
By Michael Heath

The swords of the enemy have failed unto the end: and their cities thou hast destroyed. Their memory hath perished with a noise:  But the Lord remaineth forever. He hath prepared his throne in judgment:  And he shall judge the world in equity, he shall judge the people in justice.  And the Lord is become a refuge for the poor: a helper in due time in tribulation. —Psalms 9:6-9

God’s judgment persists on our four hundred year old American experiment with creating a constitutional republic.  The gates of hell opened in many of our cities in recent weeks.  Science and government are no match for such portals.  Demons pass freely, and violently, back and forth through them.  All that’s left of what four centuries built are the burned out husk, and toppled symbols, of recently cherished ideas.

While we freely turn our back on God He decidedly sacrifices Himself for U.S.  Those who choose Him live in love, and without fear, through the terror of His judgment.  The God infused immune system protects from poisons that infect body, and more importantly, soul.  Christianity can even absorb and glorify murder by the state.  We call it martyrdom.  We bow our knee to God alone.  We would never think of worshipping the pigment of our — or someone else’s — skin.

All Americans of GOOD will know that something foundational is askew.  Those who choose to use their God-given free will for evil are bowing, burning, looting and choosing to proudly display the global religious symbol of submission — the now ubiquitous muzzle.  We whisper to ourselves that it is to protect the “safety” of other people all the while knowing it is the public symbol of submission to raw, unbridled, willfully ignorant evil.

The science about the virus is chaotic and inconclusive, at best. Anyone paying attention knows this. The addition of a race war makes the motive power of all that we are experiencing clear — politics. The media is promoting a profoundly dangerous narrative to accomplish a Godless, anti-Christ, political goal. They want global consensus building entities to rule the world. The most well educated are least equipped to understand while the builders and maintainers are spiritually isolated from everyone and everything. The spiritually spinning materialistic revolution of recent centuries hollowed out our civilization. All that’s left is a lifeless husk.

I don’t know what tomorrow will bring. Moreso than ever before in my life I think and act in the moment. In the day. The gospel writer Matthew observed, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” All of us know that the future for us and our loved ones is less certain than ever before in our lifetime. We dare not let this fact overwhelm us. We need hope, confidence and truth. More than any of this we need a sense of humor

Author Tim Gordon’s bio in his book entitled, “Catholic America: Why America will Perish Without Rome” concludes, “In these dark times in the Church and the world, Tim lives by this maxim of G. K. Chesterton: ‘Solemnity flows out of men naturally, but laughter is a leap. It is easy to be heavy: hard to be light.’”

Probably a good reminder for our day.

© 2020 Michael Heath – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

Wearing Muzzles Out of Fear

Michael Heath

“Man towers above the rest of creation so long as he realizes his own [free, rational] nature, and when he forgets it, he sinks lower than than the beasts.  For other living things, to be ignorant of themselves is natural; or man, it is a defect.” —Boethius

At a coffee shop recently I saw a father wearing a bird beak on his face. It was a muzzle (mask) with a firm opening fashioned into the bottom. It made the muzzle look like a beak. He looked like an animal, a

bird. And he wasn’t trying to be funny. He was serious as a heart attack. Scared to death. His two young children and wife were also wearing muzzles.

Americans have sunk lower than beasts. We have completely disconnected ourselves from the truth about being a human being. We tower above the rest of creation just because we are human beings. But none of this goes beyond political bickering now. Just my use of the word “creation” has triggered even church going “christians.” We can no longer think or act for ourselves. We are the least free people on earth. We imagine that only Trump or Biden can save U.S.

Virtue is a swear word. Only kneeling and licking the boots of black rappers for the ubiquitous scream world will allow us to survive into the next day. In case you hadn’t heard, the leader of Chick-Fil-A did that last week. He thinks all Christians should do it. Such a dishonorable act is unthinkable for any human being. In- human and dishonoring acts like this are one of the reasons Europe and America ended slavery. Slavery is still a thing in other parts of the world.

Since science cannot offer a clear and understandable explanation for what Trump called “Kung Flu” Saturday night I reject muzzles and social distancing. This entire charade has nothing to do with science or health. It is clearly and inarguably a power grab by governments, politicians and corporations.

I knew that from day one. That’s why I called my FedEx contractor and offered to jump back into the truck. I didn’t know at the time that the whole world would be forced by the politicians to never leave their home, but I knew something big was afoot. I figured FedEx was a good bet to stay busy since they are increasingly the conduit for the crap Americans buy on the internet. FedEx cut a deal with WalMart as the lock down got started. We’ve been busy. Slowing down now.

I have faith. The writer of Hebrews describes faith as the substance of things hoped for, the essence of things not SEEN. We are triggered far too easily by what we SEE on screens. Obviously.

For many years I’ve been increasing my vigilance over what I do on a screen. Years ago I abandoned all dramas. For entertainment I’ll watch documentaries sometimes. I mostly listen to theology, philosophy and political news on my phone while delivering. The only other thing I use the screen for is to write these columns. I do almost nothing with social networks. Whenever I start using Twitter, Facebook or any of the social commenting aspects of the internet I quickly get bored with the insanity, and angered by the insipid cacophony.

Faith, not sight, is what is going to sustain U.S. through the war that may have just started. Right now the war is mostly contained within American political wrangling. The communist/socialist Left is flexing more economic, religious and political muscle than we’ve seen before. There is, however, an undercurrent of Faith. God will never abandon His Church. The gates of hell will never prevail against it.

I’m discovering more solace and strength than ever before in my life in the sacrament of prayer. We are sur-rounded by a great cloud of witnesses. They want to help us. We must talk with them.

My favorite prayer, still unmemorized at this point, is that of my namesake lead warrior angel — Michael. Penned in the late 1800s it reads:

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.

We are in a battle. The wickedness and snares of the devil are more obvious than ever before in my life. Souls are being ruined. Pursuit of the virtues is the path forward. Goodness, truth and beauty are formed in culture by the moral choices of free people. We just need to get back to thinking of ourselves as moral beings. We are FREE to choose virtue, goodness and beauty. We don’t have to choose evil.

The idea that government and science can fix, demand and heal everything is a diabolical idea. Government and science have a place in a civilization, but they are not anything like a savior.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

© 2020 Michael Heath – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

Majesty of Government

Mike Heath

Political and religious affairs are so closely united that what is taken from the spiritual weakens the loyalty of subjects and the majesty of the government —Leo XIII

Twenty two years before the twentieth century began the Roman Catholic Church once again appealed to reason using their program of issuing encyclicals from the Vatican. It wasn’t the first time the Church offered a written response to the “isms” (communism, socialism, fascism, scientism, liberalism, conservativism) that reproduced like rabbits with the invention of the printing press. The Church came under ferocious attack in the West as each individual citizen took up the job of serving as their own Priest.

The Church warned about the peril of socialism and argued that respect for the Roman Catholic Church … Apostolic Christianity … provided the most practical path forward for nations. The Pope wrote, “Since they know that the Church of Christ has such power to ward off the plague of socialism as cannot be found in human laws, in the mandates of magistrates, or in the force of armies, let them restore that Church to the condition and liberty in which she may exert her healing force for the benefit of all society.”

It feels archaic and silly to be taking these thoughts seriously. Why in the world would anyone be interested in the “loyalty of subjects” and the “majesty of government.” It’s painfully obvious now, especially in light of the brutal and banal aesthetic of internet “discourse,” that loyalty and majesty are a relic from the past. When YouTube, Twitter and Facebook are done perverting human socializing the ideas of loyalty and majesty will be extinct. You might say we can hear the Tik Tok of the clock running out on U.S. I feel like our humanity and common sense are like an old person diagnosed with Covid 19 being hooked up to one of Trump’s respirators. Medical science assures U.S. they are trying to save our life, but we all know that what they are really doing is killing U.S.

It was like this in the decades leading up to the brutal slaughter of the Christian Czar’s family in Russia by Jewish Bolshviks. Their murder resulted in seventy years of communist horror in the now extinct Soviet Union. Alexander Solzhenitzyn didn’t let the people of Russia off the hook. He pronounced their complicity. Russia now mandates the reading of his book, and the government publicly honors the majesty of the Church, and the Christian religion that birthed her.

That’s what’s happening in the modern Eastern half of what used to be known worldwide as Western Civilization. While our Eastern brothers and sisters move toward humanity and common sense we continue to slaughter the innocent. Not one baby murder mill was deemed “non essential” during this recent communist lock down of the world. All the Churches were forced to close.

And the Roman Catholic hierarchy led the way in submitting to the cult-like “science-based” group think mandated by Donald Trump’s reality show persona, with “doctors” Fauci and Birk as props. Instead of putting his twitter account on hold Trump panicked with the best of ‘em. The scientists said jump and the Pope, along with the world’s President, asked “How high?” Soros, Gates and the scientists responded, “Till every last small and medium sized business in the world is bankrupt, and Christianity is no longer baked into the pie.”

I’d like to think that the Church is still capable of serving as a “healing force for the benefit of all society.” I am forced to wonder. The Pope hates borders, walls and nations while his priests and bishops crawl over them to grope altar boys, and one another. The laity, and integrity of the Church, has never been more vulnerable to Satan’s attacks. Cynicism and unbelief, rooted in an unhinged materialistic libertarianism/anarchism, is the rule of the day.

And if you think it’s bad now …

Every day I choose to believe, and pray that, God the Father will bring good out of even this unimaginable evil.

© 2020 Mike Heath – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

Contact Tracing

by Mike Heath

Lots of phrases and words are becoming common place in our new normal. Social distancing is one example. Another phrase that is starting to emerge is “contact tracing.” In a recent thirty minute interview on YouTube with Laurie Steele, former Maine Governor Paul LePage said he doesn’t have a problem with contact tracing. He quickly qualified his affirmation saying, “I don’t like it.” He then talked about learning from his experience as a bartender that ninety percent of patrons pay with a credit card. He said the government should “make a deal” with bar owners to do contact tracing using the credit card information if the need arises.

Wow. The former Governor gained and managed power as a conservative Republican. He was in power for eight years. He is being taken seriously by political insiders as the most capable of unseating Jezebel Janet Kills, who is expected to run for re-election.

Later in the interview the bartending Governor brags about using Lysol to disinfect his plane seat when he flew from Florida to Maine recently. He donned his mask without complaint, and happily kept his distance from the scary humans nearby.

I was surprised to hear Governor LePage buying in so fully to the global political narrative associated with this flu strain. I’m also disappointed in Donald Trump. I get that these men must take politics seriously. They are politicians after all. But surely they can find ways to elevate common sense over the vain imaginings of Bill Gates, the WHO, the Chinese Communist Party and small men like Anthony Fauci.

Tens of millions of people around the planet ARE NOT going to take Gate’s poison — the vaccine. More people are getting “woke” in a shorter period of time about how unhinged from reality science and financial capital are than ever before in human history. The internet, which was part of their plan as a surveillance weapon, is being wrested from their control. People who want goodness, truth and beauty more than they want absolute dependence on technology and government are finding one another. They are loving one another enough to reason together across ideological, religious and national borders. And they are discovering that they love their families, their languages and their cultures, more than they love their iphone, their porn and their free stuff.

LePage scares me in this interview. He appears drunk on power, to tell you the truth. The idea that governments would “cut deals” with bar owners to gain access to specific private details about drink purchases is terrifying.

Has conservative Paul LePage caught the fear virus too? He is so afraid of this flu — which is surprising only with respect to how few are dying — that he wants the government to have the power to access personal details associated with the purchase of a margarita? Tell me it isn’t so.

The world’s reaction to this virus is revealing a hell of a lot about U.S. We’ve reduced the word hell to a catch word in a throw away descriptor. Christian civilization believed, not so very long ago, that hell is the place where people who reject God get their wish … forever. They get to live with themselves, and their passions, forever. C.S. Lewis describes hell brilliantly in his little book, “The Great Divorce,” as an infinitely expanding universe of isolated individuals surrounded by the things they decided to “love” during their life on earth. God merely gives them what they lusted after their entire life — eternity alone without Him.

Those who chose Him get to live with Him forever. That’s called heaven.

Christianity used to restrain government in the West. The religion assured that government didn’t become the only institution with power in the society. The Christian doctrine of subsidiarity described and empowered an infinity of individuals and institutions. It honors the idea that all power that can realistically be sustained locally must be maintained locally. Societies must maintain rules and protections that produce this result.

Who’d of thunk? This idea emerges from within the musty irrelevant hyper authoritarian phenomenally violent collective mind of Christianity. Could progress across the spectrum of human disciplines emerge in a Christian civilization? Oh, wait, it already happened. Much of the world we inhabit in the West exists because of the influence of Christianity over the past two millennia.

What does Pelosi’s progressive brigade offer by contrast? Let’s see now. Love for all races but our own; continual baby murder paid for by the government; guiltless sex with anything that moves; no more marriage; constant fear of everything that breaths, barks, talks and coughs; and government as family.

I don’t know about you but I’m ready to wake up from this hyper ideological nightmare I’ve been living in since I was born in America fifty eight years ago. I know we can’t go backward in time but I’d sure prefer the old normal, as we move into the future, to anything resembling the Fauci, Gates, Soros new normal.

© 2020 Michael Heath – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

No Room For Love

Michael Heath

Love is learned in the family. The organic or natural family begins with a father and a mother. No other arrangement is designed to work for children. They must have a father and mother who are stable for a lifetime. We all need and want that. There is nothing on earth more insane than the suggestion that two men or two women can substitute as the opposite gender parent in a “marriage.” This is not gay. This is madness. And it is the essence of hate.

Do you look around, as I do, and ask yourself where love is hiding. I see bottomless evidence of lust, passion and pride. I see almost no love, as Jesus Christ lived and taught it in His gospel.

Pope Benedict observed recently that those who do not accept gay marriage must be prepared to suffer the consequences. “Today one is being excommunicated by society if one opposes it.” I was excommunicated for opposing it in 2004. And I took it personally. I worried to the deepest parts of my soul that I’d done something wicked, something wrong. I’ve only recently started to emerge from the fog of the psychological warfare that was waged on me over twenty years by the most powerful institutions in Maine.

Those who once stood with me went into hiding. They silenced themselves, afraid for their families and their livelihoods. They witnessed my excommunication from the highest political/religious level of Maine and decided my fate was not for them. These courageous Christians had also experienced the hate up front and personal during multiple campaigns defending the truths of the faith on sexual morality and family formation.

Now we are watching our children jettison the Christian traditions of America so they can “Feel the Bern.” They don’t understand how close to the all consuming fires of communism they are flying. While our children — who are having children and building families — should be joining us on the front lines of this epic battle for Western civilization they aspire to jobs where they never have to leave their home, and they accomplish ALL their tasks through a screen.

Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and Dr. Birk have just delivered up their wet dream. Now everyone does everything through a screen … by force. The globalist oligarchs are playing out their end game inside the heads of every per-son on the planet.

It is no longer just Western Civilization that is at stake. It is our humanity. We are volunteering for slave status in a technocracy that’s been in the works since the 1920s.

Sadly, I fear the only power capable of stopping this from happening is so weakened by their gated-community-retirement-cruise-ship-RV-induced coma that they will continue to ignore their sins, their children and their God. Since the second world war Americans have been marinated in materialism to a degree never before imaginable on planet earth. We’ve completely cut ourselves off from God, from moral TRUTH. Truth is now what the individual decides it is. This is the source of most of our confusion right now.

The idea that spiritual truth is decided upon by each individual interpreting a Bible verse, or sequence of Bible verses, comes from within Protestantism. The Protestant movement’s departure from Roman Catholic theology and praxis cannot be reduced to that idea exclusively. It is, however, a powerful idea for them. It has helped inform their tolerance of all religions within the borders of the United States of America. In the 1800’s it helped the nation absorb Roman Catholic and Jewish immigrants. They were accepted as Americans because they were also “people of the book.” If each individual Protestant has the right and obligation to find God in their scriptures then why not the Roman Catholics and the Jews?

Now, of course, we’ve become full on universalists when it comes to religion. All sincere and “good” Americans are saved and going to heaven … sort of. Theology and philosophy, indeed all the humanities … or what academics still refer to as the liberal arts … is so confusing to everyone that these once beautiful and important intellectual disciplines probably couldn’t even be resuscitated by a million of Donald’s beautiful ventilators. Some argue that a new intellectual dark age is right around the corner as a result. I am believing this is not the case.

I am working to honor the Western Church, imperfect for sure, that documents her existence through apostolic succession all the way back to Saint Peter. She continues to this day to emphasize as her reason for existence on planet earth the delivery of Christian sacraments to all the people of the world. Wherever she is invited she will go. She brings the moral law of Christianity, teaching the people the way God did when He walked planet earth as a human person two thousand years ago.

We’ve developed a jaundiced, though somewhat tolerant, view of the Roman Catholic Church due to partisan battles between Protestantism and Roman Catholicism going back over five hundred years. The United States of America is the most Protestant nation on the planet. The nations who are leading the way back from the toxic side effects of Western philosophy’s Godless frontal assault on the Christian moral law predate Protestantism. I’m thinking of Russia, Poland and Hungary in particular. Should the United States of America choose to continue pro-testing in the discipline of religion I suspect we will gain the best insights for how to proceed from these nations. If we choose not to look to the eastern parts of the West then our totalitarian response to the fake science of corona insanity means we are crossing the threshold into our honeymoon suite having married the Chinese Communist Party. Our young people seem oblivious to all of this, especially the ones who are immersed in the most popular versions of post modern Protestantism. I’m thinking of the evangelical mega churches, and the pathetic pro family movement.

