Watch your Wallet in Democrat Controlled Oregon

By Diane Linthicum

January 25, 2025

I’d like to express my heart-felt “Welcome” to the Trump administration because I believe that Trump and his no-nonsense team will bring much-needed common-sense solutions that work to Make America Great and Healthy Again.

In truth, Trump never matched the paint-by-numbers portrait of the evil dictator, fraud or felon. Apparently, playing those stories, was an endless attempt to place those images foremost in the minds of people throughout the US.

The American Left, academics, socialists, and oppression story-tellers were busy using Democrat-party power to influence the election. Fortunately because of the countless failures we have witnessed over these past four years people saw through their attempt.

Time will tell us how the story ends, but I’m thankful that our nation has come this far along the path. Red Dye #3 has now been banned from foods and additives, California is abandoning their efforts to remove the diesel trucking industry; Israel and Hamas apparently have a cease fire; the border will be secured, and there will be nearly one-hundred other executive orders for getting common-sense work done.

But I find myself wondering, “Where is the radical left taking Oregon?”

The mainstream media is constantly telling us, “With the three-fifths supermajority in both the Oregon House and Senate chambers, Democrats can raise revenue without any bipartisan support.”

Are the media projecting tax increases in your future? Are the media telling you that resistance is futile? Will the Democrat majority successfully tell their tales of woe and claw back your constitutionally guaranteed tax refunds? That alone is billions of dollars of refunded money coming straight back to your wallet; will the state waste that too?

Based on Gov. Kotek’s recent State-of-the-State address, it sounds like her designs include spending money and spending more money. Period. Federal money – woohoo! New Taxes – better! these won’t go away! Road Tolls – sweet! Increased Fees! – she’s got to cover increases in union wages and benefits.

The Capital Chronicle noted, “Her speech, like the first two years of her administration, focused primarily on housing, homelessness, mental health and education, with nods to climate change and speeding up the work of government.”

The Chronicle shows us that Gov. Kotek’s plan lacks definitive boundaries for determining deliverables; is missing scientific scrutiny; is tangled with clouded policy directions and is even harder to price accurately.

So… we will all have some tough work to do.

Pay attention, live well and stay strong!

Support Diane’s Conservative efforts

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My best,
Diane Linthicum
Oregon State Senate – Elect – District 28

© 2025 Diane Kinthicum – All Rights Reserved


Oregon State Office Swapping

By Dennis and Diane Linthicum

December 28, 2024

Some thoughts about the upcoming session and changes in our office…

Throughout my husband’s private sector career, Dennis was blessed with a myriad of opportunities. He started as an astute programmer and he worked well with others.

And…, as often happens, if the guy at the keyboard is good, works hard and is not too nerdy then he might get promoted. That’s what happened to Dennis.

He joined Hughes Aircraft Co. just before we were married and was involved with data-structure design, management and implementation endeavors when processing power was slow and expensive.

At the time programing was batch process oriented. The data came from data entry operators because scanner and sensor technologies were still in their infancy. Dennis worked in an environment where CPU time-slices were shared by multiple business (like renting CPU time…). Back then, few could afford the high initial costs for computer gear, space and cooling.

So, every bit and byte mattered because of technological limits and cost. Dennis spent part of his time exploring ways to pack and unpack data by coding it into specific bits. This sounds like a lot of work for little gain, to me.

But there was a point. The space needed to store the data was too expensive. Many of you might remember the rampant Y2K fear-mongering stories from twenty-five years ago when we were misled about our own demise because of 2-digit date shorthand (instead of 4-digit date designations).

It was remarkably similar to the 24/7 fear cycle regarding Climate Change, Global Warming, Global Freezing, or the next big earthquake on the Pacific Coast.

I mention these things simply to note that just like today our past had its share of fake news and fear-mongering. The problems were real and needed solutions. But we must remember that government is rarely the right tool. Problems are more readily solved in free, unhampered markets rather than by confiscating vast sums of money from misled taxpayers for poorly conceived ideas.

Let’s begin 2025 inspired by the wisdom in President Reagan’s famous 1981 quote:

“In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem. From time to time, we’ve been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite group is superior to government for, by, and of the people. Well, if no one among us is capable of governing himself, then who among us has the capacity to govern someone else?”

As the your newly elected state Senator for District 28, I predict, we will see more problems arise because of a failed mindset that places too much faith in government. I’ve been involved at the capitol long enough to know that political players tell stories.

So, I’ll be on hand to let you know what to make of the news and I’ll report on how the battle goes during Oregon’s struggle to throw off the extreme left.

Claim your $50 Year-End Tax Credit

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© 2024 Diane Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

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Prosperity not Potholes

By Senator Dennis Linthicum

December 3, 2024

On November 5th, most Americans resoundingly chose prosperity over potholes. Across the nation, we exercised our God given freedom to elect those who best reflect our beliefs and values. Our nation also recognized patriots who have displayed the courage, fortitude and ability to stay in the game and to do what needs to be done to preserve our freedom.

This Thanksgiving I’m grateful for the hope of bringing our country back to a place where common sense, individual freedom and personal liberty reign. I’m thankful for the opportunities that lie ahead in each of our lives. I’m especially thankful for all of you who gave freely of your time, effort and resources in an all-out effort to boost my SOS campaign.

And, while my last electoral effort didn’t pan out as hoped, I look forward to staying engaged with other freedom advocates and individuals who recognize the beauty of our constitutionally federated republican form of government.

Here in Oregon we continue to face an uphill battle. Oregon went Blue because of the votes from a couple of cities, in a couple of counties.

But, the rest of the state was bright Red. So now is our time to dig in, stand tall and be diligent for the challenges that lie ahead.

This morning’s newsletter will be short as I express my Thankfulness, I also want to encourage you to spend time with your friends, families and loved ones as we will have plenty to do in the near future. Courage, Resolve and Virtue must be our watchwords because the opportunities, here in Oregon, will be tremendous.

Lastly, I’ll conclude a quote from President Reagan’s 1981 inaugural address that echoes my thoughts:

“So, with all the creative energy at our command, let us begin an era of national renewal.

“Let us renew our determination, our courage, and our strength. And let us renew our faith and our hope. We have every right to dream heroic dreams. Those who say that we’re in a time when there are no heroes—they just don’t know where to look.

“You can see heroes every day going in and out of factory gates. Others, a handful in number, produce enough food to feed all of us and then the world beyond. You meet heroes across a counter—and they’re on both sides of that counter.

“There are entrepreneurs with faith in themselves and faith in an idea who create new jobs, new wealth, and opportunity. They are individuals and families whose taxes support the government and whose voluntary gifts support church, charity, culture, art, and education.

“Their patriotism is quiet but deep.
“Their values sustain our national life.”

President Reagan’s words are as relevant today as they were 35 years ago.
I pray that we too can “renew our determination, our courage and our strength.”

With kind regards and gratefulness.

Support Senator–Elect Diane Linthicum!

Also, let me introduce some information about your new Senator-Elect – Diane Linthicum

Diane’s Election Website

© 2024 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Fixing this Tasteless Oregon Gruel

By Senator Dennis Linthicum

November 5, 2024

This election is an important and pertinent decision for every Oregonian. It is particularly relevant with regards to our understanding of our American heritage and ideals.

In my position serving as a State Senator for the past eight years, I have been on the front lines in the fight for our individual liberty and freedom against the onslaught of tyrannical, governmentally instituted and costly bureaucracy.

In my life, and probably your own, facts and beliefs have been based upon honest appraisals heaped with generous helpings of science, traditional wisdom, common-sense and authority. However, today things have changed and become “right” only by authority. Family traditions get dismissed, common-sense is not allowed, and science gets distorted. This “rule of Law” recipe has become tasteless gruel.

The public education arm of the state, the classroom, has swapped common-sense, historical understanding, religious traditions and Mom and Dad for politically driven, state issued decrees and mandates. For us, this means that our elected representatives have become powerful agents in this recipe and we have the opportunity to influence them in order to keep lawfare constrained.

In short, this is our opportunity to fix this Tasteless Gruel.

This is why YOU MUST VOTE.

What we have termed “political correctness” is nothing more than the exerted force of the elites, celebrities and main-stream media regarding what is considered right, or wrong. Their appraisals have nothing to do with right, wrong, or reality, but are expressed with the moral authority that dismisses any contrary evidence and concludes these are only the results of a conspiracy theory.

This is at the root of America’s problems.

Jordan Peterson and Stephen R. C. Hicks explain in their respective literature that our current postmodernist worldview stems from cultural relativism. This relativism flows from our universities, high schools and all the way down to our kindergarten and pre-school enterprises. This poisonous philosophy starts early and finishes in the confusion we see facing so many voters in America.

One of the reasons for devaluing or dismissing the scientific enterprise along with our historic experiences and morality is to eliminate the common-basis for decision making. Without this common reference point, all gets lost in a battle for power.

This is today’s political problem and it stems from disastrous political efforts of government favoritism, not enmity on the streets in Pittsburgh or Portland. Benjamin Franklin warned us about this during the formative years of our nation:

“History affords us many instances of the ruin of states, by the prosecution of measures ill-suited to the temper and genius of their people. The ordaining of laws in favor of one part of the nation, to the prejudice and oppression of another, is certainly the most erroneous and mistaken policy. An equal dispensation of protection, rights, privileges, and advantages, is what every part is entitled to, and ought to enjoy…

These measures never fail to create great and violent jealousies and animosities between the people favored and the people oppressed; whence a total separation of affections, interests, political obligations, and all manner of connections, by which the whole state is weakened.”

Social turmoil does not start among neighbors and friends. Governments create tumultuous circumstances which grow into, “great and violent jealousies and animosities between the people favored and the people oppressed.”

Again, oppression does not grow within a neighborhood. Jim Crow laws were not universal but were created in the Democrat south as a means to keep their evil and repugnant attitudes alive following the Civil War. Most states across the US never created these atrocious laws, but those pernicious few are deemed historical fact for the entire nation.

Today is no different. Will you surrender yourself, your family, and your neighborhood to the dictates of powerful office holders, or keep that power for yourself?

Recognize, today’s election is about power, and power alone. Either it will belong to you as an individual or to the elites as a tool for controlling everyone.

The first fifty inches of this tyranny were paved with simple annoyances but the last fifty miles will prove quite destructive.

If we don’t have the rule of common-sense, traditional or religious values, what will this lead to?

We could witness more instances of logical absurdities, newsworthy doublethink and the death of our common heritage. In Oregon, we must regain precision and rigor in our three executive offices that are up for election – in our State Treasurer office – Brian Boquist; our Attorney General office – Will Lathrop; and our Secretary of State office – Dennis Linthicum.

We have an historic opportunity for Oregonians to forge a better path forward toward universal prosperity through free and fair elections, through an unbiased justice system, through smaller less obtrusive government and unhindered access to free-markets.

Vote for a prosperous Oregon. Vote Republican!

VOTE like it means everything! It does!

Thank you!

For more information about me and my candidacy:

Video with Oregonian Editorial staff
Debate with Oregonian Editorial staff
A series of newsletters on election integrity
Election Website

© 2024 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Linthicum:

Fluff, Stuff and Fraud in Oregon

By Senator Dennis Linthicum

November 1, 2024

Last week, a reader responded to my Newsletter regarding House Bill 4133. I had noted the fact that after receiving Gov. Kotek’s signature, anybody could register to vote in Oregon by simply supplying the final-four digits of their social security number.

In response, an individual pointed out that I was much too generous and the system is much more lenient and much worse than I suggested.

Here’s the deep-state, blue-machine gimmick – the Secretary of State has the authority to write the rules that implement the policy which oozes from the election laws written by the Democrat majority.

So, this is what it looks like online (hand-written markups are mine):

For the seller to fool the buyer, the marketing language and PR have to be good and the curb-appeal has to be even better. The bottom-line is that this is an attractive facade but there is nothing there. This register-to-vote form is quite subtle; it pretends to focus on one area with a simple example but leaves the other avenue wide open. With regard to US citizenship there is no definitive proof required. A simple receipt from a government office or utility provider allows a person to register to vote in Oregon.

Is this the election system that demands our confidence? Or, is this an “election integrity” farce brought to you by the ruling majority?

None of the so-called, “acceptable identification” documents have any relevance to proving that you are who you claim to be. These documents might (or might not) describe where you may have lived or whether you may have had a job but little else.

The final-four digits from your SSN cannot be used for identification. SSN’s are simply utilized by the Federal Government to keep track of the federal benefits you may receive. No one can use those four numbers to buy alcohol, cigarettes or get a tattoo. You can’t use a SSN in lieu of a driver’s license. You can’t even buy a nitrogen charger for your whipped cream maker with your entire SSN!

Aside from this, what does your water bill show? Did your electrical provider ask to see if you were a US citizen? Can you operate a motor-vehicle by proudly displaying a utility bill, or will the officer accept some “government document” as a substitute for your license?

This slick maneuver is all the worse once you realize that this is fluff, stuff and fraud perpetrated against legal residents, citizens and voters. Why doesn’t the majority party just fess up, take responsibility and acknowledge that the only thing needed for you to vote in Oregon is, well, nothing.

Why did the governor go through the charade of having both the DMV and outside auditors wasting time and money trying to investigate data-entry errors when almost anything is valid? Why the pretense of a drivers’ license or the final-four digits of a “valid” SSN? Why call for an outside audit? Because this is a “limited hang-out” part of a grand charade.

In the Secretary of State’s race, my opponent keeps telling us that he wants to increase access to voting. What’s left? It is like watching the political equivalent of Molière’s Tartuffe, or Dickens’ Mr. Pecksniff where everything is spoken, announced and reported with sleek imagery, beautiful words and high-minded principles while the substance of a thing is missing.

The primary accomplishment of the majority party in Oregon has been the triumph of a ruling deep-state, single-party machine that is capable and willing to tax and spend to further their agenda. The regime’s “cancel culture” propaganda has overridden real-world experience and prudence leaving common-sense Oregonians disenfranchised.

Main-stream media and social media outlets wildly play the same tune. Loyalty to the ruling-class gushes daily from these media outlets based on an allegiance to power, rather than truth, justice or compassion. Look at the flattering opinion pages here in Oregon. These local editorial writers are not great election prognosticators, they simply know who holds the keys to power. Try to find one that suggests Boquist, Lathrop or Linthicum are good eggs.

As seen throughout history, the power-hungry and cunning exploit the compliance of the collective, using that submission as a tool to both expand and secure more control. This creates a feedback loop, where increasing control strengthens the party’s dominance which helps them maintain power over those who are conditioned to acquiesce.

Look nationally at the loyalty to the Harris campaign. Despite the Democrats driving a helter-skelter trainload of unknown solutions, the media tells the public that polls show a 50/50 split for the Presidential election. Never before have so many people surrendered so wholeheartedly to the ruling class.

The blue-party machine has told their supporters that we can “Save Our Democracy,” by electing a candidate that never received a single vote, from a single person, from any address, from anywhere in Oregon or America. Basic competence is missing yet millions will cast their votes for the swamp creatures in the blue lagoon.

Our American Republic form of government was brilliantly formed to secure our individual freedoms, property and liberties while protecting the country from foreign wars and invasions. It is now our responsibility and opportunity within our state and in our nation to subvert the bubbling sewer of corruption, kickbacks, graft, bribers, kickbacks and crime that have become common-place in the underbelly of the political system. Remember, Oregon’s former Secretary of State, Ms. Fagan, was forced to resign because of allegations about schemes to corrupt state licensing boards while soliciting and receiving contributions. Yet, she was the Democrat party darling and arrived at an amazing win in the Democrat primary election, in the wee hours of the night.

But Fagan’s demise is just the tip of the iceberg.

I will remind you of the illegal $500,000 contribution convicted felon and founder of FTX Sam Bankman-Fried sent pulsing through the veins of the Democrat party. The illegal contribution went from the politicians at the tippy-top, think Senators Wyden (D) and Merkley (D), Gov. Kotek (D) and Senate President Wagner (D), clear to the wanna-be’s at the bottom of their patent leather loafers.

These illegal contributions were relished by Democrat Senators, the Democrat Party of Oregon, and their Oregon Victory Fund. The illegal contributions were finally surrendered and repaid from the campaign accounts of Gov. Tina Kotek, U.S. Sens. Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley, and U.S. Reps. Earl Blumenauer, Suzanne Bonamici and Val Hoyle. Also, recall that Oregon’s AG Ellen Rosenblum (D) recused herself from the case while the DOJ decided not to proceed with any criminal prosecutions.

It was Bankman-Fried, who gave $5 million in 2020 to a pro-Biden super PAC, and according to the Washington Free Beacon, visited the White House repeatedly that year. Prior to his arrest and conviction, Bankman-Fried attended a House Democratic retreat where he spoke on a panel with Rep. Maxine Waters (D., Calif.), the top Democrat on the House Financial Services Committee which oversees the crypto industry. Bankman-Fried also contributed roughly $300,000 to other Democrats on that committee.

To assume that anyone who has spent their careers swimming within this pool of slippery-goo could ever climb out and muster a robust effort to solve the problems of government is as outlandish as it is absurd.

This is our opportunity! The chance of a lifetime!

Our first step is to turn from the path we are on, it is time to elect fully-qualified candidates to three state-wide executive office positions:

Treasurer – Brian Boquist
Attorney General – Will Lathrop
Secretary of State – Dennis Linthicum

The above-mentioned registration loopholes exist but thankfully the targeted demographic doesn’t seem to care as much as we do.

I’m calling on all Republicans, Independents, NAVs and Democrats to shake off their ghostly graveyard garb and step into the future. We have the perfect opportunity to disrupt and derail the machine, let’s work at it and VOTE!

VOTE like it means everything! It does!

Thank you!

For more information about me and my candidacy:

Video with Oregonian Editorial staff
Debate with Oregonian Editorial staff
A series of newsletters on election integrity
Election Website

© 2024 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Linthicum:

Potential Tragedies Brought to the Oregon Public’s Doorstep

By Senator Dennis Linthicum

October 29, 2024

Here’s a quick story about the pile of potential tragedies brought to the public’s doorstep by Oregon’s majority party. Again

The one-party state has had more than its share of unsavory news recently, mostly regarding election integrity. The apparent weakening of the voter registration system looks to be rather pernicious and purposefully designed to diminished the integrity of our registration system.

With only a handful of investigative journalists available to dig through the legislative dumpster, this item has remained buried and has not yet received prime-time notice. Today’s example is a law, HB 4133 – passed in 2022, that created a fourth option for identifying oneself as a valid voter in the registration process. This bill was advertised as “an effort to make voting more accessible to minority and underserved communities.”

In Oregon there were three valid forms of ID: a drivers’ license, a drivers’ permit, or a State issued ID card. HB 4133 added another option, a valid Social Security number. But look at the actual wording and you will see that a SSN is not required, rather only the final four-digits are required.

Gov. Kotek and Secretary of State Lavonne Griffin-Valade have spent serious time signaling that they are appalled by the mistakes made at the DMV when employees mistakenly identified foreign documents as legitimate for verifying US citizenship. In the current controversy, the DMV chalks up the inappropriate registration of non-citizen voters as “clerical errors,” saying that clerks had mistakenly identified people as U.S. citizens, when they were not.

The governor issued a Press Release saying they will, “act with new urgency to look into how far the problems in automatic voter registrations extend.” Plus, the Governor’s statement claims, “Any error that undermines our voting system must be taken incredibly seriously and addressed.”

This pattern follows the text-book strategy for managing a “Limited Hang-Out,” as I explain in a previous newsletter. The idea is to give the public just a little bit of information (some or all of which may be misleading) and the public will soon forget or otherwise get distracted.

The taxpayer funded reporters at Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB) got right to work defending the governor with this classic bit of stylized propaganda:

“Under Oregon’s pioneering motor voter law, the DMV registers Oregon residents to vote when they get a driver’s license or state ID as long as they provide proof of citizenship like a U.S. passport or birth certificate.”

This is nothing short of a magnanimous write-up, entirely generous and very progressive. The propagandists (OPB reporters) pretended a bit of precision paired with an equal helping of leniency and developed a beautiful pioneering story. However, the only problem is this doesn’t accurately describe Oregon’s Revised Statute or the voter registration requirements.

First is the common-sense test.

Could you cash a Lotto ticket with the final four-digits of the winning number? The last four digits of your credit card, cell, or bank number can be used as confirmation for your eyes, but these digits have no relevance for any one else. This is the essence of private data. It only means something to you but doesn’t have any value to others. This is essentially redacted data, like the kind of information routinely released by government to hide the unsavory details.

Why then, would legislators demand useless data as a valid method of identification? Would you vote for any legislator that is not capable of recognizing the blatant problems with this legislation?

Remember, this came on the heels of the heated Biden/Trump 2020 election. At a time when public trust in the electoral process was fragile, defending and strengthen the electorate process should have been the priority, not introducing measures that would dimmish electoral integrity.

Look at the legalese used to avoid meaningful and transparent avenues for registration that would also prevent fraud and/or misuse. Shouldn’t we be focusing on measures that would reinforce voter confidence? Instead of implementing laws that seem to conveniently align with political domination shouldn’t we vote for sincere and genuine social improvements?

