Get Off the Couch and Out Of the ‘Lift Chair!’

by Rob Pue

November 28, 2021

My message today is directed to a specific group of people: the OLD people.  I realize the term “old” is, perhaps, relative.  But I consider myself in that category, so it’s not meant as an insult.  On the contrary, God’s Word holds “old people” in high esteem.  Proverbs 16:31, “Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life.”  Job 12:12, “Wisdom is with the aged, and understanding in length of days.”  Psalm 92:14, “They still bear fruit in old age; they are ever full of sap and green.”  Deuteronomy 34:7, “Moses was 120 years old when he died.  His eye was undimmed and his vigor unabated.”  Psalm 71:18, “Now that I am old and my hair is gray, don’t leave me, God. I must tell the next generation about your power and greatness.”

Friends, no matter what age you may be, if you are a true Christ-follower, understand that if Jesus is truly your Lord, then He has called you, and you have work to do for His kingdom.  You’re not too old.  You’re not without value.  On the contrary, you have tremendous value and more to offer than you realize.  Your work on this earth is not, by any means, finished — as long as you’re still breathing air.

But I meet so many people who, after they retire, feel that their work is done.  Now it’s time to sit back, relax, rest and perhaps travel for recreation.  But for far too many that I’ve spoken with recently, it seems they’re simply waiting to die, or for Christ to return.  When He DOES return, will He find faith in the earth?  Will He find faithful workers and servants?  Will YOU be among them?

I’d suggest that there’s no such thing as “retirement” for Christians.  If anything, the fact that you no longer have to work full time at a job or career, should open up tremendous opportunities for you to have the greatest impact for Christ you’ve ever had.  Now you can REALLY start your ministry!   Yet, as I speak with so many who are older than me, I hear things like, “Oh, I’m 70 years old and retired.”  Or “I’m in my 80s…I can’t do that.”  I don’t mean to sound disrespectful, but these sound like excuses to me.  I know you’re old.  I know you’re tired.  Believe me: I’m old and tired too.  But that’s no excuse.

Do you realize that Moses was 80 years old when he first appeared before Pharaoh, demanding “Let my people go?”  Yes, he was 80 years old when God called him and made him a leader of his people, and used him mightily — not only leading his people out of Egypt, but God did many amazing miracles through him.  He also wrote much of Scripture, writing down biblical history and great wisdom that we all benefit tremendously from today. (Or at least we WOULD benefit, if we would simply read and study the timeless truths he wrote).

Retirement is really a cultural thing, and in many ways, a particularly “American” thing, which came about as our government began engaging in social engineering, instituting such things as “social security” and “medicare.”  In the old days, families stayed together, the younger people learned from their elders, and as the elderly eventually became too frail to work, the younger ones took care of them and saw to their needs.  It was not uncommon for households to consist of not only young children but also Grandparents and even Great Grandparents.  I can only imagine now, what great benefits the family unit derived from such relationships.  The older people teaching the younger ones; the younger ones gleaning great wisdom from their elders, and learning to have great respect for them in the process.

Nowadays, the “old folks” have little to no connection with their precious Grandchildren.  Instead of living in the same home, they’re often placed in nursing homes, assisted living centers or “Senior Apartments.”  The young people lose out so much on the knowledge, wisdom and life lessons their elders could impart to them, if only they were given the chance.  Sadly, between the Grandparents and Great Grandparents and the Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren, stand the parents — who no longer honor their fathers and mothers.  Much too often they see the “old folks” as having little to no value, and little or nothing to offer.  Worse than that, the old folks pretty much feel the same way about themselves.  Like I said, many times it’s as if they’re just waiting to die.  They’ve given up.

For so many, their lives consist of television and sleeping.  The highlight of their week is their doctor appointment.  It should never be this way.

I really believe we NEED the input and wisdom and experience of our elders — more now than ever before. Because our elders have been relegated to the dustbin of history — tossed aside as irrelevant with nothing to offer — today we find ourselves in a world where everything has been turned upside down.  We are living Isaiah 59:14, “Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands far off.  For truth has stumbled in the street and honesty cannot enter.”

Indeed.  Do you realize that today, 39% of 18-24 year-olds now identify as “LGBTQ?”  After years of public school indoctrination, we’re closing in on nearly HALF of our young people thinking they’re born sodomites!  And in our modern American CHURCHES today, 54% agree that homosexual so-called “marriage” is just another alternative lifestyle, just another “choice,” which we must lovingly accept and embrace.  History has been re-written, and a majority of our young people now believe socialism is much preferable to freedom.  WORK has become a “four-letter-word,” and unless a new college graduate can use their degree in 13th Century Lesbian Art Studies to immediately obtain a $100,000-a-year job with a massive load of “benefits,” they choose not to work at all.

They don’t even know their Grandparents — or the wealth of knowledge and wisdom they could glean from them, if they simply had any relationship with them at all.  And in many cases, our families are fractured beyond repair.  I speak with many Christian parents who have lost their children to the pagan world of debauchery and sin and no longer have any contact or communication with them.  While they mourn over this, they don’t see any correlation to the fact that THEY don’t communicate with their own elderly parents either.  Family relationships are not only fractured, they’ve completely broken down.

Old folks: you HAVE work to do.  You HAVE a tremendous amount of value in this world, whether you realize it or not.  How will you use your remaining years?  Are you waiting to die or are you serving the Lord until your last breath?  You may be in a situation where, sadly, your children no longer value you and you don’t even know your Grandkids.  That breaks my heart, as I know it surely breaks yours.  But often times, we can have a greater impact on SOMEONE ELSE’S kids than we can with our own.  Often times, young people will listen to US — strangers — and allow their eyes and hearts to be opened through the wisdom WE share with them, much more readily than they’d ever listen to their own parents or Grandparents.  So don’t underestimate yourself.  God’s not done with you yet, and it’s up to you how you will use your remaining years.

Let me share with you some stories of people I’ve known.  When I first met Zaida, she was in her 80s.  She had contacted me because she wanted to offer to help distribute our Christian newspaper in public news racks in her part of Wisconsin. She began with 25 copies, but she worked diligently, visiting with store managers and owners and she quickly built her delivery route to the point where she was faithfully delivering over 1,000 copies of Wisconsin Christian News every month.

She had a heart for people and ministry, and she not only delivered over a thousand copies of our newspaper each month, she also hand-made warm blankets and then went out and gave them to homeless people sleeping under bridges and in dark alleys in the “bad” parts of a big city — always sharing the Gospel of Christ wherever she went.  Not only was she OLD, but she also did all of this confined to a wheelchair!  She was 93 when she has a massive stroke, which landed her in a nursing home for a few days.  I went to visit her there, and found her sleeping.  I held her hand and whispered in her ear and immediately, her eyes lit up brightly and she was so excited to see me.  Though she could not get the words out clearly, I understood she was trying to tell me she needed to get out of there and get her newspapers delivered.  I assured her it was OK, that I would take care of things this time, and she should just rest.  The next day, she entered her eternal rest in Jesus’ arms.

Now, let me tell you about Jim.  I’m not sure how old Jim actually is, but I’m pretty sure he’s in his 90s too.  For years now, he’s been doing God’s work, for the “least of these.”  He’s sold scrap wood and held special events, he’s sold artwork and crafts, using the money to pay for water wells and essential items for orphans and widows in Africa.  He also works with jail inmates and men who’ve recently been released from jail, giving his all to help them know and embrace Christ as Savior. God has used him mightily and often times miraculously.  He’s suffered several strokes and pushes through all the health challenges that come with being in his 90s.  He, too, faithfully delivers over 1,000 copies of Wisconsin Christian News to news racks in Northwest Wisconsin and into upper Minnesota.  I know it’s hard work for him, but he — like Zaida — does this with great joy because he understands he only gets one chance in this world to make a difference and impact lives for Christ.  Everything he does, he does as unto the Lord.

There are others I could mention, but I think you get the idea.  If a 93-year-old lady in a wheelchair can do what Zaida did… if Jim can do what he does, then what is YOUR excuse?  I ask this not to be condemning but I do hope it is convicting.  I hope that your heart is convicted to the point that you’ll examine yourself and ask yourself how you intend to spend the rest of your days… actively serving God, or sitting comfortably, as a spectator while the world passes by on the broad road to hell?  Understand that most likely you will have to begin your OWN ministry, because sadly, most churches today do not see the value of their elders either.  They offer social gatherings, potlucks and “senior saints” meetings — but they never put you to work.

Wouldn’t it be WONDERFUL if our churches would team up older people with the young ones?  Instead of offering silly game nights for the kids, and social gatherings for the old folks — what if they began programs where the old folks began to mentor the young ones?  Imagine 90-year-olds sharing their wisdom and knowledge and love for the Lord with 15-year-olds, one-on-one.  No “entertainment,” no worldly distractions, no silly games — just building relationships, learning about and from each other… and the elders sharing a lifetime of wisdom with those who so desperately need it.

You see, that’s the ONLY way we’re going to be able to change the course that America is on now.  It can only happen if us “old folks” start teaching the young ones the things their public schools and the carnal world, and even their church youth groups never, ever will.  Jeremiah 6:16 tells us, “Stand at the crossroads and look. Ask for the ancient paths: ‘Where is the good way?’ Then walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.”  So, old folks — you are NEEDED in the battlefield of spiritual warfare for the hearts and minds of our young people.  Will you be a good steward of the life God’s given you?  Or are you “retired?”

And young people, I’d like to share some Scriptures with you as well, that I hope you’ll take to heart. And then I pray you will SEEK OUT an elderly person that you can learn great wisdom from.  If not your own Grandparents, then someone else’s.  Leviticus 19:32, “Stand up in the presence of the aged.  Show respect for the elderly and revere your God.  I am the LORD.”  Deuteronomy 32:7, “Remember the days of old; consider the years of many generations; ask your father and he will show you, your elders and they will tell you.”

1 Peter 5, “Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders.”  And Hebrews 13, “Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the Word of God.  Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith.”

Old folks: we NEED you in this battle for the hearts and souls of our children and grandchildren.  Never give up.  Ask the Lord and He will direct your path, so that YOU can be the minister He’s calling you to be. And by the way, our school boards, city councils and county boards need you to show up and speak truth to them too.  They need you desperately. Isaiah 46:4, “Even to your old age and gray hairs I am He who will sustain you.  I have made you and I will carry you. I will sustain you.”  And now, I encourage you — get out of the “lift chair” and go serve your King!

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 341.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

I’m Here to Tell You the Truth

By Rob Pue

I’m here to tell you the truth. Unlike the mainstream media, I have nothing to gain by pushing lies and propaganda and brainwashing people into stupefied submission. Our country, like so many others, is being systematically destroyed — purposely and intentionally by those who swore an oath to defend us from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. Unfortunately, most of those who swore that oath are, themselves, enemy combatants — and the righteous here in America have now officially become “Enemies of the State.”

It’s sad to see so many Americans — and especially church-goers — who have no clue about any of this.  They don’t know and they don’t want to know. They just want to remain in their luxury and ease, distracted by every form of entertainment, and drunk on the propaganda spewed forth from the government and media.

Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but it seems that’s all that’s allowed in today’s society.  Truth-tellers are persecuted and prosecuted, publicly ridiculed, their reputations maligned, their lives destroyed. But as I said, I’m here to tell you the truth, regardless of whether you want to listen or not. Thankfully, I’m still able to do that, but I have no doubt there will come a day soon when I, too, will be taken out…cancelled… like so many others before me.  I know my Savior has promised to never leave or forsake me.  But that doesn’t mean I won’t draw fire from the enemy.  On the contrary, it means I wear a target on my back every day. This is to be expected. (1 Peter 4:12). Our suffering for Christ here in this earth is only temporary. We all need to remember that.  No matter how great the temptation may be to give in and give up — just “go along to get along,” we must all stand strong in our faith and strong in the Lord, no matter what comes.

For some, that may mean losing your job or your home. I believe the day is quickly coming when we will not be allowed to buy, sell, travel freely or even be seen in public without our “vaccination passports.”  We’ll be outcasts from society.  We’ll lose relationships with friends and family.  We may have to flee our homes to avoid being rounded up and placed in re-education camps, and we may very well be killed. If you think these things are pretty far-fetched, remember the Luciferians now in power in America — and the world — are playing for “keeps.”  We, the people, mean nothing to them.  They see us as commodities — slaves to be exploited, or vermin to be exterminated.  Either way is fine with them. If you think this is far-fetched, think back to the “Before Times” — before they dropped the scam-demic on us.  Would you have believed we could have fallen this far this quickly?  This is God’s judgment on a wicked nation that has rejected Him.

I understand that most Americans don’t want to hear about any of this.  But as Christians, should we not be the most informed and the most active in the spiritual battle that’s waging all around us — a spiritual battle like Earth hasn’t seen since the days of Noah and Lot?  Where to start? How about the fact that we’re being purposely and systematically invaded by foreign enemies?  In addition to the untold thousands being resettled here from Afghanistan — an Islamic people with values about as far removed from America’s as you can get — we have millions pouring in at our southern border.

The invaders at the southern border are not just innocent freedom seekers from Mexico and Latin America. Somehow, up to 35,000 Haitians managed to travel the 2,000 miles from their Caribbean island to Del Rio, Texas as well.  Who paid for their flight from Haiti to Del Rio? They certainly didn’t swim — and virtually all of them were eventually welcomed here, transported to the US location of their choice, and like all the other invaders, given free food, shelter, clothing, education, healthcare and cash — things we don’t even provide for our military veterans or senior citizens, who subsist on social security payments well below the poverty line.  Remember Deuteronomy 28: “The foreign resident among you will rise higher and higher above you, but you will sink lower and lower.”

We also have a serious energy crisis, now that we’re no longer allowed to access our own American energy, but instead buy it from our enemies.  We’ve been warned that the cost to heat our homes with natural gas or propane this winter will be double what it was last year.  Oil prices are now at $80 a barrel, but predicted to hit $200 a barrel in a few weeks. How will this affect your pocketbook at the pump? It won’t be good but that’s just the start. Lawmakers — or should I say law BREAKERS — are noodling around with the idea of a “carbon tax,” which means they’d like to see gasoline strictly rationed, and if you drive too much, you’ll have to buy more “carbon credits” in order to fill your tank. Welcome to the “new normal.”  But don’t worry about the foreign invaders — they get their gas and utilities for free.

Our economy is crashing as hyper-inflation takes hold now. My wife and I went to the grocery store the other day to buy a few things. We left with four small plastic bags of food, and it was over $200.  For four small plastic bags.  Many items were limited to one per customer.   Many food suppliers have warned that shortages will soon be getting much worse.  A recent report that came across my desk showed empty store shelves covered with PICTURES of food items printed on cardboard… to provide the illusion that the shelves are full, but actually, they’re empty.  What people see are just pictures of products covering empty shelves.  And most Americans are not prepared for food shortages. It’s estimated most Americans are only nine meals away from starvation.

Our supply chain has been seriously (and purposely) disrupted as well, as truck drivers are not allowed to haul goods.  Especially in California, where you’re not allowed to even drive a truck if it’s more than a couple years old. They’re pushing for all-electric trucks, even as hundreds of container ships wait off-shore to unload their goods.  By the way, we wouldn’t be so dependent on the stuff from China on those container ships if we still made things here in America.

Meanwhile, the increase in violent crime has exploded.  Homicides have increased by nearly 40 percent since this time last year.  There have also been marked increases in assault, robbery, rape, arson, burglaries, larceny and vehicle theft and break-ins.  Again, in California, it’s now official policy that police will not even respond to calls of shoplifting and looting if people take less than $950 worth of goods at a time. Multiple videos have gone viral on the internet showing people in California simply walking in to stores, taking whatever they want, and walking out. They know police won’t be called — as long as they take less than $950 worth of goods at a time, and store owners and employees are afraid to stop them for fear of being sued. Many retail stores there are simply closing up shop because of uncontrolled looting and shoplifting.

All this is coming at a time when our law enforcement officers are being fired or quitting their jobs — because of the unlawful jab mandates.  Reports show that nearly 37% of police officers will have left their jobs by the end of this year, rather than be forced to get jabbed.  Many cities have defunded their police departments to the point that now they’re forced to hire private security firms to patrol the streets…and private businesses are forced to do the same now, to protect their buildings and property.  But the CDC has a plan. On October 25, Center for Disease Creation director Rochelle Walensky declared the Biden regime is planning to provide police and other government workers with “education and counseling” — in other words, “re-education” camps to help them get their minds right.

Our military is also being purposely decimated, as servicemen are being court-martialed or dishonorably discharged for refusing the kill shot.  This is happening in every branch of the military, which is leaving us extremely vulnerable as a country.  Where once we had the strongest, most well-equipped military in the world, we now have far fewer soldiers… but military service has become an especially attractive occupation for homosexuals now; not to mention “transgenders,” because now they can get their sex-change operations for free.

We’re also dealing with a serious healthcare crisis in America, as our hospitals have been taken over by Big Government and Big Pharma.  Doctors and nurses are also losing their jobs if they refuse the jab — and most hospitals won’t even consider a religious or medical exemption.  I recently learned that several hospitals have replaced their un-jabbed nurses with FEMA nurses.  In at least one case I’m aware of, a nurse was fired from her job for refusing the shot.  She then went to work for FEMA, and shortly returned to the same job at the same hospital — still unjabbed — but now she works for FEMA, so it’s OK.  FEMA workers are not required to get the jab, just like White House staff, Congress, employees of Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson, CDC workers, FDA workers, and illegal immigrants…all exempt from the jab mandates, while hard-working Americans are forced to get the jabs or lose their jobs.  As we speak, 8,000 employees of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota are set to be fired, for not taking the kill shot.

Meanwhile, Americans are finally furious with Fauci, after it was discovered that he did unethical medical experiments on puppies.  PETA, and many others, are calling for his removal and even criminal charges. Apparently it’s ok to FORCE experiments on men, women and children — now as young as 5 years old — and we’ve seen the untold hundreds of thousands of people being maimed and killed from these shots.  But don’t you dare mess with a puppy.

Need I mention the severe shortage of workers in America now? Nearly every single place I go, businesses are begging for workers, offering huge sign-on bonuses and additional benefits.  But they’re also requiring the jab.  Recently a Dollar Store in my area had to close it’s doors because every employee quit rather than be forced to get jabbed and wear masks.  Nationwide, more than 30% of workers across all sectors of the economy have stated they will quit their jobs rather than be forced to take the shot.

And if your kids are in public schools, you better be aware of what’s happening in most of them.  Communism is being taught under the radar. History is being re-written.  American Civics classes have been removed.  In their place, they’re now pushing Critical Race Theory, even if they call it something else.  Not to mention homosexuality and transgenderism.  In some public school districts, pornography is now required reading. But not heterosexual porn.  It’s specifically homosexual and transgender porn.   In some places, your kids can even be injected with the kill shot, without parental consent or notification.

Many parents are waking up to all this and are rightfully outraged when they discover what their public schools are pushing as they brainwash their kids.  They’ve shown up to school board meetings to express their outrage — and so now parents who attend school board meetings are being targeted as “domestic terrorists” — along with Christians, patriots, those who believe the 2020 election was fraudulent, former military personnel, anti-abortion activists, those who believe sodomy is wrong, those who refuse to take the kill shots, and alternative media writers and reporters.

I would encourage you to read all of Revelation 18. I’m not saying America is the “Babylon” mentioned in this chapter, but there absolutely ARE some clear correlations.  Let’s close with this:  “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit…For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies… her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities…Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her… And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning… and the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more… The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing… For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off, and cried when they saw the smoke of her burning…and the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee…for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.”

You might note that there are shipmasters and ships and sailors who trade by sea standing afar off our shores right this very minute. And all nations have already been greatly deceived by the sorceries — the “Pharmakea” — of Gates, Fauci and America.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 340.

We’re In For a Very Rude Awakening

By Rob Pue

I think it’s fair to say that I’m on “information overload,” with a stream of news stories I must read and research coming in 24/7. But I’m here to tell you the truth. Unlike the mainstream media, I have nothing to gain by spreading lies and propaganda. I’m here to tell you the truth of what’s really happening, as most of America slumbers. But most of America is in for a very rude awakening and it’s coming upon us faster than we realize.

If you don’t yet see where this is all heading, hopefully you will by the time I’m done.  First, let me quote an article written by Mike Adams, titled: Vaxssassination.”  Adams writes, “It’s all now incredibly clear. Everything we’ve been watching over the last 20 months has been a globalist-led effort to convince billions of people to exterminate themselves without them knowing it.

“See, waging an open kinetic war on humanity would meet instant resistance. People tend to fight back when they’re being attacked and slaughtered with bullets and bombs. So globalists had to figure out a way to carry out mass slaughter on a planetary scale without alerting the masses to what they were doing.  It’s a very difficult challenge, but they figured out how to achieve it in a few simple steps:

“First, build a toxic nanoparticle weapon system (the spike protein) and mass produce it in labs run by the Chinese and US military.  Fake an outbreak in China along with ‘leaked’ scary videos of Chinese people falling over dead in mere seconds after breathing in the ‘virus.’  Cue media frenzy.

“Drop the toxic nanoparticles on NYC (and Northern Italy) to simulate a ‘viral outbreak,’while diagnosing people with ‘COVID’ via PCR tests that merely detect the presence of the toxic nanoparticles.

“Unleash mass media propaganda, claiming everybody will die unless they take vaccines.

Fill the vaccines with the exact same toxic nanoparticles you dropped on New York City in the first place.

“Unleash mass injections of the population with the spike protein bioweapons, fraudulently labeled ‘vaccines.’

“As people get injected with the bioweapons, they start shedding the toxic nanoparticles, making others sick around them. Frame this as a ‘worsening pandemic’ to spread more fear and drive more people into the spike protein injections.

“Censor anyone talking about vaccine injuries or deaths. Pay off hospital administrators to wildly exaggerate COVID numbers to keep the scamdemic going.  In a nutshell, that’s how they did it. Notice there is no virus required to pull it off. All they needed was a spike protein nanoparticle weapon system combined with media collusion and Big Tech censorship.”

That’s how they did it. But remember, it also took huge amounts of bribery, which they called “incentives” to get people on board with the shots. “Vaccine lotteries,” free scholarships, free ice cream, free hamburgers, free beer.  When the “incentives” quit working, Mr. Biden’s patience wore thin and then mandates were forced — take the jab or lose your job.  Your choice. Oh — except for Congress, congressional staffers, the US Judicial branch, White House Staff, CDC employees, FDA employees, postal workers, NIAID employees, Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson employees, FEMA workers and illegal aliens — they’re all exempt from the jab mandates.  Those “mandates,” by the way, are NOT the law. No such “law” exists.

But once you’re seriously ill from these bio weapon injections, it’s off to the hospital where Fauci and company have prescribed another bio weapon drug — Remdesivir.  This drug immediately causes upper respiratory distress, which is quickly followed by kidney failure and then the failure of all other internal organs, followed by death.  Couple this with medications that actually work being banned in the US, and pharmacies refusing to fill prescriptions for these meds if one is able to find a doctor willing to risk his license by writing such a prescription, and you get a massive number of deaths. And the best part? You can use all these deaths to entice even more people to take the exact same course of action.  It’s pure evil.

We should also remember when Bill Gates made the front page of a newspaper called the “Sovereign Independent” in 2011 with the headline: “Depopulation Through Forced Vaccination: The Zero Carbon Solution.” Just in case anyone has forgotten what the plan is here.

And this is world-wide.  In the UK, a funeral director recently told what he knows.  He stated, “I’m dealing with murder victims here.  The ‘Delta Variant’ IS the vaccine.”  Another report from the UK shows that more than 80% of COVID deaths there are among the fully vaccinated, with a 3000% increase in deaths following a record number of people there taking the jab. Meanwhile, more than 3,500 doctors and scientists from around the world have signed a declaration accusing COVID policy-makers of crimes against humanity.  We should also take serious note of the fact that this entire “vaccination” program violates every single point of the Nuremburg Code.  The atrocities committed by Nazi Germany were never to be repeated again. But here we are and this time it’s not just limited to a small area of Europe. This time it’s world-wide genocide.

While all this is going on, our southern border is a disaster, with hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants entering our country and taking full advantage of government handouts available only to illegals, not to American citizens, not even to our elderly or military veterans.  The situation became so outrageous in September, the powers that be called on the FAA to ban the use of drones for taking aerial photos and video footage of the massive number of illegals crossing our border.   Americans could not be allowed to see what’s really happening there, so photos and videos were forbidden.

Then there was the story of the thousands of Haitian refugees attempting to enter the US at our southern border.  Estimates range from 15,000 to 35,000 people.  But while Biden was content to allow hundreds of thousands move in from Mexico and South America freely, for some reason, he vowed to return all the Haitians to Haiti.  As it turned out, most of them were ultimately allowed to freely enter the US in Del Rio, Texas.  Only a handful, if any, were sent back to Haiti.

But very few people have asked the most obvious question about this: how did up to 35,000 refugees from HAITI get to the Mexican border to begin with?  Haiti is an island 2,000 miles away from Del Rio.  They certainly didn’t walk there and they certainly didn’t swim there either.  So did they come by ship? Did they come by air? Who paid for them to get here? Who paid to feed so many people during that long trip?  WHO brought them here?  And why is nobody asking these obvious questions?

Then we have Afghanistan, where the Biden regime not only brought thousands of Afghan refugees to America for permanent resettlement, fast-tracking them to official citizenship here, but he also left thousands of Americans behind to be hunted, tortured and killed for sport by the Taliban, which he empowered with $85 billion dollars’ worth of high tech military equipment.  Here in Wisconsin, at least two Afghanis have already been arrested — one for sexual abuse of a minor and one for attempting to strangle his wife.  As we’ve seen with other Islamic refugees in other states, these two will likely get off with no prison time at all because such behavior is “just their culture,” or “just the way they do things where they’re from.” Yes, these are the excuses given by attorneys, and accepted by judges, and the perpetrators go free — sometimes arrested multiple times for multiple crimes before they actually kill someone.  But the excuse is always the same: “it’s just their culture.”

And now, as if on cue, the Mockingbird Media has started to criticize Joe Biden.  Some are calling for Biden to be removed from office.  Even some Democrats are calling for his removal. My question is, what took them so long? As I’ve stated previously, I don’t believe it was ever anyone’s intention for Biden to remain in the Oval Office very long.  But I would caution you against getting too excited about the prospect of Biden being removed.  Because what happens then?

Harris, being an “anchor baby” is not technically eligible to be president. (Not that that really matters — after all, we’ve already had a non-citizen in the Oval Office four eight years).   But assuming the Globalists decide against Harris this time,what does that leave us with?  “President Pelosi?”  I believe that’s been the plan all along.

You might also be interested to know that on September 25, the 2022 National Defense Authorization Act was passed by the House of Representatives in a 316-113 vote.  One provision in this bill allows for military courts to confiscate guns from former members of the military.  The military court would be able to issue a “protective order” which would make the owning of a firearm by a former military member illegal.  135 Republicans in the House voted in favor of this bill as well, which is now in the Senate. Gun Owners of America issued a statement saying, “If Nancy Pelosi gets this into the military code, then it becomes the precedent for enforcing gun confiscation against the rest of the population.”

This may seem outrageous and impossible — to forbid our former military members to own firearms.  Our veterans who are perhaps the most highly trained of all of us, and who have served their country, forbidden from owning guns?  But you see, it’s our veterans who are some of the most patriotic among us all — and to the New World Order Globalists, “patriots,” conservatives, and Christians are the most dangerous threat to the country now — “domestic terrorists,” in fact.  By the way, you’re ALSO a terrorist now if you show up at a school board meeting to voice your opinion.

And in New York, Governor Kathy Hochul has announced the mass firing of unvaccinated healthcare workers, to be replaced with foreign workers, FEMA workers and National Guard troops.  This sets a dangerous precedent that should concern you.  All across this country, people are being given a choice between taking a deadly shot and losing their jobs.  In many cases, these workers have invested years in intense specialized training, amassing large student loans in order to secure their degrees. Now, they’re losing everything for refusing to comply with the unlawful mandates of government and health officials.

And this is only the beginning of something that’s being replicated across the country, and across all sorts of industries, not just affecting healthcare.  The same pattern of replacing civilian workers with military troops and “foreign workers” (whatever that may mean) will also include police officers, paramedics, fire fighters, truck drivers, factory workers and other areas of the economy that are quickly collapsing as Americans reject the jab and are fired or forced to quit for doing so.

And for months now we’ve been warned of coming shortages, as our supply chains have been increasingly disrupted — on purpose.

Things are not at all looking hopeful as we head into the dark winter months here in America. But remember, your Creator — God Himself — has placed you right where you are, right at this point in time in history for a purpose, for a reason.  Now is the time for us all to prepare, mentally, physically and spiritually.  We must prepare.  For our own survival and so we can be ready to help and serve others in need, and prepare to meet our Savior at any time.  Always be prepared for that.  And remain strong in your faith through all of these trials. If you do that you will never fear, because faith and fair can never co-exist. Those who stand strong ‘til the end will be saved.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 339.

Stay Away From Hospitals & Don’t Get the Jab!

By Rob Pue

In my last message, I shared with you the Globalist plan for planetary genocide — mass depopulation of the Earth, which has long been the dream of people like Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Klous Schwab, and Luciferian “elites” throughout the world, in preparation for their “Great Reset” which has already been launched.

Their method is the COVID so-called “vaccines,” which in fact, are not vaccines at all, but experimental DNA- and RNA-altering poisons. I told you how — according the the CDC’s own VAERS data — more than a half million people in the US alone have suffered severe and terrible side effects, including strokes, heart failure, blood clots, brain disorders, convulsions, seizures, paralysis, Bells Palsy, inflammations of the brain and spinal cord, autoimmune diseases, miscarriage, infertility, deafness and blindness.  I also shared that in addition to these “side effects,” more than 16,000 people have “officially” died as a result of these injections.

Of course, we must remember, if a person dies within two weeks of receiving a shot, health officials claim those deaths are mere coincidence, and have nothing to do with the injections themselves.  We also know that these are simply the CDC’s “official” numbers and that only between 1 and 10 percent of all adverse side effects are ever reported to the VAERS system.  Moreover, the CDC has, more than once, scrubbed hundreds of thousands of cases as they have “readjusted” the numbers released to the public. If anyone out there still trusts ANY “data” or “numbers” released by the CDC on anything, they ought to have their head examined.

We should also remember that the effects of these injections are especially targeting the reproductive organs rendering people sterile for life.  Several scientists have also asked the question: what about babies born of mothers who took the jab? Since we know these shots seem to specifically target the reproductive organs, will these babies, too, be sterile for life? The answer is, we just don’t know.

By now you have undoubtedly heard about the ABC news station in Detroit that posted the following on Facebook: “After the vaccines were available to everyone, did you lose an unvaccinated loved one to COVID 19? If you’re willing to share your family’s story, please direct message us your contact information. We may reach out for a story we’re working on.”

This station, WXYZ, was seeking stories of “unvaccinated” people who died because they refused to take the jab. They received more than 250,000 responses to their Facebook post, but the responses were not what they were hoping for.  Instead, all of the responses were from people who had severe horrific reactions to the jab, or loved ones who had died from the jab.  One person wrote: “I know people who died painfully from the vaccine.  Want those stories?”  Someone else posted: “I had an uncle and cousin die from the jab! My son-in-law’s aunt died from it and three more friends died from it.” And another person stated: “My dad flatlined after his second dose of Moderna.”  These are just a few of the comments. As I said, there were 250,000 more just like these, at last count. And this was a local Detroit news station.  Only God knows how many have died from the poison jab.

Personally, I had a long-time friend whose wife is a nurse and was required to get jabbed to keep her job. Shortly thereafter, my friend, her husband, just simply stopped breathing and died in bed next to her at 2 am. The cause of death was “undetermined” but we know those who have taken the jab are spreading some very weird illnesses to those they come in close contact with.  Another associate, in the prime of his life, at 38 years old, was one of the healthiest, strongest individuals I’ve known. He ran five miles every day, lifted weights, worked hard and had no medical issues whatsoever. But… he got the jab. One dose. And the next day he was dead, after a series of multiple strokes. These are just two stories of people that I can attest to personally.

Countless doctors, nurses, and other whistleblowers have shed even more light on the situation.  Hospitals are discouraging healthcare workers from reporting to the VAERS system, and they also follow a pre-prescribed protocol for those admitted to the hospital.  More about that later.

But understand this: it’s not the “unvaccinated” that are causing the mutations and “variants” that are making so many so sick right now.  The pestilence we’re seeing today is the result of those who have already taken one or more of the shots, as their bodies shed and spread the spike proteins the shots produce.

So what’s in these shots? It would be pretty difficult for anyone to continue to refute the fact that they most certainly contain Graphene Oxide. There have now been so many studies released by so many doctors, scientists and labs around the world showing that ALL the injections contain high levels of Graphene Oxide — some say up to 95% — that this is a fact that can no longer be hidden by the lying media. They still try. But the studies have been done — independently — and the data is in.

This alarming data has lead world experts, like the Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine, Dr. Luc Montagnier, to issue a grave warning that we are currently facing the greatest risk of worldwide genocide in the history of humanity.  Even the inventor of the mRNA technology, Dr. Robert Malone, warns against these injections. And former Pfizer vice president and chief scientist, Dr. Mike Yeadon, came forward to warn humanity against these extremely dangerous injections.

These and countless other doctors and scientists have found high levels of Graphene Oxide, as well as toxic nanometallic content with magnetic-toxic, cytotoxic and genotoxic effects as well as identified life-threatening parasites. These ingredients dramatically change blood cells and cause massive blood clotting, and they spread to every organ in the body.  There’s also “self-assembling” nanotech in some of the shots tested, while others show complex crystals being formed.  Not to mention the human genome is permanently modified.  In other words, these jabs forever change a person’s DNA.  An autopsy done on one vaccinated individual showed spike proteins in literally every organ of the person’s body.

There are trillions of dollars at stake here for Big Pharma and the hospital industry.  You may recall a recently leaked Zoom conference call between physicians and a marketing director at Novant Health New Hanover Regional Medical Center, which is a group of 20 hospitals and clinics treating patients in North and South Carolina. In the recording, Mary Rudyk, MD, tells Director of Marketing Carolyn Fisher and another hospital employee that she wanted to make the COVID situation “more scary to the public” by inflating the number of COVID patients, and by using messaging that falsely tells individuals, “If you don’t get vaccinated, you know you’re going to die.”

Meanwhile, Joe Biden has ordered all companies with 100 or more employees to force mandatory injections. The US military is mandated to get injected. Hospital and Nursing Home workers are mandated to get injected. Because, as Biden stated, “his patience is wearing thin” with those who reject the jabs.  Apparently, people aren’t dying fast enough for him and his handlers.  But interestingly, guess who’s NOT required to get jabbed? Of course, the US Congress and congressional staffers, the Judicial branch, the White House staff, CDC employees, FDA employees, Post Office employees, NIAID employees, Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson employees, and illegal aliens.  Does that, in itself, not speak volumes as to what this is really all about?

Meanwhile, hospitals and nursing homes are doubling- and tripling-down on their jab mandates. Many are refusing any religious or medical exemptions from employees.  So now, across the country, there’s a mass exodus taking place among healthcare workers.  When faced with the choice between taking a proven deadly injection or losing their job, they’ve chosen to quit, or they’ve been fired.

But the hospital is NOT where you want to be anyway these days, no matter what.  Since they’ve been incentivized to list as many people as possible as “COVID positive,” if you go to the hospital, it’s very likely you’ll be declared “COVID positive.”  Then, their standard protocols begin.

From what I’ve learned from those with first-hand experience — and from some first hand experience of my own — if you go into a hospital with any type of upper respiratory problem, the one thing you will NOT receive is anything that will actually help you get healthy again.  Most doctors in the US have been forbidden to prescribe Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine — drugs that have been proven to be safer than aspirin, and have also been proven to be fast-working cures for COVID. These inexpensive, life-saving drugs have been all but banned in the US, and if do you manage to find a doctor willing to prescribe them for you, you’ll have a nearly impossible time finding a pharmacy that will fill your prescription.  Most pharmacies have corporate-wide policies in effect, stating that even with a doctor’s prescription, they will NOT fill orders for Ivermectin or HCQ.

If you go into a hospital with bacterial pneumonia, you’ll be told you don’t have “bacterial pneumonia,” you have “COVID pneumonia,” and you’ll be admitted. Once admitted to the hospital, even if your own family doctor has prescribed antibiotics for you, those will be immediately stopped and you’ll be started on the official “COVID protocol.”  This includes intravenous Remdesivir — a drug pushed by Fauci as the primary protocol once a COVID patient is admitted to the hospital.

But multiple doctors have stated that Remdesivir is actually a bio-weapon and extremely deadly.  It has a long list of adverse effects on the human body, the first of which is upper respiratory distress, quickly followed by kidney failure, followed by “cascading organ failure.” This causes the lungs to fill with fluid; then the patient is placed on a ventilator and suffocated to death.

There have been numerous reports from families with loved ones in hospitals who have essentially been medically “kidnapped.” The patients are not allowed to see their family members; family members are not allowed to have any input or authority over their loved one’s care, and patients are forbidden to have any access to other medicines.  If you attempt to get them discharged so you can care for them at home, you’ll be made to sign a form stating you’re doing so “Against Medical Advice,” and then warned that because you refused to follow medical advice, insurance won’t pay, medicare won’t pay, and you’ll not only have a dead loved one but be facing bankruptcy as well.

As I’ve done the research on this, in report after report after report, the hospital protocols seem to all be the same now, everywhere in America: 1) Pronounce the patient as COVID-positive, 2) cease any type of antibiotics or other medications, 3) immediately administer Remdesivir, 4) place the dying patient on a ventilator.  This may sound harsh and cruel, and it most definitely is. The families that have suffered through this scenario understand what I’m talking about.

Friends, DON’T take the jab — and stay out of the hospitals at all costs. Keep your immune system strong with regular supplementation of Vitamin C, Vitamin D3 with K2, Potassium Iodide, Zinc, N Acetyl Cysteine and Quercetin. You can still find these supplements available — get the best quality you can find. But don’t wait.  There’s already been talk of making these supplements available by prescription only, and you know, if it will advance the goals of the genocidal maniacs that are running things now, it may not be very long before that happens.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 338.

They’re Killing People!

By Rob Pue

On the highest hill in northeastern Georgia stands a huge, star-shaped granite monument.  There are only a few clues as to how this monument, known as the “Georgia Guidestones” came to be in this place, but it’s message and intent is clearly Luciferian and anti-God. Today, as we hear of the plans of the New World Order globalists and their “Great Reset,” which has now begun in earnest, we can see that what these Luciferians are bringing to pass in the world now has been carefully planned out and purposely orchestrated over many decades.

The Georgia Guidestones are made of Pyramid Granite, consisting of a large, verticle center slab, four slabs surrounding it and a 26,000 pound capstone on top. They’re more than 19 feet tall.  The ten messages on the Guidestones have been called “The Ten Commandments of the Antichrist,” and are written in English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Traditional Chinese, and Russian.  The messages deal with human depopulation, earth worship, a One-World Government and New World Order.

The Guidestones were built to withstand any natural or man-made disaster, even a nuclear blast. Here are the ten messages inscribed on them: 1). Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. 2). Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity. 3). Unite humanity with a living new language. 4). Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason. 5). Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts. 6). Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court. 7). Avoid petty laws and useless officials. 8). Balance personal rights with social duties. 9). Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite. 10). Be not a cancer on the earth – Leave room for nature.

A shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient languages: Babylonian cuneiform, Classical Greek, Sanskrit, and Egyptian hieroglyphs.  It reads: “Let these be guidestones to an age of reason.” 

In the summer of 1979 a well-dressed, elequently-speaking gray-haired man calling himself “R. C. Christian” came to Elberton, Georgia in search of both a granite firm to build his design for a monument and a suitable site for the construction of it.  He said he represented “a small group of loyal Americans” who had been planning the installation of an unusually large and complex stone monument. The man admitted that ‘Christian’ was a pseudonym, and while he was obliged to reveal his identity to the local bank manager, this was under on condition of absolute confidentiality. To this day, the man’s real name and the true identity of his organization are unknown.

He presented the granite company a wooden model and ten pages of detailed instructions as to how the monument was to be built. And money was no object — even though the price quoted was many times higher than such a project would normally cost, this man readily agreed to pay it, no questions asked.

The Guidestones were unveiled in March of 1980.  Ownership of the land and monument was soon transferred to Elbert County, which still holds it. But why place such a monument in virtually the middle of nowhere — 90 miles from Atlanta surrounded by farm fields? Perhaps one clue is that the Cherokee Indians believe this spot to be the geographical center of the universe.

The Guidestones were precisely engineered to track the movements of the sun and stars. Depending on where people stand and which slots or holes they peer through, visitors can see the sunrise during an equinox or solstice or locate the North Star.  The stones function as a clock, calendar and compass and they track the sun’s movement year-round.

But it’s the ten messages on the Stones that should concern us today, as we find ourselves in the midst of a globalist eugenics program known as ‘COVID 19.’  The first of the messages indicates we should maintain human population under 500 million people. To achieve that “goal,” we would need to reduce the number of human beings on the planet by 90%. Then there’s the message about “wise reproduction” and the value of so-called “diversity.” And calling human beings, made in the image of God “a cancer on the earth.”  All of these statements  fly in the face of Almighty God’s command to us to “be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.”

Then there’s the part about uniting humanity with a new One-World language. Do you remember the history of the tower of Babel?  Resolving disputes in a “world court,” abandoning personal rights and freedoms in order to fulfill our “social duties.”  And of course, the idea of “reason” has long been a buzz-word among zealous athiests and God-haters.

Many believe the Georgia Guidestones were a project of The Club of Rome. You may not be familiar with this. I wasn’t until I dug into the research for myself. The Club of Rome, founded 1968, is one of a number of organizations founded or funded by David Rockefeller (the youngest son of John D. Rockefeller) to further the cause of global government, including the United Nations.  Members of the Club of Rome have included some of the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world, including CNN founder Ted Turner, George Soros, Henry Kissinger, Bill Gates, Prince Philip, Al Gore, Maurice Strong (who co-authored “The Earth Charter” along with Mikhail Gorbachev), and Bill Clinton.

The Club of Rome has four stated main goals: World Government, Human Depopulation, Environmentalism at the expense of humanity, and a One-World Religion.  These goals of the Club of Rome were openly stated as far back as their beginning in 1968. In 1980 the Georgia Guidestones were unveiled, again clearly stating the goals of a New World Order and human depopulation. But all of this is trumped by the Word of God, which has prophecied the days we’re living in now for thousands of years. God TOLD us what these Luciferians were going to do. Now the Luciferians themselves are openly telling us their plans, yet so many seem to think this is all conspiracy theory nonsense. As I’ve said before, there IS a conspiracy going on, but it’s far from a theory.

Go to the website of the World Economic Forum. The very first thing you’ll read there is this: “There is an urgent need for global stakeholders to cooperate in simultaneously managing the direct consequences of the COVID-19 crisis. To improve the state of the world, the World Economic Forum is starting The Great Reset initiative.”  Look a little deeper at those who are partnering with the World Economic Forum and you’ll be overwhelmed and astounded. Nearly every corporation and every banking institution in the world is represented.   By the way, the World Economic Forum was also one of the sponsors of Event 201 in October of 2019. Event 201 was the official “planning session” for the Planned-Demic.

Klous Schwab, born in Germany in 1938 is the Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum. He’s stated openly that a key component of the Great Reset is that individuals worldwide will own nothing.  According to Schwab, private ownership of homes, cars, bank accounts, land… all of it, MUST be abolished, in order to provide for a more “fair” outcome for all. This is pure Communism, folks, and this “Great Reset” has already begun…and nearly every country in the world is on board with this.

Do some research on some of the key players in this COVID scheme. Look at Fauci, the CDC, (which would be more aptly named the “Center For Disease Creation”), the World Health Organization, The FDA, and every entity associated with Big Pharma. Then look at the Globalist organizations such as the UN, the World Economic Forum, the Federal Reserve, the IMF, the World Council of Churches, the Club of Rome. Then consider how all mainstream media in the world is owned by a tiny handful of people. Now look at who controls the internet and social media. You will find that every player is a New World Order Globalist, and through the well-planned scam of ‘COVID,’ they’ve set the stage for not only world domination but serious human depopulation — planetary genocide.

Let me explain it another way: they’re purposely killing people. The COVID virus is real, but it was weaponized by Fauci and the Chinese Communists, with the aid of all the players just mentioned, and funded with our American tax dollars. It was unleashed on the world in late 2019 and early 2020, then super-hyped by the complicit Mockingbird Media. If you’re unfamiliar with “Operation Mockingbird,” I suggest you research how the CIA is also complicit in all this — along with our FBI, our judicial system, and the highest levels of our government, and governments worldwide.

The virus, similar to the common seasonal flu virus, was hyped by the media as a “super killer.” Fear was instilled among the people. Mask-wearing and quarantining of the healthy was mandated for only one reason: to keep us all reminded to be fearful every day.  Of course, the masks never protected the wearers or others from anything. They only served to increase illness, as individuals were forced to recirculate their own C02 and bacteria. But their main purpose was visual — a visual reminder to be very afraid, and to obey every government edict…for our “health,” they said.  Other draconian measures such as shutting down businesses and churches, cancelling public gatherings and celebrations, even closing public parks and beaches, were put into effect to impress upon us the supposed seriousness of the situation, and again — to keep us all fearful and compliant.

Then came the so-called “vaccine.”  Understand this: the so-called “vaccine” was not made for COVID.  COVID was made for the “vaccine.” In other words, COVID was simply a justification to get people so fearful and so compliant that they would readily line up to receive multiple injections of poisons. But not everyone was on board. Many were skeptical, especially when inexpensive treatments were readily available — but FORBIDDEN by the tyrants in power. Treatments like Ivermectin and HCQ, shown in thousands of peer-reviewed studies to cure COVID quickly and save lives.  But when anyone would so much as mention those words on social media, they were “flagged” as “false information,” and the people were banned. Doctors who had successfully treated thousands of patients with these medications were publicly smeared, their characters and careers destroyed, because they dared to tell the truth.

The same has happened to thousands of doctors and scientists worldwide when they have spoken the truth of the dangers of these injections. And make no mistake, the COVID so-called “vaccines” have only one purpose: to kill people.

VAERS data from the CDC itself shows that more than a half million people have suffered from severe side effects, including stroke, heart failure, blood clots, brain disorders, convulsions, seizures, Bells Palsy, inflammations of the brain and spinal cord, autoimmune diseases, miscarriage, infertility, deafness and blindness. In addition to these severe side effects, the CDC reports 16,000 people have died as a result of these injections. It should be noted that only between 1 and 10 percent of adverse reactions are ever reported to the VAERS system. Doctors are discouraged from doing so. And more than once, the CDC has scrubbed hundreds of thousands of cases, as they have “readjusted” the numbers the public can see on the VAERS system. You should also know that those who die within two weeks of receiving a jab are NOT considered to have died FROM the jab.

Especially concerning in these “adverse side effects” is how these jabs seem to directly and quickly affect the reproductive organs, rendering people sterile. Pregnant women who take the jab have frequently had miscarriages. No one knows if babies of injected women will be sterile their entire lives. This is all a dream-come-true for depopulation advocates like Bill Gates, but it’s a nightmare for the rest of the world.

You should also be aware that it’s not the “unvaccinated” that are causing the so-called “mutations” or “variants” of COVID — its the injections themselves, and scientists have shown conclusively that people who get the jab are the actual “super spreaders” of serious illness.

Friends, these injections are killing people. And people, trusting the government, health officials and media propaganda, are lining up to voluntarily get their “kill shots.” If somehow this is not stopped quickly, it’s now absolutely possible that we could see the world population reduced by 90% — just as the Luciferian Globalists decreed on the Georgia Guidestones 41 years ago.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 337.

You Can No Longer Ignore the Call

By Rob Pue

I don’t know about you, but for me, this has been a tough year.  It’s been even harder than last year, mentally and emotionally. It’s hard to not become depressed when you see what’s happening to our country and our world, when you see how the demonic realm seems to have total control now, of the entire planet.  Of course, the demons that influence and inhabit the Luciferian globalists only have as much power as God Almighty allows them to have, but clearly, at least for now, it seems they’ve been given authority to do as they please.

In spite of the fact that I’ve been sounding the warning for more than two decades in ministry — and others far longer than I have — it seems the Church in America has paid no attention at all. We have church-goers with faith a mile wide but only an inch deep. Biblical illiteracy is truly pandemic and the people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.  They go to church simply to “feel good.” They will tolerate everything carnal and worldly but will not tolerate sound biblical doctrine.

How quickly we have fallen! God, in His great mercy, gave us chance after chance after chance to repent. His patience with us was well beyond anything we deserved. From Heaven, the Holy Spirit continued to loudly blast the warning as well:  “Repent!” Yet we refused to hear and heed every warning, preferring instead to remain in our comfort, affluence and apathy toward spiritual matters. 1 Thessalonians 5 reminds us, “Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies. Test all things; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.” In one ear and out the other for most, if they ever heard that to begin with.

The LORD warned His people through the prophet Isaiah in chapter 30 of his book, “Now go, write it before them on a tablet, and note it on a scroll, that it may be for time to come, forever and ever: That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children who will not hear the law of the Lord; Who say to the seers, ‘Do not see,’ and to the prophets, ‘Do not prophesy to us right things; speak to us smooth things, prophesy deceits.  Get out of the way, turn aside from the path. Cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us.’ Therefore thus says the Holy One of Israel: ‘Because you despise this word, and trust in oppression and perversity, and rely on them, therefore this iniquity shall be to you like a breach ready to fall, a bulge in a high wall, whose breaking comes suddenly, in an instant.’”  In one ear and out the other.

Today we find ourselves in a socialist nation, ruled by lawless tyrants. Where once the Word of God was our Foundation, our Rock, the conviction of every heart, the Textbook in every school, that sacred Book on which our leaders took their oaths of office and to which they pledged their vows of integrity and honor, we now live in a country that’s forgotten God, and has even come to despise Him. So here we are.

This year is harder for me than last year because last year, I still held out a shred of hope that our Creator might yet show us His great mercy and spare us what has now come. I prayed for repentance in the land — a land laboring under the tremendous burden of blood guilt and every sort of wickedness and perversion. I prayed for a great revival and awakening of God’s people.  Perhaps that prayer has been answered. Many, most definitely, have had a great personal revival of their faith and Christian conviction, and many have awoken from their apathy and slumber. But this remnant is small, and we seem to have no voice among the cacophony of God-haters.

But then, God’s Word said it would be this way. Jesus said we would be hated of all men. In Mark 13, Jesus warned, “But watch out for yourselves, for they will deliver you up to councils, and you will be beaten in the synagogues. You will be brought before rulers and kings for My sake, for a testimony to them…brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and cause them to be put to death. And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But he who endures to the end shall be saved.”

Are you ready for that, friends? The time is upon us now. Faithful Christ-followers are, right now, being delivered up to “councils.” Those who dare try to warn and speak truth in our modern American churches may not be being physically ‘beaten’ — yet. But they’re certainly not welcome. The faithful of Christ are, right now, being brought before rulers and kings and county health officials and judges and they ARE giving testimony as the Holy Spirit speaks through them. Yet the persecution continues. And it’s clear that family members will soon be made to betray one another, as their lives are threatened by the “New World Order” Luciferians.

I stated earlier that we’re now living in a socialist nation, ruled by lawless tyrants. I didn’t say “socialism is coming.” It’s already here, friends. The wheels were set in motion long ago and now we have arrived. We have not learned from history. Not from biblical history nor from secular world history. Our downfall was inevitable once we tossed the Word of God out of our schools and ceased teaching God’s truths to our children. But like all third-world countries that have fallen to Socialism and Communism, it began with a political coup. A corrupt election in which an illegitimate leader was placed into power. We’ve seen it time and again in recent history.

How many countries have had coups such as this, and then the world denounces the election as a fraud, and refuses to acknowledge the new leadership as legitimate?  The people of these countries then proceed to suffer under great tyranny. By the way, our country is also guilty of instigating coups such as this around the world. Now other countries have helped to accomplish it here.

November 3rd was a coup, make no mistake. But we still held out hope that because it was such an obvious coup, justice would prevail. That was not to be, when those who were supposed to be on the side of “good” refused to bring justice on January 6th. Just as we’ve seen in third-world countries when a coup takes place, our US Capitol was surrounded by a high fence topped with razor wire, to protect the illegitimate regime. Our Constitution, which, for all practical purposes, was done away with years ago, did not save us either.

And just as we’ve seen in other places where such coups have taken place, the tyranny immediately began. Dissidents and protestors were illegally arrested and jailed. We still have at least 600 political prisoners being held without bail or legal recourse. Let us not forget about them.

Let us also remember Venezuela. Once the wealthiest nation in Latin America, Venezuela has fallen to Socialism. Their Constitution was replaced with a new Socialist Constitution in 1999. The new version declared employment, healthcare and housing as basic rights that must be provided by the State. The government also took control of agriculture and manufacturing, marking the end of the free market there. Then redistribution of land and wealth, uncontrolled government spending on social welfare programs, such as subsidized food, education and healthcare. When the money ran out, they simply printed more, thereby devaluing the currency, which led to hyperinflation.

This made it nearly impossible for the majority of citizens to purchase food, medicine and other necessities.  Inflation there is now at 1 million percent. Children and adults alike are dying of hunger, innocent people are being killed by the Venezuelan security forces and millions of citizens are deprived of basic freedom.

According to Human Rights Watch, the illegitimate government of Nicolas Maduro is responsible for “extrajudicial executions” and forced “disappearances.” They have jailed political opponents, prosecuted civilians in military courts, tortured detainees and punished all dissenters.  Venezuelans fleeing repression and shortages of food, medicine and basic healthcare represents the largest migration crisis in recent Latin American history. There are persistent concerns over brutal policing practices, impunity for human rights violations, lack of judical independence and harassment of human rights defenders and independent media.

Nearly 6 million have fled their country since 2014, but finding no refuge in other countries, it’s estimated that 150,000 or more have been forced to return — to face torture and death.

I could go on about the situation in Venezuela, but this is what Socialism brings. And Socialism is merely a stepping-stone to Communism, the ultimate goal of the New World Order Luciferian tyrants.  Look also at the living conditions in other countries that have suffered the same fate: Angola, Bangladesh, Bolivia, China, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Laos, Nepal, Nicaragua, North Korea. …Look at CANADA.

Following the November 3rd coup here in America, we are now under an illegitimate tyrannical regime.  We have a Constitution in name only. It hasn’t been followed in decades. Our justice system is corrupt. Indeed, it seems their main goal is to protect criminals, while persecuting all who object. Hillary Clinton’s crimes; Obama’s crimes, Hunter Biden’s crimes, Joe Biden’s crimes; Anthony Fauci’s crimes — all completely ignored by the FBI, the DOJ, the House, the Senate, the Supreme Court and everyone else, while Constitutional Patriots and Christians are now declared “the most dangerous threat to our nation.”

Now the Tyrant-in-Chief has ruled jab mandates must be enforced. With no power to do so, he has coerced private businesses to carry out his edicts. Mandatory injections for all military and government employees. Mandatory injections of all employees of companies with 100 or more workers — or employers face a $14,000 fine for each “violation.” We no longer have autonomy over our own bodies. And in this post-truth world we’re living in today, real science is forbidden.  We KNOW what’s in the “kill shots” — thousands of reputable doctors and researchers have been able to tell us the truth, at the risk of losing everything, including their lives. More people have died from these injections in six months than have died from all other REAL vaccines in history. So make no mistake: the COVID jab is not a “vaccine.” It’s a deliberate “kill shot” and they intend to force it into as many human beings as possible.

The increase in COVID cases and deaths that we’ve seen in recent months has nothing to do with any “variant” or virus mutation. It’s the JAB that’s killing people. Whistle-blower doctors and nurses have clearly stated that those who are dying now are the “vaccinated.” Not the “unvaccinated.” But still, the Tyrant requires more blood, more death.

Because this is beyond just him. This is beyond just the United States. Friends, it’s now world-wide. The Luciferians have made their “Great Reset” plan known. Their “Utopian” New World Order doesn’t include us, because most of us will be dead. THAT is the plan.  Those who manage to survive will simply be their slaves. THAT is the goal. Yet so many have been brainwashed and coerced into compliance. They don’t want to lose their lives of luxury and ease. They want to be able to travel. They want to keep their stuff. Understand, the days of luxury and ease are over. You can’t keep your “stuff” and very likely, you won’t be able to keep your life either.

And the brainwashing continues. It’s in the atmosphere. Just the other day, I had a conversation with a Christian friend who stated it would be better to just go to the FEMA camp “green zones” they’re setting up for us than to be outcasts from society, fugitives, “outlaws.” “At least we’ll be with other people, at least we’ll have friends there,” they said. Make no mistake, they call them “Green Zones” because calling them “concentration camps” would not be expedient to their cause. The only thing “green” there will be the mold on your daily crust of bread, after you’ve been beaten and tortured and if you’ve behaved properly during your daily “re-education” classes.

Friends, understand, the country we grew up in has been overthrown. There is no longer any “political” solution. Our only hope is in Jesus. Even as we descend now, into abject slavery here in the US, we can still cry out to God for His mercy and grace upon US, as individuals. Our nation has been judged and judgment was long overdue. But today is the day of salvation. You can no longer ignore the call. Today is our opportunity for individual repentance. Turn to God. And remember we overcome the enemy ONLY by the word of our testimony, by the blood of the Lamb, and loving not our own lives, even unto death. And please —  don’t cower in fear.  We have nothing to fear. If we are His children, He will never leave us or forsake us, even in the darkest of days.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 336.

Time For a Serious ‘Sit-Down’ Discussion

By Rob Pue

In March of 2020, the vast majority of American churches dutifully closed their doors when we were all told “two weeks to flatten the curve.” Like small businesses, churches were willing to take the government warnings seriously and err on the side of caution.  But weeks and months later, even after the businesses reopened, it seems most of the church doors remained shuttered, the leadership there agreeing with the government that they were, indeed, “non-essential.”

Of course, they continued with their services over the internet, with online streaming.  We saw “worship teams” on the stage with each member wearing a mask, while playing their instruments and singing to an empty auditorium.  Then the pastor would come up and give his “talk” — again, while wearing a mask on stage, speaking only to the camera operator in the back of the empty room.

Millions of people stopped attending church services in 2020, because the churches were closed.  Pastors across the country cowered in fear when seeing other pastors make the news…. pastors who refused to close their doors and instead continued preaching the whole counsel of God, even in the midst of a fake “PLANNED-demic.”  These fearful ones saw what happened to those who refused to comply: more and more draconian measures taken by so-called “health officials,” police and government agencies.  Things like “no singing.” “Only 20 percent capacity.” Stiff fines and penalties for churches that dared to remain open.  Pastors going to jail.

When some pastors attempted a reasonable “compromise” by holding services outdoors, preaching to people sitting in their cars in the parking lot, people were fined and jailed for simply sitting in their cars in the church parking lot!   And of course, enormous fines and jail time for those pastors who refused to submit to all the unjust and ridiculous dictates from “on high.”  At least one church was even set on fire and burnt to the ground as a way to intimidate them and keep them silenced.

Throughout this insanity, millions of people stopped attending church altogether.  When the government finally eased their restrictions, and the churches were “allowed” by the government to open again, many never returned, and will never return. They’ve either started their own home churches, gathering with like-minded, truth-seeking believers for worship and Bible study, as the early disciples did, or they’ve moved on to one of those churches with courageous pastors who never closed their doors or bowed to the commands of Caesar.  They’ve moved to churches with pastors unafraid to tell the truth — no matter how “counter-cultural” the truth may be; no matter how “controversial” the truth may be; no matter how badly the truth clashes with the “Official Narrative.”

And now, a year and a half later, studies show that one in four churches that were open and active at the start of 2020 have now closed forever.  Forgive me for saying that I think that’s probably a good thing.  Stay with me and perhaps you’ll agree.

For far too long, our American churches have been increasingly compromised. They’ve become salt that has lost it’s savor — good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled under the feet of men.  In other words, “non-essential.”  How did this happen in a country that owes it’s very existence to God Almighty and the mighty men of God — the PASTORS — who preached the Word, in season and out, when it was convenient and when it most definitely was NOT. Pastors who led their flocks out of the church house and confronted every evil of the day?

Compromise.  “Go along to get along.” “Don’t make waves.” The Johnson Amendment and the 501c3, making covenants with wicked governments for financial gain. I realize I’m being pretty hard on the pastors here, but not without cause.  Note that I’m not talking about ALL pastors.  I know a lot of great ones personally, but they are the rare minority.  Today, you’ll be very hard-pressed to find a pastor who cares more about the approval of God than the approval of men. Most all of them want nothing more than to be well liked and popular by the people.  I challenge you to find even ONE mighty man of God or one true prophet of God in all of Scripture who was well liked and popular among the people.

Following God rather than men comes with a price. Most who act as pastors today don’t want to have to pay any price. They just want to collect a paycheck. And a hefty one at that. During the COVID scam, 66 percent of churches applied for and received a Payroll Protection Program loan from the federal government.  Not surprising.  While shuddering at the thought of speaking “politics” or “controversy” from their pulpits for fear of being unpopular, pastors and church leadership were perfectly fine with accepting filthy lucre from Caesar, as long as they kept their doors closed when told to do so.