The future for Christianity in America is anything but popular. We are back to the catacombs my friends. Look for Christian goodness, truth and beauty wherever you can find it. Nourish yourselves on it. It is everywhere. While running from a porch where I’d just dropped a package a few days ago I stopped and wondered at the flitting of two colorful butterflies on a brilliant yellow wildflower. God’s creation is all around you. Love it. Appreciate it. Worship Him. He made it all, and gave us free will. We are free to choose, or reject, Him. But He is always bringing good out of evil. HiStory is going someplace good.

© 2020 Michael Heath – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

Separate Government from Church

Michael Heath

On day one as Governor of Maine I would separate the state government from the Church. I would close the state’s education and welfare departments. I would put Maine’s government out of the business of “caring” for people. Government would no longer be the arbiter and guarantor of everything. Government is not God.

The West is a creation of Christianity. Protestantism has flubbed things up so badly that I would turn to the Bishop of Portland. The Roman Catholic Church would take over education and welfare. In the wake of covidinsanity we need their wisdom more than ever, especially when it comes to matters of home and hearth.

Freud, Nietzsche, Luther — and especially Jewish Talmudic racism — is out. The encyclicals and philosophy/ theology of the Roman Catholics is in. I’ve been listening to readings of the Pope’s encyclicals from the 1800s. All I can say is wow. They pretty much nailed the twentieth century.

Look, going forward we have a simple decision to make in America. We either jettison the last pathetic vestiges of Christianity, or we get serious about religion. If we’re going to take religion seriously we’re going to have to choose one. It has always been nonsensical to think that all of them are equal. For goodness sakes look where that has gotten us. My old friends in the socalled pro family movement can only think about begging sodomites to grant them the “freedom” to exist. They choose not to realize the truth. Sodomites are simply the most recent flavor of proxy warrior for the rich and powerful. They create the chaos that the oligarchs use to control the mob. Be- fore them it was blacks, and before that it was women.

If we’re going to choose Christianity then Rome is the sensible choice for the English. We’ve spent a half millennium doing Christianity our way. It ain’t working, obviously. I say we turn to Rome. And when I say Rome I’m not saying this current Pope. I am saying that we look to the Seat of Peter for wisdom and knowledge — especially about morality. I mean no disrespect to Jorge Mario Bergoglio, especially in his role as Pontiff. But on all things globalist I disagree with him. That’s encouraged within the Church you know — disagreement over ideas.

I’m not going to run off and open my own Church, which is the Protestant way. This weakening of Christianity in America has done more than anything else to create the mess in which we find ourselves. Things are not worse because sensible Protestants continue to honor and defend the Bible, which they stole from the Roman Catholic Church five hundred years ago.

All the States in America were founded with Christianity as their heart. The States all chose different denominations of Protestantism, with the exception being Maryland (founded by Catholics) because America is a revolutionary power. We threw off the King of England and borrowed syncretistic ideas about religion from the rising philosophy among English speaking intellectuals. Masons played a big role in this.

When the central or Federal government was profoundly weak it adopted the First Amendment, which is printed at the top of this COLUMN. It was a political move to assure that the national government wouldn’t be forced to choose from among the denominations that ruled the states. While the revolutionary war was animated by the slogan “No King but King Jesus” the oligarchy made sure that their power would not be attenuated by King Jesus. He is nowhere mentioned in our legal documents. The best we’ve ever been able to do at the national level is “In God We Trust.” Never an official or legal mention of Jesus Christ.

Without His favor, and that of His parents Joseph and Mary, no state lasts for long. Even with their favor states often falter due to sin. The human condition is complicated, to say the least. Until Jesus Christ returns again we suffer the consequences of Adam’s choice in the Garden of Eden.

The economic benefit to Maine from doing this would be immediate. Two thirds of the annual budget would go away. And the labor force that will replace the bloated Freudian and communist workforce of these behemoth “institutions” would be cost free. Priests, Monks and Nuns take a vow of poverty, chastity and obedience. All the Church has to provide is three meals and a cot. Jesus Christ demands everything from those called to Holy Orders. The Church will easily raise the funds needed to provide for their staffing needs through tithes and offerings — once the hierarchy stops hiding and sinning sexually.

Oh, and those of you who think rule of the Church over education and welfare means that you can’t be an atheist or homo anymore are sadly mistaken. The categories of atheist or homo really don’t exist without Christian morality anyway. You guys will be better off under Catholic rule in the area of home and hearth. You’ll be forced to keep your sins and unbelief to yourselves, which is better for everyone.

And lastly for my Protestant brothers and sisters. You will be better off also. Catholics define Protestantism as a heresy, not an apostasy. Your orthodox water baptism makes you a Christian. They will discuss theology and philosophy with you on those grounds. You can argue your favorite verse, or sequence of verses, to your heart’s content, and still be part of the Church. What you can’t do is declare your own interpretation, or that of your group, to be the Church’s interpretation of the scripture. That is decided by the Church, thank God.

The State has the right, indeed a duty before God, to declare it’s affiliation with Christianity — with Rome. And the Federal government has nothing to say about it. The Federal Government shall make no law …

I’m tired of being a revolutionary, aren’t you? Four centuries of rebellion is enough. When will we stop shaking our fist at God? Will we stop when we have the right to kill our babies before they are born? Oh, wait, we’ve been doing that for decades. Will we stop when we decide there is no difference between two men having sex and a man and a woman having sex? Oh, yea, we already figured that one out. Will we stop when we’ve gained the “right” to kill our parents when they become too expensive? Got that one too. Will we stop when we have the “right” to ignore our DNA and declare our own gender? Taking care of that one right now. Will we stop when we create a technology that makes sexually explicit videos depicting sons having sex with their sisters and mothers instantly available to our pubescent boys? Already doin it.

I say we make Jesus our King instead of our selfishness, passion and lust.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

Dad-Deprived World

Michael Heath

“When Wortman began his carnage late on April 18 by murdering his recently estranged ex-partner and her new boyfriend, authorities say he was wearing an RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) uniform and driving a mock-up of an RCMP cruiser.” —Epoch Times article entitled “Nova Scotia Killer and the Possible Deeper Reasons Behind His Rampage”

51 year old Gabriel Wortman was killed by Canadian police on April 19.  He had just finished murdering at least 22 people.  Channeling the cultural and moral authority of Canada’s elite law enforcement agency, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Wortman meted out His judgment on the world around him.  The materially-successful but spiritually-deprived denturist carried out his murders wearing an RCMP uniform and driving an auctioned police cruiser he owned.

There are two facts that interest me about this incident.  First, he started his murder spree by killing his “estranged ex-partner and her new boyfriend.”  Second, he was an only child raised by his mother.  Epoch News reported, “An only child, Wortman was raised by his mother after his parents divorced.”

Wortman was triggered to kill his estranged ex-partner after having a heated argument with his girlfriend.  In the news reports I’ve read I haven’t found that Wortman was ever married.  But we know that at the time of the murders he had enjoyed relations with at least two “girl friends.”  Warren Farrell, author of the book “The Boy Crisis,” cited reports that “Wortman was having relationship problems with his girlfriend and how he was reportedly acting jealous.”

Farrell told Epoch News, “Whether they were Adam Lanza who committed the Sandy Hook killings, Elliot Rodger at UC Santa Barbara, Dylann Roof in Charleston, Nikolas Cruz in Parkland, Stephen Paddock in Las Vegas, and on and on, they were all dad-deprived kids.”

The people of the world, Westerners especially, inhabit a dad-deprived culture. The world’s response to the Chinese Communist Party Virus is no different than Wortman’s unhinged version of justice.  Neither is God’s, or any other religion’s, version of justice. Both are extreme boyish playground examples of bullying.

Wortman put on the uniform of the most recognized and legally violent authority in his neighborhood and won his final victory.  The super rich globalist oligarchs of the world have put on the science-based uniform of post-modernist priestcraft to gain their victory over the men of Western civilization who are denying them absolute control of humanity.  Trump and Putin come to mind.  The world’s reaction to the Chinese Communist Party Virus is communism’s boyish temper tantrum.  The economic devastation visited on the world’s population cannot be understood in any other way.  It is a political over-reaction made possible by the West’s (mostly America’s) collapse into an especially wicked and morally toxic Fatherless secularism.

I am not saying that the virus isn’t dangerous.  The question is not whether it spreads quickly.  It is also unquestionable that it kills people.  The average age, however, of the victims is over eighty years old.  And most of those who die are also fighting other serious health issues.  This sort of mortality statistic is similar to the flu, something with which we are all too familiar.  The one fact that overwhelms all others about this virus is the lack of scientifically accurate information.  This fact has, since the beginning of this crisis, forced me to conclude that our betters know something we don’t … like maybe it’s a bioweapon engineered to cut an unimaginably horrible swath of devastation through the world’s population.

At this point I don’t think that’s the case.  We are over-reacting to a potential threat to our material existence in a maternal way.  We are putting safety first.  To hell with all other considerations — especially transcendent moral verities.

Men don’t think or act this way.  Women do.  The world is Father-deprived because the United States of America has used it’s vast economic and military resources to flatten the world.  Oh yes, it’s true.  The world is indeed flat.  Everybody and everything is equal — especially in what we once called the humanities.  It’s been that way for decades — all ideas and religions being equal in worth and truth.  Now the equality virus has infected science.  That’s why we can’t even accept our God-given genders anymore.  Even material reality is unhinged.

The barn door through which the Father just passed is swinging on it’s hinges.  Humanity is forcibly locked inside the barn with safety-conscious, politically correct mom.  Dad is outside in the sunshine getting ready to plow the field.

If we’d all just come out from under mom’s skirt and run joyously through the still swinging door we might be able to persuade dad into a quick game of tag before he settles into his harness for the day’s labor.

© 2020 Michael Heath – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

American Christianity’s Ventilator

Michael Heath

That is the mindset of an authoritarian — Bill Donohue, The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights

American Christianity is on life support. Franklin Graham’s organization, Samaritan’s Purse, is that ventilator. It is clear now that even that isn’t going to be enough to save the ancient faith in the good ole USA. As Godless hospitals the world over power up to respond to the Communist Chinese Party’s Corona Virus Graham rallied enough evangelical Christian doctors and nurses to set up sixty eight beds in Central Park, New York.


Here’s the Mayor’s fevered response, “I said immediately to my team that we had to find out exactly what was happening. Was there going to be an approach that was truly consistent with the values and the laws in New York City, that everyone would be served and served equally?  We’re going to send over people from the Mayor’s Office to monitor” the park facility.  Bill Donahue observes about this promise, “That is the mindset of an authoritarian.”

It seems a couple New York luminaries had drawn the attention of locals with comments aimed at Graham’s archaic belief in marriage.  Bill Donahue wrote, “Militant secularists have bombarded him with vitriol, including such notables as New York State Senator Brad Hoylman and playwright Paul Rudnick. Hoylman called Graham a ‘notorious anti-gay bigot’ and Rudnick branded him a ‘vicious homophobe.’”  And that was after Graham had bowed and scraped to the “sexual orientation” police by promising to treat sodomites who contracted the disease.

Franklin Graham defended his ministry saying, “We do not make distinctions about an individual’s religion, race, sexual orientation, or economic status.”  Except when they do.  And we all make distinctions about an individual’s religion, race, sexual orientation, or economic status. That’s because we are all distinct in these areas of our lives. No two of us are the same. We have a right to our distinctives, and others have a right to associate based on those distinctives.   Obviously.  It’s called freedom of association.  Graham’s pledge to leftism emerges because of the power Western peoples have granted to Satan and his evil designs.

Even the Reverend Franklin Graham can’t bring up Satan in this context anymore than he can condemn sodomy.  Nobody is allowed to use either the word sodomy or sodomite.  To use such accurate English words to describe the “holy” rite at the heart of the Left’s hyper sexualized religion is to invite censure as a Nazi.  So be it.  Reality is what it is.  Even Bill Gates isn’t going to be able to change that fact.

If I were setting up a hospital in New York I’d provide medical care to sodomites, and all sinners.  I would, in fact, give them priority over Christians.  That’s what Christians do.  They love their neighbor.  The great equalizer in a Christian world is not freedom to access pornography.  The great equalizer in reality is sin.  We are all sinners.  We need a savior.

At my hospital the first sit down after stabilization of the body would be with the priest who is an expert in moral theology.  The sinner would have absolute liberty to reject every word he said.  This would not affect the quality of the care provided in the slightest.  But the individual’s sin would be connected to the individual’s material suffering.  And this would be the greatest gift that a Christian hospital is capable of providing.  The healing of the body is secondary to healing for the soul.

So the sodomite would be taught by my moral theologian that his sinful choice is one of four sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance.  He should consider the grave danger to his soul.  He can reject the counsel.  If he does he will pay the price.  If the civilization that nurtures him also rejects reality then that society will pay the price.

We are paying the price.  God’s judgment is falling.

Clearly, scientifically and absolutely.

All of us have grown accustomed to throwing around the vague idea of “sexual orientation” whenever the subject arises.  The idea NEVER occurs in Christianity or the Bible.  It is a modernist invention.  The Roman Catholic church surrendered to the deception decades ago.  They’ve been trying to allow that a person can be oriented toward sodomy, but they must not act on it.  American Evangelicalism is now joining the Catholics and making it’s peace with Freud’s nonsense.

I prefer Paul the Apostle’s categories in this matter.  He spoke plainly in his letter to the Romans.  He opened his letter slamming sodomy in no uncertain terms.  He was writing to Christians living in the most powerful city in the world.  He wrote helpfully:

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth.  For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things.

Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.

For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.

And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless. Though they know God’s righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.

I couldn’t say it better myself.  Amen.

© 2020 Michael Heath – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

Orwell’s Nursery Rhyme

Watch as the globalist demon tries to shame him into it’s frame of “borders are racist” and he swats it down and trumps it with “Hungary for the Hungarians”. — From a twitter video

Michael Heath

Lately I’ve been hearing a big word thrown around alot — Zenophobia.  I googled it and discovered the first citation is in 1880 from the Daily News in England. If you take time to click on the twitter link above you’ll hear the “journalist” throw it at the Foreign Minister of Hungary as if it were an insult. The impressive and serious Minister swats down the blonde news babe saying, “No, I have to reject that and I take it as an insult what you have just said because we Hungarians, we do have the right, and no one … no one … can take that away from us.  We have the right to make our own decisions, whom we would like to allow into our territory in Hungary, and we do not allow to enter.”

The news babe interrupts and gets to the point.  She says, “The people you don’t want to come in are Muslims, right?”  The foreign minister doesn’t address the religious issue in the clip but he does finish his point arguing against “multiculturalism.”

Hungary recognizes in her constitution “Christianity’s nation-building role.”  Over fifty percent of Hungary is either Roman Catholic or Protestant.  According to the World Atlas the next largest identifiable religious group is “atheism or agnostism” at eighteen percent.  Borrowing from the religious syncretism of Masonry Hungary has declared “freedom of religion” a fundamental right.  America is the world’s champion of this idea — “freedom of religion.”  The world is witnessing what it means in reality.  It’s been fun to pretend that nations can develop civilization and remain civilized without choosing to answer the question in law, “Who is God?”  Humanity’s disproportional panic over a microbe should be reason enough to conclude that we got off track somewhere in the recent past.  The West went careening off the tracks toward civilization when it decoupled the Church and the government.

The partnership between Church and state that emerged in the West after Rome collapsed fifteen hundred years ago exhaled it’s death rattle and expired over a hundred years ago.  America played no small part in making that happen.  European philosophy served as the manure that nourished the shoots.  The weed is full grown today.  We call it globalism.  It is an especially rancid and odious fruit that provides no nourishment.  The fundamental dogma of globalism is “freedom of religion.”  This means that only the rich get to choose their religion.  The rest of humanity must worship at WalMart until the oligarch’s brand-spanking-new-product-distribution-system is fully formed — Amazon.

Consumerism is the world’s new religion.  Christianity be damned.  Communism killed off the ancient faith of China.  Consumerism finished off Christianity in the West.  Politicians do the bidding of their masters — the global controllers of production and distribution.  Rising to confront the emptiness in our souls caused by the ongoing murder of godliness, justice, truth and beauty are the old gods of paganism.

There is no more effective weapon in satan’s arsenal than “multiculturalism.”  It’s good that Hungary is pushing back against it.  The real issue everywhere, however, is the right of a nation to answer the question for themselves, “Who is God?”  It isn’t the government’s responsibility to assure that every religion is present in equal proportions inside their borders.  This merely assures that all religions become irrelevant.

The beneficiaries of reducing religion to the significance of superstitution are the salesmen.  No longer able to rise together toward heaven the nation descends into hell.  If you want to get a glimpse of what hell is like just go to WalMart.  Even more accurate is the world imagined for us by the planners who envision being able to deliver both our digital and real world distractions right into our homes.   We get the convenience, they get the surveillance.  We get five thousand friends, they get absolute control over every aspect of our lives.  Orwell wrote nursery rhymes.  Welcome to the New World Order.

It’s not my world order.  You may want to continue trying to be human inside of their system.  I’m out.  I’m done.

