The Ultimate Pardon

By Rob Pue

January 12, 2025

We all hate injustice, and so does God.  The Psalmist wrote, “He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination to the Lord.”  And in Isaiah 10, we have this: “Woe to those who decree iniquitous decrees, and the writers who keep writing oppression, to turn aside the needy from justice and to rob the poor of My people of their right.”

Injustice has always been a part of life in this world, ever since the fall of man in the Garden, but in this nation, never so blatant and wicked as the injustice we’ve lived through these past four years.  But God has seen it all, and He is not pleased.  Those who have done evil in our land and have not repented will face His wrath — if not in this life, then surely in the next.  Have no doubt.

We’ve seen all our three-letter government agencies weaponized against conservatives and Christians.  We’ve seen Christians violently attacked and our justice system has looked the other way, even as the innocent have been pursued, persecuted and prosecuted.  Just this past year, there were 436 attacks on churches in America, but zero prosecutions under the Biden administration.

According to Prophecy News Watch, “The Biden-Harris administration did not prosecute a single one of the hundreds of attacks against churches that took place last year under a 1994 law designed to protect houses of worship, a congressional hearing established, citing research from Family Research Council. Even as violence and vandalism against churches and pro-life centers skyrocketed over the last two years, 92% of Biden administration cases using that law targeted pro-life advocates.”

Recently, Joe Biden has issued an astounding number of pardons and has commuted sentences of criminals that have not served the penalty for their crimes.  These are just his latest pardons as he leaves the White House, but he’s been doing this a long time.  Two years ago, he pardoned a secret service agent in Illinois who was convicted of soliciting money to commit fraud, as well as a woman convicted of second-degree murder while armed in DC.

Last year, he pardoned a Muslim man in Michigan convicted of conspiracy to unlawfully export technology to Iran and to defraud the United States.  And another man from Florida who was convicted of conspiracy to commit money laundering.

The majority of his most recent pardons were for (quote) “non-violent, drug-related crimes.”   But most of these crimes were very serious and involved cocaine, crack cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin and fentanyl.  Anyone who’s seen the effects of these wicked drugs would hardly call them “nonviolent.”

Then there’s the pardon of his son, Hunter.  According to, Hunter was pardoned “For those offenses against the United States which he has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 1, 2014 through December 1, 2024.”  His infamous laptop, containing solid evidence of sexual abuse of underage girls, theft of money, receiving payments from foreign governments in exchange for influence peddling, extreme drug use, prostitution, tax evasion and more has been wholly ignored by our so-called “justice system,” and now, Hunter has been pardoned.

I might also mention the many foreign invaders who have been arrested multiple times and set free by liberal and unjust judges, only to commit heinous crimes, including rape and murder later.

And in even more injustice, the people of our own nation have suffered through unimaginable disasters in places like Hawaii and North Carolina under Biden and received nothing — no assistance, no aid of any kind — while foreign nations have received untold trillions of dollars.  In fact, 173 foreign nations regularly receive aid through our tax dollars, while our own people continue to suffer under an ever-increasing burden of taxation and regulation.  Among those that receive the most are Ukraine, Afghanistan, Somalia, and Iran.

Need I mention our own military veterans and other citizens who are homeless, living in tents in the streets of our major cities, while foreign invaders enjoy five-star hotel rooms that we pay for? Need I mention women and girls who’ve been assaulted by “transgenders” in public restrooms and public-school locker rooms?

I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the wickedness of the J6 Select Committee investigating the “insurrection” that never was, banning evidence that clearly showed participants convicted and imprisoned were actually innocent.  Meanwhile, we’re just learning now of the government agents involved in inciting riots that day.  They will likely be pardoned as well, if Biden has time.

But there’s no justice for Ashli Babbit, who was gunned down by law enforcement.  Or Roseanne Boyland, who was bludgeoned to death by police. Or for those who were hunted down and “swatted” by our “justice” system, then tortured so badly through “lawfare,” left to rot in jails for months before even being charged, forced to take plea agreements and admit guilt even though they were innocent, and the many who have committed suicide because they couldn’t take the intense persecution any longer.

It’s a wicked, evil world and we’ve had wicked evil “leaders” in this country for a very long time.

We’ve all heard of the far-Left activist judges and District Attorneys installed nation-wide by the likes of George Soros who are there simply to cause chaos and make sure that crime escalates, and criminals are not punished, while the law-abiding are hunted down, arrested and given the harshest possible sentences, for crimes they either did not commit or were simple misdemeanors.  It’s unjust.  It’s wicked and evil and God promises to avenge the innocent.

Unfortunately, government leaders who are, themselves, criminals, have the power to pardon each other — and other criminals.  But it’s not right. It’s not justice, and God Almighty will not put up with it forever.  Paul wrote to the Galatians, “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.”  Their time will come.  Because it must.

Our Creator, our God, is just and righteous.  He is the ultimate Judge and one day, all will stand before Him.  His Word speaks a great deal on His justice.  One day all will reap what they have sown and receive the due penalty for their unrepentant sins.  Revelation 21:8, “But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”  Matthew 25:41, “Then He will say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.”

And now, the ultimate good news of Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Jesus Christ is returning, have no doubt.  Perhaps soon.  No one knows the day or the hour of His return, but we do know that He will be returning as the conquering King of kings and Lord of lords, and as the just Judge of the world.  He alone holds the power to issue the ultimate “pardon.”

As the most righteous and just Judge, God cannot allow any sin to go unpunished or to enter His Kingdom.  As human beings, we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.  Even the best of the best of us, even the most righteous among us are guilty in His presence.  James 2:10, “Whoever shall keep the whole law and yet stumble in one point is guilty of all.”  No one on this earth can pardon us from our eternal penalty of violating God’s commandments.  We are all poor, blind and naked — without Christ.

But: Romans 5:8, “But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”  And Romans 10:9, “That if thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”  And Romans 10:13, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

Whether you want to believe and accept these truths or not doesn’t matter.  Your unbelief in something that is true doesn’t make the true untrue.  But the simple truth is, our Creator, God, sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, into this world to reverse the curse placed upon mankind in the Garden, to defeat death, hell and the grave…to make a way of reconciliation and to provide a way of forgiveness for our hopeless state.  It took God Himself, in the Person of His Son, Jesus, to provide the only acceptable sacrifice that can ever pardon our sins and reunite us with our Heavenly Father.

Mankind, apart from God, is so wicked and evil, we are hopelessly lost and doomed to an eternity in hell.  Without God, there’s no bottom to the depths of depravity we’ll sink to.  For those without Christ as their Savior, life in this world is the only “heaven” they’ll ever know.  For those with Christ as their Savior, life in this world is the only “hell” they will ever know.  And we will all live forever — somewhere.

When man sinned, the Bible tells us that the earth was cursed, and instead of the beautiful Garden, the earth began to produce thorns. When they crucified Jesus, though they didn’t understand what they were doing, they placed a cruel crown of thorns on His head.  As the blood dripped from His precious forehead, the curse of death was reversed, and a way was made for us to return to our intimate relationship with God the Father.

Our God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and eternal life in Jesus Christ.  Hell was not meant for us, but rather for Satan and his fallen angel demons.  Unfortunately, so many reject the pardon of the Ultimate Judge, His Word tells us that few there will be that find the way to eternal life with Him.

Understand that it’s not His fault.  He’s done everything that can be done to save us. I believe God mourns when human beings are sentenced to hell.  But we go there voluntarily, by our own freewill, by rejecting His Son.  Throughout our lives, we’re given chance after chance after chance to repent and turn to Him, in humility and faith.  In order to end up in hell, we must choose to reject every one of those opportunities.  We must reject the prayers of every loving grandmother; we must reject all the Bible stories and studies read to us as children by loving parents.  We must reject every Christian message on every billboard along the highway, and every time Christ is honored at Christmas and Easter, choosing instead the nonsense of Santa and the Easter Bunny.

There are so many hurdles God puts in our path — so many hoops we must jump through, and so many detours we must choose to take to avoid the Good News of the Gospel of Christ.  Look at your own life and see how many times you’ve rejected Him.  And if that’s the case, then don’t blame Him if you don’t receive a pardon.  He’s done all there is to do, all that can be done to save you, to pardon you, and bring you back home to Him.

God’s given us the ultimate gift, the ultimate pardon and the freewill to accept that pardon or to serve the prison sentence we deserve, for eternity.  Now it’s time for you to choose.  I urge you not to wait on this, and to take this very seriously.  “Tomorrow” may never come for you,  but justice will be done.  And “now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.”  Don’t reject the ultimate pardon.  It’s a limited time offer, and you’ll never get a better one.

© 2025 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

You’re Not “Giving Up’ Anything

By Rob Pue

January 5, 2025

In my younger days, I couldn’t imagine living in the year 2025.  It sounded so futuristic.  Still does.  But here we all are…and still without the flying cars that Popular Mechanics promised were just around the corner back in 1969.  In elementary school, our teacher once gave us an assignment to draw a picture of what the year 2000 would look like.  If I recall, mine included big satellite dishes on homes.  I have no idea what I thought they’d be used for — they just looked futuristic to me, and I assumed they’d have a very important purpose.  Now it seems ridiculous that these have already become outdated technology and were mainly used by consumers to watch television.

Last year was a strange one. As a nation, we learned even more about how we’ve been lied to for so long regarding so many things, and just how corrupt our government and so-called “justice system” really is.  It was a year filled with tension, perhaps purposely imposed upon us by the Regime and the mainstream media.  One crisis after another.  One scare after another, one impending disaster after another, to keep us all frightened, worried and dependent upon the Almighty State.  When will we learn that most of the things we worry about never happen anyway?

And now in 2025, many are hopeful for all that’s been wrong, bad and evil in our country and around the world to be made right — resolved.  Many hope and pray for America to be restored.  We’re all ready for change, ready for real justice and righteousness to reign in our land.  But we need to understand that nothing good can come unless the people of God repent and return to Him first.  “For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?” (1 Peter 4:17).

Now is the time for us to finally take 2 Chronicles 7:14 seriously.  “If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”  Just imagine what this new year would look like if we finally put actions behind those words we quote so often.

It all begins with us, as individuals.  Individual members of God’s Church.  By “Church,” I mean the “Ecclesia,” the “called out ones.”  Those who are real, genuine Christ-followers.  I certainly am not referring to any specific denomination or any building.  I’m talking about us as individuals, as husbands and wives, as families, as true children of God.

It’s about this time of year that many people take stock of their lives and through personal introspection, make plans for positive changes.  It would help if we also sought the Lord in fervent prayer and study of His Word, to align our will with His.  It’s precisely because so many don’t seek the Lord, pray or ask Him what His will is for our lives that so many New Years Resolutions fail within days.

Many begin each new year with lofty, and well-intentioned goals.  Among the most common: people desperately want to lose weight, stop smoking, stop drinking, save money, stop wasting time on fruitless endeavors, improve their marriages, be better parents — and some even resolve to read and study the Bible daily in the New Year.

Several years ago, I had a gym membership.  I was diligent to make time to exercise daily, and at one point it was common for me to make a point of walking fifteen miles in a day, a few days each week.  I’d start off in the gym, then hike some trails, and end the day with more walking on the treadmill at the gym.  I coupled this with a change in my eating habits, and since that time I’ve lost seventy pounds.  I cringe now, when I see old photos of myself, morbidly obese. But that change didn’t happen overnight. It took work, a change of behavior and taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.

Many begin the new year with good intentions, but motivation isn’t automatic and tends to come and go.  And there’s nothing “magical” about the calendar rolling over to January 1st.   I remember when I had my gym membership, I would avoid the place entirely the first week or so of every new year, because it was always packed with New Years’ Resolvers.  But 3-5 days into the new year, things were usually back to normal, as those New Years Resolutions of so many fell by the wayside.

So, let’s talk about New Year Resolutions for a bit.  Webster’s 1828 dictionary defines the word “Resolve,” as “To confirm; to fix in constancy.”  And also, “To fix in opinion or purpose; to determine in the mind,” and “To be settled in opinion.”  God’s Word says, “…as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”  And Paul wrote, “…be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

We may be motivated to make positive changes in our lives on December 31st.  In fact, many people assemble their list of resolutions all throughout the previous year and have great intentions to make those changes when the new year arrives.  They’re motivated. They understand these are good and positive things.  But motivation fluctuates.  It doesn’t remain a steady, solid rock we can depend on.  One day our motivation may be at a peak, the next day not so much, and some days we have no motivation at all.

So, motivation alone is a good thing to get us started on our aspirations, but it’s not enough.  Some think they just need to have more willpower, but willpower won’t get the job done for you either.  When it comes to correcting our undesirable behaviors, or even besetting sins, we can be very motivated to do that and start off with great willpower, but eventually we’ll always take the path of least resistance.

Willpower requires us to deny ourselves those things we still believe are “precious” in our minds.  You can use willpower to deny yourself something you think you still want for a little while, but it soon becomes a tremendous burden and source of stress.  If you’re trying to stop eating junk food, stop smoking or drinking or overcome some other vice — and you still believe in your heart that those things are doing something positive for you — your willpower will give out and the addiction will win every time.

On the other hand, if you become transformed by the renewing of your mind, you don’t need willpower.  You don’t need willpower NOT to do something you have no desire to do.  Let me repeat that, because you missed it: You do not need willpower NOT to do something you have no desire to do.  Let me give you an example.  If you struggle with alcohol, and a glass of bleach is set in front of you, you have no desire to drink it.  Why? Because you know you don’t want it. You know it would be harmful to you, and you choose to live rather than drink poison. So, it doesn’t take willpower not to drink it.  Well, alcohol is poison too.  We weren’t meant to consume it.

The source of all addictions is the deception that we’ve trained our minds to believe we “need” something we’ve become accustomed to.  Those struggling with alcohol likely began as young people.  At first, they hated it.  It made them sick, dizzy and probably caused vomiting. But they persisted, perhaps out of peer pressure, or to socialize, or to appear “cool” to their friends.  The teenager on his knees, sweating profusely and vomiting into the toilet never envisioned himself drinking the stuff for a lifetime, and depending on it for stress relief or “self-medication.”  They never imagined it would take control of them, and they’d struggle with that addiction all their lives.  But that’s how it starts, and it’s up to you whether or not it ends, so you can be healthy and strong as God intended, or if you remain a slave to the addiction.

All addictions are the result of “wanting.” Wanting something we’ve trained our brains to think we need, after indulging in it for so many years.  We all want to feel good; we all want pleasure rather than pain.  We all want to feel connection — to ourselves and others.  We want acceptance, validation, assurance, and security.  And we all want to be loved.  So rather than fuel your New Years Resolution with willpower, when the temptation comes to indulge in more of what you know you no longer want in your life, instead, ask yourself, “what do I really want?”

You want strength, courage, vitality, self-respect, a feeling of accomplishment. You want to feel whole, without any voids in your life.  When you give up those old habits and addictions, understand, you’re not “giving up” anything — you’re simply returning to the natural state of health, wellness and wholeness God intended for you.  You’re returning to the real YOU, before you started this behavior.  You’re not losing or giving up anything of value. On the contrary, you’re getting rid of a cruel enemy that’s hijacked your heart and mind and taken you captive in a place you no longer want to be.

It’s the same for those addicted to smoking.  Many think they smoke to relieve stress, but as with all addictions, the only stress it relieves is the stress brought on by the previous dose of the drug.  This is why smokers never succeed with Nicotine Replacement Therapy.  That, too, is another deception of the devil.  It’s an ingenious conspiracy between Big Pharma and Big Tobacco.  Think about it: how can you get free of the addiction by taking the same drug you’re addicted to, just in a different form?  It doesn’t work.  When Satan whispers in your ear that “just one puff won’t matter,” ask yourself what you really want… the answer is you want to breathe, you want life and freedom. Then take a deep breath of life-giving fresh air, hold it for a few seconds and then exhale.  Breathe life rather than poison.

The key is to change your heart and mind and bring your will into alignment with God’s will.  Because every action begins as a thought in the mind, and that’s where the devil goes to tempt us.  “A few Doritos won’t hurt.”  “I’m tired today and need a day off. I’ll exercise tomorrow.” “One drink won’t matter. Nobody has to know. I’ll quit tomorrow.”  For most, tomorrow never comes, but instead turns into days, months, and years.  And before you know it, a lifetime of good intentions — ending in an early, ugly death.

Mark 14:38, “Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”  Indeed, the flesh is weak. The carnal man is weak.  This is why we must set our sights on spiritual things in order to accomplish those good and righteous things we really want in our lives.  It’s that old spiritual warfare again. Galatians 5:17, “For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do.”

So, plan your resolutions ahead of time — decide in advance how you’ll respond to each temptation, and include God in those plans.  Why is it we only pray when we’ve done everything else in our own power and have failed?  Lamentations 3:40, “Let us test and examine our ways, and return to the LORD!”  2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.  The old has passed away; behold, all things are become new.”

What New Years Resolutions do you have? Do you want to lose weight? Stop bringing GMO junk food into the house. Stop eating two big burgers every day for lunch, followed by two king size candy bars and diet soda.  Try some healthy chicken and vegetables.  Eat clean.  You’ll soon find your desire for the bad stuff goes, as you take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, and your will begins to align with God’s will.

This world is filled with temptations.  The enemy of our souls wants nothing more than for us to continue believing the lie that we’re dependent upon poisons — whether that be a poor diet, or nicotine or alcohol, or pornography or Facebook or whatever. They’re all poisons — to our bodies, minds and souls.  When you stop indulging what you think you need and instead ask yourself honestly, “what do I really need?” — and rewire, retrain your mind to return to the real you — as God made you — you’ll see you’re not giving up anything. Instead, you’re ridding yourself of a vicious enemy that wants you sick and dead.  So now go — trample Satan and his schemes under your feet.  Freedom awaits you, but go with God because you can’t do this alone.  “Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you.”

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Appalachia Needs Help — This Is Real

By Rob Pue

November 24, 2024

This is a tough message to write, because we’ve all heard so much about this topic, and it’s nearly impossible to get a straight answer from government officials or internet searches.  I’m talking about the devastation in Appalachia from Hurricane Helene.

I’ve followed this story from the beginning and put together a file of information that I found to be valid and confirmed. So, what I’m about to share with you is what we know, and much of this comes directly from people who are, or have been, in the area — either residents of the area or those from other parts who have participated in rescue, cleanup and directly helping survivors.

Hurricane Helene was a huge, catastrophic tropical cyclone that made landfall on September 26 in Northwestern Florida.  It then moved inland, causing devastation in Georgia, Tennessee and North Carolina.  Three hours after striking central Georgia, the storm abruptly turned northwest and hit the Appalachian Mountains with 180-mile-per-hour winds.  This, after dumping huge amounts of rainfall on the area for approximately three days prior.  Rainfall in eastern Tennessee and western North Carolina ranged from one foot to over three feet in three days, causing unprecedented flooding and landslides.

At this time, I cannot get an accurate death count.  It’s unlikely we ever will.  Government agencies are simply stating it was more than 230 people killed in total — in four states.  Locals in North Carolina, however, report the number in that state alone is in the thousands, perhaps in the tens of thousands.  Many, if not most of the bodies of those killed will never be recovered, buried under 30 feet of mud from landslides, after being torn apart and washed away.

Mainstream news media outlets have called this a storm of “Biblical proportions,” and indeed, it was — far worse than the storm of July 1916 that killed 80 people there.  Residents of the area were used to heavy rainfall in the past, but nothing like this.  Hurricanes just don’t happen there.  Of course, official sources are conveniently blaming “Climate Change” for this disaster.  But what’s the real truth?

Understand, I’m not claiming this storm was deliberately “steered” to intentionally destroy Appalachia.  But others believe it was, and have provided dramatic and alarming evidence that this scenario is not only possible and plausible, but also probable.  Let’s discuss that first.

We know the government has been manipulating the weather for decades.  Dane Wigington, of has compiled extensive evidence and proof on his website, though he’s still considered a conspiracy theorist. He even lists hundreds of patents related to weather modification, going back to the year 1891 and multiplying exponentially through last year.  But here’s what’s not a conspiracy theory:

Project Cirrus was the first official attempt to modify a hurricane. It was a project run by General Electric in 1947 with the support of the US military.  They seeded clouds with various compounds such as silver iodide, along with about 200 pounds of dry ice, dropped into the clouds as a hurricane headed out to sea in the Caribbean.  The hurricane then abruptly changed direction and made landfall near Savannah, Georgia.

A man named Irving Langmuir pioneered General Electric’s Atmospheric Research Department at the time, and he admitted the project was about learning how to “weaponize the weather,” although the US government denied that for twelve years.

Then, in 1965, Project Stormfury targeted Hurricane Betsy for cloud seeding.  On that day, the storm immediately changed course and made landfall in south Florida.  Congress blamed Project Stormfury for that devastation, but after two months of congressional hearings, the project was allowed to continue.

Fast forward to 1997, when US Defense Secretary William Cohen admitted we do have the technology to control the weather, including earthquakes and volcanoes.  It should be noted that the US government has placed gag orders on employees of the National Weather Service.

In October of 2012, after Hurricane Sandy weakened to a tropical storm, microwave imagery shows a thick red beam, immediately followed by Sandy growing into a category 1 hurricane and taking an unexplained sharp left turn into New Jersey.

I’ve also followed the phenomenon known as “chemtrails” for years. I have a friend in Northern Wisconsin who’s a scientist.  This person lives in a remote area, where commercial airliners rarely travel, yet after years of seeing jets criss-crossing the skies in that area, my friend began to investigate. Using high powered photographic equipment, images were captured of these jets spewing trails of chemicals overhead.  The aircraft would continue for hours, criss-crossing the skies until a checkerboard pattern was formed.  The compounds spewed from these planes dispersed very slowly until the sky was completely overcast.

My scientist friend continued the investigation, taking water samples from creeks, rivers and ponds — before and after each of these occurrences.  The samples were then analyzed by independent labs. What was found was shocking — deadly amounts of poisonous chemicals after each incidence of the area being covered in “chemtrails.”

This past fall, my wife and I were relaxing quietly in a small boat on a lake in Northern Wisconsin.  This was also not in an area that gets much, if any commercial airline traffic.  We don’t fish; we were simply out on the lake, floating and watching the wildlife — eagles, loons, ducks and deer.  My wife noticed a strange “cloud” in the sky. I informed her that it was a “chemtrail,” something we had talked about before. But on this day, we had an opportunity to just float in our little boat and watch what happened.

We had binoculars with us, to watch the wildlife, and we turned them to the source of the weird “clouds” we were watching.  Each one was being produced by an aircraft.  We could clearly see the jet exhaust exit and quickly disappear… but the trails the planes were spraying never disappeared — they just expanded.  First there was one plane. Then another, then another, and another.  I’d estimate we witnessed at least 25 planes over the course of about two hours of observation.  They’d fly over the entire area, some of them side-by-side, producing four to six trails from one end of the horizon to the other.

Then, another group of planes came from the opposite direction, and in no time at all, there was that familiar checkerboard pattern, and the trails expanded, filling the sky until we went from clear blue skies to completely overcast.  That night, although there was a “zero percent chance” of rain in the forecast, we had a tremendous thunderstorm.  I’ve seen this with my own eyes more times than I can count, and odds are, you have too.  You should be aware of this.

But why would our government want to devastate the Appalachian region of the country?  Well, under the current Regime’s “Green New Deal,” there’s been a tremendous push toward alternative energy, which demands enormous amounts of lithium to operate.  According to the US Geological Survey, the US has more than 7 million tons of lithium deposits — one of the richest deposits in the world — and the majority is centered in King’s Mountain, North Carolina.

But local residents didn’t want their communities turned into a lithium strip mine and companies like Piedmont Lithium were struggling to push their plans forward due to heavy opposition from the locals.  You should also know that last year, the US Department of Defense entered into a $90 million dollar agreement with Albemarle Corporation to increase domestic production of lithium for the nation’s battery supply chain.  According to the agreement, it’s to go into effect in 2025 — and it specifically names King’s Mountain, North Carolina as the source from where the lithium will be extracted.

Incidentally, BlackRock, the largest investment firm in the world, which owns nearly everything, increased its ownership in Albermarle Corporation by buying over 2 million shares of the company on August 31st — less than a month before Hurricane Helene hit the mountains. Coincidence?

The storm devastated small, rural communities in the Tennessee and North Carolina mountains.  So those towns that objected to lithium mining now (conveniently) no longer exist.  They’re gone.  Homes and entire towns were flattened, slammed by mudslides and simply washed away, leaving absolute and total destruction behind.  Almost immediately, volunteers from other areas were on the scene, doing search and rescue, bringing in food, supplies, clothing, medicine and shelter for survivors.  But it was ten days before FEMA had any presence in the area, and then the absolute ineptness of our federal government was on full display.

One video, taken by a resident in Asheville, North Carolina, showed a single FEMA truck in the rear of a parking lot and this person interviewed the FEMA employees there.  One man had a single sheet of paper with instructions for people as to how to obtain aid.  Not copies to hand out — just one piece of paper that people were supposed to take photos of with their cell phones, and then apply for aid from FEMA via the internet.

First of all, those survivors (if they could even FIND FEMA in the back of this parking lot) were left with nothing but the clothes they were wearing.  They had no cell phones; not even a pen or a piece of paper.  And then, with no electricity, cell phone or internet service, how did FEMA expect people to “apply” for their aid?  And of course, the “aid” was supposed to be $750 per person.  (I guess, perhaps due to “inflation,” they increased that from the $700 the victims of the fires in Lahaina were to receive last year).  However, as happened in Lahaina, very few received even that amount of money… there was always a reason why they didn’t qualify.

One person, who had lost her home — and her family — was told she was only eligible for a one-time $300 payment to help with immediate needs.  And early on in this debacle, FEMA announced it was broke — no more money left in the hurricane relief fund, because the money had been spent helping illegal migrants.  Incidentally, that same week, our government sent another enormous check to Ukraine.  They’d like us to forget that, but they absolutely did make that announcement.  Congress quickly allocated more funds for disaster relief.

Here are the latest numbers from the FEMA website:  As of October 16, FEMA has spent $102 million dollars in North Carolina.  They’ve registered more than 5,000 survivors and six Disaster Recovery Centers have served more than 2,500 people.  They also claim over 14,000 home inspections.

These numbers may sound large, but it’s a mere drop in the bucket compared to the overwhelming need.  I understand logistics and trying to reach people where there are no longer any roadways, bridges or other infrastructure.  But the big question on the ground, from everyone I’ve spoken with there is, “where is FEMA?” They appear to be very hard to find.

Meanwhile, Christian ministries, other organizations and individuals have stepped up to help.  People helping people, directly, without government involvement seems to be much more effective than the federal or state government.  The current need now is for shelter, as thousands continue to live in tents, and winter is here.  Once again, individuals are coming forward to build temporary shelters with heat and electricity for families who have nothing.  But the need is enormous, and it appears FEMA is just endless “red tape.”  Countless thousands have lost everything, including their loved ones, who will never be found.  One cannot comprehend the sheer devastation of this disaster unless you see it with your own eyes.

Meanwhile, the mud that now covers everything is highly toxic, contaminated with “forever chemicals” that have been stirred into the mix from chemical plants and factories that were destroyed. Some have called it “East Palestine, Ohio “times” a thousand.”  Cadaver dogs, and horses used to reach those trapped in the mountains are dying from the poisonous mud.  One person described how her rubber boots were dissolving in the mud because of the toxic sludge.  The water is unsafe.  People are suffering beyond belief and will soon be freezing to death.  This is in the United States of America.  Appalachia needs help.  This is real

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

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God Gave America a Second Chance, Don’t Blow-it

By Rob Pue

November 17, 2024

What a crazy, wild ride it has been.  As much as I dislike politics and, particularly the rhetoric, lies and deceit of the “swamp,” as publisher of Wisconsin Christian News, a radio commentator and TV host, I must follow the news every day and then decipher it all for you, and this past election cycle consumed much of my time and energy.  But I’ve always said that Christians must be the most informed of all people, seeking out the truth and discerning truth from lies.

On November 4, I stayed up late to watch what I thought was President Trump’s last rally.  I’m talking about the one in Pittsburgh, which went past 9 pm.  I didn’t realize until the middle of that rally that he was going to do yet one more, in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  That one didn’t start until after midnight and went until 2:15 am.  Yes, I watched the whole thing.

Meanwhile, Harris wrapped up her campaign with a final rally in Pennsylvania.  Her full speech lasted only twenty minutes.

The rallies on both sides were well attended, although many observed that on the Harris side, many were bused in. Some have even alleged that attendees at her events were paid to be there and left early. I can’t confirm that, but it’s not outside the realm of possibility, given the Left’s record of deception.  The Trump rallies were all full to overflowing wherever he went, and everyone arrived early each time and stayed until the end and beyond.  His phenomenal event at Madison Square Garden seemed like a very historic moment in time, as he filled that venue with 20,000 people and 70,000 more rallied and watched on screens from outside.

But there was such a stark contrast between the two campaigns.  The Harris campaign offered only hatred and vitriol, demonizing Trump in every press release, every campaign stop, and every single interview.  They offered no solutions, just divisive, mean-spirited rhetoric.  The primary thing they (and their followers) were excited about was more abortion on demand with no limitations, under the phony guise of “women’s healthcare.”  They also offered more transgenderism, under the phony guise of “equality.”  And more censorship, tyranny and communism, under the phony guise of “equity.”  They can put lipstick on a pig, but most of us still knew it was a pig.  Likewise, they can put a man in a woman’s bathing suit, but most of us understand — it’s still a man.

Donald Trump rallies drew record numbers of patriots and ordinary Americans who are just simply fed up with the “wokeism.” But he was only able to do that because he offers positive solutions, common sense, and a return to Conservative  values.  He told us what we were all so desperate to hear.  His rallies were upbeat, exciting, full of enthusiasm, respectful, patriotic, and hopeful.  Harris only fed into the emotions of hatred, vengeance and rage that those on the Left thrive upon.

There were so many problems during early voting.  Fraudulent voter registrations were discovered in multiple states.  The Biden/Harris Regime sued the state of Virginia after it removed the names of more than 6,000 illegal aliens from the voter rolls — and Alabama after it moved more than 3,000 illegals to an “inactive” list.  Keep in mind that it’s a felony under several federal statues for an illegal alien to register or to vote in US elections.

Democratic operatives were caught posing as “election officials” in multiple states.  They were also caught illegally registering non-citizens to vote and then “helping” them to vote.  In Florida, containers with hundreds of ballots were found on the side of a road after they fell out of a county truck. In Colorado, the Secretary of State’s Office posted a spreadsheet  to its website with a hidden tab that included voting system passwords.  Ballot drop boxes were set on fire in Oregon and Washington state.  In Tarrant County, Texas, electronic ballots were found to be printing incorrectly, effectively changing votes.  And in Kentucky, electronic voting machines would not allow people to vote for Trump.  Videos showed people trying to press the “Trump button” but only the Harris button would register.

These are only a few examples, but be assured that the Left did attempt to rig the election again.  Strange how every time things like this happen, it’s the Democrat side that’s caught cheating. I haven’t seen any instances of Republicans caught cheating on elections — but every time something “fishy” happens, it’s the Democrat side doing it.

Election night was annoying, as states like Florida were able to count all their votes within an hour or so, yet Wisconsin and many other states were still not finished counting when I went to bed at 3 am. I found it frustrating because given the two choices — and for those who call this “voting for the lesser of two evils,” you may be right, but the reality is, we had only two choices — it seemed like a clearly obvious foregone conclusion that Trump was, by far, the better of those two choices for America’s future.

So, here’s my analysis of what has happened the last four years.  I’ll start with Luke 8:17, “For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light.” 

Let me also share with you a few words from Daniel 2.  “Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are His.  And He changes the times and the seasons: He removes kings, and sets up kings.  He gives wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding.  He reveals the deep and secret things.  He knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with Him.”

Regardless of what the mainstream media, the corrupt courts and justice system continue to tell you, the election was, in fact, stolen from Trump four years ago.  A party that wins legitimately doesn’t need to stop an election mid-stream and then unload boxes of ballots in back alleys under the cover of darkness in the middle of the night.  It doesn’t need to ban the opposing party’s observers from recounts, or put cardboard up on the windows during recounts, or install fencing topped with razor wire around the capitol on inauguration day.

It also doesn’t need to recruit deep state players within the FBI, CIA, DOJ and other corrupt 3-letter agencies to stage a fake “insurrection” on the day the election is to be certified.  If, indeed, there was such an “insurrection,” and if indeed the election was legitimate and if, indeed, American patriots attending a rally as their Constitutional right to a redress of grievances did foment any kind of violence, a J6 “Select Committee” investigating that day would not have banned 40,000 hours of video evidence from being seen….or file lawsuits against  reporters, investigators and whistleblowers when they released that evidence.

I believe that God gave us four years of misery and agony under the Communist Regime to show us our choices in real time, and to reveal the absolute demonic nature of this Regime. And as Scripture says, much has been revealed.  Remember Biden forcing us to take the deadly jab?  “Take the jab or lose your job.”  They told us it was “safe and effective” and now we’ve had hundreds of thousands die suddenly or develop “turbo cancers” or suffer with life-long illnesses that have no cure.  And in case you’re not aware, Communist Canada, under Trudeau, has now started euthanizing those who’ve been irreparably harmed by the jabs.

We’ve lived through years of tyranny and oppression.  Our children have been forced to question their own genders, being told from “on high” that “transgenderism” is normal and natural.  We’ve endured and paid for — by our tax dollars — an unprecedented invasion of foreign enemies.  In addition to our wide-open borders, the Biden/Harris Regime has spent $80 million dollars, just in providing direct flights for illegals into the interior of our country, bypassing the border altogether. That doesn’t include their monthly welfare checks, their free housing and food allowances, free healthcare, or insurance.

That also doesn’t include the cost of the lives that have been lost to killers, rapists, child and sex traffickers or the free flow of deadly drugs into our nation. Or the violence and attacks that are sure to come in the not-so-distant future.

We’ve seen the Biden crime family skate freely away from all their crimes, including the evidence on Hunter Biden’s laptop, which the FBI has openly stated was (and still is) real.  Meanwhile, we’ve seen patriots and Christians hunted down and destroyed by the lawfare imposed upon them by this tyrannical regime.  We’ve endured the destruction of our country imposed upon us by their Green New Deal mandates, and a constant barrage of hatred and lies toward all conservative and patriotic Americans.  We’ve been called “deplorable,” “Irredeemable” and “garbage.”  Parents showing up to school board meetings have been labeled “domestic terrorists,” for goodness’ sake.

Not to mention the “wokeness” imposed upon our military, or the needless wars we’re waging.  Or the trillions of dollars our politicians are laundering through Ukraine, the most corrupt nation on earth.   Yes, I believe God gave us four years to see for ourselves just how evil, evil can be.  Have we learned our lesson?

Leftists wanted the so-called “freedom” of unbridled debauchery, sexual perversion and abomination.  While calling Americans “garbage,” “intolerant,” “racist,” “bigots,” “homophobes,” and “woman haters,” they’ve vilified masculinity as “toxic,” and the smartest of them cannot or will not even define what a “woman” is.  So, which future do you want for this nation?

I still have questions because experience has taught me to never trust the government anymore.  That’s sad, but I don’t think I’m the only one who feels that way.  And a mere 24% of Americans now say they trust the mainstream media. I think I’m pretty good at observation and situational awareness.  It struck me as odd, that four years ago, when Trump held his rallies, the “theme song” he always played was the Rolling Stones’ “You Can’t Always Get What You Want.”  Was that a clue that he knew what was to come?  Did he know, that although the majority of the country wanted him to remain in office, that he was to step aside for four years before making a monumental comeback? Or just a coincidence?  Is everything we’re shown just political theater and nothing more?  I don’t know.

I certainly hope that Trump is for real. At this time, it’s hard for me to believe that he’s not.  But the lesson here is that we cannot put our faith in any human being, any man or woman, thinking they will solve all our problems and save our nation.  Trump will be facing another constant barrage of attacks from within and without.  Some say he’s smarter now, that he understands the workings of the swamp much better now, yet he is still not our Savior.

At best, I believe God has given us a short reprieve from the schemes of the devil.  Trump can do his best, along with a team of other patriots, to serve as a restraining influence against evil.  He can change what he’s able to change, but he can’t fix everything.  Only God Himself can save this nation, if that is His will.  We can admire the new President, but we put our faith, confidence and trust in God alone.

I’d love to see him put out Declarations, calling on America to repent and return to God and to honor Him as our Creator and His Son, Jesus, as our Redeemer — you know, the way Presidents in ages past used to do.  Trump can clean up our streets and cities, but we need a cleansing of our hearts, through humble repentance and a return to God in our individual lives, our families, our homes, our educational systems, and everywhere else.

Throughout history, God has set up wicked rulers and tyrants to wake nations from their slumber and indifference toward Him, and He’s allowed extreme hardship and persecution  to discipline people and nations. Because He’s a loving God, not willing that any should perish.  This is not the time to sit back and “let Trump fix it.” Because Trump can’t fix it.  This is our opportunity to repent.  Use it wisely and take this seriously, because we may not get such an opportunity ever again.

Lastly, I do believe the next few months, and possibly years, will be times of violence, because the devil never sleeps, nor do his demons.  Brush up on your spiritual warfare skills, because we’re now entering a time like no other.  Watch, pray and take action.

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

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Traitors, Haters and Demons

By Rob Pue

November 10, 2024

This is a tough message for me to write.  Because of my production schedule with our printing plant for Wisconsin Christian News, and the deadline I have there, I must write this message prior to election day on November 5.  Even worse, this issue of Wisconsin Christian News won’t come out until after the election.  Such are the challenges of publishing a monthly newspaper.

So I must comment on the situation ahead of time — now — not knowing how things will go on the most significant day America has faced in a very long time.  What do I say? What can I say?  By the time you read this or hear this message on the radio, we’ll all know much more, but I’ll tell you what I do know now. I fully expect some very bad things to happen at a rapid, speed-of-light pace.

I try my utmost to not get caught up in the political theater of it all, but it’s both a disturbing time and an exciting time.  For many, it’s an emotional time.  All have hope for the future, but after a good 25 years of division, intentionally instilled into our minds, the future some Americans hope for is polar opposite to what others hope for.

Let’s begin with a few words from Daniel 2.  “Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are His.  And He changes the times and the seasons: He removes kings, and sets up kings.  He gives wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding.  He reveals the deep and secret things.  He knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with Him.”

I remember when we had “election day.”  One day to cast your vote and that worked pretty well. Now it’s all so different.  Voting is drawn out for weeks, and you can vote so many ways. You can vote absentee in person; you can vote by mail; you can vote using drop boxes.  These alternative options have proven not only unreliable but very dubious.  Votes used to be counted by hand. Now machines are used, which we know are easily manipulated to provide a false outcome.

Already, during early voting, there’ve been so many problems.  Fraudulent voter registrations have been discovered in multiple states.  The Biden Regime’s DOJ has sued the state of Virginia after it removed the names of 6,303 illegal aliens — and Alabama after it moved 3,251 aliens to an “inactive” list.

Keep in mind that it’s a felony under several federal statutes for an illegal alien to claim to be a citizen so they may register to vote or to vote in U.S. elections.  Not to mention the fact that Democrats in many states have been caught illegally registering non-citizens to vote, and “helping” them to vote.  Most recently in Pennsylvania, a large group of illegal aliens was escorted to the front of the line to vote early. They were allowed to cut in line, ahead of American citizens who had waited their turn for two hours already — and then they were “helped” to fill out their ballots.  This was captured on video.

It should be a “no brainer” that non-citizens should not be allowed to vote in American elections.  As I mentioned, doing so is a felony, under multiple federal statutes.  So, there can be no valid argument on this.  Yet the Biden DOJ and all those on the Left are using our new “neighbors” to stack the deck in their favor, and make no mistake, they’re getting away with it.  Yes, there will be endless and needless court battles over this, but it’s doubtful that “justice” will prevail, and yet millions of dollars and countless hours will be wasted in a battle that should never have happened in America.  Voting as an illegal alien is a felony. Facilitating and orchestrating that makes you a traitor.

There is also so much hateful rhetoric coming from the Communist ticket.  On October 29th, Biden called Trump supporters “garbage.”  Obama called Conservatives and Christians “bitter clingers to guns and Bibles.”  Hillary Clinton called us “Deplorables.”  Now Biden has called us “Garbage.”  That’s how they see us. That’s how they’ve always seen us.

As I compile this message, it’s just been reported that containers with hundreds of ballots in Miami-Dade County, Florida, were found on the side of a road after they fell out of a county truck.  This was confirmed by the Elections Department there.  Also overnight, the Colorado Secretary of State’s Office posted a spreadsheet to its website with a hidden tab that included voting system passwords.  What could possibly go wrong there?

In Oregon and Washington State, ballot drop boxes have been set on fire, in areas that were formerly “Democrat” but have apparently now swung over to the Trump camp.  And in Tarrant County, Texas, electronic ballots have been found to be printing incorrectly, effectively changing votes.

These are only a few examples, but we know things like this are happening in every state.  The Left cannot win popular opinion in America on their policies, their plans or their record.  So, in an effort to make this election “too big not to rig,” I have no doubt that every single one of the millions of illegals that have been settled into this country by the current Regime in power have been registered to vote in this election and in most cases those illegal felony votes will be counted.

But there’s such a stark contrast between the two campaigns.  The Harris campaign offers only hatred and vitriol, demonizing Trump in every press release, every campaign stop and every single interview.  They offer no solutions.  The primary thing they’re excited about is more abortion on demand with no limitations, under the phony guise of “women’s healthcare.”  They also offer more transgenderism, under the phony guise of “equality.”  And more censorship, tyranny and communism, under the phony guise of “equity.”  They can put lipstick on a pig, but most of us still know it’s a pig.

Just a look back at the past four years tells you where their priorities lie.  While calling Trump a dictator, they’ve weaponized our justice system, hunted down patriots and Christians and tossed them in prison, usually without allowing them to even present a reasonable defense. And they’ve relentlessly persecuted Donald Trump, by every means possible, including attempted assassinations.

What’s more, many Leftist politicians, social media influencers and even mainstream media talking heads — not to mention Kamala Harris herself — have all vowed “violence and vengeance” if they do not win this election.

Speaking of the mainstream media, did you catch the reaction to Trump’s October 27th rally at Madison Square Garden, where he filled the arena with 20,000 people and 70,000 more rallied and watched from the streets?  MSNBC stated, “Trump’s rally comes 85 years after a pro-Nazi rally at the famed arena.”  A headline at NBC read, “Trump’s Madison Square Garden event turns into a rally with crude and racist insults.”  The Democratic National Committee put out the message, “Trump praised Hitler.”  The New York Times described the event as “a closing carnival of grievances, misogyny and racism.”  I watched the whole thing, thinking critically while doing so, and didn’t see any of that.

Of course, the mainstream media is wholly owned by the Left and has been for decades.  It’s no wonder that they’ve now earned the lowest confidence rating among Americans they’ve ever had.  It’s become Orwell’s “Ministry of Truth,” and while they accuse Conservatives and Christians of being conspiracy theorists and the source of all disinformation, the Left has earned multiple blue ribbons for exceptional lies and deceit.

So now, according to them, you and I are Nazis.  You and I, in their eyes, are “garbage.”  But it’s always been this way.  This is how the Left has always viewed us.  Only now, they’re not afraid to say it out loud, they’re not ashamed of openly rigging elections, and using illegal voters, and they’re openly planning for violence and vengeance.  To me, this makes them, not us, the haters.

As I write this, less than a week before election day, I’m getting all kinds of “intel” from professing insiders who claim to know what’s being planned.  Some of these sources I trust, some I don’t really know, but all are telling me the same things: 1) Trump will win regardless of the cheating. 2) the Leftists will then riot, burn and go to all-out war, and 3) if Trump is declared the clear winner, Kamala Harris, as sitting Vice President, will refuse to do her duty and certify the election, thereby setting off even more violence and requiring martial law and perhaps even UN “peacekeeping” forces to occupy the US.

One “insider” correspondent sent me the following, from which I quote: “the enemies of this Republic have developed a very sophisticated and multidimensional plan for chaos likely beginning on November the 3rd…two days prior to the official day of the election.”

This man has been told what’s being planned.  Since this message will be released after the election, there’s no point in going into those details here. Let’s just wait and see, but I’ll just say the implications are extremely concerning.

It should be clear to all who’ve paid any attention to the state of our nation over even just the past year, that once again, we’ve been presented with two polar opposite choices.  Communism versus freedom.  While Donald Trump rallies have drawn record numbers of patriots, and ordinary Americans who are just simply fed up with the “wokeism,” he’s only been able to do that because he offers positive solutions, common sense, and a return to Conservative Christian values.  His rallies are upbeat, full of enthusiasm, respectful, patriotic, and hopeful.  He downplays the negative and accentuates the positive. It gives us hope, while Harris only instills hatred and rage.

We’ve had enough of the division, hatred and rage.  Enough of the fake news. Enough of the “woke” nonsense.  Enough of the indoctrination of our children. Enough of lawbreakers in power and pornography in schools.  Enough of “America last,” while our elected officials become rich from shady backroom deals and money laundering through foreign governments and wars that never had to happen.

Ultimately, this is not a physical battle, it’s a spiritual one.  The dark side is so wicked and evil we can’t comprehend the depths of depravity they’re willing to sink to, because they are of their father, the devil. Yes, we truly are fighting demons here — and people in power who are demonic. It’s spiritual warfare and we must ready ourselves, because the war is real.

Ephesians 6:11 & 12, “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”

2 Corinthians 10: 3-5, “For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.”

Friends, in the days ahead, understand that it is God who sets up and removes kings.  As Christ-followers we have power, love and sound minds.  Defend your family and neighbors, stand for righteousness, don’t let any untruth go unchallenged — but don’t let yourself get caught up into violent conflicts if there’s any way you can avoid it.

1 Peter 5:8, “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.”  So, do your part but always understand, it is now and always has been up to God.  May His will be done.

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

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There’s No Political Solution

By Rob Pue

November 3, 2024

In 2016, Donald Trump took the White House in a massive victory with his “Make America Great Again” campaign.  Despite enormous popularity with his enormous rallies, he wasn’t supposed to win, but Americans were fed up after eight years of the radical leftist and communist agendas of Barack Hussein Obama and the globalists that pull his strings.

Liberals had mental breakdowns, screaming and crying violently because this was supposed to be Hillary’s election. “Trump Derangement Syndrome” was born.  But when it came down to it, it turned out American citizens were more confident in a successful businessman promising to put America first rather than a nasty former First Lady and Secretary of State with a record of treason and crime.

Trump came to office with big promises, and he took the hopes and dreams of millions of Americans with him — perhaps the most significant being the promise to “drain the swamp” in DC.  I believe he was sincere about his desire to do this, but had no idea how large, influential and dangerous that swamp really was, and still is — in fact, it’s much worse today.  At some point, early in his time in the Oval Office, I believe he was taken aside and the swamp creatures explained it to him.

He did many good things during his first term, but it was also a constant barrage of attacks, from those on the Left and those of his own party.  The pressure never let up.  I believe he sincerely tried his best but it’s hard to succeed when you’re fighting so many enemies within.  We must also admit that he did (or allowed) many things while in office that were not good, and contrary to true conservatism and certainly contrary to Christian ethics.  Were these things — such as continuing to fund Planned Parenthood, supporting the LGBTQP+ movement, “Red Flag” guns laws, and unleashing the deadly COVID jabs — up to him?  Or not.

It became very clear to me by March of 2020, after the COVID scam was launched, and his press conferences became dominated by the likes of Fauci and Birx.  Trump stood to the side, allowing them to speak, and I saw a look on his face which can only be described as a combination of anger and fear. He was not in control…he was being told how this was going to go and he didn’t like it.

During his four years in office, he also made some very poor decisions when it came to his cabinet members and even his vice president.  Many turned out to be traitors.  If given the chance, I don’t think he’ll make the same mistakes again in that regard.

As this year’s campaign winds down and election day approaches, I continue to get press releases from the Harris camp, because I’m a member of the media.  I’ve also followed both campaigns and there’s a stark contrast, which mirrors the stark contrast of ideologies among the American citizenry.  A few things are clear: Harris offers more intrusion into our lives, more DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion), more of the Green New Deal, censorship and control of thoughts and ideas, more abortion, transgenderism and normalization of all things LGBTQP+.  As for your finances, if she becomes president, then in four years’ time, you will own nothing, and you won’t like it.  She’s waging a campaign of fear and negativity, spending most of her time telling us that Trump is a Nazi.

She’s nearly completed four years in office now.  No one can argue that America is definitely not better off today than it was four years ago, and they certainly can’t blame Trump for that, but they continue to try.  Kamala has blamed everyone but herself and Joe Biden for the dire state of our nation today.  And now, after ramming the Titanic into the iceberg, she wants to back the Ship of America up and hit it again….and again…and again.

Americans today are so tired of it all.  It’s been constant mental abuse on a massive scale.  Americans are depressed, with more suicides in the last four years than any other time in history.  Especially among our young people, so depressed and discouraged, so hopeless regarding the future, so lost and deluded.  They’ve been indoctrinated and brainwashed into believing Donald Trump is the devil, although they’re not really sure why they hate him, that our Americans are inherently evil people, and even their own genders are wrong.

We’re in a bad place when college kids borrow tens of thousands of dollars for a so-called “education,” but when they discover — only after they graduate — that those degrees mean nothing in the real world, of course they’re going to be angry and feel hopeless.  And now they want taxpayers to pay off their student loans for them.  In one sense, you can’t really blame them. They were lied to all their lives growing up in the government schools, by pop culture and the traitorous mainstream press.  Now they’re told that being a white person automatically makes them an oppressor.  Being a heterosexual makes them a “hater” and as it turns out, their college degree is basically worthless.  Honestly, they probably should be entitled to a refund — they’ve been taken to the cleaners and their brains have been thoroughly washed.

There are so many things that need to be fixed in America.  Trump’s new campaign signs read “Trump Will Fix It.”  Wouldn’t that be nice? He can certainly try, and that would be a wonderful step in the right direction, but it will only buy us some time, because the devil never sleeps.  In fact, should Trump win the Oval Office next week, the demons (spiritual and physical) will become so enraged that I believe every city in this nation will burn.  If you thought their rioting, looting, burning and killing in the past was bad, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

I could list so many things that need fixing in this country.  We’re not only an occupied nation — occupied by foreign invaders from every hostile nation on earth — we’re millimeters away from becoming a completely conquered nation.  Our enemies have breached the gates, and they’re in every city, town and village in America now.  Some may be your next-door neighbors.  Many are even American citizens, but “brainwashed zombie” American citizens, who’ve lost all ability to discern truth from lies.

We’re at the point where more and more Americans are asking for “free” stuff from the government.  Government “entitlements.” In other words, communism.  How did we get to this point where today, the mindset of so many would make their parents and grandparents roll over in their graves?  As I said, the devil never sleeps and neither do his demons.  But our modern American churches, by refusing to properly instruct, by refusing to rightly divide the word of truth and because pastors have refused to properly lead their sheep, instructing them as to good and evil or to talk about our national sins, professing “Christians” in America today have been trained to primarily do just one one thing: sleep.

I’m disappointed in many professing Christians who are still so asleep regarding the most vital issues in the world today.  So many simply go to church, stand when told to stand, sit when told to sit, sing when told to sing, then pay their money, then listen to the pastor talk and then go home and do nothing.  This needs to change.

There’s great excitement, hope and optimism at a Donald Trump rally.  You can really get caught up in the excitement of it all, sort of like the way some people respond to a professional football game.  The Trump rallies are, indeed, filled with hope, positivity and excitement at just the thought that if he gets back into the Oval Office, we just may have a chance.

Certainly, it’s my opinion that we’ll have a much better chance to save our nation with Trump in office than we would with Harris.  Because Harris offers no hope, just more abuse, control, dictatorship and oppression.  But as I’ve said so many, many times, Trump is not our Savior.  Under the very best of circumstances, there’s only so much he can do.

As Christ-followers, we need to lead the way on all this.  Certainly, America’s pastors have incredible power at their fingertips, but let’s face it: they’re not going to do it.  In fact, they’re responsible for the United States being in the situation we labor under right now, and God will hold them accountable.  If they had remained faithful to the truth, if they had had the courage to not only stand and speak about the evil, wickedness and sin that has ravaged America the past forty-some years, but also lead their people out of the church house and into the streets, the school board meetings, the city council meetings and more, we would not be in this position now. Instead, they’ve become “good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled under the feet of men.”  They’re responsible for all the souls they’ve mislead through their cowardice as the devil’s minions have been allowed to rule this planet, twist and delude so many minds and shape our modern American society.

As positive and uplifting as a Donald Trump rally may be, it’s nothing more than “hopium” — even if he’s allowed to win next week — unless America humbly repents, turns back to God and follows all His commandments, teaching them to our children and grandchildren, and humbly thanking Him daily for all the blessings He’s bestowed upon us.

Many, if not most of the nations of this world are in utter turmoil and confusion today.  But any nation that repents and returns to God in this way will see a recovery that would be nothing short of miraculous.  God gave us Ten Commandments.  Imagine if we followed them.  Imagine if we stopped compromising with the murder of innocent babies created in God’s image by God Himself, and completely abolished abortion nationwide.  Imagine if, instead of compromising with sexual perversion that God calls an “abomination,” we stopped affirming mental illness and depravity and condemned that which God Himself condemns.

Imagine if we had the courage to love our neighbors enough to tell them the truth.  Imagine if we cared, even a little bit, about worshiping and honoring our loving and patient Creator.  We wouldn’t be expecting our elections to be rigged.  We wouldn’t be fearful because our own government is our worst enemy. We wouldn’t be on the verge of a Globalist One World beast system.

There was a time when you could park your car anywhere and leave it unlocked.  There was a time when people didn’t bother locking their front doors.  There was a time when kids could play in the streets of their neighborhoods or their own backyards, without parents fearing they could be abducted.  There was a time when public schools taught God’s Word, when teachers lead prayer in schools instead of leading sexual perversion studies.  And Sunday was the Lord’s day, not the Green Bay Packers day.

Which would you rather have — for yourself, your children and your grandchildren?  The weight of even more oppression, even more taxation without representation, more lawlessness, more perversion and abomination, more domination and control by wicked men and women… or a return to God’s simple but sensible Ten Commandments.  The false hope of politicians and the circuses of political theater — or the real hope that can be found only in Jesus Christ, when we make Him our Savior AND our Lord?

It begins with each of us, individually.  Jesus said, “All power is given unto Me in heaven and on earth.”  For those who are His, He has promised that His power, He gives to us.  We have nothing to fear from this world.  So, we must stop fearing embarrassment, being ashamed of our Lord.  We need not fear the opinions of men… not our friends, enemies, neighbors or relatives.  Instead, we need to never let any untruth go unchallenged, always be ready to give the reason for the hope that we have.  Men must lead as priests in their homes, and we must stand as a restraining force against evil in this world.  Yeah, I know we have to work too — but as Christ-followers, obedience to Him is our primary job.  And it’s time we got to work.  Get out and vote, but understand, there’s no political solution for the terrible spiritual condition America suffers with.

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

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Kamala Wants You to Pay Tax on “Unrealized Capital Gains.”

By Rob Pue

October 27, 2024

I’m writing this message near the end of October, 2024.  Just two weeks before the November election.  So much is happening every day now.  Some have asked, so I just want to let you all know that I absolutely do plan to put together a message on Hurricane Helene — and the destruction of Eastern Tennessee, and North Carolina in particular.  But just as I did a year ago when they burned down the town of Lahaina on Maui, I’m in the process of gathering information, doing research and double-checking sources before I put any sort of commentary together.  This is too important.  I need to get it right, and it’s going to take, very likely, several hundred hours of preparation before I begin writing.

I do want to say, however, for anyone in those areas able to hear or read this message, you have not been forgotten.  I would also very much like to speak with people who live in those areas, and we do have subscribers to our newspaper there, but I only have mailing addresses; it’s doubtful the mail is going through. I don’t have phone numbers, even if the phones were working.  So, if, by chance, someone in the path of the storm in North Carolina gets this message, please do get in touch with me.  I need to speak to you directly, as soon as possible.

I will make a few comments about Hurricane Helene here.  First, I found it most astonishing last week when I spoke with a man who follows the news quite closely but had heard absolutely nothing at all about this devastation in North Carolina.  So, while our disgusting excuse for a news media complex continues to force feed us lies about the upcoming election on a 24/7 basis, please remember those in peril, who have lost everything, including family members.  Please remember the cities, towns and communities that have been wiped off the map, and please remember the typical response from the Federal Government and FEMA — doing their utmost to make a horrific and miserable situation even worse, by hindering (and in some cases, arresting) American citizens who have come to help and rescue those in life and death situations, while they sit back and do nothing helpful.

And before I move on today, I’d like to mention something you may or may not have heard about. In North Carolina, outside one of the homes that was completely destroyed, a Bible was found among the debris, impaled on a post in the ground, and stuck open to Revelation 14 and 15.

Let me just share with you a few words from Revelation 14: “And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people; Saying with a loud voice, ‘Fear God, and give glory to Him; for the hour of His judgment is come: and worship Him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.’ And there followed another angel, saying, ‘Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.’  And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, ‘If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of His indignation.’”

I’d encourage you all to read the entirety of Revelation 14 and 15.  But understand, it’s no “coincidence,” that in the wake of this horrible devastation, a copy of God’s Word was found, impaled on a post, and stuck open to Revelation 14 and 15.  How much more clear must God Almighty speak to us all, and sound His warning before even His own people open their ears and eyes?

But today, here are some random thoughts, in no particular order, that I’ve found significant and which you may not be aware of.

First of all, did you know that another iconic symbol of our American history is about to be destroyed? I’m talking about the 1000-foot long SS United States.  The SS United States was launched in 1951 and holds a special place in maritime history. It still holds the transatlantic speed record and has a rich history of transporting presidents, celebrities, and immigrants. It could travel 10,000 miles without refueling.

Travelers on the SS United States enjoyed the finest services and accommodations, including a grand ballroom, first-class dining room, swimming pool, gymnasium, observation lounge, grand staircase and promenades.

This beautiful ship has been docked in Philadelphia since 1996.  Plans were presented multiple times to turn the ship into a museum or perhaps, like the Queen Mary, docked in California, a combination museum and very unique hotel.  But there was no funding available — and no grants from the federal government — so this symbol of American ingenuity and strength will be stripped and then sunk off the coast of Florida in a few months to serve as an artificial reef.  Quite symbolic, at this point in history — like the “ship” of our nation, the SS United States is destined for imminent destruction.

Also, I recently spoke with someone who’s been going door-to-door asking people in Wisconsin what their greatest concerns are regarding the state of our nation.  Those contacted were given five points to choose from: The Economy & Inflation; Border Security; Healthcare; Public Safety and Abortion.  Among those who are “undecided” as to how they’ll vote on November 5, the topic of abortion has been far ahead of all other concerns.  People are worried that a vote for Trump could possibly hinder the ability for people to conveniently kill their babies.  Of all the things we should be concerned about, most of those asked just want to be sure they can continue to access abortion.

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris recently held a rally in Wisconsin and while continuing to promise expanded abortion nationwide, two Christian students began shouting “Jesus is Lord,” and “Christ is King!”  They quickly found out how “inclusive” the Leftists really are, as Harris proceeded to mock and belittle the students and said, “Oh, you guys are at the wrong rally.  I think you meant to go to the smaller one down the street,” she laughed, as the students were forcefully removed.

The FBI has quietly revised violent crime data, now showing a surge instead of a reported decrease.  The agency has made no announcement on this or issued any press releases, and the change is only discoverable when downloading the new set of data from their website now and comparing it to the old.

And as illegals destroy neighborhoods across the USA and Venezuelan gangs have seized control of privately-owned apartment complexes — in Colorado and also now in Texas — I’ve been pondering the situation and Americans’ reaction to it all.  It seems to me, that Americans aren’t all that concerned about the illegal invasion itself.  In fact, hoping not to be considered “racist,” many go out of their way to tell reporters how they welcome the so-called “immigrants.”

But what finally hit me was the fact that it seems peoples’ biggest complaint is that they are not receiving the same benefits the illegals are.  “Where’s my free stuff?” they ask.  “Where’s my monthly check?” “Where’s my free housing?” “Why don’t Iget thousands of dollars every month like they do?”

So, here’s my observation: Americans are asking for the Federal Nanny State to take care of them.  Without even realizing it, they’re actually coveting bigger government and more dependence on the Feds…in short, they’re asking, often in desperation, for communism.

And as the November election nears, several states, including Alabama and Virginia are being sued by the DOJ for removing illegal voters from their rolls.  But, as one writer questioned, why aren’t more states doing the same?  Fifteen states require no ID at all to vote.  Eleven states require a non-photo ID, and many of those states that do require a photo ID are fine with only a driver’s license — but at least 24 states have “motor voter” laws — meaning people are automatically registered to vote when they get their driver’s license.  Many of these same states are issuing drivers licenses to illegals.  What could go wrong?

Meanwhile, more and more agencies — governmental and otherwise —  are warning of chaos and violence leading up to, during and following the November election.  Interesting,  because the Department of Defense has just given the U.S. military authority to assist in domestic law enforcement, including giving them the right to use lethal force against American citizens.  That’s right — now our own military can kill us with impunity as the country burns.

Here’s more to consider: Donald Trump has been asked if he’ll concede if the initial election results show he lost.  He has said he will not.  Interestingly, Harris has also said she will not.  However, hearkening back to January 6, 2021, and the blatantly obvious stolen election that took place, the Vice President was the one to formally certify the election.  That’s how it works.  So, consider this: how will Kamala Harris — and the rabid Leftist Communists — react if Trump is named the winner?  It will be up to the current Vice President to certify this election.  Will Kamala certify Donald Trump as the winner?  It’s definitely not going to be a “peaceful transfer of power,” friends.

Regarding our economic future — your economic future — John Green recently wrote an excellent article for the American Free News Network.  It was regarding having conversations with rage filled “Never Trumpers.”  He suggests that the best way to win such a debate is to not even mention Trump, but instead, simply point out the Harris plan for peoples’ money, something even the Communists seem to care deeply about.  Go figure.

Leftists are all in favor of making employers and financially successful businesses “pay their fair share.”  But consider the capital gains tax.  This affects everyone with a pension, 401K, IRA or other retirement funds.  Investments are not taxed until they are realized – turned into something you can spend. The taxman doesn’t care that stocks go up and down, until you sell the stock. Then he wants his cut.  So, if you’ve been scrimping and saving and socking away all you could for retirement your whole life, it’s likely you’ve earned some interest.  Maybe a lot of interest.  Perhaps you inherited a stock portfolio that your parents set up, which has earned hundreds of thousands of dollars over the decades your folks paid into it.  Once you attempt to cash it out, you pay the lion’s share to the IRS.

But that’s not good enough for the Democrats.  Their plan is to begin taxing “unrealized capital gains” — gains on investments that haven’t been converted to cash yet.  Biden proposed it, Jeffries and Schumer support it, and Kamala said she’d sign it. Only a Republican filibuster prevents its passage, and Kamala wants to do away with the filibuster. If the bill were to pass, you (and the IRS) will get a 1099 form every year reporting on how much your investments have increased in value. You’ll have to pay taxes on the capital gain, whether you have sold the stock or not.  Where will you get the cash?

And the same will apply to your home.  Say you’ve worked hard all your life and have your home paid off.  Surely, over 30 years or so, the value of your home has increased.  Likely hundreds of thousands of dollars.  Even if you don’t sell your home, Kamala wants you to pay tax on those “unrealized capital gains.”

How will people afford to pay these annual taxes so they can keep the homes they worked so hard for all their lives — and were responsible enough to pay off?  The short answer is, they won’t.  “You’ll own nothing and be happy.”   Get it now?  The chickens are coming home to roost, perhaps much sooner than anyone realizes.

These are just a few random thoughts for today.  I hope you’ll consider them as I did.  And don’t forget — go get your Bible and read Revelation 14 & 15.  Especially you “Christians” who don’t plan to vote.  November 5th is coming quickly.

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

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No Happy Ending

By Rob Pue

October 20, 2024

I was sitting beside a lake recently, admiring the beautiful autumn sunset and thanking God for the serenity of that place, the beauty of His creation and the peace in that tiny part of the world I was sitting in.  It was still warm out for this time of year in Wisconsin; an “Indian summer,” but the falling leaves will soon give way to falling snow.   And I believe the Holy Spirit spoke a single, simple word to me: “Remember.”

“Remember this time of serenity, beauty and peace in this place, because it won’t always be this way, and things can change so quickly.  The rest of the world is in great turmoil now, so appreciate and remember this blessing.  You have no idea what’s coming quickly.”

I can’t imagine the devastation people in our Southeastern states are going through and in just a few weeks we have the November election.  It’s been said that this is the most important election in all of American history.  I know they always say that, but this time, the outcome really is critical and will let us all know if our nation will be quickly cast down to hell or if God’s patience and longsuffering will be extended just a little bit longer.  Just a quick question: how is it that 2-5 million illegals registered to vote in November isn’t “foreign election interference?”  And those are just the illegals we know about that the Regime has already registered.  The actual number is most certainly much higher.

I’m under no delusion that there will be mass repentance in America, or that suddenly, the modern American Church will finally take 2 Chronicles 7:14 seriously.  Of course, some will — and a remnant already have humbled themselves, prayed, sought God’s face, and turned from their wicked ways.  But the majority of those who call themselves “Christians” have not.  Like the rest of America, their hearts are hardened. They’ve chosen to believe the lies.  They’ve chosen the broad and easy road rather than the narrow way.  They’ve chosen apathy, luxury, comfort and ease.  They preferred ignorance rather than truth.  They’re of their father, the devil, and are the ones who will hear, “Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity.  I never knew you,” as Jesus pronounces the final judgment.

Why do I believe that most don’t understand the lateness of the hour?  Isaiah 5:20-23, “Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil; that put darkness for light and light for darkness, that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!  Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink; which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!”  Read the rest of Isaiah 5 if you want to know what happens next.

We were so greatly blessed in this land of the free and home of the brave, but with our luxury, comfort and ease came complacency.  Though many watchmen on the wall were sent to warn us, few heeded the warnings and now this most blessed of all nations has been cursed with falsehood and lies, sexual depravity, unjust and tyrannical rulers, and though we may not see it with our human eyes, the blood of the innocent floods every street in every neighborhood in every city and town across this land.

Ronald Reagan once said, “If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”  The Democratic party, long ago, exchanged God for Satan in their party platform.  And while the Republican party gives lip service to the notion of “religious liberty,” they have, this year, disavowed all support of the right to life for the unborn.  I’m sorry, but you can’t expect me to believe you’re serious about your Christian faith if you refuse to adamantly defend and protect the very lives of precious babies.

Once again, it’s a case of “the lesser of two evils.”  On one hand, if Kamala Harris is selected, along with Tim Walz, we have an immediate straight-line expressway to full on Communism.  There’s absolutely no doubt whatsoever about that.  It will be immediate and drastic.  Harris is the daughter of a Marxist college professor.  No one questions that.  That’s the ideology she was raised with in her “middle class home.”  The United States of America will be immediately turned over to the New World Order, under Globalist control.  Their first order of business will be to confiscate guns and abolish the second amendment.  Harris has already stated that’s essential for her.

Then, we’re talking crushing tax burdens, forcing even a majority of Americans into homelessness.  Bankruptcy for countless corporations and Mom and Pop businesses.  We’re talking the further weaponization of the healthcare system and more purposeful depopulation of the “useless eaters.”  Add to that, “re-education” centers for adults and increased brainwashing in our public schools and colleges for children and young people.

The end of affordable energy, strict travel restrictions, and of course, federally-funded abortions up to — and after — the time of birth.  You may as well add federally funded euthanasia and suicide, because if they aren’t able to kill enough babies prior to or at birth, or enough people with their mandated jabs and the poisoning of our air and food supplies, they’ll be happy to pay to end your life when you just can’t take any more of their tyranny and oppression.

Of course, the insanity of “transgenderism” with an endless array of sexual “identities” will only grow more intense and idiotic and the majority will be forced to bow down to the cult of the growing minority of individuals with “gender dysphoria” — a condition of mental illness that is cultivated, nurtured and encouraged by the radical left.  Not to mention the acceptance and celebration of “minor attracted persons.”

Then there is America’s place on the world stage.  There’s no doubt that the US Dollar will become extinct as we join a new, One-World digital currency.  Our military will be placed under the control of a Globalist government.  The hated Christian White Male will be targeted in every possible way by every traitorous government agency.  America as we’ve known it, will be forever gone.

On the other hand, if Trump is allowed to take office, you can be assured there will be no “peaceful transfer of power.”  If that’s what’s been decided, then you can rest assured that every possible form of chaos, anarchy, discord, lawlessness, pandemonium, turmoil and mobocracy is, even now, being planned — to rain down utter destruction in every city and small town nationwide.  There will be nowhere to hide.

I have no doubt that Obama’s “private army,” which he’s boasted of so often, is already training.    Then, add in the millions of illegal enemy combatants that have already been settled into this country under the Regime, just waiting for the call on their government-issued cell phones to launch the attack.  There will be no escape.  It will be open season on all American citizens.

Trump will have no other option than to declare martial law to maintain some semblance of law and order, which of course, will then give the subversive mainstream media even more opportunity to openly declare him a fascist.

Trump has an ambitious list of things he’d like to accomplish, but if you think the Left — and those of his own party — are going to stop the attacks they’ve been piling on him for the past eight years, you’d be wrong.

He wants to seal the border, stop the invasion and begin deporting the criminal illegals already here.  He wants to bring energy independence to our nation and end the nonsensical “Green New Deal” and all-electric mandates.  Also on his list: end inflation, bring manufacturing jobs back to America, provide tax cuts, defend the Constitution and bill of rights, restore peace in Europe and the Middle East, set up an “Iron Dome” defense system — like Israel has — here in this country and rebuild our rotting cities.

His plan includes strengthening our military, keeping the US Dollar as the world reserve currency, cutting federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, radical gender ideology and other inappropriate racial, sexual or political content on our children.  He wants to keep men out of women’s sports, secure our elections and unite the country.

This all sounds great, but bear in mind, that as he struggles to achieve these goals, he’s going to be fighting for his life — against the Democrats, Republicans and the Global Deep State.  Their attacks will be unrelenting, and as I already stated, the country will be in turmoil like we’ve never seen before because of the mass violence that will certainly be everywhere…orchestrated by the demonic Left.

Of course, that’s assuming Donald Trump makes it to November 5th, and then to January  20th.  In addition to never-ending witch hunts by a weaponized justice department, FBI and CIA, he’s already survived two assassination attempts so far, and it’s been reported that there are now five separate teams of trained assassins hunting him, along with the nation of Iran.  He’s also been warned that these professional killers are armed with surface-to-air missiles, which could be launched from anywhere on the ground and aimed at his campaign jet as it leaves the ground.

And as I write this, I’m told that the Secret Service, which failed in its duties to protect Trump so miserably on July 13th, has only gotten worse.  Like so many other things, we have the traitor Mayorkas to blame for this too.

I must admit: Trump is an enigma to me.  Why would he want this job in the first place?  Why is he enduring so much personal trauma, for a goal that, even if he manages to accomplish, will leave him in an impossible situation with constant attacks for at least the next four years — or until he’s killed?

And I must also wonder why he went along with the scam-demic of COVID.  He most certainly had to know COVID was a psy-op, Fauci was a criminal and the jab was deadly.  Why did he continue to fund Planned Parenthood?  Why has he been so supportive of the LGBTQP+ agenda? He did do many things I agreed with during his first term, but others just left me wondering, “what in the world??”  Two things are clear… Harris is an express train to immediate Communism; and Trump is an enigma.

Today we stand at the brink of World War 3 — for real this time.  We’ve come close before, but it’s never been this close.  America has faced threats from enemies many times in the past, but never so badly from within, and the thing that enrages me the most is that our own government has imported these violent criminals, intent on our destruction and has made us pay for it.  And we should note that while the federal government has never been on the side of the American people, there’s never before been a time in history that it’s been this corrupt and traitorous…with every 3-letter agency now the avowed enemy of us all.

Americans just want to be left alone.  We want to be able to go about our daily lives, raise our families in peace, pay our bills and not be crushed to death by sadistic tax burdens.  We want to raise our kids ourselves, not have their health, their hearts, minds and souls stolen by Big Brother.  We don’t want to be forced to agree that 2 plus 2 equals five or that evil is good and good is evil.  We want an end to lawlessness, and we want to see justice prevail.  We just want to be able to go sit beside a lake sometimes, breathe in the crisp, fall air and admire the grand beauty of God’s handiwork of Creation and thank Him for the blessings of peace and tranquility.

We don’t want war, we don’t want injustice, we don’t want “gay” everything. We don’t want the murder of babies to be “normal” anymore. We don’t want Leftist and “transgender” rage and vengeance.  We don’t want racial hatred. And it would be nice if we could trust those we’ve hired to lead us.

But right now, I’d urge you to enjoy what you have.  In a few weeks, I dare say things are going to look a lot different than they do today.  And no matter what happens, there is no happy ending to the story of America in 2024.

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

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The Eve Of Destruction

By Rob Pue

October 13, 2024

As I write this message, I feel obligated to put a “time stamp” on it because things are happening so quickly now.  So, for your reference, this is being written in early October, 2024.  The presidential election is just a little more than a month away now.  By the time you read or hear this, it will be less than a month away.

And as I compile this message, the words of Barry McGuire’s 1965 song echo in my mind  and I can’t help but feel this really is the time he sang about way back then, because today, we really are “on the eve of destruction.”  Many have waited so long for this upcoming date: November 5, 2024… for an end to the Communist Regime in power in our nation, for an end to the deliberate destruction of our country, an end to the demoniacs “building back better,” “unburdened by what has been,” after tearing down all that we’ve built.  An end to the weaponization of our judicial system, the tyranny endured by good, patriotic and Godly men and women and an opportunity for justice to return to America.

And what have we learned over these past four years?  Oh, so much.  First of all, we’ve all learned we’re definitely not better off today than we were four years ago.  We’ve also learned just how deep, wide and real the “Deep State” really is and that there’s no longer any aspect of our federal government that can be trusted by the people.  We’ve learned the Democrats are absolute, total evil demons and the Republicans are their controlled opposition.  As I’ve said before, I no longer refer to Democrats and Republicans.  They’re best described as Communists and Politicians, two wings of the same foul bird.

We also learned, over the past four years, just how quickly the Deep State can implement complete global control.  Let me remind you.  It was Friday, March 13, 2020 that Fauci and Company went on the national airwaves and declared “just two weeks to flatten the curve.”  That afternoon, panic set in and stores were quickly sold out of (of all things) toilet paper.  By Monday, the 16th, our nation was in full lockdown.  Businesses deemed “non-essential” were forbidden to open. Masks became mandatory.  People were ordered to stay in their homes.  Even churches were ordered to remain closed, while liquor stores and marijuana dispensaries were deemed “essential.”

It all happened so fast.  And immediately, I mean within days of the COVID declaration, those “essential” businesses that remained open already had plexiglass in place, signs and stickers had been designed, printed and distributed nationwide to every open public place with the number “6” on them.  We had “6” on the floors, “6” on the doors, “6” at every store checkout, arbitrarily ordering the population to remain 6’ apart.  And designer masks became big business — again within days, there were literally thousands of styles of masks available for sale.  Fancy, expensive masks, masks with humorous messages, masks of every shape, size and style.

In Walmart and Target stores, one week after the lockdown began, there were racks of masks for sale… and with mirrors attached to the racks, so people could try them on, see how they looked and then put them back and try others until they found the perfect mask for them.  (How sanitary was that?)

It was as if all the supplies for the so-called “pandemic” had already been designed, ordered and shipped prior to the lockdown orders.  One might call it the most “efficient” government operation in history.  How else were so many places so quickly equipped with custom-fit plexiglass barriers, all those 6’ signs and stickers and all those fashionable masks?

Of course, their “two weeks” turned into months and months.  The 4th of July came and went but there were no fireworks or celebrations.  People were arrested for walking alone in public parks or swimming in the ocean — alone — in the hot summer sun.  Public playgrounds were wrapped in plastic “snow fencing” to make sure the kids were not able to use the playground equipment.  Kids playing in their own back yards were reported to police by neighbors.  Some of the most absurd and ridiculous rules were mandated during this time — too many to even begin to mention here, but suffice to say, I lost a lot of respect for people who proved too stupid or too cowardly to think for themselves.

Hospitals and nursing homes were transformed into killing centers.  Hospitals were incentivized to diagnose as many COVID cases as possible, so no matter what you went to the hospital for — even a broken arm — you definitely had COVID.  There was no way you could go to the hospital for anything and not have COVID.  Even, of course, if you didn’t.

Hospitals were further incentivized to kill as many patients as possible and the only drug approved for use in treating COVID was Remdesivir — a drug which had been tested in Africa years before, but tests had to be abruptly stopped because more than half of those in the trials were dying from it.  Remdesivir, in case you’re one of the few who still haven’t heard, causes acute respiratory distress, followed by kidney failure, followed by cascading organ failure.  It quite literally melts one’s internal organs.  Then, patients were put on ventilators (with more financial incentives for hospitals) and suffocated to death.

What happened to our medical system during that time is nothing short of reprehensible.  I will never trust the medical establishment ever again.  And then, of course, we got the “jabs” — depopulation shots that came with a whole host of problems of their own… blood clots, heart attacks, strokes, “turbo cancers,” hundreds of thousands dying “suddenly” or “unexpectedly.”  I’m still seeing obituaries today for those who have “died unexpectedly” or “after a short battle with an aggressive cancer.”  Let us not forget these jabs were mandated — not by law, but simply because the Regime said so.  “Get the jab or lose your job.”

When restaurants opened up again, many required you to wear a mask to enter, then you were allowed to remove it after you were seated.  Suffice to say, we didn’t play those games.  As I explained at the time, the masks did not help anyone avoid getting sick.  In fact, re-circulating your own breath over and over through bacteria-laden masks actually caused more illnesses.  Their sole purpose was as a prop — they were a constant visual reminder to be fearful of the dreaded COVID virus.  It was all a scam.

But COVID was a very convenient tool to manipulate the 2020 elections.  It allowed for incredible abuse of our American voting systems.  Mail-in ballots.  Ballot drop boxes.  Postal workers were found to be dumping huge numbers of ballots in dumpsters or in ditches along roadsides.  And when needed, those ballots, supposedly from drop boxes, were delivered by the truckload to polling places in the middle of the night.

While Trump is now stating publicly that he really did not win the last election, I think we all know the truth.  It’s more than obvious that there was extensive election fraud four years ago.  It was a stolen election, which anyone with an ounce of common sense can plainly see.  Biden himself stated, “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”  Indeed, they did.

And when examinations and recounts were demanded, Republican poll watchers were not allowed to be present.  Cardboard was put up to cover the windows of those polling places.  When court challenges took place, they were overseen by George Soros judges.  And the mainstream media was absolutely complicit in this greatest voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.

Now, let me cite the first amendment of our Constitution: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

But of course, Congress doesn’t and hasn’t made any laws like this.  They’ve never needed to.  Social media was simply ordered by the Biden Regime to censor the freedom of speech.  It was the Regime in power — not the Congress — that weaponized our justice system against doctors stating Ivermectin and HCQ were effective treatments for COVID.  It was the Regime that declared advocating for vitamins C and D as being beneficial for one’s immune system was “disinformation” and therefore must be banned.

And it was the Regime that set the trap on January 6 that has caught thousands of patriots as they sought to peaceably assemble and petition the Government for a redress of grievances.  The FBI is still hunting patriots and sending them to prison, for simply being in DC on that day.  And when Congress did an investigation into what the lying media said was an “insurrection,” 40,000 hours of video evidence was excluded.  Video showing the Capitol police holding the doors open for people to enter.  Video showing Capitol police giving guided tours to peaceful protestors… excluded.  Not allowed as evidence in their fake investigation.

To my knowledge, not a single one of the J6 defendants was allowed to use video evidence that would have exonerated them from any crime.  Many spent months and years in jail before they were even charged with a crime.  Others were let out on bail, but tormented by the government for months and months, and having lost everything, several committed suicide.

And they’re still hunting J6’ers.  In May of this year, four years after the event, a 71-year-old grandma from Colorado was convicted on four federal charges — for praying inside the Capitol building.  She’ll spend a year in prison.  And a friend of mine, a pastor, was just convicted for preaching there that day.  He’ll be spending 30 months in federal prison.

Meanwhile, over these last four years, the Regime’s DOJ has been ruthlessly hunting pro-life Christians.  Many have just recently been sentenced to prison time — for praying outside an abortion facility.  Of course, they’ve never stopped persecuting Donald Trump.  Yet he’s still winning in the polls, because people are hoping to “make America great again.”

By that, they mean the ability to just be left alone by the government, rather than hunted down by it and falsely prosecuted by it, for not having their minds “right.”  They mean letting kids be kids, rather than brainwashing them to hate their country, their parents, their gender and God.  They mean not catering to the small percentage of pink-haired Leftist lesbians whose main goal in life is to ensure as many babies are aborted — before and after birth — as possible.

In the meantime, we have been invaded by tens of thousands of violent criminals from nations that hate us and mean to do us harm.  Tens of thousands more gang members.  And millions that we really don’t know much about at all.  The world is on fire, and World War 3 is brewing.  We have Israel at war with it’s neighbors, we have Iran attacking Israel now, funded by the Biden and Obama and Harris Regime.  We have Ukraine begging for more money to fight Russia.  Several nations threatening a nuclear response.  And we have Chinese and Middle Eastern military members training for “something big” right here, right now, in our country.

Americans can’t afford food, housing, utilities and basic necessities.  Kamala’s using that  tired old threat of Social Security being bankrupt that they use every election cycle… odd that they always say that… no money for social security — which was ours to begin with, taxed when it was earned and taxed again if you get any back… but there’s always a bottomless blank-check for Ukraine, illegal invaders and avoiding government shutdowns.

Kamala says she’ll fix it all when she wins the White House.  Where has she been the last four years?  Trump says he’ll make America great again.  I’d love to see that, but for the life of me, I can’t understand why anyone would want that job.  And after two attempts on his life so far, will he even make it to election day…to say nothing of another four years?

And still, so many tell me, over and over and over again, how they don’t believe we’re on the eve of destruction.

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 443.

Absolutely Unsustainable

By Rob Pue

October 11, 2024

“Sustainable.”  “Sustainability.”  A couple of the popular new buzz words Leftists love to use as they continue to shove their “Green New Deal” down the throats of hard-working Americans, struggling harder than ever to hold on to their sanity, pay their bills, keep a roof over their heads and food on the table and shoulder an ever-increasing crushing burden of taxes.

I’m sick to death of hearing the word, because nothing the government does is “sustainable.” And our so-called “representatives” in Congress exempt themselves from every insane new rule they mandate for the rest of us.  In a recent TV ad from, they used the word “sustainable” or “sustainability” eight times in thirty seconds.  Give me a break.  As with everything the Communists running our government come up with, every idea or program ends up being the exact opposite of what they name it.  Consider: “The Affordable Care Act,” or “The Inflation Reduction Act.”

Recently, the small town of Springfield, Ohio has been in the news because it’s been over-run and overwhelmed with illegals being resettled there from Haiti.  This town had a population of about 40,000 people in 2020.  Now it has 60,000.  One out of three there are now from Haiti.  As you can imagine, it’s not working out very well.

Please understand that Springfield, Ohio is “Everytown, USA.”  The spotlight might be on Springfield right now, but this same scenario is playing out in cities and small towns nationwide. Indeed, it’s worldwide and it’s by design.

We’re watching a deliberate tearing-down of the nations.  As national borders are erased, so are the nations themselves, and the kings of the earth and the rulers, with their mighty plans, are working to blend all the nations and peoples of the earth into one.  The goal is a “New World Order,” which really isn’t new at all, but rather, as old as the serpent in the Garden.  Their goal is a “One World Government,” controlled by a select few demonic “elites.”

But for this to happen, there can be no national sovereignty.  There cannot be individual nations, as God intended. This is why we’re seeing “mass migration” all over the world now.  It’s been going on for many years, but never like what we’re seeing today.  Today, millions of people are being relocated to nations they know nothing about and have no understanding of.  The result is world-wide chaos and turmoil.

Formerly Christian nations are especially being targeted for invasion by so-called “migrants” from third-world countries.  And as these migrants come, they’re bringing with them their native customs and their pagan, false gods.  Here in the US, just in the past four years, our government has welcomed and resettled more foreign invaders than the combined total population of 15 American states.

Islam has been invading our nation for decades now.  We’re talking about a system that requires everyone not following it to be killed…Christians and Jews are literally hunted.  We have 300,000 Syrian Muslims in Detroit, Michigan — more than 90% of them are still on welfare, even though they’ve been in this country for over ten years.  In Minnesota and Western Wisconsin, we have a quarter-million Muslims from Somalia.  And wherever Muslims target their “migration jihad,” — from Bloomington, Minnesota to Detroit, Michigan, to England, France, Germany or Switzerland — neighborhoods are destroyed, and lawlessness abounds.  Residents fear for their lives as violent attacks, rapes and murders rise and “no go zones” become commonplace, where even the police will not enter.

Most Americans who hear me describe this situation will immediately call me “Islamophobic.”  But the topic of Islamic terrorism in America is old news.  It’s been going on for so long now, if you’re not aware of this reality, you haven’t paid attention.  Of course, the mainstream media always covers for Islamic terrorists, just as they’re doing their best now to hide what’s happening with the mass invasion of our nation by illegals from all over the world.  And because I’m tackling the subject matter I am today, I’ll most certainly be labeled a “racist.”  In America today, “racist” is the least you’ll be called if you dare express any amount of common sense.

What’s more, if you believe in “Christian Nationalism,” in other words, a sovereign nation (The United States), where the one true God of Creation is Lord, you’re automatically considered a “Nazi.”  How did we end up at a point in this nation that if you love your country and you love God, then of course, you must be a “Nazi?”

It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out that along with the destruction of the natural family, the indoctrination from the LGBTQP+ and the “transgender” agenda, our public schools are training as many children as possible to hate America, hate white people, hate men, the idea of national sovereignty, and the teachings of Christianity.  The plan is for the Globalist “New World Order” to first destroy all that we and our forefathers have built, and then to “build back better” in Satan’s own image, “unburdened by what has been,” as they say.

It’s impossible to get an accurate number of the people who’ve been deliberately resettled into this country illegally.  It’s doubtful if even the criminal government leaders themselves know how many millions it is.  But understand, the invaders are not “migrating” here to become Americans.  They’re here to conquer us.  And so, we read again from Deuteronomy 28, “The alien who is among you shall rise higher and higher above you, and you shall sink down lower and lower.”

My grandfather came here at the turn of the century, an immigrant from Ireland.  He came legally and received nothing for free.  In fact, he came as an indentured servant, so he worked for several years before and after his arrival to pay for his travel to get here as well as his room and board.  Then, he became an American, and he did that at a time in this nation when the Irish were treated like animals.  He also built his own business, worshiped and honored the Lord God, got married, raised a family and served his community in so many ways.  My Dad was born in 1923 and so he was six years old when the Great Depression hit.  My Irish immigrant grandfather lived through harder times than I can imagine, and the government gave him nothing for free.

As you know, it’s not like that anymore. Now, in addition to wide-open borders on our north and south, our government is also flying illegals directly into the interior of our nation on “secret” charter jets, though they’re not really a secret anymore… so blatant is the lawlessness of our rulers.  These so-called “migrants” are not here to escape persecution and tyranny in their homelands.  They’re not “refugees.”  They’re invaders.  In the past year alone, at least 200,000 from China, hundreds of thousands from middle eastern Islamic countries,  millions from Mexico, Central and South America.  Many violent criminals, just recently released from prison or insane asylums.  Welcome to America, the land of the free stuff, with no laws — at least none that apply to you.

So, let’s talk about Springfield, Ohio — a microcosm of our new “multicultural” nation.  The mainstream media and city officials have been quick to dismiss claims that Haitian migrants have been killing and eating local wildlife and pets.  But since we know we can no longer trust the mainstream media, citizen reporters have recently gone to Springfield, to interview the residents themselves, to get the truth.  Interestingly, as these citizen reporters began arriving in town, there were 34 bomb threats at local schools, and other municipal facilities.  This resulted in a virtual “shut down” of the city… conveniently timed, so that very few Springfield residents were out and available to talk to those citizen reporters.

Those that did talk told the world what’s happening.  Yes, ducks and geese have disappeared from area parks and 911 calls from citizens reporting Haitians killing wildlife have been verified.  Yes, decapitated pigs were found in Springfield, the blood having been drained from the carcasses.  So far, the stories of the Haitians eating dogs and cats have not been verified, but in case you don’t know, dogs and cats are delicacies to Haitians, so these stories may very well be true.

It’s not that they don’t have money to buy food or that they’re not freely supplied with plenty to eat.  It’s that they prefer dog and cat meat.  It’s their “culture.”   Additionally, Haiti is steeped in voodoo and Satanism, and animal sacrifices are commonplace there.  So, why wouldn’t they bring their Haitian culture with them?

I remember in 1975 when the “Boat People” were brought here from Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos.  With the Vietnam war having just ended in April of that year, these people were in grave danger from the Viet Cong in North Vietnam.  Huge numbers were resettled in my hometown and in other towns in Wisconsin.  People didn’t like it, but these Asian refugees were just that — refugees, in real danger and in real need of help.

It took some time, but they did eventually assimilate into American culture.  But it was not an easy transition.  I remember even in my small town, ducks and geese were killed and eaten at the local park, and dogs and cats were taken and eaten by the refugees too.  It’s just the life they were used to.  Over time, they learned we don’t do that here.  But I can tell you, that absolutely did happen back in the 1970s in small town Wisconsin, so it’s not unthinkable that the same could be happening today in Ohio.

But the bigger story is that in Springfield, and in cities and towns all across this nation, Americans are purposely being replaced with foreigners.  Shortly before their arrival, people were evicted from their apartments…. the tenants were told the apartments were going to be remodeled and then they could return.  Meanwhile, the town also had many houses that were unfit to live in, but those were quickly bought up by investors, repaired and turned into rental units.  Now, housing is no longer affordable, because those apartments are now occupied by Haitians, and landlords receive triple the previous rent from the government, paying to house the Haitians. Many locals are now homeless, but it gets worse.

As taxpayers, we take very good care of the Haitian “migrants.”  One store clerk reported the Haitians receive absurd amounts of welfare money on their EBT cards.  In one interview, she recalled how one person at her store purchased $13,000 worth of groceries at one time using their welfare card, and they still had a $29,000 cash balance remaining on the card.

This may explain how so many Haitian “migrants” are able to buy new cars — and houses — in Springfield.  Another resident told how they’re buying homes for cash; and how a migrant living just down the street from him owns a brand new, $110,000 Lexus SUV — but does not have a job.

And there’s been a staggering rise in traffic accidents.  Somehow, the Haitians receive drivers’ licenses without having to take any tests.  One local resident calculated there’s been an 800% rise in traffic accidents since the Haitians moved in.  Another resident said you see a lot of brand-new cars on the road, but they’re all smashed up, because Haitians are buying brand new cars with cash, but don’t know how to operate them.  Insurance rates have soared for Springfield locals, but the Haitians don’t buy insurance.

You should also be concerned with these drivers’ licenses being so liberally handed out because of Ohio’s “Motor Voter” law.  That’s actually the law in all but six states.  When you get your drivers’ license, you’re automatically registered to vote in American elections, and the US Postal Service is then also required to send you election materials.

Recently, the fact-check website “Just Facts” confirmed to the Washington Stand that “the most comprehensive, transparent, and rigorous study on this matter found that about 2 million to 5 million noncitizens are illegally registered to vote” in the upcoming November elections.  Are you concerned yet?

Then there are the jobs…  There are some new factories in Springfield, but factory owners claim Americans don’t want to work and won’t take those jobs.  But the citizens have stated that these well-paying government-subsidized factory jobs are never offered or advertised to local residents — the factory work force is nearly 100% Haitian, and jobs are filled through just one job placement agency, “First Diversity Staffing,” which, interestingly, also owns many of the newly renovated housing units in town.

There seems to be a lot of slush money and a lot of hush money floating around in Springfield, Ohio — and all throughout our country.  Many are getting rich off the invasion of our beloved nation, but millions more are losing everything, including our American way of life.  This is absolutely unsustainable.  And it’s meant to be.

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Why America Is Lost?

By Rob Pue

October 8, 2024

It’s really too bad that I need to take time out of my very busy schedule to address today’s topic.  I’ve been publishing Wisconsin Christian News for 25 years now, so I know that what I’m about to share with you is par for the course and to be expected, but it still bothers me a lot.  Even though I know this is just another attempt of Satan to get under my skin and weigh me down with discouragement, I can’t seem to just let it go.  So, let me tell you what happened yesterday.

I was busy working in my office, trying to cross as many things off my “to do” list as possible when the phone rang.  It was a man who had found Wisconsin Christian News for the first time at one of our public news racks.  He told me he was impressed by the cover and glad to find a Christian newspaper out in public, but then, how he was immediately disgusted by, as he put it, “all the political crap” we published.

“What’s with all the political crap in here?” he asked.  But he didn’t really want to listen to anything I had to say.  In fact, I couldn’t get a word in edgewise.  “I thought we weren’t supposed to mix politics and religion,” he said.  And then, as critics like this always love to do, he attempted to “scare” me by saying, “I was going to subscribe to this paper but there’s no way I’ll do that now!”  These guys always say this as if losing the $2 “profit margin” we receive per year on an annual subscription is going to strike tremendous fear into my heart.

It would have been nice if I were able to have a discussion with him, but then again, over the years, I’ve come across so many others just like him, that I know it’s futile.  Just as well that he hung up on me after yelling at me for publishing what he considered to be “political” material.

But this situation gnawed at me all day, and it’s still gnawing at me today.  So much so that I went back in my files to see what articles could have set him off enough to bother making the call.  People will rarely contact me with positive, encouraging messages, but seem to be very eager to call and tell me how I’m doing everything wrong.

There were a couple articles on how God was mocked during the opening ceremonies for the Olympics in Paris.  An article on Repentance, God’s Law and the Republican National Convention; one on the new LGBTQP+ curriculum elementary school kids will be subjected to in public schools this fall.  We ran a commentary on how the mainstream media is stumping for Kamala Harris; one about how our government is supposed to have a system of checks and balances with three separate branches; an investigation into the Trump assassination attempt; and one on the sanctity of life for preborn babies.

But the rest of the paper was all Bible teaching, letters to the editor, health-related articles, parenting articles, and several on building strong marriages and families.  If I’d had the chance, I would have explained that we are a NEWSpaper, and therefore, we include news in each issue.  Our articles are all from a Christian perspective and worldview, but yes, we do and will continue to cover things like the upcoming elections, tyrannical government, the New World Order, plans of the Globalists, the LGBTQP+ grooming and exploitation of our children and more.

We’ll continue to publish real information on the invasion of our nation by foreign enemies.  We’ll speak up when Christ-followers are unjustly hunted and persecuted by our Justice Department, jailed for standing in the gap for the preborn or for praying in public.  We’ll let you know when injustice claims yet more victims.

I don’t see these things as being political.  In fact, everything this man would have claimed is “political” are actually moral and spiritual issues, but he’ll never come to understand that.  Something he said made it all clear to me. He said, “I thought we weren’t supposed to mix politics and religion.”  Clearly, he’s been well trained by a cowardly, weakling “pastor” somewhere, in a “stained glass fortress” steeped in “churchianity.”

Again, moral and spiritual matters should not be confused with political ones.  But even in the realm of politics, I believe Christians should not only be present, but front and center and in charge.  I won’t apologize for that.  How different would our society and our modern American culture be right now if our government leaders were true Christ-followers?

Do you think we’d have this unbridled lawlessness in our streets?  Would we have abortion up to — and beyond — the moment of birth?  Would we have feminine hygiene products stocked in our male restrooms in public schools and other public places?  Would our public schools have litter boxes in the restrooms for those students who identify as cats?  Would we have pornography being read to our tiny children by so-called “teachers?”  Would 25% of our children be confused about their gender?  Would 47% of our children “identify” as some type of LGBTQP+?

If Christians were involved in politics — and pastors properly spoke the truth from their pulpits — would God be mocked and ridiculed at every public event — the Olympics being just one example of many?  Would the media be allowed to lie to us constantly with impunity?  Would school boards be able to push through whatever horrific agenda they wanted — causing serious mental and physical abuse of our children, regardless of what parents wanted?  For that matter, would our children, right now, be being groomed by sodomites in public schools, masquerading as “teachers,” without parents even knowing about it?

And if Christians were properly taught — by courageous pastors — to push back and stand as a restraining force against evil in our nation, do you think we’d have all the homelessness, drug abuse, poverty, hunger, prostitution, and insanity in our streets?  I doubt it.

I’m sick of it.  The reason our nation and world is in chaos today, teetering on the edge of total destruction is because so-called “Christians” have failed in their primary duty.  Matthew 5:13, “You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt has lost his savor, how shall its savor be restored?  It’s no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under the feet of men.” 

This is what we’ve allowed to happen… and America is now a post-Christian nation.  “Christianity” has become irrelevant.  Good for nothing.  The very Word of God has been thrown out and trampled under the feet of men, and we have allowed this to happen.  Yes, Pastor, I’m talking to you — and all those lost souls you’ve spent your entire career serving up lies of omission to.  You’ve taught them well.  It’s because of you that they don’t think God Almighty has any place in the affairs of men and civil government.  And so we no longer have civility and our government is treacherous tyranny.

It’s doubtful that the man who called me to complain will ever read this message or hear it on the radio.  From what I could gather, he only listens to the modern “praise choruses” on the “Christian Rock” stations.  It’s very sad.  So many are so deluded because of our silent pulpits.  But if you don’t want to get near anything that could possibly be considered “political,” you certainly have your choice of 99.9% of places that call themselves “churches” to attend and get a heaping helping of feel-good motivational speeches on any given Sunday.

Because we publish articles of real substance, covering the most vital matters facing our families, our nation and our world, Wisconsin Christian News is quite regularly condemned as being “too radical.”  I guess most people are expecting the typical milquetoast, wimpy, poetry and recipes, “feel good” motivational materials served up by the vast majority of our pastors and churches today.  I can tell you that fewer than one in a hundred pastors will even allow Wisconsin Christian News in their buildings, because they fear someone may be offended when we say sodomy and baby-murder is wrong.

When people open up our newspaper, they’re often shocked to see in-depth articles on what’s really going on in this world.  Serious matters.  Don’t get me wrong; we’re not all doom and gloom — we offer the real hope of salvation in Christ — but we’re not “cotton candy” vendors either.  No sugar-coating here.  We provide the truth.  We offer substance and relevant information I believe all Christ-followers need to be aware of as they carry forward the Great Commission in this world.  “Religious” people can’t handle it.  Pastors hate it.  Even most businesses and ministries are too afraid to advertise in our newspaper, for fear of offending someone.

I’d like to contrast what we offer in Wisconsin Christian News with another so-called “Christian” newspaper from another state.  While we struggle to meet the budget every month, this one is literally packed with expensive paid advertising.  In their current issue, just in the first 15 pages there are nine full pages of nothing but ads.  They offer plenty of positive, motivational teachings, some questionable new age psychology-based articles, and this month, a Christian College Guide, which appears to be another great opportunity for them to sell even more ads, which they did.

And in what I can only describe as a way for them to “stroke” the egos of the area pastors, they print full color pictures of pastors each month and publish their response to one absurd question a month.  Examples of questions they’ve asked are: “What’s the best concert you’ve ever been to?” “What is your favorite meal of all time?”  “How old were you when you got your first car and what kind was it?”  This month, they’re asking, “Are you an early bird or a night owl, and why?”

I’m sorry to sound critical, but this is just such a waste, and clearly, I see no other reason for this particular feature except to, as I said, “stroke” the egos of the pastors who respond to the questions and get their pictures published.  This is probably a great “door opener” too, to hopefully sell more ads to churches.  Then they publish calendar listings for concerts and special events, along with classified ads.

They sell a lot of ads.  Their paper is in full color throughout — something we’ve never been able to afford to do with Wisconsin Christian News.  But for the life of me, I can’t imagine why anyone would bother to read even a single page of it.  It contains nothing of significance or substance.

Now, if I simply wanted to make money, I guess this would be a way to do that — but honestly, this is not “Christian news.”  This is nonsense.  It offers nothing of substance at all.  If I were only about making money, I’d much rather publish a Shopper’s Guide or “Auto Seller.”  At least it would have some value and wouldn’t be, in my opinion, mocking God.

I used to joke about how pastors and church-goers really only seem to want “poetry and recipes.”  Some time ago, I came across a small paper that was exactly that.  It was put out for a while by a secular newspaper in one Wisconsin city, and I believe it was quarterly.  And it truly was just poetry and recipes…and just about every single church in that city had an ad in it.  It was definitely a money-maker, but I doubt anyone ever picked up more than one copy and it lasted less than a year.

I tell you all this to let you know that what we do here at Wisconsin Christian News is not easy.  We get a lot of criticism and a lot of cruel and hateful phone calls, emails and letters.  You might be shocked to know that most of the nasty comments come from those who consider themselves to be good, church-going Christians.  On the other hand, we get amazing testimonies from people who find the Lord for the first time, or return to Him after many years away, after finding Wisconsin Christian News in a newspaper rack in a public place somewhere.  Because we’re relevant.  We take on the tough issues.  We don’t mince words. We work hard to publish truth and have some of the best writers in the nation.  Many have told us it’s the only newspaper they read and the only media they feel they can trust.  If you haven’t seen it and would like a complimentary copy, just call and request one.  I’ll be happy to send it you.

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 442.

Do People Ever Consider Their Spiritual Eternal Destiny?

By Rob Pue

September 22, 2024

There are several common attitudes and beliefs about spiritual matters, Christianity and various world religions.  Among the most common are: 1) Most people don’t really think about God all that much. 2) They never really consider their eternal destiny, but believe they’ll be fine.  And 3) They really don’t know much at all about the Bible or what it says, but they make drastic, sweeping assumptions about it.

Perhaps the most important thing to note is that most people today believe spirituality should be an individual, private thing, not something talked about, and certainly no one should seek to “convert” anyone else to their faith.  “It’s whatever you believe,” is a common theme.  This is moral relativism.  “Your truth” may not be “My truth,” and the very idea of “truth” is an ever-changing concept.  What was true a hundred years ago may not be true today.  That may be correct when it comes to our knowledge of science and technology or the cost of living or a myriad of other ever-changing things in our world.

But when it comes to the things of nature and nature’s God, there absolutely are absolute truths, which never change.  They have never changed, and they never will.  Some things in this world are just plain natural and true.

An example of absolute truth is that in all species of animals — and plants — there are two genders: male and female.  It takes both genders to reproduce.  Two females cannot reproduce, nor can two males.  Further, only females can conceive and bear children, but they can’t do it without a male father.  And only mothers are able to breast-feed their babies.

Today’s Leftist Lunatics will try to tell you there are 72 genders and they can’t define what a “woman” is.  Certainly, they can go to great lengths to try to prove “transgenderism” is a real thing — that it’s possible for a male to “transition” to a female.  But the absolute truth is, they can take sterilizing drugs, they can get themselves disfigured through diabolical surgeries and they can play “dress up” all they want, but a male can never be anything other than a male, and despite the purple hair, piercings, tattoos, “butch” haircuts and foul-mouthed vocabularies, a female can never possibly “transition” to be a male.  Such ideas are delusional, the product of depraved minds that choose to believe the lies of Satan, the enemy of our souls.

For centuries, people heard, believed and knew the truth about the one true God of Creation and His Son, Jesus Christ, but today, when approached with the Gospel message, people will say, “That’s fine if that’s what you believe, but don’t try to tell me about it.”  When pressed, most people seem to conclude that all the religions of the world ultimately lead to the same god, like spokes of a wheel leading to a center point. So, if you believe in buddah, or allah or Jesus Christ, that is your option, all these are equally valid, and all ultimately lead to the center, to God.

If this is your belief, then it’s terribly “intolerant” for someone to say that there’s only one way to God, and we can’t all just “co-exist” because all the other symbols on that bumper sticker are paying homage to false gods and doctrines of demons. Yes, to our limited human understanding, it would certainly make sense that all the peoples of the world seek God in their own way, following their own traditions; all the peoples of the world believe in a god, and as long as you believe it and follow your religion to the best of your ability, and live a good life and try your best to be a “good person,” you will ultimately find God, because there are as many paths to Him as there are people in the world. This way of thinking makes perfect sense — to imperfect, ignorant and self-centered human beings, many of whom believe they themselves are “god.”  At the same time, the truth of the Gospel is often considered nonsense to these same people, who by the way, are perishing by their refusal to open their minds to the truth we’ve so graciously been given.

These are just regular, ordinary everyday people from all over  the world. Wherever you go, the attitude seems to be the same: 1) There are many paths to God. 2) Follow your path, (your religion), to the best of your ability and you’ll get to heaven in the end. 3) Whatever you believe is fine — as long as you’re a good person, God will understand, forgive you of any wrongdoing and welcome you to heaven.  And 4) Don’t try to tell me what you believe. That’s fine if that’s what you believe, but don’t try to make me believe.

So, following this logic, believing something, then, makes it true? As long as you believe it, it’s true?  That’s really what they’re saying. Ok, let’s see if that theory holds true anywhere in the world…

Let me provide an example. If I had jokingly told my kids when they were small, “Guess what! Today I ordered us an in-ground heated swimming pool. They’ll be coming to start work on it next week!” — as young children, they might have believed me.

“Really?! Wow, Dad, is it a big one? When will it be done?” Not knowing any better, they would hardly be able to contain their excitement. They could see themselves jumping in right then. My wife, on the other hand, would know I was only joking. Imagine.  The kids believed it. My wife did not. So, because my kids believed it, does that mean that for them, there’s a brand new, in-ground heated swimming pool in our backyard for them to play in, and because my wife didn’t believe me, for her there is no pool?

“That’s a ridiculous example,” you say. Really? But the kids believed it. They should have a pool, because whatever you believe is fine, as long as you’re a good person, you will get what you believe. Well, bottom line is, we always had lots of grass in our backyard, but there was never a pool. Sorry kids.

Let me give you another example…many years ago, I changed my cell phone number. I tried to inform as many people as I could that the number had changed, but there were still a lot of people who believed my old number was still my number. These folks tried to call me but got someone else. Why would that happen? They believed they had the right number. They even dialed it twice to be sure. Why didn’t they get ahold of me?

The keys on a keyboard are laid out in a particular pattern, one that we learn and memorize when we learned to type.  As long as we begin typing a letter, article or message with our fingers in the proper place on “home row,” what we type will make sense.  But if we deviate by moving our fingers over by just one key, we can type away forever, but all we’ll end up with is gibberish.

Likewise, if I go to play my guitar and place my fingers on the fretboard in such a way as to form a proper chord, what I attempt to play will sound right.  But if just one finger is in the wrong position, on the wrong fret or the wrong string, everyone will immediately know there is such a thing as absolute truth — and the absolute opposite.

You see, folks, it doesn’t matter what you believe if it isn’t true. If you believe something that isn’t true, then it isn’t true regardless of how much belief you may have. Some have said, “It’s not what you believe, but Who you believe.”

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. NO ONE comes to the Father, but by Me.” (John 14:6). That may sound intolerant, but in fact, it is just simply true.

Satan is our enemy. He plots day and night against us. The last thing he wants is for us to know the truth. Unlike my joke about a swimming pool or making a mistake with a phone number, a keyboard or a guitar, Satan’s lies are designed to be deadly.

Many can see the folly of following the violent religion of Islam, yet many more believe it. We can look back to 1997 and remember in sadness and amazement at the “Heaven’s Gate” cult. Most people realize it was ridiculous to think a spaceship was cloaked in the tail of the Hale-Bopp comet, yet 39 people believed it so strongly, they committed suicide to meet that spaceship. We remember in horror the sickening images in the news in 1978 when 900 people believed so strongly in Pastor Jim Jones that they followed him to their deaths in the jungles of Guyana.

Remember. Remember these things before you have the attitude of, “That’s fine if that’s what you believe.” It’s not fine. Believing lies can kill you.  And believe it or not, some people knowingly choose to believe lies.  2 Thessalonians 2, “…and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false,  in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

Satan is the father of lies. Perhaps one of his biggest is the lie that says we’re more compassionate if we’re more tolerant of other views, even if they’re in error. In reality, we’re not more compassionate, just more cowardly. It takes courage to share your faith. More courage than many people can muster. In our desire to not offend anyone, many Christians stand idly by as our friends and loved ones and acquaintances go happily through life, ignoring God and believing all is well. Parents often think it’s more “loving” to be non-judgmental, accepting and affirming when their children fall victim to the “woke mind virus” and  declare they’re now “homosexual” or “transgender.”  Or when they turn away from God and accept some weird “new age” form of false spirituality.  But Jesus said, “No one comes to the Father but by Me.”  We could have told them the truth in love, but instead, we wanted them to like us.  It was more “tolerant” and “affirming” to let them believe whatever they believed and so many “love” them straight to hell.

But with so many religions in the world, how do we know that Christianity is the one true way to God? We need more than a trite, “God said it, I believe it, that settles it” answer. Getting back to a point I made earlier, many people make broad sweeping assumptions about what the Bible says without ever reading it. These assumptions may come from vague childhood memories of a Sunday School class, things they inferred from Christians they’ve known in the past, ideas presented in a movie somewhere, or any number of other experiences that together formed their view of Christianity. But they’ve never really opened the Bible to read God’s Words for themselves.

This is dangerous. Because without a solid Bible education, you develop a worldview based on assumptions, with no real facts. It’s a foundation for life built on ignorance. In such a case, it’s easy to be deceived. And this deception has eternal consequences. In our modern world, it’s even easier to take the broad, easy path of not bothering to find out the truth, not even caring about spiritual, eternal things. And today, even if you go to church, you can’t rely on that alone for your Christian education. There are many deceivers, many compromisers — and Satan’s lies have infiltrated most modern American churches now.

The only way to discover the truth is to read and study the Bible for yourself. Don’t take anyone’s word for anything. And don’t assume you know the Bible if you’ve never — or rarely — opened one. There are many good resources available to aid your study and help strengthen your walk with the Lord, but there is no substitute for the Book He wrote Himself — and no other place to begin.

Many who consider themselves “spiritual” will revere “ancient” books of wisdom of all kinds, yet despise and dismiss the most ancient of Books, the most reliable of Books, the most sacred and Holy of Books, with the most truth of any Book ever written.  Open God’s Word. Study it. It’s the history of the world, it’s the future of all life, and it contains the key to the Kingdom of God.  In this world of deception and lies, it’s the one thing we really can believe.

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

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The Woke Mind Virus

By Rob Pue

September 3, 2024

Isaiah 59:14, “So justice is turned away and righteousness stands afar off. For truth has fallen in the streets and righteousness cannot enter.”

And this, from 2 Timothy 3, “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away…

“….and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.”

Perilous times are upon us, friends.  There is no justice.  Truth hasn’t just fallen in the streets — it’s been pushed under a bus.  Righteousness is not allowed to enter.

How far we’ve fallen here in America.  This isn’t the nation I grew up in anymore. Those infected with the “woke mind virus” will call this “progress.”  It’s not.  Today, we have a nation of lawlessness and insanity, the by-products of men and women being lovers of themselves, and haters of God.  They’ve worked hard to earn the depraved minds they suffer with. We’re a nation of liars who prefer lies over truth.  Natural affection between men and women is becoming more and more rare, as once-sane people turn to the profane and succumb to the spirit of Sodom.

There’s no doubt that we love pleasure, comfort and ease much more than we love the God who created us and sustains us, even in His patience and longsuffering.  And evil men and seducers are growing worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.

Truth is now declared “hate speech,” and is punishable under color of law.  And in our ignorance and wickedness, we’ve now banned the one true God of heaven, our only hope of salvation.  The One Who sent His Son to Calvary to defeat the works of the devil and to make a way for our forgiveness and restoration is now not only not reverenced, but openly despised, mocked and hated throughout the Earth, once again.

And they call this “progress.”  It’s purposeful ignorance, self-centeredness and denial of basic, essential truth and common sense.  We’ve exchanged love and sanity for hedonism, and I see no way out of this without the righteous judgment of God Almighty Himself to wake us from this stupor of the “woke mind virus.”  We are ever “learning” so many new things — Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Critical Race Theory, Sodomy as a lifestyle and “Transgenderism,” yet we’re never able to come to a knowledge of the truth.  Because God isn’t in any of those things.

Today, we can no longer even have an opinion that goes contrary to the many  doctrines of demons, or we become targets of attack.  All who would live godly in Christ Jesus are suffering persecution, and ever more so each day.  Meanwhile, the evil ones are growing more and more evil.  This should not surprise us, but simply underscore the fact — told to us in Scripture — that we’re living in the last days, and perilous times have come.

I long ago abandoned Facebook, having been banned multiple times for telling the truth there.  It’s a lost cause.  Over the past few years, I’ve been a member of a local social media site called “Nextdoor.”  Recently, someone posted a Bible verse as an encouragement to another member, and I thanked them for doing that.  But almost immediately, the controversy began.  People were upset and asked, “Is this right the place to be ‘spouting Scripture?’”  I responded, “Every place is the right place to share the Word of God.”  Then the God-haters descended on the scene and what was originally meant as an encouragement from a Bible verse turned into ‘spouting Scripture’ and it all became very ugly very quickly.

Yesterday, I closed my account on Nextdoor and am no longer participating in this group for our local area.  Here’s what happened.  Several weeks ago, an illegal immigrant attacked and raped a local woman, and the local secular newspaper covered the story — including the part we’re never allowed to say out loud — that the attacker was in this country illegally.  Now, this is a very left-wing publication, and I was shocked to see they reported it as truthfully as they did.  But I posted the story on Nextdoor, to make people aware of what’s happening here, locally.

Stories of other crimes in our area have also been posted by others on Nextdoor, whenever they occur.  But my posting of this particular story really brought the wrath of the woke down upon me. It was incomprehensible to most that I would dare post this article — from a secular, Left-wing newspaper — about the violent rape of a local woman…because the rapist was an illegal ‘migrant.’  How dare I?

This situation spiraled so out of control, I eventually realized there was no point trying to have any rational discussion — and I not only ended the conversation, but removed myself from the Nextdoor platform altogether.  I want nothing to do with those who publicly support a violent rapist rather than the long-time local resident who was attacked.

The fact of the matter, whether those infected with the “woke mind virus” want to admit it or not is, these illegal invaders are, indeed, wreaking havoc on American citizens. They’ve already committed a serious crime by entering the country illegally, but then to violently attack innocent citizens is horrific. Yet so many just want to pretend it’s not happening.

It is happening. We’ve all heard of the heart-wrenching killing of Laken Riley, the 22-year-old nursing student murdered by a 26-year-old illegal from Venezuela in Athens, Georgia.  And just last month, in Albany, New York, a 21-year-old illegal from Turkey attacked and violently raped a 15-year-old girl who he found walking down a street in her neighborhood.

Also last month, two illegals from Venezuela savagely murdered a 12-year-old girl in Texas.  Before killing her, they stripped her naked and assaulted her for two hours.  Here are three more cases to consider — all in Florida, all in the past month.  A 26-year-old man from Honduras is in jail on charges of unlawful sexual activity with a minor, domestic battery with strangulation and aggravated battery on a pregnant teen.  A 43-year-old woman from Guatemala is being held at Palm Beach County Jail on charges of premeditated first-degree murder.  She also tried to hire a “hitman” to kill two witnesses in her teenage son’s criminal case.  And a 20-year-old male from Guatemala is in jail without bond on charges of kidnapping a minor under 13 years of age and sexual assault.

I could give you plenty more examples, but suffice to say, this really is happening.  The illegal invaders our current Regine is importing and resettling into our American neighborhoods with our tax dollars are mostly violent criminals.  No, not all of them, but certainly numbering in the millions; certainly, enough to be great cause for concern.  Meanwhile, the lying media and our government officials either refuse to report these crimes or conveniently omit the fact that the attackers, rapists and killers are here illegally, from many foreign countries around the world — and all living quite comfortably in taxpayer-funded housing.

These people are not here to “assimilate” and become genuine Americans.  They came waving the flags of their homelands and they’re here to conquer the US, and a majority have no value for human life.  All of our major cities have become cesspools of violent crime. I feel bad for those who live there and can’t understand why they don’t move out.  But it’s not just the big cities anymore.  The assault and rape I told you about happened in my small city, of just 40,000 people.

But also last month, in a very small town here in Wisconsin — an illegal invader attacked a woman and her two young children in their home while they slept. The woman was stabbed 17 times but survived. Both children died of their wounds — one stabbed 16 times and one 20 times… in a tiny town of less than 2,000 people.  This is happening all over America now — not just in the big cities.  It’s everywhere.

But it’s not just this country.  Recently, we’ve seen the riots in the UK over Islamic invaders there, taking over huge portions of the country and huge portions of cities.  The most recent riots came after word spread that an illegal “migrant” had killed three young girls, ages 6, 7 and 9; attempted to kill eight more children and a teacher.  This news spread on social media there, prompting outrage and causing the citizens to finally rise up and say “Enough!” with illegal “migration.”

When the full story was heard, it turned out that the alleged killer wasn’t an “illegal” but was actually born in the UK.  He’s 17 years old and was born in Britain to Rwandan parents.  So although he’s not an illegal immigrant, with all the violence perpetrated in the UK by Islamic invaders, it’s understandable how people came to that conclusion.

Now the UK is cracking down on “misinformation” on the internet.  So far, 600 people have been arrested for posting or re-posting “misinformation” online about these murders.  Three have already been sentenced to jail time for their social media posts, and England now has 6,000 officers trained to scour the internet for people posting “misinformation.”

But the bottom line is, no one was killed as the citizens pushed back against the invasion of their country by Muslim Jihadists.  Meanwhile, violent crimes and murders are ongoing in that country, mostly by Muslim Jihadists.  Another case of the criminals given preferential treatment over those they attack and kill.  And England is ramping up their “thought police” division, even threatening to extradite people from other countries — including the US — if they’re caught posting “misinformation” of any kind on social media.

Here in the US, Michigan’s Secretary of State has joined this Globalist agenda by asking voters to fight “election misinformation” by reporting on their neighbors.  We all know what a wide net can be cast when the powers-that-be start talking about “misinformation.”  Legitimate COVID cures were deemed “misinformation” and “disinformation” and doctors and other health professionals lost their licenses — and everything they had — for simply stating that Vitamins C and D were helpful for COVID.  The censorship we experienced then has only gotten worse today.  Now, we’re attacked for simply reporting that an illegal invader raped a local woman.  That’s not misinformation. It’s the truth. But it’s an inconvenient truth for those who are importing the illegals, and therefore, it won’t be long before such reporting becomes a “hate crime.”

Meanwhile, the city of Minneapolis has just become the first in the nation to allow the hideous  Islamic call to prayer to play five times a day, at all hours of the day, throughout the city.  They compare it to “church bells.”  But these prayers involve asking Allah for the death of Christians and Jews, five times a day, every day.

Meanwhile, in the Minneapolis suburb of Bloomington, a man was confronted by “Mall Cops” at the Mall of America for wearing a T Shirt with the words “Jesus Saves.” He was told he could either change his shirt or be cited and removed for trespassing.  I was recently told by someone who works at the Mall of America that very few Americans shop there anymore.  “It’s almost completely Muslim,” he said.  Non-Muslims avoid the place, and stores are shutting down.  And while Islam has now conquered England, Christians are being arrested for praying silently outside abortion centers there.  And Canada has taken online censorship to levels that have American Communists salivating.

We have much to pray about as the foreign residents among us rise higher and higher above us and we sink lower and lower…and even more to pray about as truth — even the BIBLE — is now considered “hate speech,” or a “thought crime.”  And posting on social media today doesn’t just get you into a war of words with others on the platform — in many places, it can get you arrested and jailed.  George Orwell’s “1984” wasn’t meant to be an instruction manual, but that’s what it’s become as we continue the “progress” of this Godless world, with the “woke mind virus.”

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

The Left Is Energizing Their Base

By Rob Pue

August 25, 2024

I really don’t like politics.  But as Christians, we must not distance ourselves from politics because it’s politics and politicians that direct our public discourse, and it’s what we do as Christians, regarding politics, that determines the trajectory of our society and culture.  We must not be ignorant of the devil’s devices.  Will we continue to allow God and Jesus Christ to be erased and minimalized, or will we stand boldly for the One we claim to serve?  Will we continue to bow the knee to “Caesar” or is there no king in America except King Jesus for us?  Will we push back against evil, wickedness, perversion and the exploitation of our children?  Or will we ignore it all, claiming “politics” is none of our business?

What we do, as Christians, makes a difference, whether we want to accept that responsibility or not.  Perhaps more importantly, what we fail to do, as Christians, has a profound impact in the nation and world we live in — and the nation and world our children and grandchildren will inherit from our watch.

America was founded with a wonderful system of checks and balances to ensure our government would never become tyrannical or corrupt.  Unfortunately, our politicians have ignored that system for decades.  I don’t think there’s been anyone in our Executive Branch that’s not been compromised since perhaps JFK.

Our Legislative Branch figured out how to become millionaires off the public dole long ago.  Even in times of government shutdowns, they’ve managed to give themselves raises in their salaries…salaries that they continue to receive for life — long after they leave office, if they ever do.  And they’ve figured out how to launder money through shady business deals, gifts from so-called “lobbyists,” by taking outright bribes from Big Pharma, and through continuing to fund foreign wars by way of the Military Industrial Complex.

And our Judicial Branch is a “set up” too.  If you think there’s no agenda there and their only intention is to properly interpret the Constitution, you’d be wrong.  Our Supreme Court, and lower court justices are equally beholden to the Globalist Regime, the Deep State, whatever you want to call it.

Make no mistake, our “public servants” today — with a very few exceptions — deserve none of our admiration or respect.  They’re swindlers, criminals — and if the truth were to be known, most of them are perverts.  They serve themselves on this “all-you-can-eat” buffet we’ve laid out for them, which we pay for, and they get it all for free, and no one can stop them.  Most of them have never done a hard day’s work in their lives.  They consider themselves above the law, (which they are), and their credibility is less than that of the telemarketer, the used car or timeshare salesman.

Now, once again, we find ourselves in another so-called “election” year.  I hate to be cynical, but I don’t believe we’ve had free and fair elections — at least on the national level — for a very long time.  For decades, they’ve been rigged.  Especially when it comes to the Presidential elections.  Presidents are selected, not elected.  That’s my opinion.  The outcomes of these theater shows are pre-determined well in advance by entities and powers we know nothing of.  Once in office, their actions are controlled by puppeteers pulling the strings.

And once again, for this cycle, we have the customary two choices.  Perhaps never before in our lifetimes has the choice been made so stark in contrast for us.  On one side, we have a political party that’s all-out Communist and they’re proud of that agenda.  On the other side, we have the “America first” ideals, which of course, most Americans prefer.  Because we’re tired of the tyranny.  We’re sick to death of the perversion forced upon all of us under wicked laws.  Our backs are broken by soaring inflation and out-of-control national debt, and our jobs are eliminated by an ever-increasing number of businesses that can no longer keep the lights on.

America is at the brink of total collapse, in whatever direction you look.  Our economy, our cost of living, our personal investments.  Our morality as a nation has never been lower.  As a people, we are now more divided than ever…by the color of our skin, by our gender, by our preference of sexual activity, by our income levels and more. Normal working people can’t afford the basic necessities anymore — food, shelter, clothing, transportation, utilities —  while those who choose not to work receive every advantage…or should I say “bribe?”

At the same time, our nation is being invaded by foreign enemies who mean to do us harm, and already have and this invasion is being facilitated by the Regime in power.  We’re living out the promise of Deuteronomy 28:43, “The foreigner living among you will rise higher and higher above you while you sink down lower and lower.”

God spoke to Moses in Deuteronomy 28, and instructed him to warn his people, “If…you do not obey the LORD your God by carefully following all His commandments and statutes…all these curses will come upon you and overtake you.”  And so, they have.

Be not deceived.  Both Democrats and Republicans are to blame for the state of our nation, but if you want to get to the root of the problem, we need only look in the mirror.  We’ve sunk to this current level because we’ve done nothing to stop it, or even push back against it.  Nor did most of our parents.  Because for so many years, we’ve chosen to believe the “system” was legitimate.  The last few years have revealed that it’s not…and hasn’t been for a very long time.

I’m concerned for what’s to come in the months ahead as we approach the November election.  You should be too, and you should be preparing — physically and spiritually — for the dark winter ahead.  I’ve also tried to figure out the plot to this sick theater play they’re putting on for us.  Not so long ago, I really believed that Michelle Obama would pick up the baton from Joe Biden.  But now I realize that would be too obvious.  The Obamas can be more useful to Satan if they remain behind the curtain, planning, scheming and orchestrating.

So now we have Kamala Harris as the presumptive nominee of the Communist party…having been placed in the position of their new figurehead without a single vote cast on her behalf.  I didn’t think they’d take that route but stick with me and I’ll try to make sense of it.

Harris subsequently chose the one of most reviled Communist governors in the nation as her running mate: Tim Walz of Minnesota.  I’ve spoken with many people from Minnesota and none of them know anyone who’s ever voted for this man, yet he’s taken power there, and kept it.  He’s the poster child for the murder and mutilation of children, which Communists love.  Last year, he signed legislation that includes no limitations on abortion.  And with an Executive Order, he made Minnesota a “trans-refuge” state — meaning that children are welcome to go to Minnesota for irreversible transgender surgeries and sterilizing hormone treatments — without parental consent or knowledge.

He also presided over the burning and looting of Minneapolis and St. Paul, leaving the Twin Cities in utter desolation, even as he worked to defund the police there.  By the way, Kamala Harris raised money to bail out those who were arrested.  Two peas in a pod.

And to illustrate the “wokeness’ of Walz even further, he does attend a so-called “church,” but it’s an ELCA Lutheran church, where parishioners are instructed not to refer to God using male pronouns; the church supports “reparations” for black people, encourages congregants to celebrate Ramadan, and uses a modified, gender-neutral, version of the Lord’s Prayer.  Abomination.  Of course, they also celebrate the LGBTQP+ agenda, abortion and mutilating sterilization and surgeries of children who somehow manage to escape death by abortion.

So why in the world would the Communists choose Harris?  And then why would they  choose such a radical Communist like Walz?  I think I’ve finally figured it out.  The Leftists know the vast majority of Americans are fed up with the Communist tyranny and their “woke” agenda.  They know Americans are tired of the lies of “Net Zero” and “Climate Change.”  They know Americans won’t stand much longer for sexual perversion and hedonism forced down our throats, nor will we allow our children to be indoctrinated and brainwashed with these mental illnesses much longer.

In short, they know they can’t possibly “win” an election and stealing it again this year would not be a good “look” for them.  So, they’ve chosen the most radical Leftist team one could assemble to pit against Donald Trump, who appeals to American Nationalism, who brings the ideals of “common sense” back into the discussion and who offers the promise of ending the “wokeness” and embracing our beloved American history and heritage.

I’m not saying Trump is a legitimate Christian Conservative.  I certainly hope he’s for real, but he did preside over the COVID scam and the depopulation shot; he did credit himself for being extremely LGBTQ friendly, and he never pardoned the J6 political prisoners, though he absolutely could have.  So, while I, like most Americans, like what he purports to represent, I have my doubts about him as well.  He’s a politician; so, I must give him the same scrutiny I give all politicians.

But by choosing the most radical Communist team possible, the Left is energizing their most radical Communist base supporters: the brainwashed young people, with pink, blue and green hair, who now hate America, question their gender, support sodomy while at the same time supporting Islam, and see themselves as entitled to all the free stuff government has to offer (including their college indoctrinations).  These are the tattooed ones, with nose piercings, wearing masks and hoods, who choose death over life, stop traffic, deface our monuments, attack people in the streets, riot, burn, loot and destroy on command….and for $30 – $50 an hour, I might add.

You see, the Left needs chaos.  They can’t very well finish the job of destroying the country while they hold power, so they must do it while the other side holds power.  Trump will most certainly win the election, and then it will be Civil War 2.0. (Or is it 3.0?  …I’ve lost track).  I’m sure that right now, as we speak, they’re preparing “Obama’s Private Army” to begin the attack.  They’re also equipping and training the millions of foreign invaders they’ve settled in to strike all our major cities when they get the call on their free cell phones.

So the Left is energizing their base, though they know they can’t possibly win and won’t get a free pass on another stolen election.  But they’re telling their base what they want to hear: free college, free healthcare, free housing, free drugs, free abortions, free sex, choose your own gender — make one up if you like — no morality, no personal responsibility,  “must stop climate change,” “Christianity is oppression,” “Nationalism is bad,” “Globalism is good.” Fifteen-minute cities. You get the point.

If you think the riots of 2020 were bad, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.  I’m not planning for much beyond November, and November is coming up quickly.  I suggest you prepare.  Stock up on food and other necessities.  Get some things you can use to barter with your neighbors, find alternative ways to stay warm this winter.  Only God knows what’s about to break loose, but everyone knows it’s not going to be good.

Understand this is all part of the One World Order plan.  Also know that Trump is not your Savior…whether he legitimately wants to rescue this nation or not.  And if you don’t know Who your real Savior is, now’s the time.  Don’t wait.  Energize your relationship with Jesus, the King of kings.  Because the Left is energizing their base right now, and their demons are chomping at the bit.  The spiritual war we’ve been enduring will soon become physical.

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

We Can’t Do It Without You

By Rob Pue

August 18, 2024

Wisconsin Christian News is now in it’s 25th year of publication.  Prior to starting the newspaper, I owned and operated a photography studio in my hometown, which I started from scratch.  We built up a great business there, with over 300 regular clients.  I did wedding photography, baby and child photography, family portraits, high school senior portraits, and the circle then continued as the babies I once did portraits of called on me to do their wedding photography, and then their children’s portraits.

I greatly enjoyed the creativity and working with people.  We also specialized in formal portraits of senior citizens, and often times I took the studio to them, in nursing homes.  I also did a lot of traveling for my work, as we set up a special program, which I coordinated with nursing home Activity Directors.  Because it was often nearly impossible for nursing home residents to go out to a studio to have a nice portrait made, we went to them.  And every time I went to a nursing home it was a special day.

First, the residents would have their hair and makeup done by either the facility’s beautician, or we would call one in.  The nursing staff would make sure the residents were all dressed in their finest.  Sometimes we’d have husbands and wives photographed together, and often times, the family would participate too, so we were able to do the individuals, couples and family portraits.  We even did Grandma and Grandpa with their grandchildren; and great-grandchildren. And these were all formal portraits, complete with studio lighting and backgrounds, which I brought with me to give them the very best quality possible.

The portraits I made were cherished, and in most cases the last formal portraits people had of their elderly loved ones.  After the work was done, everyone who was photographed would receive a free portrait, with no obligation to purchase anything.  But many people ordered multiple copies to share with family and loved ones.  As I said, these portraits were cherished, as they’d really have no other way to have such nice images of their parents, grandparents and great-grandparents.

At least one week a month, I would be traveling.  I eventually ended up taking my mobile studio to nursing homes in nine states.  The rest of the month, my schedule was full back at the main studio, and on weekends it was rare when I wasn’t doing a wedding.  We developed a style and a system to create the best wedding portraits of any studio for miles around.  Word got out and I had couples coming to me to do their weddings from all over, including neighboring states, so again, I was doing a lot of traveling.

On those travels, I would often stop at the local Christian bookstore.  This was back when just about every town in the country had a Christian bookstore.  And as I traveled to these other states, I found Christian newspapers at these stores.  I’d always pick one up.

As a side note, I’ve always been very interested in our family history, and in my studies, I learned that our family had the first newspaper ever published in Ireland, starting back in the 1600s.  I also learned that in every generation of our family, there had been at least one person in the newspaper publishing industry and at least one person working in Christian ministry.  I had also worked at a small county newspaper prior to opening my photography studio.  And it seems now, I’m the last one left, combining both vocations — newspapers and ministry — into one.

So apparently newspapering was in my blood, though I didn’t know much about the business side of things.  Still, as I traveled doing photography, and picking up copies of various Christian newspapers, I thought, “this is a great idea, but it could be done so much better.”

And then God began speaking to my heart.  “YOU should start a Christian newspaper for Wisconsin, Rob,” He said.  “Oh, no, no… I think it’s a great idea, but You have the wrong guy, God… someone else should do this,” was my reply.

I fought God on this idea for two years, with the Holy Spirit occasionally nudging me to start a Christian newspaper.  “I have no time for something like that!  I have no experience in that, and besides, things are so busy with the studio, I couldn’t possibly do both,” I said.  And God’s response was, “I don’t expect you to do both.  Sell your studio and start a Christian newspaper.”

“Great idea, wrong guy, God,” I said.  Well, long story short — you can run but you can’t hide from God.  His prodding became impossible to ignore.  “When are you going to start that Christian newspaper, Rob?”  And this was at a time when I was at the height of my creativity in the studio.  I was making an excellent salary, and the business was prospering greatly.  I had no reason to be unhappy.  Yet every day I’d get up and go to work and I’d dread going there more each day, for no apparent reason.

Finally, I made a deal with God: “Ok, I will do this, but You will need to sell the photography studio for me,” I told Him.  I did my part.  I put some ads in newspapers around the country.  I thought I was pretty smart.  I thought I was “off the hook.” I thought “no one is going to be interested in such a highly specialized business in a small town like ours.”  But the first person to call and come see our operation offered to buy it, at the price I was asking.

I trained the new owner for about a year, and then on December 31, 1999, I handed over the keys, left the building for the last time, and was unemployed for the first time in my life, with only this “Christian newspaper” idea, which I had yet to set up.  With the proceeds from the sale of my studio, I purchased the needed equipment and remodeled my basement at home to be my office.

I was so naive in those days.  I thought everyone was going to want our newspaper.  I imagined it would be in grocery store checkout lanes, next to the R-rated gossip magazines.  I thought every church for miles around would want it to share with their members. I thought every Christian radio station would be on board with us, and every Christian bookstore would be eager to carry it.

In April of 2000, with virtually all of the funds from the sale of our studio now gone, our first edition came out.  And then the hard truth hit me.  Those gossip magazines at the grocery store checkouts pay massive fees to be located there.  Not a single church would have anything to do with us because we weren’t of their specific denomination.  Christian radio stations told me they weren’t interested because we were, as they said, “competing media.”  And Christian bookstore owners told me they had no room in their store for something that was given away free, that they weren’t able to make a profit on.

We’d gotten our first issue out, but it appeared there was little hope for a second one.  I thought we’d have plenty of advertisers to cover our expenses.  But try selling ads in a newspaper that doesn’t really exist yet.  Even my own church, which my family had attended since I was a baby, and which my wife and I had tithed to faithfully for years, took six months to decide to support us, and when they did, they chose the smallest possible ad they could — giving us a whopping $50 a year.

I remember sitting down at the dinner table many times, with my wife and three small children, and thanking God for what I truly believed was our last meal, because there really was no money for another one.  I thought to myself, “What have I done?”  And I took the situation to God, “Lord, I did what you said. I thought You would bless this work and take care of us, but now You’ve left me in this ‘wilderness’ with no way to even feed my family or pay the bills.”

And thus began my ‘wilderness experience’ and my education regarding pastors, churches and ‘Churchianity’ in general.  I learned a lot, most of it not good, to say the least.  The Lord put me through many tests and trials, and it was more than ten years before the financial stress let up, even a little bit.  Yet somehow, God always made a way for another edition of Wisconsin Christian News, and for our family to survive.  We’ve learned to live one day at a time, on God’s grace and provision.

There was a point when we had a very good advertiser base, as the newspaper expanded and word got around.  Instead of distributing in churches, we rented space on racks in grocery store entry ways and gave the newspaper away for free.  In other locations, we purchased our own news racks and placed our paper in there.  My original vision for Wisconsin Christian News was to be Wisconsin only, but God had bigger things in mind.  People in neighboring states began picking it up and taking it back home.  Soon we had distribution points in Minnesota, Michigan, Illinois and Iowa, as well as throughout Wisconsin.

And the newspaper grew in size as well.  For many years now, we’ve published 48 pages every issue.  Today we have more readership than ever before, with bulk distribution in 18 states, subscribers in all fifty states plus Puerto Rico.  And the quality of our content has increased as well. I believe we have some of the very best writers in the nation, and we aren’t just “fluff” — we’re not just “poetry and recipes.”  Wisconsin Christian News is richly filled with substance.  If we were just full of nice “poetry and recipes,” there’s no doubt we’d have plenty of paid advertisers.  Instead, because we are not politically correct, and because we address the issues and topics that 99% of pastors wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole, our advertising revenue doesn’t come anywhere close to covering even a portion of the needed budget each month.

And although we have many paid subscribers now, subscription fees only cover the cost of printing and postage, with about a $4 margin per year.  Still, God has increased our reach beyond anything I ever could have dreamed of.  We’re literally reaching people around the world.  In addition to the printed newspaper, I also do a twice-weekly radio commentary, we maintain a very busy website, and I host a weekly internet TV program called “WCN TV.”

Many times each week, I get wonderful testimonies from people who are still finding Wisconsin Christian News for the first time, and they’re telling me there’s nothing else out there like it.  Hearts, minds and lives are being profoundly touched. People are coming to know the Lord for the first time, or returning to Him after many years away, after encountering our newspaper.  And because we’re in newspaper format, with something of great interest on the front page every month, people pick it up and read it — even those hostile to the things of God.  Whereas a Bible, book or tract would be easily discarded or disregarded, people seem to be drawn to our newspaper.  By God’s grace, we’re having a world-wide impact now.

I believe all the years of work we put in have led us to this point in time.  We cover the most vital news and information of the day that the churches and pastors will not… and we do it all from a biblical perspective, regardless of political correctness.  We tell people the real truth, in a day and age where telling the truth is not popular, to say the least.

But while we now have greater readership than ever before, we also have enormous expenses.  For several years now that this publication has been primarily reader-supported.  We survive only by the gracious donations from individuals.  Advertising and subscription revenue is a mere drop in the bucket compared to what we must raise every month to keep this all going.  Our printing bill each month alone, can only be described in one word: “staggering.”  I’ve cut every expense possible to the bone, I have no staff, but I’m grateful for our distribution volunteers who help me get the paper out to news racks far and wide.  But starting this month, after being 48 pages for longer than I can remember, this next issue will only be 40 pages.

Cutting out eight pages of content is not an easy task, but I’m confident that we’ll still be the best Christian newspaper you can find, and the best source of news and information on the most important things you need to know in the days, months and years ahead, as you walk through this crazy world and honor the Lord.

When I started Wisconsin Christian News, we were one of about 225 Christian newspapers throughout North America.  Today, there are less than a dozen left.  I know there are many wonderful ministries that need your support and I realize it’s a sacrifice, but if the Lord provides, I’d ask you to also support Wisconsin Christian News.  We’re definitely not a huge organization, but we’re having a significant impact, with eternal consequences for so many, all around the world. If you appreciate the work we’re doing, please know that we need you — God’s people — to help keep this all going.  We can’t do it without you.

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

That’s What Christians Do Now

By Rob Pue

August 11, 2024

I’ve now been in full time ministry work with Wisconsin Christian News for over 25 years.  For over 25 years, I’ve been sounding the alarm and doing my best to send out “wake up calls” to Christians, who see the evil in our land, but feel powerless to do anything about it, because they’ve never been trained for the work of the ministry.  They’ve never been asked to do anything, other than greet people at the door, hand out programs, pass the collection plate or work in the nursery — all within the four walls of their own churches.

Others have been watchmen on the wall much longer than I have.  Some 50 or 60 years longer than I have, and they’re still faithful servants.  Some have passed away since I began my work, but they served our Lord and Savior right to the end.  They never “retired” from the work God set before them.

One such minister was Don Wildmon, who was the president of the American Family Association.  He stepped down from that position in 2009, only because he was diagnosed with serious health issues.  He passed away at the end of last year at the age of 85, though few noticed or even knew about it.

In the year 2000, as America was well on its way down the slippery slope into the pit of depravity we find ourselves in now, Don wrote an essay that I’d like to share with you here.  It’s called, “That’s What Christians Do Now.”  It was meant as another one of those “wake up calls” I mentioned; and the American Church has received so many over the decades, but sadly, most pastors and churches have just continued on in their slumber.  So here we are today.

I’d like to share his message with you now, and as you hear what he wrote back in the year 2000, I’d like you to consider how our nation’s morality and spiritual condition has fallen deeper into the abyss than Don likely could ever have imagined back then… and yet, for most Christians, they’re still doing now what they did then.

Here’s what he wrote, under the title, “That’s What Christians Do Now.”

“In 1973 the Supreme Court said it was OK to kill unborn babies. Since then, we have killed more than the entire population of Canada. And it continues. A woman’s choice? Half of those who have died in their mothers’ wombs have been women. They didn’t have a choice. It is called abortion.

“Me? I go to church, the pastor preaches, I go home. That’s what Christians do now.

“First, it was in dingy, dirty theaters. Then, convenience stores. Then, grocery stores. Then on television. Now it’s in the homes of millions via the Internet. It’s called pornography.

“Me, I go to church, the pastor preaches, I go home. That’s what Christians do now.

“They call it ‘no-fault.’ Why should we blame anyone when something so terrible happens? Haven’t they already suffered enough? Half of the marriages in America end this way. The children suffered. The family broke down. It’s called divorce.

“Me, I go to church, the pastor preaches, I go home. That’s what Christians do now.

“At one time it was a perversion. We kept it secret. We secured help and hope for those who practiced it. Now it is praised. We have parades celebrating it, and elected officials give it their blessing. Now it is endowed with special privileges and protected by special laws. Even some Christian leaders and denominations praise it. It is called homosexuality.

“Me? I go to church, the minister preaches, I go home. That’s what Christians do now.

“It used to be an embarrassment. A shame. Now a third of all births are to mothers who aren’t married. Two-thirds of all African-American children are born into a home without a father. The state usually pays the tab. That’s why we pay our taxes, so that government can take the place of parents. After all, government bureaucrats know much better how to raise children than parents do. It is called illegitimacy.