The pastors were silent in the 1960s when God’s Word and daily prayer were removed from our public schools.  Now our public schools are cesspools of perversity, teaching the LGBTQP + agenda to our children, mandating that boys can be girls if they want and girls can be boys if they want — and use the restroom and locker room facilities of their choice as well.  Public schools continue to re-write American and World history (if they teach it at all), they indoctrinate children from the youngest of ages with the communist manifesto, they teach “Critial Race Theory,” causing further division and hatred among our kids and shaming white kids for simply being white.

The pastors were silent in 1973 when the Supreme Court forced the Roe v Wade scheme on the American populace. They continue to remain silent on the holocaust of the unborn as parents have now sacrificed 70 million babies to Molech. The pastors were silent when that same Court forced sodomite so-called “marriage” to become the perceived “law of the land.” Now we have a pandemic of “transgenderism,” “Pride” parades and Drag Queen Story time, while child sex trafficking is rampant.  Ninety-nine percent of pastors said not one word from the pulpit on any of these things.  Too “political.” Too “controversial.” Too “intolerant.”

So what are pastors talking about every week?  I did just a very brief check on some of the recent online sermons from some of the local churches in my area.  Topics included “Learning How to Rest,” “How to Forgive,” “How to Love Others,” “How to Have Joy,” “How to Handle Anger,” “What To Do When You Fail,” “What To Do When You Succeed,” “Waiting on God,” “Don’t Judge,” and “The Golden Rule.”  Meanwhile, America is in the midst of perhaps the most intense spiritual warfare we’ve ever seen in this country. But the pastors will say not one word about it.

First the SCAM-demic, which we all pretty much figured out was a scam after about a month. Then the “cancel culture,” when Christians, Conservatives and reputable doctors and scientists were censored, banned and removed from just about every social media and internet platform, simply for speaking the truth.  You may say it was only their opinion. Fine. When did having an opinion become a crime?  Last year, obviously. First Amendment? What’s that?

Let me tell you what that is.  The First Amendment of our US Constitution states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.  How are we doing these days with our First Amendment rights as American citizens, after sixty years of silence from our pulpits?

Now, obviously, CONGRESS made no laws prohibiting any of these rights.  In fact, Congress did nothing at all except push our country further into destruction.  But courts and “health officials” and governors embarked on a reign of terror — terrorizing citizens into believing blatant lies and forcing them to willingly comply with their tyranny.  We had no right to freely exercise our religion.  Our freedom of speech absolutely was and IS ended.  There is no freedom of the press anymore, no real journalism, other than “alternative media” sources — and those are openly mocked and ridiculed from the pulpits.  How about the right of the people to peacably assemble?  “Close your churches peasants, or face our wrath!” says the Almighty State. Our right to petition our government for a redress of grievances? Our legislators LAUGH at us, friends.  They laugh at us. While they jail us for seeking a redress of grievances.  Do you realize there are still 600 people rotting in jail, held without bond for simply being IN Washington DC on January 6th?  These are innocent people who did nothing wrong, other than go to seek a redress of grievances.

After they launched the SCAM-demic, they launched the race wars and anarchy, they tore down our statues, renamed streets, took over cities, burned, looted, destroyed and killed — while our police were told to “stand down.”  “Go write a parking ticket or something,” they were told.  “Go make yourself useful.  Nothing to see here.”  Now we have cities with crime rates soaring, murder rates soaring and police departments defunded.

Then came the stolen election. If you can’t see, from all the clear and concise evidence that has already been presented, that the 2020 election was fraudulently stolen, then I’m sorry, you don’t have the brains that God gave an avacado.  Then came the Vax.  “It won’t be mandatory,” they said. “But do it for your own good and for the good of all society so we can all get back to normal.”  When hundreds, if not thousands of doctors and scientists came out and warned us that this stuff is pure POISON — including some of those who manufactured the stuff — they were ridiculed and mocked, they lost their jobs, their homes, and in some cases even their lives because they dared to speak the truth.

Now Caesar is setting up “Green Zones” — concentration camps for the un-jabbed. Obama signed a law in 2011 paving the way for these detention centers, and now they’re becoming a reality.  “Vaccine Passports” are already being implemented around the country, by government AND businesses. If you cannot see that the day is soon coming when you will not be allowed to buy or sell or have any part in society without taking the jab, I’m not sure what more I can tell you. I could go on.  Skyrocketing inflation. Supply chain disruption. Farmers being paid by the USDA to destroy their crops, threatened with bankruptcy if they refuse.

And meanwhile, our pastors preach on “Learning to Rest.”  This is not the time to rest, folks. If you’re still attending one of these churches led by a limp-wristed so-called “pastor,” the time has come to have a serious “sit-down” talk with him. It’s time to DEMAND that he either begin speaking the truth and leading his people to action or vacate his position. Because he is leading the sheep directly to the slaughter.  And many of them know it.  But you may not.

Are you aware of the “Clergy Response Team?”  This is a group formed by FEMA and run by the Department of Homeland Security.  Initially, 26,000 pastors were recruited for this assignment. Today, there are estimates of 1.5 million pastors as part of the Clergy Response Team.  Their job is to preach obedience to the government, to minimize any public dissent toward government actions or mandates, to “keep people calm” in the event of martial law or national catastrophe and to assist the government in their official narrative during emergency situations.  In other words, to LIE.

To that end, we now have churches opening up as “vaccination centers” and no doubt these Clergy Response Team “pastors” will be key players when it comes time to round up the “vaccine hesitant” and help them onto the bus to the FEMA camps.  I urge you to do your own research on this, and while you’re at it, look up the word “hireling” in your Bible Concordance.  Yes, it’s well PAST time for a serious sit-down discussion with your pastor!

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 335.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

God Has Spoken

By Rob Pue

Some have wondered if we’re now experiencing the third term of our first Muslim president, and I have to agree with that assessment.  The current occupant of the White House may well soon be replaced by the person the Globalists intended to sit there all along — Harris or Pelosi.

Afghanistan is big news.  After 20 years — America’s longest war — nearly 2500 American service members were killed there — that we know of.  Nearly 4,000 US Contractors were killed there. The Afghan national military and police lost 66,000. Afghan civilian deaths were 47,245.  We lost 444 aid workers and 72 journalists.

We also left behind $85 Billion in sophisticated military equipment — all handed over to the Taliban with a big red bow on it.  Why would we deliberately plan to leave so much equipment behind?  One government “talking head” said it was more expensive to bring it back than to just leave it.  But when has the cost of anything ever had any bearing on decisions made by our government?  No, these highly sophisticated weapons were handed over to our enemies on purpose. It was a deliberate move to make sure the Taliban is now highly armed — perhaps now one of the most well-equipped armies in the world.  The Taliban has vowed to take Jihad to the whole world.  And now we’ve equipped them very well to do just that.  In Afghanistan, the Taliban is going door-to-door hunting Christians, and thousands of executions of Christians have already taken place.

Now our country is scrambling to evacuate people from Afghanistan.  We still have military there.  We still have civilian contractors, missionaries and aid workers there who are American citizens.  But predictably, the focus has been on evacuating Afghanistan citizens. I recently learned that the State Department has delivered an untold number of blank US Visas, literally flooding that country with blank US Visas, which are being filled out and used by anyone and everyone — including the Taliban.

Biden has, so far, allocated $500 million to Afghan refugee resettlement.  But meanwhile, Americans trying to leave Afghanistan are being charged $2000 each.  This man has literally abandoned Americans behind enemy Taliban lines that HE created, but if American citizens do manage to get to an evacuation plane, they’re charged $2000 to get on one, while Afghans get a free ride — to the US and other countries.

Here in America, they join the more than 10,000 illegal immigrants flooding across our borders every day.  That’s 300,000 illegals flooding into our country every month. Some estimate that number is very low, and put it closer to a million illegals a month.

And while American citizens are being forced to submit to quarantines, mandatory injections of experimental poisons, and mask mandates, illegals entering the country are NOT being screened for COVID at all, and they’re being transported to locations all across the country, once again for free — and “resettled” in a wide variety of neighborhoods.  Once there, they receive free medical care, free housing, free food, and cash.

You may think that most of these illegals are from Mexico or South America.  But you should be aware that many of them are also middle eastern, and just as alarmingly, Chinese.  Yes, folks, our country is being actively invaded now by foreign enemies — and our own government is facilitating this invasion.

Recently I noticed a dramatic increase in television “Public Service Announcements” (PSAs) talking about the subject of “Asian Discrimination,” “Hatred toward Asians” and “Asian Bias.”  The point was that Asians are being targeting for persecution here in America and it must stop. I couldn’t help but think back to the days when Obama was in the White House and we saw similar PSAs talking about “Muslim Discrimination.” As Obama was flooding the country and resettling Sharia-following radical Islamists in American suburbs and small towns all across the country, we were simultaneously bombarded with media propaganda about how Islam is such a “peaceful religion,” and how Muslims were being unfairly discriminated against by narrow-minded Americans.

Meanwhile, we never saw so many Islamic terror attacks on American citizens in the history of our nation.  Those attacks abruptly ended once Trump took office.  But now we’re seeing the same pattern emerge — but this time with Asian people as the supposed victims of narrow-minded, deplorable redneck Americans.  So in case you’ve missed that, it’s happening again, as more and more Chinese communists settle in among us.

Let me clearly state that I have no problem at all with LEGAL immigration, or people of ANY race. But we’re talking about hundreds of thousands, if not millions of ILLEGAL aliens invading our country, and our government is making it happen.  While mask-wearing is mandatory on all domestic flights here, and while it’s being proposed that all travelers within the US will soon be required to show proof of being fully “jabbed” in order to fly, I’ve seen countless cases of fully loaded aircraft, filled with illegal aliens, on their way to somewhere here in our country — and none of them were required to do TSA screening, and none of them have been required to wear any sort of mask.

Bear in mind, I’m not saying that all who come here are automatically our enemies, but I am saying that a great percentage of them most certainly are, and regardless, they’re walking across our border freely, given a host of gifts and amenities, along with free food, housing, clothing, and cash — while American citizens not only foot the bill, but sink deeper and deeper into a debt we will never be able to crawl out of, as inflation soars and totalitarian rule is knocking on our doors.

No country can remain safe if we do not maintain our borders.  We’re being invaded and the invasion is being orchestrated by our government.  They’ll constantly state we must render “humanitarian aid” to those in need. OK. What about the free rides into America for Taliban soldiers, while a Christian missionary stuck in Afghanistan must come up with $2000 to return home, or stay in that country and face certain death?  Where do the priorities of our government “masters” really lie?

But while today’s “big news” is all about Afghanistan and our southern border, don’t spend all of your time on these two issues.  Remember, a magician always distracts his audience while he’s pulling off his tricks.  So while one hand is SHOWING you what to look at, the other hand is always doing something fishy.

I cannot confirm this, but it’s recently come to my attention that the USDA has recently given American family farmers an ultimatum: destroy your crops and receive 1 1/2 times the value of the crop and continue receiving government farm subsidies… or if they do not destroy their crops, the subsidies will end and the farmers forced into bankruptcy.  As I said I cannot confirm this, because in doing internet searches, all I’m finding are stories debunking this allegation.  But along with this, we’re seeing vast reserves of lumber and building supplies being held by shadow government agencies, at a time when lumber and building supply prices have gone through the roof, because, we’re told, there’s a tremendous shortage.  And  food prices were 40 percent higher in May of this year than they were just one year ago.  Did any of you get a 40 percent pay raise this year?

And as gas prices continue to climb, I’ve also seen reports of American oil producers ordered to dump their oil.  And hundreds of thousands of shipping containers are being held — not allowed to be shipped for distribution — in American ports.  You should note that most American ports are now controlled by Communist China.

China is also buying up vast amounts of farmland in the United States.  In 2019, China owned 191,000 acres of US farmland. Estimates show that since 2019, that numer has increased ten-fold.  That would be close to 2 million acres today.   Likewise, Bill Gates, one of the architects of the COVID scam, now owns 242,000 acres of farmland and he’s buying more as fast as he can.  Billionaire Ted Turner owns 2 million acres.  When you own the farmland, you control the food supply.  We’ve been warned of a food shortage on the near horizon. Perhaps now we know why.

And while our Federal Reserve continues to print more “money” out of thin air, our congressmen can’t seem to waste it quickly enough.  The recent “infrastructure bill” is filled with Leftist-agenda-driven plans that will further erode our freedom and access to essential goods and services.  More than one congressman said he never read that infrastructure bill, and admitted that “nobody” would.  They’d simply vote it through.

While all this is going on, China is amassing huge numbers of troops around the world. China currently has the most sophisticated military in the world, an unlimited number of soldiers, with weapons and technology we don’t even have.  We’ve all heard there are 300,000 Chinese troops currently stationed in Canada.  I cannot definitively confirm this number, but there’s no doubt that there are many Chinese troops stationed there, as well as on our wide-open southern border.  They’ve also made it clear that invasion of Taiwan will happen, sooner rather than later, and have threatened other countries, like Japan and the US, with annihilation, if they should try to intervene.

Here’s some more information you may not be aware of regarding China: China produces 97 percent of all antibiotics and about 80 percent of pharmaceutical ingredients used in life-saving drugs sold here in America.  Four years ago, the US imported nearly $5 billion of it’s food from China.  How dependent do you suppose we are on China for our food supply now, since our own farmers may well have been pressured into destroying their own healthy crops?   And if you wonder why all the propaganda and indoctrination is coming across our TV screens, you should know that China owns more than 8,000 media outlets in the US.  Thus, they control the narrative and the massive brainwashing when it comes to this New World Order agenda.

And that agenda continues, world-wide, though there has been some push back in countries like the UK, France and Germany.  Here in the US, many hospitals have made it clear that all employees will be required to be fully jabbed in order to continue working. In Houston, 150 nurses steadfastly refused the jab and were fired.  So now we have a shortage of nurses.  This is happening all over the country.

Since the federal government has not YET mandated the jab, and since bribing the people with so-called “incentives” has not been as effective as they’d hoped, they’re now putting pressure on private companies and corporations to get the job done.  Employees all over the country, in just about every sector of the economy have been told they must be fully “jabbed” and have legitimate papers to show proof of that, in order to keep their jobs.  Hundreds of thousands are either retiring early, quitting or being fired.  So in the midst of a major crisis in our supply lines, skyrocketing inflation, an extremely serious shortage of workers, we now find ourselves in the position of having fewer workers than ever before, fewer resources than ever before, the weakest military in our history, open borders being flooded with foreign invaders, and we have just empowered Islamic terrorists with $85 billion in American military equipment.

I recently told you about the “Green Zones” being set up in this country — essentially concentration camps for the un-jabbed, where American citizens will be detained for a minimum of six months.  I’ve also told you about the DHS “Vaccination Strike Force” which has already started going door-to-door to force the jab on the “vaccine hesitant.”   Where will this all end? Look at Canada, Australia and New Zealand for some clues.

We brought all this upon ourselves.  Once a nation of Christians, we forgot about God and followed our own wicked, carnal desires and the enticements of foreign gods.  The shepherds, who should have known better, were content to keep us all fat and happy with feel-good self-help “talks,” and no fear of the Lord at all.  So this is where we’re at today.  Let me take you to Deuteronomy 28, starting at verse 43: “The foreigner who is among you shall rise higher and higher above you, and you shall come down lower and lower. He shall lend to you, and you shall not lend to him. He shall be the head and you shall be the tail.  All these curses shall come upon you and pursue you and overtake you ‘til you are destroyed, because you did not obey the voice of the Lord your God, to keep His commandments and His statues that He commanded you.”  God has spoken.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 334.

News From the Front Lines

By Rob Pue

This world is not our home, so we shouldn’t cling too tightly to it. It’s merely the battlefield we’re called to fight on during these dark days.

Having said that, it’s important that we’re also vigilant and understand all that’s happening in this world right now. While many prefer to remain ignorant, not able to stand any “bad news,” it falls upon God’s people to remain informed, and inform others, being wise as serpents, but harmless as doves. If we just bury our heads in the sand, as so many professing Christians seem to love to do, then we cower in fear and we perish for lack of knowledge.

So here are some updates from the front lines of the battle.  First of all, the world’s on fire. Not just the wildfires that are raging here in America, but world-wide.   Algeria is experiencing the most widespread wildfires in recent memory. More than 100 wildfires are currently burning in Greece. The island of Sardinia, west of Italy is burning with fires described as “the worst disaster in decades.” Turkey, likewise, had 183 forest fires in a single week in early August.

Meanwhile, as the Taliban has taken control of Afghanistan, the Biden administration is now warning of coming Al Qaeda attacks, around the world and here in the US, as we approach the 20th anniversary of 9/11. But the Biden regime is also warning that the most dangerous terrorists we need to fear are Anti-Maskers, Lockdown Resisters and Trump Supporters.

The Department of Homeland Security has recently issued guidance stating that opponents of COVID-19 restrictions, lockdowns, vaccination mandates and Trump supporters constitute the most dangerous threats to America.  NBC news reported that a “National Terrorism Alert” has been issued by the DHS, which declared that anyone who opposes vaccines, masks, social distancing or lockdowns poses a “potential terror threat” to society at large. Likewise, anyone who thinks there was fraud in the 2020 election may also be a “terrorist.”

More than one researcher has observed that this is all in preparation for one or more government “false flag” events.  For those unfamiliar with the term, a “false flag” event is when government agencies carry out a terroristic attack and then lay the blame on innocent parties.  (Remember the January 6th debacle?)  In this case, commentators have warned we should be on the lookout for a violent attack of some kind here in America which will be blamed on innocent freedom-loving patriots.  This will be a means to an end to criminalize all anti-vaccine speech, halt all investigation into the fraudulent 2020 election, and lock down the country once again.

And if you thought the lockdowns of 2020 were bad, just wait until you see what they have planned this time around.  Take France as an example.  There, all restaurants, bars, coffee shops and leisure activities like sporting events, theaters, cinemas and museums are off limits to anyone without a “Health Pass,” or “Vaccination Passport.” Those who get caught in any of these places without a Health Pass get an automatic six-month prison sentence. Business owners receive a fine of 45,000 Euros and one year in prison.

All doctors, nurses and healthcare workers have been mandated to get the jab or lose their license.  The healthcare system in France is state-owned, and so all the good doctors left France five years ago.  For the past five years, nurses have been understaffed and doing double duty and the system is basically bankrupt.  Now, due to this “jab” mandate, millions have taken to the streets to protest and the hospitals have lost another 50% of their staff.

As of August 1st, all retail stores, large and small, will be mandated to have their owners and staff injected and a Health Pass will be required for all customers.  Truckers in France are on a nation-wide strike, blocking all access roads in and out of Paris. And starting September 15th, all public areas will be off limits — with or without a Health Pass.  This includes farmers’ markets, parks, lakes, rivers, beaches, recreation areas, and churches.  September 15th may be a date to remember here in the US as well.

Similar situations are happening in other countries, with massive protests in France, the UK, Greece and Germany, and so citizens there are also now considered “domestic terrorists.”

Here in America, Congress is considering a new law which would “direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to ensure that any individual traveling on a flight that departs from or arrives to an airport inside the United States or a territory of the United States is fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and for other purposes.”  This is basically a ban on all inter-state travel by air. But the Biden regime is also considering a ban on ALL inter-state travel, meaning no driving out of one’s state either, without your “Vaccination Papers.”

In Hawaii, a father and son were arrested at Honolulu’s airport and face up to one year in prison and a $5000 fine for violating the state’s Safe Travel program.  They were using falsified COVID vaccine cards to travel. They were forced to immediately return to California, pass a COVID test, then fly straight back to Hawaii for their arraignment.

Meanwhile, the city of Los Angeles city council voted unanimously to enforce vaccination requirements in order to enter ANY public indoor space — that includes restaurants, gyms, stores, concert and theater venues and churches.  In Oregon, State Representative Lisa Reynolds stated, “Will will force vaccines. We will make it a prerequisite for indoor dining, working in the office and furthering your education.”

While these things are going on, the CDC has released plans for what they call “Green Zones.” These are re-location camps for those who have refused the jab and are therefore considered “high risk individuals.” According the the CDC’s own document, “High-risk individuals would be temporarily relocated to safe or ‘green zones’ established at the household, neighborhood, camp/sector or community level…they would have minimal contact with family members and other low-risk residents.”  Under this plan, people can be forcibly removed from their homes, placed in these “Green Zone” camps and held for a minimum of six months — unless they take the “jab.”

In Tennessee, Governor Bill Lee signed Executive Order 83, giving the state permission to call up the National Guard and State Guard “in connection with certain healthcare and emergency services operations.” This Executive Order would also permit the construction of “temporary quarantine and isolation facilities” and “telephone assessments for involuntary commitment cases.”

The Communist indoctrination of our young people on college campuses also continues.  Recent surveys have shown that a majority — nearly 75% of college students — are in favor of placing non-compliant “anti-vaxxers” in internment camps until they agree to be fully vaccinated.  The mockingbird mainstream media is helping this mindset along.  CNN’s Don Lemon stated he believes the unvaccinated should not be allowed to buy food or to work.  The media is also heavily pushing the official narrative that it’s time to start blaming the unvaccinated people for COVID-19.

We’re also watching the total destruction of the American economy. Businesses are shutting down — permanently — because they cannot find workers willing to work.  It seems people are getting enough “free” money from our Communist government now that they’re content to sit home.  This has created a major crisis in our supply line.  Many store shelves are running short of needed items, or completely sold out, with prices skyrocketing.   We’ve been warned for several months now of a serious food shortage about to hit the US this fall.  And the Daily Wire reported that inflation reached a rate of 7.8% in July — the highest ever in recorded history.

The effects of defunding the police are also now becoming very evident.  In Portland, for example, the city council defunded policy by nearly $15 million dollars.  Violent crime has gotten so out of control there that the city has now hired private security companies to patrol the downtown. Portland saw 453 shootings in the first half of this year.  Business owners there are furious.  They already pay taxes to fund law enforcement, but now, they too need to hire private security in order to keep their businesses and customers safe.

There’s been a marked rise in violent crime all across the country this year. New York, Philadelphia and Chicago had at least 70 people shot just this past weekend, leaving 16 dead, including a 7-year-old girl who was killed, and her 6-year-old sister seriously wounded when someone opened fire on their parked car in Chicago.  In New York, violent crime is up 22% from this time last year, and shootings there are up over 70%.

And the LGBTQP+ steamroller continues it’s deviancy. A professor at a California medical school was asked to make a formal apology recently for a statement he made during a class lecture.  This is a clear case of the LGBTQP+ establishment punishing someone for “wrongthink.”  In his apology, the professor said, “I’m very sorry for that. It was clearly not my intention to offend anyone. The worst thing that I can do as a human being is be offensive,” he said. “I said ‘when a woman is pregnant,’ which implies that only women can get pregnant and I most sincerely apologize to all of you.”

Meanwhile, the American Medical Association has passed a resolution to lobby for the removal of “sex designation” from birth certificates.

And the James Dobson Family Institute recently reported that the so-called “Family-friendly” Disney movie, “Jungle Cruise” includes one of the characters “coming out’ as homosexual and explaining that he has broken off multiple engagements with women because his “interests happily lay elsewhere.”  This is for CHILDREN, folks.

Another Christian organization has also fallen to the sodomite agenda. World Vision is now requiring vendors to sign a “Business Code of Conduct,” which includes promising to select and promote personnel “without discrimination or concern for sexual orientation and gender indentity or expression.”  That should earn them some “points” with the HRC.

And the White House just announced the first Muslim American nominated to be the US ambassador-at-large for International Religious Freedom.  How do you suppose that will work out for American Christians?

And in case you missed it, Australia just passed a nation-wide law prohibiting Christians from praying or handing our information in front of abortion centers there.  The law creates a nearly 500-foot buffer zone around the facilities, and carries with it a 12 month jail term and a $12,000 fine.

I encourage you to remember 2nd Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind.”

There are those who continue to be fearful of a virus, of the government, of the Luciferian New World Order that IS coming, because, they either don’t know God or acknowledge Him or don’t really follow Him.  Fear and faith cannot exist simultaneously. You’ll either have one or the other. When we understand that, as true Remnant Believers, we have the very Holy Spirit of God living inside us, we have the perfect Counselor and Comforter, and therefore, unlike the rest of the world, WE have real power, real love and sound minds.  This world could certainly benefit from the power and love of a sound mind!

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 333.

Lawlessness Abounds

By Rob Pue

Another onslaught by the Luciferian Globalists is underway. Because they’re doubling down on their efforts toward world domination, the elimination of Christ-followers and national sovereignty and yes, they’ll soon be knocking on your own front door seeking to force a needle in your arm carrying an experimental poison. You should plan for it, because they’ve told us they’re coming soon.  DHS is already calling these door-to-door tyrants the “Vaccination Strike Force.”

If you think this is all conspiracy nonsense and are still drinking the “COVID Koolaid,” I’m not sure what more to tell you. It seems the majority of the populace is now completely brainwashed, while others can clearly see the truth that’s right before their eyes. We’re living in the words of Scripture from 2nd Thessalonians 2: God has, indeed sent upon many people a strong delusion because they’ve chosen to believe the lie.

Indeed, we have many believing many lies these days, and the reason is that God Himself has sent them a strong delusion and allowed them to be consumed by it, because they received not the truth of God, that they might be saved.  Even many devout church-goers have believed all the lies the government, health officials and lying media have spewed forth, because I dare say their professed faith in God Almighty is not really genuine.  They may have a form of godliness, but it’s without the Holy Spirit, and therefore without any power at all, …and therefore, they’re terrified.  That’s Satan’s goal, you know, to keep us all terrified, compliant, and obedient to evil. He’s having a field day with most people right now.

Those within the true Remnant of God can clearly see the hand of the enemy working in all that’s happened these past two years, and we can clearly see where all this is headed.  The rest of the world are absolutely blind to the truth, under strong delusion, and therefore fearful. They fear the government, they fear man, they fear disease and death — but they don’t even know the Savior and Creator.

The sad part is, all the plans of the Luciferian Globalists have been openly revealed. While they do conspire against the Lord and His anointed followers, they haven’t hidden anything. They’ve come right out and told us what they’re going to do.  Then they do it. And sadly, so many still remain so blind.  We had Event 201 just weeks before COVID was released and the world was locked down. At this planning meeting, held openly in New York City and attended by top New World Order Globalists and the Luciferian Elite, all that took place in 2020 and all that’s taking place now, was carefully planned and simulated. A few weeks later, it began.

Citizens were essentially placed on “house arrest” as the nation was locked down.  So-called “Health Officials” took control of our country…for our own “good,” of course.  If people were allowed to leave their homes, they were forced to cover their faces with masks and stand six feet apart from one another. Small businesses were forced to shut their doors, while Big Box Stores were allowed to remain open. Churches were forced to close, because they were told (and most agreed) that they were “non-essential.”

Most dutifully complied and stayed home, watching the mockingbird media spew out the lies they were commanded to spew, hoarding toilet paper and junk food and cowering in fear. Mind you, this was after we saw horrific images coming out of China, showing a virus so devastating that people were falling over dead in the streets.  Sick people were shown being forcibly arrested at gun point by Chinese health officials, loaded in vans, and taken away, never to be seen again. We heard rumors of mass crematoriums in China, because so many millions were dying.

I asked then, and I still ask now: WHY were these images allowed to be released to the world? In a country like China, where they only portray themselves as the world’s strongest and most feared military superpower, where social media and government media only allows positive “PR” to go out to the world — why was the world allowed to see this? Only one reason: to instill fear.  Yes, China locked it’s own people down hard. Many in apartment buildings they even had their doors welded shut. Others most definitely were arrested and dragged away, never to be seen again. The lockdown there was so intense, enormous cities became ghost towns. That really happened. But the images of people falling over dead in the streets? I’m not so sure. Regardless, the fear quickly spread across the globe, and so in mid March, when the “coronavirus” hit the US, we were eager to obey. And never before in the history of the world was so much power held in the hands of so few. They quickly became drunk with power and their Globalist agenda moved forward.

Here in America, we were allowed to retain a few of our rights, in most states. But travel was severely limited. There were no restaurants to eat at. Small family businesses were forced into bankruptcy. Masks were required in public. Places like Walmart were allowed to remain open but new rules were quickly put in place. Masks required. Stand six feet apart. Entry through one door only, follow the arrows on the floor and exit through one door only.  Many public accommodations required your forehead to be scanned and all your personal information gathered before you were allowed entry. Businesses that did not enforce these unconstitutional government mandates were threatened with crippling fines.

What was all this about? Clearly, as hundreds of highly credentialed doctors from around the world told us, the masks were useless and even harmful. The six-foot distancing did nothing to slow the spread of any virus. It’s impossible to avoid a virus, whether you’re isolated at home or out in public.  You can’t stop a virus. Isn’t that what all the doctors have always told us? My entire life, whenever I would get very sick and go to the doctor, they’d say, “well, I’m sorry, it’s a virus, and it just has to run it’s course, there’s nothing we can give you for it.”

But in this case there WAS. There was Hydroxycloriquine and Ivermectin, to name just a couple very inexpensive and highly effective treatments for COVID. But these were quickly banned by the government agencies, and doctors were prohibited from prescribing them.  Why would they not try everything possible if this was really such a deadly sickness? Yet when America’s Frontline Doctors came out and gave their real-life results, showing hundreds of patients quickly recovering using these medicines, these once well-respected doctors were censored, banned by all media, and fired from their jobs.

The six foot thing? Following the arrows on the floor at Walmart? Here’s what that was about… Big Box Stores are some of the heaviest-surveilled places you can go to. There are security cameras everywhere. This was a concerted effort by the government to fine tune their facial recognition technology to maintain and bolster their surveillance of us all. They couldn’t accomplish this with people in large crowds, but with each person six feet apart, all walking in the prescribed directions, following arrows on the floor, it became a cake walk for them. And they’re especially aware now, of those of us who refused to wear the masks, and have therefore become non-compliant enemies of the state.

There’s so much more we could discuss about the entire COVID scam — a so called “pandemic” that needs 24/7 media propaganda to remind us to remain in fear, because 99.97% of those who get sick quickly recover.  But these are just a few reminders as to how this all began, and what it’s all been about.

Also, last year, the Leftist Luciferians unleashed anarchy across America and the world. We all saw the burning, rioting, looting, and murder take place in living color. The mockingbird media had the audacity to call these events “peaceful protests,” even as buildings burned in the background behind the network reporters. The Marxist Black Lives Matter organization took over entire cities and roadways, in many cases pulling white people out of their cars and beating them bloody, or to death.  In Seattle, several city blocks were overtaken by anarchists and declared to be a sovereign country — yet the residents of “Chaz” still demanded free government benefits from the Feds.  But rest assured, these events were all considered “justified” by the Left, and “mostly peaceful.”  Cities all across America burned, while police were ordered to “stand down.” And lawlessness continues to reign.

As communism descended on America, statues commemorating our national history and heritage were torn down.  Yet the statue of Vladimir Lennin in Seattle was left untouched.  And yes, there IS one there and they’re proud of it.  Look it up.

In August, Kenosha, Wisconsin became a target. Busloads of paid rioters descended on the city and began rioting, looting, burning businesses and attacking police. One young man from Antioch, Illinois who worked in Kenosha became perhaps the worst victim in this war zone on August 25th.  Kyle Rittenhouse finished his workday in Kenosha, and then volunteered with Kenosha residents to help clean up and rebuild the destruction of the previous night. But as night fell on August 25th, the destroyers again began their assault. Kyle found himself in the middle of the fray, but he was there with his own firearms, which he was well trained to use for self-defense and the defense of innocent people. He also came with medical aid and supplies, and even helped wounded rioters.

But then Kyle was personally attacked by a mob wielding weapons and threatening his life.  Videos taken by on-lookers clearly show guns pointed directly at Kyle with the mob ready to kill him.   But Kyle defended himself and others with his weapon and for that, is now facing life in prison.  No justice for the innocent.  Lawlessness reigns.

The COVID scam was used to force mail-in ballots and ballot “drop boxes” — all unmonitored. An untold number of mail-in ballots were found discarded in ditches and dumpsters across the country. The drop boxes, by the way, were funded to the tune of $400 Million by Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook. Meanwhile electronic in-person voting was hacked by multiple systems. Still, Donald Trump was winning his second term in office by a landslide on November 3rd, and that just could NOT be allowed. The mainstream media was even calling the state of Arizona for Biden with only 4% of the vote counted. Then at 3 am, everything shut down, the vote counting stopped.  Ninety minutes later, the machines were turned on again, and … surprise, surprise!  Biden flipped all the states in contention in his favor. You’ll recall he stated prior to the election, “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” Lawlessness.

Fast forward to January 6th. Millions of patriots descended on the US Capitol building to show their support for rule of law and to protest the stolen election. Literally thousands of videos taken by people at that event show the DC and Capitol police escorting ANTIFA and other anarchist groups into the staging area on countless buses. They infiltrated the patriots that were there, and as is their way, caused more mayhem and destruction and violence. Following that event, six hundred true patriots who attended the rally were arrested, simply for being IN Washington DC on January 6th.  Many of them remain in jail to this day, held without bail, though they did nothing more than attend a rally. And a new term was coined: “Patriot terrorists.” And indeed, they probably are the most dangerous — to the illegitimate regime that has taken over our nation, opened our borders, made backroom deals with our enemies and is openly persecuting Christians.

So while those who literally burned thousands of businesses and homes to the ground, attacked police all summer long all across the country, while police were told to stand down, citizen patriots in America are now considered the most dangerous people in the world — “patriot terrorists.”  Matthew 24:12 reads, “Because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.”  We now have total lawlessness. The innocent are persecuted while violent criminals are hailed as heroes. And the love — and even common decency and respect for human life has, indeed, grown cold.  But always remember what Jesus said, and knowing the power and might of our Savior and that He holds us in the palm of His hand, knowing He will NEVER leave us or forsake us — even in the midst of these wicked days.  He said:  “The one who stands firm to the end will be saved.”  See that you’re strong in the Lord, and that you stand firm to the end, and never, ever be afraid of what this world is coming to.  It IS coming to our doorstep.  But our GOD is already with us.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 332.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

It’s Now or Never

By Rob Pue

While most Americans are enjoying the beautiful summertime and going about their lives as usual, it seems to most that all is fine with the world right now.  Oh, most understand that the “new normal” we’re all adjusting to is a little challenging sometimes, but most are also pretty insulated from the nefarious things taking place around the world. I dare say, most would rather not even think about these things. It’s just too depressing and if one would really take the time to study and understand, it would bring great anxiety and distress.

The world we live in is rapidly changing. We’re all being slowly boiled to death like frogs. The mockingbird media, internet search engines, social media sites, and mainstream internet video sites are working overtime to maintain and drive the official New World Order Globalist agenda. They’re scrubbing the truth from view as they censor reality and replace it with lies. And as we should all understand by now, a lie told often enough soon becomes “reality” in the minds of most consumers of false information.

Meanwhile, those who tell the truth are now in a more precarious position than ever before. If you dare tell the truth today, you’ll be immediately labeled a “conspiracy theorist” and publicly ridiculed at the very least. If you’re in a position where your truth-telling will influence too many people, then by doing so, you’re literally putting your life on the line. Truth cannot be tolerated.

I think it would be appropriate here to read some Scripture from Isaiah 59.  “Indeed, the Lord’s hand is not too short to save, and His ear is not too deaf to hear. But your iniquities have built barriers between you and your God, and your sins have made Him hide His face from you so that He does not listen. For your hands are defiled with blood and your fingers, with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, and your tongues mutter injustice. No one makes claims justly; no one pleads honestly. They trust in empty and worthless words; they conceive trouble and give birth to iniquity.”

“Their works are sinful works, and violent acts are in their hands. Their feet run after evil, and they rush to shed innocent blood. Their thoughts are sinful thoughts; ruin and wretchedness are in their paths. They have not known the path of peace, and there is no justice in their ways. They have made their roads crooked; no one who walks on them will know peace. Therefore justice is far from us, and righteousness does not reach us. We hope for light, but there is darkness; for brightness, but we live in the night. We grope along a wall like the blind; we grope like those without eyes. We stumble at noon as though it were twilight; we are like the dead among those who are healthy.”

“We hope for justice, but there is none; for salvation, but it is far from us. For our transgressions have multiplied before You, and our sins testify against us. For our transgressions are with us, and we know our iniquities: transgression and deception against the Lord, turning away from following our God, speaking oppression and revolt, conceiving and uttering lying words from the heart. Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands far off. For truth has stumbled in the public square, and honesty cannot enter. Truth is missing…”

This is where we’re at today, and it’s not just those we would view as “wicked” that are the wicked ones Isaiah’s referring to. No indeed. We need to look in the mirror as well. So many church-goers are content to continue to “play church” in the midst of a demonic takeover of this world. They’re happy to continue to gather in their weekly social club meetings, pretending to worship the Lord, but I have to wonder if He even hears the prayers of those who choose to sit on the fence, bury their heads in the sand and never consider the fact that we’re living in a time of spiritual warfare like never before.

The devil is loose upon the earth and he’s having a field day — especially with our young people and children, but in many cases, he’s just as successful with the older ones and even the elderly. Very few of us have ever been taught anything about spiritual warfare. Oh, we know the verses about how we wrestle not against flesh and blood and how we’re supposed to put on the full armor of God… but that’s about as far as it goes with most of us. Most of us are very ill-equipped to actually go to war against our adversary, and have never put on a single piece of spiritual armor. No one’s ever taught us.

It’s much more convenient to just sit and wait for the “rapture bus” to take us out of here. But what if the Lord doesn’t return for another fifty years? What sort of slavery are we leaving to our children and grandchildren? Not to mention, if the Lord DOES return today and call us home, what will we have to say for ourselves when we stand before Him? Will He call us “good and faithful servants?” Or will He say, “I never knew you.” “You never showed up for the battle. You were AWOL in the spiritual war I called all of My followers to. You never carried your cross. You only pretended to follow Me from a safe distance.”

Those of us who carry the name of Christ absolutely MUST be vigilant and alert right now. We must be studying to show ourselves approved, but we must also be doing. We need to be sounding the warning for all those deceived by the enemy. Unfortunately, when people like myself and others do that, we’re looked upon as “conspiracy nuts” by our family and friends, and especially those who avoid sitting next to us in church because we’re “one of those fanatics.” Why does this surprise us? And why do so many work so hard to avoid all semblance of controversy? Why are we so fearful of man for simply telling the truth? God’s Word tells us that our worst enemies will one day be those of our own households.  Our church friends, our work friends. People who know us. I’m afraid that day has come, folks.

It saddens me that 60% of Americans — and that includes professing Christians and unbelievers alike — have already taken the COVID jabs, despite overwhelming evidence of the dangers of these things. A Christian friend of mine was one of the first. She and her husband got theirs as soon as they could because they’re retired and they want to be allowed to freely travel. Others got their jabs so that they could receive “permission” to remove their masks. Nevermind this is clearly the biggest scam the world’s ever seen. Nevermind that the real science clearly shows this is all seriously evil.

Countless doctors, scientists, investigators and researchers around the world have provided absolute proof of the dangers of these injections. I will not call them “vaccines,” because these are experimental drugs and we’re the lab rats. These injections alter one’s DNA, something that can never be reversed. Reputable doctors have warned that if you don’t die quickly or have immediate adverse health effects after receiving your jabs, it will only be a matter of months before you do. Many (and not just a few) doctors have warned that millions are at risk for death, as early as this fall, once the experimental chemicals have worked their way into every cell and tissue in their bodies. Of course, the official narrative will be that millions are dying because of those who refused the shots, or because now there’s a “new” strain of the virus we must all panic over. Mind you, this whole thing, nearly two years into it now, has turned the world upside down and backwards, and when all is said and done, officially 99.97% of people survive COVID infection. It seems to me there’s more here than meets the eye, and a whole lot of lies are being foisted upon ignorant, compliant citizens.

We’ve all seen the hundreds of videos showing magnets sticking to the injection sites. Yet the internet “fact checkers” tell us what we see before our very eyes is not really real. Recently a friend who works as a private investigator noted that “bug detectors” — (those devices used to sweep a room or area for surveillance devices, devices that emit radiation, and are used to track, monitor and listen to private conversations) react strongly to the injection sites on the human body. Why would a “vaccine” cause that? What’s IN these injections that cause magnets to stick and radiation emissions?

And why are the Globalists so intent on injecting every single person on the planet with whatever poisons they’re pushing? Why is this so extremely important? Why do we have a 24/7 propaganda machine running at full speed, pushing these jabs as being vital? Why has Biden and Company become so desperate now, that they’re sending the “medical brown-shirts” door-to-door to make sure everyone’s been injected? When has this ever happened before in history? And yes, it’s already started in multiple states, including Wisconsin, North Carolina and Georgia to name a few. In some places, the “jabbers” will just show up at your door and convince you that everything you’ve heard, everything I’m saying right now is just taken out of context. Their job is to tell you outright lies, disguised as truth to get you to voluntarily comply. In other places, the door-to-door teams will show up unannounced and uninvited, fully equipped to give you the jab on the spot.

Things are getting very interesting. A lot of people on social media sites are big talkers — “just wait til they come to MY door,” they say, “they’ll wish they hadn’t, that’s for sure!” I have to wonder. These are the same people who voluntarily wore their masks for over a year so they could shop in stores that required them. Now they say they’ll draw the line at the jab. But when the medical “brown-shirts” show up at their doors, speak their smooth words and have their syringes ready — along with all the benefits of a “vaccination passport” as a reward for compliance, I wonder how many will stand their ground. Currently, only 30% of people worldwide have refused the injections. As it becomes increasingly difficult to live normally without them, when airlines require them to travel, when stores require proof of your compliance to enter, when your employer requires proof for you to work, when you can no longer buy or sell or travel freely without the jab… I wonder just how many will bow the knee to this evil.  I wonder.

In the UK, France and other areas of Europe, citizens are rising up against increased pressure and tyranny. There are massive protests in other countries. But Canada is completely lost to Global communism now, and America is well on it’s way.

Are you aware there were three countries that initially refused the jabs?  All three of their leaders died suddenly and unexpectedly. The president of Tanzania refused the jab for his citizens and he died March 17th at the age of 61. The official cause of death was reported as a heart condition — and of course, “COVID 19.”  Likewise the president of Burundi died on June 9th, reportedly of a heart condition — and of course, “COVID 19.”  And on July 7th, the president of Haiti was shot dead at his home.

If you research this on the internet, you’ll find very compelling versions of these news stories, explaining how the very idea that these presidents were killed because they were “vaccine hesitant” for the sake of their citizens is complete conspiracy theory nonsense. But the fact remains; these three countries had previously refused the vax. Their presidents all died — and no one will ever know what really happened to them, with the exception of the president of Haiti, who was obviously shot to death — and now the new leaders of these countries are obediently “fast-tracking” the jabs for all their people.

Friends: 24/7 propaganda and ad campaigns; door-to-door medical authorities coercing citizens to comply; countless bribes and so-called “incentives” for compliance and increasing punishments for disobedience. Clearly something very fishy about the injections themselves, with untold numbers of people dying or suffering life-long injuries within minutes or days of taking the jabs. Doctors warning of the dangers, and ending up jobless or dead for doing so. Presidents refusing to allow this in their countries, all suddenly dying. I don’t claim to understand all that’s involved here, but clearly it’s very, very important to the Globalists that everyone be jabbed and marked as quickly as possible. They’re not playing around. And those who attempt to sound a warning, like the warning you’re hearing from me right now, end up censored, ridiculed and even mysteriously dead.  The devil is loose. The deception is thick. The pressure is on to comply. The Globalist “Great Reset” is coming like a tsunami and I have to wonder why all the jab advocates are also life-long world de-population advocates. I urge you all to do your own research. Don’t be afraid to share what you know with others. Speak now, while you can. Because one day, perhaps soon, you’ll have to give an account to Christ for your actions in these days. Stay strong, bold and courageous. Speak and share the truth.  And note that Revelation warns that all cowards will have their part in the lake of fire. It’s now or never.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 330.

Universal Basic Poverty and Dependence

By Rob Pue

Everywhere you go these days, you’ll see businesses that remain closed, following the 2020 Scam-demic and the Leftist coup of our nation during what Biden called “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”  Of course, the mainstream media, the most popular social media sites, YouTube and most other online sources will cover for the current RESident of the White House, saying it was merely a “slip of the tongue,” and that Biden meant to say the exact opposite of what he actually said.  What else is new?  But I digress.

Many of the businesses that are open now have limited hours.  They’re closed part of the week, and when they are open, they have reduced hours of operation. Most fast food joints still have their dining rooms closed — it’s drive-through only.  I expect this to remain as the “new normal.” After all, they’re still raking in the same amount of money. But now they don’t have to pay workers to clean the dining room, stock the dining room supplies or tend to dine-in patrons’ needs. You just get your food in a bag and eat it in your car.

And everywhere I go, I see signs begging for employees. I’ve spoken to many business owners and managers over the past few months and their biggest problem right now is finding workers.  “Nobody wants to work anymore,” they lament. “We can’t find workers and it’s crippling our business.  If this continues, we’ll soon be out of business!”  They post signs on the door asking patrons to “Please be patient. We are short staffed and doing the best we can.”

In the last couple of weeks new signs have sprung up in front of many stores and restaurants, that read, essentially, “Thank you to our employees — they’re the real heroes!” I’ve also been told that it’s proper now to go out of your way to thank every worker you see in every business you enter — simply for working. You’re supposed to thank the employees for coming to work. I’ve also been told that when dining out, it’s expected that you tip your server a substantially higher amount than you normally would, regardless of the quality of service they provide — and even perhaps write a note on the bill saying, “Thank you for working!”

Really? Now, I have no problem saying “thank you” to someone who helps me in a store, or who checks out my groceries. It’s just polite to do that. But thanking people just for coming in to work, simply because so many currently refuse to work and have no intention of going back to work anytime soon? Something about that just doesn’t sit right with me.

The problem is that our federal and state governments have been doling out free money to people for NOT working. In March, Biden signed the “American Rescue Plan Act of 2021,” providing more free money and other benefits through September 6th. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if politicians put together yet another program to keep people dependent on their government handouts indefinitely. It’s already been discussed. And why not? This is how they’ve kept millions enslaved in the inner city slums for decades, creating multi-generational welfare dependents. This creates a lack of personal responsibility, a trait that’s passed on to the children and grandchildren. The system provides free cash, housing, education, healthcare, and more. There’s no incentive for people within a system like this to get a job,  set any goals for the future or seek a better life…so they don’t. Now, it seems our politicians have decided to take their inner-city ghetto program nationwide.

Understand, I have no problem helping the poor and needy. But I prefer a “hand up” rather than continuous hand-outs. Further, it should be the Christian churches helping the poor, not the government. When government does it, it’s simply a redistribution of financial resources. In other words, theft. The government steals the paychecks of the workers so they can enslave the non-workers, lulling them into a mind-numbed sense of entitlement and complacency. These non-workers subsist on their government “benefit” checks and they’re happy with that arrangement. As I said, it creates an attitude of entitlement. But let’s be clear on this: these are not “benefits.” “BENEFITS” are things you get with a JOB. A good job will include a “Benefits Package” as part of one’s salary. You work, you get paid, and a generous employer will include additional benefits as rewards for your hard work and dedication to helping build the company. So these aren’t benefits, and they certainly aren’t benefiting anyone, except the politicians seeking to dumb people down and keep them controlled.

The New World Order Globalists, led by KlousSchwaab, among others, have a plan, and it’s been unfolding right before our sleepy, ignorant eyes for a while now. They call it “equity,” or “a Universal Basic Income.” Let me translate that for you: what they really mean is “Universal Basic Poverty and Dependence.” When people are dependent on their rulers for their basic needs, like food, shelter and clothing, they’re much easier to control. And like the Planned-demic, this, too, is all about control. Schwaab has stated openly that soon no one will own anything. Personal property and private homes will be eliminated — and, he says, we will “like it that way.” I suppose once these insane tyrants have everyone dependent upon their good graces, most people will, indeed, be happy to comply with whatever their “masters” command. Understand: this is all about control.  So if you think the government is helping you, you better open your eyes to the bigger picture. As I’ve stated before, the mouse in the trap didn’t understand why the cheese was “free” either.

All of this is also part of the Globalist plan to further destroy our economy and bring about hyper-inflation. With so few people actually working, our supply chains have suffered serious repercussions. It’s hard to get needed supplies these days and that scenario is only going to get worse. Just look at the price of goods and services today, compared to a year ago this time. A piece of 2×4 lumber, which cost $1.99 in 2019 is now $19. A piece of 4X8 plywood now costs $69. (I know this from very recent personal experience).

If you need to have an appliance or vehicle repaired, you’ll discover that many parts are on “back order,” and stores literally have “no idea” when they’ll be available. You used to be able to go to your local hardware or auto parts store and pick up what you needed on the spot. Now, you’re told, “it could be six weeks or it could be six months.  We just don’t know. Sorry.”  Meanwhile, prices on just about everything continue to rise, even in spite of laws against “price gouging.”

So we have a nation of people who refuse to work, because the government’s sending them weekly checks. We have factories that cannot keep up with demand because they have no workers and no raw materials available to work with. Even grocery stores are short on items we took for granted not so long ago, and prices there are rising every week.

None of this bodes well for our economy or the American Dollar. We can’t continue adding digits to our national debt with wild abandon; we can’t continue with half our workforce sitting home, doing nothing but consuming. And we can’t continue to turn a blind eye to all this. I admire those with a good, solid work ethic, and refuse handouts when they’re quite able to work. And today, you can get a job just about anywhere you want, and be paid handsomely for it too.

What does God have to say about this? Proverbs 12:24, “The hand of the diligent will rule, while the slothful will be put to forced labor.” Proverbs 19:15, “Slothfulness casts into a deep sleep, and an idle person will suffer hunger.” Proverbs 20:4, “The sluggard does not plow in the autumn; he will seek at harvest and have nothing.” Nothing, that is, except what their masters choose to give them.

With all that we’ve come to know and understand regarding how the COVID psy-op was used as a means to an end — to bring about world chaos, Globalist control and “The Great Reset” — we’re being told this so-called “free money” is being handed out to those who are hesitant to work because they’re still fearful of catching the virus.  Hogwash! Anyone still fearful of this nonsense has GOT to be out of their minds.  The overall survival rate of COVID is now officially 99.97%.  In the words of our nation’s biggest fool, “Come on, man!” But our nation’s biggest fool, and his puppet-masters have set the hook and millions have taken the bait. If it serves their purpose, they’re happy to claim they’re afraid of the ‘rona — if they can milk the system for all it’s worth. But I’m not buying it. I don’t believe these non-workers are afraid at all. We all know better now. At least we ought to. Consider Proverbs 22:13, “The sluggard says, ‘there’s a lion outside! I shall be killed in the streets!”

Paul wrote to the Thessalonians, “If anyone is not willing to work let him eat not.” I admit, I have a hard time understanding people who refuse to work and maintain an entitlement mentality. Because I’ve always worked hard. In every job I’ve ever had, I’ve always made it a point to do much more than my job description entailed. Rather than just scraping by, doing the bare minimum, I’ve always gone over and above what was called for, and that has served me well. It’s also a trait I sought to instill in my children, now all grown adults. And it’s served them well too.

Personal responsibility. Doing everything as unto the Lord. Doing your best. Going the extra mile. Above and beyond what is expected. No free lunch. Instead, working with a heart of service and humility, doing the best you possibly can and striving for perfection. These are the things we need more of in America, and things that we should be encouraging in our people.  Especially now, with our country in such dire straits. We must all pull together and work harder than ever. And we have to refuse to take the bait that results in slothfulness.

My friend Coach Dave Daubenmire recently told the story of a priceless life lesson he taught his five-year-old grandson, “Davie.” Coach was working in his yard and Davie, who loves spending time with his Grampa, was there too. Coach told Davie, “if you help Grampie pick up sticks in the yard, you can earn some money.  Go pick up 20 sticks and put them on the wood pile and I’ll pay you five dollars.”

Davie did that, and then Coach paid him and then took him to the store, where he could buy anything he wanted with the money he had earned, as long as it was OK with his Mom and Dad. This was another life lesson, teaching young Davie an immediate connection between work and reward.

The next day, when Davie was at his Grampa’s house again, he turned to Coach and asked, “Grampie, can I earn some more money today?” Coach said, “Sure Davie. There are many more sticks in the yard that we need to pick up.  Go and pick up 20 sticks and put them on the wood pile and I’ll pay you another five dollars.” When Davie came back in the house, Coach asked him, “Did you pick up 20 sticks?” And Davie replied, “No, Grampie. I picked up 25!”

These are life lessons we all should be teaching our children.  A good work ethic will serve them well their entire lives. We’re commanded by our Creator to work, to do our best, to provide — through our work — for ourselves and our families.  Paul taught Timothy, “If anyone does not provide for their own family, they’ve denied the faith and are worse than an unbeliever!”  God put Adam in the Garden to work it and keep it. Paul told the Ephesians, “Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need.” There you have it: God’s instruction to us all.

Our nation needs workers. More importantly, our nation’s people need to study, understand and follow the perfect precepts of the Word of God. If we don’t, deception will continue to reign and grow in our land, until we’re destroyed from within, because of our own laziness and complacency.  Pray with me today, the words of Psalm 90:17, “Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us. Yes, Lord, establish the work of our hands!”

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 329.

How About a Little Critical THINKING?

By Rob Pue

So all seems “quiet” now in the country since the “Commander in Thief” has taken up residence in the White House. Things may seem quiet, but do not be deceived. There’s a deep, ugly sludge oozing out across our land and the demoniacs have quietly been having a field day. The reason things seem “quiet” and peaceful now, by the way, is that they’ve halted their rioting, burning, looting, destroying and terrorism to give the “illusion” of peace. But again, there is no peace, only an illusion, as they quietly continue to push their liberal, Leftist, Communist agenda, all under the radar of most Americans.

The latest nefarious scheme the Left is pushing is Critical Race Theory. And as always, corporate America is eating from their hands. They can’t move fast enough, pridefully advertise the obscene amounts of money they’re throwing at this movement loudly enough or flood the airwaves and the atmosphere with more anti-Christ propaganda and indoctrination thickly enough. I find it sickening.

Critical Race Theory, for those who are unaware, is the idea that racism is systemic in all America’s institutions and that this “systemic racism” is so engrained in all of society that it serves to maintain the dominance of white people while keeping all others “down.” In simple terms, white people are inherently evil, hateful and racist, whereas it is impossible for any other ‘race’ to be so.

What’s so concerning about all this is that, just like the militant LGBTQP+ agenda, transgenderism, “democratic socialism” and communism, Critical Race Theory is now also being embraced and taught in our public school systems, from kindergarten on up. It’s even more aggressively pursued in college classrooms. Of course, after twelve years in public school, college students are already so indoctrinated with so many lies from the pits of hell, they’re not only ready, but eager to embrace the idea that all white people are inherently evil.

Last year, Black Lives Matter exploded onto the scene with nation-wide terrorism, and many of the participants in that self-proclaimed Marxist movement were white. We saw videos of college age white girls kneeling down and kissing the feet of angry black men, apologizing for their “whiteness.” We saw those same angry black men vowing that white people would soon be placed in captivity and forced to be the slaves of the superior Black ‘race.’

You may have heard about Coca Cola’s “diversity training program” held this past February, where employees were told, “In the US and other Western nations, white people are socialized to feel that they are inherently superior because they are white.” (That’s a direct quote) Their training course went on to assert that “Research shows that by age 3 to 4, children understand that it is better to be white.” But there was more.  Documents from this training stated, “To be less white is to: be less oppressive, be less arrogant, be less certain, be less defensive, be less ignorant, be more humble, and break with white solidarity.” The famous slogan from Coke’s employee training was “Try to be less white.”

I doubt that this so-called “diversity training” has been limited to the Coca Cola corporation. That’s the one we heard about. But no doubt this stuff is being pushed by hundreds of American corporations now, in our modern day so-called “woke” society. I don’t know about you, but I find this all extremely offensive. We’re being told — our KIDS are being told — that white people are inherently oppressive, arrogant, ignorant and adhere to the idea of “white supremacy.” The critically-thinking adult has the capacity to see all this and reject it as the demonic pack of lies it is. Our young people do not have that discernment. If the teacher says it’s true, it must be true. If the TV news says it’s true, it must be true. If the Hollywood and music celebrities, they worship say it’s true — and the newest bandwagon to jump on — they’re all in.

I’m so tired of this. Racism was absolutely not a problem in America when I was growing up in the 1970s. America was a melting pot of hard-working people of all colors and ancestries. Yes, there was a “White Supremacy” movement, but it was made up of “Nazi Skinheads” and the like, and nobody embraced such ideologies. If you think back, racial tensions, riots and terrorism had been pretty much completely eliminated from our society until Obama took office. Then, using his “community organizing” skills, he quickly started the “divide and conquer” strategy he was placed in office to carry out.

Now yes, I am addressing this issue as an older, white, conservative Christian male. (We’ve also been asked to simply accept the idea that masculinity is inherently “toxic,” by the way, in case you’ve forgotten). But I’m just an average guy and I think I represent the views of other older, white conservate Christian males pretty accurately. I can tell you that I’m NOT racist, NOT bigoted and do NOT hate anyone because of the color of their skin. The color of one’s skin has no more influence on me than the color of one’s car.

I have dear friends who are Black, Hispanic, Asian, Eastern European, and Russian. I don’t divide or label people according to their heritage. I value them for who they are, what they do, for the different relationships I have with each of them. I don’t view people in general by their race. People are people. There is only one race — the Human race. We’re all descendants of Noah.

As for America, all of us here, unless we’re Native Americans, are immigrants. We come from many lands, many cultures. But we’re here because our forefathers sought freedom, opportunity and equality and this country still offers these things today. But instead of the “melting pot” we used to be, today we’re more like a tossed salad. Modern day immigrants no longer seek to assimilate, to be a part of “One Nation Under God.” Instead, they refuse to learn English, refuse to learn our history and heritage and embrace America as the land of the free. They want the benefits of being an American without ever actually becoming one.

Now before you get all worked up, yes, I am aware of the slave trade in America. African slaves did not come here seeking freedom. They were sold here as slaves. But are you aware that those African slaves were sold into slavery by other black people? Are you aware that it was the Republican party and the Christians that ended slavery? Are you aware that it was the democrat party that fought to keep black people enslaved, that founded and formed the KKK? Did you know that? Look it up.

Blaming a young white girl for slavery in the 1800s is like blaming a young Japanese girl for Pearl Harbor. How stupid would that be? Yet that’s what we’re being told to embrace with Critical Race Theory. Basically, they want to stir up an inherent hatred of all white people, especially white males, especially white Christianmales.  There were plenty of white American Christians fighting for civil rights in the 1950s and ‘60s, and by the 1980s, we had long since moved on as a nation, repented of the evils of those early days and if not for the meddling of race-baiters, we might still have peace in this country.

But basically, the message we’re supposed to accept now is that black people are always victims, always treated unfairly, always taken advantage of, always oppressed, always persecuted by their white neighbors and by an unfair system — designed by white people to keep black people down.

But is that true? I would submit to you that Martin Luther King’s dream has been achieved and it was achieved a long time ago. Until Obama came along, and more recently the militant Communist, Lucifierian Leftists, people were judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. But the Communist agenda to destroy a nation from within includes the necessity of internal division and strife. And that’s just what Critical Race Theory was designed for.

I will go even further and state that there are, today, more social programs available specifically to black people than ever before in history. Some run by government, some by private organizations. If a black person — or a person of any minority — desires to have a better life, an education, even preferential treatment for college admission, preference for a good paying job, even preference for a low-rate home mortgage, it’s readily available. At the same time, so is welfare, free housing, food stamps and a myriad of other “entitlements.” So please, don’t try to use race as an excuse for remaining “oppressed” or trapped in an impoverished inner-city neighborhood. By the way, those impoverished inner city neighborhoods are also purposely made and kept that way by the same Leftists currently working their hardest to destroy our entire country. If you want to see what America will look like under their Communist “Utopia,” just look at an inner-city slum. That is what THEY created for black people (and they purposely did it to keep black people impoverished), and that’s what they’re now creating for the rest of our nation, with government handouts, ongoing cash payments and so-called “stimulus checks.” We’re slowly being boiled to death in a pot of warm water that’s getting hotter every day, but so many find it comfortable, and so many seem to enjoy having no personal responsibility. There’s a shortage of workers everywhere you look in America. Businesses can no longer function because no one wants to work. Because Big Brother Government is handing out “free” money — but beware, folks. The mouse in the trap never understood why the cheese was free.

Ultimately, it’s up to every individual as to what he or she will do with the life God has given them. If anyone, black, white or purple, wants a better life, an education, a good job, a nice home in a nice neighborhood, it’s still possible to obtain all that in America today, with hard work. And for those living below the poverty line or in a blighted neighborhood, as a black person or as any other minority, it’s actually even easier to obtain because there are a great many special programs designed especially to help these individuals.

As I drive through blighted inner-city neighborhoods I always wonder, “why does no one living here ever travel outside the neighborhood?” You can go from the utter poverty of the housing projects to universities, or to beautiful suburban communities with landscaped yards and manicured lawns in a matter of minutes. Within a half hour you can be in the countryside looking at rolling hills and meadows and farmland. There is LIFE outside the ghetto. There are programs waiting to help people get there, and get there for FREE! Why do they choose to remain victims of Leftist slavery? It’s not white people who are enslaving them. It’s the Leftist demons with the carrot and stick, keeping them where they are. Good little obedient democratic socialist slaves.

