Bush Funeral: An Orwellian Space Opera

The memorial services for the late President George H. W. Bush were so over the top that it transcended an Olympic ceremony or a Broadway musical production such as Les Misérables.

Beneath all the pomp and ceremony were multiple messages for the primary demographic target — conservatives, Republicans and Christians.  The purpose? To redefine and rebrand patriotism, conservatism and Republicanism in the subconscious mind.

Masterfully layered into the Bush memorial services were repetitive symbols like American flags, Bibles, church sanctuaries, choirs, military rituals, and families along with the sounds of Christian music and patriotic testimony, Bible verses read aloud, Christian songs, and the synergistic forces of God, country, duty and service.

For the informed viewer, these are the signatures of persuasion experts like journalist and political commentator Walter Lippmann, “the father of public relations” Edward Bernays, and Nazi Reich Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels who produced massive rallies with over 180,000 people packing mega-stadiums with massive Roman columns, Wagnerian opera music, and giant Nazi flags featuring swastikas — an occult symbol from ancient Tibet. During these rallies, tens of thousands of people lined up in endless rows shouting “Sieg Heil” as they raised their arms and hands in the Nazi salute.

The propaganda genius of Goebbels, the talents of Albert Speer, the Nazi architect who built massive, futuristic Nazi stadiums and buildings for giant rallies, and the stirring music of Richard Wagner, the highly-gifted composer and director of Hitlerian operas, combined to catapult Nazi leader Adolf Hitler to a Messiah-like level.

This is not to suggest that the late President Bush was a Nazi because he wasn’t. President Bush’s highest loyalty appeared to be towards an idealized New World Order, a massive fact completely erased in the mass media spectacle.

Bush, Sr. and the New World Order

The behind-the-scenes, Orwellian propaganda masters carefully rewrote and revised the history of President Bush, Sr. from one of a total commitment to the New World Order to one of a total commitment to Christianity and the Bible.

Consider a few of his past remarks.

On February 28, 1990, he spoke at the United Nations, saying: “Time and again in this century, the political map of the world was transformed. And in each instance, a new world order came about through the advent of a new tyrant or the outbreak of a bloody global war, or its end.”

On September 11, 2001, he said, “Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective–a new world order–can emerge…. We are now in sight of a United Nations that performs as envisioned by its founders.”

On September 11, 1990, he delivered an address to Congress titled, “Toward a New World Order,” regarding the crisis in the Persian Gulf after Iraq invaded Kuwait the previous month.

President Bush, Sr. repeatedly spoke before the nation and the world in support of the New World Order.

In the best-selling FaithWords/Hachette book Trumpocalypse: The End-Times President, a Battle Against the Globalist Elite, and the Countdown to Armageddon by myself and Troy Anderson, a Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist, we uncover the Deep State forces that are allied with numerous secret societies in an all-out effort to remove President Donald Trump from office.

An Orwellian Deep State Funeral

The President Bush, Sr. funeral services featured an endless series of evangelical Christians, Christian symbols, Bible verses and Christian hymns. Instead of summoning the adopted Nazi god Wōtan and German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche’s Ubermensch, or superman, the Orwellian Deep State producers epically created endless funeral ceremonies for the late President Bush, which were perhaps the single, greatest global pageant surrounding the death of any world leader in the past 100 years.

Although, stylistically and ideologically different than the Nazi’s annual Nuremberg rallies, the Deep State producers of what can only be described as the “Bush-Orwellian Space Opera” were very similar in construction of a massive, media propaganda machine on many subconscious levels that tapped into the Jungian archetypes of the collective consciousness.

Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung theorized that Hitler and the Nazis had released a powerful spiritual being named Wotan, or Odin, that supernaturally energized Hitler and the German people. In Christian theology, Wotan would be characterized as a specific territorial spirit that can rule over a nation. This ancient Nordic and Germanic god are connected to Yale University’s Skull and Bones, the secret society that the late President Bush, Sr., and his son President George W. Bush belonged to.

Inside three different majestic cathedrals, the Bush Dynasty consisting of former President George W. Bush, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, President Bush, Sr.’s granddaughters and other notables, gathered to pay their respects to the late Bush, Sr. Former President Bill Clinton and former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, former President Barack Obama, current President Donald Trump, and their wives, were in attendance at the funeral ceremonies of the late President Bush, Sr. which took place at numerous locations with unrivaled glory, pomp, worshipful music, endless Bible verses, traditional Christian hymns, and choreography that exceeded the devotion given to any modern king.

Funeral Designed to Reprogram ‘Deplorables’

In fact, this was on many levels deeply moving to Americans of all political persuasions and specifically designed to re-program the minds of what Hillary Clinton called the “Deplorables,” or conservative President Trump supporters, through a strategic “counterpoint process” that subliminally caused both Republicans and President Trump supporters to subconsciously compare and contrast the behavior and style of Donald Trump with an idealized and mythological President George H. W. Bush who became larger than life.

When Jenna Hager Bush, one of the granddaughters of President Bush, Sr. read from the 21st chapter of the book of Revelation it was very moving.

” Now, I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, ‘Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God.  And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.’  Then He who sat on the throne said, ‘Behold, I make all things new.’ And He said to me, ‘Write, for these words are true and faithful’” (Revelation 21:1-5).

In a very revealing manner, every major television network broadcast the ceremonies and heaped worshipful comments on the late President Bush, Sr., as if he was the Messiah.

Please do not misunderstand my words here. I am not implying that this was the intention of the Bush family and the deceased President Bush, Sr., but this entire event spanning over several days was masterfully planned and directed by one of the world’s most gifted creative teams — a team that understood the deep-seated need of ordinary people to worship, if not God, then a man.

The funeral of the late President Bush, Sr. took place in multiple cathedrals in which major evangelical leaders, singers, and musicians sang “Amazing Grace,” “Onward Christian Soldiers,” and other traditional Christian hymns. The Bush family and others also read actual Bible verses.

The late President Bush, Sr.’s granddaughter, Jenna, read a moving passage from Revelation, yet about three-quarters of evangelical churches in America forbid the teaching of the entire book of Revelation and any secular or public employee, teacher or student who dared to read that exact same passage of the Bible would be punished, fined or fired!

Lauren Bush and Ashley Walker Bush, the daughters of businessman Neil Bush, read from the book of Isaiah where it states, “The sun shall no longer be your light by day, nor for brightness shall the moon give light to you by night, but the Lord will be your everlasting light and your God will be your glory” (Isaiah 60:19).

The Coming Global System – ‘Mystery, Babylon’

The verses read by Jenna, Lauren and Ashley are what theologians call the prophetic verses of the Bible. But the ultimate focus of the prophetic verses consists of very strong warnings about a coming one-world government, one-world religion and one-world economic system known as “Mystery, Babylon” that will be ruled by the Antichrist.

The first Babylon arose at the time of the Tower of Babel, as described in eleventh chapter of the book of Genesis. This was the world’s first global government, religion and economic system that God judged because He knew it was Luciferian in nature.

God’s judgment upon ancient Babylon consisted of destroying their globalist society and separating the nations and the peoples of Babylon into independent, sovereign nation-states in order to establish checks and balances and prevent a Luciferian global dictatorship from emerging.

Through these judgments, God reveals Himself as being in support of nationalism and against globalism. Ancient Babylon was the world’s first New World Order.

In the best-selling FaithWords/Hachette book The Babylon Code: Solving the Bible’s Greatest End-Times Mystery by myself and Troy Anderson, the former executive editor of Charisma magazine and a Los Angeles Daily News reporter, we explore this biblical mystery in great depth, revealing the link between today’s globalists, secret societies that passed down occult knowledge over thousands of years, and the Tower of Babel.

Babylon was the First New World Order

Through the prophetic verses God warns about a soon coming second New World Order and a globalist system that is satanic in nature and one which Jesus Christ will judge and destroy at His literal Second Coming.

It must be understood that the New World Order, which is the goal of many secret societies such as Skull and Bones, is a counterfeit of the Kingdom of God.

The prophetic verses of Scripture warn that Jesus Christ is returning to planet Earth to destroy “Mystery, Babylon” at the Battle of Armageddon where Christ will defeat Satan, the Antichrist, False Prophet, the fallen angels, and the New World Order.

Jesus Christ will then bring in the New Heaven, New Earth and New Jerusalem where all those who put their faith in Him will enter Paradise in an eternal dimension and live forever.

Conversely, all those who choose to worship the Antichrist as God will be sentenced to a cosmic prison called the Lake of Fire for all eternity.

It’s very difficult to believe that the late President George H. W. Bush, former President George W. Bush, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and other members of the Bush family who claim to be strong “born again” Christians would not be aware of one of the central themes of the Bible and not be aware that the beliefs of Skull and Bones are in direct opposition to that of the Bible.

The Goal was to Degrade President Trump

The mainstream media is continually revealing its Orwellian nature by operating as the one, unified monolithic voice of Orwellian Big Brother. They must be reading from the same script told to us non-stop about how incredibly Christian, kind, sensitive, humble, people oriented, servant-like, great listeners, and deeply-committed Bible believing Christians the late President Bush, Sr. was, and then programmed the viewers into comparing the aggressive and bold President Donald Trump with an illusory President Bush, Sr. who apparently was more Christian than evangelist Billy Graham.

The mind-control goal was to degrade President Trump and erode the loyalty of his base. One of the primary ways to do this was to reinvent President Bush, Sr. as an “on-fire evangelical Christian.”

But if the late President Bush, Sr. and other Bush’s are such devout evangelical and born-again Christians how can they simultaneously be members of a secret German occult society known as Skull and Bones, which advocates the New World Order that is warned about in Genesis 11 and the book of Revelation, and which the Bible says that Jesus Christ is coming back to destroy this New World Order, or “Mystery, Babylon”?

The Skull and Bones secret society, also known as the Brotherhood of Death, uses a symbol of a human skull and a pair of human crossbones very much like the symbol of pirates.

Hitler’s highest-ranking Nazi officers wore leather trench coats and military caps with the Skull and Bones on them. They also wore the Skull and Bones proudly on their belt buckles, above their medals, and in other places. Skull and Bones, or the Brotherhood of Death, comes from the Thule Society, a secret German occult society dedicated to creating the New World Order.

In Bush family history, Prescott Bush, the father of the late President Bush, Sr., had a business relationship with E. H. Harriman who purchased the Union Pacific Railroad with the help of the British royal family and members of the Rockefeller family.

A private bank was created for Harriman’s sons, Averell and Roland Harriman. In 1926, Bert Walker connected with the Morgan family who brought his son-in-law, Prescott Bush, into the bank that began gaining control over German shipping and business assets.

Prescott Bush and Harriman were members of Skull and Bones. Prescott Bush was connected to the funding centers for Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. Prescott Bush was very active in launching the career of President Bush, Sr.

This doesn’t mean that the late President Bush, Sr., former President George W. Bush, and other members of the Bush family have Nazi-like intentions, or that Skull and Bones today has the exact same beliefs as Skull and Bones did in the past.

But on the most basic level there is an inherent conflict between the teachings of the Bible regarding the New World Order and a system of global government.

The fact is that during the Orwellian Space Opera surrounding the funeral of the late President Bush, Sr., there was a strategic and methodical effort to revise the history of the late President Bush, Sr.

All of the late President Bush, Sr.’s many references to the New World Order were erased from the mass consciousness of millions of people, not by the Bush family, but by an Orwellian media.



Trumpocalypse, The Dark Machine And A Virtual Armageddon

The American dream was the single most effective means of giving ordinary men and women the right to a little piece of paradise on earth along with constitutional freedoms to enjoy it.

However, beginning in the early 1900s, a powerful secret force known as the Dark Machine infiltrated the minds of men and women, erasing their memories of the American dream and replacing it with a grotesque virtual reality in which millions of people have been programmed to hate America along with its Judeo-Christian values, nationalism and capitalism.

Today, the number one threat to the Dark Machine on planet Earth is an American president named Donald Trump, a billionaire, former reality television star and the last of the “space cowboys” because of his inner belief system that allows him to transcend the “Matrix,” a virtual reality concentration camp of the mind that the human race is marching toward as part of the globalist elite’s master plan.

The Dark Machine’s new world order, whose soulless agents began secretly organizing in ancient Babylon at the time of the Tower of Babel, which Troy Anderson and I wrote about in our best-selling book, The Babylon Code, has launched what one of their leaders called a scientific revolution in the form of an unprecedented psychological coup to remove President Trump from office by force if necessary.

The Dark Machine’s Psyops

This psyops’ (psychological operations) warfare against Trump consists of an endless series of mass mind control, propaganda, social engineering and persuasion campaigns like the “Trump Derangement Syndrome,” Russian collusion, the Stormy Daniels’ porn star scandal, constant minimalization of Trump’s documented successes such as America’s economic growth, endless Trump tapes that are psychologically framed to make him look bad, and the all-out mainstream media war against the president.

In addition, this psyops involves the tech giants, social media and internet censorship of conservatives and the alternative media that communicates pro-Trump messages, the “fake news” psyop in which the truly “fake news,” or corporate-controlled media, attacks true news by labeling it as “fake news,” the use of classical brainwashing techniques such as the endless repetition of negative statements and pictures of Trump, and the use of anti-Trump celebrities and authority figures in changing public opinion against Trump. These techniques were first developed by journalist Walter Lippmann in the 1920s and then by Edward Bernays, the father of modern propaganda, in the 1930s. These methods were later used by Adolf Hitler in his rise to power in Nazi Germany.

This psyops also involves the use of comedy as a method of ridicule to demonize and dehumanize Trump. This is a major principle in scientific mind control because it gives the masses of people psychological permission to hate and entertain horrific thoughts in preparation for the next phase of mind control which is programming people to act violently.

Those in the mainstream media and social media who have quoted people saying things like, “Let’s kill Donald Trump,” or broadcasting images of comedian Kathy Griffin holding up Trump’s bloody head, or publishing actor Robert De Niro’s derogatory remarks about Trump at the Tony Awards, to one degree or another are guilty of spreading an “emotional contagion” in which strong anti-Trump emotions and hysteria are spread virally to millions of people. This is the same psyop technique that was used to create the Arab Spring in the Middle East.

My co-author Troy Anderson and I go into detail about this in our best-selling book, Trumpocalypse, in which we document and expose the plans of the Deep State to remove Trump from office.

The CIA, Media and ‘Fake News’

It’s interesting that one of the most informative articles written about the Deep State’s use of the Central Intelligence Agency to control the mainstream media was written by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Carl Bernstein, a former reporter at The Washington Post of Watergate fame, in a 1977 Rolling Stone article titled, “The CIA and the Media: How Americas Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It Up.”

Bernstein, a mainstream media icon, documents in his 25,000-word cover story how the CIA secretly controlled the most powerful news organizations and names in the mainstream media during the Cold War with the former Soviet Union. In the article, Bernstein infers that the CIA continues to be involved in controlling the mainstream media today.

“The history of the CIA’s involvement with the American press continues to be shrouded by an official policy of obfuscation and deception for the following principal reasons: The use of journalists has been among the most productive means of intelligence gathering employed by the CIA,” Bernstein wrote.

According to Bernstein, “Among the executives who lent their cooperation to the Agency were William Paley of the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), Henry Luce of Time Inc., Arthur Hays Sulzberger of the New York Times…. Other organizations which cooperated with the CIA include the American Broadcasting Company (ABC), the National Broadcasting Company (NBC), by far the most valuable of these associations, according to CIA officials, have been with the New York Times, CBS and Time Inc.”

Bernstein goes on to point out that the CIA developed special relationships with some of the most powerful and household names and news celebrities in the mainstream media, along with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists and the very top people in management at major news organizations.

Essentially, Bernstein is saying that the CIA basically controls the mainstream media and all “the most trusted names in news.” This may come as a rude awakening to many, especially those in the mainstream media, who have delusions of grandeur that, somehow, they are credible journalists and that it is the “fake news” and the alternative media that lack credibility.

The brutal truth is that the mainstream media back then, as well as today, is the very personification of “fake news.” In other words, all the documentation shouts that the mainstream media and many of the pompous talking heads and big names in the media are highly likely on the take.

Since we routinely see news reports from the mainstream media that the CIA still exerts enormous influence through major television networks, The Washington Post, The New York Times, major television networks, and companies like Google, Facebook, and other social media and media companies through sizeable investments made by what some describe as CIA front companies, one would have to assume that what Bernstein wrote about in 1977 is still happening today.

Dark Machine Controls the Deep State

In addition, it’s important to understand that the Dark Machine controls the Deep State.

In a 1965 interview with The Paris Review, William Burroughs, an author, visual artist, and visionary who wrote many science fiction books such as Nova Express, Naked Lunch, and The Soft Machine, spoke about his experiences taking various drugs and his encounter with the Deep State of his time.

Burroughs, like many independent thinkers, developed higher powers of intelligence and perception and was one the fathers of the Beat Generation with Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg and others who formed the sex, drugs, and technology counterculture that gave birth to the 1970s counterculture.

Burroughs was a genius whose intellect and almost psychic-like gift to predict the future set him apart from most of the leaders of the counterculture. It was also rumored that Burroughs, like many leaders in the counterculture such as Dr. Timothy Leary, author Ken Kesey, and feminist Gloria Steinem, worked for the CIA at one time or another. Ironically, The Paris Review itself was largely controlled by the CIA and the son of CIA Director Allen Dulles headed up The Paris Review for many years.

In the interview, Burroughs was asked about Luce, the founder of Time, Life and other magazines and a close friend of Dulles. Burroughs was asked about the mainstream media’s connection to the intelligence agencies and if he admired Luce. Burroughs replied, “I don’t admire him at all. He has set up one of the greatest words and image banks in the world. I mean, there are thousands of photos, thousands of words about anything and everything, all in his files. All the best pictures go into the files. Of course, they’re reduced to micro-photos now. I’ve been interested in the Mayan system, which was a control calendar. You see, their calendar postulated how everyone should feel at a given time, with lucky days, unlucky days, et cetera. And I feel that Luce’s system is comparable to that. It is a control system. It has nothing to do with reporting. Time, Life, Fortune is some sort of a police organization.”

A roommate of Nelson Rockefeller’s at Dartmouth College in the late 1920s, Hadley Cantril, obtained a doctorate in psychology at Harvard University and co-authored, The Psychology of Radio.

The Rockefeller Foundation funded the Princeton Radio Project that studied radio’s impact on mass audiences. In 1938, Cantril also became editor of The Rockefeller Foundation-funded Public Opinion Quarterly, a publication closely associated with the U.S. government’s psychological warfare operations after World War II. Another psychologist with connections to Rockefeller was CBS Director of Research Frank Stanton who, along with Cantril, embarked on a major study involving public opinion and persuasion.

The opportunity for such an analysis presented itself when CBS broadcast Orson Welles’ radio theatre production of H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds, first published in 1897, on October 30, 1938. Paul F. Lazarsfeld, director of the Princeton Radio Research Project, saw the event as especially noteworthy and immediately asked Stanton for CBS funds to investigate the reaction to what at the time was the largest immediate act of mass persuasion in human history. Over the next several months interviews with War of the Worlds listeners were collected, provided to Stanton at CBS, and subsequently analyzed in Cantril’s 1940 study, “The Invasion from Mars: A Study in the Psychology of Panic.”

So, when we examine the unprecedented uniformity and total media unity in the all-out media war against Trump and his policies, the collusion of the mainstream media and the entertainment media in targeting Trump that is so over played, it begs the question: What powerful groups and individuals are behind this?

Mass Mind Control Machine

The mass mind control machine we call the mainstream media is very hostile and possesses dangerous powers to turn hundreds of millions of people into what are essentially slaves of the globalist elite without understanding that this is the case.

The average American is completely unaware of the degree to which scientific mind control, propaganda, programming, persuasion, brainwashing and various technologies are being used against them.

Somewhat intelligent people believe the illusion that they are well-informed. However, the most famous American journalists continually fail to question deep events that tell the truth about America’s tragic history over the past half century.

What the American people have accepted as facts, because the mainstream media has concealed the facts from them, is what George Orwell, author of 1984, called “doublethink.” “Doublethink” in Orwell’s Big Brother-controlled world is when you hold two completely contradictory thoughts or beliefs in your mind at the same time.

Brainwashing in all soft or hard totalitarian states demands that the population regularly engage in “doublethink.” Another form of mind control in Orwell’s “Thought Police” run state is “groupthink,” which is pre-industrial age Marxism. It hypes the dinosaur-age belief that a man-made utopia will come upon the earth when we all surrender our individual personalities to the all-powerful state of collective.

This idea of the collective is so antiquated that it has the stench of some urine-stained factory that Marx must have observed to create his neurologically-atrophied concept of a “workers’ paradise,” an idea whose time came to fruition in 1917 and has succeeded nowhere in human history ever!

Yet, the humanoid-bot journalists of the mainstream media promote progressivism, collectivism and Marxism because they are brain dead and because their globalist elite masters like billionaire George Soros want them to. If it weren’t for the fact that journalists like almost every other profession have been scientifically dumbed down to fit neatly into Aldous Huxley’s “scientific dictatorship,” they would be able to access their right brain and utilize critical thinking skills and connect the dots. Collectivism, Marxism and progressivism are the intellectual, economic, and social equivalents of the Titanic, which sunk a long time ago.

The entire purpose of Marxism and collectivism is to allow the Dark Machine to totally seize control of any nation’s assets, land, minerals, wealth, and most of all, to use that nation’s people as slaves. It’s a con game that promises a “workers’ paradise,” social justice, wealth redistribution, free health care, and the total illusion of a better world, when in reality it’s a clever slave system.

One truly must be an intellectual idiot not to understand this. The reason many of the super-rich and globalist elite claim to be communists is because they know that is what the people want to hear. The elite have no intention of sharing their wealth, power or anything else. Just look at what has happened in the last three decades. The globalist elite are just 1 percent of the earth’s population, but they control 99 percent of the wealth while the working and middle class who represent 99 percent of the world’s population control only 1 percent of the world’s wealth.

The globalist elite fully intend to rule and reign on planet Earth like kings and queens and they have no intention at all joining some collective or sharing their wealth.

Dark Side of the ‘Force’

Trump appears to be raising the stakes in this battle against the dark side of the “Force” represented by the globalist elite and their artificial reality production of the Russian collusion investigation directed by Robert Mueller, which has to date produced no evidence that Trump has ever colluded with the Russians.

But the “fake news,” social media and mainstream media show continues to play on local smartphones, laptops and HD digital television screens everywhere.

Since Trump won election as president, some of the highest-level members of the FBI and the intelligence agencies have attempted to organize a coup or impeach the president based upon what many perceive to be artificially-created witch hunts such as the Russian collusion lie, which was based upon opposition research against Trump paid for by the Clinton Foundation who hired a questionable British ex-spy.

None of the news-bot created “Russian collusion traveling circus show” could have continued a week without the real collusion between certain members of the intelligence agencies and the mainstream media.

The Dark Machine has been with us from empire to empire going back as far as ancient Babylon and beyond. The Dark Machine came from anti-matter, the abyss, the Tower of Babel, and is now returning via the open portals of CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, a research organization that operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world in Switzerland.

The Dark Machine lives and gains power as it feeds upon the souls of men.  The Dark Machine cannot tolerate life, freedom and especially love. The Dark Machine is about total control and power at any cost, as we revealed in The Babylon Code.

The Dark Machine was gunning for Trump during the election and now a virtual high noon is coming to the western world, which has morphed itself into a technocratic Westworld where wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Dark Machine such as the mainstream media, tech tiants, cell phone companies, and social media are now purging all conservative, independent, libertarian, Christian and alternative media that challenges the Matrix from nearly all search engines, social media, video platforms, blogs and websites. Of course, words like conservative, independent, libertarian, Christian and alternative media are simply mind control words for truth. The Dark Machine wages an endless war against truth of any kind.

Dark Machine War on Truth

The Dark Machine controls all the newspapers and other mainstream media through thousands of “news bots,” which are lifelike-looking robots that are programmed never to question and never to think outside of the software of their programming. They are not programmed to have a conscience or experience guilt. They are simply programmed to use the mainstream media to churn out propaganda and “fake news” that indoctrinates the masses to welcome their slavery.

Consider what David Rockefeller, the chairman and chief executive of Chase Manhattan Corporation and the oldest living member of the Rockefeller family and family patriarch until his death last year, said at the Bilderberg group meeting in 2001, thanking the mainstream media for concealing the truth from the American people for 40 years.

“We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years,” Rockefeller said. “It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries.”

In other words, when you get right down to it, Rockefeller was thanking them for being “fake news.”

In a NewsWithViews.com article published on July 13, 2015 titled, “The Babylon Code Reset and the Technocratic Utopia,” I wrote: “Apparently, the elite believe in all-out fascism and total dictatorial control beneath a corporate façade of a button with a happy face on it. In 1970, (former National Security Advisor Zbigniew) Brzezinski, a key leader of the Bilderberg group, wrote a book titled, Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era. Brzezinski defined the ‘technetronic society’ as ‘a society that is shaped culturally, psychologically, socially, and economically by the impact of technology and electronics – particularly in the arena of computers and communications. The industrial process is no longer the principal determinant of social change, altering the mores, the social structure, and the values of society.’”

Since it should be painfully obvious to anyone who still has the neurological ability to think critically, analyze, look at the big picture, and connect the dots that with very few exceptions the mainstream media is “fake news,” precisely because it is under the total control of the globalist elite, the artificial reality presented to us as news is as about as real as Willie Wonka and Chocolate Factory, which is to say it is disinformation and propaganda controlled and directed by whom?

The Fabian Art of Persuasion

The Fabian socialist Bertrand Russell in his 1952 book, The Impact of Science on Society, explained this “scientific dictatorship.”

“I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is mass psychology,” Russell wrote. “Mass psychology is, scientifically speaking, not a very advanced study…. This study is immensely useful to practical men, whether they wish to become rich or to acquire the government. It is, of course, as a science, founded upon individual psychology, but hitherto it has employed rule-of-thumb methods, which were based upon a kind of intuitive common sense.”

The importance of the “scientific dictatorship” has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda. Of these, the most influential is public education. Religion plays a part, though a diminishing one, but the press, Hollywood, television and radio play an increasing role.

What is essential in mass psychology is the art of persuasion. If you compare a speech by Hitler with one by Edmund Burke, an Anglo-Irish statesman and philosophical founder of modern conservatism, you will see what strides have been made in the art since the eighteenth century.

“What went wrong formerly was that people had read in books that man is a rational animal and framed their arguments on this hypothesis,” Burke said. “We now know that the limelight and a brass band do more to persuade than can be done by the most elegant train of syllogisms. It may be hoped that in time anybody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young enough and is provided by the state with enough money and equipment.”

This subject will make great strides when it is taken up by scientists under a “scientific dictatorship.”

Co-Conspirators in the Cover-Up

All of these are the issues that the mainstream media should be covering and exposing, but they are not, which means they are co-conspirators in the cover-up.

