A Thorn by Any Other Name is Still POISON!

By Marlene McMillan

August 8, 2023

Whether the civil government puts the money in your front pocket, your back pocket, direct deposit, or you have to take the check to the bank – it is still government money. He who pays controls. This is an immutable law of the universe. You cannot take government money without getting government control. As soon as your “private” school accepts its very first penny of government money, it becomes a government school. Oh yes, the “Private School” sign may still be out front, but it is “Private in name only.”

The current Education Grants are clever, but so is deceit. Government funding of private education is a way to destroy private education and get the parents to beg for the money. People who are totally opposed to Obamacare because they understand the lack of competition and government regulation that comes with a single-funding source are the same people who are somehow deceived by clever voucher schemes.  Vouchers and all their re-labelings, including Grants, are nothing more than a massive single-payer system for education. Why is it good for education but bad for healthcare?

We are told these Grants are fair because they include everyone. If they include everyone, that means there is no means of escape. It will result in totalitarian education – something we are very close to already with Common Core Standards being adopted by Christian curriculum suppliers and the SAT being aligned with them already.

The use of the term “Grant” is very creative since the difference between a loan and a grant is that you don’t have to pay the grant back. The reality is you don’t have to pay with money – you just will pay with your future. The price is incalculable. What will it cost future generations to get out from under government dependency? The real question should be: Will they ever have the will, the courage, or be able to undo generations of conditioning to government dependency? “People who live in Liberty think differently than people who live in bondage.”™ Now that generations have been raised on the Dialectic Process, their ability to think like people who live in Liberty has been educated out of them, making them more vulnerable to tyranny than ever before.

He who pays controls. God pays for His children’s education. Parents pay for their children’s education. The civil government pays for the government’s children. When you accept voucher/Grant/tax credits, you accept the premise that children belong to the civil government. We tend to worship our providers. When parents seek vouchers, their children are being taught that the parent (or the parent’s god) is incapable of providing, but the god called “government” is capable.

If it is wrong in premise, it is wrong in result.™ People used to cite the G.I. Bill as proof that you can take government money without government control. Granted, these controls did not come overnight, but now the root has taken hold, the tree has grown, and the fruit is irrefutable. Seminaries, Christian Colleges, and Private institutions of learning that accept the G.I. Bill come under massive federal regulations that would not apply to them otherwise. Some would argue that it is for the greater good. (One major difference that must be noted is that the veteran earned the benefit as a result of his/her service, and it is thus not a handout to everyone.) The only way for vouchers to be “fair” would be that everyone would be eligible, making them even more pervasive than food stamps and putting the last bastions of middle class, and even upper class citizens (subjects), on the welfare rolls and officially made government dependents.

Think about the statement, “Education dollars should follow the child to the school of parent’s choice…” and understand that this means, “Civil government regulation should follow the child to the school of parent’s choice.” Parents and children will never have freedom, let alone Liberty, as long as they are government dependents.

“Public schools will not significantly improve without competition.” This sounds so good until you realize it is a ploy to capture the naïve, innocent, and misguided into lobbying for their own enslavement. Think about this: Is the civil government going to fund their own competition? NO! They are going to fund what is currently their privately-funded competition to get rid of them and assure that they are no longer able to offer meaningful competition. The civil government will give up the label on the sign in order to control the substance, including not just curriculum content, but method. They will even allow the children to be “homeschooled” as long as the parents are teaching what the civil government wants taught in the way civil government wants it taught.

Totalitarianism wins once the masses accept that the only source of education funding is the civil government. The tragedy of the Voucher debate is that all the private money, time and effort expended by private organizations promoting vouchers could have been put to far better use. That time, money, and effort could have been spent on 1) educating the masses as to the harm caused by government education, 2) teaching the parents how to teach their own children, 3) giving parents a vision for true private education, and 4) providing help to parents wanting to start group homeschools and other creative alternatives.

Had the time, money, and effort spent on promoting vouchers been spent in these ways, then Liberty could have been secured for the next generation. Instead, these well-meaning organizations have contributed to the conditioning of parents to become more dependent upon the civil government. In making it more socially acceptable to do so, these very organizations that cry freedom and choice are, in reality, stealing the freedom of the parents, the future Liberty of their children, and the will of the people to have Liberty of Conscience.

Benjamin Franklin said, “He who would exchange essential liberty for temporary safety deserves neither liberty nor safety.” Pro School Choice organizations are promoting the exchange of essential Liberty for temporary financial safety and, in the end, are a threat to the essential Liberty of our Nation, especially that of the very children they claim to advocate for.

Who could have ever imagined that we would now have “conservatives” lobbying for totalitarianism? How is promoting more government dependency an activity worthy of the label “freedom”? How did promoting entitlements to the middle class become a Conservative cause?

Now that the masses have been conditioned to want what seems best for the immediate without regard to the long-term consequences, how can they even understand the price of Liberty? There is still hope. It requires a Third Great Awakening. It would mean massive repentance and a return to acceptance of the Principles of Liberty. Otherwise, beware of what you want. You may get it. Psalm 106:15, “He gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul.”

If your goal is not Liberty, you get tyranny by default. The goals of fairness, educational competition, and free education for all sound good, but they will not lead you to Liberty. Once you have accepted a premise based on deceit, even though you may not know that it is a lie, the consequences of that deceit are inescapable. What will be the fruit of these entitlements in the lives of future generations?

Accepting the deceit is bad enough, but promoting it puts you in a position of great accountability. While many voucher supporters may mean well, others are serial promoters who have found a cause for which they can raise money and make a living for themselves. We are told that when something doesn’t smell right, we are to follow the money. Often it leads to promoters who simply look for a cause. What is in it for someone who raises private money to promote the redistribution of government money to others?

Redistribution of taxes by the civil government in the form of vouchers or grants ensures control of education by the civil government. At first, participation will be voluntary, but eventually, there will be no way to stay in business without taking the voucher. Private schools that do not want money or intervention from the civil government will be required to accept these vouchers or grants. That is not Liberty.

Homeschools will be required to use these vouchers or grants for curriculum with content and methodology controlled by the civil government. Thus, homeschools and private schools will be fed to the wolves while promoters’ pocketbooks are lined under the guise of looking out for you. That is not Liberty, but it is the end of educational competition.

