God bless and protect those willing to make the stand.

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Trump Must Challenge Harris Eligibility

By Lex Greene

August 6, 2024

The insanity rapidly destroying the USA has gone on long enough and if it’s not properly addressed in the 2024 election cycle, this country will never be of, by, or for, legal U.S. Citizens ever again.

The nonsensical “legal standing” rule in our unconstitutional British Common Law courts, used to deny legal citizens access to the courts on a procedural rule, allows for any Presidential candidate to challenge another candidate on the grounds of constitutional eligibility.

There are only three constitutional requirements for any Oval Office candidate in Article II of the U.S. Constitution.

  1. “No person except a natural born Citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution;”
  2. “neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years;”
  3. “and been fourteen Years a resident within the United States.”

That’s it, three very simple basic requirements for anyone seeking to serve as President and Commander-in-Chief of the United States. The 12th Amendment rightly applies the same conditions to the office of Vice President, as the Vice President is first in line to ascend to the Presidency, as in the case of the JFK assassination.

U.S. laws make each political party responsible for vetting their candidates and certifying them as eligible for the office being sought, before putting them forward. Neither party has complied in recent years.

These conditions are unique to the offices of President and Vice president only. No other political office in the USA requires one to be a “natural born Citizen” of the USA, drawing an intentional distinction between “citizen” and “natural born Citizen.”

Kamala Harris

Born in 1964, Kamala Harris meets the 2nd condition of at least 35-years of age, and to the best of my knowledge, she has been a legal resident within the USA for at least 14-years, meeting the 3rd requirement as well.

But what about condition #1, often referred to as the “natural born Citizen” clause?

Well, that depends upon what you think a natural born Citizen is, and who you choose to believe on the matter today. Due entirely to political agendas, the term has been intentionally convoluted in recent years, with the concerted effort to open up Oval Office occupation to non-natural born Citizens, agents of foreign interests and globalist agendas. As a result, most Americans are not sure what the term really means today, including Trump.

If you want to get something wrong in our country today, just ask an “expert” for their opinion. Factcheckers aren’t real factcheckers, the news media isn’t real news, social media is a bastion of propaganda, and academia has been undermining constitutional truth for over 200-years now.

No, you’ll have to do your own homework on this one…like I have. I’m not asking you to trust my opinion, I’m asking you to consider my findings, research it yourself, and draw your own conclusions.

Point #1 – Clearly, because the natural born Citizen requirement only exists in one place, and only pertains to one public office, there must be something special about a natural born Citizen, as opposed to just a citizen. So, what is special about this type of Citizen? What is the distinction?

Fundamentally, there are only two types of legal citizenship in the USA under U.S. Laws;

  1. A citizen by nature, true “birthright citizenship”
  2. A citizen by legislative process, “naturalized citizenship” via legislative action, which includes “native born citizens” via the legal concept, jus soli

While there are a number of methods within our Immigration and Naturalization laws for a non-natural born Citizen (type 2 above) to acquire legal citizenship in the USA, all of them are part of U.S. naturalization laws, including the 14th Amendment.

In the case of the 14th Amendment naturalization language, “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to its jurisdiction, are “citizens” of the United States and of the state wherein they reside” – the amendment only refers to “citizen” not “natural born Citizen,” and that’s because it’s a form of “naturalized” citizenship, via legislative process, based upon the legal theory known as jus soli,

“a rule that the citizenship of a child is determined by the place of its birth.” Legally speaking, it’s the opposite of natural born Citizenship.

Again, fundamentally, one who has acquired legal citizenship via any legislative process, such as adopted constitutional amendments and/or naturalization codes, is a “naturalized” citizen by virtue of legislation.

As a result, clearly, this is not what the Founders meant when they established the natural born Citizen requirement in Article II of the U.S. Constitution 237-years ago. The USA was settled, founded and built by “legal” immigrants. It was then, as it is now, a nation populated by people from all over the globe, including the Founders themselves, who had to be exempted from the natural born Citizen clause by the language, “or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution;” as they were made citizens via the adoption of the Constitution itself.

In researching Kamala Harris’s life, I can confirm as “fact” the following key points;

  • Kamala Harris was born in Oakland California on October 20, 1964
  • Her father Donald Harris was and remains a legal citizen of Jamaica
  • Her mother Shyamala Gopalan was, and remained until her death, a legal citizen of India
  • Both parents were visiting college professors, her father an economist, her mother a biologist
  • Both parents were members of the Communist Party USA
  • Both parents were active with Donald Warden (aka Khalid al-Mansour)
  • The Communist Party activities evolved into DSAUSA (Democratic Socialist of America)
  • Kamala Harris is not “black” she was born Jamaican/Indian
  • Her parents married in 1963, and divorced in 1971
  • After the divorce when Kamala was just 7, they moved to Canada
  • Kamala was raised in Canada until she graduated High School
  • The family also spent time in a number of other countries during her raising, not the USA
  • Kamala’s stories about her USA raising are false, as she was raised in Canada
  • Kamala returned to the USA to enter college after High School in Canada
  • There is no record of either parent ever “naturalizing” to become U.S. citizens
  • Kamala finished dead last in the 2020 DNC Presidential primaries, the first to drop out
  • Kamala had less than 1% support from her own party in 2020
  • Over 14-million democrat voters nominated Joe Biden for 2024 Presidential candidate
  • No one has voted for Kamala Harris for president as of this writing
  • Kamala is not a natural born Citizen eligible for the office of President or Vice President

Now, for those of you who think you need the Supreme Court or some anti-American Harvard or Yale “expert” to tell you what natural born Citizen means, well defined in every dictionary, the US Supreme Court has already ruled on the matter at least four times in the 1800s.

  1. The Venus case, 12 U.S. 253 (1814)
  2. Shanks v. Dupont, 28 U.S. 242 (1830)
  3. Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162 (1874)
  4. United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898)

While none of these cases were specifically about Article II eligibility for office, they were about “legal citizenship” and in each case, the Supreme Court referenced the correct source of the term natural born Citizen in Article II, Vattel’s treatise The Law of Nations.

To summarize, “the children of legal citizens are natural born Citizens” are “true citizens” via true “birthright.” Children of legal citizen parents born in the country, are natural born Citizens of the country, because… “in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he [she] is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his [her] birth, and not his [her] country.” – Section 212 … “We have observed above (§ 212), that they have a right to enter into the society of which their fathers were members.”

In Kamala’s case, Kamala’s parents could have claimed legal citizenship in Jamaica for her on this basis.

This means that Kamala is a U.S. citizen by virtue of the 14th Amendment, a mass-naturalization amendment granting legal citizenship status to former slave families following the 13th Amendment and the Dred Scott ruling in 1857.

Harris is a citizen by virtue of legislative process, known as our “naturalization” process. Therefore, she is not a citizen by virtue of nature, but as a result of legislative action. If the 14th Amendment did not exist, she would not be a legal citizen of the USA at all.


President Trump not only has a right and the legal standing to challenge Harris’ eligibility on this basis, but he also has an American leadership obligation to do so, on behalf of all American citizens who want to end the past practice of allowing non-natural born Citizens to occupy the Oval Office.

A proper legal challenge should be filed immediately with the US Supreme Court under emergency original jurisdiction of the court, against the Democratic Party for failing to properly vet their unelected 2024 Presidential “presumed” nominee, Kamala Harris, and the Harris Campaign for putting forth a fraudulent candidate for the highest political office in our land.

Should Trump file such a challenge with the Court, the court would have to consider the challenge quickly ahead of the elections, and they would also have to review the historical background of the Article II requirement for office, as well as past Supreme Court cases involving the subject.

In my opinion, there is no saving the U.S. Constitutional Representative Republic without saving the Oval Office from ongoing foreign occupation.

Nothing could possibly be more critical to the future of our country and the clock is ticking!

While writing this piece, I decided to do a fresh internet search regarding Kamala’s parents, and this was the first thing that came up, reportedly determined by AI (artificial intelligence software)

Shyamala Gopalan naturalization

Based on the provided information, Shyamala Gopalan, the mother of Vice President Kamala Harris, was a natural-born citizen of India. She was born on December 7, 1938, in Madras, Madras Presidency, British India (present-day Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India) to P. V. Gopalan, a civil servant, and Rajam, her mother.

As a natural-born citizen of India, Shyamala Gopalan did not require naturalization to become a U.S. citizen. Instead, she immigrated to the United States and became a U.S. citizen through the process of naturalization.

Key Points:

  • Shyamala Gopalanwas born in India and was a natural-born citizen of India.
  • She immigrated to the United States and became a U.S. citizen through naturalization.
  • There is no information available on her specific naturalization process or date.
  • As Kamala Harris’s mother, Shyamala Gopalan‘s U.S. citizenship was acquired through her own naturalization, not through her husband’s naturalization or any other means.

So, I researched official immigration records and found no immigration papers on either of Kamala’s parents. This is NOT simply about the absolute fraud, Kamala Harris. This is about foreign occupation of our Oval Office and the silent coup of our country!

The practice of letting those with evil intent destroy our country piece-by-piece must end. I remain hopeful that the American people will end it peacefully via legitimate elections.

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Are Women Destroying the USA?

By Lex Greene

July 27, 2024

Before I explain, let me just say that I love women, real women. I’m married to one and I’m the father of another, brother of two and brother-in-law to three more, and they are all amazing human beings, real women. They are smart, loving, caring and tolerant people, and ferocious protectors of those they love, especially children.

But real women are a shrinking segment of today’s female population. And before you bother to write to me about how offended your left-wing sensitivities are, remember, it’s you who insensitively supports the murder of innocent human beings. You are clearly overly sensitive about the wrong things, only helping to prove my point. You don’t care about a dead child, but I should worry about your feelings? Get real…

Now, how do I know that women are destroying the USA?

First, today’s women have become the #1 cause of death for American children…in the womb. God created woman to be the safest place on earth for the gestation period of every new human being, and instead, in our country, it is now the most dangerous place on earth for the developing child. Unless you have an IQ below your shoe size, everyone knows it’s a human being inside the womb, not dead tissue to be disrespected and discarded without consequence.

What good could possibly come from a people with no regard for innocent human life? What good can possibly come to such a sick society or nation?

Then there’s the voting trends of American women, just as bad as their disregard for human life itself. Ever since the flawed Supreme Court ruling in Roe v. Wade in the 1970s, women have largely been single issue voters, abortion, their assumed right to kill millions of natural born Americans.

According to the most recent information, women represent approximately 52% of the voting population in the USA. They have a clear voting bloc advantage over men on this basis alone, making their voting trends and agendas highly critical in every election cycle. Who do they tend to vote for and why?

Prior to 1980, there wasn’t really any notable gender gap in voting between male and female voters. The voting gender gap started in the 1980 election cycle, following the ruling on Roe v. Wade in 1973. It’s not about “equality” with men, because if it were, terminating a pregnancy would require the consent of both mother and father.

It’s also not about “my body, my choice,” except the less than 1% of pregnancies resulting from rape or incest. The other 99% of abortions are strictly a matter of convenience for the female, even against the wishes of the birth father. It isn’t “your body (life) being exterminated, but rather the body (life) of another defenseless and innocent human being, the baby.

So, let’s just stop lying about the subject and face reality, can we?

Since 1980, women voters have tended to overwhelmingly vote for Democrat Party candidates, usually on the single issue of “abortion rights.” If they were as determined to protect national sovereignty and security, freedom, liberty, and justice for all, they would be voting Republican in every election, and our country would not be on the brink of collapse now. But no…

In the 2020 Presidential election, women voted for Democrat Joe Biden by a 12 to 15-point margin over Trump, despite the success of the first Trump term and Trump winning over 11-million more votes in 2020 than his victory in 2016.

If you’re not happy with how things have gone under the Biden disaster, you have women voters to thank for that, about 57% of women voters, to be exact.

  • If you are not impressed by the poor performance of GEN Y, thank the women who raised them.
  • If inflation is wiping out your budget, thank 57% of women voters.
  • If you disagree with the wars Biden has created, thank these women for it.
  • If you don’t think your kids have a bright future, talk to the women who elected Biden.
  • If life in the USA has you scared and stressed out, go see these women, they caused it.

I could go on for pages here, but you get the point, and if you’re offended by reality, then you have been living a lie far too long.

I’m under no illusion that the truth I’m pointing out here will change the hearts and minds of the 57% of female voters who are absolutely responsible for the death of millions and the demise of our nation. They are likely to cast yet another anti-American ballot for the cackling word-salad hyena trying to replace Joe Biden for President and steal almost $100-million in donations that were not donated for her.

After all, it’s all about “breaking that glass ceiling” and “making history” you know. It’s not about things that actually matter to this country or the world.

But if the other 43%, the REAL women can enter the fray here and make it their mission in 2024 to address these women head-on and teach them how to become decent women and decent Americans, just maybe we can still save this failing Constitutional Republic, before our country dies a bloody death at the hands of those who think we should kill people to save the trees…and kill babies to party on.

Last…as a man, I can tell you with 100% certainty, IT IS 100% THE WOMEN’S CHOICE to get pregnant or not. The ONLY exception is the less than 1% of abortions that may result from rape or incest.

Stop lying and stop killing the innocent! Make America Respectable Again!

Now, it’s definitely not just these women. Far too many men are cowards, liars and thieves now too. Emasculated by Marxist women since the 60s, men have let their families and country down. They too, need a swift kick in the pants to get their heads on straight, before our country is gone, especially the young ones who can’t even decide if they are male or female.

Real men will deal with them cowardly men, if real women will address the 57% of women who need to act as smart and decent as they claim they are!

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Natural Born Citizen Clause Still Ignored

By Lex Greene

July 25, 2024

It shouldn’t shock anyone that political kleptomaniacs want to ignore the Article II Natural Born Citizen clause in the U.S. Constitution concerning who is and isn’t eligible for the Oval Office. They have and will continue to ignore everything in the Charters of Freedom, to their own power-drunk benefit.

But the American people continue to ignore it as well, while they scratch their heads trying to figure out how our country is being shoved off a cliff into the ash heap of history, just another failed democracy, doomed by an apathetic and increasingly government-dependent electorate. People incapable of freedom — will not be free.

In my previous piece, 2024 Elections and the Tytler Cycle, I explained exactly why every known democracy in history has failed, followed by a piece on the fiasco that has become the highly undemocratic 2024 Democrat Party Presidential nomination debacle, in How “Undemocratic” of Democrats.

And while a vast majority of Americans seem content to blame everyone but themselves for the demise of our once great nation, in reality, the buck stops with the American people. But we can’t fix stupid, right?

The truth is, the American people no longer know what’s in the Charters of Freedom, all of it designed to prevent what’s happening today from ever happening in this country. In fact, most are not even familiar with the term “Charters of Freedom.”

The term Charters of Freedom, never mentioned in government-controlled education now, is used to describe the three documents in early United States history which are considered instrumental to its founding and philosophy. The documents include the United States Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

All that was required of the people to remain free was for the people to remain properly informed and engaged in self-governance, never entrusting their freedom, liberty, and justice to any mere politician, aka public servant. Politicians are supposed to be nothing more than house maids for the American people, not glorified rulers of the people.

But democracies have always failed because sooner or later, one generation or another, the people no longer know the source of their freedom, liberty, and justice, to the point where most no longer even care. The people become convinced that “freedom failed them” when in reality, the people failed freedom.

Everything that has happened to destroy America over the past fifteen years was easily avoidable. The power to avoid this disaster was in the hands of the people, but even today, few know it, or care.

The Natural Born Citizen clause in Article II qualifications for the Oval Office, both President and Vice President, exists for one highly important reason…to prevent the Oval Office from ever being occupied by any foreign agent driven by foreign interests and influence. (The 12th Amendment makes all conditions applicable to the President also…applicable to Vice President.)

“No Person except a natural born Citizen (1), or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution (2)” indicates that only a specific special type of citizen is eligible for this office. It also indicates the Founders could not meet the first condition, and were “grandfathered in” essentially, by the second condition. Only these two types of “legal” citizens “shall be eligible to the Office of President;”

NOTE: On July 25, 1787, Founder John Jay recommended in a letter to members of the Constitutional Convention that the term “Natural Born Citizen” (synonymous with True Citizen) be placed in Article II as a requirement for the Office of President and Commander-in-Chief, stating that only a Natural Born Citizen of the United States would be eligible for high office. Members of the Constitutional Convention agreed, adding the condition to the document that would be ratified less than two months later.

All legal citizens of the United States have equal rights, with the exception of just one right, to occupy the Oval Office. This right is reserved to Natural Born Citizens only, in Article II of the U.S. Constitution. Under U.S. Law, there are only three types of “legal” citizens in this country, one of which no longer exists, the Founders, and only one of which is constitutionally eligible to occupy the Oval Office today.

#1 Our Nation’s Founders – who became “legal” citizens of the United States via the adoption of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787. They were not “natural born citizens” due to the United States not yet existing at the time of the Founder’s births. As a result, they were the only generation exempted from the Natural Born Citizen requirement via the language “or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution;”

#2 – Natural Born Citizens – True Citizens at birth via purely natural causes, not a government process. These are the natural offspring of “legal” U.S. Citizens. They are born without any foreign loyalty, influence or interest inherent in the bloodline. The true definition of Natural Born Citizen appears in the international treatise, The Law of Nations. Concisely stated, “I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country.” – Section 212 … “We have observed above (§ 212), that they have a right to enter into the society of which their fathers were members.”

#3 – Naturalized citizens – Citizens via the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Amendment ( the 14th ), and all subsequent Naturalization Laws. Anyone who was not made a “legal” citizen at the time of the adoption of the U.S. Constitution, or born to a “legal” U.S. Citizen father, a natural born Citizen, is a “naturalized” citizen via U.S. Naturalization. Since none of the nation’s Founders are alive today, only the second type of “legal” Citizen is eligible for the Oval Office.

NOTE: For years now, anti-American so-called “experts” and “factcheckers” have flooded academia and the internet with false claims that “citizens at birth” via the 14th Amendment, and “natural born Citizen” are synonymous terms. Political forces have established fake factcheckers to tell the lies and then employed the courts and main stream media to spread the lies as if settled fact. But the history associated with the 14th Amendment answers the question. The 14th, referred to as a Naturalization Amendment at the time, as part of the Civil Rights Act of 1866 found in both the 13th and 14th Amendments during Reconstruction, was for the stated purpose of ending slavery, and extending legal citizenship rights to those born in the USA but not to legal citizen parentage, in particular, all former slave families. Both amendments followed the Supreme Court’s notorious 1857 Dred Scott decision, in which Chief Justice Roger Taney wrote that a Black man, even if born free, could not claim rights of citizenship under the federal constitution. The case caused Congressional Republicans to take Civil Rights action which resulted in the 13th and 14th Amendments to the Constitution.

FACT: Constitutional Amendments are legislative acts, not acts of nature alone. Natural Born Citizen is a Natural Law term, a condition and right which exists in nature and is produced by nature alone, inalienable by man and government actions.

“By the law of nature alone, children follow the condition of their fathers, and enter into all their rights (§ 212); the place of birth produces no change in this particular,” – The Law of Nations

Because “citizen at birth” is a term used only in a U.S. Naturalization Amendment and U.S. Immigration and Naturalization statutes, it is a term and condition derived from legislative process, produced by and subject to man’s political whims and desires. Natural Born Citizen is a condition produced by and existing in nature, inalienable by any governmental process. It is a natural Right beyond the reach and authority of men.

Why is this important?

The broad answer is, for many reasons. But in the context of what’s happening in the USA today, it’s because if this one Constitutional Clause had been known, understood, and enforced by the people in 2008, our country would not be on the brink of collapse today.

According to the official story, Barack Hussein Obama’s father was never a legal citizen of the USA. Therefore, Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. is not a natural born Citizen of the USA and was never legally eligible for the Oval Office. Had the American people known it, cared about it, and enforced Article II requirements for the office in 2008, Obama would have never occupied the Oval Office and we would not be here today.

This one little simple constitutional requirement for the office exists to prevent everything we are seeing today in our country. Preventing all of it would have been as simple as “the people” enforcing the natural born Citizen requirement in 2008. Preventing election fraud falls to “the people” as well.

But instead, here we are fifteen years later, with Kamala Harris sitting in the VEEP seat and now, running for President of the United States, whose father Donald J. Harris, was a legal citizen of Jamaica, not the USA. She was never eligible to be Vice President, much less President. But who cares, right?

Despite the utter total destruction of our country under constitutionally ineligible occupants of the Oval Office since 2009, many on the “right” have been supporting equally ineligible candidates in the Republican Party…

  • Nikki Haley – an anchor baby citizen under 14th naturalization laws.
  • Marco Rubio – an anchor baby citizen under 14th naturalization laws.
  • Vivek Ramaswamy – an anchor baby citizen under 14th naturalization laws.
  • Ted Cruz – born a legal citizen of Canada and never naturalized to the USA, the son of a Canadian citizen father at the time of his birth.

The legal term “anchor baby” describes a method by which children born on American soil to parents who are citizens of another country, whose parents register the child as an American at birth, can then use the child’s citizenship via the 14th to gain legal U.S. citizenship for the parents. The child becomes an “anchor” for the parent’s legal citizenship, under U.S. Immigration and Naturalization statutes.

Today, the age old term “anchor baby” has been labeled a “pejorative” term simply because those who seek foreign occupation of our Oval Office, want to eliminate the critical difference between natural born Citizen and citizen. They have even gone so far as to refer to “naturalized citizenship” (aka 14th Amendment citizenship) as a “birthright” under the 14th Naturalization Amendment.

Natural Born Citizen is a natural birthright… all others are rights granted by legislation for the purpose of granting legal citizenship to those who were not the natural offspring of a legal citizen Father.

“I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country.”

Freedom is not free…it never has been. Good and evil both exist on this earth. Good never wants to fight anyone, yet evil is always at war with good, and evil comes in many forms, with many faces.

While Americans have been Pavlov trained to fight each other instead of the real enemy, unconstitutional government, or seek favor from officials for their personal pet agendas at the expense of other citizens, aka taxpayers, if everyone isn’t free, then no one is free!

People dependent upon government favors are enslaved to the government for their very existence. But the people who pay for it all, taxpayers, are also enslaved by government, as the government robs them of their earnings and uses those resources to buy votes from the terminally dependent. In the end, no one is free…except the ruling class elites of course, who are not even bound by the laws they create for everyone else.

All of it was easily avoidable. The mere public enforcement of the foundations of freedom could have and would have avoided everything happening to every American today.

But who knows, and who cares anymore? Only a small handful of Americans are old enough and informed enough to remember true freedom and the real source of freedom in America, and they are cast aside like some stumbling block to progress.

Real American progress took place between 1776 and the turn of the 19th century. Since the early 1900s, our country has been in decline, sometimes rapid decline. Each generation was less capable of freedom than the generation before them. Each was more dependent upon a despotic unconstitutional government than those who came before them.

The Foundations of Freedom and Liberty remain the same as they were in the late 1700s. They are codified in the Charters of Freedom.

But those Foundations are no more powerful than the people’s will to take actions to enforce them, for all posterity. As the people go, so goes the nation. The people only have themselves to blame!

Yet, on any given day, the people could decide the time has come for them to enforce the Charters of Freedom. On that day, the people will have begun the process of reclaiming their country and their future…but not until.

If you want your country back, you’ll have to take your Oval Office back first!

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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How “Undemocratic” of Democrats

By Lex Greene

July 22, 2024

After years spent painting themselves into this fatal corner, with the democrat party on the brink of extinction, party leaders work around the clock to terminate 14,465,519 2024 DNC primary voters and pick their own puppet candidates for President and Vice President at the upcoming convention.

First, they denied democrat primary voters a chance to vote for someone other than dementia Joe, and now, they are on the verge of not allowing those voters to cast a ballot for Joe in the general election, the same guy the party forced everyone to nominate just a few months ago.

Oh, what a tangled web…  non-aviator Joe in his famous aviator sunglasses, feels jilted and backstabbed as he is forced to withdraw from a second term bid. But just wait until you see how 14,465,519 D voters feel in a few more days, as their primary votes are cast aside by the party elite. Turns out the useful fools are no longer useful to the elites who control the party.

As the Party Turns on Itself

One of the things I’ve told readers for decades is the power-hungry left always fails from within…sooner or later. Driven by an unquenchable thirst for tyrannical power over all others, they always overestimate themselves, underestimate their opponents, and eventually, overplay their hand. They paint themselves into corners like this, and then, they make even more mistakes in a state of panic.

This time, they may have painted themselves into a corner they won’t be able to escape.

Very Limited and Dangerous Options

  1. Clearly, efforts to keep a leftist lid on the reality that Joe Biden is in no way, shape, or form, capable of continuing his bid for a second term have failed. Most of us knew this long ago, even before the 2020 elections. But now, faced with the disastrous debate performance and a growing collection of major gaffs in appearance after appearance since, even Morning Joe and CNN can no longer carry water for the DNC nominee.
  2. Because the party changed their rules in 2021, not allowing anyone to openly run against dementia Joe in a democratic style primary process, the only way to take Joe’s DNC delegates is for Joe to voluntarily withdraw from the race or be declared unfit to serve by his own party in a 25th Amendment removal from office. His cabinet is actually Barack Obama’s cabinet…but there isn’t time for this move now.
  3. Meanwhile, useful idiot #2 Kamala Harris, who ran dead last in the 2020 DNC primaries, can’t even beat Johnny six-pack for local dogcatcher, and everyone knows it. She is no longer useful to the party elites either.
  4. So, with less than a month to go until the DNC Convention, and the need to declare a nominee no later than August 1st in order to appear on some state ballots, the mad scramble for a solution is in overdrive. The party must nominate someone other than Biden or Harris and they are about out of time.

So, what happens next?

The highly undemocratic party elites must force an “open convention” where the elites can pick someone other than Joe or Kamala for the general elections in November. Meanwhile, Trump has gained international superstar status, in great part due to the endless DNC attacks that have gone sideways for almost nine years now. When all other plots to eliminate Trump failed, gun shots rang out in a last-ditch attempt to remove Trump from the race…only days ahead of the GOP Convention.

Obama was right… “never underestimate Joe’s ability to F things up!”

Oh, what a tangled web, indeed…

According to CNN and the Democrat Party, Joe won the 2024 DNC primaries by a landslide, with 3904 of 3949 delegates, essentially unchallenged. Changes in DNC rules in 2021 make it impossible to take his delegates away without Joe’s voluntary withdrawal.

14,465,519 D voters are about to be overruled by their party elites, in a totally undemocratic maneuver. Joe has already said “I’m the nominee” and basically, if he’s not, then he will not give his 3904 delegates to VP Harris, demonstrating a total lack of confidence in his VP!

Instead, he will be forced by party elites to release his delegates back to the party so that the elites can pick a different Presidential and Vice-Presidential ticket for November in an “open convention,” without a single vote from party loyalists. How undemocratic of the democrats!

An Open Convention

First, an open convention will take place after deadlines for their new candidates to appear on a number of state ballots. But that’s just the beginning of their problems…

Short-listers aren’t good choices either.

  • Hillary Clinton is already a three-time loser and remains one of the most unpopular political figures in modern history.
  • California Governor Gavin Newsom barely survived a recall effort in his own state, by the same voting methods used to fraudulently put Biden in the White House in 2020. He may not even be able to carry his home state.
  • Likewise, second only to Hillary in unpopularity is Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Vice Chair of the DNC and co-chair of the reelect Biden Campaign.
  • Then there are the unknowns, a couple democrat governors from election fraud swing states.
  • There isn’t anyone else!

In other words, aside from taking another shot at Trump, or going scorched-earth in an effort to make sure there isn’t an election come November, the Democrat Party is out of airspeed and altitude, in a death spiral towards the turf…

The long knives are out, and Biden is in his own crosshairs now. He took the job of useful idiot to provide Obama a 3rd and 4th unconstitutional term. But his usefulness has passed.

It’s absolutely Trump’s race to lose now. If you think democrats are all finished trying to eliminate Trump, think again. Desperate people do desperate things and Democrat Party elites are now the most desperate people in the USA.

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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2024 Elections and the Tytler Cycle

By Lex Greene

July 18, 2024

Those who ignore history, are doomed to repeat it…

I have written numerous times now that the 2024 U.S. Elections will represent a final opportunity for the American people to turn our country away from evil and bondage before the clock runs out on our Constitutional Representative Republic. It will be one of two things when the smoke clears and the dust settles this fall, and the American people will decide. It will be reformed, or it will be gone!

The USA turned 248-years old on July 4, 2024, 48-years past the average life cycle of known democracies throughout history. Throughout history, democracies have come and gone, and always for the same reasons… No people in history have ever been able to break the life and death cycle of a democracy, which is exactly why our nation’s Founders rejected the formation of a democracy and guaranteed every State in the union and every citizen “a republican form of government.”

Tytler’s Cycle captured the historical life and death of democracies with great precision. Alexander Fraser Tytler, Lord Woodhouselee FRSE (15 October 1747 – 5 January 1813) was a Scottish advocate, judge, writer, and historian who was a Professor of Universal History and of Greek and Roman Antiquities at the University of Edinburgh.

Put in simple terms, one thing always leads to another.

As Tytler explained through his many lectures and commentaries on the subject, Tytler believed that a “pure democracy” is a CHIMERA, a fire-breathing she-monster in Greek mythology having a lion’s head, a goat’s body, and a serpent’s tail.

Tytler explained in grave detail why democracies always fail in relatively short time frames…

In discussing the Athenian democracy, after noting that a great number of the population were actually enslaved, he went on to say, “Nor were the superior classes in the actual enjoyment of a rational liberty and independence. They were perpetually divided into factions, which servilely ranked themselves under the banners of the contending demagogues; and these maintained their influence over their partisans by the most shameful corruption and bribery, of which the means were supplied alone by the plunder of the public money”.

Tytler further wrote, “The people flatter themselves that they have the sovereign power. These are, in fact, words without meaning. It is true they elected governors; but how are these elections brought about? In every instance of election by the mass of a people—through the influence of those governors themselves, and by means the most opposite to a free and disinterested choice, by the basest corruption and bribery. But those governors once selected, where is the boasted freedom of the people? They must submit to their rule and control, with the same abandonment of their natural liberty, the freedom of their will, and the command of their actions, as if they were under the rule of a monarch”

The simple fact is, throughout human history, no government has ever been trustworthy, always seeking increasing power over their people, gaining total control over those who put them in power, and those who granted them any authority at all.

In the USA, our government exists solely as a result of the U.S. Constitution. Therefore, if the Constitution is no longer in force or effect, then government has no right to exist at all.

Even in the case of the once great United States of America, born in 1776 under the authority of the Laws of Nature and of Natures God, endowed by a Creator with fundamental inalienable Rights and guaranteed a republican form of government, governed by the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, the government would soon become all-powerful and destructive of its purpose.

In its original form, the U.S. Federal government was to be an almost powerless body with limited authority over a very limited number of duties, as three co-equal branches with divided individual duties and authorities, each deriving their just power from the consent of the governed.

  • ARTICLE I BRANCH – with sole lawmaking authority, limited to laws that were “in furtherance thereof,” and not in violation of the inalienable Rights of the governed.
  • ARTICLE II BRANCH – assigned the authority to execute the interests of the governed under the laws of the nation, constitutionally adopted by Congress.
  • ARTICLE III BRANCH – to provide equal justice for all under the laws adopted by Congress, in accordance with the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Our representative system in its original form, of, by and for the people, was designed to provide a maximum degree of individual freedom, liberty and justice for all, and a strictly limited authority of government.

But that was 248-years ago…

Today, our federal government functions as a despotic body independent of the people, tyrannical in nature towards the people, wherein Congress has abdicated its sole lawmaking authority to the Oval Office in the form of unconstitutional Executive Orders, and the Judicial branch in the form of British Common Law of procedures, practices, and precedents, now fraudulently referred to as “case law.”

Ever since the United States Supreme Court handed down a landmark decision in Marbury v. Madison (1803), establishing the principle of judicial review, our courts have assumed the authority to make laws via mere court opinions. That’s 221 years ago now, and law schools have not taught true Constitutional Law in almost a hundred years.

Despite a bloody revolution fought to escape the clutches of England and British Common Law rule over our people in 1776, the USA fell back under British Common Law rule a short 27-years later in Marbury v. Madison by unanimous decision of the court in response to a Writ of Mandamus, written by Chief Justice John Marshall.

As has been the case throughout human history, it truly took no time at all for the newly formed government of the United States to seize control over the people via an unconstitutional authority of the 3rd Branch, to allegedly make law. The court is an unelected and unaccountable body of nine partisan political appointees allowed to serve a lifetime on the court, without any form of accountability.

That event opened the door for the government as a whole to seize unbridled power over the people, beginning the process of Tytler’s Cycle of destruction that we all sense today. We are a nation in distress, on the brink of extinction, simply because the government has done what governments always do, and the people seem none the wiser.

While our society has been purposefully divided into competing factions, pitted against one another, dumbed-down via government-controlled education systems, and misled by an equally corrupt mass media propaganda machine, focused on false narratives of partisan fear-mongers, Tytler’s Cycle comes into vivid focus.

Due entirely to the actions of our government and the ignorance and apathy of our people, the USA enters the 2024 election cycle somewhere in the apathy and dependence stage of Tytler’s wheel of self-destruction.

While democrats divide the nation and pit Americans against one another to “save their democracy,” a Karl Marx version of self-destruction, Americans must unify to save our Constitutional Representative Republic, the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. Quite literally, everything hangs in the balance…

As we head towards the polls again, we will have one last opportunity to peacefully turn the tide and reform our country back into a bastion of freedom, liberty and justice for all, and reinstate the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights as the supreme law of our land.

There’s no such thing as a perfect person, or any perfect politician.

But sometimes in history, events and circumstances of the times, will cause a leader to rise to the occasion, making them a better person than they would otherwise be. Sometimes, it will also cause the people to set aside petty personal agendas and divisions, to unify behind a cause far greater than themselves.

Such times can even cause the issue of Election Integrity to take priority over personal agendas…

The 2024 election is just such a time… and the people will determine the outcome. A close look at Tytler’s Cycle shows exactly what the people must do to avoid the next stage, bondage.

Americans can, if only they will.

Tytler dismisses the more optimistic vision of democracy by commentators such as Montesquieu as “nothing better than an Utopian theory, a splendid chimera, descriptive of a state of society that never did, and never could exist; a republic not of men, but of angels”, for “While man is being instigated by the love of power—a passion visible in an infant, and common to us even with the inferior animals—he will seek personal superiority in preference to every matter of a general concern”.

Unique only in the USA, is one very important word and document…the U.S. Constitution. Unlike other examples of democratic failures throughout history, the U.S. Constitution provides a unique escape from Tytler’s Cycle, because government has no authority without or beyond the U.S. Constitution. It cannot do whatever it wants, unless the people allow it.

The only difference as it pertains to Tytler’s assessment is the U.S. Constitution, so long as our government cannot get away with unconstitutional acts!

If you didn’t learn anything else by reading this piece today, please learn this…

If we don’t save each other, here and now, we cannot save ourselves, ever!

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Team Biden Lies are Off the Charts

By Lex Greene

July 9, 2024

Look, it’s no secret to any adult that politicians lie, exaggerate their successes, diminish their faults, make false accusations against their opponents, blame others for failures they own, especially at campaign time. But the outright lies flooding out from TEAM BIDEN are totally off the rails and off the charts.

Like any real investigative journalist, none of whom work for the “mainstream” outlets today, I pay attention to everything, listen to everyone, weigh their statements with their actions, past and present, and let the chips fall wherever they may. I also subscribe to the “watch your friends close, and your enemies even closer” theory. It’s always good to know what your enemy is up to, before you get blindsided by them…

So, despite never donating to the Democrat Party at any time in my life, it seems my cell carrier sold their dataset to the political parties and likely the Federal Government, and now, my phone is flooded with campaign text messages from both major campaigns. I could STOP it…but find it very useful to keep receiving these messages in order to monitor the complete total meltdown currently happening inside TEAM BIDEN.

Since Biden’s disastrous debate performance last week, my phone has been receiving 4, 5, sometimes 6 or more texts per day from TEAM BIDEN. In every case, the texts are complete desperate lies intended to save a failed campaign, texting for dollars to anyone willing to listen.

The one I just received just moments ago is astonishing. Here it is…

Team Biden-Harris: “conservative justices on the Supreme Court awarded Donald Trump virtually unlimited immunity for his acts on Jan. 6. If he’s elected for another four years, he now has essentially a green light to use the office of the presidency to rule as a dictator and enact revenge on his opponents. Donate $20 today to fight back, reelect President Biden and Vice President Harris, and save our democracy:” (donation link removed)

It’s gotten entirely out of hand here… The US Supreme Court did no such thing…

However, for decades, since about 1913 under Wilson, the Democrat Party has been built strictly upon fear-mongering lies designed to control voting habits of all minority groups. The party is built on making their loyal voters FEAR voting for anyone else, because the “other guys” (aka Republicans) are going to “roll granny down the stairwell, steal an election, reinstate slavery, weaponize government agencies against political opponents, take us to war, ruin the economy and kill mother earth.”  

They clearly understand that most people will do totally foolish things out of fear…that they would never do for love, nor money. Sadly, it’s true… Of course, the people find it easy to believe these lies when the lamestream media rubber stamps the lies as truth, and well-paid democrat “factcheckers” hit the AMEN BUTTON to confirm.

Meanwhile, each of these things and much worse, have all been done by democrat politicians at the federal, state, and local levels. But in this case, as the Biden family, Obama and the DNC grows increasingly panicked over Biden’s freefalling campaign for reelection, the lies have left the rails and become ever more blatantly false, putting the campaign in an even steeper nose dive for the bottom of the political pits of hell. They are speeding for the ground, and no one has a parachute!

What the Supreme Court Ruling actually says… basically two things

  1. All Oval Office occupants have legal immunity while in office, for all actions consistent with Presidential duties and authorities.
  2. This immunity does not apply to actions beyond the functions and duties of a sitting President.

Now, for anyone familiar with our Constitution, you know that Oval Office Immunity has existed in Article II of the Constitution since its adoption in 1787. There’s certainly nothing new about that, as affirmed in part one above, in the SCOTUS ruling.

Of course, it should also be obvious to all familiar with our Constitutional Representative Republic that this form of immunity is not open-ended, a free pass for criminal activities which are not a part of Presidential duties and authorities.

There are two REALLY BIG problems with what democrats have tried to turn J6 into…

  1. The FBI concluded in their investigation that there “was no insurrection on J6.”
  2. The event was filmed, proving that Trump called for “calm, peaceful, and patriotic” actions that day, not a revolt or “insurrection.”

So, BIG FAT LIE #1“conservative justices on the Supreme Court awarded Donald Trump virtually unlimited immunity for his acts on Jan. 6.”

TRUTH – Trump was President on January 6, 2021, and as such, he did indeed hold “Oval Office Immunity” on that day, but not for “unlimited” acts. Only 3 Obama Justices dissented, and the other 6 Justices got this one right, as a matter of law.

BIG FAT LIE #2“If he’s elected for another four years, he now has essentially a green light to use the office of the presidency to rule as a dictator and enact revenge on his opponents.”

TRUTH – The Supreme Court Ruling provides for no such thing, and the USA has both Constitutional and Legislative laws against any such actions, by any Oval Office occupant. Furthermore, none of the fear-mongering and gaslighting lies told by the Democrat Party and Biden campaign are true, proven by the fact that Trump never did any of those things in his first term, despite being hunted by a wild pack of hyenas ever since he came down the escalator to announce he was running in 2015.

HERE’s the real PANIC!

Oval Office Immunity protects all occupants from criminal prosecution for Presidential actions, other than by a Congressional Indictment known as “impeachment.”

Left-wing lunatics on the loose…. “The conservative, extremist majority on the Supreme Court has decided former President Trump is above the law. Today’s decision further erodes the public’s confidence in our institutions and poses as great a threat to our democracy as the former president’s behavior.” – Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (FALSE)

“The Supreme Court’s decision is a stunning example of institutional hubris and reckless judicial activism.” – Legal scholar Richard Fallon (FALSE)

But, as stated by the Supreme Court, this immunity is not a free pass for any illegal actions, which are not protected by the lawful duties and actions of a President… such as, trying to govern like a tin-horn dictator via Executive Orders, bypassing the power of Congress and the Courts…Such as, refusing to abide by court orders, or issuing unconstitutional mandates that violate the people’s rights, or engaging in illegal foreign money laundering and business transactions with your son and brother, which may in fact, rise to the level of treason against this country. (ALL BIDEN ACTIONS)

There are two things democrats hate about the proper Supreme Court Ruling on Oval Office Immunity…

  1. It can stop their illegal prosecutions of Trump just in time for the 2024 elections.
  2. It will not protect the Biden family and others for their years of illegal international crime spree, which may in fact, amount to treason against the United States.

In truth, the Clintons, Obamas and Bidens have gotten away with years of national and international crimes and the walls are closing in on them politically at this moment. The SCOTUS ruling makes certain that none of them are free from investigation or prosecution, in the event that the Department of Justice is ever returned to a constitutional agency engaged in enforcing real laws, not political persecutions.

This is the real source of the massive Democrat Party panic currently sweeping the nation and consuming every news network as they work feverishly to find a way to replace Joe on the 2024 ballot.


© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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I’m My Own Factchecker

By Lex Greene

July 3, 2024

In the good ole days of the USA, people were well capable of checking their own facts and we didn’t need highly partisan fake news “factcheckers” to tell us what’s true and what’s not. Of course, that’s back when real journalists were factcheckers, the eyes and ears of the people, and not just overpaid political propagandists for partisan interests, beholden to their advertisers, many of whom are WEF Global Reset Partners.

It’s also back when education was all about reading, writing and arithmetic, not race-baiting, social engineering, sexual grooming, and global Marxist indoctrination…producing high school graduates who can’t read, write, do simple math, or even know what gender they are.

Even as a kid, my mom used to say to me, “you just have to do everything yourself, don’t you!” Yep, because I don’t trust anyone as much as I trust myself, especially when it comes to politics where pretty much all politicians lie at campaign time. As my grandfather used to say, “if you want something done right, do it yourself!”

Think not? How many political campaigns have you seen over the same small set of issues that they use in every campaign season, because nothing they promised to fix ever got fixed in the past fifty or so election cycles, no matter who you voted for? Election after election, the issues are always the same, because governments are not in the business of fixing things. They are in the personal power and wealth business…

So, I check all facts myself. But before I factcheck the recent Presidential debate, allow me to point out that “research” isn’t just Googling a subject (with manipulated search results) in search of someone you agree with, that you can then quote as an “expert.” Real research forces one to actually do the work of checking the facts and not relying on anyone else to tell them what’s true and what’s not. All available information must be considered, in order to form an accurate opinion for yourself. Regurgitating other people’s opinions is not research.

As I factcheck the June 27 CNN debate, keep in mind that you should go check my facts for yourself too. Keep something else in mind…

Politics as Usual

In order to win an election, you need people to vote for you. It turns out that real truths may be the most unpopular things in our country today. So, expect every person seeking office to present their own “facts” in a light most favorable to themselves, to gain your vote. Sometimes this is just exaggerating their own very real accomplishments, and other times it requires outright lies to gain your vote, and all points in between. Here we go…

June 27, 2024 – Presidential Debate by Issue (True or False)

Inflation and Economy

BIDEN – for the past four years has said repeatedly, “I inherited inflation from Trump’s administration.” But on June 27 Biden said, “there was no inflation before I took office because Trump decimated the economy on his watch (2017-2021).”  FALSE

TRUMP – Trump has said many times that there was “close to zero inflation during his term,” which Biden agreed with during the debate, and that “COVID LOCKDOWNS caused economic havoc during his term.” TRUE

Border Security

BIDEN“I have been the toughest President on border security in American history.” FALSE

TRUMP “I have been the toughest President on border security in American history.” TRUE

BIDEN“Congressional Republicans have blocked my ability to secure our border.” FALSE

TRUMP“Enforcing existing immigration laws allowed me to create the most secure border in decades.” TRUE

Covid Handling

BIDEN“Trump’s handling of the “pandemic” was a disaster.” FALSE

TRUMP“The states and local governments were allowed to manage the COVID crisis based upon the severity of the crisis in their area. I just removed government red tape (warp speed) to allow scientists and doctors to move as quickly as possible to a solution.” TRUE


BIDEN“Trump’s mishandling of COVID costs millions of jobs. I created the most jobs in Presidential history.” FALSE

TRUMP“COVID lockdowns issued by State and Local Officials at the direction of the CDC and W.H.O. caused millions of lost businesses and jobs throughout 2020. Prior to COVID, I had the best economy in years. The jobs “created” during the Biden administration were mostly “come-back” jobs after COVID restrictions were lifted.” TRUE

Personal Behavior

BIDEN “Trump slept with a porn star and incited an insurrection on January 6th.” FALSE (NOTE: The FBI Investigation into J6 concluded that there was no insurrection on J6.)

TRUMP“I never slept with a porn star, and I called for calm and peaceful actions on J6.” TRUE

BIDEN – “Trump called military service members losers.” FALSE

TRUMP – “I never said military service members were losers.” TRUE

BIDEN – “Trump is a convicted felon.” TRUE (NOTE: Despite no crime, no evidence and the worst key witnesses in the history of jurisprudence, and under appeal.)

TRUMP – “Biden weaponized the DOJ for unlawful political prosecutions of his political opponents.” TRUE

I could go on for the balance of the 90-minute so-called debate, but the trend never changes throughout. As has been the case throughout Joe’s political career, if his lips are moving, he’s lying. Sadly, the same is now true of the fake news media.

No modern politician has the track record of telling whoppers that Biden has had his entire political career. But now, Joe’s dementia is at a level where I don’t think Joe even knows when he’s lying. He’s just doing the best he can to regurgitate the DNC talking points he is given by Obama, and he has no clue what’s true and what’s not anymore. Maybe he’s lied so long that he lost track of truth even before his dementia set in.

As the Democrat Party controlled mass media sticks to their talking points memo, allegedly “factchecking Trump” without factchecking Biden at all, maybe it’s time for YOU to do your own factchecking!

Maybe it’s time for every American, no matter your political views, to seek and find truth for yourselves, instead of trusting a lying media to tell you what you should think.

Maybe the 2024 election cycle will be the last chance you have to do it!

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Biden to be Replaced on the Ticket

By Lex Greene

July 1, 2024

The first 2024 Presidential Debate was an unmitigated disaster for Joe Biden and the entire world was watching. In moments, nearly all of the “fake news” democrats were crying, gasping, holding their heads in their hands, and declaring “it’s all over for Joe.”

Within seconds, pro-Biden media propagandists launched into “who can we replace Biden with?” Partisan talking heads at CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and NBC were in full panic mode unable to continue telling Americans that Joe is up to the job, even now, much less the next four years.

The far left New Your Times immediately called for Biden to leave the race. Establishment democrats are searching for Joe’s replacement ahead of the August 19, 2024, Democrat Party Convention. Politico says, “the movement to replace Joe Biden is real.”

Face it, Biden supporters have waved the white flag, thrown the towel into the ring to stop the fight before Joe gets hurt any further.


Under the DNC convention rules, Biden must “voluntarily withdraw” from the race to open up a “brokered convention.” Biden would have to release his delegates to open up a “brokered convention” and he’s pretty much already out of time to do that, even if he could be convinced by Obama to do so.

Within hours after the debate failure, Biden was already saying he would not voluntarily withdraw from the race. The day after the debate, Obama met with Joe to ask him to withdraw for the “good of the party.” But it seems so far, that Biden has no such intention.

Once allegedly elected in 2020, the Biden Administration changed the DNC rules to favor the incumbent administration.

Because the DNC ran a bogus undemocratic 2024 primary wherein no one was actually allowed to run against Joe, kicking Robert Kennedy Jr. off the Democrat ballot forcing him to run as an independent, and disallowing Kennedy any Secret Service for his campaign, the party is currently stuck with Joe, like it or not.

If Democrats had put someone other than Kamala Harris in the VP chair in 2020, an easy solution would be to have Joe resign due to health concerns, allowing Harris to succeed to the Presidency as the 2024 Presidential nominee. But Harris only had 1% support from democrat voters in 2020 and is even less popular with party voters now. She scares the hell out of voters…

I recently released a column titled Obama Seeks 4th Term. The panic we are seeing everywhere after the debate is due to the open threat to a 4th Obama term, not a second Biden term. All doubts about Biden’s inability to run a summer lemonade stand were wiped out in one frightening Presidential debate. Biden wasn’t in charge of the 1st Biden term, Obama was.

It’s a 4th Obama term at stake here, and everyone with an IQ above their shoe size knows it, especially Democrat Party elites now rushing to replace Biden before November.

Despite the rush of democrat party “fact-checker” groups to accuse Trump of lies during the debate, nothing Trump said was actually untrue, even if I accept that some of his statements may have exaggerated his past Presidential accomplishments a bit, like every good career salesman will do.

The fact is, no politician tells 100% truth at election time, because real truth may be the most unpopular thing in America right now. But in watching the debate, while personally knowing what’s true and what’s not, I can state comfortably that nothing Joe Biden said was true. If you have followed Joe’s 40-year political career, you know that no modern politician is as prone to making up “facts” as Joe Biden is…

As for the normally Trump Derangement Syndrome CNN moderators, they made a decent showing of appearing to be as neutral as they could muster, but still posed questions to Trump wherein the question itself was based in false information. Meanwhile, the CNN camera crew tried to cut away from Biden when he looked lost, asleep, confused or like a deer in headlights, despite the DNC condition that the two would remain side-by-side on screen throughout the debate.

But even worse, at this point, Joe is clearly trying to spit out whatever his team tells him to say, which is always the “talking points” democrats think unsuspecting and disconnected from reality voters, will buy into without a blink. It was clear in this debate that Joe doesn’t even know when he’s lying now. He’s just trying to spit out the DNC campaign script, best he can.

If you remember in 2020, Joe Biden was finishing a distant 3rd for his Party Nomination behind Senator Pocahontas and Senator Karl Marx Sanders, with only 30% support from his own party. Then Obama stepped in and made a deal with Pocahontas and Sanders to step aside and allow Obama’s useful fool Biden, to take the nomination. On this basis alone, it’s mathematically impossible that Biden won anything in November 2020… but enough about that!

Now in 2024, even millions who participated in the most fraudulent election in US history, or were willingly to buy into the lies, “no evidence of election fraud,” are shifting to Trump as their eyes have been pried open over the past four years of utter destruction to our country, topped off with the worst Presidential debate performance in the history of political debates.


Biden is all done, Harris isn’t an option, and the party faces a massive uphill battle to replace Joe on the November ballot, due to undemocratic rules put in place by the democrat party.

So, the real question is, how far is the party willing to go to solve this problem?

Fall-prone Joe could have one last fall, easy enough. He’s already had brain-bleeds, often referred to as an aneurysm, and I’m pretty sure, a few strokes along the way. Clear to every onlooker now, Biden is in late stages of some form of dementia and even though I’m not a fan of the politician, it’s a crime what people are doing to Joe by continuing to thrust him into the light while he struggles so much on live camera.

No matter the how, there are only a few people on a very short list of potential Biden replacements, the equally unpopular California Governor Gavin Newsom, Michigan Governor and DNC Vice Chair Gretchen Whitmer, and of course, queen Hillary who still awaits her turn. The party may be entirely out of options at this late date, but Obama has to try, because his 4th term and the Global Covid Reset hang in the balance.

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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In God We Trust

By Lex Greene

June 25, 2024

In God we Trust is our national motto

“The motto IN GOD WE TRUST was placed on United States coins largely because of the increased religious sentiment existing during the Civil War. Secretary of the Treasury Salmon P. Chase received many appeals from devout persons throughout the country, urging that the United States recognize the Deity on United States coins. From Treasury Department records, it appears that the first such appeal came in a letter dated November 13, 1861. It was written to Secretary Chase by Rev. M.R. Watkinson, Minister of the Gospel from Ridleyville, Pennsylvania. . . .

As a result, Secretary Chase instructed James Pollock, Director of the Mint at Philadelphia, to prepare a motto, in a letter dated November 20, 1861.” SOURCE: As reaffirmed by the 112th Congres

That’s how and when the United States national motto came to appear on all U.S. Currency. But the sentiment was first recorded in 1776 in the Declaration of Independence.

“to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them;” and… “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men [mankind] are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. –that to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed;”

To put a fine point on the matter, from both then and now, IN GOD WE TRUST because all mankind is fundamentally unworthy of such trust! This means that all powers assumed by government which are not in accordance with the consent of the governed, are “unjust” powers, “unconstitutional.”

When it comes to the matter of rulers over mankind, throughout human history, rulers over societies have in every case, proven to be the greatest threat to those societies, always in the end, abusing their power and turning on the very people they are sworn to protect. In fact, throughout human history, there has never been a government worthy of its people’s trust.

For those who claim to be atheists, or nonbelievers in a higher power today, the motto isn’t an effort to force you to believe in a God, but rather to acknowledge that your inalienable Rights, the same as that of believers, is protected by the fact that no human ruler can or does hold unbridled ultimate authority over you or anyone else.

IN GOD WE TRUST… because in these things, we cannot!

  • Power-hungry and power-drunk politicians
  • Corrupt courts and a despotic judiciary
  • Fake news media, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, PBS, NPR, Reuters, Associated Press
  • Propaganda print newspapers, especially the TIMES organization and some POST papers
  • Mass partisan manipulated search engines and internet
  • False prophets at the pulpit
  • Partisan agenda groups
  • International corporations
  • Science and Medicine
  • Experts, Scholars, Professors, Teachers
  • Partisan Censored Social Media platforms

The simple fact is, there is nothing on earth that mankind cannot or will not corrupt to his own favor. Contrary to modern misinterpretations, money is not the root of all evil. However, “the love of money” is… When people make decisions strictly on the basis of monetary gain, they will be led like a blind man into all kinds of evil in pursuit of those gains.

No matter what you think you believe in today, it’s largely the result of a blanket of purposeful lies we have all lived under for almost two centuries now. Still, that which has been given by God, our Creator, no man has any authority to take away.

Rights and privileges that are granted by man, can also be taken away by man. “A government big enough to do everything for you, is powerful enough to do anything to you!”

While the 24/7 propaganda machine has everyone focused on which human being can do the most for you, the government gains power until it can get away with doing anything it wants to you, as very visible today for those paying any attention. If you think what our government has done to Donald Trump since 2015 is bad, just imagine what that same government can do to you at will, the minute they decide you are the problem…which by the way, they have already decided!

As most of us learn pretty early in life, often in early grade school years, human beings are not inherently trustworthy. How you might be affected by their agenda is most often irrelevant to those seeking to advance their own agendas, no matter the cost.

IN GOD WE TRUST… because people in general are not nearly as trustworthy as we’d like to think. And when it comes to the most untrustworthy people on earth, it always has been and always will be, those who seek power over others.

In pre-World War Germany, Adolf Hitler was elected by his own people, in a vote for a transfer of power wherein Hitler received 90 percent support from the public, mostly due to intimidation and fearmongering by Hitler’s regime. And then…Hitler turned on his own people.

The same is true of Stalin, Lenin, Mao and many other global tyrants throughout history. The same was true of King George of Britain, who caused our original separation from British Rule in 1776, only to be governed by British Common Law again by the early 1800s, a result of Marbury v. Madison.

“British Common Law is a legal system that originated in England and has been adopted by many countries, including the United States, Canada, Australia, and others. It is a system of law based on precedents established by previous court decisions, custom, and legal principles developed over time.”

Those who seek ultimate power over the citizenry use British Common Law to undermine, erode and eliminate Constitutionally Protected “inalienable Rights” of American citizens to this day, which is why we are witnessing what is now called “lawfare” to eliminate political opponents.

If you want to know who destroyed Constitutional Law in the USA, look no further than the “law experts” who did it and continue to do it now.

If you want to know who destroyed the U.S. Economy and drove American taxpayers to more than $35 trillion in debt, look no further than the “economic experts” who did it.

If you want to know who divided the USA electorate into impotent voting factions all pitted against one another, American against American, look no further than the “social justice experts” who did it.

If you want to know who dumbed American generations down to a 3rd world level, look no further than the “education experts” who did it.

In closing, IN GOD WE TRUST because when national sovereignty and security, freedom, liberty, and justice hang in the balance, no one else is worthy of our trust!

In a nation where over 84% of the people claim faith in one religion or another, one deity or another, you would think this is an easy foundational concept that over 84% of society would understand, practice daily, protect and preserve, no matter their personal beliefs. But that requires the people to live their beliefs, their faith, especially at election time.

IN GOD WE TRUST because there is no one else we can trust with our lives, and the future of all posterity.

So it was in the beginning, and so it shall forever be, or no people on earth will ever live free. It doesn’t get any simpler than this.

“Faith without works, is dead.” And so is our nation!

While you are busy being divided, pitted against one another by your government, for the political, financial and power gains of those who seek power over you, keep these facts in mind…

  • Christians make up 30% of the World Population, and 70.6% of the USA population.
  • Muslims make up 23.75% of the World Population, and 0.9% of the USA population.
  • Jews make up 0.188% of the World Population, and 1.1% of the USA population.
  • Atheists account for 16.1% of the USA population.
  • Agnostics account for 3.1% of the USA population.

No matter your personal faith beliefs, including none at all, your “inalienable Rights” are entirely dependent upon “IN GOD WE TRUST…” TO PROTECT THE INALIEANABLE RIGHTS OF ALL CITIZENS!

The cold hard truth is this… if every American who is in the 70.6% who claim the Christian faith, acted on their faith foundations in every election, global Marxists and abortionists couldn’t win a single election anywhere in the country. So, why do they allow the Biden Administration to label them “potential domestic terrorists” instead of unifying to fight the destruction of our Republic, together, on faith alone?

If 16% who claim to be atheists understood that their fundamental inalienable Rights are just as protected by IN GOD WE TRUST as any citizen of faith, they too would join in the protection of their own rights. In the end, the bottom line is…


© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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President Hillary Clinton 2025?

By Lex Greene

June 22, 2024

The entire democrat party is reeling from their freefall from popularity as their poll numbers nosedive to all-time record lows. The word panic isn’t strong enough to describe the level of fear sweeping across the country throughout the failing democrat party.

In the 2020 election cycle, Kamala Harris didn’t add a single voter to the DNC Biden ticket, with less than 1% support in the DNC Primaries. After four disastrous blitzed-cackling years with O’Biden, she’s even less popular today.

Meanwhile, bumbling-stumbling Joe’s numbers are in the toilet, running double digits behind Trump across the country, including in the swing states now. Voters of all past political affiliation are running from the democrat party as fast as they can, jumping on the Trump Train in a desperate revolt against the O’Biden policies that have put our nation on the brink of extinction and made daily life unaffordable for most.

Now that Obama has had to come out of the shadows as the real President behind the curtain, just to make sure Joe can get on and off the stage without falling, or wander off to sniff little girls, the party is in desperate search for how to maintain political power and complete their mission to fundamentally transform America into a 3rd world member of the Klaus Schwab global commune.

Harris never brought anything to the table and now, Joe only brings a rapidly growing voter revolt to the table. Obama has to do something to maintain course for his 4th term and fast.

Enter Queen Hillary, back on all the talk shows and out giving her standard anti-American speeches to adoring female audiences across the country.

STEP ONE – Prop Joe up by any means necessary until November. Drug him up and flip the switch so he can read Obama’s message from a teleprompter, with extra guidance in an ear-piece sold to the unwitting public as just a hearing aid.

STEP TWOReplace Kamala Harris on the Biden ticket, with Queen Hillary before or at the DNC Convention August 19–22, 2024 in the Obamaland of Weather Underground, Chicago.

STEP THREE – Use Queen Hillary’s popularity with abortion-lovers to pump up Joe’s collapsing popularity by the November general elections.

STEP FOUR – Continue to use every dirty trick in Chairman Mao’s Cultural Revolution playbook, accelerate the lawfare witch-hunt against presidential opponent Trump, while driving the nation deeper into bankruptcy via the Marxist Cloward-Piven strategies set in motion decades ago under the Clinton administration of the 90s.

FINAL STEP – If successful, Joe Biden will be eliminated by the DNC after the November election, making Queen Hillary the first female President of the United States.

Think it ain’t so?

What other option does the Democrat Party have? They need two things to hold onto their tyrannical political power in 2024…

  1. They need someone on the DNC ticket who can at least make it appear to be more popular than another Biden-Harris ticket, and who better than Queen Hillary?
  2. You didn’t think they flooded the USA with over 16-million illegal aliens and work around the clock to get them voting rights for nothing, did you? They need massive election fraud!

Blue governed states across the country have been working feverishly to instate new election laws that will make it impossible for those states to offer legal voters in the state free, fair, lawful, secure and transparent elections. Specifically, Michigan, Arizona, Wisconsin, Nevada, Georgia, and Pennsylvania have worked in an illegal interstate compact to make it impossible to stop or even detect illegal votes in their states.

The democrat party has fallen from favor with voters across the political spectrum. Marxists don’t think they are left enough, and Constitutional Republicans are sick and tired of watching them destroy the foundations of freedom, liberty and justice.

The people have watched them go after their political opponents in ways that have never happened in the USA before. That’s why Trump’s numbers jump up again and again every time the leftist controlled Department of Injustice or a George Soros DA or court strips Trump of his constitutional Rights, knowing full well that what they are doing to Trump is nothing compared to what they will do to average Americans, who don’t have the resources to fight them.

Today’s democrat party is the most undemocratic organization in America, making Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao look like alter boys in term of how Americans are treated by this extreme left regime.

Everyone knows the 2020 election was stolen from Trump…in fact, everyone around the world knows. The simple fact is Trump received 11,239,147 more votes for his reelection in 2020, than his election in 2016…an increase of over 17%, and 8,370,461 more votes than Hillary Clinton allegedly received in 2016. He was 100% safe for reelection in 2020, had there been legitimate elections in 2020.

But the Obama regime has managed to block court access to more than a hundred legal challenges to date. In 2020, Biden, who never campaigned at all and stayed in his basement while Trump drew millions to campaign rallies across the country for years, allegedly received 15 million more votes than Clinton in 2016, a 23.4% increase over Clinton, without ever campaigning. It’s a mathematical impossibility.

Still, they have to bring Queen Hillary to the ticket, because as it stands, Biden and Harris couldn’t be elected local dog catcher anywhere in the country but a handful of extreme left sanctuary cities.

Females have voted overwhelmingly democrat ever since Roe v. Wade, on that single issue. Biden is losing in every voter demographic and their best chance to regain some support is to bring in Queen Hillary to recapture the pro-abortion female voters.

Hence, President Hillary Clinton by early 2025.

Who are the two most likely new VPs in this scenario?

  • Democrat Party Vice Chair and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer
  • Democrat Governor of California, Gavin Newsome

I can’t even imagine a more fatal event for the USA. But as of this day, it’s the most likely scenario in my studied opinion…and news outlets are starting see the plan unfold too, If the American People don’t muster the courage to stop it!

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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With Liberty and Justice for All

By Lex Greene

June 20, 2024

For all who were never properly taught, and have lived under a blanket of lies their entire lives…

Not all that long ago, every American understood the concept of “liberty and justice for all.” A 247-year-old guarantee unlike any nation around the globe, under the “supreme law of the land,” the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. The United States guarantees maximum individual liberty and equal justice under the law, for ALL, regardless of race, creed, political views, personal preferences, or color.

But somewhere along the way, a society distracted by daily life itself, forgot to remain “forever vigilant” in the defense thereof, and politicians who refuse to abide by their Oaths to the same, allowed this most basic foundation for life in America to collapse under the weight of partisan agendas and purposeful deep and fatal divisions in the electorate.

There are just a few key ingredients necessary to create and protect Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness, equal justice under the law for all, and national sovereignty and security.

  • ONE NATION – as in, one people, E Pluribus Unum, Latin for “Out of many, One”. A society must be ONE, united on foundational principles, values, and political precepts…because if it isn’t, every house divided against itself shall fall.
  • UNDER GOD – which means, not under the authority of any human being. As established by our nation’s Founders long ago, our freedoms do not come from man, but rather, they are “endowed by our Creator.”
  • INDIVISIBLE – United in cause, because divided, we will fall.

“With Liberty, and Justice for All….”