“Me? I go to church, the pastor preaches, I go home. That’s what Christians do now.

“At one time it was wrong. But then the state decided to legalize it, promote it and tax it. It has ripped apart families and destroyed lives. But just look at all the money the state has raised. No longer do we have to teach our children to study and work hard. Now we teach them they can get something for nothing. We spend millions encouraging people to join the fun and excitement. Just look at the big sums that people are winning. They will never have to work again! It is called gambling.

“Me? I go to church, the pastor preaches, I go home. That’s what Christians do now.

“Not long ago, Christians were the good guys. But now any positive image of Christians in movies or on TV is gone. We are now depicted as the bad guys — greedy, narrow-minded hypocrites. The teacher can’t have a Bible on the desk, but can have Playboy. We don’t have Christmas and Easter holidays — just winter and spring break. We can’t pray in school, but can use foul language. It’s called being tolerant.

“Me? I go to church, the pastor preaches, I go home. That’s what Christians do now.

“Yes, all these things came to pass within 30 years. Where were the Christians? Why, they were in church. All these things are for someone else to deal with. Times have changed. Involvement has been replaced with apathy.

“But don’t blame me. I didn’t do anything. I go to church, the pastor preaches, I go home. That’s what Christians do now.”

Yes, unfortunately, that’s what Christians do now — and have done for so many years.  Jesus sent His disciples into all the world to preach the gospel and make more disciples.  That small band of Christ-followers turned the world upside down and caused “no small stir” wherever they went.  They were counter-cultural.  They were “radicals,” but they impacted the world and held back the forces of darkness, and souls were saved.

God’s “Church” is meant to be a restraining force against evil, darkness and wickedness in this world.  God gives His Holy Spirit and the very power of God that raised Christ from the dead lives within those who are truly, soundly saved.   I have to wonder how many are truly, soundly saved in our American churches today — and how many think they are, because they’ve been deceived by cowardly false teachers, who tell them God requires nothing of them, and as I said, they’re never taught or asked to do anything outside the four walls of those buildings.

Our lifetimes in this world are short, just a vapor, Scripture tells us.  They go so quickly, yet so much can happen in a lifetime.  We can “turn the world upside down” and cause “no small stir” within the culture — holding back the deluge of evil Satan has always sought to bring upon this earth, or one can simply go to church, listen to the pastor talk and then go home.

The risen Christ spoke of the Church of Laodicea in Revelation 3.  His description fits the modern American Church to a tee: “I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.”  In other words, lukewarm people make Jesus sick.  They cause Him to vomit.

As we look around at our nation and our world today, we should be ashamed of ourselves for sitting back in lives of luxury and ease and doing nothing for the kingdom of God. And one day, when we stand before the Lord, we certainly will be ashamed.  But for most, it hasn’t been entirely their fault.  They were never told.  Truth never reached their ears.  Their pastors never spoke, nor did they train them up, nor did they ever lead them out of the church house and into the culture to confront wickedness and stand against evil.  Not even once.  The pastors should have been the shepherds, leading their flocks.  Instead, they just kept them “penned up” in stained-glass sanctuaries while the government removed God from every institution and enterprise, and replaced Him with abomination.

One might say it was up to the individual to read the Bible for themselves, to study for themselves, and show themselves approved workmen, who need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.  But that was never taught either, or even encouraged.  The most precious writings we have, directly from God Almighty Himself, have just been sitting in most American homes for years, collecting dust.  Most who attend church don’t even bother bringing a Bible with them anymore; whatever cherry-picked Scriptures the pastor might want to build his “talk” around are put up on the projector screen, and then quickly forgotten.  No need for deeper study.

Charles Finney once said, “If there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the public press lacks moral discernment, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the Church is degenerate and worldly, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the world loses its interest in Christianity, the pulpit is responsible for it. If Satan rules in our halls of legislation, the pulpit is responsible for it. If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our government are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it.”  Indeed.  One of the greatest frustrations in my life is that our pastors have so much power to direct and lead the public discourse, but they refuse, preferring instead to be well-liked and popular among the people.

Today we have a raging LGBTQP+ movement, and we may disagree with it, but don’t dare say so for fear of being thought of as “bigoted.”  Today we have hard-core pornography in our schools, pushed by the teachers, and few will show up at a school board meeting to object, or dare speak against it. Today we have mentally ill people who can’t even say for sure whether they’re male or female, and laws have been made to punish those who would speak truth about it. Today we have a federal government beast system that’s more corrupt than any government in history.  It’s clearly wicked and evil, yet we still obey it without question.

There are ministries out there that really do teach and train people to be bold, courageous leaders wherever they are, whatever they do, however old or young they may be.  But these ministries are not located in your local church.  But as an individual, you can connect with them, whatever your particular area of interest or calling of God may be.  There are ministries saving unborn babies, ministries to those in prison, ministries for those trapped by addiction, ministries to the victims of the LGBTQP+ and “transgender” movements, ministries for families and those with troubled marriages, ministries to rescue children and adults who are victims of sex trafficking and satanic ritual abuse, and so many more.  But they’re not in your church.

Wherever God is calling you to serve in His kingdom today, there are many excellent organizations out there that you can join.  They’ll train you for the work of the ministry, lead you out and show you how to do it.  You can have a life-changing and soul-saving ministry work of your own, but you’ll need to do the work to learn how; and you’ll have to step out of your comfort zone, muster the courage to engage with those who will not agree with you, and get busy.  But the time is now. When you stand before Jesus at the end of this life, I truly hope you’ll have more to say than, “I went to church. The pastor preached. I went home.”  You were saved to serve.

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

If I’d Known Then What I Know Now

By Rob Pue

August 4, 2024

I miss my father-in-law.  He passed away in December of 2020, but he didn’t have to.  I want to tell you what happened, but first, let me tell you about Bob.  That was his name.

Bob had been somewhat hostile toward Christianity for most of the time I had known him.  He’d have nothing to do with church or the things of God, and then, when I went into full time ministry in April of 2000, he thought I’d lost my mind…and I’m pretty sure I lost any amount of respect he might have had for me.

This went on for many years, and I’m married to his daughter, Lisa.  But our ministry held a big Conference every year, with powerful, dynamic, courageous Christian speakers, teaching on the most vital issues of the day — relevant things.  Urgent matters.  And we also did street ministry and stood up for righteousness wherever evil raised it’s ugly head.  Our conferences went on for many years, but Bob never came… until one year, he did.

He made it clear that this was not his kind of thing, and he really had no interest in anything we were doing, and he was only there for us.  He told us, “I’ll sit and listen to one of these guys, but I’m not going to be staying very long.”  But God had other plans for Bob.  He did sit and listen to one of our speakers, and was so intrigued, he actually stayed for the entire conference.

He came again the following year, and this time, he didn’t want to even give up his seat to use the restroom during breaks because he was afraid he’d miss something.  And the next year, HE asked ME when our conference would be so he could be sure to be there.  You see, he was hearing and learning things he’d never heard before.  Not in any church, not from any preacher… because our speakers were bold, courageous men of God and talked about issues that 99% of pastors will never dare speak of, for fear of being “politically incorrect.”  Bob found out that TRUE Christianity wasn’t for the wimpy or the weak.  It wasn’t about religion and it wasn’t a “crutch” for “girly-men.”  TRUE Christianity is powerful, relevant, vital and exciting…and definitely not for the weak.

He came to every event we put on after that first time.  I’d witnessed to him the best I could for years, but it was attending our conferences, meeting my true Christian friends and learning that real Christ-followers were some of the most sensible, knowledgeable, and again, COURAGEOUS people he’d ever met.  He was impressed and it changed him.  I’d earned back his respect.

After a couple of years of attending our events, when there was an altar call, Bob was the first one out of his seat, to receive Christ.  At another event, he was so moved that he did something we never thought we’d ever see: he went to his ex-wife, Lisa’s mom, and asked for her forgiveness for divorcing her, many years prior.

I watched Bob’s heart and life change through the ministry of Wisconsin Christian News, the wonderful, insightful teachers we had at our events, who I’m honored to call my friends, and of course, the moving of the Holy Spirit.

In 2018, shortly after his wife passed away, Bob moved from Minnesota to Florida.  He had some health issues but was managing pretty well.  Then one day that summer, we got a call from a hospital in Florida.  The doctor told us he had fallen while out shopping and had been taken to the hospital and had been there for four days before they called us.  The doctor told us he was on a feeding tube, that he had (at best) two weeks to live and recommended we agree he be sent to a nursing home for his “final days.”

My wife and I were on the next plane to Florida to rescue her dad.  There was no way we were going to let him die in a nursing home, so far away from his family on the advice of one phone call from one doctor.  When we arrived, we discovered that he had been put on a feeding tube because he failed the “swallowing test” and had been aspirating food into his lungs.  On further examination, we discovered the reason he failed his “swallowing test” was that they had him on so many mind-numbing drugs, he was rarely even awake.

Instead of a nursing home, we brought him home to live with us at our home in Wisconsin.  And it was then that I became his “nurse.”  Because I work from home, I was able to care for his medical and physical needs, as well as his spiritual needs.  Within a week, he was eating regular food again.  He quickly regained his strength.  Within two weeks, we were able to have his feeding tube removed, and within three weeks, he was back to his old self.

His health continued to improve.  He was able to care for all his own personal needs, he was able to go out on his own, drive a car, go shopping, go on trips back to Minnesota and Florida — and go house hunting.  He eventually bought his own home near us, and through all of this, I was very blessed to get to know my father-in-law on a much deeper, personal level.  We got him off many of the prescription drugs that multiple doctors had prescribed for him like candy, and he felt much better.  He was even planning to buy a pontoon boat so he could go fishing again.

Then, in the fall of 2020, he had a pacemaker put in.  He’d been having trouble with his heart and everyone thought this would be a good solution.  Unfortunately, the pacemaker was installed incorrectly and things actually got worse for him.  The doctors’ solution was to put him on more prescription drugs, which made him disoriented and depressed, and he was again aspirating his food into his lungs, causing an infection.

In December of that year, I took him to his primary doctor because he was sure he had pneumonia.  He did have pneumonia and the doctor immediately placed him on antibiotics for it, and told him it would take a week or so before he started feeling better.  But that wasn’t fast enough for Bob.  That night, he walked into the emergency room on his own, looking for a faster solution.

Note that this was at the height of the planned-demic in 2020.  If only I’d known then what I know now, I never would have let him go there.  They immediately stated that he didn’t have bacterial pneumonia, but “COVID pneumonia,” and they admitted him to the hospital.  They had a “fish” on the line and the hook was set.  The first thing they did was take him off the antibiotics his primary doctor had placed him on that very same day.

The rest of that week is an odyssey I still find hard to comprehend.  Since there was a so-called “pandemic” going on, there were no visitors allowed.  I called the doctor every day, explaining that this all started shortly after he had a pacemaker put in and he was placed on more drugs, and that he’d been aspirating his food, which caused him to have bacterial pneumonia.  The doctor’s response was, “He had a pacemaker put in?  When was that?”

Every day I would call and every day he had a different doctor, and every day I had to tell the same story over again.  He had a pacemaker put in. They put him on more drugs that caused him to be disoriented and he’d been aspirating his food.  His primary doctor gave him a prescription for antibiotics and he NEEDS those antibiotics to get better.  And every day, the new doctor would ask, incredulously, “He had a pacemaker put in?  When was that?”

I can’t describe the frustration.  It seemed no one knew or cared about Bob’s medical history, no one read any of his charts and no one was doing anything to help.  Furthermore, he was now a “hostage,” because no one was allowed in the hospital.  No visitors.  When I asked about getting him out of the hospital, I was told he couldn’t be released, and if we insisted, it would be “AMA” (Against Medical Advice), which would mean his insurance wouldn’t cover anything and he would be personally liable for enormous hospital bills.

This was the time when we were all told the hospitals were “overflowing” with COVID patients.  Patients were stacked up in hallways, because there weren’t enough rooms.  Hospital staff was working 24 hours a day and couldn’t keep up.  It was all a big lie.

On the fourth day of his incarceration at the hospital, I WAS allowed to see him, because the doctor told us he was near death.  I was only allowed to go see him because I had clergy credentials, and he was about to die.  That was the one and only time during the whole COVID scam that I wore a mask.  I checked in at the desk, had to be tested for COVID myself, and was finally allowed to go to his room, which was about a mile away.

As I walked there, I noticed something that didn’t match the narratives put forth by hospitals, Fauci & Co. and the mainstream media.  The hospital was definitely NOT “overflowing” with patients.  Staff was NOT overwhelmed.  In fact, during that mile-long walk to Bob’s room, I didn’t pass a single doctor, nurse or even anyone pushing a food cart.  The place was deserted.

He was in terrible shape, much worse than when he walked into the ER that first night.  And no one knew much of anything about his case.  I demanded he be released to our care.  The only way that could be accomplished was by sending him home on hospice care.  We agreed, and he was to be released at 10 am the next morning.

The next morning came and they didn’t release him.  Every hour, we called the unit he was in and no one had even checked on him yet, gotten him dressed or did anything to prepare for his release.  It was 8 pm that night, with freezing rain pouring down, that they finally pushed him out in a wheelchair, nearly dead, and returned him to us, like they were pushing a garbage bin to the dumpster. I had to literally lift him into my van to drive him home.

I had hopes of getting him back to health again, getting him back on the antibiotics he needed in the first place, giving him some food (of which he’d had NONE for an entire week).  But the hospice team wouldn’t allow it.  They began their “end of life” regimine with drugs to keep him sedated. Clearly, their only plan was for him to die. There was no option for him to get better.

If I’d only known then what I know now.  It was two years later that I learned what had happened to everyone who entered ANY hospital during that time.  It was the “official hospital protocols.”  Anyone with upper respiratory symptoms was immediately labeled a “COVID” patient.  Those who actually had COVID (which Bob did not), were forbidden from receiving life-saving treatments like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.  These were banned nationwide. Some families went to court so their loved ones could be given these meds. Some won and survived. Most times, the hospitals won and people died.

And the official nation-wide hospital protocol — and the ONLY drug allowed for use in American hospitals for COVID — was Remdesivir.  I didn’t learn of this until two years after Bob died, when multiple doctors and scientists came out and blew the whistle on it. Remdesivir, they said, was actually a bio-weapon. It had been tested in Africa, but so many people died during the tests, that testing was halted.  Yet this is the ONLY drug Fauci allowed for use in our hospitals.

It has a long list of adverse effects on the human body, the first of which is upper respiratory distress, quickly followed by kidney failure, followed by “cascading organ failure.” This causes the lungs to fill with fluid; then the patient is placed on a ventilator and suffocated to death.

That’s what happened to Bob.  His kidneys, liver and other internal organs failed…all things he’d never had any problems with — until he was kidnapped by the hospital.  Remdesivir literally melts internal organs.  And in return, the hospitals all across this country received hundreds of thousands of dollars per patient in “incentives” to follow this deadly protocol.  Countless people died needlessly, including my father-in-law, Bob.  If only I knew then what I know now. I miss him, every day.

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

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Well, That Was Fast

By Rob Pue

July 28, 2024

In my message from last week, titled “So Predictable,” I predicted that although Joe Biden repeatedly vowed, he would never drop out of the presidential race, that he definitely would, eventually.  And almost immediately after my message was published or broadcast by all the media outlets that carry it, he did.  I knew it was coming, but I didn’t expect it to happen as quickly as it did.

And in my last message I predicted he would say his dropping out was “for the good of the party,” “to make sure that Trump would never again sit in the Oval Office,” and “to protect democracy.”  That’s essentially what his letter said.  As I write this, he’s supposed to make a public appearance sometime this week to make a speech about his decision.  That should be interesting — and entertaining — to watch.

Of course, as I stated, Biden dropping out was not his decision. His usefulness to the tyrannical regime in Washington finally ran out, so he had to go.  And as I said, he has never been in charge of anything as our so-called “President.” I believe he’s been the puppet of Barack Hussein Obama, who lives just two miles away from the White House in DC.  He’s never made a single decision of his own.  He’s told what to do, what to say, what to sign, where to stand, when to sit, and when to shut up. He does as he’s told.

What I was not aware of, when I wrote my “So Predictable” message, was that this exit strategy had been planned many years ago.  For those who wish to fact check me on this, you’ll have to dig into the archives but before he became VP under Obama, he was asked what he would do in the event he and Obama disagreed strongly on something.  And he said, and I quote: “I’d come up with an ailment and retire.”

Interestingly, he said the same thing regarding then Vice-President-Elect Kamala Harris in December of 2020.  He stated, on camera, that if there were a fundamental disagreement with Harris, and again I quote: “I’ll develop some disease and say I have to resign.” 

In other words, this was the pre-written, pre-planned script all along.  And in other words, he intentionally planned to lie, by telling the public “I’d come up with an ailment,” and “I’ll develop some disease…”  Interestingly, when it actually happened, he didn’t have to “come up with” or “develop” anything…even though he did claim he had COVID and was going to “self-isolate” after cancelling a rally speech in Nevada on Wednesday.  This, from the man who claims to be “fully vaccinated” with all those “safe and effective” jabs.

But you see, his dementia is a real ailment — a real disease and he’s incapable of campaigning, debating and acting as “President.”

He still plans to finish out his term, which is really not big feat as long as he lives that long.  As I said, he hasn’t ever been in charge of running anything anyway.  So he just needs to remain a “place-holder” until January and then he’ll be able to just fade away into the shadows.

Poor Joe Biden.  He wanted to be president for so long.  He campaigned in the ‘80s to be the nominee.  But his lies found him out.  Remember the “plagiarism scandal?”  That was the first time I’d ever heard of him.  He quoted a member of the UK Labour Party during one of his speeches, claiming the words were his own. But he got caught.  Then it was discovered that while at Syracuse University Law School in 1965, Biden wrote a paper using five pages from an already-published published law-review article and failed the course — for plagarism.  And then Newsweek called him out for stating he graduated at the top of his law school, when in fact, he ranked 76th out of 85 students.

Biden dropped out of that race in September of 1987 and Michael Dukakis went on to challenge George H.W. Bush, who won in 1988.  He tried again in 2008 but couldn’t even get 5% worth of support in the primaries and lost to Obama.  Obama then saw, in Biden, a man that was easily manipulated and power- and glory-hungry, and chose him to be his VP.

But Joe’s lies and lack of integrity continued.  He’s lied and cheated so long it’s been his entire way of life, as far back as we can trace.  He became a US Senator for Delaware in 1972.  That’s 52 years in politics, and what does he have to show for it?  His legacy is one of constant lies, cheating, and political corruption.  The media didn’t cover for him back in the ‘80s.  They told us the truth.  And honesty, good morals and credibility still meant something to the voting populace back then.

But the media most definitely shilled for him throughout the official Obama years and up to just a few weeks ago.  Remember his pathetic presidential rallies?  A dozen people in attendance; each sitting on a chair inside a big circle, with the circles placed six feet apart?  And then they trained us to not believe what we were seeing with our own eyes as they pushed the false claim that he was just so very popular.

Meanwhile, you had to show up several hours early to a Trump rally or you’d be one of those standing in a miles-long line outside the venue, because Trump always filled his rallies quickly with tens of thousands of people.  But now the Establishment has no more need for Joe and has discarded him to the ash heap of “useful idiots.”  They’re done with him.

Throughout Biden’s career, he’s been a liar, a cheat and an opportunist.  He’s repeatedly used the death of his first wife and baby daughter to garner sympathy from the public.  And even in this, he’s lied continuously.  It was December 18, 1972 when his first wife, Nelia and their three children were driving on a rural road in Delaware.  Nelia’s car swerved into oncoming traffic and was struck by a semi tractor-trailer.  For 52 years now, Joe Biden has claimed the driver of the semi was drunk.

This destroyed the life of the semi driver, Curtis C. Dunn, who actually swerved to avoid the collision, overturning the truck, and then immediately tried to render aid to Nelia and the kids.  Dunn died in 1999, having lived with years of defamation by Joe Biden.  He spent the last 27 years of his life in deep depression because of it.  Court records made it clear that there was no alcohol involved in the accident, and that Nelia Biden’s vehicle is the one that went left of center.

Old Joe even tried multiple times to use his son Beau’s death to his advantage.  He’s repeatedly claimed Beau was a war hero and died in Iraq.  In reality, he died of brain cancer in 2015, six years after he returned from his military service.

Then there’s the years of money laundering and bribes the Biden Crime family received…which continue to this day, with ongoing kickbacks from the Ukraine war and the untold trillions of dollars Biden has sent there.  Five million dollars from Burisma. Ten percent for the “big guy.”  Not to mention the Hunter Biden laptop — filled with first-hand evidence of criminal activity, that has been verified to be legitimate, yet nothing has been done and nothing will be done.

Instead, the Establishment, the Deep State, the Globalists have gone after Trump with everything they have.  Trump’s time in office was marked by a constant barrage of attacks from those on the Left and those on the Right.  Regardless of the fact that all the accusations against Trump have been eventually found to be false, and regardless of the fact that all the accusations against Biden have been verified to be true, this is the state of our Justice system today.  Not to mention all of our three-letter agencies.  Everything is corrupt to the core.

As I’ve said before though, I no longer refer to “Democrats” and “Republicans.”  They’re all corrupt.  I now call them “Communists” and “Politicians.”  And there’s nothing new under the sun.  Let’s read a bit from Isaiah 59 which describes our nation and its leaders today, “Behold, the LORD’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save, or His ear dull, that it cannot hear; but your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear.

“For your hands are defiled with blood and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies; your tongue mutters wickedness. No one enters suit justly; no one goes to law honestly; they rely on empty pleas, they speak lies, they conceive mischief and give birth to iniquity.  Their works are works of iniquity, and deeds of violence are in their hands.

“Their feet run to evil, and they are swift to shed innocent blood; their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; desolation and destruction are in their highways.  The way of peace they do not know, and there is no justice in their paths; they have made their roads crooked; no one who treads on them knows peace.

“Therefore justice is far from us, and righteousness does not overtake us; we hope for light, and behold, darkness, and for brightness, but we walk in gloom.  We grope for the wall like the blind; we grope like those who have no eyes; we stumble at noon as in the twilight, among those in full vigor we are like dead men…we hope for justice, but there is none. 

“Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands far away; for truth has stumbled in the public squares, and uprightness cannot enter…and he who departs from evil makes himself a prey.”

I should feel sorry for Joe Biden.  Certainly, the revisionist history books will laud him as a great leader, an overcomer, an underdog who made “good.”  But he knows the truth. His life has been one of constant lies, cheating, stealing and swindling.  Not the least of which was the stolen election of four years ago.  You know, the one he boasted about beforehand, stating he had the most sophisticated voter fraud system the country had ever seen.  The fact that that election was grossly and obviously stolen has also been swept under the rug by “fact checkers” and those who will never accept the “official” results will forever be labeled “election deniers.”

Now Joe’s time is almost up, and his days are numbered.  Life goes fast and we only get one lifetime to live honorably for the Lord.  As Christ-followers, we should pray for his repentance and salvation, even at this late hour. But I fear he’s long ago been given over to a depraved mind.  God would save even Joe Biden, but that’s the one thing that really is up to Joe, and I don’t see humility or repentance in his future.

Now, the Communist party in America seems to be scrambling for a replacement. Right now they’re telling us Kamala Harris has the most support…even though she’s even less popular than the “likeable elderly man with dementia.”  All this has made politics interesting again.  Go ahead and watch what unfolds, but don’t believe what the media shows you.  It’s just pretend; just “make believe.”  I’m sure they’ve already selected the next “Chosen One.”  It wouldn’t surprise me if their pick already has their name printed on the ballots for November.

It’s all theater.  It’s all scripted.  And we didn’t write this movie, we only get to buy our tickets to watch it all unfold.  As for Trump, his character in this movie is the “good guy” to those who love this country and yearn for justice, righteousness and common sense.  I hope he’s more than a “character” in the continuing saga of American politics. I hope he believes what he says and that he’s for real.  In his rallies and speeches, he talks about God…but I have yet to hear him utter the name of Jesus.  So, I’m left to wonder who his God is.  We need to pray for Trump too, that he really is serious about honoring God. Because unless he makes Jesus Christ his Savior and his Lord, and has the courage to unashamedly lead Americans back to Him, even if he takes the Oval Office again, we’ll continue to live under God’s curse.    Because we have but one hope — spelled out in Psalm 33:12, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD.”

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

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So Predictable What Americans Want

By Rob Pue

July 22, 2024

I didn’t watch the presidential debate in June. I knew it was just another act in this macabre theater play that the government and media wants us to believe is real. By now, I would hope that most Americans understand that nothing they show us is real. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Most still believe what they’re told by the mainstream press, and what is put forth by politicians, political parties, special interest groups and social media.

What happened during the debate in June was so predictable.  The same can be said of what happened afterwards — just so predictable. I could have written the script for them because I knew exactly what was going to happen.

Biden would be presented as a “likeable, soft-spoken, elderly man with dementia.” Trump would come off as a bully, picking on poor Old Joe. But the purpose behind showing this to the public is simply the next step in the Democrat plan to remove Biden from the ticket in November and replace him with someone else. Someone who won’t even need to raise any money, do any campaigning or debating, and simply serve as the “antidote” to four more years of Trump for those on the Left.

And as was also so predictable, almost immediately after the debate, the call to remove Biden began.  Even multiple Democrats have called for him to drop out of the race, as has the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, the New Yorker, the Washington Post, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and Britain’s largest magazine, The Economist. All of these media outlets have shilled for Biden all this time, even as questions about his mental state have been going on since Day One. Are we to believe that just now, suddenly they’ve realized he’s incompetent?

For years, we’ve watched him fumble and “gaffe” at every opportunity. We’ve watched him invent new words, mumble incoherently, stumble up and down steps, fall off his bike, wander around the stage after speaking, “shaking hands” with the air, not knowing what he should do, require assistance to leave the stage after a speech, and tell whopper lies one after the other. All the while, the mainstream media propped him up, as did his handlers, so he could continue to serve as the figurehead for the Leftist/Communist machine now in control of this country.  But his usefulness has run out, and his approval ratings are abysmal, even among those of his own party.

And right on cue, Biden himself did some post-debate interviews in which he made things even worse.  He continued to stumble over his words in every interview, and in one, on Philadelphia’s WURD, he even described himself as a “black woman.”  He said, and I quote: “I’m proud to be, as I said, the first vice president, first black woman… to serve with a black president.”  Makes perfect sense to those who speak Bidenese.

Also, right on cue, Biden told a gathering of Democratic governors that he needs to get more sleep and work fewer hours, so he’ll no longer be doing any events after 8 pm.  And strangely enough, the Supreme Court handed down a decision July 1st ruling that presidents have absolute immunity for their core constitutional powers and are entitled to a presumption of immunity for other official acts. The Trump camp hailed this as a wonderful outcome for Donald, because it means many of his indictments will likely now be dropped. Few understand that this also means that Biden can never be prosecuted for his crimes while in office, which are many.  (Not that he ever would have been anyway).

It’s such a theater clown show, it would be unbelievable as a movie script — but this is all happening in real life, and we’re supposed to believe it’s all legitimate.  Can you not see how this is all pre-planned and orchestrated by the Swamp, the Deep State, the Globalists, whatever you want to call the puppet masters pulling the strings?

Here are a couple things I do believe to be true in all of this: Joe Biden lost his mind a while ago.  He has advanced dementia. I believe his doctors have been keeping him upright with cocktails of drugs so he can continue to appear to function, but even those drugs are failing him now.  He’s always been unfit for office — not just because of his dementia, but also because of his criminal activities…crimes that he can now (conveniently) never be held accountable for.

He’s also never been in charge of anything in the Oval Office. I believe he’s been the puppet of Barack Hussein Obama, who lives just two miles away from the White House in DC.  He’s never made a single decision of his own.  He’s told what to do, what to say, what to sign, where to stand, when to sit, and when to shut up. He does as he’s told.

For his part, Biden has doubled down on his determination to stay in the race.  But it’s not really up to him.  At the appointed time, I predict, he will step down, saying it’s for the “good of the Party,” to “assure Trump never takes office again,” and to “protect our democracy.”  My prediction is that Biden will be replaced by Michelle Obama (aka “Big Mike”) — giving Obama his fourth term in office, as he’s clearly been Biden’s primary handler.  Michelle Obama ticks every box in the Leftist litmus test: Black, female, extremely far-Left liberal, and an advocate for “transgenderism,” homosexuality, abortion, and Islam.  “Big Mike” has it all! Even Kamala Harris hinted at this recently. When asked who she’d want as the next President if Biden stepped down, she said, “I just hope it’s not another white male.”

His rhetoric continued, even up to the day before Trump was shot in Pennsylvania.  In fact, five days prior to the shooting at the Trump rally, Biden stated, “It’s time we stop talking about the debate. It’s time to put a bullseye on Trump.”

Is this another case of the Luciferians telling us what they plan to do before they do it?  As I look at the situation at the Pennsylvania Trump rally, there are many unanswered questions. Spectators in the crowd saw the man climbing a ladder to the roof of a building 130 yards from the President’s podium. They pointed him out to police and Secret Service, who did nothing, until after the shots were fired.

It appears the Secret Service, like the FBI, CIA, Department of Homeland Security, and Justice Department is now compromised; taken over by the Leftist Communist Regime in power and weaponized against conservatives and Christians.  After the shooting, the revelation came out that the head of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle, had been focusing on DEI in hiring staff.  “DEI,” which stands for “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion,” but a better definition would be “Didn’t Earn It.”

All of this is an ongoing plan by the Regime in power to fundamentally destroy America from within.  And in case you didn’t know, the Secret Service is run by of the Department of Homeland Security, run by Alexandro Mayorkas — you know, the guy in charge of importing, resettling and spending trillions of dollars to support illegal invaders.

Regarding the Trump shooting, this was also so predictable.  Trump has been attacked steadily since the moment he came down that escalator to announce his candidacy.  He’s been impeached, indicted, prosecuted and convicted of things that weren’t even crimes.  Moreover, those on the Left have been very vocal about attacking Trump and MAGA supporters…some even calling for his assasination.  And many Leftists have posted things on social media after the rally shooting, screaming, crying and cursing because the shooter missed. These are the brainwashed ones, indoctrinated by public schools and colleges — filled with rage and hatred for everything “American.”

But politicians on the Left have also called for Trump’s assassination — sometimes subtly, sometimes openly.  The Left has polarized this nation and done everything in its power to vilify America, conservatives, males, Christians, and especially heterosexual, white Christian males, calling them “terrorists,” “Nazis,” and worse.  Sadly, many believe this stuff.  They have an intense hatred for Trump, but if you try to engage them in conversation, it quickly becomes clear that they don’t really know why.  They just hate and they’re filled with rage, and “triggered” by the very thought of Trump.

And sadly, we now must wonder if the Trump shooting was a planned “inside job.”  Because every government agency is now compromised by the Communist Regime, it’s not outside the realm of real possibility that this attempt at killing Donald Trump could well have been planned and carried out by our own government.  It’s happened before.

But the aftermath of this is also so predictable.  As one person has said, “The more you indict, the more we unite!” (Referring to the weaponized Justice System targeting Trump in order to label him a “convicted felon”). Every attack on Trump only makes him more popular.  The optics of all this are spectacular for Trump. More than one commentator stated, immediately after the shooting, that “Trump just won the election.”

Friends, once again, we’re presented with two diametrically opposed choices.  But the choices are more stark and dramatic than any I’ve seen in my lifetime.  Clearly, the Biden Regime is Leftist/Communist/Globalist.  It’s intent on burning down the country in order to “build back better,” and it doesn’t care how many people suffer or die in order to continue to rule with an iron fist.  This Regime hates America.  Because I’m a member of the press, I receive multiple press releases from the Biden campaign every day.  From what I see, the only things they value are: abortion, the LGBTQP+ agenda, “transgender” rights, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, the Anti-American and Anti-Christian indoctrination of our children, the destruction of our energy supply, continuous money laundering through continuous foreign wars, and open borders.

At the other end of the spectrum, we have the Make America Great Again movement.  This resonates with the vast majority of American citizens.  Realize that, despite their best efforts, only a small percentage of people are truly on board with the “Destroy America As Quickly As Possible” agenda.  Yet the majority have had to pander to the Left or be labeled as “haters,” “intolerant,” and “terrorists.” Most Americans love this country, and love what Donald Trump espouses and they’re fed up with the insane agenda we’ve lived through the last four years.  Truth, Justice and the old-fashioned “American Way.”  That’s what most Americans want — they want their country back again.

But when Trump was in office, we had continuous violence in this country, as the Leftists rioted, looted and burned it all down with impunity.  We had a scam “pandemic” that stole our constitutional rights in extreme ways. Trump did not “drain the swamp” as promised. Instead, he seemed to be controlled by it. I hope Trump is for real, and not just “controlled opposition” run by the Globalists. I certainly agree with most of his platform and what he says he stands for. I just wonder if it’s still possible for America to have a real President — or if it’s all scripted now.

If he’s allowed to “win” the election in November, the Leftists and their minions will resume their violence and mob riots. We ain’t seen nothing yet.  The chaos will be ramped up even more. And they’ll unleash another world-wide “scam-demic,” which is already prepared and ready to launch. Very likely he’ll be faced with unheard-of terrorism from the illegal invaders and those who support them.  To keep law and order, and American sovereignty and freedom, he will be forced to take extreme measures, which will trigger the Left even more. So, will the “gloves” really be “off” as he attempts to restore America? Or is it all just talk?

The months to come will not be pleasant. But understand that no one — not even Donald Trump — can save this nation. Trump stated, after he was shot, that “God alone” saved his life.  Certainly, that’s true.  I pray he understands the magnitude of that, and that, if he returns to the Oval Office, his first act and ongoing quest will be to seek God in all things and work to turn the hearts of Americans back to God and Jesus Christ, our only Savior, and our only hope.  Trump is seen as a courageous man. But now, he needs to courage to openly honor God and lead our country back to Him in humility and repentance.  If he does that, our nation will be blessed. If he doesn’t, we’ll continue to be cursed.  So predictable — because God said so

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

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Ominous Signs In a Godless Nation

By Rob Pue

July 14, 2024

As followers of Christ — Jesus, the Son of God, our souls are saved by the blood He shed for us on Calvary, but we remain strangers, foreigners in this world.  We must understand, we’re living in a world ruled by Satan, sojourners among the enemies of God, and we’re commanded to “occupy” until Jesus returns.

In Matthew 25 and Luke 19, just prior to Jesus entering Jerusalem, where He knew He would shortly be crucified, He told His disciples the “Parable of the Talents.”  In this lesson, Jesus told of a nobleman who gave each of his servants a number of “talents,” each according to his ability.  He didn’t assign any of them more than He knew they were capable of handling well.  And prior to leaving, the man in the story told his servants to “occupy ‘til I come.”  Jesus also explained that the people would hate the nobleman and rebel against him and would be hostile to his servants.

We all know the story.  The first two servants invested their talents and their work of “occupying” bore fruit.  But the third man — who had only been given one talent, because the nobleman knew that was all he could handle — buried his, gained nothing for his master and gave a lame excuse when asked to give an account.  Most likely, this third man did nothing with the talent he’d been given because of cowardice. He feared the people who hated the nobleman and were hostile to his servants.

Friends, the “nobleman” in this lesson was Jesus.  His servants were His disciples — His disciples then, and His disciples now. This is a lesson for all of us who claim the name of Christ today as well.  We live in a world that hates Christ and true Christ-followers, yet we’ve been given a command, a duty, marching orders: to use the talents we’ve each been given to serve our King, bring the lost and perishing into His kingdom and occupy until He returns. Sad to say, most who call themselves Christians today will never hear the words, “well done, thy good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of thy Lord,”but rather, they’ll be called  “wicked.”

No, those who truly know Jesus and are known by Him will not be well liked and popular in this world.  They’re the enemies of this world — mocked, ridiculed, minimalized, censored, shunned, banned, persecuted, hunted and martyred for His name’s sake.  Many want to maintain the illusion of “fire insurance faith,” but are too cowardly to occupy until He returns, and so they will reap what they have sown.

In contrast, we have the words found in Daniel 11: “…the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits.”

Our Creator, God, sent His Son into this hostile world to seek and to save that which was lost… to offer life, light and hope. But as we read in John 3, “…light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.”  Our assignment as Christ-followers is to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world, snatching souls from the enemy, Satan, impacting the wicked culture of darkness and death and showing the lost the only way back to God.  “Nevertheless, when the Son of Man cometh, will He find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8).

These are dark days we’re living in, and the darkness is growing ever more ominous.  Since the fall of our first parents in the garden, this earth has been a battleground, and a spiritual battle has been raging all around us, though most cannot discern it.  Revelation 12:12 tells us, “Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea!  For the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.”  The clock is ticking, and the devil’s time is running out, even as his rage increases minute by minute.

So, if this world seems more hostile, more violent, more sinful, more evil and wicked, it’s because it is.  Time is speeding up and running out, leading to a final battle — and that great and terrible Day of the Lord.  On that day, you’ll be called to account for your performance in this spiritual battle; for how you’ve invested the talents God’s given you and whether or not you stood your ground, and then, having done all, to stand. How will you fare?  Revelation 21:8 tells us, “…the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and sexually immoral and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their place will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur.”

Notice who’s mentioned first in that list — the cowardly.  If you’re afraid of conflict, if you’re ashamed of your Lord and Savior, then He’s not your Lord and Savior.  If it seems like the devil is winning this war, it’s only because those enlisted to stand against the enemy have failed in their duties.  Very sadly, many will be surprised on Judgment Day. Understand: the gate is wide and the road is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who go through it. But narrow is the gate and difficult the road that leads to life, and few will ever find it.

It’s not easy being a true follower of Christ, making Him both our Savior and our Lord.  And it’s often difficult to follow His commands in this world that hates us. But that’s our purpose for being here, and that’s why we were saved. We were saved to serve our King.  “Fire insurance faith” is no faith at all…you may as well be an unbeliever.  Many “believe,” but are too cowardly, too lazy, too apathetic to put their faith into action.  Please don’t sing “Open the eyes of my heart, Lord” if you’re not willing to see.  And don’t ask God to order your steps if you’re not willing to move your feet.

Everywhere we turn today, evil reigns in this world.  The nations are self-destructing because they’ve turned their backs on God.  Having thrown Him out of every area of society and culture, thinking we know better, we now have a world on the brink of absolute desolation.  As so many choose to embrace the idea that we are our own little gods, we’re seeing the results of rebellion against the one true God of heaven: depravity, great delusion, madness, drug addiction, sexual perversion, exploitation of children, violence, rage, homelessness, enemy invasions, war, lies, deceit, and the open worship of evil.

As statues and monuments of our American history and heritage are torn down, ostensibly to fight “racism,” and to promote “diversity, equity and inclusion,” we’re more divided than ever before.  Meanwhile, the demonic statue of Baphomet travels the country, put on display to “counter” any displays of Christian faith.  God-haters will constantly talk of the importance of caring for children, while fighting with all they have in them for the right to expose them to pornographic books, videos and drag queen performances, mutilate their bodies as well as their minds, confusing them about their own genders and shoving “transgender” ideology down their throats at every opportunity and in every possible venue.

Since 2016, a replica of the archway to the temple of Baal has been traveling the world.  It’s appeared in London, in Florence, Italy (for the political G7 Summit), in Dubai (for the World Government Summit), at the City Hall in New York City and on the Capitol Mall in Washington, DC.

The original arch of Palmyra was built by the Romans in the second century as an entrance to a major temple of Baal that had already existed for 3000 years in Syria. This temple had a powerful furnace below a bronze statue with a bull’s head, which represented the god Baal.  Temple priests would place children and babies into its outstretched arms who would then roll into the blazing fire as human sacrifices.  Loud drumbeats would drown out the screams.  Temple prostitutes were used so that men or women who sought help from Baal would perform lewd acts with the prostitutes as a form of “worship.” It was a place of the most heinous atrocities committed against innocent children, against all that is good and just, and against God Himself. Baal is mentioned 94 times in the Bible as a destructive force against the people of God – the lord of the flies, the god of dung, a symbol of Satan himself.

And now a replica of this demonic religion is being honored around the world and praised by historians as part of our “global heritage.”

And perhaps you’re not aware of this, but the timing could be called “prophetic.”  In June, New York City was immersed in the Satanic.  A 270-foot dragon was wrapped around the Empire State Building.  In addition, giant banners that featured red dragons with seven heads, ten horns and seven crowns along the ominous message, “all must choose,” were draped over iconic landmarks all over the city.  If you look at Revelation 12, you’ll see this is an exact depiction of Satan.  And Satan invaded New York City in a huge way in June, and I bet you never heard about it.

These banners were hung proudly and prominently at Grand Central Station, Rockefeller Center, CitiField, near Ground Zero in lower Manhattan, on Wall Street, the New York Stock Exchange and even in many restaurants and other entertainment venues.

This was all being done to promote the second season of an HBO series called “House of the Dragons.”  So, it was a promotional stunt to push a demonic TV show but it’s ironic that this took place in our nation’s largest city and targeted many of the financial institutions our country relies upon for a functioning economy, even as our economy is on the brink of total collapse.

As with all things now, this was a world-wide phenomenon, as cities around the world followed suit, including at the Eiffel Tower in Paris.  It’s also interesting that this year, 2024, is the “Year of the Dragon” on the Chinese horoscope.  There are several types of “Dragon Years” on the Chinese zodiac, including Earth, Metal, Water, Wood and Fire.  This year it’s the “Wood Dragon.”  Without going into too much detail, according to Chinese mythology, Wood begets fire and fire must be fueled by burning wood. Since wood also represents wind, it also nourishes fire, which is the next Dragon to come in the Chinese calendar.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t believe in coincidences and saturating New York City with dragons, along with the slogan “all must choose” — especially now, seems to me to be the equivalent of begging for God’s wrath to fall upon us quickly.

Our nation is now more violently divided than ever, our economy is in ruins, we’re being invaded and threatened by enemies intent on our destruction, sexual perversion and brainwashing of our children is at an all-time high. We’re on the precipice of all-out civil war, with great, credible threats of extreme violence heading into election season, not to mention the agenda of tyranny and oppression being heaped on our shoulders by the Globalist’s “Great Reset.”  Our so-called “justice” system has been weaponized against all things good and we have the worst corruption in our government this nation has ever seen.

In America today, we worship ourselves as gods; we worship false gods; we worship and serve created things rather than the Creator, and in fact, we spit in the face of our Creator in every area of our culture at every possible opportunity. We call evil “good” and good “evil.” When we’re not twisting the minds of our children with perversion and teaching them the ways of the devil, we’re abusing them or killing them.  One in four of our kids now claims to be “transgender.”  Our churches celebrate the abomination of sodomy. Our families are in distress.  Yet, where are the Christians?  Where are those called to “occupy” and serve as a restraining force against evil?

Satan, the dragon, the serpent, is raging.  Meanwhile, our pastors are silent, like dumb dogs, and rarely, if ever, train their people for the any type of significant kingdom work.  But God gave us His Word.  We must use it to educate, train, prepare and equip ourselves and one another for this work and work as hard as we can, while we still can.  And how do we overcome the dragon? Revelation 12:11 tells us: “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives even unto the death.”

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Get Out Of the ‘Lift Chair!’

By Rob Pue

July 7, 2024

My message today is directed to a specific group of people: the OLD people.  I realize the term “old” is, perhaps, relative.  But I consider myself in that category, so it’s not meant as an insult.  On the contrary, God’s Word holds “old people” in high esteem.  Proverbs 16:31, “Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life.”  Job 12:12, “Wisdom is with the aged, and understanding in length of days.”  Psalm 92:14, “They still bear fruit in old age; they are ever full of sap and green.”  Deuteronomy 34:7, “Moses was 120 years old when he died.  His eye was undimmed and his vigor unabated.”  Psalm 71:18, “Now that I am old and my hair is gray, don’t leave me, God. I must tell the next generation about your power and greatness.”

Friends, no matter what age you may be, if you are a true Christ-follower, understand that if Jesus is truly your Lord, then He has called you, and you have work to do for His kingdom.  You’re not too old.  You’re not without value.  On the contrary, you have tremendous value and more to offer than you realize.  Your work on this earth is not, by any means, finished — as long as you’re still breathing air.

But I meet so many people who, after they retire, feel that their work is done.  Now it’s time to sit back, relax, rest and perhaps travel for recreation.  But for far too many that I’ve spoken with recently, it seems they’re simply waiting to die, or for Christ to return.  When He DOES return, will He find faith in the earth?  Will He find faithful workers and servants?  Will YOU be among them?

I’d suggest that there’s no such thing as “retirement” for Christians.  If anything, the fact that you no longer have to work full time at a job or career, should open up tremendous opportunities for you to have the greatest impact for Christ you’ve ever had.  Now you can REALLY start your ministry!   Yet, as I speak with so many who are older than me, I hear things like, “Oh, I’m 70 years old and retired.”  Or “I’m in my 80s…I can’t do that.”  I don’t mean to sound disrespectful, but these sound like excuses to me.  I know you’re old.  I know you’re tired.  Believe me: I’m old and tired too.  But that’s no excuse.

Do you realize that Moses was 80 years old when he first appeared before Pharaoh, demanding “Let my people go?”  Yes, he was 80 years old when God called him and made him a leader of his people, and used him mightily — not only leading his people out of Egypt, but God did many amazing miracles through him.  He also wrote much of Scripture, writing down biblical history and great wisdom that we all benefit tremendously from today. (Or at least we WOULD benefit, if we would simply read and study the timeless truths he wrote).

Retirement is really a cultural thing, and in many ways, a particularly “American” thing, which came about as our government began engaging in social engineering, instituting such things as “social security” and “medicare.”  In the old days, families stayed together, the younger people learned from their elders, and as the elderly eventually became too frail to work, the younger ones took care of them and saw to their needs.  It was not uncommon for households to consist of not only young children but also Grandparents and even Great Grandparents.  I can only imagine now, what great benefits the family unit derived from such relationships.  The older people teaching the younger ones; the younger ones gleaning great wisdom from their elders, and learning to have great respect for them in the process.

Nowadays, the “old folks” have little to no connection with their precious Grandchildren.  Instead of living in the same home, they’re often placed in nursing homes, assisted living centers or “Senior Apartments.”  The young people lose out so much on the knowledge, wisdom and life lessons their elders could impart to them, if only they were given the chance.  Sadly, between the Grandparents and Great Grandparents and the Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren, stand the parents — who no longer honor their fathers and mothers.  Much too often they see the “old folks” as having little to no value, and little or nothing to offer.  Worse than that, the old folks pretty much feel the same way about themselves.  Like I said, many times it’s as if they’re just waiting to die.  They’ve given up.

For so many, their lives consist of television and sleeping.  The highlight of their week is their doctor appointment.  It should never be this way.

I really believe we NEED the input and wisdom and experience of our elders — more now than ever before. Because our elders have been relegated to the dustbin of history — tossed aside as irrelevant with nothing to offer — today we find ourselves in a world where everything has been turned upside down.  We are living Isaiah 59:14, “Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands far off.  For truth has stumbled in the street and honesty cannot enter.”

Indeed.  Do you realize that today, 39% of 18-24 year-olds now identify as “LGBTQ?”  After years of public school indoctrination, we’re closing in on nearly HALF of our young people thinking they’re born sodomites!  And in our modern American CHURCHES today, 54% agree that homosexual so-called “marriage” is just another alternative lifestyle, just another “choice,” which we must lovingly accept and embrace.  History has been re-written, and a majority of our young people now believe socialism is much preferable to freedom.  WORK has become a “four-letter-word,” and unless a new college graduate can use their degree in 13th Century Lesbian Art Studies to immediately obtain a $100,000-a-year job with a massive load of “benefits,” they choose not to work at all.

They don’t even know their Grandparents — or the wealth of knowlege and wisdom they could glean from them, if they simply had any relationship with them at all.  And in many cases, our families are fractured beyond repair.  I speak with many Christian parents who have lost their children to the pagan world of debauchery and sin and no longer have any contact or communication with them.  While they mourn over this, they don’t see any correlation to the fact that THEY don’t communicate with their own elderly parents either.  Family relationships are not only fractured, they’ve completely broken down.

Old folks: you HAVE work to do.  You HAVE a tremendous amount of value in this world, whether you realize it or not.  How will you use your remaining years?  Are you waiting to die or are you serving the Lord until your last breath?  You may be in a situation where, sadly, your children no longer value you and you don’t even know your Grandkids.  That breaks my heart, as I know it surely breaks yours.  But often times, we can have a greater impact on SOMEONE ELSE’S kids than we can with our own.  Often times, young people will listen to US — strangers — and allow their eyes and hearts to be opened through the wisdom WE share with them, much more readily than they’d ever listen to their own parents or Grandparents.  So don’t underestimate yourself.  God’s not done with you yet, and it’s up to you how you will use your remaining years.

Let me share with you some stories of people I’ve known.  When I first met Zaida, she was in her 80s.  She had contacted me because she wanted to offer to help distribute our Christian newspaper in public news racks in her part of Wisconsin. She began with 25 copies, but she worked diligently, visiting with store managers and owners and she quickly built her delivery route to the point where she was faithfully delivering over 1,000 copies of Wisconsin Christian News every month.

She had a heart for people and ministry, and she not only delivered over a thousand copies of our newspaper each month, she also hand-made warm blankets and then went out and gave them to homeless people sleeping under bridges and in dark alleys in the “bad” parts of a big city — always sharing the Gospel of Christ wherever she went.  Not only was she OLD, but she also did all of this confined to a wheelchair!  She was 93 when she has a massive stroke, which landed her in a nursing home for a few days.  I went to visit her there, and found her sleeping.  I held her hand and whispered in her ear and immediately, her eyes lit up brightly and she was so excited to see me.  Though she could not get the words out clearly, I understood she was trying to tell me she needed to get out of there and get her newspapers delivered.  I assured her it was ok, that I would take care of things this time, and she should just rest.  The next day, she entered her eternal rest in Jesus’ arms.

Now, let me tell you about Jim.  I’m not sure how old Jim actually is, but I’m pretty sure he’s in his 90s too.  For years now, he’s been doing God’s work, for the “least of these.”  He’s sold scrap wood and held special events, he’s sold artwork and crafts, using the money to pay for water wells and essential items for orphans and widows in Africa.  He also works with jail inmates and men who’ve recently been released from jail, giving his all to help them know and embrace Christ as Savior. God has used him mightily and often times miraculously.  He’s suffered several strokes and pushes through all the health challenges that come with being in his 90s.  He, too, faithfully delivers over 1,000 copies of Wisconsin Christian News to news racks in Northwest Wisconsin and into upper Minnesota.  I know it’s hard work for him, but he — like Zaida — does this with great joy because he understands he only gets one chance in this world to make a difference and impact lives for Christ.  Everything he does, he does as unto the Lord.

There are others I could mention, but I think you get the idea.  If a 93-year-old lady in a wheelchair can do what Zaida did… if Jim can do what he does, then what is YOUR excuse?  I ask this not to be condemning but I do hope it is convicting.  I hope that your heart is convicted to the point that you’ll examine yourself and ask yourself how you intend to spend the rest of your days… actively serving God, or sitting comfortably, as a spectator while the world passes by on the broad road to hell?  Understand that most likely you will have to begin your OWN ministry, because sadly, most churches today do not see the value of their elders either.  They offer social gatherings, potlucks and “senior saints” meetings — but they never put you to work.

Wouldn’t it be WONDERFUL if our churches would team up older people with the young ones?  Instead of offering silly game nights for the kids, and social gatherings for the old folks — what if they began programs where the old folks began to mentor the young ones?  Imagine 90-year-olds sharing their wisdom and knowledge and love for the Lord with 15-year-olds, one-on-one.  No “entertainment,” no worldly distractions, no silly games — just building relationships, learning about and from each other… and the elders sharing a lifetime of wisdom with those who so desperately need it.

You see, that’s the ONLY way we’re going to be able to change the course that America is on now.  It can only happen if us “old folks” start teaching the young ones the things their public schools and the carnal world, and even their church youth groups never, ever will.  Jeremiah 6:16 tells us, “Stand at the crossroads and look. Ask for the ancient paths: ‘Where is the good way?’ Then walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.”  So, old folks — you are NEEDED in the battlefield of spiritual warfare for the hearts and minds of our young people.  Will you be a good steward of the life God’s given you?  Or are you “retired?”

And young people, I’d like to share some Scriptures with you as well, that I hope you’ll take to heart. And then I pray you will SEEK OUT an elderly person that you can learn great wisdom from.  If not your own Grandparents, then someone else’s.  Leviticus 19:32, “Stand up in the presence of the aged.  Show respect for the elderly and revere your God.  I am the LORD.”  Deuteronomy 32:7, “Remember the days of old; consider the years of many generations; ask your father and he will show you, your elders and they will tell you.”

1 Peter 5, “Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders.”  And Hebrews 13, “Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the Word of God.  Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith.”

Old folks: we NEED you in this battle for the hearts and souls of our children and grandchildren.  Never give up.  Ask the Lord and He will direct your path, so that YOU can be the minister He’s calling you to be.  And by the way, our school boards, city councils and county boards need you to show up and speak truth to them too.  They need you desperately.  Isaiah 46:4, “Even to your old age and gray hairs I am He who will sustain you.  I have made you and I will carry you. I will sustain you.”  And now, I encourage you — get out of the “lift chair” and go serve your King!

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

There’s No Excuse For Being Clueless

By Rob Pue

June 23, 2024

Given the work that I do, it grieves me to see so many professing Christians who are so ignorant of the days and times we’re living in.  Most don’t know and don’t want to know what’s really going on in this world — or how Christ-followers are to respond to it all.  Truly, those who are not Christians, or are “nominal Christians” at best, are much more well informed than those who claim to be “devout.”  Because most modern American churches today do more harm than good for the Kingdom of God.

Let me give you a case in point.  I know a couple of people who are very devout church-goers.  Literally, whenever the doors to the church are open, they’re there.  These folks receive our newspaper, Wisconsin Christian News, and have for many years, but it’s doubtful they ever read it, or even open it.  Theirs is a typical modern American church, where the pastor is careful to never speak anything that may be construed as “offensive.”  The church only offers the modern praise and worship choruses, and then an “uplifting, feel-good” message as a sermon.  To put it succinctly, it’s a “Your Best Life Now” church.

They teach that God just wants His people to be nice to others, be happy, blessed, financially secure, comfortable and at peace.  Certainly, you can have all, or most of these things as a child of God, but as with most modern American churches, the people are never called to actually do anything, nor are they trained for the work of the ministry.

Now, the people I’m referring to will never read or hear this message, because they listen only to Contemporary Christian Music radio stations, and obviously never open the pages of Wisconsin Christian News or follow any other alternative Christian news sources.  They’re clueless about things like the Globalist “new world order,” the radical LGBTQP+ movement, the demonic “transgender” agenda, the pornographic books and sexually-perverted indoctrination of our children in public schools, the imprisonment of the J6 political prisoners, the deadly hospital protocols, the depopulation agenda with the COVID jabs, the radical pro-death agenda of Planned Parenthood, the invasion of our nation by foreign enemies, and so much more.  Needless to say, they both received all their COVID jabs.  In fact, their church opened up as a “vaccination center” a few years ago.

This past Christmas, these folks gave some framed artwork to someone I know well.  The recipient is a wide-awake Christ-follower who is well informed and active in standing against evil and deception.  As he unwrapped the gift, he was astonished — this framed artwork was a rainbow flag with the words “Love is Love” emblazoned upon it.  This gift, from a couple of extremely devout church-goers, left him and his wife nearly speechless.

As gently and tactfully as they could, they asked, “Don’t you know what this is? Don’t you know what this means?  How could you not know what this is?”

Their response was, “Oh, no…we had no idea.  We just saw it at Target and thought it was a pretty picture that would bless your home with love.”

While their intentions were good, they truly had no idea what the rainbow flag stood for, or that the words “Love is Love” is the clarion call of the same-sex-marriage movement.  It’s been nine years now since the Supreme Court’s Obergefell decision.  Nine years, and still these extremely devout church-goers had no idea…nor did they have any idea of Target’s blatant hatred for Christians and conservatives — or Target’s arrogant advancement of the homosexual and transgender movements with products they sell, even for children.  Or Target’s pro-transgender “open restroom” policies.

You see, their pastor has never spoken on any of these things, and the only news they get is from the mainstream media propaganda machine.  They have no interest in topics they deem “political” and so they only know what they hear in their church.  They’re completely clueless.

A few years ago, I was speaking with a friend who had taken it upon himself to distribute Bible tracts and other Christian materials in his neighborhood.  He’d go door-to-door, leaving the materials on the doors of homes.  He told me that it was rare to ever actually speak to anyone — he just dropped off the literature and went on to the next house.  But the occupants of one house, in particular, were very unfriendly to him and actually called the police on him.  He pointed the house out to me as we stood in his driveway.  It was adorned with a rainbow flag on the front.

I asked him, “well, what did you expect?  Didn’t you see their flag?”  He gave me a blank stare.  So I asked, “Don’t you know what that flag is?”  After I told him, he still didn’t believe me — “I just thought it was a pretty yard decoration,” he said.  He was completely clueless.

It astonishes me that so many are so ignorant.  And, over the past 25 years of my work with Wisconsin Christian News, I receive the harshest criticism from professing Christians, and especially pastors.  They want nothing to do with us.  The majority of pastors won’t allow our newspaper in their churches, and if they do, almost none of the people there will pick up a copy.

In one instance, we had a very dedicated distribution volunteer who would take a bundle of newspapers to a church in her area. The pastor always greeted her with a big, wide smile and always thanked her for dropping the papers off.  This went on for a couple of years before the church secretary called me to say, “I’m so sorry to have to tell you this, but I feel so badly and so guilty about it, I must.  Our pastor told your delivery person he loves your newspaper, but I’m instructed to throw them in the recycling the minute she leaves.  The bundles are never even opened.”  So, in other words, this pastor was lying — right to our friend’s face — with a big, broad smile, for years.

But God has a remnant, even in the “Best Life Now” churches.  Countless times, I’m contacted by people who are so enthusiastic about our newspaper they want to make it available at their church.  I tell them to first show a copy to their pastor and then let me know what he says.  One of two things always happen: either I never hear from this person again, or they call me back to say “the pastor said ‘no.’”

So in order to get the truth — and the whole counsel of God — along with the Gospel message out to those who have never heard, we stock our newspaper in news racks in public places for people to pick up for free.  In other words, we have to do an “end-run” around the pastors in order to get information with a biblical worldview to the people.  And the papers literally fly off the shelves.  Grocery stores are great places to distribute the newspaper.  Countless times, I’ve arrived at a store to stock the new edition and before I can even get the first bundle cut open, there are people coming up to me saying, “OH! Wonderful!  I’ve been waiting for this.  I love this paper.  Can I have one of those?”

You see, there are MANY who are starving for the truth.  They’re not getting it in their churches or the mainstream press.  If they go to church, their pastors will never speak on any of the subjects we cover; never anything of real substance, but rather, mere platitudes.  And many people are smart enough to know propaganda and “fake news” when they hear or see it.  So they’re very eager for each new edition of Wisconsin Christian News.  For many, it’s the only source of real news and information — and deep insights into God’s Word they ever get.

Those who are wide awake and know all about the things we cover, can sometimes find themselves overwhelmed, anxious and fearful of the days we’re living in and where this nation is headed under God’s judgment.  It happens to me, too.  A 24/7 news feed of real information, coming from trusted and verified, fact-based sources often leaves me overwhelmed.  I often have “information overload,” and the news is almost never good now.  I understand, it can wear a person out.

But we won’t back down. We can’t afford to.  I believe we owe it to our readers to be here, to persevere and press on — because there are so few who will dare speak the hard truth anymore.  And Christians, especially, should never be ignorant of the devil’s devices, and should always be the most informed and well-equipped of all, in order to be able to explain to others all that is really going on, along with the real hope that we have in Christ.  Not just a “hope,” but a “knowing” that God is in control — and though the world is now enveloped in darkness, deception, delusion and deceit, that He will work all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.

We can’t be ignorant, but we can’t be fearful either. Not if we’re real Christ-followers, with the Holy Spirit inside us.  We must be knowledgeable, informed and prepared for ministry and evangelism, but we must also be willing to pick up our cross and carry it, no matter the cost.  What I’m saying is that knowledge without action — or knowledge combined with cowardice — is what causes the anxiety, fear, and despair so many struggle with today.

Wisconsin Christian News serves an important purpose.  Perhaps the most important purpose is bringing the Gospel message and a biblical worldview to the unsaved world…and the unsaved among us are often the most intrigued by our newspaper.  As I said, even in churches that do allow our paper to be distributed there, few people ever pick up a copy.  But an average grocery store will easily go through 200 copies in a week.  The world is starving for truth!

But if all you’re doing is reading our newspaper, you’re missing the point.  Most of the articles we publish are meant to direct the reader to further and deeper study of God’s Word, the Bible.  That’s where all the answers are, and that’s what we’re trying to point people toward.  Yes, we must know the news of the day and we must be aware of and understand the latest lies and schemes of the enemy.  But it’s God’s Word that makes what we see in our daily headlines all make sense, and it’s God’s Word that explains the role we have to play in such a time as this, and it’s God’s Word, when properly studied, that moves us to action in His name, boldly calling out the lies, informing the ignorant and leading the lost to the only One Who is able to save their souls.

So in these days, we all need to spend more time making a serious study of the Word of God.  It contains not only the history of the world, but timeless lessons from our Creator Himself on how we should act, what we should do, how we should respond to all that’s coming upon the earth right now and how we overcome the enemy.  Sadly, most pastors today won’t even admit we have an enemy, much less, instruct and equip their people for spiritual warfare.

Along with serious, intentional, deep Bible study, we also need to draw near to the Lord in fervent prayer.  Not repetitious prayer; not compulsory prayer, but real prayer.  Talking with God and doing so without ceasing.  Like the disciples in the book of Acts, we need to go to our “upper rooms” — alone or with other like-minded believers — and fervently pray for wisdom and knowledge of God’s will, for guidance and direction as to what He would have us to do.

Of course, I’m assuming you are one with the Holy Spirit within you, and that you’re not only “pretty sure” you have the Holy Spirit, but you know you do because you can feel it.  If you don’t know or don’t feel the Holy Spirit within, speaking to you, guiding and directing you, repent and pray for personal sanctification first, and then ask God to fill you with His Spirit.  This is not the time to remain apathetic about the things of God, but rather to get deadly serious about it all. “Business-as-usual churchianity” is not adequate to triumph over the forces of darkness and evil in this world.  The Bible tells us that Lukewarm people literally make God vomit.  So don’t remain in your ignorance. There’s no excuse for being clueless.

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 422.

We Can’t Do the Work For You

By Rob Pue

June 16, 2024

Well, it’s better late than never, I suppose.  After nearly 60 years of allowing the homosexual agenda to move forward, claiming they just wanted “equal rights,” claiming this was a legitimate civil rights issue, people are just now starting to wake up to what’s really happening, and I’ve been getting phone calls, emails and letters from people who are outraged and panicked.

You see, “pride” parades and festivals, and “transgender” “drag” events — which not so long ago only happened in the big cities — are now invading small town America, like waves of locusts.  The outrage is justifiable, especially considering the targets of all this stuff are our children, and they’re no longer even trying to hide that fact.  But my question is, “where have you been all this time?”  People:  are you just now finding out about all this?  Have you listened to nothing I’ve been sounding the alarm about for the last 25 years?  Did you not believe the evidence and proof I brought forth, over and over again?  Or did you just not care because it wasn’t affecting you?

I recently heard from a person in a mid-size suburb in the midwest — horrified that a so-called “Family-Friendly Pride Festival” is being planned in their city park.  This event will also include a “drag queen” show — for children, teaching young boys how to dress, apply makeup and dance as “drag queens,” performing for the perverted adults in attendance.  When this person found out about it, they went to their local city council to protest, but they were the only ones there in opposition to the event.  Meanwhile, the council chambers were packed with LGBTQP+ activists — a very intimidating sight for council members, who voted unanimously to allow the event to go forward.

The person who contacted me had gotten 300 signatures from people opposed to this taking place in their town, and even formed a group against it on Facebook, which many people joined and supported. But city council members ignored all the signatures and Facebook took the group page down within hours, calling it “hate speech.”  The person who contacted me couldn’t believe such a thing could ever happen in their town; nor could they believe Facebook would simply remove their page, not allowing freedom of speech or a difference of opinions.  Nor could they believe that after contacting every pastor in their town, not a single one would accompany them to the city council meeting to protest this event.

Another person recently contacted me from an even smaller, more rural town, to let me know that their church was planning to have a float in the upcoming “Pride Parade” — their once rock-solid, Bible-teaching church was now planning to celebrate sodomite “Pride,” as a supposed “outreach” to the homosexual community.  Their pastor reasoned that if they joined those marching in the parade, and showed them that “God is love,” they’d somehow just change their minds.  The Church Board agreed, despite the fact that long-time church members were 100% opposed to this.

In Ephesians 5, we have this: “But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints; Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting…For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God…Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.  Be not ye therefore partakers with them…And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.”

Yes, it’s shameful even to have to speak of these things, and yet we have churches participating in sodomite parades, to show their acceptance and their twisted version of “love,” as they “love” lost souls straight to hell.  And in a similar situation, I received an email from someone in a small-town church, upset that the church had just hired a new full time youth pastor — who’s an open homosexual.  The senior pastor and that Church Board justified it by saying this new sodomite “youth pastor” was celibate and therefore, there was no cause for concern.  But whose values will this so-called “youth pastor” be representing to the kids?

In yet another case, when a Christian discovered their town would also be hosting a “Pride” and “Drag Queen” event — also advertised as “Family-Friendly,” with “everyone welcome, especially the kids,” they contacted me in a panic and said, “I heard you would come and host an alternative Christian event in a different park for us.”

No, I had to explain…that’s not how it works.  Yes, we are hosting a “Natural Family Festival” in a small town here in Wisconsin — the first of its kind in the nation — as an alternative to a “Pride” and “Drag Queen” festival, to be held in the same town, on the same day in another city park, just four blocks away.  To put this together, our ministry joined forces with the Natural Family Foundation ( — and we’ve worked very hard developing this concept, working out the details and organizing the event, which will, Lord willing, provide a stark contrast for all to see — the shameful debauchery taking place four blocks away, where children are lured and brainwashed into celebrating sodomy and questioning their genders, versus God’s plan for the Natural Family.

You can put together a similar event in your town, but I can’t do the work for you.  I have assembled a Step-by-Step Guide with simple instructions and direction as to how to organize a “Natural Family Festival” anywhere in the country, but we’re not able to come do it for you.  I admit I was (and am) a little frustrated.  For so many years I’ve been warning about all this, telling my readers and radio listeners about what happens at Pride Parades and Drag events, shouting from the rooftops that it’s not going to just remain in the big cities and that they were coming for your kids.  Most agreed, but most did nothing to even oppose it, and now this sodomite perversion is upon them.  NOW they understand how this tsunami wave of mental illness and sexual depravity is targeted — and being aggressively marketed and force-fed — directly to their children and grandchildren.

Raising awareness and getting signatures from people who oppose this stuff is a good thing, but it’s much too little and way too late.  The LGBTQP+ movement now consists of billions of people, and is funded with trillions of dollars, and just about every single business and corporation in the country is on their side — including the mainstream media, just about every single social media outlet, movie and TV stars, professional sports and other entertainers and influencers.

Once again, I find myself in the position of not understanding how it’s possible that so-called “Good Christians” and regular church-goers have no clue about any of this.  I can’t believe they still think I’m just “fear mongering,” being “alarmist” and that none of this can possibly be real or happen in their towns.  But it is real, and it’s everywhere.  If your own town doesn’t yet have a “Pride” festival, or a “Drag Queen” event for little children, you can be assured that it will — and it will happen with almost no opposition, especially from the pastors and churches.

And Sodomite “Pride” isn’t just for the month of June.  There are now “Pride” and “Transgender” events, festivities and celebrations every month of the year.  Rainbow flags fly proudly over our city hall buildings, our state capitols, our DMV offices, our schools and our churches.  Most are still unaware and ignorant of the evil this flag — and what the movement behind it represents.  Let me give you some history.  The first rainbow flag was commissioned in 1978 by Harvey Milk, who was dishonorably discharged from the US Navy for his homosexual antics in 1955.  Milk was the first openly-homosexual elected official in the US, serving 11 months as a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.  His rainbow flag was to be a symbol of “pride” for the homosexual community.

In 2014, the US Postal Service released a postage stamp honoring Harvey Milk.  There’s also an airport terminal at San Francisco International Airport named after him.  And now, our “woke” US Navy has named one of its new ships after him.  The ship was christened by a Navy veteran who identifies as ‘transgender.’  Harvey Milk is considered a hero in the homosexual community — but his actual history is very telling of the intentions of the homosexual movement.

He was a known pedophile, though he was never prosecuted for it.  It’s widely understood that throughout his adult life, he repeatedly raped multiple young boys.  One, in particular, he enticed to run away from home in Maryland.  This young man eventually committed suicide.  Another, he enticed to run away from home in Minnesota and not tell his parents.  This boy’s parents did find out and they filed a complaint, but Milk was never arrested or charged, or even questioned.  His homosexual relationships with young boys were numerous — and this was the lifestyle of this “civil rights leader.”

The rainbow flag Harvey Milk created is a symbol of conquest, and you don’t have to look  very far today to see how America has been conquered by the spirit of Sodom.     The ultimate goal of the homosexual movement is to lure, entice and groom little children, to twist their minds, rape their bodies and destroy their souls.  You can research a document from 1987 entitled “The Gay Revolutionary,”and specifically, “The Homosexual Agenda.”  As sickening as it is, I will quote the first paragraph of that  here: “We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all-male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together. Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us.”

And so here we are.  Christians, Conservatives and Patriots did nothing, while the homosexual mob continued steadily forward with their agenda.  First it was “Drag Queen Story Time” in public libraries — and the parents would take them there.  Now these events have moved to public schools as well as public parks and churches.  “They’ve been “re-branded” and marketed as “Family-Friendly.” And always little children — even pre-school children — are the targets, because they must recruit.  You’ll never see a rainbow flag at a Senior Citizens Center or nursing home.  But wherever children are, there will be that symbol of conquest.

Today, one in six of our “Gen Z” young people identify as some color on that rainbow spectrum — and by the way, we’re now told there are 72 distinct “genders” to choose from.  Also today, 76% of so-called “Bible-believing, church-attending Christians” now affirm that same-sex “marriage” and “transgenderism” are just alternative lifestyles, perfectly acceptable to God, because He made them that way.  Blasphemy.

John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist Church is quoted as saying, “What one generation tolerates, the next generation will embrace.”  Indeed.  I wonder what he would say about what just happened.   The United Methodist Church (UMC) voted on May 3rd to change its bylaws (called Book of Discipline), repealing its longstanding ban on same-sex marriages by its clergy and in its churches. The change allows clergy to be homosexuals themselves and to perform all homosexual ceremonies celebrating homosexual unions.  Many other once-Christian denominations have already embraced the sodomite agenda.

I mentioned I put together a Step-by-Step Guide to organize an alternative public event — a Natural Family, Christian event — which anyone can do, anywhere in the country. Such a public event provides a stark and clear contrast between what’s normal and natural and what’s twisted and perverted.  It’s unlike anything else, and it’s entirely positive for every community.  It’s “lighting a candle,” rather than “cursing the darkness.”  I believe it’s our best hope to turn the tide of public opinion back to God and His natural order — and undo the brainwashing this cult has cast over our young people.  Let me know if you’d like the information, but understand, we can’t do the work for you.  You’ll need to invest your time and you’ll need to step out of your comfort zone.  But is it not worth it, to save your children and grandchildren from this abomination?

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 431.

Yearning For the Good Old COVID Years

By Rob Pue

June 9, 2024

The New World Order Globalists are deadly serious about their plans for rebuilding Babylon, and they’re not stopping.  Their goal is a one-world government, with a single leader to rule the world.  Of course, there are many underlings doing his bidding, already at work in nations around the world, to destroy their own national sovereignty, and prepare the way for this tyrannical control of Planet Earth.

Here in America, we’ve seen the deliberate importation of millions of so-called “migrants” flooding our borders — our southern border has been most visible, but make no mistake, the northern border is just as open, as are our west and east coastlines.  We’re literally being invaded on all sides, and the majority of those coming to this country illegally are not seeking refuge; very few sincerely desire to become American citizens.  Most are here as enemy combatants, even as we see them enter our country waving the flags of the countries they are supposedly “escaping” from.

We all know about the millions of single, military-age men our government is importing, equipping with food, shelter, clothing, cash, cell phones, and anything else they might want or need for their upcoming mission.  We also know about the hundreds of thousands of “unaccompanied minors” coming into this country.  It was recently reported that our government has simply “lost” 87,000 children who came to this country through our southern border alone.  When questions and allegations are raised concerning child sex trafficking, the complicit mainstream media immediately labels it “fake news” and “conspiracy theories.”  But meanwhile, where are the children?

Non-governmental agencies, including many so-called “Christian” charities are also involved in this process.  They receive enormous funding from the government, based on how many individuals they can process illegally and settle into this country.  Meanwhile, politicians who are supposed to be our public servants are also getting filthy rich from this invasion of our homeland.  These include Republican senators, congressmen and governors…. you know, the ones that are supposed to be the “good guys.”

You should know and understand, this illegal invasion is not just happening here in the US.  It’s going on in every western nation in the world.  In Europe, the citizens of some nations are pushing back against this, much more vigorously than we are.  Because those who are invited to invade other nations don’t care about the people of the countries they’re invading.  Most are from third-world nations, where there is very little concern about the sanctity of human life.  Most come to plunder, steal and destroy… and they’re being funded by the very countries they’re invading.  This is by design.

You see, America is not alone in this.  These invasions are happening in all the western nations.  When “migrants” recently destroyed construction equipment at a building site in Ireland — a site that was being developed to house thousands of illegals in new luxurious homes — the local citizens began pushing back.  Now the construction company there has pulled out of the deal.  Irish citizens are making it clear they want the illegals gone.  But the government leaders there are still determined to continue importing so-called “refugees.”

In London, the situation has gotten so bad that there are now 90 “No-Go Zones” in that city alone.  These are areas where locals — including local police — don’t dare enter, because these areas are now ruled by foreign gangs, mostly Islamic, and to enter a

“No-Go Zone” means almost certain death.  Women and children are being raped and murdered even beyond the “No-Go Zones” in England.

The same is happening in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Finland.  So far, few here in the US see any real signs of serious danger, but I’ve been warning of the impending disaster this unchecked invasion poses for years now, and while the exploitation of children, the raping and murder of women is hidden from our view by our mainstream media, there are far too many families here who’ve already lost loved ones, had their land, homes and businesses destroyed and have been victims of violent crime perpetrated by these invaders.  Now, “squatters” who break into homes in America have more rights to the property than the homeowners themselves.  Still, most don’t see much of this, because we’re not supposed to see it — yet.

It’s much like all the lies and deceptions imposed upon us during the COVID scam-demic.  At first, most people didn’t catch on to what was really happening and by the time they did, it was too late.  Let us never forget what happened.  People were forced to stay home.  Businesses and churches were forced to close down.  People were forced to wear masks and stand six feet apart whenever they were allowed to go out in public.

Did it not seem strange to you that within one day of the start of the COVID lockdowns, online retailers — and big box stores — were all stocked up with a wide variety of custom face masks?  In less than a week, Walmart stores coast to coast were featuring racks filled with masks — and those racks came complete with mirrors, so you could try one on and see how you looked in it, then put it back and try another… and another.  How sanitary was that?!  Speaking of “sanitary,” anti-bacterial hand sanitizer sales soared, and there was anti-bacterial hand sanitizer everywhere you went.  But…I thought it was supposed to be a “virus.”  I was always told that bacterial infections were different from viruses and you couldn’t treat viruses with anti-bacterial meds.  But maybe I just think too much.

Let’s also remember what they did to kids.  Public playgrounds were not only shut down, but playground equipment was wrapped in plastic snow fencing, to make sure kids didn’t play.  People reported neighbors’ kids to police if they saw them playing outdoors in their own back yards.  When restaurants finally opened again, many months later, you had to wear a mask to enter, but could take it off once you were seated at a table.  Tables and booths in restaurants were separated by clear plastic sheeting.  The plexiglass industry also made some huge profits.  In most places, those plexiglass barricades are still in place.

People out walking alone on deserted beaches or swimming alone in the ocean or lakes were forcibly arrested and hauled off to jail.  People attending parking lot services at churches — sitting in their cars, the cars parked six feet apart — were also arrested.

And anyone who dared question the fake “science” were destroyed on social media.  Many medical professionals, doctors, nurses and scientists lost everything for speaking the truth.  Medications that actually worked for COVID — which was a weaponized flu — were forbidden and banned.

And then there were the stores.  Stores considered “essential” required masking.  One home-improvement store in my area actually had armed guards at the door to prevent anyone from entering without a mask.  If you didn’t have a mask, they’d sell you one.  If you refused to comply, the police were called.

Recently, the CDC finally came out and admitted that the face masks and “social distancing” mandates were completely arbitrary.  They served no real purpose.  Something I knew all along, and told you about, and was ridiculed for saying so.  Still today, I see people wearing masks out in public.  Even while riding bikes or driving alone in their cars.

Remember when the jabs were introduced?  First people were incentivized to take them.  Free food, free beer, lotteries to win big bucks, and college scholarships were offered.  When people were still hesitant, the Regime decided “no more Mr. Nice Guy.”  Threats were made to businesses.  Employees must be fully jabbed or the companies would face stiff penalties and fines.  Health and religious exemptions were denied. People lost their jobs, but likely saved their lives by not taking these deadly experimental shots.

Almost immediately we saw a massive increase in what they called “excess death rates” worldwide.  Funeral directors and embalmers discovered horrific blood clots in the bodies of those injected.  Now we have a surge of what they’re calling “turbo cancers” among the jabbed. People who were previously healthy and vigorous suddenly develop rare cancers and are dead within weeks.

Need I mention the financial incentives hospitals received from COVID patients?  Or the official hospital protocols, involving deadly drugs like Remdesivir…the only treatment allowed by US hospitals.  Remdesivir, in case you didn’t know, was tested in Africa years ago and the tests were abruptly halted because it was killing too many people.  Side effects included a dramatic increase in respiratory distress, as well as a literal “melting” of internal organs.  Yet this was the only drug allowed for the treatment of COVID in US hospitals and few survived it.

The lies surrounding COVID were (and are) astounding.  Phizer wanted 75 years before they released the information on their jabs.  When courts demanded they release that information immediately, the truth of the matter came out: these shots are a bio-weapon, designed for rapid depopulation.  Still, social media companies, internet search engines, along with the mainstream press continue to silence as much truth as they can.  Truth-tellers are censored and de-platformed. This is still going on.

Since the COVID scam-demic eventually became a “tactic that dragged on too long,” and in the words of Saul Alinsky, thus “became a drag,” we have been re-directed to other lies to follow.  Monkeypox didn’t get much “traction,” so now they’ve moved on to Bird Flu.  Most certainly, they are, right now, cooking up something much more deadly.  “Disease X” is in the works, and although world health officials have stated they don’t know what it will be yet, they’re somehow already preparing the “vaccine” for it.

For several years now, the World Health Organization, a part of the UN, has been planning a Global Pandemic Treaty.  Talks have been ongoing, and drafts of this new plan have undergone multiple changes and adjustments.  For example, they’ve changed the name of this thing from a “Treaty” to an “Accord,” because in many countries, including the US, a treaty must be agreed upon by lawmakers.  But an “accord” can be signed by any president or high-ranking government official.

I’m told the final draft could be signed by member nations within just two weeks now.  WHO officials have tried their best to cover their intentions on this, specifically denying that this Accord will mean individual nations will cede their sovereignty to the WHO when the next “pandemic” is released.  The WHO’s general director, Tedros stated, “This is fake news, lies and conspiracy theories.”

Yet, we saw what happened when the CDC, the WHO, Tony Fauci and company and our various current and former government agencies simply ruled — with no lawful authority to do so — that the US must lock down, wear a mask, get tested, get a jab or lose your job.  Or even, lose your children.  Despite the deliberate dis-information from Tedros and others, the signing of such an agreement would, indeed, require ALL nations to follow WHO dictates and mandates.  And in the latest version of the WHO’s Pandemic Accord, it clearly states that any nation that signs on to this cannot simply change their mind.  They must follow the Accord’s dictates for two years before they can submit their desire to withdraw in writing, and then continue to follow the mandates for another year, before they’re released.

Interesting that this is coming now…just in time for the most significant presidential election of our lifetimes.  Just in time for them to release “Disease X” or whatever other depopulation protocol they’re brewing up. Just in time for the next American civil war. Just in time for the coming mayhem and attacks by those who’ve invaded all Western nations.  Just in time for World War 3.  This will mark the absolute end of so-called “American freedom” …and once this latest scheme is made world-wide law, people will yearn for the “good old COVID years.”

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Net Zero: The Plan Put Forth by the Globalist Tyrants

By Rob Pue

May 26, 2024

“Net Zero.” That’s the plan put forth by Globalist tyrants pushing the false narrative of a  “Climate Change Crisis.”  “Net Zero” is supposed to mean that by the year 2030, just six years from now, human beings will be putting “zero” so-called “greenhouse gases” into the atmosphere.  Because according to the Globalist narrative, if we don’t drastically act now,  human beings will destroy the world with CO2.

In 2015, the Paris Agreement was adopted at the UN Climate Change Conference.  It took effect on November 4, 2016.  Donald Trump took us out of the Paris Agreement when he took office; Biden signed us up again on his first day. This “Agreement” is a legally binding international treaty on climate change.

So, assuming it would be possible for all the nations of the earth to get to “Net Zero’ in the next six years, what will the result be?  US energy secretary Jennifer Granholm recently testified before the Senate Energy Committee and dodged repeated questions on this, but basically stated “not much.” Reputable scientists agree.  First, it will be impossible to reach what they call “Net Zero,” and even if we did, it would have virtually NO EFFECT on the earth’s climate.  Even the UN’s Climate cabal has admitted the BEST we can hope for is less than a 1 degree rise in overall global temperatures.

But how is this “Climate Change Crisis” — and the Globalists’ “Net Zero” plan affecting us?    Well, going back to the years when Obama was officially “in office,” he instigated sweeping new EPA restrictions, affecting existing power plants and halting the expansion of new ones.   He stated, at that time, that anyone interested in launching new coal plants would be free to do so, but he also vowed to make sure his new regulations would ensure that if they tried, they’d go bankrupt.  It was at this same time that he admitted the new regulations would cause the price of energy in this country to “skyrocket.”

Now, in his “third term,” with Biden acting as his proxy, energy independence for America  is completely a thing of the past.  Pipelines have been shut down, new power plants have not been built, even as the Regime is pushing to make everything “electric,” so as to reduce our “carbon footprint.”  So while we’ll need an enormous amount of additional electric power, they’re making it impossible for us to produce it.  This is by design.

But let’s look for a minute at the idea of “climate change.”  It should be noted that the Earth has indeed warmed…but it has also cooled over the past 100 years.  We see periods of above normal temperatures as well as periods of below normal temperatures.  Above normal snowfall and below normal snowfall.  These are cycles we go through, and honest scientists will tell you that there’s nothing to suggest that we’re facing catastrophic climate change anytime in the foreseeable future.  What’s more, greenhouse gas emissions in the United States have actually fallen more than 25% over the past decade.  Do you remember, a few years ago, when a team of “Climate Change Scientists” traveled to Antarctica to “prove” their claims of “global warming?”  Their ship was trapped in the ice there for weeks.  God definitely has a great sense of humor.

According to, “the idea that there is a ‘scientific consensus’ does not hold up.  Scientists who are skeptical about ‘dangerous manmade climate change’ have been speaking out for years.  Even those who had been ‘alarmist’ about climate change for years are now admitting they do not know what the climate is doing.”

Cfact goes on to say, “The claim that ‘97% of scientists agree’ is based on 77 anonymous scientists who responded to an online survey.  The survey started by seeking opinions from 10,257 scientists.  However, the survey authors selectively whittled down the responses to just 77 scientists.  So the 97% ‘consensus’ claim is not based on thousands of scientists or even hundreds, but 75 out of only 77 scientists.  Thus, the often repeated ‘97% consensus’ is based on only 75 anonymous scientists.  Yet, on this basis, some say we should tax and eliminate hydrocarbon use, severely restricting US job creation and economic growth.”

So, we’re now seeing the push to eliminate altogether the most abundant sources of energy we have: oil, natural gas and coal.  We’re sinking untold trillions of dollars into things like solar and wind power, which have proven to be unreliable, extremely costly and inefficient.  Not only is the Regime trying it’s best to phase out all internal combustion vehicles in favor of electric vehicles, now they’re banning gas stoves and furnaces.  In May, New York became the first state to ban gas-powered stoves, furnaces and propane heating in all new residential buildings across the state.  The law requires all-electric heating and cooking in new buildings within two years.

Last year, California ruled that by 2035, all new passenger cars and light trucks sold in the state must be electric.

The Globalists want everything electric, under the guise of mitigating “Climate Change.”  But am I the only one that sees the absurdity of this?  Apparently not.  Even the most vigorous “virtue signalers” who support whatever the “latest thing” from the Regime may be, are coming to realize the utter stupidity of “The Plan.”  This is, perhaps, best illustrated by the electric vehicles they’ve been so desperately pushing.

There are so many problems with electric cars, I can’t begin to list them all.  But proponents claim they’re absolutely squeeky clean.  No carbon emissions or nasty greenhouse gases with these.  Super healthy for our environment and saving the planet, which is facing imminent disaster from us “rednecks” who still drive gas-powered cars.

Well, according to the International Energy Agency, an electric vehicle requires six times the mineral inputs of a comparable internal combustion engine.  In addition, EV batteries are extremely big and heavy and are made with exotic, expensive, toxic and very flammable materials.

The primary metals in EV batteries include Nickel, Lithium, Cobalt, Copper and Rare Earth metals.  The mining of these materials, their use in manufacturing and their ultimate disposal all present significant environmental challenges.  Nearly 100% of traditional lead-acid batteries are recycled.  But only 5% of the EV batteries are.

Moreover, the surface area disturbed by oil drilling is relatively small since the oil is extracted from under the ground.  In contrast, the materials used to make EV batteries are obtained through open-pit horizontal mining, which is extremely damaging to wide areas of the environment.  This means massive deforestation, a dramatic loss of animal habitats; not to mention that the metals to make these EV batteries are available only from a handful of third-world countries, where child and slave labor is commonplace.

And EV vehicles are loaded with problems.  First, they have very short ranges when driving.  Some claim you can drive 400 miles on a single charge, but the reality is, even the best of the best have a hard time making 150-200 miles.  Once depleted, you can’t simply “fill up” again in five minutes.  You have to charge your car anywhere from an hour to eight hours, or more, in order to drive another 150-200 miles.  You may have seen the absurdity of the EV concept illustrated in online videos, where people travel with gas-powered Honda generators, so they can re-charge their EVs just enough to make it to the next town where hopefully they can find a place to plug in.

These new electric vehicles are also riddled with technical problems.  In one case, a car was stuck on the side of the highway, completely out of power.  When the owner got out to speak with a state trooper who stopped to assist, he made the mistake of closing his door.  Once closed, and with the car battery dead, he had no way to get back inside.  Thus, no way to put the car in neutral so it could be towed.  And once towed, no way to open the charging port, because that, too, required electricity.  Volkswagen recently announced a major recall on one of their EVs because the electronic door latches can malfunction and the car doors will just open on their own while driving down the highway.

Another common issue with EVs is spontaneous combustion.  The batteries overheat or explode, causing massive fires.  And because of the materials used in these batteries, these cars can literally burn for days, taking more than 50,000 gallons of water to try to put the fires out.

Meanwhile, our federal government is funneling trillions into EV manufacturing.  EV dealerships are giving huge rebates, but a typical new Tesla will still cost you way more than a real car.  Recently, I looked at used Teslas online, and vehicles just one year old with very few miles on them are going for 50% - 70% less than what they were purchased for just one year ago.  Maybe the green “virtue signalers” learned a lesson.

Cities across the nation are definitely learning a hard lesson.  According to an article on, “Between the federal government, states and municipalities, untold billions in taxpayer dollars have been spent adding electric buses to transit fleets across the US in an effort to reduce carbon emissions…however, cities from coast to coast are grappling with broken-down e-buses that cannot be fixed, are too expensive to fix or they’ve scrapped their electric fleets altogether.”

In cities like Asheville, North Carolina, Denver, Colorado Springs, Philadelphia, Austin, Texas, Phoenix, and all throughout California, electric bus fleets are either mostly not running, or not running at all.  Many of these bus manufacturers have since gone bankrupt, so when these buses break down (which is common) the cities can no longer obtain parts to repair them.  Billions of dollars have been spent to go “Net Zero” — and now these buses are simply taking up space in parking lot graveyards.

Insurance companies also charge significantly more to insure electric vehicles.  My insurance man told me this is the case throughout the insurance industry, because once people discover they hate these cars, they can’t get rid of them without losing substantial amounts of money… so, many people deliberately wreck them to at least — hopefully — get their loans paid off.

And what, ultimately, is to become of a dead EV?  Salvage yards don’t want them because they’re made of highly toxic materials, the batteries cannot be recycled because they’re dangerous and toxic.  So far, no one has answered the question on this.

But one more point that must be made here:  say you have an electric vehicle and you’re happy with it.  You’re so pleased to be helping to “save the planet.”  You only drive it to work and home again, plug it in at night and all is fine.  You do understand that the electricity you charge your car with has to come from somewhere, right?  That would be your local power station, which runs on natural gas, oil, coal or nuclear power.  So after all this, you’re still using those “horrible” carbon-based commodities.  And as the tyrannical push continues for everything to be electric, we’ve simultaneously limited our energy resources — on purpose — making electricity and energy in general much more expensive than it has to be.

Many are getting filthy rich off this “Climate Change” scam, but consumers are being taken to the cleaners.  Stop believing the lies.  Also, bear in mind that we need CO2 — it’s what plants, crops and trees breathe, and it’s what human beings and animals exhale.  It’s how God designed His creation to operate.  You should know that WE (humans) are the “carbon” the Globalists want to eliminate.

What does God say about all this?  He made it clear in Genesis chapter 8.  After the flood, the LORD said, “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”

That pretty much clears it up.  Seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night… we will have cycles in our climate, and these cycles are natural, normal and God-ordained.  And we will have these cycles for “as long as the earth endures.”

As for “Net Zero,” that’s the whole extent of what we, as human beings will get out of this demonic plan of the Globalists for the depopulation and tyrannical control of mankind.  Through taxation, regulations, restrictions and shady backroom deals involving dirty money, they will net trillions…. while we net ZERO.

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

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The War To End All Wars

By Rob Pue

May 5, 2024

It seems like a lot of people just can’t hardly wait for war.  From mainstream news media to even the best of alternative news sources, commentators and pundits, everyone seems to be salivating at the idea of World War Three.

I find it interesting to note that during World War 1, we didn’t call it “World War 1,” because we didn’t recognize it as the first of many.  It was first called the “European War.” Then American newspapers called it “World War.”  And the British called it the “Great War.”  Soldiers fighting and families left at home had no idea they were fighting “World War 1.”  Then, it was FDR who first used the term “World War 2” in 1941.  But soldiers fighting and those at home didn’t realize they were fighting “World War 2” until Roosevelt named it that.  But today, people seem so eager for World War 3.  Even regular, everyday citizens seemed giddy at the idea of World War 3.  It’s on everyone’s minds and it seems virtually inevitable.

As we look at current world events, it does appear that a war to engulf the globe has already been set in motion.  Like wars we’ve seen in the past, alliances are being formed.  The BRICS nations, consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Ethiopia, Iran and the United Arab Emirates have been in allegiance since 2009.  Also at that table, you could add North Korea, Iraq, Turkey, Syria and Afghanistan.

Western countries, which were formerly allies, are significantly less organized and unfortunately, they’re all facing great internal turmoil, economic depression, massive immigration problems with people from enemy countries being welcomed in and catered to — for some reason — by their own governments.  There’s no doubt that what one might call the “Axis of Evil” nations today are much better prepared and propped up by self-proclaimed Globalist New World Order “elites” than are countries like the United States, Britain, France, and even Germany.

Western nations are literally being invaded by citizens from the “Axis of Evil” — and the western nations are welcoming the invasions, supporting the invaders and weakening all their defenses — from military to public infrastructure, seemingly on purpose.  This isn’t a “conspiracy theory.” It’s a conspiracy FACT.

Here in the US, the city of Minneapolis now plays the Islamic “call to prayer” over city loud speakers five times a day.  The same happens in Michigan.  Muslims who support the call of “Death to America” now serve in local, state and national governmental positions of power.  Chinese nationals own much of the land in our nation and hold most of our debt.  We rely on China for most everything we buy and use, including pharmaceutical drugs and food supplies.

On our college campuses, students have been brainwashed to prefer socialism over capitalism and are rallying against Israel and their own United States.  And while the “Axis of Evil” nations are training their military for war, here in the US, our military focuses on recruiting homosexuals and “transgenders” and invests tax dollars on transgender “transitioning” drugs and surgeries, using the proper pronouns, re-educating those who don’t agree with these agendas and training recruits to submit to an increasingly “woke” mindset.

For years, we’ve heard about Chinese military training in Mexico and Central America.  In just the past couple of years, we’ve learned the Chinese military is also training in Canada, just a stone’s throw away from our US borders.  We’ve seen video footage of Chinese container ships converted to ballistic missile launchers and loaded with ammunition, just off our western seacoast.  Not to mention the millions of military-age single men, all from hostile nations, crossing our borders — some even stating openly that they’re here on a military mission.

We’ve also seen the self-proclaimed “elites” — the New World Order Globalists — spending enormous amounts to construct underground bunkers for themselves, here in the US and around the world.  They’re stockpiling food and supplies for themselves, and they’ve been doing that for at least the last year or so.  Obviously, they believe something big is on the horizon and they’re preparing.

Meanwhile, when the average American patriot suggests that we should all be “prepping” for coming disaster, we’re labeled, once again, as “conspiracy theorists,” “right-wing wackos,” and worse, by the mainstream media, on social media and by the ignorant general public.

The last presidential election here in this country deepened the tremendous amount of division among our citizenry.  Any thinking person can easily examine and analyze what took place and come to the obvious conclusion that the election was blatantly stolen, regardless of what George Soros’-funded legislators, district attorneys and attorneys general will pronounce publicly.  And so, there are many ignorant souls out there today who really believe the last election was completely legitimate — despite overwhelming evidence that we’re now a banana republic ruled by tyrants bent on the destruction of our nation.

That being said, there’s no doubt that this year’s election will be the most significant ever in American history.  And along with that, will come more division, more hatred, more rioting, burning and devastation from the Left.  But this time, American Patriots will likely rise up as well, rather than continuing to bow to the one-sided “rule of law.”  Patriots aren’t going to let what happened last time happen again.  They won’t stand for it.  They won’t allow it.

So this year — leading up to November, but especially afterwards — is going to be one of chaos and war within our borders, among our own people.  When the foreign enemies who’ve now been settled in and well-funded and supplied by the Regime in power get involved, it’s not going to be good.  America is at its weakest point in history right now.  It’s only going to grow weaker once the fighting begins within our borders.

When that happens, we’ll be ripe for the picking of those foreign enemies in and outside our borders, who are, even right now as I speak, training for a specific operation…World War 3.

I’d urge you to not be so quick to wish World War 3 upon us, because it’s not going to be anything like you can imagine now.  If you’re thinking of a “Red Dawn” scenario, where a few bands of patriotic vigilantes can camp out in the woods and win our freedom back with a few shotguns, you’re just plain clueless.

When it happens, Patriots are going to be up against the most sophisticated weaponry in the world.  I’m not just talking about night vision goggles here.  I’m talking drone technology, the likes of which you and I have no idea.  I’m talking about infrared heat cameras that can locate and pinpoint human beings hiding anywhere, and weapons that can eliminate them, fired by enemy combatants on the other side of the world.

Imagine losing your electricity — rolling blackouts are already going on in parts of our country and will only grow worse as the regime continues to press it’s “net zero” agenda under the false narrative of “climate change.”  No power. No water.  No food in the stores.  No communications.  No phones.  No internet.  Cars will not operate — electric or otherwise.  Local police and sheriff departments will be no match for hordes of foreign enemies marching on our land with operational, tactical vehicles.  Even our military will be no match for these enemies.

And the enemies are already here, embedded in cities and towns, large and small, all across the United States.  Thousands more are being welcomed in daily, even as they’re encouraged to “vote for Biden” when they get here, so the border can remain open.

During World War 2, our nation came together, united as one.  Our people at home sacrificed, rationed things, bought war bonds, scrimped and saved everything to support our faithful soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines.  Today, our nation is so divided — and deliberately divided — there will be no national unity.  Amid the World War, we’ll also be fighting one another in a new “Civil War.”  And a house divided against itself cannot stand.

I’m sorry to say, friends, we’ve already lost this battle.  By being so passive, by allowing things like the stolen election of four years ago to stand; by allowing the rioting and devastation of groups like Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA to happen with no pushback — our police officers ordered to “stand down” and “let them burn it all down;” even by standing by and doing nothing as the statues and monuments of our American history and heritage were removed from public, and by allowing political dissidents of the Regime to be persecuted and jailed while most of us did nothing, we’ve invited the coming tragedy upon ourselves.  It’s our own fault.

We should be, right now, weeping and mourning and repenting in sackcloth and ashes, begging God’s forgiveness for our personal sins and our national sins.  Such a thing would begin in the churches across this land, but alas, the churches have also been overtaken by the socialism and communism of the Social Justice movement.  Pastors, who have so much power available to them — if only they had an ounce of courage to use it — have refused to stand against the evil and therefore, their followers have refused to stand for anything.  Most Americans today have no idea what the Word of God says.  No idea Who Jesus Christ is, and certainly no idea the horrors that await them when their comfort, luxury and ease are suddenly removed and they’re faced with starvation, famine and the loss of every single thing they’ve put their trust and security in, in this world.

“If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”  There’s no political solution to all this.  Don’t count on Donald Trump to save you — or our country.  There’s one Savior, and that is the Lord, Jesus Christ.  Judgment begins first in the house of the Lord, and I dare say it will be the Christians who are eliminated first as our enemies overtake us — from within and from without.  Because most today are “Christians” in name only.  Their “fire insurance faith” will not spare them from what’s about to happen.  Instead, after horrific and violent deaths, most will stand before the Lord only to hear the words, “Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity. I never knew you.”

Could it be that I’m dead wrong on all these things?  Well, I can tell you I’m 100% right on much of what I’ve stated here.  I’ve told you about Global conspiracy FACTS, not theories.  Of course, there’s much we don’t know yet…and won’t know until it plays out.  But is there a chance God might spare this nation and heal our land?  Yes, but it would require God’s professing people to take 2 Chronicles 7:14 seriously and put out an urgent, clarion call all across this country.  It would take an enormous, concerted effort on the part of pastors and churches and the people in the pews, humbling themselves before Almighty God, while there’s still time.  Sadly, I won’t hold my breath on that… Americans are too consumed with comfort and ease.  Too self-absorbed to take the Word of God seriously.  They’re busy planning their next vacation, busy with their sports and entertainment.  They have no time for God. Certainly, no intention to humble themselves, pray, seek God’s face and turn from their wicked and selfish ways.

The soldiers in World War 1 didn’t know they were fighting “World War 1” when it was happening.  Those in World War 2 didn’t know it was World War 2 when it began.  There will be no doubt when World War 3 goes hot.  It truly will be the “War to end all wars.”  Friends, those of you who will, be in prayer for this nation.  Be in prayer for those you love.  I believe God will protect and provide for those who are truly His, but none of us will escape persecution.  I urge you to draw close to God today, and bring as many souls with you as you can.  Our time is growing short, and we have but one Savior.

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Lighting A Candle

By Rob Pue

April 28, 2024

I believe America is at a tipping point. Most Americans realize there is something deeply wrong with the nation we live in.  Even non-Christians have had all they can take of the Leftists’ “woke” agenda, and especially of the vilification of common sense when it comes to our children.

In recent years, we’ve seen parents who object to pornographic books, drag queens and the LGBTQP+ movement indoctrinating their children labeled as “the most dangerous threats to our democracy,” and also called “domestic terrorists.”  In reality, the opposite is true.  Those who push for the normalization of sexual deviancy, homosexuality, pedophilia and the mutilation of the minds and bodies of our children are the real predators, and they have many allies, now baked in to the curricula of our public schools and celebrated wholesale in cities and small towns all across the USA.

In 1963, “45 Communist goals to take down America” were read into the Congressional record.  Among them: “break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in the media;” “present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as ‘normal, natural and healthy;’” “infiltrate the churches;” “discredit the family as an institution;”  “Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce;” “emphasize the need to raise children away from the ‘negative’ influence of parents.”  And here we are today, with all of those Communist goals to take down America achieved.

June is coming quickly.  In the year 2000, Bill Clinton declared the month of June as “Gay and Lesbian Pride Month.”  Since then, “Pride Month” has spread around the globe, but it doesn’t end when July 1st rolls around.  Today, the LGBTQP+ monster — and now the “transgender” abomination — continues all year long.  Through organizations like the “Human Rights Campaign,” their agenda is forced down the throats of companies and corporations, so that they must either endorse and financially support this sexual deviancy and the myriad of mental disorders associated with it all, or be publicly shamed, boycotted  and labeled as “homophobic” and now, “transphobic.”

But those pulling the strings behind the scenes are pushing even harder and never stop their assault on all that is normal, natural and God-ordained.  Today we have the “Transgender Day of Vengeance.”  We have a new multi-billion dollar industry within the medical industrial complex, to forever mutilate and sterilize young children with hormone-blocking drugs and so-called “gender affirming surgeries” that destroy young children and maim them for life.  Josef Mengele would be proud.

For many years, I’ve joined my Christian friends on the streets during “Pride parades,” to stand as a witness for Christ and God’s natural design for marriage and family.  I’ve attended some of the largest “pride” festivals in the country, where it’s been 100 Christians trying to reach a half-million sodomites and their allies.  I’ve witnessed thousands of young children exposed to sexual deviancy in the streets of American cities.  Young children participating with their homosexual parents in these parades.  Young children viewing simulated sodomite sex acts involving completely- or mostly-naked men and women in broad daylight.  Young children, whose parents give them dollar bills to stuff in the “g-strings” of nearly-nude drag queens, dancing provocatively in front of adoring crowds of hedonists.

With the exception of a handful of times, attempting to reason with or even have a meaningful conversation with the sodomites and transgenders has been futile.  The police see the Christians as the enemies, and they protect the perverts.  The sodomites blow bullhorns directly into our ears as we try to speak.  They beat drums, blow trumpets, yell and scream like demons, to keep our words from going forth.  When we use signs with messages of common sense, hordes of deranged sodomites descend upon us, covering our signs with rainbow flags at a minimum… destroying our signs, and attacking us physically most of the time.  And Christians being attacked at these events has been — every time — the greatest form of amusement for those charged with the duty to “protect and serve.”

Sadly, the vast majority of American pastors and churches have remained mute, and have allowed all of this to grow to enormous proportions, so that today, you can go nowhere without being assaulted by homosexual or transgender propaganda and vile displays of debauchery.  The rainbow flag is a symbol of conquest. No one can argue that the devil and his minions have won this culture war, because the pastors and churches have been too cowardly to do ANYTHING.  Correction: I shouldn’t say the churches haven’t done anything… the last “pride” parade I attended included no less than forty churches participating IN the parade, with banners on their floats expressing sentiments like “God thinks you’re fabulous.”

But people are fed up with all this.  Most of us have had enough of these mental illnesses being pridefully celebrated and we’re now forced to celebrate this perversion under penalty of law.  Some have suggested there be a “Straight Pride” parade.  But heterosexual people do not celebrate the fact that they’re heterosexual, nor do they flaunt their sexuality in public, in front of children.  And what would a “Straight Pride” parade even look like? A bunch of normal people walking down the street?  And further, if anyone even tried to arrange something like this, they’d be viciously attacked and vilified in the mainstream media and compared to “Nazis.”  You know that would happen.

Several years ago, my friend, JR Harrison, who leads the Natural Family Foundation, came up with the idea of celebrating “Natural Family Month” — from Mother’s Day to Father’s Day.  The first week would be a celebration of Mother’s Day. The second week would be a celebration of children. The third week would be a celebration of grandparents. The next week would be a celebration of extended family, and it would all culminate in a celebration of Dads on Father’s Day.

JR has created a website,, where he lays out the plan, and offers a pledge people can sign to affirm their support of God’s ordained design for the NATURAL family: one biological man married to one biological woman united in a monogamous marriage for life, bearing and raising Godly children in the fear and admonition of the Lord.  There’s overwhelming scientific evidence showing that children thrive within the Natural Family.  There’s much less poverty, mental illness, drug use, rage and rebellion, and children grow up to be much happier and well-adjusted adults when raised within the Natural Family.

Last June, I came up with an idea, but it was too late to put into action then.  This year, thanks to other ministry friends, the idea is coming to fruition — and God has greatly blessed this plan, which focuses on “lighting a candle” instead of cursing the darkness.  Mind you, in prior years as we went to witness for Christ at these sodomite events, we weren’t “cursing” anyone.  We were there to shine the light of Christ and have meaningful, thoughtful and loving conversations with those so lost and deceived by Satan.  Unfortunately, in this sort of environment, our little band of Christian brothers and sisters were no match for the demonic spirits inhabiting a half million people — including city government leaders, police officers, pastors and churches.

So this year, we’re preparing something totally different, for June 29th. That’s the day the “drag queens” will be performing in a downtown family park.  Once again, men will be dressed as outrageous prostitutes and will be dancing and gyrating in sexually suggestive ways in front of little children. They’ll also be dressing little children in “drag” and teaching them how to “strut their stuff” in front of the adults there.

But on this same day, a few blocks away, at another city park, we will be hosting a Natural Family Festival.  This is our attempt to “light a candle” in this community and as I wrote in my article last year, to “show them what a natural family is.”

The mayor of the city has agreed to open our festival with a speech on the value of families…natural families.  We will have other excellent speakers to encourage people to cherish the institution of the family…the Godly foundation for a Godly nation.  And then we’ll have activities, for children and adults.    But not just any sort of activities.  This is not some sort of “carnival” with silly stuff and meaningless games.  All of the activities we have planned are designed to bring families together and to honor God’s design for the natural family…again, one real man and one real woman, united in marriage and bearing and raising children for the glory of God.

One activity will involve children and their parents learning to plant and grow things.  We’ll provide small flower and vegetable plants, soil and pots, so children can work together with their parents to grow something.  Once planted, we’ll have a little sign that reads “I love my family” that they can decorate their pot with.

Another activity will include boys working with their dads to build a simple birdhouse or bird feeder.  Again, this activity is meant to connect fathers together with their sons and build something — achieve something — together.

At another station, we’ll be doing a bigger project, to involve the older children.  Under the supervision of expert builders, young teens will be building an actual house — a playhouse — throughout the day.  This will provide an opportunity for dads to work with their teenagers and actually learn to build a HOUSE!  When it’s completed, we’ll draw one name from among those who worked on the project and the winner will win the playhouse… here again, we’re connecting dads with teens, and teens will learn they can build and achieve something of great significance, with their own two hands, alongside their dads.

We’ll also set up a lemonade stand… but not just any lemonade stand.  Next to our stand, we’ll have a “Help Wanted” sign, and children ages 5-13 can sign up for half-hour segments to work at the stand.  We’ll supply the lemonade, cups and ice.  Kids just need to sign up and show up for “work.”  At the end of their shift, they get to keep what they’ve earned.  This teaches kids how to “get a job,” and the satisfaction of learning to work, and how to earn money.

And we all know the “drag queens” offer “story time.”  We’ll have story time too.  But OUR stories will come from the old McGuffey Readers, which are filled with uplifting, positive stories of families…with the gospel message woven throughout.  And here’s the best part:  the stories will be read by GRANDPARENTS.  So, we’ll be connecting the oldest generation with the youngest generation, and these grandparents will also share the wisdom of their own life’s experiences with the young kids who listen.  I strongly believe we need to return honor and VALUE to our elders, who are so easily forgotten and minimalized in today’s culture.

We’ll also have a petting zoo, pony and cart rides, other craft opportunities for kids and their parents to create and build things together, and we will have acappella music sung by families from our local Mennonite community.  So instead of silly songs, comedy and frivolous “entertainment,” we’ll be offering beautiful music — hymns sung together by FAMILIES.  There will also be a mobile Creation Museum, showing how God created the world in six days, and how the first family began.

This will be an opportunity to turn the hearts of the fathers back toward their children.  To re-connect the grandparents with their grandchildren, for moms and daughters to connect in substantial ways, to hear meaningful stories of how God designed the family to really be.  To HONOR our parents, our elders, and get our young people out of the clutches of pop culture and turn THEIR hearts back to respecting themselves, each other and their mothers, fathers and families.

Friends, as goes the church, so goes the family. Sadly, our churches have failed to build solid God-honoring families.  But also, as goes the family, so goes the nation.  And we can all easily see how desperately our nation needs strong families again — free of the shackles of mindless TikTok videos and gaming and soul-sucking electronic “entertainment” and social media.

We’re offering a clear and stark alternative.  This community will have the opportunity to see two completely different worldviews on the same day just a few blocks apart: the celebration of sodomite “pride,” “drag queen” perversion and sexual grooming of children versus the wholesome, NATURAL FAMILY the way it used to be; the way God designed it to be and the way it should be.  In the end, I believe the people of this small town will be deeply impacted and I pray that hearts are deeply touched and transformed as we will show them and demonstrate to them what a natural family is.  We’re lighting a candle, rather than cursing the darkness and it’s my hope that other people, in communities all across this nation, will grab a hold of this vision and put together Natural Family Festivals for their own towns.  If you’d like to learn how you can easily do this in your town, please contact me.

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 427.

God’s Lifeboat Is More Than Half Empty

By Rob Pue

April 14, 2024

This month marks another anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. For generations, this tragic story has captivated hearts and minds.  The loss of the Titanic left a shaken world in disbelief and made people stop and think. I, personally, became deeply intrigued by the Titanic from the moment I learned of the story as a young child.

I believe this is one of those rare, historic events that provides a myriad of timeless lessons.  The most obvious is the sinfulness of human pride and arrogance…clearly present in almost every aspect of the story.

Titanic took 12,000 men more than two years to construct.  The people of the day wanted luxury, and to say that’s what they found in Titanic would be an understatement. Not only was Titanic the largest man-made moving object ever built, it was also the most luxurious ship the world had ever known. It was a floating palace loaded with fine amenities; a five-star hotel on the sea. Never before had anyone seen anything like it.  First class suites even included private promenade decks, sitting rooms and lavatories.  It boasted the first on-board swimming pool, and the dining rooms were decked out in fine linen, crystal glassware and fine china.

She was truly impressive, but Titanic’s owners failed to remember Psalm 127:1: “Unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it.”

Throughout the Bible are accounts of proud men who refused to humble themselves and acknowledge God, who built monuments to themselves and their achievements, trusting in their own abilities, possessions and self-efforts, rather than acknowledging the Lord. All inevitably came to a tragic end. In 1 Peter 5:5 we read, “…God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble…”

The Titanic was a symbol of everything man could achieve, and she was truly beautiful. But the people forgot God and even taunted God’s awesome power, boasting that: “God Himself could not sink this ship!”  With all the latest innovations in ship-building technology, including 15 watertight doors, it was accepted as fact that Titanic really was unsinkable.

As we all know, God Himself could sink the Titanic, but no big storm or major “act of God” was needed. Once again, the arrogance of man was adequate to facilitate his undoing.

Titanic was brand new, shiny and strong, and this was her maiden voyage.  Passengers enjoyed a tranquil crossing the first few days on their way to New York and, in fact, crew members remarked they had never seen the Atlantic more calm, the night tragedy struck.

On Sunday, April 14, 1912, Titanic was making excellent speed and most of the passengers spent the day indoors because the weather had turned suddenly cold. Captain Smith held church services that morning, which would have normally been followed by a lifeboat drill for passengers and crew, but on this day, there was no drill…after all, the ship was “unsinkable.”

As for the lifeboats, Titanic’s owners were so certain that the ship would never need them, they only included enough for less than half those on board, to make for a better looking, less crowded boat deck.

Iceberg warnings came in all day and evening but were generally ignored and Titanic pressed forward, speeding even faster toward disaster.

Perhaps what makes the story of the Titanic so sad and heart-rending is that the people involved were really no different than we are today. We can easily identify with them. If we were on a ship that was said to be “unsinkable,” would we feel it necessary to hold a lifeboat drill, or would we call it off if it was too cold outside?

Would we heed iceberg warnings if we “knew” our ship was unsinkable, or continue on with the party we were enjoying?  Wealth, comfort and luxury can make people complacent, lulled into a false sense of security. We can become so full of ourselves that we feel we’re invincible. We can think all is well, when disaster is just around the corner.   As First Thessalonians tells us, “When they shall say, ‘Peace and safety,’ then sudden destruction cometh upon them…and they shall not escape.”

In much the same way the people of Noah’s day were warned, and just as Sodom and Gomorrah were warned, and just as those on the Titanic were warned about the icebergs, we are warned about the consequences of complacency and indifference to sin — sin in the world and sin in our lives. We’re warned of the cost of living apart from God and without the salvation of Christ. But do we heed the warnings? Or do we continue on in comfort, luxury and ease, doing our own thing, ignoring God?

Disaster struck the Titanic at 11:40 pm, April 14, 1912, as she collided with the iceberg.  Two hours later, she slipped beneath the sea, and has rested in a watery grave ever since…slowly disintegrating and disappearing into rust and dust.

When the unthinkable became obvious, Captain Smith ordered the crew to ready the lifeboats. But passengers were reluctant to leave the comfort of the gigantic ship for a 70-foot drop down to the dark ocean in a small, wooden boat. Even though there were only lifeboats enough for less than half those aboard, most left the ship more than half empty.

The rule was “women and children first,” but many of the ladies refused to leave without their husbands, and had to be forcibly picked up and placed in the boats. Families were torn apart, as women and children bid farewell to their husbands and fathers, who were not allowed into the lifeboats.  Many of the wealthy on board refused to leave without their valuables and went back to collect their belongings from their staterooms — and in so doing, lost their only chance at survival. They didn’t realize the danger, and preferred to remain with their earthly “treasures.”

By the time the bow of the ship began to disappear beneath the surface of the water, it was too late for most.

Many of the third class passengers remained trapped below decks, separated from the rest of the ship by locked gates. When some of these finally made it to the boat decks, most of the lifeboats were gone — again, most launched more than half-empty — as hundreds remained on the ship with no hope for survival.  Captain Smith, who was set to enjoy retirement after this last voyage, went down with the ship.

There are hundreds of inspiring and heartbreaking stories that are told of Titanic’s last moments…the band that kept playing until the end, to help calm the passengers and avoid a panic. The wealthy Mrs. Isador Strauss, who chose to stay and die with her husband, rather than leave without him. The hundreds who were left on board with all the lifeboats gone and no way to be rescued — women, young children and families alike.

1,517 people died that night in the frigid waters of the North Atlantic. Only 706 survived.  Survivors in the boats were haunted by the screams of dying people in the water — now beyond salvation — for the rest of their lives.  The screams slowly faded away, leaving only the sounds of sobbing widows and crying, now fatherless babies.  When the sun rose the next morning, the survivors in the lifeboats had their first look at the harsh reality — hundreds upon hundreds of corpses, still wearing their life jackets, frozen to death or drowned. They were surrounded by icebergs, some more than 200 feet high.  And Titanic, that symbol of man’s greatest achievement, was GONE.

A great many awe-inspiring artifacts have been brought up from the site of the wreck…things that help to tell the story, and remind us of what happened that night. We’ve seen pieces of the ship, personal belongings, even letters, menus, deck chairs and tickets. But can we grasp the real story here?

What can we learn from all this? We can learn to not trust in our wealth or the attractive things of this world…they’re only temporary. Trusting in worldly possessions is futile. After all, what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?  The consequences of pride and arrogance are always destruction.

As Christians, charged with the great commission, we are  the “Captains” here. For the sake of our “passengers” — those we’re called to witness to, we can’t skip the lifeboat drills. We need to actively teach people there is a lifeboat (Jesus Christ) and lead them to it (by teaching the Gospel, and equipping them, as “crew members” for the work of the ministry). We must also reach out to the lost — those drowning in sin —  and pull them into our boat.

And we need to heed the iceberg warnings, and keep our ship on a safe course. We need to be sensitive to the “icebergs” of temptation and unrepentance, because our eternal lives, and those of our passengers are at stake.

Satan would have us believe we’re “unsinkable,” and that there’s no need for a lifeboat. This is one of his greatest lies…not that there is no such thing as a lifeboat (God), but that there’s no rush, no sense of urgency. And that it’s much safer and more comfortable to stay aboard the ship of our own sinful desires, where we’re in “control.” It’s not just inconvenient — it’s scary — to put yourself in someone else’s hands and be lowered into a lifeboat that doesn’t look at all comfortable — or safe. But it really depends on Whose hands you’re talking about, doesn’t it?

Even though we’re hopelessly lost, with no way to save ourselves from eternal death, the Lord provided each and every one of us with a Lifeboat. The ship is going down, no question… “…it is appointed unto man once to die, and after this, the judgment.” (Hebrews 9:27).

But like those on the Titanic, people are still reluctant to get into the lifeboat. They feel much more comfortable where they are.  They don’t realize they’re on a sinking ship, and the lifeboat is the only way to be saved…it’s very simple: “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life, and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life…” (John 3:36). There are only two choices: Get in the boat and live, or don’t get in the boat and die. It’s not complicated.

In THIS lifeboat there are enough seats for all of us, yet it remains more than half empty.  And the boat is open to all — no third-class passengers trapped below decks…at the cross, Christ unlocked the gates and brought freedom and salvation to all who will seek Him.  And this isn’t just for women and children! “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13).

In 1985, explorer Bob Ballard discovered the wreck of the Titanic, more than 12,000 feet beneath the ocean surface.  Since then, exhibits of the ship’s remains have been available for the public to view.  As a Titanic “fanatic,” I’ve been to many of those exhibits.  I was even  blessed to be present many years ago, when, at one of those museums, they sounded one of the ship’s sirens, recovered from the wreck — and thousands heard the sound of Titanic for the first time since 1912.  In 1912, that very same whistle blew as she left port, in jubilance and celebration.  Just a few days later, it blew as a dire warning of impending doom.  Few heeded that warning then, and few heed God’s gracious and merciful call to mankind today.

The Lord isn’t willing that any should perish. God’s Lifeboat awaits you, but few there will be that find it. Today is the day of salvation.  It’s time you got in the boat!

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 426.

Kneeling Before Tyrants

By Rob Pue

April 7, 2024

On March 23, Biden signed us all up for another 1.2 trillion dollar credit card.  This, following the 1.7 trillion dollar debt we were shackled with in December.  This latest loan, taken out in our names by those who supposedly “represent” us — just like so many other  “emergency spending bills” before it — was ostensibly to avoid another government shutdown.

Our federal government is morbidly obese, outrageously bloated, and yet we’re constantly barraged with threats of government shutdowns because the government is broke.  In case you’re not aware, in America, “we, the people,” are supposed to be the government, so essentially, we’re the ones who are broke, whether people realize it or not.  Take a look at the website “”  The numbers there are staggering.  As I prepare this message, every individual US taxpayer owes $266,950 toward the national debt.  Of course by the time you get this message, that number will be higher, because the interest on the debt never stops.

And just how fast is our national debt (and inflation) rising?  This year, the average American household must spend an additional $12,000 annually just to maintain the same standard of living we had just three years ago.

Republicans are supposed to be the so-called “conservatives” on the “right” side of the aisle.  Yet I can’t think of a single positive thing Republicans have done to stop the destruction of our country for many, many years now.  There are a handful of Republican legislators who make excellent points during their grand speeches on the floor of the House and Senate, yet nothing ever comes of it.

Our founding fathers would rightly try most of our current legislators and the evidence against them would be so enormous, most would have been hung for treason.  But in modern America, “we, the people,” have become powerless.  Our “public servants” have become our masters, and we continue to believe the lie that there are two distinct parties in Washington — liberal and conservative.  We continue to vote for the “lesser of two evils” even though the “lesser evil” is just as evil and corrupt — and even more dangerous, because we know what Leftists will do, yet we still, somehow, believe that the so-called “Conservatives” will deliver us from evil.

The best thing that could happen is to let the government shut down.  It’s happened before, and it’s one of the few times I can recall anything government ever did that was a direct benefit to me, even though it was small.  My wife and I happened to be traveling at the time, and we were able to visit a National Park.  The park was open, but there were no employees working or services operating — thus, according to the sign at the gate, no admission fee.  Because there were two of us, we saved $70.  Wow. I kind of like “government shutdowns.”  We really didn’t need an employee at the gate to take our money.  We got along without them just fine.

So let’s look at this latest 1.2 trillion dollars we just borrowed, as the government created it out of thin air.  Initially, Republicans stated they wouldn’t approve this additional spending unless it included the closing of our national borders and stopping the invasion.  In the end, 101 Republicans sided with 185 Democrats, and the measure passed, by a vote of 286-134.  And our borders remain wide open.  By the way, the cost of accommodating the millions of illegals in this country is $451 billion dollars annually.  The total cost of actually securing our border would be $15 billion.  Illegal invaders freely receive more than $4000 a month in federal assistance.  Meanwhile, social security checks average $1200 a month.  Do the math.

In fact, rather than securing our national borders, this latest spending package includes an additional $650 million dollars to provide shelter and other services to the invaders.  It also includes $368,000 dollars for a podcast hosted by a Democratic candidate running for city council in Lancaster, Pennsylvania; over $100 million dollars for “training for diversity” programs at the Health and Human Services department, and $87 million for social and emotional learning” in the Department of Education.

Also included is $7.5 billion for electric vehicle infrastructure, which only the extreme, Leftist “woke” have any interest in;  and of course, the Leftists’ LGBTQP+ and transgender obsession received a big payday as well.  $400,000 for an LGBTQ program for minors age 13 and up to provide clothing and “events” without parental consent.  And another $400,000 for a New Jersey LGBTQ group for “binders and gaffs” to hide body parts and allow transgenders to indulge their mental illness.  And let’s not forget the $1.8 million allocated for a Rhode Island women’s hospital performing elective abortions up to 22 weeks.

Shall I go on?  $850,000 for a “gay” senior citizens home.  $15 million to pay for Egyptian’s college tuitions.  Another $400,000 for a homosexual activist group to teach elementary kids about being “transgender.”  $500,000 for a “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” zoo.  Apparently, money is no object.  And being hopelessly bankrupt — financially and morally — is no issue for those who claim to represent our best interests.

While our military veterans  — and all of us, really — struggle to receive adequate medical care; while millions of Americans have lost their homes and are now living on the streets; senior citizens are subsisting below the poverty line, and newlyweds can’t afford even a modest “starter” home, there’s always plenty of money for sodomites, the affirming of “transgender” mental illness, taking care of every need, wish and desire of foreign enemies invading our borders, the perversion and destruction of the lives of our children, and forcing electric vehicles on the public that nobody wants.  Not to mention the constant funneling of untold trillions of dollars to 188 foreign nations and the military industrial complex in the most massive money-laundering scheme the world’s ever seen, lining the pockets of those who claim to “represent” us.  To illustrate just one part of the scam, it took the USA four presidents, thousands of lives, trillions of dollars and 20 years to replace the Taliban in Afghanistan — with the Taliban.

Our federal government is spending with no limits, and when the latest “emergency fund” runs out, they just approve another one.  I have to wonder… why are we, the people, even paying taxes?  Why are we living on a budget and living responsibly when clearly, no one in government even knows what those things are?  If they can just pull trillions of dollars out of thin air every few months for whatever Leftist/Communist wish list they want to cater to,  despite the fact the money doesn’t even really exist, why do they need our measly tax dollars, which come nowhere near to even covering the debt our government owes?  The massively heavy tax burden levied upon us is completely unnecessary, except to keep us enslaved.  Because they spend way more than they receive in tax dollars every day, without thinking twice about it, and in the blink of an eye.  By the way, a system that has no problem printed “currency” without wealth also has no problem printing votes without voters.

It’s an enormous burden on American taxpayers. The American Revolution began due to taxation without representation.  England was taxing the colonists on goods we imported, but the colonists had no representation in British Parliament.  Today, American citizens are being taxed on everything, with no legitimate representation in our own Congress.  By the way, the Revolutionary War was fought over those taxes, that amounted to a whopping 3%.  Today, just the federal income tax rate alone ranges from 10% for those living in poverty to 37% for those with a higher income.

And that’s just the federal income tax.  We pay taxes on the money we earn, taxes on the money we spend, and taxes on things we own that we already paid taxes on with already-taxed money. Only our government is incompetent enough to be in the the business of forcibly extracting money from people and still come out bankrupt.

In addition to the federal income tax, we also pay: property tax, sales tax, state income tax, marriage license fees, public school taxes, vehicle registration taxes, business permit fees, estate taxes, dog license fees, driver’s license fees, vehicle registration fees, gasoline taxes, gift taxes, social security taxes, unemployment taxes, self-employment taxes, hotel taxes, license plate fees, medicare taxes, utility taxes, and sports stadium taxes — to name just a few.

Basically, if you earn it, you pay income tax. If you live somewhere, you pay property tax.  If you spend it, you pay sales tax. If you save it, inflation tax. If you invest it, capital gains tax. If you start a business, license fees. If your business prospers, you pay profit tax. If you give it away, there’s a gift tax. And in some states, if you die, inheritance tax.

There was a time when we didn’t have to ask permission from the government or pay taxes to: collect rain water, go fishing, own a property, start a business, renovate your home, build a home, drive a vehicle, get married, hunt, own a weapon, cut hair, sell a product, protest, grow your own food on your own property, set up a lemonade stand or sell food.  Today, you can do virtually nothing without being extorted by the government and obtaining their permission first.

So why do we pay taxes, when government now issues money to every special interest group — and nearly every foreign country in the world — racking up trillions in debt, with literally nothing to back it up, and with absolutely no accountability to anyone?  The average citizen, and especially those who own a business or operate a Christian ministry, must account for every single jot and tittle of their income, and then hand over a substantial amount of that money to the government.  The IRS has thousands of agents to scrutinize every single cent we have.  Yet the government “loses” trillions in assets frequently, spends trillions that do not even exist, and there is no audit, no accountability, no nothing.

And why do we even have cash and coins anymore in the first place?  We know it’s only a matter of time before the digital “currencies” are rolled out, giving the Globalists and Big Government even more power and control over every aspect of our lives.  It’s because having cash and coins allows us peasants to maintain the “illusion” that actual “money” still exists.  In reality, it’s only “digits” anyway, and there will come a time, sooner rather than later, that our paper money will become more valuable as fire-starter so we can stay warm.

On June 4th of 1963, President John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order 11110, which returned to the US Government the power to issue currency and did away with the so-called “Federal Reserve System.”  Kennedy was killed on November 22 of that year, just five months later, and on that same day, Lyndon Johnson rescinded that order…keeping Americans enslaved to the Rothschild banking system, and ensuring the eventual bankruptcy of our nation.

In America today, we labor under a heavy burden of taxation — without representation.  Although our Constitution assures us of our right to a redress of grievances, that right, like so many others, has gone the way of the horse and buggy.  We saw what happened to those patriots who showed up at the capital on January 6th of 2021.  Thousands now held as political prisoners for the crime of “wrong think.”  This has had a chilling effect and has served well as a deterrent, to keep all of us peasants in line.  So we dutifully and carefully file our taxes, being sure to declare every single cent we earn.  We go along with the illusion that America isn’t hopelessly beyond bankrupt, even as our crooked politicians continue to heap ever heavier burdens on our backs, on our children’s back and our grandchildren’s backs, should they live long enough to survive in the new Communist Amerika.

It’s time for another American Revolution.  It’s time to hold our “public servants” accountable for their crimes.  Time to reinstate our Constitution and Bill of Rights.  Most of all, it’s time we return to God, in humility and repentance, seek His face and turn from our apathetic and wicked ways.  If the judgment God’s pouring out on this nation now causes us to mourn, that’s a good thing.  Maybe we’ll finally muster the courage to stand up and declare “ENOUGH!”  But I won’t hold my breath.  Most likely, we’ll just continue kneeling before tyrants.

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 425.

It Needs To Stop

By Rob Pue

March 24, 2024

As a kid, I attended a public school in a small, rural town in the 1970s and early ‘80s.  Even though it was a small public school, as I look back today, I can see we were — even then — being indoctrinated with a “globalist” agenda.  It certainly wasn’t as blatant or nearly as aggressive as it is in today’s public schools, but it was there.  The “climate change” cult was especially busy, telling us a global ice age would occur, likely before we graduated from high school.

Of course, we can now look back and see that the “ice age” propaganda eventually changed to the “global warming” propaganda, and now they simply call it “climate change.”  But the radical environmentalist cabal has been using this as a fear tactic for decades.  Today, it’s obvious to see and understand this is just a tool the globalists use as a means of control.

Still, the government has been using weather manipulation for years, especially in the last decade or two and anyone who’s witnessed the skies filled with a checkerboard pattern of chemtrails can see with their own eyes that we’re being sprayed with who-knows-what, and we can only guess the purpose, though it’s obvious it’s not for the benefit of human or animal life on earth.

And for some reason, everyone in our public school was required to read George Orwell’s book, 1984.”  Perhaps, following the code of the Luciferians, they had to tell us what they were planning in advance, before they did it.  Now, we’re literally living out the scenario of that book.  Who would have ever thought it possible?

Good is now called “evil” and evil is now called “good” and there can be no discussion or debate.  That’s not allowed. Truth is censored and scrubbed from public view.  News of Government-orchestrated disasters is put through the “spin cycle” of the mainstream media and then dispatched down the “memory hole” as if it never happened.  Today’s public school students are too young to remember 9/11 and schools are not required to teach it in history class.

And as a society we have a very short attention span and memory.  Although it’s only been three years now, most have already forgotten the draconian measures our government forced upon us with the COVID scam-demic.  Have we forgotten that they forced people to stay home?  Have we forgotten how they forced everyone to wear masks in public, recirculating their own C02 through their lungs all day long?  Have we forgotten the children being reported to police by neighbors simply for playing outdoors in their front yards?

Does anyone remember how they wrapped playground equipment in plastic snow fencing to keep kids from playing outdoors?  People driving alone in their cars, or riding their bikes while wearing masks?  People arrested for going to the beach on a hot summer day, without a mask? Do you recall the number “6” everywhere you looked?  “6” on the doors, “6” on the floors, “6” at the checkout registers.

And what about the government forcing churches to lock their doors, while allowing liquor stores and pot dispensaries to remain open?  Or those who were arrested for attending church in their cars, in church parking lots — the cars parked 6’ apart?  The cancellation of the 4th of July parades and celebrations.  The cancellation of everything.  And still today, I see people wearing masks in public, as if those nasty things are doing them any good at all… they pull them out of their dirty pockets and put them on their faces before entering a public place.  How sanitary is that?  To say nothing of the millions who lined up to get their COVID jabs, many of whom have since suffered irreparable harm and death. People are so easily manipulated.

But getting back to the public schools, I don’t care where you live or how “good” you think your local school is, I wouldn’t send any kid to any public school or college today.  These places have become nothing more than indoctrination centers pushing Communism and perversion.  Even at the college-age level, students don’t have the capacity for critical thinking, nor do they have reasoning skills or the basic knowledge to refute the lies being force-fed into their brains. They’re taught to obey the “authorities.”  “Trust the science.”  “The teacher knows best.”  “The doctor knows best.”  “Government exists to take care of you.”

Truly, the current generation of public school students are on the fast-track toward Global Communism and sexual deviancy.  Since the “official” Obama years, there’s been a drastic spike in public school students “coming out” as homosexuals.  And over the past three years of Obama’s third term, there’s been a drastic spike in kids with “gender dysphoria.”  Even if this were a “real thing,” (which it’s not), any thinking person would seek mental health care for kids with any kind of real “dysphoria.”  But instead, we are now told we must embrace and celebrate this mental delusion and illness, because to do otherwise would be harmful to the child.

Yet, those who “trust the science” believe that pumping testosterone into 11-year-old girls or estrogen into 11-year-old boys and surgically removing their sexual organs is absolutely fine.  Castrating young boys and sterilizing young girls is irreversible — and assures they’ll never be able to reproduce, never be able to have children of their own, never live a “normal” life.  This is absolute child abuse.  We’re talking about things Leftists would never, ever allow even for pedophiles or the worst of sexual predators. Yet they’re doing it to our kids, and we’re not allowed to think or say anything about it, unless we’re “affirming” it.

Even parents no longer have the right to raise their children as they wish.  Now, the Almighty State is the parent.  School teachers work behind parents’ backs to indoctrinate their kids with all manner of sexual perversion and confusion, and then they’re allowed to help them “transition” to the opposite gender and parents are not even allowed to know about it.  Those who find out and oppose these measures are often criminalized, and many have had their children taken away from them by force.  Caring parents are now the “child abusers” while the actual abusers — and the worst possible type of abusers, mind you — are the “heroes.”

There was a time when you’d go directly to jail for distributing pornography to children.  Now that same pornography has become mandatory reading in our public schools. Recently, a federal judge ruled against a group of parents in Montgomery County, Maryland, saying they have no fundamental right to opt their elementary school-aged children out of reading LGBTQP+ books that are deemed “mandatory” by the school’s curriculum.  In Texas, a powerful school board, governing the entire city of Austin, has approved new sexual education standards that some are calling “a dream scenario for pedophiles.”  The new curriculum teaches that there are 50 different genders, gives instructions on how to apply condoms and even offers tips on how to perform graphic sexual positions.  It also instructs children how to receive birth control and abortions without their parents’ consent.

Recently, the nation’s largest teacher’s union voted to officially promote child sex-change operations — for children age 5 to 12.  And public schools are now allowing children to “identify” as cats, horses and dinosaurs.  You heard me right.  This is from an article published in June of last year by London’s Daily Telegraph.  According to an investigation, schools in the UK are now allowing children to “identify” as all sorts of things.  At a state secondary school in Wales, one student is said to ‘meow’ when asked questions by a teacher.  In other schools, one apparently insists on being addressed as a dinosaur, one claims to “identify” as a horse, while another wears a cape and demands to be acknowledged as a “moon.”

When a 13-year-old girl in one of those schools objected to her classmate being “affirmed” by teachers as being a cat, the teacher called her “despicable.”  This 13-year-old student recorded the conversation with the teacher.  The teacher is heard saying, “gender is not linked to the parts that you were born with.  Gender is about how you identify…”

The teacher then added, “You are talking about the idea that ‘cisgender’ is the norm, that you identify with the sexual organ you were born with, that’s basically what you’re saying, which is really despicable.”  She then insinuated that the girl is homophobic and warned she’d be expelled from the school for thinking this way.

While this particular story is from the UK, the same things are going on in American public schools.  We now have litter boxes in restrooms for students to use who “identify” as cats.  And the New York State Education Department recently released 42 pages of new guidance for public schools that includes a section about keeping children’s gender transitions a secret from parents.

The report, titled “Creating a Safe, Supportive and Affirming School Environment for Transgender and Gender Expansive Students,” maintains that a student’s gender identity should be based on the student’s own assertion and that administrators should keep such information from families if they deem it necessary.

How are things on our American college campuses?  A veteran biology professor in Texas, who has been teaching that sex is determined by X and Y chromosomes was fired after four students walked out of his classroom.  Dr. Johnson Varkey has claimed he was let go from his teaching position at St. Philip’s College in San Antonio after he was accused of “religious preaching.”

And in Hernando County, Florida, a 5th grade teacher has stated that “parental rights are gone when your child is in the public school system.”  Also in Florida, a pastor was forcibly removed from a school board meeting for reading aloud from a pornographic book found in the local public school library.  This happened at the Indian River County School Board meeting.  The pastor simply read one sentence from the book before his microphone was cut off and he was arrested.  Other parents at the meeting attempted to read from other pornographic books from the local school library and were also cut off.

How is all this working out for the children?  After all, they tell us this is all for the “good” of the children.  Well, a mother in Appomattox County, Virginia is now suing her local school district because school district employees allegedly “transitioned” her 14-year-old daughter, who was later placed by the public defender in an all-male juvenile facility, where she was sexually assaulted and later kidnapped, raped and sex-trafficked after she ran away from the facility.  The Mom had no idea that her daughter was “identifying” as a male at school because school administrators made sure to keep that a secret from her.

And the Los Angeles Unified School District now has a “Rainbow Club,” for children as young as 5.  According to the description, “Rainbow Clubs” are for celebrating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Nonbinary, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Ace and Two-Spirit identities.”  These clubs are run by the local schools.

I could go on with more of these stories, but there are just too many.  The indoctrination and grooming of our children by demonic, perverted public school officials, teachers and school board members is staggering.  It’s one thing if you’re an adult and want to act out sexual deviancy in your own life.  But as the LGBTQP+ crowd has told us, they’re now coming for our kids, and they’re not ashamed to admit it.  Parents who object are labeled “domestic terrorists.”  This is child abuse at the highest levels of perversion.  It needs to stop.  And if you don’t think it’s happening where you live, you better wake up.  It’s everywhere.  While students in China are learning reading, writing and arithmetic, students in our country are learning sodomite sex.  This is the agenda of those who want to crush America.  They’re killing our kids, destroying their minds and souls.  Should not ALL of us make time to care about THAT?!

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 423.

There’s No Excuse For Being Clueless

By Rob Pue

March 17, 2024

Given the work that I do, it grieves me to see so many professing Christians who are so ignorant of the days and times we’re living in.  Most don’t know and don’t want to know what’s really going on in this world — or how Christ-followers are to respond to it all.  Truly, those who are not Christians, or are “nominal Christians” at best, are much more well informed than those who claim to be “devout.”  Because most modern American churches today do more harm than good for the Kingdom of God.

Let me give you a case in point.  I know a couple of people who are very devout church-goers.  Literally, whenever the doors to the church are open, they’re there.  These folks receive our newspaper, Wisconsin Christian News, and have for many years, but it’s doubtful they ever read it, or even open it.  Theirs is a typical modern American church, where the pastor is careful to never speak anything that may be construed as “offensive.”  The church only offers the modern praise and worship choruses, and then an “uplifting, feel-good” message as a sermon.  To put it succinctly, it’s a “Your Best Life Now” church.

They teach that God just wants His people to be nice to others, be happy, blessed, financially secure, comfortable and at peace.  Certainly, you can have all, or most of these things as a child of God, but as with most modern American churches, the people are never called to actually do anything, nor are they trained for the work of the ministry.

Now, the people I’m referring to will never read or hear this message, because they listen only to Contemporary Christian Music radio stations, and obviously never open the pages of Wisconsin Christian News or follow any other alternative Christian news sources.  They’re clueless about things like the Globalist “new world order,” the radical LGBTQP+ movement, the demonic “transgender” agenda, the pornographic books and sexually-perverted indoctrination of our children in public schools, the imprisonment of the J6 political prisoners, the deadly hospital protocols, the depopulation agenda with the COVID jabs, the radical pro-death agenda of Planned Parenthood, the invasion of our nation by foreign enemies, and so much more.  Needless to say, they both received all their COVID jabs.  In fact, their church opened up as a “vaccination center” a few years ago.

This past Christmas, these folks gave some framed artwork to someone I know well.  The recipient is a wide-awake Christ-follower who is well informed and active in standing against evil and deception.  As he unwrapped the gift, he was astonished — this framed artwork was a rainbow flag with the words “Love is Love” emblazoned upon it.  This gift, from a couple of extremely devout church-goers, left him and his wife nearly speechless.

As gently and tactfully as they could, they asked, “Don’t you know what this is? Don’t you know what this means?  How could you not know what this is?”

Their response was, “Oh, no…we had no idea.  We just saw it at Target and thought it was a pretty picture that would bless your home with love.”

While their intentions were good, they truly had no idea what the rainbow flag stood for, or that the words “Love is Love” is the clarion call of the same-sex-marriage movement.  It’s been nine years now since the Supreme Court’s Obergefell decision.  Nine years, and still these extremely devout church-goers had no idea…nor did they have any idea of Target’s blatant hatred for Christians and conservatives — or Target’s arrogant advancement of the homosexual and transgender movements with products they sell, even for children.  Or Target’s pro-transgender “open restroom” policies.

You see, their pastor has never spoken on any of these things, and the only news they get is from the mainstream media propaganda machine.  They have no interest in topics they deem “political” and so they only know what they hear in their church.  They’re completely clueless.

A few years ago, I was speaking with a friend who had taken it upon himself to distribute Bible tracts and other Christian materials in his neighborhood.  He’d go door-to-door, leaving the materials on the doors of homes.  He told me that it was rare to ever actually speak to anyone — he just dropped off the literature and went on to the next house.  But the occupants of one house, in particular, were very unfriendly to him and actually called the police on him.  He pointed the house out to me as we stood in his driveway.  It was adorned with a rainbow flag on the front.

I asked him, “well, what did you expect?  Didn’t you see their flag?”  He gave me a blank stare.  So I asked, “Don’t you know what that flag is?”  After I told him, he still didn’t believe me — “I just thought it was a pretty yard decoration,” he said.  He was completely clueless.

It astonishes me that so many are so ignorant.  And, over the past 25 years of my work with Wisconsin Christian News, I receive the harshest criticism from professing Christians, and especially pastors.  They want nothing to do with us.  The majority of pastors won’t allow our newspaper in their churches, and if they do, almost none of the people there will pick up a copy.

In one instance, we had a very dedicated distribution volunteer who would take a bundle of newspapers to a church in her area. The pastor always greeted her with a big, wide smile and always thanked her for dropping the papers off.  This went on for a couple of years before the church secretary called me to say, “I’m so sorry to have to tell you this, but I feel so badly and so guilty about it, I must.  Our pastor told your delivery person he loves your newspaper, but I’m instructed to throw them in the recycling the minute she leaves.  The bundles are never even opened.”  So, in other words, this pastor was lying — right to our friend’s face — with a big, broad smile, for years.