I must go back to the concept of the content of one’s character. Please don’t talk to me about “white privilege.” There is no such thing. When I started my own business as a very young man, I went to the bank seeking a small business loan. The banker told me point blank: “I’m sorry, but you’re the wrong color and the wrong gender.” If I were Black, Asian or a female, there were plenty of programs I would have qualified for. But as a single, white male…nothing.

Sadly, today black people — and other minorities — continue to be used as pawns in a perverted game invented and run by the Left, and I’m sick of it. Instead of holding up inspirational leaders like Dr. Ben Carson, Candace Owens, Allen West or Sheriff David Clarke, we get BLM. We get racism and rage. Yes, it does, indeed, exist. But the racism in America is not white people hating blacks — that’s as fake as the news on CNN. It’s the Leftist Marxists taking advantage of blacks (and young, ignorant white college students) and brainwashing them with hateful rhetoric, disinformation and outright lies, to intentionally stir up division and bring about the revolution that will ultimately bring America to it’s destruction. Stop buying into these lies. Instead of Critical Race THEORY, how about just a little bit of critial THINKING?!

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 328.

‘As Long as We Both Shall Live’

By Rob Pue

I love my wife.  In fact, those who know me, know that I often wear a T shirt that says just that… just a plain black T shirt with the words: “I Love My Wife.”  Wearing this shirt in public never fails to stir a reaction and start a conversation.  With most people, it’s as if they’ve never seen anything so strange — a guy wearing a T shirt that says, “I Love My Wife” on it.

Usually the women will smile and say something like, “Oh, that’s so sweet.”  But most often the men will laugh at me and say something like, “Did your wife buy that for you?” Or, “Did your wife make you wear that?”  “Nope,” I smile.  “I bought it myself!”  Most just shake their heads and laugh.

But why is it so strange, so odd, so laughable that a man would want to proclaim to the world that he loves his wife?  Sadly, that’s how things are in this day and age.  More common is the married man who will complain to his co-workers and friends about his “old ball and chain.”  Or call her something like “my old lady.”  And then there are the wives, who complain to THEIR friends about their fat, old lazy husband.  Such seems to be the state of marriage in our world today.

God’s Word, however, says otherwise, about His design and intent for marriage.  Proverbs 18:22, “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.”  THAT is an understatement if ever there was one!  My wife is the most precious gift God has ever given me in this life.  I can’t imagine life without her.

God designed marriage to be the union of one man and one woman, and it was meant to be for life.  Jesus Himself said that the very idea of divorce was a man-made concept.  “…because of the hardness of your heart,” He said.  And then He went on:  “But from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female.  For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh.  Therefore, what God has joined together, let no man put asunder.”

But now, almost 50% of all marriages are “put asunder.”  Studies show that the average marriage in America today lasts only about eight years.  That’s long enough for the couple to have children, but not long enough for the couple to raise them in an intact home, and so the children must suffer the breakup of their family and lose the security of their home.  Studies also show that this always leaves the children with life-long emotional scars.

Surely the enemy of our souls is wreaking havoc on our families today.  The very definition of “family” has been changed in recent years to mean whatever we want it to mean — two “Mommies,” two “Daddies,” a “Daddy” with two “Mommies,” a “Mommy, a Daddy and Mommy’s ‘special friend.’” … whatever.

What’s more, many of today’s young people are not even GETTING married to begin with anymore.  Cohabitation — living together without being married — has increased by 900% since 1970.  It seems people want to “test drive” a potential spouse before committing to marriage.  But study after study shows that those who live together before marriage have a 35% higher divorce rate than those who don’t.

I’m grieved by the fact that there are so very many couples today who are unhappy in their marriages and so many that are divorcing.  Indeed being UNhappily married seems to be the “norm” today.  If you’re happy in your marriage and you actually love your spouse, YOU are the strange one.  Just wear a T shirt like mine and see the reaction you get.

Yet as newlyweds, young couples are so in love with one another.  They love to spend time together, they love and serve one another and they work hard in their relationship to bless each other and please each other and satisfy each other’s needs.  But sadly, it’s now expected that the couple will most certainly grow apart the longer they’re married; as if that’s just a natural and normal eventuality.  Life gets hard, people get bored and discontented.  There are bills to pay and work to be done. Most of all, people become selfish and self-centered.   But again, that’s not God’s design for marriage  — or family.

In fact, it’s precisely BECAUSE of those hard times that MY marriage has become stronger, because we’ve gone through those hard times TOGETHER, and WITH GOD at the center of our union.  Would life be any less difficult doing it alone?  If you’re discontented in your marriage, will you not STILL be discontented if you’re alone?  If you divorce will there not STILL be bills to pay and work to be done?  Do you think any of that will be easier doing it ALONE?   Or is it just your intention to “trade up” to a “newer model” spouse, simply because you’ve become bored with the original?  THAT is the DEFINITION of “selfish” and “self-centered.”

The only biblical reason for a couple ever to divorce is because of unfaithfulness and infidelity.  Yet even issues like these can be worked out, with repentance and grace.  Sadly though, many are just not interested in doing the work it takes to keep their marriage, family and home intact.  We live in a “throw-away” society, where there’s no longer any sort of stigma attached to living together unmarried or to having an extra-marital sexual or emotional relationship or to being divorced.  These things, like just about everything else the devil could dream up, are considered perfectly “normal” today.  But whatever happened to “‘til death do we part?”  Or, “as long as we both shall live?”  Indeed — a few years ago my wife and I attended a wedding where the couple changed those time-honored vows to say: “As long as we both shall LOVE.”  In other words, “as long as we still have this same emotional feeling we have for each other today, but after that, no promises.”  So much for the sanctity of the marriage covenant.

My advice, if you want to hear it, is do not live together UNTIL you’re married.  Keep your marriage bed pure.  Take your vows before God — and take them seriously — and then INCLUDE God and Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit IN your marriage.  Those who serve as witnesses in your wedding party are there for just that reason:  they are WITNESSES of the vows you’re taking before God.  Choose your wedding party wisely — make sure they are GODLY people, who are not just there to wear the shiny dress or the neat tuxedo and stand there looking good.

You see, most people don’t realize that your maid of honor, your best man and your other wedding party witnesses are there to hold you accountable to those vows you make.  Unfortunately, what most often happens, is people choose their best friends to “stand up” in the wedding.  And then when trouble comes in the marriage, they run to those same “best friends” to complain about their spouse and cry on their shoulders.  Then, instead of those witnesses giving the troubled couple Godly counsel and helping to build the marriage up, the bridesmaids say, “Whatever makes you happy, you go girl…” and the groomsmen say, “man, you don’t have to put up with all this… there’s plenty of fish in the sea.”  So instead of doing their JOB and making sure the couple remains faithful to their vows, they actually ENCOURAGE separation, infidelity and divorce — if it makes their friends “happy.”  Instead of helping to BUILD your marriage and help you weather the storms of life that WILL come, they’re actually undermining your marriage, under the guise of being your “friends.”    We need a return to moral absolutes.  And if we take a vow before God, we’d better MEAN it.

I understand life today is complicated, busy, filled with distractions and it can be easy to become discouraged, discontented and depressed.  Life can be overwhelming.  But do not forsake your marriage vows.  And with Christ at the center of your marriage, you never will.  Yet many today have little to no time for God — unless they need something.  They may have a FORM of Godliness, (or today it’s more likely to be a form of “spirituality,”) but it’s a faith with no power.  I don’t know how anyone can get through this life without a close, abiding relationship with Jesus — married or unmarried.  And as we know, a cord of three strands is not easily broken.  So keep Christ at the center of your marriage and you will weather the storms of life together and come out stronger at the end.

I’d also advise you to turn off the TV, turn off the phones, tablets, computers, and other distractions and focus on your spouse more.  It’s easy to come home at the end of a long work day and collapse in your favorite chair and then turn on some time-wasting, mind-numbing “entertainment” on the television.  Or for a married couple to sit together in the same room hour after hour, never speaking or even looking at one another.  Instead, they’re looking at their phone, or some other distraction.   “Device” usage has become epidemic.  It’s an addiction.  I’d advise you to unplug — and then interact with the one you love.

What would be more profitable for your marriage?  Spending night after night watching TV or Facebook — or giving your husband or wife a back rub or a foot massage after a long hard day at work?  As you SERVE the other person, you will find you’re not only blessing THEM, but YOU will also be filled with more loving emotions for them — and find YOURSELF equally, if not more blessed because of your loving service.  And if you haven’t had a good relationship for a while and you don’t “feel” that love you think you need to have BEFORE you can serve them — just trust me:  do the ACTIONS first and the feelings will quickly follow.  If you still can’t bring yourself to serve your spouse with a pure, loving heart, then do it the Colossians 3:23 way: “as unto the Lord, and not to men.”

If you have children, you’ll also be modeling a good marriage for THEM.  They watch everything you do, you know.  Husbands, love your wives properly and your daughters will learn the attributes to look for in a man when it comes time for THEM to get married.  Likewise, your sons will learn how to properly treat their future wives.  And when Mom and Dad have a good, solid, strong relationship, it helps the children to feel much more safe and secure and loved themselves.

So SERVE each other.  Don’t think only about yourself and your needs which you perceive as not being met.  If you’re in a troubled marriage, your needs probably AREN’T being met — but consider also that neither are your spouse’s needs being met.  Do YOUR part first.  Some will say they just CAN’T — they don’t “feel” it.  Things have gone too far down the wrong path and there’s no love in the marriage anymore.  They’ll say they can’t serve their spouse because they have fallen out of love…  they may even be at the point where the very sight of their spouse makes their blood boil and they feel nothing but contempt for their partner.

That’s very sad, indeed.  But again:  do the ACTIONS first, and the feelings will follow.  You know, a lot of the problems that couples encounter in marriages stem from one thing, and the devil uses it very effectively against us:  PRIDE.  How often we have arguments with our wives or husbands, and then days and weeks go by… you may not even remember what the original argument was about anymore.   Yet the hurt gets worse and the heart gets harder, the longer you remain prideful and stubborn.

How do you counter this and ruin the devil’s plans to hurt you both — and maybe even destroy your marriage?  SIMPLE:  you drop your pride.  Whatever the argument was about, it doesn’t matter.  Whoever was wrong; doesn’t matter.  Even if you still believe you were absolutely in the right and your spouse was absolutely and completely wrong about EVERYTHING — even if you believe you’re the victim and your spouse “owes” you something.  Just forget all that.  Drop your pride.  Go to him or her, hug them and just say, “I’m sorry.”  Try that.  You will see that invisible wall of separation between the two of you crumble before your very eyes.  Your relationship will be restored within seconds.

Then you can talk about things more, communicate better, kiss and “make up.”  Rather than letting an unresolved issue simmer and boil to the point of divorce, YOU have the power to fix things in an instant of time, by simply letting go of your pride and saying two little words, “I’m sorry.” 

Marriage is meant to be one of God’s greatest blessings in this life.  A husband and wife, together as one, with Christ at the center of their union, and a home filled with children… and eventually grandchildren, brought up and raised in the fear and admonition of the Lord.  It’s so sad that we forsake such unfathomable blessings because of our own selfish, foolish pride… because we allow distractions and the cares of this world to drive a wedge between us… because we allow the enemy of our souls to distract us with discontentment, even though we are so amazingly blessed.  Friends, count those blessings, love your spouse, get rid of the pride and soften your heart; SERVE the one you love and thank God for them.  Pray FOR them and WITH them.  If you do these things you’ll find you have a marriage that others will envy and one which makes God smile with joy.  The Lord loves us; let us love our spouses with powerful love like THAT.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 280.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Trust God, Not Man Made Experiments Pushed by Government

by Rob Pue

The latest “buzz word” from the Left is being used repeatedly in all forms of media propaganda now. It’s called “Vaccine Hesitancy.” The term is self-explanatory, defining those who are “hesitant” to get the experimental gene-altering, DNA-changing injections that we’re told will keep us safe from COVID.

But I have to wonder, why don’t they call us “Vaccine Refusers?” I’ll answer my own question. Because one way or another, they’re determined to inject the entire population of Planet Earth, no matter how “hesitant” a person may be. Eventually, perhaps very soon now, it will become clear that no one will be “allowed” to refuse these toxins.

Right now, the powers-that-be are “playing nice,” using bribes to get people to comply. But pretty soon we’ll see Big Brother declare, “No more Mr. Nice Guy.” Virtually every state, every county, every municipality, every large corporation and employer is on board, offering “incentives” for taking “the jab.” Incentives come in all shapes and sizes.  Ohio offers a “lottery,” in which those 17 years old and under are entered to win a full college scholarship, while adults are entered to win a million dollars. California has launched a campaign called “Vax for the Win,” offering $116.5 million in prizes for those who get all the shots. Thirty individuals will win $50,000 apiece. Ten will receive $1.5 million each, while two million more people will receive a $50 grocery card.

Restaurants across the country are offering free meals for those who show proof of taking two injections. Theaters are offering free popcorn. Bars are offering free beer. The list goes on.

And already unconstitutional mandates are being set in place by employers and large corporations. They’re saying that if you’ve received all your injections, you can now come to work without wearing a mask, but you must show proof of your injections for this privilege. Others are telling employees that if they’ve been “fully vaccinated,” they no longer have to wear a mask and they will not be requiring proof — yet.  However, these situations come with a threat: in the future, if (they may as well just say “when”) the company decides to require proof of vaccination and they discover you did not actually take your jabs and had been coming to work without a mask, you’ll be immediately terminated. Employers are covering their bases by forcing workers to sign statements agreeing to this in order to keep their jobs.

For the most part, masks are no longer required anywhere in America, yet many businesses still do require them for patrons to enter and for employees to work. Despite overwhelming evidence — even the latest statements from the CDC — that masks have NOT mitigated the spread of COVID in any way and do not protect ones’ self or others from the virus, many places continue to require them, government and health officials continue to “strongly encourage” mask wearing and the majority of people continue to sheepishly comply.

Understand this: the masks are not about anyone’s health. They have nothing to do with health. The masks are a physical reminder to everyone that we MUST be afraid. We must continue to live in fear. Every day, the mask-wearers dutifully cover their faces, now just out of force of habit. But as the consumers of mainstream media go about their daily lives, the masks are a constant reminder to always be afraid. Be very afraid. Get your injections, but still…be very afraid. There’s a virus out there and it’s deadly.

In case you aren’t aware, there are many viruses out there, and germs, and lots of “icky” things in nature. You cannot avoid coming into contact with stuff that will make you sick. But the coronavirus scam has been the biggest boondoggle that’s ever been perpetrated on the world. Not so long ago, most people would never have gone along with any of this nonsense. But today, our government, our public schools and colleges, our churches, our health officials and the “mockingbird media” have all conspired to brainwash people into fear, compliance and submission. People are so dumbed-down through agenda-driven so-called public “education” and a steady stream of propaganda in the media, they’ll believe anything, no matter how preposterous. By the way, our “Smart Phones” don’t make us any smarter at all. They’re an ingenious invention to actually dumb us all down even further.

In a stage production of George Orwell’s famous book, “1984,” which toured in 2017, the writers of the play incorporated the following statement: “The people will not revolt. They will not look up from their screens long enough to notice what is happening.”

Let me also remind you that a genuinely deadly pandemic doesn’t require 24/7 advertising to remind you it exists. Real pandemics don’t need marketing campaigns and endless propaganda.  But psychological operations do. And that’s what we’re in the midst of right now. Perhaps the greatest psychological mind control operation ever attempted. And the constant mask wearing is truly useless as far as health concerns go. But the masks have proven to be very useful and effective in reinforcing the brainwashing and keeping people living in fear.

The so-called vaccines that are currently being injected into as many people as possible have been proven to be very dangerous, with hundreds of thousands of people suffering life-long injuries after taking them, and thousands more have died, both here in America and around the world. It’s interesting to note that studies using lab animals were never completed.  Why?  Because all the animals died. Yes. All of them died. Yet this “jab” has been ram-rodded down the throats of every man, woman and child on the planet. Some have wondered if this is part of a Globalist depopulation plan, and with good reason. The key players who organized Event 201 in preparation for launching the coronavirus planned-demic are the same ones who have developed these experimental injections.  And they’re all on record as being advocates for human de-population of Planet Earth.

Top doctors and scientists from around the world who have studied these injections in detail have stated that there will be a startling number of people dying from the shots within several months after receiving them.  So, in other words, by this coming fall. Should this happen, we’ll undoubtedly be told that there’s a “new” strain of the virus which we must be afraid of, or a “new” pandemic to blame for the deaths. So, they’ll force a new injection, that I believe will prove to be even more deadly than the two they’re currently using. More stringent lockdowns will, of course, be needed in the wake of millions of people dying. Few will put “two and two” together, tracing the cause of death back to these experimental drugs. Those who do, and who currently ARE sounding the warning in regard to this, are, of course, dismissed as right-wing extremists, “science deniers” and censored in every possible way, to shut them up.

Now, as Christians, there’s no reason at all for us to succumb to fear over any of this. But also, as Christians, we have no business allowing these poisons to infect and destroy our bodies. I’ve followed the research of well-known doctors and scientists from around the world who have all stated this is nothing less than a Globalist program to deliberately cause massive deaths worldwide.

“Preposterous!” you say. “There you go again with more conspiracy theories and fear mongering,” you say.  “Our government would never do anything to deliberately harm its own people!” you say.  Really? Let me remind you of just a few of the experiments our government has conducted on its own people over the last several decades.

Let’s start with the Tuskegee Experiment.  Ever heard of that? It was conducted by the US Public Health Service and the CDC from 1932 until 1972. Our government enrolled impoverished African-American sharecroppers from Macon County, Alabama in this study and deliberately infected them with Syphilis… to “observe the natural history of untreated syphilis.” The black men recruited for this study were poor, and were only told they were going to be receiving “free healthcare” from the government. They were also told the study would only last six months. Instead, it lasted forty years, causing the death of 128 of the 600 participants. None who were infected were ever treated with penicillin, despite the fact that it was widely available by the mid ‘40s.

In 1943, researchers at the University of Cincinnati Hospital kept mentally-disabled patients in refrigerated cabinets for 120 hours to study the effects of their disorder. These same things were being done at the time in Nazi Germany.

In 1947, the CIA used human subjects to study the effects of LSD, without the subjects’ knowledge. This went on for many years. In 1948, the US government paid the government of Guatemala to allow American doctors to purposely and secretly infect Guatemalan people with a variety of sexually-transmitted diseases, some of them deadly.  The US formally apologized to Guatemala many years later.

From 1950 – 1953, the US Army releases chemical clouds over six American and Canadian cities. Many citizens became seriously ill with pneumonia-like illnesses.  In 1953, the CIA conducted an experiment known as “Operation Sea Spray,” in which nearly a million people in New York and San Francisco were exposed to airborne poisons, dumping it on the two cities, to study the effects on the citizens. In 1955 and ‘56, the US military dispersed over 300,000 mosquitoes infected with yellow fever from aircraft over George and Florida. Look up “Operation Big Buzz.”

Then in 1957, the US military experimented with 29 nuclear explosions in the desert outside of Las Vegas, Nevada. This resulted in over 32,000 cases of thyroid cancer among the civilian population.  In 1965 our government launched “Operation Big Tom,” spraying Hawaii with Bacillus, which weakens the immune system. A year later, Bacillus was pumped through the ventilation gates in the New York City subway system, exposing one million people to this bacteria.

In 1978, the CDC began conducting experiments on people in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco, giving them the “Hepatitis B vaccine.” Homosexual men were used as the guinea pigs and by 1983, 30% of them were HIV positive. In 1990, over 1,500 black and Hispanic babies were injected with the measles vaccine. Parents were not informed that their kids were being used as test subjects. Many of the babies died.

In 2000, the US Air Force and Lockheed Martin teamed up with Loma Linda University. They paid 100 Californians to consume a dose of perchlorate — a toxic component of rocket fuel that causes cancer, damages the thyroid gland and hinders normal development in children and preborn babies. The test subjects were given a dose every day for six months, without being told what they were taking.

So friends, in case you think the current COVID “vax” is harmless, or even helpful, and in case you still trust our government, our health officials, the One World Order Globalists and the mainstream media to have only our best interests in mind, you really ought to think again. Or maybe just think critically for the first time in your lives. If this so-called “vaccine” were so good, would it really need 24/7 advertising, propaganda and trillions of dollars spent on bribes to get people to take it? I’d be careful if I were you.

Trust God and the healthy immune system He gave you and keep your immune system strong. Your body may be lacking critical nutrients but it most definitely is not lacking the poisons they’re trying to inject into all of us right now. Think about it.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 327.

Peace That Passes All Understanding

By Rob Pue

After working in full time ministry for the past 22 years, I’m still amazed at the impact this work has had on so many people, and at how God has expanded this mission from what I had originally envisioned in ways I never imagined would be possible. Our printed newspaper, Wisconsin Christian News, is now distributed not just here in Wisconsin, but nationally and even internationally.

Several years ago, the founder of the VCY America radio network invited me to do a twice-weekly radio commentary, and that program now airs coast-to-coast every Tuesday and Saturday afternoon. In 2019, I began doing an internet TV program once a week, where I interview well known Christian leaders from around the world. This program is also available world-wide on the internet.

All of this began more than two decades ago, working from a plastic folding table in my living room. Following the call the Lord placed on my life, and being obedient to His leading, He has grown the work beyond anything I ever expected. We have literally gone from reaching hundreds of people with God’s Word and truth to reaching millions, world-wide now.


When God called me to start our Christian newspaper for Wisconsin, I thought there would be a tremendous amount of enthusiasm for it — from the churches, from Christian bookstores, from Christian radio stations and Christian-owned businesses. So I stepped out in faith, sold my profitable business and began Wisconsin Christian News with a lot of faith — faith much larger than a “mustard seed!” In fact, faith so great that most people thought I was crazy. That faith was quickly tested.

There was no support for our work from any Christian organizations anywhere. Churches would have nothing to do with us.  I was told by a local Christian radio station that they would not support us because they considered us “competing media.” I was told by Christian bookstores that they could not allow the newspaper to be distributed there, because their stores had no space for anything that was given away for free.  They couldn’t “waste” valuable space in their store for anything they were not making money on.

So it’s been a long, difficult journey and it continues to be difficult in many ways.  I was much younger when we began, raising a family with small children.  We lived one day at a time, by faith, and we truly didn’t know how we were going to make it from one day to the next. There were many evenings when I sat down with my family at the dinner table, with only a few meager morsels to eat and each meal was our “last meal,” because we had no income at all, so I had no idea where the money would come from for another one. That’s a lot of pressure on a young father with three small children and a wife to provide for. But God provided, one day at a time, as my faith was put through some serious testing.

We still live by faith, every day. It’s only by the grace of God that we’ve been able to continue. When we began, there were about 120 Christian newspapers in North America. Today we are one of only about a dozen or so left — and even fewer are actual printed newspapers; most are “online only.” But God has blessed this ministry. While so many others have given up, we have persevered, through the toughest of times, and today, not only are we still here, but we are now reaching more people than ever before — as I said, literally world-wide.

One lesson I’ve learned over the years, and which was recently very well stated by a wonderful ministry friend is this: “God doesn’t expect you to feed the 5,000, but He does expect you to show up with the five loaves and the two fish!” He’ll do the rest. As long as we’re obedient to His calling, no matter how impossible the task before of us may seem — as long as we’re willing to step out in faith and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, He will do the heavy lifting for us. Knowing that if God is for us, none can stand against us should alleviate a lot of the unnecessary stress and anxiety we go through in our Christian walk. But I know from experience, “not worrying” is often easier said than done.  I have great faith in God, but my “flesh” is often weak, causing me to worry and fret and wonder about the many challenges and obstacles that come upon me every day.

Jesus said, “do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.”

Now, I know I need not worry, but oftentimes I still do. I know that God can meet my every need if He wants to; but I also know that there are many times I need to suffer and struggle through things before I can see His mighty hand in everything. Hardship keeps us humble, and helps us understand and appreciate that everything we are blessed with comes from Him. Paul told the Corinthians that three times he pleaded with the Lord regarding his “thorn in the flesh,” but still the “thorn” remained, and Paul explained that he learned to rejoice in it, because it served to keep him humble and to rely on God. Paul wanted God to remove the thorn, but God said, “My grace is sufficient for you; My power is made perfect in weakness.” And so it is, for all of us.

I’ve shared some of my story with you because we all need to understand, the Christian life is not one of ease, comfort and luxury. Simply because we have faith and are obedient to our Lord, that doesn’t mean we will not have trouble in this world. This world is filled with trouble. Jesus warned His disciples of all the suffering they would endure for His names’ sake.  In John 16, He said, “I have said all these things to you to keep you from falling away.  They will put you out of the synagogues. Indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God. And they will do these things because they have not known the Father, nor Me.” Later, He added, “I have said these things to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” We must overcome the world as well.

We can take great comfort in knowing that the Holy Scriptures are absolutely true, and the God we serve is the same yesterday, today and forever. The promises He makes to us, He will keep. But again: in this world, we WILL have tribulation, and it’s not always easy to be joyful. There are many great servants of God in Scripture that were very sad and sorrowful. Jeremiah was known as “the weeping prophet” because the people would not listen to his warnings from God. Jesus was sorrowful for the lost and perishing, and for those who loved darkness rather than light. We can have great faith, and we can absolutely know that our Father in heaven will work all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.  Yet we can still be sad, anxious and depressed.

Because our ministry is now so far-reaching, many people know me from all over the world, and often times I am contacted by those who are very troubled, dealing with some very tough issues in their lives. They contact me seeking answers and seeking counsel and prayer. I’m honored that they would come to me and I’m always blessed to help when I’m able.

In recent years, as we’ve watched the world grow so dark and so demonic, I’m getting more and more such calls. So many people in this world — even, and maybe especially,  Christians — are dealing with some very, very hard things. Troubled marriages, wayward children, broken families, serious illness and always spiritual warfare. And as we see the New World Order come into being now, with America so wounded, being destroyed by our enemies — both foreign and especially domestic — people are fearful of what the future might hold — for themselves, their children and grandchildren. The world and all we’ve grown up with and known our whole lives has suddenly been flipped upside down.

The evil ones are encouraged to run wild and free — absolute lawlessness abounds, while God’s people are specifically targeted for intense persecution. It’s clear now that the “Great Reset” they have planned for the world is not going to be good for Christians. It’s also very clear that we now live in a country that no longer knows God nor fears Him.  Instead, the people mock Him and conspire against His people. And whether we like it or not, many — myself included — see no way to stop the communist takeover of America and the world.

Those who contact me are frightened. And after more than a year of ever-increasing measures by the government to ensure obedience and blind compliance with just about any orders handed down by the Almighty State, those who contact me are suffering from not only fear and anxiety, but depression, great sadness and intense loneliness. Of course, they look forward to our Savior’s second coming, when He will set everything right again. But in the meantime, so many are suffering emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically.

They long for the days before all the nonsense began. But it began long ago, and came so gradually that no one seemed to notice or care.  Until now.  Now, it’s hitting home, but now, I’m afraid, it’s too late to stop. I was one who did my utmost to sound the warning to God’s people, for over twenty years. Many heeded my warnings, and the warnings of so many others, and have prepared for this. But for the most part, the modern American Church could not have cared less. Indeed, even with clear evidence of extreme evil reigning in our land, many so-called “Christian churches” and church leaders are continuing on as they always have, not realizing that they are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.

Some, that claim to be “Christian churches” are even helping the devil and his demons as they advocate for sodomy, abortion, all manner of sexual perversion, while eagerly complying with an evil government that shutters true houses of worship, muzzles the citizenry with masks that do nothing at all but enforce submission and perpetuate fear, mandates experimental drug injections and forces people to obey “Caesar” or face harsh punishments. The modern American Church is complicit in all this, and it has been weighed in the balance, and found wanting. The one institution in our land that could have prevented all this evil by simply being obedient to God and His Word, chose instead to bow to the false gods of “easy believism,” “convenience,” and “entertainment.”

Most of these professing Christian leaders are still blind, still deceiving their people by refusing to preach the whole counsel of God and they lack the courage to stand up against the tyranny and oppression of the devil. They’d rather remain deaf and dumb, and they’d rather their people remain that way too. “Business as usual” as the world burns.

Those who truly do have the Holy Spirit inside them can clearly see that what Jesus said was true as they study and meditate on His words from Matthew 16: “If anyone would come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?”

As they saying goes, “everyone wants to follow Jesus, until they find out where He’s going.” When our Lord was arrested and crucified by the government and religious leaders, all but one of His disciples abandoned Him — they fled in fear. Those 11 all later suffered horrendous deaths as martyrs, all except John, who remained by His side through all of it — but even John was boiled in oil and later exiled to the island of Patmos.  Not exactly “Your Best Life Now,” is it?

No, friends, the Christian life in this world is hard. We’re not immune from the tribulations of this world. Like the thousands of faithful followers of God before us, we will continue to struggle in this world. It’s ok to deal with times of sadness, depression, loneliness and even despair. But when these times come, recognize them for what they are: spiritual attacks from the enemy. The key is to stand strong in our faith, no matter what. And we need to understand this now, more than ever, because things are only going to get worse for those who truly follow Christ. Remember the words of Revelation 12: “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death.”

This world is not our home and we only get one life here in which to prove our faith, win souls and oppose the enemy. Always know that God is with us — indeed His Holy Spirit is even inside us — if we are truly His.  And He can and will “do exceedingly more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us.”  So fear not.

Let us use these lifetimes wisely, and through it all, always remember what Paul told the Corinthians: “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”  I pray that you have that peace that passes all understanding today.

© 2021  – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 326.

Our Redemption Draweth Nigh

by Rob Pue

We don’t watch much television in our house. Hardly any, really. The television is probably the least-used appliance we have. But sometimes we turn it on to watch an educational program, a documentary, one of the “old” classic TV shows or even an occasional movie. What I’ve noticed over the past year is the constant, never-ending barrage of Leftist propaganda — often woven into the programs themselves, but ALWAYS in the commercials. And the Leftist propaganda is THICK. It’s obvious and, one might even say, “in your face.” How others cannot see this and instantly identify it as propaganda is beyond me.

Recently, during a ministry trip to Ohio, my wife and I had some free time one evening and were watching one of those old classic TV shows. EVERY commercial break featured a 60-second “public service announcement” celebrating and pushing the COVID shot. The gist of the message was, “It’s time to get back to work, back to family, back to eating out at a restaurant, back to celebrating with friends.  Back to ‘normal.’” The commercial went on to say, “This is OUR time, Ohio! This is our chance to get our lives back…by getting the shot.”

Now, if you’ve seen any of the pharmaceutical drug ads that generally run during every commercial break of every television program, you know that drug companies are required to use at least half of that very expensive air time to state the known dangers and hazards of whatever drug they’re pushing. Some of the side effects and dangers of these drugs are horrifying. Yet Big Pharma is required by law to state them plainly.

Not so with the COVID “jab.” Because “vaccine” manufacturers are EXEMPT, by law, from any lawsuits resulting from horrific adverse affects of the vaccines they sell. In short, the vaccine-makers are untouchable, even if the shots kill you. And we know, now, that hundreds of thousands of people all over the world have incurred serious life-long injuries after taking the “jab,” and thousands have died from it within days, sometimes within hours. And we know that according to the website, which stands for “Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System,” that seriously dangerous reactions from the COVID shot are, at a minimum, 32 times higher than any other vaccine in history. And I can just about guarantee you that this number is much higher, because we know many of the serious injuries are never reported to the VAERS system.

Still, everywhere you turn, they’re pushing the shot. In fact, the “resident” of the White House recently had the audacity to state that it’s now up to US — get the shot or wear a mask.  “Your choice,” he said. Some choice. The fact of the matter is, the COVID shot is NOT a “vaccine.”  It’s been scientifically proven to be nothing less than an experimental witch’s brew of DNA/gene altering poisons. It actually changes a person’s DNA — something that can never be reversed or remedied. This IS the truth, whether you think I’m crazy or not. Research it yourself.

There are so many questions regarding this stuff it’s impossible to keep up with it all. One thing I find very troublesome is the hundreds of videos that have now been posted online showing that magnets actually stick to the vaccination site on a person’s body, shortly after receiving the jab. Why would THAT be?

Now, I admit I don’t know exactly what the “mark of the beast” will be, but Scripture tells us that it will be something a person receives in their body that will be required in order to buy or sell. We’re now being told that in order to return to “normal,” we MUST take the shot. Governments, health officials and corporations around the world are now putting in place requirements for a “vaccine passport” system — so that in order to work, travel, enter a store or have any part in society, you will have to provide proof that you’ve taken this experimental drug. This is NOT some “conspiracy theory” and it’s NOT “fake news.” If you don’t know this by now, I’m not sure how that’s possible.

Most states and many private companies are now offering bribes as incentives to take the shot. In Ohio, the republican governor there is offering a weekly “lottery” type drawing in which anyone 17 years old or under can win a free 4-year scholarship to the university of their choice; adults have a chance to win $1 million when they show proof of vaccination. Other states are offering other incentives, from free burgers and fries to free beer here in Wisconsin — along with a CONSTANT barrage of propaganda and brainwashing, telling us that we can get SOME of our freedom back if we just get our shots.

And a new term has been coined as well — “Vaccine Hesitancy,” which is meant to describe anyone who questions the official narrative and anyone who does not want and will not take the shot. People are being shunned and ostracized and that situation is only going to get more intense in the coming weeks and months. The goal of the New World Order Globalists is that the entire population of Planet Earth gets these injections. And make no mistake; these are dangerous and deadly injections for many.

If you dare to state otherwise, you can be CRIMINALLY charged.  As I mentioned in a previous message, in 2020, the US Congress quietly installed a new censorship clause in a “coronavirus emergency response and relief package.” In HR 133, Congress gave the Federal Trade Commission authority to target, arrest and fine anyone who doesn’t follow the government’s narrative on lockdowns, masks, quarantines and vaccines.  Thus, several of America’s Frontline Doctors, who have dared to speak the truth about this situation have lost their jobs and even been jailed — for simply telling the truth — and proving it scientifically and practically.  Truth and scientific proof has been scrubbed from the internet and free speech regarding these things is now universally forbidden in all but alternative media outlets, which are also being “de-platformed,” censored and ridiculed as “conspiracy theorists.”

The truth is, an estimated 124 million Americans — about 1/3 of the population — are now “fully vaccinated.” As of April 30th, 3,837 people died shortly after their COVID shots. And according to the CDC, more than 60% of pregnant women have had serious side effects, including 16% that have had their babies die in the womb within a week or two. Now think about this: in 1976, the US government vaccinated 45 million people against the Swine Flu. That entire program was canceled after reports of just 53 deaths. Meanwhile, we have 4,000 deaths from this COVID jab, and the powers that be cannot seem to push hard enough for EVERYONE to get these shots — in which MAGNETS stick to the injection sites on a person’s body. Something’s REALLY fishy here, folks.

As I said, the propaganda being pushed now is THICK. And to me, very plain and obvious to spot. Another television commercial I saw recently astounded even me. I don’t recall who sponsored it, and I only saw it once, but once was enough. I’ll paraphrase here, but basically, it was stating, “Isn’t it NICE — for months now, no scandals in the White House, no hatred and violence, no riots. Joe Biden has simply kept his promises. Joe’s taking care of us.” (Yeah, just like ‘Big Brother.’)  The commercial then went on to show the millions of dollars he’s spent giving away free money to those who aren’t working — because of the TERRIBLE COVID “pandemic” — apparently still going on, fifteen months after “two weeks to flatten the curve.” And in reality, it’s not millions — it’s TRILLIONS — and you should know that American citizens have been given a few scraps, but most of the money has either gone to the politicians themselves or avowed enemies of the United States.

We don’t NEED “Joe” to take care of us. We don’t WANT Joe to take care of us. As for “no scandals in the White House” — he, his family and all their cronies are living, walking scandals. It’s just that there’s no justice in America anymore, and no one holds them accountable. Not our FBI, not our CIA, not our DOJ. Nobody. Instead ANOTHER new phrase has recently been invented: “Patriot Extremists” — this is what the government has now declared to be the most serious threat to our country: American Patriots.

Yes, things have been relatively quiet here in America, but a lot is happening behind the curtain — behind the iron, razor-wire topped wall in DC. And it’s QUIET now because the traitorous criminals who seized power this year were, in fact, the very ones who CAUSED all the scandals, violence, riots, hatred and division. They’ve only stopped the insurrection momentarily to create the ILLUSION of peace. But there is no peace.

In reality, we’re dead center in the eye of the hurricane.  But rest assured, they can’t maintain their illusion of peace much longer. While Americans continue to be brainwashed into submission and compliance, glued to their tele-screens, hyper-inflation has already started — CAUSED intentionally by the criminals now in control. Since January, the price of steel is up 145%. Lumber is up 400%, food is up 40% and climbing, and oil is up 80%. First good ole’ Joe shut down the Keystone Pipeline, putting thousands of people out of work and forcing us to rely, once again, on foreign oil imports.  And what a strange coincidence that the governor of Michigan suddenly became concerned (after all these years) about the “potential” of a leak in the pipeline under the straits of Mackinaw, so she ordered that pipeline shut down — at the SAME TIME the “cyber attack” supposedly caused a shortage of gas in the Southeast.

Meanwhile, our FBI is sending SWAT teams to the homes of patriotic Americans who simply attended the rally in DC on January 6th, breaking down their doors in the middle of the night and hauling people off to jail — simply for being IN that city on that day… these people never entered any public buildings or caused any trouble whatsoever. Yet they’re still sitting in jail, and more are being arrested, charged as “Patriot Extremists.”

Then there are the pastors in Canada AND the United States being arrested for holding church services now… You’ve likely already seen the videos of Pastor Art Pawlowski being arrested on a busy freeway in Canada. During his arrest and while in custody, he was beaten and abused by police — for 54 hours before being released.  The charge? “Inciting people to worship.”

I recently had one of our readers contact me and ask the question: “How can it possibly be that little ole’ me knows what’s going on, but even our conservative pastors know none of this, and they look at you like you’re a crackpot if you try to talk about it?” He was referring to the dangers of the COVID jab — he has yet to find a pastor anywhere that’s heard anything negative about it.  I also recently learned of a local church that is now opening it’s doors to the public once a week to offer free COVID shots.  I’m sure there’s more than one so-called “church” doing this.

And I had a voicemail message last week from a reader who had picked up a copy of our nationally-distributed newspaper for the first time. He remarked, “I know that everything in here is true, and it all makes sense. But your paper is so depressing, I’ll never read it ever again.” And therein lies the problem: people don’t know, and they don’t WANT to know. They’ll happily take the jab in order to be allowed SOME of their freedoms back.  In order to travel, in order to continue on in comfort and plenty.

Where I live, businesses are BEGGING for workers, but no one wants to work anymore.  Some have closed their doors because they can’t find help.  They’re getting huge sums of money for doing nothing, so they’ll continue to rely on “Big Brother Joe” to take care of them. That’s an extremely dangerous attitude, folks. Unfortunately, it’s becoming more and more common.

The Left has recently changed their language again. Instead of using the word “Equality,” which we have always had since the founding of our nation, now they’re pushing for what they call “Equity.” “Equity” means that if you made $8 an hour, now you make $15. If you made $11 an hour, now you make $15. If you used to make $15 an hour…now you make $15. Regardless of skills, regardless of the number of years you’ve put in on the job. It’s a “Universal Basic Income” — it’s the start of their “Great Reset.”

Klous Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum has stated that soon there will be no private property. No one will own their own home and private cars will be forbidden. And, he says, we will “like it” that way. The “Build Back Better” program has begun, but it’s not going to be better, friends. It’s communism. It’s a world where God and His Word and truth is forbidden, your every move is monitored and YOU will become the property of the State.

Some — like the caller who left me that voicemail — will agree they understand, all that I’ve told you here is true. But it’s just too depressing to think about. But as we see and understand what’s taking place right now, even quietly behind that iron curtain in DC and in backroom deals and “summits” of the kings of this earth around the world, those who know God’s Word should not be discouraged. They should be ENcouraged. The Bible is TRUE! All these things were predicted and written down for US, today, thousands of years ago. So in the midst of our sorrow over the death of our beloved country, those of us whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life should be rejoicing — and pointing out every instance of Bible prophecy as we see it being fulfilled day by day, to all who will listen, snatching them from Satan’s grasp while we still can. And we should all be looking UP now. Because our redemption draweth nigh.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 325.

Guinea Pigs in a World-Wide Experiment

by Rob Pue

I realize that in these days it’s difficult to keep up with all the news and information that continually bombards us. It’s often hard to know what’s true and what’s not true. Even sources we would like to think we could trust often run with stories prior to doing any sort of independent fact checking. We must all work harder than ever to get the real truth because real truth is now censored by the internet conglomerates and social media platforms. Try researching the truth about any of the things I’m sharing with you, and you’ll find plenty or articles online debunking these things, but you’ll need to dig very deeply to find the real stories.  Here’s a tip:  if YouTube or Facebook has banned or censored something, chances are that what they’ve banned or censored is true.

Things are made even more difficult for the average citizen to get the truth, when there is so much deliberate DISinformation and liberal talking points regarding the New World Order agenda being pushed by the mainstream media — sources we once THOUGHT we could trust; though their “Operation Mockingbird” tactics have long since been unmasked. Unfortunately, only those willing to research the official narrative (because none of it makes any common sense) will ever question what is spoon-fed to them by the mainstream press. For most, if it’s on the TV news, it MUST be true.  We are so easily deceived as a nation. We question almost nothing anymore and people of all generations are now embracing easily discernable lies as facts; simply because it’s constantly drilled into our heads.

How else can you explain so many people still wearing face masks everywhere they go, more than a year after our “two-week plan” to “flatten the curve” — and even though they’re completely healthy; while it’s been proven that breathing in and recirculating your own CO2 is very UN healthy?

How else can you explain so many lining up to get experimental poisons (yes, POISONS — by the CDCs own admission) injected into their bodies, despite a substantially higher infection and death rate — and severe, life altering adverse reactions — among those who have received the injections versus those who have not? Indeed, it’s now been shown by top doctors and scientists around the world (ALL who have been de-platformed, fired from their jobs and censored by the press) that thousands more have died or experienced adverse reactions after receiving their injections than before.  Previously perfectly healthy people get the injection, and then have serious life-long TERRIBLE side effects.  Or they just die.  Simply “the cost of doing business” with the New World Order.

What’s even worse, it’s now been shown — both here in America and in Europe — that those receiving the injections are much more likely to spread serious illnesses to those around them in the days and weeks following the injections.  So even if you don’t get one, those who did have now become so contaminated — “super spreaders,” of a wide array of diseases — that if you have chosen to not be a government guinea pig, your chances of getting extremely ill or dying, simply by coming in contact with an injected person, are substantially increased.  Rather than protecting others by being injected, you’re actually putting everyone you come in contact with at serious risk of illness and death if you have chosen the “jab.”

According to the CDC’s own data, the COVID “vaccines” are not vaccines at all, but experimental gene therapy.  And according to the VAERS system, which stands for “Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System,” which you can find at, as of reporting April 25th, the CDC now says the injection is linked with more than 348,000 deaths in the US.  The CDC further states that more than 60% of pregnant women have a serious side effect, including 16% that have their babies die in the womb within a week or two.  You can analyze the VAERS information yourself and you will see, by their own admission, these injections kill at a rate 32 times higher than regular vaccines.

Meanwhile, Facebook recently removed a popular and rapidly growing group where members could post stories about negative COVID “vaccine” side effects.  The group was known as “COVID 19 VACCINE VICTIMS AND FAMILIES, and had over 120,000 followers, and gaining more than 10,000 new followers each week when Facebook closed it down and removed it.  These were real life stories, heartbreaking stories, from real people.  Simply wiped away.  Again, because the truth is no longer allowed if it goes contrary to the “Agenda,” and understand this:  if it is TRUE, then it definitely goes contrary to the official agenda.

To muddy the waters even more, corporate America is parroting the New World Order agenda with blatant propaganda in television commercials.  For example, I’ve seen countless companies come out with commercials endorsing the militant Marxist movement known as “Black Lives Matter,” continuing to urge face masks and actively promoting the experimental gene-modification injections now passing as “vaccines.”  And just  recently, I saw a TV commercial featuring two lesbian “parents” with two adopted children, and this was touted as the “new normal” American family.  No, the LGBT thing isn’t going away.  It’s still being drip-fed into our minds like an IV by media of every sort.

So I would like to bring up a few topics that you probably aren’t aware of, if you are one who considers “alternative media” sources like ours to be “right wing conspiracy theories.”  I assure you, the information I’m sharing today IS a conspiracy, but it’s far from a theory.  These things are really taking place, and it seems, nobody is noticing and nobody cares.

First some old business.  Whatever happened to the massive body of evidence on Hunter Biden’s laptop?  Evidence of Biden sexually abusing and trafficking children?  Evidence of Biden receiving billions of dollars from foreign enemy countries in exchange for favors from his father?  This evidence is irrefutable and has been in the hands of our justice department, FBI and CIA for well over a year now.  Yet nothing has been done, and I dare say, nothing will ever be done.

What about an obviously fraudulent election — stated that it would be so even prior to November 3rd by the illegitimate RESident of the White House himself on live TV?  Despite absolute proof the election was more than rigged, it was outright STOLEN from real American voters, nothing will be done.  Even with the startling forensic audits now taking place in Arizona — and perhaps more coming in other states — the average “Joe Sixpack” American has just let it go.  It’s so low on their list of priorities it no longer even registers, and it’s only been a few months. So I have no doubt that justice will never be done in any of these cases. It’s just sad that so many have gone so quickly back to their slumber, without demanding justice, and all these atrocities are quickly forgotten, easily swept under the rug, since the “news” media will never breathe a word of any of this to the American public.

We now find ourselves in a world of complete lawlessness.  The guilty are set free and the innocent jailed.  We’re also messing with God’s created design for mankind… from weather modification to genetically-modified foods, and now, genetically modified humans… Not to mention, coming soon, genetically modified BEINGS.  Have you heard that a US/Chinese team of scientists are experimenting with human stem cells implanted into the embryos of monkeys? The creation of a monkey-human hybrid should concern you. The purpose for creating these mixed-species “chimeras” is to harvest their organs for human transplant. Yes, this is really happening.

And the insanity continues in Canada, when on March 16, Robert Hoogland was arrested at the British Columbia Supreme Court in Vancouver.  His crime? Speaking against court-ordered testosterone injections for his teenage daughter.  Hoogland was denied bail and remained in prison until his trial.  He pled “guilty” — to the crime of SPEAKING — and received a sentence of 18 months’ probation.  The British Columbia Supreme Court (in February 2019) ordered that Hoogland’s daughter should begin receiving testosterone injections when she was 14 years old, regardless of parental consent. The court further declared that if either of the girl’s parents referred to her ‘as a girl or with female pronouns,’ that parent would be considered guilty of family violence.

Also in British Columbia, in the small town of Lytton, Charles Hoffe has been a medical doctor for 28 years.  Dr. Hoffe was given 900 doses of the Moderna experimental injections and administered them to those who wanted them. From those injections, two people went into shock, one person died and several others have sufferred permanent disabilties.  He says that one of his patients is now in so much pain, she would prefer death to life.  For the record, no one in the community died from COVID 19 before the injections.

Dr. Hoffe reported these adverse reactions by email to the medical personnel in his community and received a very stern rebuke from his superiors at the Interior Health Authority.  They forbade him from saying anything negative about the shots and issued a gag order against him.  As he continued to see more injuries the following week, he became very angry about his gag order. He was told that if he had any concerns about the injections that he had to contact the medical health officer in charge of the Moderna “jabs.”  When he did, his reputation was besmirched as he was basically declared a “quack” in official statements from the Interior Health Authority.

You may have heard of the Polish pastor in the Calgary area of Canada, who ordered Canadian police and a health official to leave the church he pastors, calling them “Nazis, fascists and communists.”  That was last month.  But the police tried to shut his church down again recently — and twice in one day, were thrown out by the men of the church.  Pastor Pawlowski was previously fined $1200 for violating social distancing orders as he fed the homeless in his community.

Meanwhile in Edmonton, Alberta, more than 200 police descended upon a GraceLife church, surrounding the church, erecting a tall chain-link fence around it, chaining the doors shut with a lock and shutting it down.  They held the pastor in jail for nearly three months.

Here in America, a St. Louis chiropractor was recently charged by the Federal Trade Commission after he advised his clients to build up their immune systems using zinc and Vitamin D.  You probably are not aware that in 2020, the U.S. Congress quietly installed a new censorship clause in a “coronavirus emergency response and relief package.” In HR 133, Congress gave the FTC supreme authority to target, arrest and fine anyone who doesn’t follow the government’s narrative on lock downs, masks, quarantines and vaccines.  Anyone who promotes a healthy immune system can now be charged and fined for the “criminal” act of helping people treat and overcome respiratory infection.

Let ME go on record and state that our God-given immune systems are greatly preferable to experimental gene-altering therapies that have been proven to cause death and life-long health problems. Yes, I recommend keeping your immune system strong with Vitamin C, Vitamin D3 with K2, zinc and Potassium Iodide, to name just a few of the more important supplements that WILL keep you healthy.

Meanwhile, the Connecticut House of Representatives passed a bill that hopes to end the state’s religious exemption from immunization requirements for schools.  It’s interesting how when we were kids, we were raised to not be peer pressured into taking experimental drugs.  Now… we’re being peer pressured into taking experimental drugs. And soon, I have no doubt, it will be mandated by the government, just as we were forced to buy Obamacare.

If you think that the idea of “Vaccine Passports” will never happen here, you should be aware that they’re already in effect in many countries, as well as New York State, where you can get SOME of your freedoms back if you can prove that you’ve been fully vaccinated.  And Hawaii has some of the strictest rules.  For example, you’ll need to be fully “vaccinated” and have had a negative test, registered with an approved government agency  within 72 hours of traveling to the Islands — OR you will face 14-day confinement when you arrive.  Citizens of Hawaii must be fully vaccinated and have a negative test result from an approved government agency to travel between islands.  And of course, visitors coming from the mainland will still be required to wear masks during their entire flight — AND constantly while visiting Hawaii — even when outdoors on beaches.

Please beware of the false information out there, that is rampant today. And also be aware that the government does NOT have your best interests in mind. We are in the midst of a world-wide scientific experiment, and WE are the test subjects. This experiment is being run by those who have long proposed de-population of the planet. They view human life as the problem, and their goal is to eliminate human life as much as they’re able, and then wield total control over the survivors.

“Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walketh around as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” (1 Peter 5:8). Wake up, folks. Pay attention. You may not have been devoured yet, but plenty of others have and it’s only a matter of time before the devil knocks on your door. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; but in all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5 & 6).

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 324.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

I’m So Old

by Rob Pue

I guess it’s official. I’m officially old. It’s not just the multiple mailings I get every month from AARP or the fact that the grocery store checkout clerk routinely asks me if I qualify for the “senior discount.” Lately, I’ve been thinking about the way things used to be and feeling a little like a dinosaur. But I don’t necessarily feel old, just tired, worn out and beat up.  Yeah, I guess I feel old. I just feel like the world around me has transformed into something I never thought I’d see in all my life. And the things I’m talking about were not eons ago. Let’s just go back 50 years — to 1971 — and see how things have changed.

In 1971, the average cost of a brand new house was $25,000. The average income was $10,000 a year. A gallon of gas was 40 cents and a postage stamp was 8 cents. A brand new car was less than $2,000.

I’m so old I remember when telephones were connected to the wall with a wire.  Turns out that was pretty good technology, because when the phones were tied down, humans were free.  I remember the days of the “party line,” rotary phones, pay phones and phone booths. I remember when, if you weren’t home and someone called, they would call you back later. Then came the invention of the answering machine. Then there was a new thing, which you could pay extra for, called “Caller ID.”  Now you could choose to answer the phone, or not, depending on if you wanted to talk to the person calling or not.

The first cell phones came in heavy, cumbersome bags — or the wealthy could get one installed in their car. But unless you were REALLY wealthy, you didn’t dare use your cell phone unless it was a real emergency — (and then you talked fast) — because a huge bill was soon to follow for each minute you were holding that thing.

Today, almost everyone owns a “smart phone.” A hand-held super computer that allows you to take pictures, send text messages, chat with someone on the other side of the world with live video, access the internet, send email, interact on “social media” platforms, play games, pay your bills, purchase just about anything you can think of with a few taps of your finger, watch movies, get directions and maps to any destination, order food delivery, and more…  By the way, do you know what the LEAST used function of a smart phone is today? That would be the telephone!

I remember when the news came out that smart phones were tracking all your personal information and data, collecting and selling your information, listening in to your conversations even when your phone was turned off — and that was a big deal to people; a serious breach of our personal privacy. Now, not only do we just accept that as “just the way things are,” many people even install additional listening devices, like “Alexa,” in their homes. Of course, it’s for convenience purposes, but no one seems to mind the fact that we’re all being “wire tapped” now.  The convenience of the devices outweighs the moral and ethical breaches that we know are going on. And we push the thoughts of 24/7 surveillance to the backs of our minds; after all, those listening in would never really DO anything with the information… right?

I remember when hand-held calculators first came out. They cost about as much as a new iPhone does today. And the first video tape recorders.  They weighed about a thousand pounds and cost about a thousand dollars. And they were Beta! The first video cameras were in black & white only — and had to be connected to a video tape recorder and a TV to use them.

I’m so old, I remember riding in cars without seatbelts and on bikes without helmets. Not only did we not wear helmets on our bikes, but we were also pretty inventive and imaginative. Every boy built ramps, got their speed up as fast as possible and then, if they did it right, flew a few feet through the air — usually over a row of metal Tonka trucks lined up between the “take off” ramp and the landing target. Yes… there were skinned knees and more than a few bruises. But somehow, we survived. Now, I suppose helmets would have been a good idea, but if we wore them, I can guarantee they would have looked “cool,” like motorcycle helmets — not like the neon-colored “salad bowls” kids wear today, fastened to their heads with a chin strap.

I’m so old I remember getting our “Weekly Reader” propaganda magazines in public school, where we were warned of a new ice age coming to cover the globe with glaciers by the year 2000.  I remember when America tried the “Metric System” and we were told in school that we HAD to learn this, because the whole world was switching over to the Metric System in just a couple of years.  Well, we tried that — for about ten minutes — but it was just too hard… we here in America are still quite happy with our gallons, quarts, pints and cups and we’re just as happy with our inches, feet and yardsticks.

And I’m still waiting for my flying car.  I may be old, but I haven’t forgotten that Popular Mechanics magazine PROMISED us those would be commonplace by about 1975.  Yep, still waiting.  Speaking of cars, I remember when gas stations were in a tizzy because they only had room on their signs for two digits — so they didn’t know what to do when gas went higher that a dollar a gallon.

I’m so old I remember all the summers I spent spent baling hay, mowing lawn, and working hard in the garden. I remember the wonderful feeling of playing outside after supper, in the cool of the evening, as the sun went down, breathing in the smell of summertime.  Catching lightning bugs on the 4th of July… in between lighting off fireworks.

I’m so old I remember 4th of July parades where you STOOD UP for the veterans as they passed by carrying the flags, and you took your hat off in honor of their service, and you applauded our flag and our country. America wasn’t perfect, but there was no doubt it was the best country in the world and we were blessed by God to live here.  I remember growing up with a feeling of patriotism, that, sadly, I dare say most young people today will never, ever have.  Not only have they been taught that everything about our history and heritage is bad and shameful, they’ve also been taught that to disrespect all things “American” is actually a noble and courageous thing to do.

And in those days, we didn’t negotiate with terrorists.  Certainly we didn’t send them pallets of cash in the dead of night.  Politicians were still about as honest as used car salesmen, but at least they pretended to love this country.  And people could disagree and speak their minds and tell the truth without being censored by the politically-correct and the thought police.

I remember when someone was going to have a baby and it was a very positive, HAPPY time.  Babies were blessings, not “punishments,” and harming a baby in any way was the most reprehensible thing one could ever conceive of.  People didn’t kill their babies for convenience and so-called “doctors” didn’t kill babies for profit.

And I’m so old that when a baby was born, it was either a boy or a girl, and it was not difficult to tell the difference.  Thinking back now, the words of Archie Bunker in the opening song of that show were almost prophetic: “And you knew who you were then.  Girls were girls and men were men.”  Today, that distinction is “blurred,” to say the least.

I didn’t know anyone whose parents were divorced.  Divorce — like abortion — were not simple solutions to perceived problems.  Marriage really was “‘til death do we part,” in the vast majority of families. Grandparents and elders were honored and their wisdom valued.

I’m so old that I can remember when so-called “race relations” were actually good.  White people did not hate black people and black people did not hate white people.  There was no rioting, looting and burning to protest the arrest of criminals.  We all had the same opportunities and it was up to each individual as to what he’d make of his life. Everyone worked hard. There was no such thing as “white privilege” or “toxic masculinity” or “micro-aggressions.” Those who needed a hand up were able to get it.  But it was a hand UP — not a hand OUT; it wasn’t a recipe for delinquent parenting, easy divorce, abortion-on-demand  or multi-generational welfare communities.

I’m so old I remember when being a Christian was actually a good thing. Young women would hope to meet a good Christian man; young men would hope to meet a good Christian woman. Marriage and family was the goal. Children were raised by both parents and almost every family went to church. There were tough times, and looking back, I guess you could say our family was “poor,” but us kids never knew it. We trusted God, we had strong faith, family was a team, and we all worked hard. The “little” things in life were the most precious, and memories I will always carry with me.

In those days, drugs were bad. Getting drunk was bad. We didn’t have an enormous pharmaceutical industry pushing prescription drugs of every sort — most with side effects worse than the disease — and raking in more money every year than Big Oil does today.  We certainly didn’t have a nation-wide push for the legalization of illicit drugs for recreational use.    And we were not forced to take medications.  My grandparents could never have conceived of such a thing.

If you got sick, you stayed home from school or work for a few days until you got better. You weren’t forced to quarantine in your home — you stayed home all on your own, because you were sick. We certainly were never forced to quarantine in our homes when we were healthy. (Who needs a COVID concentration camp when you can just force people to comply with house arrest?) We were never denied entrance to any store or business, or shunned from society because we refused to wear a mask on our face or get a shot. We had freedom.  Freedom to think for ourselves, freedom to study and learn for ourselves, freedom to speak our minds on any particular subject, freedom to go work, shop, travel, and eat what we chose.

Churches didn’t close in the midst of a crisis — they OPENED up bigger. They would never have been considered “non essential,” and the idea that the government would or COULD arrest a pastor for preaching, padlock the doors of a church, arrest church-goers for going to church, or hand out fines for simply sitting in your car in your church parking lot was unthinkable.  Not in America. It could NEVER happen here.

And I’m so old I remember how the pastor used to pound his fist on the pulpit — to drive home a point in a powerful sermon, or to wake up a tired farmer on the verge of dozing off. But those were the days when sermons were sermons.  (Not “talks.”) Pastors preached on the relevant topics of the day and their goal wasn’t to keep people happy and complacent. Their goal was to tell them the TRUTH of what the Word of God had to say about the most important issues in our culture, politics, morality (or lack thereof) and especially about the precious blood of Jesus, shed for us, so that by repentance and faith, we could be saved.

We sang songs like “Onward Christian Soliders,” and “Nothing But the Blood.” But those timeless hymns of the faith are off limits in most churches today.  Too violent. Too radical. Too masculine. Too offensive. There was also the song, “I Love To Tell The Story.” When was the last time you heard that in your church? The sad fact is, most church-goers today don’t KNOW the story well enough to tell it, and if they did, they’d be too ashamed of Jesus to even speak His name to a friend or loved one, for fear of being rejected. I know that’s a hard thing for you to hear…but you know I’m right. How many souls have been lost because generations of church-goers have been dumbed down, feminized, and trained to be cowards rather than Christian soldiers with a purpose? The sad fact of the matter is that too many churches have indeed become “non essential.” In fact, it would be better for the cause of Christ if many of them would remain closed permanently. And it hurts me to say that.

We would do well to remember the days of old. Allow me to close with God’s Word from Deuteronomy 32:  “He is the Rock, His work is perfect: for all His ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is He. They have corrupted themselves, their spot is not the spot of His children: they are a perverse and crooked generation.

 “Do ye thus requite the Lord, O foolish people and unwise? Is not He thy Father that hath bought thee?  Hath He not made thee, and established thee?  Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations: ask thy father, and he will shew thee; thy elders, and they will tell thee.”

There is great wisdom available to all who seek it. So generation of 2021, don’t despise the wisdom of your father and forefathers and elders. They remember the old days. They can show you and tell you the ways in which you should walk, the things most important, and help you discern right from wrong, evil from good in a world now filled with deception and lies. Most importantly, remember your Creator, our Heavenly Father. Seek Him and serve Him.  “Only one life, ’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.”

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 323.

The Son of Man Cometh

By Rob Pue

Some things in this world can simply be chalked up to coincidence. Others, not so much. For those who have studied God’s Word and have eyes to see, it’s obvious that the words of prophecy in Scripture are coming to pass now, before our very eyes.

Let’s look at just a few things that have been happening on Planet Earth in just the past month. These are things you most likely are not aware of, because the mainstream media doesn’t generally report on them, and if they do, they report on them only in passing, or worse yet, in jest.  Yet, the things now coming upon the Earth are nothing to joke about.

