Hillary Clinton ‘fingered’ as ‘insider threat’ by U.S. Army’s training program

Arguably the nation’s most prolific and successful non-government organization that investigates and exposes government and political corruption on Tuesday released what amounts to another stain on the reputations of former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton and General David Petraeus (U.S. Army Ret.).

Judicial Watch released a United States Department of the Army OpSec (Operational Security) PowerPoint presentation that depicts Hillary Clinton and others as examples of “insider threats.”

The graphic (right) was part of a presentation on the current cybersecurity threats and solutions to enemy infiltration of government cyber assets. Those included with Clinton and Petraeus are terrorist and former U.S. Army Major Nidal Hassan; military-intelligence leaker Bradley Manning (a/k/a Chelsea Manning); intelligence “hijacker” Edward Snowden; and the Washington Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis.

The informative documents were obtained by Judicial Watch officials in response to a Jan. 11, 2017, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia seeking this specific PowerPoint presentation on operational security delivered to U.S. soldiers at Fort Leonard Wood under the command of Major General Kent D. Savre.

The lawsuit was filed after the Pentagon failed to respond to an Aug. 22, 2016, FOIA request for the PowerPoint presentation.

The PowerPoint presentation warns against “Critical Information Compromises” involving material such as the “itineraries of … senior executive service (SES)” and “very important persons (VIPs),” any of which can result in “Attack, Kidnapping, Publicity.”

It also cites “unsecure email” as an error that can lead to an enemy being able to “Kill, Counter, Clone.” Judicial Watch’s investigations into Clinton’s email practices while secretary of state repeatedly produced examples of Clinton aide Huma Abedin sharing the schedule and travel plans of Clinton on an unsecure email system.

The operational security brief was reportedly leaked, and then posted on the Facebook page “U.S. Army W.T.F! moments.” Administrators of the Facebook page said a picture came from a service member stationed at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri, according to a Judicial Watch press statement on Wednesday.

Surprisingly, Clinton and Petraeus are cited as examples of “Careless or disgruntled employees.” Former Secretary Clinton conducted official government business using a non-state.gov email account, which was hosted on a server in her home in Chappaqua, New York. Judicial Watch’s extensive FOIA litigation pried loose Clinton email records, which proved she sent and received classified information on an unsecure server while serving as secretary of state.

“The fact that while Clinton was running for POTUS she was being discussed in a cybersecurity training session as an ‘Insider Threat’ along with the likes of a mass-murdering jihadist [Maj. Nidal Hassan] and an intelligence thief shows the attitude toward misconduct and crime displayed by Democrats,” said former U.S. Marine and police detective Michael Snipes. “In my opinion, she [Clinton] is lucky she only lost an election and had almost the entire news media in her pants-suit’s back pocket,” Snipes quipped.

“No wonder it took a lawsuit to extract this damning Pentagon analysis which recognizes former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as an “Inside Threat” to national security,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “I hope the Department of Justice takes note and proceeds with an appropriate investigation.”

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Germans take Trump’s lead re. Muslim refugee policy

While the Democrats and so-called moderate Republicans yell and scream over U.S. President Donald Trump’s efforts to stop the influx of Muslims from seven nations known to be hotbeds of radical Islam terrorists, Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel under intense pressure by the German people is now seeking the deportation of the same refugees she originally welcomed with opened arms.

Merkel announced her 180-degree turn in her nation’s refugee policy and says she will unveil plans this week to increase deportations of immigrants especially those suspected of being involved in anti-West terrorism or materially-supporting radical groups.

“Instead of looking more closely at the experiences of other nations who allowed tens of thousands of unvetted immigrants from nations in the midst of battling against unbridled Muslim barbarity, the American leftists and globalists continue their deceptive immigration agenda especially those ‘citizens-of-the-world’ news purveyors,” said former police captain and political science instructor Laura Manza-McCarthy.

“While American politicians and activists fight the Trump administration on behalf of illegal immigration, German, Italian and other European Union countries can’t deport them fast enough,” she added.

Merkel’s German plan will tighten up the nation’s well-intentioned but flawed asylum system. Merkel, as a liberal politician, will use her plan to quell the outrage of critics on the right and the center of Germany’s political spectrum. As in the United States there is a majority who claim her refugee policy is — and has been since the beginning –too liberal and potentially dangerous.

When the Muslim refugee crisis emerged, France, Italy, Germany and other European countries opened the floodgates and took in millions of Muslims from Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen and other countries involved in the global jihad.

Merkel is expected to announce a number of changes to the immigration processing of Muslims this week. For example, the Germans will build immigrant centers near airports for those deemed suspicious asylum seekers. This will allow the police to hold on to people thought to be a security threat. The actual mass deportations are to be handled not by police but by a newly created department charged with coordinating the large number of deportations expected.

Immigration, especially immigrants from war-zones in the Middle East and North Africa, has been a hot-button political issue in Germany since the summer of 2015, when Merkel adopted a welcoming stance towards refugees fleeing Syria and other war-torn nations.

According to the German news media, of the 280,000 Muslims that arrived last year, 80,000 have been deported. More than 50,000 of them volunteered to be deported. However, according to David Knudsen, a former immigration cop, the reason for so many volunteering is that they are given free transportation plus close to $2,500.00 (U.S.) if they return to their countries without incident.

As with Germany, Italy’s government is said to be ready for immigrant deportations. In 2016, Italy received more than 180,000 immigrants traveling by watercraft from Libya alone. At first, only 4,000 Muslims were deported by Italian authorities. But now it appears the Italian citizenry is not happy with the results of liberal “compassion” and they want fewer asylum seekers from Muslim communities in North Africa.

German authorities at first directed their police forces to follow their new rules: “When reporting on criminal offenses, details about the religious, ethnic or other background information of the suspects or perpetrators is to be mentioned only if it is absolutely necessary to understand the reported event. Remember that such references could foment prejudices against minorities.”

Actual Translation: We want to sell the German public on this Muslim migrant inundation. So don’t tell the people that Muslim migrants are involved in sexual assaults and rapes on a near-daily basis.

This is treason, as it is leading Germany to national disaster, and the German Press Council should be prosecuted. But who would initiate such a prosecution? Angela Merkel?

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Sen. Schumer opposes public safety, civil rights and Donald Trump

It will take the passing of quite some time before many Americans can erase the image of the Senate’s new Democratic Minority Leader Charles “Chuck” Schumer being overly emotional when describing President Donald Trump’s ban on unvetted Muslims from seven terrorist-havens in the Middle East.

What most Americans believe is a common-sense policy appeared to have caused the career politician to choke back tears in his favorite place — in front of TV cameras and microphones. “Schumer — battle-hardened partisan — appeared to have a difficult time talking about Trump’s temporary ban on Muslim refugee resettlement. Schumer labeled Trump’s executive order “mean-spirited and un-American,” which sounded like a political symphony to the Trump-hating propaganda meisters covering the Schumer performance.

“This political hack really gets my goat! He’s been a member of both houses of Congress for many, many years and I’ve never seen Schumer holding tears back after thousands of Americans were killed fighting the enemy — Islamic terrorists. He never shed a single tear for the victims of the Benghazi attack. He’s a disgrace as an American not to mention a shady Senator,” says Schumer’s fellow New Yorker, Henry McGrath, a retired NYPD cop.

Schumer has also been quoted as saying, “Tears are running down the cheeks of the Statue of Liberty tonight as a grand tradition of America, welcoming immigrants, that has existed since America was founded has been stomped on.”

“Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is the chief obstructionist of domestic policies and appointments of President Donald Trump,” well-known police adviser and former NRA publications editor John M. Snyder noted this week.

“Schumer opposes the civil right to keep and bear arms as well as the civil right to life itself,” Snyder added.

President Trump himself has called Schumer the “clown of clowns,” while top talk show host — and former Justice Department chief of staff — Mark Levin called him a hypocrite since Schumer is a staunch “gun-grabber” who wishes to disarm American citizens while he packs a concealed handgun and is usually surrounded by armed protection officers.

“Hopefully,” Snyder said, “there are enough patriots in the Senate Democratic Caucus to overcome Schumer’s attempts to thwart the will of voters as expressed last November in the victory they gave Trump for his America first positions.”

“Schumer plots to prevent Senate confirmation of Supreme Court nominees who support the right to life and the right to keep and bear arms. He worked to derail the appointment of gun rights and life rights supporter Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) as Attorney General,” said the top spokesperson for gun rights.

Snyder said, “Sen. Schumer is a leading opponent of the right to life and of the right to keep and bear arms for the defense of life. He promotes abortion and even partial birth abortion. He promotes bans on the acquisition and use of firearms and certain types of firearms by law-abiding citizens. Citizens want them for the defense of life as well as for other legitimate purposes.”

“Schumer, the ‘clown of clowns,’ is a leading spokesman in the United States today for what St. John Paul termed the ‘culture of death.'”

Snyder pointed out that, “Clown Schumer attacks President Trump as a hard right guy. But the Senate Minority Leader himself is a ring leader of the loony left. Voters have dumped these nut cakes. Senators should approve Trump’s pick for Attorney General. They should reject Schumer’s plan to hold up approval of Supreme Court nominees.

“They also should enact legislation in support of the right to life and of the right to keep and bear arms. Among the latter is the proposed Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017, H.R. 38, by Rep. Richard Hudson (R-NC) with 140 cosponsors.

H.R. 38 “would require states to recognize the validity of every other state’s gun carry licenses, but it would require concealed carriers to follow the specific laws of whatever state in which they are carrying,” reported the Washington Free Beacon.

The bill “ads language designed to ensure that those in Constitutional Carry states, where no permit is required to concealed carry, are protected by the legislation,” continued the Beacon.

The bill also would allow concealed carry in the National Park System, the National Wildlife Refuge System, and on lands under the authority of the Bureau of Land Management, Army Corps of Engineers, and Bureau of Reclamation.

H.R. 38 has been referred to the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives.

“We need national reciprocity for concealed gun carry,” said Snyder.

“A positive state CCW or concealed carry policy enables a qualified individual to carry a particular concealed firearm within his or her state of jurisdiction if legally permitted to do so,” Snyder noted.

“With national reciprocity, a state-issued CCW permit would be honored throughout the country, similar to the way in which state-issued driving permits now are honored throughout the country,” he added.

“In a survey of United States police chiefs and sheriffs conducted last year by the National Association of Chiefs of Police, over 86 percent said they supported nationwide recognition of state issued concealed weapons permits,” Snyder.

“With President Trump now in office and with Republicans in charge of both houses of Congress, proponents of the individual Second Amendment civil right to keep and bear arms can and should advance the American freedom agenda,” Snyder said.

“In addition to fostering national reciprocity for concealed firearm carry,” he added, “Washington should slash the law enforcement funding of cities and states following policies contrary to the spirit of the Second Amendment, and repeal federal laws interfering with Second Amendment liberties.”

A practicing Catholic, Snyder has been named “the dean of Washington gun lobbyists” by the Washington Post and New York Times, “a champion of the right of self-defense” by the Washington Times, the “gun dean” by Human Events, and “the senior rights activist in Washington” by Shotgun News. The Trace designated him a power broker.

He holds AB and MA degrees in government from Georgetown University. He has been an NRA magazine editor and official of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and Second Amendment Foundation. He directs Telum Associates, LL.C, and serves on boards of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, Council for America, and American Federation of Police and Concerned Citizens.

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Activist Judge James Robart stops Trump’s immigration policy

Legislating From The Bench and putting America in danger

The federal judge — who on Friday issued a restraining order on President Donald Trump’s program to prevent Muslim refugees and visitors from a number of terrorist hotbeds from entering the United States until they can be vetted and certified as no threat to American citizens — is an activist who believes his job is to provide social justice rather than interpreting the U.S. Constitution. www.judicialselectionstrikeforce.org

Ironically he is the same judge who made national headlines in 2016 when he ruled that “Black Lives Matter” in a federal courtroom, thus giving a radical, violence-prone group legitimacy.

U.S. District Court Judge James Robart made his Black Lives Matter declaration while hearing a case against the Seattle (Washington) Police Department that opposed the implementation of new police procedures that city. According to Lt. Stuart Larkingwicz of the American Federation of Police, Robart’s actions and statements amounted to a federal judge officially supported the activist group from the bench.

A check of Robart’s overall career reveals he once represented Southeast Asian immigrants attempting to “jump in front of the immigration line” prior to his judicial work for the federal court system. His biggest case involved police and black citizens in Seattle:

The Seattle Police Department was accused of using excessive force against non-whites in the city. The police chief and other officials promised to make changes in order to avoid federal civil prosecution. But Robart insisted the police union had been dragging its feet implementing changes.

Robart then scolded the police officers’ union during an August 2016 hearing. “The court and the citizens of Seattle will not be held hostage for increased payments and benefits,” he said. “I’m sure the entire city of Seattle would march behind me.”

“This decision was all politics and no substance. It’s not based on anything in the U.S. Constitution, either. When Obama had a ban on Iraqis and others coming into the country, where was Judge Robart? He was on the bench then, as well. He’s a part of the RINO [Republican in name only] wing of the GOP and sees his job as being someone who will mete out ‘social justice’ to the downtrodden,” said former military officer, police commander and political strategist Michael Baker.

Also, on Saturday, veteran watchdog Larry Klayman, the founder of both Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch and a former Justice Department prosecutor, issued a statement in the wake of the what he calls an illegal decision by a federal judge in Seattle to place a temporary restraining order on the recent executive action by President Donald Trump to put a 90-day hold on immigration from 7 Middle Eastern countries, all of which harbor huge numbers of Muslim terrorists bent on harming the United States. www.freedomwatchusa.org.

Klayman had this to say:

“The ruling is regrettably not surprising, as this judge not only disobeyed and flouted the law but apparently was more intent on making a name for himself in a very leftist state, Washington, and around the nation. While he was nominated by former President George W. Bush, this means little to nothing. The Bush family and many of its Republican establishment officials, after the unsuccessful presidential campaign of Jeb Bush, not only harbor an animus against President Trump, but W.’s appointed federal judges during his failed administration were generally not strict constructionists of the Constitution, or the rule of law. In addition to this renegade Seattle judge, James Robart, who also has taken over control of the Seattle Police Department, I am reminded of another W. appointee, federal judge Murray Snow who presides in the federal court in Phoenix, Arizona, who not only also has taken control of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, but unethically persecuted former Sheriff Joe Arpaio, boasting to his wife that he was bent on destroying Arpaio while presiding over a contempt trial sparked by the ultra-leftist and itself unethical ACLU.

“The bottom line is this: Judge Robart has illegally and unconstitutionally blocked executive power to curtail immigration of non-citizens and non-permanent residents, all of which have no rights to enter this country at will. Here, there was not even a bar put in place by President Trump, but simply a temporary hold on issuing visas to allow time to put in place an extreme vetting process to weed out terrorists.

Thus, President Trump’s reaction to this outrageous grab of judicial power was mild. Judge Robart should be impeached for his blatant political act and illegal grandstanding, obviously designed to make a name for himself. www.freedomwatchusa.org.

“Finally, this underscores why Freedom Watch’s Judicial Selection Strike Force Coalition is so important an endeavor. There currently are about 100 judicial vacancies on the federal lower courts and we intend to vet and recommend judges to President Trump for appointment who adhere to the Constitution and the rule of law in general, like Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch. Currently, by and large what we have on the federal bench, with some exceptions, are ‘politicians in robes.’ This is very dangerous, as federal judges are our most important public servants, as they were intended by the framers of the Constitution to be independent and free of politics to protect We the People from the tyranny of the other two branches of government. What we see with Judge Robart’s illegal ruling ironically is ‘judicial tyranny’!”

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Trump and GOP: get rid of IRS commissioner job, end democrats’ enemies list

On the tenth day of the new administration of President Donald Trump, among the many issues the White House faces is the obvious corruption within the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Last year in the thick of the battle for the presidency between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Trump, Conservative lawmakers were up-in-arms over reports emanating from records obtained directly from the IRS and documents they received from watchdog groups such as Judicial Watch.

As a result of seeing overwhelming evidence corruption, misconduct and harassment aimed at President Barack Obama’s so-called “enemies list,” Republican lawmakers proposed a total revamping of the IRS from top to bottom. The GOP members of congress accused the agency of being a political arm of the Democratic Party rather than a nonpartisan, government tax collection agency, according to the House pf Representatives Oversight Committee’s report titled, “Making Sure Targeting Never Happens: Getting Politics Out of the IRS and Other Solutions.”

The Oversight Committee’s Republican members, led at that time by Chairman Darrell Issa, R-California, claimed they possess overwhelming evidence that President Barack Obama’s unprecedented condemnation of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in the controversial Citizens United case encouraged IRS’s upper-echelon staff members to target conservative groups such as the numerous Tea Party organizations, pro-gun owner groups, and other conservative or libertarian organizations.

The GOP’s congressional report also states that too many IRS executives were overwhelmed with kicking off the IRS’s role in the Affordable Care Act of 2010, a/k/a ObamaCare, which in essence allowed IRS officials like Lois Lerner, the former director of tax-exempt groups and the central figure in the Tea Party controversy, to have too much autonomy for a political operative in a supposedly non-political position.

Under the President Barack Obama, the IRS has become a partisan “body and full-fledged arm of the administration in power,” the Oversight report said.

One of the key changes sought by the Oversight Committee’s Republican members report is the elimination of the position of Commissioner of the IRS and the creation of a bipartisan group that could manage the agency that is responsible for handling trillions of taxpayer dollars.

Rep. Darrell Issa’s report states:

“Other operational failures within the IRS contributed to the targeting. The IRS trained its agents to identify and elevate applications that could draw media attention, even though media attention has no bearing on a group’s qualification for tax-exemption.

“As Washington employees evaluated the applications, they evaluated whether the groups’ activities were “good” nonprofit activities or merely “emotional” propaganda with “little educational value. The IRS allowed these tax-exempt applications to languish for years without action. Subsequently, as it sought to work through the backlog, the agency requested inappropriate and burdensome information from groups applying for tax-exempt status.”

But the committee member jokingly referred to as Issa’s arch-rival, Maryland Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings, condemned the new report, and took issue with the proposal to eliminate the IRS commissioner’s position.

However, during the Issa-led IRS probe, information obtained by the public-interest group, Judicial Watch, pointed to Rep. Cummings as being one of the Democrats who had complained to Lerner about the non-profit groups that opposed the overall Democratic Party political agenda.

One of the Republican proposals that angered Obama and his minions was the suggestion that the Affordable Care Act implementation be taken away from the IRS and given to a more nonpartisan group that’s free from White House manipulation. However, ACA may be a moot point since it is either imploding by itself or it will be rescinded and replaced with a more conservative approach — in other words no Democrats with their hands in the pockets of the American people.

In addition, the Senate Judiciary Committee also found evidence of conspiracy between taxpayer-supported Planned Parenthood Federation of America and its affiliates, since PPFA knew about the violations and changed oversight procedures in order to allow the violations to continue. The Judiciary Committee’s findings are available in a Majority Staff Report published this month. The IRS, although quick to investigate nonprofit groups that are pro-life and Christian, has never investigated Planned Parenthood.

If not for David Daleiden’s videos, Congress would not have initiated investigations into Planned Parenthood’s business model that includes profiting from the sale of fetal organs and tissues. We would not have seen firsthand the cavalier and callous manner in which the abortion industry discusses the dismemberment of innocent human beings.

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Trump promises tougher policing in Chicago

Rahm Emanuel Rather Have More Gun Control

President Donald Trump once again warned Democratic Party officials in Chicago — especially Mayor Rahm Emanuel — and the news media that if they can’t stop the Windy City’s climbing murder and violent crime rate, Trump’s Washington, D.C. team will take action to protect the people — whites, blacks, Latinos and Asians — from the street predators, gang-bangers and other criminals.

Mayor Emanuel said that he welcomes the chance to partner with federal agencies to curb violence in Chicago. Then he said that illegal immigrants are welcome, as well and his city will remain a sanctuary. He also blamed the high crime rate on the relative ease with which the people in Chicago purchase illegal weapons including assault rifles. He blames other states in the region that have less-stringent gun control policies.

While a number of conservatives claim that policing and crimefighting policies and actions — the police function — are relegated to the individual states, it has become commonplace for the U.S. Department of Justice to go into cities, towns and counties to investigate local cops and police agencies.

Trump believes that these so-called police racism and misconduct cases are at best unnecessary, at worst they are fraudulent based on political correctness and the liberal-left’s anti-police, anti-military standards.

Trump spoke about The Windy City’s crime and violence after the Chicago Police Department released year-end crime stats on New Year’s Day. It showed that Chicago’s homicide numbers were worse than the larger cities of New York and Los Angeles combined.

“Chicago murder rate is record setting – 4,331 shooting victims with 762 murders in 2016. If Mayor can’t do it he must ask for Federal help!” the future White House occupant tweeted.

During his campaign against race-baiting Democrat Hillary Clinton, Trump often highlighted the plight of blacks in Chicago. He promised them a safer, economically sound community free from gangs, drugs and violence. Whenever he asked for their votes, Trump would say, “Give me a chance [as president]. What have you got to lose?”

2016 Chicago Crime Statistics Released

Chicago, Illinois, released its annual crime report for 2016, arguably one of the most violent years for big cities in more than a decade. According to the statistics, there were 762 homicides in 2016 with a daily average of two murders. It is the most killings committed in that city in more than two decades.

Chicago, which has the third largest city population in the country, also witnessed upwards of 1,000 more shooting incidents than it experienced in 2015, according to statistics provided by the beleaguered Chicago Police Department.

“The numbers are staggering especially the dozens of shootings and monthly death tolls that weren’t seen in perhaps 20 years. The increase in last year’s homicides compared to 2015, when 485 were reported, is the largest spike in 60 years,” noted Chicago’s Top Cop Edward “Eddie” Johnson.

Police Superintendent Johnson said during a press conference on New Year’s Day, “Chicago is among many U.S. cities that have [seen] a spike in violence, including [a spike] in attacks on police.”

He told reporters that the anger at police over their alleged use of excessive force, especially deadly physical force, has actually “emboldened criminals” to commit even more violent crimes.

While Johnson doesn’t say it — being a good Democrat in a city practically bought and paid for by the Democratic Party Machine — many believe that President Barack Obama, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, former Attorney General Eric Holder, and former Obama White House minion, now Chicago’s mayor, Rahm Emmanuel may share a large part of the blame for increased friction between minorities and law enforcement.

He also said it’s becoming clearer to criminals that they have little to fear from the criminal justice system, which is run by mostly liberal Democrats. For example, not a week goes by without a news story describing another large-scale prison release by Obama, including those illegal aliens released after serving time for violent crimes who remain on the streets of Chicago, New York, Los Angeles and other large U.S. cities.

Ironically, it’s those cities that consider themselves “sanctuary cities” that are seeing the highest increases in street crime. But rather than address that issue, Attorney General Loretta Lynch spends millions of tax dollars and man-hours investigating police departments and officers.

Also on Sunday, the CBS News show 60 Minutes made “some outlandish, and illogical accusations” against the Chicago Police Department: The report blamed the police officers for the increase in Chicago’s murder rate and violent crimes such as armed robberies, rapes, aggravated assaults and other serious offenses.

According to officials at the organization Blue Lives Matter, “The introduction to the [60 Minutes] segment described Chicago as being a city that more closely resembles a ‘war zone’ as opposed to one of America’s great cities.” They also said, “It’s [being] widely reported that Chicago had 762 murders, and 1,400 people wounded by gun shots during the year 2016. And 60 Minutes described the Chicago Police Department as being an agency on its heels.”

Blue Lives Matter is a media company, founded and run entirely by active and retired law enforcement officers.

“The segment was hosted by CBS Correspondent Bill Whitaker who wasted no time pinpointing what he described as being an “alarming cause” for the drastic uptick in murders on the streets of Chicago. Whitaker passionately (some might say ignorantly) placed the full blame at the feet of the courageous men and women who proudly wear the badge and patrol this described “war zone that is Chicago,” the group wrote in their statement.

Blue Lives Matter’s officials stated:

“Bill Whitaker revealed some statistics that were obtained from inside the Chicago Police Department. The data reveals an annual comparison of 2016 and 2015 pertaining to the police activity levels. It also showed that in August 2015 police officers stopped and questioned 49,257 people as a result of pro-active policing measures. A year later that number decreased to 8,859, which is about an 80% decline in people stopped and questioned.”

The data used by Whitaker can be found in the full transcript provided by CBS 60 Minutes.

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Democrats fear Trump’s CIA Chief Mike Pompeo

Pompeo will dig into Obama’s suspicious intel practices

U.S. Senate Democrats, led by New York’s Chuck Schumer, the minority leader, argued that a CIA director are dragging their feet on confirming Rep. Mike Pompeo. They — Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vermont, Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Connecticut and others –claim Pompeo has “controversial views on surveillance and other issues that need to be debated on the floor.” But more than one observer, such as former military intelligence officer and police commander Larry McIntire, believe they fear a CIA run by Pompeo because of the shenanigans by President Barack Obama’s CIA appointees and supporters.

“Democrat lawmakers appear to be concerned – even fearful — that one of their fellow members of Congress will be confirmed to head of the Central Intelligence Agency. But it will take an Obama-sized ‘skeleton in his closet’ to stop U.S. Rep. Mike Pompeo’s rise to the government position he has worked his entire life to achieve,” said the now retired McIntire. “I’d say that Pompeo may open a new can of worms especially when it comes to the Obama and [Secretary of State John] Kerry nuclear weapons agreement with Iran,” he noted.

The great fear many Democrats have is that Pompeo may attempt to finish a probe as the Director on Central that he started while he served on the House Intelligence Committee: the big pay-off to Iran.

But the Democrats are having a hard time finding something to put the kibosh on the confirmation. The Republican congressman possess quite a resume.

Pompeo while still a teenager shined as a cadet at the United States Military Academy at West Point. In fact, he graduated first in his class from the academy in 1986. According to his official biography, he also graduated from Harvard’s School of Law and easily passed the bar exam.

His military record includes serving as a cavalry officer patrolling the Iron Curtain before the fall of the Berlin Wall. He also served with the 2nd Squadron, 7th Cavalry in the Fourth Infantry Division. He served his last tour of duty in the first war against Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. The 7th Cavalry is considered an elite unit going back to the Indian Wars in the 1800s.

As a House Intelligence Committee member, Pompeo said only a few weeks ago that he has additional evidence that the Obama administration weaseled its way around U.S. sanctions law when it sent $1.7 billion to Iran, according to news reports.

Rep. Pompeo is on the record stating disclosures made to him by the Treasury Department in a letter that the first $400 million cash payment to Iran was wired to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and then electronically-transferred to an account at the National Bank of Switzerland.

The Federal Reserve followed up by “withdraw[ing] the funds from its account as Swiss franc banknotes and the U.S. government physically transported them to Geneva” before overseeing the handover to an Iranian central bank official.

GOP lawmakers have been probing the legality of the payments for months to determine if the money was ransom for the release of American prisoners who were held hostage in the Islamic Republic, but Pompeo says, “[This] administration has not provided most of the information [being sought] by the committee members. By stonewalling our inquiries, President Obama seems to be hiding whether or not he and others broke U.S. law by sending $1.7 billion in cash to Iran,” Pompeo told the news media at the time.

“Americans can plainly see that the Obama administration laundered this money in order to circumvent U.S. law and appease the Islamic Republic of Iran,” He accused.

Other critics of the transfer, such as the American Action Forum, say that Iran has used tens of millions of the $1.7 billion it received from the U.S. to bolster its worldwide terrorism operations, including giving funds to organizations which have murdered American citizens.

As a teenager, he enrolled at the United States Military Academy at West Point. He graduated first in his class from West Point in 1986. According to his official biography, he then served as a cavalry officer patrolling the Iron Curtain before the fall of the Berlin Wall. He also served with the 2nd Squadron, 7th Cavalry in the Fourth Infantry Division. He served his last tour in the Gulf War under President George H.W. Bush.

The House Intelligence Committee member says he has additional evidence that the Obama administration skirted U.S. sanctions law when it sent $1.7 billion to Iran, according to reports.

Rep. Mike Pompeo said disclosures made to him by the Treasury Department in a letter, after he requested details of the money transfer, show that the first $400 million cash payment to Iran was wired to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY) and then moved to an account at the Swiss National Bank.

FRBNY then “withdrew the funds from its account as Swiss franc banknotes and the U.S. government physically transported them to Geneva” before overseeing the handover to an Iranian central bank official.

Congress has been looking into the legality of the payments for months to determine as well if they were ransom for the release of Americans who were held in the Islamic Republic, but Pompeo says the administration has not provided most of the information they seek.

“By withholding critical details and stonewalling congressional inquiries, President Obama seems to be hiding whether or not he and others broke U.S. law by sending $1.7 billion in cash to Iran,” Pompeo told the Free Beacon.

“But Americans can plainly see that the Obama administration laundered this money in order to circumvent U.S. law and appease the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

Other critics of the transfer, such as the American Action Forum (AAF), say that Iran has used tens of millions of the $1.7 billion it received from the U.S. to bolster its worldwide terrorism operations, including giving funds to organizations which have murdered American citizens.

In her report, AAF’s Rachel Hoff wrote: When the Obama Administration sent Iran a total of $1.7 billion in cash earlier this year, many questioned if these payment constituted a “ransom” for the release of American prisoners. The State Department, however, insists the payment was only used as “leverage” to ensure the prisoners were released. (The United States has a longstanding policy that it does not pay ransoms for American prisoners or hostages.) The nature of the cash transfers to Iran is an important question, but it is also worth considering the payment itself.

Iran recently passed a law requiring that the $1.7 billion U.S. payment be directed to the Iranian military. Previous AAF research reported that Iran reports spending 65 percent of its military budget on the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), the Iranian elite paramilitary force. The IRGC actively supports terrorist organizations throughout the Middle East, spending millions of dollars every year to support the Houthis in Yemen, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and Hamas in Gaza. Iran also sends billions of dollars every year to the Assad regime in Syria.

It is unlikely that Iran accurately reports its military or paramilitary spending, but the reported budget figures are useful as a minimum baseline. Applying the official spending levels to the U.S. payment to Iran, the $1.7 billion could mean $1.1 billion for the IRGC. Paying ransoms in exchange for Americans held abroad is one bad policy—indirectly funding terrorism is another.

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Investigation exposes plots for sabotage, criminal activity at Trump inauguration

In a newly released video, renowned investigative journalist James O’Keefe continued his far reaching probe of the Democratic Party’s connections to anti-Trump, anti-GOP activities many of which border on criminal action, perhaps even acts of terrorism.

O’Keefe, famous for bringing down President Barack Obama’s top supporter known as ACORN, uncovered a secret organization calling themselves the DC Anti-fascist Coalition who are planning an attack using Butanoic cid at the National Press Club during the Deploraball event scheduled for the evening of Thursday January 19.

The substance has also been used as a stink bomb by animal-rights groups to disrupt whaling crews, as well as by pro-life activists to disrupt operations at abortion clinics.

Although the evidence doesn’t point to any direct connection with the Democratic Party or its minions in the news media, some suspect that those members of the U.S. Congress such as Rep. John Lewis, Rep. Luis Gutierrez and Rep. Keith Ellison, are boycotting the inauguration on Friday because they are aware that there will be violent incidents by Democrat-supported protesters and want to maintain their deniability.

“Anyone who is a student of history recognizes these anti-Trumpers as being very much like the Nazi Party ‘Brown Shirts’ who created havoc that helped the rise to power of Adolf Hitler. Also, look for these people to seek creating a ‘martyr’ to hold up to the people of American with the help of less-than-honest news media organizations,” said former NYPD detective and U.S. Marine Michael Snopes. [YouTube Video]


According to news analysis by former law enforcement official, Jim Kouri, appearing on the Conservative Base, security surrounding the inauguration of Donald Trump is proving to be the most challenging in recent history, according to senior officials involved in its planning, largely because of the same forces of political rancor that shaped the race for the presidency.

The dozens of government and contracted agencies responsible for security at the Jan. 20 festivities are preparing for the possibility of large numbers of protesters pouring into the capital, along with what may be nearly 1 million supporters of Trump. For example, there is talk of one group of anti-Trump “potheads” who are claiming they will handout thousands of marijuana “joints” for protesters to smoke while protesting the inauguration.

In 2009, Obama’s inauguration was the first transfer of power in the post-9/11 era — and the first in which an African-American was taking the oath of office. Obama faced a rash of racist threats, as well as concerns about a terrorist plot that ultimately proved unfounded but sent the president-elect and top aides scrambling on the eve of his swearing-in.

Even so, Obama did not face the kind of large-scale protests expected to greet Trump when he officially arrives in Washington. The 2009 crowd of nearly 2 million people, a record, included few, if any, protesters and did not lead to a single arrest, according to Christopher T. Geldart, the director of homeland security for the District of Columbia.

A vast planning board of intelligence analysts, military personnel, and law enforcement officers numbering in the tens of thousands will be working to protect the inauguration and related activities.

In total, more than three dozen different agencies spread out across the capital will be working to prevent the occasion from becoming a platform for individuals or groups looking to do harm. Their work, begun months ago, has taken on a new urgency since Election Day and will soon include the imposition of a security perimeter around the Capitol, the Mall, and large parts of the city. [YouTube Video]

Soldiers and airmen from the South Dakota National Guard are preparing for joint support of the 58th Presidential Inauguration in Washington, Jan. 20, 2017, according to Air Force Master Sgt. Christopher Stewart.

“They will join hundreds of National Guardsmen from across the country to assist with security, crowd control and traffic management throughout the national capital region when President-elect Donald J. Trump takes the oath as the 45th president of the United States,” Sgt. Stewart wrote. “This joint service security group is preparing with refresher training on the safe and secure movement of civilians prior to, during and after inauguration events.”

“The purpose of the training is so that the two branches can blend together and work together as a cohesive team,” said Army Sgt. Kurtis Brown, 235th Military Police Company team leader. “For a joint operation like the Presidential Inauguration we all want to be on the same page.”

Instructors from a local air ambulance service provided medical training on Dec. 3 that was focused on medical issues civilians might develop at the inauguration.

“The practice was needed and beneficial to all of us, said Air Force Lt. Kristopher King,” 114th Security Forces chief of information protection. “It’s a great opportunity to make sure everyone is speaking the same language and using the same techniques.”

The costs of security alone are expected to exceed $100 million.

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Is terrorism tax coming to America?

France Taxes It’s Citizens To Pay For Terrorist Attacks Committed By Muslims

U.S. Democratic Party leaders seem to have a proclivity for duplicating European governments’ policies, laws and tax rates. A perfect example is Obamacare and the push to move towards “single-payer plans.” So it’s not hard to imagine American lawmakers attempting to again emulate France’s politicians when it comes to finding rationales for picking citizens pockets for more cash in order to buy more votes.

French citizens are now paying an extra 1.60 euro ($1.69 US) on their property insurance policies to help increase the funding to assist victims of terrorist attacks which have recently hit the country.

The de facto tax increase officially began on New Year’s Day and requires French insurance policy holders to contribute 5.90 euro ($6.21 US) instead of 4.30 euro ($4.53 US) on each monthly premium payment.

France’s workers are the most taxed in the European Union and the United States. French salaries are taxed at 57.5 percent on average, compared to a European figure of 45.2 percent. Figures from the Molinari Institute show that average tax rates in the UK account for just 35.29 percent of income, while the figure for Germany is 52.36 percent. The lowest taxed nation in the EU is Cyprus, where the average rate is 23.85 percent.

French government officials had claimed they started the Guarantee Fund for Victims of Terrorist and Other Criminal Acts (FGTI) to prevent insurance companies from developing side industries that might profit from acts of violence.

More than 200 people have died in France as a result of terror attacks in less than two-years, with hundreds injured, some seriously. The French city of Marseille has an estimated 30 to 40 percent Muslim population and has been ranked as the most dangerous city in Europe.

“French progressives claimed they were afraid the marketplace wouldn’t provide such coverage, and I imagine they saw an excellent way to tax families without having to worry about them squawking about their taxes increasing during a bad economy,” said George Pollack, a former counter-terrorism team member in the United States. “I wouldn’t be surprised to see our own liberals try this scheme and complain that anyone against the tax is not patriotic,” Pollack predicted.

According to American Military News:

• Within the last two years alone, over 200 people have died at the hands of Islamic extremists. On November 13, 2015, 130 French citizens were murdered by seven violent jihadists that were stationed in populated areas and executed a coordinated series of attacks around Paris.

• On Bastille Day in July of 2016, 86 people were murdered and another 434 were injured when a 19-ton cargo truck drove through the crowded streets in Nice where people were celebrating the holiday.

• The Bastille Day and November Paris attacks cost the country between 300 and 400 million Euros each.

• Another 17 people were killed and 22 injured when a group of Islamic Extremists stormed the office of a satirical magazine called Charlie Hebdo with guns and shot at the employees because the magazine had run a cartoon depicting the prophet Mohammed.

The Bastille Day truck attack in Nice which left 86 dead this summer cost between 300 and 400 million euro, approximately the same as the November 13 attacks in Paris, which killed 130 people.

“The French government has some nerve with this latest tax. Their political elite allowed hundreds of thousands of unvetted Muslim refugees into their country. And when some of them kill French citizens or destroy property, the French taxpayer is expected to foot-the-bill. It’s comical to everyone except the liberal-left,” said U.S. military and police veteran Nelson Glover.

The French city of Marseille has an estimated 30 to 40 percent Muslim population and has been ranked as the most dangerous city in Europe.

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Rita Cosby, former W.H. Press Secretary discusses liberal media and Trump

[Acknowledgement] Special thanks to Emmy Award-winning news correspondent, best selling author and talk show host – as well as friend of NWV news writer Jim Kouri and the National Association of Chiefs of Police – Rita Cosby for her invaluable help in getting the material for this news story.

On this Sunday morning’s “Rita Cosby Show” on WABC Radio in New York City, former George W. Bush White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer trained his dislike toward the liberal media, by noting that he’s never seen such hostility towards an incoming US President before and saying… “Donald Trump will go into office on Day One with a Trump Derangement Syndrome… When George Bush won after the recount, there was hostility, but it wasn’t this pronounced as now. It became even more pronounced as the Bush administration went along, to the point where it became that derangement syndrome.”

Fleischer continued, “You know Donald Trump is a fiery fellow. I mean he’s earned a piece of this. But I’ve never seen the left go so nuts, so early, so hard, and lament this, I regret this.” In regards to the divisiveness he’s seeing in the country, “I am a bit surprised by it. You know, you hope that at some point people are just gracious.”

Fleischer also predicts that incoming White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer will face very harsh treatment at the hands of the media. “It’s going to be very difficult, and it’s going to test his patience, and he’s going to need a healthy amount of patience because on the one hand he must represent the President, that’s his job. And on the other hand, he’s going to have to suffer daily being turned into a human piñata by the press corps, because that’s what they do. And that’s why it’s a burn-out job.”

Fleischer continued, “It’s going to be harder for Sean than it has been for almost all his predecessors, and that’s because of the media’s hostility to Donald Trump. The media has made no secret of its hostility to Donald Trump, and Donald Trump’s returned the favor. And so Sean is the man caught in the middle.”

In regards to how to make relations better, Mr. Fleischer suggested each side needed to make a move. “Donald Trump has his role to play in this as well. I think it is very important that Donald Trump engages in a civil fashion that can help bridge some of these wounds in our country, as he pledged to do in his 60 Minutes interview, and we need to hold his feet to the fire to make sure he does that. But it needs to be reciprocated as well by his political opponents.”

The FULL AUDIO from the 8 minute Interview is in the following (**) LINKS: ** [LONG LINK] ** [SHORT LINK]


On the Negativity on the part of Democrats towards Trump:

00:34 AF – “You know Donald Trump is a fiery fellow. I’m mean he’s earned a piece of this. But I’ve never seen the left go so nuts so early so hard, and lament this, I regret this.”

On the Negative Reaction towards Trump’s Inauguration:

00:55 AF – “I am a bit surprised by it. You know, you hope that at some point people are just gracious.”

On the Divisiveness in the Country:

02:00 AF – “Donald Trump has his role to play in this as well. I think it is very important that Donald Trump engages in a civil fashion that can help bridge some of these wounds in our country, as he pledged to do in his 60 Minutes interview, and we need to hold his feet to the fire to make sure he does that. But it needs to be reciprocated as well by his political opponents.”

07:35 AF – “When George Bush won after the recount, there was hostility but it wasn’t as pronounced as now. It became even more pronounced as the Bush administration went along to the point where it became that derangement syndrome. Donald Trump will go into office on Day One with a Trump Derangement Syndrome.”

On Incoming White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer:

12:03 AF – “It’s going to be harder for Sean than it has been for almost all his predecessors, and that’s because of the media’s hostility to Donald Trump. The media has made no secret of its hostility to Donald Trump, and Donald Trump’s returned the favor. And so Sean is the man caught in the middle.”

12:42 AF – “It’s going to be very difficult, and it’s going to test his patience, and he’s going to need a healthy amount of patience because on the one hand he must represent the President, that’s his job. And on the other hand, he’s going to have to suffer daily being turned into a human piñata by the press corps, because that’s what they do. And that’s why it’s a burn-out job.”

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Inauguration Day: Trump must become most protected president in U.S. History

When Donald J. Trump takes his oath of office as President of the United States only weeks from now, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria warns it will use his inauguration on January 20, 2017 to declare war on the United States and its allies. ISIS is calling that important ceremonial event “Bloody Friday,” according to the National Association of Chiefs of Police on Monday.

According to the political insider Josh Brernbaum, in addition to launching an attack on Trump’s inauguration, ISIS has recruited multiple English-speaking jihadists — many of them women — to reach out to the infidels with their death threats.

“ISIS is angry over the results of the American election that brought to power a President who they believe will give no quarter in the war on Islamic terrorists. They are also angry that in the waning months of his administration, President [Barack Obama] is taking credit for what others are doing in Mosul (Iraq) and Aleppo (Syria). He has also allowed U.S. military presence in Afghanistan to fester,” said former counter-terrorism operative Milton Sedgewick, now working as a security contractor.

Security services in European countries are also facing a new paradigm: an upswing in the number of female jihadists who are recruited by ISIS to engage in terrorists acts, according to Homeland Security News Wire.

Security surrounding the inauguration of Donald Trump is proving to be the most challenging in recent history, according to senior officials involved in its planning, largely because of the same forces of political rancor that shaped the race for the presidency.

On top of the daunting threats to any inaugural ceremony, the three dozen agencies responsible for security at the Jan. 20 festivities are preparing for the possibility of large numbers of protesters flooding the capital, along with what may be nearly 1 million supporters of Trump. For example, there is talk of one group of anti-Trump “potheads” who are claiming they will handout thousands of marijuana “joints” for protesters to smoke while protesting the inauguration.

The agencies are worried about the possibility of confrontations between groups of Americans still deeply divided over the election — and at a moment when millions of people around the world will be turning their attention to Washington. At the very least, officials said, protests would put additional pressure on the region’s already-stretched security apparatus.

And in 2009, Obama’s inauguration was the first transfer of power in the post-9/11 era — and the first in which an African-American was taking the oath of office. Obama faced a rash of racist threats, as well as concerns about a terrorist plot that ultimately proved unfounded but sent the president-elect and top aides scrambling on the eve of his swearing-in.