Contrary to popular belief, no one in America has “constitutional rights.” That’s because our Rights are not from man, they are “endowed by our Creator.” Every American is born free, with “inalienable” Natural Rights, and those Rights are protected and preserved by our Charters of Freedom, the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the first ten amendments known as the Bill of Rights.

NATURAL RIGHTS“Natural rights, also known as human rights or inalienable rights, are those that are not dependent on the laws, customs, or beliefs of any particular culture or government. They are considered universal, fundamental, and inalienable, meaning they cannot be repealed by human laws.”

You see, for anyone to be free, everyone must be free. For me to have liberty, I must protect your liberty as well, and you must protect mine, otherwise, no one will have an ounce of personal liberty or freedom.

We must be “indivisible” and totally united in this regard, or we’re all in deep trouble. When it comes to the basics of freedom, liberty and justice, we must be united, one nation, one voice.

In terms of self-governance, there are only two choices…

  • We exist to serve government (bondage, involuntary servitude)
  • Or government exists to serve us (freedom)

Now, if you can explain to me how this is a partisan issue, I’m anxious to hear your story.

The United States of America is NOT a “democracy.” It never was, and never should be. Everyone who calls our form of government a “democracy” is a liar, out of intent, or ignorance. No exceptions!

But this requires everyone to understand the difference between a “democracy” which our Founders rejected as mere “mob rule,” and the “Constitutional Republic” that our Founders established in our Charters of Freedom.

In a “democracy,” the biggest mob rules. 50.1% of the people can rule over the other 49.9% of the people against their will, by simple majority, with no restraints. Everything is decided by “majority mob” decisions. This cannot produce “freedom and liberty for all.” It is only a stepping stone back into bondage for everyone, under tyrannical government rule by a 50.1% mandate.

In a “Constitutional Republic,” the government is created “of, by and for the people,” to serve the overall interest of every citizen equally, without any regard for picking favorites. The government is created and empowered by the people via the Constitution, with certain limited powers, and only so long as that government performs in strict accordance with Constitutionally granted authorities.

The government is further restricted on a number of key issues, as defined in the Bill of Rights.

In other words, a Republican form of government which is itself governed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights, cannot infringe upon the Natural Rights of any citizen, no matter race, creed, color or political leanings.


“One Nation, Under God, with Liberty and Justice for all….”

That which was endowed by our Creator, is inalienable to any man, woman, or governmental body.

“to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them;”

It’s entirely irrelevant who you think God, or the Creator is, or even if you believe in no such thing at all. Whether you believe in a God or Creator or not, you are protected by the same foundational protections afforded to all who do believe… No matter your views on a higher power, this comes down to your faith in mankind, especially those who seek power over you, verses your trust in no man to hold power over you.

The issue is universal in nature. The United States is built upon a foundational principle that ALL MANKIND is created equal, and free. That these things are not derived from man, but rather a higher authority than mere man.

To put a fine factual point on this matter, those who want the USA to become a “democracy,” seek unlimited power over all of us. Today, the Democrat Party is the most undemocratic organization in the USA, and this fact is easily demonstrated over and over again. Those who seek to uphold, defend and enforce a Constitutional Republic in our country, are the only true American patriots

In closing, it is unlikely that these historical and critical facts will reach those who need them most, as truth is being silenced at every turn today. Our government does not want Americans to know this anymore, as they work feverishly to meld the USA into a global Marxist commune in the ongoing maniacal “global reset” created by pure nazis.

They told you directly, if they are successful in taking down America in 2024, you will own nothing and be happy,” according to their definition of your happiness, of course.

So, if by chance this piece hits home for you, please make sure you share it far and wide from now until November, as the 2024 elections are for all the marbles, WINNER TAKE ALL…


© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Obama Seeks 4th Term

By Lex Greene

June 14, 2024

As everyone with an IQ above their shoe size already knows, the so-called “Biden Administration” is actually the 3rd Obama Administration. The entire Biden staff and cabinet is made up of all the Obama era Executive Branch officials and Obama has been in charge again since January 20, 2021.

The greatest “community organizer” in U.S. history has managed to orchestrate a near total destruction of the USA by simply creating deep divisions across the electorate, using every divisive issue available, “fundamentally transforming America” just as he promised to do in his 2008 Presidential campaign.

Like any expert con artist, Obama has consistently told you exactly what he was going to do or is doing right before your eyes in real-time. Even the leftist news propaganda machine is forced to finally admit that Joe Biden doesn’t have the mental ability to run a summer lemonade stand, much less a country. It’s Obama 3.0 and always has been.

He told you he was going to continue running the country for a 3rd term and how he was going to do it. Obama has been back in charge since January 20, 2021, but his surrogate frontman Biden, and his mindless VP Harris, simply read from the cue cards provided by Obama, including the teleprompters and ear pieces in “live” shots where we get to witness Biden’s inability to even read correctly.

Now in 2024, Obama is seeking his 4th term behind the charade that is the “fake” Biden Administration. Millions of Americans know it, even though millions will never admit it, because they are quite happy to know Biden isn’t really in charge of anything, Obama is…

With Obama still at the helm, the fundamental transformation of America continues.

Meanwhile, the entire American news propaganda machine continues to act as if they don’t know, including Fox News personalities, referring to Biden as if he really is a President, Harris as if she really is a Vice President, and the 2024 election as if there’s any legitimacy to U.S. elections since 2016.

Oh, they know, but they don’t dare tell it like it really is, which is why the entire U.S. news industry has a popularity rating even below Biden’s anemic levels, and the talk-talk-talk but do-nothing Congress. People started turning to Tik Tok and other social media platforms in a desperate search for any real news years ago. That’s why everyone in D.C. was united in the power grab of Tik Tok. Not because of so-called “Chinese spying,” but because it was the last place they didn’t totally control the narrative for public consumption.

It’s not Biden’s idea to transform all Executive Branch agencies into a federal gestapo designed to silence all truth in the market and silence all voices of dissent… “banning” free speech on all social media platforms, referred to as “community guidelines” put in place by the great “community organizer.” It’s Obama’s idea and he started that transformation all the way back in 2009, beginning with the Department of Justice.

The “fundamental transformation of America” is actually a global Marxist takeover of America, in concert with The World Economic Forum (WEF), the United Nations (UN), NATO, and the World Health Organization (WHO). America isn’t the only target…this is a global event. But the USA is the prime target, because when Americans are no longer free, nobody on earth will be.

People all over the world are already standing in the streets to take their countries back from failed socialist and communist regimes, removing Obama cohorts from power in a desperate attempt to regain control of their own lives.

This global operation to end all national sovereignty and security and create a One World Government is financed by American taxpayers, international money laundering schemes, and a long list of international corporations partnered via the WEF and the Davos Group.

The anti-American left is also organized and funded by more than 200 George Soros extreme left-wing activist groups, And…much of the taxpayer money being sent out of the country under the guise of “foreign aid” is being laundered and brought back in to the Democrat Party via an international fund-raising scam created by Barack Obama in 2009, ACT BLUE…used to finance a laundry list of extreme LEFT groups from BLM, ANTIFA, LGBTQ and Pro-Hamas alleged Palestinian protesters, to the fake “save democracy” illegal election “community organizing” groups.

If that’s not bad enough for you, the Obama Administration has formed law groups to go after any law professional who dares to challenge the unlawful and unconstitutional acts we see all day.

The “divide and conquer” operation is in its final stages now. The bankrupting of America via massive illegal immigration also funded by American taxpayers, including financial benefits no American citizen can qualify for, and even “voting rights” in far-left states, follows the Cloward-Piven Strategy to the tee!

In a broader sense, Obama’s “fundamental transformation of America” follows Chairman Mao’s “Cultural Revolution” down to the finest details, often referred to as “colour revolutions” today. George Soros has led numerous “colour revolutions” to topple sovereign states and whole governments around the world for decades and is banned with arrest warrants pending in a number of countries as a result.

While the entire American News Media has run cover for all of it, lying to the American people day-in and day-out, hundreds if not thousands of “citizen journalists” have been trying to warn Americans about everything happening to our country for decades, myself included.

But here at the final hour of America’s existence, most still aren’t paying attention, or are totally brainwashed to actively vote themselves and everyone else into global bandage under the false campaign banner, “saving democracy.” THIS is why they want everyone voting by mail…

Thanks in no small part to horrific government-controlled education, few Americans alive today know that “democracy” is a mere stepping stone into “socialism,” and in the end, tyrannical “communism” just as Engles and Marx wrote about so many years ago.

Americans are being sleep-walked into a total collapse of their country and the end of every freedom and liberty they have ever known.

To say we are late in the game to respond, or that the odds are stacked heavily against the American people at this late date, would be the gross understatement of all time…

Everything presented here is true, verifiable FACTS, with even links provided.

The 2024 Elections are a “winner take all” election cycle. It will be a death blow to everything presented here, or it will be the final death blow to the good ole USA. There’s nothing in between now…

The outcome is in YOUR hands. How ever this ends, every American citizen will be responsible for the outcome, so choose wisely in this election cycle. Vote for the Constitutional Republic, or the demise of a once great nation.

The stakes have never been higher!

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Time to Take a Side and Make a Stand

By Lex Greene

May 29, 2024

I’m always amazed to watch people debate “who’s the perfect candidate” when there’s no such thing as a perfect person. How do you expect to get a “perfect candidate” from a pool of imperfect people? No such thing exists… The over-popular term “lesser evil” strategically used to divide the patriotic electorate, has a natural synonym… “better choice.” The term “lesser evil” implies that there is a “greater evil,” an option even less attractive.

People who want to only vote for a “perfect candidate” overlooked the reality that there is no such thing! They live in a fantasy world.

But one thing is very clear at this moment in history…our government is currently full of the most criminally imperfect people in our country, and that must change! Right now, a growing majority of Americans across the political spectrum see Trump as that agent of change…and the more the corrupt government tries to prevent him from running, the more patriotic Americans rush to his side in a growing revolt against that maniacal anti-American corruption.

The simple truth is, Americans see themselves in Trump, someone under massive assault by our corrupt weaponized government, fighting for his life against an all-powerful cabal of international criminals and global Marxist misfits. They know that whatever our government can do to a high-profile billionaire, they can do even worse to any opponent, and they will. The left has made it personal now, and they have no rules of engagement, no conscience, and no shame!

What did you really expect from a society who thinks killing innocent defenseless babies in the womb is some insane protected right?

The Democrat Party made a critical strategic error when their lawfare turned a high-profile powerful billionaire into a “victim” of government abuses of power. They made Trump an “underdog” and Americans of all political stripes, always fight for an underdog, especially when they watch the government try to destroy a political opponent and all of his supporters!

The leftist lawfare assaults on Trump are a totally partisan politically motivated farce! Only a totally rigged trial could ever end in a conviction.

Never in American history has any political figure been so obviously targeted for destruction, by their political opponents. Never before have we witnessed an entire Justice System turned on its head, manipulated into an injustice system, all designed to defeat an otherwise undefeatable political foe. The people were awakened by what they have watched the criminal Biden regime do to Trump.

But at the same time, I’m also amazed at how easy it is to con millions of Americans, Pavlov training them to hate people they’ve never even met, regurgitate programmed lies as if they have some personal knowledge, willingly lie without conscience, and all because they were told to, by Trump’s political opponents, without a single individual thought of their own.

Despite it all, Trump is positioned to become the next President of the United States, so long as he picks the right running mate, and escapes assassination attempts. Maybe he’s sure to win because of everything democrats have pulled in the past nine-years against Trump, in broad daylight. Many who voted for Biden in 2020 have watched the democrats weaponize the entire federal government to “get Trump!” That’s something that cannot be allowed in the USA, no matter one’s politics!

Many years ago, I spoke of this historical moment in a few radio interviews, when the American people would finally realize the fact that our problems are not just republican vs. democrat… no, instead, our greatest problem is “the governed” vs “the corrupt government.” The people are here now…

Who actually “divided America” … How, and Why?

Of course, the people who actually divided America, blame the division on the people who didn’t…the same people working to unite patriotic Americans for the sake of good over evil today. Accusing your enemies of doing exactly what you are doing is an ancient left-wing tactic of evildoers, often referred to as “projection.” Nobody was better at it than Hitler and Mao, until Obama.


In reality, those trying to turn our Constitutional Representative Republic into a socialist “democracy” are the people who “divided America.”

“Marx and Engels believed that democracy is a means to achieve socialism, not an end in itself.”

They set out to destroy everything in the Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, and “fundamentally transform America” into something most Americans don’t want. That’s who “divided America,” between Americans who love America and its foundations of freedom, and those who seek to destroy it.

Those trying to turn the USA in to some insane Marxist member of a global commune under the WEF, UN and WHO, divided the USA between freedom loving patriots, and everyone Pavlov trained to hate America, and even march for the likes of Hamas, chanting “DEATH TO AMERICA.”

That’s who caused the deep divisions in America, no one else. The fact that patriotic Americans are finally starting to fight back, in self-defense and preservation of national sovereignty and security, freedom and liberty, means the divisions created by the left are finally feeling a counter-push. They don’t like it!

Before this 2024 election season is over, every American will be forced to take a side and make a stand, like it or not.

Why? …is always the same!

This isn’t about Trump…it’s about the future of freedom and liberty the world over, because as America goes, so goes the world. If America is no longer free, no place on earth will be. There’s nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Only the political elites benefit from societal divisions, no one else. They divide in order to conquer, plain and simple.


In 2008, Obama promised everyone he would “fundamentally transform America” and he sure has. He has made our country the sickest and most vulnerable it has ever been in 248 years. It was done by a “soft-coup,” through “community organizing” by the best community organizer since Hitler.

The current so-called Biden administration is actually Obama’s 3rd term, with Obama administration officials running the White House again since January 20, 2021. It’s a fact, just research it for yourself.

There’s no such thing as a “blue state” in the USA. There are only “blue cities,” most of them “sanctuary cities” in direct violation of US Immigration and Naturalization laws, engaged in harboring millions of fugitives from countless foreign 3rd world lands. All of them, imported by Obama with specific purpose.

Both the 2020 and 2022 elections were rotten with fraud. The people simply cannot afford to allow that to happen again in 2024. No one can “sit this out” on the sidelines. Everyone must take a side, make a stand, hope, and pray for the best, but prepare for the worst our country has ever seen.

STOPPING THE STEAL in 2024 will not be easy. It will be a fight to the finish.

The outcome of this election cycle will either shore up our Constitutional Republic for another hundred years, or the USA will cease to exist. The stakes couldn’t possibly be greater!

Now, some on the wrong side of this fight will attack everything I just said, using only the standardized broken-record talking points they were Pavlov trained by global Marxists. That’s fine, I couldn’t care less.

But the rest of you had best take heed… The time for talking is over. The time for action has arrived.

Doubt this message at the risk of your own peril…and that of all posterity!

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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What 2024 Polls Really Tell Us

By Lex Greene

May 13, 2024

My favorite line about polls and statistics is, 99% of all statistics are made up on the spot to suit someone’s agenda, and man is that true when it comes to modern political polling data. Today, most Americans don’t even care how accurate the information is, they will share the polls of their choice, so long as it suits their agenda.

It’s called “selective push-polling.” Political operatives need their loyal followers to remain loyal, believing that their candidate is some messiah with a good chance of winning. It’s a critical component to the general “divide and conquer” mission of the elites in control of all governments. It’s also very important when it comes to campaign donations. Most people won’t donate to someone perceived to have no chance.

In modern times, push-polls are also being used to prepare voters for manipulated stolen elections. No matter how blatantly obvious and visible mass election fraud is, the people will still believe the “steal” so long as it appears consistent with pre-election polling data.

Push-polling is when they frame a question in such manner as to elicit a prescribed response to suit the agenda.

EXAMPLE: Do you support women’s Rights?

Of course, most Americans support “women’s Rights” every time they are asked this question. The agenda isn’t “women’s Rights” though, it’s “abortion” rights. The poll asked if people support women’s Rights, and of course most people do. But then the reporting on those poll results reads “majority of Americans support abortion.” That’s not what the poll asked, and that is how push-polling works.

Selective polling is when those being polled have a known ideological leaning on a subject. Of course, if the Biden Team polls only democrat voters, Biden will likely perform well in that poll, allowing Team Biden to claim he is ahead in the polls. Likely, Trump polls aimed at republican voters will deliver the same desired outcome for Trump, allowing team Trump to declare that he’s ahead in the polls.

As a result, Team Biden will likely poll people who watch MSNBC, while Team Trump might poll Fox News viewers…and that’s why you can’t rely on any polling data, for the most part. Most polls are “selective push polls” with a predetermined goal.

But what are the 2024 polls really telling us about the 2024 election cycle?

#1 – Almost half of the country, a reported 41%, anticipate a second Civil War as a result of this election cycle, no matter who wins, while 49% have doubts. “Thirty-seven percent of voters think a civil war is more likely If President Joe Biden wins reelection; 25% think civil war is more likely if former President Donald Trump wins.”

#2 – Nobody trusts Congress“The poll of 1,813 U.S. adult citizens May 5-7 found that only 12% approved of Congress’ performance, while 61% disapproved and 18% had no opinion.”

#3 – Most don’t trust the Supreme Court or the current justice system either. “The Supreme Court fared slightly better, with 32% approval and 54% disapproval.”

#4 – People no longer trust any political figure at any level. “The poll also found that all public and elected officials, regardless of political affiliation, are generally viewed more unfavorably than favorably.”

#5 – Few trust the current economic experts. “When asked whether the economy is improving or worsening, only 18% said it was getting better, while 54% said it was worsening.” – “just 24% described the current state of the economy as excellent or good, while 43% described it as poor, and 39% believe the country is already in a recession.”

In other words, the vast majority of Americans no longer trust the Federal Government at all, any branch, any agency, no matter who’s in charge.

The people no longer trust the U.S. news media either, seen as nothing more than global Marxist propaganda machines now, hiding truths from the people, while continually spewing well-known outright lies 24/7 to support a “global” agenda, and undermining everything the USA has ever been.

And this is why a growing number of Americans see a civil war somewhere in our near future. They have lost any faith in the system designed to prevent a second civil war, because that system has become so corrupt and anti-American that the people believe, with increasing regularity, that sooner or later, they will have to take matters into their own hands to restore and preserve our Constitutional Republic.

Many years ago, I was doing a radio interview at about the time the “Tea Party” started rising to rebuke the corrupt nature of our runaway federal government. At the same time, an opposition group was rising under the label “99-percenters,” favoring socialism and totalitarianism for the American future, based upon 99% “poor” against the 1% “uber-wealthy.”

I was asked about these two competing groups in that interview, and my response was… The 99-percenters almost have it right, almost…

Sooner or later, it will be 99% against the 1%, but not based upon the poor versus the wealthy, or socialists versus conservatives, nor will it be in support of socialism or totalitarianism. Instead, it will be the 99% governed against the 1% who have turned our government against every American citizen.

2024 marks that time in history when a uniting of citizens from all past political affiliations will come together to defeat the runaway criminal enterprise called “the Federal Government,” the real 99% governed, against the corrupt 1% governing elites. How the hell has a thousand governing elites gained total maniacal control over 330-million legal Americans?

Here’s what most American voters have learned in the past four years…

  • Politicians are not trustworthy, none of them.
  • Our Federal Government is of, by, and for, itself.
  • Our Federal Government has been weaponized against ALL Americans, including the frontrunning opponent to the DC cabal, the people’s candidate, Trump.
  • Almost no one in power today is actually “on our side.”
  • The Constitutional System of self-governance is all but gone.
  • Politicians have divided the electorate in order to conquer all citizens.
  • Our tax dollars are being used to defeat the taxpayers.
  • Every penny in taxes is “taxation without representation” now.
  • The global left (WEF Partners) will stop at nothing to destroy our country.
  • No one against reformer candidate Trump, is actually a Republican, much less a conservative.

Most of all, Americans are finally waking up to the reality that Barack Hussein Obama, the greatest “community organizer” of all time, via ACT BLUE international funding, BLM, ANTIFA, and numerous Soros .orgs, has indeed kept his 2008 promise to “fundamentally transform America” into a toilet, where at least two young generations have been raised on socialist indoctrination, no longer capable of self-reliance or self-governance.

Instead, we now see the generations raised by Hillary Clinton’s village idiots, taking over our cities in support of well-known terrorists like Hamas, chanting “death to America.” They now represent the biggest racist group in America calling for the “ethnic cleansing of Jews,” the killing of “whites” and total control over every citizen by using more than 15-million new “illegal aliens” to redistrict the nation and vote out legal American citizens!

2024 marks the election cycle in which the American people, no matter past partisan views, must and likely will, come together to defeat the D.C. cabal of criminal miscreants, and preserve our Constitutional Republic, freedom, and liberty for all, by refusing to fall for the massive efforts to demonize every American who wants to see our country become free and great again.

It is 99% against 1% now… us against them. The only people who don’t know it yet are the deeply indoctrinated who were raised to prefer total government dependence over individual freedom and liberty.

But they too, will soon learn. I pray they will learn the easy way, peacefully through legitimate nationwide election integrity, instead of a civil war. But either way, they must be taught the true value of freedom and liberty, and that their utopian Marxist dreams have failed everywhere on earth they have ever been tried.

It’s up to the awake, to fix the woke… no matter what it takes! Or freedom and liberty will very soon exist nowhere on earth!

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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VP The BIGGEST Decision of Trump’s Life

By Lex Greene

May 6, 2024

If the elections were held in a free, fair, and transparent fashion today, Trump would take back the Oval Office in a historic landslide victory with voters from all demographics and past party affiliations.

That’s exactly why the Democrat Party, corrupt Soros prosecutors, their fake news media, censored social media platforms, federal agencies and billions funneling in from around the globe via ACT BLUE, will do anything to prevent Trump from even appearing on the ballot… They are all set to lose big in 2024, they all know it, and they have to do something extraordinary, illegal, and unconstitutional to stop it.

They are like rotten kids playing a board game, when one figures out that they are about to lose the game, they just toss the board game over, knocking all of the pieces to the ground, so that nobody can win.

But so long as Trump can avoid a bullet, or a lawless conviction based on utter lies and corrupt political persecutions by Soros leftwing extremists in the prosecutor offices, and we can secure lawful elections, he will become the next President of the United States, backed by more than 100 million pissed off Americans from every walk of life.

“The People” have finally had enough! Americans are finally waking up to the reality that anti-American leftwing extremists have pushed our country to the brink of total collapse, civil war, financial ruin, and no matter how they might feel about “Trump’s mean tweets,” he’s the only shot we have to turn our country away from the proverbial cliff.

But in order to do that, Trump’s pick for Vice President is the BIGGEST decision of his life, and ours.

Trump can only serve one more four-year term. Four years won’t be enough to save this country from Nazi Klaus Schwab, his maniacal WEF, and the hundreds of anti-American corporations financing the Nazi “Global Reset.”

As a result, who Trump ultimately chooses as his VP running mate is of critical importance. Political operators on both sides of the battle know this, and people on both sides are working around the clock to “advise” Trump on who his VP pick should be. Everyone has an opinion, most of them completely uneducated on the fight ahead, and totally incompetent to offer any good advice.

First, there are two competing schools of thought on the matter.

  1. Trump should pick someone opposite of himself, in order to gain support from voters who don’t like Trump’s sometimes brash personality, someone who will temper Trump’s right-leaning policy promises.
  2. Trump must pick someone just like him, in order to not be undermined at every step, like he was by Mike Pence in his first term, and set the table for eight more years of leadership following Trump’s short four-year administration. Keep the train on track for Trump’s four years, and eight more years after that.

I’m firmly in the second camp, knowing that the global nazi left will use anyone and anything to undermine any agenda to Make America Great Again, including horrific VP picks like Pence! Trump is the face of the MAGA movement, but make no mistake, every American who wants America to return to the roots of its unparallelled greatness, is their ultimate target.

I have been asked numerous times if I would support anyone but Trump in 2024, and the answer is no. Not because I’m a Trump friend, I’ve never met the man. Not because I’m a Trump fan, I’m not a fan of any politician or politics in general. They are ALL just public servants to me, none of them worthy of God-like status.

The situation in our country today is so dire that only someone with the financial ability to withstand the lawfare storm and a steel spine has any chance of turning the tide. They also have to be firmly committed to “Making America Great Again” by upholding, defending, and enforcing ALL protections of the people found in the Charters of Freedom.

As of today, I cannot name anyone who meets these critical conditions, but Trump. Therefore, Trump has my support.

Now, the same goes for his ultimate VP pick. The person Trump picks must be an exact duplicate of himself, otherwise, even once elected, Trump will not be able to do what his supporters want him to do.

Some of the Names Floated

  • Tim Scott, R-S.C. (needed to gain control of the Senate)
  • J.D. Vance, R-Ohio (Needed to gain control of the Senate)
  • Marco Rubio, R-Fla. (Needed to gain control of the Senate, and not eligible)
  • Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y. (Needed to gain control of the House)
  • South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (Needed at the State level)
  • North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum (Needed at the State level)
  • Arkansas Gov. Sarah Sanders (Needed at the State level)
  • Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (Needed at the State level)
  • former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (a Klaus Schwab WEF grad and lifelong Democrat)
  • Carson (far too weak)
  • Vivek Ramaswamy (A Klaus Schwab WEF grad and not eligible)

So, on the above laundry list of potential VPs being floated by people who don’t really support Trump, there’s no one on the list that fits the bill for me, after a great deal of research. Trump will need “conservative” Republican control of both congressional chambers to be effective in his next term. We cannot afford to remove anyone from Congress who is even remotely aligned with Trump, if we can avoid it.

Two on the list are not even eligible, both Rubio and Ramaswamy are “anchor baby” Americans under 14th Amendment “naturalization” statutes, and two, Gabbard and Ramaswamy are Klaus Schwab WEF grads. The Natural Born Citizen requirement in Article II applies to both President and Vice President and at a time when the Democrat Party is working to allow all “illegal aliens” in the country to vote in our elections, alter our electoral college and voting districts, 15-million new in just the past three years. We MUST uphold Article II requirements for the Oval Office.

After scouring the current political field for the best possible VP pick for Trump 24, I landed on just one name…


First, his name is NOT being floated by any of the “advisers” determined to undermine Trump just in case he gets elected again, as “advisers” did with Pence in 2016. But in addition, I have watched his performance in the House and the man is decent, honorable, and has a steel backbone in confronting the pervasive evil oozing from the dying democrat party, and calling things what they really are in broad daylight.

He’s likely the strongest Trump (America) supporter in Congress today, for the same reasons I am. Further, he’s not just another damned British Common Law lawyer, his degree is in finance and marketing. He understands the foundations of America’s financial stability and economic strengths needed to save the country from Marxists and Communists currently in charge of the DNC and federal juggernaut.

Like Trump, he’s an unapologetic AMERICA FIRST leader and a take-no-prisoners style of freedom fighter, who deeply believes that America’s greatness comes from its free people, not government. He’s extremely intelligent and well-spoken. He can lead the nation after Trump completes a second term.

NOTICE…I made no mention of the color of his skin. That’s because, like Martin Luther King, I judge a man on the strength of his character, not the color of his skin. We need leaders with a strong character and a steel spine. Donalds meets those qualifications with ease.

Therefore, my personal recommendation to Trump is to choose Byron Donalds as his 2024 running mate.

Truly… I cannot name anyone else as of today!

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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The Truth and Consequences of Targeting Tik Tok

By Lex Greene

May 2, 2024

By now, every American should have figured out that we are being “spied on” everywhere we go, everything we say, everything we post, text, Google search, buy online, or share on social media, every platform, including Tik Tok. Why do you think ads for products you just mentioned to a friend in a “private” conversation start “randomly” popping up on your devices? You smart phone and smart TV watch every move you make.

They also should have figured out that real journalism is dead in the USA, all news outlets, and social media platforms are heavily censored to maintain the government approved narrative on any and all issues, foreign or domestic. They should have figured out that we no longer have “constitutional” courts or “inalienable rights” in the USA, but instead, British Common Law courts used to undermine everything in the Charters of Freedom.

But it turns out that the vast majority of Americans aren’t as awake and aware as we would hope. As a result, most live under the façade of legitimate government, even as they watch that government violate every protected right in the Bill of Rights, spy on and attack American Citizens denying them a right to free speech, to peaceably assemble, or seek any real form of justice.

According to our weaponized federal government officials, “Tik Tok must be banned because it’s owned by the Communist Party of China.” But what if that isn’t true?

Who Really Owns Tik Tok?

Tik Tok is reportedly owned by ByteDance Ltd., a Chinese internet technology company headquartered in Haidian, Beijing and incorporated in the Cayman Islands. In 2009, software engineer and entrepreneur Zhang Yiming collaborated with his friend Liang Rubo to co-found, a real estate search engine, and later create and launch Tik Tok.

According to official filings by the Founders and operators of the company, 20% of Tik Tok is owned by the developers and founders of the company. Another 20% is owned by thousands of employees worldwide, including in the USA, and the remaining 60% is owned by global private investors.

ByteDance is backed financially by Jeff Yass’ Susquehanna International Group, Primavera Capital Group, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, SoftBank Group, Sequoia Capital, General Atlantic, and Hillhouse Capital Group, all of them huge international business capital groups invested in many things.

In other words, it’s simply not true that “Tik Tok is owned by the Chinese Communist Party.”

USA Things that ARE Owned by the Chinese (10)

  • Chicago Stock Exchange
  • AMC Theaters
  • Smithfield Foods
  • Legendary Entertainment Group
  • GE Appliances
  • The Waldorf Astoria
  • Strategic Hotels & Resorts
  • Riot Games
  • Ingram Micro
  • Motorola Mobility

More importantly, in addition to flying RECON spy balloons across the entire USA without any effort by our federal government to prevent it, the Chinese have been buying up USA land at a record pace, with no opposition from the Biden Administration or Congress.

Most critically, much of the Chinese land purchases in the USA are adjacent to “TOP SECRET” Military Bases, including some of our nuclear weapons bases. (NBC News)

Maybe even more dangerous to the USA is the fact that over 50% of the USA Agricultural Land is own by foreign countries, including China.

So, we can agree that the Chinese Communist Party is indeed a growing superpower that threatens freedom and liberty everywhere it sets its roots beyond China’s borders. Their involvement with Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF) makes them even more dangerous, as the chosen model for a future global government under the maniacal Nazi Klaus Schwab and his evil 2020 Great Covid 19 Reset.

And just in case you still think China and Tik Tok are the greatest threat to American freedom and liberty, you had best think again… Check this list of USA Global Corporate Partners with evil Nazi Klaus Schwab. Every company on this list is a “partner” in the global Nazi WEF GREAT RESET designed to end all national sovereignty, security, independence, peace, and prosperity anywhere in the world.

So, Why Do All the Politicians Hate Tik Tok?

It’s quite simple really… #1 – Tik Tok stock is privately traded, so the politicians and their WEF corporate cronies, like the infamous Blackrock, don’t own it, and can’t control it. But even more important is the reality that western civilization exists in a vacuum completely void of any real journalism or news today.

The kids think they invented the “cancel culture,” but no, our government created it, and Pavlov trained the kids in government-controlled education. Some of the biggest chronic liars in history are now the gatekeepers of truth in America. No one human being has ever told as many lies as Joe Biden, or a bigger set of lies than Barack Obama. Yet, they now control all content on all of the following “fake news” outlets and social platforms…

  • ABC
  • CBS
  • NBC
  • CNN
  • FOX
  • NPR
  • PBS
  • Almost every American newspaper
  • Twitter (X)
  • Snapchat
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Google
  • Yahoo
  • And yes, even Truth Social
  • Some influence over Newsmax
  • Little to no influence over OANN, which is why the government targets OANN too

All so-called “community guidelines” or “community standards” are blatant tools of censorship. Gatekeepers of truth at each company, tightly control what is and isn’t “acceptable free speech” and they all answer to the new draconian US Federal Government, which has weaponized every branch and every agency against the American people, while funding known Nazis and terrorists.

But… TIK TOK is the threat!

Yes indeed, TIK TOK is a threat to the people determined to block all public access to free unfettered information. This is the threat that has a government that can’t agree on anything else, that won’t protect our own borders, that weaponized the entire government against the American people, in total agreement against TIK TOK…

As for the alleged “spying” on users of TIK TOK, in case you haven’t figured it out by now, nobody is spying on the American people more than our own government. Every online APP uses a form of “spyware” programming in order to track a user’s interests and provide content, including ads, that the user may be interested in. Every online APP does the same, usually for profit.

When they told you that the “APP is FREE,” they also told you it’s paid for by someone else, mostly advertisers, just like the news networks.

I’m a country music fan and so I follow new rising country music artists, as just one example of the backend problems to what our government is doing to TIK TOK. Here’s an article I just saw, while thinking about writing the truth here regarding TIK TOK. The article talks about 13 New Country Stars whose careers were launched simply by their posts on TIK TOK. They wouldn’t have successful careers today had it not been for open access to TIK TOK.

Now, in case you’re not a country music fan, there’s much more…

According to the most recent data, there are approximately 170-million TIK TOK users in the USA alone, over half of the US population. Approximately 13% of them, or 22.1-million users make part or all of their income via marketing their products and services on TIK TOK.

If our government were to actually “BAN TIK TOK” in the USA, that’s over 20-million Americans that would lose all or part of their income, at a time when O’Biden inflation is ravaging family finances…we are about to see a record number of home foreclosures…in addition to the thousands of companies and millions of jobs lost due to the DoD’s CV19 scamdemic.

All for what? Because the biggest liars in our country can’t control TIK TOK political speech?

When they told you 2-million Americans were going to die from COVID in just two weeks in April 2020, they lied. When they told you wearing a mask and social distancing would save you, they lied. When they told you they didn’t know where COVID came from, they lied. When they told you taking the JAB would save you, they lied about that too.

Now the same people want you to believe that TIK TOK is the new “silent killer” you should fear, and they are lying about that as well! By the way, do you know which country was the first to “ban Tik Tok?” — It was CHINA! Communist governments always try to silence free speech…

So, at what point do you add up all of their proven lies and decide to think for yourself? Before, or after they take everything, you thought you owned????

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Single Female Voters are Destroying America

By Lex Greene

April 25, 2024

You can shoot the messenger here if you want, but it won’t change these facts! Single female voters are the single largest problem in the USA electorate as 70% of them are single issue voters, seeking a protected right to kill their own children in the womb…abortion!

I firmly believe that given the chance, 70% of single American women would vote for Stalin, Mao, or Hitler, and the total destruction of our country, if these leaders promised to protect their right to kill their own children in the womb. Their voting history confirms it!

For the record, this isn’t an attempt to drive divisions even deeper, our government is the expert at that. This is a desperate attempt to shake voters awake before they destroy everything.

Voting Trends by Contrast

  • Over 59% of married men vote GOP
  • Over 56% of married women also vote GOP
  • Even 52% of single men vote GOP
  • But only 30% of single women vote GOP

In other words, responsible pro-family Americans overwhelmingly vote GOP in every election, by at least a 60-40 margin, with a majority of single men voting GOP as well.

But approximately 70% of single female voters vote against everyone else, none more so than their own children in the womb. So long as this remains the case, the entire country is doomed, as whole generations of Natural Born American Citizens are exterminated by their own mothers.

I wish I were just making this up or taking it from some far-right propaganda survey, because I’d rather these facts not be true in my country. But no, this data is taken from a report written by AEI Distinguished Senior Fellow Emeritus Karlyn Bowman.

For years now, I have somewhat jokingly said, mostly to my wife of many years, that “women have been a problem since Eve in the garden.” Look no further for proof than the voting trends of “anti-life” single female voters, their friends, or their anti-American elected female lunatics, like Michigan Governor Whitmer and three-time loser Killary Clinton.

Sure, I know what I’m reporting here will offend many single female voters. But everyone else should be deeply offended by the voting trends of women who can’t even be trusted to protect their own offspring.

It’s an obvious question that most Americans are scared to ask, and yet, it must be asked…for the sake of freedom and liberty for all.

Can voters who can’t be trusted to even protect the life of their own children, be trusted with the future of our country?

We don’t allow mentally ill people to vote, because their mental illness could jeopardize the entire nation. Same goes for felons already proven to make horrible decisions in their lives.

But we’re talking about voters who kill their own children here, and vote in every election to secure some insane right to do so. Thousands occupy a prison cell for taking the life of an innocent, but these folks parade around like they deserve some kind of participation trophy for killing their own children or protecting the so-called “right” of other women to kill theirs. They don’t just do it, they celebrate it!

Before you mention it, I’m not referring to the less than 1% of all abortions which may in truth involve rape or incest. This argument is like saying 1% of the food in your refrigerator has gone bad, so you think it justifies throwing out 100% of the food. It’s a foundationally flawed debate jingle, nothing more.

These are voters we can trust with the future of our children and grandchildren… Really? Ya think? These same voters are responsible for boys in your daughter’s locker rooms, men in your women’s bathrooms, pedophiles in your neighborhoods and gender-confused people reading gay books in your kid’s kindergarten class.

Would you even allow someone who believes in a right to kill their own children, to babysit your children, or grandchildren? I don’t think so…

Now look… all the way back in the 1970s, a wife filed a suit asking the court if her husband had the legal power to force her to have a baby or abort a baby, against her will, and the court said NO…that was Roe v. Wade.

Despite the court ruling, Jane Roe (aka Norma McCorvey) never aborted any of her three babies, and prior to her passing in 2017, she was a staunch anti-abortion advocate, feeling responsible for the death of over 70-million innocent American children in the womb.

In September 2021, her daughter gave an interview to the left-wing magazine The Atlantic.

“Norma could be salty and fun, but she was also self-absorbed and dishonest, and she remained, until her death in 2017, at the age of 69, fundamentally unhappy.”

“Norma’s personal life was complex. She had casual affairs with men, and one brief marriage at age 16. She bore three children, each of them placed for adoption. But she slept far more often with women, and worked in lesbian bars.”

Sadly, our government (including the courts, and the mass media) saw an opportunity in Roe v. Wade, a chance to “reduce unwanted population” (mostly in the black community) via the ruling authored by Justice Harry Blackmun who stated that “the criminalization of abortion did not have roots in the English common-law tradition.” — One of many reasons why the USA is supposed to function on Constitutional Law, not British Common Law.

Under USA Constitutional Law, every American (born and unborn) has an inalienable protected Right to LIFE, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

However, British Common Law does not recognize any fundamental inalienable Rights of the People at all. Instead, it is based upon precedents established by previous court decisions, customs, and legal principles developed over time. The doctrine of binding precedent, whereby courts follow and apply the principles declared in previous cases decided by more senior courts, is also known by the Latin expression “stare decisis,” a legal principle that obligates judges to respect and follow the precedent established by prior decisions.

In other words, the judges are entirely free to determine what Rights you have and don’t have, by the mere court opinion of unelected and totally unaccountable lifetime partisan-political appointees.

In the end, this means that the good people of the United States do not have any “constitutional” courts today. Instead, we currently have British Common Law courts and every attorney who graduated law school in the past century is not only indoctrinated into British Common Law, instead of Constitutional Law, they are sworn by the American Bar Association to act upon those customs and practices to maintain their license. If that’s not bad enough, we now have The 65 Project targeting lawyers who don’t comply.

It also means that female voters in the USA have been lied to on the matter of abortion, since Roe v. Wade in the 1970s, 50-years ago now. So, over 70% of single females vote against their own children and our country in every election cycle, plain as that!

It isn’t just single female voters though, as some 44% of married females and 40% of males also vote for today’s death cult democrats, in support of the single female vote.

I will ask another unpopular but critical question for the future of our once great nation…including all you go-along to get-along folks…

What good can possibly come in a country wherein the electorate will decide the future of the country on the basis of some evil “right” to murder their own children in the womb?

I submit to you, that such a people, like the people of Rome before the fall, cannot survive themselves.

Prove me wrong!

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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What Bill of Rights?

By Lex Greene

April 23, 2024

Contrary to modern popular belief, the US Constitution isn’t the first document establishing the USA as a sovereign nation of free self-governed people, the Declaration of Independence is. In fact, the document that preceded the Declaration of 1776 is the Mayflower Compact (1620), the foundation for what appears in the Declaration establishing the USA as a free people and independent sovereign nation almost 250 years ago.

Text of the Mayflower Compact (1620)

“In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord, King James, by the grace of God, of Great Britaine, France and Ireland king, defender of the faith, etc. having undertaken, for the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian faith, and honor of our king and country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the Northern parts of Virginia, do by these presents solemnly and mutually in the presence of God and one of another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body politick, for our better ordering and preservation.”

Due to increasing tyrannical abuses of power under British rule, our nation’s Founders adopted the Declaration of Independence from England on July 4, 1776, 156 years later. From that day on, the United States of America became a sovereign nation of free self-governed people, who would forever be the final arbiters of truth, justice, law, freedom, and sovereign security in preservation of themselves and all posterity.

Eleven years later in 1787, the Founders adopted the US Constitution forming and guaranteeing every State in the Union, a “republican form of government” obligated to uphold and defend the founding principles and values of the new free nation, based upon “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.” (aka Natural Law)

The sole purpose of the US Constitution was stated in the preamble to the document…

“in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity”

In order to gain support for the adoption of the Constitution, our Founders agreed to immediately take additional action to specifically limit the power and authority of the Federal government via a Bill of Rights on September 25, 1789, the reasoning once again explained in the preamble.

“The Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.”

The three founding documents combined, The Declaration, Constitution, and Bill of Rights, establish what has been referred to ever since, as the “Charters of Freedom.” Each document provides a specific measure of security for the American people to preserve freedom, liberty, justice, and prosperity for all lawful Citizens of the United States. Combined, they are the cornerstone of freedom forever.

However, in order for these historic documents to do their job, it requires a well-informed and active society forever vigilant in the protection, preservation, and enforcement of everything in these three documents.

The Bill of Rights is not an enumeration of The People’s Rights, which are far too numerous to ever number. Instead, the Bill of Rights is an enumeration of strict prohibitions of federal authority and power. They must be read within this proper context, or they are useless.

“The Constitution might never have been ratified if the framers hadn’t promised to add a Bill of Rights. The first ten amendments to the Constitution gave citizens more confidence in the new government and contain many of today’s Americans’ most valued freedoms.”

What First Amendment?

“Congress shall make no law” means that the only law-making branch of the Federal government, Congress, has no power or lawful authority whatsoever over the following subjects…

  • an establishment of religion
  • or prohibiting the free exercise thereof
  • or abridging the freedom of speech
  • or of the press
  • or the right of the people peaceably to assemble
  • and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances

Today, the federal government is deeply engaged in violating all six protections in the First Amendment. The government has essentially attempted to establish itself as a religion opposing more than 70% of American Citizens who claim the Christian faith, with increasing attacks on Jews as well, including open attempts to “prohibit the free exercise thereof.”

They have prosecuted and jailed thousands of Citizens for simply speaking their political views in the public square, J6ers being the most blatant example, but they have done this to innocent Citizens for years. The ongoing witch-hunts trying to eliminate their political opponent Trump being yet another egregious example, where the government can say anything they want about Trump to manipulate public impressions of Trump, including proven lies, while they try to muzzle Trump’s ability to defend himself via a totally unconstitutional GAG ordered by a blatantly political Judge in New York.

Trump couldn’t possibly get a more politically motivated bias court or jury than the one he faces in New York right now. But mindless Trump-haters see no problem with direct violations of the Bill of Rights, so long as the abuse of power is aimed at someone they were dog whistle trained to hate.

But it isn’t just Trump… the extreme global Marxist left did the same thing to Sanders and Warren to make room for Obama puppet Joe in 2020. They have done the same to countless journalists either out of work or scared for their lives under tyrannical threat from the Obama regime in power. They have done it to more than a thousand J6 rally goers, while protecting their own street minions as they burn and loot cities across the country, referred to as “peaceful protests” by the left. And…they are even doing it to Robert Kennedy Jr. as he challenges the tyrannical regime as an “independent” candidate in 2024.

Indoctrinated children are taking over college campuses and whole cities shouting, “death to America” and “we are Hamas,” with total immunity from the laws they break. But anyone and anything “pro-American” is being hunted down by our weaponized government, as global criminals and terrorists are being imported and spread across the country in preparation for the “imminent attacks on US soil” that the same government is issuing warnings about daily.

The current federal government totally controls the press and all social media platforms, except Tik Tok, which is why the government is hellbent to eliminate the one public forum they can’t control, Tik Tok.

They have criminalized the right of the people to assemble and labeled the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, an “insurrection.” There’s nothing in the First Amendment that hasn’t been directly violated by the people currently in control of the federal government and their offenses are far worse than any of the offenses perpetrated by King George in the 1700s.

Which is why the Second Amendment exists…without which, there’s no means to protect any other rights at all…

“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,

the right of the people to keep (own) and bear (carry) Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Yep, the current government has taken aim at both militias and lawful private gun rights too, for equally obvious reasons. Nations all over the world have fallen under brutal communist and Marxist dictatorships for centuries, but not until after the citizenry was disarmed! Meanwhile, they spread nothing but threats of death and destruction across America in their ongoing foreign invasion of military age males from the worst places on earth.

What Bill of Rights?

If Amendment one and two can no longer be defended, tell me what else in the Bill of Rights can be? Nothing in the other eight amendments can be protected without protecting the first two, it’s just that simple.

Included in the Right of Free Speech is the most important form of free speech, the lawful secure voice of the legitimate eligible American voters. If our country cannot be governed by the people through free, fair, lawful, and transparent elections, then all that is left is street justice. That’s exactly what the current federal government is pushing for…all out war in our streets.

Left with no peaceful constitutional remedies, the people will sooner or later be pushed to war against their own government.

When everything in the Constitution and Bill of Rights fails, the people must return to their foundations of freedom in the Declaration.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

In other words, if the federal government is no longer restrained by its limited Constitutional authority, and the additional restrictions in the Bill of Rights, then it is no longer a faithful partner in that contract with the member States, or the American people, and it has no right to exist at all. Every penny sent to DC is “taxation without representation.”

The final arbiter isn’t any temporary occupant of the Oval Office, any Executive Branch Agency, the US Military, any legislator, or court, it’s the American people…so says our Founding documents.

The Founders had it all right…but the people have not been “forever vigilant” for over a hundred years now. As a result, the vast majority of Americans are now demoralized, depressed, and defeated. The framers had this part right too…

“Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”

Unfortunately, by the time the people have had enough, they will have already lost everything, including the means to right their own ship. Everything they tried to protect by keeping their head down and mouth shut, they will lose.

Freedom once lost, has never been regained in the history of mankind. The USA was the one exception in the world, and now, it appears the people will let it fall too…

Those who do not know history, are doomed to repeat history!

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Anti-Federalists vs. Federalists circa 2024

By Lex Greene

April 19, 2024

I’ll begin this piece by asking a few key questions of every reader.

  1. Is the USA supposed to be a “democracy” or a “republican form of government?”
  2. Were the Jeffersonian anti-federalists “democrats” or “republicans?”
  3. When and how did the courts gain the alleged power to “make laws?”
  4. Is today’s Republican Party the “Federalist” party?
  5. Why do most self-proclaimed or falsely labeled “constitutional scholars” quote the Federalist Papers and ignore the anti-Federalist Papers?

For the record, the “Federalists” favor a strong unbridled “central power” at the national level, able to dictate to the states and the people, via court opinions (alleged to be case law), federal legislation and executive orders.

“Anti-Federalists” favor a very weak and near powerless “central power” in Washington DC to prevent that government from interfering in private local matters or running roughshod over the country, like King George was doing prior to the Revolutionary War to gain our freedom and independence from England.

Today, a majority of Americans falsely believe the following, due to “public education.”

  • The USA is a “democracy” which today means, a Marxist form of socialism.
  • The anti-Federalist Jefferson formed what is today’s (federalist) Democrat Party.
  • That courts have the constitutional power to “make laws” via case decree.
  • That the Federal Government is all-powerful and unaccountable to the States and People.
  • That unconstitutional laws enjoy the same force of law as constitutional laws.
  • That the Bill of Rights died at the end of the Civil War.
  • A “national popular vote” is “constitutional.”
  • Just to name a few key points…

And don’t kid yourself…if the Federal Government has even one penny in your school, by any means, it’s public education with a curriculum controlled by the US Department of Education. The government doesn’t fund anything it doesn’t control.

While a vast majority of Americans know there is something horrifically wrong with our country today, fearful of an impending total collapse of what was once the greatest nation on earth…they fail to grasp what’s wrong, why it’s wrong, how it’s wrong, much less what to do about it.

If you don’t know the problem, you can’t know the solution.

Until you can get this right, there’s no chance you will ever get anything else right!

  1. Is the USA supposed to be a “democracy” or a “republican form of government?”

US Constitution, Article IV, Section 4: “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government,”

  1. Were the Jeffersonian anti-federalists “democrats” or “republicans?”

Jefferson first formed the “Democratic-Republican Party” as the “anti-federalist party of the era. The word “democratic” was later dropped to create what is today, The Republican Party.

  1. When and how did the courts gain the alleged power to “make laws?”

US Constitution, Article. I. Section. 1. “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.” The answer is in famed Supreme Court case Marbury v. Madison.

  1. Is today’s Republican Party the “Federalist” party?

Even though it acts like the Democrat Party today, today’s Republican Party Foundation and official party platform is based upon the anti-Federalist ideology. Just read anti-Federalist Paper Brutus 1.

  1. Why do most self-proclaimed or falsely labeled “constitutional scholars” quote the Federalist Papers and ignore the anti-Federalist Papers?

Because they either don’t know any better, or they are engaged in misleading Americans into the global Marxist trap.

Today, the so-called “legal experts” have flooded the schools, the courts, mass media, and the internet with their politically motivated false interpretations of the English language, such as finding a Right of same-sex marriage in the 14th “immigration and naturalization” amendment, which makes no mention of marriage at all.

High-browed poison ivy league law schools like Cornell, Harvard, Yale, and many others, have been teaching law students “British Common Law” since at least the 1940s, which happens to be the opposite of “Constitutional Law” and the means by which the courts have undermined everything in our founding documents since the early 1800s.

Type “constitution + republican form” into your search bar and what will come up is law school opinions of what the Founders meant by “republican form of government.” From the very first paragraph, they begin to totally bastardize the term to mean the opposite of what it actually means. Democracy today means a Marxist form of government tyranny, which is why democrats keep talking about “saving democracy,” global Marxism.


“democracy” means “rule by a majority.” The right of 50.1% of the people to rule over the other 49.9% of the nation via popular vote, eliminating the Electoral College altogether. Our Founders rightly referred to the term as “mob rule” for that reason.

A “republic” or “republican form of government” via a Constitution and Bill of Rights prevents any majority from ruling over any minority, and forces government to respect and protect all equally, with no one able to tyrannize anyone.

NOTE: The words “democracy” or “democratic” do not appear anywhere in the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, or Bill of Rights. But the words “republican form of government” not only appear in the Constitution, but this form of self-governance is also guaranteed every State and every Citizen in the Constitution.

Last, READ THE TRUTH FOR YOURSELF, or die the painful death of ignorance.

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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How Elections Are Stolen 101

By Lex Greene

April 15, 2024

At this point in history, the vast majority of people all over the world know that the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen from President Donald J. Trump, who received over 11-million more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016, a sure sign that his re-election was secure.

Unless you cheat, of course.

Even most democrats in the USA know that the 2020 election was rotten with fraud, and that Biden, who never even left his basement to campaign, never had a chance of defeating Trump in any legitimate race. Never mind what they say…they know, and don’t care.

Stealing an election is much easier than people think, especially when using software from foreign companies and countries who perfected the art in numerous 3rd world countries years ago. But before I discuss machine voting and tabulations, I’ll address the more common methods of stealing an election.

The Basics

  • Control the voter rolls – keep dead people and those who moved away years ago on the voter rolls. Add illegal aliens ineligible to vote and have them “vote by mail.”
  • No cross district or cross state verification of who votes in what districts or how many districts.
  • Use broad mail-in balloting (not to be confused with legal absentee voting).
  • Allow people to vote who have no ID to prove who they are, where they are from, or any eligibility to vote.
  • Control the polling places with limited or no public access to monitor election activities.
  • Recruit partisan-friendly poll workers only.
  • Allow “ballot harvesting” wherein party operatives gather ballots in bulk from people “they assist” in voting, by filling out the ballot for them, or guiding their votes.
  • Avoid signature matching on ballots, even though hundreds or thousands of ballots have the same signature, including counterfeit ballots.
  • Avoid residency verification, allowing thousands of ballots to be filed using the same address, which is often a vacant lot somewhere in the district.
  • Only allow partisan “state officials” to manage, monitor, count, or audit the voting results.
  • Use a variety of “emergency conditions” to justify altering the election process in violation of State and Federal Election laws.
  • Use billions of foreign donations through ACT BLUE and other international money laundering schemes to fly below the radar of the FEC and any campaign finance laws.
  • Accuse your political opponents of exactly what you are doing.
  • Use “motor-voter” and “same day registration and voting” laws to make it impossible to verify or track voter eligibility — or prevent multi-district voting.
  • Control the public narrative via News Network and Social Media censorship, making the public believe “there’s nothing to see here” even when they can still see it.
  • Establish hundreds of 527 groups to flood the market with bald-faced false propaganda against your opponents.
  • Directing “cross party” voting to pick their opponents in “open” primaries, then returning to vote democrat in the general elections.
  • Using 15-million illegal aliens for Democrat Party redistricting.
  • Extended voting deadlines before and after election day, when it’s easy to know how many votes are needed to overturn the natural results of an election.

All of the above tactics are well-known methods of manipulating election results that have been around for decades, and they are all an overt attempt to defraud American voters and dilute the legally eligible American vote by flooding the system with ineligible votes.

If your state has engaged in any of these tactics, or is engaged in them today, then your state is involved in “election fraud” with a specific purpose and end goal in mind.

More Advanced Tech Methods

In addition to the fraudulent tactics listed above, modern electronic election technology has made it even easier to steal elections via real-time electronic manipulation of election procedures and final results.

An old adage about controlling election results goes something like this… “I don’t care how people vote, so long as we get to count the votes.”

As the USA has grown from 3-million population during the revolutionary war, to over 330-million people today, advances in election technologies have been developed allegedly to make voting easier, faster, and more efficient…. But NOT more reliable!

These more advanced tech methods include but are not limited to the following.

  • Electronically flipping votes in the vote collection and tabulation process. Software is programable, as-in, the software can be preset or adjusted in real-time to flip every 3rd or 5th vote from a particular candidate to their opponent, electronically.
  • Count votes as they are cast in real-time, indicating how many votes need to be dumped into the system to offset the natural votes and overcome the natural results of the election after the polls close, during “extended hours.”
  • Connecting machines to the internet during the entire election process, allowing both foreign and domestic technicians to alter the programming in real-time via internet access to the machines while voting and tabulating is taking place.
  • Use of private 3rd party companies or organizations like ERIC, to maintain voter rolls for contract States, wherein the voter rolls themselves can be manipulated based upon recorded voter histories for every voter registered in the system.
  • Use of foreign owned election machine and software companies allowing foreign interests to determine the outcome of our elections.
  • Use of foreign countries or companies to provide tabulation services, opening the door to foreign intrusions and fraudulent manipulations of our election results, in real-time, or once the polls close.
  • Programming the software to over-count or under-count votes depending upon the number of votes needed to arrive at the desired outcome.
  • Marking “in-person voters” as having already voted by mail prior to election day when they didn’t vote by mail. This pushes these ballots into false “provisional ballot” status.
  • Lawsuits filed against anyone challenging these tactics as a means of preventing any transparent audit of the systems and softwares in use.

All of these tactics are also overt efforts to secretly manipulate election outcomes in advance, real-time, or post-election time frames. In addition to the basic methods listed above, which can sometimes be detected before, during or after polling periods, these tech methods can finish the job in secret with no public access to audit what’s actually happening inside the technology being used.

When anyone attempts to challenge any of these known tactics, they are immediately labeled a “conspiracy theorist” and “tinfoil hat” nut. If that doesn’t shut them up, then the government responsible for these fraudulent actions goes on the attack to destroy the individuals or groups asking appropriate questions out of deep concern for the legitimacy of our current elections.

Detection, Investigation, and Severe Consequences

Face reality! Everyone involved in any of the tactics listed in this piece is involved in “election fraud.” Anyone who supports the use of these tactics or the people employing them, is also involved in “election fraud.” If there are no consequences, then there is no solution.

No matter political affiliations or philosophy, one thing all Americans should be able to agree upon is the fundamental need for free, fair, lawful, and transparent election procedures, without which, the USA is neither a “democracy” or a “republic” of, by or for the lawful Citizens of the United States.

Almost no one trusts the integrity of our elections today, and how could they, based upon all the tyrannical tactics being used to deny all Americans free, fair, lawful, and transparent election procedures. The courts try desperately to stay out of the matter, but by doing so, they too are responsible for the total lack of trust in the system, essentially protecting the ongoing fraud, claiming Americans “lack legal standing” to ask any such questions.

Approval of Congress and the press are in the single digits today, and rightfully so. Neither does anything to deserve the trust of the people, and they in fact, do so many things to deserve the utter distrust and disdain they currently enjoy. The vast majority of Americans know that we are being lied to and manipulated 24/7 by everyone in a position of power.

There is no one to stop this insanity, except YOU!

If you expect this swamp to drain or reform itself, you expect something that will never happen.

Only YOU can change the course of history. Indeed, this late in the game, you’re up against overwhelming odds, yet the mission remains possible.

Of course, if YOU stand up alone, you will be treated no better than Trump. That means YOU will have to make this stand in united numbers too big to fail.

Do it now, the clock is running and those in power do not plan on giving YOU the power back. If YOU want the power back, YOU will have to take it back, together.

Start by joining those already determined to Make Elections Legitimate Again!

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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FACTS Regarding Contested Presidential Elections

By Lex Greene

April 8, 2024

For over three years now, democrat politicians, judges, voters, and so-called news media have accused President Trump of “attempting to overturn the 2020 elections” and even, an (unarmed) “insurrection” on January 6, 2021, as if it were the first time a U.S. Presidential election had ever been contested. The Biden government has weaponized all Federal branches and agencies against the American people, criminalized political free speech, and established a massive political censorship machine involving all news outlets and social media platforms.

Now democrats Biden and Hillary Clinton are openly claiming that “republicans have a plot to steal the 2024 elections” – once again, accusing their opponents of the actions that the democrat party has been using almost since the Constitution and Bill of Rights were signed.

Maybe some folks just don’t know history the way they should, or maybe they are willing to cheat and lie to win, without any conscience at all. Either way, the facts actually matter, and there’s no requirement for anyone to like those facts.

1800 was the very first contested Presidential election in the newly formed USA. Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr were running under the Democratic-Republican Party, and they allegedly tied at 73 electoral college votes each, due to a counting error. John Adams was running under the Federalist Party and received only 65 electoral college votes. Federalist Alexander Hamilton was the tie breaker, and despite not liking anti-Federalist Jefferson, chose Jefferson for President stating, “Burr loves nothing but himself—thinks of nothing but his own aggrandizement.” Sound familiar?

The next contested Presidential election was in 1824 – The Federalist Party had already dissolved, and all four candidates were running under the Democratic-Republican label. Old Hickory, Andrew Jackson won the election by less than 39,000 votes to capture 99 electoral votes. Jackson was the first “populist” President in our history. His challenger, John Quincy Adams, won 84 electoral votes, with 41 going to William Crawford, and 37 to Henry Clay. As no candidate earned a majority of electoral votes, the election again went to the House of Representatives.

Clay was eliminated from contention, but still controlled the House. After a month of back-room negotiations, Clay’s supporters largely threw their weight behind Adams, enabling him to win the House vote and become President.

NOTE: When Adams chose Clay as his secretary of state soon after his inauguration, an enraged Jackson called it a “corrupt bargain.” Quitting his Senate post, he vowed to come back and win in 1828, which he did as the head of a new Democratic Party.

Then in 1860, The presidential election wasn’t just contentious—it tore the nation apart. Abraham Lincoln, the chosen nominee of the fledgling Republican Party and a steadfast opponent of slavery, wasn’t even on the ballot in most Southern states.

While the Democratic Party went with Lincoln’s Illinois rival, Senator Stephen Douglas, as their candidate, the southern branch of the party defected, choosing sitting Vice President John Breckenridge as its candidate, Sen. John Bell of Tennessee rounding out the race on the ticket under the newly formed Constitutional Union Party.

Lincoln would eventually win the Presidency with only 40% of the popular vote but taking a majority of the electoral votes. Just weeks after Lincoln’s victory, South Carolina voted to secede. Six more Southern states followed, forming the Confederate States of America in February 1861, with Democrat Jefferson Davis as President. The result was the Civil War.

Lincoln would later meet his end by assassination while attending a play with his wife.

In 1876, Democratic Governor Samuel Tilden of New York won 250,000 more ballots in the popular vote than his Republican opponent, Rutherford B. Hayes, and snagged 19 more electoral votes. However, Tilden was still one electoral vote short of winning the Presidency and talk of a second civil war was spreading fast.

In an unprecedented (unconstitutional) move, Congress established a 15-member commission of senators, congressmen, and Supreme Court Justices (including seven Republicans, seven Democrats and an independent) to decide the election. After the swing vote turned in Hayes’ favor, he was awarded all 20 electoral votes from the disputed states, giving him the necessary 185. After the Democrats threatened to filibuster and block the official vote counting, the issue was settled in negotiations at D.C.’s Wormley Hotel in February 1877.

The presidential election would be challenged again in 1912, 1948, and in 2000, with the “hanging chads” controversy in Florida, where it had become apparent to even the US Supreme Court, that Democratic candidate Al Gore was going to continue endless recounts, knocking more and more “hanging chads” to the floor until he could eventually overcome the Bush victory. Five agonizing weeks and endless recounts after the election later, the US Supreme Court put an end to the insane recounts.

Then in 2016, Hillary Clinton insisted Donald J. Trump had stolen the election from her because despite allegedly winning the popular vote, Trump had clearly won the electoral college vote to become the next President of the United States. To this day, Clinton sticks to that claim and now, makes the public claim that “republicans plan to steal the 2024 elections” by simply insisting upon free, fair, lawful, and transparent election processes…denying illegal, ineligible, dead and repeat voters a right to be counted.

Of course, we are talking about the woman who committed multiple acts of treason in her international collusion efforts to prevent Trump from winning in 2016, via fake “Russian Collusion” claims that some dishonest democrats still regurgitate to this day, despite knowing it was Clinton who was involved in international dirty tricks with foreign agents to defeat Trump.

At no time throughout this history of contested elections was anyone ever accused of trying to “overturn an election,” much less an unarmed “insurrection” until 2020…

The 2020 elections were unlike any election in American history. Told that millions of Americans would die of the “Wuhan Flu” developed and released from a Chinese “gain of function” (read; bioweapons) lab just in time for the 2020 elections, voters were locked down, socially distanced, out of work, masked up and in fear for their very lives in 2020.

The people allowed governmental bodies to infringe on every basic Constitutional Right under the sun as a result, including a right to a free, fair, lawful, and transparent election processes in 2020. Democrat leaders at the federal and state levels were violating all existing election laws in 2020, under the guise of “emergency powers” due to the Covid 19 “scamdemic.”

Sure enough, mountains of evidence would quickly emerge of election interference, election tampering, fake mail-in balloting and even truckloads of illegal ballots caught on camera, as they were dumped into the systems in numerous “swing states” after hours while they thought no one was looking. Republican poll watchers were kicked out of vote counting rooms in all swing states and the fix was in, and it was obvious.

Trump received a reported 11-million more votes in 2020 than in 2016, and by the end of the circus, we had more votes than legal voters with over 100% voter turnout in countless “blue” cities across the country. To say the least, there was every legitimate reason in the world to doubt the 2020 elections as a mountain of evidence continued to explode.

But unlike any election in the past, Trump challenges to the 2020 election were treated as if “there’s nothing to see here, just a sore loser.” Immediately, the democrat party machine went into overdrive to silence any talk of election fraud or interference, despite the rapidly growing evidence that should have concerned every American Citizen and did concern millions of people watching around the world in utter disgust and disbelief at what they saw happening in what was once, the beacon of hope for the world.