As Christ-followers we’re in the midst of a spiritual battle. We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians 6). Let’s also look at Ephesians 2, which offers an especially relevant message for our day. “And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience, among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind. But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ — by grace you have been saved — and raised us up with Him and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus…”

Yes, the spiritual battle rages on. The children of God versus the children of wrath, as we face off against Satan and his demons — spiritual wickedness in high places. Those of us who now follow Christ were once dead in our trespasses and sins, like the rest of the world. We followed the “prince of the power of the air,” (Satan).  That’s the power the unsaved world follows today, still living in the passions of the flesh.  Still carrying out the desires of the body and mind. Still children of wrath. They cannot understand what’s happening in our world because they’re without the power of the Holy Spirit of God within them, and so they’re without the ability to discern those things that are spiritually discerned. They’re lost, confused, and soon their hearts will fail them for fear, when they see all that is coming upon the earth.

In Luke 21 and Matthew 24, Jesus warned us all not to be deceived, because many would come in His name. Many false prophets rising to deceive many. There are a lot of false prophets in our world today. Many claiming to be more intelligent than God, our Creator. They claim to follow “science,” yet their science will disappoint them when all their human wisdom is proven to be nonsense. Speaking of false prophets, are you aware that the pope held an interfaith meeting in the city of Ur in Northern Iraq — the birthplace of Abraham — last month? His purpose was to stress the commonalities between all world religions and call for global cooperation.

But those who read and study Scripture know that not all “religions” lead to our one true God. Only one does. Jesus said, “No man comes to the Father but by Me.” While the Global Elites are now seeking a New World Order, a One World Government, they will also be seeking a One World Religion, denying Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life.  Yet one day, perhaps one day soon, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is LORD. Even the pope will bow to the one TRUE God of Heaven.

We’ve seen the wars and rumors of wars, we’ve seen nation rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. We’ve seen the horrific famines and pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places.  Jesus said these are but the beginning of sorrows.  We were also warned by Jesus that Christ-followers would be delivered up to be persecuted and killed.  Jesus said that we would be hated of all nations for His name’s sake.  How true that is today.

Certainly you’ve seen what’s happened in Canada recently, where a pastor had the courage to stand up against the tyranny of government officials and police and keep the church he leads open. In righteous indignation, he threw the tyrants out of God’s house and off the property.  But they returned — this time to erect a giant fence around the church, and post 200 armed guards around it to keep people out. This, NOT in communist China — but rather, in communist Canada.  We know that Canada’s been bowing down to Satan for a long time now, and many Christian brothers and sisters there are being persecuted daily.  Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recently stated openly that “evangelical Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.”  But the same sentiment has been playing out in our country for years now as well.  The stories are too many in number to even begin to list.

But make no mistake, Jesus IS coming back and He will be coming as the just Judge of the world, to make war on those who have blasphemed Almighty God and persecuted His people. Scripture tells us that immediately before we see the sign of the Son of Man coming in the heavens, the sun will be darkened, the moon shall not give her light, the stars will fall from heaven and the heavens will be shaken.  Remember, this is in addition to earthquakes, famines and pestilences.

So in case you missed it, here are some news stories from around the world, that have taken place just in the past month. There’s been an enormous increase in strange lights being seen in the sky all over the world. These lights appear to be some sort of spacecraft — moving at speeds that exceed the speed of sound, but they make no sound at all. No sonic booms. Sightings of “UFOs” have become so concerning that the Pentagon has been ordered to research this and release a report on these phenomenon by June of this year.

There have also been an increase in loud “booming” sounds coming from deep underground; again, all over the world. In the US, they’ve been encountered in every state — from Maine to California — over the past month, and there is no explanation. When these loud booms take place, there is never any indication of an earthquake, yet they’re so strong they shake houses. A man in Michigan reported last month that this happened again — the second time in six months, and authorities have offered no explanation.

Then there were the deadly tornadoes that ravaged the southern US.  In Alabama, one tornado, with winds of 150 miles per hour, traveled on the ground for 150 miles, destroying everything in it’s path for three hours straight last month.   And that was just one of 17 tornadoes that struck the southern US in March.

Meanwhile, we’ve been seeing signs in the skies overhead.  Two fireballs, believed to be meteors were seen March 21st in New York, Vermont and Pennsylvania.  The same day fireballs in the sky frightened people across England.  Others were seen in March in other countries around the world.

About that same time, a huge geyser was reported in Imperial City, California.  But this one’s different.  It is MOVING… it’s moving ten feet every month and is said to be the only moving geyser in the world.

Los Angeles reported it’s third earthquake in ten days on April 10th.  The average number of earthquakes there is five in a year.  Here we have three within ten days.  There has also been extreme flooding in Maui.  Residents there said they’ve never seen anything like it.  And on April 9th, western Australia received more rain in 24 hours than they get during the heaviest rains in a month’s time.  The massive flooding that has resulted there has been called “of biblical proportions.”

In China, cyclones and strong winds have caused the worst sandstorm in over a decade.  Residents of Beijing said, “it looks like the end of the world,” and “It feels like a science fiction movie.”

And then there are the volcanoes. It’s very likely that you missed out on hearing about these as well.  First of all, the “dormant” volcano in Iceland erupted last month, for the first time in 800 years.  This was accompanied by 40,000 mini earthquakes in the area.  There was also a volcanic eruption in eastern Russia, as well as giant sinkholes opening up in Croatia.  And another volcano erupted multiple times in Sicily within the last month.  Not to mention the earthquake in Congo, Africa, or the volcano that erupted for the first time in forty years on the island of St. Vincent in the Carribean, on April 9th.  Experts say this one could continue for weeks or months.

These are just a few of the odd occurrences we’ve seen over just the past month around the world.  Many will claim all this is due to “climate change.”  Others will say the Earth goes through natural cycles and none of this is out of the ordinary at all.  But I disagree.  What we’re seeing is not just an increase in frequency of these violent natural phemomena, but an increase in intensity, and an increased number of these events around the world.

Add to that the things even our best scientists cannot explain:  the loud booms heard worldwide, coming from far beneath the earth.   The strange lights in the sky that defy science, and for which our Pentagon is preparing a report on “UFOs.”  Incidentally, I would not be surprised if the enemy of our souls uses the idea of “extraterrestrials” and “UFOs” to deceive even more people around the world.  I can also see how a discovery of “life” from other galaxies could well be used to help usher in the New World Order and the Planetary One-World Government that is now being prepared to enslave the peoples of the earth.

But what makes all these things even more interesting is the discovery, in mid-March, of additional fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls.  This is the first time in more than sixty years that such a discovery has been made, and the texts date back 2,000 years.  The newly discovered fragments contain verses from the biblical books of Nahum and Zechariah.  The words of these ancient Scriptures are significant, considering all we’ve just talked about.

Specifically, the text of Nahum 1:5 & 6 were discovered.  Let’s read that together:  “The mountains quake before Him and the hills melt away.  The earth trembles at His presence, the world and all who live in it.  Who can withstand His indignation?  Who can endure His fierce anger?  His wrath is poured out like fire; the rocks are shattered before Him.”

And Zechariah 8:16 & 17 tell us how we SHOULD be living: “These are the things you are to do: speak the truth to each other, and render true and sound judgment in your courts. Do not plot evil against each other, and do not love to swear falsely. ‘I hate all this,’ declares the Lord.”

Today, we have the kings and rulers of the earth taking counsel together against the Lord and His anointed. We see the heathen raging and the people imagining vain things.  We, as a people, seem no longer capable of telling the truth; so much of what we hear and believe today are lies. As for “sound judgment” in our courts, I think we can all agree that our so-called “justice” system is anything but just. People plot against one another and those so many of us trust “swear falsely,” doing the bidding of Satan and his demons and deceiving the whole world… even, if possible, the very elect of God.

So we shouldn’t be surprised when we see the mountains quake, and the hills melt away with volcanic heat. Because the earth is trembling as heaven prepares for Christ’s soon return. How gracious of our God to reveal, once again to us, the words of these prophets, at a time we all need to hear and heed them most. For as we read again in Nahum: “…Who can withstand His indignation?  Who can endure His fierce anger?  His wrath is poured out like fire; the rocks are shattered before Him.”

Now, of course, no one knows the day or the hour when Jesus will return. But we have been warned in Scripture, and now Scripture is coming to life all around us, and not only that, our gracious God has unearthed again, perhaps a final warning in the words from those recently found Dead Sea Scrolls.

“Therefore, be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of Man cometh.”   (Mathew 24:44).  Let me finish with the words of Luke 21: “Then there will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars; and there will be anguish on the earth among nations bewildered by the roaring sea and waves.  People will faint from fear and expectation of the things that are coming on the world, because the celestial powers will be shaken. Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. But when these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is near!” Amen.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 322.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Satan’s Great Wrath, Because His Time is Short

By Rob Pue

Sometimes I find myself envying the uninformed. Being so involved in the news tends to weigh heavily on a person. I get a LOT of news. More than you can imagine. It’s nearly 24/7 from all parts of the globe, from all types of sources. I’ve also made it my life’s ambition to study the Scriptures, and having been given a fair amount of Godly discernment creates the perfect storm for someone like me, because now I know what’s going on in the world, and I also see how all these things fit together into a big picture.

My conclusion is that, just as Scripture tells us, Satan is loose in this world. He always has been, but now, all hell is literally breaking loose upon the earth as demonic forces are enjoying free reign like never before. In a world where the Church has retreated and compromised, surrendering to political correctness and guilted into being “tolerant” of all human behavior without judgment or even comment, the Church is no longer the restraining influence it once was. There WAS a time when God’s Church — made up of true, genuine, faithful Christ-followers — represented Him in the world, and being salt and light upon the earth, held back the forces of evil like oil and water.

For centuries, the Christian church restrained evil. Even those who were not devout Christians still had their God-given consciences, not yet seared beyond hope by hard-heartedness, sin and evil. In modern times, just the fact that a Christian church was on the corner would keep a community free from crime, even in the toughest of inner city neighborhoods. The church, the Christians and the pastor there, brought to the community, a restraining influence. But no more. In fact, in many crime-ridden dangerous areas of our inner cities, there are MULTIPLE “churches” on every block. Most all with bars on the windows and iron gates on the doors, yet evil flourishes while the “health, wealth and prosperity” preachers cower inside.

As Church leaders watered down — and even CHANGED —the Gospel, in an effort to be more “seeker friendly,” and as many refused to even comment on the wickedness around us for fear of sounding “judgmental” or “intolerant,” the message and influence of God’s Church has become neutered, meaningless and worthless. Last year, a MAJORITY of American churches VOLUNTEERED to be publicly declared “non-essential,” closing their doors to the public. Some for a year or more. Some never bothered to open again. The Bible describes it as salt that has lost its savor… “no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled on by men.”

And as this force for righteousness retreated, satanic, demonic forces rushed in to fill the void.  Today, we’re seeing a full-on exponential INCREASE in evil, because evil begets evil, wickedness begets wickedness, and it just keeps snowballing and getting worse and worse, picking up pace.  Not only is our faith “non essential” and “irrelevant” to the unsaved now, but life is often no different for professing “Christians.”

Satan is described in Scripture as being “a murderer from the beginning,” and “the father of lies.” We know that he prowls the earth as a hungry lion, looking for someone to devour. We know that he comes to kill, steal and destroy. We know that, being a murderer, the fruit he bears is always death and destruction. Being a liar, we know that whatever he calls himself, however he represents himself, the opposite will always be true, because he is the king of hypocrites. So let’s take this knowledge we have about our enemy, Satan, and look at what is really happening in our world today.

Not only are we STILL dealing with the abomination of legalized and celebrated sodomy, but that’s now quickly morphing into legalization and celebration of pedophilia. Child sex trafficking is big business all around the world, including here in the US. Many of those now coming across our southern border are children, and many are destined for a life of sexual exploitation — and many political and business leaders in our country are making money from this. We recently learned of hundreds, if not thousands, of children being trafficked aboard the container ship that was stuck in the Suez Canal. Hopefully these children will be rescued, but this is just one instance. What I’m talking about is going on constantly — even in small town America.

Satan loves to destroy children, because he hates their innocence, purity and potential. He also knows that hurting our children is the one thing that will hurt us parents and grandparents the most. And — because we love our kids, many will question the words of Scripture and try to twist clear warnings about sin so that we can still “accept and affirm” our kids even when their minds are being warped and we know they’re believing lies. Too often over the last generation, instead of admonishing and warning young people when they were headed down the path to death, we instead chose to “just love them,” or “just pray for them,” but never spoke a word of rebuke or even wise counsel, because we feared their rejection of us.

So now we have “transgender” kids in Kindergarten.  We have parents letting their little kids — some even too young to know how to tie their own shoes — choose whatever gender they prefer, and then encouraging them in that deception and celebrating clear and obvious delusion with them.  We have parents taking their children to “Drag Queen Story Time” and placing them on the laps of perverted pedophiles who read them a story about “inclusion” and “equality.” This is clearly demonic.

Speaking of “delusion,” the current occupant of our White House chose Pennsylvania’s Health Secretary, “Rachel” Levine to be the new Assistant Secretary of Health.  What’s wrong with that?  Other than the fact that we now have an Assistant Secretary of HEALTH who is morbidly obese, Levine is also the first openly transgender federal official in history.  THIS is the person that will be in charge of our HEALTH?  In the words of one notorious miscreant, “Come on, man!”

Meanwhile, as our older children are joining subversive groups like BLM and ANTIFA, supporting socialism and even communism in America, they’ve been allowed — and even aided — by our public officials, to tear down monuments and statues commemorating our history and heritage.  At the same time, they’re embracing and celebrating statues of “Baphomet,” with several of these nearly 9-foot statues being erected throughout the country. These statues depict the goat-headed pagan god sitting down, flanked by two adoring little children and room on the “lap” of the demon for real children to sit and have their picture taken. A satanic pentagram symbol is highlighted above the demon’s horns.

I didn’t watch the “Grammy” awards but I was recently shown a photo from that event. The photo depicts three women licking one another’s tongues and fondling each others’ bodies. Now, I have no interest in the Grammy Awards — I have no idea who any of those people are anyway, but plenty of our young people DO — and these are their new role models.  So while we were told by the government that we had to keep our enslaved faces covered and remain six feet apart from one another for over a year, it seems on THIS “Animal Farm,” some animals are more equal and have more rights than others.  Again, MORE satanic influence and delusion, more hypocrisy, more lies, slowly brainwashing not just our young people, but ALL of us.

Prominently highlighted and celebrated in the music industry recently have been the likes of “Cardi B,” who’s most famous so-called “song” is SO perverse I can’t even tell you the title of it here, and the so-called “rap artist,” “Lil Nas X,” who’s career really took off when he announced he’s a homosexual.  His latest video shows him cavorting erotically with Satan in various forms.  It’s too graphic to tell you about — but his fans love it.  And, you may have heard about his satanic shoes.  He recently placed an order for 666 pairs of Nike shoes, and then colored them with (quote) “60 ccs of ink and 1 drop of human blood.” The shoes are replete with satanic imagery, and are individually numbered from 1 to 666.  They were to sell for $1018 a pair; but the Nike corporation currently has a lawsuit filed against the rapper for unauthorized use of their product.

Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota stated online, “our kids are being told that this kind of product is ok, it’s ‘exclusive.’  But do you know what’s more exclusive?  Their God-given eternal soul.”  Well said, Governor.

Satan made great strides in deceiving the whole world in 2020 with the coronavirus lockdowns, mask mandates, orchestrated rioting and destruction, and now the deadly, dangerous vaccine mandates. So many blindly accepted “orders” from unelected officials and unlawful edicts from those that were allegedly elected. And others just scratched their heads when those charged with keeping the peace with law and order, were ORDERED by their bosses to “stand down” and allow their cities to burn. People are currently being conditioned to EXPECT a “universal basic income” in the form of “COVID RELIEF” checks, paving the way for the Great Financial Reset…and the “New World Order” ruled by Satan.

My concern is that so many are buying into the lies and deception of the enemy of our souls — not just our young people, but people of all ages.  Those who have the Holy Spirit of God within them can clearly see and understand all that’s coming upon the earth.  But so many are willfully blind, because as Jesus said in John 3, “…men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.” 

People are choosing sides now, and it’s not just our country that’s divided.  The kingdoms of heaven and hell are much more clearly defined now too.  Those who deny their Creator are sent a strong delusion, and so they believe the lies of the enemy and live accordingly.  Romans 1 tells us that God “gives them over” to reprobate minds.  When this happens, they are ripe for the picking by Satan and his demons.

So many professing Christians, sadly, do not understand the influence of the demonic realm in our natural world.  It’s almost as if they’re afraid to study it or talk about it, for fear of being considered silly.  But there’s nothing silly about it. Scripture is full of examples of Satan wreaking havoc — and his demonic spirits controlling people here on earth. It’s not silly. It’s deadly serious, and we need to know about it and understand it, because things are ramping up now — as Revelation 12 tells us, Satan knows his time is short, and so his wrath against God and mankind is getting stronger and more vile every day.

Suffice to say, millions ARE being deceived by Satan today. Millions HAVE BEEN given a strong delusion and they HAVE been given over to reprobate minds. Fallen angels — demonic spirits — ARE infecting the souls of people, young and old, on this earth. The results are worse than any virus could ever be, so this should concern you. If it doesn’t, I dare say you’re opening yourself up to strong delusion. I would strongly advise you take this seriously.

Those who have the Holy Spirit of God within them are soundly saved and can discern all these things because these things are spiritually discerned. Those apart from God think this is all nonsense. They look to “science,” their own intellects, government officials or their Hollywood heroes for answers — anywhere but to God. But mark the words from Revelation 12 again:  “…the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knows he has but a short time.”  The time is getting shorter every second.  The clock is ticking.

Because our Lord and Savior — the “Grace of God that brings salvation” — is soon returning. One of the devil’s greatest lies is that we have all the time in the world.  That there’s no urgency to repent and turn to God. I urge you to look around at how rapidly things are changing on this planet now. How wildly demonic so many things around us seem to be. They SEEM to be that way because they ARE. The devil’s time is short — but so is yours. Turn off the TV. Open your Bible. Seek the Lord God in fervent prayer. Draw close to Him and He will draw close to you, with peace that passes all understanding. Don’t wait.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 321.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Understanding Socialism, Communism and Marxism

By Rob Pue

There’s been a great deal of talk, recently, regarding the coming “Great Reset” and in conservative Christian circles, much talk about the “New World Order”and the coming “One World Government” that’s now moving ever closer to complete implementation under totalitarian rule.

This agenda has advanced quickly — more quickly than any of us would have ever imagined, under the “scam-demic” known as “COVID 19,” a well-orchestrated world-wide hysteria which was planned by Globalist elites in October of 2019 at a meeting called “Event 201.”Since I’ve discussed this at length many times previously, I won’t go into that here, but if you missed the information on Event 201, I urge you to research it for yourself. You can find a great deal of information on it on our website,, as well as countless other trusted alternative media sources.  There’s no doubt this was pre-planned as a means to an end.

The destruction of our country — and all of the free world Western Civilization — has been in the planning stages for decades.But only in the past year have these evil plans advanced so rapidly, and so frighteningly.Here in America, it was ridiculously easy for our US Constitution to be thrown out, and have everyone submitting to unlawful edicts from government and health officials, literally overnight. One need only look around and see the vast, vast majority of citizens here submitting to face coverings, even though there is little to no talk now of the “pandemic,” even in the complicit mainstream media. In my area, cases of COVID are WELL below 0.002% — yet many stores, restaurants and all hospitals still require people to wear masks in order to enter. Those who don’t are treated as lepers, as “unclean,” filthy, plague-carrying peasants, ignorant “science deniers” and rebels.Shunned from society.Not welcome.

Equally alarming is the vast number of people who have lined up to take the un-tested vaccines — often with dire consequences. Still, the rhetoric from the government and health officials — and the mainstream media and TV entertainment has continued. Here in Wisconsin, we’re told that if everyone takes the vaccines, we MAY be able to gather with others for the fourth of July, but our so-called “governor” still says, “…but no promises.” No promises, either, for the annual State Fair and other summertime festivals and events. And while our state legislature here overruled his statewide mask mandate, the next day he signed a new one — even though we have almost ZERO cases in Wisconsin now, even with the false-positive testing results they relied on so heavily to shut things down.

And just as alarming as all of this is the fact that Communism has been openly promoted as the platform of the New World Order to come.Imagine — Communism enthusiastically accepted, here in the United States of America. But there are a lot of labels and titles being thrown around… not just “Communism,” but also “Socialism,” “Democratic Socialism” (to take the “edge off a bit) and “Marxism.”  For those who still haven’t heard, the Black Lives Matter leaders have proudly admitted that they are trained Marxists.

Socialism, Democratic Socialism, Communism, Marxism… all antithetical to our American way of life — and all things our Founding Fathers warned against, and took steps in our US Constitution to make sure would never happen here. Unfortunately, few in our country have any clue what the Constitution is or says, or supposedly GUARANTEES our citizens, and so being ignorant of our rights, we are quickly losing them, as we go along with the agenda of the Left.

Let’s take a look at what each of these things actually is. First of all, the definition of “Socialism:” According to Webster’s dictionary, “Socialism” is “any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.” “A system of society or group living in which there is no private property.” “A system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the State.” And finally, “A stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between Capitalism and Communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done.”

Now, let’s look at “Communism.” From Encyclopedia Britannica: “…political and economic doctrine that aims to replace private property and a profit-based economy with public ownership and communal control of at least the major means of production…and the natural resources of a society. Communism is thus a form of Socialism — a higher and more advanced form, according to its advocates. Exactly how Communism differs from Socialism has long been a matter of debate, but the distinction rests largely on the Communists’ adherence to the revolutionary Socialism of Karl Marx.”

Ok, so now let’s look at “Marxism.” This may be a bit more difficult to understand. Back to Webster’s:  “the political, economic and social principles and policies advocated by Marx.Especially a theory and practice of Socialism including the labor theory of value, dialectical materialism, the class struggle and dictatorship of the proletariat until the establishment of a classless society.” “Dialectical materialism’ is defined as: “the Marxist theory that maintains the material basis of a reality constantly changing in a dialectical process and the priority of matter over mind.” So in other words, no moral absolutes, no critical thinking, just submission to the almighty State. We should all be equally concerned with the idea of “DICTATORSHIP of the Proletariat.”

The “Proletariat,” means the “working class.”So in theory, the workers would be the dictators of society. How has that worked out, even here in America under Capitalism? Workers are NEVER in charge. We all work for SOMEONE, unless we’re the owner of the company. Under Capitalism, one can start at the bottom and work their way up, with incentives to work harder, learn more, be a more valuable employee to the company and continually improve their position and standard of living. There are INCENTIVES to be productive members of society. But even starting at the bottom, they’re not slaves. They’re simply unskilled workers. No one is meant to remain an unskilled worker, nor should an unskilled worker earn the same amount as one who has worked hard for years to provide and care for their family, own their own home, and live a good life.

But under Marxism, Communism and Socialism, the STATE owns all the companies.So the idea of the “Proletariat” is a fallacy…  when EVERYTHING is owned by the State, there’s no incentive to improve one’s lot in life — life becomes one of slavery and obedience to the State. Nobody is ever rewarded for working harder and doing more — but everyone is punished if the Dictator — the State — is displeased.

So none of what’s currently being planned is good, folks, despite what your high school or college kids might tell you they’ve learned in school. We’re talking about the elimination of private property, government control of EVERYTHING, and submission and obedience to a Dictator.

The Leftists “sell” all this to us using words like “income equality,” a “universal basic income,” and of course, they dangle lots of “free stuff” in front of our noses as an enticement. Case in point: the recent “stimulus” checks that so many have received, ostensibly to offset the financial losses we’ve incurred due to the “scam-demic.” But it’s interesting that in the most recent “stimulus,” IF the amount of money allocated to this plan were to be equally divided among all Americans, we’d each get paid more than $41,000. Instead, SOME of us MAY get a check for $1400. Seems like “fuzzy math!”

These payments, which are becoming more and more frequent now, are simply one more step in the plan to get us all used to dependence on the government as our source of security, and of course, to comply with the coming New World Order and the Great Reset. If you think this is nonsense, do your own research. In multiple countries around the world — including Canada — it’s been OPENLY STATED in parliament that this is GOING to happen whether people want it or not:  the elimination of all private property, a “universal basic income,” and re-education camps for those who don’t comply.

Here in the US, we have the Democratic Socialists of America. Their website boasts that they have over 92,000 members and chapters in all fifty states. Here in Wisconsin we have no less than seven chapters throughout the state. Under the heading, “What We Do,” their website states: “We are a political and activist organization, not a party; through campus and community-based chapters, DSA members use a variety of tactics, from legislative to direct action to fight for reforms that empower working people.”

Did you catch that? They work through “campus and community-based chapters.” It’s extremely likely that so-called “Democratic Socialism” is being taught to your children and grandchildren — as early as kindergarten in the public schools — and then the ideology is solidified in college.

The Democratic Socialists of America have multiple goals, but they include free healthcare for all. The problem with this is that healthcare is not a right — it’s a SERVICE, provided to those who need it by doctors who have worked hard to be able to provide it. Those doctors, who’ve spent years in medical school, should be compensated for the hard work and dedication they put in to earning their degrees. They should NOT be paid the same as a 16-year-old kid flipping burgers at McDonald’s, who’s at the entry-level of his future career. If this is the case, there’s no incentive to dream and achieve more, to better one’s self or their position in life. I agree there’s a problem with the medical system in our country, but the answer lies in the insurance and pharmaceutical industries — not in Communism.

They also advocate for the “Green New Deal,” which is the most absurd plan to destroy the economy I’ve ever seen proposed. When first introduced, it was ridiculed.But now, with the illegitimate occupants in our White House (still surrounded by high fences, topped with razor wire, by the way), it’s being seriously promoted and planned for. The DSA also calls Congresswoman Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez their “foremost superstar.” This is what we’re dealing with. This is what our children have been taught in public schools — and now many of them are joining Marxist groups like BLM and ANTIFA, with absolutely NO knowledge or understanding of REAL history, science or economics. Having been thoroughly brainwashed, they’re now eager to tear down our historical monuments, re-write our history and “join the revolution” to destroy America… and then, of course, to “build back better.”

But mark my words, folks. It’s NOT going to be better. I’d encourage you to research the “45 Communist Goals For America” published in the Congressional Record in 1963, and see how far along we’ve come. We are at the edge of the cliff, friends. We’re at the turning point, where there’s no turning back. If those of us who are awake and aware do not stop this wicked agenda in it’s tracks, there’s no doubt that we, ourselves will become slaves to the Dictators of the Great Reset… and our children and grandchildren will find the “utopia” they were promised was all a wretched lie. But then, it’ll be too late — even as they finally realize how they’ve been “duped,” manipulated and used as pawns to bring about the downfall of their own country and their own enslavement.

By the way, the DSA is not just working through government, news media, entertainment media, and public schools… it’s also working through CHURCHES.I encourage you to research the “Clergy Response Team” as well as the DSA’s propaganda machine called “Religious Socialism.” The Democratic Socialists of America are working closely with churches to ELIMINATE the Gospel of Jesus Christ and replace it with a One World Religion — one that advocates for Communism just as eagerly as every other institution they’ve infiltrated.

And for those who will argue that the early Church was based on a Socialist concept, let me remind you that the selling of property and giving to those in need was based on self-sacrifice and compassion. It was not FORCED by any dictator. And WORK was an essential part of life, as it always has been. Paul told the Thessalonians, “If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.” He also wrote to Timothy, “If anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” There was no reliance on the Church or the State to make sure everyone got their “benefits.” It was up to the individual. There was no REQUIREMENT to give up one’s property — but many did, in order to help others — of their own freewill. That’s freedom. That’s where the blessings of giving and charity come from. It’s never forced. It comes from a heart of humility, compassion and service… something you will NEVER find in Communism.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email: for message number 320.

The ‘White Hats’ Are in Exile

by Rob Pue

It’s now been just over a year since the open conspiracy was set in place — a conspiracy against all personal and individual freedoms in America and worldwide, setting the stage for a New World Order, a One World Government that will fully enslave the planet.  Of course, the conspiracy against God Almighty, Jesus Christ and His followers has been going on forever; only in the last decade or so have we seen it become so bold here in America, with conservative Christians being actively hunted down and openly persecuted, and immorality being legislated — by Congress as well as our unjust “justice” system.

I’ve shared Psalm 2 with you many times before.  But so many STILL don’t seem to “get it,” as even professing Christians refuse to believe there is anything nefarious going on in the world, or any conspiracy taking place.  They’re content to just continue “playing church” turning a blind eye to everything “anti-christ” that continues to creep in like unseen black mold “slimming” out of a dark, wet basement.   In truth, there’s been a conspiracy going on against all things good and Godly for all of history, and Psalm 2 explains it quite well, and it’s especially relevant in what we see happening all around us right now.  So let me share it with you again:  Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing?  The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD and His anointed, saying, ‘let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us.’”  Sounds like a conspiracy to me.  The kings of the earth setting themselves and the rulers taking counsel together, against the LORD and His anointed… can you say “United Nations?”  Can you say “World Health Organization?”  How about “Green New Deal?”  “Build Back Better?”  Lovely sounding names, disguising the agenda of the fallen serpent and deceiving the willfully ignorant Godless, compliant masses.

The heathen have been raging, constantly calling for another new “revolution” — one that will bring about a world without God, a world of perceived “freedom” where licentiousness and the foolish so-called “wisdom” of man will freely celebrate all manner of wickedness, without any guilt.  But the wicked will always be guilty.  They can pass as much “pretend legislation” as they like.  They can deny God and His natural laws all they like.  But that will never change the price of beans…  You can call evil “good” and good “evil” all you like — you can deny truth, facts and absolute proof if you like.  But you’d be wrong.  And there’s a price to pay for that.  Psalm 2 tells us the Lord will have such people “in derision.”  He will “vex them in His sore displeasure.”  He will “break them with a rod of iron.”  They’ll be “dashed in pieces like a potter’s vessel.”

It’s disheartening that today, so many professing Christians still refuse to believe God’s Word and His commands.  Probably because the most they’ve ever studied of it has been a Bible verse or two, flashed up on the big screen in church, taken out of context as the hip new pastor twists and pontificates the Word of God, until it seems perfectly reasonable to the ignorant listeners that the Scripture REALLY means the exact opposite of what it clearly says.  Reminiscent of the serpent in Genesis who asked, “Did God REALLY say…?”   The false prophets and those who preach a “different Gospel” should be ashamed of themselves for casting doubt — and even re-writing what God wrote.  But many times they’re only teaching what they, themselves, have been taught by liberal seminary professors.  And the people remain ignorant, never encouraged to study and learn the precious Word for themselves, even though it’s so readily available.  Truly, all are without excuse.  Willful ignorance will be their downfall as the people perish for lack of knowledge.

So in October of 2019, the kings of the earth and the rulers — the so-called “Power Elite;”   the Globalists — took counsel together and planned for what hit us just over a year ago — an ORCHESTRATED worldwide panic; a shutdown of the world economy; a massive increase in personal and national debt; unjust edicts handed down by governors and judges, forcing people to cover their faces in abject submission to the Almighty State, under the guise of keeping one another safe — from a virus less harmful than the seasonal flu.  This, of course, has led to extremely dangerous vaccines, not properly tested, (and I believe purposely manufactured for EVIL) and mandated in many places, even though they’ve been shown to cause serious injuries and even many deaths.  Other countries have halted vaccinations because of this.  But America — the devil’s greatest prize — continues on, full speed ahead.

Plans are already well underway for the vaccines to be mandatory, and proof of vaccination necessary for one to travel, hold a job or shop in a store.  Those who refuse will be outcasts and the Power Elite are, right now, savoring the idea of making it mandatory for anyone who dares to resist their ultimate authority and tyranny to be treated like the Jews in Nazi Germany.  They can’t wait for that day.

They’ve already succeeded in dividing the populace here in our country very well — into “maskers” and “anti-maskers”; “pro-vaxxers” and “anti-vaxxers”… the other day I was standing in a very long line at the post office, the ONLY one not wearing a mask.  Let’s be clear:  I don’t wear the mask because I don’t care about other people.  I don’t wear the mask because it’s stupid.  Study after study shows masks don’t work.  AT ALL.  In fact, they’re physically harmful.  Not to mention the fact that their MAIN purpose is to instill a mindset of submission and compliance among the people, so they will obey WHATEVER they’re told to do… and we’re seeing this play out now.  I refuse to have any part in this wicked plan and I believe we should ALL take off our masks.  They make us look brainwashed.

And amid the lockdowns, the cancellations of all summertime activities, festivals, fairs and public gatherings, the heathen raged as the country burned — once again, fueled by the ORCHESTRATED hatred under the guise of “racism.”  But anyone with eyes to see can easily recognize the riots were well planned and carried out by Leftist groups, allowed to run wild.  Even mayors and chiefs of police would not protect and defend their cities.  Even governors would not protect and defend their states.  Because they WANTED to see carnage.  That’s how the Left operates:  DELIBERATELY CREATE a crisis, exploit that crisis to the greatest degree possible, and then provide the so-called “solution.”  In our case, the “solution,” apparently, was to tear down monuments and statues and re-write our history so that America becomes the world’s greatest evil in the minds of our young people — who were ALSO, by the way, manipulated, brainwashed and exploited for the benefit of the Leftist/Communist agenda.  And this continues today.

The “kings” and the “rulers” were so successful so quickly in 2020 that they were emboldened to take on their greatest challenge yet: to OPENLY steal an American election in broad daylight, (AND under cover of darkness, but not even concerned that their fraud was being captured on video in living color).  And because we live in a country with wicked, evil judges and courts, all the way to the highest court in the land, they got away with it.  Though millions could clearly see the absolute proof of the stolen 2020 election, the wicked got away with it, because there is no longer any place to voice our “redress of grievances.”

Today, our nation’s capitol is surrounded by an impenetrable fence, topped with razor wire and guarded by thousands of military troops.  Meanwhile, the illegitimate man in the White House has opened the floodgates on our southern border, allowing thousands of illegal aliens to enter our country every day.  These illegals come from all countries around the world.  It’s not an exaggeration to say we are being invaded.  And American taxpayers are footing the bill, as the invaders are given food, shelter, clothing and CASH — while they infiltrate every city and small town across this country.  I have to wonder: what was the point of us all being forced to cover our faces, wearing masks for over a year, if now we’re just letting every illegal alien from every third-world country who wants to, to move in, do as they please, no masks, no health checks, no requirements for anything?

Well, the point is obvious.  The Leftists are intent on bringing America to it’s knees.  They want to get us so brainwashed that we will DEMAND “income equality” and their “Great Reset” — to keep us all safe from a mostly harmless microbe; to end “racial inequality”  and strife; to provide a “universal basic income,” and to “rescue the planet” because us filthy peasants have caused the earth’s climate to change.  Friends, the devil is the father of lies and he’s having a field day with people today.  Because, I’m sorry to say, but people today are so STUPID.  Absolutely clueless.

Do you really want this “Build Back Better” plan?  You really want communism, even though it’s NEVER done anything but cause death and destruction everywhere it’s been tried?  Let’s look at Venezuela as just one recent example.  In 1992, Venezuela was the 3rd wealthiest country in the hemisphere.  But the communists — the enemies within — were working to fundamentally change that country.  Just nine years later, they voted for a socialist president, who promised to provide “income equality.”  Three years after that, private healthcare was socialized.  Three years after that, in 2007, all higher education became “free.”  Two years later, the government banned private ownership of guns.  In 2014, Opposition leaders were imprisoned.  Within two more years, with the communists now in full control, food and healthcare shortages were widespread and the people were desperate.  Then their nation’s Constitution and all elections were suspended.  And in 2019, unarmed citizens were massacred by their own government.  This situation continues today.

“Oh, but that would NEVER happen here in America!” you say.  Really?  We’re already there, folks.  Last year proved us to be nothing but a “banana republic.”  Conservative Christians and patriots are being imprisoned and even gunned down by the FBI and our CIA while being labeled as “Domestic Terrorists.”  The brainwashed masses are demanding that everyone follow all the other lemmings off the cliff, with mandatory masking, mandatory vaccines, a “vaccination passport,” allowing those who comply to have SOME of their freedoms back… but still forced to live under a totalitarian regime.

Then there’s the economy.  Their ‘Great Reset’ necessitates the elimination of all private property ownership, in exchange for a “universal basic income.”  How’s THAT going to go for us?  One need only look at the recent COVID relief plan to get an idea: if the funds our “kings” and “rulers” have dedicated to provide financial relief for our citizens actually WENT to the citizens, each person would receive more than $41,000.  Forty-One THOUSAND dollars per person.  Instead, we MAY receive $1400.  Where does the rest go?  It goes into the pockets of the kings and rulers, of course.  As well as payoffs to special interests, payoffs to foreign countries, often ENEMY foreign countries…and the enemies within.

Is it any wonder the capitol is surrounded by a high wall topped with razor wire?  When patriots TRIED to show up and voice their outrage at an obviously fraudulent election they were basically ambushed.  That was January 6th.  I had a bad feeling about that event before it happened, and unfortunately, my instincts were correct.  Video footage from citizen reporters showed DC and capitol police ESCORTING ANTIFA rioters into the staging area.  These anarchists are the ones who caused the problems, but the patriots were the ones the kings and rulers and the media blamed.  So now we accept razor wire fences around the Peoples’ House, and we sheepishly acquiesce to every unjust edict from the imposter in the Oval Office and those who continue to control his puppet strings.

Proverbs 29:2 reminds us, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice, but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.”   Indeed.

Friends, please be vigilant.  Learn the truth about what’s really taking place in the dark alleys of the shadow government and the Deep State.  Understand the agenda of the Globalist New World Order Elites.  They do NOT have anyone’s best interests in mind, except their own.  DO NOT trust the media.  We must even be careful of the alternative media — many are STILL saying that Donald Trump and our military are REALLY in control, not the Leftists.  They’re still holding out hope for justice and unfortunately, it’s not true.  There IS no grand plan for the “White Hats” to ride in and rescue us.  The “White Hats” are in exile.

There will BE no justice for the wicked until the Lord Himself returns, on a white HORSE, in fury and wrath to justly judge the wicked, cowardly and unbelieving.  Until He returns, we must occupy, we must educate, and we must preach the WHOLE counsel of God.  In order to DO that, it means, WE, ourselves, must invest ourselves into intense STUDY of the whole counsel of God.  So let us not be ignorant.  We’re all without excuse if we’re taken by the enemy unawares.  Know WHY you believe what you believe, and stand firmly on the solid rock of your faith in Jesus Christ and the TRUTH.  Make Him your LORD, because if He’s not your Lord, He will not be your Savior either.

And if there’s any truth left in this world, then let the world see that truth IN US.  It will not be easy and it won’t be pleasant.  I hope you’re ready.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Battle Scars

by Rob Pue

As we endure life in this world, walking by faith and not by sight, walking in the Spirit of God and not in the flesh, seeking to serve the Lord and His Kingdom, doing that which He has commanded us — and entrusted us to do — it can get very lonely sometimes.

I think of the apostle Paul, whose letters — which he wrote from prison — are filled with sound doctrine and teaching; but also his deepest personal feelings, as he endured great loneliness, being separated from his friends and fellow believers in Christ.

Look at Second Timothy 1.  He clearly missed his young friend, as he wrote: “I thank God whom I serve, as did my ancestors, with a clear conscience, as I remember you constantly in my prayers night and day.  As I remember your tears, I long to see you, that I may be filled with joy.  I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well.  For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands, for God gave us a spirit not of fear, but of power and love and self-control.

“Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me His prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God, who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of His own purpose and grace, which He gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began, — and which now has been manifested through the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel, for which I was appointed a preacher and apostle and teacher, which is why I suffer as I do.

“But I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed, and I am convinced that He is able to guard until that day what has been entrusted to me.  Follow the pattern of the sound words that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.   By the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, guard the good deposit entrusted to you.”

And then Paul added, “You are aware that all who are in Asia abandoned me.”  Yes, Paul was there, writing to Timothy from prison.  He was jailed for preaching the Gospel of our Savior, and he was alone.  No one stood with him.  All had abandoned him.

Then in Chapter 4, we have this:  “Do your best to come to me soon.  For Demas, in love with this present world, has deserted me and gone to Thessalonica. Crescens has gone to Galatia, Titus to Dalmatia.  Luke alone is with me. Get Mark and bring him with you, for he is very useful to me for ministry…. When you come, bring the cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas, also the books, and above all the parchments.  Alexander the coppersmith did me great harm; the Lord will repay him according to his deeds.  Beware of him yourself, for he strongly opposed our message.  At my first defense, no one came to stand by me, but all deserted me. May it not be charged against them!   But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it.”

In Second Corinthians, Paul describes what Christian ministry is REALLY like.  Starting at verse 24:  “Five times I received, at the hands of the Jews, the forty lashes less one.  Three times I was beaten with rods. Once I was stoned. Three times I was shipwrecked; a night and a day I was adrift at sea;  on frequent journeys, in danger from rivers, danger from robbers, danger from my own people, danger from Gentiles, danger in the city, danger in the wilderness, danger at sea, danger from false brothers; in toil and hardship, through many a sleepless night, in hunger and thirst, often without food, in cold and exposure.  And, apart from other things, there is the daily pressure on me of my anxiety for all the churches.”

There are many today, who will tell you the Christian life is all joy and happiness.  “Just walk the aisle,” they say, “repeat the ‘sinners’ prayer,’ and MEAN IT,” they’ll tell you…  And “Jesus has a wonderful plan for your life!”  “Just ask Jesus into your heart and you will go from misery to ‘your best life NOW!”  But friends, this isn’t true.  This is a false Gospel…  The fact of the matter is, the Christian life is NOT an easy one.  It’s NOT all happiness and joy.  If you are TRULY living out your faith and serving Christ, you will find yourself in frequent persecution, you’ll be mocked and ridiculed.  You’ll lose your friends.  You may even find yourself being sued in court; you may lose your business, your home, your freedom, and yes, in some cases, even your family.

Jesus Himself said in Matthew 10, “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have NOT come to bring peace, but a sword.  For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.  And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household.”

You absolutely will NOT fit in with the modern culture if you are following Christ today.  It is at that point you have a choice:  keep your mouth shut and practice your “religion” in secret, in which case you will NOT endure any persecution and you can just “get along” with everyone — or you can be a faithful servant, obey the commands of Jesus and season this world with salt — being a beacon of light in a dark and dying culture.  Yes, you HAVE that choice.  So what will you choose?

Those who choose the latter often find themselves very lonely and very misunderstood.  Because they walk by the Spirit and not by the flesh, the world cannot understand them.  Spiritual things are spiritually discerned; and those without the Holy Spirit CANNOT understand.  It’s not that they don’t want to… they just don’t have the Holy Spirit inside them, and therefore they CAN’T understand you.

“Religious” people will not understand you either.  Many times you’ll even be viewed as a “troublemaker” or a “crazy zealot” by those in your own church, if you dare step outside the box and actually DO the work Christ called you to.  You WILL endure hardship and you WILL experience persecution if you’re openly and faithfully and unashamedly living the Christian life.  Those who preach “health, wealth, prosperity, happiness, roses and rainbows” are lying to you.  You should ask yourself what their motivation is… and oftentimes, you’ll find it’s very simple: it’s so that THEY can be well liked and popular among the people… and well PAID.

How lonely it must have been for Jesus Himself — MANY times — as even His own disciples had a hard time understanding some of His teachings.  Yet He patiently taught them and explained to them the parables the world could not understand.  And though they walked closely with Him for 3 1/2 years during His earthly ministry, on the night of His arrest, they all abandoned Him, when He needed His friends the most.

Look at Luke 22.  Here, Jesus was on the Mount of Olives, following the Last Supper.  He went there to pray with His disciples.  But His disciples couldn’t stay awake and watch with Him even one hour.  How lonely our Savior must have been as He prayed, “‘Father, if You are willing, take this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done.’  An angel from heaven appeared to Him and strengthened Him.  And being in anguish, He prayed more earnestly, and His sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.”

Not exactly “health, wealth, prosperity, happiness, roses and rainbows”… is it?  That was NEVER Jesus’ message.  That’s a false Gospel, that creates false converts, who quickly fall away.  As it has been said, “everyone wants to follow Jesus — until they find out where He is going.”  Now, I am NOT saying that the Christian life is miserable.  As a matter of fact, I don’t know how ANYONE can make it through this life without Christ.  There IS a peace.  Though the world around you continues to spin out of control into chaos and evil, as a true believer in Jesus, you DO have peace in your heart.

As Paul wrote to the Philippians, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;  and the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”  Friends, we would NOT NEED “peace that passes all understanding” if the Christian life were EASY.  But BECAUSE we know Christ as our Savior, BECAUSE we have His Holy Spirit within us, we can have a peace of mind and heart that the world just cannot ever comprehend.  But it’s still, often, very lonely.

In the ministry work I do,  I get a great many phone calls, emails and letters from those who are seeking answers, and often seeking my counsel.  Some have grown children who have become wayward and left their faith behind.  Some have unbelieving spouses who are carnal and worldly, rather than spiritual.  Some deal with ridicule from co-workers.  Most all of them have very shallow “friendships,” with only a few at the churches they attend.  They often have NO ONE they can fellowship with, or commune with or talk to about the deep and rich things of God.  They feel so ALONE.

All of us, who carry the name of Christ and live out our faith — FOR REAL — have endured great emotional and physical hardships.  It often seems we’ve been in one battle after another, and we have the battle scars to prove it.  And it is when we are alone in the battle that things are most difficult and heart-wrenching;  when all have abandoned us, when even those we thought were our friends turn away.  This is also the time when the enemy likes to come and attack; and unless we remain in prayer and communion with GOD, we can easily become discouraged and depressed.

This is why we are exhorted — in the book of Hebrews — “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.  And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.” 

How sweet it is to have REAL, GOOD fellowship with like-minded believers.  Not shallow small talk, fake smiles and handshakes during “greet your neighbor time” at your Sunday service… but deep, meaningful fellowship and friendships with the saints of God.  How wonderful to have a support system like that.  It is so refreshing to our souls when we have friends we can be open, honest and transparent with as we share our Christian walk together.  We can “compare notes,” and we can relate to one another as we let our “Battle Scars” show.

When I quoted from Hebrews about not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, I’m not just talking about GOING to church.  I’m talking about BEING the church — all in one accord — with fellow saints you KNOW are true believers and true friends that stick closer than a brother.

Some of the greatest times in my own spiritual walk have been with friends like this.  Recently, one evening, following a busy day at a Christian conference, I sat with a friend, one on one, and we just talked together.  We shared with one another our experiences in ministry, as well as the heavy burdens we both carry.  Though our ministries — and our battles — are different, and though some of our battle scars run deeper than others, they are all part of the same spiritual warfare we’re both involved in.

And then, after we talked a long time, we PRAYED a long time, with each other and FOR each other.  I’ve never felt such peace in my heart as I do at times like this.  As disciples of Jesus living in the times we are living in, I UNDERSTAND what the writer of Hebrews meant when he said, — “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together”how it is even MORE important as we see the Day of the Lord approaching.

The spiritual warfare continues to wage all around us.  Those of us who are engaged in this warfare NEED one another.  We need real, deep, intimate friendships; fellow believers we know we can TRUST in any and every circumstance.  We need to KNOW they “have our backs” in our times of need.  We need such friends we can talk to and pray with on a deep, intimate level — and not have to worry about gossip being spread.  We need MORE than shallow, vain, repetitious corporate prayer time.  We need more than “small talk” — we need REAL brothers and sisters in Christ.

It’s like a little glimpse of heaven during these intimate times with our fellow believers.  As Jesus said in Matthew 18, “For where two or three are gathered in My name, there am I among them.”  If you don’t have this in your life, I encourage you to seek it out.  Pray that the Lord open those doors for you and then, even though you may have deep wounds and battle scars, let yourself be vulnerable enough to let them show, and let others know your needs.  Fellowship together, PRAY together…  build an intimate, close bond of friendship.  Because it’s HARD living a faithful and obedient Christian life.  And it’s even harder doing it all alone, with none who understand.  So stand firm to the end, fellow believers… and if you need or want to talk with ME, I’d be honored to be your friend.  God bless you.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at (715) 486-8066 or email  Ask for message number 253.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Noticeably Different

by Rob Pue

Teachers of Bible prophecy have several interpretations of Revelation 18 regarding Babylon the Great.  The original Babylon, of course, dates back to the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11.  The prophet Daniel also knew well of Babylon — once the largest, most prosperous city in the world —  as he prophesied the death of Belshazzar and the destruction of the city, when Belshazzar desecrated the treasures captured from the temple in Jerusalem by throwing a huge party and having his guests drink from the temple vessels.  The city of Babylon was captured and destroyed in 539 BC;  and the ruins of the city can still be seen today, 53 miles south of Baghdad, Iraq.

Some believe the prophetic words in Revelation regarding Babylon refer to the apostate false church of the end times, and some believe it represents our country, America, and what it’s become in these last days.

Regardless of your theology on Babylon, the words from Revelation 18 do bear a striking resemblance to our country today.  You know, those who fail to learn from history are destined to repeat it.  History DOES repeat itself.  There’s nothing new under the sun…  the wickedness and evil and worship of false gods that took place in the ancient city of Babylon continue.  If mankind would simply read, believe and LEARN from God’s Word; if the hearts of men would turn toward the one true God of heaven, perhaps we would avoid the righteous judgment of God.  Instead of being cursed, we could be blessed, as our nation once was.  But Revelation mentions Babylon in detail — a Babylon of the FUTURE — not the city in Iraq that now lies in ruins, …and it sounds an awful lot like our own country.

Let’s read together, from Revelation 18:  “…I saw another angel coming down from heaven. He had great authority, and the earth was illuminated by his splendor.  With a mighty voice he shouted: ‘Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!’  She has become a dwelling for demons and a haunt for every impure spirit, a haunt for every unclean bird, a haunt for every unclean and detestable animal.

“For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries.  The kings of the earth committed adultery with her, and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries.

“Then I heard another voice from heaven say: ‘Come out of her, my people,’ so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues; for her sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her crimes.  Give back to her as she has given; pay her backdouble for what she has done.  Pour her a double portion from her own cup.  Give her as much torment and grief as the glory and luxury she gave herself.

“In her heart she boasts, ‘I sit enthroned as queen.  I am not a widow;  I will never mourn.’  Therefore in one day her plagues will overtake her: death, mourning and famine.  She will be consumed by fire, for mighty is the Lord God who judges her.

“When the kings of the earth who committed adultery with her and shared her luxury see the smoke of her burning, they will weep and mourn over her.  Terrified at her torment, they will stand far off and cry: ‘Woe! Woe to you, great city, you mighty city of Babylon!  In one hour your doom has come!’

“The merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her because no one buys their cargoes anymore — cargoes of gold, silver, precious stones and pearls; fine linen, purple, silk and scarlet cloth; every sort of citron wood, and articles of every kind made of ivory, costly wood, bronze, iron and marble; cargoes of cinnamon and spice, of incense, myrrh and frankincense, of wine and olive oil, of fine flour and wheat; cattle and sheep; horses and carriages; and human beings sold as slaves.

“They will say, ‘The fruit you longed for is gone from you.  All your luxury and splendor have vanished, never to be recovered.’  The merchants who sold these things and gained their wealth from her will stand far off, terrified at her torment. They will weep and mourn and cry out: ‘Woe! Woe to you, great city, dressed in fine linen, purple and scarlet, and glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls!  In one hour such great wealth has been brought to ruin!’”

As I look around today, I don’t hold out a lot of hope that we’re going to be able to “make America great again” — unless we repent, individually and as a nation.  And that seems very unlikely to happen.  Indeed, as times goes on, we just become more and more prideful in our sin.  We export adultery, pornography and all manner of sexual perversion to the nations of the world.  We revel in excessive luxuries and the nations of the world have become drunk with the riches of our debauchery.

We believe we’re invincible, that we’ll never mourn.  But Scripture says of “Babylon,” that in ONE day, plagues will overtake her.  Death, mourning and famine.  Babylon of Revelation will be consumed with fire… and the kings of the earth who committed adultery with her and shared her luxury will weep and mourn as the smoke of devastation rises from that once-Great City.

Yes, the “Kings of the earth.”  Interesting this phrase is used. Let me remind you of the words of Psalm 2:  “Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing?  The KINGS OF THE EARTH set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD and His anointed, saying ‘let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us.’”

It’s unfortunate that there are so many professing Christians out there who mock and ridicule the idea of so-called “conspiracy theories.”  Clearly, as we read in Psalm 2, the kings of the earth DO take counsel together.  They DO conspire.  They’ve been doing it forever and they’re doing it NOW.  And WHO do they conspire against?  The LORD and His people — denying God, trying to be gods themselves.  Believing they’re invincible, that the utopian New World Order is at hand.  Yes, they’re conspiring RIGHT NOW, against the Lord and His anointed, His people.  His true Church — real Christ-followers.

They want nothing to do with God.  They’re still mocking Him, still spitting in His face.  Still shaking their fists at heaven, refusing to submit to and revere their Creator.  One of our political parties actually pompously removed God from their party platform.  What’s more, as we have seen very clearly over the past year, the heathen ARE raging — RIGHT NOW —  and people are imagining vain things — every possible sort of insanity is now accepted and celebrated in our land.  Vain things.

Recently, Representative Gregory Steube of Florida warned Congress of the consequences of rejecting God’s natural design when discussing the so-called “Equality Act,” and the endorsement and celebration of the LGBTQP+ militant agenda and “transgenderism.”  On February 25, in a 224-206 vote, the US House of Representatives passed the “Equality Act.”  Steube argued, “the gender confusion that exists in our culture today is a clear rejection of God’s good design.”  He went on to say, “Whenever a nation’s laws no longer reflect the standards of God, that nation is in rebellion against Him and will inevitably bear the consequences.”  Representative Jerry Nadler of New York cut him off, stating arrogantly that “God’s will is of no concern of this Congress!”

Obviously.  God was kicked out of our government long ago.  He was also kicked out of our schools and colleges, and every major institution… including, very sadly, now a majority of our churches.  Yes, a majority.  Professing “Christians,” taking the Lord’s name in vain by calling themselves that, while accepting and celebrating the “diversity” of sexual perversion, the murder of our unborn babies, the false god of Islam, socialism, communism and so much more.    God Almighty, His people and His Word no longer “factor in” to any decisions most people make.  We think we’re our own gods.  We want to “break their bands asunder and cast their cords away from us.”  

Back to Revelation 18, the voice from heaven shouted, “Come OUT of her, My people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues, for her sins are piled up to heaven and God has remembered her crimes.”  Yes, my friends, America has become Godless and our sins are piled up to heaven.  How much longer will He tarry before destruction comes upon us suddenly?  Scripture tells us that in ONE DAY there will be death, mourning, famine and a consuming fire.  And those conspiring “kings of the earth” WILL, indeed, mourn.  EVERY knee will bow and EVERY tongue will confess — including Jerry Nadler and every other wicked evil so-called “public servant” that has profaned the Word of the Living God and taught others to do so in wild abandon as well.

Friends, I can’t emphasize strongly enough the urgent NEED for true Christ-followers to COME OUT from among the sinful culture we’ve become so accustomed to and so comfortable with.  Second Corinthians 6:  “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?  And what communion hath light with darkness?  And what concord hath Christ with Belial?  Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?

“And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols?  For ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, ‘I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.’

“Wherefore ‘come out from among them, and be ye separate,’ saith the Lord, and ‘touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.  And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be My sons and daughters,’ saith the Lord Almighty.”

If you claim to be a Christian, what are you doing watching “questionable” “entertainment” on television?  What are you doing supporting things like Netflix, Facebook, Amazon, professional sports, carnal music… not to mention the filth they’re feeding your children as they brainwash them in public schools, teaching them rebellion and hatred of God?  And what are you doing perpetuating lies and propagating fear by submitting to the wickedness of mask-wearing, or kowtowing to evil government dictates, or standing in line to get poison injected into your body in the form of a so-called “vaccine” that’s proven to simply be one more step toward submission to the evil one?

We need to come out from among the carnal culture of this world and be separate.  We ought to look, behave and BE different from those who have no time for God, no interest in God, those who worship false gods, or themselves as god.  “In the world, but not OF it,” as they say.  After the Last Supper and just prior to going into the Garden, just prior to His betrayal and arrest, Jesus prayed for His disciples.  And part of His prayer was, “I have given them Your Word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.  I do not ask that You take them out of the world, but that You keep them from the evil one.  They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.  Sanctify them in the truth; Your Word is truth.”  During this prayer, Jesus specifically said He was not praying for the world, but only for those who were truly His Father’s children.

Amid the evil and the lies and deception that’s rampant in our world today, as tiresome as it gets, and as weary as we become, we are to remain in this world until our Father calls us home, and during this time, we’re to be separate — NOTICEABLY DIFFERENT from those who are not filled with the Holy Spirit of God.   If you don’t look any different, most likely you aren’t.  And just as Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil, that’s our calling too.  We’re to OCCUPY until He comes.   Stop supporting wickedness and lies and evil; even if it means doing the “little” things like canceling your cable TV!   For goodness’ sake, we’re to be sanctified, set apart.  NOTICEABLY DIFFERENT.

I do believe, whether America is destined to suffer the horrors of the Babylon of Revelation 18 or not, this nation WILL be justly judged and WILL be destroyed, for our sins have definitely piled up to heaven now.  And the world will be amazed that such a nation could perish so quickly, yes, even in a day.  I share these things with you today not to frighten you, because true Christians have NOT been given a spirit of fear, but the Holy Spirit, with power, love and a sound mind.  But if you find yourself scared by what I’ve said here, then you SHOULD be.

It’s time to get serious.  Draw close to God.  Choose this day Who you will serve, even in the midst of great evil, even though the world will hate you.  Only a fool would continue to ignore the warning signs all around us.  Only a fool would continue to mock and ridicule.  Think about what I’ve said.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

The Coming ‘Great Reset’

By Rob Pue

Well its been just over a month now, and Joe Biden has been very busy writing his name.  Maybe in a few weeks he’ll be ready to move on to learning shapes and colors.  So far, he’s signed more than forty Executive Orders — more (by FAR) than any president in history.  But that was just his first two weeks.  It seems he’s gotten quite adept at signing his name, circumventing Congress by issuing presidential edicts.

On his first day, he signed an order establishing the position of a “COVID 19 Response Coordinator.”  He signed an order for the US to rejoin the World Health Organization, which we now know has been complicit in using their own invented virus to lock down the entire world.  Then there was the order providing federal agencies more flexibility in implementing federal requirements to combat COVID 19.

He also signed an order to rejoin the US to the Paris Climate Agreement.  This will most certainly stifle US industries and put more federal restrictions on all citizens, under the guise of working to stop “climate change.”  He also stopped oil and gas drilling in the US and halted the Keystone Pipeline project, putting thousands out of work with a stroke of his pen.

Also on his first day, he reinstated federal funding for so-called “sanctuary cities” for illegal immigrants.  Foreign nationals from seven Islamic terrorist nations may now, once again, enter the country freely; no questions asked.  By the way, he also brought the construction of our southern border wall to a screeching halt.  On his FIRST day.

Biden also signed an Executive Order to ensure preferential treatment for those who identify as LGBTQP+ within the federal government and our military.  He’s also mandated that all federal agencies redefine “sex” to include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.”  This order doesn’t just affect government workers.  Employers, public schools, universities, colleges, health insurers, healthcare professionals and landlords have been warned that they’d better review their policies to conform with Joe’s magic pen.  This also opens the door once again for males dressed as females to compete in female sports; and ‘transgenders’ to use whatever bathrooom and locker facilities they chooose in public schools and all public accommodations.  Churches have not YET been specifically mentioned — but we all KNOW they’re on the list to be targeted for persecution if they don’t comply with the Left’s definition of “gender” or “equality.”

The next day, he signed an order enhancing data collection for COVID.  He also established a COVID Testing Board to coordinate federal COVID testing efforts.  Not to mention the one that requires new OSHA mandates for people in the workplace.  Undoubtedly, this will soon make it more difficult for people to keep their jobs if they refuse to wear a mask or get the vaccines.

He was very busy on his second day.  He signed an executive order regarding our children — and collecting THEIR health data in public and private schools.  On the 22nd of January, he signed an order requiring a $15 per hour minimum wage for all federal workers and contractors.

On the 28th of January, he established a National Climate Task Force.  Again, this will end the US production of our own energy sources, requiring us to buy oil and gas from foreign countries again.  The same day,  he reinstated the so-called “Mexico City Policy,” providing US taxpayers’ funding of abortions in other countries.

Mind you, those are just a few of the orders he signed in his first two weeks.  There have been many more since then.  But suffice to say, they ALL involve more federal regulations, bigger government, much higher taxation, more burdens on private businesses and more government intrusion into all of our personal information, data and privacy.  Not to mention, once again rolling out the red carpet to illegal aliens, then catering to them in so-called “Sanctuary Cities,” with little to no “legal” processes required for entry into the United States.  Bear in mind, we’re not just talking about poor immigrants from Mexico seeking a better life for their families.  We’re talking about terrorists and foreign enemies flooding into our country, complete with weapons and drugs and supporting them with food, shelter, clothing and immunity from prosecution when they commit crimes.  We’re also talking about expanding the  child sex trafficking industry on an international scale, and it will all be done using OUR tax dollars.