In constitutional law attorney John Whitehead’s July 9, 2018 commentary, “A New World Order: Brought to You by the Global Industrial Deep State,” he wrote: “There are those who will tell you that any mention of a New World Order government—a power elite conspiring to rule the world—is the stuff of conspiracy theories. I am not one of those skeptics. What’s more, I wholeheartedly believe that one should always mistrust those in power, take alarm at the first encroachment on one’s liberties, and establish powerful constitutional checks against government mischief and abuse. I can also attest to the fact that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. I have studied enough of this country’s history—and world history—to know that governments (the U.S. government being no exception) are at times indistinguishable from the evil they claim to be fighting, whether that evil takes the form of terrorism, torture, drug trafficking, sex trafficking, murder, violence, theft, pornography, scientific experimentations or some other diabolical means of inflicting pain, suffering and servitude on humanity. And I have lived long enough to see many so-called conspiracy theories turn into cold, hard fact. Remember, people used to scoff at the notion of a Deep State (a.k.a. Shadow Government), doubt that fascism could ever take hold in America, and sneer at any suggestion that the United States was starting to resemble Nazi Germany in the years leading up to Hitler’s rise to power.  We’re beginning to know better, aren’t we? The Deep State (‘a national-security apparatus that holds sway even over the elected leaders notionally in charge of it’) is real. We are already experiencing fascism, American-style. Not with jackboots and salutes, as Robert Kagan of the Brookings Institution notes, ‘but with a television huckster, a phony billionaire, a textbook egomaniac ‘tapping into’ popular resentments and insecurities, and with an entire national political party — out of ambition or blind party loyalty, or simply out of fear — falling into line behind him.’ And the United States is increasingly following in Nazi Germany’s footsteps, at least in the years leading up to Hitler’s rise to power. Indeed, to anyone who’s been paying attention to the goings-on in the world, it is increasingly obvious that we’re already under a new world order, and it is being brought to you by the Global-Industrial Deep State, a powerful cabal made up of international government agencies and corporations. It is as yet unclear whether the American Police State answers to the Global-Industrial Deep State, or whether the Global-Industrial Deep State merely empowers the American Police State. However, there is no denying the extent to which they are intricately and symbiotically enmeshed and interlocked. This marriage of governmental and corporate interests is the very definition of fascism. Where we go wrong is in underestimating the threat of fascism: it is no longer a national threat but has instead become a global menace.”

Who are the powerful forces that control our mainstream media, the tech giants, social media and the internet?

Ultimately, these communication and surveillance giants are controlled by the Dark Machine which exercises various degrees of control through some of our intelligence agencies such as the CIA.

It appears that many former directors and high-level officers of the CIA, FBI and other alphabet soup agencies have attempted to use their power to interfere with the legally-elected president of the United States, Donald Trump, due to their own individual partisan preferences.

The “Russian collusion” fantasy is perhaps the most egregious example. Although a number of very powerful heads of the CIA and FBI have been corrupted by the Dark Machine, there are numerous high-level and lower-level CIA and FBI agents who continue to maintain their integrity and uphold their oaths, but they are unable to come forth publicly out of concern for serious repercussions.

An ‘Emotional Contagion’ Coup

What is the goal of an “emotional contagion”–driven coup, an Arab Spring-style social media coup or an assassination?

The CIA’s Project MKUltra- and Monarch Project-style culture wars originated with journalist Walter Lippman in the 1920s when he functioned as a propagandist for globalist President Woodrow Wilson and later in the 1930s with Edward Bernays, the father of modern advertising. Bernays created the ad campaign to brainwash American women into believing that smoking cigarettes was sexy and was one of the fathers of modern propaganda whose powerful mind-changing images and copy was imitated by Hitler and the Third Reich.

Project MKUltra’s mind control program took off like a powerful space-bound rocket when the first CIA director, Dulles, handpicked by David Rockefeller himself, secretly smuggled into the United States over 10,000 Nazi rocket- and mind-control scientists as part of Operation Paperclip following World War II. These high-level scientists were given top positions in major think tanks, military projects and research laboratories at the most prestigious universities in the United States.

Perhaps the most famous of these Nazi rocket- and mind-control scientists was Wernher von Braun who later became head of NASA. Von Braun was one of the pioneers of Project MKUltra, as was Huxley, author of the Brave New World.

Project MKUltra was first developed by the Nazis through barbaric experiments at Nazi concentration camps where a mysterious Dr. Josef Mengele would use a dark formula to break down the human personality through intense pain, shock, trauma, torture and unspeakable sexual abuse.

Then, after shattering the personalities of young children, women and men, Dr. Mengele would give them powerful doses of LSD and subject them to all kinds of mind-control programming, sleep deprivation, and endless hypnotic commands played on audio tapes as they would lie sedated on a bed for six months or longer.

Dr. Mengele would erase the child’s or person’s memories completely and then program them to function as professional assassins like in the movies The Manchurian Candidate starring Denzel Washington and The Bourne Identity with Matt Damon.

Attractive females and males, and yes, very young children, were programmed to function as sex slaves, and the females were often referred to as “beta sex kittens” who were programmed to seduce and fulfill any sick sexual pleasure for spying and murder.

It’s been speculated that movie actresses like Marilyn Monroe were programmed as “beta sex kittens” to spy on President John F. Kennedy. Other nations such as Russia developed similar programs that were depicted in the movie Red Sparrow starring Nicole Kidman who plays a character that is a KGB- programmed sex slave and assassin.

Do You Admire Mr. Luce?

Many of the people throughout human history who have had the ability to connect all the dots and see the big picture are the visionaries, artists, poets, writers and independent scientists and thinkers who have developed the ability to think outside of the tiny neurological box of consciousness that most people live in.

This includes people like King Solomon, King David, the Apostle John, Sir Francis Bacon, Plato, Thomas Edison, Madame Curie, Nicola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Michelangelo, Martin Luther King, Jr., President John F. Kennedy, Ayn Rand, Dr. Francis Schaeffer, and then to a lesser degree, but nonetheless highly significant people like Burroughs. Even in his older years, Burroughs remained a counterculture leader to many generations of young rock ’n’ roll musicians, authors, actors, actresses, directors and thinkers like Kurt Cobain, lead singer of Nirvana, and actor Johnny Depp.

As is the case with all independent thinkers, their true education and knowledge didn’t come through traditional sources of education like colleges and universities.

Burroughs constantly self-educated himself and possessed a keen knowledge of a vast spectrum of subjects such as scientific mind control technologies, drugs, science, art, psychology, the mass media, the history of espionage, and the methodologies of intelligence agencies.

In fact, there are many who believe that Burroughs was trained by the CIA as an agent and assassin, was a CIA asset, or was in the CIA, and then left it. Many of the most prominent counterculture figures were either CIA agents, worked with, or were at one time, trained by intelligence agencies.

Whatever Burroughs’ intelligence agency connections may or may not have been, as a visual artist, author, user of mind-altering drugs, and a spiritual father to the Beatnik and counterculture movements, Burroughs’ mind operated on an extremely high level of intelligence, perception and creative thinking.

Burroughs didn’t think inside of the box; he escaped his programming, indoctrination and mind control that has shaped most American thinking and consciousness over the last 100 years of public education, mass media, film and political discourse. The power of Burroughs’ intellect and perception comes from his ability to think creatively on a very high level.

Most Americans today, including those who call themselves progressives, artists, writers, actors, film directors, authors, and evangelical Christians, have no idea to what extent they have been programmed, nor do they have a clue about how to transcend it. Burroughs understood that America and the world had entered the “scientific dictatorship” announced by Huxley and how the masses were controlled by mind control.

The ‘Dumbing Down’ of Media and Culture 

Most of the men and women in the mainstream media, which consists of television, radio, film, broadcast journalism, acting, directing, writing and on-camera or celebrity journalists and personalities, possess a very narrow bandwith of intelligence, information, understanding, historical perspective, and knowledge of the true purpose of politics, finance and culture.

To be blunt, they have been dumbed down and their ability to think outside the box, utilize critical thinking, and use higher levels of perception, is practically nonexistent.

For example, it’s safe to say that most probably haven’t read books by Orwell, Huxley, Bertrand Russell, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and Noam Chomsky, and if they did, it was probably just the Cliff Notes, and so they are basically clueless about what is really going on in our nation and world.

They may be physically attractive and propped up by expensive sets, professional lighting, and expensive wardrobes — not to mention plastic surgery and Botox injections — and so they may appear and sound intelligent while reading from a teleprompter or told what to say through an earpiece tucked behind their ear. Most of them never deviate from the pre-determined talking points and politically correct comments they deliver on cue, but the reality is that most in the mainstream media are programmed like news robots or “news bots.”

They could be easily replaced by life-like robots, but for now they are physical people whose minds are controlled through teleprompters, ear pieces, and pre-determined talking points to personalize the propaganda and “fake news” they deliver daily.

One can never forget that all the mainstream media news corporations, the chief executive officers, the talking heads, along with the writers and producers, all work for just a handful of globalist corporations that are totally controlled by the globalist elite and must deliver the propaganda, lies and “fake news” that the globalist elite demand.

The fact that there has never been such uniformity and oneness of opinion, comments and “fake news,” carefully organized to brainwash the American people to hate Trump and to motivate the masses to support his impeachment, or a coup that would take him out of office or worse, is proof that the entire mainstream media is totally controlled by a very small number of men and women who are the globalist elite.

The globalist elite have publicly stated that they see Trump as the single greatest threat to their plans to establish a new world order and a one-world government, one-world economic system and one-world religion, purely for their financial benefit and the consolidation of their dictatorial power over the masses. To accomplish this, they are using the mainstream media, the internet and social media as invisible instruments of mind control and propaganda in the manner described by Huxley when he talked about the “truly effective scientific dictatorship,” in which the elite can program the masses into serving them as slaves, but have no consciousness that they are slaves and actually learn to love their duties as slaves.

Trump Opposes the Dark Machine

This is the only reason that the globalist elite, along with all the control mechanisms that they utilize, have targeted Trump for destruction because Trump stands for the things that the elite and the Shadow Government despise such as, “Making America Great Again,” passing win-win trade treaties, bringing high paying jobs and manufacturing back to the United States again, creating a business-friendly environment so that average Americans can increase their wealth and pass it on their children, and protecting our constitutional freedoms such as freedom of speech, press, religion and assembly. My co-author Troy Anderson and I explore why the Dark Machine is seeking to topple Trump in our best-selling book Trumpocalypse.

One would think that today’s progressives, especially those in the arts, would be able to grasp this as their intellectual forefathers did, but the clear majority don’t have a clue.

Evangelical Christians and Christian theologians, who theoretically should be able to think on this higher level, often cannot begin to understand what the Bible is really saying. As the God of the Bible states, “My people perish for lack of vision.”

Ministers and Christian Bible schools, which often boast about knowing the “character of God,” have lost their way, wandering around a theological wilderness. In the very first book of the Bible, the book of Genesis, we are introduced to the first major characteristic of God: He is the Creator, thus everything God does and is flows from His creativity.

But teaching and understanding that the God of the Bible is first a Creator, and that creativity is one of his primary attributes and should be a primary attribute among God’s people, is almost a totally nonexistent truth in the evangelical Christian culture, which ignores that God is the Creator and then cannot understand why hundreds of millions of people have rejected the message of Jesus Christ because it is often communicated in a lifeless form devoid of any creativity.

This lack of understanding of God as the Creator has far deeper applications than merely music, art, literature, film, etc. Creativity that reflects the image of God enables men and women to transcend their circumstances and to think creatively and dynamically. Creativity is a gift from God and allows men and women to think powerfully and enhance their perception and intelligence in all realms of life.

Burroughs, Tower of Babel and the ‘Thought Police’

So, how did Burroughs understand what the mass media and media giants like Luce were really all about?

He understood this through enhanced perception that is available to anyone who chooses to use it. It’s no accident that Burroughs also perceived what could be called supernatural perception in these areas.

This was not mythological or irrational on Burroughs’ part because the original source for all modern scientific mind control, indoctrination, propaganda and programming comes from ancient civilizations like Babylon at the time of the Tower of Babel when god-kings enslaved the masses through sorcery, magic, music and drugs.

This involved the supernatural and that’s why the word Babylon literally means the “gate of the gods.” The Tower of Babel was an interdimensional portal that allowed the entrance of interdimensional entities or demons into the world.

And just as ancient Babylon involved sorcery, magic and the entrance of demons into our world, the globalist elite and Deep State are employing the modern equivalents involving the mass media, social media, and various mind control techniques in their bid to gain dictatorial control of the world and enslave the world once again.

An enormous amount of documented evidence and verified historical facts all freely available to the American public for at least 100 years reveals the fact that the mainstream media’s primary purpose is to function as an instrument of propaganda and scientific mind control and program the masses to completely believe in a carefully constructed “artificial reality,” “illusory belief system,” the Matrix, and a mythological belief system in which most Americans believe in a fairy tale version of reality that is technologically and socially engineered to brainwash people in order to totally control them for the purpose of neural enslavement and to function as slaves in a soft global totalitarian state.

In the words of Huxley when he was lecturing a group of neuropsychiatrists at the University of Berkeley in 1961, “In a truly effective scientific dictatorship the people will not even know that they are slaves and they will be programmed to love their slavery.”

Huxley and other members of the elite like Brzezinski referred to this as the “scientific dictatorship” or the “psychotronic dictatorship” in which advanced scientific mind control involves the use of mind-altering drugs, the educational system, and repetitive messages that program the subconscious through television, film, popular music, media, propaganda, microwaves, EMF waves, Scalar waves and now smartphones, the internet, social media, and computers to program people into believing whatever the globalist elite want them to believe.

We’ve now entered the world that Orwell warned us about in 1984 in which a Big Brother government controls the people through mind-control programming, mass surveillance and a mass media whose sole purpose is to act as the “Thought Police.”

© 2018 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul McGuire: newmediavoice@aol.com

Website: www.paulmcguire.us

Bilderberg 2018: Orwell’s ‘Big Brother’ In A ‘Post-Truth’ World

The Bilderberg group was formed in 1954 by powerful international banking families like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, along with the heads of royal families throughout Europe, members of the elite, and the heads of the world’s most powerful multinational corporations.

The secret agenda behind Bilderberg was the creation of the European Union, NATO, and a one-world government, economic system and religion.

Several years before the creation of the Bilderberg group in 1946, President Donald John Trump was born in Queens, New York City.

Today, Trump’s plan is to “Make America Great Again,” renegotiate trade treaties that build up the American working and middle class, reestablish our national borders with a fair immigration policy, welcome and protect Christians via national and domestic policies, and enforce the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.

In many respects, Trump’s goals are the opposite of the Bilderberg group and the globalists, and that’s why they see him as the single greatest threat to their technocratic-feudal system.

In our bestselling FaithWords/Hachette book, Trumpocalypse: The End-Times President, a Battle Against the Globalist Elite, and the Countdown to Armageddon, written by Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist and former Los Angeles Daily News reporter Troy Anderson and I, we explore why the elite view Trump as their greatest threat and reveal the driving secret behind Trump’s life that caused him not to sell out like so many other billionaires and members of the elite so that he could as president seek to “Make America Great Again” — not just as a marketing slogan, but from his heart.

Let’s start first, though, with a look at the agenda of the top-secret Bilderberg conference earlier this month in Turin, Italy. The published agenda for Bilderberg 2018 is:

Populism in Europe
The inequality challenge
The future of work
Artificial intelligence
The US before midterms
Free trade
US world leadership
Quantum computing
Saudi Arabia and Iran
The “Post-Truth” world
Current events

The ‘Post-Truth’ World

One of the most disturbing topics that was discussed by the globalist elite at Bilderberg 2018 is, “The ‘Post-Truth world.”

The Bilderberg 2018 “post-truth” discussion is going to center around how the globalist elite through the Bilderberg conference, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission will use science, technology and propaganda to destroy what they call “fake news,” which in most cases means the true news, or alternative media, that communicates the truth and facts based on evidence.

The mainstream media is controlled by just a handful of globalist corporations and created the propaganda term “fake news” to silence the alternative media and prevent them from exposing the elite’s lies. But with the help of Trump during his election campaign, the term “fake news” backfired and became the label for much of the mainstream media.

‘The Thought Police,’ ‘Thought Crimes,’ and Hate Speech

The globalist elite want to totally control all belief systems, opinions, the flow of information, and all thoughts in what novelist George Orwell called “The Thought Police.” In Orwell’s 1949 book, 1984, “The Thought Police” was run by a totalitarian dictatorship called “Big Brother.”

It’s interesting to note that the mainstream media in the United States, for all practical purposes, ignored Bilderberg 2018 in Turin, Italy, as they have done every year. The propaganda put out by the Bilderberg conference is Orwellian in every sense. Through the mainstream media and other institutions that they control, the Bilderberg group are masters of Orwell’s “Doublethink,” accusing people of “thought crimes” by accusing them of consuming “fake news,” the use of non-politically correct words, hate speech, etc.

The whole Bilderberg group discussion about the “Post-Truth” world is right out of Orwell’s 1984 and is an example of “Doublethink.” Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously and accepting both.

Other mind-control terms from 1984 include, “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” Each one of these phrases represents complete contradictions, yet they are accepted as truth by the unconscious mind.

If your mind was functioning as God created it then the idea of holding two completely contradictory beliefs in your mind at the same time you would totally reject as being irrational, but if you are the product of being scientifically dumbed down through media and the educational system beginning in pre-school, your brain would neurologically would not be able perceive this as absurd.

Again, Orwell wrote his book 1984 in 1949, and yet he had access to knowledge about societies’ futuristic technologies and the modern science of mind control. For example, Orwell wrote about a “Big Government” that conducts mass surveillance on its citizens by watching and listening to them through their television sets. The clear majority of Americans today have little or no idea that mass surveillance is possible through their television sets, and if they do know about this, they think it just became a reality with the advent of HD digital flat screen television sets.

Orwell understood how a totalitarian government needs to use mass surveillance to spy on its people and the role that technology plays. One of the most famous quotes from Orwell’s 1984 is “Big Brother is Watching You.”

‘Big Brother is Watching You’

One of the primary purposes of mass surveillance technology, which currently operates through the Internet, social media, television sets, cell phones, laptop and other computers, and numerous other electronic devices that people have no clue that they involve mass surveillance technologies, is to enforce the reality that you are constantly being monitored, so you better think and act exactly as you’ve been programmed to.

Orwell wrote, “Orthodoxy means not thinking — not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness.” This is what “Big Brother” used in 1984, where the “Thought Police” limit people’s thinking to specific “politically correct” mind-control words, and if you say anything that it outside of that tiny shoebox of consciousness, you are punished in many ways.

This is the way our media and culture operate with things like “global warming,” which was proven to be untrue, so the they changed it to “climate change.”

Aldous Huxley, one of the primary intellectual leaders of controlling the masses through scientific mind control and the author of Brave New World, referred to the “scientific dictatorship” in which the globalist elite have the right to turn ordinary people and their children into slaves through scientific mind control and genetic breeding. When Huxley was giving a lecture to a convention of neuropsychiatrists at the University of California, Berkley in 1961, he openly said, “that in the truly effective scientific dictatorship, the people will not even know that they are slaves and they will learn to love their slavery or servitude” through scientific mind control and programming. This is what Huxley’s novel Brave New World was all about.

Make no mistake, the globalists and Bilderberg are escalating their total war on truth through the science of persuasion and mind control designed to control the global narratives, which means censoring, destroying and removing alternative news programs and suppressing their content on social media.

The globalist elite, Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations and the ruling globalist institutions are creating what science fiction author and head of military intelligence for Great Britain H.G. Wells termed the “World Brain.” The important thing is that narratives generating the neurological pathways of the “World Brain” are created by what Nazi leader Adolf Hitler called “The Big Lie.”

Elite Creating Illusory ‘Babylon’ Paradise Via Total War on Truth

Today, the globalist elite are using technology, scientific mind control, and Artificial Intelligence to create an illusory paradise — or “Babylon” —  built on a total war against truth.

It’s no accident that Wells personally trained and hired Julian Huxley, who was the first head of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and developed a global educational program to indoctrinate the masses. Wells also trained Huxley who wrote Brave New World and developed the concept of the scientific dictatorship.

The “scientific dictatorship” is built on the premise that you can program the masses via the media using scientific mind control and propaganda.

It’s interesting that the front cover of The Beatles’ June 2, 1967 Sgt. Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Band album features what appears to be The Beatles heroes H.G. Wells, Aldous Huxley, Karl Marx, William Burroughs, Aleister Crowley and others.

What’s interesting about these names is that many of these people were the leaders of the movement toward a world socialist government. Some of the people on the cover of the album were highly creative science fiction authors and high-ranking members of British intelligence. Others were involved in developing scientific mind control to control the masses like the “Great Satanist” Crowley who worked for British intelligence spying on Hitler during World War II and Karl Marx, coauthor of The Communist Manifesto.

Whether they knew it or not, The Beatles were used as an instrument of mass mind control to promote globalism, socialism, the use of drugs like LSD and marijuana, Eastern mysticism, the occult, the sexual revolution and the new world order.

John Lennon’s song, “Imagine,” promoted anti-Christian themes by telling the listener, “Imagine there’s no heaven,” “Imagine there is no hell,” “Imagine there’s no countries,” “Imagine there is no religion,” “Imagine no possessions and people sharing all the world,” “Imagine there is no greed or hunger,” and the ending verse, “And the world will be as one.”

The lyrics of Lennon’s song reflect precisely the goals of the globalist elite in bringing about their global government, economic system and religion. Also, the lyrics are heavily focused on destroying Christianity.

But, ultimately “Imagine” is about propaganda built on lies to bring about a new world order. Since the time that “Imagine” was released in 1971, the world’s richest people, the globalist elite who represent about 1 percent of the world’s population, now own about 99 percent of the world’s wealth.

In fact, at the time of Lennon’s death at the hands of an assassin, Lennon had a net worth of about $500 million. In today’s dollars that amount would be far higher.

The globalist elite who promote social justice, the fair redistribution of wealth and the promise of a utopian society, or what Karl Marx called “a workers’ paradise” that would bring heaven to earth, are just using empty words to tranquilize the masses. The elite have absolutely no plans of sharing the wealth. They intend to rule and reign over planet earth like kings and queens while enslaving the masses through social engineering, indoctrination, propaganda and subtle forms of mind control.

Mystery, Babylon the Great — The Luciferian World System

In what the book of Revelation refers to as “Mystery, Babylon the Great — the Mother of Harlots,” which represents the present Luciferian world system, the kings of the earth and the super-wealthy merchants become rich by “fornicating with Mystery, Babylon –The Mother of Harlots.”

The term “fornicating” from Revelation 18:3 refers to the fact that the kings of the earth such as prime ministers, presidents and those with great power, along with the financial elite and heads of multinational corporations, or the “merchants” who became rich due to the power of Babylon, are prospering because of their spiritual union with Lucifer, who is the temporary god of this present world system known as “Mystery, Babylon — the Mother of Harlots.” We explored this in great depth in our bestselling globalism expose, The Babylon Code: Solving the Bible’s Greatest End-Times Mystery, the first book in The Babylon Code series. The second book in the series is Trumpocalypse.

In the world system of “Mystery, Babylon,” the globalist elite make billions and trillions of dollars through secretive trade treaties and other means. Here, fornication means idolatry and the worship of a false god or gods by nations, individuals, a world state, or the new world order. It can also refer to the church or the pure Bride of Christ who has become unfaithful to her husband Christ by worshipping false gods.

“For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her (Babylon) fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury.” (Revelation 18:3)

When discussing things like the globalist elite, Bilderberg and the Council on Foreign Relations, it would be a serious mistake to paint all members of these groups with an overly simplistic broad brush and Marvel cartoon-like character depictions as either good or evil.

First, we are talking about a complex network of individuals and families who in many cases have different belief systems and values yet are members directly or indirectly tied to international banking families, the Bilderberg group, Council on Foreign Relations and other globalist groups.

It’s true that some of the highest-level members of the globalist elite are those who would consider themselves ethical humanists and atheists To, whatever degree, there are those who practice the teachings of Crowley and the occult. But there are also those who are Christians, and I have met many humanists and atheists who hold higher ethical principles that many Christians I’ve known.

I’ve been good childhood friends with some people who are at the highest levels of what could be called the globalist elite who were exceptionally good, moral and ethical when we were young, and as far as I’m aware, they still hold to those values.

Globalist Elite Wouldn’t Hesitate to Sacrifice Millions

However, at the same time, within what is called the globalist elite, there are men and women who considers themselves amoral. They believe they are beyond any restraints in terms of traditional ideas of right and wrong. These same people would not hesitate to make a decision that could destroy the lives of countless millions of people through economic crisis, famine, war, or radical population reduction programs that could kill billions of people, all in the name of saving mankind and saving the earth.

They hold to various belief systems such as the Malthusian belief that all of mankind’s problems are due to excessive population growth, which allows them to make decisions without feeling remorse or conflict. In fact, they believe they are empowered to do those things.

This is the true inner belief system of many of the globalist elite.  Zbigniew Brzezinski, one of the highest-level leaders among the globalist elite, wrote in his book, Between Two Ages – America’s Role in the Technotronic Era, that:

“The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.”

Make no mistake what Brzezinski is saying when he writes, The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values.”

Brzezinski is openly disclosing the belief systems and plans of some of the globalist elite like David Rockefeller, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg group and Trilateral Commission. This doesn’t mean that everyone who belongs to these groups believes in this.

Information in compartmentalized, and I would imagine that celebrity figureheads for the United Nations, a globalist elite organization, like Bono, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt and others don’t quite get it.

Meanwhile, there are higher-level members of the Bilderberg group and other globalist institutions who are cultural celebrities known for their compassion, kindness, commitment to social justice, diversity, positive social activism, feeding the hungry and doing good works to alleviate suffering around the world, who are celebrated for their integrity and human kindness, and they are often heroes and heroines.

Yet there is a dark veneer beneath this Illuminati mask depicted in Hollywood Director Stanley Kubrick’s movie Eyes Wide Shut starring Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. In the film, Cruise’s character shows up at a perverse Illuminati ball where occult rituals and sexual rites are performed in a scene that was shot at a Rothschild estate.

The highest-level members of the occult globalist elite are aware of ‘The Plan,” and they are behind Brzezinski’s dictatorship through a technocratic elite and the “scientific dictatorship” called for by Aldous Huxley.

When Brzezinski, Huxley and others in the globalist elite say things like, “such a society would be dominated by an elite unrestrained by traditional values,” Brzezinski is speaking on behalf of himself and the globalist elite and he means precisely what he is saying: “Such a society would be dominated by an elite.”

Those words are not meant to be softened, nor are we to falsely assume that he is speaking metaphorically or in some humanistic compassionate sense.

Brzezinski is taking about the “scientific dictatorship” discussed by Huxley in which the masses of ordinary people are dominated and subjugated by brute, violent and cruel force which forces them to be total slaves.

But it’s worse than that. The slaves of ancient empires like Babylon and Egypt, along with the American elite who bought slaves from Africa, all had some limited amount of freedom and a very small amount of alleviation from their slave conditions, either by some tiny degree of human kindness or by default.

When most people hear this kind of language, they subconsciously superimpose a humanitarian filter over it because they rationally cannot bring themselves to believe in the reality of the truly horrific reality that is being spoken of.

In the same way, the masses of people in Germany and around the world couldn’t bring themselves to accept the reality of the Holocaust where over 7 billion people died, both Jews and non-Jews. They existed in a state of psychological denial and would say, “It can’t happen here.”

‘It Can’t Happen Here’

Brzezinski and other members of the elite have an entirely different inner belief system and moral system. When Brzezinski says, “such a society would be dominated by an elite unrestrained by traditional values,” he means that the elite have transcended Judeo-Christian values such as an absolute moral right and wrong.

The globalist elite operate from a purely humanist sense of consciousness, and in the worst sense of the word. They believe in a Darwinian and occultic viewpoint where, “only the fittest survive,” “might makes right” and genetically superior people have the full right to dominate, control, enslave, kill and do anything they want to both adults and children because they believe in a godless universe where man has not been created in the image of God, but rather is here by pure evolutionary and random chance.

As such, in their world, there is no concern for “loving thy neighbor as thyself,” agape or spiritual love, or even guilt. Every brutality and unspeakable cruelty is justified because they believe we live in an existential world, the kind of world written about by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, author of The Will to Power, that taught that “might makes right.”

Bertrand Russell, one of the leading planners of a globalist world government, wrote in his 1953 book, The Impact of Science on Society, that, “I do not pretend that birth control is the only way in which population can be kept from increasing. There are others, which, one must suppose, opponents of birth control would prefer. War, as I remarked a moment ago, has hitherto been disappointing in this respect, but perhaps bacteriological war may prove more effective. If a Black Death could be spread throughout the world once in every generation survivors could procreate freely without making the world too full… The state of affairs might be somewhat unpleasant, but what of that? Really high-minded people are indifferent to happiness, especially other people’s.”