2022 was also held in the same unlawful manner as 2020 and after the 2022 elections, left-leaning swing states like Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, Colorado, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania started rushing through new State Constitutional amendments and new election laws, essentially aimed at legalizing the illegal acts they committed in 2020 and 2022, in time for the 2024 elections.

Now, if there’s anything at all that all Americans should be able to agree on, it’s free, fair, lawful, and transparent elections, because without this, the American people have no control over their government whatsoever.

Now that you know the historical truth about contested Presidential elections, should this be the most critical problem in our country to fix before we worry about anything else?

Without honest elections…exactly what kind of country do you think we have?

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Proper Single-Issue Voting

By Lex Greene

April 4, 2024

After reviewing numerous demographic reports regarding recent elections, 2016-2022, honestly, the math simply doesn’t add up to the alleged 2020 outcome, for starters. But there are some constants in these reports, so I’ll focus on those in this piece. But before I do…

Since the 1960s, voting has trended towards single-issue voting, which is what has divided the electorate against itself. Based upon decades of election data, those who currently control the USA elections might not be who you think.


  1. FEMALE VOTERS – representing approximately 53% of eligible voters in the USA (47% male), they vote democrat in every election cycle at a rate of 57% on the basis of one emotion-driven issue, abortion. Even though most never have and never will use abortion themselves, they still vote for abortion, an alleged right of mothers to kill their own children in the womb.
  2. NEW YOUNG VOTERS – raised on anti-American Marxist principles and values via government-controlled education in K-12 classrooms and especially on college campuses, they attempt to vote themselves taxpayer-funded gifts from the treasury via social spending, dumping their college loans on taxpayers and hoping they will never have to actually work for a living.
  3. RETIREE VOTERS – now dependent upon government benefits they paid into all their lives and believing the democrat false propaganda about “republicans killing social security” when in reality, democrats pilfered the social security (distrust) fund years ago, leaving the system $175 trillion underfunded as of today. They tend to vote democrat as well, on this single issue. (It’s not republicans who have pushed granny down the stairwell!)

Combined, these three voting blocs control modern elections in the USA. While most want to discuss voting trends based upon race or religion, the reality is, these three single-issue voting groups are responsible for the global Marxist shift in American voting trends, for years now.

In each of these three cases, they are all victims of a grand scheme to con or bribe them out of their votes by focusing these voters narrowly upon their own selfish pet issues, at the expense of the country as a whole. They have no concern at all for what their votes have done and will do to a once great nation. They are only focused tightly on their own self-interests, and at everyone else’s expense.


They will fail to protect their self-interests unless they save America’s freedom and liberty first.

When freedom and liberty fail, they fail for everyone, not just some group your cancel-culture- clutch doesn’t like. Once you cancel freedom and liberty for others, you will have cancelled your own as well. Fools thought the current “cancel culture” was a grand idea, until they started finding themselves cancelled too.

The thing about Marxism is…it’s only designed to serve the elite ruling class, not the people. A perfect current example is Marxist House Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), who had a personal net worth of -$8499 before being elected to Congress. She was dead broke and $8500 in debt when she was elected to Congress to “help the poor people” through her Marxist principles and values. Just five years later, AOC is worth more than $13-million, but how much richer are her constituents in Brooklyn, New York, now drowning in democrat caused inflation and a mass foreign invasion of their city?

This is exactly how Marxism works… they steal from the rich, stuff it in their own pockets, and create a society where no one but the ruling elites can succeed in life. AOC is a prime example, even though she’s not smart enough to know it, or honest enough to admit it.

Government has become the greatest “get-rich-quick” scheme in America, as demonstrated repeatedly by the number of politicians who enter the game broke and leave multi-millionaires, like Obama and Biden.

Obama was broke when he was elected to the US Senate. Just a few years in the US Senate later, Obama’s net worth had risen to an estimated $3,665,505, and by the time he left the Oval Office in January 2017, his net worth had ballooned to an estimated $12.2-million. Today, Obama’s wealth is estimated at over $40-million and growing.

Joe Biden’s financial story is very similar… Despite a 40-year political career and eight-years as VP under Obama, Biden was still only worth an estimated $2.5-million at the end of the Obama terms. He needed a little help from his friends…

However, in the four years he spent out of office (2017-2021), he and babysitter wife Jill, managed to rake in a cool $16.7-million combined, doing what? And after just three disastrous years in the people’s White House, Joe’s net worth has skyrocketed to an estimated $58-million.

Party of the little people? More like, a party on the backs of the little people! While they drove your net worth and buying power into the toilet, they became richer than their wildest dreams!


The fact is, no matter what you think your partisan leanings are, government isn’t a friend to anyone but itself. While they preach Marxist principles to you, they themselves…enjoy capitalism at its corrupt worst!


The ONLY single-issue worthy of anyone’s vote is a vote for freedom, liberty, equal justice under the laws (not corrupt lawfare), equal opportunity, free, fair elections, real government transparency and accountability, personal and national sovereignty, security and prosperity for all, and peace through the strength of the American electorate, sick and tired of watching politicians get richer and more powerful, while the people scrape pennies to survive.

THIS is the ONLY single-issue worthy of every American’s vote.

Understand, no matter what you think of Trump, he made his fortune building things, producing things, profiting from the work he spent a lifetime doing. His political opponents have all become wealthy and powerful on the backs of American taxpayers, while working around the clock to destroy the very foundations of freedom and drive every Citizen into bankruptcy.

Go research it all for yourself. Don’t take my word for it. Verify everything I’m telling you here!

If you do, you will agree that no matter what your personal pet issue might be, it isn’t as important as freedom and liberty itself, without which no one can work to advance their own goals.

As my old Marine buddy says…hear me lookin at you?

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Democrat Party in Freefall 2024

By Lex Greene

April 1, 2024

For almost 40-years now, I have studied and written about trends in American politics, as well as global geopolitics, and at the end of the day, it just isn’t that hard to see what happens and why it happens.

For anyone interested in completely understanding the blood sport of politics, I recommend reading two books, if you can lay your hands on them today, The Prince – by Machiavelli, and The Great Game of Politics – by Frank R. Kent (circa 1920s).

Begin with this historically accurate fact… politics is a dirty blood sport, it always has been, and likely always will be. That’s because politics is the constant search for individual power and wealth, involving people with an insatiable thirst for power over others. The truth is, no government in human history has ever been deserving of the people’s trust, much less their admiration.

Yet, average electors (voters) the world over tend to get caught up in the made-for-tv pageantry of the sport, like spectators in the stands placing their bets on their favorite teams down on the field, as if they can affect the outcome of the game from the stands. Average folks tend to look at politicians like special people, “leaders” and even “rulers” they believe have their best interests at heart. Nothing could be further from the truth…

Fundamentally, politics is a scam of all scams. It’s a great con, telling people what they want to hear, to gain their confidence and support, with no intention of ever serving the best interests of the people, once elected. And even when the voters have witnessed this reality over and over again, they still “hope” to get a better outcome in the next election cycle, than was achieved in a hundred previous elections. The only hope we have is in “outsiders.”

It’s a Divide and Conquer Mission

For the ruling class elites to acquire and maintain ultimate power over the governed, they must divide the electorate and pit the people against each other, keeping them so busy fighting amongst themselves that there is no time or attention given to the real enemy of all Citizens…government.

The most common tactics used to accomplish this are;

  1. Issue Driven Divisions – abortion, race, gender, religion, climate, medicine, economics, cancel-culture, lies, false science, socio-economics, global “boogie man” threats that aren’t real, and a laundry list of others.
  2. The “Hurt and Rescue” Mission – First, convince every citizen that they are a “victim” of something, from someone (else). Then, create conditions that truly do victimize the citizenry, in order to convince us that we need “them” to save us from the hell they created.
  3. Control of All Public Information – So that their narrative used to divide and conquer you, is the only narrative allowed in the public domain, hence the massive efforts to censor mass media and all social media platforms. (The current attack on Tik Tok has nothing to do with CCP spy operations. It has everything to do with the ruling elites inability to control content on Tik Tok the way they do on Facebook, X (twitter), Instagram, even Truth Social, and all others.)

In reality, there are only two sides in the battle for the future of America, even though many have been Pavlov trained to think that there are many more nuanced factions in the fight.

The American Side – Those who believe in Freedom for all, Individual Liberty, national sovereignty and security, a fundamental Right to Life for every innocent human being, free-market economics, honesty, integrity, morality, ethics, self-governance, self-reliance, limited government, law and order, equal justice under the law for all legal citizens, and…the beacon of hope for freedom and liberty around the world.

The anti-American Side – Those who believe they are “global citizens” and that there should be no borders, no national sovereignty or security, no freedom and liberty for anyone, dishonest politicians and elections, Marxist economic theories that have failed the world over, every sexual perversion known to man, a right to murder their own children in the womb, fake medicine, and science, race-baiting, the power to cancel anyone with different views, cheating to win, weaponized political justice, … well, you get it.

Every American is in one camp or the other and the battle for the future of America is between these two competing factions, not republicans vs. democrats, conservatives vs. liberals, whites vs. blacks, or men vs. women. Every eligible voter in the USA will cast their ballot on the basis of these two competing agendas for America, whether or not they are smart enough to know it.

Now, America’s Democrat Party

All political groups have strengths and weaknesses. The Democrat Party’s strength is their ability to con millions of people, despite those people’s ability to see truth that counters the lies told by democrats in every election cycle, and “community organize them” like an army. Another is democrat’s ability to convince their loyalists to vote against their opponents, after the party spends billions in fake news to make them hate the opponent.

But the weakness in this party is this…

Sooner or later, they never fail to over-estimate themselves, under-estimate their opponents, over-play their hand, and in the end, eat their own…as rats jump the sinking ship.

As polling data shows support for Biden and Harris, or any democrat politician today, sinking into the political abyss, the party has become panicked, calling Obama and Clinton to come raise $26-million for Biden, who is the most unpopular president in US History as of today. Wait until you see who gave them that money in half-million-dollar chunks…that money was not raised by 500 $100 tickets to the event, accounting for only $50,000 of the $26-million allegedly raised.

Even millions of democrat voters who foolishly voted for Biden in 2020 have shifted to Trump in 2024, after living through the insane policies that every American has felt since January 2021. The world has watched the Democrat Party use every dirty trick (lawfare) in the book to prevent President Trump from appearing on the 2024 ballot, because democrats know they can’t beat him in 2024 if he is on that ballot.

The world once thought that maybe Trump was engaged in “Russian Collusion,” until the evidence proved it was Hillary Clinton and the DNC who was involved in Russian (global) collusion, creating false criminal accusations against Trump using a multitude of “foreign agents” from numerous countries to do it.

Well, when Obama said he would “fundamentally transform America” back in 2008, he was serious. He has indeed done exactly that. Because the Constitution limits the Oval Office to just two terms by any occupant, the democrat party figured out how to give Obama a 3rd term, as the great and wonderful Oz behind the curtain, controlling the Biden Administration from behind the scenes.

The great “community organizer” was able to get two complete idiots installed in the Oval Office, Biden, and Harris, via unlawful and unconstitutional election processes in 2020, allegedly under “state of emergency” conditions due to the Wuhan Flu developed in and released from a partner bioweapons lab in China. A classic “hurt and rescue” mission…

Following the successful coup d’état in 2020, democrats went for broke, over-estimating themselves, under-estimating their opponents, and over-playing their hand…and now, they have painted themselves into a political corner and the American electorate is turning on them in mass numbers. They are in a state of full panic, which is why they had to drag Obama and Clinton out to try to save Biden/Harris 2024.

Meanwhile, what democrats have been doing since 2008, they tell their voters “it’s republicans who have a plan to steal the 2024 elections.” Never before in USA history has an unarmed campaign rally been falsely labeled an “insurrection.” Never before has challenging the legitimacy of an election been deemed an effort to “overthrow an election.” But that’s where our country is now!

The party has painted itself into a corner that they cannot escape, unless they find a way to make sure Trump isn’t on the 2024 ballot. A no-holds-barred and scorched earth effort will unfold in the coming days and weeks, in their desperate attempt to remove Trump from the race, knowing they cannot defeat him in any remotely honest election.

Now, it’s critical for me to point out that very few modern Americans are cut from the same mold as our nation’s Founders – – – very few. As a result, the likelihood of any significant number of “patriots” rising up together in any united front is very small. I’d say single digit odds.

This means that every Citizen on TEAM AMERICA will have to stand together in the 2024 elections, or their country will be gone for all future generations. This is no time for petty differences and divisions over such childish things as “I just don’t like him.” They can’t affect the outcome of the game from the bleachers, they will have to get down on the field and get their hands dirty to win.

If they don’t defeat the anti-Americans via elections, they won’t defeat them any other way either! Trust me, despite all of the online rhetoric, people who won’t do easy things never do hard things.

Believe this… evil never rests. It is working around the clock every single day, to destroy everything and everyone that is good. If good rests for even a second, it loses ground. In a nation where over 70% claim the Christian faith, it’s unimaginable how our country can be so flooded with pure evil. There’s only one explanation for that…

Modern Christians do not live their claimed faith in every day life, certainly not in the election booth. Until they do, evil will consume this nation. “Faith without works is dead.” We either save this Republic in this election, or we will not be able to save it at all.

Evil will win, so long as your silence and inaction remains your consent.

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Eligible vs. Ineligible Voters

By Lex Greene

March 16, 2024

According to long-standing US Election Laws under the US Constitution, voting rights are not based upon ones presence in the USA at election time. There’s a distinct and critical difference between those who are eligible to vote in US elections, and those who are not.

To make it clear, the following individuals are not currently eligible to vote in US elections under US election codes.


  • Non-citizens, including permanent legal residents, illegal aliens, foreign citizens visiting the USA, and foreign individuals in the USA under a temporary VISA, cannot legally vote in federal, state, and most local elections.
  • Some people cannot vote after being convicted of a felony or if they are currently serving time for other types of crimes.
  • Some people who have a mental disability may not be eligible to vote.
  • People under the legal age of 18 cannot vote.
  • S. citizens residing in U.S. territories cannot vote for president in the general election.
  • Anyone attempting to vote on behalf of someone else.
  • Anyone attempting to vote outside of the resident district or vote more than once.

Because US Law dictates who is and is not eligible to legally vote in US elections, it is entirely constitutional to require all voters to prove their individual eligibility in order to vote in the USA. Depriving “ineligible voters” of any right to vote is what government is required to do, under the law.

I have been voting in US elections for 44-years. I have never been able to vote without showing my voter registration card and photo ID as proof of who I am, my legal residency, and if I’m eligible to vote under US and State election laws.

But in recent years, politicians and kids indoctrinated into global Marxist theories think every person in the USA should have a right to vote, despite election laws that say they can’t. The recent open borders policies responsible for more than 40-million non-citizens in our country is an overt operation to replace legal American citizens, aka eligible voters, with what democrat politicians have concluded is a more desirable voter…ineligible voters.

Today, as we head into what promises to be the most critical election cycle in 247-years, democrats are working around the clock to “legalize illegal voting.” In states like Michigan and Colorado, democrat-controlled governments have rushed in new election legislation designed to legalize the illegal election procedures used in the 2020 and 2022 elections. It’s a direct assault on legal American eligible voters.

The democrat party is also working hard to use millions of intentionally imported foreign citizens to redistrict congressional apportionment. Why would any sane nation allow foreign citizens to be used by one political party to upend and subvert the will of legal Americans? Why would any American tolerate illegal aliens being placed on US Courts, in law enforcement or used for redistricting purposes, leading to ineligible voting?

Only someone with an agenda to subvert the will of legal Americans and destroy the Constitutional Republic, could support any such notions or policies.


Of course, the same people responsible for this disastrous policy also claim, “there’s no evidence of election fraud.” Those at the top of the leftist food chain know better, even if their deaf, dumb, and blind sheep don’t.

  • If someone is legally ineligible to vote, and they vote, it’s election fraud.
  • If an eligible voter votes more than once, it’s election fraud.
  • If someone votes as a deceased person, it’s election fraud.
  • If people no longer living in a district, vote in that district, it’s election fraud.
  • If someone uses “ballot harvesting” to cast numerous ineligible ballots, it’s election fraud.
  • If someone engages in counting votes cast before or after voting deadlines, it’s election fraud.
  • If voting machines are connected to the internet, it’s election fraud.
  • If any foreign government or entity has access to our election procedures, it’s election fraud.

ALL of the above items took place in 2020 and 2022.

Every “ineligible vote” cancels an “eligible vote.” The result is a Deprivation of Rights, an act of subversion against the American people, and if any organization is involved, it’s “conspiracy to defraud voters.” If any governmental body is involved, and many are, it is a “deprivation of rights under color of law” and it’s illegal. If it’s illegal, then it’s election fraud.

Now, this is the easy stuff, which no American can honestly deny or disagree with, as we watch millions lie about it, including the entire mainstream media.

Add to this, any effort to switch votes on election day, whether via paper balloting (such as knocking hanging chads to the ground in endless Florida recounts circa 2000, or ballot harvesting) or via electronic machines programmed to switch votes in the tabulation process…you have witnessed a major operation to defraud voters, deprive them of their constitutional rights as legal citizens, and overthrow a government via massive fraudulent activities that can only be described as intentional…treason.

Three things have always been true.

  1. No government in human history has ever earned the trust and faith of the people. They are all at best, a necessary evil that can never be trusted with unbridled power.
  2. Election fraud has happened as long as elections have existed.
  3. Neither side wants to fix it.

Therefore, it’s up to ALL legal American citizens to fix.

We must have free, fair, lawful, and transparent elections or we don’t have a country. We must have secure borders, or we don’t have a country. We must hold fraudsters fully accountable for their actions, or we don’t have a country or government of, by or for the legal American citizens.

In my previous piece Two Visions, Two Agendas, No Middle Ground, I put a very fine point on what’s really at stake in the USA 2024 elections.


So, the remaining 70% MUST unite for this fight, or we will lose our country for all future generations, in just one election cycle.

Understand? Reach out to me if you do… I have some work for you!

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Nikki Haley Had a Chance at Greatness

By Lex Greene

March 15, 2024

Thousands of Americans who have been dog whistle trained to “hate Trump” despite no evidence ever being presented against him to prove he is guilty of anything he’s been accused of, took to Nikki Haley in the 2024 GOP Presidential race. Among 15 challengers to Trump, she was the last challenger standing. But after losing all but two primaries, D.C. and Bernie Sanders land, her campaign for President (or Vice President) ended abruptly the morning after Super Tuesday.

Indeed, Nikki had a chance to not only “make history,” but to actually do something great for her country and every American citizen.

Her policy positions are far closer to that of the Democrat Party than the GOP. This explains why she won the two most far left primaries… D.C., (the most democrat city in America) and Vermont, Sanders socialist country, via “open primaries” where democrats were able to vote in the GOP primaries.

According to Nikki’s campaign and her fans, Nikki could beat Joe Biden in a head-to-head race, by at least a 5-point margin. Based upon this theoretical claim, she could have eliminated Biden by running against him for the DNC nomination. If Nikki had truly been for America, that’s exactly what she would have done.

Had Nikki run against Biden for the DNC nomination, as someone allegedly opposed to the O’Biden regime and their anti-American policies, she may have defeated Joe for the DNC nomination, setting up a general election race between Democrat Nikki Haley and Republican Donald Trump.

In this situation, America would have had two choices better than O’Biden come November and Obama’s 3rd term behind the Biden facade’ would have come to an immediate end.

But instead, Nikki attempted to run as a Republican by using the same lies about Trump that the DNC has used since 2015. Even California Democrat Governor Gavin Newsome openly referred to Nikki as “democrats best surrogate against Trump,” who has always been the clear 2024 GOP nominee for President.

As a result, Nikki lost her bid for the GOP nomination in a massive landslide loss to Trump, seen as nothing more than what Newsome said she was, a surrogate for the reelection of Joe Biden. She not only eliminated any chance of ever becoming President, but any chance of becoming a Vice Presidential running mate as well.

On the heels of a stolen 2020 election and three years of horrific disastrous performance by O’Biden, Trump was a shoo-in for the 2024 GOP nomination and every awake American knew it, which is why democrats have tried every dirty trick in Mao’s book of dirty tricks to eliminate Trump’s ability to even appear on a ballot, all of which will fail.

80-million+ Make America Great Again voters were never going to support anyone but Trump in 2024, and no matter what happens next, they never will. Contrary to false propaganda on the matter, Trump supporters are not Trump followers. They are pissed off American patriots determined to Make America Great Again for future generations, who happened to choose outsider Trump for their mission.

Trump supporters are simply AMERICA supporters. They want national sovereignty, security, justice, peace, and prosperity for every American citizen, even those not smart enough to vote it for themselves.

Nikki had a chance to be part of Making America Great Again. But instead, she took the bait from pre-programmed Trump-haters and took the road most traveled, doing the bidding of the Democrat Party and their O’Biden reelection attempt for a 4th Obama term.

I’d much rather see a general election race between Haley (D) and Trump (R) in the fall, than face another corrupt election process designed to keep Obama in power for a 4th term.

If Nikki was what her fans think she is, they would prefer that too, and Nikki would have challenged Joe for the DNC nomination instead of helping the DNC attack Trump, the clear GOP nominee from day one.

The error, or was it an intentional operation, likely ended any political future for Nikki Haley. It’s all in the history books now…

The only open item is what her fans are going to do next?

Half of her primary votes came from registered democrats who crossed over in the open GOP primaries but will likely vote democrat in the general election. The other half will face a decision to either close ranks with 80-million+ Trump supporters to defeat the 4th Obama term hidden behind a demented old political criminal of over 40-years now…or they will vote for the worst President in US history out of their unfounded, childish, and ill-advised hatred for Trump.

Hate is a terrible thing…especially when it may cost every American the future of freedom and liberty. It’s not logical, ethical, moral, or conservative. It’s just emotion driven.

Nikki could have been important to the future of the USA. But she chose to hate and to do the bidding of democrats instead, and unless Biden wins and throws her a bone for her help, her political future just ended.

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Two Visions, Two Agendas, No Middle Ground

By Lex Greene

March 11, 2024

A war for the future of American freedom, liberty, sovereignty, security, and prosperity is already underway. Just because tanks aren’t rolling in the streets yet, doesn’t mean that our country isn’t already at war within. Anyone the least bit awake, already knows.

There’s been much talk about the unprecedented depth of political divisions in our country for years, and trust me when I tell you, it’s no accident. Not one single American citizen benefits from these deep divisions. However, every corrupt politician and the corrupt anti-American global cabal they work for, benefits from their planned “divide and conquer” operations.

No Middle Ground

While some still asleep banter back and forth about “compromise” and some silly alleged “bipartisanship” that hasn’t existed for decades, the reality is that compromise is not possible when there’s no middle ground upon which to meet and agree.

Just as there’s no middle ground between life and death, there’s no middle ground between the two competing visions and agendas for America. There’s no place where compromise is possible. Adherents to the two competing agendas are dug in, unable to even discuss issues peacefully, with neither side seeking any form of compromise, more interested in cancelling their opponents than listening to them.

This means that one side will have to defeat the other, in order to set the future course for America, and all the marbles hang in the balance. With all the marbles in play, nothing can be left to chance.

Agenda One

  1. America First
  2. Freedom and Liberty for all legal citizens
  3. A basic Right to Life guaranteed in our Declaration of Independence
  4. A government that works for the citizens, not citizens who work for the government
  5. Economic Freedom, free market economics with minimal government intrusions
  6. Limited, lawful, and ethical government within Constitutional authority
  7. Free, Fair, Lawful, and Transparent elections worthy of the people’s confidence
  8. Enforcement of the Bill of Rights for all legal citizens
  9. Secure Borders and Legal Immigration in compliance with our Immigration Laws
  10. Safe cities and neighborhoods
  11. Real Education, not Marxist Indoctrination
  12. A Moral Society capable of self-governance
  13. A lawful and ethical Justice System, free from political corruption
  14. Immediate accountability for anyone who violates their Oath of Office
  15. Consequences for all who break and enter our country illegally

There’s much more, but this should be enough for now.

Agenda Two

  1. A global Marxist “One World” Commune where Americans funds the 3rd world
  2. No distinction between legal citizens and illegal invaders, equal rights for both
  3. A Right of mothers to Kill whole generations in the womb
  4. A Government that controls all citizens for benefit of the elites in power
  5. Socialism, wherein productive citizens are penalized for benefit of the non-productive
  6. An all-powerful government involved in every facet of citizen’s lives
  7. Unlawful, hidden, fraudulent elections with a tightly controlled outcome
  8. A total disregard for the Bill of Rights and all founding documents
  9. Erased borders and an end to national sovereignty and security
  10. Sanctuary cities where criminals are welcome and a protected class
  11. Global Marxist Indoctrination and a continued dumbing down of America
  12. Every immoral perversion and corruption known to mankind
  13. A weaponized Justice System designed to persecute all political opponents
  14. No accountability for violations of the Oath of Office
  15. More rights and benefits for illegal aliens than any American citizen

Again, this should be enough and, in both cases, everything on these two lists is easily confirmed and verified to be FACT.

Now, Agenda One is the “MAGA” agenda and the MAGA movement has chosen President Trump to represent this agenda from the Oval Office. Agenda Two is today’s Democratic Socialist Party’s agenda and democrats have chosen Barack Obama and Joe Biden to represent their agenda.

The 2024 elections are not about two political figures, or two political parties. It’s all about two very different opposite agendas for America, and as America goes, so goes the entire world.

For the next eight months, we will be flooded with an endless stream of outright lies, half-truths, and globalist propaganda. Mainstream Media, Social Media, Hollywood elites, talk shows, friends, family, education, lecture halls, you name it…we will be bombarded by the worst political garbage slinging we have ever seen in this country.

But remember, truth matters, and the truth is presented above. Every American will vote for either Agenda One or Agenda Two this year. If Agenda One emerges victorious, America may still have a future worth living and passing on to our children and grandchildren.

But if Agenda Two wins, no American citizen will ever know freedom, liberty, security, or prosperity ever again. One of these two competing agendas will emerge victorious. YOU get to decide which one!

“Those who expect to be both ignorant and free, expect what never was and never will be.”  —Thomas Jefferson

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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The TRUTH About Trump Voters

By Lex Greene

February 23, 2024

Thanks to decades of anti-American false propaganda flooding the airwaves from pretty much every form of mass media in the country, today’s leftist echo chamber has taught millions of American voters a laundry list of gaslighting lies that simply are not true, including their misguided misperception of Trump voters.

The truth is entirely contrary to their misguided and carefully manipulated view of all Trump voters, and they need a strong dose of reality before it’s too late for America.

First, six years before Trump came down the escalator to announce his bid for the Oval Office, millions of Americans had had enough of the ongoing utter destruction of all things American in 2009. They were gathering together in Tea Party and Liberty groups all across the country and rising up against anti-American policies coming from the halls of their own federal government.

When Trump came down the escalator in 2015, these highly patriotic Americans chose Trump to represent them in Washington DC, a city gripped by anti-American socialist policies designed to eventually erode all Natural Rights of the People and meld the USA into some insane global Marxist commune, now openly under the leadership of Klaus Schwab and his thousands of WEF Young Global Leaders carefully planted in positions of power around the world.

Contrary to the false assumptions by Trump-haters, his supporters are not “following Trump,” Trump decided to represent American patriots in place six years before he announced, via his candidacy in 2015.

Fundamentally, the Trump voters believe in the following principles and values, in this order…

  1. God, morality, ethics, decency
  2. Strong upward mobile families
  3. Our Country, national sovereignty, and security
  4. All Natural Rights, individual Freedom, and Liberty
  5. Limited government authority
  6. Real equal justice under constitutional laws
  7. An informed ethical society capable of self-governance
  8. Opposition to all destructive policies aimed at destroying the USA
  9. Free market economics, fiscal health, necessary to any successful nation
  10. Free, fair, lawful, and transparent elections worthy of the People’s faith

The Trump voter isn’t interested in government control over any citizens. They are not at all interested in what government can do for them…but are instead, deeply concerned about what government has been doing to all Americans for decades.

Trump voters know that to be free and prosperous themselves, they must protect the freedom and liberty of all others, no matter political leanings.

Unfortunately, the Marxist policies of today’s democrat party and their vast echo chamber in mass media, k-12 public education and college lecture halls, many church pulpits, censored social media and even search engine manipulations, not to mention their latest “cancel culture” machine, have held millions of young, indoctrinated voters hostage. At least two young generations are currently entirely incapable of accepting truths, no matter how obvious or undeniable. They involuntarily react to truthful information as if someone threw poison on them.

As is demonstrated on social media platforms every day, whole generations are incapable of explaining their beliefs, presenting any truth to support those beliefs, or holding an open honest discussion on any important issue.

Instead, they regurgitate talking points they learned in the 24/7 echo chamber, as if they’ve never had an original thought in their whole life. When confronted with any truth, they resort to the “cancel culture” tactics they were trained in the echo chamber, unable to challenge the truth with any real facts.

While they complain and whine about what they were told is “mistreatment of citizens” around the world, like Terror groups Hamas, Islamic jihad and Hezbollah, or the recent death of a Putin opponent in Russia…they champion the mistreatment of US citizens, over a thousand of whom sit in prison for being political opponents to Biden on January 6th.

They attack Putin for allegedly killing his political opponents, but celebrate how the global Marxist democrats persecute, jail and yes, sometimes murder their political opponents right here in the USA.

The fact is… Trump voters are trying to save these brainwashed people from themselves. But the deep state indoctrination is now so deeply embedded in the psyche of so many young voters, that saving freedom and liberty for all may no longer be possible.

Meanwhile, when Trump voters…

  • Fight for free, fair, lawful, and transparent elections, they do so not for Trump, but for all American citizens.
  • Demand accountability from any politician or governmental body, they do so not for Trump, but for all American citizens.
  • They expose many fatal truths about CV19 protocols and the bioweapons vax program, they do so for all Americans.
  • They seek real national sovereignty and security for the USA, they do so for all Americans.
  • They support a Right to Life, they do so for all Americans, born and unborn.
  • They seek to enforce the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, they do so not for Trump, but for all American citizens.
  • Expose truth about criminal activities within the halls of our government, they do so for all Americans, present and future.
  • Expose ineligible candidates seeking high office, they do so not for Trump, but for all Americans.
  • Defend Trump, it’s intended to defend YOU, your kids, grandkids, and great grandkids!

I could keep going, but if you don’t get the point by now, it’s because you are trapped inside the Marxist echo chamber of anti-American propaganda and even though your belief structure is false, and doesn’t even make any common sense, you will remain trapped.

But everything I told you here is 100% true… maybe not for every Trump supporter, but for more than 98% of them. Some of you can still learn from new information made available. Others will insist upon learning truth the hard way.

It’s your choice, to remain in the echo chamber, or you can pay attention to truth and begin to think for yourself. It’s all up to you!

The rest of us will do what’s best for every American, whether or not you like it. Everyone who isn’t part of the solution is by default a part of the problem.

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Foreign Occupation of Our White House

By Lex Greene

February 16, 2024

At a time when our beloved country is being systematically flooded with foreign invaders from all over the globe, South America, China, the Middle East, most of them military age males unaccompanied by women and children, it seems more important than ever to establish a means to prevent “illegal aliens” from voting in our elections, foreign interference in our elections, and most certainly, prevent any foreign occupation of The People’s White House.

Most American voters do not know that only one tiny little three-word clause in Article II of the US Constitution, exists to prevent foreign occupation of the White House. Nowhere else in codified US Law is there anything else to prevent foreign occupation of the most powerful political office in the USA.

That three-word clause in Article II of the US Constitution pertaining to the offices of President and Vice President, is often referred to as the natural-born Citizen clause. In addition to an age and residency requirement, the natural-born Citizen clause is the only other constitutional requirement for the Oval Office, and it’s the only one of the three designed to prevent foreign occupation of the office.


Yet, most voters and politicians seem entirely unconcerned with the reality that “ineligible candidates” appear on our ballots all of the time, especially since 2008, now 16-years ago.

Yes, secure borders, free, fair, transparent, and lawful elections, the economy, national security, many things are now high on everyone’s priority list after COVID and three years of a totally destructive O’Biden administration. But if we can’t even protect the Oval Office from foreign occupation, when there’s a simple clause in the Constitution for just that purpose, then what else do you think you can fix?

Two brave honorable State Legislators in Tennessee recently sponsored a bill to prevent “constitutionally ineligible candidates” from gaining ballot access in the State, Representative Hulsey and Senator Nicely. WHY? Because voters assume all candidates are eligible for the offices they seek, simply because their name appears on the ballots. That’s why…

Ineligible candidates have appeared on ballots in the USA in every election cycle since 2008. According to officials, the political parties are responsible for vetting their candidates before seeking to place them on the ballot. But neither political party is doing it as of today.

However, the bill was almost immediately targeted, as were the bill sponsors, by rabid misinformed alleged “Trumpers” who lit up the State House with emails and phone calls from across the country, all based upon a blatantly false attack by social media activist Laura Loomer. Then, someone named Eric at Conservative Tree House followed Loomer’s lead, also without reading the bill and his followers jumped into the chaos.

Within 24 hours, social media followers had knee-jerk doomed the bill, without ever reading the bill. The following morning, Tennessee Conservative News actually read the bill and got the story right, but it was too late. Still, even some of those readers couldn’t seem to grasp the reality that there’s nothing in the bill that isn’t in the Constitution, other than State enforcement of those requirements. I truly fear the lack of intelligence in our country today. It may be the biggest problem of all.

Now, to be at least somewhat fair to these online activists, the dozens of false accusations, and attacks on Trump ever since 2015, have turned many good people into real trigger-happy “conspiracy theorists” as they have grown to distrust pretty much everyone, except Trump…including many at Trump’s side.

But this event demonstrates just how dangerous and self-destructive, even nationally self-defeating it can be to blindly follow anyone, without doing your own homework to verify the story, especially related to social media posts.

No matter Loomer’s intentions, that of Eric at Conservative Tree House, or even the many blind followers who lit up the Tennessee State House in hours, the outcome is terrible, and entirely counter-productive to their stated “conservative” goals. They killed a bill that should be passed in every State…if we ever want only “constitutionally eligible candidates” to appear on our ballots at election time.

The simple truth is, neither party and no state currently vets candidates for constitutional eligibility or prevents them from appearing along side eligible candidates on our ballots. Case in point… Nikki Haley is a “naturalized” citizen only by “Immigration and Naturalization” codes and the 14th Naturalization Amendment, a condition often referred to accurately, if not kindly, as an “anchor baby” citizen. Both of her parents were legal citizens of India, not the United States at the time of her birth. Her only access to legal citizenship as a result, was 14th Amendment “born on soil” naturalization, after which, her parents could apply for legal citizenship via their “anchor” baby.

The bill just torpedoed by alleged Trump supporters, would deny Haley ballot access, as well as numerous others ineligible for the office. Vivek Ramaswamy was also “born on soil” to parents who were not citizens of the United States at the time of his birth, and not constitutionally eligible.

In my previous piece, The Nikki Haley Plot Against the USA, I explained just why this issue is of critical nature at this moment in US history. Sadly, due to the ill-informed actions of online activists who claim to be Trump supporters, it looks like this matter will not be corrected in Tennessee this year.

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Maybe another State will take the ball and run with it…???

The Nikki Haley Plot Against the USA

By Lex Greene

February 9, 2024

In the good ole days when the average American was smarter than the average politician, citizens would defeat Nikki Haley in the GOP Presidential race just because they know that millions in her campaign funds come from far-left democrat donors and over 70% of her primary voters are also democrats. Republican voters have had it with democrats voting in republican primaries, for just this reason.

But these days, after decades of massive false political propaganda and Marxist Educational indoctrination at all ages, not to mention the government controlled and censored news media and social media platforms, the average American voter is far less certain about anything they believe.

Haley lost Iowa and then New Hampshire, both by wide margins, where she told her fans she was sure to defeat Trump. That was bad enough, but this week, she accomplished something never accomplished before in political history – she lost the Nevada primary where she was the only active candidate allowed to appear on the ballot.

CNN reported the night of the Nevada GOP Primary, that Haley only received 30.5% of the vote in a primary where she was the only active candidate on the ballot. The other 69.5% of GOP voters voted against her, 63.2% of them for “None of these candidates.” In other words, she ran unchallenged and still lost by almost 26,000 votes, having received only 21,199 votes herself.

As of this writing, Trump leads Haley in all national polling by an average of 74.3% to 18.1%. At this moment, Trump leads Haley in her home state of South Carolina by 60% to 29.3%. The official Nevada GOP primary holding all the delegates for the state is a caucus event, where Trump will appear essentially unopposed.

But even though Nikki Haley is losing every single GOP primary in grand fashion, do not expect her to drop out of the so-called “race” anytime soon. The plot to make her the 2024 GOP Presidential nominee never included her winning any of the primaries.

Instead, the plot is very similar to Biden 2020, when Biden remained in the race in 3rd place behind Warren and Sanders until the party met behind closed doors to bribe Warren and Sanders into dropping out to make room for bumbling Biden who was polling at 30% at the time, just like Haley now.

The difference in the Haley Plot case is, they can’t talk, bribe, or threaten Trump into leaving the race. Instead, the Haley camp is working around the clock with democrat operatives and financiers to force Trump out of the race, most likely by getting a fraudulent conviction for an “insurrection” that never happened.

As I write, the US Supreme Court is hearing oral arguments over whether or not to allow six Colorado voters to deny all Colorado voters the right to vote for the candidate of their choice, in this case, a former President and the landslide-leading candidate for the 2024 GOP nomination. In other words, leftist Trump-haters are trying to toss democracy off the cliff just because they know they can’t defeat Trump by any legitimate process.

The Haley Plot is to remain in 2nd place until Trump is eliminated from the race by way of a fraudulent conviction in some corrupt court, or a bullet if necessary. Then, like Biden 2020, with Trump out of the way, Nikki could become the presumptive GOP nominee as the only candidate still standing.

The longer Haley stays in the race, loss after loss after loss, the more it confirms that she intends to become the nominee without winning a single primary anywhere.

As for the Supreme Court today, members of the court have only two choices, and only one of those choices is constitutional, or even safe.

The high court must affirm democratic processes by refusing to allow a handful of Trump-haters to keep him off the ballot for an alleged “crime” that never happened. The only other option is to burn the Constitution once and for all and at that point, we will have an entirely new ballgame here.

Texas has already put the court on official notice that when they act in an unconstitutional manner, the states and the people have no obligation to follow any direction from the court. In just a couple weeks, Texas closed its border after the O’Biden administration had done all it could do keep the borders open for the past three years.

While moronic democrats continue to falsely claim “it’s republicans” who don’t want the border closed, it’s republicans in Texas who closed them, and democrats in DC who sued them for it. The same Supreme Court hearing the Trump ballot case today, issued a 5-4 ruling allowing O’Biden to tear down the Texas border fences. But so far, the O’Biden regime appears afraid to do so, showing at least some signs of intelligence.

As of today, our country is dangerously hanging by a fingernail on the verge of a total constitutional collapse, as the court will decide whether or not to uphold the Constitution today or burn it once and for all.

These are indeed interesting times.

Don’t fall victim to the Haley Plot though. She’s a fraud, a 14th “anchor baby” citizen not even eligible for the office, and a proud graduate of nazi Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders program at his maniacal WEF, just like Trudeau in Canada.

Democrat voters are easily fooled, but Republican voters, not so much! Nikki is losing everywhere because most republicans care about the facts.

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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How Democrat Leaders Feel About Their Voters

By Lex Greene

February 5, 2024

Conservative Republicans have known this for decades and worked to free the captured minds of democrat voters, without much success, until Biden. The massive total disaster of the warmongering, and treason-at-the-border Biden regime, and border states sharing their crisis with the country by shipping millions of illegal invaders to democrat-controlled cities responsible for it, has provided a much-needed wake-up call to all citizens.

As democrat voters appear entirely confident in their self-proclaimed brilliance, while totally incapable of an open discussion on any real facts, their party leaders see them quite differently than they see themselves.

Since the late 80s and the Clinton years in the 90s, a very small group of highly paid Democrat Party strategists took control over all DNC political campaigns. They established a small, targeted list of voter issues aimed at manipulating a certain type of voter, such as “abortion” to attract the female voter, “racism” to attract minority voters, “economic envy” to attract voters who were Pavlov trained to believe they are entitled to the earnings of others, especially young voters.

Extreme Marxist billionaires around the globe were thrilled to finance the mission to train certain American voter demographics to vote themselves and all others into certain unsustainable ruin. A large portion of DNC fundraising comes from foreign donors and international corporations. While nations ruined by socialism around the globe elect people to lead them out of the disaster, an increasing number of Americans are voting for the same failed policies.

But before I go any further, and you decide that I’m just some Republican Party operative, take a moment to read the statements from the top Democrat Party strategist since 1990, from an interview he gave during the 2012 re-election campaign of Barack Hussein Obama… multi-millionaire democrat operative James Carville.

“Ideologies aren’t all that important. What’s important is psychology.

The Democratic constituency is just like a herd of cows. All you have to do is lay out enough silage [feed], and they come running. That’s why I became an operative working with Democrats. With Democrats, all you have to do is make a lot of noise, lay out the hay, and be ready to use the ole cattle prod in case a few want to bolt the herd.

Eighty percent of the people who call themselves Democrats don’t have a clue as to political reality.

What amazes me is that you could take a group of people who are hard workers and convince them that they should support social programs that are the exact opposite of their own personal convictions. Put a little fear here and there, and you can get people to vote any way you want.

The voter is basically dumb and lazy. The reason I became a Democratic operative instead of a Republican was because there were more Democrats that didn’t have a clue than there were Republicans.

Truth is relative. Truth is what you can make the voter believe is the truth. If you’re smart enough, the truth is what you make the voter think it is. That’s why I’m a Democrat. I can make the Democratic voters think whatever I want them to.”

Democrat Party strategist James Carville (2012)

In a very typical Carville fashion, James says it like it is, unfettered and right to the point.

In other words, top democrat party operatives see their voters as mere lumps of clay to be molded into whatever they want you to be, for their benefit, not yours. They perfected the art of controlling their voters by simply controlling their every thought and emotion. They use bold-faced campaign lies, usually focused on attacking their political challengers, rather than promoting their own track record of success, or lack thereof.

Beyond learning how to win elections, democrats have destroyed literally everything they touch after the election ends. Every democrat-controlled city or state is by far, the worst in the country. The party itself has become the most undemocratic organization in USA history, using these tactics not only to defeat their republican opponents in general elections, but to defeat other democrats in DNC primaries.

More than 80% of American voters, all demographics, can see that the Biden family has been career international criminals guilty of open treason against the USA for decades, and that Joe himself lacks the mental ability to complete a coherent sentence, which is why they don’t allow him to actually campaign or answer media questions.

But the party has trained their cattle to ignore everything they see with their own eyes, hear with their own ears, and witness in their own lives, as if reality does not even exist. And as Carville said so well, if you stray from the herd for a moment, the party will cattle prod you back into compliance.

Did you actually think it was your idea to vote on the basis of “women’s rights,” defined by the party as nothing more than some evil right to kill your own children in the womb? Did you think it was your idea to accept the notion that humans are born in more than two genders, male and female? Did you think it was your idea to promote every form of sexual perversion as merely a “natural alternative lifestyle?”

Was it your idea to blame republicans for “racism” in America, knowing full well that it was democrats who formed the KKK and fought against all “equal rights acts” designed to affirm that “all men are created equal?”

None of these things were your idea. These are all carefully crafted voter manipulation issues designed to convince fools into foolish behaviors that make no sense at all. Was it your idea to hate everyone who wants America to be great again? Was it your idea to spread lies about democrat opponents all over social media, even though the lies have been proven lies over and over again?

None of these things were your idea…

But as Carville stated perfectly in his opening sentence above, “Ideologies aren’t all that important. What’s important is psychology.”

While you think you are voting on the basis of your “ideologies,” in reality, you’re only doing what you are told to do, on the basis of party leaders understanding and manipulating you via “psychology.”

“What amazes me is that you could take a group of people who are hard workers and convince them that they should support social programs that are the exact opposite of their own personal convictions. Put a little fear here and there, and you can get people to vote any way you want.” – Carville

What do you think their COVID19 plandemic was all about? Why do you think they have spent decades convincing you that if you don’t vote for them, the world will soon end due to “climate change” when there is no evidence at all that the globe is experiencing anything more than normal changes in climate from season to season?

It reminds me of the old “hurt and rescue” extortion scheme made famous by New York and Chicago mobs and labor union bosses in the early 1900s. In order to get you to do what they want you to do, they have to hurt you first, in order to manipulate you into buying their rescue plan. They had to convince you that you would soon die of a common cold…before you would line up to take mRNA fake vaccines intended to do more harm than any virus.

It’s happening right now… The WEF Great Covid 19 Reset is underway globally, and they have told you that when they achieve their goals, “you will own nothing and be happy.” Still, you vote for their USA partners, the democrats. (and a few fake republicans)

In order to get you to vote America into a 3rd world global commune under the government of Nazi Klaus Schwab, his global partners, and his young global leaders, they have to first destroy everything else, crash the economy, start wars everywhere, pit citizen against citizen, and make life so uncomfortable in freedom that you will choose global tyranny to escape the pain they put you in…

Even so, will these voters change course once they know exactly how their political leaders have manipulated them for decades? Most will not, they are so deeply indoctrinated now that most will recoil in an involuntary reaction to truth. This is part of their Pavlov training too… Truth hits these folks like Holy Water hits Satan… causing an involuntary recoil.

Democrats need to grasp exactly how their party leaders truly feel about them. It’s not how conservatives feel about them that’s at issue, but rather how their own party leaders feel about them.

But the rest of us have a duty to take action to overrule these voters in every election, every district, before they vote all of us into bondage.

At the end of the day, the USA is whatever WE make it, or allow it to become.

2024 will be the last chance WE have to stop the final destruction of the American Dream and American way of life. If WE fail in this duty this time, well, throughout history, freedom once lost, has never been regained!

Our children and grandchildren will remember us as only those who stood up in the face of evil tyranny, and those who didn’t. No one will be remembered any other way…

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Divided, You’ve Already Been Conquered

by Lex Greene

February 2, 2024

To fully grasp the reality of the current assault on national sovereignty and security, in the USA and all sovereign countries around the world, you must study Chairman Mao’s Cultural Revolution. What the global cabal is doing to every sovereign country today is taken directly from Mao’s Cultural Revolution playbook.

The cultural revolution in the USA has been underway for decades now, in our public education system, the fake news media, social media, the entertainment industry, churches, and especially in the college lecture halls. Success of the global Marxist revolution underway is entirely dependent upon two factors…

  • Mass indoctrination via tightly censored public information access
  • Cultural divisions by every means available, political partisanship, race, creed, religion, ethnicity, economic envy, personality politics, cancel culture, gender identity wars, on and on and on…

Of course, in both cases, these two critical tools of the coup d’état trade are dependent upon an ignorant electorate, dumbed-down and drugged-up voting blocs, Pavlov trained to vote their self-interests at every opportunity. In order to utterly destroy a free people from within, you must pit citizen against citizen, divide the population, cause endless chaos, create perceptions of grave threats, and scare citizens into silence, which is then interpreted as your consent.

In 2008, a nobody from nowhere with a totally blank history and resume’ seized control of the Democrat Party and the Oval Office, with an open promise to “fundamentally transform America” into something it was never intended to be, Barack Hussein Obama. It’s the only true words he ever spoke…

The next eight years, 2008-2016, had proven to be the most destructive years in American history, until 2021. Voters had already been dumbed-down enough to vote for a person with no authenticated past, and no past executive experience, who didn’t even show up for his brief time in the Senate, on the basis of “electing the first black President” despite knowing that he isn’t black.

The utter disaster and chaos we see everywhere today is a direct result of the 2008 election cycle, when a global Marxist con man seized the Oval Office and set out to “fundamentally transform America.” Obama also promised to create his own “civilian army,” known today as Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA, street mercenaries called to action via free Obama phones. How did you think Hamas supporters were able to hit the streets with pre-printed pro-Hamas shirts, posters, and flags in less than 24-hours after the 10/7/23 Hamas attacks on Israel? It’s all at the direction of the master community organizer!

On November 3, 2020, Barack Hussein Obama was essentially elected (via massive illegal election procedures) to a 3rd term, under the guise of a Biden-Harris administration. Only a fool believes that Biden or Harris has the mental ability to run a summer lemonade stand. Obama runs the Biden Administration and every awake thinking person in the world knows it. Only the totally mindless blind loyal Marxists still supporting O’Biden, fail to grasp this reality.

Despite knowing that the 2020 elections were rotten with illegal “Covid” election procedures in every state, State officials and members of Congress on both sides of the aisle confirmed the unlawful election of Joe Biden as President on January 6, 2021, and Obama returned to the White House on January 20, 2021. The entire Biden staff are all former Obama staffers.

Since then, the nation has been systematically divided more than ever before in history as Obama’s Biden Administration completed the process of weaponizing all federal branches and agencies against the American people.

Face it, they have succeeded in taking your country and freedom from you in broad daylight. They divided you and conquered you already, and that’s why millions of Americans have lost hope for their future and why young people look ahead and see no future for themselves. It’s why the final death blow to the USA will be the flooding of millions of foreign military age males spread all across the country, to replace you.

They have no intention of ever closing our borders. You’re watching them totally erase all national borders, as they work around the clock to meld the USA into the global commune where “you will own nothing and be happy.” O’Biden’s so-called “immigration reform” is nothing more than an attempt to legalize all illegal entry to our country and grant every illegal invader citizenship and voting rights. They have pre-labeled everyone opposed, a “racist” and “bigot.”

While Americans are busy fighting each other over nonsense, the people in power who caused the divisions with great purpose, have already seized your country. That’s why we see the Supreme Court rule that Texas has no Right to protect its territory or citizens from foreign invasion, death, and destruction.

You allowed them to divide you, and the minute you did that, you lost!

Of course, every problem on earth has a solution. The solution for division is unity, and that’s why they have taken unprecedented measures to destroy the most unifying political figure in recent history, Trump. As you watch Trump continue to sweep the GOP nomination by wide margins in state after state, you must realize that like him or not, he continues to unify freedom-loving Americans from all voter demographics. This is why globalists are determined to destroy Trump!

Because “a house divided against itself cannot stand,” we cannot afford to remain a house divided.

No one can take America away from the American people. The people must surrender it.

2024 is the final hour…Americans will either rise united against all enemies, foreign and domestic, or they will lose their country forever, divided and conquered.

The time for choosing has arrived…

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Marxist Murder of the American Dream

By Lex Greene

January 29, 2024

From day one, July 4, 1776, when a handful of real American patriots declared our independence from England and British rule, they also established our independence from any form of government tyranny, foreign or domestic.

The basis of the American Dream is self-determination and self-governance. The ability to dream your own dream, set your own course, establish your own goals, and strive to accomplish your own destiny, as only you can do. These ideas culminate in the term “freedom.”

Among many other freedoms too numerous to list, the American Dream includes…

  • The Right to choose your own Faith, or none at all.
  • The Right to choose your own profession.
  • The Right to choose your own financial condition.
  • The Right to choose your own friends.
  • The Right to raise your own family, or not have one.
  • The Right to own private property.
  • The Right to privacy, and not to be spied on by anyone.
  • The Right to be secure in your belongings.
  • The Right to enjoy the fruits of your own labor.
  • The Right to vote for the public servants of your choice.
  • The Right to make your own health choices.
  • A Right to Life, Liberty, and your Pursuit of Happiness.
  • A Right to equal justice under the Law, not Marxist “equity.”
  • A Right to Free Speech, redress of grievances, and to keep and bear arms.

In a free nation, your Natural Rights are far too numerous to number. For most of our 247-year history, Americans were born into these basic concepts, and millions came from around the world, leaving behind the destruction of tyrannical socialist and communist governments, in pursuit of the same freedoms every American was once born into.

To love and support, protect, and preserve these ideas for all American citizens and all posterity, is to be a true patriot of the United States created of, by and for the People of these United States. To do any less, is to be a traitor to these ideas, and an open threat to all Americans who still believe in and revere these foundations for Freedom.

It’s not “In Government We Trust,” but rather IN GOD WE TRUST,” the creator of all things, from whom our freedom is “endowed.”

Our freedom does not come from any man… and it is “inalienable” by any form of government. ALL government power is derived from the consent of the governed, We the People. That makes We the People the final arbiters of truth and justice.

Today, 80% of what the Federal Government does, or does not do, is in direct violation of the compact by the people, and between the States, that created the Federal Government. Under US Law, when a member of the contract stands in breech of that contract, the contract is null and void. No party to the contract is obligated to the terms and conditions of that contract once the agreement has been broken. Either the Constitution stands as the Supreme Law of this Land, or the government it creates and authorizes, has no Right to exist at all. Taxation without representation is unlawful and unconstitutional.

Our Founders spoke of this in the Declaration of Independence, the original Founding document upon which all else is built.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.”

Unfortunately, our Constitution and Republican form of self-government has been undermined since the early 1800s, starting with the judicial branch seizing powers granted only to Congress alone, the unconstitutional power to make laws via court opinions.

“You seem . . . to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy. Our judges are as honest as other men, and not more so . . . and their power [is] the more dangerous, as they are in office for life and not responsible, as the other functionaries are, to the elective control. The Constitution has erected no such single tribunal, knowing that to whatever hands confided, with corruptions of time and party, its members would become despots.”  —(Jefferson letter to William Jarvis, Sept. 28, 1820)

In 1913 with the adoption of the 16th Amendment allowing government to tax “wages” (not income) creating a modern slave state of sorts, and the 17th Amendment eliminating State’s Representation in Washington DC via the US Senate, our Republic is a mere skeleton of its former glory.

Today, we have whole generations, largely since the Che Guevara styled Marxist Revolution starting in the 1960s, brought to the USA by the Weather Underground, who no longer know anything at all about our foundations of freedom. At least three US generations have been Pavlov raised on Marxist principles and they no longer believe in American freedom, liberty, or justice for all.

For the record, equality and equity are not the same things. In fact, they are polar opposites. Equality means everyone is treated the same, no matter race, creed, or color. Equity is a Marxist term, meaning a superior power (.gov) will decide your station in life, for benefit of another. It’s overt Marxism…

Making matters much worse, as America now exists in a greatly weakened state, ripe for the plucking, Global Nazi Groups like the World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, and International Monetary Fund have set their sites upon the final destruction of the USA and all independent sovereign nations. They launched the global movement to destroy freedom via their maniacal COVID 19 Great Reset.

Even worse is the fact that almost every major American corporation is a global partner in the plot to destroy freedom everywhere on earth. Their motto for YOUR future… is “YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY…” which means, they will own everything, and they will define happy for you.

In 2024, every American will face the same decision… AMERICA FIRST (or) AMERICA GONE!

Personality politics are no longer relevant. All that matters now is the future of freedom, here in the USA and anywhere else on earth. The global Marxists will either succeed in ending the USA and freedom everywhere, under their One World Order at the command and control of global Nazi Klaus Schwab and his minions – or… the American people will finally cast off all past political propaganda aimed at dividing in order to conquer, and vote AMERICA FIRST!

Freedom is either in it’s final hour, or at the beginning of its rebirth. The American people, not the politicians, not the judges, and not the global Marxists, will decide this…

“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.”  —Thomas Jefferson

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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What’s Wrong With this Picture 2008-2020

By Lex Greene

January 23, 2024

It must be the new math taught to kids in the government-controlled education (read: indoctrination) system these days, but something doesn’t look quite right about USA elections during this time frame.

Note this….

  • Obama wins the 2008 Presidential race after losing 72% of the counties across the country…
  • Obama wins re-election in 2012 after losing 78% of the counties across the country…
  • Trump wins the 2016 Presidential race by winning 82% of the counties across the country…
  • Trump loses re-election after winning 79% of the counties across the country…
  • And Biden wins the 2020 Presidential race after losing a record 85% of the counties across the country…

In other words, more than 70% of the country voted against both Obama and Biden, but they still allegedly won. In contrast, with 79% to 82% of the country voting for Trump, somehow, miraculously, almost as impressive as Jesus walking on water, Biden defeats Trump in 2020 having won only 15% of the counties across the country.

Anyone see a problem here?

Of course, democrats have an answer for this obvious anomaly. Democrats control the majority of the voting population in about twenty or so major urban areas. In other words, about 20-democrat illegal sanctuary toilets are controlling the entire country, despite 80% of the country or more, standing opposed.

This is in fact how extreme LEFT democrats stole control of the entire country, despite 80% of the country voting against them in every election cycle. In fact, there isn’t a single “blue state” anywhere in the country. There are only a handful of blue cities, all of them democrat destroyed bastions of crime, corruption, homelessness, drug and sex addiction, murder, and mayhem.

This is why Trump is often referred to as a “populous President,” one highly popular all across the country, all voting demographics, about 80% of the 3143 counties in the USA. The country is not controlled by the people in 80% of the country, but rather the populations in a handful of extreme LEFT urban areas rotten with crime and corruption.

To put a fine point on the matter, democrats and their voters currently control the entire nation from just 477 of 3143 counties won by Biden in 2020. The rest of the country be damned!

This is possible due to USA election systems, which do indeed include many methods of cheating on the part of democrats, especially in 2020 under COVID19 “emergency voting methods.”

As a result, democrat voters feel empowered by their ability to run roughshod over the nation at election time, all from just a handful of urban areas controlled by the DNC, Soros and the WEF. But they didn’t think this all the way through…as they become increasingly tyrannical and heavy handed in their open distain for all freedom and liberty loving Americans in the other 2666 counties….

Fatal Flaws in the LEFTIST End Game

Through their corruption, and many methods of election interference and cheating, they have been able to steal elections and treat the other 80% of the country like a bunch of dumb hicks with no political power at all.

Of course, sooner or later, those kind, generous and patient folks in the other 2666 counties will give up on saving their country in the election booth. They will tire of being run over by a bunch of sniveling bedwetters still living in their mommy’s basement and voting for the worst leaders alive in the USA today and solve the problem another way.

While a handful of urban illegal sanctuaries may have figured out how to outvote 80% of the country, when they force the game to change, the odds will change too.

Most of us on the political RIGHT, for lack of a better term, have been very peaceful and even more patient with the anti-American LEFT, willing to exhaust all peaceful means of saving our Republic from democrats clearly out to destroy it, before moving to the same last resort our Founders were forced to use in 1776.

If democrats continue to force 80% of the country to that breaking point, well, then in an instant, the odds shift hard in favor of all true Americans, those who know we are a Constitutional Republic and not a Marxist democracy.

While 477 counties might be able to outvote the other 2666 counties across the country, they will have no chance at all against 80% of the country in the streets.

Personally, I hope calmer heads and peaceful processes can still prevent that moment in history. But that’s actually up to the democrats.

The Republic will be defended, along with freedom and liberty, and it will be saved. It’s totally in the hands of democrats, whether that will happen peacefully, or violently. They will either stop using tyrannical tactics to force Americans into a corner, or they will find out the hard way what it’s like for about twenty democrat cities to go to war with more than 2666 counties from sea to sea.

Even the vast majority of California is RED, as is Colorado, Michigan, Illinois, and several other democrat-run states.

When the game changes, so do the odds… If democrats have even two brain cells to rub together, they need to stop forcing Americans into this corner, while they still can.

I don’t want this to be settled in the streets…but it sure is easy to predict it.

In 2024, we will either have free, fair, lawful, and transparent elections, or we will be off to the races. 2024 is the breaking point. Trust me on this… I follow growing public sentiments very closely.


© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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How the Republican Party became the RINO Party

By Lex Greene

January 19, 2024

The early 2024 GOP primaries demonstrate the problem perfectly. I can sum up the problem in just three words, a “BIG TENT THEORY.” Years ago, the RNC (Republican National Committee) decided to change America’s pro-Constitution conservative party into a BIG TENT party allowing anti-Republican voters to participate in Republican Party primaries.

In the 2024 Iowa Caucuses a couple days ago, the stark example of the problem was in full view. Former President Donald Trump won the State Presidential Nomination by winning 98 of 99 counties with solid support from over 51% of the caucus votes across the state. Distant 3rd place finisher, Nimrata Nikki Randhawa of India, won just one county by just one vote. The devil is in the details…

While Trump won across all demographics in 98 of 99 counties, Nimrata Nikki Randhawa won one county by one vote, where 50% of caucus voters in the county were democrats who changed party registration for caucus day, before changing registration back to democrat after the caucus. In other words, Nikki won that one county by one vote, thanks to democrat voters, not republican voters. Of course, her biggest campaign donors are all democrats, too.

The #1 Cause

Some State Parties allow anyone to vote in GOP primaries, anyone. Other States require Republican Party registration…but allow non-republican voters to leap back and forth between parties to select Republican candidates in the GOP primary, whom they will vote against in the general elections.

How can true Republicans get true Republican candidates while letting their political opposition to select GOP candidates in republican primaries, whom they will later vote against in the general elections? It’s impossible…maybe by intent.


“The new poll shows Trump with a massive 61%-34% lead over Haley among registered Republicans, with Haley topping Trump 44%-38% among independents.”

By independents, they mean democrats. A majority of registered independent voters are former registered democrats and the past voting trends of the group confirm it. According to recent polling data from December 2023, 40% of US voters are now registered independent, while 29% are still registered democrat, 28% republican.

As demonstrated in Iowa and now the current New Hampshire polls, if only republicans voted in republican primaries, solid conservatives would be nominated by wide margins in every primary contest. But when everyone is allowed to vote in republican primaries, the outcome is quite different.

Registered independents are now the largest voting bloc of the three. However, even though they register as independent, their voting trends are not independent at all. The vast majority still vote either republican or democrat in every election, especially in elections concerning federal public offices.

“While the former president holds a commanding 6%-18% lead over his former U.N. ambassador among self-described conservatives, Haley leads 56%-27% among those who consider themselves moderate or liberal.” SOURCE

The #2 Cause

If you got mad and left your home because you don’t like how the maid and gardener had taken care of your property, your property would soon belong to your maid and gardener. The same is true of political parties.

When Cause #1 allowed democrats and independents to pick republican candidates, real conservatives got mad that the conservative principles and values of their party were being undermined from within their own party, their political home. So, they left that home in the hands of the people who were undermining those principles and values, taking independent status.

When conservatives got mad and left their party, they didn’t stop voting republican in general elections. They just took themselves out of any leadership in the party, and stopped funding the party, in both cases, leaving the party headed for the ash heap of history. Meanwhile, the democrat party becomes ever more powerful and tyrannical via global Marxist influence and funding from Nazi groups like Klaus Schwab’s WEF and the more than 200 Soros NGO’s.

Between these two primary causes, it’s the people themselves who have turned the once conservative republican party into today’s feckless RINO party or allowed it to happen.

The only way to reverse the fatal trend is to reverse these practices. There is no other way.

To turn the Republican Party back into a conservative party, leave independent status and rejoin the party. Not to go-along to get-along, but to flood the party with real conservative republican voters and take back control.

Fail to do so at your own demise…and everyone else’s.

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Free, Fair, Lawful, Transparent Elections 2024

By Lex Greene

January 14, 2024

At what point in American history did free, fair, transparent, and lawful elections become a partisan issue? Are we really now a society of overly partisan cheating voters no better than the corrupt politicians we vote for, or against?

The USA is very unique in the world in that all political authority exists at the pleasure of the governed, the People. Our government has a right to exist only so long as the People say so, and only so long as governments perform within the limited powers they are granted. Taxation without representation is prohibited in the USA, no matter which party you’re loyal to, or how you might feel about it.

A free self-governed society requires first and foremost, free, fair, lawful, and transparent elections, allowing the People to self-govern via their legitimate votes. Without this cornerstone of self-governance, no member of society is free, and no government can be trusted at all.

This makes the pursuit of free, fair, lawful, and transparent elections the most critically important issue for any free self-governing society. No matter your personal political beliefs, conservative, liberal, capitalist, socialist, communist, anarchists, etc., if we have no legitimate elections, your opinions are irrelevant.

So, how did this matter become a partisan issue?

There has been more than adequate evidence presented to prove that the elections of 2020 and 2022 (and others dating back decades) were “unlawful,” meaning, held in direct violation of State and Federal Election Laws in all fifty states. Like it or not, it’s legally impossible to get a “lawful” outcome from any “unlawful” process.