Even so, Obama did not face the kind of large protests expected to greet Trump when he officially arrives in Washington. The 2009 crowd of nearly 2 million people, a record, included few, if any, protesters and did not lead to a single arrest, according to Christopher T. Geldart, the director of homeland security for the District of Columbia.

A vast overlapping patchwork of intelligence analysts, military personnel, and law enforcement officers numbering in the tens of thousands will be working to protect the inauguration and related activities.

In total, more than three dozen different agencies spread out across the capital will be working to prevent the occasion from becoming a platform for individuals or groups looking to do harm. Their work, begun months ago, has taken on a new urgency since Election Day and will soon include the imposition of a security perimeter around the Capitol, the Mall, and large parts of the city.

Soldiers and airmen from the South Dakota National Guard are preparing for joint support of the 58th Presidential Inauguration in Washington, Jan. 20, 2017, according to Air Force Master Sgt. Christopher Stewart.

“They will join hundreds of National Guardsmen from across the country to assist with security, crowd control and traffic management throughout the national capital region when President-elect Donald J. Trump takes the oath as the 45th president of the United States,” Sgt. Stewart wrote. “This joint service security group is preparing with refresher training on the safe and secure movement of civilians prior to, during and after inauguration events.”

“The purpose of the training is so that the two branches can blend together and work together as a cohesive team,” said Army Sgt. Kurtis Brown, 235th Military Police Company team leader. “For a joint operation like the Presidential Inauguration we all want to be on the same page.”

Soldiers and airmen intermixed and practiced moving as squads and platoons. They also practiced various formations while using specialized equipment.

Beneficial Training

Instructors from a local air ambulance service provided medical training on Dec. 3 that was focused on medical issues civilians might develop at the inauguration.

“The practice was needed and beneficial to all of us, said Air Force Lt. Kristopher King,” 114th Security Forces chief of information protection. “It’s a great opportunity to make sure everyone is speaking the same language and using the same techniques.”

The costs of security alone are expected to exceed $100 million.

© 2017 NWV – All Rights Reserved

California democrats decriminalize under age prostitution

Pedophiles celebrate New Year’s Day with Golden State’s new child prostitution ‘free-for-all’ Law.

The so-called U.S. Golden State, California, can now add one more progressive action to its list of legal shenanigans including California’s illegal-alien sanctuary cities, transgender toilet regulations, and anti-American education curriculums. Starting on New Year’s Day 2017, minors both girls and boys will be open for business as legal prostitutes thanks to Gov. Jerry Brown and the Democrats. The question good folks are asking ‘why is the church leadership silent?’

Unfortunately, the news media in general are either ignoring this new law that prohibits police officers from arresting streetwalkers who are under the age of 18-years-old or they are claiming it doesn’t encourage youngsters to sell their bodies to adults for sex. But more and more citizens are wondering how politicians can justify passing such a heinous law and still look at themselves in the mirror.

“When my sergeant told a room full of patrol officers about this new addition to our state’s penal code, I thought it was a joke. It wasn’t and many of us cops have teenagers who will now be unprotected by law enforcement,” said California police officer Joseph McCaffrey. “We were simply told that beginning on Jan. 1, 2017, prostitution involving minors will be legal in California, McCaffrey told NewsWithViews.com.

Senate Bill 1322 forbids law enforcement officers throughout the state from arresting sex workers who are under the age of 18 for soliciting or engaging in prostitution, or loitering with the intent to do so.

Senate Bill No. 1322 Mitchell. Commercial sex acts: minors.

Existing law makes it a crime to solicit or engage in any act of prostitution. Existing law makes it a crime to loiter in any public place with the intent to commit prostitution.

This bill would make the above provisions inapplicable to a child under 18 years of age who is alleged to have engaged in conduct that would, if committed by an adult, violate the above provisions. The bill would authorize the minor to be taken into temporary custody under limited circumstances.

This bill would incorporate additional changes to Section 647 of the Penal Code, proposed by SB 420, SB 1129, and AB 1708, that would become operative only if this bill and one or more of those other bills are enacted and become effective on or before January 1, 2017, and this bill is chaptered last.

This bill would incorporate additional changes to Section 653.22 of the Penal Code, proposed by AB 1771 that would become operative only if this bill and AB 1771 are enacted and become effective on or before January 1, 2017, and this bill is chaptered last.

Now girls and boys in California will be free to trade sex for cash without having to worry about being arrested and prosecuted. Also, there is no longer a fear of having a criminal record since prostitution of children is no longer considered a crime in the Golden State.

Progressives’ Sexual Free-For-All?

This shocking legislation was written, proposed, sponsored and passed by progressive Democratic lawmakers who are in total control California’s state government with a two-thirds “supermajority.” In addition, the executive branch of California’s political cesspool is none other than the man known to his detractors as “the space cadet,” Gov. Jerry Brown.

They have rationalized this latest legal outrage as decriminalizing underage prostitution to bring about fair public policy that will help victims of sex trafficking.

According to a video in the Examiner, “[T]he reality is that the legalization of underage prostitution suffers from the fatal defect endemic to progressive-left policymaking: it ignores experience, common sense and most of all human nature — especially its darker side.”

California’s Democrats claim the law will not stop police officer from arresting pimps and human smugglers. Pimping will still be considered a crime whether it involves adult women or young girls. But legalizing child prostitution will only helping increased sexploitation 2of underage girls. Immunity from arrest means law enforcement can’t interfere with minors engaging in prostitution — which translates into bigger and better cash flow for the pimps. Simply put, more time on the street and less time in jail means more money for pimps, and more victims for them to exploit.

Even worse, the news media such as NBC News defends the Democrats for passing this perversion, according to Mike Baker, a former attorney and political strategist. “The backers of this Godless law deny that children will be hurt and say if they [the children] are arrested a stint in juvenile detention will again victimize them.”

“The law is supposed to protect vulnerable children from adult abuse, yet we brand kids enmeshed in sex-for-pay with a scarlet ‘P’ and leave them subject to shame and prosecution,” said an NBC news story.

Baker claims the news media play word games and if Americans just read the new law as written “they will see how evil this whole scenario is.”
Nancy O’Malley, an attorney and national leader on child sex-trafficking issues, said in a statement, “It just opens up the door for traffickers to use these kids to commit crimes and exploit them even worse.” If pimps and human smugglers should be given free rein to write a law helpful to themselves, SB 1322 would be it, according to the criminal prosecutor.

Unfortunately for Californians, SB 1322 isn’t the end of the liberal-left assault on decency. It’s only the latest in a long line of socially destructive legislation. 2017 will see the Golden State subjected to one after another of laws taking effect that are passed by politicians ignorant of human behavior and studies by criminologists. Ivory tower dwellers are preferred by the Democrats over those who bring practical experience in sex crimes investigation but disastrous embodiments of neo-liberalism.

California’s undeterred Democrats have also taken action to make their state’s youth unemployment rate — one of the nation’s highest — even worse by boosting the minimum wage.

Any economist worth his or her salt knows that minimum-wage hikes increase unemployment among young people who are the least skilled and most in need of entry-level jobs. Like so many other liberal policies, this latest minimum-wage legislation will only lead to fewer jobs for our youth.

When a progressive politician begins trying sell a new policy or law, one is best served by reviewing the costs and damage caused by the pride of the Obama administration – the Affordable Care Act of 2010.

And the list goes on. Thanks to other new Democratic-sponsored bills, an estimated 50,000 felons will be voting in the next state election, many from their jail cells; if you go hunting with a buddy and lend him your shotgun, you’ll be breaking the law; state employees will be forbidden from traveling on business to states which prohibit transgender bathrooms. The parade of inane and idiotic legislation in California is virtually unending.

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Obama and Texas democrat Mayor sneak Muslim refugees into his ‘sanctuary city’

While the news media provides wall-to-wall coverage of President-elect Donald Trump and his family — most of it consisting of negative stories — and continue to portray a failed president as having eight-years of achievement, they are once again purposely ignoring the federal government breaking laws, regulations and agreements regarding immigration.

After Governor Greg Abbott of Texas clearly stated that Texas is stopping the resettlement of so-called Syrian asylum-seekers, the President Barack Obama and his minions went behind Gov. Abbott’s back secretly colluding with the Democratic mayor of Texas’ most liberal city.

Austin, Texas, Mayor Steve Adler offered illegal aliens continued sanctuary and the Syrian Muslims are being provided with a welcome mat, according to a top nonprofit, non-government organization (NGO) based in the nation’s capital. The plan is said to entail the continued sending of unvetted Syrian Muslims to the Lone Star State, according to the government watchdog group Judicial Watch.

Gov. Abbott, who previously served as the Texas Attorney General and is no stranger to large-scale litigation, initiated a court action to end the flow of Syrian and other Middle Eastern-North African Muslims. During Christmas week, Judicial Watch successfully obtained records of the administration’s secretive program to send more Syrian Muslims to Texas, in spite of opposition from state officials over the security threats created by refugees from an Arab nation that’s a hotbed of terrorism.

“As is common for President [Obama], he is welcoming Muslims by the thousands into the United States but the number of Syrian Christians is fewer than 1% of the number of Muslims,” said former police anti-terrorism unit member Daniel Fierstein, “And Obama knows that the majority of Americans oppose his actions,” he added.

According to officials at Judicial Watch: “The White House looked to Austin [Texas] Mayor Steve Adler, going around the governor to confer with a city leader who espoused the controversial Syrian resettlements, the records show.”

Following Gov. Abbott’s announcement to Texans and the rest of the American people — that the state would no longer accept any more Syrian refugees — the Obama administration responded by colluding with ultra-liberal Adler, according to records of a conference call between the mayor’s office and the White House.

“The administration also furnished Adler with “talking points” involving the refugee resettlement and the parties discussed Abbott’s lawsuit. It seems bizarre that the feds would discuss legal action with a town mayor operating in the state suing them,” said officials with Judicial Watch. .

“Texas and California resettled the overwhelming majority of refugees in 2016, according to federal data, and Texas has absorbed the most Syrians. More than half of the nation’s governors oppose letting Syrian refugees resettle in their state for security reasons. Among them are Michigan, Arizona, Illinois, Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts, Georgia and New Hampshire,” Judicial Watch said in its statement.

A recent national poll revealed that the a large majority of Americans are opposed to the Obama administration allowing Syrian Muslim refugees into their neighborhoods. Only about 36% claimed they are for their country accepting more Syrian refugees into the United States, the poll found. The Judicial Watch survey shows a large decline in citizens accepting Syrian refugees in the last year and a half.

Muslims Allowed Sanctuary Despite Texas Citizens and Texas Laws

When advocates for these asylum seekers discuss the religious beliefs held by Muslims, they begin or end each of their arguments with a sympathetic pull at the heartstrings with “facts” that the U.S. has a history of providing asylum to those endangered by foreign enemies or domestic despots

But such statements are not germane to the issue. For example, according to Judicial Watch, the Islamic terrorists who carried out the deadly attacks in Paris had come into Europe as Syrian refugees, who originally entered Greece by posing as refugees fleeing from the Syrian conflict.

“The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) has confirmed that individuals with ties to terrorist groups in Syria have tried to infiltrate the United States through the Obama refugee program that has admitted more than 12,000 Syrians and counting. FBI Assistant Director Michael Steinbach has also conceded that the U.S. government has no system to properly screen Syrian refugees,” noted a Judicial Watch press release dated December 20, 2016.

Gov. Abbott cited the French case in his own lawsuit, which was dismissed by a federal judge in Dallas who ruled that the state didn’t have grounds to sue the federal government. According to Judicial Watch:

In the complaint, Texas accused the federal government of breaching its legal duty because the state was prevented “from receiving vital information to assess the security risk posed by the refugees in advance of their arrival” and that federal authorities refused “to consult with the state in advance on placement of refugees in Texas.” The state appealed the ruling to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals but quietly withdrew it a few days after a separate appellate court rejected a similar appeal from Indiana.

Adler, who has served as Austin’s mayor since 2014, has proudly boasted that Syrian Muslims would be welcomed by the city’s close to one-million residents. In his official press statement — “Syrian Refugees are Welcome in Austin” — Adler promises Texans living in Austin, which is the state’s capital city, that “any Syrian refugee coming to the United States faces the most stringent background checks of anyone entering the country.”

But according to more than a few law enforcement officers who spoke with Conservative Base about Obama’s obsession with Muslim refugees, even the FBI Director Jim Comey told congress during his testimony that he has no idea how one goes about vetting people who have no documents and come from war-torn nations that barely have a functioning government bureaucracy.

“Obama is proven liar. Adler is repeating lies. And the federal judge in this case, is a political hack. That’s how I see it,” said Nickolas Patranos, a former civilian police officer and military police member.

“This mayor claims the U.S. investigations of refugees’ backgrounds entails screening by the inept United Nations followed by vetting by the FBI Terrorist Screening Center and other federal agencies. Texans and Americans are being sold another fraudulent bill of goods by a administration famous for making empty promises,” said Patranos.

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Planned Parenthood facing criminal prosecution by Trump’s Justice Department

Senator Chuck Grassley, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch and FBI Director James Comey referring four Planned Parenthood affiliates in California and three fetal tissue brokers for investigation and possible criminal prosecution. While the current Attorney General Loretta Lynch isn’t budging on the Obama administration’s disregard for the unborn, many believe that after the January 20 inauguration of President Donald Trump there will be legal action against those involved in the sordid practices of Planned Parenthood.

Following the investigation of Planned Parenthood as the result of the release of a series of videos by citizen journalist David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), the U.S. Senate’s Judiciary Committee obtained additional evidence revealing that Planned Parenthood, its affiliates, and the fetal tissue traffickers have violated the federal ban on buying and selling the body parts of unborn babies.

Moreover, the Judiciary Committee discovered that Attorney General Loretta Lynch and the Department of Justice are refusing to enforce the federal fetal tissue trafficking statute, failing to prosecute even one entity under the law, despite substantial evidence of a criminal conspiracy.

The Committee’s investigation found that the following entities engaged in the purchase and sale of baby body parts for profit: “I don’t take lightly making a criminal referral. But, the seeming disregard for the law by these entities has been fueled by decades of utter failure by the Justice Department to enforce it,” Grassley said. “And, unless there is a renewed commitment by everyone involved against commercializing the trade in aborted fetal body parts for profit, then the problem is likely to continue.”

• StemExpress, LLC;
• Advanced Bioscience Resources, Inc.;
• Novogenix Laboratories, LLC;
• Planned Parenthood Mar Monte;
• Planned Parenthood Los Angeles;
• Planned Parenthood Northern California; and
• Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest.

The Senate Judiciary Committee also found evidence of conspiracy between Planned Parenthood Federation of America and its affiliates, since PPFA knew about the violations and changed oversight procedures in order to allow the violations to continue. The Judiciary Committee’s findings are available in a Majority Staff Report published this month.

Planned Parenthood Mar Monte is the largest Planned Parenthood affiliate in the nation, operating 33 facilities in California and Nevada and taking in over $96 million annually. The four affiliates referred for prosecution represent over $263 million in annual revenue.

“Life Legal Defense Foundation looks forward to the confirmation of Senator Jeff Sessions as [President Donald Trump’s] new U.S. Attorney General,” stated the group’s executive director, Ms. Alexandra Snyder. “Senator Sessions currently sits on the Judiciary Committee and we anticipate that he will thoroughly investigate Planned Parenthood’s activities and prosecute the affiliates to the fullest extent of the law.”

If not for David Daleiden’s videos, Congress would not have initiated investigations into Planned Parenthood’s business model that includes profiting from the sale of fetal organs and tissues. We would not have seen firsthand the cavalier and callous manner in which the abortion industry discusses the dismemberment of innocent human beings.

“Daleiden’s heroic efforts to expose the multi-billion-dollar corporate abortion industry have not come without a great personal cost. He continues to battle four separate lawsuits filed against him by some of the very entities that are on the prosecution referral list,” noted Life Legal’s press statement.

Life Legal represents David in three lawsuits filed by StemExpress, the National Abortion Federation, and Planned Parenthood. All of the Planned Parenthood affiliates referred for prosecution are plaintiffs in the lawsuit, as is StemExpress. Another Planned Parenthood affiliate, PP Gulf Coast in Texas, is also a plaintiff and was referred for prosecution by the House Select Panel investigating Planned Parenthood’s role in the fetal tissue trade.

While Hillary Clinton served as the Obama administration’s Secretary of State, Planned Parenthood, which is now in the midst of a gruesome scandal, had gone to Mrs. Clinton with their hats in their hands requesting and receiving millions and millions of taxpayer dollars from foreign policy agencies over the past few years, according to a news reports on Thursday.

As the nation’s top diplomat, Mrs. Clinton attacked government policies that ban federal funding of abortion overseas. As a result, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), a major bureau within the State Department, funneled upwards of $100 million to Planned Parenthood and its international affiliates between 2010 and 2012, according to the Government Accountability Office. Pro-abortion organizations received up to 20 percent of the half-billion dollars received from taxpayers unbeknownst to the 52 percent of Americans who claim they are pro-life.

“Mrs. Clinton knew darn well that federal funding of abortions is prohibited even under Obamacare which was passed in 2010. Yet, here we see money from the State Department — hardly a healthcare agency — channeling money to the liberal-left’s greatest achievement which is the killing of unborn and defenseless babies,” said former police officer and corruption investigator Iris Aquino.

Hillary Clinton has reportedly received close to $70,000 in campaign contributions from Planned Parenthood and its employees. Clinton has spoken to Planned Parenthood on a number of occasions. In 2014, Clinton was honored with the organization’s Margaret Sanger award. One of the biggest cover ups in U.S. history is the racism of Sanger and her ideology some compared to 1930’s European fascism.

Also, arguably one of the most liberal courts in the nation which is in the city of Los Angeles gave Stem Express — which has been identified as a company that procures body parts of aborted infants from Planned Parenthood — a temporary injunction forbidding the release of more videos obtained by undercover journalists from the Center for Medical Progress. CMP had recorded conversations with Stem Express officials at a meeting in a public restaurant during which the unborn babies’ body parts were discussed.

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C.I.A. Investigation of Trump’s connection to Putin a sham: experts

The Obama administration has done very little in the past to investigate government agencies being victimized by cyber criminals and hackers. But now that the DNC has been hacked and the Democrats were embarrassed by released emails they wrote to one another, Obama is suddenly demanding a full investigation by an intelligence community so politicized it has become almost useless as far as national security.

Just prior to Election Day, President Barack Obama’s intelligence team accused Russia of perpetrating a hacking operation that targeted the Democratic National Committee and led to embarrassing emails being released.

The intelligence officials say that Russia’s apparent goal was to help Trump beat Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton for the presidency. The report about the intelligence assessment comes after outgoing President Barack Obama directed his national security heads to probe the hacking allegations and accusations that Russia’s actions were designed to assist President-elect Trump.

The lead agency, the Central Intelligence Agency run by Obama loyalist John Brennan, released a report filled with allegations, but failed to give any information that led to the agency’s assertions. But Brennan’s own emails were hacked in the past and he’s the Director of the CIA.

“The U.S. government has been allegedly hacked by Russia, China, North Korea, and others. They have hacked the Pentagon, the intelligence community, the IRS and other government agencies that routinely deal with classified information. And Obama and his administration gave those incidents scant attention,” notes Michael Baker, a former police officer, attorney and political consultant.

“But the Democratic Party’s headquarters becomes a victim of a hacker or hackers, and suddenly cyber security becomes a big deal with these politicians. The DNC should pay for its own investigation into the hacks, not the American taxpayers. The intel community does have more important things to do to protect the nation and the American people instead of preventing political hacks from being exposed,” Baker added.

In addition, President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team is casting doubt on the CIA report that claimed Russia tried to aid him in the U.S. election. The Obama intelligence community has been less than candid in the past, with 50 intelligence officers and analysts blowing the whistle on the Obama administration’s “re-editing” of intelligence reports so that they backup Obama’s statements and claims.

According to the CIA, individuals with connections to the Russian government provided WikiLeaks with hacked emails and other documents that were damaging to the Democratic Party and its presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton. While the Democrats and their fellow-travelers in the news media claimed the emails were fraudulent or they were meant to hurt the Democrats, they never once denied the contents of the documents released, which were rife with racist, sexist and disparaging remarks.

In addition to the CIA, the Department of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence jumped onto the Obama bandwagon and accused the Russian government of hacking Democratic Party organizations in a letter posted online Friday.

They claim the cyber attacks that targeted a political organization were “intended to interfere with the [November’s] election process.” It also accuses senior officials within the Russian government of approving the hacks.

“Such activity is not new to Moscow — the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europe and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there,” the official letter said. “We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia’s senior-most officials could have authorized these activities.”

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Germany: Muslim refugee rapes, murders government official’s daughter

GERMANY – A Muslim asylum seeker from Afghanistan was arrested on Friday in Germany for the rape and murder of the 19-year-old daughter of one of the European Union’s top officials, One America News Network (OANN) disclosed in one of the few news reports by major media outlets that described the brutal murder case.

Maria Ladenburger, a 19-year old medical student who had volunteered at a refugee charity center in her spare time, was found dead in Freiburg, Germany, located near the German border with Switzerland. The abduction, rape and murder occurred in mid-October, 2016.

According to German estimates, there are more than one million Muslim refugees in their country, with hundreds suspected of being members of “sleepers” for the terrorist group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Public anger over the refugee arrivals has been intensified due to violent crimes involving Islamic refugees. There have been reports of rapes and other sex attacks at public swimming pools and other violence in Germany attributed to the refugees.

Miss Ladenburger’s father, Dr. Clemens Ladenburger, is a lawyer who works for the legal director of the EU’s European Commission.

According to former police homicide detective Benny Cardona, the case received very little attention in the West’s news media, especially in the United States, where the Democratic Party and the news media are in agreement with President Barack Obama’s desire to bring tens of thousands of Muslim refugees with no plausible method of “vetting” the asylum seekers.

“While President Barack Obama’s sympathies lay with the Muslim refugees, he and his media sycophants want to public to buy into their narrative of desperate Muslims asylum seekers. They don’t wish to explain why out of thousands of Syrian and Iraqi refugees less than 60 are Christians? Or why 70% of the refugees are males? Or how do they conduct background checks to prevent terrorists and criminals from entering the U.S.? asked Det. Cardona, a decorated police officer.

While liberal-left Germans – like those in the United States — have welcomed refugees, there has been strong opposition from a vocal citizenry. A string of sexual assaults and robberies on New Year’s Eve in Cologne blamed primarily on foreigners also fed fears, as well as accusations that the media were slow to report on such incidents.

According to German news media, Chancellor Angela Merkel has condemned the rape and killing of the young student calling it a “tragic event.”

“If it turns out that (the perpetrator) was an Afghan refugee then that needs to be condemned, absolutely, just like with any other murderer,” Merkel stated. “But that shouldn’t be combined with a rejection of an entire group, just like we don’t draw conclusions about an entire group from (the actions of) one person in other instances.”

“Sounds as if [Merkel] believes she did nothing wrong by bringing thousands of Islamic people from countries knee-deep in terrorism and anti-Western actions with even the semblance of a background investigation. Sounds as if in Merkel’s world, the poor student is just unlucky that she crossed the path of a sex-crazed murderer, and Merkel and her supporters have no blood on their hands,” said Det. Cardona. “That’s nonsense! She’s as guilty as our own progressives who believe Americans might be killed as a result of their immigration agenda,” he added.

The victim disappeared while on her way home from a party in Freiburg. Her body eventually discovered floating in a river. German police officers said that the suspect, is connected to the crime through evidence such as DNA and a video shot from a nearby CCTV camera.

Freiburg police formed a task force of about 70 officers who questioned more than 1,400 people and checked more than 1,600 clues. DNA of the perpetrator was found among other evidence on his bike, which was discovered 200 miles from the crime scene.

Rainer Wendt, head of the German police union stated, “This and many more victims would not be, if our country would have been prepared for the dangers that are connected to mass immigration.”

Meanwhile the German police chief, Jörg Meuthen, said: “We are shocked about this crime, and realize at the same time, that our warnings of the uncontrolled immigration of hundreds of thousands of young men from patriarchal Islamic cultures were depreciated as populism.”

The rapist-killer, who entered Germany last year as an unaccompanied minor, hasn’t made a statement. His arrest, however, has played into ongoing tensions about the arrival in Germany last year of hundreds of thousands of immigrants from Muslim nations. His name hasn’t been released to the public.

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Obama thumbs his nose at Trump’s immigration agenda

President Barack Obama is thumbing his nose at his successor, President-elect Donald Trump by bringing as many Islamic refugees as he can in his remaining weeks in office. Fact, Obama entered into a secret deal with Australia to take as many refugees as possible who were turned down for asylum by Australia, according to a number of sources.

In fact on Thursday, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley wrote a letter of complaint to both Secretary of State John Kerry and Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson. In his letter he reportedly condemned reports that President Obama was going to admit thousands of Muslims into America including “asylum seekers” the Australian government believed were a danger to their citizens.

“Apparently, Australian officials are more concerned with national security and the safety and security of their people than our own President,” claims former police official David Renauldi. “This is an example of how little the Democrats care about the American people. Their hearts are with illegal aliens, Muslim terrorists and other anti-American groups they consider ‘constituents,’” retired Capt. Renauldi said.

The refugees involved are nationals from global hotspots including Iran, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia and Sudan. Grassley called these nations places where it’s almost impossible to vet people.

One of the most pressing issues Trump faces is the enormous problem of illegal immigration and the implementation of his plans to secure U.S. borders and apprehend and deport criminal aliens. Coupled with that is the American left’s obsession with importing thousands of refugees from countries that harbor or are run by terrorists, with no viable means to conduct background checks.

As far as his ideas on immigration reform, Trump’s rhetoric and his plans appear to coincide with the opinions of a majority of Republicans and so-called Independents despite Republicans and Democrats in the news media who claim the majority of Americans want Obama-style amnesty for the millions of illegal aliens already living in the United States. And as far as voters are concerned – and not just Republicans — Donald Trump has a winning formula for fighting immigration-related violence and crimes.

While Democrats and some Republicans warned Trump about pushing his immigration agenda during his campaign against open-borders advocate Hillary Clinton, a Rasmussen Reports national survey appeared to show that many Americans agreed — and continue to agree — with Trump’s views on border security and criminal aliens.

Donald Trump had released a policy paper that calls for getting tough on illegal immigration. He even used a Rasmussen poll to show that contrary to what the news media say — that his immigration policy is outside of the mainstream — his proposal to end automatic citizenship for children born to illegal immigrants in this country is far from being outside the mainstream of Americans’ political thought.

Rasmussen pollsters found that 70 percent of likely GOP voters agree with the GOP presidential hopeful that the United States should build a wall along the Mexican border to help stop illegal immigration. Seventeen percent (17%) of GOP voters disagree, while 13% are undecided.

Ninety-two percent (92%) of Republicans agree that the United States should deport all illegal immigrants who have been convicted of a felony in this country. Only four percent (4%) disagree.

Among all likely voters — Republicans, Democrats and Independents — 51 percent favor building a wall on the U.S.-Mexican border; 37 percent disagree, and 12% are not sure. A whopping 80 percent said that they support the deportation of all illegal immigrants convicted of a felony; while only 11 percent are opposed and nine percent aren’t sure.

Cops urge Trump to restore equipment confiscated by Obama

President-elect Donald Trump’s victory over Democrat Hillary Clinton was the result of a number of actions that the news media chose to ignore, but the American people still discovered. For example, an overwhelming number of law enforcement fraternal and labor organizations broke ranks from the rest of the unions to endorse candidate Trump. That included the federal officers with the U.S. Border Patrol, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, and the nation’s largest police union representing local and state police, the Fraternal Order of Police with more than 300,000 members and affiliates.

Now many cops are urging President Trump and his Attorney General to rescind Executive Order 13688 which was meant to decrease the protection of police officers by reducing their self-defense capabilities. The goal was to appease rioters, activists and certain politicians who felt threatened by police officers based on “how they looked.”

Last year, President Barack Obama pushed his administration to implement his executive order to take away certain weapons and equipment away from local police and sheriff departments throughout the nation in reaction to police anti-riot tactics in which they utilized military-style vehicles and weapons.

According to 13688, high-tech weapons, equipment and vehicles are to be confiscated from law enforcement agencies across the country by the Obama administration despite the country’s sheriffs and lawmakers complaining that the equipment is more than ever necessary to protect communities from violence including incidents perpetrated by jihadists who are expected to attempt a repeat of attacks occurring in France, Belgium and other countries.

Sheriffs such as Arizona’s Joe Arpaio and Wisconsin’s David Clarke have complained that losing armored vehicles and other equipment that are defensive not offensive will place police officers and sheriffs’ deputies, in addition to their communities, at risk from violent crime, riots and terrorism.

“These things are useful tools and the president taking them away will put more officers in jeopardy and at risk of harm or even death. I don’t know how he can sleep at night knowing his actions will have those repercussions,” argues Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Alabama.

Rogers explained that President Obama had issued Executive Order 13688 after the anti-police riots in Ferguson, Missouri, Baltimore, Maryland, and other riots. Amid the violence, there was outcry by liberal-left activists and Democrat lawmakers about the alleged “militarization” of the police while there was practically silence about the rioters looting and torching businesses.

“The do-gooders were more concerned about the [safety of] rioters and looters than about the officers who had to face them and worry about how they used their weapons and equipment,” said former police officer and attorney Joseph Fitzgerald. “In fact, Obama and his Attorney General at the time [Eric Holder] took action even before the investigation that followed the shooting of a black man by a white officer was completed. By the way, the verdict in that case was that the officer was correct in his use of deadly force against a 6’8? 300 lbs. assailant,” explained Fitzgerald.

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More President Obama’s lies exposed

Jews-Christians more likely victims of hate crime than Muslims

For almost eight years, President Barack Obama and his administration have been harping on the backlash against Muslims due to the activities of radical Islamic terrorists. And as is usually the case, the Democrats’ media sycophants echo the message that Muslims, including American citizens, are being treated unfairly and violently by non-Muslim Americnas.

In a speech by the Obama Justice Department’s head of Civil Rights Vanita Gupta in May, an audience of Muslims in California were told: “Today, the Muslim community faces trying times. Amidst a ratcheting up of divisive rhetoric, we see criminal threats against mosques; harassment in schools; and violence targeting Muslim Americans and individuals perceived to be Muslim. This discriminatory backlash doesn’t just harm the Muslim community. It violates the defining values of our country. And it threatens all of us who call America home.”

She added: “As a nation – and as a people – we cannot, and we will not, stay silent when individuals choose to attack or discriminate against any faith or any community. Together, we must speak out. And together, we must respond.”

Later, following a Muslim event, the Daily Beast breathlessly published this:

President Obama himself has chastised Americans for their descriptions of terrorists saying, for example, members of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) are not Muslims and do not practice Islam, which is a religion of peace.

“President Obama is betting on the odds that most of the American people will never read The Koran nor examine the teachings of Mohammed, Islam’s founder,” said former New York police counter-terrorism officer Charles Melbourne. “It’s just political correctness run amok in Washington, D.C., and he gets away with it thanks to news media propaganda machine,” he noted.

According to the recently released FBI annual crime report (2015), last year practitioners of Islam were not the religious group that was the most frequently reported victims of hate crimes based on religion. In fact, Jews were more than twice as likely as Muslims to be victimized by haters. (See chart above)


An annual report for more than 80 years, the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Uniform Crime Report (UCR) contains a compilation of the volume and rate of violent and property crime offenses for the nation. According to the FBI, individual law enforcement agency data are also provided for those contributors supplying 12 months complete criminal data. In addition, the UCR includes arrest, clearance, and law enforcement employee data.

In 1996, the Justice Department and the FBI added a new category to the annual crime report: Bias Crime or what’s commonly called hate crime.

During the Obama Administration, the U.S. Justice Department under Attorneys General Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, more attention has been paid to alleged hate crimes committed against Muslims in the United States than to any other hate crime sub-category.

Religious bias victims in 2015 – FBI/Department of Justice
Of the 1,402 victims of anti-religious hate crimes:

• 52.1 percent were victims of crimes motivated by their offenders’ anti-Jewish bias.
• 21.9 percent were victims of anti-Islamic (Muslim) bias.
• 4.3 percent were victims of anti-Catholic bias. (Christian)
• 4.1 percent were victims of bias against groups of religions (anti-multiple religions/group including Christians).
• 3.6 percent were victims of anti-Eastern Orthodox (Russian, Greek, Other) bias. (Christian)

• 3.4 percent were victims of anti-Protestant bias. (Christian)
• 1.3 percent were victims of anti-Other Christian bias.
• 0.6 percent were victims of anti-Mormon bias. (Christian)
• 0.4 percent were victims of anti-Hindu bias.
• 0.4 percent were victims of anti-Sikh bias.
• 0.1 percent were victims of anti-Jehovah’s Witness bias.
• 0.1 percent were victims of anti-Buddhist bias.
• 0.1 percent were victims of anti-Atheist/Agnostic bias.
• 7.6 percent were victims of bias against other religions (anti-other religion).

If the reader adds all of the Christian categories together (i.e. Catholic, Orthodox Christian, Protestant, etc.) hate crimes against Christians is close to the same as it is for Muslims. Add Jews and Christians together — since the nation’s founding documents are based on Judeo-Christian principles — and suddenly 21.9% doesn’t seem like an epidemic or the intensity it receives in the White House and in the country’s newsrooms.

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President-elect Trump: beware, Gen. Petraeus is ‘damaged goods’

Former four-star General David Petraeus said he would serve in the next administration if President-elect Donald J. Trump offers him a position. But he admitted he’s damaged good due to felony charges. Petraeus barely lost his freedom when he was charged with providing classified information to a writer with whom he was having a sexual relationship.

Because he was given a plea deal and managed to stay out of prison, it is still that President Barack Obama’s former CIA director could even qualify for a security clearance to enable him to work in the Trump administration.

“I’ve been in a position before where a president has turned to me in the Oval Office in a difficult moment and … said ‘I’m asking you as your president and commander-in-chief to take command of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan.’ The only response can be ‘yes, Mr. President,’” Petraeus told BBC Radio.

But the problem of the security clearance isn’t the only reason President-elect Trump should use caution is dealing with Gen. Petraeus, a man who served his country well for many years only to tarnish his reputation while working for a corrupt administration. There is evidence that he had knowledge of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s shenanigans with her home-cooked Internet server and her alleged pay-to-play schemes.

“Despite his excellent military career spanning 0ver 40 years starting with his graduation from West Point as a distinguished cadet, he went on to a successful career as a professional soldier. But once he attained that fourth star he seems to have become more a politician and less a soldier,” said former U.S. Marine and NYPD detective, Sid Franes. “Gen. Petraeus has no one to blame but himself for a scandal that included adultery, classified information leaks and dishonoring his position as a top military commander. He’s damaged goods as far as serving as a part of the Trump team,” he added.

Gen. Petraeus and the Hillary Clinton Emails

About 1,000 emails between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former commander of the U.S. Army’s Central Command (CENTCOM), Gen. David Petraeus, were reported to be missing from the tens of thousands of emails turned over to the State Department by Clinton’s minions in December 2014, according to Fox News Channel’s industrious chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge last month.

Herridge reported that a number of documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch provided interesting communications between two of President Barack Obama’s top officials.

The documents reveal that Mrs. Clinton — the Democratic Party’s presidential heir apparent — advised Petraeus that he should begin sending official emails to her using a private Internet address rather than her State Department “Dot-Gov” email address which is meant to be utilized for all of her government work, including emails containing classified information.

“Gen. Petraeus had to know that Mrs. Clinton was using an unauthorized email system since it was not a dot-gov web address. Again, he failed to safeguard information from prying eyes,” said former police detective and corporate security director Lawrence Fredrickson. “Since many of the Clinton emails were destroyed, we’ll never know if Secretary of Homeland Security Hillary Clinton and Gen. Petraeus sent classified material back and forth,” Fredrickson lamented.

Among the documents released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation was a heavily redacted FBI interview summary from Aug. 17, 2015. In it, a State Department worker from the Information, Programs and Services (IPS) section, which processed FOIA applications, wrote about how Petraeus’ records weren’t among the official emails turned over to IPS by the Clinton team, which included Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills, and others.

“CENTCOM records shows approximately 1,000 work-related emails between Clinton’s personal email and General David PETRAEUS, former Commander of CENTCOM and former Director of the CIA. Most of those 1,000 emails were not believed to be included in the 30,000 emails that IPS was reviewing. Out of the 30,000 emails, IPS only had a few emails from or related to PETRAEUS as well as a few related to Leon PANETTA, former Secretary of Defense,” Herridge reported based on her interview with an anonymous source.

Corruption Investigation

Judicial Watch reported that its officials released roughly 1,000 emails between Hillary Clinton and Gen. David Petraeus which were thought to be missing from the 30,000 emails provided by Clinton’s team to the State Department in December 2014, according to the newly released FBI investigative files.

Additional documents obtained through a federal lawsuit by Judicial Watch show Clinton had directed Petraeus to send her emails at her personal address, which was used for all government work during her tenure as secretary of state.

In a heavily redacted FBI interview summary from Aug. 17, 2015, a State Department employee from the Office of Information and Programs and Services (IPS), which handles Freedom of Information Act requests, discussed how Petraeus’ records apparently were not among the work-related emails provided by the former secretary’s team.

“CENTCOM records shows approximately 1,000 work-related emails between Clinton’s personal email and General David PETRAEUS, former Commander of CENTCOM and former Director of the CIA. Most of those 1,000 emails were not believed to be included in the 30,000 emails that IPS was reviewing. Out of the 30,000 emails, IPS only had a few emails from or related to PETRAEUS as well as a few related to Leon PANETTA, former Secretary of Defense.”the email correspondence between former Secretary of State Clinton and Gen. Petraeus, in which she had what she termed “blackberry blues” over her inability to use her BlackBerry inside her secure office,” Herridge reported.

“The FBI recovered many of the new emails from those that Clinton failed to turn over. These emails are government documents and not personal emails, as Clinton claims in defending her decision to not turn over 30,000 emails sent or received by her as secretary of state. The emails also show she knew about the security issues of her Black Berry use [and yet denied recalling anything about it or refused to answer questions],” according to Judicial Watch’s press statement.

Within the new batch of email exchanges, Mrs. Clinton also wrote to Petraeus, “If there is ever anything you need or want me to know, pls use this personal email address – hr15@att.blackberry.net – when corresponding [with me].”

Petraeus, who would later be the subject of his own scandal and mismanagement of classified material, during the time of the email exchange with Hillary Clinton, was in-charge of U.S. military efforts in Northeast Africa, across the Middle East, and into Central and South Asia.

His command included overseeing counter-terrorism and other operations in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Egypt.

According to the Daily Mail, a British newspaper: General Petraeus said, in wake of the Battle of Benghazi, that Hillary Clinton was “extraordinarily resolute, determined, and controlled”

Also, “Clinton reportedly became close with Petraeus after inviting him over for wine to discuss the Middle East in 2008. After Petraeus resigned from the CIA over an extramarital affair, Clinton reportedly sent a note of sympathy saying ‘I have a little experience.”’

Sample Communications Between ‘H and Petraeus’

The emails included the following:

On January 28, 2009, only one week after becoming secretary of state, Clinton sent an email to Petraeus from her non-state.gov email account apologizing for her “tardy” response to his earlier email and blaming it on what she termed “blackberry blues”:

From: H [mailto:hdr22@clintonmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2009 9:33 PM
To: Petraeus, David H. GEN USA
Subject: Re: Follow up

David – Sorry to be so tardy in responding. I’ve had blackberry blues. I can’t use mine all day long since my whole office is a SCIF [Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility]. I don’t yet have a computer and I had to change my address and lost some of my traffic.

(The State Department represented to a federal court that Hillary Clinton did not have a State Department computer.)

Shortly before taking office, Clinton emailed Petraeus asking that he use only her personal email account when contacting her. At the time, Petraeus was the Commander of the United States Central Command:

From: hr15@att.blackberry.net
Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2009 3:57 PM
To: Petraeus, David H. GEN USA
Subject: Follow up

Dear Dave,

Thanks for giving me so much of your time the last two nights. I appreciated our conversations and enjoyed the chance to see you and Richard becoming acquainted. I’m looking forward to working w you both. If there is ever anything you need or want me to know, pls use this personal email address. All the best, Hillary.

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Former Hillary Clinton’s classmate helped in her defeat

Portrait of a True Trump Trooper

“Bias has always been a factor in journalism. It’s nearly impossible to remove. Humans have their thoughts, and keeping them out of your work is difficult. But 2016 saw the remaining veneer of credibility, thin as it was, stripped away and set on fire.” —Derek Hunter, Former ‘NeverTrumper’ Talk Show Host

While there are enormous numbers of supporters and campaign workers who fought and won for President-Elect Donald J. Trump, the mainstream news media appear to feature only those Trump supporters who are still part of the Republican establishment, and denizens of the D.C. “Beltway Crowd.”

However, there were many who volunteered their time, experience and talents to furthering the goal of getting a true outsider into the Oval Office, especially a man who never held political office. Donald Trump brought out the best in numerous people who didn’t work for the rewards or accolades which usually come with a newspaper or magazine byline, an appearance on a television or radio news/talk show, or a series of lectures on college campuses.

One such person is conservative research columnist and commentator Kelleigh Nelson. This is a gal who probably should be doing research directly for Mr. Trump.

Kelleigh wrote a number of stirring and informative columns with the sole purpose of neutralizing the news media’s bombastic and dishonest portrayal of Donald Trump, a man who dared to take on the progressives in politics and in newsrooms. With titles such as The Best Man To Lead This Republic, Donald J. Trump ; Donald J. Trump: Fearless Courage for God, for Family and for Country ; Hillary the Politician v. Trump the President; and many others, most of them appearing in Walter Publishing Company’s Internet daily magazine, News With Views (www.newswithviews.com).

Mr. Trump actually used two of Kelleigh’s articles in his rallies, and one of them exposed Jeb Bush’s use of eminent domain for the EPA which took 160 acres from a disabled US Navy SEAL. See the video below where Mr. Trump shows Kelleigh’s article at his South Carolina rally. Not long after that, Bush dropped out of the campaign.

Ever wonder why the media is allowed to lie with impunity about public figures? Kelleigh told us why, after Mr. Trump questioned how they could continually get away with the deceit. In her article, Supreme Court Ruled that Media Can Lie with Impunity, she explained the 1964 supreme court case, NYTs v. Sullivan, and the liberal Warren Court decision. When Mr. Trump held a huge rally in Alabama, he told about this case which originated in that state with police commissioner Sullivan.

Formerly manager of advertising and communications with a Fortune 100 company, Kelleigh’s interest in public policy was peaked when she was in high school.

She was a Goldwater girl in high school with Hillary Rodham. Nelson remembers watching Hillary while she was on the high school debating team. “I watched Hillary debate in high school and use tactics that were less than honorable… watching her lie through her teeth during the presidential debates, was enough to make me wretch,” said Kelleigh.

Kelleigh Nelson has indeed gained a wealth of knowledge through her endeavors as a Playboy Bunny in Chicago while she was in college, acting as the executive producer for two national talk radio hosts, working with her fellow-conservatives including the iconic Phyllis Schlafly, and now running her own business for the last 25 years.

“I wrote political and gossip columns for local businesses on the north side of Chicago back in the late 60s while working in downtown, and I was there for the 1968 Democratic riots,” she noted.