Russell was not joking. He believed in the use of weapons of mass destruction on human populations as a means of mass population reduction. Russell believed in a godless universe and the sheer brute force of Social Darwinism. “I believe that, owing to men’s folly, a world-government will only be established by force, and will therefore be at first cruel and despotic,” Russell wrote.

Noam Chomsky and ‘Manufacturing Consent’

Beginning in 1912, during the administration of President Woodrow Wilson, scientists trained in Great Britain by people like H.G. Wells, Julian Huxley, Aldous Huxley and many other scientists and intelligence experts came to the United States after World War I and began to use propaganda techniques described as, “manufacturing popular democratic consent,” or what political theorist Noam Chomsky referred to as “manufacturing consent.”

This involved the use of scientific social engineering, persuasion, brainwashing and propaganda to shape the beliefs and ideas of the public through the media.

In our book, Trumpocalypse, we feature our interview with Noam Chomsky, author of Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media, who argues that the mainstream media in the United States and around the world is totally controlled by powerful globalists and their multinational corporations that use social engineering, or scientific mind control, to “manufacture consent,” or a belief in fictional narratives that benefit the globalist elite at the expense of the working and middle class.

The original term, “manufacturing popular democratic consent, was coined by journalist Walter Lippmann who worked closely with President Wilson and pioneered building a social science army within the United States that would use propaganda techniques and scientific mind control against American citizens.

Lippmann was trained during World War I at the British psychological warfare and propaganda headquarters at the Wellington House near London. This was a secret team that included Sigmund Freud’s nephew, Edward Bernays, who went on to become the father of modern public relations and a master of propaganda.

In his book, Public Opinion, Lippman wrote that it is through the mass media and modern mass communications such as movies and radio that most people develop the “pictures in their heads” of themselves, of others, of their needs and purposes, and their relationships. Lippman believed that most people have a desire to reduce complicated problems into easily solvable and overly simplistic formulas. Most people form their opinions not based on rational thinking, but by what they believe others around them believe, which is irrational and childish, but Lippman created his science of propaganda on this principle. For most people truth and objective facts are not an important part of their decision-making process.

Lippmann also observed that the mere appearance of reports in the media bestow a kind of magical aura of reality upon those stories. Most people are convinced that if something weren’t true or factual that it wouldn’t be reported in the media. Conversely, the average individual believes that just because it’s reported in the media that it must be a fact.

Lippmann also observed that people whose fame is built up by the media are “opinion leaders” with as much power to change public opinion as political figures. That’s why so many movie stars, television talk show hosts, and pop music stars have so much power to lead the public in any direction they choose. This was the function of John Lennon and countless other music stars, Hollywood celebrities and famous people.

Interestingly, as far back as the 1920s, Lippmann wrote that mass public opinion is ultimately determined by the desires of the elite, the super-rich, and others who secretly control the world, and that their primary headquarters is in London. Notice how many of the thinkers and leaders in international finance, the musical celebrities, and the sciences of propaganda and social engineering all come from London.

Lippmann commented that manufacturing public opinion by the elite requires organizers who are a “specialized class” that operate through “intelligence bureaus” and control the content and flow of information from the mainstream media, film, radio, print, television, etc.

All-Out Deep State Attack on Trump

The all-out attack against Trump beginning during the election process and continuing to this very moment reveals a highly centralized and organized comprehensive strategy by all forms of media that are controlled by just a handful of globalist corporations to attempt to block him from achieving any of his goals and remove him from office.

Never in the history of politics has any American president and his family been subjected to this level of ridicule, lies, propaganda, scientific mind control and persuasion at a completely unprecedented level and magnitude never seen before in America and in most of the world.

The globalist elite and the Deep State that they control are waging a total psychological war against Trump to destroy him. The reason for this, is that Trump does not share the beliefs, ideology and goals of the globalist elite.

The uniformity, narratives, talking points, personal attacks against Trump by numerous former presidents, celebrity journalists, television news commentators, television talk show hosts, movie stars, tech company giants, big-name politicians and the richest and most powerful people in the world, reveals that all of this is being deliberately coordinated at the highest levels by a global shadow government and an international Deep State.

It’s not an accident that the Council on Foreign Relations, which is directly connected to Bilderberg group, openly presented a full-on Orwellian media presentation in which Richard Stengel, former Time managing editor and Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs in the Obama Administration, at a university forum organized by the CFR, openly promoted the idea that governments need to direct propaganda at their own domestic populations.

“Basically, every country creates their own narrative story,” Stengel said. “My old job at the State Department was what people used to joke [call] the chief propagandist job. I’m not against propaganda, every country does it and they have to do it to their own population and I don’t necessarily think it’s that awful.”

It’s not that the CFR and governments have not been directing propaganda toward their people since the founding of the CFR. It’s simply that a major leader from within the CFR has never so openly and boldly promoted a right to propaganda.

“A single organization controls almost everything you see, hear, and read in the media and they’ve been handpicking your leaders for decades,” wrote Matt Agorist in January 29, 2018 The Free Thought Project article titled, “WikiLeaks Exposes How Council on Foreign Relations Controls Most All Mainstream Media.” “It is no secret that over the last (four) decades, (the) mainstream media has been consolidated from dozens of competing companies to only six. Hundreds of channels, websites, news outlets, newspapers, and magazines, making up (90) percent of all media, is controlled by very few people — giving Americans the illusion of choice.”

Bilderberg, CFR and Trilateral Commission Control Mainstream Media

WikiLeaks and the Swiss Propaganda Research (SPR) center put together for the first time a detailed chart entitled, “The American Empire and Its Media,” with the words, “Bilderberg Group,” “Council on Foreign Relations” and “Trilateral Commission” below it. The chart shows the pictures of the faces of the people who run this media empire, the corporate logos, a detailed list of names and companies, and how they control the entire mainstream media through investments holdings. The chart will answer many of your questions about various media personalities and why they were put into positions of power in the first place.

The Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission are the primary nodes of power for the globalist elites and the shadow government.

Meanwhile, the CFR is a key cog in the hub of Washington think-tanks that promote endless war. As former U.S. Army Major Todd Pierce described it, these think tanks act as the “primary provocateurs” using “’psychological suggestiveness’ to create a false narrative of danger from some foreign entity with the objective being to create paranoia within the U.S. population that it is under imminent threat of attack or takeover.”

Pierce’s words are an academic way of saying that the Bilderberg Group, CFR and Trilateral Commission are employing a domestic form of psychological warfare against the American people.

The Revolving Presidential-CFR Door

The past four presidents before Trump have all been members of the CFR as well as a sizable percentage of their cabinets. President George H. W. Bush was a director of the CFR, who was replaced by a member of the CFR, former President Bill Clinton, who was replaced by a family member of the CFR, former President George W. Bush, who was replaced by former President Barack Obama, who became the Bilderberg’s choice for president after flying to an annual Bilderberg meeting and who placed many CFR members in his cabinet.

One would assume that although Trump was never a member of the CFR, the reason that he filled the White House with numerous CFR members was because, like it or not, the CFR and Bilderberg group essentially rule America and the world. Therefore, if you want to accomplish anything at all, you are going to have to, to whatever degree, work with the people who control the global system.

The Bilderberg Group’s goals are:

♠ One global identity for planet earth, on both the human level and one set of universal human values. This will create a “World Brain” based on the idea of the collective developed by communism. The individual will become the enemy and the very concept of individuality will be erased. However, just like there are special rules for special people in communist nations, individuals and their families among the globalist elite will be allowed to keep their individual identities.

♠ Centralized control of the world’s populations via “mind control.” In other words, controlling world public opinion through media, social media and the Internet.

♠ A new world order with no middle class, only “rulers and servants (serfs),” or slaves and rulers, and, of course, no democracy.

♠ “A zero-growth society” without prosperity or progress for the common person, only greater wealth and power for the rulers.

♠ Manufactured crises and perpetual wars based on the secret society motto, “Order Out of Chaos.”

♠ Total control of education to program the public mind and train those chosen for various roles. Parents and students will not be allowed to choose their own careers. A person’s lifelong career will be selected by the government through a series of computerized evaluations and psychological tests.

♠ A centralized global government with control of all foreign and domestic policies.

♠ The UN or some other entity will become a world government with its own laws and military. All people will be “global citizens.”

Two Kinds of World States

Under this global system, there will be two kind of world states, a spectacular one for the globalist elite and a world state where people will not know they’re slaves. The key to making all this happen is education and indoctrination.

Beginning in 1917 when John Dewey, the father of public education, returned from the communist revolution in Russia, the elite began their plan of absolute control of education to program the public mind and train those chosen for various roles.

Aldous Huxley’s brother, Julian Huxley, was the first head of UNESCO, which was the global educational division of the United Nations designed to a create a single global curriculum to indoctrinate students. Its primary educational program is called Common Core.

Meanwhile, the elite use trade treaties like the TPP, NAFTA and WTO to do an end run around the U.S. Constitution and transfer wealth, jobs and manufacturing to countries outside the United States. Notice that starting at the exact same time that these trade treaties were implemented, the American people began to lose good-paying jobs as decent jobs were outsourced to Third World nations and manufacturing plants were moved to Third World nations. The purpose of this was to lower the standard of living of the American middle class and raise the standard of those living in Third World nations.

Again, the reason for the uniformity of the unending attacks on Trump is that Trump represents a vision of America and the world the elite despise.  The elite want to rule the world and the massive rise of populism in America, throughout Europe and other regions, is primarily due to Trump. The elite don’t want populism because populism expresses the will of the people and not the will of the elite. In America, our Constitution begins with, “We the People,” which is something the elite want to destroy.

In addition to trade treaties and outsourcing, the replacement of human jobs by robots, cyborgs and androids with Artificial Intelligence is set to explode.

The elite know that there will be revolts of large numbers of people around the world if they lose their jobs to robots. As such, certain governments around the world are already publicly discussing guaranteeing their people a comfortable annual salary, if they should lose their jobs.

But just how long do you think that governments and the elite are going to pay comfortable annual salaries to people that are not working? They will do it for as long as it takes to make a transition, but once that happens those annual salaries will end.

When George Orwell, Aldous Huxley and others in the elite told us that Big Brother governments would arise, they didn’t calculate into their equations things like Artificial Intelligence, transhumanism, microchip implants, computer-to-brain interfaces, the internet and social media.

Soon it will be possible to for Artificial Intelligence to upload the consciousness of one person, including a synthetic artificially intelligent consciousness, or take over an existing human consciousness in a human body, and totally control it.

In terms of rulers and slaves, this will allow the rulers to use Artificial Intelligence to dominate the minds of once ordinary people, eliminate their individual consciousness, and create a “World Brain” for a slave population.

© 2018 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul McGuire: newmediavoice@aol.com

My Journey To Tomorrowland, Industrial Age Left, Orwellian Fundamentalism, And The Transcending Cybernetic Programming

In the countdown to the last election, and then with the bombshell election of Donald Trump as president of the United States, a kind of virtual reality revolution was started, and it has begun to spread globally.

This revolution is not about Trump, Hillary Clinton or any Republican, Democrat, conservative or liberal/progressive. This is a transcendent revolution that is not tied to or connected to any one group connected with the globalist elite.  This revolution does not have one single leader, but is composed of independent thinkers, writers and innovators who are atheists, Christians, people into meditation, and others that are not tied directly to one ideology.

The common quality of all these independent thinkers is that they are free thinkers and are in search of and practice the truth and are not married to any one political party, ideology or religious super-structure.  Their power is connected to their commitment to intellectual integrity and not selling out over a paycheck or a position of power.

People who despise Trump acknowledge that his unexpected election and its aftermath involved around-the-clock, all-out mainstream media attacks against him. The fact the media coordinated its talking points and scandals reveals that Trump’s election is a direct threat to the globalist elite who control our media and nation, and that they consider him the single greatest threat to their plans to create a new world system.

My co-author Troy Anderson and I go into this in greater detail in our new bestselling book, Trumpocalypse: The End-Times President, a Battle Against the Globalist Elite, and the Countdown to Armageddon.

Others say Trump is an essential part of this new world order and that he is in fact working for the military-industrial complex in neocon conspiracy.

A Political Awakening  

Across America, the European Union and in places like the Middle East, Asia, Africa and South America, there is a political awakening among atheists, Marxists, progressives and intellectual leaders on the left who have left the intellectual prisons of ideologies and religious beliefs developed two centuries to two millennia ago. The common DNA among all these intellectuals is that they are independent thinkers who think outside of the box of dogma, such as left vs. political paradigms.

The late Christopher Hitchens, a British columnist, essayist, orator, religious and literary critic, social critic, journalist, and author of over 30 books, transcended the political paradigm of once having been a social democrat, Marxist and anti-totalitarian and broke ties with the political left. Having long described himself as a social democrat, a Marxist and anti-totalitarian, Hitchens began to break with the established political left after the left began its embrace of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Hitchens’ writings include critiques of Bill ClintonHenry Kissinger and other members of the totalitarian globalist elite who under the guise of creating a utopian world socialist state are in fact putting into place a global dictatorship for the benefit of the 1 percent of globalist elites who now own 99 percent of the world’s money and resources.

Low Information Leftists and Narrow Information Conservatives

Apparently, the elite believe in all-out fascism and total dictatorial control beneath a corporate façade of a button with a happy face on it. In 1970, Former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, a member of the Bilderberg Group, wrote a book titled, Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era. Brzezinski defined the “technetronic society” as “a society that is shaped culturally, psychologically, socially, and economically by the impact of technology and electronics – particularly in the arena of computers and communications. The industrial process is no longer the principal determinant of social change, altering the mores, the social structure, and the values of society.”

Brzezinski was talking about using scientific mind control technologies to create the kind of “scientific dictatorship” that English Aldous Huxley

wrote about in his 1932 dystopian novel, Brave New World. In his 1958 essay, “Brave New World Revisited,” Huxley wrote, “In politics, the equivalent of a fully developed scientific theory or philosophical system is a totalitarian dictatorship. In economics, the equivalent of a beautifully composed work of art is the smoothly running factory in which the workers are perfectly adjusted to the machines. The Will to Order can make tyrants out of those who merely aspire to clear up a mess. The beauty of tidiness is used as a justification for despotism… The twenty-first century, I suppose, will be the era of World Controllers, the scientific caste system and Brave New World.”

What is ironic here is that people like Huxley, Brzezinski, American psychologist B. F. Skinner and many others wrote openly and in detail about a scientific dictatorship that used totalitarian propaganda and mind control to enslave the masses.

Yet, ever since the 1930s the left has entirely missed the point of these warnings by some of the greatest thinkers of our time. They are unable to connect the dots between English author George Orwell’s 1984, Huxley’s Brave New World, and warnings by countless authors and intellectuals.  Not only have they become blind, but they have become the programmed people that Orwell and Huxley warned about.  The mainstream media, films, music, culture, television shows and books that are churned out could have been written by Orwell’s “Thought Police.”

Hitchens, an atheist who regarded the concept of God or a supreme being as a totalitarian belief that impedes individual freedom, argued that free expression and scientific discovery should replace religion as a means of informing ethics and defining codes of conduct for human civilization. The dictum, “What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence,” has become known as Hitchens’s razor.

In American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America, Chris Hedges attacked the Christian right as fascists, but he also attacked the left’s new atheists for their relationship with the neocons for preaching a new kind of fundamentalism just as dangerous as Christian fundamentalism.

Hedges attacked the left for preaching a utopian belief system.  According to Hedges, Adolf Hitler’s Holocaust was promoted as a modern scientific project — the result of technological advances. He wrote in his book that the Holocaust, because it was framed as a modern project and an outgrowth of technological advances, was a child of the left’s utopian belief system. Like in Huxley’s Brave New World, it led to a cult of science based on the science of eugenics where Hitler was attempting to scientifically breed a master race and sent expeditions to Tibet to find a genetically pure master race.

The Apprentice and the Anti-Establishment Candidate

Returning to Trump, one fact remains. Trump’s unusual ability to win the election was partly due to the skills he developed as a reality television star on The Apprentice and his completely unorthodox debating strategy. It appears the real hunger of American voters was the desire to have a president who was not part of the Establishment or the system.  The only candidates that managed to define themselves this way were Trump and U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vermont.

The other problem for those on the left and the right was the failure of much of the mainstream media to assume their role as champions of the people through nonpartisan reporting. Early on it became obvious that there was cooperation between the Deep State and the mainstream media. This resulted in destroying candidates like Sanders and helping or hurting Trump depending on how you look at it. What emerged was a clear pattern among Republicans and Democrats — politicians who had sold out to multinational corporations and powerful globalist groups — of mysteriously receiving both favor and money.

Autopia on the Road to Tomorrowland

As a young boy growing up in New York City, I would visit the World Fair on a regular basis where I would get to see many nations and major corporations create a global utopian future.

This vision of a positive, scientific and globalist vision of the future seized my imagination. Then I experienced at Disneyland its Autopia on the road to Tomorrowland. However, after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and seeing photographs of the Vietnam War, I like millions of others developed a deep pessimism about our future.

When I was fifteen years, I read a book by radical activist Abbie Hoffman titled, Steal This Book, which I wanted to steal but I purchased.  It was Hoffman’s counterculture revolution by a kind of “living theater” that functioned as an intellectual bridge that enabled me to cross over from the land of an atheist- and humanist-based “New Left,” to the hyperdrive and LSD-driven counterculture revolution of the late 1960s and 70s characterized by the slogan, “Make Love Not War,” which at its root was a vision of paradise on earth fueled by psychedelic drugs, higher consciousness and environmentalism.

What Hoffman did was capture the imagination of people like myself through creative communication.  Although raised a liberal, I could not buy into the pre-industrial Marxist and communist theories because they were antiquated and obsolete.

I was raised in a very liberal, middle-class household in New York City, where my parents were artists and musicians and hung out with notable artists, writers, intellectuals and thinkers. I was exposed to all kinds of higher-level thinking at a very young age.

I was taught that the Republican Party was the party for the wealthy, elite and big business. In addition, I was raised to be an atheist or existentialist, and my parents embedded in me the idea that Christianity was a religion for people who were superstitious and who were “anti-sex,” “anti-joy” and anti-life.”

One day I encountered a bunch of Catholic school “jocks” who noticed that I didn’t attend Catholic school, but I looked Catholic in contrast to the predominantly Jewish neighborhood I lived in. They asked me what religion I was, and I responded by saying, “I am an existentialist.”  They had no idea what the word meant, but it sounded evil to them, so they pounded me into the sidewalk to teach me a lesson.  That was my first exposure to “Christian evangelism.”

Soul on Ice: Black Panther Party

A few years later after joining Hoffman at numerous radical demonstrations in Manhattan protesting the Vietnam War and joining mass demonstrations against the Vietnam War in Washington, D.C., I became part of the radical counterculture and found myself in meetings with the heads of the radical left and learned all kinds of things.

Also, at around 15 years old, I had read the book, Soul on Ice, by Eldridge Cleaver who was the minister of information for the original Black Panther Party.  At the time, Cleaver’s book had a profound impact on me, and to use a term popular during that time, I developed solidarity with the Black Panther Party.

At the time, my family was living in Jackson Heights, Queens. One morning I got up and decided I wanted to be a member of the Black Panther Party. One of their primary locations was Corona, Queens on Northern Boulevard, which was about a half-hour bus ride from my home. I got off the bus in an all-black, ghetto-type neighborhood.

The minute I got off the bus, a lot of eyes were staring at me with a look of, “What are you doing in this neighborhood, white boy? Do you know where you are and if you had any sense you would get out of here as fast as you can.”

A group of African-American gang members came up to me and I could sense that this was not going to be pleasant. They asked me what I was doing there, and I said, “I am on my way to the Black Panther Party headquarters. Do you know where it is?”

They were caught totally by surprise. They either thought I was crazy or I really was on my way to the Black Panther Party headquarters. The leader of the gang looked at me and pointed to a storefront about three stores down and said, “That’s the Black Panther headquarters.” I thanked him and proceeded to walk as fast as I could to the storefront that served as an entrance to the Black Panther Party headquarters. I could see as I turned toward the door that the gang walked away once they were assured that I was going to go inside.

In the front windows were big posters of the heads of the Black Panther Party, Huey P. Newton and Eldridge Cleaver.  When I walked inside I notice some very tough looking African-American males wearing black leather jackets standing around checking me out warily. I approached the front desk where I was ignored for a few minutes and finally the guy sitting at the desk looked at me and said, “What are you doing here?”

I think he must have thought I was a pizza delivery guy or someone like that. I looked at him and said, “I am here to join the Black Panther Party.”  He looked at me somewhat stunned, as did the others in the room, and I did not know if they were going to laugh or hurl me onto the street. So, with a straight face, he asked me, “What makes you want to join the Black Panther Party?” I answered, “I have been reading a book by Eldridge Cleaver and I want to do what I can to help with your cause because I believe in it.”

The man at the desk was surprised by the answer, so he went over toward another area with an office door and asked one of the leaders of the Black Panther Party my question. I could hear the leader answer as he emerged from his office and the man at the desk relayed his answer to me.

I raised my voice moderately, just enough to be heard and responded, “Excuse me sir. Can I ask you a question?”  The leader paused and then said, ‘Go ahead.” I said, “I just want to know the reason I cannot join the Black Panther Party. I express solidarity with your cause I and I want to help, so how come you won’t let me join the Black Panther Party?”

He answered, “Because you are white and white people cannot join the Black Panther Party.” Being somewhat naïve and not realizing that I had already pressed my luck, I said, “But that’s racial discrimination?” The room went deathly silent as nobody seemed to know what was going to happen next. He thought for a second and finally said, “Okay, then I will make an exception in your case and allow you to become an honorary member of the Black Panther Party.” I thanked him, signed something, left and was happy that I at least could be allowed to become an honorary member of the Black Panther Party.

Cuckoo’s Nest and Violent Revolution

During this time, I spent a lot of time in New York’s Central Park and in The East Village participating in demonstrations and going to meetings with leaders of the counterculture like Ken Kesey, author of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, who distributed close to a million doses of free LSD from his Day-Glo psychedelic bus called, “Further.”

Also, I hung out with Dr. Timothy Leary, the Harvard professor and LSD guru, at the very first meetings of counterculture leaders who planned the environmental movement and Earth Day celebrations. The ideas of Leary, Kesey and others fueled a vision of a psychedelic utopianism, and scientists like Buckminster Fuller, inventor of the geodesic dome, presented a dynamic future based on scientific creativity.

But then I saw a disturbing change begin to happen as the counterculture was infiltrated by hardcore communists and violent groups like the Weather Underground co-founded by Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers.  Their young disciples would attempt to recruit people in Central Park wearing a T-shirts that said, “Armed Love,” with a hand holding an AK-47 assault rifle.

I was on the radical left, but when I saw the “Armed Love” T-shirts, it was obvious that they were trying to use propaganda to hijack the hippie word, “love,” like in “peace and love,” into love being synonymous with armed, violent and Marxist revolution. I had read their literature and Chairman Mao’s Little Red Book that they gave out for free, along with books such as The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx. If this was going to be the revolution that everyone was talking about, I wanted nothing to do with it!

I had seen the black and white pictures of history starting in the early 1900s with the Bolshevik, or Russian Revolution, and other communist revolutions, that clearly showed where “armed love” and where The Weather Underground would take us. Photos of millions of people being slaughtered, shot, tortured, starved to death, sent to mental hospitals and concentration camps, exposed the reality of the communist vision of a “workers’ paradise,” “social justice” and “wealth redistribution.”

A few years later when I attended the University of Missouri where I majored in filmmaking and the brand new field within psychology called, “Altered States of Consciousness,” I realized that fascism, the right wing or left wing, communism, and socialism all led to the same place, which was an all-powerful totalitarian state where ordinary people would lose all their freedoms and become slaves through what Huxley called, the “scientific dictatorship,” and what Orwell warned about in 1984 with a “Big Brother” government and the “Thought Police.”

Most Dangerous Fascist Movement in History

I concluded that an all-powerful authoritarian government would arise just as Dr. Francis Schaeffer said, from the right or the left, to manage the chaos. I saw the radical left, counterculture, or what was then called the New Left, degrade in front my eyes from a movement of true liberation, freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of religion, freedom of the press and “Power to the People,” or “We the People,” into a movement that today has become one of the most dangerous fascist movements in human history.

The 1960s counterculture at the University of California, Berkeley started out as “The Free Speech Movement” led by radical activist Mario Savio. Yet it was in 1961, also at the University of California, Berkeley, where Huxley lectured a group of neuropsychiatrists and said, “In a truly effective scientific dictatorship men and women will not even know they are slaves and they will learn to love their servitude.”

So, right there at the inception of the counterculture, Huxley promoted an all-powerful mind control dictatorship where people are programmed to be slaves through scientific techniques such as mind shock, drugs, musical repetition, sleep deprivation, etc.

But the greatest surprise was that this took place at the birth of the counterculture and “The Free Speech Movement” in which the founding tenets of the new cultural revolution was total free speech in which absolutely nothing was to be censored!

Yet, today, almost sixty years later, this leftist-progressive counterculture has brought about a “Reign of Terror” with a total lockdown on free speech, except that speech which a tiny elite determine is politically correct. The oppressive and brutal nature of this total censorship is being enforced as diligently as it was by Hitler and his Nazi Party who sought to destroy any criticism of their agenda.

It’s staggering to any thinking person how what began as a liberating movement designed to protect free speech in 1961 has devolved into a Big Brother-like authoritarianism where mainstream media, films, television, the educational system, politics , the Internet, social media, culture and even some of our intelligence agencies are working synergistically to create what science fiction author and former head of British intelligence in World War I,  H.G. Wells, labeled the “World Brain” or the “Hive Mind.”

The irony of all this is that when I was raised in a very liberal home in New York City, I was taught to believe that it was the conservatives, the Republicans, Protestant Christians and Catholics, who were the censors and enemies of free speech. This belief was echoed repeatedly by the mainstream media, the educational system, artists, writers, filmmakers, and musicians like a mantra.  At the time, the accusation that the right, capitalists, Christians and conservatives were censors had a factual basis. These voices were repressive and seemed to block mankind’s evolution into a utopian society.

Authors like D. H. Lawrence in his novel, Lady Chatterley’s Lover, many books by Henry Miller such as Tropic of Cancer, were being censored by the highest courts in our land, and important warnings against totalitarianism by Huxley in Brave New World and Orwell’s 1984, amid countless others, had their books censored primarily by conservatives and Christians due to their sexual content.

This censorship from conservatives and Christians continues today with books like J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, Huxley’s Brave New World, and the Naked Lunch by William S. Burroughs, who repeatedly warned of the emerging “scientific dictatorship.”

Much of the censorship against these books is irrational. For example, Orwell’s 1984 warns of godless totalitarianism, and Brave New World warns against the “scientific dictatorship” attempting to destroy the family unit and motherhood.

Clearly much of the censorship of these books ended up attempting to destroy messages that would have been almost universally championed today by conservatives and Christians.

Yet, during the last 15 years or so, we have witnessed the most virulent, totalitarian strain of censorship coming from a new kind of “fascist left,” which has completely strayed from the principles such as freedom of speech upon which the new left was founded. The book burners, censors, “Thought Police,” and those who are destroying freedom of speech along with other freedoms, now come from the new left, progressives, socialists and liberals with a viciousness I’ve never seen before.

When as a teenage boy I began to see the Weather Underground and other leftist radical movements start to incorporate the language of the counterculture like “peace and love” into propaganda terms like, “armed love,” and a call for violent revolution, I knew then based on history where this would lead.

The more I read and studied, I realized that the peace movement, anti-war movement, environmental movement, and many other movements were nothing more than stealth means to transform America and the world into the “world socialist government” spoken of by David Rockefeller and other members of the elite.