Entitlements and Liberty are opposing goals. To have Liberty, you have to have Liberty of Conscience, which is greater than freedom of thought.  To have freedom of thought, you have to have the opportunity and ability to learn from sources of your own choosing. To have educational Liberty, you have to pay for that education yourself. The goal of statist education is to raise loyalists to the State. The goal of private education is to teach what the parent wants their child to be taught. As soon as all education is funded by the civil government, Liberty of Conscience is gone. When you pay for your own education, you fund your own Liberty. When you accept government funding in any form, you are agreeing to restriction of opportunity, limited thought, Political Correctness, and inevitably tyranny.

Private business funded by the civil government may be privately owned, but they answer to a myriad of regulations and controls. The fact that they agreed to those regulations “voluntarily” in order to get the contract means they agreed to the terms. In exchange for a benefit, they made an agreement.

Statists use the language of class warfare to make you think you are not getting your fair share. They tell you that funding for education must be equal. Why? Who said? Can you legislate equality? When did equality become a goal? Equality does not just mean that the lower performing will be raised up, it means the high performing must be shackled. Government programs assuring equality are inherently flawed because they commit injustice and violate God-given rights under the guise of fairness.

Admittedly, the language of this article is strong. Political Correctness has taught us to prefer ideas that bring us comfort, not truth. I love you enough to tell you the truth. What you do with that truth is up to you.

Marlene McMillan, D. Min., wrote her doctoral dissertation on the subject “The Church/State implications of Tuition Tax Credits and Vouchers.” She is available for public forum presentations and Town Hall Debates on the subject of Vouchers and civil government regulation of private education as well as Common Core, Continuous Education Reform, and topics relating to the development of a Biblical Worldview.

Dr. Marlene’s ability to clearly present the principles (that the opposition may prefer to keep clouded) and to explain in easy-to-understand language where violation of those principles will lead has caused her to be placed on the Do-not-debate list of some major organizations.

Want a lively, high-attendance program for your group? Sponsor a Town Hall Debate on Vouchers and School Choice, Social Justice, Education is Inherently Religious or other Liberty topics and have Dr. Marlene present an uncompromising apology for Liberty. Warning! Some of your members might reject Vouchers, Tuition Tax-Credits or Educational Grants as the solution by the end of such an event.

© 2023 Dr. Marlene McMillan – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dr. Marlene McMillan: contact@WhyLibertyMatters.com

Website: https://WhyLibertyMatters.com

Choice: A Euphemism for Slavery

By Marlene McMillan

August 2, 2023

A Euphemism is a nice word that stands in place of a less-appealing or desirable word. Choice seems to be irresistible. Who doesn’t want more choice? Sometimes we have to be willing to consider the only choices presented are 50 shades of tyranny. Liberty is not on the menu and hopefully you won’t have the presence of mind to notice.

If the “freedom lovers” currently promoting School Choice/Vouchers/Tuition Tax Credits/Educational Grants, etc. were really promoting Liberty, they would realize their programs are based on false premises. Some of those false premises are listed below. The way to correct the equation is to correct the premise – not ignore it, say you don’t believe in it, or malign the person who dares to say it out loud. Wrong in premise equals wrong in result.

Remember the labels must change and the details be re-arranged to keep us believing it is possible to breach the Immutable Laws of the Universe – one of which is control follows money. It is universal, unchanging, and immutable that you cannot take government money without government regulation. Legislation, by definition, is regulation.

As each generation has become more government dependent in their thinking, they have not realized that they are being subtly and consistently conditioned to petition civil government for rights they already have.

The False Premises on which Voucher Support is Built:

1. You can take government money without government control.
2. Children are entitled to their fair share of public monies used for education in their school district. (Entitlements)
3. Once money is in the coffers of the ISD it is still the taxpayer’s money.
4. The children belong to themselves and/or to their parents.
5. It is an accepted fact that education is a function of civil government and everyone should pay for the education of everyone else’s children.
6. Parents don’t have a choice now. (Yes, they do. They just don’t want to pay for it themselves.)
7. Vouchers promote free enterprise competition between government and private schools, thus improving education for all children.

If an idea is wrong in premise, it is wrong in result. Truth may or may not bring immediate pain, but always brings long-term peace. A lie brings the illusion of immediate relief, but always brings long-term suffering.

Consider and Ponder:

1. For there to be peace in a nation or family, then all the children must be taught by the LORD and about the LORD. (Deuteronomy 6 and Isaiah 54)
2. Freedom of thought is more important for Liberty than convenience. To have freedom of thought, you must have parental control of education.
3. To have a strong nation, you cannot have a dependency or entitlement mindset.
4. A person values what they have to pay for. Until the method of funding education is changed, there will be no substantive change in the result of education.
5. Vouchers take away educational freedom under the guise of providing it.
6. You get more of what you subsidize and less of what you penalize.
7. The goal and content of private and government education is different. Private is to prepare children to be self-governing for their own safety and happiness whereas the State school is to prepare children to conform for the so-called good of the collective. These opposing goals cannot be paid for by the same source.
8. Education is inherently religious. The idea that the civil government can provide a secular education that is neutral is a logical impossibility.
9. Control follows money. He who pays controls. Government money comes with government strings attached. The civil government cannot throw money in the streets. Regulations are inherent to all voucher schemes.

As soon as a private school takes government money, it becomes a government school. He who pays controls. This includes both control of the process and an interest in the outcome. Because the government issues the voucher, they have paid, thus, they have rights that can circumvent and overrule those of the parent. This is the core of much of the conflict over what is taught in public schools today. Ignoring this point does not make it any less important or less encroaching.

Freedom of thought requires freedom of finance. Freedom of finance leads to freedom of thought. If you want to be free–instead of demanding freedom while lobbying to get someone else to pay your way–you should be spending your time figuring out how to pay your own way. “Affordability” is a matter of priorities, not a matter of capacity.

“I don’t care–race, gender, ethnicity–free stuff is very seductive… The more seductively politicians promise people things it is tough to resist. Even hard-working people eventually will stop and say, ‘Why am I being fiscally responsible when my neighbor isn’t?’ I think it is going to be a very big challenge to fight back dependency. Remember the last election it was not the unemployment rate that mattered, it was the dependency rate.” —Andrea Tanteros on The Five, 2/26/13

“Vouchers are based on the philosophy of entitlement–a belief that the government ‘owes’ every child the best possible education that is equal in quality to that which is provided for every other child. When quality is inadequate, attention is drawn away from the real issue, and the topic becomes the amount of funds spent per child.” —Jackie Newbrough, 2004

You have to ask the right questions to get the right answers. Principles solve problems. You have to understand Liberty to have a vision for Liberty. Without a vision, the people perish. If the best vision you have is that of government dependency, then that is the best you will get.