We’ve already seen substantial spikes in the gas prices at the pumps, and it’s only been a month so far.  But the price of gas at your local convenience store will be the least of your problems this year.  It’s doubtful many will be traveling much of anywhere anyway, given the coming federally-mandated lockdowns, mask and vaccine mandates.  I know a lot of people were saying that “the day after the election, COVID will just disappear.”  I could have told you that wasn’t going to happen, regardless of who “won” the election.  COVID is here to stay.  Mandatory masking and mask-shaming and “mask police” — that’s all here to stay.  It’s NOT going away.  In addition, there’s now been serious talk about airlines requiring “vaccination certificates” in order to travel; and the same for anyone who might want to attend a public event such as a concert or conference.

Meanwhile, our US Capitol remains surrounded by a 7-foot-high fence, topped with razor wire.  Those now in charge want that razor-wire barricade to remain there indefinitely…. along with a minimum of 5,000 National Guard troops.  Sounds like a completely legitimate administration in charge there now, after a completely legitimate election, doesn’t it?  No… actually it sounds more like a country ruled by a communist dictatorship.  We’ve become Castro’s Cuba.  We are now Venezuela.   We just don’t know it yet.

But walking around out in public, you’d easily see the comparison between the United States today and Communist China.  Why?  Because more than 90% of people are dutifully continuing to cover their faces with masks.  As I said, the masks are not going away.  In a previous message, I told you this interesting fact: More than 2300 years ago, long before Islam, Arabs discovered that forcing people to cover their nose and mouths broke their will and individuality, and depersonalized them.  It made them submissive and compliant.  That’s why they imposed on every woman the mandatory use of a fabric over her face.  Then Islam turned it into the woman’s symbol of submission to allah, the male owner of his female harem and the king.  Do you realize that the Chinese have been wearing masks since 2002?  Look it up.  The masks are NOT going away.  Ever.  If you’re not covering your face now, you’re an outcast.  You are “UNCLEAN!”   Get used to it.

Common sense and real science has nothing to do with it.  Now, it’s all about conformity.  I can’t help but think back to the days when I was a kid — and kids would ask their parents for permission to do something that was unwise, but popular.  “But Mom, everybody’s doing it!”Or,“But Dad, everybody dresses like this!”  And what would SMART parents’ response be?  “If everybody decided to jump off a cliff, would you jump off a cliff too?”  The sad thing is, today the answer to that would be “Of course!  I don’t want to be an outcast!”

People want to know what will happen in 2021.  I’m not a prophet and I have no “crystal ball.”  But I can tell you, that the way things are shaping up, we’ll soon be longing for the “good old days” when all we had to deal with was toilet paper shortages, lockdowns, quarantines, curfews, riots, bankruptcies and suicides.   So I wish I had better news for you, and maybe by some miracle things won’t get as bad as it seems they’re going to.  But from where I stand, I see a total puppet in the Oval Office, more controlled by the Deep State than anyone before him, unable to make his own decisions even if he was capable of doing so.

America must collapse.  Biden’s been wearing out his pen to get as many puzzle pieces together as possible as quickly as possible to destroy the country, bring about chaos and rule all Americans with an iron fist.  The thing is, it’s not HIS fist.  He only has a pen.  It’s the Deep State’s fist — the Globalists’ fist.  He just works for them.

People ask me what it is that I think will be the most significant event in 2021.  I expect it to be the “Great Reset.”  The “Great FINANCIAL Reset.”  We now have proof of the Globalists’ plans to impose this “Reset” — world-wide, in 2021.  This means a global economic collapse — orchestrated on purpose, just as surely as COVID was orchestrated and planned during Event 201.  I believe what’s coming this year is going to make the Great Depression of the 1930s look like nothing more than a slow day at Sam’s Club.

People will be BEGGING for help.  Not help from God Almighty, our Creator, the One Who wrote the Ten Commandments with His own finger — TWICE!  No, they’ll be begging for help from their “small ‘g’” ‘god’ — big government.  “Building Back Better,” as they say, first requires things to be destroyed.  You can’t “build back” until you’ve first destroyed.  The violence, riots and hatred we saw in our streets as our cities burned and our law enforcement was ordered to “let it all burn” will be nothing compared to what’s coming.

And as people beg for help from big government, when their jobs are gone, their homes are in foreclosure, their businesses in bankruptcy, their cars repossessed … government — which is creating the crisis right now, as we speak — will come to the rescue… with a plan.  The plan will be tied to the vaccine.  You may think I’m crazy… but if I told you this time last year that we’d be where we are today…  ???  Just watch and see.

“COVID” is a means to an end.  It’s never going away, until it’s no longer useful in the Globalist plan.  So to implement the planetary Great Reset, all people on planet earth will be required to be “vaccinated” supposedly for “COVID,” and likely multiple times.   At first, not so many will die from the vaccines, but eventually, MANY will die.

And each subsequent vaccine will be stronger and more invasive than the one before it.  My guess is that by summer or early fall, we’ll be required to take a vaccine with a digital implant… to track our physical locations and our actions and movements, but it will be mainly used for all our financial transactions.  The government will issue everyone a “universal standard income” amount of “credits” based on how well we’ve behaved and followed the rules.  We’ll use these digital credits to obtain necessities as we stand in the “bread lines.”

Plans have been openly discussed in houses of parliament in other countries regarding this “Great Reset” and it’s been made clear that this is GOING to happen, whether people want it or not.  Those who refuse this vaccine — this digital implant “mark” — will not be allowed to hold a job or to buy or sell.  Private property will be eliminated.  No more mortgage payments — but no more home ownership either.  Likely you’ll be assigned where you will reside and personal privacy will be gone forever, along with the ability to own any kind of property.  In keeping with the radical “climate change” agenda and the “Green New Deal,”  we’ll also be moving to public transportation.  Buses, trains, subways.  No more ownership of cars.

So when you hear the mainstream news media, giddy with excitement about “Building Back Better” and “The Great Reset,” understand what that MEANS.   Oh, and don’t bother writing your congressman.  He doesn’t care.  He already knows all this and he’s IN on it!  Our “good Republicans” had four years to help rebuild America after the terrorism and destruction caused by Obama.  And all they did was fight their own president every day for four straight years — and beyond.  Come to think of it, I can’t think of a single thing Congress actually DID the last four years that had any positive significance.  Can you?

So again, I am NOT a prophet, but I get news and information from a ton of sources 24 hours a day, every day.  I also know God’s Word and I have a mind and I can think critically.  What I’ve shared here is what seems most likely to mark the year 2021.  But time will tell.  At least now, hopefully you have a few things to be watching for as they occur, so you will know what’s happening.

Let me leave you with some words of wisdom, from Colossians 3, that seem very timely and relevant, right now.  Here’s what “The Great Reset” SHOULD be“Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.  For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.   When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.  Put to death, therefore, what is earthly in you:  sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.  On account of these, the wrath of God is coming.  In these, you too once walked, when you were living in them.  But now you must put them all away.”  RE-set your mind on the things above!  But meanwhile, CONTINUE to watch and pray — and be GOOD STEWARDS and OCCUPY ‘til He comes for you.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 316.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

It’s Time We Christians Learn About Jesus

By Rob Pue

Given what we’ve seen transpire over the past year, and all the wickedness, evil, cheating, lying and deception that’s been exposed within our government, our media, our Big Tech Giants, our health officials and pretty much every public sector of our economy, I have to really wonder just HOW LONG IT’S BEEN since we’ve had a REAL, honest and fair presidential election in this country… and how long it’s been since our government operated the way it was set up by our Founding Fathers.

Some experts say it’s been since the 1800s. But as we’ve progressed through the 20th and 21st centuries, we can certainly see the massive government over-reach, and a massive agenda to brainwash the populace to accept corruption in all things as “normal.” We’re at a place now where we EXPECT our government officials to lie to us, to treat us like peasants; instead of being our public servants, to make us their trusting, ignorant slaves.

There’s absolutely no doubt in my mind that Obama was SELECTED in 2008, not elected. Here was a junior senator who had accomplished virtually NOTHING whatsoever in his short political career, being hailed as America’s “new Messiah.” The massive crowds of people in the streets all over America on that election night will never stop haunting me, because it was obvious and clear that something clearly demonic was happening; the way the media fawned all over him, and people were virtually worshiping him — apparently, just for being black. And NO — I’m not racist, but that WAS the underlying sentiment at the time, and you know it.

We saw ourselves as so “progressive,” so “virtuous,” such “good people.” Because — we believed — racism was finally dead in America. Here we had “elected” a black man to the Oval Office. In reality, the color of his skin had nothing whatsoever to do with why he was placed there.

He was SELECTED by the powers that be — the Deep State, the Shadow Government — and from what we now know about HOW they go about manipulating our elections, things are much more clear as to how that happened. Not once but twice — even after he had radically changed America into a hideous, abomination that NOBODY in their right minds wanted.

Under his watch, we saw more racial tension and division, more hatred and suspicion of one another than we had seen in my lifetime. We saw the Supreme Court give validity to same-sex so-called “marriage.” We saw Conservatives in the Tea Party and other patriotic movements openly targeted by the IRS for persecution. We saw Christians, with deeply held convictions regarding the sanctity of marriage persecuted and prosecuted — to the point where they lost everything, rather than deny the God of Creation.

Immediately upon entering the Oval Office, he set about a world-wide tour, visiting all of America’s enemies, bowing down to them and begging their forgiveness. Especially the Muslim countries. And where did that get us? It got us 8 years of unspeakable horrors worldwide — atrocities committed in the name of Islam, so hideous it’s amazing the mind of any man could dream up such evil. Even here in the streets of our nation — Islam honor killings, beheadings, stabbings, bombings, shootings. In case you don’t remember, it was eight years of Islamic horror on the front page of every newspaper, every day.

But the papers and TV news media refused to call Islam for what it was. Instead we continually had it driven into our brains that “Islam is a religion of peace.” We had “Meet Your Muslim Neighbor” nights at the local libraries where Imams were brought in to talk about how “loving” and “peaceful” Islam is — yet not one of those Islamic leaders ever condemned the violence and hatred. Not one.

Of course, that was not enough for the Obama administration’s plan to “fundamentally change America.” Then, our libraries, which were once meant to be places of higher learning (the same, by the way, can be said of our public schools and colleges), began holding “drag queen story times.” Perverted male sex offenders, dressed as female whores, holding little children on their laps and reading them stories about how boys can be girls, and girls can be boys and children can be animals — and “if you feel like you’re a sodomite, you most likely are, so you should try it out as soon as possible — so you can “love yourself” more.

Many people lost their jobs during this era, for refusing to use the “correct pronouns” — for simply having firmly held beliefs that there are TWO genders — NOT 67, and some even had their own children taken away by federal authorities for not going along with this abomination.

Then, SOMEHOW, Donald Trump was elected in 2016. By now, Americans were SO completely brainwashed, they willingly followed whatever the puppet masters told them. Especially the young — highly targeted prizes for the Left as they were indoctrinated from the earliest of ages. Those five-year-olds on the laps of the Drag Queens in 2008 were just coming of age by the time Trump was elected. Those 13 year old kids were bombarded daily with 6 or 7 hours of “hate” directed at Trump in their public schools. Every public College did the same. “Be a good person,” “love is love,” “love wins,” “HATE Trump,” “Trump is a Nazi,” “Trump is a fascist,” “Trump hates blacks,” “Trump hates women,” “Trump hates freedom.”

But THEIR version of freedom meant there could be NO tolerance allowed. Conservative speakers were verbally and physicially attacked on college campuses, their speech NOT allowed. No dissenting opinions. No critical thinking. No science. No truth allowed. THEIR version of “freedom” simply meant “freedom to speak freely about hating your country and your history and heritage — and ESPECIALLY GOD — which you had been taught to do from pre-school.  THEIR version of “freedom” meant free abortion on demand — even up to the moment of birth. THEIR version of “freedom” meant the greatest, most courageous thing a young person could ever do in their life was to “come out” as being a homosexual — or better yet, a ‘transgender’ homosexual … and if you REALLY wanted to be a hero, you simply had to state that pedophilia is just another “completely normal” lifestyle choice.

Fast forward to eight years later. These kids who sat on the perverts’ laps during story time at age 5 are now 13 — ripe for the picking by pedophiles. Those kids who were ten years old when Obama began his destruction of America were now turning 18 when Trump was elected. Now well prepared, well indoctrinated to join groups like ANTIFA and BLM — not knowing, and not caring what those groups were really all about, except they stood for the destruction of America and intense hatred of Donald Trump.

Trump, I believe, “got one by” the “Deep State,” in that they didn’t prepare their cheating and vote manipulation machinery well enough. They didn’t think he could really win, but Americans were primed and ready for a president who loved his country, promised to put America first, instead of our enemies, and promised to bring back the pride and patriotism that had been tossed on the Obama manure pile.

But then, the attacks never ended — even after he peacefully left office, our Congress — even our so-called “good Republicans,” voted to impeach and prosecute him. In four years, he battled everyone, even his own party, in an effort to “drain the swamp.” Had he had some help from his own party, (or from CHRISTIANS) there might have been a chance. But unfortunately, that never happened.

In fact, it wasn’t long before the Swamp Creatures made it clear to him who was really in charge. This became clear to me in late March of last year, when the Coronavirus “Scam-Demic” began. Every day, he would come out and address the country, flanked by the so-called “health experts.” At first I wondered, “is he only doing this for appearances, for diplomatic reasons?” Certainly, he’s not a stupid man — certainly he knew the whole thing was the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on the American — and worldwide — public. Yet here he was, going along with it…

Certainly, he was aware of just how badly compromised Fauci was (and is) with China and other nefarious groups. Certainly, he knew the track record and intentions of Bill Gates. Certainly he knew about Event 201 — where all this was planned and implemented just a few months earlier. Certainly he knew about the Globalist New World Order agenda… and how America must DIE in order for their plans to move forward. Yet he did nothing to stop it.

It was in late March last year, when, during one of those press conferences, I saw fear in his eyes (and heard fear and anger in his voice). It became clear to me that he was no longer in charge. If, in fact, he ever was. SOMEBODY had gotten to him. Somebody TOLD HIM how things were going to be, whether he liked it or not. America would shut down, indefinitely. Big Pharma would miraculously come up with a money-making vaccine that would fund America’s downfall. Americans would willingly turn into mask-wearing, obedient sheep in the meantime. Businesses would close and the FED would print obscene amounts of more money to fund more and more special interest groups and enemies of our nation, while tossing a “bone” to the American people suffering the most.

Patriotic Americans were willing to “do their part” for a few weeks. After all, we had really no idea what was going on at the time. But it didn’t take long, because Big Tech didn’t censor the information quickly enough. Soon the truth was out. The lies were exposed. Yes, there was a virus. But nothing even remotely requiring the lockdown of the entire world — even though COVID HAS apparently completely wiped out the common cold and flu.

In the end, Trump touted the vaccine as a miracle, though I don’t believe he ever got a dose himself. He gave us little hints about the lies — the fact that he was sick with the virus, but using medicines, which the FDA had previously conveniently BANNED from the public, he recovered very quickly.

Bottom line: this nonsense continues. Now, those all-powerful men behind the curtains are telling us we should not only get two vaccines, we should also wear two masks. And people are DOING it.

I appreciated very much the IDEAS that Donald Trump stood for. I appreciated very much many of the things he said and even many of the things he did while in office. I was among those patriots who wanted to put America first, put common sense first, allow Christians to have the same rights that sodomites are entitled to. Build the wall! Stop the illegal flow of enemies, drugs and weapons across our borders. So much more.

Trump stood for nationalism and patriotism. Unfortunately, as I said, I don’t think that he was really in charge. He certainly had no help from anyone who was supposed to be on his side in all this. And when disaster struck via the “Planned-Demic,” he allowed our country to be shut down. He could have told the truth. But he didn’t.

Then, when hundreds of thousands of America-loving patriots still supported him, and when literaly MOUNTAINS of evidence piled up proving election fraud — that there was no way Biden could ever have won so much as office of “meter maid,” much less the Oval Office — there was no one to appeal to. All the judges, courts and the entire judicial system, right up to the United States Supreme Court have been found to be corrupt to the core. Willfully blind to clear evidence, that even a pillow salesman can easily assemble into absolute proof.

God hates injustice. And injustice has reigned in America for more years than we know or realize. We’ve gone from “God bless America,” to a “God-less America.” We’ve thrown God out of every area of our society and culture. NOTHING is as it seems and there IS no justice in our land today. I love patriotism, but that will NEVER replace the God who gave us this nation.

Meanwhile, Biden and his ilk, who have openly endorsed physically harming and punishing anyone who doesn’t go along with their “plan,” are now calling for unity. There will BE no unity. There will BE no peace in America — or the world. In fact, as we edge ever closer to all-out Communism under the New World Order, understand: Obama was a useful puppet. Very likely Trump was nefariously controlled, and Biden, as I’m sure we’ll all see very soon now, will end up being the puppet that hands the reigns of America over to our enemies — with a pretty pink bow on it. Those with ears to hear, please HEAR now: God’s been warning His people. It’s time we listen — and do more than just talk and complain. It’s time we seek God, repent individually and as a nation, and accept no substitutes. NO MAN is EVER going to make America great again. In fact, the ONLY one Who can save it is Jesus…if it’s to be saved at all. It’s time we CHRISTIANS learn about the Jesus we profess to follow, place HIM on the throne of our hearts and stop worshiping false Messiahs… no matter how sweet their words sound to our itching ears.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Grievous Grievances

By Rob Pue

The past year was one of the most brutally intense and deceptive times in the history of the world, and now here we are in the year 2021 and it’s hard to believe what’s transpired.  If one were to go back in time to this time last year, and then suddenly wake up and venture outside today, you would wonder how long you’d been sleeping; and what in the world has happened to our country; and how in the world such injustice and deceit was allowed to prevail.

Upon going outside, you would immediately notice the vast majority of people everywhere wearing surgical masks.  (Some are wearing two now — because they’ve been TOLD to).  I dare say if the “powers that be” were to declare it best that we all put plastic bags over our heads and tie them shut at the neck (for our own health and safety — and the health and safety of others as well, of course), most would gladly comply.

You’d also notice that many stores and public places you used to frequent are no longer open.  Some have closed forever; some have very limited hours or capacity and severe restrictions, including ridiculous limitations on the number of people allowed into a store at a  time.  For example, one place I must visit regularly for work purposes only allows a maximum of five people inside at once.  So daily, I see lines of people, standing in line outside in the snow and cold.  When one person comes out, the next person is allowed to enter.   Reminiscent of “bread lines” in Communist countries.

Restaurants you used to enjoy also have drastic restrictions.  Some will only serve you food if you pick it up yourself, or if they deliver it to you.  And if they deliver it to you (for a fee), they’ll ring your doorbell, place the food on your doorstep and run away as quickly as possible.  This is known as “contactless delivery.”  Another term you had never heard of a year ago.  Fast food restaurants are even more interesting.  They’re now “drive-through only.”   And here’s how that works at most:  You place your order on the speaker, then when it’s your turn at the window, a worker thrusts a plastic tray out toward you for you to place your money in.  In a moment, they stick the tray out the window again, which now contains your change.  Then, shortly thereafter, the food you ordered — the food each worker has handled during its preparation, the food a worker has handled to wrap and put in a bag for you, is then placed on this SAME plastic tray and handed out for you to retrieve.  What, exactly the plastic tray accomplishes, I’m still not sure.

If you had known a year ago what you know now, you would have been well advised to invest in — of all things — plexiglass.  Because it’s everywhere.  In every business, every restaurant, every bank, every hotel, public space and accommodation, the workers interact with you from behind a barrier of plexiglass, WHILE wearing their masks and rubber gloves.  It’s a strange new world out there.  You wish you could go back to bed, wake up and find it’s all been just a very weird dream.  But no.  This is what we’re told is our “new normal.”  This is our life now.

Apparently, there is a serious health emergency.  “Millions,” we are told, have been dying daily for a year now, from a deadly virus.  A virus SO deadly, you must be TESTED for it to know whether or not you have it, and IF you have it, you MUST go under “house arrest” for two weeks, whether you’re sick or not.  A virus SO deadly, that more than 99% of those who DO get it survive; most with little to no sickness at all.  Those who do get sick describe it as a “bad cold or flu.”  But for THIS, not just America, but the entire WORLD has been stomped under Globalist bootheels and dehumanized into submissive compliance.

Here’s an interesting tidbit of information for you:  More than 2300 years ago, long before Islam, Arabs discovered that forcing people to cover their nose and mouths broke their will and individuality, and depersonalized them.  It made them submissive and compliant.  That’s why they imposed on every woman the mandatory use of a fabric over her face.  Then Islam turned it into the woman’s symbol of submission to allah, the male owner of his female harem and the king.

Modern psychology explains it this way:  without a face, we don’t exist as independent beings.  The child looks in the mirror between the ages of two and three and is discovered as an independent being.  The mask is the beginning of deleting individuality.  Instead of unique, beautiful human beings, made in the image of God, we’ve become faceless slaves of the New World Order… and we’ve gone along with all this willingly, even though REAL science has proven time and again that masks do not keep the wearer safe from viral infection and they do not keep others safe either.  In fact, the inhalation of one’s own CO2 actually makes things worse.  Much worse.   Yet today, wherever you go, you’ll see the vast majority dutifully complying to covering their faces because the government and media has TOLD them to.  So-called “health officials” have TOLD them to.  And they’ve been told if you refuse to wear a mask, you’re the scum of the earth, totally uncaring and heartless toward your fellow man, an inhuman outcast from society.  A peasant, and a peasant most likely carrying and passing around a deadly plague with wild abandon.  “Non-maskers” MUST be shunned — and reported to authorities.  They MUST be punished.

If this newly discovered virus (a variant of the common cold and flu) really WAS as deadly as we’re told, you’d assume the hospitals would be overwhelmed with hopelessly dying patients, and indeed, that’s the official narrative.   We’re told the hospitals are “overrun” with COVID patients, the COVID beds are at capacity, and hospital administrators appear on TV newscasts daily, decrying their lack of resources to meet the overwhelming demand.  But they’re not telling you the whole truth.  What’s REALLY happening here is that hospitals  DESIGNATE a portion of their beds as ‘COVID’ beds.  For example, if a hospital has 100 beds total, and they designate 3% of those as ‘COVID’ beds, then when those three beds are full, the hospital can claim they are “overwhelmed,” “overrun” with COVID patients.  Their COVID beds are at capacity.  “Whatever shall we do?”  And thus, they receive substantial amounts of government funding to response to the fabricated “crisis.”

Another atrocity of all this is the fact that hospitals and other healthcare facilities will NOT allow family members to visit ailing patients — regardless of what they’ve been hospitalized for.  We’re told this is meant to keep everyone “safe” from the killer virus.  But recently, because of my work as a minister, I WAS allowed to visit a patient in the hospital (he was not there because he had COVID).  After having my forehead scanned to take my temperature (more mental conditioning to prepare us for having our foreheads scanned regularly later to read our digital implant or “mark” that’s surely coming soon), I was forced to answer personal and invasive questions, and forced to cover my face with a paper mask before being allowed to proceed.

I had to walk about a mile to get to the patient’s room for my visit.  During my mile-long “hike” I didn’t pass one single doctor, not one single nurse, no hospital staff of any kind, not even a person pushing a food cart to deliver meals to patients (and I was there during the lunch hour).  What I DID see was a virtual ghost town.  The hospital was basically empty… other than the guards at the door.  I passed no one in the halls.  Patient rooms along the way were empty.  When I arrived to see the person I was to visit, I had to hunt down a nurse, because much of the hospital staff had been laid off and the facility was working with a “skeleton crew.”  This particular patient had a new doctor every day (NONE of which knew anything about his case and apparently never read anything in his file), and in a week’s time in the hospital, he never saw his OWN doctor even once.  Family was NOT allowed to visit or speak to the patient by phone — only a nurse, if one could be found to answer the phone; then you were transferred multiple times until SOMEONE could find a tidbit of general information to tell you.

My conclusion is this:  hospitals and other healthcare facilities are not forbidding family members or the public to visit relatives because they’re so afraid of the “virus.”  The public is forbidden to enter because the hospitals are so afraid that the TRUTH will get out — the fact that there ARE no patients; the hospitals are virtually empty.  ‘COVID UNITS’ are NOT overwhelmed with patients.  But the hospitals ARE receiving a great deal of government money, for doing a great deal LESS work… it seems ‘COVID’ has been a financial “boon” to hospitals — just as it’s been to fast food joints.  They sell just as much fast food now… they just don’t have the added expense of an open dining room and they can operate on a much smaller staff, thus greatly increasing profit margins.

As I’ve said a thousand times, I am NOT saying there is no “coronavirus.”  And I know there are some who have died — both WITH it and FROM it.  Yet more than 99% of our population will NEVER contract it at all; and of those who do, the vast majority recover with no need of any hospitalization.  Still,  the world we find ourselves living in today (if you call this “living”) is a Twilight Zone version of reality; and the response to a “bad cold or flu bug” would SEEM to be over-the-top insanity, except that it’s all part of a well-planned movement to usher in a Global “reset” in the form of planetary Communism.

There HAS, however, been a serious casualty during this past year, which we all should be mourning, with sack-cloth and ashes and rending of garments… and that is the death of the truth.  Don’t attempt to “Google” anything I’ve told you here today in order to “fact check” my statements.  Because we’re now living in a society that would make George Orwell’s “Ministry of Truth” from the book ‘1984’  look like a tale from Mother Goose.  You see, truth must NEVER be allowed to be discovered.  And critical, independent thinking must be forbidden.  Facts must be re-written, to fit the official narrative of the New World Order Globalists; and the so-called “truth” you will find today on the internet, social media, the mainstream press and TV news — not to mention coming directly out of the lying lips of our government, health and business leaders — is the absolute antitheses of the real truth.  In other words, blatant lies.  You have to dig in deep to find reality.

In the old days they had to build fires to burn books.  Today, they just need a team of brainwashed, Left-wing Communist college kids to REWRITE the “truth.”  We’re no longer just talking about “bias” or “spin” here.  We’re talking about outright MADE UP LIES!  And the populace gobbles it up as it’s spoon-fed to them in every media venue in the atmosphere.

Even the president of the United States was banned from social media — and shunned by the mainstream media when he had important, urgent information to share with American citizens.  Countless Christian and Conservative news outlets have been banned, had all their content removed from the internet and the stories they’ve shared have been “fact checked” — in other words, declared “false news” — because they don’t fit with the Globalist agenda.  Dr. Simone Gold, one of the ‘Frontline Doctors’ opposed to the COVID vaccine and mandatory masking has now been JAILED, charged with being a “domestic terrorist.”  Her crime?  She gave her well-researched, educated opinion in a public speech.

And if you just woke up and missed the year 2020, you missed yet ANOTHER of the greatest hoaxes ever perpetrated on our nation:  the 2020 presidential election.  Though Donald Trump had tens (if not hundreds) of THOUSANDS of enthusiastic supporters at ALL of his campaign rallies, while his opponent could barely scrape together a dozen at any given event, the “powers that be” in the press, Big Tech and the Deep State had already made their minds up:  Trump would lose, no matter what, no matter the cost.  Even if it cost us our country.  Very likely, the total destruction of America was their end goal from the start.

Thousands of sworn affidavits were presented by individuals who personally witnessed election fraud.  Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg (who ludicrously CLAIMS to be unbiased) personally spent $400 MILLION to fund the “drop boxes” for unsupervised ballots in public places.  Republican and Conservative poll watchers were not allowed to do their jobs…forced to leave or be charged with trespassing.   Windows were blocked with cardboard barriers to keep them from seeing the fraud taking place inside.   Citizens recorded live videos of truckloads of ballots being dumped into the system in the dead of night, and we have all heard about the Dominion electronic voting machines being purposely manipulated by enemies both foreign and domestic.  Not to mention all the mail-in ballots proven to be fraudulent, or the states where thousands more ballots were counted, than there are citizens.  All votes for the Communist party, by the way.

ALL of this was fully documented in multiple ways and from multiple sources.  But every judge, every court, every authority this crime was appealed to, completely ignored the evidence.   There were many who held out hope until the very last minute that justice would somehow prevail, yet there was no justice, and now our nation has been turned over to the Trojan Horse enemies we welcomed in.  Black Lives Matter has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, after all the burning and destroying and killing they did throughout the summer months, and meanwhile there’s Hunter Biden’s laptop, clear evidence of human trafficking on the part of the Bidens and others in their camp.  And now our nation’s capitol is surrounded by barbed wire — to keep us “peasants” out.  Meanwhile, if you go online and type in “,” that now takes you to the website.  How much more obvious can the evidence be?  And people call me a “conspiracy nut.”

Our Constitution has been completely ignored by every law-enforcement agency in the land.  Just for the record, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

It seems we can petition the government for a redress of grievances — and we have a LOT of grievances that need to be immediately redressed, and they are GRIEVIOUS indeed.  Yet we seem helpless in a land where the lawless make the rules as the media brainwashes the populace into blind complicity with evil.

I predict that next on the list for the Globalists is a rash of mass shootings, as a way to justify their promised mandatory gun confiscation.  In order to create a Communist state, the people must NOT be allowed to communicate ideas freely or have the ability to defend themselves from their oppressors.  Simultaneously, we can expect GREATLY increased persecution of Christ-followers.  This is where we’re at now.  I’m not counting on any “man” or any “plan” to suddenly fix the mess we’re in.  We’ve allowed the evil ones to get away with their crimes and they’ve become more and more emboldened by our easy compliance.  I pray the Lord will have mercy on His own and that as children of the King of Kings, we will find a measure of protection from His coming wrath — when all this injustice will be made right by God Almighty Himself.  Luke 18:  “Will not God bring about justice for His elect who cry out to Him day and night?  Will He continue to defer their help?   I tell you, He will promptly carry out justice on their behalf.  Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?”  I wonder.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 314.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Ghosts of Christmas Past

By Rob Pue

Hello everyone, and thank you for joining me today.  It is a privilege to be with you.  I am a Christian, and this week, I will be celebrating Christmas, with my family.  It is sad to me that there is such controversy and such animosity surrounding Christmas today.   It never used to be this way.

When I was a kid growing up, we always looked forward to this time of year.  It was a wonderful time of year, starting with Thanksgiving.  I remember how special those family Thanksgivings were.  My parents had six children; three girls and then three boys.  I am the second to the youngest, number five out of six. By the time I came along, all my sisters were all pretty much grown up and moved away. Thanksgiving was a special time when everyone would be home again and I looked forward to my sisters and their husbands joining us.  My Mom was an amazing cook, and I remember the smells of the turkey in the oven, the stuffing, the pumpkin pie.  The fun we had when the family was all together.

And I remember that the Christmas season would really begin right after Thanksgiving.  There was no such thing as “Black Friday,” when I was growing up.  At least I had never heard of it.  But right after Thanksgiving we would start spending all of our Saturdays at church.  That was when us kids would start practicing for the annual Sunday School Christmas program.  Usually it was a play depicting the Christmas story.  Each of us kids would play a different part.  Being a part of the Christmas program taught us many things, not the least of which was diligent Bible study and learning to teach God’s Word ourselves, as we would study and then act out the parts, and read from Scripture aloud to the grown ups in the audience.

When it was over, the church gave everyone a special gift bag of Christmas treats.  I remember there was always a popcorn ball and always an orange, amongst other candies and sweets.  The church Christmas program was always a centerpiece of the entire Christmas season.  My own kids took part when they were young.  But then, over the years, it became harder and harder for the church to find grown ups willing to organize and put the Christmas program on.  The quality of the program went way down, and then eventually they quit doing them altogether.  Today, my family and I are members of a different church home, and we have new traditions there that my children are learning to embrace, even as grown ups now, themselves.  And so at our new church, it is once again a time of reverence and awe at the birth of our Savior.  I wish others could experience this too!

In my public school, we also celebrated Christmas.  Students performed an annual Christmas Concert.  This was different from the church’s program, because there were songs about Santa Claus and Rudolph the Red nosed Reindeer.  But there were ALSO songs like “Silent Night,” “Joy to the World,” “O Holy Night,” and “Hark the Herald Angels Sing.”  Nobody ever complained and there was no confusion that the celebration at hand was, indeed, Christmas.

I remember there was one student in my class who was Jewish.  His name was Nicky.  He didn’t celebrate Christmas, which to us, was strange.  We didn’t really understand it.  He opted out of the classroom Christmas party and other things.  But the rest of us exchanged gifts and had treats the last day before Christmas Break.  Nicky simply got an extra day of vacation.  But nobody teased or bullied him.  It was no big deal.

And every year, about the first week in December or so, my Dad would bring home the Sears Wish Book.  How fun was that?!  Of course, you would pass right over the front half of the catalog, because that was all clothes and boring stuff.  But in the second half… now THAT was where the fun began!  I remember many times, laying on the floor in my footie pajames, paging through the Wish Book and seeing all the cool things that looked like fun.  And my parents would make sure there were good things for each of us kids under the tree every year.

And us kids also took what meager funds we had available and either made or bought modest gifts for our parents and each other as well.  Even though we were kids, we knew what it was to be thoughtful and generous, and to do nice things for one another.  We received our Christmas gifts with gratitude and thankfulness.  And they were good gifts too….  fun things.  Craft projects, model airplanes, science kits, things that helped us learn, create, be creative, productive and responsible.

When I look at how things have changed, and what Christmas is like for the children of today, it is really sad.  Instead of starting the Christmas season with eager anticipation of a Sunday School Christmas program, today’s kids begin their Christmas with “Black Friday.”  I’m amazed at how many families embrace this as a new tradition at Thanksgiving… how many Moms and Dads take their kids to Black Friday sales.    After gorging themselves on food, they fall asleep into a gluttonous stupor and then get up in the dead of night to go stand in line in the freezing cold outside a retail store.  Then, as part of what can only be described as a riot, with a mob mentality, they rush in to the “Doorbuster Sales” to get their hands on as much loot as they can before the other guy gets it.  In some places, people even get trampled to death because of the greed.

And though they love the extra sales volume this time of year, a lot of stores will not even acknowledge that it is Christmas time at all…  Most will say “Happy Holidays,” or “Seasons Greetings.”  What is that?  Could you not say “Seaons Greetings” in July as well?  After all, summer is a “season” too, and I actually prefer it over winter!

Christmas celebrations in churches run the gamut from such nonsense as “Ugly Christmas Sweater Sunday,” to pastors dressing up like Santa Claus and twisting Scripture to include the man in the red suit in the Nativity, to big theatrical productions with fog machines and laser lights.

Public schools can no longer include traditional Christmas Carols in their “Holiday Celebrations.”  For that matter, they cannot even suggest there ever was such a person as Jesus Christ.  Of course, they have no problem forcing kids to recite the Five Pillars of Islam.  But sing Silent Night?  Mention the name of Jesus?  You may as well throw a poisonous snake on the table — you’d get the same reaction.

And kids seem different today… and of course, they are.  How could they not be, growing up in this sort of atmosphere, where God is removed from everything in public, and shunned by all?  Unless, of course, “God” is defined as “allah,” or perhaps, “The Force.”  Today, they open their presents and complain they didn’t get better things; or more things or the RIGHT things…  Instead of being thankful for what they have received, they are thankful what they received came with “gift receipts,” so they can return them for cash.   And then instead of relishing the warmth and love and togetherness of family, we have a group of people sitting in the same room, but each one tapping away on their Smart Phones, iPods, iPads, Kindles, tablets and laptops.  Nobody talking… all you hear is the  “tap,” “tap,” “tap,” of fingers hitting screens.  Heads down.  Like always.

Christians decry the fact that Starbucks will not put Jesus on their coffee cups.  They look with disdain on the annual “naughty or nice list” to see which stores will say Merry Christmas to them and which ones won’t.  But it doesn’t change their shopping habits.  Not really.  Worst of all, most do virtually nothing at all to be salt and light in their communities the rest of the year.  Like the ungodly, they do not speak of Jesus or act as the hands and feet of Jesus throughout the year.  When they see the atrocities committed by abortionists, they turn the other way.  When they see homosexuals redefining marriage, they see that as “politics.” “Ewww, so distasteful, I’m just not interested in POLITICS.”  With more information available at our very fingertips than ever before in history, most Christians prefer to remain ignorant, while Islamic hoards overtake the world, spreading their false doctrines of hate and evil  — because we just can’t be bothered.

In Johnson County, Kentucky, in the heart of the Bible Belt, the W. R. Castle Elementary School District put on their annual “Holiday Play,” this year featuring “A Charlie Brown Christmas.”  It’s based on the fifty-year-old cartoon, which has become a perennial classic in America.  I watched it every year of my life growing up.  It was wonderful.  With only three channels to choose from in those days, we LOVED the annual Christmas specials that came on every year.

At the heart of this beloved show is Linus telling the Christmas story and reciting from the gospel of Luke.  YES — this happened on national television and no one was embarrassed or ashamed of Jesus’ name.  On the contrary, it was HEARTWARMING.

Linus’ 53-second speech contained the heart and soul of “A Charlie Brown Christmas,” and I quote:  “And there were in the same country, shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.  And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them;  and they were sore afraid.  And the angel said unto them, ‘Fear not:  for, behold, I bring you tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.  For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.  And this shall be a sign unto you:   You shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.   And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace and goodwill towards men.’”

How utterly OFFENSIVE!  SO offensive, in fact, that the Castle Elementary principle has announced that anything related to Christianity will be completely scrubbed from the play, and according to a report from Allen West, the School District Superintendent said he has concluded that both the US Supreme Court and the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals flatly forbid any public school student from uttering Linus’ seven Bible verses.

As Allen West reminded us, “we should bear in mind that at the same time this ridiculousness is occurring, students in other American schools are practicing calligraphy by writing ‘there is no god but allah’ in Arabic.”   And of course, when our Islamic “president” was in office, he summed up his understanding of Christmas by referring to “A Charlie Brown Christmas,” when he said, “They teach us that tiny trees just need a little love and that on this holiday we celebrate peace on Earth and goodwill toward all.”  His wife chimed in, “Because as Linus knows, that’s what Christmas is all about.”

Todd Sarnes of Fox News commented, “It reminds me of the Obama’s first Christmas in the White House when they actually considered removing the Nativity from the East Room, and more often than not, the White House holiday cards and decorations in recent years that have glorified the family dog — instead of ‘You-know-Who.’”

Liberals and progressives love to talk about inclusiveness and tolerance.  When it comes to this time of year, one has said, “Why do I wish people ‘Happy Holidays?’  Because from November first to January 15th, there are approximately 29 holidays observed by seven of the world’s major religions, and I don’t think mine are the only ones that count.”

Ok, well this sort of sums it up.  In America today, we are so inclusive, that we are sensitive to everyone (except, of course, those hateful Christians).    But what are these so-called “seven major world religions?”   Here’s a list: Buddhists, who celebrate Bohdi Day.  Never heard of it?  Me neither.   The followers of Kemetic Orthodoxy, the religion of ancient Egypt from 4500 BC. who celebrate “The Day of the Return of the Wandering Goddess.”  (I’m not making this stuff up, folks, this is what they list as being one of the most important celebrations and one of the world’s most major religions.  This is why we must say “Happy Holidays!”).

Then there are Muslims, who celebrate Eid al-Adha, and this year, the birth of Mohammed.  (The dates of Muslim holidays, however, change every year, because the Islamic calendar is based on phases of the moon; since they worship the mood god).  Then there are the Aboriginals and American Atheists who celebrate the Winter Solstice.  Of course Hannukah, celebrated by Jews, and though it sticks in their throats to say it, Christmas, celebrated by Christians.

Yes, I am sad for the young people of today because the country our forefathers fought and died for to preserve our freedom, including our freedom OF religion, where once we had BOTH reverence for God AND respect for one another, we’ve become so intimidated by a spirit of political correctness, that we have trashed our own history and heritage, and indeed, our very Christian FAITH, to the point where our children cannot  even utter Jesus’ name, but are practically FORCED at gunpoint to praise allah.   Liberals will not allow us a minute’s time to read from the gospel of Luke, because, we are told, we must cater instead to the followers of Kemetic Orthodoxy who choose  to celebrate The Day of the Return of the Wandering Goddess.  I don’t know what to say.  I’m speechless.

Friends, I am going to celebrate Christmas with my family, and try to instill some of the wonderment and awe, and reverence I had as a child at Christmas time into the lives and hearts of my own children.  To me the Ghosts of Christmas Past are fond memories of a simpler time, a more innocent time.  A time when God was God and it was OK to love Him.   I hope you do the same.  And hold your loved ones close.  Reverence God and teach your children what the truth really is.  And in the new year, endeavor to make your lives count by being always in the service of the King.  We can never go back to yesterday, but we can teach our children what it was like, and together we can look forward to the glorious return of our Savior, who really IS Christ the Lord.  Amen.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 141.

Just Say ‘No!’

by Rob Pue

This week, the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is scheduled to become available across the United States.  Trucks carrying the vaccine rolled out of Michigan Sunday night, December 13.  It’s been reported that the first to receive this new vaccination will be nursing home residents, followed by healthcare workers.  All nursing homes in the United States are on the list for this warp-speed, fast-tracked vaccine, and undoubtedly there are many who will eagerly line up to take it.  I will not be one of them.

While Pfizer officials have called the vaccine “completely safe and effective,” there are many horror stories from tests of this and similar COVID vaccines from around the world… including from Australia, where trials of the vaccine were suddently halted last week after multiple test subjects suddenly tested positive for HIV.  One must wonder why people would develop HIV (AIDS) after getting the COVID vaccine… because the vaccine contains a protein from the HIV virus.  Among many other dangerous — and SINISTER — ingredients.

So what’s actually IN the COVID vaccine?  Like many others, there’s Formaldehyde, which is embalming fluid; then there’s Aluminum, shown to cause neurotoxicity, Alzheimer’s disease and cancer; next, an ingredient called Nagalase, which is a protein excreted by cancer cells.  It’s found in patients with cancer, autism, diabetes, immune disorders and viral and bacterial infections.

And in case you were wondering, the “rumors” about aborted fetal tissue are true.  The Pfizer COVID vaccine contains cells from an aborted 14-week-old caucasian male, containing complete human genome DNA.  Mercury is also a prominent ingredient.  Mercury is known to cause genetic mutation and negative effects on the nervous system and reproductive organs.  Exposure to mercury in unborn babies has been proven to cause severe birth defects.

You may be interested to know that the COVID vaccine ALSO contains a strain of the coronavirus itself — taken from chimpanzees — and engineered to create the spike protein of  SARS-CoV-2, the virus that CAUSES COVID-19.

Further, there’s an ingredient called “HEK-293.”  This refers to “human embryonic kidney cells,” which are again taken from aborted babies, but these are a completely different human cell line.

So in addition to all the toxic chemicals I mentioned, we have multiple DNA cells from aborted babies, coronavirus taken from chimpanzees — and one MORE ingredient that should concern you… it’s called LUCIFERASE.  This is a bioluminescent photo-protein with the ability to monitor and track a person’s health and vaccination status digitally.  This is a cloned gene from the North American firefly… interesting, when you consider that the Bible refers to Satan or Beelzebub as the “Lord of the Flies.”

Some have wondered if this new COVID vaccine with be a form of the “mark of the beast.”  It’s already been stated in multiple countries — including the USA — that the vaccine SHOULD be made mandatory, and unless one has proof of vaccination, they’ll need to be  “quarantined” indefinitely, which means you will not be able to buy or sell, hold a job, or travel outside your home.  In Canada, “quarantine camps” are now being fast-tracked in every Canadian province, each one able to hold up to 1600 people.  These camps are being prepared now, for those who refuse vaccination, and therefore must be considered a public health risk and quarantined under supervision.  And according to reports straight out of Canadian parliament, these camps will be operated by an unspecified “third party.”

There are some more very interesting points regarding this new vaccine you should be aware of.  For some reason, it needs to be stored at a temperature of -94 degrees.  This requires special freezers, because most freezers — even those used in hospitals — do not go that cold.  It turns out there are only two companies in the world that make freezers that will reach -94 degrees, and these units are extremely expensive.  Somebody is getting quite wealthy from this new experiment on the human population, in more ways than one.

You should also note that it’s required that resuscitation facilities be available in close proximity to any facility administering the vaccine.  Resuscitation facilities!  Why would resuscitation be necessary if this were a completely SAFE vaccine to take?  Clearly, it’s NOT safe.  Trials from around the world have already shown serious adverse side effects.  These include:  Bells Palsy, where one side of your face basically becomes paralyzed, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Encephalitis, convulsions and seizures, stroke, Anaphylaxis, Acute Myocardial Infarction (in other words, a heart attack), Autoimmune Disease/HIV/AIDS, sterility in both women and men… and death.

The list of potential side effects is MUCH more extensive.  I’ve only mentioned a few of the likely outcomes of this vaccine.  So-called “health experts” have already expressed concern that those who take the first dose of the vaccine will become so terribly sick from it, that they’ll then refuse the required SECOND dose… and they’ve come right out and stated that the second dose will make you SO sick that you will NEED to factor in your work schedule when scheduling the second dose, because you WILL — absolutely — be too sick to work for at least a week, and possibly longer.

I find it interesting that they’re using the actual coronavirus (again, taken from chimpanzees) in this vaccine.  Why would they do that?  Well, that’s how vaccines work — they introduce the virus to a person’s immune system, so that one’s immune system is stimulated to fight off the infection.  But these are the same people who have stated that LOCKDOWNS are absolutely necessary and that the idea of “herd immunity” — where a population contracts an illness, their immune systems kick in and build a defense and an immunity to the illness — is absolute nonsense.

So instead of focusing on teaching people how to build and strengthen their own immune systems to fight off this virus, (which more than 99% recover from naturally), they’re actually now injecting people with the virus itself — along with genetically-modified DNA strands and flat-out POISONS.  Why?  Follow the money.  The coronavirus “PLANNED-demic” has been a huge money-maker for many of the world’s top corporations.  Consider as just one example in the retail industry.  While the majority of the world was under “lockdown” and local stores forced to close their doors;  others requiring masking, social distancing and other draconian measures in order to enter, Amazon’s business more than doubled.

But that’s retail… “peanuts” compared to the profits being raked in now by Big Pharma.  Consider that companies like Pfizer, Moderna and others in the vaccine industry have received billions of dollars in research funds to develop this “horror movie.”  Then consider the billions of DOSES of the vaccine they’ve already sold, with billions more on the way; not to mention the two sole companies in the world that will benefit from the freezers to store the vaccine in, which I mentioned previously, and things become very clear.  This has never been about anyone’s HEALTH.  If it were, we would have been encouraged to strengthen our immune systems, develop “herd immunity,” and move on.  But such ideas were quickly censored from social and alternative media and never once even MENTIONED by health officials or the mainstream media.  It’s a known fact that “Big Pharma” is the largest business in the world, with more power, influence and control than even Big Oil.  You may be interested to know, also, that the pharmaceutical industry has spent more than $4 BILLION dollars on lobbying our legislators over the past 20 years — more than any other industry in the world.   Is it any wonder that vaccine manufacturers now have immunity from lawsuits when the vaccines cause irreparable harm and even death?

One more interesting point to consider regarding this new vaccine.  Just as the trucks carrying the vaccine were rolling out of Michigan Sunday night, President Trump stated that “people working in the White House should receive the vaccine somewhat later in the program,” and added, “I am not scheduled to take the vaccine, but look forward to doing so at the appropriate time.”  I would seriously doubt that Dr. Fauci, Debra Birx, Bill Gates and the others who have pushed this so-called “remedy” will be taking the vaccine any time soon.

Still, I’ve been monitoring public comments as hospitals announce their plans to administer the vaccine.  A frightening number of people are extremely eager to get it, and are quite hostile to anyone who dissents.  They’ve been totally and thoroughly brainwashed now, by the mainstream media, and they can’t wait to have these poisons injected into themselves and their children, as soon as possible.

Before I run out of time, I need to tell you about one more thing I discovered while doing research for this message.  The “Luciferase” ingredient in the new COVID vaccine — that bioluminescent photo-protein with the ability to monitor and track your health and vaccination status digitally… Luciferase goes hand-in-hand with something Bill Gates has been working on and is now ready to implement.  It’s called the “Human Implantable Quantumm Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System.”

This is a “band-aid” or “patch” system which delivers the vaccine through tiny “needles” within the patch, which later dissolve beneath the skin.  These “needles” are literally modeled after the fangs of a snake.  It’s how snakes inject venom in their prey.  But in order for this Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System to work, it requires the use of the bioluminescent “Luciferase.”

This will not only deliver the vaccine, but it will also create an invisible “tattoo” or “mark” — so by simply scanning the area of the body that was implanted with these micro-needles, government and health officials (and others) will be able to tell if you’ve been vaccinated, and thereby be allowed to shop at sores, eat at restaurants, travel freely, work or live any sort of normal life.  We’re already being trained and conditioned to being “scanned” — many public places are requiring people to have their foreheads scanned (to take their temperatures) before being allowed to enter.

I’m not a Bible scholar but I do have to wonder about the words of Revelation 16:  “The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the land and ugly, festering sores broke out on the people who had the mark of the beast and worshiped it’s image.”  Festering sores and boils — this is just likely ONE of the side effects of this COVID vaccine and the micro-needle delivery system… which will likely be touted as a much more “easy and convenient” way to comply to this new world order mandate.

In Galatians 5:19-20, Paul writes, “The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft.”  We should note that the New Testament was originally written in Greek, and the Greek word used in this passage for “witchcraft” is “Pharmakeia.” It’s root word is “Pharmakon,” which refers to a “druggist, pharmacist, poisoner, magician or sorcerer.”  Our modern words “Pharmacy” and “Pharmaceutical” come directly from the greek word for witchcraft.  Our modern day dictionary defines “Pharmakeia” as “the use of, or administering of drugs,” “poisoning,” “the use of drugs, potions, spells, witchcraft and sorcery.”

In the 1980s, there was a big push against illicit drugs.  I remember TV and radio “public service announcements” touting the catch phrase, “Just Say No!”  Interestingly, it was right about that same time that the pharmaceutical industry exploded.  Today, you will see an ad for a prescription drug in every magazine, newspaper and every fifteen minutes on every television show.  You should also note that in every ad, they spend HALF of their very expensive air-time  or print space pushing the drug and the other half warning of the very dangerous side effects of the drug.  (Read the fine print).  Some of those side effects are outrageously insane.  If those are the SIDE effects, I’d much rather have the disease!

Just in the last few years, there’s been a 400% increase in the use of antidepressant drugs.  And what’s the main side effect of most every antidepressant drug?  By the drug-makers’ own admission, it is “the increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors.”

Remember, friends, Satan comes as an angel of light but he’s a liar and a deceiver and there is NO truth in him.  While the drugs currently being pushed by Big Pharma have earned them grotesque profits, those profits pale in comparison to those they make on vaccines.  Remember, they can be sued for side effects of drugs, but they’re IMMUNE from prosecution when a vaccine kills you.

There’s so much more I could include in this message.  But for now, suffice to say the vaccine they’re rolling out this week is just one piece of the giant jigsaw puzzle that began with the coronavirus.  This “Planned-demic” also entails the collapse of the world-wide economy; the overthrow of the United States (and the demise of western civilation and national sovereignty) through election fraud; population control through the use of mandatory vaccination; the “Great Reset” whereby all private property will be confiscated in exchange for the promise of a “universal basic income” for all; and of course, absolute, totalitarian control of every man, woman and child on planet earth through a digital implant tracking device.  This whole thing, and all that’s been revealed this year, is ABSOLUTELY DIABOLICAL.  I urge you to do your due diligence regarding this vaccine — and every other “mandate” the “powers that be” are foisting upon us now.  And when it comes YOUR turn, I urge you: JUST SAY ‘NO!’

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 313.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Much Has Been Revealed

By Rob Pue

At this time last year, I was in the midst of preparing and planning for our 2020 Ministry Expo and Conference, which we held in March, the theme of which was “2020 Vision.”  It was my hope that our Conference would help attendees to catch the “vision” of what God’s remnant Church of believers could accomplish for the Kingdom if they would summon the courage to step out of the worn-out paradigm of “churchianity” and become true salt and light in this dark world.  None of us had any idea, though, just how our faith would be tested this year and just how much would be exposed, so quickly, in so many areas.

Our Conference was held the second weekend of March — Friday evening and all day Saturday.  We were to begin at 5 pm Friday, in a public shopping mall, where we’ve always held our events, for the past 20 years.  But earlier in the week, I began to get phone calls — LOTS of phone calls — from people planning to come to the Conference, wondering if we were still going to be holding it.  The “coronavirus” scare had started.  I assured them, there was no way we would cancel.  We had speakers flying in and driving in from all parts of the country, and all the preparations were in place.  There was no cancelling our event.

Then on Friday afternoon at 3:00 o’clock, the President announced a nation-wide lockdown — for just “two weeks,” we were told, so we could “flatten the curve” of the virus.  There were three other big events also scheduled at the mall for that weekend.  All three of them cancelled immediately.  We continued as planned, and all was fine.  Everyone was smiling, happy and very blessed to be there.  But it was the LAST Christian conference to be held in person that I’m aware of — anywhere in the country — all this year.  There WERE others, but they were held online.  Ours was the last one that was done in-person and “live.”  That’s very important, because an essential part of our events is the fellowship, the connections we make with one another, as people come from all parts of the country each year, and life-long friendships are often made at our Conferences.

Our event was wonderful, and we wrapped things up on Saturday evening.  On Monday morning, the shopping mall where we held our event closed down completely, like so many other “non-essential” businesses were forced to.

What followed that weekend was unlike anything we could have ever imagined.  On Sunday, as I drove one of our presenters back to the Minneapolis airport, things were growing more tense.  On Monday morning, I thought it prudent to go to the store and bolster our emergency supplies.  What I encountered there was panic, bordering on insanity.  EVERYONE was wearing masks and rubber gloves.  People were rushing through the aisles, tossing items into their shopping carts as fast as they could.  Toilet paper was nowhere to be found.  There seemed to be no rhyme or reason as to what people were buying — they were just loading up on anything they could get their hands on.  It was a frantic mess.

The news media, which previously had shown us images out of China of people falling over dead in the streets — supposedly from this “virus’ — and images of people being rounded up, dragged off the streets and thrown into unmarked vans by authorities wearing haz-mat suits had frightened everyone into hysteria.  They believed the lies the media were forcing, that the “plague” had arrived and we were all about to die if we didn’t obey the government.

I had known a few people who were sick, down with the flu — even a very unusual and difficult flu — as far back as October.  My wife and I experienced a strange illness unlike anything we’ve had before in January.  My wife suffered with it for about a month.  For me, it lasted one day; then I felt a little better and went back to work;  then I got sick again a couple weeks later — again for ONE day.  It was odd.  But no one was falling over dead in their tracks, anywhere in this country.  They never did and they’re still not.

I’ve mentioned before how, in hindsight, the images we saw coming out of China in December and January were a little strange to me.  IF the virus truly WAS as bad as they said it was; IF it really was that overwhelming and people were dying by the hundreds of thousands from this virus, then WHY — in a country that has the tightest grasp on their media of any place in the world, absolute control of the internet, and NO freedom of speech whatsoever — WHY would they let such “negative” publicity get out to the world?  Wouldn’t that show weakness?  Isn’t “weakness” something the leaders of China would NEVER allow to be seen in any way, shape or form?

So it occurs to me that perhaps those videos were intentional… purposely choreographed and released to frighten the entire world into blind submission.  I’m not saying that WAS the case.  I’m just posing the question.  Because regardless of whether those images were real or fake, they certainly did their intended job.

This year has been one of lawlessness like we’ve never seen before in our history.  Government and health officials imposing draconian mandates on the people, quarantining the healthy, locking people in their homes — throughout the WORLD, INCLUDING the United States, where we never thought such things could happen.  Not to mention the so-called “mandatory” mask-wearing.   Healthy people did that continuously and VOLUNTARILY — even through the hot summer months — and they’re still doing it, as the so-called “second wave” has arrived.  At least that’s what the government and health tyrants — and their allies in the media — are brainwashing us with.

This has brought about a spirit of fear, of suspicion of others — friends, co-workers, even strangers have become “estranged” to one another.  We can no longer see one another’s faces, we’re told we must stay far apart from one another… every business place has a plexiglass barrier between the customer and the staff.  It’s difficult to communicate because of the masks.  The wonderful fellowship we had at our Conference, which I KNOW is so important — was abruptly cut off.  There’s no fellowship allowed anymore.  We’re told we MUST keep our distance.

They cancelled the 4th of July, all the summer craft shows, festivals and county fairs.  Now they’re cancelling Thanksgiving and Christmas, and so many are so eager to go along and do as they’re told.

In my area, many churches are STILL “online only,” eight months later.  They’ve never opened up again.  And even with all we have learned about this virus — the fact that the whole scenario was pre-planned by Globalist elites during Event 201 last October, the infinitesimal death rates (you have a better chance of winning the lottery AND being struck by lightning on the same day than you do of dying from COVID-19), the extremely faulty test results, the enormously inflated numbers (done for profit, because each “positive” test nets the hospital a hefty check), the clear scientific evidence that masks do NOT protect the wearer or anyone around them — despite all that, more people today are wearing the masks, social distancing, and scowling at those who question the official narrative than ever before.

Not to mention the physical and mental abuse people are putting their children through because of this “planned-demic.”  The other day, my wife and I had to go to WalMart.  I don’t like going there and it’s the first time I’ve been there in many months.  But in this case, we needed something we couldn’t find anywhere else.  For the past eight months, 99% of people EVERYWHERE have been wearing masks — even while driving alone in their cars, even while out on the lake boating in the summer, even while riding their bikes or walking in the fresh air.  On this occasion, however, I was encouraged to see that about 5% of the shoppers in Walmart were NOT wearing masks.

That was encouraging, because, I thought, “Good.  FINALLY SOME are waking up to this scam.”  But as we were leaving, my wife overheard a conversation between a very young child and his mother.  Somehow I missed it, but she heard it.  The child asked his mother, “if those people are going to die, why don’t they wear a mask?”  The mother replied (loud enough so WE could hear as she scowled at my wife and me), “Because some people care and some people don’t.”  Talk about “good” parenting!  That, to me, is mental child abuse — frightening a child with a horrible LIE (that’s been scientifically PROVEN to be a lie over and over again) — telling her little one he will DIE if he doesn’t keep his mask on — and very likely giving that child a life-long phobia and fear of other people.  Because of a LIE.

After the lockdowns and the unlawful rules and restrictions on American citizens, and people around the world — do not forget this is WORLDWIDE in scope, in keeping with the Globalists’ plans for world domination and control — then came the riots, here in our country, and around the world.  We saw American cities under seige by mobs of rioters.  We saw 600 American cities burned, looted and destroyed.  Hoardes of anarchists flooding the streets at will — the police ordered to “stand down” and let them destroy — while law-abiding citizens were harassed, cited and jailed for not correctly obeying the lawless orders of Governors, mayors and health officials.  We saw one city overtaken by Marxists and declared a “sovereign country” within these United States.  Here in Wisconsin, we saw a young man, 17-years-old, offer medical aid during the riots, and even medical aid to those who tried to kill him as he defended life and property in Kenosha.  When he was ultimately forced to defend himself against certain death, he was charged with murder — yet the violent destroyers were allowed to go free.

Lawlessness and injustice — along with corruption in every sector of our society — has been the “vision” we’ve seen during 2020.   We’ve watched the democratic party openly advocate for socialism and global communism — not to mention persecution of Christians, conservatives and political opponents.  Prior to the election, we saw the democratic presidential candidate on video reading a written statement, saying, We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”   Those are his exact words, people — straight from the horse’s mouth.  Then election night came, and there can be absolutely NO DOUBT in any THINKING person’s mind that this was, indeed, the most extensive voter fraud event to ever take place in any American election, ever.  We’ve become a banana republic.  The evidence is more than clear to anyone with eyes to see.

There has been so MUCH that has come to light this year.  Corruption and crime has been present throughout our culture for many decades now, but this year, it’s become plain and evident.  The evil ones are no longer even trying — not even a little bit — to hide their intentions or their crimes.  They’re as open and proud of their treason as the sodomites now are about advocating for pedophilia.  They’re bold and haughty about their evil — because they believe they’re above the law, and completely untouchable.

Complicit in all this is the “Shadow Government,” or “the swamp,” if you will in Washington DC, which is merely a puppet for the globalist “Deep State.”  The FBI is in on it.  The CIA is in on it.  All the agencies that were SUPPOSED to be upholding the law, enforcing the law, bringing criminals to justice… they’re all as guilty as the criminals they SHOULD be prosecuting.  They’ve been overtaken and are now PART of this crime syndicate that rules our land.  Even with clear, obvious and plain PROOF of horiffic crimes and treason by those who wield power over us “peasants,” the FBI does nothing.  The CIA does nothing.  Instead of being brought to justice, the criminals are given even MORE power over us.

Also complicit in all this is the mainstream media.  President Trump has repeatedly called them out, even coining the phrase “fake news,” which was long overdue. And following the election, where the Associated Pressed “called” the election for Joe Biden, despite overwhelming evidence of fraud, public trust in the mainstream media has fallen to an all-time low.  According to a recent Gallop poll, only 9% of Americans now believe the mainstream media is trustworthy.

And all throughout this year, the censorship of TRUTH has been more Orwellian than ever.  Whether it be scientific evidence regarding the virus, the lockdowns, the masking, the social distancing — or LIVE VIDEO showing the truth behind the rioting, the core doctrines of groups like ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter, the fraud in the election — or the clear and irrefutable evidence against Hunter and Joe Biden; everything from child rape to child sex trafficking to accepting bribes from foreign countries for political “favors,” … if one were to DARE to attempt to share any of that in public platforms such as Facebook or YouTube, you were immediately either “fact checked” or outright banned.  And the evidence was conveniently erased — DELETED — by the social media giants.  Here’s a tip for you:  if Facebook “fact checks” something; if Facebook or YouTube bans something or doesn’t allow it to be seen — it’s very likely the absolute TRUTH.

