Destroying Monuments And Lies About Race

While in Baltimore visiting my 89 year old black dad, I thanked him for filling me and my four younger siblings with the Word of God. I told Dad how I would hear a minister on TV begin reciting a verse from the Bible and find myself reciting the verse along with him. I wondered how I knew that verse from the Bible. Then, it dawned on me, Dad filled us with the Word of God when we were kids. Dad chuckled and told me a story.

Aunt Nee asked Dad to deliver a payment to the Christian book store for a book she ordered. While browsing the store, a thick book of Bible stories with beautiful illustrations caught Dad’s eye. An older white woman saw Dad’s interest in the book. She approached Dad and asked him questions about himself.

The book cost $5.95. Dad asked if he could put the book on lay-a-way. Overhearing Dad’s conversation with the store clerk, the white woman offered to pay for the book. Dad said back then, he was not much of a reader, only comic books. Dad’s voice cracked and his eyes welled up when he told me this next part of his story. He told the white woman, “If you’re kind enough to buy me this book, I promise to read it.”

Dad read his five kids bedtime stories from that book which filled us with the Word of God. Dad said that book turned him into an avid reader which led to him becoming Dr Rev. Lloyd E. Marcus, author and pastor of numerous churches. Dad also became Baltimore City Fire Department’s first black Chaplin. Dad’s encounter with the kind white woman in the Christian book store happened over 50 years ago. Seeing him get emotional while telling me about the incident surprised me.

In the early 1960’s, our school bus of black students from neighboring Pumphrey was the first to integrate Brooklyn Park Jr/Sr High School in Maryland. At my 50th high school reunion, I learned that white coach Mangum regularly brought black athletics to his home on weekends for his family’s cookouts and mentoring. I never knew blacks and whites socialized outside of school.

I am confident most of you could share wonderful tales of interracial friendships, acts of kindness and people overcoming their differences. Leftists are the ones who seek to keep the racial divide going.

Leftists love to promote rare incidents of racism while purposely ignoring the normalcy of Americans getting along.

By voting for Obama, white America clearly hoped to end our racial divide and apologize for slavery. Meanwhile, Leftists relentlessly promote their lie that America has not changed racially since the 1950s. Leftists say the only way to make things right (fair) in America is for government to control every aspect of our lives, get rid of the Constitution and force us to behave according to their socialist/progressive beliefs (anti-Christian, anti-America and anything goes morally). This is why Leftists cheered every time Obama overrode the Constitution with an illegal executive order that repealed another of our Constitutional rights.

During my Baltimore visit with Dad, several relatives stopped in to say hello. They were sympathetic to Colin Kaepernick who started the movement to dis our flag. They also sided with the thugs who are destroying Confederate monuments. Every black relative I spoke with was doing well, living their American dream. And yet, their anti-America and anti-Trump mindsets felt like an impermeable black cultural thing. Fake news media feeds their negative views of America and Trump. All my truths in defense of America and Trump fell on deaf ears. I felt like a stranger in a strange land, a voice of truth crying in the wilderness.

Jesus instructed his disciples, “If any place will not welcome you or listen to you, leave that place and shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them.” This is the approach I’ve taken with my relatives who refuse to believe the truth about the greatness of America and Trump striving to make her great for all Americans. I move on spreading truth elsewhere.

Unfortunately, I am hearing news reports of more American institutions, churches and so on getting rid of confederate symbols and monuments. All this mayhem over historical monuments is bought and paid for by George Soros.  I hate seeing Americans surrendering to Soros’ hired evil hit squads. Leftists have launched their minions to wreck havoc in our streets because they cannot tolerate having a president in the White House who has America’s best interest at heart. Pure and simple.

I long to see a John Wayne American who will say, “Screw you, we’re not taking down historical monuments.” Bullies are typically cowards. All we need is people willing to stand up to them.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Author: “Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America.”

Singer/Songwriter and Conservative Activist

© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus:

The Mistake Of Pandering To Antifa/Black Lives Matter

I cringed when I heard fellow black conservatives who I respect on TV saying that while they condemn the violent behavior of Antifa/Black Lives Matter some of their grievances against America are warranted. I wanted to scream at my TV, “Hogwash!”

These conservative blacks on TV are merely trying to create peace and civility by agreeing with some of the bogus accusations of racism dreamed up by Leftist intellectuals. They are also trying to prove they are not Uncle Toms. I think it is a huge mistake to pander to lies about America; acting as though very little has changed racially since the 1950’s.

As a black person, I know the Black Code. It is the same as what Michael Corleone said to his brother Fredo, “Don’t ever take sides against the family. Ever!” Many blacks and Leftists believe to qualify as an authentic black American, one must harbor a deep seated resentment against white America.

Watching black conservatives on TV saying Antifa/Black Lives Matter have some legit grievances regarding white privilege, I found myself scratching my head. For the life of me, I have no idea what millennial blacks who have never suffered a moment of “real” racism in their lives are so enraged about; whining, complaining and destroying property.

Let’s get real folks. Since the election of Obama, being black is in vogue like never before. Everywhere you turn, American businesses and whites are walking on eggshells, pandering to blacks. This is an undeniable truth that I am not allowed to say out loud, especially as a black person. Leftists will verbally beat the crap out of me on social media.

My 89 year old black dad suffered “real” hardcore racism. He paved the way for these black ungrateful domestic terrorists created by Leftists’ lies.

After spending months at sea as a young Merchant Marine, Dad and the other black seaman were super excited about their much needed shore leave when their ship landed in St Petersburg Florida. Dad and his fellow black shipmate were heartbroken upon hearing that they had to stay on the ship because of St Petersburg’s curfew for blacks. While his black shipmate went on a cussing rant, Dad said he cried.

When Dad was finally allowed to leave the ship, locals attempted to hang him just because he was black. Dad’s life was saved by white shipmates. I remember when Dad was in his 50s, he met for dinner with an old white friend. I later learned it was one of the sailors who saved Dad’s life.

In 1957, blacks were finally permitted to take the test to become a Baltimore City Firefighter. Dad passed the test. Working conditions at the firehouse were horrific for Dad. He was not permitted to use the same eating utensils or drink from the same coffee pot as the white firefighters. Despite humiliating working conditions, Dad won Firefighter of the Year two times. Dad’s weapons for defeating racism were his faith in God, prayer and striving for excellence. Over the years, Dad mentored numerous blacks into becoming firefighters. One of Dad’s young black recruits became Anne Arundel County Maryland’s first black Fire Chief.

In the 1960s, an exclusive white country club offered free membership to Baltimore City firefighters. The club was stunned when Dad and my two younger brothers showed up. Dad said all the whites got out of the swimming pool when he and my brothers got in. Dad kept frequenting the club and the white members eventually got over it.

Folks, I could go on and on with horrific tales of “real” racism blacks suffered back in the day. But praise God, this is a new day in America. While Leftists claim a majority of white Americans are racist, white America voted for the worst president in U.S. history  two times because he was black. I know. I know. As a black person, blacks consider me disloyal to my race for telling the truth about Obama.

Is there racism in America? Absolutely, along with every other sin in the heart of man. Is there enough racism to stop anyone from achieving their American Dream? Absolutely not. America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for everyone who chooses to go for it. Anything else promoted by fake news media, democrats and Leftist Hollywood is a lie. Pure and simple.

The loudest black voices trashing America are super wealthy Leftist blacks who could not have achieved their mega success without the enthusiastic support of white America. And yet, they are dissing our flag and national anthem. They are cheerleaders for the destruction of historical monuments and clamoring for us to throw out the U.S. Constitution. Shamefully, rich Leftist blacks are using urban blacks as pawns to further Leftists’ socialist/progressive agenda.

Colin Kaepernick is the pro football player who inspired youth across America to disrespect our flag. In essence, Kaepernick is also dissing the men who made the ultimate sacrifice to keep our flag flying high.

In 2016, Kaepernick’s net worth was $22 million. Kaepernick signed a football contract for $126 million. After declining performances and him dissing our national anthem, Kaepernick was let go only receiving $39.4 million of his contract. Oh how racist white America has screwed this poor black man. I am being sarcastic folks. I could call Kaepernick an ungrateful spoiled brat idiot. But Kaepernick is really a tragic example of how decades of Leftists spewing hatred for our country has infected the minds of our youths.

Please black conservatives, do not pander to Leftists’ lies about our country in an attempt to prove your loyalty to your blackness. Only by spreading the truth will we defeat Leftists’ insidious divisive evil and unite us as Americans.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Author: “Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America.”

Singer/Songwriter and Conservative Activist

© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus:

Black American Says Antifa Must Not Be Tolerated

Moving to a tiny town in the hills of West Virginia took me out of the loop for about a month; no TV or internet with horrible cell phone service and too much static on the radio to listen to Rush. Upon finally getting back on line, I learned that the airways have been dominated by a bunch of scumbag haters calling themselves Antifa.

I’m a black original member of the Tea Party movement, singer/songwriter of the “American Tea Party Anthem.”  Outrageously, fake news media grants respect to Antifa which is boldly and arrogantly inciting hate and engaging in violence which fake news media falsely accused the Tea Party of doing. Fake news media’s insidious deception is the epitome of evil.

Antifa terrorists throw Molotov cocktails, urinate on police cars, burn our flag, destroy public property and physically assault anyone who disagrees with them. In my history of speaking and performing at over 500 Tea Party rallies, rally sites were left cleaner than we found them. Grandmothers typically brought cookies to share with our team. And yet, fake news media insultingly gives Antifa moral high ground over the Tea Party.

I probably sound like a broken record repeating myself. Time after time, fake news media has shown us that they have no intention of being honest, fair or balanced. Their sole purpose is to further their Leftists’ homey’s anti-American and anti-Christian socialist/progressive agenda. Being blatantly hypocritical does not deter fake news media in the least. They will do or say whatever necessary to defeat us everyday Americans; remove Trump from office to block the implementation of his make America great again agenda. Given this truth, why on earth would anyone on our side attempt to work with or please fake news media? It is insane.

It is not surprising that despicable fake news media is secretly cheering on Antifa’s violence. Meanwhile, media slime-balls are aggressively selling their lie that white supremacists represent mainstream conservatives (cookie-baking Tea Party grandmothers at rallies with their grandkids who wave American flags while singing “God Bless America”).

As I stated, I have been actively involved in the Tea Party from its beginning. Never have I witnessed any of the violence, rapes, hate-mongering racism and disrespect for private and public property we have witnessed from left-wing hate groups like Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter and Antifa.

It blows my mind that these spoiled brat hate groups are given respect and a pass to break the law; politicians ordering cops to stand down. Folks, why is our country tolerating such evil?

Morally bankrupt fake news media demands selective law enforcement. They believe minorities, women and illegal aliens should be allowed to break the law at will. And yet, fake news media acts as though simply disagreeing with their agenda is illegal and seek to prosecute all white, Republican and conservative offenders. As the kids say, the whole situation is “wacked” (crazy and nonsensical).

But for some reason, far too many public voices and wimpy politicians are putting up with fake news media’s dictates and their minions breaking our laws. When will someone in government have the courage to say, enough is enough? If you break the law (physically attack people, destroy property and so on) your derriere will be thrown into jail regardless of your political affiliation. I get a bit weary hearing my wife Mary angrily rant that these Leftist bullies pull their lawless stunts because they know they can; confident they will get away with it.

Remarkably, high profile Leftists who support violence against Trump supporters are treated like paragons of virtue by fake news media.  This is the same media that branded the Tea Party a violent mob in the minds of millions for peacefully protesting Obama using our Constitution as toilet paper.

Due to him being a faithful viewer and fan of CNN’s Don Lemon, I had a heck of a time convincing my 80 something year old black dad that the Tea Party was not a bunch of redneck racists. “Dad, I travel the country on the Tea Party Express tour bus. I sit in the back of the bus only because there is a huge flat screen TV for me to enjoy watching football.”

During Obama’s reign of terror, fake news media promoted the lie that everything in America was sweetness and light. Time prevents me from listing all the pain, suffering and tyranny Americans experienced under king Obama.

We have seen this tactic before of the American left organizing to wreck national havoc whenever a Republican is in the White House. Leftists’ goal is to deceive a majority of Americans into believing Republicans implementing their America-first agenda is racist, evil and causing great suffering. This is why suddenly, all of these supposed victimized hate groups are emerging from their caverns of darkness. It is all a scam to lay a bogus guilt-trip on decent Americans. Please do not fall for it.

Pressure your representatives to lock up Leftist bullies whenever they break the law. Stand firm in support of the change we voted for last November. God bless.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Author: “Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America.”
Singer/Songwriter and Conservative Activist

© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus:

Don’t Fall For Leftists Dividing Us Racially To Get Trump

As a proud grateful American who happens to be black, I am frustrated by Leftists’/fake news media’s frenzied exploitation of the racial violence in Charlottesville. How can justice, peace, love and unity prevail when leftists are obsessed with using any and every opportunity to further its socialistic/progressive agenda and mission to overturn the peoples’ election of Trump? Leftists/fake news media promote their narrative that America as founded sucks; is eternally racist, sexist and homophobic. Leftists are not interested in truth, fairness or Americans getting along. Patriotic brotherhood would throw a wrench into Leftists’ American-white-males-are-the-source-of-all-evil-in-the-world story line.

Fake news media is having a cow over Trump rightfully and truthfully declaring all sides guilty of spreading racial hate in Charlottesville. Leftists refuse to acknowledge that black racism is just as evil as white racism. Where were Leftists when Black Lives Matter declared it open season on killing whites and cops?  The media for the most part was mute when Black Lives Matter marched down a NY street chanting, What do we want? Dead Cops! When do we want it? Now!!” 

Unchallenged or criticized, Black Lives Matter has been inflicting violence across America; numerous incidents which include kidnapping and torturing a Trump supporter and attacking white families at state fairs.  Black teens set a 13 year old boy on fire for being white.  Have you heard any condemnation of Black Lives Matter from fake news media?

So how can we as right minded Americans of all races come together when Leftists who control most of the airways are committed to spreading division, hate and a one-sided bogus story line?

President Trump calling all racism evil was morally correct and presidential. Shamefully, Obama invited, praised and celebrated the extreme hate group Black Lives Matter at the White House.  Leftists believe it is morally right for blacks to hate whites. Leftists call me an Uncle Tom traitor to my black race for not reserving a certain amount of resentment and hate for my fellow Americans who are white.

Fake news media attempting to twist Trump’s unifying message to brand him racist is the height of moral bankruptcy and must be rejected by the American people. For far too long, we have shrugged our shoulders in frustration saying, “Oh well, that’s just the bias liberal media.” Meanwhile, Americans are suffering and dying due to fake news media’s insidious propaganda and hate generating lies.

Outrageously, a Leftist ad campaign instilled fear, hate and paranoia in black parents. The evil campaign absurdly instructed black parents to send their kids to school wearing bulletproof vests to protect them from racist cops.

When do we the people say enough and hold Leftists/fake news media accountable for their crimes against all Americans? Please note. I am not advocating violence. I am advocating calling out Leftists/fake news media operatives, exposing them for the vile evil trash that they are; unworthy of our time, respect or support of their sponsors.

Remember, “All that is needed for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing.”

My white wife of 40 years and I recently moved from Florida to a tiny town in West Virginia to be closer to our elderly sickly parents. Mine is one of a few black faces in town. We have experienced none of the stereotypical racism Leftists would have you believe about heartland America. Quite the opposite. Locals have bent over backwards to make Mary and I feel welcome. White neighbor Ron brought us corn from his huge garden; guaranteed to be the sweetest we have ever eaten. Ron was correct.

White local handyman and hunter Randy fixed our hot water heater for peanuts. He promised to keep us stocked in venison. Folks around here are big Trump supporters.

Watching fake news media’s relentless attempts to portray America as a hellhole of white supremacists who elected Trump is truly disheartening and evil. We simply cannot continue allowing them to get away with it. The stakes are too high. Allowing Leftists’ daily fueling of racial hate to go unabated puts American lives at risk.

The local internet provider cannot install wifi in our home until later this month. I’ve been using the wifi at the local country store. When I left the store the other evening an elderly white gentleman complete stranger cheerfully yelled as I was getting into my car, “Have a great evening son!” That gentleman represents the real typical white American of today. The majority of white Americans are not the rabid hate-filled racist fake news media relentlessly tells you they are. If Americans were racist, Obama could not have been elected for two terms considering that blacks are only 12% of the U.S. population.

Let’s stand together as Americans folks and just say “no” to Leftists’/fake news media’s hate-mongering. Brothers and sisters, “We Are Americans!

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Author: “Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America.”

Singer/Songwriter and Conservative Activist

© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus:

Restoring What It Means To Be An American

Even though I am black, I was raised on Superman’s; truth, justice and the American way. I always believed Americans were the world’s good guys. As a kid, I watched my mom cry over “I Love Lucy” TV stars Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz getting a divorce.

I remember our entire family, mom, dad and five kids gathered around our single television; nail-biting tension in the air as we nervously awaited the final out for our Baltimore Orioles to win the World’s Series over the Pittsburgh Pirates. Despite our country’s racial issues, we patriotically embraced the distinct American culture. We were Americans.

When President JFK said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”, I believe a majority of Americans agreed with him.

For years, I sang my song, “Celebrate America  at Naturalization Oath of Allegiance Ceremonies. I thought it was pretty cool that mine was the first song new Americans heard after taking their oath of allegiance. I witnessed thousands of immigrants who jumped through all the hoops, learned our language and history and tearfully pledged their allegiance.

I still remember a gentleman who appeared to be in his 90s, raised to his feet from a wheelchair by a grandchild on each arm. Their entire family wept as he took his oath. Clearly, it meant something extremely special to become an American.

It pained me deeply watching Obama lower the bar, redefining and dumbing down what it means to be an American.

Obama rolled out the red carpet welcoming tens of thousands of illegals to invade our country for welfare benefits; even benefits unavailable to American citizens. For immigrants legally becoming new citizens, Obama made pledging to defend our county optional.

Assuming Hillary would win the WH, Obama figured his illegal invaders would eventually be gifted voting rights. It did not matter to Obama that they had no desire to embrace our culture, respect our flag or learn to speak English. In essence, Obama took the majestic shine off of becoming an American.

The late queen of cosmetics, Mary Kay Ash said the speed of the leader is the speed of the gang. Unarguably, Obama’s disdain and disrespect for Americanism trickled down infecting our country. Public schools banned the singing of “God Bless the USA/Proud to be an America“. Students were barred from wearing t-shirts to school featuring the U.S. flag on Cinco De Mayo, claiming it was hateful and insensitive to illegal Mexican students. Multimillionaire pro athletes refused to stand for our national anthem, proclaiming themselves victims of America. Their example of dissing our flag trickled down to high and middle school athletes across America.

Under Obama, JFK’s words inspiring Americans to strive for excellence for the good of their country were thrown on the junk-heap of forgotten history. Obama’s new Americanism was about demonizing and punishing self-reliant achievers, pandering to lazy parasites and addicting as many Americans as possible to big government dependency.

Due to decades of our Leftist controlled public schools abandoning teaching U.S. history, far too many Americans quickly surrendered their precious God-given and fought for freedom and liberty for a free Obama phone and his promise to Robin Hood the rich. Ben Franklin said, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

Obama actually launched an ad campaign begging illegals to apply for food stamps.

Using a Hispanic soap opera , Obama told illegals that applying for as many U.S. government freebie programs as possible was the honorable thing to do for their families.

It was also painful watching Obama insidiously divide Americans into supposed victimized voting blocs; blacks, Hispanics, women, transgenders and so on. Suddenly, we became an entitlement-minded gimme-society; everyone running around claiming America abused them and therefore owed them a living.

I kept thinking what the heck is going on. We are better than this. I wanted to scream from the roof tops, “This is not who we are. Darn it, we are AMERICANS!!!” In my song, “We Are Americans“, I ask my fellow Americans to repent and return to our founding principles.

I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Mark Levin recently penned a book in which he brilliantly articulated the source of my heartache for my country; the well-orchestrated cultural and moral decline of America.

Levin’s book is titled, “Rediscovering Americanism And The Tyranny of Progressivism

The good news is Trump winning the WH in an electoral landslide proves that despite decades of Leftists trying to convince Americans that we are the greatest source of evil in the world, the masses still love our country and long to see her made great again.

And for that, I am extremely hopeful and grateful. Prayerfully, Trump will usher in us becoming Americans again.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Author: “Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America.”

Singer/Songwriter and Conservative Activist

© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus:

I Shared Trump’s Annoyance At Jeff Sessions

Everyone is having a cow over Trump criticizing AG Jeff Sessions for removing himself from the absurd FBI investigation that Trump stole the election by scheming with the Russians.  Clearly, Sessions was clueless as to what the Trump Administration continues to deal with. Out of their minds with rage over Trump defeating Hillary and dismantling Obama’s tyrannical legacy, Leftists have launched civil war on Trump and his voters. No tactic is too low, dishonest or too evil.

Sessions stepping down from the FBI Trump/Russian FBI investigation was the equivalent of bringing an olive branch to a gunfight. Sessions did not win any goodwill from Leftists for his unnecessary and unwise decision to step aside. Quite the opposite. Leftists saw Sessions recusing himself as a sign of weakness, blood it the water.

Trump had every right to be annoyed, as was I. It is extremely crucial that Trump surround himself with warriors who understand what he and We the People are up against.

Don’t get me wrong. I like and respect Sessions. He is a good man. However, by stepping aside from the FBI investigation Sessions behaved like a typical Republican, trying to show Leftists who want him politically dead that he is an honorable Republican. Meanwhile, Democrats and fake news media are plotting 24/7 and pulling every dirty gutter trick in the book to remove our president.

Fake news media tried to pressure Sessions into resigning, claiming it is impossible for Sessions to continue after the president has expressed a lack of confidence in him. Fake news media are enemies of We the People and the Trump Administration. Therefore, their call for Sessions to quit is yet another dirty trick; an opportunity to further their ongoing narrative that the Trump Administration is a mess. Remember, Leftists’ goal is to flood the airways with negatives about Trump 24/7.

Thank God, Sessions did not fall for it. Sessions says he has no intention of resigning.  I pray this is a sign that Sessions finally gets it, realizing the deceitful anti-Trump scoundrels we must defeat.

The Special Council investigating Trump has gotten out of hand. Robert Mueller has a small army of Obama and Clinton supportive anti-Trump lawyers wearing latex gloves.  They are giving Trump’s business dealings with Russia a deep anal exam going back ten years. Are we expected to believe the absurd allegation that Trump began colluding with Russia ten years ago to steal the election? Mueller’s anti-Trump lawyers will thrust their investigative arms deep into the caverns of Trump’s business for however long it takes to find something to remove him from the Oval Office.

Considering that no human being is perfect, it is likely Mueller’s hit squad will find a nugget of something to blow up as an excuse to impeach Trump.

Why aren’t Republicans standing up for our president, righteously raising heck over this never ending unprecedented intrusion into his business affairs. Meanwhile, these same Leftist lawyers who are performing a deep probe into Trump’s business practices supported Obama keeping his college transcripts a secret. Why isn’t Trump’s DOJ shutting this overreaching nonsense down; saying enough is enough; stop this insanity?

I suspect many in the GOP are still never-Trump or still don’t get it. Remarkably, some Republicans still naively believe they will not be trashed by fake news media if they can prove they are fair-minded good guys who seek to work with the democrats. Meanwhile, democrats and fake news media interpret Republicans extending olive branches as weakness to be exploited; an opportunity to plunge a dagger into Trump and Republicans’ political hearts.

Far too many people supposedly on our side do not appear to realize that we are in a battle for the heart and soul of America; patriots vs Leftists. Thank God, Trump understands this reality and is willing to fight pedal to the metal. This is why he was annoyed by Sessions stepping down, surrendering ground to our enemies. His cabinet needs to stop playing footsie with our enemies and get with the program. You give Leftists an inch and they will take a mile.

We the People elected Trump to do battle with anti-America Leftists. Despite fake news polls, we remain firmly in Trump’s corner, ready for battle. We are prayed up. We trust God and have kept our powder dry. Let’s roll Mr President.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Author: “Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America.”

Singer/Songwriter and Conservative Activist

© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus:

The Walmart Guy vs Anti-Capitalism Millennials

Though we have never met, I smiled recently seeing my favorite Walmart employee. For over ten years, I witnessed him gathering shopping carts in the parking lot. He is a white millennial who only has the use of one arm, walks with a severe limp and appears slightly mentally challenged. I once saw him leaving work driving a new looking compact car. My wife Mary prepared his taxes when she worked for a tax preparation company. I thought, “Hey, this brother has got it goin’ on — doin’ his thing.”

The Walmart guy could easily qualify for disability; sit home on his butt allowing taxpayers to take care of him. Far too many able-bodied millennials feel entitled, believing government should provide them free everything.

The Walmart guy’s work-ethic, self-reliance and pride in earning his own way is truly refreshing. The Obama Administration practically begged Americans, even non-citizens, to get on food stamps and to apply for as many government freebies as possible. This addicts voters to government handouts and keeps them voting for their Democrat dealers. Disability claims skyrocketed under Obama.

Disturbingly, polls say a majority of millennials reject Capitalism.  They believe Socialism is fair and compassionate and Capitalism is selfish and cruel. This explains “yutes” hero worship of socialist/democrat presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. Millennials love Sanders’ promise to take the hard earned wealth of achievers to redistribute to lazy pot-smoking losers. Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said, “The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.”

Socialism always ends up spreading mediocrity and misery equally among the masses while the rulers live high on the hog. Have you noticed that Hollywood Leftists and socialist politicians want government to force us to drive tiny tin-can cars, surrender our guns and lower our carbon footprint? Meanwhile, they travel in gas-guzzling limos and private jets with armed guards.