When the Church gets over her coronaphobia and decides to celebrate God’s resurrection I’m going to be confirmed Roman Catholic.  I’ve stabilized my income anticipating a collapse of donor support as a result of the panic by jumping back into the cab of the FedEx truck.  I’m loving every minute of living in the belly of the beast system satan envisions.  I have a sneaking suspicion he’s about to lose another battle big time.  I can’t predict the contours of the defeat, but I see hints of it in my three millenial sons.  Satan can’t ever defeat God’s Holy Spirit.  I don’t know if what we are experiencing is a judgment that brings the end of America, or the purging/repentance of America.  I’m praying for the latter, but perfectly willing to accept the former.  The baby killing, porn addiction and sodomy must stop at all costs.


© 2020 Michael Heath – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

They Hate Americans – They Hate Christians

Michael Heath

You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators. — Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

For the second time a hard Left socialist is among the most powerful Democratic candidates for President.  The Obama establishment wing of the party is coalescing behind the doddering old fool Joe Biden to freeze Bernie Sanders out.  The same thing happened with Hillary Clinton last time.  While the names jiggle around at the top of the Left’s cabal two facts remain.  The Left wing of our politics hates God.  They also hate America.

They pretend they don’t hate Christian America but there’s no denying it now.  They led the way into the chaotic, ugly and hateful discourse that now characterizes the fight over the common good.  It isn’t Trump’s fault.  His tweeting is the most potent aspect of his presidency — especially the personal insults against his enemies.  The chattering class thinks people pay attention to everything they think and write.  Most people just live their lives ignoring politics and the news.  It took an entertainer reality star billionaire insulting his way into their consciousness with epithets aimed at the establishment they have come to loathe to get their attention.  Nobody knows who to trust anymore.

The great Russian author Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn could be describing American media today when he wrote, “The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators.”  The ruling class of America is in the hands of those who want Christianity to disappear from the world.  They are replacing it with a “moral” code for fools that rewards bad behavior at the expense of good.  Decency is easy to define.  The Ten Commandments are a proven and workable foundation for a civilization.  Why have they been removed from our schools?  Why are they thought to be hate filled by most of our youth — even our children and grandchildren who go to church youth groups?

America’s Christianity is quarantined.  It has been that way my entire lifetime.  I’ve never known a time when the public square wasn’t awash in religious syncretism.  Christianity was brought low in America long before I was born.  First it was made equal to all other philosophies, ideologies and religions.  Then it was forced into stained glass fortresses.  Now it is presented to us as if it were a banal second class rock concert followed by a motivational speech.  The Christian vitality that once enlivened American homes was drained away by the instruments of electronic media.  The radio, then television, displaced the precious moments families spent praying and playing together.  Mothers were taught to enjoy themselves sexually while they killed their offspring.  Fathers were enabled to absolutely sever their connection to their own children. Aided by unlimited access to porn they replaced their God-given sense of fatherly responsibility with instant satisfaction of sexual urges.

Distracted continuously, and constantly rewarded for conformity, Americans are losing their humanity.  We are witnessing the beginnings of a callousness that could fuel a slaughter of Soviet proportions.  It will start with Christians.  But it won’t stop there.  The blood letting of totalitarians never stops there.  Solzhenitsyn observed, “Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse.”  We can all see this ethnic hatred rising against “whites.”  The real target is Christianity.  The father of lies — satan — will use whatever he can to bring chaos, division and death.  Jesus Christ is all about nurturing goodness, truth and beauty.  And everyone knows it.  They ignore the truth to excuse their own sins … to give themselves permission to go on sinning.

Solzhenitsyn again, “The strength or weakness of a society depends more on the level of its spiritual life than on its level of industrialization. Neither a market economy nor even general abundance constitutes the crowning achievement of human life. If a nation’s spiritual energies have been exhausted, it will not be saved from collapse by the most perfect government structure or by any industrial development. A tree with a rotten core cannot stand.”

The businessman Donald Trump isn’t going to save us.  Only one thing can save us now.  Men must repent.  They must turn from their wicked ways and beliefs.  They must turn their hearts toward home and hearth.  Christianity offers universe-powering resources to aid us on our path forward.  The Holy Family of Joseph, Mary and Jesus Christ are on the side of all those who pursue righteousness and holiness with a contrite heart.  All the saints are cheering us on.  The writer of Hebrews proclaimed, “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,  Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.  For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.  Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin.”

Let’s stop striving against one another and start striving against sin.  Let’s do the next right thing today. Amen.

On my LIVEstream show this morning I asked if they matter.  I was talking about the ten commandments.  I asked if it is possible to make America great again without them.  It seems like we’re developing an attitude of hostility toward God and His law.  Check it out when you get a chance.  Share the thirty minute teaching with a friend.  You can find it at video.michaelheath.org.  It is titled “They Hate Americans — They Hate Christians.”

© 2020 Michael Heath – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

Richmond, Virginia: A Time for Blood?

Michael Heath

Northam said he respects the right of VDCL and other groups to protest gun control legislation in the state but called on them to keep the demonstrations peaceful. — Breitbart, January 15, 2020

The Left wing of Western politics is deeply threatened at the moment.  Every stratagem they’ve attempted in the past four years has failed dramatically.  The power behind the throne of this movement is comprised of privileged old folks who don’t even begin to want to think of the internet as anything other than the most potent control and propaganda mechanism ever invented.  Their ignorant globalist arrogance continues to push righteousness into the corner.  Will Richmond on Monday be where the cornered virtue of the West in America decides to fight back in such a way that it cannot be refused?  We shall see.

The corporate lap dog media is perfectly performing the role assigned to them.  They are painting a picture of gun owning Americans taken directly from the pages of the PR firm that coined Killary’s “deplorables” epithet.  You cannot consider any news about Richmond without being reminded of Charlotte.  The essence of being cornered by an enemy determined to destroy you is being forced into a situation where there are only two choices.  Fight or die.  The time for guile and optics has passed.  Ferociously fighting for keeps is the only option.

It’s obvious which force is doing the cornering.  The force that has invested my lifetime in destroying all the virtues.  Just like clockwork you can depend on this force to issue the clarion call for “civility” whenever those who truly care about their families and futures get close to gaining a modicum of power and influence.  The Catholic hierarchy issued that call in the fall with the 2020 political season in mind.  They’re calling their super slick and fabulously expensive public relations campaign “Civilize It:  Dignity Beyond the Debate.”  That’s rich.  A gaggle of pampered religious sodomites calling on the rest of us to be civilized and dignified.  This is the same priestly class that spent the last fifty years gutting and pillaging the Church they were hired to lead.  And lest you think that Evangelicalism is any better off take a look at where “conservative” preacher Tim Keller is leading Christians in the West.  He’s joined the mindless mob of LGBT sycophants.  Good people everywhere are rejecting these wayward souls.  I ain’t buying it.

And neither are the armed men making their way to Richmond, Virginia this weekend.  They’ve had it up to way past their eyeballs.  I wasn’t planning to be there.  God willing I’m going to go.  I’m only a six hour drive from Richmond.  I’m going to join a group of men planning to wear a uniform consisting of a “Protect the Flock with a Glock” T-Shirt and Cross Hat.

The act that tipped me over the edge was the Communist Governor’s decision to declare a State of Emergency.

He chose to demonize the Virginia Citizens Defense League rather than respect them.  Thank God the President of VCDL doubled down in response.  He said he doesn’t believe that Northam “has the right to ban weapons.”  Northam, to his discredit, trotted out the same old tired Leftist talking points saying of the hard working and respectful lobbying group, “I call on them to disavow anyone who wishes to use Monday’s rally to advance a violent agenda.  Hate, intimidation and violence have no place here.”

Northam’s people have spent decades doing violence to Christianity, decency and common sense.  They’ve invested their life’s blood in destroying and dismantling America.  There’s no force on earth that has invested more violently subversive energy in hating the moral teachings of Jesus Christ.  Nobody is more intimidating … NOBODY … than Northam and his Leftist cabal in the Western media.  Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

Don’t forget that this same man publicly advocated for killing BORN babies.  These people love death.  And they are master manipulators and propagandists.  Also, they have grown accustomed to getting their way.  I’m praying that Richmond is the first shot heard ‘round the world in 2020 for common sense in U.S. culture and politics.  Can you imagine how powerful it would be if Donald Trump came to Richmond to be with his people there.  This is not at all like Charlotte.  It isn’t about race, and everyone knows it.  This is about the Second Amendment.  It is about that because that is what Northam made it about with his crazy proposed legislation.

I trust the armed men who are assembling this group.  I don’t even begin to trust … or even respect … the chattering class of either Virginia or her contiguous globalist capitol city, Washington D.C.  And I’m not alone.  I need to be there to experience it for myself, and be able to write and talk about it.

I learned at the cancer clinic where my wife was treated yesterday, from a nurse, that the North Carolina county in which we live — Surry — has declared itself a sanctuary county for gun owners.  Political leaders just north of us here are calling for the secession of the western counties of Virginia.  They want to become part of West Virginia.

I’d say we’re cornered and we’ve decided to fight rather than die.  The weapons for our success are less political than they are spiritual.  God willing bloodshed won’t be a necessary component.  But you can’t promise to sodomize and subject to usurious deadly servitude a people’s children and grandchildren without a fight.

You wicked demons on the Left are about to get a political whoopin.  I can feel it in my bones.  Donald Trump for God Emperor (I’m kiddin … sort of).

Praise God.

© 2020 Michael Heath – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

The Church of Tolerating Everything

Michael Heath

And do we really believe that our fellow men do not also spit out the tepid?  — Anthony Esolen

In his article entitled, “Christians are born for combat: don’t run from that calling” Professor Anthony Esolen writes, “To my ear, the most terrible condemnation in all of Scripture has nothing to do with the fires of Hell, or the worm that dies not.  It is what our Lord says to the Church of Tameness, the Church of Tolerating Everything, the Church of Wine Tasters, the Church of Friendly Interviews, the Church of the Low Bar, the Church of the Bland Leading the Bland, the Church of Laodicea.  ‘Because you are neither hot nor cold,’ He says, ‘I shall spit you out of my mouth.’”

I am helping my good friend Coach Dave Daubenmire prepare for the big gun rally planned for Richmond, Virginia on January 20th.  In twenty days armed men from all fifty states in America are planning to descend on New Virginia.  Old Virginy never would have countenanced a Governor like this one.  Famously he’s down with executing born babies.  Now he wants to take everybody’s guns.

The whole world was privy to the execution by shotgun of two virtuous Christian men just four days ago.  If it weren’t for a good man with a gun would more Christian people have died Sunday morning?  Whether we like it or not the devil’s violence is coming to church with us.  What are we going to do about it?

Are we going to continue to sleep walk in our comatose state believing that bigger and bigger government is the solution to everything?  Or are we going to start stepping up and taking personal responsibility for ourselves and those we love.  Here’s what Sunday’s hero, 71 year old Jack Wilson, said, “I feel like I killed evil.”  Well, good for Jack.  I watched the video of his heroic deed a number of times.  Based on the reaction of the congregation and the pastor that is depicted in the video I’d have to conclude that their response would be “I feel like I bowed and groveled to evil.”

Christians especially have NO INSTINCT for even survival anymore, not to mention the confrontation of evil.  We are committing suicide.  I won’t recount the evidence here.  You know what I’m talking about.  The West Freeway Church of Christ is an exception to the rule.  Most churches across the fruited plane proudly display “Gun Free Zone” signs on their front door.  They’ve contracted the protection of their congregation to the local police.  That would not have worked on Sunday in Texas.  As columnist Michael Dorstewitz observed, “Criminals don’t recognize gun free zones. That’s why they’re called criminals.”

When I saw the pastor’s reaction in that video when the shots started ringing out I thought of myself.  I would have reacted in exactly the same way.  He instantly dove for the floor and started crawling in his humbled state for cover.  This is not right.  It isn’t Christian.  He’s the sheepdog of the congregation.  His duty is to be first in protecting the innocence and lives of his congregation.  Instead we are all conditioned to think of him as our counselor and friend.  Do you see what we have enabled in our enfeebled theological condition?  We are committing suicide.  The oligarchs of the West hate God and Christianity.  We are their hostages.  We’ve developed a psychological alliance with our captors during our captivity.  There’s a name for it — Stockholm Syndrome.

Coach Dave Daubenmire is one of the few Christian leaders with any sort of following who has fine tuned his instinct to fight.  He is a clever wordsmith.  And you better hope that his instinct to fight prevails over the instinct of other sorts of men.  He plans to be in Richmond on January 20th.  While he owns guns, he is not going to be carrying that day.  He’ll be wearing a more potent weapon — poignant, pointed and provocative TRUTH.  He and the men who will join him will wear on their heads the helmet of salvation — a red cross hat.  Their breastplate of righteousness will be a T-shirt with an eye-grabbing graphic proclaiming, “Protect the Flock with a Glock.”  Protecting their back are the words, “Be Prepared:  The devil is coming to church!”  Beneath that is the scripture from Luke, “Then said he unto them … he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.”

Coach is a Christian politician of sorts — an activist.  War and the disintegration of civil society is always the consequence of failed politics.  Politics fail when politicians are self-absorbed and weak.  Christianity exists to stiffen their spine, and call them to virtue.  When Christianity fails in her duty society collapses.  And make no mistake, Christianity is failing profoundly in her duty right now in the West.

We must not fail to learn the lessons of White Settlement, Texas.  The government failed in every way.  The government knew the gunman intimately.  He was no stranger to them as a dangerous criminal.  Trusting that institution right now is a BIG mistake.  If men truly care about all that is good, true and beautiful we will follow Jack Wilson’s lead and equip ourselves with the instinct and tools to “kill evil.”

Every Christian pastor and priest in America should stand beside Coach in Richmond on January 20th.  After Sunday’s shooting they have NO EXCUSE.

© 2020 Mike Heath – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

The Emotional Universe

Mike Heath

Each of us makes his own weather, determines the color of the skies in the emotional universe which he inhabits. — Fulton Sheen

My wife, Paulie, was diagnosed with ovarian cancer four weeks ago.  The day after Christmas she begins her second course of chemotherapy.  This path was prescribed by the Christian surgeon we trust in Guatemala.  Two oncologists practicing medicine in two different nations agreed.

It is tempting when confronting something as threatening as cancer, and a year of Chemo, to think that our bodies “make the weather.”  This is inaccurate.  Our minds decide the color of the skies in our emotional universe.  Paulie has a strong faith in Jesus Christ, and a deep love for her family.  I was not surprised to see her wrestle through this brutal revelation about her body in the light of divine love and peace.  The skies got cloudy.  A thunderstorm or two passed overhead.  Lightening struck a few times.  Then the sun came out and the sky shone blue.

I get angry when I think about the confusion infusion that is being injected into the pulsing veins of Western nations.  The Christian heartbeat of the West is becoming faint because of it.  The collective “mind” of the West is manipulated by seductive and continuous appeals to the passions — emotion.

The West needs Chemo, and it is receiving it … believe it or not.  The English speaking world, needs an especially strong and prolonged dose.  Modernism, like cancer, has the ability to become whatever ideology/cell it needs to be to accomplish it’s destructive ends.

Fulton Sheen described communism as manure.  He preached that it was the natural result of Western ideas birthed and nurtured during the modern era.  Every philosophy that informs communism comes from the West, he said.  He predicted in the 1950s that Russia would become “Apostle to the World” because manure is a potent fertilizer.  The United States is gagging on cultural, political and religious manure.  And it smells a lot like communism.

It hasn’t ripened as much as it did in the old Soviet Union.  But the manure spreaders are sure busy putting down a healthy layer of it.  Maybe you smelled some of the more recent layers going down.

Christianity Today lambasted Trump. He wasn’t Left leaning enough for their tastes. The founders son, Franklin Graham, wasted no time condemning them absolutely. The Southern Baptist Convention takeover finalized this week as well. It is fitting that this stench should rise at Christmas time. And last, but not least, an official organ of the Vatican announced it is long past time for the Church to approve of sodomy. Phew.  You can almost see the cloud of stench, it’s so thick.

The year 2020 begins in a few short days.  20/20 vision is perfect vision.  England is leaving the European Union at the end of January.  The United States of America will re-elect Donald Trump.  Nobody knows the future but God, of course.  However, my sense is that next year will do more than any year in my lifetime to lay the foundation for a less globalist and utopian world.  Godlessness has fallen on hard times.  The lies of science are wearing thin.  The stench of global communism, in both it’s exaggerated free market (capitalist) and extreme collectivist (socialism) varieties is finished.  None of us can predict what comes next.

I am thankful, however, that it now appears that Christianity is not going to fall victim to this God-hating idiocy.  Christians will find their voice in the public arena.  They will stand and fight, as they always have, for the permanent things.  Virtue is hard wired into the human person.  For two thousand years Christianity has nourished those virtues in the West.  Christianity is starting to strengthen some weakened muscles.  Praise the Lord.

Christianity Today made it a habit to steer clear of politics until now.  Trump is a lightening storm.  They just got hit.  Everybody’s getting hit.  What’s happening is beyond emotion.  What’s happening to us is pure reason.  In the beginning was Reason, and Reason was with God, and Reason was God.

The chicken hearted drag queen storied hours are coming home to roost.  The unhinged ideas of the God-hating Left are awakening the world to the danger.  The people of the world are uniting against the insanity.