She has been with NewsWithViews.com since 2009, and writing exclusively about Donald Trump’s campaign, his goals and policies since he announced his candidacy. She also worked to vociferously expose his political challengers in the primary.

Kelleigh now spends her efforts researching the key candidates being proposed for President Trump’s cabinet and administration. In her recent article she expressed concern that globalists and Kingmakers might slip into key appointments and set policies which don’t adhere to Trump’s vision for Making America Great Again.

Her editor at NewsWithViews.com has this to say about Kelleigh Nelson:

“Kelleigh is one of the best research columnists in the business. She writes from the heart but doesn’t shut off her mind. She can find out anything on anybody. This election cycle saw her feverishly working to get a man she believed was destined to start making a U-Turn for the United States. Her columns garnered some of the highest numbers of readers and she still believes she’s seeing history made with the election of Trump as President of the United States.”

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President-elect Trump urged to pardon Wikileaks’ Julian Assange

While many people are taking bows for Donald Trump’s ascension to the U.S. Presidency, millions of supporters are voicing their requests on social media for President Trump to grant a full pardon to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange considering his role in releasing emails that strongly suggested a hotbed of corruption linked to Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Despite battling his opponent’s campaign team and surrogates, the Democratic National Committee, the majority of print and broadcast news outlets, George Soros funded political-activist organizations, and the majority of those “big names” working in the entertainment and sports industries, the GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump was aided by some of the most surprising people and groups. And arguably the most helpful in his victory over the Democratic Party’s “sainted” Hillary Clinton was the notorious creator of Wikileaks, Julian Assange.

Releasing a barrage of material hacked from the computer systems of the Democratic National Committee and that which belonged to Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta, Assange was successful in practically drowning the nation in material that exposed the inner-workings of a corrupt, dishonest, cynical and sometimes criminal political operation. While the Clinton supporters in the media — some even admitted their culpability — attempted to spin or minimize the flood of allegations that resulted from Assange’s material, somehow the message got through to tens of millions of voters: Hillary Clinton was unfit to Command.

“President-elect Donald Trump is being called upon by several people on social media to grant pardon to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange considering the latter’s role in releasing controversial emails linked to Democrat Hillary Clinton.”

Julian Assange, the editor-in-chief of one of the world’s most prolific whistleblower organizations, is being investigated in the Bradley Manning — now named Chelsea Manning after a sex-change operation — case and the U.S. government has requested for his extradition to answer for his crimes of stealing classified information.

During the late part of the 2016 presidential election cycle, Assange’s WikiLeaks released tens of thousands of pages of emails from Clinton’s home-cooked, private server, the database from the Democratic National Committee offices, and Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta. Many of Trumps supporters — and even his hate filled enemies — are claiming Trump’s win is the result of leaked emails that led to disappointment in Hillary Clinton’s suitability to lead the nation already crippled by eight years of a rudderless administration.

Australian legislator Pauline Hanson, the leader of the country’s conservative party, released a statement requesting Trump to grant a full pardon to Assange who started his career as Australian computer programmer.

“It isn’t immediately clear how a U.S. president can grant a pardon to Assange when he is actually wanted in Sweden over sexual assault charges. Actually, U.S. law enforcement officials have not charged Assange with anything,” said former police investigator Tony LaBonna. “The U.S. could offer him asylum, but that may become a political time bomb for a President who faces an angry news media who want him to fall flat on his face,” LaBonna said.

“Julian clearly helped his cause and Trump is a loyal guy (supposedly). Julian is a hero not a criminal,” one Facebook member wrote in a discussion.

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Trump expected to appoint independent counsel to investigate Clinton Foundation

During his presidential campaign against “Crooked Hillary Clinton,” Republican maverick Donald Trump said during his second presidential debate, that he would have his Attorney General — whoever that may be — appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Clinton.

While the news media took it to mean another investigation of Hillary’s home-cooked Internet server and the transmission of classified information on her unprotected email system, it was obvious to most law enforcement officers listening to him that he meant something else: the Clintons’ organized crime enterprise masquerading as a charity known as the Clinton Foundation.

Trump denounced the former Secretary of State on an almost daily basis during his campaign not only for her use of a personal email server — which the FBI said they believed that there was a 99% probability it was hacked by foreign intelligence agencies — but also Bill and Hillary Clinton’s alleged “pay to play” relationship. In fact, evidence exists that reveals there was little separating the activities between the Clinton Foundation and the Hillary Clinton-led State Department.

The Clinton family’s charity is arguably the most extensive money laundering operation in the world today. In fact, it is not difficult for even a rookie cop or a recent law school graduate to connect the dots in order to prove criminality.

“As far as I’m concerned, pay-to-play is just a fancy or politically correct way of saying bribery. The scam can be as simple as two people talking and one receives an envelope full of cash, while the other benefits from obtaining something he isn’t legally entitled to,” said former police detective and corporate security investigator Bernard Hoyt.

Here are the steps Det. Hoyt believes were taken by the Clintons and their henchmen and henchwomen:

First they needed to open up an office for a foreign “charity” preferably in a country with lax oversight of charities and their donors. In this case they didn’t need to go far when the opened one in Canada.

Foreign government officials or businessmen then contribute to the Canadian charity. In the Clinton Foundation case more than 1,000 contributed hundreds of millions of dollars. The Canadian charity officials — in this case a Bill Clinton pal named Frank Giustra — then “bundle” these separate donations, much the same way that campaign contributions are bundled, and then a huge contribution to the Clinton Foundation charity is made.

In order to avoid detection, the Clinton Foundation and the co-conspirators at the Canadian charity hide behind a Canadian law that protects the identification of individual donors, according to Det. Hoyt.

The Clinton Foundation then spends some of the non-taxable cash for legitimate charity work. But experts have stated that the Clinton Foundation has donated between 10 and 15 percent of the donations to legitimate charity work. The majority of its liquid assets goes to enrich the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton’s lavish salaries, and lavish lifestyles, particularly travel, and virtually all tax free. In one year alone, the foundation spent over $8 million in travel expenses. Chelsea Clinton’s opulent wedding, reception and honeymoon was also charged to the “charity.”

Here is a case in which foreign money, much of it from other countries, goes into the Clinton family’s pockets tax-free and untraceable back to the original donors.

While the news media pretends ignorance, the truth known to any cop worth his or her salt is that the Clinton Foundation is a money-laundering scheme that makes the Mafia look like amateurs.

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Clinton connection: top DC lobbyist helping parents of murdered DNC whistleblower

The parents of slain Democratic National Committee staff and whistleblower Seth Rich being aided by a well-known “Beltway Insider” in their quest to solve the murder of their child and bring their son’s killer or killers to justice.

Jack Burkman, a professional lobbyist with numerous Washington, DC, contacts told the media Sunday that he will appear at a press conference later this month with Joel and Mary Rich in order to call on the public to come forward with any information about the case. Seth Rich held a managerial position at the DNC and part of his job was investigating fraud and other misconduct in the election process for the Democrats. Yet, his murder received minimal news coverage and a tepid police investigation that attributed Rich’s death to a robbery gone wrong.

Burkman is also offering a new $100,000 dollar reward out of his own pocket for any information that leads to the apprehension of the killers. His reward is in addition to those already being offered by Washington DC’s Metropolitan Police Department ($25,000) and by Wikileaks ($20,000). Wikileaks founder and director Julian Assange has embraced several conspiracy theories surrounding Rich’s murder. Assange believes, based on reading thousands of pages of Hillary Clinton’s and the DNC’s emails, that Rich wasn’t killed in a random robbery.

“I agree. There were reports that Seth Rich had been investigating complaints of impropriety at the DNC and that he was in the midst of his probe when he was suddenly discovered dead on the streets of the nation’s capital by police,” said former homicide detective Benjamin Figueroa. “The robbery itself sounds suspicious based on what was printed in the newspapers.”

As reported in August by Jim Kouri, Julian Assange implied in an interview that a murdered Democratic National Committee staffer was the source of a trove of damaging emails the rogue web site posted just days before the party’s convention.

Speaking to Dutch television program Nieuswsuur after earlier announcing a $20,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of Seth Rich’s killer, Assange said the July 11 murder of Rich in Northwest Washington was an example of the risk leakers undertake.

The 27-year-old man who worked for the Democratic National Committee was shot and killed as he walked home in the Bloomingdale neighborhood of Northwest Washington, D.C., police and his family said.

Seth Conrad Rich died after he was shot multiple times three blocks east of Howard University Hospital, said members of the Metropolitan Police Department on Sunday, July 11.

The victim’s mother, Mary Rich, said police told her family her son may have been the victim of an attempted robbery.

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz issued a statement on Monday mourning the death of Rich, who worked as voter expansion data director: “Our hearts are broken with the loss of one of our DNC family members over the weekend. Seth Rich was a dedicated, selfless public servant who worked tirelessly to protect the most sacred right we share as Americans – the right to vote,” she said.

“He saw the great potential of our nation and believed that, together, we can make the world a better place,” said Wasserman Schultz, who is having political problems of her own thanks to a Wikileaks document dump.

Meanwhile, presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton spoke about Rich: “Just this past Sunday, a young man, Seth Rich – who worked for the Democratic National Committee, to expand voting rights – was shot and killed in his neighborhood in Washington. He was just 27 years old,” she said.

“Surely we can agree that weapons of war have no place on the streets of America,” Clinton added, even though police didn’t identify the weapon in the few news reports on the killing.

“[Police officers] did not release any information on the type of weapon the shooter may have used so it’s not known how Clinton knew it was a ‘weapon of war?'” said police forensic expert Saul Levinson.

He was talking on the phone with his girlfriend when she heard noise on Rich’s end of the line, Mary Rich said. Her son told his girlfriend not to worry about it.

“There had been a struggle. His hands were bruised, his knees are bruised, his face is bruised, and yet he had two shots to his back, and yet they never took anything,” she said.

“Police are calling it an attempted robbery gone wrong, but once the victim was shot dead, they had sufficient time to empty his pockets, which they didn’t. They took nothing but Rich’s life,” said Levinson

“They hurt the community, and they hurt the long-term possibility of what he could have done. They took his life for literally no reason. They didn’t finish robbing him, they just took his life,” Mary Rich said during a press briefing.

Rich lived in the neighborhood, Acting Capt. Anthony Haythe of the Metropolitan Police Department’s homicide branch said at a news conference Monday morning.

Fifth District police officers were patrolling the area about 4:20 a.m. when they heard gunshots, police said.

When police arrived on Flagler Place, they found Rich suffering from multiple gunshot wounds. Police have no witnesses and searched the area for surveillance video footage, Haythe said. The acting captain said he could not comment on whether the killing was related to recent robberies in the area.

Rich worked for the Democratic National Committee, his father said. He graduated from Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, and previously worked on Democrats’ campaigns, for the U.S. Census Bureau and as a boating instructor at a summer camp, according to his LinkedIn page.

“I have an enormous interest in public service and working towards making the world a better place,” Rich wrote on the page.

Seth Conrad Rich was the Voter Expansion Data Director at the DNC and had been working on exposing the recent cases of election fraud and voter suppression during the recent primaries around the country, according to his LinkedIn.com listing. Some Internet web sites that cover politics have said Rich was a whistleblower who discovered irregularities in Democratic Party voting patterns.

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Police officials: FBI’s secret probe of the Clinton Foundation?

Both Fox News and the Wall Street Journal are reporting new information surrounding the FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation, with sources saying the case will likely lead to an indictment.

New details surfaced Thursday, when Fox News host Bret Baier revealed new information from two separate sources with “intimate knowledge” of the case. Additionally, a new Wall Street Journal report says FBI director James Comey’s pursuit of the case is based on recordings of a suspect in a separate corruption case who spoke about the Clinton Foundation’s dealings.

The Journal reports that despite views from Department of Justice prosecutors who say the recordings as hearsay, the FBI moved forward believing these recorded conversations gave enough evidence to continue the probe.

While Comey has not released a public statement since he alerted Congress via email of new information surrounding the Clinton Foundation case, Fox is reporting inside information on where the FBI investigation currently stands.

According to Fox News’ sources, the white collar crime division of the FBI is looking into accusations of pay-for-play interaction between then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Foundation, which had allegedly occurred for over a year. This operation allegedly favored specific donors to the Foundation’s charities — a claim the Clintons have previously denied.

At this point, one source says the FBI is deeming the Clinton Foundation a “very high priority.” Interviews have been repeatedly conducted about the case, and the FBI continues to build “a lot” of evidence. Fox reports that the source went even further to say, “there is an avalanche of new information coming every day.”

The classified e-mail investigation is reportedly being run by the National Security division of the FBI. The division is currently sorting through the laptop of former Democratic Congressman Anthony Weiner, and have found e-mails believed to be sent from Hillary Clinton’s server that claim:

1. The Clinton Foundation is much deeper, much larger, and much more expansive than anyone has previously known.

2. Currently multiple teams of agents are searching Anthony Weiner and two Clinton aides laptops.

3. New Clinton emails, which haven’t been previously investigated, were found on Anthony Weiner’s laptop which were originally written and stored on Hillary Clinton’s now infamous private server. These emails are likely classified.

4. FBI sources believe the evidence at their disposal will lead to indictments involving “pay-to-play” unless the DOJ interferes with the investigation.

5. Additional FBI sources believe, within 99% accuracy, that Hillary Clinton’s private server was hacked by multiple foreign intelligence agencies.

According to an executive order (EO- 13526) signed and issued by Hillary’s boss President Barack Obama in 2009, there are parts of that EO that directly impact her especially the fact that when Clinton left her job, she did not leave the classified material behind.

(Please note: Below is only a small part of Obama’s executive order.)

Sec. 1.7. Classification Prohibitions and Limitations

(a) In no case shall information be classified, continue to be maintained as classified, or fail to be declassified in order to:

(1) conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error;

(2) prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency;

(3) restrain competition; or

(4) prevent or delay the release of information that does not require protection in the interest of the national security.

(b) Basic scientific research information not clearly related to the national security shall not be classified.

(c) Information may not be reclassified after declassification and release to the public under proper authority unless:

(1) the reclassification is personally approved in writing by the agency head based on a document-by-document determination by the agency that reclassification is required to prevent significant and demonstrable damage to the national security;

(2) the information may be reasonably recovered without bringing undue attention to the information;

(3) the reclassification action is reported promptly to the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (National Security Advisor) and the Director of the Information Security Oversight Office; and

(4) for documents in the physical and legal custody of the National Archives and Records Administration (National Archives) that have been available for public use, the agency head has, after making the determinations required by this paragraph, notified the Archivist of the United States (Archivist), who shall suspend public access pending approval of the reclassification action by the Director of the Information Security Oversight Office. Any such decision by the Director may be appealed by the agency head to the President through the National Security Advisor. Public access shall remain suspended pending a prompt decision on the appeal.

(d) Information that has not previously been disclosed to the public under proper authority may be classified or reclassified after an agency has received a request for it under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552), the Presidential Records Act, 44 U.S.C. 2204(c)(1), the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a), or the mandatory review provisions of section 3.5 of this order only if such classification meets the requirements of this order and is accomplished on a document-by-document basis with the personal participation or under the direction of the agency head, the deputy agency head, or the senior agency official designated under section 5.4 of this order. The requirements in this paragraph also apply to those situations in which information has been declassified in accordance with a specific date or event determined by an original classification authority in accordance with section 1.5 of this order.

(e) Compilations of items of information that are individually unclassified may be classified if the compiled information reveals an additional association or relationship that: (1) meets the standards for classification under this order; and (2) is not otherwise revealed in the individual items of information.

Sec. 4.1. General Restrictions on Access. (a) A person may have access to classified information provided that:

(1) a favorable determination of eligibility for access has been made by an agency head or the agency head’s designee;

(2) the person has signed an approved nondisclosure agreement; and

(3) the person has a need-to-know the information.

(b) Every person who has met the standards for access to classified information in paragraph (a) of this section shall receive contemporaneous training on the proper safeguarding of classified information and on the criminal, civil, and administrative sanctions that may be imposed on an individual who fails to protect classified information from unauthorized disclosure.

(c) An official or employee leaving agency service may not remove classified information from the agency’s control or direct that information be declassified in order to remove it from agency control.

(d) Classified information may not be removed from official premises without proper authorization.

(e) Persons authorized to disseminate classified information outside the executive branch shall ensure the protection of the information in a manner equivalent to that provided within the executive branch.

(f) Consistent with law, executive orders, directives, and regulations, an agency head or senior agency official or, with respect to the Intelligence Community, the Director of National Intelligence, shall establish uniform procedures to ensure that automated information systems, including networks and telecommunications systems, that collect, create, communicate, compute, disseminate, process, or store classified information:

(1) prevent access by unauthorized persons;

(2) ensure the integrity of the information; and

(3) to the maximum extent practicable, use:

(A) common information technology standards, protocols, and interfaces that maximize the availability of, and access to, the information in a form and manner that facilitates its authorized use; and

(B) standardized electronic formats to maximize the accessibility of information to persons who meet the criteria set forth in section 4.1(a) of this order.

(g) Consistent with law, executive orders, directives, and regulations, each agency head or senior agency official, or with respect to the Intelligence Community, the Director of National Intelligence, shall establish controls to ensure that classified information is used, processed, stored, reproduced, transmitted, and destroyed under conditions that provide adequate protection and prevent access by unauthorized persons.

(h) Consistent with directives issued pursuant to this order, an agency shall safeguard foreign government information under standards that provide a degree of protection at least equivalent to that required by the government or international organization of governments that furnished the information. When adequate to achieve equivalency, these standards may be less restrictive than the safeguarding standards that ordinarily apply to U.S. “Confidential” information, including modified handling and transmission and allowing access to individuals with a need-to-know who have not otherwise been cleared for access to classified information or executed an approved nondisclosure agreement.

(i)(1) Classified information originating in one agency may be disseminated to another agency or U.S. entity by any agency to which it has been made available without the consent of the originating agency, as long as the criteria for access under section 4.1(a) of this order are met, unless the originating agency has determined that prior authorization is required for such dissemination and has marked or indicated such requirement on the medium containing the classified information in accordance with implementing directives issued pursuant to this order.

(2) Classified information originating in one agency may be disseminated by any other agency to which it has been made available to a foreign government in accordance with statute, this order, directives implementing this order, direction of the President, or with the consent of the originating agency. For the purposes of this section, “foreign government” includes any element of a foreign government, or an international organization of governments, or any element thereof.

(3) Documents created prior to the effective date of this order shall not be disseminated outside any other agency to which they have been made available without the consent of the originating agency. An agency head or senior agency official may waive this requirement for specific information that originated within that agency.

(4) For purposes of this section, the Department of Defense shall be considered one agency, except that any dissemination of information regarding intelligence sources, methods, or activities shall be consistent with directives issued pursuant to section 6.2(b) of this order.

(5) Prior consent of the originating agency is not required when referring records for declassification review that contain information originating in more than one agency.

Sec. 5.5. Sanctions. (a) If the Director of the Information Security Oversight Office finds that a violation of this order or its implementing directives has occurred, the Director shall make a report to the head of the agency or to the senior agency official so that corrective steps, if appropriate, may be taken.

(b) Officers and employees of the United States Government, and its contractors, licensees, certificate holders, and grantees shall be subject to appropriate sanctions if they knowingly, willfully, or negligently:

(1) disclose to unauthorized persons information properly classified under this order or predecessor orders;

(2) classify or continue the classification of information in violation of this order or any implementing directive;

(3) create or continue a special access program contrary to the requirements of this order; or

(4) contravene any other provision of this order or its implementing directives.

(c) Sanctions may include reprimand, suspension without pay, removal, termination of classification authority, loss or denial of access to classified information, or other sanctions in accordance with applicable law and agency regulation.

(d) The agency head, senior agency official, or other supervisory official shall, at a minimum, promptly remove the classification authority of any individual who demonstrates reckless disregard or a pattern of error in applying the classification standards of this order.

(e) The agency head or senior agency official shall:

(1) take appropriate and prompt corrective action when a violation or infraction under paragraph (b) of this section occurs; and

(2) notify the Director of the Information Security Oversight Office when a violation under paragraph (b)(1), (2), or (3) of this section occurs.

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Congress: stop Hillary’s security briefings now to protect Americans’ lives

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents who are investigating Hillary Clinton have revealed that they are 99% certain that the Democratic Party’s hero and leader seeking the presidency had her secret – and controversial – Internet server hacked by foreign intelligence services.

In a congressional statement published after the FBI announced Friday that it was reopening its investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who is considered by the Democratic Party and most of the news media to be the heir apparent to the White House, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan demanded that Clinton’s eligibility for classified intelligence briefings be terminated.

The request follows the concerns of many members of the intelligence, military and law enforcement communities that she has shown at best a lack of understanding, at worst a total disregard for laws and regulations governing the handling of top secret, secret and confidential material.

In a statement released on Tuesday, Speaker Ryan wrote, “Yet again, Hillary Clinton has nobody but herself to blame. She was entrusted with some of our nation’s most important secrets, and she betrayed that trust by carelessly mishandling highly classified information.”

“This decision, long overdue, is the result of her reckless use of a private email server, and her refusal to be forthcoming with federal investigators. I renew my call for the Director of National Intelligence [James Clapper] to suspend all classified briefings for Secretary Clinton until this matter is fully resolved,” Ryan stated.

Meanwhile House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy released a statement of his own blasting Clinton: “I call upon the FBI to conduct this investigation expeditiously, and thoroughly brief the American people of its findings in a completely transparent manner. This is due to her fundamental lack of judgment and disregard for protecting and handling of our nation’s highly classified secrets.”

But Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, a loyal Obama minion, replied to Speaker Ryan: “Nominees for president and vice president receive these briefings by virtue of their status as candidates, and do not require separate security clearances before the briefings. Briefings for the candidates will be provided on an even-handed nonpartisan basis.”

Ashley Strong from Speaker Ryan’s office told the news media, “We disagree with [Clapper’s] decision and want to know what precautions will be taken and what assurances the [Director of National Intelligence] can give that Secretary Clinton won’t mishandle classified information. She has proven herself untrustworthy.”

A number of retired law enforcement officers, intelligence officers and military veterans have called for a more thorough investigation for what they’ve viewed as a dangerous trend within the government: the disregard for security protocols and protection against unlawful disclosure of secrets.

“The liberal-left politicians, activists and news media have little regard for U.S. national security. When [in the 1980s] Senator Patrick Leahy, a staunch anti-Reagan Democrat, leaked classified information to a newsman because he disagreed with a President Ronald Reagan policy, he was removed as a Senate Intelligence Committee member but no other action was taken,” said former U.S. Marine and police detective Michael Snopes. “It’s become progressively worse,” he added.

While most clear-thinking Americans understood the reasons for FBI Director James Comey’s decisions, the Democrats and many within their news media echo chamber began to trash Comey and accused him of reopening the investigation for political purposes.

Democratic Party political guru James Carville began to visit the usual Democratic television strongholds and complains about a huge conspiracy that included the KGB, Vladimir Putin, the Republican Party, Donald Trump, hackers, Fox News and others of colluding to bring down Hillary Clinton.

“These people are either totally mental or possess an abnormal amount of chutzpah with their wild, unsubstantiated claims. It harkens back to the words of Karl Marx when he advised activists to ‘accuse others of what you do,'” said political strategist and former police officer Mike Baker. “If Hillary does manage to get elected, be prepared for eight years of intrigue, drama, crime and mystery that appears to follow the Clinton family,” he added.

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Americans urged to report suspected voter fraud and intimidation

Donald J. Trump is arguably the only presidential candidate ever to be openly targeted by his own party’s (GOP’s) establishment, the entire Democratic Party, super-rich leftist organizations complete with their underground cash-dispersal system, and the mainstream media all at the same time.

Yet Trump isn’t backing down and in fact he’s telling his supporters — and undecided voters — that the current election process is a “rigged” system. He has focused his argument that voters have their only chance to defeat the “rigged” system by electing him.

“Remember folks, it’s a rigged system,” Trump said at a rally. “That’s why you’ve got to get out and vote, you’ve got to watch. Because this system is totally rigged.”

“I believe we’re actually winning,” Trump said Tuesday in Florida. “It’s a rigged system.”

“The media isn’t just against me. They’re against all of you,” he later said in St Augustine. “They’re against what we represent.”

Wikileaks documents lifted from the Internet servers of the Democratic National Committee and from individuals, such as Hillary for President Campaign director John Podesta, when released by Julian Assange gave an unvarnished look at the DNC and Clinton machines. Wikileaks document dumps also suggest that the Democratic Party ranks are rife with voter fraud and those eager to protect the status quo.

Add the recent videos released by ‘take-no-prisoners” investigative journalist James O’Keefe — videos that have Democratic operatives bragging about their unethical at best, criminal at worst, activities — and it’s no wonder conservatives are suspicious.

It wasn’t that long ago when conservatives watched in shock as the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and certain Democratic Party officeholders targeted Tea Party groups and other right-of-center organizations that were seeking only their rightful tax-exempt status. Not one person at the IRS has been arrested let alone prosecuted for unlawful acts committed by a government agency against its own people.

While conservatives are accused of being infatuated with the Second Amendment (guns) liberals owe their allegiance to the Fifth Amendment (remaining silent to avoid incrimination in an illegal act).

Now with millions of Americans repeating Trump’s words — “The system is rigged” — the left is seeing that denying it is useless after all of the evidence was made public. Now they are saying this type of talk is “dangerous” to the integrity of our electoral system. They are even ridiculing Trump and asking him to prove his voter fraud allegations.

The argument isn’t whether voter fraud is real, but how widespread it is and will Americans follow the Department of Homeland Security’s advise: If you see something, say something. Below are the phone numbers for the authorities in each of the 50 states that citizens can contact to complain about irregularities seen or heard while visiting the polling stations during the elections.

Provide all the information possible and don’t worry about “profiling” or any other restrictions placed on cops and prosecutors. Also keep a record of whom you reported an incident, his or her title, the time and date you made the report and voilà you’ve done your civic duty.

Below are the telephone numbers to call about suspicious activity you’ve observed while voting.

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Investigative report: Hollywood elites linked to anti-Trump ‘goon squad’ and voter fraud

GOP presidential hopeful Donald Trump has been proven right once again, but don’t expect the members of the big news media to acknowledge it. The candidate who is being deluged in anti-Trump hostility from not only Hillary Clinton’s campaign, Democratic Party, the majority of news outlets, and so-called political action committee has been in the sights of the leftist group the People for the American Way.

On Thursday, Scott Foval and Robert Creamer, two influential Democratic political operatives, were forced to quit their lucrative jobs after investigative journalist and filmmaker James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas Action caught them on camera boasting about how they’ve helped the Democrats win elections.

While Foval was with the group Americans United for Change, where he served as its field director; Creamer was doing for the unified Democratic campaign for Hillary Clinton. It was during his time operating as the national field director for People for the American Way that Foval claimed he succeeded in helping the Democrats win elections.

People for the American Way was founded by celebrity television executive Norman Lear (All in the Family, The Jeffersons) and other Hollywood elites. Among its executive boards are award-winning actors Alec Baldwin, Jane Lynch (Glee, 40 Year Old Virgin), Kathleen Turner, Seth McFarland, creator of Family Guy, and many others. One of the top people at PFAW is Anthony Podesta, brother of Democratic Party operative and Clinton campaign director John Podesta.

Although those operating in news media must be careful to avoid being tied to the DNC or nonprofit groups that support leftist causes and candidates, according the Center for Public Integrity says 96 percent of money given by journalists went to Clinton. Another new Bill Clinton sexual assault accuser goes public.

PFAW’s top donor is none other than George Soros and through him and his so-called news analysis web site, Media Matters, anti-conservative, anti-Christian and anti-Republican are attacked using easily refuted and phony “news stories.” It’s is Soros’ propaganda machine.

James O’Keefe’s video series “Rigging the Election”

In the videos released by O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, Scott Foval is filmed telling hidden-camera-toting journalists about how he and his comrades have disrupted Republican events. Foval also goes on at length about how it’s easy to cover up in-person voter fraud. He also discussed how operatives from the Clinton campaign would disrupt Trump for President events and rallies and work to get Trump’s security to overreact or appear to overreact to the “protesters.”

“You look at these videos — which are shown in their entirety on One America News Network — and you think to yourself that the fish stinks from the top to the bottom in the nation’s government and news media. It’s disgusting. It’s sad and it’s Godless,” said Paul Bloxley, a former police officer now working as a director of corporate security.

James O’Keefe has been a thorn in the side of the Democratic Party for years. Among his achievements is the complete disbanding of President Barack Obama’s first employer and presidential campaigner ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now). “O’Keefe has put the so-called elite news media to shame by getting the scoop of liberal-left corruption.

He’s more valuable to Americans than the entire CNN organization,” said Michael Baker, a former police lieutenant and political strategist. [YouTube Video One], [YouTube Video Two]

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FBI Chief James Comey is a dirty cop, say police officers, prosecutors

On Sunday, October 16, James Comey, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), an agency that’s undergone much condemnation both internally and externally, gave a speech in front of police commanders and security directors attending the annual International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Conference. Comey’s event was part of the IACP’s four-days of panel discussions, seminars and business meetings.

“Director Comey addressed the issues of alleged police racism, police brutality, excessive use of force by cops and other topics that are popular with his bosses [President Barack Obama and Attorney General Loretta Lynch]. Although millions of Americans are potential targets of Islamic terrorists, Comey couldn’t care less about such threats to our society,” said former police counter-terrorism unit commander, Neil Knudsen.

Capt. George Tinsdale, of the Kiowa County, MT, Police Department, is also disturbed by a news story released on Monday:

A Patrick Kennedy, a senior U.S. State Department official, allegedly asked for the FBI investigators in 2015 to change the classification level from top secret to merely confidential of an email taken from Hillary Clinton’s private server in a “quid pro quo” deal. Assistant Secretary of State Kennedy offered to allow more FBI agents to be deployed in foreign countries, according to bureau records released Monday.

The FBI ultimately rejected the request, which would have allowed the State Department to archive the message related to the 2012 attacks on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, in the basement of its Washington headquarters “never to be seen again,” according to the FBI files.

Capt. Tinsdale said,”Someone must have told Kennedy, who worked for Clinton, that the FBI would go for such a deal. I wonder how many other deals the FBI Director and his subordinates were offered by [President] Obama’s minions and Hillary’s alleged criminal enterprise.”

When the FBI Director James Comey dismissed the case against Hillary Clinton he said it was because no reasonable attorney would take the case. Now we’ve learned that there were plenty who would have done so. “Only Attorney General Loretta Lynch and some other Democratic Party hacks would claim such a case had no chance for success. There are prosecutors all over the nation who would jump at the chance to bring Clinton before a federal judge.

For example, former Department of Justice U.S. Attorney, Joseph diGenova, recently complained to a reporter from the monthly magazine, The American Spectator.

“I know that inside the FBI there is a revolt. There is a revolt against the director. The people inside the bureau believe the director is a dirty cop. They believe that he threw the [Hillary Clinton email] case. They do not know what he was promised in return. But the people inside the bureau who were involved in the case and who knew about the case are talking to former FBI people expressing their disgust at the conduct of the director.”

“The loss of faith in the bureau chief stems in part from a dishonest rendering of the decision not to indict Mrs. Clinton as unanimous rather than unilateral and in part from the bureau’s decision to destroy evidence in the case and grant blanket immunity to Clinton underlings for no possible prosecutorial purpose.”

“There is a consensus among the employees that the director has lost all credibility and that he cannot lead the bureau,” diGenova explains. “They are comparing him to L. Patrick Gray, the disgraced former FBI director who threw Watergate papers into the Potomac River. The resistance to the director has made the agency incapable of action. It has been described to me as a depression within the agency unlike anything that anyone has ever seen within the bureau. The director’s public explanation for the unorthodox investigation are viewed by people in the bureau as sophomoric and embarrassing.”

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Obama and Clinton framed contractor for their illegal arms smuggling

The recently released American arms dealer Marc Turi, in his first exclusive television interview since Attorney General Loretta Lynch dropped all criminal charges against him, said that the Obama administration — with the help of Hillary Clinton’s State Department — tried and failed to make him the scapegoat for a 2011 covert weapons program to arm Islamic rebels in Libya that created chaos and death. [YouTube Link]

Turi was a known international weapons dealer — who had threatened the Obama administration that he would testify about information regarding then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s arming of Islamist “freedom-fighters” in Syria after having the CIA collect them in 2011-12 in Libya. Many believe that’s why he was released without a trial.

“I would say, 100 percent, I was victimized…to somehow discredit me, to throw me under the bus, to do whatever it took to protect their next presidential candidate [Hillary Clinton],” he told Fox News chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge.

Many intelligence and law enforcement officers were interested in hearing about the details of the weapons transactions in Benghazi by a secret Central Intelligence Agency operation linked to the Battle of Benghazi and the deaths of four Americans, including Amb. Chris Stevens. However, on Wednesday the Attorney General and her team of Justice Department prosecutors suddenly revealed that they had ended their prosecution of the gun-runner on Tuesday, October 4.

According to Fox News Channel’s intelligence correspondent and expert Herridge, federal prosecutors had a deadline to turn over documents to the lawyers representing American suspect/witness Marc Turi, who was charged by the DOJ with selling weapons to Libyan Islamists and warlords. This writer (Jim Kouri) mentioned the allegations of arm-dealing by Clinton and Obama in Accuracy in Media last year.

But the day before the deadline, the DOJ said they were dropping the case against Mr. Turi, who was awaiting the start of a criminal trial on Nov. 8, 2016, ironically the same day voters will choose between Clinton and GOP nominee Donald Trump. This latest DOJ action is expected to stop the released of damaging material since Clinton claims she had “nothing to do with the CIA operation in Benghazi.”

“I am glad this horrific five-year ordeal is over and I am pleased to be able to move on with my life,” Turi said in a statement released by Herridge at Fox News. “The American public has the right to know that an injustice was committed against [me] an innocent American.” [YouTube Link]

Turi claims his attorneys urged him to accept the deal and avoid a trial in this explosive election cycle.

Some of the many documents released by a watchdog group that investigates and exposes corruption and criminal activity by government officials and agencies provides evidence that then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other senior officials, as well as President Barack Obama, deceived the American people regarding the Sept. 11, 2012, Benghazi U.S. consulate massacre.

In 2015, Turi provided Fox News and Catherine Herridge with documents and copies of email exchanges he had with lawmakers in both Houses, as well as military brass, and members of an arguably corrupt Clinton State Department. He was hoping to provide evidence that the Obama administration authorized in 2011, at the height of the Arab Spring, a covert weapons program that spun out of control.

In a far-reaching investigative report by this writer (Jim Kouri) for the media watchdog group Accuracy in Media, Kouri revealed that the Obama administration officials — with the awareness of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — were involved in violating a ban on arming rebels in Syria in an operation that mirrors the Iran-Contra scandal during the Reagan Administration. But while the news media initiated a feeding-frenzy on Iran-Contra, they’re either yawning or helping the Obama administration in covering up the Benghazi-to-Syria arms transfers.

During a House Select Committee on Benghazi hearing, the news media and the Democratic Party information machine appeared to be creating their desired narrative: the GOP is on a witch hunt to stop Hillary Clinton’s inauguration as President. But the hearings did manage to force the release of documents that were being hidden by the alleged conspirators.

In an overly redacted copy of a memorandum dated Sept. 12, 2012 — the day after the Bengahzi slaughter of four Americans including a U.S. ambassador — the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) reported to Hillary Clinton, then-Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, the White House National Security Council and the U.S. military’s Joint Chiefs of Staff that the Islamic terrorists planned their attack about 10 or more days prior to the slaughter that occurred on the day the U.S. acknowledged the 11th Anniversary of the attacks in New York, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania that killed about 3,000 people.

The documents also confirm the suspicions that U.S. government officials were well aware of weapons being shipped from Benghazi to Syria for use by rebel forces against the Al-Assad regime, according to Judicial Watch. In addition, the document-release contains an August 2012 analysis of intelligence that predicted the meteoric rise of al-Qaida in Iraq terrorists who morphed into the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. It also the predicted failure of Obama’s foreign policy aimed at regime change in Syria.

The terrorists intended to attack the sparsely protected U.S. diplomatic mission and to assassinate as many American officials as possible. The motive for the attack appeared to be revenge for the killing of Abu Yahya al-Libi, a high-level Al Qaida terrorist, who was targeted by U.S. drone strikes in North Waziristan.

According to Judicial Watch’s analysis of the documents, the Benghazi attack “was planned and perpetrated by members of the Brigades of the Captive Omar Abdul Rahman (BCOAR). BCOAR is also responsible for past attacks on the Red Cross in Benghazi and the attack on the British Ambassador, they have approximately 120 members.” Rahman [a/k/a “The Blind Sheik”] is currently locked up in a federal prison in New York for his role in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center which killed six people in New York. He is serving a life sentence.

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FBI and Justice Department destroy evidence to help Hillary

The nation’s legendary law enforcement agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, has once again disappointed many lawmakers and American people with its recent actions that would make it impossible for a President Donald Trump to revive the investigation and prosecution of a criminal case against Hillary Clinton and others involved in a series of suspected corruption cases. One of Trump’s campaign promises is to re-investigate the activities of Hillary Clinton and her underlings regarding the illegal email server and the Clinton pseudo-charity.

Immunity deals given with the authorization of the Attorney General Loretta Lynch and FBI Director James Comey to two of Hillary Clinton’s aides included a side arrangement obliging the FBI to destroy their laptops after reviewing the devices, according to lawmakers with the House Judiciary Committee.

“This should outrage any clear-thinking American. The FBI has actually become complicit in destroying evidence. How do we know what was contained in those laptops. If there was nothing harmful to Clinton or her minions on the hard drives, why were ordered destroyed?” asks former criminal investigator and security director Norman J. Pierre.

According to news reports on Monday, the FBI’s deal with former Clinton chief of staff Cheryl Mills and ex-campaign staffer Heather Samuelson also stipulated that the search would entail information up to Jan. 31, 2015.

The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee wrote and delivered a letter immediately, upon discovering the deal, to Attorney General Loretta Lynch asking why the DOJ and FBI agreed to the restrictive terms, including that the FBI would destroy the laptops after finishing the search.

“I wish that the next time Attorney General Lynch sends her DOJ shysters or FBI agents to a local police chief’s or county sheriff’s office, he or she tells them to cleanup their side of the street before coming into a local jurisdiction and making accusations. If they’re willing to destroy evidence to help someone allegedly involved in a criminal enterprise, they are in no position to investigate real cops,” said Tony Perez-Delgado, a former police captain and U.S. Army special forces sergeant.

“Like many things about this case, these new materials raise more questions than answers,” Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., wrote in his letter. “Doesn’t the willingness of Ms. Mills and Ms. Samuelson to have their laptops destroyed by the FBI contradict their claim that the laptops could have been withheld because they contained non-relevant, privileged information? If so, doesn’t that undermine the claim that the side agreements were necessary?” Goodlatte asks in the letter.

“The immunity deals went into effect during the FBI’s dog-and-pony show regarding Hillary Clinton’s now famous use of a private email server while serving President Barack Obama as his secretary of state. According to Rep. Goodlatte’s letter, it included a series of ‘side deals,'” said former police detective Sid Franes.

The Judiciary Committee’s GOP members said they are outraged over the destruction of the laptops. They have in essence destroyed evidence that can never used in future legal proceedings, should a new investigation be conducted.

“What possessed supposedly professional law enforcement officers and prosecutors with the FBI and DOJ to enter into that gives Hillary and her staffers everything and gives lawmakers and the American people nothing,” Det. Franes rhetorically asked. “Imagine if one of the police or sheriffs’ departments did such a thing during an FBI probe of those departments. I doubt the President would accept such conduct.”

Congressional aides working for members of Congress said they were shocked since Mills and Samuelson already had immunity from the consequences of whatever might be on the laptop.

The FBI and the Justice Department frequently investigate alleged wrongdoing occurring at the local level in local law enforcement agencies. For example, beginning right after President Obama’s inauguration, he demanded the DOJ investigate the man called “America’s toughest sheriff, a federal law enforcement officer who requested anonymity complained.

“The Attorney General [Eric Holder] spent millions of dollars and years investigating Arizona’s Sheriff Joe Arpaio and found nothing, but still they probe hoping to find something to end his career. The FBI spent years probing the New Jersey State Police for alleged ‘racial profiling’ even though there was no evidence other than the number of blacks and Latinos arrested for drugs or illegal weapons possession,” the cop noted.

“In fact, because of the FBI’s heavy-handed monitoring of the state cops, especially on the heavily-traveled New Jersey Turnpike (Interstate 95), drug arrests went down significantly and arrests were fewer than previous years because state troopers observed a de-facto quota system,” said former New Jersey cop Larry Taylor Ahearn. “Now that says a lot about the so-called ‘Two Americas’ in which a politician enjoys immunity while hard-working cops have to be careful about being nabbed by a federal agency that is complicit in an alleged cover up,” Ahearn pointed out.

“I wish that the next time Attorney General Lynch sends her DOJ shysters or FBI agents to a local police chief’s or county sheriff’s office, he or she tells them to cleanup their side of the street before coming into a local jurisdiction and making accusations. If they’re willing to destroy evidence to help someone allegedly involved in a criminal enterprise, they are in no position to investigate real cops,” said Tony Perez-Delgado, a former police captain and U.S. Army special forces sergeant.

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Trump foundation investigated by Hillary supporting NY State Attorney General

New York State’s Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, a Democrat, on Monday morning issued a cease and desist order to the Donald J. Trump Foundation to stop the organization’s soliciting contributions. The allegation against Trump’s operation is that his charity “lacked the proper authorization to seek public donations.” However, despite allegations of fraud and money laundering at Bill and Hillary Clinton’s own foundation, there are no pending investigations in New York or at the federal level.

“The Attorney General’s office is the sole regulator of charities in New York State, and when evidence of clear misconduct is brought to our attention, we take action,” a spokesman for the attorney general’s office said in a statement.

While Schneiderman issued the “Notice of Violation” letter on Friday, he warned on Monday that the charity “shall be deemed a continuing fraud upon the people of New York” unless it provided required paperwork regarding its fundraising activities within the next 15 days.

“It’s amazing that few, if any, in the news media are treating this legal action for what it is: use of the criminal justice system to ‘put stink’ on an honest campaign. Funny how little the media reported on the Clinton Foundation spending less than 15% on actual charity work, although both Bill and Hillary are always taking bows for their supposed charity work,” said a former police detective and intelligence operative Joel Egransky.

This latest legal action comes after the anti-Trump news media claimed last week that the campaign lacked a required state certification that would allow it to request contributions from the public. Trump organized a veterans event after canceling a Fox News Channel primary debate in January and collected $1.67 million through a website directing donations to the Trump Foundation. The WaPo failed to mention all the money raised went to help military veterans.

The Trump campaign on its website had previously denounced Schneiderman, a Democratic Party stalwart who is supporting Hillary Clinton for president. The campaign described him as being a “partisan hack.”

“While we remain very concerned about the political motives behind AG Schneiderman’s investigation, the Trump Foundation nevertheless intends to cooperate fully with the investigation,” Trump campaign said in a press statement released on Monday. “Because this is an ongoing legal matter, the Trump Foundation will not comment further at this time.”

Meanwhile, last year, a former Department of Justice prosecutor, now heading a public-interest watchdog group, filed a RICO-related lawsuit against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former President Bill Clinton and their lucrative family foundation. The lawsuit filed on March 24 before the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida alleges that the Clintons and their foundation committed criminal violations under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO).