But God has a remnant, even in the “Best Life Now” churches.  Countless times, I’m contacted by people who are so enthusiastic about our newspaper they want to make it available at their church.  I tell them to first show a copy to their pastor and then let me know what he says.  One of two things always happen: either I never hear from this person again, or they call me back to say “the pastor said ‘no.’”

So in order to get the truth — and the whole counsel of God — along with the Gospel message out to those who have never heard, we stock our newspaper in news racks in public places for people to pick up for free.  In other words, we have to do an “end-run” around the pastors in order to get information with a biblical worldview to the people.  And the papers literally fly off the shelves.  Grocery stores are great places to distribute the newspaper.  Countless times, I’ve arrived at a store to stock the new edition and before I can even get the first bundle cut open, there are people coming up to me saying, “OH! Wonderful!  I’ve been waiting for this.  I love this paper.  Can I have one of those?”

You see, there are MANY who are starving for the truth.  They’re not getting it in their churches or the mainstream press.  If they go to church, their pastors will never speak on any of the subjects we cover; never anything of real substance, but rather, mere platitudes.  And many people are smart enough to know propaganda and “fake news” when they hear or see it.  So they’re very eager for each new edition of Wisconsin Christian News.  For many, it’s the only source of real news and information — and deep insights into God’s Word they ever get.

Those who are wide awake and know all about the things we cover, can sometimes find themselves overwhelmed, anxious and fearful of the days we’re living in and where this nation is headed under God’s judgment.  It happens to me, too.  A 24/7 news feed of real information, coming from trusted and verified, fact-based sources often leaves me overwhelmed.  I often have “information overload,” and the news is almost never good now.  I understand, it can wear a person out.

But we won’t back down. We can’t afford to.  I believe we owe it to our readers to be here, to persevere and press on — because there are so few who will dare speak the hard truth anymore.  And Christians, especially, should never be ignorant of the devil’s devices, and should always be the most informed and well-equipped of all, in order to be able to explain to others all that is really going on, along with the real hope that we have in Christ.  Not just a “hope,” but a “knowing” that God is in control — and though the world is now enveloped in darkness, deception, delusion and deceit, that He will work all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.

We can’t be ignorant, but we can’t be fearful either. Not if we’re real Christ-followers, with the Holy Spirit inside us.  We must be knowledgeable, informed and prepared for ministry and evangelism, but we must also be willing to pick up our cross and carry it, no matter the cost.  What I’m saying is that knowledge without action — or knowledge combined with cowardice — is what causes the anxiety, fear, and despair so many struggle with today.

Wisconsin Christian News serves an important purpose.  Perhaps the most important purpose is bringing the Gospel message and a biblical worldview to the unsaved world…and the unsaved among us are often the most intrigued by our newspaper.  As I said, even in churches that do allow our paper to be distributed there, few people ever pick up a copy.  But an average grocery store will easily go through 200 copies in a week.  The world is starving for truth!

But if all you’re doing is reading our newspaper, you’re missing the point.  Most of the articles we publish are meant to direct the reader to further and deeper study of God’s Word, the Bible.  That’s where all the answers are, and that’s what we’re trying to point people toward.  Yes, we must know the news of the day and we must be aware of and understand the latest lies and schemes of the enemy.  But it’s God’s Word that makes what we see in our daily headlines all make sense, and it’s God’s Word that explains the role we have to play in such a time as this, and it’s God’s Word, when properly studied, that moves us to action in His name, boldly calling out the lies, informing the ignorant and leading the lost to the only One Who is able to save their souls.

So in these days, we all need to spend more time making a serious study of the Word of God.  It contains not only the history of the world, but timeless lessons from our Creator Himself on how we should act, what we should do, how we should respond to all that’s coming upon the earth right now and how we overcome the enemy.  Sadly, most pastors today won’t even admit we have an enemy, much less, instruct and equip their people for spiritual warfare.

Along with serious, intentional, deep Bible study, we also need to draw near to the Lord in fervent prayer.  Not repetitious prayer; not compulsory prayer, but real prayer.  Talking with God and doing so without ceasing.  Like the disciples in the book of Acts, we need to go to our “upper rooms” — alone or with other like-minded believers — and fervently pray for wisdom and knowledge of God’s will, for guidance and direction as to what He would have us to do.

Of course, I’m assuming you are one with the Holy Spirit within you, and that you’re not only “pretty sure” you have the Holy Spirit, but you know you do because you can feel it.  If you don’t know or don’t feel the Holy Spirit within, speaking to you, guiding and directing you, repent and pray for personal sanctification first, and then ask God to fill you with His Spirit.  This is not the time to remain apathetic about the things of God, but rather to get deadly serious about it all. “Business-as-usual churchianity” is not adequate to triumph over the forces of darkness and evil in this world.  The Bible tells us that Lukewarm people literally make God vomit.  So don’t remain in your ignorance. There’s no excuse for being clueless.

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 422.

It’s Our Turn Now

By Rob Pue

March 10, 2024

Please take a minute and think with me: what is it in this world that you value most highly?  Many people might say it’s their husband or wife, their children or grandchildren…their loved ones.

Others might immediately come up with a different answer related to their possessions.  In my high school years, I had a friend who had a saying that he used to say often: “He who dies with the most toys wins.”  He was referring to his love for snowmobiles, ATVs, motorcycles, cars, boats, trucks, things like that.

Still others have their “most prized possessions,” which might include family heirlooms, handed down from their ancestors.  I, myself, am grateful to have some of the tools my grandfather used in his business as an architect and builder, when he emigrated here from Ireland.  I also have some of his old hymnals, one of his Bibles, very worn and filled with underlined Scriptures and personal notes.  And, I have a clock he used to own, with a plaque on it stating that it was given to him by his co-workers, on the occasion of his wedding, September 21st, 1910.  These things are special to me, as are the precious photo albums we have of our children growing up and all the adventures we had as young parents.  These are irreplaceable items.

For most people, the most significant (and valuable) property one can own is their home, followed by their car.  These are our most costly investments.  Our home offers us a roof over our heads, a place that is “ours,” a place to come back to after a long day of work.  Our “castle.”  Our car allows us to travel and get from place to place safely — whether it be to work and back or to visit loved ones or take a vacation.

Many young people today place great value on their electronics — their cell phones, iPads, laptops and video games.  If they were forced to go without them for even a day, I dare say many would become highly anxious and agitated, to say the least.

Someone once asked the question, “what would you do if you woke up tomorrow with only those things left that you thanked God for today?”  Indeed, we have much to be thankful for in this nation.  Even in the midst of unprecedented tyranny, we still have things pretty good here…for now.  But what if everything you owned was suddenly gone?  Or worse yet — taken from you, violently?

I grew up on a farm.  We didn’t have cattle, but rather, we baled hay.  As a child, my summers were spent working around the land, working in the huge garden we had, mowing an expansive lawn, but mostly, baling hay.  Nearly every day in the summer, my parents, brothers and I were baling hay.  In case you’ve never done it, it’s very hard work.

We filled the hay mow all the way to the highest rafters, and then my Dad would sell the hay to dealers in the winter months.  It supplemented his income and kept our family going.  I didn’t appreciate it at the time, to say the least, but as a kid, I definitely learned to work hard.

My Dad was also a private pilot and had his own airplane on our property.  Usually on Sunday afternoons, if the weather was good, we would take an airplane ride.  The pastor of our church was also a pilot and he and his family would usually spend their Sunday afternoons at our house and we’d all fly together.  Other private pilots from the area knew of our airstrip and would sometimes surprise us with a visit on a weekday evening (if we weren’t baling hay!) or on one of those weekends.

Speaking of that airstrip, it certainly wasn’t a paved airstrip.  It had been carefully flattened and smoothed out and then planted with grass.  And it was my responsibility to mow it every week…a mile long and about 50’ wide.  I’m thankful I had a riding lawnmower to do it!

One thing you immediately notice when you’re up in an airplane is how small everything looks.  Houses become tiny.  Entire farms become tiny.  Cars and trucks become even tinier.    If you can see them, the people look like ants. Now, sometimes I travel by air for my work, and those airports are in larger cities.  After going to the big city and encountering the tall buildings, the multi-lane expressways with very heavy traffic, and the vast expanse of the airport itself, we take off in the plane.  I always like to look out the window.

What I see are many peoples’ most prized possessions — their homes.  They all look so small, so insignificant.  Rows and rows of tiny homes, with tiny backyards, all laid out on a grid of streets.  And sometimes when I’m in warmer places, those tiny backyards also include luxurious swimming pools.  People put a lot of energy, money and work into their homes and yards.  They plant flowers and gardens, the wealthy ones maintain their pools (or have someone do it for them).  In their garages and driveways are their vehicles.  Some very expensive and fancy, some not so much.

You see, from an aerial point of view, everything seems so very small.  Like I said, so insignificant.  Sometimes we can lose sight of just how insignificant our possessions are, even those things we value most highly.  Imagine then, what God must see when He looks down from the heavens upon the people of the earth.  How tiny and insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

But we are not “small” or “insignificant” to God.  He has a personal interest in all His creation, and especially us, His image-bearers.  His Son, Jesus, was persecuted, suffered and died a cruel death on a Roman cross, nails driven through His hands and feet, blood dripping from His head from the crown of thorns His killers placed upon Him.  Their cruelty knew no bounds.  Even His Father, God, seemed to deny Him that awful day.  But He suffered willingly.  He died, was buried and rose again — to rescue us from our hopeless, sinful state — IF we will do the most significant thing in our lives, and turn to Him in humble repentance and faith.

No, we’re not small and insignificant to God.  We who are His, are His most prized possessions, indeed, His own children.  Of course, not everyone is God’s child.  There are those He calls “children of the devil.”  Until a person seeks Christ, repents, and places his faith and trust in the only Savior of the world, that person is hopelessly lost.  For them, this world is the only “heaven” they will ever know.  For those who are saved by the mercy and grace of God, this world is the only “hell” we will ever know.

Jesus said, “whoever desires to be the greatest in the kingdom of God must be the servant of all.”  He demonstrated that many times in His service to the lost and perishing.  Some found their salvation after He served them.  Others did not.  But at the Last Supper, He formally demonstrated what it means to be a servant, as He took on the role of the lowest of the low, washing the feet of His disciples.  And He told us all to do likewise.

There are many in the so-called “Christian” world today who have a very high opinion of themselves.  Many pastors rake in huge salaries and enjoy equally huge packages of “benefits.”  These are men (and women) who are able to draw large crowds with their charismatic speaking.  Yet, the majority of them have no idea what it means to be a servant.  Incidentally, the definition of “minister” is “servant.”  Look it up.  Shepherds are to lay down their lives for their sheep, they’re to protect, guide, serve and lead their sheep.  It saddens me that so many do not… and even worse, that they deliberately and knowingly mislead the sheep that have been entrusted to them, with soft words and outright lies, rather than speaking the truth in love, boldly.

It’s been said that most people are more afraid of public speaking than they are of death.  Here are so-called “pastors” who are NOT afraid of public speaking, in fact, they’re very good at it.  Yet they ARE afraid of the opinions of men, afraid of speaking things that may upset someone, and so they do not speak the most essential truths.  The “wokeness” of our pop culture has long since invaded the pulpits of our nation, and our nation now suffers because of it.

Charles Finney warned us nearly two centuries ago: “If there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the public press lacks moral discernment, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the Church is degenerate and worldly, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the world loses its interest in Christianity, the pulpit is responsible for it. If Satan rules in our halls of legislation, the pulpit is responsible for it. If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our government are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it.”

Indeed, the pastors of our nation — if truly called by God — have so much power, yet they refuse to use it and instead, leave the sheep wandering, lost and confused.  Instead of being salt and light in a dark and dying world, they’ve become sugar and cotton candy, because it’s just so much more popular.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: there was never any Godly man in all of Scripture who was ever well liked and popular among the people, yet that’s what our pastors want most of all today — to be well-liked, popular and non-controversial.  In other words, lukewarm.

These pretend ministers are not ministers at all, but rather hirelings.  In Ezekiel 34, we read, “Thus says the Lord God to the shepherds: ‘Woe to the shepherds of Israel who feed themselves! Should not the shepherds feed the flocks? You eat the fat and clothe yourselves with the wool; you slaughter the fatlings, but you do not feed the flock. The weak you have not strengthened, nor have you healed those who were sick, nor bound up the broken, nor brought back what was driven away, nor sought what was lost; but with force and cruelty you have ruled them. So they were scattered because there was no shepherd; and they became food for all the beasts of the field when they were scattered. My sheep wandered through all the mountains, and on every high hill; yes, My flock was scattered over the whole face of the earth, and no one was seeking or searching for them.’”

And John 10 tells us, “He who is a hireling and not a shepherd, who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. He flees because he is a hireling and cares nothing for the sheep.”

Folks, we have a crisis in our land, and I believe it would not be so if not for the hirelings that lead most of our churches today.  Great deception has fallen on the people of our nation and the world, and the Christian churches remain mostly silent and irrelevant.  The world has abandoned God because there are so few courageous preachers willing to speak the whole counsel of God, warn the wicked and snatch the perishing from the flames.  Nothing turns my stomach more than a cowardly “pastor.”

It’s because of the lack of spiritual leadership that so many have turned to their possessions, their luxuries, and their toys for comfort. Hear the words of Matthew 6, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Friends, I’m afraid the “professional” Christians, the pastors and religious leaders have become a lost cause now.  And thus, the point of this message.  It’s our turn now.  It’s time for the least of us, it’s time for God’s remnant people, His chosen ones, those who are true humble servants, saved by grace, to step up and take their position as courageous shepherds.  God uses the “little people.” He uses the ones who are “insignificant” in this world, to turn the world upside down for His kingdom.  It’s time we stop “playing church,” rise up and BE the Church in this world that needs Godly leadership so desperately.  Your possessions, regardless of how dear and precious they are to you, will mean nothing at all in eternity. God values your soul.  You should too.   “Only one life, ’twill soon be past.  Only what’s done for Christ will last.”

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 421.

We Won’t Back Down

By Rob Pue

March 3, 2024

Here at Wisconsin Christian News, I’m preparing for this year’s Ministry Conference, which will be held April 12 & 13 in Wausau, Wisconsin — right in the center of the state.

We held a Conference every year for nearly 20 years, but after 2020, those came to an abrupt halt, as we endured lockdowns under the guise of “public health mandates.”  In fact, our event in 2020 took place on “lockdown weekend.”  That’s a weekend I’ll never forget.  We were all set to go with the Conference scheduled to begin Friday evening, and continue throughout the day on Saturday.  We had some incredible speakers lined up and folks from all over the country had traveled to our area to attend.

Then, the big announcement came Friday afternoon: the country was shutting down for “two weeks to flatten the curve,” referring to COVID.  We were ordered to quarantine, businesses considered to be “non-essential” were told to close their doors and travel was limited.  There were four other events at the venue we were holding ours at, and they all immediately cancelled.  But we pressed on, undeterred.  Everyone had a wonderful time, no one got sick, and all was well.  We ended our Conference on Saturday night with prayer, but at the time, no one could have known what was coming upon our nation and the world, and how things were about to drastically change for us all.  Those “two weeks” seemed to never end.  Ours was the last live gathering of any kind, anywhere in the country for the rest of that year.

For the next two years, we weren’t able to put a Conference together, because there was no venue willing to sign a contract allowing us to use their facilities.  Such was the uncertainty of those years — they didn’t want to rent us the space for our event, and then have to cancel if the lockdowns were still in place.  Indeed, the lockdowns were still in effect in many areas.  So, we took a couple of years off from hosting our annual gathering.

Then, last year, we began again.  Now in a different location and a with a new way of doing things — and it was the very best event we ever put together.  MANY people commented using the exact same words: “this was the BEST event of any kind we’ve ever been to!”  And it was for me too.  We had excellent speakers, the entire event was blessed with the beauty of the old hymns most of us grew up with — that few sing or even hear anymore in their churches.  We heard many wonderful testimonies, several people were saved — including entire families — and about 15 people were baptized.

There was such an atmosphere of Godly peace — even though the topics being discussed by our speakers were some of the most serious and vital issues our world is facing.  Because the Holy Spirit was present among us.  It was a family atmosphere.  The family of God, assembling together from all parts of the United States and the entire time was truly heartwarming.  And the testimonies I heard after last year’s event astounded even me.

Let me share one with you here.  This came just this past November.  Yes, even though our Conference was in April, I was still getting amazing testimonies and positive comments as recently as November.

A lady wrote in to me to tell me that her entire family had been saved at our Conference.  She initiated things, convincing her husband to attend — even though he really didn’t want to.  Then, they dragged their two teenage kids along as well… a 14-year-old son and a 16-year-old daughter.  It was a six-hour drive for them to get to our Conference, and this lady told me that on the drive there, it was a family outing “as usual” — the husband and wife not really talking and both kids in their own little worlds with their iPhones and headphones, tuned out from everything around them.

On Friday night, we had two speakers, Shahram Hadian, a former Muslim and now Christian pastor and speaker; and Lynn Fredrick, who was rescued from an addiction to pornography.  Shahram spoke about the situation with the Globalist New World Order being set up and it’s implications for free citizens around the world.  Then, Lynn shared his testimony and also dealt with the topics of pornography, sexual addiction, the LGBTQ agenda and how it recruits children from the youngest of ages, lies to them, and then “grooms” them into becoming practicing homosexuals or transgenders — or “allies” of that movement.

This lady said her family members were all pretty quiet when things were over Friday night, but she was surprised by the way her husband and kids were so attentive — taking in all the information being shared.  The next day, all were eager to be on time for the start of the Conference and everyone participated in the singing of hymns.  She noted that her son told her, “This is a different kind of music.  We don’t sing these songs in church.  I like them!”  The whole family was riveted with each presentation by the speakers throughout the day.  And she was astounded when her husband came forward during the altar call to re-dedicate his life to Christ!  This was something she never thought she’d see.

But the miracle took place on their way home, which is what she wrote to tell me about.  The six-hour drive home was completely different from the drive there.  Instead of the kids immersed in their phones and tablets, the family talked together in a way they had never done before.  In fact, they talked all the way home.

Their 16-year-old daughter, who never shared any personal information about herself with her family, confessed that she had been hanging around with girls in her school that were not only not “Christian,” but were dabbling in homosexuality.  One of her friends, in particular, was becoming more and more “masculine” in appearance and she admitted that she, herself, was intrigued by the idea of “transgenderism,” but also that she was afraid she  — and her friends — were becoming victims of the perverse indoctrination that Lynn had explained on Friday night.

The family discussed this together, recalling what each of our speakers had shared during the Conference.  And then, the most amazing thing of all happened.  The Dad, for the first time in his life, led his family in prayer as they drove!  They prayed for their daughter and her friends, the Dad confessed his lack of spiritual leadership and asked his family to forgive him for that, and the 14-year-old son confessed that he had been looking at things on the internet that he shouldn’t and he asked God to forgive him, and save him.

This lady didn’t write to tell me of this amazing news until November, because she wanted to be sure this wasn’t just a passing thing, but a life-change.  And by November she was sure.  Over the ensuing months, the Dad continued to lead daily prayers.  Then he started doing daily devotional Bible readings with his wife and children. They left the church they had attended occasionally — which really wasn’t Biblically sound and was more about social gatherings, and they now fellowship with a small, rural church, 45 minutes from their home, but the people there take the things of God much more seriously and have much greater reverence for the Lord.

It’s rare to get a testimony like this because most people don’t share so much detail, but suffice to say, there were many similar stories, and I heard only extremely positive comments from all who attended.  Indeed, the Holy Spirit was present among us last year and you could actually feel the presence of God in that place.

We’re doing it again this year — April 12 and 13.  Our speaker lineup will again include Shahram Hadian and Lynn Fredrick.  But we’ll also have Alex Newman from the New American and Liberty Sentinel, Coach Dave Daubenmire from Pass the Salt Ministries in Ohio, Jim Schneider from the VCY America radio network, Doug Hagmann —  a private investigator and host of the very popular Hagmann Report based in Pennsylvania, and Dr. Mike Spauling, a pastor, radio and TV host from Ohio.

And we’ll be blessed by the old hymns of yester-year again, led by our friends from the MPK Christian Celtic Band and national recording artist Layton Howerton.  This is a truly amazing lineup of America’s most sought-after speakers and teachers, presenting vital truth and information about the times we’re living in.  And every one of our speakers will be weaving the most vital information of all throughout their presentations: the truth of the Gospel message.

Those who attend will find this to be a truly life-changing time for them.  It will be a time not only of learning, but of creating an action plan so you can make a real difference, in your own life and in the lives of others around you.  There will be rich, deep fellowship and new, life-long friendships made.  And as we’ve seen happen so often before, this weekend will strengthen your marriage and family bonds in a way you’d never expect.

This definitely isn’t just “church as usual.”  Those who attend will hear, learn and experience things they’ve never experienced before.  I fully expect the Lord to do miraculous things again this year as we gather together in April.  And this year is even more important than ever, because 2024 is going to be a year like none we’ve ever experienced.

Our theme this year is “We Won’t Back Down,” based on Ephesians 6:13, which says, “Wherefore, take unto you the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.”  As this year rolls on, great turmoil is ahead for all of us.  I strongly believe that God has warned His people what’s coming, and now it’s our duty and responsibility to prepare our hearts, minds, and souls, and to prepare physically as well for the days ahead, so that we can stand our ground, and not back down to the demonic schemes the enemy has in store for us.  Those who fail to gain knowledge, wisdom and understanding of the times we’re in and headed for, will have failed to prepare.  And having failed to prepare, they are very likely to fail the Lord in that “evil day.”

Recently, I was saddened when I extended a personal invitation to this year’s conference to an old friend that I haven’t seen in a while. This person is a regular church-goer but responded that our event looked like “fear tactics” and told me they have no interest in “conspiracy theories.”  Their pastor never speaks on any of these issues and they’re very happy in their church and were “falling more and more in love with Jesus every day.”

I was told that as Christians, we just need to leave everything to God and do nothing to stand against the wickedness and evil in our world — just let it happen (we are powerless anyway) — and hopefully by doing nothing, that will hasten Christ’s return.

There was no interest whatsoever in gaining wisdom, knowledge and understanding, much less standing against evil.  Despite God’s Word telling us we’re to seek all these things and that we’ve been given power, love and sound minds, this person, like so many others, believe that Christians are utterly powerless.  They don’t know about any of these matters our speakers will be addressing and they don’t want to know — and neither do their pastors.

Sadly, this is how most church-goers feel about our ministry here, and about all the issues that I believe are so very vital for Christians to be engaged in, informed about, and knowledgeable enough to inform others about.  Having “itching ears,” they heap up for themselves “teachers” who tell them only what they want to hear.  Or as the people told Jeremiah, “Prophecy to us soft things,” rather than truth.  I truly hope you’re different.

I believe every Christ-follower NEEDS what we will be providing at our Conference.  I know I need it.  We must do more than just “go to church.” We must be engaged, we must press deeper into the knowledge and power of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.  I urge you to reserve your tickets for this event TODAY. You can order them online at or call me at 715-486-8066 for more information. I truly hope you’ll commit to being a part of this life-changing event.  It will not only inform you but greatly encourage you.  It just may be the highlight of your entire year. I hope to see you there and meet you in person.  God bless you.

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 420.

Obama’s Third Term — Going For Four

By Rob Pue

February 25, 2024

The United States of America has become the laughingstock of the world, with Joe Biden playing the role of our “president” in this macabre stage production put on by the Luciferian Globalists.  Indeed, one foreign news agency recently ran a headline referring to Biden as “President Mumblebub.”

He’s taken a lot of criticism for his actions — and inactions — as the so-called “leader” of the free world.  Since he took office, we’ve seen record-breaking deficit spending, a collapse of our nation’s infrastructure, the destruction of our major cities, record homelessness and drug use, the abandonment of our national borders — not to mention the highly-orchestrated and brilliantly-executed invasion of our nation by foreign enemies.  Over the past three years, we’ve also endured the “transgendering’ of our military, the weaponization of our so-called “justice system,” the persecution of political opponents, and unbridled government tyranny.

Some say Biden is incompetent, and I would have to agree.  The fact that Biden is suffering from dementia is obvious, as he garbles his words when speaking, cannot remember how or when his son, Beau, died, cannot remember the names of countries or world leaders, and shakes hands with the air as he wanders around the stage after speaking, until one of his handlers gathers him up and leads him away.

Recently, Special Counsel Robert Hur declined to prosecute Biden for his mishandling of classified documents stating that Biden “is an elderly man with a poor memory, who would be sympathetic to a jury.”  But Hur also added that Biden’s practices “present serious risks to national security.”  You think?!  So Biden, though clearly guilty, will not face prosecution.  But Trump will, even though the UNclassified documents found at Trump’s Mara-Lago estate were kept securely under lock and key, while the classified documents Biden held were found in deteriorating cardboard boxes in his Delaware garage and elsewhere.

In 2016,  FBI director James Comey also refused to prosecute Hillary Clinton, even though  he stated she had given false statements (in other words, she lied) during his investigation, and was likely guilty of at least 23 felonies, high crimes and misdemeanors.  It’s understandable that Comey refused to prosecute because he didn’t want to “commit suicide,” but this is just another example of our two-tiered “justice system.”  But I digress.

Anyone who thinks Biden’s in control of anything is sadly ignorant and deluded.  Biden has never had any authority of any kind in his 50+ years of being a professional politician.  He’s merely a cardboard cut-out and he’s only in the White House now because he’s the most easily manipulated “candidate” the DNC could come up with.

Anyone who truly thinks he won the 2020 election honestly and fairly is under the greatest of delusions.  Prior to that election, Biden himself openly stated, “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”  And he didn’t even campaign. His “rallies” consisted of a dozen people, sitting alone in chairs placed in circles, six feet apart.  Meanwhile, his opponent had tens of thousands of people, all eager to see and hear Trump speak, wherever he went.  No — regardless of what the “fact checkers” will tell you, and regardless of our lawless “justice system,” the 2020 election was absolutely and clearly rigged.  A stolen election.

And do you remember the recounts?  Republican election observers were banned from those — sheets of cardboard covering the windows while the so-called “recounts” took place.   It was all a tragic joke, yet allowed to happen…and now we have countless patriots in prison or dead because they simply took part in a “redress of grievances” on January 6…held for months and years without charges; forced into fake plea deals; driven to suicide by the unrelenting persecution of the Feds — just for being patriots who believe in the rule of law.

This is the nation we live in today.  One must go back to the 2008 presidential election to understand how we got here.  I clearly remember watching the news broadcasts that November night, seeing millions gathered to hear the newly-elected Obama speak.  Newscasters even called him the “New Messiah,” such was the blind adoration so many had for this man — a junior senator from Illinois.  I got chills as I watched so many “worshiping” this man, and I knew something truly demonic was happening.  He vowed to “fundamentally transform America” — and America hasn’t been the same since.

And there were so many unanswered questions.  Was he even an American?  Many investigated his birth certificate and found it to be fraudulent, though “fact-checkers” and the news media worked hard to debunk such claims as “conspiracy theories.”  He apparently graduated from Columbia University in 1983, but no one remembers seeing him there or recalls attending any classes with him.  At one point, a postal worker recalls an encounter he had with a young, arrogant (and creepy) Obama declaring he KNEW he was going to be “president of the United States” one day.

This was while Obama was living with Mary and Thomas Ayers, in a Chicago suburb.  Their son was Bill Ayers, the far-left militant organizer of the Weather Underground, a revolutionary group that sought to overthrow what they viewed as “American imperialism.”  Many came forward to say they remembered the young Obama frequenting homosexual bath houses in Chicago, having homosexual relations with countless partners, using pot and cocaine and never attending any college classes.  But then, he could do as he pleased. It was taken care of. He already knew he was being groomed to be “president” one day, and the Globalists — even back then — would see to it that it happened.

I could go into more detail; there’s much more that could be said.  But basically, Obama’s handlers faked his name, his religion, his “wife,” his kids, his birthplace, his nationality, his education and his career… and then he sealed his records in his very first executive order to stop Americans from finding out.

During the Obama years, we saw daily violent and deadly attacks by Muslims around the world and here in the US.  Early on, we saw him bow down to the king of Saudi Arabia, and he continued to kowtow to the Muslims throughout his time in the White House.  The complicit news media steadily drilled the phrase “a religion of peace,” into our collective heads on a daily basis, even as Islamic terrorists beheaded Christians, put them in cages and drowned them, put them in cages and burned them alive — every day, on live TV, in “living color.”

We also saw the Supreme Court decision to “legalize” homosexual so-called “marriage,” the destruction of private health insurance under “Obamacare,” the beginning of the “transgender” movement, and the furtherance of the Globalist “climate change” agenda.  I could go on, but the list is too extensive.

And it’s ongoing.  And that’s the point of this message.  This is Obama’s third term.  While we don’t know all the players that put Obama in power and who controls HIM, we do know that Obama is controlling Biden, as he has since at least 2008.  Do you doubt me?  Let’s look at who’s in the Biden administration…

Jake Sullivan is Biden’s National Security Advisor.  He was also Obama’s Deputy Assistant and director of Policy.  Antony Blinken is Secretary of State.  He was also Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor and Deputy Secretary of State.  Alejandro Mayorkas, Biden’s Secretary of Homeland Security, was also Obama’s Director of US Citizenship and Immigration Services.  He also managed staffing the DOJ Criminal Division.

Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines, was Obama’s Deputy Director of the CIA and later his Deputy National Security Advisor.  Biden’s Secretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellen, was Obama’s Chairman of the Federal Reserve.  Our Deputy Secretary of the Treasury is Adewale Adeyemo — a Nigerian, and Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economics and later, head of the Obama Foundation.

Merrick Garland, the Attorney General, was an Obama nominee for Justice of the Supreme Court.  Tom Vilsack has been the Secretary of Agriculture under Biden and Obama.  Then we have Susan Rice, our current Director for Domestic Policy — Obama’s National Security Advisor and UN Ambassador.  Biden’s Special Envoy for Climate is John Kerry, Obama’s Secretary of State.

And bear in mind, folks, that Obama himself lives only two miles away from the White House.  If you want to know who’s pulling Biden’s strings, I hope this helps.  But Biden’s time is quickly coming to a close.  You see, the disastrous effects of the demonic Obama regime — the “fundamental transformation of America” — are wearing thin for most Americans.  Now the Communists are looking for ways to eliminate Biden, because it’s highly unlikely that the country will quietly accept another stolen election by a senile, incontinent old man with dementia that’s growing worse daily.  He’s become a liability.

The recent declaration by Robert Hur that Biden is “an elderly man with a poor memory and would be sympathetic to a jury” and also that he “presents serious risks to national security” was a very intentional statement.  Essentially, it officially disqualifies Sleepy Joe as a candidate.  All part of the plan…and all carefully scripted.

This is going to be a year like no other.  Very few expect Biden to be the nominee.  As hard as it may be to believe, Kamala Harris is even less popular than Joe Biden.  Some have speculated Gavin Newsom may be chosen.  But given his record as an ultra-liberal dictator in California, I’m afraid the cat’s out of the bag on him.  So, let’s see…who could they come up with that could possibly be convincing as a “winning” candidate.  Hmmm….  Michelle Obama!  Of course!  Big Mike!

Then the “fundamental transformation” can continue unabated. Yes, Michelle Obama.  Not only black, but also a woman, they say. (Not that gender is supposed to really exist anymore).   I’m only speculating, of course. But watch for something to happen by springtime or summer.  One thing’s for certain: they won’t be able to pull off another stolen election for Biden, not even with “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”  Not even with the steady flow of millions of new voters coming illegally across our borders and becoming — not citizens — but registered Democrats, because of all the “free” stuff.

Now, I’ve said a lot here about Biden, Obama and even Hillary.  But, with the exception of two or three individuals, the Republicans are no better.  Our public servants all become multi-millionaires shortly after taking office.  How is this possible?  Ask yourself:  why is no one in Congress calling for a cease-fire or peace talks in Ukraine?  Why do we keep sending trillions of dollars there, even as we’re spending trillions just to cover the interest on our own national debt?  Why are our public servants so concerned about the security of the borders of other nations, while ours are left completely open?  It’s all about money, folks. The invasion, Ukraine, climate change, mandated jabs — all these things are lining the pockets of those who rule over us.  Once you understand that, everything else makes perfect sense.

I no longer refer to “Democrats” and “Republicans.”  Now, it’s “Communists” and “Politicians.” And 99% of them deserve the punishment given to those convicted of treason.

Before I close, a few words about Trump. He’s not our savior. Understand that. He didn’t and won’t solve America’s real problems. Remember, it was Trump that put the “Red Flag” gun laws into effect; it was Trump that “stood down” while our nation’s cities burned at the hands of BLM and ANTIFA. He did NOT drain the swamp. He was very pro-homosexual.  And he presided over the “Warp Speed” clot shot, mask mandates, shutdowns and lockdowns. I love the idea of national sovereignty, “America first,” and a return to morality and justice.  I’m sure you do too.  Trump is a figurehead representing those things, thus his popularity.  But we must realize that no man — not even Trump — can save us from the disaster we’ve allowed in our land. Our Savior is Jesus Christ, and our only hope is a return to God, in humility and repentance.  Without real, true national repentance, God’s hand of judgment on America will not relent.  This I know for sure.

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Globalist Babylon Is Coming

By Rob Pue

February 11, 2024

Recently, I wrote a message titled “Babylon the Great Is Fallen.”  In that message, I erroneously stated that “Mystery Babylon” was mentioned in Revelation 18.  Since that time, I’ve done a much deeper study on the subject and there are some things I’d like to clarify here.

First of all, “Mystery Babylon” is not mentioned in Revelation 18, but specifically in Revelation 17.  “Mystery Babylon” describes the “great whore,” upon whose forehead was written “Mystery, Babylon the Great, The Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth.”

 As I have learned, this “Mystery Babylon” is the coming one-world religion… a false religion, worshiping false gods. A great abomination.  As we read in Revelation 17, this “woman” that John saw in his vision was “drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.”  So, Revelation 17 describes “Mystery Babylon” as spiritual Babylon — a coming together of false religions from all over the world; as I said, a coming “one-world religion.”

This spiritual “Mystery Babylon” is already coming together; indeed, already in place.  You would do well to study on the topics of the “Parliament of World Religions,” or the “World Council of Churches.”  Here in Wisconsin, we have the “Wisconsin Council of Churches,” a branch of the “World Council of Churches.”  But these are not Christian churches; they’re apostate in every respect.  They advocate for everything God considers an abomination, under the guise of “Christianity.”  Be not deceived by them.

Last year, the Parliament of World Religions held their annual meeting in Chicago.  The event opened with a thing called “Sacred Fire: Greeting the Day Prayer and Fire Offering.”  Other sessions during this conference focused on “Bhawana Yog – Guided Meditation.”  Many sessions were held addressing the topic of combating “Climate Change,” there was a session called “Seed The Earth Altar in the Women’s Village,” a session was held titled “Going Beyond Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.”  And not to mention the one titled “The Spear Within – The Staff is Passed to the Feminine.”  And these are just a few of the sessions on the first day of the five-day event.

The entire convention was replete with sessions on feminism, climate change, pagan rituals, globalism, earth worship — honoring “Mother Earth,” esteeming science over sound theology, “interspecies justice,” which dealt with the worship of animals, transgenderism, homosexuality, and I could go on. Over 8,000 people attended, from more than 95 countries, representing more than 210 different religions.

Please understand, that the entire premise behind “Babylon” has always been a one-world order, a one-world government and one-world religion.  In other words, as we know it today, “Globalism.”  But God Almighty does not embrace “globalism.”  He destroyed the tower of Babel and the city of Babylon because it was wicked, and sought to deceive people, drive them away from the one true Creator of the universe, and ultimately Jesus Christ, our Savior.  But that spirit of Babylon is rising again in today’s world — at an alarming pace.

Today, spiritual Babylon of Revelation 17 is being established through things like the “Parliament of World Religions” and the “World Council of Churches.”  Not to mention, the Roman Catholic pope, standing hand-in-hand with Islam, even as he endorses homosexuality and transgenderism.  We also have the modern American churches, most of which have become apostate as well, with a “form of godliness but denying the power thereof.”  “Making the Word of God of none effect,” through traditions, trends and tactics designed to simply fill the seats by pastors using “soft words,” that tickle itching ears.

No doubt, a one-world religion is coming.  The leadership of the World Economic Forum has even suggested that a new “proper” Bible may soon be written by Artificial Intelligence.  No doubt, this “new Bible” will be all-inclusive, mixing the pagan with the holy, or removing the holy altogether as it will likely teach we must worship and serve created things, rather than the Creator.

But we should also be mindful of Revelation 18, which describes “Babylon the Great.”  This is no mystery.  This is economic Babylon — yet still described and named “Babylon,” and still representing Globalism, a “new-world order,” a “one-world system.”  After the one-world religion is destroyed by God, the economic system of “Babylon the Great” is next.

We read, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit…for all nations have drunk the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.”

Here, Babylon the Great is about to be destroyed by God.  But John hears another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins and that ye receive not of her plagues.”  These exact same words were used in Jeremiah 51, when God warned His people to leave the city of Babylon before He destroyed it. God always warns His people of coming judgment.  Through Noah, He warned the people of the world that some might be saved, yet only eight people were.  He also warned the Israelites prior to sending the death angel to Egypt.  He warned Lot and his family before the destruction of Sodom.  He is warning us today.

I don’t know for sure if Babylon the Great is a city, as Scripture tells us, or if it represents a nation.  If it is a city, it will likely be the headquarters of the New World Order, now being assembled by the Globalists.  But whether a city or a nation, it’s a place of great arrogance toward God, with no reverence for God and in fact, a disdain for God.  It’s a place — or a system — where the people rely on their riches, their luxuries and their comfort, and rather than honoring and serving the one true God, they think themselves to be gods.  It’s right out of Satan’s playbook — using the same tactics he used against Eve in the garden — “you shall be like gods.”

Today, so many are just as arrogant, if not more so.  And we’re seeing the characteristics of this “Babylon the Great” of Revelation 18 in the institutions now wielding power over all the world: the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, the United Nations — all seeking the dissolution of national sovereignty, the destruction of national borders, the centralization of power and control, and “building back better” after they destroy it all.

But this new world order, this “Babylon the Great,” that the Globalists are building will come to an end in one day.  Indeed, in one hour.  “And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning,

 “Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, ‘Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city!  For in one hour is thy judgment come.  And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more.”

Let’s read on:  “The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, (can you say “Bill Gates” — or “Pfizer?”) shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing, and saying, ‘Alas, alas that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls!”

Revelation 18 goes on to describe Babylon the Great’s complete and utter destruction.  I believe we’re reading about the destruction of the Globalist New World Order system.  A system of tyranny, deception and absolute domination and control by the Globalist so-called “elites.”  We also read, “…thy merchants were the great men of the earth; and by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.”

It’s important to note here that the word “sorceries” is correctly translated “Pharmakea” — drugs, chemicals, mRNA “vaccines,” jabs.  All nations have already been greatly deceived by the COVID planned-demic.  Now, they’re planning for “Disease X,” which they tell us they don’t know what it will be, yet they’re already developing a new “jab” to treat it.  How convenient.  No “warp speed” needed this time.  Now, they’re developing the next “jab” to treat an illness that doesn’t yet exist.  And people are buying into this — because they are deceived.

Regarding the destruction of Babylon the Great, verse 20 tells us, “Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her.”  And then verse 24, “An in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints and of all that were slain upon the earth.”

Friends, the United States may or may not be “Babylon the Great.”  As I study these Scriptures more and speak with learned Bible scholars, I’m convinced it will be the headquarters of the New World Order.  Still, the United States, I believe, will receive a similar judgment of God.  We’ve committed all the crimes of Babylon the Great, whether you realize it or not.

I believe there are 197 countries in the world today.  The United States sends foreign aid to 180 of them.  Are you aware, that in order to receive this foreign aid, all of these countries must accept, push and promote two things?  Those two things are: homosexuality and abortion.  All nations that accept our foreign aid (via our tax dollars) are required to promote homosexuality and abortion — with the exception of Muslim nations.  They receive our money with no strings attached.

This country used to be a lighthouse on a hill, sending missionaries to the uttermost parts of the earth to share the Gospel to all nations.  We used to defend the oppressed and help the poor.  Now, many of the missionaries we send are spreading the same false gospel they preach in our modern American churches.  A friend of mine once met with a missionary from Africa, who came here to visit, and this man begged us to stop sending missionaries because the missionaries were apostates — preaching a “different gospel” than that of the Holy Scriptures.

We’re no longer defending the oppressed or helping the poor.  Now, we’re sending them drugs, pornography, homosexuality, transgenderism and war instead.  We have become the oppressors, for the benefit of the money our politicians can make from them.

And now, we’re reaping the whirlwind we’ve sown, as we live under a tyrannical regime that imprisons its political opponents, that has destroyed our national security and defense and has instigated an invasion by foreign enemies.  We export sodomy, homosexuality and transgenderism, we kill, rape and abuse our own children sexually, physically and mentally.  We give lip service to advocating for the dignity of women, but then declare that males can be females, if they choose to be.  We declare that 50-year-old men can masquerade as 15-year-old girls and join their swim team; and change clothes and shower with them too.  Because now, 50-year-old men can “identify” as 15-year-old girls and if you think or say otherwise, that’s “disinformation.”

Surely God has sent us strong delusion.  Surely this nation is guilty of sinful pride and arrogance.  America has blood on its hands from the sacrifice of our own children to Molech under the guise of “women’s rights” through abortion; through instigating the devastation of war around the world, and the lies of the “official COVID hospital protocols” that would have made Hitler and Josef Mengele proud.

So many in our land have fallen for great deception.  But as I stated, God always warns His people.  He always makes a way of escape before He pronounces judgment and destruction.  I pray that many will open their eyes today, awake from their stupor and turn back to God.  Open that dusty Bible, get on your knees and pray and seek His face and turn from your wicked ways.  You know what your own personal transgressions are.  Face them, repent from them, and turn back to God.  The Globalist Babylon is coming; we can’t escape it.  But we can be rescued from it and rejoice when God Himself squashes all the plans and schemes of the wicked kings of the earth in just one hour’s time.  Understand the times we’re living in, warn others, stand strong and don’t back down.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 418.

Our Man-Made Pandemic Of Anxiety

By Rob Pue

February 4, 2024

Worry. Anxiety. Depression.  These disorders have reached pandemic proportions, afflicting people from all walks of life, worldwide. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, here in America, more than one in four adults (26%) suffer from depression or some form of major anxiety disorder, and 52% all adults take some type of anti-anxiety or anti-depression drug daily, and as more and more continue to face unprecedented challenges, the numbers are rising.

This past year saw a marked increase in suicides — here in our country and around the world.  And for those afflicted, there is no shortage of fuel for our worry and anxiety. Today we face increasing costs of all goods and services, the ongoing Globalist agenda, threats to our Constitutional Republic, a deluge of foreign invaders on our borders, a tyrannical government machine, racial, political, and moral division, and so much more. Men, and heads of households especially, worry about paying the bills and keeping food on the table, and few are in a position to survive past their next paycheck. What will happen in the event of an emergency? Where will the money and resources come from to meet our needs and the needs of those who depend on us?

Faced with such threats to the way of life we know and love, many are ready to give up their freedoms in exchange for Big Brother’s promise to make it all better. Yet we know that the planned takeover by socialists and communists will only make matters worse — and so we worry more.

The truth is, the world has always been in turmoil — ever since the fall of Adam and Eve in the garden. I wonder what people worried about a thousand years ago — or two thousand years ago — or five thousand years ago. Surely, they all had worries of their own. Our parents had worries. Our grandparents had worries. And today, we carry on the tradition, but we’ve cranked it up a few notches. Today, we really worry!

I don’t mean to make light of the situation. Quite the opposite. Anxiety disorders are real. Many who suffer these maladies can’t help themselves. Sufferers often know their emotions are out of control, their feelings are unreasonable, their worries are largely unfounded. Yet they can’t seem to pull out of it. It becomes a downward spiral, often into deep depression, or to the point where they can no longer function normally.

And Christians are not immune. In fact, I’d venture to guess that many of us deal with anxiety more than non-believers, because I believe this is a spiritual matter, and as God’s children, we’re directly targeted by the enemy in these spiritual attacks of anxiety.  But most of the things the enemy causes us to fear or worry about never happen anyway.

God’s Word tells us 365 times (once for each day of the year) to “Fear Not.” Fear not. Jesus Himself spent a lot of time teaching on this subject. In Luke 12, He said, “…Don’t worry about your life, what you will eat; or about the body, what you will wear. For life is more than food and the body more than clothing. Consider the ravens: they don’t sow or reap; they don’t have a storeroom or a barn; yet God feeds them. Aren’t you worth much more than the birds?” (Luke 12:22-24).

He went on to ask the question, “Can any of you add a single cubit to his height (or one moment to his life span) by worrying? If then, you’re not able to do even a little thing, why worry about the rest?” (Luke 12: 25-26).

Then He said, “Don’t keep striving for what you should eat and what you should drink, and don’t be anxious. For the idolaters eagerly seek all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Luke 12: 27-31).

Then, as a loving Father would gently remind his children He said, “Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.  Sell that ye have, and give alms; provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure in the heavens that faileth not, where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth.  For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Luke 12: 32-34).

Jesus points to the ravens, the birds of the air. He points to the wildflowers, to the grass of the field. In short, He points to CREATION. In Genesis 1:1 we read, “In the beginning, God Created…” Yes! God created the heavens and the earth. He made it all. When you make a deeper study of the topic of creation, you realize that God made everything well — intricately designed with a purpose and a plan. God did not create anything that was not well equipped to survive and thrive in this world, according to His purpose.

God provides for everything He’s made. He sustains this old world. And He cares deeply about each of His children. The Bible says He even numbers the very hairs of our heads! God feeds the birds of the air personally. Isn’t that amazing?! The Scriptures tell us that not even a single sparrow falls to the ground without Him knowing. How He cares for, and provides for His creation and He especially delights in providing for all of our needs. Even more so when we look to Him and trust Him for His provision and acknowledge His hand of care upon our lives, with hearts of gratitude and thanksgiving.

Consider a tree. From its roots to its trunk, to its branches and beyond, it draws water and nutrients up to the tips of the upper-most leaves. Man, in all his wisdom, cannot build a pump efficient enough to do a task like this. Yet God has equipped the trees to survive and thrive — automatically!  And look at the intricacies of a leaf and consider how the tree cleans our air and provides oxygen for all the earth’s creatures!

Consider your own body. The Bible says that God “knit” each of us together in our mother’s wombs. Scientists are now coming to understand that this word “knit” is more appropriate than anyone realized previously. Our muscles and sinews and internal organs and bones are literally “knit” together, and — the process begins at the moment of conception. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Consider your eyes, your hands, your senses. Consider how our bodies heal themselves and fight infection and disease.

Consider the delicate balance of nature, how the Earth is the perfect distance from the Sun to provide us with the ideal climate. Consider how the Moon not only lights our night sky, but also controls our ocean tides, so the water of our planet is not dead and stagnant, but moves, cleans itself and sustains life.

Truly, when Jesus was teaching this lesson on worry, He meant for us to look to God’s creation and understand that what He creates, He sustains and provides for — and more than that — cares for on a personal level. Awhile back, when I was particularly troubled by a particular situation, I was in prayer when the Lord spoke to my heart and asked directly, “Rob, how old are you? Haven’t I always taken care of you, all of these years? Look at all you’ve been through in your life. Wasn’t I always there for you? Why, then, do you doubt Me now?!”

Prior to writing this article, I sent an email out to a great many Christian leaders. I was seeking help in research, and asked the question: “Can you cite any examples of when God did not provide for His people?” I received quite a few responses, but no one was able to give a single example of God not caring for His children. One man said, “Wow. Good luck with that one! I’ve only been a Christian 21 years, but I can’t think of a single instance of God not providing for a Christian. It will be interesting to see the responses.”

Several people cited those who suffered and died for their faith (including Christ’s disciples), but that wasn’t what I was asking. Scripture tells us we will suffer persecution for our faith in Christ. It’s to be expected. And we should count it all “joy.” Countless thousands have given their lives for their faith and studies show that persecution of Christians is greater now than any other time in history. Others brought up famines (past, present and future); one person mentioned the Great Depression here in America; several mentioned the tribulation of the “end times.”

No doubt we live in a fallen world. It’s no longer God’s ideal “habitat for humanity.” Sin has ruined it. But He still watches over and protects those who are His. He still hears and answers the prayers of the righteous. So then, just as the Bible tells us, our anxieties and worries are the products of our own faithlessness. Much like the Israelites when God brought them out of Egypt.

One friend observed: “time and time again God provided and did wonderful and miraculous things for the people of Israel, yet each time when they were faced with a crisis, they cried out in disbelief that God would actually come through. In Exodus 16, the Israelites said, ‘if only we had died by the Lord’s hand in Egypt! There we sat around pots of meat and ate all the food we wanted, but you have brought us out into this desert to starve this entire assembly to death.’ Verse 4 goes on to tell us how God provided manna from heaven with very strict instructions on how it was to be dealt with. God even tells them that He will test them to see whether they will follow His instructions. Of course this wasn’t good enough. They wanted meat. (So He even provided meat for them in the desert).

“The people of Israel are continuously faced with a crisis that they cannot meet by their own means. Each time they are faced with an impossible obstacle, God provides for them with His incredible power. Do they remember the last time that God delivered them? NO. Each time when a crisis comes up, starting at the banks of the Red Sea, all they can think is, ‘I want to go back to slavery.’ As God moves them forth through the waters of the Red Sea, provides fresh drinking water where there should be none, provides food where there should be none, these people cannot remember how God protected and provided. You would think that after they saw God spread the waters of the Red Sea they would believe all things are possible, but sadly, that was not the case.

“We know that the people of Israel had to wander through the desert for forty years. Forty years is a long time to walk considering the journey only would have needed 17 days to complete. Why did God make them walk and wander for forty years? The answer is because it took forty years for them to trust God. I believe we would all like to think that we would not have had to wander forty years in the desert to learn these lessons if we had been there. Unfortunately, speaking for myself, I know that’s not the case. It took me forty years to see the blessings that God had given me in my life, to recognize that this was His doing. It took me forty years to learn to believe that the Bible is truly God’s Word. It took me forty years to understand the importance of prayer each day. It took me forty years to know that God works all things for good. It took me forty years to realize truly who Jesus is and what He did for me with an understanding that comes from the heart and not the mind. It took me forty years to realize that God is sovereign…”

Another Christian leader noted, “God never abandons us. Jesus says in Matthew 28:20, ‘…I am with you always…’ God does, however, turn aside from evil — for a Holy God cannot dwell with ungodliness….but while God may turn away for a season, we are never abandoned forever. God constantly seeks us, finds us where we are and calls us home to Him. We become lost when we turn our back on Him, deny Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Yes, that’s it. We become lost. That is what our adversary, Satan, wants — for us to be lost. But that is not God’s will for us. We’re not meant to live in fear and anxiety. 2 Timothy 1:7 tells us, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

I’ve come to understand that anxiety and worry is the by-product of a spirit of pride and self-sufficiency. The truth is, we can’t help or save ourselves. Apart from God, we can do nothing. (John 15:4-5). When we become hard hearted and believe we can control and do things in our own power, it’s no wonder we worry and become anxious. Especially as Christians. Because as Christians we KNOW we’re really powerless without Him. As lost sheep who have gone astray, we must return to the fold, to the loving arms of our Provider.

And that’s the cure for this “pandemic” that continues to plague our world — faith and trust in our Lord. Take Him at His word. Believe His word. We say we do, so why, then, don’t we?  In Jesus’ name, cast out the enemy’s evil spirits of unbelief, anxiety, pride, fear, faithlessness and self-sufficiency, and then turn to the Savior, who will rescue you. Isaiah 26:3 says of the Lord, “You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You.” Perfect peace — the perfect antidote to the pandemic of anxiety! And what does the Scripture say we must do to obtain this peace?  Keep our minds steadfast on the Lord, and simply believe and trust Him.  Praise the Lord for His protection and blessings.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 416.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Babylon the Great Is Fallen

By Rob Pue

January 28, 2024

I have good news, and bad news.  First the good news, from Psalm 33: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD.”  Now the bad news: God is not pleased with the United States of America.  Almighty God is no longer Lord of our nation.  In Moses’ last days, as his death was near, he instructed the Israelites specifically and emphatically as to how they should conduct themselves, how they should raise and train their children and he warned what would happen if they ever forsook the Lord their God, who gave them the Promised Land as their inheritance.

The same blessings and cursings that God declared through Moses in the book of Deuteronomy for the nation of Israel apply to us, and all nations of the world.  When a nation honors God and follows His commandments, when the people are thankful to Him for all His provision and protection, and live as His true, genuine children, they are blessed beyond measure.  But when they turn away from Him, worship and serve other gods, and fill their lives with sin, hedonism, depravity and lasciviousness, they are cursed beyond measure.  Any nation that turns back to God, repents and honors Him as Lord once again will be restored, but I don’t see that happening in the USA.

It’s been said that if God does not pronounce harsh judgement upon America, He should apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.  Indeed, I can’t imagine we deserve any less than those cities received, and very likely, this once-greatly-blessed nation will soon experience the same destruction.  Right now, I believe we’re living out the words of the prophet Amos, when he wrote, “‘The days are coming,’ declares the Sovereign LORD, ‘when I will send a famine through the land — not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the LORD.’”

This began in the 1960s when our government removed prayer and Bible reading from our public schools, and we’ve been in decline as a nation ever since.  No student of American history can deny that.  And God is the one Who sets up rulers and kings.  We have the government we deserve, with our public servants now our masters.  As we turned our collective backs on God, God turned us over to the demonically controlled Obama and it appears that all the demons that inhabit this man have been turned loose to wreak as much havoc as possible.  We’ve never recovered from his “fundamental transformation of America,” and in fact, it continues to this day.  Just look at who is running things today in the Biden regime; the vast majority are Obama minions, and this is, indeed, Obama’s third term.

While there is still a remnant of true Christ-followers here in the United States, the remnant is small.  I trust the Lord will preserve and protect those who are truly His. But for the most part, we’re living in a nation now where most people don’t know God and don’t want to know God, or hear anything about Him.  They can’t be bothered, as they revel in their lavish, self-centered lifestyles, their minds now so warped they don’t realize they’re poor, blind, and naked.  It’ll take a wake-up call of Biblical proportions to wake these sleeping fools up, if that’s even possible at this point.

Now, we’re experiencing what Moses warned about in Deuteronomy 28: “The foreign resident among you will rise higher and higher above you, while you sink lower and lower. He will lend to you, but you won’t lend to him. He will be the head, and you will be the tail.

 “All these curses will come, pursue, and overtake you until you are destroyed, since you did not obey the Lord your God and keep the commands and statutes He gave you.  These curses will be a sign and a wonder against you and your descendants forever. Because you didn’t serve the Lord your God with joy and a cheerful heart, even though you had an abundance of everything.  You will serve your enemies the Lord will send against you, in famine, thirst, nakedness, and a lack of everything. He will place an iron yoke on your neck until He has destroyed you. 

 “The Lord will bring a nation from far away, from the ends of the earth, to swoop down on you like an eagle, a nation whose language you don’t understand, a ruthless nation, showing no respect for the old and not sparing the young…They will besiege you within all your gates until your high and fortified walls, that you trust in, come down throughout your land. They will besiege you within all your gates throughout the land the Lord your God has given you.”

Friends, in case you’re not aware, our nation’s gates have already fallen.  Our enemies are already here, and they’re ravaging our land like locusts.  It didn’t have to be this way, but we got the so-called “leadership” we deserved, after denying God decade after decade as we became ever more callous and rebellious toward our God, our Savior.  Now the wicked, who rule over us, have opened the flood gates and welcomed our enemies.  Ignorant of history and Biblically-illiterate, the American populace has chosen to believe the lies; indeed, God Himself has sent them strong delusion.  Thinking themselves wise, they’ve become fools, given over to depraved minds.

With the censorship of truth in America today, and given that we have a mainstream media that no longer does “journalism,” but rather is the propaganda arm of the communist regime in power, it’s impossible to get real numbers, but according to the government’s own reports, at least 10,000 so-called “migrants” have been entering the United States through our open borders EVERY DAY for the past three years. That’s 3 million, six hundred and fifty thousand illegals every year.  And be aware, these are just the numbers the government tells us about.  And be aware, they only tell us what they want us to know.  The real numbers are most certainly much higher.

Put in perspective, in the past three years, the total number of illegal migrants flooding through our borders — south AND north — is more than the combined total population of 15 American states.

I have nothing against immigration, as long as it’s legal.  My own grandparents were immigrants.  When my grandfather left Ireland, he came here as an indentured servant, and he came here legally, swore an oath to our nation and became an American.  His travel here wasn’t paid for by global communist organizations.  He didn’t receive anything free.  He certainly wasn’t handed a wad of cash, monthly food stamps, hotel rooms or homes to live in, nor did he ever receive free medical care.

He came here to work, build a company and raise an American family.  That’s not what’s happening with our open borders today.  The so-called “migrants” are coming from all over the world, from third-world communist nations, and they’re intent on bringing the communism they claim to be “escaping” from to all of us here.  They’re not just coming from Mexico.  In fact, in speaking with a Mexican citizen, I was told the Mexican people are furious with the United States government for opening our borders, because as the migrants flow northward, they’re destroying everything in their path — which is the country of Mexico.

Mexican authorities have reported a four-fold increase in the number of invaders coming from Islamic countries in Africa and the middle east, as well as from China and other parts of Asia.  They’re also coming from Venezuela, where the government has released its violent criminals from jail, along with their insane from insane asylums.  They’re also coming from Brazil, Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Cuba, to name just a few.

As has been widely reported, a startling number of these “migrants” are single, military-age men.  They’re not bringing their families, because they’re on a military mission.  The open border situation has also caused a crisis of human trafficking, especially of women and children.  Unaccompanied minors who show up at the border are often paired with other migrants, who are then paid to travel with them and “deliver” them to cities far into the interior of the US, and they’re never heard from again.  We have blood on our hands as a nation, because we have allowed this to happen on our watch.

According to a report by the Heritage Foundation, in 2018, half of all the criminals prosecuted in federal courts were illegal aliens, charged with crimes ranging from drug trafficking to murder to kidnapping.  And that was when our border was supposedly “closed.”  Imagine what’s happening now.

But of course, the rule of law has been suspended for certain people now, even as the rules have been re-written for others.  Patriots and those who believe in national sovereignty are the “new criminals,” the so-called “domestic terrorists.”  Innocent men and women rot in prison cells as political prisoners, while violent thugs are given free reign.  Free everything, really.

Under the current regime in power, the invasion process has been streamlined.  “Welcome Centers” are set up on the opposite side of the border; then the invaders are transported to “Welcome Centers” on this side of the border.  From there, they’re either released to go where they please, or given a choice of destinations deep within our country.

Some thought it ironic and fitting when border-state governors began flying and busing the invaders to the “blue” “sanctuary cities.”  Many Americans thought, “good for them… those cities will get what they asked for.  Let them deal with it.”  But this is not a good plan, for anyone.  On the contrary, these “red state” governors are actually aiding and abetting the process — dispersing vast, vast numbers of illegals deep into all parts of our country.

Again, many of these are single, military-age men, here for a purpose, and equipped with free cell phones.  I expect they’ll be getting “the call” to officially begin the revolution, attacking all at once, all across the nation sometime soon.  Because the regime is threatened by a political candidate who espouses nationalism and “America first.”  A free and fair election simply cannot be allowed, because as Godless as our country’s become, Americans are still fed up with the lawlessness, the two-faced so-called “justice system,” and the deliberate destruction of the country.

And even as our cities, states and nation sink deeper and deeper into bankruptcy, struggling under the burden of supporting millions of “takers” who give nothing back in return, the federal government is spending untold billions on free stuff for the invaders.  Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are receiving handsome paychecks for helping to facilitate the invasion.  Many of these NGOs are supposedly “Christian-based.”  Who would have ever thought this could happen in the United States of America?

Last summer, thousands of migrants were sleeping in O’Hare Airport in Chicago.  In New York City, public schools were recently closed to house migrants instead.  In cities all across this country, hotels are filled with migrants, who can’t speak English, and are unaware of our culture and customs — many don’t even know how to use toilets, and so they don’t.  In Texas, an extremely vast area north of Houston is being developed as housing for the invaders.  And a good friend in Florida has told me about how huge subdivisions are being built near his home — these are gated communities, filled with non-English speaking people who never leave to go to work, and these brand new homes have quickly become slums, as the residents there trash them.

As I read Revelation 18, I cannot help but see “Mystery Babylon” as our beloved United States.  I encourage you to read that chapter.  The similarities will give you chills.  As we go about our everyday lives here in America today, our country is beginning to implode.  Things have progressed so quickly now that I don’t see a way to save this sinking ship, without a miracle of God and a great deal of incredibly undeserved mercy on His part.  And by the way, if someone calls you a “Christian Nationalist,” wear that label as a badge of honor.  Nationalism is not evil.  God created the nations.  He destroyed Babylon, and we certainly need many more true Christians equipped for the work of the ministry to boldly preach the gospel to those who may still listen.  But without massive individual and national repentance and the Holy Spirit being poured out mercifully on us all, we’re finished. “Babylon the Great” is fallen.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 417.

Honoring Our Husbands and Wives

By Rob Pue

January 14, 2024

Today, we live in a world of confusion and delusion, like I never could have dreamed we’d see in my lifetime.  Or ever, for that matter.  The “goats” on the Left have done their job well, putting forth lies and deception, so much so, that if it were possible, even the “elect” would be deceived.

The father of lies has infiltrated every area of our society, especially going after the young children and young people now coming of age, through demonic indoctrination that permeates our atmosphere.  Lies abound in public schools, from pre-school through college. If that were not enough, the devil’s also captured “pop culture,” through Hollywood movies, filled with Leftist propaganda, through what now passes for “music,” and unlike previous generations, through social media, online chat rooms and video games.

Even the majority of our churches are now apostate, with pastors refusing to preach the whole counsel of God for fear of offending wicked men and women, convicting them in their unrepentant sin.  The sheep no longer have Godly shepherds who will speak the truth to them, but instead desire to be well-liked and popular among the people. Surely the Spirit of the Lord has departed from these places, which is very sad because many of these churches were once filled with courageous leaders and faithful servants of God.  Once upon a time, they made a life-changing eternal difference for countless lost souls.  But all have turned aside and gone their own way — the way of the world; the broad road that leads to destruction.

Chaos and confusion, lies, deception and delusion have been the result.  The wicked ideology of Communism has overtaken the once-Christian America and through their orchestrated plans of brainwashing and indoctrination, the people of our nation are now wandering — they’re lost and they’re perishing because they no longer have a clue what God’s Word says or even Who God is anymore.  Nor do they care.

There have been many delusions that have overtaken us as a people the last couple of decades. But perhaps the most vile is that of homosexuality and now “transgenderism.”  Yes, there have always been those who’ve engaged in these deviant behaviors.  But God Almighty rightly called these behaviors “abominations.”  Today, they’re not only accepted, but celebrated pridefully 365 days a year.  Even the Pope is now leading countless millions astray as he gives his “infallible” approval of what God has so strongly condemned.

Across America and around the world, perversion has overtaken us.  Not all engage in these abominations, but there are few, indeed, who will ever speak against them or tell the truth about them, even those still in their “right minds.”  Those who do, are quickly labeled as “haters” and not just harshly condemned by society, but in many cases, persecuted and prosecuted for speaking God’s truth, and plain common sense.  Perversion, not unlike that of the hedonism of the Israelites worshiping a golden calf; or the wickedness of Sodom, is mainstream now, world-wide.

The solution to this delusion, of course, is a return to God, in humble repentance and faith.  As wicked and evil as this world is now, any nation that repents, humbles themselves and seeks God again, will see blessings beyond measure.  Any nation that wakes up to the evil that is actively destroying them and their children, and whose people turn their eyes upon Jesus, will become the strongest, safest, most prosperous, and bountiful nation in the world, even in the midst of utter destruction elsewhere. I believe there will be a nation that repents in this way — and the people there will repent individually, as families and as a whole. But sadly, I don’t believe it will be the United States.  We’re a hard-hearted people, a lazy and ungrateful people. We have forgotten God and our history.

Today in America, men are sharply condemned for their masculinity, and it begins when they’re just young boys.  Authority figures twist their little minds and cause them to question their natural-born gender. They’re told that “manly” traits are “bad,” and “toxic.”  Much better to behave like girls.

Meanwhile, women who embrace their natural femininity are likewise condemned and told they’re victims of the “patriarchy,” which of course, they’re also told is their true mission in life to dismantle.

This is all by the meticulous design of the Communists, the Globalists, and the Leftists who seek to destroy all that God made and called “good,” and replace it with what these arrogant pea-brains believe will be “better.”  “Better” for them, perhaps, as it fulfills the purposes of their father, the devil, but not better for anyone, or anything else.

In Genesis 1:27, we read about God’s perfect design: “God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them.”  Both were created in God’s own image, and they were created male and female, as were all living things, designed to unite together as “one flesh,” and thereby be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. God puts great value on all life, especially His image-bearers.  In God’s perfect plan, neither is superior or inferior to the other. Both are equally valued and equally needful of one another.

God gave the man specific duties.  One of the first was to work, as He placed Adam in the garden to work it and care for it.  And He knew this world would be difficult after sin entered in, so He commanded men to be strong and courageous, not frightened or dismayed, as He assured men that “the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

He made men to be protectors of women and children.  In 1 Corinthians 16:13, we read, “Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.”  He instructed men to be loving — to God, their wives, their children, and those they interact with as they sojourn on this earth.  We’re also to provide for our families and others — and lovingly instruct, train and discipline our children, raising them to know and love their God.  And God created men to be loving servants, not arrogant tyrants.  Jesus showed us how.

The Bible also has a lot to say about women.  Proverbs 31 tells us how a Godly woman is more precious than jewels, and we read there, “Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”  Ladies are also to be modest in their dress, diligent as they work at home, raise their children, and manage their household with wisdom.  And again, love is the key component, as they support, help, and encourage their husbands as the two bear the burdens of life together, as one flesh.  And God didn’t create women to be less intelligent, rather as we read again in Proverbs 31, “She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.”

God created both genders to need one another. Not only is procreation impossible without male and female, but when women desire to be men and men desire to be women, the result is not harmonious utopia — it’s chaos, confusion, despair, and madness.  Both men and women are to be servants to one another.  Both are equally created and loved by God and it’s only through mutual humble servanthood to one another can the home and family be truly God-honoring and blessed.

I believe men should greatly honor, protect, serve, and adore their wives.  And I believe wives should greatly honor and be righteously “proud” of the husbands God’s given them.  Of course, this is impossible when we don’t know God’s Word, study it, meditate upon it, live by it and teach it to our children.  Today, the world has forgotten God, except for those who claim to be “atheists,” and then they hate the God they claim to believe doesn’t exist.  If any nation wants to see restoration and blessing, it must first begin with a return to God and His divine plan for mankind.  And in today’s world, I can think of no better practical place to start than showing the world we’re not ashamed of the love we have for our spouses and honoring them publicly, while at the same time letting the world know that we’re doing things God’s way.

That’s why I’ve decided to make a way for husbands and wives to honor one another publicly.  I’m inviting all who will, to write a short article (800 words or so) that honors their husband or wife.  These articles, will, Lord willing, be published in upcoming editions of Wisconsin Christian News.  We request that you also send a photo of the two of you to accompany the articles.

All who send in an article and photo will receive, as a “thank you” gift, a T shirt that you can wear proudly, as you publicly honor and encourage your spouse.  For the men, the shirt will say “I Love My Wife,” and below that is the Scripture: “Far more precious than jewels…A woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” (Proverbs 31).  The ladies will receive a shirt that says, “I Love My Husband,” and below that is the Scripture: “Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.” (I Corinthians 16:13-14).  What a testimony of a Godly marriage and family this will be to all who see it!

I’ll get things started, with my own abbreviated story, to give you an example of what I’m looking for.  I’m short on space so can’t give you my whole story, but I hope yours is more detailed!

“It was truly a miracle of God when He brought my wife, Lisa, into my life.  I was a young man, having just started my own business and had nearly given up on finding a ‘help mate’ suitable for me.  None of the girls I had courted previously were truly serious about their commitment to God.  But then, when I least expected it (to put it mildly), He introduced me to Lisa.

“I know Jesus said, ‘there is none good, but one, that is God.’  And also, the Bible says, ‘there is none that doeth good, no not one.’  But Lisa truly is a good person; the best person I’ve ever known.  You might say we had an ‘arranged marriage,’ because the Holy Spirit was there when we met, and guided us every step of the way prior to our wedding day and every day since.  God Himself arranged our marriage!

“Our engagement was short, because I didn’t want to let her ‘get away!’ We met on Valentine’s Day, 1990, and were married just five months later, July 14, 1990.  Two years later, our first child was born, a son, followed by two more daughters.  As I worked extremely hard at my business, Lisa stayed home, raised our children, and managed the household.  I could not have been blessed with a better wife or a better mom for our children.

“We both raised our kids together, to know and love God, and be thankful to Him for all He provided us.  I tucked the kids in with bedtime prayers every night, and Lisa exemplified a ‘Proverbs 31 woman’ in every respect, always by my side, always helping me through the trials and tribulations of life, always supportive of my work and always diligent with family finances and household duties.  And more than once, her wisdom saved me from my own crazy ideas!

“We worked together in our church, raised our children in the church, and then when I began to work in full time ministry and we had literally nothing — so many times, when the burdens of ministry and family finances were so heavy on my shoulders that I really did believe we were eating our last meal, because there was no money for the next one — she always encouraged me, always pointed me back to God as our Provider, and never once doubted my abilities as a good husband and father, worthy of her and our children.

“So many times, she was content to ‘go without’ the things I thought she should have, preferring instead to make sure the children had all they needed, and she always found a way to make a penny into a dollar or one dollar into ten.  As I write this, we’ve now been together nearly 34 years, and we’re grandparents to three wonderful grandchildren. I can’t imagine life without my dear wife, Lisa.  I feel like the most blessed man on earth, for God truly has given me the greatest desires of my heart.  I love my wife!”

Now, I hope you’ll send us your story.  Let us help you honor your wife or husband.  Sit down and share your heart.  Write your own love story of the blessing you’ve received from God, and we’ll share it, to encourage the world to do life God’s way, as you bless and honor the Godly mate He’s given you.  Let’s really DO this!  Now, start writing your story, because the world needs to hear it.  And feel free to call or email me for details and questions.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

2023 Year In Review

By Rob Pue

January 7, 2024

Let’s take a look back at the last year, now behind us, and remember all we experienced as we press on into 2024. The year began with the Biden administration allowing the US Postal Service to ignore state abortion bans and send abortion drugs by mail to all fifty states.  This followed the June ‘22 decision by the US Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade, the 1973 decision that caused the deaths of more than 60 million babies in America.

The Minnesota legislature announced their first order of business would be to enshrine a “right” to completely unrestricted abortion up to the time of birth in that state.  Governor Tim Walz signed the bill into law on January 31st, making Minnesota the first state to formally “legalize” such atrocities. In New York City, Mayor Eric Adams announced they’ll be offering free abortion drugs at multiple facilities.

Al Gore admitted the Inflation Reduction Act is actually a “Global Climate Change Act.”  Biden admitted the the same— but not until August.

In February a high-altitude Chinese spy balloon was flying across America.  It was finally shot down February 4th, over the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of South Carolina, but not until after it had traversed the entire country.

Hunter Biden finally admitted the infamous laptop, containing evidence of collusion and bribery by foreign nations, as well as hundreds of videos and other images of Biden having sex with prostitutes and under-age girls, did, indeed, belong to him.

The IRS announced in February that it’s investigating all transactions American citizens make of $600 or more, starting with our 2022 tax returns.  Nearly 90,000 new IRS agents, now armed with weapons and pledging their willingness to use deadly force against Americans, are helping with this new project.

On February 3rd, a Norfolk Southern train, carrying hazardous chemicals, including vinyl chloride, derailed in the small community of East Palestine, Ohio.  Rather than drain the chemicals from the wrecked tanker cars into other containers, officials drained the deadly chemicals into a nearby ditch and then deliberately ignited them, causing a massive health and environmental catastrophe. Two hundred miles away, paint was peeling off cars and the plastic parts of cars were melting from the chemicals, but officials declared East Palestine citizens need not be concerned and declared the water there safe to drink; despite tens of thousands of dead fish in nearby rivers and lakes.  There were more train derailments around the country shortly after this, including in Texas, South Carolina, Nebraska, Florida and West Virginia.

On February 6th, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck southern and central Turkey and western Syria, killing at least 59,000 people.  Also in February, information was released, indicating the US may well have been responsible for the Russian Nordstream pipeline bombing in September of ‘22.

As our now-“woke” US military continued to suffer a lack of new recruits, National Guard members who were previously suspended for refusing the COVID jab were ordered back to work, with no back pay.  The names — and the fingerprints — of un-jabbed teachers in New York City were sent to the FBI in February.  The concept of “abortion tourism” began in 2023, with multiple pro-death states welcoming those from places that limit the availability of abortion. The Pentagon led the way, announcing it will pay for employees to travel to other states to kill their babies.

Library books and school training courses were in the news last year, with teachers’ associations and Left-wing politicians and organizations pushing for an increased availability of pornographic, homosexual and “transgender” materials in schools and public libraries — with an increased emphasis on limiting parents’ rights to speak against, or even monitor, these materials.  One high school teacher in Washington state stated that schools should hide information about children from their parents because kids “are not safe from their Christian-fascist parents.”

And in Spain, a new law decriminalized sexual relations with animals, stating “zoophiles” are just another spectrum on the trans flag.

In March, Tucker Carlson, of Fox News, was given access to more than 44,000 hours of video footage from the January 6, 2021 rally in DC.  After airing parts of it, showing there was no “insurrection,” Carlson was essentially fired from Fox News.  Hundreds of innocent American citizens remain imprisoned in J6 gulags.

On March 8th, Canada’s Justin Trudeau celebrated “International Womens Day” by proclaiming that “trans” women are women and his government will support them in every way.

On March 10, California’s Silicon Valley Bank collapsed after a bank run, marking the third-largest bank failure in US history.  This was the first of five bank failures in 2023 across the nation.

The US Border Patrol once again alerted lawmakers that the agency does not have operational control of the border and they’re dealing with a crisis situation.  Since Biden took the White House, the total number of illegals entering the US has exceeded the combined total population of 15 American states.

Attacks against hundreds of pro-life organizations and women’s health centers advocating for life continued in 2023.  CompassCare in Buffalo, New York, which had been fire-bombed in June of ‘22 was again attacked by “Jane’s Revenge” on March 15th.  The FBI has made no arrests in the CompassCare attacks, and their response to these real domestic terrorists has been one of indifference.  Meanwhile, in Wisconsin, Republican Assembly Speaker Robin Voss introduced legislation to expand abortion in the state.

Also in March, Kathy Hochul, governor of New York, introduced legislation allowing the government to detain citizens of that state in quarantine camps without notice, without rights and for as long as the government chooses.  In December, a New York state appeals court upheld a ruling allowing this to go forward, despite concerns about “due process” violations. Hochul was back in the news in December, with legislation creating a committee to consider reparations to black people for slavery.  On the same subject, California decided in June to pay reparations to black residents with payments up to $1.2 million per person.

Meanwhile, the World Economic Forum was celebrating the American and Global banking crises as the perfect opportunity to advance its goal of a cashless society.

In early April, Hamas militants began firing rockets into Israel as the nation’s Jewish population began celebrating Passover.  All-out war began in October.

The Communist regime in power in DC continued its witch hunt against Donald Trump in 2023, in an attempt to keep him from running for office again this year.  Trump is now facing up to 91 felony charges and has been banned from the primary ballot in Colorado, though he remains the Republican front-runner for the ‘24 election.

Michigan celebrated the repeal of a state law protecting unborn babies.  That state joins multiple others that now allow unrestricted abortion up to the time of birth.  In California, 7th graders are now being taught, in public schools, how to obtain an abortion, and unrestricted abortion up to the time of birth is now also the “law of the land” in Maine.

Violent crime, including murder, rape and felony assaults, intensified nationwide in 2023 in all our major cities, which now resemble third-world countries — unless, of course, the leader of China visits. In that case, we now know city governments are able to make everything sparkling clean in just 24 hours.

Investigations into Hunter Biden finally began last year, with bank records showing millions of dollars in transactions between Biden and Chinese-owned companies.

Meanwhile, acts of violence by transgender individuals began ramping up on March 27th, when Audrey Hale killed six people at a Christian school in Nashville.  Parts of her “manifesto” were released later in the year, making it clear that the “transgender agenda” is violence — specifically against Christians.  A planned “Trans Day of Vengeance,” scheduled for March 30th was subsequently cancelled.  But on Easter Sunday, violence continued, this time in Portland, Oregon, as a man who identifies as a woman stabbed a cab driver in the neck.  And in Florida, a transgender middle-school teacher allegedly threatened to shoot students, but was not prosecuted, and instead allowed to return to class.

Also in April, the United Nations sought to normalize adult sexual relations with children, calling pedophiles “Minor-Attracted Persons.”  At the same time, it was learned that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funds a non-governmental agency to the tune of millions annually.  This agency seeks to legalize commercial sex work with children under ten years of age.  And not surprisingly, in this country of perverted public schools, a 59-year-old high school teacher was arrested in Idaho in April for raping a 16-year-old boy — just one of many sex crimes committed by public school teachers last year.

And as America reached the breaking point with the sheer number of illegals invading our nation, so-called Sanctuary Cities have declared states of emergency, after running out of funding and housing (including five-star hotel rooms) — while trying to appease angry American taxpayers who’ve been displaced and banned from their own public facilities to make room for the so-called “migrants.”

As a good illustration of the so-called “unbiased” network news, on June 8th, Donald Trump was indicted by the Special Counsel in the classified documents case. That same day, it was reported that Joe Biden had allegedly received 5 million dollars from an executive of the Ukrainian gas company known as Burisma, the same company in which his son, Hunter, was involved with. Over 4 days, June 8th through the 12th, CBS, NBC and ABC gave 291 minutes of coverage to the Trump indictment, while the Biden story received not one second of coverage.

Articles of impeachment were filed against Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on June 12 for weaponization of the government against Americans, invasion of foreign nationals and criminals in unprecedented numbers on our northern and southern borders, slow-walking of any investigation into the Biden family’s corruption and giving America’s enemies aid and comfort, while enriching themselves in the process.

Also in June, World Economic Forum Senior Advisor Yuval Noah Harari, stated that artificial intelligence will create a “correct” one-world religion, with a new “Bible,” written by AI.  Harari is Jewish, a homosexual and an atheist.

And we can forget about any financial responsibility or accountability for the current regime, intent on America’s economic collapse, as Biden signed a bill into law that effectively turns off the debt ceiling until the year 2025.  This is essentially a blank check for the cabal, until every American is well beyond bankruptcy.  The Supreme Court struck down Biden’s student loan forgiveness scheme, but the regime has ignored the ruling and has been moving forward with it anyway.

On August 8th, the state of Ohio solidified abortion into the state’s constitution, when voters passed a measure titled “Issue 1.”  Also on August 8th, the Globalist cabal set fire to the historic town of Lahaina, on the island of Maui, Hawaii, pulverizing buildings into dust as they collapsed into their own footprints, killing more residents than anyone will ever know, while leaving natural features virtually untouched. All this as a massive land-grab by the globalists, effectively stealing the land in Lahaina from native residents there, to make way for the nation’s first “SMART city” run by AI.  This story remained in the mainstream news a total of three days.

Kevin McCarthy was booted from his position as Speaker of the House on October 3rd, eventually replaced by Mike Johnson of Louisiana.  And on October 7, Hamas attacked Israel, killing hundreds, and seizing hostages.  The Biden regime is now funding Israel as well as Hamas and Iran, along with Ukraine and the invaders on all our American borders.

The war in Israel has set off a firestorm of anti-Jewish protests, demonstrations, and acts of violence in America and around the world, led, in particular, by young college students calling for the destruction of Israel.  China has since removed the nation of Israel from maps, and the China-owned social media site Tik-tok, wildly popular among young people, is promoting massive anti-Israel sentiments. There was a genuine insurrection at DNC headquarters in Washington DC on November 15, as pro-Hamas rioters turned violent in their attack.

And as Christmas approached, the Satanic Temple began setting up statues of Baphomet in state capitol buildings around the country.  Meanwhile, the communists continue to erase American history from public view and memory, as the Confederate monument at Arlington National Cemetery was removed December 18.  The Department of Defense has directed the removal of all Confederate symbols from US military facilities as of October 2022.

Now we press on, in to 2024, into uncharted waters. It’s an election year, so therefore, there must be widespread fear and chaos established. Only God knows what the devil and his minions have planned. But I urge you, whatever happens next, do not comply. Stand strong and firm on the truth, refuse to participate in any lies and deception, and devote yourself to fervent Bible study and prayer as you grow closer to Christ.  In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Bearing One Another’s Burdens

By Rob Pue

December 24, 2023

It’s been a very tough year for a lot of people.  We’ve had to watch our nation and the world continue to become more violent, more perverse, and more cruel.  We’ve had to endure rising costs of everything, the invasion of our nation by foreign enemies, homelessness, drug abuse, our major cities destroyed from within and lawlessness everywhere we turn, as our government leaders turn one blind eye to the persecution of the innocent, while turning the other blind eye to those who are obviously guilty of the highest of crimes.

Meanwhile, the Globalists, the Satanists, and the Communists continue their march toward their make-believe “Green Utopia,” in which only the rulers are free, while everyone else is tracked, monitored, silenced and enslaved.

Artificial Intelligence has made major inroads this past year, though real intelligence, real wisdom, has eluded us.  We have SMART phones and SMART homes…now they want to mandate SMART cars, equipped with “kill switches,” so your vehicle can be shut down at the whims of our taskmasters.  The Globalists even burned the once-beautiful, historic town of Lahaina, on the island of Maui into ashes this year, to make way for their experimental new “SMART city.”

And although we haven’t heard a whole lot about a new, one-world digital currency in the last few months, don’t think they’ve given up on the idea.  In fact, such a thing must become mandated in the future.  Control of the people — everything from monitoring and approving or disapproving of our purchases to our healthcare, our travel, and the amount of utilities we use — depends on the implementation of controlling everyone’s ability to buy or sell.  It’s ironic, isn’t it?  The people who put our nation $33 trillion dollars in debt are the same ones who want to issue US a “credit score.”

We also haven’t heard a lot about the war in Ukraine lately, though we continue to hear about the billions of dollars that we continue to send there.  And now we have Israel in a no-win situation. Their enemies hide among civilians, don’t wear military uniforms and use guerilla warfare, so when Israel strikes back, they’re seen as the aggressors, the war mongers.  No one will win in Ukraine, except the American politicians laundering obscene amounts of money there.  And the only winners in the middle east will be the military industrial complex.

No, friends, the news is almost never good.  It hasn’t been for a very long time.  The outlook for this nation and this world is grim and the constant negativity of the daily news wears on a person.  It’s especially hard for Christians, Conservatives and those who value truth and justice…patriots, constitutionalists, nationalists — and NO — “nationalism” is not a bad thing.  God Himself established the nations.  He destroyed Babylon.

On top of all this, we’re also now seeing the results of the mandated “clot shot” jabs, which are doing what they were designed to do all along — kill people.  There are too many studies to count, too much research to point to, proving the long list of deadly side effects Big Pharma knew about, but hoped to hide for 75 years.

I don’t read our local secular news very much.  Despite the fact that they call themselves “Fair and Independent,” and promote their publication as “more news, less fluff,” it’s mostly articles about sports, puff pieces paid for by local businesses and Left-wing articles they pull from NPR.  When they run a Letter to the Editor, it’s always, without fail, written by an extreme liberal, touting the latest thing from the LGBTQP+ movement, the importance of transgender-positive books in libraries and snowflake-affirming safe spaces in schools; not to mention the climate-change crazies who want to ban our gas stoves.

But I do make a point to read the obituaries.  Specifically, I’ve been keeping track of people who have “died suddenly” or “died unexpectedly.”  There’s usually at least one in every obituary list.  A couple of months ago, there were six who “died suddenly and unexpectedly” within a week, just in my small town alone.  Some in their 50s, 40s, 30s and even younger.  Not all obituaries list the person’s occupation, but of those that do, all of them would have been places that mandated the shots in 2021.

I also look at the birth records.  Sadly, there’s an obituary report just about every day, with a half-dozen or more people who have passed away.  Birth reports only pop up maybe once a week at the most, and the list usually only has one or two babies born.  Even more telling is the parents’ names.  Rarely do the mothers and fathers have the same last name, which tells me that most of the births we do have today, are to people who are not married.

What a strange world we live in.  Good is called “evil” and evil is called “good.”  It’s not surprising, because God’s Word told us it would be this way.  But it is disturbing to see so many who have chosen to believe the lies of the devil.

But this past year has been tough on people in other ways too.  From our newspaper readers, radio listeners and TV viewers, I hear from people all the time, many requesting prayer.  So many are dealing with such heavy burdens.  And those I hear from are God’s people — true Christians — who seem to be bearing much heavier burdens now than those who’ve given themselves over to false doctrines, fake churches and Satan himself.

There are those dealing with marriage problems.  Some have been struggling in unhappy marriages for years or decades; some enduring life with an unsaved or an unfaithful or abusive spouse.  There are strong, faithful Christ-followers who raised their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord, but now their children want nothing to do with them; they’ve cut off all communication, they’re never allowed to see their own grandchildren.  There are no Mother’s Day or Father’s Day cards, phone calls or even texts.  No family gatherings at all, not even at Christmas.

Others are dealing with a spouse with serious health issues, some battling dementia or Alzheimer’s, so they’ve become full time care-givers in their retirement years.  One couple confided in me that they invested their life savings with a man who claimed to be a strong Christian, but was recently arrested for investment fraud and now their entire nest egg is just gone, overnight.

Other families are dealing with children who’ve “come out” this past year and announced they’re homosexual or “transgender,” as the brainwashing finally got them now, too.  There are also families dealing with the loss of children who’ve gone insane or committed suicide, in this “new normal” world of obscenity, perversion, lies and deception.

And then there are those who have passed away in their old age.  In this last year alone, at least twenty of our readers and faithful supporters have died, having run the race for the glory of God and finished well.  These were the saints of God who served Him daily throughout their lives and right up until the very end, and I know for sure they’ll all hear the words, “Well done, thy good and faithful servant.”  In some cases, both husband and wife have passed away, in others, just one of them.

I can’t imagine the loneliness of losing your mate after so many years together.  Even if you have a loving, supportive family and children who honor you and care for you; though, once again, there are many whose children have abandoned them, and don’t even acknowledge their parent’s passing, or attend the funeral, much less come alongside and tend to the needs of the surviving parent in their time of mourning.

I can’t imagine the pain, grief and sorrow, even though they know their spouse is in the loving care of Jesus, which brings them some level of peace and comfort.  There will always be an empty side of the bed, an empty chair at the table, and a loss that can never be replaced.

I mention these things because many of us are not dealing with such situations… but we need to remember that there are also those who are, because many now find themselves in uncharted territory — experiencing Christmastime, when it seems everyone’s joyous, with a spirit of love, giving and sharing like no other time of year.  But this year, many will be alone — perhaps for the first time in their lives.  James 1:27 tells us to, “…visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction.”  James also reminds us that “faith without works is dead.”

We need to not only remember those who are suffering loss, grieving a wayward child or a broken family, but we need to come alongside them and offer whatever amount of comfort we can.  Minister to those who are hurting.  Of course, there are no words we can offer that will truly ease the pain, but don’t let our fellow saints in Christ suffer alone.

All it takes is a visit, a gift, a little bit of your time and the loving heart of Jesus to make all the difference.  As Christians, we’re to bear one another’s burdens.  All who name the name of Christ and truly follow Him are at a point we’ve never been before.  We’re all bearing burdens that are really hard, truly difficult and often heart-wrenching.  Some are suffering loss and most are lonely.  The wickedness of this present darkness we’re living in is hard enough for any of us who value truth and justice.  But to bear such burdens, and at the same time be all alone, can be devastating.

Even faithful church-goers may not really have true, close relationships with anyone at their church.  In the past I found this especially true for the older folks.  There were the handshakes during the “greet your neighbor time,” and sometimes even a rare hug, but no real connection.  So don’t assume people are fine. Don’t assume someone else will come forward to comfort the lonely and those who mourn.  In most cases, no one will come. They don’t know what to say; they think it might be too awkward or out-of-place.

Bearing one another’s burdens and showing real love for the least of these is never out of place, and always the duty and obligation for those who want to follow Jesus.  But understand, we don’t do it to earn any gold stars for ourselves.  This is our reasonable service, and on the contrary, it’s shameful if we don’t.  But I think you’ll find, that as you reach out and minister to those who are in need — financially, emotionally, spiritually or in any other way —  as you serve and minister to them, your own heart will be ministered to by our Lord as well.  Perhaps even more-so.

This world is a dark, often lonely place.  People need the Lord desperately, and I pray those who don’t yet know Him will find Him while there’s still time…but people also need one another, and as Christ’s own children, if we don’t minister to our own brothers and sisters and help lift the weight of the burdens they’re bearing off their shoulders, even just a little bit, even just for a time, then who is going to?

Seek out the elderly, the widows, the orphans, look for the couple on the verge of divorce, or the family who’s lost a child to the “trans” and “LGBTQP+” predators, or to drugs, or to insanity or suicide.  Break the awkward silence.  Hug them and let them cry on your shoulder.  Share a cup of tea and hold hands together and pray to our Father in heaven.  Bring comfort and joy.  Let those who are still standing strong come alongside and lift up those who’ve been suffering all alone — because one day it will be you who needs that same blessing.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 413.

Thank God for Jesus

By Rob Pue

December 17, 2023

We’ve been living in days of very bad news for a very long time now, and every day it seems to get worse and more intense. Our country — and the world — has become something I never thought I’d live to see. I suppose every generation experiences some of that as they reminisce about the “good old days.” And in retrospect those “good old days” were not as good as we probably remember them, but again I never thought I’d see the day when _____________ (fill in the blank): there are plenty of options to choose from.

But today I want to try to put all of that stuff aside.  Quite honestly, I’m tired of it.  Sick to death of the “new normal,” the mandates, the commands, the New World Order, the Great Reset, the Jab, the depopulation agenda of the globalists, the lies of the mainstream media, the filth of Hollywood and the censorship of the truth.  I will need to get back to reporting on what’s happening soon enough.  But this week, as a Christian, I’ll be celebrating Christmas with my family.  And even THAT is controversial now.

After this message goes out, I’ll undoubtedly get plenty of flack from well-meaning “Christians” who don’t celebrate Christmas and feel the need to correct me.  As always happens, I’ll be told it’s a pagan holiday, that we were never told, in Scripture, to celebrate the birth of our Savior, that it’s a “Catholic thing,” even that it’s satanic.  It’s not bad enough that most retail stores have now banned the word “Christmas” or that God Himself has been thrown out of every public institution.  Cities ban nativity scenes from public property.  The White House doesn’t allow Christian-themed decorations on the official Christmas tree. The very use of the greeting “Merry Christmas” will draw the ire of many in our post-Christian America now.  It never used to be this way.

When I was growing up, we always looked forward to this time of year.  It was a wonderful time of year, starting with Thanksgiving.  I remember how special those family Thanksgivings were.  My parents had six children; three girls and then three boys.  I’m the second to the youngest, number five out of six.  By the time I came along, all my sisters were all pretty much grown up and moved away.  Thanksgiving was a special time when everyone would be home again and I looked forward to my sisters and their husbands joining us.  My Mom was an amazing cook, and I remember the smells of the turkey in the oven, the stuffing, the pumpkin pie.   The fun we had when the family was all together.

And I remember that the Christmas season would really begin right after Thanksgiving.  There was no such thing as “Black Friday,” — or “Cyber Whatever” — when I was a kid.  But right after Thanksgiving we’d start spending all of our Saturdays at church.  That was when us kids would start practicing for the annual Sunday School Christmas program.  Usually, it was a play depicting the Christmas story.  Each of us kids would play a different part.  Being a part of the Christmas program taught us many things, not the least of which was diligent Bible study and learning to experience and teach God’s Word ourselves, as we would study and then act out the parts, and read Scripture aloud to the grown-ups in the audience.

When it was over, the church gave everyone a special gift bag of Christmas treats.  I remember there was always a popcorn ball and always an orange, among other candies and sweets.  The church Christmas program was always a centerpiece of the entire Christmas season.  My own kids took part when they were young.  But then, over the years, it became more and more difficult for the church to find grown ups willing to organize and put the Christmas program together.  Eventually they quit doing them altogether.  It’s a shame that kids today will never experience that.  It’s even sadder to think that most kids today don’t have a clue as to Who Jesus is or understand their need for the Savior, why He came to Earth, what He taught us, why He was crucified, died, was buried, rose again and where He is now — and that He most definitely IS coming again soon.

We also celebrated Christmas in my public school.  Students performed an annual Christmas Concert.  This was different from the church’s program, because there were songs about Santa Claus and Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer.  But there were ALSO songs like “Silent Night,” “Joy to the World,” “O Holy Night,” and “Hark the Herald Angels Sing.”  Nobody ever complained about the Christian Christmas carols — much less sued the school district over them — and there was no confusion that the celebration at hand was, indeed, Christmas.  Imagine that.  Today even Linus is censored and cancelled — no longer allowed to speak the true meaning of our celebration in “A Charlie Brown Christmas.”

One of my favorite memories was, every year, about the first week in December or so, my Dad would bring home the Sears Wish Book.  How fun was that?!  Of course, you would pass right over the front half of the catalog, because that was all clothes and boring stuff.  But in the second half… now THAT was where the fun began!  I remember many times, laying on the floor in my footie pajamas, paging through the Wish Book and seeing all the neat things that looked like fun.  And my parents would make sure there were good things for each of us kids under the tree every year.

And us kids also took what meager funds we had available and either made or bought modest gifts for our parents and each other as well.  Even though we were kids, we knew what it was to be thoughtful and generous, and to do nice things for one another.  That it was more blessed to give than to receive. We received our Christmas gifts with gratitude and thankfulness.  And they were good gifts too….  fun things.  Craft projects, model airplanes, science kits, things that helped us learn, be creative, productive and responsible.

When I look at the way kids experience Christmas today, I’m sad for them.  Christ has been all but totally removed.  If they somehow happen to hear about Jesus and ask their parents about it, the parents, in most cases, are not even able to tell them what Charlie Brown knew.  No more Sears Wish Book either.  Today, kids make their lists on their smart phones using Amazon Prime. And the gifts they ask for are not wholesome, creative or learning tools.  They’re usually the most expensive, newest digital device or video game on the market… these things don’t encourage learning or creativity or productivity.  They just dumb the kids down further into a mind-numbed cyber stupor.

It’s not a whole lot better even if you’re a regular church-goer.  Christmas celebrations in churches run the gamut from such nonsense as “Ugly Christmas Sweater Sunday,” to pastors dressing up like Santa Claus and twisting Scripture to include the man in the red suit in the Nativity, to big theatrical productions with rock bands, fog machines and laser lights.

Public schools can no longer include traditional Christmas Carols in their “Holiday Celebrations.”  For that matter, they cannot even suggest there ever was such a person as Jesus Christ.  Of course, they have no problem forcing kids to recite the Five Pillars of Islam or sending them on a field trip to a mosque.  But sing “Silent Night?”  Mention the name of Jesus?  How intolerant and bigoted!

If kids seem different today, it’s because they are.  How could they not be, growing up in this sort of atmosphere, where God is removed from everything in public, and shunned by all?  Unless, of course, “God” is defined as “allah,” or perhaps, “The Force.”  Today, they open their presents and complain they didn’t get better things; or more things or the RIGHT things…  Instead of being thankful for what they’ve received, they’re thankful what they received came with “gift receipts,” so they can return them for cash.   And then, when all the gifts have been opened, instead of relishing the warmth and love and togetherness of family, we have a group of people sitting in the same room, but each one tapping away on their Smart Phones, iPods, iPads, Kindles, tablets and laptops.  Nobody talking… all you hear is the  “tap,” “tap,” “tap,” of fingers hitting screens.  Heads down.  Like always.

Pious Christians look with disdain on the annual “naughty or nice list” to see which stores will say “Merry Christmas” to them and which ones won’t.  But it doesn’t change their shopping habits.  Not really.  Worst of all, most do virtually nothing at all to be salt and light in their communities the rest of the year.  Like the ungodly, they don’t speak of Jesus or serve as the hands and feet of Jesus throughout the year.  Most don’t even try.  To say His name out loud is actually an embarrassment to them!  When they see the atrocities committed by abortionists, they turn the other way.  When they see homosexuals redefining marriage, they see that as “politics.” “Ewww, so distasteful, I’m just not interested in POLITICS.”  And with more information available at our very fingertips than ever before in history, most Christians prefer to remain ignorant, while the world is turned upside down and inside out by New World Order globalists, and they obey satanic commands, dutifully wearing their face masks while standing in line with their kids to get yet another “jab” of poison.

Liberals and progressives love to talk about inclusiveness and tolerance.  When it comes to this time of year, one has said, “Why do I wish people ‘Happy Holidays?’  Because from November first to January 15th, there are approximately 29 holidays observed by seven of the world’s major religions, and I don’t think mine are the only ones that count.”

You see, in America today, we’ve become so “inclusive,” that we’re sensitive to everyone — except, of course, those bigoted Christians.  But what are these so-called “seven major world religions?”   Here’s a list: Buddhists, who celebrate “Bohdi Day.”  Never heard of it?  Me neither.   The followers of Kemetic Orthodoxy, the religion of ancient Egypt from 4500 BC. who celebrate “The Day of the Return of the Wandering Goddess.”  (I’m not making this stuff up, folks, this is what they list as being one of the most important celebrations and one of the world’s most major religions.  THIS IS WHY we must say “Happy Holidays!” and not “Merry Christmas”).

Then there are Muslims, who celebrate Eid al-Adha.  (The dates of Muslim holidays, however, change every year, because the Islamic calendar is based on phases of the moon; since they worship the mood god).  Then there are the Aboriginals and American Atheists and pagans who celebrate the Winter Solstice.  Of course Hannukah, celebrated by Jews, and though it sticks in their throats to say it, Christmas, celebrated by Christians.

Yes, I’m sad for the children of today, growing up without Jesus, or growing up with a “fake Jesus” as taught to them by so-called “progressive churches.”  We’ve lost our reverence for God, our awe for His Son and we’ve become so intimidated by a spirit of political correctness that we’ve trashed not only our own history and heritage but even our once-deeply-held Christian faith.  The true meaning of Christmas is not being passed on to our young generations.  In fact, it was lost a long time ago.  Is it any wonder that today, 39% of our young people, in homes all across this country, will be asking for Christmas presents that will help them celebrate their newly embraced “LGBT” or “transgender” identities?  Is it any wonder that many won’t gather with family at all if their loved ones aren’t fully ‘jabbed?’  Is it any wonder that even as families gather together in living rooms on Christmas Eve, they’ll be sitting six feet apart, wearing their masks — just to be safe?

Friends, I’m going to celebrate Christmas with my family, and continue to instill some of the wonderment and awe, and reverence I had as a child at Christmastime into the lives and hearts of my own children.  To me, the Ghosts of Christmas Past are fond memories of a simpler time, a more innocent time.  A time when God was God and it was OK to love Him, sing praises to Him and to thank Him for all the many gracious blessings He’s continued to shower us with — even as we sojourn here among a world of depraved minds.   I hope you do the same.  And hold your loved ones close.  Hug them.  Tell them you love them.   Reverence God and teach your children what the truth really is.  And in the new year, endeavor to make your lives count by being always in the service to the King of Kings.  We can never go back to yesterday, but we can teach our children again what “Normal” is like, and together we can look forward to the glorious return of our Savior, who really IS Christ the Lord — and the only answer to all the evil, wickedness, lies and nonsense this world continues to heap upon us.  Thank God for Jesus.

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 343.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Count Your Blessings

By Rob Pue

November 26, 2023

In these times of trouble and tribulation, with all that’s happening in the world today, it’s easy to succumb to a spirit of hopelessness, despair, and grief — for the deceived, lost and perishing people around us, and yes, even for ourselves.  It’s especially grievious when those deceived, lost and perishing are people we know and love.  Perhaps even our own spouses, children and grandchildren.

We look around and see how Satan and his demons seem to be in charge of everything now, and how truth is now regarded as “hate speech,” having fallen in the streets long ago.  We see how successful the enemy has become at twisting hearts and minds, and fundamentally changing our society and culture and the entire world all around us, and it’s easy to become discouraged.  There are so many lies, so much hatred, so many who have departed from the faith and chosen instead to follow doctrines of demons.  Yes, it can become very disheartening.

But here’s what I KNOW:  “God’s Word is truth” (John 17:17).  And the Bible He has given us, from Genesis to Revelation is FILLED with all we need to know about the history — and the future — of this world.  It is FILLED with all we need to know to live our lives as God’s own children, to raise OUR children to know and love Him, and to learn to disciple others and share the Good News of the Kingdom and Jesus’ redeeming work on the cross with them as well.  It’s also FILLED with warnings about what NOT to do, how NOT to live in this world… as well as instruction on how to fight the spiritual battles that threaten to ensnare us every day.  In short, God’s Word is FILLED with everything we need to equip us to live here on this earth and to prepare us for eternity.  We need no other instruction than that which He has already graciously given.

Having said that, I’d like us to consider today, just how much JOY, PRAISE, and BEAUTY we also find in God’s holy Book.  And though it’s easy to take our eyes off of our Creator and dwell on the negative, there are virtually countless Scriptures that talk about God’s goodness, His peace, the Comfort of the Holy Spirit, and especially giving thanks.

Just as WE appreciate it when our earthly children are THANKFUL to us for all we provide and do for them, our Heavenly Father wants US to be thankful to Him as well.  And we have SO MUCH to be thankful FOR!  You know, you cannot be discouraged or depressed AND THANKFUL for all the many blessings you’ve received from the Lord at the same time… it’s just not possible.  So I encourage you to be THANKFUL today… and every day to the One who Created us, and this amazing “habitat” called “Earth” that He designed as our temporary home.

I’m reminded of the old hymn by John Oatman, written in 1897, titled “Count Your Blessings.”  It goes like this:

“When upon life’s billows you are tempest-tossed, when you are discouraged, thinking all is lost; Count your many blessings, name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the Lord has done.

“Are you ever burdened with a load of care?  Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear?  Count your many blessings, every doubt will fly, and you will keep singing as the days go by.

“So, amid the conflict whether great or small, do not be discouraged, God is over all; Count your many blessings, angels will attend, Help and comfort give you, to your journey’s end.”

Oftentimes, when I find myself loaded down with burdens and cares, I’m not able to sleep at night, or to calm my troubled mind.  So I spend time in prayer and then I begin to count MY many blessings.  A word of caution here:  if you DO this — (begin to count your blessings) — instead of helping you fall into peaceful sleep, oftentimes I find myself UNABLE to name all the many blessings God has so graciously given me, and I find I’m actually so filled with thankfulness and wonder and awe at what God has done for ME, I’m too excited to sleep after not very long!

I think of God’s beautiful Creation — the entire universe, designed and set in motion and sustained by His mighty hand.  Through a powerful telescope on a dark, starry night, I’ve seen with my own eyes the rings of Saturn, and other planets, close up; not to mention our own moon — created by God and placed in just the right spot to not just light our way at night but also to help sustain life on our planet.

And this beautiful, wondrous earth.  I have been blessed to be able to see and enjoy more  of it in my lifetime than I ever thought I would… I’ve been to the highest mountain peaks in North America (and played in the snow at those summits with my kids on my birthday in August) …as well as the lowest point called “Death Valley.”  I’ve swam in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, I’ve been to tropical rain forests and desolate, wind-swept deserts.  I’ve seen the raging rivers and the awesome power of Niagara Falls.  Living in Wisconsin, I’ve spent much time taking in the splendor of the Great Lakes.  I was even blessed to pilot a steamship part-way across Lake Michigan one time.

I’m constantly amazed at God’s creation.  Just the sheer BEAUTY of it is beyond description.  And I often wonder what Eden must have been like, before the fall.  When everything was perfect.  As incredibly beautiful as our earth is today, none of us can even begin to imagine what it once was — and will one day be again — when the New Heaven and New Earth appear.

Before Adam sinned, everything was perfect.  But once mankind disobeyed God and brought sin and death upon us, our earth began producing thorns and thistles.  There were no thorns before that… just beauty and perfection.  I think of what Christ did on that old rugged cross for those who repent and call upon His name… and how His tormentors tortured Him so cruelly before nailing Him to that Tree… they even went “the extra mile” by fashioning a crown of thorns and jamming it into His head.  Think of that:  THORNS… the very thing that was brought upon this earth by our own disobedience and unbelief.  Those thorns were part of the curse when God cursed the ground because of OUR sin.

But now think of THIS:  Jesus Christ, our Lord, REVERSED that curse and conquered sin and death for us as He wore that crown of thorns on His head!  Truly, those who murdered Him knew NOT what they were doing — and Satan perhaps even thought he had “won.”  But God worked even that wretchedness together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.  Yes, He wore the crown of thorns — He bore the curse and He REVERSED the curse for all who will repent and turn to Him.

Yes, I’m very thankful for this beautiful world God made for us.  And all the animals and birds and flowers He filled it with for our pleasure.  Each one an incredibly amazing, unique  creation.  Some of you know I am a bird-lover;  if you just look at the incredible design of BIRDS alone — the many different ways each one is designed… some colorful and bright, “painted” with such creativity and splendor by the Master Craftsman Himself.  Some with unbelievable eyesight… I’ll always remember the time I was out on a lake watching in awe as a Bald Eagle soared high overhead, circling.  Suddenly, he swooped down, just above the surface of the lake, and before my eyes, snatched a fish from the water and flew it home to his Eagle family for dinner!  Yes, God let me see that.  Amazing.

Some birds don’t even fly — they swim, like penguins.  But each one is beautiful, and each is designed with everything it needs to live and survive, and each is FED by the hand of God.   Now think of all the other animals the Lord made; then think of the “lillies of the field!”  Some designed to be our food; some just for the pure beauty of seeing them, because God LIKED them!

And I have to wonder, looking around JUST AT CREATION, how anyone could ever even question the fact that there is a God in heaven who made all this.  Romans 1 tells us, “the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead….”   Yes, those who doubt God are indeed, without excuse.

The human body is also a miracle of Creation.  There is nothing else like it, designed for our souls to live in on this earth, but also blessed with the senses of sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste.  Did you ever consider God did not HAVE to give us all these things?  But He wanted us to be able to experience ALL these wondrous aspects of His creation — and in the New Heaven and New Earth, I can only imagine the wonders He has in store for our new, restored bodies!

Then, think of the changing seasons.  The warmth and beauty of summer.  The spectacular colors and crispness in the air at harvest time.  The restoration time when the world sleeps during the winter, and then the rebirth that comes in the spring.

If you look around, you’ll see there is such BEAUTY and MAGNIFICENCE in this world that God provided for our earthly home.  It’s hard to believe there are so many who continue to hate Him, deny Him, persecute those who love Him and seek to destroy all that is beautiful, lovely, and good.

Yes, there is great beauty, but also great ugliness.  One one side, you have the things of God and His incredible creation, His amazing design for mankind.  You have the natural family, one man and one woman, designed to be united for life in holy matrimony, a covenant union, producing beautiful babies that we are to nurture, train up and teach all we know about our Heavenly Father, teaching THEM to honor and revere their Lord too.  On the other side you have darkness, evil schemes, greed, lies, deceit, treachery, sorcery, demonism, hedonism, and death.  Spiritual warfare continues and daily we are to put on the armor of God that we might stand firm in our faith and resist the wiles and temptations of the enemy.

And again, the work of spiritual warfare — which we are ALL, as Christians, CALLED to engage in, serving as a restraining force against evil in this world — is much easier for us when we count our blessings and remain THANKFUL to God for each one.  Psalm 95:2, “Let us come into His presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to Him with songs of praise!”  Psalm 106 and 107 both begin with the same words:  “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.  His steadfast love endures forever.”   And in case you didn’t catch the gist of those Scriptures, look at all of Psalm 136!

Philippians 4:4, “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice!”  And we all know Philippians 4:6 and 7, “Do not be anxious about anything but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

And continuing on in Philippians, in Verse 8:  “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

We have so much to be thankful for.  Yes, the world around us may be dark and growing darker every day.  We may very well be at the closing end of days here on this earth, and we may be precariously perched on the precipice of the Great Tribulation, when the wrath of God is unleashed on all those who hate Him.  But while we are still here, while we still have breath in our lungs, there is still good work for us to do.  And our job is to BE His Church, to BE the salt and light of the world, to serve as His restraining force against the evil of the enemy, to preach the Gospel and make disciples, and to ALWAYS be thankful  to our Creator and Sustainer and to praise Him in all circumstances.  There is no greater calling and no greater purpose.

When the enemy of our souls has you discouraged and depressed — again, simply begin to count your blessings and name them, one by one.  Thank the Lord for all He’s given you, and then with a grateful heart for the privilege of serving your King, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back to work.  Use your talents wisely, because there comes a day, perhaps soon, when no man will be able to work; so let us be about His business as good stewards of the faith and press on, rejoicing always and thanking God for His abundant love and grace toward us.  Let there never be found among us any hint of grumbling or murmuring or ungratefulness.  Our Lord has made us His own children, and we’ve been blessed beyond all measure.  Thank Him, every day,  and let’s do EVERYTHING we do as service unto our Lord.   I pray you and your loved ones will have a blessed and happy time of Thanksgiving this year — not just for a day, but every day, as you work to minister to and serve all those around you.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

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All the World’s A Stage

By Rob Pue

November 19, 2023

Shakespeare once wrote the: “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”  Indeed, today, all the world is a stage. We find ourselves in a gruesome theater production put on by the demonic controllers of this world — the Globalists, the Communists, the New World Order tyrants, and the “woke” useful idiots they’ve managed to brainwash into compliance and servitude.

Over the past three or four years, the “acts” in this macabre theater production have sped up exponentially, to where we now find ourselves moving from one horrendous, tragic  event to another on a daily basis.  It’s a race toward Agenda 2030 — now, I’m told, moved up to Agenda 2025 — with a goal of absolute, total control over all humanity by tyrants we can’t see; are never allowed to see.

Of course, there are the “front men,” like Klous Schwab and his WEF minions around the world, and of course, the lying mainstream media who only allow the world to see what their handlers want us to see. But behind them, there’s an even darker force of evil…even more depraved and demented men and women pulling the strings and manipulating world events to achieve their ultimate goal.

Today the 24/7 news cycle revolves around events in Israel and Ukraine.  Regarding Israel, all down through the many ages of history, there has rarely ever been peace in that region. This tiny piece of land, which most people couldn’t even pick out on a map if they had to, has been in almost constant turmoil, under constant attack and controversy.  This, by itself, should lend great credence to the validity of God’s Word, the Bible, even for God-haters who deny the divinity of His Book — still the number one best seller in world history, and still the least-read and most-banned Book in the world.

Today, the world powers are focusing on Israel, now surrounded by enemies on all sides. But that’s nothing new.  What is new are the many implications this has for the world, no matter how things eventually play out.  One thing is certain: if war is what the Globalists want, war is what they will have.

Make no mistake, the Israel of today is not the Israel of the Bible. In Genesis 15:18, God made a covenant with Abram, saying, “Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates.”  And in Genesis 17:8, He said, “And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession, and I will be their God.”

This land God gave to Abram and his seed, extends from Egypt all the way to the Persian Gulf in Kuwait.  It includes half of modern-day Iraq, much of Syria, all of Lebanon and all of Jordan. But modern-day Israel is now just a sliver of land,  263 miles long and just 70 miles wide, along the Mediterranean Sea.  And because this part of the world was chosen by God for His people, it’s been the center of contention and wars forever.

But the nation of Israel has rarely held up their end of the bargain in the covenant God made with them either.  Instead of worshiping the one true God of Creation, the people there have chosen to follow other gods, false gods, and even no God at all.  Moses warned the nation, before his death, what would happen if Israel ever failed to honor Almighty God.  Deuteronomy 8: 19 & 20, “if you by any means forget the Lord your God, and follow other gods, and serve them and worship them, I testify against you this day that you shall surely perish.  As the nations which the Lord destroys before you, so you shall perish, because you would not be obedient to the voice of the Lord your God.”

So, what we’re seeing happening in that land today is merely an ongoing fulfillment of biblical warnings and admonitions. There are some, in Israel, who follow Christ as their Messiah. Most, however, follow Jewish religious traditions and reject the Lord Jesus completely. And for the most part, Israel has become largely a secular nation; the United States has become just as Godless.

We have other things in common with Israel as well. Israel is surrounded by demonic, Muslim enemies. But America has taken it a step further, inviting, and welcoming enemies who hate us to come in and live here. More than that, we not only welcome our enemies’ demonic activities, we also support them, with “free” food, shelter, clothing, and cash, all paid for by you and me. If that’s not enough, we’ve placed our enemies in power over us, as Senators, Congressmen, mayors, county board members, city council members, and school board members.

And as we continue with our open border policies, more and more enemies are moving into our states, cities, and neighborhoods all across this land.  The United States is not just surrounded by enemies, we are filled with enemies who hate America and all it used to stand for. Thus, we now have the re-writing of history, the tearing down of historic symbols of our American heritage, the communist indoctrination of our children in public schools and ungodly, demonic brainwashing of our college students.

Regarding the removal and revision of our American history and heritage, are you aware that the city of Charlottesville, Virginia not only removed the massive statue of Robert E. Lee which graced one of their city parks for nearly 100 years — but now they’ve also melted it down, and intend to create some new “art” — something more “inclusive” and acceptable to the “woke” community?  I can only imagine what that will be.

The Globalists need America to fall.  America must be destroyed in order for the New World Order to be fully implemented.  America is key to their plans. So, while all eyes may now be on Israel, you should understand that the real target is US.

While we were once the defender of freedom for the poor and the tyrannically oppressed people of the world, we’ve since become the aggressors.  Our current “leadership,” following the orders of the WEF and their Globalist handlers, is intent on World War 3.  Our so-called “leaders” think they’re so “smart” that they’re able to get away with it and get rich in the process. So far, they’re making out like bandits, having sent trillions of dollars to Ukraine — most of which is “laundered” there and then returned to the pockets of those who sent it. Ukraine is a money-laundering operation for the US, and nothing else.  They may be getting away with their scheme for now, but retribution will come.

And now, we’re also funding both sides in the Israel/Hamas war and stirring up the war drums with other Islamic nations as well, because our “leaders” need to destroy America.  Yes, I said it. The government now claiming to represent the United States is in place specifically to destroy the United States. Every action they take, in every situation, foreign and domestic, underscores that fact.

The Regime cannot afford for there to be a 2024 election here.  They know it will be the most closely scrutinized election in history, and they know they cannot win on a level playing field — especially if they’re opposed by an America-first, patriotic candidate — whoever that may be — who’s willing to oppose the Globalist agenda.

Our enemies — foreign and domestic — also know they will have a tough time crushing the American spirit of freedom as long as our people are armed.  Thus, we have mass shootings and an ever-growing call for more and more gun control and confiscation.  The fact that mass shootings and violence are most prevalent in gun-free zones and gun-free cities is of no consequence.  The mass shootings will continue until we are all forced to disarm.

Meanwhile, we’re also on a collision course with destiny as America is not only broke, but we’ve gone more than bankrupt long ago.  This, too, has been by design.  America must suffer a financial collapse, in order to bring about the “Great Reset” with a new global, digital “currency.”  World War 3 would be the ideal scapegoat to get that done… with no blame laid at the feet of our “leaders” who made it all happen.  On the contrary, most Americans will be eager to accept the new, “reset” economy, as the government, once again, comes to our “rescue,” to solve the problems they purposely caused.

So, I want to warn you again today, that things in the news and things happening in the world are not as they may seem.  Remember, the so-called “news” only lets us see what they want us to see. It’s a programming device, programming our minds to blindly accept lies as truth.  Terrible things are coming to our country in the coming months.  The new year will be unlike anything we can even imagine right now, so I urge you to prepare.

As is always the case when communist regimes begin to take power, one of the things they must gain total control over is information.  We’ve had extreme censorship of the truth on the internet and social media since they dropped the COVID bomb.  This will intensify.  Those who speak the truth are de-platformed, persecuted and prosecuted.  Truth vanishes down the “memory hole,” never to be heard of again, while the “official narrative” is parroted by every media outlet, pushed by every internet search engine, and assaulting our eyes and offending our intellects with every “public service announcement,” every billboard along the highway, every television, radio and magazine ad.

You see, those on the Left cannot play fair.  Their philosophy, whatever it may be — from “climate change” to “transgenderism” to “safe and effective” death shots — doesn’t have a leg to stand on, scientifically or intellectually. So, they must silence all dissent, under the threat of imprisonment or death.  And yes, that’s really happening.

Understand that the “news” is meant to manipulate people and control their thinking.  The big stories of the day keep shifting quickly, keeping everyone in fear and off-balance, not knowing which way to turn and only those with the determination to get the truth will work hard enough to dig it out from among the lies and deception.  No sooner is one crisis reported than it cycles out of the headlines and something else takes its place.

Meanwhile, real atrocities are taking place in our world and very few know about them…if they did, heaven forbid, people might actually be moved to action and demand justice.  If our so-called “leaders” want a REAL “insurrection,” just let people know the truth about things and they’ll see what a real insurrection looks like soon enough.

I go back to August 8, when the Globalists burned down the town of Lahaina on the island of Maui, Hawaii.  This was an obvious land grab, to make way for a 15-minute-SMART-city run by AI. I’ve written on this in detail after a great deal of study and research, and speaking with those who live there.  While the Regime continues to send billions to be laundered in Ukraine, the people of Lahaina were promised a mere $700 per family in federal aid, despite Biden stating the people would get all the federal help they needed.  From my sources on the ground there, almost no one has even received that $700.  There’s always a reason why they don’t “qualify.”

First of all, $700 per family, for American families who lost everything is an enormous insult. But then to deny them even that, is absolutely reprehensible.  And the destruction of Lahaina was a mere blip on the radar screen of mainstream media. It was quickly gone, replaced by more news of Ukraine, the United Auto Workers strike, Kevin McCarthy being booted from the House Speakership and the ensuing drama from that, another “looming” government shutdown, more “climate change” nonsense and now we have the attack on Israel by Hamas and the pending buildup of military forces from around the world and all eyes on Israel.  Meanwhile, Americans in Lahaina are still left with nothing, and FEMA seems to be there with only one purpose: to hinder efforts of citizens helping their neighbors, while enjoying a free Maui resort vacation in thousand-dollar-a-night hotel rooms.

This is just one example of real Americans suffering while the distractors continue to direct our attention elsewhere. (Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain). Remember East Palestine, Ohio? Remember the Utah man gunned down by the FBI because he was critical of Biden on social media? Remember the ongoing invasion of our country by foreign military soldiers disguised as “immigrants?”  The theater continues and all the world’s a stage.

I’ll close with Ecclesiastes 12:13 & 14, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every work into judgment, including every secret thing, whether good or evil.” This is both our duty and our hope as Christ-followers.  Let us stand strong, as a restraining influence against evil, persevering ‘til the end, as salt and light in a world of lies, deception and demonic destruction.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

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What Should Christians Be Doing?

By Pastor Rob Pue

November 12, 2023

There’s a lot of fear mongering going on these days. A great deal of speculation, with people wondering what will happen next.  Many believe the Lord’s return is imminent and many expect Him at any moment.  Certainly, Scripture tells us of the signs of the Last Days and the End Times, things to watch for as indicators of His soon return.

In Revelation 22, we’re given a glimpse of what the New Jerusalem will be like… what heaven will be like… a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. The tree of life, bearing twelve fruits, one for every month, the leaves of which are for the healing of the nations.  There will be no more curse. We will see His face. There will be no night there, and those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life will reign forever and ever.

Three times in Revelation 22, Jesus states to John the apostle that He will come quickly.  In verse 7: “Behold, I come quickly; blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book.”  In verse 12, “And, behold, I come quickly; and My reward is with Me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” And in Verse 20, “He which testifieth these things saith, ‘Surely I come quickly. Amen.’ Even so, come, Lord Jesus.”

We also see in this chapter that those who do His commandments have the right to the tree of life and may enter in through the gates, into the city.  And we see God’s final justice fulfilled, the enemies of God are cast out, as we read in verse 15, “For without are dogs, and sorcerers and whoremongers and murderers and idolaters and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.”  This sounds very much like our current Globalist, New-World-Order, One-World-Government leaders, doesn’t it?

We also see, in this last book of the Bible, a standing invitation, that still remains, right ‘til the end.  Verse 17: “And the Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come.’ And let him that heareth say, ‘Come,’ and let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.”

God’s gift of eternal life is available to all who will come, in humble repentance and faith.  But those who refuse will receive the punishment they have earned and all that’s wrong now will be set right.  What a wonderful hope we have in our eternal Creator, our Heavenly Father, and the promises He’s given us for our future.  And the justice we seek for all the evil ones will finally be handed down, receiving the due penalty for their sins.

We look forward to that day when true Christ-followers are invited to enter His gates, and receive His everlasting life and protection, in a place so beautiful and perfect we can’t even imagine it with our finite human minds.

Many long for that day to come soon.  Many are now predicting that the world can’t possibly get any worse, evil men and women in power in this world can’t possibly become more depraved.  Surely Christ’s return is at hand.  We see the wars and rumors of wars, we see the earth and the heavens shaking, along with great persecution of those who proclaim God’s Word and truth.  But some things never change; and there is nothing new under the sun.  All these things have happened before.

The book of Revelation was written by John in about the year 80 AD.  Here we are now, in 2023 AD and all down through the centuries, people have waited with eager anticipation for Christ’s return.  I remember in the 1970s, reading the book The Late, Great Planet Earth and many more books related to Bible prophecy after that.  In the 1990s, we had the Left Behind series of books, which were again very popular. And all throughout my lifetime, people have been looking for that glorious appearing of our Great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.  That’s just my lifetime — people have been watching, praying, and waiting for His return since the moment He ascended into heaven.

All who’ve set specific dates for His return have been proven to be false prophets.  Indeed, Scripture tells us that no man knows the day or hour of His return.  We can see the signs He told us to watch for, but no one can know the time of His return.  If someone says they know, you know they’re a liar and a false prophet.

Notice, Jesus said He will come “quickly.”  But “quickly” doesn’t mean “soon.”  His return will, indeed, be quick. There will be no time to make your peace with God when You see Him coming on the clouds of heaven. By the time you see that, it will be too late. That will be a day like no other… which is why today is the day of salvation.

His return could be today, tomorrow, or a thousand years from now. Many see the turmoil in Israel and the middle east — and every nation on planet Earth and think, “surely, the time is at hand.” It may very well be. But what if it’s not? What if we’re simply going through another time of darkness, like so many others in the history of the world?  What if the evil tyrants of today are no different than the evil tyrants of years gone by — their time will come to an end and life will go on?

What should Christ-followers be doing in days like these?  Should we merely be biding our time, waiting for our Lord to return so we can enter His gates and see the wicked punished?  Sadly, too many are doing just that.  They think the time is so near, they have their “bags packed” for heaven and have abandoned all their earthly duties.  Just waiting to be taken out of this world, waiting for eternity in the next.

In Matthew 25, Jesus told the parable of the Ten Virgins as a warning that we should be ready for His return at all times.  In the previous chapter, He warned that no one knows the day or hour of His return, not even the angels of heaven, nor Jesus Himself, but only the Father.  After the parable of the Ten Virgins, He gave us the parable of the Talents.  The one who received five Talents earned five more. The one who received two earned two more. But the one who received only one Talent buried his — did nothing with it — and he was called “wicked” and “slothful,” a “worthless servant,” who was then cast into outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Friends, the people of the world are living in fearful times today.  The nations are in turmoil, including, and especially, ours.  We have wicked politicians, rampant crime, demented people brainwashing our youth to hate their own country, their own parents, their own family, and to hate God.  Lies and deception are everywhere we turn. Our country is being invaded by foreign enemies, led by our own political leaders.  The sorcerers are pushing their deadly “pharmakea” on the ignorant masses and it’s killing them.  There’s an agenda to confuse and abuse all of us, especially our children, if they’re even allowed to be born in the first place. We have starvation, homelessness, drug and alcohol addiction, violence and madness in our streets. We can no longer trust our government, our hospitals, our schools, the stores and companies we do business with, or even many of our churches.

Why do you suppose that is? You can’t blame it all on the kings of the earth setting themselves and conspiring together against the Lord and His anointed. (Psalm 2).  Yes, that’s certainly happening, but what are you doing about it? Are you “standing firm” for God and His Word? Are you pushing back against the forces of darkness? Are you occupying until He returns? Are you, personally, serving as a restraining influence against evil in these dark days?  What are YOU doing?  Are you using your talents wisely — investing them for the Kingdom of God — or have you buried the talents you’ve been given, and are just waiting for your “reward?”

If you’re doing nothing, I hate to tell you, but your “reward” may very well involve being cast into outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, because you’ve wasted every opportunity given to you. You’ve buried your “talents.”  The missionary Charles Thomas Studd wrote, “Only one life, ‘twill soon be past; Only what’s done for Christ will last.”  When Jesus returns, will He find you a good and faithful servant — or a wicked, slothful one?

Regardless of when Christ returns, let me remind you again that today — yes, today — nearly 170,000 people will die. For them, today is the “last day.” Today is the “end times.”  That’s nearly 7,000 people every hour, 116 people every minute, nearly 2 people each second.  How many of those will be spending eternity apart from God? How many have never heard, or taken seriously, the truths of His Word?  How many will die believing the lies of the enemy of their souls?

Recently, one of our readers brought an area of Scripture to my attention and I’d like to share that with you now.  Amos 8:11 & 12, “‘Behold, the days are coming,’ says the Lord God, ‘that I will send a famine on the land. Not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord. They shall wander from sea to sea, and from north to east. They shall run to and fro, seeking the Word of the Lord, but shall not find it.’”

We live in a time when all things good and Godly are being censored, blocked, re-written and de-platformed.  Pastors, in an effort to fill the seats with “tolerance,” “love” and “inclusiveness,” are lying to the people, and given the state of most modern American churches today, I dare say the Lord has written “Ichabod” on their doorposts.  The pastors will speak only the soft things, they will prophecy only deceits.  Their “wokeness,” “inclusivity” and “tolerance” is “loving” people straight to the gates of hell.  Make no mistake, judgment will begin in the house of the Lord. We’ve been seeing that for a while now.

The big news today is the war in Israel, the middle East, Ukraine, and Russia. We have foreign armies on American soil, just waiting for their call to arms when they will attack in full force.  Christians are being persecuted and prosecuted.  Lies flow out of the mainstream media 24/7 as they broadcast deceptions and delusions.  Madness and fear are thriving in the atmosphere.

But those who are true Christ-followers have not been given a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.  We don’t live under deception, and we don’t believe or serve the lies that are being force-fed into our brainwashed populace.  We have the truth.  The question is, will we proclaim the truth? Will we not allow any falsehood to go unchallenged? Will we not correct wrong thinking? Will we not protect our children? Will we not be salt and light in a world where there’s a famine of God’s Word in the land?

Or instead, will we simply bury our talents and wait for our reward?  “Reward for what?” I ask you.  Faith without works is dead.  If we don’t hold our ground, and fight to take back the ground the devil has stolen, the deception and oppression will continue and get worse.  I’ve even heard some Christians say they want that to happen, because it will bring Christ’s return sooner.  What nonsense! What ignorance! What delusion!  To think that anything you do — or don’t do — could possibly influence the time of Christ’s return.  You may as well believe anything you can do will have an effect on the Earth’s climate.  That’s God’s job.

God runs this world — He knows the day, the hour and the minute, when our Savior will return on the clouds of heaven and close out this time span in Earth’s history.  Nothing you can do will change or affect that.  But as I’ve said so many times, what you do with the “talents” you’ve been given to invest for the Kingdom of God will, indeed, have eternal consequences — for yourself and those you’ve been assigned to reach.  Stop living in fear, and stop waiting for someone else to do the work for you.  “Someone else” isn’t coming.  But Jesus Christ, our Savior, is… and when He does, will He find you faithful — or wicked, lazy and slothful?  You only have one lifetime to serve your Lord. How much of it have you wasted so far…and what will it take to spur you to action now?  Don’t ask the Lord to order your steps if you’re not willing to move your feet.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

This Is Your Brain On Drugs — Any Questions?

By Rob Pue

October 29, 2023

As I go about my business around town and to various parts of the state and the country, everything looks so very different from the America I knew as a kid and young adult.  Everywhere I go, people look weird.  Girls in their early 20s with bright pink, green, purple or blue hair, have half their heads shaved, or their bangs cut straight across in a “bowl” cut that would have been embarrassingly ugly for even boys to have to wear when I was a kid.

And, a majority of the people I see now, especially younger people, are covered in tattoos.  Many have their noses pierced, their faces and tongues pierced, and the style of clothing for young women today confuses me. It’s as if they either want to show as much skin as possible, even in cold weather, or they dress like vagabonds, having obtained their wardrobe from a Goodwill dumpster.  It’s as if they want to look as unattractive as possible when they go out in public.

It’s equally sad to see young men these days.  Today I saw a guy in his early 20s walking through a parking lot on his way to his car.  He had long, dark hair and a full beard.  He didn’t appear to be homosexual in any way, but he was wearing two large hoop earrings, blue jeans that were torn to shreds, and an expensive leather jacket.  And then he jumped into his car and immediately there was the sound of explosive booming bass notes that rattled your teeth and vulgar, filthy lyrics of some sort of “rap” song as his car left the parking lot.  You could still hear the “thump, thump, thump” of the bass as he merged into traffic and sped away.

And recently, I was in a convenience store where the clerk looked completely, 100% “male,” there was no doubt he was a male.  But why, then, was he wearing bright red nail polish on his fingers?

I understand that young people always go through a rebellious streak, always want to stand out in a crowd, always want to be counter-cultural.  But this weirdness really isn’t counter-cultural anymore. It’s become the norm.  Even the “rebels” of the 1970s could still be easily identified as male or female.  If blue jeans got torn, you fixed them.  You didn’t pay extra to buy them that way.

But now we live in an age of extreme narcissism.  People are addicted to their phones and social media. In their minds, they derive their value as human beings by the number of followers they have.  Recently, I heard that the number one thing high-school age kids want to be now when they grow up is a “social media influencer,” making ridiculous, nonsensical videos and posting them on Tik Tok, where I guess you get paid for doing so, if you get enough followers.  But the content I’m talking about has nothing to do with anything of substance they might share online. Instead, they do silly dance routines, sometimes dangerous “stunts,” which they set forth as challenges to others, and always, the focus is on them.

Boys and girls, young men and women — both — are now taking endless “selfies” and pictures of themselves and posting them on their social media sites, shouting “look at me, look at me….look what I did now!  Check out my latest over-the-top, outragous hair and makeup style!”

I think back to even earlier days.  When my Dad was 17 years old, he was on the other side of the world, fighting the enemy in the South Pacific in World War 2.  By the time I was 17 years old, I dare say I’d already accomplished more in my life than today’s 40-year-olds.  What are 17-year-olds doing now?  I’m not saying there aren’t any good, responsible kids out there, but by and large, we’ve become a nation of lazy, under-achieving, self-centered, Godless idiots.

You might think it does no good to look back at the past and long for the “good old days,” because the “good old days” were never really as good as we remember them when we’re old.  But in this case, our society and culture has fallen so far, and become so depraved, I have to say, they really were pretty good, even though they weren’t perfect.

Most people still worked hard to make a living, provide for their families, and improve their skills, and thus their position in the workplace.  We had skilled workers, American companies on the cutting edge of innovation.  To be perpetually unemployed was a shameful thing. To be unemployed because of a self-induced “disability” was unheard of.  Obesity was also shameful, as was drug and alcohol abuse.  These things weren’t “illnesses,” as much as they were the result of irresponsibility, weakness and an unwillingness to be a productive citizen.

Today, we have young people obtaining worthless degrees, at a cost of more than $50,000 a year. And after four years of college, they graduate with a degree they’ll never use — because there really isn’t a job for someone with a degree in 17th century lesbian poetry — so they move back in with Mom and Dad indefinitely, with no plans for the future, except to play video games, post videos on social media, party with their friends, and get dragged into the drug scene, now with legal “pot” in at least 23 states, and an epidemic of Meth and Fentanyl use.

And today, we have a full 50% of American citizens that are morbidly obese.  I should note that it was in the late 1980s that GMO or “genetically modified organisms” were introduced into our food supply.  When I watched “Gilligan’s Island” as a kid, there was no question that the “Skipper” was fat.  Now he looks relatively thin, compared to most Americans.  Times have changed, and so have we, as a people.

I remember the 4th of July as a highly patriotic time.  Parades were led by our military veterans, and when they came past, everyone took off their hats, stood up and applauded them for their service to our country.  This past 4th of July, there were noticeably fewer veterans in the parade; less than half the people stood up when they marched past, and even fewer bothered to applaud.  Most were there for the free candy.  This last parade was noticeably smaller than in previous years as well. I remember when the whole town would turn out for the parade.  Now, I’d say attendance is less than half. How long before towns no longer even bother with it?

Looking back, I can see the Leftist indoctrination creeping into the small public school I attended, and it came through our “Weekly Readers” put out by Scholastic Books.  These were pamphlets with some current event stories and opinion pieces, which we were to read and discuss in class.  Back then, they were warning us of a coming Ice Age by the year 2000.

I also remember reading about how, in the future, much of the work would be done by computers and robots, and the teacher led the discussion on: “with computers and robots doing most of the work, what do you think people will do?” The consensus then was it would leave much more time for relaxation and recreation.  Maybe they got that one right.  Because today, we have a lot more people doing a lot less work, but that’s not a good thing.  Relaxation has become slothfulness and recreation has become largely “recreational drugs” and unbridled, perverted sex.

In the 1980s, the big call was for “Just Say No” to drugs. It was in every TV commercial break. We saw it on billboards and ads in magazines. “Just Say No.”  An admonition to stay away from illegal street drugs.  Remember seeing a picture of a cracked egg in a pan and the voiceover saying, “This is your brain.” Then a fried egg and the words, “This is your brain on drugs — any questions?” 

Not coincidentally, it was then that Big Pharma began ramping up production of all kinds of prescription drugs. It was also in the 1980s that the FDA began allowing direct-to-consumer advertising of these prescription drugs.  Now today, you can’t turn on any television program without hearing the words “Ask your doctor if this drug is right for you.”  And virtually every newscast is now proudly “brought to you by Pfizer.”

A majority of these new drugs are supposedly for anxiety and depression, and a majority of Americans now suffer with anxiety and depression and are eager to get some sort of miracle pill that will make them feel better.  Few realize the side effects of these things are actually the worsening of anxiety and depression, and almost all of them list one of the main side effects as “increased thoughts of suicide.”

These drugs have so many people dumbed down that they can’t function in society.  Many have doctors’ notes declaring them “disabled” because of their depression.  So, they sit home, lethargically watching 24/7 television programming — or should I say, “brainwashing,” while consuming copious amounts of GMO snack foods, creating obesity and the myriad of additional illnesses those GMOs bring with them. So, they go see the doctor and get even more Rx meds, and the cycle continues.  A recent study has shown that many of these anti-anxiety and anti-depression drugs do nothing — I repeat, NOTHING — to ease anxiety or depression.  The same study showed that physical activity is the best remedy for these things. Exercise, hard work, fresh air.  But the couch is so much more appealing.

We’re now at a place where this so-called “lifestyle” has become multi-generational.  Parents living on welfare, having kids who think the welfare lifestyle is normal, consuming poisonous so-called “foods,” and loading up on drugs that will never kill their ills.  And so it seems very few are left in this country that are even able to think anymore, if they’d be willing to do the work to think for themselves in the first place.  Fat, lazy, complacent, obedient slaves of the almighty State.  But they’re not happy.  They’re miserable.

Victims of the public education indoctrination establishment blindly follow their “leaders.” And now their leaders are pushing all manner of radical Leftist ideologies.  “Climate Change” has become one of the most useful tools to control us.  Remember, any time you hear the words “sustainable,” “renewable,” or “green,” you can go ahead and replace those words with “controllable.” Because that’s what the “Climate Change” is all about.  Those pushing for us to live in 15-minute “SMART” cities, submit to Artificial Intelligence and 24/7 tracking, take endless DNA-altering jabs and eat bugs and worms, would never relinquish their private jets and limousines.  Don’t people see that?  Don’t they understand that every so-called “law” Congress passes is imposed upon the citizens, but the lawmakers always exempt themselves from the same punishments?

Now we have young people pushing for all things “Green,” banning conservative speech on college campuses and rallying in support of terrorists, while questioning their own genders and becoming prideful allies of the LGBTQP+ agenda, many who now only aspire to being “social media influencers.”  We live in a sick society, addicted to many things, none of them good. Including all the phones and screens.

You want to be “Green” and save the planet? Get back to nature and go plant and maintain a garden by the sweat of your own brow.  Electric cars cause more harm to the Earth than our gas and diesel vehicles ever could, now cleaner-running than they’ve ever been. Our factories — what’s left of them — are now cleaner for the environment than any time in history too.

And if you want to be “radical,” or “counter-cultural,” — should I say “set apart” from the crowd — how about studying the Word of God and becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ?  Learn the history your teachers have hidden from you.  Get equipped for the work of the ministry. Be a Christ-follower.  Pray for someone or say the name “Jesus” in public.  Young people, that’s more radical and counter-cultural than your purple hair and ripped jeans will ever be.  Make your life count for something, and make it all about Jesus, not about you. You still won’t save the world, but you’ll at least save some souls.  Being angry, hating America and God is definitely not working for  you.  And as a true Christ-following “radical” Christian, you’ll also have the peace that passes all understanding, and an eternal home with your loving Creator.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:


Non-Stop World-Wide Chaos

By Rob Pue

October 22, 2023

Many have asked me what my thoughts are on the “surprise” attack on Israel by Hamas on October 7.  Thousands of missiles began raining down on indiscriminate targets in Israel just before dawn that day.  At the same time, hundreds of armed fighters descended on Israel — using motorboats, paragliders and motorcycles.  Bulldozers also breached border fences between Gaza and Israel.

It was truly a scene of “shock and awe” as militants marched through the streets, burst into homes and began shooting residents.  Others, including women, children and the elderly were taken hostage.  Hamas is threatening to kill the hostages one by one and film the executions.

As of October 16, the official death toll was at more than 1,400 and at least another 3,400 were injured in Israel.  At least thirty Americans were killed and an undetermined number of Americans were taken hostage.

Israel began to take immediate retaliatory action, and in Gaza, at least 2,750 people are dead, with at least 10,000 wounded so far.  Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed that Israel will “demolish” Hamas.  Nearly a half million Israel Defense Force soldiers have been mobilized for a ground offensive in Gaza.

A little history here:  Hamas was formed in 1987 at the start of the first Palestinian uprising against Israel and is an offshoot of the Mulim Brotherhood, made up of Sunni Muslims from multiple countries.  Their goal is to create a Palestinian state and Hamas refuses to recognize any “peace deal” with Israel.  They’re funded by Islamic countries, including Iran, which, as we all know, has been and is well-funded by the United States.  Remember the pallets of cash Barack Hussein Obama gave to Iran?  In 2016, we sent Iran thirteen separate payments of $100 million — and an additional $400 million was sent by cash.

In 2016 alone, the US, under the direction of Obama, sent $1.7 Billion dollars to Iran.  This figure was not disputed by the Obama administration.  If you think the US is no longer an Iranian “cash cow” you’d be mistaken.  We continue to fund our enemies.  How does it feel knowing that nearly half your paycheck goes directly to federal taxes, and is then sent to our enemies, used to support illegal invaders on US soil, and also sent to places like Ukraine, where the money is “laundered” and returned back into the pockets of the so-called “lawmakers” (our “public servants”) who sent it there in the first place?  In case you missed it, the Pentagon just recently announced yet another $200 million in never-ending “aid” for Ukraine.

And if you wondered where all the military equipment Biden left for our enemies in Afghanistan ended up… recent events should give you a good idea.

Today, it seems that war is everywhere.  In addition to the wars in Israel and Ukraine, China has it’s eyes on the world as well.  Then there’s North Korea, the rest of the middle east, and multiple South American countries.  And I hope you don’t think all this war is going to remain “over there,” somewhere, because it’s already here as well.

After years of our borders being wide open, complete with the red carpet treatment for illegals invading our nation, we now have multiple major crises all around the United States.  On October 11, the mayor of New York City sent out a stern warning regarding possible “lone wolf” attacks, while simultaneously, thousands of Muslims — also illegal aliens, invited in, flown here, settled and well fed by the Regime in the White House — were celebrating the killing of Jews in Times Square and calling for Jihad in the US.

We’ve also seen record numbers of Chinese nationals coming in over our southern border in recent years — mostly all single, military-age men.  Once here, they settle in at the location of their choice, and like other illegal so-called “immigrants,” are treated to “free everything,” from healthcare to food and housing.  We’re also surrounded by Chinese military encampments and training grounds, operating openly on our northern border in Canada and our southern border in Mexico.  Not to mention those operating in semi-secrecy right here on American soil.  In those cases, these military training camps are operating under the protection of the American government.

So it’s not a matter of if war is going to come to the streets of the United States, or to our own doors.  It’s just a matter of when.  And with another presidential so-called “election” coming up in ‘24, it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out it’s coming by this time next year.  In fact, I believe by this time next year, disastrous attacks and chaos will be so intense in this country, it will be unlike anything we could possibly imagine now.

Our “leaders” have openly aided and abetted virtually every hostile enemy of the United States for countless years now.  Hard working Americans obediently pay their taxes and subsist paycheck-to-paycheck to do so, and all that tax money goes directly to our enemies and those who wish to kill us.  But the tax money ran out long ago.  Now they’re simply printing more fiat currency and handing it over, which is also working to destroy our once-great nation, with hyper-inflation.