There’s much, MUCH more to say about all this.  Lord willing, I’ll be able to get into more detail next time.  God’s Word tells us, “there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed.”  There has been a LOT of wickedness and evil revealed this year.  We now see our enemies for who they truly are.  Their evil plans have been PLAINLY exposed — but they don’t care, because as I said, they believe they’re far, far above the law.  What they don’t realize is that they are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked.  Nothing hidden that will not be revealed.  God has busted open wide the vault of truth this year.  MUCH has been revealed.  The question now is, with all the brainwashing and indoctrination of the media, with all the lies, so prevalent in this world today — will the sleepers wake up?  Will the willfully blind finally SEE?  It’s time the true Church and the true patriots rise up and demand justice.  Because if WE don’t deal with this evil, GOD WILL.  And if that’s the case, He won’t simply deal with the evil ones — He will also render just judgment on those who CALL themselves “Christians” but remained apathetic and cowardly and silent, allowing evil to reign.  That should concern you.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 312.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

End of Life Care

By Rob Pue

It’s very sad when you see someone wasting away due to their own poor choices in life.  Quite often, nowadays, I see reports in the news about people being arrested for their 5th, 6th, 7th (or more) drunken driving offense.   And we’ve all seen mug shots of those arrested on drug charges… and the photos showing the progression of someone that took the one-way downward spiral using heroin or Methamphetamine.  Those images are haunting.  They begin with a young, happy, vibrant, bright-eyed, healthy young man or woman, and each one that follows becomes more and more disturbing.  In the end, we see an empty shell of a human being who’s lost their hair, their teeth, their soul. Their skin has become a ghostly gray, their eyes sunken in; they look like walking skeletons.  What follows is either death — from the drugs themselves (or often from suicide) — or torturous drug withdrawl and years in prison.

I have to wonder, what happened to such poor souls?  Where did the road start that brought them to this place?  Was their life so horrific they had to “self-medicate” on these horrible drugs, KNOWING before they started, that using heroin or Meth is almost ALWAYS a death sentence?  What would cause someone to take that first dose?  What was so enticing about it that they made that decision?  Was it mere rebellion or perhaps a desperate plea for help?  Were they so wounded in their souls they felt that anything would be better — and this was just a “simple” solution?  The easiest choice?

Over the years, I’ve personally tried to minister to many people dealing with crippling addictions.  It’s sad to say, in almost every instance, my efforts were futile.  Every effort was made to help, and my counsel was always spiritually focused, because drug addiction is not just physical — it’s spiritual warfare taking place within the soul of the individual.  If only they would go to Jesus, seek the Lord and let HIM have control… Often they would use their own willpower to try to do that, but they’d never fully surrender their will to God’s.  In far too many instances, even doctors would plainly tell them that unless they changed course immediately, they’d be looking at “end of life care.”  (In other words, death).  Sadly, most chose death over life.  Life which they could have had in abundance, if only they would have surrendered their will to the one and only Savior.  “End of life care.”  I’ve heard that phrase far too many times.

But this message isn’t really about alcohol and drug use.  That’s merely an example I’m using, that, sadly, I think most people can relate to now, because today, almost everyone knows someone — perhaps someone they love dearly — that is, right now, on that downward spiral toward death.  Many of you, too, have wept bitterly over a friend or loved one as you reluctantly prepared for “end of life care” — at a time when the “end of life” did NOT need to happen.

In 1962, the US Supreme Court banned prayer in public schools, using the ridiculous argument that it violated the First Amendment.  A year later, they declared Bible reading in public schools unconstitutional.  This, in a country founded by courageous pioneers seeking the freedom to FREELY worship God; and despite what modern-day Leftists will argue, our Founders absolutely WERE followers of the one TRUE God of Heaven, Jesus Christ.

In the early days of our nation, the Bible — God’s Word — was not just FOUND, but READ, in every home and in every school.  The Bibles of our ancestors were worn out from constant study and use.    Youngsters learned to read in school by reading the Bible.  Families endured the hardest of times, suffering through diseases, plagues, wars, natural disasters that devastated family farms, food shortages,  the Great Depression and more — but those families prayed together, stayed together and grew stronger.  There was a standard of morality in our country back then, and that standard was God’s Word.  Psalm 33:12, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, and the people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance.”

Some will say there’s no correlation between the banning of the Bible and public prayer in our schools and the moral decline we’ve been on ever since.  But they’re willfully blind. Once God was kicked out of the public schools, it wasn’t long before He was kicked out of every other area of our American culture too, from Hollywood to Motown to Main Street.  And almost immediately following these Supreme Court decisions in 1962 and 1963, the era of “sex, drugs and rock & roll” began — a time of hedonism and wild abandon — nothing was off limits to our carnal appetites.  And it left great heartbreak in its wake.  Our nation has never been the same.

It’s been said that you cannot legislate morality.  But you can certainly legislate IMmorality, and that’s been done quite effectively here in the United States.  It would be very hard to argue that once we, as a nation, abandoned Jesus Christ and God’s Word, we haven’t been steadily declining — morally, spiritually, emotionally, socially, culturally and in every other way.  It’s been plainly obvious for the whole of the 21st century — even to those who claim not to believe in God.  Everyone can see, something is terribly, seriously wrong in these “United” States.

Now, here we are, near the end of the year 2020, and in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, most areas of our nation did NOT celebrate “Independence Day” on the Fourth of July this year.  Because we were not ALLOWED to.  How ironic.  In fact, we now find ourselves on the precipice of surrendering to a Global communist take-over of our country.  In the land God once blessed, the people He once prospered seem ready to surrender to those who are now DEMANDING a Godless, socialist State.   So many are under such strong delusion, CHOOSING to believe the lies thrust in our faces from every direction, every single day, they actually believe that slavery is freedom.

And the lies are everywhere.  From the presidential election to the filth coming out of Hollywood, to the promises of our elected government so-called “representatives, to the lies of the “social justice” so-called “churches” to the lies of the Marxist so-called “human rights” organizations that have been burning, looting, tearing down and destroying our nation from within — and all the while propped up by the lies of the mainstream media, which seems “all in” on the idea of surrendering American freedom and sovereignty.

Remember the “good old days” when our biggest concern this time of year was which big box stores were willing to say “Merry Christmas” to their customers and which ones weren’t?  Now, we need to wonder if we’ll be verbally harassed or physically attacked for wearing a Trump hat — or for NOT wearing a mask as we go out in public.  Such is the wonderful “peace, love and tolerance” of the Progressive Leftists, who now seem to be in full control of the whole world.

America is 244 years old.  And it seems we now need to sit down and seriously consider “end of life care” for our country.  In 1787, the Scottish economist Alexander Tytler wrote: “The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been about 200 years.  These nations always progressed through this sequence: From bondage to moral certitude; from moral certitude to great courage; from great courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to complacency; from complacency to apathy; from apathy to dependency; from dependency back to bondage.”

Where would you say we are in that progression?  We once had great courage.  But look at our young men now — many who wear “skinny jeans” and hair gel and others who go all out and dress like women.  “Courage,” today is defined as “coming out of the closet as a homosexual or a ‘transgender’” — those who do are lauded as the most courageous of us all.

We once had liberty here.  But now, we’re fearful to set foot in a Walmart if we don’t first put our masks on.  Hard workers once had abundance here.  But that was declared “unfair,” because those who refused to work hard demanded abundance too, and so it was given to them by government edict.  That led to great selfishness, and once the lazy became fat and happy, that led to complacency, which led to apathy.  And in our apathy, as we looked to the Almighty State for our every need and wildest whim, we grew dependent.  And now we find ourselves in bondage.  Or as CNN will explain it, “government mandated lockdown.”

Like the alcohol or drug addict, how terribly far — and how quickly — we have fallen.  In 1989, Ronald Reagan, in his farewell address, described America as a “shining city upon a hill.”  He said, “In my mind it was a tall, proud city, built on rocks stronger than oceans, windswept, God-blessed, and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace; a city with free ports that hummed with commerce and creativity.  And if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here.”

Reagan built on the phrase preached by Puritan pilgrim John Winthrop.  In 1630, while still aboard a ship bound for Massachusetts Bay, Winthrop delivered his sermon A Model of Christian Charity.”  He said, “For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us. So that if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken, and so cause Him to withdraw His present help from us, we shall be made a story and a by-word through the world.”

How quickly we have fallen.  And how far we have strayed.  Moses warned his people in Deuteronomy 8 of this very situation: “When you have eaten and are satisfied, you shall bless the Lord your God for the good land which He has given you.  Beware that you do not forget the Lord your God by not keeping His commandments and His ordinances and His statutes which I am commanding you today; otherwise, when you have eaten and are satisfied, and have built good houses and lived in them, and when your herds and your flocks multiply, and your silver and gold multiply, and all that you have multiplies, then your heart will become proud and you will forget the Lord your God who brought you out from the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.”

He went on in verses 19 and 20 to say, “It shall come about if you ever forget the Lord your God and go after other gods and serve them and worship them, I testify against you today that you will surely perish. Like the nations that the Lord makes to perish before you, so you shall perish; because you would not listen to the voice of the Lord your God.”

The Psalmist warns, “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.”

The ancient wisdom of our eternal Creator has been freely handed to us, yet we have stubbornly chosen our own way instead.  Many, today, have sealed their fate, in that they have chosen death over life; they have chosen to believe the lies of Satan.  They’ve chosen pride, self, debauchery, always feeding their carnal appetites, which are never satisfied.  The prophet Hosea described them this way: “Their deeds will not allow them to return to their God.  For a spirit of harlotry is within them, and they do not know the Lord.” 

No, they do not.  But not all is lost — yet.  There’s still a remnant of Christ-followers in the land.  But now is the time to get serious and cry out to the Lord in humble repentance.  I’m a little tired of hearing people quote 2nd Chronicles 7:14, because it seems everyone has that memorized, but few are willing to actually DO much of anything about it.  But let me share it with you one more time:  “If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”  Are we His people, friends?  WILL we now humble ourselves, pray and seek His face DILIGENTLY?  Or will we, like those who are lost, choose to remain comfortable in our apathy, dependence and bondage?

Friends, I implore you… from Isaiah 55, “Seek the Lord while He may be found; Call upon Him while He is near.  Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts;

And let him return to the Lord, and He will have compassion on him;  And to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.”

Our risen Lord calls to us all, yet today:  “Behold, I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him…”

As a nation, America has become addicted to the hard “drugs” of immorality, sensuality, slothfulness, willful ignorance, and we’ve become drunk on the “wine” of idolatry while deliberately choosing to forget God.  The “doctor” has clearly stated that unless we change course immediately, we’re looking at “end of life care.”  The thing is, there really IS no end of life, because we will ALL live forever, somewhere.  For some, life in this world is the only “heaven” they will ever know.  For those who choose the narrow road to Christ, life in this world is the only “hell” they will ever know.

Father God, I pray You will have mercy on us, Your children.  Keep us from the evil all around us.  Reveal to us the deception and lies of the enemy and show us how You would have us to fight, in service to You and Your kingdom.  Let us be Your servants on this earth and may those who don’t know You, see You in us.  And may Your will be done in America — and on earth — as it is in heaven.  Amen.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 311.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Our Last Chance at Survival

Rob Pue

I told you — and everyone knew — that this election was GOING to be contested, regardless of who was named as “President-elect.”  It’s sad that we’ve arrived a place in America now where we EXPECT all of our elections to be fraudulent.  Over the past several elections, there have been blatant improprieties.  The election — or perhaps better stated — the SELECTION of Barack Hussein Obama in 2008 (and 2012) was highly suspect.  Both times, there were multiple large cities around the country in which his opponent did not receive even one single vote.  Yet nothing was ever done about it.  It was reported, but there was never any investigation and literally a day later there was no mention of it anymore at all.  The Republicans simply quit.  Many citizens were outraged, yet their voices were never heard and there was no justice.

I find it incredibly outrageous and hypocritical now, after Democrats have spent three years and 40 million taxpayer dollars trying to prove Donald Trump stole the 2016 election from Hillary Clinton through voter fraud and collusion with Russia — and after ALL OF THAT, there was never an ounce of evidence to be found — that they’re now saying the idea of voter fraud on the part of Democrats is simply “impossible.”  “Outrageous,” they say.  “How DARE you imply anything improper was done anywhere in this election!”  They have the nerve to assert they hold such moral “highground” that they would never stoop to such tactics.  Friends, over this past year, it has become ABSOLUTELY clear and plain for anyone with eyes to see that the Democrats are ABSOLUTELY corrupt to the core — haters of God, nothing but sheer disdain for America and our Constitution and with a seriously unbridled hatred for Donald Trump.

I’m compiling this message on November 6th — three days after election day.  As of this time, no “winner” has yet been declared, but the mainstream media outlets are showing their extreme Left-wing bias again as they are sickeningly “rooting” for Joe Biden on every TV newscast, in every mainstream newspaper and on every network radio channel. Not to mention the ongoing censorship and lies on most all social media and internet search engines.  They’re all CLEARLY “chomping at the bit” to get the “go ahead” to pronounce Biden the “winner.”  They can’t hardly wait.  The fake news and lying media in this country have been complicit in all of this, and should be held as accountable for election tampering as those who, I believe, have been working for months now, filling out fake ballots and stockpiling them in warehouses, preparing them to be “dumped” into the official record as needed.

And for those of you who think Fox News is our “fair and balanced” “savior,” you need to open your eyes.  Because this so-called “conservative” news network has been compromised for many years.  You DO realize that it is now part of the Disney Corporation, don’t you?  Yes, Disney, which has worked tirelessly for years to indoctrinate young children with subtle — and not-so-sublte — Leftist ideologies and propaganda.  They promote witchcraft, the occult, earth-worship, and worse.  Disney has also become infamous in recent years for their highly-promoted “Gay Days,” which openly celebrate sodomy, “framing” that abomination in a colorful, “kid-friendly” way so as to recruit more little children into hell.

Some may consider this trivial, but I don’t: on election night, Fox News featured photo images of the two candidates as they tallied the electoral votes.  Constantly on the screen was an image of a happy, smiling, lovable Joe Biden on top;  beneath that photo was an image of Donald Trump — probably the worst photo of him ever taken, showing him scowling, snarling and looking like the meanest, ugliest “villain” you’ve ever seen.  Those hosting the broadcast on election night were clearly disgusted every time they were FORCED to “call” a state for the president.  Their Left-wing bias was also clearly obvious when, early on in the evening, they called the state of Virginia for Biden, with only 1% of the vote counted there and the president UP by more than a 2-to-1 margin.

At 3:00 am Wednesday morning, all the battleground states suddenly stopped counting as it was getting a little scary for the Democrats.  It was looking like Donald Trump was going to win re-election.  Notably, all of these states are governed by Democrats.  Then, at 4:30 in the morning, counting began again, but suddenly — immediately — Joe Biden was ahead in all those states, by tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of votes.  So while Americans slept, SOMEBODY pulled the “old switch-a-roo.”

How did this happen?  Citizen reporters and poll watchers have released videos taken in the middle of the night showing vans pulling up to polling places in each of these states — workers unloading crates of ballots and carrying them inside.  In multiple states, it’s been reported that thousands of mail-in ballots were suddenly “found” — but not ONE of those mail-in ballots that mysteriously appeared were for Trump.

For example, they “found” 138,000 votes in Michigan and 120,000 votes in Wisconsin between 3:00 and 4:30 am — and NOT ONE vote for Trump was found in any of those.  In Wisconsin, 41,206 MORE votes were counted than there are registered voters… so far.  They’re not finished yet.

Now, let’s go back to October 24th — just ten days before election day.  Joe Biden was addressing his followers on live video as he read from a written statement.  He stated, “We’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it …for President Obama’s administration before this… We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

I’ve stated before that those on the side of Satan ALWAYS tell us what they’re going to do, what they are planning, BEFORE they do it.  It seems to be a “rule” for them — they have to show their hand ahead of time, but usually, their statements are cloaked in mystery.  In this case, he clearly said what he said.  There’s no doubt, and you can still find this video all over the internet.  (I’m amazed it hasn’t been banned and scrubbed from existence by now, but it’s still there).  Of course, the fake “fact checkers” immediately came out and said Biden “misspoke” and his comments were taken out of context, and what he REALLY meant to say was that they put together a system to make sure voter fraud did NOT take place.  Really?  The man is READING a written statement right in front of him!  I believe he slipped up (how many times has THAT happened?) and actually told us the truth.

On Wednesday, courts ruled that Republican poll watchers must be allowed to supervise the remaining ballot counts in the battleground states.  Yet city police, county sheriffs and election boards across the country have defied these court rulings and have NOT allowed oversight of ballot counting.  In some cases, the counting continues yet today, behind closed doors.  Windows covered over with cardboard.  Poll watchers that HAVE been allowed to be present have been told to stay 30 to 100 feet away from the workers — forced to see whatever they’re able to see — with binoculars!   One poll watcher in Philadelphia observed multiple workers dumping ballots in a large trash container in the corner of the room.  When he was told by election officials there he could not video tape these activities, he was forcibly removed from the facility.  All this is in defiance of court orders.

In Wisconsin, one person reported that they were standing in line to receive their ballot and the man in front of them was questioned by poll workers.  They said, “our records show that you requested a mail-in ballot.  Did you not receive it?”  He replied, “Yes I received it, but I never filled it out.”  They then handed him a ballot and he proceeded to vote.  In other instances, postal workers have come forward stating they’ve been ordered to hand-stamp mail-in ballots with the postmark “November 3rd” even though they arrived days later, so that those “late” ballots — that are now hitting post offices in all the battleground states by the pallet load — can still be counted.  There are also countless instances where the signatures on the election sheets do not match the signatures on the voter registration forms, yet these are never questioned.

Rumors are circulating that the OFFICIAL mail-in ballots contained a “watermark” — and if copied to produce additional “fake” ballots, that watermark would not reproduce.   Therefore, it would be easy to identify fake ballots in the system.  I don’t know if that’s true or not, but maybe we’ll see in the coming days and weeks.

President Trump’s legal team has started litigation in many states, and he absolutely should.  Yet even when the courts have ruled in his favor regarding poll watchers and vote counting, the city, county, state and other election officials have thumbed their noses at those courts and defied the rulings — continuing the questionable ballot counting, ALWAYS in favor of Joe Biden.

It is sheer insanity to believe that this election was not fraudulent.  Two days before the election, Donald Trump had 57,000 people at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.  One day before the election, 27,000 attended his rally in Kenosha, Wisconsin.  Some say that rally attendance has nothing to do with people actually following through and voting.  But I have BEEN at Trump rallies.  The people there are patriotic Americans, and enthusiasm has been through the roof.  God is always honored at Trump rallies.  Every one opens with prayer, and references — not just to God, but to JESUS CHRIST — are prevalent throughout the events.

When I went to vote, I arrived at my polling place at 6:30 in the morning.  Polls opened at 7.  The large parking lot at our municipal center was already packed, and the line of people standing in the early-morning cold stretched to the end of the parking lot.  By the time the doors opened, the line of people stretched OUT of the parking lot, down the street and out to the highway.  There was an incredible amount of enthusiasm for this election.  Were all those standing in line with me voting for Trump?  Of course not.  But compare a Trump rally, with 57,000 people in Butler, Pennsylvania (a town of 12,000 people) to a Biden rally in a major metropolitan area, with EIGHT to TWELVE people (which was typical).  In Texas, days before the election there was a Trump car-parde that stretch for 97 MILES.  You tell me which voters were most enthusiastic and likely to vote.

Understand this:  I do NOT “worship” Donald Trump.  I am often frustrated by his gruff language and I’m upset that he was not able to “drain the swamp” as he promised, bringing justice to those who continue, even to this day to commit treason and sedition against our country.  But never before in my lifetime have I witnessed a president so hated, without reason, and so persecuted at every turn, every single day by Leftist God-haters, Socialists, Marxists, Communists, New World Order Globalists and career politicians on both sides.

I wish he would have done more to defund Planned Parenthood.  I wish he would have had the courage to state that sodomy is unnatural and an abomination.  I wish he would have “locked her up!”   I wish he would have done a lot of things that he didn’t accomplish.  But look at all he DID accomplish for America — and all that IN SPITE of constant, daily attacks from every single direction.  The last four years, I believe, were a “reprieve” — a last chance for America to repent of it’s apathy and for the Church to rise up and take back the ground the devil has stolen.  But we failed.  Don’t blame Trump for the stuff that never got done.  Look in the mirror.  What did WE do to push back against the forces of darkness when we had the chance?  I’ll tell you what we did:  we kept our mouths shut, we self-quarantined, we wore our masks, like compliant fearful sheep.

This election is absolutely the most important America will ever see.  Because if Trump is not re-elected, it WILL be because of massive corruption and massive voter fraud at every level.  I haven’t even gotten into all the various other things the Democrats used to create their “most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,” such as the computer software known as “The Hammer.”  (Look it up — you will be stunned).  Yes, if Trump loses this, we all lose.  America will have become a third-world “banana republic.”

What’s worse, we’ll then be handed over to the New World Order Globalists and Communist China.  Mandatory masking will never go away.  Vaccines will absolutely be mandatory.  You will not be allowed to travel, buy or sell without them, or most likely, even leave your home — or the internment camp they place you in.  Churches will be closed and forced underground.  The first and second amendments will only be the first and second parts of our Constitution to be sliced and diced.  Mark my words.

This is a battle for our nation and the freedom we have enjoyed for so long, by the grace of Almighty God.  Perhaps saddest of all, 47% of professing evangelical Christians did NOT bother to vote in this election — on par with all previous elections.  That equates to about 48 MILLION votes.  Do you think that might have made a difference?

2nd Corinthians reminds us, “…where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”  That’s the Holy Spirit, folks.  The same Holy Spirit, the same Jesus, the same GOD that the Leftist demons spit upon daily.  The same Christ that they HATE and rage against with a seriously unreasonable hatred.  This is a spiritual battle.  It may be playing out today in “American politics” but if you don’t clearly see the marked difference between those with the Holy Spirit of God and those with the spirit of Satan, the spirit of anti-Christ, then I question your salvation.  This isn’t so much about Trump as it is about a CHOICE between good and evil, between God and Satan.  Between liberty and enslavement.  Between life and death.  If the Democrats steal this, THERE WILL NEVER BE ANY LIBERTY IN AMERICA AGAIN.  This is our last chance at survival.  We need to ALL be on our knees in prayer right now, and we better all be prepared because I fear this spirital battle is about to be played out in the physical realm.  The true remnant of God will not forsake Him — or our nation.  Patriots WILL rise up to defend it, and given the viciousness of our wicked opponents, it’s not going to be pleasant.  May justice and righteousness prevail.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Future is Up to Us — But Maybe Not For Long

by Rob Pue

It’s been quite some time now, since our colleges and universities could be called “institutes of higher learning.”  Indeed, for decades now, their primary purpose has been as liberal, Leftist indoctrination centers, molding each new emerging generation’s minds to accept, support and demand the coming socialist New World Order.  Where once the Word of God was the standard — in all of our schools — today the name of Jesus Christ cannot be uttered, unless it’s being used as a curse word.

Is it any wonder, then, that our colleges are turning out graduates that can no longer think critically, but simply spew back out the Leftist ideologies that have been drilled into their brains since kindergarten?  Free speech — if it opposes the official talking points of their  Leftist leaders — has long since been forbidden.  Try challenging the hardened mindsets of college students and most often you’ll be met with uncontrolled fits of rage, because they cannot defend their positions when confronted with logic, truth and critical thinking.

Not only that, but a college degree doesn’t mean what it used to mean anymore.  In days gone by, if you had a college degree, you were assured of a well-paying career.  But college degrees are so commonplace today, many leave the university, after four (or more) years with a basically useless diploma and the best they can do is a cashier’s job at a convenience store, or perhaps retail or fast-food service.  This is what happens when you major in subjects like “15th Century Feminist Poetry.”

But the students also emerge with a serious “entitlement” mentality — they expect a high-paying job no matter what, and many will refuse to do ANYTHING after graduation if they can’t find a job that pays as much (or more) than their parents earn after having worked hard all their lives.  And of course, they also demand a very generous package of benefits.  If they can’t find that, they’ll simply “wait” — with tens of thousands of dollars in Student Loans to pay — on “deferment,” accruing interest daily.

Today anyone who’s interested can easily go to college.  The government provides guaranteed student loans, and so college degrees are commonplace, and even irrelevant.  And NOW, after being steeped in the ideology of socialism in the government schools and colleges their entire lives, college students are demanding FREE college for all.  I wonder how “valuable” such degrees will be, when EVERYBODY has one.  If they’re of little value now, (when they’re actually paid for), my guess is they’d be entirely worthless when everybody has one, ostensibly for “free.”

A much better choice would be a technical college or trade school, that focuses on teaching valuable job and career skills that are actually NEEDED in the marketplace, rather than intense studies in re-written American history, LGBTQP+ “struggles,” racial and income “inequality,” the need to dismantle the natural family while learning all about how evil it is for men to be masculine.  But I digress…

Recently, a study was done showing that MOST current college students overwhelmingly support America becoming a Socialist country.  Yet few (or none) could explain what socialism actually IS or point to a single “success story” of a country where Socialism actually made things better.  They have no clue.

Campus Reform recently released a video showing a number of interviews conducted with students in the D.C. area.  When asked if they support socialism, students agreed overwhelmingly.  One student claimed it was “definitely an open-form of government” giving “equal ground” to many more people.  But when this student was asked what that actually MEANS, their response was, “To be quite honest, I don’t know!”  The “I don’t know” response is commonplace.  Not one student interviewed could explain exactly how Socialism worked or how it has impacted the citizens of Socialist nations around the world.

The Heritage Foundation recently released a booklet entitled “Nine Ways that Socialism Will Morally Bankrupty America.”  In this publication, they rightly assert that there are three big reasons why, every day, Socialism becomes more and more popular among young Americans.  1). Socialism is being marketed to young people as “kind, selfless, and community-focused.”  2). Many people are unaware of Socialism’s dismal record and 3) Young people are not being taught America’s founding principles, so they’re unprepared to combat the narratives they hear in their schools and colleges.

An example of this indoctrination can be found in the writings of Socialist Danny Katz, who wrote, “Socialism is a society whose top priority is meeting all of its people’s needs — ranging from food, shelter and health care to art, culture and companionship.”  I would assert that those who are currently brainwashing our young people to accept this without question are preying on the EMOTIONS of young people.  Young people are very idealistic, and want to make the world a better place.  That’s a good thing.  But when they only hear a one-sided, very twisted narrative — and taught not to question, but simply accept what they’re being told — they’re easily led astray and eagerly jump aboard the Socialism bandwagon.

The Heritage Foundation’s publication cited a quote from Teen Vogue — another media monstrosity that continues to warp young minds: “Teen Vogue goes further, saying ‘Capitalism takes the position that ‘greed is good,’ while ‘anti-capitalists view capitalism as an inhuman, anti-democratic, unsustainable, deeply exploitative system that must be dismantled.’ Teen Vogue continues, ‘In a capitalist country, the focus is on profits over anything else; in a socialist country, the public is seen to be more important, and social welfare is a major priority.’”

The Heritage Foundation report states: “Socialists rarely talk about actually existing Socialist countries or their historical record. They compare real ‘capitalism’ to fake Socialism. In this Socialist utopian vision, the only way to live a fulfilled, connected life and to take care of your neighbor is to share all things with them equally. Those who support free enterprise are painted as selfish, isolated, and uncaring.  When those are the two options that young people are presented with for the future of America, it’s no wonder so many have heeded the siren call of Socialism.”

I’d encourage you to seek out this publication from the Heritage Foundation and share it with young people in need.  But here, briefly are the nine points they cover.  First, Socialism directly opposes the American Dream.  While the marketing experts pushing this promise that Socialism will create equal outcomes for everyone through government redistribution of income or wealth, it actually creates inequality.  The American Dream is about rewarding those who work hard, take risks and defer short-term pleasure (for example, “free stuff for all”) in order to better themselves and their families.

Second, Politicians in power make your most important decisions for you.  It forces people to behave as government demands.  Politicians and bureaucrats make all the rules, and the people must obey.

Third, Freedom of choice is severely limited or eliminated.  In Socialism, government decides where you go to school, the curriculum in the schools, and jobs or careers are dictated by the bureaucrats.

Fourth, Under Socialism, all suffer equally.  Here’s a FACT for you:  “Mild Socialism lowers the public’s standard of living, and when it’s seriously implemented, it always leads to mass poverty and deprivation.  It’s never led to greater prosperity.”  We need only look at the history of countries like the Soviet Union, China, North Korea, Venezuela and Cuba to see that Socialism has left nothing but disaster in it’s wake.  EVERY SINGLE TIME it’s been tried, it has failed.  It ensures mass poverty.

Fifth, If everyone owns the resources, nobody truly owns them.  It encourages greed and wastefulness while killing the idea of personal responsibility.  No one has any incentive to be a good steward or protect what they have.

Sixth, Robbing Peter to pay Paul is morally wrong.  Of course, one of the first things they teach kids in public schools and colleges today is that there ARE NO moral absolutes.  But remember, benevolence, charity and compassion are VIRTUES when they involve giving of ones’ self to another.  But this is eliminated when the people are FORCED to “give” by government.  It also takes away our ability to instill these virtues into our own children.  Again, it encourages greed while eliminating the idea of personal responsibility.

Seventh, Power is consolidated within the government.  Socialism gives the government “god” status — they take control of every aspect of your life and confiscate your hard-earned resources.  It’s not the PEOPLE that decide what’s best.  It’s the government bureaucrats.  These government leaders also suppress relationships formed in churches, schools, charities and civic organizations, while censoring and silencing free speech and ideas that do not conform with the State’s agenda.  Under Socialism, even one’s own THOUGHTS become crimes.

Eighth, the government controls everything you see, hear or think about. It controls the media, and you’re only allowed to know — or think — what they want you to know or think. The freedom of speech is an unalienable right of American citizens. But under Socialism, anyone with “free thoughts” running counter to what the government declares is “best” for the people is seen as a threat that must be severely punished or eliminated.

And finally, Socialism creates dependence instead of freedom.  Socialism destroys peoples’ drive to be self-sufficient.  When you can’t make your own choices, can’t ever work to improve your lot in life, can’t speak your mind and can’t follow your dreams, you have no choice but to fall into the corrosive lethargy of dependence.  The Almighty State commands, AND YOU OBEY…or else!  You look to the government for your every need, and you dutifully OBEY that government in order to make sure you get what you need.

While being brainwashed their entire lives in government schools and colleges to accept and demand Socialism, our young people are also being taught that America is a democracy.  This is deliberate, and intentionally being done to create a specific outcome:  obedience to a new One World Government.  Further, they “soften” the terminology now, calling it “Democratic Socialism,” which gives the impression that the people have more power.  In the 1960s — and beyond — the cry was for “Power to the People.”

But this never happens under Socialism (which, by the way, always leads to Communism), and anyone doing even ten minutes of research can easily see how Socialist countries have extreme disparity between class levels — the government bureaucrats become  filthy rich, while the CITIZENS live in utter poverty, have absolutely no rights, are not allowed to have any contrary opinions about anything.  “Thought crimes” are punishable by death.

To illustrate how far we’ve come on the slippery slope toward Globalism, we’ve all seen the violent marches and riots in recent months and years — mostly by high school and college age young people.  Their chant is often “THIS IS WHAT DEMOCRACY LOOKS LIKE.”  That MAY be the only thing they’re getting right.  That IS, indeed, what “democracy” looks like.  “Democracy” has been described as two wolves and a chicken deciding what to have for dinner.  It’s mob rule — but remember, the “mob” is never allowed to “rule” under Socialism.  Such uprisings, as we’ve seen here in America lately, would be quickly put down under Socialism.  And unlike here, where police are ordered to “stand down,” under Socialism, anyone taking part in such marches or riots are immediately imprisoned, sent to hard labor camps for “re-education” or simply put to death.

And “Democracy” is NOT what our Founding Fathers set up for us either.  They gave us a Constitutional Representative Republic, where the will of the people is supposed to be carried out by our public servants and representatives.  But the people are now deceived into believing the delusion that “Democracy” will give “power to the people,” and that Socialism will bring about equality for all.  So many are just CLUELESS.

Meanwhile, our Constitutional Representative Republic is now on life support and our nation’s capitol has become a swamp full of opportunists, shady back-room deals and lawlessness.  No longer do we have equal justice under the law.  The ideals of our Founding Fathers have been smirked at and scoffed at, our Constitution ignored and those charged with representing US have taken more than their “thirty pieces of silver” to line their own pockets at the expense of their country.  This is treason, but lawlessness abounds and truth has fallen in the streets.

The enemy of our souls has been working hard to destroy the minds of our young people for generations, and now those “young people” are the ones in charge.  America is at a tipping point.  History will record these days we’re living in, as either the time when patriots rose up to take their country back, fathers rose up to love, teach and discipline their children, teaching them, again, the fear of God, and the natural family was restored, thereby rebuilding the foundation for a civilized, freedom-loving country; OR these days will be recorded as the time the Globalists won their greatest victory, bringing about totalitarian rule and enslaving us all.  I guess the future is up to us — but it may not be for long.  I pray that by God’s mercy and grace, He will yet pour out His Holy Spirit on the faithful few, giving them the courage to strengthen the things that remain.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

The ‘Dark Winter’ is At the Door

By Rob Pue

There’s been chatter for the past several months from many sources predicting we are headed into what they call a “Dark Winter.”  That sounds ominous, but no one, to the best of my knowledge, has ever said exactly what they mean when they say a “Dark Winter.”  Even one of the presidential candidates (and I will let you guess which one) stated during the last debate that we are heading into a “Dark Winter.”  Not that we “might” be — that we ARE.  So what exactly does that MEAN?

A quick internet search immediately brought THIS up from Wikipedia:“Operation Dark Winter was the code name for a senior-level bio-terrorist attack simulation conducted from June 22–23, 2001.  It was designed to carry out a mock version of a covert and widespread smallpox attack on the United States.”  Wikipedia goes on to state: “Dark Winter was focused on evaluating the inadequacies of a national emergency response during the use of a biological weapon against the American populace. The exercise was solely intended to establish preventive measures and response strategies by increasing governmental and public awareness of the magnitude and potential of such a threat posed by biological weapons.”

Huh.  So why are so many — including one of the presidential candidates — stating that we are in for a “Dark Winter” NOW?  I find it interesting that anytime the nefarious forces on the Left are planning to do something unspeakable, they talk openly about it ahead of time.  They let us know AHEAD OF TIME what they’re planning, though they cloak their intentions in a lot of smoke and mirrors, so we really never understand exactly WHAT they’re referring to — until it happens.   And I can’t help but be reminded of Event 201, which led almost immediately to the worldwide coronavirus “pandemic.”  Like the Dark Winter of 2001, Event 201 was ALSO a “simulation” exercise.  So, with so many predicting and warning about a “Dark Winter, I have to wonder what these evil “powers that be” are really planning in the coming weeks and months.

I’ve been doing a lot of intense study and research, and much of what I’ve uncovered is startling.  With the month of November just around the corner we find ourselves now at the point that we’ve dreaded all year.  Police departments nationwide are on high alert; the Federal government is on high alert; our military is on high alert, and I dare say the majority of Americans who are awake to current world events are, right now, bracing themselves for impact.  ONE of the political parties (and again, I will let you guess which one) has promised unprecedented violence and rioting leading up to, and following the presidential election.  They’ve promised, (and I quote), to “burn it all down” if their candidate doesn’t get elected.   A recent poll shows that 61% of Americans fully expect a second civil war to break out within the next week or two.  This should concern you.

We’ve never seen anything remotely like what’s happening in our nation today.  It’s easy to see that we’re in the midst of nothing less than a highly organized, planned DESTRUCTION of our country.  And even more to the point, not just America.  This seems to be a final hard push for a New, One World Government revolution.  Yes, America is probably the biggest “trophy” of all, but this is global in scale.  And as my friend from the United Kingdom told me just yesterday, “things seem to be going swimmingly for the globalists.”

I’m going to ask you to think critically now and consider some things you may not have thought about before.   Back near the end of last year, we began to see video footage coming out of Wuhan, China that was very disturbing.  The videos showed people falling over dead in the streets from this coronavirus.  They showed people being rounded up by military officers in “haz-mat” suits, tossing them into ambulances and vans and hauling them away.  We saw images of an enormous city completely devoid of people, as Wuhan was locked down and became a virtual ghost town.  But it’s those videos of people falling over dead, ostensibly from the “virus,” that were the most gripping.

These videos began coming out at the end of 2019 and continued into January, February and early March.  We saw how China locked their citizens down, forcing them into quarantine; any who WERE allowed to move around in public were forced to wear masks… but never in our wildest imaginations did we EVER think such a thing could ever happen here.  And then overnight, it did.

I have to wonder something about those videos from China.  With such a totalitarian government in control there, where there is NO freedom of the press, NO freedom of speech and EVERYTHING is closely monitored and highly censored… I HAVE to wonder, WHY did China let such “negative press” get out freely on the internet and the world-wide mainstream media?  Certainly, even if there was a deadly crisis there, it would have been in China’s best interest to make sure nobody ever found out.  But those videos were everywhere, shared on social media millions of times worldwide.

So I’m wondering now, could those videos have been “staged?”  Now, I’m not saying there’s no coronavirus.  But we all know it’s not nearly as deadly as we were first led to believe.  MOST people never contract it at all, and of those that do, more than 99% recover without the need for hospitalization.  Yet suddenly, seemingly overnight, the entire WORLD  was locked down, forced to wear masks, the healthy were quarantined, only those businesses that were arbitrarily deemed “essential” were allowed to remain open, while most small businesses were forced into bankruptcy.  Not just here — but globally.  It’s as if those “leaked” videos from China were all designed to frighten people into blind submission and compliance, destroy the world economy and bring the Western world — especially America — to it’s knees.  Mission accomplished.

So where are we at today?  Well, travel is greatly restricted worldwide.  You can still travel by air here in the US, domestically, but strict protocols are enforced.  You can go to most restaurants and public places here, but even today, nearly eight months after this all began, face masks are either mandatory or “strongly recommended,” and in many private businesses, if you’re NOT wearing one, you’re not allowed in.  Also, in many private businesses, employees are required to cover their faces if they want to keep their jobs.  And while the majority of Americans have blindly and sheepishly complied to the mask mandates (because we’ve been told they’ll stop the spread of the virus), we’re now hearing more fear mongering regarding “spikes” in cases, “hot spots” around the country, a “second wave” of COVID and warnings of more lockdowns being “necessary” to stop the spread.

If you watch any television at all, you’ll be indoctrinated with a steady stream of “feel good” messages about “these difficult times,” and how “we’re all in this together.”  In other words, if you want to be a “good person” you’ll shut up, comply and wear your mask, social distance, limit gatherings, close your churches, and just continue to watch the mainstream news media propaganda closely, so you will know what to do and how to behave.  In the words of ONE of the candidates for president, (and again, I’ll let you guess which one I’m referring to), Come on, man!”  Most of the world now realizes we’ve been lied to from day one and there’s much more behind all this than meets the eye.  This whole thing has been fishy from the start.

I spoke with another friend in New Zealand today.  He informed me that after easing restrictions earlier in the year, parts of New Zealand have been placed back in a “level 3” lockdown again.  Citizens can only drive cars to the nearest supermarket; schools are closed; only “essential workers” are allowed to travel and must have the required documentation to do so.

He reports: “Police are everywhere.  Our army has been deployed around the country and given police status.  Our police can now enter our homes forcibly for no reason, detain us, take us away for investigation, remove our children and vaccinate us.  The media has been on a relentless brainwashing mission to aid the ‘virus agenda.’  I can see how the vaccine will be administered through industry,” he said, adding “you simply won’t be allowed to work unless you take the vaccine.  We’re told New Zealand has secured a ‘top priority’ vaccine deal.  We’ve had Bill and Melinda Gates visiting several times now, photos taken of them and the Prime Minister to help push the agenda.  Reports today suggest the entire country will be going back into full lockdown again soon.”  Those are the exact words from my friend in New Zealand.

Similar lockdowns are either already in place or planned to begin again soon worldwide… Ireland, Great Britain, Scotland, Wales, France, Germany, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Brazil, Columbia, Argentina, Peru, Panama, Mexico, and Canada.

Meanwhile, Russia and China have mostly re-opened (and Russia is the first country to accept a coronavirus vaccine, known as ‘Sputnik 5’) but Israel now has a second national lockdown in effect, causing tens of thousands of Israeli citizens to protest in the streets — despite the lockdown rules confining protests to groups of 20 or fewer, wearing masks, standing two meters apart and gathering no more than one kilometer from their homes.

Perhaps most disturbing of all is the recent news out of Canada, where we’ve learned that up to 20,000 communist Chinese military troops are now stationed in British Columbia — just a 2 1/2 hour drive from Seattle.  What are they there for and why do they have planned?

Lifesite News reported on October 9th that an Ontario politician is raising alarm over the Trudeau Liberal government’s plan to build isolation/quarantine facilities coast to coast.  Randy Hillier asked the Doug Ford government of Ontario if they knew how many of these camps will be built, and how many people they will detain.  He brought documentation showing these camps are being built for “other” purposes, not just for COVID.

As he was asking questions about the camps during a meeting in parliament, he presented documentation showing the camps are already being built and on the “fast track” — and are intended to detain and isolate citizens as well as travelers, each one able to house up to 1600 people.  Then suddenly, his microphone was cut off and he was told by leadership to “sit down” with no answers given.  These camps are now being built in every Canadian province and documentation shows they will be operated by a “third party service provider.”  I wonder who that “third party” will be.

Even more disturbing is Justin Trudeau’s “road map” for the coming months.  This information was recently “leaked” by a Canadian politician and published in The Liberty Beacon.  Trudeau’s plans include: a secondary lockdown in November, 2020.  Rushing acquisition or construction of isolation facilities across every province by December 2020, with total and COMPLETE secondary lockdown in place by the end of December.  Deployment of military personnel into major metropolitan areas as well as all major roadways and to establish travel checkpoints.

And here’s the scary part:  “Reform and expansion of the unemployment program to be transitioned into the new “Universal Basic Income Program.”  This is expected to be implemented in the first quarter of 2021.  What is it?  It’s a plan to deal with economic collapse on an international scale, which will give Canadians total debt relief.  But friends, we all know there’s NO “free lunch.”

Here’s how it works:  the federal government will offer to eliminate all personal debts, including mortgages, loans, credit cards, etc.   The money to do this will be provided by the International Monetary Fund (the IMF) under what will become known as “the World Debt Reset Program.”  In exchange for acceptance of this total debt forgiveness, the individual will forfeit ownership of any and all property and assets forever.  The individual would also have to agree to partake in the COVID 19 and COVID 21 vaccination schedule, which will provide them with unrestricted travel and living conditions, even under a full lockdown.

Those who don’t comply will be required to live under the lockdown restrictions indefinitely.  They will then be deemed a public safety risk and relocated into isolation facilities.  Once in those facilities, they will be given two options:  participate in the debt forgiveness program and be released, or stay indefinitely in the facilities and have all their assets seized.

Members of Parliament who were opposed to this and brought up key issues and objections were completely ignored and told this is GOING to happen, regardless of what the people may want.

The IMF is an international organization headquartered in Washington DC and consists of 189 countries — and they’re the ones who plan to engineer this “global financial reset.”    If you think such draconian measures cannot happen here, as they’re already being openly planned in Canada, just look around you.  Did you think, ten months ago, that what happened in China could ever possibly happen here?  Yet it has, and it continues.  If you think the “virus” or all the various schemes for the orchestrated and well-planned destruction of America will all go away after November 3rd, you’re sadly mistaken.  The ‘Dark Winter’ is at the door.  It’s coming, folks.  Brace yourself.  America is badly wounded, brought to it’s knees, surrounded by — and infiltrated by — anarchists and New World Order globalists.  And we are surrounded on all sides, with even CHICOM troops trained and ready on our northern and southern borders.  It seems we are, indeed, in for a VERY “dark winter.”  And the future of freedom in America — and the world — is looking very dark, indeed.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 308.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Young People: When Would You Want to Know?

By Rob Pue

My heart is very grieved for the younger generation.  I see so many that are so angry — and even filled with rage.  So many living in anguish, confusion, and fear.  Our children and young adults are being fed lies by just about every institution in our nation, and there are ravenous wolves out there, hungry for the hearts, minds, blood and souls of our young people.  I should add their BODIES as well, as the sexualization and exploitation of children and young adults has become sickeningly “normalized.”

I hate what our culture has done to our young people.  We’ve allowed them to be brainwashed with lies, including the lie that the best they can hope for in this life is to indulge all their carnal, hedonistic desires with an attitude of “entitlement.”  No limits, no rules, no right, no wrong.  Everything is “relative” and everyone gets a “trophy,” simply for existing.

I’m hoping to reach some of the young people out there with this message, those who are feeling lost, disconnected, without purpose and ANGRY.  I’m under no delusion that the kids and young adults I want to reach will be listening to this message on a Christian radio station, and certainly the chances of them taking the time to READ this message on the internet or in print are next to zero.  I know that.  But, young people:  my hope is that someone who loves you WILL — and will take the time to share this information with you.  You see, they LOVE you, they care so deeply for your life and your soul.  And they know that something has gone terribly wrong in the world and you have become a victim of it.  You’ve been lied to, tricked and trapped, and you need to know the truth that will free you.

Most likely you won’t listen to those who love you.  You don’t care what they have to say.  You think they don’t know you and don’t understand you — or modern life or what you deal with, struggle with and go through on a daily basis.  They may have done their best, but failed; or maybe they haven’t even tried to maintain a close, personal relationship with you, so how DARE they try to suddenly insert themselves into your private affairs and “fix” you?!  You don’t think you NEED “fixing” and you certainly don’t want to discuss personal things with THEM, especially if they’re going to challenge or question everything you believe.  For some reason you’re not quite sure of, you’re ANGRY, very angry.  But if you won’t listen to them, maybe you’ll listen to me, a stranger.  Just give me a chance and hear me out.  That’s all I ask.

Allow me to ask a couple of questions.  First, if what you THOUGHT you knew about life and the world turned out to be WRONG…WHEN would you want to know?  Think about that.  If what you THOUGHT you knew was WRONG… WHEN would YOU want to know?

Secondly, whether you’re 27, 17 or 10 years old, I assume you know someone younger than yourself.  Perhaps a younger brother, sister or cousin.  If you’re 27, let me ask you this:  do you think you’re just a little smarter, a little more “educated” and “enlightened” than you were when you were 17?  And if you’re 17, do you think you know a little bit more about life than you did when you were 10?  And if you’re 10, do you think just maybe you’ve “been around” a little longer and learned a few more things than your 2 year old baby sister?

I’m asking you to give me a chance here, and try to hear what I’m about to share with you.  Because I’m QUITE A BIT OLDER than all of you, and if you’re so much more wise than your counterparts who are 8 or 10 years younger than you; consider for a moment that I just MAY have learned a few things since I was 10, 17 or 27… things that you’re not aware of yet.

You can write me off as a right-wing crackpot if you like, but I just ask that you hear me out before you plug your ears or shout me down.  Young people want their voices heard; we all want our voices heard.  Will you give ME the same consideration that you value so highly for yourself?  The same consideration that you SAY all people should receive?  Or will you be a hypocrite?

Young people are very idealistic, and that’s a good thing.  They want to make the world a better place.  They want to do away with injustice.  They want to right the things that are wrong.  They want to live in a world where the underdog gets a shot at success and where the bullies are punished and where the “good guys” win and the “bad guys” get what’s coming to them.  But… don’t we ALL want that?  Of course we do.  It makes no difference how old you are.  Everyone wants justice, equality and fairness.

But as I watch the world around me today, I’m sickened by what I’m seeing.  I’m seeing young people being exploited and blatantly lied to — and brainwashed into “useful idiots” — eagerly doing the bidding of those pulling the strings in a sinister, wicked, evil agenda.  And MY generation has largely stood by silently and let it all happen.  For the most part, we’ve said nothing as things have deteriorated in our culture.  In some cases, we even participated in the deterioration.  Shame on US.

First of all, young people, understand this:  there are sinister, evil, wicked forces out there and YOU are their most valued target.  The mask they wear gives the impression that they’re working for “good” but nothing could be further from the truth, because they’re straight from the pits of hell…. and they’re working HARD to brainwash you.  Yes, you have been LIED to by almost every institution there is.

We’re at a place in America — and the world — now, where everything has become vulgar, perverse and twisted.  Walk the hallways of any public school between classes and you’ll hear the most foul, vulgar language coming from the mouths of babes who think they’re more “grown up” because they can swear.  Just like their “music” idols.  The majority of what passes for “pop” music today is an abomination, and it’s FILLED with sexist, racist, degrading “lyrics.”  And while young people CLAIM to be against such awful things, they have no problem dancing and singing along to the pounding beat of their favorite “rapper” while he (or she) spews vulgarity and everything they claim to be against.  THAT’S the brainwashing, guys.  It’s no wonder so many today can’t speak a single sentence without dropping 15 “F-bombs.”

In our places of so-called “higher learning” civil discourse is no longer allowed.  If you don’t hold to a Leftist, liberal agenda, you’re shouted down, chased out, your voice NOT welcome.  A few years ago they came out with a thing called “micro-aggressions” on high school and college campuses.  These are “crimes” students MIGHT commit by inadvertently saying or doing something that could possibly be construed as sexist, racist or somehow otherwise offensive.  Examples of “micro-aggressions” could be holding a door for a young lady (because that would be considered misogynistic and sexist).  Or a white person having the NERVE to point out that it’s the content of one’s character that matters, not the color of one’s skin (because that would be considered “racist”).  Conservative speakers are not allowed on college campuses anymore; they’re literally “run out of town” — some have even been physicallly beaten up.  So much for freedom of speech, diversity of opinion and civil debate.  THAT’S the brainwashing.

There’s been a spiritual war — a spiritual battle — raging since the beginning of time, between the forces of good and the forces of evil.  The forces of light versus the forces of darkness.  God versus Satan.  As a created being, Satan has NO power except that which God, our CREATOR, ALLOWS him to have.  But for a time, he has been granted power over the earth.  And he — and his minions, including demons and the PEOPLE who have rejected God, rebel against God and despise God — are working HARD to lie, steal, kill, confuse, and ultimately destroy our young people.  Young people are the greatest prize because they’re the future.  Brainwash a person from the earliest of childhood and they’ll become a “useful idiot” and willing slave to the demonic agenda for life.

Thus, we have the push now for what they CALL “sexual freedom” — but it’s not freedom, it’s perversion, abomination and absolutely unnatural.  The LGBTQP+ agenda has wormed their way into the schools, colleges, Hollywood movies, pop music, sports, government, and even churches.  Under the guise of “equality” and using phrases like “love is love,” and “love wins,” they’ve managed to brainwash perfectly healthy minds into believing abominable lies.  Homosexuality — or more properly stated — SODOMY, is NOT normal and absolutely unnatural.  And it has nothing to do with genuine LOVE.  Yet it’s not only accepted, but TAUGHT now, in our schools, and even celebrated in some of our churches.  How did we arrive at this point?  By renaming it, by re-framing it so it sounds better.  No longer do we call it “sodomy.”  Now we call it “gay.”  But let’s shine the light of truth on what we’re REALLY talking about here.  We’re not talking about Bobby and Timmy living together and “identifying” in whatever sexual role they freely choose.  We’re talking about a man inserting his sexual organ into the rectum of another man.  Sorry to be so blunt.  But that’s what sodomy IS, and it’s time we called it what it IS.

Today, our young people are encouraged to “experiment” as groups like Planned Parenthood have overtaken the “sex education” classes in our public schools.  So sodomy (and now “transgenderism”) is actually being PUSHED on our young people — do you wonder why so many, now, are “coming out” as “gay” or “trans?”  It’s the brainwashing.  It’s the lies they’ve been taught to not only accept, but consider and try out for themselves.  It’s wicked.

Equally wicked is the fact that there are those now pushing for the legalization, acceptance and celebration of pedophilia.  We’re talking about child abuse, child rape, child sex trafficking…and they’re no longer even trying to hide that anymore.  And the young people are (once again) the victims, as they seek to emulate their pop music idols, singing and dancing along to filthy “songs,” that reduce a beautiful, sacred relationship between a husband and wife to nothing more than a hedonistic, animalistic act.  That’s the culture our young people are growing up in.  And when a baby is conceived, they’ve been taught to be PROUD to have an abortion.  “Shout your abortion,” they say.  More lies.  More brainwashing.  Those wielding the agenda HIDE the fact that an abortion is actually the BEHEADING and dismemberment of a REAL, LIVE human BABY.  Instead they “reframe” it to “sound good,” if such a thing were possible.  They call it “womens’ healthcare” and “female empowerment.”  Let’s call it what it is:  it’s murder.

The devil is REAL, folks.  Now, we’re seeing our young people being used as pawns by groups like ANTIFA and “Black Lives Matter.”  Again, more lies.  After YEARS of indoctrination by government schools and colleges, with history rewritten and TRUTH erased, we now have young people growing up hating their own country and their own heritage.  We now have white kids who are so confused and upset, they hate THEMSELVES just because they’re white.  And so they do what they’ve been trained to do:  they RAGE.

So now we have young people rioting in the streets, burning down their own cities, tearing down historical monuments and statues celebrating our history and those who fought for their freedom.  “ANTIFA” is supposed to stand for “anti-fascist.”  But if you take even a moment to THINK critically and investigate, you’ll see there is no more fascist group in the world than ANTIFA.  “Black Lives Matter” is supposed to support black people.  But again, if you do even a minimal amount of research into their true goals and agenda, you’ll find it’s just more lies and brainwashing.  Can you name ONE THING that BLM has done to positively impact black communities?  I’ll wait.  But you see, you can’t — because like their father, the devil, all they do — all they PLAN to do — is kill, steal and destroy.  The goal of both of these groups is the same:  to destroy America and turn it into a Marxist, Socialist, Communist nation.

But the lies and brainwashing is so heavy on our young people, they THINK that’s a “good” thing!  Friends, ANTIFA is NOT “anti-fascist.”  They want complete control, totalitarian rule.  So if you’re a young person and one of their minions, know this:  you are NOT fighting for freedom.  You’re fighting for your own enslavement.  The same is true of BLM.  If Black Lives Matter (and of course they DO), then ALL black lives should matter — especially the most innocent and vulnerable among them: unborn babies.

But you know, ALL lives do TRULY matter.  You may not realize it, but you’ve been trained to HATE.  Instead of being “inclusive” or “diverse” like they told you you’d be, you’ve become filled with rage, and the most intolerant of all.  Instead of bringing about justice and righteousness, you’ve become bigoted, racist bullies.  You won’t tolerate hearing the truth.  You will not tolerate anything that goes against what they’ve trained you to think.  WAKE UP!

Young people, if you want freedom, if you want justice, if you want GOOD rather than evil in this world, you MUST do away with the brainwashing and challenge yourself to study and learn on your own.  In order to be successful, you have to FORCE yourself to learn the things you don’t want to learn — the things that go against all that you’ve been taught by your teachers, by pop culture, and by simply living in this fallen world full of lies.

Finally, know THIS:  there IS a God who created you.  He created you with value and purpose and you’re living at this EXACT point in time FOR that purpose… you can either go along with the crowd, or you can be “counter-cultural.”  You can either be like everyone else your age, or you can STAND OUT from the crowd and be one of God’s heroes in this End Times spiritual battle — and save not just lives, but SOULS currently bound for hell.  No interest in God?  That’s the saddest thing I’ve heard yet.  I wouldn’t have though that YOU would give up so easily and let the enemy of your soul just “take” you.  You’re smarter than that.  Think for yourself instead of following the lies you’ve been taught.  Never opened a Bible?  Do it.  If you TRULY seek God, He WILL reveal Himself to you.  Check it out and see if I’m right or wrong.  Let me ask you again:  if what you THOUGHT you knew turned out to be wrong, WHEN would you want to know?

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

We Don’t Get to Go Home Yet

Rob Pue

This past March, just literally DAYS before the Planned-Demic was announced and the nationwide lockdowns began, I was blessed to be visited by a dear friend who lives quite far away.  I’ve had many friends over the years, though none of them what you’d really call “close” friends — and I’ve had even more “acquaintences” — but I’ve never had a friend like this before.  If the truth be told, I’ve probably had more that really do NOT like me in this world, than call me “friend.”

But indeed, this friend is one who has been closer than a brother to me.  God introduced us about three years ago;  and it was as if we’d known one another all our lives.  Our close bond of friendship was instantaneous, and he’s been an incredible blessing in my life and a great encouragement to me ever since.

This man has been a faithful minister of God for over four decades and has been through a lot.  There’s no question that he’s “run the race” well, sacrificed tremendously, served the Lord and followed the narrow road faithfully.  As we reuinited after not seeing each other for about five months, it was as if not a day had passed… no awkwardness, no polite “niceties” necessary before our conversation naturally began to flow from deep within each of our hearts.

Then he told me how he had been standing on his back deck, just the very night before, gazing up at the stars and how he had prayed to the Lord, “Father, I’ve lived a long life.  I’ve worked hard, I’ve followed Your ways and taught and discipled others to follow You, too.  It seems I’ve done all I can in this world, Lord.  I’ve been faithful to the work You called me to, but I’m tired.  So tired.   Please, Father, is there any way I could just come HOME now?  My children are grown and out on their own, and it seems like my work for You here is through.  I’ve done as much as any one man can do.  Please, Father God… I’m ready, if it be Your will …. please let me just come home now, and be with You.”

For just a moment, there was silence between us… and then I asked him, “What time was it last night, would you say, when you were out there on your deck praying this prayer?” 

And then I informed him that at the exact time he was outside looking up at the heavens, crying out to God on his back deck, I was praying the exact same prayer, with just about the exact same words, from my own back deck, 1500 miles away.  We were both asking our heavenly Father for the same thing at the same time, as we both stared up at His magnificent starry heavens.  Yes, both of us asking our Father to please, please just let us come home now.

And we both received the same response:  “Not yet.  Your work is not yet finished, and in fact, you have no idea what will still be required of you.”  And is usually the case, the Lord caused Scripture to come to mind, from Galatians 6, “…let us not grow weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” 

“Yes…alright, Father God, may Your will be done.”

In talking with many of you over the past months, I have found that my friend and I are not alone.  Many are tired.  SO tired.  Worn out.  And as we see what lies before us in THIS world, we really don’t want to have anything to do with it.  We would much rather just go home and be with our Lord and Savior.

This world holds no attraction for those whose hearts are set on the things of the Spirit and on things above.  Matthew 6 reminds us, “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal.  But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven…  For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

And so, as Christ-followers, we’ve done just that, and we long for the time when we can return to the One Who created us, the One we have followed, loved and served as He was gracious to reveal more and more of Himself to us during our lifetimes.  We often feel like orphans in an alien world, yet we know our Redeemer lives and that when we step out of this world, we will be welcomed into His loving arms, home at last.  How we LONG for that day, but we must not get ahead of ourselves.  Because God has placed us here, in this wicked world, and he’s instructed us to ‘OCCUPY’ until He returns.

In Luke 19, we read of Jesus’ visit to the home of Zaccaeus, whom the people deemed to be “a sinner,” a “thief,” even a “lost cause.”   But after spending time with Jesus, Zaccaeus humbly repented, cried out to the the Lord and was saved.  And Jesus said, “This day is salvation come to this house, forsomuch as he also is a son of Abraham.  For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.”

Jesus demonstrated this life lesson for His disciples on their way to Jerusalem.  And as they drew closer to the city, there was great anticipation among the disciples because they assumed, as we read in verse 11, that the kingdom of God should immediately appear.”  It was then that Jesus told the parable of the talents — “A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return.  And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, ‘Occupy ‘til I come.’” 

We know the rest of the story…  the people despised the ‘nobleman’ as well as his servants.  But despite living in a land where their Lord was hated, and THEY were hated because of him, most of them OCCUPIED as they were told.  The first servant with one talent had earned for his Master ten;  the second servant had earned five; but the third servant hid his away because of cowardice and the fear of the people.  This story is told previously in Matthew 25, and the end of the unfaithful servant is revealed: “And cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”  He had NOT been faithful to “occupy.”

As was often the case, the disciples didn’t understand Jesus’ parable.  They were still expecting Jesus to immediately enter Jerusalem as a conquering King, but instead, He  entered humbly, riding on a donkey’s colt.  Then came the woman who anointed Him with oil at Simon’s house in Bethany.  Then the Last Supper, followed by Jesus’ tormenting time of prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane.

He was in deep turmoil in that Garden, as He knew what was about to take place, and He asked his best friends to watch and pray.  “Then saith He unto them, ‘My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death; tarry ye here, and watch with Me.’  And He went a little farther, and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, ‘O My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me: nevertheless not as I will, but as Thou wilt.’”  Jesus prayed this prayer three times, so earnestly that he sweat great drops of blood.  Yet His disciples, His best friends, did not understand the urgency of the situation.  They couldn’t even stay awake at the time their Lord needed them most.

Then came Jesus’ arrest and trials, the beatings, the humiliation and ultimately, His crucifixion.  All the while, the disciples — His best friends — followed at a distance.  Except, of course, for Peter, who went a bit closer, but when confronted, denied Jesus three times, because he feared what men would do to him for his “being with” Jesus.