The attorney, Larry Klayman, reported that the RICO (Racketeering Influenced Criminal Organizations Act) lawsuit accuses the Clintons of engaging in a criminal enterprise during the last 10 years with the goal of enriching themselves personally.

Klayman alleges that the Clinton family — through mail and wire fraud, and various fraudulent statements — misappropriated government documents to which Klayman and his group Freedom Watch were lawfully entitled to receive and possess under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

Also, claims he is entitled to Mrs. Clinton’s and her underling’s records linked to the “granting of waivers for persons, companies, countries and other interests to do business with Iran. In essence, the allegation is that Hillary Clinton knowingly undermined U.S. economic sanctions on the terrorist-sponsoring, nuclear-weapons-seeking nation of Iran to enrich herself and her high-priced speaker husband.

Klayman alleges that these acts are the result of the Clintons and their foundation’s “selling government influence in exchange for bribes from interests which have donated to The Clinton Foundation.” It’s also alleged that the Clintons were paid exorbitant speaking fees and money was transferred to them by other means.

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Obama’s DHS detection of fraud by Asylum seekers a shambles: govn’t. Report

Thanks to President Barack Obama and his political comrades, the United States is being deluged by immigrants from some of the world’s most dangerous spots: the Middle East, North Africa and Mexico. Many of those entering the U.S. from Syria, Iraq, Somalia and Mexico are claiming they are entitled to asylum from violence and death by Islamic extremists or from violence and death members of the drug cartels.

“According to government figures, each year, tens of thousands of aliens in the United States apply for asylum, which provides refuge to those who have been persecuted or fear persecution on protected grounds. Asylum officers in the Department of Homeland Security’s U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and the immigration judges in Department of Justice adjudicate asylum applications,” claim officials from a supposed nonpartisan government agency.

The the House of Representatives directed the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) to review the status of the asylum system. This report addresses what DHS and Department of Justice (DOJ) data indicate about trends in asylum claims, as well as the extent to which DHS and DOJ have designed mechanisms to prevent and detect asylum fraud. They also reviewed the extent to which DHS and DOJ designed and implemented processes to address any asylum fraud that has been identified. Unfortunately, few news outlets bothered the cover the release of the report and its contents except for One America News Network (OANN), NewsmaxTV, and some of the Internet news and commentary publications.

The GAO analyzed DHS and DOJ data on asylum applications for fiscal years 2010 through 2014, reviewed DHS and DOJ policies and procedures related to asylum fraud, and interviewed DHS and DOJ officials in Washington, D.C., Falls Church, VA, and in asylum offices and immigration courts across the country selected on the basis of application data and other factors.

The total number of asylum applications, including both principal applicants and their eligible dependents, filed in fiscal year 2014 (108,152) is more than double the number filed in fiscal year 2010 (47,118). As of September 2015, the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has a backlog of 106,121 principal applicants, of which 64,254 have exceeded required time frames for adjudication. USCIS has plans to hire additional staff to deal with the backlog.

USCIS and the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) have limited capabilities to detect asylum fraud.

While USCIS and EOIR have mechanisms to investigate fraud in individual applications, neither agency has assessed fraud risks across the asylum process, in accordance with leading practices for managing fraud risks.

Various cases of fraud illustrate risks that may affect the integrity of the asylum system. For example, an investigation in New York resulted in charges against 30 defendants as of March 2014 for their alleged participation in immigration fraud schemes; 829 applicants associated with the attorneys and preparers charged in the case received asylum from USCIS, and 3,709 received asylum from EOIR.

Without regular assessments of fraud risks, USCIS and EOIR lack reasonable assurance that they have implemented controls to mitigate those risks.

USCIS’s capability to identify patterns of fraud across asylum applications is hindered because USCIS relies on a paper-based system for asylum applications and does not electronically capture some key information that could be used to detect fraud, such as the applicant’s written statement.

Asylum officers and USCIS Fraud Detection and National Security (FDNS) Directorate immigration officers told GAO that they can identify potential fraud by analyzing trends across asylum applications; however, they must rely on labor-intensive methods to do so. Identifying and implementing additional fraud detection tools could enable USCIS to detect fraud more effectively while using resources more efficiently.

FDNS has not established clear fraud detection responsibilities for its immigration officers in asylum offices; FDNS officers GAO analysts spoke with at all eight asylum offices told GAO they have limited guidance with respect to fraud. FDNS standard operating procedures for fraud detection are intended to apply across USCIS, and therefore do not reflect the unique features of the asylum system.

Developing asylum-specific guidance for fraud detection, in accordance with federal internal control standards, would better position FDNS officers to understand their roles and responsibilities in the asylum process.

To address identified instances of asylum fraud, USCIS can, in some cases, terminate an individual’s asylum status. USCIS terminated the asylum status of 374 people from fiscal years 2010 through 2014 for fraud. In August 2015, USCIS adopted a target of 180 days for conducting initial reviews, in which the asylum office reviews evidence and decides whether to begin termination proceedings, when the asylee has applied for adjustment to lawful permanent resident status; however, this goal applies only to a subset of asylees and pertains to initial reviews.

Further, asylees with pending termination reviews may be eligible to receive certain federal benefits. Developing timeliness goals for all pending termination reviews would help USCIS better identify the staffing resources needed to address the terminations workload.

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Lester Holt’s plan to rig presidential debate for Hillary – leaked

Many predicted NBC moderator Lester Holt — whose history interviewing Clinton proves his political leanings — would pull a Candy Crowley* by fact-checking Donald Trump, while letting Hillary Clinton say whatever she liked without interruption.

Despite Hillary Clinton being evaluated by a majority of the American public as “dishonest,” and being investigated by the FBI whose director said Clinton was careless with national security, this proved not only to be completely predictable, but it happened four times.

“Last night’s first Presidential Debate of the 2016 election cycle between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump was 100% rigged to sabotage the Republican Presidential nominee. We can say that with definitive certainty. How? Well, we told you exactly what was going to go down at the debate 28 days ago, step by step. Almost tactic by tactic,” said officials at fact-checker True Pundit.

True Pundit, on August 30, published Confessions of a Former Hillary Clinton Campaign Operative, which unveiled the mainstream news media’s script for the debate strategy to minimize Trump via debate moderator.

“The fix was in weeks ago. We were the only media in the country to pinpoint how Monday’s debate would be heavily manipulated in Clinton’s favor at the expense of Trump,” True Pundit said today.

“Yes, we’re patting ourselves on the back. And yes, we said this all in August. True Pundit readers were quick to note on Twitter after the debate that Lester Holt did exactly what True Pundit predicted he would do a month ago via intelligence received from a former Clinton campaign guru.

According to True Pundit, *Hillary is already being coached for the Sept. 26 Presidential Debate. But the Democratic strategy is bizarre. Her handlers do not think she will respond well to stressful questions or rhetoric so Hillary is memorizing canned answers that may not even directly address the subject or question. Why is this a viable strategy? We’re told this will work because the moderators will not redirect Clinton or cross examine her original answer to a question, regardless of her answer. This has been negotiated. So Hillary is free to pontificate without being called on her verbal nonsense, regardless of topic or content. Must be nice. You can bet no such agreement is in place for Trump.

“The debate is already stacked against the guy,” the former operative told True Pundit. “Hillary’s lawyers already hammered out her ground rules before the debate questions were even formulated. It’s a stacked deck. She knows the game and all the referees.” -Excerpt from True Pundit, August 30, 2016

*During 2012’s debate between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, moderator Candy Crowley interrupted Romney and told him he was wrong and Obama was right regarding his calling Benghazi a terrorist attack. The next day, Crowley apologized for being wrong but it was too late — millions heard her lie to help Obama.

Liar in Chief? Evidence Obama ‘put in the fix’ for Hillary in FBI’s email investigation

While the White House, the Democrats and their echo chamber in the news media denied that President Barack Obama had any knowledge of his then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton using a private, unprotected email server for official business — including illegally transmitting classified information — evidence exists that Obama lied about what he knew and didn’t know.

“It appears to me that [the] President knew all along about Clinton’s shenanigans to cover up her concealment of her communications and that the ‘fix’was in’ to not only cover up her subterfuge, but in order to protect her and himself, he made sure the FBI investigation went nowhere. His FBI director and his Attorney General were likely ordered to avoid indicting Hillary,” claims former police detective and fraud investigator Sidney Franes.

According to documents that were released by the FBI, but were practically ignored by major news outlets, President Obama used a phony name and fabricated a fake email address when he communicated with his secretary of state.

In the tradition of administrations wishing to garner a minimum amount of attention, the FBI chose Friday to dump notes from their agents’ interview with Clinton’s closest confidante, Huma Abedin. She was questioned about a specific email that contained what they found was an alias used by Obama.

“It has been revealed that President Barak Obama used an alias while emailing to Hillary Clinton on her private email server, but claimed he was unaware of her illegal actions. Barack Obama already attempted to circumvent the Constitution to give millions of illegal aliens the right to vote ahead of the critical 2016 elections. We cannot allow Obama and his liberal allies to steal the election for Hillary Clinton” said former U.S. Army officer Joel Arends, chairman of Veterans for a Strong America.

The FBI documents show that interviews with Hillary’s aides including suspected Muslim Brotherhood-linked Abedin, the President attempted to hide his knowledge of — and his involvement with — Hillary Clinton’s illegal email communications. In an interview with top Clinton aide (and wife of the disgraced former Democratic congressman, Anthony Weiner) Huma Abedin in April 2016, Abedin was questioned about an email chain between Hillary and an unknown entity using an unknown email address.

According to the FBI, “Once informed that the sender’s name is believed to be pseudonym used by the president, Abedin exclaimed: ‘How is this not classified?’ Abedin then expressed her amazement at the president’s use of a pseudonym and asked if she could have a copy of the email.”

Here we have the testimony of a close associate of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton informing investigators that the nation’s Commander in Chief used a fake email address with a fake name to communicate with the Secretary of State in his own administration.

“This prima facie evidence that Obama had knowledge of Clinton’s illegal activities throughout her time as the nation’s Secretary of State. He had previously claimed, in interviews with CBS news,that he had learned of Hillary’s illegalities through news reports,” noted another former police detective and interrogation expert Carlton McInnery.

Mr. Obama’s comments follow a long week of media scrutiny surrounding Hillary Clinton’s private email address and the ‘home-brewed’ server that hosted it.

“The policy of my administration is to encourage transparency, which is why my emails, the BlackBerry I carry around, all those records are available and archived,” Mr. Obama claimed. “I’m glad that she [Hillary] instructed that those emails about official business need to be disclosed.”

Columnist and attorney Jay Guy wrote on Saturday, “This revelation clearly and obviously reveals Hillary Clinton’s criminal intent, something FBI Director Comey claimed was “impossible to prove” during the investigation into Hillary’s email activities. So let me get this straight, the FBI Director of the United States knew the President of the United States was using an alias to email his own administration but you can’t prove criminal intent? Turn in your badge Director Comey, turn in your law degree and be glad you aren’t arrested for malpractice. While you’re at it reserve a cell for you, the President whose own illegal activity continues to be impressive, and the Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.”

“After all, Barack Obama already attempted to circumvent the Constitution to give millions of illegal aliens the right to vote ahead of the critical 2016 elections. We cannot allow Obama and his liberal allies to steal the election for Hillary Clinton” said former U.S. Army officer Joel Arends, chairman of Veterans for a Strong America.

“As the government itself attempts to cover the illegal activity of it’s own “leaders”, it’s time for a non-politician to shake up the status quo. Guess who that is,” noted Det. McInnery.

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NYC metro area terrorized by bombings, attempted bombing

During a press conference on Sunday morning and Sunday afternoon, officials from the New York City Police Department confirmed that the explosion in Manhattan’s Chelsea district on Saturday night — that left injured dozens of people wounded — was an improvised explosive device (IED) with components indicative of an IED later found un-detonated a few city blocks away.

In addition, according to former police detective Jerry McHugh, the explosives in both Chelsea and in the Seaside Park, New Jersey, bombing were set off by perpetrators using the same type of detonator.

The press conference provided information to the news media about police investigators currently exploring the possibility the two explosions in Manhattan and down by the New Jersey Shore are linked to the same suspect or suspects due to the use of similar detonators While investigators in New York and New Jersey are probing the bombings and the attempted bombing separately as individual incidents, they are coordinating the results of their investigations..

NYPD Commissioner James O’Neill, who took over from retired Commissioner Bill Bratton on Friday, said federal, state and local law enforcement are working to determine the motivation of the bomber or bombers. O’Neil noted that the multi-agency effort is a highly complex post-explosion investigation. “We definitely had a bombing last night on 23rd Street and we had a suspicious device on 27th Street,” O’Neill said.

He also told reporters at the press conference — along with New York Mayor Bill De Blasio — said it that state troopers are being deployed to comb the area for secondary devices.


While police officer in jurisdictions throughout the United States follow their own SOP (standard operation procedures) for arson and explosion investigations, they usually include many similarities.

Upon arriving at the scene of an explosion, investigators will immediately consult with the emergency personnel and familiarize themselves with the facts. The area will be thoroughly canvassed for witnesses. Witnesses may be found anywhere within the vicinity of the bomb blast. Once survivors are triaged and transported to a hospital, investigators will begin interviewing bomb victims.

Additional witnesses to interview will include: the first police officers at the scene; maintenance workers and other employees and residents within the premises; residents and employees of adjoining or adjacent buildings; delivery men, cab drivers, transients, and anyone who frequents or walks through the area.

Detectives and officers will also canvass the area for all license plates or motor vehicles parked within the area of the explosion. They will also check with all utility companies for any emergency crews that may have been working in the area of the bomb blast. In short, anyone who may have even the smallest piece of information will be interviewed by detectives and assisting uniformed officers. And investigating officers will double check to make sure that they have all the necessary information before concluding the neighborhood canvass. If close-circuit television cameras are installed in the areas of the attacks, the videotapes will be viewed and analyzed.

If investigators take all of the required steps and follow the aforementioned format, they will find that they are able to answer questions from their commanding officers, and in the event that arrests are made, their case folders will be helpful in the preparation of the eventual prosecution and adjudication of the bomb incident suspects.

Police sketches are usually made of the locality, the adjacent area, and the immediate bomb scene. It is not unusual for a detective to make several sketches of each location in order to portray the many details of a crime scene. A dotted line beginning at the point of entry and continuing throughout the entire scene and terminating at the point of departure may be drawn on one sketch to represent movements of a suspect. Another sketch of the same scene may be drawn to indicate the relationships existing between the various items of evidence.

The locality sketch covers the area in the neighborhood of the bombing. It may indicate the path of flight of an offender or his direction of approach to the crime scene. The area sketch is a reproduction of the immediate crime scene such as the room in which a homicide was committed, or the location of a traffic accident. This sketch shows all physical details immediately relating to the crime — evidence, point of impact and the like.

Even though a photograph makes a clear reproduction of a scene, it possesses certain limitations. The pictures, which are two-dimensional, lack depth and fail to provide an accurate representation of the distance between important items. Furthermore. the camera angle and distance from which the picture is taken may lead to false interpretations of critical relationships between objects.

The usefulness of a photograph is further limited when items can’t be clearly identified, either because they blend into the background or because they are hidden by shadows. A camera will also reproduce all objects within its range. This lack of selectivity, especially in a highly cluttered crime scene, will detract from the effectiveness of a photograph. Investigators can successfully reproduce scenes by supplementing photographs with sketches. Used together, the sketch and the photos compliment one another.

In most police departments and law-enforcement agencies, crime scene sketches are divided into rough and finished drawings. Although these sketches vary greatly in appearance, they share a common denominator. Each shows the exact location of the evidence and other objects found within a crime scene.

Measuring devices such as rulers, yardsticks and tape measures are often placed within the area to be photographed at a bomb scene in order to show relative size, the distance between objects, or the actual degree of enlargement. These markers are placed alongside objects so that they will easily be seen yet not obscure any part of the evidence. It is advisable to then first take photographs without markers, then to proceed to mark the crime scene as much as desired.

Markers can prove to be of significant value at a trial when the photographs are admitted in evidence. For instance, a three or six foot ruler placed alongside a hole in a roof through which entry was gained gives the viewers an indication as to the size of the opening. The photograph can be used to counter arguments that the opening was too small to allow the defendant entry into the building.

The purpose of bomb scene photography is to provide a photographic record of the facts and to allow viewers to obtain a better understanding of the crime itself: How it was committed, the setting, the manner in which particular evidence is related to the suspect or to the bombing, and other aspects of the investigation.

Photographs are taken of all evidence or conditions the investigator is trained to discover during a routine bomb/crime scene search. If a technician is used to photograph the explosion site, the detective or investigating officer should then direct the picture taking.

As many photos as possible will be taken. The more pictures that are available, the greater the likelihood that a photo may be found to contain some significant information that may have been overlooked during the crime scene search. The availability of a number of pictures also allows the detectives and the prosecutor a wider choice of selection to better present a point at issue or having the necessary qualities to complement the testimony presented to the court.

Crime scene photography involves a series of pictures taken from various points of view that usually present a general view, a medium view and close-ups. The shots should be taken at varying distances depending upon the object. The photographs are generally introduced in conjunction with crime scene sketches or scale drawings.

Two of the more common obstructions investigators encounter are: the absence of eyewitness testimony to the commission of the crime — the bomber usually uses a detonation device that allows ample time to flee the scene before detonation occurs; or his act is committed at night when the chance of being apprehended is reduced; and the explosion, collapsing walls and the general disturbance of the bomb scene by first-responders will generally obliterate or destroy most, if not all, of the criminal’s traces.

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New world order: US police chiefs meet with world’s top cops in the Hague

Over 450 police chiefs, senior law enforcement officers from Europe and beyond gathered at Europol’s headquarters in The Hague this week for the 2016 European Police Chiefs Convention (EPCC). The turnout this year was the highest since the first European Police Chiefs Convention organized by Europol in 2011.

Co-hosted by Europol and the Slovakian Police in the context of the Slovakian Presidency of the Council of the EU, the event attracted high-level representatives from all 28 EU Member States, as well as Albania, Algeria, Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Egypt, Georgia, Iceland, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, Norway, Palestine, Serbia, Switzerland, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Tunisia, Ukraine and the USA.

Representatives from INTERPOL, the World Customs Organization and EU institutions and agencies also attended, alongside representatives of the private sector and academia.

This year the chiefs of police and senior representatives of national and international law enforcement authorities discussed topical issues pertaining to the security of the EU and beyond, such as the migration crisis and terrorism, as well as ways in which the digital development impacts modern day policing.

Distinguished keynote speakers included: Mr Tibor Gašpar, President of the National Police of Slovakia, Mr Jürgen Stock, Secretary General of INTERPOL, Mr Kunio Mikuriya, Secretary General of the World Customs Organization and the newly appointed Chief of the State Police of Italy, Mr Franco Gabrielli.

Alongside the European Police Chiefs Convention, Europol held a meeting of the South East Europe Police Chiefs Association and hosted the launching conference of the Euromed Police IV, a project aimed at supporting the EU’s southern partner countries in countering major threats posed by terrorism and organised crime. The EU Member States’ Directors of the Customs administrations also met to take stock of the level of cooperation between Europol and Customs and to discuss possible new avenues of cooperation.

Over 120 bilateral and multilateral meetings took place in the margins of the EPCC to allow chiefs of police to discuss operational matters and promote further cooperation.

Rob Wainwright, Director of Europol, said: “The turnout of this year’s EPCC shows how Europol has become firmly established as the home of the European law enforcement community, providing a unique platform for law enforcement partners to discuss common issues of policing. Only through the exchange of best practices between the police chiefs and the creation of a common vision for the security of our citizens will we be able to deal with today’s most pressing threats to our security. Europol is proud to support the Member States in their endeavours by organising the European Police Chiefs Convention each year.

According to Brandon Smith, a commentator for InfoWars, “While fantastic organizations like Oath Keepers are working hard to educate police and military on their sworn duty to uphold and defend Constitutional liberties, we as the citizenry must also show our support and resolve to see that the values and principles outlined in that historic document are not tarnished by apathy. The proverbial line in the sand must be drawn now, or not at all. This means, at the very least, non-compliance with unjust laws that defile our conscience, as well as our heritage.”

He added that common response to this by naysayers would be: “You’ll comply when you have a gun in your face…”

“That’s what naysayers throughout history have always said, though. They said it to the Founding Fathers, to Gandhi, and beyond. There will always be another gun to put in the faces of men who fight for the truth of a thing. There will always be men to point those guns at us. The question is, who will be more steadfast? Is the will to dominate really stronger than the will to be free? Can you ever control a people who do not fear you, even at the barrel of a gun? This is the mindset that brought this country to life, and it is a mindset we must rediscover, if we are to have any chance of survival,” noted Smith.

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Report: Obama administration’s ongoing agenda degrades military readiness

The Department of Defense (DOD) recognizes that more than a decade of fighting Islamic terrorists, budget cuts by the Obama administration, and manpower reductions have degraded U.S. Armed Forces readiness, and the DODt has efforts under way to manage the impact of deployments on readiness. The service branches have complained repeatedly about their low levels of, which they have attributed to emerging and continued demands on their forces, reduced force structure, and increased frequency and length of deployments, according to a report released on Wednesday by the Government Accountability Office (GAO).

For example, according to the government watchdog, the Air Force experienced a 58 percent reduction in the number of fighter and bomber squadrons from 1991 to 2015 while maintaining a persistent level of demand from the combatant commands for the use of its forces. In addition, the Navy has experienced an 18 percent decrease in its fleet of ships since 1998 and an increase in demand, resulting in the deployment lengths for many ships increasing from 7 months to a less sustainable 9 months. DOD officials have indicated that overall demand has been decreasing since 2013, but the department has reported that the ability to rebuild capability and capacity is hindered by continued demand for some forces.

To mitigate the impact of continued deployments on readiness, the Joint Staff has focused on balancing the distribution of forces for high-priority missions with the need to rebuild the readiness of the force. Efforts include revising major plans to better reflect what the current and planned force is expected to achieve and improving the management of DOD’s process for sourcing global demands by, among other things, balancing the supply of forces with the minimum required to meet global demands. However, it is too soon to tell what impact implementation of these initiatives will have on DOD’s readiness recovery efforts because the department is still working to complete implementation.

Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-TX), Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, today commented on a Government Accountability Office Study into military readiness. The study found that “The military services have reported persistently low readiness levels, which they have attributed to emerging and continued demands on their forces, reduced force structure, and increased frequency and length of deployments.” The Study was commissioned by the HASC in the House Report that accompanied the FY16 National Defense Authorization Act.

“This study confirms what Members of our committee have been hearing and seeing. It is now impossible for senior DOD officials or their surrogates to argue that we are not approaching a severe readiness crisis. The rate of deployments has remained consistently high for over a decade, but the military resources available to meet those threats are declining. As it stands, we cannot meet combatant commander requirements, reliably maintain our equipment, or fully train and care for our troops.”

“We can begin to turn this situation around, but that requires the Administration to forego political games and work with Congress to do what is right for our troops and for the country’s security.”

The GAO study found, “DOD still faces low overall readiness rates, however, which the services expect to persist into the next decade.”

• Army: Persistently low readiness levels due to “emerging demands, lack of proficiency in core competencies, and end strength reductions.”

• Army: “increasing emergent demands… strain existing capacity, such as the deployment of the 101st Airborne Division in Africa to respond to the Ebola crisis.”

• Army: Undergoing a 12% reduction in size. “Army leadership testified in March 2015 that any end strength reductions below this level would reduce the Army’s capability to support missions identified in defense guidance.”

• Navy: Persistently low readiness level due to “increased lengths of deployments for aircraft carriers, cruisers, destroyers, and amphibious ships, which has created significant maintenance challenges.”

• Navy: currently has 272 ships, a decrease from 333 ships in 1998—an 18 percent decrease. Even as the number of Navy ships has decreased, the number of ships deployed overseas has remained roughly constant at about 100 ships.”

• Air Force: Decline in readiness due to “continued demands and a reduced force structure. For example, in 1991 the Air Force had 154 fighter and bomber squadrons, and as of December 2015 the Air Force had 64 fighter and bomber squadrons—a 58 percent decrease from 1991 levels.”

• Air Force: readiness levels have also declined because of persistent demand for forces, a decline in equipment availability and in experienced maintenance personnel, and the impact of high deployment rates on units’ ability to conduct needed training.”

• Marine Corps: “attributes its readiness levels to an increased frequency of deployments to support the sustained high demand for the force…”

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Bill and Hillary Clinton pal finances Hezbollah terrorists

Although the big story on Monday morning was the allegation of continued Internet shenanigans by the disgraced New York City Democrat Andrew Weiner, the personal thorn in the side of his wife, Hillary Clinton-confidante Huma Abedin, reporters appear more fixated on the sexual proclivities of a has-been congressman than on the alleged Islamic terrorist connections of his wife.

American law enforcement officers appear to have been onto something when some of them claimed Hillary Clinton possessed ties to Islamic terrorist groups and even provided help to some of the most deadly fanatics in the world.

For example a Nigerian-Lebanese multi-billionaire Gilbert Chagoury continues to be suspected of not only financially supporting a radical Muslim super-jihadist group, but he’s also connected financially to presidential candidate – and former Secretary of State — Hillary Clinton. In fact, their relationship began during the administration of her husband, President Bill Clinton.

The multi-million dollar Clinton Foundation donor was denied entry into the U.S. last year because of his ties to a Lebanese-based organization to which he has allegedly given money. The group of terrorists known as Hezbollah were responsible for the killing of 240 U.S. Marines who had been posted in Beirut, Lebanon, during the Reagan Administration. They were killed in a large-scale terrorist bombing in what was once considered a beautiful and exotic metropolis.

This latest news story is based on interviews and government documents including emails discovered that revealed in 2009 a Clinton Foundation “adviser” asked the State Department’s deputy chief of staff, Huma Abedin, for a favor on terrorism financier Chagoury’s behalf. Abedin is known as Hillary Clinton’s “Girl Friday,” and closest associate.

Chagoury isn’t the only person who donated money to the Clinton’s quasi-charity. Evidence exists – although it’s being ignored by the Obama Justice Department — that the Clinton Foundation operates as a massive pay-for-play scheme, a number of criminal investigators have told the Conservative Base. The Foundation itself, although listed and taxed as a charity, only uses about 10-15 percent of its donations to work that can be described as charitable.

“The fact a major Clinton Foundation donor was denied entry into the U.S. over ties to the terrorist group Hezbollah is deeply troubling, especially when this individual had access to top aides at Hillary Clinton’s State Department. These revelations are yet another example of why the Clinton Foundation must be shut down and Hillary Clinton must demand the State Department immediately release her official schedules in full before the election. Voters deserve to know just how badly compromised a Hillary Clinton presidency would be,” said Donald Trump’s Senior Communications Advisor Jason Miller

Since the President Bill Clinton Administration, Chagoury was able to cultivate a friendship with the Clinton family based on his writing big checks, including a $1 million to the already established Clinton Foundation.

When Hillary Clinton was confirmed as President Barack Obama’s Secretary of State, the Clinton-Chagoury friendship advanced to the point that Bill Clinton’s closest aide to pushed for Chagoury to meet with top U.S. diplomats, and the U.S. government is considering the construction of a multi-million-dollar consulate on Chagoury owned land in Lagos, Nigeria. While Chagoury is a known sponsor of Islamic terrorism, he has thus far not been tied to the Nigerian based Islamists known as Boko Haram.

What is also shocking is the fact that while meeting were held about the Nigerian consulate project, those involved in State Department security matters were probing certain accusations stemming from Chagoury’s unsavory affiliations and friendhips, At one point review, the State Department refused the issuance of a visa to enter the U.S. in 2015.

After Mrs. Clinton left the State Department, Chagoury again found himself under suspicion by U.S. security officials. A 2013 FBI intelligence report, citing unverified raw information from a source, claimed Chagoury had sent funds to Hezbollah. The source said he was “facilitating fundraising for Hezbollah.” The U.S. put Chagoury in its database used to screen travelers for possible links to terrorism, interagency memos show.

Utah’s Republican Congressman Jason Chaffetz, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, last week sent a letter to now Secretary of State John Kerry requesting information on the William J. Clinton Foundation. The letter states in part:

“State Department employees interviewed applicants for Clinton Foundation positions and sought a Libya expert on behalf of Clinton Foundation donors. According to one report, Clinton Foundation employees also contacted the State Department in an effort to find jobs for Clinton Foundation donors. Moreover, earlier this week, the Associated Press reported ‘[m]ore than half the people outside of government who met with [Secretary] Clinton while she was secretary of state gave money – either personally or through companies or groups – to the Clinton Foundation.’ These reports give rise to a perception that access to our State Department’s official resources, were for sale.”

Unfortunately, the nation’s purveyors of “honest journalism” are too busy covering nonsense that they believe will hurt Hillary Clinton’s GOP opponent and they are turning a blind eye to the vast-Clinton-conspiracy.

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Obama, Holder, Sharpton, Farrakhan incited race war, says former DOJ prosecutor

The rioting in the Wisconsin city of Milwaukee — that resulted from an alleged shooting death of an African American armed-suspect by a black police officer — is yet more evidence of the racial disharmony that’s intensifying under the current government and civil-rights leaders.

In fact, a former prosecutor from the U.S. Department of Justice was already in the process of suing President Barack Obama, former Attorney General Eric Holder, civil rights activist Rev. Al Sharpton and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, for inciting what amounts to a race war that led to a number of cop killings including Dallas police shootings.

The founder of two top government watchdog groups — Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch) Larry Klayman filed the class-action lawsuit in federal court. Klayman is seeking more than $2 billion dollars in damages from all those named as defendants.

“That amount of damage is for everybody who’s been harmed here,” Klayman told the Fox Business Network’s anchorwoman Deirdre Bolton. “It’s law enforcement across the board—whether it’s black, white or whatever color, race or creed—police have been trashed, law enforcement trashed… it’s a severe crisis. This President would like to think that he’s king, but he’s no Martin Luther King. In fact, he’s closer to Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton in terms of the way he does things.”

Klayman is also quoted as saying, “[The lawsuit] is about racial equality, it’s not about prejudice. Meaning everybody should be treated equally.”

Klayman claims that President Obama has not been representing all of the American people.

Besides this latest lawsuit, on August 8, Klayman appeared in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia with the heartbroken parents of Benghazi victims (Tyrone Woods and Sean Smith) Charles Woods and the outspoken but ignored Pat Smith, and filed lawsuit against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who is in the midst of a presidential campaign.

Woods and Smith are seeking justice against Clinton for her allegedly causing the death of their sons at the hands of Libyan Islamic terrorists. They are also charging her with defamation as well as intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress.

Besides her allowing former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, who served as a contract security agent in Libya, and Sean Smith, a foreign service officer with the State Department, to be killed by Islamists, the plaintiffs claim Clinton blamed the attack and the killings on a U.S. filmmaker’s movie denigrating the Muslim religion and its leader Mohammed. She later denied she told the family members about a film and insinuated they were liars.

Upon filing suit, Klayman made a statement to the news media on behalf of the aggrieved parents of the brave men who died for their country in what the survivors call The Battle of Benghazi. “Having used a secret private email server that we now know was used to communicate with Ambassador Christopher Stevens with confidential and classified government information, and which we also now know was likely hacked by hostile adversaries such as Iran, Russia, China and North Korea aligning with terrorist groups, it is clear that Hillary Clinton negligently and recklessly gave up the classified location of the plaintiffs’ sons, resulting in a deadly terrorist attack that took their lives,” said Klayman.

“To add insult to deadly injury, Hillary Clinton told the plaintiffs that their sons were killed as the result of a video mocking the Islamic prophet Mohammed when she knew that they were murdered by Muslim terrorists. When the families exposed her lies, she called them liars to protect her reputation and to further her own presidential ambitions. She thus defamed the parents of fallen heroes Tyrone Woods and Sean Smith, as well committed other wrongful acts, as alleged in the complaint.,” declared the experienced attorney.

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Murdered DNC staffer leaked Hillary emails to Wikileaks: Julian Assange

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange implied in an interview that a murdered Democratic National Committee staffer was the source of a trove of damaging emails the rogue website posted just days before the party’s convention.

Speaking to Dutch television program Nieuswsuur Tuesday after earlier announcing a $20,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of Seth Rich’s killer, Assange said the July 11 murder of Rich in Northwest Washington was an example of the risk leakers undertake.

The 27-year-old man who worked for the Democratic National Committee was shot and killed as he walked home in the Bloomingdale neighborhood of Northwest Washington, D.C., police and his family said.

Seth Conrad Rich died after he was shot multiple times three blocks east of Howard University Hospital, said members of the Metropolitan Police Department on Sunday, July 11.

The victim’s mother, Mary Rich, said police told her family her son may have been the victim of an attempted robbery.

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz issued a statement on Monday mourning the death of Rich, who worked as voter expansion data director.

“Our hearts are broken with the loss of one of our DNC family members over the weekend. Seth Rich was a dedicated, selfless public servant who worked tirelessly to protect the most sacred right we share as Americans – the right to vote,” she said. “He saw the great potential of our nation and believed that, together, we can make the world a better place,” said Wasserman Schultz, who is having political problems of her own thanks to a Wikileaks document dump.

Meanwhile, presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton spoke about Rich: “Just this past Sunday, a young man, Seth Rich — who worked for the Democratic National Committee, to expand voting rights — was shot and killed in his neighborhood in Washington. He was just 27 years old,” she said.

“Surely we can agree that weapons of war have no place on the streets of America,” Clinton added, even though police didn’t identify the weapon in the few news reports on the killing.

“[Police officers] did not release any information on the type of weapon the shooter may have used so it’s not known how Clinton knew it was a ‘weapon of war?'” said police forensic expert Saul Levinson.

He was talking on the phone with his girlfriend when she heard noise on Rich’s end of the line, Mary Rich said. Her son told his girlfriend not to worry about it.

“There had been a struggle. His hands were bruised, his knees are bruised, his face is bruised, and yet he had two shots to his back, and yet they never took anything,” she said.

“Police are calling it an attempted robbery gone wrong, but once the victim was shot dead, they had sufficient time to empty his pockets, which they didn’t. They took nothing but Rich’s life,” said Levinson

“They hurt the community, and they hurt the long-term possibility of what he could have done. They took his life for literally no reason. They didn’t finish robbing him, they just took his life,” Mary Rich said during a press briefing.

Rich lived in the neighborhood, Acting Capt. Anthony Haythe of the Metropolitan Police Department’s homicide branch said at a news conference Monday morning.

Fifth District police officers were patrolling the area about 4:20 a.m. when they heard gunshots, police said.

When police arrived on Flagler Place, they found Rich suffering from multiple gunshot wounds.

Police have no witnesses and are searching the area for surveillance video footage, Haythe said. The acting captain said he could not comment on whether the killing was related to recent robberies in the area.

Rich worked for the Democratic National Committee, his father said. He graduated from Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, and previously worked on Democrats’ campaigns, for the U.S. Census Bureau and as a boating instructor at a summer camp, according to his LinkedIn page.

“I have an enormous interest in public service and working towards making the world a better place,” Rich wrote on the page.

Seth Conrad Rich was the Voter Expansion Data Director at the DNC and had been working on exposing the recent cases of election fraud and voter suppression during the recent primaries around the country, according to his LinkedIn.com listing. Some Internet web sites that cover politics have said Rich was a whistleblower who discovered irregularities in Democratic Party voting patterns.

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Obama deceives voters about ransom paid to Iran

…Hillary avoids subject

A shocking — but not surprising — news report appearing in Wednesday’s Wall Street Journal revealed that President Barack Obama and his minions transported a secret payment to the terrorist-supporting Iranian that appears to be a ransom for the release of abducted Americans.

“The Obama administration secretly organized an airlift of $400 million worth of cash to Iran that coincided with the January release of four Americans detained in Tehran, according to U.S. and European officials and congressional staff briefed on the operation afterward,” stated the WSJ story.

Reporters described unmarked wooden crates overflowing with paper money including Euros, Swiss francs and other currencies, but no U.S. dollars, that were loaded onto a cargo plane secretly flown into Iran, according to these officials. “The U.S. procured the money from the central banks of the Netherlands and Switzerland,” they stated.

While Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton was involved in negotiations with Iran while Secretary of State, she is avoiding the subject as details are being revealed that it was a “sucker deal.”

Despite more and more information surfacing during the day, Obama’s officials, including his press secretary, Josh Earnest, denied any link between the payment and the American prisoner release. They claim the entire episode is coincidence and what it appears: quid pro quo.

But GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump states it’s a “scandal” that President Obama’s administration paid $400 million dollars to Iran around the time four American hostages were released by the radical Islamist nation.

The fledgling TV cable news channel OAN is also reporting that members of the Department of Justice opposed the delivery of $400 million to Iran saying it would be viewed by the world as a ransom payment and place other Americans overseas in danger. But Obama overruled the DOJ and the Attorney General remained silent.

The Iranian government’s experience dealing with the Obama administration, especially Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her successor John Kerry, has shown a total lack of respect or fear of American power.

For example, speaking candidly and openly to a number of high-level Iranians in both public and private sectors, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, in a speech claimed the United States, under President Barack Obama’s leadership, no longer possesses the might and awe it once enjoyed, according to Middle Eastern news sources.

Speaking during a meeting of Iran’s Assembly of Experts in Tehran, the Ayatollah promised that the current “world order” will be replaced with a new world order that is already emerging not only in the Middle East but also in the West.

“The realities in the region and the world show a serious uncertainty in the [America’s] principles of power and might; therefore, we should understand the realities correctly to prevent wrong analyses,” Khamenei said.

According to Iran’s ABNA news agency, Muslim leaders working in the U.S. as a de facto Fifth Column are hoping to garner another million voter registrations from within the nation’s Muslim communities. They are pushing the registration drive as combating the anti-Muslim Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

The Iranian news agency claims that there are about 3.3 million Muslims in United States, but campaign organizers said, “Muslim voters could have an outsize impact in swing states that are key to the November general election, such as Virginia and Florida.”

“We want the Muslim community to understand that if you give up your rights voluntarily, no one will come and give it back to you,” said Osama Abu Irshaid of the U.S. Council of Muslims.

Imams have been asked to encourage their congregations to register to vote for Hillary Clinton. The Democratic Party hopeful reportedly helped to create what’s now called the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Organizers have sent canvassers to college campuses, bus stations and gas stations in Muslim neighborhoods but will register non-Muslims who support their Islamic neighbors.

Important information:

Assange: Why I Created WikiLeaks’ Searchable Database of 30,000 Emails from Clinton’s Private Server

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Journalist killed: more suspicious deaths linked to Hillary & Bill Clinton

A well-respected commentator for the American Free Press named Victor Thorn was found dead near his home in the mountains of Pennsylvania. The initial cause of death was listed as a gunshot wound. Police officials, family members and some close friends believe that Thorn took his own life on his birthday, August 1. Thorn was 54.

During a prolific writing career, the self-appointed watchdog authored a whopping 20 books. Thorn also reported for the American Free Press newspaper for over a decade, writing thousands of articles. He is best known for his investigate research on both President Bill Clinton and his wife, presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton.

“Thorn had a wealth of knowledge about the Clinton family and its series of questionable — even illegal — acts which ended Bill’s career as an attorney [when he was disbarred] and resulted his paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to victims,” said Caleb Dirksen-Morris, a former police detective now serving as a political consultant. “Many of his colleagues believe he had plenty of fresh material on Hillary Clintion, who Thorn believed was the most devious and corrupt politician since Lyndon Baines Johnson,” said Morris.

Thorn, who changed his name from Scott Robert Makufka, wrote a three-part book series — the Clinton trilogy— that covered the history of two of America’s most powerful and corrupt individuals. He also covered Bill Clinton’s sexual assaults of women, and the suspected CIA drug running out of Mena, Arkansas while Clinton was governor of the state.

Conspiracy theorists have for years alleged that an inordinate number of people who get close to Bill and Hillary Clinton’s world have met untimely deaths through homicides, apparent suicides, and suspicious accidents. After they left the White House, those mysterious deaths were all but forgotten. However, within the last two months, two men connected with Hillary Clinton met their demise through suspicious circumstances, including a DNC whistleblower.

Last month, a 27-year-old man who worked for the Democratic National Committee was shot and killed as he walked home in the Bloomingdale neighborhood of Northwest Washington, D.C., police and his family said.

Seth Conrad Rich died after he was shot multiple times three blocks east of Howard University Hospital, said members of the Metropolitan Police Department on Sunday, July 11.

The victim’s mother, Mary Rich, said police told her family her son may have been the victim of an attempted robbery.

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz issued a statement on Monday mourning the death of Rich, who worked as voter expansion data director.

“Our hearts are broken with the loss of one of our DNC family members over the weekend. Seth Rich was a dedicated, selfless public servant who worked tirelessly to protect the most sacred right we share as Americans – the right to vote,” she said. “He saw the great potential of our nation and believed that, together, we can make the world a better place,” said Wasserman Schultz, who is having political problems of her own thanks to a Wikileaks document dump.

Meanwhile, presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton spoke about Rich: “Just this past Sunday, a young man, Seth Rich — who worked for the Democratic National Committee, to expand voting rights — was shot and killed in his neighborhood in Washington. He was just 27 years old,” she said.

“Surely we can agree that weapons of war have no place on the streets of America,” Clinton added, even though police didn’t identify the weapon in the few news reports on the killing.

“[Police officers] did not release any information on the type of weapon the shooter may have used so it’s not known how Clinton knew it was a ‘weapon of war?'” said police forensic expert Saul Levinson.

He was talking on the phone with his girlfriend when she heard noise on Rich’s end of the line, Mary Rich said. Her son told his girlfriend not to worry about it.

“There had been a struggle. His hands were bruised, his knees are bruised, his face is bruised, and yet he had two shots to his back, and yet they never took anything,” she said.

“Police are calling it an attempted robbery gone wrong, but once the victim was shot dead, they had sufficient time to empty his pockets, which they didn’t. They took nothing but Rich’s life,” said Levinson

“They hurt the community, and they hurt the long-term possibility of what he could have done. They took his life for literally no reason. They didn’t finish robbing him, they just took his life,” Mary Rich said during a press briefing.

Rich lived in the neighborhood, Acting Capt. Anthony Haythe of the Metropolitan Police Department’s homicide branch said at a news conference Monday morning.

Fifth District police officers were patrolling the area about 4:20 a.m. when they heard gunshots, police said.

When police arrived on Flagler Place, they found Rich suffering from multiple gunshot wounds.

Police have no witnesses and are searching the area for surveillance video footage, Haythe said. The acting captain said he could not comment on whether the killing was related to recent robberies in the area.

Rich worked for the Democratic National Committee, his father said. He graduated from Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, and previously worked on Democrats’ campaigns, for the U.S. Census Bureau and as a boating instructor at a summer camp, according to his LinkedIn page.

“I have an enormous interest in public service and working towards making the world a better place,” Rich wrote on the page.

Seth Conrad Rich was the Voter Expansion Data Director at the DNC and had been working on exposing the recent cases of election fraud and voter suppression during the recent primaries around the country, according to his LinkedIn.com listing. Some Internet web sites that cover politics have said Rich was a whistleblower who discovered irregularities in Democratic Party voting patterns.