It’s all been done deliberately.  We see the victims of war in other countries and we mourn for the innocent citizens there.  But under the current Regime in power in the US, our country has become so evil and wicked, I wonder if anyone will mourn for us when the destruction of our cities — now already well underway — is complete, and our country is occupied by foreign military forces.

Friends, this has nothing to do with “Democrat” or “Republican.”  Yes, the Democratic party is more evil than we know, but so is the Republican party — and our “good, conservative” Republicans have done absolutely nothing of any significance to stand against the evil.  On the contrary, most of them are complicit in it.

But getting back to the attack on Israel.  I have some questions, as I always do, with the “official narrative” that’s pushed by the mainstream media.  First, why were Israeli defense forces ordered to stand down for seven hours during the attack, in spite of thousands of calls for help?  The television network Al Jazeera aired live stream operations of the attack, but the IDF supposedly remained oblivious, for hours.

And in one of the most volatile places in the world, Hamas paratroopers parachuted into Israeli towns in broad daylight, completely unchallenged, until it was too late.  How could that be? Israel has, arguably, the most advanced technology to detect and stop such an attack, but it was not implemented or utilized.  Even the missile-stopping “Iron Dome” system suddenly failed to work.

These are just a few of the questions I have, but I think they bear investigating.  It’s much like the situation we saw in August when the Globalists burned down the town of Lahaina on Maui, Hawaii.  No warnings, despite Lahaina having the most technologically-advanced early warning system in the world. No electricity. Water to fight the fires was turned off.  Police deliberately blocked roads to assure people would die in the inferno.  The governor of Hawaii, who has long been on board with the Great Reset Agenda, has spoken about a “sustainable SMART city” in Hawaii — at the UN and World Economic forum — multiple times, and just weeks before the fire, signed a declaration making it easier for the government to seize land and “build back better” in the way the government sees fit.

Then look at all the train derailments here in America.  Look at all the food processing facilities that have burned to the ground in the last couple of years — amazing that not one of those facilities had an operational sprinkler system or fire mitigation system in place.  Look at foreign nationals planting flags of their native countries on American soil.  Look at the private money involved.  Look at all this stuff, and the best word I can come up with to describe it is “CHAOS.”

The Globalist rulers of this world have now reached a point where we’re literally going from one crisis of Biblical proportions to another without even giving us a chance to catch our breath.  They’ve achieved non-stop, world-wide chaos, and I don’t see any “white hats” coming to save us.

The destruction we’re seeing today in Israel is coming soon to our own country.  Sleeper cells are already in place, settled in quite comfortably, mind you, in places formerly occupied by elderly veterans and former home-owners who’ve lost everything due to “Bidenomics.”  They’re just waiting for the signal to launch the “hot” war — and don’t be deceived into thinking they’re not prepared.  They’re far more prepared than our own  now- “woke” military is.

Yes, Americans have guns.  There are still plenty of patriots and hunters and “good guys” with guns.  If you’re not one of them, I’d suggest you start making friends.  You’re going to need them.  I only learned recently that citizen militias are actually ILLEGAL in all 50 states.  Did you know that?  So yes, the second amendment guarantees our right to keep and bear arms, but it’s illegal for us to do so in any kind of organized way.

Something very, very bad is coming to our doors, and I don’t see how the regime can not insist that it begins sometime before this time next year.  As censorship of the truth continues to grow, as innocent Americans continue to be persecuted and jailed for crimes they didn’t commit, as the flood of enemies continues to pour in over our borders — all paid for and financed by each one of us obedient taxpayers, and as the wicked politicians and communists continue to ramp up the speed with which they’re lining their own pockets with dirty money…blood money, I can see that time is quickly running out for the United States of America.

Sorry to be the one to give you the bad news.  But all this has been well planned for a very long time. Recent surveys now show that even self-identifying “liberals” feel the country is headed dangerously in the wrong direction. Such ones are living in fear of what the future holds, even as they double-down on their Leftist ideologies; they’re so brainwashed they can no longer reason or think. Their foolish hearts are darkened.  They’ve been given over to reprobate minds, as they continue to choose to believe the lies.  And so they fear.

I fear too.  For my children and grandchildren.  So precious.  I’m sure there are many parents and grandparents around the world, in war-torn countries, who feel the same.  So friends, don’t think it can’t happen here.  It’s already here.  All it’s going to take is for the signal to go out on all those free cell phones the illegals have been given and then we’ll be living a real-life “Red Dawn.”  It’s not going to go well for us.  But so many chose to do nothing while there was still time. So many chose to ignore obvious truth when it was presented to them, and instead called it all “crazy conspiracy theories.”

The world rulers are orchestrating non-stop chaos. And America is no “untouchable.” America is the primary target now.  But our Creator is not a God of chaos, but of order.  I believe He’s returning soon, and will crush “chaos” under His feet.  Meanwhile, we’ve been commanded to occupy until He returns, being a restraining influence against evil.  We must speak the truth, even when no one wants to listen. We must never give up our quest for the truth and never stop being righteous witnesses for Christ.  Remember, only he who stands firm ‘til the end shall be saved.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

I Smell a Great Reset Coming

By Rob Pue

October 15, 2023

My wife and I were married in 1990.  For the first year of our marriage, we lived in a small, one-bedroom apartment building.  Rent was $300 a month there, which at the time, being young, and me having just started a brand new business, was hard on our budget.  Today, that same apartment is renting for $800 a month.

After a year, we were able to buy our first home. A “starter home” — modest, three bedrooms, one bath but it had “good bones.” We paid $29,000 for that house, and yes, I put a lot of work into fixing it up while we lived there, and did most all the work myself.

We lived in our starter home for 14 years, until our family was getting too big and we needed something larger.  It was a bittersweet time, selling our first house.  I’d put so much blood, sweat and tears into fixing it, improving it and maintaining it — and it was our first house.  After we sold it, I would drive by it every single day for over a year.  I guess I had an emotional attachment.  But bottom line, having purchased that house for $29,000 in 1991, fourteen years later, we sold it for $129,000.    That was in 2005.  Today, that same house is valued at over $200,000.

And by the grace of God, we were able to find a much larger house that was way over our budget, but it was in foreclosure and the bank was willing to sell it to us for the exact same price:  $129,000.  We had immediate equity in our second home because it was worth well over that amount, but the bank wanted a quick sale.  We lived there for thirteen years before moving to a different town.  Now, we purchased our second house for $129,000.  I didn’t have to put nearly as much work into this one, and that was a good thing, because by this time I was in full time ministry work with Wisconsin Christian News, and we were on an extremely tight budget; not to mention being in the midst of raising our children.  But having purchased that home in 2005, in 2018 we sold it for $229,000… a $100,000 increase.

And once again, by the grace of God, we were blessed to be able to purchase an even nicer home in the new town.  We’ve now lived here for only five years, but in that five years, the value of our current home has more than doubled.

I tend to keep an eye on housing costs, because housing costs are indicative of the overall economy.  So, I watch the local real estate listings on a somewhat regular basis.  The cost of homes has skyrocketed over the past five years. There’s no way in the world we’d ever be able to afford to live in our current home at the price it’s valued at now.  At the same time, the cost for renters has also increased dramatically.  The average cost to rent an apartment is now $2000 a month where I live, plus utilities.  That’s for a modest, 2-3 bedroom apartment.  House rentals and duplexes cost even more.

Now, have all the homes really increased in value that much?  And what does that even mean?  In reality, it’s a stark indicator of super inflation.  Because our “money” isn’t really money anymore — it’s fiat currency, as it’s been for decades.  Federal Reserve Notes, based on nothing.  In the last few years, we’ve continued to print money at a constantly accelerated pace, and this has caused the highest inflation rates we’ve seen in over forty years.

In the 1990s, I remember we used to be able to go to Arby’s and feed the whole family for $5.  They had their “Five for Five” deal — five roast beef sandwiches for $5.  Today, being empty nesters, when my wife and I go to Arby’s, we can get two of those same sandwiches for $10.32.  That’s just one example. And we very rarely eat out, but at the grocery store, price increases are just as drastic.

Let me share with you some of the figures I was able to locate online at  Now, these numbers are already two years old.  It’s basically impossible to find real data on the cost increases for basic necessities that’s up to date.  I assume the “powers that be” are censoring and hiding this information, because if we really knew the truth, and were able to see it all in one place, Americans would be furious.

So this information is from 2021, and the increases are what we saw in just one year’s time.  The cost of milk was up 8% in ‘21 compared to ‘20.  Apples were up 7%. Citrus fruits up 10%.  Fuel oil was up 45%. Propane was up 18% in 2021 over 2020, but I can tell you it has since more than doubled in price.  Gasoline was up 45%.

The cost of washers, dryers, stoves, and other household appliances increased by 30%.  Men’s pants increased 11%.  Women’s dresses increased 16%.  And the cost of used cars and trucks went up 45%.  Car and truck rentals went up a whopping 88%.  Hotel rooms were up 17%.  Mind you, once again, these figures are two years old.  But suffice to say, when prices go up, they don’t come back down, so the numbers are even higher today.

I was able to find some reliable information on the cost of healthcare from  In the last three years, the cost of medical services has increased by 114%.  And remember when the so-called “Affordable Care Act” was forced upon us?  Obamacare.  We were told we would be able to get excellent health insurance for less than the cost of our monthly cell phone bill.

Prior to the start of Obamacare, we did have good health insurance that we were able to afford.  Then we got the letter from our insurance carrier… the cost of our monthly premium was going to increase to $1800 a month — for just myself and my wife, and the new policy would include a hefty increase in our deductible and limit where and when we could use it.  Now, since we couldn’t afford to pay the equivalent of two additional mortgages for something we likely could never, ever use, we went without health insurance.

Instead, we joined a Christian health-sharing program, that covered a lot and cost about the same as what we had been paying previously.  But over the years, the cost for this has increased dramatically as well, and very few hospitals and clinics will accept it.  But it’s still the best deal we can find, and we maintain our membership in that program in case of something catastrophic that may happen.

But over the past year, we’ve learned a lot about how hospitals and emergency rooms work, and our experience should alarm everyone.  Last December, while visiting our daughter and her family in Texas, my wife fell and hit her head on a curb.  There was a massive amount of bleeding, and it looked like a horrendous amount of trauma.  I rushed her to the closest emergency room, where we waited for about two hours before anyone came to see us.

They did no testing, not even an x-ray, but instead advised us to have that done once we returned home.  Essentially, they cleaned up the wound and put a bandage on it and sent us away.  I’d estimate my wife was actually “treated” by a nurse for no more than 20 minutes.

This Baptist hospital did not accept our Christian health-sharing program, so they put us down as a “self-pay” patient.  We got that bill, for several thousand dollars, and somehow, we paid it, and received a statement saying, “Paid In Full.”  Fast forward nine months.  In September, we got another bill, for the same services, at the same hospital.  But this time, they had run the bill through our health-sharing plan, which gave us a $1200 “discount,” but this bill is still $4700.  This is in addition to the “paid in full” bill we already paid.

We have all the documentation, we have the original “paid in full” receipt, but the hospital is still insisting on payment on this second bill, and offering absolutely zero negotiations; they won’t even acknowledge our first enormous payment that supposedly covered everything at that time.

Bottom line, we’re being double-charged.  And the facility has no one — not one single employee — that we can go to with our dispute of the charges. We have two options: set up a payment plan or be sent to collections.

The original bill (which we paid) was less, but still enormous for 20 minutes’ worth of a nurse’s time and a bandage.  That was the “self-pay” charge.  Now that they’re apparently accepting our Christian health-sharing plan, they’re charging us again, but now they’re calling the cleaning of a wound and the application of a bandage “surgery” — to the tune of $4700.00.

I should note, that while we waited to be seen by someone in our little curtained-off cubicle, we were surrounded by patients in the other emergency room cubicles — and none of them spoke English.  I can only assume that these were some of the millions of illegal aliens that had crossed the border and were there being treated there — for FREE.  So, I guess the hospital needs to recoup the cost of free healthcare for illegals somehow, and I guess we’re the ones directly paying for it.

This is happening all over the country now. Hospitals and clinics are very deceptive with their pricing and billing, charging those with insurance much more than self-pay patients, but now, they’re even double-billing patients like us.

The cost of everything is increasing daily. When Klaus Schwab stated that by 2030, we will “own nothing,” I wondered how the Globalist Communists would make that happen.  Now it’s becoming more clear.  As interest rates continue to rise and banks are getting more restrictive with their lending every day, it’s very difficult for people — especially young married couples — to afford to buy a home.  The days of the $29,000 “starter home” are gone.  Starter homes now start at an average of $160,000 and need a ton of work.  And that’s with a 30-year-fixed interest rate near 8%.

When the “Green New Deal” was announced, stating that all existing homes and buildings would be replaced with modern “sustainable” buildings, I wondered how that would ever be possible.  Now we see the Globalists burning things down and destroying essential infrastructure, just so they can “build back better.” They’re so invasive, they even want to ban your gas stove.  Just remember, every time you hear the words “renewable,” “sustainable,” “clean” or “green,” you can replace those words with the word “CONTROLLABLE.”  It’s not about “climate change” and never has been. It’s always been about obtaining complete control and domination over the world population.

And they can’t even have an honest debate on these subjects because the Leftists ban, censor, scrub, mock, ridicule and delete all those who offer an opposing opinion, even when it’s backed up by real science.  They tell us to “follow the science.” But of course, we’re only allowed to follow their “science.” Things like basic biology of “male” and “female” are, of course, “disinformation.”

Last year, our government passed the “Inflation Reduction Act” which was supposed to help everyday Americans and fight the hyper-inflation we’re in the midst of. So how has that worked out for us?  Prices of necessities like food, shelter and clothing are still on the rise.  Interest rates are still on the rise, and this new multi-billion dollar “credit card” is being spent primarily on the following: “reducing carbon emissions, lowering healthcare costs (yeah, right), and funding the IRS to improve taxpayer compliance.”

I smell a “Great Reset” coming — America’s been bankrupt for a long time, so Central Bank Digital Currencies will be necessary, resetting our entire economy, and moreover, our entire way of life.  When that happens, the last of our few remaining freedoms will be stolen from us once and for all, and we will truly, as Klaus Schwab has told us, own nothing.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Knowledge of the Truth is Essential

By Rob Pue

October 10, 2023

The readers of our newspaper, Wisconsin Christian News, are some of the most well-informed and knowledgeable people you’ll ever come across.  They seek the truth and are sick and tired of the lies from the mainstream media, the government, the medical and pharmaceutical industrial complex and pop culture.  They’re tired of the lies from those so-called “experts” who are paid to lie, and who profit handsomely by lying convincingly.

Truth is so very important, especially today, when just about everything you hear and see is deception.  I’ve long said that Christians, of all people, should be the most informed, the most knowledgeable and the most faithful bearers of the truth, even if the truth “hurts” or is unpleasant.  And make no mistake, these days, the truth can be very unpleasant.

The Bible speaks a lot about lies.  Number 9 of the Ten Commandments, found in Exodus 20:16 is, “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”  Let’s look at some other Scriptures.  Proverbs 12:22, “Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are His delight.”  Proverbs 13:5 tells us, “The righteous hates falsehood…”  There’s also Psalm 101:7, “No one who practices deceit shall dwell in My house; no one who utters lies shall continue before My eyes.”

Here’s one that’s very appropriate for our day.  Proverbs 17:4, “An evildoer listens to wicked lips, and a liar gives ear to a mischievous tongue.”  And Proverbs 21:6, “Getting treasures by a lying tongue is the fleeting fantasy of those who seek death.”  Wow.

And Jesus, when He was confronted by the religious leaders of His day and accused of having a demon in Him, responded, “Why do you not understand My speech? Because you are not able to listen to My word. You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it. But because I tell the truth, you do not believe Me.”

Indeed, there is a famine in our land — a famine of truth and knowledge.  People are distracted by the enticements of this world and prefer a life of comfort and ease.  Seeking and sharing knowledge and truth would be an inconvenience and uncomfortable.  It would stir up trouble and people might call them names.  They might even be persecuted, as all who speak the truth today now areIt’s no wonder that people are now heaping up for themselves false teachers who tickle their itching ears.  It’s no wonder that the greatest critics of the Bible are those who have never read it.  And the greatest critics of those who speak the truth about the most important issues of the day are usually professing Christians who love to “cherry pick” only the soft areas of Scripture, that never offend anyone or challenge anyone’s worldview.

Our modern-day preachers have failed in their duty to preach the whole counsel of God.  Instead, they placate the masses, seeking to be popular and “well-liked” by everyone.  Isaiah 30: 9 & 10 describes very well what most people want today:  “…this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the Lord: Which say to the seers, ‘See not;’ and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits.’”

But God calls His people to be wise, to be knowledgeable, to understand the days we’re living in, and to know what’s really happening…even though it’s not pleasant.  Ephesians 6:11-13, “Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.  For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.  Wherefore, take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.”

Proverbs 15:14, “The heart of him who has understanding seeks knowledge, but the mouths of fools feed on folly.”  Proverbs 18:15, “The heart of the prudent acquires knowledge and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.”  And Ezekiel 33:6, “But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at the watchman’s hand.”

Clearly, we have a God-given duty to seek knowledge, wisdom and understanding in this world of deception that’s swirling around us now, everywhere we turn.  Yet I’ve found that many times it’s the Christians who prefer to remain in ignorance of the most important issues of the day.

I was speaking with a Christian man some time ago, and he was telling me how some of his neighbors seemed to be acting in a hostile manner toward him.  He pointed to their house, down the street from his, and it was proudly adorned with a rainbow flag.  It was incredible to me that this regular church-going man had no idea what that rainbow flag stood for or meant, so I explained it to him.  Believe it or not, he told me, “I just thought it was a pretty yard decoration.”  He was absolutely clueless, and still looked at me with skepticism.

Recently, I reported on how the town of Lahaina on the island of Maui, Hawaii was purposely destroyed by globalist government officials.  I put a ton of work into researching that article.  I watched countless hours of video footage, taken first-hand by those who were there. I dug deep into my research, studying more than sixty sources, and spoke directly with people who live in the Lahaina area and told me what took place first-hand.

My conclusion — that this was no ordinary “wildfire” and that the town was intentionally destroyed in order to “build back better” a new “SMART” city, a so-called “15-minute-city” where globalists will be able to experiment with their agenda of absolute totalitarian control over the people there, has been confirmed by countless others. I’ve had more positive comments on that report than any I’ve released in a long time.  But I’ve also had naysayers who refuse to believe verifiable facts… and in every case, the negative comments have come from Christians.  They just refuse to see the truth, even when it’s presented so clearly and plainly that it’s obvious even to unbelievers.

Recently, I was informed by one of our volunteer distributors of our newspaper in another state, that he no longer wants to receive Wisconsin Christian News or distribute it.  He told me it was because he no longer wants to distribute a newspaper that is so depressing with the news of the day and that never offers people the HOPE of rescue and salvation in Christ.

But my message has not changed, nor has the content of Wisconsin Christian News.  We have always presented the most vital news of the day from a BIBLICAL perspective, and along with that, the HOPE that we have in our Savior, Jesus Christ.

The news today is almost never good, and the evil ones that run this world are more wicked than ever in my lifetime.  They’re no longer even trying to hide their intentions, and even the current regime in power in America has labeled Christians as the number one “terrorist” group in the country.

And Wisconsin Christian News is a newspaper — we seek to provide information, education and inspiration in every issue.  And I believe we do.  If all we were going to do was print poetry and recipes, there are plenty of other things I could do that would have a greater impact.  As for this man’s claim that we “never” offer people hope in Christ or any kind of encouragement, I counted no less than 17 articles in our current edition that do exactly that.

I can only conclude that a change has occurred in this man, who was formerly so zealous for the TRUTH, but who now only seems to want to spread the “love gospel,” and ignore the deceptions and lies, as the “kings of the earth conspire together against the Lord and His anointed,” (Psalm 2), and remain ignorant of the wiles of the devil.

Yes, absolutely, our God is in charge of all things and His righteousness will prevail.  I’ve stated MANY times that there is no “political solution” to the many crises we face today, because this is a spiritual battle.  But of all people, I believe Christians should be the most knowledgeable and most informed of all. Yet this man is not alone.  Scripture tells us that the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine, but instead will seek after ‘teachers’ who will only tell them what they want to hear.

Yes, the news today is depressing.  I know that. I get it. I deal with it every day.  But WHY do we need to know what’s going on? Why do we need to see these news stories and understand what’s really taking place? So that we, as Christ-followers can STAND, as we’ve been commanded by God to do.  So, we can share this information with as many others as possible and push back against the lies and deception. So, we as the Church, can be the restraining influence against evil that God has called us to be.

So, we report on the most urgent and vital issues of the day.  We warn parents about the grooming and sexual exploitation of children in public schools. We warn people of the serious dangers of the “jab” and the overall depopulation agenda. We warn of the invasion of our country by foreign enemies, and how our government is complicit. We warn of child trafficking, the LGBTQP+ agenda, the globalist’s communist New World Order, the tent cities that are exploding across this nation as homelessness, drug addiction and madness overtakes us, and many other things.

Those on the Left seem to be so concerned about the welfare of children, that they’re willing to pump opposite-sex hormones into 12-year-old girls and expose preschoolers to filthy pornography.  Yet they turn a blind eye to the epidemic of missing children.  On September 26, it was reported that in Cleveland, Ohio fifty children have mysteriously gone missing in one month alone — and over a thousand are missing from that one city alone, this year alone.  Last year, 1600 children mysteriously went missing in Cleveland.  Were you aware of that?

Did you know that the UN General Assembly has unanimously approved the WHO’s “Global Pandemic Treaty” complete with lockdown enforcement?  Did you know the UN has approved protections for pedophiles, or as they call them “Minor-Attracted Persons?”  Are you aware that the war in Ukraine is simply a money-laundering scheme for the DC politicians; that we’ve sent nearly $100 billion there so far, and so far, have sent billions of dollars to them 45 times? Did you know that, even according to the Left-leaning Wikipedia, Ukraine is the third most corrupt country in the world?

Are you aware that the FDA has recently recommended a completely untested COVID shot for children 6 months old and older — under “emergency use authorization?” And then have you asked the question, “where’s the emergency?” How long are we going to continue this charade of a “pandemic emergency?”

Friends, we must be informed. We must be knowledgeable about all these things, and that’s what Wisconsin Christian News is there for.  There are many who take what they learn, share it with others and then motivate people to action.  And that’s the most important part because knowledge without action is useless.  The information we share is meant to be shared with others and then bring action, as Christ-followers serve as a restraining force against the wickedness of these dark days.

If you haven’t seen our newspaper before, call or email and request a complimentary copy. You may even want to start a distribution route to spread the truth — and God’s Word — in your own community, wherever you live.  It’s Wisconsin Christian News, but it’s not just for Wisconsin.  By God’s grace, we’re distributing nation-wide now.  Here’s a truth-telling ministry that YOU can actually do — right where you live.  Will you step up?  Will you STAND?  Now’s the time.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Either You’re Serious, Or You’re Not

By Rob Pue

October 1, 2023

In my work, I do a fair amount of counseling with individuals, couples and families dealing with some very troubling issues in their lives. I also do pre-marital counseling when I’m asked to perform a wedding ceremony. This type of work was never in my plan for ministry, but God had other ideas, and it seems He’s called me to provide counsel more and more often lately. As people read our nationally-distributed Christian newspaper, hear my commentaries on the radio or watch our weekly TV program, many have sought me out with questions, to ask for prayer and to seek counsel.

In this message, I don’t intend to betray any confidential information and certainly won’t be mentioning any names. The issues I speak of may relate to you or someone you know, but understand that I’m talking about the most serious issues people contact me about in a general way, and not any specific person.

The troubles people are struggling with today are many, as they try to navigate through this sinful, fallen world the best they’re able. Many people are living in unbearable circumstances, and have been for a very long time and things have not gotten any better for them. There are troubled marriages, people struggling with being unequally yoked with an unbelieving spouse, there are situations where children, raised in Christian homes, have fallen away from their faith and embraced all the sin and wickedness of worldly enticements. In many of these cases, the parents suffer terrible emotional turmoil, as they watch their children head full-speed down the highway to hell.

Worse yet, in many of these situations, the children want nothing to do with their parents anymore, and they’ve totally cut them out of their lives. The kids don’t acknowledge their parents’ birthdays, anniversaries or even Mothers’ or Fathers’ Day. Most rarely communicate with their parents, and some not at all.

Even more heartbreaking for these parents is when their children don’t even allow them to see or have a relationship with their precious grandchildren. Perhaps you can’t relate to this because it sounds so very dysfunctional. Make no mistake: it is very dysfunctional, and not at all healthy, yet it’s becoming more and more common every day.

God’s plan for marriage and family is one man united with one woman for a lifetime. This is the foundation of the natural family. Out of this union, should come many children. Through the trials and tribulations of life, no matter what may come, the husband and wife have vowed  to remain together, “‘til death do we part.” Interestingly, divorce rates have actually fallen in recent years, but I dare say there are more unhappy marriages being reported to me now than ever before. These couples may still be living together and married, but they are definitely not happily married.

God’s plan also includes both the father and mother actively raising their children in an intact, Godly home, teaching the precepts of our Creator, our Heavenly Father to their little ones, from the youngest of ages. But you can’t teach what you don’t know, and sadly, we’re now two, if not three generations beyond when most people had a genuine fear of the Lord and a real relationship with God the Father. The “seeker friendly” church movement began long before it became something that was recognized and labeled. Church teachings have been watered down so as to be non-offensive and therefore, ineffective in training up Godly disciples.

For decades, parents have been taught by the church to leave the spiritual training of their kids to the “professionals,” and so, while most Christian couples may faithfully attend church, they turned the training up of their children over to Sunday School teachers and so-called “Childrens’ Church” and the Youth Groups. In these programs, if there’s a curriculum at all, it’s “church-lite, even lighter than the cotton candy they dish out to the adults — absolutely useless “teaching” as they tell the kids Bible “stories.”  The teachers, usually parents who volunteer for these jobs with no training whatsoever, are themselves unable to teach what they’ve never learned, and will simply tell a quick story, then hand out a snack and a page to color with crayons and just try to make it through until the end of the service when the parents come to pick the kids up.

What have these children learned? Fairy tales. Instead of teaching God’s Word as HISTORY, they’ve been taught “stories,” been given a snack and a time-wasting “craft” project to do.  There is very little, if any, truth taught.  And this — an hour of this once a week — has become the extent of the “spiritual training” that most churches provide today. Unfortunately, this model has been going on for decades.  It’s “Happy Fun Time” for the kids, but they’re definitely not getting trained as young disciples of Christ.  Nothing of relevance is taught; they know nothing about the spiritual warfare they’ll face in the real world, and nothing of the power of God through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

Then they spend 40 hours a week in the public schools, where all the “fairy tale” stories they’ve heard in Childrens’ Church are dispelled as nonsense and superstition and what little they heard about God is replaced with things like evolution, sex education, “social justice” and atheism. The parents, grossly inept at spiritual guidance themselves, then wonder what happened, when their ten-year-old son decides he wants to be a girl; or their 14-year-old daughter becomes pregnant; or their kids end up addicted to drugs, swearing like the devil with every sentence they speak, and seeking out foul-mouthed “rap stars” as their heroes and role models.

“What in the world happened?  After all, we took them to church every week!” Yeah, there’s your answer. You left the spiritual training to a system where there was never any spiritual “meat” fed to them, and biblical history was taught as fairy tales and then when they went home, they observed their parents living no differently from their worldly, unsaved neighbors. Yes, I know, SOME parents are true disciples and followers of Christ and their lives show it and their kids know it. But these cases are definitely rare.

It’s a far cry from what Moses commanded the people in Deuteronomy 6: “These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart. Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.  Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them be a symbol on your forehead. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” These words Moses spoke were the commands of God Almighty, and nothing was or is more important. But how seriously do we take this admonition today? In most homes — even most Christian homes — God is never even mentioned and His Word is never even opened, much less made a priority, studied and read as a family on a regular basis. And we wonder what in the world has happened to our families.

We all know the verse, “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Today so many wonder why their child has become a heathen, an atheist, an anarchist and a God-hater.  If you hear nothing else of what I’m telling you today, understand this: there is NO SUBSTITUTE for genuine Christianity. Calling yourself a Christian while living like the world and having no time for God but plenty of time for hobbies, parties, vacations, television, and Facebook is nothing short of taking the Lord’s name in vain. Our kids watch everything we do. If the things of God are totally unimportant and irrelevant to us in our daily lives, never lived out in the home, and mocked and ridiculed in their public school, movies, music and everywhere else, what conclusion would you expect the kids to arrive at? “Train up a child in the way he should go…” YOU have to do that. You can’t delegate that most vital responsibility to anyone else. It’s up to you. So if you’re wondering what has happened to your kids and grandkids, there — most likely — is your answer.

I’m also often called upon for prayer and counseling for troubled marriages. This is much more common than one might think, and once again, even in so-called “Christian” homes. I hear from people where the husband and wife have slept in separate beds, and even separate parts of the house, for years. I hear from wives whose husbands won’t even sit at the same table with them for a meal — they just grab something from the fridge and eat on the couch while watching TV. There are many, both men and women, now addicted to pornography, since it’s become so readily and easily available on the internet and smart phones. Rather than a loving, intimate bond with their spouse, it’s simply easier to view sex acts online and live a fantasy life while building emotional walls that separate them from their spouse.

What’s happened to these couples? Obviously, there was a time when they were deeply in love, when the husband would do anything to court the girl, serve her, impress her, be a gentleman to her, and try his hardest to win her attention and eventually her hand in marriage. Obviously there was a time when they walked down the aisle together and made vows before God to love and serve one another’s needs for life. In good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, as long as they both should live. It wasn’t that long ago… but now, they’re two separate people living under the same roof, and can’t seem to say a pleasant word to one another, sometimes for weeks on end. In some cases, it’s been years.

Once again, while they may have had a “Church Wedding,” those who struggle with these matters often have no real relationship with the Lord. They don’t pray together, study the Word together or minister to others together. Jesus stands at the door and knocks at these homes, but Facebook, TV, hobbies and games take priority.

Most times there’s a great deal of selfishness going on in these homes. As the hurt gets worse and the hearts grow harder, it becomes more difficult for the husband and wife to genuinely care and serve one another. The importance of a heart of humility and service is repeatedly emphasized all throughout Scripture. Think of Jesus washing the feet of His disciples. He told them, “whoever wishes to be the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven will be the servant of all.”

Some of you men may get angry with me for saying this, but I lay most of the responsibility for all these matters directly on your shoulders. Certainly it takes both spouses to make a Godly marriage and family. But God has called us men to be the spiritual leaders of our homes. Yet how many of us have grown up in homes where “Mom” was the one who tucked us in with bedtime prayers, who took us to church, who read us the Scriptures and modeled her faith in real life for us — while “Dad” pursued his work, his hobbies and recreation?

God also told us all, as Paul wrote to the Ephesians, “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her.” In my counseling, I often ask men who claim to love their wives if they would give themselves up for her. Would they lay down their lives for her? “Absolutely,” they respond, without a moment’s hesitation. Then I ask, “But are you willing to lay down the porn, the alcohol, the fishing, the TV remote, the Facebook… are you willing to lay those things down for her? Do you think you even can?” I get a blank stare.

There are many troubled people, troubled marriages, dysfunctional families, broken homes, wayward children, grandparents in anguish because their grandchildren are growing up estranged from them and in Godless, secular homes. Friends, the only answer to all these things is humble repentance and turning once again — or for some, for the very first time — to God our Father and Creator, and Jesus His Son.  The Christian life is not one of ease, but the alternative, as we see so often now from the seeds we’ve sown, is pure anguish. Invite the Holy Spirit to guide you. Pray without ceasing.  Do what you know is right, and start making your professed faith a real, true priority in your lives today. There’s no other way, no magic pill, no quick fix. Either you’re serious, or you’re not.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Prepare For the Coming Storm

By Rob Pue

September 24, 2023

Luke, Chapter 21 is an interesting area of Scripture that deserves our study.  More study than I will have time to go into in this message.  It begins with the disciples admiring the beauty of the temple, and Jesus telling them that there will come a day when not one stone will be left upon another.  The disciples ask Him when this will happen.

And then Jesus speaks of false christs and how many will follow after them.  He speaks of wars and rumors of wars, but says that “these things must come to pass first, but the end will not come immediately.”

And then, starting at verse 10, we read, “Then He said to them, ‘Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.  But before all these things, they will lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues and prisons. You will be brought before kings and rulers for My name’s sake.  But it will turn out for you as an occasion for testimony.  Therefore settle it in your hearts not to meditate beforehand on what you will answer; for I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries will not be able to contradict or  resist.  You will be betrayed even by parents and brothers, relatives and friends; and they will put some of you to death.  And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake.’”

In verse 20, He says, “when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near.”  Jesus goes on to describe the destruction of Jerusalem, which we know took place in the year 70 A.D.

This chapter of Luke describes not only the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D., but also the last days before Jesus’ second coming.  I believe He often explained things that would be taking place soon right alongside things that would be taking place at His second coming.

In Luke 21,  He goes on the describe His second coming starting in verse 25:  “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring;  men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.  Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.  Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”

In verse 29, Jesus tells them the parable of the fig tree — how when we see the tree begin to start budding, we know that summer is near.  And then He says, “So you also, when you see these things happening, know that the kingdom of God is near.  Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away ‘til all things take place.  Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.”

Then a warning for us to be prepared for His coming: “But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life and that Day come on you unexpectedly.  For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth.  Watch, therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”

Obviously, He was speaking not only of the destruction of the city and the temple in 70 A.D., but also His second coming…because the generation that saw the temple destroyed did pass away, and like Christians in every generation, they did suffer great persecution first.

But Jesus spoke of a generation of people on the earth that would witness His second coming firsthand, and His coming would be preceeded by signs in the sun, moon and stars, distress of nations here on earth, with perplexity.  The sea and waves roaring.  Men’s hearts failing them because of fear.  Famines, pestilences.  The powers of the heavens are shaken.  And THEN they see the Son of Man coming on a cloud with power and great glory.  That didn’t happen in 70 A.D., but it WILL happen when Jesus returns.

We’re admonished to pay attention to the signs leading up to His coming, like the fig tree, and when we see all those things taking place, to be ready for that Great and Terrible Day of the Lord.  We’re also told that this day will come as a snare on all who dwell on the face of the whole earth — most will be paying no attention to the most important things.  Instead, they’ll be caught up with carousing, drunkenness, and hearts weighed down with the cares of this life.  Most will be unprepared.  Have you tried to explain the truth of what’s been happening to someone who knows nothing about the Globalist agenda?  You’ll find they don’t care at all.  In fact, they think you’re crazy.  Just as the devil and his demons hope for.  Distracted by the cares of this world, carousing, entertainment, luxury and ease… yet Jesus said His coming will be a “snare” on all who dwell on the face of the whole earth.

Yes, Jesus tells us to prepare and be ready, to understand the wiles of the devil and be prepared to do daily battle.  I think we should always be prepared to meet our Lord, because none of us knows the number of our days.  And persecution of Christ-followers is greater in America now than it’s ever been.  There was a time when being a “good Christian” was a good thing, but now, according to our American government, there’s no greater threat to the nation than those who name the name of Christ.  We are the new “terrorists” that must be done way with.  Perhaps more precisely stated: no greater threat to their demonic regime, but I digress.

Yes, we’ll be seeing signs in the sky — in the sun, moon and stars.  The sea will be roaring.  Men’s hearts will be failing them for fear.  Distress of nations with perplexity.  This reads like every day’s headlines now.  I’m sure many generations saw their own days in these words, but never before have we seen the “buds” on the “fig tree” so ready to burst forth with fruit as we see every day now.

I’m not one to just sit back and wait for the Lord’s return.  I believe we’re to occupy until He returns.  I believe when He comes, we should be found doing our Father’s business.  I believe we should be living each and every day circumspectly, following in our Savior’s footsteps the best we can, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.  And I believe we should always be prepared.

One of our readers, from Maryland, recently suggested that I speak on the topic of being prepared and so I’ll share some thoughts with you here.  We must all be prepared for the days ahead — whether we live to see our Savior’s coming on the clouds of heaven or whether we go to be with Him on our own first — because things are not getting any better in this world.  On the contrary, the days are becoming darker all the time, as evil is celebrated and good is vilified.  Justice no longer exists in our country, and we cannot expect justice for ourselves when our doors are broken down and we’re unjustly accused, tried and sentenced.  This is happening on a daily basis now — yes, to Christians, and yes, here in America.  Christ-followers are now “public enemy number one” in just about every area of society.  I’m not just talking about “church-goers.”  Simply going to church and calling oneself a “Christian” won’t get you into any hot water.  But start actually living the Christian life — start actually following Jesus — and you’ll find it is THEN that you become a “terrorist.”  That’s when you become the greatest threat to the regime.

So we must prepare spiritually and physically.  Jesus told us what’s coming.  He gave us the “weather forecast” and told us what to expect and that we should prepare.  If we’re  caught in a “snare” like the rest of the world when the storm hits, we’ll have no one to blame but ourselves.  The time for preparation is now — before the storm.  Here’s how we can prepare spiritually:

First, review your commitment to Jesus and draw closer to Him.  2 Corinthians 13:5 says, “Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith.  Test yourselves.”  Also pray without ceasing. (1 Thessalonians 5:17).  Be in constant communication with the Father, through the Son and the Holy Spirit.  Be in such close contact that you need only utter a “thought” to the Lord and you KNOW that He not only hears you but is ready and willing to answer every prayer.

Many think they’re “good to go” with God’s Word… no need for a time of serious Bible study every day.  But we need more Bible study, not less.  There’s always more to learn, and the most devout of Bible students always finds new insights every time He opens the Scriptures.

And as you sanctify yourselves, redeeming the time, spending more time in communion with the Lord, seek out good and Godly teachers — perhaps men of old, heroes of the faith — or modern day saints who are teaching the whole counsel of God.  Run from people pleasers.  Also, your heart will rejoice at the great old hymns of the faith as you draw closer to Christ as well… in a way the “praise choruses” of modern so-called “worship music” can never do.  Listen to, and sing, some of the old hymns each day, and be blessed.

As we pray without ceasing, we should also maintain a prayer journal and an intercessory prayer list, praying for family members, neighbors, friends, co-workers, and others.   Pray for their physical needs, but more importantly, their spiritual needs, that they may come to know Christ as Savior and that you may have an opportunity to lead them to Him.  This is the will of God.

Regarding physical preparation, take this time now to get any dental work, eye exams and medical issues taken care of.  Improve your health naturally and keep your immune system strong.  Pay attention to what you eat, and eat as close to naturally as you possibly can.  Understand that today’s genetically-modified foods (which is just about all of them now) are not only unhealthy, they’re designed to keep you sick.  Eat clean and be healthy.  Let your food be your medicine.  Don’t allow yourself to be weak and sickly when the storm comes, if you can build and strengthen your health naturally now.  Then you’ll not only fare better yourself, but you’ll be prepared to help others as well.

Pay off debts as soon as possible and live within your means.  Make sure you have a vehicle that’s reliable and one you can drive long distances in emergency situations if necessary.  Get out of crime-ridden cities.  Seek small towns, and even the countryside, if possible.  The cities are only going to continue to decline and get worse.  They’ll also be the first places to be locked down under government control and martial law.  For the safety of yourself and your family, escape now, while you still can.

Begin storing pure water, and have a way to purify it again when you’re ready to use it.  Understand that in the wild, the one place where most animals become easy prey is at the watering hole.  Don’t get yourself in that position.  Start a system of storing, maintaining and purifying water now.  We cannot live without it.  Along with water, begin storing food that will last until needed, and have multiple ways to cook and prepare it with no electricity or gas to cook with.  Food and water will become necessities when we’re no longer allowed to buy or sell as Christians.  They’ll also be valuable for bartering in an underground economy, which I believe will be needed soon. And have ways to heat your home off the grid, so you don’t freeze to death in winter.

Now, these are just a few ideas, but yes, Jesus did tell us to prepare — for ourselves and so that we can help others.  I don’t believe we’ll escape the coming storm… why else would He tell us to prepare?  Before He comes on the clouds of heaven, we’ll see great confusion, distress of nations, with perplexity; men’s hearts failing them for fear.  Chaos.  Anarchy.  Sounds like to bad storm to me.  And we know the wiles of the enemy, the Globalists, bent on our destruction.  We’ve already been named as the most dangerous threat to America.  A prudent Christ-follower would prepare for the storm before it hits and overtakes us.  Jesus told us to be ready.  Let us not be “ensnared” like the rest of the world.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:


Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066. Or email and ask for message number 405.

Out Of the Seats and Into the Streets

By Rob Pue

September 17, 2023

As many of you are aware, I have a 24/7 newsfeed.  In fact I have several.  Many, in fact.  A steady stream of news and information coming in from multiple sources, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  The articles and stories never stop, and sometimes it can become maddening, because the news is almost never, ever good.  It’s overwhelmingly negative, and this can wear a person down.  Trust me.

So recently, I took a break and my wife and I enjoyed a rare night out to dinner at a restaurant.  I’d just seen the latest news about how officials in Lahaina on the island of Maui have now surrounded the area they destroyed with a tall black fence, and now, for miles and miles beyond that, there are foreign police, sitting in their cars, watching to make sure no one finds a way to hike in to the devastated area.  There’s a complete media blackout.  The mayor’s not talking. The governor’s not talking, FEMA directors aren’t talking — but they are staying in $1000 a night resort hotel rooms by night as they confiscate donations to the Lahaina survivors by day.  No photos or images from Lahaina are going out to the press, no drones or aerial photos are allowed and no one is answering any questions.

Meanwhile, rumors abound.   The police chief of Maui, who also happened to be the guy in charge during the 2017 mass shooting in Las Vegas — an event that still has more questions than answers — is also the coroner of Maui, and rumors are circulating that he has over 1,000 bodies of dead children in his morgue.  Yet, he refuses to answer questions about how many people died — and he refuses to answer questions about how many are still missing.  People who live there say it’s multiple thousands — still missing, or confirmed dead, but the powers that be seem determined to make sure no one ever knows.

In fact, the media blackout on this horrendous crime against humanity has been faster and worse than any in recent history.  Ask the average person on the street “what happened in Lahaina?” and you’ll get a blank stare.  They have no idea what you’re talking about.  If the mainstream media isn’t covering it (and they’re not covering this), then it quickly vanishes down the “memory hole,” and the powers that be are doing their best to make the world see and remember nothing about this as quickly as possible.  It seems to be working.  Few know about or remember Lahaina.  It’s gone the way of East Palestine, Ohio.  But I can’t and won’t forget.

Thousands were murdered here, and I believe, by their own US government.  Now, the land is being taken from the people by government edict and by globalist banksters, to “build back better,” turning what was once as close to “paradise” as one could find on earth, into an AI testing ground for a 15-minute “SMART city.”  It makes me sick.

With the misery of the people of Maui still weighing heavy on my heart, I was also reading about rumors of another planned lockdown, likely coming this fall.  Of course, none of us can predict when they’ll be pushing for more lockdowns, mask and jab mandates, and forced closure of businesses, schools and churches, but we know it must happen sometime in the coming year — after all, there’s an “election” scheduled.  The “election variant” must be in full infectious mode by this time next year, in order to require mail-in ballots, social distancing, and silence all dissent with draconian new “disinformation” laws.

So, these things were on my mind the other night as my wife and I enjoyed an evening out for dinner.  I know I should just be able to “turn it all off” in my mind, forget about the news and just enjoy myself in the moment, but as I said, I have a hard time with that.  The burden is heavy.

And as I looked around, I saw so many happy, normal people — couples, families, groups of friends — all sitting and enjoying one another’s company and sharing a meal together.  I couldn’t help but wonder, what’s going to happen when the Globalist Police State decrees the next lockdown?  It’s going to have to be much more harsh and much more serious than the last one.  Obviously, it’s going to have to be much scarier, because so many have already stated they’ll never comply with such loss of their freedoms ever again.   But I couldn’t help but wonder — how many of these now-happy, normal people will fall for it again?  And I wondered, how many people have ever even heard of Lahaina?  How many will obediently comply with, and eagerly line up for, whatever shot they tell them to get jabbed with next?  Will this restaurant survive another forced shut down?  Will the next lockdown be the last?  When they launch the next offensive on the American people, will we ever see “normal” like at this restaurant, on this evening, ever again?

Folks, we need to understand that NOTHING good comes from government, especially the UN/Global, federal and state government.    They’ve set up a system of false “controlled opposition,” whereby the Democrats and Republicans play the theatrical roles of  polar opposites.  Good versus evil, if you will — and those can be interchangeable with the two political parties, depending on which way you’ve been brainwashed.  But do you not see?  Both are wings of the same foul bird.

If you’re waiting for the “second coming” of Donald Trump to set everything right, you’re in for a rude awakening.  If you’re waiting for the Republican party to somehow patch the hole in Titanic’s side, then sadly, you don’t realize that the Republicans ARE just as much a part of the “iceberg” as the Democrats.

Can you name for me just ONE thing the Republicans have done in Congress in the past ten years that was positive?  It’s ok, I’ll wait.  Just one thing.  Even when they had a majority. One positive thing.  Even just one instance where they truly tried to do the right thing, even if they failed.  Still scratching your head?  Me too.

Yet somehow, these scoundrels enter Congress, and shortly thereafter become millionaires and billionaires, working less than a third of the year, and every piece of legislation they pass seems to tear away at more and more of our American liberties, cost us more money, put us deeper and deeper into debt, heap upon our shoulders heavier and heavier burdens of regulations and taxation.  And — every piece of legislation they pass, they exempt themselves from.  Quite the scam they have going.

Not happy with that arrangement?  Who are you going to call?  To where will you take your “redress of grievances?”   Friends, our legislators are laughing at us.  We’re nothing more than their fools, their idiots.  They can look you straight in the eye and lie to your face more convincingly than a time-share salesman, and they do so with no remorse.

Now, Satan and his demons have infested the halls of Congress, our Supreme Court, the Executive branch in DC — and dare I say, just about every single man-made government office in the land with pure evil.  There are a few small pockets of hope — but like God’s chosen Remnant, these pockets of hope are few.  The people, having long ago forgotten God, have also had no time to remember our national history or from where our ancestors came, not so long ago.  “Freedom” has become “cheap” in the minds of most, having forgotten that it cost some their very lives.  Sort of like the way “Easy Believism” has overtaken our seminaries and churches, and “Grace” has become just as “cheap” in the minds of most.  The blood our Savior shed for our wretched souls, nothing more than a “romantic” metaphor.

A reader recently asked me about a statement I made.  I had said, “it’s time we get out of the seats and into the streets.”  He wanted me to explain how to do that.  First of all, “out of the seats and into the streets” means it’s time to quit playing “Church.”  It’s time to be done with “churchianity.”  It’s time we stop using the “church” as a social club full of fat and happy, dumbed-down hand-shakers and fake-smilers and instead understand and know that God’s true remnant Church of believers is our only hope to equip the saints for the work of the ministry.  Learn your history.  Learn Church history, biblical history and American and World history.

Honestly, for the most part, I believe the institutional churches in this country are a lost cause, and so are their pastors.  There are a FEW good bodies of believers worth being a part of out there, but you’ll have to search hard for them, and they won’t have flashy websites, they won’t be bursting at the seams with a so-called “ministry” for every people group.  Their youth groups won’t be playing stupid games with Jell-O and squirt guns or holding pizza parties — they’ll be training members up to witness on the streets and out in public to other young people dealing with drug addiction, pornography and abortion, to name just a few.

Understand you will likely need to get out of the seats of these dead so-called “churches.”  Be prepared to walk away, when your “pastor” refuses to address the many urgent matters of our times, and refuses to train the sheep up to be warriors for the kingdom.  He’s the “gatekeeper” and you won’t be able to fix things at your church as long as it’s being run by a cowardly wolf, so walk away.  There’s no time to waste now.  Then, be prepared to start your own home church — even if it’s only your own family household at first.

How else can we get out of the seats and into the streets?  We can study, to show ourselves approved, workmen that need not be ashamed.  We should know God’s Word inside and out; we should have a close relationship with our Creator, so that we can call on Him in a moment’s notice, and have no doubt whatsoever that He will hear and He will answer us.  We should learn to evangelize, as the disciples did in the book of Acts.  Notice, it is called the book of “Acts,” not the book of “sits there and listens to the pastor once a week, then goes home and nothing ever changes.” ACTS.  As Christians, we are to ACT.  You don’t do that while sitting in your seat in church — forever learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth.

Also, in these days of deception and oppression, we must be active at the local levels — we need to be at our school board meetings when decisions are being passed to teach perversion to our children.  We need to be at the county Health Commission meetings, when decisions are being made to require masking and jabbing our children, to close our mom & pop businesses — and coming soon, to require a digital ID and social credit score in order to hold a job, travel or buy food.  It’s time we stop sitting on the sidelines and, for goodness’ sake, at least SHOW UP at these meetings and make our presence known!

“Out of the seats and into the streets” doesn’t (yet) require violence, but unless we start getting up off our backsides and OUT THERE, courageously unafraid to speak the truth on EVERYTHING, it’s going to come to that, sooner rather than later.

As Christians, I hope you know where and what Lahaina is.  I hope you know that East Palestine is in Ohio, not the middle east.  Because most people don’t have a clue.  I hope you understand the wickedness, evil, lies and deception all around us.  Inform others on these things.  The media isn’t doing it, and the Lord knows, the “pastors” will never do it.  Refuse to let any lie go unchallenged.  Shine the light of truth on every falsehood, and use these government “false flag” events as opportunities to speak about the wiles of the devil and these last-days deceptions.  Each time they pull one of these hoaxes, it’s an opportunity for us to tell others the truth — and along with that, the truth of the Gospel as well.

That’s how you get “out of the seats and into the streets.”  Just DO SOMETHING!  For far too long we’ve been brainwashed into believing we can just go vote Republican, and let them take care of everything.  For too long, we’ve been brainwashed into believing we can just drop our kids off at youth group, and let them raise our children to be proper Christians…because we’re too lazy to get out of the seats.

If we don’t get up and actually DO SOMETHING now, then we’ll have no one but ourselves to blame when we’re ultimately led away into slavery by the devils masquerading as our “public servants.”

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066. Or email and ask for message number 404.

Lahaina HI: officer responded, “I’m just following orders.”

By Rob Pue

September 3, 2023

I’m Beyond Furious

A few weeks ago, I published a message titled “Build Back Better,” in which I explained that the theme of Klous Schwab’s World Economic Forum, and his thousands of governmental minions around the world — including the Biden campaign — has been “Build Back Better.”  But was everything in such utter ruins three years ago that it needed to be “built back?” Not quite yet, at that time.  You see, in order to “build back,” you first have to tear down. You first have to destroy.  Thus the priority of Biden regime has been non-stop destruction. This is by design.

The Global communist cabal absolutely hates Christians and be aware that those who wield power over us have absolutely no respect for human life. In fact, they view us as a “cancer” on the planet that must be eliminated.

So, let’s get to the point of today’s message.  I am absolutely livid. I am incensed. I’m beyond furious. I haven’t talked about today’s topic for nearly a month, because I did not want to jump to wrong conclusions, spread misinformation or get this wrong. Because this is too big to get wrong. So, I’ve been studying and researching steadily, and have consulted more than sixty sources for what I’m going to share with you today.  I’ve checked, double checked and triple checked my facts.  And despite my outrage over this matter, I’ve kept my mouth shut until I had time to make sure of the conclusion I’ve come to.

I’m talking about the fire that has destroyed the historic town of Lahaina, on the island of Maui, Hawaii.  One of the most beautiful places in the world.  Lahaina was the capitol of the Kingdom of Hawaii until 1959 when the United States took possession of it.

But on August 8, this beautiful little town of 13,000 people was completely destroyed by fire.  Approximately 2,000 structures were incinerated; 87% of them, single-family homes.  One thing I’ve learned well over the years is to never trust the “official narrative” and this was never so appropriate as in this particular case. The official narrative, pushed by the governor of Hawaii, the mainstream press, and others, is that this disaster was caused by wildfires, caused by dry weather conditions, caused by “Climate Change.” Baloney!

I will say that the conclusion I’ve come to, after many hours of study and research and hearing eye-witness accounts of locals is mere speculation.  It can never be anything more than that because although the Agenda 2030 fiends were pretty sloppy in their operation of wiping Lahaina off the map, they’ve covered their tracks just well enough that absolute proof can never come out.

I’ll get to my conclusion momentarily. But assuming things happened as they’re now telling us, there are still too many red flags to not come to the conclusion that the demolition of Lahaina was intentional and deliberate. They’re telling us the fires were caused by high winds knocking down power lines, which fell into dry brush on the ground.  Embers were then whipped through the air (by winds that mysteriously came from the east) and lit the fires that destroyed virtually everything. So they’re blaming the Hawaiian Electric Company.  Ok. Perhaps that’s true. Did you know that Hawaiian Electric is owned by Vanguard and Blackrock — two corporations at the forefront of the Globalist New World Order agenda?

But there are too many coincidences and questions about this fire to simply chalk it up as just another “natural disaster” caused by “Climate Change.”  And locals are shouting to the world that the government and media are lying to us all about everything. Children were sent home early from school that day, so many were home alone without their parents. Most perished.  Maui boasts the most high-tech and well-maintained emergency warning sirens in the world, yet they were never sounded in Lahaina on August 8.

The fire department did not respond to the fires.  Fire boats stationed at Pearl Harbor could have saved much of the town, but they never moved.  Citizens were fighting the fires themselves — until the city officials turned the water off to assure maximum destruction.  The Water Commissioner for Maui, by the way, is an Obama Foundation leader, and he decided to refuse to release water to fight the fire, stating that the use of water on the island is a matter of “equity.”

There is also an inconvenient article published in 2018 by the World Economic Forum that states that the global ruling class planned to make Hawaii the first U.S. state to run entirely on clean energy. There is also an article from the World Economic Forum that talks about their alliance and creating a Smart City on Maui.

The governor of Hawaii, Josh Green, is in on it.   Last year, there was a proposal to build a high rise residential building in Lahaina, but since it’s a historic town, new development was not allowed.  But now that everything has been burnt down, now they can “build back better.”  Just weeks before the fire, the governor signed a new proclamation on housing that allows the government much more leeway to build as they see fit in Lahaina…. including building “15 minute Smart Cities” run by artificial intelligence.  And the government of Hawaii states their goal is to rebuild and make the entire island of Maui the first Smart Island, run by AI.  This is outlined in the Hawaii Digital Government Summit of 2023.

Green was also the keynote speaker at the UN earlier this year, addressing the Economic and Social Council.  Speakers were invited to help implement the UN’s agenda for Sustainable Development Goals for 2030.  Green was the only US state leader to do so.  Green has also said, “I’m already thinking of ways for the state to acquire that land so that we can put it into workforce housing.”  In other words, cages for the slaves of the state, controlled by AI in the first 15 minute smart city.

In case you don’t know, “15 minute cities” are a new Globalist plan to keep everyone within fifteen minutes walking distance, subsisting in 500-square-foot high-rise apartments, only leaving for work and essential shopping, within a fifteen-minute walk. These cities will all be run by artificial intelligence, monitoring and tracking our every move and handing out “social credit scores.”

Need more coincidences?  The police chief of Maui was the same guy in charge of the shady events surrounding the mass shooting in Las Vegas in 2017, and has earned awards from the now-weaponized FBI.  He is also the coroner of Maui.  As residents attempted to flee the area by car, they were barricaded in by police.  One man, who escaped on foot, begged the police officers to let people out, but officer responded, “I’m just following orders.”  As the man continued on, he began to hear loud explosions and then people screaming, as they perished in the inferno.  Despite no warning sirens, no help from firefighters and the water being turned off, they could have escaped certain death, but police were ordered to barricade them in.  The fewer witnesses the better.

Now as the community tries to pick up the pieces, we know that well over a thousand died in the flames, their bodies incinerated into powdery dust, just like their homes which collapsed into dust in their own footprints and foundations.  And now, home-owners are being told — for the very first time — that they were in violation of some sort of obscure local code or ordinance, so insurance companies are not going to pay. These are multi-generational home-owners, who paid their insurance premiums faithfully for years.  But no compensation for them.

Then immediately, big corporate investors — like Blackrock, Vanguard and State Street — began swooping in, offering to buy the property for pennies on the dollar.  The Biden regime has offered each household a one-time payment of $700, even as they’ve already sent $133 billion to be laundered in Ukraine.  And for the 44th time, the Pentagon just announced another $200 million for Ukraine. If you’re not outraged, you’re sick in the head.

And just like in all other disasters we’ve seen, the government is not helping with any sort of “emergency management.”  FEMA is, in fact, hindering efforts to help those who’ve lost everything.  Locals have banded together to help one another.  Donations have come from all parts, but FEMA will not allow them to be distributed — not even life-saving medicines like insulin — because they’re not federally approved.  So, FEMA is hoarding the supplies.  Maui residents have even tried to get supplies through by boat, but have had to push through government barricades to do so.  Then, they’re not allowed to use public boat landings.  Some have managed to get supplies in by boat using one privately-owned boat dock north of town.

Up the road, FEMA has taken over the Veterans Memorial building and people are being told to go there for supplies. But when they arrive, they’re told it’s not a distribution center, it’s a “shelter,” and unless you’re checking in and staying at the shelter, they’ll receive nothing.  In other words, it’s a concentration camp.

Meanwhile, FEMA has sent a memo to Non-Governmental Organizations that attempt to offer aid and relief that they’re now forbidden to post any photos, videos or images of Lahaina, and any images already on their websites must be immediately removed.  They must hide the evidence.

Call me “crazy” if you like, but I believe this was not a “wildfire,” but rather a deliberate attack using a Directed Energy Weapon.  There are countless videos circulating, taken by residents of Lahaina as the fires began, showing what appear to be laser beams coming from the sky.  These flashes of light strike the ground, and everything in their path is immediately incinerated.  You can choose to believe this is a conspiracy theory, that the images and videos were doctored or photoshopped if you want.  Perhaps one or two videos could have been — but ALL the videos?  All of them are hoaxes?

Directed Energy Weapons are real, friends.  Look it up.  In fact there’s a Directed Energy Weapon research facility on Maui.  Militaries around the world have been using them for years. They’re not only real, but also much more efficient than guns or missiles.  A person thousands of miles away can type in the exact coordinates and instantaneously disintegrate anything on the planet with pinpoint accuracy.

In May of this year, video was taken showing a confirmed Directed Energy Weapon strike in Chile — and the images from Chile match exactly with what residents of Maui saw and video taped as their town began to burn.

How else do you explain the perfect oval shape of destruction surrounding Lahaina?  How else do you explain melted cars and concrete and two feet away, green trees still standing?  Or the big box stores, or the homes of Oprah Winfrey, Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates left completely untouched?

And we’ve seen this same thing before.  Remember the so-called “wildfires” in Paradise, California in 2018?  Same thing. Houses pulverized to dust, collapsing into their own foundations, while foliage just feet away, still green and thriving.  Only one thing can explain that.

It’s sad and disgusting that we even have to question this because it’s unthinkable that our own government could or would be this wicked and evil.  But if we haven’t learned, by now, the depths of evil the Globalists will sink to in order to achieve total world domination, then we haven’t learned anything the past few years.

But it was a sloppy operation, because there are many in the world, including me, who have done our homework — not to mention the residents of Lahaina who lived through this — and understand what the agenda is and just what they’re capable of.  And while the fires were still burning, a book was published and released about the entire event, titled “Fire and Fury: The Story of the 2023 Maui Fire and its Implications for Climate Change.”  It was written by a “Dr. Miles Stones.”  Note the word “milestone” means “an action or event marking a significant change or stage in development.”  Obviously this book was written well in advance of this planned attack and released much sooner than it should have been.  They could at least have waited until after Biden compared the attack on Lahaina to “almost” losing his ’67 Corvette when a lightning strike started a small fire in his home — a fire that never spread beyond the kitchen appliances.

If you want to help the people of Lahaina, a Community Relief Camp has been set up by the locals at a nearby park, to help those in need.  The Lahaina locals actually kicked FEMA out of their camp.  This is citizens directly helping other citizens, without the restrictions and hindrances of the federal government.  The camp is at Honokowai Park, five miles north of the destroyed area.  Support the people directly by going online to:  Do NOT send money to the Red Cross and be careful of anywhere else you send relief funds, because most of these donations are being intercepted and confiscated by FEMA and other government agencies.

I’m beyond furious.  But it’s just the latest blatant example of how far the current regime is willing to go to “burn it all down” in order to “build back better,” turning us all into obedient, compliant slaves.  They may have artificial intelligence, but as God’s chosen ones, we have been given REAL intelligence: power, love and sound minds.  There’s nothing “artificial” about that.  We need not fear.  God will judge and condemn His enemies.  But we must educate ourselves and others, understand and know the wiles of the devil, because there are devils all around us now.  I no longer trust anyone or any organization or entity without the Holy Spirit of God within them. You shouldn’t either.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066. Or email and ask for message number 403.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

The Rainbow Flag Conquered America Right Under the Noses of the Sleeping Churches

By Rob Pue

August 20, 2023

On June 17th, Capitol Square in Madison, Wisconsin was packed with people.  It was the usual crowd shopping at the Farmer’s Market, but those shoppers were overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of people who came to watch — or participate in — the annual “Naked Bike Ride.”

You heard me right, and this was the 13th Annual Naked Bike Ride around the Capitol Square.  Most of the bike riders were completely nude, though many were decorated with body paint, and of course, the “Rainbow Flag” was prominent as well.  I’ve always just shaken my head at this annual event, assuming it was just another perversion that could only happen in the reprobate city of Madison, home of the “Freedom From Religion Foundation.”

But this year, I learned that this event is world-wide and has been going on since 2001…but only came to Wisconsin 13 years ago.  The first Naked Bike Ride took place in Spain that year.  By 2004, there were Naked Bike Rides in 28 cities in ten countries.  Just six years later, the event boasted 74 cities in 17 countries.  Today, there are Naked Bike Rides in every US state.  It turns out that Madison, Wisconsin is “small potatoes” compared to some of the others.  Madison only had 150 or so riding their bikes naked around the state capitol building.  In Portland, there were more than 10,000.  Their stated purpose for these rides is to “support a positive body image;” (In other words, “pride”) as well as to “lessen our dependence on fossil fuels.”  (Gimme a break!)

How can this be allowed?  What about laws against “indecent exposure,” public nudity or “lewd and lascivious behavior?”  Every state has different laws regarding these things.  In California, for instance, public nudity hasn’t been considered a crime since 2000.  But even where “indecent exposure” laws are on the books, enforcement of those laws is very lax.

I remember in the 1970s, when “streaking” was popular in some places.  People laughed it off.  Ray Stevens even did a comedic song about it in 1974.  But what may have started as a “joke” is no laughing matter anymore. Today, those that take part in these very public events have an agenda, and it has little to do with supporting a positive body image, and only the most ignorant, “woke” college-educated Ph.D.s or public school teachers  believe it has anything at all to do with “climate change” due to fossil fuels.

Now, I would imagine, if I were to go to my local county courthouse, remove all of clothes and ride around the building on my bike, I’d likely be stopped by law enforcement and very likely taken to a mental health facility for observation and evaluation, which is what should happen.  I may even be given a citation for indecent exposure.  BUT, if I were to do so carrying a rainbow flag, none of that would happen.

You see, the rainbow flag is magical — it automatically erases all laws on the books.  Likewise, if any normal person were to expose themselves during a Fourth of July parade or festival, there would be some sort of negative consequences — unless they were holding that magical rainbow flag.  Then, it’s all ok.  And if a man were to dress up like a woman and go to a city park, and begin dancing, nearly naked, in front of little children, not so long ago, that man would have been charged with serious crimes and likely earn the life-long status as a “sex offender.”  But not if he’s got the flag!

What a magical thing that rainbow flag has become.  It even allows pornography to be handed out in schools and public libraries to little kids.  It even allows young children to be mentally abused and physically mutilated — legally, by so-called “doctors,” for profit.

It even forces those who are unwilling to participate in the sodomite agenda or activities to do so, or face millions in legal fees and years in prison, in order to continue doing business — as a baker, photographer, graphic designer, website builder or wedding venue host.  What an amazing tool this rainbow flag has become!  It nullifies all laws on the books; it suspends all constitutional rights of those who oppose it and it gives a free pass for perverted men and women to do as they please, not only indulging their own personal perversions in public, but also forcing the rest of society to celebrate these abominations as well.

But in most places in America, you still really can’t get away with any of these things —  without that rainbow flag.  Imagine a police officer encountering a pedophile who is actively seducing and twisting the minds of young children in a public place.  Regardless of whether or not the child’s parents were present, if this were taking place, the pedophile would be on his way to jail.  But not if he’s got a rainbow flag.  That magical thing stops law enforcement dead in their tracks.

Recently, we’ve heard a great deal about child sex trafficking and record numbers of people being prosecuted for having child porn on their computers and phones.  And they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.  In my opinion, if you harm a child, there’s no penalty sufficient enough for you — with the exception of the millstone you’ve earned yourself.

Jesus made it quite clear when He said, “it would be better for that person to have a millstone tied around his neck and he be cast into the depths of the sea.”  “Such intolerance and bigotry” from our Savior, some will say.  Well, Jesus took this much more seriously than we do.  Deep sea divers will tell you what happens to the human body when you go too deep too quickly.  Your eyes, lungs and internal organs implode because of the pressure.  So when Jesus spoke of the millstone and being cast into the depths of the sea, He didn’t simply mean the person would drown.  And His listeners knew exactly what that meant too.  Harming a child deserves the harshest of penalties.

But the LGBTQP+ movement has become so strong, so powerful, and so all-encompassing, that it is now preying openly on young children.  Last year, even Taco Bell held a series of Drag Queen Dance Party Brunches at some of their restaurants around the country.  This evil, twisted sickness has gone mainstream.

“Pride” parades and festivals have grown in popularity nationwide very quickly over the past few years.  From coast to coast, in big cities and (and now especially in small towns), the sin of Sodom is presented as “family- and child-friendly.”  Nevermind the fact that sodomite sex is simulated by nearly-naked or completely naked men on the streets and on parade floats, in full view of children from babies through college-age kids.  That rainbow flag is there, so it’s all “ok.”

They’re no longer even trying to hide the fact that they’re coming for our children.  Two years ago, the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus released a video, which is still on YouTube called “We’ll Convert Your Children.”  At the New York City Pride Parade this past June, the mob in the parade chanted, “We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children!”  And of course, the good old Target stores are also increasingly targeting children in their marketing and sale of homosexual and “transgender” clothing and accessories, designed exclusively for young kids.

While it sickens me to do this, I’m going to quote for you now, excerpts from “The Homosexual Manifesto,” written by Michael Swift, and entered into the Congressional Record in 1987…

“We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together. Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us.

“Women, you cry for freedom. You say you are no longer satisfied with men; they make you unhappy. We, connoisseurs of the masculine face, the masculine physique, shall take your men from you then. We will amuse them; we will instruct them; we will embrace them when they weep.  Women, you say you wish to live with each other instead of with men. Then go and be with each other….All laws banning homosexual activity will be revoked. Instead, legislation shall be passed which engenders love between men. All homosexuals must stand together as brothers; we must be united artistically, philosophically, socially, politically and financially…we will stab you in your cowardly hearts and defile your dead, puny bodies.

“We will unmask the powerful homosexuals who masquerade as heterosexuals. You will be shocked and frightened when you find that your presidents and their sons, your industrialists, your senators, your mayors, your generals, your athletes, your film stars, your television personalities, your civic leaders, your priests are not the safe, familiar, bourgeois, heterosexual figures you assumed them to be. We are everywhere; we have infiltrated your ranks…Those who oppose us will be exiled. We shall raise vast private armies,  to defeat you…The family unit will be abolished…All churches who condemn us will be closed…For us too much is not enough.”

These are just excerpts from this Manifesto, but you can find the entire thing online if you choose.  Suffice to say, the vulgar demon of Sodom has risen, once again, and it’s stronger than ever, supported by every major corporation in the world with trillions of dollars.

The Rainbow Flag is one of conquest, and when state houses and the US Capitol building fly it, it symbolizes the LGBTQP+ mob’s complete domination and conquering of our nation.  It renders all laws null and void. All must submit.  If you dare defy the almighty demon of sodomy and perversion, you will be persecuted and assaulted.

True Christ-followers are, however, pushing back. Like Gideon’s army the faithful remnant is few in numbers, but there are always at least a few real Christians speaking out against this abomination.  Recently, a young man in Watertown, Wisconsin, was arrested at the “pride fest” there.  His crime?  Standing across the street and praying.  Police officers converged on him as if he were the uni-bomber.  This happens to Christians whenever they attempt to push back against the sodomite demon.  Because the sodomites are now the protected class, the ruling class, and the rest of us have become their slaves.

And as I said, the faithful remnant of true Christ-followers is few in number.  Most so-called “Christian” churches are now embracing this deathstyle too.  Entire denominations are now preaching the demonic lies of their LGBTQP+ masters.  But these are not “churches,” they’re synagogues of Satan.  Some of these include the United Church of Christ, the Episcopal Church, the Alliance of Baptists, the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, the American National Catholic Church, the Ecumenical Catholic Church, the Old Catholic Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the United Methodist Church, the Presbyterian Church USA, the Reformed Church in America, the Friends General Conference (Quakers) and even some in the Mennonite Church USA.

Christians who dare speak against this are often accused of trying to “legislate morality.” The truth is, they’ve learned how to legislate — and strictly enforce — immorality.  Christians are often accused by sodomites of trying to shove our “religion” down their throats.  But look where we are today.  Just WHO is trying to shove WHAT down WHOSE throats?

The sodomite demon has conquered America, and the dumb, sleeping churches, led by hireling, cowardly “pastors” have let it happen, for the love of popularity and money — the root of all evil.  The Rainbow Flag is a symbol of conquest, and it’s everywhere you look now, especially wherever children may be found.  But God’s remnant remains, and the gates of hell will not prevail against His anointed.  Stand firm.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Build Back Better

By Rob Pue

August 6, 2023

The big call during the last presidential election was to “Build Back Better.”  That was the theme of the campaign of the illegitimate regime currently occupying the White House.  Not surprisingly, it just happens to be the same theme of the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” agenda as well.

But in order to “build back” — for better or worse — you first have to “tear down.”  And that’s exactly what we’ve been seeing over the last decade or so and this “tearing down” of America has accelerated to a mind-boggling speed.

I could go back much further, but let’s start with the election year of 2020.  The country was devastated as groups like ANTIFA and the now-disgraced Black Lives Matter movement recruited and paid people to riot, burn, loot and destroy many of our nation’s cities. Anarchy was everywhere — but it wasn’t to protest the unconstitutional edicts of those who orchestrated the COVID scam-demic — it was over racial division, fueled by intense hatred, and like the scam-demic this racial strife was also highly orchestrated.

In Seattle, anarchists took control of eight city blocks for nearly a month, declaring the area to be a “sovereign nation,” known as “CHAZ” and later “CHOP.” Yet they still demanded plenty of “free stuff” from the federal government.  Ironically, the first thing these so-called “peaceful protestors” did — (all favoring open borders for the United States, by the way) — was erect a wall — to protect their imaginary sovereign nation.  The Seattle mayor likened the situation to a “festive block party,” though the area was run by a “rapper” who was also a drug dealer and sex trafficker and there was daily violence.

While the rest of the country was forced to “social distance,” the same rules didn’t apply to those who were systematically destroying our cities.  They were allowed to maraud by the thousands and freely throw bricks through the windows of local businesses.  Pallet loads of bricks were found to have been placed on city streets across the country just prior to many of the worst attacks.  Who paid for them and had them placed there? I can only guess, but suffice to say that many of our federal three-letter agencies have been caught red-handed orchestrating nefarious deeds since then.

In Washington DC, in the midst of the destruction, a street across from the White House was renamed “Black Lives Matter Plaza” in record time.  The former street sign was removed, and a new street sign went up within a couple of days. Under normal circumstances, any such move would take months — even just to have a street sign made — to say nothing of the amount of time it would take a city council to approve such a change.   I believe the sign had already been manufactured and was ready for installation even before the riots began.

And as businesses and neighborhoods across the country were being utterly destroyed, law enforcement was ordered to “stand down” and let it all burn.  Crowds of rioters numbered in the thousands in some areas — and mainstream media reporters continued to lie to our faces calling these “mostly peaceful protests,” even as police cars and buildings were shown in flames in the background.  We were well trained by the brainwashers to not believe our own eyes.

Then, of course, the words “Black Lives Matter” were allowed to be painted in 20-foot-tall letters on city streets.  Anyone who interfered — including a black lady who saw this purposely-incited race war for the sham it was — was immediately arrested for daring to try to stop the madness.  I should also mention the countless statues and monuments of our American history and heritage that were either vandalized, destroyed, or just removed by government edict.

Let’s not forget that while all this was going on, businesses and churches that were considered “non-essential” were forced to close. People were forced to wear masks wherever they went, encouraged not to go anywhere. Many were injured by police as they were forcibly arrested for non-compliance…even if they were caught not wearing a mask while on the beach, riding a bike or sitting in a public park. Playgrounds had their equipment roped off or covered in orange plastic fencing to assure children couldn’t play outdoors.

We were forced to stand six feet apart, follow the arrows on the floor at Walmart, and stand on little circles — six feet apart — when you went anywhere that was open.  One home improvement company even had armed guards at the door to assure everyone was wearing a mask. If you didn’t have one, they’d sell you one. If you still refused to comply, police were called, and people were arrested.

Then came the jabs.  “Safe and effective,” we were told, only to discover these things were neither. They’ve now been proven to be weapons of depopulation, as millions have “died suddenly.”  Funeral directors noted a serious marked increase in deaths of young people starting right after the shots were implemented. They — along with scientists and doctors — discovered enormous blood clots in the dead bodies of jab victims.  But not just ordinary blood clots. These more closely resembled window caulk — white, rubbery substances that completely shut off the blood flow.  We’ve learned a lot more about these shots than I can get into in this message, but suffice to say, they didn’t come at “warp speed.” They’d been in the works for years, just waiting for the perfect opportunity to unleash them.

We must also remember the deadly, mandatory protocols implemented by hospitals — mandated by Fauci and company and incentivized with enormous amounts of money from the federal government. The more dead people a hospital could turn out, the more money they made.

And then, right on cue with Saul Alinsky’s communist handbook, Rules For Radicals,” things shifted.  As Alinsky stated, “a tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.”  But the tearing down of our country has never stopped.

Since then, we’ve seen over 200 food processing plants mysteriously go up in flames in just about every state in the nation. I find it odd that in each of these cases, not one of those facilities had adequate working sprinkler systems to mitigate damage.  We’ve also seen countless thousands of chickens and heads of cattle “culled” due to alleged illnesses, and severe drought has caused the loss of millions of acres of crops in America’s “breadbasket.” In case you’re not aware, our federal government has been playing around with weather modification for decades, and “chemtrails” really DO exist. Call it a “crazy conspiracy theory” if you want, but you’d be better off investigating that for yourself.   If you want to know the truth.

Then the train derailments began.  Perhaps the most notable was the one in East Palestine, Ohio on February 3rd of this year.  That train had twenty tankers filled with Vinyl Chloride — a deadly toxin that causes cancer and a host of other deadly ailments. After the derailment, instead of safely removing the toxic liquid from the tanker cars to other tanks, officials drained the stuff into a ditch and then deliberately ignited it, sending a plume of toxic compounds high into the air.  Two hundred miles away, residents reported the paint on their cars was bubbling up and the plastic parts of their cars were melted.

But we were assured that the residents of East Palestine had nothing to fear.  The media reported, once again, “nothing to see here,” even as thousands of fish in the area were dead, along with pets and farm animals. The media told us residents reported only “runny noses, chest congestion, coughing and headaches” for a few days, but they need not be concerned. Strange — those are the same symptoms of the so-called “deadly COVID.”  Yet, officials have assured residents their air and water are completely safe.

Train derailments have continued across the country — almost continuously, it seems.  The most recent being the Norfolk Southern derailment in Whitemarsh Township, Pennsylvania.  That train was also carrying potentially deadly chemicals including liquid fertilizer and another that I can’t pronounce, which is used as a dry cleaning agent and metal degreasing solvent.  In tune with the newest push for a “climate change” crisis, officials have said this derailment was likely “weather related.”

But the demolition of America’s infrastructure continues in just about every area with bridge collapses, power station outages, and road failures.  It’s almost as if all these calamities coming all at once are being carefully planned and carried out.  But certainly, our own government would never do anything to harm us, or the country, …right?

Remember, in order to “build back better” you first must destroy what was. The country I grew up in is under attack, friends, and if you continue to believe the official narrative put forth by government agencies — including the mainstream media — I truly feel sorry for you.

You may think the “jabs” are a thing of the past, now that so many people have had their eyes opened to the truth and many are now refusing them. But now they’re putting this mRNA into all of us — whether we want it or not, or even know about it.  They’re now injecting it into farm animals, so we get it through the meat we eat. If you’re vegetarian, you’re not off the hook either, because they’re now also infusing it into plants and crops.  And if you have your own farm and your own home-grown food supply that you oversee, you better watch out for mosquitoes, because they’re putting the jab into the mosquitoes now too and then those bugs are jabbing all of us.

Many more things are coming to light now as well. While sex trafficking and the sexual exploitation of children has been going on since the dawn of time, we’re now seeing an assault on our children like we’ve never witnessed before.  Whistleblowers who speak the truth about powerful men and women in high places taking part in this — and profiting handsomely from the sale of children — are turning up mysteriously dead, if they don’t simply go missing themselves.

Meanwhile, the twisting of minds — young and old — regarding sexual perversion and abomination is now like nothing I could ever have imagined. We have pornography in schools, X-rated sex performances promoted as “family- and child-friendly” events in our schools, libraries, city parks and theaters.  Our kids are being force-fed the ideology of “transgenderism.” And if you don’t affirm the psychotic delusion of a so-called “transgender” person, you’re guilty of a hate crime.

This is nothing short of child abuse. I can’t understand how anyone could think this stuff is ok. Children are being mutilated for life. In some places, it’s now against the law for parents to intervene if a child agrees to “transition.” Can you imagine, taking a young girl and injecting puberty blocking chemicals into her, then pumping her full of testosterone injections? Even biological men who have low testosterone levels must go through months of testing and analysis and doctor visits in order to get legitimate testosterone boosters if they need them.  But somehow, the insane Leftists, who can’t even give a coherent definition of a “woman,” think this is perfectly ok to do to a confused 12-year-old girl — without her parents’ consent or even knowledge.

Meanwhile, banks are failing, businesses are shutting down, joblessness is rampant, the homeless population has exploded nationwide with people living on the streets or in “tent cities.” The US dollar is collapsing.  Violent crime is rising, even in small towns. Cities have become no-go zones, with their streets littered with human feces and drug needles.

This is where we’re at, folks. The regime is building something but it’s not “better.”   As I’ve said before, there is no political solution to all this. They’re all in it together. If you’re waiting for Donald Trump to come back and set things straight, you’re forgetting that all the riots and destruction started under his watch and he did nothing to stop it. You’re forgetting that Trump is also a huge supporter of the LGBTQP+ agenda. You’re forgetting how proud he is of the deadly “jab” he knowingly unleashed.  You’re forgetting that it was Trump who oversaw the COVID mandates and lockdowns.

He may continue to say what we all want to hear, but we need to look deeper because he’s not our Savior. The only ‘Build Back Better” plan that is ever going to work is the one where we have a massive wave of individual and national repentance and a serious 180 degree turn back to God Almighty; and that may never happen until Christ Himself returns as the just Judge and Ruler He truly is.  Preach the Word. Prepare. And pray.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

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Count It All Joy

By Rob Pue

July 30, 2023

There’s no question that we’re living in troubled times. And every day I hear from people who are extremely discouraged, fearful, anxious, depressed and many have lost all hope. These are not “worldly” people — these are Christians and they’re in despair as they see what is coming upon the world now. They seek God but feel far from Him. They pray but receive no answers. They look for God’s blessings but all they find is adversity and hardship.

It’s not sinful or a lack of faith when these feelings and emotions seem to overtake you.  Even Jesus, on the eve of His crucifixion, cried out to His Father, “Father, if Thou be willing, remove this cup from Me: nevertheless, not My will, but Thine, be done.” Even after an angel came and ministered to Him, as He prayed even more earnestly, the Bible tells us His sweat was like “great drops of blood falling down to the ground.” Our Savior did not doubt His Father or lose His faith, but He certainly was in turmoil as He knew what was coming.

1 Peter 4:12 & 13 tells us, “Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy.”

Jesus told His disciples that in this world they would have tribulation.  And so will we.  All who are true Christ-followers will have to endure tribulation and fiery trials.  But He also said we are to “be of good cheer” because He has overcome the world… and because we belong to Him, because we are His children, we also have overcome the world.

I can’t count the number of times I’ve been at what I thought was the lowest possible point of my life. All the times that, because of the circumstances I found myself in, I thought things couldn’t possibly get any worse, ever.  My life has been one of continuous “fiery trials” and tribulations.  Many times I’ve found myself at the point of despair, discouraged, fearful, anxious, deeply depressed and more times than I can count, hope has eluded me.  In some cases, these horrible situations passed rather quickly.  In others, the trials have lasted for months and even years.

But every time, they’ve eventually passed and afterwards, sometimes years afterwards, I’ve been able to look back at those situations and see how God was true to His promise: He did work everything together for good.  He did restore the things that were lost.  He did bring beauty out of ashes. And every single time, I learned the valuable lesson of trusting God through the worst of situations because as I look back at those awful times, I can clearly see that He never left me and I was never forsaken by Him — quite the contrary — He was teaching me the most valuable of all lessons — to “trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” 

You see, friends, it’s only the doubting that causes anxiety, depression, discouragement, fear and despair. When we know that our God is with us and His Holy Spirit is in us, in every situation, we can look for the lesson He’s teaching us with hearts of hope and joy, and we can be blessed with peace that passes all understanding.  When you truly know that God is with you, then honestly, who can be against you?  Is any trial, trouble our tribulation too big for God? Do you truly believe that Jesus has overcome the world and that as His children, we have as well?  If so, then embrace the trials you must endure. They’re for a purpose, and ultimately, God will work them all together for good. Evil will not prevail against God’s people.

So, if you’re feeling like this is the lowest point in your life, and God is not opening doors or answering prayers or providing solutions and you’re wondering where His blessings are, just know that He is blessing you, right now, in the midst of great adversity. The blessing is the teaching you’re receiving right now. The blessing is the sanctification that this “wilderness experience” is building in you. The blessing is the character cleansing and the faith building that’s happening right now, even as you live through awful, terrible dark days.

Romans 8:28, “We know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.”

2 Corinthians 4: 8 & 9, “We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed.”

James 1: 2-4, “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”

Of all people, I am keenly aware of what we’re facing in this world from the Globalist agenda. The kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and His anointed.  The heathen are raging and the people are imagining vain things.  Certainly there’s no shortage of things to be concerned about.

Today we’re on the brink of civil war and world war. Our country is being invaded by foreign enemies and our own government is not only allowing it, but facilitating it.  There’s an all-out war on morality, goodness, righteousness and on God Himself.  The kings of the earth are conspiring together to depopulate the earth, murder millions and enslave the rest. They’re manipulating the weather to bring about unnatural climate disasters, droughts, and famine. The sorcery of pharmakea is killing and enslaving people. Insanity and madness is rampant. Sexual immorality and delusion is worse than any of us could ever have imagined. Children are being openly groomed for sexual abuse and exploitation under taxpayer-funded government mandates, and sodomites have gone past the point of pride and have now turned to an agenda of violence.

Many are enduring homelessness, poverty, drug abuse and extreme mental illness, even as the Great Healer, Jesus Christ, is forbidden to even be spoken of in many places.  True Christ-followers are being persecuted like never before in America today.  If you haven’t yet experienced such persecution, then I’d examine your heart to see if you really are in the faith, or just a “Christian” in name only — which, by the way, equates to taking the Lord’s name in vain.

And meanwhile, with very few courageous Christ-following shepherds, the people have lost their moral compass and only a small remnant even know who God is anymore, much less teach and train up their children in the way they should go.

I understand the future looks bleak. I also understand there are many just enduring all this in quiet despair, waiting for the rapture to take them out of this world. That’s a very poor choice to make, and I believe, even a sinful one. We’ve been called to occupy until He returns. Not bury our talents or hide our lights under a bushel. We’re called to be warriors for Christ in the midst of these times of tribulation, and that involves more than just leaving Bible tracts on the table in a restaurant or in a restroom stall at the gas station.  If we’re serious about our faith, we’re going to have to get our hands dirty, and when we do, we’re going to face persecution. As I said, if you’re not already experiencing such persecution, I’d advise that you examine your heart to see if you’re a true believer or if you’ve been deceived by “easy believism.”  Remember 2 Timothy 3:12, “all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.”

Have you been transformed by the renewing of your mind, or have you been conforming to this world, trying to fly under the radar, a “closet Christian” that avoids confrontation and controversy at all costs?

The world is growing more and more dark by the day. Wickedness abounds. Even God’s faithful can be fearful and deeply discouraged at times. My advice is to know and understand what’s happening — don’t tune out the news, because we need to know what the enemy is up to. But at the same time, don’t submit to fear.

There are many who search the daily headlines and seem to thrive on bad news. They seem to get some sort of “thrill” out of the latest thing the Globalist devils are planning and doing.  Yeah, it’s good for us to know what’s happening. But don’t focus on it with an attitude of defeat. Set your hearts and minds on the things of God. Build your spirit up in faith and know that one day, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord…and that the plans of those who hate us will blow back upon them and they themselves will be crushed by the very things they intended for us.

In Isaiah 35:4, we have this: “Say to those who have an anxious heart, ‘be strong; fear not! Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God. He will come and save you.”

As I see the plans of the Globalist Luciferians for this world, it’s very clear that God’s true remnant people are their mortal enemies and they absolutely intend us great harm.  Many of us will lose our freedom and all our earthly posessions, and many of us will lose our lives in the days ahead as the evil ones continue in their attempt to rebuild Babylon.

I would urge you to remember all those strong men and women of faith in Scripture and understand these are not simply Bible stories.  These are historical accounts of God’s chosen enduring great persecution.  Let us learn from biblical history.  And look back at your own life, to the times you thought you were at your absolute lowest point and things couldn’t possibly get any worse — and remember how God was teaching you, training you up and sanctifying you, and how, in retrospect, you can now see how He worked all those horrible things together for good…because you love Him and are called according to His purpose.

There’s no reason to be afraid. We have nothing to fear. Nothing can separate us from the love of God.  “Neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Jesus said, “In this world, you will have tribulation, but take heart. I have overcome the world.”  And in Christ, so have you.  So, keep your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Set your heart and mind on the things of His kingdom, even as we endure this present darkness.  Use your talents wisely. Invest them for your King as you use what He’s given you to stand as a fortress of truth in a world of deception.

I pray that God’s will is done on earth as it is in heaven.  He accomplishes His will through people — but the souls of His children must be tested, our characters cleansed and it’s through hardship and persecution that we grow closer to Him in sanctification.  Let us be about our Father’s business — boldly and courageously, with hearts filled with hope and faith, rather than fear and dread, so that after we have stood firm through it all, He will say to us, “well done, thy good and faithful servant. Enter in, to the joy of thy Lord.” 

Audio versions and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 399.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Closer to God Through Prayer & Works

By Rob Pue

July 9, 2023

We live in troubled times.  Things have changed.  Satan, his demons and his minions among humanity have fundamentally transformed our world into a hideous thing that our forefathers wouldn’t recognize.  Troubled times, indeed.  Perilous times have come.

But, as I’ve said many times before, as Christ-followers, we have nothing to fear.  The worst the world can do to us is end our earthly lives, which would simply send our souls back home to our Lord and Savior.  So we need not be fearful.  Nor should we be riddled with anxiety and worry.  Philippians 4 reminds us, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

We’d do well to follow the instruction of James 4:8, “Draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you.  Cleanse your hands, ye sinners, and purify your hearts, ye double minded.”  Our heavenly Father wants a relationship with us — He wants to love us and hold us close to Himself…as a loving earthly father would love his precious children.  But we’re hard-hearted people, selfish and self-centered.  Often we can only focus on what we see here in this world and forgetting God, we struggle through so much on our own.

How sad for the earthly father whose children forget him on Father’s Day.  How that Dad longs to have a relationship with his kids.  How much more does our heavenly Father long for us to seek Him, go to Him, spend time with Him, and love Him with all our hearts.

As a father myself, I’m very blessed to hear from my adult children, and now that they all live far away, it’s a very special time when we can be together in person.  But if they encounter a situation where they need help, advice or guidance, I’m so blessed that they come to me seeking answers and solutions to their problems, and I’m more than happy to give them the best, wise, Godly advice to help solve those problems.  Often times, things that can seem overwhelming to my children, who are young adults now, are “simple fixes” for me.  And no matter what situation we find ourselves in as Christ-followers in this world, there’s no problem or situation too great for God to handle.

Now, this doesn’t mean my kids come to me and automatically get everything they ask for.  In fact, in almost every situation, when my kids come to me with a problem, it’s a “teachable moment.”  Since I’m much older than they are, just about every situation they come to me with is something I had to deal with when I was their age.  I learned how to handle it and I learned what to do — and what not to do, so now, I’m able to offer wise counsel and advice, and by God’s grace, sometimes I’m able to just take care of problems and lift the burden from their shoulders.  But these are always teachable moments.  It’s the same with our God — He promises to walk beside His children, care for and teach us through all the trials and tribulations this world will throw at us.

But unlike God, I don’t know everything, so sometimes I have things to learn too.  This past winter, my daughter called one evening to say she left her car lights on while at work and came out to a dead battery.  She asked a co-worker to jump-start her car and then they advised her to let it run a while so the battery had time to charge.  So she called me to ask, “how long should I let the car run to make sure the battery is charged?”

I responded with, “what does your volt meter say?”  She answered, “I don’t think I have one of those.”  “Of course, you do,” I said.  “All cars have volt meters… sometimes they have a picture of a little battery on them and the needle will show how strong your battery is.  Look at your gauges.”

“I’m not seeing anything like that,” she said.  I couldn’t believe she didn’t have a volt meter in her car.  So I went out to my vehicle — and sure enough, I don’t have one either!  Apparently, the car-makers decided some time ago that those were unnecessary now.  But in the old days, all cars had volt meters.  I guess I’m pretty old… Anyway, I told her to give it fifteen or twenty minutes, then drive home and the battery would be fine.  And it was.

Just a silly story, but I was glad that in her time of need — even for something as simple as a dead car battery — she came to me for my advice and help.  We have a close relationship and I’m blessed whenever any of my kids come to me, to share their difficulties as well as their joys and accomplishments.  God wants to have that type of relationship with us, too. He’s ready and waiting for us, but so often we neglect Him, and it never even occurs to us to go to God until we reach rock bottom.

You know, that’s usually the point when people pray.  Even Christians.  They’ll do and try everything else they can think of in their own power, and when all else fails, they’ll say, “Well, all we can do now is pray.”  As if prayer is not only a last resort, but one that they really don’t believe will accomplish much, if anything at all.  But in Mark 11, Jesus told His disciples the importance of having faith in God.  In verse 24, He told them, “…whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”

Paul told the Colossians to “Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it, with thanksgiving.”  Jeremiah 33:3, “Call to Me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.”  And Psalm 145:18, “The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth.”

Now God doesn’t promise to give us everything we ask for.  But He does promise to give us everything we ask for that is in alignment with His will.  He doesn’t give us everything we want, but He absolutely does provide for us everything we need… because He knows far better than we do what’s best for us, what we truly need in every situation.  And He is there beside us, most especially when we go to Him in prayer.

I’m reminded of the song, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus.”  An old hymn, from 1855, that talks about the importance of prayer.  It goes like this: “What a friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and griefs to bear!  What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!

“Oh, what peace we often forfeit, oh, what needless pain we bear.  All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer!”

The Scriptures tell us to pray without ceasing.  This doesn’t mean to spend the entirety of our lives doing nothing else but praying.  But it does mean that we should pray and communicate with God all throughout every day and night of our lives.  We should have a constant connection to the heart of God through our prayers.  When you get that green light in busy traffic, just a quick “thank you, Lord” should be offered. When faced with an enormous “to-do” list of chores or work to be done, ask, “Lord, please show me what I should do first, what’s most important.”  And when you see a spiritually lost person on the street and pray, “Lord, please show me how I can tell them about You,” He will open that door of opportunity.

What a different world this would be if all who claim the name of Christ would pray without ceasing…praying from the heart as we commune with our Father in heaven, in Jesus’ name.  But today, even among Christians, prayer is not a priority.  We may pray in church or before a meal, but these are often out of obligation or habit; and that doesn’t make for a close relationship with God.

Corporate prayer is wonderful, when it is sincere and from the heart.  But Jesus told us in Matthew 6 that it can also be vain when done with a wrong spirit.  He said, “…when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret….And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.”

If God already knows what we need before we ask, then what’s the purpose of prayer?  It’s not a vain, religious ritual — it’s building a relationship and a close bond with our Father, our Lord and Savior.

The “Lord’s Prayer,” found in Matthew 6, gives us an outline — a concept of how we should pray within the will of God.  “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name.  Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.  For Thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory, forever.  Amen.”

So, we’re to reverence God’s hallowed name, pray for His kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth.  We should thank Him for providing our daily sustenance, while asking His forgiveness for our shortfalls, while remembering to forgive those who we might be holding a grudge against.  We should ask Him to steer us clear from things the enemy might tempt us with, and keep us from evil things meant to harm us.  And we should acknowledge that God, our Creator is the ruler of all things, with all power and glory.

This is a wonderful prayer, but it only touches on the basic concepts we should know and acknowledge when we talk to God.  Unfortunately, in many churches and religious circles today, it’s become just something we recite from memory, with no real understanding or sincerity behind it.  God doesn’t want us to speak to Him in meaningless words.  He wants to commune with us, heart to heart.  He wants us to have His heart within us, as we’re transformed to His will through the renewing of our minds.  And as Christ-followers and His ambassadors on this earth, we should always be growing closer to the image and heart of our Savior, through ever-growing sanctification and the continuous filling of our souls with His Holy Spirit.

I’m not real good at leading corporate, public prayer.  People expect an eloquent speech, and a concise prayer that flows smoothly out of one’s mouth.  I have to tell you, that’s not me.  Of course, I do pray steadily throughout each day with short little comments to God.  But in my extended prayer times, I will first speak, and then listen.  Usually, I listen for a while — and this can frustrate people if I’m leading a group in prayer.  They want something concise and to the point.  Instead, I talk with God in prayer, and we converse.  As we have our conversation together, God leads while I listen, and then I respond.  And then I listen some more.

I believe that’s how it should be.  Because prayer is real.  It’s not a last resort thing to try when all else fails.  It’s communion with God Almighty and it should be heartfelt — a time to connect and bond with my heavenly Father.  Indeed, it is that personal relationship that we hear so much about.  That personal relationship is not just a concept.  It’s a real thing, especially when you spend intentional, meaningful time together with God, and we do that through the wonder of prayer.  Prayer changes things.  It changes people, because through it, we draw ever closer to our Father.  What a privilege it is — to carry everything to God — in prayer!

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

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Praise God With Reverence and Awe

By Rob Pue

July 2, 2023

We’re living in days of great uncertainty, and as a reader recently reminded me, many people — including many church-goers — are filled with fear, doubt and trembling.  This earth, and perhaps especially this country — is under the judgment of God.  Of course, God has the last word on everything.  He’s patient and longsuffering, not willing that any should perish.  Yet He does judge the wicked and pronounce a righteous sentence upon them. We’re seeing that now and many, who’ve been apathetic toward the things of God, too caught up in their own personal pursuits to bother with God or His Word — even those who claim to be “Christians,” sense that something big and bad is about to happen.  Even unbelievers, professing atheists and pagans report a feeling of impending doom and dread.

Things have changed rapidly over the past couple of years and those who serve as watchmen have been sounding the warning to “repent!” “Seek God.” “Choose who you will serve and if it be God, then get serious about your service to Him and the commission He’s called you to.”  But few have listened.  I sometimes wonder if all the information and warnings I, myself give, are simply falling on deaf ears too.  What will it take for Godly men and women to rise up, stand up, speak up and understand the urgency, and lateness of the hour?

I think we’ve become so accustomed to hearing “bad news” about what’s going on in our country, we just sort of tune it out now.  We feel powerless to effect any kind of change, and we’re doubtful about preparing for the trials and tribulations to come.  Maybe it’s because we’ve been warned for so long — yet for most of us, our lives have just slowly adjusted to a “new normal.”  So when people like me warn of serious danger ahead, or grave injustices going on right now, or treason in high places and the righteous judgment of God upon a wicked nation, we’re just seen as “fear mongers” and “conspiracy theorists.”

If it’s not on the TV news, then it’s not happening, right?  Just another right-wing conspiracy. Even my local newspaper, which “prides” itself on being “independent and non-partisan” publishes some of the most Leftist-slanted articles you could dream up — completely discounting verifiable proof of malfeasance, treason, and serious crimes.  Evil is called “good” and good is called “evil” and if you dare say or think otherwise, you’re now a “radical, right-wing conspiracy theorist,” a “Christian nationalist” — and a “domestic terrorist.”

Today, many have been given over to strong delusion. I could cite many examples, from the “climate change crisis” to “free and fair elections.”  But perhaps the strongest delusion from those who constantly want us to “follow the science” is that there are more than two genders — an infinite number of genders, in fact, and we must all not only acknowledge that in order to be good citizens, but we must also celebrate that delusion pridefully as well.  If we don’t, we’re hateful bigots. What insanity.  The acceptance, now, of “transgenderism” and “an infinite number of gender identities” is probably the greatest proof that most of America has fallen prey to strong delusion.”

The word “delusion” means: “A misleading of the mind…false representation, error or mistake proceeding from false views.”  Never before have so many been so confused and I dare say never before have so many been so forcefully coerced into accepting, believing, and then pridefully celebrating so many obvious delusions.  But some still have consciences that haven’t been totally seared yet — and so they instinctively know things are worse than just “not right.” And this has brought about an atmosphere of fear, depression, great anxiety, and madness that not even Pfizer can fix with their pharmakea.

For thousands of years, followers of God have turned to the biblical Psalms for comfort.  One of my study Bibles describes the book of Psalms like this: “The feelings of joy and pain, fear and security, triumph and tragedy, confidence and doubt, hope and despair are expressed with reverence — honestly and boldly.”

My study Bible goes on: “The reader is sometimes taken aback by the blunt and powerful words that the psalmists used.  But these folk were often in life-and-death situations, attacked by ruthless and cruel enemies, betrayed by friends, or in natural dangers as they traveled the land.  Because there was no lasting peace and no sense of security, life was a daily challenge.  Yet they were convinced that the Lord reigned over the affairs of men, and so they rejoiced over the law of God as their guide.”

It also informs us: “Whenever the Lord demonstrated His sovereignty by direct intervention in their affairs, they praised Him.  When God’s intervention did not seem to be forthcoming, they lamented over their dilemmas and prayed more earnestly.  When the affairs of life seemed unfair, they analyzed the wisdom of God’s decisions.  But in every case, they reaffirmed their hope in His loyal love and their commitment to serving Him.”

The book of Psalms is a collection of poems that were originally set to music and sung in worship to God.  The Psalms were written by at least six different men over the course of several centuries.  For example, Moses is said to have written Psalm 90.  Others are attributed to King Solomon, and many to David.  All flawed and sinful men, but used by God to do many great exploits — because through all of their faults, their faith remained strong and they knew Who their Creator was and Who they were ultimately accountable to.  In faith, they cried out to Him in their times of need, in their times of fear.  Whether they encountered persecution and defeat or justice and victory, they praised God.  We could learn from these Psalm writers — and from the Psalms themselves.  Indeed, in days like these, they can bring comfort and peace to our troubled and fearful souls.

Psalm 23: “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.  He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.

 “Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

Many of us have this Psalm committed to memory.  Often it’s recited corporately in church.  But do we really understand what it means and what we’re saying?

First of all, this is not for everyone. The carnal, worldly, pagan unbeliever cannot claim any of these promises of God.  This is only for those whose Shepherd is the Lord — only for those who submit to and serve God Almighty.  This is for God’s children, bought by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus, who have the Holy Spirit of God within them.

God’s children will not lack anything they truly need.  And instead of fear and trembling, their hearts are led to green pastures and still waters.  When one’s soul is weary and defeated by this world, the Lord restores it.  The Holy Spirit guides and directs us in the paths of righteousness. And we need never fear, even though we face death, because God — as He has promised over and over again — will never leave us.

God also uses his “rod and staff,” not only as tools for direction and guidance, but also as tools of discipline and correction.  Knowing our Lord is watching over us carefully and lovingly keeping us on the path to life brings us comfort.

As Christ-followers, the world hates us.  We have many enemies.  But again, the Lord cares for us abundantly.  It may not seem like it when we’re facing lions, giants and evil armies of demons, but even in the midst of all this, we can “sit down” at the “table” God’s prepared for us with abundant and lavish goodness — such goodness that our cups are filled to overflowing.

And we may not see “goodness and mercy” as we’re unfairly persecuted and as it appears the devil and his demons win every battle.  But that’s not what the Psalm says, is it?  It says, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me, all the days of my life.”  This implies something a little different that you may not have considered.  As children of God, as His remnant people on this earth, we are to be His ambassadors to a wicked, fallen, demented world.  And if we represent Him properly, then everywhere we go, we should be leaving, in our wake, a wave of goodness and mercy.  Goodness and mercy follows us — but it’s not just for us — it’s for those who don’t yet know Jesus Christ as their Savior and His Father as their Maker.

And then, in the end, when our time on this earth is over and our souls outgrow these bodies, then — we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

This should be a great encouragement to us all.  Don’t just “recite” Psalm 23 with vain words.  Meditate upon it.  Understand it.  Know what it truly means. Praise God and commune with Him as you pray those words to Him.  The world needs hope.  Christians need to stop living cowardly lives, filled with fear.  Trust in the only one Who can always be counted on to be faithful.  And count your blessings, because all who truly follow Christ are truly blessed beyond measure.

Let me close with the words from Psalm 91 and I pray that today — and in the worst of the days that are soon to come — you’ll learn to meditate, understand, and know Who your God truly is and why you need never have anything other than total peace that passes all understanding:

“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.’  Surely, He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence.

 “He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler. You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.

 “A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you. Only with your eyes shall you look and see the reward of the wicked.  Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling place, no evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling; For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone.  You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra; The young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot. ‘Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known My name.

“He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him.  With long life I will satisfy him and show him My salvation.”

Meditate on these areas of Scripture. Praise the Lord with them and reverence Him with them.  And as Psalm 91 ends, call upon the Lord in your times of trouble and He will answer you, deliver you and honor you.  Though we are going to face persecution, we can be bold, courageous, thankful, grateful, and powerful, even if our enemies take our earthly lives.  Those who stand strong ‘til the end will be saved, and you will see God’s salvation.  Fear not.

Audio versions and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 398.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

The Root Of the Fruit

By Rob Pue

June 24, 2023

There is an immutable law of nature and Nature’s God, known as “cause and effect.”  Everything we do — or don’t do — has an effect.  An effect on ourselves, on those close to us, our community at large and even the nation.  For every effect we see, there is a cause.  Sometimes the cause is easy to see and sometimes it takes more effort to find it.

You might also call it the “root and the fruit.”  The fruit that is borne in this world only blossoms because there is a root.  Whether the fruit we’re dealing with is good or bad, there is always a good, strong root that started it all.

The world has abandoned God and His Word like no other time in history since, perhaps, the days of Noah and Lot.  And that’s the cause of the effects we’re seeing today. That’s the root of the rotten, bitter fruit our world is bearing today.  When a people and a nation reject God Almighty, the effect is that they lose their moral compass.  Without a moral compass, we wander in confusion, insanity and delusion.  Without God’s moral compass to guide us, we just do what we want — regardless of the consequences, regardless of the effects.

And so today, by “following our own hearts,” we have come to the point that Paul spoke of to Timothy.  Perilous times have come.  2 Timothy 3:2-7,  “For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.  They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth.”

The Bible speaks of this in Isaiah 5:21,  “Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight.”  Prior to this statement, Isaiah writes, “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”  It is a picture of a world devoid of morality, a world turned upside down, where confusion reigns and the concept of right and wrong is abstract and irrelevant.  It’s a picture of our world, in this generation.  No moral absolutes.  Everything is relative to each individual, with no moral compass.

The questions that have thrown our culture into turmoil today seem so basic and so simple, it’s hard to believe we’re even debating them.  Questions like: “what’s the definition of marriage and family?”  “Are children a blessing or a punishment?”  “Should people work to provide for themselves and their families, or should the workers be viewed as greedy, and their wages confiscated to provide for the non-workers?”  “Should we honor the God of our forefathers or the hedonistic, demented god of this world?”  “Should children be exposed to blatant pornography in the name of ‘diversity’ and ‘inclusion?”  And perhaps the most difficult of all questions for today’s Leftists to answer: “What is a woman?”

The answers you give to these questions will come from your worldview.  Your worldview is your foundation of ideas, attitudes and beliefs, based on your life’s experience.  Our personal worldviews are formed by our schooling and education, the influence of parents, friends and family, our religious backgrounds and multi-media indoctrination.  I dare say that each of these things have changed in recent years, causing a polar shift in the worldviews of many people.  What was once good is now considered evil.  What was once darkness is now considered light.  And what was once bitter, is now considered sweet.

The one thing that hasn’t changed and does not change is God and His Word.  Nor do the immutable laws of nature and God, Who created all things.  This is why God and His Word can always be trusted as a truthful and reliable moral compass.  But today, we “follow our hearts” instead of following God’s instructions.  How’s that working for us?  Our hearts cannot be trusted.  Mark 7:21-23, “For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride and foolishness. All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person,” Jesus said.

In Jeremiah 17:9, we have this: “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked.  Who can know it?”

If you’re a young person — perhaps a young woman — maybe you can understand better with a word picture.  Have you ever followed your heart — your emotions — and felt you were deeply in love with your boyfriend?  So deeply in love that you surrendered your body to him, only to find soon after, he never really loved you at all?  He told you he loved you.  Your heart told you that you loved him.  But you were lied to, taken advantage of and grossly violated.  That’s what following your heart gets you, when your heart is not in line and under the loving guidance of God and His Holy Spirit. — a moral compass.

In today’s world, perhaps that scenario is a bit different.  Are you a young person feeling a little awkward as you enter the years of adolescence and puberty, and everywhere you turn, the world is whispering in your ear that you’re not really a girl, or you’re not really a boy — you were born in the wrong body.  This thought pounds on the door of your mind and heart day and night.  In school, on social media, in entertainment, in every area of pop culture, perhaps even in your church. It’s everywhere you turn.  Then your mind affirms your heart. You believe you’ve found a home and a community as a “transgender” person.  And when you embrace that, you’re rewarded with all manner of worldly enticements — instead of being a “nobody,” suddenly you’re told you’re a courageous hero and there’s a “community” of millions that you can now be a part of, so you can stop feeling awkward and lonely.  But only later, when it’s much too late, do you come to understand that you were lied to, taken advantage of and grossly violated.  If you’d had a moral compass, you wouldn’t have become the devil’s prey.

Our public school system, which once used the Word of God as its basic text for teaching children to read, has now shifted its focus to indoctrination toward globalism, tolerance of everything (except Christianity) and a secular humanist, communist state, run by tyrants.  Meanwhile the influence of parental guidance is diminished as concerned parents are now considered “domestic terrorists” if they object to the abuse of their own children.  And at the same time many of our churches have become “woke,” so now, sin does not exist, God loves everyone and requires nothing from anyone.  Is it any wonder this generation has a problem answering the question, “What is your moral compass?”

If you were to ask the average person on the street about this today, I’m sure you’d get either blank stares or defensive anger as a response.  Because today, morality, for most people is ever evolving, and relative to each individual.  There are no moral absolutes because we no longer have a moral compass.

Getting back to “cause and effect,” “root and fruit,” let me give you a couple practical examples of the significance of this.  If I were to sit down at my computer to write an article, but begin with my eight fingers just one key over to the left or the right from the proper starting point on “home row,” and never look up to see what’s right before my eyes on the computer screen, I can write the most profound and informative of messages, but the result will be nothing but un-readable gibberish.

Some of you know I also play acoustic guitar.  If I were to begin playing something but I begin with my fingers just one fret above or below where they should be to play a proper chord, the sound I make won’t be pleasant. It will be ugly and disturbing.  You see, your starting point is essential — to all things in life.

God gave us that starting point when He gave us His Ten Commandments, written with His own finger on tablets of stone.  These Commandments were not given to restrict or limit the “fun” of the Israelites — or us — needlessly.  They were given for the good of all mankind and meant to be a blessing to all who would receive and follow them.  And God’s holy law has been the starting point — the foundation — of godly government for thousands of years.  Even in our own country, the Ten Commandments are depicted as tablets on the doors of our Supreme Court, and any student of history knows they formed the foundation on which our nation was built.

But as we’ve rejected God as a nation, we’ve also rejected His ten laws, and so today we have tens of thousands of laws, yet we’re one of the most lawless nations in the world.  If only we’d follow God’s ten… We are to have no other gods to which we give more time or honor, than the one true God of Creation.   We’re not to make graven images or worship idols.  We’re not to blaspheme or take the Lord’s name in vain.  Keep the seventh day, the Sabbath, holy, and honor our parents.  We are not to murder, commit adultery or steal.  We are not to lie, or bear false witness against others, nor are we to jealously desire that which belongs to others.

Now, you’d think those ten things would be pretty simple for all to comprehend, right? Surely everyone could agree these are all good things, right? Not anymore. Long ago, our public schools removed the Ten Commandments from view of the students… because school board members were afraid the students might see them and actually attempt to follow them.  Instead, now our schools celebrate “pride” month, and the libraries are stocked with homosexual and “transgender” pornographic books… so that students might see them and follow them.  How sick.

Today we follow false gods of all kinds but few know or care about the one true God of heaven. We make graven images or worship our favorite sports teams, movie stars and political parties. Everywhere in society, the name of our dear Savior is used much more often as a curse word than it’s used in reverence and thankfulness. We don’t even bother to honor or think about God one day out of seven anymore.  Parents are not honored, but have become the “enemy” — because children have been told they’re the enemy and government has labeled them as enemies of the state for daring to question the demonic regime that’s stealing their kids. Murder rates continue to rise in every part of the country.  There are websites now, specifically designed to facilitate adulterous affairs for unfaithful spouses.

Theft is also rampant.  Even in small towns, but in larger cities, companies are closing their doors because of unbridled shoplifting, which is now allowed by law enforcement. And “Thou shalt not lie?”  Everything we hear from the government, mainstream media, Big Pharma and the industrial medical complex is a lie.  “Bearing false witness?”  Look at the double standards between those innocent individuals rotting in the J6 Gulags and the Biden crime family.  Or the social media “fact checkers” that censor truth and destroy people’s lives for profit. Talk about false witnesses.  And when it comes to “coveting,” the New World Order Globalist agenda and those that run it have cornered the market on that too.

Friends, everything we’re laboring over and struggling under is the result of cause and effect… the fruit we’re choking down comes from a root of Godlessness.  “Because when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were they thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.”

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

We Need More Courageous Godly Men With A Backbone

By Rob Pue

June 18, 2023

Many are wondering, today, what in the world has happened to our country?  Lawlessness abounds, there is no justice to be found, deception is rampant, and the “pandemic” of delusion continues to morph into even greater variations of abominations.

Of course, we understand that at the heart of it all is the great falling away of our country’s people from God and His Word.  If Americans loved the Lord and revered and feared Him as our ancestors did, even through the most difficult and trying of times, I dare say we wouldn’t be seeing any of the filth, nonsense and injustice that is now our “new normal.”

Who’s to blame?  All of us, really, but today I want to talk specifically about and TO the fathers.  “As goes the father, so goes the family; as goes the family, so goes the Church; as goes the Church, so goes the nation.”

The Scriptures have a lot to say about the importance of fathers and fatherhood.  The first human being God created was a man.  The man was created and purposed to protect, lead, provide for and serve his help-mate, his wife.  Together, the two were to be “fruitful and multiply” as the two became one flesh in holy matrimony.  Together, the two were to bear and raise Godly children, in the fear and admonition of the Lord.

And this union of one man and one woman in holy matrimony was the basis for the family, and the family was the foundation of a God-honoring culture and society.  If you wonder why our culture and society is such a disaster now, one need only look at what has happened to our families.

Most families — even church-going families — are now dealing with some level of dysfunction.  This would not be the case if these families had God-fearing fathers.  Men who put God first in all things, served as spiritual leaders of their homes and who trained up their children in the way they should go.

It’s no secret that the majority of people in prison today come from dysfunctional families, and most come from homes where the father was either completely absent or Godless.

I look at the so-called “men” of today’s society and I cringe.  Most have absolutely no clue what a real man is supposed to be or what they’re supposed to do.  They have no interest in the things of God or of His Word.  They follow the devil’s gods of sports, video gaming, worldly, carnal entertainment, drinking, drugs, slothfulness and apathy.  They’re cowardly, narcissistic, self-indulgent and self-centered.  And according to several major studies I’ve seen, most spend at least an hour or more every day looking at porn.

It’s a terrible shame.  These are the traits that have brought on the Left’s propaganda and the devil’s lie known as “toxic masculinity.”  It’s diabolical.  Because there are so many ungodly men, “toxic masculinity” has become a “thing” now and it’s not entirely an unjustified term.  Now, not ALL men are wicked and evil, but because most are, ALL men are made to feel guilty just for being men, just as white people are made to feel guilty just for being white, and “straight” people are made to feel guilty if they have no empathy for sodomite lifestyles or those with gender delusion.

But “Toxic Masculinity” is a lie.  Men were created with the masculine traits they’re supposed to have for God’s perfect, natural purposes.  Again, to protect, provide for, lead and serve.   But in today’s sexualized culture, many men have become wicked and evil, abusers of women and children, neglectful of their responsibilities and uncaring and unbelieving in God.  That’s the toxic part.  But if they were to repent and follow their Creator and His Word,  “masculinity” would be highly valued once again, instead of being something shameful.  It’s really so simple. I don’t understand why more men don’t “get” this.

To be fair, men do have it rough in life.  There are a lot of expectations put upon them.  Being a protector, provider, teacher, leader, warrior and servant is not easy.  But as men, that’s our role.  That’s our duty.  God wouldn’t have created us for these purposes if we couldn’t handle those responsibilities.  So make no mistake, we are without excuse if we’re not living and serving as God intended.  Yes, life is rough, but God’s given us all the skills and abilities we need to fulfill our masculine roles.

But today, America is failing because our churches and pastors are failing.  Our churches and pastors are failing because our families are failing and our families are failing because our men are failing.  Without Christ, we can do nothing.  WITH Him, we can do all things.  He strengthens us.  He never leaves or forsakes us.  Life is never easy and never will be easy, but life here on this earth is a test of our souls — what we do with the lifetimes God gives us will determine where we spend eternity.  And what we do, in our lifetimes as men, also has an enormous impact on everyone around us, and society in general… and sets the stage for our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Do you think there would be sodomite pride parades, perverts in schools, gangsters in government or child sacrifice disguised as “women’s healthcare” if MEN were doing what God called them to do?  Of course not.  Real men would never stand for such things.  Real men would have the courage to protect women and children.  But real men, like real Christ-followers, are few and far between now.

In every generation, it seems, there’s always some level of friction between boys and their fathers.  They vow to be a better Dad to their kids than their Dad was to them.  But as they grow older and become fathers themselves, many come to realize that their Dad did the best he could — he wasn’t perfect by any means, but he did the best he knew how and the best he could.  They come to realize the sacrifices their Dads made to raise them right, give them the best they were able to and they come to see and understand how hard it must have been — how they worked so hard and “did without” just so that their kids could have a good life.

When these boys grow up and become fathers themselves, they see things a little differently and they come to appreciate what their Dads went through.  The Dads also look back and see where they went wrong — what they could have done so much better.

But today’s generation is unlike any other.  Today’s young men are lost, confused and deluded because many of them never had a Dad in the home in the first place.  And if they did, in the vast majority of families, the Dad never knew God at all — or if he did, he failed to pass his faith on to his children.  And so the young men of today come from broken homes, dysfunctional homes, fatherless homes, and Godless homes.  So is it any wonder that there’s now such strong delusion in our land?  So much drug use, mental illness, perversion and depravity.  What we do as men has real, serious consequences.

Soon our calendars will tell us it’s Father’s Day.  I hope we will celebrate the good fathers in this world, because there still are many good Dads out there.  If you’re a father yourself, and you didn’t grow up with a good and Godly Dad, understand: you DO get another chance.  If you didn’t have a good and Godly Dad, you can still BE a good and  Godly Dad to your own kids.

I’d like to share with you the words of a song by a man named Buddy Davis.  The song is called “We Need More Godly Men.”  It goes like this:  “Lord, we need more Godly men, who’ll stand on Your Word ‘til the end.  Men who are strong, men that won’t bend. Lord, we need more Godly men.  Lord, we need more Godly men, who aren’t afraid to call sin ‘sin,’ ‘cause the world is desperately looking for them.  Lord, we need more Godly men.

 “Lord, we need more husbands in love with their wives, and Daddies to cherish their kids; Grampas and uncles who’ll set an example and tell them who Jesus is.  May the world see our eyes in the Bible and our knees bent in prayer again.  From the senior preacher to the high school teacher, Lord, we need more Godly men.

“Lord, we need more heroes to praise the name of Christ, instead of using it in vain; men who’ll place Jesus at the head of their homes, like the family that You ordained.  May the world see us as Your disciples, reaching out to the world as a friend.  From the factory worker to the Wall Street broker, Lord, we need more Godly men. 

 “Lord, we need more Godly men, who’ll stand on Your Word ‘til the end.  Men who are strong, men that won’t bend. Lord, we need more Godly men.  Lord, we need more Godly men, who aren’t afraid to call sin ‘sin,’ ‘cause the world is desperately looking for them.  Lord, we need more Godly men.”

Guys, we’re living in perilous times.  God, our Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ, are the only answer… the answer everyone is seeking.  I beg you today to please, at least learn of your Creator and your Savior and seek Him with all your heart.  Then, as Deuteronomy 6 tells, us, teach what you learn DILIGENTLY to your children.

God gave us a wonderful example of Godly manhood and the role we have in this world.  He is our heavenly Father and He has a Son, Jesus Christ.  Learn of THEIR relationship.  As mere human beings, we’ll often fail, but we don’t have to.  Be a Godly man, raise up your children in the way they should go, and leave a heritage and a legacy that will build your children and grandchildren up in Godliness.  Don’t be a bad Dad.  Don’t be a toxic man.  The world is desperately in need of Godly men.  You can be one of them, even if you come from an unbelieving or uncaring family.  Do better.  Do it God’s way.  Do it the way God intended.

If our nation and world is going to see any salvation, it’s only going to come by the hearts of men repenting of their worldliness and seeking the higher things — the things of God and the Holy Spirit.  Turn aside from all the silly, vain, useless enticements of this world, and pursue God.  He’s your father, and He will lovingly embrace you when you seek Him — and show you how to be a Godly man, and a righteous father to your own children and grandchildren.

You can start right now, by doing a search for all the Scriptures that talk about manhood, fatherhood, and family.  If you need help, I’m happy to give you a good list of Scripture verses as a starting point for your study.  Just ask.  But the information is out there and God never hides from us.  Seek Him today, because the carnal world around us has nothing of value for eternity.  But your life matters — and will have an eternal impact on someone… in fact, what YOU do today, and the way you love your wife and raise your children will help shape not only the lives of your kids and grandkids, but our entire society.

As goes the father, so goes the family.  As goes the family, so goes the Church.  As goes the Church, so goes the nation.  We need more Godly men….the world is desperately looking for them.  Lord, we need more Godly men.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio versions and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 395.

‘Our Reasonable Service is Not Comfort’

By Rob Pue

June 11, 2023

Today’s message may not be very popular.  But it is time to call things like they are.  First, a disclaimer, what I am about to say does not apply to EVERY pastor and EVERY church.  But I believe any thinking person must agree that it most certainly DOES APPLY  to MOST.  Yes, the VAST MAJORITY, … of pastors and churches… and professing Christians.

First, a few questions:  why is our nation under such outrageous confusion and demonic delusion?  Why is it that so many of our children cannot even say for sure whether they are male or female — and the parents are now encouraging them to “explore and experiment” with their sexuality, some even at preschool age?  Why do these same parents take their young kids to sodomite “pride” parades and “drag queen story time” at the local library to gleefully celebrate “diversity?”

Why today, with all the modern science and technology we have, do so many STILL refuse to acknowledge that a baby in the womb is a real living human being — a CHILD?  And why do we ignore these MILLIONS of HUMAN BABIES who are murdered legally EVERY SINGLE DAY for MONEY, while claiming to be so concerned for the victims of  school shootings?  Why do we not simply put an IMMEDIATE END to this holocaust, if we really ARE a compassionate people?  Why is this even a question or a controversy?  NO — this has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH “WOMEN’S HEALTHCARE!”  That’s complete nonsense.

And why do we think the answer to gun violence is creating “gun free zones,” and banning ownership of guns by law-abiding citizens?  Will the violent criminals suddenly abide by the new gun laws any more than the drug dealers have stopped selling heroin, cocaine or Meth?  The Left tells us we cannot legislate morality, or “shove our religion” down their throats, yet they seek to legislate IMMORALITY — and THEY do it constantly, and with stunning success.

And while we’re asking these questions, why is it considered a “good” thing to create “safe spaces” on our college campuses where free speech is off limits?  Why are SOME forms of speech — even outright HATEFUL speech — viewed by the social media “police” as perfectly fine, while other opinions (specifically those having to do with traditional marriage, family, and Christianity) are blatantly censored?

Why do we think it is perfectly “normal” for men to “marry” other men, and women to “marry” other women?  Why is it that the average church-goer knows more about the Oscar and Grammy awards, more about sports scores, more about the latest TV sitcom than they do about the basic fundamentals of the Christian faith or for that matter, what USED TO BE 5th-grade level American history?  Why is Islam considered to be “loving and peaceful” — despite the daily horrors we see committed by muslims WORLDWIDE in the name of their “god,” while Christianity is considered to be hateful, violent and bigoted?

Why are SO MANY people — even regular church-goers — so very confused?  It’s because of where they are getting their information — and more to the POINT, where they are NOT getting it.

You see, in the “old days,” which really were not that long ago, our Pastors and Preachers served as a restraining force against evil in our culture.  They preached the WHOLE TRUTH of God’s Word, unapologetically, boldly, and courageously, TEACHING their congregations the difference between right and wrong, between good and evil, between morality and immorality.  They confronted the vital issues of the day head-on.  Our Pastors led the way, not just preaching from the pulpit, but leading their “sheep” OUT of the church house to make a difference in the world outside.  If there was a great evil in the town, the Pastor would lead his people out to confront it, and the people were thankful for his leadership, and his guidance.  His boldness for the cause of righteousness emboldened the PEOPLE.  HE stood for something, and therefore, THEY stood as well.

But things have changed.   Some time ago, I BEGGED one particular pastor to PLEASE preach on these evils that we are facing in the world — the evils that are destroying our society, twisting the minds of our children and their parents alike, forever fundamentally transforming America into a hideous thing that Satan and his demons can be proud of.  His response?  “These topics make people uncomfortable,” he said.  “They don’t want to hear about them.”  When I challenged HIM to challenge the church members to get more involved in local evangelism, street ministry and outreach, his response was, “Most people are just not as COMFORTABLE as you are doing things like that.”  In short, he flat out refused all my pleadings.

Sad to say, but this is how the VAST MAJORITY of our pastors and churches are today.  When was the last time you heard ANY ONE of these most vital cultural issues discussed from the pulpit?  When was the last time your pastor encouraged you to be a bold, courageous Christian, making a difference in this world by going OUT of the church building, and also TOOK THE LEAD, and LED YOU OUT to the streets to do just that?  My guess is, it’s never happened.

So my next question is, why do we go to church?  What is our purpose in going to church?  Some will say, we go to worship God, through music.  Some say we go to commune with God, through prayer.  Some say to study His Word, through Bible studies and sermons.  But I believe many go because it’s expected… we want to be “good Christians,” and in our minds, “good Christians” GO to church.  So we feel guilty if we DON’T go.  We feel it is our DUTY to go, to support the church and pay our offerings.  That, we believe, is just our “reasonable service.”

But what does the BIBLE say about our duty — our “reasonable service” to God?  Romans 12:  “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.  And be not conformed to this world, but be TRANSFORMED, by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable and perfect will of God.”

So friends, our REASONABLE SERVICE — our DUTY  to God — is NOT just to “go to church,” sing songs, bow our heads when someone else prays and sit through a 15 minute “talk” once a week…  but rather to present our very BODIES as living sacrifices.  We are to be holy, even as God is holy, we’re to be sanctified, set apart for His service.  And SERVICE, I might remind you, implies SERVING — DOING something, for goodness’ sake!  We are to go out and witness to others, MAKE DISCIPLES, teaching them the TRUTH of all Jesus’ commanded — and then BRING THEM IN to the church house as new members of the Body of Christ.

At the same time, we are NOT to be CONFORMED to this world, accepting whatever abominations the winds of pop culture throw at us as “normal,” or “just the way things are,” but rather, we are to be TRANSFORMED, by the renewing of our minds.  How in the world will we ever be transformed — how will our minds be RENEWED, coming into alignment with the will of God —  if the TRUTH of what God’s Word SAYS about all these things is NEVER EVER spoken of from our pulpits, because our pastors are so afraid of making people feel UNCOMFORTABLE?  And instead of the congregation being made up of true believers and followers of Christ, we are allowing the things of this world to invade our sacred meetings, and not only that, but to take over and DICTATE what is spoken of inside!

It’s been said that a Pastor’s job is to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable.  But again, things have changed.  Today, they leave the afflicted alone, accepting and affirming them in their all their varied sinful, worldly  lifestyles, in order to make sure the people REMAIN COMFORTABLE!

The pastor I mentioned earlier said people don’t want to hear about these things.  But I disagree.  Because the peoples’ souls are STARVING for bold leaders who will tell them the truth.  There is a FAMINE in the land — a famine of Biblical proportions — a famine of GOD’S TRUTH!  I fear so much for our young people, who spend the whole of their formative years in the public school systems, being indoctrinated with evil, leftist agendas and disinformation and revisionist “history,” and fake “science.”  Then, when high school is over, instead of moving on to a good specialized education where they can learn a trade or get a degree that will help them become productive members of society with a good job, our colleges and universities are now offering some of the most ludicrous classes I’ve ever heard of — further twisting reality into lies — and brainwashing our young people with even more Leftist propaganda.  And the biggest increase in these new college level courses all seem to revolve around sexual deviancy and perversion in one way or another.  Have you noticed that?

WHO will tell them the truth?  Who will mentor them before it’s too late?  Kids aren’t stupid.  They KNOW vain religion when they see it.  And they SEE the vanity of meaningless, powerless religion all their lives growing up in our so-called “Christian” churches today.  It is no wonder they run as fast as they can as soon as they are out on their own, most never to return, UNLESS, by the grace of God, they find TRUE Christianity, but unfortunately, that is not practiced in MOST of our churches anymore…  it just makes people too UNCOMFORTABLE.

Want to know what IS taking place at church Youth Groups today?  Here are just a few of the highlights from one local church in my area:  “Wear your favorite baseball cap night,” “Will it be ketchup, mustard or both?  It’s HOT DOG HONK night tonight!”  “Jump Rope night.”  “Swimming pool noodle night.”  “The Ice Cream Sundae Race.”  I could go on…  but I can’t.  Is it any wonder that in the teen years, when these kids find themselves in the midst of the toughest challenges of their lives, and having had no solid foundation for their faith, they simply walk away from church — and TO drugs, sex, violence and crime?  Not to mention embracing socialism — and hating their country, anyone who doesn’t readily give them EVERYTHING their little hearts desire — AND their parents.  And then the parents are shocked.  After all, they sent them to Youth Group and Sunday School and took them to church every week.  “What happened?” they cry!

Friends, I AM NOT COMFORTABLE going to the streets and confronting evil either — and many of those courageous Christians who DO go and confront evil have to do it all alone, because the faithful church-goers refuse to join them, and the pastor ABSOLUTELY will never join them.

But what does MY COMFORT have to do with anything?  Was Jesus comfortable, as He was persecuted by the “pastors” of His day during His entire earthly ministry, even until they murdered Him?  Were the disciples COMFORTABLE as they were arrested, jailed, tortured and ultimately put to death?  You see, it’s not ABOUT US!  It’s about serving our Savior, it’s about passing the very TRUTH of GOD’S WORD on to our children and grandchildren.  Revelation reminds us, we overcome the enemy, “by the blood of the Lamb, the word of our testimony, and loving not our own lives, even unto death!”  It doesn’t say ANYTHING there about being COMFORTABLE!

We shake our heads today and wonder, “What is this world coming to?”  Well, if you want to know what this world is coming to, you need only look at Isaiah 59:  “Your iniquities have separated you from your God.  Your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear.  For your hands are stained with blood, your fingers with guilt.  Your lips have spoken falsely, and your tongue mutters wicked things.  No one calls for justice, no one pleads a case with integrity.  They rely on empty arguments, they utter lies; they conceive trouble and give birth to evil…. Their deeds are evil deeds, and acts of violence are in their hands.  Their feet rush into sin, they are swift to shed innocent blood.  They pursue evil schemes, acts of violence mark their ways.  The way of peace they do not know, there is no justice in their paths. 

 “They have turned them into crooked roads;  — no one who walks along them will know peace.  So justice is far from us, and righteousness does not reach us.  We look for light, but all is darkness… for brightness, but we walk in deep shadows.  Like the blind, we grope along the wall, feeling our way like people without eyes.  At mid day we stumble as if it were twilight; among the strong, we are like the dead.  …For our offenses are many in Your sight, and our sins testify against us.  Our offenses are ever with us, and we acknowledge our iniquities:  rebellion and treachery against the Lord, turning our backs on our God, inciting revolt and oppression, uttering lies our hearts have conceived.  So justice is driven back, and righteousness stands at a distance.  Truth has stumbled in the streets.  Honesty cannot enter.  Truth is nowhere to be found, and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey.”

Friends, we cannot rely on most of our pastors to speak the truth or be the courageous leaders they are supposed to be, because the fact of the matter is, our churches are not filled with true believers and followers of Christ anymore;  our churches are filled with apathetic,  COMFORTABLY NUMB, carnal people… and in order to keep them coming back, the pastors must make sure they remain COMFORTABLE.  Scripture tells us that the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine, but instead, will heap up for themselves false teachers who will tell them what they want to hear.  We’ve reached that point long ago.  And now our children and grandchildren are paying dearly for us allowing that to happen.  What are we going to do about it?  NO, it’s NOT comfortable to go out and confront evil, to preach truth to a world that hates you for Christ’s namesake…  but what is our reasonable service?  It certainly is NOT our own comfort.  It certainly is NOT to raise our hands and sway back and forth during the so-called “worship” time… it’s not shaking hands with a stranger during “Greet your neighbor time.”  And it certainly is not sitting and listening to a weekly message designed to make you feel better about yourself once a week.   So are we going to get SERIOUS about this now?  Or not?

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Optics, Visions and Dreams

By Rob Pue

June 4, 2023

I guess I sort of consider myself a “visionary.”  No, I don’t mean I see “visions” or am any sort of “prophet.”  But I can see things as they are and ENVISION what could be.  I can look at a broken-down, ramshackle house or car and see how it can be brought back to life.  I can see a yard with badly neglected landscaping and lawn and see the beauty that it could be.  In the 1990s, I envisioned a Christian newspaper for Wisconsin — a virtually impossible feat to pull off, but the Lord God Himself TOLD me to start one, and now our newspaper, Wisconsin Christian News is putting out more copies than ever before and it’s distributed nationally — not just for Wisconsin anymore.  And I can also look upon a lost soul, consumed and deceived by worldly enticements and see a new creation in Christ, IF only they’ll seek Him in humble repentance and faith.

In my life, I’ve also had some great ideas for things long before they existed.  For example, I envisioned self-adhesive postage stamps at least ten years before they came out with them.  The idea of satellite radio also came to me at least ten years before it was launched.  Lately, I had another great idea that somebody, eventually, will make millions of dollars with.  You know, they have landscaping mulch that’s infused with insect repellant.  Why don’t they have mulch that’s infused with deer and rabbit repellant, so the animals don’t eat your flowers or your garden?  Just remember, when it comes out, you heard it here first!

But there are also plenty of things I got wrong.  When the beverage industry started marketing bottled water, I thought it was the craziest idea I ever heard of.  Who, in their right mind, would want to buy bottled water?  Water is free.  But now, there are dozens upon dozens of brands of bottled water readily available from your local grocery or convenience store.  They even have a brand called “Smart Water” — and you can get two bottles of that for only $4 dollars now.  People are paying for it, and drinking it.  But apparently, not getting any smarter.

Speaking of “vision,” that’s really what it’s all about, isn’t it? Seeing what COULD be…if only…  In 2020, we held our annual Wisconsin Christian News Conference and the theme that year was “2020 Vision.”  My vision for that year was of a renewed, revitalized courageous Christian Church here in America — ready and willing to render their reasonable service as warriors in the spiritual battle that was raging against us all, especially our children and young people.

Boy, did I get THAT one wrong.  During the 1990s and into the new century, the modern American Church began to rapidly descend down the drain to depravity.  We had the “Purpose Driven” Church, then the “seeker friendly” Church, then the “Emergent” Church, then the “Social Justice” Church.  All of these things were born of people with vision, but their vision was not inspired by the Holy Spirit, but rather by the enemy of our souls.  Matthew 24:24, “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”

Yes, even long-time church-goers jumped on the “love, love, love” bandwagon and began accepting all forms of ungodly stuff — in order to appear “loving,” “tolerant,” “accepting.”  We were told that Jesus loves everyone, just as they are…a sprinkle of truth mixed in with a pound of lies.  What we’ve ended up with is a Socialist Church, or dare I say even a Communist Church.  The Holy Spirit has now, sadly, departed from most of these places.  It’s very, very difficult to find a real Bible-believing, truth-teaching assembly of believers where the Holy Spirit really does dwell.

Instead, we have a carnival atmosphere.  Sermons designed to tickle the itching ears of unrepentant and unsaved sinners as they’re told nothing about true salvation, nothing about the blood of the Lamb, shed for our redemption, nothing about being transformed by the renewing of our minds.  Instead, the pulpiteers have been brainwashing the minds of the clueless victims they preach to with a “different Gospel” that Scripture tells us to flee from.

It was in the late ‘90s and early 2000s that the monstrosity that has become the modern LGBTQP+ movement “came out of the closet” and got right in all of our faces, demanding we not just accept sodomy as natural and normal, but we must also celebrate it, we must also teach it to our young children. We must embrace it.  Because, after all, as many modern preachers will tell you, “love is love.”  And as that demonic sodomite monster came out of the closet in earnest, the American Church meekly retreated into that very same closet.

We warned of a “slippery slope” of the many false teachings and the paths the churches were taking.  But in 2020, I really thought enough people were waking up to the reality of the errors of their ways and God’s remnant Church would rise up, reject the lies and deception and join the spiritual battle against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

I was wrong.  Our “2020 Vision” Conference was held on “lockdown weekend,” and it was the last large public gathering of any kind that entire year and beyond anywhere in the country.  That was the weekend the big announcement came: “Just two weeks to flatten the curve.”  Non-essential businesses — like Churches — were forced by the government to close their doors.  No meetings or gatherings, not even in our own homes.  Wear the masks.  Wear rubber gloves, stay six feet apart from others. Follow the arrows on the floor when you go to “essential” businesses like Walmart and Target.  Bow down to Big Pharma.  Worship the “science” of Fauci and company.

My “vision” for 2020 was so different — and things could have gone so differently — IF the Church had risen up.  IF the Church had done the job of the Church and the work of the ministry.  IF the pastors had even an ounce of courage.  Only a very few did, and they were severely persecuted.  Just like the many doctors, nurses and scientists who dared to speak the truth and say, “wait a minute. Something’s not right here.  We’re being lied to.”  But most Americans and people around the world complied out of cowardice.

I remember people who refused to wear the masks and live in fear being confronted — sometimes violently — by law enforcement or even store employees.  At one home improvement store chain, they actually hired armed guards to ensure no one enter the store without a face mask. If you didn’t have one, they would sell you one. If you didn’t comply, you were arrested by police and charged with trespassing.

I remember some pastors trying to appease the government and health officials, yet still hold services.  They’d stand at the doorway of their church buildings and preach to people in their cars, the cars parked six feet apart.  Those pastors were arrested and the people in the cars were given stiff fines just for being there.  I remember people walking on deserted beaches in the summertime and being arrested for not wearing their masks — again, on deserted beaches, on sunny days in 90 degree heat.  I never envisioned such things could be possible in the so-called “land of the free and home of the brave.”    But of course, America was no longer free and our people no longer brave.  People were cowering in fear that someone would verbally or physically attack them if they went anywhere without a mask.

For some, hindsight is 20/20, but for many, it’s too late.  Despite desperate warnings from credible scientists and doctors, who risked everything — and many lost everything — millions took the “jab.”  And now, just as they — and we — told you, millions are dying suddenly from this “injecticide” that most of the world’s population lined up to take, and take again and then get “boosted” with again, just to be sure.

But from the start, it was all about our vision.  It was all about what we saw with our eyes.  All about the optics.  It began about December of 2019, when images of people falling over dead in the streets of China from this horrific, deadly virus known as ‘COVID.’  Anyone with common sense knows that a country like China, that censors virtually everything, would NEVER allow any negative video footage like this to be released — unless they wanted it released.  It was purposely released to scare people to death, and those images continued to be broadcast by their comrades in the mainstream media around the world until the appointed time in March of 2020, and then people were prepped, primed and ready to follow any and all orders imposed upon them.

Anyone who dared question the so-called “science” was vilified in the press, censored from the internet, ostracized from friends and family, and some were even jailed for speaking truth.  And so speaking truth actually became a crime and those who believed the truth became “crazy conspiracy nuts.”  That’s still going on today, and people are still wearing their masks today, believe it or not.

But it was all about the optics.  It was all a big theater show and we were the guinea pigs for this globalist experiment.  The masks were simply a visual reminder to us that we needed to remember to be afraid.  And that’s the ONLY purpose they ever served.  And the sad part is, the experiment continues, with the WHO now warning that a much more deadly pestilence will be popping up in the months ahead so we must continue to remain fearful and we must all be ready to obediently comply with whatever nonsense they decide to force upon us.

Friends, we need to understand that just about everything we hear from the government and media is a lie. It’s all just a big theater show.  Isaiah 59:14, “Justice is driven back, and righteousness stands at a distance.  Truth has fallen in the streets and honesty cannot enter.”  There you have it.

Today, we have no justice in this country.  Just ask anyone who was in Washington DC on January 6 of 2021…. or the citizens of East Palestine, Ohio.  Or any of the owners of the hundreds of food processing plants that have been tactically (and mysteriously) destroyed in the last couple years.  And as Deuteronomy 28:43 tells us, “The foreigners among you will rise above you higher and higher, but you will sink lower and lower.” 

Even well-meaning Christ-followers are timid now, too afraid for their lives to dare speak truth and wisdom, and so righteousness stands at a distance.  Nothing you hear on the so-called “news” can be trusted and if you don’t toe the party line you’re not allowed to speak.  Ask any conservative speaker who’s attempted to give a lecture at any university or college about the natural biology of “male” and “female.”  Honesty is not allowed to enter.  In fact, if honesty DOES try to enter a college or high school campus, it’s shouted down, physically attacked and driven out by hoards of useful Leftist idiots.

We’ve been warning of the border crisis, and the millions of single, military-age Chinese men entering at our southern border and then being resettled throughout our nation.  In many of those areas, video footage is not allowed to be taken.  Our Communist government forbids you to see what’s going on.  We only see what they want us to see.  We only “know” what they want us to know.  So most only believe what our so-called “leaders” want us to believe.

Let me finish with this: when I was about 16 years old, I had a series of dreams for about two weeks in a row.  The dreams were not all exactly alike, but all were similar.  The one consistent element of those dreams were the sight of Chinese tanks rolling down the main street of the small town I grew up in.  Maybe those were just dreams.  Maybe they meant nothing.  Or maybe they really were visions as God showed me what yet to come in my lifetime.  I don’t know, but now that I’m old and things are playing out as they are, those dreams I had as a teenager are starting to haunt me.

Audio versions and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 394

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Show Them What A Natural Family Is

By Rob Pue

May 21, 2023

There’s no question there’s a lot to be concerned about in our world today, as we descend deeper and deeper into darkness and depravity.  Near, or at, the top of that list is the sexual deviancy, hedonism and depravity that seems to be everywhere we turn now, as the LGBTQP+ mob celebrates the conquering of more and more hearts, minds and souls every day.

What was once considered hard core pornography is now being welcomed into our public schools.  Even some of our so-called “Christian” schools, under the banner of “diversity, equity and inclusion.”  Like our education system, our public library system is also beyond saving now, having gone “woke” under the leadership of a lesbian activist president of the American Library Association.  Her perverted sexualization of, especially young childrens’ reading materials, has gone nationwide now.

In 1963, 45 Communist goals to take over America were read into the Congressional record.  Just sixty years later, I dare say they’ve accomplished just about all of them.  The plan was to: capture one or both of the political parties; get control of the schools and teachers’ associations; infiltrate the press; gain control of key positions in radio, TV and movies; eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and press; break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in the media; present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural and healthy;” infiltrate the churches; infiltrate and gain control of big business and unions; discredit the family as an institution.  Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce; emphasize the need to raise children away from the “negative” influence of parents.

These are just a few of the 45 Communist Goals to take over America.  Their plan was well thought out and expertly executed.  It happened so incrementally, at first, we never saw it coming until it was too late.  Now, in our supposed “Representative Republic” we, the people, have no representation at all.  You can write your congressman every day for the rest of your life and I guarantee it will change nothing.  They’re laughing at you, friends.  We are their fools and they continue to fool us every election cycle.