Capitalism gives everyone a shot at achieving their American dream. I will slap the next fellow black person who whines to me about how whitey has stacked the deck again us. Capitalism birthed America’s first female millionaire, a black woman born in 1867. Madam C. J. Walker was an entrepreneur, philanthropist, and a political and social activist.  Socialism would have enslaved Madam Walker to the government system, giving her just enough free stuff to get by. Okay, I promise not to slap anyone.

It was depressing hearing it reported that a large number of Americans support taxing income over a million dollars at 100%. First of all, confiscating that money would generate around $616 billion which only covers a third of our annual deficit.

But what is most troubling is the disgusting class envy loser mindset of those who believe it is right for government to take people’s hard earned money. They do not realize that such financial tyranny would kill jobs and the incentive to be all one can be. How dare government place limits on success. Such thinking is un-American, counter to our God inspired founding.

We allowed Leftists’ silent-coup-takeover of public education decades ago. Consequently, Leftists have produced an army of stealth Leftist sleeper-cell operatives against their parents. Remember when Leftists instructed kids to steal their parent’s guns and turn them in to their teaches?  Remember Michele Obama instructing students to report politically incorrect speech at the dinner table?

Outrageously, white students are taught beginning in kindergarten that they were born racist.  In essence, white students are taught to feel ashamed and hate themselves for their unfair white privilege. The Walmart guy is on Leftists’ excrement list simply for being a working class white male.  It angers me envisioning Leftist bullies getting into the grill of my Walmart guy, scolding him about his evil white privilege.

Students support black college student’s demand for free tuition and housing.

Black students also expect academic and behavioral standards lowered for them. I’m a 68 year old black man. I would be highly offended having standards lowered for me. Millennials quickly embrace Leftists twisting everything into evidence of unfairness and white American racism.

Years ago, a white friend shared that her son came home from middle-school in tears about how white men abused everyone; blacks, women, native Americans and so on. Today her son is an America hating Communist who still believes European white men are the greatest source of evil in the world.

Folks, we much turn this mess around regarding Leftists’ indoctrination of our kids. Trump appointing Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education is a major step in the right direction. DeVos favors restoring power back to parents regarding the education of their children.

Oh, we’re out of milk. I’m confident I will see my Walmart guy diligently working.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Author: “Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America.”

Singer/Songwriter and Conservative Activist

© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus:

Tweet On, Mr President

President Trump is criticized from all sides for sparing with fake news media via tweets. Some say Trump’s tweets are a distraction from getting out his message. The truth is fake news media are relentlessly 24/7 distorting and misrepresenting Trump’s agenda and message. Tweeting is Trump’s direct line to the American people which is the reason his tweets infuriate and frustrate fake news media.

Some say Trump responding to attacks and lies from media hacks is unworthy of his time and below his office. I disagree. How many times must we witness the accumulative toxic effect of allowing absurd lies on Republicans to go unchallenged? Such lies take root and grow. Leftists know if they attack a Republican with a big enough lie long enough, people will come to believe it. Leftists’ unchallenged huge lie, “Bush lied and people died” eventually tanked Bush’s approval numbers.

When Mitt Romney ran for president, I laughed at fake news media’s lies launched to destroy him. Fake news media said Romney caused the death of an employee’s wife; Romney abused his dog by hauling it on the roof of his car and Romney bullied a fellow student in school. I thought these attacks were too absurd to be believed or too trivial to care about. Little did I realize these seemingly unworthy-of-a-response attacks on Romney were building a false image of this genuinely decent and kind human being in the minds of low-info voters.

I chuckled hearing Michael Jackson say in his classic “Thriller” music video, “I’m not like other guys.” When will Washington DC and fake news media realize Trump is not like other Republicans? It is not in Trump’s DNA to sit back and allow himself to be attacked and lied about without pushing back harder. Frankly, I love that about our new sheriff in town.

Trump confronting fake news media’s lies in tweets is driving Leftists crazy because they do not know how to deal with it. Leftists are accustom to Republicans cowering in fear, rolling over and taking fake news media assassinating their character.

Fake news media has a proven track record of 24/7 negative nitpicking a Republican to death. This is why fake news media made a huge deal about Trump supposedly getting two scoops of ice cream while everyone else only gets one.  What appeared to be much ado about nothing was really a strategically planned attempt to further fake news media’s branding of Trump; an ego maniac mean bully.

Still, there are folks on our side who want Trump to stop tweeting and play by traditional Washington DC establishment and fake news media rules for Republicans. Why should Trump allow his unhinged morally bankrupt enemies to dictate the rules of engagement. Tweeting is a technological powerful weapon available to president Trump. I say tweet on Mr President. Tweet on.

Political experts advising Republicans to walk-on-eggshells when dealing with the first black president, Democrats and fake news media have brought us patriotic Americans nothing but frustration and the furtherance of the extreme radical left’s agenda.

I will not bore you with the long list of Obama’s unconstitutional overreaches  to which the GOP response was, “That’s not legal, but we dare not oppose him.” Real regime change in DC was birthed out of the Tea Party pushing Republicans to behave outside of expert’s advised timidity. This resulted in the GOP winning the house, senate and White House.

Hypocritically, fake news media lectures Republicans about how to behave while supporting Democrats doing whatever necessary, including breaking laws, to implement their extreme liberal agenda. For example. Fake news media supports Democrats’ proven bogus narrative that allowing illegals to invade our homeland makes Americans safer. The fact that sanctuary cities are arrogantly breaking the law is of no concern to fake news media.

On a recent retreat, MSNBC was one of the few news channels I could get on TV. Folks, watching the totally propaganda network was astounding. MSNBC lies, distorts and spins against Trump practically 24/7; clearly laser focused and obsessed with taking down our president.

Not only is Trump not like other Republicans, he is not like other presidents. I am confident that I speak for millions of Americans when I say that is just fine with us as long as he constitutionally fulfills his campaign promises.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Author: “Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America.”

Singer/Songwriter and Conservative Activist

© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus:

Never-Trumps Infected By Fake News

Watching MSNBC, I heard Chris Hayes list several bogus excuses for Ossoff losing in Georgia. Hayes placed Karen Handel receiving outside funds high on his list. I thought, Are you kidding me? Fake news media are committed 24/7 to deceiving Americans. Blocking Trump from implementing his and our agenda and impeaching him has become their sole reason for existence.

Ninety-five percent of Ossoff’s $23-million campaign funds came from outside of Georgia.  Ossoff is the candidate who was overwhelmingly funded by outsiders, not Handel. Handel’s campaign spent a fraction of what Ossoff’s campaign spent. Chris Hayes clearly lied, dispensing more fake news.

The bottom of the screen on MSNBC read something like CBC: Trump hurts black communities. In a letter rejecting Trump’s invite to meet with them, the Congressional Black Caucus wrote, “…we have in fact witnessed steps that will affirmatively hurt black communities.”

Leftists’ narrative that Trump is a racist hurting blacks is a flat out lie — more fake news. Trump reached out to the CBC at least two times, only to be given their middle finger. As a proud American who happens to be black this truly frustrates me.

After 40 years of Democrats’ broken promises, finally a president comes along with the courage and sincere desire to offer real hope and implement real change to black Americans. His genuine compassion is met with “Screw you” from black leaders and Leftists. Meanwhile, these same people celebrated Obama despite blacks moving backwards under Obama.

As a black American, I am outraged that the CBC turned down Trump offering real help as blacks continue to murder each other in record numbers.  Over 70% of black kids live in fatherless households and drop out of school.  And yet, fake news media would have you believe black American’s greatest Nemesis is Donald J. Trump.

These are just a few examples of fake news media’s relentless 24/7 deceptions.

And yet, Republicans like John McCain still pander to fake news media, desperate for an approving pat on the head. Kissing fake news media’s derriere, Sen John McCain recently made the outrageous statement that Obama was a better leader than Trump.  How could any lover of freedom, liberty and America say such a thing? That statement should disqualify McCain from ever winning another election as a Republican.

Never-Trump conservatives/Republicans betray their principles, hoping fake news media will not lump them in with the unsophisticated Americans who voted for Trump. I have totally lost respect for never-Trumps. I suspect many of them secretly wish Hillary won.

Think about that folks. We have Republicans and conservatives who claim to love freedom and liberty. They also claim their disdain for Trump is rooted in morality. And yet, they would prefer a vile human being in the WH who said a woman has the right to murder her baby moments before birth; a serial liar; a cold-calculating extreme Leftist who placed her political fortunes above American lives in Benghazi; someone who is totally against religious liberty and someone who vowed to continue Obama’s mission to make America last.

Never-Trumps deem Trump’s hairdo and non-traditional political behaviors more repulsive than Hillary’s multiple crimes and misdemeanors. Such convoluted thinking is unworthy of my time or energy.

It is as though never-Trumps are back in high school sucking up to the cool kids, meaning the fake news media. By watching too much MSNBC and CNN never-Trumps have become infected via causal contact. They remind me of Lot’s wife.

God told Lot to remove his family because he was going to burn the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot’s wife was probably a closet subscriber of The Sodomy Times and Gomorrah Post. Infected from consuming fake news, I wonder if Lot’s wife concluded her husband and God were intolerant religious haters. While exiting Sodom, Lot’s wife ignored God’s command not to look back. She stole one last glance at sin city and was instantly transformed into a pillar of salt.

I know never-Trumps who faithfully view CNN and MSNBC. I thought we were on the same side over the past 8 years, fighting Obama’s heartbreaking purposed destruction of our great nation; his repeals of our God-given and Constitutional freedoms. But those principles and values for which we so valiantly fought seem to have taken a back seat to their dislike for Trump. Never-Trumps either totally ignore Trump’s remarkable list of repeals of Obama’s messes or pay them lip-service. Meanwhile, it is clear to see where their true passions lie as they enthusiastically parrot fake news media’s relentless criticisms of Trump.

Fake news media, DC establishment elites and never-Trumps are so shallow in their thinking, worshiping surface appearances over Trump’s patriotic positive intentions. Obama was an extremely cold, calculating, divisive and dishonest horrible leader who looked and spoke well.

Scripture says man looks upon the outward appearance, but God looks upon the heart. We the People see and connect with Trump’s heart. I proudly stand with We the People in my support for our president.

To our unfortunate never-Trump enemies within, with God’s help, We the People will defeat you.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Author: “Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America.”

Singer/Songwriter and Conservative Activist

© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus:

Ossoff’s Defeat Is A Win For America

Did the Russians hack the Georgia election? Leftists are all over media creating straw-men to disguise the simple truth that voter’s have rejected their treasonous Trump resistance movement. Jon Ossoff losing in Georgia is the 5th election Democrats have lost since Trump’s shocking crashing defeat of Hillary. Losing the Georgia race has to be particularly painful because once again, Leftists lied to themselves and their base that Ossoff would surely win just like they did with Hillary.

My question is how crazy will Democrats’ official Resistance Summer domestic terrorism become after their devastating loss in Georgia? Thus far, Leftists have mock beheaded Trump; mock put a bullet in his head; mock stabbed Trump, dreamed of beating Trump with a golf club; talked about blowing up the WH, physically attacked Trump voters; kidnapped/tortured a Trump supporter and gunned down Republicans while practicing for a charity baseball game.

Leftists are disappointed, desperate, deranged and overflowing with hatred for our president and his supporters; an extremely dangerous mix of emotions. How much lower will Leftists take their depravity and violence?

My fellow Americans, I wish to express my deep heartfelt thanks for your help stopping Jon Ossoff, “Nasty” Pelosi’s latest anti-Trump minion. A handful of Hollywood Leftists spent mega-millions to help their Great Leftist Hope candidate win the Georgia congressional seat. Ossoff could not vote for himself because he does not live in the 6th district. Masters of deception, Democrats pretended their national Leftist push for Ossoff represented the thinking of Georgia voters. They lied.

My wife Mary and I spent months in Georgia with the Conservative Campaign Committee in their boots-on-the-ground effort to inspire Georgia voters to “drop the remote and vote.” We ran radio ads on major stations, conducted numerous sign waving sessions at busy intersections, sent out mailers, organized phone-from-phone, produced videos and tons of social media. We left no stones un-turned to get votes for Republican Karen Handel.

Brothers and sisters who love America, we cannot let up. Rest assured, Leftists will triple down on their insane efforts to remove our president. We must stay engaged. Republicans must continue to vote in large numbers, not taking any of the upcoming races for granted. Again, thanks for you help carrying Karen Handel across the finish line. God bless.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Author: “Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America.”

Singer/Songwriter and Conservative Activist

© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Fake News Media Have Blood On Their Hands

I heard Rush Limbaugh say things are looking good regarding Republicans passing health care. Paraphrasing, Rush said if that happens Leftists’ bad behavior will elevate to new levels.

When the GOP passes health care fake news media will gleefully incite Leftists to new levels of violence. Fake news media created the anti-Trump crazies for the distinct purpose of inflicting punishment on Trump supporters. They hope chaos in our streets will ultimately lead to removing Trump from office. In worship and furtherance of their Leftist agenda, fake news media gladly throws American lives on the alter to be burned.

Folks, I wish I could magically open the eyes of low info-voters to see that fake news media’s sole motivation is advancing their anti-Christian agenda and usurping power to control every aspect of our lives. They are not tolerant of any other point of view. They are arrogant, believing themselves to be superior.

While touting their superior compassion and preaching give peace a chance, Leftists beat the crap out of anyone they catch wearing a “Make America Great Again” cap or t-shirt. Bloody pictures of Trump supporters attacked by peace-nick Leftists are all over the internet.

The crews at CNN, MSNBC and the DNC are despicable human beings with blood on their hands. Their relentless 24/7 spewing of lies about Trump for the purpose of generating violence is harming people. In essence, they have launched a clarion call to their enraged base and George Soros funded hit-men to punish Trump supporters. Victimized women, seniors and children are deemed acceptable collateral damage. This is evil from the pits of hell folks. Insidiously, fake news media shroud their disdain for everyday Americans and Trump in intellectual sounding words.

Frustratingly, the masses are clueless regarding the tsunami of Leftist assaults on innocent Americans who voted for Trump out of love for their country.

Here are just a few.

An 11 year old was punched and kicked in class by a mob of students for admitting he voted for Trump in their mock election. His wounds were so severe he was sent to the emergency room. Can you believe that folks?

At Berkeley, an elderly gentleman wearing a MAGA hat was assaulted. He collapsed in pain after being pepper-sprayed by anti-Trump protesters.

A Leftist college professor drew blood, smashing a Trump supporter in the head with a bike-lock. An ambulance was called.

Leftists who excoriate Americans about “white privilege” and demand social justice beat up a homeless black woman for supporting Trump.

In Chicago, black thugs brutally beat an elderly white man for voting for Trump.

Let us not forget the viral video of the mentally challenged white man who was kidnapped and tortured by four black youths for supporting Trump.

Across America, fake news media inflamed crazies are physically attacking anyone who dares show support for Trump. (graphic video)

Leftists Kathy Griffin, Snoop Dogg and NYC’s Shakespeare in the Park mock assassinated Trump.  Jim Carrey said he dreamed about attacking Trump with a golf club.  Madonna expressed her desire to blow up the WH. Clearly, these Leftists are sending a message to anti-Trump crazies.

Upon the repeal of Obamacare, fake news media will subliminally send marching orders to their minions to kick-up their resistance/violence to unprecedented, possibly deadly levels.

When will fake news media be unmasked for the masses to see them as the cold-calculating instigators of violence they truly are?

Fake news media is excitedly gearing up for the Democrats’ Resistance Summer.

Do not be deceived folks. Resistance Summer is code for Leftists’ Summer of Violence and fake news media could not be happier. How many Americans will suffer and possibly die?

Meanwhile, CNN, MSNBC, Hollywood and Democrats look down their noses while lying to us, claiming they have our best interest at heart. Totally disgusting and evil.

After completing this article, I went to lunch at a Chinese buffet and glanced up at the TV. A Bernie Sanders nut case shot five at a Republican baseball practice. Fake news media pretending to be outraged over the shooting is as absurd as a farmer planting corn and acting shocked when stalks of corn appear. Fake news media’s and Democrats’ summer of violence has begun.

By the way, I have ordered my “Make America Great Again” t-shirt.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Author: “Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America.”

Singer/Songwriter and Conservative Activist

© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Ossoff’s Extreme Leftist Army Must Be Defeated

Hollywood celebs who share Kathy Griffin’s vitriol for Trump are pouring millions into the Georgia special election. Jon Ossoff’s paid Leftist army have made the fight for Republicans to retain the Georgia congressional seat a real nail-biter. Leftists’ boots on the ground shock and awe campaigning is working.

A facebook friend in Georgia reported seeing guys on her street wearing Planned Parenthood pink shirts leaving Ossoff literature on doorknobs. Shockingly, Ossoff gained a 7 point lead ahead of conservative Republican Karen Handel. Thrilled, fake news media claims Ossoff’s lead is due to a growing national rejection of Trump. They are wrong. Due to our efforts (yours and ours at Conservative Campaign Committee), Ossoff’s lead dropped to 1.5 points.

Democrats are masters of deception, always portraying themselves as the opposite of what they are, insidiously hiding their true intentions. Due to an extreme well-funded media campaign, I saw an Ossoff ad all over Georgia TV portraying him as a fiscally responsible and tax lowering moderate. The slick ad featured Ossoff on an all American front porch; possibly his grandma’s house. Sadly, the TV ad was brilliantly deceptive, hiding the truth that Ossoff is Leftists’ Great Liberal Hope. Defeating the Republican candidate in Georgia would energize their resistance to Trump and hopefully lead to removing him from office.

After campaigning for almost a month in Georgia, Mary and I drove home to Florida yesterday. But there is still much work to do to save that seat.

Patriot brother Tony Ledbetter has launched the Republican Party of Florida to help our phone from home efforts. Please join the efforts by sending an email with your name to: We will send you a phone list, phone script and instructions on how to help Georgia Republicans bring about much needed change in leadership for District 6.

The special election is June 20th. However, early voting has begun which is scary given Democrats’ history of voter fraud. Also, Democrats found a judge who allowed them to register 8,000 new voters beyond the legal registration date.

Jon Ossoff’s main strategy is to deceive the voters of Georgia by portraying himself as Mr America-Loving Moderate. The truth is Ossoff has aligned himself with some of the most liberal elements of the Democrat Party and will be little more than a rubber-stamp “Yes-Man” to Nancy Pelosi. My artwork on facebook exposing Ossoff’s deception is a hit. Please like and share it.

This race is all about Republican turn-out folks. Lord knows how many illegals, non 6th district residents and dead people Democrats will magically pull out of their hat to steal this crucial GOP congressional seat.

I call upon all my patriot brothers and sister across our great country to help stop this evil spewing out of the American Left. Kathy Griffin was not alone in her desire to see our president beheaded. Actor Jim Carrey defended Griffin sharing his desire to physically harm our president.

Let us not forget Snoop Dogg’s mock assassination of Trump via a bullet to his head. Ossoff is the poster boy of Leftist extremists folks. This is why Ossoff must be defeated. “All that is needed for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing.”

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Author: “Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America.”

Singer/Songwriter and Conservative Activist

© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Left Montana: Going To Georgia To Help Republican Karen Handel

Our Conservative Campaign Committee team left Montana still basking in the after glow of We the Peoples’ victory over the Democrats’ Trump-resistance operative Rob Quist. Mary and I are in a van with the Conservative Campaign Committee team headed to Georgia.

The Georgia Trump-resistance candidate Jon Ossoff is leading in the polls against Republican Karen Handel in the June 20th congressional special election. A Facebook patriot sister in Georgia gave me a heads up that guys wearing pink Planned Parenthood shirts were in her neighborhood putting Ossoff literature on doorknobs.

Losing every special election, Democrats are desperate to energize their fake America-regrets-electing-Trump narrative. Leftists continue to pour millions into the Georgia race, putting all their hate-Trump eggs into Ossoff’s basket.

In typical Democrat bait-and-switch fashion, Ossoff is running as a moderate. In reality, Ossoff is an extreme far left radical, backed by off-beat anti-America groups from Occupy Wall Street to Black Lives Matter and numerous other counter-culture weirdo groups; rabidly obsessed with bringing down Trump.

Isn’t the whole idea of Democrats boldly launching a Trump-resistance movement pretty outrageous? Remember the media firestorm over Rush Limbaugh saying he hoped Obama’s agenda failed?  Leftists practically demanded that Rush be removed from the air and crucified in the public square, stabbed through the heart with his golden EIB microphone. Rush was excoriated for being a traitor to his country.

And yet, fake news media is orchestrating and praising the Trump-resistance movement as on the moral high ground. These people on the Left who are consumed with out-of-control rage over Hillary losing the election do not give a rat’s derriere about their blatant hypocrisy.

Speaking of Hillary, she’s back! Hillary hit the airways spewing more anti-Trump bitterness to keep the flames of hate, rage and insanity burning in her minions. My fellow patriot Americans, we must remain extremely vigilant in our efforts to keep these Leftist wackos out of power. I still scratch my head, puzzled over what Leftists feel they must so passionately resist from Trump’s presidency.

Why is Trump proclaiming his desire to “make America great again” as repulsive to Leftists as showing Dracula the cross? If you are a Leftist, wouldn’t you still want your country, your homeland to be made great? These people are simply not right in the head folks.

The Left has gone totally insane. Cable news has become 24/7 destruction of Trump. It is as if nothing in the world matters other than removing Trump from office.

On Fox News, Bill Bennett noted how fake news media was far more outraged over the Montana Republican candidate tussling with a reporter than they were over the 22 people killed in the Manchester terrorist attack and 26 Coptic Christians murdered in Egypt. Fake news media’s passion and interest is only in events which further its Trump-must-be-removed narrative. Clearly, they have lost their minds, obsessed beyond reason.

A majority of Americans, 65%, believe the media publishes fake news.  In a Montana store, I overheard an employee expressing her support of Trump to another employee. She said she believes nothing reported in the media.

Fake news media have thrown all pretense of being fair and balanced out the window. They are in full-court-press remove Trump mode. My bottom line is it is us against them, folks. Thanks and may God bless you for your faithful support of our efforts.  I’ll report in again from Georgia.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Author: “Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America.”

Singer/Songwriter and Conservative Activist


© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Dr. Ben Carson Spoke The Truth About Black Poverty

Dr Ben Carson being under fire for saying “poverty is a state of mind” during an interview is a prime reason why black Americans should end their insane loyalty to Democrats.

In essence, Dr Carson compassionately gave his fellow blacks a crucial key to personal success and overcoming poverty. And yet, Democrat and Leftist self-proclaimed advocates for black empowerment rushed to silence him; beating the crap out of him in the media. As a black man, I am so frustrated.

Up until around age 9, I was raised in the Baltimore projects. My mom, dad, four younger siblings and I were so excited moving from our leaky roof ghetto into a brand new 11 story government high-rise.

In a very short time, the new building became a huge ghetto; elevators out-of-order much of the time due to vandalism. The stairwells smelled of urine and were dark due to busted light bulbs, perfect for muggings. After school walking up to our 6B apartment, the sound of me walking on broken wine bottles echoed off the concrete walls. A few residents kept their apartment nice. The majority had no pride in keeping their no-skin-in-the-game free housing nice.

At a very young age, I realized taking the poor out of the ghetto was not enough when their ghetto mindset was alive and well.

Despite free housing, food and health-care, the vibe of the projects was angry and violent. Thank God in 1952, my dad broke the color barrier to become a Baltimore City firefighter. Our family moved out of the projects into a black suburban community in Pumphrey, MD. Sadly, my cousins who lived in fatherless households stayed in the projects, enslaved to government. Government is a poor substitute for real daddies. And yes, I felt my cousin’s daddy envy. Their tragic lives were filled with drug and alcohol abuse, out-of-wedlock births, more poverty and AIDS.

Incredibly, most of my cousins died extremely young; never experiencing the joy of personal achievement or pursuing a dream. Insidiously, government provided just enough to get by and keep them voting for Democrats.

In major cites controlled by Democrats like Chicago, Baltimore and Washington DC, I see the same cycle of government dependency and poverty I witnessed while growing up, but far worse.

Meanwhile, Democrats and Leftists are doing the same thing to Dr Carson that they do to anyone who dares to compassionately offer real solutions to ending black poverty. Democrats and Leftists seek to silence and destroy this extraordinary black role model and advocate of real black empowerment.

Democrats and Leftists despise blacks who have achieved extraordinary success the old fashion way by earning it; businessman extraordinaire Herman Cain, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, world renowned retired neurosurgeon Dr Ben Carson and former secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to name a few.

These successful blacks expose the Democrats’ and Leftist’s lying narrative that America will always be a hellhole of racism for blacks in which blacks’ only hope is to continuously vote for Democrats to keep evil white racist Republicans and conservatives at bay. The Democrats’ and Leftist’s scheme is extremely destructive and evil.

Please, please, please Dr Carson, continue telling the truth.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Author: “Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America.”

Singer/Songwriter and Conservative Activist

© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Stand Strong Dear Trump Americans

An extremely disheartened American emailed me documenting all the factions committed to removing Trump from office. She concluded, “I don’t see how President Trump is going to overcome this onslaught of negativity which is waging upon him by those who are casting aspersions upon him for destroying the legacy of our nation’s so-called “first black president” and the detestable woman, “Crooked Hillary” who wanted to continue his failed policies! I pray for his protection and perseverance!”

I encouraged our patriot sister to keep the faith. Remarkably, Trump does not appear to be deterred by his enemies in both parties. Though under-reported, Trump continues to dismantle Obama’s horrific legacy. I believe Trump draws strength from the support of We the People.

When Moses grew tired, Aaron and Hur held his hands up, one on each side, to encourage the people. As long as we continue to hold Trump’s hands up, he will perform God’s purpose. Our continuous prayers and support are the keys, strengthening our God given emancipator.