In addition, there are major questions being raised about the suspicious death of former United Nations (U.N.) official John Ashe last month. Serving as president of the U.N., Ashe had contact with both Bill and Hillary Clinton, according to news reports.

A bombshell report shows that Ashe, who was found dead last week, supposedly due to a heart attack, is having the reason for death brought into question.

Police officers in the city of Dobbs Ferry, New York have claimed he instead died by a crushed throat in a “workout accident.”

Ashe was scheduled to testify in court, along with Ng Lap Seng – a Chinese businessman and co-defendant – who received more than $1 billion during his term as president of the U.N. in donations.

Sing also found ways to illegally funnel money to Democrats during President Bill Clinton’s term in office.

Ashe, was accused of tax fraud, died in his home in Westchester County, New York. The U.N. said he’d had a heart attack. But the local Dobbs Ferry police said Thursday that his throat had been crushed, presumably by a barbell he dropped while pumping iron.

As he was due in court with his Chinese businessman co-defendant Ng Lap Seng, who is charged with smuggling $4.5 million into the US since 2013 and lying that it was to buy art and casino chips.

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Hillary’s ‘dangerous’ immigration plan same as Obama’s

The U.S. Border Patrol agents’ national union, after more than 7-years of being marginalized by President Barack Obama, is now similarly being handcuffed by presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton’s plan to keep America’s borders open and grant amnesty to illegal immigrants already living in the U.S.

“Clinton and Obama both agree that they must appease the radical extremists in their party’s furthest fringe,” the National Border Patrol Council said in a statement posted on its website on Thursday, just hours before Clinton formally accepted the Democratic party’s presidential nomination at the Philadelphia convention.

On the same subject, Congressman Bob Goodlatte, R-Virginia, chairman of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, issued a statement this week — in the midst of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia — criticizing the Obama Administration’s latest over-reach of its executive-branch powers which will be honored and expanded by a Hillary Clinton White House.

The statement blasts President Obama for expanding his policy allowing certain aliens, including those who have received his own brand of executive amnesty, to have their relatives living in Honduras, Guatemala, or El Salvador brought to the United States to live.

“Once again, the Obama Administration has decided to blow wide open any small discretion it has in order to reward individuals who have no lawful presence in the United States with the ability to bring their family members here. Today’s expansion of the Obama Administration’s policy is simply a continuation of the government-sanctioned border surge [that brought thousands of children, teenagers and young adults into the United States], said Rep. Goodlatte.

According to the congressman, tens of thousands of illegal immigrants continue to pour across the U.S. Southwest border and are benefiting from Obama’s lax immigration enforcement. This latest surge creates another category of immigrants who can simply use this Obama government program to enter and stay in the United States at taxpayer expense.

“By allowing unlawful immigrants to benefit from this program, the Obama Administration undermines the integrity of our immigration system and the rule of law, and makes the system unfair for those who seek to come to the United States legally. Rather than take the steps necessary to end the ongoing crisis at the border, the Obama Administration perpetuates it by abusing a legal tool meant to be used sparingly to bring people to the United States and instead applying it to the masses in Central America,” stated Goodlatte.

The State Department and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) on Tuesday had announced an expansion of a program that allows certain aliens – lawful permanent residents and those with temporary protected status, parole, withholding of removal, deferred action, and deferred enforced departure – to petition for relatives in Honduras, Guatemala, or El Salvador to come to the United States.

The program currently allows these aliens to petition for their unmarried children under the age of 21 and their current spouse (if they live with the child) to be considered for in-country refugee processing. The program is now expanded to their children over the age of 21; their parents; and caregivers of their minor children who are related to them, such as grandparents, aunts and uncles, according to the statement.

If these relatives do not meet the refugee requirements under the law, they can then be considered for parole into the United States, a tool that is, even according to the Administration itself, meant to be used sparingly on a case-by-case basis.

President Obama has boasted that his administration has deported more illegal aliens than any previous administration, but his claim met with an abundance of pushback by Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents who complain this administration is “cooking the books.” One method is to count those illegal aliens who are caught attempting to enter the U.S. – and who are quickly sent back – as deportations even if it’s the same person attempting illegal entry several times. Each attempt is logged as a deportation, according to agents.

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News media deceive Americans about Trump press conference

…but defend and cover up DNC emails ridiculing blacks, Latinos and gays

“… I’ve never seen the news media as a whole sink to this level. They are operating in a cesspool of dirty politics.”

During his press conference — something he reminded reporters Hillary has failed to hold — presidential hopeful Donald Trump on Wednesday obviously joked that he hoped the Russian would release Hillary Clinton’s so-called missing or “scrubbed” email that created a stir in Washington.

The news media are claiming that Trump asked his friend President Vladimir Putin to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails, and then release them to the press. “He never said that while I was listening to the press conference,” noted Scott Leonardo, a former police intelligence analyst.

“Besides, the New York Times already printed a story before the presser that accused the Russian leader of colluding with GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump,” said Leonardo, currently a corporate director of security.

Instead of reporting on the disgusting and embarrassing things said by Democratic Party staff and politicians about Latinos, blacks and others are contained in the emails, the news media are defending the Democrats by not covering the story but instead making up stories about Donald Trump. “I’ve worked as a police and intelligence officer for more than 35 years,” said Capt. Gordon Eisley in New Jersey, “and I’ve never seen the news media as a whole sink to this level. They are operating in a cesspool of dirty politics.”

In the Wednesday press conference at his Doral golf course, Trump is quoted as saying: “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing,” he said. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.” But he obviously made the statement tongue-in-cheek.

“These news people walk around Washington D.C. and New York City as if they’re intellectual giants, they can’t tell when someone is joking? Or are they just selective? I know they despise Trump as much as these Democratic Party publicists despised President Ronald Reagan,” said Jonathan McNaughton, who served on the national drug task force that was chaired by George H.W. Bush.

The media telephoned so-called unnamed analysts and claimed these said Trump’s call for a nation that considered a rival to actually hack the e-mails of a major U.S. political party or the server of a former secretary of state was as extraordinary as it was unprecedented.

“But right there, they are lying. If there was hacking, it occurred months ago — perhaps years ago. Hillary’s private server no longer exists. Or does it? The true liars are working on her campaign and in the media,” said Director Leonardo. “In fact, during the FBI investigation, the American people were told Hillary’s private server wasn’t hacked by a foreign intelligence service or group. So which is it? Was she hacked or wasn’t she hacked? If the Russians do have those emails I do hope they release them before the people I call ‘the walking dead’ cast their votes for Hillary Clinton,” he said to the Conservative Base.

The news media are claiming Russian hackers gave the embarrassing DNC emails to WikiLeaks, which released them last Friday, on the eve of the Democratic Party convention. The part about Wikileaks’ Julian Assange releasing the emails is true, but he didn’t do it to help Trump, who he dislikes as much as he dislikes Hillary Clinton.

The New York Times reports that when their reporter Katy Tur questioned Trump if he was urging a foreign nation to hack into Clinton’s private email server, and meddle in the U.S. presidential elections, Trump dismissed the question.

“That’s up to the president,” Trump said, shushing her and saying “be quiet — let the president talk to them [the Russians].” Trump also refused reporters’ suggestions to call on Putin to not meddle in the U.S. presidential election.

“I’m not going to tell Putin what to do,” Trump told the reporters who many believe had their claws out for Trump. “Why should I tell Putin what to do?”

The Clinton campaign almost immediately accused Trump of encouraging Russian espionage against the United States. No where did they blame the fact that documents were unprotected on Hillary Clinton’s private — and secret server.

As usual in stories about Republicans, the news media went into full frenzy-mode over Trump’s statements. But they didn’t say a peep about the DNC breaking the law in front of millions of Americans during their own convention.

The Democrats brought two illegal aliens on stage to pander to their far-left base. But these immigrants broke American law. But the DNC also broke the law, according to NewsmaxTV commentator and filmmaker Dennis Michael Lynch. In addition, it’s a felony to harbor two illegal aliens, which is two violations of Section 8 U.S. Code 1324.

“The Clintons and their news media lapdogs are trying to sell people the idea that Trump is hurting national security when it’s both Bill and Hillary who sold out the nation for a bunch of speaking fees from foreign governments who wanted U.S. taxpayer money or military weapons and equipment,” said Paul De La Rosa, a former military intelligence officer, now a private security manager. “And are the media looking into crimes committed by a political party knee-deep in corruption. Not during this election cycle,” he added.

Appearing on the NewsmaxTV program, the Steve Malzberg Show, Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft appeared to discuss other emails that are just as revealing as the Wasserman Schultz Internet comments. Jim Hoft is active in the Tea Party and was the associate producer of Hating Breitbart.

Holt discussed a list he had compiled and said the work was done by supporters of both Democrat Bernie Sanders and Republican Donald Trump.

The list included:

DNC member killing horses for insurance money.

DNC making fun of a black woman’s name.

DNC telling each other, “I love you too. no homo.”

DNC requesting a pull on an MSNBC commentary segment.

DNC controlling the narrative with time released stories.

DNC conspiring to create false Trump information and release with Reuters.

DNC Hillary supporters infiltrated Sanders campaign.

DNC members going to complain to Morning Joe producers about his mentioning of a “rigged system.”

DNC discussing their relationship with NBC/MSNBC/CNN and how to get better treatment.

Super PAC paying young voters to push back online Sanders supporters. Paid shills.

According to Hoft, Malzberg and others, these emails are not the last that will be released. As reported in the Conservative Base, when asked about why Assange dislikes Mrs. Clinton so much, he noted: “She’s a war hawk with bad judgement who gets an unseemly emotional rush out of killing people.”

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DNC’s anti-cop sentiment intensified by Hillary Clinton

The cop-killing gunman, 29-year-old Gavin Long — who ambushed police officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, leaving three law enforcement officers dead and another three wounded on Sunday morning — is slowly being understood by authorities, but for not the right reasons. Long, who was shot dead by police officers responding to his unprovoked attack, is being given held up as a hero by some involved in Black Lives Matter, the New Black Panthers and other black-racist groups.

And the news media — who’ve always shown a preference for stories that accuse police of showing a propensity for violence and racism — are attempting to separate these and other cop-killings from Democratic Party politics and politicians such as Hillary Clinton and her team of counter-culture retreads.

The media wishes to avoid the obvious: Hillary Clinton and her party’s anti-cop rhetoric is nothing new; these Democrats are mostly retreads from the anti-America 1960’s that saw people such as Hillary’s husband Bill Clinton marching with radicals carrying a Vietcong flag. Also included with these counter-culture activists were media-stars such as Bobby Seales, William Ayers, Eldridge Cleaver, Mark Rudd, and others who advocated violence and targeted police officer (“pigs”).

For example, in 1971 in New York City, Police Officers Waverly Jones and Joseph Piagentini were shot and killed while on foot patrol in the Colonial Park Houses public housing complex, at 159th Street and Harlem River Drive. They were ambushed by members of the Black Liberation Army.

According to analysts at the organizations Homeland Security News Wire (HSNW) and National Association of Chiefs of Police (NACOP), the Baton Rouge cop-killer Gavin Long appears to have been motivated by 1960’s-era Black Nationalism movement. Its leaders — such as Malcolm X, Elijah Mohammed and the Nation of Islam, the original Black Panthers and the Symbionese Liberation Army — called on African Americans to violently fight back against the “white power structure” in the United States. Some even advocated taking land in the U.S. and creating their own Black Power nation.

As the two patrolmen were returning to their police cruiser, three suspects snuck up behind them and opened fire. Patrolman Jones was struck in the back of the head and killed instantly. Patrolman Piagentini was shot 13 times and succumbed to his injuries en route to the hospital.

One of the suspects stole Patrolman Jones’ weapon which was later recovered in San Francisco, California, after several BLA members executed a San Francisco police officer, Sergeant John Victor Young.

The three suspects were arrested and sentenced to 25 years to life. One of the suspects died in prison. The other two have been denied parole several times. These two suspects, along with five others, were also involved in the murder of Sgt. Young of the San Francisco Police Department on August 29th, 1971. One has a parole hearing in June 2018, and the other has his hearing in February 2018.

Five days after the fatal shooting of five police officers in Dallas, Texas, Long posted a video on YouTube to express his views on the incident: “I’m not gonna harp on that, you know, with a brother killing the police. You get what I’m saying?” Long said. “That’s, it’s justice.”

In another video, referring to Native Americans, Long said, “When they were extincted by the same people that run this country, my question to you, just something you can think about: At what point should they have stood up?”

In yet another video, he praised the Deacons for Defense — a group of African Americans who formed an armed self-defense group during the civil rights movement of the 1960s — as men who “when they kids was also getting killed by cops and other white supremacy members, they stood up and stood firm.”

“It’s a time for peace, but it’s a time for war, and most of the times when you want peace, you got to go to war,” Long said in another video. “You see what I’m saying?”

According to Homeland Security News Wire, “Police believe Long was in Baton Rouge to promote a self-help book he wrote and self-published. The book, The Cosmo Way: A W(H)olistic Guide for the Total Transformation of Melanated People, is written under the pen name Cosmo Setepenra. In the introduction, Long claimed that he had a spiritual revelation while in college and soon sold his cars and gave away his material possessions, and took a trip to Africa — his ancestral homeland.

He wrote in the book that he traveled across the continent learning from its native spiritual practitioners and elder holistic healers and was concerned in particular that people with darker skin lead healthy, holistic lifestyles.”

“If Hillary Clinton is elected to the White House and the Democrats take control of both houses of Congress, it will be a sad day for not only law enforcement but also for Americans. She will cause more deterioration to relations between police and the communities they serve, while at the same time she’ll appoint leftist, counter-culture Supreme Court justices. That will clear the road for disarming the American people!” noted former police captain, Russell Leckie.

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California to indoctrinate 7-year-old school children with new ‘LGBT’ curriculum

Done under cover of all the global turmoil distractions

On Thursday, July 14, the California Board of Education adopted a framework for a new “LGBT” social studies curriculum that will have national ramifications since textbooks will be written to comply.

Starting in second grade, students must be taught about diverse family types in a positive way and must accept having families with children deprived of a married mother and father is a good thing. In fourth grade they must learn about the redefinition of marriage and thereforemust accept that marriage has nothing to do with children and families; it is merely a lifestyle choice for adults. By high school the focus is on the right to create one’s own sexual identity and how people have been doing that throughout history. So far the curriculum sticks to lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender lifestyles.

“The greatest concern is that the framework tends to normalize and reinforce things that have led to negative social and human consequences in society such as fatherlessness and children deprived of married mothers and fathers,” said William B. May for the Marriage Reality Movement.

“Curricula should be evaluated by how well it promotes men and women marrying before having children, discourages conceiving children with the intention of depriving them of the fundamental right of knowing, being loved by, and being in relationship with their own mother, father or both, and helps children understand the value of true friendship that can lead to stable marriages and families rather than friendships based on sexual relationships that are presented as love.”

May emphasized, “It is not enough to oppose the agenda to provide our children with a corrupted understanding of love, sexuality, marriage and family that affects the choices they make in their own lives, we must provide a positive alternative to reframe the dialogue.”

“The Marriage Reality Movement starts with reintroducing love and marriage from the beginning to a culture that has forgotten its meaning. It provides parents and others with new ways of explaining the reality of marriage so the young children can understand and explain it to their friends, and it is building a new coalition to take back marriage for our children and family that is defined by clear objectives based on what we are for rather than against.”

How young people understand the truth about sexual intimacy, marriage, and family influences the choices they make in their own lives. The culture is feeding them a steady diet of information that is designed to lead them away from the truth. The Marriage Reality Movement first and foremost seeks to “reintroduce” marriage at all levels of society, starting from the beginning.

The California State Board of Education unanimously approved those changes in classroom instruction on Thursday to comply with the nation’s first law requiring public schools to include prominent gay Americans and LGBT rights milestones in history classes, according to LGBTQ Nation.

The website states that updates are part of a broader overhaul of California’s history and social science curriculum. During four hours of public testimony, dozens of speakers criticized the way the framework discusses Muslims, Hindus, Jews and Japan’s use of “comfort women” during World War II, but no one objected to the inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights.

A young high school student, Allyson Chiu, claims she just finished 11th grade at Cupertino High School. She said the revisions would make LGBT students more comfortable. She and seven others spoke in favor of how the guidelines address gay issues.

“My classmates can solve quadratic equations or cite the elements on the periodic table. They can’t tell you who Harvey Milk was or the significance of the Stonewall Riots,” Chiu said.

The California governor has signed into law a bill that will not simply require a “gay history” curriculum. It requires a form of “indoctrination” that will label Christianity as being intolerant and bigoted, one critic says.

“The bill is not about teaching gay history. That’s what the sponsors of the bill are portraying it as. That is not the language of the bill. That is not what it does, that’s not the intent,” William B. May, head of the San Francisco-based Catholics for the Common Good, told CNA on July 15.

While the history of the gay rights movement would be covered in history books as history, he said, the bill’s curriculum standards require “bringing to the attention of students the sexuality of people in history and social studies, who happen to be gay, lesbian, transgender or bisexual.”

Gov. Jerry Brown signed the bill into law on July 14 after it passed the Democrat-controlled legislature on a largely party-line vote.

“We’re disappointed that the governor signed it,” May said. “It’s a troubling precedent for politicians to dictate what’s in textbooks.”

Democratic state Sen. Mark Leno of San Francisco, the bill’s author, said that teaching gay history in public schools will teach students to be more accepting of gays and lesbians.

“We should not be afraid to teach our children of the broad diversity of human experience,” Sen. Leno said, according to Fox News. “It’s not going away, it’s always been with us. We have different kinds of people, who are, under law, to be treated equally. Why would we not want to teach our children this?”

“It also has the effect of making sure that they are portrayed in a good light,” May counters. “It’s really an indoctrination bill that is being totally misrepresented by the politicians and by the [news] media.”

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Former generals, intelligence experts: Hillary dangerous to our republic

Despite the FBI and Justice Departments refusal to pursue criminal charges against presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, a number of military leaders who specialize in intelligence gathering and analysis believe Mrs. Clinton is unfit to command the nation’s entire military and public safety services.

“Clinton is a malignant narcissist who believes she knows best and therefore whatever she does is legal and correct including misconduct if it furthers her globalist agenda,” said political strategist Michael Baker. “The best generals – those opposed to the New World Order philosophy – fear that Hillary Clinton acting as the U.S. Commander in Chief will be another step down towards Third-World status,” said Baker.

Appearing on a decidedly progressive television news program, former Director of Central Intelligence Michael Hayden told the show’s audience that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of an unsecured email server while conducting highly sensitive government business shows a leader who is dangerous to the republic and state secrets.

Hayden served in the United States Air Force for 41 years attaining the rank of four-star general. He was appointed as the Director of the National Security Agency and then as the Director for the CIA. Although widely respected by political leaders in both parties — he worked for both Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush — he has openly battled with those who opposed the tactics used by the CIA and NSA in the war on Islamic terrorism.

During his appearance on MSNBC, a news organization thought to be unfriendly to conservatives especially those working in the military, law enforcement and the intelligence community, the discussion about the alleged security breaches turned to Hillary Clinton’s now famous email and her personal email server that she used instead of the one given to her by the U.S. State Department.

While as a rule MSNBC is biased in favor of Democrats, especially leaders such as President Barack Obama, former President Bill Clinton and now Hillary Clinton, Hayden did not mince words in discussing the latest Clinton scandal. Hayden said, “Number one, put legality aside for a second, [what Clinton did] was stupid and dangerous.

“Dangerous to whom?” asked host Joe Scarborough. “Dangerous to her. And [dangerous] to the republic and to American secrets. But I don’t even think it was legal. That has to be against policy. I’m stunned that her staff allowed her to do that in 2009 given the unhappy outcome that this [server snafu] guaranteed once [she] started doing that,” Hayden said.

Another top intelligence expert, who served under President Barack Obama, has similar beliefs as Gen. Hayden. Former Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn told Fox News Channel that the probability that Hillary Clinton’s emails were hacked is very high. Flynn, who ran the Defense Intelligence Agency after serving at the Pentagon and recently retired, said it was likely Clinton’s emails — and those sent to her by her staff such as Huma Abedin and Cheryl Miller — were hacked, he told Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly. [YouTube Link]

Although Clinton and her minions are calling any allegations against her a “right-wing conspiracy,” Rep. Trey Gowdy, the Republican chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, was correct in saying he and the other Republicans have nothing to do with the FBI’s investigation. The case was referred to the FBI by two Obama administration inspectors general: one from the intelligence community and the other from the Department of State. Both men are Democratic appointees.

Retired U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, who serves as a contributor to several news organizations, also chimed in about Mrs. Clinton: “We have witnessed this same behavior before, even Hillary Clinton in Bosnia, sensationalizing [her] experience to look and appear like a hero in a dangerous environment.”

During a speech she gave before a crowd of African American voters, Democratic Party presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton likened American police officers with Muslim terrorists, causing one of the nation’s most popular and articulate lawmen to blast her as being a racist and a liar. It was no surprise that Mrs. Clinton’s admirers in the news media chose to overlook her words and few Americans actually saw the video footage of her anti-cop vitriol.

“Yes, I believe there are all kinds of underground movements and efforts in our country that try to use violence or assert beliefs that I find often lead to violence,” Clinton said before she outright accused police officers of being terrorists. “I think that when you have police violence that terrorized communities, that doesn’t show the respect that you’re supposed to have from respecting people in your authority, that can feel, also, terrorizing,” said Mrs. Clinton, who fared well in her criminal investigation thanks to corrupt a FBI director, a bought-and-paid-for attorney general and a President as guilty as Clinton.

According to African American Sheriff David Clarke of Milwaukee County in Wisconsin, for years the Left has smeared law enforcement officers as racists by claiming that black and other minority crime suspects are more likely to be shot by police. To hear many liberals tell it, police cruise around looking for minority kids to gun down for sport, according to the well-known sheriff who has been angry with the treatment of law enforcement by the likes of politicians and leftists.

Ironically, reports have surfaced that allege Clinton and her former boss, Barack Hussein Obama, are credited with the creation of ISIS and that they trained and armed that Islamist army in the hope that they would help push Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad out of power.

But now science has shown this leftist narrative to be a lie. A study was conducted at Washington State University using active duty police and highly realistic simulators that mimic dangerous scenarios officers encounter in the line of duty. The result? Police are significantly less likely to mistakenly shoot minority suspects, and took significantly longer to fire at armed black suspects than armed white suspects, according to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, County Sheriff David Clarke.

‘While I’m happy to see my fellow law enforcement officers vindicated against this persistent liberal smear, there’s also something very troubling about the results of this study. There are only two factors an officer should take into account when deciding whether to use their weapon against an armed suspect: his or her own safety and the safety of nearby civilians,” Clarke explained.

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Former Federal Judge investigating Lynch-Clinton airport meeting

“What was just laid out is what we would call a no-brainer in the attorney’s office that Jim Comey worked at. And [Comey] was one of my assistants.” – Rudy Giuliani

A former U.S. federal judge filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for information surrounding the recent private meeting between Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton that occurred on June 27, 2015 at the Phoenix airport.

The meeting took place just days before the FBI announced it would not recommend charges against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The Department of Justice (DOJ) apparently attempted to keep the meeting secret, as reporters on the ground were told: “no photos, no pictures, no cell phones.”

CoA Institute President and CEO, and former federal judge, Alfred J. Lechner, Jr.: “A private meeting between President Bill Clinton and Attorney General Loretta Lynch raises serious concerns about impartiality at the Department of Justice. Today’s announcement that the FBI will not recommend pursuing charges against Hillary Clinton does not remove the public interest in knowing what was discussed.”

To understand the purpose of this meeting, Cause of Action Institute has requested all records, transcripts, or recordings of the meeting as well as the Attorney General’s schedule for June 26 – 28, 2016, including but not limited to pre- and post-meeting email which concern the meeting in any way.

“The [Clinton-Lynch] meeting raises serious concerns about the Attorney General’s impartiality in two pending DOJ investigations, one into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a personal email server to house official government records and the other into the Clinton Foundation. On July 1, 2015, there were conflicting reports about whether Attorney General Lynch will effectively,” CoA states in its legal filing.

Meanwhile, former New York City Mayor and U.S. Attorney Rudy Giuliani blasted FBI Director James Comey for his decision to not indict Hillary Clinton in the email scandal, saying “this is the special exemption for the Clintons.”

“It would be unreasonable for a prosecutor not to go forward with it and almost an abdication of duty,” Giuliani told Gretchen Carlson on Fox News. “What was just laid out is what we would call a no-brainer in the attorney’s office that Jim Comey worked at. {By the way] he [Comey] was one of my assistants,” Giuliani noted.

“A reasonable prosecutor would have brought this case no doubt,” he added. “I don’t know how he ever, ever is going to be able to charge anybody in the CIA or the FBI who is extremely careless with top secret information, if he isn’t charging Hillary Clinton.”

Born in Elizabeth, New Jersey, Lechner was a Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Marine Corps, and received a J.D. from Notre Dame Law School in 1972. He was a judge on the New Jersey Superior Court from 1984 to 1986.

On April 8, 1986, Lechner was nominated by President Ronald Reagan to a seat on the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey and was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on June 6, 1986, and received his commission on June 9, 1986. Lechner served in that capacity until October 1, 2001, when he resigned.

The CoA filing includes the following information requests:

1. Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s schedule for June 26, 27, and 28, 2016, including but not limited to pre- and post-meeting email which concern the Meeting in any way.

2. All records, transcripts, or recordings of the Meeting.

3. All records including notes and/or memoranda by or to the Attorney General in either the Office of the Secretary or the Office of Legal Counsel discussing the Meeting either before or after it occurred. This item includes any advice given or memoranda created in response to the Meeting or news of the Meeting.

4. All records including notes and/or memoranda by or to the Attorney General in either the Office of the Secretary of the Office of Legal Counsel relating to the Attorney General’s decision whether to effectively recuse herself and accept the recommendation of career prosecutors and the FBI in the ongoing investigations relating to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.

5. Any records reflecting the FBI decision or authority to restrict reporters and others on the ground from using cell phones or taking pictures. [Link]

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Hillary evades indictment, prosecution; Trump says system rigged

Democrats across the nation are celebrating what they believed all along: the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s head honcho will formally report to Attorney General Loretta Lynch her allegedly politicized and corrupt Justice Department that there are no grounds for prosecution even its yearlong investigation into Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was the secretary of state under President Barack Obama. Clinton’s opponent, Republic Donald Trump initial reaction to the news accused those involved of rigging the system, something many law enforcement officers have believed since Obama first appointed Eric Holder as the nation’s Top Cop.

While Democrats gloat over the failure to “get Hillary,” cooler heads have noted that even in organized crime cases (RICO), criminal kingpins — including La Cosa Nostra Genovese capo John Gotti — have been able to walk out of federal courts free men. “The problem is that the entire federal justice system is corrupt. In fact, the nation’s federal government is as corrupt as the city of Chicago in the days of Al Capone and Sam Giancana. And those who aren’t corrupt are cowards,” said political strategist and former attorney Mike Baker.

FBI Director James Comey announced on Tuesday that the investigation found there was evidence of extremely careless handling of emails by Clinton and that at least 110 emails contained classified information at the time they were sent. While the news media, a group many believe is in on the “fix,” concentrated their attention on the emails, it’s not known if Comey will also bring down the curtain on the probe of the Clinton Foundation, which has been accused of improper transactions with foreign governments, fraud and money laundering.

“If the federal government should overpass the just bounds of its authority and make a tyrannical use of its powers, the people, whose creature it is, must appeal to the standard they have formed, and take such measures to redress the injury done to the Constitution as the exigency may suggest and prudence justify.” —Alexander Hamilton (1788)

“When I heard about [Attorney General] Lynch secretly meeting with Bill Clinton last week at a Phoenix airport, I knew in my gut the fix was in. The two of them were alone and only God knows what they said. I believe Bill made an offer Loretta couldn’t refuse,” said Martha Minnielli, a former police detective specializing in major crime cases. “The news media also help Clinton immensely by cherry-picking what they revealed to the public. Meanwhile the media would go ballistic over Trump calling a judge who is a member of a La Raza (‘the Race’) attorneys group a Mexican,” the decorated officer added.

“By breaking laws, covering up scandals and flat out lying to the American people, Hillary Clinton has demonstrated time and time again that she cannot be trusted to make decisions that are in the best interest of our country. And her deadly track record spells disaster for a potential Commander-in-Chief,” said Joel Arends, chairman of Vets for a Strong America. “The decision to not prosecute Hillary Clinton is another nail in the coffin of the American Republic,” added Vernon Ronstadt, founded of Police for Constitutional Government.

But others believe that Hillary Clinton isn’t getting away with anything: for example, the newspaper AzCentral’s EJ Montini writes: “For Donald Trump and his followers the only thing better than Hillary Clinton being criminally charged for mishandling classified information was for Hillary Clinton NOT to be charged.

Now – as far as Trump is concerned – the story never dies.”

In an email to the Conservative Base’s editor, a federal law enforcement officer who requested anonymity listed the alleged “criminal resume” of Hillary Clinton:

“Here is a small sample of the alleged illegal and treasonous things Hillary did just while being the Secretary of State:

• Did not appoint an Inspector General for the State Department while she was in office.
• Illegally used her power to facilitate hundreds of millions of questionable/illegal dollars in donations to the Clinton Foundation.

• Also illegally used her power to facilitate hundreds of millions of questionable/illegal dollars going into Bill Clinton’s pockets for speaking fees and international business deals.

• Appointed an unqualified big donor to a sensitive committee.
• Refused to use State Department approved communication systems under any circumstances including using an unsecured private server in her home for all official communications.

• Everything she did was deliberate and coldly calculated to facilitate and cover up her illegal and treasonous activities regardless of the damage she did to America or how much she put America at risk.

• Clinton has done what may be un-repairable damage to America economically and put us at an extreme level of risk for more and bigger terrorist attacks here and abroad.

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Obama’s priority? Transgenderise the military

In the midst of international jihadist attacks including the recent Orlando massacre and the Turkish airport attack with a combined death toll of 92 innocent civilians, President Barack Obama’s Defense Secretary announced the military’s priority of having transgender people openly serving in all branches of U.S. Armed Forces.

The Secretary of Defense Ash Carter announced on Thursday that the Pentagon was ending the ban on transgender people being able to serve openly in the U.S. military.

The announcement — which removes one of the last barriers to military service by any individual — was made by Defense Secretary Ash Carter, who claims he had been studying the issue for almost a year. The decision comes as the military has witnessed major changes in the role of women and the inclusion of gays, lesbians and bisexual service members in recent years.

While Obama and Carter are claiming the decision is approved by a majority of the military brass, there have been numerous generals, admirals, colonels and other officers who have condemned the “sexualizing” of the nation’s warriors.

“During the first week of his administration, in his zeal to keep at least one of his plethora of campaign promises, Bill Clinton created a political firestorm when he signed an executive order lifting the ban against military service by open, practicing homosexuals. In doing so, he made a grave error which risked damaging the one function of the federal government that actually works,” said Rep. Mac Thornberry, Republican chairman of the House Armed Services Committee.

For weeks, “experts” who knew nothing of the military experience spouted psychobabble about the military’s “need” to overcome its “homophobia.” The media did their part by parading homosexual commissioned officers (whose experience is hardly representative) who claimed that they performed their duties well and that what they did in private harmed no one. None of this was relevant, and all of it completely missed the point.

“The real issue was lost in this smoke and mirrors: Is the presence of known, open, practicing homosexuals disruptive to the good order and discipline of military units thus rendering homosexuality incompatible with military service?,” said former Marine officer and New York police detective Michael Snopes.

For weeks, “experts” who knew nothing of the military experience spouted psychobabble about the military’s “need” to overcome its “homophobia.” The media did their part by parading homosexual commissioned officers (whose experience is hardly representative) who claimed that they performed their duties well and that what they did in private harmed no one. None of this was relevant, and all of it completely missed the point. The real issue was lost in this smoke and mirrors: Is the presence of known, open, practicing homosexuals disruptive to the good order and discipline of military units thus rendering homosexuality incompatible with military service?

“This is yet another example of President Obama using America’s military to fight culture wars instead of to fight real wars against the enemies of our nation. Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates said that ‘the only military matter . . . about which I ever sensed deep passion on [President Obama’s] part was ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’ Now Mr. Obama has only added to his legacy of misplaced priorities with regard to our country’s defense,” according to Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin.

“The Defense Department and the military need to avail ourselves of all talent possible in order to remain what we are now — the finest fighting force the world has ever known,” Carter said Thursday at the Pentagon.

“We don’t want barriers unrelated to a person’s qualification to serve preventing us from recruiting or retaining the soldier, sailor, airman or marine who can best accomplish the mission. We have to have access to 100% of America’s population,” he added.

But Rep. Thornberry countered Carter’s statement: “This is the latest example of the Pentagon and the President prioritizing politics over policy. Our military readiness—and hence, our national security—is dependent on our troops being medically ready and deployable. The Administration seems unwilling or unable to assure the Congress and the American people that transgender individuals will meet these individual readiness requirements at a time when our Armed Forces are deployed around the world.”

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Baby killers handed victory by black-robed leftist lawyers

On Monday, the majority of black-robbed, leftist lawyers sitting on the U.S. Supreme Court took a dangerous step backwards by striking down provisions of a Texas abortion law that that abortion providers maintain hospital privileges and meet ambulatory surgical center standards in order to protect both the mother and the child.

The case arose out of a challenge to a Texas law (HB2) that, for the past three years, has required abortion clinics to be governed by the same standards applicable to other outpatient facilities. The premise behind the law is that a procedure involving the insertion of surgical instruments in a woman’s womb should be performed under the same regulations as a colonoscopy.

The Texas law also required abortionists to have admitting privileges in local hospitals, as emergency rooms do not always have specialists available to handle abortion-related complications. Moreover, hospitals investigate the training, performance, licensure, and certification of applicants prior to granting them admitting privileges. This ensures that abortionists are licensed and qualified to perform surgical procedures that can result in life-threatening complications. The shortage of qualified abortionists led to the closure of a number of Texas abortion facilities.

The decision was 5-3 in Whole Women’s Health v. Hellerstedt, which challenged HB2, a sweeping Texas abortion licensing and safety law, according to Newman. “Today’s Supreme Court ruling has essentially relegated women to second-class citizens when it comes to abortion by allowing abortionists to evade meeting basic safety standards that are proven to save lives,” he said in a press statement following the high-court’s announcement.

Justice Steven Breyer wrote the opinion and was joined by four other justices, including Justice Anthony Kennedy, a Reagan nominee. Justice Clarence Thomas wrote the dissenting opinion and was joined by Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito.

“We must remember why these safety rules were enacted. When abortion facilities are exempt from meeting safety standards, conditions and practices deteriorate and women are placed in jeopardy. We saw that truth played out during the murder trial of Pennsylvania abortionist Kermit Gosnell, who killed Karnamaya Mongar and Semika Shaw during sloppy abortions at a squalid ‘House of Horrors,'” he reminded the news media, who are practically celebrating the decision.

Besides those cases, in a 2011 investigation into Texas abortion abuses, Operation Rescue documented poor facility conditions, the illegal disposal of recognizable aborted baby remains, and violations to the Texas 24-hour waiting period and informed consent laws at Whole Women’s Health, the abortion chain challenged the law.

Based on Operation Rescue’s regulatory complaints, Whole Women’s Health was heavily fined for the illegal dumping of aborted baby remains, and two of its abortionists were disciplined for violations uncovered during Operation Rescue’s investigation, as cited by an amici curiae brief, filed by the Liberty Counsel on behalf of Operation Rescue.

Two years later, Operation Rescue reported first-hand on the horrors exposed at the murder trial of Pennsylvania abortionist Kermit Gosnell followed by a report on allegations made by clinic workers of babies who were similarly murdered at a Houston abortion facility that prompted the special legislative sessions that led to the passage of HB2.

Data recently gathered by Operation Rescue during a meticulous survey of every abortion facility in the country, verified that the average wait time for an abortion in Texas was 23% shorter than the national average wait even though half of the state’s abortion clinics have shut down.

Those results prove that The Texas law has not forced women into long waits for abortions – contrary to baseless claims made by the Abortion Cartel.

“We will not stop our fight to save innocent babies and protect women from an abortion industry that makes a living exploiting women by cutting corners on their lives and health,” said Newman.

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US Supreme Court slaps down Obama’s illegal alien amnesty

A 4-to-4 tie by the U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday morning slapped down President Barack “Pen & Phone” Obama’s unilateral immigration revisions to laws that all but legalized millions of illegal immigrants, according to the Homeland Security News Wire (HSNW).

Obama had issued his executive order after House Republicans refused to bring to the floor for a vote a 2013 bipartisan Senate legislation which provided a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, HSNW reported. “With his usual arrogant tone, Obama told the nation that he decided what is good for America and its people. He arbitrarily changed or voided laws as he saw fit and to me that is a serious breach of constitutional law,” said former police captain, Morris Delvechio.

Although the GOP lawmakers in Washington made statements opposing Obama’s laws, they did little to try to stop his actions which led to a tsunami of illegal aliens crossing the border into the U.S. Southwest. But 26 states with Republican governors legally challenged Obama’s far-reaching executive order,claiming that once again the so-called constitutional scholar had disregarded the separation of powers by granting a blanket deportation deferment to millions of undocumented immigrants without any action by the federal legislature.

They went on record as saying that Obama’s argument that “his action amounts to nothing more than common prosecutorial discretion was wrong, because such discretion should be applied on a case-by-case basis, not to an entire category of potential law-breakers.”

A federal court judge in the state of Texas ruled in favor of the 26 GOP governors, and when the Justice Department brought the case to the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, those judges upheld the lower court’s decision in November 2015. A panel of the 5th Circuit said the program changed the designation for the immigrants which would give the illegal aliens eligibility for federal and state benefits that wouldn’t otherwise be available.

Meanwhile on Thursday, former federal prosecutor Larry Klayman, who had founded Judicial Watch and is now the founder and president of Freedom Watch, saluted the four originalists on the Supreme Court for holding fast in effectively affirming the decisions by a Texas federal court and the Fifth Circuit blocking President Barack Hussein Obama’s executive amnesty for over 5 million illegal aliens. Klayman believes that the decision will prevent likely Muslim terrorists from entering the U.S. as refugees especially since the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation contradicted Obama’s claim regarding “the vetting” of asylum seekers from Syria, Iraq and other Muslim nations.

Klayman, along with Maricopa County, Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, were the first to challenge this unconstitutional executive amnesty but drew an Obama-appointed judge who dismissed the case claiming it was only a political ploy.

Later an Obama-packed federal appeals court, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, affirmed the lower court’s decision, uttering hardly a word about the merits of the case. However, a fine judge, the Honorable Andrew S. Hanen, of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas took the correct and legally honest legal path and blocked Obama’s amnesty, according to Klayman, who has made a name for himself as a government gadfly.

The Obama Justice Department, led by Attorney General Loretta Lynch, the president’s pliant law enforcement officer, took an appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit and, in a “slam dunk,” quickly lost again.

Thursday’s Supreme Court ruling not only underscores just how political the High Court has become, but cements Judge Hanen’s ruling. The amicus brief filed by Klayman and Arpaio is credited with aiding in achieving the victory, as did their initial complaint before the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, which was virtually copied by Texas and the myriad of other states that later mounted the court challenge before Judge Hanen.

Klayman had this to say for himself and his client, the man known as America’s Sheriff Joe Arpaio:

“Having started the ball rolling on this challenge to President Obama’s illegal and unconstitutional executive actions granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens including likely Muslim terrorists who have crossed our borders and are here on bogus student visas and other subterfuges, we are thankful that the so-called conservatives on the Supreme Court held fast to the leftists on the High Court. While we have little hope that President Obama will now take action to deport these illegal aliens, particularly since they are a large illegal voting block for the Democrats this fall, this Supreme Court ruling at least tells Obama and his allies that their lawlessness will not be countenanced. Unlike a judge in Arizona who has been presiding over a compromised and ethically conflicted trial of Sheriff Arpaio that also concerns illegal immigrants in Maricopa County, four justices of the Supreme Court did the right thing and shut the door to Obama’s lack of respect for the will of We the People. They legally stood up to an out-of-control president who rules like he is King George III in 1776. As bequeathed to us by our Founding Fathers in the Constitution, this is the proper role of the judiciary, to serve as a check and balance to government tyranny.”

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ISIS warned us about Orlando attack weeks before mass-killings: police adviser

In an ISIS video posted online on May 21, ISIS chief Abu Mohammad al-Adnani is seen telling jihadists to “get prepared, be ready … to make it a month of calamity everywhere for nonbelievers … especially for the fighters and supporters of the caliphate in Europe and America.

“A recent ISIS murder threat shows [Americans] need guns for self-defense,” claims police adviser and gun policy expert, John M. Snyder.

“The ISIS threat for the Muslim month of Ramadan beginning June 5 against non-Muslims shows that Christians and others in the United States and elsewhere need firearms to protect life,” he added.

What Americans witnessed on Sunday, June 12, was an example of a Muslim being persuaded by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) to launch a one-man mass murder operation against one of the group’s favorite targets: gays and lesbians.

In an ISIS video posted online on May 21, ISIS chief Abu Mohammad al-Adnani is seen telling jihadists to “get prepared, be ready … to make it a month of calamity everywhere for nonbelievers … especially for the fighters and supporters of the caliphate in Europe and America.”

Adnani reportedly said regarding jihadists “the smallest action in their heartland is better and more.” He said jihadists should initiate lone wolf attacks and doing that would lead to “the great reward of martyrdom.” Sadly, it appears that Omar Mateen decided to obey the ISIS leader and launched an attack on a nightspot frequented by gays, lesbians, transgenders and bi-sexual men and women. See the shocking video below.

There have other Islamist murderous attacks on innocents perpetrated by American citizens in the United States, including the one last December in San Bernardino, California.

“What all of this means,” said Snyder, “is that peaceful people here in the United States and other countries need guns so that they can protect themselves and others against the barbaric, throat-slashing, maniacal Islamists who are wreaking havoc throughout much of the world. Self-serving politicians, academic know-it-alls, and pie-in-the-sky church officials who undercut the ability of people to get self-defense guns are off the wall. They undermine the right and ability of the people to defend life. They cut into the right to life of the people. It’s time they abandoned their nonsensical attitudes, straightened up and learned to fly right.”

Snyder noted “scholarly research and analysis of Islam indicates that violent, even brutal murderous throat cutting attacks by Muslims on non-Muslims actually are considered acts of piety rather than acts of terrorism by Islamists. This comports with seminal Islamist texts and practice.” Among these studies is an article on Realism and Islam by Rev. James V. Schall, S.J., he pointed out.

Snyder said, “Believers in violence and murder as pious acts are enemies of civilized society and must be treated as such. The presence in our midst of such characters underscores the advisability of constitutional gun carry for self-defense. It shows also that Americans should choose Second Amendment supporter anti-terrorist Trump as president, and defeat Islamist supporting gun prohibitionist Hillary Clinton.”

A practicing Catholic, Snyder has been named “the dean of Washington gun lobbyists” by the Washington Post and New York Times, “a champion of the right of self-defense” by the Washington Times, the “gun dean” by Human Events, and “the senior rights activist in Washington” by Shotgun News. He’s a former publications editor for the National Rifle Association (NRA), and he’s a member of the advisory boards for the National Association of Chiefs of Police (NACOP) and the American Federation of Police and Concerned Citizens (AFPCC).