Welfare disincentivizes students to learn since their future support is not dependent upon their own knowledge or skills, but upon the civil government.

Vouchers are based on the redistribution of wealth. Vouchers are rooted in socialism.

“Public schools are based on four false premises: 1. Welfare works, 2. Socialism works, 3. Parents have insufficient wisdom, and 4. We can teach character without mentioning God. We need to replace those false premises with truisms, and the truisms I suggest are: 1. Responsibility works, 2. Freedom works, 3. Parents have more wisdom than politicians, and 4. To teach character, we must integrate three factors: the reason for morality, examples of morality, and instruction in morality.” -Marshall Fritz, The Plano Star Currier

How did a Statist position like School Choice become a Conservative talking point?  What if all the “Conservative” organizations promoting any form of educational redistribution scheme had instead spent the same amount of time, money, and effort teaching parents to find the inner courage to take action without the funding of civil government? What if parents who wanted to give their children a better education were taught how to do that, where to find inexpensive resources, and how to rearrange their lives to make it happen? What if churches set up micro-schools, encouraged families to start pod schools, homeschool, and just get off the educational treadmill in their own way? What if the School Choice lobbyists quit using the euphemisms of “helping parents provide a better education for their children” were truthful and admitted, “I lobby to make people more dependent on civil government.”?

Marlene McMillan, D. Min., wrote her doctoral dissertation on the subject “The Church/State implications of Tuition Tax Credits and Vouchers.” She is available for public forum presentations and Town Hall Debates on the subject of Vouchers and civil government regulation of private education as well as Common Core, Continuous Education Reform, and topics relating to the development of a Biblical Worldview.

Dr. Marlene’s ability to clearly present the principles (that the opposition may prefer to keep clouded) and to explain in easy-to-understand language where violation of those principles will lead has caused her to be placed on the Do-not-debate list of some major organizations.

Want a lively, high-attendance program for your group? Sponsor a Town Hall Debate on Vouchers and School Choice, Social Justice, Education is Inherently Religious or other Liberty topics and have Dr. Marlene present an uncompromising apology for Liberty. Warning! Some of your members might reject Vouchers, Tuition Tax-Credits or Educational Grants as the solution by the end of such an event.

© 2023 Marlene McMillan – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dr. Marlene McMillan: contact@WhyLibertyMatters.com

Website: https://WhyLibertyMatters.com

Critical Theory: Sowing Hatred and Division in the Name of Unity

By Dr. Marlene McMillan

July 25, 2023

Critical Theory has been normalized in our culture. Even people who say they are not promoting it are unwittingly training the next generation to embrace its methods through the teaching of Critical Thinking. Critical Thinking is presented as simply teaching a child to think for themselves, analyze data, and make them more intelligent. In reality, Critical Thinking is Critical Theory in method. The methods of Critical Theory have led to the breakdown of Western Civilization and the deconstruction of thousands of Christian young people away from the faith of their fathers.

Well-meaning Christians, conservatives, and patriots still see Critical Thinking as positive. They will continue to be duped until they understand the Dialectic Process is a system used by master dialecticians. These trained facilitators are really trained Marxists, masterful in the language and method of deception.  Truth is not on their agenda. Turning the next generation into activists for the revolution is their goal.

Critical Legal Theory, Critical Race Theory and all the other Critical Theories are cut from the same cloth. It is systemically flawed, not the Constitution, the nuclear family, or Western Civilization that it so relentlessly criticizes. An idea that does nothing but break down and destroy has been allowed to claim the moral high-ground over a worldview that has resulted in the most Liberty to the most people in the history of the world. Who should be apologizing to whom?

How have so many intelligent, capable parents and teachers been caught in the Critical Thinking net? How can they not believe the messages spoken loudly and printed plainly? I have found, as an expert in how the Dialectic Process is used against us, that most people do not know the meaning of the words and how their meanings are distorted in the process of double-speak.

How can Christian teachers read a book like Models For Critical Thinking by Albert Rutherford that explains the connection to Bloom’s taxonomy (that all degreed teachers, Christian and not, must study for certification) and not know they are being asked to participate in a system designed to destroy respect for Biblical authority? We have been conditioned subtly, gradually, and masterfully to embrace ideas so well-crafted that even the elect could be deceived.

Critical Theory is a linguistic structure of destruction. It has created a vocabulary around victimhood and redefined the rules of life. The problem is when unreality has a collision with reality, reality always wins. Equality can be labeled freedom, but the people in Cuba are still slaves — they have equal wages, fair housing, free healthcare, etc., but they are slaves, with travel outside their borders restricted. The ideology of Marxism got them there, and licensed religious leaders help to keep them there.

Liberty is the result of a principled language and method. Slavery is the result of a dialectically-designed language and method. You cannot speak the language of destruction and get anything but destruction. Destruction is systemic to Critical Theory. Some pastors are trying to adopt the language of Critical Race Theory and merge it with the Gospel. God hates mixture. The forbidden tree was the tree of mixture — the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Yes, there was good there, but the evil came along with it and could not be separated. The Tree of Life is like Proverbs 10:22: The blessing of the Lord, it makes rich, and He adds no sorrow to it.

The Politically Correct Police determine your alignment with them by how much of their language you speak. The “It is written” of the Word is not politically correct. “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty” (II Corinthians 3:17). Why are we spending our time entertaining godless philosophies instead of taking every thought captive and making it obedient to Christ? If thoughts have to be taken captive and made obedient to Christ, that must mean we can have rebellious thoughts, and it is rebellious thoughts that need taken captive, not people.

Definitions are like mini-contracts that you enter into without even thinking about it. They are like mini-powers of attorney that empower others over you. Why does it matter to the politically correct police that you use their words? Because their words have specific meanings, and even if you don’t agree with their definitions, by using their words, you are agreeing to their frame of reference. You are agreeing to their worldview by method. Your ignorance of how the Dialectic Process works does not change your agreement any more than your ignorance of the meaning of a clause in a contract releases you from any obligations verified by your signature. Your use of Critical Race Theory words and their frame is like a signature of overt consent that they are setting the rules and you are in agreement.