Many have claimed that these election cycles included numerous methods of outright election fraud, a crime. But criminal claims must be reported to proper law enforcement agencies for investigation, handed over to a proper prosecutor and grand jury for criminal indictment, a trial and conclusion in the criminal courts following rules of criminal procedure. It’s a very long difficult road that can take years and cost millions of dollars.

But there’s no getting around a cut-n-dry case in civil courts to determine whether or not the election procedures used within a state followed, or were in violation of, State Election Laws in place at the time of the elections. The law says we must do this, but instead, people did that.

This is a YES or NO question for State Supreme Courts. Did the election procedures in 2020 and 2022 comply with, or violate State Election Laws? Simple… cut-n-dry and impossible for any legitimate court to get wrong.

If a State Supreme Court rules that election procedures failed to comply with State Election Laws, then the election was “unlawful.” You can’t get a “lawful” outcome to an “unlawful” election process. End of story…

After getting answers to this very basic question, the next question can be asked…was it done by intent, and did those who did it, commit crimes in the process of doing it?

2020 and 2022

If State Supreme Courts declare “unlawful” election procedures happened in these election cycles, then everyone who benefited by these elections, no matter person, party, or office, cannot hold their office “lawfully.”

Claims of fraud are a separate matter. Codes governing criminal procedures will direct how any formal criminal complaints are handled.

But the People do not have to prove fraud, they only have to prove “unlawful.” Election laws vary from state to state. Therefore, this is a State issue for the State Supreme Courts to decide. Only if the State Court gets the matter wrong, does it become a Federal case to force the State into Constitutional compliance via federal courts.

All Americans

All Americans must support and insist upon free, fair, lawful, and transparent elections, without any regard for partisan views. Because if they don’t, all Americans have lost all control over their own government and country.

No issue should be more non-partisan than this one. While there will always be a laundry list of things Americans might disagree on, if we can’t all agree on this one, none of the secondary issues will matter at all.

Candidates who are legally eligible for office must be allowed ballot access. It’s not just the candidate who is harmed by efforts to block access to ballots just because political opponents fear running against them. Voters are disenfranchised, denied their right to vote for leaders of their choice, by simply blocking ballot access for their candidate of choice. It’s the kind of tactics usually only seen in 3rd world dictatorships.

To be American is to demand free, fair, lawful, and transparent elections. Anything less is un-American!

When the snooze media promotes blatant lies, playing politics instead of real journalism, it amounts to overt election interference. When “fake news” exists at the demand of advertisers, it’s a dangerous form of corruption designed to control the outcome of elections. When social media platforms only allow “approved narratives” and rely upon highly partisan “fact-checkers” to censor posts on their public forums, this too is a powerful means of election interference.

We either have free, fair, lawful, and transparent elections, or we no longer have a free, fair, lawful, and transparent country!

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Oval Office Immunity?

By Lex Greene

January 12, 2024

The current matter in question isn’t Trump’s Oval Office immunity on January 6, 2021, as the sitting President at the time, but rather, the much broader subject of Oval Office Immunity in general.

Traditional Oval Office Immunity does not pertain to a person, but rather to the Oval Office itself, and the person occupying that office at any given time. The immunity protects the office occupant from any Judicial oversight while in office. The immunity ends when the person leaves office, with one exception. If the matter at hand later pertains to events that took place while the person was the lawful occupant of the Oval Office, then immunity for that person still exists post-occupancy, as it relates to events that took place during the Oval Office term.

“In its 1867 decision Mississippi v. Johnson, the Supreme Court established that the President is largely beyond the reach of the judiciary by holding that it could not direct President Andrew Johnson in how he exercised his purely executive and political powers. The Court stated, it had no jurisdiction . . . to enjoin the President in the performance of his official duties.” SOURCE

Article II Impeachment exists as the sole means of accusing any Oval Office occupant of criminal acts as a result. The Judicial Branch has no legal jurisdiction over the Oval Office occupant, but Congress does, via Impeachment.

So, when the courts are deciding whether or not Trump enjoyed Oval Office Immunity protections as the sitting President on January 6, 2021, they will decide something much bigger than that. They will decide whether or not any Oval Office occupant has Oval Office Immunity ever again. To strip the Oval Office of these longstanding protections, they will have to overturn 247-years of history and numerous court decisions on the matter.

If the courts do that, then this single decision ends the Constitution and Bill of Rights altogether.

Because the federal government is so compromised, highly partisan, and controlled by foreign powers today, the courts are between a rock and a hard place. They will want to rule against Trump, but if they do, that ruling will have to apply to all occupants of the Oval Office.

Imagine what comes next…pandora’s box is wide open. Anyone can use the courts for political persecution against any political figure, including Obama, Biden and Harris within hours.

The US Federal Government exists solely by way of the US Constitution. If the Constitution and Bill of Rights are dead and gone, then the Federal government has no legal basis to even exist at all.

Next, who would ever want to occupy that office in the future, knowing that they can be held personally liable for actions authorized by Article II, due to mere partisan political persecutions driven by differences in policy?

I expect the high courts to get this decision right, sooner or later, on appeal to the US Supreme Court if need be. Getting this one wrong threatens the existence of our Constitutional Republic. The courts will let us know if our country still exists soon

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Celebrating January 6, 2021

By Lex Greene

January 7, 2024

On the 3rd anniversary of J6 2021, events of that day are celebrated by all sane Americans as the day when the once silent majority, stopped being silent. Before going any further, there’s a few basic facts about J6 that some foolish Americans must come to grips with…

  • Every Federal, State and Local government property is the property of the American taxpayers. No one has more right to enter those facilities than the American taxpayers themselves. These buildings are not owned by the public servants who work inside. Our government owns nothing. The taxpayers own it all, including the public servants.
  • There’s no such thing as an “unarmed insurrection.” Never in human history has a people ever attempted to “overthrow a government” unarmed. That’s because governments are armed to the teeth, also paid for by American taxpayers.
  • And, in over 247 years of USA history, literally hundreds of political figures and millions of voters have stated their opinions that an “election was stolen” from them, including democrats Hillary Clinton and Al Gore of late, as well as low level politicians at the city, state, and county levels. There’s nothing new about this at all. Many times, the accusation has been true! Other times, not…

For four years, commie leftists in the USA shouted “not my president” regarding Trump. They torched cities, attacked police, destroyed and looted businesses, all because they were Pavlov trained by the Democrat Party to “hate Trump” and all things American. Numerous times, dumbed-down democrat voters have seized a legislative plaza, shut down the people’s business inside and threatened politicians over abortion and countless other anti-American leftwing agendas. Public protests are a staple in any free society, and they don’t always end peacefully.

Of late, these same morons have even taken over whole cities marching in support of known terrorists like Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah. Can’t get any more anti-American than that!

Further, there’s plenty of live video available on open-source platforms showing how Capitol Police ushered people into those buildings on that day, and even escorted many through the buildings. For the record, taxpayers visiting and walking through those buildings is a daily event for those who visit DC.

Last, it’s also been proven that Trump offered additional security that day simply due to the volume of people attending events…that Speaker Nancy Pelosi repeatedly declined any additional security that day, against the advice of the House Security Chief, and that numerous BLM, ANTIFA and FBI personnel were on the grounds inciting a riot under the guise of being MAGA folks.

So, while dementia Joe tries to stop his tailspin to the lowest approval ratings of any former US President, by once again attempting to paint J6 as something every sane person knows it wasn’t, no one is listening except a handful of morons who know none of the true surrounding facts of that day. Most of them don’t even want to know.

Contrary to the blatant Democrat Party lies on the matter, J6 should be celebrated as the day when the American people decided to stand up and speak out against overbearing corruption in our government, including unlawful elections.

Whether you know it or not, the 2020 and 2022 elections in particular were held in an “unlawful” manner in all fifty states. Standing election laws were violated in every state during these two election cycles, numerous ways. Some of those states are now rushing new “unconstitutional” election laws into place before November, aiming to make the “unlawful” acts of 2020 and 2022 “legal” in their states, including allowing illegal invaders to vote.

Still, it’s not possible to get a “lawful outcome” from an “unlawful process.” If the process was “unlawful,” or “unconstitutional,” then so is the outcome of that process. It’s just that simple.

That being the case, Americans had and have every right to stand up against government corruption, especially when it involves unlawful elections. The People can either trust that their elections are free, fair, honest, and transparent, or they cannot trust anything from their government at all.

Every American should stand opposed to unlawful elections. It shouldn’t be a partisan issue. But it is, because America now has millions of voters who don’t care about honest elections, so long as their candidate wins.

Since that day, the Democrat Party has become even more corrupt and tyrannical towards every American citizen. Currently, the Democrat Party is disenfranchising all democrat voters by not allowing them to vote for anyone other than international crime boss Joe Biden in the Democrat Primary. Meanwhile, the Democrat Party is also inventing new dirty tricks in an effort to disenfranchise millions of Republican voters by not allowing them a chance to vote for the GOP frontrunner, Trump.

Folks, this is the party and tactics of men like Mao, Hitler, Stalin, and Lenin… there’s nothing at all democratic about today’s Democrat Party. And yes, some RINO Republicans are involved too, like Chris Christie, and Nikki Haley, just to name a couple.

Indeed, J6 marks a day worthy of celebration, as the day when true Americans finally stood up together against a horrifically corrupted system that Obama turned against all Americans fifteen years ago now. Democrats have turned every federal agency against the people, and at least to some degree, the US Military as well.

Three years later, good Americans are still sitting in prison for an “insurrection” that never happened, all due to the lies of America’s political left, politicians, party operatives and even stupid kids posting DNC-funded lies all over social media.

According to dimwit Biden in his so-called campaign speech, his federal gestapo has arrested more than 1000 rallygoers and incarcerated more than 900 of them since J6th. Not one of them was ever charged with “insurrection” and most pled guilty just because they didn’t have the money to fight the tyranny. Make no mistake, these are “political prisoners” of the sort usually only found in 3rd world dictatorships.

If this is the kind of America you want your kids and grandkids to live in, shame on you. Stay quiet on the sidelines, pole vaulting over mouse poop, arguing about far lesser things while Rome is being burned to the ground.

But if not, then don’t be afraid to stand together against evil, anywhere you find it. Just as a garden left unattended will be consumed by weeds, a nation left unattended by its people will soon be consumed by evil.

Find serious groups working to solve these problems and get engaged. Donate to them, volunteer to help, spread the word so that others can know the truth and get involved. Don’t sit idle on the sidelines in 2024 or we will lose our way of life forever.

© 2023 Lex Greene  – All Rights Reserved

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The 2024 Presidential Frauds

By Lex Greene

January 4, 2024

Since America’s first fraudulent presidential candidate in 2008, Kenyan-born Democrat Barack Hussein Obama, each presidential election cycle has had other fraudulent candidates enter the race and not one single Secretary of State, State Supreme Court, or even the US Supreme Court has ever attempted to remove factually ineligible candidates from the presidential primaries or general election ballot.

Both political parties have put forth blatantly ineligible foreign-at-birth candidates and no one has ever tried to block their ballot access or hold them accountable after the fact.

Above all other laws in the United States, only one tiny little Constitutional phrase found in Article II protects the White House from foreign occupation, the natural born Citizen clause.

“No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President;”

This one phrase is the only thing in the Constitution that prevents foreign enemies with foreign, dual, or divided loyalties from occupying the Oval Office. That’s it…there’s nothing else.

This makes knowing what a natural born Citizen is, very important. It also makes it necessary for the American People to make certain that this requirement for high office is enforced, especially when political parties and government officials refuse to do so.

To date, there is no authenticated document proof of who Barack Hussein Obama really is, or where he really came from. According to his family in Kenya and official Kenyan documents, he was born in Kenya to a Kenyan Father, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr.

According to his youth records, he was adopted at a young age by his stepfather Lolo Soetoro of Indonesia, making him a legal citizen of Indonesia. Three distinct and different Hawaiian “Certification of Live Birth” documents offered by Obama as proof of US citizenship, have all been proven fraudulent documents, of course. No one has three different birth records, and the “Certification of Live Birth” document was used by Hawaii for any person living in Hawaii who otherwise had no birth records.

This started the new trend of running ineligible candidates for President of the United States and that trend continues today in the 2024 Presidential race.

In the 2008 race, the GOP nominated Sen. John McCain to run against democrat Barack Obama. McCain’s eligibility for the office was challenged by a group of former military officers who had every reason in the world to not support McCain. Despite being the son of a well-known Navy Commander stationed in Panama at the time of John’s birth, the group challenged his eligibility for office on the basis of “he wasn’t born on American soil,” but rather in Panama.

There were two big problems with their claim…

  1. McCain’s Father was stationed in Panama on the business of the nation in the US Navy. That made the Navy Base in Panama a “US Territory.”
  2. “Jus Soli” or “The right of nationality or citizenship acquired by being born in said place;” isn’t even a true natural born Citizen requirement, according to well-known and globally acknowledged ancient Laws of Nature.

But their hatred for John McCain took priority over any truthful or honest effort to disqualify the truly ineligible candidate at the time, Barack Hussein Obama.

The US Senate quickly passed a Resolution declaring McCain a “natural born Citizen” of the USA eligible for the office in response. That ended that…but no such Resolution was ever considered for Barack Hussein Obama, whose eligibility was also being challenged at the time. I can’t help but wonder why? Is it because there was no way for Obama to meet the same conditions in the McCain Resolution?

2012 – Mitt Romney was also challenged on the same requirement basis, having been born in Mexico. But again, no one wanted to talk about Obama. My research says that Romney, also a highly undesirable candidate, was indeed born in Mexico, but to parents who remained legal citizens of the USA, making him eligible for the office. But what about Kenyan Barack Obama?

2016 – saw three ineligible candidates enter the GOP primaries….

Ted Cruz – Born in Canada a legal citizen of Canada, and according to Ted, never naturalized to the USA
Marco Rubio – Born in the USA to legal citizens of Cuba (anchor baby under the 14th)
Bobby Jindal – Born in the USA to legal citizens of India (anchor baby under the 14th)

Again, despite The People challenging their eligibility on legitimate grounds, no one tried to keep any of them off the ballot.

2020 – Despite Joe Biden being a well-known career political criminal and chronic liar, he is none the less a natural born American. But his running mate, Kamala Harris was born in the USA to legal citizens of Jamaica and India. The 12th Amendment to the Constitution applies all requirements for President to the office of Vice President, of course, otherwise the Vice President could not advance to President in the Constitutional Line of Succession to the Oval Office.

So, as of today, Barack Hussein Obama was allowed to serve out two full terms as an ineligible occupant of the office and Kamala Harris has been allowed to serve the past three years as Vice President, despite also being ineligible for the office.

That brings us to 2024

As of today, there are at best, only four serious GOP candidates in the 2024 primary race, Trump, DeSantis, Haley and Ramaswamy. The rest are so far back in the polls and so unpopular with GOP voters that they aren’t really even in the race at all.

Trump – a natural born Citizen of the USA eligible for the office and a former US President
DeSantis – a natural born Citizen of the USA eligible for the office and Governor of Florida
Haley – born in the USA to legal citizens of India (anchor baby under the 14th) ineligible
Ramaswamy – born in the USA to legal citizens of India (anchor baby under the 14th) ineligible


First, to properly understand what a natural born Citizen (aka True Citizen) really is, you first have to understand what it isn’t…

The USA has no laws pertaining to “natural born Citizen” other than the requirement for office in Article II and that is the only political office in the USA with this requirement. That makes what is and is not a natural born Citizen very important.

The term natural born Citizen is a Natural Law term, as-in, The Laws of Nature and Nature’s God, endowed by our Creator. In other words, it’s not something that can be created by legislative process, nor can it be eliminated by any legislative or judicial process. It’s a condition that exists in and due to nature alone, which is inalienable by any governmental body or act of man.

In modern terms of understanding, just as a child naturally inherits all Rights of the Father at birth, so does that child become a legal member of society at birth, by tacit consent, via the citizenship of the natural birth Father. If the birth Father is a Citizen of the USA, then so is the child at birth. This is the true meaning of “birthright citizenship” in contrast to modern bastardizations of the 14th Amendment in our British Common Law courts.

In sum, if one acquires legal citizenship via any manmade legislative process, amendments, or statutes, they are a “naturalized” citizen, the opposite of a natural born Citizen. US citizenship codes only define how someone who is not a natural born Citizen, can acquire legal citizenship via manmade statutes.

Simply stated in the international treatise used by our Founders to place the requirement in Article II of the Constitution…

  • “As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights.
  • “The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children; and these become true citizens merely by their tacit consent.”
  • “I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country.”
  • By the law of nature alone, children follow the condition of their fathers, and enter into all their rights (§ 212); the place of birth produces no change in this particular,”
  • “We have observed above (§ 212), that they have a right to enter into the society of which their fathers were members.”

The entire world understands and adheres to this most fundamental Natural Right of every child to be born a “True Citizen” of the same country to which their birth Father is a member. Only the USA has been misguided on the subject, with specific political agendas causing it.

Yet, this is the one thing in all of our Founding documents and laws, that prevents foreign enemy occupation of the People’s White House. There is nothing more important to enforce than this one simple Natural Law. Without enforcing it, in a nation being flooded with millions of illegal invaders right now, our country will soon cease to exist.

Now, I’m well aware of all the folks who have been trying to sell their “three-legged stool” theory since McCain in 2008…Father, Mother and Born on Soil. I’m well aware of the fact that some women think that the Natural Law focus on the father alone, is some kind of slight to the mothers. I’m also well aware that those who believe these things will continue to lack the moral courage to self-correct so that we can enforce this clause and protect our White House from foreign occupation.

I’m well informed on how even our legal system has worked to completely undermine the term to make it unenforceable and obsolete.

If Americans continue to allow these things to happen, the term in Article II, natural born Citizen, remains unenforceable because there is no common enforceable definition of the term.

At that point, anyone from anywhere can occupy the White House.

Election Fraud is bad no matter who does it, or how they do it. It must be stopped or there is no way to save our Republic. It simply won’t be possible.


© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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To Be or Not To Be…American

By Lex Greene

January 1, 2024

The United States is a place on the map, a compact of fifty independent sovereign States who joined forces to form, fund and regulate a Federal Government with a very clear non-negotiable purpose as established by the US Constitution.

  • in Order to form a more perfect Union, (FAIL)
  • establish Justice, (FAIL)
  • insure domestic Tranquility, (FAIL)
  • provide for the common defense, (FAIL)
  • promote the general Welfare, (FAIL)
  • and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. (FAIL)

It’s all based upon the following foundational proclamations in the Declaration of Independence

  • to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them;
  • We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
  • That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed;
  • That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.

These are the conditions established at our founding that govern everything in the USA, as “The Supreme Law of this Land.”

While the United States is a place, and the Federal government is a creation of the People under certain specific conditions listed in the Charters of Freedom, to be or not to be an American is something else.

Two things are required to be an American…

  1. You must be a legally recognized member of our society, not an illegal invader from foreign enemy states with any foreign loyalties.
  2. You must subscribe to all of the founding principles, values, and proclamations of the American culture.

You must speak the official American language, English. You must abide by all of the foundational Natural Rights of all American citizens, no matter race, creed, or color. You must pledge your undying pure allegiance to the same. You must be willing to uphold and defend the USA from all enemies, foreign and domestic. You must abide by all American constitutional laws and reject all unconstitutional acts by any governmental body or foreign entity like the UN, WEF, IMF, NATO, and WHO.

Not everyone who resides in the USA today is an American. In fact, millions reside in the USA who are wholly and blatantly anti-American. The enemies are inside the gates.

It’s cut and dry, and very easy to identify who is an American and who is not an American.

  • If you do not believe in a “republican form of government” guaranteed every citizen and every state in the US Constitution, you are not an American.
  • If you do not believe in the most fundamental Right to Life for every innocent American, born and unborn, you are not an American.
  • If you believe in some sick right to murder your own children in the womb for mere convenience sake, you are not an American.
  • If you don’t believe that a strong traditional family is the foundation of any decent society, you are not an American.
  • If you don’t fight for free fair elections above reproach, you are not an American.
  • If you believe political opponents are guilty without being charged, tried or convicted of any crime, then you are not an American.
  • If you believe that any form of fascism, Naziism, communism or socialism is better than freedom, you are not an American.
  • If you support known Islamic terrorist organizations and terror sponsor states, you are not an American.
  • If you oppose economic freedom in the form of legal and ethical capitalism, you are not an American.
  • If you participate in acts of racism from either side, you are not an American.
  • There’s more, but this should be good enough for now…

“American” is a belief system, not a place. If you subscribe to the American belief system and would risk your own life to protect and preserve freedom, liberty, and justice for all, then you are indeed a true American. But if not, then you are an enemy within the gates and a threat to all decent Americans and the American way of life.

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.”

Marcus Tullius Cicero

2024 will mark the moment in American history when Americans will decide their own future and fate.

The USA has literally millions of enemies within our gates, our government, our courts, our national security agencies, our states, and local communities. Millions more are invading our beloved country under Obama’s Biden illegal migration operation, all paid for by American taxpayers, and recently given the right to purchase firearms by Biden’s ATF, also paid for by American taxpayers.

Democrat politicians are making it “legal” for “illegal invaders” to be police, military personnel, even court judges, where they will have alleged (unconstitutional) authority over every American citizen. Democrats have corrupted every federal branch and agency and weaponized government against the American people. They have turned all major cities into sanctuaries for all criminal activities and democrat governors have turned whole States into illegal bastions for every evil known to mankind, in direct violation of federal laws, their State Constitutions and the US Constitution.

Make no mistake…foreign and domestic enemies are inside our gates, and they have been systematically transported and embedded in every American community, soon to be armed and empowered by our own government.

2024 will be the last chance Americans have to defend our way of life from the enemies within. If Americans fail to rise to this occasion, America will soon cease to exist.

The enemies abide by no laws and no rules of engagement. Americans are normally peaceful, ethical, moral, law-abiding citizens. They won’t break their basic foundations for peace without being forced to.

In 2024, they will be forced to…like it or not.

The Constitution and all its terms and conditions are the legal mechanisms by which the Federal government has any right to exist at all. When that government refuses to abide by the terms and conditions of the Constitution, and has become destructive of its sole purpose, it has no right to exist, much less rule over the people. The contract is null and void the moment the government breaches that contract and refuses to self-correct.

May God guide every American as we face the greatest threat to American freedom, liberty, and justice in 247 years.

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Democrats Total Disconnect from Reality

By Lex Greene

December 28, 2023

We have to face the reality that our government, through satanic Hollyweird, the government-controlled news media, social media, academia, and the worst K thru 12 education system anywhere in the developed world, has managed to cause a total disconnect from reality in their deaf and blind loyalists.

And…All true Americans will be forced to deal with it in 2024…by whatever necessary. Today’s democrats are as anti-American as George Soros, Klaus Schwab, BLM, ANTIFA, Bill Gates and the pro-Hamas terrorists in our streets.

No matter how peaceful and patient conservatives remain, democrats will continue to ratchet up their anti-American violence, theft, arson, and mob rule, eventually leaving Americans no choice but to confront their evil.

Today’s democrat voters have sunken to the bottom of the anti-American pit headed for hell. In truth, they have been Pavlov-trained driven to hell by their lying, cheating, criminal anti-American Party leaders. Unfortunately, they are so disconnected from reality now, that many of them are beyond reform or salvation.

I’ll talk about misled Republicans in another piece. Right now, America has a huge problem in the democrat voting bloc, including millions of illegal votes in their ranks. If real Americans are not ready to deal with this, our Constitutional Republic may gasp its last breath long before the November 2024 elections.

Nothing current democrat voters believe is true…

  • They believe there’s more than two human genders…There is not.
  • They believe in the Climate Change hoax, despite science proving that there hasn’t been any abnormal climate change on earth since the Ice Age.
  • They believe that socialism and communism are better than freedom and liberty.
  • They believe that Trump is a criminal despite every attempt to charge him having resulted in acquittal after acquittal.
  • They believe that false accusations are enough to convict someone without a trial or judicial conviction.
  • They believe that Trump was involved in “Russian Collusion” despite all evidence proving it was the Clinton Campaign and DNC who was caught colluding with numerous foreign enemies in an effort to take down Trump.
  • They believe “nobody supports Trump” despite knowing that Trump leads the GOP primary field by 50-points or more, at 69% in GOP polls and gaining ground with democrats and independents.
  • They believe that women have a “constitutionally protected Right” to murder their own children in the womb, despite a fundamental Right to Life in our Founding documents.
  • They believe Biden won the 2020 elections despite Biden not even campaigning, and Trump receiving 11-million more votes in 2020 than he won with in 2016.
  • They believe America is a “democracy” when the Constitution guarantees every Citizen and State “a republican form of government.” They don’t even know the critical difference between the two.
  • They support known global terrorists like Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and the #1 terror sponsor state Iran.
  • They believe they are entitled to the earnings, incomes, and assets of those who work hard to earn those things and they vote for candidate who will rob others to give to them.
  • They believe Biden is a great President, knowing he can’t complete an intelligible sentence or even read a teleprompter correctly. Kamala Harris is even worse.
  • They love Obama, even though it’s foreign agent Obama who doubled the national debt in eight years, divided our country beyond repair, and set our country on the path to extinction.
  • They believe that illegal invaders should have a Right to vote if that’s what it takes to win elections and get more taxpayer-funded gifts from the treasury.
  • They believe that lying and cheating, even political persecution is an acceptable means to an end.
  • They believe J6 was an “insurrection” despite the FBI Investigation concluding that there is no evidence of an “insurrection” on that day.
  • They believe Trump is guilty based on false accusations alone, instead of innocent until proven guilty, no matter how many times Trump is charged and acquitted.
  • They believe they have a right to riot, loot, burn cities and murder to get what they want, that which they lack the decency and courage to EARN.
  • And they also believe that it’s right for government to be weaponized against all political opponents, without realizing that those weapons will take them down too in the end.

I could keep going for a few pages here, but this should be enough for any sane person to conclude that the future of our country is not safe in the hands of people who have quite clearly…lost their minds.

Democrat voters have been so dumbed down and drugged up that they now represent a serious threat to the future of freedom, liberty, real justice, peace, and tranquility. Our country is doomed to extinction in their hands.

If this truth offends you, then the shoe must fit, and you should kick yourself with it!

Today’s democrat voters are the most immoral, unethical, ignorant, lying, cheating scumbags in our country. Our country would be far safer and happier without any of them!

As for you so-called “independents” who lack the courage or good sense to take a side in the fight for the future of this country, shame on you! You people act like there’s such a thing as perfect candidates in a world full of nothing but imperfect people. Grow up…realize that as long as you sit on that fence, your future is doomed along with everyone elses. You’ll get no award for helping to destroy this country by simply refusing to work with others to prevent it.

America is in very deep trouble now, thanks to many who have chosen Satan’s path, and those who have refused to work with others to save this nation.

Everything on the list above is true and we all know it. We cannot continue to “go-along to get-along” because at the end of that road is total collapse of a once great nation and people. Modern Marxist democrats have become entirely intolerable.

There are some fights in this world where the odds do not matter. Some fights have to be made no matter the odds, because it’s the right thing to do and the future of our way of life will depend upon it.

On December 25, 2023, millions of Americans celebrated Christmas almost as if everything is normal, when nothing is normal or even safe right now.

But on December 25, 1776, General George Washington crossed the Delaware in freezing temperatures without even shoes on their feet, to free this country from a tyrannical rule that was nowhere near as bad as the tyranny coming from our own government today.

It’s going to require that level of commitment from every American to free this country from government tyranny again, in 2024.

If We the People are not up to this challenge, even God will not save this nation! Believe it…because God isn’t a dictator, he gave free will and works through his people here on earth. God is in “total control,” but what God chose to do with his control, is put each of us in control of our own destiny and that of this blessed country.

WE are God’s stewards responsible for what happens in this country. We all have a duty, the same as our forefathers. God will provide for our victory if we stand together to fight evil. If God was going to do it alone, he would not have needed Moses or Noah.

Let’s get busy!

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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American Democide 2024

By Lex Greene

December 19, 2023

Why was J6 declared an “insurrection” when even the FBI investigation concluded that there was no evidence of any such thing? Why have the Nazi global elites labeled every red-blooded American a “threat to democracy” and every Christian a “right-wing extremist?”

Why has the O’Biden Administration illegally flooded our country with more than 8-million military age males from more than a hundred foreign toilets, including the terrorist hotbed in the Middle East, while causing international conflict with Russia, China, North Korea, and the Middle East?

Why are millions of American kids swarming the streets of our cities in support of known terror groups Hamas, Hezbollah, and Islamic Jihad? When did every Poison Ivy League college in the USA become run by far-left extremist female lesbians, now staffed by more than 96% of whom are proud far-left extremists? These people are true parasites…

Why has the Democrat Party spent millions of taxpayer dollars and eight years in an unprecedented “get Trump” witch hunt intended to take out a political opponent using outright lies and bogus charges in an endless and baseless attack on the most popular political figure since Reagan?

Why are the Obama’s producing scare-films, or are they “predictive programming films,” like “LEAVE THE WORLD BEHIND” and the Spring 24 blockbuster “CIVIL WAR?”

Like the Obama’s said in their C quality movie, “it’s easiest to take over a country from within, in three simple stages” …

  1. Isolate the people (CV19)
  2. Synchronized Chaos (health, economic, ideological, religious, class warfare, lawfare)
  3. coup d’état – Civil War – collapse (the end)

The simple truth is a quiet coup d’état of the United States Federal Government took place on January 20, 2009. Since that day, the USA was put through a systematic “fundamental change” by way of numerous unconstitutional policies, most of them Executive Orders. Kenyan Barack Hussein Obama did exactly what he said he was going to do… “fundamentally transform America.”

He also built his “citizen army” in BLM and ANTIFA, both of them funded and commanded by DNC international money laundering outfit, ACT BLUE, created by Obama & Co. in 2004, having raised over $12-billion in international laundered funds aimed at destroying the USA since.

For four brief years, Trump threw a monkey wrench in their maniacal plan to destroy America. But failing to “drain the swamp” on arrival, Trump was soon eliminated from the equation by way of the most unlawful election cycle in human history. Trump was flushed out of the White House by the global elites in charge of both Obama and Biden.

Massive evidence of the 2020 theft was everywhere, despite all who falsely claim no evidence exists. Over 70 attempts to present that evidence in a court were turned away at the door due to an alleged “lack of legal standing” to enter the court. State Elections Laws were violated in all 50 states in 2020 and 2022!

The answer to all of this and much more, is a preparation of the United States for final collapse in what can only be called Democide.

“Democide is the murder of any person or people by their government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder. Democide is not necessarily the elimination of entire cultural groups but rather groups within the country that the government feels need to be eradicated for political reasons and due to claimed future threats.”

The Clinton, Obama, and Biden regimes are by far the three most criminally traitorous and dangerous families to ever enter the halls of government in the USA. But a significant portion of US society is no longer able to even tell what gender they are, much less properly identify good from evil. So, they will continue to vote themselves and everyone else into chains, with the help of millions of illegal voters.

Our government and the global elites who control them have set a timer on the end of the USA, and they have caused every ill facing our nation today, with grave intent. That timer is set for 2024…

All of this hell on earth could have been avoided in 2008 if Americans had enforced just one simple clause in Article II of the US Constitution, the natural-born Citizen clause…

  • “As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights.”
  • “The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children; and these become true citizens merely by their tacit consent.”
  • “in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country.”

ALL others are blatantly constitutionally ineligible to occupy the Oval Office, PERIOD! Obama, Harris, Haley, Cruz, Rubio, Ramaswamy, and other frauds.

But it’s not just the USA. They have done the same to countries all over the world in a maniacal plot to eliminate a vast majority of human beings and meld every once sovereign nation into a global commune under their total fascist control.

For eight years, Obama tested his plot across the Middle East toppling six of seven governments in his so-called “Arab Spring” operations, wherein he used “free Obama phones” to ignite “organic uprisings” backed and commanded by his administration. The same system is used to direct and mobilize BLM, ANTIFA, and now millions of illegals pouring into the USA at all borders.

How did you think millions of pro-Palestinian flags, t-shirts, and posters were ready to hit the streets on college campuses all around the world in under 24-hours from the October 7th attack on Israel? Only possible under the guidance of the great community organizer… Barack Hussein Obama.

The young people today do not know that all forms of totalitarianism — Marxism, Maoism, Leninism, Stalinism, Communism, Socialism, et al; are forms of fascism. They have been Pavlov trained that freedom is fascism. They believe that government is the solution to their every problem, when in reality, government is the source of every problem.

They claim to oppose racism while acting out in the most racist fashion possible on a daily basis. Young Americans can’t possibly be any more backwards than they are, and even worse, they are trained to not listen to people with a lot more experience and wisdom than them.

All the way back in 2008, when Hillary Clinton was a “sure thing” DNC nominee for President, the globalist plan was eight years of Hillary, followed by eight years of Obama…sixteen years to finish off the USA, ending in 2024.

But global powers advanced the nobody from nowhere to become the DNC nominee for President instead, a foreign agent and US imposter they held total control over, Barack Hussein Obama. In his eight years, he successfully fundamentally transformed America. Millions of Americans knew it and had had enough of the DC cabal, enough to elect a non-politician to turn the tide in 2016.

But the swamp was simply too deep and wide. They tried to remove Trump on arrival via the 25th Amendment and failed. They tried to eliminate him with two baseless impeachments and failed. So, they removed him by way of the most fraudulent and illegal election cycle in all of human history and the entire world knows it.

They have since chased Trump and his family in every failed legal process available in an effort to prevent the most popular political figure on earth from seeking office again, and they are still failing, because there is no basis for their witch hunt.

As for the so-called GOP challengers, DeSantis, Haley and Ramaswamy, along with the other losers, they all know 2020 was stolen from Trump, the GOP, and the American people. So, why are they running against Trump, instead of working to make sure he is re-elected?

If any of them were what they want voters to think they are, they would have worked to expose 2020, and would be supporting Trump and his 100-million voters today. But they aren’t, they are just more WEF members of the global cabal in current control of our country.

What we face now is democide 2024… the extreme global left will not back up or back down without being forced to back down.

Are there still enough real Americans for the task ahead?

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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No Longer Capable of Freedom?

By Lex Greene

December 2, 2023

Over the past 247-years, Americans have held the absolute power and had every opportunity to protect their own liberty and the future of freedom for all. All political power in the USA is derived from the People. The problem is…the deafening silence is the People’s consent.

The basic fact is, nowhere on earth, throughout human history, has there ever been a government deserving of the People’s trust. All governments, at their very best, remain a necessary evil not to be trusted. As it always has been, so it remains today.

Despite the best efforts of our Founders, they too failed to create a system of government that could never become despotic and tyrannical towards its own people. That’s why they took great care to warn all future generations to “be forever vigilant” in constant protection of individual liberty and the future of freedom for all.

Unfortunately, the American People stopped paying attention (being forever vigilant) more than a hundred years ago and for generations now. Citizens assumed that because everything seemed fine today, it would always be fine. 247-years into the great freedom experiment, that would prove to be a fatal assumption.

Most Americans have never experienced the kinds of evil that have been common throughout the rest of the world, since the beginning of time. Most who are aware are only aware due to their own research and learning. But still, they have never experienced it personally, so even they struggle to believe it exists, much less, could visit them here in the land of milk and honey.

The modern American holds little trust in government or mainstream information systems, such as our government, network news, cable entertainment networks often believed to be news, internet search results and social media posts, none of which are real “news” outlets today. What we have in this country is for-profit commercial information systems with heavy government censorship. The golden rule applies, wherein those with the gold…make all the rules.

News in the USA is based upon advertising revenue. The huge international corporations and governmental organizations that spend billions per year in advertising certain ideas, products, services, concepts, and agendas, are in total control of the information available to the citizenry.

Yet most Americans believe that they are “well-informed” and in control of their own lives.

In discussions or speaking events, I often use this example to illustrate the point… If I randomly ask 100 Americans what kind of ketchup they like, over 70% will say Heinz. If I ask which other brands they have tried, the answer will most often be none.

So, the decision to put Heinz ketchup on your shelf was not your original idea. It’s on your shelf simply because someone, in this case Heinz, told you to put it in your grocery basket because Heinz is the best ketchup. Is it the best ketchup? Nobody really knows because they have seldom tried any different brand. To them, the idea that Heinz is the best is true, because it’s the best they have ever had.

The same goes for where you live, the kind of car you drive, your favorite restaurants, the clothes you wear, the cleaning products you use, even the people you vote for or are told to hate. All of these are decisions you think you made on your own, but in every case, you simply did what you were told to do. None of it was your idea…

So, it should come as no surprise that when the people you have been following all your life told you to lock down, social distance, wear a mask and accept mRNA bioweapon “vaccines,” about 70% lined up to follow orders as they had been all their lives.

Three years later, evidence is everywhere around the globe that the entire CV19 event was a lie from the start and the “medical protocols” put in place were more dangerous than any version of the common cold, otherwise known as a “corona virus.”

Most people don’t believe what is true. In fact, most don’t even know what’s true and not true today. That information has been kept from the general population. As a result, they only believe what someone told them to believe, most often, what they want to believe, whether true or not.

Only two types of people “hate Trump” as yet another example. The first is everyone in political power who feels threatened by Trump, who and what he represents, and that he can foil their global agenda. The second is those who will only listen to the people in group one. 99% of the time when interviewed, Trump haters struggle to come up with a single cognitive reason for their hate. They just hate…because they were told to.

This is not a society well-suited for freedom anymore. Freedom requires truthful leaders, not blind followers. Freedom requires a society more focused on preserving freedom for all, than cancelling everyone and everything they disagree with. It requires action, not mere chatter…and it requires courage, not people waiting for someone else to do something.

At least two American generations no longer even desire freedom…Pavlov trained via government-controlled education to believe that some form of socialism or communism will serve them better in life…even though these ideas have only been used to enslave people or kill them all over the world, and have as a result, failed everywhere on earth they have ever been instituted.

The younger generations simply have not lived long enough, experienced enough, to know what they don’t know. Those who hold the gold, told them not to even listen to common sense, truth, or advice from those with decades more knowledge and experience. “Those people are the past…you are the future…”

But if those who will shape our future have been denied the benefit of learning from the past, the future they will shape is one they won’t even be able to survive.

And so it is, once again, history must repeat itself, for all who have failed to learn from the past.

Every child would burn their hand on the stove, if not for the parent there to teach them from past experience, also known as wisdom. And if memory was only 24-hours long, they would burn their hand every day for the rest of their lives.

No, a vast majority of Americans are no longer capable of freedom, therefore, the hour glass on freedom will soon expire. It’s one problem to be ill-informed. It’s a whole different problem to be unteachable or unreachable.

As I told my kids while they were growing up… smart people learn from their mistakes. But brilliant people learn the easy way, from the mistakes, successes and failures of others.

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Did “The Federalists” Create our DC Monster?

By Lex Greene

November 30, 2023

In a word, YES! But stick with me a minute to understand.

It seems no matter the many things Americans have trouble agreeing on these days, the vast majority agree on one major thing…and that’s the reality that our federal government has become so criminally corrupt that it’s now public enemy #1 of the American people.

Ever wonder why the so-called “experts” use the term “democracy” when referring to our system, instead of what the U.S. Constitution created and guarantees every State and American Citizen, a “republican form of government?” How many Americans even know the critical difference between the two today?

Ever wonder why so many self-proclaimed “constitutional scholars” only reference the Federalist Papers when discussing issues with our runaway government, of, by and for themselves? Why do we never hear any of these “scholars” discuss the anti-Federalist Papers?

While the vast majority of Americans now agree that we have to do something to stop our federal government from destroying our country entirely, few agree on what the real problem is, much less what to do about it. That’s because few Americans alive today know anything at all about the foundations of freedom, how our government is supposed to work, and how it became destructive of the only purpose or intent of the government.

In part, people focus upon the Federalist Papers because that’s what the “experts” told them to do. Also, because the Federalists won the debate at the convention to secure adoption of the Constitution. However, the Federalists were only able to gain adoption of the Constitution by agreeing to immediately amend it, in what soon after became the Bill of Rights.

What was the real difference between the two sides of that debate?

To put it simply, the Federalists supported the idea of a strong central federal government, while the anti-Federalists favored a very limited federal government leaving most matters to be solved locally within each State of the union.

To know this, one must read the anti-Federalist Papers in contrast to the Federalist Papers. One should begin by reading anti-federalist paper Brutus #1 believed to have been written by and argued at the convention by New York politician and judge Robert Yates, who also wrote under the pen name “Sydney.” “Brutus” eventually wrote 16 essays on the subject, that would be published in New York-area newspapers.

It’s an error to refer to the Rights of the People as “constitutional rights,” or rights granted the People in the Constitution. The document mentions no rights of the people at all as that is not the intent or purpose of the document. The sole purpose and intent of the Constitution is to create the federal government, under certain specific terms and conditions, granting that governmental body, broken into three distinct branches, certain powers designed to protect the individual liberty and security of the American Citizens.

What Americans possess are Natural Rights, under the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God, as endowed by our Creator. In fact, the Natural Rights of the People are “inalienable,” – “that which cannot be legally or justly alienated or transferred to another.” In recent years, academia has falsely claimed that this word is synonymous with the term “unalienable,” as the two words are indeed very similar. They have even replaced “inalienable” with “unalienable” in modern samplings of historical documents.

The only difference between these two words is the word “inalienable” means beyond the power and authority of government. Simply stated, that which is “endowed by our Creator” cannot be legislated away by government. This is the foundation and true meaning of freedom and liberty, absent government tyranny by any method or means.

Americans by and large, agree with the anti-federalists, a republican form of government, limited in scope and authority, to prevent that government from ever becoming despotic and tyrannical towards its own people.

“Brutus” rightfully worried about the provision giving Congress “power to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers,” particularly when combined with the provision making federal laws the “supreme law of the land” and the government’s extensive taxing power. “[T]he authority to lay and collect taxes is the most important of any power that can be granted,” he concluded. “[I]t connects with it almost all other powers, or at least will in process of time draw all other after it.” He worried that, under the circumstances, the little power left to the states “must very soon be annihilated.” (SOURCE)

But a few key provisions in the Constitution were designed to prevent these things from ever happening…just to name a few.

  • “in furtherance thereof” meant that government only had the power to enact things that furthered the founding principles of freedom and liberty in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Governmental actions which are not “in furtherance thereof” are by their nature, unconstitutional.
  • The “General Welfare” clause was designed to prevent the government from playing favorites, picking winners and losers by creating laws designed to help one group of People at the expense of others. All Marxist styled policies are in direct violation of the General Welfare clause.
  • The “enumerated powers of Congress” meant that Congress has no power beyond the powers enumerated.
  • “a Republican form of government” as opposed to a pure democracy, wherein any simple majority would have the power to rule over the minority at will, referred to as “mob rule” by our Founders.

To understand the concerns of the anti-federalists today, one need look no further than the tyrannical and despotic nature of today’s federal government, now the single largest employer in the world, not just in our country.

The Federalists may or may not have intended to create the monster we have in DC today, but no matter their intentions, they did indeed create this monster. But it’s very clear that the anti-federalists did all they could to prevent what we see today from ever happening in the USA, including by their Bill of Rights.

Contrary to the beliefs of many today, even the Bill of Rights is not an enumeration of the People’s Rights. Instead, it’s an additional enumeration of specific restrictions upon the authority of the federal government. The Natural Rights of the People are far too open-ended and numerous to ever attempt to list them. Our Rights do not come from, nor can they be regulated by any governmental body. In fact, all governmental authority is derived from us, the People. Government has no authority we don’t give it and it only holds that authority, so long as we allow it.

Like it or not, no matter what you may have thought true before now, only the anti-Federalist view can save our Republic now. It’s the anti-Federalist view that must restore the Natural Rights of the People, as well as States Rights, both of which have been destroyed by the monster in DC that was created by Federalists.

Just imagine… In 1776, 8 American men initiated what became the Declaration of Independence from British rule. It took until 1787 to adopt a constitution and until 1789 to adopt the Bill of Rights. But before the calendar ticked over to 1800, the federal government was already busy destroying the republican form of government they created. Just a few years later, British Common Law was reinstalled as our legal system and 247 years later, the USA is on the brink of total collapse.

The anti-Federalists were absolutely right! Yet, nobody even mentions them today.

I expect hate mail from all the self-titled “experts” on the matter. But remember this…

“When an honest man, honestly mistaken, comes face-to-face with undeniable and irrefutable truth, he is faced with one of two choices; he must either cease being mistaken or cease being honest.”

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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WHAT “Lack of Standing?”

By Lex Greene

November 28, 2023

Since a Supreme Court opinion in the June 1992 case Manuel LUJAN, Jr., Secretary of the Interior, Petitioner v. DEFENDERS OF WILDLIFE, et al., federal courts have abused this opinion to block U.S. taxpayer access to the courts when seeking redress of grievances against federal acts, strictly on a “lack of standing” claim, totally unrelated to the case that created this legal theory.

For 207-years, the government didn’t block Citizen access to the courts on any “lack of standing” claim. This practice started in 1992… Scalia was correct in his opinion concerning that particular case. But that opinion should never be applied everywhere it has been since. Sadly, most Americans were never taught anything about the foundations of their freedom.

Twenty-eight years later, more than seventy cases filed across the country in an effort to present clear compelling evidence of blatant election fraud in 2020 were all denied the Right to present evidence in any federal court across the country. In every case, the federal courts claimed a “lack of standing” on the part of petitioners who filed the cases, as if American voters and taxpayers “lack the legal standing” to present evidence of election fraud or anything else the government does unconstitutionally.

Is the U.S. Constitution the “supreme law of this land” or not?

The U.S. Judicial Branch is most responsible for the undermining, usurping and destruction of our Constitutional Republic, via unbridled increasingly broad misinterpretations of law. Shortly after the adoption of the Constitution in 1787, Founders were already warning that they failed to tie the hands of the judiciary.

In a letter written to John Wayles Eppes, 1807, almost immediately following the adoption of the constitution, Thomas Jefferson wrote – “The original error [was in] establishing a judiciary independent of the nation, and which, from the citadel of the law, can turn its guns on those they were meant to defend, and control and fashion their proceedings to its own will.” (Rules of Precedence and Procedure)

By 1820, Jefferson wrote in a letter to Thomas Ritchie – “The judiciary of the United States is the subtle corps of sappers and miners constantly working under ground to undermine the foundations of our confederated fabric. They are construing our constitution from a co-ordination of a general and special government to a general and supreme one alone. This will lay all things at their feet, and they are too well versed in English law to forget the maxim, ‘boni judicis est ampliare jurisdictionem’ [good judges have ample jurisdiction]. . . . A judiciary independent of a king or executive alone, is a good thing; but independence of the will of the nation is a solecism, at least in a republican government.”

And by 1823, Jefferson wrote in a letter to A. Coray, October 31, 1823 – “At the establishment of our constitutions, the judiciary bodies were supposed to be the most helpless and harmless members of the government. Experience, however, soon showed in what way they were to become the most dangerous; that the insufficiency of the means provided for their removal gave them a freehold and irresponsibility in office; that their decisions, seeming to concern individual suitors only, pass silent and unheeded by the public at large; that these decisions, nevertheless, become law by precedent, sapping, by little and little, the foundations of the constitution, and working its change by construction, before any one has perceived that that invisible and helpless worm has been busily employed in consuming its substance. In truth, man is not made to be trusted for life if secured against all liability to account.” (alleged Case Law)

Two-hundred years later in 2023, the Judicial Branch has established via British Common Law, that no American citizen has “legal standing” to challenge the unconstitutional or unlawful actions of their government, relying upon the 1992 opinion above to establish this unconstitutional rule of the federal courts.

Why are American Courts using British Common Law, as if it’s Constitutional Law?

Meanwhile, those same courts are granting millions of illegal invaders access to our courts on arrival, along with billions in taxpayer funded benefits and Rights that average Americans no longer possess.

Millions of former military service members die homeless and hungry on our streets, while our government houses illegal invaders in 5-Star hotels across the country at enormous expense to taxpayers.

A single private case concerning the rights of a wife within a marriage, Roe v. Wade, was “misinterpreted” to claim a “constitutional right” to abortion, resulting in the killing of more than 70-million American children in the womb. That court opinion was rightly reversed decades later, on the basis that the Constitution grants no authority to the federal courts to create any law from the bench.

However, because the very cornerstone of American society is based upon the fundamental Right to Life itself in our Declaration of Independence, it’s my opinion that the Supreme Court holds both the authority and duty to uphold and enforce a fundamental Right to Life in the USA. Instead, the issue of life itself has become a mere political football used to manipulate voters for partisan power.

Likewise, the high court recently looked at the 14th Amendment and by some strange process of interpretation, declared a right to gay marriage never even mentioned in the 14th Amendment. Jefferson was right…the scholars sworn to uphold and defend the constitution were now the biggest enemy to the constitution, our republic, and all Americans.

The Judicial Branch was no longer there to uphold and defend the USA from foreign invasion and occupation, it had become an active party to an “insurrection” intent upon overthrowing our constitutional republic.

In a letter to Abigail Adams, September 11, 1804, Jefferson wrote – “Nothing in the Constitution has given them [the federal judges] a right to decide for the Executive, more than to the Executive to decide for them. . . . The opinion which gives to the judges the right to decide what laws are constitutional and what not, not only for themselves, in their own sphere of action, but for the Legislature and Executive also in their spheres, would make the Judiciary a despotic branch.”

A TRUE “lack of standing”

The simple truth is this… The U.S. Constitution created the federal government, under certain specific conditions and restrictions. So long as the federal government exists within the boundaries of the terms, conditions and restrictions in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, that government has a right to exist.

But when that government no longer exists within those boundaries and terms and has in fact set out to undermine the very purpose for their existence, then it is that government, who “lacks the standing” to even exist, much less rule over the people.

“…whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.” – Declaration of Independence

If the U.S. Constitution didn’t exist, the federal government wouldn’t exist. This document created our federal government, and all federal authority and power are derived from this single source. The Constitution does not create a “democracy,” but rather guarantees all member states and all Americans “a republican form of government.” Our federal government is further restricted by the first ten amendments, the Bill of Rights, defining things the government has no right or authority over at all.

The U.S. Constitution is “the supreme law of the land” only so long as the terms and conditions of that contract are adhered to by all parties to the contract. When the people or member states violate the contract and attempt to overthrow our constitutional republican form of government, this is a true “insurrection.” (unlike a political rally on January 6, 2021)

But when the federal government breaches that contract, becoming increasingly tyrannical and destructive of its intent and purpose, in violation of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, then the contract can be rendered null and void by the parties to the contract, eliminating the right of government to exist at all.

It’s nearly impossible to find a licensed attorney in the USA willing to make these constitutional arguments in any American British Common Law court today. Law schools have only taught British Common Law since the 1940s and even the few lawyers who took it upon themselves to learn Constitutional Law outside of the lecture hall, fear losing their license to practice if they dare make a constitutional challenge to the Common Law used to undermine our republic daily.

It is as it has always been, up to the American people to protect and defend their Constitutional Republic, from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Today, the federal government is public enemy #1 to our Republican form of government guaranteed every state and Citizen. Read my previous piece HERE to further understand my claim in this regard. The government is D.C. is no longer our government.

The Buck Stops with The People

After decades of dumbing-down and drugging-up Americans, the vast majority of Americans know nothing about what I just explained in this piece. Yet, it is the reason why our country is not our country today, and it’s the foundation for any honest effort to save this republic from certain ruin.

Unfortunately, due to massive efforts to control mass information flow and eliminate truth in America today, very few people will likely ever see this piece, unless every reader shares it with others.

The first step in saving America is to properly understand the problem causing its demise. The second step is to unite with others to change the course of history, as just eight men did in the development of the Declaration of Independence 247-years ago.

Whatever happens to our Republic, it will be the result of what the people do…or don’t do.

If every American Citizen lacks “legal standing” for redress of grievances in our courts, then Americans have no Rights at all and only one means to resecure those rights, which is why the 2nd Amendment exists and must never be infringed.

God help us if that’s the case!

Last to my fellow patriots…the foundations for a republican form of government are not found in the Federalist Papers. They are in the anti-Federalist Papers.

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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It’s Not Our Government in DC

By Lex Greene

November 25, 2023

The time has come for all Americans to come to terms with the reality that the government in DC is not our government right now. Almost no one in DC power is of, by, or for us! Only fools honestly believe that “the people” elected these anti-American criminals currently in charge.

For starters, a government for the American people would live within the authority we granted it in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and Bill of Rights…our Charters of Freedom. This government isn’t even close in this regard. 80% of what the federal government is doing today is unconstitutional on its face. The machinery built by taxpayers to protect and defend the People and our Constitutional Republic is being used to destroy it all.

A government for the American people would not…

  • Spy on and track its lawful citizens
  • Attempt to disarm its lawful citizens
  • Destroy our economy
  • Start wars all over the globe
  • Leave billions of military assets to the Taliban
  • Make excuses for known terrorists, like Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, and Iran
  • Negotiate with terrorists
  • Falsely accuse rally goers of an insurrection
  • Collapse the US Dollar
  • Fund known terror states and their proxy jihadis
  • Promote an ongoing foreign invasion of our country
  • Silence free speech
  • Use federal force to punish those of opposing political views
  • Control all mass media including social media
  • Force and coerce human gene (mRNA/DNA) experiments on its people
  • Try to eliminate all political opponents
  • Assassinate whistleblowers
  • Undermine and manipulate legitimate elections
  • Work to dumb down and drug up all future generations
  • Encourage the murder of innocent children in the womb
  • Fill college lecture halls with anti-American Marxist professors
  • Promote thousands of blatant lies as if they become truth, once spoken often enough

Once again, the list could go on for quite a while here, but if you don’t get the point by now, you never will.

The current US Federal Government is not currently of, by, or for the American people…any of the American people. It has become entirely destructive of its sole intended purpose and right to even exist.

In the USA, “all political power is derived from the consent of the governed,” us… As established in our first founding document, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.”

Every day for decades now, I have received mail from deeply concerned Americans asking “How can this be? How can this happen? How is this able to continue?”

The answer is always the same…so long as good people do nothing in the face of evil, those with evil intent can do anything they want. It won’t stop until someone stops it.

But for more than a hundred years now, the American people have failed to be “forever vigilant” in protection of their own freedom. While we were busy making a living, raising a family, enjoying the fruits of our labor, our country was stolen from us, right out from under our noses.

After more than a century of neglect by the People themselves, we now have so many problems in so many different areas that a vast majority of citizens feel “there’s nothing we can do.” To be certain, at this late date, the challenge of regaining control of our own country is a daunting task at best. Yet, two things remain true – quitters never win, and winners never quit.

You can’t finish a race if you won’t leave the starting gate — or win the race if you quit before you cross the finish line.

Saving our Constitutional Republic isn’t a sprint or 40-yard dash, it’s a marathon. One person can’t do the job. A team of determined citizens have to do the job. Politicians don’t want the job and neither do the lawyers sitting on federal courts across the country. There’s no one to save the people but the people themselves, and there never has been.

The truth is, throughout human history, there has never been a government deserving of the people’s trust. Americans are just learning this again, the hard way.

“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them…”

The attacks on our freedom, peace, and prosperity, even the fundamental Right to Life itself, from the halls of our own Federal Government, far exceed those that drove our nation’s Founders to declare our independence from King George and England 247 years ago.

What happened on July 4, 1776, was a true “insurrection” to overthrow British rule in our country. What happened on January 6, 2021, was not even remotely close to any form of an insurrection. The events of that day were labeled an insurrection by those who should be overthrown today, allowing them to use treason statutes to prosecute political opponents. Even the FBI concluded its investigation with “there’s no evidence of an insurrection or even an organized riot.”

Americans haven’t just been missing in action in terms of being forever vigilant in protection of their own freedom, many have been missing in action when it comes to raising their own children as well. That’s why we see thousands of young students so easily manipulated into our streets in support of the most blood-thirsty brutal terrorists to ever roam the earth.

But the good news about being the problem is we can also be the solution. We held the power to allow this hell to exist. Therefore, we hold the power to stop this hell by simply turning an about-face and doing the opposite of what we have been doing for decades. Our silence can no longer be our consent.

The future of this country does not rest in the hands of corrupt criminal politicians unless the People allow it to rest in their hands.

Once we know we are headed in the wrong direction, all we have to do is reverse direction. When what we’ve been doing, or not doing, brought us to where we are today, to go the opposite direction means we have to change course within ourselves.

Personally, I don’t care what political party someone affiliates with. They are either pro-America or anti-America, and both are found in all political parties today, including the so-called “independents.”

It’s either AMERICA FIRST ALWAYS… or it’s the end of the America we once knew.

The choice isn’t left to any politician or judge… it’s in our hands.

America always has been and always will be what we make it, or what we allow it to become! The buck stops with us!

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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USA Point of NO Return

By Lex Greene

November 21, 2023

Millions of Americans sense that the USA is currently at a most vulnerable, dangerous time in U.S. history, as they try to prepare for the Thanksgiving holiday while struggling to feel thankful for anything going on in the country or the world since November 2020.

Eight years of Obama was anything but peaceful, productive for America or of benefit to any American. Obama’s 3rd term behind the curtain of the so-called Biden administration, run by all of Obama’s former staff, has been even more violent and dangerous to the country and the world than Obama’s reign between 2009-2017.

Since the beginning of Obama’s Manchurian term in January 2021, the USA has been driven into the toilet while wars with numerous foreign countries have been ignited to destabilize all sovereign nations in preparation for their “One World Order” under Nazis at the World Economic Forum (WEF), United Nations (UN), and World Health Organization (WHO).

The only peaceful and prosperous time in recent U.S. history was four years of Trump when our country was not at war with anyone, and we made significant headway towards peaceful diplomatic solutions to global conflicts. Bush was at war for eight years in the Middle East, followed by eight more years of war under Obama, four years of peace under Trump and another warmongering period under Biden, aka Barack Hussein Obama.

Yet despite these “facts,” millions of young Americans still hate Trump while calling for peace in the world? They are in American streets supporting known terrorists Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah, all proxy terrorists for Iran and their global Caliphate.

These ignorant children chant “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” without any clue at all what they are chanting. Between the river and the sea is Israel. They are chanting for the complete elimination of Israel and the rise of a new Islamic terror State in its place. They are chanting for the death of Israel and all Israelis… They have no clue that it isn’t just Israel in the crosshairs of their global Caliphate…

Today’s deeply indoctrinated American youth is so fatally brainwashed that they may not be salvageable. They weep for terrorists in Gaza who attacked innocent Israeli men, women, children, and infants on October 7, gang-raping, murdering and beheading innocent citizen neighbors, while calling the victims of that attack “terrorists.” It’s impossible to imagine brains more backwards than this…

These young fools think they are “independent thinkers” while demonstrating no ability to think independently of their slave owners, the anti-American global Marxist community organizers who lit the fire in Israel, mobilized the mindless kids into our streets, with pre-printed flags, signs, and t-shirts manufactured well in advance of the October 7th attacks. Still, these kids ask no obvious questions.

No matter what Americans do to turn the tide back towards a better America today, these mindless kids are fast becoming a controlling voting majority in the USA. These foolish kids are determined to vote themselves and all of us into hell, under global totalitarian rule that only respects force, death, and destruction as a proper means to our end.

The question isn’t who should have a right to abortion, but rather, why do millions of Americans want to murder their own children in the womb? It’s not about what weapons can be used to take the life of an innocent, but rather, why do people want to kill innocent people at all? It’s not about how to take care of illegal invaders flooding into our country, but rather, why are we tolerating a massive foreign invasion of our country? Why are they allowed to be here at all, illegally, at insane taxpayer expense?

These kids have been taught that their expensive education replaces basic common sense, experience and the wisdom that only comes with years of experience. They actually believe that they are smarter than the people who had to teach them how to use a spoon, how to walk, and talk. They don’t want a job or career useful to the world. They want to be social media influencers…and video game experts.

Their little minds have been so twisted inside out, that they may never be able to tell daylight from dark.

This, my friends, is the point of no return for any freedom-loving nation.

These kids cry for freedom for all, while they work to cancel every freedom-loving person they encounter. Despite all forms of socialism and communism failing everywhere on earth it has ever been tried, and countries that fell from those experiments running from those concepts now, these kids still think it can work for them, because they don’t want to earn anything on their own.

If we can’t reform these young minds, we will have no choice but to sit them on the sidelines in order to save them from themselves.

Since July 4, 1776 – The USA has always been and will forever be, whatever the American people make it, or allow it to be. When American sovereignty, security, freedom, liberty, justice, peace, and prosperity are no longer the #1 priority of every American, none of these things will exist in the USA anymore.

Be thankful this week, that there remains a few Americans willing to make a united stand for all Americans, no matter the cost. If not for the few, all would be lost already.

We now have only two types of people in the USA… those who love America and Freedom, and those who hate both. Those who stand for the innocent, and those who stand for the evil in this world.

Within these two groups, there are only three types of people, in both…

  • People who make things happen
  • People who watch things happen
  • People who wonder what just happened

Right now, the people who hate the USA and everything it stands for are very organized, unified, very well-funded, and mobilized in group #1. But a vast majority of people who love America and freedom find themselves stuck in groups #2 and #3, either watching it all happen, or wondering what just happened.

If it’s true that “we” still outnumber them, you can’t tell it by their action and “our” inaction.

The only thing that separates “patriot” from “pretender” is ACTION. Without ACTION in “our” group, including the financial resources to move mountains instead of propping up politicians, there are absolutely no solutions to anything.

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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USA Survival – A Matter of Priorities

By Lex Greene

November 13, 2023

America is by far the most diverse nation anywhere in the world. Our society is made up of people from all over the globe who, in one generation or another, came to America in search of freedom, liberty, equal justice, peace, and prosperity.

So, it should come as no surprise to anyone that our political opinions and policy views are as diverse as society itself. We all have individual hopes and dreams, for ourselves and our loved ones. For over two-hundred years in the USA, we all had the freedom and liberty to pursue those individual hopes and dreams, largely without any interference from anyone, including government.

Those days are gone, at least for now… and it’s all a result of wrong priorities. Previous generations made huge sacrifices to make it possible for us to enjoy the many blessings of freedom and liberty. All gave some, and some gave all. But that isn’t who we are anymore as a people…


  1. SELF – A majority of today’s Americans are entirely self-centered in their individual personal priorities. Most don’t care how their priorities impact anyone else, or even everyone else. Most do not even consider how their personal desires negatively impact the entire country and the future of freedom for all.
  2. MONEY – While money itself is not the “root of all evil,” the “love of money” most certainly is. If making money is your only priority in life, and you love money more than anything else, that is indeed, “the root of all evil.” Politicians do it, but so do voters. Criminals do it, but so do average people who will do things for money that they otherwise wouldn’t do.
  3. FEELINGS – Acting or reacting on the basis of feelings instead of facts, often in direct conflict with the facts, will cause bad decisions every single time. We all have feelings, sometimes justified, sometimes not. But facts are supposed to drive our decisions, not feelings.

I’ll stop here for now, because a detailed list could go on forever, and everything on that list will be the result of the top three things above. These three things are the driving force behind the opinions and decisions of most Americans today. Many believe that truth is subjective, in the mind of the beholder. They believe this simply because truth is driven by their selfish desires based upon their feelings, often also driven by their “love of money,” what they think they are “entitled to.”

Under these basic priorities, the entire country is doomed to failure. What’s best for freedom, liberty, equal justice, peace, and prosperity for ALL, isn’t even a consideration. As a result, the most important things of all fall far down the list of voter priorities and in the end, they fall off of the list of priorities altogether.


As we head into the 2024 election cycle, on the heels of a disastrous off-year election just a few days ago, here’s what we know about voting trends. A growing majority of voters are now single-issue voters.