Firearms Connect Orlando, Islam, Trump and Clinton

“Questions surrounding firearms and the right to keep and bear arms underlie current national issues involving Orlando, Islamism, Trump and Clinton,” gun dean John M. Snyder observed here today.

“The ISIS-inspired Orlando massacre shows people NEED firearms for self-defense,” Snyder said. “It shows also that so-called gun free zones in reality are kill free zones,” he added.

“The predictable attempt to use Orlando as an excuse for renewed gun control demands by Obama, Clinton, congressional gun grabbers and their media lap dogs should be rejected,” Snyder said. “Gun free zones generally should be eliminated.”

He said, “Efforts to shift responsibility for Islamist terror attacks away from Islamism and onto firearms possession by law-abiding citizens are contemptible. Among those involved prominently in these efforts is the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton. This is reason enough for America’s 80-100 million gun owners to oppose her candidacy and support that of her opponent, Donald Trump.”

Snyder noted, “Orlando followed a recent ISIS murder threat. That ISIS threat for the Muslim month of Ramadan beginning June 5 against non-Muslims shows that people in the United States and elsewhere NEED firearms to protect life,” he added.

The ISIS-affiliated Al-Battar Media Foundation, after the Orlando murders, specifically suggested that Islamists in the United States target movie theaters, hospitals, airports, trains, amusement parks and restaurants, reported Jihad Watch.

Snyder noted “scholarly research and analysis of Islam indicates that violent, even brutal murderous throat cutting attacks by Muslims on non-Muslims actually are considered acts of piety rather than acts of terrorism by Islamists. This comports with seminal Islamist texts and practice.”

Snyder said, “Believers in violence and murder as pious acts are enemies of civilized society and must be treated as such. The presence in our midst of such characters underscores the advisability of constitutional gun carry for self-defense. It shows also that Americans should choose Second Amendment supporter anti-terrorist Trump as president, and defeat Islamist supporting gun prohibitionist Hillary Clinton.”

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Europol warns of IED, weapons stockpiled by ISIS

“President Barack Obama, Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, and their Trump-designated “sleazy news media” are now vilifying anyone calling for a moratorium on Muslim migration into the United States. However, a European law enforcement organization’s report warns of future jihad in America if Obama remains stubborn,” -Det. Sidney Franes, NYPD (Ret.)

In an attack on an Orlando, Florida, nightspot Sunday morning at about 2:00 a.m., 50 human being were left dead by one alleged Islamic terrorist. While the local cops and FBI agents are still investigating and are following the Obama strategy — don’t acknowledge a suspect is a Muslim or a member of an Islamic terrorist group — it’s believed the shooter, who was finally brought down and killed by a SWAT team, is named Omar Mateen.

So far, news outlets discovered he was a Muslim American citizen who was angry about openly gay and lesbian Americans and the club he struck is a known hangout for the LGBT community.

The attack almost mirrors the French terrorist mayhem that was perpetrated earlier this year in a French nightspot. Unfortunately, as with European nations, the United States government refuses to back down from bringing thousands of Muslim refugees to U.S. cities.

As Goes Europe So Goes the United States

Manuel Navarrete Paniagua, the Head of the European Counter Terrorism Center at Europol, asserts that terrorist cells in European Union nations — that allowed a deluge of Islamic refugees unfettered entry — are believed to be importing and stockpiling of explosives and bomb components for future attacks.

Officials European Police Office (Europol) claims it has thwarted over 200 Muslim terrorist plots in the last year, but that the threat of similar attacks on the scale of November 2015 Paris attacks and the March 2016 attacks in Brussels remain a concern.

Paniagua warned on Monday that “large clandestine stockpiles of explosives” are likely being set up by terrorist groups.

Speaking at a briefing of Europol about a report due to be released next month, Paniagua told members of the EU’s parliament: “We have some information reported by the member states that terrorists groups are trying to establish large clandestine stockpiles of explosives in the European Union to be used eventually in large scale home attacks.”

Europol is the European Union’s law enforcement agency whose main goal is to help achieve a safer Europe for the benefit of all EU citizens. “We do this by assisting the European Union’s Member States in their fight against serious international crime and terrorism,” says the agency’s Mission Statement.

“Large-scale criminal and terrorist networks pose a significant threat to the internal security of the EU and to the safety and livelihood of its people. The biggest security threats come from terrorism, international drug trafficking and money laundering, organized fraud, counterfeiting of the euro currency, and people smuggling. But new dangers are also accumulating, in the form of cybercrime, trafficking in human beings, and other modern-day threats. This is a multi–billion euro business, quick to adapt to new opportunities and resilient in the face of traditional law enforcement measures,” Europol officials wrote.

Collaborative Invasion

Unfortunately, the more than 4,000 foreign fighters were identified in the EU and entered into a Europol database. While not all are part of the refugee relief programs for Great Britain, Germany, France, Belgium and other EU countries, it’s been proven a number of jihadists managed to enter as men, women and children fleeing the savagery that exists in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya and other Middle East and North Africa countries.

Europol notes that a key conclusion of their most recent report suggests that “jihadist terrorism” remains the top threat to security in the EU, with recent attacks suggesting better coordination among terrorists than previously believed.

Europol’s Manuel Navarrete Paniagua said terrorists’ use of explosives and firearms suggests they pose a rapidly evolving threat. He also addressed the concern of jihadists using refugee flows to enter Europe in order to carry out attacks against Western targets.

“We found no evidence of the systematic use of this flow to infiltrate terrorists into the European Union. But they do, they use it, we have some cases, some of the people that perpetrated the Paris attacks were eventually disguised in this immigration flow,” said Paniagua.

Europol said in May that it will deploy around 200 counter-extremism officers and investigators at refugee arrival centers in Europe, especially those with large numbers of arrivals such as in Italy and Greece.

“President Barack Obama, Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, and their Trump-designated “sleazy news media” are now vilifying anyone calling for a moratorium on Muslim migration into the United States. However, a European law enforcement organization’s report warns of future jihad in America if Obama remains stubborn,” said former NYPD Detective Sid Franes. “After all, Obama, Clinton and their sycophants are well-protected with well-trained security agents, high-powered weaponry and other protections not given to the people who must live — or die — with their decisions,” said Franes.

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Trump’s Judge Gonzalo Curiel a suspected lawbreaker and racist

“Today’s U.S. justice system has been turned upside-down by the progressives in both political parties: lawyers who help suspects break laws are elevated to federal court benches; candidates for president of the United States are undergoing criminal investigations for alleged actions perpetrated while serving as a cabinet member; and the entire Justice Department finds clamping-down on institutions and businesses to allow transgendered people access to ladies’ toilets is more important than investigating suspicious activity by Muslims.” — Chief of Police Geoffrey Lionel Lawtonson (Ret.).

On Tuesday night, American men and women from all backgrounds and all races stood up together and cast their ballots in delegate-rich states of California and New Jersey for Donald Trump as the Republican Party’s nominee for President. Many of his supporters say that Trump has united our nation after eight years of Barack Obama’s racially and economically divisive political agenda behind a singular vision: Trump’s AMERICA FIRST.

As Donald Trump said in his victory speech: “I understand the responsibility of carrying the mantle and I will never, ever let you down.”

Unfortunately, the news media preferred to cover Trump’s media battle with Judge Gonzalo Curiel taking the side of the Obama-appointed federal jurist. What they failed to cover is the fact Curiel broke the very laws he swore to protect and enforce. By this own admission, Judge Curiel helped an illegal alien get a scholarship to an American university, thereby aiding and abetting a lawbreaker.

Judge Curiel has been praised for such alleged illegal actions that were used by the Bush administration to arrest and incarcerate U.S. businessmen who were frequently targeted by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement directorate of the Homeland Security Department.

Many may argue that fetching a hefty scholarship for an illegal alien is not the same as hiring one, but the argument is an example of political chicanery. The man who hires an illegal alien and the man who helps an illegal alien secure a reward that’s denied to many American students are aiding and abetting a lawbreaker. During the Bush administration, when immigration laws had some semblance of enforcement, many business owners or managers stood before federal judges to answer for the alleged crimes. With Judge Curiel, it is the judge — a lawyer-in-black robes — who should be charged or at least removed from the bench to disregarding a law he swore to uphold.

For example, a Texas businessman who employed an illegal alien charged with capital murder in connection with the shooting death of Houston Police Department Officer Rodney Johnson, was arrested and charged with harboring an illegal alien here. The case was investigated by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Houston Police Department, and rightly so.

Robert Lane Camp, 47, who owned Camp Landscaping in Deer Park, Texas, was charged with encouraging Juan Leonardo Quintero-Perez, the accused killer of Officer Johnson, to unlawfully enter and remain in the United States, and also with harboring the illegal immigrant Quintero-Perez. The complaint was filed in federal court following an investigation by ICE special agents and the Houston Police Department. Camp surrendered to federal authorities at the U. S. Marshals Service where he was arrested.

Meanwhile in Ohio, ICE agents arrested the owner of a restaurant on felony charges of harboring illegal aliens after 10 of his illegal workers were apprehended. In Arkansas, agents arrested the owner of a construction business on felony charges and apprehended 27 of his illegal workers.

“ICE is taking an increasingly tough stance against egregious corporate violators that knowingly employ illegal aliens. Bringing criminal charges against these unscrupulous employers and targeting their ill-gotten gains is a tactic we are adopting nationwide,” said ICE Assistant Secretary Julie L. Myers in 2006.

In fiscal year 2006, DHS arrested 445 individuals on criminal charges in work site investigations and apprehended another 2,700 of their illegal workers on immigration violations. During all of fiscal year 2005, ICE arrested 176 individuals on criminal charges for aiding and abetting illegal workers and another 1,116 illegal aliens in these cases.

As NewsWithViews.com digs deeper into Judge Curiel’s background and work history, it may be discovered that Trump is absolutely right about the Obama judge who gave thousands of dollars in campaign contributions to the Democratic Party.

Hillary Clinton Proposes Same Wall and Deportations Without Media Outrage

“Build a wall, deport illegal aliens, Mexico is literally sending people across the border” – Sen. Hillary Clinton 2006

While the Democrats, the Republican establishment, Judge Gonzalo Curiel, and the corrupt reporters in the news media became enraged over presidential hopeful Donald Trump’s border security plan that includes the construction of a large wall on the U.S.-Mexican border, there wasn’t a peep when Hillary Clinton called for the same thing.

The short-memory-prone news media forget how the presumed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her party cohorts took every opportunity to bash then President George W. Bush over his Homeland Security Department’s lack of border security between Mexico and southwestern states.

Not only did Hillary Clinton beat the drum calling for more deportations of illegal aliens, she also sounded the alarm that the United States required a state-of-the-art physical security program to keep Mexicans out of the U.S.

A video from the popular Council on Foreign Relations (see first video) shows Hillary Clinton clearly calling for deportations and the building of a “physical barrier” to keep illegal aliens from crossing the Mexicans-U.S. borders and plaguing the southwest states such as Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and others.

In fact, the news media — who have always adored Mrs. Clinton and her husband Bill to the point of running dishonest stories about them — praised Clinton for taking a tougher stand on U.S. sovereignty than President Bush.

In addition, two Democratic governors — Elliott Richardson of New Mexico and Janet Napolitano of Arizona — announced a state of emergency and posted National Guard troops on their borders with Mexico. Most observers believed it was just another ploy to make Bush look bad since Richardson sent only 12 troops to the border and Napolitano sent about half that many.

In one of the videos, Hillary alleges that the policies of Mexico’s Vincente Fox are pushing illegal aliens across our border and she is heard stating that the U.S. needs to “secure its borders with physical barriers.” She also called for tougher sanctions against those who hire illegals or those aid and abet illegals in staying in the U.S.

“Hillary Clinton’s 2006 speech would surely upset President Fox who all but physically attacked Donald Trump over his proposal to build a barrier at the border and deport illegal aliens. But when Clinton spoke, Fox and his echo chamber kept their mouths shut,” reminds former police officer Iris Aquino, now a security consultant and terrorism analyst. “The media also kept their mouths shut because they know Clinton is a liar and will say whatever she thinks will garner votes,” Aquino added.

Alas, not one major news outlet — print or broadcast — bothered to look for the videos in this news story and even if they had found them a sure bet would be they’d ignore it or bury it on their web sites to “cover their butts,” notes political strategist Mike Baker. “But the videos are here and they show Hillary Clinton talking tough on border security and illegal immigration,” said Baker.

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Trump endorsed by National black pro-life union president

If one believes the people presidential hopeful Donald Trump calls the sleazy media, African Americans and Latinos are not about to cast their votes for the Republican maverick. However, many believe the polls being used to document opinions of minorities are false, miscalculated or just plain phony.

For example, Day Gardner, the president of the National Black Pro-Life Union,
who has been involved in the pro-life movement for more than 15 years told reporters that this was the very first time she felt moved to endorse a presidential candidate. And that candidate is Donald Trump.

“I, like all of America have been watching with amazement this spectacle unfold,” she said, describing Trump’s whirlwind campaign against 16 other Republican candidates and now against the Democratic Party’s — and news media’s – favorite politician Hillary Clinton.

“I was amazed and for a while baffled at the way in which the GOP and establishment conservatives started bashing and trashing Donald J. Trump, a man who has been leading in the polls from the very beginning and has millions and millions of staunch supporters. Why would they do that? The answer came back to me that it was fear of the unknown and of the untried,” said Ms. Gardner.

Many believe the GOP elite and establishment conservatives also fear that with President Trump they won’t be able to cast their lines into ponds of their choosing. They also fear that they won’t be able reel that line in whenever they want to. The NPPU believes that with Trump, the elitists don’t even have a fishing pole!

“We the people are the pole and the line is attached from him directly to us. What a concept,” said Ms. Gardner.

She stated that America is in deep trouble, but we the people have come to an impasse.

Americans are expected to sit back and do the same old thing, the same old way, by voting for the same old establishment politicians. They smile in the faces of voters while patting each other on the back for successfully tricking them one more time — one more political season.

“Make no mistake I believe without Trump, Hillary Clinton will win,” Gardner solemnly warns Republicans, Independents and those people once called Reagan Democrats.

“Without President Trump, we will be stuck with the status quo. Life will go on with fewer and fewer good jobs because the biggest job producers and providers will move to other countries. Without jobs crime will continue to billow especially in cities with impoverished neighborhoods,” the pro-life activist noted.

“Our National debt will continue to grow to oblivion just as it has been.
Millions more illegal aliens will pour across our borders expecting and getting shelter, education and healthcare — while many American citizens not only struggle for those very same things but many times — and maybe even most times do without,” she warned.

She also pointed to a true danger to the nation’s legal system. “Without Trump, we will end up with the most liberal Supreme Court in our Nation’s history.”

Without Trump – and with Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders — the same old establishment politicians will continue to be overly nice and kowtow to foreign countries that not only hate us, but seek to destroy everything America stands for. Clinton and Sanders and many other leftists don’t want to build a strong nation, they want to create a socialist “paradise” such as Venezuela, which is undergoing one of the worst economic slumps in that country’s history thanks to more than a decade of Marxist policies and destruction of that South American nation’s middle-class.

Venezuela also has become one of the world’s most dangerous places to live in, competing with war-torn Iraq, Syria and Libya for record homicides.

Besides Venezuela and other Latin American nations, Europe is nothing to brag about either. “Without Trump, we will be facing the same problems that Germany, Brussels, Hungary and other host countries are forced to deal with because establishment politicians are afraid to stand up to our enemies in the Middle East,” said Ms. Gardner.

Gardner, a former Miss Delaware and a semifinalist for Miss America, previously served as the National Director of Black Americans for Life. She also serves now as Associate Director of the National Pro Life Center in Washington, D.C., and as an executive member of the National Clergy Council.

In a statement sent to newspapers, radio and television news outlets and Internet news media editors, Ms. Gardner made her persuasive argument:

“Without Trump, life will be business as usual — and we will continue to spiral down into an abyss from which we will never recover. Our America will be even more unrecognizable: America the disrespected, America the downtrodden, America the aborted, America the perverted…America the ugly.

“With Donald J. Trump as President we can make America great again. We need to stand with him, to forgo the onslaught of political correctness that spawns a populace of cowards and liars.

“Donald Trump loves America and has the courage to say what needs to be said about radical Islam. He also has the courage to follow through with policies to protect America. We must not — compromise our morals, our values or our beliefs in order to be liked by others.

“Mr. Trump is an extremely successful businessman who will bring decades of real experience to the presidency. Donald J. Trump is also a powerful voice for each and every one of us. He hears the small quiet voices of our veterans and everyday people, he hears the voices of unborn children, he hears your voice, he hears my voice- and I, along with millions and millions of other Americans — now hear his.

“Today, I firmly stand with Donald J. Trump to endorse him to be the next President of the United States of America.”

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Suspicion over white house shooting while NRA endorses Trump

At almost the same time that the National Rifle Association (NRA) endorsed Donald Trump at its national convention on Friday in Louisville, Kentucky, a shooting incident occurred adjacent to the White House by an alleged armed suspect. Several law enforcement officers told Conservative Base that they suspect the shooting was a covert operation by the Democrats.

The NRA nod for a Trump presidency was considered as much as the NRA’s opposition to likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton as it was an endorsement of Trump. While most of the news media downplayed the endorsement and Trump’s speech, attendees have said they’ve rarely seen as much energy and excitement over an endorsement when John McCain ran in 2008 and Mitt Romney ran in 2012.

“The Second Amendment is under threat like never before,” Trump told the crowd. “Crooked Hillary Clinton is the most anti-gun, anti-Second Amendment candidate ever to run for office.”

Meanwhile, agents with the U.S. Secret Service responded to an emergency and ended up shooting an armed man at a White House security checkpoint. During the incident, the news reporters were rushed out of the press briefing room and brought to an emergency location in the White House basement.

“It was a really big White House show and it all but ended the coverage of the NRA convention and the Trump speech,” said former U.S. Marine and police detective Sid Franes. “I would not put it past the Obama administration and the Democrats to have set up this whole incident to counter Trump’s positive poll numbers and the excitement of his NRA speech and endorsement,” Franes added.

President Barack Obama was reportedly playing golf at a protected course at Andrews Air Force Base in Camp Springs, Maryland, when the shooting occurred. So far, no motive for the shooting by the lone gunman has been announced.

A uniformed Secret Service officer gave the suspect commands for him to “freeze and drop the firearm,” said a Secret Service spokesman. The officer shot the suspect once, and he was taken to a local hospital.

U.S. Park Police said the incident occurred on West Executive Drive, which runs diagonally with Pennsylvania Avenue, between the White House and the Old Executive Office Building.

The White House press corps in briefing room said they were told to seek shelter in the White House basement. Secret Service told people to evacuate the area and pushed a safety perimeter at least another block from the White House.

“What Americans should consider is this may have been an attempt to enter the home of the Obama family and they had a small army armed to the teeth to protect them and their property. How many Americans can claim having the same degree of security? And both Hillary Clinton and Obama want to make sure Americans can’t defend themselves,” said political strategist Mike Baker. “Trump is able to articulate that fact better than anyone has in the past,” he added.

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Justice dept. Corruption: Hillary’s DOJ donors prove fix is in

“Democratic Party presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton’s chief aide, Cheryl Mills, and her attorney reportedly stormed out of her interview by FBI agents regarding Hillary’s privately installed and utilized email system and Internet server. The Washington Post claims that one of the FBI agents asked Mills a question and she left the interview complaining the question was inappropriate.

The newspaper also claims that after a brief meeting between Cheryl Mills and Beth Wilkinson, her legal counsel, the two women returned to the interview room. Also it has been intimated by law enforcement insiders that Mills and Wilkinson requested several breaks from the interview in order to confer privately.

According to Conservative Base law-enforcement source Laurence McCaffrey, he was led to believe that the interview question that caused Mills and Wilkinson to walk out had to do with the procedure used to produce emails for possible public release by the State Department.

Mills refused to answer questions about it because her attorney and Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s Justice Department attorneys agreed it was confidential and therefore FBI agents were prevented to delving into the allegations about private server.

The FBI has continued investigating possible gross mishandling of classified information and Clinton’s use of an unsecured personal account exclusively for government business. Investigators have already interviewed two of Clinton’s top aides, Mills and Huma Abedin, and hope to be able to interview Clinton herself as they wrap up the case. There are also allegations of illegal activity at the so-called Clinton family charity the Clinton Foundation.

“Based of these latest reports, I would say the FBI is being handcuffed by Justice Department lawyers in order to protect the Democrats’ heir apparent to the White House,” said Laurence McCaffrey, a former criminal investigator specializing in white-collar crime and corporate espionage. “There is evidence that the ‘fix is in’ at the Justice Department, a department that openly allowed it’s lawyers and investigators to donate money to the Clinton campaign,” he added.

According to the Washington Free Beacon, Hillary Clinton garnered $75,000.00 in political donations from taxpayer-paid Justice Department workers so far. “This is the department which will determine whether there should be criminal charges leveled against the Clinton and others for using an unauthorzed private e-mail server,” said political strategist Michael Baker.

The Justice Department workers’ political donations to the Clinton campaign exceed the amount of money they gave to her rivals Democrat Bernie Sanders and Republican candidate Donald Trump. Clinton received $73,437 from over 200 Justice Department employees. Twelve of the DOJ staff are reported to have donated the maximum $2,700 to Hillary for President coffers.

Dave Bossie, leader of the watchdog group Citizens United, claims he’s far from being surprised. “I’m not surprised in the least to see more evidence that shows the politicization of the Justice Department,” Bossie said. “How can Democrat political appointees fairly investigate someone who is about to become their nominee for president? That’s why last July I called on Attorney General Lynch to appoint an impartial special counsel to investigate the private Clinton email server.”

Newly unclassified email released by a public-interest watchdog group reveals that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wantonly attempted to abandon a “secure call” and requesting instead to continue communications on her personal — and unprotected — home phone.

Judicial Watch, a top “Inside the Beltway” watchdog on Thursday, May 12, 2016, released 296 pages of new State Department documents, including a 2009 email in which the former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton apologized to health care activist/physician Mark Hyman for failing to respond to a message because, “no blackberry contact permitted in my office.”

In addition, the newly released documents contain a Feb. 22, 2009, email exchange between Clinton and her then-Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills, trying to communicate over a secure line after Clinton returned from a trip.

Unable to maintain a secure telephone line, Clinton told Mills, “I called [operations] ops and they gave me your ‘secure’ cell [phone numbers] … but only got a high-pitched whining sound.” Then Mills suggested that Clinton try the secure line again, but Clinton wrote back, “I give up. Call me on my home #.”

The previously unreleased Clinton emails date back as far as January 2009 and further contradict statements by Hillary Clinton that, “as far as she knew,” all of her government emails were turned over to the State Department and that she did not use her clintonemail.com system until March 18, 2009.

Judicial Watch’s President Tom Fitton said, “This email reveal is another in a long line that show Hillary Clinton could not care less about the security of her communications.” He added that it’s becoming more and more difficult to believe the FBI investigation could come to any other conclusion than a criminal referral when it’s so blatant that Clinton mishandled classified information on a consistent basis.

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I.C.E. Agent’s suicide note: gov’t. To disarm the population, herd Americans into camps

After writing a lengthy suicide note exposing terrifying plans the government has for American citizens, an agent with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) directorate walked onto a New York City pier on the Hudson River and used his service weapon to shoot himself in his head.

Several sources from the New York City Police Department reported to New York’s SuperStation95 FM, and to the Conservative Base that the contents of a lengthy and detailed suicide note found on the departed’s body described a frightening scenario of a federal government gone made, according to Sgt. Neal McCaffrey.

“Apparently this was not an impromptu or impulsive act of suicide, but a plot that was hatched at least a week ago. The CBP agent, who was assigned to deportations of illegal aliens or legal aliens being kicked out of the U.S., was written in separate parts over at least seven days,” said McCaffrey who is assigned to city’s Human Services Police Division.

The note outlines why the officer chose to shoot himself: “The America I grew up in, and cherished, has been murdered by its own federal government. Our Constitution has become meaningless and our laws politicized so badly, they are no longer enforced except for political purposes” the note said. “Our elected officials are, to a person, utterly corrupt and completely devoid of any love or respect for the country which pays them. To them, everything is about getting and keeping power, and making illicit money from backroom deals.”

According to investigating homicide detectives, the 42-year-old U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement deportation officer — who hasn’t yet been identified — shot himself with his own .40 caliber semiautomatic service weapon while on Pier 40 in Hudson River Park at around 11 am (et) on Friday the 6th of May.

“There’s no indication that the May 6 date of the suicide had any significant meaning to the perpetrator/victim who worked at the Homeland Security Department’s offices in Manhattan,” said Police Officer Iris Aquino (NYPD-Ret.) who worked in Queens, New York.

The suicide victim was rushed to Manhattan’s Lenox Hill Hospital but doctors were never able to revive him. His superiors at ICE released an official statement Friday afternoon: “Tragically, a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deportation officer from the New York field office suffered a self-inflicted gunshot wound and has passed away.The agency is not releasing further details pending notification of the officer’s next of kin.”

According to the suicide note, the officer said: “I was hired to enforce the law; to capture and deport people who come to this country against our laws. But now, if I dare to do that, I face being suspended or fired because our President refuses to faithfully execute the duties of his office. Instead, I come to work each day, and collect a paycheck twice a month, for intentionally doing little to nothing. I cannot and will not be party to this fraud; to this usurpation of the law, or to the despicable politicians betraying our nation.”

ICE is conducting an internal investigation of the matter but the New York Police Department is in charge of the suicide shooting investigation.

Agent Mentions FEMA Camps for Americans

In the suicide note, the federal agent described what he described as horrifying plans the upper-echelon federal officials have been formulating:

“If the American people knew what this government is planning, they would rise-up and overthrow it. If I or anyone else in the federal government revealed what is coming, we would be killed anyway, so now I will reveal what I know.

“We in federal law enforcement have been drilling for several years to control riots and uprisings from a coming financial collapse and widespread bank failures. The drills involve life-sized images of American men, even women and children, whom we are told to shoot for “practice” and to “get used to it.”

“We have been told that the economy is terminally ill and will fail in 2016. We are also told the banks are all insolvent and the FDIC doesn’t have nearly enough funds to bail out depositors. We are told these events are unavoidable and it is imperative that the government survive when people rise-up over this.

“When the collapse takes place, detention camps created under the FEMA REX-84 program in the 1980’s to house illegal aliens whom we were going to deport, will instead be used to imprison American Citizens whom the government feels constitute a “threat.” American citizens will be rounded-up without warrants and imprisoned without trial for God knows how long.

“These camps have been equipped to carry out Hitler-scale killings! An actual “purge” of Americans citizens by the very government which they, themselves, created and pay for! I cannot be party to this.”

The bizarre suicide note also describes how the plan calls for state-level national guard soldiers to be disarmed by the feds and over 1-billion rounds of ammunition purchased by the feds and the Military over-deployed and being shrunk:

“The government knows the military will rise-up to stop this, so our military is being deployed overseas, intentionally involved in foreign fights, and deliberately shrunk in size so they cannot be here or help Americans! This is why certain ammunition and weaponry has been removed from state-level National Guard Armories and over a Billion rounds of hollow point ammunition has been bought by the federal government. The states themselves have been disarmed of military-grade firepower so they cannot defend themselves from the federal activities. This is also why local police departments have been militarized and provided with armored vehicles and weapons of war.

“When the inevitable collapse begins to take place, electric power to the entire country will be shut off, as will all forms of communication. All banks will be immediately closed; no one will be able to get any money because all ATM’s will be offline. Credit, Debit and EBT cards will not function. Anyone without cash will have no way to get any. The Emergency Alert System will be used to takeover all broadcast stations and tell the public this is a result of a cyber attack.

“But while the American people patiently await things to get back to normal, the government will unleash round-ups of citizens they deem militants or dangerous. With all civilian communications out, and all TV and radio stations taken over by the Emergency Alert System, by the time word spreads of what is taking place, the government will already have the upper hand.”

Federal prisoners to be gassed

“Every federal prison has been outfitted with lethal gas systems. When things go bad, all prisoners in all prisons will be placed in their cells on lock-down. Prison staff will depart the facility, and a certain designated person will trigger a lethal gas system. All federal prisoners, regardless of their crime or their sentence, will be gassed to death in their cells. Once the gas clears, the dead will be removed and the prisons will then be used to house citizens who fight against the federal onslaught.”

Pastors recruited to calm the people to submit

“So intent is the government to succeed they have recruited priests, rabbis and clerics from various religions to quote Scripture about “obeying government.” They are being trained to tell people not to fight back and that their best hope is to pray.”


The suicide note goes to great lengths about Executive Order #13603 signed by President Obama on March 16, 2012. That note details:

Executive order 13603 about “National Defense Resources Preparedness.”

This 10-page document is a blueprint for a federal takeover of the economy. Specifically, Obama’s plan involves seizing control of:

• “All commodities and products that are capable of being ingested by either human beings or animals”
• “All forms of energy”
• “All forms of civil transportation”
• “All usable water from all sources”
• “Health resources – drugs, biological products, medical devices, materials, facilities, health supplies, services and equipment”
• “Forced labor ( or “induction” as the executive order delicately refers to military conscription)

Moreover, federal officials would “issue regulations to prioritize and allocate resources.”

SuperStation95 took a look at this Executive Order from the Government Printing Office (GPO) web site and, sure enough, everything contained in the Officer’s suicide note about this Executive Order is true. Executive order 13603 says with ominous ambiguity: during “the full spectrum of emergencies.”

“If the dead Officer’s claims about an unavoidable economic and banking collapse are true, would it then follow that the Executive Order put in place by Obama, might be activated? Would all of us find ourselves in forced labor, while the government takes OUR food and re-distrubutes it under the Executive Order’s paragraph about “allocating resources?” This is terrifying stuff!

“There is much more to the suicide note and SuperStation95 is considering how much more to publish. As such, this is a developing story and readers should check back for further updates,” according to the radio station’s newsroom.

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Muslim sentenced to life for operating child sex trafficking ring

“In the midst of the heated debate over whether to bring thousands of Muslim refugees into the United States, a federal case against a follower of Islam landed him in prison for the rest of his life this week.

Shahid Hassan Muslim, aka “Sharp,” 33, was sentenced this week to life in prison for operating an extensive sex trafficking enterprise that recruited women and girls – some as young as 16 years old – into prostitution.

The sentence was announced by Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Vanita Gupta, head of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, U.S. Attorney Jill Westmoreland Rose of the Western District of North Carolina, Special Agent in Charge John A. Strong of the FBI’s Charlotte Division and Special Agent in Charge Nick S. Annan of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcements Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Atlanta Division.

In sentencing Muslim, U.S. District Court Judge Robert Conrad Jr. of the Western District of North Carolina also ordered him to pay $13,840 in restitution to the victims of the two sex trafficking counts, which charged Muslim with the sex trafficking of those victims for periods of two months and three months, respectively. On Aug. 11, 2014, a federal jury found Muslim guilty on all counts, including two counts of sex trafficking, one count of kidnapping, one count of production of child pornography, one count of witness tampering and five counts of promoting a prostitution business enterprise.

Evidence presented during Muslim’s four-day trial, including the testimony of five victims, revealed that Muslim’s sex trafficking enterprise operated in Charlotte, North Carolina, and other cities from at least 2010 until his arrest in November 2013. As established by the evidence presented at trial, Muslim recruited vulnerable young women and girls from the Charlotte area and advertised them for prostitution on the internet. He lured them into his scheme by promising that they would be part of a “family” when they had none. Once the women and girls were a part of his enterprise, Muslim demanded all of their proceeds and used brutal violence to control them. As one witness explained, he never hit the victims in the face because it would damage his “merchandise.”

According to the evidence established at trial, Muslim accused one teenage victim of withholding money from him and then proceeded to handcuff and beat her until she admitted to keeping some of her earnings. Muslim’s assaults on other victims included burning one victim’s leg with a cigarette to teach her a lesson; and punching a third victim in the stomach, without warning, as she balanced with her eyes closed during a “DUI test” he forced her to perform. After punching her in the stomach, Muslim then dragged her by her hair to a bathroom and repeatedly punched her until she vomited.

The evidence further showed that Muslim kidnapped one of the victims and viciously beat her after she left and reported him to the police. Witnesses testified that he lured her to a hotel, pretending to be a customer, then attacked her and shoved her into a storage trunk. After transporting the trunk to his house, he handcuffed her, bound her feet and continued to beat her, breaking a toilet in the process. Muslim then left her in the shower – still handcuffed – overnight with cold water running on her until she managed to escape and report the kidnapping to a neighbor the next day.

The evidence also demonstrated that Muslim continued his efforts to intimidate and control the victims even after his arrests on both federal and state charges. He convinced the kidnapping victim to submit a false affidavit declaring his innocence, resulting in dismissal of state charges. He further harassed a victim in the federal case to submit a false affidavit regarding a sexually explicit video that he produced of her when she was 16 years old.

“This defendant preyed on and abused vulnerable young women by running a violent sex trafficking operation,” said Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Gupta. “While no amount of jail time can undo the harm he caused and the trauma he inflicted, this sentence sends a clear message that people who engage in human trafficking and violate the most basic standards of human decency will face the full force of justice.”

“Shahid Muslim is a ruthless predator who used lies to lure vulnerable young women and underage girls into his criminal enterprise,” said U.S. Attorney Rose. “But instead of finding the better life his young victims had been promised, they endured unspeakable violence and exploitation in the hands of Muslim for his financial gain. My office will continue to aggressively prosecute those who engage in this illegal business that dehumanizes victims and strips them of their dignity.”

“Shahid Muslim promised his victims the loving support of a family, instead he controlled them through beatings, fear, and intimidation,” said Special Agent in Charge Strong. “The FBI devotes a significant amount of resources to helping sex trafficking victims recover from the trauma they suffer at the hands of ruthless people like Muslim. Today’s sentence is a stark warning, there is a harsh punishment for those who choose to sacrifice another person’s civil rights and freedom for their own profit.”

“Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery that Homeland Security Investigations fights as one of its highest priorities via a coordinated global effort with our law enforcement partners,” said Special Agent in Charge Annan. “The sadistic abuse inflicted by this defendant is unspeakable and hopefully victims can now find some relief in knowing the monster who exploited them will be safely locked away for many years.”

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Gun Dean says, go Trump and smash democrats

“It’s past time for GOP leaders to get with it, abandon asinine internal conflicts, support Trump, and concentrate on smashing Hillary and other Democratic candidates in November, just a little over six months from now,” gun dean John M. Snyder said on Thursday.

“A united Republican Party behind presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump can accomplish great things this year,” Snyder added. “Trump’s success in primary elections, in adding millions of voters to party rolls, and in rising to a statistical tie with Clinton in the most recent Battleground presidential preference poll indicates this.

“What we are witnessing now is a sea-change in American politics, probably more historic than anything since the campaign of Abraham Lincoln in 1860, or at least the campaign of Theodore Roosevelt in 1904. A short while ago, few would have thought that a candidate who had never held political office or military command could be approaching the chair behind the desk in the Oval Office.”

Snyder said that, “If the hot dogs in the Republican Party can get over their shock at what’s happening and unite behind Trump, the GOP in this election could take the White House, throw out a number of Democrat incumbents, and lay claim to an untold number of gubernatorial, senatorial, congressional and state legislative seats as well.

“It’s really sad to see some Republicans persist in their opposition to Trump. Their diehard opposition to him makes one think of the anti-Christian, anti-western, anti-Jewish hatred of Muslim suicide bombing jihadists out to destroy themselves along with their opponents.”

“Unfortunately,” Snyder noted, “a number of Republicans would rather blow up the GOP and themselves along with it than see Donald Trump elected President. Some even have said they would rather see probable Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton elected.

“They can’t stand Trump because they can’t control him. The blue collar billionaire is not part of the ‘club.’ However, he enjoys the support of average American voters. With their ‘anybody but Trump’ attitude, the hate Trump Republican insiders are putting themselves before party and country. What arrogant insolence!”

Snyder said, “The statesmanlike thing for Trump’s primary opponents to do would be to propose his nomination by acclamation.

“Second Amendment champion Trump can beat gun prohibitionist Clinton this year. Trump has the pulse of the nation.”

Snyder said, “People favor Trump over Clinton because of their disgust with Clinton’s support for NAFTA, the WTO, MFN for China, amnesty and citizenship for illegal immigrants, and the Iraq and Libyan failures. To the people, Trump’s correct on these and other matters. They think he will reverse policies that led to the destruction of American manufacturing, the loss of millions of factory jobs, the lowering of wages, the massive influx of illegal immigrants, and domestic radical Muslim extremist activity.

“As the Republican presidential nominee, Trump could excoriate Clinton like nobody else, smash her campaign, and assist any number of down-ballot GOP candidates.”

Snyder said, “Some may not prefer Trump for a number of personal reasons, but his financial independence, stated positions on a number of issues, in-your-face campaign style, unique persona and identity with voters make him the best available presidential GOP candidate this election cycle.

“On the other hand, the Democrats appear ready to put up a promoter of gun prohibition, abortion on demand, same-sex marriage and the LGBT agenda as their nominee. Republicans have got to save the nation from a malignant entity. With Trump as their standard bearer, they can do it. That is their destiny.”

“Trump haters fear the people and their significance. They nitpick with distracting issues in an attempt to get people to pay more attention to these matters than to the central ones. Trump wants to dump trade and immigration policies that undermine our middle class. Elitists want to keep these policies and to keep the people down. By supporting Trump, voters can smash them.”

Snyder said, “Republicans should stop their ridiculous infighting. They should unite behind front-runner Donald Trump. They should concentrate their time, energy and resources on defeating presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

Snyder said, “Republicans have a golden opportunity this year to defeat the Democrats. Unfortunately, their nonsensical, idiotic and hateful anti-Trump elements could blow it for them. Hopefully, these elements will come to their senses. If they don’t straighten up and fly right they will be remembered for wrecking their country’s future.

“Second Amendment champion Trump can beat gun prohibitionist Clinton this year. Trump’s turning out new potential GOP supporters by the millions in primaries and rallies, far more than his Republican opponents. Trump has the pulse of the nation. Pessimists who cite polls to support their hesitancy should remember that Ronald Reagan was way behind Jimmy Carter in polls at the beginning of the 1980 campaign. He won in a landslide and became one of our greatest presidents.”

Snyder said, “People favor Trump over Clinton because of their disgust with Clinton’s support for NAFTA, the WTO, MFN for China, amnesty and citizenship for illegal immigrants, and the Iraq and Libyan failures. To the people, Trump’s in the right on these and other matters. They think he will reverse policies that led to the destruction of American manufacturing, the loss of millions of factory jobs, the lowering of wages, and the massive influx of illegal immigrants, including radical Islamist terrorist sleepers.

“As the Republican presidential nominee, Trump could excoriate Clinton like nobody else, smash her campaign, and assist any number of down-ballot GOP candidates.”

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Google manipulating conservative web sites to stop Trump

According to numerous readers of the award-winning conservative Internet news and commentary web site, NewsWithViews.com, readers are being lied to: a popular web browser, Google Chrome, falsely tells NWV readers that “malware” exists on the web site. When you Google our previous news article “Giuliani supporting Trump in NY primary despite GOP attempts to derail campaign” then click on the link, the following warning pops up “Warning — visiting this web site may harm your computer!” You may want to consider using an alternate search engine for the time being such as ‘StartPage.com, Yahoo.com, and there are plenty others, Etc.

This is allegedly seen with news stories that address political and social issues from a conservative or libertarian perspective especially positive stories and comments that are favorable to GOP front-runner Donald Trump , according to several writers and the editor at NWV, Paul Walter.

Readers attempting to access NWV content are often met with warnings that falsely state that “malware,” which is hazardous to personal computers, exists NewsWithViews.com web set. An unusual number of emails were received by writers and the NWV editor complaining about the problem. Web site subscribers and visitors wrote that they were fearful of damaging their desktop or laptop computers by accessing news stories and opinion columns on NWV, as well as other web sites such as Breitbart.com, ConservativeTreehouse.com and ConservativeBase.com.

One of NWV’s most popular columnists, Kelleigh Nelson, who frequently writes on political issues, had problems with readers not being able to access her opinion pieces appearing on NWV. Kelleigh is 101% pro Trump. “A number of my readers [had] emailed me that when they tried to access my archived articles, a malware warning would always pop up. All of them were using Google Chrome when this happened,” said Nelson. “I immediately alerted Paul Walter, Senior Editor of NewsWithViews.com, and he did a malware check. Nothing showed as being malware within any of my archived articles.”

Ms. Nelson believes that “Google Chrome covertly putting these malware warnings on every article they politically disagree with, and she believes that NewsWithViews.com is not the only target. There are other websites being targeted, including The Marshall Report, and The Conservative Tree House. “If you want the truth in these and other articles, then use any other search engine and the articles and websites will come up, just not with Google Chrome,” said Kelleigh Nelson.

NWV’s editor, Paul Walter, conducted his own investigation and confirmed that the “malware alerts” were the product of only one web browser: Google Chrome. All of the complaints regarding “malware alerts” were generated by readers who were Chrome browser users. Those readers using the other popular Internet browsers were not experiencing this suspected form of censorship.

When NWV editor Paul Walter received complaints from both readers and some columnists about the suspected malware hoax, he contacted his web hosting company in Los Angeles and N.J. for a complete examination of the NewsWithViews.com web site and its dedicated server.

The company reported “conducting full scans and exams of NWV and found no evidence of there being any type of malware or anything harmful within the system.” NWV was given a clean-bill-of-health by the hosting company and yet, the complaints kept pouring in from all over the country about the malwere problem that didn’t exist. Walter said, “I’m almost 100% certain that you won’t be able to find this news article on the Google search engine.” “A Lawsuit is being considered which will get NWV national media attention and millions of new hits. It may be the silver lining in this dark cloud, sort of like David against Goliath.” added Walter

The Conservative Base’s webmaster, Ben Thole, also conducted virus scans and the like and also found there were no problems with the web site or the server. Thole is an experienced web site designer and webmaster who has worked for the Republican Party, celebrities and companies that require first-rate Internet coverage.

NewsWithViews.com columnist, Ron Ewart, President of the National Association of Rural Landowners, when he discovered the activities of Google, launched his own action against the media giant. “Few Silicon Valley companies have ever embraced a political party as passionately as Google has. Its executive chairman, Eric Schmidt, has been described as a “kind of guru” to President Obama’s campaign manager, and Google employees emerged as the No. 2 donor to the Democratic National Committee in the last election,” stated Ewart.

Ewart also mentioned during the telephone interview with a NWV reporter that the Google Chrome Malware Alerts suddenly appeared on conservative articles right after Donald Trump, during a televised rally with 20-thousand cheering supporters, held up an article from the NewsWithViews.com website that verified his assertion about media bias and the NWV website received an astounding 1,000,000 hits in just one day.

Efforts by NWV to contact Google and discuss these serious allegations met with negative results. The person who only gave the name “Heather” said the Google browser is not involved in politics.

However, Ron Ewart wrote a thorough letter to the Google executives Larry Page and Eric Schmidt, which he plans to publish on NewsWithViews.com.

“I hope conservatives will start to take action,” said Ewart. “The whole political system is corrupted and people must awaken and take action before ‘malware alerts’ will be the least of their problems,” he added.