Sheen was right when he observed, “For the new atheism is not like the old, theoretical atheism, which prided itself on being intellectually compounded of a little science, anthropology, and comparative religion. The new atheism is not of the intellect, but of the will; it is an act of free and eager rejection of morality and its demands. It starts with the affirmation of self and the denial of the moral law.”

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Mike Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

Stopping the Morbidly Rich

Mike Heath

It was a masterpiece of strategy in which a small force surrounds and defeats a large army. — Fritz Spencer

Jesus Christ commanded his followers to love their enemies.  That means that we have enemies.  An enemy is, “A foe; an adversary … A public enemy or foe, is one who belongs to a nation or party, at war with another.”

Not once did I hate my sons when I spanked them growing up.  I loved them enough to discipline them.  A soldier acting under orders is performing an act of love, not hate.  He loves his King, nation and/or family.

We hate someone when we ignore truth so that we can get along — when we agree to disagree instead of disagree to agree.  Christians MUST disagree with lies.  They have a duty to fight for what is right.  That’s called righteousness.

I’ve been honoring my late friend Fritz Spencer on my Shield of Faith LIVE show this week.  I’ve been reading the essays he wrote detailing his experience in the battle to save marriage in Maine.  Yesterday I read the one that he titled, “The Collapse.”  He recounts the true story of the League’s effort to accurately represent the public’s angst over transgender bathroom policies at the state level.  Without resorting to violence the League assembled a small group of determined men.  They used their voices and their bodies in a public hearing to make it abundantly clear to their representatives just how the public felt about what they were doing.

And you know what?  It worked.  The policy never saw the light of day after that honest effort, rooted in pursuit of the truth.  You really should read the essay or watch the show.  That chapter in the story will inspire you.  What follows will disgust you.

The leaders of that successful action were “rewarded” with termination.  Their opportunity to remain faithful at their post in this most important battle for Western Civilization ended.  They were too successful.  I know the feeling.

We hear much about the deep state in government.  We don’t hear enough about how potent it is within the Christian Church in the West.  This diabolical power continues to rise inside all the institutions of the West.  At the same time sensible people the world over are finding they have much in common.  While the oligarchs use money to consolidate their ill-gotten gains the serfs are rediscovering common sense.

My son sent me an article from Salon magazine yesterday and asked for my comments.  The article is headlined, “Will America’s billionaires start a second Civil War to protect their wealth and power?”

Observing that America has faced this before the article states, “Each time, forces of massive accumulated or inherited wealth have nearly succeeded in taking full control of our nation, replacing our democracy — where the will of the people is accomplished through their elected representatives — with a form of government where most government functions reinforce the power, wealth and control of the morbidly rich.”

My own personal experience with ministry in America reinforces the idea that the “morbidly rich” are indeed flexing their muscles to an extraordinary degree.  During my tenure of over two decades at the century old Christian Civic League of Maine only two “major donors” emerged.  I don’t think they were morbidly rich.  They were rich.  The morbidly rich stay further behind the scenes than these donors.  One of them sent the note that caused my resignation.  They hinted that they were going to stop giving because I had “lost my momentum.”  They contributed a fifth of what I needed to meet the annual budget.  They were also powerfully networked into the Evangelical pro-family movement at the national level.  This development, combined with growing hostility from pastors over my political incorrectness, made it imprudent for me to continue in leadership of the institution.

Notwithstanding the power of the morbidly rich America’s future stability as a nation will have less to do with her institutions than with what her people decide to do with the power of the internet.  In his book “Life After Google” George Gilder predicts a taming of the technology.  He believes the people of the world will humanize the internet, and that righteous developments are in the works.  I sure hope so.

In the meantime we all must take to heart the teachings of Jesus Christ.  We must stay faithful in the fight.

Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

Christianity Not LGBTQity

Mike Heath

For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, — 1 Timothy 2:5

It’s fashionable to imagine that tolerating the idea of many gods, or many ways to heaven, is popular.  Most Christians in the West live as if this is true.  When they are hiding out in the four walls of their homes or churches they worship as if it isn’t.  They recite the monotheistic creeds of Christianity and sing orthodox hymns and choruses.  Outside these places they choose the fashion of the day.

Diversity is our strength.  That’s what we all believe.  Or at least that’s the way we live and work.

Worldliness and politics are empowered in the West right now.  The seduction of pop culture has never been more potent, more powerful.  But I think this wickedness is losing it’s hold on our souls.  Christianity is rising in the Eastern part of Europe.  Like the sun that rises in the East the light of the ancient faith is illuminating the path forward for mankind.

That narrow path to a reasonable and free future isn’t globalism or paganism, though that is what our political and religious elites would like us to believe.  They love China.  America’s corporate alliance with China, however, is exposed.  Business deals for the sake of making money, or saving a buck, are losing their appeal to the average Joe.  They were willing to put up with it as long as the promise of a job existed.  Those days are over.  Folks are figuring out where their work went, and why.  And they aren’t happy about it.

China is the darling of rich pagan globalists.  Patriot commoners are not so enamored with the idea of 600 million video cameras, 24/7 surveillance and social scores.  People are rejecting Google’s system of the world.  While waiting for my plane in DC last week I noticed that Google is advertising their privacy settings.  I always found Facebook’s privacy settings to be insanely complex and never tried to learn them.  They, in fact, kept me away from the social network.  They are incomprehensible.

They aren’t there to guarantee privacy, obviously.  Neither Google or Facebook are interested in your privacy.  Their riches are, in fact, only possible because they violate your privacy.

Christianity is supremely dedicated to the individuality and rights of every person.  We know that God is the ultimate Judge.  Only He knows everything about us.  And only He has the right to know everything about us.  Nobody else.

There is only one God and one mediator.  Government and corporations are not God.

While punishment is necessary in this fallen world, God’s eternal forgiveness is forever.  The worst crime is covered by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

America is unique in the world in that, under the influence of Christian reason, it emerged as a Constitutional Republic that granted real power to the individual person.  The justice system that evolved created a quality of liberty that we take for granted.  We hear much about our First and Second Amendments but not enough about why they exist.

They restrain the power of the national government.  They are made possible by the citizenry choosing the one God and one mediator of Christianity themselves.  The people of America must choose to be righteous — to be good — for the Constitutional Republic to work as designed.

The second President of the United States, John Adams, put it this way, “The Christian religion is, above all the religions that ever prevailed or existed in ancient or modern times, the religion of wisdom, virtue, equity, and humanity … it is resignation to God, it is goodness itself to man.”

Speaking to the source of ultimate goodness for mankind Adams wrote in a letter to Benjamin Rush, “The Holy Ghost carries on the whole Christian system in this Earth. Not a baptism, not a marriage, not a sacrament can be administered but by the Holy Ghost. . . . There is no authority, civil or religious – there can be no legitimate government – but that which is administered by this Holy Ghost. There can be no salvation without it. All without it is rebellion and perdition, or in more orthodox words, damnation.”

Adams knew what we’ve decided to forget … since God exists everything is His.  Government doesn’t get a pass when it comes to religion.  A nation cannot long survive if the government exists for the purpose of making all religions equal.  Diversity is NOT our strength … especially if we’re talking about forcing a diversity of religions on a nation.

There is only one God and one mediator.  AND HE IS NOT GOVERNMENT.

American liberty has nothing to do with the freedom to sin.  American liberty is political.  We are not governed by a monarch who holds power by virtue of their blood.  We are governed by elected public servants who swear their oath on the Holy Bible of Christianity.  They swear allegiance to Christianity, not LGBTQity.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

Marine Gunnery Sergeant on Trial For Jesus

Michael Heath

By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, and honour, and life. —Proverbs 22:4

In a debate with Bertrand Russell in 1935 the great Christian writer G.K. Chesterton observed, “No society can sur-vive the socialist fallacy that there is an absolutely unlimited number of inspired officials and an absolutely unlim-ited amount of money to pay them.” One half of our political system, the Democrats, are now savage proponents of this socialist fallacy.

It has become so bad that almost nobody is taking time to listen to them anymore. Americans who vote for them are simply voting their covetous view of the world. They don’t take time to think about what these “leaders” are promoting. They just believe that they will give them a new cellphone, more food stamps or a paycheck without work.

Chesterton is right. No society can survive this. Obviously there isn’t “an absolutely unlimited number of inspired officials and an absolutely unlimited amount of money.”

By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, and honour, and life.

My wife, Paulie, and I travelled four hours south to Charlotte, North Carolina yesterday afternoon with our friend from Virginia, Mark Trump. We did so to support a humble U.S. Marine Gunnery Sergeant who fears the Lord. After twenty three years of military service to his nation he entered American society as a Street Preacher.

His dedication to his country as a Marine put mortal death or killing in his world for over two decades. His decision to call for repentance everywhere and at all times magnified his self sacrifice. As a soldier for Jesus he fights for eternal souls. What I like about Alan Hoyle is that he knows that he is not simply fighting to save the soul of indi-viduals. He is fighting to save the soul of a nation.

The first court hearing in one of the most unjust legal cases I’ve ever seen was held in the Charlotte Courthouse yes-terday afternoon. Paulie, Mark and I were forbidden from witnessing the hearing by three arrogant uniformed thugs at the door to the hearing room. This after being forced through the usual gauntlet of privacy destroying tech in or-der to enter the courthouse. We don’t live in any kind of free society anymore, that’s clear from this thankfully in-frequent visit to an American courthouse.

Hoyle’s case was saved for last. We sat in the hallway outside the hearing room for nearly three hours. The time passed quickly because three men were with us in support of Alan. The Christian fellowship was rich.

Mr. Truth Truck, Ron Brock, was there in support of his friend. No stranger to the American injustice system Ron told me they always clear the hearing rooms of all other cases to avoid public exposure of their corrupt system by bold Christian truth tellers. That’s why Hoyle’s case was heard last.

The clerk told him that he must choose whether to plead guilty and then be processed through the system with the likelihood of being forced to pay a fine, or plead not guilty and face the possibility of 60 days in jail after appearing before a Judge. I don’t have to tell you how Gunnery Sergeant Hoyle plead. You can guess. NOT GUILTY.

He was forced into this farce of a Justice system after launching a Christian offensive at a Charlotte sin parade this summer. Men, women and children gyrated in sexually suggestive ways on public streets while Alan preached the gospel. Some wore masks. Like any good Marine Alan came prepared with ammunition. He cited chapter and verse of North Carolina law concerning the wearing of masks in public to the police. He demanded that the law be enforced.

What makes Hoyle’s Christian offensive all the more important is the rise of the “furries.” Unsatisfied with the short list of letters in their LGBTQ designation sodomites are now pushing into bestiality. They dress up as ani-mals, with furry face masks, and act gay in front of children. No question where they are headed with this latest iteration of their rapacious agenda. Some are openly calling for the legalization of adult child sex —pedophilia.

Guess how many pastors were there to support Alan, or to preach the gospel with him at the “Parade.” None. The government is fully on the side of “furries” in Billy Graham’s hometown and there isn’t one pastor defending Gun-nery Sergeant Alan Hoyle. There’s something way wrong with this picture.

Jesus Christ didn’t mince words when it came to children. Adults who erect walls between childhood innocence and the Gospel of Jesus Christ are brutally condemned by “Mr. Love, Love, Love” … Jesus Christ. He described the Just punishment as being thrown into the sea wearing a millstone necklace.

Alan Hoyle stood with Jesus Christ alone on that public street. Not even the police were there to protect either him or the impressionable children. He stood alone in that hearing room yesterday afternoon. And he’ll now go alone to face the Judge.

The blood of martyrs is the seed of the Church. Thank you Alan Hoyle for your example of humility, and fear of the Lord. Your life is an example of heavenly riches and honour.

© 2019 Michael Heath – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

Can America be Saved to the Uttermost

Mike Heath

Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them. — Hebrews 7:25

Evil powers are ascendant in America. We all know it. Some of us choose to ignore the facts. Every day, however, more people choose reason, hope and love. They turn away from the manufactured propaganda. They look to God.  They want the good, the true and the beautiful. They know the chaos that reigns isn’t necessary. It is manufactured by evil.

Salvation and the formation of good character begin with the individual choosing to serve God no matter what. This gift of salvation is always available, and it doesn’t cost anything. It is free. Truly free. It doesn’t have anything to do with money.

Governments, cultures … everything in this world … pass away.  God is eternal.  We are eternal because we are made in His image.  The High Priest of Christianity isn’t dead.  He is alive.  The writer of Hebrews informs us, “He always lives to make intercession” for those “who draw near to God through him.”  He is able to save them to the uttermost.

Are you being saved to the uttermost?  What would it look like for America to want to be saved to the uttermost by Jesus Christ?  Why wouldn’t a nation want to be saved to the uttermost by Jesus Christ?

There is only one reason.  They believe they know better.  They think eternal, practical laws like the Ten Commandments can be either ignored or bent.  They choose not to follow them.  We choose evil over good.  We choose hate over love.

Make no mistake, the ones who are shouting loudest about hate are the haters.  They hate Jesus Christ.  Barack Hussein Obama declared that we are no longer a Christian nation.  His political party has officially rejected the very concept of God.  Jesus Christ means nothing to them.  Republicans have papered Jesus Christ over with their profits in American dollar bills.  Donald Trump, an echo from post World War II America, is reverberating off the walls of what is left of that somewhat wholesome culture.

It is unlikely that America will be saved.  Our empire is corrupt to the core.  This, however, has no effect on God’s promises to those who choose to accept His free gift of salvation.  Christians have an eternal mediator who is making intercession for them.  He is able to save us to the uttermost.  We must draw near to Him.  As we do we will gain strength and wisdom for the spiritual war that rages around and within us.

The really important decision we all make each day is not which politically-charged news source we will trust.  The decision that matters is whether we will submit to God’s rules instead of our own.  Will we choose a path forward with the God of love, truth and beauty who knows our grief and is acquainted with our sorrows.  Or will we follow the broad path of distraction that is served up to us every nanosecond by the charged machines of the post modern age.

Order for your world is just one decision away.  You choose whether to step onto the narrow path of salvation to the uttermost or remain on the broad path to destruction.  Nobody can make the decision for you.  And nobody can take away your right to make that decision.  What follows is a minute-by-minute walk on whichever path you choose.  If you choose the narrow path of salvation you will grow in love for your savior, Jesus Christ.  You will meet Him around every corner, especially when the path takes you through trouble.  Those are the times when He draws closest.

America has a long tradition of days of prayer.  Imagine if we really meant it.  Imagine if our days of prayer weren’t just political theatre.  What would things be like if we’d maintained the respect for Jesus Christ that carried us through the nineteenth century, and brought us into the twentieth.

This overarching respect for Jesus Christ lies just behind Abraham Lincoln’s appeal for healing as the Civil War drew to a close.  In his Second Inaugural Address he observed about the war:

Both read the same Bible, and pray to the same God; and each invokes His aid against the other. It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God’s assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men’s faces; but let us judge not that we be not judged. The prayers of both could not be answered; that of neither has been answered fully. The Almighty has His own purposes. “Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!” If we shall suppose that American Slavery is one of those offences which, in the providence of God, must needs come, but which, having continued through His appointed time, He now wills to remove, and that He gives to both North and South, this terrible war, as the woe due to those by whom the offence came, shall we discern therein any departure from those divine attributes which the believers in a Living God always ascribe to Him? Fondly do we hope — fervently do we pray — that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue, until all the wealth piled by the bond-man’s two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash, shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said “the judgments of the Lord, are true and righteous altogether.”  With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation’s wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan — to achieve and cherish a lasting peace among ourselves and with the world.  To do all which may achieve and cherish a just, and a lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

Passions of Former Ignorance

Mike Heath

As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance.  — 1 Peter 1:14

I joined twenty Christians last night on the roads and pathways leading to the baseball stadium in Hickory North Carolina.  Franklin Graham filled the sporting arena.  We were there to invite the crusade attendees to join us in our Equal Justice Tour.  The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association has fine tuned a message that describes the “passions of your former ignorance.”  Their description of moral failings is resolved with an altar call and decision to be saved by Jesus Christ.

Many millions of people around the world have turned their back on moral failings as a result of attending one of these events, or watching a Billy or Franklin Graham sermon in the media.  Praise God for that.

Our purpose in being there was to invite Americans to join with us in living out the following two verses, “but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, ‘You shall be holy, for I am holy.’” Holiness is being set apart.  I felt set apart handing out Equal Justice Tour cards while wearing a T-Shirt emblazoned with the slogan “Crooked Hillary” and “Lock ‘Er Up.”

Some folks refused the cards saying, “This is not the place for politics.”  Most people accepted the cards.  Understandably nobody stopped to talk as they rushed into the stadium to get a seat.

I am not saying that we were holy and the crusade attendees were not.  I am saying that turning your back on the passions of your former ignorance includes being set apart for good works in Jesus Christ.  Those good works begin with a decision to follow the teachings of the gospel.  That decision is only a beginning.

We continue on as obedient children, thankful for the daily gift of life that God gives to us.  We soon realize that choosing not to be conformed to the passions of former ignorance means taking a stand for righteousness.  A civilization is built by people who don’t simply walk away from their own past mistakes.  It is built by people who go on to confront the forces of evil that exploit and manipulate debased passions.

A nation is not sustained by personal conversions only.  A nation is built and sustained by the rule of law.  Without equal justice it is only a matter of time before the nation collapses.