The Washington DC establishment is advising Trump to stop tweeting, stop following his instincts and function more within their traditional norms. I respectfully say Washington DC norms are what got us into our current mess; a nation in cultural, moral and economic decline.

When Obama was in office, fake news media threw out the rule books; the Constitution and the law. They paved the way for their Leftist messiah to take whatever immoral, unlawful and unconstitutional actions he deemed necessary to implement what they decreed the greater good. To push through Obama controlled health-care, fake news media allowed Obama to lie to us 29 times that under his plan, we could keep doctors we liked. To insure Obama’s reelection in 2012, fake news media supported Obama sacrificing the lives of Ambassador Chris Stevens and other Americans in Benghazi and lying about it. I won’t spend time rehashing all the numerous times fake news media applauded Obama breaking laws.

Now that Trump is in office, suddenly fake news media are stickers for the rule-of-law. Fake news media is in full-court-press-mode to impeach Trump on a sinking-sand foundation of anonymous sourced accusations and lies. They are attempting to criminalize Trump not crossing every “t” and dotting every “i” according to their rules. Every day the airways are filled with more much ado about nothing accusations against Trump.

In war, the aggressor sets the rules for battle. Fake news media’s battle rules says Democrats are free to lie, cheat and do whatever necessary to achieve their transformation of America. Meanwhile, Republicans must function within whatever we (fake news media) decreed to be legal.

Too many folks on our side still do not understand the evil we are dealing with. Republicans and Conservatives are still advising Trump to moderate his tone. They want Trump to stop tweeting, stop following his instincts and play by rules set by his unethical dishonest enemies. In essence, they want Trump to bring an olive branch to a gunfight.

I am not offended by a little unconventional-ism in Trump’s efforts to undo Obama’s illegal messes. Note, I am not saying I would support unlawful actions by President Trump.

It was frustrating hearing Republican Mitch McConnell say he would like to see a little less drama coming out of the White House. What part of fake news media is going to spin everything Trump says and does to create drama does Sen McConnell not understand? Meanwhile, these same fake news despicables pandered to by Sen McConnell gave Obama a pass to do whatever he pleased.

Frankly, I would hate to see Trump become more guarded in his words and actions. No, I am not advocating that the president say stupid things. But on the other hand, it is extremely refreshing and empowering to hear a Republican speak boldly and fearlessly; not walking on eggshells to appease fake news leftists. Thank God, John Wayne stand-up-for-what-is-right, tell-it-like-it-is maleness has not been totally castrated in America. We hired Trump to get things done. I do not care that his process does not meet Washington DC establishment and fake news media approval.

Some on our side are outraged that Trump has threatened to cancel Daily Press Briefings. I say, why not? The press is not who they pretend to be. The press is a foaming at the mouth behemoth leftist monster seeking to devour America as founded. Reporting the truth is not on their agenda. So why grant gotcha opportunities to anti-American zealots whose sole intention is to lie and spin. They seek to impeach our president to stop the implementation of our agenda; even at the cost of American lives and the best interest of our country.

Be of good cheer folks. Do not underestimate the power of We the People. Despite the Left’s billions of dollars worth of articles, fake news stories and 24/7 anti-Trump/pro-Hillary campaigning, Trump defeated their candidate in an electoral landslide. The daily fake news pounding of Trump “ain’t” going away.

My wife Mary and I are in Montana with the Conservative Campaign Committee working to defeat Pelosi’s extreme liberal candidate for congress, Rob Quist. In essence, we are fighting the Democrats’ and fake news media’s impeach Trump scheme.

All Trump has is us. We must stay engaged, ignore fake news media, support and pray for President Trump, our liberator.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Author: “Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America.”

Singer/Songwriter and Conservative Activist

© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Fighting Anti-America/Anti-Trump Resistance in Montana

Hi Folks. I’ve been kind of out of the loop because Mary and I are in the process of moving from Florida to a tiny town in West Virginia to be closer to our parents and family. We’re taking a break from packing to fly to Montana to join the Conservative Campaign Committee team in their quest to defeat extreme liberal Democrat Rob Quist running for congress.

This guy is yet another vitriolic operative of the Left’s treasonous anti-America and anti-Trump Resistance. Quist’s agenda is the polar opposite of Trump’s agenda to make America great again. Quist wants to severely cut funding of our military. He wants government controlled healthcare. He wants new gun control laws. Quist was a fan of the lawless, disgusting and obscene Occupy Wall Street movement.

Quist contributed monthly to Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign who boldly proclaimed his mission to transform America into a socialist nation. The last thing America and Trump needs is Quist in DC; there solely to be a thorn in Trump’s side, blocking him from doing what We the People sent him to Washington to do.

These people on the Left are obsessed with taking out Trump and they have no problem taking down America in the process. Our country be damned as long as they can get Trump out of the Oval Office.

I’m a black American. The more I think about it, the more I conclude that I could never lower myself to become a Democrat. My goodness, look at what they stand for. Everything coming out of that bunch is about lowering cultural, moral and behavioral standards and redistributing peoples’ hard earned money to give to the lazy to create more loyal Democrat voters. It’s disgusting.

Democrats say Trump is a hate-filled demon for vowing to raise every American higher. Trump is dismantling Obama’s obstacles blocking Americans from experiencing the dignity and pride of earning their own way.

Democrats love to promote the lie that Republicans are against a safety net. Nonsense. We are a compassionate nation and will always have a safety net. Trump is simply transitioning from 8 years of Obama’s Leftest ideology which encouraged Americans to use our safety net as a hammock.

Trump’s philosophy is much more upbeat, positive and in sync with the human spirit; to strive, achieve and be the best one can be. That’s the kind of people I want to hang out with rather than you-owe-me-your-stuff losers.

Democrats insidiously divide Americans into voting blocs. They tell each voting bloc that they are victims of straight white American males. Democrats convince their so-called victimized groups that voting democrat is protection insurance against the racist, sexist, wealthy and homophobic whites who are out to get them. Democrats promote their lie 24/7 that the millions who elected Trump hate everyone who is not a straight white male. Can any good possibly come out of promoting such a dark, negative and depressing view of ones own country? So, no thanks. I could never lower myself to become a Democrat.

Clearly, Democrats have no intention of lessening their efforts to destroy Trump. Quite, the opposite. They are doubling and tripling down, grasping at straws to brand Trump a monster to separate him from his supporters. To promote Democrat’s lie that Trump is mean, an absurd news story said Trump gets two scoops of ice cream while his WH dinner guests only get one. Democrat’s anything-to-destroy-Trump fake news reporting will continue to intensify for the remainder of his presidency.

This is why we who love America must stay engaged. This is why Mary and I are interrupting our relocation to fly to Montana; leaving our pet-sitter with a house filled with boxes. Mary seems to want to take everything from our Florida home to our new home in West Virginia. But that’s another story.

Democrats are dumping tons of money into their Montana Rob Quist for congress (anti-Trump initiative), out fund-raising Republican Greg Gianforte.

Democrats are masters of deception, bait and switch. For example, while campaigning in Georgia to defeat Jon Ossoff, I heard Ossoff say in TV ads he wants less government and lowered taxes. Ossoff lied to deceive voters in the mostly conservative district. In reality, Ossoff is an extreme leftist who wants government controlling every aspect of our lives and redistributing wealth to achieve the Left’s mythical “social justice”. Pelosi and the Democrats have high hopes for Ossoff to play a major role in their anti-make America great again treason.

Upon seeing Rob Quist, country singer, cowboy hat and guitar, I thought, “Wow, this guy is one of us; loves his country and values that have made America great.” Man was I wrong. The guy is a radical America hating extreme liberal; more Democrat deception, bait and switch. Rob Quist must be defeated.

Montana, here we come!

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Author: “Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America.”

Singer/Songwriter and Conservative Activist

© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Moving To The Heartland

May 13, 2017

Rumors of my death are exaggerated. The reason my wife Mary and I dropped off the face of the earth is because we have not had internet for almost a week, which as y’all know feels like an eternity. We drove up from Florida to close on our new home in a tiny West Virginia town, population 500. Why?

To move close to our parents and family.

The drive up from Florida was quite interesting. The number of Trump signs on display in yards, rooftops and billboards tells me Trump has connected with every day Americans like no other president before him.

It seemed like every time we pushed the search button on our radio another faith-based station came up. While fake news media would like us to believe they have successfully killed traditional American values, wholesome values are alive and well in the heartland.

My wife’s brother-in-law said when it snows, his neighbor plows out the road for everyone with his tracker. Mail is delivered at a central location for his group of neighbors. The mailboxes and polls were in need of repair. A neighbor took it upon himself to repair and refresh the mailboxes. Another neighbor fills pot holes in their road. All of these things were done without ridiculous paperwork, meetings or government.

How small is this town you ask? The internet company cannot hook us up until May 23rd. We can make calls on our phones, but they do not work as a hot-spot. I’m on-line at the library which is open limited hours on different days; closed from noon to 1pm for lunch with parking for 7 cars. I keep telling myself, take a deep breath and embrace the solitude.

There is no home mail delivery. When we went to the post office to sign up for a P O box, the cheerful clerk said, “Are you the Marcuses? Y’all bought the white house.”

We had to pay a $200 cash deposit at the Town Hall to get our water turned on. The clerk said, “Are y’all the people who called the other day? Y’all bought the white house.” The pleasant clerk said she would call “the” maintenance man to turn us on. One hour later, he showed up and turned on our water.

Most expressive were seniors Virginia and her husband Daniel who greeted me with big smiles when I walked into the library. “Welcome!” Virginia gave me the scoop. “Lunch at the Senior Center is $2. Today is hot dog day.” Virginia filled me in on all the churches, concluding that anyone we choose will be fine. Virginia said they are all good friendly people.

As a black guy, not once have I felt a twinge of the stereotypical racism attributed to the south, quite the opposite. Everyone has been warm and friendly.

The only store in town is Dollar General. Walmart, Home Depot and Lowes are over 20 miles away.

Mary and I stopped into “the” bank. “Y’all bought the white house.”

Yes, I am experiencing culture shock, but the people are nice and I think it is going to be fun.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Author: “Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America.”

Singer/Songwriter and Conservative Activist

The Unfortunate Phenomenon Of Black Political Group Think

My black brother called me from Baltimore feeling frustrated and alone. He is surrounded by blacks, including his household who believe everything they are told by fake news media. No amount of data, logic or truth seems to penetrate their wall of brain-dead loyalty to the democrat party and worship of Obama. My brother said even at his all black church every sermon includes digs against Trump.

In his black circles, spouting the truth about Obama is not tolerated. They angrily reject data confirming that blacks moved backwards culturally and economically after 8 years of Obama.

As a strong Christian, my brother is saddened that many of his black peers abandoned Christ’s agenda to worship at the feet of their black-golden-idol Obama. Many black Christians ignore the truth that Obama was the most biblically-hostile president in US history. Remarkably, even some black preachers threw their Bibles under the bus to support Obama’s anti-biblical mandates.

My brother said he cannot understand why so many blacks eagerly accept Leftists’ obvious lie that all problems plaguing blacks are the fault of white racist America and new Nemesis, Donald Trump.

I praised my brother for being an independent thinker. He reminds me of Joe, an old black college buddy back in the 1970s.

Around a dozen of us black art students were attending the Maryland Institute College of Art. The Black Panthers and black power protests were the rage. Our small group of black students ranted constantly about how a black man does not have an f****** chance in this f****** racist country.

Joe stayed focused on working part-time jobs and his classes. Joe was a no-excuses no-nonsense kind of guy. While working on a college art project together, my job was to find special paper. I told Joe I looked everywhere and simply could not find the paper. Joe questioned me. “Did you look here?” I replied no. Did you look there? My reply was the same. Joe said, “Well Lloyd, don’t tell me you looked everywhere.” Though he annoyed me, I knew Joe was right.

After graduating college, Joe worked his way through grad school and became the first black art director at a prestigious Baltimore Advertising Agency. Joe was an independent thinker.

Frustrated, my brother asked how can he get through to blacks who automatically dismiss him as an Uncle Tom without researching his reasons why blacks should stop voting Democrat? I told him experience has taught me no amount of truth will penetrate willful ignorance.

Matthews 10:14 “If anyone will not welcome you or listen to you words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet.” In other words, forget them and move on.

My brother said when you are on a different page than everyone around you, you tend to question yourself. I assured my brother that he was on the right side of the issues. Also, I wonder if self-reliant (conservative) people are born that way. As far back as I can remember, the only thing my brother ever wanted from the government is for it to stay out of his way. Some people are willing to surrender control of every aspect of their lives to government for the promise of a few crumbs of security.

I explained to my brother that the vast majority of black Americans are engaged in group think when it comes to politics.

However, I have seen signs of more blacks beginning to see the light. Praise God. A group of Chicago blacks produced a video expressing their displeasure with Obama and Democrats. One black person said, “Everything in my community is controlled by Democrats so they can’t blame the Tea Party.”

Another good sign of cracks in the democrats’ wall of deception is an ad I heard while campaigning in Georgia against democrat far-left radical Jon Ossoff. A black group’s radio ad told blacks that voting for Ossoff equaled voting for more Democrat broken dreams and broken promises. Thrilled, I said, “Right on bros!”

I told my brother to keep spreading the truth. While many will reject his message, you never know who will truly hear and receive it. As for those blacks who insist on being stuck-on-stupid, wipe their dust from your shoes and move on bro; move on.

♦ Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
♦ Author: “Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America.”
♦ Singer/Songwriter and Conservative Activist

© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Trump’s America: 100 Days Later

Here we are folks, 100 days into Trump’s presidency. My NeverTrump friends are still itching for Trump to betray us so they can say, “I told you so.” Well, if Trump betrays us tomorrow, we are still winners; light years down the road to making America great again than where we would be had another Republican won.

I was accused of betraying conservatism when I jumped aboard the Trump train after my candidate Ted Cruz dropped out. For me it was a no brainer. Hillary in the Oval Office would have ended America as founded. I care more about saving my country than saving conservatism.

I have also come to realize that Trump is you and me. While I have voted Republican ever since Ronald Reagan, I never got involved in politics until the Tea Party. As a rookie, political experts instructed me to walk-on-eggshells during media interviews, less the press brand our side mean and racist.

My Baltimore projects instincts kept nagging me; why please dishonest bullies who don’t care about truth and only seek to destroy you? When Trump entered the political arena, he blew up everything I was taught about how to deal with fake news media. I cheered Trump on feeling vindicated and liberated.

NeverTrumps are still embarrassed by Trump and Press Secretary Spicer. It is like NeverTrumps are in high school and fake news media are the cool kids they want to like them. I do not give a rat’s derriere about what Leftists think about me. I am focused on defeating their evil agenda. Therefore, Trump is you and me.

I suspect it has been eye-opening for our non-ideological president to see how insanely and viciously Leftists have responded to him doing common-sense things in the best interest of our country. Conservatives are the every day common-sense thinking Americans. Leftists are the extremist and wackos who are out-of-touch and out-of-sync with American values and culture.

So, while Leftists continue to have foot-stomping, pulling-out-their-hair, temper-tandems in frustration, here are several of Trump’s incredible reversals of Obama’s mess in only 100 days.

Trump ended Obama’s War on coal, bringing back jobs.

Trump reversed various Obama attempts to disarm Americans.

Trump has begun rolling back Obama’s nonsensical climate change regulations.

Trump reversed Obama’s dangerous mandate for public schools to allow boys into girl’s restrooms and locker rooms.

Trump ended Obama’s policy of forcing us to pay for abortions overseas.

Trump ended Obama’s iron-fist mandate that states fund Planned Parenthood.

Trump has begun unclogging Obama’s overreaching EPA water rules. 

Trump is fixing Obama’s awful deal in which he funded the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism.

Thus far, Trump has signed 37 orders reversing Obama’s Make America Last policies/agenda.

Meanwhile, fake news media relentlessly promotes their false narratives; Trump has backtracked on all of his crazy/naive campaign promises; his supporters are dispirited; his administration of bulls in Washington DC’s china shop cannot get anything done.

Oh how they lie and lie and lie. Congrats Mr President on your amazing first 100 days. We are all behind you, looking forward to tax reform and repealing Obamacare.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Author: “Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America.”

Singer/Songwriter and Conservative Activist

© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Samuel L. Jackson Betrayed Blacks Again In Georgia

Award winning black actor and civil rights activist Samuel L. Jackson cut a radio ad for the congressional special election in Georgia. Jackson urged Georgia voters to vote democrat to stop racist and sexist Trump.

Folks, as an American who happens to be black, I respectfully report that Mr Jackson has a history of delusional thinking in regards to race relations in America. Over the years, Jackson has repeatedly excoriated Americans. Recently, Jackson accused America of being “full of white supremacists” who elected a “white supremacist president.”

Everything out of this so-called civil rights activist’s mouth is counter productive to real black empowerment.

I challenge you to name a blockbuster Hollywood movie which does not feature Samuel L. Jackson. Okay, that statement may be a bit over the top, but you get my point. This guy is an awesome actor. His work ethic is legendary. Rather than trashing the millions of white movie goers who purchase tickets to see him, shouldn’t Jackson be focused on encouraging blacks to follow his lead?

What gets me about so many of these mega-wealthy and mega successful blacks is they never say “do what I did to become successful”; work hard, make responsible choices and strive for excellence. No, instead, these rich blacks betray their people by advocating the democrats’ keep-them-on-our-plantation formula. These powerful black mouthpieces for the Leftist agenda tell blacks, “y’all should demand more government assistance checks and democrats mandating lower standards for blacks.” Every democrat so-called black empowerment program subliminally sends blacks the message that they are short-bus-to-school Americans. Leftists are peerless in their bigotry of lowered expectations in regards to black Americans.

This is why as a black conservative I remain frustrated that republicans are branded racist. In reality, democrats are the true racists. My GOP brothers and sisters have never talked down to me or inferred that standards needed to be lowered to give me a fair shot.

That is all my 90 year old black dad asked for back in 1952, a fair shot at becoming a Baltimore City firefighter. Despite horrific racist working conditions, dad won “Firefighter of the Year” two times without a single standard lowered for him. That’s what I’m talkin’ ’bout!

By sticking his nose into the Georgia congressional election as a democrat hack operative, Mr Jackson is selling-out his people again; helping to falsely brand Trump a racist. Have you checked the numbers Mr Jackson? Blacks suffered big-time under 8 years of Obama; epidemic unemployment; socially and economically going backwards.

Trump will be far better for blacks than Obama  Mr Jackson, I pray that you will get your head together. Please stop being a puppet, continuing democrats’ decades of deceiving and exploiting blacks to keep them voting democrat.

Mr Jackson, please start proclaiming the truth to black youths, “do what I did and you can have what I have.” Samuel L. Jackson’s net worth is approximately $165 million.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Author: “Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America.”

Singer/Songwriter and Conservative Activist

© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Leftists Are Mean And Full Of Hate

Mary and I are in Georgia working to stop Nancy Pelosi’s far-left-radical hand puppet Jon Ossoff from stealing the GOP congressional seat vacated by Tom Price who is our new Secretary of HHS.

Our numerous Conservative Campaign Committee initiatives include waving signs on street corners. Folks, it is not pretty. While the majority of drivers honk their horns in favor of the GOP keeping the seat, Leftist Ossoff motorists are aggressive, mean-spirited and vicious, screaming at us across busy intersections, “F*** you!” and “Go F*** yourselves!” They are angry and filled with hate.

Ironically, Leftists are always accusing conservatives of being intolerant and mean-spirited. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Leftists hate and disrespect the U.S. Constitution and voters who disagree with them. Arrogantly, Leftists feel justified in cussing us out with impunity.

As a veteran black conservative Tea Party activist with 8 years and 500 Tea Party rallies under my belt, I can testify that our side does not behave like rude, crude and violent liberals behave. My mind flashed back to when I was on a national bus tour. Andrew Breitbart and our Tea Party Express tour bus were egged by viscous Leftists. On another occasion, a Leftist smashed a beer bottle against our bus and ran away.

Folks, this race is about turnout, turnout, turnout. If Ossoff gets 50% of the vote April 18th, he wins the seat; empowering the Dems anti-Trump narrative. We need Republican voters to turnout to force the race to continue to the June 20th election.

Our CCC team will be back out there on another street corner tomorrow. Please pray for us. Leftists are mean.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Author: “Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America.”

Singer/Songwriter and Conservative Activist

© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

A Dem Win in Georgia Will Cause Huge Backlash

Folks, one the most despicable things about democrats is that they always promote themselves as doing the polar opposite of their true agenda. It is disgusting and evil. Ossoff running for congress in Georgia is a perfect example of what I am talking about.

Ossoff’s website says, “We can be a strong, prosperous, secure nation and stay true to the core American values that unite us.” Insidiously, the reality is the modern Democrat party leadership is repulsed by traditional core American values. And yet, they are trying to pull their standard bait and switch tactic on Georgia voters. We simply cannot allow them to get away with it AGAIN!

The dirty little secret is democrats are actively engaged in demonizing and undermining core American values such as self-reliance, hard work, making right moral choices, education and not thinking you have a right to your neighbor’s hard earned stuff. Americans are the most generous and giving people on the planet. But they object to the government confiscating their stuff and redistributing it among the lazy. And for that, Democrats call Americans mean-spirited and selfish.

Spending over $8 million dolla , the Democrats are busing in operatives from Michigan, New York and North Carolina to help Ossoff in Georgia.

This is a huge deal folks. Ossoff is the face of the Left’s anti-Trump treasonous undermine America movement.

Quoting Mighty Mouse, Here we come to save the day!

My Conservative Campaign Committee team is in route to Georgia from the west coast. Mary and I are in Florida loading up the truck to meet them in Georgia.

Our Miss Lulu will call on you to commit to doing phone-from-home calls. Supporters need simply provide their name and email address and we will have a team member send them a phone list, script, instructions and walk them through the process.

Joe will probably send a fund-raising email asking you to kick in a few bucks.

We need you to help us maximize GOP voter turnout. Because that is what the Democrats have been doing for the past several weeks; quietly investing millions into turning out Democrat “Resistance” voters to try and steal away this GOP seat.

Please help-out wherever you can. This is all hands on deck folks. I am telling you folks, this battle goes beyond right vs left politics as usual. We are in an epic battle of good vs evil.

I feel like singing, “If we can stop them there, we can stop them everywhere, it’s up to you, please come through Ameri-c-c-c-a-a-a!!!”

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much!

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Author: “Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America.”

Singer/Songwriter and Conservative Activist

© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Homeschooling: Restoring Parents’ Right to Raise Their Children as God Intended?

I am a black Tea Party guy; speaker, singer, activist and prolific writer. I became exposed and educated about home-schooled kids while traveling the country on 14 Tea Party national bus tours. Home-schooled kids are strikingly smarter, better educated, calmer and better behaved. I also noticed that every home-schooled kid I spoke with looked me in the eye. They seemed happy with a subtle confidence.

Years ago, I spoke to a class of black students at a Baltimore middle school. I asked each student to state their name. Stunningly, I had to ask several students to repeat their name numerous times before I understood what they were saying. They mumbled. I thought, why would their teacher allow such lazy speech? It is the bigotry of low expectations.

Most parents do not realize that Leftists are at war with traditional America. For decades, they have used public education to brainwash your kids, transforming them into stealth operatives against the principles and values of their parents. Remember when Michelle Obama encouraged students to help the federal government by monitoring family conversations for comments Leftists deem racially insensitive? A Leftist produced anti-gun ad encouraged students to break laws by stealing parents’ guns and handing them over to their teachers; making your kids stealth operatives for the Left’s agenda.

Teaching reading, writing and arithmetic became minor goals a long time ago. The number one priority of public education is producing good liberals. Leftists dominating public education has given us students who hate their country; white kids taught to feel guilty; black kids taught to feel justified in resenting whites. They’re taught that same sex marriage is normal and opposing it is the same as racial bigotry. They’re taught that having babies harm the planet and recycling is saintly. Our kids are also taught that their parents owning guns contributes to gun violence and opposing illegal immigration is racist.

Independent critical thinking has also been removed from public education K through college. Teachers and professors demand total brain-dead submission to their Leftist point-of-view. Free thinking students are demeaned and even physically assaulted by fellow students.

A white friend of mine said her son came home from middle school in tears. He was filled with guilt, taught that his evil white ancestors were extremely mean to native Americans, blacks and women. Today, that white kid is a 20 something year old America hating communist. He believes white males are the greatest source of evil in the world.

My millennial relative planned to visit South Dakota. I suggested she visit Mount Rushmore. She replied venomously, “I wouldn’t cross the street to visit those guys!” Thank you public education’s distorted teaching of U.S. history.

For decades Leftists have used public education and the federal government confiscating your kids to indoctrinate them to embrace their religion of Liberalism while banning the God of Christianity from schools. Speaking of religion, why are public schools teaching the virtues of Islam?

Incredibly, school boards have usurped authority to teach your child to celebrate and even experiment with homosexuality starting in kindergarten. Parents are forbidden to opt out their child. Could anyone have imagined a day in America when teachers and government bureaucrats would mandate that your child be taught the government’s views regarding sex. My late mom would be in the principals office in a flash, “Are you crazy? How dare you!”

The Bible instructs parents, “Train up a child in the way it should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Leftists say screw the Bible and parents, we demand your kids!

In the Bible, when the angels came to visit Lot, Sodomites demanded that Lot turnover the angels that they might have their way with them.

Leftist educators, using the iron-fist of government, demand that parents turnover their kids that they might have their way with them. This is why Leftists are hellbent on criminalizing home-schooling. Remarkably in America, parents have been arrested for home schooling.