  • 35% of female voters say they won’t even consider voting for someone who does not share their views on abortion. This finding includes nearly half (46%) of Democrats, almost a quarter (23%) of independents, and one in five (20%) Republicans. Despite everything going on the world today, female voters continue to make “the murder of all innocence” their TOP priority in every election, and it has been since the 1970s, overwhelmingly voting democrat. Obviously, this does not include every woman, but a majority of women in the USA right now.
  • At no time during the mass illegal invasion of our own country, did our streets fill with young people protesting the destruction of their own country as a direct result of democrat “sanctuary for criminals” policies. So long as only border states were being overrun with illegals, people continued voting for the policies causing the mass invasion at our borders. Only when illegals were shipped to their cities in the north, did democrat voters have a sudden interest in national security.
  • Even though a tiny fraction of our society involves members of the LGTBQ+ community, they managed to put their single personal issue (gay, transgender rights) ahead of everything else in the country, including child safety, national sovereignty, security, freedom, liberty, and equal justice for all. Their single-issue votes pushed the most important things for every American to the bottom of the priority list as well.
  • And now, our streets are once again filled with the evil likes of BLM and ANTIFA as the global community organizer Obama, orders them into the streets via free (taxpayer funded) Obama phone again, this time in support of the most subhuman brutal terrorists ever know to mankind from the Middle East.

Meanwhile, Obama (the real person in control of our federal government today) has caused war after war after war in his Global Reset initiative to not only fundamentally transform America, but forever destroy free nations all over the world, in concert with Klaus Schwab’s WEF, the UN, NATO, WHO, CIA, FBI, IRS USAID, and IMF.

As we sit on the brink of global catastrophic events, Americans continue to undermine their own country through their entirely self-centered special interest voting, as if they will be able to escape the consequences of their own actions.

Here are the facts no one can escape or survive

  1. If FREEDOM and LIBERTY are not a TOP PRIORITY for you in every election, no one in the USA will have freedom and liberty.
  2. If NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY and SECURITY are not a TOP PRIORITY for you in every election, then no one in the USA will have sovereignty or security.
  3. If real EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL is not a TOP PRIORITY for you in every election, then no one in our country will ever have equal justice under the law.
  4. If government FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY isn’t a TOP PRIORITY for you in every election, then every American is headed for bankruptcy, ending in survival of the fittest.
  5. If LOW TAXES and LOW REGULATION is not a TOP PRIORITY for you in every election, then you and every other American will be overtaxed and over-regulated, and eventually, totally controlled.
  6. If HONEST FREE LEGAL ELECTIONS are not a TOP PRIORITY for you in every election, no matter your political leanings, then you deserve to live under the boot of whoever steals the election through blatant fraud.

Again, I can keep going on this list for just a few more, but face it, if you made it this far in this piece and still don’t get it, nothing I say can help you get it.

This country is what the people make it or allow it to be. Either politicians work for us, or we work for them. The government either operates within Constitutional confines, or it has no right to exist at all.

These truths are so fundamental and obvious that if you don’t get it, it’s because you don’t want to get it. It’s because you choose to put yourself ahead of the country and everyone else in it. If enough people continue to do that, this is going to turn out bad for everyone, real soon.

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Time to Defund ALEC

By Lex Greene

November 4, 2023

ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council formed in Chicago in 1973, was originally formed as a nonprofit organization of “conservative republican” state legislators and private sector representatives who drafted and shared model legislation for distribution among state governments in the United States.

Over the years, ALEC has produced model bills on a broad range of issues, such as reducing regulation and individual and corporate taxation, combating illegal immigration, loosening environmental regulations, tightening voter identification rules, weakening labor unions, and opposing gun control.

But this is no longer who and what ALEC is today.

Today, ALEC declares itself “America’s largest nonpartisan, voluntary membership organization of state legislators.” This is exactly why so many so-called “conservative republican” state legislators find themselves on the wrong side of so many critical issues today, at a time when Americans have lost all confidence in their federal government, all three branches.


Anti-America federal politicians and judges now dictate policy to republican state legislators, and they do it through the “nonpartisan” legislative think tank, ALEC. Even though 28 state legislatures are currently controlled by the Republican Party, most of them still advance leftist agendas, and refuse to advance conservative agendas, because the agenda is passed down to them from on high in DC.

ALEC enjoys approximately $9-million per year in their annual budget. The money is spent passing on state legislative initiatives to state level legislators, most often initiated by federal legislators, corporate financiers, and special interest groups. Unlike the federal legislature wherein a majority of representatives and senators are lawyers, state level legislators are our neighbors, business people, school teachers, everyday citizens, most of whom are not lawyers.

As a result, once elected, they rely heavily upon the counsel of British Common Law lawyers for how to do their job. ALEC is a top legislative counsel group advising state legislatures. In the early days, ALEC was a conservative republican advisory group. But today, they are a rubber-stamp distribution center for “non-partisan” federal policies driven down to the state and local level.

In all honesty, more than at any time in American history, there is no such thing as “non-partisan” or “bi-partisan” in government. Everyone involved in politics today, including all voters, are highly partisan, “a firm adherent to a party, faction, cause, or person.” Even those who refuse to engage in politics at all, do so for partisan reasons, believing that no one in politics represents their personal partisan interests.

Like the political parties themselves, everything political has been infiltrated, corrupted, weaponized against U.S. Citizens and broken to a point when everything needs a complete house cleaning and Constitutional reset.

People really must do their own homework. Starting in 2008, I asked both Hillsdale College and Heritage Foundation to define the term Natural Born Citizen as part of their “free” constitutional teachings across the country. To date, Hillsdale College has refused to answer the question at all, or issue its interpretation of the Natural Born Citizen term as a part of their Constitutional Course.

Heritage Foundation issued a few papers on the subject, essentially claiming that “naturalized citizens” under the 14th (anchor baby) and naturalization codes are also Natural Born Citizens, so long as it occurs at the time of birth. They fraudulently refer to “anchor babies” as “birthright citizens.”

Hillsdale Professors like Berkley grad Gary Wolfram, Professor of Economics, Business and Accounting at Hillsdale, are on the advisory panel to ALEC, as are many left-leaning “experts,” driving the federally approved narratives and policies down to the local level through think tanks like ALEC.

Instead of ALEC and other think tanks driving our legislatures, it’s supposed to be us, “We the People” from whom all political power is derived. We simply cannot afford to allow so-called “experts” to continue running our country into the ground. They have driven the USA to the brink of collapse.

If Americans won’t control their own country, others will, and no American will like it!

We are either our own policymakers, or we are mere serfs to unelected and unaccountable ruling class elites, stuck on a federal plantation, under runaway taxation, with no representation.

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law

By Lex Greene

October 31, 2023

Most Americans cannot uphold, defend, or enforce their own Rights simply because they don’t even know what their Rights are, where those Rights come from, and what is or isn’t law. Most simply believe whatever they see on TV or social media posts. Very few ever do their own homework in order to know what’s true.

Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law” isn’t just a long-standing legal theory, it’s a federal crime under 18 U.S. Code § 242.

Because the United States of America is a Constitutional Representative Republic of, by and for The People under the Charters of Freedom, with certain inalienable Natural Rights, there is no circumstance in which any governmental body or agency has the legal authority to deprive the Natural Rights of any legal U.S. Citizen. The US Supreme Court has ruled on this matter numerous times over the years and in each case, the high court ruled that even under the most extreme cases of real states of emergency conditions, government has no authority to deprive Citizens of their Natural Rights.

Yet in recent years, we have seen the federal government do it, state governors do it, even county and local government officials do it. In every case, these public servants are acting beyond any constitutional authority and in direct violation of protections codified in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

The entire COVID19 event provides a perfect example of deprivation of rights under color of law.

  • Lockdowns
  • Job losses
  • Loss of incomes
  • Masking
  • CV (PCR) Testing
  • Vaccinations
  • Social distancing

All of these things were illegally perpetrated on all of society and no governmental body, foreign agency, corporation, or employer had any right whatsoever to do it. In every case, these many actors issued or advanced so-called “mandates” (forced or coerced compliance) under color of law. In every case, they were committing a crime against humanity, punishable under 18 U.S. Code § 242.

Two and a half years later, it’s now public knowledge that 99% of all CV related illnesses, injuries and deaths are a direct result of these “mandates,” most notably, the so-called “mRNA vaccines.”

According to the US Federal Government, an estimated 70% of Americans have received one or more of the lethal “vaccines.” VAERS Reports confirmed within the first 30-days of the vaccine rollout in early 2021 that the mRNA injections were causing highly abnormal and fatal reactions in millions of patients. But the push to continue use of these lethal injections is ongoing even today.

There are many other examples of abuse of power today, wherein government officials, foreign agents, and corporate boards act as though they are totally immune from prosecution under 18 U.S. Code § 242, but no one is immune from prosecution in the matter of deprivation of rights. It remains a direct violation of the US Constitution, Bill of Rights and US Law to deprive anyone of their Natural Rights under color of law. Anyone and everyone engaged in such activities is subject to prosecution under 18 U.S. Code § 242, as well as civil liability suits for massive damages arising out of these events. No one is immune…no one!

But I believe the situation is even worse than described here. What is happening in the USA since at least January 2020 is democide…

Democide NOUN “the killing of members of a country’s civilian population as a result of its government’s policy, including by direct action, indifference, and neglect”


“Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, … shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.”

Even in times of war, the US Government has no authority whatsoever, to deprive American Citizens of their Natural Rights. All efforts to do so are acts under color of law, not under lawful authority. In the USA, all federal, state, and local governmental bodies have very limited authority and power under both Federal and State Constitutions, further denying any such unconstitutional powers as defined in both federal and state bills of rights.

247 years into American history, it’s almost impossible to list all of the ways the people’s Rights have been deprived, in nearly every case, under color of law. Every such act is a crime in the USA, and if such acts result in the injury, death or attempted murder of American citizens, the crime is punishable by death.

If you don’t know your Rights, you don’t have any Rights!

The 2020 US Elections were heavily manipulated under false “declarations of emergency” due to an alleged “killer virus” now confirmed to be a “gain of function” toxin developed in and released from a Wuhan China bioweapons lab. The event may have been used for the purpose of declaring that emergency, falsely allowing violations of numerous state election laws in order to manipulate the outcome of the critical 2020 election cycle.

Since then, talk of numerous other “killer viruses” on the horizon continues to create fear in the hearts and minds of millions of American voters. Since the first day of the Biden administration, the USA has been weakened to its most vulnerable state in history, while wars abroad now threaten to spiral into a 3rd world war at any moment.

This means that by some method, health threat, threat of war, or real war, economic collapse, the list is endless now, the powers who did these things intend to create another “emergency” ahead of the 2024 elections.

The plan is to stop the 2024 election from even taking place, as it’s clear Donald Trump is the GOP nominee already, and Biden’s approval ratings are in the toilet.

Remember, acts under color of law are not law. In fact, they are a direct violation of law.

Never go-along to get-along again!

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Did the 14th Amendment Alter Natural Born Citizen?

By Lex Greene

October 25, 2023

The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1868, granted citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the United States—including formerly enslaved people—and guaranteed all citizens “equal protection of the laws.” One of three amendments passed during the Reconstruction era to abolish slavery and establish civil and legal rights for Black Americans, it became the basis for many landmark Supreme Court decisions over the years.”

Although there have been more than 11,000 proposed amendments to the Constitution since the adoption of the Bill of Rights in 1789, the Constitution has only been amended 27 times. The process of amending the Constitution is a very difficult, expensive, and time-consuming process by intent. Thomas Jefferson explained why;

“The government is supposed to be by and for the people. Therefore, the system is carefully set up and should not be changed unless there is a very serious, heavy reason to do so.”

Longstanding constitutional legal principles also dictate that for any amendment to be lawful, the amendment must meet the following conditions;

  1. The Amendment must be “in furtherance thereof” and not in any conflict with the original language or intent of the Constitution itself, to include the Bill of Rights added in 1789.
  2. The Amendment must be very narrow and specific in nature, so as to avoid future misuse for seditious purposes.
  3. It must pass a rigorous Congressional test before passing to the member States for ratification. (Which is why the Convention of States movement is misleading followers to the contrary.)

During the reconstruction period, the preceding 13th Amendment ratified in 1865 in the aftermath of the Civil War, abolished slavery in the United States. “The 13th Amendment states: Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”

NOTE: It’s worth noting that Democrat President Andrew Johnson tried to keep slavery intact by vetoing the 13th Amendment. But his veto attempt was overridden by Congress and the 13th abolishing slavery was adopted.

However, the 13th Amendment did not specifically grant “legal citizenship” status to former slaves or involuntary servants, nor any Constitutional protections. Although slavery had been abolished in the United States, the amendment failed to provide “legal citizenship.”

As a result, the 14th Amendment soon followed (1868)

Republican John Bingham, the Father of the 14th Amendment, was one of the most influential but least known visionaries of the post-Civil War Constitution. Dubbed “the James Madison of the 14th Amendment” by Justice Hugo Black, Bingham drafted a constitutional provision that changed the course of American history by ensuring that states were duty-bound to uphold their citizen’s constitutional rights.

Generations of slaves were born in the USA, but never entitled to legal citizenship in the USA until Bingham’s 14th Amendment. Bingham’s personal writings confirm that there were only two purposes to his 14th Amendment;

  1. To mass “naturalize” all former slaves and involuntary servants, granting them and their family’s legal citizenship in the USA;
  2. To force all member states to uphold their “citizen’s” constitutionally protected Rights as legal citizens of the USA;

But since then, the 14th Amendment has been abused by politicians and their political appointees like a non-specific catch-all amendment used to grant “anchor baby” (born in and subject to the jurisdiction thereof) citizenship to foreign illegal migrants, gay marriage rights and a hundred other evil extreme left agenda items now undermining the Charters of Freedom themselves and violating the Rights of all legal American citizens.

No other amendment has been so abused by politicians and their political appointees. Now they want to use the 14th to infringe upon the 2nd Amendment Rights to keep and bear arms.

In fact, the 14th has been the #1 tool of the anti-American global left, used to destroy all foundations and the sovereignty and security of the United States. Nowhere is this truer and more lethal than in their use of the 14th Amendment to eliminate the Natural Born Citizen clause in Article II of the U.S. Constitution regulating who can and cannot occupy the offices of President and Vice President. (The 12th Amendment of 1804 applies all conditions for President to the Vice President as well.)

No Such Thing in the 14th

Section 1 of the 14th states “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States;” (citizens; not Natural Born Citizens)

Americans had not read it, talked about it, or even thought about the Constitutional conditions for the Oval Office in decades. American schools had not taught anything about it in more than a hundred years. People assumed that people who took an oath to the Constitution would abide by it and uphold it. This was a fatal assumption…

There’s no mention of “Natural Born Citizen” or Article II requirements for office in the 14th Amendment, therefore, the amendment has nothing to do with the matter of Natural Born Citizen or the Article II requirements for high office.

The Natural Born Citizen requirement found in Article II became a front-burner issue in 2008 with the presidential candidacy of Barack Hussein Obama, an unknown figure with a totally blank resume’ and three different forged Certifications of Live Birth from Hawaii, who hands them out like candy in a kindergarten classroom. A man waltzed onto the political scene by Ted Kennedy at John Kerry’s nomination convention in 2004, with nothing more in his work history than scooping ice cream near the campus of Occidental College, while attending under the name Barry Soetoro, on a foreign student visa from Indonesia.

But the issue was immediately redirected towards John McCain, his Republican opponent and natural born son of two American citizens, one of which was a decorated Naval Commander deployed to Panama at the time, on the country’s military affairs.

Instead of challenging the nobody from nowhere, Obama, Soetoro, or whatever his real name is, people who hated John McCain targeted him instead. To be sure, John McCain was a horrible republican candidate for President, but we knew who and what he was. To this day, Americans still don’t know who Obama is…but we do know what he is now, a nation-wrecker inside the gates… Those who redirected attention to McCain are directly responsible for making Obama possible.

To end the conflict over McCain, the US Senate issued a resolution declaring John McCain a “Natural Born Citizen” of the United States, eligible for the office President. But no such effort or resolution was ever addressed by Congress or the Courts regarding Barack Hussein Obama, and the courts have refused to hear any case regarding true Natural Born Citizenship to this day.

Dare we imagine our country and world today, had the Natural Born Citizen requirement been properly enforced in 2008? When evil is allowed to exist, it will root, grow, and spread like wildfire. Before long, evil is all you can see…

Only Two Ways to Become a legal citizen of the United States

  1. Like ALL legal immigrants to the United States for 247 years, one can gain legal citizenship through S. Immigration and Naturalization laws and processes. The USA is almost entirely an immigrant nation. There are legal means to acquire legal U.S. citizenship in the USA and actually, the USA has the most accommodating immigration laws in the world. The 14th Amendment was titled “A Naturalization Amendment.” One can immigrate and naturalize to the USA.
  2. True Birthright Citizenship – Natural Born Citizenship. Simply stated, as a matter of Natural Law, a child has a natural inherent Right to legal citizenship in the country to which the birth father is a legal citizen at the time of the child’s birth. The place of birth has no bearing on the Laws of Nature or Rights that exist as a result of Natural Law. To put a fine point on the matter, if one is a legal citizen only as a result of legislative process and statute, they are a “citizen” but not a “Natural Born Citizen.”

As a result, there are only two types of legal U.S. citizens, Natural Born and Naturalized. Only one of the two are eligible to serve as President and Vice President.

Job #1 for every Court in America

The Article III Judicial Branch has only one duty first and foremost above all else, to protect, preserve and enforce the Constitution of these United States and provide equal application of law to all citizens of the United States, in protection of all Natural Rights of the People of the United States.

In this regard, Article III grants the Judicial Branch the power to “interpret the law” …Not to make law, but only to interpret and enforce the law. In 1787 at the adoption of the Constitution, the term “interpret” had a very narrow and specific meaning; “To explain the meaning or words to a person who does not understand them; to expound; to translate unintelligible words into intelligible ones; as, to interpret the Hebrew language to an Englishman.”

But the Article III branch is made up of partisan political appointees and as a result, the courts use British Common Law practices (precedent and procedure) to undermine the Constitution and Bill of Rights by issuing opinions later falsely labeled “case law.” In doing so, they have expanded their own power beyond interpreting and enforcing the law, to acting under the color of law from the bench for political gain.

In the case of Natural Born Citizen, political figures and their appointees have worked for years to undermine the term by making those three simple words appear to be ambiguous, therefore allowing the courts to make up their own definitions of the term. But there is nothing ambiguous about these three words…

NATURAL – a condition produced by and existing as a result of nature alone

BORN – the time of birth

CITIZEN – a legal member of society, from whom all political power is derived

In short, if one is a citizen by means of legislative processes or statutes, one is a naturalized citizen and therefore, not a Natural Born Citizen. There’s nothing ambiguous about these three words or the term created by putting them together.

Why is this so vital to the survival of the USA?

Since Barack Hussein Obama 2008, political elites have not only allowed millions of illegal invaders into our country, including from well-known enemy states like China and Iran, they have continued to run non-Natural Born Citizens for the offices of President and Vice President.

Right now, Nikki Haley is a republican candidate for President. She’s also a “naturalized (anchor baby) citizen, born to legal citizens of India and not a Natural Born Citizen, and she’s a graduate of Klaus Schwab’s Nazi World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders as well. Her natural birth father was not a legal citizen of the United States at the time of Nikki’s birth.

To be clear, the final step in the USA being taken over by foreign enemies is to seat foreign enemies of the USA in the People’s White House, Congress, the Courts, and State governments. The final step is to put another non-Natural Born Citizen of the United States back in our White House.

Because political and legal elites have convinced many Americans that a 14th Amendment citizen is also a Natural Born Citizen, including Sean Hannity’s “Great One” and many Tea Party self-proclaimed “constitutional experts,” and have expanded access to citizenship for everyone who stumbles into our country waving enemy flags…all in direct violation of our national Immigration and Naturalization Laws.

Because they have even developed “sanctuary cities and states” full of illegal inhabitants, we currently have no legal means to protect our White House from foreign invasion and occupation. The ONLY means we have to protect our White House is to enforce the Natural Born Citizen requirement in Article II of the U.S. Constitution.

No, the 14th did not alter or amend Article II Natural Born Citizen requirements for the highest office in our land. Politicians and their appointees on the bench and college campus attempted to do that, the “experts.”

In closing, had the American people understood and enforced the Natural Born Citizen requirement in 2008, our country would not be on the brink of collapse, and the world would not be entering WWIII today.

I repeat, there are only two types of legal U.S. citizens, Natural Born and Naturalized. Only one of the two are eligible to serve as President and Vice President.

There is no statute of limitation on treason and sedition. If the American People don’t stand together to enforce the Natural Born Citizen requirement today, and prosecute all who have violated it to date, no matter which political party, there is no way to save our Constitutional Republic from certain ruin.

We’re out of time… it’s now or never!

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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House Republicans Surrender to Democrats

By Lex Greene

October 23, 2023

In the 3rd attempt to seat Rep. Jim Jordan as Speaker of the House as a member of the

House majority party, 25 backstabbing fake republicans came closer to electing Democrat Marxist Hakeem Jeffries than fellow Republican Jim Jordan.

Here’s are the FAKE Republicans who did not vote for Jordan in the third round, leaving Jordan with fewer votes than democrat Jeffries.

  1. Don Bacon voted for McHenry
  2. Vern Buchanan for Donalds
  3. Ken Buck for Emmer
  4. Lori Chavez-DeRemer for McHenry
  5. Anthony D’Esposito for Zeldin
  6. Mario Diaz-Balart for Scalise
  7. Jake Ellzey for Garcia
  8. Ferguson for Scalise
  9. Brian Fitzpatrick for McHenry (new vote against Jordan)
  10. Andrew Garbarino for Zeldin
  11. Carlos Gimenez for McCarthy
  12. Tony Gonzales for Scalise
  13. Kay Granger for Scalise
  14. John James for Donalds
  15. Thomas Kean for McCarthy (new vote against Jordan)
  16. Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania for Scalise
  17. Jennifer Kiggans for McHenry
  18. Nick LaLota for Zeldin
  19. Mike Lawler for McHenry
  20. Mariannette Miller-Meeks for McHenry
  21. Marcus Molinaro for Zeldin (new vote against Jordan)
  22. John Rutherford for Scalise
  23. Michael Simpson for Scalise
  24. Pete Stauber for Westerman
  25. Steve Womack for Scalise

But this time, there won’t be 15 rounds of voting like McCarthy had before becoming Speaker at the beginning of the new congress. Instead, after three losses, Jordan received the boot in a so-called “SECRET VOTE” by his fellow fake republicans, who apparently but unofficially removed Jordan as a candidate for speaker in a reported 86-122 vote behind closed doors.

In other words, it’s a full-scale mutiny against Jordan and all America First voters, by far more turncoat republicans than the official 25 on the record. Apparently, the republican traitors in the House do not number 25, but rather 122.

Meanwhile, democrats have failed to cast a single vote for conservative Jordan or moderate Scalise, while publicly calling for “bipartisanship” while voting in the most partisan fashion possible.

In the end, this amounts to House Republicans surrendering control of the House to minority democrats in the chamber.

Now there’s no hope for a “pro-America First Speaker” at all, and republicans who hold a House majority are 100% responsible for this total disaster, as well as every disaster that follows.

There is NO WAY for this to end well or peacefully now. The People are on their own! We have NO representation at all at the Federal level.

NOW HERE’S THE REALLY CRAZY PART…. The 25 who voted against Jordan in the 3rd round could agree on who to NOT vote for, but NOT at all on who TO vote for…

Jordan 194
Scalise 8
McHenry 6
Zeldin 4
Donalds 2
McCarthy 2
Emmer 1
Garcia 1
Westerman 1

Further, everyone with between 1 and 8 votes is allowed to remain in the race for speaker, but the guy with 194 votes is now allegedly blocked from running a 4th time by 122 “secret squirrel” votes in some private backroom deal to relinquish control of the House to minority democrats.

You just can’t make this depth of insanity up and you have to see it with your own eyes to believe it! Apparently, any republican can run except the guy with the most votes now. Sound familiar?

These republicans have committed political suicide for the entire party. These 122 traitors will go down in history as the republicans who finished off the republican party in the USA.

NEXT UP: McCarthy has now endorsed House Rep. Tom Emmer from Minnesota for House Speaker, who received just one vote from Rep. Ken Buck in the 3rd round vote for Jordan last week. Emmer was “selected” House Whip in another republican backroom “secret ballot” shortly after the 2022 mid-terms. Not so long ago, Emmer was a national spokesman for George Soros’s National Popular Vote initiative aimed at eliminating the Electoral College. Without the Electoral College, Al Gore would have been President in 2000 and Hillary Clinton would have been President in 2016. Emmer is known on the hill as the “most moderate republican.”

As I exposed and predicted in my two previous pieces, once Jordan was defeated by his fellow republicans, it has become impossible to elect any AMERICA FIRST constitutional conservative to House Speaker. The RNC in DC will only put up left-leaning republicans to gain democrat votes now.

“An evil enemy, will burn his own nation to the ground…to rule over the ashes.”  —Sun Tzu

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

If you don’t know where this quote comes from, look it up!

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Democrats in Republican Seats

By Lex Greene

October 20, 2023

The Obama 3.0 administration has set the entire world on fire in just the past 2 ½ years, using mental midgets and moral misfits Biden and Harris as his human shields to protect the person actually running the Federal regime…Barack Hussein Obama. They are already responsible for millions of deaths around the globe, and an America on the brink of total collapse and Civil War, in just 2 ½ years.

As warned many times over the years, the global left, represented by Muslim Marxist Barack Hussein Obama & Co. in the USA, was prepared to go “scorched-earth” to prevent America from ever being great again. Literally ALL of the chaos, division, destruction, financial ruin, worldwide terrorism, and growing wars are part of that scorched-earth mission. Now they have pulled that fatal trigger in the Middle East.

“A scorched-earth policy is a political policy and military strategy of destroying everything that allows an enemy to be able to fight a war, including water, food, humans, animals, plants and any kind of tools and infrastructure.”

Prior to the massive import of millions of Marxists and Muslims into the USA under the guise of “refugee resettlement” since Obama 2009, anti-American terrorism and terror supporters numbered less than 20% of American society. Thanks to Obama’s mass foreign invasion operation since 2009, and his “fundamental transformation” of the USA through fake news, public education and far left college lecture halls, the enemies within are fast approaching majority status in our country.

But they had to have help from across the aisle… Democrats in Republican seats.

Many refer to them as RINOs (Republican in name only), or “moderates.” But the truth is far worse than that. Just as our country has been systematically infiltrated by foreign enemies since 2009, seats in Congress, the Courts, every federal agency, governorships, state legislatures, District Attorneys, Secretaries of State, the law profession, the medical profession, all the way down to local City Councils and law enforcement agencies…all have also been systematically infiltrated.

That’s the bad news… The good news is the disasters they have created from sea to sea in the past 2 ½ years have made the worst of them quite visible to every American Citizen now. We can easily see who stands for what and with whom…

The House Speaker

As we sit today, the next Speaker of the People’s House will either be Republican Jim Jordan of Ohio, or Democrat lawyer Hakeem Sekou Jeffries of New York. Shockingly, it will be the following list of Democrats in Republican seats who will decide which one becomes the next Speaker of the People’s House. 217 votes are needed to become Speaker and Republicans only have a nine-member majority in the House at 221.

In the first vote for Jordan, the following 20 Republicans voted against Jordan.

Rep. Don Bacon, of Nebraska, was the first to cast a vote for McCarthy.
Rep. Ken Buck, of Colorado, voted for Emmer.
Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRemer, of Oregon, voted for McCarthy.
Rep. Anthony D’Esposito, of New York, voted for Zeldin.
Rep. Mario Díaz-Balart, of Florida, voted for Scalise.
Rep. Jake Ellzey, of Texas, voted for Garcia.
Rep. Andrew Garbarino, of New York, was the second to vote for Zeldin.
Rep. Carlos Giménez, of Florida, voted for McCarthy.
Rep. Tony Gonzales, of Texas, voted for Scalise.
Rep. Kay Granger, of Texas, voted for Scalise.
Rep. John James, of Michigan, voted for Cole.
Rep. Mike Kelly, of Pennsylvania, voted for Scalise.
Rep. Jennifer Kiggans, of Virginia, voted for McCarthy.
Rep. Nick LaLota, of New York, voted for Zeldin
Rep. Doug LaMalfa, of California, voted for McCarthy.
Rep. Michael Lawler, of New York, voted for McCarthy.
Rep. John Rutherford, of Florida, voted for Scalise.
Rep. Michael Simpson, of Idaho, voted for Scalise.
Rep. Victoria Spartz, of Indiana, voted for Massie.
Rep. Steve Womack, of Arkansas, voted for Scalise.
Rep. Gus Bilirakis, of Florida was absent from the vote.

Here are the 22 Republicans who have opposed Jordan on the second round of voting:

Rep. Don Bacon, of Nebraska, voted for McCarthy.
Rep. Vern Buchanan, of Florida, voted for Rep. Byron Donalds, also of Florida.
Rep. Ken Buck, of Colorado, voted for Rep. Tom Emmer, of Minnesota.
Rep. Lori Chavez-Ramer, of Oregon, voted for McCarthy.
Rep. Anthony D’Esposito, of New York, voted for former Rep. Lee Zeldin.
Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, of Florida, voted for Rep. Steve Scalise, of Louisiana.
Rep. Jake Ellzey, of Florida, voted for Rep. Mike Garcia, of California.
Rep. Drew Ferguson, of Georgia, voted for Scalise.
Rep. Andrew Garbarino, of New York, voted for Zeldin.
Rep. Carlos Gimenez, of Florida, voted for McCarthy.
Rep. Tony Gonzales, of Texas, voted for Scalise.
Rep. Kay Granger, of Texas, voted for Scalise.
Rep. John James, of Michigan, voted for Candice Miller.
Rep. Mike Kelly, of Pennsylvania, voted for former House Speaker John Boehner.
Rep. Jennifer Kiggans, of Virginia, voted for McCarthy.
Rep. Nick LaLota, of New York, voted for Zeldin.
Rep. Michael Lawler, of New York, voted for McCarthy.
Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, voted for Rep. Kay Granger, of Texas.
Rep. John Rutherford, of Florida, voted for Scalise.
Rep. Michael Simpson, of Idaho, voted for Scalise.
Rep. Pete Stauber, of Minnesota, voted for Rep. Bruce Westerman, Republican of Arkansas. Stauber voted for Jordan in the first round.
Rep. Steve Womack, of Arkansas, voted for Scalise.

20 Democrats in Republican seats voted against fellow Republican Jim Jordan in the first round, and 22 voted against him in the second round.

These 22 hold the power to seat or block Jim Jordan from becoming Speaker…or cross the aisle and elect Democrat lawyer Hakeem Sekou Jeffries of New York the next House Speaker, despite democrats holding a minority in the U.S. House.

The future of the People’s House is currently held hostage by these 22 House Democrats in Republican seats.

Meanwhile, Hamas unprovoked attacks on Israel are fast escalating to a global conflict capable of igniting World War III, all a scene in a grand global play of the scorched-earth Obama mission to forever transform America and the world, in concert with The World Economic Forum, the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, NATO, and hundreds of major U.S. Corporations.

In the votes for speaker, 100% of democrats voted against both Steve Scalise and Jim Jordan, demonstrating their complete inability to act in any bipartisan fashion for the sake of the sovereignty and security of the United States. While the democrat Hamas Caucus has thousands in the streets supporting Islamic terrorism, they refer to Republicans as the “extremists.”

The only way for this to end well is for all 22 democrats in republican seats to vote their chosen party and stop holding the USA hostage in their ill-fated political stunt also aimed at the final demise of the USA.

Hakeem Sekou Jeffries was only 17 votes short of becoming Speaker in the first votes. These 22 turncoats hold 22 votes that can make this happen. If they do…they will be directly responsible for the Civil War that follows.

This isn’t just about seating the next Speaker. Without a united 217 House member minimum, the House will not be able to accomplish anything, no matter who the speaker is, and that will allow Obama 3.0 to carry on without any check or balance from the People’s House.

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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To American Pro-Hamas Terrorism Supporters

By Lex Greene

October 17, 2023

“An evil enemy, will burn his own nation to the ground…to rule over the ashes.”  —Sun Tzu

This particular piece is not written for my amen corner readers… It’s a fair warning to those of you who have been conned with blatant lies your entire lives.

You have now identified yourselves as supporters of the most subhuman brutal forms of terrorism experienced anywhere on earth. This is either because you left your 3rd world home and brought your garbage here to the USA with you, or you are a foolish child who has been deeply and dangerously indoctrinated with totally false history, by democrat Marxists in the anti-American U.S. education system.

Either way, you are now a huge problem in the USA which must be dealt with. You have identified yourselves as not just anti-Israel, anti-Jew, and pro-terrorism, but as a result, anti-American as well.

What you are doing in American cities right now, chanting “death to America,” is far closer to an “insurrection” against the United States than anything that happened on January 6, 2021. Every sane American knows it.

Your open public support of brutal terrorism including but not limited to, an unprecedented armed murderous attack on young concert goers from the skies, the house-to-house beheading of innocent children, infants, and entire families, setting innocent alive citizens on fire, and kidnapping innocent civilians for hostage, torture, and murder, while hiding behind Palestinian civilians as human shields, is entirely unacceptable here in the USA and should be unacceptable everywhere on the world.

These acts are all worse than the acts of Hitler, Mao, Lenin, and Stalin combined, and YOU support it. Anyone who could support such evil things is totally void of any form of human decency, moral or ethical foundation, and against the basic natural rights of anyone.

YOU are an enemy within the gate, at the very least, Fifth Column sympathizers to well-known enemies of the United States.

We have seen you in action before, via Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA, far LEFT anti-American anarchy groups funded, commanded, and protected by ACT BLUE and the Democrat Party, responsible for destroying cities and attacking innocent citizens across the country. We know that our streets are full of the same people now.

Do you think Americans are stupid enough to believe that you have been in possession of Palestinian, Hamas, and Iranian flags for years waiting for Israel to be attacked? That you just happened to show up by the thousands in cities across the USA and around the world in support of Hamas terrorism, just minutes following the Israel attacks, all on your own? No, your pro-terrorism paraphernalia was created and distributed to you idiots well in advance of these attacks, and we know by whom.

We know that your messiah Barack Hussein Obama used the exact same tools and techniques to topple several Middle Eastern governments in his fake “Arab Spring” …free Obama phones, using cell apps and texts to ignite these “insurrection” protests across America and around the world in minutes. Your so-called protests are well-coordinated community organizing at its best, by the best Muslim Marxist community organizer in U.S. history.

We have known for some time now that the college campuses have become the most dangerous indoctrination centers in the country and that global Marxist professors have been utterly destroying the minds of young Americans for decades now.

Still, the choices you make are yours to make. The mass media, Hollywood, academia, and government have worked to divide and undermine our society for years now. But not everyone is a victim of that anti-American indoctrination. Only “willing victims” are victims…

The same people who tell you that there are more than two genders and that women have a constitutionally protected right to murder their own children, have you in the streets supporting Hamas terrorism now. Your entire life is built upon self-destructive lies, spoon fed to you by anti-American Marxist democrats.

You vote overwhelmingly democrat because you’re told to, despite seeing every democrat run city in the USA turned into 3rd world toilets by those democrats. You believe in socialism despite knowing that socialism and communism are just forms of fascism and totalitarianism, which have failed every time they have been tried in the world.

Most of you are blatant mindless fools being led to slaughter… and people have worked hard to make you these fools. But still, the choice to remain an anti-American fool is YOUR CHOICE.

Well, the rest of us get to make a choice too. We know that YOU are the biggest problem in the USA today and that YOU will force US to deal with you very soon.

America, freedom, liberty, peace and prosperity, national sovereignty and security will be defended!

LAST, allow me to report that the reason Hamas was able to be so successful in their brutal assault on Israeli citizens is, those citizens have been disarmed by their government since 1992. The only way to own a firearm as an Israeli citizen is to… a) prove you have a need for one; and, b) obtain a government issued license to purchase and own one. HERE

To the terrorism supporters in the USA… YOU have made a critical error in choosing the wrong side of history. Remember, this is NOT our choice…it was YOURS! The hell coming to the USA was brought here by YOU. Actions have consequences…

THIS IS NOT A THREAT… It’s a fair warning!

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Deniers of Undeniable Truths

By Lex Greene

October 4, 2023

“When an honest man, honestly mistaken, comes face-to-face with undeniable and irrefutable truth, he is faced with one of two choices; he must either cease being mistaken or cease being honest.”

Unlike any time in recorded human history, we live in an era of preferrable outright blatant lies. It’s nearly impossible to argue that millions of Americans are as ignorant of reality as they appear. It’s much easier to demonstrate that millions of Americans simply prefer the lies to any remote form of truth and couldn’t care less about what’s really true.

To begin, facts and opinions are two entirely different things. Facts are provable, while opinions are most often not based on any proof or facts. Today, the vast majority of accessible information, no matter the source, is “opinion” based upon no facts at all. Even worse, most opinions fly directly in opposition to all known facts and evidence. That no longer seems to matter in the good ole USA.

I’m afraid that it is an absolute fact that a majority of Americans now believe that lies serve their political and personal agendas better than the truth. Therefore, the truth must die in order to use lies to advance their fatal utopian dreams. A majority of Americans will vote ALL Americans and people around the globe into bondage, believing that they are voting for a utopian future. They must believe blatant lies to believe this, and so, they do.


  • Totalitarian rule is the extreme opposite of utopian freedom and liberty.
  • The USA is currently not a democracy or a republic, it’s a kleptocracy.
  • Young voters are entirely clueless about their own freedom and liberty.
  • Elderly voters will vote the nation into hell for an extra $20 in SS benefits.
  • Medical professionals are killing patients to protect their lifestyles.
  • Modern lawyers only know British Common Law, not Constitutional Law.
  • All three branches of the Federal Government operate unconstitutionally.
  • 80% of the federal budget is for unconstitutional expenditures.
  • The last constitutional budget from Congress was in 1997.
  • There’s no science supporting any abnormal “climate change.”
  • The USA has had fraudulent elections since at least 2000.
  • 14th Amendment (naturalized) citizens are NOT Natural Born Citizens.
  • The State’s cannot amend the US Constitution in a States Convention.
  • Secession is the opposite of constitutional enforcement.
  • A majority of female voters will kill the country to protect their right to kill their own children.
  • Almost no one who works under an oath to protect the constitution, is keeping that oath.
  • Illegal invaders are NOT legal immigrants or even lawful migrants or asylum seekers.

Honestly, I could easily keep going on the list for pages. The volume of lies the country lives under today is nearly endless.

But here’s the biggest truth of all… Corrupt politicians are a mirror image of a corrupt electorate. Corrupt self-serving politicians can only exist where corrupt self-serving voters exist.

It has been decades since the American voters have laid their own personal wants aside for benefit of the nation’s needs. They have been intentionally trained to divide themselves into self-serving voting blocs, none of those blocs voting on the basis of what’s best for the country, or the future of freedom, liberty, justice, and peace for all.

So long as Americans attempt to vote themselves favor and gifts from the treasury, they will elect corrupt politicians happy to buy our votes with breadcrumbs from the elite table of gross corruption.

Adam and Eve lost their home in the Garden of Eden because people are a problem. God once flooded the earth because people are a problem. Moses brought down the Ten Commandments because people are a problem. Christ was sacrificed on the cross because people are a problem. Some things never change…

But to save America today, the people will have to change, cancel the lies and grab ahold of the truth, holding on for their dear lives, forcing good things to happen, or nothing good can happen.

“When an honest man, honestly mistaken, comes face-to-face with undeniable and irrefutable truth, he is faced with one of two choices; he must either cease being mistaken or cease being honest.”

Yes, indeed Lex, you’re right! But what’s the solution?

When we find ourselves headed in the wrong direction, and we don’t like the inevitable outcome, we must REVERSE OUR DIRECTION 180-degrees. We will never get a good outcome from doing the wrong things.

Past voting habits led our country to where we are today. Our next move will lead us to where we are tomorrow, next month, next year and into the future. To change the outcome, we have no choice but to change our actions. Until we put our country first, we will all finish last!

Since no one can do anything alone, we have no choice but to work together. To work together, we must join, and support groups heading in the right direction and fully engage in the correct doable things. Together, there is nothing we cannot do. Alone, a house divided against itself will fall…

Truth is all that matters!

Until we put our country first, we will all finish last!

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Executive Orders are NOT Laws

By Lex Greene

September 27, 2023

Most Americans have been gaslighted to believe that White House Executive Orders are laws that every American must follow, or else. But Executive Orders only apply to Executive Branch employees. The U.S. government formed by the U.S. Constitution is a Republic, not a dictatorship. It’s not a pure “democracy” either, nor should it ever be.

Executive Orders are limited to directives to Executive Branch employees only, to properly execute the laws passed by Congress, and only so long as the order is itself lawful and constitutional. Executive Branch Orders apply to no one else, period. Unless we accept that we now live in a dictatorship…of course.

For the record, court opinions are NOT laws either, as only Congress is granted the authority to make laws under the Constitution. No other branch has any lawmaking authority whatsoever. In addition, even Congress is limited in authority to create laws which are “in furtherance thereof.”

In the United States, “laws that are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void,”
as affirmed by the Marbury v. Madison case (circa 1803)

So, literally everything government has done since 1803 that is “repugnant to the Constitution,” to include the Bill of Rights, is “null and void.” This includes Executive Orders falsely applied to people beyond Executive Branch employees, and all attempts to “create law” from the Judicial Branch, as well as any laws passed by Congress which are at odds with the Constitution.

Because most Americans have not paid attention to what their government has been up to for more than a hundred years, more than 80% of what the federal government does today is “repugnant to the Constitution” and enjoys no force of law behind it at all.

Study this legal reality for yourself and remember it every time your government tries to dictate policy to you through unlawful and unconstitutional acts. As we head into another fake election season, keep this in mind as the government will attempt to create another “emergency” in order to use unlawful and unconstitutional election processes to control the outcome of the elections.

Most importantly, use this information to protect yourselves and loved ones from “orders” (aka mandates) which have no force of law at all, under the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Vote for Who We Say, or Else?

By Lex Greene

September 25, 2023

I’ve been voting in Presidential elections for over forty years now and the entire time, I’ve listened to Americans complain about being forced to vote for the “lesser of two evils.” I’ve watched so-called “independent” voters pack their bags to leave their political parties in disgust at how both major parties have worked against their constituents, no matter what they say at campaign time.

What’s the old saying, “insanity is when you keep doing the same things, while expecting a different outcome”…? If leaving the two competitive parties for independent status could solve the problem, the problem would have been solved long ago. So-called “independent” voters are the single largest voting bloc in the USA, but they don’t really vote independently. More than 90% still vote republican or democrat.

Like it or not, politics is a team sport. Nationally, only two teams are competitive. If you’re not on one of those two teams, you’re not even in the game. When people leave these two parties, they don’t unite in any 3rd party alternative. Instead, they scatter to the wind in over 70 failed “3rd party” fantasy teams, or stand alone on their little island, incapable of affecting any change at all.

I’m not telling you this because I love either of the two parties. I’m telling you this because it’s the truth and only the truth can set us free.

Clearly, neither party wanted Donald J. Trump to ever be President of the United States. Both parties have worked together to destroy Trump since the day he came down the escalator to announce his bid for the Oval Office in 2015. Both parties are behind the myriad of false accusations and failed prosecutions of Trump, simply designed to prevent him from occupying the Oval Office again.

Where I come from, whomever the anti-American criminal global Marxist cabal hates and fears, is my kind of candidate. In a recent Fox News survey, despite the networks blatant efforts to work with both parties to advance any candidate but Trump for the 2024 GOP nomination, Trump remains the clear indisputable choice of the People.

Don’t you love it when a corrupt politician redefines old words for you, to suit their own agenda? Most popular and populist is two different things… Trump is by far the “most popular” political figure alive today. That doesn’t make him a “populist.”

Understand, every 2024 GOP challenger to Trump is there to help democrats in both parties keep Trump out of office. None of them have any chance at all of beating Trump for the nomination unless they figure out how to keep Trump off the ballot altogether.

According to the Fox survey, Trump currently leads the field with 60% voter support. DeSantis still sits in a declining distant 2nd place with 13% support, and WEF Young Global Leader Ramaswamy in 3rd place with 11% support. The three “frontrunners” hold 84% support with Haley, Scott and Pence holding only 11% combined.

That’s simply because the vast majority of American Citizens no longer trust the federal government or anyone at the helm today.

In 2016, Trump was the sure-to-be winner just because the People were sick and tired of everyone else in politics. Trump won 11 million more votes in 2020 than in 2016. He’s now above 60% in the 2024 GOP primary race, which isn’t much of a race at all, despite unprecedented weaponized government and mass media supported attacks on the man and his family.

And THAT is why the D.C. cabal is determined to keep Trump off the 2024 ballot by any means necessary. Meanwhile, Democrat Party support is totally collapsing under the O’Biden dictatorship.

Here’s what YOU (aka WE THE PEOPLE) can and MUST do about it!

This is the worst time in U.S. history to be divided and/or undecided. There’s no wrong time to do the right thing!

While a majority of Americans have been gaslighted into a fetal position, sucking their thumbs, and praying for “someone else to do something” while they sit on the sidelines whining about the condition of things, some will make the stand for all posterity.

We must begin by refusing to allow the Republican Party to dictate who we can and cannot vote for. This practice within party leadership has nearly destroyed the real American Party in the USA, but it’s OUR fault. We let them dictate candidates via tightly controlled primaries, and they always dictate candidates we don’t want.

This time, WE can dictate the Presidential nominee for 2024 and they cannot stop us from doing it.

Take a moment to read, download, sign, send and share the 2024 People’s Pledge for the 2024 GOP Presidential nomination. CLICK HERE It must be sent to the Republican National Committee in D.C., and your State Republican Party well in advance of each state primary.

Either WE control the nomination process, or they will. It’s either OUR party, or theirs. STOP being dictated to!

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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When TREASON is No Longer a Crime

By Lex Greene

September 18, 2023

“When treason is no longer the highest of crimes, punishable by death, there is no way to protect the country from total collapse, despotism, and foreign occupation.”

After 247 years of “lawmaking” at the federal, state, and local levels, how many more laws could we possibly need? And since we are no longer a nation that follows the law, much less the Constitution and Bill of Rights, why would anyone bother to make more laws just as likely to be ignored?

Most importantly, if we are not even going to bother to prosecute blatant acts of treason in the USA, it’s no longer our country. When treason is taking place from within the halls of our own governmental bodies, it’s no longer our government either! If you fear the government, you’re already living under boot, whether you know it, or care to admit it.

A critical question for all self-proclaimed “constitutionalists…”

By what authority does the US Federal Government have any Right to exist at all?

The answer is, by the authority of the U.S. Constitution alone, under all the terms and conditions of that document, to include the Bill of Rights. If at any point the U.S. Constitution is rendered null and void, then the Right of the federal government to exist, is also null and void. If you don’t understand this foundational principle of our Constitutional Republic, then you don’t understand our Constitutional Republic at all.

Every political office requires an Oath to this foundational principle, to protect and preserve the Constitution of the United States and its’ Citizens, at all costs.

The document can be rendered “null and void” two ways, either by declaration, or by direct continued violation. While political figures primarily on the LEFT have consistently made comments regarding the “old, outdated and irrelevant” Constitution and Bill of Rights, as a matter of personal opinions, they have not yet declared the Constitution “null and void.”

However, for decades now, predominately the political LEFT in the USA has continually violated their oaths to protect and defend the Constitution, while they work feverishly to undermine and directly violate the terms and conditions of that contract. A current State level example is the democrat New Mexico Governor Michelle Lynn Lujan Grisham’s attempt to directly violate the 2nd Amendment and State Constitution regarding the inalienable Right of the People to “keep and bear arms.”

Fortunately, State and County Law Enforcement immediately went public refusing to enforce any such order and a Federal Judge blocked her so-called “order.” This is the MO (modus operandi) of today’s tyrannical Democrat Party. Every modern democrat thinks they have the Right and legal authority to order Citizens to do anything they want…. but they don’t! This is known as “acting under the color of law” …assuming a lawful authority that simply does not exist.

It’s a FACT that “all political power in the USA is derived from the consent of the governed.”

The People created the government, via the Constitution. The authority granted to government by that contract only exists so long as the contract remains intact. Once any party to the contract stands in direct violation of the contract, that party is in breach of the contract and the other parties to the contract are thereby released from the contract as well.

In other words, if government is no longer obligated to the terms and conditions of the contract, no one is…

Until now, the People’s silence has been interpreted as the People’s consent. Everything that a governmental body does which is in direct violation of their oaths to the Constitution, are direct violations of their Right to occupy the office at all. But so long as the People remain silent, their silence will be interpreted by tyrants as “consent.” If the People remain silent even in the face of blatant acts of treason, the tyrants will always interpret it as the People’s consent to treason…no harm, no foul.

Government has always been, at best, a necessary evil. Politics has always been a dirty business most often occupied by self-serving power-drunk malcontents who are usually total failures in the private sector. The only place they can succeed is in government jobs that few of them are truly qualified to hold.

Never in 247 years has this been more obvious than the two current mindless Oval Office occupants who can’t even complete a single intelligible sentence on their own. But that’s the good news… Even worse is the reality that the current cabal in the White House is also the most corrupt international criminal enterprise to ever occupy any political office in the USA in 247 years.

TREASON is defined in US Law as follows;

“Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death;”

Everyone who takes an Oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, owes an allegiance to that end. Everyone who acts under the color of law in a fashion which results in levying war against the United States, its’ People, or providing aid and comfort to enemies, or which deprives anyone of the Natural Rights protected by the Constitution and Bill of Rights, in violation of their Oath, is engaged in an act of treason, sedition, usurpation, under TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTION 242, which reads…

“Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any Rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, … shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both;

and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both;

and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.”

The sole purpose of the U.S. Constitution is stated in the preamble of the document itself.

  • to form a more perfect Union,
  • establish Justice,
  • insure domestic Tranquility,
  • provide for the common defense,
  • promote the general Welfare,
  • and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

The current Democrat Party as a whole, and certainly the Biden and Obama administrations, have obliterated all six foundational purposes of the U.S. Constitution and violated all 10 additional protections of the People found in the Bill of Rights.

  • Obama democrats intentionally divided this country, and Biden continues.
  • At best, Obama and Biden have weaponized a two-tier justice system.
  • The DNC has backed BLM and ANTIFA responsible for terror in numerous cities.
  • Democrats have backed and expanded an open foreign invasion of the USA.
  • Democrats are responsible for unprecedented mass inflation, and job losses.
  • And worst of all, democrats have directly attacked individual Liberty for every American Citizen while misusing American tax dollars to invade our country, work with foreign powers against the USA, undermine the U.S. Dollar, national sovereignty and security, States Rights, Freedom, Peace, and engaged in foreign entanglements in Ukraine and elsewhere, causing a uniting of U.S. foreign enemies in China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea.

Every act that undermines the stated purpose of the Constitution is an act of treason!

In other words, the contract that creates and authorizes the U.S. Federal Government has been breached by the federal government. The contract is essentially null and void due to that breach.

FACT: The U.S. Constitution is a “contract” between the legal Citizens of the United States and the federal government, created by that contract, under the terms and conditions of that contract. As such, U.S. Contract Law applies, and “the People” are the “final arbiters” of all matters of constitutionality, and the source of all political power. This FACT has been affirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court many times throughout history, in Chisholm v. Georgia (1793), Martin v. Hunter’s Lessee (1816), and McCulloch v. Maryland (1819).

Breach of ContractA breach of contract occurs whenever a party who entered a contract fails to perform their promised obligations.

Once a contract has been breached by a party to the contract, the other parties are released from any and all obligations under the contract. If one side is not obligated to the terms of the contract, the other side is no longer obligated to any terms of the contract either.

This is exactly why our Founders reserved the Right and Duty of the People to “alter or abolish” any form of government which becomes despotic and destructive towards the People found in the Declaration of Independence. History has shown that sooner or later, governments grow to become despotic and tyrannical towards their own People.

In this case, the many breaches and violations by our federal government amount to outright treason, committed by all three branches, but especially the Executive Branch and all Executive Branch agencies. The violations at hand, have and will continue to result in the total collapse of the United States. These acts of treason have been committed with a clear intent to destroy the United States, or as Obama put it in 2008, “fundamentally transform America” into a 3rd world toilet.

Numerous democrats at the federal, state, and local levels, have intentionally conspired to Deprive the Rights of the American People, acting under the color of law, with a clear intent to destroy the United States.

In 247 years, there has never been such an overt blatant conspiracy to destroy this country from within, primarily by the Democrat Party, but also with help from some Republican sympathizers and co-conspirators, all of whom believe that the People will never hold anyone accountable, even for treason resulting in the fall of the USA and every American Citizen.

The American People have witnessed and allowed wholesale treason to take place from within their own governmental bodies for years now. When treason is no longer a crime punishable by death, and we no longer have any secure borders, and the entire Executive Branch has been weaponized against the Citizens, we no longer have a country.

Treason is the new norm as of today… and if the People do not act together to stop it, wholesale tyranny will reign over all for as far and long as the eye can see.

The future of the United States was never placed in the hands of mere temporary public servants. The future was placed in the hands of We the People. No one can take it away from the People. But the People can surrender their power, by simply failing to act together to right the ship before it sinks into the abyss.

As a closing thought… Why is anyone talking about impeachment?

TREASON against the United States and ALL Americans coming from the halls of government, cannot be remedied via the political circus called impeachment. TREASON has but one remedy, and it has nothing to do with political stunts like impeachment.

In 247 years, not even one President or Vice President has ever been removed from office via impeachment, even when convicted of their crimes in a Senate trial. Impeachment is a political stunt designed to convince unwitting People that politicians are “doing something” about crime and corruption in the government, when in fact, nothing is being done.

TREASON requires much more, not only to stop treason, but to send a message to everyone who would dare try.

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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The United States of America Will Soon Go Through a Total RESET

By Lex Greene

September 9, 2023

In case you haven’t figured this out yet, let me help.

The United States of America will very soon go through a total RESET that will impact absolutely everyone and everything. It will either be part of the World Economic Forum (WEF) GREAT COVID RESET designed to create a one world government, currency, and total system run by known Nazis and global tyrants that will make every living American a slave… or, it will be the exact opposite RESET of, by and for the legal American Citizens.

Make no mistake, one or the other WILL happen very soon. There is nothing between these two options, nothing at all. We WILL have one or the other. If we continue to allow the WEF Reset to advance in the USA, head Nazi Klaus Schwab will be half right in his promise, “we will own nothing” and they will own everything. But…no one will be happy except those with a seat at the WEF Nazi table…

For the WEF RESET to complete, the American people do not need to do anything at all. Americans can continue to sit quietly on the sidelines, waiting to see what happens next, hoping and praying for someone else to do something to prevent the final demise of the USA. They can continue to go-along to get-along, but in the end, they will never be able to get along with their new Nazi global masters.

To stop the WEF RESET from happening in the USA, there is a lot the American people will have to do, most of it things they have never done before, and things they have been gaslighted into never doing.

As I write, for the first time in 247-years, a former President and major frontrunner in the 2024 GOP race for the White House has been attacked with a myriad of false charges that amount to nothing more than being charged with having and speaking his opinions regarding unlawful elections. I can sum up all of the charges against Trump really quick…

  • He’s charged with having an opinion that the global tyrants won’t tolerate.
  • He’s charged with stating that opinion as if he has a Right to free speech.
  • And he’s charged with peaceably assembling his supporters for redress of their growing number of grievances.

All of these things are protected by the Constitution and Bill of Rights, not to mention by Executive Privilege of a sitting and former President as well. No decent legitimate court anywhere on earth would ever even entertain such charges, certainly not in any “land of the free.”

Still, here we are…and with good reason, a vast majority of Americans fear the same fate if they dare to stand up and take action against the most criminal corrupt federal administration in 247-years of U.S. history. To be sure, the weaponized federal government must be respected for their immense power and assets currently aimed at every freedom and liberty loving American.

The gaslighting by the global Marxists currently in control of all federal assets under the leadership of Barack Hussein Obama, has been entirely successful. In fact, it has been so successful that many Americans still send their children to equally anti-American school systems tearing families apart and destroying generations at breakneck speed.

Contrary to false propaganda by the left and their entirely controlled news media, Americans are some of the most peaceful people anywhere on earth, or at least they used to be, before their own government unleashed hell on earth via BLM, ANTIFA and the mass invasion at our borders, forcing even democrat controlled “sanctuary cities” to push back against O’Biden policies.

Most days, you can look around and things seem largely normal, even though what now passes for normal stretches even the most insane imaginations. But understand, if you fear your government, YOU ALREADY LIVE UNDER BOOT! You have already surrendered!

No one can change this but YOU, us, We the People, from whom ALL political power and authority is derived.

Yes indeed, the Declaration of Independence guarantees the American Citizens the RIGHT to “alter or abolish” any government which has become tyrannical in nature and destructive of these ends…Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Yes, if the American people continue to attempt to go-along to get-along, keeping their mouths shut and their heads down, in a doomed attempt to avoid eventual conflict with tyrants, the final confrontation will be far worse than if they address it all now, while there remains peaceful options on the table.

Soon, one of these WARNINGS will be the last warning you will get. By then, your options will be last resort options only. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THEN!

Once you know that someone means you and your family harm, every second you wait, you lose options, your attackers gain strength. In my opinion, Americans have waited far too long already. If they wait much longer, they will be forced to defend themselves and loved ones on their own doorsteps.


A proposed 2024 GOP People’s Pledge designed to seize voter control of the GOP primaries away from DC banana republicans has been issued. Every conservative pro-America voter who plans on voting in the GOP primaries, regardless of past party affiliations, should read it, sign it, and send it to the RNC in DC and their State Republican Party, and adhere to it. This isn’t about the candidate, it’s about the voters refusing to be dictated by DC to any longer.

No, I do not expect current banana republicans to suddenly start representing the will of their voters. If I did, I wouldn’t be endorsing this action.

Instead, this is an action (promising what we won’t do) that the Party has no power to stop. It’s a LIVE boycott against everyone working to destroy Trump and us. They can run anyone they want against Trump, but only until they are all stripped of any donations and votes. That’s how we make sure to choose our own candidate, regardless of party leadership plans.

Democrats should create something similar to this, to take control over their party nominee for 2024, refusing to back Biden or Harris, or anyone else who has sold America down the drain while making millions in foreign money to do it, Hillary, Obama, and many others.

If you won’t do this, then you need to stop whining about “lesser evil” choices in the general elections.

Stay tuned for more… alone, there is nothing any of us can do. But together, united in action, there is nothing we cannot do.

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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The Man Standing in the Gap

By Lex Greene

August 26, 2023

Some 247-years ago, it was just eight extraordinary men who stood in the gap between the American people and the tyrannical reign of King George III of Britain, known then as the most powerful political and military force on earth.

George Washington

Alexander Hamilton

Benjamin Franklin

John Adams

Samuel Adams

Thomas Jefferson

James Madison

John Jay

In time, after months of debate and opposition from others, these eight men were eventually joined by 48 more to make up the 56 signers of the U.S. Declaration of Independence. Not unlike today, most Americans at that time had little knowledge of the events, and even less understanding of those events unfolding.

247-years later, only one man stands in the gap today, President Donald J. Trump, and that is why the global Nazis will do absolutely anything to eliminate the man who has defeated them again and again, as the global left has worked around the clock for the past eight years to destroy the man in the gap.

The USA and indeed the world which hangs in the balance, is so far past discussing Trump’s rough and tumble personality, that it’s entirely laughable for any cowardly halfwit to even mention “what they don’t like about Trump.”

While the names of all Epstein pedophile human traffickers remain a secret, hidden behind the lock and key of our Federal Department of Justice, protecting God only knows who from their well-deserved death penalties, that same politically weaponized agency has targeted President Trump for eight years now. Very few Americans would still be standing in that gap today, if they were targeted by our corrupt government the way Trump has been.

In fact, only 2% of Federal Criminal cases ever go to trial, because almost nobody can afford the cost of so-called justice in America. 98% plead out because they don’t have the money for a defense. Almost 100% of the rest are found guilty simply because in the USA today, you don’t have to be guilty to be charged or convicted.

In all cases against Trump, he is being charged with having and stating an opinion. It’s Trump’s opinion that the 2020 elections were stolen. Even though there is a train full of evidence to support that opinion, the fact is, no one needs any evidence to justify their Right to an opinion, or their Right to speak their opinion freely, without fear of persecution.

Eight extraordinary men stood in the gap 247-years ago, but only one man stands in that gap today, President Donald J. Trump. Only one man is having his entire life and life’s work bludgeoned to death by a totally corrupt criminal enterprise known as The U.S. Federal Government, now completely weaponized against all political opponents, large and small. In fact, no body on earth hates the American people more than their own government hates them today.

Obama has done exactly what he set out to do in 2008, “fundamentally transform America” into a 3rd world Nazi gulag, build his “citizen army” (aka BLM and ANTIFA), and bring “imperialist America” to her knees… He’s merely a field general for the global elite at the WEF, IMF, UN, WHO and NATO, but he is currently the most powerful figure in American politics.

Indeed, globalists of all political stripes are united against Trump, which means, united against YOU and ME. Trump is simply the man standing in the gap. It’s all decent freedom and liberty loving American Citizens that our own federal government is out to destroy. There’s no longer any need for guess work.

Everyone talking about uni-parties, scumbag politicians, a fake news media and totally censored social media, is wasting precious time and energy, focused only on trying to escape personal responsibility for how we got here, and what we will have to do to get out of here.

It’s now totally irrelevant how anyone “feels” about Trump. Because Trump is the only man willing to stand in the gap at incredible personal cost, he is the only man deserving of the public trust. Not one Republican running against him in the (fake) GOP primaries should get a single vote, because when they stand against Trump, they are standing against every freedom-loving American who has HAD ENOUGH!

Who knew that it would be a little ole country boy from the backwoods of Virginia that nobody ever heard of before, who would fire the shot heard around the world in 2023, in a song about the “Rich Men North of Richmond.” Oliver Anthony may be written into history in a light akin to Paul Revere who took that ride to warn our Founders that King George’s troops were coming for them.

Anthony’s ode to the real American song skyrocketed to the top of music charts overnight, simply because he is singing about what the vast majority of Americans have been thinking about for quite some time. Anthony just happened to get fed up sooner than most. Like every good patriot, Oliver was willing to put it all on the line, as has Trump, and not for mere profit.

There will be time for pet agendas later. Right now, Americans can only afford one priority!

This has nothing to do now, with how you feel about Trump. It has everything to do with how you feel about FREEDOM. If the so-called republicans on the debate stage Wednesday night were representing us, they would be standing with us, with Trump, instead of helping Marxist democrats destroy him.

You know I’m speaking the truth here. Drop all pet agendas and stand together for the only agenda that matters now, Freedom, Liberty, the Rule of Law, real justice, and real opportunity for all. STOP THIS INSANE INVASION OF OUR BELOVED COUNTRY. The sand is all at the bottom of the hourglass.

Even God won’t be able to help us if we don’t! Noah was not saved by faith alone. He still had to build the Ark. Faith without works is dead…

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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First 24 GOP “Debate” 8/23/23

By Lex Greene

August 21, 2023

Still pretending as though we have lawful legitimate elections in the USA, hosted by Fox News (aka The DeSantis Channel), the Fox team is ramping up for the first so-called debate of the 2024 Presidential race this Wednesday evening.

Everyone at FOX and everyone who will appear on the stage, knows that the 2020 elections were blatantly stolen by O’Biden’s DNC, backed by “deep state” Military, Justice, and Intel community traitors. They all know it, but only Ramaswamy has the intestinal fortitude to say it. The rest work with DC traitors to keep Trump out of the White House.

As we head into the event, only eight GOP candidates have qualified for the debate stage and as of this writing, current aggregate poll numbers look like this

TRUMP – 55.5%

DeSANTIS – 14.5%


PENCE – 5.2%

HALEY – 3.3%

SCOTT – 2.7%


BURGUM – 0.5%

The rest who tossed their hat in the ring couldn’t meet the polling and fund-raising thresholds to qualify for the debate stage. They simply have no real support. Of course, neither do at least five of the eight who made the debate. Like Chris Christie says, “this is the first time they can speak to a real audience,” because nobody shows up for their campaign stops.

At best, this is a three-way race, Trump, DeSantis and Ramaswamy. But in realityTrump holds a 41-point lead over DeSantis, a 48.3-point lead over Ramaswamy and more than a 50-point lead over all others who made the debate stage. Democrats have done a fantastic job of making Trump the obvious GOP nominee by turning voters towards Trump in their endless efforts to destroy Trump with false accusations and political persecutions.