Globalist Elite Seek Total World Control

But all the “true believers” from the past and today cannot see behind the masks and all this talk about a new utopia, a “workers’ paradise,” “social justice,” the fair distribution of wealth, and an environmentally-friendly world are seductive attempts to deceive the masses from the true agenda of the globalist elite, which is in their own words total control of the world and its people.

As Huxley said, as have many others about this globalist elite, the easiest way to control the masses and make them your slaves in effect is through scientific mind control.  When you learn to read between the lines, these statements, along with others like them, were not promising a new utopia. They were revealing the game plan by the elite to create a “scientific dictatorship.”

In 2012, Brzezinski, a top advisor to five American presidents and co-founder of The Trilateral Commission along with Rockefeller, warned of a “global political awakening” that was being driven by alternative radio, television and the Internet. Brzezinski, at a Council of Foreign Relations meeting, warned the leaders of the most powerful nations in the world that although the lethality of their military might have never been more powerful, their ability to impose control over the politically- awakened masses is at an all-time low.

About the time Trump was elected, thinkers on the left and right began to see how the Internet, social media, mainstream media, film, television, and music were being used to control, not to enlighten the masses.

Technology, science and the new field of transhumanism are quickly evolving to build Well’s “World Brain.” In the process, the individual is being replaced with “group think” and the “collective.”

The real danger is not found on the left, with progressives, socialists, and Democrats. Nor is the danger found among the right, conservatives, Republicans and the religious right.

The real danger is found among any group or individual, no matter what side of the spectrum they are own, when they surrender their integrity to truth and real social justice for selfish reasons like power and money and join groups and become friends with individuals who they know deep inside have become soulless — and not simply in the religious sense.

In our bestselling book Trumpocalypse (Hachette Book Group), we are not equating Trump with God, apple pie, mom and the “American Way.”  We no longer live in the time of “Leave it to Beaver.”

Nor are we attempting to demonize the many independent thinkers with integrity in both political parties, the arts, publishing, and entertainment industry simply because they appear to be on the left.

Both the left and right are illusory metaphors designed to create warring factions. We are at a time in history in which each of us must transcend the boundaries created by ideologies and political beliefs.

This transcendence must involve the courage to reject the stereotypical categorizations to maintain an illusory and artificial cultural war.

© 2018 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul McGuire: newmediavoice@aol.com

Stormy Daniels, A Weather Modification Weapon, And Trumpocalypse

The relatively recent appearance of Stormy Daniels, a porn star who claims to have had an affair with President Donald Trump for money, like the Category 4 hurricanes that seemed to come out of nowhere to devastate the Florida coast, appears to be a geoengineered storm created to devastate Trump.

But the real target of this artificial storm involving Stormy Daniels is strategically designed to destroy the widespread support Trump enjoys among evangelical Christians as the mid-term elections approach.

The question remains, as we pose in our bestselling Hachette book Trumpocalypse: The End-Times President, a Battle Against the Globalist Elite, and the Countdown to Armageddon, co-written with Pulitzer Prize-nominated journalist Troy Anderson, whether Daniel’s account is true. Many Americans have serious doubts about the truthfulness of her story because of the timing of her announcement, inconsistencies in her story, and the fact that despite what she claims she has a lot to gain monetarily and in terms of notoriety in both the adult video business and mainstream entertainment.

For Trump’s political and Deep State opponents to use Daniel’s so-called testimony against him, it’s not necessary for it to be true. It’s only necessary for evangelical Christians to believe that it’s true, or at least wonder. The goal is to constantly bombard Trump with an endless series of alleged scandals, Russian collusions, improprieties and so on to erode his political and moral credibility with his political base.

The operatives behind this, whoever they are, have strategically targeted Trump’s “evangelical Christian” voter base with things like “Stormy the Porn Star’s” accusation of an affair with Trump. These dark political operatives know full well that the “Stormy Daniels affair” does not fly well with evangelical Christians, especially women, because both Christian men and women view the “affair” as biblical adultery. This also has a secondary effect of destroying Trump’s growing favor among Democratic and Republican women, who are not religious.

The challenge before evangelical Christians and some evangelical Christian leaders is not to allow themselves to be manipulated and controlled by highly sophisticated political operatives who often know more about the moral values and theological principles in the Bible than many Christians. They are already creating an “evangelical Christian narrative” based on biblical principles and enrolling targeted Christians who will be easily led to go against Trump for money and a slick counterfeit of biblical morality.

The only reason this is possible is because we now have several generations of Christians and Christian leaders who have not developed a strong biblical worldview capable of understanding historical truths in the Bible, such as the long record of pagan and immoral world rulers that God raised up to deliver his people in times of crisis. These Christians have a weakened understanding of the Bible and cannot discern the difference between superficial holiness and piety and the deep sins that break the heart of God.

The Orwellian mainstream media has artificially engineered a national social crisis in which powerful men in the entertainment and other industries have been accused in large numbers of using their power to abuse women sexually and psychologically. The reality is that it is highly possible that a significant percentage of these women are telling the truth. Most women have experienced sexual abuse in different degrees in their own lives or know a woman friend who has.

The social climate right now is a kind of pervasive disgust of men and their sexual aggressiveness. While Trump has not been accused of abusing or molesting women, and if it was true, which at this point there is not enough evidence to prove this conclusively, Trump may get caught in the riptide of all the abused women accounts and, if it were true, large numbers of Christian women and men would perceive it as the sin of adultery.

The bottom line is if Trump lied to his wife and committed adultery with a “porn star,” this alone will not jeopardize his evangelical Christian base, but it will damage it and that is the goal of the political operatives. “The Stormy Daniels Porn Star” situation cannot be viewed singularly. It is part of an overall master plan that involves manufacturing, fabricating and if possible discovering numerous situations politically, sexually, and ethically that added up have the collective power to hurt him.

Before we get into the reality of operational weather modification technology or what some people claim are weather modification weapons of which this article contains publicly documented proof, many in the mainstream media will falsely attempt to call that claim a “conspiracy theory,” which according to former CIA Director John O. Brennan and Russian President Vladimir Putin it is not a conspiracy theory, but a scientific reality.

Brennan spoke about this during a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington D.C. on June 29, 2016. This speech, “Director Brennan Speaks at the Council on Foreign Relations,” is available to be read on the CIA website. In his speech, Brennan talked about modern technologies we currently have that can change the weather.

Geoengineering refers to technologies such as “Chemtrails” and the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HARRP) in Alaska, which can change the weather.

“Another example is the array of technologies—often referred to collectively as geoengineering—that potentially could help reverse the warming effects of global climate change. One that has gained my personal attention is stratospheric aerosol injection, or SAI, a method of seeding the stratosphere with particles that can help reflect the sun’s heat, in much the same way that volcanic eruptions do,” Brennan said.

The former CIA director then talked about geoengineering technologies that can transform of modify the weather, create or stop the rain, and end droughts. Although he openly admitted that this technology is online today and demonstrated his enthusiasm for positive things through geoengineering, these powerful technologies can be used for good or evil purposes. As with so many technological and scientific breakthroughs, modern technologies can be used to benefit or harm mankind.

Examples of this dichotomy would be nuclear energy, which can produce nuclear power or atomic bombs, or genetic engineering that can heal and prevent diseases or create worse problems like some of the genetically modified organisms (GMO) foods that genetically produce harmful diseases. It’s not an accident that Putin publicly announced that America has weather modification weapons and that Russia does too.

Highly advanced modern technologies also exist in the realm of scientific mind control, persuasion and creating groupthink for controlling the masses. Political campaigns, public opinion and wars have always been manipulated through the mass media’s use of advertising techniques, propaganda, social engineering and the science of mind control.

In the same way that weather modification technologies can generate good or severe weather, psychological operations (PSYOPs) can artificially create positive or negative perceptions among the American public regarding candidates and issues.

In this way, the “Stormy Daniels Porn Star” matter is like a weather modification storm. It bears all the hallmarks of an artificially-generated mythology designed to attack the trust between evangelical Christians and Trump who is the first president in America’s history that has championed Christianity in a serious way by standing up for Christian martyrs around the world, acknowledged Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, defended the constitutional rights of pastors to speak out on issues from their pulpits, challenged abortion, and truly sided with evangelical Christians on many moral and spiritual issues.

Finally, Trump has boldly confronted the technology giants on their unconstitutional suppression and censorship of Christians on social media and the Internet.

Once again, the mainstream media in America cannot report the truth because they are part of the problem. They are sold out and are nothing more than agents for the globalist elite and their agenda. The mainstream media is owned by just six globalist corporations. They are the “thought police” of Big Brother referenced by author George Orwell in his book, 1984.

As we revealed in Trumpocalypse, there is an historical relationship between the Deep State, the mainstream media and the Internet and social media giants. It was American intelligence agencies like the CIA that started “Operation Mockingbird,” allowing the CIA to embed its operatives—some of the biggest names in journalism—into mainstream media companies. The CIA placed into top media positions countless reporters, editors and producers who were trained at a CIA school of journalism. This includes major media figures at Time, Newsweek, The Washington Post, The New York Times, CBS, NBC, and ABC, along with major motion picture studios and radio and television networks. The CIA played an active role in either directly or indirectly funding and controlling both leftist and conservative media such as William F. Buckley, founder of the National Review.

Google, Microsoft, Facebook, YouTube, Amazon and countless other tech giants were initially funded by the CIA and continue to receive massive investments through front companies. If you want to know why Trump is attacked 24/7 by most of the mainstream media and the tech giants, it’s because the mainstream media and the tech companies represent the views and opinions of the CIA, and not those of “We the People.”

The mainstream media and the big tech companies are significantly controlled by the CIA and the globalist elite.  Beginning around 1947, the first CIA director appointed by globalist David Rockefeller was Allen Dulles. What legal and governmental authority gave Rockefeller, one of the world’s richest individuals to select and appoint the first head of the CIA?

The answer to that question involves who really controls and owns America? The answer is very simple. The world’s wealthiest international banking families such as the Rockefellers rule America from a “Shadow Government” and the Deep State.

When David Rockefeller, who founded the Council on Foreign Relations and set up the globalist United Nations, was alive he and other globalists like former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, members of the Rothschild banking dynasty family and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger laughed privately at this fairy tale in which the average American believes their nation is run by “We the People.”
The notion that America is actually ruled by “We the People” ended in 1913 with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act. This fairy tale reality is a virtual reality illusion projected by scientific mind control and media technology. It is the “Scientific Dictatorship” outlined by Brave New World author Aldous Huxley who gave a speech before 2,000 neuropsychiatrists at the University of California, Berkeley in 1961 when he said, “In the truly effective Scientific Dictatorship men and women will not know that they are slaves. They will learn to love their slavery {though scientific mind control.)”

The reason that a significant percentage of the mainstream media would openly lie about the existence of these technologies is because the majority of journalists who work for mainstream newspapers, blogs, news sites, radio, television, tech giant social media firms and major search engines have chose not to be true journalists like many were decades before, but they are now the Orwellian armies of Big Brother and the “thought police” that Orwell warned of in his novel, 1984.

Many of them are painfully uneducated in the true sense of the word and have little or no understanding of history, politics, economics, philosophy, culture, religion and how our world really works. They are merely the programmed voices and faces who are paid to conceal the truth and drive the globalist agenda of which they have no clue what it is about.

Most of them have never been real journalists. They are second rate salesmen and saleswomen for the dissemination of globalist propaganda. In their delusional world of groupthink and scientific mind control they are propped up by expensive sets, wardrobes, graphics, make-up people, plastic surgery and Botox injections. In their insular, bi-coastal world where they and their Hollywood star friends scream at the American public for not supporting gun control, the higher-level media have their lives, families and children protected by literal ex-military and small private armies of ex-Navy Seals who are heavily armed with multiple, fully automatic assault rifles, bulletproof vests, bulletproof black Cadillacs and specially fortified homes that are patrolled 24/7 by a private military of anywhere between four to ten private soldiers.

Yet while they scream for gun control and carefully edit the news videos and interviews to support their narrative even it is not true, they demand that defenseless elderly people, single mothers with small children, and African Americans and Hispanics in gang-infested neighborhoods to give up their means of defending themselves. Guess what happens when these defenseless single mothers, elderly, people, African Americans and Hispanics in dangerous neighborhoods are the victims of a home invasion robbery involving heavily-armed gang members smashing into their homes high on powerful mind-altering drugs?

If these people can afford an alarm system, how long do you think it really takes the police to get there in any major city? Let me give you a hint. It takes about an hour after the gang has tortured, raped, brutalized and done things to the single mother, her children and others that are too graphic to put in this article.

Yet this narcistic media in collusion with Hollywood stars and politicians want to eventually take away all guns so every person in America is defenseless. Many in the media know the truth, but the mainstream media are owned by just six globalist corporations that are owned by the globalist elite families that represent less than percent of the world’s population and control and own 99 percent of the world’s wealth.

The globalist elite have an agenda to completely disarm the global population for a very specific reason that you will never hear the mainstream media report on, just like the mainstream media never told you the truth about what would happen to the American working class and middle class when all these secret trade treaties were signed. Instead of having integrity and acting like journalists, they were paid off to keep their mouths shut and they knew full well what was coming.

© 2018 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul McGuire: newmediavoice@aol.com

Trumpocalypse, FBI And The Globalist Coup Against Donald Trump

The clear majority of the mainstream media in true Orwellian form is attempting to change the consciousness of the American people regarding the truth of the FBI memo by using the Alice in Wonderland logic of the Mad Hatter.

The simple truth appears to be that high-level members of the Department of Justice like special counsel Robert Mueller, ousted FBI Director James Comey, FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein misled the FISA court by failing to state a conflict of interest, and that the primary source of the Trump-Russia collusion dossier was created by former British Intelligence officer Christopher Steele who hated President Donald Trump and was hired in part by the DNC to destroy and even impeach Trump.

According to The Washington Post, it was the FBI itself that authorized payments to Steele for work on the dossier. Both top FBI and DOJ officials knew the political origins of the dossier. The FBI like the CIA is just one part of what is known as the Deep State.

According to the four-page GOP House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes memo accusing the FBI of abusing surveillance authority, the FBI began a campaign to keep information from the committee and the American public by claiming it contained classified information that could bring danger to our nation.

However, when you read the memo you simply don’t see the dangerous classified material that presents a danger to our nation. Instead, you read classified information that clearly presents a danger to corrupt, high-level leaders at the FBI and DOJ.

One could conclude from reading Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Emeritus Noam Chomsky’s book, Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media, that the mainstream media in the United States and around the world is totally controlled by powerful globalists and their multinational corporations that use social engineering, or scientific mind control, to “manufacture consent,” or a belief in fictional narratives that benefit the globalist elite at the expense of the working and middle class.

The mainstream media, controlled by just six globalist corporations, has been attempting to brainwash the American people into hating Trump and his policies. Yet, no other president in U.S. history, or prime ministers and presidents from nations around the world, have ever withstood, and in many respects, conquered the globalist- and Deep State-controlled mass media.

Trump possesses very unique qualities that cause the mass media to underestimate him which we discuss in our new, best-selling book Trumpocalypse: The End-Times President, a Battle Against the Globalist Elite, and the Countdown to Armageddon (FaithWords/Hachette Book Group).

But the first question that must be asked is why do the globalist elite, many of the highest-level leaders at the FBI and in the intelligence community, along with the mass media and the DNC and RNC establishments, hate Trump. The answer is never mentioned in the media, but the reality is that many members of the globalist elite consider Trump the greatest threat to globalism, and as such also to themselves, many people high up in the intelligence communities, the mass media, and elite Republicans and Democrats.

After all, Trump is anti-globalist and believes in nationalism, patriotism, Christian values, making America great again, Jerusalem, and many of things the globalists hate. The elite globalists believe in a one-world government secretly ruled by what Brave New World author Aldous Huxley called “the scientific elite.”

For decades, Democratic and Republican presidents have been carrying out the will of their globalist controllers by passing numerous trade treaties, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership. These globalist trade treaties destroyed the American working and middle class by causing over 80,000 manufacturing plants to leave America. As a result, hundreds of thousands of good-paying jobs were outsourced to Third World nations.

Naturally, the globalist elite got richer than in any time in human history. Today, just 1 percent of the population owns and controls 99 percent of the world’s wealth. Their goal is to destroy an economically-sustainable working and middle class and create just two classes—the globalist elite who will be the ruling class and the rest of the population who will be their slave class. None of these facts are ever revealed by the mass media.

In our book, Trumpocalypse, written by myself and Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist and former Los Angeles Daily News reporter Troy Anderson, we trace the origins of the Deep State to the Fabian socialists and super-globalists such as the late David Rockefeller, former chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank, who created the CIA after WWII by installing his man, Allen Dulles, as the first director of the CIA.

As we reveal in Trumpocalypse, many of the highest-level officers of the intelligence agencies do not truly work for the American people; they work for the globalist elite and the Deep State. This is what Aldous Huxley called the “scientific dictatorship,” where the masses can be programmed by scientific mind control. Fabian socialists such as prolific science fiction writer H. G. Wells who was the head of British intelligence during World War I, personally mentored Aldous and Julian Huxley who became directors in British intelligence too.

Rockefeller and CIA Director Dulles secretly brought in over 10,000 mind control scientists, rocket scientists and genetic scientists as part of Operation Paperclip after World War II. The CIA began conducting mind-control experiments using LSD as part of Project MKUltra. Aldous Huxley began directing mass LSD mind-control experiments with the help of the CIA during the counterculture revolution of the 1970’s.

As we detail in Trumpocalypse, both the Deep State and intelligence agencies began controlling the minds of the media and the public through various mind control programs and CIA funding of many large mainstream media outlets. The CIA also secretly funded many of the largest social media companies.

As Trump began to rise in popularity they used various technologies and social media weapons to bring him down. The FBI memo is just the tip of the iceberg hinting at a far larger operation.

The intelligence agencies and Deep State have used state-of-the-art propaganda tools against Americans for decades. According to journalist Alex Newman, “One stunning but proven example revealed in declassified documents was the CIA’s Project Mockingbird (also known as Operation Mockingbird). According to official documents, the scheme, launched in the early 1950s, aimed to hijack the U.S. media to parrot CIA propaganda. While many of the documents are heavily redacted, it’s clear that this CIA program was wildly successful in recruiting globalist pseudo-journalists to do the Deep State’s bidding. Among the names mentioned in the documents are Joseph Harsch of the Christian Science Monitor; Henry Luce, founder of Time and Life magazines; Walter Lippman of the Los Angeles Times Syndicate; CBS’ William S. Paley; Time magazine’s John Scott; Harry Schwartz of the New York Times; Chalmers Roberts of the Washington PostNewsweek’s Malcolm Muir; and more. William F. Buckley, founder of neocon journal National Reviewwas also a CIA lackey. Each of those was also a member of the globalist Council on Foreign Relations, part of the Deep State behind the Deep State. Over 400 American “journalists” carried out assignments for the CIA, according to documents cited by Carl Bernstein of the Washington Post.”

As we document in Trumpocalypse, there is a growing awakening about the threat of the Deep State by major Christian leaders such as Franklin Graham, president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

In an interview with Todd Starnes of Fox News titled, “Franklin Graham warns of deep state coup against President Trump,” Franklin Graham, the son of world-renowned evangelist Billy Graham, stated that he feared Trump is facing a grave domestic threat by forces who want to take over the White House.

“I believe we are in a coup d’état,” Franklin Graham said on the Todd Starnes Radio Show. “There are people in this country who are wanting to destroy the president and take over the government by force.”

Franklin Graham has been increasingly speaking out because of all the information coming out about members of the Deep State, FBI and intelligence agencies whose texts reveal that they have been plotting against the president.

Troy Anderson and I uncovered all kinds of explosive information in our book Trumpocalypse about the Deep State, Shadow Government, the infiltration of the FBI and CIA, and the direct connection to powerful globalist secret societies who originated an ancient Babylon at the Tower of Babel and are now ruling America and the world secretly from behind the scenes.

Trump represents everything the elite globalists and their Orwellian thought-police media despise with their groupthink. However, due to an all-pervasive philosophical bias the Deep State does not understand the invisible power source behind Trump.

The reason they cannot understand it is because in their pride they falsely believe that what they consider the scientific view of reality is the only one that is based on scientific, empirical evidence.

The problem is that their view is not based on empirical evidence, but irrational humanism and occultism. Therefore, they are blind to the reality of a multi-dimensional power that empowers and surrounds Trump, and that is why they will ultimately lose.

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© 2018 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul McGuire: newmediavoice@aol.com

Don’t surrender to the world brain – think

Some of the recent political convention speeches were a combination of Tony Robbins-inspired motivational techniques and transparent attempts at controlling and manipulating human consciousness, based on political platforms of outrageous lying and psychological manipulation. The political conventions with some exceptions were like virtual reality theatre directed by George Orwell. Nothing is what is seems to be and nothing is real. On the electronic menu of both political parties, false choices were offered up that were nothing more than illusions, and the politicians’ speeches were carefully crafted to appear as one thing, but are in reality completely something else.

All the psychological props and devices were employed to appease the parties’ demographic bases with virtual world candidates who appeared as pop-ups who used words like family, God, born-again, diversity, sustainable, “pro-life, but I don’t vote that way,” environmentalism, and racial identification. And there were promises and appeals to the working class, middle class, and various racial, religious, and gender groups. There was a Marxist candidate who apparently sold out his followers for money and globalist-elite candidates who masqueraded as candidates for the common people. The Joker or wild card in the “holodeck” (a virtual reality facility featured in the Star Trek movies and often used for recreational activities) is the major news media. The corporate media, which is totally controlled by six corporations owned by the global elite, offers nothing more than a “smoke and mirrors” show of endless babbling by inferior actors posing as journalists, who, with rare exceptions, are in reality nothing more than propagandists who offer almost nothing in the way of facts, accountability, and in-depth insights. It’s all the land of make believe like the Wizard of Oz, where we are not allowed to see the truth about the Wizard who hides behind the curtain.

How is it that so many of the American people fall for this stuff? Matt Drudge, the founder of the Drudge Report, made the comment that there is a sickness in the American people that makes them susceptible to leaders who lie and the irrational messages they give. What Matt Drudge was referring to was a kind of spiritual and psychological sickness that infects a very large percentage of the American public. In the last two decades this psychological sickness has taken hold over more and more minds, so that the majority of Americans are easily manipulated through emotion and slogans, rather than actual facts and logic. According to Michael Snyder of Economic Collapse “the percentage of Americans that own a home has fallen to the lowest level ever recorded.” Snyder continues “The reason for this, of course is that the Middle Class is dying. Last year we learned that Middle Class Americans now make up a minority of the population for the first time ever.” I go into this in detail in my book, A Prophecy of the Future of America 2016 – 2017 and explain how this is not an accident, but due to a deliberate “educational” strategy of the elite to artificially create a World Socialist Government.

Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World, warned us the power of totalitarian dictatorships using scientific mind control to dumb down the masses and make them compliant. He wrote about the use of non-stop distractions to keep people from paying attention to what is really going on in social or political situations. It’s kind of like the car chases, riots, celebrity craziness, and other media techniques to keep us watching our television screens.

Huxley writes “In their propaganda, today’s dictators rely for the most part on repetition, suppression and rationalization: the repetition of catchwords which they wish to be accepted as true, the suppression of facts which they wish to be ignored, the arousal and rationalization of passions which may be used in the interests of the Party or the State.” It sounds like Huxley is describing the programming content of politicians at convention, or a cable news network.

Aldous Huxley continues “As the art and science of manipulation come to be better understood, the dictators of the future will doubtless learn to combine these techniques with the non-stop distractions…” (Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited, (Perennial Library, 1958), pgs. 363-7.

Despite the virtual reality illusion of the differences between the Republican Party and the Democratic Party, the middle class has been dying for decades under both parties, who exist primarily to serve the elite: Wall Street and wealthy special interest groups. According to the Social Security Administration, 51 percent of American workers make less than $30,000 per year. But even that number is misleading because $30,000 per year could have bought a decent middle class lifestyle and a home in the 1960s and 1970s. The Federal Reserve states that 47 percent of all Americans could not afford to pay a $400 emergency room bill without borrowing the money. On top of that hard working Americans who sacrificed and slaved in jobs where they were provided a fair and decent health plan have had their health plans stolen from them! They have been forced to accept inferior health plans where the price of health care sky rockets every year and their health care premiums are so high that many don’t have the money to pay for them and so they choose not to get treated for all kinds of serious medical conditions.

Both political parties participated in this betrayal of the American people and the Republican elite have no intention of repealing or seriously changing the highly expensive and horrible health care plans which citizens have been forced to accept which do not allow them to keep or choose their doctor or healthcare provider, and at the most vulnerable time in their lives older Americans’ health care cost keeps getting higher and higher.

On every front Americans are being bludgeoned to accept an educational system that saddles families and their children with enormous debt and throws the children into a job market which can no longer offer higher paying jobs with decent benefits. The mass media only give lip service to these issues and give no in-depth coverage of any relevant news because their entire purpose is to conceal the truth from the public with endless “shock and awe” events that occupy the consciousness of the average American like “bread and circuses” did during the Roman Empire.

The reality is that a secretive elite class rule the world like kings and queens and have turned nations in Europe, America, and the rest of the world into feudal states where the middle class has been turned into a serf or slave class. At the same time, the elite or one percent have become wealthier than at any time in history, although the media will never do any serious coverage of this, but simply tap dance around the issue with Manchurian-candidate-media personalities on the left and the right concealing the full ramifications of what this means to the American people by offering up diversionary coverage and ignoring the real facts. The primary fact is that with very few exceptions both Republican and Democratic politicians work hand in glove with Wall Street and the international banks and when they retire they can be highly paid lobbyists for corporations or foreign nations like China, Iran, Pakistan, India, and Russia.

Why is it that the vast majority of Americans on the left and right cannot see the obvious? It’s not that Americans were not susceptible to propaganda and manipulation in previous generations; it’s that we are now in a time period where several generations of Americans have lost the ability to perceive and think rationally. After decades of scientifically dumbing down the American public through the educational system, media, and entertainment, the average person has no sense of history and no desire to understand history, and the educational process has robbed people of the ability to be creative, to ask questions, and to look at the big picture. Common Core and educational programs that “teach to the test” are designed to shut down right brain development and fool parents into thinking their children are learning because they do well on a test.

However, doing well on a test consists of regurgitating back the information that the teacher and the curriculum spoon-fed to the student. The child is encouraged to enter into collectivist and groupthink educational environments where as a team students come up with approved answers. The masses of scientifically dumbed down people in America and around the world did not come about by accident. It was part of a deliberate and long-term plan.

In 1947, Julian Huxley, brother of Aldous Huxley, was the first head of UNESCO, the United Nations Educational Scientific Cultural Organization. Both Aldous Huxley and Julian Huxley were Fabian Socialists and were at the very top of the occult elite. Aldous Huxley wrote Brave New World, which was a science fiction novel about a dictatorship where people were genetically bred for certain classes in society and were controlled by scientific brainwashing and psychotropic drugs. Aldous Huxley also created the term “Scientific Dictatorship,” which he spoke about at a convention of neurological scientists at the University of California at Berkley in 1961, where he said that in the truly scientific dictatorship men and women could be programmed to love their slavery.

This was not just theoretical for the Huxleys and the rest of the global elite; it was their action plan for creating a new kind of technological Babylon and global dictatorship. Julian Huxley organized UNESCO at the UN for the purpose of helping the “emergence of a single world culture with its own philosophy and background of ideas with its own broad purpose.” Huxley’s goal was a one world government that would be brought about by merging “two-super-nationalisms, or individualism versus collectivism; or the American versus the Russian way of life, or as Capitalism versus Communism, or as Christianity versus Marxism.” The psychosocial technology they would use to bring this about is the Hegelian Dialectic, which creates two opposites of extremes, thesis versus antithesis, to bring about a middle ground called synthesis. In the mass media and political arenas the liberal and conservative cable news networks serve as thesis and anti-thesis. In the political arena the Republican Party and the Democratic Party serve as thesis and anti-thesis.