© 2016 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Hillary’s Sunday rally for Muslims proof that us needs Trump

In the Democrat’s plan for victory in November’s presidential election, they have all but admitted they need to assemble a coalition of a number of voting blocs by pandering to immigrants — illegal or legal — and other so called constituencies, a Washington, D.C. insider stated on Friday.

For example, a Muslim coalition rally for the Democratic Party’s flawed front-runner Hillary Clinton is designed with the help of her news media supporters to remind Muslims and their leftist supporters about the GOP’s Donald Trump and his commonsense proposal for a crackdown on the enormous influx of Islamist immigrants, police adviser and self-defense lobbyist John M. Snyder said on Friday.

According to press reports, the Coalition of American Muslims for Hillary is slated to hold a rally on Sunday, April 24 at 3 p.m. at The Universities of Shady Grove in Rockville, Maryland. Among the people slated to attend the rally are the keynote speakers Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Maryland) and longtime Clinton minion John Podesta, who chairs Hillary for America. The organizers claim they’ll attract upwards or 1,200 attendees.

“Rep. Cummings makes no apologies for being involved in a rally for Clinton, even though he is supposed to be investigating her as part of the Benghazi Select Committee. While Rep. Trey Gowdy and others are trying to get to the bottom of the Battle of Benghazi, Cummings has been blocking efforts, denigrating investigators and openly campaigning for the subject of his probe. He should be investigated for a number of questionable actions,” said former police detective, Sid Franes, who is African American.

“When will Americans wake up and see that the entire system has been corrupted by the likes of the Clinton family, President Barack Obama and his crowd, and the majority of Democratic Party bigwigs?” asked Franes.

Sultan Chowdhury is an organizer and member of the Coalition of American Muslims for Hillary and says the event is an opportunity for the Muslim community to engage in the political process. He is noted for his setting up the Islamic Bank of Britain’s Head Office Operations and Branch Network.

“We want to show that there’s [a] significant population of Muslims in the Washington D.C. metro area,” Chowdhury said. “Our political participation has [not been as] prominent, so we thought it’s time for us [through this] general election process to invite the candidates and show our perspective on the political process as well as support the causes so they can take notice of us as well,” he said.

But Trump maintains that “Islam hates us,” that it is “at war with the West,” that “we can’t allow people coming into this country who have this hatred of the United States,” and that there should be a “complete shutdown” of Muslims entering the country.

Snyder noted: “Scholarly research and analysis of Islam indicates that violent, even brutal murderous throat cutting attacks by Muslims on non-Muslims actually are considered acts of piety rather than acts of terrorism by Islamists. This comports with seminal Islamist texts and practice.”

(For an in-depth treatment of this subject, see an article on Realism and Islam by Rev. James V. Schall, S.J.)

“Believers in violence and murder as pious acts are enemies of civilized society and must be treated as such. The presence in our midst of such characters underscores the advisability of constitutional gun carry for self-defense. It shows also that America needs anti-terrorist Second Amendment supporter Trump as president. It needs to defeat Islamist supporting gun prohibitionist Hillary Clinton,” said Snyder, who serves on the advisory boards of the National Association of Chiefs of Police and the American Federation of Police and Concerned Citizens. Snyder is the former editor for the National Rifle Association (NRA) magazines and a scholar in constitutional law.

DIA documents also confirm the suspicions that the U.S. government was aware of military-grade arms being transported from the terrorist hotbed of Benghazi to war-torn Syria for use by rebel forces against the Al-Assad regime. In addition, the report contains an August 2012 analysis of intelligence that predicted “the meteoric rise of al-Qaida in Iraq terrorists” who morphed into the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), arguably the cruelest, violent and deadly terrorist group in the world.

“Besides the cover-up of the true motive for the attack, Hillary Clinton and her lackeys wanted to keep the Muslim Brotherhood’s role in planning the attack and selecting the target under wraps. She was on record telling Americans – as did President Barack Obama – that the Muslim Brotherhood is a moderate group,” said former police counterterrorism unit member, Joseph Larzenby. In fact, Clinton and Obama both openly supported Egyptian President Morsi, who was connected to the radical Islamist group, the Muslim Brotherhood. The group had been placed on the terrorist watch lists of a number of countries, but not the U.S. State Department’s terrorist designation list.

“So while we now have proof that Hillary Clinton knowingly lied about the reason for the attack in blaming a pathetic, obscure video for the murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other brave Americans, we still haven’t gotten to the bottom of this cover-up,” stated former U.S. Navy SEAL Scott Taylor, the current president of Special Operations Speaks.

The documents also contend that the terrorists intended to attack the sparsely protected U.S. diplomatic mission in order to kill as many American officials as possible. The motive for the attack was believed to have been revenge for the U.S. counterterrorism operation credited with killing of Abu Yahya al-Libi, a high-level al-Qaida terrorist killed by U.S. drone strikes in North Waziristan.

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Giuliani supporting Trump in ny primary despite GOP attempts to derail campaign

“Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani deserves thanks and applause from tens of millions of Americans for declaring he’ll cast his vote for Donald Trump next week in the Empire State’s GOP presidential primary,” John M. Snyder police gun policy adviser said Monday.

Both the Washington Post and New York Times have named Snyder the dean of gun lobbyists. The Trace recently designated him a power broker.

“I support Trump,” said Giuliani. “I’m gonna vote for Trump.” He said Trump opponent Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas “can’t win” in November’s general election. “Ted Cruz is straight fastball down the middle of the plate for the Democratic Party, which they are expert at hitting out of the ballpark…If it’s Donald, there is no ballpark.”

Snyder said, “Giuliani hardly could have put it more succinctly and directly. As a candidate, Trump stands head and shoulders over others. It’s truly amazing that midget-minded Republicans in New York and elsewhere can’t see this. It seems Trump opponents just don’t get it, or do, and fear the disruption of their preeminence a Trump presidency could cause them.

“Trump haters fear the people and their significance. They nit pick with distracting issues in an attempt to get people to pay more attention to these matters than to the central ones. Trump wants to dump trade and immigration policies that undermine our middle class. Elitists want to keep these policies and to keep the people down. By supporting Trump, voters can smash them.”

Snyder said, “Republicans should stop their ridiculous infighting. They should unite behind front-runner Donald Trump. They should concentrate their time, energy and resources on defeating presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

Snyder said, “Republicans have a golden opportunity this year to defeat the Democrats. Unfortunately, their nonsensical, idiotic and hateful anti-Trump elements could blow it for them. Hopefully, these elements will come to their senses. If they don’t straighten up and fly right they will be remembered for wrecking their country’s future.

“Second Amendment champion Trump can beat gun prohibitionist Clinton this year. Trump’s turning out new potential GOP supporters by the millions in primaries and rallies, far more than his Republican opponents. Trump has the pulse of the nation. Pessimists who cite polls to support their hesitancy should remember that Ronald Reagan was way behind Jimmy Carter in polls at the beginning of the 1980 campaign. He won in a landslide and became one of our greatest presidents.”

Snyder said, “People favor Trump over Clinton because of their disgust with Clinton’s support for NAFTA, the WTO, MFN for China, amnesty and citizenship for illegal immigrants, and the Iraq and Libyan failures. To the people, Trump’s in the right on these and other matters. They think he will reverse policies that led to the destruction of American manufacturing, the loss of millions of factory jobs, the lowering of wages, and the massive influx of illegal immigrants, including radical Islamist terrorist sleepers.

“As the Republican presidential nominee, Trump could excoriate Clinton like nobody else, smash her campaign, and assist any number of down-ballot GOP candidates.”

Snyder noted, “A number of so-called Republicans would rather blow up the GOP and themselves along with it than see Donald Trump elected President. Some even have said they would rather see probable Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton elected.

“They can’t stand Trump because they can’t control him. The blue collar billionaire is not part of the ‘club.’ However, he enjoys the support of average American voters. With their ‘anybody but Trump’ attitude, the hate Trump Republican insiders are putting themselves before party and country. What arrogant insolence!”

“Second Amendment champion Trump can beat gun prohibitionist Clinton this year. Trump’s turning out new potential GOP supporters by the millions in primaries and rallies, far more than his Republican opponents. Trump has the pulse of the nation.”

Snyder said, “Some may not prefer Trump for a number of personal reasons, but his financial independence, stated positions on a number of issues, in-your-face campaign style, unique persona and identity with voters make him the best available presidential GOP candidate this election cycle.

“On the other hand, the Democrats appear ready to put up a promoter of gun prohibition, abortion, same-sex marriage and the LGBT agenda as their nominee. Republicans have got to save the nation from the malignant Democrat entity. With Trump as their nominee, they can do it. That is their destiny.”

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Mexican coyote finally imprisoned after 24 arrests by feds: Trump campaign

Even critics and opponents of GOP presidential hopeful Donald Trump admit that from the very beginning he moved the issue of illegal immigration and border security to center stage, thereby proving what he has said many times: the media are deceitful.

A recent case of one that the Trump campaign has pointed to proves his point: a convicted human trafficker, or Mexican “coyote,” who had been arrested 24 times dating back to the Clinton Administration, was sentenced to federal prison this week for the first time. U.S. Border Patrol agents had nabbed the suspect with smuggling illegal immigrants into the United States 23 times in less than 17 years, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of California. But this time arrest number 24 finally resulted in a conviction and prison sentence.

Alien smuggler Efrain Delgado-Rosales was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Cathy A. Bencivengo for smuggling four illegal aliens into the United States and then abandoning three of them in the Otay Mountains region once they were across United States border from Mexico.

The 35-year-old human smuggler was sentenced to five years in prison by a federal judge in San Diego for bringing an illegal alien into the U.S. for a large fee. He had been arrested by Border Patrol agents 24 times dating back to July 19, 1999. Only once was he apprehended alone. Every other time, he was apprehended with at least two and up to 46 other undocumented individuals. Once, on September 14, 2003, he was apprehended in a load house in Los Angeles with 61 other undocumented individuals.

“In the August 2014 event, one of the smuggled men, Jose de Jesus Hernandez-Adono, died. His mummified body was found by Border Patrol and Homeland Security Investigations Agents in late September 2014. A witness was located, who had been smuggled in with Hernandez-Adono. The witness identified Delgado-Rosales as the foot guide,” the prosecutors said in a statement.

According to the witness, Hernandez-Adono died, and the other three barely survived the trek. “Why the prosecution didn’t charge Delgado-Rosales with at least manslaughter to me sounds like a political decision. It’s evidence of hardworking law enforcement officers [in the Border Patrol] doing their jobs but the decision-makers dropping the ball. I suspect some of the bad decision making is intentional as part of the President Barack Obama unilateral amnesty,” said Peter Rosario, a former narcotics officer who worked at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Efforts to discover why this convicted human trafficker was able to elude punishment for a number of felonies met with promises of an internal investigation. “The fact that you have a man who managed to avoid incarceration 23 times says more about our law enforcement capabilities especially in this era of rampant Islamist terrorism and human trafficking. Where are the lawmakers now?” asked former police sergeant Manny Rosario.

“After almost a day of hiking through the mountains, Border Patrol was alerted to the men’s whereabouts. Border Patrol agents responded to the location –about one mile north of the U.S.-Mexico border and three miles east of the closest checkpoint at the Otay Mesa Port of Entry- to find Delgado-Rosales and the four men. All five men were arrested for being illegally in the United States,” according to the U.S. Attorney’s prosecutors.

“All four men identified Delgado-Rosales as their foot guide and explained that they and their families each promised to pay others $5,000 to get them each into the United States, for a total of $20,000,” they said.

The location of the arrests matters, because Delgado-Rosales was implicated in another smuggling operation in the Otay Mountains, further east in more rugged and desert-like terrain.

The facts detailed in the August 2014 smuggling event mirror those detailed by the men in this case. As in this case, the men in August 2014 were housed at a stash house in Tijuana while waiting to be smuggled into the United States. Delgado-Rosales required that the men buy and wear drab, brown clothing during the crossing to hide from Border Patrol. The group again consisted of four men and again Delgado-Rosales had them cross over the Otay Mountains. The smuggling fee was the same, $5,000, and Delgado-Rosales again appeared to lack any concern for the welfare of his charges.

U.S. Attorney Laura Duffy said, “This case serves as an example of the extreme dangers associated with crossing illegally into the United States. Smuggling activities are run by criminal organizations that have little concern over the welfare of their charges. Our office will aggressively prosecute those who smuggle illegal aliens into the United States for financial gain, place those in their company in grave danger and needlessly cause deaths.”

Chief Border Patrol Agent Richard A. Barlow added, “The sentence of Delgado-Rosales sends a stern message to those who use dangerous means to smuggle individuals into this country for profit. I would like to acknowledge the U.S. Attorney’s Office for their efforts in this case.”

‘In most sane societies, the government…and their extension of law enforcement…is set in place to protect the citizenry. This is the least a people can expect from their government. But a bizarre and baffling situation is arising in the West. The governments that the people have elected to protect their national security, have now reversed their purpose and mission and are now protecting the perps,” said talk show host and columnist Audrey Russo.

President Obama is making the lives of citizens worse, not better, along Arizona’s border with Mexico, Pinal County, Arizona, Sheriff Paul Babeu said Tuesday. Sheriff Babeu is not the only lawman to complain about the Obama Administration’s handling of border security and overall crimefighting. He’s joined by Milwaukee’s Sheriff David Clarke and the membership of the U.S. Border Patrol’s union.

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Conservatives reject Obama’s Merrick Garland for Supreme Court pick

While the news media welcomed President Barack Obama’s latest Supreme Court nomination with opened arms and told the American people that Obama’s nominee — Judge Merrick Garland — is a “centrist,” conservative and Christian groups are already announcing their opposition, some representing pro-life Christians and American gun owners.

For example, the hugely successful pro-life group, Operation Rescue, upon hearing of the nomination, has already announced its opposition to President Obama’s nomination of Garland to replace Justice Antonin Scalia on the U.S. Supreme Court. To many Americans, the late Scalia was the highest court’s quintessential “originalist” when it comes to the U.S. Constitution.

But Garland, who currently serves as chief judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia and is considered a “liberal,” by Operation Rescue and other conservative groups.

“Millions of lives hang in the balance of each ruling on abortion put forth by the Supreme Court. I refuse to support any nominee – Republican or Democrat – that will not renounce Roe v. Wade and commit to restoring legal protections to the pre-born,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue.

Former political activist and strategist Michael Baker agrees with Newman: “Even several liberal-left legal scholars have decried Roe v. Wade as being ‘legislating from the bench.’ They have said that Roe v. Wade is ‘bad law’ and not based on the U.S. Constitution,” Baker added.

Meanwhile, Republican-controlled Senate leadership has pledged not to confirm any nomination for the Supreme Court made by President Obama in this election year. The Judiciary Committee, which would be responsible to hold confirmation hearings for Garland, has vowed not to convene hearings for Obama’s pick.

“I strongly urge the members of the Judiciary Committee to hold fast to their promise, for the sake of the future of our country and the future of our posterity,” said Newman. “The Senate Republican leadership cannot afford to break this important promise to their conservative, pro-life base, if they expect us to vote for any of them ever again.”

Meanwhile, another organization opposing Judge Garland is the National Rifle Association (NRA).

According to the executive director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action, Chris W. Cox, “With Justice [Antonin] Scalia’s tragic passing, there is no longer a majority of support among the justices for the fundamental, individual right to own a firearm for self-defense. Four justices believe law-abiding Americans have that right – and four justices do not. President Obama has nothing but contempt for the Second Amendment and law-abiding gun owners.”

Cox points out that President Obama has “already nominated two Supreme Court justices who oppose the right to own firearms and there is absolutely no reason to think he has changed his approach this time.”

A basic analysis of Merrick Garland’s judicial record shows that he does not respect our fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms for self-defense. Therefore, the National Rifle Association, on behalf of our five million members and tens of millions of supporters across the country, strongly opposes the nomination of Merrick Garland for the U.S. Supreme Court, according to an NRA statement.

According to the Washington Free Beacon’s Stephen Gutowski, “President Obama’s nominee to replace Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, has a record of opposing gun rights as a federal judge, which includes a vote to undo a landmark gun rights ruling.”

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New Soros funded industry out to destroy Trump’s campaign

During a fundraiser in Philadelphia, President Barack Obama said he was going to counter his Republican opponents in the House, the Senate and in the States. “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun. Because from what I understand, folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”

People like George Soros know how to plan ahead to manufacture mob violence masquerading as social movements. It worked like a charm in Ferguson, Missouri, and laying the groundwork for energizing the critical black turnout in 2016, courtesy of BlackLivesMatter and others. BLM is also serving as a useful vehicle for suppressing the Donald Trump for President phenomenon. And guess what group is helping Soros, the Democratic Party and their support groups? “None other than the mainstream news media including Fox News Channel. There’s always a good guy and a bad guy in their simpleton coverage and so the good guys are Black Lives Matter and the bad guys are Trump supporters,” said political strategist Michael Baker.

“While no one died as a result of Trump appearances and speeches, the news media openly launched an attack on him in order to portray him as a “Nazi,” a “fascist,” a “bully” and other pejoratives. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton — who’s being investigated for a number of “actions” she took including abandoning Americans in Libya who ended up dead — is being portrayed as the voice of reason,” Baker also pointed out.

“George Soros’ Moveon.org anarchists, along with Bernie Sanders, Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street, F**k the Police, and typical Chicago-Style-Democrat-thug politics were responsible for the riot in Chicago where Trump was to speak. Many were carrying Mexican flags and wearing Muslims Hate Trump T-shirts. This is the second stage of planning to derail Trump. Because Trump had to cancel the Chicago speech, these gangsters will try this again and again,” said NewsWithViews columnist Kelleigh Nelson

Recently during an appearance on Univision, the Hispanic television network, presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton said, “I believe there are all kinds of underground movements and efforts in our country that try to use violence or assert beliefs that I find often lead to violence.” Clinton said that before outright accusing some police officers of being terrorists. “I think that when you have police violence that terrorized communities, that doesn’t show the respect that you’re supposed to have from respecting people in your authority, that can feel, also, terrorizing,” she said.

“It doesn’t take a Sherlock Holmes to discover that thugs from Democratic Party-supporting unions, Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street, Code Pink and other progressive and socialist organizations have planned to turn public opinion against the GOP’s bad boy of politics, Donald Trump,” said former police detective and military intelligence operative Sid Franes, who is African American. “He may be the Republicans’ bad boy, but at least he’s not the Democrats’ pathological liar or crime lord,” he added.

While the Black Lives Matter movement (BLM) casts itself as a spontaneous uprising born of inner city frustration, it is just the latest — perhaps more dangerous — well-funded communist/socialist organization to come down the pike. These radical groups have been agitating against America for decades and with few exceptions have been linked to the Democratic Party. One of these groups’ biggest financiers is none other than multi-billionaire George Soros.

Not long ago, the Occupy Wall Street movement was on the march especially in New York City. Their actions — including violent episodes — weren’t blamed on Trump, but on a terrible economy. However, many of the same people involved then are involved now and their anger and actions are blamed on Donald Trump.

These groups have provoked police killings and other violence, lawlessness and unrest in minority communities throughout the U.S. BLM appears to be exercising considerable leverage over the Democratic Party, in part by pressuring and intimidating Democratic candidates such as Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders (VT) into embracing their cause.

The movement could also assist President Obama’s exploitation of racial divisions in society beyond his final term in office.

Exploiting blacks to promote Marxist revolution is an old tactic. The late Larry Grathwohl, former FBI informant in the Weather Underground, understood from personal experience how white communists exploited blacks and other minority groups. He said that Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn regarded Barack Obama, whose political career they sponsored, as a tool—a puppet—to use against white America. Obama’s legacy at home will certainly include more racial division.

BLM launched in 2013 with a Twitter hashtag, BlackLivesMatter, after neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman was acquitted in the Trayvon Martin killing. Radical Left activists Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi claim credit for the slogan and hashtag. Following the Michael Brown shooting in August 2014, Dream Defenders, an organization led by Working Families Party(ACORN) activist and Occupy Wall Street anarchist Nelini Stamp, popularized the phrase “Hands Up–Don’t Shoot!” which has since become BLM’s widely recognized slogan.

Garza, Cullors and Tometi all work for front groups of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), one of the four largest radical Left organizations in the country. The others are the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), and the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism (CCDS). Nelini Stamp’s ACORN—now rebranded under a variety of different names—works with all four organizations, and Dream Defenders is backed by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the ACLU, the Southern Poverty Law Center and others.

One of the few Trump defenders is Fox News Channel’s Judge Jeanine Pirro (see video above) who stated on Saturday night: “Since when if you state an opinion are you responsible for someone’s reaction?” she asked. “Since when do you have the right to interrupt my First Amendment right to listen to a candidate for the highest office in the land?”

“This is America. Not the Soviet Union,” said Judge Jeanine.

“Your free speech, if it differs from mine, doesn’t mean that you’re right and I’m wrong, and therefore I must be silenced. But that is exactly what the left tried to do in Chicago last night, and again moments ago in Kansas City to more than 25,000 who came to hear Donald Trump.”

Protesters, of course, have the right to dissent, said Judge Jeanine. “But you cannot defend assault by arguing verbal provocation,” she warned.

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GOP leaders may wreck party with Trump hate fest, says top lobbyist

Earlier this week, the NewsWithViews.com published a story regarding the lengths to which the RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) — a/k/a the GOP establishment — will go to thwart the Donald Trump presidential juggernaut. GOP political strategist and author Roger Stone had reported that participants at a meeting held by the Democrats’ favorite bogeymen, the uber-wealthy Koch Brothers, and presidential hopeful, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, somehow leaked their plans to sabotage the nomination of Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention later this year, according to the NewsWithViews.com story.[Link]

The two brothers, Charles G. and David H. Koch, met with other Republican millionaires and billionaires had allocated an immense $75 million figure to be spent targeting and terminating Trump’s successful political race. According to Stone, they also discussed how they would use the already-defeated 2012 President Barack Obama opponent, Mitt Romney, as their ‘Plan B’ if Rubio’s also ends up a loser on Super Tuesday.

However the plotters later came to the decision to drop “Plan B” and any other anti-Trump activity by the billionaire industrialists.

“Members of the so-called Republican establishment could destroy the GOP because of their selfish hatred of GOP rank and file favorite Donald J. Trump,” John M. Snyder, a police organization adviser — who was recently designated a power broker by The Trace — said on Wednesday.

“They really are a pretty disgusting bunch,” Snyder added.

Snyder, an advisory board member of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, said, “It seems they would rather lose this year’s presidential election than let Trump, the popular choice, receive the GOP presidential nomination. Public rallies, primaries and polls show Trump as the clear favorite, but establishmentarians reportedly are trying to devise all kinds of electoral and political schemes to thwart the will of Republican voters.”

Snyder continued: “These characters do not have the good of the country at heart. It appears from various television and Internet reports they would rather have the wretched Democrats continue to undermine the United States than truly work to make America great again.”

Snyder’s remarks followed reports that certain GOP leaders met last weekend with CEOs from certain companies to — just as did the Koch brothers at their meeting — figure out how to stop a Trump nomination dead in its tracks. According to Vanity Fair magazine, the meeting was held at the Sea Island Resort as part of the American Enterprise Institute’s annual World Forum.

Among those present, according to Vanity Fair, were “Apple CEO Tim Cook, Tesla Motors and Space X CEO Elon Musk, Napster CEO Sean Parker, and Google co-founder Larry Page. Top Republicans, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Speaker Paul Ryan, Senator Tom Cotton, and Karl Rove also attended the forum, as did billionaire GOP donor Philip Anschutz and New York Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger.”

“This was a gathering of crony capitalists, business leaders who straddle the fence between the Democratic and Republican Parties, RINO lawmakers and the publisher of the leftist New York Times with one goal. Stop Donald Trump. And stop him by any means necessary.”

According to GOPUSA.com, “The Huffington Post [also reported] that the main focus of the meeting was ‘how to stop Republican front-runner Donald Trump.'”

“Hopefully,” said John Snyder, “this cabal will not succeed. Middle America wants change. It’s obvious. It wants Trump. GOP elitists, get over it. Conservative cry babies, grow up. Cease intramural conflict. Unite now. Fight the real political enemy, the Democrats. With the Lord’s help, we can crush the malignant entity.”‘ Besides his work for police organizations, Snyder is a top gun policy maven and former NRA publications editor.

“Snyder is absolutely correct. How in God’s name can these Republicans operate in such a way as to help the Democratic Party’s and the news media’s heir apparent to the presidency — Hillary Clinton? They are so outraged by Trump that by their actions they will help a proven liar, incompetent sociopath become President of the United States? It’s madness, it’s what it is — madness!” exclaimed an angry former police commander, Paul T. McDermott.
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Koch brothers retreat from plan to attack Donald Trump

The multi-billionaires Charles and David Koch brothers, arguably the nation’s most powerful and generous conservative donors in the United States, decided they will not use their $400 million Political Action Committee to attempt to stop Republican front-runner Donald Trump’s juggernaut to the presidential nomination, according to political strategist Michael Baker.

GOP political strategist and author Roger Stone had reported that participants at a meeting held by the Democrats’ favorite bogeymen, the uber-wealthy Koch Brothers, and presidential hopeful, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, somehow leaked their plans to sabotage the nomination of Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention later this year.

The two brothers, Charles G. and David H. Koch, met with other Republican millionaires and billionaires had allocated an immense $75 million figure to be spent targeting and terminating Trump’s successful political race. According to Stone, they also discussed how they would use the already-defeated 2012 President Barack Obama opponent, Mitt Romney, as their ‘Plan B’ if Rubio’s also ends up a loser on Super Tuesday.

The decision to drop “Plan B” and any other anti-Trump activity by the billionaire industrialists is one more example of Republican establishment inability to derail the real estate magnate Trump’s bid for the White House, and their hope for another nominee appears to be dashed since the Koch brothers will not launch a highly financed anti-Trump campaign.

“We have no plans to get involved in the primary,” said James Davis, spokesman for Freedom Partners, the Koch brothers’ political umbrella group told reporters.

According to a Trump political strategist, Roger Stone, the Koch brothers made the decision because they decided based on several recent incidents that spending millions of dollars attacking Trump would be futile and a waste of resources better used in Senate, House of governor races. They decided that none of the attacks against Donald Trump stick.

The Koch brothers lost millions of dollars they donated to the 2012 Republican presidential bid of Newt Gingrich and then Mitt Romney. While Gingrich was their first choice and shared their conservative ideals, Romney was the very definition of a Republican in Name Only (RINO) who actually created government healthcare that Obama copied and was pro-choice and not adverse to big government.

“Romney was not capable of beating Obama and the news media who he seemed to be trusting,” said political guru Mike Baker. “Republicans have got to learn that they aren’t only battling the Democrats who are vicious to begin with; they also have to fight the news media who will always support their liberal-left brethren. Ronald Reagan seems to be the only Republican who understood that,” Baker said.

Donors and media reports have speculated that they would deploy their vast political network to target Trump. Then the Koch brothers gathered America’s wealthiest political donors for a meeting. The Kochs especially disliked his hardline views on immigration — they tend to be more libertarian than conservative. They hated Trump’s promise of building a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico and deporting millions of illegal immigrants.

In addition, Hillary Clinton — who wanted to jump on the anti-Trump media bandwagon this week — has accused Trump of racism for his strong stance against illegal aliens.

While most politicians would respond quietly (if at all), Trump shot back via a Facebook post. Here is what The Donald said:

“Failing candidate Hillary Clinton, who is desperately trying to hold on to her lead in the democratic primary against Bernie Sanders, is knowingly putting out lies about my stance on illegal immigration. I said “Mexico is sending”— I’m not knocking immigration or immigrants, but rather am very critical of the country of Mexico for sending us people that they don’t want. Likewise I am very critical of illegal immigration and the tremendous problems including crime, which it causes.

“She is desperate, she is sad, and she is obviously very nervous when she has to revert to issues that have already been settled given the absolute accuracy of my statement. She speaks about “my tone” and that’s the problem with our country’s leaders. They are more worried about tone than results! It’s not about being nice— it’s about being competent.

“Hillary should spend more time producing her illegally hidden emails and less time trying to obfuscate a statement by me that is totally clear and obviously very much accepted by the public as true. I am honored, however, that she is attacking me, instead of Jeb Bush. Obviously she knows that JEB is no longer her real competition. The last person she wants to face is Donald Trump.”

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Koch brothers retreat from plan to attack Donald Trump Pt. 1

Donald Trump may not have to worry about beating Hillary Clinton for President in the November election, claim several of his supporters and his opponents today. Clinton’s past transgressions appear to be creeping back into the spotlight.

For example, the U.S. Department of Justice, which many believe has become a hotbed of politicized big cases, reportedly entered into an immunity deal with a former U.S. State Department staffer who worked on Hillary Clinton’s private email server. Mrs. Clinton is facing a criminal investigation over her use of a non-government, personal email system to transmit and receive classified material including secret and top secret intelligence.

A number of news outlets have reported that the FBI secured the cooperation of Bryan Pagliano, who worked on Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign before setting up the private server at her New York home in 2009.

While the Justice Department is being given credit for the immunity deal that’s expected to open the “Clinton closet door,” it’s most probably tough law enforcement officials with expertise in interview and interrogation techniques who managed to encourage Hillary Clinton’s associate, Bryan Pagliano.

“You can bet the farm that had Justice Department officials conducted the interviews or interrogations of Mr. Pagliano they wouldn’t have gotten anything for their efforts. But let real cops conduct interviews and call the shots and you get results,” said former police homicide detective Sidney Franes. “But don’t expect too much since the Clinton gang has a lot of experience and there’s a lot of support for them — crime or no crime — from a large number of news media people and a large number of Democrats who believe they’ll get something for nothing,” Franes noted.

Eventually FBI investigators will want to question Mrs. Clinton and her aides, such as Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, about the decision to use a private server, and whether any of the participants knew they were sending classified information in emails as part of the ongoing investigation.

“Pagliano, who installed Hillary Clinton’s private email server told members of Congress’ Select Committee on Benghazi that he will invoke his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination and that made FBI agents wonder what information is the Clinton minion concealing,” said former criminal investigator and intelligence officer Leonard Rooney, Jr.

Trump has also argued he is a “unifier” while Clinton should be disqualified from the race because she used a private email server while serving as secretary of state.

“Once we get all of this finished, I’m going to go after one person, and that’s Hillary Clinton, on the assumption she’s allowed to run, which is a big assumption,” Trump said, referring to an investigation into the security of that email server and classified intelligence.

Hillary Clinton’s dominoes appear to be toppling as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), inspectors general from a number of government agencies, and an equally large number of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that investigate and expose government corruption intensify their investigations of Clinton and her minions.

While the focus of the probe is Clinton’s privately-owned Internet server being used for the transfer of classified intelligence, the probe may also encompass her husband’s financial bonanza allegedly accumulated through speeches for foreign entities with whom his wife conducted State Department business as the Secretary of State.

What appears to be the first Clinton staff member to acknowledge that suspicious activity may have occurred when one of Democratic Party president candidate’s former aides — who is responsible for helping to install a private email server in Hillary Clinton’s lavish Chappaqua, New York, home — told lawmakers sitting on several Congressional Committees that he will invoke the Fifth Amendment to avoid testifying against his former boss.

Mr. Bryan Pagliano, who many regard as just another political operative for the Clinton family, was an official with Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign team. After she lost to Barack Obama, anticipating her appointment and confirmation to the Secretary of State post, Pagliano helped in the installation of an Internet server system in Hillary’s home.

He has been asked to testify about the server by Rep. Trey Gowdy’s House Select Committee on Benghazi, the Senate Judiciary Committee, and the Senate Homeland Security Committee. But apparently the FBI beat the lawmakers to the punch, according to Det. Rooney.

According to Fox News Channel’s chief intelligence correspondent, Catherine Herridge, U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch said Monday that the Justice Department has no deadline for concluding the Clinton email investigation and that it’s being handled “like any other review,” even with the presidential election just months away.

But Brigadier General Kenneth Bergquist, a former high-ranking intelligence and special operations officer told The Daily Caller News Foundation that Hillary and some of her minions face federal charges, including their intentionally concealing the private server at Clinton’s home from State Department security officials, as well as “a public corruption charge of honest services fraud.”

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Chinese join American globalists in attacking Donald Trump

Officials from the People’s Republic of China have reportedly given $350 million to a low-key Super PAC whose goal is sabotaging GOP frontrunner Donald Trump’s presidential bid. According to the Satira Tribune, the $350 million will be used to defeat Trump and lobby for several new U.S.-Chinese trade deals.

Chinese government officials remain mum over the allegations that they are becoming financially involved into U.S. political elections, but British news outlets have been probing the Chinese effort to influence foreign nations’ politics. The BBC claims its own investigation uncovered a Super Political Action Committee with the singular goal of interfering in the political affairs of the United States.

The multi-billionaire real estate magnate, “The Donald,” told the BBC, “Of course the Chinese don’t want me to be President. They know I’ll be out dealing them every step of the way. I know these people very well, some are great friends, but others only want to take advantage of the American people and I’m sick of it.

“Under Obama they have won time and time again, it’s disgraceful, but what else do you expect from a loser. With me, they know they are dealing with a winner. Party time is over for the Chinese. America is about to win again and become greater than the Great Wall of China,” Trump promised.

A transaction by the Obama White House that’s sure to anger most Americans — if the news media ever bothered to tell them — the People’s Republic of China and other nations get millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to help with their so-called green projects. The outrageous part of the story is that the U.S. is indebted to China for almost a trillion dollars, according to a vocal critic of outsourcing on Friday.

“President Barack Obama has kept his promise to create green jobs and green technology. The only setback is that he created the jobs and technology in other countries using suffering American taxpayers’ money,” claimed political consultant Michael Barker during a telephone interview with NewswithViews.com.

“Here are the facts: Obama is gutting the military due to the crippling deficits and the enormous national debt. The Chinese, however, are building up this military. And we’re giving them foreign aid. It’s madness,” said Barker.

The Obama EPA administrator, Lisa Jackson, who launched an enormously expensive program to make America’s minority communities green, has sent millions of taxpayer dollars to environmental causes in nations overseas, including China, Russia and India.

These foreign nations are experiencing economic growth while millions of Americans suffer from joblessness, losing their homes due to foreclosures, and watching their health care being transformed into another government entitlement program, according to political activist Joshua Tallis.

“Ranking members of the U.S. Congress Energy Committee called the program “foreign handouts” amid record deficits, soaring unemployment and a looming debt ceiling in the U.S. The money — $27 million since 2009 — has been issued by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which is headed by Ms. Jackson,” Tallis said.

“It’s a sad situation made sadder by the fact the news media — always looking out for Obama’s best interests — are ignoring this story. If it wasn’t for a public-interest legal group, Judicial Watch, who knows if we’d ever find out about this giveaway before the November election,” said Tallis.

The cash was distributed via 65 foreign grants that don’t even include Canada and Mexico, according to a report by Judicial Watch, a watchdog group based in the nation’s capital.

Among the foreign handouts are $1.2 million for the United Nations to promote clean fuels, $718,000 to help China comply with two initiatives and $700,000 for Thailand to recover methane gas at pig farms, according to public-interest group’s investigation, according to the Judicial Watch blog report.

An additional $150,000 went to help the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) combat fraud in carbon trading and $15,000 to Indonesia’s “Breathe Easy, Jakarta” publicity campaign.

This sort of federal spending does not reflect the priorities of the American people, according to a letter that several lawmakers sent Jackson in the report’s aftermath.

There are some who believe a investigation — perhaps a criminal investigation — may be in order since much of this financial activity is done without Congressional oversight and without examination of the people involved in these transactions, said former white-collar crime investigator George Lestieri, now a corporate security consultant.

Since being appointed EPA Administrator, Jackson has gone on a manic spending spree to bring “environmental justice” to low-income and minority communities. Under the program, dozens of left-wing groups have received millions of taxpayer dollars to help poor and impoverished people increase recycling, reduce carbon emissions through “weatherization,” participate in “green jobs” training and avoid heat stroke.

“This is a lot of money switching hands and no one even bothered to vet these recipients,” said Lestieri.

However on Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2012, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit struck down EPA’s costly Cross-State Air Pollution Rule, ruling the agency had acted in excess of its statutory authority. Just last week, a federal appeals court vacated EPA’s disapproval of Texas’ flexible permitting program.

This emerging trend in the courts underscores just how far EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson has gone to push through EPA’s reckless regulatory agenda. EPA continues to fight the law in an effort to justify its job-destroying regulations, but this time, the law won, according to GOP lawmakers on the Energy Committee.

The EPA’s budget has also surged 34% since Jackson took over to a whopping $10.3 billion. The figure includes $43 million for efforts to reduce greenhouse gases that the agency claims “endanger” public health, according to Judicial Watch.

By the EPA’s own statements, Administrator Jackson has pledged to focus on core issues of protecting air and water quality, preventing exposure to toxic contamination in U.S. communities, and reducing greenhouse gases. She has pledged that all of the agency’s efforts will follow the best science, adhere to the rule of law, and be implemented with unparalleled transparency.

By the same statements, she has made it a priority to focus on vulnerable groups – including children, the elderly, and low-income communities – that are particularly susceptible to environmental and health threats. She has promised that all stakeholders will be heard in the decision-making process.

Nearly half of the EPA’s budget goes to grants that fund state environmental programs, nonprofits and educational institutions that help promote the agency’s agenda.

While the Obama Administration and Congressional Democrats know that passing so-called environmental legislation will be a tough sell to the American people, the White House is bypassing the legislative process by surreptitiously using the Environmental Protection Agency, claims Barker.

EPA officials have declared carbon dioxide and other gases to be a threat to the environment and to the health of Americans. They are currently formulating regulations to restrict emissions from automobiles and trucks, power plants and other sources.

For example, any farm with more than 25 dairy cows, 50 beef cattle or 200 hogs would have to obtain a permit to operate, which, according to the United State Department of Agriculture, would cover 99 percent of dairy production, 95 percent of its hog production and 90 percent of beef production.

According to one organization, the New York Farm Bureau, the new permits would cost farmers well over $110 million a year, dramatically impacting the agricultural sector and economy. The tax is estimated at $175 per dairy cow, $87.50 per head of beef cattle and $20 per hog. The added financial burden on already-struggling farmers could force many family farms out of business and lead to a raise in food prices, the group said.

During his carefully worded speech, Obama said, “This is a major milestone in the U.S.-China relationship and it shows what’s possible when we work together on an urgent global challenge. By making this announcement today, together, we hope to encourage all major economies to be ambitious.”

Obama also said that the U.S. and Chinese will work together to pressure other “major countries to come forth with deep emissions reduction plans.” But during the two leaders’ speeches, not one word about how the U.S. verifies China’s compliance especially since that nation is one of the world’s most secretive countries and it hasn’t kept most of its agreements with other nations.

Even before Obama has returned home from overseas, soon-to-be Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, slammed the deal as a giveaway and reminded Obama and his minions that last week’s elections showed how Obama’s iron-fisted environmental policies are unpopular with most Americans. “Our economy can’t take the president’s ideological war on coal that will increase the squeeze on middle-class families and struggling miners,” he said in a statement.

The problem is that the Chinese get everything in this deal, while American taxpayers get billed for China’s windfall. Trump is absolutely right

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Dean of Washington gun lobby John M. Snyder endorses Trump

The man known in the nation’s capital as “the dean of Washington gun lobbyists” has come out and joined the growing number of United States VIPs and endorsed a true “Inside the Beltway” outsider — Donald J. Trump — who is expected to win the South Carolina and Nevada Republican primaries.

“GOP presidential candidate Trump is four-square on gun rights,” former NRA publications editor John M. Snyder said in his office in Titusville, Florida, earlier today. “The attempt to undermine the Trump candidacy with firearm owners is an outrage,” he added.

Snyder is referring to certain Democratic Party news media hacks and even some Republicans who claim Trump is not a strong advocate for America’s gun owners who are under attack by the Obama-Clinton coalition.

“One Republican [presidential] opponent has even charged that Trump as president would nominate to the Supreme Court justices who would eviscerate the Second Amendment,” Snyder noted. “This is shameful and desperate,” he said.

“As far as I know, Trump is the only presidential candidate with a permit, issued by New York City, to carry a concealed firearm. [Trump also] believes a citizen with a [concealed handgun] permit issued by one state ought to be able to carry in other states as well,” added Snyder, who serves on the Board of Advisors for the 15,000-member National Association of Chiefs of Police (NACOP).

“Trump has repeatedly defended the individual Second Amendment civil right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms. He has criticized severely restrictive gun control laws as partially responsible for a number of high-profile murders, including multiple murders. His book, Crippled America, even includes a chapter on the importance of Americans’ gun rights.”

Snyder said that, “Criticism of Trump on the right to keep and bear arms issue seems to have come about at least partially because his pro-gun rights position represents a reversal of previously-held attitudes.”

“However, that is ridiculous. Our pro-gun rights, pro-individual freedom movement needs converts in order to continue expanding throughout the United States. Where would the United States be today if our Founding Fathers had continued to seek reconciliation with the English Crown rather than promoting American independence? Even modern conservative icon Ronald Reagan switched from Democrat to Republican.”

Snyder asserts that, “Instead of voicing suspicion and even condemnation of Donald Trump, lovers of individual gun rights and personal freedom should welcome him and support his campaign to make America great again.”

In the past, there have been a number of political leaders who changed their positions on key issues. For example, former Democratic Party presidential hopeful Al Gore was pro-life for many years until be became a liberal U.S. Senator. George H.W. Bush was a pro-choice Republican but changed his position on abortion when he became President Ronald Reagan’s second-in-command.

A practicing Catholic, Snyder has been named “the dean of Washington gun lobbyists” by both the Washington Post and the New York Times. He’s been dubbed “a champion of the right of self-defense” by the Washington Times, the “gun dean” by Human Events magazine, and “the senior rights activist in Washington” by Shotgun News.

He holds AB and MA degrees in government from Georgetown University. He has been an NRA magazine editor and official of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and the Second Amendment Foundation. He directs Telum Associates, LL.C, and serves on boards of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, Council for America, and the American Federation of Police & Concerned Citizens.


During a Republican presidential campaign bash in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, a key primary state for both the GOP and Democratic Party, the 5,000-member New England Police Benevolent Association, that represents rank-and-file police officers from the Granite State, as well as Massachusetts, announced the PBA’s “proud endorsement of Donald Trump.”

Officials from the police officers association said during the Dec. 10, 2015 event, that they believe they have endorsed “the candidate who best serves our membership.” Speaking to the powerful and influential law enforcement group the man known as “The Donald” promised that upon being elected as Commander in Chief and being inaugurated in January 2017, one of his very first actions will be to sign an executive order.

“Anybody killing a policeman, a policewoman, a police officer, anybody killing a police officer: Death penalty is going to happen, okay?” he told the cheering crowd. “The police and the law enforcement in this country — I will never ever let them down, just remember that.”

Federal criminal procedure law already has a provision giving the federal government the power to execute cop-killers at the federal level. Former police lieutenant and a director of corporate security, Thomas Wollinsky, told the Conservative Base that he’s heard numerous law enforcement officials praise Trump and criticize the majority of Democrats. “Trump reminds us of people like Reagan and Guiliani who didn’t pander to the enemies of cops the way far too many politicians do today,” said Wollinsky.

“They still use the tired, old narrative of racist cops oppressing blacks in order to garner votes and gain power over the blacks who are in the end the primary victims of lawless and violent individuals,” Wollinsky added.