Democrats continue to make Trump the most popular political figure on earth. Trump might not even need to campaign, like Biden in 2020. He’ll win in a landslide strictly because “the people” of all political stripes are figuring out that what they see democrats (and some republicans) doing to Trump, can and will be done to them if democrats were to succeed in destroying Trump.

People are supporting Trump to defend themselves from Obama’s global criminal cabal, who hate the average American as much as they hate Trump. Everyone on the debate stage who falls into this trap set for them will lose what little support they currently have. Voters from the political spectrum are fed up with the criminal O’Biden regime using taxpayer funds to attack their political opponents with the weaponized Justice Department.

Normally, I would want every serious candidate to face their opponents on every debate stage. But in this case, Trump holds such a commanding lead that it might be a better strategic play for him to sit this one out, letting his opponents dig their own graves.

These seven candidates have a high hurdle to clear this Wednesday night. None are likely to close the gap with Trump because all of them will be pushed by moderators to talk about Trump, rather than themselves, granting Trump even more free publicity without any need to even show up.

The debate is highly likely to turn into a scripted Trump-bashing event. Only two candidates in the race are “political outsiders” critical of the DC establishment, Trump and Ramaswamy. The rest are all longtime political operatives who have had years to do things they will talk about on Wednesday evening, without ever keeping any of their past campaign promises.

Except for Ramaswamy, everyone else on the debate stage this week is a RNC “deep state” actor in the race simply to derail Trump. Pretty much every GOP voter knows it.

Republican and even Democrat and Independent voters are shifting hard in Trump’s favor due to the blatant weaponization of O’Biden’s DC cabal. So, GOP candidates who join O’Biden’s attack on Trump Wednesday night, will drive voters away from themselves as well.

Until we hold criminals fully accountable for the massive election fraud in 2020, we won’t ever have lawful elections again.

But I’ll be watching this debate, for entertainment value. Never get in the way of your enemies while they are busy digging their own grave… Nothing is more entertaining than watching traitors dig their own hole!

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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USA Death by Sheep

By Lex Greene

August 17, 2023

It’s been a while since I have written and released anything. Every day, I have ten or more things I’d like to write about, but it’s a daily struggle to find one good reason to bother writing it. The USA is so far gone at this point, the evidence is all around us, but there seems no way to escape the reality that sheep always act like sheep, and most Americans are sheep now.

Let me begin by stating a fact, that Barack Hussein Obama is the most powerful man in the USA, and maybe the world. The people I have worked with for many years had an emergency conference call in July 2004 as we had just witnessed the coming of a new King at the John Kerry DNC nomination convention. Something extraordinary and very dangerous had just unfolded on the TV screen and we all knew it.

Like any party nominee for President, John Kerry was supposed to be the star of the show. But instead, Senator Ted Kennedy stole Kerry’s thunder when he introduced to the world, the coming Messiah of the Democrat Party, Barack Hussein Obama.

“Kenyan-born US Senate hopeful, Barrack Obama, appeared set to take over the Illinois Senate seat after his main rival, Jack Ryan, dropped out of the race on Friday night amid a furor over lurid sex club allegations.” REPORT – Ryan, was later cleared of all false accusations, but the goal was already achieved.

At that time, Obama was a complete nobody from nowhere, with a totally blank resume’ beyond his grooming as an expert “community organizer” under the tutelage of Black Panther organizer Don Warden (aka Dr. Khalid al-Mansour) and New York borough power-broker Percy Sutten, along with Weather Underground friends Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn.

Barack Obama had just one primary campaign promise, to “fundamentally transform America.” Obama is the well-groomed and backed Maoist Black Nationalist President launched in concert with the Black Panthers, the Afro-American Association, the Peace & Freedom Party, the Students for Democratic Society, a result of Warden setting out to raise up a Black Nationalist President beginning in 1966.

Despite a totally blank resume’, three forged fake Hawaiian “certifications of live birth” (not to be confused with any authentic Birth Certificate), and highly questionable college records, Obama was able to upset “sure thing” Hillary Clinton in the 2008 DNC Presidential nomination. He simply claimed to be a Natural Born Citizen of the USA eligible for the office, despite taking his Senate seat “as the first Kenyan-born” member of the Senate the previous few years, selling himself off as “the first black president,” which is also an easily proven lie.

But the American sheep had already been Pavlov trained to accept blatant lies. They had already been trained to believe that truth is subjective, and that opinions need only be based on political agendas, not facts. The sheep had already relinquished their authority and power to the politicians and were trained to rely only upon the ruling class elite for their every need and want.

Today, we have at least two sheep generations who believe deeply that some form of totalitarianism is the solution to all their problems, GEN X and GEN Y. They don’t know that communism, socialism, Maoism, Marxism, Leninism, Stalinism, Naziism and Fascism are all different forms of the same thing, totalitarianism, “a form of government that theoretically permits no individual freedom and that seeks to subordinate all aspects of individual life to the authority of the state.” They don’t know that in their search for utopia, they are voting us all back into bondage, themselves included.

But there are sheep everywhere we look now, left, right, middle, rich, poor, middle class, so-called independents, even self-proclaimed libertarians. Christian, Muslim, Jew, agnostic, atheist…The only difference between them is, which shepherd they are following off the cliff.

Never in history has it been more blatantly obvious that the current occupants of the People’s Oval Office are nothing more than idiots and criminals, mere puppets to someone who is actually in charge of everything in the USA today. That puppet master is the DNC Messiah Barack Hussein Obama.

Still, some 30% of the American sheep believe that these two empty suits are not only running the country, but somehow, the best President and Vice President in history. The remaining 70% are divided into impotent factions following their own shepherds of choice, based upon the unfortunate reality that almost no Americans want the future of this country to rest in their own hands today.

Everyone in the USA is betting FREEDOM and LIBERTY on someone other than themselves. Like good little sheep, they place the future of freedom, liberty, justice, prosperity, national sovereignty, and security in the hands of others, in most cases, their sworn enemies.

They know that real journalism is dead in the USA. But they still watch the news. They know we no longer have legitimate elections, but still hope to win in the next unlawful elections. They know that trying to amend the constitution at this moment in history would be the final nail in the coffin of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. But they still want to amend it…

They know that our Constitutional Republic is being torn to shreds by “legal experts,” but still seek the counsel of legal experts. They know our entire legal system, like every other federal RICO operation, is broken and corrupt to the core. But they still think they can find justice in that system, somehow.

Yes, my fellow Americans, my greatest fear for almost 40 years now, has become a reality.

The American sheep are indeed “too stupid to remain free.”

Sure, we can blame everyone but ourselves, but it isn’t true. Yes, politicians never have and never will serve “the people,” because politicians have always served themselves throughout human history. But that’s not the real problem…

WE THE SHEEP are the real problem. Sheep are incapable of self-governance, freedom, and liberty. They must be governed by others. So it is, and so it shall be… Face it, if you are the type of person to go-along-to-get-along no matter the consequences, YOU ARE A SHEEP! If you are counting on anyone but yourself to save your country, YOU ARE A SHEEP! You are to blame for what happens to this once great nation!

Nobody is going to save the USA. The only people who could, don’t want to, despite their whining and complaining, and the enemy knows it. There are many peaceful solutions available, just no one to execute them.

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Really, What More to Say?

By Lex Greene

April 25, 2023

If you can see all of evil hell swirling all around you at this late date and still not get it, nothing I can say will change that. If you think you can defeat this evil divided, unfunded, distracted, and demoralized, while evil is entirely united and globally funded against you…nothing I say will change what you think, no matter how wrong you are.

If you think any political figure, any TV talking head, any scientist or doctor, all of whom lied to you about CV19 and their lethal fake “jabs” are going to save any of us, nothing I say will change your mind. You’re not living in reality.

If you think we have until 2025 and another stolen election in 2024 to stop the final destruction of the USA, nothing I say can jolt you awake. If you think political profiteers will help, wrong again.

In fact, nothing anyone says from this point on can change the course of history. All of us who write in a desperate attempt to “reach” you in every column or essay, are out of words. Anyone not already “reached” is “unreachable.” Anyone still not ready to stand together to defeat evil…will never be ready to stand together.

Everything that needs to be said has already been said… many times, by many writers, for many years.

There is a mountain of “actionable information” at your fingertips now, but none of it has caused anyone to take any appropriate actions on that information. More information will not change that.

The end of the USA is now near, and during the 40 years I have rang the liberty bell in an effort to wake up the “sleeping giant,” nothing by anyone has changed the course of history.

Let it be written that I never gave up on you or my country. But I can see now that the vast majority of you gave up a long time ago.

Nothing I can say will change this sad and demoralizing reality. Actionable information, we have. The will to live free, we do not have as of today.

Time for me to lay down my pen again… until the moment arrives when things are so bad, that you will have no choice but to stand together and fight for your own existence.

I cannot help people unwilling to help themselves, and neither can anyone else.

When America fails, it will not be the fault of politicians or globalists. History is full of tyrants, criminals and corrupt politicians taken down by their people. This time, the fault will rest with the American people who sat silent and let it all happen. There will be no one else to blame and the world knows it, even if, the average American no longer does.

God forgive us for the hell we have doomed all future generations to! God bless all who tried in vain. The sleeping giant is on life support! Remember, friends won’t just tell you what you want to hear, they will tell you the truth that you need to hear!

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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No Pain, No Gain

By Lex Greene

April 22, 2023

Most of us have heard “no pain, no gain” before at some point in our lives, usually referencing physical workout routines intended to strengthen the body. But this rule of life actually pertains to absolutely everything.

Human nature is to avoid pain at any cost and seek pleasure. The USA is known all over the globe as the most overweight and out of shape society on earth…because it is! …and the same applies to our freedom fitness.

Americans have had it so good for so long, at little or no personal “pain” that they actually forgot that freedom isn’t free, and that in fact, it’s the most expensive commodity ever known to mankind.

In watching people flood the market with an endless stream of what’s wrong in America today, sometimes right and sometimes not in my opinion, I find myself still dumbfounded by the elephant in the room…

  • When will all of this information become actionable information?
  • And why have Americans not stood up together to end this insanity, long before now?

I recently spoke with several brilliant doctors and scientists about the facts concerning the deadly “vaccines” and they are all growing increasingly frustrated with the reality that despite how much evil they uncover and present to The People, no one ever reacts to the information with appropriate ACTION.

In other words, they are fast learning what I learned decades ago…that no matter the mountain of information, or hard indisputable evidence made available to the American people, they do not stand up together to stop any of it. While our enemies are on the move 24/7 and willing to use every asset at their disposal to destroy the USA and every American, true Americans never seem to get it together, no matter how threatening the circumstance.

In thinking about this, I was reminded of the “Pleasure-Pain Principle” that is human nature, to seek pleasure and avoid pain at all costs, until the pain becomes so intolerable that The People end up with no choice but to fight.

Our Founders knew this reality a long time ago, when they wrote in our Declaration of Independence, the following;

“Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly, all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by [altering or] abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”

When all of the current events are accounted for and all of those dots are properly connected, one must conclude that we are not witnessing literally hundreds, of lethal “coincidences.”

  • COVID19 scamdemic
  • Lethal fake “vaccines”
  • Record inflation
  • Shrinking economy headed for total collapse
  • Death of the US Dollar
  • Teen violence in every major city
  • Rampant mental illness
  • The Fentanyl crisis
  • The worst public education in the world
  • Weekly train derailments
  • Soros AG’s and Prosecutors refusing to prosecute real crime
  • Political persecutions
  • Attacks on Faith
  • A totally unstable world on the brink of WW3
  • WEF, WHO, IMF and UN international money laundering
  • Fake elections rotten with massive fraud
  • Insanity everywhere you look
  • Mass censorship prosecuting truth, promoting outright lies 24/7
  • A totally decimated “woke” Military
  • Totally corrupted intelligence and national security agencies
  • Supply shortages in all sectors, including Military readiness
  • Tyrannical Executive Orders directly at odds with the Constitution and Bill of Rights
  • many more… and the evidence is all around us! NONE of it, properly addressed by The People!

Coincidences of this nature and magnitude just don’t happen. Someone, somewhere, is making it all happen.

Only mindless boobs think Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are capable of winning the 2020 elections, much less running even a summer lemonade stand. These are the dumbest two individuals to ever occupy any political office in U.S. history. They are also the most criminally corrupt individuals to ever occupy any political office in history and every sane person knows it.

Hundreds if not thousands of doctors and scientists worldwide have exposed the “bioweapon” attack on humanity labeled COVID19 and warned of more bio attacks on the way.

But no matter how much truth and evidence is presented to the modern American, it all draws a collective yawn and no appropriate action.

As we all watch our country and the future of freedom and liberty decline to the point of no return, Americans sit on the sidelines unable to stand up, unite with others, organize, and mobilize to prevent the end of the greatest free nation ever known to mankind.

I think it’s simply due to human nature, the desire to seek pleasure and avoid pain. The Founders were right (again), people will tolerate the intolerable until they just can’t anymore. Most will go-along to get-along until circumstances make that impossible.

Famed Psychologist Dr. Sigmond Freud noted accordingly…

“Freud contrasted the pleasure principle with the counterpart concept of the reality principle, which describes the capacity to defer gratification of a desire when circumstantial reality disallows its immediate gratification. In infancy and early childhood, the id rules behavior by obeying only the pleasure principle. People at that age only seek immediate gratification, aiming to satisfy cravings such as hunger and thirst, and at later ages the id seeks out sex.

Maturity is learning to endure the pain of deferred gratification. Freud argued that “an ego thus educated has become ‘reasonable’; it no longer lets itself be governed by the pleasure principle, but obeys the reality principle, which also, at bottom, seeks to obtain pleasure, but pleasure, which is assured through taking account of reality, even though it is pleasure postponed and diminished”

In other words, the USA appears a nation of children not yet mature enough to accept the pain associated with protecting and preserving freedom and liberty today, for the delayed gratification or pleasure of freedom and liberty tomorrow.

There’s a problem with the childish thought processes here, believing that by running towards pleasure, we can escape pain. It isn’t so…

We can only delay the pain, allowing the pain to grow greater as we seek pleasure. We can either face the pain today and preserve the pleasure for our futures – or we can seek pleasure today and guarantee ourselves an even greater pain tomorrow.

FEAR is the greatest motivator on earth. While fear moves some to paralysis, it moves others into action. But in both cases, people will do what they do, out of fear.

Similarly, it’s the perception of pain that will prevent most people from confronting things associated with pain. But the promise of a greater pain tomorrow will move others into action, confronting things associated with pain today, to avoid an even greater pain tomorrow.

The only open question is… which type of American are you?

Chronic complainers are NOT activists. “FIXERS” are activists. Those who are not part of real solutions, are an equal part of the problem!

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Dear President Trump

By Lex Greene

April 12, 2023

The public now knows that democrat officials and party operatives have used foreign agents, federal agencies, local Soros District Attorney’s, and millions in illicit global money to launch repeated false accusations against you since 2015. In fact, the entire world now knows that global leftists worked through the Democrat Party and their controlled news media to remove you from office in 2020, via massive election fraud.

The massive operation to “take you down” has been exposed and anyone interested in the truth knows that nothing they threw at you has turned out to have any truth to it at all. There’s been multiple ongoing attacks against you, none of them true, and all of them apply to what I’m about to say here.


Although what I’m about to say applies to every attack launched against you over the past seven years, I want to focus on just the Russia-Gate matter today. Every perpetrator involved in the Russian Collusion lie is legally liable for their actions. Yet, you have not taken any action against them to date, and none of them have any legal immunity.


You could have already “drained the swamp” by going after the perpetrators and purveyors of wrongful prosecutions, outright lies, fake news, treachery, foreign collusion, federal corruption, election interference and essentially, blatant acts of treason against the United States, all based upon what they have done to you.

In looking at Russia-Gate alone, why have you not filed suit against the following people for their participation in assaulting you (and the USA) with outright lies?

  • Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Campaign
  • The Clinton Foundation
  • The Democratic Party
  • George Soros & Co.
  • Adam Schiff
  • Nancy Pelosi
  • Barack Obama
  • Joe Biden
  • Chuck Schumer
  • James Comey
  • Lisa Page
  • Christopher Steele
  • Igor Danchenko
  • Olga Galkina
  • Donna Brazil
  • Kevin Clinesmith
  • Brian Auten
  • Andrew McCabe
  • Peter Strzok
  • Crossfire Hurricane Group
  • ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, NPR, CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News
  • The Gang of Eight

This list is just a starting point for “draining the swamp” Mr. President, and you don’t need to hold office to take all of these people down and drain all of their financial resources in damages you and the USA have experienced as a direct result of their criminally corrupt actions.

The foundation for these cases exists in the many “criminal investigations” that cleared you and proved beyond any doubt that these people are the real criminals. Both you and our country have suffered extraordinary damages…financial and far worse. People are dying as a result. Young democrat Marxist generations are in the streets committing mass “insurrections” in cities across America, all due to the lies these people tell.

In speaking with a co-worker recently, they asked me why you have not already gone after these anti-American traitors in targeted civil suits for their blatant unlawful actions and the damages they have caused to you and our country. I don’t know the answer to that question…

So, I pose this question to you, sir. You could have and should have already sued all of these people and taken everything they own.


They aren’t just destroying you! They are destroying EVERYTHING and EVERYONE!

Sadly, although I expect you will see this, I don’t expect you to answer. But in fact, every Trump supporter deserves the true answer to this question, TODAY!

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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By Lex Greene

April 7, 2023

Marxists, socialists, communists, Maoists, fascists sheep never fail to march together as a single unit, because they are slaves to their governments. If they want their daily rations, their taxpayer funded gifts from the public trough, designed to keep them on the plantation forever, they will do what they’re told.

The U.S. Democrat Party is a tyrannical political body built upon the backs of those they enslaved a long time ago. It wasn’t democrats who freed the slaves, or passed the Civil Rights Acts in our country, it was Republicans. But because democrats have used inner city gang violence and union labor education to keep their slaves dumbed down for decades, many in their minority groups know no better.

Every minority group in the USA was coopted by Marxist democrats more than a hundred years ago. But they were “community organized” into violent destructive political tools in the 60’s by people like Obama mentor’s Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn of Weather Underground. Until “big mouth” Trump showed up representing every freedom loving American, these groups largely remained no smarter than they were during the 60’s and 70’s riots.

Today, the democrat party only controls BLM (Marxist militant Black Lives Matter) and ANTIFA (a children’s violent and destructive fascist group), both responsible for attacking, burning, looting and destroying cities across the USA. All others, from all corners, are awakened to the reality that the political RIGHT will fight just as hard for your freedom and liberty as they will their own. They are moving in mass to the Republican Party as a result.

I’m not referring to Trump fandom here. But he is the most likely leader of a second AMERICAN revolution today, which is why the LEFT must do everything they can dream up to destroy him.

Still, the RIGHT has never been any good at unity and that alone, has left the usually “silent majority” at a distinct disadvantage as Marxist Global Democrats work around the clock to destroy all things American, and all Americans.

Why can’t the RIGHT UNITE for the fight of their lives?

  1. In the USA, the RIGHT is made up of self-made success stories. They made their own future and depended upon no one else to do it.
  2. The political RIGHT gets up every day and goes to work to take care of their own, refusing to be a slave to anyone.
  3. The RIGHT is made up of true independent thinkers, marching to the beat of their own drum.
  4. The RIGHT not only pays the vast majority of taxes in the USA…they also donate the most to an endless list of charitable causes. They’re busy.
  5. The RIGHT shares a moral compass based upon the foundations of freedom. They know and accept the fact that freedom can only belong to those able to self-govern.

But also, the RIGHT is full of those with an entrepreneurial spirit, real true over-achievers in life. They expect much of themselves and work hard every day to live up to their own expectations. They take dreams and turn them into reality by the sweat of their own brow. They use their freedom and liberty, instead of begging politicians for it, or taking it for granted.

As a result, it’s challenging to get all conservatives in one room working together. They are used to cutting their own path. They are highly opinionated, intelligent, and motivated types. Type A+ personalities in almost every case. So sure, they often have strong egos too, having earned the right in most cases. They understand Trump and anyone like him.

So, the following things present a challenge to unifying them, even when their country, their freedom and liberty, their family’s well-being, hangs in the balance…

  • There are literally thousands of small freedom and liberty groups in the USA. Most have no interest in uniting with other groups for fear of losing control over their followers and their donations.
  • Some are better at gathering followers than they are at developing viable strategic solutions, causing their followers to eventually lose faith.
  • Others use the “freedom movement” to build another business, selling books, T-Shirts, hats, you name it. If they can make money from it, they will probably sell it, all in the name of fighting for freedom.
  • And still others are so overly impressed with themselves that other than the sound of their own voice, they are deaf to the words of others trying to help them protect the freedoms they claim to care about so much.

And of course, there are always a few who are just as rotten as the LEFT, either infiltrating the RIGHT to cause distractions and divisions…or just those who are so egotistical and ill-tempered that they spend all their time attacking their own, rather than their stated enemies…People who are too hate-filled, full of themselves, and too bitter to be of any use to anyone!

I have read many well-intended contemporaries as they suggest “compromise” as a means to unify.

Well, some things you just can’t compromise on, when it comes to freedom and liberty. Some things are just non-negotiable, in particular, the foundations of freedom. There is no freedom or liberty, without the foundations of freedom and liberty.

I submit for your consideration, that the only way we can ever unify for the battles we face ahead is not compromise…but rather to prioritize. I want the brightest minds in one room so that together, we can develop how we will save our beloved country from the pure evil gripping it today.

In most cases, I agree 90% or so with everyone on the RIGHT. I will NOT allow the 10% we might disagree on to stop me from achieving the 90% we agree on. Instead, I will choose to make the 90% we agree upon my primary priority. Once we achieve all of that together, we can sit around over a cocktail discussing the other 10% that we see differently.

It’s a matter of all of us setting the RIGHT priorities so that we can move together as ONE to achieve all the things we agree on. It’s not about compromise, it’s that we all have to prioritize.

What’s more important, my ego, or freedom?
Is it making more money, or defending freedom I care about more?
Is it safety and security, or freedom and liberty I care about most?
Is it leading a small group nowhere, or being part of a winning group somewhere, that is most important to me?

These are questions we must all ask and answer, if we are ever going to unite as AMERICA FIRST AMERICANS so that together, we will win the critical things which we will most certainly lose…if we fail to unite for this fight.

It’s just about our priorities…

I seek no fortune, no fame, no favor, or notoriety. I only seek UNITY in our collective effort to save this Constitutional Republic from certain ruin. I seek only freedom and liberty, for my children and grandchildren and yours. I seek a morally, spiritually, and mentally fit society for all to grow up in and prosper from.

Equity is a farce, a blatant con job aimed at the weak and ignorant…

I seek equality for all. I seek a constitutional form of government of, by and for all decent freedom lovers. I seek a sane society, where you are free to own whatever you earn…but threaten no one else with it. I seek the America that used to be, where every Citizen is free to dream, work, build, own, enjoy and pass on to the next generation, the fruits of their labor.

I seek a country free from any “cancel culture,” or violent gangs, are mentally ill mass shooters. I seek a country where black lives really do matter, most of all in the black community. I seek a society where all lives matter, and politicians don’t!

If you are like me, let’s unite upon our shared priorities. There will be plenty of time to discuss our disagreements later. Let’s put first things first, can we?

If you agree, let me know. My email address is below!

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

U.S. or Them

By Lex Greene

April 4, 2023

By now, millions of you have figured out that our country has been intentionally and systematically divided into two groups, those who love, revere, and have chosen to defend freedom, liberty, and justice for all…and those who hate everything about America, freedom, liberty, and justice for anyone.

By now, millions of you realize that this war on America from within is EVIL vs. GOOD, Marxism vs. Freedom, and unbridled governmental power vs. the unlimited power of The People. It’s totally insane and maniacal democrats against all Americans!

This war will end only one of two ways… in total tyrannical government authority and no freedom, liberty, privacy or justice for anyone, or, the Power of a Free People.

Before you send me your parroted “uniparty” comments, I’ll state for the record that we have plenty of problems in the Republican Party ranks too, such as Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Liz Cheney, Mitch McConnell, essentially the “progressive” William Howard Taft leftist wing of the Party. A total GOP house cleaning is necessary for certain.

However, today’s Democrats are no longer democrats. They not only hate our Constitutional Republic, but they are also the most undemocratic organization in the USA today, technically run by only eleven self-appointed anti-American international powerbrokers, all of them, Klaus Schwab’s Obama puppets. Their determination to totally control you, like every tyrannical communist dictator in history, should tell you everything you need to know.

  • Jaime Harrison – DNC CHAIR
  • Governor Gretchen Whitmer – DNC VICE CHAIR
  • Senator Tammy Duckworth – DNC VICE CHAIR
  • Henry R. Muñoz III – DNC VICE CHAIR
  • Congressman Cedric Richmond – DNC SENIOR ADVISOR
  • Jason Rae – DNC SECRETARY
  • Virginia McGregor – DNC TREASURER
  • Chris Korge – DNC FINANCE CHAIR

Now, in truth, none of these eleven people are actually in charge of running anything. They are only in charge of driving the Nazi Klaus Schwab, WEF, NATO, UN and WHO global agenda in their areas of influence, as directed by Klaus Schwab field general Barack Obama. These eleven democrat/Marxists hold these positions only due to their willingness to sell their soul for money and power.

To sum it up, the Democrat (Marxist) Party is well beyond salvation. Anyone who still supports this evil maniacal party today, is also beyond redemption, beyond rehabilitation, and a direct threat to national sovereignty, security, freedom, liberty, and justice for every sane American.

If you don’t know this yet, you’re not paying attention. If you still want to deny this reality or redirect attention away from this reality by parroting “uniparty” crapola, well, then you are part of the problem and incapable of being part of any solutions.

Millions of Americans once thought they were part of the “silent majority.” But now, they have been silent so long that they find themselves in a moral and ethical minority in their own country, watching their country being demolished daily by the same people we used to put in mental institutions.

Once again, democrats are focused on a massive gun grab and power grab by way of their B.S. Tik Tok bill and new gun laws. But do you realize that if DEMOCRATS stopped shooting people, it would eliminate more than 90% of all gun deaths in the USA? It’s true, go look up the stats on shootings in the USA. Research the shooters!

They want your guns because they need you to be defenseless in their future America. They want pedophiles and freak shows in your classrooms because they need all future generations to be morally bankrupt. They want total control of all information sources because they need to totally control the dialogue in the USA and around the world. They want digital currency in their controlled digital system so that they can take everything you have at will, for their political ambitions.

You don’t have to be a genius to figure this all out at this late stage. You just have to be awake and paying attention.

But you do have to be smarter and more determined than them to stop them!


If you’re not on a team, you’re not in the game…You’re a mere bystander, a fan of one team or another in the stands, incapable of affecting the outcome of the game. Or maybe you’re a fan of “independence,” belonging to no team, in a team sport arena. A fools errand.

Yes, both major political parties are wrecks today because WE let it happen! We have not been “forever vigilant” for more than a hundred years. How did you think that would turn out? It’s like refusing to weed your garden and still expecting a bumper crop to exist at harvest time.

WE ARE REAPING THAT WHICH HAS BEEN SOWN, after more than a hundred years of failing to ever weed that garden! It’s just that simple! (Galatians 6:7-8)

Marxist democrats have sown evil across this nation and conservatives “went along to get along,” failing to weed until our garden is nothing but weeds today.

The silent majority has been silent so long that it is still largely silent, but a MINORITY today.

I applaud everyone out there spending all their time “exposing the truth” for all to see. But at some point, the information must become ACTIONABLE INFORMATION and The People must take ACTION, together, or all of that information is useless!

Does our government possess unbridled ultimate power in this country, or do The People? If The People are no longer the final word, the ultimate power in the USA, then the government is, by mere default.

Is the USA a country of, by, and for The FREE People? Or is the USA now just another member of some maniacal global commune governed by international criminals and thugs focused on only serving themselves?

The People of the USA will decide this, not the government or Klaus Schwab. Global psychopaths are helpless against a UNITED America. But America is currently divided and helpless against a united and well-funded global criminal cabal of destroyers.

The People will decide what happens next. They can quietly surrender, go-along to get-along, and shrink from the call of duty for these generations. Or, they can take control and determine what the future will look like. The choice is ours…

God Help us all, if real Americans are a dead and dying breed. If freedom no longer exists in the USA, it will no longer exist anywhere on earth. There’s nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.

As America goes, so goes the entire world!

It’s U.S. or THEM now! Choose…and join forces.

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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The DNC is the CCP of the USA

By Lex Greene

March 29, 2023

Let’s get real with each other for a minute. Today’s Democrat National Committee (DNC) is nothing more than a subsidiary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). There are no “liberals” in the Democrat Party today, only far left lunatics stuck somewhere between Marxist and Maoist. The Biden’s in particular, are entirely owned by the CCP and all sane people know it!

Their party agenda is based upon the principles of Karl Marx with heavy handed tactics, the likes of Chairman Mao. They don’t serve any American citizen today. They only serve the enemies of America, to destroy freedom, liberty, and justice. They are the party of a major mental and moral malfunction. They hate everything America ever stood for and they aim to destroy it.

In the good ole days, we had liberals and conservatives, both seeking peace, freedom, liberty and justice, but with different ideas how to achieve those common goals. Now, there are no liberals, just galvanized true conservative American patriots trying to save freedom for all, and whacky Marxist morons trying to steal from everyone else, to enrich themselves.

Liberals used to be peacemakers, anti-war types. Now they are the most violent destructive people in the USA, via democrat groups Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA, the most fascist group to ever set foot on American soil. The two make the KKK look like a girl scout troop, and they are funded and protected by the DNC (CCP of the USA) and their corporate coconspirators.

Everything is wrong in the USA right now, as over 70% of Americans say the country is headed in the wrong direction under DNC leadership, in poll after poll.

Our problem is really quite simple. Today’s Marxist democrats are insane.

Over 90% of the “mass shootings” have been carried out by a crazed leftist malcontent, including the school shooting in Nashville yesterday, that left three young children and three adults dead at the hands of a 28-year old female who was “transitioning to a male,” as if that’s even possible. No matter how much one mutilates their body, they remain the same gender they were at birth.

What’s the insane democrat reaction to crazy people doing crazy violent things?

Well, dementia Joe thought it was appropriate to step to the podium and make jokes about his favorite ice cream, before launching yet another assault on the 2nd Amendment, as if the gun did the killing, not the crazy 28-year old trans leftist mental misfit. Another leftist alleged Highland Park survivor used the deadly event to crash the security gates at the shooting scene to help dementia Joe turn focus away from the crazed killer, and onto the guns the nut used in her killing spree.

Meanwhile, a top priority of the DNC since Obama 2009 has been to put violent convicted criminals back on the streets, import millions more at our Southern Border, turn our courts into protection for perpetrators instead of victims, and weaponize every Executive Branch Agency against American Citizens.

In just the past two years, the unconstitutional O’Biden regime has literally created death and destruction across this country and around the globe. They have created so many disasters at this point that there’s no longer any need to even bother enumerating them.

If YOU are still sitting on the sidelines waiting for someone else to do something, betting on any political figure when we no longer have legitimate elections or spending your time whining and complaining about our dismal condition, YOU my friend, are unamerican and NOT part of any solution!

There’s always more evidence to know, but at some point, evidence must become actionable, or it’s just more useless information.

If YOU are not working with other sane Citizens to solve these problems in truly viable options, then the idea that “there is nothing YOU can do” is right. Sitting on the sidelines or working alone, there’s nothing anyone can do. We are doomed!

Only if we get in the same room, with the same single purpose and a unified determination to defeat the evil insanity currently gripping our country, can we have hope for the future.

Sadly, millions of Americans are addicted to Hopium, not hope! A false hope is no hope at all. Fearful of the future, millions seek Hope, but instead, gravitate towards that which gives them momentary calm, Hopium.

Hopium is comfort found in mere words. It doesn’t take a genius to know what you want to hear. You want to hear “everything will be okay.” You want to hear that “someone else will save the day.” But it’s not true… it only creates more apathy in the only people who can save the day, YOU!

We must begin with two points of agreement…

  1. The American left is totally insane now, and totally destructive of our beloved country, and therefore, they cannot be allowed to remain in power over this country.
  2. Our strength rests in our numbers and unity, nowhere else. So, we either work together to put an end to the evil insanity, or we perish together.

Every American will make a choice, whether they want to or not. Every American will also pay the consequences for those choices.

If you think the future does not depend upon the choice you make today, you’re wrong. But if you have already surrendered, believing there is nothing we can do, then you will be right. You have created a self-fulfilling prophecy of death and destruction by simply refusing to unite for the fight of this century.

The future is in the hands of evil insane immoral and unethical miscreants today and it will remain in their hands, unless we remove it from their hands.

Only the American Citizens themselves hold such power. But they must use that power or lose it forever! Today is the day! There will be no participation trophy’s when freedom is lost forever!

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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RIGHT, There’s Nothing YOU Can Do!

By Lex Greene

March 24, 2023

Which begs the question, why aren’t you united with others yet? There’s strength in numbers, ya know.

More than 70% of American adults fear the future today, and most between 14 and 25 don’t think they’ll even have one. The vast majority of Americans are divided, distracted, demoralized and defeated. Most quit the battle before they ever start…praying and hoping for “someone else to do something!”

If you think there’s nothing you can do, you’re right. Alone, none of us can stop what’s happening to our country and the world today. Working alone is a self-fulfilling prophecy. However…

UNITED, there’s nothing we cannot do!

We all know that “divided, we will fall.” Christians should all know best, that “a house divided against itself cannot stand.” (Matthew 12:25) Still, we are not united!

That’s because those in power have set out to make sure we can never unite against them by keeping us divided over a laundry list of divisive issues. As long as they can keep us fighting amongst ourselves, we can never unify to fight them! That was the plan a long time ago, and it’s a good plan, so long as you can get the people to go-along to get-along.

But what if the people will no longer allow themselves to be divided by greedy power-drunk politicians who only serve themselves, at great expense to the rest of us? What if “the people” are reminded that our Rights do not come from them, but instead, their Rights come from us?

I was speaking with a friend from Michigan earlier today, as they told me about a meeting with their local mayor, who told them that all “American Rights come from government, via the Constitution.” Huh???

Government Rights and Duties come from the State and Federal Constitutions, which come from us, “the people.” Without us, there would be no constitutions, and thereby, no government at all.

In fact, be it local, state, or federal, no governmental body has any right to even exist, other than by the authority granted it in a constitution. Which is to say, if there is no constitution, there can be no government at all. It also means that only when a governmental body operates “constitutionally,” does it have any authority whatsoever.

“Unconstitutional” governmental bodies have no power or authority at all. They don’t even have a right to exist!

But under government controlled education and mass media, millions of Americans have lost sight of this reality. Even worse, a majority of Americans no longer even know the foundations of freedom at all today.


The foundations of our freedom and liberty are recorded in “The Charters of Freedom.” Until recently, this government site page was titled The Charters of Freedom. That was recently changed to read “America’s Founding Documents” instead, as if they are mere pieces of historical paper no longer relevant today.

But here’s the most important parts, the “foundations of freedom.”

  • All Citizens (legal members of society, as distinguished from a foreigner, or one not entitled to its franchises.) are Created Equal, with certain “inalienable” Rights. (Inalienable means beyond the authority of government)
  • Our Rights are “endowed by our Creator,” not from government.
  • All governmental authority is derived from “the people.”
  • The foundation for all U.S. Rights for every Citizen is based upon “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.” – not mere mortals unworthy of any faith or trust.
  • All “constitutional rights” are rights, duties and powers assigned to government, by “the people.” No constitution is written to establish any rights of “the people.” They are all written by the people, for the people, to control their government.
  • There is no document enumerating the almost endless Rights of the people. The Bill of Rights secures additional specific prohibitions and restrictions placed upon the government.
  • Essential to freedom and liberty are two primary Rights, a) the Right of free speech, unlimited, uncensored and certainly uncancelled; and b) the Right of the people to keep (possess) and bear (carry) arms. (Not to ever be confused with military operations).
  • None of the Charters of Freedom establish a “democracy, dictatorship, or unelected oligarchy.”

If you understand these founding truths, then you understand that any governmental body, local, state or federal, which is operating at odds with any of these foundations of freedom, are “unconstitutional.”

The governments created by the people via the constitutions, only have a right to exist so long as they operate within the confines and restrictions placed upon them by the people in those constitutions. In other words, if our Founding documents are no longer relevant, and the foundations of freedom have been infringed upon and essentially eliminated, then the governments they create are no longer relevant.

As of this writing, our governments are not “constitutional,” and are therefore, they are no longer relevant.

Now, we all know that the vast majority of Americans no longer have any awareness of these truths. This is the dumbing down process that people have written about for decades. Therefore, they feel helpless as our governments become ever more tyrannical and destructive in nature.

To put a fine point on the matter, the following three things are true!

  • The Article II branch of the Federal Government is not a dictatorship and it should never be treated as one. The U.S. Constitution created and authorized no such thing. Executive Orders have no force of law whatsoever, under the U.S. Constitution.
  • The Article III branch of the Federal Government is not an oligarchy of unelected and unaccountable rulers unbridled to their whims. Court opinions are not laws, contrary to popular British Common Law claims and beliefs today.
  • The Article I branch of the Federal Government holds sole lawmaking power in the USA. But they are limited to making laws that are “in furtherance of freedom and liberty,” and not at odds with the foundations of freedom.

So, the only reason for American Citizens to fear this government is, they either do not know that “all governmental powers and authorities are derived from The People themselves,” or they have allowed their government to become so corrupted, big, and powerful that they can only “go-along to get-along,” no matter the destruction it creates.

“When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.” Attributed to Thomas Jefferson

No matter who said it, the statement remains true. All over the globe, people have lived in fear of their governments for centuries, under communism and communism lite, socialism. That’s because the “foundations of freedom” do not exist in those countries.

People in such countries have lived under boot for many generations and they know nothing else.

But in the USA, we were blessed with the foundations of freedom, as endowed by our Creator, subject to the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God, and “inalienable” to all men.

We all know we are on the brink of losing everything in the USA today. We know why we are and that this has been a long slow boil, bringing us to this moment in history when the end seems closer than we ever imagined we would witness in this country.

“The deterioration of every government begins with the decay of the principle upon which it was founded.”  (Circa 1748)

So, it was then, and so it is today… The keepers of freedom and liberty are “The People,” not the politicians.

And you’re right, alone, there is nothing YOU can do.

But together, united by the single cause of freedom for all, there is nothing we cannot do!

It’s time to unite for the cause of freedom again. If we don’t, our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren will never know freedom. This is why we see mothers and grandmothers at the front lines of this fight today. They are protecting their young!

It’s time for every American to make this stand together. It’s time for all American men to take the front lines. Shame on every American who calls himself a man, while sending his women to battle!

There are only two types of people in America now, those willing to give all for the cause of freedom for all, and those who should not call themselves Americans at all.

Which one are YOU?

Ronald Reagan, January 19, 1989 – “Freedom is a fragile thing and it’s never more than one generation away from extinction.”

Like it or not, WE are that generation! The task has fallen to us!

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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UNITY 101 – E Pluribus Unum

By Lex Greene

March 16, 2023

“Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:” – Matthew 12:25

We now have whole generations that were never taught the official national motto of the United States, E Pluribus Unum. The Latin phrase means “Out of many, one”. In other words, the USA is an immigrant nation, not to ever be confused with the illegal foreign invasion of our country we are witnessing today.

One of the limited enumerated sole powers of the US Congress is to “establish a uniform rule of naturalization” found in our Constitution, Article I – Section VIII. Congress has the sole power to create laws governing a uniformed standard means of legal immigration to the USA and Congress has made such laws. Sadly, this is one of many laws our government no longer adheres to…which in the end, will be largely responsible for the fall of the United States of America.

But the issue is much bigger than that. At our Founding, the following key cornerstones were set in place, never to be destroyed.

  1. Our Rights as American Citizens are NOT derived from government. They are “endowed by our Creator”“to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them”
  2. Our national motto – E Pluribus Unum – out of many, one, proposed for the first Great Seal of the United States by John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson in 1776. No matter where on earth we come from, upon becoming a legal Citizen of the USA, we all become ONE people, united by one thing alone, FREEDOM.
  3. All governmental power is derived from the People, the legal citizens of the nation. No other source of governmental power exists as the government was created by the People, of the People and for the People, via the U.S. Constitution (circa 1787).
  4. The Federal Government was granted certain limited and carefully defined powers to serve the will of the Citizens. This body is further forbidden the power to infringe upon the People’s Natural Rights as established by the Bill of Rights (circa 1789).
  5. And these combined, are both The Charters of Freedom and the one unifying factor for all Americans, regardless of any race, creed, or color… FREEDOM for ALL is the unifier, once resulting in E Pluribus Unum.

For over 100 years, people from all corners of the globe left their homes in search of freedom and liberty, coming to the United States to become a legal citizen of the freest most prosperous nation ever known to mankind. They came to become ONE with all citizens, with equal Natural Rights as endowed by our Creator, and beyond the reach of any governmental body.

E Pluribus Unum – out of many, ONE people, united by the common cause of freedom, liberty, and justice for all! 247 years ago, every American put the cause of FREDDOM above all else, including life itself.

But by the early 1900s, global Marxist principles were threatening individual freedom and liberty as they wormed its way into our government and began to take root throughout society via public education, college lecture halls and mass media platforms.

In order to enslave a once free people, a government that had spent decades empowering and enriching itself, infringing upon the Natural Rights of all citizens, violating the very laws they passed, in an open assault on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, generations were no longer taught the foundations of unity. Instead, they were systematically pitted against each other by way of celebrating everything that divides us as a people. Celebrating “diversity” is celebrating that which can and has divided us.

No longer were children raised to know their foundations of freedom, or the one thing that once united all citizens, E Pluribus Unum for the great cause of freedom. No longer were they allowed to celebrate the things that unite all Americans in the common cause of freedom.

Instead, they were raised to hate freedom, favoring Marxist principles of division, pitting themselves against one another over what has become an endless list of carefully crafted divisive issues. No longer was American society assimilating into ONE people with a common cause. No longer is there one common language, much less one unifying common cause.

Instead, it’s every man, every race, every religion, every divisive group for themselves. No more E Pluribus Unum. Now we have the most divided country anywhere on earth, even though unity is the only way out of the utter disaster Marxist democrats and republicans have driven our country into.

Here’s the most important question of the day for every American!

Where does FREEDOM fall on your laundry list of priorities?

If it isn’t at the very top of your individual priorities, then you can go ahead and burn the rest of that list. Without FREEDOM, nothing else you plan for your future is even possible!

If FREEDOM is the top priority in your life, then here’s my second question…

If FREEDOM is your top priority, should you do as little as possible to protect FREEDOM for all…or do everything it takes to preserve FREEDOM for yourself and all future generations?

I don’t know where it started, but I saw a social media post a couple days ago that struck a chord with me. It said…

Bad times create strong men,
And strong men create good times,
Then good times create weak men,
And weak men create bad times

No truer words have ever been spoken, and this is exactly why history never fails to repeat.

The ONLY way for freedom and liberty to survive in the USA or anywhere else on earth, is for good strong men and women to UNIFY in a single common cause, refusing to accept no for an answer. The only single cause to ever unify people from all over the globe and all across the USA is the cause of FREEDOM. The rest of the world knows this… It’s modern Americans who don’t seem to know it.

Because “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:” – Matthew 12:25; and history has shown that this is and always will be an inescapable reality, the American citizens have no choice but to unify for the cause of FREEDOM alone, or nothing else we plan for the future is even possible.

Today, the greatest threat to American sovereignty, security, freedom, liberty, justice, peace and tranquility isn’t Russia, China, North Korea, Iran or even all of them combined.

No, the greatest threat to every American today comes from only two places, in two forms…

1. Our totally corrupt, compromised and unconstitutional government occupants
2. The American people who have been so intentionally divided, dumbed down and drugged up, that the cause of FREEDOM isn’t even on most people’s list of priorities at all anymore

Our government is now a horrific threat to freedom and liberty everywhere on earth.

But the American people, who continue to allow it, are an even greater threat. You will never “go-along” enough to “get-along” with the enemies of FREDOM!

Divided, our house will fall. But when people unite, there is nothing they cannot do, including things that should never be allowed in the USA. Just last Friday, the second largest bank failure in U.S. history happened at SVB (Silicone Valley Bank). But before it collapsed, it’s corrupt leadership sold off their stock in the bank, handed out millions in employee bonuses and last, but not least, gave more than $73 million to Black Lives Matter, an avowed Marxist organization that has destroyed cities all across our country.

If that doesn’t grab your attention, maybe this will…


The same companies funding Klaus Schwab’s GLOBAL RESET have also spent $83 billion supporting a Marxist terrorist group that has been violently attacking, looting, and burning cities in the USA for years now.

While you try to decide how important FREEDOM is to you, and what you should be doing about it, remember that the enemies of freedom are working with endless financial backing, most of it coming from you, either in your tax money or in the things you buy from companies working to destroy you!


We either UNITE now or forget it all! Doubt this at your own peril!

We must return to E Pluribus Unum before our entire future is gone forever!

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Economics 101 for 2023 Idiots

By Lex Greene

March 11, 2023

As the first BIG U.S. BANK backed by the FDIC collapses, SVB (Silicon Valley Bank) known as a leading lender to tech start-up companies, it seems like a good time to write about Economics 101 for Idiots who were never taught any better growing up. Remember, never discuss money, religion, or politics. It might hurt someone’s sensitive feelings.

There are a few basic rules of economics that are inescapable for everyone, sooner or later. Here are the main rules of economics that public schools and college campuses never taught the past few generations.

RULE #1 – Cashflow is not earnings or profits. The vast majority of company failures are not due to lack of profits or earnings. Most fail because they do not have enough working capital (cashflow) to stay alive until the company has earnings. On the other hand, cashflow must be used to reach profitability, or the company will fail from that side. Sooner or later, the enterprise must make a profit.

RULE #2 – Don’t spend money you don’t have. In fact, don’t even spend all the money you do have, or you will run out of money. Then, the things you hoped would never happen…happen.

RULE #3 – Don’t borrow money for depreciating assets. A new car sounds great, until you realize that the car loses 30% or more of what you just paid for it, the minute you drive it off the lot, making the car a “used car.” Only borrow for “appreciating” assets, such as land.

RULE #4 – That new item you love might excite you, but it will bring you the opposite of peace and tranquility. Nothing will help you enjoy your day and sleep at night more than liquidity, plenty of financial resources at your disposal and no significant debt owed to anyone.

Now, these are just a few basic sound economic policies to live by, be it for you and your family, your state, or our country.

Unfortunately, the so-called “experts” in our government have violated all of these basic economic concepts and thousands more, bankrupting the USA while our government continues to pass deficit spending bills in a country already more than $32 trillion in unsustainable debt. These “experts” could not be worse economic managers if their lives depended on it!

On a national scale, Americans are also in a mountain of unsustainable debt and most of them are depending upon a bankrupt nation to pay those debts for them. In case you have not figured it out yet, the only place the government can get money is from YOU! They drove us all into bankruptcy through their insane policies, and now they have no choice but to come to YOU for the money.

Further, understand these irrefutable basic concepts.

“Rich people” only pay the taxes they are willing to pay. They are international players with so many options to legally avoid taxation that they need not evade taxes illegally.

“Poor people” don’t pay any taxes…they can’t. So, top earners and bottom earners can escape taxation at will. That leaves you and me, the average working stiff who has the ability to pay taxes, but not the ability to avoid paying taxes. No matter what any politician says, it is “the middle class” that they must rob of their earnings, or the whole house of cards will come crashing down.

In the past, the TOP 10% of income earners in the USA, those making more than $152,321 household incomes, have paid approximately 75% of all federal income taxes. In considering the subject of “fair share,” is it fair that the TOP 1%, those making over $548,336 per year, taking in 22.19% of personal income, have been paying 42.31% of all federal income taxes? (LINK)

Next, no matter what the corporate income tax rate is, corporations DO NOT PAY INCOME TAXES. Instead, they collect taxes from their shareholders in reduced per share earnings, and from you their consumers, in higher prices. Then the corporation will remit those funds to the government “if” the company shows a profit during the taxable period. (inflation)

If you have a 401k or invest in the market, YOU are paying the “corporate taxes.” If you consume products at higher prices, YOU are paying those “corporate taxes.” Corporations do not pay income taxes. They collect it from you and send it to the government in the form of so-called “corporate taxes.”

This is exactly why all forms of totalitarian governments fail. Marxism, Maoism, Communism, Fascism, Leninism, all of them…fail because the economic plan is “unsustainable.” Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said it best… “Socialism is a great idea, until you run out of other people’s money.”

Right now in the USA, we have a lower percentage of eligible workers in the workforce than at any time in history. That’s because millions of Americans have recently figured out (thanks to the COVID19 scamdemic), that they can “net” more on government assistance than they can “net” on a job after taxes. So, they don’t work, at least on the record.

As a result, after the unsustainable Marxist theories fail again, as they always have throughout human history, our country will be left with generations incapable of feeding themselves, because they have never had to…

CONGRATULATIONS to the 2023 Idiots who were never taught even the most basic economic facts. You let the government create a nation of people incapable of freedom, in constant search of “free stuff” from their government, until the money is all gone. At $32T in debt, it’s gone!

We’re almost there now, so hang on to your hats! This is why Klaus Schwab and his evil WEF, backed by the USA government and a laundry list of USA companies told you – – ”you will own nothing and be happy.” What they said is, “they will own everything,” and trust me, YOU will NOT be happy.

BUT YOU DID THIS! At best, you allowed others to do it to all of us! There never was any such thing as “something for nothing” and there never will be.

Allow me to point out one more economic reality…

INFLATION is usually caused by demand outpacing supply. In this case, it’s the result of numerous insane Biden Administration policies that have created a supply shortage on everything. In other words, strong consumer spending usually triggers inflation, unless government policies cause it.

A RECESSION is usually caused by low consumer confidence and spending, with supply outpacing demand. A recession usually causes lower prices on goods and services in order to spark more consumer activity. It also usually causes lower borrowing rates, also intended to spark consumer confidence and spending.

These two dynamics almost never exist at the same time because they are normally caused by opposite conditions, and usually cause opposite economic policy changes to offset the causes of the condition.

Today, all opposite conditions exist.

  • record inflation, with record high interest rates, in the middle of a recession that dwarfs 2008,
  • combined with a government caused supply chain shortage on everything,
  • a record low active employment rate,
  • debt off the charts for both the government and citizens and banks now beginning to fail without liquidity,
  • while the BRIC Nations finish the task of eliminating the US Dollar as a world currency,
  • Biden instituting a digital currency completely controlled by DC criminals,
  • While igniting World War III, funding both sides if the war in Ukraine,
  • following massive efforts by our government to control everything and everyone,
  • all of it in direct violation of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Now, such a massive economic disaster doesn’t happen by coincidence.

It turns out that YOU and ME are the only folks who are NOT “too big to fail.”

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Quitters Never Win

By Lex Greene

March 9, 2023

When I was a kid, most of us were raised to understand that “quitters never win, and winners never quit.” But for a few generations now, kids have been raised with no mention of such a blatantly obvious reality, instead raised on participation trophies for just showing up. Even worse, they were raised to see winning and losing as a negative concept.

But when it comes to the defense of freedom, liberty, justice, peace, prosperity and national sovereignty and security, nothing matters more than winning that war, for today and all future generations!

Sports didn’t exist just for fun and entertainment. They existed to inspire and teach people to work hard and strive to be the best they can be. Team sports existed to teach people at a young age how to work together with others and succeed (win) as a cohesive unit with a common purpose.

But in recent years, whole generations have been taught by federalized education to be quitters, people who can’t work together for common interests, and attack anyone who dare suggest that winning is an important part of life. As a result, we now have a nation of federally trained losers who can’t even take care of themselves, entirely incapable of working together with others, even as their very life and liberty hangs in the balance.

It’s no secret that “there is strength in numbers,” which begs the question, why are 300 million Americans afraid of less than a 1000 politicians currently wrecking their lives and country at breakneck speed? Furthermore, as the people’s strength only exists in numbers, why is everyone sitting on their hands alone, claiming “there’s nothing they can do?”

Of course, working alone, trained to quit before they even start, they are right, there is nothing they can do. That should make everyone ask themselves, “why am I working alone, and how do I hope to win when I won’t even fight?”

It’s not a secret that “a house divided against itself cannot stand.” Or, that two actions are essential to winning anything…first you must start, and then you must finish.

For our Founding Fathers, winning was a non-negotiable item. It still is…

For years now, I have been deeply concerned that a majority of Americans may no longer be capable of freedom and self-governance. All recent evidence would suggest that my concerns are quite valid. Anyone who thinks for a second that January 6, 2021, was an “insurrection,” has no clue what an insurrection is and as a result, they may learn it the hard way, staring down the muzzle of a real insurrection someday.

A growing percentage of our population has been raised (by sissies) and dog-whistle trained (educated) in Marxism, the opposite of freedom, to be good little government slaves. Another growing segment has been mass media trained to “go-along to get-along,” even when it may cost them their lives. Last, the “awake” segment of our population has been trained to remain so divided that there is no way they can unite to fight together, even when they may lose everything for failing to do so.

For one reason or another, most Americans quit before they start. Others may start, but get demoralized along the way, and fail to ever finish.


If it’s “free stuff” you’re interested in, you will be required to trade your freedom for it.

Freedom is paid for in both blood and treasure. If you’re willing to unite and use your treasure to fight for freedom, you can avoid some of the bloodshed. But if you’re not willing to use your resources to avoid bloodshed, the battle for freedom will end with massive bloodshed and at that point, “winning” will be defined only by who spilled the most blood.

Most Americans have been Pavlov trained to believe that “nothing can work, we’re just doomed.” Or that “there is no peaceful solution, we will have to start killing people.” These ideas lead them to quit before they ever start. They aren’t waiting and prepping for the worst to come…they are making the worst come!

A plethora of peaceful ideas have been floated over many years, most of them bad ideas that simply cannot work.

  • Why is anyone focused on amending the constitution instead of simply enforcing it?
  • Why is anyone thinking about seceding from the Union, withdrawing from the Constitution and Bill of Rights?
  • Why does anyone think the States can amend the Constitution other than through Congress, when Article V clearly states that they cannot?
  • Why does anyone think that their weekend hunting buddies (little militia) stands a chance against the U.S. Military, much less China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran in a fire fight?
  • Why are people shocked when bad ideas never work?

But the reality that these are all deeply flawed ideas doesn’t mean that there are no viable ideas. Are these ideas being advanced by political operatives to prevent the people from ever uniting behind viable actions? I personally believe that in many cases, these are controlled opposition movements intended to mislead well-intentioned citizens, keeping them in the bleachers and off the field, waiting for someone else to do something!

But the point is there are real viable ideas, peaceful ideas, and methods of regaining control of our unconstitutional runaway government. The trick is to get people UNITED IN ACTION behind those ideas before there is nothing left but all-out war.

It’s a FACT, winners never quit – – and quitters never win!

If you think it can’t be done, then you won’t do it!

If you believe you will fail, then you won’t even try!

If you don’t know what to do, you assume that no one else knows what to do either!

These aren’t just false beliefs…they are far more dangerous than that! They are self-defeating beliefs. They are a sure way to lose, every time, and eventually, everything!

I’m under no illusion that this commentary can change the hearts and minds of deeply trained losers.

I’m just hopeful that this commentary can help unify WINNERS, so that together, we can defeat our internal enemies while we still can.

My email is below… losers need not apply or even bother commenting. I couldn’t care less what you think about anything! All WINNERS are welcome though. Let’s just get on the same ACTION page so we can win together!

If you’re offended by truth…think about that a minute. If you’re no longer offended by evil insanity, give that some thought! These are errors that only YOU can correct!

Maybe if I try my hand at poetry to knock a few heads together here…

Mirror – mirror on the wall, who’s the dumbest of us all? Those too stupid to live free…or those who know better, but are too cowardly?

Just as “Faith without works is DEAD,” so is so-called patriotism void of any action or sacrifices!

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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O’Biden Regime World War

By Lex Greene

March 3, 2023

Before discussing the World War that’s about to erupt all over the globe, we have to discuss the foundational facts at the heart of this matter, namely, how we got here and why we are unlikely to avoid it now.

I also have to establish the reality that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are not running anything. Neither is capable of running anything, which is why they were installed here in the USA, the same way Zelensky was install in Ukraine by the same people. All are mere puppets of evil puppet-masters, which is why I refer to it as the O’Biden Regime, Obama’s 3rd term.

FACT #1 – Vladimir Putin is not at war with Ukraine. He’s also not stupid or crazy, like our current leaders in the USA. He has no intention of making Ukraine part of Russia. Putin is at war with the USA in Ukraine, and USA surrogates NATO, the UN and WEF. Putin is not a conqueror, he’s a “Russia First” leader of a sovereign country under attack from the USA and the Global Reset cabal. Russia isn’t the Soviet Union anymore. The O’Biden Regine governs like a cold war communist dictatorship, not Putin.

FACT #2 – The war in Ukraine was set in motion when the Obama Regime toppled the legitimate government of Ukraine in 2014 and installed their interim puppet, later installing Obama puppet, Zelensky, a mere comedic actor until now, and not even any good at that.

FACT #3 – Ukraine is one of many countries that have had their governments toppled via “Colour Revolutions” ignited, funded and commanded by the Obama Regime, which installed political puppets for Obama between 2009-2017 in every case. In each case, Obama toppled governments in Moldova, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Libya, Macedonia, and attempted Syria. Not one of them has become a legitimate democratic country since. They are all as thick with authoritarian corrupt governments as they were before the Obama led “uprisings.” Now Obama & Co. is focused on Russia and the USA, in an all for one grand final takedown!

FACT #4 – The greatest threat to USA sovereignty, security, freedom, liberty, and justice is our own unconstitutional Federal Government. Not that long ago, I would have said it was the Marxists in the USA who, like Obama, Bill Ayers, and Bernadine Dohrn, set out decades ago to “fundamentally transform America.” The same people are 100% responsible for the war in Ukraine and the World War they are igniting today.

In case you haven’t noticed, they have even coopted fake conservatives like Fox News hosts and “the great one” Mark Levin to rant and rave on how “every American must support the coming World War” that nobody is going to win. Sellouts, one and all, for mere money!

As the O’Biden Regime drives us all into WWIII, it is highly unlikely that we can avoid what’s coming.

First, Americans were asleep and disengaged from their “self-governance” for decades and now, we are way late in the game. Americans are likely way too late and still doing far too little to alter the course of history. Our government has also created total division in our country, pitting American against American over a laundry list of divisive issues designed to make it impossible for Americans to ever stand together against our totally unconstitutional criminal cabal in DC. But that’s not all…

The level of total corruption in our government elites is off the charts. What started in the 60s as a Marxist revolution in the USA, now consumes every Federal Branch and Agency of our Federal government, along with numerous State governments. The O’Biden Regime governs like a pure communist dictatorship now, with stumbling-bumbling Joe reading unconstitutional edicts from his teleprompter, as if he’s Joseph Stalin or Adolf Hitler.

Meanwhile, massive evidence of incredible global crime and corruption by political figures in DC and beyond is beginning to break through the all-consuming media blackout on how our country has been stolen from the people and bankrupted…our Military and National Security system almost entirely dismantled and demolished, and global enemies of freedom and liberty erected for a Klaus Schwab Global Reset, all paid for by American taxpayers.

Because the truth is beginning to reach daylight, the O’Biden Regime will force us into a World War, in an effort to “unite” Americans against foreign threats that these treasonous bastards created, in order to prevent the American people from ever uniting against them.

In just the past 25 months, the O’Biden Regime has demolished everything. We have record high inflation, skyrocketing interest rates, complete supply line shortages, massive “non-employment” with the smallest percentage of Americans participating in the work force ever, a record foreign invasion at our borders, violent crime, and property damage at an all-time high, record drug addiction and deaths, murder and suicide rates at record levels, the economy in the tank and headed for the toilet, the depletion of our energy supply along with utter destruction of our medical system, and…WWIII on the brink.

To suggest that the O’Biden Regime has not been entirely successful is to turn a blind eye to what they have done. They have accomplished more to destroy America in the past 25 months than all foreign enemies have been able to accomplish in the past 250 years. They are hugely successful if you understand their purpose and intent.

Because the truth about record crime and corruption in our government, the election fraud of 2020 and 2022, the bioweapon attack labeled COVID19 and the death sentence of the so-called “vaccines” will soon reach broad daylight, the O’Biden Regime has to make it all go away by starting a World War. If they don’t, the American people will soon rise up to remove countless political criminals guilty of treason from power.

The only way they can prevent the American people from uniting against them, is to unite the American people against someone else, in this case Putin, or their Global Reset train will derail very soon.

For this reason, I do not see a way to avoid what’s speeding towards us today. It was all designed and put in motion long ago. By the time a majority of Americans figure it all out, they will no longer have the means to defend themselves, much less take down the enemies within.

I don’t say these things lightly. In fact, once again, I sincerely hope I’m wrong.

But the hour is near now, and we will soon know. I suggest that every American prepare for the worst, and pray for the best. We have seen the run up to war before, we can smell it in the air. But the world has never seen the size and magnitude of what’s coming. We should have put this down a long time ago.

Going-along to get-along brought us all here. Americans will soon learn the hard way, that you will never be able to go-along enough to ever get-along with the evil miscreants we are dealing with today.

God help us all…

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Systematically Erasing America, Part 2

By Lex Greene

February 28, 2023

In my previous piece “Systematically Erasing America,” I explained how evil, insidious, and destructive the longstanding practice of changing the definitions of words is, to both the foundations of freedom and liberty, and even the rewriting of Holy Scripture in an overt attempt to mislead well-intentioned citizens and believers.

Since the mass distribution of that piece, the content at a link provided has been altered, making it appear as though the information provided was inaccurate. In this piece, I explained how definitions of words were being intentionally amended and how direct internet access to original online definitions were being eliminated.

Specifically, I referenced the replacement of the 1828 Webster’s Dictionary by an evangelical group and I used the word “citizen” to demonstrate the extent and purpose of the alterations, linking to the word in the newly published Webster’s Dictionary.

When I placed the link to the word “citizen” in the new amended Webster’s Dictionary, the following words were indeed omitted; “a freeman of a city, as distinguished from a foreigner, or one NOT entitled to its franchises.”

Today, this sentence now appears at the same link provided.

Within a couple days of releasing my previous piece, the new site was updated to add the above statement that was missing at the time I originally linked it in the column. It appears there now.

However, this event sent me on a deeper search resulting in the following information. Again, as of this writing, “a freeman of a city, as distinguished from a foreigner, or one NOT entitled to its franchises” remains missing in the online dictionaries used most often by American citizens.




Most importantly, it is also missing from BLACKS LAW DICTIONARY. This is a dictionary most often used to settle disputes in every court in the USA. (This time I took screen shots to prove that the phrase is missing as of this writing.)

How important is this issue?

By simply changing the definition of words in reference dictionaries, our government and their paid “scholars” have undermined the Constitution and Bill of Rights to the point that neither actually exists in practice today.

In the case of the word “citizen,” by eliminating the most critical part of the definition, the part that distinguishes “legal citizens” from “non-citizens” – – who are mere “inhabitants” allowed to reside in the USA “illegally,” are now viewed by our legal system as equal to “legal citizens” entitled to all of the Rights secured for “legal citizens” alone.

This is why today, “illegal aliens” actually have more Rights and more access to taxpayer-funded benefits than any legal American citizen does. It’s on this basis that democrats are rushing to pass legislation to “legalize” voting Rights for “illegal aliens” before the 2024 election cycle.

But far worse is the reality that the highest political office in our land is no longer reserved ONLY for “Natural Born Citizens,” as required by Article II.

As of the 2008 elections, anyone from anywhere on earth, without so much as an authentic U.S. Birth Certificate, can occupy the Oval Office and serve as Commander-in-Chief of our entire national security agencies and U.S. Military. (This explains how our entire national security operations have been turned against legal American citizens since 2008, (aka “Right-wing Extremists” and “insurrectionists”).