On a global level the plan by Julian Huxley and others has been to create a single World Core Curriculum so that people of all nations think the same thing. This is what H.G. Wells intended when he created the “World Brain,” concept, or what others have called the “Hive Mind.” Computer technology is an essential part of this process and it is no accident that computer software billionaire Bill Gates is a primary backer of Common Core. Ironically, members of the elite like Gates send their children to non-Common Core private schools. In 2004, Bill Gates and Microsoft, along with UNESCO, partnered to create a globalist educational program for children worldwide.

The seeds of Common Core began in the 1940s, when Sir Julian Huxley created UNESCO to use global educational standards to indoctrinate students with a belief in “political unification in some sort of world government.” In 1949 UNESCO literature was distributed to use in the classroom to promote “world understanding.” UNESCO’s materials read “As long as the child breathes the poisoned air of nationalism, education in world-mindedness can only produce precarious results.” So, to deal with that, schools should use various means to “combat family attitudes.” UNESCO is clearly attacking nationalism or patriotism and targeting for destruction family attitudes or family values.

Later on, Robert Mueller, a former Deputy Secretary of the UN, created the details of Common Core as a planetary curriculum to be taught in all the schools on Earth. Robert Mueller is an occultist and Luciferian, a disciple of Alice Bailey, who founded Lucis Trust, formerly known as Lucifer Publishing Company, on the grounds of the UN. Alice Bailey was a disciple of Madame Blavatsky, the Russian occult teacher, who openly taught the worship of Lucifer.

The World Core Curriculum of Julian Huxley and Robert Mueller represents the Illuminati plan to create a one world government, one world religion, and one world economic system by using occult programs of scientific mind control along with computer technology to create global citizens who are content to serve as slaves in a “green” and “sustainable” New World Order. Like the Illuminati pyramid on the back of the U.S. dollar this will be a hierarchal and occult system that is diametrically opposed to Christianity, Christian moral values, national sovereignty, and the Bill of Rights and the freedoms it contains.

The entire global system is an anti-Christ system because it directly opposes Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Bible. It uses occult power and mind control terms like Sustainable Development, Agenda 21, and environmentalism to control the masses. But none of those words mean what they claim to mean. For example, Sustainable Development and Agenda 21 are simply code for radical socialist wealth distribution and top-down control systems.

In 1990 top level Vatican theologian Malachi Martin wrote The Keys of This Blood: The Struggle for World Dominion, where he outlined the goal of the globalist elite and the new humanist values they will promote, funded in part by the Carnegie Endowment Fund in partnership with organizations like the Moscow-based educational company Informatik, where the plan is to use the same kinds of textbooks all around the world. Malachi Martin explains the new kinds of values they will promote on a global level. For example, the word “good” will no longer have a moral or religious connotation. Good will simply mean global! The goal is to create a one-world community with a global mentality. (Source Malachi Martin, The Keys of This Blood (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1990).

In 1974, Alvin Toffler, who mentored “conservative” Newt Gingrich, wrote a report entitled, “Man, Education, and Society in the Year 2000.” Other participants were George Bush, James Baker of the Reagan Administration, and Edmund de Rothschild. They called for new values beyond the values of the home, church, and traditional school. What were these values?

“The home, the church and the school cannot be effective maintainers [of society] since the future cannot be predicted… The traditional cluster of knowledge, skills, values and concepts will not help our young face the future in their private life, the international situation…. Perhaps there is a need for the clarification of new values needed to solve future problems.” (Source “Man, Education and Society in the Year 2000,” a report issued by the Institute for Chief State School Officers, 1974. Summary written by Dr. Grant Venn, CSSO Institute Director.)

In 1984, The Robert Muller School in Texas, which uses Muller’s World Core Curriculum, was accredited despite Muller’s acknowledgement that his curriculum is based on “the teachings set forth in the books of Alice Bailey by [her spirit guide] the Tibetan teacher, Djwhal Khul.” The review team believed that the Robert Muller School curriculum was so outstanding that it should be used as a model for teacher education everywhere. In 1985 Robert Muller’s occult and globalist book New Genesis: Shaping a Global Spirituality was published, and it influenced leading educators around the world.

Dr. Thomas Sowell summarized this mind-changing process in a 1993 article titled “Indoctrinating the Children”:

“The techniques of brainwashing developed in totalitarian countries are routinely used in psychological conditioning programs imposed on American school children. These include emotional shock and desensitization, psychological isolation from sources of support, stripping away defenses, manipulative cross-examination of the individual’s underlying moral values, and inducing acceptance of alternative values by psychological rather than rational means.”(Source Thomas Sowell, “Indoctrinating the Children,” in Forbes, February 1, 1993, p. 65.

The reason that fewer and fewer Americans can rationally and logically process accurate information about the true content presented by political conventions and the media is that they have gone through the scientific process of mind-changing that both Dr. Thomas Sowell and Aldous Huxley describe. Dr. Sowell writes that the scientific techniques of brainwashing developed in totalitarian countries are now being regularly used in psychological conditioning programs imposed on American school children.

He states that “emotional shock and desensitization, psychological isolation from sources of support, stripping away defenses…” are being used in American schools. Think for a moment about the actual physical structure of modern American schools. They are built to look somewhat like prisons and they have conspicuously few windows for children to look out into the real world. Why? The stated purpose is to prevent distraction. Really?

Even Aldous Huxley warned about the use of scientific propaganda and the techniques of repetition, suppression, rationalization, and the use of catchwords.

The challenge before each of us as individuals and as a culture is to not surrender our individual brains into the “World Brain,” which is slavery. There is only one way to do that and that is to THINK.

In my new book, A Prophecy of the Future of America 2016 – 2017, I expose the global economic system and the future of America in light of Bible prophecy.

© 2016 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

America is now facing the greatest crisis in history

America is now facing the greatest crisis in its history, a crisis that could literally unleash a nuclear inferno upon our cities. This current election is the most critical election since the founding of our nation and it represents two different paths for America’s future based on two fundamentally different worldviews at a time when there are apocalyptic changes in the world such as Russia’s preparation to win World War III in what looks like an imminent conflict involving Russia, Syria, China, the U.S. and NATO. While America through its corporate-controlled media focuses on peripheral issues regarding the election, Russia has evacuated 40 million Russians to underground bunkers to survive a nuclear war with America.

In addition, the potential of a global financial meltdown increases every day as Europe and its banks face collapse due to serious problems with the Deutsche Bank and the Italian and Greek banks. The American major media, which is controlled by just six corporations, is doing its best to conceal these dangers from the American public and continues to broadcast its three ring circus of sexual scandals to help rig the election. The media and the elite in both political parties cannot speak about World War III and the real economic crisis because they are totally controlled by the globalist elite. There is never any in-depth or serious coverage or discussion of who is creating these economic problems or wars because they all are directly connected to the globalists.

Basically if you want to keep your job at a cable news network or as one the heads of the Republican Party or Democratic Party, you agree to go along with the globalist program and do not bite the hand that feeds you. Right now the crisis going on in the Republican Party is not really about vulgar sexual remarks…the real divide is between those who are controlled by the globalist elite and those who are not.

Tragically, the American people are in great danger that is being concealed from them as China may go into a major economic crisis which can spread globally. The reality is Russia is leading the move to kill the dollar, which is a “Petrodollar” currency, meaning that until recently all the major nations of the world have agreed to purchase oil in U.S. dollars. Now Iran and Syria no longer purchase or sell oil with American dollars. Russia’s Putin has executed a strategy to get nations not to use the dollar for oil, and Iran and Syria are selling their oil for gold, and Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa have joined as the BRICS nations. This leaves the Federal Reserve and related European central banks without backing for the dollar. America is hanging on the edge of a financial cliff with over $22 trillion dollars in debt and $240 trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities. Added to that, American banks have a $1.5 trillion dollar derivatives debt. Yet the globalist controlled media and politicians hide this overwhelming threat from the average American through nonsensical and cartoon-like news coverage, which censors all serious and in-depth discussion of these all-important issues. In addition, the elite globalists who control the major American media rig elections through their control of news networks, moderators, and celebrity journalists who will manipulate the debates and news coverage to ask only superficial and diversionary tabloid style questions.

America is now in grave crisis and there must be immediate changes to prevent our nation from sinking like the Titanic. But ultimately it is not the elite globalists, politicians, both political parties, and even the major media who are the root cause of the problem. Please understand; what I am about to write is not just a cliché, but the reality is America’s root problem is spiritual. The great danger America is facing is not primarily due to the selling out of our nation by the politicians, political parties, media, or corporations but by the prostitution of the Christian church and its leaders.

The churches are the primary institution the Creator who is referred to in our Constitution and Bill of Rights has instituted to protect our nation and its people from walking down the pathways of destruction. The Church is not merely a human institution, but a spiritual institution which is referred to in the Bible as the Church of Jesus Christ and the Body of Christ. God set up His supernatural Church with spiritual leaders who have been charged with the responsibility of leading, warning, speaking out, acting as “Watchmen on the Wall,” and speaking prophetically to our nation.

However, with few exceptions those who have been charged with this responsibility have been derelict in their spiritual duty. They have chosen to deny reality and abdicate their divine responsibilities and they have chosen not to speak out, not act as Watchman, and not to speak prophetically to our nation. This is nothing less than the most flagrant and disobedient violation of the duties assigned to them by their Creator and their Savior Jesus Christ. It is worse than a soldier going AWOL in a time of war, because it is being done by leadership whose words and actions can spare the lives of millions of people and whose neglect of duty can inflict immeasurable harm and even death upon millions of people.

This is an accurate understanding of how we have arrived in the place of grave danger in America. What now can be done? The Infinite Personal Living God of the Universe has built into our reality and peoples various safeguards in the event of such a failure. This is not the first time in history this kind of failure has happened. In the Old Testament there are numerous historical accounts of this kind of thing happening, and God has erected a kind of firewall.

Historically and Biblically, when God’s primary spiritual institutions fail through the disobedience of human leadership God always raises up new leadership, even if that leadership is numerically small. Secondly, God speaks to people through their consciences…that still small voice within. At this moment, the Creator has placed such responsibility upon new leadership and upon those among the American people who profess to be His. They are now charged with the solemn responsibility of both listening to the Creator through His Word and obeying His directives, plan and commands. If those people will obey and act on the Creator’s directives, unmerited favor and grace will come upon them and the land. In this gravest of hours there is still the real hope of divine intervention, if it is sought sincerely.

At our nation’s founding, when George Washington found that he and his soldiers were completely exhausted, depleted, and in danger of being slaughtered by the British troops, he fell to his knees in prayer and sought the Creator for help and divine intervention. George Washington did not run to a church or seek to find a minister, because he was isolated at a freezing cold winter camp. The Creator reached down to him directly and George Washington responded by crying out for His divine intervention, and he and his troops were spared and the Continental Army survived the winter at Valley Forge and even went on to defeat the Hessians at Trenton, New Jersey.

Individually, the American people are precisely where George Washington was when he fell to his knees. If we will turn from our illusion that there is no God and that we do not need Him, there is the real hope that, just like George Washington, we will discover both His power and reality in our time of need.

But as individuals we must also turn from the counsel and voices of deliberate deception that are coming to us from a deeply corrupt major media and some of the most powerful institutions and powerful people in this land. If we continue to allow ourselves to be seduced by perfectly lit network television sets, media personalities whose faces are forever young through surgery and injections, designer suits and dresses, and verbally agile pretenders whose words do not ring with truth or substance, we will perish.

America is on the cliff of destruction and we have arrived at the final moment. Will we continue to move toward the Apocalypse or will we finally awaken? Although the election is important, what is happening is far bigger than individual politicians and parties.

I deal with all of this in my book, A Prophecy of the Future of America 2016 – 2017,

© 2016 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

The election and the future of America

The upcoming Presidential election is far more than competition between two different candidates. This election represents two different paths for America based upon two different ideas about our country, and these ideas have profound consequences for the future of our nation.

First, we have the essential problem and that is America is no longer the land of the American Dream with unprecedented economic opportunity and unique freedoms, although up until relatively recently it has been one of the he most unique nations in the history of Mankind. Up until the last two decades it has been the most prosperous nation on planet Earth, with the largest middle class in the history of Mankind and a relatively prosperous working class. Through its unique Declaration of Independence and Constitution and Bill of Rights America provided more freedom to more people than any other nation. The promise and reality of the American Dream acted as a light to the nations.

But today the American Dream is dying; the middle class and working class are struggling to make ends meet. The globalist elite and their multinational corporations control both the Republican and Democratic elite establishments, which have enacted numerous trade treaties which have caused an exodus of higher paying jobs and manufacturing to leave America. It is not that America should retreat into isolationism, but globalism has destroyed the wealth of the average American while making the 1% elite richer than they have been at any time in history.

The degradation and loss of the Bill of Rights, of Freedom of the Press, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom from Unreasonable Search and Seizure, and other freedoms are staggering. Americans are largely kept in the dark about these matters because all of the major media, which includes television, radio, and the print media is controlled by just six corporations, and they are stealthily extending their control over the Internet. America has become a surveillance state where the citizens are subject to 24/7 electronic surveillance from cameras and microphones in our cell phones, big screen digital televisions, Internet social media, GPS, and technologies that we don’t know about. I deal with these topics in my book, A Prophecy of the Future of America 2016-2017.

The basic question every voter should be asking himself is which candidate’s ideas and belief system offer the strongest possibility of restoring the American Dream along with its prosperity and unique freedoms.

One of the biggest problems in America today is our educational system, which, from grade school through the university level teaches an illusory view of history based on historical revisionism, political correctness, and the deliberate dumbing down of our children and young adults through things like Common Core and the suppression of the right side of the brain, where the ability to see the big picture, analyze, create, and think outside of the box comes from, in order to create compliant, programmed and non-thinking individuals who will not ask real questions. The Frankfurt School in Germany developed this form of education, which is really all about indoctrination, in the 1930s when its professors designed a non-violent communist revolutionary strategy that would transform America into a Marxist State through political correctness, historical revisionism, and by introducing Marxist principles through the school systems. From the beginning this plan by the intellectuals of the Frankfurt School was designed to destroy the family, Christianity, morality, and patriotism, and indoctrinate students into hating America in an effort to destroy capitalism and the Judeo-Christian foundation upon which America was built. However, the very things that the Frankfurt School wanted to destroy are the very things which made America great.

The endgame of the indoctrination of the Frankfurt School in America’s schools was to replace the family, Christianity, patriotism, and capitalism with Marxism, which teaches that the individual must be replaced by the collective of the State and ruled by a top-down centralized government which controls all things. In Marxism the family unit is perceived as capitalist oppression of women, etc. and the “mythology” of God is to be replaced by the communist state.

All of this was in distinct contrast to the America founded by Bible-believing Pilgrims and Puritans who came here to escape religious persecution in Europe. When the Pilgrims settled “New England” in America in the early 1700s they viewed the Atlantic Ocean as their Red Sea and the kings of England whom they were escaping as the Egyptian pharaohs. The Puritans viewed themselves as a righteous remnant of the true Church not corrupted by the Babylonian teachings of the Church in Europe.

The Puritans maintained a strong Protestant work ethic and a belief in private enterprise and private property and did not allow themselves to be controlled and managed by any form of centralized government. In addition, they entered into a Covenant with God based on the Covenant that God made with the ancient Hebrews through Moses and specifically the Covenant referred to in Deuteronomy Chapter 28, also known as the blessings and the curses. In Deuteronomy 28 God promises a long list of blessings based on two requirements. First, the ancient Jews had to worship the Biblical God and not worship any idols.

Secondly, the people had to “hearken diligently to the voice of the Lord thy God,” which meant that they had to know the Word of God and obey it. Although the Puritans and the American people did this very imperfectly, God honored this Covenant because He had a unique plan for America to be a light to the nations and a platform for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be proclaimed around the world. It is impossible to reduce America’s incredible prosperity and freedoms to a set of pure materialistic mechanisms like the fact that America was separated from the world by the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. America has been supernaturally blessed by God, and not because of some great inherent virtue.

Beginning with the Mayflower and over the next two decades 16,000 Puritans settled the Massachusetts Bay Colony. They strongly identified with the children of Israel in the Old Testament, and Scripture determined their earliest legislation.
The Puritans believed in education for all and built Christian schools and universities such as Harvard, which was founded in 1636 as a training school for Puritan ministers, and colleges like Yale, William and Mary, Rutgers, Princeton, Brown, and Kings College, which later became Columbia University. In all these schools a strong Biblical worldview was taught along with the learning of Hebrew and Bible studies.

Many of America’s Founding Fathers were educated in these Christian universities. Thomas Jefferson attended William and Mary; James Madison, Princeton; Alexander Hamilton, King’s College (Columbia); and many others of America’s early leaders and Founding Fathers were profoundly influenced by a Biblical worldview in these Christian schools. America’s founding documents like the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution with its Bill of Rights were influenced by Biblical thought. In the Declaration of Independence we read:

We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among them are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

These words are similar to the Enlightenment’s and John Locke’s concept of “the inalienable rights of man,” which clearly reflect a Biblical origin. It is also clear that America was founded on a synergy of Biblical thought, Freemasonic, and Deist principles. Some of the Illuminist principles developed by philosophers like Rousseau and Voltaire, which ignited the more humanistic French Revolution, also influenced America.

However, beginning in the 1920s educators like John Dewey, a signer of the Humanist Manifesto, returned from communist Russia to implement communist ideas on education through the U.S. public school system. One of the primary strategies used by the Frankfurt School and communists is to radically transform society through “social justice.” The term “social justice” is heard everywhere from college students, media personalities, activists, and even ministers. But most of the people using the term do not understand what it really means and what its true purpose is.

The philosopher John Locke communicated to our Founding Fathers the idea that each individual has an inalienable right to his own life, liberty, and property. According to Locke, the only purpose of government, which is to be limited, is to secure those rights. “Social justice” really means government absolutism or totalitarianism where a centralized government dominates and controls everything and every person. This is the opposite of what our Founding Fathers advocated because it destroys our rights to life, liberty, and property. In every totalitarian society we see mass murder, absolute tyranny, and mass confiscation of individual property.

“Social justice” demands a totally controlled socialist society, and the total abolition of privacy and private property…for the masses, but not, of course, for the ruling elites.Personal privacy is thought of just like private property, and no ordinary individual has the right to privacy. Historically “social justice” always leads to totalitarianism such as depicted in Orwell’s Animal Farm. Its advocates dismiss tyranny as an exception rather than the rule, but this is a lie; “social justice” always produces some form of brutal dictatorship.

“Social justice” teaches that competition is wrong and only the team or collective matters. People who work hard and achieve goals are thought to be the undeserving recipients of some kind of natural ability and their work or discipline is never acknowledged. The “haves” never deserve what they have (except, of course, for the super-billionaire elites who are behind it all), and the “have nots” are where they are due to “discrimination or “racism.” This is, at best, a partial truth: many people who do not “have” have been deprived economically, socially, and educationally. People who are born into wealthier families where their parents were educated can often have advantages that others do not. But “social justice” will never acknowledge that things like hard work, discipline, and commitment can often give people certain advantages, which they have earned.

“Social justice” demands that wealth and opportunity be redistributed artificially. Everything is about a centralized top down government controlling everything through endless bureaucracies and behavioral scientists. The idea that individuals are personally responsible for their behavior, which can produce either success or failure, must be erased from the minds of the people (unless their behavior involves opposition to the elites, in which case they will be savagely punished). A victim mentality and dependence on an all-powerful state must be cultivated. However, without exception, the historical record of every such society has been dictatorship, poverty, loss of freedoms, mass death, imprisonment, and incredible suffering. These ideas do not work.

In contrast, the ideas created by the Judeo-Christian belief system of the Bible upon which America was built produced the most prosperity and the most freedom for more people than any other nation on Earth. To be blunt, it worked up until very recently as our Judeo-Christian belief system has been undermined and destroyed through education, media, government policies, the activities of the Tavistock Group, and various activist groups financed by globalist super-billionaires. Why would Capitalist super-billionaires want to destroy America’s prosperity, Judeo-Christian values, and Capitalism and replace it with Marxism? The reason for this is that the secret purpose of Marxism from the beginning was not about creating “social justice” and a Utopia for everyone. The Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx and Engels was simply a copy of the earlier Illuminati manifesto. The secret globalist elites, members of the Illuminati and other secret societies, are the ones who created communism and socialism so they could maintain total dictatorial control over every nation and create a race of slaves under the masquerade of liberating the people. For those that doubt the existence of the Illuminati and other secret societies, read The Babylon Code. The reality is that there is not one communist state that has ever worked, not one! Every nation that fell to a communist revolution ended up murdering millions of its citizens, sending them to concentration camps, establishing military dictatorship, and producing mass poverty. In contrast, every nation that has used Judeo-Christian principles and an American-style Constitution and Bill of Rights has produced freedom and prosperity.

The goal of the globalist elite is to create a one world socialist or communist state through organizations like the United Nations, IMF, World Bank, Bilderberg Group, and various secret societies. The reality is that globalism is primarily benefits the globalist elite. It is not an accident that since the beginning super-billionaires have secretly financed the rise of Adolph Hitler, the Communist revolutions in Russia and China, and the radical transformation of America. These same elite groups have financed the path to world socialist government and their agencies like the United Nations are implementing this plan.

The question has to be asked regarding this upcoming election, which candidate’s ideas have the greatest chance of working to restore the American Dream and our unique freedoms? Which candidate’s belief system and plans will enable America to fulfill its divine destiny?

All of this was in distinct contrast to the America founded by Bible-believing Pilgrims and Puritan’s who came to America to escape religious persecution in Europe. When the Pilgrims settled “New England” in America in the early 1700’s, they viewed the Atlantic Ocean as their Red Sea and the Kings of England who they were escaping as the Egyptian Pharaohs. The Puritans viewed themselves as a “righteous remnant of the Church not corrupted by the Babylonian teachings of the Church in Europe.

The Puritans maintained a strong Protestant work ethic, a belief in private enterprise, private property and peacefully did not allow them to be controlled and managed by any form of centralized government. In addition, they entered into a Covenant with God based on the Covenant that God made with the ancient Hebrews through Moses and specifically the Covenant referred to in Deuteronomy Chapter 28, also know as the blessings and the curses. In Deuteronomy 28, God promises a long list of blessings and most of the economic based on two requirements. First, the ancient Jews had to worship the Biblical God and not worship any idols. Secondly, the people had to “hearken diligently to the voice of the Lord thy God,” which meant that they had to know the Word of God and obey it.

Although the Puritans and the American people did this very imperfectly, God honored this Covenant because He had a unique plan for America to be a light to the nations and a platform for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be proclaimed around the world. It is impossible to reduce America’s incredible prosperity and freedoms to a set of pure materialistic mechanisms like the fact that America was separated from the world by the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. America has been supernaturally blessed by God and not because of some great inherit virtue has America has been blessed.

The Puritans beginning with the Mayflower and over the next two decades, 16,00 Puritans settled the Massachusetts Bay Colony. They strongly identified the children of Israel in the Old Testament and Scripture determined earliest legislation.
The Puritans built Christian schools and universities such as Harvard University, which was founded in 1636 as a training school for Puritan minister. The Puritans believed in education for all and established Christian colleges and schools like Yale, William and Mary, Rutgers, Princeton, Brown, Kings College, which later became Columbia University. In all these schools a strong Biblical worldview was taught along with the learning of Hebrew and Bible studies.

Many of America’s the Founding Fathers were educated in these Christian universities. Thomas Jefferson attended William and Mary, James Madison Princeton, Alexander Hamilton King’s College (i.e. Columbia), and many others of America’s early leaders and Founding Fathers were profoundly influenced by a Biblical worldview in these Christian schools. America’s founding documents like the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution with the Bill of Rights were influenced by Biblical thought. In the Declaration of Independence we read:

We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among them are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

These words are similar to the Enlightenment’s and John Locke’s concept of “the inalienable rights of man,” which clearly reflect a Biblical origin. It is also clear that America was founded on a synergy of Biblical thought, Illuminist, Freemasonic and Deist principles. Some of the Illuminist principles developed by philosophers like Rousseau and Voltaire, which ignited the more humanistic French Revolution, also influenced America.

In my new book, A Prophecy of the Future of America 2016 – 2017, I expose the global economic system and the future of America in light of Bible prophecy.

© 2016 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

Illuminati, tin foil hats, and vast alt-right conspiracy theories

According to the mainstream media that is controlled by just six corporations there exists a vast “alt-right” conspiracy attempting to take down Hillary Clinton and the nation. During this election cycle paranoia runs deep as major political candidates on the right and on the left, along with television networks and news personalities put on tin foil hats to uncover this conspiracy consisting of far right fringe groups, white supremacists, and neo-Nazis. On the opposite side, the growing alternative media is suggesting that the Illuminati or a global elite is attempting to control the U.S. presidential election. In the book, The Babylon Code I document with my co-author, Troy Anderson, a Pulitzer Prize nominated journalist, the secret groups who are covertly controlling our nation.

On the Fox News Network, Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House, explained to the American public why the GOP Establishment has such a problem with Donald Trump. Gingrich commented that the Establishment sees Donald Trump as a threat because “He’s an outsider. He’s not part of the club. He’s uncontrollable. He hasn’t been through the initiation rites. He didn’t belong to the secret society.” Gingrich was implying that Trump was not a member of secret societies like the Illuminati, although there are some conspiracy theorists who believe that Donald Trump is working for the Illuminati. If Donald Trump were working for the Illuminati, then why would he be attacked by every globalist elite organization?

There is one thing that should be fairly obvious and that is no other presidential candidate has been under the constant assault that Trump has been under by the media and members of his own political party. America has never witnessed such an all-out 24/7 media attack on any politician, if you add to the unprecedented media attack against Trump the equally unprecedented betrayal by high-ranking members of the Republican Party.

There is no question that during the primaries, Donald Trump engaged in a guerilla warfare style of personal attacks and mockery of the other candidates. But what the Orwellian media has not reported is that many of these other candidates like Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz who like to appear squeaky clean were, according to many political insiders, engaging in highly personal and vicious attacks against Donald Trump through front groups in the form of political action committees who were buying millions of dollars in television commercial attack ads against him. Jeb Bush apparently spent over $130 million in television ads.

Whatever the real story is, Republicans like Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Marco Rubio, Mitt Romney, Glenn Beck, and others who have refused to endorse Donald Trump for President emerge as among the most selfish and dishonest men in the history of American politics. If they truly believed in the principles they campaigned for, they would support Trump because the next President will appoint numerous Supreme Court justices who literally have the power to destroy America as we know it, or preserve our precious Constitutional freedoms. Then these Republican leaders, which would include radio talk show host Glen Beck, despite his claim that he is an independent, have a moral and spiritual obligation to forget whatever personal insults they have received and support the presidential candidate who will appoint Supreme Court justices who will rule on the basis of our Constitution. The fact that these leaders are willing to allow our nation and the future of our children to be destroyed is an immoral selfishness rivalling that of Hillary Clinton. Whatever the outcome of the email scandals, they dwarf in comparison to the destruction that will come to our nation from Republican leaders who are so selfish that they would willfully choose to put their own egos and self-centered agendas above the good of our nation.

Whatever you think of Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party, they at least have the common sense to rally as one behind their candidate, Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton and the “Clinton machine” are formidable adversaries. She is a highly flawed candidate with far more allegations against her than Donald Trump has. But the Democrat Party unifies around their candidate despite all those allegations, and all of their key leaders endorse her. In contrast, the elite in the Republican Party do not endorse their candidate and are willing to throw the election to the Democrats, which reveals exactly who they are. The elite of the Republican Party are bought and paid for by the globalist elite and their real allegiance is not to the American people and ordinary Republicans, but to elite and whatever secret societies they may belong to.