It would do us all well to study, meditate and reflect on the life and teachings of Jesus, as well as what it meant when He went to the cross, died, was buried and rose again.  In Matthew 16, Jesus warned, “If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.  For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for My sake shall find it.  For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?  Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”

Like the worthless servant from Jesus’ parable who refused to ‘occupy’ and serve his Lord while he was away, there are many today, who, because of the fear of men, will simply “hide” — they’ll hide themselves and their “talents” —  accomplishing nothing for the Kingdom as they simply “sleep’ and await the Lord’s return.  Or they’ll follow Him “at a distance,” one foot in the world, one foot — hesitantly — in the things of God.  (That’s called being “lukewarm,” by the way… and by the way, that makes God sick enough to vomit).

And like the disciples who entered Jerusalem with Jesus that final time, there are many today who are eagerly expecting Jesus’ imminent return — the rapture.  They long to go be with Jesus and they’re sure it will be any day now.  Certainly we see the signs all around us that Jesus said to watch for, that would lead to His quick return.  But as we know, what is “quick” to us is not necessarily “quick” to God.  What if our Lord remains in His “far-off kingdom” for another fifty years before His return?  Where do you see yourself in 50 years?  (Remember, “It’s appointed unto man once to die, and then the judgment.”)

What if, during those fifty years, we continue to do nothing, refusing to “occupy” until His return?  How many lost “talents” — or in this case, lost SOULS — will be charged to our account because we did nothing?  Ezekiel 3:18, “When I say unto the wicked, ‘Thou shalt surely die;’ and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.”  That, friends, is the cost of doing nothing.  DEATH, when there COULD have been LIFE, if only you had been a faithful servant.

Certainly it’s frightening to stand for Christ, to preach the truth and to share the Gospel in a world that hates our Lord and Savior — but that doesn’t get us off the hook.  We still have our work to do.  WE may consider what’s left of this wicked world to be “hopeless,” but God doesn’t.  He’s not willing that ANY should perish but that all should come to repentance.  How will those perishing ones ever hear if WE never speak?

There are endless accounts in Scripture of God using those who hated Him and His anointed ones as His ministers — AFTER they came to know Him.  Not the least of which was Paul, formerly Saul, who actively went door-to-door, pulling Christ-followers out of their homes and putting them to death.  He thought he was doing a good thing.  He even held the coats of those who stoned Stephen to death.

I, for one, need to remember that, before I condemn those lost and confused souls who are now marching with ANTIFA, BLM and other anarchist groups.  Because if the truth be told, they truly KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO.  They’re victims of brainwashing and indoctrination by wicked, evil Leftists.  NO ONE has bothered to tell them the TRUTH.  And as a result, they’ll gladly burn churches and kill Christians and believe they’re doing “good” things.  And remember, Paul called himself “the chief of sinners,” yet he was transformed, he was washed, he was redeemed by the mercy and grace of God.

God’s love is AVAILABLE to all, and He’s ready to redeem and restore all who will come to Him in humble repentance and faith in what Christ did for mankind on the cross.  If they refuse God’s mercy and grace and instead, after hearing about God’s offer of life, CHOOSE to believe the lies and remain in rebellious sin, then God’s righteous judgment will fall on them.  But WE must not “write them off” as “lost causes” if we’ve never bothered to speak God’s life and truth to them.

But how will they ever hear of such an incredible gift of mercy if we’re too afraid to stand up, stand firm and speak the truth that WE KNOW is true?  Like Stephen and so many others before us, doing so — especially in such a time as this — may well cost us our very lives.  But how will we be able to stand before our Lord knowing we’ve been lazy servants, even ‘workers of iniquity’ — because we were too cowardly and unbelieving to offer LIFE over death, to even the least of these?

Matthew 16:24, “Then Jesus said to His disciples, ‘If any of you wants to be My follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow Me.’”  OF COURSE it’s not going to be easy.  GOD never said it would be easy.  He said it was going to be a narrow road, a narrow gate, a HARD way… not an easy, broad path, but one that FEW will ever find.

It’s going to turn the world upside down – you’ll be persecuted and hated of all men for His Names’ sake, it will cause the loss of worldly friendships and even in some cases the breakup of families.  It may cost you children, grandchildren, and some of your dearest loved ones.  Many of you understand and have experienced exactly what I’m talking about.  You’ve lost much for the Kingdom of God, you’ve been tested and gone through many trials and have survived, and you are tired…  I understand.  It’s heart-wrenching.  But friends, we don’t get to go home yet.  Our work is not yet finished.  Jesus may come at any moment, or it may be in fifty years, or in 500 years.  But He IS returning to gather His own to Himself.  All who will come.  Meanwhile, WE must continue to OCCUPY until that time and be about our Father’s business.  Let us be found faithful in that day, whenever that day may be.

Finally, let us remember the words of Revelation, which describe the spiritual weapons of warfare we’re to use against the enemy of our souls… we must be well trained in using these weapons in the violent times we live in today:  Revelation 12:11,  “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and loving not their own lives even unto death.”  Cling to the blood of the Lamb, shed on Calvary’s cross; always be ready to share your testimony of what Christ has done in YOUR life, which no man can argue; and always be ready to give your very life for the only One who can truly save it.  Amen.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

We Will All Be Tested…Soon

Rob Pue

As I write this message, I have just completed my distribution route, getting thousands of copies of our nationally-distributed Christian newspaper out to news racks all around Wisconsin.  It’s the end of September as I write, and I’m reflecting today on the beauty of God’s amazing creation once again.  It’s autumn.  The harvest has past, the summer is gone.  And as happens every year about this time, the leaves on the trees are at their peak of changing colors.

As I drove throughout the state over the past week, I couldn’t help but praise the Lord for the stunningly beautiful reminder He gives us each year of His love for us.  Many will look at the endless color palette of the fall leaves and think, “yeah, they’re pretty, but that’s just what they do.”  Many know about the science behind the changing color of the tree leaves, but never acknowledge the One Who made them do what they do this time of year, nor will they think to give Him “thanks” for such a treat.

You know, God didn’t HAVE to make the leaves change into such wondrous colors every fall.  He could have just let them shrivel up, turn an ugly brown and fall to the ground.  But instead, I believe He did it for us… for our benefit… a wonderful gift.  He chose to reveal His marvelous creativity and beauty at this time of year — which we here in the northland get to enjoy for a few weeks — before the trees, farm fields and grass settle in for a long winter’s nap.  Soon, those leafless trees will be covered in snow.  But on special days in winter, even the snow-covered tree limbs become a spectacular sight to see as the sun comes out and the frosty branches glisten in astounding radiance.

It’s beautiful where I live now.  I’m not looking forward to winter; I never do.  But I thank God for His divine plan of the changing seasons.   Geneis 8:22, “While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.”  That’s God’s plan — and His promise.  Nothing man can do can ever thwart His plans and He always keeps His promises.  The heathen can cry all they want about “Climate Change,” in order to bring about another man-made “crisis” for political advantage and cultural change, but as for me, I will cling to God’s Word.  He gave us His Word and that’s the one remaining thing today that we can still trust, with absolute confidence.

But even as I marvel at the spectacular beauty all around me now, I have to remind myself that we live in a FALLEN world.  Our minds can’t even begin to comprehend what the Garden of Eden must have been like, before sin entered in.  And as I thank the Lord for His beautiful Creation, it’s hard to believe that there are many who want nothing more than to destroy it all — to turn such lovliness into utter ugliness and death and destruction.

The news has been very bad this year.  Every day it seems to get worse and worse.  Threats for our safety, our freedom, our security, even threats against our very lives seem to loom overhead.  Psalm 2 explains it:  “Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing?  The kings of the earth SET THEMSELVES, and the rulers TAKE COUNSEL TOGETHER, against the Lord and His anointed saying, ‘Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.’”

Indeed, the “powers that be” in this world ARE raging.  The people are believing lies, propagated by government and health authorities, the mainstream media and evil, wicked organizations that seek to bring about a One World Government under complete tyranny — and they believe the lies that this would be a GOOD thing!  The people ARE raging and lashing out in violence.

The “kings of the earth” HAVE set themselves and they ARE taking counsel together (yes, friends, a CONSPIRACY) — against the Lord and His anointed people.  They want to be like God.  In fact, I dare say many think they ARE already gods themselves — untouchable, invincible, wielding tyrannical power over the people and manipulating them into submissive compliance, and I’m sure that right now they’re quite proud of themselves because their plans seem to be going along just as they imagined, in their vain imaginations.  But this will not always be the case.  Verses 4 and 5 of Psalm 2 tell us what God thinks of the high and mighty schemes of these arrogant, God-hating conspirators:  “He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh;  the Lord shall have them in derision.  Then shall He speak unto them in His wrath, and vex them in His sore displeasure.”

So while the news of what is now coming upon the earth is very concerning and very frightening, and becoming moreso with each passing day, rest assured, friends, that God is still on the throne and is still in control.

I do believe we are in for some terrible times in the days and weeks just ahead of us now.  It may be that our cities and small towns will burn — destroyed by the wicked.  Surely many will be injured or killed.  Many more homes and businesses will be left in ruins.  I don’t want to be a pessimist, but I do believe that what we have allowed to happen here in our country under our watch, cannot be undone now.  We’ve passed the point of no return.  Yes, sadly, I believe war is inevitable.  And unlike our parents and grandparents, I don’t think we’re up to the task.

For decades, “good church-going Christians” were content to simply attend church regularly and do no more.  They viewed church attendance and tithe-giving as “their reasonable service” even as Bible-reading was removed from our public schools; prayer was banned from our public schools; the Ten Commandments of God were replaced by a false “hyper-grace” gospel message in our churches, and “political correctness” replaced bold, courageous leadership, leaving the people as sheep without a shepherd, to fend for themselves, and so they adopted the ideology of pop culture and chose to obey tyrants rather than God; the murder of our own innocent unborn babies was sanctioned from the highest court in the land; homosexuality was normalized, then pridefully celebrated.  Now it’s actually TAUGHT to our children in the public schools WE PAY FOR as something perfectly natural and normal.

This, of course, has led to Christians being forced, under “rule of law” to accept, affirm and celebrate sodomy too.  Those who refused and chose, instead, to honor God and HIS laws have been prosecuted and persecuted, some losing everything.  And this, of course, led to the “transgender” phenomenon, which is now leading to the normalization and celebration of pedophilia…. yes, the raping of our children.

And all the while, the vast majority of our churches here in America did nothing — absolutely nothing — to stop any of it.  When individuals and ministries HAVE stood up to fight for God’s Word and Truth, they’ve been quickly shouted down by the “pastors” in most of our American pulpits —  if not publicly, then certainly privately.  Trust me, I know of what I speak.  They’ve been persecuted by the “PASTORS” themselves — called “unloving,” “unChristlike,” and worse.  These cowardly hirelings have instructed their flocks to “stay away” from such “radicals” who actually DO as God’s Word says.  They pretend to honor God with their lips, spewing sweet-sounding platitudes that tickle itching ears, but their hearts have been FAR from God for several generations now.

And so today, the churches have been deemed “irrelevant” and “non-essential,” and indeed, I dare say, most of them are.  Oh, many still do preach from the Bible.  But they preach AROUND the “hard” things.  They would never DARE to speak a single word or offer a single BIT of sound teaching about any of the grievious sins that have brought us to this place of judgment we find ourselves in today — for fear of offending one carnal, sinful soul.

So if you wonder “what in the world is happening?” as you go out of your house and see walking “dead” men and women with hopeless, fearful, vacant eyes peeking out from behind their masks — or others fearfully hiding in their homes, peeking out from behind closed curtains — or others rioting in the streets, tearing down everything good and Godly this country once stood for while those who are supposed to uphold law and order have been ORDERED to “stand down and let it all burn,”  please understand that the answer is clear.  We had our chance decades ago to uphold righteousness.  But we preferred our own comfort over confronting and exposing the evil when it first NEEDED to be confronted, exposed and put down.  We blew it.  We failed.

Now, we can trust virtually no one.  Our public schools have been turned into cesspools.  Where once the Word of God was taught with reverence and honor, now the name of Jesus has become ILLEGAL to utter, unless you’re using it as a curse word.  Public schools were filthy when I was a young person, long ago.  You couldn’t walk the halls without hearing nearly every student — and many of the teachers — spewing vile, filthy language.  Reverence for God Almighty was replaced with sewage in our schools.  I can’t imagine what it must be like today.

As a nation, we banned God’s TEN commandments, His Holy Law, given to us as a precious GIFT — as a foundation for a civil, God-honoring, righteous society.  If we’d only followed those simple, reasonable TEN, we would not have become slaves to the more than 10,000 “laws” of wicked, evil men we now call “public servants.”  Yes, “public servants,” who, in reality, plot and scheme and profit from backroom deals and pure evil, the shedding of innocent blood, the twisting and perversion of the minds of our children — from kindergarten to graduate school.  You DO realize that most college graduates today have been purposely TRAINED to hate their country, their heritage, their gender,  their skin color, their parents and especially the God of their fathers, right?

I’ve spoken at length over these past seven months or so about the truth behind the lies of the lockdowns and masks.  I’ve laid out for you concrete evidence for what has been happening in this world, and I’ve provided evidence of what our enemies have planned between now and the end of the year, including the very likely possibility of an invasion by foreign armies.  Satan’s having a “field day” because God’s warriors have been turned into cowardly lions… dumb dogs that can’t bark… won’t bark.  This, too, was done by design.

Today, only a remnant of true Christ-followers remains, which is why I stated that I don’t think as Americans we’re up to the task that generations before us bravely faced head-on.  The founders, pioneers and war heroes who fought for righteousness, freedom and liberty for all were only able to endure because their faith was unshakable.  When everything else around them appeared impossible, there still remained a fear and reverence of God.  Now, as our country has abandoned and shunned our Creator, I see no way to escape the same end of nations that perished before us, for the same reasons.  We’re under blood guiltiness and we are without excuse.

Recently, two huge prayer rallies were held on the same day in Washington DC.  It was a time of prayer and repentance and returning to God.  Thousands attended.  Thousands more watched, listened and prayed around the world, as a solemn assembly, and no doubt many humbly repented and will continue to pray for our land.  But the thousands are dwarfed by the millions of reprobates that have arisen in this world.  And as God is not only a God of beauty, kindness and love, but also a God of righteousness, it seems the writing is on the wall.  Judgment is coming to America and the world.  Soon.

As Remnant Believers, we must prepare physically for the worst.  Surely there’s coming a day very soon when the persecution will greatly intensify against Christians — REAL Christians, I mean.  Many of us will not be able to work.  Instant communication, as we know it today, through the internet will not only be more strictly censored, but Christians will be persecuted for speaking truth, even worse than we already are.  Christianity will be a “hate crime” and a “thought crime.”   Will we be allowed to buy or sell without a vaccine or a digital “mark” of some kind?  Very likely not.  Yes, we must assemble ourselves together and prepare ourselves physically and be prepared to protect and defend the innocent around us and those we love.

But at the same time, we have the daunting task of preparing our hearts and minds spiritually.  We must determine NOW how we’re going to respond when that persecution comes to each of us personally.  Will we simply comply with evil in order to survive?  Or will we stand strong for our Savior, and give our ALL for our Lord as He has given for us?

After Jesus was arrested in the garden, His best friends, His disciples followed behind — at a distance — too fearful of being associated with Him, lest they, too, suffer at the hands of wicked men.  Many today are still following Jesus at a distance.  Too afraid of being “called names” or afraid of the opinions of carnal men.  How will they respond when the devil comes to THEIR door?   I think I hear a “cock crowing” somewhere…

Friends, what I’m saying is that if we expect to hear those words “Well done, thy good and faithful servant,” then we must prepare our hearts and minds now for persecution we cannot even imagine — because it WILL be worse than we think.  We must determine to lay down our lives for the Lord.  I have no problem with that, because I know what awaits me.  I’ll gladly stand for Jesus — I’ve already survived many trials and tests, and I’m more than ready to go be with Him.  But what if it’s not MY life I’m asked to lay down, but the lives of those I love — because of MY faithfulness to Christ?  If my wife or children or grandchildren were about to be tortured, raped or killed?  Could I endure that?  You see, these are the things we must prepare for — and make our minds up about RIGHT NOW, so we don’t falter or fail when our time of testing comes.  Because know this:  we will ALL be tested and it’s going to be difficult and painful and heart-wrenching.  But only for a short time.  Then, all who are saved will inherit the new heavens and new earth where Jesus will set all things right again and this present evil will be destroyed.  Stay faithful, and draw close to Jesus now, because that Great Day is quickly approaching.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Whosoever Shall Save His Life Will Lose It

Rob Pue

Over the past six months, we have investigated and reported on most of the aspects of the rapid destruction of our country and the world-wide push for a Globalist New World Order.

In my last message I reiterated the urgent need for us all to be diligent in our own study of Scripture as well as the daily news reports — from RELIABLE news sources, NOT the mainstream media, so that we are not ignorant of the devil’s devices.  In order for us to know the truth these days, we have to work for it.  We can no longer take the “word” of our government and health officials or the mainstream press.  Clearly, they’re lying to us, and have been for some time. The truth is OUT THERE, if only we will look.  Unfortunately, for many, or dare I say MOST, you can put facts, figures, scientific evidence and more right in front of their noses and they still refuse to look.  That’s being willfully ignorant, and willful ignorance will be our demise.

I’ve told you about Event 201, a “dry run” of the “coronavirus pandemic” held in New York City last October, sponsored by Bill Gates and a host of other New World Order Globalists.  That was October 18th.  Interestingly, that same day, the World Military Games were held in Wuhan, China.  Military forces from nations around the world competed in “Olympic-style” exercises.  Our country came in 35th place, by the way — behind countries like Finland, Tunisia, Kenya, and even France. Of course, China took first place, and Russia second. The United States received ZERO gold medals in these military competitions.

I also told you last time that Event 201 was supported not only by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, but also by Dustin Moskovitz and his wife.  In case you forgot, they are co-founders of Facebook.  So lest you are still wondering why Facebook is censoring and will soon be deleting anything posted that is conservative or Christian in nature, wonder no more.

I also discussed how closely Dr. Anthony Fauci is tied to the World Health Organization, how he has repeatedly given false and misleading information regarding the virus, and how the organization he ran gave $7.4 million to the Wuhan Virology lab for research on coronaviruses, just last year.  Not to mention the fact that he “predicted” in 2016 that President Trump would definitely  be faced with a major pandemic during his time in office.

You know about the fraudulent case numbers of COVID-19, how they’ve been constantly artificially inflated in order to keep us all wearing masks, keep us “social distancing,” keep our businesses and our economy shut down, keep people and businesses dependent on government welfare, keep schools closed, get even our youngest of children “used to” the idea of mask-wearing as “normal,” and provide HUGE financial incentives for hospitals and medical facilities to report as many positive cases as possible.  We all know the numbers aren’t real.  FEW of us know anyone who is sick, and yet we’re all still severely restricted as to where we can go, and what we’re allowed to do.

I’ve told you that the average person has a one in 3, 836 chance of contracting the virus, whether they wear a mask or not.  The odds of needing hospitalization for this are one in 852,000.  Yet the risk of dying in a car crash are only one in 114!  Yet here we still are — most all blindly complying and covering our faces.  Understand something clearly:  the masks are not about our health.  They’re about getting as many people as possible softened up to submit to government orders without question.  They’re about compliance, about breaking our will.

I told you about the doctors and attorneys who are pushing for the coming vaccine to be mandatory, with tax penalties, higher insurance rates and denial of government and private services imposed as penalties for those who do not take the vaccines.  And the fact that the CDC has urged governors to prepare for widespread distribution of a vaccine by November 1st — two days before the election.  There are many who have gone along with the masks but say they’re adamant about refusing the vaccines.  But when governors try to enforce this “mandatory vaccination” program two days before the election, what chaos do you suppose will ensue then?  Not to mention that President Trump has vowed to use the military to distribute the vaccines “very, very quickly.”

There’s also the question of a digital tracking system, a digital ID and a new digital currency integrated into the vaccines — a more efficient form of “contact tracing” — so that the new One World Government will easily be able to track every person, every financial transaction, everyone’s every movement and activity.

I also mentioned the republican governor of Ohio who is, right now, in the process of setting up FEMA Medical Martial Law camps — isolation facilities for those who MAY be suspected of being exposed to this highly questionable virus.  Laws are already in the process of being implemented to allow government and health officials to remove people — and their children — from their homes, forcibly if they refuse the vaccine.

You should know by now, that if you refuse this coming vaccine, you will not be able to buy or sell.  You will not be able to travel freely.  You will not be able to work or hold a job.  You will likely not be allowed to stay in your home as a sovereign citizen.  So you should prayerfully prepare yourself for what’s coming.

You should also know by now the true goals of organizations like Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA.  If you’re unaware, their goals are the total dismantling of our American way of life and the loss of all our freedoms.  The total destruction of our country.  These anarchists are highly organized and extremely well-funded countless Leftist organizations — and countless large American corporations.

I told you previously that the department of Homeland Security is warning of a “Dark Winter,” as they’re actively preparing now for an EMP attack, which will knock out our power grid nation-wide and “fry” every computer and every electronic device — including those in cars and cell phones.  You should also know that back in March, the Pentagon and NORAD sent high-level staffers and some of the most critical US senior military commanders and nuclear and special operations forces to the Cheyenne Mountain bunker facility, 2000 feet underground in Colorado.  Do you still believe this was due to a “virus?”

So we know about the threat of a mandatory vaccine coming November 1st.  On November 2nd, NASA is predicting a potential asteroid impact on earth, with three potential areas of devastation.  While the chances of this actually happening are small, they are still 100 times greater than the average person catching the coronavirus.  Think about that!  I can’t help but think of Revelation 8, verses 10 and 11, “The third angel blew his trumpet and a great star fell from heaven, blazing like a torch, and it fell on a third of the river and on the springs of water.  The name of the star is Wormwood.  A third of the waters became wormwood, and many people died from the water, because it had been made bitter.”  Are we at that point?  I guess we’ll see in a little more than a month from now.

Now just recently, President Trump announced his “amazing” peace agreement, brokered between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, which earned him a nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize.  “Peace.”   A noble cause, indeed.  However, I’m a bit dubious, because as our country continues to be more divided with more hatred, division, fake news, and outright evil now evident for all to see than there’s ever been before in my lifetime, suddenly there is a cry of “Peace.”  Let’s read from Jeremiah, chapter 6:  “…from the least of them even unto the greatest of them every one is given to covetousness; and from the prophet even unto the priest every one dealeth falsely.  They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of My people slightly, saying, ‘Peace, peace,’ when there is no peace.”  No, friends, there IS no peace.  If you haven’t noticed yet, America is at war — from enemies both foreign and domestic.

While the Leftists claim the fires in the American West and Southwest are due to “climate change,” multiple arsonists have already been arrested for intentionally starting these fires, and interestingly, they’re all either part of ANTIFA or Black Lives Matter.  Yes, we know the state of California deals with wildfires and mudslides every year.  But it’s not just California this year.  Suspicious fires have destroyed much of Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Montana and Texas.  Do some research and look at a map of where the fires are… isn’t it interesting that the fires — caused by “climate change,” we’re supposed to believe, just HAPPEN to stop at the Canadian and Mexican borders?

Now, Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died, leaving an open and contested seat on the US Supreme Court.  Another cause for more division, more hatred, more false accusations, more deception, more lies.

So on the 1st of November we have a threatened mandatory vaccine coming;  on the 2nd, a potential devastating asteroid strike, and on the 3rd, our national elections.  This year, more Americans than ever before have access to “mail in” ballots.  Already, at least 20% of those ballots have been found to be fraudulent — including many in Texas, New Jersey, Michigan and California.  In the end, I strongly suspect it will be many more than 20% of the ballots turning out to be fraudulent.

No matter what happens, this presidential election is GOING to be contested. Mark my words. There will be no clear “winner” on November 3rd.  The Leftists need only drag out the drama until 12 noon on January 20th, and the Trump/Pence administration will have no choice but to leave office.  Assuming the Democrats maintain power in the House, THEY will select the president.  So understand this:  they never had ANY intention of a Biden/Harris administration.  Their goal is “President Pelosi.”  Watch and see.

If all these things are not enough to cause the apathetic “sheeple” Americans to wake from their comfortable slumber, we also know now that the Chinese military has been training with soldiers in Mexico and South America for months.  Most recently, Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show reported his research regarding Chinese Communist troops in Western Canada.  Hodges reported, “CHICOM troops now move freely in Canada under the cover of COVID-19 lockdowns as well as legislation from the Canadian government which allows the CHICOMs to use their military to protect Chinese assets in Canada.”

Initially, it was thought that China may seek to launch an invasion of the US from the Canadian and Mexican borders at the same time.  However, a more likely scenario is that the CHICOM troops will embed themselves among forces already wreaking havoc on America, such as ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter rioters.

They’ve already done this sort of thing in Ecuador over the last year to gain control of that country.  Hodges believes that with the permission of Democrat governors and mayors, they will likely infiltrate local and state governments in places like Seattle and Portland.  This is what they’ve been doing across all of Latin America — not just Ecuador.

In Canada, right now, estimates of embedded Chinese troops range from 6,000 to more than 20,000 — currently stationed near Vancouver, British Columbia — just a 2 1/2 hour drive from Seattle, an AMERICAN city that boasts a 16’ tall statue of Vladimir Lennin in one of their city parks.  By the way, ANTIFA and BLM did NOT destroy or harm the statue of Lenin in any way while they were busy tearing down as many AMERICAN historical monuments as possible.

Add to all this the infiltration of Muslim enemies into our local, state, and federal governments, in addition to all the Muslim sleeper cells that we KNOW have been training here for years, just waiting for the right moment, and it’s easy to surmise that something ominous may very well be on the horizon.

Folks, things are worse than you think. Right now. It may not be at your front door — yet.  But the sand is quickly running out of the hourglass. There’s more I could share with you, but my research is not yet complete. Suffice to say, it’s worse — much worse — than you think. We have been softened up over decades by Communist and Leftist indoctrination in our public schools and colleges. So much so that most Americans are now willing to silently comply to any unjust order the Almighty State hands down.  The evil ones are no longer even trying to hide their intentions.

I share these things not to frighten you, but rather to inform you and to, Lord willing, prepare you for what’s surely coming to our nation very soon.  Draw close to the Lord, friends, wake up and pay attention.  And decide TODAY how YOU are going to respond when it comes down to the choice between denying your Savior and saving your life.  Remember the words of Jesus in Matthew 16:  “…If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.  For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for My sake shall find it.”  The day may soon be coming when standing firm for your Lord will require your life at the hands of wicked, evil men.  Are you prepared?

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

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Men’s Hearts Failing Them for Fear

By Rob Pue

I’d like to start and end today’s message with the words of Jesus as found in Luke 21.  Let’s start off at verse 25, where our Lord describes what we will be seeing as His return draws near: “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth, distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.”

Men’s hearts failing them for fear because of all that will be coming upon the earth.  Friends, I don’t live my life in a constant state of fear, and it’s not my intention to spread fear, because as Christ-followers, we have NOT been given a spirit of fear, but rather of POWER and of love and a sound mind.  We have the Holy Spirit within us, giving us discernment and counsel.  Therefore, we’re able to have SOUND minds — we’re able to think and reason.  So as we see the world in great despair, full of delusion and with deception, lies and lawlessness everywhere, we discern the truth from the lies.  We have ears to hear and eyes to see so we need not fear.  The Holy Spirit of God helps us to understand what’s happening.  The carnal man cannot understand and many — dare I say MOST — are led astray and taken in by the enemy’s lies.  As Christians, we have an advantage, because the Spirit has revealed the truth to us.    And although the persecution of God’s people will grow worse and worse in the coming days, weeks and months, we understand we have nothing to fear from those who can merely kill our physical bodies.  Our Savior holds our souls in the palm of His hand.  So fear not!

Having said that, I do believe that in these days now, we must be ever more diligent and we must work harder than ever to disseminate the truth to those who are deceived.  Like Jesus Himself, we must work the works of our Heavenly Father while it is day, because the night is coming when no man can work.  As long as we’re in this world, we need to be the LIGHT of the world, proclaiming the truth, while exposing the lies and not being ignorant of the devil’s devices… and, of course, always being prepared to give an answer to all who ask us for the hope that we have.  I spend a great deal of time studying, researching, fact-checking and sifting through all the endless news that comes across my desk 24 hours a day.  Today I need to share with you what I know, which will include some things you may not be aware of.

Are you aware that the current “pandemic” was forecast a decade ago by the Rockefeller Foundation — and that a “dry run” was staged in October of last year?  On October 18, 2019,  The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum hosted “a high level pandemic exercise” in New York City called “Event 201.”  This event included CEOs of major corporations, media and communications professionals, business, finance and economic leaders, health officials, UN officials and government leaders.  Key players included New World Order Globalists and those pushing for global “population control.”  This was a SIMULATION of a world-wide pandemic, to study how such a catastrophe would impact the world economically and socially.  It was sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Bank, the World Economic Forum, the Center for Disease Control, the United Nations Foundation, NBC broadcasting, the Bloomberg Foundation, and the Central Intelligence Agency — yes, the CIA.  And the TYPE of pandemic that was studied was a CORONAVIRUS.

Here’s an interesting tidbit of information:  on the “Center For Health Security” website, they specifically cite that Event 201 was supported by funding from The Open Philanthropy Project.  What’s that?  The Open Philanthropy Project is funded mainly by Dustin Moskovitz and his wife, Cari Tuna.  Who are they?  Co-founders of Facebook!  They fund groups like the “Color of Change PAC” — which advocates for credit card companies to cease processing for conservative organizations, and claims Republicans are all white supremacists.  They also fund “The Urban Institute,” a Left-wing organization advocating for lax criminal punishment and higher taxes; “The People’s Action Institute” — a supporter of left-wing agitation tactics, including intimidation, protesting and trespassing; “The Drug Policy Alliance,” which is a George Soros-funded group that promotes decriminalizing the use of heroin and other hard drugs; the ACLU (need I say more?); the “Climate Works Foundation,” a “dark money” group that funds radical environmentalist organizations world-wide;  “,” a liberal funding organization that credits itself with passing Obamacare.  And according to the Federal Election Commission, Moskovitz spent nearly $20 million supporting democrats in the 2016 election, while his wife gave more than $7 million to democrats.  Do any of us still have questions as to why Facebook so aggressively censors conservative and Christian speech — especially when it comes to facts regarding this so-called “pandemic?”

I think most people with at least a couple of brain cells left to rub together, understand that Dr. Fauci is a liar and a fraud.  He has close ties with the head of the World Health Organization, who is also closely tied to Chinese interests.  It was the WHO that gave Fauci the ficticious models for COVID-19, stating that more than 2 million Americans would die if we didn’t immediately lock everything down.  “Just for two weeks,” they said, “until we ‘flatten the curve.’”  And just last year, The National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases — the organization Fauci led — funded scientists at the Wuhan Virology lab for research on coronaviruses…to the tune of $7.4 million.  Yes, our friend Fauci is in this up to his eyeballs, and he’s been bought and paid for by the Globalist elites.  Not the least of which is Bill Gates, who has a serious financial interest in a mandatory vaccine, a global financial reset and the implementation of a new world-wide digital currency.

The fraudulent numbers of COVID cases have been so outrageous everywhere, purposely inflated in order to keep the fiction of a “pandemic” going and to keep people living in fearful compliance, we may never really know the truth regarding the number of people infected.  But according to a new study from UCLA and Stanford University, for the average 50-64-year-old, the chances of dying of COVID are one in 19.1 million, and the chances of even contracting the virus are vastly lower than previously reported.

The average person has a one in 3,836 chance of contracting the virus — with or without wearing a mask.  The odds of needing hospitalization are one in 852,000.  What’s more, 94% of COVID deaths in the US had MULTIPLE other serious health problems.  They did not die FROM COVID, they died WITH it.  Now, compare these numbers with the risk of dying in a car crash — that’s 1 in 114, by the way — and YOU TELL ME if this “pandemic” warrants social distancing, forced mandatory mask-wearing in 35 states right now, business and church closures, cancellation of “normal” medical care and doctor appointments, forced isolation of the elderly, prohibition of weddings and funerals, not to mention cancellation of summertime festivals and fairs — and of course, the utter destruction of the American economy and the US dollar.

Last month, LifeSiteNews reported that two doctors and an attorney have argued that a coronavirus vaccine should definitely be MANDATORY — with tax penalties, higher insurance rates and denial of many government and private services imposed as penalties for those refusing the shot.

Meanwhile, on September 3rd, the CDC urged governors to be prepared for the distribution of a vaccine by November 1st, two days before Election Day.  National polls show conflicting responses to a mandatory vaccine from Americans.  One study shows 3/4 of the population are eager to get vaccinated as soon as possible.  Another, released almost simultaneously, shows 3/4 of Americans plan to refuse it.  So which is true?  We’ll soon see.

But higher taxes and health insurance premiums may be just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to penalties for those who choose to reject a COVID vaccination.  In Ohio, Governor Mike DeWine is in the process of setting up a FEMA Medical Martial Law Camp — an isolation facility for those who MAY be infected or MAY have been exposed to the virus.  I suspect other states are making similar plans to forcibly remove people from their homes if they refuse to take the vaccine.

But the forced compliance and fake pandemic were only the beginning of woes regarding the planned destruction of America.  Then came the riots, as the Leftists activated their own private army of anarchists with Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA and others.  The name “George Soros” comes up again and again every time such plans are implemented.   There’s no question this man is guilty of treason and sedition.  Why he is still walking free is beyond me.  Bear in mind that these organizations that pose as social- and racial-justice warriors are, in fact, highly-funded and well organized efforts to brainwash the public into accepting socialism — the precurser to all-out communism — in America and worldwide.

George Soros’ “Open Society Foundation” announced August 31st that it will invest $220 million in “racial justice” organizations and leaders.  $150 million will be used to support groups like Black Lives Matter and Circle for Justice Innovations.  The foundation will pour another $70 million into efforts to “reform” policing and the criminal justice system in America.  In other words, working to defund and disband police.

But Soros is not the only one funding the anarchy and riots across America.  Black Lives Matter alone is being funded with BILLIONS of dollars, not only by our domestic and foreign enemies, but even by the major corporations in our country.  Google has donated $12 million.  Facebook and Amazon donated $10 million each.  Apple Corporation and Walmart, $100 million each, just to name a few.

And what are the goals of BLM?  According to their founders, first of all, they openly state they are trained Marxists.  The BLM website states they seek to: dismantle “cisgender privilege,” uplift “Black trans folk,” foster a queer-affirming network, and free themselves from “heteronormative thinking.”  BLM is also anti-family, stating, “We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and villages.”  (That’s code for Communism, folks).  They also seek to defund police, end federal immigration laws, retroactively decriminalize all drug and prostitution-related offenses; they seek “reparations” to be paid to those previously incarcerated for drug and prostitution charges.  They demand free healthcare and education for all black people.  The demand that public schools must purchase and use ONLY history and civics textbooks by black authors, and of course, they demand massive reparations payments to all black people.

What about ANTIFA?  This is a loosely-connected conglomeration of various groups that use harassment, violence and intimidation to combat all things patriotic, socially conservative, and especially “Christian.”  Again, they seek the dismantling of the traditional family, the defunding of police, and the destruction of national sovereignty.  Like those marching with Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA members use their fists and other violent tactics including throwing projectiles, such as bricks, crowbars, home-made slingshots, metal chains, frozen water bottles and balloons filled with urine and feces.  They’ve deployed noxious gases, shot fireworks at police and set fires to commercial buildings, homes and churches.  ANTIFA members are hard to number because they’re purposely so loosely-affiliated, but most are college-age young people, although many public school teachers and college instructors have also been arrested for their violent acts during the recent riots.

Meanwhile, the Department of Homeland Security is warning of a “Dark Winter,” as they are actively preparing for an EMP attack to occur at any time now.  An “EMP’ is a weaponized electromagnetic pulse that enemies could set off in our upper atmosphere, resulting in the meltdown of all electronics, including those in our cars, computers, cell phones and other devices, and bringing down the power grid nationwide.  This is planned for the dead of winter, which would cause innumerable deaths.

I found it strange that in March, the Pentagon and NORAD sent  high-level staffers — and some of the most critical US senior military commanders and nuclear and special operations forces —  to the Cheyenne Mountain bunker facility, 2000 feet underground to ensure that in the event of a sudden security crisis, including any potential nuclear mission, there would be enough healthy troops and leaders to carry out orders.

But there have been even more shocking revelations in recent days regarding what our enemies are preparing for.  In my extensive study and research, I’ve uncovered things that certainly would cause men’s hearts to fail them for fear if they understood the enormity of what is coming upon the earth, very soon now.  Unfortunately, I don’t have space in this article to share these things with you today, but I WILL share them in my next message.

Until then, please work to inform, educate and encourage others with the truth, the best you can.  Many will not receive it.  But we must try.  Begin by removing your mask, if you wear one.  Masks are not only unnecessary and unhealthy, they also help to propagate the lies and the fear that the enemy is counting on to keep us all in submission.  And you will notice something when you defy the “mask laws” — when YOU refuse the mask, it gives OTHERS the courage to do the same.  That’s also one very SIMPLE and EASY way to begin significant conversations about all these things with others.

Let me close now, as I began, in Luke 21, starting here at verse 27: “And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.  And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.”   May you have the peace which passes all understanding in your heart today.  Amen.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

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Rage and Vain Things

Rob Pue

I’m starting today in Psalm 2, verses 1 through 5. “Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?  The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against His anointed, saying, ‘Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.’  He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.  Then shall He speak unto them in His wrath, and vex them in His sore displeasure.”

As Solomon once noted, “there is nothing new under the sun.”  Still today, the heathen RAGE.  In fact, they are raging more intensely than I’ve ever witnessed in my entire life, and it’s growing worse every day.  And the people IMAGINE many vain things.  Note here that the HEATHEN rage, and the PEOPLE imagine a vain thing.  Who are the “heathen?”  Obviously, this speaks of the ungodly — the God-haters.  And who are the “people?”  I believe this refers to those who consider themselves God’s people, those who honor Him with their lips, but whose hearts are far from Him.

Some time ago, I spoke about the word “Imagine,” the root word of which is “Image.”  When we IMAGINE, with our own simple human minds, we create an image in our minds, and it should be noted that all sin flows from the heart and then begins in the mind.  This is why Paul told the Corinthians that we are to “CAST DOWN imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”  In other words, when those thoughts that are contrary to God’s will enter our minds, we are to take them captive — and make the conscious decision to turn away and choose instead to follow the commands of Christ.  Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

The problem with the wild imaginations of the heathen is that instead of taking every thought captive to Christ, they break the second commandment, essentially creating for themselves “graven images,” “engraved,” if you will, in their minds.  They are SO ENGRAVED, in fact, that they form their worldviews, and now today, even their perceived personal identities.  Thus we have people “identifying” as “transgender,” for example.

They have IMAGINED vain things, created false gods and ideologies which they now worship, instead of God; believing lies instead of truth.  Identifying as “homosexual” or “transgender” or “pro-choice” or “democrat” or “republican” IS their god.  As the Scripture says, “they take counsel together,” UNITED against the Lord and His anointed, saying, “Let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us.”  This is the demonic theology of secular humanism and “moral relativism.”  “If it feels good, do it.”  “What might be right for you may not be right for me.”  “That’s fine if that’s what YOU believe, but it’s not what I believe, and that’s fine.”   There is no moral compass, no absolute truth.

But this is all vanity.  The “heathen” RAGE, while the “people”  IMAGINE a VAIN thing.  Have you noticed the utter impotence of the Establishment, Institutional “churches?”  While the heathen rage, the church people, with no courageous, Godly shepherds to lead, teach and train them up, are left to their own devices, and because they are biblically illiterate, they imagine vain things.

And what IS a “vain thing?”    According to the dictionary, “vain” or “vanity” means: “excessively proud of or concerned about one’s own appearance, qualities, achivements, etc.”  And PRIDE in, or concern about one’s appearance or qualities.”  And “vain” and “vanity” have other, equally important definitions as well, including: ineffectual or unsuccessful, …futile.”  And without real significance, value or importance;  baseless or worthless.”

Salt that has lost its savor, good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled on by men… those heathen that rage against God and against His anointed are prideful, narcissistic, self centered, “entitled,” and the ideologies they IMAGINE are ineffectual, unsuccessful, futile, baseless and worthless.  And today, we have more “church people” than ever, being wooed along just the same as the God-haters, and they are embracing the same vain imaginations.

Today, vain, evil and useless ideologies have taken root, setting themselves against God and His anointed… and the church people are going along with it.  The kings and rulers of the earth take counsel together, against the Lord.  The “powers that be” behind the social revolution taking place mysteriously behind the scenes are part of this too.  And they all believe they can “break the bands of the Lord and His anointed asunder and cast away their cords.”  Not gonna happen.  Because their rage is in vain.  Yet they still continue to rage.  Because it’s all they know.

Recently, I spoke on the topic of “hypocrisy.”  I talked about the origin of the word “Hypocrite,” and explained that the literal definition of “hypocrite” is “an actor or performer.”  I gave several examples of the hypocrisy of our Hollywood heroes — actors, entertainers, performers — those who are the primary players in the forming of the worldviews of our young people.  Indeed, it seems, ALL the people, young and old, God-haters and “church people” alike, take their cues from cultural trends.  Those trends are molded and set by celebrities, performers and entertainers, and their fervent advocates among leaders in government, the mainstream press, and the public educational systems.  They are all working hand-in-hand, setting themselves against the Lord.

It’s not my intention to propogate a “conspiracy theory” here.  But it’s not a conspiracy theory if it’s true.  I believe that God recently opened my eyes and revealed something to me that is very important and very real.  It explains why so many of our young people — and even so many of our adults — are turning their backs on God and choosing to embrace lies.

First, let me go back to the words of Moses in Deuteronomy 11.  He said:  “Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.  Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you rise up.  Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates…”  Moses was speaking here of God’s Commandments.  He went on to say, “See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse…the blessing if you obey the commands of the Lord your God…the curse if you disobey the commands of the Lord your God and turn from the way that I command you by following other gods, which you have not known.”

As always, God gives us the freewill to choose.  The “bands” that the godless want to break asunder and the “cords” they desire to cast away are the commands of God.  As fools, we can certainly choose to DO that;  but the result is a curse on our house, our children, and our children’s children.  In other words, exactly what we are seeing taking place in our world today.

For those pulling the strings and orchestrating all this behind the scenes — yes, CONSPIRING together, to create a new one-world, godless Utopia — it has been a long, slow process.  But it has now come to fruition, and the “curse” that God said would come is here:  depraved minds, seared consciences, the love of many grown cold, as God has “given us over” to suffer the consequences of the choices we have made.

Here is how this demonic plan, put into motion many years ago, has played out:  In June of 1962, the United States Supreme Court decided that prayer in public schools violated the First Amendment because it constituted the establishment of religion.  So even though, from the foundation of this nation, prayer before the school day began was the standard of a respectful and reverent student body, it suddenly became “illegal” and forbidden.

A year later, the Supreme Court forbid public school students from reading their Bibles.  Even though all of our nation’s schools and colleges were not only founded on biblical principles, but the Bible was the standard textbook from which many students learned to read and the Book from which they gained their moral compass, the simple decision of a few men rendered it, too, forbidden.

Ten years later, the Supreme Court decided the murder of unborn babies would now become “legal.”  There were many other Supreme Court decisions along the way that seemingly became the “law of the land,” even though the Supreme Court has NO authority to make laws.  Yet we quietly acquiesced to each one.

Then in 2015, another landmark, as the Supreme Court DECIDED it was now the “law of the land” that men may marry men and women may marry women, and anyone who opposed this was labeled a “hater.”  “Love wins” was the smug, spiteful response of the deranged sodomites.  Meanwhile, the church people simply rolled over and continued to sleep, just as they have since 1962.

Today, our Creator has been thrown out of public education entirely, as our Godly heritage and history is sandblasted from public view.  One may not even speak the name of Jesus, unless it is used in it’s accepted context — as a CURSE WORD — without incurring the wrath of the State.  Today, our children are indoctrinated with the demonically delusional “science” of evolution from the youngest of ages, and the sodomites cannot get their hands on our children early enough — “the earlier the better,” they say, hoping to normalize this perversion even among pre-schoolers.  By the time your children endure pre-school, kindergarten, 12 years of public school and four years of college, they’re completely brainwashed and you no longer even recognize them — even if, and sometimes ESPECIALLY if, you took them to church and Sunday School every week.

Their minds have also been poisoned with entertainment and social media.  As parents, we allowed them to watch what we considered “wholesome” television.  The cute little girl, Lindsay Lohan, was adorable.  Preteen daughters grew up with her, had posters of her in their bedrooms.  Then there was Hannah Montanta, whose real name is Miley Cyrus.  And of course, all the kids watched the entertaining “Bill Nye the Science Guy.”  They grew up watching these people and became “hooked.”  These were their childhood heroes, and parents considered it good, wholesome entertainment.

But as our kids came of age, so did these actors…. and our kids continued to follow and emulate them.  Lindsay Lohan, Miley Cyrus, all those “boy bands” the Moms thought were so cute…  all became sexualized and depraved in high definition living color, and our kids followed along.  Now, “Bill Nye the Science Guy” has a new program targeted to adults called “Bill Nye Saves the World.”  But this is no savior.  This man, who our children adored as toddlers and pre-teens, now has one of the most perverse television programs out there, extolling the “virtues” of sodomy, still railing against God and Creation, and selling the most dangerous lies possible as scientific truth.  And who is he talking to now?  The SAME kids — only now, they’re in college.  Is it any wonder our colleges no longer tolerate diversity of ideas, and they RIOT if a conservative speaker has an opinion?  Is it any wonder many of our college students now need “safe spaces” with Play Doh, coloring books and free condoms?

“Hook em while they’re young,” they say.  And so they have.  And thus, we no longer recognize most of our children today.  Their minds were captured when they were just babes, and we let it happen, because we were too blind to see what was really going on.  We practiced our vain form of religion faithfully once a week, thinking “our church isn’t like those others, our church is ‘good,’  — and it has a GOOD ‘youth group.’”  All the while sending our kids to public school indoctrination centers every day, thinking “our school isn’t like those others — our school is good.”

Mere frogs in the pot as the water temperature rose, and we, as the church, enjoyed the warm, comfortable bath water, until we found ourselves boiled. It’s our own fault, my friends. We let this happen. We did not fix God’s Word in our OWN hearts and minds; we certainly didn’t tie them as symbols on our hands or bind them on our foreheads.  We didn’t teach God’s commandments to our children, talking about them when we sat at home and when we walked along the road, when we went to bed and rose up.  We didn’t write them on the doorframes of our houses or on our gates…  No.  We left all THAT up to the youth group and the church.  We had before us a choice of blessing and cursing, and we chose the curse.  We let our children be led by the hypocrites of the entertainment world and vain religion, and we ourselves forgot God.  Today, as we see our childrens’ lives and our world self destruct, the Lord speaks to us in His wrath and we are “VEXED in His sore displeasure.”  Why on earth would we expect any other outcome?

There IS hope, but you MUST take this seriously now.  TURN BACK, people!  Remember God, and if we seek Him in true sorrowful repentance, He will hear from heaven and have mercy on us.  He IS merciful and gracious and full of love for those who truly seek Him.  But time is short.  RIGHT NOW is your time of decisionHear me: RIGHT NOW IS YOUR TIME OF DECISION!  Tomorrow you may step into eternity.  He has set before us blessing and cursing.  It’s OUR choice.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 199.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

The Truth is Out There

Rob Pue

Jeremiah was known as the weeping prophet.  His Old Testament book is one of my favorites, because I can relate to Jeremiah.  I understand the struggles he went through.  The Lord told him to warn the people of His coming judgment because of their rebellion, disobedience and spiritual adultery.  But He also told him they wouldn’t listen.  They’d continue to worship false gods, including Baal, and even burning their own children alive as offerings to Moloch.

The priests and religious leaders would continue to preach falsely and they would persecute Jeremiah intensely.  And even though the people knew they had strayed so far from the commands of God Almighty, they couldn’t have cared less.  They were comfortable and happy in their hedonism.  There was no fear of the Lord among them.  Still, Jeremiah continued to warn of what was to come when the longsuffering patience of God ran out.  But they continued to mock Jeremiah.  And they mocked God too.

In Jeremiah 10:21, we read, “Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes and see not; which have ears, and hear not.”  Sort of like the old saying we all know so well:  “There are none so blind as those who will not see.”  Isn’t this exactly what’s going on in our world today?  So many blind and completely oblivious to obvious deception, unable to discern between the true and false.  They couldn’t care less, even though many modern day “watchmen on the wall” continue to sound the warnings.  They have no interest in the truth, and no time for God.

Most are so blind that they refuse to even look when you place clear facts, figures and evidence right in front of their noses.  It’s frustrating to me, because it seems that SO MANY now CHOOSE to believe the lies. The result is the chaos and havoc, fear and submission, blind compliance and obedience to things that are more and more wicked and evil every day.  The fact is, some things are SPIRITUALLY discerned and the carnal man cannot comprehend the truth.  It’s not that they don’t want to — they CAN’T.  Still, I have to wonder, in complete amazement: how can so many people look around at all that’s happening in our world today and believe such obvious lies and just blindly go along?  It seems most people now will fall for any lies the evil ones toss out there, no matter how ridiculous they are.  And they’re only too eager to blindly obey, never questioning, never thinking critically…never thinking at all, really.  Just doing as their TV or their smart phone screens command.

In 2nd Thessalonians 2, we read about the great “falling away” from the faith that will occur before the Lord’s return.  Certainly MANY today have fallen away from the truth.  The majority of the modern day church pastors flat out REFUSE to preach the whole counsel of God for fear of offending someone.  They ABSOLUTELY refuse to step out and speak the Word of Truth beyond the four walls of their sanctuary buildings, their “safe spaces.”  In fact, in order to keep the people pacified, almost all refuse to speak the Word of Truth INSIDE their safe spaces as well…  truth has fallen in the streets, folks.  The sheep are led to slaughter, without the protection and guidance of a faithful shepherd.  The people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

But it’s not all the pastors’ fault.  You see, the time has long since come when people will no longer endure sound doctrine.  Instead, to soothe their itching ears, they’ve heaped up for themselves false teachers who tell them what they want to hear — winking at sin, just a little “adjusting” of the Scriptures — you know — to stay current with the modern times…and, of course, to satisfy their carnal lusts.

It’s long been said that if God doesn’t send fire and brimstone raining down upon America, then He owes a huge apology to Sodom and Gomorrah.  I think we can all agree that our heavenly Father has been MORE than patient and longsuffering with us stiff-necked, hard-hearted, self-centered, adulterous people.  Now, today, we’re seeing Bible prophecy playing out before our very eyes, and STILL most refuse to see.

We are, right now, at perhaps the most pivotal time in all of history.  I believe we are very near that great, final Last Day, when Christ will return with eyes as flames of fire, making war on those who despise Him, rendering righteous judgment and setting things right again.  But I also believe that those of us who name the name of Christ are going to have to endure a time of testing, the likes of which we can’t possibly comprehend right now.  I believe we WILL have to endure great hardship and persecution (SOONER than we realize)… and not all will survive the test.  Many will fail.  Many will betray the Savior when it comes down to a choice between life and death; for that matter between inconvenience and comfort.

I’m sorry to tell you, friends, but we are not special in our day.  Do we really think we will somehow escape the trials that ALL of Jesus’ disciples endured?  All the early apostles of the Church?  All the martyrs who gave their earthly lives for His Name’s sake?  Are we so much more special?  Does God loves us that much more that He will allow us to enter the Kingdom on the easy, smooth path?  Or are we to walk through that same narrow gate, that same rocky path of those who went before us?

Things are happening very quickly now.  Six months ago, life was pretty much “normal.”  Now, we’re told by the earthly powers-that-be that “we’re never going back to normal.”  Masks are never going away.  We’ve been trained to obediently comply with whatever our government “masters” command.  Nevermind the double standards… Governors and legislators pass edicts, mandates and even laws to control us “peasants,” but conveniently exempt themselves.  They do this pretty much all the time, in case you haven’t noticed.  It’s only recently, when we’re no longer allowed to travel freely, unmolested on our way, that some have started to take notice.

But in the land where “all men are created equal,” still some are more equal than others.  If you’re a Leftist, Marxist, Socialist, Communist…if you’re part of ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, the LGBT or “transgender” movement, you’re allowed to pretty much do whatever you feel like doing.  Murder your own children, redefine “marriage” and “family,”  recruit young children into a sodomite lifestyle; even burn, loot and destroy claiming your right to “freedom of speech” and “peaceful protest.”   You’re even allowed to physically attack people now.  You’re allowed to deface property —  public buildings, streets, monuments and signage.   Wicked Governors, Mayors and City Councils give you a free pass  — just as long as you don’t actually SUPPORT America and love your country.  Basically, the law doesn’t apply to you, if you fall into one of the privileged groups on the Left.  HOWEVER, if you’re just an average, run-of-the-mill peasant, you MUST adhere to STRICT rules, especially during this current health scam:  mandatory masks, face shields, social distancing, you must close your business down when told to.  If the rulers are in a good mood you MAY be allowed to open your church building, but you MAY NOT be allowed to sing praises to God out loud.

Few of us understand:  these things are not just happening here in the US.  It’s GLOBAL in scope.  Nations around the world are LOCKED DOWN.  The “New World Order” Globalists are running the show now.  It never was about the “virus,” you know, any more than it’s about “racial inequality.”  Oh yes, there IS a virus out there and some people have died from it; but the numbers — even the very fraudulent, inflated numbers — have not come anywhere CLOSE to justifying what’s taking place throughout the entire planet right now.    And we didn’t begin seeing the massive riots and devastation until “SOMEONE” — once again — called up the troops and “ACTIVATED” Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA.  And once again, this is WORLD-WIDE.  Very nefarious forces are at work, right now, to take over the world.  But they can’t do it until America has fallen.  So America must be destroyed for their plan to succeed.

Our US Constitution (what’s left of it), our Representive Republic (again, what’s left of it) and the fact that many of our citizens are legally armed is troublesome to the Globalists.  But they seem to have found simple solutions to these problems.  Who would have ever thought it would be so easy for them?  Most people here are eager to believe the lies, obediently covering their faces as they’ve been told, staying at home when they’re told to do so.  Happily collecting their socialist “government benefits” in exchange for not going to work anymore.  Soaking in hour after hour of Leftist propaganda on their big screen TVs as they sit at home.  Never questioning the dictates of the government or the official talking points of the “health experts.”  Being “good little peasants” — and feeling “oh-so-superior” to those “rebels” who refuse to mask up and those crazy conspiracy nuts, who think our government leaders would ever tell a lie.

Our country hasn’t been so divided since perhaps the civil war.  In fact, it may well be much worse now; there is just SO MUCH HATRED.   And from what I’ve seen, there couldn’t be two more diametrically opposed political parties in the history of the world.  Donald Trump was elected for his patriotic nationalism — “make America great again.”  National sovereignty, stop illegal immigration.  Stop being abused and taken advantage of by our enemies.  But Donald Trump can never make America great again as long as he continues to compromise…. as long as WE continue to compromise.  There’s no “deal” you can ever make with the demonic Left and hope to make America great again.  To make America great again, we would need a RADICAL transformation of hearts and minds.  We would need to see a massive revival of wicked men and women crying out for God’s mercy.  We would need repentance of biblical proportions!

Instead, we continue funding Planned Parenthood; we continue the fiction of same-sex so-called “marriage,” and cowtow to the radical LGBT agenda.  We allow Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and Debra Birx to act as tyrants, closing our country down and destroying our economy.  We allow the fiction of a “national coin shortage” to go unchallenged.  We allow criminals like Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and George Soros (just to name a few) to skate away free, while good, tax-paying, law-abiding citizens are persecuted.  We allow American cities to be taken over by thugs and anarchists; historical monuments to be torn down, police departments to be defunded and disbanded; citizens to be forced out of work, forced to wear masks, forced to take a vaccination.  Forced to be ashamed of our heritage, forced to hand over all our freedoms, while we allow the Left to wreak havoc nationwide, doing as much damage and harm as they possibly can.  Our cities are burning, the inmates are running the asylum — while law-abiding citizens, patriots and Christians are willingly muzzled.

We also have Joe Biden and his vice-presidential choice Kamala Harris (who, by the way, not being a natural-born citizen is legally ineligible to run for this office… but since we’ve already had a Kenyan president, I guess that no longer matters).  But I don’t believe the democrats ever had any intention of putting Biden and Harris in the White House.  We need to stop looking at what they’re SHOWING us, and start thinking more critically.  I believe I can easily see right through their plan… and here it is:

According to a report by the New York Times at least three-quarters of all American voters will be eligible to receive a ballot in the mail for the 2020 election — the most in US history.  No matter how you slice it, this is a recipe for massive election fraud.  If you thought the “hanging chads” of days-gone-by were a nightmare, wait until you see what’s going to come of this.  With so many mail-in ballots, there’s simply no way this is not going to be a contested election.

Whatever the results, they WILL be challenged.  And that’s exactly what the Left is hoping for.  I believe the Globalists, who really run things, will drag the election results out as long as possible.  They just need to make it through until 12 noon on January 20th, 2021.  At that time, without a clear win for either side, the Trump/Pence team will have no choice but to leave.  Who, then, is next in line?  Assuming the Democrats maintain power in the House of Representatives, then the Speaker of the House takes the Oval Office.  Can you say “President Pelosi?”  Yes, friends, THAT is the plan on the Left in this perverted “3-D Chess” match.  Then, I believe we’ll see complete, total, unconditional surrender to the New World Order.  This will come with forced mandatory vaccinations, mandatory digital tracking chip implants, and a global financial “reset.”  Law and order —  or better stated, ENSLAVEMENT — will quite likely be provided by UN troops from foreign countries… yes, UN tanks and armored vehicles patrolling our streets, going door-to-door, confiscating our firearms, and even our children if we dare cross them.   And it’s completely reasonable to assume this could easily all happen by mid January.

But in case you didn’t have enough to think about,  NASA has been tracking an asteroid, about 6 1/2 feet in diameter, which is set to strike the earth on November 2nd — one day prior to the 2020 National elections.  There are three potential impact sites — but according to NASA, none of these scenarios will cause a “deep impact,” though it may cause localized devastation.

Most likely though, the asteroid will miss Planet Earth altogether.  According to scientists, the chance of it striking us is only 0.41%.  Those are pretty miniscule odds, I guess, aren’t they?  But bear in mind, the odds of catching the Coronavirus if you’re under 65 years old are only 0.04%.  So… nearly a half-a-percent chance of the Earth getting hit by the asteroid the day before the presidential election.  On the other hand we’re measuring COVID infections in the “hundredths” of a percent!  And because of THAT and the FEAR we’ve been brainwashed with, the WHOLE WORLD has shut down, civilization has turned to anarchy and chaos and now when you venture out of your home, you step into the Twilight Zone, where EVERYONE is forced to wear a mask.  Sadly, SO MANY don’t even question anything anymore.  Because of strong delusion, sent upon them, because they CHOSE to believe the lies.  Open your eyes, friends.  And work to open the eyes of others too.  Because the truth is out there, for those with eyes to see.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Perishing For Lack of Knowledge

By Rob Pue

Are you aware of what’s been going on in the world lately? How well do you follow current world events? I assume, since you’re either listening to this by radio or reading this in print, that you are already well informed, much more so than the average person. But I’d like to begin today with some news briefs regarding things that have taken place just recently, and just see if you’ve heard of these things.

Just as a reference point, as I prepare this message we’re nearing the middle of August, 2020. Let’s start with Los Angeles, where the mayor there, Eric Garcetti announced on August 6th that he ordered the LA Department of Water and Power to cut off the water and electricity to any homes, venues or businesses in violation of COVID-19 “safety measures.” This will potentially put thousands of people in serious danger. We’re no longer just talking about a fine for not wearing a mask; now, if you disobey the mayor’s edict, you’ll find yourself with no water for drinking, cooking and sanitation purposes and no electricity to run home appliances or medical devices.

And I wonder if you’ve heard the name Susan Rosenburg. In the 1970s and ‘80s, Rosenburg was active in the far-left revolutionary terrorist May 19th Communist Organization. This group’s goal was to “openly advocate for the overthrow of the US government through armed struggle and the use of violence.” This organization supported the Black Liberation Army and was involved in armored truck robberies as well as bombings of government buildings. Rosenburg was arrested in 1984 while in possession of a large cache of explosives and firearms. She was sentenced to 58 years in prison, but her sentence was commuted by Bill Clinton on January 20, 2001 — his final day in office.

Why is this important today? Because today, she’s the vice chair on the Board of Directors of an organization known as the “Thousand Currents.” This is a tax-exempt, non-profit organization that serves as one of the fundraising arms of the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation. I’ve spoken before regarding the Socialist/Communist/Marxist roots of Black Lives Matter. (Few believe me, by the way, because they refuse to do ANY amount of simple research on BLM for themselves). And now we’ve discovered that another one of the key players in this plot of overthrow America is a convicted domestic terrorist. Were you aware of that? And interestingly, since this information was discovered, the entire list of Thousand Currents’ Board of Directors has been deleted from their website.

In Chicago this past weekend, there was more looting, violence and devastation. This time on Michigan Avenue, along the Magnificent Mile, State Street and parts of the Gold Coast neighborhood, South Loop and Near North sides of the city. Thousands of people were involved in breaking windows, looting stores and causing widespread devastation.