The man who led us to Hickory last night is Coach Dave Daubenmire.  He started the Equal Justice Tour by travelling to Hillary Clinton’s home in Chappaqua, New York this spring.  He recorded a Facebook Live video on the street in front of her house.  He was moved to make the journey by a visit to his home just days before by the FBI.

Dave has a daily show on the internet called “Coach Dave Live.”  The FBI visited to inquire about whether he was promoting violence on his show.  The show is mostly a Bible Study about how to live as a Christian in our decaying culture.  The Coach’s style is manly and he is prone to rant about the passions of former ignorance.  Unlike many Christians he names names and takes no prisoners.

Hillary Clinton violated the law while serving in public office.  She was not prosecuted.  America is not a monarchy. Politicians are nothing special.  Under our system of government they work for the people and they don’t have more rights than the people.  As Dave mulled over the visit from the FBI he became furious about the visit.

While a Christian Coach is viewed as a potential threat to his neighbors by his own government rich, powerful and politically correct criminals go unpunished for their crimes.  This cannot be sustained, obviously.  A nation that creates this sort of unjust system is not long for this world.  It is only a matter of time before God sends judgment.

We went to the Franklin Graham event to do our duty for God and Country.  While the Church works to nurture righteousness in individual people it must confront evildoers.

We pointedly confronted the sins of baby murder and sodomy on some of our signs.  These are grievous popular sins of passion that the Church enables by avoiding confrontation.  We refuse to even imagine a society where these grievous sins exist only in the darkest closets.  Instead of creating and nurturing a nation that publicly punishes these evils we enable them in our legal system while turning away from them personally in order to be saved.

It would be better for sodomy and baby murder to be punished harshly for the purpose of encouraging people never to go there than for these heinous acts to be the focus of popular political movements.

A man with the influence of Franklin Graham could rally the American people to demand a Christian justice system.  As Coach likes to say the Christian Church could end abortion in one day.  All they would have to do is choose one Sunday and hold their worship service at the local abortion mill.  That number of people on the streets would bring an end to the killing.

If we really loved our neighbors would we be putting up with drag queens in libraries, no fault divorce and abortion.  I think not.

© 2019 Michael Heath – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

America’s Satanic Lullaby

Mike Heath

For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it. — Luke 9:24

I’m 58 years old.  I remember ending my teen years carrying a burden of guilt earned by teenage sins.  My parents raised me in the neighborhood United Methodist Church.  That early introduction to Christianity’s system of the world saved me.  I was taught right from wrong as a child.  Jesus Christ was always right.  Mankind was fallen.  He is often wrong.

The cognitive dissonance forced into my brain by the communist government run “public” school I attended sought resolution.  Popular media reinforced and exacerbated the chaos in my life.  God didn’t create humans to live in perpetual dissonance.  He made us for the true … the good …. and the beautiful.

After I deepened my commitment to Jesus Christ in my late teens I read the four gospels; Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.  I read the entire New Testament, and much of the Old.  Verses like the one above helped me resolve some of the chaos and dissonance that had come to dominate my thinking and actions.

It is heroic. 

I was drawn back to the George Lucas movie narrative of Star Wars nine times in a related attempt to resolve the chaos and dissonance in my mind, soul and spirit.  Luke Skywalker is heroic.  I identified with him.  He tapped into something spiritual that the movie made real.  The narrative is more eastern than western theologically.  The force attracted my distracted soul, however, because it was other, powerful and real in the movie.

When I deepened my commitment to Jesus I tapped into that force, in a sense.  One profound difference between Lucas’ force and Jesus Christ is that Jesus Christ really is real.  He’s God, and he’s personal.  He’s so much more than a force.

Christianity is nothing if it isn’t historical.  At the heart of the faith isn’t just a religious system of the world that is practical in terms of helping make people and cultures righteous.  At the heart of Christianity is the God who became the Man in real time.  God came into our humanity through a woman.  The virgin Mary became miraculously pregnant and gave birth to God.

The devil created the chaos and cognitive dissonance in me.  Jesus Christ saved me from all that by tenderly inviting me to lose my life.  And he didn’t require that I do so in the context of a galactic battle by saving the princess along with the rebel alliance.

He did, however, call me to stand with Him no matter what it cost me.  Every human needs that relationship with God.  From it springs real worship, love and courage.  Christian virtues are infused into the believer by this absolute surrender.

We are to take up His Cross every day of our lives.  This symbol of cruel torture and suffering is ours to bear, as well as Christ’s.  Each of us have our own unique Cross that we must bear.  Jesus Christ provides the grace and strength by way of His example.  And the Holy Spirit is in us to assist.

Luke Skywalker was taught to surrender also.  The enhancement of his powers in conflict with evil was provided by the impersonal force with which he communed during periods of surrender.  Christianity is so much more … powerful.

Christianity calls us to the supreme personal surrender of losing our life FOR HIM.  Saints aren’t martyred for an impersonal force.  Christian saints lose their lives for Jesus Christ, the God who is intimately acquainted with our human weaknesses and struggles.  Martyrs are made every day.  They inspire greatness and nurture salvation in the world.

A friend from Maine emailed me this account the other day.

“Recently I read a story of an Iranian couple that came to America to escape persecution and the wife told her husband, ‘We have to go back.’  When he said, ‘Why?’  She responded, ‘America is in the grip of a satanic lullaby.  They are sleepy.  I am growing sleepy here.  There we never knew every day we stepped outside our home if we would live or die for our faith.  We were always on the alert, always willing to die for our faith.  Here we are being lullabied into apathy, a threat greater than persecution …. one of apathy and sleepiness in our walk with God.’”

The greatest thing that ever happened to me was being condemned unanimously by the Senate of Maine in 2004.  I poked the political fornicating bear a little too hard.  I am still integrating that particular surrender into my soul.  That was a kind of martyrdom.  It was a spiritual blessing.

God always brings good out of the evils He allows.  Christians above all others have the power to know this, and live every moment with this kind of faith.

For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it. — Jesus Christ.

© 2019 Mike Heath – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Mike Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

Basket of Deplorables

Mike Heath

And this is love, that we walk after his commandments. This is the commandment, That, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it. — 2 John 1:6

In September of 2016, three years ago, Hillary Clinton was raising money in New York City.  It comes as no surprise that her rhetoric would go over the top with that crowd.  She said, “You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables.  Right?  The racist, sexist, homophobic, zenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it.  And unfortunately there are people like that.  And he has lifted them up.”

She went on to describe the other half of Trump’s supporters as downhearted about the government because it has let them down.  She described them as desperate for change.

John opens his second epistle in the Bible, “To the lady chosen by God and to her children, whom I love in the truth.”  Hillary Clinton is also a female, though I wouldn’t be quick to describe her as a lady.  In fact her political career, personal life with husband Bill, and comment above, would suggest that she better fits the folks John describes later in this letter.

After describing the importance of walking in God’s commandments as evidence of Christian love he writes, “I say this because many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world.  Any such person is the deceiver and antichrist … Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God.”

The Clintons lead the folks around the world who want to run ahead.  The people who have no interest in continuing in the teaching of Christ.  They’re working overtime as “progressives” to ignore the wisdom carried forward by religion.  The religion of the West is not multiculturalism, secularism or science.  Christianity is the religion of Western Civilization.

Hillary’s deplorable comment seeks to drive a wedge between patriotic Christians and superstitious Christians. Hillary’s “Christians” don’t think much about the fact that God walked the earth in the flesh — that He is indeed a God of history.  They obviously think of Jesus Christ as just one way to kindness and niceness. They mislabel this niceness as “love” and use the power of money, politics and government to bludgeon patriotic American Christians.

This deplorable comment works in New York City, the financial capital of the world.  The comment reinforces their disdain for the values of patriotic Christian Americans.

With the deplorable comment Clinton sealed her fate.  She lost the election to Trump. It amazes me that she was still able to attract so much support. Christianity has surrendered much of it’s cultural influence. It has drawn too close to the world, engaging in endless chatter and internal disagreements over peripheral matters.  Christianity is not continuing in the teaching of Christ in the West.

If it were continuing in those teachings the nations of the West would not be rolling out the red carpet to Muslims while shunning persecuted Christians.  John writes to the lady, “If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take them into your house or welcome them.  Anyone who welcomes them shares in their wicked work.”

The teaching to which John and all Christians dedicate themselves is to walk in obedience to Christ’s commands. Christians who love hate evil.  They abhor immoral actions, corruption and sin. It is not loving to tolerate evil.

Hillary Clinton calls Americans who live this way deplorables.  She assigns dark labels to them, “racist, sexist, homophobic, zenophobic, Islamaphobic.”  They are none of these things.  They are loyal Christian Americans who hope for a government that will reward good and punish evil.  It isn’t good in America to force women to cover themselves head to toe, or for men to be granted the “right” to have four wives.  It isn’t good for any nation to favor other peoples in the world over the people who are our fellow citizens.  It is evil to promote sodomy under pseudonyms like “sexual orientation, homophobic and LGBTQ.”  It is pure wickedness to label common sense about gender sexism.  And it is beyond belief to me that we are allowing politicians and oligarchs to stir racial division once again.

Our hope going forward is walking in obedience to the commands of Jesus Christ. We must begin by acknowledging the reality of sin.  There are many, many things we must change.  We won’t be able to see the narrow path’s beginning through the swirling cultural chaos that currently engulfs us until we start loving one another.  This love will not be separated from truth.  It will be full of truth.

This love will not gratify the desires of the flesh.  Paul the Apostle tells the Galatians, “The acts of the flesh are obvious:  sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like.”

Read that list again.  Ask yourself why those things are not roundly and loudly condemned by people like Hillary Clinton who instead condemns non-existent groups who are “racist, sexist, homophobic, zenophobic, Islamaphobic.”

Paul concludes with a warning, “those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.”  Live like who and what?  Live debauched like the Clintons.

They will not inherit the kingdom of God.  Will we?

© 2019 Mike Heath – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

Found Difficult

Michael Heath

Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God. — 3 John 1:11

Christianity is about doing.  It is an action religion.  Yes, prayer is an important aspect of the ancient faith.  Morality, however, is huge.  It isn’t simply spiritual.  It is fully embodied in our world … fully present.  Christianity is very much a universal idea.  It touches all of life, and death.  It is a virtuous system.  When practiced it creates virtue through righteous application of the imagination and will.

The great 20th century writer, G.K. Chesterton, observed, “The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried.”

I watched a #walkaway YouTube yesterday.  The three minute video featured a thirty something female describing why she walked away from the Left.  She ended the video saying, “God bless you.”  Just before that she talked about the “conservative” man she met.  She married him.  She glowed as she mentioned becoming pregnant and starting a family.

How evil!  Bruce Jenner would not be proud.  She obviously needs a Mayor Pete lecture on who Jesus is really.  The obviously evil conservative man that married and impregnated this social justice warrior must be destroyed.  And the government is just the force needed to bring about the destruction of this wicked ideology called Christianity.

John, surrounded by pagan Romans and increasingly hostile Jews two thousand years ago wrote a lot about love.  He knew Jesus as the God-man who embodied the Greek ideal of logos, or reason.  In his third epistle he writes, “Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God.”

Note that he doesn’t talk here about spiritual salvation or eternal life.  John is interested in the conduct, the moral actions of his readers.  He makes it real simple.

You know many people who “hath not seen God.”  How do you know they haven’t seen God?  They do evil.  You know many people who know God.  How do you know?  They follow the good and they do good.  That person who DOES good is of God, according to the Gospel writer John.

It isn’t good to lead children into sodomy and transgendering.  That’s evil.  It isn’t good to base your economy on debt.  That’s evil.  It isn’t good to live in a state of perpetual war.  That’s not good.

It isn’t good to store the bodies of over 2,000 murdered babies in your house.  That’s evil.  It’s evil to murder them in the first place.  That isn’t abortion.  That’s baby murder.  And it isn’t good.  That murderer didn’t know God.

Lest we think we are off the hook if we don’t murder babies or practice sodomy realize that none of us are good enough to know God.  That’s why God the Father sent Jesus Christ His son to the earth to die.  He bled and died to make us good.  He gave up his own life so that we could overcome our sins, and follow the good.  He gives us the power every day to overcome evil and follow good.

The wickedness that is driving leaders from the church through open apostasy or suicide is the result of not following John’s simple formula.  Christianity is about doing good.  Men must stop feeding on pornography.  They must turn away from the evil, stop following it.  They must choose to love their wives and family.  They must go to their wives and children and repent for not being the GOOD man that God made them to be.  It never was good enough to simply earn the paycheck.  The man has duties he MUST fulfill.  He must do good, and not follow evil.

We all must reject the system of the world that Big Corporations and Big Pharma are creating.  The pills are designed to make us dependent.  We must not follow the evil.  We must choose the good.  We must become dependent on God, not synthetic, potentially dangerous substances.  Legalizing pot isn’t good.  This is another profound evil.  Surrendering our privacy to social platforms also isn’t an option.  That is evil.  We must humanize the digital world that is emerging.  We must do good.

Christianity is weak at the top right now because our leadership is too worldly.  It spends far too much time being at peace with the world.  The Church is a peculiar institution.  It is a Holy Priesthood.  It is set apart to God.  The Church is incapable of being wedded to Freudian ideas about sex.  Yet, Western Christianity has gone down this road for nearly a century now.  We have departed from the ancient faith, and embraced modern and post-modern conceptions of the human person, family life and sexuality.  This is ending, thank God.

A shout is rising from the throats of the people.  We see the passionate rejection of this Leftist conception of the world in support for Donald Trump, Brexit and the rising disgust with all things “gay.”  Look at Tommy Robinson.  I don’t think he’s a Christian.  If he is he’s a weak one.  But he has a family.  He has courage.  He’s doing good in confronting the rape gangs in his homeland of England.

Check out men like Bill Whatcott up in Canada.  Look what he’s achieved just being himself.  Christianity’s definition of morality, family life and sexuality is getting traction.  Early in the week I mentioned the promotion of graffiti here in Mayberry.  Within hours of the appearance of sexually-charged political correctness on the Eagle Scout blackboard the eraser disappeared the offensive nonsense.  More sensible ugliness (I hate graffiti) has slowly started taking it’s place.

The nation is barely holding on to her Christian conscience.  It is rising though.  I think we are scraping along the bottom and getting ready for a rise in goodness, and a turn away from evil.

We’ve had a good week in Jesus.  Enjoy your weekend.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

Keep The City

Michael Heath

Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. — Psalm 127:1

I thought displaying a copy of the Ten Commandments would be a good idea.  That idea occurred to me when I was a lobbyist for the Christian Civic League of Maine.  It was probably Roy Moore’s laudable efforts in Alabama that inspired the thought.

Another source for the inspiration was a plaque in the Maine State House.  It is not large.  Bronze.  It is affixed to the wall in the Hall of Flags.  The Governor’s office is nearby.  It stands guard over the landing of the grand stair case to the floor where laws are created by elected representatives.

I can’t remember the occasion for the creation of the plaque.  If memory serves it was placed there in 1923.

Engraved at the bottom of the plaque are the words of the Psalm quoted above.


A demoncrat observed recently that the Bill of Rights couldn’t be approved today.  I think he thought that was a good thing.  There’s no doubt in my mind that pastors would be the first to object to that scripture verse being engraved on a Bronze plaque in the State House of any capitol building in America.  The Supreme Court would probably have the pastor’s backs if a lawsuit ever made it to them.

My how things have changed in just a short century in the good ole USA.  It’s funny to me that we still have a religious national motto, “In God We Trust.”  Right.

The essential idea in that motto now is not being allowed to even discuss in polite company who that God might be.  Liberals seem to want him to be Allah.  Conservatives don’t really care as long as He can be bought and paid for with dollar bills.

I’m not cynical.  This is truth.  And you know it.  Stop pretending that there is any part of Christianity influencing the powers that be.

On my LIVE show this morning we’ll be discussing the Catholic Bishop of Buffalo New York.  He is under fire because of open and rampant homosexuality in his priesthood.  I know the man.  I sat in his office over a decade ago in Maine.  He is personable.  I only spent thirty or so minutes with him.

His name is Richard Malone.  My friend Paul Madore will be on the LIVEstream with me.  He is Roman Catholic.  He believes Malone is sincere, and that he is doing the best job he can under impossible circumstances.

I’m not Roman Catholic.  I was forced out of my ministry in Maine.  Part of the reason was the political and public relations driven path of the Roman Catholic Diocese there.  Evangelicals did all they could … and then some … to stop the sodomy juggernaut.  The hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church did nothing.  They left their flock, and the people of Maine, to the post modernist, God-hating wolves.

And now those wolves are inside Christianity in Maine and the West ripping and tearing — especially when it comes to sexual morality.  Confusion and chaos reign supreme.  Blood is everywhere.

I’m going to show a clip of Malone being grilled by a reporter.  I felt compassion for the leader as I watched the clip.  I’ve been in his shoes as a leader in the fight against sodomy.  I was sand bagged by a television “investigative” reporter just after stopping the sodomites in Maine in 1998.  She made my life, and the management of my ministry, practically impossible for a couple years.  Her name was Christine Young.  She won a prestigious  national investigative journalism award for her “courageous work” uncovering all the dastardly corruption I supervised at the Christian Civic League of Maine.

Everybody knows that homosexuality is a serious problem among priests.  Nobody knows it better than men like Malone.  I’ve never heard or seen evidence that he is himself homosexual.  The failure of the institutions of the West to maintain reasonable legal prohibitions against sex outside of marriage makes it necessary to think such thoughts about leaders like Malone.  The corruption is epidemic.  And no institution is immune.