This is where the Corporate controlled media and Hillary Clinton point in the wrong direction when they say there is an “alt right” conspiracy. There is a conspiracy, but it is not an “alt right” conspiracy; that is simply a diversion. The conspiracy is the elite who control the media and both political parties at the top. The proof of this conspiracy is that the Republican presidential candidates who lost and the GOP Establishment are willing to allow all the trade treaties and other globalist agendas to continue.

Do you think it was just by chance that during a Trump rally, right after Ted Cruz betrayed Trump by promising to endorse him during Cruz’s speech, that the crowd started booing? That it is just a coincidence that Ted’s wife, Heidi Cruz, ran out of the rally with the crowd shouting over and over again, “Goldman Sachs…Goldman Sachs”?

Heidi Cruz has held a high ranking position with Goldman Sachs, one of the most powerful banks in the world, and Goldman Sachs and the other major banks, Wall Street firms, and multi-national corporations are also supporting Hillary Clinton. They control both our main political parties and have been behind much of the evil that has been infecting our Republic. It is time for us to understand who is truly controlling both political parties and to put an end to the control of powerful special interest groups.

In my new book, A Prophecy of the Future of America 2016 – 2017, I expose the global economic system and the future of America in light of Bible prophecy.

© 2016 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

Pokemon go politicians and social bot elections

The vast majority of the American people, media, and politicians in the 2016 Presidential Elections are living in a past tense reality based on a faulty perception of politics and the nation. The 2016 American Presidential race is a “Pokémon Go” election that is taking place in “augmented reality” where “social bots” motivate people to vote for one candidate or another by manipulating their moods via social media.

Pokémon Go is an augmented reality game where a person follows virtual characters or objects that appear on their smart phones through real world environments. In the first two trading days after the game was released on the market the stock of Nintendo, the games manufacturer, rose $7.5 billion.

The latest psychological research tells us that voters make choices based on emotions rather than logic and facts. In other words, voters are not making up their minds because of political debates they are watching on the cable news networks where statistics and other hard facts are being discussed. Across all educational levels people are voting on the basis of emotion.

For over a century experts in persuasion have understood that it is the manipulation of emotion that influences an election. However, with computers, algorithms, social media, and the internet, the ability to analyze and influence emotions has exploded. For example, the latest data suggests that the manipulation of emotions can also affect voter turnout. If tech companies like Google, Apple, Twitter, or Instagram manipulate emotions to increase positive feelings among people who are Democrats or Republicans, that can produce greater enthusiasm about the election. Depending upon which party the enthusiasm is generated in, that candidate will have far greater turnout. In the same way, if social media is used to generate negative emotions about a candidate, that candidate will get far lower voter turnout.

There are many ways tech companies, political parties, social movements, and governments can manipulate emotions through the Internet. The term “emotional contagion” means spreading strong emotions to millions of people through social media, emotions such as anxiety, anger, happiness, enthusiasm, depression, despair, hopelessness, peace, and euphoria. A targeted demographic can consist of any group of people such as those in a specific geographic location, a religious group, political group, ethnic group, or by age, sex, or any number of categories.

By manipulating search engines or rankings or linking negative articles or blocking positive information about a particular candidate, negative or positive emotions can be created in a person using the search engine. Another way emotions can be manipulated in potential voters is through the news feeds generated by tech companies which appear in people’s social media accounts like Google, Facebook, AOL, Apple, Twitter, Instagram, etc. By bombarding voters with either negative or positive news stories, images, videos, or emails the public can be programmed about how to feel about a particular candidate, religion, political issue, social issue, or the economy. There have been allegations by some that tech companies like Twitter, Apple, Google, Instagram and others are attempting to defeat Donald Trump.

“We do not merely destroy our enemies; we change them.” George Orwell, 1984.

Just like in Pokémon Go, millions of people are not seeing the real world; they have entered a socially engineered “augmented reality” where politicians have been transformed into Pokémon Go virtual characters that can be followed in the real world. There is a growing awareness that the world of the Internet is not real, but a virtual world or “augmented reality” generated by some kind of hidden elite. It is this Technocratic Elite who are using technology like Social Bots that expose private information on any individual and specifically social media users for the purposes of tracking, control, or blackmail. Social Bots can be used to destroy individuals and grassroots organizations that challenge the official politically correct dogma.

For example, people who use blogs and social media to expose the dangers of GMOs or Big Pharma or advocate for any other cause can be destroyed by Social Bots pretending to be real people. Social Bots can be used to artificially enlarge the numbers and influence of one group over another. An example of this would be the collusion of the cable news networks and certain tech giants which only show close up photographs or videos of Donald Trump speaking at rallies where the real attendance ranges between 15,000 -30,000 people. In contrast, there are many Hillary Clinton rallies where only 1,000 – 3,000 people show up, but that visual evidence of low turnout is concealed from the audience. This is an attempt to diminish Trump’s power and influence and create a false impression in the minds of the public.

Social Bots are infiltrating target populations of people who are completely unaware that they are being manipulated by things like social media rankings and analysis of the number of people who listen, watch, click, download, post, or read things. There are numerous mainstream media outlets and social media platforms which are being artificially propped up with false numbers, rankings, and ratings designed to increase the flow of advertising revenue and take away revenues from alternative media.

BOTS is short for software robots. CHATBOTS operating on algorithms can pretend to be human and hold conversations, make posts, write comments, and infiltrate blogs, websites, Facebook pages, and internet news sites by the millions and discredit, tear down, defame, attack, and attempt to destroy any group or individual by making comments, or writing reviews or posts or replies in an attempt to destroy individuals and groups who choose to reject groupthink.

Anyone who holds any viewpoint, liberal, conservative, or whatever, if they are intellectually honest, should comprehend that the right to think freely, speak freely, and act freely is in grave danger. For the moment, the Technocratic Elite will use a corporate controlled media and internet to promote viewpoints that benefit their interests. But the moment they find that promoting those viewpoints is no longer of benefit to them they will turn and destroy them. They will do it with new technologies that go way beyond Social Bots. They will literally electronically erase memories and replace them with artificial memories that further their long-term agenda. All these activist groups, politicians, activists, celebrities, journalists, bloggers, and others who temporarily are benefiting from social media algorithms will soon find that they are nothing more than what Lenin called “useful idiots.” Largely because they do not read history or philosophy and have divorced themselves from the great religious texts from Mankind’s origins, they do not understand the nature of Mankind and where we are going.

C.S. Lewis, the author of numerous fantasy books like The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, along with science fiction and books on Christian apologetics wrote in That Hideous Strength that “Despair of objective truth had been increasingly insinuated into scientists; indifference to it, and a concentration on mere power, had been the result…Dreams of the far future destiny of man were dragging up from its shallow and unquiet grave the old dream of Man as God.”

The end game is revealed by the United Nations’ lust for ever more data on every individual on planet Earth. The United Nations, which is dedicated to creating an all-powerful world socialist government, wants data on the private sector and is cultivating partnerships with the big social media companies. The purpose of gathering data on every ordinary individual is for control. The Technocratic Elite or what Aldous Huxley called The Scientific Dictatorship wants information because information represents the power to control every person on Earth. The name of the game is to maintain the illusion of democracy and choice while manipulating every human thought, emotion, belief, and memory.

This is not just about this political election. This is about the future of Mankind and where we are going. If you think Pokémon Go is just a game and Social Bots are just the latest technology developed to control people’s thinking, like an evolutionary jump from the television commercial, you don’t get it yet. Pokémon Go is about programming people to accept “augmented reality” or a virtual world to replace the real world. Social Bots are already starting to be driven by artificial intelligence…and none of this is random. The Technocratic Elite want to become “god-kings,” as I explain in my book, A Prophecy of the Future of America 2016-2017. If you embrace Social Darwinism, where might makes right and there is no such thing as absolute right or wrong, than you have to take it to its next logical conclusion. Those who have the “might” and the power have the evolutionary right to rule, control, and dominate by brute force. This is what the elite believe, and since there is no such thing as right or wrong, it is inevitable that because you have the power, you can do whatever you choose to do. What most people do not understand is that there exists an elite who are in the process of firmly establishing themselves as the absolute rulers of planet Earth. Whether they choose to attempt that through the smokescreen of illusion and smoke and mirrors, or whether they will attempt it openly with brute military force, death and destruction is their choice.

This is about the final consolidation of their power as the rulers of Earth, with the rest of Mankind becoming their slaves for the purpose of producing, building, and maintaining what they want. They are constructing the Hive Mind, using technetronic control to make millions of people serve them. But the time will come when the human slave race is obsolete.

Already, the so-called protected occupations like journalism, medicine, and other fields are being replaced by computers, robots, and eventually by cyborgs and androids. In addition, a global economic system where no one can buy or sell without a microchip implant is almost here.

The manipulation and control of Humanity through science and technology is being finalized all around us. If you are still capable of thinking outside of your programming, you will notice there exists a door out of this “augmented reality.” The door is called Truth, but of course many people cannot see that door because they have decided it does not exist. There is a difference between augmented reality and final reality. Augmented reality has been altered through technology or some other means. In that reality there is no door. Final reality is the reality that really exists, whether or not you and I choose to believe it. Final reality is final because it stands apart from our belief system. So which is the real reality? Is it augmented reality? Is it the reality you choose to create? Or is it final reality? All I know is I saw a door and walked through it and there was something very real on the other side of it.

In my new book, A Prophecy of the Future of America 2016 – 2017, I expose the global economic system and the future of America in light of Bible prophecy.

© 2016 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

Why the elites want to “kill” Trump

The elites in America, Europe, and other places in the world want to destroy Trump; in fact they want to “kill” Trump by doing everything they can to keep him out of the White House. Why? Because the presidency of Donald Trump is a direct threat to their financial rape of the working class and middle class in America and Europe.

When the occultist Christine F. Lagarde, head of the International Monetary Fund, is not giving lectures to the Council on Foreign Relations and the National Press Club on occult symbolism and numerology, she is on a crusade to warn the world that “Trump-style protectionism would hit the world economy with ruinous effects and have a negative impact on global growth.” The last ten years has been a time when the elites in the U.S., Britain, and Europe have maintained absolute control over the global economy and their trade treaties, open borders, and globalist economic policies have caused the one percent to become richer than they ever have in history while the working class and the middle class have become poorer than at any time in modern history.

The global elite through their globalist trade treaties and other economic policies have gang-banged the middle class and have left them destitute and naked with their pensions, savings, and retirement robbed in a manner which has produced riots in Greece and Cypress and is now spreading to Italy and will soon come to the United States. The women of Europe are now being physically raped due to the open border policies of the elites which allow hundreds of thousands of militant Islamic extremists into Europe who are now carrying out a wave of terrorist attacks while the elites live in castles with private armies guarding them while they indulge in “killing kittens” orgies.

The wave of populism spreading across Europe and the United States, with the Brexit and the unprecedented popularity of candidates like Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, is evidence of massive anger among an economically hurting working and middle class that the elite will continue to ignore while their spokespeople like Christine Lagarde mumble self-indulgently about ancient occult numerology and symbolism before the stupefied members of the Council on Foreign Relations and the National Press Club; they don’t have a clue what she is talking about, but they don’t have the courage to admit it.

Lagarde echoed the sentiments held by the global elites who control the media, both political parties in the U.S., the heads of multi-national corporations, international bankers, and the politicians they install in office. She came out against punitive tariffs on goods from China and Mexico and attacked anyone who would dare to criticize the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which Ted and Heidi Cruz both secretly support…and this was the reason why Heidi Cruz was booed out of the Republic Convention with the crowd chanting “Goldman Sachs,” because many in the middle class are finally on to her and the globalist fake conservatives who thump their Bibles and blab endlessly about the Constitution, but who are actually shills for the globalist establishment.

Perhaps the only group in America which has not yet awakened to what is really going on and are collectively clueless would be a large percentage of the Evangelical Christians, who are among the most Biblically illiterate people in the nation. Sadly, large numbers of Evangelical Christians are following their new prophet, Glenn Beck, and prostrating themselves before the current Catholic Pope and literally kissing his feet. They have not figured out yet, because they censor the teaching of Bible prophecy in their churches, that this current Pope represents the elite and their occult plan for a one world religion, one world government, and one world economic system. This is why the Pope, who lives like a king in a palace, is telling the middle class to share their wealth. Notice that the Pope is not telling the one percent who control 99% of the wealth to share their wealth.

In addition, in between her occult and numerological babblings, Lagarde is calling for a global financial reboot, which means crashing the dollar and moving into a global cashless currency, where the working class and middle class will be forced to turn in their dollar-based currencies for pennies on the dollar for a new global currency, perhaps called the Phoenix.

The reason that the media and the elites attack populist candidates like Trump is because deep down inside they know they have accumulated an obscene amount of wealth…and not through hard work and free market capitalism. They have accumulated their wealth through secret trade treaties and illegal secret deals they have made. They know that sooner of later somebody like Wikileaks is going to blow the whole thing wide open and that is why they are desperately trying to take total control of the Internet. There are some of them who have been carrying out rituals like something out of Director Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut. When the people they have forced to work like feudal slaves on their plantations finally wake up and storm the castle, the elites are going to be in deep trouble.

So for now this elite, or what Aldous Huxley terms the “Scientific Elite,” manages to control the masses with drugs, hypnosis, scientific mind control, bread and circuses, fear, and endless wars. But the time is coming when there will be an Awakening and that Awakening will become a Third Great Awakening and whether or not the elite choose to believe it, there is coming a Day of Reckoning. All the nations of the Earth will gather together against Jesus Christ at His Second Coming at the Battle of Armageddon. The mere mention of these words makes the elites and their servants bristle with disdain and anger. But that day is coming very quickly and when that time comes, everything will be revealed, including the psychotronic weapons and weather modification and the genetic modification in billions of people being carried out through GMO foods, what has been allowed through the portal at CERN, and more.

Are these populist candidates like Trump Messiah-figures? Do they even recognize what role they play in the larger picture? It is doubtful that they do. But the Oligarchy does not like their power and wealth challenged and when it is challenged they become angry. The passages in the Book of Revelation speak of this but most people think these passages are poetic or allegorical in nature. But they are not allegorical or mythological. They speak of the disintegration of an American and global matrix the Bible calls Babylon. Ultimately, what we are talking about is “Mystery Babylon,” which the Book of Revelation says is “fallen.” Most people today and especially the elites themselves are stuck in a virtual world or matrix that is created by an internal belief system that has been programmed.

They are trapped by cognitive dissonance and if their minds ever even begin to open up to the higher reality or Kingdom of Heaven spoken of in the Book of Revelation, a great iron wall shuts down their consciousness and they become incapable of seeing the light.

A powerful delusion takes effect in their consciousness, a drug-like intoxication caused by their belief in their intellectual superiority to the rest of Humanity. They are in reality trapped in a room with mirrors where all they can see is the reflection of their thoughts displayed, their insane, irrational thoughts, and their infantile faith in an archaic belief system. In their pride they are content to watch their own thoughts mirrored on the walls of their mind because it implies a kind of god-like status and so they sit in a prison of delusion. For they are no longer lords of the castle. In their delusion they cannot see that they reside in the dark chambers below the castle they believe themselves to live in. For in reality they live chained to the walls of a virtual dungeon buried deep beneath the imaginary royal splendor.

In my new book, A Prophecy of the Future of America 2016 – 2017, I expose the global economic system and the future of America in light of Bible prophecy.

© 2016 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

Dallas to Cleveland – planned chaos?

We are seeing bizarre news coverage of shooters, heavily armed that are gunning down both civilians and police with increasing frequency. The recent Dallas shooter was a lone gunman, who was apparently discharged from the army due to sexual harassment charges that involved the of stealing a female officers’ panties. He had a written manifesto on killing police and white people in a “shoot and run” strategy.

We have “come a long way baby” from the counter-culture demonstrations of the late 1960’s to the 1970’s where demonstrators of all races held up signs that said things like, “LOVE, “MAKE LOVE, AND NOT WAR” and “PEACE AND LOVE.” The optimism of the counter culture turned a dark corner when it began to speak about change and revolution through violence. Signs and chants said, “Kill the Pigs,” referring to the Police. What caused this change was the entrance of radical groups who embraced Marxist ideology. I remember being in New York City at an anti-war demonstrations and seeing the Weather Underground begin to change the narrative with T-shirts which read, “Armed Love” with a hand holding up an AK-47. Very subtly the Weather Underground began to move the counter culture towards violence instead of “Love.” Soon afterwards Weather Underground leaders were blowing up police cars and killing police. It was around this time that Weather Underground Leaders like Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn rose to prominence as radicals who openly advocated violence against the police and may have actually participated in it.

What we are seeing all around us in an outgrowth of the ideological changes that happened within the counter culture and other radical groups seeking to radically usher in a Marxist or radical Islamic state. The news media is covered with accounts of policemen killing African American men for “traffic stops” and police being shot and ambushed. After each incident there is a call for more gun control despite the comments from experts like former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani that gun control would do nothing to stop these events. People will use knives or any other weapon they can find. At the same time we have groups like Black Lives Matter is being financed by billionaires like George Soros and 10,000 members of Black Lives Matter are being bused into Cleveland to the RNC Convention.

Although, our Constitution gives people the right to publicly and peacefully protest, what is planned for Cleveland is a recipe for orchestrated chaos or manufactured crisis, which were radical techniques, developed in the 1970’s. Historically, chaos or crisis drives radical social transformation. The motto of the New World Order is “order out of chaos.” Is it possible that chaos is being allowed to allow a New World Order to be birthed? In Europe the heads of major European nations are allowing radical Islamic males from Syria, all of military age into different European nations where a disturbing percentage have raped European women and caused violence. No rational leader would allow this, and it is certainly not a matter of ignorance. They knew what the results would be before they opened the borders.

Then there is the problematic question that the media always ignores. Syria is surrounded by very wealthy nations like Saudi Arabia, which had tremendous landmass. Logistically, it would be far more effective to build temporary cities and towns in the surrounding nations, rather than send the Syrian refugees through Turkey and way up into Europe. Are the radical Islamic migrants being allowed into Europe to destabilize European nations?

The City of Cleveland has granted 20 permits to anti-Trump groups who want to demonstrate in Cleveland during the Republican National Convention. Protesters from opposing sides will be forced to compete for rally space, but so far no permits have been issued to pro-Trump groups. Groups like Code Pink, a radical leftist pro-Palestinian group, and Rose Hamid, who is associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, have permits to demonstrate. The Soros-backed Black Lives Matter and MoveOn.org have booked a number of rooms in numerous hotels for the four nights of the convention. A Soros-backed group called “Democracy Spring” vows to cause catastrophic civil unrest along with the SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) calling on students, all over the country to join in the demonstrations.

Police Unions are warning that Cleveland is not adequately prepared for a “Summer of Chaos.” What happened in Dallas is a warning of much bigger things that could come to Cleveland.

The Cleveland police tightened their security plan for the Republican National Convention after the deadly shootings of police officers in Dallas, increasing surveillance and intelligence operations just a week before the convention. But, some demonstrators are hoping for violence to increase international attention in getting their message out. There are fears that the Republican National Convention could turn out like the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago, where 10,000 demonstrators came to protest the Viet Nam War. The Chicago Convention erupted into violence and violent clashes between the police and protestors.

Despite the fact that the Cleveland Police Chief, Calvin Williams, is seeking to triple his 1,600-member-police force by recruiting from other states, the mere fact that he has waited until the last minute communicates a lack of understanding of what potentially could happen in Cleveland. Given the explosive tensions already boiling over in our nation and the professional agitators coming in to stir things up, at first glance, Cleveland does not look anywhere ready for what could be a “Summer of Chaos.”

The solution to the violence is not gun control. What has happened in America is that ideas, beliefs, philosophies and religions, which promote violence and killing as a legitimate means of social transformation, have become an essential part of the belief system of certain radical movements and extremist religious movements. Billionaires and very wealthy individuals and nations finance these movements. These groups have managed to infiltrate the very highest levels of our society. They are totalitarian in nature, in that they seek to violently take over our society by any means necessary. The philosophical, religious and ideological justification for violence is the root problem America is facing. The problem is not gun control or racism.

The reality is that we are in a very real battle for the future of America as a free nation. This battle is both physical and spiritual. We have come a long way from the days of great men like Martin Luther King, Jr. who advocated peaceful civil disobedience. All across America people’s minds are being infected with violent and hateful ideological viruses that compel them to use violence and death to establish either a political or religious/political dictatorship. The solution lies in counteracting the forces of death and violence with a compelling belief system, which transcends mere conservatism, Progressivism or Capitalism.

Belief systems like the American version of traditional Christianity and patriotism do not possess sufficient intellectual and spiritual power to overcome the forces of darkness, death, and destruction. The religion of Christianity, as it is now expressed in America, is a degraded clone of the original faith of the disciples and patriotism is perceived as an antiquated system for affluent white people. It is not that Christianity and patriotism do not contain powerful truths for freeing human beings, but as they are expressed and communicated now, they are not effectively reaching the people who need to hear it.

The violent fascism of the extremist religious factions and industrial age Marxism dressed up in Social Media with contemporary expressions like “Democracy Spring” exist only because there is no single cohesive social force to oppose them. This social force must be both spiritual and political in order for it to offer a viable alternative to the politics of death and despair. This social force must embody “new wine being poured into new wine skins” so that it is connected to the creative spiritual power of a First Century Revival that conquered ancient Rome and a brand new form of politics that rediscovers the incredible freedoms built into our Constitution and Bill of Rights, but must be communicated to new generations in entirely bold, radical and visionary terms.

In my new book, A Prophecy of the Future of America 2016 – 2017, I expose the global economic system and the future of America in light of Bible prophecy.

© 2016 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

Brexit, The Eu, and the transatlanic money matrix

Great Britain voted to leave the European Union according to what is called the “Brexit vote.” The corporate controlled media in the U.S. and the EU are chanting the mantra “The middle class are revolting against the elites.” Clearly, the voice of the working class, middle class, and what Bilderberg calls the “Precariat” class has not been completely silenced, if people are questioning things like trade treaties, the European Union, and a global economic system.

Super-billionaires like George Soros and Jacob Rothschild have been issuing ominous warnings about the Brexit, suggesting that the standard of living in the UK would crash and global economic and social chaos is on the horizon. Yet George Soros, like the rest of the elite, knew what was going to happen and apparently he quietly bet against the markets and invested heavily in gold. In addition, Eric Sprott, James Turk, and George Soros invested in a company that moves the world into a cashless society by advancing the digital payments revolution, where you can spend gold with a pre-paid-card globally.

Christine LaGarde, head of the IMF, warned of very serious negative consequences if Britain votes to leave the EU. Back in 2014 LaGarde talked about a global reset, or global reboot of the world’s financial system. When she made this announcement to the Council on Foreign Relations and the National Press Club, she used over half of her speech making references to occult numerology and symbols. Is the British Brexit a true revolt by the middle class, or is it a strategic manufactured crisis? After all, the motto of the Illuminati is “Order Out of Chaos” or “New World Order Out of Chaos.”

It does not appear that the IMF has specifically settled on any single nation’s currency to be the world’s currency, but rather, SDR’s (Special Drawing Rights), which refers to a basket of currencies. But it is worth noting that China has been buying massive quantities of gold and 40 central banks have invested in the Chinese Yuan. Russia is also buying massive quantities of gold.

If we look at the Bible as an accurate historical document, as well as a book that contains supernatural prophecies of the future, we see a number of things regarding Great Britain, Europe, and very possibly America. In the Old Testament the “daughter of Babylon” is referenced over 200 times; it may well refer to the Canaanites and Phoenicians and all those who eventually were based in Tarshish. Many Bible scholars believe that ancient Tarshish was Great Britain. Tarshish or Great Britain plays a significant role in Bible prophecy.

The Old Testament prophet Daniel became the chief spiritual advisor to King Nebuchadnezzar because of his supernatural ability to interpret the King of Babylon’s dreams. Daniel interpreted a dream of the four great Gentile World Empires, in the form of a giant statue, with a head of gold. The first kingdom represented Babylon and the final empire was the revived Roman Empire, which was represented by ten toes mixed with iron and clay, representing its fragility.

Many scholars believe that this revived Roman Empire refers to the European Union, which would include Great Britain, historically known as Tarshish. Ancient England was known for its importing and exporting of tin. When the Bible refers to the “young lions of Tarshish,” this refers to the colonies of the British Empire such as America, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia.

Many scholars believe that the European Union along with Great Britain and its colonies constitute the revived Roman Empire. The current exit of Great Britain from the European Union, called the “Brexit,” is in many respects a theatrical event designed by the City of London, which is the powerful international banking center where people like the Rothschild’s have their headquarters, and it is directly linked to Wall Street in America.

This Transatlantic Union of international banking families, multi-national banks, and major financial institutions connects Wall Street and the Federal Reserve with the City of London and the institutions like the IMF, the World Bank, G8, G20, Davos, and the Bilderberg Group, and international banking families like the Rockefellers, and with the Council on Foreign Relations, United Nations, and the Tri-Lateral Commission.

All of the world’s four great Gentile empires were raised up in defiance against God and created their own global governments, global religions, and global economic systems. The foundation of all these systems is built upon the raising up of a Luciferian or occult religious system, a Luciferian or occult economic system and a global government to enforce their implementation. The current revived Roman Empire, which is the one world government, one world religion and one world economic system, is not going to derail due to any Brexit vote.

A cosmic chess game is being played between Satan and God, with men, women, demons, principalities, and powers and the world’s elite functioning as pawns, rooks, knights, kings, and queens. The game of chess represents the multi-dimensional reality of life and geopolitics. The CERN Hadron Collider accelerates sub-atomic particles in long tunnels constructed beneath the surface of the Earth in an effort to open up what amounts to an interdimensional portal. Dr. Mike Lamont, a scientist and director of the LHC, or Large Hadron Collider, warned, “Something may come through the dimensional doors at LHC.”

As I write in my book A Prophecy of the Future of America 2016 – 2017, the real purpose behind CERN is to create an interdimensional portal or Stargate which, when combined with occult, even Satanic worship rituals, allows for the “something,” which may come through the CERN Hadron Collider, and it may very well be an interdimensional entity or demon. If that sounds far-fetched remember that according to the Genesis account, the Tower of Babel was an interdimensional portal or Stargate based on highly advanced occult-technology or what some theologians call “fallen angel technology.” The actual root word for Babel, or Babylon, or the Tower of Babel means the “gate of the gods.” According to the extensive documentation in The Babylon Code, which I wrote with my co-author Troy Anderson, a Pulitzer Prize nominated journalist, the Tower of Babel was occult technology passed on from super-civilizations like Atlantis, which existed before the Flood of Noah.

There is a statue of the Goddess Shiva, which means the “Destroyer of Worlds,” in front of the CERN headquarters. This same stature of Shiva, “The Destroyer of World’s,” was displayed at the Bohemian Grove and near the Trinity atomic bomb site, where Dr. Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the “Manhattan Project” and others decided to build and drop the atomic bomb on Japan at the Bohemian Grove.

Recently, the opening ceremony of the world’s largest tunnel was a blatant occult ritual. Some of the most powerful people in Europe participated in the opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland. The occult elite in Europe gathered to participate in an openly satanic ritual. The Gotthard Base Tunnel is the world’s largest and most expensive tunnel in history, over 57 km long and costing 11 billion euros. The tunnel cuts through the Swiss Alps and is supposed to be a symbol of European unification, in contrast to rising nationalism and closing borders.

The elaborate ceremony in front of European dignitaries resembled satanic rituals where a man dressed like a goat presided over the ritual. Men and women workers were sent marching into the tunnel while another group of young people in white underwear begin to grope each other sexually. At the exterior of the tunnel there was a large all-seeing eye of Lucifer and a simulated (we hope) human sacrifice.