Destruction is systemic in Critical Theory. Whatever wrongs/injustices Black Lives Matter or any other trained Marxists and community agitators claim to correct cannot be solved with hatred, deceit, and destruction. Critical Theory is a tactic of the Dialectic Process and is explained in a one-of-a-kind manual Mountains of Deceit: How the Dialectic Process has infected the Culture available from WhyLIbertyMatters.com.

Luke 4 says Jesus came to set the captives free, heal the broken-hearted, and set at Liberty those who are bound. Anyone who hates Jesus cannot set the captives free. If their ideas, no matter how lofty sounding, result in bondage, their ideas are not Biblical, no matter how many Scriptures they quote, how beautiful their vestments, or large their audiences. If, in the name of Jesus, a different gospel is preached — a gospel that results in bondage and not Liberty — it is not the Gospel of the Kingdom.

Liberty is indivisible. You do not get equality by promoting special privilege. Equal protection under the law is reflective of our equality at the foot of the cross. Marxist agitators know that they have to sow the seeds of discontent, hatred, and division in order to promote their brand of totalitarianism. In Acts 2, redistribution was temporary and voluntary. Money laid at the feet of the apostles was by choice, not by coercion of civil government. Socialism is based on an un-Biblical idea of redistribution that, when convenient, distorts Acts 2 and uses it as a proof text for civil government confiscation of private property. Socialism may be Communism with a smiley face, but all forms of totalitarianism are really Slavery.

The answer to all this conflict is in the Kingdom. The current national unrest is evidence the Gospel, in recent generations, has not been and is not being preached from the pulpits of our land. It is time for repentance and confession for distorting the Word of God.

Liberty is indivisible. Principles that yield Liberty are the same everywhere in the world. They are not different for different races or countries. The principles of Liberty do not change just because we wish it were so.

The apostles, who lived in a world where slavery was normal, were accused of turning the world upside down. In reality, they were turning the world right side up. Ideas that lead to bondage and tyranny are not new. Critical Theory is just academic language for the original lie, “you can be as gods.” It is a method of calling evil good and good evil.

The apostles were told to stop speaking in politically incorrect, unapproved, and disruptive ways. They answered that they feared God rather than man and faced the human consequences. Where are the people today who allow God to govern their thoughts and are willing to call evil evil and good good? Where are the preachers who still believe God’s Word defines good and evil?

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” Philippians 4:8

“And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake has forgiven you.” Ephesians 4:32

“Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled.” Heb. 12:15

The Gospel properly preached results in Liberty. The gospel distorted results in bondage and tyranny. You don’t get Liberty by breaching the immutable laws of Liberty. Either we will live in Liberty together or we will suffer in Slavery together.

© 2023 Dr. Marlene McMillan – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dr. Marlene McMillan: contact@WhyLibertyMatters.com

Website: https://WhyLibertyMatters.com

Critical Theory: Bringing Forth the Revolution

By Marlene McMillan

July 17, 2023

Critical Theory is a form of Marxism. Quit looking at the labels and look at the substance of the ideas promoters of Critical Theory proclaim. One cannot understand our times without realizing the basic operating premise of all Marxist, Leninist, Trotskyiteist, or Communist Revolutionaries: “The issue is never the issue. It is always about the Revolution.”

Well-meaning pastors, church leaders, educationists, those calling themselves Conservatives, and even some claiming to be Constitutionalists are unwittingly promoting a Revolution they do not believe in and would disavow if they understood. In latching on to an issue surrounding a cause they believe in, as well as wanting to make the world a better place, many innocents have been enlisted into the army of cultural destruction. Deliver us from the do-gooders! Much tyranny has been perpetrated in the name of doing good.  Maybe we need to reexamine how charities and foundations are trusted and empowered in the name of doing good. But for today, let’s look at how well-meaning Christians, conservatives, and Constitutionalists are promoting agendas diametrically opposed to their stated beliefs.

People with good intentions but ignorant of history, prone to following the most persuasive speaker, in love with celebrities, whether from Hollywood or their own church, must come to realize:

“The issue is never the issue. It is always about the Revolution.”

The playbook of Revolution was written generations ago and is being skillfully used against Liberty and all those individuals and institutions that support Liberty and its resulting prosperity. Legal proceedings like Due Process that result in equal protection under the law, educational policies that make the children practical wards of the State, medical agreements that restrict a patient’s choice in their care, etc. are all evidence something is amiss.

The revolutionaries know what they are doing. Why don’t the rest of us? I would propose that until more people understand how the Dialectic Process works, we will continue to be the victims of its ardent practitioners.

“’We must be ready to employ trickery, deceit, law-breaking, withholding and concealing truth… We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, and scorn toward those who disagree with us.’ (Vladimir Lenin) Communists use language and psychology as weapons. Their constant vilification is a form of psychological terror. It puts America and Americans on trial. The verdict is always guilty. Facts don’t matter because the Left does not want to resolve the problems they complain about. They use those problems to agitate and provoke, hoping conflict becomes unavoidable—thereby creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. Their hatred is tactical.” ~ James Simpson, January 12, 2016, “Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Roots of Black Lives Matter”

What is the Revolution? To dethrone Yahweh and enthrone the all-powerful, all-knowing, all-encompassing State as god. Totalitarianism, bondage, tyrannyall just different names for slavery. 

It is understandable how a Saul Alinsky who dedicated his Rules for Radicals to Lucifer could so admire anyone who wants their own kingdom. It makes sense when unsaved, lawless (antinomian) rebels want to be liberated. It is tragic that pastors never pick up on this word in the context of Liberation Theology and ask: “Liberated from what?” What does a person who Jesus shed His blood for on the cross need to be liberated from?

Revolutionaries, by definition, are destructive. Anyone can destroy. Anyone can complain about the defects of a custom-built house and point out the failings of the architect and the builder. But could that person have designed and built a better house? Driving a destructive machine that reduces the house to rubble in minutes doesn’t make a person a builder.

The Dialectic Process is the use of the same words with different meanings to confuse, distort, and deceive. The predesigned steps of the Dialectic Process, crafted to move a person from a belief in absolute truth to a belief in relativism, are how our Nation has been linguistically revolutionized. This is explained in an easy-to-understand manner in Mountains of Deceit: How the Dialectic Process has infected the Culture available at WhyLibertyMatters.com.