Does this bill warrant the mass-media’s endless gushing over Oregon’s Democrat majority?

Today’s news is filled with concerns, investigations and hand-wringing over temporary pauses in DMV voter registration, but this was all too little, too late. Now that registration deadlines have passed, we can see that these DMV news stories describe the job of reviewing the source documents as the keys to authenticity. This is because the DMV actually has scanned images of these source documents so they can review, investigate and make corrections.

But this is only because documents to review exist. We have yet to hear any news regarding the final four-digits of any SSN that is being questioned or verified. Why not? Can you see the problem?

What methodologies would you use to “validate” or “verify” the final four-digits of an SSN? How many persons have the same final four-digits? How would a person prove that they were the individual person, #1212, and not the other person, #1212?

This issue reflects the modern Democrat party’s love for the collective and apparent disdain for the individual. They have been driven by a conceited sense of knowledge and self-importance to the point that they are willing to impose their own will onto the rest of us. This is why the radical-left, well known for their obfuscation and keenness for word-twisting, likes to claim the high-ground when it comes to saving “our Democracy.” As an informed reader you already know that the American nation was founded, not as a democracy, but as a republic.

Our nation’s founders had nothing but disdain for “democracy.” James Madison, in Federalist No. 10, wrote,

“Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property; and have, in general, been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.”

Fisher Ames’ 1788 speech during the Massachusetts Ratifying Convention added these thoughts,

“The known propensity of a democracy is to licentiousness which the ambitious call, and ignorant believe to be liberty.”

The above two references were written when our constitutional republic was still just a gleam. The original intent of our American republican form of government was to be a bulwark against the pernicious behavior of the wealthy, well-connected and powerful people who would seek to control and dominate situations for their own gain.

Our American government was not created to be a giant-vending machine. Rather it was created to protect and safeguard the lives, liberty, property and just pursuits for each and every one of us as individual citizens.

Set it Right – Vote Right!

… and… Stay tuned for more unbelievably ludicrous details from Oregon’s single-Party, Democrat majority.
Support Dennis TODAY!

Thank you!

For more information about me and my candidacy:

Video with Oregonian Editorial staff
Debate with Oregonian Editorial staff
A series of newsletters on election integrity
Election Website

© 2024 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Linthicum:

Oregon State Has Purposefully Defrauded and Disenfranchised the Public

By Oregon Senator Dennis Linthicum

October 19, 2024

Over the next several newsletters I will highlight numerous instances where the majority party, in Oregon, has purposefully defrauded and disenfranchised the public by undermining the integrity of our elections.

Today’s example is a law, passed in 20221, HB 2681 which requires that all voter registrations SHALL be considered active, regardless of any period of inactivity. Frankly, “any” period of inactivity will certainly include the quiet years after their own passing.

How can any thoughtful legislator truly believe that this new 2021 law, following the heated Biden/Trump 2020 election, would safeguard election integrity? In a time when public trust in the electoral process is fragile, it’s essential to have measures that reassure the electorate, not deepen their doubts.

Does this law provide meaningful, transparent checks that prevent fraud, or does it simply gloss over key issues? Shouldn’t we focus on measures that reinforce voter confidence, instead of implementing laws that seem to conveniently align with political agendas rather than genuine security improvements?

Fraud, or fair-play? Does this make sense? Does it match the rhetoric?

Oregon is at a critical juncture. Like America and much of the world, people have lost sight of freedom and feel like they are being pushed along by the elites, the higher-ups, the political kingpins of our time.

Our personal thoughts, preferences, and opinions have been branded as radical, while media bombards us with trendy buzzwords meant to mislead, manipulate, and gaslight. As a result, common sense and rationality now seem to be met with widespread skepticism, especially across social media

The good news is that we now have a the perfect opportunity to reclaim the narrative. More and more, I meet people who are simply searching for the truth, they want answers. Fortunately for us, honest reflection and genuine investigation are making a much-needed comeback.

Our American government was originally designed to protect our individual freedoms, rights, and liberties. The rule of law was established as a shield to safeguard our lives and constitutional rights. However, in today’s world, the ruling elites have weaponized this very system, transforming it into a tool that glorifies and extends their own power.

Thomas Jefferson wrote, “The God who gave us Life, gave us Liberty” and believed government should protect Life, Liberty and our own just pursuits for individual Happiness.

Throughout the history of our American experiment, whenever a rogue authority, whether a legislative body, agency, department or governor, engineered a policy that crushed those core constitutional rights the government’s authority was considered null and void. The view was that government’s rules carried no weight or basis for enforcement because the policy itself was lacking constitutional authority.

The same should be said for laws, rules, and regulations that defy logic, common-sense or original intent.

For example, if everyone on our political players list is claiming the moral high-ground around election integrity, then they should abhor legislation, like the above HB 2681, that diminishes the integrity and fairness of our elections.


Stay tuned for more purposefully disingenuous details from Oregon’s one-party, Democrat-controlled majority.

It’s clearly time for a change!

Make the Switch today!
Donate TODAY!

Thank you!
For more information about me and my candidacy:

Video with Oregonian Editorial staff
Debate with Oregonian Editorial staff
A series of newsletters on election integrity
Election Website

© 2024 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved


Are Oregon’s Measures Gimmicks Or Schemes

By Senator Dennis Linthicum

September 7, 2024

Vote – NO on Oregon’s Ballot Measures: 115, 116, 117, 118, 119.

Vote – NO on #115 – The Impeachment Measure – Voters are likely to fall for this one in the same way they were badgered into supporting the 10-day limit on Quorum Denials. Recall the lingo then was accountability. Today it’s the same, the question was, and still is, accountable to whom and for what?

Impeachment has devolved into a political weapon instead of a tool for keeping office-holders accountable. The majority party always adores the absolute power that “Our Democracy” lavishes on the smallest of their number. The party already in power will only wield the power of impeachment to advance their standing in the public mind and further their own creaturely ambitions.

As can be seen with recent impeachment hearings (Myorkas, Trump, Biden) these events were never about providing justice, accountability, or honesty. This measure would simply give more power to the powerful– an experience the good people in Oregon will get to see first-hand if Republicans lose any legislative seats during the November election.

Vote – NO on #116 – The Legislator Payroll Equity Measure – This measure is nothing but a shield for the legislature. It provides the big-spending elites with political cover, “I never voted to give myself a raise!”

Don’t help them mask their greed or ambition by giving them a free pass. Make them step up to the plate and act responsibly. Don’t give your legislator a way out of the mess they have created. Make them bear the responsibility for their failures and make them take the hard vote if they choose to oppose the best interest of the public.

Vote – NO on #117 – The Ranked Choices Measure – This is one of the worst ideas, ever. I mean ever. Our modern political class doesn’t like to make bold statements and there is no way to measure or rank the unquantifiable. Which do you prefer jicama, pork chops or evergreen trees? Your answer will depend on what is missing from the equation, so there is no meaningful choice.

Rank-Choice voting scenarios are meaningless mathematical algorithms that can’t make choices between appropriate and inappropriate, right and wrong, or the lesser of two evils. So, let’s not justify the absurd by leaping off the cliff.

Vote – NO on #118 – The 3% Gross Sales Tax – Wait, I was wrong. This is the worst idea ever. How did this get onto the ballot?

This measure essentially steals $7,000,000,000 from the public without even attempting anything big, beautiful or wonderful. The gimmick here is it looks like a 3% tax on sales for big corporations. These costs will be cumulative across all players in all sectors. Large raw material producers will get taxed and pass that along. Everyone in like-industries will also raise their prices by 3%, knowing the legislature can move down the earnings tree after a simple majority vote. All added labor, innovation, and value will also get taxed. Inflation will continue to sky-rocket. The transportation industries, packaging, distribution and retail shelf-space will all get taxed too.

If you think Oregon’s economy is becoming less attractive, this measure will surely put our economy in the ugly bucket and you will pay the price.

Vote – NO on #119 – The Union Labor – Owner Silencing Measure – I think this Measure is an attempt to create a legal approach to what would otherwise be known as “labor racketeering.” Racketeering is typically an organized criminal effort in which the perpetrators set up coercive, fraudulent, extortionary, or otherwise illegal coordination of schemes (or “rackets”) to consistently collect unwarranted profits.

If the voters make silencing business owners “legal” then there will never be any opposition. However, it is necessarily immoral because it violates the free-speech, free-association and free-assembly rights of businesses in Oregon.

These measures are just a few of the problems we face during this contentious election year. While many of us are trying to figure out how to steer the ship back toward constitutional governance other schemers would just as soon tear-up our constitutional rulebook.

Remember, our constitutions are supposed to define the narrow pathway for government actors. The Bill of Rights for example, tells us what government cannot do. The notion was that the people shall remain free while the government will be bound with constitutional shackles to protect our freedom.

In fact, every elected officer is bound by a pledge to uphold these original documents. Supposedly, they agree and have committed to these rules and we have been assured that they will abide by them. Why then, are most political players willing to shred them?

For some, once in power they get teased into thinking they know best. After-all, a well-timed social media onslaught can build momentum for things that are clearly wrong, untrue, and dangerous. Look at some of the click-bait marketing schemes which lurk behind every attractive image.

People can be sucked into fantasizing that our constitutional old-timers only existed, “a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away….” Almost, like they were aliens from the Star Wars bar scene. Their world was one most cannot grasp today; a world where everyone knew the difference between men and women; a world where goodness, mercy and justice meant something larger than political power and will.

In the modern era of big-time marketing schemes, we continually face rapacious strivers, peddling their false hopes for a better life, health and safety, like gossips at the corner Bazaar. I am constantly amazed that people still fall for things like rank-choice voting, silencing of business owners and needlessly promoting more taxes.

Thankfully, the covers have been pulled back on these nakedly unconstitutional and egregious policy stunts and they are being exposed.

One of the better-known revolutionary era essayists was the Centinel, whose essays appeared in the Philadelphia Independent Gazetteer and the Philadelphia Freeman’s Journal. His essays were widely re-printed throughout the colonies.

During the ratification years, Centinel asked his readers to “recollect the strenuous and un-remitting exertions” of those who had pushed for a more consolidated form of federal authoritarianism. Centinel suggested that “our admirable constitution”, which was formulated “to secure equal liberty and advantages to all” was the ultimate target of their ambitious schemes.

In 1787, he admonished his readers to stand fast and wonder, then answer, “whether these apprehensions are chimerical; whether such characters will be less ambitious, less avaricious, more moderate, when the privileges, property, and every concern of the people of the United States shall lie at their mercy and when they shall be in possession of absolute sway?”

The same query belongs to you and I. Let us –– Keep Steady, Stand Firm and Stay True.

Given our founders’ wisdom and these overarching concerns: Vote NO on Ballot Measures 115, 116, 117, 118, 119.

© 2024 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

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I Will Be A Watchdog – Not a Lapdog

By Dennis Linthicum

August 27, 2024

Do you find yourself wondering where the radical left is taking Oregon?

The mainstream media hopes that if they don’t report the facts, or communicate things that are actually true, then the truth will never come out or even see the light of day.

Is that how truth works—NO!

Truth is not consensus. Truth doesn’t come from polling data; Truth is Truth. Every human heart knows this, regardless of how they view it, ignore it, review it, redact it or clean it up.

Here’s one for you: this year, Oregon’s State Auditors discovered $2.9B worth of errors across 11 state agencies and organizations.

This is akin to misplacing 2,900 homes, worth $1M each. That’s a lot of million-dollar homes to misplace in a state with only 4.2 million people.

It turns out existing office-holders do not survive because of the pristine, error-free and benevolent nature of their policies, but through the sustenance of their power. But, like the decay that besets an old carcass in the desert, their power is slowly diminishing.

This is mainly because of the hard truths spilling from the news. These realities can no longer be ignored – inflation, housing, transportation, energy, food supplies, public-service degradation, forest management, air quality, immigration, organized crime, cartels, fentanyl, and behavioral health are all signposts that demand accountability.

Unfortunately, each of these issues aren’t just newspaper headlines, they are the issues of life. They impact real people, people who live and work in our neighborhoods.

When people are drained of hope, free-volition and responsibility they become like leaves blowing in the wind. The majority party seems to relish this state of affairs because they believe these individuals should be huddled up and pushed about in various government programs. They think of government like an all-controlling, super-duper leaf-blower.

But… what if people want to control their own lives?

What if Oregonians want freedom? This is the heart of my campaign—give people freedom as their inherent right. Show them the accountability, transparency, and truth that their tax-dollars so rightly deserve.

We should never be afraid; we should argue for truth at every step and remember freedom is costly. Oregon alone can restore its renown by winning freedom with its own hands and restoring our state’s former stature, in this upcoming election.

If you are unfamiliar with my campaign, here’s some background:

I am running for the office of Oregon’s Secretary of State because our state is at a crossroads. My wife, Diane, and I have had the privilege of living in Klamath County for over 3 decades. As we celebrate 44 years of marriage, our roots in Oregon run deep, with our children building their lives and families here in the Pacific Northwest, as well.

I earned my BA in Economics from UCLA and followed that with a Master’s degree from Biola University. My career has been a journey through the cutting edge of technology—software development, database management, and beyond. Whether in California or Oregon, I’ve been at the forefront of sectors as diverse as defense, semiconductor manufacturing, and private sector portfolio management services. I’ve spent my life engineering solutions in a world where truth, precision, and accountability matter.

My entry into politics wasn’t planned—it was driven by a sense of duty. In 2009, I was encouraged by a friend from church to run for Klamath County Commissioner. I stepped up, challenged the status quo, and won. It was then that I saw firsthand the overreach of government, the wasteful spending, and the erosion of our freedoms. I knew I couldn’t stand by and watch our rights be trampled underfoot by a bloated bureaucracy.

As an Oregon State Senator since 2017, I’ve fought relentlessly to expose the pitfalls of big government. I’ve been a consistent voice against the encroachment of federal and state overreach, advocating for policies that restore power to the people of Oregon. I’ve seen how government “solutions” often create more problems than they solve, and I’ve made it my mission to hold those in power accountable.

But my work isn’t done. The office of Secretary of State must be a watchdog for our democracy, not a lapdog for political elites. We face a critical moment where transparency, integrity, and truth are under siege. My commitment is to audit every corner of our government and ensure that every penny is spent wisely. Every Oregonian deserves to know that their constitutional and civil rights will be fully protected to ensure the stability of their families, lives and livelihoods.

This campaign isn’t just about me—it’s about all of us who believe in the principles that made this country great. We are not mere spectators in our government; we are its foundation. Together, we can turn the tide, reclaim our freedoms, and restore accountability in Oregon.

Stand with me as we fight to preserve the values we hold dear. Together, we can set Oregon back on the path of truth, integrity, and prosperity.“

Donate TODAY!

Thank you!

For more information about me and my candidacy:

Video with Oregonian Editorial staff
The Gateway Pundit – Joe Hoft Show
A series of newsletters on election integrity
Election Website

© 2024 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Linthicum:

Luxury, Foppery or Truth

By Oregon Senator, Dennis Linthicum

August 16, 2024

Our constitutionally federated Republic is facing difficult days. It seems there is a lack of faith in government and the very people involved in representing us, as their so-called constituencies. This is understandable.

The reason this is occurring with such a rampant fury in our day is due to two distinct and separate phenomena.

The first has happened within the soul of our nation – a complacency and indolence with regard to our individual abilities, freedom, and independence which in turn has led to a unique and nearly universal reliance on other people and other authorities.

The second circumstance is a word that is rarely used today unless one is quoting from the founding era – usurpation. The usurpation of power, control, and the willful steering of our ship of state is happening with lightning speed and is something to behold.

Over time, what was once innocent and good, even benevolent, has been subtly overhauled, or maneuvered toward consensus building rather than truth telling. As everyone should be quick to realize, this is dangerous territory. It is a risky and precarious position because consensus means nothing if the object of that consensus is objectively fictitious, pre-fabricated, faulty, distorted or untrue.

Our formerly revered institutions for news, media reporting and journalism have been the first concerns to be captured, twisty and nearly destroyed. Given social media, today’s modern internet news sources, and the Google search engine monopoly trying to ferret out fact from fiction is a chore. It is difficult for anyone to discern which story might be opinion, errant reporting, clear discernment or absolute bunk.

This is more than an inconvenience because the confusion sown feeds fear and uncertainty in the public mind. This is quite palpable today and this confusion is getting fanned by the political elites in steering ‘consensus’ towards their projects, goals and/or proposals regardless of any flaws.

I mention this today because state legislators are hosting a 12-stop statewide roadshow regarding major transportation issues. The upcoming legislative session is seeking new funding sources as well as an exorbitant increase in the gas tax. Part of the problem is due to the inflationary forces that are biting all statewide agency budgets. We each face this problem in our own personal budgets and financial constraints.

The real questions are, will taxes and fees be enough; will these financial resources be spent frugally; how, when and where will these monies be spent?

Will the monies go toward PERS, backlogged projects, bike-only paths, snow-removal, road maintenance, seismic upgrades or electrification? What is the cost? What are the benefits? Compared to what, and for whom?

To preserve Liberty, our understanding must be grounded in the principles of justice and informed by the precepts of moral responsibility combined with an accurate assessment of verifiable facts. Our preservation of freedom ultimately depends on us, as citizens, in the exercise of our personal and political responsibilities.

Our constitutional and institutional safeguards for liberty will be lost if we fail in our responsibility to Truth.

Please get involved and attend the roadshow closest to your home or work. Sign up to provide public testimony or you can submit written comments to the Joint Transportation Committee. Voicing our opinions regarding the use of our tax-payer monies for transportation improvements and solutions as well as for costly and inefficient ideas. Do you want to lose driving lanes to add bike lanes? Are you willing to bear increases in the gas tax in order to subsidize EV vehicles?

Let your thoughts be heard because as the ancients told us, “There is nothing new under the sun.” The battle we face is over individual liberty and freedom vs. centralized power and control.

This is why it is imperative that we have a strong showing of common-sense ideas and solutions to our transportation needs during the upcoming legislative roadshow.

Your voice will make a difference!

Also, District 28 Senator-elect, Diane Linthicum and I will be attending the upcoming Medford location (Jackson County Expo Center) on Thursday, August 8th. Stop by, share your thoughts and together we can help SOS – Save Our State.

As always, I can’t resist repeating the contemplations of our nation’s founders. They saw in their day the same circumstances we experience today. John Adams, penned this thought in his Novanglus Letters (1774):

“Nip the shoots of arbitrary power in the bud, is the only maxim which can ever preserve the liberties of any people. When the people give way, their deceivers, betrayers, and destroyers press upon them so fast, that there is no resisting afterwards. The nature of the encroachment upon the American constitution is such, as to grow every day more and more encroaching. Like a cancer, it eats faster and faster every hour. The revenue creates pensioners, and the pensioners urge for more revenue.

The people grow less steady, spirited, and virtuous, the seekers more numerous and more corrupt, and every day increases the circles of their dependents and expectants, until virtue, integrity, public spirit, simplicity, and frugality, become the objects of ridicule and scorn, and vanity, luxury, foppery, selfishness, meanness, and downright venality swallow up the whole society.“

Donate TODAY!

Thank you!

For more information about me and my candidacy:

Video with Oregonian Editorial staff
The Gateway Pundit – Joe Hoft Show
A series of newsletters on election integrity
Election Website

© 2024 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Collapsing Oregon Absurdities

By Dennis Linthicum

August 10, 2024

As some would tell us, we are sitting on the edge of extinction.

Actually, I doubt it… mainly because I read history and I agree with the Ancients, “There is nothing new under the sun.

The media likes to tell us that the Harris team has it all wrapped up. But this too is puffery. Unfortunately, the majority party here in Oregon always falls for fake media news and think the same way. But they are all struggling against reality; they can’t defeat truth.

We have something better. We have something real and tangible. We have something the deep-staters can’t replicate but can only dream about.

We have purpose. We know why math exists and we know what design is – something intentional, created by a thoughtful agent. We still recognize male and female, appropriate and inappropriate, reasonable and unreasonable.

We cherish our freedom and realize it requires personal responsibility.

We are not yet trapped in the steaming sewer of unworkable, far-left, dystopian or godless ideologies. We still know what math is, how logic works and when we need prayer.

We are the rational, prudent, courageous, and tenacious individuals who have steadfast principles, insight and discernment. And, in fact, we are not losing the war, the censors are. This is why the media is trying to convince us about things that are not true.
So, here’s how we win – We win on the personal level.

Across every county in Oregon we can win within our own neighborhoods, one relationship at a time. When we stand firm with faith, real-world common-sense, integrity and accountability others will see the difference. Eventually, we will bring the weight of truth to bear on the absurd. Then, the existing political machine will collapse under its own incompetence.

There are 36 counties in Oregon. Each of these counties is filled, literally filled, with people who know truth from fiction. They know the land; know their communities and they also know what they saw and heard. They can recall their very own experiences and they remember.

They can see the turmoil brought to our doorstep by the chaos from the top. They have long suffered under bureaucratic over-reach that served no purpose other than to grow the empire of the state.

They know that, “in our day,” boys were boys, girls were girls and teachers were respected. They remember when their schools taught reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic and not sex-ed all day, every day.