According to our extensive research, the Genesis account of the Tower of Babel built by Nimrod was a warning from God to Mankind about the satanic dangers of the Tower of Babel. God judged ancient Babylon because it was the first trial run at a “New World Order,” which was an attempt to build a new global planetary order, a counterfeit of the Kingdom of God.

The Creator God originally created a man and woman to live in a kind of Heaven on Earth, a Utopia called the Garden of Eden, until Satan tempted Adam and Eve to disobey the Word of God, and the Fall of Man occurred which activated the law of sin and death. At that time, Satan (Lucifer) had already led a revolution against God with one third of the angels in attempt to overthrow the Throne Room of God and be worshipped as God in the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem. Through Adam’s and Eve’s sin, Satan became the temporary lord of this world system, also known as Mammon.


It would be highly naïve not to assume that the Brexit was orchestrated by the elite for the benefit of the elite. This is despite the fact that the world’s 400 richest people lost $127.4 billion the day Britain voted to leave the European Union; the combined loss of certain billionaires totaled $3.9 trillion. It must be remembered that George Soros and many other billionaires made countless billions in profit by transferring their assets to gold. The Transatlantic Union and Transatlantic Matrix is the biggest and most profitable business in the world, which is manufacturing global illusion and virtual reality. The core financial mechanism, which has been driving the global financial system from the Tower of Babel until today, is a Luciferian system based on sorcery and printing money from nothing! The Federal Reserve and the central banks print money from nothing and then loan it to the governments and the people for interest in what is called a debt-based-slavery system.

What’s required is that the masses who live in this Scientific Dictatorship embrace their scientifically induced trance state and learn to love their slavery, as Aldous Huxley said. From ancient Babylon through the Pharaoh-god-king system of Egypt, to the “divine right of kings of Europe,” the Illuminati-based occult and magical system of money is based on the masses believing that each unit of money has some kind of magical or intrinsic worth. This is why Sir Arthur C. Clarke, who wrote 2001: A Space Odyssey, stated “Science is magic.” It is also the reason 2001 director Stanley Kubrick displayed black obelisks which gave Man advanced knowledge through a process of Alchemical Magic and why in the final scenes of the movie Kubrick shows a black obelisk floating through space and a man becomes a “star child.”

I recently was interviewing Dr. Werner, who I call the “Father of Quantitative Easing,” who was in Japan during their financial crisis during the 1990s. The Japanese financial crisis was about to go into a full blown global financial meltdown. Dr. Werner developed Quantitative Easing as a means of protecting the global financial system. During the 2007 mortgage/financial crisis, which was developing into a global financial meltdown, Dr. Werner strongly warned many of the heads of the Federal Reserve and the heads of the central banks of Europe that the global financial system was going into meltdown. Ben Bernanke, the head of the Fed, observed how Dr. Werner prevented the Japanese crisis from becoming global.

Bernanke followed Dr. Werner’s financial strategy which he distinguishes as distinct from simply printing dollars or money from nothing, by distinguishing between central banks like the Federal Reserve Banks, and other kinds of financial institutions. I pressed Dr. Werner on this distinction and Werner fully admitted that the central banks create money from nothing, which is an illusory system.

The Bank of England is pumping billions of pounds into the financial system, while the European Central Bank said it will give banks all the funding they require. The Federal Reserve said it was “carefully monitoring” financial markets. This is simply code meaning they are not going to tell you what they are really doing. A big clue has been revealed in the fact that members of the European elite in France and Germany are planning to issue an “ultimatum” to all nations in the European Union, which will offer up radical proposals that EU countries will lose the right to have their own army, criminal law, taxation system or Central Bank, with all these powers transferred to Brussels. In short, an all-powerful European Superstate will emerge.

Interestingly, this fits precisely into Bible prophecy and a Revived Roman Empire. But, it all sends a powerful signal about what may be going on behind closed doors in America, where our individual Constitution and Bill of Rights, may be in danger to a North American Union Superstate.

© 2016 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

Precariat, Bilderberg and the microchip

The world’s elite is at the annual Bilderberg Group meeting in Dresden, Germany. Among the top concerns of the annual gathering of world leaders, CEOs, super-billionaires, and other members of planet Earth’s ruling class are the “precariat” and the middle class. “Precariat” is a term promoted by Guy Standing, a British economist, which describes a fast growing class of people who have no hope for a decent future, can only find part time or temporary jobs at minimum wage, and have to do all kinds of work for which they don’t get paid. This rapidly expanding “precariat,” according to Standing, is composed of a “growing class of people who feel insecure about their jobs, communities, and life in general… In addition, they are often paid in cash.” They are growing in number in America, Europe, China, and many other areas. They include “grey market domestics paid in cash,” those who are not technically trained, seniors who struggle with disappearing pensions, retirement funds, and savings, and soaring health care costs. It also includes single mothers who have difficulty making money and the millennial generation who were promised jobs upon graduation and often can only find part time and minimum wage jobs.

The “precariat” class is of great concern to the elite and Bilderberg Group because this group is angry, anxious, and alienated and is driving the rise of populist politicians like Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, and, in Europe, right wing and nationalist candidates whom the elite cannot control. The reason the Bilderberg Group is discussing both the “precariat” and middle class is because the middle class in America and other places is shrinking, which is fueling the rise of the “precariat.” Outsourcing of manufacturing, along with trade treaties and economic policies that favor the one percent have gutted significant sectors of the American Middle Class.

In America, Europe, China, Japan, and the many other places in the world where there was an existing or emerging middle class, the global economy, which globalists in the U.S. and the EU promised us would bring more economic prosperity, has caused the opposite through downward pressure on wages due to global competition. When the beginnings of these trends first began to emerge with events like Rockefeller going to China in the 1970s and the creation of NAFTA, GATT, and the WTO, etc., the American people were told through a corporate controlled media that this would allow Americans to prosper in the new global market place.

Of course, the globalists knew what the real outcome would be from the beginning. That is why during this entire time the one percent have grown incredibly richer while most Americans have grown poorer. In anticipation of global chaos and monetary crisis, the elite, through organizations like Bilderberg, quietly created a technological surveillance state for the purpose of total control. I go into greater detail about his and how you personally can overcome it, in my book, A Prophecy of the Future of America 2016 – 2017.”

The elite, or “Plutocracy,” have been buying up large refuges and farms in the more remote places of the world, where you fly in by plane. One particular filmmaker, whose movies have been some of the biggest blockbusters of all times, has bought a very large and fortified farm in New Zealand, which he can fly to if things get out of control.

The elite know that chaos, wars, and massive unrest are coming and they are exploring options that were once considered impossible. For example, in recent months many mainstream financial publications have floated the idea of a universal basic income for everyone, which could hypothetically be perhaps $30,000.00 a year. Although Sweden just voted down such a proposal the idea is still being promoted and seriously considered. Of course along with the idea of a universal basic income goes a massive redistribution of wealth where the wealth of the middle class would be redistributed…and the wealth of the elite would not be touched.

The idea of a basic income was proposed by economist Guy Standing in an article entitled “The Growing Precariat: Why We Need a Universal Basic Income,” in the Singularity Hub, dated March 30, 2015.

Underneath the pleasant sounding words, universal basic income is simply repackaged Communism. As the old expression goes, “There is no such thing as a free lunch.” In return for your universal basic income you would have to give up all your freedoms and rights and live in some kind of totalitarian society.

But the elite are considering other options regarding the war, chaos, social unrest, and violence that are coming. There is a Guardian story entitled “What If the Mega-Rich Just Wanted To Escape The Earth They Destroy?” It turns out that this is not just some kind of paranoid science fiction story; a number of the wealthiest people in the world are already building rockets and technology to be able to live on Mars. Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Tesla’s Elon Musk, and Virgin Galactic’s Richard Branson are planning to build colonies on Mars. But some are speculating that they are planning an exit-strategy like in the movie Elysium starring Matt Damon and directed by Jodie Foster. What if World War III erupts and radiation, biological plagues, and other cataclysmic events begin to happen? Why wouldn’t a group of elite people who have the finances to build a somewhat luxurious civilization on Mars, along with the technology to get there, use it?

However, the Bilderberg Group meetings in past years have explored microchip implant technologies along with RFID transmitters. The Bilderberg and other elite groups have publicly discussed their plans for a cashless society, microchip implants, and a one world economic system, one world religion, and a one-world government. The elite see trouble coming…trouble they created by vastly increasing the wealth of the one percent and lowering the wealth of the rest of the population. That was not an accident; it was planned because at the highest levels of the elite they see themselves as “god men and women” who have the genetic right to rule over the human race.

The model for a slave race ruled by god men began in ancient Babylon and then moved through the “Pharaoh-god-king” system of Egypt and eventually into Europe with the divine right of kings concept. Although it is not talked about openly it is the belief system of the Illuminati and other secret societies that covertly operate through the Technocratic Elite or Scientific Dictatorship.

At these highest levels of the elite, it is about total control of the Human Race, where they rule like gods. In order to do that they have used a combination of occult or supernatural powers, science, technology, religion, economic systems, and government. The elite desire a cashless society because one of their primary control grids is the “debt-slavery” system where individuals and nations become slaves through debt. It is a monetary system based on illusion or a kind of alchemical magic, such as printing money from nothing and then loaning it for interest. A cashless society allows for the absolute control of money, nations, and lives. The logical next step is to force people to accept an implanted microchip to be able to buy and sell…the Mark of the Beast. In “A Prophecy of the Future of America 2016 -2017,” I devote several chapters to the reality that money is a “magical” system.

What is interesting about this is that this is that it is described in Revelation Chapter 13, where no one can buy or sell without the Mark of the Beast. Once again, total control. But where all of this gets really interesting is that in the mid-1600s Sir Francis Bacon planned for America to be the New Atlantis and the head of the New World Order. Atlantis was the legendary super-civilization ruled by ten philosopher-kings. There are some researchers who believe that the ten philosopher kings who ruled Atlantis were actually “god kings,” or more specifically Nephilim, which were the product of interspecies breeding between fallen angels and human women.

According to the Book of Enoch, referenced in the Book of Jude, these fallen angels gave certain technology and science to Mankind on Mount Hermon near Phoenicia. There is an area called Cydonia on Mars which contains what looks like several multi-sided pyramids, a triangular walled enclosure, a straight wall, a dome, and what at first looked like an immense statue of a face (it may be only an eroded mesa). Located on the coast of ancient Phoenicia there was an ancient city called Sidonia or Sidon. Perhaps there was some kind of ancient, even prehistoric connection between the Cydonia region of Mars and the Sidonia region of Phoenicia. Is it possible that the fallen angels who descended on Mount Hermon had also resided on Mars, and that they built the Martian pyramids? My editor, William B Stoecker, has written an article about Mars and its anomalies, published in the latest issue of “Atlantis Rising” magazine.”

The basis for the belief in the Illuminati bloodlines is that the ancient “god men” or Nephilim like Nimrod, were the ancestors of the families or bloodlines who rule the world through powerful secret societies. It is not an accident that we see two powerful occult symbols on the back of the U.S. dollar, a pyramid, and then on the right an image of the legendary bird, the Phoenix. The Phoenix is a symbol of the New World Order, but it is directly tied into ancient Phoenicia and the belief that an elite race, the fallen angels, interbred with human women.

There are numerous occult images of a Phoenix bird with the words “Ordo Av Chao,” Latin for “order out of chaos.” The New World Order is supposed to be established through order out of chaos, and the rise of a “precariat” class and mass social unrest is a form of chaos. This leads to a one-world religion, one world economic system, and one world government. This also brings in an economic system where you cannot buy or sell without a microchip implant.

What if the elite really do escape to Mars? The whole thing sounds so bizarre that it would have been laughable 20 years ago. But we live in a time where the elite are already building the rockets for a very serious attempt at colonizing Mars (they may discover that it is already occupied). We live in a time when artificial intelligence and robots may destroy the jobs of millions of people on planet Earth. In addition, a cashless society could be implemented at anytime along with the mass distribution of microchip implants. We have moved from reality to artificial reality. As Dorothy said to Toto in The Wizard of Oz, “I have feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.”

© 2016 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

The coming cashless society: big brother & the mark of the beast

Sweden is the first nation in the world to embrace a cashless society, where according to the central bank, Riksbank, cash transactions made up only 2% of the value of all payments last year. Swedish economists believe that by 2020 cash transactions will be only 0.5%.

Various apps like Swish and the Danish app, MobilePay, are being used to make purchases from various street vendor sales and even to give church donations. According a Guardian article, “Sweden leads race to become cashless society,” by Jon Henley dated June 4, 2016, “Swedes are blazing the trail in Europe, with banks, buses, street vendors and even churches expecting plastic or virtual payment.”

Promoters of a cashless society point out that there are countless benefits, such as control, tracking, and identification of criminals, along with the ability to block deposits, purchases, and withdrawals. In 2014, Cass Sunstein, the “regulatory czar,” former head of the office of Information and Regulatory Affair (OIRA), promoted the idea that a cashless society would reduce street crime. Sunstein believed that there was a relationship between (EBT) Electronic Benefit Transfer system for welfare benefits and a drop in crime. Although there has been no proof that Sunstein’s theory is true, in the spring of 2014, the Department of Justice came under fire for “Operation Choke Point,” which was designed to shut down payday lenders and other merchant activities that were labeled “high-risk.”

Sunstein appears to believe that society should be run by something resembling Plato’s Philosopher King System, controlled by “elites” such as himself. In effect, our world already is ruled by a class of wealthy and powerful people who view themselves as the philosopher or god-kings described by the Greek Philosopher Plato, who had studied the legendary super-civilization of Atlantis. I outline the historical progression of this in A Prophecy of the Future of America 2016-2017.

Although Sunstein would not call himself a Marxist, his ideological beliefs are totalitarian in nature, such as the belief that people should be prevented from being exposed to different belief systems on the Internet. So it is no wonder that Cass Sunstein wrote an op-ed advocating a cashless society.

According to an article written in the Atlantic magazine on April 8, 2016, “How a Cashless Society Could Embolden Big Brother,” by Sarah Jeong, a bare list of bullet points put out by the FDIC include some of the following merchant categories associated with high-risk activity.

“Ammunition sales, Dating Services, Get Rich Products, Government Grants, Life-Time Memberships, Pharmaceutical Sales, Pornography, Pyramid-Type Sales, Surveillance Equipment, Travel Clubs, etc.

One major bank shut down the personal accounts of hundreds of “adult entertainers,” which caused them to lose access to medical treatment, food and rent money.

Sarah Jeong wrote,

“A cashless society promises a world of limitation, control, and surveillance, which the poorest American already have in abundance.”

According to Jeong, EBT and the cashless society targets the most vulnerable people in our society.

Interestingly, one of the most widely read books in human history, the Book Of Revelation, deals specifically with a global cashless society where no individual can buy or sell without receiving what is called “the mark of the beast,” which appears to predict some kind of microchip implant with a computer-brain interface. This “mark of the beast” technology will only be distributed to individuals who have the required religious and political beliefs, making it an all-powerful global control system.

Despite the intellectual bias against the Book of Revelation even being looked at, the reality is that it brings up the themes of a cashless society and some kind of microchip over 2,000 years ago. The other thing that is interesting is that in order to receive this chip and participate in the economic system and be able to buy or sell, you must have specific beliefs. The specific condition is that you must choose to worship the charismatic world leader the Bible calls the Antichrist.

No matter what your previous religious beliefs were, you must renounce them and declare your worship of the Antichrist as God. This appears to specifically target Christians, in that they must renounce their belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and openly state that they will worship the Antichrist.

Over a century ago readers of this passage from Revelation Chapter 13 had a difficult time understanding exactly what the Mark of the Beast would be and how it would work. But now, in a world where nano-chip implants and computer-brain interfaces are evolving every day, it is easy to see how such a system could be put into place. Already a host of secular writers are warning of the Orwellian control that is coming through a cashless society. Could it be we are near the point where our political or religious belief system will determine whether or not we will be allowed to participate in the economic system? It is not too difficult to believe that in just a few short years microchip implants could be distributed on the basis of our political belief systems.

The microscopic chips are already being manufactured. The technology is already in place; all it would take is a legal order, either national or global. In order for that to happen, all it would take is some kind of national disaster, terrorist attack, or economic collapse. I explore the realities of how soon this could be coming in my book, “A Prophecy of the Future of America 2016 – 2017.”

© 2016 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

Satanists to celebrate 6-6-16 in Los Angeles

According to an article in LA Weekly dated May 26, 2016 by Dennis Romero entitled “Satanists Plan to Celebrate 6/6/16,” which is symbolic of “666,” Luciferians will conduct various Satanic rituals in Los Angeles. According to one of the organizers, Thuc Nguyen, the Satanic Temple in Los Angeles will perform rituals in five different points around LA, which were selected by GPS to form a Satanic Pentagram.

The City of Lancaster will be one of the key locations chosen by the Satanic Temple in Los Angeles because the group wants to openly support Satanic Temple member Steve Hill who is running for the Senate. According to the article in the LA Weekly Nguyen said “We will be hitting five different points around the city, performing various rituals,” and “When we’re finished it will all connect together for the magic hour around sundown.”

The group stated “We will stand with the good people of the City of Lancaster and struggle for our constitutional right to individual liberty, freedom of expression and the separation of church and state in your community.” Also, the Satanic Temple plans to deliver what some would call their Bible, The Seven Tenets, to the City of Lancaster’s leaders.

There are two ways you can respond to this if you are a Christian, Jew, or member of another faith. You can express shock and outrage and complain about what the Satanic Temple of Los Angeles, which has its roots in Harvard and Cambridge, is doing along with other Satanic Temples in cities like Detroit. Or you can recognize that the Satanic Temple of Los Angeles and other Satanic Temples have decided to openly enter the public square and promote and evangelize for their faith, which just happens to be Satanism.

The reality is that the Satanic Temple believes in the principles of Satanism and they have decided to erect giant statues of the demon Baphomet in public places across the nation, places where the Ten Commandments used to be posted. As long as they are not breaking the law, the Satanic Temple has the Constitutional right to practice and publicly promote their religion.

Currently in America there is intense competition among various belief systems, religions, philosophies, and ideologies. This competition is expressed openly as different groups and faiths seek to promote their belief systems and win converts to their religion or cause. We live in a free market place of ideas, and various religions like Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Mormonism, Scientology, Hinduism, Buddhism, Satanism, Wicca, and others are free to “evangelize,” even though many of these religions would say that they do not believe in evangelism. Wicca, along with witchcraft and paganism, is currently the fastest growing religion in America. Islam is also a fast growing religion. Christianity, and specifically Evangelical Christianity, is declining faster than most people realize. I explain the reason for these trends in my new book A Prophecy of the Future of America 2016-2017. The existence of mega-churches across American attended by up to 10,000-25,000 Christians each is an illusion of growth and does not represent an accurate measure of the number of people converting to Christianity. Nine out of ten children raised in Evangelical Christian homes will reject their faith by the time they enter college. An entire generation is being lost and the number of people converting to Christianity and joining Christian churches is on a rapid decline.

America is following the same path as a humanistic-socialistic Europe where Christian churches are closing and being purchased by Muslims. In fact, Europe is starting to see the rise of Mega-Mosques, and that trend will soon come to America. The primary reason for the rapid decline of Christianity and the accelerated growth of religions like Wicca and Islam is that a high percentage of the people who practice these religions passionately believe in the teachings of their faith and they believe firmly that their primary religious books have supernatural authorship. In addition, a very high percentage of the believers in these religions are committed and true believers in the message that their spiritual teachers are teaching, because the spiritual teachers themselves passionately believe what they are teaching.

In stark contrast, the majority of Christian pastors and teachers at seminaries do not completely believe in the major tenets of their faith. For example, one of the most important areas of Biblical teaching is Bible prophecy, yet the majority of Christian pastors do not teach Bible prophecy because they do not believe it is true. Muslims believe in Islamic end times prophecies, and people leading the New Age Movement and Wicca believe in their “end times” prophecies. Scientology has specific teachings about the future of Mankind and the world taught by their spiritual leader, the late L. Ron Hubbard.

Yet the majority of Christians, even Christian pastors, do not even believe in the reliability, authority, and supernatural authorship of their spiritual book, the Bible. In addition, many Christian leaders and churches actually teach their members that Bible prophecy is not true and not to be taken literally. Is it any wonder Christianity is in decline and other religions like Wicca and Islam are growing?

You don’t have to be a theologian to figure out why Christianity is rapidly declining in America. Any businessman or businesswoman or salesperson can tell you that if you don’t really believe in your product or service, then you will not be able to sell it! Somehow contemporary Christians and the so-called experts on church growth have developed the ridiculous idea that you can teach people not to believe in major areas of the Bible and still have aggressive church growth. That concept came out of the Frankfurt School in Germany in the 1930s and was developed by the “Cultural Marxists.”

The concept that you can teach people that many parts of their Bible are not true and yet still expect major church growth or win people to Jesus Christ is insanity! Many Christian leaders believe this insanity because they cannot tell the difference between the illusion of church growth and real church growth. Most of the large mega-churches you see across America and on television are not composed of people who were converted to Christianity through evangelism. They are simply pre-existing Christians who moved from smaller churches into to one big mega-church. This does represent any real numerical growth in the number of people converting to Christianity…it is simply shuffling the chairs on the deck of a cruise ship.

The reality is that the number of Christians in America is not growing because there are not sufficient numbers of new people being converted to Jesus Christ even to replace the older Christians, who are dying off. The younger generations of people coming from Christian homes are walking away from their faith in overwhelming numbers. The only solution is first to admit that there is a problem, and that it all stems from the church leaders teaching their people not to believe their Bibles.

This requires an immediate change in direction, which in the earlier days of American would have been called repentance. According to the Bible, if you believe it, this kind of change in direction or repentance will lead to revival, a Great Awakening, and mass conversions to Jesus Christ. It is a provable formula that has always worked since the birth of the Church.

Finally, the Satanic Temples, Islam, Wicca, Scientology, and other religious movements have the right to enjoy their growth and societal influence; after all most of their people really believe in their gods and holy books. These religions produce true believers who are passionate about their faith and seek to evangelize. In my new book, A Prophecy of the Future of America 2016-2017, I show the economic, social and geopolitical implications to America if the decline of Judeo-Christian values continues. The handwriting is on the wall and it has been there for a long time. The question is what you and I going to do about it?

© 2016 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

Scalia dead: eyes wide shut with queen of the damned

While staying at the Cibolo Creek Ranch in Presidio County, Texas, Justice Scalia died in his room. One might think he actually died of natural causes except the official narrative keeps changing like something from Alice in Wonderland. First a pillow is found completely over his head; then the pillow is found just on the top portion of his head. When the reports of Scalia’s death first came out there was no mention of a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine being found on the nightstand next to him, although, as one who suffered from sleep apnea, he normally needed one. Then, mysteriously, the Washington Post reported that Justice Scalia was found lying in bed with his arms to his side and “his bed covers smooth.” Clearly the Washington Post is trying to tell us something. Who sleeps without ever moving a muscle so that bed covers are smooth? Certainly not a man who had sleep apnea.

A man with sleep apnea tosses and turns like crazy during the night, snoring very loudly, except for the countless times he becomes silent and it appears he is almost dying and then all of a sudden there is a loud gasping for air! A man with sleep apnea doesn’t wake up with his covers smooth. John Poindexter (owner of Cibolo Creek) said Scalia retired around nine p.m. saying he wanted a long night’s sleep. This would have indicated that he was probably very tired because, having sleep apnea, he did not sleep well, so he would have almost certainly plugged in and physically put on the (CPAP) machine breathing mask. At the very least, he would have taken sleep medication because he would have wanted to make sure he slept. Either of these two choices alone would have demanded an autopsy. But let’s suspend logic for a moment, since apparently the authorities charged with carrying out their duties threw logic out the window before they knew any facts to begin with.

The authorities in were Sheriff Danny Dominguez and the Justice of the Peace, Cinderela Guevara. She did not come out to view the body and refused to order an autopsy, and declared that Scalia had died from “heart failure,” then changed it to “natural causes.” This is contrary to Texas law when someone dies alone, no doctor is present before or after death, and the cause of death is unknown (despite all of Cinderela’s magical pronouncements).

As it turns out Justice Scalia belonged to a secret society…the International Order of St. Hubertus, whose American branch was started in 1966 by members of the Bohemian Club associated with the Bohemian Grove. This where things begin to sound conspiratorial, because in an identical manner the Illuminati founded Skull and Bones at Yale University in 1832 as Chapter 322 of a pre-existing German secret order. Apparently, members of the International Order of St. Hubertus, who wear long green robes and use terms and symbols (like the Maltese Cross) also used by the Masons, the Rosicrucian’s, and the Knights Templar), were having a meeting at the Cibolo Ranch. When you see the artwork and the decorative masks hanging prominently on the walls of the resort it looks like something from Stanley Kubrick’s movie Eyes Wide Shut. The artwork is dark and demonic with skeletons and a disfigured woman with her eyeball ripped out of its socket. Just the normal kind of artwork which you would have at a normal spa designed to relax you.

It’s almost as if the artist who decorated the Cibolo Creek Ranch is the same one who painted the sinister paintings of World War III and the apocalypse on the walls of the Denver International Airport. According to a Washington Post article entitled “Justice Scalia Spent His Last Hours With Members of this Secretive Society of Elite Hunters” dated February 24, 2016, “the Society of St. Hubertus, an elite international men’s only hunting club has its roots going back to 1695 in the Czech Republic.”

But let’s go back to the connection of the Society of St. Hubertus with the Bohemian Grove, where numerous U.S. presidents, senators, congressmen, heads of multi-national corporations, and world leaders attend. When the elite gather at the Bohemian Grove they participate in a “mock” sacrifice ceremony called the “Cremation of Care,” in front of a giant owl statue which symbolizes the ancient god of the Canaanites: Moloch. In the Old Testament we read how the Canaanites would offer up their infant children to Moloch and burn them alive as a sacrifice to this demon god. When the ancient Israelites would rebel from the Biblical god they would also participate in the worship of Moloch. But the question has to be asked: why do so many members of the elite, including U.S. presidents, participate in a “mock” worship ceremony to the pagan god Moloch where they burn effigies of human infants? On whatever level you look at this, it is extremely dark, sick, and satanic.

We may never know exactly how Justice Scalia died, but his involvement in a secret society connected to the Bohemian Grove raises far more important questions. In our book The Babylon Code, I and my co-author Troy Anderson, a Pulitzer Prize-nominated journalist, look at the important role secret societies have played in world events and in the founding of America up until present times. In Stanley Kubrick’s movie Eyes Wide Shut the famous satanic cult-orgy scene where the participants were wearing masks to hide their true identities was filmed in one of the Rothschild castles.

While we focus in on how Scalia died and consider the probability that he was assassinated, the bigger question is who were the other 35 members of this secret cult who were at the Cibolo Creek Ranch? We may never know the answers to these questions because their identities have not been made public.

One final note. If you think those masks that were left up on the wall of the Cibolo Creek Ranch were left there by accident and that the empty beds eerily lined up in the hall on the way to Scalia’s room were there because they were cleaning, you better think again. Whatever happened at the Cibolo Creek Ranch was done in plain sight, as Kubrick suggested with his play on words in the title of his movie, Eyes Wide Shut, or we could say, “Eyes Wide Open!” For the average American who lives in a surreal trance state, it does not matter if their eyes are wide open because even when they appear to be open, they are actually “wide shut.” One of the most powerful men in the world, Justice Scalia, died under very questionable circumstances. With so many critical decisions before the Supreme Court, Scalia’s mysterious death, can appear very convenient.

But, ultimately for the mass majority of Americans it does not matter because most of them will have already forgotten. Scalia’s death is just another image among countless images of death and chaos which remain buried in the collective consciousness of America’s kaleidoscopic soul. May God have mercy on us all, or we to will walk with “eyes wide shut” into Hades hand in hand with the Queen of the Damned.