The Dialectic Process is a set of very well-crafted steps designed to move a person from a belief in absolute truth to a belief in relativism. Once the fixed reference points of a society are destroyed, then each generation has to be constantly indoctrinated and conditioned to the norms of a totalitarian all-seeing-eye State. No matter how much the State punishes, resistance continues because Yahweh wrote the natural desire for Liberty on the fleshy tablet of the hearts of all mankind.

God says to focus on the heart, but Critical Race Theory focuses on the flesh. Critical Theory deals with the external circumstances, not the internal condition of the heart. Changing a person’s circumstances does not solve the problem of sin. Redefining sin as thoughts that are politically incorrect doesn’t heal the brokenhearted. When the political spirit and the religious spirit join forces, the hierarchical church easily becomes an ally for the totalitarian State.

The first step of the Dialectic Process is identifying areas of discontent. Grateful people don’t focus on their circumstances. Gratefulness and appreciation are magnetic, and they attract favor and blessing. In order to get the people who have more Liberty than anywhere else in the world to be discontented, they must be told constantly how bad their life is. They must be fed a steady diet of victimhood, entitlement, and ungratefulness. They must learn to hate their Nation, resent the rich, hate their employers, resent opportunity, and demand unrealistic outcomes.

Their daily circumstances are not compared to reality — their less-than-ideal life is compared to an unrealistic, never-attainable Utopia (which means it does not exist). Then a Utopian future must be promised with the same answer to every problem: less Liberty and more centralization. Big civil government is always the solution, and individual self-government, personal responsibility, and equal protection under the law are always the problem.

In the name of equality, inequality is promoted. In the name of freedom, more centralization and civil government controls are offered. In the name of economic prosperity, the system that has resulted in more death, poverty, and destruction than any system in history is promoted as the only “woke” possibility.

Social-psychologists, Critical Race Theorists, liberation theologians, and “trained Marxists” (as the leaders of Back Lives Matter define themselves) have now found their way even into the self-proclaimed “evangelical” pulpits of our land. A different gospel has come forward, and whether out of naiveté, pure ignorance, or agreement, we now have social justice messages being mainstreamed from the pulpit. The pulpit is a sacred office, and using it to teach a gospel that goes against Isaiah 61 and Luke 4 has grave consequences.

How do you know if the real Gospel is being preached? Look at the result. If you get cultural liberty (which is irrefutably followed by prosperity), then you know the real Gospel is being preached. If you have Marxism, Communism, totalitarianism, and any other euphemism for tyranny and slavery, then it is a different gospel.

Jesus said He came to set the captives free, heal the broken-hearted, and set at Liberty those who are bound. Marxism is a redistributive economic system that takes from the productive and gives to the unproductive. It is an immutable law of the universe that you get more of what you subsidize and less of what you penalize. When you subsidize poor character, resentment, bitterness, offense, and unforgiveness, you get more of it. When you penalize productivity, morality, and deferred gratification, you get less of it.

The immutable laws of the universe apply equally to everyone just like gravity. Critical Theory is based on false premises and results in unreality. Critical Theory (no matter how many ministers support it) is anti-Bible, anti-Christ, anti-Truth and anti-Liberty. All ideas have consequences. Critical Race Theory gets everyone talking about ideas that only lead to division and heartache.

Since it is an immutable law of the universe that you get more of what you talk about and become what you think about, all this talk about racism just creates more racism. If that is the focus of our thoughts, then that is what we become. But, if the haters of Liberty cannot take away our Freedom of Speech because of that pesky Constitution, then the next best tactic is to get us to self-censor. If we can be convinced we are internally flawed and therefore in need of external controls, then we will give up our God-given, inalienable liberties voluntarily.

Equalitarianism requires centralized enforcement of equal outcomes by force. Totalitarianism is the Communist all-encompassing arm of the State regulating and controlling every area of life. Equalitarianism is far worse than totalitarianism because totalitarianism is forced upon us from outside. We didn’t agree to totalitarianism, and we maintain an inner strength to at least not go along with it in our hearts even if our bodies are enslaved. With equalitarianism, we not only agreed, we promoted it. We funded our own executioners, thus losing the moral authority to stand against it. We were willing participants, and the loss to our personal dignity becomes systemic.  Loss of personal dignity is systemic in Communism, which is just a nice word for slavery.

“Obama’s favorite Harvard professor Derrick Bell devised Critical Race Theory, which exemplifies Lenin’s strategy as applied to race. According to Discover the Networks: ‘Critical race theory contends that America is permanently racist to its core, and that consequently the nation’s legal structures are, by definition, racist and invalid … members of “oppressed” racial groups are entitled—in fact obligated—to determine for themselves which laws and traditions have merit and are worth observing…’” ~ James Simpson, January 12, 2016, “Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Roots of Black Lives Matter”

If racism were really systemic in our system, then it would be codified in our laws under which the people alive today have lived. The Critical Theorists, race baiters, and poverty pimps have told people that the things that happened to our ancestors have different meanings — they twist those meanings to get us to volunteer for our own loss of Liberty.

One of the first steps to Revolution is rewriting a nation’s history. Today, people who have grown up in this Nation (whose system offers the most Liberty in the history of the world) are told how bad their lives are and how severely they have been oppressed. And who are their oppressors? The same people who are telling them how oppressed they are!

It is irrefutable that people with less centralization and government control are more prosperous. But how many people have researched this for themselves? Do you read only secular economists Paul Krugman and Keynes? Do you see God as causative of history, or man? Do you believe civil governments can violate immutable laws of the universe even though individuals can’t? Or do you also seek a perspective in alignment with proven economic principles by reading Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell? Do you read James Cone without also reading Anthony Bradley’s Liberating Black Theology?

One of the methods of the Dialectic Process is using the same words to have different meanings while constantly changing the definitions of words. Political Correctness uses language to control culture. When you control a person’s speech, you control their thoughts. When speech is limited, then ideas are censored.

A brief history of the Frankfurt School and a summary of the Consequences of Cultural Marxism are found in Political Correctness: A Deceptive and Dangerous Worldview edited by William S. Lind and Richard W. Hawkins. On page 225, it states: “The goal of Critical Theory was not truth, but praxis, or revolutionary action: bringing the current society and culture down through unremitting, destructive criticism.” For complete disclosure, I have a chapter in the book.

If an idea is flawed in premise, it is flawed in result. Critical Theory lays out a false frame that is so distorted and anti-Biblical it should be seen for the fraud it is on its face. The sad frame through which they see the world shouldn’t have any appeal to someone who has beheld the Glory. One of the rules of Quantum Physics is you get more of what you are looking for. Critical Race Theory, with its assumptions based in unreality, looks for injustice everywhere. Because they reject the I AM of the Scriptures, who has already determined reality, they end up in despair in their own unrealistic materialistic kingdom.