Is there anything we can do to push back against the ugliness and the filth, and the demonic forces that have a stranglehold on our land?

In June of 2000, Bill Clinton declared the month of June as “Gay and Lesbian Pride Month.”  Since then, “pride month” has spread around the globe, with, of all places, Israel being the number one homosexual destination in the world now.  But sodomite “pride” and everything that goes along with that is no longer just for the month of June.

Oh, yes, you’ll see the sodomite flags flying high over state houses, the White House and other government buildings throughout the month of June.  But while that symbol may come down from government buildings on July 1st, this hideous monster never sleeps and definitely never quits.  Especially wherever there are young children, you’ll see the rainbow flags and all the twisted indoctrination that goes along with them.

Recently, I watched online, a city council meeting from the small town I grew up in.  I moved out of that town several years ago, and at that time, there were no sodomite celebrations of any kind there.  But things have changed.  This mental illness is being specifically pushed into the smaller towns now — oftentimes brought in by the LGBTQP+ mob from larger cities.  Since few would attend in a small town, they need to bus in large crowds to fill the space during their celebrations and make it appear that “everyone” is a sexual deviant.  I believe their “pride” festival is now in it’s third year.

During this city council meeting, the public was invited to speak.  A pastor friend of mine contacted some of the local pastors and churches in that town, begging them to come and speak against this year’s planned events.  Apparently, some of the “woke” pastors in town alerted the local homosexual crowd and their allies, and they urged them to go and speak in favor of it, and many did, twisting Scripture verses and taking them so far out of context, it was unbelievable.  This is what’s being “taught” in, dare I say, MOST of our churches now.

By the way, in addition to a “pride celebration,” complete with kids’ activities, they’ll also be hosting a “drag queen” show.  All this in a downtown public park for all to see.  Last year, as drag queens danced provocatively in front of little children at this event, the little children were given dollar bills to stuff in the “g-string” underwear of the perverts.  Understand this, if you can: their PARENTS gave them dollar bills and urged the kids to “tip” the drag queens by stuffing them in their “barely there underwear.”

At the city council meeting, there WERE many who came to speak against this.  But they were far outnumbered by the sodomites, and it was sad to see so many young people there — already brainwashed and damaged for life, as they declared themselves to be homosexuals, bi-sexuals, transgenders, or some other form of deviancy.

When a 14-year-old girl came up to speak, she told about how she was a lesbian, and that she learned that was just fine — and that God loves everyone, no matter what they do, or who they’re sexually attracted to.  And she learned this from her MOTHER, who, she said, is a “pastor.”

A mom also spoke about her teenage son who’s “transitioning” to a female, and how she was so proud of her son.  This mother then explained that she, herself, is bi-sexual.  Now, I wonder what in the world could have possibly confused her kid to think he’s really a girl.  Perhaps living in a household where there is no Godly moral compass, but instead a mother who brings home sexual partners of both genders and has sexual relationships with any and all.  And now this “mother” is so proud that her son is openly becoming his “authentic self” by “transitioning” to a girl.

This is all going on in a small town of less than 20,000 people.  It’s also happening in even smaller towns.  And in the bigger cities, it’s all been very well established for many years now.  Although the real numbers of people who live as sodomites or “transgenders” are extremely low, the LGBTQP+ mob is so well organized and so richly funded by the biggest of donors, it seems they’re the majority.  But it’s all theater; all about optics.

Those who spoke against the “pride” festival and drag queen show at the city council meeting made some very good arguments for their position.  Scientific arguments, historical arguments, common sense arguments, moral arguments, Christian arguments, and many were very well spoken.  The sodomites, on the other hand, always used emotional arguments to make their points.  They talked about “fairness,” “equality,” they talked about how “love is love,” regardless of what that means sexually or how many young children are involved.  And in the end, there was really no reason to hold a public hearing because the city council voted overwhelmingly to let it all go forward — shelving laws based on morality that involve public displays of vulgarity, nudity, sexual acts in public, and worse.  That’s what goes on at these events.  And of course, in their twisted, deranged minds, they expect us to believe this is actually benefitting the children.

So how can we, as remnant Christ-followers — (and by remnant, I mean there are really only a very, very FEW who can even rightly claim the name of Christ) — how can we have OUR voices heard?  Obviously, even in the small towns, the government officials let us speak but have no intention of listening to anything we have to say.  Their perverted minds are already made up before the meetings begin.  “Vote them out!” you say… well, if you still believe there’s any hope for a political solution to this, I’m sad for you.  The people you elect to represent you — even if they call themselves “Conservatives” or “Christians” mock you behind your backs and laugh their heads off because you still keep buying what they’re selling, even though they openly mock you once in office, every single time.

Some have suggested we have a “Straight Pride” parade to push back against the filth of Sodom.  I don’t see that working. First of all, normal people don’t celebrate “pride.”  “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.”  Secondly, what would a “Straight Parade” even look like?  A bunch of normal people walking down the street?

No, there are better options.  JR Harrison, who heads up the Natural Family Foundation, which can be found online at, suggested we start a month to celebrate the Natural Family — one man and one woman, united in marriage and raising their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord.  He suggests it start on Mother’s Day and go through Father’s Day.  But that would require the CHURCHES to lead the way, and while I wholeheartedly agree with JR’s idea, our modern American churches will never go against the pop culture.

I have another idea. Perhaps it’s too late to implement this year, but start planning now for next year.  Here’s my idea: while the “pride” festivals are going on in your city, in a city park, YOU can hold a “Natural Family Celebration” festival in another park in your town.  From my experience, it’s fruitless to go to their festivals and protest or try to witness the Gospel to them.  You’ll be verbally and physically attacked, and the police will ALWAYS take the side of the sodomites.

Instead, hold your own festival in another city park.  Invite vendors to come for free and set up booths with home-made crafts, a farmer’s market, and food wagons.  Contact your local farmers and set up a small “petting zoo” for the kids to come and pet baby animals, baby chicks and ducks.  Invite local songwriters to perform WHOLESOME music.  Invite your local Mennonite congregation to have their youth choir sing.  If you’ve ever heard one of these, you know there’s nothing in the world like it.  Simply beautiful!

Have stories for the kids — read by MOMS and DADS and GRANDPARENTS — maybe some old time stories that are God-honoring such as you’d find in the old McGuffy Readers they used to use in public schools.

Have farmers or homesteaders teach classes on constructive things like gardening.  The kids could plant a flower in a little pot for their moms!  They could also teach basic building skills — let the kids build a bird feeder from pre-cut wood pieces you supply.  Have games for the kids that are educational. Invite your local homeschool groups to participate.  Maybe even invite your local collector car club to have a car show.  Horse and buggy rides from local Mennonites.

I think if you MODEL what the NATURAL family looks like, with WHOLESOME entertainment and educational things and things for kids to explore, a lot of families would show up.  You’d likely have WAY more people than the sodomites — and you’d put them to shame.

An event like this needs to be very visible though, so even people just driving by will stop and take part.  And advertise it as a Celebration of the Natural Family!  In the end, see who gets the bigger crowd and which of the two events is viewed more positively by the community at large — the filth or Sodom of a nice wholesome, old-fashioned family festival.

If you can’t get it done this year, start planning now and DO IT next year.  Such an event will make a strong statement and show a strong contrast between what is being forced upon us by reprobates and what God intended as the foundation for a civilized society — His natural design for marriage and family!

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio versions and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 393.

Manufacturing Mental Illness

By Rob Pue

May 14, 2023

The horrific murders that took place in late March at a Christian school in Nashville has led to many investigations — as to the motive, the means and the way the killings were carried out.  Audrey Hale, age 28, “identified” as a transgender male, going by the name of “Aiden.”  Hale apparently planned the carnage for some time, leaving behind a “manifesto” which justice officials have refused to release, in order to protect the “trans” agenda.  During her planning, she also created detailed maps of the Covenant School and church building, with multiple possible entry points and it appears the victims were killed at random. The “target” of the attacks were the church — and the school itself — which she had attended as a child.

When Hale “came out” as being a homosexual, her Christian parents refused to accept that.  But her parents were apparently in the dark about many things related to their daughter, even though she still lived with her parents at age 28.  They were not aware that their daughter identified as “transgender.”  They believed she once owned one gun, but that she had sold it.  In reality, she owned seven guns, three of which she used during the attack, and she trained regularly at a local gun range.  Her mother said she left home that day with a red bag, but had no idea that guns were inside or what she was planning.

But Hale shared her plans on social media in advance, stating that “something very bad” was going to happen that day.  She had also been posting about suffering from severe depression in the weeks leading up to the attack, and she was being treated for an undisclosed “emotional disorder.”

The killings took place on March 27th, leaving three 9-year-old children and three staff members dead. Hale was also killed by police.  Less than a week later, April 1st, the Trans Radicals Activist Network, or ‘TRAN,’ had planned what they called a “Trans Day of Vengeance” rally in Washington DC.  That event was ultimately cancelled, with organizers claiming they had received threats that week.  A statement issued by TRAN read, “The safety of our trans community is first priority. This threat is the direct result of the flood of raw hatred directed toward the trans community.”  Thus, the “trans community” became the “victims” of “hate crimes” while those killed by Hale had largely been all but forgotten by the mainstream media.

We must all understand that “transgenderism” is a mental disorder.  But not just any mental disorder.  This one is being force-fed into the minds of our children from the earliest of ages.  We are “manufacturing’ mental illness.  We are creating psychopaths in the “laboratories” of our modern American culture.  There was a time when sexual predators were not allowed within 1000 yards of a school building.  But now, schools — both public and private — are inviting them in specifically to indoctrinate and groom children of all ages, even in pre-school.  Pity the one who would dare to stand against this evil — they’ll be labeled as “hateful bigots,” ostracized from their communities and sometimes even jailed, for daring to stand in the gap to protect children.

While I don’t believe there’s any such thing as a “hate crime,” since all violent crime is borne from a heart filled with hate, “hate crimes” have become a real thing in our world today and one can be charged with a hate crime against a wide array of people groups: attacks on homosexuals, “transgenders,” non-white people, Muslims and others are usually always categorized as “hate crimes” with added penalties because of the “haters” that perpetrated the crime.  But there are also several groups that  will NEVER qualify as being victims of a “hate crime.”  For example, if you’re attacked or even killed because you’re a Christian, that could never be considered a “hate crime.”  Likewise, if you’re white, or a male, or perhaps the most reprehensible of all — a white Christian male, there’s no way you could ever be a victim of a “hate crime.”  All other fringe minority groups are automatically considered victims, while white Christian males are always automatically assumed to be the hateful, bigoted, violent aggressors.

But in today’s upside-down, inside-out, mentally ill society, the madness goes even further.  For example, do you know what a “TERF” is?  “TERF” is an acronym for “Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist.”  This ideology goes all the way back to 2008.  Fifteen years later, most have never heard of it, but violence against TERFs is growing.  Let me try to explain what it is.  A TERF is a female who rejects the idea that men can become women.  The “transgenders” absolutely HATE real women.  Even radical feminist women — if they are natural-born females, are labeled as “TERFs” now, and the hatred for them is seething among the trans community.

For example, men who pretend they’re women and participate in womens’ sports call the real women “TERFs.”  That’s what a TERF is.  And if you’re what they call a “cis-female,” again a female who was born as a female and still believes she’s a female and lives as a female, you’re extremely hated.  You are a TERF.  Because you do not accept the mentally-deranged idea that men can “transform” into women.

The “trans” community absolutely hates natural-born women, along with all heterosexuals and those who “follow the science” of people being one of two never-changing genders: either male or female.  As Christians, who not only believe God’s Word that in the beginning, God created us male and female, but also believe in natural science and obvious biology, we are most hated of all, and the “trans” activists are actively working to program the minds of our children — and the rest of us, mind you — to accept, embrace and celebrate their insanity.

Any other opinion on the matter constitutes a “hate crime,” or today, even a “thought crime.”  Make no mistake: the idea of “transgenderism” is just the next step in the radical, violent LGBTQP+ agenda.  One might think their ultimate goal is the acceptance and celebration of pedophilia and child sex trafficking, but honestly, there will be no end to the depravity these people can come up with until Jesus Himself comes back to judge all the wicked in this world.  There will simply be no level of wickedness that they will not try to force upon us until God Himself puts a stop to it.

While most internet searches will state that sodomites and “transgenders” are disproportionally attacked because of their sexual depravities — and thus the “need” for a so-called “Trans Day of Vengeance,” the truth IS actually out there if you put the time and effort into an investigation.

Here’s what I discovered: “Transgender people are no more likely to be attacked than the rest of the population, and in fact, they’re far more likely to carry out violent crimes, including murder.  Some of the worst serial killers in criminal history have been ‘transgenders.’”  But because of the skewed, slanted, and twisted “reporting” by our lying mainstream news media, you’d never know that, unless you researched it yourself.

If you go to the website and search for “Crimes Committed by Transgender People,” you will be astonished.  And lest you think this is some radical, right-wing website pushing “disinformation,” all their research is backed up with an enormous number of footnotes and sources.

This source details 84 crimes committed by homosexuals and “transgenders” and at the outset they admit it’s an incomplete list.  There are many more.  The violence these individuals have done is too disturbing and graphic for me to share with you here, but I’ve given you the source if you want to look into it.

I urge you to educate yourself with the information on the website I shared with you.  But be aware that the Colorado Springs shooter identified as “non binary.”  The Denver shooter identified as “trans.”  The Aberdeen shooter identified as “trans.”  And now we have the killings at the Christian school in Nashville by a “trans”-brainwashed person.

As Christ-followers, we must understand that we have now been named specifically as the targets of the LGBTQP+ and “transgender” movements.  It’s open season on Christians and especially on white Christian males.  But all heterosexual people have now been declared as the oppressors and all the sexually confused are the “victims,” regardless of what they do and regardless of the facts.

I’m not saying that all who have been caught in this web are criminals.  Many, especially the young people, are, indeed, innocent victims of this sadistic programming taking place and they need to be rescued, not condemned.  True Christ-followers are the only ones able to rescue them, but sadly, there isn’t 1 out of 100 “pastors” in this country that will even discuss the subject.  So, it’s up to us, individually.

Our kids, and people of all ages are being intensely brainwashed into this mental illness in every area of our culture, from our public schools to our public libraries, to pop music, Hollywood movies, social media, sports teams — and just about every major corporation you can name is funding this.  We’re actually manufacturing mental illness.  In addition to the programming and brainwashing, most homosexuals and “transgenders” are also on a myriad of pharmaceutical drugs, further destroying their bodies, minds and souls.

Cities and towns across the globe are hosting massive “pride” parades for “all ages” and children are always “catered” to at these events as the brainwashing goes deeper.  Clueless parents are even taking their children to these things and encouraging their participation with the brightly-colored rainbow balloons, even as near-naked men and women gyrate seductively in front of young eyes just a few feet awayAnd in case you’re not aware, the president of the American Library Association is also an open, practicing lesbian.  So, do you think we’ll be seeing more — or fewer — “drag queen story times” in our public libraries?  Do you think we’ll be seeing more — or fewer — books that depict sexual deviancy and are written for children?

I’ve described before my experiences doing street ministry at one of the country’s largest “pride” parades, with a half-million people in attendance.  I can tell you that mental illness and the worst perversion you can imagine reigns supreme at these events.  Children are exploited and violence against Christians is celebrated just as much as the sexual debauchery that’s everywhere, even by the police.

Christians being brutalized by sodomites is just as entertaining to the police officers as the sexual deviancy they’re protecting and promoting.  We’re dealing with manufactured mental illness and violence, and it’s all being foisted upon us by our so-called “leaders” under the guise of “diversity and inclusion.” We, as Christians, have now been openly declared the enemies of the State and enemies of the Sodomite Regime — and now they’re openly calling for widespread “vengeance” against us.  Understand what the enemy is doing and prepare to respond accordingly, as Jesus would.

Audio versions and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 392.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

‘Casting Down Imaginations’

By Rob Pue

April 30, 2023

All of humanity was born to worship.  We have an instinctive need to reverence our Creator.  This is just how God made us.  In the beginning, mankind had a close relationship with Him.  But in Genesis Chapter 3, we read of how the king of demons, Satan, tempted Eve and caused her to doubt what God said.  And the rest, as they say, is history.  Adam followed Eve in her quest for forbidden knowledge and power, and together they traded perfect communion with God for a life of pain and toil, of blood, sweat and tears… of thorns and thistles, culminating in death and then the judgment.

But that need to worship never subsided.  It’s woven into the very fabric of our souls; that innate need to revere the One who created us — to worship Him, and to somehow return to Him and re-establish that bond that was broken so long ago.  It’s the one and only thing that will ever satisfy our souls;  and the one thing that we will never find apart from Him.

The problems we encounter in this life begin the minute we depart from our Lord and try to do life on our own.  The consequences of this are immediate and devastating.  This is what happened to our first parents.  This rebellion is the “sin nature” that we are now all born with, so that even today there exists within us a great turmoil, a constant tug-of-war between our desire to know God and worship Him and our desire to stray away from Him and worship something else.

Now, God created us with minds to think and reason.  He doesn’t hide from us, and then expect us to have blind faith in a Creator we can never know anything about.  On the contrary, He makes Himself abundantly visible to all who have eyes to see.  We are without excuse.  The Bible makes it clear that we are able to know God, by the things that He made.  In other words, by observing His awesome Creation all around us, we know that God exists.  What’s more, He provided us with a book, The Bible, the very words of God Himself, so that we can know Him more;  and He did not spare even His own Son for our sakes, so that we may RETURN to Him and restore that perfect relationship, as He welcomes us back and draws us close to Himself with loving arms of compassion.

Let’s summarize these points:  We are born with the knowledge of God and with a desire and PURPOSE to worship and glorify Him.  This knowledge of God and desire to worship Him is reinforced as we observe His Creation all around us.  We also have His written Word to teach us all we will ever need to know.   Yet, many of us still prefer to deny Him, to run and try to hide from Him, because His light exposes the darkness of our sinful hearts.

Now,  what happens when we do this — when we deliberately choose to deny God?  Romans 1, starting at verse 28:  “Since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, He gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done.  They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity.  They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice.  They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful;  they invent ways of doing evil;  they disobey their parents, they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless.”   The heart of man, apart from the renewing and regeneration of Christ is hopelessly lost.  The Bible says it is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked.  Surely it is obvious that this is true.  Even little babies, as precious and as “innocent” as they are,  do not need to be taught to sin.  We are all born with a self-centered, sinful nature.

Depraved minds.  But you see, even depraved minds STILL have that in-born desire to worship that we are all created with.  And so, apart from Christ,  we begin to invent things to worship that will fit conveniently into our lives without requiring anything of significance on our part.  As if we can fulfill our need to “worship” but still live as WE choose, accountable to no one.  Deep thinkers with depraved minds will expand on these thoughts to create entire religions and theologies.  In other words, we use our IMAGINATIONS to invent things to worship, instead of God.

What is the root word of “imagination?”  It is “IMAGE.”  We create an image to worship, — one that is to our liking.  In modern times, this “image” is usually an unseen thing — an invisible “god,” theology, idea or concept.  But in ancient times, man built idols and graven IMAGES to bow down to as a substitute for the real thing…  Rather than worshiping the Creator, they worshiped and served created THINGS.

In Exodus, Chapter 20, God gave His eternal laws to mankind, written with His own finger on tablets of stone.  The Ten Commandments.  And first on the list was: “You shall have no other gods before Me.”  Why do you think this was the first, and most basic law God gave to us?  Because He knows the heart of man, and our need to worship.  He also knows how susceptible we are to demonic deceptions.

Let’s read more of this Scripture.  “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.  You shall not bow down to them or worship them…”  But yet what has mankind done?  Turn again to Romans, chapter 1:  “…although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.  Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for IMAGES made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.”  Then in verse 25:  “They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator.”

There is nothing new under the sun.  Mankind has been worshiping idols in vain ever since Satan deceived Eve in the garden.  It’s our eternal struggle to worship, but yet to worship without submitting ourselves to God’s authority.  So we use our imaginations to create a god to suit our selves… ultimately, one that WE, ourselves, control.  Most of us no longer carve and mold a golden calf or a totem pole.  But we invent gods in our minds that suit us better than the one TRUE God of heaven.

This is what is happening still today.  Even professing Christians are not immune from idol worship, and many create a god in their own image that bears little resemblance to the God of the Bible.  How many liberal Christians will admonish you if you “judge” or speak firmly about sin, repentance and holy living?  How many will declare it is not “Christ-like” if you confront the evils and wickedness of our day, such as abortion or sexual depravity?  “You’ll never win them to Jesus if you don’t welcome them and love them,” they say.  Or they’ll declare, “MY god would never condemn anyone to hell…MY god is a god of love.”  Religious people are great at creating gods in their own image;  in their own imaginations.

Those who do not know God, those who are not diligent in studying the Scriptures are easily led astray and deceived by Satan.  Paul warned the Corinthians, “I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.  For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it easily…”

To the Galatians he wrote, “I am astonished that you are so quickly… turning to a different gospel…  some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ.  But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned.”

Today we have many who profess to be Christians, but who deny the truths of Scripture or pervert the word of God by compromising it with their own imaginations.   And throughout the history of mankind, Satan has been at war with us, seeking our eternal damnation by luring us away from the pure word of God, with enticing things that appeal to our carnal natures.  Paul warned us of angels preaching false religion, tempting us to worship something other than God Almighty.  Scripture also tells us that Satan masquerades as an angel of light.  This is the same angel that appeared to Mohammed, calling himself “Allah.”  This is the same angel that called himself “Moroni” as he appeared to Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon religion.  This is the same so-called “angel,” who appeared to Satanist Aleister Crowley, and declared, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.”

What it really comes down to is that we, in our sinful, human natures, are still trying to achieve what Satan promised Eve so long ago in the garden:  that we can become LIKE God.  In fact, many New Age religions will even teach that we can BECOME gods ourselves if we follow the path of “enlightenment.”

But let me clue you in to something that seems, to me, to be elementary, yet so elusive for so many:  as human beings we have two choices:  we either worship God or we worship Satan, in any number of disguises he will appear to us in, whichever disguise he knows will appeal to us most.  There are NO OTHER alternatives.  It is one or the other.

I was speaking to a New Ager recently and she was trying to explain to me how she prays to the Universe and how if she thinks good thoughts and surrounds herself with positive energy, the Universe will reward her with the desires of her heart.  Her ultimate hope for eternity is that her body will return to “star dust,” and that her soul will return to the Universe where she will be reincarnated, hopefully to a much higher, developed sentient being on this planet — or perhaps another planet, because as a citizen of the Living Universe, we do not limit ourselves to just the narrow mindedness of Earth.

Now, this woman reveres the “Universe” or the “Living Universe” as the ultimate “higher power” or “thing” that she worships.  She rejects the Bible and the God of the Scripture because she tried Christianity and it didn’t “work” for her.  In her mind, she cannot understand why anyone would follow a book so full of rules and laws and things that limit her freedom, words written by MEN thousands of years ago… words of superstition and bigotry and things that are clearly so old fashioned and irrelevant.  Now she is much more enlightened and on a “path” that appeals to her way more than the narrow-mindedness and confining dictates of a religion that limits her freedom to do as she pleases.  And, as the Wiccans say, “if it hurt no one, do as you please.”

Not knowing the Bible, the word of the eternal Creator, she does not realize that Scripture describes her to a tee:  in short, this woman “worships and serves created things, rather than the Creator.”  You see, in her mind, the Universe is the biggest, most powerful thing she can imagine.  (There’s that word again:  “imagine!”)  But she neglects to remember that the God of the Bible CREATED the Universe!

Why would you worship and serve a created thing rather than the eternal One who created it?  Friends, be warned, that those who DO, and deliberately choose to deny God and persist in their rebellion, will eventually be given depraved minds.  They will no longer be ABLE to discern the truth, even when it is staring them straight in the face.  It will be nonsense to them.  Good will be bad and bad will be good.  That’s what it means.  I believe there are many in the world today, who have passed this “point of no return” already.  Since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, He has turned them over to depraved, reprobate minds.

We are seeing a lot of this lately.  In fact, I believe we are nearing the close of time, the last days, and people are choosing now to seal their fate, and pick their eternal destinies.  It is a scary thing, but know this:  God has never condemned a single soul to hell who did not have ample opportunity to know Him and return to His loving arms.  The spiritual forces of darkness surround us, unseen as they are, but no less real.  Satan and his demons are contending for our souls and many are being led astray and deceived.  The most insidious part is that he rarely comes in his true form, but rather, as “enlightenment,” as a more pure, loving “path” to “god.”  So now, more than ever, we must remember the words of Paul to the Corinthians:  “Though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh.  For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down IMAGINATIONS, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”  Study and KNOW God’s word, dear friends, and you will not be deceived by the schemes of the devil.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio versions and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 153.


By Rob Pue

April 23, 2023

In 1971, British rock musician and former Beatle John Lennon released what would become the most successful song of his solo career.  “Imagine” is one of the most-performed songs of the 20th century, and Rolling Stone magazine ranked it number three in their list of “the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time.”  It’s been performed during the “Ball Drop” in New York’s Times Square on New Year’s Eve, it was played during the closing ceremonies of the 2012 Summer Olympics, and notably, has become an anthem of the secular humanist and atheist movement, championed by the Freedom From Religion Foundation and the ACLU.

The song has a beautiful piano melody and lyrics that promote peace and universal harmony, a world united in love, and a society that does not covet or esteem material possessions.

Being a music lover, when I was growing up, I loved the song “Imagine.”  I thought it was truly beautiful, and I thought, “imagine if the world COULD achieve universal peace and harmony… no more war, no more prejudice or injustice.  Wouldn’t that be great?  And isn’t that what our goal as human beings should be?”

But as I got older, despite the fact that I was a fan of the music, something began to not sit right with me.  For a long time, I brushed my concerns aside, justifying the song in as many ways as I could so that I could still enjoy it and consider it “OK” to listen to.  But still, something about it, just wasn’t right.  I considered the lyrics:

“Imagine there’s no heaven, it’s easy if you try.  No hell below us, above us only sky.  Imagine all the people living for today.”   Because I was attracted to the music and a musician myself, I enjoyed the sound.  Because I was a young person, my youthful ideals yearned for a world of peace and love.  But as a Christian, the Holy Spirit was saying, “Wait a minute, you better look more closely at this, because there’s deception going on.”

Indeed there was, and is.  As much as I wanted to ignore it, the words to the song “Imagine” sounded eerily familiar to what the serpent whispered to Eve in the garden:   “Just IMAGINE…”  Imagine there’s no heaven.  He didn’t come right out and say “there’s no heaven,” just “IMAGINE there’s no heaven.”  He didn’t come right out and say “there’s no hell,” just “IMAGINE there’s no hell.”  Imagine.  And don’t worry about the consequences, or what might happen tomorrow… just “IMAGINE all the people living for today.”  Just live for today, if it feels good to you, do it, everything will be fine.  Now that I’m more spiritually mature, this first verse of the song alone, now makes me shudder at how utterly demonic the concept is.

But the song goes on:  “Imagine there’s no countries, it isn’t hard to do.  Nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too.  Imagine all the people living life in peace.”  The third verse is, “Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can.  No need for greed or hunger, a brotherhood of man.  Imagine all the people, sharing all the world.”

In one of his final interviews before his death, Lennon talked about the meaning of his most famous song and explained what he had set out to do with “Imagine.”  He said, “It’s anti-religious, anti-nationalistic, anti-conventional, anti-capitalistic, but because it’s sugar-coated,” he said, “it’s accepted.  Now I know what you have to do.  Put your political message across with a  little honey.”

Isn’t this just how Satan gets things done?  Of course, he would NEVER come right out and give us the whole picture.  He lures us with a little sugar, a little honey — whatever bait he knows will appeal to each of us the most, and before we know it, the hook is set and we are ruined.  All sin begins in the mind and heart… as we IMAGINE.

I’ve talked before about the words “Imagine” and “Imagination.”  The root word is   “IMAGE.”  In our minds, we violate God’s second commandment as we create an IMAGE, as we IMAGINE and DOUBT what God has said.  We become wise in our own eyes, and as Scripture tells us, believing the lie and  “claiming to be wise, we become fools.”

The world has had “Imagine” for more than fifty years now;   at least a couple generations have had time to embrace the liberal doctrine put forth in the song.  So how’s that working out for us?  Are all the people living life in peace?  Are all the people sharing all the world?  “No, of course not, don’t be ridiculous,” you say.  “It never happened because only a few people got on board with the program.  If everyone would join the peace movement, it could have happened.  The trouble is all the haters in the world.”

Well, the truth is, this liberal, so-called “progressive” movement has had virtually free reign this entire time.  All these years, we have had liberal doctrine taught in our public schools and colleges.  The radical leftists who embraced this ideology in the ‘60s and ‘70s are now running things:  everything from the media to the government, even the churches.   They’ve done their best to get rid of the true God of the Bible and biblical Christianity.  It’s prohibited in the schools and now they are working hard to erase it from our national heritage, sandblasting or removing Christian monuments that have stood for generations, re-writing the text books, persecuting those who love Jesus and taking away their livelihoods — IRONICALLY — all in the name of “peace,” “tolerance,” and “equality.”

But has getting rid of Jesus achieved their goal of universal peace?  Do we now all hold hands around the world and love one another?  Is racism a thing of the past?  Are we all “one” now?   Hardly.  Because man was designed to worship, when Christianity was removed from public, a spiritual vacuum was created, which was quickly filled with the false, demonic religions of secular humanism, New Age Spirituality, Wicca, Earth Worship, and now, Islam.  Yes, ironically, ISLAM — now the number one religion embraced by these leftist, progressive college professors and government leaders — the very radicals who demanded we free ourselves from the chains of religion have now embraced Islam — the most repressive, the most oppressive, violent, NON-peaceful ideology the world has ever known.  Not to mention the cult of “transgenderism,” which has grown to monstrous proportions in just the past few years.  It is also oppressive and violent — and it specifically targets our CHILDREN!

Even the feminists who fought tooth and nail to free themselves from God the Creator and Jesus Christ His Son, wholly embrace the religion of Islam, which treats women as slaves and property to be bought and sold.  Even the homosexuals who hate Jesus with a wild, intense passion, will march in protest for the rights of Islam to grow and expand in our country, under the guise of world PEACE — even though in every single Islamic country in the world, homosexuality is punished by strict, horrific torture and public execution.  And the feminists can no longer tell you the definition of a “woman,” even as the homosexuals and “transgenders” embrace deadly ideologies and the maiming and destruction of their own bodies.

What about the elimination of capitalism and nationalism?  Has that brought about universal peace, love and harmony the way the leftists wanted?  Do we have “income equality?”  No, not at all, but our Utopian leaders HAVE managed to just about completely dismantle the foundation of our country and in just seven short years have left it in heaps of smoking ruins.   John Lennon himself stated that the song “Imagine” was (and I quote)  “virtually the Communist manifesto, even though I’m not particularly a Communist and I do not belong to any movement.  The Socialism I speak about is not the way some daft Russian might do it.  We should have a nice British socialism.”   So in other words, Lennon was advocating for socialism, but not the harsh Russian kind — dare I say a “Democratic Socialism?”  Perhaps like the Bernie Sanders variety?

This is where we have come, folks.  Our imaginations have led us astray.  We have scorned the values of our forefathers, and we have abandoned the wisdom of the founders of this nation.  In our pride and arrogance, we have abandoned the God of Creation because we are SO much smarter, SO much more advanced and progressive.  We’ve thrown off the shackles of convention, of religion, because we are so much more enlightened and wise now, no longer constrained by superstition, and we laugh and joke about those who still believe in the God of the Bible.  Even our president publicly ridicules Christians, and more than that — he has virtually declared “open season” on Christians and endorsed violence against them.

And now, as a people,  we cannot even figure out if we are male or female anymore.  We can’t comprehend something as basic as marriage.  We don’t know it’s wrong to kill our own children.  We argue and fight over something so ridiculously simple as which restroom to use.  And when someone dares to speak up with the voice of reason and common sense, they are shouted down, hauled into court, until they learn to comply; they have their businesses shut down, their livelihoods taken away, they are shunned by society and yes, some even call for their death.  Because you see, THOUGHT is now a crime.  If you have an opinion that differs from their Utopian vision, you’re a criminal and a hater.    THIS, my friends, is the “peaceful world” you get when you trade God’s Word for your  own imaginations.

Surely this is not what John Lennon had in mind, and I doubt he knew or understood that what he was putting forth in the song was demonically-inspired.  I’m sure those who advocate for “Democratic Socialism,” “Secular Humanism” and atheism believe in their cause too — they believe theirs is the only real path to world peace.  They believe that religion, and Christianity in particular, is the cause of all the world’s problems.  But friends, the deceived never KNOW they’re deceived.  As the saying goes, “when one who is honestly mistaken learns the truth, he either stops being mistaken or ceases to be honest.”

The problem goes back to the very beginning of time — the age-old struggle between God our Creator and Satan, the liar, the tempter, the deceiver.   Our Heavenly Father does not force us at gunpoint to love and worship Him.  He makes Himself known though, so that we are all without excuse.  We are all born with an instinctive knowledge of God, and the in-born need to worship Him.  We’re also blessed with the gift of freewill, and the choices we make determine our character and our eternal destiny.

The biggest problem we face is pride.  Satan himself fell from grace because of pride.  He wants us to all deny God and worship him, and many do.  Satan will do anything to deceive us.  He will lie, cheat, steal, kill and destroy us in an effort to deny the Creator the worship He deserves.  It is because of pride that we want to believe there is no heaven or hell, and so we should just live for today —  and we believe that doing so will bring about universal peace and love.  It is because of pride that we think we know better than God, that we can redefine our world, even nature itself, to suit ourselves.  For that matter, we invent new gods that suit US best — inventions in our own IMAGINATIONS.  The narcissism in the world today is incredible.  The false religions of the New Age teach that all power is “within ME,” that “I am a wonderful, capable being of infinite wisdom and strength,” that “to change the world I only need to imagine and use my personal power.”  That “god” is within ME, that indeed “I AM god, if only I can IMAGINE.”

Friends, the greatest difference between this New Age deception and the one true God and Creator of all things is where the focus is.  The New Age focuses our attention and worship on ourselves.  Christianity focuses our attention and worship on Jesus.  The New Ager will say it’s all “within me” — that I have the power.  The Christian will say, “I am nothing without Jesus.”

God created us with incredible minds, capable of so much.  He gave us the capacity to think and reason and imagine great things.  Imagination is not a bad thing in and of itself.  Mankind has learned to invent, build, fix and create too….    We are intelligent, creative and artistic — we are created in HIS image!  But that’s the point.  We are CREATED, in His image.  HE created us…  we must understand our position in the world.  We are not greater than God, no matter what our minds conceive, or how the enemy will try to deceive, truth never changes and God’s holy laws of nature will ALWAYS prevail.  We cannot change that, nor can we create other gods to suit us better.  There is only ONE God, and we are not Him!

Friends, if you are confused today, if you have believed in your heart the things the world has presented as beautiful and lovely, only to find they are an illusion, thank the Lord for your confusion!  It is the first step toward looking now at the real, honest truth of God.  You see, we can create things in our minds, in our imaginations, and dream up things that sound so wonderful to our human reasoning.  And the atheists even have a popular saying, “You can be good without God.”  But that too, is a lie, a deception of the devil.  Scripture tells us, without Him, we can do nothing.

Paul said:  “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you.”  Truly, it is time now to cast down all deception and all imaginations that have exalted themselves against the knowledge of God.  Seek the truth now, today, which you will ONLY find in Jesus.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Young People: When Would You Want to Know?

By Rob Pue

April 16, 2023

My heart is very grieved for the younger generation.  I see so many that are so angry — and even filled with rage.  So many living in anguish, confusion, and fear.  Our children and young adults are being fed lies by just about every institution in our nation, and there are ravenous wolves out there, hungry for the hearts, minds, blood and souls of our young people.  I should add their BODIES as well, as the sexualization and exploitation of children and young adults has become sickeningly “normalized.”

I hate what our culture has done to our young people.  We’ve allowed them to be brainwashed with lies, including the lie that the best they can hope for in this life is to indulge all their carnal, hedonistic desires with an attitude of “entitlement.”  No limits, no rules, no right, no wrong.  Everything is “relative” and everyone gets a “trophy,” simply for existing.

I’m hoping to reach some of the young people out there with this message, those who are feeling lost, disconnected, without purpose and ANGRY.  I’m under no delusion that the kids and young adults I want to reach will be listening to this message on a Christian radio station, and certainly the chances of them taking the time to READ this message on the internet or in print are next to zero.  I know that.  But, young people:  my hope is that someone who loves you WILL — and will take the time to share this information with you.  You see, they LOVE you, they care so deeply for your life and your soul.  And they know that something has gone terribly wrong in the world and you have become a victim of it.  You’ve been lied to, tricked and trapped, and you need to know the truth that will free you.

Most likely you won’t listen to those who love you.  You don’t care what they have to say.  You think they don’t know you and don’t understand you — or modern life or what you deal with, struggle with and go through on a daily basis.   They may have done their best, but failed; or maybe they haven’t even tried to maintain a close, personal relationship with you, so how DARE they try to suddenly insert themselves into your private affairs and “fix” you?!  You don’t think you NEED “fixing” and you certainly don’t want to discuss personal things with THEM, especially if they’re going to challenge or question everything you believe.  For some reason you’re not quite sure of, you’re ANGRY, very angry.  But if you won’t listen to them, maybe you’ll listen to me, a stranger.  Just give me a chance and hear me out.  That’s all I ask.

Allow me to ask a couple of questions.  First, if what you THOUGHT you knew about life and the world turned out to be WRONG…WHEN would you want to know?  Think about that.  If what you THOUGHT you knew was WRONG… WHEN would YOU want to know?

Secondly, whether you’re 27, 17 or 10 years old, I assume you know someone younger than yourself.  Perhaps a younger brother, sister or cousin.  If you’re 27, let me ask you this:  do you think you’re just a little smarter, a little more “educated” and “enlightened” than you were when you were 17?  And if you’re 17, do you think you know a little bit more about life than you did when you were 10?  And if you’re 10, do you think just maybe you’ve “been around” a little longer and learned a few more things than your 2 year old baby sister?

I’m asking you to give me a chance here, and try to hear what I’m about to share with you.  Because I’m QUITE A BIT OLDER than all of you, and if you’re so much more wise than your counterparts who are 8 or 10 years younger than you; consider for a moment that I just MAY have learned a few things since I was 10, 17 or 27… things that you’re not aware of yet.

You can write me off as a right-wing crackpot if you like, but I just ask that you hear me out before you plug your ears or shout me down.  Young people want their voices heard; we all want our voices heard.  Will you give ME the same consideration that you value so highly for yourself?  The same consideration that you SAY all people should receive?  Or will you be a hypocrite?

Young people are very idealistic, and that’s a good thing.  They want to make the world a better place.  They want to do away with injustice.  They want to right the things that are wrong.  They want to live in a world where the underdog gets a shot at success and where the bullies are punished and where the “good guys” win and the “bad guys” get what’s coming to them.  But… don’t we ALL want that?  Of course we do.  It makes no difference how old you are.  Everyone wants justice, equality and fairness.

But as I watch the world around me today, I’m sickened by what I’m seeing.  I’m seeing young people being exploited and blatantly lied to — and brainwashed into “useful idiots” — eagerly doing the bidding of those pulling the strings in a sinister, wicked, evil agenda.  And MY generation has largely stood by silently and let it all happen.  For the most part, we’ve said nothing as things have deteriorated in our culture.  In some cases, we even participated in the deterioration.  Shame on US.

First of all, young people, understand this:  there are sinister, evil, wicked forces out there and YOU are their most valued target.  The mask they wear gives the impression that they’re working for “good” but nothing could be further from the truth, because they’re straight from the pits of hell…. and they’re working HARD to brainwash you.  Yes, you have been LIED to by almost every institution there is.

We’re at a place in America — and the world — now, where everything has become vulgar, perverse and twisted.  Walk the hallways of any public school between classes and you’ll hear the most foul, vulgar language coming from the mouths of babes who think they’re more “grown up” because they can swear.  Just like their “music” idols.  The majority of what passes for “pop” music today is an abomination, and it’s FILLED with sexist, racist, degrading “lyrics.”  And while young people CLAIM to be against such awful things, they have no problem dancing and singing along to the pounding beat of their favorite “rapper” while he (or she) spews vulgarity and everything they claim to be against.  THAT’S the brainwashing, guys.  It’s no wonder so many today can’t speak a single sentence without dropping 15 “F-bombs.”

In our places of so-called “higher learning” civil discourse is no longer allowed.  If you don’t hold to a Leftist, liberal agenda, you’re shouted down, chased out, your voice NOT welcome.  A few years ago they came out with a thing called “micro-aggressions” on high school and college campuses.  These are “crimes” students MIGHT commit by inadvertently saying or doing something that could possibly be construed as sexist, racist or somehow otherwise offensive.  Examples of “micro-aggressions” could be holding a door for a young lady (because that would be considered misogynistic and sexist).  Or a white person having the NERVE to point out that it’s the content of one’s character that matters, not the color of one’s skin (because that would be considered “racist”).  Conservative speakers are not allowed on college campuses anymore; they’re literally “run out of town” — some have even been physicallly beaten up.  So much for freedom of speech, diversity of opinion and civil debate.  THAT’S the brainwashing.

There’s been a spiritual war — a spiritual battle — raging since the beginning of time, between the forces of good and the forces of evil.  The forces of light versus the forces of darkness.  God versus Satan.  As a created being, Satan has NO power except that which God, our CREATOR, ALLOWS him to have.  But for a time, he has been granted power over the earth.  And he — and his minions, including demons and the PEOPLE who have rejected God, rebel against God and despise God — are working HARD to lie, steal, kill, confuse, and ultimately destroy our young people.  Young people are the greatest prize because they’re the future.  Brainwash a person from the earliest of childhood and they’ll become a “useful idiot” and willing slave to the demonic agenda for life.

Thus, we have the push now for what they CALL “sexual freedom” — but it’s not freedom, it’s perversion, abomination and absolutely unnatural.  The LGBTQP+ agenda has wormed their way into the schools, colleges, Hollywood movies, pop music, sports, government, and even churches.  Under the guise of “equality” and using phrases like “love is love,” and “love wins,” they’ve managed to brainwash perfectly healthy minds into believing abominable lies.  Homosexuality — or more properly stated — SODOMY, is NOT normal and absoutely unnatural.  And it has nothing to do with genuine LOVE.  Yet it’s not only accepted, but TAUGHT now, in our schools, and even celebrated in some of our churches.  How did we arrive at this point?  By renaming it, by re-framing it so it sounds better.  No longer do we call it “sodomy.”  Now we call it “gay.”  But let’s shine the light of truth on what we’re REALLY talking about here.  We’re not talking about Bobby and Timmy living together and “identifying” in whatever sexual role they freely choose.  We’re talking about a man inserting his sexual organ into the rectum of another man.  Sorry to be so blunt.  But that’s what sodomy IS, and it’s time we called it what it IS.

Today, our young people are encouraged to “experiment” as groups like Planned Parenthood have overtaken the “sex education” classes in our public schools.  So sodomy (and now “transgenderism”) is actually being PUSHED on our young people — do you wonder why so many, now, are “coming out” as “gay” or “trans?”  It’s the brainwashing.  It’s the lies they’ve been taught to not only accept, but consider and try out for themselves.  It’s wicked.

Equally wicked is the fact that there are those now pushing for the legalization, acceptance and celebration of pedophilia.  We’re talking about child abuse, child rape, child sex trafficking…and they’re no longer even trying to hide that anymore.  And the young people are (once again) the victims, as they seek to emulate their pop music idols, singing and dancing along to filthy “songs,” that reduce a beautiful, sacred relationship between a husband and wife to nothing more than a hedonistic, animalistic act.  That’s the culture our young people are growing up in.  And when a baby is conceived, they’ve been taught to be PROUD to have an abortion.  “Shout your abortion,” they say.  More lies.  More brainwashing.  Those wielding the agenda HIDE the fact that an abortion is actually the BEHEADING and dismemberment of a REAL, LIVE human BABY.  Instead they “reframe” it to “sound good,” if such a thing were possible.  They call it “womens’ healthcare” and “female empowerment.”  Let’s call it what it is:  it’s murder.

The devil is REAL, folks.  Now, we’re seeing our young people being used as pawns by groups like ANTIFA and “Black Lives Matter.”  Again, more lies.  After YEARS of indoctrination by government schools and colleges, with history rewritten and TRUTH erased, we now have young people growing up hating their own country and their own heritage.  We now have white kids who are so confused and upset, they hate THEMSELVES just because they’re white.  And so they do what they’ve been trained to do:  they RAGE.

So now we have young people rioting in the streets, burning down their own cities, tearing down historical monuments and statues celebrating our history and those who fought for their freedom.  “ANTIFA” is supposed to stand for “anti-fascist.”  But if you take even a moment to THINK critically and investigate, you’ll see there is no more fascist group in the world than ANTIFA.  “Black Lives Matter” is supposed to support black people.  But again, if you do even a minimal amount of research into their true goals and agenda, you’ll find it’s just more lies and brainwashing.  Can you name ONE THING that BLM has done to positively impact black communities?  I’ll wait.  But you see, you can’t — because like their father, the devil, all they do — all they PLAN to do — is kill, steal and destroy.  The goal of both of these groups is the same:  to destroy America and turn it into a Marxist, Socialist, Communist nation.

But the lies and brainwashing is so heavy on our young people, they THINK that’s a “good” thing!  Friends, ANTIFA is NOT “anti-fascist.”  They want complete control, totalitarian rule.  So if you’re a young person and one of their minions, know this:  you are NOT fighting for freedom.  You’re fighting for your own enslavement.  The same is true of BLM.  If Black Lives Matter (and of course they DO), then ALL black lives should matter — especially the most innocent and vulnerable among them: unborn babies.

But you know, ALL lives do TRULY matter.  You may not realize it, but you’ve been trained to HATE.  Instead of being “inclusive” or “diverse” like they told you you’d be, you’ve become filled with rage, and the most intolerant of all.  Instead of bringing about justice and righteousness, you’ve become bigoted, racist bullies.  You won’t tolerate hearing the truth.  You will not tolerate anything that goes against what they’ve trained you to think.  WAKE UP!

Young people, if you want freedom, if you want justice, if you want GOOD rather than evil in this world, you MUST do away with the brainwashing and challenge yourself to study and learn on your own.  In order to be successful, you have to FORCE yourself to learn the things you don’t want to learn — the things that go against all that you’ve been taught by your teachers, by pop culture, and by simply living in this fallen world full of lies.

Finally, know THIS:  there IS a God who created you.  He created you with value and purpose and you’re living at this EXACT point in time FOR that purpose… you can either go along with the crowd, or you can be “counter-cultural.”  You can either be like everyone else your age, or you can STAND OUT from the crowd and be one of God’s heroes in this End Times spiritual battle — and save not just lives, but SOULS currently bound for hell.  No interest in God?  That’s the saddest thing I’ve heard yet.  I wouldn’t have though that YOU would give up so easily and let the enemy of your soul just “take” you.  You’re smarter than that.  Think for yourself instead of following the lies you’ve been taught.  Never opened a Bible?  Do it.  If you TRULY seek God, He WILL reveal Himself to you.   Check it out and see if I’m right or wrong.  Let me ask you again:  if what you THOUGHT you knew turned out to be wrong, WHEN would you want to know?

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

The Legacy We Leave Behind

By Rob Pue

April 9, 2023


This message is going to be a bit more personal than usual.  You see, as I am about to turn fifty-three years old in a few weeks, I confess, I am starting to feel my age and doing a bit more reflection lately.  Emotionally and spiritually, I don’t really “feel” fifty-three.  In fact, it seems like only yesterday that I was a teenager or a young adult, vibrant and strong and full of ambition.  I’m still full of ambition and I will probably always be what people call a “driven” person… but the reflection in the mirror is not what it used to be.

It’s probably around this time that a lot of people begin to think about their legacy…their accomplishments, and wonder if they have made any sort of positive difference in the world.  Is the world better off for us having been here?  Or has our existence been completely in vain?  Have we touched any lives?  Has our life had any meaning, or if we had never been born, would anyone have noticed?  I don’t mean to get off on any narcissistic tangent here, but I hope you’ll indulge a few personal thoughts.

One of my hobbies is studying our family history.  I find it fascinating to learn about my ancestors, where they came from, what they did, what sort of legacy they left after they were gone.  The Pue family comes from Northern Ireland.  Our family had the first printing press, and thus the first newspaper ever published there, starting in the 1600s.

I don’t remember my grandfather; he died when I was just two years old.  His parents raised eight boys and three girls in a small Irish cottage near the seacoast.  My grandfather’s name was Alexander Pue, or “Alec” as he was called.  He left home as a young man and traveled to Scotland, where he learned a trade as an architecht, builder and stone cutter.  I believe he was about 20 years old when he left the old country for good and emigrated to Canada… he never saw his mother again.  He started a business there, and in 1910, at age 28, he married my grandmother.  Several of his brothers also followed him to Canada.  His sister Margaret came over in April of 1912.  In her memoirs, she writes about sailing in the path where the Titanic disaster occurred just a week before, and seeing all the debris still floating in the water.  Her ship stopped there, and they held a Christian  memorial  service   in honor of those who lost their lives on Titanic.

Some time later, my grandparents moved to Chicago where my grandfather continued his business.  He built many of the huge, ornate buildings in that city, many of them still standing, some historic landmarks.

My Dad was born in August of 1925.  He was four years old when the Great Depression hit.  Though the country was in turmoil, my Grandfather, a devoted Christian, weathered the storm and kept food on the table for his family, even as a self-employed builder.  I’m blessed to have as keepsakes some of the tools he used in his business.  My grandparents raised two daughters as well as my Dad, and sadly, a fourth child, my Dad’s young brother, died in 1917 at just four months of age.  Life must have been tough.  I can’t imagine it.  But they made it, as they kept God at the center of their family.  My Grandfather insisted on it.

He was also an Elder at Chicago’s well known Moody Church for many years.  He even preached the sermons there on occasion.  My Dad attended there as a child and recalls when a young Billy Graham came to teach them as their youth pastor.  Moody’s Senior Pastor at the time was Dr. Harry Ironside, one of the most prolific Christian writers of the 20th Century, having published more than 80 books, a number of which are still in print.  On my office wall, I have my Dad’s Sunday School Diploma, dated 1939 and signed by Dr. H.A. Ironside.

I never found out, until after my father’s death, that he had never completed high school.  Instead, at age 17, he joined the US Navy and went to fight in World War II in the South Pacific.  When you watch the old documentaries and newsreels about the war, and see our servicemen on those ships, and see those planes on life-and-death missions…and the amphibious vehicles landing as the Philippines were liberated by the Allies in 1944… my Dad was actually there.  He did that.

I believe it was the highlight of his life, and of course, it would be.  Few of us will ever be involved in anything quite that significant.

As all Americans during that time worked together for the one common goal of freedom and liberty, and ending the bitter tyranny our enemies were bringing upon the whole world, my mother, too, joined in the efforts.  Raised in a tiny, rural town in northern Wisconsin, she grew up studying in a one-room schoolhouse a mile or so down the road from her home.  When she and her siblings did not walk to school, my grandpa would take them there in a horse-drawn wagon, or a sleigh in the winter.    I cannot even begin to imagine what that sort of life was like.  She grew up in a time and place where electricity was not commonplace, going to a one-room schoolhouse, heated by a wood stove.  Telephones were rare, radio was the tool for mass communication, if you were fortunate enough to have electricity.  TVs did not exist.

After leaving school, she went off to Chicago to join in the war effort, building war planes for McDonnell Douglas Corporation.  When you see those old newsreels of ladies building airplanes for the war effort — (they called them “Rosie the Riveters”) — my Mom was one of them.  I can’t imagine the intensity of it all.  The work must have been extremely hard, and the pay, not much.  It took a toll on her later in life, as she ended up with severe hearing loss, undoubtedly caused by the work she did as a young lady, serving our country.

My parents left Chicago with their four kids before I was born.  Knowing nothing about country life or farming, my Dad bought a farm near Marshfield, Wisconsin and moved his family there.  That’s where I was born, and five years later, my youngest brother.

I’m blessed in that we have a few old silent movies of those days, and lots of pictures remain, showing what our family life was like.  We think our winters now are harsh… but I remember snow storms on a regular basis that completely covered the cars and drifted as high as the garage rooftops.  Our family farmed, but my Dad also took another job working for Sears as a repairman, where he was employed for more than 30 years.  He had a hard time retiring.

It was March of 2007 when my Dad had an episode with his heart and was having severe blood pressure issues.  My sister and her husband came and took him in to the Emergency Room that night.  He had no idea as he left home for the hospital, that he would never come home again.  Complications happened.  We can second-guess the doctors and the procedures that were done, but they can never be reversed.  My Dad went from the hospital to a nursing home, then to Palliative Care… and four months after his visit to the ER, he passed away.  My Mom changed dramatically and quickly after that.  It was as if she suddenly realized her job on this earth was done, no one left to take care of, no more work to do… she followed him into eternity just four months later.

We do not know the number of our days, none of us does.  Our end can come quickly, like a thief in the night.  Or we may experience some health issue that will come upon us suddenly, and nothing will ever be the same ever again… we, too, may one day go to the Emergency Room and never again return home.  We don’t know.  God knows.

And so as I grow older, my kids now all gone from home… one about to become a father to his SECOND child, (making ME a Grandfather again!!), and my two daughters now graduated from college, my life has changed as well.  My wife and I are adjusting to this “Empty Nest” business.  We’re doing fine, but it’s a different life than when we had little ones at home every day.

So I look back on my own life, and wonder what I’ve accomplished.  I’ve never left my home and family and sailed to a new country by steamship, starting a new business and a new life in a foreign land.  I didn’t leave school at 17 years old and go off to fight for my country in wartime.  I have survived many challenges, but I’ve never lived through the Great Depression, or moved my family to a different state to live a lifestyle I’ve never known before.  And while I’m honored to be working in full time ministry in service to the Lord, I’ve never studied under the likes of Billy Graham or Dr. Ironside.

I DID accomplish quite a bit as a young person.  Even from the age of 12 I was very industrious… in fact, as I have lamented the fact that today’s youth often seem to lack motivation and focus, my wife has informed me that, “Rob, you are not normal.  It is not normal for a kid to do the things you did.  You did things that most kids would never dream of attempting.”  I won’t go into those accomplishments, but suffice to say, I probably wasn’t normal, and probably still am not normal.  I did start two businesses from scratch and (praise the Lord) they were successful and helpful to people;  I did start a Christian newspaper in a place there wasn’t one before, but then GOD did that, He just did it THROUGH me.  But regardless, I still seem to fall way short of the accomplishments of those who came before me.

I’m very proud of my own kids too, the things they have and are accomplishing, the things they’re doing with their lives.  It’s a different world now, with new challenges, things I never dealt with at their age.  But I look back at my parents and grandparents in awe… truly, I don’t think I could ever have done the things they did… and I wonder where our future generations are headed, given the way our country’s leadership has changed our collective worldview.

It seems the age of industriousness, innovation, and self responsibility is just a fading memory in the rearview mirror.  I look at my grandfather, sailing across the Atlantic to a whole New World at 20 years of age, and wonder… what are 20 year-olds doing today?  I think of my Dad, leaving the comfort of home and family and all he ever knew and going to fight a brutal enemy in a very foreign land, at 17 years of age… and I wonder, what are 17-year-old kids doing nowadays?  Will any of us ever measure up to that Greatest Generation?

Today, as our country is in decline, we are not united as a nation.  Many of us support our enemies and defend their religion, while vilifying our allies and denigrating the one true God who created us and who provides all our needs every day.  On our college campuses, privileged kids, many of whom have never known what it’s like to work a day in their lives,  sit under the tutelage of liberal teachers and professors with even Communistic worldviews, as they learn to hate their country.  Most of us, even most Christians, no longer attend church or have any regular connection to a church home or family.  And for that matter, I dare say that today, MOST of the churches have engaged in the Great Falling Away.  We have cell phones, tablets and smart boxes with the world at our fingertips, but we can’t carry on a human-being to human-being conversation anymore.  We cannot even agree what Marriage is or what makes up a family.

As I look around my community, and all across our state, I see there are job openings nearly everywhere.  Even part time employees at a fast food place or gas station start out at $12 an hour.  When I was a kid, $12 an hour was a dream — something I could only hope to achieve in my life…someday.  But today, employers cannot find people to fill the jobs.  And workers are in a tough situation too.  Today in America, the official full time work week is 30 hours.  Our government has so arranged things that if business owners have full time employees, they are penalized and regulated to the point that they cannot afford to keep them.  So they keep their employees on as part-timers.

On the employees’ side of things, many survive only because they’re able to receive subsidies and gifts from the government… but if they work more than 29 hours a week, or if they work two jobs equaling more than that, then the government considers them “too wealthy” to continue receiving aid.  So the hardworking individual who wants to make something of himself and provide a better life for his family is relegated to a part time job and partial gifts from “On High.”  If he dare work more, assuming an employer would be willing to get taxed and regulated into bloody submission by the government by providing a full time job, then the poor soul actually LOSES  money and his situation is worse for having a chance and wanting to work harder.  We cannot win with these kinds of rules.  But I digress…

Each of us has but one life to live on this planet, and then we meet our Creator.  I pray that each of you is prepared for that eventuality, for we never know when that day will come.  It may even be today.  But what will our legacy be, when our life here is over?  Legacies are made moment by moment, by the little choices and decisions we make each day…. you can’t throw together a “legacy” at the last minute and expect it to simply “look good.”  A legacy is borne out of character, and something that can never be faked.

So how will we be remembered?  Are we doing our best to make the world a better place for us having been here?  Are we putting God first in our lives, being good examples, role models, and providers for those whose lives the Lord has entrusted us to care for and nurture?  Are we influencing the world around us, leading the lost and lonely back to God?  Are we standing in the gap for the most helpless among us?  Are we pushing back against the forces of the evil one?   Are we doing GOD’s work as we live our lives each day?  If we are, then the legacy we eventually leave behind will be truly something future generations can look back on with admiration, joy and love.  There will be smiles, and people will be proud for having known us.   If we are not going about the Lord’s work and living righteous, holy, admirable lives, our legacy will be quite different.

We only get one chance here in this world, and then comes the judgement.  A life is a terrible thing to waste, but how much more awful the wasting of a precious soul? How are you doing today?

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

America’s Economic and Spiritual Woes

By Rob Pue

April 2, 2023

Let me tell you about an incident I experienced recently that got me thinking about the entitlement mentality of Americans today.  I was in a convenience store, waiting in line.  Ahead of me, at the counter, was a young couple, who may or may not have been married.  They were trying to purchase some “junk food” items — a case of soda, a large bag of chips, a frozen pizza and a few candy bars.  My guess is that they were about 20 years old or so, maybe a little older, and both were seriously overweight and covered in tattoos.  Please don’t tell me I’m judging them because of their obesity and tattoos — I’m just describing their appearance, which is indicative of their lifestyle.

Their transaction was taking a long time, and then it became clear as to why, because the young man began shouting at the clerk. His welfare debit card was not going through for some reason and he began to get angry and belligerent with the clerk. “Run it again!” he demanded.  The poor clerk, trying her best to stay calm during what was becoming a loud disturbance, ran the debit card at least three times.  Still not working.

Then the young man got even more angry. “I’m going to call my Mom,” he screamed. “These are my benefits, and you don’t have any right to stop me! I’m going to just take my stuff and go!”

“That would be shoplifting,” the clerk replied. “Unless you have money to pay for these things, you can’t just take them.”  That made him even angrier, but finally, he and the young woman he was with went outside, without the items they wanted. When I left, he was yelling into his cell phone, apparently talking to his Mom, using filthy, foul language and talking about how he was being denied his “benefits.”

“How sad,” I thought to myself. Under other circumstances, I might have paid for their items myself, as I’ve done several other times, when I’ve been able to, for people who were truly in need and just didn’t have enough money for their necessities.  But these were not needs — it was soda pop, potato chips, pizza, and candy bars.  My guess is that this young man and his companion (wife or girlfriend) most likely live with his mother, are unemployed and live on government handouts, which they believe they’re entitled to.

It’s not just the young people. We’re now living in a society that has learned to depend on Big Government for all their needs. It’s become multi-generational. Indeed, there are many who know no other way of life.

Understand, I have no problem helping the poor and needy.  As Christ-followers, we are called to help the poor.  This is commanded throughout Scripture.  In Deuteronomy 15, we have this: “There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore, I command you to be open-handed toward your fellow Israelites who are poor and needy in your land.”  Proverbs 28:27 says, “Those who give to the poor will lack nothing, but those who close their eyes to them receive many curses.”  Proverbs 22:9, “The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor.”  Proverbs 19:17, “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.”

And Jesus Himself said, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow Me.”  You see, it should be the the Christian churches helping the poor, not the government. When government does it, it’s simply a redistribution of financial resources. In other words, theft. The government steals the paychecks of the workers so they can enslave the non-workers, lulling them into a mind-numbed sense of entitlement and complacency. These non-workers subsist on their government “benefit” checks and they’re happy with that arrangement. This always creates an attitude of entitlement.

But let’s be clear on this: these are not “benefits.” “BENEFITS” are things you get with a JOB. A good job will include a “Benefits Package” as part of one’s salary. You work, you get paid, and a generous employer will include additional benefits as rewards for your hard work and dedication to helping build the company. So these government handouts are not “benefits,” and they certainly aren’t benefitting anyone, except the politicians seeking to dumb people down and keep them controlled.  Just look at the state of our impoverished inner cities.  Because the Nanny State takes care of them, there’s no incentive to work, no incentive to strive for something better — or for people to better themselves.

The help we give should be a “hand up” rather than continuous, multi-generational hand-outs.  Paul wrote to the Thessalonians, “If anyone is not willing to work let him eat not.” I admit, I have a hard time understanding people who refuse to work and maintain an entitlement mentality. Because I’ve always worked hard. In every job I’ve ever had, I’ve always made it a point to do much more than my job description entailed. Rather than just scraping by, doing the bare minimum, I’ve always gone over and above what was called for, and that has served me well. It’s also a trait I sought to instill in my children, now all grown adults. And it’s served them well too. But sadly, most of my children’s peers were not brought up that way. This is why my kids have all excelled, while others their age have not.

Personal responsibility. Doing everything as unto the Lord. Doing your best. Going the extra mile. Above and beyond what is expected. No free lunch, but rather, working with a heart of service and humility, doing the best you possibly can and striving for perfection. These are the things we need more of in America, and things that we should be encouraging in our people.  Especially now, with our country in such dire straits. We must all pull together and work harder than ever. And we have to refuse to take the bait that results in slothfulness.  Because dependence on the government for so-called “benefits” always results in government enslavement.  Remember, the mouse never understood why the cheese in the trap was “free.” Today we have record numbers of lost souls who’ve been caught in this government trap, and it’s now coming full circle as our culture and society has reached it’s lowest point in history.

In the 1800s, there were attempts to reform how the government dealt with the poor.  Social caseworkers visited the poor, attempting to train them in morals and a work ethic.  But for those lacking morals and a work ethic, their fallen human nature always seems to keep them down. It’s just easier to take the handouts, which are actually bribes, because those who get the free stuff will always support those who supply the free stuff.  But friends, there ain’t nothin’ “free.” Those handouts come with a price. A lifetime of poverty and dependence.

With censorship now the “new normal” in America, it’s difficult to get accurate numbers, but according to government sources (which you can probably take with a grain of salt), in 2021, the federal government spent $1.5 trillion dollars on welfare programs in the United States.  If the truth were actually told, that figure is very likely much higher…just as the current unemployment numbers given to us by the government are obviously much higher than they tell us.  But $1.5 trillion dollars — that’s more than we spend on national security and the military defense of our nation. Let that sink in.  And now they’re printing even more money and handing out even more “free stuff” to people who aren’t even US citizens, but rather, coming here illegally across all of our open borders.

During the Great Depression, 25% of workers were unemployed. Despite what they tell us, from what I’ve seen lately, we have at least that many unemployed right now — and they’re not looking for work.  Even as huge numbers of businesses have been forced to shut down due to the current economic situation, the remaining businesses are still begging for workers, but nobody wants to work.

In 1935, FDR started the Social Security program, and for at least the last forty years, we’ve been warned continuously that Social Security is going broke. I believe it is broke — totally bankrupt, due to the gross mismanagement of confiscated money of those who worked hard all their lives.  The only reason it still exists is that they keep printing fake money.  But there are many who have relied on the promise of Social Security for their only means of income in their retirement years.  And while our government leaders keep giving themselves raises, usually several times a year, our elderly subsist on Social Security payments that haven’t kept up with the cost of living for a very long time now.

I have no problem with people drawing Social Security. It was their money to begin with, that was stolen from them, mismanaged by the thieves, and of course, taxed not once, but twice — when they earn it, and when they get a pittance of it back in retirement.  What a racket.

We’ve all heard about the few major bank failures in recent weeks. It’s made big headlines, even in the lying mainstream media.  But are you aware that between 2021 and 2023 there have been 563 banks that went bankrupt?  From the research I’ve been able to do, it appears at least 200 more are set to go under in the coming weeks and months of this year.

Of course, this has all been purposely orchestrated by the Globalist Great Resetters.  Our economic system must be destroyed to make way for the global digital New World currency, at which time, our enslavement will be complete.  No longer will it just be those taking the “free cheese” from the government trap. They’re planning to trap all of us, whether we like it or not.

The rage I saw in that young man, having his welfare debit card declined is nothing in comparison to what’s coming under this latest plan.  When they can turn your money on and off at will — for any reason — I see utter chaos and anarchy in the streets in our future.  When any dissent, any “wrong think” is quickly punished, most will comply, because after all, most will be completely dependent on the good graces of the “Build Back Better” tyrants.  It’s easy to see how we will “own nothing” but not so easy to see how we’ll be “happy” about it and many Patriots will not go along with this so easily.

Already, our inner cities resemble war zones. These are places where living on government handouts has become the “normal” way of life. But it’s no longer just the ghettos and slums.  Today, we have homeless encampments virtually everywhere — even in places that used to be the cleanest, brightest cities in America.  Now they’ve been fundamentally transformed into “no go” crime zones; and our government, rather than supplying food, shelter and clothing, is now providing dangerous and deadly illegal drugs, which are used openly.  People in these places are unashamedly defecating and urinating in the streets.  Insanity and madness is our “new normal.”

Recently, when a CNN news crew went to San Francisco to report on the surge in crime and homelessness there, while they were interviewing people in front of City Hall, their car windows were smashed and their belongings stolen — in just four seconds’ time.  Ironic for the “woke” CNN crew, isn’t it?

Friends, there’s no limit to which human beings will not sink without the Holy Spirit of God within them. The lost are not just lost for eternity — something most really don’t comprehend — they’re lost right now!  What an incredible opportunity for the true Church — the Ecclesia — right now, to minister and witness to so many.  Our enemies within the government meant their plans for evil, but if Christ-followers rise up and begin to push back against this wicked agenda, this can be a time like never before in history to save souls.  Though the faithful remnant be few in number, with the power, love and sound minds we’ve been blessed with, we can be a modern-day Gideon’s army, as God Himself goes before us into this battle.  What the Luciferians meant for evil can easily be turned to good — IF we’re willing to be the hands and feet of Christ in these dark days.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

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“Come Out of Her (The Apostate Churches) My People”

By Rob Pue

March 26, 2023

I shouldn’t be, but I’m still amazed at the number of professing Christians who have never heard some of the things I’ll share with you today. Honestly, they have no clue and if Christians are so ignorant of the most important issues of the day, imagine how uninformed the “average Joe” on the street is.

Despite the fact that this information is readily available through alternative media sources, let’s face it: most Americans will still scoff and say these things are all “conspiracy theories” put out by “right wing crazies.”  But it’s odd, how all the “disinformation,” “false claims,” and “conspiracy theories” — (which were aggressively banned and censored from public view) — that we warned you about three years ago have turned out to be absolutely true, even though those who perpetrated those crimes against humanity will never confess. And why would they? They are children of their father, the devil, the father of lies and when they speak, they speak their native language… all they’re able to do is lie.

Perhaps ignorance is bliss, but it’s also deadly.  Hosea said, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” The trouble these days is that if it’s not on Facebook, Instagram or TikTok, most Americans will never hear about it. According to the most recent numbers, the lying, complicit mainstream media — which is really the propaganda arm of the American Communist party — is now trusted by only 25% of the people overall.

But I digress.  Let me digress just a bit more. As I prepare this message, it’s a beautiful day outside. The sky is blue, without a cloud or chemtrail in sight; it’s relatively warm out and the snow is melting.  Today is the first day of Spring, and the wildlife in my neighborhood is taking advantage of the beautiful day to do what wildlife does. Some folks have already seen their first robin of the year, which in Wisconsin means at least three more snowstorms before it really feels like Spring. But in a matter of weeks, the trees will bud, the lawns will be green, the flowers will burst forth with new life and God’s creation — including me — will rejoice in the warm sunshine.  God’s created order will continue in nature.

But in the dark recesses where the evil ones live and work, nefarious plans will continue to be drawn up, pushed forward and carried out. In case you’re one of those unaware, there is such a thing as “good” and “evil,” and the evil ones never sleep. The enemy of our souls, Satan, hates mankind, because we’re created in the very image of Almighty God, and by our freewill, we have the ability to choose eternal life through the sacrificial death, burial and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The enemy, his demons and the humans they control don’t have that option. They know their eternal damnation is inevitable. And so, this spiritual battle continues.

While it may appear the demons are winning, Psalm 2 tells us that “He who sitteth in the heavens shall laugh.  The Lord shall have them in derision.” As Christ-followers, we know how this is all going to eventually turn out and so do the demoniacs now ruling the earth. This spiritual battle has been raging since the time of Creation but now the devil is raging against God’s image-bearers like we’ve never seen in our lifetimes. He’s especially targeting the innocent children, because if he can corrupt the hearts and minds of the most innocent and precious among us, he can exponentially increase the size of his hellish army, willing and eager to do his will.

Understand that Satan relishes the fact that he can take advantage of all those who are ignorant of his devices. And today we live in a time when even professing Christians are ignorant of Satan’s devices. They may attend church every week, but they’ve never been truly saved; they’ve never been discipled; they’ve never been trained for the work of the ministry. And sadly, in America today, most who still go to church go only to feel better about themselves, to get a pat on the back, or for the emotional “high” from the programmed musical entertainment.

Sadly, today’s pastors have become mere hirelings, who care nothing about the sheep they’re supposed to be teaching, discipling, leading and protecting. The House of God has “open borders” now — all are welcome, including the unrepentant, the unsaved and the unGodly. The people may honor God with their lips, but their hearts are far from Him. It’s not supposed to be that way.  The Church is supposed to be God’s house, where His disciples assemble themselves together for prayer, worship and study. Through this prayer, worship and study, believers are equipped for the work of the ministry. Then, they’re supposed to go out and make new disciples.

Only then are these new disciples to become a part of the Church. But today’s “Church Of the Open Borders” invites all manner of unrepentant, unregenerated, unrenewed sinners and as long as they just attend, that’s good enough for the so-called “pastors.” But you see, in doing it this way, not only are they allowing prideful sinners to defile the house of God, they’re also depending on the money these prideful sinners fill the collection plates with, so therefore, they must never say anything to offend them.  (Wasn’t Jesus called the “rock of offense in 1st Peter?”)

And so they’re allowing the unrepentant, unsaved  sinners to dictate what is spoken of from the pulpit.  In many cases today the pastors themselves are unrepentant, unsaved sinners.   Perhaps some pastors would like to preach the whole counsel of God.  Perhaps some would actually like to talk about the wiles of the devil and the wickedness that has descended upon this nation and the world, what’s obviously coming and sound the warning as watchmen on the wall.  But they can’t.  Because now, it’s the “bottom line” that counts. Sadly, the Holy Spirit has departed from most of those places, the people are lost and wandering without a shepherd and have become easy prey for the devil.

How easily the demoniacs gained worldwide compliance with the COVID planned-demic.  How easily the people became the devil’s prey.  Never forget what they did to us. They forced us to lock down. Small, Mom & Pop stores were forced to close — many forever, while the big box stores were allowed to remain open and make record profits. We were forced to wear masks or be labeled as “hateful” and “selfish.” We were not allowed to visit our elderly loved ones, many of whom died alone; after which we were not allowed to gather for their funerals. No weddings either. No gatherings of any kind.

Some churches held services in their parking lots, with people obediently parking their cars six feet apart, windows rolled up, listening to the sermons on the radio.  Those people were arrested. Others were arrested for not wearing masks in public parks or while walking alone on deserted beaches or woodland trails. Hospitals deliberately killed patients using the deadly Remdesivir, because each so-called “COVID” death meant big, BIG bucks for the hospitals. Then people lost their jobs if they refused to accept the mandated “death jabs.”  Now, just as we told you then, millions of fully-jabbed people are “dying suddenly.”

So now we’re supposed to believe there’s a new thing called “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.”  How stupid do they think we are?  Never mind. They know. Most people will never bother to investigate or research or read or study anything. They’ll just comply.  Understand this: COVID was a “beta test” on our submission, which most people failed. So now, the evil ones are ready to rush for total world domination, and our complete and total enslavement.

In 1979, Bob Dylan wrote a song based on Revelation 3, titled “When You Gonna Wake Up?” It was relevant then. Now it seems almost prophetic.  Here are some of the lyrics: “Counterfeit philosophies have polluted all of your thoughts.” (Today we have the LGBTQP+ steamroller and the “transgender” grooming of our children; not to mention true Christians being persecuted while statues of Baphomet are set up in public squares). The song goes on: “Karl Marx has got you by the throat and Henry Kissinger’s got you tied up into knots.”  (I’ve spoken before about the Communist takeover of the world, with a special emphasis on America through our schools, universities, churches, and every other institution).

More from Bob: “You got innocent men in jail, your insane asylums are filled.” (Let us never forget the J6 Gulags, nor the madness that reigns in the homeless encampments in all our American cities).  Then he sings, “You got unrighteous doctors, dealing drugs that’ll never kill your ills.” (Big Pharma, the jabs, deadly — but very profitable — new “hospital protocols,” new and improved pandemics, coming soon, brought to you by Pfizer, among others).

And another verse of the song says, “Adulterers in churches and pornography in the schools.  You got gangsters in power and lawbreakers making rules.” (I think that’s self-explanatory).

Then the question is asked, “When you gonna wake up, and strengthen the things that remain?”  In Revelation 3, the risen Christ urged the church at Sardis, “Be watchful and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die.”  Then Jesus said, “He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before My Father, and before His angels.”

This has always been a very urgent warning down through the ages, but it’s especially applicable today. And how do we overcome?  By the blood of the Lamb, the word of our testimony and loving not our own lives, even unto death.  Perilous times are not just coming, friends, they’re here. Pestilence is not just coming to this earth — it’s being invented by wicked people, to instill fear and bring death and/or absolute submission.

Undoubtedly, you’ve heard of Klous Schwab, the leader of the World Economic Forum. Probably the world’s “creepiest” guy since Anthony Fauci.  He’s plainly stated that by 2030, we will own nothing, and we will be happy. How will that happen?  How could that ever happen in a country like the USA?  Have you been paying attention? Do you understand that the Communists and Politicians — better known as the Democrats and Republicans — have utterly and completely bankrupted our country?

Are you familiar with Biden’s executive order #14067? Biden signed this a year ago and it’s designed to purposely make the US dollar obsolete. It makes government surveillance of all US citizens legal. It gives the government total control over all bank accounts and purchases, the ability to silence all dissent and turn your money supply on and off at will.  It allows them to punish you for buying the wrong things, making contributions to the wrong organizations — such as Christian ministries, or making unacceptable comments on social media.  The new digital dollar will track your every move and record every purchase you make. This isn’t just “online banking.” This is total enslavement of every American.

How will you make your mortgage payments when they turn off your digital dollars for daring to dissent? How will you travel when you can no longer buy gas or own a car? How will you eat? You won’t even be able to afford a Bill Gates Cricket Burger when this system is implemented. And it’s not if this will happen. Biden signed the order a year ago. Now our banks are collapsing. Imagine that. So, it’s just a matter of when, and my guess is, sometime this year, or next year at the latest.

Now is the time for us to be setting up alternative systems for food, shelter and clothing. God will protect His own, but we must do our part and prepare. Revelation 18: 4, “…Come out of her, My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.”  Read the rest of Revelation 18 and see if you don’t clearly see modern America in that Scripture.  Now is not the time to start thinking about this.  Now’s the time we need to actually move into action, because the enemy never sleeps. Unfortunately, too many professing Christians will remain apathetic and asleep, fat and happy and mindlessly entertained, even as our country burns. It’s time to “come out,” and “be ye separate” from this world. It’s time for some serious personal repentance — and time for some serious sanctification.

© 2023 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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The Great Pushback Conference

By Rob Pue

March 12, 2023

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Before reading this message, please watch the two-minute video at this link.

For more than twenty years, our ministry, Wisconsin Christian News, held a Ministry Expo, to help provide awareness of the work that Christian ministries are doing, and also introduce them to new people, as well as find more support and volunteers. For years, the emphasis was on the exhibit booths from area ministries, along with music by Christian music ministries. We also had activities for the kids, usually presented by various Christian camps.

After doing this a dozen or so years, we added some teaching seminars to the schedule, and eventually shifted our focus from musical concerts to more serious teaching sessions, as we brought in well known speakers discussing a variety of topics, all centered around a main theme each year.

Some of the themes of our events were “A Changed Life,” with an emphasis on strengthening your faith, and more closely following Christ; “Restoring the Family,” with an emphasis on the natural family, as God intended; In 2015, our theme was “Wake Up Church!” encouraging Christians to get out of the pews and get involved in the serious issues we were dealing with as a nation — racial division, same-sex so-called “marriage,” abortion on demand, legalized recreational drugs, open borders, transgender restrooms, and more; and yet another year’s theme was “Reviving the Remnant.”

One of my favorite Conferences was “Courageous Christianity,” where our speakers included some of the most courageous Christian leaders in the country. That was such an in- credible inspiration to everyone — to know that being a Christ-follower doesn’t end when you walk out the door of your church on Sunday…and to learn that we ALL have a God-ordained ministry work to carry out, and hear from real-life courageous Christians doing just that.

Another event was themed, “Earnestly Contending For the Faith,” with an admonishment from the book of Jude. All of our conferences included some of the most respected Christian leaders from around the country and as the cultural, social and moral condition of our nation continued to decline, our Conferences took on greater seriousness with each passing year. We still included a Ministry Expo along with the Conference, but our exhibitors began dropping off drastically. We had gone from over 100 exhibit booths to less than thirty.

Apparently, most ministries did not want to be associated with the “radical” topics we were addressing. Yet our audiences for the speakers continued to grow.

Our last Expo and Conference was held on “Lockdown Weekend” in 2020 — the second week of March that year. That was when the toilet paper hoarding began, and the week- end we were told “Just two weeks to flatten the curve.”

We always held our events in a public shopping mall, utilizing one of the vacant stores as our speakers’ venue, and the mall hallways for our ministry exhibits. The idea was that we didn’t want to simply “preach to the choir.” By holding our events in a public shopping mall, we were able to reach the unsaved as well as Christians. Many times, people who were just shopping at the mall would stop by and view the ministry exhibits or sit in on some of the Conference speaker sessions. It was a great outreach to the community, as well as a great blessing for those who came from around the country specifically to attend.

That weekend, the mall had three other events scheduled to take place, along with our Expo and Conference, kicking off at 6 pm on Friday night. But at 2 pm that day, the lockdown orders came. All three of the other event organizers cancelled their events, following the orders of Fauci and Trump. But I had Conference speakers already on site, from Missouri, Ohio, Maryland, Colorado, Montana and Texas — and our audience, most of whom made a point to be at every one of our events, and came from many different states, were already there. I wasn’t about to cancel. We were set and ready to go.

And everything went fine. Nobody got the dreaded sickness. But it turns out that “two weeks to flatten the curve” went much longer than two weeks. In fact, I’m pretty sure that our Conference was the very last public event in the entire country for all of 2020, and beyond.

That was the last event we had, bringing an end to more than 20 years of Ministry Conferences. I looked into putting another event together for 2021, but I needed to book the venue by November of 2020, and there were no facilities willing to sign a contract for space, be- cause they were unsure if they would be allowed to open their venues for public gatherings. Last year, we didn’t hold an event because I just plain couldn’t afford to do it.

We had never sold tickets for our events — we just relied on donations at the door to cover the expenses of putting the Conferences together, and we passed a collection plate to receive freewill offerings for our speakers. Unfortunately, I learned the hard way that that just didn’t work. Although our audiences had continued to grow, many would come and thoroughly enjoy a full weekend of expert, top-notch speakers — some of the very best in the country all in one place — but only toss one dollar into our donation box to help with our expenses.

We also had Wisconsin Christian News T shirts available, for a donation of any amount, to

help raise funds to pay for the event. In one instance, someone took three of those T shirts, and gave us a total of 26 cents — so that she could give more money to the speakers, perhaps not realizing that it was our responsibility to cover all the speakers’ expenses, lodging, travel and more, not to mention the chairs we needed to rent for the audience to sit on cost us $2 apiece. So donations of 26 cents or 1 dollar didn’t quite add up to much. In- deed, the last several events left us thousands of dollars “in the hole” each time, and last year, I just couldn’t afford to take out a loan to do another live event.

But many have contacted me, asking when we would be doing another Wisconsin Christian News Expo and Conference. There were many who never missed a year — they planned to be there all year long and looked forward to it greatly. Even though I’ve continued bringing some of the best and well-known Christian leaders to our television audience every Tuesday on our TV program, (WCN TV), which can be found on our TV website, “,” it’s just not the same as a live in-person event.

So today, I would like to announce our “2023 Solemn Assembly & Conference,” to be held April 14th and 15th near Wausau, Wisconsin, right in the center of the state. The theme of our event this year will be “The Great Pushback Against ‘The Great Reset.’” Our speakers will include Shahram Hadian from the Truth In Love Project, Alex Newman from Liberty Sentinel and The New American magazine, Coach Dave Daubenmire of Pass the Salt Ministries and the Salt & Light Brigade, John Dyslin, the author of a mighty Christian soldier’s guidebook titled ‘Nehemiah Strong,’ and Dr. Mike Spaulding, who is co-host of WCN- TV with me, and also a pastor, a prolific writer and an amazing, courageous teacher.

We will not be including a Ministry Expo, as most ministries are hesitant to come to our events now, just as most pastors and churches will have nothing to do with us, because of our “radical” stance on the vital issues we’re facing today. But our speakers will have re- source tables and a wealth of information to share with everyone.

Also, rather than a Christian concert, at this event we’ll be blessed to have the MPK Christian Celtic Band leading worship with sacred hymns of the faith between speakers.

Some of the topics our speakers will be addressing will include: Exposing the Great Reset, the Great Narrative and the Great Deception; Detailing how Biblical prophecy is unfolding before our very eyes; Preparing the end-time Church to counter the Great Reset; Activating a revival of Godly men and women; Awakening ministers of truth to be Front Line Pas- tors; Outlining God’s order for battle in these end times and Building alternative systems for education, health freedom, food supplies and more.

This promises to be one of the best events we’ve ever held and we’re looking forward to it. We will begin on Friday, April 14th at 6 pm and then on Saturday the 15th, the Conference will go from 9 – 5. This is the first time ever that we have had to make this a ticketed event, but we must, to cover all the expenses and costs associated with putting something of this magnitude together. But the cost is only $69 per person, as I’ve tried to make this as affordable as possible.

Advance registration and tickets are required, and you can do that at Coach Dave’s web- site: When you get to the “Events” page, just scroll down until you come to our event, April 14 and 15. There you can order tickets and register to save your seat.

The Conference will be held at the Stoney Creek Hotel and Convention Center in Rothschild, Wisconsin, just south of Wausau. Seating is limited, so I would encourage you to register and secure your tickets as early as possible. The hotel is also offering a nice discount on lodging. Just mention the “Wisconsin Christian News Conference” when you call the hotel to reserve a room.

I want to reiterate that this event is relevant to everyone and as always, I greatly encourage you to bring your children and grandchildren who are old enough to comprehend the days we’re living in. It’s likely they will gain knowledge, information and wisdom they will not get anywhere else — and they, too, can become leaders within their circles of influence.

I know some of you will scoff and say that because God is in control of all things, and be- cause the Bible predicts these tribulations will come, we should just keep quiet, stay out of worldly things and not get involved. “Christians should have no part in politics,” they will say. But are we not called to occupy until the Lord returns? Are we not called to be salt and light in these dark days coming upon the world? Should we not push back against the powers of darkness? And should we not have good, solid answers for the unsaved all around us as to what’s happening, why it’s happening, why they need the Savior and how they can receive Him? Further, should we not learn how to prepare for what’s coming in the days ahead so that we can provide for our own families and others?

To me, all these things are vitally important — and equally missing from the pulpits all across this nation. The vast majority of pastors will never speak a word on any of these matters. They preach “cowardly Christianity.” This is courageous Christianity — learning to use the power, love and sound minds God’s given us to accomplish His good work, while we still can.

This is likely the most important event you’ll attend all year, and I strongly encourage you to make a point to be there, no matter where you live. Many will spend hundreds of dollars to go to one football game featuring their favorite team. But friends, now is not the time for vain entertainment. Now is the time to prepare ourselves, our hearts, minds and lives for what lies ahead.

Yes, the Lord’s will WILL be done on earth, as it is in heaven. And I do believe terrible times

will come, just as the Bible tells us. Don’t you want to be equipped and ready? Many have asked, “What can we DO?” Come to our Conference, and find out. I sincerely hope to see you there, and meet you in person.


Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066. Or email Ask for message number 385.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Because ‘Good’ Men Continue to Do Nothing

By Rob Pue

March 5, 2023

Something strange is happening in America, though it’s hard to say what’s “strange” and what is now the “new normal.” Over the past year, we’ve seen our food processing plants destroyed.  There have been alleged outbreaks of avian flu, supposedly requiring the killing of tens of thousands of chickens and turkeys.  Massive amounts of farmland have been purchased by foreign investors.  And then last June — thousands of heads of cattle were found suddenly dead in Kansas overnight.  Authorities claimed it was due to an intense heat wave.

Things became even more strange in February.  The mainstream media devoted unprecedented amounts of airtime to speculation over UFOs and an alien invasion.  But this was just more fake news, designed to condition the masses into accepting the idea that an alien invasion was, perhaps, imminent.  This came after a UFO was sighted over Montana — the same day an explosion was heard in the skies over Montana.  That explosion was reported by hundreds on social media, then debunked by the mainstream media, then never heard about again.

On February 4, the alleged Chinese spy balloon was shot down off the coast of South Carolina, after surveilling the entire United States.  On February 10, an unknown object was shot down over Dead Horse, Alaska; another shot down in the Yukon the next day and then another over Lake Huron the following day.

As I said, the mainstream media devoted an enormous amount of air time to these so-called “UFOs” — and like I always say, whenever the media spends this much time and energy to direct your attention to something, you need to look at what that latest “news” story is really covering up, or what the “powers-that-be” are about to unleash.

Are we about to be thrown into another world-wide panic?  This time over space aliens?  If you’re interested, you can look up “Project Blue Beam,” something the United Nations, NASA and other government agencies have been working on since 1983.  It involves large scale hologram images projected into the sky, along with sounds and special effects.  This technology has advanced greatly, now that most everyone has a cell phone or other mobile device with microchips embedded in them.

The holographic images would be used to create “signs and wonders” in the sky — simulating anything from extra-terrestrial aliens to a fake return of Christ.  It’s said the goal of Project Blue Beam is to bring massive civil unrest and panic, allowing the New World Order to come to power as people become desperate for any sort of “leadership.”  Make what you want of Project Blue Beam, but at this point, nothing is off the table for the globalists, bent on absolute world domination.

The Luciferians, now in control of world politics and policies, seem to always tell us what they plan to do before they do it.  They told us of their global depopulation agenda; they told us of their “greatest election fraud system in the history of America,” they told us we definitely WOULD have to deal with a world-wide “pandemic.” They even told us how the jabs would help to lower the Earth’s human population.

Just last year, Netflix released a movie called “White Noise,” which was filmed in multiple locations in Ohio.  The movie portrayed a disaster in which a train carrying toxic chemicals derailed and exploded, causing an “airborne toxic event.”  Also last year, our old friend, Bill Gates, purchased a majority of shares in a company called EcoLab, which is a water treatment, infection prevention and mitigation company.

Then, on February 3rd, it happened: a freight train operated by Norfolk Southern railroad, derailed in East Palestine, Ohio.  Fifty train cars, loaded with hazarous chemicals went off the tracks.  The chemicals included Vinyl Chloride, Isobutylene, Ethylhexyl acrylate, and Benzene, among others.

Vinyl Chloride is associated with lymphoma, leukemia and cancers of the brain and lungs. Interestingly, and conveniently, just last month, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, released an updated toxicological profile for Vinyl Chloride.  Previously, they stated that exposure of more than 30,000 parts-per-million (PPM) was extremely toxic and deadly.  Last month, they changed that to exposure of 150,000 ppm. The Agency also completely removed a section titled “How can Vinyl Chloride affect children?”  It looks like more deception to me…just weeks before they set off a Vinyl Chloride bomb.

When Vinyl Chloride is burned, it creates an enormous amount of Dioxin.  According to the World Health Organization, dioxins are known to be “persistent environmental pollutants.”  The WHO also states that dioxins are highly toxic and can cause reproductive and developmental problems, damage the immune system, cause liver disease, interfere with hormones and cause multiple types of cancer.  Once they enter the body, dioxins remain there for 11 years.

Witnesses reported seeing sparks flying out from under the train twenty miles before the derailment. How could this have gone undetected and unreported?  So the train derailed, with all these hazardous chemicals aboard.  People within two miles of the incident were evacuated.  And then, in order to avoid a possible explosion, Norfolk Southern officials decided to do a “controlled demolition.” In other words, they detonated the chemicals on purpose.  Visuals from the area look like a nuclear bomb exploded, right in the middle of some of the best farmland in the country.  A retired firefighter and hazmat specialist stated that the train cars should have been kept cold with water or foam from fire hoses, and the contents drained into safe containers.  Instead, to avoid an explosion, they detonated an explosion.

Within a couple days, officials told residents it was safe to return, that the water is safe to drink and that the land would not be affected.  But what about the 4,000 fish that were found dead, along with frogs, chickens, dogs, cats, other household pets and wildlife — up to 100 miles away?  The chemicals are seeping into the Ohio River, which supplies 10% of the country’s drinking water, affecting 30 million people.  One researcher posted a video of a creek in the area, where the water was noticeably tainted with a rainbow-colored “something,” and when he scraped the creek bed with a stick, clouds of toxic chemicals rose out of the ground and floated in the water.

Other videos show cars with their paint burnt off and the exposed plastic parts of the cars melted — 70 miles away.  Norfolk Southern Railroad, owned primarily by Vanguard and Blackrock, has offered a total of $25,000 to the residents of East Palestine — which comes out to $5 per person.  Residents would be entitled to this $5 compensation if they sign a waiver, releasing the railroad from any future lawsuits.

This is said to be the worst environmental disaster in US history, but environmentalists are nowhere to be found.  Where’s the “Green New Deal Squad?” Where was Transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg?  On yet another vacation, of course.  He showed up two weeks later.  And instead of Biden visiting the site, he chose, instead, to go to Ukraine.  I assume he needed to check the status of his bank accounts there.

This is extremely serious, folks. This is the equivalent of a “dirty bomb” being deliberately set off and the repercussions could last decades, or even centuries.  You might want to look into the story of Times Beach, Missouri.  Times Beach was a summer resort town, with about 2,000 permanent residents.  It was rural, so it still had dirt roads, which would cause dust clouds when it got dry outside.

But in 1985, Times Beach ceased to be a town anymore at all.  The citizens there voted to disband the township and the mayor ordered everyone to evacuate immediately and never to return.  Like other small country towns with dirt roads, Times Beach would periodically spray the gravel with liquid to keep the dust at bay.  But in 1985, instead of an organic mixture of water and beet juice, they sprayed the roads with Dioxin.  When this happened, the area became uninhabitable.

The town is still dead to this day.  Signs on the roads leading to the town caution travelers that it is a “hazardous waste site” with “dioxin contamination” and to “Keep Out.”  Prior to a massive cleanup operation, a former town official walked through the area.  He found everyone had left everything behind.  Homes were still as people had left them — tables still set for dinner, food still in the cupboards and refrigerators, Christmas trees and decorations still up — but now Times Beach was a ghost town.  Those homes — and everything in them — were demolished and buried.  Officials removed 265,000 tons of dioxin-laden soil.

What happened in Times Beach was accidental — a horrific mistake on someone’s part.  What happened in East Palestine was done on purpose — and those who did it had to know what the outcome would be.  They weren’t just burning off gasoline or even jet fuel.  They purposely detonated a gigantic bomb containing some of the deadliest chemicals known to man.

Then on Valentine’s Day, there was a hazardous truck spill of nitric acid in Tucson, Arizona.  Officials evacuated the area.  Two days later, firefighters in Kissimmee, Florida were fighting a massive 5-acre blaze at Nursery Supplies, Inc. — a company that manufactures plastic flower pots.  This is also releasing enormous amounts of hazardous chemicals into the air, ground and water in the surrounding area.  Arson teams are investigating that one.

On February 20th, two people were pronounced dead at the scene and others critically injured when an explosion occurred at a welding plant near Miami. On that same day, another fiery explosion took place at a manufacturing facility in Oakwood, Ohio.  And back on January 31st, a propane plant exploded in Pennsylvania.

The EPA has finally come in and demanded that Norfolk Southern Railroad clean up the site in East Palestine, but this is going to take years, if it’s even possible.  They’ll have to remove the railroad tracks, remove thousands of tons of soil and continuously check surface and ground water for contamination.  Outside scientists have called for rigorous testing for dioxins — but there is no dioxin testing being done at all.  Instead, government officials there are telling everyone it’s really no big deal and that people can safely return home, drink the water and put this behind them — despite the fact that a strong chemical smell still lingers in the air, and domestic and wild animals are still dropping dead right in front of their eyes.

So has the infrastructure of the United States become so fragile that it’s now crumbling?  Or is this, like so many other disasters we’ve seen over the past three years, being deliberately orchestrated?  It appears our food supplies are being attacked — 120 food processing plants mysteriously burnt to the ground over the past year; millions of birds and animals deliberately killed, a huge increase in grocery costs, energy costs and the cost of living in general.  At the same time, massive amounts of farmland are being purchased by foreign interests, we’re having direct attacks on traditional families, natural marriage, Christians, conservatives, gun owners, those who dare speak against the official narrative, and our military service members.

This is what happens when a nation turns aside from Almighty God.  God has simply given us what we’ve begged for: no more God. So this is our nation, without His hand of protection. The wicked rule, the people mourn, yet still cling to their sin.  Our American pastors need to repent and call for a national outcry to the Lord, in humility, in sackcloth and ashes, begging His forgiveness for our pride, arrogance, hedonism, sexual immorality, and abuse of our children. Not to mention the prideful shedding of innocent blood.  We have much to account for, much to repent of.  God certainly CAN heal our land, but that’s not going to happen as long as so-called “good men” continue to do nothing.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 388.

Not Aliens, Demons

By Rob Pue

February 26, 2023

Recently, I had a lady call me from the East Coast.  She’s one of the readers of our Wisconsin Christian News newspaper. She was alarmed at having seen a triangular UFO the night before.  Prior to calling me, she called another alternative media researcher, who told her that these things have been in US airspace for weeks; that they’re “spy planes” from China and that we may well be in the midst of a nuclear war with China and/or Russia within 72 hours.

This comes as UFOs have been heavily in the news recently.  We all heard about the Chinese surveillance balloon that was shot down over the Atlantic on February 7th, after crossing the entire US — including over some major military installations. Biden stated that he waited to bring the balloon down until it reached the ocean, so debris would not harm anyone on the ground.  But military insiders have said that could have easily been done with no harm to civilians if the administration had wanted to.

On February 14, officials announced the US has now retrieved key electronics, including sensors from the balloon, in an underwater search of the area off the South Carolina shore.  For their part, the Chinese have stated the balloon was just monitoring weather patterns.  But since when has China been concerned about the weather, pollution — or “climate change?”

Meanwhile, similar balloons have been seen traveling across countries in Latin America, including Columbia and Venezuela.  And Japan has said China has been sending surveillance balloons over that country, at least three times in the past year.

And so far, three other Unidentified Flying Objects have been shot down by US forces as well… one over Alaska on Friday, one over the Yukon on Satuday and one over Lake Huron on Sunday, February 12th.  Officials have said the Lake Huron object was definitely NOT a balloon, but an octagonal, metallic object about the size of a small car.  Officials believe this is the same object that was tracked by radar over Montana the day before, so it, too, crossed nearly our entire country before any action was taken.

Now, we’re getting conflicting reports from our government as to what the objects were.  Air Force officials have stated the latest three objects in US airspace are different from the Chinese balloon.  Air Force General Glen VanHerck told reporters, “We’re calling them ‘objects,’ not balloons, for a reason,” he said.  But the White House continues to call them “balloons,” and assured reporters there’s “no indication” the objects are “extra-terrestrial,” apparently to “calm the nerves” of concerned citizens regarding a possible alien invasion.

That seems to me to be the press secretary planting the seeds of doubt, and attempting to fear-monger people into thinking aliens ARE about to strike.  I don’t know anyone currently living in fear of an alien invasion.  But that could certainly change, if the powers-that-be want it to.  Like an invisible so-called “virus,” an “alien invasion” could be the perfect cover for another world-wide lockdown.  For our protection, of course.

The theater performance continues, friends.  This is just the next “act” in their production.  Please remember, whenever something like this is covered this heavily in the news, there’s about a 100% likelihood that it’s being done to distract our attention away from what is really going on — or about to happen.

Just as “COVID” was a beta-test to experiment on the ignorance of the people and their willingness to submit and comply with the daily-changing arbitrary orders of the Globalist agenda; and although the war in Ukraine is really happening, the REAL reason it’s happening is because it’s the perfect scenario for trillions of dollars in money laundering for the so-called “elites;” now we have UFOs and Chinese spy balloons.

Are there any out there who think this is the first time foreign spy balloons have surveilled our military and public infrastructure?  Are there any out there who believe they can’t just watch us from an orbiting satellite?  Military satellites can read the dial on your wrist watch if they want to.  And don’t get me started on the surveillance of American — and world — citizens, by their own governments.  We are all being watched, listened to, monitored, tracked, rated and graded every day.  I dare say China knows more about our US military capabilities than Sleepy Joe does.

Not to mention — is there anyone out there who believes our US military aircraft could destroy an alien spacecraft, capable of traveling faster than the speed of light?  Come on, man!

If I were you, I’d be more concerned about our non-existent southern border — and our highly compromised northern border — when it comes to any threat from China.  Because we know Chinese military troops have been training in Canada, as well as Mexico and Latin American countries for several years now.  And a report just released by US Customs and Border Protection shows a more than 700% increase in Chinese nationals sneaking over the US southern border just since last year.  According to the report, by this time last year, only 366 Chinese nationals were apprehended trying to cross into the US illegally.  This year, there have been 2,999 so far.  That’s a 719% increase, just since October.  Why are they “sneaking” in?  Certainly, good old Joe would welcome them if they just asked.

There are also rumors about a looming Chinese or Russian nuclear attack on the US.  Yes, for the globalist’s agenda to be complete, the United States must be destroyed.  But we’re already destroying our own country ourselves — and at break-neck speed — point-by-point as we follow the Communist agenda.  China may want the US, but face it, friends, they already OWN US… physical acreage of US land, but more importantly, a financial debt we can never possibly hope to repay.  They won without firing a shot.  When they decide to officially take us as their new territory, the last thing they’re going to want is a nuclear wasteland.

You don’t think they put up all those 5G cell towers and spent all the trillions of dollars in the infrastructure to support all that, under the cover of the “COVID” lockdowns, just to blow it all up, do you?  No — America need not fear nuclear war from China.  But we will, very likely, be taken over quietly and easily by them. And many Americans will cooperate with their new masters willingly.

Yes, we have millions of citizens with guns and we have millions of skilled hunters and lots of patriots. There will be a resistance, just as there is a remnant in America who still believe in, and honor God, willing to push back against the forces of darkness and evil and speak up against the lies we’re constantly fed.  But China’s coming. They’re already here. Just look at the first object you pick up near you.  Chances are, it will say “made in China” on it somewhere.  Practically everything we own or use here has been made in China.  See, we USED to be the most innovative industrial country in the world.  We made cars, ships, trains, rockets, computers, tractors and more.  What do we make now?  Chicken wings at the local sports pub.  That’s what we make now.  IF the sports pub can find anyone willing to work.

But I digress.  What I’m saying here is, don’t worry about the UFOs.  Be more concerned with what the UFO stories are a cover for.  Something’s brewing.  I don’t claim to know what it is. But I do know, from experience, just how quickly things can change.  They changed overnight for the whole world in March of 2020.  One day was life as usual; the next day was “lockdowns,” “non-essential workers,” “essential businesses,” “mandatory masks,” “six-feet-apart,” along with unconstitutional arrests for non-compliance, children having masks duct-taped to their faces by virtue-signaling teachers, and of course, the “clot-shot” jab… also mandatory for most.  Yeah, things can change overnight and you never see it coming.

And so much has happened since then.  A stolen election. Citizen patriots going to DC to present a redress of grievances — something we’ve done for over 200 years in this country, but this time, hundreds — if not thousands — of American citizens attacked, arrested by SWAT teams, thrown into the DC J6 Gulag without charges and without bail.  Our children overwhelmed by the “transgender” pedophile movement. Pornography handed out legally in the schools, while if the same images are shown across the street or at a school board meeting, they’d be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and labeled a “sex offender” for life.  The deliberate destruction of our economy. The killing of millions with the mandatory jabs.  Roe v Wade overturned, but states making laws allowing the killing of even BORN children “legal.”

Not to mention the sheer coincidence of more than 120 food processing plants going up in flames over the past year or so, in the midst of a supply chain crisis and food shortage.  You mean to tell me that of those 120 massive food processing plants, not ONE had any working sprinkler system?  Yes, that’s what “they” want us to believe.  Just coincidence.  Nothing to see here.

Now, in Palestine, Ohio, 50 railroad cars hauling dangerous, caustic chemicals derailed.  Officials conducted what they called a “controlled release” of the chemicals by causing an explosion.  Vinyl Chloride, Hydrogen Chloride and other chemicals were not just released into the atmosphere, but detonated — set ablaze on purpose, releasing highly toxic gases.  Residents of the surrounding area were evacuated for three days and then told it was safe to return… but it’s not safe.  Dead fish, birds and animals are everywhere.  There are chemicals in the water supply now that will make it incredibly unsafe for decades.  Cattle as far as 100 miles away from the incident are suddenly dying.  Cars, 70 miles away are having their paint destroyed and plastic parts “melted.”

So rather than carefully drain the hazardous chemicals from these tanker cars, officials decided to do a “controlled explosion,” sending deadly fumes high into the atmosphere, causing catastrophic consequences in at least a 100-mile radius.  And not a peep from the “climate change” cops.

Then, when a conservative American journalist at a press conference asked some hard questions of officials there — questions that didn’t fit the official narrative — he was immediately arrested.  Since the Ohio wreck on February 3rd, there have been two more train derailments  — one in South Carolina and one in Texas.

Meanwhile, let’s not forget about the millions of people worldwide who are “dying suddenly” after taking the COVID shots. I read the obituaries in my local news every day.  There are now about a half dozen younger people every week who are “dying suddenly” or “unexpectedly.”  These are people in their 50s, 40s, 30s, 20s and teens.  No pre-existing conditions, no sign of anything wrong with their health.  But they’re dying suddenly and unexpectedly.

It’s almost as if someone — or some THING — is deliberately out to kill people and destroy our country.  It’s not aliens from another planet.  But I do believe it’s demons, from another kingdom.  Satan and his demons have infiltrated the hearts, minds and souls of human beings in a way we’ve never experienced before.  It’s almost as if every thought of everyone is only evil, all the time.  And most of the others live in fear.

But we need not fear, friends. Almighty God is still in control of all that happens on this earth.  The enemy will lie to you, confuse you, try to instill fear into you, coerce you into submitting to an evil, wicked agenda, and intimidate you into keeping your mouth shut.  But do not be silent… and don’t buy into the fear and rhetoric of the “official narratives.”  Know Who your Creator is.  Know God — and snatch as many others as you can from the claws of the devil, while you can.  We’re not fighting flesh and blood. We’re not fighting aliens. We’re fighting demons, and they have us surrounded.  So be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 387.

The Pandemic of Doubting God

By Rob Pue

February 5, 2023

Worry. Anxiety. Depression.  These disorders have reached pandemic proportions — afflicting people from all walks of life, worldwide. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, here in America, more than one in three adults (37%) suffer from depression or some form of major anxiety disorder. It was recently reported that among Gen Z young people, that number rises to nearly 60%.

For those afflicted, there’s no shortage of fuel for our worry and anxiety. Today we face job losses and record unemployment, even in the midst of hyper-inflation. People — especially men and heads of households — worry about paying the bills, keeping food on the table and heating their homes. Our so-called “government leaders” have deliberately orchestrated crisis after crisis for American citizens as a means of control.  Real people are being seriously hurt by their actions, yet they’re never held accountable.

Faced with these threats, many are ready to give up their freedoms in exchange for Big Brother’s promise to make it all better. Yet we know that big government and socialism isn’t really the answer — and so we worry more — if not for ourselves, for our children and grandchildren.

The truth is, the world has always been in turmoil, ever since the fall of Adam and Eve in the garden. I wonder what people worried about a thousand years ago — or two thousand years ago — or five thousand years ago. Surely they all had worries of their own. Our parents had worries. Our grandparents had worries. And today, we carry on the tradition, but we’ve amped it up a bit.

I don’t mean to make light of the situation, because anxiety disorders are real. Those who suffer these maladies can’t help themselves. Sufferers often know their emotions are out of control, their feelings are unreasonable, their worries are largely unfounded. Yet they can’t seem to pull out of it. It becomes a downward spiral, often into deep depression, or to the point where they can no longer function normally.

So they turn to pharmakea — prescription medications — in a futile effort to feel “normal” again.  But with many of these pills, the number one side effect is the very thing it’s supposed to suppress: depression. For some of these so-called “medications,” a major side effect is “suicidal thoughts or tendencies.”  The poisons in these drugs aren’t the answer, friends.

God’s Word tells us 365 times (once for each day of the year) to “Fear Not.”  Fear not. Jesus Himself spent a lot of time teaching on this subject. In Luke 12, He said, “…Don’t worry about your life, what you will eat; or about the body, what you will wear. For life is more than food and the body more than clothing. Consider the ravens: they don’t sow or reap; they don’t have a storeroom or a barn; yet God feeds them. Aren’t you worth much more than the birds?”

He went on to ask the question, “Can any of you add a single cubit to his height (or one moment to his life span) by worrying? If then, you’re not able to do even a little thing, why worry about the rest?”

Then He said, “Don’t keep striving for what you should eat and what you should drink, and don’t be anxious. For the idolaters eagerly seek all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you.”

Indeed, where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. You know, most of the things we worry so much about never happen. In our world today, there are predictions of catastrophe coming at us from every direction. Threats of more global tyranny; a total disruption of our food supplies; a ‘Great Reset’ of our financial system and everything else; a looming invasion and threats of war.  And our country has never before been as sick, perverted and Godless as it is today.  I dare say things have never looked worse for the future of America.

The things that are predicted may or may not happen.  Granted, the Globalists are not giving up, they’re digging in deeper to enslave the whole planet.  Those are their plans and they have little to no opposition.  It’s no wonder people worry.  But this world and the things in it — and the lifestyles we’re used to — should not be where our “treasure” lies.  We need to fix our hearts and minds on the things above, not on earthly, fleshly desires.

I understand that’s easier said than done, when you go to the grocery store and eggs are $8 a dozen. When you get your heating and electric bills and they’re double what they were a year ago. When companies are laying off record numbers of people, our economy is failing, and for many, when they don’t know where their next meal will come from.

We need to remember that God provides for everything He has made. He sustains this old world. And He cares deeply about each of those who are His children. The Bible says He even numbers the very hairs of our heads! God feeds the birds of the air personally. Isn’t that amazing?!  How He cares for, and provides for His creation!  And as His children, He especially delights in providing for all of our needs. Even more so when we look to Him and trust Him for His provision and acknowledge His hand of care upon our lives, with gratefulness, humbleness and thanksgiving.

Consider a tree. From its roots to its trunk, to its branches and beyond, it draws water and nutrients up to the tips of the upper-most leaves. Man, in all his wisdom, cannot build a pump efficient enough to do a task like this. Yet God has equipped the trees to survive and thrive — automatically!  And look at the intricacies of a leaf and consider how the tree cleans our air and provides oxygen for all the earth’s creatures!

Consider your own body. The Bible says that God “knit” each of us together in our mother’s wombs. Scientists are now coming to understand that this word “knit” is more appropriate than anyone realized previously. Our muscles and sinews and internal organs and bones are literally “knit” together, and — the process begins at the moment of conception. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Consider your eyes, your hands, your senses. Consider how our bodies heal themselves and fight infection and disease, with no need of a poison jab!

Consider the delicate balance of nature, how the Earth is the perfect distance from the Sun to provide us with the ideal climate. Consider how the Moon not only lights our night sky, but also controls our ocean tides, so the water of our planet is not dead and stagnant, but moves, cleans itself and sustains life.

Truly, when Jesus was teaching this lesson on worry, He meant for us to look to God’s creation and understand that what He creates, He sustains and provides for — and more than that — cares for on a personal level. Awhile back, when I was particularly troubled by a certain situation, I was in prayer when the Lord spoke to my heart and asked directly, “Rob, how old are you? Haven’t I always taken care of you, all of these years? Look at all you have been through in your life. Wasn’t I always there for you? Why, then, do you doubt Me now?!”

My point — and probably God’s point — is that it’s only the doubting that causes the worry, anxiety and depression.  These are all tools the enemy uses to torment us, but he can only use those tools when we doubt — when we doubt GOD.

A  friend of mine noted: “time and time again God provided and did wonderful and miraculous things for the people of Israel, yet each time when they were faced with a crisis, they cried out in disbelief that God would actually come through. In Exodus 16, the Israelites said, ‘if only we had died by the Lord’s hand in Egypt! There we sat around pots of meat and ate all the food we wanted, but you have brought us out into this desert to starve this entire assembly to death.’ Verse 4 goes on to tell us how God provided manna from heaven with very strict instructions on how it was to be dealt with. God even tells them that He will test them to see whether they will follow His instructions. Of course this wasn’t good enough. They wanted meat. (So He even provided meat for them in the desert).

“The people of Israel are continuously faced with a crisis that they cannot meet by their own means. Each time they are faced with an impossible obstacle, God provides for them with His incredible power. Do they remember the last time that God delivered them? NO. Each time when a crisis comes up, starting at the banks of the Red Sea, all they can think is, ‘I want to go back to slavery.’ As God moves them forth through the waters of the Red Sea, provides fresh drinking water where there should be none, provides food where there should be none, these people cannot remember how God protected and provided. You would think that after they saw God spread the waters of the Red Sea they would believe all things are possible, but sadly, that was not the case.”

My friend continued, “We know that the people of Israel had to wander through the desert for forty years. Forty years is a long time to walk considering the journey only would have needed 17 days to complete. Why did God make them walk and wander for forty years? The answer is because it took forty years for them to trust God. I believe we would all like to think that we would not have had to wander forty years in the desert to learn these lessons if we had been there. Unfortunately, speaking for myself, I know that’s not the case. It took me forty years to see the blessings that God had given me in my life, to recognize that this was His doing. It took me forty years to learn to believe that the Bible is truly God’s Word. It took me forty years to understand the importance of prayer each day. It took me forty years to know that God works all things for good. It took me forty years to realize truly who Jesus is and what He did for me with an understanding that comes from the heart and not the mind. It took me forty years to realize that God is sovereign…”

What incredible blessings we forfeit when, instead of going to God in prayer, we operate in our own flesh, we rely on our own understanding, and worst of all, we doubt God.  Our adversary, Satan, wants us to be lost and fearful. But that’s the opposite of God’s plan for His children.

The truth is, no matter what comes, we can’t help or save ourselves. Apart from God, we can do nothing. (John 15:4-5). When we become hard-hearted and believe we can control and do things in our own power, it’s no wonder we worry and become anxious.

There IS a pandemic in this world and it’s more serious than anything the Centers For Disease Creation can cook up.  It’s the pandemic of doubting God. We say we believe Him and we say we believe His Word.  So why, then, do we worry, when the cure for this ‘pandemic’ is so simple? In Jesus’ name, cast out the enemy’s evil spirits of unbelief, anxiety, pride, fear, faithlessness and self-sufficiency, and then turn to the Savior, who will rescue you. Isaiah 26:3 says of the Lord, “You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You.” Perfect peace — the perfect antidote to the pandemic of anxiety! And what does the Scripture say we must do to obtain this peace? Keep our minds steadfast on the Lord, and simply believe and trust Him.

Satan and his minions can only do what God allows.  His will WILL be done here on earth as it is in heaven — with or without us. My final bit of advice is, focus on that. And more than that, put your own personal needs and comforts aside and become one of His remnant faithful believers, pushing back against the lies, deception and tyranny of the enemy, and do your utmost to see that God’s will IS done on earth. Get on God’s team. Occupy until He returns.  If you’re a true believer in Christ, you have the very power of God within you.  And even if you become a martyr for the cause of Christ in these dark days, while doing your part to see that God’s will is done on this earth, what, really, do you have to worry about?

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 386.

The Great Pushback Conference

By Rob Pue

January 29, 2023

For more than twenty years, our ministry, Wisconsin Christian News, held a Ministry Expo, to help provide awareness of the work that Christian ministries are doing, and also introduce them to new people, as well as find more support and volunteers.  For years, the emphasis was on the exhibit booths from area ministries, along with music by Christian music ministries.  We also had activities for the kids, usually presented by various Christian camps.

After doing this a dozen or so years, we added some teaching seminars to the schedule, and eventually shifted our focus from musical concerts to more serious teaching sessions, as we brought in well known speakers discussing a variety of topics, all centered around a main theme each year.

Some of the themes of our events were “A Changed Life,” with an emphasis on strengthening your faith, and more closely following Christ; “Restoring the Family,” with an emphasis on the natural family, as God intended; In 2015, our theme was “Wake Up Church!” encouraging Christians to get out of the pews and get involved in the serious issues we were dealing with as a nation — racial division, same-sex so-called “marriage,” abortion on demand, legalized recreational drugs, open borders, transgender restrooms, and more; and yet another year’s theme was “Reviving the Remnant.”

One of my favorite Conferences was “Courageous Christianity,” where our speakers included some of the most courageous Christian leaders in the country.  That was such an incredible inspiration to everyone — to know that being a Christ-follower doesn’t end when you walk out the door of your church on Sunday…and to learn that we ALL have a God-ordained ministry work to carry out, and hear from real-life courageous Christians doing just that.

Another event was themed, “Earnestly Contending For the Faith,” with an admonishment from the book of Jude.   All of our conferences included some of the most respected Christian leaders from around the country and as the cultural, social and moral condition of our nation continued to decline, our Conferences took on greater seriousness with each passing year.  We still included a Ministry Expo along with the Conference, but our exhibitors began dropping off drastically.  We had gone from over 100 exhibit booths to less than thirty.   Apparently, most ministries did not want to be associated with the “radical” topics we were addressing.  Yet our audiences for the speakers continued to grow.

Our last Expo and Conference was held on “Lockdown Weekend” in 2020 — the second week of March that year.  That was when the toilet paper hoarding began, and the weekend we were told “Just two weeks to flatten the curve.”

We always held our events in a public shopping mall, utilizing one of the vacant stores as our speakers’ venue, and the mall hallways for our ministry exhibits.  The idea was that we didn’t want to simply “preach to the choir.”  By holding our events in a public shopping mall, we were able to reach the unsaved as well as Christians.  Many times, people who were just shopping at the mall would stop by and view the ministry exhibits or sit in on some of the Conference speaker sessions.  It was a great outreach to the community, as well as a great blessing for those who came from around the country specifically to attend.

That weekend, the mall had three other events scheduled to take place, along with our Expo and Conference, kicking off at 6 pm on Friday night.  But at 2 pm that day, the lockdown orders came.  All three of the other event organizers cancelled their events, following the orders of Fauci and Trump.  But I had Conference speakers already on site, from Missouri, Ohio, Maryland, Colorado, Montana and Texas — and our audience, most of whom made a point to be at every one of our events, and came from many different states, were already there.  I wasn’t about to cancel.  We were set and ready to go.

And everything went fine.  Nobody got the dreaded sickness.  But it turns out that “two weeks to flatten the curve” went much longer than two weeks.  In fact, I’m pretty sure that our Conference was the very last public event in the entire country for all of 2020, and beyond.

That was the last event we had, bringing an end to more than 20 years of Ministry Conferences.  I looked into putting another event together for 2021, but I needed to book the venue by November of 2020, and there were no facilities willing to sign a contract for space, because they were unsure if they would be allowed to open their venues for public gatherings.  Last year, we didn’t hold an event because I just plain couldn’t afford to do it.

We had never sold tickets for our events — we just relied on donations at the door to cover the expenses of putting the Conferences together, and we passed a collection plate to receive freewill offerings for our speakers.  Unfortunately, I learned the hard way that that just didn’t work.  Although our audiences had continued to grow, many would come and thoroughly enjoy a full weekend of expert, top-notch speakers — some of the very best in the country all in one place — but only toss one dollar into our donation box to help with our expenses.

We also had Wisconsin Christian News T shirts available, for a donation of any amount, to help raise funds to pay for the event.  In one instance, someone took three of those T shirts, and gave us a total of 26 cents — so that she could give more money to the speakers, perhaps not realizing that it was our responsibility to cover all the speakers’ expenses, lodging, travel and more, not to mention the chairs we needed to rent for the audience to sit on cost us $2 apiece.  So donations of 26 cents or 1 dollar didn’t quite add up to much.  Indeed, the last several events left us thousands of dollars “in the hole” each time, and last year, I just couldn’t afford to take out a loan to do another live event.

But many have contacted me, asking when we would be doing another Wisconsin Christian News Expo and Conference.  There were many who never missed a year — they planned to be there all year long and looked forward to it greatly.  Even though I’ve continued bringing some of the best and well-known Christian leaders to our television audience every Tuesday on our TV program, (WCN TV),  which can be found on our TV website, “,” it’s just not the same as a live in-person event.

So today, I would like to announce our “2023 Solemn Assembly & Conference,” to be held April 14th and 15th near Wausau, Wisconsin, right in the center of the state.  The theme of our event this year will be “The Great Pushback Against ‘The Great Reset.’”  Our speakers will include Shahram Hadian from the Truth In Love Project, Alex Newman from Liberty Sentinel and The New American magazine, Coach Dave Daubenmire of Pass the Salt Ministries and the Salt & Light Brigade, John Dyslin, the author of a mighty Christian soldier’s guidebook titled ‘Nehemiah Strong,’ and Dr. Mike Spaulding, who is co-host of WCN-TV with me, and also a pastor, a prolific writer and an amazing, courageous teacher.

We will not be including a Ministry Expo, as most ministries are hesitant to come to our events now, just as most pastors and churches will have nothing to do with us, because of our “radical” stance on the vital issues we’re facing today.  But our speakers will have resource tables and a wealth of information to share with everyone.

Also, rather than a Christian concert, at this event we’ll be blessed to have the MPK Christian Celtic Band leading worship with sacred hymns of the faith between speakers.

Some of the topics our speakers will be addressing will include: Exposing the Great Reset, the Great Narrative and the Great Deception; Detailing how Biblical prophecy is unfolding before our very eyes; Preparing the end-time Church to counter the Great Reset; Activating a revival of Godly men and women; Awakening ministers of truth to be Front Line Pastors; Outlining God’s order for battle in these end times and Building alternative systems for education, health freedom, food supplies and more.

This promises to be one of the best events we’ve ever held and we’re looking forward to it.  We will begin on Friday, April 14th at 6 pm and then on Saturday the 15th, the Conference will go from 9 – 5.  This is the first time ever that we have had to make this a ticketed event, but we must, to cover all the expenses and costs associated with putting something of this magnitude together.  But the cost is only $69 per person, as I’ve tried to make this as affordable as possible.

Advance registration and tickets are required, and you can do that at Coach Dave’s website:  When you get to the “Events” page, just scroll down until you come to our event, April 14 and 15.  There you can order tickets and register to save your seat.

The Conference will be held at the Stoney Creek Hotel and Convention Center in Rothschild, Wisconsin, just south of Wausau.  Seating is limited, so I would encourage you to register and secure your tickets as early as possible.  The hotel is also offering a nice discount on lodging.  Just mention the “Wisconsin Christian News Conference” when you call the hotel to reserve a room.

I want to reiterate that this event is relevant to everyone and as always, I greatly encourage you to bring your children and grandchildren who are old enough to comprehend the days we’re living in.  It’s likely they will gain knowledge, information and wisdom they will not get anywhere else — and they, too, can become leaders within their circles of influence.

I know some of you will scoff and say that because God is in control of all things, and because the Bible predicts these tribulations will come, we should just keep quiet, stay out of worldly things and not get involved.  “Christians should have no part in politics,” they will say.  But are we not called to occupy until the Lord returns?  Are we not called to be salt and light in these dark days coming upon the world?  Should we not push back against the powers of darkness?  And should we not have good, solid answers for the unsaved all around us as to what’s happening, why it’s happening, why they need the Savior and how they can receive Him?  Further, should we not learn how to prepare for what’s coming in the days ahead so that we can provide for our own families and others

To me, all these things are vitally important — and equally missing from the pulpits all across this nation. The vast majority of pastors will never speak a word on any of these matters. They preach “cowardly Christianity.”  This is courageous Christianity — learning to use the power, love and sound minds God’s given us to accomplish His good work, while we still can.

This is likely the most important event you’ll attend all year, and I strongly encourage you to make a point to be there, no matter where you live. Many will spend hundreds of dollars to go to one football game featuring their favorite team.  But friends, now is not the time for vain entertainment. Now is the time to prepare ourselves, our hearts, minds and lives for what lies ahead.

Yes, the Lord’s will WILL be done on earth, as it is in heaven. And I do believe terrible times will come, just as the Bible tells us. Don’t you want to be equipped and ready? Many have asked, “What can we DO?” Come to our Conference, and find out.

Again, register today at — go there and scroll down to our event on April 14th and 15th. I sincerely hope to see you there, and meet you in person.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 385.

We Are Without Excuse

By Rob Pue

January 22, 2023

I really can’t understand how people can live without God. Our American culture has grown increasingly Godless, and as people no longer have a relationship with their Creator, as they once did in this country, our nation is becoming more violent, more perverse, and more evil and wicked.

It’s not like people don’t know about God. But today, fewer and fewer will even acknowledge Him, much less seek to learn of Him, know Him and serve Him.  Romans 3:11-18 says, “None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God. All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one. Their throat is an open grave; they use their tongues to deceive. The venom of snakes is under their lips. Their mouth is full of curses and bitterness. Their feet are swift to shed blood; in their paths are ruin and misery, and the way of peace they have not known. There is no fear of God before their eyes.”

That’s our world today, just as it was then.  But there was a time in our American history when God was first and foremost in the lives of almost everyone. Even in the public schools, children were taught to read from the Bible. The famous “McGuffey Readers” used in public schools were filled with Scripture lessons as well. Pastors preached the whole Word of God from their pulpits and they taught and led their flocks with courage and conviction. Families prayed together and stayed together. There was a reverence for God. It seems those days are gone now.

All mankind is without excuse.  People inherently know God exists, yet they turn away from Him, to their own destruction.  Romans 1 tells us, “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For His invisible attributes, namely, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.  For although they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks to Him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools…”

I’ve never before seen a generation that is so adept at suppressing the truth. Suppressing the truth has become commonplace, not just in public and private life, but even mandated by social media, news media and our government, to name just a few.

How is it that you can know God exists, that He created the entire universe and everything it contains, that He created all living things, including you and me and yet still not have a burning desire to know Him, to love Him and to serve Him? Even as I look at His awesome creation, all around me, I look in wonder and awe. He designed our planet to be the perfect habitat for all the people, animals, birds, fish and plants — and it’s HIS hand that sustains everything. He designed man and woman to be His most beloved of all — to have a relationship with us, to commune with us, as He once did with Adam and Eve in the garden. Yet, so many despise Him.

What sort of life do people have, when they deliberately choose to deny God and purposely choose to live apart from Him?  On January 12, Lisa Marie Presley died of a heart attack at the age of 54.  The daughter of Elvis Presley had the world at her feet, and had every opportunity to come to know the Lord and serve Him. Yet she was married and divorced four times and was a member of the Church of Scientology until 2014. In the many obituaries put forth in the media, there’s no mention of any relationship or knowledge of God, her Creator.

Another celebrity, Jerry Lee Lewis, died October 28th of last year, 87 years old. Known as “The Killer” of Rock and Roll, Jerry Lee Lewis was described by those that knew him as “a thief, a bigamist, an adulterer, a sexual predator, a family abandoner, and a liar.” He believed the rules of society never applied to him.  Lewis was married seven times.  His third wife was his 13-year-old cousin, though technically, he was still married to his first — and second — wives.  His fourth wife got a divorce, but was found mysteriously drowned in a swimming pool just days before the settlement came through. He married his fifth wife in 1983.  The 25-year-old was also found mysteriously dead 77 days later.  Within a year he was married again, to wife number 6.

Jerry Lee Lewis was also the cousin of televangelist Jimmy Swaggart, and Lewis attended Southwest Bible Institute in Texas, until he was thrown out for playing rock & roll versions of sacred hymns. One of his Bible school classmates met him again, years later and asked Lewis if he was still playing the devil’s music.  “Yes I am,” Lewis answered. “But you know, it’s strange, the same music that they kicked me out of school for is the same kind of music they play in their churches today.  The difference is, I know I’m playing for the devil and they don’t.”  Now THERE’S a ‘mic-drop’ statement!

Yet another person, who had every opportunity to know and serve God, but refused, and found himself given over to a reprobate mind. Many older Christians, even today, will remember listening to gospel and hymn records by Jim Nabors. I still hear some older folks talk about how much they love his singing of those old beloved hymns. Nabors was best known as “Gomer Pyle” from his days on the Andy Griffith Show and others. But he also had a music career, and was greatly admired for his singing of gospel music.

Few know that Nabors had a secret life as a homosexual, and when the Supreme Court rendered it’s Obergefell decision on June 26, 2015, Nabors and his homosexual partner were the first couple in the country to get legally “married.”

Finally consider what it would be like to live your entire life apart from God and end up in your old age sitting in the Oval Office, knowing that your whole life was a lie. “And what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his own soul?” Joe Biden’s stories of his life have been repeatedly called out — even by the mainstream media — as being lies. He sits now, in the Oval Office, as the result of yet another lie. And you can pretty much guarantee that any time his lips are moving, he’s lying. Yet he claims to be a devout Catholic.

Friends, these, and billions of others on the planet down through history, had every opportunity to come to know the Lord God, their Creator, and the Savior of all mankind, His Son, Jesus Christ. They are all without excuse. They had the choice to learn of God, to know Him and to commune with Him on a daily basis. They had the opportunity to receive the very Holy Spirit of God within them, to be their Comforter, Teacher and Guide throughout their lives. They had the opportunity to have the peace that passes all understanding.  God never hid Himself from any of them.  But they chose darkness rather than light.

Understand that God doesn’t send anyone to hell. We choose to go there, by our denial of Christ. And our Heavenly Father puts obstacle after obstacle in our way throughout our lives to try to turn our hearts toward Him. He waits for each of us, patiently, and He seeks after us, as lost sheep.  We are without excuse.

Because, you see, in order to end up in hell, you have to purposely ignore everything about the Savior that God puts in your path all throughout your life. You have to ignore every story you heard at Christmas time about the birth of Jesus. You have to turn away from every Gospel message you’ve ever seen on a billboard along the highway. You have to shun every prayer of a heartbroken mother, father, grandmother or grandfather on your behalf. You have to throw every Bible or Gospel tract ever handed to you in the trash. You have to rely on your own flesh and your own stubborn will through every cancer scare, every close call with a traffic accident, and you have to sit impatiently through every Christian wedding and funeral, tuning out every word you ever heard about the eternal salvation available to you through Jesus Christ.

How can people live without God? I can’t imagine. I love Him. I trust Him. I rely on Him. I talk with Him daily. And His Holy Spirit guides everything I do. Because of Jesus, I can go directly to Him — the Creator of the universe, and everything in it, including me, and talk with Him, and He with me. And no matter how awful this world continues to get, I know my Savior and He knows me. I also know that this world is only our temporary home — and that not only is the Holy Spirit living inside me right now, but when I leave this earth, I will spend eternity in service to the King of kings and Lord of lords.

As I serve Him here in this life, I’m grateful for the opportunity to do so. But it grieves my heart to see so many turn away, thoughtlessly tossing aside the greatest gift to all mankind, instead choosing a life of sin, debauchery, hedonism, selfishness and darkness. And for those who turn away from God, the darkness of this world is only a tiny fraction of the darkness in which they’ll spend eternity… eternal separation from the Most High God.  Eternal loneliness and regret, and the worst part is, they’ll know they chose this and have no one to blame but themselves.

Friends, if you’re hearing this message, consider what’s at stake. I hope you will take this seriously, because we live in perilous times and tomorrow isn’t promised to any of us.  On the contrary, more people than ever now are “dying suddenly.”  It’s in the news every day.  Not just athletes and celebrities.  Ordinary, everyday people, just like you.

I skim the headlines of our local news every day. One of the things I read is the obituaries.  It’s alarming to see how many young people have been in the obituaries over the past year or so.  I see people 57 years old; 41 years old; 33 years old; 18 years old.  The first paragraph seems to always say the same thing: they “died suddenly,” or “died unexpectedly.”  Many today wonder if we’re in the “last days.” The truth is, for nearly 200,000 people, today IS the LAST day. Could it be your last day? What about tomorrow?  Will you live to see it?

I’m not trying to scare you. God never forces anyone to come to Him. He waits with open arms and gives us every opportunity but the choice is always ours. He doesn’t want people to go to Him because of fear. He wants to remove all fear and give us the gift of peace of mind, heart and soul. He wants to give us power, love and sound minds. He wants us to know Him, and He wants to know each of us — because He loves us. He’s not waiting to pounce on us and punish us.  Rather, He would like nothing more than to remove the punishment and just judgment we deserve by the blood of His Son, Jesus, on our behalf.

Jesus came to give us life, and life more abundantly.  Nothing in this world can compare to a personal, loving relationship with our Creator. All the fortune, fame and enticing morsels the devil can dangle in front of our greedy eyes will never compare to such a relationship. There is no greater love you’ll ever experience — in this world or the next.

God’s not hiding from you. He’s seeking you. Start looking and watching the obstacles He places in your path — obstacles meant to get your attention, and to turn your heart toward Him. They’re out there every day. I see the wonders of His creation and the signs of His mighty hand all around me every day. Go to Him. Call on His name, and you’ll see them too. There’s no excuse, no reason to live in denial any longer. You instinctively know God is there. I’m telling you, He is there and He’s waiting — for you!  Turn to Him today, learn of Him, come to know Him, repent of your sins and plead the blood of Christ for your soul.  Though the world may not accept you, when you go to the Lord in humble repentance and faith, He always will. But the choice is yours. The only thing you have to lose is your soul.  So… what are you going to do now?

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 384.

2022 Year in Review

By Rob Pue

January 15, 2023

The question is inevitably asked, every election cycle: “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?” I think we all know the answer to that, but let’s take a look back at a few of the most important news items from 2022 and see how last year went for us.

On January 1st, we learned that insurance companies were seeing a 40% increase in unexpected deaths, after a year of people getting the depopulation shots.  We also saw millions around the world protest against the COVID lockdowns and restrictions, bringing swift retaliation from the governments onto the people.

Also in January, more than 1,000 scientific studies, references and reports were released linking the COVID jabs to serious adverse side effects and deaths.  And disgraced former governor Andrew Cuomo learned that he would face no charges regarding sexual harassment allegations from 11 women.

The worker shortage was finally acknowledged by the mainstream media in January, as a record 4.5 million Americans voluntarily left their jobs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and record numbers of businesses closed their doors forever due to the worker shortage. Today, at least 20 million able-bodied Americans are not working.  Meanwhile, 71 million Americans are receiving some type of government income. Note, that doesn’t include the millions of illegal aliens receiving government payouts.

Meanwhile, French president Macron declared the un-jabbed to be “non-citizens,” “the worst enemies of democracy,” and vowed to put pressure on the un-jabbed by limiting, as much as possible, their access to activities in social life.  Biden made similar comments about Americans in a speech last summer.   And commercial pilots began “dropping like flies” after the mandated jabs, according to an airline pilot whistleblower.

Also in January, a federal judge rejected the FDA and Pfizer’s request to take 75 years to produce the data related to the clot shot, and demanded they begin releasing 55,000 pages of information per month. Also, in mid-January, atheists began demanding public schools allow “Satan Clubs” — to counter Child Evangelism Fellowship’s after-school “Good News Clubs.”

The Supreme Court stopped the Biden regime’s enforcement of COVID jabs at large businesses on January 13th. But the Court’s decision still allowed mandated jabs of healthcare workers. Also that day, it was reported that the government is compiling a list of public workers requesting religious exemptions from the jab. The US Army continued to purge soldiers and those in positions of leadership for refusing the shot. No religious exemptions have been granted to Army soldiers.

In Connecticut, a federal court upheld a state law eliminating religious exemptions to state vaccination requirements for school children.  Meanwhile in Australia, it was reported that “fully vaccinated” individuals hospitalized outnumbered the unvaccinated by a margin of 3-1.

As the FED continued their push to destroy the US dollar, it was reported January 20th that a stunning 80% of all US dollars in existence had been printed in just the past two years.  England ended all COVID passports, mask mandates and work restrictions on January 20th.  It was also announced that day that the IRS will now require facial recognition, along with other things, in order to access online accounts.  And the TSA disclosed that illegal migrants flying without proper identification can use an arrest warrant as an alternate form of ID at airport security.

In Maine, an MIT doctor who prescribed Ivermectin for her patients was stripped of her license and forced to undergo a psychiatric evaluation.  In New York a mother and her young child were arrested and taken to jail after refusing to show their “vaccine passports” at the Museum of Natural History. Families of US Embassy personnel in Ukraine were ordered to begin evacuating the country on January 22nd — the same day that the first shipment of military equipment from the US arrived in Ukraine, including 100 tons of “lethal aid,” as war with Russia loomed on the horizon.

It was also reported that the murder rate in the US was the highest in 25 years. More than  20,000 Americans dared to protest in Washington DC in January. The “Defeat the Mandates” protest was led by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.  Homeland Security closed the Canadian and Mexican borders to un-jabbed truck drivers on January 23rd. The closure, of course, did not apply to un-jabbed illegal immigrants. And the Justice Department announced that it is establishing a specialized unit focused on domestic terrorism…domestic terrorists being those who disagree with the Regime.

The Canadian Truckers’ Freedom Convoy began rolling toward Ottawa with tens of thousands of trucks. The movement was in protest to the unjust, communist dictates of Justin Trudeau and Canadian Parliament. The truckers occupied the area around the Canadian capitol for several weeks, and was supported by millions around the world, who Trudeau called a “fringe minority.”  The Trudeau regime responded by seizing $4 million in donations, forbidding gas stations from selling truckers any fuel, impounding trucks, arresting countless peaceful protestors and freezing the bank accounts of Convoy supporters. GoFundMe seized $9 million in donations to the truckers.  The Canadian protest sparked similar trucker events around the world, but the attempt “fizzled” here in the US.

And Quebec banned the un-jabbed from buying groceries or other items from stores unless they are accompanied by a “health warden.”  The policy went into effect January 24th.

Hundreds of major US retailers began permanently closing store locations due to “smash and grab” attacks and what has now become legalized shoplifting. These types of crimes rose by more than 50% in 2022, as shoplifters brazenly walk through the store aisles, fill up their bags and then walk right past security guards.  Police will no longer even respond to these events in California, if merchandise totaling less than $1000 per person is taken.

In early February, the Dutch insurance company, Aegon, revealed its third quarter 2021 life insurance payouts rose by 258% over the previous year.  The difference, of course, was the deadly “vaccines.” Washington state health authorities ordered a restaurant that defied mask and jab mandates to close. And nearly 300 fully-jabbed people died within one week in Massachusetts.

The “Religion Of Peace” was in the news again in February when an Iranian man beheaded his 17-year-old wife on a public street, then paraded her decapitated head throughout the crowd and posted images of the event on his social media. The murder was justified as an “honor killing.”

On February 7th, it was announced the Biden regime would begin a $30 million program to provide “smoking kits,” including crack pipes and other drug paraphenelia in order to advance “racial equity.”  And on February 18, the CDC admitted it used their PCR tests to harvest peoples’ DNA without their consent.

The Russia/Ukraine conflict began in late February and millions have taken the side of Ukraine, even though it’s among the top three most corrupt countries in the world.  Things are not as the mainstream media would have us believe there.  Oil and gas prices began to soar, and the Biden regime blamed Russia for that.  Meanwhile, Ukraine began destroying evidence of US-funded and operated bio-weapons labs in that country.  The US has been steadily funneling money to Ukraine ever since, now in the trillions of dollars.

DHS secretary Mayorkas announced the government will target anyone who believes the 2020 election was stolen, opposes the official talking points regarding COVID or the jabs or objects to the actions of public school boards.  And inflation officially rose to 10% in March, though the actual numbers are much higher.

World Net Daily released a report in March showing that Millennials have experienced an 84% increase in excess deaths since the COVID jabs were introduced.  The New York Times acknowledged the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s laptop and it’s contents, long after multiple sources — including Hunter Biden himself — admitted the information was accurate and true.  Hunter is still free.

Florida Governor Ron Desantis signed a law forbidding sexual grooming of children in public schools up to third grade.  In response, Disney vowed to produce even more sodomite content for children.   Meanwhile, Amazon, one of the biggest supporters of the Left’s ‘woke’ agenda, relocated nearly 2000 employees out of Seattle, due to a huge increase in crime there.

Residents of Boulder, Colorado were evacuated due to wildfires that threatened 19,000 people.  And a massive drought from the west coast to the Mississippi River caused more wildfires throughout the year.  And an analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies showed the US had a new record high of 46.7 million illegal residents in 2022.

Amazingly, 117 food processing plants were mysteriously destroyed in 2022.  In addition, the food supply shortage was worsened by the culling of millions of heads of cattle and poultry, because of alleged illnesses.  Among humans, a new health crisis emerged, which they’re calling “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.”

Ketanji Brown Jackson was confirmed to sit on the US Supreme Court.  Biden’s litmus test for the new judge was that it needed to be a black female, although during hearings, she was unable to define what a “woman” actually is.  Ten people were shot and 29 injured in a New York subway in April, as violent crime continued to surge throughout the year nationwide.  Border state governors began sending bus loads of illegal migrants to Washington DC and other Leftist strongholds around the country, including Martha’s Vineyard, in September. The “inclusive” and “compassionate” residents of the Vineyard got rid of them in under 24 hours.

Attacks on pro-life and traditional family organizations began on Mother’s Day.  A group known as Jane’s Revenge — and others — have firebombed, vandalized and terrorized  nearly 150 organizations since then.  The attacks began before the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade on June 24th.  I should mention the doubling- and tripling-down on the “transgender” agenda, now being pushed nationwide to our young people. “Lia” Thomas became a hero to the “woke” Left when this man, in women’s swimwear, won the women’s 500-yard freestyle in March.

Donald Trump’s home in Florida was raided by the FBI in August.  The Queen of England died September 8th.  Nearly 100% of Central Banks began pushing for a World Digital Currency in 2022.  And as gas prices continued to rise, the US sent more oil from our Strategic Petroleum Reserve to Europe, even as Biden began begging Saudi Arabia to sell us oil.

The Globalists also attempted to scare us with a Monkeypox outbreak, but that didn’t fly, since it’s primarily contracted by homosexual men at sodomite orgies, though that information was not allowed to be spoken.  The “Red Wave” of a Republican landslide didn’t happen in the November mid-terms. You can guess why.

There were a great many more very important things that happened in 2022, but space doesn’t allow to remind you of them all here. Suffice to say, America and the World is on a “woke,” downward spiral toward a totalitarian One World Government Beast System.  There is no political solution.  There is no “revolution solution.” Our only solution is solemn repentance and a return to God the Father and Jesus Christ, our Lord. Failing that, we must await that Great and Terrible Day, when every knee will bow and every tongue confess.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

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Wake Up, Strengthen the Things That Remain

By Rob Pue

January 8, 2023

They’ve pulled out all the “stops.” There is no longer any limit to what the Communists and Politicians running the US will do to bring our country to it’s knees, surrendering to the Globalist New World Order, run by enemies who hate us.

Make no mistake, the Communists and Politicians — (Democrats and Republicans) — are two wings of the same demon.  Many Americans still believe we have a three-branch system of government with “checks and balances” so that no one particular branch, Executive, Legislative or Judicial will get out of control.  But there is no more control and “government” has long since become nothing more than political theater, deceiving the masses.  All restraint has been abandoned in their hedonistic desire to push “woke” agendas that are purposely designed to destroy this country once and for all — and as quickly as possible.

They’re not even pretending to be “public servants” or “uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”  In fact, many (if not most) of our government rulers are, themselves, the actual enemies we’re facing now.  If you wanted to deliberately bring down a sovereign nation, how would you go about it?  Exactly the way they’re doing it.

One of the most serious cases in point in recent weeks has been the boondoggle known as the “Omnibus Spending Package,” recently passed by Congress and signed by Biden following the mid-term elections.  As Pamela Geller wrote, “The massive, depraved legislative package…passed the Senate by a 68-29 margin…with the help of 18 republicans.”