They knew and taught that “F___” was vulgar and disrespectful. It wasn’t meant to be used as a colorful descriptor added into every sentence to serve simultaneously as an adjective, verb, adverb, noun, pronoun, or other meaningful part of the English language.

They can remember going to that new burger place – McDonalds. They recall Mom and Dad, being amazed at the rows and rows of burgers, sandwiches and fries that came off the line and immediately into your hands.

They also remember when their first-home was $25,000, and when farm-fresh-eggs were just that.

I don’t mention these things because I long to go fetch eggs from the coup again, or because I’m a Luddite. Remember, technology is my bailiwick. I’ve been engineering, managing and programming large-scale software projects for most of my life and our home has never been connected to any public-utility electric-service provider. We have lived off-the-grid for thirty years and I have installed multiple arrays, inverters, charge-controllers, and batteries so I understand the value of new technologies.

Rather, I mention these older times because they hearken to a time when relationships were real, and work was hard and hot.

Our families could bake cookies for school, church, or a day in the park, before the bureaucratic elites told us, “this is not Safe!” We weren’t afraid of that which didn’t exist and the collectivist mind held no sway.

My campaign for Secretary of State finds itself in a tough spot. The political machine caters to collectivists. It panders to the wealthy, the big-moneyed and the well-connected and that makes us feel small and insignificant.

The progressives along with their media cohorts and nefarious multi-nationals realize that they can game the system, create monopolistic authority and control the tyranny through technology while strip-mining tax dollars and benefits without any oversight.

But this is their weakness and why we can win!

What makes our “win” possible is the individual.

What makes us really different is we have true relationships. Our relationships are with real people. They are flesh and blood. They are people, not artificial bots playing with statistical anarchy. They are family members, friends and neighbors. The people we know are individuals who are endowed by their creator. That’s powerful!

This is where our strength sits. It sits within the hearts, minds and souls of each of us. Now, let’s use that power, let’s set Oregon back on the right path.

Donate today! And, know that every dollar counts. Whether large or small and I appreciate your handsome generosity.

Lastly, if you are able, please help your county Republican group organize a plan to raise donations for the “Linthicum – SOS” campaign.!

© 2024 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Linthicum:

Lost, Bought or Stolen in Oregon

By Oregon Senator, Dennis Linthicum

July 31, 2024

How did we get here?

Why is there so mush turmoil in our country, state and neighborhoods?

The problems are long-standing and run-deep. Most people think the deep-state is in control and grown too powerful.

So, how did this happen? Did we give away our freedoms? Did we sell our freedoms or, were they taken from us? Those are the only three options. Which is it? I think this is a fair question.

In both America, and our state, we have arrived here because we have been ensnared in all three scenarios:

♦ We have complacently surrendered our individual authority, freedom and independence to marketeers and do-gooders in state and federal offices.
♦ We have been bought with visions of a benevolent-Marxist system of “ideal” government through monetary policies, free-education, and forced medical care, all for our own good.
♦ Our liberties have been forcibly usurped through the gradual but constant over-reach by politicians and their appointed officers within the administrative state.

In Oregon, the statists run the show. They have long been the majority party and they are in charge. They write the rules, they play by those rules and they deal the cards they have marked.

The majority party and Gov. Kotek know exactly what is going on while they unabashedly claim to have genuine concern for the problems that plague the state. But they are powerless to stop the problems they created.

Take for example, the governor’s so-called, $376,000,000 “Emergency Housing Stability and Production Package.” This initiative actually does little with sticks and bricks for home production, yet throws tons of money at all the other societal problems that are hard to quantify.

We can count housing units and ask, are we building a continual supply chain of new homes? We can measure the economy and ask, is Oregon inspiring private business entrepreneurship, full-time employment, real property rights and prosperity?

How does one measure the accountability of an NGO or non-profit that received millions of dollars? How will we know if the problems that plague home ownership are being solved or perpetuated?

The compassion angle is strong and it all sounds benevolent but there are few quantifiable results from these efforts. We can’t know how many productive citizens will leave the state for greener pastures or how many newly minted homeless will arise in our metro areas.

Yet, everyone knows that if houses never get built there will never be enough homes.

This is a typical solution for the party of big-government – make news; claim to care; stand up another government program; pilfer money from taxpayer wallets; offer costly and ineffective regulatory burdens on the private sector while claiming success.

I see Gov Kotek’s solution as another potentially eternal bureaucratic program. It adds pages and pages of bureaucratic rules; it creates the Housing Accountability and Production Office for enforcement and has the power to last and last, even with the 2027 expire date. That date will surely be extended because the program can’t possibly impact housing in a documentable and meaningful way within that timeframe.

The entire program should be audited for efficacy and terminated if it doesn’t work.

We are witnessing a gross violation of the structure of our constitutional forms of governance. The founding principle for our American experiment was that each of us, as individuals, has unalienable, natural, (God-given) rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. But this pursuit of happiness doesn’t mean, “Do as you please!”

Obviously, your just and rightful pursuits do not include the freedom to steal from your neighbor’s wallet because this makes you happy.

An individual’s just rewards should be derived from their own honest endeavors. It should represent the result of their hard-work and faithful service – the just fruits of one’s labor. This might sound terribly familiar but I’m afraid it is not as well-known as we think it is.

The next sentence in our Founders’ unanimous declaration begins with, “to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”, and ends with, “organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

This is the world changing idea behind the American Revolution. It is the equivalent of an Einsteinian rupture in the fabric of our knowledge of space and time. In all of human history, this glorious notion regarding, “the consent of the governed,” had never been expressed so clearly, vibrantly or as valiantly as during the creation of “these united States.”

How do we get back to these native, self-evident truths?

Only through accountability and transparency. When people see the hard facts that flow from intense and rigorous executive agency auditing processes then people will realize they are being taken to the cleaners.

I am running for Secretary of State. I have the required skill-set to audit the state agencies and bureaucracies that impact our work, our businesses, and our families. My opponent, as a Democrat party insider is in no position to investigate, audit, or summarize anything with the required separation, dispassion and honest evaluation that I will bring to the office.

Our government exists to protect our rights and freedoms as individuals. This protection includes our financial rights, property rights, our right to voice grievances and provide consent to policy decisions through free, fair and honest elections.

I will these advance principles for holding Executive offices accountable. These are comprehensive concepts that can properly inform all voters in Oregon, including my non-affiliated, Independent, Libertarian and Democrat readers.

So, I encourage you, rather than being disheartened by the current dismal state of affairs, let us draw courage and resolve like our forebears who overcame their conflicts. We too can be victorious and change the course of our government. It has fallen to us to be the generation that turns Oregon and America back to its foundational first principles.

In closing, let’s put Oregon back on the road to transparency and accountability. Only by using sound and demanding principles can we make Oregon prosperous again.

Thanks for joining with me as we unite to, “Save Our State.”

Donate Now

Thank you!
For more information about me and my candidacy:

Election Website
April 16, Video of Oregonian interview
A series of newsletters on election integrity

© 2024 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Linthicum:

Fight for Accountability

By Dennis Linthicum

July 19, 2024

As we come together to celebrate the birth of our great nation, I am reminded of the core values that every that American should be able to quote from memory:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

This is why we celebrate Independence Day.

On this day, our nation’s best and brightest decided to put their all on the line. “The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,” closes with their serious and well-considered commitment: “…we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

This is what makes America different. This is why America is worthy of all our efforts.

Our battles may seem different but they are very much the same. Today, as was true 250 years ago, the hungry, influential and powerful elites, backed by their well-heeled bureaucratic ministers routinely engage in adventurous regulatory overreach and power grabs.

Holding state level agencies accountable will be a major priority at the Secretary of States office. Conducting comprehensive reviews is essential to ensure that agencies and executive offices are operating efficiently, delivering services effectively, and adhering to the statutory limits set by the legislature.

Moreover, maintaining public visibility and transparency throughout the auditing process will foster trust and confidence in government operations. These principles are at the heart of my campaign for Oregon Secretary of State.

Today, I am reaching out to ask for your support.

For nearly 30 years, my wife Diane and I have cherished our life in Klamath County, raising our family and becoming part of this wonderful community. Our life experiences have fueled my commitment to ensure that the government remains wholly attached to the principles of our Constitution!

I am inspired by the spirit of independence exhibited by those who went before us. My goals are to champion transparency and accountability in Oregon’s government. Our campaign is about giving power back to the people of Oregon, both rural and metro. Just as our forefathers fought for independence, we must fight to ensure our government remains accountable to its citizens.

This Independence Day, I ask you to join with me in this fight.

Your generous contribution will help us spread our message.
Every dollar counts, whether it’s $25 or $250.

Donate Now

Your support is crucial in our mission to bring transparency and accountability to Oregon.

Thank you for standing with me. Let’s celebrate this Independence Day with a renewed commitment to the values that make our country great.

Wishing you and your family a safe and joyous Independence Day!

For more information about me and my candidacy:

Election Website
April 16, Video of Oregonian interview
A series of newsletters on election integrity

© 2024 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Linthicum:

Our Finest Hour

Dennis Linthicum

July 5, 2024

On June 18, 1940, Winston Churchill addressed the British – House of Commons with one of his most famous speeches, the legendary “Finest Hour” speech. It is one of the most inspiring and uplifting speeches of our modern era. Churchill made the claim that,

“Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilization. Upon it depends our own British life, and the long continuity of our institutions and our Empire. The whole fury and might of the enemy must very soon be turned on us. … If we can stand up … , all Europe may be free and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands.

“But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science.

“Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, ‘This was their finest hour.'”

I see similarities with our current age and the dilemma before us. Will we show steadfast courage and bravery while bringing Truth, Goodness and Mercy with us into the battle for our American values and culture? Or, will we, “sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science”?

Here’s a quick layout of a practical battle plan that can provide us with victory.

We need to raise up an army of citizens who realize that they have a right, a duty, an obligation to put an end to the tax, spend, rule and regulate crowd of administrative bureaucrats that are playing games with our futures.

In the May Primary, there were 456,000 registered Republicans, who did not vote. Additionally, there are nearly 1.3 million unaffiliated or minor party voters who lean conservative but could not vote for partisan candidates. These conservative, patriotic, and traditionally-minded voters are tired of being blown about and tossed around by the glamorous winds of the well-moneyed and powerful political elites.

Taxpayers sent more than 3 million people a Voters’ Pamphlet. Then, we sent them all a personal engagement letter (i.e., a ballot) that already had a stamp on it!

Yet, nearly seventy-five percent of these people did not vote.

These are people in our communities whose voices we need to harness. They are the silent watchers; they don’t like the turmoil and perhaps feel their voices don’t count. Other than funny cat or grandkid videos, they rarely use social media. They are waiting for us to step forward and on a personal level engage them as real, sincere people.

We can win votes their without spending like members of the Democrat Party because we don’t need to buy votes. We are offering what people really want – Smaller government, Lower taxes, Fewer rules and regulations – more Freedom.

This is really just common-sense and believe me, on county-by-county basis this is very do-able. Look at the following numbers; look at the turnout in your county. How do we reach these people?

Here’s one way you can help: Attached is a one-page, single-sided PDF flyer that you can use, print, and distribute at fairs, events and upcoming Independence Day parades. You might even choose to print off 10 copies to handout in your neighborhood.

Every day we are faced with making intelligent choices – How much does it cost? What time should I leave to get to Grandma’s on time? How should I plan my errands, where should my first stop be? Should we eat out tonight, or should I cook at home?

All of these examples take place in what I call the miracle of the free-market. These are all choices that we can freely make; it’s on us, on our dime; it’s our choice – BBQ-chicken or meatloaf.

Unfortunately, most of the people we’ll see everyday around in the grocery store or on the street aren’t paying attention to politics. They want to live their lives and be left alone. Many people seem to have been suckered into complacency by big government programs and proponents who have created the big problems plaguing our state and nation.

The wide-open drug culture, rising homelessness, unbelievable home prices, and rampant metro-area crime didn’t explode on us accidentally. These first-world horrors have been ushered into our communities straight from left-field. The socialist-left has brought uncertainty into our lives by destroying the vocabulary we have traditionally used to deal with Truth.

In turn, the personal decision-making skills which people use for determining their own success has been supplanted with a confused and docile mind. Those in authority are banking on this confusion to continue their deception and rob each of us of our hope, our motivation, and our independence. But don’t worry they promise to keep us safe as our complacency forges the chains of our daily existence.

To counter this, Republican Liberty-lovers, have a worldview that champions objective truth, moral ethics, natural law, reason, science, individual liberty, personal responsibility and virtue. A worldview without coercion and where choices actually make a difference.

This is what is needed to win the minds of those conservative leaning voters. We can offer them engaging arguments about the moral superiority of free-market solutions vs. more government intrusions being forced into their private lives.

Our worldview isn’t based on Statism, it is based on Liberty.

Reject the Democrat Majority’s Grip on our lives, businesses and property!

Help me organize the new Secretary of State’s office to:

Reclaim every citizen’s God-given Right to Free-Speech and Privacy.
Terminate the censorship and monitoring of social media outlets.
Secure Transparent, Honest, Fair, and Secure Elections.
Remove Propaganda from the IP (Initiative Petition) process so that citizens rightly understand proposed ballot measures
Audit Executive Agency and Departmental spending and overreach.
Restore Common-sense to the Land-Use Board and the State Sustainability Board.
Bring Back Accountability and Transparency

Sure, this PDF isn’t a glossy palm-card, but times are tough, inflation is high and we can each manage a few sheets of paper. So please, feel free to print out this flyer and distribute at your events throughout the summer and fall.

Again, thank you for your continued support – Your help and efforts will secure our success in Oregon!

Here’s some more information about me and my candidacy:

Election Website
April 16, Video of Oregonian interview
A series of newsletters on election integrity

Your support is vital and
your VOTE is appreciated!

Best Regards,

Dennis Linthicum
Oregon State Senate – District 28

© 2024 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Linthicum:

Why Did They Do It?

By Senator Dennis Linthicum

June 22, 2024

I’m sure most of you have watched various Revolutionary or Civil War movies, like The Patriot (2001) or Glory (1989). In these stories, men march and drill and then simply line up and shoot each other.

I can’t imagine. I also can’t help but think, “This was a tragic waste of life.”

Then I find myself wondering, “was it?” Why did they do it? What did they believe? What was their motivation?

The Founding Fathers clearly understood that morality and liberty were bound together.

They put great stock in the necessity of personal virtues for freedom. Virtues like peace, patience, understanding, forbearance, and self-control were viewed as non-negotiable for remaining free from the chains of tyranny.

Edmund Burke defined it best, “Men are qualified for civil liberty, in exact proportion to their disposition to put moral chains upon their own appetites. . . . Society cannot exist unless a controlling power upon will and appetite be placed somewhere, and the less of it there is within, the more there must be without.”

Each generation must relearn the lessons of the past. Here in America, we must build on the example set by the Founders in order, “to keep fertile the soil of public virtue in which the seeds of freedom are sown anew in every age.”

The ever-insightful Thomas Jefferson utilized some parchment and forewarned us, “that the efforts of mankind to recover the freedom of which they have been so long deprived, will be accompanied with violence, with errors, & even with crimes. But while we weep over the means, we must pray for the end. … we hope good things.”

People stood; they fought and they fell because they wanted to make a difference. While you and I may come up with other strategies that would have been more effective, faster, or more efficient, we weren’t on the scene. We were not there to fight, to go into the battle or to engage in the arguments.

That wasn’t our time. Our time is now!

This is what Make America Great Again means. It means, as Jefferson added, that the vast majority of our country’s inhabitants are too “enlightened, too well experienced in the blessings of freedom and undisturbed industry, to tolerate long a contrary state of things.”

This is a call for us – all inhabitants, all people. While some battles are larger and more complex, there are always local issues and arguments where our own small efforts make the difference. It may be hard to recognize but our presence is just what others need, it is what really counts.

It’s time for all of us to take up the charge of freedom and liberty bound to personal responsibility.

We are faced with living in an age where morally subversive, economically destructive, socially degrading, and devious pathways are set out in front of us. Which path will you take?

If you are feeling unsure, uninformed or timid, I’ve got the solution – Come and join Diane and I at the Jackson County MOGA 2024 Event. It’s an all-day affair so bring the family; join in the fun; listen to the great line-up of hard-hitting, no-nonsense speakers, get up close and personal with Oregon State and Local candidates, gain new insights, and find out how you can play a pivotal role in “Taking Oregon Back” and securing a bright future for our families, for Oregon and for America!

Remember Thomas Paine’s words, “These are the times that try men’s souls.” Well, there is nothing new under the sun – we face a leftist agenda that seems bent on destroying our great state and nation. Join with me and take up the challenge to be the patriots who are willing to stand in the gap. Now is our time!

Here is the first step…

Buy tickets now for MOGA 2024, Make Oregon Great Again. The event will be held this coming Saturday, June 22nd, at the Jackson County Expo in Central Point. Saturday, June 22nd – Gates Open at 9:00 a.m.
Best Regards,

Dennis Linthicum
Oregon State Senate – District 28

© 2024 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved


Political Brass-Knuckles

By Dennis Linthicum

June 8, 2024

Your overwhelming support has led to my victory as the Republican Candidate for Oregon’s Secretary of the State (SOS) – Thank you! You deserve a thunderous round of applause!!

We all know this is just the beginning. Now we need to focus on winning in the 2024 General Election on November 5th.

We have a lot of work ahead of us because today’s ideological battles are part of a modern war. The battles we face are much more than meaningless skirmishes. The far-left has crafted their one-sided story under a false narrative of oppression and victimhood. The vast majority of Oregonians, left, right, and center know something is wrong with this picture.

The influential elites are so disconnected and out-of-touch that they still don’t get it. They lack our crucial belief in freedom as the key ingredient in our daily lives. They don’t understand liberty, and have grown the state into a metastasized cancer that has gained centralized control over every facet of life: wages, hours, benefits, temperature and taxes.

What the elites have done is thrown millions of taxpayer dollars into the eager hands of power brokers and big-moneyed donors without ever caring about real solutions. With the upcoming IP-17, Oregon’s new calling card might soon become, “Nothing’s Working – Let’s Tax More to Spend More!”

In a practical sense, the tragedy destroying Oregon originates from unreasonable legislative mandates. But the accountability failures belong directly on the back of Oregon’s executive officers. Everyone should remember that damaged societies take years to unravel and during that time, the executives will continue to make excuses, cherry-pick data to keep their ghastly myths alive and increase your taxes to fund the ‘public-private partnerships’ that fill the bank accounts of the well-connected.

Oregon’s economy is saddled with too many rules, regulations and taxes that typically don’t impact the elites in a negative way. Their private jets fly far above the turbulence. They don’t understand the burdens placed on hardworking Oregonian’s nor do they regard their rules, regulations and taxes as troublesome.

This is our time to throw off this miserable shell of one-party political and institutional machinery. With the recent decisions against President Trump, everyone should rightfully fear the growing system of malicious ambition and premeditated political villainy that is worming its way through the heart of our Nation.

Now, it’s up to us to put on our political brass-knuckles and join the fight for both Oregon, and America.

As your next Secretary of State, I will transform this executive office by steering it back to its original constitutional and statutory design. I will repurpose the office back to being an accurate barometer for transparency, accountability and fairness, where truth and common-sense rule the day.

Together we can and will turn Oregon back to the common-sense values of hard work, freedom for small businesses and entrepreneurship, utilizing our abundant natural resources both productively and sustainably, and ensuring excellence and ingenuity in our educational outcomes.

We all have heard the phrase “Money is the mother’s milk of politics.” My Democrat opponent will undoubtably be well-funded by the George Soros-type elites as well as Union backers.

I am confident, We the People, can meet the fund-raising challenge necessary to wage a winning campaign.

We are facing tough times with Bidenomics but I humbly ask for you to consider a donation of any amount that you can afford.

Please give generously today to get my Secretary of State campaign off to a strong start!

Your support and prayers are invaluable! Thank you!

© 2024 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Linthicum:

Let’s Make Oregon Safe, Free and Great Again

By Oregon Senator, Dennis Linthicum

May 25, 2024

If you are still wondering about who you might vote for in the Secretary of State’s race, let me help. I’ve got some notions that will be worth your time.

This Secretary of State’s (SOS) office is an executive position and it is entirely partisan.

By this I mean that Democrat candidates appear only on their party ballots, while Republican candidates appear solely on their Republican party ballots. In the November General Election, these respective party candidates will each face the challenge of convincing all Oregonians of the validity of their ideas.

I mention the partisan nature of this office because our friends and neighbors often think that this statewide position requires Republican candidates to abandon their values and pursue some tepid hodgepodge of watered-down policy goals. Unfortunately, this leads to initiatives based upon mutually inconsistent philosophical positions which eventually weaken and dismantle our long-standing reliance on independence and self-governance.

This is wrong. Republicans should always be striving to implement their values in the public square. After all, Republican values, principles and beliefs are key to Making Oregon Great Again.

Republicans are not the culturally backward, rural bigots, that the leftist media would have you believe. Nor are they lazy, stupid, radical or afraid of the future. To the contrary, most Republicans carry a worldview that is truly capable of solving our problems because their worldview still adheres to traditional values like truth, logic, reason, integrity, and accountability.