Trump’s religious freedom order is a step in the right direction, returning stewardship of children hearts and minds to their parents as God intended.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Author: “Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America.”

Singer/Songwriter and Conservative Activist



Is Trump Making Americans Free to Speak Truth Again?

In Hans Christian Andersen’s classic fairy tale, “The Emperor’s New Clothes”, two con men came to town. The Emperor loved clothes more than anything else. The con-men convinced the Emperor to pay them a huge amount of money to weave him an outfit made with a beautiful unique fabric. They pretended to be hard at work weaving. The con men said any government official who could not see the fabric was unworthy of their office. Anyone else who could not see the fabric was simple minded. On the big day of the unveiling, the Emperor paraded through the city in his new outfit. Fearful of being thought of as unworthy of their office or simple minded, everyone raved about the Emperor’s outfit; the perfect fit, the flow of the fabric and the beautiful colors. A little boy yelled, “The Emperor is naked.”

It is the 2015 ESPN Awards. The hall is filled with the best of the best in sports. “And, the winner of the 2015 Author Ashe Courage Award is Caitlyn Jenner!” The hall erupts with applause. Everyone knows they had better pretend this is wonderful or risk losing their job, branded simple minded and a hater. A little boy is overheard, “Mommy, why is Mr Jenner dressed like a lady?” No a child did not ask such a question, but it is exactly what most in that hall were thinking.

Like the supplicants in the fairy tale, Obama and his Leftist brethren intimidated Americans into not publicly stating obvious truths. Anyone quoting the Genesis view of marriage was toast; losing their job; forced into mind altering therapy; pastors thrown from their pulpits and Christians jailed.

We have been living in this bizarre-o world in which telling the truth is not tolerated. On the one hand we are told gay pride is beautiful. Obama ordered the military to celebrate gay pride. Obama officially declared June LGBT month. Grade school kids are taught to celebrate gay pride. Tens of thousands show up at gay pride parades.

And yet, showing pictures of the triple X debauchery on display in our streets during the gay pride parade will land you in big trouble.

I thought, okay, if this is beautiful, why not feature a few pictures in my article of the routine behaviors in gay pride parades; naked men simulating copulating; two men in a giant penis costume. Readers of my article thought me rude and crude for using those pictures. Thousands of people, families with children witnessed these acts live. We’re told all who do not celebrate this behavior are simple minded and haters. Meanwhile, I caught heck for merely showing pictures of the wonderful event the federal government was mandating that Americans celebrate.

That is how the Left’s game is played. They (fake news media, democrats and Hollywood) paint a beautiful picture of their non-mainstream stance on an issue. Then, they bully us, attacking us as haters whenever we dare to tell the truth or show pictures.

Leftists celebrate abortion as a woman’s right even as late as the day of the baby’s birth. Meanwhile, they claim we hate women if we dare to tell the truth or show pictures. Leftist hate ultrasound and pictures confirming that it is a baby inside the mother. Fox News blocked Matt Drudge from posting a picture of a 21-week-old unborn child reaching its hand out of the womb during a rare operation. Drudge wanted to show its humanity.

Here are more abortion truths that drive Leftists up the wall. Planned Parenthood was founded by racist Margret Sanger to exterminate blacks. PP still targets black neighborhoods. PP was caught chopping up and selling baby body parts for profit; intact heads selling at a premium.

Partial birth abortion is when the abortionist delivers the entire body except for the baby’s head. The abortionist inserts scissors into the back of the baby’s head to kill it. I realize that sounds horrible folks, but it is the truth. Leftists help PP hide these repulsive truths from the masses. If the public saw it, they would be sick and outraged. Over the years, I have noticed that rabid pro-abortion Leftists are outraged whenever someone harms a puppy.

As I said, Leftists are angered by any image confirming that the mother is carrying a baby. Doritos caught heck from Leftists for their Superbowl ad which featured a fetus in ultrasound imaging reacting to its father eating Doritos. Leftists hate ultrasound because when mothers see the truth that its a baby rather than an “unviable tissue mass”, they usually choose life.

Then, there is the black thing. Leftists say you had better not tell the truth about why blacks are suffering in cities controlled by democrats; generational poverty; epidemic school dropouts; high out of wedlock births, over 70% fatherless households; high unemployment and record-breaking black-on-black crime.

All this black suffering is the result of Democrats pardoning blacks of all personal responsibility for their lives. Democrats claim all issues plaguing blacks are the fault of white racist America. This Leftist poisonous lie robs blacks of their personal power by placing their success or failure in the hands of someone other than themselves. Leftists hate this truth. America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to go for it! Period.

Despicably, Leftists lie claiming cops routinely murder blacks. The truth is blacks are killing each other to the tune of 20, 30 and 40 every weekend in cities like Chicago and Baltimore, controlled by democrats for decades.

But Leftists forbid us from telling the truth about black lives. Doesn’t common sense suggest that if Leftists truly cared about black lives, they would relish an honest discussion? Leftists high-tech crucified white TV commentator Bill O’Reilly for compassionately daring to address the real reasons why blacks are suffering. For years, I am routinely excoriated, called an Uncle Tom and a traitor to my race for simply stating truths; petitioning blacks to assume responsibility which equals real black empowerment.

Since Trump’s election, I sense a new positive vibe rapidly spreading across America. I believe Americans are feeling free to speak truth again.

Observations of a Black Guy at the Orlando for Trump Rally

I performed my original song, “We Are Americans” at the Orlando March 4 Trump Rally. It felt like a family reunion seeing patriots from the early days of the Tea Party movement; lots of hugs. The mood of the rally was electric. Everyone was happy, excited and fired-up about President Trump.

To the fake news media and Obama who think their orchestrated lying campaign to destroy Trump is working, I say, “Forget about it! It ain’t workin’!” Trump-mania is alive and well, stronger than ever!

Vendors were selling Trump caps, t-shirts and everything in between including Trump welcome mats. One elderly patriot adorned head-to-toe in red, white and blue Trump paraphernalia told me she feared putting a Trump welcome mat outside her front door. She said it is unfair that we cannot freely support our president without fear of attacks.

The emcee instructed all us speakers to stay close to the stage. However, I knew there were a few speakers ahead of me on the program so I wandered away into the crowd to chat with people.

A white gentleman shared with me his frustration trying to legally bring his foreign wife to the United States. He said after battling incompetence, submitting a mountain of documents and spending $18,000 thus far, his wife still has not been granted entry into the U.S. We talked about the unfairness. He is respecting and adhering to our immigration laws. And yet, Obama opened the flood gates to illegals totally un-vetted, gifting them government freebies unavailable to Americans. I told the brother to hang in there. Trump is cutting bureaucracy.

I met a white woman who is chair of a Republican Club. She said they have been reaching out to blacks in a sincere attempt to add more diversity to their club. She asked my advise. I chuckled and said, “Good luck with that.” I have been trying to get blacks to break their mindless loyalty to the democrats for over a decade. Still, I told the patriot sister to keep trying. With God’s help, suddenly mindsets can change.

I asked a young white kid around 14 years old about the unique flag he was waving; blue with a crescent moon and the word, liberty. The kid was an encyclopedia regarding American flags, giving me the full history. Blown away, I said, “You are way too smart for public school. You have got to be home schooled.” He replied, “Yes sir.” I knew it. In my years of touring the country on 14 Tea Party national bus tours, home schooled kids were strikingly different; calmer, smarter, behaved and well educated. Leftists are at war with parents trying to outlaw homeschooling. Everyone was excitedly buzzing about Trump tweeting about Obama bugging Trump Tower before the election. Enraged fake news, democrats and other leftists bash Trump for tweeting declaring it un-presidential. Clearly, Trump supporters, over 60 million Americans love it. They love Trump speaking directly to them, bypassing Leftist operatives disguised as mainstream media.

An Asian female speaker addressing the crowd said it took her 35 years to become a legal US citizen with the right to vote. She expressed how proud she was to be an American. The audience went nuts. They loved her.

Representatives from Hispanics, women and blacks for Trump spoke from the stage. They were warmly and enthusiastically embraced by the crowd. We were family, united in our love for our country, excited about President Trump and his agenda; putting America first and making her great again. Such was the theme of the day.

I chatted with blacks at the rally to support Trump. Interestingly, they were entrepreneurs. It is funny how when you’re a business person trying to achieve your American Dream, you are well aware of the road blocks placed in your path by high taxes and the government’s tyrannical, absurd regulations.

The biggest thing I noticed at the Orlando for Trump rally was the obvious political growth and political sophistication of the participants. Back in the early days of the Tea Party movement we were naive patriots. We thought we were fighting only against the socialist policies of a left-leaning president and the democrats.

Today, we know our enemies: radical Leftist Obama and his army of thugs; the fake news media; the corrupt Washington DC political establishment (Republicans and Democrats); and NeverTrumps – united in their mission to destroy Trump’s presidency.

We the People are politically well educated and well-organized. We are spiritually, emotionally and intellectually locked and loaded, really for battle – really to support and defend our new president.

Please continue moving forward, Mr President. We the People have your back!

Trump’s Speech Exposes the Sickness of the Democrat Party

While piddling around in my work shop, I heard this sound bite on the radio of Trump talking about his upcoming speech to congress that evening.

President Trump said, “All I can do is speak from the heart and say what I want to do.” I thought, “Wow, what a concept.” Involved as an activist in the business of politics since 2008, I can tell you that Trump has been a laughing stock in the political arena ever since he announced he was running for the presidency.

Look at this clown. He doesn’t behavior like a politician. He doesn’t even know how to speak like a professional politician. No, Trump is just a guy who does not talk down to us and does not ramble on and on with a bunch of intellectual sounding crap. In the black hood where I come from, we called it jive. Obama was a masterful jive talker.

Folks, I relate to Trump because I do not know how to sound smart the way liberals do while advocating insane, evil and ungodly nonsense. My dad is a preacher. My late mom was a domestic worker. They taught all five of their kids to trust God, be responsible, hard work and always try to do the right thing. Thus, I do not know how to sound like a politician. My instincts are to look people in the eye, speak from the heart and tell the truth.

Trump’s down to earth, straight talk nature is exactly why 60 something million Americans have bonded with him. Meanwhile, political snobs and fake news media still do not get it. The political establishment, Obama’s army of domestic terrorists and fake news media will continue using their standard tried and true tactics to destroy Trump. They will fail.

Watching Trump address Congress, it struck me, “Oh my gosh, every common sense thing Trump says he intends to do beneficial to America is vehemently opposed by the democrats.” What on earth has happened to my dad’s Democrat Party? My fellow Americans, our greatest threat is not ISIS. It is the Democrat Party.

Here are just a few Trump putting America first promises that have enraged democrats, launching a scorched earth policy to stop him.

A new national pride is sweeping across our nation.” Democrat controlled public schools have been teaching our kids that patriotism is racist.

All the nations of the world—friend or foe—will find that America is strong, America is proud, and America is free.” Remember Obama touring the world apologizing for our greatness?

We’ve financed and built one global project after another, but ignored the fates of our children in the inner cities of Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit—and so many other places throughout our land.” As an American who happens to be black, it baffled me for years why black democrats seemed content with cities they control like Chicago, Baltimore and Detroit becoming hellholes of black poverty and black on black crime. Then, it dawned on me. Democrat blacks are not black. They are first and foremost liberals who seek power via government control and dependency.

We’ve defended the borders of other nations, while leaving our own borders wide open, for anyone to cross—and for drugs to pour in at a now unprecedented rate.” Democrats believe America is too white. They want open borders to attract future democrat voters of color.

Our military will be given the resources its brave warriors so richly deserve.” The Democrat Party leadership are old hippies, flower children who hate our military and guns.

We have begun to drain the swamp of government corruption by imposing a 5 year ban on lobbying by executive branch officials –- and a lifetime ban on becoming lobbyists for a foreign government.” Folks, taking the power away from the DC cartel and giving it back to We the People as our Founders intended has Trump atop the excrement list of both political parties.

We have withdrawn the United States from the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership.” Democrats hate this. Who do we think we are?

…my Administration has answered the pleas of the American people for immigration enforcement and border security. By finally enforcing our immigration laws, we will raise wages, help the unemployed, save billions of dollars, and make our communities safer for everyone. We want all Americans to succeed –- but that can’t happen in an environment of lawless chaos. We must restore integrity and the rule of law to our borders.” Folks, democrats say screw the law, screw jobs and screw national security. They want as many unskilled government dependent illegals flooding across our borders as possible. Obama spent a whopping $113 billion, $1,117 each, settling illegals into our country, priming them to become democrat voters.

We’ve heard much about Trump’s narcissism. Call me crazy because I don’t see that when I watch and hear him speak. I see a man aware and humbled by the job placed upon his shoulders, committed to getting it done; committed to keeping his campaign promises; committed to making America great again.

The left campaign to destroy Trump will fail

I’ve heard that making sausage is a pretty messy, ugly and unpleasant process to witness. Well so is implementing real change in Washington DC. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I believe God gave us Trump because I do not believe a pro-politician could pull off dismantling so many Leftist sacred cow strongholds at the lighting speed at which Trump is moving.

I remember Bahamian actor Sidney Poitier saying when he came to America he simply pursued his dream, undeterred by supposed limits for blacks. Consequently in 1964, Poitier became the first black to win an Academy Award for Best Actor.

Political outsider Trump is cleaning up the mess, undeterred by corrupt DC establishment procedures designed to continue the status quo. Consequently, we have Scott Pruitt fixing the overreaching anti-business tyranny of the EPA. We have Jeff Sessions who will implement equal justice for all Americans, unlike Obama’s attorneys general. One said he would not prosecuted fellow blacks. The other supports Black Lives Matter’s infamous lie that cops are racist. Leftists’ heads are exploding because new Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos vows to ensure that every child receives a quality education.

While some of the rude, crude and violent illegal actions of Leftist anti-Trump protesters is organic, the vast majority of it is paid for by America hating billionaire, George Soros. From the airport protests to the Women’s March to Black Lives Matter murdering cops and numerous other incidents of chaos in our streets, Soros is the money man behind the curtain. Soros is also tied to the Left’s campaign to impeach Trump.

Even before Trump took his oath of office, the Left launched their immoral, unethical and lawless 1,460-day (four-year) plan to destroy Trump. The Left intends to block Trump from implementing everything we elected him to do.

Despite Leftists cautioning their side to tone down their over-the-top hysteria, the Left’s rabid opposition to Trump continues to escalate to absurd levels. It’s a bright sunny day. If Trump comments about it, the Left will try to convince the public that it is raining, and Trump lied about the sun.

I submit that the Left can not tone down their brain-dead emotion-driven foot-stomping temper tantrums because it is who they are. It is like the old joke, “I helped you because you promised not to bite me. Why did you bite me?” The snake replied, “I’m a snake. It’s what I do.”

When Education Secretary Betsy DeVos showed up for work, she was attacked by protesters. One jerk even stood in front of DeVos’ car when she tried to leave. Folks, the Left is going to pull this crap every day for the next 4 years. When Leftists push free speech to breaking the law and destroying public and private property, I say lock their derrieres up! Thank God. Finally, a Republican administration that is doing just that.

The Left’s goal is to cement their lie that a majority of Americans regret voting for Trump and hate his agenda. In other words, they hope to “Bush” Trump. Relentless unchallenged distortions and lies about President George W. Bush caused his approval to plummet to 33% when he left office. Clearly, the Left has begun their triple-the-intensity campaign to do even worse damage to Trump’s approval.

All seeking to see America made great again (patriots) must pull out all the stops, using their creativity and every tool at their disposal to counter the Left’s tsunami of anti-Trump and anti-Trump agenda lies.

The Left relentlessly and creatively sold us their far-left-radical Trojan Horse disguised in the form of an articulate black man. From Greek columns in the background when he spoke, extra reverb on his microphone to kindergartners mandated to sing of his greatness, the Left practically branded Obama a deity. As part of Black History Month indoctrination, kindergartners were taught to sing, “Barack Obama is the man” and “He’s our man, yes we can!”

In celebration of capitalism and the entrepreneur spirit, it would be fun to see kids start Trump Lemonade stands.

Folks, the Left still does not get it. They do not understand the Trump Revolution. I realized something was amiss during the campaign. I witnessed thousands of Americans of all stripes from well-dressed white seniors to black bikers covered in tattoos waiting in line, enduring 85 degree Florida heat and sun, hoping to get into the Trump rally at Daytona Beach Convention Center.

If we are relentless in expressing our support for Trump implementing his 100 day plan, the Left’s efforts to “Bush” Trump via chaos in our streets, fake news and violence with fail.

Oh, one last point. I’ve heard concerns that the Left will react violently if we resume Trump rallies. Well, I am sorry folks, but freedom “ain’t” free. As a matter of fact, God has designed life in such a way that anything worth having requires backbone and risks.

Are you guys ready? Great! Let’s roll!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Superbowl Sunday in Charm city

My 89 year old black preacher dad’s heart attack had Mary and me rushing from Florida to Baltimore Maryland. Dad is doing fine. Praise God.

While in town, I visited my 60 something year old cousin in the hospital suffering with diabetes. They amputated half his foot. Sadly, he is scheduled for them to amputate his leg up to his knee. What do you say to someone who is about to lose their leg? I prayed for wisdom. My visit with him was wonderful. It strengthen my resolve to seriously deal with my challenges with the disease.

Dad was out of the hospital. I dropped in at his home to discover Dad was hosting a Superbowl party. His home was filled with black seniors from his church. Dad proudly introduced me as his eldest son. They were all Democrats and Falcons fans.

The conversation turned to education. Surprisingly, a guest said she thought it was wrong for schools to allow black students to speak Ebonics rather than insisting they learn English. She said keeping blacks ill-equipped to enter the work force is a form of slavery. Excited, I chimed in, “Amen Sister! It is insulting to think blacks are too stupid to learn English.” I explained that the Left always seeks to lower standards for blacks. I continued, “Back in 1952 when dad broke the color barrier to become a Baltimore City firefighter, all he asked for was an opportunity to compete. He did not ask that they lower a single standard for him.” I said dad won Firefighter of the Year two times. Dad beamed hearing me brag on him in front of his friends.

After visiting my dad, I arrived at my brother’s home just before kickoff of the Super Bowl. A family millennial said he heard the Falcons playbook mysteriously disappeared and suddenly returned. He cited Patriots’ scandals, spy gate and deflate gate. Thus, he concluded the Patriots win because they always cheat. The truth is the Patriots win because they are a well-oiled machine, disciplined and masterfully coached.

I explained to my brother that our young relative believed what is known in politics as a false narrative. Obsessed with destroying Trump, the fake news media has launched at least 16 stories (false narratives) against Trump. The fake news media relentlessly sells the public false narratives. For example: I heard on the local news that January 2017 was a record-breaking month of Baltimore homicides, 32 in 31 days (blacks murdering blacks). Ignoring the facts, the fake news media has convinced many Baltimore blacks that police are their greatest Nemesis.

Traveling back home to Florida, we stopped in West Virginia to visit Mary’s mom and look for a home to purchase. It is time to move closer to family. West Virginia is only a few hours from my dad in Baltimore.

We bunked at Mary’s sister and her husband’s home. My brother-in-law said when they moved to West Virginia, he received his Democrat voter card immediately at the DMV when he got his West Virginia driver’s license. In took several weeks for his wife’s Republican voter card to arrive in the mail.

I said my dad taught me as a child that the democrats were for the little guy working man and the republicans were for the rich. I told my brother-in-law that lifelong Democrats like my dad and Mary’s mom do not realize that the Democratic Party has changed. It has become the party of every anti-God, anti-American and wacko group.

I told him about the Democrat supported Black Lives Matter rally at which an anti-Trump protester delivered an F-bomb filled rant against whites over the megaphone. The protester instructed the crowd, “We need to start killing people!”

I told my brother-in-law that Democrats control school curriculum. Starting in kindergarten, students are taught to not only embrace, but be “open-minded” to experimenting with homosexuality. An elementary student explained the lesson to his fellow students. “Let’s say it’s like a new kind of vegetable or something. If you’re not very open minded then you won’t try it.” Democrat judges are decreeing that parents are not permitted to opt out their children.

My brother-in-law was shocked.

A final note about the Superbowl. I watched it with my brother who has coached kids football for 30 years. He said NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell suspending Patriots’ quarterback Tom Brady for 4 games over deflated footballs was nonsense. We agreed that Brady is hated for political reasons. Not only is Brady a Trump supporter, he is handsome, married to a model and a winner. Leftists are repulsed by such success, viewing it as unfair.

My brother said it would be sweet if the Patriots won the Superbowl forcing Goodell to present Brady with the championship trophy. When Goodell presented the trophy to Robert Kraft, owner of the Patriots, fans practically booed Goodell off the stage. He kept his presentation speech extremely brief. I loved it.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

The leftist crazies are back

Quoting Yogi Berra, “It’s like deja-vu, all over again.” Now that the Republicans are back in power the Left (democrats, Hollywood and mainstream media) have dusted off all their old rude crude tactics in an attempt to brand America a hellhole of discontentment, pain, suffering and unfairness.

Obamacare caused Cancer patients to lose their life-saving doctors. Millions of Americans lost health care plans they were happy with which Obama promised they could keep. He lied. Blacks suffered big-time under Obama, moving backwards.

Americans on food stamps skyrocketed from 31.9 million to 47.6 million under Obama. Ninety-seven million Americans left the labor force under Obama.

To seduce new future democrat voters, Obama produced TV commercials for Spanish soap operas to encourage illegals to apply for food stamps. Meanwhile, Americans struggled to make ends meet. Expanding the definition of disability shot costs to $200 billion a year while cutting assistance to real disabled Americans.

Yes, there was real pain and suffering under Obama. And yet, fake news portrayed Obama’s regime as 8 years of sweetness and light. The Left’s daily lie was if mean white racist Republicans in congress had only cooperated with him, Obama could have done so much more. The truth is congress did cooperate, fearful of opposing the first black president.

Within hours of Trump taking the oath of office, Leftists were out in full force behaving like vulgar lawless maniacs. Suddenly, Trump is an evil lord making everyone’s life miserable. Leftists began fund-raising, 40 mil thus far, to impeach Trump. Their henchmen began physically and politically beating up any and everyone they discover voted for Trump.

This headline really got my goat. “Girls Scouts Under Fire for Marching in Trump’s Inaugural Parade”

Folks, this is the kind of deplorable arrogant bullying from the Left that we have passively tolerated for far too long. C’mon, beating up on the girl scouts? Really? The Left pulls this crap because they can. My political activism began around 2008. Since then, all I have heard from experts on our side is do not push back too hard, less we make Leftists angry and we get negative press. News flash, fake news demonizes us even when we do nothing.

Remember that best-seller, “All I Really Needed to Know, I learned in Kindergarten”? I was a small kid. When bullies in our Baltimore projects confiscated my lunch money, cousin Jimmy got in their faces. The bullying ended. This is how we must deal with Leftist bullies. I love Trump’s zero-tolerance with being slandered by fake news. Trump’s Chief-of-Staff Reince Priebus proclaimed, “We’re not going to sit around and take it.”

Now, about that demeaning anti-Trump women thing in DC. Fake news claimed half a million women showed up. It was awful folks, triple X rated. Leftist media celebrated and normalized profanity, deviancy and vulgarity. With kids in the audience, Madonna repeatedly dropped F bombs and told president Trump to “suck a d***.” Ashley Judd ranted about bloody sheets and tampons. Thousands of women wore hats they described as “p**** hats” at the rally. Unbelievably, Trump’s life was boldly threatened from the podium. One protest sign read, “Black Trans Queer Lives Matter.” I thought, how many of them are there in the world? Ten?

Call me crazy, but what are these women so upset about?

For crying out loud, Leftists have branded maleness a mental illness. Fathers are disrespected and portrayed as idiots in sitcoms and movies. Women dominate college campuses because guys refuse to stomach being told what jerks they are in forced feminist “re-education” courses. Though fake news ignores it, there is an aggressive feminist War on Masculinity. Women have confided in me their discomfort watching football with the players running around wearing pink.

Leftist media glorified a lesbian couple for trying to feminize “queer” their 17 month old baby boy, forcing him to wear tutus. The parents admitted, “he hates it.” The couple says they are frustrated by their son’s male tendencies.

I ask again, what on earth was that mob of crazies in DC so angry about? Women hold 60% of personal wealth, 51% of stocks in the US and live longer. And, they own most of the shoes.

I am black. I cannot imagine waking up, looking at myself in the bathroom mirror and saying, “Hey big guy, America is really screwing you. Spend 3 grand traveling to DC to protest.”

Folks, the insane out-of-control anti-Trump protesters are a minority. Trump’s landslide electoral victory proves that. Still, we can no longer allow breaking the law and bullying people with impunity.

Cousin Jimmy went nose to nose with my Nemesis, “Leave Peanut alone!” The cowardly bullies obeyed.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Please Mr. President, stay who you are

A few days before Inauguration day, my 89 year old black preacher dad said God is responsible for Trump becoming president. I thought about the scripture in which God says, “My ways are not your ways.” Frustrated with Obama declaring America no longer a Christian nation while cramming the Left’s ant-God and anti-America agenda down our throats, millions have been intensely praying for our country. If I were God, I would have answered Americans’ prayers by making Ted Cruz president. But God is smarter than me.

Trump is exactly what America needs at this point in time. No traditional politician could get away with confronting anti-American Leftist operatives in the media, calling out Washington establishment corruption and boldly vow to put America first. Few Republicans would have the cojones to even try.

As usual despicable Leftist media distorted Trump’s awesome Inaugural Address, saying Trump’s speech was reminiscent of Hitler.

Meanwhile, Americans were crying tears of joy. They have not heard such common sense patriotism in a very, very long time. The Left still does not understand who they are dealing with in Trump and why We the People chose him over Hillary. Standard Leftist tactics for silencing, destroying, intimidating and blocking Republicans (calling them racist, sexist and homophobic) have failed miserably on Trump.