Without Liberty what will you do? Do you think you will come and go as you please? Do you think your church will be spared because you publicly supported Black Lives Matter? Do you think your congregation will continue to support a minister who eats his sheep instead of keeping them from being eaten? When the ministers who supported Hitler at the beginning woke up, they went to the concentration camps just the same. Their prior loyalties did not protect them. They had to live with the guilt for compromising their God and participate in the suffering of their fellowman.

The Constitution is written to restrict civil government, not to give people their rights. Since rights were considered inalienable — coming from a higher power than government, then civil government could not take away what it did not have the authority to give in the first place.

A preacher or church leader who promotes Black Lives Matter, which openly states its agenda as Marxist, anti-family, pro-abortion and anti-Christ, is promoting slavery and ensuring that any Constitutional protections are done away with by law. Black Lives Matter is not promoting equal protection under the law. They are promoting equal slavery under law, equal poverty, and equal misery. Liberty is not on their agenda.

Critical Race Theory is based in relativism. Since the Bible determines reality, then by definition, Critical Race Theory is anti-Biblical. The Dialectic Process is the way that Social Engineers use language to change and control culture. Yahweh created the world with words, and redefining the culture with words is one of the wiles of the devil that has not been taught from the pulpit. If the Church understood the Dialectic Process, Christians would recognize they are being deceived and manipulated. Then they would reject the lies they are being fed daily as truth instead of feeling powerless to resist the seemingly-inevitable tyranny.

Critical Theory is a linguistic structure of destruction. It has created a vocabulary around victimhood and redefined the rules of life. The problem is when unreality has a collision with reality, reality always wins. Equality can be labeled freedom, but the people in Cuba are still slaves — they have equal wages, fair housing, free healthcare, etc., but they are slaves, with travel outside their borders restricted. The ideology of Marxism got them there, and licensed religious leaders help to keep them there.

© 2023 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dr. Marlene McMillan: contact@WhyLibertyMatters.com

Website: https://WhyLibertyMatters.com

Pulpits Promoting Critical Theory Destroy Hope

By Dr. Marlene McMillan

July 4, 2023

Critical Theory is an artificial construct that reframes or distorts the world into a sad and hopeless place. It robs you of your dignity and trains you to focus on the negative at the expense of all things beautiful and true, including Liberty. It robs you of the ability to think from principle, follow a logic chain, or recognize truth from error.

Critical Theory is hopeless because in trying to remake reality into their own worldview, you are robbed of knowing how to align your real life with the Immutable Laws of the Universe. These fixed principles are in operation whether you like them or not, believe them or not, or want to have to live within their bounds or not. Knowing these fixed principles allows you to solve real world problems in ways that move you from victim to overcomer. This gives hope for the future.

Critical Theory is a linguistic structure of destruction. It is a high-minded attack on the Word of God with the intent of getting innocent, well-meaning people to operate against the Word while thinking they are doing good.

Cultural Marxism is a form of Marxism that deceptively gets people to voluntarily embrace the ideas of Marxism into daily life by controlling their thought processes. Critical Theory (CT) is the academic term for the method of thinking on which Cultural Marxism is built. Critical Race Theory (CRT) is Critical Theory applied to racism. Black Lives Matter (BLM) embodies CRT.

The Frankfurt School grew out of the Institute for Social Research founded in 1923 in Frankfurt, Germany. When its Communist professor founders fled Nazi Germany in 1933, most of them, with the help of John Dewey, ended up at Columbia Teachers College. The Frankfurt School saw the patriarchal family as the enemy because it maintained established standards of sexual morality that the Frankfurt School believed had to be destroyed through education in order to bring about Cultural Marxism.

Critical Theory and all of its ideological children and grandchildren are hopeless ideas. Critical Theory has become systemic in all of our educational systems. So why have we been teaching this ideology, which has its origins primarily in the Frankfurt School, in our seminaries under the name of Higher Criticism? Rather than learning to know Yahweh and the Truth of His Word through relationship, future pastors are stripped of their belief in the infallibility of the Word of God, and instead, taught a hierarchical system of religious power and bondage based on the doctrines of men to keep the masses under control and dependent.

Critical Race Theory, while claiming to correct injustice, is dystrophic, destructive, and disadvantaged; it results in a meaningless dystopia that steals the future. Who has Critical Race Theory ever helped? An essential element of Critical Theory is constant criticism. Always looking for what is wrong results in unforgiveness, negativity, and bitterness. Bitterness is contagious. It repels joy and blessing. Its followers are kept in a weakened state of victimhood by constantly begging others to do something for them.

Critical Theory openly states the remaking of the family, sexuality, and education as its primary area of focus. Put directly, this means destruction of the nuclear family, the normalization of deviancy, and education that only allows thoughts in agreement with the party line, all while tracking everyone’s place on the continuum of acceptance of the New World Order group think.

When a minister proclaims his support of Black Lives Matter, he is affirming his support of their godless anti-Biblical agenda. He may only desire to share in the suffering of others, express empathy, or prove he is trying to understand. None of those are the real agenda of Black Lives Matter.

While we always assume a good motive, BLM and any organization knowingly or unwittingly promoting Cultural Marxism tell us by their own language where they stand. Many are led astray because they don’t know the meaning of the words used by Social Engineers to implement Marxism without the awareness of the masses.

Jesus did not come to found another religion. He came to establish a Kingdom. That Kingdom is based on fixed principles that are the same for all peoples. It took generations to work out the perfect law of Liberty in the Scriptures and figure out how they applied practically to life. These principles were taught from the pulpit, engrained in the people, and lived out by Kingdom thinkers who saw Liberty as the way of showing the unconditional Love of Yahweh to the unsaved world. Yahweh’s principles are not flawed even though the people who apply them are. It is the unredeemed nature to desire to oppress and enslave others, and there is no secular gospel that can change that, no matter how many laws, surveillances, or prisons are put in place.