The Democrat party, on the other hand, has turned cultural homelessness, crime, student-unrest, drug-abuse, and vandalism into another hustle for more tax-payer funded bureaucratic solutions. More money won’t solve these problems, because using Reagan’s eloquent rhetoric, “more government is the problem.”

These problems are so detrimental to the public and reflect so poorly on our Democrat-party overlords that the SOS purchased a Misinformation, Disinformation and Mal-information (MDM) software platform to bring artificial intelligence to their aid. This is a terrible precedent.

The SOS is using the software to censor, filter and counteract news and information in the public sphere. The Democrats are in a spot where they need to engage in censorship tactics to keep their leftist election propaganda on-track.

My pledge to you is that I will terminate this MDM program because it is an unconstitutional and repugnant assault against our republican form of self-governing principles.

My victory is a key part of the solution. First, we’ll need to stop the Democrat-party propaganda machine, then we can build a fair and level playing field for all Oregonians.

We don’t need any more go-along, get-along, happy-camp Republicans who will ride along with the Four-Modern-Horseman of the Apocalypse – Tax, Spend, Regulate and Rule.

We need men and women who will stand and say, “enough is enough!”

Our upcoming Republican Primary gives Republicans the opportunity to fight for openness, integrity and transparency in both our election system and the SOS office.

Now is our Republican opportunity!

Here’s some more information about me and my candidacy:

Election Website
April 16, Oregonian interview
A series of newsletters on election integrity

Your support is vital and
your VOTE is appreciated!

Best Regards,

Dennis Linthicum
Oregon State Senate – District 28

© 2024 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Linthicum:

Oregon Governor, Her Spouse, Their Media all Censoring Information

By Oregon State Senator, Dennis Linthicum

May 10, 2024

Cats Queued at the Kitty-box

In the interview below, I respond to several important and relevant questions about my campaign for the office of Oregon’s Secretary of State. The interviewers didn’t seem to care much about the major functions of the office, like Chief Elections Officer, Chief State Auditor, or two other major roles, one as a member of the State Land Board or as the chair of the Oregon Sustainability Board. Rather, the interviewers were geared up to establish a beachhead on a couple of fronts: 1) Denial of Quorum, 2) Work Ethic, 3) Election Integrity.

On Election Integrity I focused on TOA – Transparency, Openness and Accountability. I basically said,

Transparency and openness are the most relevant issues needing to be addressed. As an illustration, I participated in 2022, with a request for ballot images in Jackson County, one of the counties in my Senate District. These images are supposed to be available to the public for their perusal.

The county clerk responded with cost estimate of $982,896.17. This is not illustrative of a system that is transparent, fair, or accountable. As citizens we were interested in investigating the question of voter fraud yet were denied access. As a note, all County Clerks have a statutory requirement to keep, maintain and provide access for public review of all data for 2 years following every election.

Only, you can’t see without turning over a cool million-dollar wad of cash.

Did fraud exist; was it widespread or insignificant?

The public still does not know. The public was essentially denied access by the exorbitant one-million-dollar fee. The rule that created this charge came from the Secretary of State not the legislature and is a policy that deserves a thorough review.

I think you’ll see how the very best warriors in the left’s media brigade try to sculpt popular slogans into poignant questions. Like all modern media wizards this team failed to realize that their absurd slant on these important issues simply demeans the good citizens they’re trying to win into Biden’s camp.

It appears as though some form of ideological corruption (maybe, TDS – Trump Derangement Syndrome?) has taken hold and I see it as fatal to both Oregon and the Democrat party. Every week we see department and agency heads, the Governor and her spouse, and media outlets all censoring information, hiding data, and covering-up like cats queued at the Kitty-box.

When this interview was published the best the Oregonian reporters could muster was, “based on Linthicum’s strident election denial stance,” the Oregonian declined to endorse anyone on the GOP side of the ticket,

Surprised? 💨

I send this newsletter to 15,000 people. However most readers do not click internal newsletter links. This time, please click the link because the entire 30 minute clip is worth watching.

© 2024 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Linthicum:

Super Important: Conservatives Vote in May’s Primary Election and Vote out Traitors

By Oregon State Senator, Dennis Linthicum

May 4, 2024

In the midst of this Primary season, attempting to enumerate the failures and bankrupt ideas spilling from the Democrat Party is tough. The rising costs associated with our state’s regulatory burdens, needless legislation and up-scale bureaucratic army is terrible and it is hurting people, their lives and livelihoods. It harms producers, manufacturers, businesses, farms and families in both metro and rural areas.

We need to elect courageous people to both Congress and our own state legislature. We need them to push back against incompetent extravagances and fight against unnecessary taxes, endless spending, and needless regulations.

As we are learning daily, these issues are complex and finely woven traps that are difficult to recognize at first. They are baited traps none-the-less – laced with enticing incentives, coated in feel-good rhetoric, and carefully hammered through the majority party’s brutally efficient committee hearings. Many of these financial injustices have now become part of the fabric of our lives, but isn’t that the point? We have become so accustomed to, or so enamored with some program or another, that most of us don’t remember why it was done in the first place.

These issues can no longer be shrugged off.

Recently I have been reading about France’s famed Maginot line and its speedy collapse under a military and propaganda onslaught. William Shirer was a CBS radio correspondent in Berlin for six years. He provides us with well-reasoned details in his first-person account. His analysis weaves the tragic events happening on the front with what was happening among the city-dwellers.

Although Shirer wasn’t among the soldiers, or riding on top of a tank, his books are filled with tremendous technical details that coincide with his observations from the propaganda ministries. His book includes information that was released after the allied forces gained access to a treasure trove of resources in the Third Reich’s secret archives. Shirer understands the importance of these unique details and relates them to his own first-hand experiences.

Shirer routinely dealt with censors who banned, canceled or demanded word-changes whenever he tried to share his forthright and honest thoughts. This is not unlike our modern era.

During his years as a war correspondent, Shirer was uniformly censored and denied access to relevant information. His ability to share intricate details was reviewed on a daily basis and then routinely denied. He was stuck in Germany with the ability to see the truth but forbidden from sharing it.

Still, Shirer wrote his experiences down. He exercised his freedom by keeping a diary. He documented his thoughts and recorded his first-hand experiences. He knew the bureaucratic enterprise couldn’t control the inner workings of his heart.

After-all, he was certain of one fact – his understanding of right and wrong. He knew appropriate from inappropriate, male from female, fact from fiction and propaganda. He was not willing to allow himself (or us as readers) to be led away by a, “weird mixture of the irresponsible, megalomaniacal ideas which erupted from German thinkers during the nineteenth century.”


Shirer makes several observations that I’ll quote below. I’ll let you draw your own meaningful conclusions. The following quotes are from Shirer’s own hand and found within the first two pages of his forward in The Collapse of the Third Republic – France 1940, William L. Shirer:

How did it come about, “that a cultured, Christian people lapsed into barbarism in the midst of the twentieth century, gladly abandoning their freedoms and the ordinary decencies of human life and remaining strangely indifferent to the savagery with which they treated other nations, other races”?

Nor did the public realize how it was being poisoned and misled, not only by Fascist-minded leaders and newspapers, small in number but growing in influence, who on ideological grounds … were being manipulated by German agents and German money. True, the government and the press failed to impress this upon them.

“… the genial ‘Francophile’ German agent in Paris, was effective, easily penetrating political, business, social and cultural circles; he worked tirelessly at winning their sympathies.”

“… engineered trips with all expenses paid, for numerous politicians, intellectuals, industrialists, and leaders of the war veterans’ groups to Germany, where they were wined, dined, and otherwise feted, and fed with Nazi propaganda.”

“… obtained lucrative contracts for French writers to have their books translated and published in Germany.”

“… arranged interviews for French journalists with Hitler so that the Fuehrer could reiterate that he wished only peace and friendly relations with France.”

“The German agents at this time didn’t buy newspapers. They bought journalists. It was cheaper. And it was more effective.”

“In the last resort and particularly in a representative democracy, the people are responsible”

Are we seeing the same level and type of relentless, big-moneyed corruption? Am I the only one that can sense the ominous signs? Don’t we all recognize that something is wrong?

It seems we go to work, come home, play with the kids, rinse and repeat. I’m not complaining, I think life is beautiful, but the corruption flowing from government authority is near universal. Can’t our learned-academics or our political elites see themselves? Can’t they hear the ridiculously old and worn-out phrases blubbering from their lips? How do men and women of common-sense and traditional values continue?

They fight back!

They will not be the ones found quietly hiding under their bedsheets. They are the brave and courageous, both young and old, who are willing to stand for the things that are right, good, true and beautiful.

Every day, I meet them. The working men and women in our communities, the people who have had enough. They don’t need anything but to be left alone. They are the ones still standing. They are the ones standing against our cultural bosses who are still shoveling their same old mix of weird, irresponsible, megalomaniacal ideas (otherwise known has BS).

Join us! Will you pledge to stand for truth to prevent our culture from drowning under the corruption spilling from Oregon’s own?

Each of us can contribute to our Freedom Agenda.

What are your skills? Where do you fit into the puzzle? Can you join with other like-minded individuals? Are you willing to speak up and share your ideas with your family, neighbors and friends?

Now is our time – Help your community see the dangers of wandering blindly towards a cliff which we know is right beyond the corner.

The Primary election is May 21st.

Conservatives must elect strong, consistent Republicans who will courageously stand firm and true. We don’t need any more go-along, get-along politicians, statists, or bureaucrats who will ignore the Constitution, their constituents and their responsibility to our kids and grandkids.

Your support is vital and necessary!

© 2024 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Linthicum:

Double-dealing Shenanigans

By Dennis Linthicum

April 10, 2024

In the midst of this Primary season, attempting to enumerate the multitude of failures and bankrupt ideas emanating from the Democrat Party proves daunting. The sheer scale of exorbitant taxes, incessant spending, and superfluous regulations emanating from Salem (and Washington, DC), along with their lasting costs and ultimate burdens, defies measurement.

Nevertheless, these issues are too substantial to remain concealed for long. Yet, they are also too intricate to be easily dissected and too insidious to be readily discerned.

Periodically, they erupt to the surface despite the dearth of mainstream media investigative journalism. Serious problems persistently seep through the fragile facade of single-party rule.

Today, I’ll speak to one issue. I am endorsing one person as the best representative for District 28 in the battle for Oregon’s future – Diane Linthicum!


Voters know that I am banned from the ballot because I participated in a constitutionally protected right, as a minority member, to deny a quorum to the majority party. Ten Republican Senators are currently banned from running for the State Senate by an arbitrary decision made by the Senate President (D).

Voters across the state, in districts both near and far, will be deprived of familiar choices as their current elected office-holders are barred from the ballot.

The Democrats accomplished this by creating a clever two-part fraud which struck at the heart of our constitutional form of government. The first part of the package was a poorly worded and laughably imprecise ballot initiative that altered Oregon’s constitution – Measure 113.

Measure 113 intentionally placed minority party members in an ethical quandary. Constitutionally, it demolished the quorum requirement while also compelling legislators to balance their moral principles against the political ramifications imposed by the Democrat majority.

Legislators across the US understand that they are elected to represent the ethical values of their district. While it may be valuable to consider perspectives from other areas, such as downtown Portland here in Oregon, their primary duty is to prioritize the beliefs and values inherent in their contract with their own constituents. They are elected to uphold the principles of the communities that have entrusted them with their vote.

Ballot Measure 113 was marketed by public employee unions with a simple sloganeering campaign, “Do your Job.” Appropriate representation, fairness and justice were simply tossed into the garbage with last night’s pizza box. The ethical issues hidden below the surface were akin to finding the remains of half of a worm in one’s apple. It was never realized until the fruit was consumed.

Most people were unaware of the complexities of this ballot measure. People have long placed their trust in our founders’ principles and hold genuine concerns about government waste, accountability, and responsibility.

Yet, no wolf-trap was ever set with a livelier spring than the Measure 113 trap baited by the Democrats with HB 2002.

Details of Deceit

In the 2023 legislative session, the Democrats introduced a controversial bill labeled as a “reproductive health” and gender-altering measure (HB 2002).

The original version of the bill included a legal mandate that imposed criminal prosecution on healthcare workers—such as surgeons, general practitioners, anesthesiologists, receptionists, nurses, counselors, physician assistants, therapists, janitors, county public health service providers, and others—who shared any information, with a parent or guardian, about an abortion or gender-altering service provided to their minor child, regardless of age.

Every Democrat party member –every member– in the legislature arrogantly fueled this tragedy against children, parents, and healthcare service providers. The Democrats pretended it was perfectly legit to let all of the above monetized interests play in their secrecy game, just not Mom and Dad, or legal guardians.

Today, we know, it was never about choice, sound medicine, appropriate healthcare, or saving lives. This fuse was purposefully lit to create a conflagration that would engulf traditional Republicans into an incomprehensible choice: surrender one’s senate seat, or surrender one’s values, morals, and ethics?

Given our traditional understanding of Life, ordered Liberty, individual cognizance, and personal responsibility, Republicans were left with no choice. We halted the business of the senate, denied quorum, and insisted on negotiations. I knew this was where we had to stand in order to safeguard Life, Liberty, and parental rights.

HB 2002 was nothing more than a convoluted web of unscientific, unfounded, and politically motivated theories bound to harness Measure 113. I see it as akin to chumming for sharks in the South Pacific. To lure the unsuspecting, through the practice of chumming, is extremely dangerous because no one can see the unintended consequences until they leap from the deep.

Overall, this political stunt epitomizes political law-fare.

Now that Oregon has broken the ice, we may see other states weave these post-modern, first-world cultural phantoms into the strategic framework of the Democrat party’s approach to weaponizing the law against their ideological opponents. This closely mirrors the battles facing President Trump as several Democrat strongholds across the nation try to prevent him from appearing on the ballot as well.

Call to Action

I am not allowed on the ballot, but Diane Linthicum is!

Diane has been my Chief-of-Staff for the past eight years for Senate District 28. She has also managed my private sector business operations for 25 years. Most people already know Diane since she also serves as Senate District 28 Constituent Services Director.

She is a skilled policy analyst and Diane has keen insight into the legislative process and is willing to, “Just say, No!” to detrimental policy ideas.

During our early years as newlyweds, Diane embarked on her career in banking and accounting before deciding to dedicate herself to being a stay-at-home mom for our children. She enthusiastically embraced the role of homeschooling our kids and concurrently juggled multiple endeavors. From being an independent DK book distributor to owning and operating an Espresso stand and a licensed commercial kitchen, Diane’s determination never wavered as she pursued various ventures.

Diane is uncompromising and faithful. She will vote to protect our 2nd amendment rights and is a proud concealed carry holder. She has always been a medical freedom fighter and will never back down against vaccine mandates and state sponsored censorship.

Diane believes we need:

Less Government – Not more
Lower Taxes – Not more
More Freedom – Not less

Diane is, by far, the best qualified candidate to serve in Senate District 28 and I am asking you to support Diane!

Electing Diane will send a powerful message to the elites in Salem – You can’t keep faithful patriots out of office regardless of your unprincipled and double-dealing shenanigans!

The battle for Oregon begins now – your support is vital!

Best Regards,

Dennis Linthicum
Oregon State Senate – District 28

© 2024 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Linthicum:

The Battle for Oregon Begins Now

By Dennis Linthicum

March 22, 2024

The failures of our state’s executive offices have dominated the headlines, amplifying the urgency for comprehensive accountability, transparency, and ethics reform.

The abandonment of our nation’s foundational principles is exacerbated by fraudulent policies festering within the Secretary of State’s (SoS) office.

The current Secretary of State, a Democrat, is the person responsible for creating an AI version of Orwell’s “Ministry of Truth” and is already wielding that dystopian power over Oregonians.

A contract was signed with Logically, AI to use “artificial intelligence” in order to stop MDM – Misinformation, Disinformation, and Mal-information. But this isn’t simply a local effort, it is global.

This entity, Logically, AI enables “mutually beneficial collaborations with like-minded organizations, accelerating progress in the fight against misinformation and disinformation.” Now, exactly where can I see a list of words that I should avoid or what might be considered “misinformation”? Hmmm…

Logically, AI monitors critical election data in 13 different Democrat controlled states. This allows Oregon’s SoS to leverage national election information against the best interest of Oregon’s own citizens.

Everything you read, write, say, purchase or eat could potentially be gathered for use against you in a legal nightmare. Why? Could it be you are a Republican, or an America First supporter? Or, a concerned parent at a local school board meeting?

In Mao’s America : a survivor’s warning, Xi Van Fleet describes her first-hand experience with China’s Cultural Revolution. She notes, “free speech is allowed as long you are aligned with the woke-sters. Otherwise, it is hate speech and needs to be banned.”

We can put an end to this dystopian nightmare.

As your Secretary of State, I pledge to:

♦ Restore election integrity and promote diligent custodial ownership of election records:
♦ Advocate for in-person local precinct voting with ID
♦ Safeguard the elections for the integrity of every Oregonian’s vote
♦ Demand rigorous government audit accountability
♦ Conduct meticulous audits across executive agencies and departments
♦ Promote and nurture realistic resource development goals

My goal is to restore accountability to Salem by using my knowledge, understanding and strategic awareness. I have seasoned experience and unwavering determination and I pledge to curb executive agency and departmental overreach.

The battle for Oregon begins now – your support is vital!

Best Regards,
Dennis Linthicum
Oregon State Senate – District 28

© 2024 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved


Implementation of Oregon’s Measure 110’s Failed Policies

By Oregon State Senator, Dennis Linthicum

March 9, 2024

It hasn’t taken long for death, addiction and cultural destruction to hit our streets after the implementation of Measure 110’s failed policies. The writing has been on the wall and everyone has realized that the policies aimed at decriminalizing drugs and defunding police, parole and probation are disastrous ideas.

Fixing the failures of Measure 110’s decriminalization policy has been one of the focal points for this legislative short-session and was the main topic of debate on Friday, as the Senate dealt with HB 4002.

HB 4002 legislation is moving enforcement in the right direction. It is a partial answer to Oregon’s drug addiction problems which have been exploding around the state. The streets of downtown Portland and our mid- and smaller-sized metro-areas have been hardest hit. It has also impacted our rural communities and local school districts across the state.

Many legislators noted that this fix provides a slow road to recovery with Oregon’s Police and Sheriff’s departments facing the toughest challenges as they will be on the front lines dealing with the new regulatory standards.

However, I voted, “No,” because, 1) I knew the bill had the votes to pass, and 2) I wanted to challenge leadership regarding the bill’s deficiencies and inadequacies, and 3) I spoke to missed opportunities which still need to be addressed. The bill’s 75 pages has good intentions and many positive changes, but it is not a panacea.

First, it places enormous faith in behavioral health fixes after the fact.

You might recall the commercial where there is an image of an egg being fried on an iron skillet. The punchline was, “this is your brain – on drugs!” That famous line, is more accurate today than ever before because the narcotics being used today are exponentially more powerful and addictive.

A major portion of the $211 million dollars associated with HB 4002 is focused on providing treatment for opioid use disorders, co-occurring substance use disorders and behavioral and mental health conditions. However, money is needed in age-appropriate venues to move our culture away from its love-affair with drugs. I don’t know why people turn to drugs in the first place, but once they are addicted, behavioral health isn’t going to put Humpty together again.

We must stop this from happening in the first place.

It’s imperative to cultivate robust and enduring family structures to ensure the well-being of every family member. Social-science research underscores that strong marriages significantly contribute to overall familial health and happiness. This is particularly crucial as it diminishes the likelihood of children turning to drugs or narcotics.

I would guess that a considerable portion of our population is missing this important piece of the puzzle. This results in a dependency on government initiatives and programs to make-up for the missing familial, emotional, and financial support. These unrealistic expectations eventually lure legislators toward a path that will lead to increased costs, bigger government bureaucracies, and more broken promises.

Second, I’m skeptical of the lavish promises coming from the party that welcomed the Soros funded scam about the societal value of marijuana (2014 – Measure 91) and the de-criminalization of more highly addictive and powerful drugs, like methamphetamines and other opioids (2020 – Measure 110).

The left’s cultural bullhorn is extremely powerful. It only took a 6-year span to go from legalizing a supposedly less dangerous substance, marijuana, to fully decriminalizing addictive and infinitely more harmful narcotics.

Our meth and opioid problems, particularly with fentanyl, a low-cost and synthetically manufactured opioid, is problematic because they are extremely potent central nervous system (CNS) stimulants. With the decriminalization effort, it was easy for dealers and cartels to push the idea that these are cheap alternatives amongst many recreational drug choices.

For decades, the Democrat party majorities have drawn inspiration from the luminaries of the 1960s counterculture movement, embracing its ethos of radical change, often through the lens of drug exploration. One of the most famous drug-promoting individuals of the mid-60s was Timothy Leary. Leary gained notoriety for his research into the effects of psychedelic substances such as LSD and psilocybin on consciousness and behavior. (2020 – Measure 109 – Oregon voters narrowly approved the adult use of psilocybin, a hallucinogenic fungi.)