Unlike most pro politicians, Trump has not been neutered in the politically correct school of politicking 101. Our 45th president is simply a patriotic brilliant businessman following his instincts to make America great again.

Here are a few vows Trump made in his Inaugural Address that are as repulsive to the Left as showing Dracula the cross.

“…we are transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you, the American People.”

“This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.”

“From this day forward, a new vision will govern our land. From this moment on, it’s going to be America First.” Them’s fightin’ words to the Left (Democrats, Hollywood and mainstream media).

“We will get our people off of welfare and back to work…” The Democrats’ insidious scheme is to always hand out more welfare checks, getting as many Americans as possible addicted, enslaved and dependent upon government.

“I will fight for you with every breath in my body — and I will never, ever let you down.”

“For many decades, we’ve enriched foreign industry at the expense of American industry; subsidized the armies of other countries while allowing for the very sad depletion of our military; we’ve defended other nation’s borders while refusing to defend our own; and spent trillions of dollars overseas while America’s infrastructure has fallen into disrepair and decay.” Leftists barfed.

“America will start winning again, winning like never before.” Leftist heads exploded.

Trump vowing to govern according to the best interest of our country is basic common sense. And yet, it sounded extraordinary and cause for celebration because Obama’s governing has been the complete opposite.

I strongly encourage President Trump to stay who he is. Keep fearlessly pushing back when attacked by deplorable racially divisive democrat hacks like John Lewis and Maxine Waters.

Keep tweeting Mr President. It is a highly effective way to speak directly to the American people, bypassing democrat operatives disguised as mainstream media.

By the way, I LOVED it when Trump exposed CNN as a propaganda outlet, calling them fake news during his press conference. sunk to a new low, incredibly sowing seeds to inspire the assassination of Trump. This is why it blows my mind that some on our side are offended that Trump does not play by the Left’s dictates for Republican behavior. Trump realizes that it is absurd to respect, try to reason or work with unreasonable evil people obsessed with plotting your demise.

Extreme times require extreme measures. It is not the case that the Left loves America, but simply disagrees about how to make her great. The Left hates America and is repulsed by Trump’s desire to make her great. Therefore, the Left must be defeated.

Mr President, please to do not succumb to the Left’s mantra that you should dial-back your behavior; becoming more presidential. This is their trap to control you; trick you into abandoning your instincts which won you the presidency with a majority of Americans in your corner, watching your back.

Bottom line: Mr President, We the People are with you. Please, please, please stay who you are. God bless you and your family. And may God continue blessing America!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Supporting Trump through Inauguration Day

Trump’s Inauguration is less than a day away. While president elect Trump appears to be extraordinarily strong dealing with the tsunami of 24/7 vitriol launched at him from the Left and Washington establishment, he is still a human being.

The Bible says when Moses grew tired, “Aaron and Hur held his hands up–one on one side, one on the other–so that his hands remained steady till sunset.”

Folks, it is extremely crucial that we hold Trump’s hands up through Inauguration day. The Left is incensed over the prospect of Trump emancipating us from their 8 years of dictatorial slavery. As delusional as this sounds, the Left hopes to block Trump from being sworn in as the 45th president of the United States.

Numerous left-wing wacko groups including paid protesters vow to ”shut down” the Inauguration.

Nut case, Rosie O’Donnell wants to impose martial law to delay Trump’s Inauguration.

Joseph Goebbels said, “If you tell a big lie enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” The Left is relentlessly repeating their huge lie that the Russians hacked the election. They want Americans to believe Russia tampered with the vote count, stealing the election from Hillary. The Left’s lie is absurd.

Concluding that no gutter tactic is too low to stop Trump, CNN and BuzzFeed partnered in promoting an unverified bogus claim that Trump hired prostitutes to urinate on a hotel bed slept in by Michelle and Obama. Yes folks, this is how disgusting and evil the Left’s insanity to block Trump has become.

As I said, at the heart of the Left’s panic, fear and rage is the prospect of Americans liberated from 8 years of Leftists forcing their far-left radical, anti-God, anti-America and anti-traditional values agenda down our throats.

Pray for our president folks. Let’s all join together and hold his hands up high.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Left’s mission accomplished: blacks torturing whites

Upon hearing that 4 blacks kidnapped and tortured a disabled white man, I wanted to say to the Left (Democrats, mainstream media, Hollywood and Black Lives Matter), “Mission accomplished.” The 4 pieces of pond-scum forced their white hostage to say f*** Trump and f*** white people.

Folks, make no mistake about it. While some on the Left claim to be upset, this is exactly the hate and violence they hope to generate throughout Trump’s entire presidency. A farmer does not plant corn and then is surprised when stalks of corn begin to grow. The Left has been planting seeds of racial hate and division ever since white America elected Obama. Why? Because the Left needed to be able to scream “racism” whenever anyone opposed Obama (their Trojan Horse) implementing their far-left-radical socialist/progressive agenda.

Leftist billionaire George Soros gave Black Lives Matter $33 million to wreck havoc in our streets; sowing seeds of racial paranoia, fear and hate. The Leftist Ford Foundation pledged $100 million to Black Lives Matter to sow lies about cops and whites. And what did BLM do? BLM declared it “open season” on killing cops and white people.

Leftist Hollywood idiot director, Quentin Tarantino planted hate in blacks at an anti-cop rally calling cops murderers of blacks.

Obama irrigated fields of discord planted by the New Black Panther Party when his DOJ allowed the hate group to illegally offer a $10k bounty for George Zimmerman.

Despite evidence confirming that Michael Brown was shot while attacking a police officer, Leftist media relentlessly nurtured the lie that the black youth was shot while surrendering with his hands up, yelling, “Don’t shoot.”

The Democrat Party doubled down using their “white-cop-murdered-Brown-lie” as fertilizer to feed their seeds of hate planted in the minds of black Americans. The Democrats despicably invited Brown’s mom to speak at their national convention.

As a decent human being, you are probably asking, “Lloyd, why would Democrats sow lies to grow racial hate in black Americans?” Answer: The more the Left can get blacks hating and fearing cops and whites, the more blacks will vote for Democrats. The more Democrats in government, the more the Left can force its wacko agenda on Americans.

When voters blew the Left’s mind by selecting Trump over Hillary, the Left tripled down on their sowing seeds of hate and fear, fertilizing their seeds with fowl smelling evil lies. Upon Trump winning the WH, the Left immediately hired Trump protesters to riot, paying them $1500 per week.

How could the Left relentlessly sow seeds of fear and hate 24/7 and not expect a harvest of attacks on innocent whites and assassinations of police? Do not be fooled folks. The Left is ecstatic that they are reaping exactly what they planted; black rage and violence against cops, whites, Trump, his voters and America.

Will this horrific incident of blacks torturing a disabled white man cause the Left to abandon lying, sowing seeds of hate, fear and violence? Quite the opposite. The Left is fast and furiously seeking new ways to broadcast their seeds of destruction to greater audiences. This is the satanic evil we are dealing with folks.

All one needs to know about the Left is implementing their socialist/progressive, anti-God, anti-America and anti-traditional-values agenda trumps everything. National security, national race relations and American lives are deemed acceptable collateral damage.

Meanwhile, these evil people receive high marks for compassion. The reality is Leftists have no regard for individuals, viewing them as mere pawns for furthering their agenda. Leftists stomp the life out of anyone preventing them from shoving their evil agenda down the throats of the masses.

Now is the time to call-out the Left and defeat them.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

We’re with you President Trump, Louisiana here we come

During his amazing speech at his Thank You USA Rally, president elect Trump said what Americans have been desperately longing to hear since the day mega-millions cast their vote for Obama.

“For too long Washington has tried to put us in boxes. They separate us by race, by age, by income, by geography, by place of birth. We spend too much time focusing on what divides us. Now is the time to embrace the one thing that truly unites us. You know what that is? America!”

Imagine the awesome impact of these unifying words had they come out of the mouth of Obama 8 years ago, America’s first black president.

As a black man who despises the Left’s on-going campaign to keep Americans divided into supposed victimized voting blocs, Trump’s words were beautiful music to my ears.

President Trump also humbly said We the People are the movement and that he is only the messenger. Trump called upon us to help him make America great again; make America first.

I am with you Mr President. My Conservative Campaign Committee is on our way to Louisiana. The Left is desperately trying to deceive Americans into believing Trump does not have a mandate to hit-the-brakes and turn America’s bus around from continuing down Obama’s road to making America last. Therefore, Democrat’s have pumped over $2 million into the December 10th U.S. Senate Louisiana runoff race between Republican John N. Kennedy and Democrat leftist-radical Obama minion Foster Campbell.

The mission our CCC team has chosen to accept is to go into Louisiana and secure a rock-solid in-your-face victory for Kennedy. Thus, Kennedy’s strong victory will help thwart the Left’s lie that Trump does not have a mandate. Any help you can give us would be awesome; phone-from-home and etc. The election is less than a week a way.

Oh, our CCC team also plans to enjoy some great Louisiana gumbo.

“I’m melting!” cried the Wicked Witch after Dorothy threw a bucket of water on her. It appears buckets of millions of anti-Hillary pro-Trump votes have not been able to destroy America’s Wicked Witch of the West, Hillary Clinton. This deplorable woman simply will not go away.

While Jill Stein is the public face of the 3 state recount scheme to steal the election from We the People, Hillary is behind it. Leaving no unprecedented conniving stone un-turned to thwart the will of voters, Wicked Witch Hillary has implemented, “Operation Rub-Out the Electors.” Her people sent threatening letters to electors trying to bully them to go against the will of voters in their states by not voting for Trump on December 19th. Imagine Wicked Witch Hillary’s behind closed-doors temper tandem, “Screw you voters, I’m taking this @%&#@*% election!”

Hillary’s delusional plots to overturn the election are also about branding Trump’s victory illegitimate; furthering the Left’s lie that Trump does not have a mandate. And may I say the Left is pulling out all the stops to destroy/undermine Trump’s presidency even before the man is inaugurated. You can not turn on your TV without being bombarded with a tsunami of news shows attacking Trump, putting a negative spin on his character, decisions and intellect.

This is the same media that gave Bill Clinton a pass, claiming any president offered oral sex from an intern would have gleefully accepted it. The same media that had no problem with Obama lying to Americans about keeping their doctor and giving our enemy $150 billion to fund terrorism. The same media that could not care less about Hillary’s documented lies, multiple crimes and scandals.

Wacko black Democrat talking head operative Symone Sanders was on TV claiming Trump saying “make America great again” is racist, taking us back to slavery. This woman is insane. She is spewing the absurd crap from the Left we have been putting up with for 8 years.

Meanwhile, political brainy-acs on both sides still do not understand why We the People excitedly rallied behind alpha-male Trump. All we wanted was a leader with the courage to say, “Enough!”

Ms Sanders and her ilk should be rejected and thrown on the putrid smelling junk-heap of Leftist divisiveness to rot in the bright sunlight of freedom, liberty and national brotherhood. Folks, I am so done with these evil people on the Left.

We the American People have your back President Trump. Go for it brother! We are with you all the way! Thanks and God Bless!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2016 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Restoring free speech: The Trump effect

Years ago, Rush Limbaugh coined the term, “Low-info Voters.” The term perfectly describes Americans, like 95% of my family, who only get their news from the mainstream media. Consequently, low-info voters do not know that the mainstream media is not fair and balanced. The mainstream media has become strong-arm enforcers of political correctness and operatives of the Democrat Party; 100% focused and committed to furthering the socialist/progressive agenda.

Yes, I remember when I was a kid my black Baltimore City firefighter dad told me, “The Republicans are for the rich and the Democrats are for the little guy; the working man.”

A few years ago, I was able to convince my 89 year old dad that this “ain’t” his Democrat Party of his youth. Dad’s Democrat Party has been hijacked by old hippies. They reject Christianity while vowing to arrest anyone speaking badly of Islam. They use public schools to teach our kids to despise all things traditional, wholesome, patriotic and good.

They are the ones who have, for the most part, made it criminal to publicly say you believe marriage should remain as it has been for thousands of years and how God intended; between one man and one woman (Genesis 2:24). They are the ones banning Nativity scenes and banning saying “Merry Christmas.”

They are the ones banning teachers addressing students as boys and girls, claiming gender distinctions are intolerant, discriminatory and bigoted. They are the ones pushing the extinction of blacks via a disproportionate high number of black abortions. This it why it continues to frost me when low-info idiots in my black “Christian” family continue to pledge their brain-dead loyalty to Democrats while calling me their Uncle Tom relative.

The Left uses a highly effective tactic. They brand any push-back to them cramming their progressive agenda down our throats “extremism.” This tactic works great with so many low-info voters.

Here is how it works. The Left says they want burly men with beards, dressed like lumberjacks to be permitted to use women restrooms if they inwardly feel like a woman that day. Husbands, fathers and brothers across America politically said, No-way. We are not allowing grown men in restrooms with our little girls, wives and mothers.

Government mandating this insane restroom policy and Leftist businesses like Target embracing it has led to rapes and molestation in women restrooms. And yet, guess who the mainstream media and Democrats attack, calling them extremist? Answer: All who oppose men in women restrooms. In an attempt to demonize and silence American’s common-sense disagreement, the Left claims anyone opposing men in women restrooms hates homosexuals and want to see them tortured and murdered.

If you oppose the Left removing crosses from memorials, removing the Ten Commandments from public buildings, banning Nativity scenes and banning saying “Merry Christmas”, the Left claims you’re an extremist who hates homosexuals, suppresses women and want to cram your religion down everyone’s throat. Do you see how the Left’s extremism tactic works? They are the aggressors, but call you an extremist when you simply say, “No.”

Clearly, the Left has launched a pedal-to-the-metal campaign to cram their progressive agenda down our throats. For example: A Zales jewelry TV commercial featured a lesbian wedding. Homosexuals are only 2% of the population. So why is featuring a lesbian wedding necessary? Fearful to admit it, most Americans still instinctively know marriage is between one man and one woman. But if they dare say it out loud, the Left will try to destroy them by branding their belief in tradition and biblical teaching extreme; outrageously claiming they hate homosexuals and want to see them tortured and murdered.

The Left’s tactic of branding the slightest opposition “extremism” has silenced many. I believe Trump in the WH has already begun liberating Americans from the Left’s tyranny of political correctness; muzzling free speech. I realize the Left will distort my statement to mean Trump has opened the flood gates to express hate. Nonsense.

The truth is Leftists are the ones who boldly and relentlessly spew hate against Jesus, Christians, Republicans, Conservatives (black and white), white people and police. Heck, Leftists have even given marching orders to their minions, declaring it open season on killing whites and police. Have you heard the slightest rebuke from the mainstream media? No.

All I am saying is Trump has Americans timidly coming out from the shadows; feeling a little less afraid of exercising their Constitutional right to express their religious and political views.

And that brothers and sisters is good for all Americans.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2016 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

The myth of racist America

Be honest. In your real-life everyday American experience is racism an issue? I am confident the answer is no. And yet, the Left (Democrats, Black Lives Matter, Hollywood and mainstream media) have convinced many that America is a hotbed of racism where black boys are gunned down by cops for simply “walking black.” Words cannot express my contempt for the Left’s ongoing campaign to spread lies to generate racial hate and divide Americans solely for selfish political gains. The Left poisoning young black minds with their lie that white America is their enemy robs blacks of realizing how blessed they are to be born in the greatest land of opportunity on the planet.

Cops shooting blacks are rare. When a cop does shoot a black, the cop is usually black or Hispanic. On the other hand, blacks are routinely killing each other in record numbers in major cities run by democrats.

Is there racism in America? Absolutely! Racism will exist along with every other sin under the sun until Jesus takes us home. But, is racism really an issue in the lives of most Americans? Absolutely not. Despite the Left’s efforts to make everything about race, the truth is Americans of all races work and play together extremely well.

Black seniors are prone to experiencing “racism paranoia.” I am in my late sixties. Did I just say that out loud? I remember suffering racism in my youth. Consequently, there have been situations in which I found myself anticipating racism only to be greeted with warmth and hospitality. I know blacks my age and older who are suffering racism paranoia; imagining racism in every situation, accusing innocent white store clerks and etc.

It is amazing how the Left so easily uses racism paranoia and lies to keep blacks believing their lie that white America hates them. For example, an over sixty year old relative of mine says she supports Black Lives Matter because of racism targeted at her late husband 60 years ago. Her reasoning is absurd. Shouldn’t having a black man in the WH tell her America is not the country it was 60 years ago? And yet, she enthusiastically devoured the Left’s divisive poison like a brain-dead zombie hungry for brains.

The tragedy of her irrational thinking is it keeps blacks voting for democrats. Despite 50 years of democrats controlling cities and promising to make things better, blacks are suffering more than ever; 40% of black males drop out of high school, record black unemployment under Obama, and 72% of black kids are raised in fatherless households. A whooping 93% of black homicide victims are killed by other blacks.

Remarkably, stupid blacks are still allowing the Left to con them into supporting Planned Parenthood, an organization founded to exterminate blacks. Please forgive me for calling them stupid. But their willful ignorance has as my late mom would say, plucked my last nerve.

It is extremely disturbing that black racism against whites has become in vogue; considered cool and enlightened, a virtue of authentic blackness. The Left says if you are black and do not harbor resentment against whites, you are either an Uncle Tom idiot or suffering with Stockholm Syndrome. The Left says whites who do not feel guilty for their birth (white privilege) are redneck, inbred, fly-over-country racist – ripe for government mandated reconditioning/sensitivity training. Don’t laugh folks. This is the evil the Left has been instilling in our kids for decades from kindergarten through college.

Why has white America tolerated Leftist public education abusing their children; teaching them to feel guilty and ashamed of who they are?

Isn’t it interesting that our Leftist controlled government has bullied us into celebrating Homosexual Pride; claiming homosexuals were born that way. And yet, that same government tells white Americans it is racist and soon to be criminal to take pride in the way they were born; the race God chose for them.

Hollywood produces movies based on the premise that all whites are racist. A lovable, funny black lead character humorously points out white racism, while endlessly joking about how stupid and lame white people are. White characters enlightened of their racist instincts vow to do better. One final joke about stupid white people. Laugh, laugh, laugh! The End. Roll credits.

In 2008 white America overwhelmingly voted to elect the first black president. They were, in essence, saying lets heal this racial divide once and for all. The dirty little secret is the last thing the Left wanted was to bring the races together as one American family. I wish I could get more of my family and other blacks to realize that the American Left are nothing more than cold calculating political grifters, (con artists). These political con artists cruelly exploited the good and trusting nature of Americans by using Obama’s skin-color to silence any opposition to him implementing their far-left radical agenda.

Consequently, Obama has behaved like America’s first king. He ignores the Constitution and laws at will. Republicans are petrified to oppose him. Still, the mainstream media lied, convincing Americans that racist Republicans opposed Obama at every turn.

Realizing they had been conned into electing the Left’s socialist/progressive Trojan Horse, concerned Americans formed the Tea Party. The mainstream media immediately launched its campaign to brand the Tea Party racist. In the minds of far too many black Americans, the media’s false branding stuck.

The Left despicably continues to use the Myth of Racist America to make blacks hate and fear whites and police.

The Left is going crazy because Trump does not submit to their decreed rules of engagement and dictates for acceptable republican behavior; walking on eggshells careful not to offend Leftists. I employ each and every decent American to follow president elect Donald Trump’s lead; call out evil and stand up for what is right. There’s a new sheriff in town.

Folks, I am a black man who loves this country. I know I am incredibly blessed to be born here. My simple desire to see fellow blacks abandon the democrats’ stifling deplorable “you’re a victim lie” and pursue their dreams. Freed black liberal plantation slaves such as I pose a major threat to the Left’s Myth of Racist America; keeping other blacks in check.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2016 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Trump won, but we’re not done

Between eating Turkey, passing out, and eating more turkey, plus pumpkin cheesecake (a dollop of whipped cream on top), I caught the news on TV. It seemed the lead story of every broadcast was Trump is an uncouth two-faced SOB. The incredulous mainstream media is going to bombard us for the next four years, spinning every news story to further the Left’s despicable lie that stupid racist whites elected America’s version of Hitler.

The Left has already begun doubling down on it’s efforts to demonize conservatism and block every attempt to reverse Obama’s illegal far-left radical transformation of our once great nation.

Heads up folks. Step one in the Left’s War Room playbook is to discourage us; convince us that Trump is a fraud who will betray his voters. This is why we are seeing so many Leftist talking heads, the NY Times and other democrat operatives disguised as media claiming Trump is backing away from his campaign promises. Don’t fall for it folks.

These people on the Left are relentless and evil. Yes, I said evil. Most of what they stand for and desire to do is consistently anti-God, anti-America and anti-traditional family and values. They always send the message that God’s original plan and purposes are stupid. They have a much better more sophisticated idea for the way things ought to be. But, I digress.

Even as I speak, Hillary’s camp is still insidiously scheming to steal the presidential election from We the People in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

In an unprecedented sleazy attack, Hillary’s thugs sent threatening letters to electors to bully them into breaking tradition and the law by voting against the will of voters in their states. Hillary’s thugs are trying to strong-arm electors to vote for Hillary on December 19th rather than Trump, the peoples’ choice.

The Clintons are like Jason and Michael Myers in those Friday the 13th and Halloween movies. No matter what was done to kill Jason and Michael; hit them with a train or cutting them up into little pieces, somehow they came back to life. Thus, I am holding my breath until after December 19th. Then, I can rest assured that Hillary is truly politically dead and Trump can begin fixing Obama’s mess; making America great again.

Since 2012, I have served as chairman of The Conservative Campaign Committee. CCC was birthed out of Tea Party Express. CCC’s brilliant executive director, Joe Wierzbicki and president Ryan Gill saw the need for a PAC laser-focused on electing conservatives; mostly House and Senate races. They asked me to come on broad as chairman of CCC.

I like to think of us as the “Wild Bunch”, the title of an old movie. We produce TV and radio campaign ads and utilize social media. We go the unusual extra mile of providing boots on the ground initiatives; organizing phone-from-home, rallies and standing on street corners waving signs; not my wife Mary’s favorite thing because she hates cold weather. We pride ourselves on squeezing every ounce of juice out of our resources, talents and efforts. Win or lose, we know we gave it our all.

Mary and I are still on the road. Post election, our CCC team is working on the Louisiana Special Runoff Election through December 10th, and then on top of that the push-back by Democrats to try and steal the election in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, and then the 100 Day Plan, Supreme Court battles (go Ted Cruz!) and so much more.

My bottom line is yes, Trump won, but we’re not done yet folks. The Left is not going away, abandoning its evil mission to transform America. Think of them as villains Jason and Michael Myers, impossible to permanently annihilate. The Left will relentlessly seek to discourage us at every turn. Even before his inauguration, the Left has begun its shock-and-awe assault to destroy Trump’s presidency. It is vitally important that we remain unaffected by media spin. We must stay engaged, alert and prayed-up.

Like the Carpenters’ song, “We’ve Only Just Begun” the monumental politically bloody battle to reverse Obama’s evil transformation of our country. Crazy people are dangerous. Thus, be prepared for the crazy Left to come at Trump and normal thinking Americans with every evil scheme/attack their perverted brains can conceive.

Three Leftist black thugs beat up an elderly white man including kicks to his face for voting for Trump. A group of Leftist blacks beat up a black female Trump supporter and told spectators not to call an ambulance for her. Black Lives Matters have doubled down on assassinating police. Unprecedented, there have been 60 police officers fatally shot this year, 20 in ambushes. This is pure evil from the pits of hell folks.

We must be ready to legally push back. Quoting English military and political leader Oliver Cromwell, “Trust in God and keep your powder dry.”

My fellow patriots, yes, Trump won. But we have many more miles to go before we can sleep.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2016 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Never Trumpers would rather have Hillary than vote for Trump

This is for you Never Trump people who persist in raking me over the coals for supporting Trump. Your attacks go as followed, “How could you Mr Marcus? I am soooooooooo disappointed in you! You’ve always stood for Christian values, conservatism and character. And yet, you wrote a song, ‘Trump Train’, which encourages people to vote for horrible Donald Trump.”

Dear Never Trumppers, please stop wasting your breath on me. Frankly, with all do respect, I think you guys are the ones who are misguided. You say Trump is rude, crude and unacceptable. Therefore, you will not vote at all, or you will throw away your vote by writing in a candidate. In essence, you are helping to elect the devil incarnate, Hillary Clinton. You guys know Hillary’s lies have caused people to die. You know she will continue to arrogantly and blatantly lie, cause more deaths and get away with it because the democrats own the mainstream media. Oh, but that Trump is so uncouth. Give me a break.

Everyone with half a brain knows electing Hillary equals unleashing an anti-American, Anti-Christian beast upon America, wrecking havoc and laying-waste of our culture as founded.

Talk about groaning and gnashing of teeth across our great land, Hillary boldly proclaims that she will double down on Obama’s nightmare policies and socialist vision for America.

Hillary’s presidency would be, in essence, Obama 2.0.

Obamacare cost will increase as much as 80% and higher after the first of the year, 2017. Rush Limbaugh said Obamacare is an extremely cruel democrat party dirty-trick played on the middle class. They will be unable to afford much of anything after paying their monthly Obamacare bill. And you Never Trump guys want to beat up on me on moral grounds? Would it be moral for me to allow Hillary’s furtherance of Obama’s misery care to reign supreme? God forbid.

Hillary will accelerate the number of babies dying/aborted due to taxpayer funded abortions. Her Royal Hillary-Ness will demand that we promote abortion. Under Hillary’s regime, more Christians will be jailed for refusing to betray their faith. And yet, you guys say your Christian faith prevents you from voting for Trump.