Abolitionists were the people who brought slavery to an end in England and the United States. Almost 100% of the abolitionists arrived at their hatred for slavery as a result of their understanding of the Scriptures. They reasoned if Jesus came to set the captives free, it was impossible to be Biblical while enslaving them in the name of Jesus. The 2% of the population who were slave holders before the Civil War are being held up as the norm instead of the Abolitionists who had the majority support of the general population across the South as well as the North. It was primarily Christians who taught the slaves to read and write and risked their lives to help them escape. The more anyone has a Biblical understanding of Liberty, the more they hate slavery, and thus, to accuse them of being complicit is slander.

James Cone’s theories of systemic racism are erroneously accepted without question as authoritarian. To be systemic, it has to be incapable of being separated, and therefore, the whole system has to be destroyed to get rid of the disease. If this is the case, then our whole Constitutional system would have to be obliterated and replaced. With what?: Marxism (centralized redistribution of wealth and power throughout culture), Socialism (Hillary Clinton tells us it is just a nice word for Communism), Democratic Socialism (giving the people a chance to vote for their enslavement), Communism (the Party is god, thus the Party is always right and has a divine right to impose its will upon the people), or Anarchy (lawless chaos), which is always followed by Totalitarianism (total slavery).

In a pro-Critical Theory book by Stephen Eric Bronner, Critical Theory: A Very Short Introduction, this defender and promoter of Critical Theory states the following:

“Critical theory was conceived within the intellectual crucible of Marxism.” p. 2

“They were concerned less with what Marx called the economic ‘base’ than the political and cultural ‘superstructure’ of society.” p. 2

“Alienation and reification are the two ideas most commonly associated with critical theory. The former is usually identified with the psychological effects of exploitation and the division of labor, and the latter with how people are treated instrumentally, as ‘things,’ through concepts that have been ripped from their historical context.” p. 3-4

“European radicals applied its ideas to reconfiguring the family, sexuality, and education.” p. 5 (emphasis added)

“Critical theory was intended as a general theory of society fueled by the desire for liberation.” p. 21

“Critical theory would treat facts less as isolated depictions of reality than as crystallized historical products of social action.” p. 21. To ensure the reader understands the goal, it states the “intent upon transforming reality.” p. 21

“Critical theory sought to make good on the injunction of the young Marx and engage in a ‘ruthless critique of everything existing.’” p. 22

Yes, Critical Theory is a form of Marxism. Quit looking at the labels and look at the substance of the ideas promoters of Critical Theory proclaim. One cannot understand our times without realizing the basic operating premise of all Marxist, Leninist, Trotskyiteist, or Communist Revolutionaries: “The issue is never the issue. It is always about the Revolution.”

“’We must be ready to employ trickery, deceit, law-breaking, withholding and concealing truth… We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, and scorn toward those who disagree with us.’ (Vladimir Lenin) Communists use language and psychology as weapons. Their constant vilification is a form of psychological terror. It puts America and Americans on trial. The verdict is always guilty. Facts don’t matter because the Left does not want to resolve the problems they complain about. They use those problems to agitate and provoke, hoping conflict becomes unavoidable—thereby creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. Their hatred is tactical.” ~ James Simpson, January 12, 2016, “Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Roots of Black Lives Matter”

What is the Revolution? To dethrone Yahweh and enthrone the all-powerful, all-knowing, all-encompassing State as god. Totalitarianism, bondage, tyrannyall just different names for slavery. 

It is understandable how a Saul Alinsky who dedicated his Rules for Radicals to Lucifer could so admire anyone who wants their own kingdom. It makes sense when unsaved, lawless (antinomian) rebels want to be liberated. It is tragic that pastors never pick up on this word in the context of Liberation Theology and ask: “Liberated from what?” What does a person who Jesus shed His blood for on the cross need to be liberated from?

In future articles we will investigate more about Critical Theory and how it has been normalized in our culture. We will also explore more about the linguistic revolution we are all experiencing, no matter where we reside in the world. During times of change, there is great opportunity for Truth to be heard.

© 2023 Dr. Marlene McMillan – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dr. Marlene McMillan: contact@WhyLibertyMatters.com

Website: https://WhyLibertyMatters.com

Social Engineering: How You Are Being Deceived and Manipulated

By Dr. Marlene McMillan

June 26, 2023

Verbal Engineering precedes Social Engineering.
What is a Social Engineer?
Social Engineering is about using words to move a society towards a pre-designed Revolution.

Instead of guns, the weapon of choice is words. The language of culture change is what is commonly called “Political Correctness.” The process of getting someone to embrace the new language and thought patterns of postmodernism is called The Dialectic Process. You don’t have to understand this process to see its results in the new social order being thrust upon us.

How do you recognize a Social Engineer? They are constantly challenging your language. They make statements against the language of public figures and shame them into public apologies for not speaking correctly. Social Engineers are masters of verbal deception who use Political Correctness for oppression. Their victims are captured, not behind the gulag, but in an invisible net of fear of offense. Social Engineers constantly talk about offense. Forgiveness is not in their construct.

There is constant talk about what’s wrong. Discontent, prejudice, division and hatred have to be fueled. Even the word “peace” is used as a smokescreen to divide and conquer. Relativism is a creed. Any symbol of absolute truth is an enemy – especially the father or any authority figure. Destruction is constant. Emotions are habitually heightened. Keeping everyone thinking with their emotions clouds the rational thinking of the masses. They never think to question the kind of life they will have after the revolution. No one stops to ask what, if anything, are we building.

Social Engineers want everyone to speak Politically Correct. In Political Correctness, only certain arguments are allowed. Many important topics of discussion are off the table. Whenever a fact that disagrees with their narrative is brought forward, it is ridiculed as being “old fashioned,” “something we have moved past,” or “no one believes that anymore.” They want to remake the world into their own image and are rarely asked, “Who put you in charge?”

There is a law to lawlessness. Right and wrong are passé. Consequences are conveniently ignored. Political Correctness is the only language allowed to be spoken. Deceit is so commonplace it is accepted as normal. Social Engineers hate the facts and prefer opinions. They are worshippers of Relativism so they can believe and promote whatever pleases them at the moment. Social Engineers are message creators. They are storytellers in the worst sense of the word. Their stories have a social agenda and an emotional mark that touches the very soul of their listeners.

A meme is a favorite tool of a Social Engineer. A meme is an unseen, but real, idea or concept that passes through a culture like a virus. Social Engineers create memes to promote their own ideas. They use symbols as icons and create messages around images like marketers do in advertising. No problem if the facts don’t support the meme. One of the skills of a Social Engineer is the ability to create one’s own “facts.” Like the Ministry of Truth in Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, the “truth” is whatever they say it is.