Timothy Leary, is the one who coined the phrase “Turn on, tune in, drop out.” This quote was quite a catchy slogan in the day. It encapsulates Leary’s belief in the rejection of mainstream societal norms. Leary advocated for individuals to “turn on” to new experiences, “tune in” to their inner selves and ultimately “drop out” of conventional expectations and structures that he deemed restrictive.

The reason this tragedy has been constantly rapping at the doors of our communities, schools and homes is because of this cultural drive. Our societal momentum is not accidental but has been engineered. The push is, “Turn on” – get high, stay high; “Tune in” – satisfy your inner-self and discover your own truth; ‘Drop out” – abandon the conventional norms of your parents and live to satisfy yourself.

Most of us can see this cultural moment being propelled by Hollywood, the music industry, promotional advertising, and mainstream social media, like Facebook, Google, Tik-Tok, and Instagram. These platforms exert far more pressure on culture with their simple memes and sloganeering.

This is particularly relevant since Oregon now occupies last place across the nation for academic proficiency. A fact that is not lost to the Democrat majority because they purposefully suspended Oregon’s existing essential skills requirement through the 2027-28 school year.

The majority party is planning on gaming the system by harnessing votes through technological advancements, social movements, deteriorating health and economic conditions. Their goal is to ultimately shift values and attitudes by harnessing the political power of their single-party rule.

I stand with our public safety officers, their families and the behavioral health practitioners who daily deal with people that have been so tragically impacted. I will continue to strive for policy changes that will save and improve lives by breaking the cycles of multi-generational government dependency.

Lastly, my vote in opposition to this needed bill was a really a strategic “No,” compared to the fierce opposition that came from the radical left.

Unfortunately for us, many in the ruling party still cling to a fantasy world where everyone can have their own truth, do as they please and can stay “tuned out” forever – all on the taxpayer’s dime.

If we don’t stand for rural Oregon values, no one will…

© 2024 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Linthicum:

Oregon Government is Costly

By Oregon State Senator Dennis Linthicum

February 23, 2024

Our political elites mis-use economics. They use economic projections as sales, marketing and sloganeering tools. Their central planning and control efforts form an endless barrage of claims hoping for votes, then power, money and control. Think about clean energy, immigration, Measure 110, micro-electronic circuit or housing development and employment.

Are these examples sincere problem solving efforts or merely attempts to overtake the economy and grab money, power and control?

As always, when there is one political claim there is always another. But, what is the truth of the matter? Can any of these claims about solving problems and improving the lives of Oregonians be true?

Regardless, the state’s collectivist marketeers get right to work.

The French economist Frédéric Bastiat described our problem in his 1850 essay, “That Which Is Seen, and That Which Is Not Seen.” He wrote, “The bad economist pursues a small present good, which will be followed by a great evil to come, while the true economist pursues a great good to come, — at the risk of a small present evil.”

The adjectives he uses are – bad verses true, instead of bad verses good. We have become accustomed to think in terms of moral categories like bad verses good. The lesson for us is, we should strive for truth, then our moral compass will be set straight.

I suggest, our state’s political quagmire would clear immediately, if we asked, “Is that true?”

For example, the open border policies have grown to allowing more than 300,000 migrants to cross illegally into the US monthly. Obviously, this is deliberate, but are we solving anything problems or are we just moving the problems around on a map and making them worse? The recently failed $118 billion border security bill only had $20 billion for US border security.

Does that sound like a solution, a marketing ploy, or magic?

When our political elites use falsehood to advance an idea, it’s more than bad policy, it’s bad economics. The border example, works well to illustrate this point. Has the influx of multiple millions of illegal immigrants provided any economic, practical, moral, life and livelihood benefits to the US or to the various countries of origin that lost these people? The claim is that we are saving lives but the administration is not advancing freedom, shutting-down socialist dogma or pressuring our other countries to adopt free-market economies.

How can we best help, by proving handouts or opportunities? Here or there? What’s marketing and what is truth?

And, for all of our global concerns, why isn’t anyone asking the truth questions about Cxvoid “science”?

Was social distancing was effective? Is there scientific evidence that face masks can stop a respiratory virus? Were Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT) performed to confirm asymptomatic transmission claims? Did plexiglass barriers, the constant washing of grocery counters, or disinfecting shopping carts handles provide any documentable benefits?

The scientific totalitarians will have trouble with each of these questions, as well as, accessing risks associated with the mRNA injections which are skirted or ignored daily.

Why is Oregon’s political class unwilling to seek truth.

Remember, forty million Americans lost their jobs, and nearly 10 million of those are still unemployed. Income in America fell to such low levels that federal tax revenues decreased by more than 50 percent year over year by mid-year 2020.

Yet, the federal government cranked up the printing presses and distributed $350 billion to states and local governments as part of the 2022 pandemic aid bill. Those monies have to be spent by this year’s end or the feds will send their agents to take it back.

Why was this mandatory time frame part of the legislative package? It clearly wasn’t designed for the slow, deliberative, and prudent considerations that would normally accompany prudent decision-making. Rather, the mandatory time-constraint was designed to generate a momentary statistical blip for propaganda purposes.

The story always reads better if the pols can claim, “all is well in our local economies.” Complete tommyrot.

As in the earlier quote, “The bad economist pursues a small present good, which will be followed by a great evil to come…,” and no one knows the long-term impacts on our horizon.

Remember, untold numbers of small businesses remain closed. Thousands of individuals, moms, dads, and family members lost their jobs, and these job losses will get muddled with the statistical averages from foreign nationals, undocumented immigrants or illegal aliens who are also looking for employment.

On a legislative note here in Oregon, let me touch on, SB 1508. This bill recently passed the Senate Floor, and will move to the House. It is a prime example of government intervention with unintended consequences.

This bill started as my attempt to curb run-away Insulin prices. However, I voted “NO” because the bill had grown less attractive after each edit.

For background, I am alive today because of multiple daily injections of insulin. I have been injecting insulin for more than 50-years, so, I fully understand the life and death nature of insulin. Especially, in terms of medical need, cost and availability.

Yet this bill illustrates government taking the easy-way out. Essentially, this is a legislative mandate limiting charges for insulin to just $35 a vial, from insurance providers operating within the state.

Insulin prices are not driven by extravagant insurance co-pay fees. Insulin prices actually get generated at the manufacturing level, by supply and demand for source materials, research, development, technology, manufacturing and regulatory requirements. Unlike ice cream which experiences greater demand during the summer, insulin has a fairly constant demand curve.

Yet, a major price factor is law-fare – practices that protect big manufacturing dominance through endless trade secret and patent protections. Patent protection are are limited and expire for various insulin formulations but manufacturing techniques are typically protected by trade secret law without limit.

Demanding insurance providers squeeze other plan participants meet the difference directly helps patients but doesn’t solve the problem. In other words, we only moved the problem from one spot on the map to another, as manufacturers enjoy continued market protection.

No doubt people appreciate the lower cost and affordability of this life-saving medication, but what is government accomplishing? The “unseen” never gets mentioned. How many unintended consequences cascade down the line when government steps in to solve any particular problem?

system by twisting some segment of our economy. Like minimum-wage laws, paid-leave laws, laws restricting housing, land-use or drug-use there is always a problem that government created which will fester until really hurts. Meanwhile, the politicians, bureaucrats, political donors and cronies get to skate happily along and everything looks good until the next catastrophe.

We can only succeed by empowering individuals. We slow down and curb the state’s bureaucratic enterprise at every turn. We must hold politicians accountable for their false projections and the deleterious impacts of their socialist policies. Truth must be our standard.

Only through free-markets, with clear determinations of truth and fallacy, can we will rebuild the American dream. Yes, even here in Oregon.

If we don’t stand for rural Oregon values, no one will…

© 2024 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Linthicum:

Oregon’s High-Minded Muddle

By Dennis Linthicum, Oregon State Senator

December 23, 2023

I’ve been off-line for a while because I ran straight into the voracious appetite of the Censorship Industrial Complex’s very own information shredder – OMNIVORE –

There was never any violation of the so-called: Acceptable Use Policy! Although, I have been adamant about the need for holding government to account with regard to CxVid, I never made false claims or tried to sell any products, other than TRUTH. Yet, because my Newsletter referred to CxVid. And… in my next breath I mentioned the high possibility of fraXd. That was enough to get my account served up to Omnivore. This is nothing less than government control over what speech is acceptable and what is not. (… No, this isn’t just a private company exercising their private contract rights.)

This is the start of a very dangerous trend.

Oregon’s own Secretary of State is trying the same tactic. Several of us have filed a Motion for a Preliminary Injunction to immediately halt the unConstitutional practice being implemented by RFP 7470 with regard to MDM (Mis-, Dis-, Mal-Information.)
Who, exactly, will define what is Mis-information? Dis-information, or Mal-information? The government, apparently.

These guys can’t define a woman and don’t know the difference between a heifer and a bull-calf. They have totally screwed up our education and criminal justice systems, increased homelessness, poverty, and drug abuse, and put the economy into the ditch. So, why not give them control of our thoughts, speech and language too?

Most people I encounter, as I travel about Oregon, raise questions about government overreach. They are anxious to share their opinions about this danger and the potential for tragedy.

We see government growing. We see more programs with dreamy titles and no meat on the bones. Proficiency tests are no longer used in Oregon for students to graduate.

We have gone from STEM to NM, or from Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math to Never-Mind for a High-school diploma. Our tax dollars are being wasted by agencies and bureaucrats and many programs negatively influence children by filling them with the state’s propaganda instead of skills they can use.

Whether these actors are elected office holders, executive appointees, agency directors or only members of the bureaucratic army, everyone is just doing their job. They are happy to be employed. They don’t want to be cancelled. It’s better to keep your mouth shut than get into trouble. Everyone seems to be happy doing their job, doing the bidding from higher up…

But isn’t this the universal tragedy of big government? Isn’t this exactly why the USSR collapsed? Hasn’t this been the tragedy of all dictatorial rulers, across all time and history?

This is not a modern problem. It is not a new dilemma. It is the same old gigantic problem that has always faced mankind. It is a universal evil. It is a giant so big and dark, so omnipresent, and so filled with lust that its overreach can contaminate every aspect of life.

In Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago he recalls:

“[It was while I] … lay there on rotting prison straw that I sensed within myself the first stirrings of good. Gradually it was disclosed to me that the line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either, but right through every human heart, and through all human hearts.”

This is how so many are easily bought. Everyone is just hungry. Hungry and worried about their families’ futures, their health and their well-being. Solzhenitsyn points out that there is only a thin-line between right and wrong and that distinction is not based on your political affiliation, or your national heritage. There are no tribes here, only people. The moral hazards we face can entangle anyone willing to deny Truth.

In our Founders’ era, people commonly understood that, “TRUTH may be burnt alive, but never dies.” In other words, it always prevails, there is no denying what is True.

Yet today’s academics advance new definitions that promote petty distinctions without any differences, except now everyone is confused, like the heifer-bull. They end up muddling Truth with falsehood. Unfortunately, this muddle gets picked up by media and broadcast about until finally a handful of dim-witted advocates for vice and villainy will try to teach this high-minded muddle to our kids.

Truth must be sought, respected, and obeyed. Otherwise, lives will become materialistic nightmares as people greedily receive the rewards flowing from their respective bosses. People will get sucked into the false sense of happiness by doing something immoral or wrong-headed because their boss made a request.

So, the real question is, “Who is the boss?”

John Adams, in Thoughts on Government (1776) helps us sort this out:

“Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, the people alone have an incontestable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute government; and to reform, alter, or totally change the same, when their protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness require it.”

So, all the above referenced actors, whether accidental, coincidental or purposeful, become one grand collusion team and their behavior plays a pivotal role in enabling state tyranny over the people.

Our responsibility is to advance Truth and Liberty – not empower the state, fund wasteful programs or protect diabolical state actors.
Best Regards,

Dennis Linthicum
Oregon State Senate – District 28

© 2023 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

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Who are “They”? By Their Fruits You Shall Know Them

By Dennis Linthicum

November 8, 2023

Last weekend I spoke in Ashland, Oregon at a wonderful event with several hundred Oregon Federation of Republican Women. During my presentation, one person asked a fantastic question, “Who are ‘they’?” To provide context, I was not addressing the confusion about modern pronoun usage.

I had said, “They are unhinged!” Now this territory is part of my accustomed soapbox. I routinely write about so-called conspiracy theories and I often bash “them thar bad guys” referring to them as, “they and them.” At the time, I didn’t have a succinct answer and thought I could do better.

Today, I will try to answer, “Who are ‘they’ and what is our disagreement?”

In general, “they” are those opposed to Liberty. They are deep-state malcontents amassing power by stripping authority and wealth from the citizenry. They are typically elites and the super wealthy using their enormous influence to steer public policy toward their own enrichment. They sway public leaders and legislators to do their bidding by using emotional stories.

As I mentioned in my last newsletter, false assumptions, incorrect or mis-understood data and faulty reasoning will lead people down the wrong track. Concentrations of power, in public or private hands, based on faulty views or corrupt ideas have led to vast expansions in state power. This usurpation of power eventually alienates segments of society and culture.

This is why the song, “Rich Men North of Richmond” was such a success. Oliver Anthony says what we know to be true. He identifies inflation, the lack of accountability, the imprudent uses of taxpayer dollars and needlessly high taxation. Things that the folks in DC (and Salem) can’t seem to understand.

Those desiring more state power and control, statists, do so because the state is the single entity authorized to use force and coercion to get what it wants. Our government ends up elevating those who have neither wisdom, character, nor the right to be our guardians. These bureaucrats become the watchers, directors, chairs, commanders, regulators, accusers, fact-checkers, estimators, evaluators, censors and preachers over everyone else.

This constant and unrelenting pressure from a nameless bureaucracy creates dissent, tension and distrust, leading to an unstable environment. Governments exert their power to foster grievances, whether real or imagined, further fraying the fabric of society.

This instability can fester in race relations, educational disparities or shortages, and is easily seen in the economy. In Oregon, we can see market damage happening daily. We see it in prices and availability for housing, food, fuel, police protection, healthcare, and education. Most families, citizens and even foreign-born aliens, view themselves as incapable of solving these problems because they have been usurped by the state and are, therefore, beyond the reach of local and community control.

The enormity of the global COVID-19 fraud is a prime example.

It started with fear-mongering based upon entirely unrealistic estimates of worldwide death. There was gross data manipulation and re-writing of the rules. The instructions for your County Coroner’s completion of Death Certificates were altered only for COVID-19; formerly acceptable medical protocols were denied; proven pandemic policies were jettisoned.

The massive Leftwing media machine raced to show inflated death statistics changing by the hour. The CDC, NIH, CIA, FBI, and DOJ issued directives to promote centralized, universal healthcare models regardless of health, age, susceptibility or co-morbidities.

Small businesses were needlessly closed while those with influence, the big-box stores and online giants, were happily picking up the customers and, thereby, sweeping small-main-street businesses off the map. This destruction was orchestrated by shamelessly corrupt individuals around the world using the “color of law” to declare war on the non-compliant while amassing absolute authority.

The free-market is loathed by statists from both major parties, Democrats and Republicans. The recent vote for Jim Jordan as Speaker was controversial because he represented a credible threat to the exponential growth of the bloated bureaucracy. The bureaucracy which desires to both set the standard and enforce the standard. This is precisely why we see more than 3000 new bills being introduced during every Legislative long-session in Oregon.

The never-ending batches of new laws shows us the fanatical desire to tax, spend and regulate every private business operation. The collectivists control minimum wages, fair wages across every business, and every new-found personal identity. These geniuses set working hours, break times, healthcare and family leave requirements.

These laws continually provide taxpayer monies to subsidize well-heeled influencers and push others out of the market. Last week, the food giant Tyson Foods announced their commitment to building a more sustainable insect protein food production system to save the planet.
Where did this new demand for crunchy crickets come from? Did your family picnic turn into a hunt for yummy mealworms after the fried chicken tub was emptied?

No! There is no demand-side to the equation for black soldier flies, grasshoppers, mealworms or crickets. The only demand comes from the regulators who pretend to care more than the rest of us.

Hence, IP-3, which criminalizes animal farming practices is headed to main street.

Without stopping IP-3 gigantic agri-businesses will grow while the small Mom-and-Pop farms and cattle producers will simply dry up. Look at the small towns across Oregon, larger fast-food franchises are opening while the small diners and lunch-counters which once cluttered downtowns are boarded up with “Closed” signs fraying in the wind.

The business giants float ideas that require every transaction be tracked, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, registered, and authorized. If Mom-and-Pop can’t implement the rules they will be forced to close-up shop. Or, they may get admonished, punished, or sent along to one of Hillary Clinton’s proposed re-indoctrination centers to get their worldview fixed.

What is happening? Why do we continue down this path?

We have to get back to basics, local economies, and meritorious interpersonal relationships.

Our Nation, has been led to greatness by the Hand of Liberty. It was created from all the glory that free-speech, individual heroism, and hardworking humanity could offer. We must fight against our own willingness to forge the chains of our destruction and demand fiscal responsibility from Congress, then from our own state houses.

Our sights must be aimed at supporting Life, Liberty and our own just pursuits, not just the largess that citizens can pocket from the public treasury.

Private enterprise is essential. Otherwise, the socialists and statists will use their executive agency power to relentlessly steer us towards total control and regulation which will lead to our destruction and misery.

Finally, who are “they”?

They can only be identified by their fruits, not by their intentions. They can be identified by their unending efforts to subvert our liberties and the ideals which are so beautifully stated in the unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America and our US Constitution.

Therefore, we must stand firm and devote our lives and prosperity to removing them from power at every level of government.

© 2023 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Linthicum:

Unhinged: Control the Food, Control the People

By Oregon Senator Dennis Linthicum

October 24, 2023

The dilapidation of Oregon’s Democrat controlled Metro areas has been compounded by disastrous policy decisions. Likewise, the subversion and unhinging of the American Dream is not accidental. Yet, there is nothing new under the sun. I provide the text below to emphasize my point. It comes directly from a newspaper dated, November 11, 1775:

“The WORST and most infamous of men
have been armed with powers,
for the purpose of destroying the BEST, and
reducing the people, by gradual steps,
from a state of PROSPERITY and FREEDOM,
to that of MISERY and SLAVERY.”

Powerful men and women have long used their money and influence to engineer their own success while seeking the demise of others through indoctrination, propaganda and corruption. In Oregon we face an onslaught of pre-ordained policy decisions coming from these players as they influence municipal leaders, county commissioners, state legislators and citizens, alike.

Most of the policy decisions don’t work but come well-funded with ghostly digits of debt. Piling debt onto future generations makes all of these programs overly costly. Typically, these programs grow government while subsidizing the chosen, penalizing the unfavored and needlessly regulating by-standers.

How does this happen? Is it caused by sunspots, too much unbridled sex, global cooling, global warming climate change, or is it something in the water?

No… it is none of these things.

To gain some insight, Watch this Epoch Times video – No Farmers, No Food.

The documentary exposes the alarming destruction of farming and food production throughout the nations of the world, California, and Oregon. This excellent documentary covers disruptions happening within the European Union and also focuses on the local Klamath River Dam removal to illustrate the enormous harm inflicted by the Left’s single-mindedness.

The Left has long enticed Moms and Dads through their endless claims about the need for “better education.” Yet, people are finally realizing that the “Teachers Union” advocates for teachers, not students. Now, the public is awakening.

After witnessing the COVID scam first-hand, Moms and Dads realize that so-called “value-neutral” education isn’t neutral. It is actually filled with destructive ideas and harmful rhetoric.

When a school board or a teacher asserts ambivalence about exposing young children to alternative sexual behaviors, gender confusion, bondage, or bestiality under the pretense of sex education they are not being neutral. They are placing this flawed, unreliable and inconsistent worldview above every other worldview and eventually these distortions fester into malevolence.

Therefore, “education” is not the key, rather what is being taught is key. This must be our focus.

We should be training, teaching, and promoting:

1- America’s history and our Founders aspirations for liberty combined with the virtues needed to sustain individual freedom.
2- Personal responsibility a necessity for free markets and the maintenance of personal property.
3- Moral virtue as conducive to self-government, community, and citizenship in the American republic.
4- Scientific truth, needed to live a free and fruitful life.
5- Mathematics as the basis quantifying the relationships needed to properly assess and manage our world.

The cultural tragedy exploding before our eyes is fostered by the state’s postmodern education philosophy. As more and more young people succumb to the state’s propaganda they grow in their confusion, inconsistent reason, cultural relativism, and hypocrisy.

During the 17th and 18th centuries, science was elevated as a great observational tool for understanding the natural world. Scientific efforts in mathematics, astronomy, physics, and biology became keys for understanding our world and objective truth was solidified.

Postmodernism – that there is no such thing as objective truth – is the heart of a broken worldview that is driving our cultural homelessness, crime, vandalism, our broken border, the arson in our forests and on our streets. This worldview is incapable of solving the problems because it has sacrificed the necessary tools – truth, logic, reason, math, and probability – for an errant ideology.

This is the same ideology driving Oregon’s IP-3 effort. Don’t mistake the local signature gathering effort for Oregon’s IP-3 (see, Unhinged) as an isolated vegan activity. IP-3’s signature gathering effort is too well funded to be local.