Hillary stands shoulder-to-shoulder with Al Sharpton in strong support of Black Lives Matter. This alliance of evil will cause more cops and innocent whites to be assassinated.

Hillary boldly stated she will bring in a tsunami of illegal aliens, in essence, transforming America into a democrat party ruled welfare socialist Mecca. Send us all your lazy, free-loaders who refuse to assimilate, yearning to over population while white and black Americans abort themselves; takeover our government and kill Americans for religious reasons.

Finally, sensing the horror of Hillary in the WH, Christian media seems in panic mode, pressing believers to vote for Trump. Meanwhile, you guys are willing to let her win because Trump is not conservative enough? I am scratching my head. Your reasoning escapes me.

So, let’s make a deal. I have not and will not get into your face trying to convince you to vote for the candidate who vows to “Make America Great Again!” I respectfully ask that you extend me the same courtesy, not getting into my face scolding me for not surrendering my country to fanatical leftist zealots lead by Hillary Clinton.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2016 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

The left’s lie: no one cares about blue lives?

A few months ago, God laid it upon my heart to launch a Blue Lives Matter Celebration tour to dispel the evil myth that America’s cops murder blacks. This insidious lie is spread by the Left (Hillary, the Obama Administration, democrats, Hollywood and mainstream media). In essence, they have painted a bright red target on the backs of our brave men and women in blue who lay their lives on the line for us every day.

Stats confirm that blacks pose the largest threat to black lives, killing each other in consistently-growing epidemic record breaking numbers. Ironically, stats prove that cops are the biggest defenders of black lives. However, we seem to be living in a time in which facts and truth no longer matter in America; only narrative and political spin for evil political gain. Screw the consequences and toll on human lives.

Our launch Blue Lives Matter event was top-shelf, a great production at the Ocean Convention Center in Daytona Beach, Florida. The mayor proclaimed it “Celebrate The Blue Day” in Daytona.

However, I must confess that I was extremely disappointed. In my mind, encouraging cops and pushing back against lies causing them to be assassinated was a no-brainer issue which everyone would rally behind.

Man, was I wrong. Shockingly, numerous powerful conservative media associates shied away from me. Local Republican, tea party and christian groups which I have had great relationships did not support my efforts for police. Being the overly responsible first born that I am, I took my colleagues’ rejection personal. Despite sending a zillion press releases, not one media outlet showed to cover our event. Though it was a struggle, thank God we raised $5000 to cover the cost of the event. Attendance for the debut event launching our Blues Lives Matter tour was low.

As I was leaving the convention center after packing up everything after the show (set pieces and a banner I painted), an elderly security guard scolded me, “You should have advertised young man! I saw nothing in the newspapers.” I smiled and got into my car.

Did I miss-read God’s leading, telling me to launch a Blue Lives Matter tour? Instantly, I thought, “Stop doubting. You read God correctly.” I thought about Noah who God told to build an ark on dry land. Just because God tells you to do something does not mean everyone is going to rally behind you.

Weeks later, I continued scratching my head wondering why so few seemed interested in supporting police.

Then, I learned of democrat sleaze operative, Bob Creamer’s Leftist tactical handbook, “Stand Up Straight: How Progressives Can Win.” The book exposes how the Left floods the airways with lies to discourage and demonize conservative thought; convincing conservatives that they are the weirdo minority. So, this why so many are afraid to publicly support police.

Dispute the Left’s insidious evil con-game, I am extremely about this recent poll sighting a surge in Americans’ respect for police.

“Three in four Americans (76%) say they have “a great deal” of respect for police in their area, up 12 percentage points from last year.”

I am thankful that God blessed me with a great team of volunteers, speakers and entertainers who made our Blue Lives Matter tour launch a first-class event. They are pumped and ready to go to other states.

With the presidential election in a few weeks, I decided to focus on getting Trump elected. Then, we will plan our next Blue Lives event.

Joe “Super Cop” Sanchez sent me the following: NYPD/FDNY Retirees for Donald Trump.

“With the anti-cop “Blacks Lives Matter” movement and cop-basher Al Sharpton supporting Hillary Clinton for President, a vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for Al Sharpton and the anti-cop “Black Lives Matter” movement.”

Folks, I am fully committed to continuing God’s call to spread the truth about our heroes, America’s police. However, if there was any doubt about the dire-need for what I am doing, check out these attacks on police just in the last few months by shooters who boldly proclaim they “want to kill police officers.” I must remind you that Black Lives Matter has sent out a clarion call to their minions proclaiming it “open season” on killing police and white people.

July 10, 2016: “White Cop Gets Ambushed, Shot During Routine Traffic Stop…”

July 18 2016: “Ballwin Police Officer Ambushed During Traffic Stop is Paralyzed…”

August 26, 2016: “Maryville Police Officer Killed in ‘Ambush’…”

September 7, 2016: “Widow of Ambushed Baton Rouge Cop Reveals She’s Pregnant…”

September 17, 2016: “Suspect Shoots Philly Cop Several Times” – Leaves a note saying he was targeting Philadelphia police officers.

October 6, 2016 (St Louis): “Police Officer Ambushed and Killed…” – 33 years old, leaves behind wife and 2-year-old son.

October 8, 2016: “Three More Cops Ambushed in California…”

October 13, 2016: “11 Cops Ambushed and Shot, 2 in Critical Condition…”

October 17, 2016: “Cops Ambushed in Vallejo”

After the presidential election, we will resume our Blue Lives Matter tour. My wife Mary and I have decided to purchase a state-of-the-art sound system to cut down the cost of our events. We will drive to as many cities as possible; fly when necessary. Please help fund our tour at my website.

As Burke said, “All that is needed for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing.”

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2016 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Trump, Kaepernick and gratitude

A black relative in his late 50s told me I should be more sympathetic of Colin Kaepernick’s grievances with America; more understanding of young blacks dissing their country. I say, “Hogwash!”

My 88 year old black dad might have a reason to dis our National Anthem, but not Kaepernick. Kaepernick is a wealthy bi-racial pro-athlete whom America has been extremely good to. His grievances are rooted in ingratitude and lies promoted by Black Lives Matter.

Dad told me when he was a young Merchant Marine, after several months at sea their ship arrived at a maritime base in St. Petersburg Florida. The crew was extremely excited about their much anticipated shore leave. Then, Dad and his fellow black seaman were told they could not leave the ship due to the town’s curfew for blacks. Dad said his outraged fellow black seaman exploded into an endless rant of cussing. Dad said he cried.

Dad said they were the first blacks to arrive at that base. The two blacks eventually had to leave the ship because it was scheduled for decommission. On that U.S. Maritime base, dad said they had to be accompanied everywhere by body guards. Meals were eaten separate from white seaman. They had to call a black cab company for a ride into town. Blacks could only enter the movie theater via stairs in the back of the building which led to a ticket booth and seating in the balcony.

Dad told me years ago how white seaman on that base trapped and attempted to hang him. White shipmates saved Dad’s life.

Folks, that was real-deal painful racism. Hearing gen-xers and millennial blacks whine about racism is absurd; flat-out nonsense. So no, I do not want to hear Kaepernick’s arrogant and ignorant disrespect, his lack of gratitude for Americans, black and white, who suffered and died paving the way for him.

Blacks are only 12% of the U.S. Population. How does Kaepernick and other arrogant ungrateful young blacks who keep kicking America in the teeth think blacks have risen to power in practically every area of American life; culminating with a black man holding the highest office in the land for the past 8 years? Obviously, a majority of white Americans regret past injustices and sought to make things right.

Some may argue that America is not perfect. The Bible acknowledges that we live in a sinful world. Therefore, nothing is prefect. However, America’s positives far outweigh her negatives. I continue yelling from the rooftops, “America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to go for it!” Cut the victim crap and pursue your dreams!

Pumphrey, the community I grew up in had a banquet honoring my dad who was a pillar of the community. Dad is a great man, but he is a human being. Therefore, he is not perfect. What if at Dad’s banquet a speaker from the podium said this banquet is a sham, spouting negatives intended to bring down Dad’s status? Dad’s guests would be outraged. Pumphrians realize their Rev. Dr Lloyd E. Marcus is not perfect, but his life bears testimony that his good far surpasses his not so good.

We Americans who honestly weigh America’s positives against her negatives feel love and respect for our country. This explains the heartbreak we feel regarding this trend of athletes from the pros down to middle school giving America their middle finger. This is why it is so offensive hearing wealthy, spoil-brat black “yutes” dissing their country based on lies and racist experiences of which they know nothing about.

Though praised by America hating Leftist media, Kaepernick exposed his ignorance when he attacked Trump by saying, “America has never been great for people of color.” What was America when it elected a black man to be president for two terms? What was America when it made a dark-skin over-weight black woman (Oprah) one of the richest most powerful persons in the world?

In the late 1970s, I became the first black graphic designer at a Baltimore TV station. My buddy Joe Ford became the first black Art Director at Baltimore prestigious advertising agency, W.B. Doner. We blacks were pretty peerless in our fields. Today, blacks are present in almost every field of expertise. To say that blacks have not come a long way baby in America is absurd.

From politicians who awarded me scholarships to attend art college to businessmen who hired and mentored me, most of my career stepping stones have been placed ahead of me by whites.

Folks, I could go on and on with examples of how America, which is mostly white, has been extremely good to blacks. We all know and see this reality. And yet, the America hating Left and Black Lives Matter lies rule the day; millennial hearts and minds. Very sad. Devastatingly destructive.

Philosophers, gurus, and spiritual teachers, secular and religious, all tout the wisdom and proven powerful personal benefits of an attitude of gratitude.

The universal proven principle at work is that when one expresses gratitude you attract more good stuff to you.

And yet, the Left (democrats, mainstream media and Hollywood) demeans and belittles grateful American blacks. Blacks who spit in the face of their homeland are considered, cool, brave and enlightened by the Left. The Left says blacks who understand the blessing of being born an American are either stupid or mentally ill suffering with Stockholm Syndrome.

The Left celebrating blacks who dis their country while beating up on blacks who are proud Americans is yet another example of the Left selling blacks another destructive bag of excrement with a bow on it.

Blacks are trending towards voting for Trump. I pray that enough blacks have finally seen the light; saying, “No thank you” to the Left’s masterfully wrapped bag of excrement, filled with racial hate, more false promises and destructive deceptions.

I informed a clueless black relative that every major city controlled by democrats for the past 40 years is a hellhole of black suffering; through-the-roof unemployment; epidemic school dropouts; over 70% fatherless households, high incarcerations and record-breaking black on black homicides. Blacks’ negative experiences in America are all easily traceable back to their irrational loyalty to democrats; sleeping with their enemy.

Isn’t it ironic that the source of “real” hope and change for blacks, along with all Americans, is Donald Trump? Trump will, “Make America Great Again!” We are all sooooooooo ready!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2016 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Media blackout blue lives matter celebration event

Last Saturday, my amazing God-sent team pulled off our first powerful Blue Lives Matter Celebration event. Each celebrity guest spoke masterfully on their topic; educating and dispelling negative myths about our brave men and women in blue.

Radio talk show host Andrea Shea King’s incredible tribute to fallen officers had many wiping away tears. Humorist, AlfonZo Rachel’s rant supportive of cops had the audience in stitches laughing.

Congressman Ron DeSantis spoke expressing his appreciation and support for law enforcement officers. We were presented with a proclamation which concluded, “Now, Therefore, I, Derrick L. Henry, Mayor of the City of Daytona Beach and on behalf of the City Commission do hereby proclaim Saturday, September 10, 2016 as Celebrate “The Blue” Day.”

While I was elated that our event went so well, rich with great musical performances and compelling speeches, I was stunned that not a single media outlet covered the event. We sent numerous press releases and made phone calls to Central Florida radio stations, TV stations and newspapers.

As president of a Central Florida arts center for over a decade, local media routinely responded to every press release I sent from art openings to talent shows and everything in between. Saturday’s Blue Lives Matter Celebration event was newsworthy, the first of a nationwide tour honoring America’s police. The event was extremely educational, entertaining, touching and uplifting, a positive response to those who paint targets on the backs of our courageous law enforcement officers. Why was there clearly a media black out? Not one news reporter showed up folks. Not one.

One has to wonder. How intimidating and entrenched is the evil bogus narrative promoted by the Obama Administration, mainstream media, Hollywood and Black Lives Matter that claims police are our enemies, racist and murder blacks? Why did Central Florida media behave as though our event celebrating police was a leper colony?

To broaden our appeal, someone suggested that I change the focus of my celebration from police to include EMT, firefighters and military. While the suggestion sounded reasonable, it did not connect with my spirit; not in sync with what I felt God led me to do. Still, I ran the suggestion pass one of the powerful orators who spoke at the event, Detective Peter Hernandez.

Detective Hernandez said he would really appreciate me keeping the focus of my celebration on cops. He said civilians do not understand what they go through. When EMT shows up, they are there to attend to someone’s medical needs. Firefighters show up to save someone’s home from burning down; greeted with appreciation. Routinely when police arrive, people are behaving at their worst. Cops are greeted with hostility, danger and extreme scrutiny. Detective Hernandez was not whining or complaining. He was merely explaining why our support and encouragement is so sorely needed.

Detective Peter Hernandez in his own words:

“Thank you again Mr Marcus for putting on a great and very supportive event. Thank you for also giving me the opportunity to get the word out about the Wounded Officers Initiative. The program’s we are working on will save lives, families, and help law enforcement like no other organization has done before.

It’s really sad to speak about an event to honor law enforcement as being controversial. An event to honor law enforcement should be viral, proudly proclaimed, and most importantly celebrated. Law Enforcement Officers provide the safety and security for all other first responders to operate. Law enforcement are the ones that secure the scenes that provide the fire departments safety so they could extinguish a fire. It’s law enforcement who is first on the scene of those injured and it is them who render first aid until the paramedics arrive.

In 2012 I wrote this blurb which I thinks best defines what a law enforcement officer is and how they stand out. It’s called,

What am I?

I’m a professional driver who drives at high speeds, avoiding moving obstacles, on an open track. But I don’t have sponsors nor endorsements.

I am an educator, a professor of sorts. I’m suppose to know it all and be capable of teaching everyone no matter their grade level. But I don’t get every weekend, holiday, spring break, Christmas or summer off.

I’m a professional fighter. I’ll fight anyone, anytime, any place. No matter how many, the size, or the skill; I must win every time. But I don’t get a golden belt after my win nor cheering fans.

I’m a therapist, a family counselor, a rehab specialist, and a mental health coordinator. I’m expected to give advice, council a family in crisis, identify an addiction, and diagnose a mental illness in no less than 10 minutes from meeting the person and without the aid of a leather couch.

I’m a paramedic. I’m expected to go into a chaotic scene, triage the casualties, determine the appropriate aid, and administer that aid. I do all this as everyone else who is not hurt runs away.

I’m a firefighter. I’m first on the scene of fires. I have no fire proof clothing nor real firefighting skills or equipment. I run in to save as many lives I can and I do it equipped with pure will and a small extinguisher.

I’m a lawyer. I must know all the laws both civil and criminal. I must know the elements to those laws and how to rapidly apply them. I must attend court, truthfully testify, present evidence, and do it on my day off.

I’m a robot. Do without question. Feel without showing. Endure what others can’t. Be fearless while others are in terror. Have skin of steel so that no harsh words, or actions may penetrate.

What am I; I am an American Law Enforcement Officer who answered the call of service for their community. I am the thin blue line that is between those who wish to do evil and those who wish to live in peace. I am the one you run to when you need help but the one you run from when you’ve done wrong. But most importantly I am the one who Cares.”

Peter Hernandez, President/Founder
Wounded Officers Initiative, Inc.
So Their Sacrifice is Never Forgotten

Words cannot express my deep appreciation to all who contributed to cover the cost of our first Blue Lives Matter Celebration. My team of speakers, entertainers and crew are pumped; excited and ready to do the next celebration event. It looks like we are being lead to do our next celebration event in Nashville. My western boots are at least ten years old. Mary has been bugging me to purchase a new pair. Perhaps, I will find a pair in Nashville.

Before I sang “America The Beautiful” at my Blue Lives Matter Celebration, I said, “Red, yellow, black and white. They are precious in His sight. That means all lives matter!” The audience loved it.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2016 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Dissing our National Anthem: cool – honoring cops: controversial?

Folks, I just do not know what is going on in our country anymore. A pro-football player was celebrated for refusing to stand for our National Anthem because he says America suppresses blacks. Meanwhile, other pro-football players were denied their request to honor five police officers assassinated by Black Lives Matter; deemed too controversial.

As for the pro-football player who refused to stand for our National Anthem, he is the product of decades of liberals filling his head with lies about his country via Democrats, public education, mainstream media and Hollywood. There are also ga-zillionaire black celebs, role models, promoting the lie that cops routinely murder blacks and blacks can not catch a break in this racist hellhole called America.

Amazingly, all these liberalism indoctrinated millennial and generation-Xers ignore the huge elephant in America’s living room; a black man elected twice to run our country. Blacks are only 12% of the U.S. population. Therefore, it took mega-millions of white votes to trust a black man with the highest office in the land. Despite obvious evidence proving otherwise, far too many younger Americans still believe the lie that blacks are suppressed and white Americans should feel guilty for being white.

It is truly tragic and down right shameful that liberals have robbed many blacks of appreciating God’s gift of being born American. I am a sixty-something year old black man. I have known from my youth that America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to go for it. In a nutshell, reject liberal’s you’re-a-victim crap and simply pursue your dreams. This formula works far more times than not.

I am hosting a Blue Lives Matter Celebration event Saturday, September 10th at the Ocean Convention Center in Daytona Beach, FL. Time is 11am -2pm and it is FREE to the public. Y’all come!

Things are coming together wonderfully. Famed jazz singer Lisa Scott will perform our National Anthem. Her hubby JB will perform on trumpet. Country/ Rock singer Stony Sixma will be in the house performing with his guitar. I will croon a few tunes as well. It is going to be a blast.

But folks, I must tell you. It blows my mind that some deem my event honoring our brave men and women in blue controversial. What on earth is happening in our country? Pro football players were celebrated for running out onto the field with their hands up further promoting the lie that Michael Brown was murdered by a cop with his hands up in surrender. Black Lives Matter openly sent out a clarion call to kill whites and cops. Outrageously, Black Lives Matter is celebrated in the mainstream media, honored at the White House and awarded $100 million by the Ford Foundation.

The bizarre reasoning prominent in our country today reminds me of a song we sang in my dad’s east Baltimore storefront church when I was a kid. Sister Davis would start as the congregation joined in, “They’re callin’ wrong right. They’re callin’ right wrong. Surely, we’re livin’ in the last days.”

We still need help funding the production of our celebration. Please contribute here.

For the past week, Mary and I have been celebrating our 39th wedding anniversary in beautiful Perdido Key Florida just across the line from Alabama. Thick southern accents abound. We are an interracial couple. From the giant of a man, robust personality good-old-boy boat captain who caught and steamed the crabs he sold us to everyone else we’ve met, Mary and I have experienced warm southern hospitality. I realize our experience is anecdotal. Still, it contradicts liberals’/Democrats’ despicable narrative that Americans, especially southerners, are secret cross-burning racists. It is just plain shameful and evil the way Democrats relentlessly spread victimhood-ism, racial mistrust/hate and division for political gain.

It is more crucial than ever that decent right-thinking Americans do the right thing; see y’all (been hangin’ with Southerners) at my Blue Lives Matter Celebration.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2016 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Patriots must carry Trump across the finish line

Patriots, to save our country, it has become clear that we must hoist Trump up on our shoulders and carry him across the finish line into the Oval Office. The mainstream media has blatantly joined crooked Hillary and her minions to brand Trump unfit to serve as president. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

I cannot stomach watching CNN. Almost every evening I am at my local gym on an aerobic machine working to keep my blood sugar numbers good. CNN is always on a few of the TV sets hanging from the ceiling. Reading headlines posted on the lower third of the screen with the sound turned down is quite revealing. It makes it plain to see CNN’s relentless efforts to demonize and destroy Trump.

For example: The news that the father of the Pulse nightclub shooter was seated behind Hillary at her rally was not helpful to her campaign. A day or so later, CNN’s lower third headline read, “Disgraced Congressman Sits Behind Trump at Rally.” This was CNN’s attempt to defend Hillary by saying, see, a not-so-good person was seated behind Trump at his rally.

I have seen numerous lower third graphics on CNN purposed to portray Trump as a racist and a nut case (standard Leftist tactics to silence and destroy).

The other night at my gym, the CNN lower graphic read, “Breaking News: Confederate Flag at Trump Rally Tonight”. Do you see what CNN was attempting do? CNN, along with most of the mainstream media are Hillary operatives disguised as news outlets. CNN wanted to convey the message that a Confederate flag at a Trump rally means Trump and his supporters are rabid racists.

Leftists are divisive, dishonest and evil folks. Leftists do not care if they stir-up racial hate as long as it generates enough racial division, hate and fear to cause duped voters to vote for Democrats. I hate that Leftists continue to successfully dupe the masses into perceiving them as paragons of compassion. In reality, the Democratic Party (Leftists) is the birth place and is still the home of racism. Leftists are the polar opposite of true compassion.

Folks, we have seen Leftists use this tactic from their “How To Make Patriots Abandon Their Heroes” playbook before. We (patriots) prayed for a hero to come along and push-back against political correctness; someone who would courageously and boldly defend and fight to preserve traditional values that have made America great and exceptional. Our prayers were answered in the form of a beautiful woman named Sarah Palin. I was touring on Tea Party Express back then. I witnessed first hand the massive crowds and excitement whenever Palin spoke at our rallies. Fearing Palin’s power, the Left launched a shock-and-awe, 24/7, no-holds-barred campaign to destroy Palin. I expected the Left to trash Palin. However, it turned my stomach the way many conservatives abandoned her when she failed to walk on water.

We are in the midst of Hillary and her operatives using the same tactics they used against our strong advocate Palin to take-out our strong advocate Trump. Hillary and company seek to brand Trump so toxic and crazy that Republicans and conservatives will run to the tall grass out-of-range of the Left’s bombings of him.

Folks, we cannot allow that to happen. When one of my brothers parroted Hillary’s rhetoric about Trump, I lovingly laid into him, setting him straight; telling him he must vote for Trump.

A relative told my wife Mary she dislikes both candidates and was going to write in “Mickey Mouse”.

Mary told her this is not a time to be cute. Mary explained to the relative that she must vote for Trump. This is what all who love America as founded must do this election. America cannot survive patriots pulling a “Palin” on Trump, abandoning him because of Hillary and company’s smear campaign.

Another way to help Trump is to host a Tea Party for Trump rally Sunday, August 28th. Tea Party for Trump will follow up the rallies with a massive, well-orchestrated, national get-out-the-vote campaign.

It is truly repulsive hearing Hillary attempting to brand Trump unfit while she is the epitome of an unfit candidate. Even more disturbing is watching the Left (corrupt federal government, mainstream media and Hollywood) spin a cocoon-of-protection around her.

Dinesh D’Souza’s movie, “Hillary’s America” exposes the Clinton’s well documented history of deceit, corruption and criminal activity. D’Souza revealed that Hillary went from zero to $300 million on a government salary. That is impossible folks.

As a black American, it is insulting hearing Hillary pander and talk down to black audiences. Using her best colored people accent, Hillary spouted, “I don’t feel no ways tired.”

Hillary is a panderer. She panders around, around and around. Hillary told a black radio host that she carries hot sauce in her purse.” Folks, it is time to vote this evil woman out of our lives.

Patriots, we MUST carry Trump to victory. We can do this folks. Together, we have great power. I look back with fond memories of the 2010 rally to stop Obamacare. I sang at that rally. Despite a mainstream media blackout insidiously ignoring the protest rally, we got 1.7 million patriots to come to DC to protest Obamacare. We used word-of-mouth, social media and the internet.

We the People MUST carry Donald Trump across the finish line. He ain’t heavy, he’s our next president.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2016 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Blue lives matter celebration: honoring America’s police

Headline: Riots in Milwaukee. “They’re beating every white person!” “Black power!” These extremely disturbing comments are from the audio of the riots aired nationwide. I thought, “Well, Obama, Democrats and mainstream media, are you happy now?

Their relentless spreading and nurturing of the bogus narrative that America is racist and cops routinely murder blacks is responsible for unprecedented assassinations of police, chaos and violence in our streets. For decades democrats have controlled major cities, enslaving blacks on inner city plantations. Democrat overlords filled their black slave’s heads with victim-hood-ism and hatred for whites and America. This is the cause of blacks launching a race war on white America and police. The Democrats’ chickens have come home to roost.

It is truly unfortunate that democrats filling blacks with such negativity has cost them so much, robbing far too many of them of pursuing their full potential. Many moons ago I was a young black man in my mid twenties. I became a born-again Christian and wanted to save the world. I visited youth detention centers and jails to tell them about Jesus. I was struck that so many of those incarcerated were black. I also could not help noticing that many were handsome, bright and even gifted. Their biggest problem holding them back was their negative attitudes. Why try? The white man will stop you and so on. I was politically clueless back then and never tied their hopelessness to democrat/liberal brainwashing.

Two cops shot in the head while eating lunch in their patrol car, another ambushed from behind, killed while pumping gas in his patrol car is extremely disturbing. These men were husbands and fathers. As Americans, we must come together and counter the Left painting targets on the backs of our nation’s brave men and women in blue.

Saturday, September 10th, I am hosting a Blue Lives Matter Celebration event. National response has been wonderful. Candidly, I had to let it go that some politicians and local law enforcement have backed away; not wanting anything to do with such an event.