This is like deadbeat credit abusers who somehow obtain a credit card, then max out the spending with no intention of ever paying it back.  And they don’t just have one credit card, they have an endless supply.  We only wish we could go “bankrupt” because we’re so far past that point now there’s literally no hope of seeing anything but red ink in our national ledgers ever again.

According to the dictionary, the word “Omnibus” means “containing many things,” and this latest round of spending with wild abandon certainly does that.  In case you’re not aware, here are some of the things Congress just bought with your money…or I should say, OUR money, because none of us has 1.7 TRILLION dollars.

Border security: for Egypt, Lebanon, Tunisia and Oman. But wait…isn’t there a serious national crisis — indeed an invasion — of our own southern border?  Are not governors in southern states declaring emergencies and calling on the National Guard for protection against the invaders that our Federal government are inviting and welcoming with open arms? Remember when Trump wanted $5 Billion for American border security?  “Absolutely not!” said the lawmakers, “What an irresponsible use of taxpayer funds!” “It’s reprehensible to think any president would use taxpayer money to build a wall!”  In case you didn’t know, $5 billion is substantially less than yet ANOTHER $1.7 TRILLION.

Family Planning: This 4,155-page monstrosity of a bill includes a half billion dollars in funding for “reproductive health and family planning.”  This is simply code for more human depopulation, through abortion, post-birth abortion and more jabs — because too many humans are threatening endangered species of animals and causing “climate change.”

This new credit card we’ve taken responsibility for fulfills 98% of Democratic member requests in the House, funding 3, 213 Democrat projects.  Here are a few more places they’ve

“swiped the card”:

$1.2 million for “LGBTQIA+ Pride Centers.  $1.2 million went to support services for DACA recipients (illegal aliens) at San Diego Community College.  $477,000 has been earmarked for the Equity Institute in Rhode Island to indoctrinate teachers with “antiracism virtual labs.”  A cool million went to Zora’s House in Ohio, which is a special space for “women and gender-expansive people of color.”

$3 million will fund the American LGBTQ+ Museum in New York City… because, you know, we can never get enough sodomy.  Nearly $4 million will be spent on the Michelle Obama Trail in Georgia.  $750,000 for “LGBT and Gender Non-Conforming Housing” in Albany, New York.  $2 million for the racist “Great Blacks in Wax” wax museum in Baltimore.  Another $856,000 for the “LGBT Center” in New York.  Nearly another million for the TransLatin Coalition to provide supportive services for Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming and Intersex immigrant women in Los Angeles.

Nearly another million for the Equity Incubator at the Universities at Shady Grove in Maryland, and another million for EV infrastructure.

Now, I don’t claim to be a mathematician, and this is only a handful of the “woke” agenda items we’ve been forced to pay for, but as someone once said, “that’s fuzzy math.” Indeed, even looking at the spending in full, it doesn’t add up to $1.7 TRILLION dollars.  Where does the rest of the money go? To the Communists and Politicians, of course, along with countless other special interest groups, none of which actually benefit anything in our country, but rather, drag it further down into the depths of depravity.

Of course, this comes in addition to the billions we continue to send to Ukraine because NATO and the West are intent on starting World War 3 with Russia.  Say what you want about Putin, but he’s shown incredible restraint.  For those of you who support the government of Ukraine as a sovereign state, how about you start supporting the United States as a sovereign state and work to restore some of OUR freedoms?  Oh, and by the way, you may not know this, but the Biden regime delayed the paychecks to thousands of US National Guard members until sometime after Christmas, in order to send another $45 billion to Ukraine.  This is in addition to $85 billion in supplemental funding for Ukraine.

Speaking of Ukraine, are you aware that Vladimir Zelenko, Ukraine’s so-called “leader” is just another Globalist puppet?  Are you aware that he’s a proud sodomite and his former career was as a comedian, where he would perform obscene comedy skits dressed in drag, if he was dressed at all?  This is who we’re supposed to view as the hero of our day, the great “freedom fighter.”  Folks, it’s all a ridiculous theater show and I can’t believe how many people are buying into it.

Even according to Wikipedia, Ukraine is the third most corrupt country in the world, and has been the epicenter of money laundering for the world so-called “elites” for decades.  So every time you cheer the current regime for sending more money to support Ukraine — you should be aware that the money is going through Ukraine, and then right straight into the pockets of those who are sending it there, among others.  They’re ripping us off and they’re not even trying to hide it.  They’re even so bold as to have this sodomite pervert speak to the US Congress and honor him as a hero, even as he demands more money from the US taxpayer.

We are now funding everything evil and wicked, including every form of sodomy, “transgenderism” and sexual perversion.  We’re funding baby killing.  We’re funding the advancement of “gender dysphoria” among even the youngest of our children.  We’re funding a rogue Justice Department that persecutes Christians while ignoring pornography in the schools.  Have you heard about the woman in the UK who was recently arrested for praying silently outside an abortion center there?  This is world-wide, folks.  There’s a world-wide agenda to literally kill Almighty God and His people, while pridefully celebrating the most unspeakable crimes.

And we are paying for all this.  In more ways than one.  Even as average, everyday Americans are struggling to make ends meet, our Rulers are spending with reckless abandon in order to advance their evil agenda.  Depopulating the planet of us peasants while propagating demons.  More than 65% of Americans are currently behind on their heating bills.  Tent cities are popping up nationwide, as people are evicted from their homes and apartments because they can’t afford housing.  Drug use is rampant, as people self-medicate just to cope — or commit suicide to end it all. We have supply chain problems, energy problems, housing shortages, a full scale invasion of our country.  We have Nazis running the FBI, DOJ, CIA, IRS and all the other three-letter agencies.  Yet it seems the only ones required to actually pay their bills are American citizens.

Meanwhile, they have more in store for us, including the Digital One-World Currency.  Perhaps that’s the point of such reckless spending….drive us into hyper-inflation, devalue the US dollar until it’s dead, and then force their “Great Reset” on us — join their Beast System or become an outcast, unable to buy, sell, trade or travel.

Fauci has already told us there will be many more “pandemics” and even as he exits the stage, I’m sure he’s got them lined up and scheduled for release in the coming months.  It was so easy to control and rule people the first time around. But folks, we ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

Unless patriots and Christians rise up to fight this — and do so right now — Satan and his demons will continue to steal, kill and destroy.  Steal our money, kill our will, and destroy our kids and families.  Just so you’re aware, we don’t stand a chance against them — apart from God.  If you think you’re going to fight this Globalist cabal in the natural realm, you have a very rude awakening coming your way.  There is no political solution.  There is no “revolution” solution.

Yes, I know many of you who will say, “Just wait ‘til they come to my door, I’ll be ready for ‘em!”  Uh huh… and let me ask you this: did you wear a mask to go to Walmart?  Did you stand six feet apart when told to do so?  Did you close your church when told to do so? Did you take the jab rather than lose your job?  If so, when “they” show up at your front door, just get in the cattle car like you’re told.

Our only solution is a return to God with deep repentance and sorrow for how we have abandoned Him and His Word — or else let the wicked rulers of the world have their way.  We have earned the wrath of God and now we’re getting it.  And you pastors out there who STILL refuse to talk about any of these issues — your condemnation will be greatest of all. And you pew-sitters who’ve been content to lounge in your silly stained-glass social clubs, oblivious and comfortably numb to the horrors that have led to this point, there’s coming a day too when you will have to give an account for the Godly work you were called to, but ignored.

The best thing that could happen right now would be that the world is in it’s final days. I don’t look for any great awakening or any great revival of God’s people. There’s a small, faithful remnant, but the rest of the world, even the so-called “Christian world” has been given over to reprobate minds.  “These people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me,” Jesus said.  Indeed.

So stop wasting time. Occupy until He returns. Refuse to accept any falsehood, any lie, and call out the lies and wickedness — stop ignoring it for fear of being called names.  For goodness’ sake, how weak is your faith?  How wimpy are you?  Stand up for God’s Word and truth.  Do your job, Christian, or else stop calling yourself one, because that’s just using the Lord’s name in vain.  No one knows what the new year will bring, but I can tell you, it’s only going to get worse for all who continue to reject Christ — and all those who profess Him but refuse to obey Him.  It’s long past time to wake up, and strengthen the things that remain.

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 382.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Not As Smart As We Think We Are

By Rob Pue

January 1, 2023

I have no doubt that God’s Word gives us all the information we need to know, and nothing is hidden from us that we, as Christ followers, must understand. But the Bible is also filled with information that is not YET for us all to understand.  This is especially true when it comes to Bible prophecy. There are certain things we can only speculate upon. Even as we see current world events lining up with Scripture references, there are some things we’re not ready to fully understand, and God knows that. Indeed, if we knew with absolute certainty the dates, times and events about to take place, many of our hearts would fail us for fear.

In Daniel 11, we have this: “Those who are wise will instruct many, though for a time they will fall by the sword or be burned or captured or plundered.  When they fall, they will receive a little help and many who are not sincere will join them.  Some of the wise will stumble, so that they may be refined, purified, and made spotless until the time of the end, for it will still come at the appointed time.”

I think this is pretty clear. We have wise Bible scholars, instructing many, and they’re being persecuted because of it. They’re being cut down by the sword, burned, falsely imprisoned and plundered.  There are also those who are not sincere Christ-followers who are joining them, but only to infiltrate, cause division and bring persecution. We also read that some of the wise teachers will stumble, and this too is for God’s good purposes. It’s so that they may be refined, purified and made spotless… even the most sincere Christ-followers often need a “wilderness experience” or “character cleansing” in order to prepare us for the work ahead — dangerous work, hard work, life-and-death work that will fall on our shoulders in the last of the last days.

And of those last days, Daniel 12 tells us, “There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then.  But at that time, your people — everyone whose name is found written in the Book — will be delivered.  Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt.”

And then, Daniel was instructed to roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end, “when many will go to and fro and knowledge will be increased.” I believe Daniel then observed Jesus Himself, clothed in linen, and standing above the waters of the river. Daniel states that the man clothed in linen lifted his hands toward heaven and stated that “when the power of the holy people has been finally broken, all these things will be completed.” Daniel wanted to know more, but it was not to be. Instead, he was told, “Go your way, Daniel, because the words are rolled up and sealed until the time of the end.  Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked.  None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand.”

What can we learn from this area of Scripture? Well meaning, wise Bible teachers will attempt to instruct the lost but they will be persecuted, falsely imprisoned and killed. Their groups and assemblies will be infiltrated by ravening wolves. While this will be horrific, it will serve God’s purposes of refining these Godly ones and preparing their hearts and souls for eternity.

There will come a time of great distress, the likes of which the world has never known before.  Christians will not escape persecution. In fact, we’re told here that the end will not come until the power of the holy people has been finally broken.

Regardless, the information regarding the last days is rolled up in a sealed scroll and will not be revealed until the time of the end when knowledge is greatly increased and people go to and fro.

We should understand that while knowledge will increase, that doesn’t necessarily mean wisdom will increase. The last few years have shown us the insanity of our human, so-called “knowledge.” We think ourselves to be wise, but fools rule the world. Knowledge doesn’t always translate to wisdom.

As I look at the big picture of history, it’s amazing what has taken place in just the past 100 years. A hundred years ago, most people were still riding animals — horses — for transportation. The automobile was relatively new. Most rural homes had no indoor plumbing.  Only 35% of households had a telephone. Television wasn’t introduced to the public until 1926, and “talking pictures” began in 1927.

The Communist Party of China was created in 1921 and the USSR a year later. It was in 1920 that the League of Nations was founded, but the United States voted against joining. Also in 1920, instead of welcoming foreign enemies and rolling out the red carpet for them, our Department of Justice was diligent in making sure those invited to our country truly wanted to be Americans… and they arrested and deported 6,000 foreign aliens suspected of being radical Leftists, Communists and anarchists. Today, the Leftists, Communists and anarchists are running the country — straight into the ground, purposely intent on destroying it. It seems we’re not as smart as we think we are.

Knowledge has increased at an exponential rate over the past 100 years. Just think: we now have a Super Hadron Collider known as CERN located 100 meters below the surface of the earth in Switzerland, where engineers and physicists are probing the fundamental structure of the universe. Some say CERN is opening portals and black holes allowing inter-dimensional beings to pass back and forth  — thus, the increased demonic activity we’re seeing every day now. We don’t understand what we’re messing with.

In 2016, a video emerged from the CERN site showing a group of people wearing dark robes, standing in front of the statue of the goddess Shiva, which adorns the entrance to the facility, stabbing a woman in a satanic death cult ritual. A CERN spokesman said the incident was merely a prank orchestrated by people who had “badge access” to the site. But why would a so-called scientific facility ever do this? And how will we ever know for sure what this really was? With what we already know for sure about the Globalist, demonic agenda, are these not legitimate questions?

We’ve “progressed” so far in our human relativism, that satanic ritual abuse and killings have now become very, very real — and children are particular targets. We set up statues of the demon “Baphomet” for young children to sit on Satan’s lap and have their picture taken. We honor Satan in every major public event.  You may accuse me of being a “conspiracy theorist.” That’s fine. Not so long ago, everything we know today about the origins of ‘COVID’ and the purposes of the masks, lockdowns and jabs were called “conspiracy theories” too. Funny how all those theories turned out to be actual, real  conspiracies — and they’re still going on, and we’re still being mocked by government, media, social media and health officials. But the truth — like the cat — is impossible to stuff back in the bag once it’s gotten out.

One thing that should concern us all these days especially is the advancement of technology, the abundance of cell phones, and in particular, “SMART” phones.

Mobile phones first made their appearance in the 1970s, and only the rich and famous had them. But by the early 1990s, the first real “cell phone” was released to the general public. I remember because I was doing a lot of traveling for my work in those days, and my wife was pregnant with our first child. Normally, I would check in with her several times a day, using a roadside phone booth. But I became concerned, because what if she needed to reach me in the middle of the day while I was working and nowhere near a phone? How would she contact me? What if I was traveling?

We decided to bite the bullet, and for the sake of safety, get a cell phone. A horrendously heavy thing that came in a bag with a battery that lasted an hour if you were lucky, and cost a fortune to operate. You were given an allotted number of minutes’ use per month, and woe to the one who would go over their minutes. Indeed, you would only make such a mistake once. The service was spotty, and the price was crazy.

But cell phones continued to advance. It wasn’t long before you could not only make phone calls on your cell phone, you could also send text messages, and then things called “emails.”

I remember in the mid-1990s, having a “flip phone,” which looked remarkably like Captain Kirk’s “communicator.” Surely the future had arrived. You’d raise a little plastic antennae, flip your phone open and hope for the best. Usually you needed to be in a city, next to the cell tower to get any reception. I remember wandering around in my driveway trying to catch a connection so I could have a conversation. Remember those old TV ads, “Can you hear me now?” No, in most cases you couldn’t.

But the technology wasn’t stopping and the infrastructure continued to be built. In 2007 the first iPhone came out, making “SMART” phones the most advanced the world had ever seen. The iPhone was the first hand-held mini-computer that integrated a telephone, a touch-screen emailer, a text-messager, an electronic scheduler/calendar, a camera, a place to buy and store digital music, and access countless other computer applications.

The iPhone was the pinnacle of convenience; service was much improved and with a nearby internet connection you could even browse the Worldwide Web. It wouldn’t be long before you wouldn’t even need an internet connection — you’d just use your cellular data.

Today, there are more than 3 million mobile apps for cell phones and the average cell phone has 80 of them installed. With your SMART phone, you can watch the weather and world-wide weather radar, you can purchase and listen to music, book hotels and airline flights, do your banking, pay your bills, order food delivery, shop for anything in the world, purchase and watch movies, control your home appliances, send emails, browse the internet, interact on countless social media sites, shop for cars, play an endless variety of online games,  navigate traffic and travel routes, monitor your health, have video calls with people on the other side of the world — with NO long distance charges, and yes, even read the Bible, if you’re so inclined. For what it’s worth, guess which “app” is the least used on any cell phone today? You guessed it: the PHONE!

Today, 91% of the world’s population owns a cell phone and of those, 85% are SMART phones. Now some may think that the word ‘SMART’ simply means a much more advanced type of cell phone. Few understand that it’s actually an acronym for: “SUSTAINABILITY,” “MONITORING,” “ASSESSING,” “RATING,” and “TRACKING.” This is what “SMART” actually stands for. Again: Sustainability, meaning it will be reliable and able to be counted on to work as intended for a lengthy amount of time; Monitoring, meaning that your SMART device — and there are many now that should concern us —  not just phones, will monitor what you, the user do on your device; Assessing, meaning that someone is going through the data they’re monitoring to assess your personal habits, likes, dislikes, even your thoughts and ideas; Rating, meaning that after they assess you, they’ll give you a “rating” — whether you’re a good, obedient Globalist peasant or a trouble-maker; and Tracking, meaning that wherever you go, they’ll be watching you and there’ll be no escape.

Sustainability; Monitoring, Assessing, Rating, Tracking. In other parts of the world, we’ve already seen social credit scores and carbon footprint tracking in use for a while now, which is done through assessing and rating. It’s coming here as Big Tech monitors everything we do on our SMART devices, which listen to and watch us even when they’re turned off. Tracking was a key rollout during the COVID scamdemic. And the coming One-World Digital Currency would not be possible without our slave trackers — our SMART phones, which we voluntarily take everywhere with us. Unfortunately, one day, perhaps soon, even those reluctant to do so will need to make the decision to smash their phones or join the Beast system. Those not connected to the system will be outcasts, unable to buy, sell, trade or travel. But I believe we’ll find ourselves more free than our so-called “SMART” counterparts.

Indeed, knowledge has increased tremendously. Even to the point some of us think we are our own gods. But there is ONE God, our Creator, who will return at the appointed time, unseal the scrolls and show us we’re not as smart as we think we are.

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066. Or email Ask for message number 381.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:


By Rob Pue

December 11, 2022

After reading my daily news feeds, I often find myself shaking my head and simply saying, “Unbelievable.”  Yet the stories I’m about to share with you (in no particular order) are absolutely true, believe it or not.

First up, the Daily Signal recently reported this: “Imagine that a progressive American city creates a financial incentive for residents to ‘transition’ from man to woman or from woman to man.  That’s exactly what San Francisco has just done with a program called ‘Guaranteed Income For Transgender People,’ or ‘GIFT.’”

This ‘GIFT’ program will provide a monthly incentive of $1200 for people who choose to “transition” from their biological gender.  Apparently the media, public schools, corporate and government-driven propaganda pushed on our young people nationwide, resulting in a 4000% increase in “gender dysphoria” just this year alone is just not enough.  Now, San Francisco is incentivizing this perversion — handing out a $1200 monthly ‘GIFT’ for those willing to even just try out “transgenderism” to see if it might be “right for them.”

As usual, young people are especially targeted for this program, and as the Daily Signal pointed out, “Gender transitioning is now, for many minors, a trend.  But this trend, unlike goth or grunge, leads to sterilizing cross-sex hormones and disfiguring surgery.”  But hey — it also includes a guaranteed income of $1200 a month.  How many mathematically-challenged, brainwashed young people will fall for this?  I guess time will tell.  Unbelievable.

I’m sure you all remember the “Affordable Care Act”  — you know, “Obamacare,” which made health insurance prohibitively expensive for everyone.  This is what the Communists do: they call something the exact opposite of what it really is, and in doing so, it just sounds so much better.

Well, they’re at it again, and now Congress is pushing the so-called “Respect For Marriage Act” — which doesn’t defend marriage at all; it simply redefines it and officially makes sodomite “marriage” the law of the land.  Before this happens, and like so many other things, we simply blindly accept it, while our American culture disintegrates, let me just remind you of what marriage actually is, and has always been since the beginning of time.  Webster’s 1828 dictionary defines “marriage” as “The act of uniting a man and woman for life; wedlock; the legal union of a man and woman for life.”

In 1996 we had the “Defense of Marriage Act,” which stated the word “‘marriage’ means only a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife and the word ‘spouse’ refers only to a person of the opposite sex who is a husband or wife.”  But the Defense of Marriage Act was found “unconstitutional” by the Supreme Court in it’s Obergefell decision in 2015.  Now, our so-called “Representatives,” pandering to the monster that is the LGBTQP+ machine, is planning to hammer the final nail in the coffin that was marriage and family.  Note that this will only be possible with the help of our “good” Republicans, and 12 Republican senators just voted to advance it.  Unbelievable.

The so-called “Human Rights Campaign” is an extremely well-funded sodomite organization that works to bully corporations into promoting the LGBTQP+ agenda.  Support a sodomite cause, drag queen story time, or pride parade and get “points” from the HRC.  DON’T support these things, and get labeled a “hater.”  That’s how it works.  You might be interested to know that, according to the HRC website, over 620 major businesses have now adopted “gender transition” guidelines to push transgenderism in the workplace.  In 2008, there were 90 companies on board with this.  As of last year, the number is 624.

You should also be aware of some of the companies ranked highest on the list with a 100% approval rating from HRC…companies you do business with regularly.  Those that top the list include Walmart, Exxon Mobile, Amazon, CVS Pharmacies, AT&T, Chevron Corporation, Ford Motor Company, General Motors, Costco, Disney and Google.  But these are just the “big boys.”  (If there’s any such thing as “boys” anymore). There are more than 500 major US corporations supporting the sodomite propaganda being pushed everywhere in our culture, including some companies you’d never expect.  The latest to “come out” in support of this perversion is Tractor Supply, a farm and hardware chain, frequented by hardworking traditional American families.  Unbelievable.

In other news, Disney has doubled-down on their promotion of all things “queer,” as they continue to push this indoctrination of our little children in their movies and television shows.  Parents would be well advised to ban everything Disney-related from their homes.  If the lesbian kiss in the latest Buzz Lightyear movie wasn’t bad enough, their recently released animated movie, “Strange World,” is all about an openly homosexual character.  But “Strange World” was a flop at the box office, as more parents are waking up to the perversion of Disney.  In fact Disney stock has fallen by 40% this past year alone.

But Disney isn’t just corrupting our kids’ minds with sodomy.  They’ve long been offering soft-core occult entertainment as well.  And now, they’re openly promoting Satan.  In a new series called “Santa Clauses,” on the Disney+ channel, the show includes a scene of children holding letters which spell out the phrase “We Love You, Satan.”  Disney, of course, explained that this was just one of several comedic moments in the show, and the kids were supposed to spell out “We Love You, Santa.”  But it seems Disney no longer cares what parents think — their time is short, so they’re corrupting our childrens’ minds in every way possible, as quickly as possible.  Indeed, the kids spelling out “We Love You, Satan” was no accident or merely a poor decision in film making.  It was intentional… And Unbelievable.

In other news, the Biden administration is streamlining the illegal immigration process, making illegal immigration appear “legal.”  At least that’s the plan.  Embarassed by fifty immigrants landing in Martha’s Vineyard earlier this year, and pressured by the negative optics of Americans learning about the millions pouring across our southern border, then being resettled in communities coast to coast under the cover of darkness, the administration has set up official “welcome centers” on both sides of the border.  Few people know about this.

But these welcome centers are housing thousands of immigrants from Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras and Venezuela, just south of the US border.  Then they’re given temporary legal status papers and driven into the United States to similar welcome centers here.  Once their papers are verified, they’re all released to begin permanent lives in the American city of their choice.  These immigrants don’t have to cross a dangerous river, hike through brush or hide from authorities.  Now, the so-called “authorities” are helping them cross, live here and obtain a cornucopia of welfare benefits which are not available to real American citizens.  Nothing has changed, except now our government has streamlined the process, changed the optics so it looks better, and the average American is none the wiser.  Unbelievable.

And the Climate Change Cult is still at work around the world.  The Dutch government is planning to seize and close 3,000 farms in order to comply with EU environmental rules.  The government will conduct a “compulsory purchase” of these farms as part of a voluntary, one-time offer.  If farmers refuse the offer, their land will be seized and farmers will receive nothing.

Also, an article recently published by CNN claims that dogs, cats and other household pets that eat meat contribute to “global warming.”  The Greenies are also complaining about the manufacturing of pet food, because they claim it also results in a significant quantity of greenhouse gas emissions.  So now they want to take our pets too.

And  according to CLG News, “the monitoring of personal behavior by banks will take another step forward as Canadian credit union Vancity launches a new credit card technology to report users’ carbon emissions. Vancity announced that it will be ‘the first financial institution in Canada to offer its individual and business members a way to estimate the CO2 emissions that come from their purchases.’ This will be the first carbon counter program for Visa holders. Mastercard already provides a CO2 emissions-tracking card, developed with technology from Swedish company Doconomy. The Visa credit card technology also provides ‘education and behavioral nudging’ so that card users are not only informed about the CO2 emissions of their buying activity but also told how to reduce them.”  Unbelievable.

And it was recently reported that more than 200 million doses of COVID shots were dumped by pharmacies and government health agencies due to greatly reduced demand for them.  Don’t forget that those 200 million doses were paid for with our tax dollars, and millions more have already been ordered — with compulsory contracts with the jab-makers, even though people are now coming to understand how deadly they are.

And the truth is becoming more and more difficult to hide when it comes to the official COVID narrative.  Recently the FDA stated that their telling people not to take Ivermectin for COVID-19 was just a “recommendation,” and that their statements were mere “suggestions” and not “directives.”  This, after doctors were forbidden to prescribe or administer Ivermectin, and pharmacies were forbidden to dispense it.  Many doctors were fired and lost their licenses for prescribing this product, which has been proven to significantly help COVID patients.  Now three doctors in Texas are suing the FDA, for illegally interfering with their ability to prescribe medicine to their patients.  Of course, we told you what these government agencies were doing as this was all going on.  When something is forbidden, while other drugs, like the deadly jabs and Remdesivir are mandated by the government, you should know something’s fishy.  Unbelievable.

And in a world where abortions are revered and celebrated and the sexual mutilation of children is presented as “compassionate,” now euthanasia of children (without parental consent) is being proposed in Canada.  According to Sons Of Liberty, “In a prestigious medical journal, doctors from Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children have laid out policies and procedures for administering medically-assisted death to children, including scenarios where the parents would not be informed until after the child dies.

“The article appears just three months before the Canadian Council of Academies is due to report to Parliament on the medical consensus about extending voluntary euthanasia in circumstances currently forbidden by law. The Canadian Council of Academies is specifically looking at extending so-called ‘assisted dying’ to patients under 18, psychiatric patients and patients who have expressed a preference for euthanasia before they were rendered incapable by Alzheimer’s or some other disease.”

Here in this country, Bill Gates recently stated in an interview that it’s time we look at euthanasia of our elderly population, rather than “wasting” money on healthcare for them.  Have you noticed that the same topics, the same agendas, and often the same exact wording is being pushed now, all over the world?  It’s amazing how so many things that were labeled “conspiracy theories” two years ago have now been proven to be true.  Almost as if there were a “New World Order Agenda” going on…  Unbelievable.

I don’t have time here to tell you about the more than 7,000 pedophiles who were released from prison in California recently after serving less than a year in jail.  These include some of the worst sex crimes imaginable against children under 14 years of age.  You can find that information at or the UK’s Daily Mail.  It’s truly Unbelievable.

Share this information, friends.  You’ll be surprised how many don’t know about these things and how many won’t believe them, even if you bring the actual facts and figures and studies for proof.  We must continue to speak the truth, expose the wicked deeds of darkness, and point everyone to our only hope for deliverance from this present darkness — and that hope is Jesus, who IS the way, the truth and the life.

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 380.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

The Deception Of the Sorcerers

By Rob Pue

December 4, 2022

Some alarming information has come my way recently, and once again, it’s regarding our young people.  According to the Pew Research Center, 57% of “Generation Z” are now taking prescription medication for “serious mental illness.”  “Gen Z” includes those born between 1997 and 2012, now ages 10 – 25.  The mental issues they’re dealing with include anxiety disorders, ADHD, chronic depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.

According to the research, 80% deal with bouts of depression and 90% deal with anxiety on a daily basis.  Of those surveyed, 75% report they’ve been negatively impacted mentally by the COVID lockdowns and related restrictions.  Twenty percent now see a therapist on a regular basis, 39% get therapy for mental health issues once a week and 57% take prescription drugs daily, just to cope.

Digging deeper into the study, we find that 85% admit they’re worried about the future in general.  They worry about the economy, having enough money to survive, the environment and “climate change,” and loss of trust in our political leaders.  Nearly 90% believe that their generation won’t be successful at all in the future.  Ninety percent say they can’t make ends meet each month; 66% don’t feel financially stable at all.  About half don’t feel ready to join the workforce, for a variety of reasons.

According to an article by Natural News, “On top of the economic uncertainty, the young generation is dealing with massive amounts of psychological abuse and spiritual oppression stemming from government and pharmaceutical propaganda and abusive mandates. An entire generation is being trained to fear the unknown, to accept germaphobia as a way of life, and to live isolated on screens. This generation has been taught that coming together to worship God is a prohibited act, but charging through streets demanding social justice is an act of virtue. This generation has been taught to stay home and stay safe, while team sports, group activities, and church assembly are shuttered. The very activities that bring people together, that promote community and achievement are replaced by a screen-driven life, dictated by algorithms and ads, where real knowledge is buried and propaganda is disseminated only to manipulate and control.”

The article went on to say, “This generation is having the individuality stripped from them, as they are taught to take the role of a victim and find refuge on the ever-expanding spectrum of false gender identities…Young people are now expected to go along with Marxist ideals that strip them of their dignity, as they are indoctrinated to succumb to some societal cause of safety and ‘greater good.’ But no matter what the young people are promised – free this, free that, a more inclusive society – the dictates of this Marxist state only depress them further. Not only are they being stripped of their unique individuality, but their minds are being programmed to follow group think narratives that dictate their path in life…Their God-given potential is being suppressed by false gods, vanity, bitterness, envy, get-rich-quick schemes, and other hollow pursuits.”

Meanwhile, Big Government and Big Pharma’s solution to the explosion of mental illness — which THEY caused — is more pharmaceutical drugs, and more “recreational” drugs.  Marijuana is now legal in 22 states and it’s no secret that Fentanyl has become the number one “street drug” in America today, with a free flow of this deadly concoction at our open southern border.

Have you noticed that with the explosion of mental illness in America, there has also been an explosion of prescription drugs?  And as a people, we’ve been trained, since about the 1980s, to believe that the trusted “white coats” — the doctors — have a pill for everything now.  We’ve been trained to rely on a pill for our every ill.

This is not by accident.  Big Pharma has an unlimited amount of money to push drugs on the public.  Have you noticed all the TV, radio and print ads promoting drugs in our culture?  And have you noticed that in your typical TV or radio ad for a pharmaceutical drug, they spend up to 50% of the costly air time listing the harmful side effects of the drug?  Look at a similar ad in any magazine or newspaper.  One page features the “benefits” of the drug, and the following three pages list the dangers and warnings about the drug.  It seems that by swallowing these “miracles of modern science,” we’re trading one malady for up to 20-30 others.

And today, Big Pharma is the largest business in the world, with more power, influence, money and control than even Big Oil.  Over the last two years, many have been grossly deceived by the lies of Big Pharma regarding the so-called “benefits” of the COVID stabs. These “depopulation shots” were forced upon the public, even though the drug companies KNEW they were deadly before they were ever released, and now Pfizer, Moderna and others are raking in billions of dollars in profits while people are being seriously injured or killed by them.  Now, these deadly things have even been added to the “routine vaccination schedules” for young children.  Young children, who have a ZERO PERCENT chance of COVID death.

All this under the guise of “healthcare.”  But this is no more “healthcare” than an abortion is “healthcare.”  But there is a serious spiritual component to all this as well.  Most Christians are aware that the Bible prohibits dabbling in witchcraft and sorcery.  These are abominations to the Lord and the very definition of the “sinful nature.”  In Galatians 5:19-20, Paul writes, “The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft.” 

The New Testament was originally written in Greek, and the Greek word used in this passage for “witchcraft” is “Pharmakeia.”  It’s root word is “Pharmakon,” which refers to a “druggist, pharmacist, poisoner, magician or sorcerer.”  Our modern words “Pharmacy” and “Pharmaceutical” come directly from the Greek word “Pharmakeia.”  Today’s modern dictionary defines “Pharmakeia” as “the use of, or administering of drugs,” “poisoning,” “the use of drugs, potions, spells, witchcraft and sorcery.”

Since ancient times, witches, magicians and sorcerers have incorporated the use of mind-altering potions, poisons and drugs to achieve their desired results.  All throughout history, drugs have been an integral part of black magic and the occult.  Through the use of these mind-altering drugs — and in particular, the very “anti-depressant” and “anti-anxiety” drugs our young people are now taking DAILY just to “cope,” the mind is able to be opened up to hypnotic suggestion, an altered state of consciousness and thereby susceptible to demonic influence.

What is the main side effect of most every anti-depressant drug?  By the drug makers’ own admission, it is “the increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors.”  So, is it possible that through this sorcery, this Pharmakeia, that the whole world is being deceived?

Throughout the 20th Century, “street” drugs were a plague on society. Most people in America will readily associate marijuana, LSD, heroin, cocaine, etc with the 1960s. Is it a coincidence that the Supreme Court banned Bible reading and prayer in public schools in 1962 and ‘63 — and in that same decade, the use of illicit mind-altering drugs ran rampant among our country’s young people?  And all of this amidst a backdrop of unbridled sexual immorality and Godlessness.  Is it a coincidence that ten years later, we ruled it lawful to kill unborn babies in the womb?  Can one consider these things and still believe that the use of mind-altering drugs has no spiritual effect? That it does not open the door to demonic influence?

The modern pharmaceutical industry, as we know it today, actually has its roots in Nazi Germany.  It’s a historical fact that it began with the I.G. Farben Company, which led in funding Hitler’s rise to power.  Their drugs and poison gas made the medical experiments and mass extermination of “useless eaters” possible.  The major Big Pharma companies of today came from the breakup of I.G. Farben after the war.

The tentacles of Big Pharma now reach into nearly every area of our lives.  One source indicates that more than 70% of the world’s population is taking at least one prescription drug every day now.  Big Pharma controls the healthcare system by financially supporting hospitals — thus we had the “Fauci Hospital Protocols” during COVID, where the ONLY drug doctors were allowed to use to treat patients was Remdesivir — a super deadly drug that destroys the internal organs.  In fact, clinical trials of this poison were halted in Africa because so many were dying from it.  But Fauci mandated it’s use in American hospitals for COVID treatment.

And have you noticed that during every election cycle, politicians use drugs to further frighten people?  The usual statement is, “Senior citizens living on fixed incomes are forced to choose between food and the prescription drugs they need.”  I find it interesting that not so many years ago, our parents and grandparents didn’t need ANY drugs for their survival, and their overall health was better.  We didn’t have millions suffering from heart disease, cancer, diabetes, depression, anxiety or a host of sexually transmitted diseases.  What did they have that we don’t have?

Now if these drugs actually cured disease, perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad.  But in reality, prescription drugs — taken properly as prescribed by doctors — account for the cause of the deaths of 200,000 Americans every year.  I dare say that with the advent of the COVID jabs, the kill rate has been made even more efficient.

Revelation 18:23, “And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee.  For thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.”  (You should also look up Revelation 9:21, Revelation 21:8 and Revelation 22:15).  In all four of those references from Revelation, the Greek words “Pharmakeia,” “Pharmakeus,” and “Pharmakos” are translated “sorcery” and “sorcerers.”

As one writer said, “These Scriptures deal with end time prophecy and describe events that sound eerily familiar to the New World Order and Mystery Babylon’s world deception.”

In researching this article, I found an interesting quote. There was no author listed, but still I believe it is worth mentioning…

“One expert in ancient Greek said another translation of ‘Pharmakeia’ is ‘healing without repentance,’ repentance meaning to change direction. Healing without repentance simply means trying to cure an illness without taking the responsibility of changing the behavior, habits or environment that caused the disease in the first place. For instance, using pharmaceutical drugs to treat an illness without stopping the behavior that caused it, such as  smoking or over-indulgence in food or unhealthy food or carcinogens. Or taking blood-thinning drugs to allow blood to pass through clogged arteries instead of clearing out the clogged arteries and then eating properly to avoid them getting clogged in the first place. People who do not take responsibility for their own health want a magic pill. But just like all magic, it is nothing but an imitation, a trick, fraud… SORCERY.”

I ask you to consider all these things, and now that you’ve been made aware, consider the clear warnings of Scripture: “for by thy sorcerers were all nations deceived.” Take heed.

“When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest.” (Author unknown).

Friends, there is abundant life and health in Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith; the One who created us.  Trying to fill that void with drugs, poisons and sorcery is  deadly.  And taking an admittedly experimental COVID jab out of fear has been proven to be deadly too.  What are we doing to ourselves?  What are we doing to our children?!   There’s a reason our parents and grandparents didn’t take all these drugs they’re pushing today.  They didn’t need them.  They had Jesus.

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 379.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

What Are You Worried About?

By Rob Pue

November 27, 2022

There’s certainly no shortage of things that should concern us, and can cause us great anxiety in these days we’re living in.  The daily news is never good, and even the usually-reliable alternative media now engages in speculation on doom and gloom predictions, giving us ever more things to worry and fret about.

Yes, we are under God’s judgment and things in our country and the world are definitely in a downward spiral, and the lies and deception of the Godless Leftists have many cowering in fear of the future.  I’m here to tell you, no matter what happens, our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, has promised never to leave us or forsake us.  Yes, in this world we will have trials and tribulations, but as His people, we’ve been told NOT to fear.  We should listen.

Yes, our actions do create consequences that we must deal with.  Many now, are dealing with health concerns — some potentially life-threatening.  Many have been forever injured or already killed by the COVID jabs — whether they were coerced into taking them against their will or they did so willingly.  Either way, the warnings I, and many others, shouted from the rooftops all along went unheeded and ignored, but now the sad truth is coming out.  But,  for millions, it’s too late now.

Many now, are also in danger of losing their jobs as more and more businesses are falling prey to the Globalist agenda and the planned economic destruction of the USA.  Homelessness in America today is greater than it was during the Great Depression.  There are over 100 “tent cities” in Washington DC alone — filled with lost souls who have lost all hope.  The same is true in all of our major cities and even our small towns are now scrambling for ways to house and feed the homeless in their areas.

Violent crime is also on the rise nationwide.  The vandalism and violence of two years ago by the Marxist BLM and ANTIFA movements has led to unbridled lawlessness in communities large and small across the nation.  Even in the ultra-liberal city of San Francisco, a majority of citizens there no longer feel safe and many carry baseball bats, knives, guns, pepper spray or some other form of personal protection, because there is now a 50% chance of being violently attacked when you’re out in public in that city.

Looters in California are now allowed to steal up to $1000 in merchandise of their choice from any store they like.  Police won’t even bother to show up to file a report if the theft is under $1000.  So now, we have “smash and grab” flash mobs overtaking retail stores — and they do so knowing there will be no punishment for their crimes.

Meanwhile the daily news continues to grow more ominous.  The US purposely provoking war with Russia; more evidence that our election system is still rigged with thousands of ballots dumped in for counting — in areas where the Communists needed more so-called “votes” to “win.”  With the mid-term elections, Nevada became the first state to pass a constitutional amendment protecting “transgenderism” and child grooming — and making it a crime for anyone to say a word against it.

Biden’s Orwellian so-called “Ministry of Truth” is back in action too.  Now that all eyes are elsewhere, the Leftist’s “Disinformation Governance Board” is, once again, back online to silence all political and social dissent.

A few more recent headlines:  “Wells Fargo braces for more layoffs as loan volumes collapse 90%.”  “Truckers reporting NO diesel fuel.”  “Ten-Foot wall put around Federal Reserve Bank in Washington on Sunday.”  “Horrified West shudders as German-China-Russia axis begins forming.”  “China president orders nation to ‘prepare for war.’”  “Dr. Peter McCullough says the number of children suddenly dying is through the roof.”  “California, Michigan and Vermont codify abortion rights in their constitutions.” “Recreational marijuana now legal in 22 states.” “US Patent describes ‘toxic mosquito aerial program’ to spread chemical and biological weapons.”  “Montana votes to deny medical care for born-alive infants and let them die.”

We live in a wicked world, friends, and it’s getting darker every moment.  Let us not forget about the J6 political prisoners still languishing in prison for crimes they didn’t commit — or the thousands of others on the FBI, CIA, DOJ and Homeland Security “hit lists” that have not yet had their front doors kicked in or been attacked by federal agents with guns drawn — for the crime of “wrong-think.”  Make no mistake, this IS happening to innocent Christians, conservatives and patriotic Americans every day.  It’s just taking some time to get to all those who need to be punished, re-educated and made examples of.

Yes, there’s much to be anxious about.  Plenty to keep us busy worrying and fretting.  Plenty to take to the Lord in prayer.  But now, more than ever, we need to learn to stop focusing on the evil and turn our eyes upon Jesus.  Draw close to God and He will draw close to you.  Embrace the Holy Spirit and you will find peace.  Learn from the words of Jesus in Matthew 6:

“…do not worry about your life, what you will eat [or drink], or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?  Look at the birds in the sky; they do not sow or reap, they gather nothing into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they?  Can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your life-span?  …But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.  Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”

Indeed, what good does it do for anyone to spend their lives worrying about things that MIGHT happen?  Or even to worry about things that have already happened.  What’s done is done.  In some cases, there is good work you still can do — righteous work you can do — to reverse the evils thrust upon us, and by all means, you should be doing that good work.

But to worry and fret about the wickedness and evil overtaking our land accomplishes nothing.  So don’t worry about tomorrow — or what MIGHT or MIGHT NOT happen tomorrow.  TODAY has plenty of troubles for you to deal with.

Fear can be paralyzing.  It can cause us to hunker down, close our mouths, hide in our closets, and cover our lamps with a bushel basket.  This is what the Globalists are counting on.  They live to create fear, because fear is one of the best tools they have to control us.  Fear also causes us to bury the talents God has given us to invest for the sake of His kingdom.  In God’s plan for His people, fear equals failure.  Cowardice equals unbelief and evil.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.  Do not be wise in your own eyes, fear the Lord and turn away from evil.  This will mean health for your flesh and vigor for your bones.”  (Proverbs 3:5-8).

Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.  I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.”  That may seem impossible in these dark days where the devil seems to win at every turn, but have some faith in your Creator.  When things become all too overwhelming for you to cope with, just be still and KNOW that HE is God.  He WILL be exalted among the heathen.  Can you imagine that day?  It’s coming!  He WILL be exalted in the earth, and His faithful remnant will be vindicated in His righteous judgment.  Every knee will bow — and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.  Imagine Bill Gates, Klous Schwab, Hillary Clinton, Anthony Fauci, Obama, Pelosi, Gavin Newsom, AOC — all kneeling before Almighty God, and confessing with their mouths that Jesus Christ IS Lord.

God’s Word promises that, folks.  We need not doubt.  Doubt is double-mindedness.  Doubt is unbelief.  James, chapter one: “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials…If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.  But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind.  For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord;  he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.”

As God’s remnant few, we have NOT been given a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and a sound mind.  (2 Timothy 1:7).  Fear is from the enemy and meant to immobilize us, keep us ineffective for the work God has called us to.  But God has given us POWER, LOVE and a SOUND MIND.  1 Corinthians 2: “What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us.  This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words.  The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.”

Friends, if you’re truly born again, you’re a new creation in Christ and He’s given you His Holy Spirit.  The very Spirit of God Himself lives inside you.  This is why our world  — and our country —  is so divided today.  Most do not have the Holy Spirit, therefore they CANNOT understand the things the Spirit reveals to God’s children.  This is why they think we’re nuts.  They see us as fools.  It’s not that they don’t want to understand, but rather they CAN’T understand truth.  We’re dealing with a spiritual battle here.  We’re dealing with things that can only be spiritually discerned.  Without the Spirit of God, the lost and perishing are incapable of understanding.

Certainly, some very real, very awful things are going to be happening to all of us.  But you know what?  We’re going to live through it.  It won’t be pleasant.  It won’t be pretty.  But we’re going to live through it… we’re going to GO through it — and if we’re God’s children, then He will be with us through it all.  He’s promised to never leave us or forsake us.  So stop being paralyzed by fear.  Stop letting it stop you.  Step out into the battle, in the midst of the storm and stand up for Christ.  Though the world hates you for being a Christ-follower, follow anyway. What’s the worst that could happen?  You die?  Ecclesiates reminds us that the day of one’s death is better than the day of one’s birth.  To live is Christ; to die is gain.  So why fear?  Why worry?

Philippians 4: “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Are you feeling helpless and hopeless today?  Are you fearful or worried today about all we see coming upon the world, and all we have to deal with in our own personal lives?  John chapter 16 can be a wonderful comfort to you, if you take time to read just even that one chapter of Scripture.  These are the words of Jesus, and He closes that chapter with this message: “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace.  In the world, you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer.  I have overcome the world.”

People need the Lord.  He’s called us to do our best to introduce them to Him.  While the rest of the world is paralyzed in fear, each of us should endure the trials we WILL face or are already facing, with courage, boldness and strength.  With power, love and sound minds.    And don’t forget to thank our Lord for His mercy and grace.  Count your blessings.  It’s hard to be fearful and filled with worry and anxiety when you’re busy counting your blessings.  I think you’ll find that takes a while.  May you have HIS peace in your heart — today and always.

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 378

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Were You Expecting a “Red Wave” With the Same, Easily Manipulated Electronic Voting Machines?

By Rob Pue

November 20, 2022

Were you expecting a “Red Wave” on November 8th?  Why would you think that?  Did you forget about the presidential election of 2020?  We were still using the same, easily manipulated electronic voting machines.  Even after the “People” demanded a redress of grievances for an obviously stolen election on January 6 of ‘21, it was the PEOPLE who were persecuted and prosecuted.  Congress never addressed “Election Reform” in any way, so we still had mail-in ballots, an abundance of questionable absentee ballots, and ballots mysteriously showing up after election day.  And in this age of computerization and electronic ease, it’s still taking more than a week, in some areas, to complete the counting.  How stupid do they think we are?  Nevermind — they know how stupid we are.

Even when millions were outraged at the arrogant election steal of 2020, and after presenting irrefutable evidence of such, the People, being brainwashed by the Mainstream Media and just plain tired of it all, just gave up and gave in and accepted the usurper in the White House as being “legitimate,” but with an asterisk.  But that was not the first time our elections were rigged — just the most blatant example.  Our elections have been maniupulated for decades.  It’s no longer who is “elected,” but rather who is selected.  And in case you don’t realize it, we the People, aren’t doing the selecting and haven’t for years.  An obvious example might be the junior senator from Illinois who suddenly became “president” after having done nothing whatsoever, other than learn to lie convincingly.

And yes, today, I’m speaking of politics — something we’ve been trained to believe that Christians are supposed to keep their grubby hands off of, especially so-called “pastors.”  Today’s modern American Pastors wouldn’t speak on anything that could even remotely be considered a “political” issue if their lives depended on it.  Actually, they do depend on it…as do the lives of the sheep they’re supposed to be leading.  Not to mention their children and grandchildren.

As go the pulpits, so goes the nation.  Our pastors’ lack of courage to address the vital issues of the day, and teach their people what the Bible has to say about all these matters is THE sole reason our country is now in total collapse.  Forget the “slippery slope” we were on in the 1980s and ‘90s.  We’ve long since descended into the abyss.  That “slippery slope” is now just a pleasant memory of days gone by… we only WISH we could go back, and have the guts to do something to avert the disaster that is 2022.

You cannot separate “Church” and “State” in a nation that was established by God’s mercy and grace, and whose Founding Fathers not only knew this, but enshrined the Word of God in our country’s sacred foundational documents, carved into stone in our nation’s capitol, built into legislation they passed and worked hard to ensure God and His Holy Word would be studied and revered by children of future generations.

But here we are.  Now, we go to church on Sunday, daring not to speak a word about so-called “politics” to anyone, and then go vote on Tuesday, looking to the Republicans as our Great Saviors.

Honestly, I’m done using the verbiage of the Establishment State.  Let’s call things as they are.  Instead of “Democrats” and “Republicans,” let’s use the proper terms: “Communists” and “Politicians.”  Because that’s what we’re really dealing with and it’s time we acknowledge it.  I’ve heard people call the Democratic party “demonic,” and I have no doubt it most definitely is.  But the other wing of the demon is still part of the same demon.  Some may honor God with their lips, but when are we going to learn that none of them can be trusted, any more than we’d trust a telemarketer?

Show me some FRUIT and then they may earn a bit of my trust.  Simply having the letter “R” after your name means nothing to me, and it shouldn’t mean anything to you.  The lesser of two evils is still evil — and the Communists and Politicians have earned my disdain.  If you don’t feel the same way, I feel sorry for you that you’re so mislead.

“Democrats” and “Republicans;” “Left” and “Right” are nothing more than buzz words used to divide us.  Even when the so-called “good guys” have held majorities in office, very little good has come of it.  Not only do they NOT advance the righteous agendas of God — they don’t even fight for the very things they claim to stand for while on the campaign trail.

And isn’t it amazing how these people go to DC and suddenly get a six-figure income for working less than half a year; but they actually become multi-millionaires or billionaires before they leave office — if they ever do.  How does that happen?  And why doesn’t anyone ever really ask those questions?  Not to mention, the hefty pensions they receive for the rest of their lives if they ever do retire or are somehow “voted out.”

Now, we’re supposed to believe that a majority of voters actually CHOSE to re-hire those who shut down businesses and churches; forced us to wear bacteria-laden facemasks to enter a store, school or use public transportation; conspired with Big Pharma to push a series of KNOWN deadly, de-population shots and show proof of our jab status to enter restaurants, travel or stay in hotels…

Forced these shots into adults lest they lose their livelihoods; forced these shots into our children, rendering them sterile, with serious life-long illnesses and killing others; purposely destroyed our energy independence, causing massive spikes in costs to operate our cars, trucks, trains, planes and ships — not to mention heat our homes; purposely neutered our US military, leaving us virtually defenseless at a time when they’ve ALSO led us to the brink of hot, kinetic war…

Opened our borders to foreign invaders and handed them, on average $4000 a month in “benefits” along with free housing and food, while our senior citizens subsist on $1200 a month; brainwashed our kids to hate their parents and their country; brainwashed our kids until they develop “gender dysphoria — a phenomenon that has risen by 4000% just in the past two years alone; pumped pornography into our schools; cheered sodomites as the most “courageous” among us; have blatantly stated they’re pushing for Marxism, Democratic Socialism and Communism…

Thrust us into an economic depression; have attempted to force us into the Green New Deal; have stolen children from parents; labeled parents who care as “the most dangerous threat to our democracy” — those “domestic terrorists;” imprisoned without charges, without bail and without representation all who dare voice dissent.  Sent billions of dollars to Ukraine — one of the most corrupt countries on Earth and the epicenter of money-laundering for the Globalists, Communists and Politicians.

I could go on.  Suffice to say, the United States of America has become the laughing stock of the world.  We’re now officially a third-world country…. just as Barack Hussein Obama intended, and is now implementing in his “third term.”

In some political races November 8th, the Politicians beat the Communists — but only by less than 1%.  In other races, the Communists beat the Politicians by similar margins.  If we’re to believe these numbers, presented to us by the Mainstream Media, which 85% of Americans say they do not trust, then this country really IS divided.  And perhaps it’s true.  Maybe they really HAVE brainwashed half the country to believe that evil is good and good is evil.  If that’s the case, it won’t take much longer before every thought of every person is only evil all the time.

This didn’t have to happen.  Things didn’t need to be this way.  If only we’d stood up — in the “before times” — when “all” we faced was that “slippery slope.”  I’ve been warning of this for nearly 25 years now.  A few understood and saw this coming too, and some took action.  Most thought I was nuts.  Especially the pastors, who will have nothing whatsoever to do with me and absolutely HATE our truth-telling newspaper, Wisconsin Christian News.  I guess you can lead a person to the truth but you can’t make them think.

Again, this all goes back to the destruction of the American Church.  As goes the Church, so goes the Family.  As goes the Family, so goes the Nation.  Or a simplified version, which I mentioned previously: As goes the Pulpit, So goes the Nation.  Either way, it comes down to worldly, carnal compromise, cowardice from the pulpit and the invasion of our “churches” by demonically-influenced lost souls, who were never counseled, discipled and trained for the work of the ministry, but rather simply catered to just as they were, in their sin.

This was followed by the “seeker friendly” movement in which pastors began to tailor their sermons to soothe the consciences of the lost sinners, allowing them to remain in their carnal lifestyles and unrepentance.  So instead of pastors preaching the whole Word of God leading to the salvation of souls, pastors have allowed the unrepentant sinners in the audience to dictate what was preached from the pulpit, which of course, is apostasy.   Reverence for God was lost in the process.  Respect for God and Country is dead now.  Biblical illiteracy is rampant.  Only a small remnant remains, as described in Matthew 7:14.

The Remnant has been shouting 2 Chronicles 7:14 from the rooftops.  Even the cowardly preachers will quote it, in their hypocrisy.  But it has little to none effect anymore… it’s become just something we say, with no intention of ever really doing: “If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

I’d also recommend studying Deuteronomy, which contains the wisdom of the final words of Moses.  But as you do so, understand that we are now in the place where the people of our land have forgotten God.  We’ve done exactly what Moses warned us NOT to do.  For the most part, Americans have shunned God, spit in His face at every opportunity.  Even as He’s blessed this country with abundance and wealth, luxury and ease, as He’s not only given us all we need, but abundantly more than we need, we have pridefully cursed Him, denied Him, and followed false teachers in our churches who preach doctrines of demons.  Thus, we have so-called “Christian” churches now promoting sodomite “marriage,” “drag queen” performances and pagan ceremonies of all types.  We’ve set up idols to Satan in our cities and towns, we’ve allowed the murder of our children, first through abortion, now through the death shots.  And we’ve done so with pride.

While most Americans still claim to be Christians, few have any depth of knowledge of God’s Word, and few truly follow Christ.  If we did, we’d be causing “no small stir” in this nation; we’d be turning the world upside down for God, as the early disciples did, rather than blending in to the carnality and ignorance of the heathen.

Now that our US Justice system and every 3-letter agency has been openly weaponized against Christians, the “chilling effect” of that will only thin the remnant further… even fewer will now be willing to resist the devil, for fear of imprisonment, persecution and losing their “stuff.”  I’m happy to tell you, I am one who will stand firm ‘til the end.  I’ve stood firm through all that’s happened so far, and I plan to finish the race well, even if the Communists and Politicians require my head in a basket.  What do I — or any of us who truly follow Christ — have to lose?  Philippians 1:21, “For me to live is Christ, an to die is gain.”

So, sorry folks, you didn’t get the “red wave” you were hoping for.  Sorry to have to tell you that you’ve been chasing after the wrong Savior… Meanwhile, for those who can understand…Philippians 4:4-7, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”      Prepare for persecution, and pray without ceasing.

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 377.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Which Would You Rather Have?

By Rob Pue

November 6, 2022

On Monday October 24th, the Young America’s Foundation at the University of Wisconsin invited Matt Walsh, the producer of the blockbuster documentary, titled “What Is A Woman?” to speak at the UW-Madison Campus. Walsh held a question-and-answer session after the showing of the film.

Even before the event began, the Leftist lunatics were out in force, causing extensive damage to the student union, including profanity-filled graffiti spray painted across the Memorial Union’s front steps, on the terrace, in Alumni Park and over a Bucky Badger statue. As the start time for the event neared, about 500 protestors took to the streets with more violence, chanting, and signs comparing Walsh to a Nazi; others calling him a pedophile. About ten people from Mercy Seat Christian Church in Milwaukee also attended the event to minister to the protestors and support Walsh and his message. The Christians were under constant physical and verbal attack. One courageous young man, Nick Proell, held a sign with 1 Corinthians 13:6 written on it: “Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.”

This young man — a teenager — went along with his peers from Mercy Seat Church to preach and start conversations about God’s design for human sexuality among the violent protestors outside the event. He set his Bible down for a minute in order to engage a crowd of attackers in a conversation, and then someone grabbed his Bible, tore it to shreds and one of the attackers even began eating the pages.

They also stole more than $1000 of the group’s equipment, including cameras and microphones. After the attack, Proell told the Daily Wire, “…as a Christian I’m called to love God and love my neighbor as myself.

“If I saw someone walking off a cliff, how much would I have to hate them to see them walking off a cliff and not tell them there’s a way out? These people are just like me before Jesus — sinners who love their sin and hate God. But praise God, He gives sinners the greatest joy, peace, and pleasure when He saves their soul from destruction. And now, because God saved me, I have so much joy. I want to go and tell everyone about this life-changing good news, that you can be reconciled to your Creator by repenting of your sins and trusting in Jesus, who bore the punishment we deserve by dying on a cross. It’s the most loving message I could tell anyone.”

Proell explained that radical gender ideology and child mutilation are fundamentally opposed to the biblical worldview since “God made man and woman in His image,” each with distinct roles and characteristics, but “nevertheless equal” in value.

How did the college respond to all this? Well, the Dean of Students called Walsh a speaker whose views “We believe are harmful to the trans community.” Walsh, himself, noted that UW-Madison was taking the side of the “trans” protestors and said the University’s actions demonstrated the “worst cowardice I’ve ever seen by a university.

But the rabid and rage-filled pro-trans protestors were greatly outnumbered by the sold-out audience who wanted to hear Walsh speak and see the movie. Of course, the mainstream media joined the side of the protestors and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel called Walsh “an anti-trans right-wing conservative commentator” and placed the blame for the vandalism, violence and destruction squarely on Walsh’s shoulders. What else would we expect them to do?

Our Universities and College campuses should be places of higher learning — places where ideas can be discussed and debated rationally. But that’s a long-dead concept. And when The Daily Wire attempted to debut the film Walsh produced, “What Is A Woman,” their website was attacked, delaying the film’s release. By the way, Matt Walsh has also been attacked when invited to speak at Universities in Houston, Illinois and Florida.

If you’ve not seen the film “What Is A Woman,” I would encourage you to do so, because it takes on the idea of “gender dysphoria” directly — with Walsh asking the simple question: “What is a woman.” He asks University professors, sociologists, social workers, doctors, counselors, teachers and everyday people on the street. None can answer that simple question — except primitive African tribesmen, who thought the question was ridiculous because in their culture, the idea of “gender dysphoria” is a biological absurdity. The movie does have some adult language, so beware of that, but it’s difficult to have an adult conversation without using adult language — unless, of course, you’re in an American kindergarten classroom, where today, anything goes.

Of course, Matt Walsh is not the only one the Left hates. He’s just the latest target. This past spring, conservative speaker Michael Knowles was invited to speak at Boston University, and was opposed by several student groups on that campus, including: “BU Students for Reproductive Freedom,” “Young Democratic Socialists,” “The Trans Listening Circle,” “The Queer Activist Collective,” “The Mental Health Collective,” and a group called “OutLAW.” These groups also created what they called “organized safe spaces” throughout the campus for trans and queer students while the event was being held. So these universities, where students once fought for de-segregation and equality are now voluntarily SELF-segregating in “safe spaces.” Go figure. Knowles made the very on-target point that “Very radical, very creepy people are trying to indoctrinate children into sexual ideologies.”

Indeed they are. Even universities and teachers’ unions have been caught instructing future teachers of pre-school, kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school and college students how to infuse the LGBTQP+ indoctrination into the minds of our children and young adults — without the parents finding out. Many schools across the country are now providing “trans closets” where kids can come to school dressed as their biological gender, but then before school starts, go to the “trans closet” and dress as the opposite sex — then change back before going home. So parents are kept in the dark as teachers and so-called “counselors” indulge and encourage the kids in the perversion and confusion they teach. You should be aware that these same type of “trans closets” are now being offered by homosexual- and trans-
affirming so-called “churches” too.

Earlier in October, the FBI raided the home of Chet Gallagher, with guns drawn, and arrested eleven peaceful Christians who minister outside abortion centers. Many of those eleven are friends that I’ve also ministered alongside at abortion centers around the country. The supposed “crime” they committed was blocking the entrance to an abortion facility — 18 months ago. But videos show the group was simply gathered outside, attempting to speak to the women and girls as they were led by “death-scorts” into the murder mills. They were also seen singing hymns and praying. Among those now charged is 87-year-old Eva Edl, a holocaust survivor, who I’ve also worked alongside on the street. This sweet lady would never harm a fly and all of them have sincere hearts of compassion for the innocent children — and the women and girls being exploited by the blood lust of the abortion industry. But now, they each face a potential 11 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.

Around that same time, our good friend, Pastor Bill Dunfee from Frazeysburg, Ohio, was also arrested by the FBI. His crime was for a sermon he gave to his church in December of 2020, regarding the obviously fraudulent election of that year. He’s also charged with engaging in physical violence in DC on January 6th of 2021. The mainstream media will spin this to make Pastor Bill look like a right-wing fanatic and a criminal. I can tell you, he IS a bold, courageous preacher of God’s Word but I also know him to be a soft-hearted, loving and compassionate man, full of mercy and grace — and I know for a fact that he’d never encourage any form of violence against anyone.

It’s unlikely any of the charges against these Christians can be proven. But that doesn’t really matter today. Because today, our so-called “justice system” has been weaponized against law-abiding citizens and especially against Christians and conservatives who dare speak the truth on ANY matter — and absolutely against any who dare GO and DO things that conflict with the twisted ideologies of the Left. Parents who object to the sexualization and pornography being pushed in public schools — and voice their concerns at school board meetings are now officially “domestic terrorists.” I should mention, the point was recently made, that some of the pro-sodomite and pro- “trans” books now being made mandatory reading in our public schools are so filthy and foul that it’s actually illegal for parents to read portions of them at public school board meetings — because those meetings are usually broadcast on local cable access TV channels — and the FCC prohibits pornography and especially CHILD PORN to be broadcast. Yet it’s spoon-fed to our toddlers as early as possible.

The fight for sanity continues in public schools all across this country. Just recently, Cody Hiller, a Physical Education teacher for 14 years at West Frankfort High School in Illinois, refused to follow orders and let a girl into the boys’ locker room. Hiller was removed from his job and put on disciplinary leave. This is what happens when you protect kids. This is what happens when you stand for righteousness. Need I mention the hundreds of J6 political prisoners still being held in jail — still without being charged with a crime and still without a trial and still without bail? It’s been almost two years. All they did was show up with flags and banners to a rally of millions to present a redress of grievances.

Let me remind you of the First Amendment of our Constitution: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” The thing is, CONGRESS hasn’t made any laws that tread on these rights. CONGRESS has done virtually nothing other than enrich their own bank accounts — even when so-called “conservatives” have been in power. No, our free exercise of religion has been struck down by government health officials. Our freedom of speech has been done away with by big tech, Google and social media. Our “press” is owned by the Globalist Banksters, “Peaceful Assembly” is now determined by which side you’re on — the devil’s team or God’s team. If you stand for righteousness you’re not considered “peaceful.” Even if you’re 87 years old and just sitting down singing hymns. And if you attempt to petition your government for a redress of grievances, you’re a domestic terrorist. Because Joe Biden’s handlers say you are.

Are we just supposed to forget about the billions of dollars of destruction that ANTIFA and BLM did in 2020? Are we supposed to forget about the historical monuments torn down and destroyed because American history is now labeled “racist?” Are we supposed to forget the scenes of mayhem, burning, looting, rioting and murder in our country’s streets from coast to coast — while so-called “law enforcement” was ordered to “stand down” and “let them burn it all down?” Are we supposed to forget about illegal mandates that shut down businesses and churches while keeping liquor stores and strip clubs open? Are we supposed to forget about the “official hospital protocols” that medically kidnapped and killed millions? All those forced to choose between the jab and their job? All the families who couldn’t attend weddings or funerals… and all those senior citizens who died alone behind a plastic bubble, not allowed to even see their loved ones? And now, are we supposed to remain silent as our children are being groomed by sodomite pedophiles — openly and “pridefully” in our public schools?

I’ve been to the streets and I’ve seen, first-hand how these Leftist lunatics behave. After years of public school and college indoctrination, they are literally filled with extreme hatred and rage any time their brainwashed minds are challenged with an ounce of truth. They turn blue in the face and scream like demons, they lash out in violence, they vandalize, steal, loot, burn, and destroy. Full on temper tantrums and mental meltdowns — until they’re able to return to their “safe spaces.” They advocate for communism and call patriots and truth-tellers “Nazis.” Dear Lord, what have we come to?

Is this really what we want for the future of our children and grandchildren? The future of our country? Compare what you see in these seeds of the satanic agenda with those who stand for God, righteousness and justice. Which would you rather have for the future of our country? And what are you going to do about it? What CAN we do about it in this late hour? Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066. Or email Ask for message number 376.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Save the Children

By Rob Pue

October 30, 2022

I warned you all about this over a year-and-a-half ago.  And I wasn’t the only one.  Thousands of scientists, doctors and researchers, the world over, warned that the “miracle” “warp-speed” COVID 19 shot was going to be deadly.  Issued under an Emergency Use Authorization, the “jab” — or perhaps better named, the “stab,” included no information or disclosure form in the packaging.  NO “informed consent.”  They did include a blank sheet of paper.

It took independent labs to verify what the “injecticides” contained.  Just a few of the alarming things scientists found include graphene oxide, metallic objects and self-assembling nano-particles.  Of course, mainstream media fact checkers labeled this as fake news and misinformation.  But when thousands of independent scientists and lab analysts are finding the same things in multiple tested batches, the information is hard to refute.

Earlier this year, major life insurance companies were sounding the alarm that death rates had risen to a 200-year high, starting immediately after the jabs were rolled out, meaning that some died within hours or days of receiving their first dose of the shot.  For others, it took months for death to occur.

In other cases, rather than a quick death, many have suffered life-long debilitating illnesses.  In March of this year, the FDA released to the public, for the first time, the list of known adverse side effects of the Pfizer jab.  This came after the company lobbied to have the data suppressed for 75 years, but in January, Pfizer was ordered by a US District Judge to begin releasing the information immediately.  What did we learn?  We learned that Pfizer KNEW the injections caused 1,291 adverse side effects.  Among them: acute kidney injury, damage to reproductive organs, brain stem embolism, brain stem thrombosis, cardiac arrest, cardiac failure, myocarditis, neonatal death, encephalitis, facial paralysis, fetal distress syndrome, damge to the liver, lungs and jugular vein embolism and a never-before-seen fast rise in cancer cases.

I recently spoke with John O’Looney, who’s a funeral director in England.  He’s one of the few speaking out about what he’s been seeing at his funeral home.  He told me that there was no real increase in deaths in 2020 (the year COVID was supposedly killing millions).  But immediately after the jab was rolled out, his business increased dramatically.  As a funeral director, part of his job is embalming the deceased prior to burial.  He and his staff began to have great difficulty pumping the embalming fluid through bodies.  Upon further inspection, he noted that most all of the arteries of the deceased were completed blocked, and not by typical “blood clots” that he’s seen before.  This is something very different.

He recalled removing a six-foot-long clot from a young person’s leg.  It was a white, rubbery substance that just kept coming, unlike anything he’d seen before.  And he’s seen this over and over again in those who have passed away suddenly, after getting their COVID shots.  It’s not a blood clot — it’s more like a substance you might use to seal up window frames — it becomes thick and rubbery, completely blocking the circulation.

He also noted a marked increase in the deaths of young people.  In years past, as a funeral director, he’d see  perhaps four or five young people die in a year’s time, usually in tragic accidents.  Now, he’s seeing four or five a week.  When he began to speak about all these things, he also began to receive threats — including a threatening phone call from British Intelligence, letting him know that he was now a “target.”  You can watch my interview with John O’Looney on our TV channel website,  This particular program aired October 6th.

You may be one who took the jab and had no bad side effects at all.  Have you asked yourself why others did and you didn’t?  Simply put, Big Pharma, the governments of the world, under the direction of the World Economic Forum and other New World Order Globalists have conspired to conduct a world-wide jab experiment.  WE, the people, have been the lab rats.  In order to conduct a pharmaceutical experiment, you need to have a “control” group — and I believe those that had no adverse reactions were those who received only saline in their injection, while those who received the real thing are the millions now suffering with severe illness, or have died.  A website called lists the effects of the varioius jabs by batch number, so if you know your batch number, you can look for yourself.  There’s also a wealth of additional information there that will enlighten and inform you.

Make no mistake, the government leaders of the world are all in on this, all part of the plan.   So are the social media sites, big corporate leaders and especially all the mainstream media.  You’ll notice that most of the TV programs you watch, including sporting events, are all “brought to you by Pfizer.”  The vaccine manufacturers are immune from prosecution and as part of Big Pharma, they have an endless supply of money to pump into whatever public arenas they need to, in order to keep milking the cash cow.  But meanwhile, people are dying and being maimed.  This is the most reprehensible experiment ever perpetrated on mankind and billions more will die because of this.  But again, we’re just the lab rats, and that’s about as much value as we represent to these people.

Need more proof?  Look at the 100 Canadian doctors who’ve suddenly passed away after receiving their jabs.  Or the countless airline pilots no longer able to fly — because they’re either dead or have suffered career-ending health issues after taking their “mandatory” shots.

Among some of the saddest situations is that of 17-year-old Gwen Casten.  She was the healthy young daughter of Illinois Representative Sean Casten, a Democrat, who wholeheartedly endorsed everyone getting the COVID stab.  She, like the rest of her family, was fully jabbed when she died of a sudden heart attack while sleeping.  The family said Gwen was a healthy teenager who ate well, exercised, received regular medical checkups and did not suffer from any behavioral issues.  Her father said there was no explanation for her sudden death.  “We are left grasping at the wrong end of random chance,” he said.

Just like so many others.  We’ve even seen doctors, pharmacists and Hollywood celebrities publicly priding themselves for taking their injections while ridiculing and shaming those who refused. Then, they suddenly end up dead, with no explanation.  But this phenomenon has become so commonplace over the past year that even the mainstream corporate media (brought to you by Pfizer) can no longer ignore it.  So they invented a new malady: “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome,” or SADS.  This simply means that otherwise very healthy people just die suddenly from heart attacks or strokes and there’s just no explanation for it.  Personally, instead of “SADS,” I think they should call it “ABTJ Syndrome,” meaning “Anything But The Jab,” since certainly that would never have anything whatsoever to do with it.

We’ve all been victims of this evil experiment on mankind, even if we’ve refused to be stabbed. It’s seriously changed the very fabric of our society and our world.  But it’s one thing to force this on adults.  Now they’re forcing it on kids too.  On June 17th, the FDA authorized the jabs for children age 5 and younger.  On October 12th, the CDC  expanded the Emergency Use Authorization of the COVID jabs to children ages 5 through 11 years old. And on October 21st, the CDC voted unanimously to add the COVID jab to the recommended immunization schedules for all children starting in 2023.

So now parents, at the mercy of their kids’ pediatricians, will be pressured to make sure their children get jabbed.  Of course, many governors have stated they will not make this mandatory for kids to attend school, but their words hold little meaning.  Parents tend to do what the “white coats” tell them to do.  And the doctors, following “hospital protocols,” will shame, belittle and even refuse services to parents and their children if they don’t do as they’re told.  Sadly, most parents do little to no research at all on vaccines.  If it’s “approved,” and now added to the the “routine immunization schedule,” most kids are about to have life-long injuries, and I dare say, many parents will lose their children to death once this takes hold.  By the way, you should be aware that immediately after this COVID jab was added to the routine immunization schedule, Pfizer announced they’ll be raising the cost of the jabs by 400%.

Safe and effective?  I think we all know by now that these things are neither safe nor are they effective.  For one thing, they’re deadly — and I know several people personally, who have had MAJOR horrific side effects from these things, and others who have died after taking them.  When it comes to CHILDREN, again, let me remind you, that this is still under an EUA — “Emergency Use Authorization” only — yet now it’s about to go mainstream — for children, who have literally zero percent chance of dying from COVID in the first place.

As adults, we should be furious.  Are we?  Maybe we will be when enough of our children are dead.  For now, most people just don’t seem to care.  Jesus cares.  Matthew 18:10, “See that you do not despise any of these little ones. For I tell you, that in heaven, their angels always see the face of My Father.”  Matthew 19:14, “But Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to Me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.’”  Don’t forget Matthew 18:6, “Whosoever shall offend one of these little ones which believe in Me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged around his neck and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”

Our children are targets of the evil one, once again.  Not just with the jabs, but in every area of society.  Our public schools are anti-christ, public brainwashing centers.  Our schools and public libraries are filled with pornographic books — some required reading — which if a pervert were to hand out on a street corner would be rightfully arrested and charged with peddling porn to kids; he’d likely also be labeled a “sex offender” for life.  Yet our teachers and librarians freely pass this stuff out to children.  Parents, themselves, take their little ones to pride parades and “drag” shows where perverted men, dressed as women, gyrate, use filthy language, sing and dance pervertedly in front of children to the cheers of the demonic  adults.

If you think I’m making too much of this, then to what do you attribute the 4000% increase in young people suddenly coming down with “gender dysphoria” — just since Biden took the White House?  And Roe v Wade may be history, but those on the Left cannot shed enough innocent blood to satisfy their lust for it.  Governors have promised to keep abortion legal; some states declaring themselves to be “sanctuary states” for abortions.  The Pentagon is now paying military members to travel to these “abortion sanctuary states” so they can get their unborn babies murdered.  So are corporations and small businesses.

My good friend, Pastor Rusty Thomas recently remarked that he believes God is about to do something VERY big in the very near future.  He reminded me that whenever God was about to do something of “biblical proportions,” the devil and his demons always went after the children.

When God was about to rescue the Israelites from Egypt, He was planning to raise up Moses to lead them.  What did the tyrant, Pharaoh, do?  He ordered that all the Israelite babies be murdered at birth.  When our Lord and Savior was born, what did the tyrant, Herod, do?  He ordered that all children, 2 years old and younger, were to be murdered.

What do we see today?  The evil one has pulled out all the stops and is going after our little ones with ferocious fury.  If he can’t kill them in the womb, he will kill them with the shot.  If the shot doesn’t do it, then he’ll pervert their minds and teach them to hate God.  He’s already doing all this, with ignorant, mind-numbed, checked-out parents, blindly following orders from the tyrants.  God’s about to do something BIG, friends.  In the meantime, be courageous like those who saved the babies from Pharaoh.  Be wise, and listen to God’s voice, like Joseph, who protected baby Jesus from Herod.  Be righteous and Godly and stand up to the tyrants — in your schools, in your libraries, and in your doctors’ offices.  Save the children.  May God be with you — and all of us.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 375

What Are You Holding On To?

By Rob Pue

October 16, 2022

What are you holding on to, that’s holding you back from being the bold, courageous, Christian soldier the Lord has called you to be?  I’ve stated many times that we will all be tested and face many trials and tribulations in this world — especially now, when every precept of God and His Word is  being tossed aside and trampled underfoot, while the world grows darker and more sinister by the day.

There ARE those who have stood strong in the face of these fiery trials.  Men and women of God who have remained steadfast and faithful — in speaking the truth, fighting for justice and doing spiritual battle against the dark forces that seek to destroy our lives and capture our very souls.  A pastor friend of mine was arrested by the FBI lasdt week — for simply being present in DC on January 6, 2021 — and for the content of one of his sermons.  He’s a bold, courageous pastor, and he’s led his church to push back against strip clubs in his town, against abortion, against the lies of the “transgender” movement and the LGBTQP+ agenda.  But he’s also a humble man, a non-violent man.  He’s never hurt a fly or encouraged anyone to engage in violence.  He simply speaks the truth, and for that, he has been “swatted” by the FBI.

I’m honored to call this man my friend.  Several other friends have already been visited by our now-weaponized FBI and questioned, for various things.  We can also see what’s happened to faithful pastors like Tony Spell from Louisiana, or Pastor Art Pawlowski in Canada as they’ve fought unjust tyranny and continued to minister the Word of God — even when government officials have told them to be silent, preach no more, and close their ministries down.

I’m reminded of Peter and John, having been arrested by the religious rulers.  In Acts 4, we read, “And they called them, and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus.  But Peter and John answered and said unto them, ‘Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye.  For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.’  So when they had further threatened them, they let them go, finding nothing how they might punish them, because of the people: for all men glorified God for that which was done.”

Then we have, as an example, the apostle Paul, who was sent to prison at least seven times, but that didn’t stop him either.  From prison, he wrote much of our New Testament.  These men, who gave up so much to preach the Word of God and salvation through Christ, remained steadfast in their service to the Lord, even though it cost them everything — and eventually their lives.

How completely different Christianity has become today.  The situation we find ourselves in now didn’t happen overnight.  Whether you want to believe it or not, our nation was founded on Christian, Biblical principles.  The martyrs of Scripture were examples to countless thousands of others who fought the good fight, ran the race well, and gave their all down through the centuries, for the sake of the Gospel — in service to their Lord and Savior.

But over the past few generations, the people of America and the world have chosen darkness rather than light.  They’ve chosen luxury and ease over engaging the wicked culture around us.  No one needs to wonder why our country and our world is writhing in despair today.  There’s no question why so many have been driven to madness and suicide, why so many now question even their own gender, why there’s so much violence, hatred and injustice.  God Almighty gave us a choice between darkness and light, between life and death, and we’ve chosen death.

Even our modern churches offer nothing of any significance.  The people in the pews may worship God with their lips, but their hearts are far from Him.  Their hearts are set on the things of this world.  Things they don’t want to let go of or lose.  They cling to the things of this world so tightly, that THINGS have become their “god.”  While church-goers may well have five or ten copies of the Bible in their homes, the vast majority of them are never opened.  Prayer has become a “last resort” after they’ve tried every other earthly thing they can think of in their times of desperation.

Romans 12:2 reminds us, “ Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”  How many professing Christians actively pursue that advice from Paul today?  No, sadly, most are, indeed, conformed to this world; so much so that they cling to it tightly, as if they have no hope other than the stuff they possess.

Most Americans have become victims of their possessions.  Those things they covet so much and cling so tightly to, which they feel make their lives better, easier, more comfortable and luxurious are, in most cases, holding them as prisoners.  A secular song from the 1970s had these words: “So many times it happens, that we live our life in chains, and we never even know we have the key.”  Indeed.

In 1 John 2, we have this: “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.  For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.”

Still we cling to our luxuries.  Our nice homes filled with fancy furniture, our cars and trucks, our big screen TVs, our computers, tablets, smart phones and other similar devices; many cling to snowmobiles, four-wheelers, campers and boats — all things that occupy our hearts and minds and suck away our time that could and should be used more wisely in doing exploits for the Kingdom of God, in service to the One we call our “Savior.”

A dear friend of mine, Coach Dave Daubenmire, heads up the Salt and Light Brigade.  I’m honored to have ministered alongside and under the direction of Coach’s leading in doing street ministry.  He taught me, and thousands of others how to do street ministry, by taking us there — showing us how.  And showing us we have nothing to fear as we preach the Gospel to the lost and perishing, as we seek to save babies being led away to slaughter, as we uphold a righteous Godly standard, even in the midst of hundreds of thousands of lost souls participating in “pride” parades.  Coach has been my “Paul,” and I’ve been his “Timothy.”

Besides street ministry though, the Salt and Light Brigade, which now has chapters in nearly every state, also responds to natural disasters.  Brigade members volunteer their time to do “disaster relief” after storms, tornadoes and hurricanes.  They go to these places, in the name of Jesus, and they get their hands dirty helping with cleanup.  They also feed hot meals to hungry people who have lost everything.  And they’ve re-built countless homes that have been utterly destroyed.  They do all this at no cost to the people they serve, because what they do, they do “as unto the Lord.”

A couple of things Coach Dave has noticed in these disaster areas is, first of all, the local churches almost never open their doors to help people in their own neighborhoods.  While Brigade members come from all parts of the country, some driving 24 hours or more to get there at their own personal expense, churches a block or two away from where they’re working remain closed, offering no help and no hope.

The other thing that really impacted Coach while doing disaster relief is how people view all their “stuff” after disaster strikes.  Prior to a hurricane, they hold onto it tightly, they value it highly, they protect it all and consider it all precious.  But after a hurricane, storm or tornado, when everything is destroyed, all they want to do is get rid of it all, but so many just can’t find a way to do that.  With trees uprooted and roofs badly damaged, all the furniture from these homes is soaked with smelly, filthy water; cars are wrecked, electronics destroyed, and all the boats, campers and other recreational vehicles have become heaps of rubbish.  What they once held so precious has all now become a curse that they can’t get rid of.

Friends, this is when people are most able to see clearly those things that matter most.  This is when they’re able to understand that the desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes and the pride in possessions — is not from God, but of the world, and in the end, it’s all just meaningless, and even worse, a curse.

This is when Colossians 3:2 begins to make some sense: “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.”

After the recent devastation in Florida from Hurricane Ian, I dare say that many are finding that out today.  I suppose with enough insurance coverage, all the “stuff” can be replaced.  But how much better it would be if people would realize that all the “stuff” just doesn’t really matter in the end.  Survivors of disasters like these are grateful to be alive.  So considering again, then, the choice God has presented us all with: life or death, I’m sure most would choose life.

But life in this world is so insignificant to the eternal life that only Jesus can provide.  Only when we turn to Him in humble repentance and faith can we be assured of that life.  And when we earnestly seek Him and study His precious Word, He will reveal Himself to us — and fill us with His Holy Spirit, Who will be our Counselor and our Friend.  It’s only those who truly have Christ as their Lord and Savior who can stand in the midst of mounds of ruined “stuff” and maintain peace that passes all understanding.

Nothing is more important for us than to pursue God and Jesus Christ with all our hearts, minds and lives.  No luxuries, no conveniences, no form of entertainment can ever possibly measure up to the joy we can have by knowing we’re walking in the will of God and serving Him — indeed, doing EXPLOITS for His Kingdom — in this life.

So what is it that you hold most dear in this world?  Many will say their spouse or their children or grandchildren.  Yes, in this world, that would be the correct answer.  But an even better answer would be the MISSION that God has for you… and we all have a mission we were created to carry out for the Lord.  If you don’t know what your particular mission for God is, then draw close to Him.  Pursue Him, and He’ll show you what your job is supposed to be.  It’s not simply attending a church and then living like the rest of the world the rest of the time.  It’s not just doing “good deeds” either, though once you’re truly saved that will become more and more important to you, because it’s the fruit that grows from a saved soul.

Most of all, you’ll have a deep desire to turn away from the things of this world.  All that “stuff” that used to be so important to you, you’ll find just doesn’t matter that much anymore.  As you learn to live for the King, your priorities will fall in line.  And if you’ve been living in fear, you’ll find that fear falls away too, and is replaced with power, love and a sound mind.

You can still expect great persecution, because that’s part of the Christian life here on this earth, and even more so as the world grows darker and more wicked and evil.  You’ll find that the closer you draw to Christ, the more the world will hate you, and Jesus said it would be that way.  After all, it hated Him first.  But those who stand strong ‘til the end shall be saved.  That’s eternal life.  For most people, life in this world is the only “heaven” they’ll ever know.    For those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, life in this world is the only “hell” they will ever know.

So refuse to allow any falsehoods or lies — about any topic — to go unchallenged.  Stand up for righteousness and justice, in whatever venue it’s needed… get involved in your school board, your library board, your city counsel, and wherever public policy is made.  Be there, to be the Salt and Light of God to everyone you come in contact with.  You have nothing worthwhile to lose, so be bold, be courageous and do exploits for God in these dark days, while you still can.  Proverbs 10:5, “He that gathereth in summer is a wise son, but he that sleepeth in harvest is a son that causeth shame.”

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 374.

This Is Our Time

By Rob Pue

October 9, 2022

Sometimes I think, I wish I’d been born in a different time, so I wouldn’t have to face all the twisted perversion and lies that make up the world we all live in today.  Sometimes I think it would be so much nicer to have lived and died before the time of sodomite “pride,” before sodomite so-called “marriage,” before the purposeful indoctrination and grooming of young children into “transgenderism” — and pedophilia was “normalized.” Before New World Order Globalist rulers had brainwashed so many of our population with lies about climate change, before the killing of innocent babies was seen as a perfectly acceptable method of “birth control,” and a solution to “inconvenience.”  Before the United States had opened the flood gates at our southern border and invited hordes of non-citizens to feast on the fruits of our labor, before our country lost its patriotic identity and fully embraced Communism.

I understand that all generations, as they get older, look back on the past and long for the “good old days.”  Even though they probably weren’t all that great.  If you look at the big picture, every generation has had it’s challenges to confront and overcome.  Some fared better than others.  My concern is that I don’t think Americans today are up to the task at hand.  I think most have become so accustomed to luxury and ease, they’re now ready to just go along with whatever is thrust upon them — even abject slavery to the Almighty State.

The devil’s team has been very successful with every single point of their agenda, while Christians — with the exception of a small remnant of “radicals,” — have completely disengaged from the culture.  So much so that we’ve literally handed the devil the keys to every institution in our country — including our churches, most of which have become good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled under the feet of men.  Christians also handed the devil the ownership of our schools, colleges and universities, our government — local, state and federal — our news media, our entertainment media, our healthcare system, our economic system and everything else.

I’m frequently taken to task by well-meaning Christians who tell me I shouldn’t be speaking about “political” things.  “Just preach the Gospel,” they tell me.  “Stay out of politics,” they tell me.  But shouldn’t Christians — of all people — be most educated on all the lies the enemy is perpetrating on the world today?  Shouldn’t Christians know the TRUTH about all these matters, being watchmen on the walls, warning others of the devil’s schemes, lest they become prey to demonic forces they don’t even acknowledge exist?

You know, “we wrestle NOT against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”  I’m sure you’ve all heard that warning from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians.  But how many pastors today explain that to their people?  How many pastors equip their people to wrestle?  On the contrary, most pastors tell you NOT to engage in spiritual battle — and they shun, mock and ridicule those that do.  Never before in history has that Scripture been so relevant as it is today.  We absolutely ARE in a spiritual battle.  We’re up against unholy powers, rulers of darkness in this world, we’re in a war against spiritual wickedness in high places — and those who claim to follow Christ remain oblivious to all this!

Sadly, the  knowledge and understanding of most church-goers today is no deeper than “Jesus loves me, this I know.”  And I’m told to “shut up” about the news and current world events, even as I shout from the top of the wall, warning of God’s judgment on a nation of hypocrites.  “Just preach the Gospel,” I’m told.  First of all, the “Gospel” that is being preached in the majority of churches in America today is an incomplete Gospel at best, and a false Gospel, most likely.  This results in false converts who were never “saved” in the first place, or “carnal Christians” who continue to live as they please.  No heart transformation, no repentance, no renewing of their minds.

Jesus dealt with the same situation when He walked the earth.  The “church” leaders of His day were simply following the rules handed down by the “pastors” of His day and He was not pleased.  In Mark 7, He said, “Well did Isaiah prophecy of you hypocrites, as it is written, ‘this people honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me.  In vain do they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’”  Jesus went on to talk about how these leaders were “making the Word of God of none effect through your tradition.”

In other words, the churches of Jesus’ day just kept on piously ignoring the weightier matters of the law, even as they rejected and chastised the Son of God standing right in front of them.  Was Jesus just preaching the Gospel?  Actually, He repeatedly warned the people that they were blind to the fact that they were living carnal lives and were defiled.  He warned them of the “pastors” of His day, stating that they were “of their father, the devil.”   He warned them of “evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride and foolishness,” just in this one chapter alone.

Jesus engaged the culture.  He took it on, head on and He didn’t mince words.  If He were walking the earth today, do you think He’d just “shut up” about sodomy, “transgenderism,” the sexual grooming and sexual abuse of our children, drug abuse, the weaponization of the government against the people, the “cotton candy,” “feel good” churches, the cowardly pastors, the lies and brainwashing in our schools and colleges, the sorcery of the pharmakea of the jab, the rebuilding of Babylon through the New World Order?  Do you think He would just preach “soft” things?  Or do you think He just might have an opinion on every one of these matters, and speak about them boldly?

I guess there’s really nothing new under the sun.  Today’s churches have become just as vain as the religious leaders Jesus confronted in His day.  We’re still in the midst of a spiritual battle against principalities and powers, rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places.  I guess I’m just asking that you folks read your Bibles — and be DOERS of the Word and not hearers only.

Where is our faith in God today?  How small is the remnant of the faithful followers of Christ?  Read the 11th chapter of Hebrews, where the writer offers just a small sampling of what it takes to do spiritual battle in this wicked world.  There you’ll read about Abel, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, and others.  Which of those men of old would you trade places with if you could?  All were challenged and tested in their faith.  All were despised by worldly men.  Yet they held onto their faith, even through trials of cruel mockings and scourgings, bonds and imprisonment, they were stoned, sawn asunder, slain with the sword, they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, being destitute, afflicted, tormented.

Does that sound like the “good old days” to you?  This is the legacy of our forefathers of the faith we claim to hold dear.  Not to mention, our Savior Himself, suffering and dying a cruel death on a Roman cross.  There are plenty of other Christian soldiers I could mention.  Foxes’ Book of Martyrs has an extensive list.  These faithful men and women of God gave their all for the Kingdom of Christ.  What are we willing to give for the faith we claim to have today?  Christian “service” has become little more than babysitting the kids in “childrens’ church” or handing out bulletins, or passing the collection plate on Sunday.  Few dare to speak the truth or confront the wicked culture for fear of being viewed as a “fanatic,” gaining a reputation as a trouble-maker or a “Jesus freak.”  How DARE we call ourselves “Christians” if we’re not willing to sacrifice the tiniest of things for the sake of the truth in these dark days of deception?  Know this: God doesn’t want anything from you that doesn’t cost you SOMETHING.

Getting back to my original thought in this message… when would I rather have lived than today?  In Noah’s day?  Scripture tells me the world is very much the same right now as it was then.  Would I have wanted to be Abraham?  What would I have done if challenged by God to sacrifice my beloved son?  Would I have passed that test?  I’m sure I would have been in deep despair if I had lived the life of Joseph in Egypt.  What about Moses?  A “meek” man, yet he got involved in “politics,” believe it or not — even courageous enough to challenge Pharaoh head on — because God told him to.

Would I have wanted to be one of the pilgrims who left their homeland and everything they ever knew or had behind, to sail to the New World and build a new, free nation — Under God?  Would it have been better for me to be a pioneer in that New World, with not a single modern convenience to rely on?  What about the start of the 20th Century and the first world war?  Or the “roaring ‘20s,” full of prosperity and luxury — until the “crash” of 1929?  The 1940s and World War 2.  The 1950s and the Korean War.  The 1960s when we tossed God and His Word out of our public schools, and entered the Vietnam war.  The 1970s when we legalized the murder of preborn children.

The thing is, there’s never been a time in history that mankind has not been challenged by God to do exploits for the Kingdom — to obey His commands and to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit – to be the salt and light.  We’ve always been called into this spiritual battle against principalities and powers and against rulers of the darkness of this world.  God created the world and everything in it in six days and called it “good.”  But ever since Adam and Eve sinned, we’ve been in a downward spiral.  Are we circling the bottom of the drain in these dark days?  Only God knows how long His patience with us will last.

No one knows the day or the hour of our Lord’s return, but when He returns, He’s coming as a Judge — an ANGRY Judge — and He will bring justice, along with eternal rewards for those who have stood strong, for those who have engaged in battle with the enemy, rather than running and hiding from it, for those who have been faithful to speak the truth, even if it made their face turn red with embarrassment and their voice tremble.  I understand, even THOSE things are a lot to ask most professing Christians to do these days, as the Great Falling Away is well under way.

But you see, friends, you and I could have been born at any time in history.  But God chose THIS particular time in history for us.  This is OUR time.  The faithful saints that went before us did their job well and served their King well in their time.  Now is OUR time.  How will we do with the challenges God has set before us?  Will we be faithful?  Will we be bold and strong and truthful?  Or will we fail these tests and fiery trials because of cowardice?  You should know that the cowardly and unbelieving are the first ones mentioned in Revelation 21:8 of all those who are consigned to the lake of fire.

Of course it’s not easy and it’s not going to be easy.  It has never been easy following Almighty God or Jesus Christ, His Son, our Savior.  It’s a challenge. It’s a test of our souls.  It may well require us to forfeit everything for our Heavenly Father, including our very lives.   There are many who TALK “big” — “Just wait til they come to my door,” they say, “I’ll be ready for ‘em,” they say.  Or, “I’ll never take that digital currency shot.  They can kill me if they want to, but I’m not taking the Mark of the Beast.”  Oh, really?  Let me ask you this: did you wear a mask a couple years ago so you could go to Walmart?  Did you pass that “test” or did you fail?  Because things are about to get a lot more intense.  I hope you’re spiritually prepared.  And by the way, don’t rely on any pastor or preacher to get you through this.  The coming trials and tests will be upon each and every one of us, individually.

And it’s not a question of “if” these trials will come.  Just a matter of when.  We can observe the seasons and see that the harvest time is drawing near.  The Bible doesn’t say we will escape these trials and it doesn’t say they’ll be pleasant.  In fact, they’ll be horrible, I’m just warning you.  But let us also remember, as true Christ-followers, we should consider it an honor and a blessing to serve our Savior in these ways.  “Count it all joy,” James 1 says, “…when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.  And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”  We WILL be tested and tried.  It WILL NOT be joyful.  But as God’s people, we can COUNT it all joy.  This is the day the Lord has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it.  This is our time and we’ve been placed here to do His will, in such a time as this.

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 373.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Looming Doom on the Horizon

By Rob Pue

September 24, 2022

How do you think things are going so far with the “Build Back Better” plan of the Great Reset?  Are you better off today than you were four years ago?  Are you more optimistic about the USA and the world than you were four years ago?  Or are you seeing looming doom on the horizon?

According to recent surveys, only about 17% of Americans say the country is headed in the right direction.  That’s roughly about the same number of people who get their news from MSNBC, and I’d guess the demographics are very similar.

Many today speak of the “Global Elites” — those wealthy few who control everything, those who orchestrate the never-ending manufactured “crises” that require them to acquire more and more control — and curtail more and more freedoms for citizens of Planet Earth.  These are the ones who consider themselves above the law, and indeed, they ARE above the laws of man, untouchable, unaccountable to anyone but the devil they serve…for now.

So what about them?  Are they better off today than they were four years ago?  In many ways, one could say “yes,” as their plans for world domination are moving forward at warp speed.  But it appears many of them are concerned about what their futures may hold as well.

In early September, Gustavo Arnal, the 52-year-old CFO of Bed, Bath and Beyond, committed suicide by throwing himself off the 18th floor of a Manhattan office building after massive layoffs at the company, and amid a $1.2 billion lawsuit in which he was charged with allegedly inflating the prices of company stock shares.

In the month of August alone, 2,150 corporate executives sold off huge amounts of shares in their own companies.  And the super rich are now preparing for a soon-coming “apocalypse” by installing underground bunkers.  According to an article in The Guardian, the “Rising S Company,” headquartered in Texas, builds and installs underground bunkers and tornado shelters, for as little as $40,000 for an 8’ X 12’ prefabricated steel unit.  But they also offer what they call “The Aristocrat,” which is a luxury series underground bunker, large enough for a family to live very comfortably in, complete with a pool and bowling alley.

And according to The Guardian, “A company called Vivos is selling luxury underground apartments in converted cold war munitions storage facilities, missile silos and other fortified locations around the world.  Like miniature resorts, they offer private suites for individuals and families — and larger common areas with pools, games, movies and dining.”  These facilities, which cater to the billionaire class, feature imitation natural sunlight, “sun-lit” natural garden areas, wine vaults and other amenities to make the wealthy feel at home.

Clearly, these so-called “Elites” are preparing for the consequences of their “Great Reset” plan in ways that are simply not available to us peasants.  Despite the current administration’s claims that we’re not in a “recession,” more than a third of US families who work full time, year-round, cannot afford to pay their bills now.  For “low income” families — those who earn less than $52,000 a year, it’s 78% who can no longer make ends meet in their monthly budgets.  One in six American households are now behind on their electric bills, and 3.8 million renters are facing eviction before winter, because they can’t afford to keep up with their rent.

On a recent trip to the grocery store, even I was surprised to find many of the shelves empty of items that had always been there before.  I was able to purchase the essentials of what I needed, but it cost over $40 for two small plastic bags of items.  The White House may be right — perhaps we’re not in a “recession,” but more likely, at the start of a full-blown depression, as the cost of goods and services continue to rise, more businesses are closing their doors, and those that remain open are begging for employees that simply can’t be found.

Meanwhile, homelessness continues to increase, as tent cities are exploding across the country.  Violent crime is out of control, along with illicit drug abuse, sexual deviancy, the brainwashing of our young children into sexual and moral perversion and hatred for their country, history and heritage, and extreme hopelessness.  What else should we expect in a nation that has rejected God and where most of our pastors have become self-help gurus rather than bold preachers of the whole Word of God?

Michael Snyder, writing for Sons of Liberty, quoted a reporter who recently visited some of the most exclusive parts of San Francisco:

“I saw complete hopelessness in the eyes of haunted souls, dragging themselves down the street looking for their next ‘fix.’  I saw men and women of all ages hunched over on the sidewalks with open wounds all over their bodies.  I saw the filthy tent cities, stinking with human excrement and strewn with needles and pipes. I saw children staring in horror at people dying right in front of them.”

Note: this is not in the “bad” part of town — this is in some of the wealthiest parts of San Francisco.  Another recent report revealed that 50% of residents of San Francisco have been victims of crime in the past year alone.  In Seattle, which voted to defund the police, that city has lost nearly 500 police officers — 125 just this year — and that city now resembles a third-world country as well. The same can be said of cities like Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, Baltimore, and New York.

California has experienced rolling blackouts, as the energy grid cannot keep up with the demand for electricity to charge the “green” vehicles now owned by just 1% of that state’s population.  Yet the government there has doubled down on their “green” commands — further dooming their own people.  In Colorado, residents with “smart thermostats” were locked out of operating their air conditioners, the thermostats locked at 78 degrees, in the midst of a summer heat wave.

The news from Europe is even more dire.  In Germany, electric bills suddenly surged to over $2000 per month on average.  Those who cannot pay, have their electricity disconnected.  Homes without power are then deemed “uninhabitable” by city officials and the property is seized by the government.  People are warned of coming blackouts this winter, and urged to find alternative ways to heat their homes.  Wood has become a priceless commodity as people scurry to find what they can to stay warm.

This Great Reset is Communism on steroids, and here in the US, every one of our government agencies has been weaponized against the citizens.  The FBI raided Trump’s residence, then set their sights on all patriotic, conservative Americans.  Biden went on national television to declare at least half the country as “enemies of the state.”  Steve Bannon was arrested on the same day that 35 other patriots were either arrested or subpoenaed.  Even Mike Lindell was “swatted” by the FBI at a Hardees restaurant in Minnesota and had his cell phone confiscated by the New American Nazis.

I have several personal friends who’ve already been visited by the FBI — some multiple times — because of statements they’ve made, people they know or for Christian activism, like street preaching, sidewalk counseling at abortion centers or being in DC on January 6th.  None are violent.  All are committed Christians.  Yet they’ve been targeted by the FBI.  Honestly, I’m surprised my own front door hasn’t yet been broken down, because of the truth we publish in our newspaper and broadcast on radio and TV.  Wisconsin Christian News HAS been noted in court documents related to the January 6 rally because of statements made on our TV program, “WCN TV.”  No visits yet, but there are plenty of weaponized 3-letter agencies that have my name and number and it’s only a matter of time for me too.

But we must remember that this is a global takeover — not just an American one, and not just caused by Biden.  Biden is nothing more than a puppet to his Globalist New World Order masters.  Millions of illegals are flooding across our southern border — but most are not from Mexico.  Ironically, a majority are from Venezuela, fleeing the horrors of communism there.  I say “ironically,” because that’s the same system currently being installed here — and across the globe.  Why don’t the well-educated Leftists, Feminists and “Soy-boys” understand this?

I was recently speaking with a citizen of Mexico, and he related how the Mexican people are so angry with the policies of the US government, allowing the free flow of illegals — because to get to the US, they must pass through Mexico, and this person told me, they’re also destroying that country as they pass through, “like locusts,” he said.  No one can blame people seeking freedom from communism in countries like Venezuela.  But here we have a current-day, real-life example of what communism is and does, and yet we’re inviting it, implementing it’s policies, and adopting it’s ideologies in every area of society and government, while dismantling and destroying everything good in the USA in the process.

Meanwhile, the hypocrisy of the Left is stunning.  Recently, when fifty illegal immigrants were sent to Martha’s Vineyard, the governor of Massachusetts called up 125 National Guardsmen to respond to what was called a “Humanitarian Crisis.”  Texas and Arizona have also been sending illegals to Democratic strongholds that have declared themselves to be “sanctuary cities” — but the “sanctuary city” title seems to be no more than another attempt at virtue signaling by the Left, because the minute the illegals show up, the compassionate liberal mayors like Lori Lightfoot and Muriel Bowser become outraged and scream, “Not in MY back yard!”  Think of it: 50 illegals in Martha’s Vineyard — vacation-land for the rich and famous — is call for panic and rage.  But two million in Texas and Arizona border towns is “someone else’s problem.”

Where I live, I’m somewhat insulated from the madness we hear about in the bigger cities.  We’re not overrun with lawlessness, though our crime rate is notably rising.  We’re also not experiencing the deadly drought that the western 2/3 of our country is currently going through.    We can enjoy the green grass, wildflowers, lakes, hills, forests and abundant wildlife of God’s creation. But the decadence and decay of the Leftist/Communist agenda is invading here too,  it’s just more hidden.  Just like in the big cities, our small town libraries are featuring child pornography in children’s books.  Our schools are still sneaking the LGBTQP+ propaganda into the curriculum, along with critical race theory and  revisionist history.  Our pulpits are still silent on matters of critical urgency as the pastors continue to preach soft things to soothe peoples’ consciences, never taking a stand for righteousness, even though God’s Word is clear on all these matters.  This is what’s happening nation-wide and now the demons are targeting even the smallest of towns with perversion and filth.  So while many may not see it here as openly as you do in other places, there’s literally no place left in the USA that this evil hasn’t permeated.

Recently, someone asked me what the Holy Spirit was telling me.  I responded, “He’s saying, ‘it’s good that you’re preparing for what is to come, to protect and provide for your family the best you can.  But know and understand that nothing you can do will ever fully prepare you, because you will never be fully prepared.  What’s coming is unlike anything you can imagine now and you cannot adequately plan for it.  You will have your faith and your strength severely tested and you will face fiery trials.  You will have to learn to rely on God, and God alone, like never before.  He is your only hope, and the only hope of all humanity.  Prepare for tribulation.  And never forget that we overcome the enemy by the word of our testimony, the blood of the Lamb and loving not our own lives, even unto death.”  THAT is what the Holy Spirit has been telling me, in case you wanted to know.  And also, “Do not grow weary in well doing,” which I must admit, is becoming a real challenge for me these days.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 372.

The Death of Personal Privacy

By Rob Pue

September 18, 2022

Recently, I was driving in a small town and stopped for a red light.  As I waited, I noticed something was missing.  Surveillance cameras.  This town had no surveillance cameras at it’s intersections — something most of us have become accustomed to paying no attention to because today, those cameras seem to be everywhere.  But a week later, I was in another small town, about the same size, but this town had some of the most modern, high-tech cameras I’d ever seen, and they were, indeed, everywhere.

I have some questions about those cameras.  For instance, who’s watching?  Are these cameras monitored by someone?  Are they recording video footage, taking still photographs, or what?  I tried doing some research to find out, but found no answers to these questions.

This may seem like a trivial matter, but the bigger issue is that as American citizens, we really have no personal privacy anymore.  Someone is always watching us, collecting information and data about us, and tracking our every move.  You may think this is no big deal because after all, you’re an upstanding citizen and have nothing to hide.  But you’d be surprised how much data and information about you is continually being monitored, and stored.  Just type your name or address into any internet search engine, and you may be surprised at what you find.

In today’s world of high tech, virtually every entity you interact with is collecting information on you.  Of course, this has been going on for years, but things really ramped up in 2006 when a thing called “Facebook” was launched to the public.  It was presented to us as a fun way to connect with family and friends, and make new friends online.  Because it was so user-friendly, it grew quickly, especially with the advent of “smart phones” and other hand-held devices.  Today, nearly 3 million people use Facebook daily, and many are addicted to it.

Initially, I had no interest  at all in Facebook, but I was eventually lured in as well, when it became possible to have special pages for one’s business, or in our case, the ministry of Wisconsin Christian News.  And like so many others, I also had a personal page, where I posted photos of family events, holiday celebrations and activities we would do.  And like everyone else, I was clueless, at first, as to the true intentions and purpose of Facebook.  I believe it was never actually meant to be an innocent social media platform, but rather, very likely it was a construct of one of our government’s three-letter agencies to harvest personal information on every user, who freely gave that information over via the Facebook app.

Think about it: if the government were to demand you supply them with pictures of all your kids, other family members, information and photos of your family vacation, places you traveled, and personal information they had no business knowing about, few would comply.  But using Facebook as a fun form of online entertainment, people handed that information over willingly and proudly.  How many moms took pictures of their little kids’ first day of school, for example, and posted it on Facebook?  By doing this, they not only made that information public knowledge, which was captured and archived forever by the Facebook machine, they also, unknowingly, showed potential child predators exactly what their children looked like and where they could be found on that first day of school.

That’s just one example.  Soon Facebook also began offering another “fun” form of entertainment — quizzes.  They’d develop a quiz called something like, “if you were an animal, what animal would you be?”  You would answer a list of 10-12 questions and then Facebook would reveal that “you’re a bear, because you’re bold and outgoing.”  Or “you’re a butterfly, because you love flowers and love to make people happy.”  Other quizzes tested your knowledge on subjects like history, math or problem solving.  Others offered to reveal to you your ideal career, based on the answers you gave in the quiz.

Friends, it didn’t take me long to understand that these were not just fun little games Facebook was offering.  They were personality profiles.  Most would never willingly give up such personal information by completing a personality profile on a site like Facebook.  But disguised as a fun game, millions turned over their personal, private thoughts and ideas without knowing it.  And all this data is now archived, along with countless photographs and videos and untold amounts of other personal information which is now stored in the Facebook “metaverse” forever.

How many of us read the fine print in the dozens of pages in the User Agreement when we signed up for Facebook?  My guess is, almost nobody.  We just scrolled down and clicked on “accept terms” and now all that personal information we willingly handed over is the property of Facebook.

Then, a few years ago, Facebook started to crack down on free speech.  If you posted something they didn’t agree with or like, you’d be banned — tossed into “Facebook jail” for 30 days or more, not allowed to use the site.  Others were “shadow banned.”  This is where you THINK you’re posting to a large group of people but almost no one is seeing your posts.  That’s what happened with our Wisconsin Christian News page.  We had about 30,000 people following our Facebook page, but I doubt if more than 20 were actually being allowed to see our posts, because they were Christian and conservative messages we were posting.  I pulled the plug completely on Facebook a couple years ago, after becoming “fed up” with all the nonsense.

Amazon is another invasive corporation that’s spying on you all the time.  Evan Greer, the director of a nonprofit Digital Rights Organization stated, “People tend to think of Amazon as an online seller company, but really Amazon is a surveillance company. That is the core of its business model, and that’s what drives its monopoly power and profit.”  Amazon is designed to be extremely user-friendly.  People can purchase just about anything with a few clicks of a button and have it delivered to their home in a day or two.  But Amazon is much more than just a place to shop.

According to an article at, “Last year, an Amazon customer reportedly requested all of the data that the tech giant has collected on her through her home devices, including smart speakers like the Dot and Echo, and was stunned to see Amazon had compiled thousands of voice recordings, location data and more.” 

You may appreciate having your own video surveillance cameras to protect your home and property.  Many use the “Ring” video doorbell — but that’s owned by Amazon and it’s providing the tech giant with more personal information about you than you realize.  Not to mention those “Alexa” devices in millions of homes.  “Alexa” is a wi-fi device that you keep in your home and is supposed to serve as a virtual assistant.  Simply ask Alexa a question and you’ll get an audible spoken answer from this machine, after it searches the internet for information.  You can also order things through Amazon by simply speaking the words now.

Most recently, Amazon acquired the iRobot company, maker of “Roomba” vacuum cleaners.  These automated vacuum cleaners are sold to customers as super-easy and convenient.  They vacuum for you and learn to avoid obstacles in your home and they even automatically empty the collection bin, then return to their charging station, automatically.

But did you catch what I said there?  They learn to avoid obstacles in your home.  Sounds good, right?  So they don’t crash into your furniture or get stuck on the stairs.  Here’s the creepy part: these robot vacuums, now owned by Amazon, one of the most invasive personal data collection companies in the world, are also MAPPING the interior of your home and storing that information in their archives.  So now, not only is Amazon listening to everything you say and do in your home through Alexa or any number of other online devices, they’re also mapping the floor plan of your home.  What could possibly go wrong?

And for those who don’t know, Google is way more than an internet search engine.  They own an astounding number of companies and have their hands in everything.  Did you know they own the “Android” company — maker of “smart phones?”  They also own Fitbit.  So with your Fitbit watch, you may think you’re just keeping track of your daily exercise, diet and personal health… but all that information goes directly to Google.  I wonder who reviews your personal health information after that.

A few years ago, we installed an electronic thermostat called the “Nest” in our home.  It was meant for convenience, of course, and allows us to control the temperature in our home remotely, through our smart phones.  But recently, the Nest company was acquired by Google, and in order to continue to heat our home, we were forced to set up an account with Google.  No big deal, right?  Well, our thermostat has become increasingly “nosey.”  For example, each month we get an email detailing our energy usage.  If you use less energy, you earn a “leaf” — but if you use more energy than the previous month, you lose “leaves.”  Forgive me if I sound paranoid, but this sounds like the beginning of establishing our “social credit score” based on our energy usage, which could very well lead to forced compliance with the Green New Deal.  And of course, the penalties for using more energy than the government approves of will be a lot greater than losing an imaginary “leaf.”

I would also caution everyone to stop using Gmail immediately, unless you’re ok with Google reading and storing your personal emails to build an even larger personal profile on you.

Of course, MANY very invasive new technologies are already integrated into all the flat screen TVs in peoples’ homes.  Several years ago, we were warned that these TVs were not only listening to us, but also watching everything that goes on in our homes.  Also available on the market are wi-fi wired refrigerators, washers and dryers and other household appliances — all collecting data and information, 24/7, and storing it — somewhere, for someone.

And if you use a “smart phone,” be aware, that it, too, is always listening, and often watching you through the built-in camera.  Even if it’s turned off.  In the “old days,” if you wanted privacy from your “nosey” phone, you could simply remove the battery.  But that’s impossible with the new phones.  To get that privacy now, you need to turn your phone off and put it inside a “faraday” bag, which blocks RFID transmission.

Friends, Big Tech is monitoring, harvesting and storing all of your personal information, every keystroke on your computer; every call you make, every photo you take — they’ll be watching you.  We’ve witnessed the death of personal privacy in America, and nothing good can come from this.

Recently, we learned of the IRS hiring 87,000 new “special agents,” willing to carry firearms and use deadly force if “necessary.”  Another rogue three-letter government agency that’s been weaponized by the Leftists.  Last year, Biden’s “American Rescue Plan” (sounds legit, right?) proposed that banks would be required to report to the IRS all personal transactions of $600 or more.  After a great deal of backlash, that amount was raised to $10,000 or more.  But it makes little difference, because this is an ANNUAL amount.  In other words, anyone who holds a bank account with activity of $10,000 or more per year will be flagged for reporting to the newly weaponized IRS.  It’s pretty hard to live on less than $10,000 a year.  So in other words, banks must report virtually everyone with an account to the IRS now.  And some wonder why those 87,000 new agents will need to be armed and required to use deadly force.  Our personal privacy has been dead and buried for a while now, and I believe we’re in “warp speed” headed toward a “social credit score” society — just like they use in Biden’s favorite country, China.

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 371.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Stop Being a Victim

By Rob Pue

September 4, 2022

I had planned to discuss a different topic in my message today, but this can’t wait.  My heart has been broken over the last few weeks as I’m contacted more and more often lately from readers, listeners and viewers who are grieving for their children — children who have recently announced they’re either homosexual or “transgender.”  These parents are devastated as they mourn for their kids, and even more so because their kids refuse to talk to them or listen to anything they have to say.

So this message is for those young people who believe they’re somewhere on the  LGBTQP+ spectrum or believe they’re “transgender.”  I’m going to be speaking specifically to high school and college-age students here, but younger children are now struggling with this as well.

So young people, maybe you won’t listen to your parents.  But maybe — just maybe — you’ll listen to me, a stranger.  Now, I have no doubt that what I’m about to say is going to make you very angry.  You’ll be tempted to reject outright all the information I’m going to share with you.  I hope you don’t do that.  I have no reason to lie to you.  What’s more, I’m sure that you, as a young person hate hypocrites and liars.  You pride yourself on being open-minded and inclusive.  You may even claim that all opinions have an equally valid place at the table, and all information should be considered before making an informed decision.  My first question to you, then, is — are you willing to listen to what I have to say, with an open mind?  Or do you only listen to what validates what you already believe?

Because here’s the deal: whether you choose to believe it or not, you’ve been lied to and exploited by many people and many organizations.  Very likely for your whole life.  You’ve been treated as nothing but a pawn in someone’s perverted game.  You’ve been used. And you have most certainly been abused.  Your innocence has been stolen and so has your childhood, your heart and your mind.  And this was all done to you purposely — to further someone else’s agenda.  They told you it was for your benefit, of course.  That’s how they got you to trust them.  You trusted them.  But it’s all been a lie.

It’s very likely that you’ve been lied to by your teachers, your school, various groups, clubs  and organizations, social media, pop culture, TV, music performers, sports teams, movie stars and perhaps even the church you attend.  Your mind has been bent and twisted by evil people with evil intentions.  They purposely set out to hurt you and they have.  Perhaps even your body has been abused and maybe you even allowed it, thinking you were being “progressive” or acting as a “grownup” using your own free will.

I think I can safely say that if you’re currently struggling with thoughts of being homosexual or “transgender” or any number of other sexual deviancies being pushed as the popular latest “thing,” one thing is certain: you’re in a great deal of emotional and spiritual turmoil right now and your conscience won’t leave you alone, no matter how much “validation” your so-called ‘friends’ might offer you. You know something isn’t right.

Yet the enticement to be ‘LGBTQP+’ continues.  The bait is set and the lure is waiting to hook you and reel you in; it’s already gotten a hold of so many others.  And today, it seems everyone is eager to heartily celebrate you for being so “courageous” to “come out” and declare yourself to be one of these “rainbow” people.  If you take the bait, you, too, will be celebrated, treated like a hero, and you’ll find a community of others in which to take shelter so you’ll feel like you’re a part of something.  Like you have a family.  Perhaps you don’t realize it, but all these others are just as confused and miserable as you are.  Most of them have been exploited too.

The LGBTQP+ movement has been slithering into the public school system (and even churches)  for years now.  It’s one of the most powerful forces in the world and it’s celebrated as being “cool,” “progressive,” and “better-than-normal.”  You’ve been trained to believe that to embrace this lifestyle is to embrace your true self.  But understand this one thing: they have turned the truth into a lie and lies into perceived “truth.”  They’ve turned everything upside down and backwards — and they did it all to capture your mind and manipulate your thoughts and actions.  This is what they do.

First of all, understand, there are two forces at work in this world: good and evil.  Good and evil war against one another and have done so since time began.  Along with good and evil there are truth and lies.  If you’re not acutely aware of this, you can become a victim of confusion and mental illness instead of having confidence and peace.  All of this leads to one of two outcomes: abundant health and life or profound sickness and death.

Whether you want to hear it or not, GOD is real and He is good.  Satan is also all-too-real and exceedingly evil.  Just as God gives all good things, always and can only speak the truth, Satan is the exact opposite.  He entices the innocent into evil and he turns absolute truth into very clever lies — even believable lies — but they’re still absolute lies.  When a person is saturated with lies long enough, their mind becomes confused and their thinking becomes distorted and twisted, and all this can lead to utter madness.

This radical homosexual — and now “transgender” — agenda has wormed it’s way into every area of society, but it especially targets young children.  You don’t see them recruiting at Senior Citizen Centers but you DO see them working hard to recruit young, innocent children in preschools.  Why do you suppose that is?  If they can get a hold of a child’s mind from the age of 3, 4 or 5, they can convince them of almost anything… including questioning their own gender as insane as that may sound.  This is being done by LGBTQP+ ACTIVISTS.  Yes, ACTIVISTS.  They are active and they have a plan and an agenda:  YOU, and as many other young people as they can recruit, and then groom, and then manipulate — and eventually turn them into activists as well.  This is how they reproduce.

I understand that as a young person, you were most likely awkward and uncomfortable with yourself since about the time you reached puberty.  This is normal and all kids go through it.  Your body is changing, your hormones are raging and sometimes you just want to go crawl under a rock.  You have frequent mood swings.  You begin to question everything.  And after having laid a foundation of doubt in your mind in preschool, kindergarten and grade school, this is when these LGBTQP+ activists pounce.

They have a curriculum to make you question everything and this is when the lies start to intensify.  They even make you believe they’re your best friends, your advocates, while at the same time telling you that your parents are your enemies and not to be trusted.  It’s insidious and absolutely evil, from the very pits of hell.  Satan, the enemy of your soul, is out to destroy you, while turning everything that God created for good into something foul and evil and perverted.

Understand that God created everything in the universe, He created this earth with all it’s inhabitants, including human beings.  He made the Earth to be the perfect habitat for His creation and set NATURAL laws in motion.  Part of this included creating all living things male and female.  Contrary to what you’ve been told, there is not an infinite number of genders, and just because someone has convinced you to believe you’re a certain thing, that doesn’t mean you are that thing.

God tells us, in His Word, that He created us male and female, that He knew us before we were born, and that He knit us together in our mothers’ wombs.  He does NOT make mistakes.  He created YOU for a specific purpose, and like all living creatures, He either made you male or female.  This is how everything reproduces.  He created the earth and all living beings to be fruitful and multiply — filling the world with abundant LIFE.

In contrast, Satan wants to destroy everything good — including young people, who Jesus especially loves.  Satan and his demons specifically target young people.  If he can’t get them murdered in the womb through abortion, he’ll target them relentlessly until he captures their minds.

God did not make any mistakes when He created you; when He knit YOU together in your mother’s womb.  He knew you before you were conceived.  He wants to love you and He wants to save you, but for that to happen, YOU must repent of all the lies you’ve been taught to believe, YOU must break the brainwashing.  YOU must seek the truth.  If you do, God won’t keep the truth hidden from you.  On the contrary, He will REVEAL it to you and set you free.

Does all this sound like a fairy tale?  Me talking about God?  What’s more likely — what’s more NATURAL — that Almighty God made all created things; He created you to be just as you were when you were born, either male or female, meant to marry someone of the opposite gender and then be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth… or that if YOU decide to be a different gender and believe that you are, then you are?  I’m sorry, but you are either a male or a female and you were created to have a life-long mate of the opposite gender, to marry, bear children and raise them up to know and love and worship the Lord God Almighty.  That’s the truth.

When I was a kid, I used to watch daredevils on supersonic motorcycles use ramps to jump over massive rows of cars or structures — even the Grand Canyon.  In my play time, I also built ramps and tried to jump over a row of Tonka trucks with my bicycle.  In those days, probably every young boy did the same.  But it was pretend.  It wasn’t real, and more often than not, I crashed, went in the house scraped up and bleeding and my mom would have to bandage me up.  We also played “cops and robbers” — yet in reality, I was neither.  Sometimes I also pretended to be the “Six Million Dollar Man” (I’ll let you Google that).  Again — it was just pretend; just play time; just using my imagination.

Kids have imaginations and they use them.  Unfortunately, Leftists, Communists, Marxists, God-haters and the militant LGBTQP+ activists are exploiting young imaginations — AND they’re putting twisted, perverted ideas directly into the minds of today’s kids.  By fifth grade they begin training those kids to be perversion activists themselves.  By college, young people hate America, having been taught fake history their whole lives; they no longer believe in God, having been taught about the “superstition” and “evils” of Christianity their whole lives; and they doubt their own gender, having been saturated with sodomite indoctrination their whole lives.

Let me ask you a question: if what you THOUGHT you believed to be true, regarding God, life on this earth, your purpose here and your eternal soul turned out to be wrong — WHEN would you want to know?  One more question: if you had a daughter who was extremely thin, but in her mind, she believed she was fat, what would you do?  Would you get her help for an obvious mental health disorder?  Or would you say, “you go, girl, go get that liposuction surgery!”

Homosexuality is not natural, and not normal and can never produce life.  And there are only two genders.  Bruce Jenner is still a man.  He can play dress up all he wants, he can have as many surgeries as he wants, but he’ll never be a woman.  And pretending to be feminine does not make him any kind of hero.  You’ve been used and exploited but it’s time to stop being a victim.  You stop being a victim when you stop just accepting obvious lies and start looking and studying for yourself the wicked AGENDA that has sucked you and so many others into it’s evil clutches.  And anyone who encourages you in these lies does NOT have your best interests in mind.  They’re doing the bidding of your enemy, Satan.  One final thought: perhaps you’re experimenting with this because you want to be rebellious or “counter-cultural.”  If that’s that case, you’re failing.  Want to be REALLY “counter-cultural?”  Push back against the popular lies and stand strong on the truth of the Word of God.  That will make you the most radical person your age anyone around you knows.  That will make you a true hero.  Not a phoney.

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 370.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

When the Credit Card Comes Due

By Rob Pue

August 21, 2022

Imagine with me, if you will, what it would be like to live next door to a family with the fanciest house in town.  In fact, the fanciest house in the country. These next-door neighbors of yours have everything: they live in a mansion, drive the world’s most expensive cars, have a fleet of private jets and eat like kings.  Yet, they don’t really work.  On paper, they work less than half the days in a year, but even when they’re working, their performance is so poor that any employer paying any amount of attention would have fired them years ago.  Still, they continue to hold their so-called “jobs” and are never held accountable for failure after failure.

One day, these neighbors of yours, come begging at your door, hat in hand, with a very sad story about how they’re about to have their mortgage foreclosed.  They admit to you that they’re utterly broke and unless you help them, they’re going to lose their home and everything they own.  But they’re very sneaky in the way they present their plea.  In fact, before they leave, they have you convinced that they’ve actually come to HELP YOU!

You’re a conservative Christian and you work every day, from sun-up to sun-down.  You’ve been very fiscally responsible.  You work hard to pay your bills on time, you drive a 15-year-old car and you watch every penny, giving freely to Christian ministries and those in need.  As a result, you have a small “nest egg” put away for a rainy day when your family may run into trouble.  Being the most generous Christian on earth, you give your entire savings to this next-door family, which leaves your own savings account now at zero.  “I can always start over again,” you tell yourself.  “This family is in need and I will help them.”

Immediately, however, you notice something amiss.  Your neighbors start throwing huge parties at their house.  Upon investigation, you find they haven’t spent a single penny you gave them toward their mortgage payments.  Instead, they’re spending it on parties, lavish vacations, prostitutes, drugs — and their giving much of the money to wicked organizations that you, as a Christian and a conservative, vehemently oppose.  They’re donating to Planned Parenthood, Marxist/Communist groups, the LGBTQP+ movement, the Freedom From Religion Foundation, and they’re actively supporting a radical transgender curriculum in your local public school.

A month goes by and your neighbors are back at your front door, weeping openly about how they have no money.  They’re completely, utterly broke and deeply in debt.  But this time, they show up with a pre-approved credit card application, good for $100,000 and they’ve already filled it out and signed your name to it.  They just came to your door to show you what they’ve done, assuring you that they desperately need the money in order to keep their household running, and telling you they’re sending it in and the credit card will arrive in the next two weeks — to THEIR house, in their name — but the bills will be sent to you.  And somehow, once again, they convince you this is for your benefit.

Another month goes by, the same as the first time. They’re still not paying their bills, but continue spending with reckless abandon and now you’re getting notices in the mail that the credit card has exceeded the limit and now you’re liable not only for the $100,000, but also for the 25% interest rate as well as the over-limit and late fees, accruing daily.

By now, it’s gotten to the point that YOU are bankrupt, yet your neighbors continue living their high lifestyle.  They still only bother to show up for work less than half the time; they’re still the worst employees imaginable, yet they still keep their jobs, for which they rake in more in one year than you would ever earn in ten.  But they’re still broke.  You then find out they’ve done the same thing to everyone else in your neighborhood, yet they’re not even attempting to pay so much as the interest on the debt they’ve racked up.

Then, you discover they’re actually traitors to our country, working hand in hand with our enemies and selling out our country.  Some in this family are even dealing drugs now, engaging in child sex trafficking and routinely sponsor or attend sadistic satanic rituals — all the while collecting huge sums of money, and lining their own pockets with it.  They still don’t have their financial house in order, they’re deeply in debt, beyond anything you could ever fathom, and they just don’t care.  You also learn they’ve been illegally printing counterfeit money, and every law enforcement agency in the country knows about all of their many crimes, but this family is “untouchable.”  There’s no longer a court in the land that would ever even consider their crimes, much less convict them.  They own everyone.

Because of that, they’re now emboldened to do whatever they wish, with no accountability to anyone.  There’s no limit to the evil they will do, and get away with.  Then one day, you wake up and find they’re at your door with a long list of rules which they say you must obey or go to prison.  Handing over most of your hard-earned paycheck is among the least of these rules.  They also announce, you will need to pay them for virtually everything you do.  If you drive your car, you’ll be forced to pay them for the privilege.  You were diligent in paying off your own mortgage, but you’ll still be forced to pay huge amounts of money each year to live there.

If you buy food, clothing or anything else, you’ll be forced to pay for those privileges too.  When you take your dog out for a walk, you’re reminded that you’re being forced to pay for the privilege of having a dog in the first place, as well as for the sidewalk you’re walking on, and the shoes you’re wearing.

Then one day, they call you up and tell you you’re not allowed to open the business you started from scratch and worked so hard over the years to build up.  Others in your family are no longer allowed to go to work either.  But it’s ok… they’re going to give you a small allowance to live on until you’re allowed to work again.  But if you’re a business owner and if the company you built goes under after being forcibly shut down, it’s not their problem.

The next day, they come over and tell you that now you’ll be forced to wear a dog muzzle in order to be allowed to go out in public.  If you don’t wear one, you have to stay home.  They’ve now partnered with just about every “privileged” company in the country as well, so those companies now take their orders from your next-door neighbors who have now become so rich and powerful, they literally control everything, from the food you eat to the home you live in, to the thoughts you are allowed to express in public.  Then, they declare that you to be stabbed with a shot that has a very good chance of permanently injuring you or killing you.  YOU have no choice. These neighbors continue to tell you that everything they’ve been doing is for your own good, and most of the town believes them.  Oh, and not only do they control everything you do — they also openly spy on you, listen to your phone calls and private conversations and they even claim ownership of your DNA now.

But they’re not really rich.  In reality, they’re poor, blind and naked, but they don’t have the sense to realize it.  They’ve been living on credit all this time — in more ways than one.  But now, having spent all the money that you and others in your town once had, they’re now using the credit cards issued by our country’s worst enemies.  But our enemies are not so weak, and far from forgiving.  They’re demanding payment, but the neighbors are still broke.

So they make some backroom deals with our enemies.  They hand over control of massive amounts of farmland, ports of entry and then start selling off private homes — just to pay the interest on their debt.  They’re so desperate to keep the wolves away from their own front doors, they’re willing and eager to do whatever our enemies tell them to do — to US.  For now, they’re not suffering at all.  In fact, they’ve exempted themselves from all the rules they set for the rest of us.  What’s more, they’re piling up even more “monopoly money” given to them by our enemies — for themselves, off the books, of course — while the official balance sheet has been in the red since long before you were even born.

Then the people of the town begin to wake up and start to say “enough is enough.”  One day, they hold a massive rally to demand justice.  But now, it’s too late.  Hundreds are arrested and jailed — for daring to challenge the injustice.  Others are persecuted and prosecuted for thinking illegal thoughts or having illegal opinions.

And the house next door continues to host wild parties, the neighbors continue to eat and live like kings, thumbing their noses at the “law” while imposing new restrictions and unjust laws on not just your town, but the whole nation.  After all, they’ve learned they can easily get away with it, and now that they’ve tasted power, they’ll do literally anything to continue to imbibe.

In 1981, at Ronald Reagan’s inaugural address, he stated, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’”  Indeed.  Nothing the government does is efficient, cost effective or helpful to American citizens anymore.  Our greatest enemies have become our so-called “public servants” — who enter politics with a modest net worth but somehow become multi-millionaires or billionaires within a year or two of their so-called “service.”

Meanwhile, our country mourns. I believe we’ve past the point of no return.  Short of a revolution in this nation, I see no way we’ll ever reclaim our God-given rights, enshrined in our country’s founding documents and engraved on the very walls of the chambers where our “servants” strip us of those rights and load us down with ever-increasing heavy, bone-crushing burdens.  Our servants have now become our masters, or perhaps better stated: the inmates are running the asylum.

Now we have the “Inflation Reduction Act” — with a price tag said to be $740 billion.  There’s no doubt that it will cost much, much more than that.  Analysts across the board have stated that this new move by Congress will do anything BUT reduce inflation.  Even those who imposed this monstrosity upon us are no longer talking about “inflation reduction.”  Instead, they’re referring to it as “climate change” and “healthcare” relief.  But friends, lies are lies.  Climate change and the whole agenda that goes with that is a lie, and so is our healthcare system.  Our “justice” system is equally beyond repair as the innocent are imprisoned while the worst of the worst criminals walk free and continue to party on.

Among the many things charged on this latest credit card are 87,000 new IRS agents.  And not just any IRS agents.  The new recruits are going to be hand-picked and they must be willing to undergo firearms training and be willing to use deadly force against US citizens in their new careers with the “SS.”  It was said these agents were only going to be looking at tax-cheaters who earn $400,000 or more a year.  But you don’t need 87,000 new agents to accomplish that.  They’re coming for you and me, friends.  And now, they’re planning to come armed…even as they work hard to remove all our defenses.

Couple this with the now fully compromised FBI — which has steadfastly looked the other way regarding the crimes of Obama, Hillary Clinton, Jeffery Epstein and the Biden Crime Cartel, to name just a few; our Department of Defense, which has now been authorized to use force to inject citizens with the Monkeypox stab — or any other stab of their choice; the CIA, which continues to perpetrate black ops and then roll out the “official narrative” to the public via the mainstream media, as they’ve been doing for years — and it’s obvious to anyone with eyes to see that our government is absolutely, totally and completely corrupt to the core.

How do we rescue ourselves from such despotism?  The answer is, we don’t.  God can, and maybe He will, if we will sincerely repent of our national hedonism and apathy and the lukewarmness among professing Christians.  But I believe we’re too stiff-necked as a people to ever bow the knee to the Almighty — until that Day when the “credit card” comes due and ALL knees will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 369.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Our Country, Apart From God

By Rob Pue

August 14, 2022

As we continue to endure the tragic consequences in our nation of a country that has rejected God in favor of sin and “self,” the future of America has never been more bleak.  The bad news seems to be never-ending, and it’s blatantly obvious that everything our government officials are doing — and have been doing over the past several years — is designed to further a Leftist/Communist agenda that’s much, much bigger than most of us realize.  To say that those in power do not have the best interests of the country and our citizens in mind as they push their wicked plans forward, would be a most ridiculous understatement.

The United States is now controlled by the God-hating Left.  Perhaps, in their twisted, demented minds, they think they’re working toward an admirable goal.  Unfortunately, they are demonic — of their father, the devil — and it’s HIS work they’re doing, and his goals they’re working toward, and achieving.

The current illegitimate occupant of our White House now has the lowest poll numbers of anyone in history.  A recent Gallup Poll showed that only 13% of Americans now approve of Biden’s performance.  Yet the destruction continues.  This is the man who took an oath to “protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”  Unfortunately, he himself is Enemy Number One domestically and he’s in strong allegiance with all our foreign enemies as well.  More unfortunate yet, it seems just about every politician has violated their oath of office as well.

This is to be expected, as our country has steadily sought to push God out of every institution and area of life.  We’ve rejected God’s laws and replaced them with those of depraved men and women.  The satanist Aleister Crowley stated “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.”  And so we have, and so we have what we have today.

God gave us His Holy law — the Ten Commandments — for our benefit.  If we were to base our national laws on these ten, or even if we were simply to keep the first two, we would not, today, be in such desperate turmoil.  Instead, we did away with God’s Ten and replaced them with countless thousands of others, which only us poor people are bound to follow.  Our political “masters” are above the law, never held accountable, even when they’re caught red-handed.  There will be a Day of reckoning for them when they stand before the Holy, Almighty God, their Creator.  Until then, though, we seem to be at their mercy.

Perhaps this is the “justice” we deserve.  Not the justice we seek, but the justice we deserve, for allowing them to get away with it all for so long.  The righteous in America ceded their God-given authority to evil dictators, and so we understand what Proverbs 29 means, first-hand: “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice, but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.”

We’ve been moving steadily away from God and His Word for more than seventy years, and the further away we go the heavier the burden and the more we suffer as a nation.  And as we’ve left God behind, we’ve embraced all manner of sin and evil, selfish desires and lustful behaviors.  Perhaps you haven’t, but our nation has, as a whole, and so our whole nation will continue to suffer, unless and until there is national repentance.  But it’s going to take some serious repentance of Biblical proportions to stay the hand of God’s judgment now.

Abortion — the shedding of the most innocent of blood in the womb, has led to unbridled bloodshed in our streets.  Mass shootings, mob violence, and lawlessness.  As a youngster, I learned that “Jesus loves the little children.”  Indeed, and He’s serious about that.  For us to allow them to be murdered by the millions,under color of law for fifty years, seems unforgivable.  We’re also dealing with human trafficking, CHILD trafficking, pornography, drug and alcohol abuse,  unprecedented mental illness and suicides, and now we’re not only pridefully embracing sodomy, we’re teaching young children to embrace and celebrate it as well.

Speaking of child murder, on August 2nd, voters in Kansas had an opportunity to pass what was called the “Value Them Both Amendment,” which would have ended any questions regarding the legality of killing one’s own child.  The amendment failed, as 86% voted to make abortion a constitutional right in Kansas.

The organization Abolish Abortion Texas” recently shared a video posted on YouTube showing women how to build a “Do It Yourself Abortion Altar.”  This literally teaches women how to sacrifice their murdered unborn children on an ALTAR.  Yes, an altar.  The woman in the video built her abortion altar with crystals, candles, tarot card and incense.  She adds her abortion pills to the altar to “bless” them before she takes them.  She also recommends that women place their murdered child’s body in a container on the altar to “save for later when we find a way to properly dispose of the fetal remains in a way that gives reverence and respect and support to this ‘sacred abortion experience.’”  This is sick stuff, friends.

Meanwhile, we’re still facing the largest economic crisis since the Great Depression.  Hyper-inflation has already begun.  The cost of essentials, like energy and food will soon be beyond most people’s reach.  Studies show that the majority of Americans are only nine meals away from starvation.  What happens when the food in the stores becomes too expensive to purchase — or stops showing up in the stores altogether?

The housing market is crashing and burning even as mortgage interest rates continue to rise, making it impossible for first-time home buyers to qualify.  And as the economy slows to a snail’s pace, people lose jobs and credit cards are maxed out, it will be impossible for most to refinance their homes, so they’ll be out on the street.  We already have more homelessness in America than we had during the Great Depression.

Many places of business are no longer accepting cash for payment and the US dollar is poised to be phased out in favor of a World Digital Currency.  Meanwhile, Klous Schwab of the World Economic Forum recently stated that people should not be allowed to own their own cars any longer — cars should be shared with others or “rotated” between groups of people — but people should not be allowed to own their own cars.  This is their “build back better” plan.  It’s just the start of “you will own nothing and you’ll like it.”

Most are not aware that the Chinese military has been training in Mexico and Canada for several years now.  There are military bases in both those countries with thousands of Chinese troops.  Multiple high-level Chinese officials have stated openly that the purpose of these bases is for the coming invasion of the United States.  They’re not even trying to hide their intentions any longer.

Videos have shown ships owned by China loaded with weapons already nearby.  We’ve all seen the footage of all those container ships off our coastlines, backed up by the supply chain seige, waiting to unload their cargo to trucks and trains which can’t move anything  because there’s no diesel to run them.  But embedded among those cargo ships are highly sophisticated weapons systems built into the containers on the ships themselves.  Those containers actually contain high-powered missile launchers and we’ve seen live video footage of them being tested.  At the same time, even as China owns and operates multiple ports in Mexico, not to mention the Panama Canal, cruise ships have been converted into troop and weapons carriers.  They still look like normal cruise ships, but they’re loaded with Chinese tanks and troops.

But what are our politicians and so-called “leaders” now most concerned with?  Besides depopulating the earth of white Christian males, I mean…   Homosexual rights, “transgender” indoctrination, and brainwashing our children from the youngest of ages.  If you still don’t take this seriously, consider the Pennsylvania Department of Education.  They’re now claiming that children as young as three can identify as “transgender,” and the website for that department advises teachers to ask students before assuming what a student’s preferred pronouns might be.  According to Breitbart, “The department also advocates for teachers to celebrate a ‘gender-neutral day’ in which students are asked to pick ‘two to three ways they will reject gender stereotypes for the day.’”

Meanwhile, the San Diego Unified School District has just adopted a new K-12 “queer” curriculum.  It’s stated goal is “dismantling heteronormativity and promoting a constellation of new sexual identities such as ‘gender-queer,’ ‘non-binary,’ ‘pan-sexual’ and ‘two-spirit.’”   The curriculum vilifies straight people, especially straight WHITE people and especially straight WHITE MALES.  If you think this is just the state of Pennsylvania or the city of San Diego, you’d be absolutely, completely, totally wrong.  This stuff is being forced into every public school system, large and small and even charter and private schools are embracing it.

Remember when homosexuals said they just wanted to be treated “equally?”  I’ve dealt with these militant monsters on the streets, face to face, and they’re the most mean-spirited, violent, wicked people I’ve ever encountered.  It’s not equality they want.  They want  our blood, they want supremacy, and they especially want kids.

Their “lobby” is so all-encompassing and powerful, they now direct public discourse in everything from public schools to professional sports.  On July 19th the House of Representatives passed H.R. 8404, also known as the “Respect For Marriage Act.”  This codifies sodomite so-called “marriage” into federal law and forever smashes the Defense of Marriage Act.  The measure passed the House on a vote of 267-157 and now heads to the Senate, where it’s predicted to pass — if the Leftists can get just ten Republicans to vote “yes.”  You’d probably be stunned to know the Republicans who’ve said they’ll likely vote for it.  Our Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson is among them, just so you’re aware.

And even as the veil is slowly being lifted on the scam-demic of the COVID STAB, we’re now being led by the rings in our noses into the “world-wide health emergency” known as Monkeypox.  This is a pestilence in which 98% of those who have caught it are men who have sex with other men, or bi-sexual men who have sex with men and then with women.  In a handful of reported cases, children have contracted Monkeypox — but in EVERY ONE of those cases, they were children who lived in sodomite homes.  I shudder to think what is going on behind those closed doors.  Even worse, if facts were brought to bear proving these poor children were being raped and sodomized, I doubt any court in the land would ever convict the perpetrators.

So now, even as we head into fall, and the November elections, we have another “world-wide health emergency” and a ready-made vaccine STAB that can easily be made mandatory.  The US Department of Defense already has the power to force it.  It’s not enough that fewer Americans than ever still trust the election system — now there will be a new thing for the sheeple to fear, new dictatorial powers within the health establishment, government and military, to keep the running joke of the elites running.  Now that they’ve tasted “power” they’re not giving it up without a fight, no matter how many of us die.

This is our country apart from God.  This is our country following Satan’s decree of “do what thou wilt.”  This is our country — once blessed by God as we reverenced and honored Him and His laws, established for our benefit; now cursed by God and given over to our depraved minds.

If there’s any hope left, it’s only in a true, deep repentance and humble return to Christ.   A return to the biblical precepts on which this nation was established so long ago, if such a thing is even possible at this late hour.  May we all grab a hold of the hem of His garment and beg His mercy — and may all who will go to Him, go to Him now.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 368.

Seek the Old Paths

By Rob Pue

August 7, 2022

Just about every week, I’m contacted by folks who are desperately searching for a church body in their area to be a part of, with a pastor who is unafraid and unashamed of preaching the whole counsel of God, regardless of who it may offend.  Unfortunately, I can offer little hope to them.  Churches like this seem to have gone the way of the horse and buggy. [See the DVD: Enemies Within the Church]

Some time ago, a friend shared with me his experience in visiting a new church, that he had hoped would be a good fit.  His experience went something like this: Upon entering the church, he was greeted by a coffee shop, replete with soft, cushiony couches, secular magazines, cable television and internet access. Nearby was the “auditorium” where the band was playing Bon Jovi on the “stage.” The auditorium was almost completely dark; only the stage was illuminated with theatrical lighting.

They passed the offering “bucket” not once, but twice, and then, just before the pastor dismissed the “crowd,” he had the ushers pass out his personal “wish list” of things he would like people to buy for him. When the “service” was over, the “pastor” didn’t greet people as they filed out, but instead, he sat in a corner and joked with a friend, completely ignoring his congregation.

Sadly, more churches than ever are now following this format in the misguided attempt to be more “seeker friendly.” Another friend told me a similar story of a church they had visited while out of town. The style and format was very similar, and my friend’s response was the same — they left with an empty feeling, wondering what had just happened, and what the purpose of the whole thing was supposed to be.

Often times, well meaning readers of Wisconsin Christian News ask for copies of our newspaper to place in their church.  Unfortunately, after 23 years of publishing, I must inform them that our newspaper is absolutely NOT welcome in 99% of churches.  You see, our newspaper takes a firm stand opposing abortion, we favor traditional marriage and family, and we work to uphold conservative Christian values — not to mention a literal interpretation of the Scriptures, with a simple belief that the Bible is actually true. (What a concept!) These churches could not take the chance that someone in their midst might take offense at such things, so even if the pastor will accept a few copies of the paper from one of his members, he throws them all in the trash the minute they walk out the door. The church leadership in these places walk on eggshells, being ever so careful to make sure everyone remains comfortably numb, everything is accepted and no lifestyle is perceived as wrong.