The courts have refused to hear any evidence of Constitutional ineligibility for office or issue a Supreme Court decision on the true meaning of Natural Born Citizen. So, non-Natural Born Citizens (and soon non-citizens) can occupy the office, and they (can) have flooded our country with somewhere between 30-60 million “illegal aliens” that are now considered “equal citizens” of the USA with all the same Rights once held by legal American citizens alone.

In short, the altering of definitions has made it possible for our federal government to replace legitimate legal citizens of the USA with “illegal invaders” of the USA, and even let them hold the highest offices in our land.

Some states, like California, have gone so far as to allow “illegal aliens” to occupy law enforcement and judicial offices, wherein those with no legal right to be here at all, now sit in judgement of legal American citizens.

Barack Hussein Obama has never been able to provide an authentic U.S. Birth Certificate, because he was not born in the USA, nor was his Father ever a legal citizen of the USA. Obama was born in Kenya to a citizen of Kenya. Since 2008, other “constitutionally ineligible” people from both political parties have run for President and Vice President. Republican Nikki Haley is “constitutionally ineligible” by the proper definition of Natural Born Citizen.

But under the amended definitions in use today, everyone on earth is eligible.

That’s how critically important this issue is…

So, when thinking and complaining about how our country is being, or has already been stolen right out from under 300-million legal Americans, all paid for by American taxpayers, remember how easy it was to do, by simply creating new definitions to old words, and erasing all access to the real meaning of words in place at the time of our Founding.

Good luck fixing this at this late stage of utter destruction! Goodbye America! Our country was stolen by lawyers, scholars, and experts. By the way, our nation was bankrupted by the same!

As of today, our Constitution and Bill of Rights are NO LONGER in force or effect! Let that sink in! Our country has been carefully prepared to become a member of the “Great Reset” global commune, while Americans were asleep at the helm.

“Noah Webster’s (original) 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language was
produced during the years when the American home, church and school were
established upon a Biblical and patriotic basis. Webster made important
contributions to an American educational system which kept the nation
on a Christian Constitutional course for many years.”

Noah Webster’s 1828 dictionary Ellen G White estate

“If the citizens of the U. States should not be free and happy, the fault will be entirely their own.” —President George Washington

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Systematically Erasing America

by Lex Greene

February 25, 2023

In keeping with my tradition of telling you truths you may not want to know, we have to discuss the fact that leftist democrats and their Marxist “scholars” have been systematically erasing America for decades now and unless we stop them, there won’t be a USA soon.

No matter what, I can tell you this for absolute certain…the American people will either drop everything else they are doing and unite in peaceful solutions against the evils we face today, or the USA is going to fall. Those who think they can save this country by electing the right politicians, passing the right legislation, amending the Constitution, or by trying to build a backwoods militia to create and commit a real act of “insurrection,” are dead wrong. These things cannot be done today!

Like it or not, what I’m about to show you is true. Allow me to start from today and work backwards from there.

For well over 30-years now, I have used Noah Webster’s 1828 First American English Dictionary when writing about our Charters of Freedom, linking the true meaning of words in columns that were the real definitions at the time of the adoptions…so that every American could understand exactly what those documents say and mean. This is no longer possible…

Within the past 30-days or so, the REAL 1828 Webster’s Dictionary has been totally scrubbed from the internet. Instead, THIS has been erected in its place. Now, I have a full complete printed version of the original 1828 dictionary, both volumes. However, I can no longer link to a book like I could the online version and neither can anyone else. It’s gone!

As anyone who knows contract law can confirm, the true meaning of the words in the contract at the time of the execution are the proper legal conditions of the contract. In this case, the contracts are The Declaration of Independence 1776, the U.S. Constitution 1787, and Bill of Rights 1791. These documents can only be properly interpreted by the definitions in use at that time.

“This online edition has been carefully prepared in a proprietary format. All of the words, definitions and examples have been preserved, but the explanations of word origins have been omitted to make using the data in a digital format more accessible. We have omitted Webster’s lengthy technical introduction for the same reason.

Scripture references have been standardized in a modern format, and many abbreviations have been expanded for ease in understanding.” LINK

Now, one need look no further than the NEW definition of the word “citizen” to see why the original 1828 Dictionary was fraudulently replaced by the new edited version, now the only version available online. The word no longer means “a legal member of society.” Instead, the term citizen includes all “inhabitants,” which is necessary to the Democrat Party efforts to make it legal for illegal alien “inhabitants” to vote in future U.S. elections. Read the new definition here.

The ORIGINAL 1828 Definition of “citizen” includes “a freeman of a city, as distinguished from a foreigner, or one NOT entitled to its franchises.” The replacement (NIV) 1828 Dictionary omits this section of the original definition of citizen, with a clear intent. Today, the USA has more than 30 million “foreign inhabitants” properly referred to under the U.S. legal term “illegal alien.” While our government has allowed them to become “inhabitants,” they remain “foreigners NOT entitled to its franchises,” including but not limited to, voting rights. See false definition HERE

Who is responsible for this horrific act of blatant fraud designed to intentionally undermine the Charters of Freedom?

MasonSoft Technology Ltd

From the Editor:

My name is Keith Mason, and for the last 12 years, I have managed a Christian Internet Publishing and Service company in the English Midlands. At MasonSoft Technology, we aim to spread the word of God by bringing together the resources to create a greater understanding of the scriptures.

MasonSoft Technology is supported by an independent group of Christian theologists, technologists, and linguists. We are not affiliated with any single church or religious organization. Instead, we are an interdenominational group studying Christian revelation and serving God’s purpose.

Thanks to a willing group of friends and volunteers, MasonSoft Technology now has one of the largest collections of digital Reformation Bibles, Manuscripts and Bible Study texts available on the Internet today.

Managing Editor
MasonSoft Technology Ltd

In short, the people responsible for this seditious act is “an independent group of Christian theologists, technologists, and linguists” from England (not the USA), led by Evangelical Christian Keith Mason. (LINK)

This group has successfully ERASED (deleted) the original 1828 Dictionary from the internet, thereby erasing all online access to the true definitions of the words in our Founding documents, in order to “amend” those documents by merely changing the definitions of words. As a result, only those who hold a printed copy can still interpret those documents correctly.

A few decades before this event, another book was totally rewritten by the same global evangelical movement gripping nearly every church today, the original Bible Scriptures. The NIV Bible removed thousands of words and altered thousands more to alter the true Scripture for the purpose of misleading millions of well-intentioned Christians worldwide.

The NIV Bible is the result of one man’s “vision,” Howard Long, an engineer from Seattle. HISTORY OF THE NIV HERE

In both of these cases, a single human being had a “vision” to rewrite Holy Scripture and Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, clearly with the same purpose, to mislead well-intentioned people, Christians, and all patriotic Americans. Even if you attempt to go purchase a hard copy of Webster’s original 1828 Dictionary, you will find printed copies of the NEW (NIV) Dictionary that now appears online. You can still find one, but you will have to pay close attention to getting the real one. This is NOT a Webster’s Dictionary at all. It is an evangelical dictionary.

For just $24,500 you can own an authenticated true original copy of the very first American English Dictionary by Noah Webster. Does this tell you how important and valuable these books really are, especially to every American, as everything our country was founded upon came right from Noah Webster, one of our nation’s most important Founders.

There is no getting around the reality that it is the evangelical movement in the churches that has openly set out to undermine original scripture and the original definitions of words critical to the defense and enforcement of the USA’s Founding Compact.

The question is, why would anyone erase this from our history?

Why are both Holy Scripture and the Foundations of Freedom being deleted from the internet and erased so that no future American can ever properly understand their stated Faith, or the Foundations of Freedom and Liberty?

And in case you’re not ready to hear this yet…why is it being done by members of the Global Evangelical Community in both cases?

To put this in proper perspective, no one can properly understand their Christian Faith without “original” scripture…and no one can properly interpret, enforce, or prove the “original intent” of our Founding documents without the original Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary.

That’s why this is being done! And this is exactly how the U.S. Federal government has been able to undermine the Constitution and Bill of Rights by constantly altering the meaning of words with new definitions for Marxist “scholar.”

How insidious and powerful is any group who can do this, with such evil intent? How foolish is a people who are too blind to see, or too cowardly to do anything about it?

Our country is being torn apart by “experts, scholars, and evangelicals.” No escaping this reality!

“If the citizens of the U. States should not be free and happy, the fault will be entirely their own.” President George Washington

What will Americans ever do to stop this evil insanity?

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

End the Insanity Immediately!

By Lex Greene

February 21, 2023

The United States of America is on the brink of extinction and the O’Biden regime has pushed the world to the brink of World War III which may go to full-scale global war or even a nuclear exchange before they are finished.

Any American who supports Ukraine today is either completely ignorant of history and reality, or totally insane. And there’s a lot of evidence to suggest that a growing segment of American society is totally insane! In fact, they aren’t just insane, they are suicidal!


In terms of war, the definition of “winning” is limited to who killed and destroyed more than their opponent. The ONLY time war is “necessary” is when freedom, liberty and justice is under direct assault on our own soil, and the only means of preserving freedom, liberty and justice in our country is to eliminate those attacking us, be they foreign, domestic, or both.

Today, the greatest threat to American freedom, liberty and justice is coming from within, namely, the anti-American O’Biden regime in control of all weaponized Federal Agencies, our Military, the news media, the internet, medicine, food and energy supplies, and all social media platforms.

Never in human history has a government attacked its own people on so many fronts in so many ways all at once, rendering that government a direct threat to not only every American citizen, but all freedom loving people around the globe. If America is no longer free, no place on earth will be free!

The current US Federal Government (and too many State governments) present a lethal threat to all American citizens, especially every Natural Born Citizen of the United States, whom they are rapidly replacing with millions of illegal invaders at both the Southern and Northern borders!

INSANITY is defined as, “Severe mental illness or derangement; Unsoundness of mind sufficient to render a person unfit to maintain a contractual or other legal relationship or sufficient to warrant commitment to a mental health facility; Incapacity to form the criminal intent necessary for legal responsibility, as when a mental disorder prevents a person from knowing the difference between right and wrong.”

This certainly well-defines both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, for starters. But it also well-defines every person who actually thinks Joe and Kamala are running anything. Neither can complete an intelligent sentence without reading from a teleprompter or crib-notes prepared by their handlers, and honestly, neither is even capable of successfully running a summer lemonade stand, much less the American Federal Government!

Contrary to millions of Americans who errantly think the utter destruction under their administration is merely a sign of how ignorant they are, it’s actually proof that these two mental midgets aren’t running anything…and that the people behind the curtain who are running everything are VERY dangerous people!


A dangerous segment of the American population is also entirely insane now. Not only do they actually believe O’Biden and Harris are running this country, they believe they are running it well. Of course, the same insane people believe a lot of other false notions too!


The notion that a male can become a female, or a female a male, by simply changing their clothes, or paying a surgeon thousands of dollars to remove or add a penis, is totally INSANE! In reality, if you were born with male reproductive organs, you are a male forever. If you were born with female reproductive organs, you are a female forever, no matter how you dress, what pills you take or what surgeries you have to mutilate your body.

Now, to believe anything else is proof of “insanity” on the part of that believer. But even worse is the evidence of “mass insanity” in millions of Americans who think they are being forced to accept and acknowledge this blatant outright lie! Those who go-along to get-along with utter insanity, are also insane! Everyone involved in this lie has a screw loose somewhere!


The last time earth’s climate changed in any dramatic way was the end of the ice age. Since then, earth has warmed and cooled thousands of times, long before the development of the combustion engine or man-made pollution of any kind. The people who believe the fake science behind the climate change hoax, designed to make saving Mother Earth more important than saving human beings, are utterly insane! Their own life experiences would easily debunk the pseudoscience behind climate change fanatics.


Yet another glowing example of utter insanity based on maniacal pseudoscience that every “sane” American knew better than to believe. They are too often referred to as “the unvaxxed” as-in, “the unclean.” But they are the people who were smart enough and sane enough to follow real science instead of the pseudoscience behind the global massacre event titled COVID19, involving a global bioweapon assault on all mankind in the form of a Defense Department created virus and mRNA injections responsible for killing millions around the world.

Sane people knew the following right away…

  1. A “corona virus” is a “common cold or flu” in at least 37 different strains.
  2. Science has never found any cure for the common cold, which made it a perfect bioweapon.
  3. Never before have we ever quarantined healthy people, only sick people.
  4. Never before have we sent sick people to infect nursing homes.
  5. The side of the mask box told us all the masks won’t prevent the spread of a virus.
  6. Six feet isn’t enough to avoid the exhale of another, much less a sneeze or cough.
  7. If it isn’t even an “epidemic,” then it can’t be a “pandemic.”
  8. The swine flu vaccine was stopped in days after 12 deaths in 1976.
  9. But the COVID19 injections continue after 26 months and millions dead, “cause unknown.”
  10. You can’t shut down an entire economy for 12-months and expect to economically survive it.
  11. “Gain of Function” work is “bioweapons” work.
  12. The Defense Department in charge of the “vaccines” isn’t in the health business.
  13. People don’t just suddenly drop dead for no reason, by the thousands or millions, all ages.

I could keep going here, but still today, millions of “insane” citizens can’t wait to get their next Department of Defense created injections. THAT’S INSANE!

FACT: As of this writing, President Trump is still refusing to reverse course and tell the American people that his “warp speed” is resulting in mass genocide all over the world. Until he does, he cannot be counted among the sane, decent, honorable, or friendly.


I could easily list another hundred examples of total insanity gripping our country and our world today, but the number of examples won’t make insane people suddenly sane! There are those who we cannot save now!

So, this piece is for the SANE Americans! Those who CAN be saved if they become party to the saving!

If we don’t stop accepting, tolerating, encouraging, and participating in the insanity flooding our world 24/7, this will NOT be our country or our world anymore, very soon!

There isn’t even ONE news network in the USA today that is not supporting and perpetuating the total destruction of the USA via their complicity in spreading a constant diet of outright lies like spoon-feeding infants from a baby food jar.

It should be quite clear by now that the totally diabolical, treacherous, and criminally insane, are currently running the asylum. The fruits and nuts are in charge! The traitors are in charge, and they are literally everywhere now.

As Cicero quite rightly warned over 2000-years ago…

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.”

Current US generations are dooming all future generations to global tyranny, treachery and the end of freedom and liberty anywhere on earth. Some will remain insane until their demise…

It’s up to the SANE to save this country and the world from the pits of hell. I don’t mean any politicians, jurists or so-called experts. I mean the average American who still has enough wits, decency and courage to protect and preserve sanity, freedom, liberty and justice for all.

If it isn’t us, then it is NO ONE! There isn’t anyone else!

If you are a “sane” Christian, then you are going to have to put your faith into ACTION.

James 2:14-17

14 What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? Can faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, 16 And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?

17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead.


The Book of Revelations isn’t a book of how God destroys the world. It’s a book that foretells how a “Godless” people will destroy the world, and we are on the brink! This time, the entire world will go the way of the Roman Empire!

In the real world, the only way to deal with blatant evil is to eliminate it. Just another well-known fact!

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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The Powers Not Delegated

By Lex Greene

February 15, 2023

It’s quite clear to the vast majority of Americans that we currently exist under a totally insane runaway federal regime that has been turned against the American people, freedom, and liberty. Clearly, the O’Biden regime is fast destroying everything in sight. Equally clear is the reality that dementia Joe and crazy Kamala are not at all capable of even running a summer lemonade stand.

So, what we’re dealing with comes from way above their heads. They are expendables and they will be cut loose by their masters the minute they shift from the asset side of the ledger to the liability side…A moment soon to arrive.

It also reaches far beyond the DC beltway, involving numerous state and local officials, primarily democrats, but including many republican and so-called independent politicians as well. Meanwhile, average Americans are increasingly dumbfounded and demoralized by the utter insanity forced upon them 24/7, from the fake news to censored social media, fake scientists vs real science, threats of WWIII from all corners of the earth, and even UFO invasions and multiple train derailments.

The firehose flood of hot propaganda has the average citizens head spinning as millions are caught up in the never-ending parade of disgusting dictator policies from O’Biden and friends, all to support and advance a total collapse of American society, all sense of decency, honor and moral fiber that stands in the way of a totally evil global agenda.

The old saying “the inmates are running the asylum” has never been more appropriate. O’Biden is playing Simon Says while millions of Americans go-along to get-along, playing monkey see-monkey do!

As millions of Americans shutter in fear of their abusive federal juggernaut, and millions more grasp at straws in search of a solution to the plethora of problems thrust upon us, the solution has been right under their noses the entire time.

The U.S. Constitution is a compact (agreement) between the states, created by the states, and operating at the pleasure of the states, and the people. Although anti-American “experts” have worked diligently to make the document seem too complex for the average American to grasp, it was intentionally written in plain English, rather than in any legalese, so that every citizen could properly understand it.

ARTICLE I establishes the only “lawmaking” branch, Congress, from which all federal laws must originate. In other words, Congress is the only federal branch with any lawmaking authority, according to the Constitution. This means that directives of any other kind, from any other branch, are not a law. Congress may not enact any laws that are themselves “unconstitutional.” If and when they do, such bills enjoy no force of law whatsoever.

ARTICLE II establishes the Executive Branch, and grants it the limited authority to “execute” the laws of the land as passed by Congress. The Executive Branch has no authority beyond that which is necessary to the execution of the laws and policies passed by the legislature.

ARTICLE III establishes a federal court system intended to provide for the equal application of law, as passed by Congress, without preference for political, racial, ethnic, monetary, or foreign interests.

The first three ARTICLES create the three co-equal branches of the federal government and separate their duties and powers accordingly. The three were designed to keep each other in check and balance for the benefit of the governed, preventing any branch from becoming abusive in its authority and destructive of their intended purposes.

ARTICLE IV provides for equal credit and rights of the people and their states as the nation transitioned from a confederacy to a Constitutional Republic. ARTCILE V provides the means by which the Constitution can be amended in the future. ARTICLE VI transfers all previous debts to the newly established federal government and guarantees that all new laws made by the new ARTICLE I branch must be “in furtherance thereof” and not at odds with the founding principles and purposes of the compact. ARTICLE VII establishes the original ratification of the compact by the original member states, and how new states as they are formed, could join the compact.

Since this compact of, by and for the people exists at the pleasure of the people, all federal authority exists at the pleasure of the people as well. So long as elected officials operate within the limited confines of the compact, the federal government is “constitutional” in nature. But when that government operates outside and beyond the limited confines of the authority granted it by the compact, that government is “unconstitutional” in nature.

The U.S. Constitution does not establish an Oval Office dictatorship, nor a Judicial Branch oligarchy of unelected political appointees. When the government operates in such a manner, it operates in an unconstitutional manner destructive of its sole purpose, “to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”

That’s when we must turn to the 9th and 10th Amendments for further clarification.

The 9th Amendment“The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain [federal] rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”

The 10th Amendment“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.”

In short, The Powers Not Delegated to the federal government by the people and their states, do not exist. Only the powers delegated, in the manner delegated, and for the purpose delegated, do any federal powers exist at all. The minute you shred the compact, you shred the federal government in its entirety. Other than by that compact, in accordance with it, the federal government has no right to exist at all.

As a result, the power does not rest in the hands of the federal government, much less those of the unelected global criminals they currently serve at the WEF, WHO, UN and IMF, against the interests of the USA and every American citizen.

Learn a few things from the anti-American left.

When they dislike anything the federal government does, they refuse to comply. If they don’t like a Supreme Court opinion, they riot in the streets, burn, and loot their cities, overturn cop cars, attack police stations and even riot in front of Supreme Court Justice’s homes. If the left doesn’t like our legitimate immigration laws, they declare their areas “sanctuary” zones, free from the enforcement of any legitimate federal immigration statutes.

You don’t need a state nullification bill for a thousand unconstitutional act of the federal government. Those acts have no force of law to begin with…there’s nothing to nullify. Mass non-compliance is all that is necessary, and not a single U.S. citizen has any legal, moral, or ethical duty to comply with any unconstitutional act of the federal government…or their state or local government for that matter.

Courts are not the final arbiters of truth and justice in the USA, the American people are!

The sooner the people realize this fact, the sooner they can retake control of their own destiny. Until then, they will remain ignorant sheep being marched to slaughter by evildoers who care nothing about them at all.

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Real Solutions Undermined from Within

By Lex Greene

January 24, 2023

I’m writing this piece today because I am sickened by the continuing efforts to undermine any real solutions by folks constantly promoting fake solutions, coming from those who claim to be “on our side” of the fight for freedom.

Fake Solution #1 – The Convention of States Con

The last time the State’s convened for the purpose of amending the U.S. Constitution it took place from May 25 to September 17, 1787, to draft and adopt the U.S. Constitution. The States have not convened to amend the U.S. Constitution since, because they can’t.

Since the adoption of the Constitution, there is a clear process for how the U.S. Constitution can be and has been, amended, and it isn’t via any convention of states. It’s via the official Constitutional Amendment process used for the past 236-years, as established by Article V of the U.S. Constitution and explained in the National Archives HERE.

Like it or not, Article V does NOT provide any means by which the States can arbitrarily amend the U.S. Constitution on their own. Even if all 50-states want to amendment the U.S. Constitution, they cannot do it other than by the means provided in the complete amendment process. The States can “petition Congress to convene” for the purpose of amending the Constitution, and the States will have the opportunity to ratify or not ratify amendments adopted by Congress at the end of the process. The Convention of States movement is a con job on people who don’t read or can’t comprehend Article V.

Promotion of this fake solution wastes precious time, energy and resources on a solution that never has worked in 236-years, and never will. STOP HELPING THE ENEMY!

Fake Solution #2 – State Nullification

Ever since the rise of Tea Party and Liberty groups following the 2008 elections, these groups have proposed “State Nullification” as a solution for unconstitutional federal overreaches of authority. Like fake solution #1, this idea has been tried many times over the years, failing every time.

Founders Jefferson and Madison were the very first to attempt State Nullification of federal authority in the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions of 1798, just 11-years after the adoption of the U.S. Constitution. Jefferson and Madison failed in both efforts, for a reason. The same reason “state nullification” of federal authority has failed ever since.

There are only two conditions pertaining to State Nullification of Federal Actions, and “nullification” applies to neither condition.

  • FEDERAL ACTIONS UNDER CONSTITUTIONAL FEDERAL AUTHORITY – In this case, when the federal government acts within the confines of its constitutional authority, which includes the requirement that those actions also be “in furtherance thereof” and not “at odds with” the Constitution and Bill of Rights, a State lacks any legal authority to “nullify” these actions.
  • FEDERAL ACTIONS WITHOUT ANY CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY, AT ODDS WITH THE CONSTITUTION, OR NOT “IN FURTHERANCE THEREOF.” – In this case, the action taken by the federal government is “unconstitutional” and thereby, void of any force of law. As a result, there is nothing to “nullify” as the federal action has no force of law behind it to begin with.

Promotion of this fake solution wastes precious time, energy and resources on a solution that never has worked in 236-years, and never will. You cannot “nullify” something that already does not exist with force of law. STOP HELPING THE ENEMY!

Fake Solution #3 – State Secession from the Union

A State cannot secede from the union other than by withdrawing from the U.S. Constitution, including the Bill of Rights. The very things people are trying to enforce upon the federal government, found in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, will no longer protect any state that withdraws from that compact. Secession defeats the purpose it’s intended to achieve.

Furthermore, it would place the State in a position of “enemy” to the remaining states in the union.

Promotion of this fake solution wastes precious time, energy and resources on a solution that never has worked in 236-years, and never will. STOP HELPING THE ENEMY!

Now, none of these (and others) are viable solutions to a very real problem. We currently have an unconstitutional federal government, stolen by way of fake elections, operating under the control and influence of a maniacal global power structure, beyond any constitutional authority, and at odds with every American Citizen.

The point here is this… Be it a Bill passed by Congress, an Executive Order from the White House dictator, or a court opinion based upon an isolated case, it isn’t a federal “law” unless it is passed by Congress and signed by a duly elected President, is within the constitutional authority granted the federal government, and is in “the furtherance thereof.” The Article I branch is the only branch with any lawmaking authority at all, and the law they make must be “constitutional,” or it is DEAD ON ARRIVAL.

But there’s a bigger problem here…

Precious time, energy and resources wasted on fake solutions only results in the undermining of every potential real solution. While people are being dragged in a multitude of opposite directions, prevented from uniting behind any real solution, and almost always part of a con job related to a fake solution that keeps people in the bleachers with soda and popcorn, the people let dozens of real opportunities pass.

Since 2009, the USA has been under siege. Truthfully, it’s been much longer than that. However, the rapid pace of decline that has taken place since 2009 has never been seen before in U.S. history. The worst started in 1992 with the election of the Clintons. But the Obama years doubled our national debt and did in fact, “fundamentally change America” just as Obama promised.

The simple reality is most Americans are almost entirely unaware of what’s been done and is being done to our country and each of them right now. Of those who are aware, millions are afraid to engage or don’t know how to engage. In addition, millions are still stuck on fake solutions that are never going anywhere…or waiting for “someone (else) to do something.”

In the end, this is no way to defend freedom and liberty. This is a recipe for total disaster.

There are real solutions. But before we can discuss any real solutions, we have no choice but to clear the table of fake solutions. Until we do that, the people will not be able to unite in any real solutions.

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Dear Dr. Trump – NOW is Your Moment

By Lex Greene

January 19, 2023

It’s no secret that you are not a doctor or scientist. You were dependent upon “expert” advice like the rest of us. NOW is the time for you to come clean with the American people and admit that you too, are a victim of the deadly lies spread around the world by mad scientists who created the COVID19 (gain of function) bioweapon and their so-called “countermeasure,” too often falsely referred to as “vaccines.”

Your efforts to lift common government red tape and road blocks to real progress in your famed “warp speed” project to rush these fake “vaccines” to market, has resulted in mass death and destruction of millions of people all over the globe. Even worse, the COVID bioweapon attack continues still today, as we all watch otherwise healthy people drop dead on TV and in the news daily.

Right now, thousands if not millions are dead, dying or maimed for life due to the fake COVID “vaccines.” In 1976, nine states stopped the Swine Flu vaccine after 3 died. The federal government stopped it nationwide after only 12 deaths associated with the vaccine.

NOW that Republicans control the People’s House in DC, and control every House Committee and Investigation, it’s time for you to go public with the reality that YOU were conned by the same mad scientists that conned the entire world.

THEN, immediately call for a real House investigation into who is responsible for the mass “vaccine” genocide that has taken place for more than three years now, from Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates to Dr. Fauci, the NIH, CDC, WHO and UN, and thousands of WEF Partners, including every big pharma company involved in making billions via mass murder.


YOU still have millions of loyal followers here and abroad. Countries everywhere are rising up against the WEF COVID19 GLOBAL RESET at great risk to their lives. The very least you can do is stand up with them and all of us in the USA, who are now well aware of the evil agenda for the world, including our once great nation.

If you don’t, you will have lost my support Mr. Trump, because there is no acceptable excuse for you to continue to allow this very deadly charade to continue. It’s truly mass murder and treason for profit and world domination, plain and simple.

I once believed you were a true tough patriot of my country and I’d still like to believe it. However, your silence on this matter is deafening. This one issue makes it impossible for me or any other thinking American to see you as any serious patriot of our country. No matter your future political ambitions, NOW is the time, this is your moment in history.

STAND UP AND SPEAK OUT LOUD AND CLEAR on this matter or lose the faith of millions of loyal supporters.

I pray you take this advice very seriously. The future of our country and world hangs in the balance.

STOP THE DEADLY VACCINES NOW!  This event amounts to nothing short of treason on the part of so many U.S. government officials. Freedom cannot survive treason from within!

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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The Right and Duty of The People?

By Lex Greene

January 9, 2023

Sometimes in history, opposing factions find themselves caught in a quandary, stuck between two conflicting ideas that cannot possibly coexist, dividing the people and forcing them to sooner or later, choose a side.

For the past two years, global Marxists in control of the federal government and national news media have worked around the clock to redefine the term “insurrection” in order to label the J6 Trump rallygoers in a manner which paints all Trump supporters or conservatives’ “insurrectionists,” with a clear purpose.

PURPOSE #1 – To silence all voices of dissent against a corrupt unconstitutional government and punish everyone who refuses to be silenced.

PURPOSE #2 – Declare President Donald J. Trump the “leader of the insurrection” making him ineligible to seek any public office in the future, under Title 18 U.S. Code § 2383 – Rebellion or Insurrection.

Title 18 U.S. Code § 2383 reads as follows;

“Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”

As you can see, this section of code is written as broadly as could possibly be stated. It presumes that the “authority” you rebel against is a legitimate authority. It leaves no room for the possibility that a rebellion is the right thing to do, because the authority is illegitimate, unconstitutional, and destructive of freedom and liberty.

Now, contrast this section of code with the Rights and Duties of the People in the Declaration of Independence.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, —That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.”

Today, our government has assumed the power to rule over the people in any fashion they like. What was designed to be a Constitutional Representative Republic of, by and for the people, now functions like a pure dictatorship, not ruled by the laws of Congress, but rather Executive Orders from a White House dictator, or court opinions from a nine member oligarchy of political appointees on the Supreme Court.

As a result, as much as 80% of what our federal government does today is unconstitutional. This means that our government is operationally unconstitutional. Because our elections are unlawful as well, the elections cannot produce a lawful outcome, also making our current government unconstitutional and illegitimate.

As it pertains to the subject of “insurrection,” a rebellion against an unconstitutional government is not an insurrection. It is instead, the Right and Duty of The People to right their own ship, by “altering or abolishing it, and instituting new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.”

As it pertains to January 6, 2021, there was no armed insurrection or any attempt to “overthrow” the government, even though it is an illegitimate government, and it’s the Right of the People to do so when necessary.

Had it really been an insurrection, nothing could have stopped it that day, because Speaker Pelosi declined any enhanced security from then President Trump, and even stood down basic Capitol Police presence. In fact, it was the Capitol Police who removed the outside barricades and opened the doors to the People’s House to let rallygoers into the building.

The only people armed on that day were members of Congress and Capitol Police. The only shot fired was fired by a Capitol Police officer, who shot and killed an unarmed female rallygoer through the door, who presented no threat at all to anyone that day.

Four people died that day…only one of them due to violence

  • Ashli Babbitt, 35, died from a gunshot wound fired by officer Lt. Michael Byrd
  • Roseanne Boyland, 34, died of acute amphetamine intoxication
  • Kevin Greeson, 55, died of hypertensive atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
  • Benjamin Phillips, 50, died of hypertensive atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease

Our government also declared another death as “in the line of duty” when 51-year-old Howard Liebengood took his own life via suicide just three days later.

The question is this…

Do the American people still have the Right and Duty to alter or abolish an unconstitutional and corrupt government when it becomes destructive of its constitutional purpose, and turns on its own people, as declared in the U.S. Declaration?

Or…are they guilty of “insurrection” under Title 18 U.S. Code § 2383 as the global Marxist democrats claim?

What about the Ninth Amendment? – “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”

Or the Tenth Amendment? – “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.”

Since January 6, 2021, much of the news media has softened their reporting to “riot” as opposed to “insurrection,” despite democrats ongoing attempt to prevent Trump from ever holding a public office again and punish patriots for opposing democrats COVID19 GREAT RESET, as well as their international crime and corruption.

No matter which side you’re on, these two conflicting ideas cannot coexist forever. Either the People remain the source of all constitutional authority as stated in all of our Founding documents, or they don’t. God help us all if the People are now no more than slave subjects of an unconstitutional authority, governed by unlawful executive orders and court opinions.

These days, I’m sure just writing these overly obvious constitutional facts will put me on the democrat’s “insurrectionist” list. I best get busy making coffee for my guests…

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Land of the Sheep, Home of the Defeated

By Lex Greene

January 5, 2023

When people are referred to as sheep, the implication is that like sheep, they are people who mindlessly follow the herd to their own eventual slaughter, without ever asking any questions or considering any other alternative. The accusation is that the group is mindless and spineless.

At this moment in history, America (USA) is no longer a Land of the Free or Home of the Brave. If it were, nothing we have witnessed for at least the past three years would have ever been able to happen in this once great country.

Unlike the Americans of 1776, who voluntarily pledged to each other their Lives, Fortunes, and sacred Honor for the cause of freedom and liberty, today’s Americans are of the go-along to get-along sort. Lured into the trap by their “love of money,” (the root of all evil), the American people, from coast to coast, top to bottom, surrendered their freedom and liberty for promises of mere pennies on the dollar.


How many Americans believed there was a “pandemic” before the first two COVID cases ever left Wuhan China in November and December of 2019? How many healthy Americans volunteered for house arrest under an unconstitutional lockdown of our entire country and economy in early 2020? How many wore a mask even though the mask box said the mask would not prevent the spread of any virus? How many social-distanced six feet, knowing a cough or sneeze traveled far beyond six feet? How many rushed to take so-called vaccines that had no human trials, killed everything in the animal trials, and to this day, is not FDA approved for use on humans? How many are still rushing to get their next “booster” after watching family, friends, loved ones and even pro athletes drop dead or end up maimed for life from these injections?

How many know that the 2020 and 2022 elections are the most fraudulent unlawful elections in world history, but still sit idle as if there is nothing, they can do about it? How many still think a career political criminal who can’t tie his own shoes, change his own diaper, or complete a single intelligent sentence, is actually running this country?

How many “died suddenly” with “cause unknown” do the people have to see before they start asking the most obvious questions, given that the one thing every case has in common is they are all COVID vaccinated?

These FACTS demonstrate the status of “sheep” with great clarity and overwhelming evidence.


The “love of money” is at the root of all evil, and every decision most Americans have made for many years now.

“The love of money” (and the power it buys) is at the root of all government corruption, all levels, all branches. But it’s also at the root of how most Americans vote, how they don’t mind cheating because they think everyone cheats, even the decisions they have made concerning their own health and well-being, and that of their loved ones.

Not one single person on earth has any legal right to force inject anyone with anything against their will or drive them into bankruptcy for refusing to take the experimental injection, like a common lab rat with no say in the matter.

The “vaxxed” took the experimental bioweapon out of fear alone. Not fear of dying without the shot, but rather fear of losing their job, their income, their lifestyle, the money. Their “love of money” drove them to take a bioweapon created in DoD/CCP funded bioweapons labs and keep taking it in booster after booster even now.

It’s the fear of financial loss that is motivating almost every doctor, nurse, and major corporation to push these deadly injections on the sheep, like drug dealers from a Mexican cartel, placing their lofty paychecks and country club lifestyle above the health of every patient.

The same thing causes the “vaxxed” to attack every person exposing the truth or simply asking the right questions. The sheep have been dog-whistle trained to silence all voices of dissent, like good little “fact-checkers” for the Global Reset partners, which includes all vaccine manufacturers, the news media, social media and almost every major corporation in the USA. Go ahead, CHECK THE LIST OF WEF GLOBAL PARTNERS for yourself.


When the facts don’t suit your agenda, or when reality is so ugly that you can’t bear to face it, you become one of the sheep that must silence those facts.

This past Monday night, millions all over the world watched as a 24-year old collapsed dead on the Cincinnati football field in one of the biggest NFL games of the season. Like every decent person in the world, I continue to pray for the survival and full recovery of Buffalo Bills defensive back Damar Hamlin as he fights for his life at UC Medical in Cincinnati.

Like literally thousands of other athletes who have suddenly and inexplicably dropped with cardiac arrest around the globe, millions reasonably asked, “could this be vaccine related?” – knowing that the NFL forced all players to take the experimental mRNA injection.

Just three months ago, famed defensive end JJ Watt was forced to have his heart shocked back into rhythm after going into post-vaccine A-fib. As a result, Watt was one of the first NFL players to ask the most obvious question, after watching Hamlin fall to his death on live TV Monday night. For the record, Hamlin coded not once but three times, requiring resuscitation three times.

Like everyone else who asks the most obvious questions, Watt was immediately attacked by the sheep for asking the right question out of deep concern for Hamlin and every other NFL player who was forced to take the experimental mRNA injections in order to continue their careers.

Who is most concerned about the health and well-being of Hamlin and every other athlete force vaccinated? The people who seek answers to what we are witnessing, or those trying to silence those questions?

Which doctors care most about their patients? Those going-along to get-along to protect their careers while continuing to support lethal injections, or those desperate to find answers to the many irregularities surrounding the vaccines since early 2021?


America will soon collapse simply because Americans are no longer capable of freedom.

Thomas Jefferson said it best…

“Those who expect to be both ignorant and freeexpect what never was and never will be.”

Sheep are not suited for freedom. They must be herded by their keeper, kept alive and fattened up until the time of slaughter. I’d like to describe most Americans in much nicer terms, but today, I can’t. I’ve seen too much and lying about it will only perpetuate the problem.

America was not built by any go-along to get-along cowards or mindless sheep stuck in the herd. It can’t be saved by them either! In the end, they won’t even be able to save themselves!

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Deceived, Divided, Distracted, Demoralized & Defeated

By Lex Greene

January 3, 2023

These are the Five D’s that threaten the very existence of the USA, Freedom, Liberty, or Justice for millions across this country and billions around the world. The Five D’s result in inaction, and evil will prevail, everywhere good people do nothing.

Americans have been living under a dark blanket of lies for generations now. The rest of the world has had it even worse. This must rapidly change, or there is no hope for humanity, anywhere on earth. Reality has become so depressing that a majority of citizens seek comfort, rather than truth. Rather than seeking and pursuing solutions, they merely seek an escape from reality.


People have been intentionally, purposefully, and systematically pitted against one another, because “a house divided against itself cannot stand.” Every division in the USA is based upon an outright lie, perpetrated by our own government, for the sole benefit of the ruling class.

A few of the most deadly lies ever told…

  • Freedom comes from our Founders, their documents, or government. No, freedom is “endowed by our Creator.” As such, it is “inalienable” by any man.
  • Earth will die from climate change if we don’t kill off billions of people. No, while there are many “theories” about climate, there is no significant evidence that earth is engaged in any abnormal climate crisis.
  • The USA is a “racist” country. No, the USA is instead the most ethnically and culturally diverse nation on earth. “Racism” is merely one of many ways our government persists in dividing our nation.
  • We must follow the experts. Why? Economic experts have bankrupted our nation. Legal experts have nearly destroyed our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Science experts created the COVID19 bioweapon and the fake “vaccines” killing millions. Medical experts are now the leading cause of death in the USA.
  • The USA is a democracy. No, it isn’t, and it was never supposed to be. It is supposed to be a Constitutional Representative Republic. But at present, it is an unconstitutional federal dictatorship without any annual budget, governed by unconstitutional Executive Orders.
  • There are more than two human genders. No, just Male and Female, determined at conception by human genetics and identifiable by way of reproductive organs.
  • The Constitution requires Separation of Church and State. No, nothing in any Founding document says any such thing. The only reference is in the First Amendment, preventing the federal government from interfering in any faith based practices or religious expression. To kill freedom, they have to kill all moral foundations of freedom.
  • People who disagree are hateful and offensive. Nope, just honest…

The list could go on forever these days, but you surely get the point. Our government has been lying to citizens for decades, so long in fact, that only a tiny fraction of society is old enough to remember the truth.


The USA citizenry is more divided than at any time in history. Every division is the direct result of the lies that our government and their mass media use to control the people. A house divided against itself cannot stand, which is the purpose of the lies that create the deep divisions we see today.


I refer to it as “the band plays on.” All day, every day, we are flooded with an endless stream of purposeful distractions to keep us from focusing on the things we have to focus on before there is no USA left to save. It is human nature to seek comfort in dark times, which makes it very easy to keep patriots disengaged by simply keeping them entertained until there is nothing they can do. The government and their state controlled media have it down to a science.

When the Titanic hit the iceberg and began to sink, the ships Captain ordered the band to play on. He knew that damage to the ship was catastrophic and that the ship would soon sink to a frigid grave. He also knew there were not enough lifeboats to get all passengers off the ship before it sank. So, he ordered the band to play on, so that passengers would dance on, unaware of their fate.

Our federal government is like the Captain on the Titanic. So long as they can keep the people entertained, distracted and in the dark about reality, financially broke and government benefit dependent, the people will continue dancing to the band until they are out of options, their fate sealed.


In a world where everything is backwards, upside down, right is wrong and wrong is right, drinking distractions like they flow from a firehose, and divided beyond belief, demoralization sets in next. The moral fabric of a once free people is gone.

After more than a hundred years of blatant lies, intentional divisions, constant distractions, and misinformation on a mass scale, with all moral foundations attacked and eliminated, it’s nearly impossible for the average person to not be completely demoralized.


And once completely demoralized, incapable of rising up in unity against evil, accepting that “we will own nothing and be happy,” we are defeated.

Every problem on earth has a solution, except one… If the problem is inaction, the only solution for that is ACTION. But once people are drowning in a sense of defeat, completely demoralized, they are incapable of ACTION. When the people are so divided, unable to work together in groups large enough and focused enough to change the course of history, they are DEFEATED.

When inaction is the problem…ACTION is the only possible solution. But people already defeated are incapable of action! Two things MUST happen to win anything in life…you must START and then you must FINISH. If you don’t start, you can’t finish and if you’re not going to finish, there’s no point to starting.

The only difference between winners and losers is, winners believe they can win, and the odds are not even part of the equation! So, they take ACTION. Losers never take action simply because they don’t believe they can win, so they don’t.

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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2022 – This ONE is It

By Lex Greene

November 7, 2022

The entire future of American sovereignty, security, freedom, liberty, justice, peace, and tranquility hang in the balance of one single election now. The 2022 mid-terms are the most critical elections in the entire history of the United States of America.

This election cycle is unlike any election before it, and it may well be the last sovereign election for a country on the brink. There is only one issue in 2022, displayed in a short list of critical decisions, with basically three competing voter blocs…

The Three Voting Blocs

  • The America First bloc – determined to vote for U.S. sovereignty, security, freedom, liberty, justice, peace, and tranquility, under the Republican form of government guaranteed every State and Citizen in Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution.
  • The Global Marxist One World Order bloc – determined to destroy U.S. sovereignty, security, freedom, liberty, justice, peace, and tranquility, in favor of a Marxist Global One World Government wherein we will “own nothing and be happy,” the Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum “COVID19 GREAT RESET,” which today’s democrats refer to as “democracy.”
  • The I Don’t Know or Care bloc – made up of horrifically ill-informed citizens who don’t take any personal responsibility for the current condition or future of our country, often claiming “independent” status or abstaining from political engagement altogether. Others in this group jump back and forth, election to election, trying to vote for people they like, instead of things they stand for, or against. This bloc includes those who claim their vote doesn’t count, so they make it not count, by not voting.

The Key Manifestations of the Single Issue Election

  • The fundamental Right to Life, vs. a Right to Kill
  • Individual Liberty, vs. Collective Bargaining
  • E pluribus unum, vs. Division based on race, religion, economic status, ethnicity, political views
  • A safe, secure, and prosperous nation, vs. a member of a global 3rd world commune
  • Transparent legitimate elections of, by and for the people, vs. an unlawful and unconstitutional selection process
  • A bright future for our kids and grandkids, vs. the end of freedom and liberty
  • Government sanity, vs. ongoing government insanity
  • True science, vs. Fake fatal science
  • Economic strength, vs. economic collapse
  • National strength, vs. national weakness
  • Peace, vs. War

In less than 24 hours, the American People will choose their own fate in the most critical election in U.S. history. I believe it is accurate to refer to the 2022 mid-terms as “a point of no return.” The USA has been intentionally weakened, divided, distracted, threatened, punished, pitted against each other, frightened, dumbed down and drugged up, all for the greater good of the ruling class elites…all political parties.

No voter will be able to vote for the “perfect candidate” because no such candidate exists. Jesus isn’t running for office. More than any previous election, we will have to vote against people, in order to vote for something much more important than any politician, any of them.

Our nation’s Founders were right, they gave us a Republic, if we can keep it. For more than a hundred years now, we have not done a good job of keeping our republic. Through fake history in public schools and communist indoctrination on college campuses, to the steady diet of outright lies spread by our fake news media and parroted on all social media platforms, Americans have lost connection with their foundations of freedom.

We will either vote to regain control of our anti-American government, or we won’t.

The primaries are used to remove bad incumbents from the general election ballot, like Liz Cheney. The general elections must be used to remove bad incumbents who were not primaried out, primarily, democrats that have caused unparalleled death and destruction, record inflation, supply line shortages, unconstitutional mandates, and openly labeled half of all Americans “domestic terrorists” and “insurrectionists.” Party of unity? Insane!

This ONE is it! We either vote out every evil lying Marxist scumbag tomorrow, or we will have crossed “the point of no return.” Throughout world history, freedom once lost, has never been regained.

This ONE is it! You either make a united stand for AMERICA FIRST, or America will fall into 3rd world status, never to return to freedom and liberty any time in the foreseeable future.

A vote against a Republican tomorrow, is a vote for the democrat opponent. If you don’t like the Republican on your ticket, you should have worked harder in the primaries. Now is not the time for divisions within our ranks. Now is the time for all America First voters to vote for America First.

Although the fake media does its best to make every election look like a beauty contest, all about personalities, pretty faces, and smooth talkers, it’s about far more than that! The best we can do is the best we can do. All we can do, is what we have to do tomorrow! Shame on anyone who doesn’t do what we all have to do tomorrow!

Do all we can and pray that it’s enough! Pray, then get up off your knees and take the future into your own hands.

Stand up for what’s right, not who you think is the perfect candidate. There is no such thing!

Last, if we succeed in voting out evil tomorrow, our work has just begun. With new representatives elected, we must begin the process of holding their feet to the fire, to make sure that they do exactly what we elected them to do, every day, every month, every year, until we clean this mess up together.

We must be “forever vigilant” again. The future of this country cannot be left in the hands of a few career criminals we label politicians. The future is ours to make…if we say so!

God Bless America First and foremost!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Rattlesnakes and Americans…Be Like

By Lex Greene

November 1, 2022

As Britain and other foreign military leaders figured out long ago, you never want to war with Americans on American soil, because “there will be an armed warrior hiding behind every blade of grass…”

Though the world doesn’t like our politicians any better than we do, or than they like their own, respect for the American people themselves, remains high. For more than 245 years, Americans have given of themselves for the cause of freedom and liberty all over the globe, asking only peace in return.

Yes, Americans have willingly died by the millions, defending the Natural Rights of all human beings, no matter where on earth. Those Americans are indeed an ornery bunch, despite the greedy, corrupt, and criminal nature of their politicians…

But at the same time, Americans are much like a rattlesnake…peaceful creatures going about their own business, largely ignoring all else, in search of their next meal. With the exception of a few true psychos, Americans are so busy in their own lives that they will seldom waste time, energy, or resources, bothering anyone else. And, because the USA is by far the most culturally and ethnically diverse nation anywhere on earth, the mere notion that any American is “racist” by nature, is just plain silly.

Left alone, 99.9% of Americans aren’t going to threaten or bother anyone, just like the rattlesnake.

If you ever grab a seat on the front porch of a country store in West Texas, sooner or later, a rattlesnake will pass through. If you leave it alone and sit still, it will just pass right on by without biting anyone. It doesn’t want to waste its valuable venom on anything too big to eat.

However, if you instead decide to corner that snake, refusing to allow it to pass on by peacefully, someone is going to get bit. In this case, when you do get bit, don’t blame the snake. The snake didn’t even know you were there, until you attacked it. Once you threaten the snake, quite frankly, you deserve to be bitten. The snake wasn’t doing anything to you…

Likewise, 99.9% of Americans (a few psychos excluded), don’t want to be bothered with you. They are focused on their own lives, and their next meal, just like the snake. But, if you insist on cornering the American people and threatening them, well, then you’re going to get bit, for sure…

Now, like the rattlesnake story, if you push Americans until you get bit, it’s your fault. You absolutely deserve what you get, and you have no one to blame but yourself. Americans were willing to pass on by peacefully, and you foolishly altered their peaceful intent.

Because Americans spend their time living life instead of babysitting corrupt politicians, the “untouchables” have come to believe that they can push Americans around forever without any consequences. But as the rattlesnake once said…no one is untouchable.

Even worse is the mother lion…who is far more fierce, and vicious, in defense of her cubs, than in defense of herself. Mess with those cubs and now you really have made a fatal mistake.

Those who think they are on the cusp of stealing the USA away from Americans, like today’s Marxist democrats, go-along to get-along republicans, and their band of international criminals at the WEF, UN, NATO, IMF, and China, have cornered millions of otherwise peaceful American Citizens. They know not what they have done, or what they continue to do.

Greedy corrupt politicians have wasted trillions in American tax dollars and driven the country into unsustainable debt. They caused massive death and destruction through their ongoing maniacal COVID protocols. They caused Americans to lose all faith in every branch and agency of their own government. They threaten the economic well-being of every Citizen, flooded our country with criminal illegal aliens, cut off energy and food supply lines, causing record inflation and social chaos, putting the country on track to a Civil War and maybe even World War III.

They have literally destroyed all trust in the government, top to bottom, all political parties.

Everything they could do to push Americans into a corner, they have done. Sooner or later, Americans are going to strike back in defense. Cornered now, the snake is a threat to them, and even more so, the mother lions.

There was no “insurrection” in Washington D.C. on January 6, 2021. If there had been, no one in D.C. power today would be there anymore, nothing could have stopped it. The “untouchables” know this, which is why they work so hard to label that rally an “insurrection,” granting themselves the constitutional authority to unleash the U.S. Military on American Citizens. Without the “insurrection” label on J6, Biden is forbidden the use of the military against Citizens, as he has openly threatened.

As we near the 2021 mid-terms, Americans will try once more to alter the course of history peacefully, renewing and preserving American sovereignty, security, freedom, liberty, and peace, with their vote. If the “untouchables” repeat the 2020 election fraud, preventing Americans from saving themselves peacefully, it will open the gates of hell and unleash the full force of the American people on those involved in evil.

I’m not calling for it, I don’t have to… as democrat President JFK once said, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”

In case you don’t know, via the maniacal COVID19 GREAT RESET, the USA has been placed on a fast track to economic collapse and social ruin. If you don’t know how that works, READ THIS. Things can get much worse than you think, far faster than you can imagine.

If the Americans are able to alter the course of history on November 8th, peacefully, they will have a huge mess to clean up, created by those seeking to destroy the USA. It will take years to clean up the mess created in just the past 20 months, much less the past hundred years.

But if they are not able to alter history peacefully, whatever happens next will be a defensive action against those who are attacking American sovereignty, security, freedom, liberty, and prosperity. They will have brought that hell upon themselves, just like the fools who cornered the rattlesnake or threatened the cubs of a mother lion.

They will have only themselves to blame… May God Bless and Protect the True America First Patriot and Make America Great Again!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Stop The Steal 2022

By Lex Greene

October 28, 2022

THIS IS NOT A PARTISAN ISSUE, it’s an American survival issue!

For two years now, literally thousands of experts and average Citizens have worked to uncover and expose the massive election fraud that took place in 2020. These efforts have resulted in a gross mountain of hard evidence proving beyond any reasonable doubt that the 2020 elections were the most corrupt, “unlawful and unconstitutional” elections in the history of elections, worldwide.

Simply stated, “illegal and unconstitutional” election processes cannot possibly produce “lawful and constitutional” outcomes. If it is proven that the election processes themselves were corrupted, unlawful, and unconstitutional, then the results of that election are also “unlawful and unconstitutional.” An “illegal” act cannot produce a “legal” outcome.

But despite more than seventy attempts to present critical evidence of massive fraud in numerous U.S. courtrooms, no evidence has been allowed to enter a courtroom, the most common roadblock being, “lack of legal standing.”

Standing, or locus standi, is capacity of a party to bring suit in court.

Standing in State Court

A state’s statutes will determine what constitutes standing in that particular state’s courts. These typically revolve around the requirement that plaintiffs have sustained or will sustain direct injury or harm and that this harm is redressable.

Standing in Federal Court

At the federal level, legal actions cannot be brought simply on the ground that an individual or group is displeased with a government action or law. Federal courts only have constitutional authority to resolve actual disputes (see Case or Controversy).

In other words, as it pertains to criminal election fraud, government courts have repeatedly denied any opportunity to present evidence in a courtroom, claiming that American Citizens have no “legal standing” in the matter of gross election fraud. This claim amounts to “the People have no such Right to lawful, constitutional and legitimate elections.”

This means of denying American Citizens due process in the courts started in 1923, in a Supreme Court case FROTHINGHAM v. MELLON, wherein the high court ruled that American Citizens “lack legal standing” to confront their government in court, just because they disapprove of government actions.

So, the government from that point forward, was no longer a government “of, by or for” the People, from whom all governmental powers are derived under the conditions of the U.S. Constitution. That’s a hundred years ago now, and nearly no American Citizen knows anything about it today.


The three branches of federal government were originally designed to “check each other” for the purpose of keeping the government within the confined lawful authorities granted it in the U.S. Constitution and restrained by the U.S. Bill of Rights. The Founders intent was to forever protect and preserve the Constitutional Republic and prevent it from ever becoming tyrannical and dictatorial in nature.

But thanks to the early adoption of British Common Law in the Article III judicial branch, “case law” (which is no law at all under the Constitution) has been systematically used by American courts to undermine Constitutional Law and eliminate the protected Rights of all American Citizens.

Today, we see that “illegal aliens” invading our country have more Rights in our courts than any American Citizen does. The Department of Justice and U.S. Courts have become the most threatening enemies of freedom, liberty, sovereignty, and security in the USA. In recent years, they have been openly turned against the American People, to include all political opponents, like President Donald J. Trump.

We can see what they are able to do to someone like President Trump, and yet still, most Americans are unable to imagine what they could do to any “lesser” member of our society, while they use taxpayer funds to protect, fund, promote and advance “illegal” activities across the country and around the globe.

The “checks and balances” put in place some 246 years ago, no longer function as intended. Instead, they work together, providing cover for one another, as they operate in concert with each other and foreign enemies, to dismantle our Constitutional Republic and place every American in chains.


Sadly, some 246 years into the great freedom and liberty experiment, the vast majority of Citizens have never read the Charters of Freedom…the U.S. Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights. Most no longer know the critical foundations of freedom, liberty, security, and prosperity. Most have been too busy enjoying the fruits of those who came before us, to be bothered with the duty of protecting and preserving the blessing of freedom for our posterity.

Even within those who care, they often no longer know what’s Right, and therefore, what’s wrong today. They think “there’s nothing we can do” simply because, they never took the time to know the right things to do to preserve their own freedom.


There are two very important key parts to the U.S. Declaration of Independence…

  1. “to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them;” (not government rules, regulations, statutes, Executive Orders or court opinions.)
  2. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

The January 6, 2021, rally was an effort by Citizens to seek “redress of grievances” with Washington D.C. and “alter” the current course of the federal government, peacefully. There was NO “insurrection. This many Citizens could have easily “abolished” our corrupt government that day, without any armed “insurrection,” had they set out to do so. No one could have stopped it.

But because our federal government has been turned against its people, rally goers are being arrested, detained, and charged with a “crime” for attending that rally. One was shot to death despite presenting no direct threat to anyone. Further, the Right of the People to even enter a building that belongs to them, is protected!

Every election is an opportunity for the American People to “alter” their government peacefully, in an attempt to avoid ever needing to “abolish” it altogether, “to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

But when our elections are “unlawful and unconstitutional” in nature and process, and our courts deny the People access to present evidence, the idea we can “alter” our course of history peacefully via an election, is almost silly. Still, we have a duty to try!


While electronic voting systems are corrupted and full of severe problems, it remains that the vast majority of election fraud is happening via paper balloting, especially “mail-in” balloting.

NOTE: “Mail-in” voting is “unlawful and unconstitutional” in all 50 states, with the known exception of proper and legal “absentee” voting, the two methods, never to be confused with one another.

Therefore, if “mail-in” balloting is allowed again in a state in the 2022 elections, that election is “unlawful and unconstitutional” and cannot deliver a lawful and constitutional result.


  1. Read your State Election Laws, know your Rights!
  2. Either “mail-in” balloting is illegal, or the statutes passed to allow it are illegal, as in Pennsylvania.
  3. In Michigan, the State Supreme Court ruled 7-0 in October 2020 that Governor Whitmer’s “emergency” actions were “unlawful and unconstitutional” effective April 28, 2020. Yet democrats in control in the state used “unlawful and unconstitutional” election processes in November 2020 and they are using them again in 2022, because Michigan voters and all state republican legislators allow it.
  4. Hard evidence of massive election fraud has been proven beyond any doubt. But proving intentional fraud is much more complex than simply proving that election processes were and, in many cases, still are, unlawful and unconstitutional. Focus on the doable…
  5. VOTE IN PERSON ON ELECTION DAY and take evidence of anything you see that doesn’t look right. Use your cell phone camera and video.
  6. Only legal American Citizens who can “prove” they have a legal Right to vote, are eligible to vote. No one else!
  7. If you are in a state that recently tried to legalize illegal alien voters, CHALLENGE IT IMMEDIATELY!
  8. Konnech based in Michigan, but headquartered in Red China, working in concert with the Chinese Communist Party, recruits, trains and manages an estimated 1.8 million poll workers across the USA. Founder and Chief Executive Eugene Yu was recently arrested for “Theft of Personal Data.” Make sure that this company and their poll workers are NOT involved in your state elections.

Now, because fraud and unlawful election systems are still in play in 2022, with no one held accountable for 2020 to date, We the People only have two ways to “alter” government peacefully on November 8th.

  1. OVERWHELM THE POLLS ON ELECTION DAY AND VOTE FOR AMERICA, as this is a SINGLE ISSUE ELECTION. No fooling around! Get it done and vote together, not divided.
  2. COLLECT EVIDENCE of anything that doesn’t look or sound right in the election processes and send it to right away. Use your cell phone camera and video.

Due to the dismal lack of any other legitimate “checks and balances” in our system right now, this is our only opportunity to “alter” the course of history on November 8th. If we fail, although not desirable on our part, we will very soon be forced to “abolish” our government by any means necessary.

It is our Right to do so, and it is also our duty! We must use every possible peaceful means to accomplish the goal, to Make America free and great again. Because ALL governmental power is derived from the People, via the “consent of the governed,” those powers only exist, so long as our consent exists.

The moment our consent is withdrawn, all government powers cease to exist.

The future of our Republic is not in the hands of criminals, but rather in our own hands. You will either be the solution, or the problem. There’s nothing in between!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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2022 The Single Issue Election

By Lex Greene

October 25, 2022

Despite billion dollar partisan campaigns designed to divide the electorate over a laundry list of carefully crafted crises formulated into voting bloc issues, the 2022 mid-terms have become a single issue election cycle.

To be, or not to be, a Free Sovereign Constitutional Republic

More than any election in the past hundred years, this one will determine if the USA remains an independent nation of free people, or nose dives into the hellish pits of some maniacal One World Global Commune under Nazi Klaus Schwab and his evil band of international criminals.

Before I go any further, stop everything you are doing and invest 2-hours in knowing why I’m saying what I’m saying today. WATCH THIS FACTUAL DOCUMENTARY RIGHT NOW and take notes. (Posted in Spanish, English, or French) Also available on Rumble.

Thanks to our government controlled dangerous news and social media, the USA is currently the most ill-informed society on earth. I suspect that less than 1% of Americans know that this documentary exists, much less most of the critical truths presented in it.

Return to this piece here after you view the documentary…

Now, hopefully you have seen two hours of the most highly credentialled facts ever presented to the world population in one documentary, and you’re now ready to discuss the 2022 Single Issue Election you are about to vote upon in just a couple weeks.

I can connect the dots presented in this documentary to a laundry list of other carefully crafted crises, like FAKE Climate Change, self-imposed record inflation, our crashing economy and supply chain shortages, and the current War on Russia, but I won’t right now. Just know that these many crises are created and deployed by the same group of people, with the common purpose of ending national sovereignty and security for every nation on earth and bringing the entire world under a One World government, religion, ideology, legal system and more, in the WEF COVID19 Great Reset.

Nazi Klaus Schwab is not working alone. He runs the most globally connected cabal of evil maniacs with literally trillions in funding…with many WEF leaders installed in powerful places.



If you are doing business with or buying products and services from the companies partnered with Schwab’s WEF, and very likely, we all are, then we are funding the takeover of our beloved country in their Great Reset! If you trust anyone even remotely associated with the WEF, especially any political figures, you’re on a suicide mission.

Literally every election issue you can think of today, was carefully planned and created to manipulate American voters into committing national and global suicide via our own voting patterns. All of it is a “divide and conquer” operation, designed to keep Americans so busy fighting amongst themselves, that they don’t even realize that a much greater enemy is afoot, and that enemy is against all of us.

If you have not already watched the documentary linked HERE and above, then you can’t possibly grasp what I’m telling you today and why. If you don’t know the truth, it’s impossible for you to detect the many lies we have been living under. To know what is false, you have to first know what is true!

Have you ever heard of The Great Barrington Declaration?

You have certainly never heard of it through any news media or social media source in the USA, despite the declaration being signed by almost a million people worldwide, dating back to October 2020.

This worldwide declaration is signed by 47,197 Doctors, 15,938 Medical Health Scientists and more than 869,718 deeply concerned citizens from all over the world, all of them desperately trying to stop Dr. Fauci and his group of international bioweapons manufacturers from killing millions via their insane COVID mandates.

The Great Barrington Declaration“As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection.”

Originally Drafted by;

Dr. Martin Kulldorff, professor of medicine at Harvard University, a biostatistician, and epidemiologist with expertise in detecting and monitoring infectious disease outbreaks and vaccine safety evaluations.

Dr. Sunetra Gupta, professor at Oxford University, an epidemiologist with expertise in immunology, vaccine development, and mathematical modeling of infectious diseases.

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor at Stanford University Medical School, a physician, epidemiologist, health economist, and public health policy expert focusing on infectious diseases and vulnerable populations.

Have you heard about highly damning Global Vaccine Reports in the U.S. news? Did you catch any “BREAKING NEWS” regarding Germany’s official Vaccine Findings Report?

No, you haven’t, because our totally controlled dangerous news media hasn’t been reporting any truth about anything for a very long time in the USA. Did you know that even Newsweek published an op-ed back in November of 2021, titled How Fauci Fooled America… ???

No, you didn’t, because most American’s don’t read anymore and their electronic media sources buried all similar reports, or “discredited” them using their left-wing “fact-checkers” to eliminate all truths from social media presence.

THIS is the Single Issue of the 2022 Elections

No matter what you think your partisan political views are, every American has been constantly lied to and manipulated for years now. Only “the truth can set us free.”

The single issue of the 2022 election cycle couldn’t possibly be more stark in contrast…

Either the USA will remove ALL criminal politicians involved in this GREAT RESET SCAM from power, or the USA will exist no more! It’s truly just this simple and just this dire. If you don’t believe me, watch that documentary again and take notes this time!

Americans have but one peaceful chance on November 8th, to reverse the current course of history and hold every evildoer fully accountable after the election. We cannot allow ourselves to be distracted by all of the crises thrust upon us by our own government, or by playing any 3rd party fantasy games this time.

The lesser evil (politics in general) must prevail over the Greatest Evil we have ever faced as a nation, the Global Reset! And then, we must remain engaged to hold all newly elected politicians accountable for their actions, every minute of every day after!

In 2022, there are only two types of politicians seeking political office… Those who believe in a Global Commune run by Nazis, or those who believe in AMERICA FIRST, forever! Those who believe we live and work for them, or those who know they work for us. Those who hate everything about the USA, or those who love the founding principles and values of the USA. Those we can’t control, or even hold accountable, or those we can!

That is the choice every American will make in the 2022 elections and literally, nothing else matters at all.

If we get this one wrong, we will get to witness the end of the USA and hell on earth very fast.

Like science itself, some conspiracies are mere theory, while others are quite real, threatening and on the move. Evidence is all that separates the two, in both cases. Follow the evidence, not the theories…


In very rare cases, voters may be able to cast a ballot “for” a particular candidate and feel good about it. But in 100% of the cases in 2022, we will all have to VOTE AGAINST people who are in one way or another, involved in the utter destruction of our country, freedom, and liberty all over the world. A vote against the so-called “lesser evil” (including no vote at all) is a vote for the greatest evil we have ever faced in this country! It doesn’t matter WHO you like. It only matters WHAT you stand for. Every vote for someone who has no viable means of winning, is a vote for the greatest evil of all!