Think about that folks. Some Americans are so intimidated, bullied and controlled by evil people that a family event featuring comics, dancers, speakers and singers coming together to celebrate, thank and encourage America’s police is too scary to be a part of. Lord help us. Every-time we shy away from doing the right thing for fear of angering bad people, we embolden them.

I have reached out to several national celebrities to participate. I will announce them as they confirm. Tea Party Express has signed on to help.

This quote by Edmund Burke is probably overused, but so appropriate. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Folks, the Left’s slander of our nation’s police is pure evil from the pit of hell.

Please, please help to pull-off this extremely important event. I prayerfully hope it will spark many more nationwide. At minimum, I need about $10,000. The Ocean Convention Center costs $2000. The production company providing lighting, video, camera with tech, two huge video projection screens and sound system costs $6000. We have to provide light-fare food for the cast and crew. There are other miscellaneous expenses. I am seeking volunteers, but I must provide transportation getting guests to and from the airport. Thus, I need around ten grand to make this event happen.

By the way, Black Lives Matter, the evil hate group that declared it “open season” on killing whites and cops received over $30 million from George Soros.

The Ford Foundation and other liberal groups are raising $100 million for Black Lives Matter. Meanwhile, I am struggling to raise $10,000 for an event supportive of our nation’s police. What has gone so terribly wrong with our country folks?

Please go to and give using the crowd funding link. You can also give here.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2016 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

DNC: emanating a putrid smell across America

At my local gym using an aerobic machine, I saw on TV Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood speaking at the DNC. Seeing this despicable, cold, calculating and evil woman at the podium defined the Democrat party as the source of the putrid smell spreading across our country. The DNC emanated the foul odor of America’s moral decline. Richards is running a national dead-baby-body-parts chop shop. And yet, this vile woman had the audacity to deceptively portray herself as an advocate for women and Trump as anti-woman.

After the release of numerous undercover videos exposing the horrors and illegality happening behind the walls of Planned Parenthood, why on earth would the Democrats gift the abortion factory’s president hero status at their national convention?

Rev Joseph Prince says a key component of spiritual warfare is to relax and trust God. In other words, lay your burdens at God’s feet and trust Him to make things right. Mary and I decided to have a spiritual warfare day, relaxing at New Smyrna Beach, FL. Note: we stay close to the shore in shallow water. Shark attacks at New Smyrna are up.

We posted “Trump” signs on the beach beside our tent. Responses from people driving and walking on the beach were overwhelmingly positive; 99% in favor of Trump; honks and thumps up. Some yelled, “Make America great again!” Clearly, that theme really resonates.

A tall muscular white guy approached our tent. He was a tourist from South Carolina. He said our Trump sign renewed his faith in Florida. As we chatted about the decline of our country, it became obvious that he was a Christian. He asked if we could pray together for our country. Mary and I jumped at the opportunity. We joined hands as he lead us in prayer. It was awesome. Very cool. After he left, it dawned on me that we never exchanged names.

Comfy in my beach chair, I read, “You Can If You Think You Can” by Norman Vincent Peale. Upon reading the following passage, I thought, Oh my gosh, this book was published back in 1984. And yet, Peale’s statement perfectly describes and rebukes the mindset of Bernie Sanders disciples and the message Democrats are using to con Americans at their national convention.

Peale wrote:

“One wonders what has come over this great, free country. We are the descendants of a once great breed of men who had problems and had them plenty. But did they whine and whimper and crawl through life on their hands and knees piteously demanding of some so-called benevolent government that they be taken care of? Not on your life! They stood solidly on their feet and they took care of themselves. And they built the greatest economy in the history of the world– one that has made available more goods and services to more people than any other in the long life of mankind on earth.”

Peale succinctly explained my repulsion with the Democrats. They have successfully brainwashed far too many Americans into believing they are victims; they are owed; they are weak and they can not make it without daily sucking on the breast of government. Bernie Sanders supporters eat that crap up.

Also contributing to the putrid smell emanating from the DNC is the party’s aggressive attempts to divide Americans into victimized camps, repeal more personal freedoms, spread hate for traditional values and spread hate for cops. Their convention flat out stinks to high heaven folks.

As a matter of fact, Rush Limbaugh offered Trump the script for an extremely effective short speech.

“Black Lives Matter, New Black Panthers, Occupy Wall Street, stripping God from their party platform, transgender bathroom advocates, pro-death panels in health care, baby butchers at Planned Parenthood, a candidate who violated the Espionage Act thousands of times, pedophiles, illegal immigrants, Sharia law Muslims, Marxists! That’s the modern day Democrat Party,” and you close it with a simple ending: “It’s time to clean up this mess.

“We deserve better. Let them manage their own affairs. Thank you, God bless you, and God bless America.”

Folks, Rush nailed it. This is the modern Democrat Party. Disgusting.

Just when you thought the depravity of the democrats could not descend any deeper into the pits of hell, this act broke the needle on my evil-meter. The democrats featured the mothers of black men killed by police. In essence, the democrats poured a boat load of gasoline on the flames of hatred for cops. They had to know that featuring the moms would further the lie that cops murder blacks and inspire the assassination of more cops.

Clearly, the democrats deem the lives of our brave men and women in blue acceptable collateral damage in their quest to secure the black vote for Hillary. It is hard to believe that such evil is being spread by a major political party in the United States of America.

I am passionately campaigning for Trump. For those who see little difference between Trump and Hillary, Americans have died due to decisions made by Hillary. Clearly, her personal political ambitions and agenda take priority over American lives. That is really scary.

Staying home or writing in another candidate, in essence, equals giving this wicked, wicked woman, and her democrat minions our WH. This is the simple obvious truth. God bless.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2016 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Three simple reasons why Trump will win

Based on traditional campaigning markers and guideposts, experts predict Trump will go down in humiliating defeat to Hillary Clinton. I think they are wrong folks. Michael Jackson said, “I’m not like other guys.” I say Donald Trump is not like other politicians.

When Trump announced his bid for the White House, snooty political elites laughed, “Look at this idiot.” They had no idea that millions of Americans at home watching were saying, “Yeah! Right on! I like this guy!”

Polls continue to tighten between Trump and Hillary. I suspect some of Hillary’s lead is due to voters lying to pollsters that they will vote for the first woman president; similar to the Bradley Effect. In 1982, California voters did not want to be thought of as racist so they lied to pollsters saying they would vote for Bradley, the black candidate. Despite a strong lead according to the polls, Bradley lost his bid for governor.

Another thing that may cause voters to lie to pollsters is their fear of being on the wrong side of political correctness. Voters have seen what happens to anyone who speaks-out against Leftist’s sacred cow issues. Trump has become the king of political incorrectness. Therefore, some voters feel they must keep the fact that they agree with Trump a secret.

I believe the Trumpster will win the White House for three simple reasons. One: His name recognition. Two: His connection with the common man. Three: American’s disgust with the direction our country is going.

Admittedly, the following anecdotes are not scientific, but I think they are quite telling.

While in the supermarket checkout line, I saw the cover of the National Enquirer with an unflattering photo of Hillary. The headline read, “Crooked Hillary: Corrupt!” in large bold type. Folks, I do not ever recall a tabloid expressing such an in-your-face rebuke of a democrat politician. Something new is definitely happening this election cycle. The National Enquirer appeals mostly to low-info-voters. Its cover branding Hillary a corrupt political insider could be huge. The cover also plays perfectly into Trump’s narrative that voters have been shafted by professional politicians in both parties. “Vote for me, the outsider.”

I am chairman of the Conservative Campaign Committee. Our team traveled state-to-state during the primaries campaigning for Ted Cruz. I witnessed an unmistakable broad demographic of passionate Trump supporters.

Back home in Florida, I experienced that same Trump-mania in Irv, my white handyman. Irv is a low-info voter who worships Obama. Obama gave Irv a free phone. Irv believes Obama is committed to confiscating wealth from selfish evil rich people to take care of poor welfare recipients like his mom and sister. So you can imagine how shocked I was when Irv expressed his excitement about Trump becoming president. Irv said, “Trump is gonna clean this mess up!” This tells me that Trump has a remarkable connection with folks in both parties.

Even the Left’s standard tactic of branding everyone who is not liberal a racist has not really worked on Trump. Numerous black and Hispanic groups enthusiastically support Trump.

Trump pretty much owns the evangelical vote. At the GOP convention, Dr Ben Carson exposed the fact that Hillary’s hero is Saul Alinsky who is a huge fan of Lucifer. Liberal media went nuts. They hate it whenever anyone dares to expose the truth about them and their agenda.

Republican turnout during the primaries far exceeded the democrat turnout. Yes, something unprecedented is fueling the Trump phenomenon.

To keep my blood sugar numbers good, I daily use an aerobic machine at my local gym. The gym has 20 TV sets hanging from the ceiling. Amazingly, Trump is consistently either the topic of discussion or being interviewed on at least five of those TV sets. No politician has ever enjoyed such free coverage.

Trump’s TV show has been on 14 years. Talk about name recognition, I suspect millions more people know Trump than know Hillary Clinton.

The FBI and DOJ giving Hillary a pass on blatantly jeopardizing our national security and breaking the law has some “Never Trump” people warming up to him. The same way the GOP and mainstream media allowed Obama to behave as king due to his race, they will allow Hillary to do the same due to her gender. Our nation as founded cannot survive another lawless, out-of-control, corrupt and narcissistic dictator running our country. Hillary our Queen; we her supplicants.

Some have said they cannot morally vote for either presidential candidate. They say, “Voting for the lesser of two evils is still evil.” Fine. God forbid that I judge someone for voting their conscience. However, I submit that sometimes life does call for us to make unpleasant responsible choices; to choose the lesser evil.

Two evil masters seek to purchase the same slave. The slave’s owner offers him the privilege to choose between the two evil new masters seeking to purchase him. One master is a tyrant. The other is a tyrant and a rapist; sure to rape the slave’s wife and daughter. Doesn’t the slave have a moral obligation to his wife and daughter to choose the less evil master?

As I stated, my belief that Trump will win is not scientific. It is based on three simple facts. The guy has huge name recognition. He has a unique connection with regular folks. Voters are not up for a third term of Obama channeled through Hillary. In this bizarre-o political season, those three reasons just might be enough to land Trump the Oval Office.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2016 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Lloyd Marcus vs black lives matter

My fellow Americans it is outrageous that our president of the United States is leading the charge against America’s cops by promoting the lie that cops murder blacks at will. Our evil manipulative smooth-tongued instigator-in-chief had the audacity to say the only way for cops to be safer is to admit that they have a problem.

Folks, Obama’s statement is a standard Democrat trick. First they create a false premise (lie). Then, with help from their buddies in the mainstream media, democrats brand everyone who does not embrace their false premise a hater, divisive, intolerant, bigoted and mean-spirited.

If Obama can con cops into embracing his lie that cops are racist and murder blacks, it will further open the door for Obama to takeover (federalize) our nation’s police; another democratic party attack on state’s rights. By the way, Obama’s DOJ has already infiltrated 30 police departments nationwide.

Can you believe Obama invited Black Lives Matter to our White House and praised the despicable thugs for their “outstanding work?”

Crooked Hillary addressed the NAACP and spread Obama’s same evil murder-inspiring lie about our brave men and women in blue. These people (Obama and Hillary) are pure evil folks.

Please view and spread this video in which I tell the truth about Black Lives Matter, a vile evil hate group.

In the near future, I will host a Blue Lives Matter Rally to counter the hatred for cops coming from the White House and Black Lives Matter. Please help.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2016 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Stop surrendering to ‘black lives matter’

dad the show is riddled with liberal bias. Dad said the show featured a horrific incident in which a young black male was unfairly shot by police. As best I could, I tried to explain to dad how irresponsible it was for the TV show to feature a rare “bad shoot” in the midst of cops being murdered nationwide. Despicably, the TV show wanted to do its part to further Black Lives Matter’s evil lie that cops murder blacks at will.

I bombarded dad with facts and stats which prove that blacks are the greatest threat to black lives, not racist white cops. When I hung up the phone, I felt dad still leaned towards believing the lie promoted on “The View.” It is frustrating folks.

My fellow Americans we can not continue allowing the Left to pull the same dirty trick on us to get their way. First, they launch a media blitz promoting a false reality about one of their agenda items. Then, the Left demands that we embrace their lie or suffer being branded divisive and haters.

For example: Liberal media, the White House and democrat talking heads are unbelievably promoting Black Lives Matter’s lie that cops are racist and routinely murder blacks. Nothing could be further from the truth. Cops have saved tens of thousands of minority lives since the mid-1990s. Stats prove that 93% of blacks are killed by blacks. And yet, the Left is hellbent on intimidating us into making the Black Lives Matter lie our reality.

I find this particular Leftist tactic insidious and repulsive. The Left tugs at heartstrings by saying that they only want “unity.” But here’s the dirty little secret. Unity to Leftist means they demand that decent fair-minded Americans ignore truth, ignore common sense, abandon their convictions and embrace the Left’s latest anti-God and anti-American evil agenda item.

Everyone who dares speak truth and refuses to surrender to the Left’s bullying are targeted for total destruction; branded divisive and haters. Every time we pander and surrender, we embolden a small group of liberal activists to impose more of their iron-fist will on the majority of Americans.

This has to stop folks. We must begin speaking the truth. Black Lives Matter is a well-funded vile hate-generating terrorist group. Their movement was founded on the lie that black criminal Michael Brown was shot with his hands up surrendering to a police officer. The truth is Brown was shot while attacking the police officer, attempting to take his gun. These facts are public record, and yet, ignored by the Left. Black Lives Matter is pure evil folks. Why in the world would we allow BLM to lord over us; sheepishly surrendering by making their evil lie our reality?

I am black. It frustrates me hearing well-intention whites and duped blacks falling for Black Lives Matter, Obama, Hollywood and the mainstream media’s lie about our brave men and women in blue.

Yes, bad shootings do happen. I am sure there are bad cops. Jesus had 12 disciples and even one of them was a bad apple. Studies confirm that most cops are heroes, committed to protecting all lives.

I am sick of it folks. I am sick of Americans being bullied into embracing things that they know are wrong; sick of the promotion of blatant lies; sick of being told we must make absurd lies our reality; sick of evil triumphing. It is time we take a stand. It is time we just say, “No!”

A scene from the western movie, “Pale Rider” comes to mind. A group of humble miners asked the character played by Clint Eastwood to lead them in battle against a powerful group of bad guys. Eastwood told the miners that he would lead the charge, but some of them would die. Freedom ain’t free folks.

Standing up to the Left probably will not result in one’s physical death. However, it could cost you everything else. I pray that God gives me his courage and strength to stand when I need it.

I am in the process of organizing/producing a Blue Lives Matter rally. My goal is to spread the truth about our police and unify Americans. I envision a black choir singing; blacks on stage sharing their positive encounters with police. A woman I approached to be on my production team said she loves the idea, but feared Black Lives Matter will be angry and cause trouble; possibly violence.

This is the intimidation that I am sick of. I told her we cannot allow evil people to stop us from doing what we know is the right thing to do. I assured her that we will invite lots of cops and hire security. After we select the venue, date and acquire sponsors for the rally, I will promote it.

For years, I have been quoting statistics to my black relatives and associates which prove that most of the problems plaguing black communities are self induced. But when my relative’s beloved black president, democrats and mainstream media tells them all their problems are the fault of racist America, they believe it. They simply regard me as their weird Uncle Tom relative.

The Bible says be not weary in well doing. I must confess. I have been feeling weary folks; very, very weary.

Sitting on the beach the other day, I read in a book I acquired over 20 years ago. The book is Norman Vincent Peale’s, “You Can If You Think You Can.”

Dr Peale wrote: “When everything seems to be going wrong, that is the time to practice the positive mental belief that you can still achieve your objective provided you persist, trying everything. If you start thinking it’s hopeless, your state of mind will actually attract further trouble to defeat you. Instead, hold the thought that conditions will shift in your favor – and get going.”

Dr Peale also said it is always too soon to give up. It is crucially important that we stop pandering and surrendering to the Left’s bullying tactics. It only empowers them to beat up on us more. It is time that we persist in our efforts to spread the truth in prayerful expectation of changing the hearts and minds of our fellow Americans. Brothers and sisters, lets get going.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2016 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

The left’s stealth religious war: church of liberalism vs christianity

Much of my wife Mary and my time is spent traveling the country helping to elect conservatives to the House and Senate. I am chairman of the Conservative Campaign Committee.

On a rare stop back home in Florida, we decided to enjoy a day at our favorite New Smyrna Beach. After multiple stops for gas, banking and Walmart, we were finally on our way. It brought back fond childhood memories of hot summer family trips to the beach; mom, dad, fat Aunt Nee and five kids all crammed into a station-wagon with no air conditioning. The ritual included picking up Aunt Nee from her house and several stops for select foods to take with us. I remember the excitement I felt after all the stops and we were finally headed to Carr’s Beach; the only Maryland beach open to blacks.

Back to present day. Before we left home, Mary said, “Don’t forget a book to read.” Scanning our book shelves, Ann Coulter’s book published in 2006, “Godless” caught my eye.

In her book, Coulter said, “If a Martian landed in America and set out to determine the nation’s official state religion, he would have to conclude it is Liberalism, while Christianity and Judaism are prohibited by law.” Coulter said Liberalism is the state-sanctioned religion and is a godless one. Ten years later, Liberalism has become the state-mandated religion. Remarkably, practicing biblical Christianity has become illegal.

Coulter says despite liberals claims of being non-religious, Liberalism has all the attributes of a religion. Coulter exposes the “Church of Liberalism” in which “its sacraments (abortion), its holy writ (Roe v. Wade)…its clergy (public school teachers), its churches (government schools, where prayer is prohibited but condoms are free)…its cosmology (in which mankind is an inconsequential accident).”

I would included the LGBT agenda as sacraments of the Church of Liberalism.

Seemingly over night in America, our freedom of speech, freedom of religion and parental rights have been taken away. Obama’s DOJ says it will prosecute anyone who speaks badly about Islam. Christians are being persecuted and even jailed for not obeying sacraments of the Church of Liberalism. Federal judges have decreed that parents are not allowed to opt out even their preschool children from LGBT indoctrination in school curriculum.

Just like the Hitler Youth, the Obama Administration has indoctrinated students to become Church of Liberalism spies. Students are instructed to report family members who make racist and politically incorrect comments around the dinner table.

My dad and Mary’s mom taught us that the democrats were for the little guy, the working man. Our parents are clueless regarding how far to the left their party has moved; becoming a godless cult – home of the Church of Liberalism.

The Church of Liberalism’s control of our government will dramatically increase if liberal zealot Hillary Clinton becomes president. Americans have been beaten down, forced to embrace the sacraments of this religious cult. A perfect example is ESPN awarding the Arthur Ashe Award to Bruce Jenner, a man in drag.

C’mon folks, you can imagine what most of the men in that hall at the awards event were thinking. For the most part, pro sports is a celebration of maleness. And yet, those high testosterone pro-athletes knew they had better smile and applaud Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner or be forced into sensitivity training and risk losing their livelihood.

Typical of religious cults, the Church of Liberalism does not tolerant opposing points of view. Church of Liberalism zealots used the federal government to silence the Tea Party. The Church of Liberalism seeks to punish and silence Fox News. The Church of Liberalism brands all opposition, “hate speech” enabling them to use government to silence Christian pastors and close down Christian churches.

Decades of the Church of Liberalism controlling public education has reaped masses of dumbed-down Americans; brainwashed into embracing the Church of Liberalism’s tyranny. Dummies believe Church of Liberalism zealots are good guys, advocates for the disenfranchised; defending them against mean, selfish and racist Christians and Conservatives.

For example: Obama routinely trashes and rules against Christianity while forcing Christians to submit to the sacraments of the Church of Liberalism. Obama displays his utmost respect for Islam. And yet, Obama’s Administration has made it quite clear that speaking badly about Islam or any of the sacraments of the Church of Liberalism could land you in jail.

Think about the folks. Church of Liberalism zealots are free to outrageously blame Christians and law-abiding American gun owners for a massacre they had nothing to do with. We have suffered numerous incidents of Islamic terrorists attacks; killing Americans on US soil. And yet, our federal government threatens to jail anyone caught speaking badly about either of these two religions (Church of Liberalism and Islam).

Christians are being banned from many jobs and jailed for not submitting to sacraments of the Church of Liberalism.

Folks, the America we knew is gone. Prayer, repentance and a regime change should be our first baby steps towards restoring our nation. This is one of the many reasons why my battle cry is, “Never Hillary!”

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2016 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Hillary: savant of Washington insider corruption

One of my brothers concluded, “Being in Washington as long as she has, Hillary Clinton has to have learned something. Therefore, she is probably the most qualified to be president.” From his low-info voter perspective, his assumption sounds reasonable.

As the informed political activist that I am, I wanted to scream, “Are you nuts? Hillary is the Devil!” I was stunned that my brother whom I have been sending my articles for years would ever consider voting for Hillary. Has he not been reading his big brother’s articles? But, I digress.

Yes, Hillary has learned quite a lot during her years in Washington.

Hillary has learned how to deceive voters by publicly trashing banks while selling her influence to them; earning $21 million in two years for making twenty minute speeches.

Folks, please bear with me while I explain to voters like my brother. Hillary was Secretary of State and could become president. Therefore, banks, corporations, foreign governments and businesses want to be on her good side. They want Hillary in their pocket. Paying her a bag of money would be illegal. So they paid her payola via speaker fees of $250,000 and higher for 20 minute speeches.

Hillary is well-schooled in DC insider corruption; becoming a multimillionaire while crushing little people along the way. Though she portrays herself as a champion of women, Hillary’s history confirms that she is the complete opposite.

Throughout their marriage, Bill Clinton has been unable to keep it in his pants. Women were coming out of the woodwork going public with affairs and sexual assault allegations against Bill. Hillary headed up the Bimbo Eruption Squad to destroy, intimidate and silence her husband’s lovers and victims.

As the attorney for a child rapist, Hillary got him off. Hillary accused his 12 year old victim of being a mentally ill slut. His 12 year old victim said, “Hillary Clinton took me through hell.”

As Secretary of State, Hillary hung our US Ambassador and his staff out to dry. With the anniversary of 9/11 approaching, our ambassador feared an Islamic terrorist attack on the US consulate in Benghazi Libya. He requested more security from Obama and Hillary. Ambassador Stevens’ request was denied.

It was election time. Providing extra security would contradict Obama’s story-line that he ended terrorism. Ambassador Chris Stevens was killed in a well-planned terrorist attack on our consulate. Ambassador Stevens was tortured and his body was defiled and paraded through the streets. Before the terrorist killed Ambassador Stevens and his staff, we had assets in the area that wanted to intervene. They were told to stand down.

Staffer Sean Smith was also killed in the Benghazi terrorist attack. Hillary is a sociopath. She looked Sean’s mom, Pat, in the eye and lied to her. She vowed to get back to Pat with more answers. Hillary also told Pat she would punish the SOB who made the anti-Muslim video that angered Muslims which caused the attack and death of her son. Hillary knew the attack had nothing to do with a video. Heartbroken, Pat Smith spoke publicly about Hillary, “She’s a proven liar.”

Hillary has learned how to put her political best interest above American lives. This was exposed in the best-selling book and accompanying movie, “13 Hours” which tells the horrific account of how Americans were left to die in Benghazi.

Hillary has learned how to deceive black voters; insultingly talking down to them by speaking with a black dialectic (“I don’t feel no ways tired”) and claiming to carry hot sauce in her purse. Oh please!

As a black person, I have always found it repulsive the way Hillary and democrats consistently imply that blacks are mentally inferior. For example: In essence, Hillary and her fellow dems say it is too hard for simple-minded coloreds to acquire a photo ID. Thus, requiring a photo ID to vote is racist and disenfranchises blacks. This is absurd and extremely insulting.

Blacks have suffered greatly under Obama, epidemic unemployment and so on.

Hillary will continue Obama’s failed policies, furthering the downward spiral of black Americans; more poverty, more joblessness, more black on black crime, more fatherless households and more government dependency and enslavement. As a black guy, it sickens me that so many blacks continue stupidly voting for their greatest Nemesis, Democrats.

Hillary has learned how to create a charity in which only10% goes to the people she claims to champion. Her Clinton foundation enabled her to market her influence as Secretary of State and her future presidency to foreign governments and businesses; making her and Bill extremely rich.

Hillary has truly mastered the technique of portraying herself as a champion of various groups while stabbing them in the back. Hillary claims to champion homosexuals while accepting millions from countries that execute homosexuals and enslave women.

My low-info voter brother’s time is consumed coaching kids football and working a full time job. He gets his news from mainstream media. His only knowledge of Hillary’s email scandal is the media and Democrat operative’s spin that says evil Republicans are out to get her. My brother does not know that as Secretary of State Hillary broke extremely serious national security protocols, putting American lives at risk. Government employees with far lesser violations have been thrown into jail. Hillary has learned that being a Democrat in Washington permits her to arrogantly function outside the law without consequence.

In conclusion, my low-info voter brother is correct about Hillary learning a lot during her many years as a Washington DC insider. For that very reason, we must not allow this vile, master of corruption and sociopath liar anywhere near the people’s Oval House.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2016 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

The American left is evil

The American Left is just plain evil. Not only do they not seek truth, they suppress it. Everything the Left does, including shamefully exploiting the slaughter of Americans in a nightclub, is to further their deception and power to force their unpopular agenda down our throats.

Leftists are the minority. However, they own the federal government, social media, public education, Hollywood and the Democratic party. They use inciting misdirected anger, hate and guilt to bully the public into embracing their anti-American and anti-God agenda. Because the Left controls the media, they get away with falsely portraying their opposition. The Left takes disapproval of them forcing their agenda on us to absurd extremes.