The forces working overtime for the destruction of western civilization are full of glee. Their master, old Beelzebub himself, is laughing all the way to the bank. Not the bank that is full of worthless dollar bills.  The eternal bank that is measured by the souls of men.

So what do we do about this lack of faith.  Easy.  We take up our cross everyday and we live out the gospel.  If your marriage is broken stop wallowing.  Repent and move on.  Stop making excuses for your failures as a parent or whatever.  You know what is right.  DO IT!

Honestly, this isn’t rocket science.  And this isn’t the first time in the history of the world that Satan has gained the upper hand.  He is always pushed back by the same force in the world — God’s Holy Spirit.  If you don’t know who He is then go to Church.  Read your Bible.  Do your Bible!

It’s long … long past time for Christians to decide to live like Christians in the United States of America.

© 2019 Michael Heath – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

Made Foolish by Funny Money

Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. — Proverbs 18:2

Everyone who seeks understanding in America today is labeled a conspiracy theorist.  And everyone knows that it is evil to be a “conspiracy theorist.”

I’ve heard that the phrase was weaponized by the American government fifty or more years ago.  Regardless, the Bible teaches us here that seeking understanding is a good thing.  Given the fact that we now have an elite, authoritarian cabal running our nation who promote sodomy and baby murder I think we all need to stop being foolish.  We need to open our minds.  We need understanding.

Christianity is clearly subjected to a withering assault by Western powers.  The space allotted to religion in our civilization has shrunk to barely an honorable mention in a declining number of our homes.  Honest Christian faith has been forced from the public square by materialists — by science.  Rising rates of suicide, lack of imagination and the collapse of faith, hope and love are the result.

The closing half of this Proverb asserts that fools, “delight in airing their own opinions.”  Even news is mere opinion in America today.  It doesn’t pretend to be objective.  Everyone knows that FoxNews merely aspires to be the right wing to CNN’s Left.  They are both part of the same dodo bird, boldly asserting their opinions at the expense of truth.  It’s entertaining.

We Report You Decide.  Right … wing.

It’s entertaining because they literally DELIGHT in sharing their own opinions.  The man who elevated FoxNews to the dizzying media heights it now occupies was Bill the Irishman, can’t remember his last name.  Sex brought him down, of course.  These people DELIGHT in their own opinion.  It’s obvious.  Glaring, really.  It should be blinding, but it isn’t because we are all made foolish by the funny money that levitates everything right now.

Paulie and I drove through the hometown of Laura Ingalls Wilder in Missouri yesterday.  Her values — Christian values — romped through American culture twice.  Once as books, and then as a popular television series, “Little House on the Prairie.”  My grandchildren are enjoying Michael Landon’s interpretation of her work in his one hour television dramas that are based on her books.  My wife read the books to my boys when they were young.

Wilder wrote fiction.  News media isn’t supposed to do that.  They are supposed to report truth — facts.  Wilder’s fiction was more potent than modern spin in “news” media because she wasn’t giving her opinion.  She used fiction to illustrate Christian moral truths about the world.  News media uses “facts” to protect the interests and opinions of global oligarchs.

Only fools find no pleasure in understanding.  Little House on the Prairie is popular because it doesn’t aspire to be what it isn’t.  Wilder’s fiction is pleasant because it helps us understand the nature of things — reality.  News media should be doing the same thing by reporting truth.  The problem here is that modern news media aspires to present better fiction than fiction writers.  They shouldn’t be competing.  But they are.

What is the truth?  How do we know in this chaotic information saturated culture?  Easy.

If the source is hard wired into the Western corporate/government/media complex then it must be questioned.  We owe it to ourselves and future generations to ask hard questions and expect answers.  Institutions that protect child rape for the purpose of assimilation are untrustworthy.  That’s the nature of the modern British government/media complex.  Institutions that censor bold Christianity while forcing the most morally untethered forms of pornography ever created by mankind on the entire globe using the most ubiquitous communications machine ever invented (the internet) have earned our skepticism.  That’s the nature of the American government/media/corporate complex.

And the modern Christian Church in the West is being consumed by this leviathan right in front of our eyes.  It’s entertaining as fiction.  As reality it’s terrifying.

The idea that sexual activity outside the bonds of holy matrimony is a moral good is obviously NOT a Christian idea.  That WILL NEVER change.  Christian leaders from the Pope on down are attacking this idea from every side right now.  These “leaders” will lose.  Jesus Christ will win, and the whole world will be better for it.  The idea that babies are fair game as long as they reside in their mom’s womb is not a Christian idea.  The fact that Christian leadership is weak in it’s denunciation of this most brutal violation of humanity and innocence only means that these leaders are putting their eternal lives at risk.  Christianity will NEVER stop standing for LIFE.  Jesus Christ will win, and the whole world will be better for it.

God wants us to seek understanding.  Beware of those who DELIGHT in their own opinions.  Feed on truths that delight in God’s truth.  Check out “Little House on the Prairie.”  It’s better than FauxNews.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

Envisioning Religious Freedom

Envisioning a state and nation where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive, and life is cherished. — Christian Civic League of Maine Vision Statement

I didn’t write the vision statement above. It was created sometime after I resigned in 2009. Readers of this column will know that I am no friend to the current administration of the League. I served at the League for over two decades.

During her first eighty years the League fought gambling and alcohol. It was created at the height of the prohibition movement in America, in 1897. The sexual revolution of the 1960s knocked alcohol and gambling out of the top spot of moral concerns for evangelicals in the 1980s. During the 1990s and 00s the League fought back against the sexual revolution.

We reasoned that Big Gay required our attention. Two issues were dominant in the public/political mind at the time. Abortion and homosexuality. We took sodomy and left the Roman Catholics to lead on abortion/life.

This division of labor by Big Christianity in Maine worked for awhile. While we were fully behind the Catholics on life they worked overtime behind the scenes to undermine my leadership on the sodomy issue. Now the Catholics are happy because nobody is taking on Big Sodomy, while the League is sharing the burden on life. Evangelicals went full surrender on the “gay” issue in the closing years of my tenure. Their capitulation emerges in the motto above.

They don’t mention the threat sodomy poses to our civilization. Instead, sounding like the progressives they have become, they are “Envisioning” a state and nation where “religious freedom flourishes.” Gays want religious freedom. The League wants religious freedom. Where’s the fight in that?

What’s worse is that when the League uses that phrase “religious freedom” they are signaling that they want the government to protect them from the homosexual movement. It’s pathetic. What’s really dangerous is the fact that their definition of religious freedom welcomes the Muslim threat. A jurisdiction doesn’t have any sort of religion if it doesn’t have the power to choose only one. A religion brings unity to a neighborhood, not eternal division and squabbling over ultimate questions like the question of who God is.

This is nothing like the Christian religion. It is really paganism — the belief in many gods. It bubbles up from the Masonic influence at America’s beginning. Their ideology pretty much silenced Christianity in official circles at the end of the 19th century.

The religious syncretism of Masonry rules the day in America today. Some protestant denominations still maintain condemnations of this syncretistic ideology. Even in those circles, however, the criticism is muted. Roman Catholics maintain a muted resistance to Masonry.

But America is full on Masonic when it comes to religion. All religions are equal and even the individual is free to make up his own. Even though there is much talk about Christianity in American politics most Americans believe that their religious life is exclusively their business. The only role American government and institutions are assigned is that of occasional referee. Public religious squabbling is emphasized because it reinforces satan’s narrative of trivial bickering between irrelevant wackos.

Out of this smoking chaos emerges the LGBTQ movement like a victorious gladiator. Homosexuals are the grand unifier. Don’t believe me? Follow Mayor Pete’s rising campaign within the Left. He’s the master victim, lecturing Christianity on tolerance and love. It’s disgusting. I can’t even watch it.

The League is making a play to be the leader on life. They are carrying two people vetoes. One concerns abortion and the other euthanasia. The Catholics are in the background. The League has a budget of $120,000 to get them over the finish line in three weeks. Maine’s former Governor LePage threw his hat in the ring on the League’s side a couple days ago. He did a phone call. 4,000 people called in.

I’ve discovered no evidence that they have engaged paid circulators. I had to do that every time I ran a referendum. There just wasn’t capacity in the Church to get enough signatures in time. Maybe that dynamic has changed, or the League has paid circulators on the ground and I don’t know about it. Their list of locations for petition collection is unimpressive.

I’m praying they make it, but I’m really angry that they are giving the sodomy movement a pass. Janet Kills signed a law passed by this Legislature that inserts the government in between parents and confused children. The League offered passive resistance during the legislative session. It is illegal in Maine for parents to seek professional help for their sexually confused child. ILLEGAL! Queers can marry. Everyone must bend over to sodomites or risk lawsuits. Homosexuals are America’s new model citizens.

Christianity says and does nothing. No, it’s worse than that. Christianity demands that the government protect them from America’s new model citizens. The cry for religious freedom is nonsense. It’s ridiculous.

Two thousand years of Christianity built the West. No other single factor accounts for anything close to what Christian theology, philosophy and culture delivered to Western Civilization. It is what’s good in our society. And we are throwing it all away for sex.

It isn’t going to work. The League doesn’t get it. But a rising number of people in the world do. The Left has overplayed it’s hand. It’s only a matter of time now. The days are numbered for institutions like the League. Jesus Christ will not be mocked. And paganism will not prevail.

© 2019 Michael Heath – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

The Politics of Church

And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. — Daniel 12:3

A friend forwarded an email to me yesterday.  It concerned a controversy that erupted.  The pastor announced last week by email that petitioners would be available in the church at a future worship service.  The petitions were related to peoples veto paperwork circulating in churches as a result of formal Roman Catholic and Evangelical support.

A dozen political issues moved into Church culture in Maine in July.  Governor Jezebel Kills and her demoncrat party forced them there by overreaching with their newly minted power earlier in the year.

Maine may be an example of America’s future.  Eight years of a Trump-like right wing Governor produced a left-wing sweep last year.  The ratchet in Maine’s political culture touched off a dozen peoples vetoes.  I’ve written here that I think only one of them has a chance of making it over the finish line.  That would be the vaccine petition. 

Politics and religion are untethered from reality in the West.  This email exchange is another example.

One parishioner threatened to resign from the church if the petitioners were allowed to show up.  He argued that politics — any politics — must not be allowed in the church.  His threatened resignation caused the church to repent of her “politicking” and disinvite the petitioners.

All of the petitions concern issues that wouldn’t even be up for debate in a Christian nation.   The murder of babies and the infirm, big pharma’s manipulation of the law and a number of issues that concern common sense morality are not debatable in a Christian civilization.  Order cannot be maintained when God and His law are erased.  It is only a matter of time before civilization devolves into an intemperate chaos.

The clock is winding down on Western Civilization as we continue with our Masonic experiment in spiritual egalitarianism.  All religions are not equal.  Like everything else there are distinctions between religions.  Christianity is essential in western nations.  Without it we cease to be western or civilized.

The church in the West has so weakened itself that it is incapable of being what it is — a universal religion.  It cannot think of itself as the truth.  It has created distinctions where there are none.  Christianity is essentially political because it is essentially everything.  It is truth — reason — itself.  Christianity works.

It brings peace in politics, and everywhere.

GK Chesterton observed about the faith, “Christianity has not been tried and found wanting;  it has been found difficult and not tried.”

Even the Christian Church in the West is giving up on trying to live out the gospel.  It is favoring political correctness and Americanist doctrines about the world and reality.  As Chesterton noted, “it has been found difficult.”

In Christianity the most powerful are the most impoverished in worldly esteem and goods.  The leaders are servants.  The truly holy among us work to please an audience of one, God.  They model for the world what it means to reject the world, and embrace the cross of Jesus Christ.  Christians pray to a real God.

Our verse is taken from Daniel.  Wisdom and righteousness are praised.  The book of Daniel is about political courage.  The public display of faith and spiritual courage win the day in Daniel.  Worldly pagan power is challenged by humble faith in God.  Simple obedience is rewarded with God’s presence in a fiery furnace.  And it isn’t all pretty, prosperous and clean.  Many are judged.  Many die.

God delivers according to His plan, not man’s.  And He is doing that today in Maine, America and all around the world.

Righteousness demands that Christians take a stand. Evil must be confronted in simple terms. Sex outside the bonds of Holy matrimony is wrong for everyone. Christians must teach and live this truth in front of the whole world. Christians must work to encode this moral rule into civil law everywhere. That’s what it means to be Christian. That’s what it means for wisdom to “shine as the brightness of the firmament.”

If there is such a thing as righteousness it stands to reason that it’s opposite exists — unrighteousness or evil.  People, Daniel says, “that turn many to righteousness are as the stars forever and ever.”

It is our duty to lead people to righteous living, and to build righteous neighborhoods and communities.  We aren’t going to be able to do that if worship isn’t universal — if it has no application outside the four walls of a “church.”

The future is always bright for Christians.  More and more Christians are discovering one of the most potent sources of their sadness — public schools.  Chesterton again, “The one thing that is never taught by any chance in the atmosphere of public schools is this: that there is a whole truth of things, and that in knowing it and speaking it we are happy.”

Choose happiness today.

Choose Jesus Christ and His gospel.

© 2019 Michael Heath – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

The Hell of Feminist Possession

One more column reacting to the responses I received after Tuesday’s confession about Crossing the Tiber.  Before I get to that a programming note.  I’ve received some complaints about the fact that these PDF files don’t include active links.  I don’t know how to make hyperlinks active in PDF files.  I probably must own some expensive Adobe software.  Anyway, what I’m going to do as a work around is provide a link in all PDF files going forward to the archived email version of this column.  That version of the daily column will include clickable links.  I will include any links that I use in the printable PDF version in their full typed out form.  The archived email version of the email is just below the headline.  It isn’t clickable so you’ll have to copy and paste it into your browser.

I received too many questions and comments to respond to them all in any column.  Some probably require a book length response to be fair.  Five hundred years of theological and ideological conflict doesn’t resolve itself overnight.  And I probably won’t take the time to write any books on this issue.  I’ve never written even one book.  Alas.

One of my interlocutors suggested my consideration of conversion to the Catholic Church is motivated by personal angst over how I’ve been treated by the Evangelical Church.  He said he noticed an overly personal and dark tone in my columns in general.

It is true that my columns are written from a personal point of view.  I don’t know how else to write as much as I do — every morning — without letting my personality through.  I’ve always found that writing is a pretty revealing exercise personally.  I don’t know what else to say about that.

As to my being dark … well, when the righteous Christian is the gay “Christian” I should think we’d all be feeling dark.  I, like every other serious Christian in the West, is trying to figure this out.  And those of us who have been working on the Sodomy issue for multiple decades probably have cause to feel gloomy right now.  It’s only natural.

And if we’re honest, as I try to be, we’re going to use fighting words a lot.  This leads me to comment on another of my respondents.

He suggested that things aren’t as bad as I claim in America and the Church.  I should write more about the good things that are happening, he said.  That reminds me of what the Governor of Maine’s office advised me to do for a career one time as I was whining to them about how hard it was to stand against sodomy.  They said I should become a Prison Chaplain.  That way I could help people.

This particular Governor was pro sodomy, and the ministry I was leading made things difficult for him — but not difficult enough.  He was a master manipulator, and I was too immature at the time to understand the manipulation.  The person in the office who gave the advice was very close to the Governor, and had a background in the Church.  It is hard for me to think back on that relationship.

Prison … but not as a chaplain … is where this Leftist totalitarianism is leading Christianity in the West.  They want us in prison because we are “haters” for not embracing their perversion and warmongering.  There isn’t room for all of us in prison so their utopian vision will have to be accomplished through murder.  That is always the way with ideologies that careen off the rails of good and reasonable philosophy and theology.  Christian leadership is always among the first to be rounded up and cattlecarred off to the gulags by these pathetically intolerant Godless ideologies.

Positive thinking is a pagan diversion in the West.  It has done much harm to the psychology of Western man.  Combine it with egalitarianism in thought and you’ve got a real soul killer.  All ideas and religions are NOT equal.  We aren’t better people if we emphasize the good at the expense of deploring and crushing evil.  Evil in every generation must be confronted and crushed.  It starts in the home.

What happens if the parents don’t confront evil in their children.  What if there is no parental discipline?  What happens to those children?  We’re confronted now with the rotten fruit of this style of parenting.  It was encouraged by a guy named Spock (not the Star Trek Vulcan).  His idea was to be hands off with children, especially with respect to religion.  Only Satan himself could dream up something so diabolical.

Tens of millions of church going Christians bought the lie and practiced it.  I don’t think America can survive the toxic immorality that was bred into so many as a result of pop-psychology and propaganda.  I hope and pray I’m wrong.  But I don’t see much evidence of a willingness to do what is going to be required to right the ship.

Even Trump (who I support by the way) is weaponizing the word “gay” for political gain.  I don’t think he’s into sodomy himself.  But he sure does like the low hanging political fruit that American corporate, political and religious culture dangles in front of his lust-filled eyes.

And this is where we’re at dear fellow American.  Either we choose to repent and grovel before the Christian God of the universe declaring the extreme wickedness of our baby murder, sodomy, usury and hate for the good the true and the beautiful or we go the way of every other narcissistic empire on the planet.   The United States of America is not divine.  It is not heaven on earth, even though we are the most materially prosperous civilization ever produced by mankind.