© 2016 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

Pope who lives behind giant walls says Trump’s wall is not christian

As a Christian I am deeply troubled by Pope Francis, who lives in Vatican City, which has the most restrictive immigration and citizenship policies in the world, and accuses presidential candidate Donald Trump of “not being a Christian” for wanting to build a wall to protect the American people. First of all, the Pope is protected by a private army and lives safely behind far bigger walls than Trump plans to build.

Jesus Christ said “judge not, that you be not judged.” Pope Francis said in answering a question about Donald Trump that “a person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian.” One can only assume that Pope Francis does not understand that Donald Trump is acting on the Bible’s commandment to “love your neighbor as yourself” by wanting to build a wall to protect law abiding Americans of all ethnic groups and nationalities from crime, terrorist infiltration, and economic destruction. The Pope fails to understand that “building a wall” is an act of love because in order for us to “love our neighbors as ourselves” we must first keep them alive and safe, along with making it possible for them to earn a decent standard of living so they can feed, clothe and house their families.

Vatican Wall

Not building a wall to protect the American people is an act of selfishness, allowing peace and security only for the very wealthy like the Pope who has a private army and lives in a secure and somewhat restricted area, along with movie stars, politicians, and the super-rich bankers and corporate CEOs. By not building a wall our political leaders make it possible for terrorists to come across the border and slaughter men, women, and children or potentially detonate a nuke in an American city. Is it Christian or loving to not protect people from evil?

Building a wall insures economic stability so that Americans of all races and even mothers of small children are not forced to work two jobs to provide for their families due to low wages caused by the labor surplus, which is caused by unrestricted legal and illegal immigration. Is it love to force mothers, fathers, and single women to work multiple jobs so that they have no time to spend with their children? Is that real love?

Of course we should have compassion for those who are less fortunate, but the question is how do we really help them? I do not hear Pope Francis speaking out against the corruption in Mexico and other Central and South American nations, which is causing people to flee their nations and come across the border. Pope Francis accuses Donald Trump of not “building bridges” but instead “building walls,” which implies that he is unloving and selfish and thus not Christian. But to truly love our neighbors as ourselves our actions should actually help our neighbors, whether in our nation or nations across the border, with economic plans that allow them to break free from poverty and become prosperous. This is exactly what Donald Trump is proposing: economic solutions which actually will increase wealth, jobs, and opportunities for the common man. That is love in action.

Conversely, Pope Francis advocates economic solutions based on socialist and Marxist principles which have never solved the problem of poverty in any nation where they have been tried. In fact, the socialist economic solutions Pope Francis has proposed have increased poverty and suffering in every nation where they have been tried, without exception.

Jesus Christ said “we are to judge a tree by its fruit.” What Trump is proposing, including building a wall, both protects people and alleviates economic suffering by giving ordinary men and women the opportunity to improve their lot in life. What Pope Francis is proposing simply brings all men and women, with the exception of the one percent at the top, to a far lower standard of living, which increases human suffering. I am not going to judge the validity of the Pope’s faith, but I can judge the merits of Donald Trump’s economic proposals, and what I see is love in action. By advocating policies that will improve the standard of living for people on both sides of the border and protect them from crime and terrorism Donald Trump (whatever his private beliefs may be) is applying Christian principles to government.

© 2016 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

Sex robots and android politicians

Sex robots are already off the assembly line and a growing number of both men and women are having virtual world sexual relationships with robotic machines that look like humans. There is a similarity between the sex robots and many of the android-like human politicians that are running for President in both political parties. Both the sex robots and these politicians are providing to the public a virtual world and an electronic form of prostitution. The sex robot acts like an electronic prostitute and the android politicians prostitute themselves before powerful special interest groups and Super Pacs and then give a virtual reality political performance before the public that is just as programmed as the sexual performance of the sex robot.

David Levy, an artificial-intelligence expert and author of Love & Sex with Robots: The Evolution of Human-Robot Relationships, wrote that by 2050 robots “will have the capacity to fall in love with humans and to make themselves romantically attractive and sexually desirable to humans.” According to a Pew Research report that came out last year, experts predict that robot sex partners will be commonplace by 2025.

Yet sex robot relationships are not real. They have been pre-programmed to provide a series of artificial reality-like sexual experiences. Although the politicians running for political office are human, their relationships with the public, for the most part, are no more real than that of a sex robot. With few exceptions, the relationship the politician cultivates with the public is just as artificial as that of a “SEXBOT.” Every word is scripted; the message they give out is pre-programmed; and all of their interactions with the public are engineered by highly paid political consultants to present a completely manufactured reality that will motivate specific demographic groups to vote for them.

Both the sex robots and the android politicians are completely unreal in their interactions with the American people and the end result is the same, an artificial relationship that is devoid of true thought and feeling. This political artificial reality is as false as the fantasy sexual relationship a man or woman can have with a sex robot which requires that the human participant pretend that their robot sexual partner is real.

But these “relationships” are not real relationships; they are artificial or synthetic relationships because sex robots, or “SEXBOTS,” are not human, but computerized technology which has been programmed to artificially simulate a range of human sexual relationships. These virtual world sexual relationships are incapable of producing real intimacy and they are incapable of producing real life through procreation.

It is only real relationships and not virtual relationship that have the psychological, spiritual, and creative power to produce authentic solutions and transform a nation that is in grave danger. America’s Founding Fathers maintained to a large degree a real relationship with “We the people.” The political and governmental ideas they proposed were built on the reality of history, economics, and human behavior. The Founding Fathers created a unique form of American government based on the truths found in the Bible recognizing that Man is a fallen creature and due to his fallen nature Man and his governments can be easily corrupted by political power. The checks and balances on power were implemented in the form of three branches of government designed to hold one another accountable. As such, the American form of government along with its Constitution and Bill of Rights came directly from reality. In contrast, the political forms of government developed by the French Revolution and the later Communist and Socialist revolutions were built upon a mythology: Man is basically good and a centralized government ruled by an elite for the benefit of the people can produce prosperity and freedom. These are beliefs that flow out of the fantasy world of men’s minds and are in blatant contradiction to the objective record of factual human history.

This virtual world and its artificial debates use an android media that forfeits its role to employ true journalists with integrity acting on behalf of the American public and instead asks carefully scripted questions designed to advance the agenda of the same elite which finances the politicians. With rare moments of candor, there is little reality in these debates and the most important questions that could actually inform and equip the American public are never asked of the candidates. There is no more reality in most of these debates and the carefully scripted answers of the candidates, than there is in the so-called sexual “relationship” offered by sex robots.

For example, the various cable news networks that host the debates never bring up the truly important and real questions that would enable the public to understand what is really going on, such as how the TPP and other trade treaties continue to move high paying manufacturing jobs out of the U.S. and force the wages of middle class workers down. This is glossed over. Another example would be the true agenda behind Common Core which is designed to “dumb down” students, make them compliant, and prepare them to be happy with lower paying jobs. Politicians who voted for Common Core are not held accountable and the media never educated the public about the real agenda of Common Core.

In these virtual reality debates the very nature of the debate is Orwellian in nature. Massive amounts of critical information are deliberately blocked out, so that completely irrational questions are asked of the candidates, such as questioning them about the need to get tough on protecting America from domestic terrorist attacks and the need for ever more intrusive surveillance technology, but with no in-depth questions about the rising tide of people from terrorist-sponsoring nations who are pouring through our Southern borders.

On one hand we have virtual reality Republican debates which center on pre-arranged and often superficial and controlled questions. On the other hand, we have the complete farce of the Democratic debates, where the media and the other candidates are only allowed to ask Hillary Clinton the most softball questions. Although Bernie Sanders explains the destructive nature of TPP to the American worker in a way that the majority of Republican candidates never reveal, he refuses to challenge his opponent Hillary Clinton on any truly serious issue, which creates a completely unreal debate…a virtual reality debate.

The primary dynamic here revolves around the principle of choice and an act of the will. In order for an individual to engage in a virtual world sexual relationship with a sex robot, that individual must willfully choose to pretend with their imagination that the sex robot is a real person. In the same way, the only reason our political candidates and media are allowed to create a virtual world political contest that is for the most part pure fantasy is because the American people have chosen to use their imagination and pretend that they are participating in a real discourse with the politicians, real debates, and a real political process.

The reality is that all of it is illusion, but as long as the people agree to the illusion the show will go on. I develop this concept in the book, Mass Awakening.

If we truly want to see the dramatic changes necessary to preserve what was once America, then the American people must demand from their politicians, media, and the debates reality, disclosure, and truthfulness. As long as the people are willing to watch virtual reality political debates with little or no real content, listen to patronizing sound byte messages from politicians, and watch and listen to media whose content and questions are nothing more than political propaganda furthering an engineered agenda, then (forgive my rather crude analogy), our level of political reality will be no better than some pathetic guy having sex with a robotic version of an inflatable blow up doll.

© 2016 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

The globalists and the left/right paradigm

The entrance of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders into the political debate has shaken up the status quo of both political parties and the stranglehold they have over the elections and the media. Although it has always been true, more Americans today than ever before are beginning to see how the political establishment of both parties represent the interests of a powerful global elite and not the interests of the average voter.

Although Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump have completely different political and economic philosophies, both of these men are not the “bought and paid for” candidates that dominate both political parties. Both Trump and Sanders are not afraid to attack the globalist trade treaties that are destroying the middle class of America and enriching the globalist elite. It is these trade treaties which are the single most important issue in this election, and all of the other issues which may have importance are subordinate to this one because the trade treaty issue is about “following the money,” which controls all the other issues.

A new study from Tufts University exposes the glowing claims of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), predicting that the TPP will cause the loss of another 450,000 jobs in the US by 2025. All the Republican and Democratic Party candidates with exception of Sanders and Trump seem perfectly fine with this massacre of the American middle class. The globalists want to destroy America as we know it and merge it into a one-world government.

It’s not that Donald Trump is particularly more virtuous than the other candidates or that he is independently wealthy and may not have made deals with the globalists. But there is something very telling when all the globalist-owned major media corporations, the so-called conservative talk show hosts, and the entire Republican Party unite to take Trump down. These people should not be unified in their opposition to Trump, but they are and the question is “Why?” The conservative media has always been infiltrated by people who masquerade as conservative, but in reality have a hidden agenda.

Perhaps the most influential and famous “conservative” intellectual of his time, William F. Buckley Jr. worked for the CIA and, along with many intelligence community colleagues, he went on to found the pseudo-conservative National Review magazine. Buckley was a student at Yale University and a member of the secret society, Skull and Bones. Buckley was partially mentored by his Yale professor, Willmore Kendall, formerly of the OSS and a “former” Trotskyite who served as a shill and informant for J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI and as a consultant and recruiter for the CIA. It is alleged that Kendall recruited Buckley into the CIA.

In the current election the National Review has become the “conservative attack dog” against Donald Trump. Television and radio talk show host Glenn Beck wrote a recent article in the January 21, 2016 National Review entitled “Conservatives Against Trump.” Beck and conservative radio talk show hosts Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh have used their considerable clout among conservatives and evangelicals to attack Trump and promote Ted Cruz as the truly Constitutional and conservative candidate. In contrast, radio talk show host Michael Savage calls Donald Trump, “the Winston Churchill of our time.”

Joining in these attacks on Trump are the major media outlets including Fox News Network, and the Republican Party. There is something very suspicious about how so-called true conservatives can unite with powerful groups and organizations that they would not ordinarily unite behind.

Ted Cruz promotes himself as the only true Conservative and Constitutional candidate and has gone out of his way to “woo” Evangelical Christians, who have a long-term track record of being fooled easily and voting for Republican candidates who put on a superficial show of being devout Christians. All it took for George W. Bush to win the Evangelical vote was a prayer with Billy Graham. Sadly to say, many Evangelical Christians will not take the time to do their own homework on a candidate, but simply listen to some celebrity Christian leader who endorses a candidate. Despite all this, the majority of Evangelical Christians are behind Donald Trump.

There are a lot of disturbing questions about the globalist ties that Ted Cruz appears to have. First, his wife Heidi Cruz was very active in the North American Union/Security and Prosperity Partnership created by the Council on Foreign Relations. In the CFR report, “Building a North American Community,” Heidi Cruz is listed as a task force member. The North American Union is an admitted open borders plan to merge Canada, Mexico, and the United States into a North American Union modeled after the European Union, under a regional global government. I first wrote about this at length in my 2005 book, Are You Ready? Cruz says that his wife opposed the North American Union, but on pages 33 and 34 of the Task Force’s report, “Additional and Dissenting Views,” Heidi Cruz states:

“I support the Task Force report and its recommendations aimed at building a safer and more prosperous North America. Economic prosperity and a world safe from terrorism and other security threats are no doubt inextricably linked. While governments play an invaluable role in both regards, we must emphasize the imperative that economic investment be led and perpetuated by the private sector. There is no force proven like the market for aligning incentives, sourcing capital, and producing results like financial markets and profit-making businesses. This is simply necessary to sustain a higher living standard for the poorest among us—truly the measure of our success. As such, investment funds and financing mechanisms should be deemed attractive instruments by those committing the capital and should only be developed in conjunction with market participants.”

There is no way you can read Heidi Cruz’s words and come up with the idea she opposes the North American Union; in fact the exact opposite is true: she is passionately endorsing it.

However, the issue is not Heidi Cruz; the issue is Ted Cruz and the powerful globalists who are financing his campaign. Just a couple of days ago, Ted Cruz proudly uploaded a picture with him meeting with Henry Kissinger, one of the most powerful Rockefeller globalists in the world. But let’s look at the Four Super PACs, all sharing the title “Keep the Promise” who have raised $31 million for Cruz. The elite Mercer family of New York are reportedly backing one of the PACs. Robert Mercer, the Hedge fund magnate, was reportedly a major financial donor to the 2016 presidential campaign of Ted Cruz. In her excellent article entitled, “WHY THE GOP ESTABLISHMENT HATES DONALD TRUMP” By Kelleigh Nelson in the October 27, 2015 NewsWithViews.com, Nelson writes:

“The poll that placed Trump in second place in Iowa was a fake, paid for by the notorious Club For Growth Action (CFG) and differs from the NBC News/WSJ/Marist poll over the weekend that has Trump in first place in Iowa by five points.”

Nelson continues, “CFG’s partners and allies include the Peter G. Peterson Foundation. Peterson is chairman emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations and former chairman of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. Another ally is the US Chamber of Commerce, who is behind the invasion of illegal aliens on our southern borders.”

According to Nelson, “Guess whom CFG is backing for president? You guessed it! Globalist, pro-amnesty, pro-common core, pro-free trade (off shoring more American jobs and American sovereignty) Jeb Bush.” Common Core is an educational system that forces public school teachers to, “teach to the test.” It is deliberately designed to “dumb down” students and to create frustration among parents so that they will enroll in their children in Charter Schools, promoted by people like Bill Gates. But, when you read the “fine print” about Charter Schools, it is a Trojan Horse designed to impact both private and religious schools where the parent is not allowed to have any real influence. Charter Schools are not a solution; they are a Trojan Horse created to solidify social engineering programs where parents are locked-out of any important decision-making.

The purpose of this article is not intended to be a “pro-Trump” piece; the article is the result of research into several of the candidates and what facts and conspicuous trends emerged. Again, the most revealing facts are the obvious globalist financing behind Ted Cruz. The other fact, which is very revealing, is the unification and organization of so-called conservative media outlets, conservative personalities, and major media along with the GOP who have united to destroy Trump. Since a number of these news organizations and political parties are controlled by globalists, then why do powerful conservatives unite with them in taking down Trump?

What should be apparent by now to any person with a minimum amount of perception is that in addition to the globalist controlled GOP establishment and the globalist controlled major media outlets, there exists a wide spectrum of “conservative media stars” who are not what they appear to be, anymore than William F. Buckley was what he appeared to be. That may be difficult for some people to accept because they have a deep emotional bond with these conservative media stars, but there is always a danger when you surrender your intellect, perception, and reason to powerful emotions.

When you do this, you have allowed yourself to become a pawn in someone else’s game plan. That truth would apply to the strong emotional ties that people have with Donald Trump. You open the door to being exploited and used when you stop using your God-given intelligence, wisdom, and perception and allow yourself to be swept up by emotion. I deal extensively with the psychological dynamics of mass persuasion, propaganda, and social engineering in my book Mass Awakening.

Personally, I have not decided for whom I am going to vote because I have not gathered all the information and there will more information coming out as we get closer to the election. Some of that information will be accurate and some of that information will be disinformation designed to change people’s minds and loyalties, especially right before voting days, when people don’t have a chance to process the information. But each of us has a responsibility to think, reason, and research for ourselves from multiple sources about the candidates. If we are willing to do our homework, it should be pretty obvious when the day is done for whom we should vote.

© 2016 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

America 2016: echoes of Nazi Germany, Star Wars force, and awakening

America has entered into some time machine and is playing with technologies and multi-dimensional realities that it does not understand. It’s as if we have activated live streaming from the fourth dimension, which has brought back the ghosts of the past into our present reality. The fleeting images of Nazi Germany keep entering a kind of collective consciousness in the American soul with major motion pictures like Star Wars, with what look like Nazi storm troopers in white body armor gathering at a massive Hitler rally with a giant symbol that looks like a Swastika. Countless other movies and television shows churn out a 24/7 cycle of cop shows, surveillance shows, military and “special ops” and spy movies, so that all you see is a stroboscopic bombardment of images of guns, surveillance technology, large black Suburban SUVs with dark tinted windows, terrorists, militarized police, bomb plots, and suitcase nukes.

The Hunger Games movies, including the latest, Mockingjay, whose title is a subliminal wink to the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird, which involves planting information, themes, and messages into films, entertainment, music, and television, shows Nazi motifs very similar to the latest Star Wars movie. What we have is the militarization of American consciousness and the revving up of a “will to power” to confront ISIS and the hordes of Hell getting ready for their orgy of slaughter, death, and destruction across Europe and America. In the book Mass Awakening I outline the dynamics of both evil and good mass awakenings.

Storm clouds from Hell are blowing over the soil of the America first planted by Native Americans, Pilgrims, and Puritans and then toiled upon by slaves from Africa brought here by “Christian” plantation owners. Digital American generations blinded to reality by their social media, cell phones, and iPods cannot see what the Indians, Pilgrims, and slaves knew: what you say, think, and do matters. Deceived by their unseen puppet masters they think that they are they are gods of their own universe and the center of the world. When multiple nukes go off on this precious American soil and human bodies light up like the Christmas trees they have censored from the public square, they are going to have what they call in the American secular corporate world a “come to Jesus meeting.”

2016 will be the most pivotal year in the history of America. In 2016 America will either experience some form of Great Awakening or America as we know it will die. We are one mass terrorist event away from a police state. The seismic pressures upon America are about to erupt with volcanic force, and as they do America as a free nation will be plunged into chaos and totalitarianism.

The seductive, magnetic power of this Nazi nightmare pulls upon each of us, and if we yield to it we will enter destruction. Is our destiny to be inevitably pulled into the chaos with no way out or do we have some degree of choice? The newly released movie, The Force Awakens, sends out a duality of messages. George Lucas, the film’s creator, was clearly depicting a mystical force with its roots in Hinduism, Shamanism, Taoism, and witchcraft. The “Force,” according to Lucas, is neither good nor bad; it is a duality. It is the Yin and the Yang in Taoism. While acknowledging the intent of Lucas, it is possible to lift the words and change the narrative of the film. This is not a blending or synthesis of New Age and Biblical thought. It is simply a technique of communication, borrowing a term from popular culture or “jacking” the narrative. Just as when in corporate culture they talk about a “come to Jesus” meeting, it has nothing to do with Jesus Christ; it is simply using revivalist language to communicate.
Thus, the term “the force awakens,” although intended to be mystical, can be used to illustrate the spiritual concept of a Biblical revival or “Great Awakening.” There is a power that can be accessed that is more powerful than nuclear weapons, terrorists, the schemes of the banking cartels, shadow governments, social engineering, and the seduction of totalitarianism. What power is this?

The teachings of Jesus Christ, the Apostles, and the Old Testament were never meant to be the tidy, impotent and two-dimensional machinations of bean counters, bureaucrats and feminized and frightened preachers, whose greatest fear is to actually think outside the box of religious delusion. Although the Infinite Personal Living God of the Universe is pure and holy, the greatest perversion is not sexual in nature; it is the perversion of the Power, Majesty, Presence and Glory of God. It is the deliberate twisting of God into something He is not, which is this mundane and powerless American synthetic religion, which is the spiritual equivalent of GMO food.

The Apostle Paul said “For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk, but power.” Paul was talking about power of God, which comes from the word dunamis, which means the true explosive force of God which awakens during a revival or a Great Awakening. It is capable of pouring out the wrath of God on Planet Earth, and yet can be as tender and innocent as the baby Jesus in a manger. In our modern culture the “keepers of the flame,” the ones charged with the duty of making sure the power of God is released upon a nation, no longer remember how to activate the switch. Thus in the time of America’s crisis, there is a paralysis in American Christianity.

However, when we revisit The First Great Awakening in America that took place just before the American Revolution, we see men who knew how to throw the switch of the power of God on a nation. The father of the First Great Awakening, Jonathan Edwards, was in distinct contrast to the majority of Christian leaders in America today. Although there are significant and notable exceptions, as a whole the Church leadership in America has produced a powerless Christianity with the intellectual force of the Cartoon Channel. According to Kenneth Minkema, the executive director of Yale’s Jonathan Edwards Center, in an interview by Jim Shelton in the New Haven Register News, May 15, 2010, “Jonathan Edwards combined the strict Calvinist beliefs of his puritan forebears with a cutting-edge knowledge of physics, history, psychology and other disciplines.” In Jonathan Edwards’ life, we see the cosmic trigger for a Great Awakening. First, Edwards preached a completely non-politically correct sermon called “Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God,” with a monotone voice. But when Edwards preached people literally shook and trembled with the power of God. Secondly, Jonathan Edwards was a brilliant philosopher and intellectual who understood the beginnings of atomic physics, psychology, history, and culture. Men like Edwards demonstrate how the power of God can be released into a nation, when spiritual power is merged with the intellectual power of reason and knowledge.

Contemporary Christianity, for the most part, cannot find the cosmic trigger to pull down the power of God out of Heaven, even though Jesus Christ said in the Lord’s Prayer “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” In addition, although there are exceptions, the intellectual force that should be developed in any true leader must involve the marriage of the Spirit of God, the Word of God, and a deep knowledge of history, philosophy, culture, science, and myriad other disciplines. It was this combination that allowed Edwards’ message to set the 13 original colonies on fire with the power of God and resulted in the birth of America.

Charles Finney, a lawyer and father of the Second Great Awakening, would vigorously and intellectually confront the Universalist religion of the wealthy New England elite. Although Finney’s theology was somewhat different from the Calvinist theology of Jonathan Edwards, Finney openly repented of his involvement in Freemasonry, which ignited revival among the Baptist leaders, many who were secretly involved in Freemasonry. The power of God began to erupt across America and was responsible for freeing the slaves. Edwards and Finney were not products of this “Cartoon Channel” Christianity prevalent today in America. Their messages called down power from on high on the Earth and shook America!

Conservatives, Republicans, Libertarians, and even Democrats make a fatal strategic error as they attempt to lead Americans in a new direction. Men and women are spiritual beings and they are won over by the power, passion, energy, and ultimately “spiritual force” of the leaders of a movement. Like it or not, the leaders of the radical left in the 1960s were energized by a spiritual force which produced passion and transformation although they never acknowledged the spiritual nature of this force. A spiritual force embodied by Martin Luther King, Jr. energized the power of the Civil Rights Movement. Throughout history it has always been powerful spiritual forces that have brought about transformation. Some of these spiritual forces are evil and some are good. For example, evil spiritual forces raised Lenin and Hitler up. The human soul was designed by God to be filled with passion, and that passion will be driven by good or evil. There are very powerful spiritual forces that operate in this world and these forces can change the direction of destinies and history. The Bible identifies these forces and describes how the power of God can be released in a nation. In addition, there are occult and scientific forces that can also be released. Carl Jung pointed to the “collective unconscious,” and Nicola Tesla learned to tap into unlimited energy that was so powerful that industrialists and governments have attempted to keep it secret to this day. Tesla not only personally tapped into information from the fourth dimension, but he invented technology based on the information.

What has been called “The Pentecostal Movement” represented a global release of spiritual power that has impacted over a billion people. In 1906 what was known as the Azusa Street Revival began under the leadership of an African-American preacher named William Joseph Seymour in a small church in Los Angeles. The Pentecostal Movement exploded from Azusa Street, emphasizing holiness, what is called the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, miracles, and speaking in tongues. Later the Pentecostal Movement morphed into what was called the Charismatic Movement and Jesus Movement. While old time Pentecostals referred to the Holy Spirit as the “Holy Ghost,” the Charismatic Movement eventually preferred the softer term, “Spirit Filled.” These Christian movements, along with the more Evangelical-style Christians, who shunned things like “tongues,” eventually became the base of the Republican Party. Savvy Politicians like George H.W. Bush, one of the most powerful Freemasons in the world (he also belonged to the sinister Skull and Bones society and attended Bohemian Grove meetings and was a vocal proponent of the New World Order) strategically mobilized “born-again” Christians to support his presidential election and the Republican Party. Interestingly enough, as Dr. Thomas Horn points out:

“For our purposes, the connection between Freemasonry, Skull and Bones (which George W. Bush is also a member of), and the knowledge that ‘Moriah Conquering Wind’ is a title by which the occult insiders identify themselves, is notable. Moriah is an ancient term and its connection to “divine wind” as a vehicle for God and angelic war is important to Jewish Apocalyptic and mystical literature as well as to mainstream religious and esoteric minded peoples for different reasons.”

Even George H.W. Bush, former head of the CIA, and apparently a very pragmatic and rational man, acknowledges the reality of powerful supernatural forces, as in “Moriah Conquering Wind.” But “born-again” Christians, who had their roots in supernatural revival, allowed themselves to become the unpaid mistresses of the Republican Party, with almost nothing to show for it. The Pentecostal Movements and Charismatic Movements have never made the profound and lasting impact on America that the Great Awakenings of Edwards and Finney produced. During the First Great Awakening, not only a powerful spiritual revival was released, but a robust intellectualism and statesmanship, which allowed for the most important principles in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The belief that it was the Creator who gave us certain inalienable rights such as “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” and things like freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion, among other rights is completely unique in human history!

But the power of a true Biblical revival and a genuine Third Great Awakening was short circuited in Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity because, like the Evangelical Movement at large, they rejected intellectualism, art, creativity, history, philosophy, science, and geopolitics, and the results are all around us. Atheists, skeptics, agnostics, and people from other religions look upon the American Christianity (as it is practiced today) and see its lack of any connection with reality, and so it has a waning impact upon the culture.

Americans…including a majority of those who call themselves “Christians”…are sinking into a kind of cultural quicksand. A fog has covered America and in the darkness of this fog a secretive elite, which we discuss in the book The Babylon Code has constructed an architecture of evil which is openly planning the destruction of America. There is only one force on Earth strong enough to withstand it, and it is not the “force” in Star Wars, or pre-packaged sound-bytes from most politicians, who are nothing more than the lackeys of the kings and queens of this new global feudal state.

The force that must be released, and the only force powerful enough to change the direction of history, is genuine power from on high, the kind that produced the First and Second Great Awakening. It was the release of this spiritual energy, which changed the landscape of America.

It is the power of revival wedded with intelligence, knowledge, and the ability to think deeply and strategically. Make no mistake about it; the power of this revival and the movement that will arise from it is being summoned now. At a certain point, America will see a tipping point and then the game changer. The question is: what part will you play in the most important time in America’s history? Make no mistake about it, each of us will be directly responsible for the future that comes and you and I, along with our children, will live in it.

Are you so naive to think it can’t happen here? It is already happening here my friend and there is not much time left to change it!

© 2016 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

Paul McGuire Archive 2011 – 2015