Much was made of the statistics, released a few years ago, that showed equal numbers of Christian marriages ending in divorce as non-Christian marriages. But this was just the tip of the iceberg. Today, “Christians” look so much like the “world,” that the two are virtually identical, and divorces among “Christian” couples now outnumber those of non-Christian couples.   Even worse, when last I checked, 76% of regular church going evangelicals now approve of so-called “same-sex marriage.”  One lost soul put it this way: “Christians are the same as we are, except Christians have a bunch of rules to follow, they live in guilt because they don’t keep the rules, can’t do anything ‘fun,’ and think they’re better than us. They’re a bunch of hypocrites.”

When you cater to the world, this is the result you end up with. Cowardly church leadership has tried so hard to be “seeker friendly” and look “cool” to the unsaved world, that they have now become as worldly as the world their forefathers once tried to reach with the Gospel. Some are simply misguided. Others are more guilty, because they’ve actively turned the faith into a money-making venture. “Seeker-friendly,” to them, is not a method of winning souls to Christ. It’s a business plan.

Repeatedly, Scripture tells us to sanctify ourselves, to be separate from the world, to not compromise, but rather to be set apart. In the Old Testament, we see that as the Israelites entered the Promised Land, the Lord told them NOT to compromise with the heathen inhabitants there. He did NOT say, “act like they act, be like them, and they will like you. Then you can teach them about Me.”  No, they were not to imitate them in any way. To do so would mean certain destruction.

In the New Testament, John tells us, “Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world — the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does — comes not from the Father but from the world.” (1 John 2:17).   We’re to be in the world, (as salt and light) but not OF the world. So why are more and more Christian leaders teaching that it’s ok to look like the world if, by doing so, we can add more people to the church?

To find the answer, we need to ask a deeper question: who are we building the church for? It’s obviously not for Christ and the Kingdom of God, because in compromising with the world, we negate the teaching of Scripture. Maybe we can get more people through the doors, but what is the purpose of that? Are we really trying to save souls? Or are we simply trying to increase our “market share?”

One pastor I spoke to boasted about the size of his church. “Yeah,” he said, “we worship about 3,000 people on a weekend here.” Oh, really? You “worship” about 3,000 people? And what is the result? How many of those 3,000 know Christ as their Savior? How many have fruitful, changed lives? Are they drawing closer to God? Or are they coming for the rock band, the comedian, the gourmet coffee? You call that worship of the Living God?

I’ve seen these churches, and the people there learn nothing of God. They come to church wearing T-shirts with vulgar sayings on them, because they truly don’t know any better. They couldn’t locate a Scripture reference if their lives depended on it (and, by the way, they do), and they cannot even explain the plan of salvation, much less tell you why Christ is the only way to heaven. There’s no reverence for God, no respect, just a feel-good pep rally.

The Christian life is not one of cushy comfort and ease. We’re specifically called to leave our personal comfort zones and impact the world.  Somehow in America today, we’ve managed to get it completely backwards. Satan delights in his success as he sees one church after another trying to out-entertain the next one. It’s a circus sideshow, described in Ephesians 4:18-19, “They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual lust for more.”

Isn’t it time we get past the entertainment culture, and embrace something more wholesome and spiritually nutritious?  It’s time we put away these foolish, childish things and embrace the substantial, the Holy. We can never “out-entertain” the secular entertainment world, nor should we ever try to.

Ephesians 5:15-17, “Be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.”

Have some respect for God. Have some respect for His house. Worship Him properly, with reverence and awe. Study His Word to learn His ways and His will for you. The Christian life is not restrictive and certainly not boring. But it is a higher path and a narrow gate, and it calls for godliness, righteousness, self control and self-denial. Those are just a few of the basics — and it’s time we get back to them.

Now, I realize it’s nearly impossible today to find a church body that even remotely attempts to follow the ways of the early Church that Christ built.  The Institutional Church is in the midst of the Great Falling Away.  But there’s nothing stopping you from starting your own Home Church.  This is the biblical model of the early disciples.  Maybe it’s just your own family at first, but as you take the responsibility of building yourself up for the work of the ministry, you’ll be emboldened by the Holy Spirit to invite others.  What an amazing opportunity to make disciples — and then train THEM up for the work of the ministry as well.

I also have a deep and great respect for the Mennonite people.  Perhaps you think you could never join such a serious and strict community.  They look different and they act different and you’re not used to that.  But let me remind you of 1 Peter 2:9, “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that you should show forth the praises of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”

Yes, the Mennonites ARE a peculiar people — in a world gone insane with the Institutional Church leading the way.  Let’s also read a portion of 2 Corinthians 6, “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers.  For what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?  And what communion hath light with darkness?  And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols?  For you are the temple of the living God; as God has said, I will dwell in them and walk in them, and I will be their God and they shall be My people.  Wherefore, come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you.”

Also from Jeremiah, 6:16, “Thus said the LORD, Stand in the ways, and see, and seek the old paths, where is the good way and walk therein, and you shall find rest for your souls.  But the people said, ‘We will not walk therein.’”

God’s calling us to be different from the carnal world around us.  He’s calling us to be a “peculiar people.”  He’s promised us rest for our souls if we follow the old paths.  Yet just as in Jeremiah’s day, the people still say, “We will not walk therein.”

Friends, I’ve learned that the Mennonite people do not crave the lustful things of this world.  Their clothing is plain and modest, rather than gaudy and shameful.  Their children are raised in loving homes where God is reverenced, their father is the “priest” in the home and together with their mother, the children are trained up in the way they should go.  They seek to walk in the “old paths” that our Creator designed for our benefit.

They also follow in the footsteps of the early disciples in that each learns a trade to provide for their families.  They’re not corrupted by the wicked public schools and colleges but still, most own their own businesses.  Young men begin as apprentices and eventually begin a business of their own.  There are Mennonite builders and construction workers and the craftsmanship  of their work is unrivaled.  Some are dentists or doctors.  Some own grocery stores.  Some are welders, mechanics or bakers.  They know how to raise their own food and don’t rely on government handouts.  And do you know why Mennonites were not so fearful of the ravages of COVID?  Because they don’t watch television!  But they ARE informed and very aware of current events — and they do read Wisconsin Christian News!

We can learn a lot from them.  Their church meetings are filled with reverence for God.  No rock bands — not even a church organ.  They sing acappella and if you’ve ever heard a Mennonite choir, you know it’s a truly awe-inspiring taste of heaven.  Many today are hurting in their souls and our modern churches and preachers are not helping, as they try to mix the carnal, worldly, lustful things of Satan with the Holy things of God.  It’s time to seek out the old paths, as peculiar people, set apart from the profane ways of this world.  There we WILL find rest for our souls.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

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Some Call it The Highway to Hell

By Rob Pue

July 31, 2022

As the Globalist ‘Build Back Better’ program continues, I thought I would share with you some of the news stories that you may have missed — or already forgotten about — that have happened this summer.

On June 1st, The Daily Wire released a documentary by Matt Walsh, entitled “What is A Woman?”  Walsh was simply asking ordinary citizens, medical professionals and even African tribesmen to give the definition of a woman.  As World Net Daily said, the movie featured “scholars on the political left brazenly denying basic biology in their defense of transgender activism.”  Predictably, the Daily Wire’s website was the target of a cyber attack, which crashed their system the night the film debuted.

The movie is now available, however and has been seen by millions, and if you’ve not seen it, I recommend watching it online or ordering the DVD at  You’ll learn in detail how activists are trying to take over the minds of our kids — and just how successful they’ve already been.

Meanwhile, on May 29th, one of the largest egg factories in the US was set ablaze in the middle of the night, in Minnesota.  It’s estimated that at least 200,000 chickens were killed in the massive fire.  This was just one among nearly 100 major food production and distribution facilities that have gone up in flames since Biden took the White House; even as we are warned of serious food shortages on the horizon.

Also on the first of June, the state of Connecticut announced it will hire a “misinformation” expert for $150,000 a year to scour the internet for election content that they deem to be “false” and then pressure social media outlets to flag or remove those posts.  Other states are hiring similar positions, after the federal government’s “Ministry of Truth” idea was shot down before it ever left the starting gate.

It was also announced that more than two million illegal immigrants have now been welcomed and resettled throughout the US under the Biden administration.  And a high school in Chicago stated it’s implementing a race-based grading system “to adjust classroom grading scales to account for skin color or ethnicity of it’s students.”  Some students, depending on their race, will not be held accountable for missing class, misbehaving in school or for failing to turn in assignments.

Granada Hills Charter High School in suburban Los Angeles banned 70 seniors from participating in person in their outdoor graduation ceremonies on June 2nd — because they were not “fully vaccinated.”

Of course we all know that June was “pride” month, but the fires of division were stoked once again by the White House proclamation that accused the majority of Americans of mounting “relentless attacks” on “members of the LGBTQI+ community — especially people of color and trans people.”  According to Clarion News, “The proclamation further declared, without offering a shred of evidence or real-life examples backed with credible evidence, that “these unconscionable attacks have left countless LGBTQI+ families in fear and pain.”  So the official narrative continues: if you’re white, conservative, Christian or just maintain a mindset of what’s normal and natural and what is not, you’re automatically an evil, murderous bigot, a homophobe and an ignorant zealot.

The city of Seattle, after seriously defunding their police department, had to turn to civilians to perform parking enforcement duties.  Now the city must refund about $200,000 in paid tickets, as well as reimburse 10,256 people whose cars were towed earlier this year, because these civilian “meter maids” had no authority to do what they did.

The news also came out in June that the US experienced a record-setting 94% increase in deaths of individuals age 25-44 in the first quarter of this year, all among fully-vaccinated people.  Meanwhile, the CDC continues to adjust their numbers on adverse side effects of the jab.  As of the end of May, they’re admitting to 1,287,595 adverse side effects and nearly 30,000 deaths directly attributed to the jab.  A report from the UK now reveals that hundreds of thousands there died within five months of taking the shot.  70,000 have died within 29 days of taking the shot in England.  It was also revealed that COVID jabs increase the risk of death in children between 8100% and 30,200%.

And from the folks who brought us COVID, along came Monkeypox.  It was admitted that Anthony Fauci’s National Institutes of Health agency was funding research on Monkeypox shortly before the global outbreak.  Coincidence?

And as  prices at the gas pump surpassed $6 a gallon in some areas, the White House continued to take no responsibility for anything and instead, placed the blame on gas companies.  But we later learned that gas companies receive only 33 cents per gallon of gas sold, but $1.44 goes to taxes and government.

For what it’s worth, Alabama became the first state to adopt a tough new law protecting private property and due process on June 4th by prohibiting any government involvement with or participation in the United Nations’ Agenda 21 program.

The “thought police” have been out in full force around the world — especially in Norway.  In a World Net Daily report from June 7th, police have interrogated an official for a feminist organization for her social media comments stating that a transgender man cannot be a lesbian.  Are you confused?  Me too. This offender could get up to three years in prison for making such a statement.

The state of New York passed a law prohibiting the ownership of body armor there.  Essentially, protecting yourself from bullets is now illegal, even as violence and bloodshed continues to increase in every major US city with strict gun control laws already in place.

We’re also facing a new health crisis this summer, which has been named “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” or “SADS.”  Health experts are scratching their heads as they wonder why so many healthy young people are now dying suddenly and unexpectedly after receiving the COVID jabs.

Back in the UK, Bill Gates’ dream of us peasants eating bugs instead of meat is now being tested on school children.  In this pilot program, taking place at four schools in Wales, students will be fed insects as “alternative proteins.”  The meals will be served up to look like minced meat.  School officials are on board with this and one stated he believes the children share his concerns over “sustainable development.”

And as the “Build Back Better” campaign continues, here in America, 83% of citizens polled said they’re more pessimistic about the US economy than they’ve been in at least fifty years.  And well they should be.

We all remember the seven dead and 30 injured when a 21-year-old opened fire on a Fourth of July parade in Highland Park, Illinois.  Robert Crimo was unemployed, had been evicted from his apartment, was into skateboarding and rap music and had tried to commit suicide several times since 2016.  He escaped the scene of the massacre dressed in “drag” as a disguise, which also covered his multiple tattoos.  He was later captured and faces life in prison.  Note that this took place in Chicago — a city with some of the strictest gun control laws in the country.

But are you aware that mass shootings took place in nearly every state over the Fourth of July weekend — killing at least 220 people and wounding close to 600 others?  Some of the cities include Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York City, Sacramento, California — all Leftist strongholds with stiff gun control laws.  Another shooting took place at a residence in Kenosha, Wisconsin where one person died and four were injured.  And in Richmond, Virginia, a mass shooting by two illegal immigrants was foiled when their plot was discovered and reported.  The two were arrested before they could carry out their plan.

In June, Biden stated he would release a million barrels of oil a day from our nation’s strategic oil reserves, to help lower gas prices.  Then, we learned that he had sent five million barrels of oil to Europe and Asia.  Another five million barrels were shipped overseas on July 5th with more planned to be shipped abroad in the coming weeks.

Here in Wisconsin, the state Supreme Court ruled July 9th that absentee ballot boxes could only be placed in election offices and no one other than the voter can return a ballot in person.  This essentially ends the use of unmonitored ballot drop boxes.  Governor hopeful Timothy Ramthun is calling for Wisconsin’s ten electoral votes to be annulled.

Let us not forget there are still more than fifty American patriots being held in prison for simply attending the January 6, 2021 rally in Washington DC.  This includes Dr. Simone Gold, of America’s Frontline Doctors, who freely entered the Capitol as police held the door for her, went inside and gave a three-minute speech.  Gold will spend 60 days in federal prison and pay a fine for that.  Another man, Mark Aungst, was facing up to six months in prison and a $5000 fine.  He had been coerced into pleading “guilty” to a charge of “parading in a restricted building.”  He was due to be sentenced in September, but on July 20th, after months of harassment and legal expenses, he committed suicide.  His obituary states, “A loyal and dedicated man, Mark showed tremendous pride for God and his country.”

Another shooting took place in an Indiana shopping mall July 21st.  The shooter, 20-year-old Jonathan Sapirman opened fire on the food court area, killing three people.  He was stopped within seconds by a 22-year-old man, Eli Dicken who was on the scene with his concealed-carry weapon.  Dicken, who has been called a “good Samaritan” for saving so many lives with his quick response and excellent marksmanship was also, at the same time, scorned on social media.  People called him “an outlaw” and a “criminal” — because he had carried his concealed weapon into the mall — a “gun free zone.”  So instead of being a hero, he’s being vilified by the Leftists who don’t seem to understand that the only thing that will stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.  For those who are unaware, bad guys pay no attention to the signs that say “Gun Free Zone.”

And Knotts Berry Farm, an amusement park in Southern California, is now requiring all visitors under the age of 18 to be accompanied by an adult, after gangs of teens began attacking and beating park guests on July 16th.

I’ve been warning for years that the Leftists in our society, in our public schools and colleges in the medical profession and in pop culture, have been twisting and destroying the minds of our young people.  The modern churches have failed woefully in providing biblical, Godly instruction to our children.  For years now, young children, teens and young adults have become increasingly angry and violent.  I believe that much of this is anger is fueled by the confusion caused by years of intentional brainwashing.  Not to mention the mind-altering drugs that most of our kids are on nowadays.

But it’s not just the young people and there was much more news this summer than I could mention here.  Our country is being destroyed from the inside out, and this is all an insidious, purposeful plan.  The “self destruct” button has been pressed and cannot be undone… not without a true spiritual revival of every man, woman and child.

We have only two choices: turn back to God right now, or remain on the road that leads only to destruction.  Some call it the Highway to Hell.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

The Summer of Rage

By Rob Pue

July 24, 2022

If you’re still holding out hope for a political solution to the chaos we’ve been enduring the past two-and-a-half years, I’m sorry to tell you, you’re deceived.  If you believe that once the Republicans “win” in November, things will get better; if you’re just hanging on for a second Donald Trump presidency in 2024, you’re putting your hope in the carnal things of this world and you’re going to find yourself extremely disappointed — and honestly, you should know better by now.

Jesus Christ, the Good News of the Gospel and the glorious appearing of our Great God and Savior is where we all need to be turning now.  I’m not saying that we should “pay no attention to that man behind the curtain,” because we must all know and understand ALL the  truth of what’s really going on now — the REAL truth.  As Ephesians 6 tells us, we must “be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.”  We must “put on the whole armor of God” so that we may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.  “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”  Yes, friends, we MUST know the truth, not reject it.  If we continue to labor under a delusion of lies, we’re easy prey.

As Christians, WE should be the bearers of truth.  If not us, then who?  Because most of the world has been gravely deceived and continue to be deceived.  John told us, in Chapter 3 of his book that, “The light has come into the world and people loved darkness rather than the light, because their deeds were evil.”  And what happens when people reject the light and choose, instead, the darkness of this world?  We see in 2 Thessalonians 2 that in the last days, there will be those who seek absolute power and wield it with “signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.”  And then we read these words: “And for this cause, God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie, that they all might be damned who believed not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

So many today are under strong delusion.  If you can’t see the obvious lies, propaganda and brainwashing that have been foisted upon us, in a highly-orchestrated effort to destroy us, our marriages, our children, our families and our nation, then I must question whether or not you have the Holy Spirit within you.  Because as true followers of Christ, the Holy Spirit gives us wisdom, insight and counseling that is simply not available to the unsaved, which allows us to understand the things that are spiritually discerned.  In other words, we don’t remain blinded by the lies of the enemy.  We see, comprehend and understand.  The unsaved have only this world.  They are the blind leading the blind.  They perish for lack of knowledge, as God sends them strong delusion and God — yes GOD Himself — gives them over to the lusts and passions of this world.  Their depraved, reprobate minds cannot accept the truth.

Most people today have rejected God and they’re just living secular lives.  No time, interest or belief in their Creator anymore.   Now, God can save anyone.  No one is beyond God’s grace, but unless and until they repent and turn to Christ as their Savior AND their LORD, the scales on their eyes will remain.

Make no mistake, there is a conspiracy going on and it’s world-wide.  Let me read for you again, as I’ve shared before, a portion of Psalm 2: “Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?  The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against His anointed, saying, ‘Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.’  He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.”

Right now, the kings of the earth have set themselves firmly against God.  The rulers are taking counsel together against the Lord and His anointed.  Their plan is to establish a “New World Order” through their “Great Reset” in direct defiance of God.  But Scripture tells us that God laughs at their puny plans and holds them in derision.  What is “derision?”  Contempt, ridicule, mockery.

Certainly, we know that God wins in the end.  Unfortunately, many who believe IN God (but don’t actually know Him) also know this and they DO want to be saved.  (Some think they’re entitled to it).  They just don’t want it to cost them anything.  They want to continue living their secular, carnal, worldly lifestyles, ignoring God, choosing to believe the lies and they think they can “get right with God” sometime later — at a time of their choosing.  But man does not get to choose the number of his days.  With the world as it is now, many are speaking of the “Last Days” or the “End Times” — but few realize that for nearly 200,000 people in this world, TODAY is their last day.  Most of those 200,000 thought they still had plenty of time to “get right with God.”  But the clock ran out.  Galatians 6: “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”

Paul told the Thessalonians to “not be shaken in mind or troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word.”  I must admit that although my faith in my Savior is strong, I often find myself troubled and grieved.  In the work that I do, I follow a steady stream of news and information, coming in 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  It’s more than sad — and very depressing  — to see all that’s now coming upon this world, and at the same time so many who are so clueless.

Many were joyously celebrating the fall of Roe v Wade when the Supreme Court overturned that 1973 decision on June 24.  Especially the millions of professing Christians who have been “pro-life” in name only — never having done anything substantial to rescue the millions of babies that were allowed to be slaughtered.  But the pastors of churches who dared never speak a word about the shedding of those rivers of innocent blood for nearly 50 years, for fear of offending someone, STILL had not a word to say that Sunday.

Let’s face it: Christians COULD have stopped baby murder dead in its tracks in 1973 but they didn’t.  They wouldn’t.  They had nearly 50 years to do so, but most churches would never speak about it.  If only the pastors in the land would have led them out to fight the evil.  But instead, they simply instructed the “praise and worship team” to sing louder while millions were butchered.  The relatively few Christians who actually took action (on their own) against these heinous crimes were more often than not vilified — by their own pastors and by their own so-called “church families.”  They were considered “fanatics.”  Understand: God will judge each individual for what they did (or didn’t do) on this matter.  That should make many of you sleep very uneasily tonight.

Roe was a decision by a court.  It was never a law.  Courts don’t make laws.  But we allowed it.  Just like we allow homosexuals to “marry” now.  Just like we now allow 72 different “genders.”  Just like we allow drag queens and pedophiles to groom our children for exploitation, rape and abuse.  The blood is on our hands as a nation and this nation NEEDS to repent, very badly, of many sins — especially the sin and wickedness of apathy toward our unborn neighbor.

Because the blood of the innocent shed in the womb is now running through the streets of our nation.  “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”  Mass shootings and murder in big cities is a common occurrence now, along with homelessness, drug abuse, sexual perversion, madness and gross miscarriage of justice.  The heathen are raging.

Even prior to the Supreme Court overturning the Roe decision, violence had erupted.  Interestingly, it began on Mother’s Day, when anarchists and a group known as “Jane’s Revenge” began attacking and fire-bombing pro-family organizations and pro-life Crisis Pregnancy Centers.  And why should that surprise us?  The devil’s team was given a month’s advance notice due to a supposed “accidental leak” that the High Court was considering this move.  When that information was announced, the devil’s team began preparing.  They had a month to work out the details, and since then, anyone who worked to stop the killing has become a target of these anarchist groups.  They’ve openly said that pro-lifers are now targeted for death, and more than 40 life-saving Crisis Pregnancy Centers and pro-life organizations have been violently attacked.  Marches and protests are taking place nation-wide and the popular chant is “We love killing babies!”  They’re calling this the “Summer of Rage.”  Indeed, the heathen DO rage.

Our FBI is supposedly investigating.  But I’m not holding my breath for any form of justice.    We’re talking about the same FBI that’s had all the evidence on Hunter Biden’s laptop for YEARS and still, no justice.  You see, there is no justice in a land that spits in the face of God.  Isaiah 59:14, “And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.” 

You likely heard of the mass shooting at a 4th of July parade in a Chicago suburb.  Do you realize that there were more than a dozen mass shootings across the country that weekend?  Of course, the guns will be blamed and used as a pretense for gun control and confiscation.      That’s the plan.

Young children are now being injected with the COVID jab, under an “Emergency Use Authorization” though there is no emergency, nor has there even been one.  These shots, which have been proven to have 1291 adverse side effects, including death, are still being pushed and we’re warned of a “new wave” of the deadly disease coming this fall — just before the elections.  And the delusional sheeple are wearing their masks again.   I’m seeing more and more of them out in public and I just have to shake my head.  Also, New York City is now warning it’s citizens to prepare for a nuclear blast.

Meanwhile our energy grid is collapsing, inflation has hit a 50 year high, food processing plants and food distribution hubs are mysteriously going up in flames, transgenderism has become yesterday’s news as “acceptance” of pedophilia is the latest new thing we’re being conditioned to ignore; China, North Korea, Iran and Russia are rumbling, our country’s being invaded from the south, Communism has taken hold to our north, and as our US dollar is being de-valued, a new One World Digital Currency is ready to be rolled out.  Friends, NONE of this is “just happening.”  The heathen are raging and the rulers are conspiring against God and His anointed as they look to create their Globalist utopia.

But wait.  Let’s read again that last portion I quoted from Psalm 2: “He who sits in the heavens shall laugh.  The Lord shall hold them in derision.”   I can imagine Him laughing heartily on July 5, as lightning struck the New World Order’s most famous depopulation monument known as the “Georgia Guidestones.”  I know the media will tell you it was an act of vandalism and an explosion that caused the damage.  But videos of the initial impact are clear.  A day later, the remains of that wicked monument to Satan were bulldozed into dust.  God will not be mocked.  And it seems His patience is wearing thin with those who hate Him.

In this world we will have tribulation.  But take heart.  Jesus Christ, our Lord, has overcome the world.  For now, we remain in a spiritual battle against the forces of darkness as we endure a “Summer of Rage.”  Yes, the heathen are raging.  But God’s about to unleash His rage as well.  Undoubtedly this battle will cost many of us our lives.  Others will give in under pressure and betray Christ.  What side will you be on when the wrath of God is fully revealed?  If you’ve not yet made that decision, I’d advise you do so today.

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 365.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

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‘Toxic Masculinity’ – The Lie

By Rob Pue

July 16, 2022

There’s a new “buzz phrase” going around these days — and it’s catching on; becoming another MOVEMENT — promoted by Leftist, “Progressive,” feminist activists.  I’m sure you’ve heard of it.  It’s called “Toxic Masculinity.” “Toxic Masculinity” is a new mindset these “progressive” feminists are attempting to force into the cultural talking points, which vilifies traditional manhood and all things “masculine.”
The Leftists have been incredibly successful over the past few years in pushing their crazy ideas.  What was once UNTHINKABLE in America has now become the “norm.”  Good has become “bad,” and BAD has become “good.”  While most of these ideas are only accepted now by a small, but VOCAL minority, if things do not change, it won’t be long before this nonsense is embraced by an overwhelming majority…like everything else they’ve come up with.

So what IS ‘Toxic Masculinity?’  According to FEM Magazine,“toxic masculinity harms all genders.  It promotes sexism, misogyny, violence and rape culture, while enforcing dangerous sterotypes of masculinity and femininity.  It is a fundamental pillar in the patriarchy and its normalization throughout cultures demands action.  Next time you hear comments that promote toxic masculinity, remember to call them out;  taking actions to disband this mentality are necessary in order to dismantle the patriarchal structure.”

There you have it, in their own words…. the ultimate goal is the demise of manhood, the dismantling of what they call the ‘patriarchal structure.”  In other words, “Men BAD, women GOOD.”  More division.  You see, the Left is not content to divide us by ethnicity, religion, or political ideology. Now they must ALSO divide us by gender, which I find ironic, because it is these same Leftists who want us to accept as fact that there are now as many as 13 different “genders” — an insane idea which they insist we must all embrace as truth.  And WOE to the poor soul who makes the “mistake” of calling someone by the “wrong” pronoun!

FEM Magazine goes even further in their fight to destroy manhood. In an article from December of 2016, they wrote, “Machismo leads to homophobia, sexual harassment and murder, as violence becomes a channel through which to acquire control.”  And so these radical feminists are now portraying men as sexists, misogynists, rapists and murderers.  It was not long ago that it would have been unthinkable for people to accept the idea of “transgenderism,” much less the idea that there are now THIRTEEN distinctly, different “genders.”  But now, “transgenderism” is being forced upon an unsuspecting, but largely apathetic populace under the force of law… “Get your mind ‘right’ and accept all these different genders or you will pay the consequences.”

Isn’t it interesting, though, that the same people who want to vilify males as rapists and murderers are the same ones who want to do away with the TRUTH of the matter, which is, there REALLY ARE only TWO genders:  male and female.  For goodness’ sake, even the ANIMAL world understands this.  You do not see male dogs confused over their gender. You don’t see male birds confused over their genders.  God made all created things male and female.  One is not “better” or “worse” than the other.  On the contrary, the TWO (and there ARE only TWO) different genders were designed by God to COMPLIMENT one another.

Are there men who abuse women and act wickedly? Absolutely, and that is behavior that we have NEVER accepted in civilized society.  Abusers of women and children and those who are bullies have NEVER been considered “good” men.  They have been looked at as the rude, crude JERKS that they are.  But the same can be said of women.  If you have any doubt, just look at the recent Womens’ marches that have been taking place around the nation, ostensibly to support “womens’ rights.” Consider the foul-mouthed speakers at their rallies and the mean-spirited hateful vitriol that flows from their mouths as they proudly wear their “vagina hats!”   Most of these feminist activists are more vulgar than any men I have ever known.  Yet THEIR actions are considered just fine — simply because they are female….

But wait a minute:  I thought we were not supposed to focus on gender.  I thought there were 13 different “genders,”  and all of them were “equally good.”  But it turns out, I guess, TWELVE of them are “good,” but ONE is very, very BAD.  It is very, very BAD to be male or “masculine.”  That just cannot be tolerated any longer.  Masculinity, they say, MUST BE DISMANTLED, along with our “traditional patriarchal structure.”  The clear and obvious hypocrisy of the Left never ceases to amaze me.

There is no question that manhood is under full assault in America today.  Just like the LGBT movement, the idea of “toxic masculinity” is now becoming more and more widely accepted.   And as usual, it starts with the indoctrination of young boys in preschool, grade-school, middle school, high school… and then this idea that masculinity is a horrible, awful thing is solidified in their young minds in college. This is why we are seeing more and more young “men” embracing feminism; dressing —and acting — more and more like women.  I dare say that MANY young men in our public colleges today are, in many cases, more feminine in their behavior than the young women are.  They have been indoctrinated WELL by the propaganda that has been drilled into their heads all their lives.

Let me ask you a question:  if you wanted to bring down a nation; if you wanted to DESTROY a nation from within, how would you start?  By destroying the natural family.  By twisting the truth and deceiving the minds of milllions of young people over a period of just 12-16 years, the time it takes for a child to go through public school and college.  Drill your lies into their heads for just 16 years and you can fundamentally change an entire culture and society.  Mission accomplished.

This is what has taken place in America.  The first step in destroying the natural family was to bring down the HEAD of the family, the Dad.  And so, not so long ago, we began seeing fathers portrayed in TV sitcoms and movies as bumbling fools and idiots.  Not so long ago, we began drugging our children — mostly young BOYS — to alleviate the “problem” of ADHD.  (By the way, have you noticed there aren’t many young GIRLS who have ADHD and must be drugged with Ritalin?)  No… it’s always the BOYS who suffer from this malady.  If they act too masculine or display too many male traits in school, that is simply unacceptable.  And “for the good of the child,”they tell us, “they must be treated for ADHD.” And so we drug our children, on the advice of the so-called “professionals.”

We’ve been lied to, folks.  We’ve turned our children over to the mercy of the almighty State and after 12 years of public school and 4 years of college, and much medication, our boys finally manage to “get their minds right.”  Now our young men eagerly join the Womens’ marches, the “pride” parades, and embrace transgenderism.  Not to mention the holocaust known as “a woman’s right to choose.”  Now they dress like women, act like women, speak like women. These are not the young men of that Greatest Generation that fought for freedom in World War II.  My own Dad left school at the age of 17 and enlisted in the US Navy.  He was among our fighting men in the South Pacific and HE WAS THERE when we liberated the Phillipines.  Can you imagine a 17-year-old boy doing such a thing today?  Or, are they more likely to join ANTIFA and wreak havoc on their own country?  Or simply sit at home and watch porn and play video games in their Mom’s basement while wearing their “skinny jeans,” painting their toenails and poofing up their hair?  You tell me.

It goes without saying, they have also abandoned the God of the Bible.  If they have any “faith” at all, it’s in some weird religion.  Many young people today worship the Earth.  Many worship the pagan “goddess” of feminism — or as they are now calling it, the “Gynarchy.”  Many seek out satanism, eastern mysticism or ancient demons masquerading as “angels.”  And many are simply atheist or agnostic.  This is the easiest route, because it gives them the perceived “freedom” to do as they please.  Like the satanist Aleister Crowley wrote, inspired by the devil himself, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.”

So to bring down a nation without firing a shot, first you destroy the family, and you start that by destroying the head of the family — the Dad. Then you feminize the boys, and confuse their minds, so that many of them actually believe they were meant to be girls.  Those who still have a little common sense left find themselves in deep, dark turmoil in their souls.  They instinctively KNOW they are male, yet they are not allowed to BE male. Everything all around them in the culture tells them:  “masculinity is BAD!”  They are so conflicted in their spirits…. and then we wonder why we’ve seen such a dramatic spike in the suicide rate — especially among young men and boys.

There is NO SUCH THING as ‘Toxic Masculinity,’ friends. God made us male and female.  And make no mistake:  there are only TWO genders, designed by God Himself to compliment one another.  Even our physical anatomy proves this out. DIFFERENT, but equal… and BOTH ARE NEEDED to procreate AND to raise spiritually, mentally and physically healthy children to be responsible, well rounded adults.  When my children were young, they would walk BETWEEN my wife and I and each of us would hold one of their hands.  My wife would hold our kids’ left hand, and I would hold their right. Because a child NEEDS BOTH PARENTS to feel safe and secure, and to grow up healthy in mind, body and spirit.  Two men cannot do that.  Nor can two women.  It takes a Mom AND a Dad.

“Toxic Masculinity” is a lie from the pits of hell.  It is so sad for our young men.  They are ashamed of themselves, just because they are male… and if they happen to be WHITE males, then they’re even more ashamed, because as we all know now, the Leftist mantra has been:  “white males are BAD, ‘people of color’ — especially ‘WOMEN of color’ — are oppressed victims, who must be PROFUSELY apologized to and then celebrated, worshiped and adored.”  

Meanwhile, our families disintegrate, relationships between fathers and sons are destroyed, the minds of our young people are radically confused and twisted, and suicide rates are increasing exponentially. ‘Toxic Masculinity’ is a lie. It’s just another brick in the wall the Leftists are building to further divide us and separate us from the truth, from rational thinking, from God’s natural order and design.  When a nation no longer accepts and follows God’s natural design, it reaps the consequences, which are too many to mention, but suffice to say, we are seeing all those consequences play out in living color before our very eyes this very day.  So how’s that working for us?

But what IS true masculinity?  What is the role of the man in God’s natural order?  First, the man is to submit to God, his Creator, follow His commandments, and with the guidance and counsel of the Holy Spirit, take up his cross daily and follow Christ.  He’s to be the husband of one wife, taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.  Once united to his wife in Holy Matrimony, he is then to be the MINISTER of his home — the spiritual leader.  He is to SERVE his wife, protect his wife, and provide for her.  He is NOT to use his authority as head of the household as a tyrant, but rather as a SERVANT.

Then, together, the husband and wife are to be fruitful and multiply.  As the wife follows her husband as he follows Christ, the children then see modeled for them how to “do life right.”  They grow up with a Mom and a Dad in the home, actively involved, guiding, nurturing and training them up in the fear and admonition of the Lord…. as Jesus said, “teaching them to obey all He commanded.”  THIS, my friends, is what makes for a strong, solid FAMILY, and the family is the FOUNDATION of a civilized nation.  Destroy the family and you’ve destroyed the nation.  The first step is taking down the head of the home, the man… the husband and father.

So men:  do not let the agenda of pop culture shame you because of your gender.  STAND UP!  BE the MAN God created you to be, with all the attributes and virtues of a REAL man of God.  Remember, it only took 12 men — Jesus’ 12 disciples — to turn the whole world upside down.  So embrace the freedom you have in Christ — or perhaps a better way to state it — embrace the DUTY you have been given by God Himself, to be counter-cultural, world changers, watchmen on the walls and truth tellers.

I can tell  you, this will not make you “popular” or well-liked by most; especially those in your own home, your own church.  But as you life out and model true masculinity, those around you will begin to “get it.”  Real men love babies, real men stand up for those unjustly led to slaughter.  Real men push back and fight evil.  Real men protect, lead, provide for — and SERVE — their wives and families.  Real men have a PURPOSE, ordained by God.  Be a REAL man.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at (715) 486-8066 or email Ask for message number 247.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

We Are Proud of THIS?

By Rob Pue

July 3, 2022

Homosexual activity has been going on since the fall of mankind, but what began in earnest in the 1970s has now metastasized into a full-blown cancer on the earth.  I’m talking about the radical homosexual agenda, which is now directly targeting our young children.  We’ve become so “woke” here in America that to have any doubts that this sexual deviancy is unnatural or “not normal” makes most people question whether or not they’re actually hateful bigots.

Until 1973, homosexuality was rightly considered a mental disorder.  But on December 15th of that year, the American Psychiatric Association asked all members attending its convention to vote on whether they believed homosexuality to be a mental disorder. 5,854 psychiatrists voted to remove homosexuality from the list and 3,810 voted to retain it.

The American Psychiatric Association compromised, removing homosexuality from the list of mental disorders, but replaced it with “sexual orientation disturbance” for people “in conflict with their sexual orientation.”  Thus began the push for what we now know today as “transgenderism,” even though the term was actually coined in the 1960s.  So now, with today’s Godless American culture, there can be no limits to the depths of perversity we will accept and affirm in order to “virtue signal” our wholehearted acceptance of “diversity.”  But it’s actually perversity disguised as diversity.

According to, in addition to male and female, there are now 72 additional genders, and according to law — either unwritten “societal” laws or actual city, state and federal laws, we must all obey or pay the consequences of our bigotry.

In 1987, the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from it’s list of mental disorders completely, asserting that “concepts of mental disorder can be rapidly evolving social constructs that change as society changes.”  And according to a 2015 article published by Psychology Today, the standard of psychotherapy in the US and Europe is “homosexual affirming.”  Indeed, in countless cities, counties and no less than 20 states, it is now illegal for a counselor, therapist or pastor to counsel minors who are confused about their gender or have unwanted homosexual desires.

You may have heard of Jeff Younger, the Texas father of twins who’s been in a custody battle with his ex-wife wife, a pediatrician.  One of the twins — a boy — was encouraged by his mother to “transition” to a girl at the age of 2.  Jeff said his son was happy, comfortable and normal being a boy, but while living with his mother, the child took a female name, and wore girl’s clothing.  But it gets worse.

Jeff would drop his son off at school in boy’s clothes, but the teacher gave him a dress and school officials refused to use his real name or male pronouns.  They actively taught him — in public school — how to be a girl and made him use the girls’ restroom.

Younger stated, “I’ve spent over a million dollars trying to stop my ex-wife and the courts from chemically castrating my son.”  A pediatrician in Texas has planned to put him on chemical castration drugs at the age of 9.  The child is 9 now.  Jeff Younger added, “If they put James on chemical castration drugs, he’ll be permanently maimed and sterilized.  He’ll never be able to have a family or normal sexual relationship with a wife.  The American Academy of Pediatrics requires doctors to affirm children in false gender identities, rather than help them identify with their biological sex.”  Texas is one of the nation’s largest providers of sex-change surgeries and chemical castration hormone treatments to kids.

Last spring, a Canadian father, Rob Hoogland, was sentenced to six months in jail for attempting to intervene in his young daughter’s “gender transition.”  This all began several years ago, when Hoogland discovered that his then 12-year-old daughter’s name had been changed in the 7th grade yearbook.  His daughter had been shown “education” videos at her school, which are actually “gender ideology indoctrination propaganda.”  She then decided she was a boy, the school “affirmed” her as a “transgender” and proceeded to “socially transition” her without informing her parents.

The school kept all of this a secret from the parents in accordance with the British Columbia Ministry of Education’s “Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Policy,” which dictates that parents have no right to know what their child’s “preferred sex, gender or name” is at school.  The school later sent the girl to a psychologist who then sent her to a doctor. That doctor  laid out a plan to medically “change” Hoogland’s then 13-year-old daughter into a male using injections of testosterone and a year later, the hospital informed the parents they would be medicalizing his daughter and that by law, they didn’t need parental consent to do so.

In 2019 a judge convicted Hoogland of “family violence” for using female pronouns when speaking about his daughter.  Thus, his prison sentence — along with a huge monetary fine.

These are just two examples of situations very similar to this.  Schools serve as powerful brainwashing facilities and their goal is to turn as many healthy young people into confused, mentally-disturbed, gender-questioning kids as possible — all without the parents’ consent or even knowledge.  And as you’ve seen, parents who do dare to speak out can end up in costly legal battles and even prison.  This is not only a massive human rights violation, but more than that, it’s extreme child abuse, taking place under “color of law.”

But it’s not just schools pushing the “queering” of our children today.”  It’s everywhere.  It’s in the atmosphere.  Radio, TV, so-called “public service announcements, billboards along the highway, the internet, movies, pop music and videos and more.

June became homosexual “pride” month in 1999 when Bill Clinton declared it to be so.  “Pride” celebrations include parades, marches, demonstrations, festivals, fairs, Drag Queen events and much more.  Including special days at Disney World and other amusement parks around the country.  Department stores like Target and Kohls celebrate homosex with rainbow-colored clothing — especially for children.  But homosexual “pride” isn’t just for June anymore.  It’s morphed into a hideous, demonic monster that preys on minds and souls — young and old — all year ‘round.

This is even commonplace now in government.  Last year, the New York Times boasted that there were nearly 1000 LGBTQP+  elected officials in the US, with the number rising fast.  The Biden regime has fast-tracked this, with the appointment of Richard “Rachel” Levine as Assistant Secretary for Health and Human Services.  Levine is a morbidly obese transgender — perfect for running our national “Health and Human Services” department.  Levine was also named a four-star admiral in the US Public Health Service Commissioned Corp. states that Levine is “using ‘her’ newfound position and visibility to address a variety of inequities in health care while also serving as a role model for the LGBTQ+ community, particularly young people.”  Notice the part that says“particularly young people.”

Because the emphasis is always on the kids, for several reasons.  First, the homosexual mob must recruit young people into their death style because they’re unable to reproduce naturally, since homosexuality is the most un-natural thing in the world.  Two men committing sodomy cannot be “fruitful and multiply.”  Nor can two women.  Secondly, adult homosexuals have a known lust for “young meat.”  You’ll notice you see no rainbow flags flying at Senior Centers or nursing homes.  But wherever children gather, the homosexual agenda is deeply embedded.  The children are being groomed for sexual exploitation and rape.  If you do the research, you’ll find countless examples of pedophiles within the LGBTQP+ community.  The “P,” by the way, stands for “pedophilia.”

The Biden regime has continued it’s push toward national sodomy.  The new press secretary meets the necessary Biden criteria of being a black female. (Whatever the word ‘female’ may mean anymore).  But a headline from USA Today, dated June 8th of this year speaks volumes: “An Out Gay Woman: Karine Jean-Pierre Hopes to Empower LGBTP youth as White House Press Secretary.”  There we go… the YOUTH again.  Pay attention.  They’re coming for your children and grandchildren.

Last year, the Washington Post reported that 1 in 6 Gen Z adults are LGBT.  Meanwhile an article from US News and World Report stated the number of teens who now identify as LGBTQP+ is at 20% — so one in five of our teens is now fully brainwashed into mental illness, and that number is rising daily with the steady flow of massive propaganda.

All of this is being funded heavily by just about every major corporation in the country.  An organization known as the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) basically blackmails companies into compliance.  If they do not support the homosexual and transgender agenda — financially and in other ways — companies will receive a “bad score” from HRC.  So the more these corporations donate to the cause, the higher approval score they receive, thereby “virtue signaling” their commitment to so-called “equality.”

In case you’re wondering, companies that top the list as “Platinum Partners” with HRC include Amazon, American Airlines, Apple Corporation, Coca Cola, Google, Intel, Lyft, Macy’s, Microsoft, Morgan Stanley, Nationwide Insurance, Pfizer, Target and UPS.  But there is virtually no company in the country you can do business with anymore that does not support this agenda, openly and proudly.  Financial support for the LGBTQP+ agenda is in the trillions of dollars.

I’m going to assume that few, if any of you, have ever attended a “pride parade.”  I’ve been to a half dozen in Columbus, Ohio, where a group of Christians has tried to witness to those in attendance.  The first year there were only 22 of us.  The last time we went, there were over 200.  Only during the first year, was I able to have a meaningful conversation with a group of lesbians and their friends.  After coming to attack me, they relented and agreed to have a dialogue.  In the end, they began to see the light, had tears in their eyes and said, “I think I have a lot to think about.”  Then they left the parade and went home.

Columbus has the second largest “pride parade” in the country, with a half-million people.  The atmosphere is shocking, to say the least.  City ordinances against public nudity and lewd behavior are shelved.  At these events, you’ll see the deepest, darkest, most vile displays you can comprehend.  The sodomites target Christians for physical attack and constant harassment.  Meanwhile, the police view US as the “bad guys” and should we so much as brush up against one of the hundreds of thousands of transgenders, homosexuals or their allies (which is very difficult to avoid in a crowd of a half million people), they scream to the police that we have “assaulted them.”  Meanwhile, we endure pushing, shoving, kicking, spitting, punching and more…all to the delight of the police as we are their entertainment.

Every company, corporation and organization you can imagine is present.  The last event we went to included no less than FORTY so-called Christian “churches” marching IN the parade, in support of sodomy, transgenderism, sado-masochism and pedophilia.  I am not exaggerating.  If anything, I’m sparing you the gory details.

It’s very much like the story of Sodom in Genesis, where the men of the city marched to Lot’s house and surrounded it, demanding they send out the two angels so they could have sex with them, and then attempted to break down the door.  Violence against Christians at these “pride parades” has ramped up substantially with the complicity of the local police.   It’s grown worse with each passing year.  Without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, there is no depth to which the human mind and soul will not sink.  No restraint, just hedonism, debauchery, and unbridled vile filth.  And people take their small kids there — and literally parade them in front of a half million lust-filled sodomites, literally IN the parade.  This has nothing to do with “equality.”  It’s pure, demonic evil.  It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city…and any nation that continues to be proud of THIS.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 364.

A Great Time to Invest in Millstones

By Rob Pue

June 26, 2022

With Joe Biden in the White House, after the most fraudulent election in our nation’s history, America is now in the midst of “building back better.”  How are you liking it so far?  First of all, you should understand that while Biden may be allowed in the White House, he is far from being in charge of anything.  He’s a puppet of the Leftist/Marxist/Communist handlers that placed him there in the first place, to utterly destroy America from within.

Secondly, there would have been no need to “build back better” if the country had not first been burnt down and destroyed in the years prior to the stolen election, under the guise of COVID, orchestrated “race wars,” and the BLM and ANTIFA riots that went unprosecuted.  Also, understand that “build back better” is simply code for “Communism.”  That’s the ultimate goal, but American sovereignty must be eliminated and America must first be completely destroyed.  Then, a true One World Government can commence under a true New World Order.  A big part of that is killing the American dollar, which is happening now.  They want us all in bread lines, dependent upon the Almighty Government for handouts.  A record number of millions of Americans are being “groomed” to expect handouts now, as “entitlements.”

Today, we’re facing the highest prices for essential goods and services than ever before.  Part of this is due to the purposely-orchestrated hyperinflation that’s begun — but we ain’t seen nothin’ yet, folks.  If you think $5 at the gas pump is tough, wait until you’re paying $10,  gas is rationed and people are trading their “carbon credits” just to be allowed the privilege of buying more.

And while the supply chain shortage is real, I find it strange that internal combustion car makers cannot produce cars because they can’t get the needed computer chips; but electric car makers, like Tesla, don’t seem to have that problem.  Do you see how everything is being manipulated to control our behavior?

We’re also seeing a massive food shortage on the horizon.  This, too, is orchestrated by those who’ve seized power over our nation.  Some of you may be aware of the 20 food processing facilities in the US that have been destroyed or badly damaged just in the last six months.  But as the Gateway Pundit recently reported, there have actually been 97 American food plants destroyed since Biden took the White House.  The destruction has been due to “accidental fires,” “unknown causes” and in at least two instances, airplanes crashing into them.  You can find the complete list at  The article was published June 11.

Things have been moving quickly this year.  Most people finally woke up to the scam known as COVID.  They’d had enough and were no longer willing to comply with ridiculous government and health mandates.  So the next boogeyman was the Russia/Ukraine conflict.  Don’t believe everything you’re told about that — there’s much more there than we understand.  Ukraine is the epicenter of corruption for the Global Elites, and the headquarters for massive money laundering by governments and corrupt rulers  worldwide.  Just because the mainstream media makes Russia the “bad guy,” don’t believe it.  In fact, whatever the mainstream media is pushing as the “latest thing” should automatically be suspect by any thinking individual.  But the Ukraine/Russia scare has faded from our TV screens, so another horror was needed to keep us compliant and fearful.

Many of you already know that in November of 2021, a “study” was done to simulate the effects of a worldwide pandemic — of “Monkeypox.”  In this fictional table-top exercise, the outbreak was to begin on May 15th of this year.  Interestingly, the first case in the world was reported May 7th and by the 22nd, 14 nations had confirmed outbreaks.  But on May 20th the Biden regime announced it had already ordered 13 million doses of a Monkeypox “vaccine.”  Interesting how a so-called “vaccine” for this was already supposedly researched, tested and produced to the tune of millions of vials — and billions of dollars, just in time for the planned outbreak.  Eerily similar to Event 201, which simulated the COVID scam-demic a few months before it was unleashed on the world.

Monkeypox, by the way, is rare and primarily transmitted by sodomite males, but multiple sources are now speculating that this particular strain of the virus has been weaponized in bio-labs in China and elsewhere, to spread more quickly and cause more harm.

Meanwhile, in Australia, health officials are baffled by what they’re now calling “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” and they’re urging individuals under 40 to get their hearts checked, because so many young people are suddenly dying of this mysterious Syndrome, as the doctors scratch their heads and can’t figure out what’s causing it.  Note that this is Australia, where nearly 100% of the population has received two or more doses of the COVID jab, which is known to have 1291 adverse side effects, many of which affect the heart.  All over the world young people, including many young athletes, previously in peak health, have just suddenly died.  But these facts are now considered “disinformation” by the Globalist’s “Ministry of Truth.”

We all know that our US military was purged of patriots under the Obama administration, and under the current regime, it’s been further weakened by forcing experimental DNA-altering jabs and the further embracing of the sodomite/transgender agenda.  Are you aware that a record number of young servicemen have suddenly died for no apparent reason after taking these shots?  All in their 20s or 30s, dead from “undetermined” causes, after being discovered “unresponsive” in their bunks.  I’m sure the total number of dead will never be known, as the powers-that-be continue to hide the evidence.

You should also be aware that more than 10,000 cases filed on the VAERS report data base were just recently deleted by the CDC.  VAERS, which stands for “Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System” falls woefully short of covering all the cases of injuries and deaths to begin with — because the vast majority are never reported.  Some say the number of actual cases is 100 times greater than the number actually reported.  Still, VAERS does admit to 1.2 million COVID jab injuries, and 27,000 deaths.  The actual number is enormously greater.

Researchers have also now linked a new type of fatal degenerative brain disorder with the COVID jab.  The first symptoms occur about 11 days after the jab and death follows four months later.  And in March, it was reported that in the UK, 9 out of 10 COVID deaths have occurred in fully-jabbed people.  Studies have also shown that the MAJORITY of pregnant women worldwide who were jabbed, had miscarriages or stillborn babies.  Still the FDA is pushing for approval of the COVID jab for all newborns and toddlers, under an “Emergency Use Authorization.”  My question is, where’s the “emergency?”  Where are all the deathly-ill children with COVID?  The answer is, they don’t exist.  But a world-wide de-population program does.

But people are starting to catch on.  Hospitals, pharmacies and state governments in the US have thrown away at least 15 million doses of the Pfizer jab in the last three months, because nobody wants it.  So… cue the Monkeypox scare!

But now, here we are in the midst of “Pride” month — although this isn’t just for the month of June — “Pride” celebrations, parades and festivals go right through to the beginning of the cold winter months now.  And the LGBTQP+ agenda never, ever stops.  Who would have ever thought we would get to this point in this country?

Everywhere we go, the rainbow flag is flying.  Most people couldn’t care less.  But most are truly unaware and ignorant of the evil this flag — and the movement behind it — represents.  Let me give you some history.  The first rainbow flag was commissioned in 1978 by Harvey Milk, who was dishonorably discharged from the US Navy for his homosexual antics in 1955.  Milk was the first openly-homosexual elected official in the US, serving 11 months as a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.  His rainbow flag was to be a symbol of “pride” for the homosexual community.

In 2014, the US Postal Service released a postage stamp honoring Harvey Milk.  There’s also an airport terminal at San Francisco International Airport named after him.  And just this past November, a now “woke” US Navy named one of its new ships after him.  The ship was christened by a Navy veteran who identifies as ‘transgender.’  Harvey Milk is considered a hero in the homosexual community — but his actual history is very telling of the intentions of the homosexual movement.  He was also a known pedophile, though he was never prosecuted for it.  It’s widely understood that throughout his adult life, he repeatedly raped multiple young boys.  One, in particular, he enticed to run away from home in Maryland.  This young man eventually committed suicide.  Another, he enticed to run away from home in Minnesota and not tell his parents.  This boy’s parents did find out and they filed a complaint, but Milk was never questioned, arrested or charged.  His homosexual relationships with young boys were numerous — and this was the lifestyle of this “civil rights leader.”

The ultimate goal of the homosexual movement is to lure, entice and groom little children, to twist their minds, rape their bodies and destroy their souls.  You can research a document from 1987 entitled “The Gay Revolutionary,” and specifically, “The Homosexual Agenda.”  I will quote the first paragraph of that  here: “We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all-male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together. Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us.”

And so here we are.  Christians, Conservatives and Patriots did nothing, while the homosexual mob continued steadily forward with their agenda.  First it was “Drag Queen Story Time” where pedophiles would dress up in womens’ clothing, dance and gyrate sexually in front of toddlers and young children in public libraries — and the parents would take them there.  Now these events have moved to public schools as well — and “Drag Queen” contests  are held in bars and strip clubs — certainly places that would normally be off-limits to minors.  But little children — pre-school children — are now taken there by their parents to watch and participate in these demonic activities.

California Senator Scott Wiener recently began promoting a bill that would make it mandatory for K-12 students to take a curriculum called “Drag Queen 101.”  In Colorado, a 12-year-old girl was invited to an after-school “art club” that turned out to be a meeting of the school’s “Genders & Sexualities Alliance Club,” dedicated to supporting homosexuality and transgenderism.   The kids who attended the meeting were told not to tell their parents what was discussed there and that their family homes may not be “safe places.”  That one meeting included enough brainwashing to confuse this 12-year-old about her sexuality and create “gender dysphoria.”  According to her mother, it took months of counseling to end the nightmares she suffered and the sexual confusion she endured after her teacher told her she must be “queer.”

This is happening in our public schools, and parents are often kept in the dark, as teachers tell the kids to keep their secret, even as they’re purposely grooming them for sexual confusion and exploitation — from pre-school age on up.  These are the people who now seem to OWN our children’s minds.  Parents who attend school board meetings to voice their concerns are arrested as “domestic terrorists.”  Harvey Milk would be proud, indeed.

Today the number of young people who “identify” as “LGBTQP+” has skyrocketed.  The “transgender” movement is huge in every area of society and culture — and pushed especially hard in the public schools.  Also today, 76% of so-called “Bible-believing, church-attending Christians” now affirm that same-sex “marriage” is just another “alternative lifestyle” and perfectly acceptable, and just fine with God.  I have a Bible too, and I’m pretty sure God would not agree.  In fact, with America’s economy now in self-destruct mode, it might be a great time to start investing in millstones.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 363.

It’s Not Easy Bein’ Green

By Rob Pue

June 12, 2022

Although I guess you could say there have been “earth worshipers” since just about the beginning of time, it was the civil unrest of the 1960s that spawned the radical environmental movement we’re dealing with today.  It was an age of unbridled lust and hedonism, and the effects of communist infiltration into our public schools and college campuses was starting to pay off for a new generation of Leftists in America.  Using their new-found power in movies, television, magazines and mainstream media, the Left was able to co-opt and capitalize on the power of the civil rights, anti-war, anti-capitalist, feminist and homosexual movements.  The Marxist propaganda machine was running at full speed, though few realized it at the time.

In 1970, Kermit the Frog, (the original Muppet), sang a song called “It’s Not Easy Bein’ Green.”  Whether it had to do with the color of their skin or some other perceived difference, the song was ostensibly meant to make young children, who felt a little awkward or different from others, to feel better about themselves.  In the song, at first, Kermit is sad, because he’s green.  But in the end, he comes to love himself as he is.  This may seem charming and innocent to you, as it did to me at the time.  But the brainwashing had begun.  I believe this innocent children’s song had a subliminal message behind it — no matter how you act or what you do, you’re fine just as you are.  “Anything goes,” and “if it feels good, do it.”  That was the message the liberals were pushing at the time, and Kermit helped it along, ever-so-sweetly.

In 1978, Gilbert Baker, an artist, open homosexual and “drag queen,” designed the first rainbow flag, at the urging of Harvey Milk, who was the first openly-homosexual elected official in the US.  He served 11 months as a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.  Milk wanted Baker to create a symbol of “pride” for the homosexual community.  And thus, the rainbow was hijacked by the LGBT movement.  Today that flag flies in just about every community, large and small, across the country — especially during the month of June, which has now been designated as “pride” month.

Just one year after the rainbow flag was created for the homosexual movement, “The Muppet Movie” was released, featuring Kermit singing a song called “The Rainbow Connection.”  Maybe I’m making more of this than I should, but I believe there is a connection. Here are some of the lyrics, speaking of the rainbow:  “…All of us under its spell; We know that it’s probably magic.  Have you been half asleep; And have you heard voices?  I’ve heard them calling my name.  Is this the sweet sound that calls the young sailors?  The voice might be one and the same.  I’ve heard it too many times to ignore it; Its something that I’m supposed to be.  Someday we’ll find it, The Rainbow Connection…The lovers, the dreamers and me.”

Sorry, but that seems a little eery to me.  It certainly didn’t at the time, but such was the subtleness of the brainwashing and indoctrination.  In hindsight, one can put the puzzle pieces together and see how it was all orchestrated toward an end goal.  And here we are today.  I’m sure no one dreamed, back then, that one day we’d have men legally marrying other men, cities with a million people gleefully celebrating sodomy in the streets and parents taking their young children to watch those “pride” parades or to a “drag queen story hour.”  Not to mention encouraging children to “transition” to the opposite sex if they experience any awkwardness or discomfort at all during or prior to puberty.

This is how Satan operates.  Sometimes he comes as an angel of light.  Sometimes he comes as a cute little frog, singing a song — to children.  The methods may be subtle and even imperceptible.  But there’s nothing hidden that will not be revealed, eventually.  For the record, “The Muppets” now have openly homosexual characters to entertain your children and grandchildren.

But I’m getting off-topic.  My message today isn’t about the LGBTQP+ movement.  It has to do with the religion of radical environmentalism. It was during the 1960s that two best-selling books were released on the topic: Silent Springand Population Bomb.”  The first “Earth Day” was held in 1970.  In 1972, the UN held its first official Conference on Environmental issues.  Popular news articles and magazines were warning of a quickly-coming global “ice age” if we didn’t clean up the earth immediately.  I remember this propaganda being pushed in just about every “Weekly Reader” I received in elementary school.  It had begun.

In addition to the coming ice age, we were warned of world-wide famine and disease because our uncontrolled human reproduction would soon suck all the earth’s resources dry.  It was also in 1979 that China took the “progressive” step so praised by rabid environmentalists — their infamous “one child” policy.  It stated that each family was to have no more than one child. If a woman were to become pregnant after having her allowed “one child,” the penalty was forced abortion. And since male children were much more highly valued than girls, if a woman became pregnant for her first time, and ultrasound tests showed the baby was a girl, the baby was usually killed, so as to allow this family’s allotted one child to be male.

The Global elites have never stopped pushing for human depopulation.  Consider Bill Gates, and his “lofty” goal of reducing the population through the use of “vaccines.”  Consider the Georgia Guidestones and the never-ending fear-mongering the Globalists have used to push this agenda.  When the “ice age” thing didn’t work, they changed to “Global Warming.”  But the “settled science” of “Global Warming” proved to be a bit embarrassing a few years ago, when scientists traveled to Antarctica to study the “rapidly melting” polar ice cap there — but their ship got stuck in the ice.

So then they came up with a term that would be a little safer:  “Climate Change.”  (That ought to do it!)  We’re told that Climate Change is now the number one crisis in the world.  And the cause of Climate Change is, of course, human beings.  There are many aspects to all this, too many to mention here, but certainly the fear-mongers are working hard to drive home the point that the Earth just has too many people.  People must stop having babies.  And since an unborn baby isn’t really a “person” then abortion is certainly necessary.  Do you see how all this evil and deception is so intertwined?  We’re told that human beings are not made in the image of God — and in fact, we’re told that we’re a plague on the earth.

John Davis, the editor of “Earth First! Journal” wrote, “Human beings, as a species, have no more value than slugs.”  Dave Forman, the Founder of “Earth First!” said, “Phasing out the human race will solve every problem on earth, social and environmental.”

Such is the philosophy of those who would place the Religion of Environmentalism over the sanctity of human life. They view human beings, not as miracles, knit together in our mothers’ wombs, fearfully and wonderfully made by God Himself, but rather as a cancer on the earth, something to be eliminated. Does this not sound like the very words of the devil and his demons?  Yet, so many have bought into these lies.  And Americans are quickly going extinct, as fewer couples are getting married, and even fewer having children.

The call today is for the Green New Deal and more people than you realize have fallen for this charade.  Young people, especially, love this plan.  For now.  They love the idea of “zero emissions” vehicles and industry. Eliminating our so-called “carbon footprint.” But understand, this is an attempt at erecting a One-World Government, with two classes of people: the rulers and the slaves.  Unless you have Klous Schwab or Bill Gates on your speed-dial, you can be pretty sure you’re in the latter class.

You see, “Climate Change” really has nothing to do with it.  Like the scam-demic of “COVID” (and now Monkeypox), “Climate Change” is just another tool in the box to use to keep people fearful and afraid.  That’s how the game is played: create a crisis, use propaganda and brainwashing to instill fear among the people, then provide the ready-made solution to solve the problem, and since they’re already fearful, the people will be eager to obey and comply.

But their lies are becoming more and more difficult to sell.  Because many are now finding out that what the frog said is true: “It’s not easy being green.”  Today, due to the policies of the current administration, we do have multiple crises — but they have nothing to do with “Climate Change.”  In order to slow or completely halt the production of internal combustion engine vehicles, we had a supply chain crisis.  A “chip” shortage.  But it’s interesting that while Ford, GM, Toyota, Honda and other companies couldn’t get computer chips to manufacture new vehicles, the Tesla company didn’t seem to have that problem.  Huh.

America has also halted oil drilling and refining, so we’re now paying the highest prices in history for gas and diesel fuel.  Joe Biden recently boasted about this “big achievement”  of his — creating the highest fuel prices in history.  Meanwhile, we’re begging our enemies to sell us fuel — and they can name their price because they know America is desperate.  But this is only the beginning.

We’re also warned, now, not just of high grocery prices, but a soon-coming famine.  The Green New Deal policies also include crippling the American farming industry.  Farm animals are being destroyed.  Farmers are being paid by the government not to plant their fields.  Fertilizer and seed prices have soared.  And if a farmer does manage to produce a crop or a product, how will they get it to market?  By truck or by train?  Trucks run on diesel fuel.  So do trains.

Many have jumped on the bandwagon to buy fully-electric vehicles but many are finding out there are problems with them — problems right now and even more on the horizon.  Our energy grid cannot possibly handle a nation of electric vehicles.  We’ve already been warned of rolling blackouts across the country this summer, because our power grid can’t handle the load as it is.  What happens when everybody tries to plug in their new electric cars at once?

You may have seen the video online of a reporter who happened upon a motorist stuck on the side of the road.  His Tesla was out of power — and he had a Honda generator in the trunk for just such an emergency.  So this guy was charging his Tesla using a gas-powered generator.  Makes perfect sense, right?

But still, we’re told we must lower our “carbon footprint.”  News flash: the TREES the environmentalists find more valuable than human beings BREATHE CO2.  They produce oxygen.  Human beings breathe oxygen and produce CO2.  Carbon is not a bad thing.  Nor are fossil fuels.  God knew what He was doing when He created the earth and everything in it, including us.  And He instructs us to “be fruitful and multiply,” whereas the Globalists consider us a “plague” and a “cancer” on the earth.

But never let a good crisis go to waste.  They’ve spent decades creating this crisis, and now they’re pulling the trigger on it.  Expect to see the price of everything double, at the very least.  Expect rolling blackouts because our power grid is not up to the task.  Expect shortages of everything.  Expect a personal “carbon tax” and fuel rationing.  I see government food lines and soup kitchens on the horizon.  Prepare yourself for these things now.  Because it’s not easy being green.

But you know what?  Where I live, the climate is, indeed, changing.  It’s called “summer” and I look forward to it every year.  A few months of “global warming” after a cold winter.  I love it.  Friends, we need not fear the schemes and propaganda and brainwashing of those who have a demonic agenda to control and manipulate us.  Recognize the lies and refuse to comply.  Speak up when this topic is raised and don’t be shy about telling people the truth.  If you don’t, who will?

And let’s remember what God said in Genesis:  “As long as the earth endures, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”  God keeps His promises and never lies.  Quite unlike politicians.

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 362.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

How Do You Sleep At Night?

By Rob Pue

June 5, 2022

At the end of Matthew 28, Jesus gave His disciples the Great Commission.  He said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.  Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.  And behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

In John, Chapter 14, when our Lord was instructing His disciples as to what would soon come, He made another very bold — and very clear — statement: “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in Me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.  Whatever you ask in My name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.  If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.”  He then went on to explain how those who love Him will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.  Verse 17 says, of the Holy Spirit, “…whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him.  You know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.”

Now, I ask you: do we believe these words of Jesus?  Or not?  He said, “ALL authority in heaven and earth has been given to Me.”  If Jesus has ALL authority, how much is left for the devil?  The answer is, none.  Our Lord’s earthly ministry was marked by many miracles, many healings, profound teaching and intense courage.  He was absolutely counter-cultural and He confronted the religious and political leaders in those days with the pure truth of God, and we know He came to destroy the works of the devil.

Of course, Satan and his demons continue to rage against God and His children; they continue to wreak havoc and chaos in this world, as the spiritual warfare that’s been going on since the fall of man will continue until Christ returns to rule and reign.  Jesus put Satan in his place when He walked this earth.  But when He ascended to heaven, He left that job for US — Christians — to do.  And Jesus told us, “…whoever believes in Me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do.”  That’s quite a statement, but I will never doubt the words of Christ.  If He said it is so, then it is, no matter how much doubt the devil may tempt me with.  Because I have the Holy Spirit, I’m able to discern between lies and truth, between good and evil.  Satan is a defeated enemy, but he’s busier than ever these days deceiving the unsaved world — all those who CANNOT receive the Holy Spirit of Truth.  But I know the Spirit lives in me.  If you are one of God’s true children, He lives in you, too.

Now, Jesus also warned us that in this world we will have tribulation, but we should never fear that, because He has overcome the world — and we have too, through our salvation in Him.  Christians have always been some of the most persecuted people in the world and many have given their lives for Christ — a small price to pay for the reward of eternal life in God’s Kingdom after having stood firm ‘til the end.

Unfortunately, though, man has a carnal, fleshly nature as well as a spiritual side.  When we bow to our fleshly nature, rather than follow the counsel of the Holy Spirit, we become easy targets for Satan and we become useless to God.  “Good for nothing, except to be thrown out and trampled under the feet of men,” Jesus said in Matthew 5.  And unfortunately, this seems to be where the modern American Church has been residing for decades now.  So many professing Christians seem to be ashamed of Jesus — too cowardly to let their light shine before men…for fear of being mocked.  Most church-goers are too ashamed of their faith to even pray over a meal in public; many can’t even bring themselves to do that in their own homes with their own families.  This being the situation, how, then, are we ever to impact the world for the Savior we claim to serve?

If we don’t even have the courage to pray — in public or in private, among family and friends, what chance do we have to “turn the world upside down” as the early disciples did?  Read the book of Acts.  Notice it’s called the book of “ACTS” because the disciples took action.  James 1:22 instructs us, “…be doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”  Sadly, many today are grossly deceived.  They may attend services at a church building several times a week, but their religion is in vain, and they’re only deceiving themselves.  “Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof.”  And the Bible tells us, “…from such, turn away.”

Modern American Christianity has become “Churchianity.”  We have a “form” of godliness, but it’s vain, powerless and irrelevant.  As I recall, the government declared — and most pastors agreed — “Non-essential.”  I really hate to lay so much of the blame for this at the feet of our pastors, but knowing the truth of the matter, I must.  As I asked at the outset: do we believe the words of Jesus, or not?  Because we can draw a direct correlation between the cowardly stance of most pastors and today’s non-essential, ineffective, irrelevant “Church.”

Having studied God’s Word long enough to make a vocation of the pastorate, our preachers should know better.  They should be the most courageous of us all, teaching the whole counsel of God, the “weightier matters of the law,” speaking even the HARD things — and then leading their flock out of the church-house to the streets — to preach the truth in this wicked world of demonic deception and make disciples and save souls.

Jesus called His people not just to be the salt and light of the world but also “fishers of men,” but our modern American churches have become what I call “de-boning facilities.” If, by some chance, a man is invited to church, it seems the first order of business is for that church to remove the poor man’s backbone.  Our churches today are not places where people are  trained and equipped for ministry with courage and conviction.  They’ve become the religious equivalent to the “safe spaces” we now see on our college campuses, where students can hide from the real world, “safe” in their Leftist worldviews, without ever being challenged to think or learn truth.

In 2014, George Barna completed a two-year study that revealed most pastors believe that the Bible addresses the current issues of the day, but few speak about them from the pulpit.  Barna’s organization asked pastors across the country about their beliefs regarding the relevancy of Scripture to societal, moral and political issues — and the content of their sermons in light of their beliefs.  He found that 90% said “yes, the Bible speaks to every one of these issues.”  But less than 10% of pastors would ever speak on them.

Perhaps even more telling is how these same pastors defined a “successful” church.  It turns out they measure success by 1) Attendance, 2) Giving, 3) Number of Programs, 4) Number of Staff, and 5) Square Footage.  Pastor Chuck Baldwin stated, “It has been decades since even a sizeable minority of pastors have bothered to educate and inform their congregations as to the Biblical principles relating to America’s political, cultural and societal lives.”  He went on to say, “America’s malaise is directly due to the deliberate disobedience of America’s pastors — and the willingness of the Christians in the pews to tolerate the disobedience of their pastor.”

Baldwin concluded, “When Paul wrote his own epitaph, it read, ‘I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.’  He didn’t say, ‘I had a large congregation, we had big offerings, we had a lot of programs, I had a large staff and we had large facilities.’  These ministers are not pastors; they are CEOs.  They are not Bible teachers, they are performers.  They are not shepherds; they are hirelings.” [Enemies Within: The Church]

So as I look around at what’s become of our country and at what is now coming upon the whole world, I see the judgment of God on an ungodly people.  If we’re to be honest with ourselves, even those who call themselves “Christians” don’t really qualify to use Jesus’ name.  Pastors have so much power over the works of the devil and over this present darkness we’re living in — the power of Christ Himself, all power in heaven and on earth, through the working of the Holy Spirit that SHOULD be within them.  Jesus promised that if they were faithful, they could do even greater works than He, Himself did.  Yet they cower in fear.  Fear of the opinions of unsaved men and women.  Fear of losing attendance and income.  Fear of being controversial.  Fear of losing popularity.

I have news for you: Jesus was probably the most controversial Man to ever walk the earth.  We were commanded to do as HE did, not be like the religious hypocrites.  Revelation 21:8 speaks of those who will end up in the lake of fire.  First on the list are the “cowardly and unbelieving.”  Jesus ranks the cowardly and unbelieving ahead of the rest those that will suffer the second death: “the abominable, and murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars.”  I wouldn’t want to be on that list.

I’ve long said that Pastors should be preaching from their pulpits with a Bible in one hand and today’s headlines in the other.  Pick your topic:  sodomite so-called “marriage,” the murder of innocent babies in the womb, the lies of politicians, the lies of the government, health officials and Big Pharma, the “unjust weights and measures” we see in every stolen election, the kings of the earth constantly conspiring against the Lord and His anointed, the deliberate twisting of the minds of our little children in public schools, the sexualization of our kids and young people, the lies of “transgenderism.”  The building of the New World Order, the coming One-World digital currency and mark of the beast.  The so-called “Great Reset.”  The deliberate destruction of our economy and every American institution.  The rebuilding of Babylon. [Enemies Within: The Church]

Yes, God’s Word instructs us on all these things, yet our pastors will never speak a word about any of it.  And so the people are left to wander on their own, make up their own minds, do what they feel is right in their own imaginations, following the official narrative of the lying mainstream media and crooked politicians.  And why would that surprise anyone?  The pastors will not speak.  They refuse to teach righteously on these matters.  These are not “political” things.  These are moral things.  It’s their duty, yet they remain cowards.

Hear these words from Ezekiel 34, “Thus says the Lord God to the shepherds: ‘Woe to the shepherds of Israel who feed themselves! Should not the shepherds feed the flocks?  You eat the fat and clothe yourselves with the wool; you slaughter the fatlings, but you do not feed the flock.  The weak you have not strengthened, nor have you healed those who were sick, nor bound up the broken, nor brought back what was driven away, nor sought what was lost; but with force and cruelty you have ruled them.  So they were scattered because there was no shepherd; and they became food for all the beasts of the field when they were scattered.  My sheep wandered through all the mountains, and on every high hill; yes, My flock was scattered over the whole face of the earth, and no one was seeking or searching for them.’”

Yes, the sheep are scattered, wandering, lost, wondering what to do…and they’ve become the victims of evil, wicked, demonic Global Elites bent on their ultimate destruction.  They’ve become food for the devils seeking to control the whole world.  And pastor — YOU have said nothing.  How do you sleep at night?

1 Peter 5:2, “Feed the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly.”  Acts 20:28, “Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the Church of God, which He obtained with His own blood.”

Understand, I’m not casting judgment on all pastors.  I know several very good, courageous and diligent ministers who DO preach the whole of God’s Word, who DO raise up and train disciples for the work of the ministry and who DO rightly divide the Word of truth.  But what was perhaps 10% in 2014, I dare say is now closer to 1% or fewer.  Pastors have the very power of God Himself at their disposal, and nothing to fear, yet most continue to live according to the flesh — fearful, cowardly and unbelieving.  And they’re leading millions astray while the world burns.  If only they had an ounce of courage. [Enemies Within: The Church]

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 361.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Seven Things God Hates

By Rob Pue

May 29, 2022

God’s Word tells us, in Proverbs Chapter 6, that there are seven things the Lord hates.  In fact, Scripture uses not only the word “hate” but also “abomination.”  Yes, there are things that God hates:  “A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to evil, a false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.”

There are many, today, who will repeat the only things they’ve ever been taught in church:  “God is love,” “Do not judge.”  Most people today, being biblically illiterate, will also mix cultural ideas with Scripture, believing them to BE Scripture.  Such ideas include “social justice,” the LGBTQP+ slogan, “Love is love,” and “My body, my choice,” to name just a few.  Biblical illiteracy is shamefully prevalent and getting worse.  Hating what God hates is biblical, but our Pastors today will never teach you that.  [See: Enemies Within: The Church]

In fact, new research from Barna shows that only 37% of all Christian pastors hold to a biblical worldview.  Here’s how those numbers break down:  41% (less than half) of Senior Pastors have a biblical worldview; 28% of Associate or Assistant Pastors have a biblical worldview; 13% of Teaching Pastors have a biblical worldview; 12% of Children Ministry Leaders and Youth Pastors have a biblical worldview; and only 4% of Executive Pastors have a biblical worldview.

At one time, the people of our nation honored and revered God as our Creator and Sustainer — and held His Word as the Ultimate Truth, something to be studied intensely and taught to our children and grandchildren.  But today, most Americans don’t even know Who God is,  Children are raised in Godless homes, and all the people do what they feel is right.  Proverbs 14:12, “There is a way which seems right to a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.”  This is what happens when we create a false god and a false religion in our own imaginations.  Understand: God is not here to serve US.  We’re here to serve and obey HIM.

Today, most people still seek some form of religion.  They just don’t know the one true God of heaven, and they don’t want to know Him…because it would cost them something.  And sadly now, even many church-goers don’t have a clue about God’s Word because they’ve rarely ever read even a portion of it.  Most today only attend weekly services if they get an emotional “high” for having done so.  Others attend out of obligation, tradition or guilt.

Psalm 14, “The Lord looks down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there are any who understand, who seek God.  They have all turned aside, they have together become corrupt; There is none who does good, no, not one.”

Today, as we see our nation rotting from the inside out, let’s look again at the things God hates and see how we’re doing.  The first thing listed is “a proud look.”  There’s no doubt that people in America are prideful.  We’re proud of what we should be ashamed of and ashamed of what we should be proud of.  Not all pride is a bad thing, friends.  We can have the pride of satisfaction in a job well done when we work hard and do our best at things, doing everything as unto the Lord.  We can be proud parents, when our children are intelligent, well mannered, respectful and God-honoring.  We can be proud of our Savior, Jesus Christ, eager to share His Gospel with the lost world around us, along with the testimony of how He reached down and saved “a wretch like me.”

But today in America, it’s rare, indeed, to be proud of any of these things.  Instead, we celebrate pride in sodomy, pride in our race (unless we’re white; that’s not allowed), pride in “social justice.”  We’re “proud” to wear our masks and take our shots as we “virtue signal” to the world what wonderful people we are as we obey the agenda of the New World Order and the lies of the media.  We’d do well to remember Proverbs 16:18, “Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.”  Yes, God hates unrighteous pride.  It’s an abomination to Him.

What about “a lying tongue?”  We have plenty of those around in this country today.  Long ago, it became expected practice for politicians to lie.  The old adage, “if their lips are moving, they’re lying” has never been more true than it is today.  We no longer have “statesmen.”  Now we have career politicians — on both sides of the aisle — engaged in every vile and filthy scheme and backroom deal you can imagine, and they lie to our faces, and they do it pridefully and continually.

But politicians aren’t the only liars.  In John, chapter 8, Jesus confronted the Pharisees — the religious leaders of His day, and the Scribes — the “media” of His day —  and He told them plainly, “You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires.  He was a murderer from the beginning and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him.  When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”  Jesus said this to the Pastors and “Mainstream Media” of His day.  He’d be saying the same thing to most of our modern-day Pastors and reporters as well.  Not very “Christian” of Him, huh?

The fact is, lies swirl all around us.  It takes diligent effort to sort the truth from the lies now, and most people, unfortunately, just can’t be bothered to make the effort.  While pridefulness and lies have been around since the serpent rebelled against God and immediately began lying to Eve, his influence on mankind has expanded exponentially in recent years.  I believe we’re now in the “time of the end” spoken of in Daniel 12, “when many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” 

We have more technology at our fingertips now than ever before in history.  Things our parents could never have conceived of.  Yet all this high tech comes with strings attached: the lies of the devil, fed to us through mainstream, social and even alternative media; through government and health officials; through “public servants” and even through religious organizations masquerading as “Christian.”  We should take heed of Psalm 101:7, “No one who practices deceit shall dwell in My house.”  And an even stronger warning in Revelation 21:8, “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”  But of course, we don’t READ the Bible anymore… indeed, most Americans are ashamed to admit they even own one.  Again, we’re ashamed of what we should be proud of and thankful for.

Back to Proverbs 6: “Hands that shed innocent blood.”  Oh, how we are guilty of that one!  The shedding of innocent blood has become so commonplace in America today that parents routinely kill their own unborn babies every day.  Now, they want to the freedom to kill babies even after they’re born.  So-called “doctors” may do the actual killing, but the so-called “parents” are the ones paying for the “service.” The politicians are the ones funding it (with our tax dollars) — and regardless of what side they claim to be on, they’re using abortion to keep the blood money flowing into their political coffers.  And the “Christians” and “Pastors” are the ones ignoring it.  You know I’m telling you the truth.

What about the shedding of innocent blood through the planned scam-demic known as COVID?  How many millions died, needlessly, because of the official hospital protocols?  How many millions have been injured, maimed or killed by the experimental shots?  How much innocent blood has been spilled through all of this in the past three years — by prideful, lying “elitists,” censoring the truth and persecuting truth-tellers, while their personal fortunes increased by the billions?  If we were able to see into the spiritual realm, we’d be horrified by the rivers of blood flowing through the streets of every city in America right now.  And again, the Churchmen have been either silent or complicit.

More from Proverbs 6: “A heart that deviseth wicked imaginations.”  You can pretty much fill-in-the-blank with whatever is in today’s headlines on this one.  Event 201.  The COVID mind control cult.  Every three-letter agency entrusted to protect us and uphold the law, instead conspiring against the American people.  Mask mandates.  Jab mandates.  The stolen election of 2020.  The Biden crime family, up to their eyeballs in corruption in Ukraine, China and Russia; the planned destruction of our economy and the American dollar.  The digital one-world currency now being devised by those wicked imaginations.  The orchestrated supply chain collapse; the planned energy “crisis;” the invasion on our southern border; the burning of food processing plants; the destruction of family farms — all borne from hearts that devise wicked imaginations.

“Feet that be swift in running to evil.”  You may not have noticed, because you’re not really supposed to notice — but seriously violent crime is higher than it’s ever been in this country right now.  “Smash and grab” attacks on businesses are commonplace.  Bullets fly daily in our big cities.  Sexual predators are grooming our children wherever our children can be found.  The political elite line their pockets with the blood, sweat and tears of the people they’re supposed to be serving, even as they intentionally create hyperinflation, homelessness, drug abuse, starvation and an economic collapse for the rest of us.

“A false witness that speaketh lies.”  Earlier in Proverbs 6, Scripture simply mentioned “a lying tongue.”  But this one’s personal.  This refers to lies from a false witness, directed toward an innocent person.  I can’t help but think of the January 6 political prisoners… persecuted for simply attending a rally, seeking a redress of grievances and for the rule of law to be upheld.  What about the many well-respected doctors, nurses, scientists and researchers who tried to tell us the truth during COVID and mandatory jabbing?  What about those now warning of Communist, Marxist, Sodomite and Globalist propaganda being spoon-fed to our children — and becoming the “most dangerous domestic terrorists” in the country for speaking up for their own kids?  Not to mention the gossip and slander of neighbor against neighbor and within families that is so commonplace these days.

And finally from Proverbs 6, “he that soweth discord among brethren.”  This, too, is an abomination to the Lord, and He hates it.  The Leftists here in America have been working hard on this one since the days of Obama.  During that administration we hadn’t seen so much discord among Americans in decades.  Blacks were told to hate whites; the LGBTQP+ mafia became emboldened — and even more prideful — as they were handed new special rights, while the rest of us were forced to bow down to the sodomites.  Now today, it’s the Great Reset Agenda against sovereign citizens.  Today’s “special rights” recipients also include “Transgenders,” hailed as the new “heroes” of society. Biden’s only litmus test for the High Court was that it HAD to be a BLACK FEMALE.  More racial division from those who love to sow discord.  And that black female can’t even define what a “woman” is.

And of course, the intentionally “leaked” Supreme Court opinion hinting at overturning Roe v. Wade.  There’s absolutely NO doubt that information was only handed out to further stoke the flames of rage among the God-haters.  Expect another summer of rioting, burning and killing as the Left’s personal army of fascists take to the streets once again.

God doesn’t hate America, but He most certainly does hate what our nation has become, under cowardly “Christian” leadership, and ignorant, apathetic sheep — who are supposed to be the salt and light of this dark world. [See: Enemies Within: The Church] God does hate those things He calls “abominations” and they will be our ultimate demise, I have no doubt.  We should also hate the things that God hates.  Yet we’ve been trained to remain silent and “tolerant” as our nation burns.  There is a flicker of hope.  But that hope lies in 2 Chronicles 7:14.  Unfortunately, most of those who call themselves by Jesus’ name couldn’t even find that verse without a smart phone and a Bible app.  Such is the state of American “Christianity” today.  Jesus IS returning. When He comes, will He find faith in the earth?

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 360.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

We Were Warned. We Didn’t Listen.

By Rob Pue

May 15, 2022

We were warned, but nobody listened.  I’m referring to the warning about how nefarious forces have been planning America’s demise for many decades now.  Specifically, how our once-great nation, founded on Godly principles by Godly men and women seeking true freedom and liberty would eventually be destroyed from within — by Communism.  In 1958, W. Cleon Skousen, a former FBI employee, published a book titled The Naked Communist.”  Five years later, in January of 1963, Albert ‘Syd’ Herlong — a member of the House of Representatives from Florida — and a Democrat — stood before Congress and listed the “45 Current Communist Goals,” which were entered into the official Congressional Record.

What was going on in America in January of 1963?  Well, just six months earlier, the Supreme Court had rendered it’s decision that prayer in public schools would be outlawed.  In June of ‘63, the Supreme Court proclaimed that Bible reading in public schools should be done away with also.  Of course, there was some pushback from this, but American Christianity had already started to lose much of it’s influence, and with the Johnson Amendment entering into the tax code nine years prior, many pastors were already beginning to tuck their tails between their legs and remain silent on all things that might be construed as “political,” as the weaponizing of the IRS had begun.

World War II was still a fairly recent event, having ended less than twenty years earlier.  And we were still mourning the bloody Korean War, which ended just ten years earlier leaving three million people dead — and cold war tensions high.  We had seen first-hand the brutal effects of Socialism, Communism, Fascism and Marxism.  Many were warning that although the wars had ended, we still faced the dangers of creeping Communism in this country.  But it seemed absurd to most people because surely America would never fall under the tyranny of such an evil, tyrannical ideology.  After all, our military heroes in uniform had just recently fought, bled and died in foreign lands to put an end to those evil regimes and assure that would never happen here.

Still, we were warned.  Let me share a few of those Communist Goals from 1963, that I believe have been very effectively accomplished.  Among them: “Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.”  (Done). “Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.” (Done).  “Get control of the schools.  Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda.  Soften the curriculum.  Get control of teachers’ associations.  Put the party line in textbooks.”  (Done).

Also: “Infiltrate the press.  Get control of book review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.” (Done).  “Gain control of key positions in radio, TV and motion pictures.” (Done).  “Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them ‘censorship’ and a violation of free speech and free press.” (Done).  “Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio and TV.” (Done).

More Communist goals: “Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as ‘normal, natural and healthy.’”  (May have seemed impossible but they got that done too).  “Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with ‘social’ religion.  Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity.” (Done).  “Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools.” (As we’ve seen, that one was checked off the list that very year).  “Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a world-wide basis.”  (Done).

“Discredit the American founding fathers.  Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the common man.” (Done).  “Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture, education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.” (Done). “Infiltrate and gain control of big business.”  (Done).  “Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies.”  (Done).  “Discredit the family as an institution.  Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.” (Done).  “Emphasize the need to raise children away from the ‘negative influence’ of parents.”  (Done).

Believe it or not, the Communists accomplished pretty much every one of their goals, which were designed to destroy America from within.  And they did it so slowly and so stealthily that nobody really noticed.  Those who did and sounded a warning were shouted down as crazy conspiracy theorists and fanatics.  So here we are, today, scratching our heads and wondering what in the world happened to the country we grew up in.  We were warned.  Nobody listened.

Who would have ever believed that the idea of “Democratic Socialism” would even be taken seriously in America?  But now, according to polls, 39% of American adults said they would prefer socialism.  That number jumps to 54% for those age 18-24.

When I first heard about the idea of “The Green New Deal,” I thought it was one of the most ridiculous things the Leftists had come up with yet.  No more vehicles with gas or diesel engines; imposing a new ‘carbon tax’; everyone guaranteed a job with a universal basic income; free college for all; free healthcare for all; elimination of private homes in favor of ‘green’ multi-unit residential facilities; more public programs, eliminating personal or private property.

Now, we have Klous Schwab of the World Economic Forum — and thousands of his minions embedded in every American state and countless cities across the country — stating boldly that by 2030, we will own nothing and we will like it that way.  That sounds like Communism to me.  But again, the idea of American freedom has been so villainized by the Left while Communistic ideals have been purposely spoon-fed to our children in our public schools and college campuses for so long, I honestly don’t think it’s going to take that long for them to gain complete control.

Our young people have been trained to hate their country, their history and heritage, especially if they happen to be white.  They’ve also been trained to believe that God is dead and Christians are hateful bigots.  In just the past two years, we’ve seen the destruction and removal of statues and monuments honoring America’s historical heroes.  Yet in Seattle, Washington, the statue of the Communist dictator Vladimir Lenin remains the pride of the city.

Law and order is gone.  George Soros-selected District Attorneys are turning criminals loose and crime is not prosecuted. We have the  highest rates of violence ever in this country right now.  Not to mention homelessness, drug abuse and mental illness. Meanwhile, a full-scale invasion of foreign soldiers is taking place on our southern border.  Of course, not all who are entering this country illegally mean to do us harm, but a significant number are coming here just for that purpose, and we’re rolling out the red carpet for them.  Our government is transporting them to cities and towns across America under the cover of darkness so that citizens won’t so easily notice.  Once they’re settled in, the government “Welcome Wagon,” funded with our taxpayer dollars, supplies them with free housing, food, healthcare, education and cash.

We’ve purposely shut down our energy production, and now we must beg our enemies for help.  Freedom of speech is gone, for all practical purposes, because even though we’re still able to speak words that defy the regime, few ever will, for fear of retribution from friends, family and neighbors — or any number of three-letter agencies that have been weaponized by the Globalists.

Along with the deliberate destruction of our economy, energy resources and supply chain, we’re also seeing the start of a planned world-wide famine.  Farmers are being paid by the government NOT to plant their fields.  Millions of chickens and turkeys are being destroyed due to a supposed “bird flu” outbreak.  The Banksters are buying up massive amounts of farmland and the “climate change” police are calling for the culling of millions of heads of cattle — in order to mitigate CO2 emissions.  Bill Gates wants us to eat insects.  And what’s going on with all the mysterious fires at food processing plants throughout the country, all happening just in the past few months?

And millions have been forced to take an experimental injection of poison that’s been proven, now, to have over 1291 adverse side effects — which the snake oil salesmen KNEW ABOUT before the jabs were released on the public, evidence they’d hoped to hide for 75 years.  Yes, 1291 adverse side effects — not the least of which is DEATH.  Millions of Americans have been forced to either take those jabs or lose their jobs.  Many have lost their lives, others have been forever crippled.

The American Library Association’s newly-elected president proudly proclaims herself as a ‘Marxist Lesbian.’  Emily Drabinski, who will take office next summer, has promised to “Queer” the libraries across the country.  Expect an exponential growth of “Drag Queen Story Times” coming soon to libraries nation-wide.

In 2015, the Supreme Court validated homosexual so-called “marriage,” but that wasn’t enough for the powers that control and manipulate American thought.  Now, citizens had better be careful what they say and what they think, and they’d better celebrate sodomy enthusiastically and pridefully, or they may be severely prosecuted for a “hate crime.”  In the last dozen or so years, the numbers of young people “coming out of the closet” and declaring themselves to be homosexual has skyrocketed.  This is a direct result of homosexual “grooming” and encouragement to embrace all manner of sexual deviancy — by their teachers, youth leaders and every area of media, art and entertainment.  Newly brainwashed young people who declare themselves to be homosexual are considered “courageous” and “heroic” among their peers.  They don’t realize how horrifically they’ve been lied to, manipulated and used as throw-away pawns by child sex predators.

Meanwhile, “transgenderism” has become the latest “hot, new trend.”  This is pushed everywhere you go.  Again, our children are directly targeted by this agenda.  And pity the poor soul who refuses to go along with this game of “dress up” or uses the wrong pronouns.  Those who do face instant retribution and punishment.

All this sexual deviancy is not just happening “organically.”  It’s been specifically designed by the LGBTQP+ mafia to indoctrinate and lure young people into sexual activity and gender confusion at the youngest of ages.  Some of the players include the big bully known as the Human Rights Campaign, the taxpayer-funded Planned Parenthood, and even the once wholesome, family-friendly Walt Disney Corporation.  Parents who desire to protect their kids from these predators are now labeled “domestic terrorists.”

This is all part of the plan for a New World Order.  Next up: the death of the US dollar and the “need” for a One-World digital currency, embedded under the skin.  Those who refuse will be outcasts, or forced to live in captivity, if they’re allowed to live at all.  Regardless, the coming Great Reset and New World Order will have to be Communist in nature.  It will be sold to us as it’s been sold to countless billions of naive people in the past: as “power to the people.”  But the only ones with the power will be the tyrannical dictators.  The “people,” rather than being empowered, will lose any last vestiges of freedom they may have ever thought they once had.

George Orwell’s book, 1984 was required reading when I was in high school.  I always found it odd that of all the books out there, 1984 was required.  Perhaps the Globalists wanted us to see what our future held.  Remember: these demons always tell us what they plan to do before they go ahead and do it.  I doubt Orwell meant the book to be an instruction manual, but that’s what it’s become.  We were warned.  But we didn’t listen.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

The Wilderness Experience

By Rob Pue

May 8, 2022

I think I was about 8 years old when I wrote my first “Bible commentary” for a school assignment.  I received an “F” on that assignment, by the way, because the teacher said the subject matter was “inappropriate” for school.”  When I was ten years old, I developed — seemingly out of nowhere — an interest in writing and publishing.  I acquired a mimeograph machine and began publishing a small newsletter magazine of my own.  I mailed copies to family, teachers and friends — even sending copies to relatives overseas in Ireland and England, and north, up to Canada.  This was strange, because I really had no experience with any of this.  Yet, for some reason, it seemed to come naturally to me.

It was then that my parents told me of our family history: the Pue family had the fist printing press in Ireland, and published the first newspaper there, starting in the 1600s.  After researching our family history more deeply, I discovered that there has always been at least one person in every generation involved in newspaper publishing, and at least one person in every generation involved in Christian ministry.  I find it interesting that now, I seem to have combined both vocations into one.

But my publishing days as a youth were numbered as I began working, doing lawn and garden work as a pre-teen and young teenager, building up enough customers to fill a full week’s schedule.  When I turned 16 and was old enough for a “real job,” I was hired at the local Holiday Inn as a dishwasher; within six weeks I received a promotion, and continued to earn my way to higher and higher levels of responsibility at the hotel complex.  It was a wonderful learning experience.  After graduating high school, I attended college and had several other jobs, including as a radio host at a secular station, and then as a graphic designer at a weekly newspaper.

Meanwhile, I was also studying the art of photography on my own.  I did wedding photography as an advanced amateur on the weekends.  All this led to my ultimate goal at the time, of starting my own photography studio, and in 1989 I opened that studio on the main street of my hometown, at the age of 24.

My wife and I were married in 1990 and then in 1992, Lisa and I were blessed with our first child, our son Robbie.  I remember spending precious evenings together with him on my lap, reading Bible stories, and then when HE began to read, he would read Bible stories to US — and to his baby sister Jennifer, born in 1994.  We prayed as a family, then, for “Baby Alex in Mama’s tummy” — our youngest daughter, “Alley,” who was born on Mother’s Day, 1996.  It’s hard to believe but our “baby” is now married and she and her husband are working in full time ministry themselves.  Looking back, I could not have been more blessed by God.  He had given me the desires of my heart: a wonderful, Christian wife, a God-honoring home, great kids and my own photography studio business.

The studio continued, and grew.  Eventually we had a booming business with hundreds regular, loyal clients for whom I did engagement portraits, wedding photography, childrens’ portraits, high school senior portraits and more.  I also developed a unique program in which we did portraits for people with a mobile studio.  At the peak of my business, we had four photographers on the road, working in nine states, while still maintaining our regular studio work at home.

Traveling frequently for work, I would tune in to various Christian radio stations while driving.  I’d also stop at the local Christian bookstores in various cities, where I discovered Christian newspapers.  At that time, there were about 120 Christian newspapers throughout North America.  Today, there are less than a dozen left.

Whenever I would page through one of these papers, I thought to myself,  “This is a great idea, but it could be done so much better!”  They seemed to be filled with a lot of “fluff” — concert listings, crossword puzzles, poetry, recipes…. but no real “substance.”   While on the road, I would listen to conservative talk radio and Christian talk radio — things that were never covered in the mainstream media — and certainly not in church.  And I thought to myself, “This is great.  But it should really be put into newspaper format, so more people could get this information.” 

Then God spoke to me.  “YOU should start a Christian newspaper for Wisconsin, Rob.”  I dismissed this idea immediately, because there was no way I could handle more work with my busy schedule, and I knew that while a Christian newspaper for Wisconsin was a worthy idea, surely there were OTHER people much more capable than me to do it.

I continued on doing my studio work, raising my family, and helping out at church. Business at the studio was good.  But God kept asking me the same question: “When are you going to start that Christian newspaper, Rob?”  I kept fighting Him.  “You have the WRONG guy, God, SOMEONE ELSE needs to do that.”  I really couldn’t see how such a thing could ever be possible.

As time went on, the Holy Spirit continued to bring the subject up and I continued to fight the idea.  Then, for no apparent reason, I suddenly began to dislike my photography work.  I had no reason to be discontented.  The business was doing very well, and I was at the peak of my creativity in the studio.  Yet, for some reason, with each passing day, I became more and more unhappy.  I got to the point where I dreaded going to work, and eventually the Holy Spirit spoke to me again, asking, “Rob, when are you going to start that Christian newspaper?”

Finally, I understood.  I could run but I could not hide.  God had been calling me to start a Christian newspaper for Wisconsin, and I had stubbornly refused to give up what I believed I had built: my photography studio business.  In reality, I was only doing the work.  It was God who built my business to supply my needs for a time, and now it was time to let go, move on and follow His calling.

I followed God’s call and sold my business.  Then, on December 31, 1999, I was unemployed for the first time in my life.  The studio was sold; I had no job to go to the next day.  A very odd feeling.

I began with many preconceived ideas about the newspaper.  Among them, the idea that all the churches would be supportive, that they would “line up” to sponsor and support the new ministry, which God would bless and which would be a wonderful outreach tool for all of Wisconsin.  And not just the churches.  I thought we would have support from many places within the Christian world… Christian radio stations, bookstores, and other ministries and businesses.   I couldn’t have been more naive.

Our first edition came out in April of 2000.  I had spent all the money from the sale of our photography studio to pay bills and get the needed equipment to start the newspaper, and now I now I found myself with zero support from ANY source.   Churches wouldn’t support us; Christian bookstores told they couldn’t spare valuable space in their store for something they didn’t make any money on.  Christian radio stations told me they viewed us as “competing media.”  Things were bleak.

I remember more than once sitting down to a very humble dinner with my wife and three small children and eating our “last meal,” because truly, I had NO IDEA where we would get the money for the next one.

I was able to get one edition of the new Wisconsin Christian News printed and out, but there was little hope for a second one.  It appeared as if God had led me out into the wilderness, that I had followed Him in faith, and now He was about to leave me there to suffer and starve…and my family would starve along with me, and it would be all my fault.  Perhaps I had misunderstood God.  Maybe He hadn’t called me to this ministry after all.  Maybe it was all a horrible mistake.  What had I done?!

We had virtually NO support — and no income for my family.  Here I was, having given up everything I had worked for; believing — even KNOWING in my heart God had called me to this work — and yet we were flat broke… and broken.  Thus began my wilderness experience.

I have since come to understand that God often uses the Wilderness Experience to prepare His servants for His work.  In the wilderness, there is a character cleansing, a faith building and time of testing and perfecting.  It’s a terribly painful and emotional process, but in the end, you learn who God is, and you learn to not question and not to doubt.

As I write this message, by the grace of God, we are praising Him as we begin our 23rd year of publication.  On paper, and by human effort, there’s no way we should still be here.  On paper and by human effort, it’s clearly impossible.  We still receive almost no support from churches, but the Lord told me long ago to take our newspaper OUTSIDE the four walls of the churches to the PEOPLE who need it directly.  So we distribute in public places like grocery stores, restaurants, hotels, truck stops and other high traffic areas.  We distribute in jails and prisons, and we receive a great many amazing testimonies from those who have come to know the Lord for the first time — or returned to Him after many years away — by coming across our paper in a public place, at a time in their lives when they needed it most.

Today, our newspaper is distributed not just in Wisconsin, but nationwide.  Our website contains literally thousands of excellent resources and is used by people worldwide.  I’ve been blessed to have been given the opportunity to do a twice-weekly commentary on the VCY America radio network and many other independent radio stations across the country.  I write for about 35 other publications and Christian websites, and I also host a weekly internet TV program every Tuesday, which can be found at

We have more readership than I ever could have imagined, and God has brought to us some of the best writers in the entire country.  We provide information, education and inspiration that you cannot find anywhere else.  And we are not “politically correct.”  We tell the truth about the REAL, hard issues that the mainstream media censors — and that most of the churches today won’t touch with a ten-foot pole.  In our pages, people find the TRUTH, that so many hunger for.

But that has come with a price.  Today, while we have more readership than ever, we’ve also had to turn to donations from individuals to keep the paper going, because the advertising income is no longer even coming close to covering our expenses.  We’re now almost entirely reader-supported, and without those individuals who believe in our work joining with us in ministry, we definitely wouldn’t still be here.

If you’re not familiar with our newspaper, I’ll be happy to send you a complimentary copy.  I’d also ask that you prayerfully consider supporting this ministry work financially on a regular, monthly basis.  While we reach thousands of people every month — OUTSIDE the four walls of a church building — yes out there among the wolves, we’re not a large ministry.  Literally, it’s just ME and a handful of faithful volunteers and supporters.  So we do need more help and more support as our cost to publish have risen drastically, especially since the start of this year.  God DOES provide, but He provides through His people.  So I come to you today, in all humility, to let you know of the need.  If we are to continue, we need your help in supporting the work.  The churches will not help, nor will most businesses.  And with so much DISinformation and MISinformation — so much demonic deception going on — more than we’ve seen in my lifetime… so many hurting, confused and lost souls out there… the truth we provide is needed DESPERATELY now.  There’s a real famine of God’s Word and truth in the land.  I’m in the midst of a continuing walk of faith, and it would be a great encouragement to me to know you’re willing to walk with me as I follow where our Savior leads.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 358.

What A Small Price to Pay

By Rob Pue

May 1, 2022

What does it mean to you to be a Christian?  When you hear someone say they’re a “Christian,” what does that actually mean?  Does it mean they attend a church on a regular basis?  Does it mean they grew up in a Christian family and believe in God?  Does it mean they once prayed a “sinner’s prayer” — perhaps as a child at summer camp?  I ask these things because when people tell me they’re a “Christian,” I have to wonder, because “being a Christian” doesn’t seem to mean what it used to mean.

These days, it’s hard to tell Christians from unbelievers.  Most show no signs of being any different from the world.  There are many who claim the name of Christ, but in doing so, I believe they’re actually taking the Lord’s name in vain, because they have no fruit to show as proof of their conversion.  Even many true Christ-followers may worship the Lord in private but are unwilling to bear witness of their salvation in public, for fear they’ll be looked upon as strange, different or a “fanatic.”  Jesus said if we’re ashamed of Him to those around us, He will be ashamed of us to His Father.

There are also those who really believe they’re saved; they really believe they’re  Christians, but they’ve been so deceived by false teachers offering “cheap grace” and “easy believism.”  They may attend a church service every week, but they’re so biblically illiterate they couldn’t tell you much of anything that God’s Word says — or commands.  They’ve built their spiritual house on sinking sand, and when trials come, they look to everything and everyone EXCEPT God, and prayer is only a “last resort.”

Even more concerning is the example they portray to the unsaved.  This is VERY concerning because as the world becomes increasingly wicked and evil, there can be no fence-sitting allowed; no wandering the middle of the road.  You’re either on the side of Jesus or you’re on the devil’s team.  Jesus said, “If anyone would come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me.”  But today, our churches teach that being a Christian costs you nothing.  We’re told that God doesn’t require anything of us and that we can have our “best life now.”  I hate to tell you, but that’s the exact opposite of what Scripture actually says we can expect when we choose to follow God.

Read the book of Acts.  What did the early followers of Christ experience?  Hebrews, chapter 11 lists a few things: “…cruel mockings and scourgings…bonds and imprisonment.  They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword, they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, being destitute, afflicted, tormented.”

These believers held fast to the words of their Lord, Who said, “In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world.”  They had real faith and courage to withstand the worst the world could hurl at them, considering it a privilege to suffer for the cause of Christ.  But today, it seems the most people are willing to do is put a “fish” on the back of their car.

Many are so clueless and so lacking in discernment, they even parade their unbiblical and ungodly pursuits with the world.  Many times I’ve been astounded to see some of the postings on social media by professing Christians.  They post things from their favorite secular music and entertainment stars — and what passes for “music” and “entertainment” today would very well be considered absolute pornography and vile filth not so long ago.  Even pastors share things on social media promoting popular music, movies and TV shows, and these things are FILLED with homosexuality, adultery, fornication, foul language, openly mocking the traditional family structure and even blaspheming God Himself.

One pastor posted his list of favorite movies.  I was stunned.  According to a popular Christian movie review website, these movies are replete with blasphemy, taking the Lord’s name in vain, drug references, profanity, “potty” humor, countless sexual innuendos, extensive homosexuality — including scenes of men kissing on the mouth for extended periods of time, and blatant ridiculing of Christians, Christianity and Jesus Christ Himself!   By their count, 88 times in one movie alone!  All in the name of “comedy.”  Now, if my words offend you, that’s too bad, because mocking and ridiculing the Savior is NOT alright, and for a Christian PASTOR to promote such things on his social media page shows a complete lack of spiritual maturity and wise discernment.  Not to mention the effects that filling one’s mind with this garbage has on a person’s mind and soul. How can someone who does so, then be counted as fit for ministry LEADERSHIP?  My Bible says that our elders and leaders are to be beyond reproach, holy and pure in all their ways.

But that’s the way things are these days.  Our modern pastors just want to be well liked and popular among the people, and they especially want to appeal to the young people, so they would rather be seen as “just a regular guy” than a wise, spiritual leader.  In fact, the more worldly they portray themselves, the more “hip” and “cool” they think the kids will believe them to be.  It’s just so sad to see so many leading so many astray.

But it gets even worse.  A study just released, which can be found at the website: shows that 68% of church-going men, and over 50% of pastors view porn on a regular basis.  Of young “Christian” adults, 18-24 years old, 76% actively search for porn. Interestingly, another study from last year showed that 76% of regular church-goers now accept homosexual so-called “marriage” as just fine — just another “alternative lifestyle” that should be accepted and celebrated.  I assume the militant transgender movement currently being actively pushed on our young children will soon overwhelm our modern American churches too, and to question any abomination at all will earn one the title of “hateful bigot.”

It all comes back to cowardice and a lack of Godly leadership in our churches.  It’s because of these wolves in sheep’s clothing that our country is quickly rotting now, from the inside out.  For decades, many of our churches have been promoting a false gospel, which requires nothing — no repentance, no change of heart, no spiritual transformation.  They rarely even speak of the blood Christ shed to redeem us. The result is a generation of professing Christians who can ridicule and mock the Savior in the TV programs, movies and music  they enjoy, in complete ignorance that anything is even wrong with it. Their entertainment is as demonic as anything Satan could ever devise, and they find absolutely nothing wrong with it.

They may go to church, but only to receive a message that makes them feel good about themselves. There’s no conviction of heart, no godly sorrow for sin. For that matter, sin is rarely even mentioned, if at all.  They have no idea at all Who the real God is and have zero interest in reading or studying the Scriptures on their own either. The result is that much of today’s Christianity is simply worthless, vain religion, laced with secular humanism and universalism and so, of course, anything goes. We all do what we feel is right in our own eyes, and no one is allowed to pass judgment on anything or call sin “sin.”  I assert that MANY of today’s professing Christians are woefully unaware of the true state of their souls and woefully ignorant of Scripture.  As Second Timothy 3:5 says, “Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof; from such, turn away.”

As a child I learned, “For the grace of God which brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we are to live soberly, righteously and godly in this present age.” (Titus 2:11-12). Now, I ask you: do we believe that? Or not. I understand, everyone is at a different level of spiritual maturity and we need to gently instruct baby Christians.  But we MUST instruct them rightly.  Anything less is just a lie. And I will be the first to admit that I have not always lived up to God’s holy standards, and I know I fall woefully short of the mark even today. But it remains the standard by which we’re all called to live, as Christians. We are to DENY ungodliness and WORLDLY LUSTS – not jump into it head first!  We are to live soberly, righteously and godly today — in this present age.

The greatest evidence of a soul truly and soundly saved is the gift of the Holy Spirit.  When you truly become a Christ-follower, the Holy Spirit of God Himself comes to dwell inside you.    You will KNOW IT when it happens.  There will be no doubt.  This is more than just your “conscience.”  This is the Spirit of GOD I’m talking about.  It’s God’s Spirit that enables us to accomplish what Paul exhorted of the Romans, in chapter 12: “And be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

You can’t have the Holy Spirit living within you and still go on living a carnal, hedonistic lifestyle like the rest of the world.  You can’t have the Holy Spirit and not have a deep desire to grow ever closer to Christ, to continue on in sanctification.  A truly saved Christian will look different, act different and BE different from the unsaved world around them.  1 Peter, chapter 2 tells us, “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people.”

Our enemy will still tempt us and he actively works to destroy each of us, exploiting each of our personal weaknesses.  But true Christians are transformed as our minds are renewed and our souls born again, of the Spirit of God.  Those without the Spirit cannot discern spiritual matters.  It’s not that they don’t want to — they are wholly unequipped to understand.  That’s why the Gospel of Christ makes no sense to them.  That’s why they can read Bible passages, but cannot understand them.  One must become a true child of God.  There’s no faking it, at least not for very long.

Look also at Romans 8:  “Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace; the sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God.”

I’m concerned with those who think they can fake it.  One foot in a church building and one foot in a sewer.  Jesus told us of the narrow road and the narrow gate that leads to life, and He warned us that FEW there would be that find it.  He also told us that MANY will be very surprised on Judgment Day when they hear His words, “depart from Me, you workers of iniquity.  I never knew you.”

One researcher noted that the population of the world in Noah’s day was 300 million. How many obeyed God and were saved? 8. Eight out of 300 million. Likewise the population of Sodom and Gomorrah at the time of their destruction was estimated at 200,000. How many were saved? 3. Three out of 200,000. Jesus said that His return would be like in the days of Noah, and the days of Lot. VERY FEW actually were saved.  The “narrow gate” Jesus spoke of is very narrow indeed.  But it’s the only gate that leads to life.

I urge you to examine your hearts and lives, and do it today.  Scripture tells us to do just that, to make sure we’re in the faith. We must pay attention to what we put into our minds and hearts and lives. We can’t fill ourselves with filth and expect the Holy Spirit to reside there too.  We cannot mock God, blaspheme the name of Christ and embrace what the Scriptures call “abomination” and then expect to live fruitful lives for the Lord, nor should we expect any reward anywhere near heaven.

I can’t imagine living without God; He is my Rock and my Salvation…yet just as our Savior was persecuted, we can expect the same. He will be there with us, to help us through it, but the Christian life is not one of ease and has no part in the evil things of this world.  Seek God and pray without ceasing.  He will reveal Himself to you — His TRUE self — as He promised.

If you do this, you can expect ridicule, mocking, disdain and in some cases, outright hatred from those who choose to remain in the world, practicing worthless religion. As Paul warned Timothy, “Everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.”  Oftentimes, the worst persecution comes from religious people and false Christians; the love of God is not in them.  But what a ridiculously small price to pay for a relationship with the Most High God, our Creator.  Even though we may die for our faith, what a small price to pay for an eternity as a child of the King of Kings.  You can no longer sit the fence and you’d best get out of the middle of the road, while you still can.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

How To ‘Get Right’ With God

By Rob Pue

April 24, 2022

Are we living in the “Last Days?”  Is Jesus going to return at any moment?  Many think so.  In fact, ever since He ascended to heaven, His followers have been watching and praying for His return.  The tribulations the world has seen, down through history have been many.  It’s understandable, that because there have been wars and rumors of wars, great Christian persecution and unbelievable cruelty and evil in every generation, that Christ-followers have been steadily looking for that Glorious Appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.

Today, we are, indeed, living in perilous times, just as Jesus said we would.  And as we look back upon history, we can justifiably say that these are UNIQUELY perilous times, unlike anything the world has seen, perhaps since the days of Noah.  It seems the whole world has been deceived on a massive scale.  But that’s not entirely true.  Those who have the Holy Spirit of God within them can clearly discern the truth from the lies, and though we may be few in number, the Remnant that God has preserved is still the salt in this wicked world as well as the light that exposes the unfruitful works of darkness.

While most of those around us are on the broad road that leads to destruction, under strong delusion, choosing to believe lies rather than truth and therefore UNABLE to discern spiritual matters, those who follow Christ seem like fools to them.  Trouble-makers.  Many even call us “hateful bigots.”  Jesus’ words from Matthew 10 remind us that we will be hated by all for His name’s sake.  But those who endure to the end will be saved.

Today the trials, tribulations, persecution, pestilence, wars, lawlessness and all manner of evil are all around us.  We find ourselves up against the god of this world and his demons, and they’re deeply embedded in every area of life: marriage, family, church, government, news media, education, healthcare, entertainment, everything.  Evil is in the very atmosphere because it’s infiltrated the hearts of every man, woman and child on earth. And without the restraining influence of the Holy Spirit that lives within all those who are God’s children, there’s literally no limit to the wickedness that the heart of every human being could conceive.

So yes, we may very well be speeding quickly, now, toward the Glorious Appearing of Jesus, returning as He promised, as a conquering King and righteous Judge to render to all the punishments or the rewards each has earned.  So, yes, we may be living in the last of the Last Days before Christ’s return.

But consider this: 65 million people die every year in the world.  That’s 178,000 every day, 7,425 every hour and 120 every minute.  In the time it takes for you to receive my message today, nearly 2,000 people will have died.  For them, TODAY IS the “last day.”  Hebrews 9:27 reminds us, “It is appointed unto man once to die, and then, the judgment.”

Those who scoff at God also scoff at the idea of life after death.  For them, life on this earth is the only “heaven” they will ever know.  But for God’s children, life on this earth is the only “hell”  THEY will ever know.  And whether you believe it or not, life does not end.  Our souls will all live somewhere, forever.  It’s at this point that I have real GOOD news — or real BAD news — for you.  It all depends on where you stand — or what you choose to do with this information.

When you pass from life in this world, those who have salvation through the blood of Christ on the cross, those who made Jesus their Savior AND their LORD, will be welcomed to the throne room of the Most High God.  They will see Jesus face-to-face.  Our Lord comforted His disciples — and all His children — in John, chapter 14, when He said, “Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in Me.  In My Father’s house are many mansions.  If it were not so, I would have told you.  I go to prepare a place for you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.” 

And in verse 6, Jesus stated, “I am the way, the truth and the life.  No man cometh unto the Father but by Me.”  It is ONLY through Jesus that we can be assured of everlasting life in God’s Kingdom.  Though our earthly lives will come to an end and our earthly bodies return to dust, our true lives will continue on, and those who belong to Christ will be received by Him when He returns for us.

You see, there WILL BE a “last day” for all of us, and after that, the judgment.  Those covered in the redemptive blood of Jesus will spend eternity with Him in His Kingdom.  And we won’t be just floating around on clouds, playing harps and polishing our halos.  God’s Kingdom is a real place, where we will have real, renewed bodies, and real, meaningful work to do.  Evil will be eradicated and sin will not be allowed to enter His Kingdom.  All of our questions will be answered, by God Himself, and there will be no more sickness, no more tears, pain or death.  We will be HOME with our Creator and we’ll experience joy, reverence and worship in a place so breath-takingly beautiful, none of us can imagine it.

On the other hand, those without Christ as their Savior, will be forever, hopelessly lost.  They’ll still live for eternity, but their dwelling place will be hell — a place of darkness, gnashing of teeth, eternal, unquenchable fire, and worst of all, eternal separation from God.  It will be a place of never-ending sorrow, grief, regret, loneliness and torment.  “Shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His might,”  says 2 Thessalonians 1:9.

I tell you these things not to scare you, but if you ARE scared, you should be.  I tell you these things to warn you of what your future — your ETERNAL future — holds, apart from God.  You know, most people — even those who don’t claim to be Christians — believe they will go the “heaven” when they die.  It’s interesting that even those with no time for God still hope for the best — and believe they’ll receive the best — in eternity, regardless of what they choose to do in this life.

Most people believe they’ll go to heaven (if there IS such a place) because they believe they’re “good” people.  But God’s Word tells us, “there is none that doeth good, no not one.”  Romans 3:23 is very clear: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”  Friends, we are all sinners.  As descendants of Adam and Eve, we’ve all been born that way, from the time our first parents chose the serpent rather than God.  And God, as a righteous and good Judge cannot allow any sin into His Kingdom, which is holy and pure.  Therefore, we have all earned hell and damnation.  Romans 6:23 tells us, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life, in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

And there we have the solution — and the choice.  Sin was conceived the moment Adam and Eve chose to disobey God and follow the serpent, and as a result, all humanity was sentenced to death and hell.  God declared that there would forever be “enmity” between the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman.  In other words, an epic battle between Satan and his demons and mankind.  I believe that battle is reaching a crescendo right now, and many others see it happening now, too.  Satan hates us, because we were created in God’s image, and because God loves His children.  God has also given us freewill — the ability to choose to worship Him… or not.

But you should know and understand that we are not all automatically God’s children.  Many false teachers will say otherwise, but a wise and careful student of Scripture will understand that until we go to Jesus in humble repentance and faith, we remain enemies of God.  Scripture tells us the wrath of God ABIDES on us, that we are God’s enemies, and “of our father, the devil.”  Again, no one can go to the Father, our Creator — GOD — except through Jesus.

There are many today who don’t worship the Most High God, but instead they worship “the universe” or “the earth” or something else.  They believe they’re all about “peace and love” and have all kinds of mystical ideas about how “everything is one” — and they truly believe they’re full of goodness and light.  The Bible speaks of that too, in Romans 1.  Look it up.  God’s Word tells us they’ve been deceived, they’re without excuse, and not only are they NOT full of goodness and light, but God has actually given them over to depraved minds.  Dig a little deeper and you’ll find their lives very often reflect carnality, lust, hedonism and depravity… worldly enticements that subtly draw their attention away from that which is most important — knowing the One, true God — and HIM knowing you.

But even in our sin, God showed His great love for us by sending His Son, Jesus, to earth to save us from our enemy, the serpent.  Romans 5:8, “While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”  Yes, Christ did.  He did that in order to make God’s saving grace available to us… He did that in order to make it possible for us to escape the wrath of God and BECOME one of God’s own children; no longer His enemy.

But salvation in Christ requires something of US.  It requires repentance.  Jesus said, “Unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.”  The continual message of John the Baptist was all about repentance.  Jesus taught constantly on the need for repentance and the entire New Testament emphasizes the need for repentance in order to receive salvation.  Acts 3:19 instructs us, “Repent, therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out.”

Let me make this easy for anyone to understand.  As human beings, we are born sinful into a sin-filled world.  There’s an ongoing battle between Satan and his demons, and human beings, made in God’s image.  As children, we don’t need to learn how to sin; it comes naturally to us.  We’re born that way.  And Satan uses every opportunity to exploit our every personal weakness to lure us deeper and deeper into sin and depravity, ever further away from God, our Creator, Who loves us and is not willing that ANY of us should have to perish in hell.

Unfortunately, many choose the path of least resistance.  It’s not easy to be a Christ-follower.  It’s a narrow gate that leads to life and Jesus said “FEW” will ever find it.  But still, for the few, Christ came to earth as a perfect, holy sacrifice for US.  He was crucified, died and was buried.  Satan thought he’d won the battle.  But Jesus rose from the dead, defeating death and hell and the grave.  He’s at the right hand of God Himself right now.

In His death on the cross, Jesus took the punishment WE DESERVE upon Himself.  He paid the penalty that our perfect, Holy God requires to remove the stain of sin from our souls so that we can be forgiven and be assured of eternal life in the perfect, Holy Kingdom of God when our “last day” on earth arrives.  We can all receive that forgiveness.  How?  First, we must understand that we NEED a Savior because we’ve broken God’s laws and He cannot, as a righteous Judge overlook evil, so we’re all headed for hell.  We can’t save ourselves and we are NOT “good people.”  Without Jesus, we have no hope.  Once we understand why we need a Savior, we must understand Who Jesus is, what He did and how His perfect sacrifice on the cross made it possible for us to come directly to God.

Then, with broken and contrite hearts, we must repent — turn from our self-centered ways and seek God.  We need no longer fear approaching God because if we seek Him in humble repentance — and faith in Christ’s death, burial and resurrection, claiming Jesus as our Savior and living as a Christ-follower, making Him our LORD as well, we can now be welcomed into the loving arms of God Himself.  But it is only through JESUS that this could ever be possible.  Praise our Heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus Christ for such great love.  Indeed there is no greater love.

When you do these things, you’ll also receive a most magnificent gift: the Holy Spirit of God Himself will come to dwell inside you, to be your Counselor and Friend, guiding you through the trials, tribulations and perilous times we live in on this earth, so you can endure ‘til the end when you hear the words “Well done, thy good and faithful servant.  Enter into the joy of thy Lord.”  That, my friends, is how you “get right” with God, and if I were you, I’d do it right now.

© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 356.

Don’t Procrastinate: Get Right With God, Right Now

By Rob Pue

April 10, 2022

Life has been very strange the past few years.  It’s like we’re all in a theatrical performance or a movie of some kind.  But the movie genre keeps changing.  Are we in a “drama?”  A “suspense” or “thriller?”  A “mystery?”  A “science fiction” tale?  It’s been a mixture of all these things, but as the scenes continue to change, we’re quickly moving into a real life horror movie.

Did you ever think that you’d live in the generation that would see the Lord’s return?  The LAST of the last days?  I believe we’re very near that Day.  But first, we must endure some perilous times.  As Paul wrote to Timothy, “There will be terrible times in the last days.  People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God; having a form of godliness but denying its power.”  This describes our modern culture and society very accurately.  In other areas of Scripture we read how people in these last days will be liars, full of deceit, following false gods and worshiping the earth rather than the Creator.  We read of sorcery, which is translated “pharmakea,” meaning out-of-control use of mind-altering drugs and poisonous “jabs” — to kill, destroy and steal peoples’ minds.

Not to mention “a day’s wages for a loaf of bread.”  I can’t say for sure whether or not the seals of Revelation 6 have been opened, but they certainly seem to be, as world events are moving so rapidly now, and falling right into place with biblical prophecy.  Yet those who hate God continue on in their wickedness and rebellion and disbelief.  Indeed the New World Order Globalists believe they ARE God.  But one day, every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is LORD.  As we read in Revelation 6, starting at verse 15, “And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains, and said to the mountains and rocks, ‘Fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb.’”

I think of all those so-called “Elite,” who’ve prepared private, luxurious underground bunkers for themselves far beneath the earth and deep inside mountains.  They think they’ve devised a plan to escape the coming apocalypse that THEY are creating purposely here on earth, but when that Great and Terrible Day of the Lord arrives, the Bible tells us in Revelation 9 that they will seek death, they will long to die, they’ll beg God to kill them, but they won’t be able to die.

The “preqel” to this movie began long ago.  America has been governed and run by wicked, deceitful and demonic people for over a century now.  Meanwhile, our Christian heritage and deeply-held faith has been steadily eroded, AIDED by so-called “pastors” and “shepherds” who have been steadily growing more cowardly and obedient to the whims of unsaved sinners, and servants of the Almighty State, rather than Almighty God.  Professing Christians in America are, for the most part, living carnal and hedonistic lives, viewing their “faith” as nothing more than a “get-out-of-hell-free-card” — but that “card” is as worthless as the paper money in their wallets.  And the blame for this can be laid squarely at the feet of those cowardly shepherds, fearful of losing their popularity among the people, should they dare learn about and then speak the truth.  They prefer to remain ignorant and they prefer their people don’t ask any tough questions.

The “prequel” to this movie we’re living in is long and detailed.  It includes many things I have no time to mention here.  But it includes the illegitimate “income tax,” and the creation of the “Federal Reserve;” it includes the perpetual desire of Globalist power brokers to rebuild the tower of Babel; it includes an agenda to “depopulate” the earth of those who refuse to obey; it includes the removal of the Bible and prayer in our public schools; the “legalization” of the murder of babies in the womb; countless wars, bloodshed of the innocent and meddling in the affairs of other nations, by which our “public servants” become filthy rich — not to mention unscrupulous and deadly medical experimentation on the helpless and the ignorant — for the benefit of the wealthy elite; the deliberate dumbing down of our children — and our adults — through the public schools and mockingbird media propaganda machine; the meteoric rise of homosexuality and transgenderism — purposely orchestrated by these same demons, ultimately culminating in the persecution of all those who refuse to celebrate these perversions and teach them to their children.  It includes fake political “elections” which have been going on for years.  It includes much more.

The main feature of the movie we’re currently in began in October of 2019 when the New World Order elites conducted a practice run for what they were about to unleash upon the unsuspecting world.  That was Event 201, held openly in New York City.  One need only look at the players in that “event” to understand that COVID was a scam from the start, and anyone with eyes to see can clearly understand the goal was to inject every human being on the planet — to kill them — quickly or slowly, and to “mark” the survivors with interactive tracking devices linking all who are left to the “internet of things.”

This has all gone very smoothly for the Globalists.  Most of the world obediently complied.  If you’re one who didn’t, you should know you’ve already been targeted for elimination.  Currently, 25 federal agencies are compiling lists of all those who sought a religious exemption from the jab.  I understand, that for centuries many have looked at world events around them and wondered if Christ’s return was imminent.  But this is the first time in the history of the world that the demonic “elite” have been able to subdue and deceive the WHOLE WORLD with their sorceries.

Let us not forget the burning, looting, rioting and killing that took place two years ago, which we were told were merely  “peaceful protests,” the blatantly fraudulent election that year, the outright lies of government and health agencies, the censorship of all dissent on social media outlets, the fact that “health agencies” banned the use of effective medications in the midst of a so-called “pandemic,” and de-platformed anyone who dared to speak of natural immunity or the use of Vitamins and other supplements to boost one’s own immune system.  The fact that a deadly drug — Remdesivir — was the ONLY drug hospitals were allowed to use for COVID patients… a drug first tested in Africa but abruptly stopped during it’s development because so many people died from it.

But here in America, it was the only treatment doctors were allowed to use.  In fact, they were FORCED to use it nationwide.  This drug causes massive, cascading organ failure and it only takes about five days for it to kill people.  Hospitals were given massive financial bonuses for using it, and of course, one of the largest stakeholders in the Remdesivir patent is Anthony Fauci.

Today, we’re getting mixed signals on the COVID lockdowns.  “Lockdowns” — a term normally reserved for high security prisons.  While restrictions may seem to be loosening, it’s only for a time.  We’re also hearing how China has locked it’s citizens down once more, more strictly than ever.  What happened here in 2020 will be starting all over again soon.  If we’re not placed on “house arrest” or into a concentration camp (for our own good, of course), because of COVID, the pretense may be something else.

Now as the truth is being revealed about the insidious corruption of Hunter Biden and the entire Biden crime family, deeply embedded with China, Russia and Ukraine, the truth is also being revealed about the Deep State players including the FBI, the CIA, the World Health Organization, the CDC, Fauci, Gates, Trudeau, Zuckerberg and certainly Klous Schwab and the World Economic Forum.  So they needed a war with 24/7 coverage in the mockingbird media to draw our attention away from the truth.  Today we have a majority of Americans siding with Ukraine — because the media TELLS them to.  Few understand that even according to Wikipedia, the government of Ukraine is the 3rd most corrupt in the world.  And WE, the US, are taking THEIR side.  That ought to tell you something.

As the movie continues, I believe the next big scene will be the end of the US dollar, which has been backed by NOTHING since FDR took us off the Gold Standard in 1933.  Citizens were required by law to turn in all their gold for a set price of $20.67 an ounce.  Those who refused were fined $10,000 and/or spent ten years in jail. In 1934, the government price of gold was increased to $35 an ounce, thereby increasing the gold on the Federal Reserve’s balance sheets by 69%.  In 1971, Richard Nixon announced the US would no longer covert dollars to gold at a fixed value, thereby completely abandoning the gold standard.  And it was illegal for Americans to possess more than $100 worth of gold until 1974.

Understand that the inflation we saw in the 1970s and ‘80s was caused by uncontrolled government printing — and spending — of money.  But the inflation then was nothing compared to today.  Today the national debt is staggering.  You can see it rise in real time at the website:  As I write this message, each and every American taxpayer owes $242,500 in debt.  We’re now bankrupt, financially and morally.

The end-game in all this is a digital, One-World currency.  That should concern you.  Because in order to achieve this, the US dollar must be crushed.  Russia has already abandoned the US dollar — and other world currencies — as Putin is attempting to back the ruble with gold.  India has also abandoned the dollar.  Other nations will soon follow.

This is a giant leap forward for the Great Reset.  Imagine waking up one day and finding that every dollar you had was simply GONE overnight.  All of your accounts have been zeroed out.  Your 401K, your IRA, your savings account, checking account, your pension.  ATMs don’t work.  Banks are closed, with armed guards at the doors.  Those of you who’ve saved up cash in case of emergency face the new reality that all that paper money is now only useful to start a fire to keep warm with.

Your only option is government handouts, but those will only be short-lived, only available until the Great Reset officially begins with a digital currency, available to you easily and conveniently with a simple injection or “mark” embedded in your right hand.  Along with this you’ll receive a “Universal Basic Income” which you MAY be able to subsist upon. — IF you’re a good, obedient peasant.  Otherwise, they can turn off your “credits” with a flip of a switch.  Of course, you’ll lose everything, because while all your bank accounts were zeroed out, your debt was not.  Once again, you’ll be depending on the good graces of the Globalists to survive.

This is what’s coming, folks.  These are not MY words — these are THEIR plans, and they’ve told us all plainly what they intend to do.  When?  Perhaps this summer.  Meanwhile, we’re facing a world-wide famine.  Millions of acres of US farmland will NOT be planted this year.  The government is paying farmers NOT to plant, shutting down access to American energy sources, spending even more money, and creating hyper-inflation on purpose.  And as things heat up with Russia, Ukraine and China, it wouldn’t surprise me if yet another “false flag” attack took place here in the US very soon.  Perhaps a localized nuclear explosion, a “dirty bomb” or a cyber attack to take down our power grid, our banking system, our communications or transportation.  It will likely be blamed on Russia.  But when something happens, don’t believe those same liars who’ve been lying to you for years now.  Understand, this is the PLAN and take steps now to prepare.

More people in America are now more dependent on government handouts than ever before.  Homelessness is a real epidemic now.  We’re being invaded at our southern border with more than a million illegals entering and happily taking US handouts in just the last year alone.  Lawlessness abounds.   And in a country where we’re so sensitive now about gender and race, Biden’s only litmus test for a new Supreme Court Justice is that it must be a BLACK FEMALE.  I thought we were supposed to be fighting racism.  Oh, I forgot…only WHITE people are racist.  I thought there was no such thing as “male” and “female” anymore.  But that’s ok, since Biden’s pick doesn’t know whether or not she’s a female and can’t define the word “Woman.”  This is all by design — but the plans of the wicked will be thwarted by God.  If I were you, I’d get right with God, right now.

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 355.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Nothing Hidden That Will Not Be Revealed

By Rob Pue

April 5, 2022

In case you missed the REAL news recently, here are a few stories that you should know about.  As we’ve warned for months, despite skepticism and derision from many, as it turns out, we were right about the serious dangers of the COVID jabs.  Doctors around the world are now reporting they’re seeing a shocking increase in the number of AIDS patients who’ve been double- and triple-jabbed.

Dr. Elizabeth Eads has been treating patients who’ve been seriously injured by the jabs and has now come out and stated that the COVID injections are actually injecting people with AIDS.  Quote: “That is exactly what I am telling you.  That is what the Spike Protein Lentivirus is.  It is made up of HIV and AIDS along with SARS and MERS.  That’s why the vaccinated and boosted are so sick.  That’s why they dominate the hospitalizations regarding COVID  illness as well.”  Further, because the immune system is depleted after taking the jabs, many kinds of disease, such as cancer, can spread like wildfire.  Another physician, Dr. Ryan Cole,  says he’s seeing cancer up as much as 2,000% — from the vaccines.

We’re also now hearing that the official sickness and death rates put out by health officials and the mainstream media were massively inflated.  Of course, we all knew this all along, but now, they’re finally letting the truth out.  In England, the Daily Mail reported that health chiefs have admitted the numbers they put out were only an approximation, and the PCR tests on which “cases” were based have been proven to be inaccurate.  Here in the US, the CDC has admitted that only about 6% of the recorded COVID deaths were actually from COVID.  And in Italy, a study found only 2.9% of the people with ‘COVID 19’ on their death certificates had no underlying conditions which caused their deaths.

Now a Wall Street analyst is saying that the experimental COVID shots are the “greatest fraud in history.”  Edward Dowd discovered that the Millennial generation has suffered a ‘Vietnam War event’ with more than 61,000 excess deaths due to the jab between March 2021 and February of this year.

Meanwhile, the mandatory COVID jabs are devastating our military.  Seth Harp, a writer for, of all things, Rolling Stone magazine, reported in January that in just the first six months of the jab rollout, 83 soldiers at Fort Bragg were found dead in their bunks, from “unknown causes.”  The latest information on this is from June of 2021; since then the Army is no longer talking.

The COVID planned-demic and the subsequent jab mandates have now been revealed to be pure fake propaganda, and now we know the Biden administration paid the mainstream media $1 Billion dollars to push the COVID jab.  In response to a Freedom Of Information Act request, Biden’s Health and Human Services department revealed that it purchased advertising from all the major news networks to promote “vaccine” propaganda.  These outlets, including ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, the New York Post, the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, Buzzfeed, Newsmax and hundreds of local newspapers and TV stations were also secretly ordered to publish a steady stream of articles and video segments promoting the jab.  Now we know.  And as I’ve stated before, there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed.

Clarion News reported that in California, “Governor Gavin Newson’s abortion council dropped a legislative bombshell. The group of policy makers intend not only to codify the killing of unborn children throughout all nine months of pregnancy but to decriminalize killing newborns days or weeks after birth.

“New language added to AB 2223…revealed the disturbing intent. The proposed legislation would shield a mother from civil and criminal charges for any ‘actions or omissions’ related to her pregnancy, ‘including miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, or perinatal death.’  Although definitions of ‘perinatal death’ vary, all of them include the demise of newborns seven days or more after birth.”

Infanticide is not just a dream of California lawmakers.  Democrat Senator William Smith proposed new legislation in Maryland that would legalize so-called “abortion” up to 28 days AFTER a baby is born.  Senate Bill 669, also called the “Pregnant Person’s Freedom Act of 2022” proposes that a newborn baby can be left to die for up to a month after being born in the event that the “mother” decides she no longer wants to keep it.  The mainstream media will not report on this.  But there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed.

And we’ve all known how “woke” the Disney corporation has become but hopefully this next bit of information will wake up many “Christians” who still think Disney is nothing but pure, wholesome family entertainment.  The Polk County Sheriff’s office recently arrested 108 Disney employees and others with close ties to Disney on human trafficking, prostitution, child pornography and child sex trafficking charges.  Disney Corporation has a long history of pushing the sodomite agenda, adding homosexual characters to their movies, celebrating “Pride Month,” and opening up their parks exclusively for homosexuals on special days.  The mainstream media will not report on this.  But there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed.

Including, FINALLY, the truth behind the Hunter Biden laptop.  In April of 2019, Hunter Biden took his water-damaged laptop in to a Delaware repair shop, and then forgot about it.  The computer repairman was able to restore the computer and retrieve the data from it.  When he saw the shocking materials the laptop contained, he turned it over to the FBI, which did NOTHING with it, except actively suppress the information…until now.  Indeed, when news of the laptop surfaced shortly before the 2020 election, the Biden’s and mainstream media claimed it was a “conspiracy theory,” a product of “Russian Disinformation,” and an attempt to derail Joe Biden’s presidential campaign.  It was summarily dismissed as a hoax by so-called “fact checkers” who knew better.  Now, irrefutable evidence has shown the laptop and it’s hard-drive contents to be absolutely legitimate, and the contents of the computer are damning.

In addition to a 12-minute video showing Hunter Biden smoking crack while engaged in raunchy sex with an unidentified woman, there are many other sexually-explicit photos, photos of Biden smoking crack, passed out in a drug-induced stupor, as well as emails and text messages showing the younger Biden used his father’s credit card to pay thousands of dollars for prostitutes.  Not to mention PROOF of Hunter receiving nearly $100,000 a month from a Ukrainian energy company, with 10% of that given to his father.  There were also archived communications found showing Joe Biden had threatened to withhold $1 billion dollars from the Ukrainian government, when he was Vice President under Obama,  if Ukraine did not immediately fire a Ukrainian prosecutor.  The laptop also holds proof of multiple instances of Joe Biden (under Obama) selling special access to the White House to corrupt, communist leaders for millions of dollars — and that went on for years.

Time will tell if justice will be served to the Biden Crime Family, but currently, a significant amount of Hunter’s financial records — including his domestic and international dealings with Ukraine, Russia and China — have been turned over to federal investigators for the FBI and IRS.  Attorneys have stated they expect Hunter Biden to be indicted — for at least tax fraud.  Peter Schweizer, author of ‘Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win’ has stated, regarding the current occupants of the White House, “…it’s very clear that when it comes to the issues related to the tax evasion and money laundering and the other issues wrapped up with it, they are extremely concerned Hunter Biden’s going to be indicted.”  Nothing hidden that will not be revealed.

But for two years now, the whole world has been mesmerized by the COVID-19 scam.  As I’ve explained many times before, COVID has been the biggest hoax ever perpetrated in the history of the world.  I’ve also explained how the JAB was NOT made for COVID, but rather COVID was made for the jab — a means to an end;  the end being a perpetual cash-cow for the globalist elites and Big Pharma, a method by which to do away with national sovereignty, usher in a global digital currency as well as a totalitarian One-World, New-World Order, known as The Great Reset.

Lately, as the truth has started to emerge about all these things and the fact that the Global Elites, Big Pharma, the Healthcare Industrial Complex, the Mainstream Media and countless useful idiots have been lying to us for years, their veil of lies has been wearing thin.  And as Saul Alinsky stated in his book, “Rules For Radicals,” rule number 7 is, “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.”  And so we’re now seeing the pressure valve of COVID open a little — COVID has seemingly taken a back seat to the next tactic.  But make no mistake, it’s never going away.  While the tyrants may seem to be loosening their grip a tiny bit right now, they’ll soon clamp down on us again, harder than ever.  Two steps forward, one step back.  As we speak, at least 23 states are quietly implementing COVID passport systems.  And more American states are gearing up for this every day, in preparation for the coming “cashless society,” where cash becomes worthless, gold and silver become illegal, and all our finances become digital — AND able to be switched on and off at the whims of the tyrants who seek total control of all us peasants.

Currently, the “big news” is Russia and Ukraine.  Many have asked me my opinion on this situation.  I admit I don’t know all the details and doing research has become an exercise in futility, because it’s impossible to know which, if any, news sources can be trusted.  However, here’s what I DO know:  any time the ENTIRE mainstream media, ALL of social media, AND our US government are all parroting the same message, you can be 99% certain it’s fake propaganda.

Everywhere we turn, we hear “Russia BAD, Ukraine GOOD.”  The new “virtue signaling” has been unilateral, unlimited support for Ukraine, a supposed innocent victim of the big bully Russia.  While I’m saddened to hear of anyone suffering the ravages of war, I’m certainly not going to fall for lies propagated by the same people who have lied to us BLATANTLY for the past two years and covertly for who-knows-how-long.  We do know that the Ukrainian government is a cesspool of corruption, and that the New World Order Globalists are up to their eyeballs in corruption, with Ukraine at the center of it all.  We also know that the US — and other countries — have funded and operated bio-weapons labs in Ukraine for several years, and many of these have been destroyed by Russia.

I’m not necessarily saying that Putin is the good guy in all this.  But I AM saying that as usual, what we’re being allowed to see by the media and our government, we’re being allowed to see for a purpose, and it’s definitely NOT truthful or accurate.  Once again, I believe we’re being purposely lied to by nefarious forces with a planned agenda.

Of course, the Globalists will certainly never let a good crisis go to waste, and this includes the Russia/Ukraine situation.  Already, Biden has used Russia as an excuse for the skyrocketing cost of gas and oil — even though that’s been a direct result of his cancelling of American energy independence, which began long before the current conflict.  But I believe something even worse may soon be taking place here in America — and Russia will be blamed for it.

Biden has already stated we should be vigilant of a Russian cyber attack.  And FEMA has published guidance as to what we should do in case of a nuclear explosion (go to our basements, wear our masks and practice social distancing while we’re down there).  Nothing is off the table for these lunatics.  But should such a disaster take place and Russia is blamed, don’t be too quick to go along with the official narrative.  Our own government has deliberately harmed — and killed — American citizens many times before, to facilitate their agenda.  They certainly wouldn’t think twice about doing so again, and a cyber attack, a nuclear blast or dirty bomb, blamed on Russia, might be just the thing they need to fast-track their planned new MANDATORY digital currency.  The fact is, only God knows what’s coming next.  But time will tell…because there’s nothing hidden that will not be revealed.

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 354.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Never Compromise With Evil

By Rob Pue

March 20, 2022

“For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?” (2nd Corinthians 6).  There can be NO compromise with evil.  None.

Unfortunately, in today’s politically-correct America, that’s all we have, is compromise.  Compromise with evil.  “Go along to get along,” “Don’t make waves,” “See something, say nothing.”  Of course, this is all fear-generated.  We’re fearful of losing our lives of luxury and ease, we’re fearful to getting in trouble with the “law,” we’re fearful of offending the ignorant and therefore we’re fearful of speaking the truth.  But as Christians, we have not been given a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.  Do you understand that?  As followers of Christ, with the Holy Spirit dwelling inside us, WE are the ones who have power.  We are the ones who have love.  We are the ones with sound minds.

While the rest of the world wallows and writhes in fear, doubt and confusion, driven to the brink of insanity, we don’t have to join them in their despair.  In fact, it’s a sin if we do; a direct rejection of God’s Word.  Power and love and a sound mind.  That should be us.  For WAY too many, it’s not.

It should be evident to all by now, that America has become a wicked, evil nation, with a wicked, evil government, and streets filled with God-hating, self-centered, fearful and wicked people.  For nearly fifty years now, Americans — including CHRISTIAN Americans — have looked the other way while 70 million babies have been murdered through the savage act of abortion.  Perhaps fifty years ago, we may have had an excuse, because of our ignorance. We can no longer claim that excuse. There can be no doubt anymore: life begins at conception, the baby in the womb is the most innocent and most helpless of all people.  Yet, as Christians, we offer nothing but lip service to a “pro-life” movement that has failed in every regard at ending this holocaust in our nation.  The judgment of God that has now fallen on our nation is due, in part, because our streets have become rivers of the blood of the innocent, and we have not demanded an abrupt end to this.  Instead, we’ve compromised.  We’ve compromised with evil.  And we are without excuse.