Social Engineers learn how to seize the moment. They take feelings of discontent and fuel them to new heights. They never let a crisis go to waste. When injustice occurs, they use the failings of the system or the misappropriation of good laws to convince people the whole system is broken and needs to be replaced. Again, no one stops to ask, “What will life be like after the Revolution?”

The masses like the deceit and beg for more because it allows them to deny the inevitable consequences of their choices. Words like accountability, responsibility, authority, and truth are either done away with or redefined. If it is inconvenient, uncomfortable, or carries conviction, it is done away with by consensus.

Part of the process of Social Engineering requires that the masses get weaker and more dependent and the leaders become more tyrannical and authoritarian. In the name of “freedom” or “revolution,” essential liberties and personal dignity are gradually done away with. At this point, the masses have a brief opportunity to awaken, but history shows that they usually choose the easier route of continuing the illusion.

The ultimate deceit is when the deceiver deceives the deceivers. At this point, destroyers costumed as builders get the emotionally-charged crowds to repeat the meme as true. The masses are the revolutionaries who supply the labor, tools and money to destroy their own civilization in the name of revolution. After these revolutionaries have outlived their usefulness, the new tyrants turn on their prior supporters, who become the new victims. While they rally for a better future for their children, they are destroying any hope for their children to have a truly better life.

The ultimate tyrant – and that is what Social Engineers really are – gets the masses to beg for their own oppression. The well-conditioned mob instills their own tyrants thinking that because they are “their own,” they can be trusted. By the time the masses figure out they have been used as pawns in a very ugly game, it is too late, for now they are slaves in their former country. They begged for their slavery and they got what they asked for.

The leader who can take away the wealth of someone else and give it to you can also take away your wealth and give it to someone else. Marxism results in chaos, which leads to anarchy, which results in tyranny. Everyone, rich and poor, will be unhappy with the distribution, and eventually the system will run out of money and goods to distribute. When everyone is equally hungry, they become equally discontent.

The difference between Traditional Marxists and Transformational Marxists is the choice of weapon. Traditional Marxists use guns and terror to get people to follow them. Transformational Marxists use words to deceive the masses into thinking the new society is good for them. The results are the same: loss of Liberty, misery, poverty, and despair. The methods are the only difference.

Traditional Marxists dress in military uniforms and gain political and military power. They use power, force, weapons, and fear to take control. Bloodshed is necessary to whip the masses into compliance. Transformational Marxists look like everyone else and work through what Lenin called the “commanding heights of culture.” They are celebrities, artists, journalists, teachers, attorneys, civic leaders, politicians, clergy, economists, environmentalists, and leaders in every walk of life. A quiet revolution leaves the social structure in tact and allows it to implode out of its own weight.

Social Engineering is not new. It is the tactic of tyrants throughout time. While tyranny has become more sophisticated, a modern tyranny by any other name still results in needless suffering. Social Engineers are change agents. According to Barbara Morris, a change agent is “a person, organization, or institution that changes or helps to change the beliefs, values, attitudes, or behavior of people without their knowledge or consent.” The change agent is the facilitator of the thinking of Postmodernism. A change agent uses deceit and manipulation to garner consensus for their vision of how the world ought to be.

Social Engineers really believe that their vision for the future is superior to the uninitiated and uninformed masses. Social Engineers are change agents for Marxism and Revolution. Marxism is the economic system of Communism and is founded on redistribution of wealth. Socialism is a transition word with the purpose of destroying Capitalism so that it can be replaced with Communism. Even people who would never consider themselves Socialists are now promoting the policies of redistribution. While convincing themselves they are acting for the public good, they are really furthering the agenda of Marxism.

There are four groups of people in the world: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, those who wonder what happened and those who don’t even realize that anything has happened. The intent of the Social Engineers is no secret. For over a hundred years, it has been published for the world to see if anyone is paying attention. An easy place to gain a basic understanding of the agenda and game plan of the Social Engineers can be found in the community organizer’s handbook, Rules for Radicals, by Saul D. Alinsky.

When the modern Social Engineers started to gain ground, some of us issued warnings, but the possibility of such radical ideas ever gaining traction and becoming mainstream sounded too wild. At this stage, it would have been easy to nip in the bud. But, the idea that anything so sinister could happen here was “unbelievable,” and it was ignored.

Now that the Revolution is happening before our eyes, many people are asking for an explanation. The problem is they don’t like the answer. The truth of how and why this is happening sounds too wild and radical, and it is being questioned. There is still time to turn things around, but the price will be very high.

Will we have to come to the place where the only question left is, “What happened?” before anyone will listen to those of us who are watchmen on the wall? At that point, it will still be the truth, it will still sound radical, but it will be too late to do anything about it. All that will be left is mourning. The hopes and dreams of our children will be gone, and the suffering of the masses will be severe. Even the masses that begged for their own tyrants will realize that Liberty, with all its problems, is far better than the empty promises of tyrants.

The Social Engineers have done an excellent job furthering their agenda. They have operated by being hidden in plain sight. They have made themselves mainstream and worked tirelessly for their cause. They have mobilized almost every cultural structure for their cause. The facilitators of social change are the change agents who have been conditioned to lead the revolution.

Social Engineers are influencers who have learned how to persuade others in the language of the culture war. Once everyone is speaking the same language, there is little opposition to total societal restructuring. There must be no “child left behind” or person left out of the “net” of the process. The change in thinking has to be total, and everyone must accept it without question. Those who know history, logic, or Liberty are no longer needed or wanted. They are either marginalized or eliminated from places of influence and power. Anyone who challenges the new meme is considered the enemy. Anyone who can’t go along to get along, anyone who has convictions or Conscience, is a problem.

Where did it all start? When we allowed Liberty to be redefined and divided. Since Liberty is Indivisible, the loss of any portion of Liberty of one individual or group is the loss of everyone’s Liberty.

Political Correctness is voluntary surrender of our right to freedom of speech.

You can learn how to protect yourself, your children and grandchildren from the deceit and manipulation of the Dialectic Process by receiving our instructional emails and attending our complimentary weekly webinars at www.WhyLibertyMatters.com so we can stop surrendering our Liberty, define our words accurately, ask empowering questions, and regain the Liberty we have lost in order to pass the baton of Liberty to the next generation.

© 2023 Dr. Marlene McMillan – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dr. Marlene McMillan: contact@WhyLibertyMatters.com

Website: https://WhyLibertyMatters.com