Every American will cast a vote either FOR or AGAINST the USA in this election, period!

If you still have not stopped everything to WATCH THIS DOCUMENTARY, do it now.

May God Bless the USA once more!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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There Was No Insurrection in DC

By Lex Greene

October 18, 2022

Socialist governments all over the world are facing angry citizens rising up to depose them in true “insurrections.” But not in the USA, yet…

Governments are notorious for constantly lying to “the people,” usually because they think “the people” don’t have a need to know, a right to know, or any interest in knowing. The simple truth is, politicians seldom tell the truth, and our current government controlled news and social media outlets, seldom tell the truth either.

In this case, U.S. government officials and their media have continued a trail of outright lies concerning the events of January 6, 2021, Washington D.C. – If you think J6 was an “insurrection,” you have just proven that you have no clue what an insurrection is!

For going on two years now, a small cabal of anti-American far left extremists in congress have spent millions in taxpayer funds to allegedly “investigate” the so-called “insurrection” via the very carefully selected “Select Committee.” The nine member committee is made up of seven far left democrats and two RINO republicans, both of whom recently lost their bids to remain in congress. (a 78% to 22% democrat controlled committee, and the two RINOs are the 22%)

(These nine idiots are the only nine people in the country you are allowed to hear from on the matter.)

All nine members have led the anti-Trump circus in congress since Trump came down the escalator to announce his bid for the White House in 2015. Most, if not all of them, have been directly involved in the fake “Russian Collusion” DNC conspiracy, initiated, funded, and run by the Hillary Clinton campaign and DNC in 2016.

In June of 2022, the (very) “Select” Committee ended its mock investigation with no criminal referrals to the Department of Justice. Yet, today, they are still holding more and more hearings, including recently issuing a subpoena for former President Trump to appear before congress. The dog and pony show continues, merely due to a critical election cycle taking place in just a few weeks.

What an INSURRECTION Really is…

In brief, an insurrection is an attempt to overthrow a legitimate duly elected government, by force. It’s an “uprising” by the citizenry with the clear stated purpose of deposing one system or government to replace it with another. True insurrections are almost always “armed,” due to the armed forces protecting the government.

1776 is a good example of a real “insurrection,” wherein “the people” took up arms to overthrow the British in the American Revolution, replacing the British government with their own independent government, of, by and for the people. That’s an “insurrection.”

The proper word for what happened on January 6, 2021, is something between a “political rally and/or a political protest,” nothing more.

Where it Happened

The rally took place on the public square at the nation’s capitol. The so-called “insurrection” happened when some of “the people” entered “the people’s House.” Clearly, the “public servants” who work inside that House, have forgotten who that House actually belongs to. It belongs to “the people,” not the public servants of “the people.”

Those people were let into the building by capitol police that day. There’s plenty of video evidence showing exactly that. The only people armed that day were government employees and the only person shot that day, was an unarmed rally goer Ashli Babbitt, who was no threat to anyone.

If you know what an insurrection is, then you know that what happened on January 6, 2021, wasn’t one, not even close.

Why they falsely labeled J6 an “INSURRECTION”

  1. In the USA, “the people” have an inalienable protected Right to “peaceful public assembly” and “redress of grievances.” (1st Amendment)
  2. “The people” also have an inalienable Right to “Keep and Bear Arms,” although they didn’t that day. (2nd Amendment)
  3. The U.S. Government is prohibited from using military force against “the people” under the Posse Comitatus Act. (With one exception, below)
  4. “The people” have an inalienable Right to “alter or abolish” government when that government becomes a threat to Life, Liberty, Sovereignty, Security and Justice. (Declaration of Independence)

Democrats and a couple RINOs who hate Trump and the USA, labeled the events of January 6, 2021, an “insurrection” because that would allow the President of the United States (Joe Biden) to bypass the Posse Comitatus Act and use military force against the American people. The Constitution grants the President that authority, but only in the event of an “insurrection.”

U.S. Law under 18 U.S. Code § 2383 – Rebellion or Insurrection – reads as follows…

“Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”

Now, honestly, that’s a great definition for BLM and ANTIFA, or the leftists threatening the USA from within, like George Soros and Bill Gates, or from abroad, like Klaus Schwab and his evil World Economic Forum, the nine panel committee itself, and folks like Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Maxine Waters, all of whom openly told their supporters to “get in the faces of their political opponents” at restaurants, grocery stores and even their homes, not to mention all of the accessories to their crimes.

However, because those are the people in charge of the USA at present, they have turned it all against the American people, especially anyone who still believes in the founding principles and values of the greatest country ever known to mankind.

In the end, we currently have a government that believes that all Rights and Privileges come from them, at their pleasure. Our founding documents exist to prevent them from doing that. But I know from experience that most Americans have never even read those documents, in fact, many who never read them agree with the idea of getting rid of those protective documents.

A simple reality is…you can’t possibly know what’s wrong…unless you first know what’s right. Opinions are entertaining, but most of them are not based upon any facts or reality today. If you don’t know what’s true, you can’t know what’s false.

In the case of the J6 events, because “the people” have every Right to public assembly and a redress of their grievances, as well as a Right to occupy a House that belongs to them, there can be no truth to the claim of any “insurrection” on January 6, 2021.

Because ALL government power is “derived from the people,” that government has no ultimate authority over the people.

Just because a handful of highly partisan corrupt politicians claim it, and their corrupted mass media megaphone regurgitates it around the clock, doesn’t make it true at all. No matter how many times a lie is repeated, it’s still a lie.

But in order for the people to know what’s wrong with this (or any other) picture, they must first know what’s right. In sum, the J6 “investigation” is a complete and utter fraud against the American people. Numerous whistleblowers are finally coming forward to expose that truth.

“The People” are the source of ALL governmental powers in the USA. Therefore, government is a mere servant of the people, with no ultimate authority over their masters. It’s called “freedom and liberty.”

There is an ongoing debate over the origin of the following quote, originally attributed to Thomas Jefferson in a separate speech given in 1914, but now disputed by the democrat party “fact-checkers.” But no matter who first said it, the statement is 100% true.

“When governments fear the people, there is liberty.

When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.”

We happen to have both today. Millions of Americans fear their government, because the current government has acted in despotic tyrannical form against “the People,” going so far as to falsely label half of the citizenry “insurrectionists and “domestic enemies.” But it’s clear that the government also fears some of its’ People, specifically, the AMERICA FIRST segment of the population.

If you have seen any of the pictures of the crowd in DC that day, you know that the size of that crowd could have removed everyone from DC that day, if that’s what they set out to do, and they wouldn’t have even needed weapons to do it. If that’s what they intended to do, it would have been done that day, nothing could have stopped them, especially since Speaker Pelosi declined any security.

Just because the masters (the People) have not monitored or held their servants (politicians) accountable for many years now, doesn’t mean that they can’t, or never will. Sooner or later, human nature will demand nothing less than freedom, liberty, and justice.

Until then, the political foxes will continue to wreck the People’s henhouse.

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Why Democrats WILL lose 2022 BIG

By Lex Greene

October 15, 2022

Leftist controlled pollsters are doing the best they can to make it look like democrats are running close races in the 2022 mid-terms. Certainly, election fraud will play a major role in the election, just like 2020. But democrats are so far behind this time, that efforts to steal another election will be blatantly obvious to everyone. Cheating is the only chance democrats have now, so they WILL cheat.

Here’s how socialist democrats have painted themselves into a corner that they won’t be able to escape this time, so long as every AMERICA FIRST voter shows up to vote in person on November 8th.

To sum it all up, today’s democrats are not democratic at all, nor are they liberal or progressive. Instead, they are anti-American socialists, working in concert with demonic global criminals like Klaus Schwab in a maniacal “global reset” scheme designed to destroy the sovereignty, security, freedom, peace, and tranquility of every nation on earth, including the USA. Even card-carrying Marxist Bernie Sanders is calling out democrats for being “dangerously too far left.” Lifelong democrats like Tulsi Gabbard are speaking out more harshly towards democrats than even republicans do.

But specifically, here’s the corner democrats have painted themselves into, and every sane Citizen can see it now.


Our Federal Government is created, directed, and authorized by the US Constitution. The government has no right to exist at all, other than by that document. The stated purpose is as follows…

  1. To form a more perfect Union
  2. Establish Justice
  3. Insure domestic Tranquility
  4. Provide for the common defense
  5. Promote the general Welfare
  6. And secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity

Six simple foundational purposes of our government, and democrats have openly worked to undermine and destroy all six.

  1. Instead of working around the clock to “form a more perfect union,” democrats have worked around the clock for decades to divide Citizens, pitting each against another over race, creed, color, religion, gender, and sexual orientation, along with political views, going so far as to openly label half of the country “domestic terrorists, insurrectionists, extremists, bigots, and white supremacists.” They are the party of division, not unity.
  2. Instead of establishing and upholding justice, democrats have weaponized federal agencies like a gestapo against their AMERICA FIRST political opponents. Democrats have replaced justice with social justice, the business of government dictating winners and losers. They have destroyed “equality” in favor of Marxist “equity.”
  3. BLM and ANTIFA are both Democrat Party street gangs organized, funded, directed, mobilized in an instant, and defended by democrats, have burned and looted cities all across the country, funding through ACT BLUE (a DNC international money laundering scheme). They have created chaos, destruction, death and billions in financial losses, the total opposite of domestic tranquility.
  4. Provide for the common defense? The democrats have insisted upon a wide open border flooding the USA with millions and millions of illegal aliens, shipping them to cities all across the country and then fighting to gain voting rights for those illegal invaders, many of them violent criminals in their own countries. Democrats are actively engaged in an overt takeover of the USA via illegal “migration” from 3rd world toilets all over the globe. They are also engaged in causing wars around the world, now threatening war on US soil, or even a nuclear exchange.
  5. As to promoting the general welfare of all Citizens, democrats are directly infringing upon the protected Rights of all Citizens, focused on providing “taxpayer funded welfare” for their democrat voters, illegal aliens, foreign Middle Eastern terrorists, terrorist states like Afghanistan (Taliban, ISIS, and Al Qaeda) and nearly a trillion dollars for the “general welfare” of their puppet government in Ukraine.
  6. Last, but certainly not least, all of their actions directly threaten the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity. Worse than at any time in US history, our younger generations see no positive future for themselves, leading to record violent crime in our cities, and skyrocketing suicide rates.

In short, today’s democrat party has violated every foundation for freedom and liberty in the USA and that is the corner they have painted themselves into now.

The DNC is a single issue minority group party made up of terminal anti-American malcontents voting for “free stuff” from taxpayers, by electing dictators like Biden.

The top campaign issues for democrat politicians in 2022 are…

  • ABORTION – A right to murder your own children in the womb
  • DRUGS – A right to be drugged up and dumbed down, easy to control
  • A GLOBAL COMMUNE – Making the USA a 3rd world member of Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset
  • WAR – Causing military conflicts with Russia, China, Iran, North Korea while backing the Taliban in Afghanistan, including current threats of a global nuclear event
  • HATE TRUMP – and all AMERICA FIRST voters
  • WEAPONIZED FEDERAL AGENCIES – directed to violate the Natural Rights of all Citizens for benefit of their “global community”

The only people in the USA who will vote for this democrat utter destruction of the USA come November, are those who know no better, deaf, dumb, and blind to facts right in their faces.

Today’s democrats are the most anti-American group on earth, far more dangerous to the USA than any foreign enemy.

You bet democrats will try to steal another election on November 8th. They have been advancing election fraud methods for years now and they have literally perfected the art. Meanwhile, current republican politicians have perfected the art of doing absolutely nothing about it at all.

But this time, they will have no choice but to cheat on such a grand scale, that everyone with a heartbeat and temperature around 98.6 will see it. This time, they must and will be exposed and stopped.

The ONLY way democrats win in November is if good men and women do nothing. After the past two years of Biden disasters, millions are ready to take control of their own futures by putting AMERICA FIRST in the 2022 elections. Most can now see exactly why socialism fails everywhere it’s tried.

Millions of AMERICA FIRST voters will show up and vote in person on November 8th, not to support any political party, but rather to save themselves by saving freedom and liberty and ending the current tyrannical assault on our country, coming from the halls of our own corrupt government and global Nazis like Schwab.

Pollsters will continue to make races look much closer than they are, because that provides cover for a stolen election. But these races aren’t even close in reality.

The people will take back control of their runaway government, voting in person, en masse, on November 8th.

Make sure you don’t sit this one out. This is the most important mid-term election cycle in US history!

Electing a new crop on political leaders is the very least every American can do. Holding their feet to the fire after the election is the very least every American MUST do.

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Tulsi Gabbard’s Sudden Conscience

By Lex Greene

October 12, 2022

In politics today, things are seldom what they seem. Some things might be though, like the sudden timing of Tulsi Gabbards urgent leap from the sinking Socialist Democrat Party ship, while hundreds of other rats are jumping off as fast as they can.

On February 21, 2022, Tulsi’s name still appeared on Klaus Schwab’s WEF Young Global Leaders list, which was collected and reported by HERE, with over 7000 views. Less than a month later, her name was scrubbed from the list of Young Global Leaders on the WEF web site, reported HERE.

For quite some time now, Gabbard has been saying a lot of things that seem on the surface, to align with Republican Party Platform positions. Yet, she remained a member of the Socialist Democrat Party until 30-days out from a mid-term election cycle that pretty much everyone agrees, may totally destroy America’s socialist democrats. That’s when Tulsi finally decided to jump ship…along with others.

Now, I don’t claim to know what’s in Tulsi’s heart or mind, or what this recent leap from the DNC really means, and no one else knows either, except Tulsi, or maybe her political handlers. But she sure wouldn’t be the first democrat to run for office as a Republican or Independent, that wasn’t really Republican, Independent, or conservative. This is what we now call “RINOs” in the Republican Party, pretend conservatives in speech, but not in practice after elected.

One thing is certain, when political firebrand President Trump answered the call of the people to enter the sewer of politics in 2015, causing an all-out open global assault on everyone and everything that bears the Trump name, he unified an AMERICA FIRST movement that had been swelling up for years. That movement may have now become the most powerful political movement in the USA and even the world, as people rise up against their failed socialist governments all over the globe.

Even card-carrying communist Bernie Sanders is now openly attacking his Democrat Party for going “so far left” that no sane person can vote for any democrat or socialist in 2022. Since Obama’s Biden regime seized power in January 2021, the USA has been racing downhill like a snowball headed for hell, as my ole buddy Merle once said

Maybe Gabbard has simply read the tea leaves. With record inflation, supply line shortages, the deepest divisions in U.S. history, O’Biden wars on every corner, rising violence in U.S. cities, and her party leadership labeling more than half of the country “terrorists, extremists, insurrectionists” and calling to “eliminate” everyone who holds a different political point of view, can anyone with even half a mind claim this insanity now? Seems Tulsi can’t any longer.

Forty-two years ago, it was Ronald Reagan who first made it popular to jump from his lifelong democrat party and join the GOP, claiming that the party had left him long ago. He ran democrat failure Jimmy Carter from office in a landslide and made millions proud to be American again. But he also launched the idea of an all-inclusive “BIG TENT” republican party, which is now half full of democrats (aka RINOs).

Many have left the democrat party since for the same reasons. But many have left the GOP too, as RINOs gained an ever growing presence within the GOP, in great part, due to democrats jumping parties, or just running on republican tickets in deep RED districts, where a democrat has no chance. That’s about 90% of the voting precincts in the country.

There are no “blue states” in the USA, just a handful of blue cities. Democrats win elections once they control major population centers. Even New York, Illinois and California are mostly RED states. But their voters are outnumbered by the massive voting power in their major cities, nearly all of which are democrat controlled and in rapid decline. Texas too now…

The thing about “facts” is they stand on their own side, and they don’t care if you like them or not. To say that “facts” are a stubborn thing is a gross understatement. Hating them won’t change a thing. Ignoring them will cause your own demise.

Because democrats have such a long distinguished history of lying to gain power, going back more than a hundred years, creating mass-divisions everywhere they can, and turning on their own as fast as they turn on their opponents, we simply cannot take anything for granted, or at face value today. We must question everyone and everything.

To be certain, politics is a TEAM sport and if you are not part of a winning TEAM, you’re not really in the sport at all. The single largest voting bloc in the USA today claims “independent” status. But most are not actually “independent.” They just can’t stand to be publicly associated with any political party today, because on some level, they are all full of corruption.

Has Tulsi truly had a sudden political epiphany? Is she really abandoning her lifelong democrat party belief system? Or is she really still a Young Global Leader for Klaus Schwab and his demonic Great Reset underway globally?

I don’t know the answer to this question, and most likely, neither do you. But she did endorse Joe Biden in 2020…and she is a Klaus Schwab trained “global leader,” whether she still appears on their web site or not.

Right now, would be the worst time in history to make such a mistake. In less than 30-days, The People will have a chance to wipe out the tyrannical totalitarian leadership in DC and beyond, creating our own AMERICA FIRST reset. If we don’t pay close attention and get it right, there’s no one to blame but ourselves.

Fool me once, shame on you! But twice, shame on me!

You see, political campaigns are not about “Making America Great Again.” Political campaigns are solely about raising money and garnering votes. Most politicians know what you want to hear, so that’s what they will tell you, not intending to do it, but just to extract your money and gain your vote. After they raise the money and gain your vote, their top priority is to be re-elected, not because they deserve to be, but because they are an incumbent now, hard to remove from office.

If the DOJ investigated every member of government who has become wealthy via “insider trading” in the market, or international money laundering like the Bidens, we would have no one left in government…which is why the DOJ looks the other way and focuses on what you did wrong instead.

I too agree with much of what Tulsi is saying lately, and I too hope she means every word of it. But I won’t risk the future of freedom and liberty on it! Will you?

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Equality vs. Equity

By Lex Greene

October 5, 2022

“…to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them…” U.S. Declaration of Independence

The United States of America is the direct result of people from all over the world escaping government tyranny in search of individual freedom and liberty. As has always been the case throughout human history, almost nothing on earth is more costly than freedom and liberty. It comes at the price of blood and treasure and has cost millions around the globe their lives.

There is only one thing more costly…freedom once lost, is never regained.

Yet like all free societies, in time, generations will emerge who no longer know or appreciate the true value of freedom. Democracies have failed throughout history simply because it only takes a few generations living in the benefits of freedom and liberty, who know nothing about what it takes to be free, to trade their freedom for something they mistakenly perceive to be far more valuable, “free stuff.”

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” U.S. Declaration of Independence

Freedom is equality… equality is freedom

Free market capitalism is “financial freedom,” a Right of self-determination. Foundationally, “equality” is based upon freedom and liberty, the inalienable Right to “equal opportunity” to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of independent individual Happiness, for all. In order for any human being to possess these Rights, all must possess them. The same goes for “equal application of the Law.”

Equality is the ability of every person to define, seek, overcome, and achieve their own happiness, without interference from others.

But “Equity” is something quite different

Foundationally, “equity” is the complete opposite of equality and freedom. While equality is based on individual freedom, equity is based upon government tyranny, the power of government to “take from one according to their ability; and give to another, based on how that best serves government.” It’s rooted in the teachings of Socialist Karl Marx.

When politicians speak of “equity,” they are referring to their desire to rob from Middle Class taxpayers, using those resources to buy more votes from the so-called “underachievers,” or “non-producers,” also known as, trained terminal government dependents, or self-imposed victims.

Equity requires The People to surrender their individual freedom and liberty to an all-powerful government, granting government the authority to decide “who deserves” the fruits of your labors, your Rights, your liberties, and your freedom, through “free stuff” used to bribe voters at election time, with gifts from the taxpayer’s treasury.

In short, equity requires tyranny

Tyranny is defined as, “Arbitrary or despotic exercise of power; the exercise of power over subjects and others with a rigor not authorized by law or justice, or not requisite for the purposes of government. Hence, tyranny is often synonymous with cruelty and oppression.”

By “equity,” politicians mean, “equal results for unequal effort.”

Every time someone votes for “equity,” they are voting for “tyranny.” Because “equity” can only exist by taking the freedom, liberty, and earnings of one, for benefit of another, government tyranny is necessary to achieve that goal.

Yet again, for any human being to possess freedom, all must possess freedom. All forms of totalitarianism have failed repeatedly throughout history, for only two simple reasons.

  1. You can only take from others against their will, until they will no longer allow it.
  2. Once you make hard work and sacrifice worthless, the system collapses. People only work and sacrifice to gain fruits from their efforts. Once they can no longer get ahead through their own labor, they will no longer labor. There is nothing left to take from others, everyone is destitute, including government.

The USA is by far the most ethnically diverse country in the world. There are literally millions of real examples of people starting with nothing and making something of themselves, all ethnic groups, all ages, all genders in the USA. It’s insane to even suggest that “equality” and “freedom” don’t work. These foundations once made the USA the most prosperous and powerful nation ever known to mankind. There are also many examples of people born with a silver spoon in their mouth, squandering their blessing and ending up broke and in trouble. Hunter Biden comes to mind…

Still, the promise of “equity” appeals to many who have chosen not to use their own freedom to prosper, to not make something of themselves. That choice leads them to seek the fruits of your labor, “equity” through government tyranny. They won’t even work hard enough to come rob you themselves. Instead, they elect government officials who will rob you on their behalf, all in the name of “equity.”

Just as “equality” is “freedom” – “equity” is “tyranny.”

The mistake the equity seekers make is this…they are totally myopic in their belief structure. They think that the tyranny they vote for will only apply to you, those they seek to rob for their own benefit.

They do not realize that in the end of their pursuit for equity, it is they who will end up in a shallow grave. If the people they are robbing don’t put them there, eventually, the government they elected will.

You see, governments have no use for non-producers. Non-producers can’t contribute anything, and in the end, are merely a drain on the system. Since politicians seldom fail to serve themselves above all others, sooner or later, non-producers become an “intolerable and unsustainable liability.”

Governments survive on revenue and non-producers bring nothing to the party, just seeking to eat all your food and drink all your wine. They’re like the worst kind of party guests. Leaches who will suck you dry, if you let them, and even though many citizens might let them, eventually, the tyrants they elect, won’t.

History has proven this over and over again, from Mao to Stalin, Hitler to Lenin. Even as I write, countries all over the globe are tearing down their socialist and communist governments and electing “conservative” leaders to take them out of the poverty caused by greedy governments who have robbed them blind for decades.

This world and especially this country, are built by givers, not takers. Equality brings freedom for all. Equity brings tyranny for everyone. It’s just that simple.

But there are those who will never change, as they are takers and will never become givers. There is nothing we can do to save those who refuse to save themselves.

But we can, and we must, prevent the takers from destroying every giver in this world. Once all givers are destroyed, there is nothing to give and nothing to take. That’s when the socialist GLOBAL RESET will be in full force and effect, as only the 1% ruling class elites will have anything, and if you think they will share with you…you haven’t been paying attention!

Freedom and equality are good for everyone. Equity in the end, is only good for the 1% ruling class elites,’ thieves and carpetbaggers, the top dog democrats in the USA and their cohorts at the WEF, UN, IMF, NATO and WHO.

Good and evil both exist on earth. Just as money can be used for good or evil, and guns can be used to kill innocents, or save innocents, so too, can people be used for either good or evil.

All tyrannical governments around the world have promised their citizens “equity,” not equality…and all have provided their citizens an equal depth of poverty, causing those governments to become ever more brutal to the people they keep under boot.

Americans hypnotized by the “equity” scam, are being bribed and used for evil. All good men seek nothing more than Equality and Freedom, and demand nothing less.

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Now that we’ve tried the GREATER EVIL (again)

By Lex Greene

October 3, 2022

The whole world knows that Biden and Harris were chosen by the global communist cabal simply because they are both expendable useful idiots easily controlled by their puppet masters, and easily disposed of when they are no longer useful. Both are total simpletons who made their way to the top lying, cheating, sleeping, and stealing their way there. Now that we can all see the consequences, can we try a much lesser evil now?

Biden won the DNC 2020 nomination with only 30% support within his own party. Harris dropped out of the 2020 presidential DNC primary with less than 1% support from her own party. Yet, useful idiot voters still believe they defeated the most popular president since Ronald Reagan in the 2020 general elections, who received over 11-million more votes in 2020 than in 2016.

The only Americans who still support Biden and Harris, or Schumer and Pelosi, are those who are not even as smart as these morons.

Clearly, there is nothing at all common about common sense these days. Only bassackwards people can’t see just how bassackwards everything is under the failing leadership of Biden and Harris. People who think socialism works but can’t name an example of it actually working or can’t even figure out if they are male or female, also think Joe and Kamala are running the country, when they clearly can’t even read a teleprompter right.

Last week, Kamala gave a speech about what a wonderful long-term ally the USA enjoys with North Korea. She was supposed to say South Korea… Joe, the mindless bumbling stooge that can’t find his own ass using both hands and a GPS, has never been able to get through a teleprompter speech correctly even once in the past five years.

Joe and Kamala were “installed” to office (not elected) no different than how Obama installed his puppet governments, like replacing Mubarak with Morrisey in Egypt, installing Zelensky in Ukraine, and Macron in France, all being removed by their citizens since.

Democrats have labeled republicans “warmongers” for decades, even though, throughout modern history, it has consistently been democrats who led the USA into endless wars. U.S. military forces were at war for all eight years of Obama’s tenure, the first two-term president with that distinction.

Obama launched airstrikes or military raids in at least seven countries during his two terms: Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, and Pakistan. Obama was attacking sovereign nations, deposing leaders, and installing his own puppet regimes throughout all of his time in the Oval Office. Now Obama continues that global agenda with Biden and Harris as his puppet regime in the USA.

Since Obama’s puppet regime was installed in the USA in January 2021, our country and the entire world has been set ablaze. Never in human history have we witnessed so many “coincidental” catastrophes in a constant steady storm of unlikely crisis after crisis.

  • COVID19

Everything on this list is visible today for all who can see. All who can see are called to defeat this evil with good. Good can win over evil, but only so long as good men and women do the right things, guided, and protected by faith alone. The crises we witness today are merely the natural consequences of evil working much harder than good.

1 John 5:4

“For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith.”

But we must remember that “faith without works is dead.”

James 2:20

“How foolish! Can’t you see that faith without good deeds is useless?”

Those without faith, cannot see truth. They speak as if they are the creators and arbiters of truth, yet they can see and hear no truth at all. Here’s why…for all who selfishly vote in greed, for free gifts from government, and by these means, are merely “bribed.”

Exodus 23:8

“Take no bribes, for a bribe makes you ignore something that you clearly see. A bribe makes even a righteous person twist the truth.”

Romans 12:21

“Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good.”

If you are a person of faith, then you can see and hear evil and you know what must be done. If you are not a person of faith, then you can’t even tell up from down, much less right from wrong. Don’t bother disagreeing with me on this, you won’t change what I know to be true.

We have to accept the reality that some will not be saved. They don’t want to be saved, they don’t think they need to be saved, and they will never stop voting strictly on the basis of what they think government can do for them.

But the rest of us must unite now, no matter race, creed, color, religion, or gender. All who believe in the gift of Freedom and Liberty, must now meet this evil with overwhelming good. We must direct the future of our country despite the selfish whims of those who have been sold a socialist diet without knowing what they are doing to themselves, much less everyone else.

To my evangelical and ecumenical brothers and sisters, you too have been misled from the pulpit in your faith. The “one world religion” movement you are part of, is merely a religion based global socialist movement within the Christian church and that’s why they teach you to merely “love” and “pray” and otherwise, do nothing good on earth.

In the event that the USA is able to have an election on November 8th, the 74% of Americans who say the country is headed in the wrong direction, will have an opportunity to reverse the direction of the country, peacefully. To accomplish this, we must ALL do three simple things…

  1. We need a 100% IN-PERSON ON ELECTION DAY voter turnout of the 74% who know that the country is headed in the wrong direction.
  2. We must vote united behind the best viable candidates on the ballot. Now is not the time to divide our voting power across dozens of 3rd party candidates, which always allows the “greater evil” to prevail. This time, we must truly “vote our conscience,” not based on emotional knee jerk reactions to trouble in both parties, but focused on the final outcome of the election, based on the best viable candidates available to replace the trash that must be removed.
  3. If we can do #1 and #2, then #3 is to influence the people we just elected after the election, after we took the trash out. This is critical, in that what we do after an election to make sure the people we hire do their job right, is much more important than who we hire. It’s all about accountability!

No business hires new employees and then walks away to go play. Left to their own without leadership and management, the employees will bankrupt the business in days.

It is our job to take out the trash and then manage the people we hire to replace them. Citizens all over the world are doing this in their countries as we speak, replacing global socialists with new conservative leadership. We must do it too now.

If we don’t do this together, I assure you, there is no peaceful solution to the hell we face today. The most wicked enemy the USA has ever faced is within the gates and currently in control of our government.

It is entirely up to us what happens next. What the evil global cabal fears more than anything else on earth, is a UNITED American People! No evil on earth can overcome a UNITED America!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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The Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God

By Lex Greene

September 20, 2022

Contrary to what most Americans think, there is no such thing as “Constitutional Rights.” The U.S. Constitution has nothing to do with the Natural Rights of U.S. Citizens. The Constitution isn’t even an enumeration of “protections” of all Natural Rights of the People. That document, the “Supreme Law of this Land,” only establishes the structure, duties, and authorities of our Federal Government. Nothing more or less.

Likewise, the Bill of Rights is not an enumeration of the Rights of the People. It’s an enumeration of additional limitations and prohibitions placed on government.

The Rights of the People do not come from any government or governmental body. In fact, the Natural Rights of the People are well beyond the reach of government in the USA, they are “inalienable.” – “All men have certain natural rights which are inalienable.”

In the USA, this foundation for freedom and liberty was established for all U.S. Citizens in the opening of our Declaration of Independence“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them.”

All of our basic Rights as American Citizens are Natural Rights, “endowed by our Creator,” as established in our Founding Documents, known as our Charters of Freedom. All such Rights are “inalienable” by governmental bodies, any government body.

Our most basic Natural Rights are an inalienable Right to “Life, Liberty and the [individual] pursuit of Happiness.” Fundamentally, any human being who does not have a protected Right to Life itself, has a Right to nothing at all. Our 2nd Amendment, “the Right of the People to keep and bear arms,” exists so that “the People” can protect these most basic Rights, no matter the source of the threat.

Natural Rights are different than Civil Rights. In the USA, Civil Rights have been established by government via Civil Rights Acts, a legislative process. Civil Rights are guarantees of equal social opportunities and equal protection under the law, regardless of race, religion, or other personal characteristics. Civil Liberties are something else yet again. Civil liberties are guarantees and freedoms that governments commit not to abridge, either by constitution, legislation, or judicial interpretation, without due process.

In contrast to Civil Rights and Civil Liberties derived from legislative process, based on man-made statutes, Natural Rights are based upon Natural Law, defined as “those that are not dependent on the laws, customs, or beliefs of any particular culture or government, (and therefore, universal and inalienable) were central to the debates during the Enlightenment on the relationship between the individual and the government.”

In the USA, our country was intentionally founded upon “The Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God,” not man-made statutes. We are designed to be a nation of laws, but those laws are constitutionally required to be consistent with and in furtherance of, our Natural Rights. As a result, our government is regulated by these laws and Rights, and prohibited from infringing upon these Rights for any reason, in any manner whatsoever.

Today, at least 80% of what our federal government and many state and local governmental bodies do, are direct infringements upon our Natural Rights, in direct violation of both federal and state constitutions. But most modern Americans don’t know it, or don’t care.

For the record, the U.S. Constitution is still the “Supreme Law of the Land,” and all State Constitutions are the Supreme Law in each state. Anything and everything a governmental body does that is at odds with those Supreme Laws, are themselves, “unlawful” and “unconstitutional.” Under such conditions, they have no force of law behind them whatsoever. They are NULL & VOID the second they are passed by any governmental body, Executive, Legislative or Judicial.

There is only one single purpose to the U.S. Constitution, and it is to “form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”

When any governmental body in the USA acts at odds with this purpose, which they do daily now, they do so in direct violation of the Founding documents which created that government, and which they have all taken an oath of office to serve, protect and defend. They are therefore, engaged in acts of treason against the People, from whom all government powers are derived.

Unfortunately, most of what our federal, state, and local governments have enacted over many years, are unlawful and unconstitutional. The People either didn’t know, didn’t pay attention, or didn’t care as literally hundreds or thousands of infringements crept into our new norm.

Once a government grants itself such power, they will never relinquish that power willingly. They are likely to do whatever it takes, including scorched earth events, to retain the power they have stolen from the People.

The People have only three options in how they can retake the power that rightfully belongs to only them.

  1. Remove the threat to Life and Liberty via elections, which is only possible with a well-informed and active electorate, and only in free, fair, honest election processes. We have neither in the USA right now.
  2. Put down the threat via Judicial processes, designed to restrict governments to constitutional boundaries. Constitutional issues are meant to have “original jurisdiction” in Supreme Courts, allowing direct access to prevent the People from taking matters into their own hands. This is only possible with courts that uphold, enforce, and protect the Natural Rights of the People, which we also do not have today.
  3. The last resort of the People is founded in our Declaration of Independence. Our Charters of Freedom were designed to forever protect the Natural Rights of the People and direct the People to remain “forever vigilant” against a destructive government and use all of their Rights to protect the future of freedom and liberty for all posterity.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

“That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.”

Over the past 246 years or so, Americans had quite literally thousands of opportunities to “alter” the increasingly destructive nature of their government. But as our Founders so wisely warned…

“Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly, all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”

In other words, so long as life seems mostly normal and comfortable, even tolerating a significant level of suffering, the People will be unlikely to ever confront evil in their governments. Only when conditions deteriorate to a broadly intolerable level, are People likely to react.

Because intolerable evils tend to be trust upon the People incrementally over an extended period of time, like a frog dropped into a pot of room temperature water and brought to a boil slowly, most will not notice the changes until they boil.

Those who do notice early in the process, are often labeled “conspiracy theorists” and “tin foil hat” folks. The labels are designed to prevent others from taking notice of events unfolding slowly, most of them unfolding right under their noses and in broad daylight.

When all else fails, return to the basics, stick to the fundamentals. The government approved “experts” are there to confound and confuse, making issues seem much more complicated than they actually are.

If we stick to the basics, we cannot be confounded, confused, or controlled by the government “experts.”

When our government becomes anti-Life, they have become destructive of all Natural Rights.

When government becomes anti-second amendment, they have become destructive of all Natural Rights.

It’s not the People, but rather government “experts,” responsible for driving every Citizen to trillions in national debt. The proven lies surrounding COVID19 over the past two years all came from government approved “experts.” Those responsible for the mass illegal invasion of our country are national security and legal “experts.”

As we have witnessed, only certain “experts” are recognized as such, specifically, those who carry water for the government, against the People.

Our Natural Rights, under the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God are the foundation for every Right on earth. Fail to protect and defend those Rights, and you will have no other.

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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WOMEN: The #1 Cause of Death in the USA

By Lex Greene

September 16, 2022

In an effort to figure out why our government and media are so concerned with lawful and responsible gun ownership, I decided to study the leading causes of death in the USA. With all of the focus on disarming the law-abiding citizens of the USA, I expected to see that gun violence by law-abiding citizens was a leading cause of death in the USA. Why else would anyone be so damned concerned with Second Amendment protected Rights in the USA?

Imagine my surprise when I discovered the real leading cause of death in the USA, and no, it isn’t COVID19 either. My research is based upon official government issued statistics posted on government websites, including the CDC.

Since most Americans still foolishly believe everything our government tells them, the above numbers were taken directly from government official sources. That way if you disagree, you disagree with your government, rather than me.

Despite gun violence being the least of our problems in terms of causes of death, at only 0.6% of the deaths in 2020, 90% of which are gang violence, drug or theft related, mostly in every democrat run city…still, our government has convinced millions of Americans that it is the biggest threat in our country. Far from it…

COVID19 is #4 on the list at 10.2% – but remember that the CDC has admitted that 94% of the deaths labeled COVID19 actually died of something else. Only 6% of the 350,831 (21,050) were actual COVID deaths in 2020. (Note: the 2021 COVID deaths were up by 30% after vaccines)

Diseases of the heart and cancer, among others, happen largely if not entirely, beyond our control, and they are indiscriminate in nature, claiming the lives of young and old alike.

But as you can see in the grid above, the #1 cause of death in the USA is ABORTION, 100% of them at the sole discretion of women who believe they have some insane non-existent constitutionally protected right to kill their own children. Women killing their own children accounted for 26.9% of all human deaths in the USA in 2020, making it by far the leading cause of death in the USA. It’s been this way for many years now.

Yet, all public political attention is on “gun violence” at the bottom of the list, which only accounts for 0.6% of the deaths nationally in 2020. If you expect any sane person to believe that women determined to kill their own children, care anything at all about the death of your children due to gun violence, you’re wrong. They clearly have no regard for human life at all, their children or yours.

But it is largely the same women who demand a right to kill their own children, who also aim to eliminate your natural Right to keep and bear arms, in protection of your own children and families. The same group also supports defunding law enforcement and putting convicted felons back on the streets, while flooding our country with illegal aliens from every 3rd world toilet on earth.

Today’s democrat party panders to these women voters, for their own political power, and that’s why this horrific evil continues in our country. Many republican politicians now pander for votes on this issue too, all knowing how evil it is, but more concerned about their political power than the life of any child.

Before anyone brings it up, “rape” accounts for only 0.5% of all abortions. This means that 99.5% of all abortions have nothing whatsoever to do with “rape.”

Now, to be fair to women, 44% of women voted against this total evil insanity in 2020. They are not directly responsible for abortion being the #1 cause of death in the USA. But 55% of women voted for this evil in 2020, and they have been voting for this evil ever since the Supreme Court issued the Roe v. Wade decision, since overturned. They plan on voting for abortion again in 2022…as the top issue driving their votes in every election.

Here’s the worst news about at least 55% of women voters in the USA today…

Unlike every other cause of death, this one solely targets the most innocent and defenseless victims on earth, children. 90% of gun related deaths in the USA are between street criminals. But 100% of abortions strictly target an innocent child.

Like it or not, these are the facts. These facts prove that the deadliest people in the USA today are 55% of women. Sadly, at least 55% of American women are directly responsible for the mass murder of innocence in the USA as the #1 cause of death, simply due to their support for abortion.

Maybe we need to be talking about the #1 cause of death in the USA, instead of gun violence, all the way at the bottom of the list!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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2022 Election: A Battle of Two Factions

By Lex Greene

September 15, 2022

The politicians and their propaganda media promote the notion that over 300 million Americans have a wide range of issues they are concerned about, causing them to fracture into issue based factions easy to manipulate, divide and conquer for political purposes.

Many think the elections are between democrats and republicans, or independents against both. People have been trained to believe that we are a totally divided and fractured country today, which is in part true. However, in reality, our elections have been reduced to only two factions and two choices today.


Often referred to as the “MAGA movement,” which stands for the “Make America Great Again” voting bloc, most of whom believe in President Donald J. Trump and the many things he accomplished against all Washington DC insiders for four years. This group will cast their ballots on the basis of Life, Liberty, and the free individual Pursuit of Happiness, freedom, liberty and justice for all, and the Rule of Law.

This faction puts freedom and liberty for everyone above all else when they walk into an election booth. This group believes in making the USA the very best free and secure nation anywhere on earth. They vote for a better future for every human being. This group includes most republicans, and some democrats and independents.


Like it or not, this faction cannot possibly be described any other way today. This group includes democrats and socialists now, almost exclusively, and they openly call for “war” against all other Americans. This group includes those burning and looting cities across the nation ahead of the 2020 elections, as well as criminal gangs destroying every democrat controlled city in the USA. (BLM, ANTIFA, MS13)

The number one issue for this voting bloc is “death.”

  • An alleged “constitutional right” to murder their own children
  • A right to burn and loot entire cities, and murder innocent citizens
  • A right to put convicted violent felons back on the streets
  • A right to flood our country with violent illegal aliens and drugs
  • A right to disarm law-abiding citizens and defund all law enforcement
  • A right to cause endless wars around the globe
  • A right to force lethal injections into citizens at will, without any liability
  • A right to force young children into deadly mandates against parental consent
  • A right to use Federal Agencies to terrorize citizens, political opponents
  • A right to protect child traffickers and pedophiles
  • A right to operate a Nazi-style thought police gestapo, targeting political opponents
  • And I could go on for a few pages with this list…


According to all related election data, U.S. women overwhelmingly vote for the death cult in every election cycle, by a 25% margin on average. Not too long ago, female voters leaned hard conservative in protection of their families. Today, they lean hard left and they represent the largest voting bloc in the “death cult” faction now.

U.S. men, however, have always trended towards the conservative right in their voting, but not by as wide a margin lately. As more and more women seek to be men, and men seek to be women, these patterns are changing, unfortunately.

Making matters worse, females are now 52% of the USA population, not counting the men who now dress like women. Men represent only 48% of the USA population at present, which means the female population has a baseline 4% voting advantage over men.

Adding to this problem, women have had a much higher voter turnout rate than men recently, approximately 63% female voter turnout to 59% of males. So, women not only outnumber men by 4%, but they also vote at a higher rate than men.

In 2020, aside from the evident election fraud across the country, largely via mail-in balloting and machine manipulations, 57% of women voted for Biden, while only 42% of women voted for Trump, a 15% margin in favor of the “death cult.” (Source)

Men voted 53% for Trump, and only 45% for Biden. However, women outnumber men nationally and they have a much higher voter turnout rate.

So, when considering who is most responsible for all of the many disasters in the USA and world since January 2021, there is no escaping the reality that women voters played a huge role in creating all of the ills facing our nation just 22-months later.

In 2022, women voters still list the top issue in this election cycle as “abortion,” the alleged right to kill their children. This makes the modern American female voter the greatest threat to Life, Liberty, and Happiness in the USA today.

Life goes on, as it always must, despite all of the serious disasters facing our nation today. Voters only get to decide what life in America will look like after the November elections. Will it be a nation full of life, freedom, liberty, and justice for all…or will it continue to be a nation torn apart by the death cult currently in power?

While everyone will get to vote, it is women voters who will decide what happens. We can only hope that they have learned from their past mistakes and self-correct, or the USA will soon be gone forever.

Only women can convince other women to change, specifically, the 42% of women who voted for Life and Liberty in 2020. I suggest that every female voter in that 42% group get very busy convincing women in the 57% death cult group, to change, and really fast. There isn’t much time left…

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Why MAGA Americans are Indeed Dangerous

By Lex Greene

September 12, 2022

According to the most distrusted and unpopular political organization in American history, democrats responsible for the Nazi-like Biden regime, “MAGA Americans are dangerous extremists” based upon their open agenda to “Make America Great Again.”

How dare these “extremists” work to “Make America Great Again.” How dare they rise up peacefully in objection to the utter destruction of the USA and confront a global Marxist assault on all things American. How dare they try to return America to that shining city on the hill, the beacon of hope for freedom and liberty for every American Citizen and every human on earth.

MAGA Americans are “America First” Americans, determined to make America a global leader for good again, so that America can help others to secure freedom, peace, and prosperity all over the world. The “extreme” agenda of these folks is indeed a grave threat…to evil.

The MAGA Priorities

  • A moral and ethical society able to elect moral and ethical leaders
  • A fundamental regard for human life
  • True justice for every Citizen, without any regard for ethnicity, color, gender, or creed
  • Peace and tranquility in which to raise our children and grandchildren
  • Equal opportunity for everyone willing to freely earn personal prosperity
  • A Constitutional Government living within its boundaries and means
  • Less taxation and regulation, and more individual freedom and liberty
  • A society where all protect the liberty of others, in order to preserve our own
  • Safe and clean neighborhoods free from violent crime and corruption
  • Secure borders and national security in an increasingly dangerous world
  • True pillars of our community to lead our government
  • Real journalism instead of the political propaganda machine we have now
  • Free, fair, transparent, secure, and honest elections
  • A secure supply chain for all necessities of life
  • Abundant domestic clean energy
  • A stable prosperous economy
  • Quality affordable healthcare
  • An end to all forms of tyrannical totalitarian government
  • Freedom, Liberty, and Justice for all

If you don’t want all of these same things, then you’re not an American at all. You should move to a land where these things don’t exist and live out the balance of your life in the squalor and tyranny you vote for here.

If you prefer socialism over freedom, no problem, just move to a socialist country. If you believe in communism, move to a communist country, like China or North Korea.

We all know that when democrats speak about “democracy,” they really mean global Marxism.

MAGA-haters are spending billions in U.S. tax dollars on a failed witch hunt against Donald J. Trump because he is clearly the most popular pro-American political figure anywhere on earth. But he isn’t even your real problem…

Over 100-million America First Patriots are your problem, which is why the tyrannical corrupt Biden regime is targeting every freedom-loving American today, labeling them “extremists, insurrectionists and even domestic terrorists.” They are a problem, but not for the reasons told by MAGA-haters.

MAGA Americans are “freedom fighters.” They are only a threat to everyone who hates freedom, liberty, justice, peace and tranquility, truth, moral and ethical government, and all other things American.

America remains the most well-armed society on earth, and we will continue to be. We have approximately 20-million military veterans in this country, well trained in the art of security. There are more well-armed and trained hunters just in the state of Wisconsin alone, than current members of the U.S. Military.

Marxist democrats are doing all they can to incite a war with America First Citizens, proving that they are not the sharpest knives in the drawer. Meanwhile, MAGA Americans are doing all they can to resolve these matters peacefully and lawfully, because that’s who they are…law-abiding conservatives.

If you paid any attention to who the MAGA Americans are, you’d know better than to incite a war with them, or even get in an argument with them. But hey, if there is anything true American patriots love as much as their freedom, it is being underestimated by their enemies.

Trump isn’t your problem, he’s just one man. In case you haven’t noticed, the more you attack Trump, the more MAGA Americans you create. Not because of support for Trump, which is real, but because MAGA Americans feel attacked every time you attack Trump. So, keep it up, YOU’RE DOING GREAT! You are better MAGA recruiters than Trump himself.

Let’s be honest here, people who can’t even tell if they are male or female and don’t believe in guns, are picking a fight they can’t survive. We don’t want this for them, but they will bring it upon themselves.

God Bless America First!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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What is the “Supreme Law of this Land” Today?

By Lex Greene

September 10, 2022

Speaking of the United States of America as the land in question, the long-standing legal authority of federal government rests entirely under the authorities granted to the federal government via the U.S. Constitution, further limited in nature and scope by the Bill of Rights.

In other words, no authority exists at all, beyond the authority granted the federal government in the U.S. Constitution. Yet, modern society has been conned by “legal experts” for more than a hundred years now. Most Americans errantly think that “Executive Orders” are laws, and so are “court opinions,” because that’s what they have been essentially brainwashed to believe.

If that were true, then the U.S. Constitution would no longer be The Supreme Law of the Land. Instead of a Constitutional Republic created and guaranteed by the Constitution, we would be living under a “dictatorship” by Executive Order, or an “oligarchy” of nine unelected and unaccountable politically appointed Supreme Court Justices.

ARTICLE I of the Constitution assigns all sole lawmaking authority to Congress alone, which is to say, anything that is not properly legislated by Congress, is not a “law” at all. “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States.” (Note: Congress is prohibited from enacting any law which is “repugnant” to the Constitution or Bill of Rights.)

ARTICLE II of the Constitution assigns very limited administrative authority to the Presidency. The Executive Branch has no lawmaking authority whatsoever. The lawful authority of the Executive Branch is limited to the “faithful execution of the Constitution and Laws passed by Congress.” Therefore, Executive Orders are limited to administrative orders only, necessary to the execution of law.

ARTICLE III of the Constitution assigns the limited duties and authorities of the Judicial Branch. Like the Executive Branch, the Constitution assigns no lawmaking authority whatsoever to the Judicial Branch. Court opinions and decisions are not “law.” As we see all the time, court opinions and decisions are regularly overturned.

Unfortunately, for more than a hundred years now, British Common Law trained “legal experts” have conned the American people in order to empower themselves in direct violation of Constitutional Law. In the 1940s, American Law Schools shifted focus away from teaching Constitutional Law, instead teaching British Common Law, often referred to as “precedence and procedure.”

NOTE: It is British Common Law that allowed the US Supreme Court to rule that Citizens have no legal standing to challenge the unconstitutional acts of government in court, all the way back in 1923. Since then, even cases challenging election fraud are denied access to any federal court on the basis of “lack of standing.” If the people have no legal standing, then they have no Rights!

British Common Law is also referred to as “the Law of Commons” and it allows courts to essentially invent government policy under laws not passed by Congress, which means, “deprivation of Rights under color of law.”

Thomas Jefferson quickly saw a fatal flaw in the founding documents they created, referring to what was happening not long after the adoption of the Constitution, as “judicial tyranny.” “The original error [was in] establishing a judiciary independent of the nation, and which, from the citadel of the law, can turn its guns on those they were meant to defend, and control and fashion their proceedings to its own will.” (Jefferson Letter to John Wayles Eppes, 1807)

“Nothing in the Constitution has given them [the federal judges] a right to decide for the Executive, more than to the Executive to decide for them. . . . The opinion which gives to the judges the right to decide what laws are constitutional and what not, not only for themselves, in their own sphere of action, but for the Legislature and Executive also in their spheres, would make the Judiciary a despotic branch.”

(Jefferson Letter to Abigail Adams, September 11, 1804)

As has become all too common today, “legal experts” cannot agree on this issue any more than climatologists can agree on changes in earth’s climate. They can’t even agree that any change is taking place, much less why, or what if anything at all could be done about it.

The conservative-leaning Heritage Foundation confirms everything I am saying here today. But the Bar Association totally disagrees, due to British Common Law taught in law schools since the 1940s. Again, so-called “experts” have a critical difference of opinion.

This means that YOU will have to study and decide for yourselves, as I have.

Foundationally, the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights remain the “Supreme Law of the Land,” or they don’t. If they don’t, then the U.S. federal government has no authority at all, and no right to even exist, as that governmental body in its entirety, exists solely by the adoption of that document.

If Joe Biden or any other President can rule by the simple stroke of a pen on an Executive Order, beyond any authority granted in the Supreme Law, then we live in a pure unconstitutional dictatorship already. If courts can rule by the dictates of an unelected few, then we already live under an unconstitutional oligarchy.

As a result of this national con job, the American society can see a flood of unconstitutional problems created by the federal government today, and they can’t figure out what to do about any of it. They see that so many problems are so complicated now, that they think they need an equally complicated solution, when in fact, the opposite is true.

Complicated problems require a simple solution.

If you realize that Executive Orders are not laws at all, then how much do you need to worry about anything done by Executive Order?

If you realize that courts can’t make laws, then how much do you need to worry about court opinions, especially if they are at odds with the Supreme Law?

It all comes down to this…is the Supreme Law of this Land still the Supreme Law of this Land? If it’s not, then you don’t need to worry about losing a country you already lost.

But if the Constitution and Bill of Rights are still the Supreme Law of this Land, then we need only enforce it. Contrary to common modern false beliefs, we never did have any Rights beyond those we are willing to fight and die for. Our Founding documents tell us what our Rights are, but it is up to us to enforce them.

It’s just that simple. Stop pretending as though government officials have authority they were never assigned or granted by We the People.” They don’t!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Enough of the Democrat Death Cult

By Lex Greene

September 9, 2022

We are so far past enough is enough, that it’s ridiculous! What was once a somewhat pro-America political party many decades ago, has become nothing more than a totally corrupt anti-American death cult today. Unless Americans wake up to this fact and deal with it immediately, it threatens the very existence of our country!

STOP the “uniparty” crapola! Of course, the two primary political parties work in concert against our country today. They both represent wealthy self-absorbed self-serving corrupt career politicians, most of whom couldn’t care less about the American people. What did you think would become of both parties when decent people left?

Yeah, both primary parties suck, which is why our country sucks today! That’s what happens when good people take their football and go home, leaving their political team to corrupt tyrants, as if they can do anything divided!

But there is no getting around the most obvious reality today, after the utter destruction of everything since January 2021…unveiled Nazi-like threats of government force against Citizens, and the growing hate-filled lies against more than half of our fellow countrymen from the ignorant mouth of the most fraudulent and destructive occupant of the Oval Office in U.S. history, Pedo Joe.

We are way past stupid in this country right now. The most violent, bankrupt, and deadly cities in the USA are all run by democrats and have been for years. But idiots continue to re-elect them over and over again, no matter how much these cities dive into disastrous conditions year after year.

Today’s Democrat Party is nothing more than a totally destructive death cult and it needs to be eliminated, because it can never be reformed into a pro-American organization.

Face it! Any person, male or female, who will cast a ballot on the basis of some insane bogus right to kill their own children, should never be trusted with anything, especially a right to vote, that will determine the future of this nation! These mental and moral misfits cannot be trusted with any decisions!


  • Democrats oppose even the most fundamental natural right to LIFE itself. They demand a right to kill instead.
  • Democrats are responsible for putting violent felons back on the streets to rape and murder over and over again.
  • Nearly every “mass-shooter” in history has been a socialist leaning democrat.
  • Democrats start wars all over the world, seven countries under Obama and three now under Biden.
  • Democrats support dismembering humans, even children, via insane “sex change” mutilation.
  • Democrats even support altering human DNA against your will, via fraudulent maniacal science, which they fraudulently call “vaccines.”
  • Democrats create and promote violent racism constantly.
  • Democrats destroy economies, all necessary supply chains, and all basic human rights. They also destroy civil rights and civil liberties.
  • And Democrats destroy entire cities, to seize total control of the states.

There is absolutely nothing good, decent, honorable, moral, or ethical about today’s democrats and they are beyond the ability to reform.

We all know it, yet we all allow it to continue!

There are only three reasons why they hold any political power in this country at all today…

  1. A dumbed down and government dependent electorate
  2. They buy every vote with gifts from the taxpayer’s treasury
  3. And they have perfected the art of stealing elections

If not for these three factors, the democrat party wouldn’t even exist anymore in America. It has become so entirely destructive of this country that no decent person in their right mind could ever cast a single ballot for a democrat, anywhere in the country.

Still, here we are, on the brink of extinction or a second revolutionary war, the nation being driven into total madness and destruction, by people who can’t even tell if they are male or female and hate everything America ever was, or was ever intended to be.

If we are not at “enough is enough” yet, we never will be, and that is the end of the greatest free nation ever known in human history!

No more leftist lies, no more biting our tongues, no more going along to get along. I will use my very last breath, last penny, or if need be, last round fighting for good, decency, honor, freedom, liberty, justice, and a peaceful nation worth raising our next generations in…and I don’t care what color, ethnicity, gender, or orientation you are.

You are either American or not American! Time to choose!

If you won’t, then you my friend, are part of the problem. It simply is not possible to save this country so long as today’s global Marxist democrat party is allowed to exist. I am 100% in favor of freedom of elections and political affiliations, so long as they are lawful and not corrupted. But the Democrat Party is entirely unlawful, unconstitutional, immoral, unethical, and anti-American now.

To all past democrat voters, your party is no longer American. You have an opportunity this year to wake up to the many lies you have been fed by democrat politicians, the democrat controlled media and social media, and the democrat run entertainment business. This may be your last chance.

To all so-called “independents,” those who left the game for independent status, get back in the game. We agree, there is much to be reformed and cleaned up in today’s republican party. It’s salvageable, but will never happen unless WE make it happen, together. Quitters NEVER win anything.

To those who have not voted in years, if you care about this country and the future for your children and grandchildren, now is the time to rejoin the fight for freedom, liberty, decency, and justice.

May God Bless this country and lead us out of the darkness that democrats have led this country into!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Fascism: It’s All in Who Defines It

By Lex Greene

August 31, 2022

Once again, I will pretend as though the facts actually matter in today’s broken, dumbed down, drugged up and mentally manipulated America.

It has become custom in American politics to misuse words to define, label and target Citizens and political opponents in order to divide and conquer the electorate by pitting American against American on the basis of false propaganda. The false propaganda includes the intentional false rewriting of history as well as “scholarly” new definitions for old words around for centuries.

For decades, democrats have misused the term “racist” as a political attack hammer against republicans, despite the fact that it was Republican Abe Lincoln who freed the slaves, democrats who formed and operate the KKK, and republicans who passed all Civil Rights Acts, while a vast majority of democrats voted against them.

Today, the new buzzword misused by democrats to demonize republicans is “fascist,” a word at the foundation of the violent and destructive militia group, ANTIFA, meaning “anti-fascists.” Yet again, there is no more “fascist” behaving group in America than Obama’s ANTIFA.

Global Marxist-leaning “scholars” who have taken it upon themselves to redefine old words with new meaning, have perfected the art of misleading millions by simply flooding social conscience with false labels under new definitions. The current misuse of the term “fascist” provides a perfect example.


In order of death toll, the following are the world’s best known and most deadly “fascist” dictators in history.

#10 – North Korean Communist Dictator Kim Il Sung is responsible for the deaths of at least 1.6 million political opponents and civilians through starvation and invading South Korea. Kim Il Sung was the leader of North Korea since its founding in 1948, until he died in 1994. His son is the communist dictator today.

#9 – Socialist Dictator Talaat Pasha of the Union Progress Party. Ismail is responsible for the Armenian Genocide, which killed 800,000 – 1,800,000 people. He led the Young Turk Revolution. He systematically murdered over 1 million Armenians from 1914 to 1923. Some of them were starved to death, and others were sent on forced marches until they died. They killed any able-bodied men, and then sent women, children, and old people on death marches through the Syrian Desert.

#8 – Socialist Dictator Vladimir Lenin of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party. Lenin was responsible for the deaths of millions of people and initiated the Russian Civil War. He led the Red Army, against the White Army. The Red Army were Bolshevik communists, and the White Army was a mix of different groups, backed by many foreign powers in order to halt communism. The war resulted in the deaths of 7 to 12 million people. It was one of the worst wars Europe had ever seen. The Red Army was victorious, and Lenin went on to start the Soviet Union, a one party dictatorship. It was dedicated to creating a communist utopia, and it failed miserably.

#7 – Japanese Socialist Dictator Hideki Tojo of the Imperial Rule Assistance Association. Hideki Tojo is responsible for the deaths of five million Japanese during World War II. While prime minister of Japan, he was responsible for the attack on Pearl Harbor, which dragged the USA into the war. Tojo tried to shoot himself in the heart four times and missed every shot. After being nursed back to health, he was arrested and executed after the war. He was nicknamed razor, and killed millions of civilians in China, and thousands of POWs.

#6 – Japanese Dictator Hirohito. Hirohito was the emperor of Japan from 1926 to 1989. He killed an estimated 6 million people, and committed the now infamous, Nanking massacre. In Nanjing, Japanese troops raped and murdered massive numbers of Chinese civilians. It was a six weeklong massacre killing possibly more than 300,000 people.

#5 – Chinese Socialist Dictator Chiang Kai-Shek. Chiang Kai-Shek is a Chinese dictator, who killed, possibly 10 million people. He committed 228 massacres during his 18 year rule. He was leader of the Kuomintang or KMT, a Marxist nationalist party. Shek put on a northern expedition and managed to reunify most of China under him. In 1947 war broke out between the KMT and the communists. The KMT lost and it led to the rise of Mao.

#4 – Dictator King Leopold II of Belgium. Leopold II is one of the most brutal, but strangely unknown dictators in history from 1865-1909. He enslaved 8 million Congolese and killed thousands. The way he killed was incredibly brutal, working them to death, and torturing any who opposed him. He started a colonial empire in the Congo, with the goal of getting as rich as possible, through exploiting a much poorer group of people. Leopold was allowed to start his colony under the agreement that he would improve the lives of the people, but he completely ignored this promise. He killed 1 to 15 million people, by forcing them to hunt, mine gold, and harvest rubber.

#3 – Socialist Nazi Party Dictator Adolf Hitler, leader of Germany’s Socialist Party following his leadership of the German Workers Party, eventually evolving into the Nazi Party. Hitler killed an estimated 30 million people. The most well-known of this is the holocaust, which killed six million Jews. He was also responsible for the less well known Generalplan Ost, a genocide of millions of Slavic people. He killed them through the hunger plan, where he purposely starved millions of Soviets, whom he saw as an inferior race. This killed between 4.5 and 13.7 million people. In total the holocaust killed potentially 17 million people if you include non-Jews.

#2 – Communist Russian Dictator Joseph Stalin, leader of the Bloc of Communists and Non-Partisans movement. Stalin is probably the most infamous communist dictator, responsible for about 40 million murders. As Lenin grew closer to death, he worried about how much power, Stalin had accumulated, and after he died, Stalin took his place. He led the Soviet Union and committed horrible atrocities. In only 12 years in power, he killed between 40 and 62 million people. The Gulag was a series of labour camps where he sent political dissidents to work as slaves. Many of them worked until they died of exhaustion. He also committed genocides, including Holodomore…stealing food from Ukraine, and then blocking off the country, forcing them to starve, to subjugate any nationalistic ideas.

#1 – Chinese Communist Dictator Mao Zedong (1921-1976). Mao is the deadliest of all world dictators to date. Through communist policies he starved millions of people, possibly as many as 80 million. He killed any intellectuals who disagreed with him, putting people in labour camps, and condoning the beating and stoning people to death in struggle sessions. His “great leap forward” campaign was supposed to transform the country from an agrarian economy into a socialist one, but instead it caused the Great Chinese Famine. A famine that lasted 3 years and killed an estimated 15 to 45 million people. As world dictators go, few really come close to the destruction and devastation he caused, though there are some who will try.

(SOURCE) NOTE: Feel free to confirm the truth about these fascists at any legitimate source.

Unfortunately, we now have generations of Americans who no longer know true history and as a result, they are highly likely to help this history to repeat, as generations too young to know any better mislabel all “patriotic Americans” fascists. They have been Pavlov trained to vote the nation back into bondage as young unwitting students of global Marxism, socialism, communism, and the world’s most treacherous and famous dictators.

They cheer when democrat politicians use national security and justice agencies to terrorize and assassinate political opponents. They march in lockstep to unconstitutional and unlawful dictates from Washington D.C. as if they have no knowledge of freedom and liberty at all. They can’t wait to spread proven lies against their perceived enemies on social media. They have a violent reaction to the presence of truth.

The young have been conned into believing that acts of true patriotism, love of country, freedom, and liberty, are acts of “fascism” and “extremist” notions. Even worse, they have been so dumbed down, drugged up and mentally manipulated that even those who love and care for them most, their parents and grandparents, are often treated as their enemies.

All ten of the world’s most deadly and well known “fascists” were communist, socialist, totalitarian dictators responsible for creating the most brutal deadly conditions for millions of innocent citizens all over the world. But still, the young have been dog whistle trained to believe that patriotic Americans who simply desire to Make America Great Again are “fascists.”

Like almost everything the younger generations have been taught in recent years, there is absolutely no truth whatsoever to their false claims of “fascism” against all freedom loving Americans, including Donald J. Trump.

Instead, it is the global pied pipers of the Marxist Global Reset leading them to slaughter, whom they see as heroes worthy of their trust. Only if and when they are introduced to real history and the leftist foundations for all forms of fascism demonstrated throughout history, is there any chance that the young will stop destroying their own futures and ours.

They need look no further than the inhumane conditions of every major democrat controlled city in the USA for modern proof. They need only recognize the current “democrat dictators” in Washington D.C. ruling by unconstitutional “mandates” beyond any lawful authority, to understand reality.

It is up to the rest of us to put these facts and truths right in their faces until they can free themselves from the mental bondage that leftists have chained them to. The future of freedom and liberty all over the world depends on it.

CONCLUDING FACT: Fascism is NOT a “right-wing” ideology. History has repeatedly proven fascism to be a far-left form of extreme totalitarianism promoted only by communists and socialists. Today’s American socialist democrats and their Global Reset partners are the only real “fascists” in the USA.

In reality, at the far LEFT extreme is brutal fascism, a totalitarian dictatorship. At the far RIGHT extreme is the total opposite of fascism, an unbridled lawless anarchy, survival of the fittest, with no rule of law at all.

All of American politics needs a major housecleaning, eliminated all career criminal politicians, no matter the party. It can only happen when all freedom loving Americans unite against the career politicians. Let it be now!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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