Materialism is toxic.  It isn’t a spiritual virtue.  It is dangerous.  God doesn’t put up with idolatry forever.  Eventually there is a reckoning.

I have grandchildren.  I want the best future possible for them.  And I know that this future will not be good if Christianity disappears from the world, and is replaced by the feminist hell that is now forcefully possessing all the institutions of the West — especially the Church.

We need a metaphorical exorcism of our most powerful institutions.  And you know what … I see it starting.
Praise God.

© 2019 Michael Heath – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

Confront Evil Today

Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. — Matthew 6:34

I almost never know what I’m going to write when I sit down in front of my keyboard and computer screen to write these daily columns.  Oftentimes I will pray on my way to the office.  “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.”  That helps.  But the prayer doesn’t settle my mind to knowing what to write.  Oftentimes I simply must start typing.

This morning I opened my Bible software and the verse of the day is copied and pasted above.  Now I’m typing.  And praying.

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.”

This verse from Matthew’s gospel settled my mind this morning.  My mind is settled by the candor in this verse.  Matthew admits that evil is a daily occurrence in our lives. The gospel writer offers a solution.  He advises that we satisfy ourselves with conquering today’s evil.  We must leave tomorrow’s fight for tomorrow.  “for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself,”  he writes.

In a verse earlier in the chapter Jesus says, “The light of the body is the eye:  if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.  But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness.  If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!”

As we overcome the evil of each day we must be mindful of our eyes — what we choose to gaze upon.  As the promised evil confronts us throughout the day we can choose not to look, or we can choose to take the darkness into our souls.  Jesus is telling us to keep our eye focused on the good the true and the beautiful.  He allows that our eye can become evil.  If that happens he declares, “thy whole body shall be full of darkness.”

Ignoring evil is no solution.  Our path to true peace and joy daily passes through worldly temptations.  Christianity is realistic.  It provides helps every day that are rooted in the realities around, and within, us.  Evil, temptation and sin are all very real for each and every one of us.

The devil is a utopian.  He lives in a false narrative of his own making about everything.  He is the father of lies.  His goal is to make your whole body full of darkness.  He will remain active in the world until God brings his time to an end.

As Christians we know that we cannot know the future.  Only God knows the future.  Becoming overly concerned about tomorrow, and what’s going to happen, can only lead to trouble.  Jesus Christ is asking us to realize that this is the day that He has made.  He wants us to rejoice and be glad in it.  And He needs us to live today knowing that He isn’t making another August 9, 2019.

Imagine a world in which God’s people took captive every thought and made them obedient to Jesus.  What would that day look like?

It’s not that evil wouldn’t be a thing.  Until God wraps things up we’re going to fight satan, we’re going to push back against injustice.  A world that includes Christians who take captive every thought, making them obedient to Christ, would be a world of conflict.  Evil doesn’t get a pass in that world.

I was tired last night.  Paulie and I were caring for four of our grandchildren.  My son and his wife needed to attend an orientation for Classical Conversations, the homeschooling program in which they participate.  I was thankful for the way my wife — grammy — took captive every thought.  She has remarkable deep love in her soul for others.  That love is marinated in the scriptures, in the gospel.  While she loved on the grandbabies she was always instructing, helping their little minds take captive every thought.  Observing a Christian woman shepherd infants is like being witness to a miracle.  It is very good, always true and sublimely beautiful.

In one of my columns this week I mentioned the concept of Acedia.  I just learned that it was thought to be a cardinal sin — the eighth cardinal sin — in the fourth century.  In an online article titled, “Before Sloth Meant Laziness, It Was the Spiritual Sin of Acedia” the author observes, “To Evagrius of Pontius, acedia was the most noteworthy of the eight vices that he felt could tempt monks to abandon their religious lives. The Greek monk listed gluttony, fornication, avarice, sadness, anger, vainglory, pride, and acedia as threats to devout monasticism in Of the Eight Capital Sins, but argued that acedia was ‘the last of the sins to conquer.’ Overcoming the other seven didn’t mean a monk was safe, but overcoming acedia, according to Evagrius, brought one closer to God.”

Dictionary.com defines Acedia, “laziness or indifference in religious matters.”

The reality of daily evil is a religious matter. The world is not all good if we think our way to good feelings.  Lazy thinking will lead us to avoid confronting evil … to become listless. If we enable our eye to pervert the sin-soaked world around us into something it isn’t — something that is always good and positive — then we are making our eye evil and filling our body with darkness.

Sufficient unto the day is the EVIL thereof. Jesus didn’t say “Sufficient unto the day is the GOOD thereof.”  He said this because He understands the power of the devil. While satan suffered a significant defeat that day on calvary, he wasn’t destroyed. There is evil in the world. It is the Christian’s duty to confront it TODAY.

It is the job of the Church to equip us for that daily struggle.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

You Tube

I remember watching my boys go to YouTube when they needed to accomplish a task.  They would search the platform for something like “how to change your oil” and they would learn the task in a short period of time by watching a video.

YouTube is owned by Google, the company that caused the internet to appear to the average guy to be free.  YouTube started as a platform where video creators could share their work for free.  And then as Google learned how to make money through advertising the YouTube platform became a place where video creators could make money.

YouTube baked in functionality that enabled them to place advertisements in creator videos.  Google split the income with the creator.

In the early years the platform honored the principle of free speech.  No longer, of course.  We all know that now.  Google appears to be only slightly less ferociously cultural Marxist than Fakebook.

I could sense these American institutions moving like an iceberg toward the elimination of privacy and rabid censorship.  That’s why I never embedded myself in their cultures.  There’s the culture of the internet.  And then there’s the culture of all the platforms and social networks.  I still find all of it bewildering.  And now it is becoming dangerous.

The internet is the most sophisticated machine ever invented and broadly deployed by mankind.  It is a machine that facilitates communication.  That is what the internet is, and nothing more.

Evil unprincipled forces have been given control of it by the American government.  Our global power is diminishing. We are dependent on a usury-based economic system. Increasingly the internet will be pushed and pulled by powers unfriendly to American politics and forms.  This is inevitable.

God destroyed Babel once and separated us into nations.  We live in a world formed by this divine grace.  We speak many languages for a reason.  We are incapable of managing power without being divided into nations.  When we do manage to become one city we do stupid stuff like divert the capacity of the city into building a tower to heaven.

I know the internet is going to be tamed because nationalism is back.  More and more people the world over are deciding they need local customs, traditions and religion in order to function well.

America is not the beacon of freedom it once was.  It is now a porn infested cesspool of political intrigue with a profoundly weak religious sensibility.

Everything is political now.  And everything is broken into two camps by the powers that be.  Republican vs. Democrat, right vs. left, gay vs. straight, white vs. black, conservative vs. liberal, men vs. women.  This is a source of the chaos we all feel and live with every day.

There is no longer a “United” in the “States.”  We exist in a constantly redefined bureaucracy of “hate” crimes.

And we’re tired.  Famished really.  Our imaginations are withering away under the heavy hand of political correctness.  The squad is intent on forcing their unique American brand of socialism on all of us.  And the Democratic Party is now powerless to stop them.

Donald Trump is only slightly better.  At least he believes in securing the nation.  Unfortunately he thinks that this “secure” nation must include cities possessed by the demons of Sodom and Gomorrah.  And nobody is resisting him on this.  All Christians can do is raise up feeble defensive actions rooted in the inane argument for “religious freedom.”

So YouTube is an American internet platform.  Children aspire to be YouTube stars.  Everyone wants to be significant.  The YouTube way of consuming video/audio content is the future for consumption of that form of media.  Of course they want to be YouTube stars.  Didn’t you want to be President someday?

The days of control over communications by newspapers, radio stations and television stations are obviously over.  The future of content creation in media is now in the hands of the average person who chooses to learn how to use their smart phone and build an audience.

Cultural Marxists are making a play for control over the internet.  They are already losing.

Innovation, and the assertion of national cultural realities using government, will finish off that wicked ideology.

I am saddened by the idea that America may choose not to lead the way in this.  However, since we cannot know the future I could be proven wrong.  The States may once again choose to Unite around eternal principles and help lead the world into a more harmonious and Godly future.

Or ….


© 2019 Michael Heath – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

Truth Sounds Like Hate

The coke machine is humming.  It is dark and humid.  Light is blazing from multiple lights perched atop skinny steel poles.  I’ve got a bare bones internet connection.  I’m sitting on a hard bench in front of the WalMart in Fayetteville, West Virginia.  It is 3:42 AM.  I slept in the Nissan, after enjoying one of the highlights of my life, thus far.  I sat in Ron Brock’s home — the “livingroom” couch/bed inside his tiny “motorhome.”

And today it only gets better.

I’ll be first to drive Ron Brock’s Truth Truck later this morning! 

At our battle planning meeting last night it was decided that we’d take turns helping Ron with the driving.  We held the meeting in the inner sanctum of Ron’s Truth Truck.  Surrounded by Ron’s bold truth telling signs that are screwed onto the plywood that is attached to the exterior aluminum sides of the ancient Toyota mini camper we made our plans for today.  45,000 Scouts arrive later from all over the world.

We’re at the World Scout Jamboree.

Alan Hoyle, another intrepid warrior for Jesus who is with us, told me that this was Ron’s dying wish.  Barely two weeks ago his heart was catheterized.  He looks good.  Thankfully, I can’t imagine Ron not being with us for another decade, at least.  He’s 80.

Before he died, he told Alan from his hospital bed, he wanted to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ at the World Scout Jamboree.  God gave him his wish.

He arrived ahead of us.  Alan, Mark Trump and I got in late afternoon last night.  Ron spent the day preaching with his truck.  The staff for the Jamboree pulled into the Summit Becktel Reserve all day long.  And Ron strategically parked and drove the truck along their route.  The Scouts complained to the police.  Ron got to know many of the officers throughout the day as they chased him away from parking spots where they could find an excuse to “lawfully” push back against the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Alan, Mark and I were stopped by a cordial officer as soon as we arrived in the area yesterday afternoon.

The Scouts are Donald Trump’s global infantry for sodomy.  The once morally straight venerable American institution is now diabolically crooked.

This Jamboree is a “party” (their word) for post pubescent boys … and girls from all over the planet.  The website for the event is marinated in wicked Leftist globalism.  When the website celebrates these hormone pumped youngsters friending one another in their tents one wants to halt the imagination before things get pornographic.

It is sad to think that tens of millions of people all over the world now think of the once great Boy Scouts as merely one more artifact of a once great nation.  It is clearly an institution that must now be destroyed.  There is no saving it.

I withdrew from it when my boys were in Cub Scouts, over two decades ago.  The addiction to fun soured me.  They participated for a few years.  Paulie and I decided it wouldn’t be wise to give the boys that experience.  I have mixed feelings.  I dropped out of the Scouts at the beginning of my Boy Scout career.

My parents were involved and supportive of my being a part of the Boy Scouts.  I remember the sexual predator issue coming up, and talking with my dad about it a few times as a teenager.  I didn’t stop going for that reason.  I withdrew into myself as a post pubescent boy.  The Scouts, and most American institutions, were only toxic for me during those years.

Television and pop culture did a lot of damage to my mind and soul. I went to church with my parents, but the gospel of Jesus Christ was a distant and uninteresting idea. The mundane ruled the day then. The mundane has been weaponized in our day.

What I love about Ron Brock at 80 is his creativity, sacrifice and sense of purpose.  The deep love in his heart for Jesus Christ is unflinching.  He is fearless.

He preaches to every cop he encounters.

For three decades he’s lived on the bleeding edge of America’s fight against abortion.  And I do mean bleeding.  It really is all about the blood.

Ron’s innocent blood has not been shed beyond scratches and bruises at the hands of  “law enforcement” so far, but we all know someone who’s blood was shed for the sins of the world.  Ron is an ambassador for Jesus Christ.  He describes himself as a Missionary for the Unborn.

It is a high point in my life at nearly 58 years of age to be here with Ron Brock, Alan Hoyle and Mark Trump.  The whole of American Christianity should be here protecting these young boys and girls.

A rat just brushed past my left ankle.  Lovely.

Paul told Timothy, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”


© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

Coach Dave Daubenmire on Racism

Three years ago I created an internet LIVEstream show for Coach Dave Daubenmire.  God gifted him with nearly seventy years of experience living and coaching in the heartland of America.

His provocative masculine Christian voice was silenced by Christian radio station operators.  I thought maybe the internet would provide an economically viable outlet for him.

God has given him a loyal and generous audience.  Check him out at www.coachdavelive.com.

For many years he has written a weekly column.  The fearless one he wrote this week struck a chord in me.  He tackled a real toughie — racism.  I pass it on to you as we close the week here with the Shield of Faith column.  Enjoy!

I’m Proud to be White

Some of you think it is racist for me to say that.  You have been brainwashed.  Am I permitted to be proud of my heritage?  Should I cower in fear of the race-baiters being triggered by my so nonpolitically correct statement?

Should I be ashamed of my ethnicity?  Would America be a better place if all of the “pale faces” simply retreated inside of our log cabins and stroked our coon-skinned caps?  Would America be a better place without “whitey?”  Perhaps I am wrong but it seems like every other ethnic group is encouraged to proudly parade their birth suit and the wonderful heritage that their skin represents.

But I am more than skin.  A lot more.  And as much as it might make the skin-color counters nervous I am far more influenced by my Christianity than I am the color of my skin. Although my heritage is one of White Anglo Saxon Protestant, (something we used to call a WASP), my heritage is one of Catholicism, a “religion” that my parents picked for me.  I no longer follow the edicts of “The Church”, but have moved on to one of the Heinz 57 brands of what some folks refer to as Christianity.

I am a Christian today by choice.  I am a Caucasian by birth.  I know many Christians who are not white and I know many whites who are not Christians.  To simply throw all of us into the same bucket of fish because we all happen to be the same color is just as foolish as assuming that sharks and blue gills have a great deal in common.

I’ll happily swim in a lake full of blue gills, but will give a great deal of thought before skinny dipping in shark infested waters.  Not all fish are the same and not all white boys are the same either.  Did I tell you that I am proud to be white?  Not prouder than a black guy is to be black.  Not prouder than an Hispanic is to be Hispanic. And certainly not prouder than an Asian is to be Asian.  But I am not ashamed of it either.

Have you ever noticed that many of those who are throwing around the label “racist” happen to have the same color of skin that I have?  Last I checked, Nancy Pelosi was white, as is Chuck Schumer, Joe Biden, and most of the candidates running for the Democratic nomination.  Since they are the ones who are always barking about racism why doesn’t anyone ever accuse them of being racist?

Is Nancy Pelosi ashamed to be white?  Where did she learn NOT to be racist?  Are all white’s racists or just the Trump voters?  How do you identify a racist, or does that just come as an add-on to the whole skin color thingee?  Did you know that the word “racist” didn’t even exist in 1828?  Check it out here.  A totally made up word invented by the communists in the 1930’s to foster division in America.

Dr. King famously asked Americans to stop judging by skin color but by the content of one’s character.  You’d be surprised how wrong you would be about someone if you simply judged them by how they looked.  Bill Cosby seemed like a good guy, as did Jeffrey Epstein.  Just ask the Clintons.  You would be making a big mistake if you judged either one by their birthday suit.

I found out recently that my family heritage has a lineage back to a group of Americans called Melungeons.  You can read about them here.  My ancestors were a mixture of European, African, and Native American.  But today people just call me and my family “white.”  It is easier to label me a racist that way.

Like I said.  Some fish are blue gills and some fish are sharks.  It is dangerous to judge a book by its color…the same goes for people.

I think Nancy Pelosi is evil.  Not because of the color of her skin, but because of the content of her character.  I think Ben Carson is a wonderful man for the same reasons.  My wife and I raised three children…I think my wife was a Melungeon as well…at least in part.  In our house we never called people nigger, spic, wetback, coon, hunky, whop, chinc, or dago.  We taught our children that all people were created in the image of God.  Blue gills and sharks…but fish nonetheless.

Bottom line?  Your skin-suits are simply containers in which the real you rides around in.  Your skin color has nothing to do with what kind of person you become.  Our grandchildren have some black friends.  We have nieces and nephews who have an Asian mother.  I don’t think our grandchildren even realize that their cousins and friends do not look like WASP’s.  Somebody has to point that out to them

That is what the race baiters do.  They point out differences.  They divide and conquer.  They impugn the content of one’s character simply by association with the color of one’s skin.  They make white children ashamed to be white.  In America every skin color is honored except for white and every religion except Christian.  Well, it doesn’t work in my house and it shouldn’t work in yours. I say a pox upon the house of all race baiters.

Just one small thing?  Do Melungeons qualify for minority status?  Did my kids miss out on some affirmative action?  Is there a way I can collect on my obvious birth defect?  Is there some government agency that will help me get money out of your pocket?  The Melungeon life was a hard life!

I’m proud to be white.  Don’t blame me.  I was born this way.

© 2019 Michael Heath – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

Break Away … Learn the News

Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? — Matthew 6:25

I encountered this idea early in my deepened commitment to Christianity.  I was about twenty years old.  Randy Stewart was mentoring me.

I had recently radically dedicated my life to Jesus Christ. Randy gave me a bible and took time on a regular basis to meet with me and answer my questions about it. I still have that Bible somewhere. It is all marked up. The New Testament fascinated me. The verse above was one that captured my imagination.