Yes-on-IP3 will pay workers $30 per hour to gather signatures with the explanation, “Applicants do not need to be registered to vote, or old enough to vote, but must be able to work within the Portland, Eugene, Corvallis, and Bend Metro Areas.”

This money will attract a ready workforce in the Democrat controlled metro areas to snag the necessary votes and petition signatures. No doubt it will also attract thousands of young, unmarried, military-aged men that the Biden administration has illegally allowed across the border.

IP-3 nicely follows the global and historical agenda set-forth by the big-moneyed cadre of collectivist progressives. Their views have been clearly documented since the mid-fifties suggesting government should restrain people, their liberty and productivity while using the law to ensure enforcement.

A national policy on population management was formalized in 1974, with The National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM) 200, and was followed, in 1976, by the National Security Council which called for the United States to use the control of food supplies to impose population control on the world. Further, it justified using dictatorial power and military force as a means to coerce the Least-Developed Countries (LDC)) into population control.

This isn’t a right-wing conspiracy theory it is a worldview. It is a mindset, an ideological perspective that has been pushed for decades and is littering the landscape with inept and disreputable policy decisions.

Cute kids thinking that socialism might be a better-way is only a musical prelude. When the orchestra strikes up their sheet music it will be the horrific sounds of socialism. The single-minded elites will continue on this path pursuing pre-born abortion, sterilization through gender confusion, re-wilding the land and destroying our food production infrastructure.

Despite the fact that totalitarianism, communism, socialism and Marxism have impoverished and killed millions, and have been responsible for the worst events recorded in world history, they still seek to swindle power from the people.

Today progressive destructionists have captured the administrative bureaucracy and elevated their academic henchmen in an effort to topple American values. Their ideology must be stopped or it will destroy what we know to be good, true and beautiful. They are promoting formerly unthinkable ideas. Ideas that don’t work and have no basis in science as viable solutions (i.e., men becoming women, supplanting fossil fuels with solar and wind energy or Battery Electric Vehicles for reducing air pollution).

As I said earlier, the Left’s ideas don’t work and therefore, I remain resolute that together, you and I, can end the power of the Democrat left during this next election cycle.

[Read “The Coming Battle” Written in the 1880’s. By reading this book you will better understand the events taking place today. Nothing new under the sun. History is repeating itself.]

© 2023 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Linthicum:

Bind Legislators Not the People

By Dennis Linthicum, Oregon State Senator

October 6, 2023

My last newsletter caused several people to write me with their thoughts. The subject was Initiative Petition – 3 (IP-3), which aims to criminalize the killing of animals for food or any other purpose in Oregon. Letters came in, both both pro and con, yet those defending IP-3 were the most surprising.

The typical claim was, “I’m a vegan so this wouldn’t bother me,” or, “I support this because I’m vegan.”

This assertion is terribly ill-considered even if you are a vegan. It misses the beauty of our system of self-governance by demanding absolute control by state actors. The issue is not whether it might be an idea that you personally support or a lifestyle you might prefer.

The issue is dictatorial power. It is about a group of activists running other peoples’ lives through an emotional appeal to the most powerful instrument of domination – state power.

Our representative system was designed around maximum liberty, where you are supposed to be concerned about your own life and your own choices. It’s supposed to be about you minding your own business and caring for yourself. It protects your life, liberty, and your life’s just pursuits by preventing unwarranted interference from others.

Although government derives power from the consent of the majority that does not mean that all of those powers are “just” or appropriate. Does government exist to aggrandize power, propaganda or wealth? Everyone should learn to scream, “No!”

Our Constitution was created to provide the architecture and design for a community of people to live in close proximity to others, while exercising their private concerns and just rights without hurting others.

These rights are ones that Americans should be able to quote:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

Why does our government exist?

As our Founder’s historic Declaration of Independence clarifies, governments are instituted to “secure” our pre-existing, God-given rights, or natural rights. Our American form of government was never designed to be a fairy godmother. First, because it can’t possibly; second, because once a “rewards” program gets started everyone will want to figure-out how they too can qualify.

The Democrat majority, along with the fiscally naïve, view our constitutional form of governance in this manner. They, along with thousands of NGO perjurers, bureaucratic renegades and quill-pushers, have adopted the view that their job is to “bring home the bacon” and then set about heartily consuming it.

With just days until the next federal shutdown, House Speaker McCarthy (R, CA) and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) have agreed to bring about another Continuing Resolution. This is a common gimmick to allow the eventual passage of an omnibus spending bill that will be the well-greased vehicle for growing government and ladling patronage across multiple administration special interests.

In Oregon’s state legislature this sort of rhetoric has become a cult-like incantation. The justification is, “it is part of the federal budget,” which subtly implies we all wanted it and thought it was appropriate. In state legislatures this gets repeated and excused with language about “leveraging federal money.” In reality this is just another dirty sock coming out of Congress’ disheveled debt-drawer.

None of this has ever been government’s job. It is not your representative’s job or senator’s job. Their duty has always been to protect your life, your liberty, and your property.

The media outlets squabble about the possible shut-down because it is divisive. Regardless of which political party will face the hard facts of our nation’s fiscal future, the other party will continue to advance their programs. The threat of a government shut-down just adds repetitive rhetorical resonance to the meme-machines and allows the shouting to continue. What becomes clear is that without constitutional integrity it’s time to get a bigger manure-spreader for Congressmen and women.

This is why returning to the constitution is so very important. The purpose of the U.S. Constitution is stated in the preamble of the document itself:

We the People of the United States,

1 in Order to form a more perfect Union,
2 establish Justice,
3 insure domestic Tranquility,
4 provide for the common defense,
5 promote the general Welfare, and
6 secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,
7 ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

The progressives have trouble with the straight-forward nature of each of these.

To illustrate, the Biden administration’s open border policy does not help us form a more perfect union; it does not establish Justice but hinders it; it upsets community harmony; it weakens our nation’s defenses; and it thwarts the general welfare by diverting resources away from more appropriate choices.

Progressive policy solutions always entail more government, not less, and thus in a mocking bit of irony become destructive rather than beneficial. When the collective comes first, the individual must come last. Individuals get routinely ignored unless through cunning they can create an acceptable class or category of oppression. Once the state formally recognizes this new group, speculators, subsidy-hunters, and the wiliest wreckers, cheaters and swindlers learn how to take advantage of the State’s paternalism and slop up the gruel.

This problem becomes more critical as more and more people lose what little knowledge they have about our fundamental rights. Our K-12 educational system rarely mentions our Constitutional freedoms as codified in the Bill of Rights. Yet, if one fails to defend the first, the other will also fall by the wayside.

To this end a citizenry must be educated on “their rights, interests, and duties,” and must be prevented from disparaging the rights of others. Thomas Jefferson reminds us, “In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.”

Like a four-year-old with a set of markers, a healthy, representative government must work hard at staying within the lines otherwise they could mess up the whole house. The citizenry must be properly informed about the issues and understand their rights. Once educated about how the government operates, they must be taught to be skeptical of any grandiose claims that the profligate and greedy politicians may present.

The American recipe for success has been spoiled by government over-reach. Most Americans and Oregonians don’t know that we ourselves bungled our very own recipe. The leftists in our state legislatures, backed by union rent-seekers, neo-Marxist academics, a corrupt judiciary, political blow-hards and anyone else wanting to exert power over their neighbor lost sight of our founding ideals.

In essence, we have become constitutionally illiterate.

September 17th has been designated as Constitution Day. It was set aside to celebrate one of the greatest political and legal documents ever drafted. Yet, those precious liberties are now under attack.

Today is another day to voice our support for the freedoms and liberties our Constitution protects. It should not require a date on the calendar. Consider how we can stop the globalists, Democrats, Progressives, Socialists, Marxists and their allies from imposing a tyranny like no other.

Americans are blessed to live in what has been the greatest and freest country in the world. But progressives are slowly corrupting our institutional and constitutional freedoms. We must stop these authoritarians from establishing a dystopian scene straight out of Orwell’s 1984.

Our Founder’s created our limited, constitutionally-federated form of Republican government for a reason. We must continue to stand firm and fight for freedom and disarm those who aim at our state’s destruction!

© 2023 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

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Upcoming Oregon Political Battles

By Oregon Senator, Dennis Linthicum

September 12, 2023

Here in Oregon, we find ourselves in the midst of an enormous culture war. It’s not unlike other parts of our nation where the far-left is propagating falsehood and purposefully misguiding public opinions. On an hourly basis mainstream media and mindless twitter-bots praise what is despicable and despise what is honorable. They punish noble, patriotic and virtuous sentiments while hurling despair and discouragement around the local schoolyard like junkyard litter. They applaud falsehood and smother truth under indifference, hypocrisy, insult and brazen lies.

In the 2023 legislative session, eleven Republican and Independent Senators attempted to deny quorum and stop further business in the Senate chamber. Our actions were sound; our reasons were valid; our cause was just, and as I have said before, righteous. Our principles and purpose were and still are valid. Through the full-throttled stoppage of Senate business our goal was to prevent unconstitutional, disingenuous, risky and life-threatening legislative concepts.

Not unlike a workers’ strike, we denied quorum to elevate the voices of our oft ignored minority constituencies.

During the founding era, our nation was continually warned about the vigilance that would be required to keep our Republic whole.

In the past several newsletters I have written about the most egregious bills put forth in the 2023 Legislative session. Bills targeting children, parental rights, increasing access to taxpayer funded abortions and transgender care as well as the ever-increasing assaults on our 2nd Amendment rights. I supplied details with specifics about how parents, their children and all Oregon families and individuals would be harmed.

Here’s a list:

Assault Against Parents
What’s Lurking in the Legislature?
Irreversible Harm
Standing Firm

As my newsletters illustrate, Republicans and Independent Senators denied quorum to stop the State from:

♦ becoming the authority over your children and your family’s decisions,
♦ furthering unconstitutional anti-gun measures on law-abiding citizens,
♦ increasing the healthcare costs for all Oregonians,
♦ covering transgender and abortion on demand for all, including minors,
♦ providing free abortion and gender-altering care to anyone, of any age, from any state,
♦ eliminating the right of patients to seek justice following provider malpractice,
♦ sterilizing untold numbers of innocent, confused and vulnerable children.

The Democrat party uses our own tax money against us and our children. The advancing power of the state is like the screw in a mechanical fitting. It is always turning, always gaining, always gripping, always penetrating, forever holding fast to what it gains and never letting go.

Friends, I believe the casualties and the price Oregonians pay will be high. But I am confident we will win this culture war if we continue to stand on our principles with unwavering fortitude. We must protect our children and never back down from working to restore our God-given rights to life, liberty and our own just pursuits.

Surrender is not an option.

The question before us is, how do we continue, where do we throw our weight, what battles should we fight?

First, I am currently involved with five other Republican Senators seeking remedy against the Secretary of States for her capricious ruling regarding Measure 113. Essentially her ruling is that the 36 county election officers would not be permitted to accept the filing for office from Senators falling under Measure 113.

Remember, Measure 113 allows the partisan Senate President, who is currently a Democrat, to declare an absence by any member “excused” or “unexcused”. This power was used in a capricious, vindictive and retaliatory fashion against Republicans in the 2023 legislative session.

At the end of 1776, Thomas Paine was sick at heart over the suffering and despair he saw after just six months of tragedy. Yet, he was also inspired by the undaunted resolution of others in leadership. His book The American Crisis, should continue to inspire us.

It begins:

“THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.

Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.”

I will follow Paine’s counsel with all of my might. I will continue to serve Oregonians to the best of my ability. I will continue to work towards a positive, prosperous and wholesome future for all Oregonians. I won’t give up and I won’t back down from the ongoing fight.

As summer closes, we confidently move forward. Diane and I send our Best Wishes for the fall season.

As you know lawsuits are not cheap and your help is vital to continue our pursuit of justice in this battle against tyranny.

Thank you for your steadfast support.

© 2023 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Linthicum:

A Soviet-styled Future in Oregon?

By Dennis Linthicum, Oregon State Senate – District 28

September 2, 2023

After my last newsletter, I received several responses to my assertion that socialism is a destructive ideology. I’ll admit that I may have been too willing to blame the Democrat party as the only source of the current wave of destructionism in Oregon. However, my claim is still valid – socialism is destructionism.

Whether only Democrat party members praise collectivist ideals was not my main point. All political party members can be caught promoting socialist ideas, some more than others. My warning is that single-party rule tends toward totalitarianism and is dangerous. Any of us can be teased down the candied highway of socialism by “free” government money.

But government money is never free. The regulatory requirements for using federal funds are rarely of practical or fiscally responsible natures. They always carry a political burden.

This ought to be obvious but it often escapes scrutiny because governments spend enormous amounts of money trying to mask their agenda – which is always more control.

Think about the recent COVID corruption scheme that engulfed the entire world. Supposedly, it was for our safety. But now we see that it was nothing but a litany of lies and strategic manipulation. It was used for control, pure and simple. It also allowed aligned players to make billions in profit, circumvented due process and re-engineered our society through destructionist racketeering. The Democrat/Socialist party was the prime contractor in this destructionist effort.

Now, we see the fulness of designs for power politics coming to fruition here in Oregon. Last week’s mainstream mouthpieces were giddy with news that Oregon Secretary of State LaVonne Griffin-Valade confirmed that she intends to enforce the DOJ’s interpretation of Ballot Measure 113. The majority party’s DOJ claims that Measure 113 bans lawmakers from running for re-election if they denied quorum for more than 10 days.

This is an unconstitutional, brute force abridgment of the democratic process and the free-speech rights of the Senators who adhered to the rules of the Senate while denying quorum.

Republican Senators are not the so-called “grumblers and malcontents” who refused to “go-to work.” They were, and are, principled fighters. They were setup by the Democrat majority, in concert with union muscle, to implement the final solution in a long-coveted dream of single-party rule here in Oregon.

In Oregon, drastic legislative language was aimed directly at destroying parental rights, our constitutionally codified 2nd Amendment protections, and our rights to self-defense (HB 2002, 2004, 2005, SB 348, These bills were brought to the front of the legislative calendar to tease principled opposition members from office. It was nothing but a sadistic bit of cheese on the bait-trap tray.

Senate President Wagner (D-Lake Oswego) was more than happy to deny any and all excused absences to ensure a clear ballot for the next election cycle. The radical left is far too rapacious to be concerned with the long-term consequences of their actions because one-party rule is the only goal that matters.

There was never any room for compromise or deliberation because the majority party was unwilling to negotiate until their opposition had been thoroughly gutted by the unconstitutional 10-day limit imposed by Measure 113.

Every day we see increases in state-sponsored censorship, the weaponization of fear, and the demonization of common-sense, truth-telling, and citizen participation. All of these campaigns have been camouflaged in the narrative of tolerance while representing a frontal assault against self-governance.

To illustrate my point, I include just one of many historical illustrations. Below is a complete quote, from pgs. 97-98, in Roger Moorhouse’s historical narrative, The Devils’ Alliance – Hitler’s Pact with Stalin, 1939-41, (emphasis added):

“Events moved with dizzying speed that summer. After their expe­rience in eastern Poland the previous autumn, the Soviets were already well practiced in the art of ‘democratic demolition.’

“Within a month, across all three Baltic states, elections were called by the newly formed, Moscow-friendly governments. This in itself would have been quite a novelty, as all three states had spawned authori­tarian ­– albeit largely benign – governments in the 1930s, but the Soviet variant of democracy was even less worthy of the name.

Only approved candidates were permitted to stand, all others were removed from the ballot and arrested. Voting was compulsory, with those spoiling their ballot or refusing to vote risking arrest: ‘Only enemies of the people stay at home on election day’, warned one Estonian newspaper.81

Moorhouse’s narrative continues:

To reassure the people, Soviet representatives were at pains to stress that the independence of the Baltic nations would be respected, vehemently denying that incorporation into the USSR was in the offing.

The results were preordained, to the point that they were even accidentally announced in Moscow before the polls had closed:

97.2 per cent of Latvian voters were said to have voted for the approved list,
99.2 per cent in Lithuania and
92.8 per cent in Estonia.82

“Voter turnout was also unfeasibly high, ranging between 84 and 95 per cent; one electoral precinct in Lithuania even achieved the remarkable feat of voter turnout reaching 122 per cent. The true figure across all Lithuania has been estimated at barely 16 per cent.83

“Once compliant ‘people’s parliaments’ were installed, all that was left for them was to vote themselves out of existence. The first act of each, therefore, upon meeting in late July, was to petition Moscow for accession to the USSR as a constituent republic.

“After a period of ‘consultation’ the Supreme Soviet in Moscow duly granted the requests:

Lithuania became a Soviet republic on 3 August 1940,
Latvia followed two days later and
Estonia on 6 August.

In Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn, there were confusion and humiliation as people sought to take in what had happened to them, and to the independent states that they had once inhabited.

“In desperation, a few took to the forests to fight the Soviet occupiers; others chose more passive forms of protest such as placing flowers at national memorials, or singing patriotic songs.

“Khrushchev would later write in his memoirs, without a hint of irony, that the annexation of the Baltic states was a ‘great triumph’ for the Baltic peoples, as it gave them ‘the chance to live in conditions equal to those of the working class, peasantry, and laboring intelligentsia of Russia’.84”

History should be our guide.

In Oregon, we can see the same regimen of election tampering being unleashed under the color of law. The current Democrat-party led attack against the right of local constituencies to choose their own representatives is not a new idea. If Measure 113 stands it will be one of many steps toward the soviet-style authoritarianism that destroyed all of the free, fair and honest electoral challenges to the soviet model of single-party rule.

History will be repeated if we fail to learn our lessons. We should be willing to question the timing and fury of indictments against former President Trump as it relates to denying his opportunity to be on election ballots in the near future.

Coincidentally, conservative Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro was also barred from running for office until 2030 by a panel of judges. The partisan judges concluded that Bolsonaro spread doubts about the country’s electronic voting system. Meanwhile, the current socialist President, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, was convicted of bribery charges that were overturned, under controversial circumstances.

We have big challenges in front of us. We must continue to extol our belief in liberty, free markets, fiscal responsibility, ordered liberty, equal opportunity, medical freedom, free-speech and freedom of conscience rights for everyone.

I need your help to mount a strategic challenge to the unconscionable assault on the rights of minorities everywhere – the right to protest government policy, to air grievances in public without persecution and the right to continue the fight for our respective liberties.

This battle was brought into our front yards, now let’s muster our courageous response!

© 2023 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

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Oregonians are Waking Up That There are Elected Destructionists in Oregon Politics

By Dennis Linthicum, Oregon State Senate – District 28

August 30, 2023

“We, the People” are finally waking up.

The curtains have been thrown wide-open and the public is being exposed to facts that they never dreamed possible. We are now witnesses to the daily corruption of political power, from the simplest idiocies to the most complex, convoluted and Byzantine criminal activities.

Corrupt political power influences every institution in American life. There is no longer any meaningful debate for balancing policy objectives with prudence, common-sense or fiscal responsibility. The agendas are driven by clamoring from our political parties. Those with the best bumper-sticker sloganeering, media ad-campaigns or skewed polling graphics are on a one-way track leading to more government, more control, and less individual autonomy.

As local, county, regional, and state governments join in the fray to gain money out of the fiscal tragedy that is the federal government, entities of every stripe want a piece of the pie. This is a self-perpetuating cycle that is quite difficult to stop. The main recipients of this largess are the big-government “destructionists” in the Democrat Party.

Here, I use the word “destructionists” without hesitation and with full confidence in my assertions. The phrase is defined correctly by Ludwig von Mises in his classic book: SOCIALISM: An Economic and Sociological Analysis.

In the years following the second World War, circa 1951, Mises wrote, “The socialist idea dominates the modern spirit. The masses approve of it, it expresses the thoughts and feelings of all; it has set its seal upon our time.”

It is this socialist idea, or socialism itself that leads to destructionism. Mises continues with a definition that we can use,

“In fact, Socialism is not in the least what it pretends to be. It is not the pioneer of a better and finer world, but the spoiler of what thousands of years of civilization have created. It does not build; it destroys. For destruction is the essence of it. It produces nothing, it only consumes what the social order based on private ownership in the means of production has created. … [E]ach step leading towards Socialism must exhaust itself in the destruction of what already exists.”

Mises warns,

“Capital consumption can be detected statistically and can be conceived intellectually, but it is not obvious to everyone. To see the weakness of a policy which raises the consumption of the masses at the cost of existing capital wealth, and thus sacrifices the future to the present… requires deeper insight.”

Mises highlights two methods aimed at public policy-makers, “the first aims directly at converting society to Socialism; the second aims only indirectly at this conversion by destroying the social order which is based on private ownership.”

It would be hard to find a Democrat party member, whether moderate or radical, not directly engaged in either of these methods for the transformational reform of our cultural norms and traditions.

Mises’ second category is harder for us to grasp because it is such a comprehensive weapon of revolutionary Socialism. Mises claims it, “is primarily concerned to clear the ground for building up a new civilization by liquidating the old one.”

This is the same revolutionary zeal seen in academia, or the left-leaning mainstream media outlets and the cultural rampage spilling from the fear-mongering and disinformation within the social media giants.