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Michelle Malkin, Donald Trump and eminent domain

Portland Oregon — While the Iowa Caucuses and the New Hampshire Primaries were widely covered by the national news media, a number of conservative groups under the umbrella movement — the Oregon Liberty Alliance — held a moving political rally in Portland, Oregon, on Saturday, February 6.

The group’s 2016 Freedom Rally boasted a guest list of some of the nation’s top conservative voices including blogger extraordinaire and immigration activist Michelle Malkin, author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza, and Fox News contributor Todd Starnes. The non-profit groups represented were the Oregon Women’s League, Oregon Anti-Crime Alliance, Oregon Right to Life, Taxpayer Defense Project, Oregon Family Council and others. [Link]

More than 1,700 people attended Saturday’s 2016 Freedom Rally for conservative values at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland. The rally, put on by the Oregon Liberty Alliance, was to support fiscal responsibility, life, public safety, family values, and religious liberty.

This was the third year for the rally, and attendance has continued to grow. There were more than 750 people at the first rally in 2014, over 1,500 at last year’s rally and more than 1,700 at this year’s rally.

Rally attendees heard energizing and inspiring talks from Starnes, Malkin, Oregon Republican Congressman Greg Walden and D’Souza. Attendees could also visit booths at the rally and learn more about numerous conservative causes, groups and candidates.

Also attending the political rally were members of the management at the top news and commentary web site NewsWithViews.com. Unfortunately, some of the speakers were not enthralled with the leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

As Michelle Malkin was speaking and paused for a few seconds, the editor of NewsWithViews.com used the opportunity to shout out ‘God Bless Donald Trump.’

“Upon hearing that, she started attacking Mr. Trump: Malkin said, ‘He believes in Eminent Domain’ and will take people’s property.’ She was downright nasty and negative towards Mr. Trump,” said the editor-in-chief of NewsWithViews.com.

Senior Editor Paul Walter said, “It was disheartening for me to hear that because I know it’s a total fabricated lie. I love Trump, who I believe is a decent man with a heart of gold. I know without a shadow of a doubt that he is the only one who can save what’s left of my beloved America.” Mr. Walter, who attended the rally with his film actress wife Yutte Stensgaard, noted that out of all the speakers participating in the rally, Ms. Malkin was the only one trashing Mr. Trump. She did however, give Mr. Trump credit on the open border issue. said Walter.

“I find that surprising because out of all the candidates, Trump is the only candidate taking a tough stance on illegal immigration and our national sovereignty. Michelle Malkin gained national attention as a result of her tough immigration stance and her call for tighter border security and immigration enforcement,” said political strategist.

The Republican Party’s neo-cons are using Eminent Domain strategy against Trump because it works — it scares conservatives and libertarians. Mr. Walter and other political observers believe they are stooping to the use of a strategy employed by Adolph Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels: If you repeat a lie often enough people will eventually come to believe it.

“The Democratic Party uses that tactic frequently. For example, ask people who started the Ku Klux Klan, a large number of them will say the Republicans. The truth is, the Ku Klux Klan was created by Democrats. But the Democrats lied about that fact for decades until now college kids believe the KKK is a part of the GOP,” said former attorney and political consultant Joshua Tannenbaum. (read Kelleigh Nelson’s article “Voter Fraud? Thank Howard Baker”)

“The neo-cons are going on the offensive with this lie in the hope of putting Mr. Trump on the defensive,” added Paul Walter.

Mr. Walter also advises that NewsWithViews.com will soon release an article researched by Kelleigh Nelson that accuses Jeb Bush, when he served as Florida’s governor of being the real Eminent Domain villain. The article will reveal that on his watch the State of Florida wanted to confiscate Jesse Hardy’s 160 acres using the Eminent Domain strategy. Stalin said: “Accuse others of what you do”

Yet, the neo-con hypocrites are taking the advice of Barack Obama’s and Hillary Clinton’s mentor, Saul Alinsky: “Accuse others of what you do,” claims a former New York police detective and prosecuting attorney Rafael Menendez. “The neo-cons are accusing Trump of what they do [regarding Eminent Domain]. They know that people are gullible and the only way to stop Trump is with outright lies, dirty tricks and voter fraud.”

After the rally, NWV’s editor-in-chief spoke briefly with Mr. D’ Souza. “He told us that he has a new documentary film being released this summer — the week before the Democratic Convention — in 1,500 theaters across the nation in order to expose the lies, dishonesty and criminal acts of Bill and Hillary Clinton,” he said.

“This will defiantly help the Republican nominee. Mr. D’Souza was extremely polite and friendly. He encouraged us to see his new documentary movie the first weekend of the release because it will help launch it in more theaters across the nation,” said Mr. Walter.

Unfortunately only Dr. Ben Carson and Marco Rubio were GOP candidates with booths staffed by campaign workers passing out campaign flyers. There were upwards of 1,700 people in attendance. But no one was officially representing Mr. Trump.

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Super pac against Trump: “if it bleeds we can kill it”

A former deputy manager for the Romney for President campaign, who is now a devout Rubio supporter, Katie Packer, has made it her primary mission to thwart Republican front-runner Donald Trump’s nomination for President of the United States. In fact, Ms. Packer is credited with saying: If it bleeds we can kill it, obviously meaning Trump’s presidential ambition.

And it’s not a coincidence that Parker is linked to a mysterious Super PAC with ties to current GOP presidential hopeful Marco Rubio and her old boss Mitt Romney who are promising the Republican Party’s so-called establishment they will end the Trump juggernaut in South Carolina.

The Mitt Romney-linked Super PAC is telling donors and supporters that there is an all-out war to prevent the New York real-estate magnate Trump from getting the Grand Old Party’s nomination to run against Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.

The anti-Trump effort is called the “Our Principles PAC” and is believed to be chaired by Ms. Packer who reports directly to the former Massachusetts governor who lost to Barack Obama in 2012.

Katie Packer’s chief complaint regarding a Donald Trump candidacy is that he is a RINO (Republican in Name Only). Ironically, she served on the campaign team in 2011-12 for the arguably chief architect of Obamacare, Gov. Mitt Romney, who ran as a Northeast Republic a/k/a moderate. Her opponents claim it is almost comical to hear her now complaining that “The Donald” isn’t a real conservative.

Packer is being supported by a number of GOP bigshots, including John McCain, in order to try to form a steady barrage of anti-Trump messages that will ultimately turn voters against the New York billionaire no one can buy.

Packer has also admitted she supports Marco Rubio, but says she is not affiliated with the Rubio campaign.

For example, Packer had her minions send out obviously dishonest pamphlets before the primary in New Hampshire. The mailing claimed Donald Trump was anti-Second Amendment despite his being given an award by a police firearms organization.

And while Packer has repeatedly refused to identify the people financing her Super PAC, which has already spent $2 million in Iowa. She now is preparing to spend millions more before the primary in South Carolina. Because of her links to wealthy GOP backers, it isn’t difficult to guess that her former boss Mitt Romney is expected to endorse Marco Rubio.

As previously reported in NewswithViews.com, the GOP’s political establishment has gone as far as advocating violence against their own party’s front-runner. Pat Brady, the co-chairman of the John Kasich for President Campaign, said in an interview that the only way to beat Donald Trump is with a “head shot,” a term used to describe a single-bullet killing. Once he realized the ramifications of what he said, Brady then claimed that his head shot comment regarding Trump wasn’t referring to a literal gunshot to the head.

Not to be outdone by Brady, Republican political consultant Rick Wilson appeared on MSNBC and was more direct when he said the GOP political establishment has to “put a bullet” in Trump’s head

According to conservative firebrand and Trump supporter Ann Coulter, “FOX News is ignoring these death threats against Donald Trump. Disgusting.” And NRA firearms instructor Rick Smith noted, “Never thought it would be possible, but Fox now makes MSNBC look like a professionally run news media [organization]!”

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Megyn Kelly rewarded for her attacks on Trump with $10 million book deal

Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly signed a book deal with HarperCollins, the publisher has announced now that the Fox News anchor has attained national notoriety thanks to her ongoing feud with GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump.

“Megyn Kelly is among the most interesting and influential people in America today and we are thrilled to be publishing her first book,” said Lisa Sharkey, a vice president at HarperCollins, said in a statement. “This book is coming out at the perfect time and is bound to be one of the most read and talked about books of the fall.”

HarperCollins Publishers, a subsidiary of News Corp — which also owns Fox News, the Wall Street Journal and the conservative-magazine The Weekly Standard — announced it has acquired world rights to a book from Kelly. It will be published by the Harper imprint this fall, just before the November 2016 presidential election. The book was acquired by Lisa Sharkey will be edited by Matt Harper, executive editor.

Megyn Kelly currently serves as anchor of FOX News Channel’s The Kelly File. Throughout her tenure with FNC, Kelly has covered breaking news and reported on location.

Before joining FNC, Kelly served as a general assignment reported for WJLA-TV (ABC 7) in Washington, D.C., where she covered national and local stories of interest. Prior to her career in television news, Kelly practiced law for nine years, seven years as a corporate litigator at Jones Day and was an associate for two years in the Chicago office of the law firm Bickel & Brewer LLP.

Kelly has gained a national spotlight due to her questionable debate performance when she arguably attacked Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, which started when she accused him of frequently making negative comments about women during his appearance at the first Republican presidential debate last year.

Trump has since called Ms. Kelly a “lightweight” journalist and raised eyebrows after the debate by saying Kelly had “blood coming out of her wherever,” according to The Hill.

Trump boycotted the last Fox News debate after publicly questioning Kelly’s ability to be unbiased and fair. Still, he insisted his boycott had more to do about Fox’s treatment of him than about Kelly’s role as debate moderator.

MSNBC’s only Republican host, former Congressman Joe Scarborough, appears to agree with Trump’s boycott. Scarborough said that he would rather “set himself on fire” than have Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly’s biased questioning.

Scarborough slammed Kelly, accusing her of being a biased journalist the morning after Donald Trump announced he’d skip last Thursday’s GOP presidential debate out of protest to Kelly’s inclusion as a moderator.

During his “Morning Joe” program, Scarborough played a series of news clips showing Kelly criticizing Trump’s decision to skip the debate hosted by Fox.

“That is just good, unbiased journalism. And if I were a candidate, I certainly would want that person asking me questions in a fair and balanced way,” Scarborough said with obvious sarcasm. “As I’ve said before, I would rather set myself on fire in front of the Fox News studio than go on the debate stage with that.”

Kelly did herself no service when she invited pseudo-filmmaker Michael Moore, an icon of the far-left, to be a guest on her show. During his segment, Moore then proceeded to lambaste Trump and feigned comforting Kelly, who has enjoyed popularity among conservatives and moderates.

“Kelly may be hurting herself in the long run by lurching to the left on a news network that became successful thanks to conservatives and Republicans,” said political strategist Michael Baker. “I guess the $10-million smackers she’s getting for her book is worth losing viewers and their trust,” he added.

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Is Donald Trump in mortal danger?

The GOP’s charismatic presidential candidate Donald Trump’s private plane was forced to make an emergency landing in Nashville, Tennessee, as a result of what’s being called “engine trouble,” by his campaign staff. But in light of some statements by several people — such as two well-known GOP political consultants who advocate shooting Trump in his head — a thorough investigation should be conducted, said political strategist Mike Baker.

Trump’s personal Boeing 757 — which he jokingly christened his own official Air Force One — was on its way to Little Rock, Arkansas, from New York, but his pilots had to make the emergency detour and landed at Nashville International Airport. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) officials released a statement claiming that Trump’s plane landed safely at 4:40 p.m. (Central Time) after the plane’s captain reported he was experiencing problems with the jet engine. The FAA investigators responding to the incident said they will investigate the incident with an “open mind.”

Trump, who is known as The Donald to his friends and supporters, completed his trip using a charter plane for him and his campaign entourage. This latest report builds on existing best practices for threat assessment investigations established by the Secret Service through its research, training, and operational experience over the last 20 years. While all presidential candidates now have Secret Service protection, including Trump, he already had a large, well-trained security force protecting him.

The Secret Service’s protection bureau details information about possible offenders’ planning behavior, motives, and other concerning behaviors they exhibited prior to the attacks. Although the strategy addresses attacks on federal targets, the report is designed to offer guidance to federal, state, and local law enforcement officials in their efforts to identify, assess, and manage a range of potential threats when they protect VIPs (Very Important Persons).

“The reports released by National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC) provide front line law enforcement and public safety professionals with in depth analysis into targeted violence incidents throughout the United States,” stated Kelly Nee, Deputy Superintendent of Boston Police Department’s Regional Intelligence Center. “This information is invaluable to local law enforcement in our mission to keep our citizens safe.”


While the Secret Service and Trump’s security people get reports about “crazies” and “madmen” making death threats against the GOP’s most controversial candidate, even some of the nation’s top political minions are making violence-prone statements.

For example, Pat Brady, the co-chairman of the John Kasich for President Campaign, said in an interview that the only way to beat Donald Trump is with a “head shot,” a term used to describe a single-bullet killing. Once he realized the ramifications of what he said, Brady then claimed that his head shot comment regarding Trump wasn’t referring to a literal gunshot to the head. See Youtube video.

Not to be outdone by Brady, Republican political consultant Rick Wilson appeared on MSNBC and was more direct when he said the GOP political establishment has to “put a bullet” in Trump’s head.

According to conservative firebrand and Trump supporter Ann Coulter, “FOX News is ignoring these death threats against Donald Trump. Disgusting.” And NRA firearms instructor Rick Smith noted, “Never thought it would be possible, but Fox now makes MSNBC look like a professionally run news media!”

Last year, the Director of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson appointed Craig D. Magaw to be Deputy Director of the Office of Strategic Intelligence and Information of the U.S. Secret Service, a brand new position.

“The position, which was a recommendation of the Independent Panel, We intend to embark on a wide search for the right person for the job. The COO will be equal in rank to the Deputy Director, and will serve as the principal administrator and be responsible for planning and directing all business and program activities. The position will focus on improving performance, directing coordination and liaison activities, and aligning budgetary and strategic planning efforts. As recent events have clearly shown, there is more to be done to promote operational excellence and public trust in the Secret Service. However, change does not happen overnight,” said Johnson is a statement.

Slovenian born Paul Walter Senior Editor of this news site said, “Mr. Trump is the only hope for America. I hope that all his planes, helicopters, automobiles are guarded around the clock not only with cameras but also with trusted personnel to make sure nothing is planted on them. I would also recommend when it comes to grocery shopping that the groceries come from different places all the time, never the same place twice in a row. Not to be paranoid of course, but one can not be too careful. We live in dangerous times and what’s at stake is our beloved America, the only hope for the free world.” “The only way they can beat Trump is with outright lies, dirty tricks and vote fraud. He is the only candidate who will seal our border, Rubio, Cruz and Bush are globalists.” added Walter

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Top news woman to news with views: Hillary Clinton’s e-mail timelinee

Last Thursday, NewsWithViews.com’s political reporter appeared on the Christian radio talk show Crosstalk with Jim Schneider, to discuss Democratic Party presidential wannabe Hillary Clinton’s email scandal, the Battle of Benghazi, and the investigation of the Clinton Foundation.

NewsWithViews.com thanks former CBS News correspondent Sharyl Attkisson, an Emmy award winning investigative journalist who is the host of the Sunday morning news program “Full Measure,” and author of the New York Times bestseller: “Stonewalled,” for providing a chronological breakdown of the most devious and corrupt political cover up since President Richard M. Nixon’s Watergate Scandal.

Attkisson was one of the first journalists to fly on a military combat mission: a B-52 sortie in Kosovo. She also flew on an F-15 fighter jet Combat Air Patrol (CAP) flight.


December: President Obama nominates Hillary Clinton for secretary of state.


Jan. 13: Reports say the clintonemail.com domain was established.

Jan. 21: Senate confirms Clinton as secretary of state.

March 18: Clinton will later name this as the date she began using a private server for government business.


Sept. 11: Islamic extremists launch the terrorist attacks on U.S. compounds in Benghazi, Libya, killing Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

October: Clinton convenes Accountability Review Board (ARB) to investigate State Dept. actions surrounding Benghazi.

After the ARB and Congress call for Benghazi-related documents, top Clinton aides Cheryl Mills and Jake Sullivan are allegedly present at a document sorting session in the basement of the State Dept., according to Deputy Assistant Secretary Raymond Maxwell, who later told me he witnessed the operation. No law enforcement body contacted or interviewed Maxwell.

Nov. 7: Judicial Watch files Freedom of Information (FOI) Act request with State Dept. for Benghazi-related emails and other information.

December: I (then at CBS News) file a Freedom of Information Act request with the State Dept. for Benghazi-related emails and other information.

Dec. 10, 2012: Clinton cancels a trip due North Africa and the mideast to “illness” and a “bug.” State Dept. does not disclose she has fallen and received a head injury.

Dec. 13, 2012: State Dept. discloses that Clinton had “fallen” while suffering from a stomach virus sometime the previous week and gotten a “concussion” that was “not severe.” Bill Clinton would later say that her injury “required six months of very serious work to get over.”

Clinton postpones imminent Congressional testimony which had been scheduled.

Dec. 18-19: Clinton writes Congress promising to implement ARB recommendations and ARB officials provide briefing on their findings.

Judicial Watch files another FOI request with State Dept.

Dec. 30: State Dept. discloses discovery of “blood clot” in her head from the concussion.


Jan. 7: Clinton returns to work after her concussion.

Jan. 23: Clinton testifies to Senate Foreign Relations Committee and House Foreign Affairs Committee where she utters her infamous “What difference, at this point, does it make?” comment.

Feb. 1: Clinton leaves State Dept.

Feb. 25: Judicial Watch files two lawsuits against State Dept. for failing to lawfully respond to FOI requests.

March 22: “Guccifer” hacks Clinton’s emails via aide’s account showing that Clinton had received confidential information from a public account.

August: Congress subpoenas Benghazi documents.

Nov. 26: State Dept. tells me (then at CBS News) that it has posted all documents responsive to my Benghazi FOI request from Dec. 2012.


May 5: Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., is named head of the House Benghazi Committee to investigate the 2012 terrorist attacks.

May 8: House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, formally announces formation of House Benghazi Committee.

June 13: Judicial Watch files a FOI request with State Dept. seeking Benghazi information and Clinton notes.

August: State Dept. provides House Benghazi Committee with eight emails to or from Clinton that, for the first time, show her use of a private email account.

Sept. 4: Judicial Watch sues State Dept. for failure to respond to a June 13, 2014 FOI request seeking Benghazi records and Clinton notes.

Sept. 17: House Benghazi Committee holds its first public hearing. Topic: implementation of ARB recommendations.

October: State Dept. sends letters to Clinton and her three successors as secretary of state seeking work emails related to personal accounts.

Nov. 18: House Benghazi Committee makes additional request for Clinton emails from State Dept.

Nov. 26: President Obama signs into law an updated Federal Records Act requiring public officials to forward all work-related email to their government address.

December: House Benghazi Committee sends request to the White House for documents and communications pertaining to Benghazi.

Dec. 5: Clinton privately turns over copies of 30,490 “work-related” emails to the State Dept. totaling 55,000 printed pages. No date has been provided as to when she deleted her “private” emails, but it is presumed to be around this time frame.

Dec. 10: House Benghazi Committee holds second public hearing. Topic: implementation of ARB recommendations.


Jan. 27: House Benghazi Committee holds third public hearing. Topic: federal agencies’ poor response to document requests and subpoenas.

February: White House and House Benghazi Committee meet to discuss Dec. 2014 document request. White House eventually produces 266 pages.

Feb. 13: State Dept. produces 300 emails to and from Clinton, but no other documents responsive to the House Benghazi Committee’s broader Nov. 18, 2014 request for all emails to and from Clinton and her senior staff.

Late Feb.: In discussions, the State Dept. informs the House Benghazi Committee that Clinton did not have a government email address, and that it had never had possession of her emails until her attorney first turned them over—in paper form—to the State Dept. in Dec. 2014.

March 2: New York Times reports Clinton may have violated federal regulations by using personal email account hdr22@clintonemail.com for public business as secretary of state.

March 4: Associated Press reports that Clinton’s personal email address traces to private email server at her Chappaqua, New York home registered under pseudonym.

House Benghazi Committee privately issues two subpoena: one for emails from Clinton’s personal account, the other for documents it requested in Nov. 2014 (but did not receive) relating to 10 senior State Dept. officials.

Clinton does not disclose the subpoena but tweets, “I want the public to see my email. I asked State to release them. They said they will review them for release as soon as possible.”

March 10: Clinton answers questions about her email practices for the first time. She tells reporters:

It was more convenient to use the private server.

“I wanted to use just one device for both personal and work emails instead of two.”

Last year, she deleted nearly 31,000+ emails that were “private.”

She will not turn over her personal email server.

She “fully complied” with the law.

She has turned over to the State Dept. 55,000 pages of work-related emails.

There were 62,320 emails in her account: 30,490 were public business; 31,830 were private.

March 11: Associated Press sues State Dept. for Clinton emails and documents not provided under FOI request.

April 12: Clinton announces she’s running for president.

April 15: Nearly two years after Congress first issues subpoena for ARB documents, the State Dept. produces 1,700+ pages.

April 23: State Dept. produces an additional 2,500 pages of ARB documents.

House Benghazi Committee writes Clinton’s personal attorney to reiterate its “request for her to turn over the server to a neutral, third party, such as an inspector general.”

April: White House produces 266 pages of documents including emails to and from National Security Staff. House Benghazi Committee sends White House another letter reiterating and refining its Dec. 2014 request for additional documents.

April 30: House Benghazi Committee announces the State Dept. has provided 4,000 more pages of documents, for the first time related to the ARB’s work.

Judicial Watch announces a lawsuit to release documents regarding Clinton’s use of iPhone or iPad for official business.

May 5-6, 2015: Judicial Watch files seven new FOI lawsuits related to Clinton’s use of private email server, seeking emails of her top aide Huma Abedin and records about Benghazi and the Clinton Foundation.

May 8: House Benghazi Committee releases interim report:

It has received 20,000+ pages of new emails and documents from State Dept. for the first time including emails to or from Clinton.

It has held 24+ classified and unclassified briefings with the Administration and Executive Branch agencies.

May 22: State Dept. releases 296 Benghazi-related emails from Clinton’s private email account.

Week of June 16: House Benghazi Committee deposes Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal behind closed doors in a deposition nearly nine hours long.
June 22: House Benghazi Committee releases 60 emails sent to Clinton by Blumenthal, including some regarding Libya.

June 25: State Dept. provides House Benghazi Committee with some subpoenaed Benghazi-related emails that that Clinton had not turned over previously.

July 7: House Benghazi Committee releases news of Clinton subpoena (from last March) for the first time.

July 23: The New York Times reports that two Inspectors General have asked the Department of Justice to investigate whether Clinton mishandled sensitive government information.

July 28: Clinton revises her statement regarding classified email to say she is confident she never sent or received emails that were classified at the time.

July 31: The federal judge in a Judicial Watch FOI suit, Emmet Sullivan, orders State Dept. to request that Clinton and top aides Cheryl Mills and Human Abedin confirm, under penalty of perjury, that they have produced all government records in their possession, return any other government records immediately, and describe their use of Hillary Clinton’s email server to conduct government business.

Aug. 5: State Dept. sends letter to Clinton including Judge Sullivan’s order.

Aug. 6: Cheryl Mills’ attorney tells Judicial Watch it has instructed Mills to “delete any and all electronic copies [of potential federal records] in her possession” after her anticipated production of records on Aug. 10. Judicial Watch files an emergency request to block the destruction.

Aug. 11: Inspector General report to the Senate contradicts Clinton claims; some Clinton emails, says the IG, contained information that was classified at the time.

FBI takes custody of Clinton server and thumb drives.

Aug. 12: Clinton campaign strikes back as her poll numbers falter, including using the Media Matters blog to print her talking points attacking news reports on NBC and Fox. The blog uses other left-wing Astroturf outlets such as “Vox” as supposed support for its claims.

Aug. 15: In a campaign appearance at the Iowa State Fair, Clinton revises her statement about classified email a second time, stating that she never sent or received any that were “marked” classified.

Aug. 19: Clinton’s personal lawyer tells a Senate committee that all data, including emails, was erased from her server prior to it being turned over to the FBI.

Clinton tells reporters the investigation surrounding her server “has nothing to do with me.” She contradicts the Inspector General by reiterating that she never sent or received classified material.

Aug. 20: State Dept. tells Judge Sullivan Clinton did not use State Dept. issued or secure Blackberry device; Blackberries used by Clinton aides Cheryl Mills and Human Abedin were likely destroyed.

Aug. 27: Appearing to read from notes, Clinton told an Iowa audience that using a personal email server “…clearly wasn’t the best choice..I take responsibility…” She repeated her modified statement, “I never sent nor received any e-mail that was marked classified. [emphasis added]”

Aug. 31: State Dept. publicly releases 7,000 pages of Clinton emails. Among other revelations, they show that Freedom of Information (FOI) law was violated since responsive emails had not been provided earlier under various FOI requests. Documents can be found by visiting the State Dept. FOI page and searching “Hillary Clinton.”

Sept. 3: Former Clinton Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills testifies to House Benghazi Committee behind closed doors.

Former Clinton campaign staffer and State Dept. official Bryan Pagliano, who helped set up Clinton’s personal server, tells Congress he will plead the Fifth Amendment and refuse the Congressional subpoena to testify.

Sept. 4: Former top Clinton aide Jake Sullivan testifies to House Benghazi Committee behind closed doors.

Sept. 8: A day after saying she had nothing to apologize for, Clinton says she’s “sorry” in an interview with ABC News.

Sept. 10: Pagliano takes the Fifth in a private meeting before the House Benghazi Committee.

Sept. 25: AP reports Obama administration has found work emails between Clinton and Gen. David Petraeus that she did not turn over. The dates call into question Clinton’s claim that she turned over all work related emails from her home system.

The State Dept. says it’s sending the House Benghazi Committee 925 more Clinton Benghazi and/or Libya-related emails that were not previously turned over.

Oct. 22: Clinton testifies before House Benghazi Committee for approximately 11 hours.

Nov. 30: State Dept. releases 8,000 more Clinton emails; some of the emails received “classified” markings.


Jan. 15: The Inspector General for the intelligence community Charles McCullough tells members of Congress that several dozen additional classified emails have been identified in Clinton’s stash, including some with a higher classification than top secret, regarding highly sensitive programs.

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El Chapo’s high-powered rifle reopens fast and furious probe

“She [Hillary Clinton] has escaped prosecution more times than El Chapo,” Carly Fiorina said during Thursday evening’s Fox News televised debate. “She’s probably more qualified for the Big House [than the White House].”

U.S. law enforcement officials have confirmed that a powerful .50-caliber rifle had been discovered in the Mexican hideout of drug kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman’s that is linked to the controversial Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) clandestine gun-smuggling investigation known as Fast and Furious, news sources confirmed this week to Conservative Base.

The .50-caliber rifle is known for its effectiveness during military combat against helicopters such as Apaches and Black Hawks.

Following early January’s raid in the Mexican city of Los Mochis, police and military officials discovered several weapons inside El Chapo’s residence, including the Fast and Furious-linked .50 caliber rifle, said former U.S. drug enforcement agent Kevin McGinty.

“U.S. ATF agents processed the eight firearms found in El Chapo’s residence and were surprised to find that one of the two .50-caliber weapons was part of the ATF gun smuggling program,” said McGinty, an expert in Mexican organized crime. “Just when the Obama administration believed the Fast and Furious scandal was behind them, this case opens up the same can of worms that embarrassed law enforcement. Even more embarrassing was the fact no one — not one person — was charged and prosecuted for the political-motivated snafu,” he added.

Of the roughly 2,000 weapons smuggled into Mexico by the ATF and then sold through Fast and Furious to Mexican crime figures, 34 of them were .50-caliber rifles that can take stop a truck or bring down a police of military helicopter, according to officials.

“I think what needs to be done is for prosecutors to make a deal with El Chapo to pursue the allegation that Fast and Furious was planned and initiated by the ATF to give more credence to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s assertion that Mexico’s violence and extreme homicide rate are fault of Americans as a result of U.S. weapons being easily purchased and carried into Mexico for use by that nation’s organized crime gangs,” said Peter MacNeil, a police firearms instructor. “Obama and his Attorney General, Eric Holder, probably came up with the actual plan, would be my guess,” added MacNeil.

One of the most tragic consequences of the Fast and Furious fiasco was the killing of a U.S. law enforcement agent, Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry by a shooter using one of the undercover operation’s firearms. There were also reports that a brother of a Mexican attorney general was also killed with one of the weapons as were a number of El Chapo rivals and innocent civilians.

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, issued the following statement after U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson ruled the Obama administration cannot use executive privilege to keep Operation Fast and Furious records from Congress.

“Today’s decision will help us advance the Fast & Furious investigation into this administration’s gun running operation. After allowing guns to walk, the administration’s attempt to hide behind executive privilege only adds insult to injury. While the decision doesn’t give us access to all the documents, it is an important step forward. We will continue investigating until we get to the truth.”

From a Judicial Watch report: The files received by JW include three electronic mails between Holder and Jarrett and one from former U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke to Jarrett. The e-mails with Holder are all from October 4, 2011, a significant date because, on the evening of October 3rd, Sheryl Attkisson (then at CBS news) released documents showing that Holder had been sent a briefing paper on Operation Fast and Furious on June 5, 2010. The paper was from the director of the National Drug Intelligence Center, Michael Walther.

In June of 2012, race-baiting Eric Holder became the first sitting U.S. Attorney General to be held in contempt of Congress for his Fast and Furious lies, including when he testified that he denied knowledge of the operation. The vote was 255-67, with 17 Democrats crossing over to condemn Holder’s obvious lies.

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DHS’s immigration branches ill-equipped to detect Asylum fraud

Each year, tens of thousands of aliens in the United States apply for asylum, which provides refuge to those who have been persecuted or fear persecution on protected grounds. Asylum officers in the Department of Homeland Security’s U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and the immigration judges in Department of Justice adjudicate asylum applications.

The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) was asked to review the status of the asylum system. This report addresses: (1) what DHS and DOJ data indicate about trends in asylum claims, (2) the extent to which DHS and DOJ have designed mechanisms to prevent and detect asylum fraud, and (3) the extent to which DHS and DOJ designed and implemented processes to address any asylum fraud that has been identified.

GAO analyzed DHS and DOJ data on asylum applications for fiscal years 2010 through 2014, reviewed DHS and DOJ policies and procedures related to asylum fraud, and interviewed DHS and DOJ officials in Washington, D.C., Falls Church, VA, and in asylum offices and immigration courts across the country selected on the basis of application data and other factors.

The total number of asylum applications, including both principal applicants and their eligible dependents, filed in fiscal year 2014 (108,152) is more than double the number filed in fiscal year 2010 (47,118). As of September 2015, the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has a backlog of 106,121 principal applicants, of which 64,254 have exceeded required time frames for adjudication. USCIS plans to hire additional staff to address the backlog.

USCIS and the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) have limited capabilities to detect asylum fraud. First, while both USCIS and EOIR have mechanisms to investigate fraud in individual applications, neither agency has assessed fraud risks across the asylum process, in accordance with leading practices for managing fraud risks. Various cases of fraud illustrate risks that may affect the integrity of the asylum system. For example, an investigation in New York resulted in charges against 30 defendants as of March 2014 for their alleged participation in immigration fraud schemes; 829 applicants associated with the attorneys and preparers charged in the case received asylum from USCIS, and 3,709 received asylum from EOIR.

Without regular assessments of fraud risks, USCIS and EOIR lack reasonable assurance that they have implemented controls to mitigate those risks.

Second, USCIS’s capability to identify patterns of fraud across asylum applications is hindered because USCIS relies on a paper-based system for asylum applications and does not electronically capture some key information that could be used to detect fraud, such as the applicant’s written statement.

Asylum officers and USCIS Fraud Detection and National Security (FDNS) Directorate immigration officers told GAO that they can identify potential fraud by analyzing trends across asylum applications; however, they must rely on labor-intensive methods to do so. Identifying and implementing additional fraud detection tools could enable USCIS to detect fraud more effectively while using resources more efficiently.

Third, FDNS has not established clear fraud detection responsibilities for its immigration officers in asylum offices; FDNS officers we spoke with at all eight asylum offices told GAO they have limited guidance with respect to fraud. FDNS standard operating procedures for fraud detection are intended to apply across USCIS, and therefore do not reflect the unique features of the asylum system.

Developing asylum-specific guidance for fraud detection, in accordance with federal internal control standards, would better position FDNS officers to understand their roles and responsibilities in the asylum process.

To address identified instances of asylum fraud, USCIS can, in some cases, terminate an individual’s asylum status. USCIS terminated the asylum status of 374 people from fiscal years 2010 through 2014 for fraud. In August 2015, USCIS adopted a target of 180 days for conducting initial reviews, in which the asylum office reviews evidence and decides whether to begin termination proceedings, when the asylee has applied for adjustment to lawful permanent resident status; however, this goal applies only to a subset of asylees and pertains to initial reviews.

Further, asylees with pending termination reviews may be eligible to receive certain federal benefits. Developing timeliness goals for all pending termination reviews would help USCIS better identify the staffing resources needed to address the terminations workload.

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Obama taking credit for actions by Putin and Assad in Syria

While critics of the Obama administration continue their complaints about the Commander in Chief focusing his animosity on Americans who disagree with his foreign policy — or his lack of a cogent foreign policy — many Americans are realizing that Barack Obama and his minions are actually taking credit for much of the grunt work — and success — of the Russian-Iranian coalition in Syria, according to reports from an Israeli public-interest think tank.

For example, while Obama and his family enjoyed their Hawaiian Christmas holiday vacation, the American news media — echoing the Obama administration’s talking points — boasted that the Iraqi Army had managed to recapture most of the city of Ramadi, capital of the Al-Anbar province, which had been taken over by radical Islamists from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) back in May 2015. The way the media covered the Ramadi story one would think there were U.S. boots on the ground in Iraq “kicking butt and taking names,” according to former military intelligence operative and police task force member Jonathon Piedmont.

“Of course, there were no boots on the ground, and if the attempt to take back Ramadi failed, the politicians in Washington, D.C., especially the progressives in government would have blamed the Iraqi soldiers and police officials for not being professional or tough enough or worthy of U.S. support,” Piedmont said.

The think tank, Meir Amit Information Center, reports that the city was finally retaken after weeks of the American-backed army being stuck in a quagmire and a number of failed attempts to take it over. On December 28, 2015, the Iraqi Army managed, after around seven days of fighting, to take over the government buildings in the strategically and symbolically important Ramadi.

Meir Amit quotes a spokesman for the Iraqi administration as saying, “There still remain weak pockets of resistance in vast parts of the city, but it will soon be completely cleansed. According to the Iraqi government, after the complete takeover of the city of Ramadi, the Iraqi Army will shift its efforts to retaking the [equally significant] city of Mosul.”

However, while the Iraqi forces were the only boots on the ground in Ramadi and the Obama administration refrained from using air power in Ramadi for fear of “collateral damage,” Russian fighter planes continued their assaults in Syria cities and town controlled by ISIS, mainly in the areas of Homs, Idlib, Latakia, Aleppo, Deir al-Zor, and Damascus. President Vladimir Putin did not seem to have a problem with the killing of so-called innocent Muslims who were being used — or allowed themselves to be used — to provide cover for the jihadists, who have often shown a propensity for murdering Muslim civilians if it suits their purposes.

The Israeli-based Meir Amit also quoted the Russian Defense Ministry spokesman as saying, “[During] the past week (Dec. 24-30, 2015), the Russian Air Force conducted more than 300 sorties, during which it carried out more than 1,000 airstrikes in Syrian territory alone.

The Russians claimed that the airstrikes targeted a training camp in Idlib that was staffed with instructors from neighboring nations who were living there, destroyed an Ahrar al-Sham command “outpost in Aleppo, hit trucks in Homs that were carrying weapons to ISIS, and destroyed three oil rigs, two oil tankers and a large number of trucks near Deir al-Zor.”

Since initiating military counterterrorism operations, the Russian military forces have carried out 5,240 sorties, including 145 long-range sorties — a far cry from the few conducted by the United States. The achievements mentioned by Russia’s Minister of Defense included the liberation of the Kuweyres military airbase in northern Syria and the expansion of the surrounding areas that are controlled by the Syrian Army. He also mentioned an additional achievement, the disruption of ISIS’s oil exports.

On Christmas Day, according to Reuters, more “than 2,000 oil tankers have been destroyed and many infrastructure sites have been damaged. However, he believes that despite the airstrikes, oil smuggling by ISIS has not stopped and is now being carried out in small convoys at night, mainly near the Iraqi border.”

The US-led coalition seems to imitate the struggle against the Islamic State terrorist organization, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Oleg Syromolotov told TASS News Agency on Thursday.

“It will suffice to say that US pilots that have flown in the sky over Syria and Iraq for a whole year ‘have not noticed’ convoys of fuel tanker trucks with smuggled oil that feeds the terrorists’ forces,” the Russian diplomat said. “Generally, an impression is being created that the US-led coalition is hostage to its politicized approach and is rather imitating the struggle against the IS,” said Syromolotov.

Amnesty International (AI) published a damning report about the Syrian airstrikes carried out by the Russians in Homs, Idlib and Aleppo between September and November 2015.

The AI report addresses six specific and separate incidents in which it claims that at least 200 civilians were killed and thousands more civilians were injured. The report includes evidence allegedly proving that the Russian authorities were trying to conceal incidents in which they hit civilians, in a mosque and in a field hospital, and fired indiscriminately at populated areas. According to the report, “[T]he Russian airstrikes in Syria are liable to be regarded as war crimes.”

The report also notes that there is proof that Russia used unguided cluster bombs attacks in civilian areas (Amnesty International website, December 23, 2015).

According to Viktor Bondarev, commander of the Russian Air and Space Forces, there were no cases in which Russian pilots hit civilian targets such as hospitals, mosques or schools. He claims that these accusations are groundless, indicate a lack of credibility of the report and stem from a lack of evidence in the hands of its authors (TASS News Agency, December 27, 2015).

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New England police benevolent association endorses Donald Trump

During a Republican presidential campaign bash in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, a key primary state for both the GOP and Democratic Party, the 5,000-member New England Police Benevolent Association, that represents rank-and-file police officers from the Granite State, as well as Massachusetts, announced the PBA’s “proud endorsement of Donald Trump.”

Officials from the police officers association said during the Dec. 10, 2015 event, that they believe they have endorsed “the candidate who best serves our membership.”

Speaking to the powerful and influential law enforcement group the man known as “The Donald” promised that upon being elected as Commander in Chief and being inaugurated in January 2017, one of his very first actions will be to sign an executive order.

“Anybody killing a policeman, a policewoman, a police officer, anybody killing a police officer: Death penalty is going to happen, okay?” he told the cheering crowd. “The police and the law enforcement in this country — I will never ever let them down, just remember that.”

Federal criminal procedure law already has a provision giving the federal government the power to execute cop-killers at the federal level. Former police lieutenant and a director of corporate security, Thomas Wollinsky, told the Conservative Base that he’s heard numerous law enforcement officials praise Trump and criticize the majority of Democrats. “Trump reminds us of people like Reagan and Giuliani who didn’t pander to the enemies of cops the way far too many politicians do today,” said Wollinsky.

“They still use the tired, old narrative of racist cops oppressing blacks in order to garner votes and gain power over the blacks who are in the end the primary victims of lawless and violent individuals,” Wollinsky added.

While the cops and their supporters applauded and cheered during his announcement to exact retribution for killing officers, the media jumped into action to question Trump about how his capital punishment executive order would work in the states that have banned the death penalty. According to last count, 19 states have out-and-out prohibited death sentences, and a growing number of states that still have a death penalty do not utilize it.

But in U.S. states that still have a death penalty provision, killing an officer is often already considered an “aggravating factor” in deciding whether a defendant will be eligible for capital punishment.

Also addressing Obama’s latest unilateral move to punish local cops — which many believe actually punishes Americans — Trump accused President Obama of working to scale back access to so-called military equipment, vehicles and weapons in the wake of unrest in Ferguson, Missouri and other locations.

As many expected, he called Obama’s recent executive order to take back the donated military equipment away from local police agencies “a tremendous mistake.”

PBA Executive Director Jerry Flynn said, “Listen, our message very clear: It’s what is the next president of the United States going to do to unite this country in an effort to save police officers? Because it’s open season on police officers.”

According the press coverage of the numerous presidential campaigns in New Hampshire, Trump’s popularity in the Granite State has never been higher, as the candidate has climbed to 27 percent in the polls following his declaration that all Muslims be barred from entering the United States.

Although the news media — a group that possesses a disproportionate number of left-wing ideologues — has attempted to portray the American people’s distrust of Muslim refugees, who are from nations saturated with radical Islamists, most Americans say the federal government must first get its immigration system fixed.

“The immigration system in this country is broken… its’ kaput! Today, it’s estimated that there are about four or five million people living in the U.S. with expired passports. There is an abysmal vetting system that is so ineffective even people who are investigated pass without their earlier ‘crimes and indiscretions’ being revealed,” said former police detective Iris Aquino.

The Thursday night event didn’t come-off without its share of street drama — or as Bill Ayers and his followers called “Guerilla Theater”— outside the hotel. Newspapers claimed that there were hundreds of protesters gathered to denounce both Trump’s anti-Islam remarks and the police union’s endorsement of a campaign increasingly aligned with white supremacist beliefs.

One newspaper claims there has been a major spike in physical and verbal attacks across the U.S. against Muslims and those perceived to be Muslim.

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NWV Archive 2007 – 2015

News With Views Editor Weds British Film Star Yutte Stensgaard

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri


NewsWithViews.com editor Paul Walter, born in  Slovenia, [Link 2] (approximately 50 kilometers from where our Fist Lady Malania Trump was born) and former British film star and Danish model Yutte Stensgaard were married in a private ceremony in Grants Pass, Oregon, on June 25, 2012. The ceremony was performed by Rabbi Roy Masters at his private residence.

Although Danish by birth, Yutte is considered a British actress since she worked exclusively on U.K. film and television projects. Critics believed she was a beauty the likes of which has never been seen since, and Yutte was often compared to the American icon Sharon Tate, who was considered a major loss for Hollywood when she was victimized by the murderous Charles Manson Family.

number 20, ahead of Jane Fonda, Megan Fox, Kate Beckinsale and Jennifer Connelly.


Hammer Films was a motion picture production studio that was based in the United Kingdom. Although founded in 1934, the company became profitable in the mid-1950s through the 1970s thanks to its series of Gothic horror movies.

Hammer also released science fiction, thrillers, and even comedies and television shows for the British Broadcasting Company (BBC)

During its most successful years, Hammer dominated the horror film market, enjoying worldwide distribution and considerable financial success

A Born Again Christian, she moved to the United States and became a successful National Account Director for Premiere Radio Networks, one of the largest radio networks in the US and home to the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, owns several pieces of property and is an active supporter of the Republican Party.

Yutte is also pursuing her career as an artistic photographer and plans to hold an exhibition of her photos in the future. Follow Yutte on her Facebook page.


Yutte Stengaard Walter
P.O. Box 990
Spring Branch, Texas, 78070

Yutte will autograph the picture and return it in your self addressed envelope.] 

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