It is easy to want to not worry about your life.  We all want that.  The radical essence of this idea is the faith that is called forth.  It is a faith that accepts, even celebrates, the material world as it comes to us … as it is given to us by God.

Jesus tells us not to worry about food, drink, body or fashion.  He asks profoundly, “Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?”

I ask you, dear reader.  What do you think?  Is it?
Someone once observed, “To be content with little is difficult; to be content with much, impossible.”

Fyodor Dostoyevsky in The Brothers Karamazov wrote, “The world says: ‘You have needs — satisfy them. You have as much right as the rich and the mighty. Don’t hesitate to satisfy your needs; indeed, expand your needs and demand more.’ This is the worldly doctrine of today. And they believe that this is freedom. The result for the rich is isolation and suicide, for the poor, envy and murder.”

Two more quotes:

“The things you own end up owning you. It’s only after you lose everything that you’re free to do anything.”
― Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club

And lastly, “I am losing precious days. I am degenerating into a machine for making money. I am learning nothing in this trivial world of men. I must break away and get out into the mountains to learn the news” ― John Muir

Paulie and I will depart Washington County, Maine in a few hours.  We will spend the day in Hancock County’s  Jewel, Acadia National Park and Bar Harbor.  The weather is perfect … cool and sunny.

We’ve been returning to Mt. Desert Island every year since our honeymoon thirty seven years ago.  It is always a delight, no matter the weather.

The oligarchs of late nineteenth century America loved the island.  They invested heavily in making it enjoyable for body and soul.  The island features carriage trails that the federal government has assumed responsibility for maintaining.  We’ve walked or biked most of them over the past few decades.

Appreciation for nature was bred into me by my parents.  My mom’s father was Commissioner of Parks and Recreation for Maine during the 1960s.  My dad earned his degree in forestry, loved fishing and took my brother and me camping during our formative years.  Their love for Theodore Roosevelt’s “hidden spirit of the wilderness” is a gift they passed on to me.  I’m very … very … thankful for that.

It has helped me, perhaps more than anything else, to avoid the trap John Muir references above.  I haven’t degenerated into a machine for making money.  Muir went further declaring, “I am learning nothing in this trivial world of men. I must break away and get out into the mountains to learn the news.”

I called a friend in Augusta yesterday.  We snatched five minutes on the phone.  We are both very busy.  He was blessed by hard working and successful parents and lived a somewhat charmed life as a local businessman.  Now retired he told me that he must turn the television news off because it so disgusts him.  I’d say he is “learning nothing in the trivial world of men.”

With all information and entertainment now being filtered through the hate speech grid forced on everyone by Big Gay it is becoming impossible to learn anything in the trivial world of men.

Thank God He renews and infuses His creation with real news.  More and more people are turning to cultivated gardens like Mt. Desert Island and the Rangeley Lakes region (where I was this past weekend) for the news.  Everyone knows that the ratings for lamestream media are going to hell.  It will be a delight to spend time later today with good people nurturing their souls by properly responding to the question posed by Jesus Christ.

“Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?”


© 2019 Michael Heath – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

Thrown Into Confusion

The love of husband and wife is the force that welds society together. Men will take up arms and even sacrifice their lives for the sake of this love….when harmony prevails, the children are raised well, the household is kept in order, and neighbors, friends, and relatives praise the result. Great benefits, both of families and states, are thus produced. When it is otherwise, however, everything is thrown into confusion and turned upside-down.”  — St. John Chrysostom

History didn’t start in 1939 when Germany launched the second World War.  It didn’t start with the Civil War or the Revolutionary War … touched off on this day in 1776.  Luther didn’t start the history of the Church.  Hundreds of millions of people lived and acted all the way back to the beginning of recorded history.

One of those people was known as “Golden Mouth.”  He was a preacher.  His name was John Chrysostom.  He lived and preached in the mid to late 300s in the Roman Empire.  He was martyred by an arrogant empress who ordered him out into the elements on a forced march until he died.

He was the most powerful Christian Bishop of his day.  But he wasn’t powerful enough to avoid being murdered by the government.  Christianity was approaching her four hundredth birthday.    It was, however, the official state religion of Rome.  Constantine the Great embraced the nascent monotheistic faith early in the 300s.

Chrysostom was much beloved for his sermons on family life.  His quote above sounds very common sensical to our Western ears.  I wonder how it sounded to the recently converted pagan ears of Rome 1700 years ago?

He concludes his thought on “husband and wife” saying the lack of love between a husband and wife causes everything to be “thrown into confusion and turned upside-down.”  I have always argued that it is in the interest of the government to discourage “love” outside the bonds of matrimony.  The state, and indeed civilization itself, is strengthened by strong marriages.  Just over two centuries from our July 4th birth America is becoming a theatre of the absurd.

Our world is being turned upside down.  Everything we hold dear is being thrown into confusion.  And we aren’t reserving our madness to ourselves.  We are using our global influence to force lesser powers to bend to our will on all things sodomy.

Brazil’s evanjellyfish Minister of Health just proudly announced that her office would seek counsel from a government sponsored LGBTQ-P board on stopping “violence” against sodomites.  This followed on Trump’s tweet in early June declaring that his government would push this plank of the gay agenda globally.  Brazil installed a cornservative government last year headed by Jair Bolsonaro.

There are no John Chrysostom’s in Christianity in 2019.  Church leaders with the power he wielded in the young Christian Roman Empire don’t exist.  All of them are playing footsie with the so-called gay agenda.  None of them are willing to be force marched to their death by the West’s Jezebels who are in power right now.  They are all more concerned about maintaining their worldly power than heeding Chrysostom’s insight, “Men will take up arms and even sacrifice their lives for the sake of this love.”

We Americans celebrate the sacrifice of men’s lives for the esoteric political notion of freedom on this day every year.  We don’t give a thought to the reality of warfare, it seems.  Real men are MOST willing to die “for the sake of this love.”  What love?  The “love” of drag queens forced on our grandchildren in our libraries and schools?  The “love” of public smooching by two men or two women? The “love” of non-diverse same gender couples kidnapping babies through state forced “adoption” and destroying their budding lives through daily abuse?


Chrysostom was right.  Real men “take up arms and even sacrifice their lives” for the sake of love … not lust.  And that is as far as our concept of love goes today.  We are all in lust with one another.  We don’t begin to understand or practice the kind of love that Chrysostom is describing here.  If we did then men would have taken up arms long ago.  Instead, men have softened into the lusting arms of Jezebel.  Pastors and Priests have led the way.

Our civilization will continue to slouch toward Gomorrah until men stop lusting and start loving.  Men lead the way in love.  Women follow.  Men choose fidelity, loyalty and sacrifice in love.  Lust leads men, and civilizations, to death … to Chrysostom’s point where “everything is thrown into confusion and turned upside-down.”

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails.

Paul the Apostle

© 2019 Michael Heath – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

Men Without Chests

“We make men without chests and expect from them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst.” — C.S. Lewis

It can be hard to find hopeful voices. I found one. Steve Turley started a YouTube channel in 2016. He was encouraged to do so by a friend. Turley had been regaling his friend with analysis about the rise of nationalism and populism all over the world. His friend suggested that he could help many folks if he shared his analysis using the internet.

Turley now produces two ten minute YouTube’s a day. He analyzes current events from his unique hopeful perspective.

So many of us have become glum over the years. That was the biggest reason Maine’s good people faded from the front line of the battle against big sodomy. Thousands of folks worked tirelessly using democratic means to stop the so-called “gay” agenda. Like spoiled teenagers the sodomites and their fellow travelers refused to relent. They are much more dedicated to their “religion” than are Christians. We must shake off our glum stupor and return to the front lines of the culture war.

We must pray for words and actions that will open the eyes/minds of the good people around us to the imminent threat to civilization.

I know this won’t happen unless Men develop their chests, instead of the organ lower down. The passions will not be enough in this war. We need the masculine virtues more than ever.

Lewis prefaced the thought quoted above with, “In a sort of ghastly simplicity we remove the organ and demand the function.” Virtue and enterprise wither under womanishness — feminism … equality. He concludes his quote, “We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.” America is becoming ugly, chaotic and unfruitful as a result of castration. All people must be mentored into the virtues. We must not expect order if we stop teaching, and expecting, the masculine virtues in our boys and men.

I can think of no better example of masculine Christian virtues in political action than the Canadian free speech activist Bill Whatcott. He joined me on my LIVEstream show yesterday morning. He called in from Canada. He was on his way to court. Bill has a brilliant, fearless mind atop a chest full of Christ-inspired love.

Jesus Christ filled his chest with passion for truth about sexual morality. The world’s laws and law enforcement are no match for God’s moral law in Bill’s mind. This attitude toward the world unleashes a comedic brilliance that keeps him on the front page, and in the front of the minds, of God’s enemies in Canada.

Google his name and you’ll see what I mean. Read his autobiography, “Born in a Graveyard,” and you’ll gain important insights into the source of his grit.

Lewis also observed in The Abolition of Man, “You can’t go on ‘seeing through’ things forever. The whole point of seeing through something is to see something through it. To ‘see through’ all things is the same as not to see.”

After choosing Christ as his lawgiver Bill studied human anatomy and health. He earned certification as a nurse. His frontline work on sexual issues is informed by the fact that his nursing education didn’t brainwash him. He saw something through that education. He saw the consequences of a marriageless, fornicating society.

Many today choose the path of seeing through things forever. Hence the capacity of the “gay” movement to continuously add letters to their movement name. Their false appeal to compassion combined with our penchant for seeing through things forever has brought us to drag queen story hour and the Barbara Bush Gender Clinic.

And here is where Steve Turley’s work provides hope. Lewis said, “A great many of those who ‘debunk’ traditional or (as they would say) ‘sentimental’ values have in the background values of their own which they believe to be immune from the debunking process.” Turley is finding evidence all over the world that the values of modernism and post modernism are beginning to undergo a global debunking. He proves, every day on his YouTube channel, that there is a force rising all over the world that is defending tradition by debunking … even ridiculing … the still dominant globalist system of the world.

I conclude with this trenchant observation about education, “For every one pupil who needs to be guarded against a weak excess of sensibility there are three who need to be awakened from the slumber of cold vulgarity. The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts. The right defense against false sentiments is to inculcate just sentiments. By starving the sensibility of our pupils we only make them easier prey to the propagandist when he comes. For famished nature will be avenged and a hard heart is no infallible protection against a soft head.” ― C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man

Financial and Travel Update

Thanks to work we are being asked to do that folks are paying us for, and income from renting unused space in our Maine home, and in the home we rent in Mt. Airy, we are barely making it financially. Prayers and donations welcome. Especially right now as we are incurring travel costs. I’m writing to you this morning from a Go Wayside Christian Travel Club home in Virginia. Just twenty dollars gets us overnight lodging and breakfast! At 7 AM we’ll be headed into the heart of darkness, Washington D.C. Watch for our Facebook LIVE broadcast from the steps of the Supreme Court at 10 AM. We’ll travel to the Danbury, Connecticut area later today for an overnight with another wonderful Wayside host. We need gas money. Thanks for helping!

© 2019 Michael Heath – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

Be Angry And Sin Not

“In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry,” — Ephesians 4:26

Does America have an anger problem? 

We are polarizing into right wing, left wing … republican, democrat … gay, straight … white, black … Christian, athiest.  Lots of anger is fueling the polarization.  Lots of it. 

As the internet moves more into being video based instead of text based it is getting worse.  Success online increasingly means building a niche audience using short, provocative videos.  Alex Jones built an audience on manly rants about national issues and personalities.  The lamestream media has become lame because of the anger-fueled polarization into political tribes.  America is two tribes now when it comes to the increasingly least watched form of video on the planet … CNN and FoxNews.

These tribes are so threatened that they are using what’s left of their capitalism-fueled treasure chests to make sure the competition is censored and deplatformed from the internet.  The internet is being turned into an updated version of cable television — controlled from the top.

Anger is the fuel. You can’t get eyeballs and minds without a good rant or a clever meme.  Vicious sarcasm rules the day.  Gone is objectivity, patience, mercy and love.

What is happening to us?

Revolutions produce rotten fruit.  America threw off the king a couple hundred years ago. Yet, we still want to be an English speaking nation. At the same time we rejected King George we muted King Jesus. We made sure His name appeared nowhere in our founding documents.  England still honors Jesus in their documents, but not in practice.

Nations require good and moral leadership. The good and the moral cannot be defined without religion. America believed it could thrive by leaving the God decision up to the states. The founders wanted to limit the power of the Federal government with respect to religion, hence the First Amendment. Men like John Adams knew that this was risky. He knew that this government would be dependent on the individual citizens choosing to be good Christian people. It has been a long time since American’s thought this way.

We now believe that a good American tolerates all religions. We think that a mosque next door to our house is Godliness. We’ve accepted a wicked and dangerous idea that emerged after the most devastating World Wars in human history in the early twentieth century.

In deciding never to repeat those mistakes we elevated the few at the expense of the many.  We decided that a person’s successful election, business or overflowing checkbook signaled wisdom and truth. We gave power over the whole world to those who could tell, and sustain over time, the most convincing lies.  At the heart of our mistake is “making the world safe for democracy.”

God is a Father. He is a King. Nobody elects Him. Nobody ever will.

Nation’s need Fathers, just like families do. America hasn’t had one for a very long time. Trump is an imperfect father figure, but he speaks English, knows his own mind and lives fearlessly having managed atop the American dream with his billions and bankruptcies most of his life.  He appeals to one side of the polarized nation, and doesn’t mind being “hated” by the other side.

And nobody attacks enemies in a more entertaining way than Donald Trump.  He is clever with his pet names, hitting the mark every time, and stirring just the right amount of anger (politically speaking) in his base.  They don’t become violent, but they do come together in a political movement to vote for the man.

The challenge for him as President of all the people is to not touch off civil war level violence from his enemies.  He knows that the Antifa-style violence is not likely to touch off a civil war.  American Leftist violence is childish, weak and womanish … for now.  Identity politics is destroying the Left, thank God.

Anger is not an evil emotion. Paul admits in the verse quoted at the start of this column that folks get angry. He warns Christians not to sin when they get angry, and to not let the sun go down on their anger. We do it all the time. Normal people get angry at injustice and unrighteousness. They express it and move on. The new day brings new challenges and may, or may not, produce occasions for anger.

Anger is toxic when an agenda is fueling it and it never stops.

If you are always angry about anything you need to talk with your pastor or priest. Don’t email them or call them on the phone.  Get with them personally and confess your problem. They will help you.

Make it a good day and as Youtuber Patrick Coffin likes to say, “Be a Saint!  What else is there!!”

© 2019 Mike Heath – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

Blessed Are The Peacemakers

We need peace.  There’s a time for war.   A time for peace.  Children of God make peace.

I spent the afternoon recently with my three granddaughters.  My wife Paulie and I made peace.  Unfortunately, I was mindful of adult responsibilities the whole time we were making peace … being children of God.

A paradox in Christianity is the exaltation of childlikeness juxtaposed with the call to be mature, responsible and valiant people.  Somehow God works in the chemistry of family life.  It happens over years of hard love, choosing God over all else.  A small group of souls binds together into a family.

It won’t happen without peace making and war making.  The father brings war.  Mom nurtures.  Dad must always be aware of rules.  He must create law in the home.  Everyone needs to know that war could break out if the law isn’t followed.  Mom assists in the enforcement.  Dad is the enforcer.

Our nation is bereft of a father.  And every nation needs Him.

Donald Trump is a poor substitute.  He rose to power due to the absence of fathers in the society.  This deal-making immoral businessman, who knows his own mind, holds power because America abandoned the heavenly father decades ago.  Don’t get me wrong.  I’m glad Donald Trump is President instead of Hillary Clinton.

Our fake political system reduces our choice for supreme leader to two choices.  In the last election we were forced to choose between Jezebel and Ahab.  All things considered we’re better off with Ahab, but we’re fooling ourselves if we imagine Donald Trump is made of the same stuff as King David.  Trump is buying us time, and that’s about all.

He rules a relatively young nation, a bold experiment in republican government.

America imagined a future where Christianity would be nurtured exclusively in the private and personal spaces of the society.  We wrote a constitution and laws that make only a weak and veiled reference to God.  We thought we could make peace without naming Him.  We’ve made the high places of our society God-free zones.  Our laws and constitution are all now interpreted and enforced to keep Jesus Christ out, and make room for Allah … and any other deity that a citizen chooses to follow.  The name of our Christian God, Jesus Christ, doesn’t appear in our founding documents.

We imagine in vain that religious (moral, even) diversity will bring unity … that it will make peace.  Children know this won’t work.  Yes … they push against rules.  There isn’t, however, a woman on the planet who isn’t thankful that her parents made peace in her childhood home.  And those who suffered through a chaotic childhood of fatherlessness know it.  They may choose not to admit their pain and sorrow … especially in this demon-led popular/immoral culture … but they feel their loss.  They know it.

The pottage of LGBTism and genderbending is the rotten fruit of this denial.  Politics isn’t going to lead us to peace.  Our crisis is spiritual.  Peacemaking will return to America and the West when we repent of our sins.  Peace will return when we turn our hearts and minds toward children instead of dogs.  You’ll know the healing has started when the grocery store dogfood isle shortens, and the baby aisle lengthens.  May we all aspire to being peacemakers who are called children of God today!

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org