In the big picture, destructionism is rampant.

We see it in transportation as it surfaces with the push for inefficient EVs. In energy production, there is a war on ‘fossil fuels’ and a focus on wasteful ‘green energy’ projects, which will demand unquantifiable increases in mining operations and a nearly complete grid overhaul and rebuild, all funded with tax-payer dollars.

Destructionism is obvious in public health, too.

Healthcare is being razed on two fronts. First, via the COVID pandemic fraud, complete with tax-payer funded, state-sanctioned malfeasance. Secondly by state and federal intrusions into the treacherous waters of single-payer healthcare. Both will destroy individual health through the one-size-fits-all mandates that suck tax-payer money into a perpetual machine of humanistic, unnatural and dangerous emergency use authorizations or technocratic initiatives.

We see destructionism, in our education realm through critical race theory and post-modern deconstructionist concepts which are foisted on unsuspecting young people, coinciding with the 1619 Project and re-writing American history. Education is also being destroyed through the denial of valid real-world observations about human biology, common-sense, math, science, and history.

Innocence, too, is under attack. Our youth are being teased into age-inappropriate emotions, illustrations, and sexually explicit library material which are beyond their current level of maturity and understanding. What good can be expected from having grown men performing in Drag to audiences of young children? This is destructionism, but it appears to be the rage as the Democrat Party promotes the manipulation of our kids for their own political purposes.

The end result will not be healthy.

We will be raising a generation of psychologically and emotionally challenged individuals with distorted views about identity, relationships, family, and sexuality. These kids, in turn, will be the future justification for more state intervention in pharmacological solutions or narcotics, followed by increases in funding for behavioral and mental health bureaucracies.

Destructionism is pervasive in Democrat controlled metro-areas. It is easy to see by mapping the recent Antifa riots across America (and the world). In Portland, the DA was unwilling to prosecute the most malevolent rioters, even though the city lost several billion dollars in businesses, infrastructure, lost wages, lives and livelihoods.

On the global stage the destructionist mindset of the left is readily apparent.

It only took the Biden administration 6 months to up-end our 20-year nation-building enterprise in Afghanistan. In truth, despite 20 years of political propaganda telling the public that our regime change effort was both good and working, most could see the sheer waste in money and lives. While the military adventure was probably a bad idea from the beginning, our extrication did not need to be a wasteful and destructionist endeavor.

The cultural clock of the Left runs on destructionism.

Here are two unrelated but illustrative examples, first, is the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The Soviet enterprise collapsed because of the inescapable destiny of an empire dedicated to non-market economics and anti-liberal institutions. The communist/socialist system could not muster any long-term measures for efficiency, prudence, profit, loss, accountability, or corporate malevolence other than their own politically enforced standards.

While scholars continue to debate whether the Holodomor, or the Great Ukrainian Famine was purposeful or not, history shows us that the rapid destruction of private property and the forced collectivization of local, successful, family-run farms utterly destroyed the once majestic bread-basket of the Ukraine.

On a different plane, cancel-culture suffers from the same dilemma. There are no universal measures guiding who might get cancelled (destroyed), or which offenses are cancelable. One’s demise might be immediate, or a slow and lingering death spiral where one can get cancelled for anything, at any time, and for any reason whatsoever.

Whether at the local, municipal, regional, state or national level, the proponents of more control and regulation imagine that government alone is capable of developing a plan to solve our problems and settle the issues highlighted above. Yet, each government solution must necessarily jettison all notions about sustainability, efficiency, profit and loss because the material factors guiding production has been placed into the political sphere.

Such is the state of Oregon and the ruling majority party.

Although the destructionists appear to be winning, more and more hard working, common-sense Oregonians do not agree with their agenda. In my next newsletter I will look at steps we can take to stop the socialist destruction of our American traditions.

© 2023 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

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Democrats & Their Partners Put Out Welcome Mat for Sex-Traffickers in Oregon

By Oregon State Senator, Dennis Linthicum

August 19, 2023

In February 1788, before the ratification of the Constitution, Thomas Cogswell, a Chief Justice of the New Hampshire Court, penned an address to members of New-Hampshire’s legislature. He was highlighting constitutional issues and provided some keen insight for us today.

First, “Be as zealous to ward off public evil as others are to bring it on,” because as Cogswell encourages his readers, “with diligence, you have a fair chance to prevent it for ages yet to come.”

This is a relevant for Oregon today as many unsound policies got passed by slim margins in the Democrat majority. I supported the denial of quorum effort by Republicans in the Senate to stop these same bills. In particular, the so-called reproductive health and gender-altering fiasco (HB 2002) and the unconstitutional anti-gun bill (HB 2005).

Through compromise Republicans did win some important victories. One important detail was beating back the assault against parental rights. Specifically, the original bill had a legal requirement that said, no healthcare service provider was allowed to inform any parent about the medical care their child was receiving. This effectively made all parents ne’er-do-wells and enemies of the state.

The black-brush narrative against Moms and Dads is entirely unwarranted and should have never been forwarded as a valid criticism against every parent and legal guardian in the state. There was never any legitimate reason to put all healthcare providers, administrators, or nurses under this mandatory gag-order and hide information from parents. HB 2002 should have been totally smashed and unseamed, from beginning to end.

Republicans successfully frayed the edges of this legislation but the ideological fabric of the bill continues to drape feel-good language over the brutal realities of surgical and chemical attempts to alter a child’s biological sex. The bill creates ghastly opportunities for medical service providers to game the system by sweeping young and purposefully confused youth into the transgender movement.

The Democrats and their Planned Parenthood partners have put out the welcome mat for sex-traffickers in Oregon. Portland is already the number one city for trafficking on the West coast. Gender confusion will get promoted by advancing this formidable precedent for Oregon as a transgender tourist destination. The no-cost patina and tax-payer funding of this scheme will draw countless youth into the mix by teasing young, naïve, immature and confused children into the promise of these questionable life altering procedures.

Planned Parenthood’s radical promotion of pre-teen sexual expression, exploration and potential grooming was successfully slowed by Republicans. However, it is still highly energized by money and the wholly inappropriate goal of sexualizing our youngest children and grandchildren.

Government schools struggle to teach reading, writing and arithmetic because the self-exploration and masturbation curriculum is far more tantalizing than any multiplication table. This collective impropriety is wreaking havoc at every level of governance. Government actors through political malfeasance are killing our culture.

A recent Medscape paper by Sun, et., al., noted the dropping age of gender dysphoria available in public data. “If gender dysphoria was an organic psychiatric illness, it would have steady epidemiological parameters. The enormous campaign for transgender acceptance, hypersexuality, and pornography introduced into schools appears to be working. As the data show, gender dysphoria is still largely a post-pubertal issue, however, the curves are reaching down to the pre-pubertal age groups.”

The current legislative session may be over but our call is to raise up an army of Moms, Dads, Grandparents, and families to join with me for the long-term battle against vulgarity, perversion and corruption. Fortitude and diligence will be needed for our success as we stand for the “wholesomeness” of our culture. We didn’t reach this point of cultural degradation overnight and the road before us will be filled with difficulties and opposition.

Cogswell has more to say,

“I had rather trust my purse in the hands of a sharper, than my liberties in the hands of any set of men, unless they are secured with restraints stronger than their temptations to destroy [liberty]; for the former by industry may be replenished; but liberty once lost, is scarce ever recovered.”

Cogswell is simply stating the obvious, men and women are corruptible and our liberties are at stake. Cogswell advises us to protect our liberties from the sharpers, wheedlers, and political grifters by not falling for their false promises, lies, and underhanded dealings. Our constitutions, laws, rules, statutes and regulations are in place to protect our lives, liberty, property and our own just pursuits. Yet, these very laws and constitutions can be twisted by the ambitious to further their own agenda to the neglect of the public good.

We have been chosen for this time to be engaged; to debate, deliberate, and decide some of Oregon’s most important matters. These matters will determine the path of our own prosperity and the freedoms that we win or lose.

Today’s effort will be for tomorrow’s children, families, Moms, and Dads who are yet to come. We know that strong, independent family units are the most important part of American freedom. Statistically, a properly functioning and stable family unit is the single most significant predictor for the health, prosperity and success of the next generation.

Our American heroes sacrificed their lives and fortunes in the enormous battles of history. Although President Biden recently mocked patriots, stating they would need “F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons” to fight against the bureaucratic state, this is not where our battles will take place. Instead, our battle will be waged within the sound, fury and turmoil of an ideological war all the way down to the local school board.

This battle is now at every Oregonians doorstep.

We have a duty to tell a different story. Our duty is to tell the Truth.

We cannot allow ourselves to lose hope because now is the time for drawing better men and women into our fold. Now is the time to articulate the beauty and dignity found in our Constitutional principles – religious freedom, parental rights, freedom of thought and speech, self-protection and the right to self-governance using the Hippocratic motto, “First, do no harm”.

Join with me in commemorating our nation’s Declaration of Independence, by committing yourself to freedom with their same degree of fervor.

© 2023 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Linthicum:

Heroes Among Us

By Oregon State Senator, Dennis Linthicum

July 22, 2023

Last week, Statistica reported on a survey where, “respondents were asked how proud they are to be an American. In 2013, 57 percent of Americans stated they were extremely proud to be an American. Nine years later, in 2022, some 38 percent of survey respondents said the same, lowest share recorded in the period.”

How would you have responded to the survey?

America has more races, ethnicities, intercultural and interracial families and marriages than any other country; bar none. Our economic, social, and cultural prosperity has long been the envy of the world.

Why, then, are we witnessing the loss of American Pride?

Could it be a relentless academic, educational, fake news and social media machine that is drowning adults and our youth in a constant storm of false narratives?

My wife, Diane, and I recently re-watched the 2007 movie Rocky Balboa. I was reminded that Sylvester Stallone is an exceptional story teller. Enlisting our collective memory, the Rocky Balboa movie works to display history at a local and personal level. The movie vividly shows us how different circumstances impact the lives of ordinary people based on their personal decisions.

Stallone cuts through the glitz and gets right down to business adding in bits of humor along with frank and straight-forward insight. There are three characters worth mentioning – Paulie, Marie, and Rocky – representing the low, middle and high-ground for personal responsibility, individualism, and valor.

The character, Paulie, is a poignant display of loneliness and sorrow. During a scene at an abandoned ice rink, Paulie, in stark contrast with Rocky, is distressed by his memories and things which he knows he did wrong. In particular, he realizes that he treated his sister Adrian, and others, quite poorly.

We don’t see Paulie complaining about his housing circumstances, the extent of the local Philadelphia food desert, the cost of his healthcare, or his recent job loss. Instead, he was deeply troubled by his own, internal short-comings. This is disturbing to the modern audience because each of us could likely review our lives with similar results. Hindsight allows each of us to recognize mistakes and broken relationships that could have been easily fixed.

The Marie character, on the other-hand, we remember from the first 1976 Rocky movie as a sassy and rebellious teen. We knew then and still know today that Rocky’s advice to Marie was prudent – don’t smoke, don’t stay out past curfew, act like a nice girl is supposed to act. In 1976 nobody called Rocky a “hater” even though Marie responded with, “Screw you, Creepo!”

Marie is an archetypal representation of everyday people. She is grown up in this sequel and now understands life better. She is neither heroic, extraordinary, nor cowardly. Marie is fully capable of contributing to a cause when given the opportunity but, she is reluctant until someone else steps into her life and invites her to join.

The Rocky character exhibits personal vigor and a steadfast attitude that we, as ordinary everyday people, often find ourselves struggling to achieve. The movie depicts far more than Rocky’s physical prowess, it shows us his heart, how he cares about people, both the living and the dead.

Stallone uses Rocky to show us the power of common-sense and traditional values and then he successfully spurs us towards courage. Rocky does this through a willingness to challenge idle hearts, encouraging each person to try harder, and stick with it and by helping them to become heroes in their own way.

Oregon could use more heroes. The question is not, where are the heroes? I know where they are. They are at every kitchen table; they are helping the kids do their math correctly; They are the ones going to work. The question for us is, how can we each do our part to make a difference? Like Marie, many of us are regular people, willing but reluctant. The fate of our state and nation will depend on how each of us answers this question.

In Rocky’s hometown, Philadelphia, some 250 years earlier, Thomas Jefferson and others were striving diligently for liberty. One Philadelphia hero, Thomas Pickering argued for preventing slavery in new states because,

“Congress once made this important declaration, ‘that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness’; and these truths were held to be self-evident.”

Pickering was adamant, “For God’s sake, then, let one more effort be made to prevent so terrible a calamity!”

Jefferson’s diary records the outcome of the vote on this motion,

“There were ten states present, 6 voted unanimously for it, 3 against it, and one was divided: and seven votes being requisite to decide the proposition affirmatively, it was lost.”

This was a full 75 years before our nation’s civil war. The vote was not lost because it was wrong-headed or unneeded, but because of the failure of individual moral agents. Jefferson reflects on this tragedy, writing:

“The voice of a single individual of the state which was divided, or of one of those which were of the negative, would have prevented this abominable crime from spreading itself over the new country. Thus we see the fate of millions unborn hanging on the tongue of one man, and heaven was silent in that awful moment! But it is to be hoped it will not always be silent and that the friends to the rights of human nature will in the end prevail.” *

Jefferson’s diary reflects a personal challenge to each of us. Today we bear the misfortune that this “one man” is missing from history’s pages. This one man’s failure was an abdication of his personal responsibilities and a violation of our nation’s principles. Yet, our state and nation need more than one voice and we all know there are thousands willing to stand with us to make a difference.

Together, we represent a bulwark that recognizes something is wrong. We see the far-left’s agenda playing out in all areas of life. We understand that we must take up the challenge in order to make a difference. We are people in every walk of life; Moms and Dads, kids, high-schoolers and college students.

Each of us, as individuals, are independent moral agents; we exist in every profession, in every wage-scale, of every race and of every ethnic background. It is time to join together in upholding truth, rather than succumbing to the false narratives of the run-away social media machine.

We will always face agenda-driven activists, socialists, Marxists, progressives and irresponsible pleasure-seekers who incessantly complain while believing more government is the answer. However, history coupled with reality provides a clearer warning. Therefore, our Liberty requires our involvement, boldness and diligence.

Our wonderful American experiment is about self-governance for a people with individual hopes, dreams and futures while staying true and standing strong for the eternal principles of our nation, the maintenance of which is vital to the world.

© 2023 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

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Oregon Senate President Wagner’s Unlawful, Uncompromising, Unconstitutional Actions

By Dennis Lintichum

June 14, 2023

Standing Firm

The 2023 session has been punctuated with mostly hyper-partisan chicanery. Here is a list of how Senate Rules, statutes, and the Constitution have been purposefully violated and ignored by Senate President Rob Wagner:


Rob Wagner has allowed bills to pass that violate the Oregon Constitution Article 4 Section 21, Senate Rule 13.02, Oregon Statute ORS 171.134, and Legislative Councils Form and Style Manual (chapter 8). He has done this despite being made fully aware that each bill summary is required to comply with legal reading standards so the public can better participate. Even a judge said he believed Rob Wagner and the Democrats were violating this law. By violating these laws, the Senate President has abandoned the rule of law—a cornerstone to a healthy democracy.


Rob Wagner has allowed certain committee chairs to pack the agendas so people have little time to testify. This stifles public input. At the same time, he has allowed certain committee chairs to prioritize democrats special interest groups with much more time to testify. This has a chilling effect on public participation and is antidemocratic.


Rob Wagner allows certain committee chairs to refuse invited testimony from Republicans. In one instance, one of Rob Wagner’s appointed committee chairs refused to give meaningful time to a PhD who drove from Montana to talk on his expertise. This is unacceptable and speaks to the Senate Presidents persistent partisanship. Once again, this is not leadership encouraging healthy democratic participation (See Exhibit A – refusal emails to Senator Linthicum).


Rob Wagner has allowed nonpartisan staff to be used inappropriately for partisan reasons. He allowed chairs of committees to use the LPRO staff to draft measures and amendments without informing the rest of the committee members. This makes it difficult for LPRO to remain independent of political partisanship as they are torn between informing the committee they serve, and the Chair Rob Wagner appointed. They have done this to the point where they are in violation of Senate Rule 13.11 that requires any committee measure or amendment to NOT be treated confidentially. (See Exhibit B – Senate Republican and Independent letter March 24, 2023.)


Rob Wagner has allowed certain chairs of committees to run rampant diminishing public participation and accountability. For example, the number of committee bills and committee amendments in the Senate Judiciary committee, far exceed any others in the last decade. (See Exhibit C). This process allows them to no longer put their names on legislation they introduce. The chair of the committee thought this was funny at the beginning of session. This has become an increasing abuse of the legislative process and a problem for accountability. When Senate President Wagner allows this to happen by his appointed committee chairs, he is turning a blind eye to transparency and the public is uninformed of who is introducing legislative concepts. This increased pattern of behavior makes a mockery of Senate Rule 12.01(1): “Every measure introduced in the Senate shall bear the name of the chief sponsor(s) and shall comply with ORS 171.127.”


Rob Wagner has allowed an extremely partisan bill, SB 393, to pass out of committee without a public hearing. There is no greater example of driving democracy into a ditch by allowing bills to pass without holding a public hearing.


Rob Wagner has used the budgeting process to fast track the most controversial bills—HB 2002 and HB 2005. In doing this, he has purposefully denied the Senate and the public a voice through policy debate. This is driving democracy into a ditch.


Rob Wagner has completely ignored legitimate complaints that Democrats are violating Oregon’s Constitution by simultaneously holding two lucrative government positions (Article II, section 10) and in violation of Oregon’s Constitutional separation of power (Article III, section 1). (See Exhibit D Attorney General Opinion to Brady Adams February 10, 1998 and Exhibit E, LC opinion to Senator Boquist May 22, 2023)


Rob Wagner is now violating Republican and Independent Legislators Constitutional rights to free speech, peaceful protest and to practice their sincerely held religious beliefs.


Rob Wagner killed the entire Senate Republican Equitable Oregon agenda. He did this despite Republicans and Independents representing nearly 2 million Oregonians and roughly 90% of Oregon’s natural resource lands. Later, Republicans attempted to bring 75 bills to the floor for consideration and Rob Wagner led his Caucus in voting no on each of these critical discussions. This is not good faith bipartisanship.

Democratic majority rule is constrained by laws and the provisions of our Constitution. When the majority breaks these laws and willingly chooses to ignore them, they are in violation of their sacred oath of office and trampling on the very mechanisms that maintain a healthy representative democracy. It is our duty to protect these mechanisms of the law and vigorously hold them accountable. Rob Wagner is driving representative democracy off a cliff. We will not merely be a speed bump to these reckless and partisan violations of our laws.
Ending The Current Quorum Denial is Easy

The conditions for Republicans and Independents to return to the Legislature and allow further legislation to pass are extremely modest. A sliver of bipartisanship is all we’ve sought, and we can worry about solving corruption on another day.

Here are a few examples required for a return:

♦ Make the Bill summaries Constitutional, and follow the readability standards set by law.
♦ Stop HB 2005 and other unnecessary gun bills like SB 348. Agree no further attacks on the 2nd Amendment in Oregon through at least 2027.
♦ Stop HB 2002 and its assault against Parent’s Rights. Parents and legal guardians should come first, not state bureaucrats.
♦ Agree to return to taxpayers their full due of $5.5 billion (AKA – Kicker monies) in the form of check this year.

© 2023 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

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Will Hardcore Felons be Voting in Oregon?

By Dennis Linthicum, Oregon State Senator

February 8, 2023

Oregon’s SB 579 — This bill would allow persons convicted of felony crimes to vote in elections during their period of incarceration; allows felons to register to vote and to update voter registration.

The Senate Judiciary Committee held its first public meeting for SB 579 last Thursday and the bill was scheduled for a Committee vote on February 2, 2023, but that vote has been cancelled for the time being. Because this Bill may come back onto the schedule, it is still worth discussing.

During the public hearing, the vast majority of favorable comments came from government or non-governmental organizations (NGOs) vested with interests in both the problem and the solution. The criminal justice space is filled with this odd assortment of “concerned” politicians, bureaucrats, and non-profits that all have a vested economic or political interest.

It is somewhat disconcerting to see agencies, which specialize in some distinct aspect of the criminal justice service industry, stretch their respective duties to include a new-found moral charter about “saving our Democracy.”

Clearly, the numbers are lopsided when it comes to weighing exactly whose rights, privileges and dignity should be protected. There are at least 4 million hardworking Oregonians who would be negatively impacted while there are less than 20,000 convicted felons currently incarcerated. Various civil rights, like the right to counsel and equal protection under the law, are not the same as giving decision-making authority to any of the most odious of all incarcerated criminals.

The elites pretend there are no trade-offs, but there are, and they are innumerable. Our right, to life, liberty and our own just pursuits are all fenced by societal limitations.

The social media fanfare and associated hype for restoring the right to vote for felons, while they are still in prison, is one-sided and duplicitous. This is due to the failure of recognizing that the rights of this minority cannot be protected through insolent, and disrespectful notions which degrade the rights of others. Namely, both sides of the equation need to be considered. Rightful and specific restraints for criminal convicts provides motivation for creating self-worth and community respect through vocational training and educational programs. Removing the restraints that accompany incarceration would impede or cancel the incentives for turning a new leaf and striving through the rehabilitation process while delivering recompense to society.