Most Americans — including most Christians AND their pastors — are oblivious to the thousands upon thousands of women and children who are victims of human trafficking and worse.  What’s happening though the floodgates of illegal immigration in our country is much more than just rendering humanitarian aid.  It seems to me that if we were interested in rendering humanitarian aid to people, we would start first with securing the well-being of our own homeless children, our senior citizens and military veterans.  ANY country with a heart for its own people would see to that…as well as the security of its borders.  But the millions of illegals entering this country are useful for the so-called “Elites” — they’re useful as sex-slaves and playthings.  They’re useful as new, dedicated Leftist voters.  They’re useful as “useful idiots.”  Some DO know what’s going on regarding human trafficking and illegal immigration, but have chosen to ignore it.  More compromise.  But no excuses.

When the Supreme Court rendered the abomination of so-called “legalized same-sex marriage,” we heard not a peep from our pastors, and today, 73% of professing “Christians” now believe that sodomy — which used to be rightly determined to be a mental disorder, and same-sex “marriage” was unthinkable because it was such an abomination, even to non-Christians — today, 73% of professions “CHRISTIANS” agree this is a constitutional right and simply another alternative lifestyle, wholly equal to traditional marriage between one man and one woman… just a different “choice.”  More compromise.  But still no excuses.

I’m so frustrated at the lack of courage and conviction among Americans, and especially among church-goers and their pastors.  Even though we know our public schools and colleges are actively and deliberately indoctrinating our children with anti-Christ demonic lies, pushing for perverted sex education from the youngest of ages, encouraging our kids to try sodomy for themselves, because it just might be “right for them,” and not to mention the “transgender” agenda, “drag queen story time,” and “Critical Race Theorgy.”  And now even as they’re telling parents they have no right to know what their kids are being taught, still almost nobody shows up at school board meetings to voice their opposition — because if they dare speak any truth, they’re shouted down by everyone else in the room, ostracized by the community and labeled as “domestic terrorists.”  More compromise, at the expense of the souls of our own children.  There’s no excuse for that.

We also allowed our last presidential election to be clearly and blatantly stolen by Leftist lunatics bent on the dismantling of our economy, our food supply, our energy sources, our banking system, our healthcare system…pretty much everything.  Even though, in state after state after state, evidence was clear and obvious of the most fraudulent election in our history, nothing has been done about it.  Yes, we had a million people show up in DC on January 6th of ‘21 to present a redress of grievances.  Grievous grievances.  But that turned out to be a trap and hundreds of patriots were caught in that trap and now our capital is surrounded by tall fences and barbed wire — to keep the people OUT of the house they pay for.  Now the patriots have gone home, too afraid to return, lest they, too, end up in the Gulag.  So we just accept that this is the way things are now.  But there’s no excuse for that.

The COVID plandemic exposed so much. The “pharmakea” (sorcery) of Big Pharma; the evil schemes of the World so-called “elite,” bent on world domination and subjegation of the ALL the world’s people; the insanity of forced mask-wearing, forced “social distancing,” the forced closure and destruction of stores and churches, and worst of all, the forced jabs of  experimental DNA-altering gene therapy.  We now understand this was all just dramatic theater, designed to make people fearful and keep them fearful, so that they would comply.  We also know that despite untold thousands of injuries and deaths from these jabs, governments and health officials world-wide refused to stop REQUIRING them for everyone.  They’re now pushing to inject even newborn babies.  Every soul on planet earth is the goal, and they’re well on their way.

Big businesses compromised and cooperated in this scheme — even though they never had to — and it became “no jab, no job.”  A staggering number of people have died as a result of all this.  Our supply chain has also been deliberately sabotaged.  A couple months ago, I predicted oil would soon hit $100 a barrel and I was ridiculed by so many, who told me  this would never happen.  “How ridiculous and irresponsible,” of me, they said.  Well, today, oil is at $126 a barrel and gas at the pump is $4.89 a gallon where I live — and moving higher.

There’s much more I could mention, but you get the idea.  There can be no compromise with evil. God’s Word is clear in Ephesians 5, “Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience…try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.”   But you know what?  Living on the side of righteousness and standing for what is good, and exposing the unfruitful works of darkness is going to cost you something, as the Canadian truckers found out.

The Canadian Freedom Convoy made an impact on the whole world because those people fearlessly stood up to the tyrant — and that inspired others to do so too.  It caused a shockwave among the Globalist New World Order crowd, and now, as you see, you don’t hear a whole lot about COVID anymore.  Now, we’re being trained to fear World War 3 with Russia and Ukraine.  I’m not down-playing the seriousness of that situation, but mark my words, none of us understands all that’s going on there.  But one thing I do know, it makes a very convenient distraction to keep us in fear, while the next chess piece is moved into place and the shackles tighten a little bit more around each of our ankles.

When the People’s Convoy here in America was announced, I predicted that it would not have anywhere near the impact as what we saw in Canada.  Because Americans, for the most part, have been kept ignorant and dumb.  Sorry, but it’s true.  Ignorant and dumb makes for compliant and numb.  Apathy.  And I don’t want to rain on anybody’s truck parade, but I knew, as plans were announced for the Convoy here in the States, that it would end up as a waste of time.  Organizers stated up front that they were not going to enter DC or go near the Capital; they WERE going to work with local police and make sure they didn’t impede traffic or cause any commotion.  In short, they were going to hold a “protest” but they were going to compromise and make sure nobody was inconvenienced in any way.

But that’s not how you effect any sort of change.  For a couple weeks now, the People’s Convoy has held patriotic rallies, and driven around the DC beltline, but that’s pretty much it.  I’ve tried hard to find anything of significance from this convoy in the news.  But there is nothing — not even in the reliable, alternative media I often rely on.  This event is still going on, but having NO impact, no effect.  They haven’t had any impact on Congress or the illegitimate administration or the mandates and rules they’ve sought to put an end to.

They can wave as many flags as they like and hold all the rallies they like — on private property, away from public view.  But nothing will change because they’ve decided to compromise, break no “laws,” no matter how toothless or unlawful those “laws” may be.  I suspect it will all be over soon, going out with a whimper, when they can no longer afford the price of diesel.  Because while the Canadian movement was able to raise $10 million dollars TWICE, this movement has not even been able to raise $2 million.  Because it’s been wholly ineffective.  Because of compromise.

You see, in order to be effective in fighting wickedness, evil and darkness, you have to be willing to give something up.  You have to be in it to win it.  You have to be “all in.”  There can be no compromise with evil.  In Acts 5, we read about Jesus’ disciples being arrested and confronted by the religious leaders.  Here’s what happened: “And when they had brought them, they set them before the council. And the high priest questioned them, saying, ‘We strictly charged you not to teach in this Name, (Jesus’ name) yet here you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching, and you intend to bring this Man’s blood upon us.’   But Peter and the apostles answered, ‘We must obey God rather than men.’”

When we stand for righteousness, we also need to be ready for persecution.  1 Peter 4:12, “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.”  No, we should expect persecution.  Not run from it, and certainly not compromise with evil to avoid it.  And we need to be ready to give up the fleshly desires and luxuries of this world.  James 4:4, “Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God?  Whosoever, therefore, will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.”

And Psalam 119, “Joyful are people of integrity, who follow the instructions of the Lord.  Joyful are those who obey His laws and search for Him with all their hearts.  They do not compromise with evil, and they walk only in His paths.”

I do not SEEK persecution, but I know that if I’m going to have any impact for truth and righteousness and if I’m going to be of any use to God in this life at all, I’m not going to be well liked and popular.  If we belong to Jesus, He’s assigned each of us a cross to carry.  Cross-carrying isn’t fun.  But compromise is not an option.

When we compromise with evil, when we go along to get along, when we are politically correct, biting our tongues in order to be “non-offensive” to those who are ignorant, dumb, deceived or part of the wicked world system, we cease to be salt and light and until we gather the courage to “love not our own lives, even unto death,” we will always remain utterly useless to God.  “Let the dead bury the dead.”   There can be no compromise with evil.

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 353.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

To Pray to God — or Whoever

By 2022 Rob Pue

March 13, 2022

Deuteronomy 6, the words of Moses: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.  And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.”

Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”

And a warning from Jesus in Matthew 18, “Whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me, but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”

As our modern American Church continues to descend into apostasy, we are now reaping what we have sown as we can see in the hearts and lives of our young people.  Please understand, I’m not talking about ALL of our young people; I know many who have been raised by Godly parents in the fear and admonition of the Lord, and their lives reflect that.  But these are most definitely the minority today.  For the most part, parents and churches have failed in their duty to disciple the children and protect them from the fleshly enticements of this world and the lies of the enemy of our souls.

This is not a recent development.  We’re now at least two generations past the time when God was truly reverenced in our land, in our families and in our homes.  Today, God is all but forgotten in our modern American culture, and the Church, which was called to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth, has become “good for nothing, except to be thrown out and trampled under the feet of men.” (Matthew 5:13).  In total ignorance of God, our Creator, we now scratch our heads and wonder why so many are afflicted with madness, blindness and mental confusion, why we are oppressed by unjust and evil leaders.  We wonder how it can be that so many people — young and old alike — are hooked on drugs, following false religions, involved in sexual perversions, addicted to pornography, confused about their very genders and committing suicide.

I grew up in the 1970s.  That was still a relatively perverse time in our history, but for many, or even most, there was still a fear of God. We still had our consciences intact, even those who didn’t know the Lord or have the Holy Spirit within them. There was still a fear of God in the atmosphere.  That’s gone now.  I grew up in a conservative, fundamental church, and I remember fiery sermons preached from the pulpit that addressed the vital moral, ethical and yes, even the political issues of the day, right out of the Bible.

The pastor spoke with wisdom and authority.  I remember, more than once, him pounding his fist on the podium to drive home an important point — or to wake up a tired farmer on the brink of dozing off.  The sermons were relevant and instructive.  We learned how to respond to the important current events of the day, biblically.

Sunday School was taken very seriously.  Our teachers were knowledgeable and we learned world history from the Bible.  When service time came, there was no such thing as “children’s church.”  The kids sat with their parents and listened to the same teaching at the same time.  We also sang sacred hymns of the Christian faith, full of biblical, theological wisdom.  The words of those hymns brought conviction — and a true REVERENCE for God Almighty.  That’s gone now.

Recently, Barna Research released a report on the beliefs of millennials.  What Barna discovered is no surprise, considering the atmosphere in which these young people were raised.  Barna found that half of young adults prefer socialism to capitalism.  Also, for them, there’s no such thing as “absolute truth.” That’s been replaced by “moral relativism” as feelings and friends form their worldview.

Nine out of ten young people now choose a mixture of beliefs from different religions as a form of “virtue signaling” trying not to appear “intolerant.”  Being “born again” no longer comes from repentance and faith in Christ’s death, burial and resurrection.  Instead, they believe “born again” means being a “good person” by doing good deeds — and that’s how you earn a place in heaven.

I was surprised to learn that Barna found 28% still believe the Bible is the Word of God, though even among those 28%, almost none have ever read the Bible completely and most have not read any part of it in the last year.

Two out of three millennials believe they’re Christians, but almost none know much at all about Jesus and they certainly don’t follow His teachings.  75% actually believe all religions are equal, that there are MANY paths to “God.” A high percentage identify themselves as “DON’TS” — meaning they don’t know if God exists, and they don’t care.  Only 4% now hold a biblical worldview regarding God, life and morality.

That’s where we’re at today.  Indeed, what Barna discovered about the young people could also be said of their parents as well.  Such is the deception we’ve fallen under and the delusion we live in every day now.  It’s been said that the Church should be “a hospital for sinners, not a museum of saints.”  Many church-goers would agree with that statement, but it’s entirely wrong, because it addresses the situation from a completely flawed starting point.

The Church is SUPPOSED to be a training ground, a spiritual “boot camp” for those who have come to know the Lord. Ephesians 4:12, “…for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ, until we all attain the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God…”  But today, those that attend a church are NOT being equipped for the work of ministry or the building up of the body of Christ.  For the most part, our pastors today preach on how to have a better life, a better marriage, how to be joyful, how great WE art, and of course, how we should all give our tithes ONLY to the church we’re attending.  Perhaps a Bible verse or two is flashed up on the projector screen, but how are these soft-served “sermons” equipping anyone for the work of ministry?

We need to be equipped, always ready to give an answer to anyone who asks for the faith that we have.  Unfortunately, that’s no longer happening in most modern American churches.  Christianity is EXclusive, it is not INclusive.  God’s love is AVAILABLE to all who seek Him in repentance and faith, but we are NOT all God’s children.  Indeed, until we turn to Christ, we remain children of wrath.  The wrath of God ABIDES on us.  We are enemies of God. — until we become His children.  When was the last time you heard THAT in church?

In an effort to be “seeker friendly” and “inclusive,” this essential doctrine has been deleted.  One might say the “cancel culture” we’re seeing in every area of society today actually began in the Church long ago, when the Church “canceled” the preaching of fire and brimstone in favor of lollipops and rainbow unicorns.  Don’t misunderstand: God is not willing that ANY should perish, but the Bible tells us that most WILL perish, as they choose the broad road that leads to destruction, rather than the narrow gate that leads to life.

Church has changed since I was a kid.  Today, “Sunday School” and “Children’s Church” have become little more than play time — led by parents who are only there to babysit unruly and wild kids and make it through the hour until it’s over.  There may be a Bible story or a video played — but these are no longer taught as absolute truth; they’re taught as STORIES.  Where once Sunday School was taken very seriously, and Scripture was taught as HIStory, now we have “story time,” “color a picture time” and “snack time.”

When the kids are old enough to leave “Children’s Church” and join their parents for the regular service, they’re given “feel good” self-help talks.  “Sin” has become a four-letter word, never to be uttered by the pastor who cringes at the thought of appearing intolerant, lest he no longer remain well-liked and popular among the people.

Today, we have churches ordaining homosexual pastors, flying rainbow flags with signs stating “all are welcome.”  Today we have churches that believe God evolves in His thinking and the Bible is out-dated, as our culture devolves into depravity, so all manner of sin and debauchery can now be accepted.  “Come as you are” is the call.”  Unfortunately, even after years upon years of attending weekly services, most continue to be as they always were.  They’ve never learned WHY they need a Savior, they’ve never learned WHAT Christ has done that they might be saved, and they’ve never been trained and equipped for ministry outside the four walls of that place.

So instead of the pastor preaching the whole counsel of God, shepherding his people to draw ever closer to the Savior, the Church being a gathering place for those who are soundly saved and IN the family of God, now we open the doors to any and all and require nothing of them.  And instead of having the courage to call out sin and wickedness for what it is, our pastors allow the unsaved, unrepentant and ignorant to dictate what is spoken of from the pulpit.  Of course, this means he can NEVER speak about current events, he can never speak about abortion, homosexuality, the rampant use of pornography, alcohol and drugs, he can never speak about the lies and propaganda of the COVID scam, the serious dangers of the jab, or the Globalist plans of the “Great Reset.”

So people are left to fend for themselves, and as Barna discovered, they draw their worldviews not from God’s Word, but from their feelings and their friends.  But while cowardly pastors will be held doubly accountable for their lack of leadership, it’s not entirely their fault, because the church-goers actually like things just the way they are.  Paul admonished Timothy as to what ministering to the lost should be.  He said, “Preach the Word, be instant in season and out of season, reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.  For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.”

The result is found in 2 Thessalonians 2: “Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”  If I could think of any words that most accurately describe most Americans today, I guess it would be “strong delusion.”  The lies of the enemy are evident in every government policy, every health order, every politically-correct diversity program, every elementary school, middle school, high school, college and graduate student classroom.  To those with eyes to see, the lies of the enemy are evident in every mainstream media outlet, every television show, and every commercial and so-called “public service announcement’ on TV.  And the people eat it up.

My wife and I were married at a small chapel many years ago.  It’s very scenic and beautiful there.  You walk across a covered wooden bridge over the Crystal River and come upon the Chapel in the Woods.  We still go back there occasionally, to that place we were married.  It’s also somewhat of a tourist stop, because it’s so beautiful there.  The last time we were there, a small family was there too, taking in the natural beauty of the area.

They had a young son with them, probably 8 or 9 years old. When he saw the Chapel, he asked his mother, “Mom, what’s that place?”  His mother answered, “It’s a Chapel…like a church.”  “What’s a church?” the young boy asked.  And his mother answered, “It’s a place where people go to pray to God — or whoever.”  “To pray to God — or whoever.”  This boy is probably 21 or older by now…and like so many, his eternal soul is hell-bound — UNLESS, somehow, someone somewhere managed to reach him with the actual whole Word of God.  There’s no reason for us to wonder why our country is in the shape it’s in today.  We abandoned God.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 352.

Our Only and Last Hope

By Rob Pue

March 6, 2022

The world is still amazed at how brutally the Prime Minister of Canada ended the Freedom Convoy protest in Ottawa, using an Emergency Measures Act that had not yet even been approved by parliament.  The House of Commons did, finally, approve Trudeau’s Emergency Measures — reserved for times of war — on February 22nd by a margin of 185-151, but that was after great damage and harm had already been done several days earlier.

As we saw the video coverage by citizen reporters on the scene, we were shocked at the brutality that police were inflicting on the people who were assembled there — peacefully seeking a redress of grievances with the politicians that supposedly represent them.  But we’ve now learned that many of those “police” were not Canadians at all — they were UN soldiers, who arrived on two airliners in North Bay, Ontario February 19th.  It seems that because the Canadian military refused to participate in attacks on the people they swore an oath to protect, Trudeau brought in the UN.

These soldiers wore no UN markings or symbols, but clearly, they were not Canadian.  They had no badges, no name tags, they were masked, and could not speak English or French.  And their arrival in Ottawa coincided with the arrival of two UN planes in North Bay, just 200 miles away.  This was after the Canadian government had raided the truckers’ GiveSendGo account, harvested the names of all the donors, and then seized the bank accounts of the donors — among them, all the assets of a single Mom who had donated $50 to the truckers’ cause.  A cause she believed in — but apparently, she held “unacceptable views.”

And we’ve all heard what Pastor Art Pawlowski has gone through these past two years in Canada.  But he was arrested again on February 8th, as he attempted to leave his home to go preach to the truckers in Calgary, Alberta.  This time, he’s been denied bail and is being held in solitary confinement.

The judge stated the following: “I have concluded that the Crown’s … grounds (for seeking detention) are substantial and that there is a substantial likelihood that the accused will, if released from custody, continue on offending, or interfering with the administration of justice.

“The accused’s pattern of behavior speaks volumes about his willful commission of offenses and/or violations of court and public health orders. His conduct…has contributed to enormous economic harm to the local, provincial and national economy and substantial community harm to ordinary Canadians.” 

Basically, they know he won’t just obey and remain silent, so he’ll remain in jail, indefinitely now.  His supporters plan to deliver a letter, pleading his case to members of parliament, which has been signed by nearly 10,000 people.  But it’s very doubtful anyone in authority will even look at that letter, much less come to his aid.  Like in this country, there IS no justice in Canada anymore.  Only totalitarian rule.  You either obey, comply and conform or you rot in prison.  “Guilty,” even if proven innocent.

Now, the “People’s Convoy” is coming together here in the US.  With truckers leading the way, people from all walks of life — and driving all types of vehicles — can join the convoy, which is headed to Washington DC.  However, leadership has already stated they won’t actually enter DC but just go as far as the beltline around the area… because they don’t want to become political prisoners or victims of radical Leftist judges there, like those who attended the January 6 rally last year.  Meanwhile, Biden has already stated that his COVID mandates, which were set to expire March 1st, will be extended indefinitely.

We have yet to see how things will end for America’s “People’s Convoy” protest.  But based on what we’ve already seen in countries around the world, where millions have filled the streets to protest the never-ending mandates and ever-increasing restrictions and revocations of basic freedoms and human rights, we’ll likely see similar brutality as we’ve seen in Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany, Austria and now Canada.

This situation is not just happening in one or two isolated areas.  This is a world-wide phenomenon, unlike anything we’ve ever seen before.  It’s not UP to the leaders of individual countries.  This is all being orchestrated and dictated by the New World Order Globalists.  Leading the way is Klous Schwab of the World Economic Forum, who has mentored many of the world leaders currently in office, vetted them to make sure they’ll follow orders obediently, and then made certain they were securely placed in office.  And they’ll remain in office for as long as they’re useful to the cause.  You know, there’s much more to the American election fraud of 2020 than any of us realize.  Why do you think that despite overwhelming proof of an obviously stolen election, not even our so-called “good Republicans” will do anything about it?

Why do you think the burning, looting, destroying and killing we’ve seen the past two years has been drilled into our heads as “peaceful protests” by “legitimate” organizations (including the self-proclaimed Marxist Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA)?  For the Globalist Great Reset to work, America MUST fall, so therefore, it’s perfectly ok for covert government agencies to stockpile loads of bricks and rocks on city streets, ready for throwing through windows of local businesses by the thugs they hire — and then order law enforcement to “stand down” and let everything burn — and as we now see happening, refuse to prosecute the crime of mob looting nation-wide.

Friends, this is all orchestrated.  It’s all been pre-planned.  The scam of the COVID “pandemic” is just the latest  — but the most effective tactic — to bring about an end to national sovereignty and personal freedoms.  Extremely powerful people are behind all this.  The Trudeaus and Bidens of the world are mere puppets to these people.  And they also have the backing of just about every major corporation in the world.  Follow the money, and learn what you can about Klous Schwab, the World Economic Forum and the planned “Great Reset.”

All this is very distressing, but as I mentioned in my last message, all of this could end tomorrow if we would simply understand one thing: this is a SPIRITUAL battle, playing out now in the physical realm.  The angels of God and demons of Satan are at war, as they’ve always been, but Satan has ramped things up, as he knows his time now is short.  Absolutely, I support standing up for truth and freedom and resisting the wickedness of the government mandates, the pharmakea of the “jab” and lies of the media and government officials.

But there’s no political solution to this and never will be.  Our so-called “representatives” are not only NOT going to listen to a word we have to say, no matter how many truck parades we have or how many millions gather in protest — they’re going to laugh at us, even as they’re directing their minions to haul us off to prison for having “unacceptable views.”  They’re not going to relinquish their power over us now that they’ve secured it.  Yes, we must fight and resist, but we will not win a spiritual battle with fleshly tactics.

So what, then, shall we do?  There’s only one solution: repent!  The world has forgotten God, and America, once the missionary to the nations, has led the way in apostasy and rebellion.  So what’s fallen on us now is nothing short of the wrath of God,  but He’s been infinitely patient with us, and many — like myself — have been sounding the warning for years, but all our warnings have fallen on deaf ears.

God made a covenant with us and we broke the deal.  Deuteronomy 28: “Now if you faithfully obey the Lord your God and are careful to follow all His commands I am giving you today, the Lord your God will put you far above all the nations of the earth.  All these blessings will come and overtake you, because you obey the Lord your God: You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country.  Your descendants will be blessed…You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out.

“The Lord will cause the enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before you. They will march out against you from one direction but flee from you in seven directions. The Lord will grant you a blessing on your storehouses and on everything you do; He will bless you in the land the Lord your God is giving you…The Lord will make you prosper abundantly with children…The Lord will open for you His abundant storehouse, the sky, to give your land rain in its season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations, but you will not borrow.  The Lord will make you the head and not the tail; you will only move upward and never downward if you listen to the Lord your God’s commands I am giving you today and are careful to follow them. Do not turn aside to the right or the left from all the things I am commanding you today, and do not go after other gods to worship them.”

Deuteronomy 6:  “These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart.  Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.  Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them be a symbol on your forehead. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.”

Our once-Christian nation has tossed God and His Word to the curb long ago.  Even our churches refuse to follow the commands of God, instead coveting the admiration of men.  We’ve come to love our lives of luxury and ease and we’ve sought after the fleshly desires of this world rather than the Holy Spirit of God.  I have news for you: the days of luxury and ease are over.  Welcome to the New Normal.

Deuteronomy 28 explains it all: “…if you do not obey thy Lord your God by carefully following all His commands and statues I am giving you today…you will be cursed in the city and cursed in the country…the Lord will send against you curses, confusion and rebuke in everything you do until you are destroyed and quickly perish, because of the wickedness of your actions in abandoning Me….the Lord will make pestilence cling to you…the Lord will cause you to be defeated before your enemies…the Lord will afflict you with madness, blindness and mental confusion…You will be oppressed and robbed continually and no one will help you…you will be powerless to do anything.  A people you don’t know will eat your land’s produce and everything you have labored for.  You will only be oppressed and crushed continually.  You will be driven mad by what you see.”

How long have I — and so many others — sounded this warning?  Yet still, as a nation, and as the modern American “Church,” we’ve stood by, while 70 million babies have been slaughtered.  Our shepherds refused to even speak of abortion, much less lead the people out to the killing centers to stop the bloodshed of the innocent.  One “pro-life Sunday” a year doesn’t “cut it,” pastor!  Most of our shepherds said nothing at all when the Supreme Court declared sodomite so-called “Marriage” the “law of the land.”  They obediently closed their church doors when told to, as they agreed with the government that they truly were “non-essential.”   And they’ve said nothing about the tyranny of the COVID scam or the deadly jab, leaving their people to just believe the lies.  Indeed, they, themselves have chosen to believe the lies. They dare not bring “politics” into the pulpit for fear of offending people and bringing conviction to seared hearts.

Today, instead of training up disciples to witness and evangelize for Christ, most pastors look upon those who DO witness in public as weirdos and trouble-makers.  Fanatics.

But as I’ve said before, it is time NOW for the Word of God to be boldly proclaimed on every street corner, in every school, college and workplace, calling all who will, to repent and return to God.  Repentance should be the word on every tongue and the action of every heart.  Our ONLY hope now lies in Jesus Christ and His mercy.  Yet so few — even professing believers — will do any more than agree with me.  Many will listen.  Few will DO.  So ashamed, we seem to be, of our Lord.

Everyone knows 2 Chronicles 7:14 but few do more than recite it:  “If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”  Herein lies our only, and last hope.

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 351.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

When Will We Understand That?

By Rob Pue

February 27, 2022

Things are happening more and more quickly now all across the globe.  The despotism of the tyrants that rule the nations is growing more intense, though you probably haven’t noticed it if you’re the typical American who gets their news in “sound bytes” and Facebook “memes.”  As one of our writers recently noted, this is the age of the “half-read page,” where people can’t be bothered to think for themselves.

The news changes so rapidly that what I write on Monday is often out-of-date by the time it is broadcast or published on Tuesday.  In my previous message I talked about the Freedom Convoy in Canada as they had peacefully held the line, trying to get their political representatives to hear their voices, crying out for basic freedoms and liberties to be restored.  In a movement that spanned about three-weeks’ time, more than 50,000 big-rig trucks traveled across Canada, garnering enthusiastic support from Canadians from all walks of life along the way.

Canadian citizens lined the highways and over-passes in frigid temperatures and blizzards to cheer the truckers on. They held Canadian flags, hand-made signs calling for freedom and liberty and banners with positive messages of support.  Of course, the first thing the Canadian government officials did was to impose a ban on standing in public places — if they were there to support the truckers.  The crowd-funding site GoFundMe seized millions of donated dollars. When the truckers switched to GiveSendGo, the Canadian government seized those funds — and captured the names of all the donors.

The truckers arrived in Canada’s capitol of Ottawa, welcomed by thousands of citizens there, who stood with them.  The Canadian people were simply asking for their voices to be heard by the government officials who are supposed to represent them — after two years of increasing tyranny and illegal government edicts, reminiscent of pre-Nazi Germany, the people had had enough.  It was time to DO something and the truckers led the way.  For two weeks, they held their ground in the city of Ottawa, surrounding the parliament building.  People from all walks of life came to join them, camping out in tents in the frigid cold.  But the atmosphere remained peaceful and patriotic with speeches by notable leaders, veterans, patriots and experts in their fields.  There was singing of patriotic songs, raising of the national flag and a mutual care for one another.

They made quite a splash and had overwhelming support of citizens around the world.  But still Trudeau and Canadian politicians would not listen. In his best attempt to direct the bought-and-paid-for mainstream media to broadcast lies, Trudeau called the protestors “a fringe minority,” that held “unacceptable views.”  Millions of Canadian citizens a “fringe minority?”  “Unacceptagle views?”  Who, I ask you, determines what views are acceptable, and which ones are not?  The Globalist Thought Police, of course.  Then, they made it illegal for fuel stations to sell diesel to the truckers.  When individual citizens began carrying heavy cans of fuel into the staging area to supply the trucks themselves, police arrested them and confiscated the fuel.

Some of the protestors were decorated military veterans.  They held their rallies at a nearby war memorial.  But the government CLOSED that memorial to the public, not allowing veterans to even visit their own memorial.

Early last week, after coming out of hiding, Trudeau imposed the Emergency Measures Act — which, in theory, could not take effect until parliament voted on it.  But Trudeau moved forward unilaterally.  These Emergency Measures are reserved for times of war and extreme national crisis or danger.  The Freedom Convoy protest did not constitute any of these things.  Nothing at all like the situation in Seattle, Washington during the summer of 2020, when the Marxist Black Lives Matters and ANTIFA overtook six square blocks of that city, renaming it “CHAZ,” declaring itself a “sovereign nation,” yet still demanding federal aid.

In that situation, the local police precinct building was violently overtaken by protestors, and during the occupation of the CHAZ area, there were multiple shootings and daily violence.  Our mainstream media, however, portrayed this all as a “festive block party.”  Nevermind the looting, burning and destruction of local businesses, the attacks on police, the extortion of local store owners and the rapes and murders that occurred there.  THAT was considered a “peaceful protest,” which called for the defunding of local police.  I guess that’s not surprising for a city that boasts a statue of Vladimir Lenin as one of it’s most important landmarks.  Even as monuments of real American heroes and historical figures have been constantly removed from public view, steadily for years now, the statue of the Communist Lenin remains the “pride of Seattle.”  But that’s another topic.

Early last week, Ottawa’s police chief resigned, rather than be a part of Trudeau’s brutal crackdown on peaceful citizens. On Thursday last week, I watched a press conference by the Canadian Freedom Convoy leadership, which included several Canadian military veterans.  They stated their case and there was an atmosphere of patriotism and optimism.

Later that day, however, the Deputy Prime Minister announced that bank accounts of donors to the truckers had been frozen — and that online fundraising for the group was being tracked by the government’s anti-money-laundering unit.  Yes — those that dared to support the protest have now had their bank accounts seized by the government.  Those individuals will likely be criminally charged in the coming days.  Even if they never attended a single public event, but only donated to a cause they believed in.

Thursday evening, protest leaders Tamara Lich and Christopher Barber were arrested — they’re expected to be charged with “counseling to commit the offense of mischief.”  And by early the next morning — Friday — Parliament Hill was flooded with police.  They began arresting protestors using brute force.  A meeting in Parliament, in which the proposed Emergency Measures Act was to be debated, was cancelled instead — the very day the first of the violence erupted.  You see, there WAS no violence on the part of the protestors.  Violence only began when the police crackdown began.  In a particularly ironic video, police can be seen attacking an RV camper with an axe while at least eight SWAT team members surrounded the vehicle with machine guns drawn.  A sticker on the camper proclaimed one simple word: “FREEDOM.”

Police also used horses, trampling protestors, including an elderly lady with a walker.  Trudeau’s Emergency Measures also give him the power to limit people from assembling or moving around freely; police can compel other citizens to help them — in this case, conscripting tow truck companies to remove the trucks against their will, many of which have since been seized by the government.  At last count, more than 200 people have been arrested and jailed, but that number will likely grow to the thousands, once officials wade through their list of participants and donors to the cause.

So as this modern-day “Gestapo” has devastated it’s own citizens, stolen their money and seized their assets, assaulted them with rubber bullets, beat them with batons and rifle butts, smashed vehicle windows and hauled people off to prison, it appears the Freedom Convoy has failed in its attempt to procure freedom for the people of Canada.  Canada has fallen to the Communist dictatorship of Justin Trudeau.

But why is Trudeau so intent on jabbing everyone and forcing every citizen to show their “papers” in order to move freely on their way in Canada?  Information has come forth from multiple reputable, credible and respected sources indicating that The Trudeau Foundation holds 40% ownership of Acuitas Therapeutics.  Acuitas is the manufacturer of the lipid nano particles used by Pfizer in their mRNA injections.  So is it any wonder that other treatments, that are actually REALLY safe and effective, have been banned — and getting jabbed and having proper paperwork to prove it is MANDATORY?  Is it any wonder that Trudeau refused to even discuss the matter before imposing war-time measures to defeat and imprison his own people?  Is it any wonder that he order ten times the number of clot-shots as there are Canadian people?  Or that he’s stated that people will need at least 8 booster shots, minimum and that this will continue through 2024?

But the Canadian Freedom Convoy lit a spark that ignited across the globe.  There were similar protests all across European countries.  Citizens of New Zealand also rose up and gathered at their parliament building, setting up tents and camping in city streets around the building — simply in an effort to get someone — ANYONE — from parliament to listen to their concerns as they plead for freedom from radical tyranny.

In response, parliament building loudspeakers would simply blare a pro-jab mandate message every few minutes, but not a single representative of the people would talk with them.  As thousands gathered, very peacefully, they held signs with messages like “Freedom,” “We are not lab rats,” and “Treat us like people.”   These signs were contrary to the New Zealand government’s mantra of “No Jab, No Job.”  Eventually, police there took similar heavy-handed measures as we saw in Canada, and now many are in jail, others have gone home, and nothing has changed.

This week, The People’s Convoy is set to begin in California, and head east toward Washington DC.  Unlike the Freedom Convoy in Canada, this American event is led by truckers, but open to everyone — you can join the convoy in your car, on your motorcycle or whatever.  I have a feeling they’re opening it to everyone because there are not enough American truckers willing to take part.  Canada had a great impact — worldwide — because 50,000 truckers rolling across the country, supported by millions of people is hard to ignore.  But sadly, I have my doubts that Americans have the courage — or even the interest — to resist the tyranny that has been upon us for two years now.

First they closed our small businesses, stating “two weeks to flatten the curve.”  Then they mandated mask-wearing and “social distancing” and most complied, because we were told to “follow the science.”  Then the jab mandates: “no jab, no job.”  Little by little, they’ve taken more of our freedoms away from us here in America, but because it’s been done slowly and incrementally, few have noticed or resisted.

Then they outlawed truth tellers, banned them from social media sites and the internet.  Then they took control of Big Tech, making it nearly impossible to find two sides to this story of the “Planned Demic.”  They slandered and persecuted doctors, scientists and researchers telling the truth.  “Cancel Culture” was in full swing but it didn’t concern most Americans because it didn’t affect them personally.  But MANY have lost their jobs;   Many have been killed by the “mandatory” jabs  — and by the hospitals using the official Fauci protocols.  But most didn’t believe it, or care, because it didn’t affect them.  Especially Christians.  But it affected them right from the start when churches were forced to close their doors and Christians arrested for meeting in church parking lots, but they couldn’t recognize the face of tyranny, even as it beat them over the head.

Soon the clamp down is coming here, just as we’ve seen around the world…Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Europe…  The Globalists’ greatest prize is the destruction of the United States.  They’re well on their way and they’re definitely coming for ALL of our freedoms soon.  I encourage you to wholeheartedly support  The People’s Convoy here in America.  If we do nothing, nothing will change.  But when the tyrants are able to seize all your money, all your assets, everything you have — simply for having “unacceptable thoughts” — I’m not sure we can win.  But we most definitely won’t win if we never try, and this is a fight for our very lives — and those our our grandchildren.

You DO realize, don’t you, that this could all end tomorrow if our nation would simply turn back to God?  There is no political solution.  War is not the answer, though we ARE in the most severe spiritual battle of the age.  As a once-Christian nation, America could lead the world in this.  Turn back to God.  Remember His commandments, beg His forgiveness and cry out for His mercy.  If we were to do this, the tyrants would be crushed and our Lord would heal our land.  But we are a stiff-necked people with hard hearts.  We’ve forgotten our Creator and Sustainer.  The Word of God should be ringing out in our streets, in our schools, our universities, and in our churches — constantly, as we pray without ceasing.  “Repent” should be the word on everyone’s lips and the action of every heart. Yet we refuse.  There is no movement but the movement of God Almighty that will save our nation — or the world now.  WHEN will we understand that?

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 350.

Supply Chain Siege

By 2022 Rob Pue

February 20, 2022

It was long overdue, but it needed to happen.  Around the world, citizens have been rising up to protest the New World Order Globalists, though the mainstream media has put a virtual “media blackout” on this information.  But now, citizens of Canada have decided they’ve had enough.  Enough of the lockdowns, mask and jab mandates, Nazi-esque requirements to show proof of injections to move about freely in public, and enough of the tyrannical edicts of a Communist dictator.

Since the start of 2021, the world’s been experiencing a “supply chain shortage.”  Cargo ships sitting off shore, unable to unload their wares; ports backed up with not enough workers to unload them; severe restrictions put on truckers and rail companies to move the supplies.  But this has been a “siege” — a “managed” supply chain crisis — orchestrated and manipulated carefully by those controlling the narrative and agenda.

Now, things have changed.  When Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau decided he’d make it mandatory for truckers to be jabbed in order to cross the border to the US, and for US truckers to enter Canada, enough was enough.  From British Columbia to Nova Scotia, truckers took to the road in a massive show of solidarity against the reprehensible dictatorship that has ruled that country for far too long.  And while massive protests in places like France, England, Germany and Australia could be ignored by the media because they’re so far removed from America, Canada’s situation hits closer to home.

I’m proud of what the Canadian truckers have accomplished, but also concerned that American truckers have not yet begun a similar protest.  That NEEDS to happen too.  The chickens need to come home to roost.

For two years now, I’ve watched as frightening news stories have been coming out of Canada.  It’s no secret that Chinese troops have been training with Canadian military and have been stationed close to the American border for years now.  It’s no secret that despite what parliament representatives of the Canadian people want, the Canadian leadership has stated openly that COVID concentration camps, as we see in Australia, are now completed and ready to receive their human hostages — in every Canadian province.  It’s no secret that Trudeau fancies himself a modern-day Fidel Castro and has been a champion of Communist ideology all his life.

Like Barack Hussein Obama, the current resident of our White House — and others preceding them — Trudeau is prime minister because the Globalists CHOSE him.  They placed him in power to do their bidding, and he’s been a perfect little puppet for Klous Schwab and the World Economic Forum.  And like American governors, the Canadian premiers and most all of Canadian parliament are under the same boots.

Proverbs 29, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice, but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.”  Friends, the WORLD has been in mourning since March of 2020 when “Event 201” went live.  The Biden campaign phrase “Build Back Better” has now been used by rulers world-wide.  It’s no coincidence that they’re all saying the exact same thing.  But in order to build something back, it first needs to be destroyed.  Psalm 11, “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?”

The Canadian truckers are showing us what the righteous can do.  Though the Leftist media portrays them as terrorists, racists, bigots and violent extremists, nothing could be further from the truth.  As the trucks have rolled across Canada, decorated with patriotic flags and messages of freedom and hope, I’ve seen, among those messages, many stating “Jesus is Lord,” “God bless Canada,” “Our Hope is in Christ alone,” and many more.  The same can be said of those standing along the roadways to cheer the truckers on, holding signs with similar sentiments.

This is a PEACEFUL protest, involving millions.  More than 50,000 trucks, and millions of Canadian citizens standing with them in solidarity, along frozen highways, braving sub-zero temperatures as they gather on overpasses, offering their aid and assistance, sacrificially, because what’s going on right now is probably the most important, the most urgent, the most powerful thing the people can do.

But Trudeau, his cronies — and their puppet masters — are not going to back down easily.  These New World Order Globalists have been working toward their ultimate goal for more than a hundred years.  Not only do they NOT care what the people want or think, or what science may prove (and by the way, none of this has EVER been about ‘COVID,’) these devils have made incredible progress toward their goal of world domination in only two years.  They’re not giving up now.  I just hope the people don’t either.  I hope the pain and punishments, the heartaches and heartbreaks, the imprisonment and deaths that are sure to come as a result of their courageous stand do not break their spirits, sending them back into abject slavery.  If you think retribution is not coming, you’re sadly mistaken.  There is a price to pay for freedom, and it’s expensive.

Almost immediately, Canadian premiers (the equivalent of American governors) sent forth edicts that it’s now illegal to stand and cheer for the passing trucks in the convoys.  Fines of $10,000 are levied on any who dare disobey.  In Ottawa, while the atmosphere has been described as a “love fest;” indeed one husband-and-wife trucker team stated it was the “greatest outpouring of kindness and atmosphere of love we’ve ever seen at any event in our lives,” the Canadian media is pushing the same old Statist propaganda, saying it’s all about “white supremacy,” “racism,” “white nationalism,” and violence.  But there IS no violence — at least not from the truckers or their supporters.  The only violence we’ve seen has come from government officials and police.

And in case you haven’t heard, Canadian pastor Artur Pawlowski was once again arrested at his home on February 8th — by a stealth SWAT team as he attempted to leave home to go preach to the truckers.

In order to break the protesters’ will, orders went forth that fuel stations are not allowed to sell fuel to the truckers.  The government has ordered hotels not to rent any rooms to anyone… hotels are being paid by the government to remain empty.  Canadian citizens then began walking in to the heart of the protest, carrying heavy loads of diesel fuel to keep the engines running — and bringing food and supplies to the truckers and their families, but these people are now being immediately arrested for doing so.

Meanwhile, truckers are in danger of freezing to death in the sub-zero temperatures.  They sleep in their trucks.  Many are there with their wives and young children and they depend on the trucks being able to run in order to have heat.

And for some, the punishment for fighting for freedom has already become too much.  The Ambassador Bridge between Detroit and Windsor, Ontario was cleared of all trucks on February 14th after Ontario premier Doug Ford declared there would be fines of $100,000 and a year in jail for anyone blocking roads, bridges or walkways.  But meanwhile, a major border crossing between British Columbia and Washington State remains closed, as is the border blockade in Coutts, Alberta, just north of Montana.  The Canadian government also cut off cellular communications in these regions to further hurt the truckers.

The spark that set this fire ablaze was when Trudeau made it mandatory for all truckers, Canadian and American, to be fully jabbed and show their papers in order to cross their southern border.  Interestingly, the US southern border remains wide open, with a red carpet fully rolled out, to welcome any and all, regardless of jab status, as illegal aliens invade our country at the invitation of the Leftist Elites — even as these illegals loot, destroy and kill once they arrive here, over-taking farms, ranches and entire border towns, now in a state of emergency.  Covert American government agencies are strategically relocating millions of illegals into cities and towns all across the US, under the cover of darkness, so American citizens remain clueless — until it’s too late.  But that’s another story.

I should also mention the wicked tactics of GoFundMe — the fundraising platform that initially raised more than $10 million to back the Freedom Convoy with fuel and supplies and other necessities.  As most of you know, GoFundMe shut the truckers’ account down, and attempted to confiscate all the money, then give it to OTHER groups, including Leftist/Marxist groups like Black Lives Matter.  When this didn’t fly, GoFundMe agreed to return the money directly to the donors.  But the Toronto-Dominion Bank had already seized some of those funds.

Then the truckers used an alternative crowd-funding site called GiveSendGo.  Another $10 million was quickly raised in support of these freedom fighters.  But a Canadian judge attempted to seize those funds as well.  Here was GiveSendGo’s response: “Know this! Canada has absolutely ZERO jurisdiction over how we manage our funds here at GiveSendGo.  All funds for EVERY campaign on GiveSendGo flow directly to the recipients of those campaigns, not least of which is The Freedom Convoy campaign.”  Good for them.

Now, even so-called “conservative” politicians are calling for an end to the protests, promising they will not stop fighting for freedom until they achieve it.  It seems the Canadian “conservatives” are just as full of lies and empty promises as their American counterparts.  Meanwhile, Trudeau is promising a “crackdown,” and one of his advisors stated, “Trust me, I will not run out of ways to make this hurt: cancel their insurance; suspend their drivers’ licenses; prohibit any future regulatory certification for truckers, etc…”

The Freedom Convoy is having a positive effect.  So far, the provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Quebec and Prince Edward Island have announced they will either be substantially lifting COVID restrictions or ending them altogether, this week.  But meanwhile, Ontario is doubling down. Trudeau, Ontario and the mayor of Ottawa have cut off supplies, threatened outrageous monetary fines and jail time, authorized police to confiscate fuel and food brought in by citizens to help the truckers and they would LIKE to slash their tires and tow their trucks.

But as one commentator asked, “How many trucks can Trudeau tow when tow trucks won’t tow trucks?”  Indeed.  Towing companies are refusing to remove the trucks.  But sadly, like good little Nazis, the local police continue to “just follow orders” as they arrest and persecute their fellow citizens.

Wisconsin author Tony Horvath has recently written a fictional book titled The Corn Seige,” in which he imagines a glimpse into the future — roughly two years from now.  In his story, the plans of the Global Leftists are thwarted because ordinary Americans, living in “flyover country,” simply stop doing business with those who have been oppressing them.  County sheriffs get on board and set up blockades, keeping those from Leftist areas of the country out of their counties.  Within “flyover country,” all is well.  People have plenty of food, power, heat and supplies.  People are free and life is normal.   But the liberal cities are cut off.  Truckers no longer deliver there.  Power companies cut off power supplies.  All those “peasants” who run the engine of the American economy simply stop doing business with those who hate them.  It’s an interesting book, and there are similarities with the Freedom Convoy.  Indeed, if given no other option but to end the blockades or lose everything, I hope the truckers will simply PARK their trucks — and thereby take back control of the “supply chain crisis” that’s currently being run by those seeking the destruction of our economy and all of Western civilization.

But as much as we admire and cheer for those truckers currently standing in our place on the front lines, it’s my fervent prayer that WE don’t buckle under the pressure.  Because however this ends up, it’s going to affect ALL of us.  Remember, 75% of everything you see in the stores arrives there by truck.  The truckers have tremendous power to break the backs of the tyrants and I hope they do that.  But I also hope that those cheering them on today will not be calling for their blood tomorrow, when things begin getting tough — for the rest of us.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 349.

Getting Out of ‘Scare-City!’

By Rob Pue

February 6, 2022

There’s a lot of fear in our world today.  Many are fearful, and even despairing, as we see the world slide so quickly under the tyrannical bootheels of the New World Order Globalists.  Around the globe, there are serious supply chain disruptions, which have been purposely orchestrated  to bring about poverty and famine, so that us “peasants” must beg our “masters” for a scrap of bread.

If one dares speak the truth, it’s labeled “hate speech.”  Truth-tellers are NOT allowed.  Recently, the UN announced they’re looking into ways to simply shut down the independent websites of those who publish information contrary to the “Great Reset” agenda.  “Good” is called “evil” and “evil” is called “good.”  Real science and critical thinking has been censored and outlawed.  Parents who speak out at school board meetings against racism, LGBTQP+ indoctrination and the abuse of their children through forced mask-wearing and forced injections are now targeted as “domestic terrorists.”  Workers who file for a religious exemption from the jab are now being monitored and tracked for their faith in God — by no less than 25 government agencies here in the US.

In most churches across our country, the pastors are silent on all these matters, and the congregations simply “sing louder” to drown out the cries of those being threatened, targeted and terrorized by their own government.  Jeremiah 5:31, “The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests rule by their own power;  and My people love to have it so. But what will you do in the end?  Indeed, what will you do in the end, if you’ve followed only LIES for so long?  If only the pastors and priests would gather the courage to stand against evil, and diligently instruct their people on how to properly respond in days like these.  But they simply continue to “prophecy good things” — a form of godliness, a pretend godliness, without any power at all.

Professing Christians, called to be the salt and light in this dark world, have lost their savor, and therefore have become irrelevant, good for nothing, except to be thrown out and trampled under the feet of men.  Can you show me any area of American society where Christianity has the power and authority it once did?  Can you say “Ichabod?”  Truly, the glory of God has departed from our land.  And its the fault of a shameful, cowardly “Church.”

After nearly two years of “two weeks to flatten the curve,” people are more fearful than ever.  Yes, people have died from COVID, but we now know that most of those deaths were preventable; life-saving treatments were forbidden, while hospitals implemented Fauci’s official “hospital protocols,” using deadly drugs and treatments that systematically killed patients.  And it’s still going on.  Doctors who know better are forbidden to deviate from the official hospital protocols — or speak the truth publicly, for fear of losing their licenses.

Today, many are fearful about coming food shortages.  Shortages of EVERYTHING, in fact.  The United States is quickly becoming a third-world country.  You may not see it yet and think that’s an exaggeration.  But those predicted shortages will soon arrive in your town if they haven’t already.  You’ve been warned. We’re also facing hyper-inflation and make no mistake, this is not by accident.  The powers-that-be WANT us all in bread lines.  Their GOAL is to make us all completely dependent on government for all of our basic necessities.  The more fearful and desperate people become, the more compliant and obedient they become.  That’s the plan.

But that’s the plan of the Globalists — that’s their wordly plan.  (God laughs at that, by the way!)  As Christ-followers, we have NOT been given a spirit of fear, but rather of power, of love and a sound mind.  It’s time we put our faith into action, and USE the power that God has given us; it’s time we show real, Godly LOVE to a lost and dying world, and it’s definitely time we use our heads…He’s given us a sound mind, and that’s a terrible thing to waste!

Now, we’re certainly not to be ignorant of the devil’s devices.  Yes, the devil is loose and raging in our world today.  We shouldn’t bury our heads in the sand and pretend all the wickedness going on around us isn’t happening.  We shouldn’t call truth-tellers “conspiracy theorists” and we MUST resist evil every time it’s thrust upon us.  Truly, if we resist the devil, he will flee from us.  He has no choice.  But if we fail to maintain a close walk with our Lord and Savior, if we listen more to the media’s approved talking points, if we fear the world more than we fear God, then we’re going to be just plain fearful.  And so many today are.

Last spring, when they shut down the pipleline, there was a “gas scare” in some of our southern and south-eastern states.  Some gas stations were closed down completely because there was no gas.  Others were open, but had strict limits on how much gas each person could buy, but people were still filling up all their vehicles and as many gas cans as they could — and of course, the prices for gas increased dramatically.

During that time, a good friend of mine was traveling from one of those southern states, to come speak at a church in Ohio that my wife and I were visiting.  In his sermon, he talked about his experiences, traveling north.  Some of his friends down south had asked him, “are you still planning to go to Ohio?  What if you get stranded?  What if you can’t get gas?”  When he turned on the radio news, all the talk was about severe shortages, which were only going to get worse.  It seemed everyone he ran into was afraid — scared of the the scarcity.  My friend was not.

He used a phrase during his sermon that I asked his permission to borrow.  He said, “we have to stop living in ‘Scare-City.’  Scarcity.”   You see, all the talk everywhere was about the gas shortage and scarcity of gas.  But Jesus instructed His followers to not be like the world, to not be like the heathen.  He said in Matthew 6, “…your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask Him.”  He knows our needs, even before we ask.

My friend was not preaching a fake “prosperity gospel” message and neither am I.  His point — and mine — is that God knows our needs and He takes care of His children when we put our trust in Him, follow Him and are obedient to His call.  Don’t look at our current circumstances in despair.  Look at those circumstances and see what God will do!  AND what He will do THROUGH YOU if you listen to the Holy Spirit, your Counselor and Friend.

Proverbs 3: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.  Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your body and refreshment to your bones.  Honor the Lord from your wealth, and from the first of all your produce.  Then your barns will be filled with plenty…

“My son, do not reject the discipline of the Lord or loathe His rebuke, for whom the Lord loves He disciplines, just as a father disciplines the son in whom he delights.  Blessed is a person who finds wisdom, and one who obtains understanding…Comply with sound wisdom and discretion, and they will be life to your soul…Then you will walk in your way securely, and your foot will not stumble.  When you lie down, you will not be afraid;  when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.  Do not be afraid of sudden danger, nor of trouble from the wicked when it comes.  For the Lord will be your confidence, and will keep your foot from being caught.”

There’s our answer.  And notice, it doesn’t say we won’t have trouble.  It says “do not be afraid of trouble from the wicked WHEN it comes.”  Jesus Himself told us that in this world we will have tribulation, but we should take heart because HE has overcome the world!”

Let’s use our heads.  We know what the enemy is planning, and doing.  So let’s be wise and use the sound minds God’s given us, His children.  Remember the dreams of Pharaoh in Egypt?  The seven fat cows being swallowed up by the seven sickly cows?  The seven robust heads of grain being devoured by the seven weak heads of grain?  Joseph had the wisdom to interpret those dreams.  A famine — scarcity — was coming to Egypt.  He could have been fearful and full of despair, but instead he used wisdom.  He prepared.  He stockpiled food and supplies while he was able to, in anticipation for the coming scarcity.

And when the scarcity came, not only was the land of Egypt prepared, but they were also prepared to help others — including Joseph’s long-lost family.  Joseph was truly blessed, though he certainly endured harsh treatment, many trials and tribulations during his time in Egypt.  It wasn’t all health, wealth and prosperity and certainly when he languished in prison for a crime he didn’t commit, I doubt he would have called that “his best life now.”  He went through a lot, but never wavered from his faith in God.  And God brought him through, reunited him with his family and out of all these things built the nation of Israel, His chosen people.

Of course, the story doesn’t end there.  The Israelites eventually became slaves of the Egyptians and their lives were miserable. Eventually God raised up Moses to deliver His people from the tyranny of the king.  But as Moses obeyed the commands of God and defied the tyrant Pharaoh, Pharaoh made life even more miserable for the Hebrews.  The slaves were required to make bricks using mud and straw.  Pharaoh commanded that the straw be removed, but that the Hebrews still be required to make the same quota of bricks.  A scarcity of straw meant more toil, more misery and pain.  The plan was to make them so miserable that they’d forget about the idea of leaving Egypt and worshiping God.

Of course, we all know how that ended.  Not well for the tyrants.  God took care of His people when they were faithful and looked to Him for their needs.  Yet even after they left Egypt, it wasn’t long before they began complaining about the scarcity of “luxuries” they had as slaves in Egypt.  They actually wanted to turn back and live as slaves rather than trust God for their provision.  They were in the wilderness, but still living in “Scare-City” — even as God provided manna and meat and satisfied all their needs.  The people were still discontented, doubtful and disobedient.

Friends, it’s time we move OUT of “Scare-City.”  As children of God, we need never fear.  Of course we’re going to have trials and tribulations in this world.  Of course the wicked will grow more and more wicked — and vengeful — on those of us who love the Lord.  They hated Jesus first — what makes you think we’re going to be well-liked and popular in this world?  No, we’ll be hated too, for His name’s sake.  But if there’s any scarcity, it’s a scarcity of FAITH among those of us who call ourselves “Christians.” And there’s a famine of God’s Word in the land!

So hold on to your faith and draw close to God.  You KNOW what’s right and wrong.  You KNOW what’s good and what’s evil.  Do right. Do good. Be faithful.  Trust GOD!

The wicked, evil Globalist tyrants that appear to be running things will find their plans smashed to bits soon enough.  In the meantime, it’s going to be tough.  Get used to it.  PLAN for it.  It’s the “new normal,” but it won’t last forever.  The question is, what side will you stand on while we’re going through it?  Stop living in fear.  Fear is a great motivator toward compliance and allegiance with evil. The useless masks you allow them to force you to wear, and strap to the faces of your children serve only ONE purpose: to keep us all reminded that we must be afraid. Afraid of WHAT?  The disapproval of men?  Confrontations with strangers in stores?

Too many of us are afraid of losing our stuff: our jobs, if we don’t take the jabs, perhaps our homes, our cars, our luxuries, our lives of ease…if we don’t comply with evil tyranny, or if we dare to speak the truth OUT LOUD in public.  But every time we do comply, we aid the cause of the enemy, we lead others astray and we make another conscious choice to obey men rather than God.

It’s time we get out of “Scare-City” and into the abundance of God’s promises.  Let our faith be steadfast, let our service be to God alone.  Let us boldly speak the truth at every opportunity and may we never comply with evil and lies.  For more encouragement in these things, I urge you to read — and soak in — Luke 12.  Read the whole chapter — we all need it.  I’ll end here with verse 25: “Which of you, by worrying, can add a single day to his life?”  So ONWARD, Christian soldiers!  Let’s march together, OUT of “Scare-City!”

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 348.

There Comes a Time When Time Runs Out

By Rob Pue

January 30, 2022

Does it seem like the world is spinning out of control?  For those who research, study and report, the news never stops and it’s rarely “good news.”  I’m not sure how those without the hope of eternal salvation in Jesus Christ can deal with it all; except that I do know most prefer NOT to deal with it — at all… they do their best to avoid the news and any information that might upset them. I understand, it’s a coping mechanism, but of course, you can run, but you can’t hide from all that’s coming upon the earth now.  You certainly will not be able to hide from the King of Kings when He returns with the armies of heaven to justly judge the wicked of this world.

Many lost souls realize this as well, but still won’t humble themselves, repent and cry out for the Savior’s mercy and grace.  Of course, one day, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, but for now, every day they get up and do their best impression of an ostrich, while trying to pretend that God doesn’t exist.  Still,  there’s always that black cloud, always that fear factor in the back of their minds, and so they simply obey and comply with evil and tyranny, in the futile hope that they’ll just be left alone.  Many also believe they’re superior people — so much more virtuous, kind and thoughtful of others, because they do as they’re told.

But those of us who know Jesus and are known by Him need never fear anything. We can be bold as lions because we know He’ll never leave us or forsake us, even though we will have tribulation in this world.  So, we don’t need to bow to the evil dictates of tyrants, we don’t need to do as we’re told by the wicked ones; we’re free to do as we should, in accordance with the Word of God.

Other lost souls do follow the daily news, but they only accept the mainstream media news and as we all know, the mainstream media news only shows us what they want us to see.  The Mockingbird Media does the bidding of their puppet masters — pumping out lies and propaganda 24/7, for the purpose of continually advancing the ‘Great Reset” Globalist agenda.  The majority of what’s called the “news” today is mere theater, scripted and choreographed purposely to cause the most fear possible, and, of course, obedience.

So today, I’d like to share with you some news you’ll  likely never hear CNN, MSNBC or even FOX.  The Lying Left will likely label this “fake news” or “conspiracy theories” or “right wing propaganda.”  But that’s just what they do.  And people really believe what their screens show them.  For too many, if it’s not on TV, it’s not real, it’s not happening.  Remember, the Corporate Media’s job is to make the truth disappear, forever gone, down the “memory hole.”

First of all, out of England, it’s been announced that Boris Johnson is drawing up plans to phase out that country’s planned-demic restrictions, perhaps as early as March, perhaps much sooner. Currently, British citizens are required to remain in quarantine if they test positive for COVID.  Violating this mandate comes with a 10,000 pound fine.  COVID passports and contact tracing may also be phased out.  It seems that just MAYBE the millions of Brits protesting in the streets have had some effect there.

The US Supreme Court threw the peasants a bone recently, when they ruled that Biden’s jab mandates for companies with more than 100 employees could not be enforced.  But at the same time, they ARE allowing jab mandates to go forward for American healthcare workers.  For them, it’s “get the jab or lose your job,” and most are denying religious and medical exemptions.  Many healthcare workers have already been fired long ago for their non-compliance.  But the Court’s decision on companies is too little too late.  Biden’s threats and coercion were enough to get most American companies to mandate the jabs already.  It only took an empty threat (with no legal “teeth” behind it at all) to get them to obey.  His regime knew such rules would never hold up in court, but by simply threatening fines and penalties, a majority of American workers have now already been irreversibly jabbed.  For them, it’s already too late.

In Alberta, Canada, COVID vaccine data that showed a spike in post-jab deaths there was scrubbed from a government website recently, after journalist Alex Berensen published the information, showing a huge increase in deaths following a first vaccine dose.  Thankfully, Berensen had the forethought to take screen shots of the data the Alberta government had  posted before they tossed it down the “memory hole.”

Meanwhile, German physicians have joined other scientists around the world in discovering strange objects in the COVID jabs and in the blood of those who have taken them.  A German health freedom foundation, essentially the equivalent of America’s Frontline Doctors, have released astonishing videos showing “foreign objects” that were (quote) “accurately constructed,” as well as WORMS that were hatched from eggs, and other parasites.

Former Pfizer vice president Michael Yeadon has been warning people for months against taking these shots and wearing face masks.  “Everything from the PCR tests to the masks to the idea of ‘asymptomatic spread’ is fraudulent,” Yeadon said, and added, “the shots were always going to harm people because of the way they were designed.”  Yeadon believes the outcomes of the COVID jabs are likely 1,000 times worse than for any conventional vaccine due to the experimental mRNA technology they use.

A report from the Airline Pilot Association magazine has noted that US pilot deaths increased by 1,750% in just the first eight months of 2021 — starting right after COVID jabs were required.  Interestingly, none died unexpectedly during the supposed deadly “pandemic” of 2020.

On January 15th a volcano in Tonga produced what’s been called a “once-in-a-thousand-years explosion.”  The eruption sent a 3-mile-wide mushroom cloud of red-hot ash, steam and gas 12 miles into the air and the eruption was so massive it actually created an entirely new island.  The sonic boom from the blast could be heard 6,000 miles away in Alaska.

On January 11th, construction of a ten-foot-high concrete wall began — surrounding the White House.  No explanation has been given for the purpose of this wall, which is positioned inside the steel fence that already surrounds the White House.  Curiously, when construction of the concrete barrier began, the CCTV video feed was cut off.  A few websites covering this have said that the huge concrete wall is needed because landscapers are doing maintenance on a fountain on the White House lawn.  How stupid do they think we are?

But it seems we need more and more walls and barricades to protect the “most popular president ever elected,” with more than 80 million “legitimate” votes, while at the same time, our southern border is equipped with a red carpet for any and all non-citizens who would like free food, clothing, healthcare, education, housing and cash — even as our senior citizens and military veterans subsist on social security payments and government aid well below the poverty line.

While this is going on, the Biden administration is making lists of religious vaccine objectors.  Yes.  According to the Daily Signal, “The Pretrial Services Agency for the District of Columbia…announced a new records system that will store the names and ‘personal religious information’ of all employees who make ‘religious accommodation requests for religious exception from the federally-mandated vaccination requirement.’”  They’ve not said what they intend to do with this information.  I can guess…

Newly-elected Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has stated that a wide variety of  crimes will no longer be prosecuted under his leadership.  As we’ve seen in California and other parts of the country, Bragg has declared his office won’t prosecute armed robberies of businesses.  Criminals who steal less than $1,000 worth of goods will be allowed to go free. Other crimes his office will no longer prosecute are resisting arrest, prostitution, and criminal trespassing – unless, of course, you don’t show your jab papers on command.  This is one more Left-wing district attorney opening the door to increased violent crime, as we’ve seen in San Francisco, Philadelphia, Seattle, Portland and Chicago, to name just a few.  In all of those cities, violent crime is soaring, as is mass retail looting.

Meanwhile, in Florida a family has lost another legal battle to try to save their loved one fighting for his life on a ventilator now for over a month.  According to the Epoch Times, the wife and son of Daniel Pisano have been fighting Mayo Clinic Florida in court since December 30th.  Before that, they begged the hospital to allow them to try treating Pisano with Ivermectin, along with a mix of other drugs and supplements recommended by the front Line COVID Critical Care Alliance.  The family’s request for emergency intervention was denied by Florida courts, twice now.  The Mayo Clinic argued that the treatment plan the family would like to try doesn’t fit with the hospital’s standard COVID protocol.  Of course, it doesn’t.  I’ve explained “standard hospital protocols” to you before, as well as all the financial bonuses hospitals receive for keeping people sick, and even more bonuses once they’re dead.

Also from the Epoch Times, health departments in multiple states are investigating the steep surge in the death rates of people age 18 to 49, most of which are not related to COVID, but ARE related to the jab.  Deaths in this age group increased by an average of more than 40 percent in 2021.  The District of Columbia saw a whopping increase of 72 percent higher deaths in people age 18 to 49 during 2021.  Interestingly, DC also has the highest percentage of “fully vaccinated” people in the country.

Natural News has this story: Democrats in Washington State are now pushing a bill, (WAC 246-100) which would authorize “health officers” to basically kidnap anyone they choose at gunpoint and send them to COVID concentration camps.  The people targeted under this rule need not show any symptoms of infection in order to be arrested and placed in the camps, which have already been activated.

The White House announced “strike force” operations in July of last year.  The purpose of these “strike forces” is to go door-to-door, targeting “anti-vaxxers” in their homes and forcing Americans to take the kill shots.  Four months ago, Washington State’s government confirmed they were hiring “strike team coordinators.”  The coordinators have now been hired and trained and the camps in Washington State are ready to receive the first of their guests, once lawmakers push the bill through.

And finally, a story from Forbes magazine, hardly a “right-wing” publication… “Supply chain disruptions, high inflation and a massive trucker shortage.”  The story from Forbes states, “If you’ve shopped at a supermarket lately, you would have noticed all of the bare shelves. There is no definitive timeline for the delivery of the new car you excitedly put a down payment on months ago. Companies are losing business, as they aren’t receiving the stock of goods and components needed to make their products.”

According to Forbes, the trucking industry is currently in need of at least 80,000 new truckers.  Once again, many have chosen to leave their profession rather than be forced to take an experimental and deadly injection.  Up to 75% of the US economy’s products arrive by truck.  Not anymore.  In California, if your truck is more than a couple years old, you’re not allowed to enter the state at all.  In addition, truck drivers may soon have to show their “vaccine papers” in order to enter certain states, as well as travel to and from Canada.  Meanwhile, the cost of goods has skyrocketed across the nation and food shortages have been predicted for a while now.

And I’ve mentioned this previously, but it bears repeating: you must now show your “papers” proving you’ve been fully jabbed in Washington DC, Minneapolis and St. Paul in order to enter any public space.  New Yorkers must also show their “papers” if they intend to move about in public.  Only about 20,000 people turned out to protest the mandates and loss of freedom at the DC rally January 23rd.

This is the world we live in now.  This is the “New Normal.”  This is the Left’s idea of “Building Back Better.”  It may seem like the world is spinning out of control, but our mighty God has His hand firmly at the helm and the evil ones behind all the mayhem and destruction can do nothing that God does not allow.  Our world is under judgment, as it should be.  Our Heavenly Father is patient beyond measure, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.  But just as in the days of Noah and Lot, there comes a time when time runs out.  Don’t fear the world.  Instead, seek God today, while you still can.

© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 347.

The Brainwashing is Nearly Complete

By Rob Pue

January 23, 2022

It appears that the brainwashing of the New World Order Globalists is nearly complete.  While there definitely are many Americans with eyes to see what’s right in front of their noses, most are happily going along with the plan of the planned-demic, oblivious to the wicked agenda of The Great Reset.  And the blind ignorance of MOST is staggering.

In our nationally-distributed newspaper, Wisconsin Christian News, we publish the truth, though the truth is often unpleasant.  The articles we publish are fact-checked and backed up with original sources so readers can research what we’re saying for themselves.  The articles we publish include vital information from literally thousands of accredited researchers, scientists, doctors, ministers and even everyday, ordinary citizen reporters who publish what they’re seeing first-hand.

But the truth is heavily censored now, unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.  The Mockingbird Mainstream Media is owned by the New World Order Globalists, and so they report the official talking points of the tyrants, and they do NOT report anything that might go contrary to the official narrative of the regime.  We only see what they want us to see.  The same is true for social media platforms, like Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.  While we’re constantly told we must “follow the science,” REAL science is now banned from public discussion.  It’s been outlawed.  Around the world today, releasing information on real research, real science, real, ACTUAL FACTS will now get you arrested and often jailed.

Our current edition of Wisconsin Christian News is powerfully packed with REAL news, information and commentary.  Our newspaper is available by mail to subscribers and also placed in high-traffic public places all around Wisconsin as well as in 17 other states.  People can pick up a copy of the newspaper at their local grocery store or truck stop for free — IF there are any left.  We’re only able to stock the paper at each location once a month, and most of our news racks empty out within a week or so.

For the past two years, we have had to increase the number of copies we print every single month and we’re now printing more copies than ever before in nearly 23 years of publishing.  People are HUNGRY for REAL news and they’re starving for the truth.  There’s a famine of God’s Word and truth in our land.  I routinely get very positive comments from those who have found Wisconsin Christian News in a public place, picked up a copy and read it, and then had their eyes opened to things they never knew or even heard of before.  As an example, one note that just came in today read, “Yours is a great newspaper — the only one worth reading!”  Another person wrote, “WCN is a lifeline to the truth. I don’t know what I’d do without it.”  Still another said, “I’m grateful for my subscription to Wisconsin Christian News.  I’ve used it to start so many great conversations with people and most are stunned when they realize how they’ve been lied to by the TV news and the internet.”  This gives me hope that many are waking up to the reality of what’s going on in this world — and coming to realize that Jesus is not only our “best shot,” He’s our ONLY “shot.”  Pun intended.

But the comments are not all positive. Let me share with you something that came in just last week, two days after our latest edition was released.  This is from someone who picked up the paper in a public place.  “I was disgusted when I looked at the front page and saw outrageous articles claiming that the good Dr. Fauci should be charged for crimes against humanity and that COVID shots are killing people!  Articles like these have nothing to do with Christianity and are instead motivated by right-wing political extremism!  This is the kind of ugly, twisted, toxic mix you get when you combine religion and politics.”

Another person wrote, “I have never in my life seen such lies and misinformation in any publication.  You people are crazy and you call yourselves ‘Christian.’  I don’t think that’s how your ‘Jesus’ would see things.  You people need to move to your own planet and leave us normal people to follow the facts. Stop killing people with your misinformation.”

Let me strongly reiterate: we do NOT publish misinformation.  We publish the TRUTH. I have nothing to gain by lying to our readers and we do not publish sensationalistic nonsense.  But we DO take a strong stand on the truth of what’s behind the current scam of the planned-demic and the COVID jabs.  And once again, all of our content is researched and fact-checked, often coming directly from the researchers and scientists themselves when it comes to these issues.

The problem is that so many Americans have been completely brainwashed into a mind-numbed stupor, they CANNOT and WILL NOT even consider anything that goes contrary to what their big screen TVs tell them.  Case in point: a University in Southern California conducted a poll of 6000 people this time last year and reported that an overwhelming majority of American adults — 83% — were in favor of mask mandates in public.  Now granted, we don’t know who these 6,000 people were, or where they lived, or whether or not this University was honest in their reporting.  A Gallup poll from last summer showed 49% of Americans were in favor of mask mandates.

Regarding the jab mandates, a Gallup poll from last fall showed 60% of Americans in favor of requiring all government employees to be “fully jabbed” and 58% agreed that companies with 100 or more employees should be required to get the shot.  The same poll revealed that 63% of Americans are in favor of mandatory jabs for healthcare workers.  Like I said, the brainwashing is almost complete, as the truth about all these things is not allowed to be spoken, or published in this “cancel culture” we’re currently living in.

Here’s the truth: literally thousands of doctors and scientists from around the world have stated that mask wearing does not protect the wearer, nor do masks protect others.  On the contrary, a myriad of health problems are caused by wearing a face mask for an extended period of time, and this has been proven (by SCIENCE) over and over and over again.

Regarding the COVID jabs, here’s the latest from the VAERS report. In case you don’t know, VAERS is a system operated by the CDC and the FDA in which healthcare workers can report adverse side effects.  The purpose of VAERS is to serve as an early warning system to detect possible safety problems in US-licensed vaccines.  Unfortunately, only between 1% and 10% of “adverse events” are ever reported to VAERS.  But here’s the latest, from January 14th: ACCORDING TO VAERS, the COVID jabs have been the direct cause of 23,652 deaths and 1,109,989 adverse events.

Here’s a partial list of some of the most common “adverse events” people are suffering: acute myocardial infarction, cardiac arrest, circulatory collapse, severe hypertension, supraventricular tachycardia, sinus tachycardia, palpitations, bells palsy, acute respiratory distress syndrome, anaphylaxis, blood clotting, Guillain-Barre syndrome, seizures and strokes.  Unfortunately, you won’t hear about this in the mainstream media, social media or the internet.  But for those who’ve been doing the research, this has all been common knowledge for more than a year now.

Today’s American censorship puts the censorship and government propaganda of Communist China to shame.  How else do you explain so many people reporting that they’re actually in FAVOR of government COMMANDING U.S. citizens to be jabbed?  Furthermore, we now know that the shot does NOT protect you from getting sick and it does NOT protect others around you from getting sick.  And it’s getting more and more difficult for the powers-that-be to keep this charade up.

Trust the science?!  Here’s a timeline of the “science” we were told to believe about the jabs from the World Health Organization.  In May of last year, we were told the jabs provided 95% protection from COVID. In June it was 70%.  In July it was 50% — a 50/50 chance they actually do anything beneficial. In August, the WHO had to admit that the jab offers no protection, but reduces the spread of COVID. In September, they admitted it doesn’t reduce the spread but reduces severity of illness. In October, we were told it doesn’t reduce the severity, but reduces hospitalizations. In November they had to admit it doesn’t reduce hospitalizations either, but COULD POSSIBLY keep you from dying.

The fact of the matter is, these shots were not magically made in less than a year to fight COVID.  These shots were never made for COVID.  On the contrary, COVID was made for the shots.  In other words, COVID was the means by which the Globalists could force the entire world population into getting injected with deadly poisons that have already killed countless people.  High school athletes in the prime of life and health, dropping over dead from heart attacks.  Countless pilots — forced to take the jab or lose their job — suddenly dying within days of their shots.  How much longer can these facts be hidden?

And I’ve already spoken previously at length about the official hospital protocols throughout America now — protocols that deny family access as patient advocates; protocols that mandate a deadly drug called Remdesivir, which literally causes rapid cascading organ failure. I’ve also told you — and shown you proof — that hospitals receive bonus payments for forbidding the use of safe and effective medicines, more bonuses for using the deadly Remdesivir, more bonuses for using sedatives that slow breathing and heart rates to dangerous levels. And more bonuses for using ventilators, which basically suffocate patients to death.  Oh, and more bonuses for every death they can label as ‘COVID.’  It’s insidious and it’s pure evil.  And they’re doing it coast to coast.

As for our basic human rights, they no longer exist.  Medical privacy?  Gone.  “My body, my choice?”  Gone.  On December 15th, the District of Columbia enacted a law whereby all people 12 years old and older must now show their vax “papers” in order to enter any public space.  The same rules took effect in the Twin Cities January 17th.  “Show your papers” or you’ll be shown the door.  So much for American freedom and liberty.  So much for personal and medical privacy.  So much for human rights.

This scam-demic and poisonous, deadly jab — and the tyrannical edicts of government and health officials around the world — have already broken so many rules of the Nueremburg Code you can’t count them all.  What’s more, they seem to be getting away with it; despite the fact that millions are protesting in the streets of England, France, Germany, Austria and Australia, to name just a few.  We’ve all heard about entire families — indeed, entire communities — being hauled off to COVID concentration camps in Australia.  Now, Washington State has suggested a similar plan. How long before it comes to your state?

But you see, you can’t reason with those who have deliberately chosen to believe the lies.  As illustrated by the hate mail I shared with you, you can provide literally thousands of studies, you can provide irrefutable proof on all these things, but they refuse to look and they refuse to see.  Our pastors are, for the most part, just as ignorant, and a majority of them support mandatory jabs.  Many churches are now opening up as “vaccination centers.”  Even the Pope has stated that if you love your neighbor, you’ll comply and get your jab.

We’re in a really bad place when we can no longer have a civil conversation, when we are only allowed to see one side of a very twisted and demonic plan for depopulation and world-wide enslavement.  They’re murdering people with these shots and they’re calling it “healthcare.” Sort of like the nearly five decades of baby murder — abortion — which they call “women’s healthcare.”  But you can’t deny that every abortion ends with one dead and one wounded.  That is NOT healthcare, and neither is this.

If you happen to be on the “other side” of this issue and think the jab and the masks are the wonderful and that YOU are an extra-virtuous person for obeying and complying with the FAKE science of this demonic regime, let me ask you this: if what you THOUGHT you knew turned out to be wrong, WHEN would you want to know?

2 Thessalonians 2: “The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe the lie,  in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”  Friends, I HAVE told you the truth, whether you believe it or not.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 346.

2021: The Year of the ‘Jab’ in More Ways Than One

By Rob Pue

January 9, 2022

SPECIAL: Watch the interview with Paul Walter of NewsWithViews, with host Rob Pue and guest Pastor Matt Trewhella!

Watch on WCN-TV here:

Watch on Rumble here:

We began 2021 with a ray of hope that the fraudulent election of November 3rd would be overturned, but that was not to be.  On January 6th, millions of patriots gathered at the US Capitol to present a “redress of grievances” to their elected officials.  But the massive rally was infiltrated by ANTIFA and other Marxist groups, who arrived on buses and were given police escorts into the event by DC and Capitol police.

Millions of Patriots were peacefully demonstrating outside when police welcomed many into the Capitol building, but many who entered were the ANTIFA anarchists who proceeded to threaten others inside and vandalize the building.  Ashli Babbit, a 35-year-old Air Force veteran was shot and killed by a Capitol police officer.  Leftists called the rally an “insurrection” and the congressional certification of Biden as president was delayed until the middle of the night.

Following the rally, nearly 700 individuals were arrested simply for being at the Capitol on that day.  Still today, forty of them remain in the DC jail, where conditions have been described as “deplorable beyond belief.” Solitary confinement in 8X10 cells; they’re not allowed to bathe, see clergy or have a Bible; they’ve been restricted from seeing attorneys, family visitations are not allowed; they’re not given decent food or water and have been denied all due process while still being held in jail.

On January 13, Trump was impeached for the January 6 event, blamed for “inciting a riot.”  The Senate acquitted him in February.  On the 20th, Biden was inaugurated, as the Capitol was surrounded by a high fence topped with razor wire and protected by 25,000 armed troops.  The inauguration had the fewest number of attendees in history.

Biden immediately signed executive orders requiring masks on all federal land and buildings and for federal employees and contractors.  He quickly violated his own edict later that day when he visited the Lincoln Memorial without a mask.

He also rejoined the World Health Organization, extended moratoriums on foreclosures and evictions of those who hadn’t paid their mortgages or rent for over a year; he rejoined the Paris Climate Accords, he revoked the permit for the Keystone Pipeline, putting thousands of people out of work and causing us to depend, once again, on foreign countries for energy.  Also on his first day, he mandated “diversity training” in public schools, with an emphasis on LGBTQ people and on race.  He included illegal aliens in the US Census and put a stop to construction of the US/Mexico border wall.

A surge of millions of illegal immigrants began immediately at the southern border, which continues to this day.  Illegals have steadily been transported and “resettled” in towns and cities across the country, given free food, shelter, clothing, healthcare, education and cash.

February began with Ford announcing, on the 4th, that it would reduce the production of it’s F-150 pickup truck because of the global chip shortage.  On the 15th, millions of Texans were left without electricity as a winter storm blasted the southwest.  More than 200 people died. Radio Commentator Rush Limbaugh died on February 17th at age 70 of Stage Four lung cancer.

On March 11, Biden signed into law a $1.9 trillion dollar COVID stimulus package.  On the 15th, Pastor Tony Spell of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, was arrested for holding church services in 2020.  While he awaited trial, he was forced to wear an ankle bracelet and placed on house arrest.  March 18: Honda and Toyota halted production at plants in North America because of shortages and transportation bottlenecks.  Then on March 23rd, one of the world’s largest container ships got stuck in the Suez Canal, blocking traffic for nearly a week.  Also in March, swarms of locusts swept across Africa, destroying everything in their path.

On April 20th, former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty of murder in the May 2020 death of George Floyd.  He was sentenced to 22 1/2 years in prison.  Reports of inflation setting in began that day as well, as consumer prices jumped nearly 5% from a year earlier.

As government and health officials continued to push the COVID jab, offering incentives like free ice cream, free beer, free college scholarships and “vaccine lotteries,” Facebook removed a social media page on April 23rd that featured stories from hundreds of thousands of people who had already been seriously injured or killed by the shots.

On April 29th, parents began rising up at school board meetings regarding mask mandates for children. The government and mainstream media immediately began labeling parents speaking at school board meetings as “domestic terrorists.”

The Arizona election audit also began in April, which uncovered an astounding amount of voter fraud.  Nothing has been done about it.  Multiple other states have also pushed for election audits, to no avail.

On May 8th, Pastor Artur Pawlowski and his brother David were arrested by police on a busy freeway in Calgary, Alberta, Canada as they were returning home from church.  He was charged with “inciting people to worship” after he refused to close his church on Easter.

There was a gasoline supply scare on May 13th as the main pipeline carrying gas and diesel fuel to the East Coast was shut down.  That same day, the CDC announced “fully vaccinated” people would no longer need to wear a mask.  Fauci would change his mind on that multiple times throughout the year.  On May 19th, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a bill banning most abortions after six weeks of conception.  The law was immediately challenged in the courts and continues in litigation today.  And on May 28th, a 15-year-old girl was raped by a transgender boy in the girl’s restroom at a Virginia school.  The girl’s father, Scott Smith, was arrested when he expressed his outrage at a school board meeting on June 22nd. The same “trans” boy, after transferring to another school, was charged with sexual battery after doing the same thing to another girl at the new school.

On June 2nd, Benjamin Netanyahu was defeated as Israel’s prime minister.  The Keystone Pipeline was abandoned by developers on June 9th, after years of planning and building.

On June 11th, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals vacated it’s case against Pastor Tony Spell.  He had been facing 19 years in prison for continuing to hold church services.  Pastor Spell’s case against the governor of Louisiana will soon go to the State Supreme Court.  Meanwhile, the churches in that court’s jurisdiction are now free from government intrusion on masks and closures.

On June 22nd, US home prices rose to the highest levels in more than 20 years.  And wildfires again erupted in the western US.

July opened with the announcement of the “Delta Variant” which was used to implement more lockdowns and restrictions around the world.  Here in the US, masking was again required in many parts of the country. Both Apple and Microsoft reported soaring profits, and Biden announced a mandate for federal employees to be jabbed on July 27th.  Two days later, he mandated all branches of the military to be jabbed or be dishonorably discharged.

On August 10th, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced he would resign amid sexual harassment allegations by at least 11 women.  His brother, Chris Cuomo, was later fired from his job as host on CNN when it was discovered he’d used his position there to bury the story in the media.

On August 15th, the government of Afghanistan fell to the Taliban as the US pulled out, leaving behind $85 billion dollars’ worth of sophisticated military equipment — and thousands of American citizens and Afghan allies were trapped behind enemy lines.  The Taliban immediately began to hunt down Christians there.  Meanwhile, thousands of Afghans were resettled here in the United States.

On August 18th, Pope Francis announced, “If you love your neighbor, you’ll get a COVID-19 vaccine.”  On the 29th, Hurricane Ida made landfall near New Orleans — on the 16th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina.  Also in August, the city of New York began requiring people to “show their papers” proving they’d been vaccinated in order to enter public spaces, including restaurants.

On September 9th, Biden announced his patience was wearing thin with those who refused to be jabbed with the experimental “clot shot” and declared a mandate for all companies with 100 or more employees to receive the jab.  Employers caught in non-compliance would face a $14,000 fine per violation. This mandate would affect 84 million workers across the country.

A huge volcano began erupting on September 19th in Spain’s Canary Islands, sending lava running through towns and thick blankets of ash covering entire cities.  The same day, we began hearing about the 17,000 Haitian refugees amassing at the Mexican border.  Biden vowed to return them all to Haiti, but most were soon resettled in various parts of the US.

On the 22nd, the FDA approved booster shots for people 65 and older. Five days later, Pastor Art Pawlowski was again arrested after landing at the Calgary airport, when he returned from several months of speaking engagements in the US.  The following day, thousands of healthcare workers who refused to get the jab and whose religious or medical exemptions were denied, were fired. The governor of New York announced they would be replaced by foreign workers and the National Guard.  Thousands of New Yorkers began turning out in the streets in protest over the jab mandates.

On October 1st, California announced it will require the jab for students to attend school. The next day, United Airlines announced that nearly 600 employees who refused the shot would be terminated.  On October 10th, Southwest Airlines had to cancel nearly 2000 flights, citing bad weather as the reason; most, however, believe it was due to the company’s jab mandate, as pilots and flight crews refused to be injected and were either fired or walked off the job.

Crude oil hit a 7-year-high on October 11th at $80 a barrel as prices had been surging at the gas pumps all year. Economists speculate the price of crude will hit $200 a barrel within a few months.

On October 13th, after container ships had been waiting off the shores of California and New York for months, creating a nation-wide supply chain crisis, the Port of Los Angeles announced it would begin operation around the clock to try to ease shortages. Also on the 13th, Pastor Art Pawlowski was sentenced by a Calgary judge for disobeying a court order and failing to wear a mask.  He was fined $23,000, sentenced to 18 months probation and the judge decreed that whenever Pastor Art speaks in public, including on the internet or in the media, he must state that his views are contrary to “public health experts and science.”

On October 14th, the FDA unanimously approved the Moderna booster shot.  On the 19th, Southwest Airlines announced it would drop its plans to terminate employees for refusing the jab.  And that same day, the Port of Los Angeles reported at least 200,000 shipping containers remained at sea off the California coast, unable to unload their cargo because of worker and trucking shortages — once again, caused by the jab mandates.

On October 20th, Natural News reported that mass famine has been engineered into the coordinated takedown of America, and that most Americans are only nine days away from starvation when the food supply collapses.  Shortages of food and other essential supplies became the “new normal” in 2021.   Indeed, many things that we took for granted in previous years were simply not available — or costs had increased to outrageous levels this year.

On October 27th, Emergency Rooms in hospitals across the country began being flooded with “fully-vaccinated” patients suffering from heart attacks, strokes, organ failure, paralysis and other neurological problems, that came upon them shortly after receiving their COVID jabs or boosters.  Menopausal women began experiencing profuse bleeding.  There was a huge increase in cancers of all kinds, and pregnant women who’d been injected with the shot began losing their babies in record numbers.

On October 29th, the FDA authorized the Pfizer jab for use on children 5 – 11 years old.  But that same day, a district court judge in Washington, DC issued a temporary injunction banning civilian and military employees from being fired for not taking the shots.

October also saw thousands of Americans continuing to gather in mass portests against the forced injections.  Teachers protested in New York; Boeing employees protested in Seattle; Southwest Airlines workers protested in Dallas; California parents protested mandates for children and police officers protested in Chicago.

Mass protests against forced injections, lockdowns and “vaccine passports” continued around the world, especially in European countries, in Africa and Australia.

But on November 1st, 9000 New York City firefighters and police officers were placed on unpaid leave for refusing the jab.  On the 4th of November, OSHA declared it would implement Biden’s jab mandate for companies with 100 or more workers.  That same day, the “energy crisis” officially went “global” as supply chains continued to break down worldwide, due to COVID restrictions and jab mandates.

Two days later, on November 6th, a federal appeals court blocked he Biden administration’s private employer COVID jab mandate.  And between November 8 and 11, hundreds of thousands of workers across the country went on a 4-day strike to protest the mandates.

On November 12th, the Los Angeles Police Department told residents to simply “comply” with robbers’ demands after months of “smash and grab” looting of retail stores.  Earlier this year, the San Francisco police department announced it would no longer even respond to calls of shoplifting if the value of goods stolen was less than $1000.  Stores across the country, from high-end retailers to Walgreens and CVS pharmacy stores have been attacked by bands of looters who simply descend on a business, take whatever they want and leave.  Store owners and employees fear for their lives should they try to intervene against the mobs.  Many stores have just closed their doors forever in cities that no longer enforce the law or protect citizens.

On November 13th, more than 190 countries reached a “Climate Change Agreement” aimed at cutting gasoline emissions around the world.  The idea of a “carbon tax” was discussed, which includes issuing “carbon credits” which would strictly limit the amount of gasoline and heating fuel people would be allowed to purchase.

On November 14th, Austria announced the country is placing millions of people who are not fully jabbed on indefinite lockdown.  The next day, Biden signed into law a so-called “Infrastructure Package” — in the amount of $1.2 trillion dollars.  Also on November 15th, the FDA asked a federal judge to give it until the year 2076 to fully release the documents tied to the approval of the Pfizer jab.  That’s 55 years.  (On December 8th, the FDA would ask for 75 years to fully release the information).

The “powers that be” love to intentionally keep us all off balance, as they continually change the rules regarding jab mandates.  On November 17th, OSHA suspended the vax mandate for private businesses after the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals called the mandate “staggeringly overbroad.”  But two days later, the FDA approved boosters for all adults.

On November 19th, Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted on all counts for his involvement in defending the city of Kenosha, Wisconsin in 2020, as rioters looted, burned, destroyed businesses and attacked innocent people there for several nights, while police and National Guard members “stood down” and let it all happen.

Then on November 20th, a leaked audio recording revealed two teachers at a California Teachers Association Conference mocking parents over their concerns about homosexual and transgender indoctrination at school.  The 7th grade teachers were also captured on tape telling other teachers how to recruit students into LGBTQ clubs.

November 22nd: five people were killed and forty injured by 39-year-old Darrel Brooks, who plowed through a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin with his SUV.

The next day, news came out of Australia announcing the government is now actively rounding up citizens who may have been near someone who may have tested positive for COVID — and people are being placed in concentration camps.  Entire communities have been arrested and taken away to the camps, where they’re immediately injected with the COVID jab, even if they try to refuse it.  Three days later, the World Health Organization announced a new “variant” called “Omicron.”

On December 1st, the Epoch Times reported that despite a federal judge declaring Biden’s vaccine mandate unconstitutional, Penn State University will still require employees to get jabbed.  Those who object will be placed in a “re-education” program for “counseling.”

On December 6th, Twitter banned thousands of Christian and Conservative accounts from their platform in their latest purge of dissenting thought.

December 7th: Biden’s jab mandate for federal workers was blocked nationwide by a federal court.

On the 10th, US inflation hit it’s highest level in 40 years.  Also on this day, multiple tornadoes tore through Kentucky and five other states, killing nearly 250 people and wiping out entire towns.

That same day, the United Nations placed a giant statue in New York that seems to resemble an end-times “beast,” like something from the books of Daniel and Revelation.  The UN calls the statue “A guardian for international peace and security,” but this hideous thing has the head of a lion, the body of a jaguar, eagles’ wings and the feet of a bear.  It’s also painted in rainbow colors.

On December 11th, mayors of several Southwest states declared a state of emergency because of the influx of hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants over-running their towns.

On December 12th, four states called in National Guard troops to help deal with the healthcare staffing crisis, as countless healthcare workers were fired for refusing Biden’s jab mandates.  Those states included Indiana, New Hampshire, Maine and New York.

On the 16th, Typhoon Rai hit the Philippines.  At least 275 people were killed, mostly by falling trees and in flash floods, with 56 others missing and 600 injured.

On December 18, the National Pulse reported that in the next legislative session, beginning January 5th, the New York Senate and Assembly is planning to vote on a bill that would grant permission to remove and detain “cases,” “contacts,” “carriers” or anyone suspected of presenting a “significant threat to public health” and remove them from public on an indefinite basis.  This bill gives the government the right to remove any individuals or groups of people through issuing a single order.  The orders only need to include the individual’s name or “reasonably specific descriptions of the individuals or groups.”

And on December 21st, the Satanic Temple installed a blasphemous exhibit in the Illinois State Capitol rotunda, featuring a “baby Baphomet” — a winged goat creature — displayed as a babe swaddled in a manger scene, clearly mocking not only Christians and Christmas, but Almighty God Himself.

On December 23rd, a San Diego, California judge struck down a “jab mandate” aimed at multiple school districts, where students would have been forced to be jabbed or banned from all San Diego public schools.

Under the heading, “it couldn’t possibly get any crazier,” the chief of the Prairie Du Pont Volunteer Fire Department was replaced December 23rd — by a convicted arsonist. Ten of the department’s 13 firefighters quit on the spot.

On December 28th, New York City announced it will begin unleashing ‘vaccine enforcement squads’ to go door-to-door, coercing people to take the jabs.   According to reporter Mike Adams, this practice is set to expand to other states and rumors are flying that California will initiate aggressive new forced quarantines similar to Australia.  Meanwhile, the FDA is now allowing abortion pills to be sent by US mail, but they’re confiscating Ivermectin sent by mail.  Nutritional supplements, such as Vitamin C and D are already banned from being shipped by US mail to overseas locations.

And on December 29th, Ghislaine Maxwell was found guilty on sex-trafficking charges after the jury deliberated for five days.   Maxwell was found guilty on five of the six charges in her connection with Jeffrey Epstein’s child-trafficking island, frequented by Hollywood celebrities and prominent politicians.  She faces a minimum of 50 years behind bars and will be sentenced soon.

There were many more alarming events in 2021 — including “transsexual” men competing in, and breaking many records in womens’ sports.  Violent crime rose substantially all over the United States, hitting all-time highs in some cities, including including Chicago, where we barely bat an eye anymore.  We’ve now seen over 2 MILLION illegal immigrants welcomed and resettled in the US in 2021 alone.  All this as New Yorkers are arrested for not showing their “COVID papers” while dining in restaurants.

Now, as we head into 2022, we’re warned of a coming global famine as our supply chain continues to be dismantled, farmers over-regulated and bankrupted and hyper-inflation sets in.  Interestingly, China is preparing for shortages.  The USDA has stated that China already has more than half the world’s corn and other grains stockpiled.  Here in the US, we’re doing the exact opposite: we’re shipping food to other countries, and the USDA has warned that in the event of a major national emergency, the very limited amount of food that the U.S. government has on hand will be gone almost immediately.  Truckers are being fired for refusing the jab as our food supply grinds further to a halt.

Only the Lord God Himself knows what the year 2022 holds in store for us.  As Christians, even in the midst of turmoil, WE, of all people should remain strong and steadfast.  Unmovable. Unafraid. And we should be ready at all times to provide answers to all who ask us about the faith that we have. The Holy Spirit will put the words in our mouths just when we need them; but ONLY if we do our part —  we must repent, pray and study diligently, and seek to serve God while we remain in this earth.  People will be looking to US for answers. I hope we’re ready and we represent our King well.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 344.

Either You’re Serious, Or You’re Not

By Rob Pue

January 2, 2022

In my work, I do a fair amount of counseling with individuals, couples and families dealing with some very troubling issues in their lives. I also do pre-marital counseling when I’m asked to perform a wedding ceremony. This type of work was never in my plan for ministry, but God had other ideas, and it seems He’s called me to provide counsel more and more often lately. As people read our nationally-distributed Christian newspaper, hear my commentaries on the radio or watch our weekly TV program, many have sought me out with questions, to ask for prayer and to seek counsel.

In this message, I don’t intend to betray any confidential information and certainly won’t be mentioning any names. The issues I speak of may relate to you or someone you know, but understand that I’m talking about the most serious issues people contact me about in a general way, and not any specific person.

The troubles people are struggling with today are many, as they try to navigate through this sinful, fallen world the best they’re able. Many people are living in unbearable circumstances, and have been for a very long time and things have not gotten any better for them. There are troubled marriages, people struggling with being unequally yoked with an unbelieving spouse, there are situations where children, raised in Christian homes, have fallen away from their faith and embraced all the sin and wickedness of worldly enticements. In many of these cases, the parents suffer terrible emotional turmoil, as they watch their children head full-speed down the highway to hell.

Worse yet, in many of these situations, the children want nothing to do with their parents anymore, and they’ve totally cut them out of their lives. The kids don’t acknowledge their parents’ birthdays, anniversaries or even Mothers’ or Fathers’ Day. Most rarely communicate with their parents, and some not at all.

Even more heartbreaking for these parents is when their children don’t even allow them to see or have a relationship with their precious grandchildren. Perhaps you can’t relate to this because it sounds so very dysfunctional. Make no mistake: it is very dysfunctional, and not at all healthy, yet it’s becoming more and more common every day.

God’s plan for marriage and family is one man united with one woman for a lifetime. This is the foundation of the natural family. Out of this union, should come many children. Through the trials and tribulations of life, no matter what may come, the husband and wife have vowed  to remain together, “til death do we part.” Interestingly, divorce rates have actually fallen in recent years, but I dare say there are more unhappy marriages being reported to me now than ever before. These couples may still be living together and married, but they are definitely not happily married.

God’s plan also includes both the father and mother actively raising their children in an intact, Godly home, teaching the precepts of our Creator, our Heavenly Father to their little ones, from the youngest of ages. But you can’t teach what you don’t know, and sadly, we’re now two, if not three generations beyond when most people had a genuine fear of the Lord and a real relationship with God the Father. The “seeker friendly” church movement began long before it became something that was recognized and labeled. Church teachings have been watered down so as to be non-offensive and therefore, ineffective in training up Godly disciples.

For decades, parents have been taught by the church to leave the spiritual training of their kids to the “professionals,” and so, while most Christian couples may faithfully attend church, they turned the training up of their children over to Sunday School teachers and so-called “Childrens’ Church” and the Youth Groups. In these programs, if there’s a curriculum at all, it’s “church-lite, even lighter than the cotton candy they dish out to the adults — absolutely useless “teaching” as they tell the kids Bible “stories.”  The teachers, usually parents who volunteer for these jobs with no training whatsoever, are themselves unable to teach what they’ve never learned, and will simply tell a quick story, then hand out a snack and a page to color with crayons and just try to make it through until the end of the service when the parents come to pick the kids up.

What have these children learned? Fairy tales. Instead of teaching God’s Word as HISTORY, they’ve been taught “stories,” been given a snack and a time-wasting “craft” project to do.  There is very little, if any, truth taught.  And this — an hour of this once a week — has become the extent of the “spiritual training” that most churches provide today. Unfortunately, this model has been going on for decades.  It’s “Happy Fun Time” for the kids, but they’re definitely not getting trained as young disciples of Christ.  Nothing of relevance is taught; they know nothing about the spiritual warfare they’ll face in the real world, and nothing of the power of God through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

Then they spend 40 hours a week in the public schools, where all the “fairy tale” stories they’ve heard in Childrens’ Church are dispelled as nonsense and superstition and what little they heard about God is replaced with things like evolution, sex education, “social justice” and atheism. The parents, grossly inept at spiritual guidance themselves, then wonder what happened, when their ten-year-old son decides he wants to be a girl; or their 14-year-old daughter becomes pregnant; or their kids end up addicted to drugs, swearing like the devil with every sentence they speak, and seeking out foul-mouthed “rap stars” as their heroes and role models.

“What in the world happened?  After all, we took them to church every week!” Yeah, there’s your answer. You left the spiritual training to a system where there was never any spiritual “meat” fed to them, and biblical history was taught as fairy tales and then when they went home, they observed their parents living no differently from their worldly, unsaved neighbors. Yes, I know, SOME parents are true disciples and followers of Christ and their lives show it and their kids know it. But these cases are definitely rare.

It’s a far cry from what Moses commanded the people in Deuteronomy 6: “These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart. Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.  Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them be a symbol on your forehead. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” These words Moses spoke were the commands of God Almighty, and nothing was or is more important. But how seriously do we take this admonition today? In most homes — even most Christian homes — God is never even mentioned and His Word is never even opened, much less made a priority, studied and read as a family on a regular basis. And we wonder what in the world has happened to our families.

We all know the verse, “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Today so many wonder why their child has become a heathen, an atheist, an anarchist and a God-hater.  If you hear nothing else of what I’m telling you today, understand this: there is NO SUBSTITUTE for genuine Christianity. Calling yourself a Christian while living like the world and having no time for God but plenty of time for hobbies, parties, vacations, television, and Facebook is nothing short of taking the Lord’s name in vain. Our kids watch everything we do. If the things of God are totally unimportant and irrelevant to us in our daily lives, never lived out in the home, and mocked and ridiculed in their public school, movies, music and everywhere else, what conclusion would you expect the kids to arrive at? “Train up a child in the way he should go…” YOU have to do that. You can’t delegate that most vital responsibility to anyone else. It’s up to you. So if you’re wondering what has happened to your kids and grand kids, there — most likely — is your answer.

I’m also often called upon for prayer and counseling for troubled marriages. This is much more common than one might think, and once again, even in so-called “Christian” homes. I hear from people where the husband and wife have slept in separate beds, and even separate parts of the house, for years. I hear from wives whose husbands won’t even sit at the same table with them for a meal — they just grab something from the fridge and eat on the couch while watching TV. There are many, both men and women, now addicted to pornography, since it’s become so readily and easily available on the internet and smart phones. Rather than a loving, intimate bond with their spouse, it’s simply easier to view sex acts online and live a fantasy life while building emotional walls that separate them from their spouse.

What’s happened to these couples? Obviously, there was a time when they were deeply in love, when the husband would do anything to court the girl, serve her, impress her, be a gentleman to her, and try his hardest to win her attention and eventually her hand in marriage. Obviously there was a time when they walked down the aisle together and made vows before God to love and serve one another’s needs for life. In good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, as long as they both should live. It wasn’t that long ago… but now, they’re two separate people living under the same roof, and can’t seem to say a pleasant word to one another, sometimes for weeks on end. In some cases, it’s been years.

Once again, while they may have had a “Church Wedding,” those who struggle with these matters often have no real relationship with the Lord. They don’t pray together, study the Word together or minister to others together. Jesus stands at the door and knocks at these homes, but Facebook, TV, hobbies and games take priority.

Most times there’s a great deal of selfishness going on in these homes. As the hurt gets worse and the hearts grow harder, it becomes more difficult for the husband and wife to genuinely care and serve one another. The importance of a heart of humility and service is repeatedly emphasized all throughout Scripture. Think of Jesus washing the feet of His disciples. He told them, “whoever wishes to be the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven will be the servant of all.”

Some of you men may get angry with me for saying this, but I lay most of the responsibility for all these matters directly on your shoulders. Certainly it takes both spouses to make a Godly marriage and family. But God has called us men to be the spiritual leaders of our homes. Yet how many of us have grown up in homes where “Mom” was the one who tucked us in with bedtime prayers, who took us to church, who read us the Scriptures and modeled her faith in real life for us — while “Dad” pursued his work, his hobbies and recreation?

God also told us all, as Paul wrote to the Ephesians, “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her.” In my counseling, I often ask men who claim to love their wives if they would give themselves up for her. Would they lay down their lives for her? “Absolutely,” they respond, without a moment’s hesitation. Then I ask, “But are you willing to lay down the porn, the alcohol, the fishing, the TV remote, the Facebook… are you willing to lay those things down for her? Do you think you even can?” I get a blank stare.

There are many troubled people, troubled marriages, dysfunctional families, broken homes, wayward children, grandparents in anguish because their grandchildren are growing up estranged from them and in Godless, secular homes. Friends, the only answer to all these things is humble repentance and turning once again — or for some, for the very first time — to God our Father and Creator, and Jesus His Son.  The Christian life is not one of ease, but the alternative, as we see so often now from the seeds we’ve sown, is pure anguish. Invite the Holy Spirit to guide you. Pray without ceasing.  Do what you know is right, and start making your professed faith a real, true priority in your lives today. There’s no other way, no magic pill, no quick fix. Either you’re serious, or you’re not.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 331.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Thank God for Jesus

by Rob Pue

December 26, 2021

We’ve been living in days of very bad news for a very long time now, and every day it seems to get worse and more intense. Our country — and the world — has become something I never thought I’d live to see. I suppose every generation experiences some of that as they reminisce about the “good old days.” And in retrospect those “good old days” were not as good as we probably remember them, but again I never thought I’d see the day when _____________ (fill in the blank): there are plenty of options to choose from.

But today I want to try to put all of that stuff aside.  Quite honestly, I’m tired of it.  Sick to death of the “new normal,” the mandates, the commands, the New World Order, the Great Reset, the Jab, the depopulation agenda of the globalists, the lies of the mainstream media, the filth of Hollywood and the censorship of the truth.  I will need to get back to reporting on what’s happening soon enough.  But this week, as a Christian, I’ll be celebrating Christmas with my family.  And even THAT is controversial now.

After this message goes out, I’ll undoubtedly get plenty of flack from well-meaning “Christians” who don’t celebrate Christmas and feel the need to correct me.  As always happens, I’ll be told it’s a pagan holiday, that we were never told, in Scripture, to celebrate the birth of our Savior, that it’s a “Catholic thing,” even that it’s satanic.  It’s not bad enough that most retail stores have now banned the word “Christmas” or that God Himself has been thrown out of every public institution.  Cities ban nativity scenes from public property.  The White House doesn’t allow Christian-themed decorations on the official Christmas tree. The very use of the greeting “Merry Christmas” will draw the ire of many in our post-Christian America now.  It never used to be this way.

When I was growing up, we always looked forward to this time of year.  It was a wonderful time of year, starting with Thanksgiving.  I remember how special those family Thanksgivings were.  My parents had six children; three girls and then three boys.  I’m the second to the youngest, number five out of six.  By the time I came along, all my sisters were all pretty much grown up and moved away.  Thanksgiving was a special time when everyone would be home again and I looked forward to my sisters and their husbands joining us.  My Mom was an amazing cook, and I remember the smells of the turkey in the oven, the stuffing, the pumpkin pie.   The fun we had when the family was all together.

And I remember that the Christmas season would really begin right after Thanksgiving.  There was no such thing as “Black Friday,” — or “Cyber Whatever” — when I was a kid.  But right after Thanksgiving we’d start spending all of our Saturdays at church.  That was when us kids would start practicing for the annual Sunday School Christmas program.  Usually, it was a play depicting the Christmas story.  Each of us kids would play a different part.  Being a part of the Christmas program taught us many things, not the least of which was diligent Bible study and learning to experience and teach God’s Word ourselves, as we would study and then act out the parts, and read Scripture aloud to the grown-ups in the audience.

When it was over, the church gave everyone a special gift bag of Christmas treats.  I remember there was always a popcorn ball and always an orange, among other candies and sweets.  The church Christmas program was always a centerpiece of the entire Christmas season.  My own kids took part when they were young.  But then, over the years, it became more and more difficult for the church to find grown ups willing to organize and put the Christmas program together.  Eventually they quit doing them altogether.  It’s a shame that kids today will never experience that.  It’s even sadder to think that most kids today don’t have a clue as to Who Jesus is or understand their need for the Savior, why He came to Earth, what He taught us, why He was crucified, died, was buried, rose again and where He is now — and that He most definitely IS coming again soon.

We also celebrated Christmas in my public school.  Students performed an annual Christmas Concert.  This was different from the church’s program, because there were songs about Santa Claus and Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer.  But there were ALSO songs like “Silent Night,” “Joy to the World,” “O Holy Night,” and “Hark the Herald Angels Sing.”  Nobody ever complained about the Christian Christmas carols — much less sued the school district over them — and there was no confusion that the celebration at hand was, indeed, Christmas.  Imagine that.  Today even Linus is censored and cancelled — no longer allowed to speak the true meaning of our celebration in “A Charlie Brown Christmas.”

One of my favorite memories was, every year, about the first week in December or so, my Dad would bring home the Sears Wish Book.  How fun was that?!  Of course, you would pass right over the front half of the catalog, because that was all clothes and boring stuff.  But in the second half… now THAT was where the fun began!  I remember many times, laying on the floor in my footie pajamas, paging through the Wish Book and seeing all the neat things that looked like fun.  And my parents would make sure there were good things for each of us kids under the tree every year.

And us kids also took what meager funds we had available and either made or bought modest gifts for our parents and each other as well.  Even though we were kids, we knew what it was to be thoughtful and generous, and to do nice things for one another.  That it was more blessed to give than to receive. We received our Christmas gifts with gratitude and thankfulness.  And they were good gifts too….  fun things.  Craft projects, model airplanes, science kits, things that helped us learn, be creative, productive and responsible.

When I look at the way kids experience Christmas today, I’m sad for them.  Christ has been all but totally removed.  If they somehow happen to hear about Jesus and ask their parents about it, the parents, in most cases, are not even able to tell them what Charlie Brown knew.  No more Sears Wish Book either.  Today, kids make their lists on their smart phones using Amazon Prime. And the gifts they ask for are not wholesome, creative or learning tools.  They’re usually the most expensive, newest digital device or video game on the market… these things don’t encourage learning or creativity or productivity.  They just dumb the kids down further into a mind-numbed cyber stupor.

It’s not a whole lot better even if you’re a regular church-goer.  Christmas celebrations in churches run the gamut from such nonsense as “Ugly Christmas Sweater Sunday,” to pastors dressing up like Santa Claus and twisting Scripture to include the man in the red suit in the Nativity, to big theatrical productions with rock bands, fog machines and laser lights.

Public schools can no longer include traditional Christmas Carols in their “Holiday Celebrations.”  For that matter, they cannot even suggest there ever was such a person as Jesus Christ.  Of course, they have no problem forcing kids to recite the Five Pillars of Islam or sending them on a field trip to a mosque.  But sing “Silent Night?”  Mention the name of Jesus?  How intolerant and bigoted!

If kids seem different today, it’s because they are.  How could they not be, growing up in this sort of atmosphere, where God is removed from everything in public, and shunned by all?  Unless, of course, “God” is defined as “allah,” or perhaps, “The Force.”  Today, they open their presents and complain they didn’t get better things; or more things or the RIGHT things…  Instead of being thankful for what they’ve received, they’re thankful what they received came with “gift receipts,” so they can return them for cash.  And then, when all the gifts have been opened, instead of relishing the warmth and love and togetherness of family, we have a group of people sitting in the same room, but each one tapping away on their Smart Phones, iPods, iPads, Kindles, tablets and laptops.  Nobody talking… all you hear is the  “tap,” “tap,” “tap,” of fingers hitting screens.  Heads down.  Like always.

Pious Christians look with disdain on the annual “naughty or nice list” to see which stores will say “Merry Christmas” to them and which ones won’t.  But it doesn’t change their shopping habits.  Not really.  Worst of all, most do virtually nothing at all to be salt and light in their communities the rest of the year.  Like the ungodly, they don’t speak of Jesus or serve as the hands and feet of Jesus throughout the year.  Most don’t even try.  To say His name out loud is actually an embarrassment to them!  When they see the atrocities committed by abortionists, they turn the other way.  When they see homosexuals redefining marriage, they see that as “politics.” “Ewww, so distasteful, I’m just not interested in POLITICS.”  And with more information available at our very fingertips than ever before in history, most Christians prefer to remain ignorant, while the world is turned upside down and inside out by New World Order globalists, and they obey satanic commands, dutifully wearing their face masks while standing in line with their kids to get yet another “jab” of poison.

Liberals and progressives love to talk about inclusiveness and tolerance.  When it comes to this time of year, one has said, “Why do I wish people ‘Happy Holidays?’  Because from November first to January 15th, there are approximately 29 holidays observed by seven of the world’s major religions, and I don’t think mine are the only ones that count.”

You see, in America today, we’ve become so “inclusive,” that we’re sensitive to everyone — except, of course, those bigoted Christians.  But what are these so-called “seven major world religions?”   Here’s a list: Buddhists, who celebrate “Bohdi Day.”  Never heard of it?  Me neither.   The followers of Kemetic Orthodoxy, the religion of ancient Egypt from 4500 BC. who celebrate “The Day of the Return of the Wandering Goddess.”  (I’m not making this stuff up, folks, this is what they list as being one of the most important celebrations and one of the world’s most major religions.  THIS IS WHY we must say “Happy Holidays!” and not “Merry Christmas”).

Then there are Muslims, who celebrate Eid al-Adha.  (The dates of Muslim holidays, however, change every year, because the Islamic calendar is based on phases of the moon; since they worship the mood god).  Then there are the Aboriginals and American Atheists and pagans who celebrate the Winter Solstice.  Of course Hannukah, celebrated by Jews, and though it sticks in their throats to say it, Christmas, celebrated by Christians.

Yes, I’m sad for the children of today, growing up without Jesus, or growing up with a “fake Jesus” as taught to them by so-called “progressive churches.”  We’ve lost our reverence for God, our awe for His Son and we’ve become so intimidated by a spirit of political correctness that we’ve trashed not only our own history and heritage but even our once-deeply-held Christian faith.  The true meaning of Christmas is not being passed on to our young generations.  In fact, it was lost a long time ago.  Is it any wonder that today, 39% of our young people, in homes all across this country, will be asking for Christmas presents that will help them celebrate their newly embraced “LGBT” or “transgender” identities?  Is it any wonder that many won’t gather with family at all if their loved ones aren’t fully ‘jabbed?’  Is it any wonder that even as families gather together in living rooms on Christmas Eve, they’ll be sitting six feet apart, wearing their masks — just to be safe?

Friends, I’m going to celebrate Christmas with my family, and continue to instill some of the wonderment and awe, and reverence I had as a child at Christmastime into the lives and hearts of my own children.  To me, the Ghosts of Christmas Past are fond memories of a simpler time, a more innocent time.  A time when God was God and it was ok to love Him, sing praises to Him and to thank Him for all the many gracious blessings He’s continued to shower us with — even as we sojourn here among a world of depraved minds.  I hope you do the same.  And hold your loved ones close.  Hug them.  Tell them you love them.  Reverence God and teach your children what the truth really is.  And in the new year, endeavor to make your lives count by being always in the service to the King of Kings.  We can never go back to yesterday, but we can teach our children again what “Normal” is like, and together we can look forward to the glorious return of our Savior, who really IS Christ the Lord — and the only answer to all the evil, wickedness, lies and nonsense this world continues to heap upon us.  Thank God for Jesus.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 343.

God Gives Freewill; Satan Mandates ‘Force’

by Rob Pue

December 12, 2021

The lessons that have proven most valuable in my life have seldom been learned in school or any formal setting.  School can provide you with valuable knowledge, but knowledge does not equal wisdom.  The greatest lessons seem to consist of a small pinch of knowledge, a healthy portion of common sense and a generous helping of wisdom.  The latter comes only with God’s blessing, maturity, patience and time.

Take, for example, something my Dad taught me when I was just a kid; something that took me repeated reminders to fully learn.  I understand, now, that it was because of my strong-willed, stubborn nature.  At the time, his advice was just frustrating to me, but certainly no less true.  The lesson?  “DON’T FORCE IT!”  This was advice and direction he gave as I was working on a model ship as a youngster.  I was following the directions that came with the model to the best of my young ability, but the pieces didn’t fit just right.  I could MAKE them fit, if I pressed hard enough, but the project would not be done properly.  “Don’t force it,” was good advice.  Because sure enough, something was wrong; when I looked closer, I discovered I was trying to put two of the wrong pieces together.  When I used the right ones, they went together easily.

I found that advice to be valuable later in my teen years as well, whether I was dealing with a woodworking project or a minor car repair… whenever I’d hit a snag in the process I had a choice to make — in my stubborn, willful manner, I could FORCE the pieces together, and try to MAKE them work the way I thought was right.  But instinctively, I knew it wasn’t right… my Dad had taught me, and I knew from experience, that if it WAS right, it would go together easily and naturally.  No force was ever needed.  Forcing it would never turn out well.  In fact, the use of force would ruin the whole thing.

There were other occasions as well, when I found myself tempted to force things, simply because I wanted them so badly.  I admit that as a young man, I would sometimes deliberately NOT seek God’s counsel on a matter, because I knew — and the Holy Spirit was telling me — that my will would not match His.  I was young, impatient, and strong-willed.  I had to learn the hard way that you can’t “force it.”  Now I know that if it is truly God’s will, and the best and most perfect and proper way, it will come together easily and naturally.  There is no need to “force it.”  Indeed, the worst thing you can do is cut corners, and use force.   (Please note, when I talk about things going together easily and naturally, I’m not talking about FEELINGS here.  Jeremiah reminds us the heart is desperately wicked and deceitful above all things.  So FEELINGS often appeal to our fleshly, human desires.  Especially in this era of such widespread spiritual deception, what may “feel natural” for you can be a huge mistake, so never go soley by your “heart” or your “feelings”).

Now that I’m older, more spiritually mature, and I hope, a little bit wiser, I can see a bigger picture, still.   I understand now that the impatience I sometimes wrestled with as a youth was simply a symptom of my fallen, human sin nature.  Now, I don’t want you to get the wrong impression — this was never a major problem for me, but it was a temptation I dealt with occasionally, even though I knew better.  It was an annoying  flaw in my personality that needed to be honed and refined as the Lord raised me up at HIS child.

Throughout my life, I dealt with only a tiny bit of this desire to use force.  But as I have recently studied the greater overall concept, I realize that this particular sin — the use of force — is one of the key attributes of our enemy, Satan.  Let me explain.

We learn about some of the characteristics of Satan in Isaiah 14, where we see that the reason for his fall from grace was because of his prideful rebellion against God.  He wanted, not just “equality” with God, but he actually wanted to rule over Him.

Revelation refers to Satan as “the great dragon,” and “that ancient serpent,” and describes him as the “deceiver of the whole world.”  Matthew 4 describes Satan as a tempter.  We also know that Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.  We know he was a murderer from the beginning, and a liar, and has no truth in him.

As fallen human beings, we have inherited a sin nature from Adam and Eve, our first parents.  So we must take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, we must continually fight a battle for our souls in the spiritual realm, because we’re constantly tempted by the enemy who longs for our destruction and death.

Scripture tells us that Satan can’t force our decisions.  We have freewill, which is a gift from God, and that makes him really angry.  And so he — and his demons — will do everything possible to tempt and trick us into making choices that ruin our lives and the lives of our children.

God’s Word, however, reminds us in 1 Corinthians 10, “No temptation has seized you except what is common to man.  And God is faithful.  He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way of escape so that you can stand up under it.”  Imagine how Satan must hate this.  He cannot force us to choose him, he can only tempt us.  And as hard as he tries to tempt us, God is there with us, helping us to resist and making, for us, a way of escape!  Just imagine how this must make Satan seethe with hatred.  God’s Word goes on to promise us in the book of James, that when we choose to submit ourselves to God, and when we resist the devil, he will flee from us!  What a defeated enemy this is that we’re dealing with!

Still, when men and women choose to allow Satan free reign in their lives, when they choose to follow his evil plans, they become his tools of warfare against God’s children.  The results are devastating.  And while Satan cannot force or compel people to obey him, he has found a way around this law of nature…  he gets evil men and women, evil rulers of this world, to force evil and compel the innocent to submit to wickedness, under great threats to our comfort, our way of life, and even our very lives.

Recently, I discussed the story from the book of Daniel, of Shadrack, Meshak and Abednigo, thrown into the firey furnace in Babylon, because they refused to bow down and worship Nebuchadnezzar’s false god when the music played.  He could TRY to force the young men to bow down and worship the idol, but worship isn’t something you can force…  these men could not deny the true God of Heaven, and for their faithfulness, they earned the wrath of the evil king.

All throughout history we see the same thing.  In fact, it has occurred to me that whenever you want to know if something is really evil, really of Satan, this is one test that never fails:  if it’s demonic, it will be something that is FORCED upon innocent people.

Because, you see, God doesn’t do that.  And that’s the whole point of this message.  He has given us the gift of freewill, and He offers us the wisdom and guidance to make righteous choices.  He doesn’t want slaves or robots.  He wants children.  And so, if something is of God, there’s no need to use force.  If something is naturally good and desireable, God’s children will flock to it peacefully, easily and naturally.

It is only when things are wicked and evil that they must be forced upon us under some threat or intimidation, compelling us to submit and obey.  We see it over and over again.

It’s worth mentioning, too, that those who choose to follow after Satan also exhibit one of his other key traits:  hypocrisy.  How often have we heard the accusation, “You Christians just want to force your morality on the rest of the world.  What gives you the right to force me to accept your God?”  But this is a lie!   God doesn’t force people to accept Him.  He gives us every opportunity to choose Him, but He doesn’t force Himself upon us.  And as Christians, we  don’t force our faith on others either.  We lovingly SHARE our faith, but we don’t force it.

We don’t hold a gun to anyone’s head and force them to worship the one true God.  And here in America, as the wicked are steadfastly pounding away at our freedoms, we fight for the right to worship God openly… or at least we should;  it’s part of being salt and light.  But we would never try to force others to join us.  That’s not God’s way.  That’s not love.  You can’t force love.

And now, as we near the end of days — and I believe we are at the very brink now — these truths have never before been so evident.  Look at the examples all around us.  Our wicked government has chosen to  turn the natural laws of God upside down and declare homosexuality and “transgenderism” and pedophilia “normal,” even to the point of redefining marriage itself.  Nature says this is impossible.  Yet man, following the temptations of Satan, has chosen to force the issue.  What’s more, the militant homosexuals, like their father, the devil, don’t just want equality.  They want superiority, and the submission of everyone else.  But now these wicked ones are using the power of the godless State to FORCE others to not just accept, but participate in their wickedness too.

Don’t believe me?  Look at the Christian photographers, the bakers, the owners of reception halls, the florists, the county clerks who have been FORCED by government to participate in homosexual celebrations, or lose everything. We either bow down to the abomination, bless it, celebrate it and agree that this evil is actually good, or we suffer their wrath.

Look at how the godless lawmakers have taken over our healthcare system and turned it into something deformed and utterly dysfunctional.  Nothing we’re told about “healthcare” today is true.  Note that if “Obamacare,” as it was called, was so very wonderful, people would have flocked to it, lining up to sign up for all the great benefits.  But since it was truly horiffic, the government had FORCE it upon us, and if we tried to object, we were FORCED to pay even more, as a penalty on our taxes.

Never before has the use of force been so blatant as in the last two years. The wicked have FORCED the closure of churches and businesses, they’ve mandated the wearing of useless and harmful masks and forced people to be locked down in their homes.  In other countries, they force people into COVID concentration camps.  It won’t be long before those camps are open for business here too, and people will be FORCED to go there.  And now, world-wide, they’re forcing deadly de-population injections, which they call “vaccines” — “take the jab or lose your job.”   They also force truth-tellers out of the public arena.  Truth is banned from the internet and the public square. Persecution follows if you dissent.  Evil public officials are calling for criminal prosecution of those who express viewpoints that oppose the government narrative, even if those viewpoints are absolutely — and provably true.

Consider also, the Satanic system of Islam, which the father of lies calls “a religion of peace.”  Like the ancient false religion of Babylon, you either bow down and worship Satan, here known as “Allah”or you die.  There’s no freewill, no option to freely come to “god” in the system of Islam.  You go by FORCE or you die.  The same is happening now with orchestrated racial division. Now we’re being forced to repeat their divide-and-conquer strategy: “Black people ALWAYS good; white people ALWAYS evil.” Accept that or it will be forced upon you until you get your mind right.  Express your concerns at a local school board meeting and you’ll find the label “domestic terrorist” forced upon you.

See, the one TRUE God of heaven doesn’t rule like this.  Only Satan rules like this.  Forcing us to accept and celebrate our own destruction through obvious lies and deceit. Satan always tries to force us to accept and participate in lies.  True Christ-followers cannot do that.  Though we face punishment and persecution, though we be made outcasts, not allowed to buy or sell or travel without our “vaccine passports,” we seek only the Way, the Truth and the Life.  Understand: God never forces things on us.  God gives us the freedom of freewill, along with power, love and a sound mind.  And that’s a terrible thing to waste.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 342.

Get Off the Couch and Out Of the ‘Lift Chair!’

by Rob Pue

November 28, 2021

My message today is directed to a specific group of people: the OLD people.  I realize the term “old” is, perhaps, relative.  But I consider myself in that category, so it’s not meant as an insult.  On the contrary, God’s Word holds “old people” in high esteem.  Proverbs 16:31, “Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life.”  Job 12:12, “Wisdom is with the aged, and understanding in length of days.”  Psalm 92:14, “They still bear fruit in old age; they are ever full of sap and green.”  Deuteronomy 34:7, “Moses was 120 years old when he died.  His eye was undimmed and his vigor unabated.”  Psalm 71:18, “Now that I am old and my hair is gray, don’t leave me, God. I must tell the next generation about your power and greatness.”

Friends, no matter what age you may be, if you are a true Christ-follower, understand that if Jesus is truly your Lord, then He has called you, and you have work to do for His kingdom.  You’re not too old.  You’re not without value.  On the contrary, you have tremendous value and more to offer than you realize.  Your work on this earth is not, by any means, finished — as long as you’re still breathing air.

But I meet so many people who, after they retire, feel that their work is done.  Now it’s time to sit back, relax, rest and perhaps travel for recreation.  But for far too many that I’ve spoken with recently, it seems they’re simply waiting to die, or for Christ to return.  When He DOES return, will He find faith in the earth?  Will He find faithful workers and servants?  Will YOU be among them?

I’d suggest that there’s no such thing as “retirement” for Christians.  If anything, the fact that you no longer have to work full time at a job or career, should open up tremendous opportunities for you to have the greatest impact for Christ you’ve ever had.  Now you can REALLY start your ministry!   Yet, as I speak with so many who are older than me, I hear things like, “Oh, I’m 70 years old and retired.”  Or “I’m in my 80s…I can’t do that.”  I don’t mean to sound disrespectful, but these sound like excuses to me.  I know you’re old.  I know you’re tired.  Believe me: I’m old and tired too.  But that’s no excuse.

Do you realize that Moses was 80 years old when he first appeared before Pharaoh, demanding “Let my people go?”  Yes, he was 80 years old when God called him and made him a leader of his people, and used him mightily — not only leading his people out of Egypt, but God did many amazing miracles through him.  He also wrote much of Scripture, writing down biblical history and great wisdom that we all benefit tremendously from today. (Or at least we WOULD benefit, if we would simply read and study the timeless truths he wrote).

Retirement is really a cultural thing, and in many ways, a particularly “American” thing, which came about as our government began engaging in social engineering, instituting such things as “social security” and “medicare.”  In the old days, families stayed together, the younger people learned from their elders, and as the elderly eventually became too frail to work, the younger ones took care of them and saw to their needs.  It was not uncommon for households to consist of not only young children but also Grandparents and even Great Grandparents.  I can only imagine now, what great benefits the family unit derived from such relationships.  The older people teaching the younger ones; the younger ones gleaning great wisdom from their elders, and learning to have great respect for them in the process.

Nowadays, the “old folks” have little to no connection with their precious Grandchildren.  Instead of living in the same home, they’re often placed in nursing homes, assisted living centers or “Senior Apartments.”  The young people lose out so much on the knowledge, wisdom and life lessons their elders could impart to them, if only they were given the chance.  Sadly, between the Grandparents and Great Grandparents and the Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren, stand the parents — who no longer honor their fathers and mothers.  Much too often they see the “old folks” as having little to no value, and little or nothing to offer.  Worse than that, the old folks pretty much feel the same way about themselves.  Like I said, many times it’s as if they’re just waiting to die.  They’ve given up.

For so many, their lives consist of television and sleeping.  The highlight of their week is their doctor appointment.  It should never be this way.

I really believe we NEED the input and wisdom and experience of our elders — more now than ever before. Because our elders have been relegated to the dustbin of history — tossed aside as irrelevant with nothing to offer — today we find ourselves in a world where everything has been turned upside down.  We are living Isaiah 59:14, “Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands far off.  For truth has stumbled in the street and honesty cannot enter.”

Indeed.  Do you realize that today, 39% of 18-24 year-olds now identify as “LGBTQ?”  After years of public school indoctrination, we’re closing in on nearly HALF of our young people thinking they’re born sodomites!  And in our modern American CHURCHES today, 54% agree that homosexual so-called “marriage” is just another alternative lifestyle, just another “choice,” which we must lovingly accept and embrace.  History has been re-written, and a majority of our young people now believe socialism is much preferable to freedom.  WORK has become a “four-letter-word,” and unless a new college graduate can use their degree in 13th Century Lesbian Art Studies to immediately obtain a $100,000-a-year job with a massive load of “benefits,” they choose not to work at all.

They don’t even know their Grandparents — or the wealth of knowledge and wisdom they could glean from them, if they simply had any relationship with them at all.  And in many cases, our families are fractured beyond repair.  I speak with many Christian parents who have lost their children to the pagan world of debauchery and sin and no longer have any contact or communication with them.  While they mourn over this, they don’t see any correlation to the fact that THEY don’t communicate with their own elderly parents either.  Family relationships are not only fractured, they’ve completely broken down.

Old folks: you HAVE work to do.  You HAVE a tremendous amount of value in this world, whether you realize it or not.  How will you use your remaining years?  Are you waiting to die or are you serving the Lord until your last breath?  You may be in a situation where, sadly, your children no longer value you and you don’t even know your Grandkids.  That breaks my heart, as I know it surely breaks yours.  But often times, we can have a greater impact on SOMEONE ELSE’S kids than we can with our own.  Often times, young people will listen to US — strangers — and allow their eyes and hearts to be opened through the wisdom WE share with them, much more readily than they’d ever listen to their own parents or Grandparents.  So don’t underestimate yourself.  God’s not done with you yet, and it’s up to you how you will use your remaining years.

Let me share with you some stories of people I’ve known.  When I first met Zaida, she was in her 80s.  She had contacted me because she wanted to offer to help distribute our Christian newspaper in public news racks in her part of Wisconsin. She began with 25 copies, but she worked diligently, visiting with store managers and owners and she quickly built her delivery route to the point where she was faithfully delivering over 1,000 copies of Wisconsin Christian News every month.

She had a heart for people and ministry, and she not only delivered over a thousand copies of our newspaper each month, she also hand-made warm blankets and then went out and gave them to homeless people sleeping under bridges and in dark alleys in the “bad” parts of a big city — always sharing the Gospel of Christ wherever she went.  Not only was she OLD, but she also did all of this confined to a wheelchair!  She was 93 when she has a massive stroke, which landed her in a nursing home for a few days.  I went to visit her there, and found her sleeping.  I held her hand and whispered in her ear and immediately, her eyes lit up brightly and she was so excited to see me.  Though she could not get the words out clearly, I understood she was trying to tell me she needed to get out of there and get her newspapers delivered.  I assured her it was OK, that I would take care of things this time, and she should just rest.  The next day, she entered her eternal rest in Jesus’ arms.

Now, let me tell you about Jim.  I’m not sure how old Jim actually is, but I’m pretty sure he’s in his 90s too.  For years now, he’s been doing God’s work, for the “least of these.”  He’s sold scrap wood and held special events, he’s sold artwork and crafts, using the money to pay for water wells and essential items for orphans and widows in Africa.  He also works with jail inmates and men who’ve recently been released from jail, giving his all to help them know and embrace Christ as Savior. God has used him mightily and often times miraculously.  He’s suffered several strokes and pushes through all the health challenges that come with being in his 90s.  He, too, faithfully delivers over 1,000 copies of Wisconsin Christian News to news racks in Northwest Wisconsin and into upper Minnesota.  I know it’s hard work for him, but he — like Zaida — does this with great joy because he understands he only gets one chance in this world to make a difference and impact lives for Christ.  Everything he does, he does as unto the Lord.

There are others I could mention, but I think you get the idea.  If a 93-year-old lady in a wheelchair can do what Zaida did… if Jim can do what he does, then what is YOUR excuse?  I ask this not to be condemning but I do hope it is convicting.  I hope that your heart is convicted to the point that you’ll examine yourself and ask yourself how you intend to spend the rest of your days… actively serving God, or sitting comfortably, as a spectator while the world passes by on the broad road to hell?  Understand that most likely you will have to begin your OWN ministry, because sadly, most churches today do not see the value of their elders either.  They offer social gatherings, potlucks and “senior saints” meetings — but they never put you to work.

Wouldn’t it be WONDERFUL if our churches would team up older people with the young ones?  Instead of offering silly game nights for the kids, and social gatherings for the old folks — what if they began programs where the old folks began to mentor the young ones?  Imagine 90-year-olds sharing their wisdom and knowledge and love for the Lord with 15-year-olds, one-on-one.  No “entertainment,” no worldly distractions, no silly games — just building relationships, learning about and from each other… and the elders sharing a lifetime of wisdom with those who so desperately need it.

You see, that’s the ONLY way we’re going to be able to change the course that America is on now.  It can only happen if us “old folks” start teaching the young ones the things their public schools and the carnal world, and even their church youth groups never, ever will.  Jeremiah 6:16 tells us, “Stand at the crossroads and look. Ask for the ancient paths: ‘Where is the good way?’ Then walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.”  So, old folks — you are NEEDED in the battlefield of spiritual warfare for the hearts and minds of our young people.  Will you be a good steward of the life God’s given you?  Or are you “retired?”

And young people, I’d like to share some Scriptures with you as well, that I hope you’ll take to heart. And then I pray you will SEEK OUT an elderly person that you can learn great wisdom from.  If not your own Grandparents, then someone else’s.  Leviticus 19:32, “Stand up in the presence of the aged.  Show respect for the elderly and revere your God.  I am the LORD.”  Deuteronomy 32:7, “Remember the days of old; consider the years of many generations; ask your father and he will show you, your elders and they will tell you.”

1 Peter 5, “Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders.”  And Hebrews 13, “Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the Word of God.  Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith.”

Old folks: we NEED you in this battle for the hearts and souls of our children and grandchildren.  Never give up.  Ask the Lord and He will direct your path, so that YOU can be the minister He’s calling you to be. And by the way, our school boards, city councils and county boards need you to show up and speak truth to them too.  They need you desperately. Isaiah 46:4, “Even to your old age and gray hairs I am He who will sustain you.  I have made you and I will carry you. I will sustain you.”  And now, I encourage you — get out of the “lift chair” and go serve your King!

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 341.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

I’m Here to Tell You the Truth

By Rob Pue

I’m here to tell you the truth. Unlike the mainstream media, I have nothing to gain by pushing lies and propaganda and brainwashing people into stupefied submission. Our country, like so many others, is being systematically destroyed — purposely and intentionally by those who swore an oath to defend us from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. Unfortunately, most of those who swore that oath are, themselves, enemy combatants — and the righteous here in America have now officially become “Enemies of the State.”

It’s sad to see so many Americans — and especially church-goers — who have no clue about any of this.  They don’t know and they don’t want to know. They just want to remain in their luxury and ease, distracted by every form of entertainment, and drunk on the propaganda spewed forth from the government and media.

Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but it seems that’s all that’s allowed in today’s society.  Truth-tellers are persecuted and prosecuted, publicly ridiculed, their reputations maligned, their lives destroyed. But as I said, I’m here to tell you the truth, regardless of whether you want to listen or not. Thankfully, I’m still able to do that, but I have no doubt there will come a day soon when I, too, will be taken out…cancelled… like so many others before me.  I know my Savior has promised to never leave or forsake me.  But that doesn’t mean I won’t draw fire from the enemy.  On the contrary, it means I wear a target on my back every day. This is to be expected. (1 Peter 4:12). Our suffering for Christ here in this earth is only temporary. We all need to remember that.  No matter how great the temptation may be to give in and give up — just “go along to get along,” we must all stand strong in our faith and strong in the Lord, no matter what comes.

For some, that may mean losing your job or your home. I believe the day is quickly coming when we will not be allowed to buy, sell, travel freely or even be seen in public without our “vaccination passports.”  We’ll be outcasts from society.  We’ll lose relationships with friends and family.  We may have to flee our homes to avoid being rounded up and placed in re-education camps, and we may very well be killed. If you think these things are pretty far-fetched, remember the Luciferians now in power in America — and the world — are playing for “keeps.”  We, the people, mean nothing to them.  They see us as commodities — slaves to be exploited, or vermin to be exterminated.  Either way is fine with them. If you think this is far-fetched, think back to the “Before Times” — before they dropped the scam-demic on us.  Would you have believed we could have fallen this far this quickly?  This is God’s judgment on a wicked nation that has rejected Him.

I understand that most Americans don’t want to hear about any of this.  But as Christians, should we not be the most informed and the most active in the spiritual battle that’s waging all around us — a spiritual battle like Earth hasn’t seen since the days of Noah and Lot?  Where to start? How about the fact that we’re being purposely and systematically invaded by foreign enemies?  In addition to the untold thousands being resettled here from Afghanistan — an Islamic people with values about as far removed from America’s as you can get — we have millions pouring in at our southern border.

The invaders at the southern border are not just innocent freedom seekers from Mexico and Latin America. Somehow, up to 35,000 Haitians managed to travel the 2,000 miles from their Caribbean island to Del Rio, Texas as well.  Who paid for their flight from Haiti to Del Rio? They certainly didn’t swim — and virtually all of them were eventually welcomed here, transported to the US location of their choice, and like all the other invaders, given free food, shelter, clothing, education, healthcare and cash — things we don’t even provide for our military veterans or senior citizens, who subsist on social security payments well below the poverty line.  Remember Deuteronomy 28: “The foreign resident among you will rise higher and higher above you, but you will sink lower and lower.”

We also have a serious energy crisis, now that we’re no longer allowed to access our own American energy, but instead buy it from our enemies.  We’ve been warned that the cost to heat our homes with natural gas or propane this winter will be double what it was last year.  Oil prices are now at $80 a barrel, but predicted to hit $200 a barrel in a few weeks. How will this affect your pocketbook at the pump? It won’t be good but that’s just the start. Lawmakers — or should I say law BREAKERS — are noodling around with the idea of a “carbon tax,” which means they’d like to see gasoline strictly rationed, and if you drive too much, you’ll have to buy more “carbon credits” in order to fill your tank. Welcome to the “new normal.”  But don’t worry about the foreign invaders — they get their gas and utilities for free.

Our economy is crashing as hyper-inflation takes hold now. My wife and I went to the grocery store the other day to buy a few things. We left with four small plastic bags of food, and it was over $200.  For four small plastic bags.  Many items were limited to one per customer.   Many food suppliers have warned that shortages will soon be getting much worse.  A recent report that came across my desk showed empty store shelves covered with PICTURES of food items printed on cardboard… to provide the illusion that the shelves are full, but actually, they’re empty.  What people see are just pictures of products covering empty shelves.  And most Americans are not prepared for food shortages. It’s estimated most Americans are only nine meals away from starvation.

Our supply chain has been seriously (and purposely) disrupted as well, as truck drivers are not allowed to haul goods.  Especially in California, where you’re not allowed to even drive a truck if it’s more than a couple years old. They’re pushing for all-electric trucks, even as hundreds of container ships wait off-shore to unload their goods.  By the way, we wouldn’t be so dependent on the stuff from China on those container ships if we still made things here in America.

Meanwhile, the increase in violent crime has exploded.  Homicides have increased by nearly 40 percent since this time last year.  There have also been marked increases in assault, robbery, rape, arson, burglaries, larceny and vehicle theft and break-ins.  Again, in California, it’s now official policy that police will not even respond to calls of shoplifting and looting if people take less than $950 worth of goods at a time. Multiple videos have gone viral on the internet showing people in California simply walking in to stores, taking whatever they want, and walking out. They know police won’t be called — as long as they take less than $950 worth of goods at a time, and store owners and employees are afraid to stop them for fear of being sued. Many retail stores there are simply closing up shop because of uncontrolled looting and shoplifting.

All this is coming at a time when our law enforcement officers are being fired or quitting their jobs — because of the unlawful jab mandates.  Reports show that nearly 37% of police officers will have left their jobs by the end of this year, rather than be forced to get jabbed.  Many cities have defunded their police departments to the point that now they’re forced to hire private security firms to patrol the streets…and private businesses are forced to do the same now, to protect their buildings and property.  But the CDC has a plan. On October 25, Center for Disease Creation director Rochelle Walensky declared the Biden regime is planning to provide police and other government workers with “education and counseling” — in other words, “re-education” camps to help them get their minds right.

Our military is also being purposely decimated, as servicemen are being court-martialed or dishonorably discharged for refusing the kill shot.  This is happening in every branch of the military, which is leaving us extremely vulnerable as a country.  Where once we had the strongest, most well-equipped military in the world, we now have far fewer soldiers… but military service has become an especially attractive occupation for homosexuals now; not to mention “transgenders,” because now they can get their sex-change operations for free.

We’re also dealing with a serious healthcare crisis in America, as our hospitals have been taken over by Big Government and Big Pharma.  Doctors and nurses are also losing their jobs if they refuse the jab — and most hospitals won’t even consider a religious or medical exemption.  I recently learned that several hospitals have replaced their un-jabbed nurses with FEMA nurses.  In at least one case I’m aware of, a nurse was fired from her job for refusing the shot.  She then went to work for FEMA, and shortly returned to the same job at the same hospital — still unjabbed — but now she works for FEMA, so it’s OK.  FEMA workers are not required to get the jab, just like White House staff, Congress, employees of Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson, CDC workers, FDA workers, and illegal immigrants…all exempt from the jab mandates, while hard-working Americans are forced to get the jabs or lose their jobs.  As we speak, 8,000 employees of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota are set to be fired, for not taking the kill shot.

Meanwhile, Americans are finally furious with Fauci, after it was discovered that he did unethical medical experiments on puppies.  PETA, and many others, are calling for his removal and even criminal charges. Apparently it’s ok to FORCE experiments on men, women and children — now as young as 5 years old — and we’ve seen the untold hundreds of thousands of people being maimed and killed from these shots.  But don’t you dare mess with a puppy.

Need I mention the severe shortage of workers in America now? Nearly every single place I go, businesses are begging for workers, offering huge sign-on bonuses and additional benefits.  But they’re also requiring the jab.  Recently a Dollar Store in my area had to close it’s doors because every employee quit rather than be forced to get jabbed and wear masks.  Nationwide, more than 30% of workers across all sectors of the economy have stated they will quit their jobs rather than be forced to take the shot.

And if your kids are in public schools, you better be aware of what’s happening in most of them.  Communism is being taught under the radar. History is being re-written.  American Civics classes have been removed.  In their place, they’re now pushing Critical Race Theory, even if they call it something else.  Not to mention homosexuality and transgenderism.  In some public school districts, pornography is now required reading. But not heterosexual porn.  It’s specifically homosexual and transgender porn.   In some places, your kids can even be injected with the kill shot, without parental consent or notification.

Many parents are waking up to all this and are rightfully outraged when they discover what their public schools are pushing as they brainwash their kids.  They’ve shown up to school board meetings to express their outrage — and so now parents who attend school board meetings are being targeted as “domestic terrorists” — along with Christians, patriots, those who believe the 2020 election was fraudulent, former military personnel, anti-abortion activists, those who believe sodomy is wrong, those who refuse to take the kill shots, and alternative media writers and reporters.

I would encourage you to read all of Revelation 18. I’m not saying America is the “Babylon” mentioned in this chapter, but there absolutely ARE some clear correlations.  Let’s close with this:  “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit…For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies… her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities…Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her… And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning… and the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more… The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing… For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off, and cried when they saw the smoke of her burning…and the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee…for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.”

You might note that there are shipmasters and ships and sailors who trade by sea standing afar off our shores right this very minute. And all nations have already been greatly deceived by the sorceries — the “Pharmakea” — of Gates, Fauci and America.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

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