For example: If you say “no” to men using girl’s restrooms, Leftists in the media brand you an insane hatemonger who seeks the murder of all homosexuals. If you disagree with the Left’s illogical obsession with disarming Americans, repealing the second amendment, Leftist media brands you a racist toothless idiot redneck that wants to shoot all people who do not look like you.

The Left used the same take-opposition-to-absurd-extremes tactic to brand the Tea Party racist. The good folks in the Tea Party simply disagreed with Obama’s unlawful overreaches and ignoring of the Constitution. The Congressional Black caucus despicably took their opposition to the absurd extreme claiming that the Tea Party would “love” to see black Americans “hanging on a tree.”

Upon hearing about the Orlando nightclub shooting, I told Mary, my wife, “You watch, the Left will say all who disapprove with men using girl’s restrooms are just as bad as the Orlando shooter.” Sure enough, that was the Left’s outrageous absurd story line reported by numerous news outlets. Summarizing the Left’s media blitz, they said if you do not affirm the LGBT community and the implementation of their agenda, you are equal to the Orlando shooter; a rabid hater, responsible for those killed in the nightclub. I wonder how many Americans are falling for it.

Do you see how the Left’s insidious game is played? All who oppose the Left’s relentless attacks on biblical principles and our constitutional rights are branded stupid, haters and bigots by the media. Then the Left launches a shock and awe campaign to destroy the offender. More and more Americans know the drill; bullied into silence and compliance.

It is sad how the Left has been able to pervert the word “love” into meaning we must embrace deviant and immoral behaviors.

The most annoying thing about the Left’s bogus image of “caring more than the rest of us” is their policies and ideas end up harming the people they claim to champion 99% of the time. Decades of blacks faithfully voting for Democrats (Leftists) has resulted in urban areas becoming hellholes of black on black crime, fatherless households, epidemic school dropouts, poverty and government dependency. Leftists always make every situation they touch worse.

Obama’s Leftist (politically correct) CVE policy tied the hands of the FBI, blocked them from using intel they had on the Islamist terrorist Orlando shooter. Thus, Obama bears some responsibility for the deaths of the homosexuals in the Orlando nightclub. Pure and simple. And yet, Obama and his media buddies are relentlessly trying to blame the massacre on Christians and American gun owners.

Despicably, Obama and his media buddies are hellbent on convincing Americans that the greatest source of evil and threat to Americans is not Islamist terrorists. It is Christians and American gun owners. Again, I wonder how many Americans are being duped by their deception and misdirection from the truth?

Speaking of Obama’s evil efforts to cover for Islam and blame Christians and American gun owners, his DOJ is deleting all references of radical Islamic beliefs from the transcripts of the Orlando shooter’s 911 call.

By the way, America has suffered a terrorist attack every year under Obama. Deaths from terrorism have quadrupled under Obama. And yet, thanks to his media buddies covering for him, Obama approval polling is over 50%.

At times, the Left’s seemingly successful steamrollering of our culture puts me in a bit of a funk. History chronicles that the path America has chosen has destroyed other civilizations; destruction of the traditional family (fatherless households and etc); the graying of the line between right and wrong and rebellion against God’s natural laws. Therefore, I mourn for my country.

However, I do find encouragement to continue fighting the good fight by reminding myself that God is in control and America is worth it.

As she tallied up my groceries, I asked the supermarket cashier, “Are you still working at the bank?” When I moved to Florida 16 years ago, this same Hispanic woman was working as a bank-teller and supermarket cashier. She relied, “Yes.” I said, “You’re amazing.” The elderly woman chuckled and said, “Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. God is good.” Her cheerful demeanor and self-reliance blessed me. Obviously, she does not believe taxpayers owe her a living.

Folks, I realize this anecdotal example of character is not a big deal. And yet, it served as a cool sip of water in my desert of despair regarding the declining character of my country. God is good!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2016 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

“Roots” remake: Snoop Dogg got it right

Quoting the Pointer Sisters song, “I’m so excited!” Black pop icon Snoop Dogg’s comments about the remake of the “Roots” TV series, in essence, is what I have been preaching to fellow blacks for decades (without his profanity).

Snoop said, “I’m sick of this s—. They are going to just keep beating that s— into our heads about how they did us, huh?” Snoop spoke against new shows and movies such as “12 Years a Slave” which “keep showing the abuse we took hundreds and hundreds of years ago.”

Snoop said, “I ain’t watching that s—, and I advise you motherf—ers as real n—— like myself; f— them television shows. Snoop continued, “Let’s create our own s— based on today, how we live and how we inspire people today. Black is what’s real. F— that old s—.”

I say, “Right-on bro! (in my 1970’s lingo)” Folks, for decades, I have been frustrated; trying to get through to fellow blacks that continuing to view themselves as victims and using slavery as an excuse for bad and trifling behavior only weakens them. America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to go for it. My reward has been to be trashed in black and liberal media; called a traitorous self-hating Uncle Tom.

I pray that the truth coming from a hip black celeb like Snoop Dogg will help to remove the scales from the eyes of black youths.

The last thing the Democratic party wants is real black empowerment/independence. The Democratic party’s very existence is rooted in convincing as many voters as possible that they are forever victims of America in some way.

This is why when Oprah came out with her movie, “Selma”, I said I hoped the movie failed. I knew her movie was propaganda to convince blacks that not much has changed in America since the 1950s and that only their continued monolithic voting for Democrats will keep eternally evil and racist white America at bay. Sure enough, in a press conference promoting “Selma”, Oprah ranted about how in America, blacks still suffer the injustices portrayed in her movie on a daily basis. Meanwhile, Oprah is an American Ga-zillionaire with enormous power and influence due to her millions of white fans.

Upon seeing commercials for the upcoming “Roots” remake TV series, my reaction was pretty much the same as Snoop Dogg, “I’m not watching that crap.” Like everything Leftists produce today, I know the “Roots” remake is a political tool to promote Democratic party narratives; America sucks, government must become bigger and more controlling – blacks should be paid reparations. I also wondered how the producers would include the LGBT agenda in the remake. Would the Kunta Kinte character in the “Roots” remake be transgender?

As a young black man in 1977, I remember the original “Roots” TV series viewed by 130 million Americans. I was elated because I thought “Roots” presented slavery in a human context that decent people of all races could relate to; bringing people together. The first “Rocky” movie achieved the same universal humanity. It was such an eyeopener hearing my radical black power, whitey sucks, fellow black college student buddies excitedly raving about their new “Italian Stallion” hero after seeing the movie, “Rocky”.

In 1977, some feared the “Roots” TV series would cause riots in the streets. The American Left/Democrats of today are so divisive and so crazy with hatred for their country that they probably hope the remake of “Roots” will spark riots.

Riots in the streets would equal a crisis. The Left’s golden rule is “never let a crisis go to waste”; an opportunity to implement more government control and infringements on personal freedom.

Things Democrats label a crisis (typically fake) provide Democrats with ammo to propose more government control; more government handouts which equals more government dependency which equals more loyal Democrat voters. It is all a scam folks. And Democrats/Leftists have been playin’ blacks for decades.

So, I agree with Snoop. Enough with the Left’s relentless efforts to fill black heads with victim-hood-ism constantly rehashing how America did us wrong.

I also refuse to watch the “Hate in America” TV mini-series. The series focuses solely on white racism against blacks. If the TV series seriously sought to address hate, it would include the Black Panthers and Black Lives Matter declaring open season on killing whites and cops.

Again, the TV mini-series is another Leftist tool to sell blacks the message that America is eternally racist so vote for Democrats to watch your backs.

I learned years ago, that the Left does not view Black History Month as an occasion to showcase blacks contributions to our country. The Left uses it to instill guilt in white Americans; instill that America still sucks and still owes blacks reparations, big time. With the Left’s true purpose in mind, I renamed February, “Annual White America Sucks Month.”

When the movie, “The Pursuit of Happyness” starring leftist Will Smith came out, I thought, “Here we go again; another movie about how America sucks, is racist and blacks can’t catch a break.” I am not going to watch that crap. Well folks, I was wrong. The movie was great. It featured the true inspiring life story of Chris Gardner, a highly successful black American entrepreneur.

Surprisingly, the movie even showed how white businessmen (typically portrayed as racist, greedy SOBs) helped Gardner to pursue his dream. I related to Gardner’s story because throughout my careers, white businessmen helped me pursue my ambitions, as early as high school.

The movie, “The Pursuit of Happyness” was recently added to Netflix. Check it out. I think Snoop Dogg would approve.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2016 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Regarding Sharron Angle: I got angry the other day

Folks, I got angry the other day. Mary and I were on the road most of this year campaigning for Ted Cruz. We’re back home in Florida. My grass is over a foot tall, neighbors are still polite and my lawnmower won’t start. I dropped off the lawnmower for Darrell our mechanic to fix. But that is not what made me angry.

I got angry thinking about how insane policies mandated by government are becoming the norm in America. We are being forced to accept numerous insane things like allowing men, even dressed as men, to enter girl’s restrooms. All of us folks whose common sense tells us that these government mandates are insane had better keep our mouths shut or be branded bigoted, mean-spirited, intolerant and haters; face prosecution and jail time.

I got angry thinking about how in the midst of surrendering more and more of our freedoms, conservatives are still being coached not to dare run true conservative candidates to stop the Democrats/Lefts insanity. Folks, I feel like that guy in the movie, “Network”. I want to run to my window, throw it open and yell, “I’m mad as heck and not gonna take it anymore.”

Our nation was founded upon patriots who were fed up. They said, “Screw it, we ain’t taking it anymore from the all powerful British.”

The American colonies were broken into two groups; the Loyalists and the Patriots. Patriots felt they were treated unfairly by British government; taxed without any say or representation. Patriots wanted to break free of British rule.

Loyalists behaved similar to battered spouses. Though treated unfairly, loyalists saw benefits in remaining British citizens, fearful of being totally on their own. Loyalists were also extremely afraid to go up against the mighty, seemingly unbeatable, British military.

Thank God there were courageous patriots, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, George Washington, Paul Revere, Samuel Adams, Ethan Allen, Patrick Henry, and Ben Franklin who refused to listen to cowardly gloom and doom loyalists.

We have fearful GOP loyalists today cautioning us to be reasonable, don’t make the Left really angry by pushing back too hard and don’t dare run real conservatives. Thank God that we have conservative patriot warrior candidates today like Sharron Angle, Rob Maness and Kelli Ward to name a few.

True rock-solid conservative Sharron Angle is running for US Senate, Nevada. Patriots we must get behind this courageous, laser focused on liberty patriot sister. If I hear another person on our side say a real-deal conservative can’t win, I am going to slap them. Well, not really. But for crying out loud folks, when do we start firmly supporting conservatives with proven records of loyalty, patriots with histories of putting it all on the line for us? When do we stand for what we believe to be right rather than surrendering to the Left’s seemingly unstoppable fundamental transformation of America?

Patriot and national conservative radio talk show host Mark Levin gets it and has endorsed Sharron Angle for US Senate. Levin said he realizes that Angle faces an uphill battle against all the forces against her, but he is sick of it (mad as heck, not taking it anymore). Levin’s and other endorsements are great, but not enough folks. We need patriots across America to rally behind our patriot sister; calling family and friends in Nevada, telling them to vote for Angle in the fast approaching June 14th primary. Early voting starts May 28th.

Sharron is seeking to defeat a RINO named Heck who voted with Pelosi and the democrats 62% of the time. Heck, Nevada’s so-called republican senator voted with democrats for gun control, to fully fund Obamacare and voted for amnesty. Well, what the “Heck” is the benefit of having a RINO, a democrat in disguise, in that seat?

Three items atop Sharron’s list of democrat insanity she will correct is to eliminate Nevada Obamacare exchange, require voter ID in Nevada and protect student privacy.

My fellow Americans, we find ourselves in a similar situation as did our Founding Fathers, choosing to side with fear-driven GOP loyalists or brave conservative patriots. Battered conservative GOP loyalists will go along with the status quo, allowing Heck, a RINO to represent them in the general.

Taking a cue from our courageous Founding Fathers, brave patriots will back the true conservative in the race, patriot sister, Sharron Angle.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2016 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Col. Rob Maness: America desperately needs you

With the extraordinary Cruz vs Trump battle for the GOP presidential nomination sucking up all of the political oxygen, it is easy to miss that awesome conservative retired Air Force Col Rob Maness is running for the U.S. Senate in Louisiana.

Folks, please allow me to cut to the chase. Our country is going to hell in a hand basket fueled by GOP cowardice and an entire Democrat party hijacked by anti-American zealots. The only way we stop the horrific effects of Obama’s insanity and corruption in both parties is to send rock-solid conservatives we can trust to Washington; candidates with backbones-of-steel who refuse to go-a-long to get-a-long.

Speaking of backbone, Maness’s military awards and combat decorations include the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star and Air Medal. I am pretty sure Maness will not be intimidated by RINOs, metro-sexual democrats or Obama bureaucratic henchmen in DC. Maness is like an oak tree firmly and deeply rooted in the rich fertile soil of his Christian faith.

When you cut through all the political deceptions, lies and broken promises, it always comes down to sending character-driven representatives to Washington. Rob Maness’ record proves he fits the bill. In plain language, Maness is one of us folks; a real family, God and country good guy.

I was extremely impressed when I met Rob during his 2014 run for the senate; strong conservative fighter, highly respected community leader, served 32 years in the military, husband, father of five and grandpa of four.

It is not surprising that national conservative heavyweights and organizations are united in endorsing Rob Maness for U.S. Senate, Louisiana. Those supporting Maness include Dr Ben Carson, Sarah Palin, Dr James Dobson, Lt. Governor Billy Nungesser, Conservative Campaign Committee, Tea Party of Louisiana, Tea Party Nation, Tea Party Forward, the National Association for Gun Rights and Special Operations Speaks.

Rather than listing all of Rob’s leadership roles and achievements, I will say he has proven his competence at the local, state, and federal levels of government; an effective steward of citizen’s tax dollars. Please visit his website for details.

Like any conservative Republican who faithfully advocates for We the People, the GOP establishment is often displeased and threatened by Maness. Rob wears their discomfort with him as a badge of honor.

There is a down-to-earth every-man quality about Rob, driving his pickup truck around Louisiana – spreading the good news of traditional American principles and values; God, family, country and the Constitution. Please enjoy this entertaining 30 second TV ad in which Rob promises to wrestle the gators in DC.

Here is an example of Maness’s strong decisive leadership regarding our national security. In response to the Jihadi attacks in Brussels, Maness advises Congress to fulfill its constitutional duty and finally declare war against the Islamic State. Maness says, “…until we formally declare war, our enemies and objectives will continue to be unclear and the American people will continue to be divided.”

C’mon folks, admit it. Isn’t Maness’s manly stand-up for America leadership a refreshing contrast to Obama and Kerry’s apologize-for-our-very-existence and give-our-enemies-everything-they-want approach?

By the way, the Islamic terrorist attacks in Brussels hit a little too close to home for the Maness family. The night before the attacks, Rob and Candy’s son flew out of Europe on military leave on an American Airline flight.

According to a new Pew Research report, our country is undergoing a scary demographic shift. Decades of allowing liberals to brainwash our kids and not encouraging immigrants to assimilate is taking America down a different path far away from the country envisioned by our Founding Fathers.

The only way to ensure that the America we grew up with will be there for a our grand-kids and great grand-kids is to consistently send rock-solid conservatives who espouse traditional American principles and values to Washington. In that regard, America desperately needs Col. Rob Maness in the U.S. Senate. Please, lets help him folks. God bless.

You can learn more about Rob Maness at his website

Be sure to LIKE Rob’s Facebook page here

And you can follow Rob Maness on Twitter

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2016 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

A Baltimore drug dealer’s “ghetto fabulous” funeral

My 87 year old black preacher dad phoned me from Baltimore Maryland at my home in Florida. Dad spent the day at a conference for Baltimore City Fire Dept chaplains. Dad chuckled that he received a round of applause at the conference for being the oldest active chaplain in the state.

Later this month, Dad is scheduled to be the keynote speaker addressing new recruits into the Baltimore fire department. He mentioned seeing a recruit outside of the conference wearing a fire department t-shirt while holding a can of beer. Dad learned that the recruit also has a habit of being late. Dad said such behavior was not tolerated in his day as a young firefighter. He lamented the decline of department standards.

Dad’s church is a beautiful historic building located in a Baltimore black ghetto. Dad attended the funeral of the grandson of a couple who are members of his church. The slain 17 year old black male lived with his grandparents. He was shot multiple times and killed in a battle between black drug dealers.

Baltimore, Chicago, Washington DC, New York and numerous other cities controlled by liberal democrats are hotbeds of blacks murdering blacks, despite super restrictive gun laws. Blacks are murdering each other in epidemic record breaking numbers. The Democrat party and mainstream media are doing black Americans a huge disservice by keeping this truth on the down-low. For shameful self-aggrandizing political purposes, the Left continues to further the lie that the biggest threat to young black males is white cops.

Months ago before his death, the young drug dealer was shot in the leg and bragged about it as if it were a badge of honor. Dad prayed with his grandparents that the boy would change.

Dad said the funeral was outrageously lavish which he learned is called Ghetto Fabulous. The coffin was mahogany on the outside lined with silver inside. The corpse was dressed in a white shirt, white pants and $1700 white tennis shoes. The coffin was paraded through the ghetto neighborhood on a carriage which looked like glass, pulled by two white Clydesdale horses driven by two white guys in top hats. After parading the neighborhood, the coffin was transferred to a standard funeral hearse.

Everyone in the neighborhood knew the funeral was funded with drug money. The murdered young drug dealer lived in a house behind Dad’s church in the ghetto with his grandparents. The elderly couple could not afford to fund such a spectacle for their grandson.

A woman who lived two doors away from the slain young man said she would not shed a tear for him, but felt bad for his grandparents. She said she found a gun with a loaded magazine under her front porch. The woman turned the gun over to the police. She said the now deceased 17 year old slashed all four tires of her car. She knew it was him because he came by her home taunting her, rapping about what he did to her.

Dad said the funeral and everything connected to it was very disturbing. Other than the day of his church’s weekly outreach of handing out free meals, he cannot get the local street people anywhere near hearing him preach. After praying about it, Dad felt led to get out of his church and into the streets. He decided to walk the neighborhood around his church with a sign that read, “Stop the Killing.”

Word spread and neighbors began joining Dad. Dad said cars drove by honking their horns and giving his group thumps up. Group members began spontaneously chanting, “Stop the killing! Stop the killing!”

Dad said they stood in a circle holding hands and praying. A uniformed female black cop pulled her police car over to check out what was going on. She said, “Go ahead and pray, I got your backs.” Thugs joined Dad’s prayer circle, laughing and making fun of them. Dad said by the end of their prayer, he saw a few of the thugs wiping their eyes.

Dad is extremely excited and plans to hit the streets again next week. Please pray that God will keep my dad safe out there on the mean streets of Baltimore.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

2016 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Vote fraud: we see dead people voting

It’s true folks. Patriot sister Sharron “Braveheart” Angle has taken on battling voter fraud; sounding the alarm that it is running rampant in America. What good is winning the hearts and minds of voters if we allow Democrats to steal elections?

Sharron suffered the devastation of election corruption when she almost defeated Harry Reid in 2010. Illegals voted for Harry Reid. There is evidence that Reid possibly stole the election from Sharron Angle using dead voters, people in prison and illegals.

Romans 8:28 says “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose.” I suspect Sharron’s painful loss has made her a passionate crusader; committed to cleaning up the electoral process.

Remember the Black Panther Party thugs who stood outside the polls armed with clubs? Though charged with voter intimidation, Obama’s DOJ arrogantly and without apology outrageously dropped the charges because the perpetrators were black. Can you believe that folks? Meanwhile, Obama looks down his morally superior nose at us, proclaiming himself a defender of equal justice.

South Carolina’s attorney general found evidence that at least 900 dead people voted in an election. Philadelphia flagged 50,000 duplicate registrations. Voting machines are changing peoples’ votes. A voter was caught registering six times. Meanwhile, Democrats act outraged and seek to shackle and flog Republicans in the public square for suggesting that all Americans must show a photo ID to vote; claiming it is an evil racist Republican plot to disenfranchise black voters. Fearlessly, along with fighting voter fraud, Sharron has a Voter ID initiative.

As an American who happens to be black, I am highly insulted. In essence, Democrats are saying it is too challenging for us poor inferior simpleminded blacks to find our way to the DMV or other places to acquire a photo ID. It frustrates me that fellow black Americans remain blind to the truth that Democrats consistently talk down to them. Presented as compassion and fairness, Democrats always seek to lower expectations and standards for blacks; inferring that we are inferior. But, I digress.

Sharron Angle is leading the charge to stop voter fraud, producing “Not On My Watch”, a 90 minute documentary scheduled for nationwide release in theaters June 2016. The documentary will show undeniable evidence of voter fraud and smart ways to stop it. I’m excited folks.

Angle believes her documentary will be an integral part of a win for Constitutional Conservatism in 2016. She believes it will inspire voters to go to the polls and vote and volunteer to be eyes on the process.

True-the-Vote plans to have 1,000,000 trained citizens as poll watchers in place across America on Election Day 2016.

Sharron’s documentary is a grassroots, We the People project folks. She needs your help to git-r-done. Please go to the website and do whatever you can.

Sharron has an LLC to take big donations that will fund the completion of the documentary with returns on those investments of $20,000 or more.

2 out of 3 American voters are wisely concerned about the serious problem of voter fraud; Democrats stealing the 2016 presidential election. We simply cannot allow that to happen folks. Every America loving voter must proclaim, “Not on my watch!”

Freedom and the integrity of our electoral process are under siege, hanging in the balance. All-hands-on-deck folks. Please, please, please rally behind our brave sister Sharron Angle; leading an army of patriots on her white horse, her sword-of-faith held high in the air while yelling, “Freedom-m-m-m!!!”

This presidential election is about changing the ungodly course that our country is on; crucial to the survival of our founding father’s vision of America. We must not tolerant honest election vote counters saying, “We see dead people.”

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

2016 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

American left hopes Trump will fail in making America great

Watching video on her phone, my wife Mary laughed hysterically at ridiculous answers to man-on-the-street questions. The young interviewees knew everything about the cast of Jersey Shore. They were clueless about who won the Civil War; who is our Vice President and who we fought to gain our independence.

I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Clearly, Leftists controlling America’s public education has successfully dumb-down our youths. America history, reading, writing and arithmetic have been placed on the back burner. First and foremost is teaching LGBT indoctrination, how America is destroying the planet and hating ones self for their white privilege. Another top priority is teaching that Republicans are racist, sexist and homophobic.

Now that the Left has created millions of brain-dead zombies incapable of reasoning or thinking for themselves, the Left can be hypocritical with impunity, knowing their followers will consume whatever excrement they feed them.

For example: Remember how the Left (Democrats, Hollywood and mainstream media) went nuts when Rush Limbaugh said he hoped Obama failed? Rush explained that he hoped Obama’s illegal fundamental transformation of America failed. Despite the scumbag mainstream media knowing exactly what Rush meant, they spun it to brand Rush a racist. Democrat operatives masquerading as media shoved microphones into the faces of Republicans, demanding that they denounce Rush, a flaming racist. At the WH Correspondents’ dinner, actress Wanda Sykes accused Rush of treason and said she hoped Rush’s kidneys failed. Obama laughed.

Spineless Republicans criticized and distanced themselves from Rush. Still, the Rush-ster hung tough; standing by his comment. I love that folks. I am so sick of our side allowing our evil shamelessly hypocritical enemies to dictate what we can and cannot say.

The Left’s national narrative was it is unpatriotic and racist, bordering on criminal to say you hoped Obama failed. Then, We the people elected Donald Trump. And look how the Left is responding. I am talking hypocrisy on steroids.

Here are just a few examples of the Left, in essence, saying they not only hope, but intend to do everything in their power to ensure that Trump fails.

Enraged Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters passionately proclaimed, “I will Not work with him! I will fight him every inch of the way!”

Senate Democrats vow to block Trump’s SCOTUS nominees.

Democrats vow to block eight of Trump’s generals.

Democrats have targeted for destruction and vow to block eight of Trump’s cabinet picks.

The Left is using social media to block Trump with #NotMyPresident, #TheResistance and so on.

Democrats that run sanctuary cites which illegally roll-out-the-red-carpet to illegal aliens vow to block Trump from enforcing immigration laws.

Hollywood elitists had the audacity to demand that congress block everything we elected Trump to do.

In an outrageous unprecedented attempt to thwart the will of voters, the Left tried to overturn the 2016 presidential election. Hillary’s minions demanded recounts that failed. Incredibly, Hillary’s hit squad even tried to bully electors of states Trump won to not cast their state’s vote for Trump.

Obama will be the first former US president to stay in Washington DC to actively pursue the failure of the incoming Administration.

For 8 years, the Left said opposing anything our American president wanted to do was racist, unpatriotic and treasonous. The Left knows they can get away with such blatant hypocrisy because they have successfully dumb down millions; created meat-heads who hold TMZ in higher regard than the US Constitution.

Implementing the Left’s socialist/progressive agenda trumps everything. Insidiously, Leftist educators purposely dumb down our kids to create an army of Leftist zombies; students clueless regarding their constitutional rights who reject the principles and values of their parents.

Thomas Jefferson wrote: “An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people.”

Thus, by the Left creating dumb citizens, the Left is free to repeal our freedoms at will; forcing their anti-America, anti-God and anti-freedom agenda down our throats unopposed.

Foaming-at-the-mouth with outrage, the Left launched a frenzied assault to destroy Rush for saying he hoped Obama’s anti-America illegal agenda failed. Now, those same Leftists are claiming moral high ground trying to block while boldly hoping for the death of our president Trump.

These evil arrogant hypocrites are totally unworthy of our respect.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

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