Proponents for restoration of voting rights conveniently ignore that felons lose other civil rights as well, such as the right to sit on a jury, own a gun, obtain various professional licenses, work as a public-school teacher or a law enforcement officer. While these other civil rights are actually lost for a lifetime, the current restrictions on voting only remain in effect while the felon remains in prison.
The rehabilitation process, and the restoration of community life, does not happen successfully without hard-work and effort by the convicted inmate. It is irresponsible to restore the right to vote without also addressing other obligations and responsibilities associated with an honorable and fruitful life within their family and community.

Hidden just below the surface of this “right to vote” issue lies a bigger issue – the integrity of Oregon’s election system. In one sense, 50% of all Oregonians understand that Vote-By-Mail is the gold-standard for election engineering. This causes many to wonder whether another 15,000 felonious ballots would matter. After all, the progressive freeway to unparalleled voter fraud has been ramped up, with HB 3291, HB 4133, HB 2861 having been signed into law since 2022.

In the truest sense, an individual’s right to vote depends entirely on their own independent, free-will agency and their ability to act within a system of open and fair electoral processes. This is a cornerstone of our republic and is essential to ensuring public trust in the common good.

This bill would violate those standards by exposing one of our most vulnerable populations to political coercion. Obviously, the prison population has fewer opportunities to act independently while serving time. The potential for coercion can arise from many fronts, including foreign cartels, gang members, corrupt prison employees, or unethical elected officials. All of these disreputable actors would appreciate being able to control, limit or slant incoming media while using every opportunity to buy, entice or coerce wanted votes from this captured population.

Or maybe the reformists are saying they no longer believe in victims’ rights or justice for those injured during outlandish and gruesome crimes? Maybe they believe that restoring a felon’s right to vote will provide vindication, or recompense to society? Will this “restoration of human dignity” for the criminal also provide the same level of restoration and dignity to the rape victim, or the spouse of a murder victim?

Will the rights of this fringe minority over-ride our societal and historic sanctions? If this rightful sanction cannot be protected where will the majority go to find justice? Is it possible that the leftist media can demean and diminish proper and appropriate restraints without impacting our very future?

In today’s cultural confusion any one-off individual, the smallest possible minority, in any bizarre or nontraditional circumstance, can always claim the right to have their minority view upheld, elevated or even celebrated. So, where does this leave society?

The discussion about criminal adults in custody has been pushed by progressives in the Democrat Party. They are now ready to allow those that have made disastrous choices an equal voice in determining the rules and norms that get incorporated into the very heart of the laws and rules that they have chosen to break, ignore, or even despise.

The deeper question is, should our criminal justice system focus on victims and their rights, or the rights of those that have been convicted of felonious assault, rape, murder or other violent acts? Or, more succinctly, should we focus on justice, or misplaced compassion?

Join with me to Defend Life, Liberty and Property! Contribute Today!

If we don’t stand for rural Oregon Values and common-sense… No one will!

© 2023 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

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Fractured Bedrock, Part 2

By Oregon State Senator, Dennis Linthicum

September 7, 2022

Part 1 of this series recalled some brutal events in history where threats and legal constructs were used to silence people who expressed different goals in politics, social conditions and the principles of authority and freedom. This is why the newly created Homeland Security Disinformation Governance Board is questionable and extremely troubling.

We must either allow diversity of opinion to reign or we, ourselves, will fall at the hands of the only available tool – brute force.

This is not new. It has happened before and will again. As the abolitionist, Wendell Phillips, told us, “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty; power is ever stealing from the many to the few.”

In our own early American history, Congress passed the Alien and Sedition Acts at the behest of the Federalist Party and President John Adams. The ruthless enforcement of these statutes, by government authorities, stifled disruptive voices, instilled fear and led to the threat of arrest and detention for editors who criticized the president.

Thomas Jefferson, the freedom-loving republican, was the man who quickly repealed these unjust laws when he became President. America’s uniquely libertarian approach to free speech has emerged from a long struggle to hear all voices and achieve civil rights and racial equality which exist in statute in America today.

Yet, with President Biden’s new Disinformation Czar, we again realize the weight of the federal government can be turned against any person or private business, at any time, in any manner. The leftist main-stream media outlets will continue to foment division through political pandering and aggrandizement. These facts are now well known. The media pushed the Russia collusion hoax, the Jussie Smollett hoax, they smeared Justice Thomas, Justice Kavanaugh and Nick Sandmann, and they dismissed Hunter’s laptop affair as Russian disinformation.

Throughout history, we have many examples like these. Stories of those who understood both their historical circumstances and legal rights. People stood firm on their principles. The founding patriots openly published their opinions about King George III and the “gross corruptions of his Parliamentary Junto” and we should follow their example.

Stephen Solomon, the author of, Revolutionary Dissent: How the Founding Generation Created the Freedom of Speech, describes details of an era where Americans,

“used every form of expression imaginable to deliver their ideas and arguments. They created songs, essays, letters, cartoons, broadsides, woodcuts, appeals, petitions, resolutions, puns, poems, plays, paintings, and pamphlets. They belittled their foes with parody and satire and launched diatribes, harangues, and accusations against them.”

This was the colonial equivalent of the technological whirlwinds that surround us. It is a mistake to believe that modern technology has cultivated a more thoughtful understanding of alternative viewpoints. It has not.

Instead, Big-Tech is focused on sponsoring, promoting and creating algorithms that artificially rank their preferences above alternatives. At the same time, these filters limit access to straight news and stifle public awareness while pushing left-wing agenda driven stories.

Of course, legitimate news organizations exist. However, clicks are generated on the social-media side of the equation. This is where loyal fans are created, market-share is gained, and money is made.

Social-media outlets are gigantic idea sifters that separate posts based upon gross generalizations. The far left’s outlandish ideas appear as normal after passing through weighted, over-simplified artificial intelligence (AI) filters.

Followed by a clever re-writing of word definitions, these destructive ideas create a cultural malaise without people realizing their vocabulary has been stolen (i.e., define a woman.)

The Twitter limit of 280 characters means the details of any issue, the pros or cons, must get pushed first through a mental sieve of our own making. Like Big-Tech, most individuals using Twitter are incentivized to prioritize their comments based upon size, emotive draw and potential for cultural wave-making; not on truth telling.

We ask, where will truth come from? Does it come from wisdom, understanding and the balancing between costs and benefits? Or, from public momentum? Is this how SCOTUS will decide the Roe v. Wade debate? Will, true or false, get declared by the newly created Disinformation Czar?

We see powerful social engineers and academic policy pundits using statist power to exert public control without any limits or boundaries. These idealogues are willing to cancel, quarantine, and re-educate anybody who disagrees. In fact, F.A. Hayek, in his book, The Road to Serfdom (1944), notes that social and industrial planner Henri Saint-Simon, thought those who did not obey his proposed planning boards would simply be, “treated as cattle.”

Today’s coercive tendency of big-government and the incessant and unwarranted passion for collective intervention is fracturing our national foundation. Our nation used to care about the little guy, the working class, and the underdog. Today these have been replaced by the “greater good” – the authoritarian state.

There is only one path for citizens to maintain their title to personal freedom, freedom of religion, of property, of speech, of the press, and the God given right to self-protection. Thomas Jefferson, told us how: “In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.”

This is the bedrock of the American Republic.

The current onslaught of totalitarian actions and legislative malfeasance is widening the gaps between personal freedom and government control. We see censorship and mass political indoctrination sprouting in all areas of private life. As F.A. Hayek noted, the social engineers plan for,

“us to take our pleasures as well as other necessities at the appointed time… and in the prescribed form … depriving us of choice, in order to give us whatever fits best into the plan … at a time determined by the plan.”

To get out of the cattle-pen, people must act now to lift their voices in the public square. To this end, free and fair elections must be our highest universal goal. Election Integrity is our pathway to true representative government.

Auditing election results is the first step needed, but it is not enough. Audits come after the fact, like the police investigation after a murder, it is too little, too late. For Oregonians, the real battle must be to ensure election and voting integrity before election crimes are committed.

This includes strengthening electoral governance, requiring timely election audits with complete transparency via local election office compliance, and ending the legislative exploitation that arises from one-party rule.

In Part 3, I will outline some disturbing details of several detrimental statutes that have been strategically placed like wedges into the bedrock of Oregon’s election integrity. Lastly, I’ll explain why the decades of Oregon’s unending one-party rule must be brought to a close.

Read more about fractures in Oregon’s Bedrock, Part 3 … (coming soon)

Part 1,

© 2022 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

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Fractured Bedrock, Part 1

By Oregon Senator, Dennis Linthicum

August 17, 2022

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which came into existence post 9/11, will spend $52 billion ($52,000,000,000) annually on President Biden’s newly created “Disinformation Governance Board.” George Orwell, in his insightful and dystopian novel, 1984, used a more satirical name for the disinformation board in his story, calling it a, “Ministry of Truth.”

Elon Musk’s successful acquisition of Twitter has spawned a new series of political firestorms and Biden’s disinformation and propaganda board is ready to plow $52 Billion into the effort to over criminalize, needlessly surveil and censor every stray thought that occurs on the web.

The hyper-inflated and outlandish dust-up between the online universe of woke-censors verses Elon Musk is telling. Media is parroting leftist talking points, especially the government’s, as they focus on protecting their own turf, gaining clicks and pretending to have empathy for truth-seekers.

Remember, Musk used to be the darling of the clean-energy zealots and pot-smoking elites who roam throughout California, Oregon, and the rest of the US. But, just as Trump used to be a celebrity favorite, Musk, too, has fallen from grace. His only failing is a willingness to allow conservative voices a share in the Twittersphere.

The elites fear uncensored discussions which might bring to light things like the FBI and CIA collusion using the Steele Dossier and the Hunter Biden laptop story. I haven’t heard Musk venture so far as to claim that the election was stolen or that during COVID-19 the CDC engaged in willful misconduct and criminal fraud. However, the left isn’t standing by to be exposed and are diligently working to keep details hidden.

Given the left’s single-minded totalitarian obsession, Biden’s disinformation bullies have enormous latitude and resources to silence questions as they arise. We have seen this before with proof that there was a concerted effort by NIAID Director Anthony Fauci and NIH Director Francis Collins to run a smear campaign against the Great Barrington Declaration.

The good news is that more people are becoming aware of the importance of free speech. The bedrock of our Republican form of self-governance is like a lava flow from a single source – free speech. Our beautiful history is made from the basics of freedom of conscience, free thought, free speech and freedom to join and assemble as one pleases, without government interference. The result is free and open debate and decision making organized through a free electoral process.

Today’s free speech quagmire stems from misunderstanding the true meaning of tolerance. Tolerance is not a choice between cheer-leading or cancelling. Tolerance leans more in the direction of forbearance. It is more than mere accommodation, and includes self-control and self-restraint, such as resistance to our impulsive yearnings to cancel, score points or to “get even.”

These patterns of censorship are similar throughout history. In one colonial example, a British loyalist, Thomas Hutchinson of Boston, tried jailing his opponents. Hutchinson was a merchant, politician, judge, chief justice of the Superior Court, and lieutenant governor for colonial Massachusetts.

Colonial patriots took issue with Hutchinson’s support for the “passive, fawning, corrupt, and venal” acts of Parliament and King George III. Most of these pesky harangues came from colonial newspapers like the radical Boston Gazette.

The Gazette lit the fires of discontent and then other Bostonians followed suit. They expressed their own opinions and threw additional condemnations upon Hutchinson for his backing of the King and Parliament. Sidewalk broadsides also appeared in high-traffic areas of the city stimulating public awareness and conversation, much like today’s Twitter and Instagram.

In August 1767 Hutchinson decided to convene a grand jury in order to silence his detractors. He was confident of his legal standing because he was a local colonial official seeking justice after having been, “treated in the most abusive Manner, and vilified beyond all Bounds.”

History tells us that Hutchinson lost all three of his attempts to silence and jail the editors at the Gazette. What would have happened had he been victorious? Would history have taken a different path had he been successful in his censorship attempts?
The next layer in this story occurs, six years later, when Benjamin Franklin acquired a series of letters between Hutchinson and Lieutenant Governor Andrew Oliver regarding colonial malcontents. These letters exposed the true nature of the man, and his low opinion of the colonials’ hopes for self-governance. Newspapers responded and exposed the “low artifices and ministerial lies” which had lulled New Englanders, “into a state of supineness.”

Like Hillary Clinton’s eMail cache or Hunter Biden’s laptop shenanigans, these letters were eventually made public by the Sons of Liberty and published in local newspapers, starting with the Boston Gazette.

Where would we be today, if Hutchinson’s censorship efforts had succeeded? Would the Declaration of Independence and the Constitutional Bill of Rights exist? Would the founding generation have been allowed to pen, “We the people,” as the first three words of our constitution?

What if the King’s elites had successfully stopped those who, “attend at taverns, where they talk politicks, get drunk, damn the King, Ministers and Taxes; and vow they will follow any measures proposed to them by their demagogues, however repugnant to religion, reason and common sense.”

These words echo today’s rhetoric. There is nothing new under the sun. The only question becomes, whose religion, reason, or common sense will be protected? And whose will be maligned?

Most Americans claim to believe in the ideas of free-speech, freedom of conscience and the freedom to worship the God of their choice, “because it’s guaranteed in the 1st Amendment.”

The 1st Amendment is not the “guarantee” but rather a codification of this right. It is part of our human endowment, our natural, undeniable and inviolable right of conscience.

The phrase which starts our US Constitution, “We the people,” asserts that all people have these undeniable rights. Power is inherent within the hearts, minds and souls of the people. In fact, the citizen is the permanent ruler. The citizen is the umpire. The citizen blows the whistle and calls strikes, fouls and out-of-bounds.

This understanding means that people are competent enough to choose temporary representatives for elected positions. The claim also ensures that the citizen always retains their place as the “permanent rulers.” This is why administrations come and go and regimes change. They are only temporary and are installed into office for a limited time and purpose.

These provisional administrations occupy the Governor’s Mansion, or the White House, only with the peoples’ permission. They reside there as any guest would occupy an Airbnb rental. The citizen must still clean the toilets, vacuum the carpets, and clear out the trash left by any hooligans who slept on the couch.

In closing, free speech, a free press and the free expression of ideas shows itself most powerfully, not on Twitter, Facebook, or Google but at the polling place. This is why ensuring the voice of the citizen through Election Integrity must be our highest universal goal.

© 2022 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

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Public Utility Commission’s Smoke and Mirror Tactics

Oregon State Senator, Dennis Linthicum

August 14, 2022

At the beginning of entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy’s book, Woke, Inc.: Inside Corporate America’s Social Justice Scam, Vivek relates a story about magic. He describes the art of distraction, sleight-of-hand, and deception. He links these smoke and mirror tactics to today’s version of woke capitalism and its vague, subjective, undefined, and unquantifiable progressive values that are advanced by stakeholders, at shareholder expense.

Vivek highlights that magic tricks consist of three parts. First, comes the Pledge, which is something you know and understand, like a deck of cards, a bunny or a girl. Second, comes the Turn, where something extraordinary happens to that which you know and understand, such as the bunny or the girl disappear. At this point people may gasp but there is no applause. The magician will need to bring the bunny or the girl back to get people cheering. This part is called the Prestige. The key to this discussion and what follows is there is no magic and there never has been any magic. The entire setup is a charade, sleight-of-hand, and trickery.

The same holds true in politics.

There is no magic that makes government spending better than private spending. There is no magic that makes government commissions and their assessments better than private party associations and their assessments. To wit, both may be biased in certain ways, but government power and funding has no parallel. To illustrate this point, think of the false claims regarding COVID, Global Warming, or inflation. Government has harnessed our tax dollars to further its own agenda with complete disregard for the citizens they are supposed to serve.

Here in Oregon, we can see the same large-scale charade taking place. Oregon’s Democrat legislators are simply keeping the con alive. They have amassed expansive power while keeping the game rolling along like a roulette wheel or magic show. However, their act is fast losing its “Prestige”.

This week my mailbox is filled with letters asking questions about SB 762. People want to know where it came from, how did it get passed, and what can be done about it?

For now, the so-called Wildfire Risk Assessment maps have been withdrawn by Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) because they caused so much public outrage. But these maps are the least of our worries and they will be back, after all SB 762 was passed by legislators backed by the environmental left.

To set the stage, SB 762 was a 2021 Forest Policy bill requested by Governor Kate Brown and the Legislative Committee on Natural Resources and Wildfire Recovery. This committee chaired by Sen. Jeff Golden (D-Ashland) was formerly named the Environment and Natural Resource committee. I believe this committee was renamed to promote the illusion that wildfire is a concern for the environmental left and their legislative puppets.

This bill arose from Kate Brown’s unshakeable adherence to Rahm Emanuel’s advice, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.” Many of these never-thought-of-before ideas are absurd on their face but others have been pushed into the public domain by heedless fear-mongering and traitorous promises by government experts.

SB 762, like most leftist legislation, fantasizes that more government rules will magically solve significant problems, like the mismanagement of our forests. SB 762 arose after several devastating wildfire seasons and became a focal point after seeing the horror from the 2018 Paradise, California fire.

In that tragedy a regional electric utility provider, Pacific Gas and Electric, had neglected maintenance and upgrades to their utility lines. This led to sparks in a heavily forested area and ignited fires during a high-wind event. More than 100 lives were tragically lost, and PG&E was quickly bankrupted.

The CA PUC approved a Chapter 11 bankruptcy plan that paid $5.4 billion in initial funds and 22.19% of PG&E stock into a trust for victims of wildfires caused by its outdated equipment. As of today, most lawsuits have been settled with $13.5 billion earmarked for more than 80,000 people who lost family members, homes, businesses and other property in the fires. Of course, this will never fully compensate for lost lives, memories, histories, or belongings.

Oregon’s Democrat super-majority, not wanting to let a crisis go to waste, strategized on how to use this as the starting place for loading the bureaucratic state with more power while stripping property rights and common-sense from families, land owners, municipalities and corporate entities. The Pledge starts the trickery by setting the focus on the Electrical System:

At its heart though, it is focused on the rural landscapes throughout Oregon, regardless of proximity to transmission lines or electrical substations. The key question is, how will risks be assessed? If the assessment comes from “science,” what “science” will be used and where will that “science” come from? What are the trade-offs between risk and reward? How would our state’s bureaucracies determine an entirely subjective assessment about “risk”? Risky to whom?

Can the state weigh your unique situation, individual circumstances and capabilities? How well did the state do on their risk-based assessments for your health under the COVID-19 debacle?

Corruption at the highest levels of government defies level-headed analysis. SB 762’s tax and spend political goal is aimed squarely at those living outside the metro, Democrat controlled, municipalities. Note, there is no risk-based analysis for sub-stations or transmission lines within the smoldering ruins of downtown Portland. In SB 762, we see political exploitation in deviously hidden ways.

When the legislature puts more demands on an agency, the agency typically needs more personnel, more office space, more computers and resources. SB 762 places 122 increased demands on state agencies, commissions, and contractual relationships. Some of these are quite complicated and others, less so, but they are easy enough to find by looking for “shall” clauses in the bill. Each of these is a demand which gets tagged onto each citizen’s share of the social contract, meaning you and I will fund them, regardless.

How much will this cost? What are the budgetary limits? ORS 477.060 spells out considerations in determining cost of protection for ODF which may “include the special or additional cost of fire protection for property owners within a forestland-urban interface classification, including the special or unique costs of assessment processing and administration.” Additionally, these “special or additional costs may not exceed $25 annually for each real property lot.”

However, this limitation has been struck with laser-like precision and ODF is not bound by any form of cost constraint. This means that the costs, regardless of how atrocious, will get passed onto property owners because ORS 477.270 stays in place and the cost for “providing protection for privately owned forestland shall be a lien upon such property.” This means ODF now has enormous financial incentive to exert its power as a proportional claim on your property.

Additionally, ORS 477.270 specifies, these fees “shall be levied and collected by the governing body with the next taxes on the land in the same manner and with the same interest, penalty and cost charges as apply to ad valorem property taxes in this state. The governing body shall instruct the proper officer to extend the amounts on the assessment roll in a separate account, and the procedure provided by law for the collection of taxes and delinquent taxes shall apply.”

In essence, what started as periodic workshops for utility grid providers ends up allowing ODF to place annual liens on every property in Oregon based upon some arbitrary risk-assessment and the supposed costs associated with providing fire protection. Landowners will also bear increased costs as private insurance providers get pulled into the one-size-fits-all maze of capricious rules and assessments.

This is why I continually argue that those running the Democrat super-majority are actively moving us toward socialism. They consistently pursue the expansion of the regulatory machine while limiting entrepreneurship, actively curtailing competition, and inhibiting private property rights. “You will own nothing and be happy” is part three of the con, the Prestige, the final result of their smoke and mirror magic.

Earlier I mentioned that your response and outrage caused the withdrawal of the original assessment maps. Stay vigilant as we work together to bring common-sense back to forestry management.

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