Chicago Police superintendent David Brown said, “Criminals took to the streets with the confidence that there would be no consequences for their actions.” But while more than 400 officers were deployed, only about 100 of these thugs were arrested. According to ABC 7 Chicago News, witnesses described the vandalism as a “coordinated effort,” with multiple cars dropping off groups of people, who then would smash-and-grab merchandise from stores, and take off running in opposite directions before police could respond. This sounds like another coordinated attack by Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA. A curfew is now in effect in Chicago from 8 pm – 6 am.

And here’s a report from Australia. In a Facebook post a resident there stated, “I am currently living under this communist rule here in Victoria, Australia. We have Stage 4 restrictions. We cannot leave our homes for more than one hour of exercise a day. Only one person to the supermarket a day. We have meat and food shortages. ALL businesses have been closed. You need papers to travel and attend essential work. You need to pass through multiple police check points to go anywhere and you must produce your ‘papers’ to police. We are not allowed more than 5km from our homes and we have a curfew from 8 pm – 5 am. $100,000 fines for anyone breaching these rules, per person! We have the army and police going door to door checking our homes. We need help!”

No doubt you’ve heard about America’s Frontline Doctors — or perhaps you were among the millions of viewers of their press conference, before social media censored it, search engines scrubbed it, and the mainstream press debunked it. If you’re not aware, about ten doctors from around the country held a press conference on July 27th — these are actual doctors, working with actual patients, and they stated emphatically that there is a CURE for the coronavirus: Hydroxychloroquine (a medicine that’s been proven to be safe and effective and is sold over the counter in most countries), Zithromycin and Zinc. One physician, Dr. Stella Immanuel of Houston, stated she personally treated more than 350 patients with this regimen and every one of them recovered quickly. However, social media, government and health officials and the mainstream news media could not squash this information fast enough. Some governors quickly moved to ban the prescribing of Hydroxychloroquine by doctors and the dispensing of the drug by pharmacists.

The “Frontline Doctors” have stated that Hydroxychloroquine is safer than Tylenol and is taken regularly in some countries to avoid getting Malaria. It’s been prescribed for decades, often used “off label” for a number of maladies and was shown to be effective in the treatment of SARS in 2005. At least one of the doctors, Simone Gold, was fired from her hospital position for coming out and speaking in favor of this treatment, even though the treatment worked for all of HER COVID patients as well. Still, all we hear about is the Bill Gates Vaccine, coming soon, on the fast track, to be deployed by the US Military “very very quickly,” said Donald Trump, who has already ordered 300 million doses. And Gates has stated it will likely take MORE than one vaccine to put a stop to COVID. I wonder, when did this billionaire computer tycoon, who can’t even keep his Windows operating systems from contracting serious viral infections become a licensed doctor? And why are we being FORCED to listen to HIM rather than real doctors working with real patients on the front lines? If you don’t think we’re being FORCED to listen to Gates and NOT ALLOWED to hear from real doctors, then you are willfully ignorant.

Incidentally, “COVID” is said to be an acronym for “Corona Virus Disease.” I’m just wondering aloud here… but could it possibly be better described as “Certificate of Vaccination ID?” Very likely.

And in New York City, mayor Bill deBlasio announced on August 5th that checkpoints will be set up at major entrances to the city to screen for out-of-state travelers who may be violating quarantine rules. Right now, citizens of 35 states are required to self-quarantine for 14 days upon arrival in New York. Anyone flying into or through the state must fill out a form stating their destination or receive a $2,000 fine.

Meanwhile, as more and more Americans are buying firearms for the first time right now, ammunition is nearly impossible to find. Gun sales are up 150% over last year, but most stores nationwide are out of ammunition. When asked when they will be getting more in, the frustrated owners simply tell you, “no idea… it could be a week, it could be six months. It could be never.”

Now let’s look at what’s happening in Washington DC. Democratic Representative Ilhan Omar recently stated that the American economy and political systems need to be dismantled. Yes, she said that… they’re no longer even trying to hide their true intentions. This Islamic representative from Minnesota said “We must begin the work of dismantling the whole system of oppression.” Incidentally, there is very strong evidence that Omar entered the US illegally, married her brother in order to qualify for citizenship and she’s also been accused of illegally accepting free college tuition under false pretenses. There is strong evidence against her, yet no formal investigation or charges have ever been brought.

On August 9th, there was a 5.1 magnitude earthquake in Northwest North Carolina. This was the largest quake to hit the area since 1916. Is the earth groaning under it’s burden of sin?

And even as the actual number of cases of COVID continue to decline, more and more states are enacting even more drastic measures to lock us all down again. Mandatory masking is nearly everywhere, nationwide now, and state and county health departments are aggressively hiring “contact tracers,” even as they set up “snitch hotlines” to report people not obeying the mask or “social distancing” rules.

Columnist Todd Starnes has reported from Vermont that the Mill River Unified Union School District there has directed EVERY principal to hoist “Black Lives Matter” and LGBT “pride” flags over EVERY school building. The school district made the decision after a single student — one student — requested that the flags be flown.

And schools in Madison, Wisconsin have decided to adopt a policy that allows children with so-called “gender dysphoria” to secretly “transition” at school behind their parents’ backs. Under the new policy, teachers are prohibited from informing parents if their child chooses to adopt a new name or pronouns or chooses to use restrooms or locker rooms for members of the opposite sex. I dare say it’s a good thing if public schools and colleges remain closed indefinitely. Perhaps the parents will have more of a role — and learn something themselves — by being more involved with the education of their children.

And finally, a columnist for the New York Times recently reported that democrats are strategizing for a full “West-coast secession” and potential “civil war” as they contemplate their next move in case they lose the November election. Ben Smith reports that “Democrats have role-played a ‘war game’ in which they considered different possible outcomes to a close election.”

Now, I could certainly go on. I could talk about the Bank of England shutting down temporarily recently, or the fake “coin shortage” here in America. I could talk more about the crimes of Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA and the communist Left. I could cite more statistics showing the “virus” never did actually rise to the level of a “pandemic” here in America — or for that matter in many places, yet one only need look outside to see we seem to be living in the Twilight Zone. People everywhere wearing masks, in 90 degree heat, walking their dogs, alone, outdoors in the sunshine. Or wearing the equivalent of “Haz-mat” suits while driving their cars. I could cite countless incidents of violence erupting in stores and shopping centers as the mask-wearers attack those who refuse to conform. I could tell you things that would shock and frighten you — and rightfully so — because of the loss of our freedom to worship, to travel freely, to conduct business, to buy and sell, to raise our own children as we see fit. And more.

But I’m quickly running out of time. Perhaps we all are. I wanted to mention the stories above because unless you ARE well informed — about what’s REALLY going on in the world, not just what the mainstream media LET’S you see — then you probably did NOT know most of what I just shared.

Sadly, this is especially true of the modern American church-goer. I’d venture to guess that you haven’t heard about ANY of these things from your pastors. I’d also venture to guess that your pastors most likely know even less than anyone. They simply do not care.

And therein lies the problem. I was speaking with some very devout church-goers recently when a news story about Ghislane Maxwell came up. “Who?” “What?” they wondered… I explained that she is the “madame” of pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, that was arrested for trafficking young children to be used for sexual perversion by the rich and famous and powerful. “Oh, that…” they said. They didn’t care to hear any more. They’d heard SOMETHING about it, but it was just too distasteful to think about.

This is just one example, but it’s very telling because it demonstrates just exactly HOW we’ve ended up in the place we find ourselves now, on the very brink of America becoming a communist nation. I told you what’s happening in Australia. They’re a bit ahead of us, and China is quite a ways ahead of them — do you wonder why? Simply because they abandoned their role as Salt and Light CHRIST-FOLLOWERS before we did. But we’re not that far behind…

It disgusts me that professing Christians know SO VERY LITTLE about what’s really happening in the world. We’re in a spiritual battle for hearts, minds and souls — a battle being waged in the heaven lies, but played out in flesh and blood here on earth. Those of us who name the name of Christ are supposed to be pushing back against the forces of darkness, and EXPOSING THEM. Yet we do nothing. Faith without works is dead. For too long, Christians have hidden away, and as the enemy has advanced to where we now find ourselves in the Twilight Zone of insanity, our pastors simply advise us to just “sing louder.” Don’t they? What was the topic of the sermon in YOUR church last week? Were ANY of these things mentioned? Was ANY biblical advice given regarding how we are to respond to all that we see coming upon the world now? (Other than waiting for the rapture, I mean). We need to know this stuff — and we need to know the TRUTH about all these things. We cannot afford to be dumb, blind deceived lemmings any longer. Sadly, many like it that way. You know, people really DO perish for lack of knowledge… I’m sounding the warning, just like I’ve been doing for more than two decades. Will anyone listen NOW?

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

What’s Coming Next?

Rob Pue

I think we all knew that 2020 was going to be a very tumultuous year for our country.  But I don’t think any of us were prepared for just how dramatic the tyranny and violence would be — not just here in America, but worldwide.

I certainly had no idea that things would change so rapidly and so drastically in just a few months.  Today, we have 34 states that mandate the wearing of face masks in public.  Some are even “strongly recommending” we wear them while sequestered in our own homes.  This, for a “virus” with more than a 99% survival rate… and a virus that’s been reported by government and health officials, aided by their allies in the mainstream media with enormously inflated case numbers — and many outright lies, designed to instill great fear and panic among the people.    Perhaps most alarming is that the vast majority of people are happy to go along with these mandates — even with evidence of a massive hoax plainly visibile for all to see, if only they would look.  And the mask-wearers are even proud to wear their masks — it’s a badge of “virtue” to them.  It’s as if they “strut” pridefully out in public, wearing their designer masks while looking down their noses at those who don’t wear one.  It’s like another world out there now, altogether.

We also saw months of “lockdowns,” where businesses were forced to close their doors and people were not allowed to go to work unless, somehow, they were deemed “essential workers.”  Interestingly, the “essential” businesses and workers included “big box” stores like Walmart, (perhaps the country’s largest retailer of Chinese-made products), liquor stores, smoke shops and marijuana dispensaries.  Christian churches were ordered to close across the country.  Those allowed to open again have been commanded  that there be no singing praises to God allowed.

Then came the “race riots,” with massive violence, looting, and unbelievable destruction of property, while police were ordered by mayors and city councils to “stand down” and let the rioters destroy.  We even learned that bricks and rocks were conveniently placed in these devastated neighborhoods, stacked along the streets or piled in bins on the sidewalks — even BEFORE the George Floyd incident ever happened.  Then we saw the conquering of American cities by ANTIFA and the Marxist Black Lives Matter movement.  Black people forcing white people to get down on their knees, kiss their feet and apologize for their “white privilege.”  The demand for the defunding of police departments; a street in DC renamed “Black Lives Matter Plaza,” within just a matter of DAYS;  the words “Defund Police” and “Black Lives Matter” painted in 60’ tall letters on the streets leading to statehouses and even the US Capitol.  Conveniently, most of the rioters were wearing masks — like the rest of the country — so most could not be identified.  But that didn’t really matter, since most of them were never arrested anyway…they were allowed — indeed — even encouraged in some areas to wreak as much havoc as possible by the leadership there.

In Minneapolis, the city council voted unanimously — (in a veto-proof vote) — to not only defund the police, but to disband the police department altogether, replacing it with “Community Organizers” — led by the radical “Nation of Islam.”  I should also mention the countless statues and monuments either destroyed or censored from view all around the country, essentially removing the memorials of our nation’s history.  This, in a land where the vast majority of our young people are already nearly completely ignorant when it comes to history.  That’s a subject most were never taught in the public schools and colleges, and if they were, it was a “skewed” history — a re-written type of history, where everything American was taught as evil and oppressive.  It’s no wonder our young people hate their country today.  If you think I’m exaggerating, just ask someone in their teens or 20s what happened on December 7th, 1941.  There’s a greater than 90% chance you’ll get nothing more than a blank stare.  We also saw the desecration of countless veterans cemeteries across the country — the final resting places of those who fought, bled and died for the cause of freedom…not just American freedom, but the freedom of people living under tyranny and oppression the world over.

What’s coming next?  It’s very plain to see that the end goal of all this is a tyrannical, totalitarian New World Order, but that cannot be fully accomplished until America is vanquished, utterly in ruins.  And the New World Order cannot run efficiently unless every person on earth has been marked with a digitial microchip implant, which will be delivered through a mandatory vaccine — a vaccine that, I believe, will prove so deadly that many will die quickly after taking it, not from any virus or other pestilence, but from the vaccine itself.  That’s partially what it’s designed for.  And I don’t think it’s going to be long before we see this all come to pass.

It’s not just America.  I received an email this past weekend from someone in Australia who read one of my previous commentaries.  He emailed to affirm what I had asserted in my message:  that Australia is currently, for all practical purposes, under communistic rule.  The lockdown there is so severe that police are stopping vehicles, smashing car windows and pulling people out to be arrested, if they’re even just suspected of violating the lockdown rules.  Great Britain is much the same.

Jesus spoke of the last days in Matthew 24 and stated that IN the last days, “…because lawlessness shall abound, the love of many will grow cold.”  We’ve certainly witnessed that recently, haven’t we?  Common citizens attacking one another for not obeying mask mandates.  Neighbors “snitching” on neighbors.  It appears that the devil and all his minions are raging.  Have you heard about the recent murder of 5-year-old Cannon Hinnant?  The North Carolina boy was outside, riding his bike in his yard, when his next door neighbor, a black man named Darious Sessoms — (a repeat offender, multiple felon, who has served multiple prison sentences and has two pending felony drug charges) — walked over and shot the boy point-blank in the head.  Later, Sessoms boasted on social media about killing the boy, stating he had (quote) “blown his ‘white privileged’ brains right out of his head.”  This incident received almost no coverage in the mainstream press, so if you know about it, you most likely didn’t find it there.

And are you aware that the violent attacks and rioting we’ve been seeing in the major cities are NOW coming to suburbs, small towns and even rural areas?  Recently, BLM marched through a Seattle suburb, demanding white people vacate their homes and GIVE them to black people.  ANTIFA has threatened to destroy fields of crops and kill cattle in farming states.  For those who don’t believe this, or think I’m some sort of tinfoil-hat conspiracy theorist or simply just don’t want to hear anything “negative,” you can choose to continue to wear your blinders (along with your ‘mandatory’ face masks) if you like… but all this will soon be coming to YOUR front door.  What will you do then?  Beg the government to protect you and happily jump aboard the buses to the FEMA camps, I suppose.

Black Lives Matter.  Yes.  ALL life matters.  But we’ve had the wool pulled over our eyes yet again by the Leftist propaganda of the mainstream media.  Do your research and you’ll find that everything Black Lives Matters stands for is absolutely antithetical to everything good and Godly, everything American and everything freedom-related.  This is a demonic group of Marxists and Communists MANIPULATING and taking advantage of black people to systematically destroy all of Western Civilization, with an emphasis on destroying the United States.  This is an invention of Barack Obama, George Soros, the Clintons and others who quite frankly, should all be sitting in Gitmo right now on charges of treason and sedition.

Yet, like the LGBT movement — ALSO bent on our ultimate destruction — BLM is being richly funded to the tune of BILLIONS of dollars, not only by our domestic and foreign enemies, but even happily and proudly by our major corporations.  Google has donated $12 million.  Facebook and Amazon are donating $10 million each.  Apple Corporation is in for $100 million dollars.  Walmart just announced it’s donating another $100 million.  Target stores: $10 million; Home Depot: $1 million.  These are just a few.  There are MANY more donors to the BLM movement — because it SOUNDS good, because so many are so deceived, they believe BLM is a GOOD thing;  because the mainstream press has fed it to us that way.  Again, we only see what they WANT us to see, and they’ve played this strategy well, tugging on the emotional heartstrings of the populace, and these corporations want to appear righteous and benevolent, and so they are funding the very organization that intends to completely destroy capitalism and the free market economy that has allowed them to thrive.

Those within the Deep State of Leftist politics have also been recruiting Christian church leadership as their “useful idiots.”  So far, they’ve recruited 28,000 clergy to be part of their “Clergy Response Team.”  Their job is to tailor their sermons, in the midst of all this present darkness, to brainwash their congregations to obey government authorities through the deliberate misinterpretation of Romans 13.

Perhaps the pastors don’t know any better, but they’re now all on board, acting as “sleeper cells,” if you will, ready to support the unconstitutional dictates of their government “masters” through agencies like FEMA and Homeland Security whenever called upon.  They’ve been instructed to teach “government obedience,” for such things as turning in firearms, re-locating to ‘FEMA Camps,’ submitting to mandatory vaccinations and more.  They’ve already willingly closed their churches, forced face masks and social distancing when ordered to do so, so if you think this is “far fetched,” think again.  This is right out of the Nazi ‘playbook.’  And I wonder — is YOUR pastor part of the Clergy Response Team?  Do you even know?  Would he even tell you if you asked?

The question still remains, What’s Next?  Dana Coverstone is a pastor in Burkesville, Kentucky.  A couple months ago, he released a home-made video that went viral on social media.  In the video, he is quick to point out that he does NOT claim to be a prophet, or to “speak for God” in any way.  But he revealed a series of dreams he has had that are very disturbing.  He felt the need to share them in order to sound a warning of what may be coming next, so God’s people can prepare.

His first dream was in December of 2019.  In this dream, he saw a calendar indicating the month of March.  A finger underlined the word “March” and then “tapped” the calendar three times.  He saw sickness, people wearing masks and ambulances.  Then, in his dream, the calendar moved forward to June.  Again, a finger underlined the word “June” and then tapped it three times.  He saw cities on fire and rioters in the streets and extreme rage.   He heard the words: “Brace Yourself, Brace Yourself.”  All these things came to pass, just as he saw in the dream.

Then later, he had another dream.  In this dream, he again saw a calendar, with the month of September highlighted.  And again, a finger underlined the word “September,” and tapped the calendar three times, indicating  something significant coming in September.  And then the calendar moved forward to November, but this time it was different.  Instead of “tapping” the calendar, a giant FIST smashed the calendar to bits — and he saw the numbers representing the days of November “explode” into the air, even appearing to be 3D in shape.  He saw fighting in the streets, businesses and schools closed, money being sucked out of banks, Washington DC in flames.  He saw no sign of President Trump or any legislators in Washington.  But he did see people hiding in their homes and churches, stores and homes burning.  And he again heard the words “Brace Yourself, Brace Yourself.”

Also within Pastor Coverstone’s dreams, he saw the banks having no change, no coins.  The US Mint was no longer producing currency.  In his dream, the bank teller told him to “prepare for hyper inflation.”  And then again, he heard, “Brace Yourself, Brace Yourself.”

I’m not sure what to make of this and I’ve always been pretty skeptical when people have told me they have a “word from the Lord” for me or some special revelation.  But I’m reminded of the words of the prophet Joel, repeated in Acts, Chapter 2:  “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.  And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of My Spirit; and they shall prophesy.  And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke.  The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord come.  And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

You can take the dreams of Pastor Coverstone with a grain of salt if you like.  But I believe he very likely DID receive a warning from the Lord in his dreams, and as a watchman, sounded the warning for the rest of us.  None of us knows what the rest of our days on this earth will hold.  But we can certainly discern the signs of the times we are living in.  And I believe we had BETTER be about our Father’s business, occupying until He comes, standing strong in the faith, even as others fall away and deny Him all around us.  It’s very likely our time is shorter than any of us realizes now.  And whether that great and terrible Day of the Lord comes in our lifetime or whether we go into captivity for the horrific sins we have allowed to continue and in our apathy done nothing about; I do believe the righteous judgment of God Almighty is about to strike our wicked land very soon, because we’ve claimed the name of Christ, many have… we profess Him with our lips but our hearts are far from Him.  We’d BETTER get right with God NOW, we better start studying and seeking and praying and repenting today.  Because “tomorrow” you may finding yourself standing before Him.  What will you have to say for yourself then?

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Perishing For Lack of Knowledge

Rob Pue

Are you aware of what’s been going on in the world lately?  How well do you follow current world events?  I assume, since you’re either listening to this by radio or reading this in print, that you are already well informed, much more so than the average person.  But I’d like to begin today with some news briefs regarding things that have taken place just recently, and just see if you’ve heard of these things.

Just as a reference point, as I prepare this message we’re nearing the middle of August, 2020.   Let’s start with Los Angeles, where the mayor there, Eric Garcetti announced on August 6th that he ordered the LA Department of Water and Power to cut off the water and electricity to any homes, venues or businesses in violation of COVID-19 “safety measures.”  This will potentially put thousands of people in serious danger.  We’re no longer just talking about a fine for not wearing a mask; now, if you disobey the mayor’s edict, you’ll find yourself with no water for drinking, cooking and sanitation purposes and no electricity to run home appliances or medical devices.

And I wonder if you’ve heard the name Susan Rosenburg.  In the 1970s and ‘80s, Rosenburg was active in the far-left revolutionary terrorist May 19th Communist Organization.  This group’s goal was to “openly advocate for the overthrow of the US government through armed struggle and the use of violence.”  This organization supported the Black Liberation Army and was involved in armored truck robberies as well as bombings of government buildings.  Rosenburg was arrested in 1984 while in possession of a large cache of explosives and firearms.  She was sentenced to 58 years in prison, but her sentence was commuted by Bill Clinton on January 20, 2001 — his final day in office.

Why is this important today?  Because today, she’s the vice chair on the Board of Directors of an organization known as the “Thousand Currents.”  This is a tax-exempt, non-profit organization that serves as one of the fundraising arms of the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation.  I’ve spoken before regarding the Socialist/Communist/Marxist roots of Black Lives Matter.  (Few believe me, by the way, because they refuse to do ANY amount of simple research on BLM for themselves).  And now we’ve discovered that another one of the key players in this plot of overthrow America is a convicted domestic terrorist.  Were you aware of that?  And interestingly, since this information was discovered, the entire list of Thousand Currents’ Board of Directors has been deleted from their website.

In Chicago this past weekend, there was more looting, violence and devastation.  This time on Michigan Avenue, along the Magnificent Mile, State Street and parts of the Gold Coast neighborhood, South Loop and Near North sides of the city.  Thousands of people  were involved in breaking windows, looting stores and causing widespread devastation.

Chicago Police superintendent David Brown said, “Criminals took to the streets with the confidence that there would be no consequences for their actions.”  But while more than 400 officers were deployed, only about 100 of these thugs were arrested.  According to ABC 7 Chicago News, witnesses described the vandalism as a “coordinated effort,” with multiple cars dropping off groups of people, who then would smash-and-grab merchandise from stores, and take off running in opposite directions before police could respond.  This sounds like another coordinated attack by Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA.  A curfew is now in effect in Chicago from 8 pm – 6 am.

And here’s a report from Australia.  In a Facebook post a resident there stated, “I am currently living under this communist rule here in Victoria, Australia.  We have Stage 4 restrictions.  We cannot leave our homes for more than one hour of exercise a day.  Only one person to the supermarket a day.  We have meat and food shortages.  ALL businesses have been closed.  You need papers to travel and attend essential work.  You need to pass through multiple police check points to go anywhere and you must produce your ‘papers’ to police.  We are not allowed more than 5km from our homes and we have a curfew from 8 pm – 5 am.  $100,000 fines for anyone breaching these rules, per person!  We have the army and police going door to door checking our homes.  We need help!”

No doubt you’ve heard about America’s Frontline Doctors — or perhaps you were among the millions of viewers of their press conference, before social media censored it, search engines scrubbed it, and the mainstream press debunked it.  If you’re not aware, about ten doctors from around the country held a press conference on July 27th — these are actual doctors, working with actual patients, and they stated emphatically that there is a CURE for the coronavirus:  Hydroxychloroquine (a medicine that’s been proven to be safe and effective and is sold over the counter in most countries), Zithromycin and Zinc.  One physician, Dr. Stella Immanuel of Houston, stated she personally treated more than 350 patients with this regimen and every one of them recovered quickly.  However, social media, government and health officials and the mainstream news media could not squash this information fast enough.  Some governors quickly moved to ban the prescribing of Hydroxychloroquine by doctors and the dispensing of the drug by pharmacists.

The “Frontline Doctors” have stated that Hydroxychloroquine is safer than Tylenol and is taken regularly in some countries to avoid getting Malaria.  It’s been prescribed for decades, often used “off label” for a number of maladies and was shown to be effective in the treatment of SARS in 2005.  At least one of the doctors, Simone Gold, was fired from her hospital position for coming out and speaking in favor of this treatment, even though the treatment worked for all of HER COVID patients as well.  Still, all we hear about is the Bill Gates Vaccine, coming soon, on the fast track, to be deployed by the US Military “very very quickly,” said Donald Trump, who has already ordered 300 million doses.  And Gates has stated it will likely take MORE than one vaccine to put a stop to COVID.  I wonder, when did this billionaire computer tycoon, who can’t even keep his Windows operating systems from contracting serious viral infections become a licensed doctor?  And why are we being FORCED to listen to HIM rather than real doctors working with real patients on the front lines?  If you don’t think we’re being FORCED to listen to Gates and NOT ALLOWED to hear from real doctors, then you are willfully ignorant.

Incidentally, “COVID” is said to be an acronym for “Corona Virus Disease.”  I’m just wondering aloud here… but could it possibly be better described as “Certificate of Vaccination ID?”  Very likely.

And in New York City, mayor Bill deBlasio announced on August 5th that checkpoints will be set up at major entrances to the city to screen for out-of-state travelers who may be violating quarantine rules.  Right now, citizens of 35 states are required to self-quarantine for 14 days upon arrival in New York.  Anyone flying into or through the state must fill out a form stating their destination or receive a $2,000 fine.

Meanwhile, as more and more Americans are buying firearms for the first time right now, ammunition is nearly impossible to find.  Gun sales are up 150% over last year, but most stores nationwide are out of ammunition.  When asked when they will be getting more in, the frustrated owners simply tell you, “no idea… it could be a week, it could be six months.  It could be never.”

Now let’s look at what’s happening in Washington DC.  Democratic Representative Ilhan Omar recently stated that the American economy and political systems need to be dismantled.  Yes, she said that… they’re no longer even trying to hide their true intentions.  This Islamic representative from Minnesota said“We must begin the work of dismantling the whole system of oppression.”  Incidentally, there is very strong evidence that Omar entered the US illegally, married her brother in order to qualify for citizenship and she’s also been accused of illegally accepting free college tuition under false pretenses.  There is strong evidence against her, yet no formal investigation or charges have ever been brought.

On August 9th, there was a 5.1 magnitude earthquake in Northwest North Carolina.  This was the largest quake to hit the area since 1916.  Is the earth groaning under it’s burden of sin?

And even as the actual number of cases of COVID continue to decline, more and more states are enacting even more drastic measures to lock us all down again.  Mandatory masking is nearly everywhere, nationwide now, and state and county health departments are aggressively hiring “contact tracers,” even as they set up “snitch hotlines” to report people not obeying the mask or “social distancing” rules.

Columnist Todd Starnes has reported from Vermont that the Mill River Unified Union School District there has directed EVERY principal to hoist “Black Lives Matter” and LGBT “pride” flags over EVERY school building.  The school district made the decision after a single student — one student — requested that the flags be flown.

And schools in Madison, Wisconsin have decided to adopt a policy that allows children with so-called “gender dysphoria” to secretly “transition” at school behind their parents’ backs.  Under the new policy, teachers are prohibited from informing parents if their child  chooses to adopt a new name or pronouns or chooses to use restrooms or locker rooms for members of the opposite sex.  I dare say it’s a good thing if public schools and colleges remain closed indefinitely.  Perhaps the parents will have more of a role — and learn something themselves — by being more involved with the education of their children.

And finally, a columnist for the New York Times recently reported that democrats are strategizing for a full “West-coast secession” and potential “civil war” as they contemplate their next move in case they lose the November election.  Ben Smith reports that “Democrats have role-played a ‘war game’ in which they considered different possible outcomes to a close election.” 

Now, I could certainly go on.  I could talk about the Bank of England shutting down temporarily recently, or the fake “coin shortage” here in America.  I could talk more about the crimes of Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA and the communist Left.  I could cite more statistics showing the “virus” never did actually rise to the level of a “pandemic” here in America — or for that matter in many places, yet one only need look outside to see we seem to be living in the Twilight Zone.  People everywhere wearing masks, in 90 degree heat, walking their dogs, alone, outdoors in the sunshine.  Or wearing the equivalent of “Haz-mat” suits while driving their cars.  I could cite countless incidents of violence erupting in stores and shopping centers as the mask-wearers attack those who refuse to conform.  I could tell you things that would shock and frighten you — and rightfully so — because of the loss of our freedom to worship, to travel freely, to conduct business, to buy and sell, to raise our own children as we see fit.  And more.

But I’m quickly running out of time.  Perhaps we all are.  I wanted to mention the stories above because unless you ARE well informed — about what’s REALLY going on in the world, not just what the mainstream media LET’S you see — then you probably did NOT know most of what I just shared.

Sadly, this is especially true of the modern American church-goer.  I’d venture to guess that you haven’t heard about ANY of these things from your pastors.  I’d also venture to guess that your pastors most likely know even less than anyone.  They simply do not care.

And therein lies the problem.  I was speaking with some very devout church-goers recently when a news story about Ghislane Maxwell came up.  “Who?”  “What?” they wondered…  I explained that she is the “madame” of pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, that was arrested for trafficking young children to be used for sexual perversion by the rich and famous and powerful.  “Oh, that…” they said.  They didn’t care to hear any more.  They’d heard SOMETHING about it, but it was just too distasteful to think about.

This is just one example, but it’s very telling because it demonstrates just exactly HOW we’ve ended up in the place we find ourselves now, on the very brink of America becoming a communist nation.  I told you what’s happening in Australia.  They’re a bit ahead of us, and China is quite a ways ahead of them — do you wonder why?   Simply because they abandoned their role as Salt and Light CHRIST-FOLLOWERS before we did.  But we’re not that far behind…

It disgusts me that professing Christians know SO VERY LITTLE about what’s really happening in the world.  We’re in a spiritual battle for hearts, minds and souls — a battle being waged in the heavenlies, but played out in flesh and blood here on earth.  Those of us who name the name of Christ are supposed to be pushing back against the forces of darkness, and EXPOSING THEM.  Yet we do nothing.  Faith without works is dead.  For too long, Christians have hidden away, and as the enemy has advanced to where we now find ourselves in the Twilight Zone of insanity, our pastors simply advise us to just “sing louder.”  Don’t they?  What was the topic of the sermon in YOUR church last week?  Were ANY of these things mentioned?  Was ANY biblical advice given regarding how we are to respond to all that we see coming upon the world now?  (Other than waiting for the rapture, I mean).  We need to know this stuff — and we need to know the TRUTH about all these things.  We cannot afford to be dumb, blind deceived lemmings any longer.  Sadly, many like it that way.  You know, people really DO perish for lack of knowledge… I’m sounding the warning, just like I’ve been doing for more than two decades.  Will anyone listen NOW?

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 300.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Unmasking the Lies; Unleashing the Truth

Rob Pue

It’s no secret that I am strongly opposed to the mandatory mask ordinances and so-called “mask laws” that have been sweeping the nation.  Even as the legitimate number of coronavirus cases has dropped substantially (less than 1% in most cases), more people than ever are now wearing masks everywhere they go — many voluntarily, and many being forced to.  In some areas, if you’re caught in public without one, you’re subject to stiff fines and even imprisonment.  This is crazy.

I believe it’s way past time to UNmask the lies and unleash the TRUTH.  First of all, there are a lot of contradictory recommendations being put forth by the so-called “experts” in charge of all this.  Recently, in one of my news feeds, I received one story reporting Anthony Fauci’s statement that mask-wearing was just “largely symbolic” and that masks were ineffective and unnecessary.  But within two minutes, ANOTHER story came across stating Fauci believes everyone ought to be wearing goggles or face shields IN ADDITION to wearing masks now.  It’s as if they’re intent on keeping us continually off balance in an atmosphere of fear.

Many have asked, “what’s the big deal?  Just wear a mask…. ‘no mask, no service.’  It’s no different from ‘no shirt, no service.’”  I beg to differ.  It’s WAY different.  First of all, wearing normal articles of clothing, like shirts and shoes in public is… well, NORMAL!  We don’t go shopping or out to eat at a restaurant half-dressed.  On the other hand, being forced to cover our faces every time we go out in public is definitely NOT normal, unless perhaps you’re in an Islamic country.  But in civilized society this makes absolutely no sense, and it’s only serving to further divide us.

Others will claim that wearing a mask is not meant to protect the wearer, but to protect OTHERS.  So the mask-wearers are now pitted against the non-mask-wearers…and again, FEAR plays a key role.   There have been countless incidents of violence where those wearing masks have ATTACKED those without one… it’s not enough to yell at them and accuse them of being “uncaring” or “selfish” for not wearing a mask.  Now, mask-wearers are actuallly physically attacking people — including young mothers out shopping with their children and elderly veterans — simply because they chose not to wear a mask.

Everything about this “pandemic” has been “fishy” from the start.  I remember the “lockdown” was only going to be for two weeks, and everyone agreed to it, just to be safe.  Two weeks turned into more than two months, and now many states are shutting down again because the numbers of “cases” are supposedly rising.  Nevermind that the numbers have ALWAYS been artificially inflated, from day one, and nevermind that the increase we’re seeing now is mainly due to many more people being tested.  And we KNOW that many (perhaps even a majority) of those tests are false positives.  Indeed, we now know that over and over again, people who were NEVER tested at all are getting letters in the mail stating they’ve tested “positive” and they need to quarantine themselves, as well as report all their personal contacts.

A word of advice here:  DON’T go and voluntarily submit yourself to one of their “free tests.”  I cannot, for the life of me, imagine why anyone would do that.  You’re only giving them more “ammo” for their propaganda machine, because odds are very good that YOUR test will come back “positive,” whether you are positive or not — or even whether you were actually, truly even TESTED or not!  (Look it up, it’s happening everywhere).

I also remember being told a few months ago that we were going to be seeing 2 million people die in the US within a 2-week span, so we should prepare for the worst.  After many months of this fearmongering, we now understand that only a tiny percentage of Americans have actually had COVID and only 0.04% have died from it.  That’s the reality.  But the mainstream media,  social media, and our government and health officials are desperate to keep us all in fear, all wearing masks, all “social distancing,” and tensions continuing to rise.

Recently, when a group of doctors who work on the front lines held a press conference, declaring that treatment with Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc and Zithromycin had not only cured, but also prevented people from contracting the virus, mainstream and social media couldn’t censor the information fast enough.  Every post on Facebook regarding this was labeled as “false news.”  The mainstream press ridiculed these doctors, calling them frauds.  I wonder why they’ve been SO intent on doing that.  If we really ARE in a serious “pandemic,” shouldn’t every option be investigated?  These doctors are telling us they’ve treated hundreds of patients with these medicines and not ONE has died, ALL have recovered and NONE of the health workers taking the prescriptions contracted the virus, even while working with sick patients DAILY, so why then is the media working so aggressively to silence them?

The answer is simple:  it doesn’t fit with the PLAN.  And as I’ve said for months now, this absolutely IS a “Planned-Demic.”  The treatment that actually works to prevent illness  and cure sick patients costs less than $10 and there’s no need for any vaccine.  On the other hand, Anthony Fauci is a financial ally of Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation is part of the National Institutes of Health, which is funding the Moderna vaccine.  The US government has already ordered 300 MILLION doses of this vaccine, which is said to be on the “fast track” for approval.  Quite a windfall for those who will be benefiting financially from this.  But it’s even worse.  Not only is the new vaccine NOT going to be effective — (Gates has already said we will need MULTIPLE vaccines) — it’s already been proven to be very harmful.  But it’s even worse than that, because almost certainly, it’s going to also contain a digital tracking device, and quite possibly a digital CURRENCY device, so that you will no longer be able to buy or sell (or receive your “free money” from the government — can you say “socialism?”) unless you have the vaccine!

Things are happening unbelievably rapidly now.  We have a planned agenda, designed to control the population already set in motion, being blindly accepted by the “sheeple” in record-setting time.  I have no doubt people will be lining up to get their vaccinations very soon.  They went along with the lockdown, they went along with mandatory masks, social distancing, the closing of schools, parks, beaches and businesses.  It’s obvious that the American people are, by and large, so indoctrinated by the lying Leftist media they’ll pretty much fall for anything.

But getting back to the masks.  First of all, the masks do nothing good for one’s health.  The manufacturers even put a disclaimer right on the box that reads, WARNING: this product will not provide ANY protection against COVID-19 (Coronavirus) or other viruses or contaminants.”  When people have posted photos of this disclaimer on social media, they’re immediately flagged as being “false news.”  How can this POSSIBLY be “false news” when the manufacturers THEMSELVES are stating the facts?

The truth is, the smallest pore opening on the MOST effective mask you can possibly buy is 3 microns in size.  The COVID-19 virus is 1/10th of a micron.  This is like expecting a chain-link fence to keep out mosquitos.   Again, Fauci himself — the “expert” — has said that wearing a mask is “largely symbolic.”

But it’s also very unhealthy to wear a mask.  They restrict oxygen intake and cause  you to recirculate all of your own bacteria and CO2.  Workers who must wear masks for 8-hour shifts can contract life-threatening lung infections, not to mention extreme fatigue, headaches, migraines, extreme stress to the respiratory system, anxiety — and worse.

Wearing masks is also dehumanizing and degrading.  They turn us from being unique individuals, made in the image of God to a herd of dumb animals — or robots.  Mask requirements immediately steal our freedom of expression and freedom of choice.   Combined with “social distancing,” they rob us of one-on-one interaction with others.  This WEARS  on people mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.  There have already been more suicides in response to this “planned-demic” than deaths from the virus itself.

And what about the children?  Growing up now, in a world where everyone wearing a mask will become “normal” to them.  Perhaps that’s one of their ultimate goals as well.  Creating a “new normal” where we’re no longer free people, unique individuals able to socialize, express ourselves, interact with others, go to work, the grocery store, the park or the beach — unless our faces are covered.  If we dare to do so, we run the risk of being “snitched” on by our neighbors or attacked by others out in public.  We risk oppressive fines from police and even imprisonment.  All for a virus that’s been proven time and again to be less serious than the annual flu bug… and a virus which front-line doctors have TOLD US there’s a cure for, with no vaccine needed.  If you think this is “normal” I don’t know what to tell you, but I, for one, am not playing their little game.

But, you know, it never was about the virus or our health.  It’s been about social engineering and behavior modification and CONTROL.  It’s about the New World Order — totalitarian socialism, which is coming faster than any of us can comprehend.

From day one, we’ve been told we must all learn to adjust to this “new normal” because, they said, “we’re never going back to ‘normal.’  COVID is never going away.”  This is quite obvious when you consider the huge new industry that has sprung up in the wake of all these ridiculous mandates… an industry of mask-makers.  You can buy all kinds of masks now.  Custom designed with your company logo, with all kinds of artwork and various statements on them.  Fancy ones adorned with beads and jewels.  Some that mimick Islamic headgear.   In some stores, you can even find a rack with all the various masks available and a mirror nearby so you can try them all on to see which one you like best.  How SANITARY is that, I wonder?  This is all just so deceitful — and stupid!

If the truth be told, all masks should come with a disclaimer that reads: “This product is not intended to prevent, treat or cure any disease.  It’s sole purpose is to dumb down the populace into mind-numbed conformity and compliance, preparing people for the tyranny of their new masters.”

That’s a bit of a re-write from the disclaimer that natural health products are REQUIRED  to put on their labels.  Indeed, the FDA will not even evaluate natural health products or vitamin supplements because there’s no money to be made there.  But they are very good at propping up Big Pharma.

Friends, we need not live in fear.  Yes, there’s a virus out there.  But you know what?  There are a LOT of viruses out there.  And germs and bad guys who would kill you for five bucks if they could.  The past four months have not been a response to a “pandemic.”  The REAL numbers never came close to reaching “pandemic” status.  The past four months have been about control, social engineering and behavior modification.  About getting us all to comply and accept their “new normal.”   But I will not comply, nor will I be complicit in spreading false reports or lies, which I believe you ARE when you consent to wear a mask… you’re perpetuating a lie and helping with the Globalist take-down of America.

Since Hydroxychloroquine has now been banned in many areas (doctors are forbidden to prescribe it and pharmacists are forbidden to dispense it), it’s important that we all keep our immune systems strong and healthy.  Most doctors — and especially the COVID-19 “experts” — will never tell you this; and if you bring it up, they’ll call this “fake science” too.  But the truth is, God designed our bodies to heal themselves, IF we have the right nutrients.  The modern American diet is seriously deficient in nutrients, even if we try to eat “healthy,” so all of us need supplements.

I’m not talking about taking a “One-A-Day” multivitamin with the bottom line recommended daily allowance and I’m not talking about “Flintstones chewables” or “gummies” here.  We need real, high quality supplements that actually work.  For immune health, high doses of good quality Vitamin C are essential.  It’s been PROVEN to work — yes, even for the coronavirus, though social media will label that “false news.”  I take 6,000 milligrams of Vitamin C every day, and more if I get sick, which is rare.  Along with that, I take Vitamin D3 with Vitamin K2, a good dose of B-complex vitamins, Zinc and Potassium Iodide.  If you’re healthy, follow this regimine and you will stay that way.  If you get sick, increase your dosage of these vital supplements and you’ll get better quickly.

This is not medical advice.  It’s just plain common sense, based on research and study.  We all need to do more of that — research and study.  Because, you know, people actually DO perish for lack of knowledge.  So stop listening to the lies of the Left that are spoon-fed to you daily in the mainstream press and social media.  Study and research on your own, and learn the truth.  If you do, you’ll no longer live in fear.  As Christ-followers, we have not been given a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind.  That’s a terrible thing to waste!  And as for the unlawful mask “mandates,” I encourage you to resist the tyranny.  We ought to obey God rather than men.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 299.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

On A Quest For ‘Normal’

Rob Pue

A few weeks ago, my wife and I took some time off.  It was way overdue and a greatly needed break from our hectic work life.  Because while many others have been out of work, or staying at home under “quarantine,” we have both been working harder than ever, longer hours than ever, with days that begin before sunrise and rarely ending before midnight.

We debated whether or not we should take this time off, because we KNOW that when we do that, we return to an enormous backlog of work that must be immediately attended to.

We were also hesitant because we were not sure what we would find if we were to venture out of our area.  Would we encounter lockdowns, “mask laws” or perhaps even violent protests in the streets?  …But we decided to go, because we desperately needed a rest, a change of pace and time to refresh and renew.  My wife also pointed out that, in light of what is quickly coming upon the world, this may well have been our last opportunity to go anywhere.

So we went.  Our ultimate destination was central Ohio, where we joined the Salt and Light Brigade for their annual National gathering.  But we left early, to revisit some of the places we used to go on camping trips when our kids were little, and also see some areas of the country we hadn’t been to before… and celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary as well.

The first day went well and that evening, we walked in the shallows of lake Michigan, and sat together on a park bench on the beach as we watched the stunning sunset over the lake.  But we woke up the next morning in Michigan to a new state-wide mandated “mask law” which the governor there had just declared.  No one was allowed out in public without wearing a mask.

Just one problem:  we will not comply with these edicts, because we believe they are not only NOT intended for our health — or the health of others — but rather as a tool for mind control, further exploiting the fear so many live in these days because of the hype from our government and health officials and the mainstream press.  Those caught not wearing a mask in Michigan were subject to a $500 fine and up to a year in prison; businesses not enforcing the mask rules were also subject to a $500 fine.

I decided to turn OFF my steady stream of news sources while we were away.  At least I tried.  The weight of the 24/7 news feed can be emotionally and physically overwhelming, especially in these days of fear-mongering, blatant lies and deception and the fact that “good” is constantly called “evil” and vice-versa.  So I was unaware of this new so-called “law” regarding the masks.  We WERE surprised to see so many people wearing them  everywhere we went — even outdoors.

And when we stopped at a road-side Farmer’s Market to get some fresh fruit nobody mentioned anything about it to us.  But that all changed when we went to check in to our hotel that evening.  The front desk clerk refused to even speak to me unless I was wearing a mask.  She explained that the new ordinance had gone into effect state-wide that morning, and that the hotel could be fined — and I could be fined or arrested — if I was not wearing a mask in ALL public places.

I checked with a friend that night to see what things were like in Ohio.  “Just a recommendation,” I was told.  “No mask laws here,” my friend said.  Great!  We will drive a short distance and spend a couple days on the shores of Lake Eerie.  However, we quickly discovered that while there was no official mandate, most every business and public place WERE requiring masks.  We had hoped to take a ferry to an island and do some hiking and exploring; but we couldn’t because the ferry required all passengers to wear masks.

We then headed to our main stop along the way, literally in the “middle of nowhere” in West Virginia.  We chose this area weeks before because we were told the state was “open,” no mask requirements, no lockdowns, no restrictions.  We had chosen a nice hotel, where we would be celebrating our anniversary together.  The hotel had a large indoor and outdoor swimming pool, boat rentals, and other activities we could do.  And the area was beautiful.  But that all changed before we arrived.

We were greeted at the entrance by a huge sign stating masks were mandatory in all public areas.  This facility was selling custom designed cloth masks with the hotel logo on them for $20.  We declined.  In fact, we didn’t wear a mask the entire time we were there, but we did endure the shaming looks from others and spent most of our time dodging the “mask police.”

While their swimming pool was huge and could easily accommodate more than 100 people, the hotel had changed the rules:  only 25 allowed in the pool area at a time, and it was staffed with GUARDS.  Before entering you had to have your forehead scanned so they could take your temperature and make sure you weren’t sick.  (I felt like telling them, sarcastically that  “MY ‘mark of the beast’ is in my right hand, not my forehead!”)   Hotel guests had to sign up to reserve time at the pool, and so they did — lining up early in the morning to get their names on a list and a time slot when they’d be allowed in.

They also cancelled all boat rentals and other activities while we were there because of the “virus” scare and the new mask “laws,” leaving virtually no activities open… and we were truly in the middle of nowhere, so there wasn’t much to do.  We took drives around the area each day to admire the beautiful views, but were turned away from the State Park gift shop.  Because we had no masks on, we were treated as if we had the plague.

With a little research, we were able to find some nice hikes to go on.  We walked several miles down a trail through the woods and discovered a beautiful waterfall.  On another hike we discovered a hidden cave.   The weather was hot and steamy; in the 90s every day, but with the humidity it always felt like over 100 degrees.  On each of these hikes, we encountered groups of other people — and they were ALL wearing masks, outdoors in the oppressive heat, gasping for air as they struggled up hills — literally in the middle of the forest, in the middle of nowhere.  Hundred-degree heat, thick humidity, breathing their own Co2 in and out as they hiked.  But they were all slavishly obeying the “mask laws” — even outdoors in the woods, even just among their own families.

Restaurants in the area were “curbside pickup only” or “drive-through only.”  My wife and I had our 30th Anniversary Dinner in our car, after driving through KFC.  It was sad to see the downtown there so abandoned.  The main street of the town, full of quaint shops and stores, was virtually closed down.  Some buildings were boarded up.  Signs in the windows read: “Closed until further notice.”  I dare say most of those will never open again.  It’s hard enough running a business under the best of circumstances.  But being forced to close during the height of the tourist season… I see no way to come back from that.

It was such a relief to arrive at our final destination in Ohio for the ministry training event.  Over 100 of us came together, once again, from all over the country.  People were there from California to Maine and many points in between.  It was such a joy to reunite with old friends we hadn’t seen since last year, the fellowship was wonderful, the testimonies, study and worship time was incredible and because the event was held on private property, no masks required.  In fact, not a single person had one there.  But when we would return to the city to visit a gas station or grocery store, we would have to endure the “shame” from others because we were maskless… and when we returned to the hotel, we quietly slipped in the back door and into our room, to avoid running into others.

It became obvious to us — perhaps somewhere along the shores of Lake Eerie, or perhaps it was on one of those long hikes back in the woods in West Virginia — that we had found ourselves on a “Quest For Normal.”  We just so much wanted things to be “normal” again, and it was sad to come to the realization that most likely, they never will be.   The America we grew up in, raised our kids in and yes, took for granted just four months ago, I’m afraid, is gone forever.

It’s painfully obvious that we’re in the midst of a fundamental transformation of not just America now, but the entire world.  We’re on the “fast track” to socialism, communism, and a New World Order Globalism, where arbitrary so-called “laws” can be commanded from on high, and everyone blindly obeys, because the “experts” and the media tell them to.

I did check in to several of my trusted news sources while we were away.  Suddenly there was a “new” thing occurring:  a national “coin shortage.”  Banks and businesses refusing to deal in coins or paper currency — everything must now be digital… because a new crisis had risen:  the “coin shortage.”  But friends, this, too, is a ruse.   As the world economy crashes and burns, we are absolutely headed for a “digital currency” of some kind.  Most likely, this new “digital currency” will be integrated with the coming coronavirus vaccine (which they WILL make “mandatory,” make no mistake).   And every minute I had my news feed on, there was a steady barrage of media reports about “hot spots” springing up all around the country, where the “virus” had suddenly re-emerged with a vengeance.  States were shutting down quickly again.  Contact tracing in full gear.  Walmart — and many other big chain stores around the country, including most grocery stores — announced that masks would be required for everyone in order to enter and shop.

Now, I don’t believe the masks are “the mark of the beast” — but I absolutely DO believe they are a means to an end… we’re being softened up, trained to comply with the masks (for our own good, of course).  No buying or selling allowed unless you’re wearing a mask.  And once everyone’s on board with that, it’s only a short jump to the mandatory vaccine, with a digital transceiver to record and report and track our every movement, our every purchase, perhaps even our every thought.  Our “smart phones” are already listening to personal conversations we have in private, even when they’re turned off.

As I write today, the media drones on continuously about the unprecedented number of new COVID-19 cases across the country.  Even conservative states like Texas are being locked down again.  But friends, we KNOW the numbers have been manipulated from the very start.  We KNOW we’ve been lied to about all of this.  With even a TINY amount of research you can learn the truth about all these things from RELIABLE sources and trusted doctors, and insiders.

You’ve likely heard the reports from nurses who, having become suspicious of the virus tests, sent UNUSED tests to their labs, only to have them come back showing “positive.”    Or medical personnel who have blown the whistle on the fact that ALL deaths were being marked down as ‘COVID 19’ deaths, if they could possibly get away with it, to purposely inflate the numbers.

You’ve likely also heard about people who lined up to get a free coronavirus test, but then changed their minds and decided to skip it.  Days later they received letters in the mail stating they tested “positive,” even though NO test had ever been done.   I doubted these stories myself — UNTIL someone I know reported this very thing happened to THEM.  They registered, then waited in line in their car for a free drive-through test.  But the line was miles long, and they soon realized it was going to take all day; so they got out of line and left.  Three days later, they EACH received a letter in the mail stating they were “COVID-positive” and were now being told to self-quarantine — and also report their whereabouts and any contacts they’ve had with others for the past several weeks.

Friends, does this sound like a conspiracy theory?  Please hear me: the TRUTH is indeed stranger than fiction.  If what is taking place in our country today had been written as a novel ten years ago, no one would have believed it.  If today’s headlines had been made into a movie ten years ago, it would have been a box-office dud.  There IS a conspiracry, but it is FAR FROM a theory.

Psalm 2:  “Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?  The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rules take counsel together, against the Lord and against His anointed, saying, ‘Let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us.’”  Our nation is burning as the heathen rage.  God has given many over to depraved minds, and thus, they imagine vain things.  Truly there is nothing more “vain” or shall I say “INSANE” than the demands now being made by the Leftists.   Meanwhile, the “kings” of the earth are taking counsel together (conspiring) against the Lord and His people — against YOU, if you’re a Christ-follower.  What we’re seeing in our world today is NOT normal.  Please, don’t call it “the new normal.”  There’s no such thing.  Only tyranny and destruction of everything good and decent.  I’m still on a quest for “normal,” but I’m afraid I won’t see it again until the Lord returns and restores His natural order to this evil land.  Meanwhile, I suggest you brace yourselves, folks… I have a feeling we ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 298.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Casting Down Imaginations

By Rob Pue

All of humanity was born to worship.  We have an instinctive need to reverence our Creator.  This is just how God made us.  In the beginning, mankind had a close relationship with Him.  But in Genesis Chapter 3, we read of how the king of demons, Satan, tempted Eve and caused her to doubt what God said.  And the rest, as they say, is history.  Adam followed Eve in her quest for forbidden knowledge and power, and together they traded perfect communion with God for a life of pain and toil, of blood, sweat and tears… of thorns and thistles, culminating in death and then the judgment.

But that need to worship never subsided.  It’s woven into the very fabric of our souls; that innate need to revere the One who created us — to worship Him, and to somehow return to Him and re-establish that bond that was broken so long ago.  It’s the one and only thing that will ever satisfy our souls;  and the one thing that we will never find apart from Him.

The problems we encounter in this life begin the minute we depart from our Lord and try to do life on our own.  The consequences of this are immediate and devastating.  This is what happened to our first parents.  This rebellion is the “sin nature” that we are now all born with, so that even today there exists within us a great turmoil, a constant tug-of-war between our desire to know God and worship Him and our desire to stray away from Him and worship something else.

Now, God created us with minds to think and reason.  He doesn’t hide from us, and then expect us to have blind faith in a Creator we can never know anything about.  On the contrary, He makes Himself abundantly visible to all who have eyes to see.  We are without excuse.  The Bible makes it clear that we are able to know God, by the things that He made.  In other words, by observing His awesome Creation all around us, we know that God exists.  What’s more, He provided us with a book, The Bible, the very words of God Himself, so that we can know Him more;  and He did not spare even His own Son for our sakes, so that we may RETURN to Him and restore that perfect relationship, as He welcomes us back and draws us close to Himself with loving arms of compassion.

Let’s summarize these points:  We are born with the knowledge of God and with a desire and PURPOSE to worship and glorify Him.  This knowledge of God and desire to worship Him is reinforced as we observe His Creation all around us.  We also have His written Word to teach us all we will ever need to know.  Yet, many of us still prefer to deny Him, to run and try to hide from Him, because His light exposes the darkness of our sinful hearts.

Now,  what happens when we do this — when we deliberately choose to deny God?  Romans 1, starting at verse 28:  “Since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, He gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done.  They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity.  They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice.  They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful;  they invent ways of doing evil;  they disobey their parents, they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless.”   The heart of man, apart from the renewing and regeneration of Christ is hopelessly lost.  The Bible says it is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked.  Surely it is obvious that this is true.  Even little babies, as precious and as “innocent” as they are,  do not need to be taught to sin.  We are all born with a self-centered, sinful nature.

Depraved minds.  But you see, even depraved minds STILL have that in-born desire to worship that we are all created with.  And so, apart from Christ,  we begin to invent things to worship that will fit conveniently into our lives without requiring anything of significance on our part.  As if we can fulfill our need to “worship” but still live as WE choose, accountable to no one.  Deep thinkers with depraved minds will expand on these thoughts to create entire religions and theologies.  In other words, we use our IMAGINATIONS to invent things to worship, instead of God.

What is the root word of “imagination?”  It is “IMAGE.”  We create an image to worship, — one that is to our liking.  In modern times, this “image” is usually an unseen thing — an invisible “god,” theology, idea or concept.  But in ancient times, man built idols and graven IMAGES to bow down to as a substitute for the real thing…  Rather than worshiping the Creator, they worshiped and served created THINGS.

In Exodus, Chapter 20, God gave His eternal laws to mankind, written with His own finger on tablets of stone.  The Ten Commandments.  And first on the list was: “You shall have no other gods before Me.”  Why do you think this was the first, and most basic law God gave to us?  Because He knows the heart of man, and our need to worship.  He also knows how susceptible we are to demonic deceptions.

Let’s read more of this Scripture.  “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.  You shall not bow down to them or worship them…”  But yet what has mankind done?  Turn again to Romans, chapter 1:  “…although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.  Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for IMAGES made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.”  Then in verse 25:  “They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator.”

There is nothing new under the sun.  Mankind has been worshiping idols in vain ever since Satan deceived Eve in the garden.  It’s our eternal struggle to worship, but yet to worship without submitting ourselves to God’s authority.  So we use our imaginations to create a god to suit our selves… ultimately, one that WE, ourselves, control.  Most of us no longer carve and mold a golden calf or a totem pole.  But we invent gods in our minds that suit us better than the one TRUE God of heaven.

This is what is happening still today.  Even professing Christians are not immune from idol worship, and many create a god in their own image that bears little resemblance to the God of the Bible.  How many liberal Christians will admonish you if you “judge” or speak firmly about sin, repentance and holy living?  How many will declare it is not “Christ-like” if you confront the evils and wickedness of our day, such as abortion or sexual depravity?  “You’ll never win them to Jesus if you don’t welcome them and love them,” they say.  Or they’ll declare, “MY god would never condemn anyone to hell…MY god is a god of love.”  Religious people are great at creating gods in their own image;  in their own imaginations.

Those who do not know God, those who are not diligent in studying the Scriptures are easily led astray and deceived by Satan.  Paul warned the Corinthians, “I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.  For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it easily…”

To the Galatians he wrote, “I am astonished that you are so quickly… turning to a different gospel…  some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ.  But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned.”

Today we have many who profess to be Christians, but who deny the truths of Scripture or pervert the word of God by compromising it with their own imaginations.  And throughout the history of mankind, Satan has been at war with us, seeking our eternal damnation by luring us away from the pure word of God, with enticing things that appeal to our carnal natures.  Paul warned us of angels preaching false religion, tempting us to worship something other than God Almighty.  Scripture also tells us that Satan masquerades as an angel of light.  This is the same angel that appeared to Mohammed, calling himself “Allah.”  This is the same angel that called himself “Moroni” as he appeared to Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon religion.  This is the same so-called “angel,” who appeared to Satanist Aleister Crowley, and declared, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.”

What it really comes down to is that we, in our sinful, human natures, are still trying to achieve what Satan promised Eve so long ago in the garden:  that we can become LIKE God.  In fact, many New Age religions will even teach that we can BECOME gods ourselves if we follow the path of “enlightenment.”

But let me clue you in to something that seems, to me, to be elementary, yet so elusive for so many:  as human beings we have two choices:  we either worship God or we worship Satan, in any number of disguises he will appear to us in, whichever disguise he knows will appeal to us most.  There are NO OTHER alternatives.  It is one or the other.

I was speaking to a New Ager recently and she was trying to explain to me how she prays to the Universe and how if she thinks good thoughts and surrounds herself with positive energy, the Universe will reward her with the desires of her heart.  Her ultimate hope for eternity is that her body will return to “star dust,” and that her soul will return to the Universe where she will be reincarnated, hopefully to a much higher, developed sentient being on this planet — or perhaps another planet, because as a citizen of the Living Universe, we do not limit ourselves to just the narrow mindedness of Earth.

Now, this woman reveres the “Universe” or the “Living Universe” as the ultimate “higher power” or “thing” that she worships.  She rejects the Bible and the God of the Scripture because she tried Christianity and it didn’t “work” for her.  In her mind, she cannot understand why anyone would follow a book so full of rules and laws and things that limit her freedom, words written by MEN thousands of years ago… words of superstition and bigotry and things that are clearly so old fashioned and irrelevant.  Now she is much more enlightened and on a “path” that appeals to her way more than the narrow-mindedness and confining dictates of a religion that limits her freedom to do as she pleases.  And, as the Wiccans say, “if it hurt no one, do as you please.”

Not knowing the Bible, the word of the eternal Creator, she does not realize that Scripture describes her to a tee:  in short, this woman “worships and serves created things, rather than the Creator.”  You see, in her mind, the Universe is the biggest, most powerful thing she can imagine.  (There’s that word again:  “imagine!”)  But she neglects to remember that the God of the Bible CREATED the Universe!

Why would you worship and serve a created thing rather than the eternal One who created it?  Friends, be warned, that those who DO, and deliberately choose to deny God and persist in their rebellion, will eventually be given depraved minds.  They will no longer be ABLE to discern the truth, even when it is staring them straight in the face.  It will be nonsense to them.  Good will be bad and bad will be good.  That’s what it means.  I believe there are many in the world today, who have passed this “point of no return” already.  Since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, He has turned them over to depraved, reprobate minds.

We are seeing a lot of this lately.   In fact, I believe we are nearing the close of time, the last days, and people are choosing now to seal their fate, and pick their eternal destinies.  It is a scary thing, but know this:  God has never condemned a single soul to hell who did not have ample opportunity to know Him and return to His loving arms.  The spiritual forces of darkness surround us, unseen as they are, but no less real.  Satan and his demons are contending for our souls and many are being led astray and deceived.  The most insidious part is that he rarely comes in his true form, but rather, as “enlightenment,” as a more pure, loving “path” to “god.”  So now, more than ever, we must remember the words of Paul to the Corinthians:  “Though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh.  For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down IMAGINATIONS, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”  Study and KNOW God’s word, dear friends, and you will not be deceived by the schemes of the devil.

Audio versions and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 153.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

It’s Time For a Break

Rob Pue

My message today is a bit of a personal one.  But I think it’s important that I share this with you, my friends, readers and radio listeners.

The Bible talks a great deal about work.  It’s clear that God created us for a purpose and gave each of us an occupation to work at.  Not just to occupy our time or merely to earn a living, but to use our skills, talents and abilities for the glory of God.  In Genesis 2, we are told that God placed man in the Garden to WORK it, and keep it.”  To care for the Garden and all it’s inhabitants, enjoying all the beauty and splendor of Creation, which must have been so magnificent, we can’t even comprehend it today.

But after man sinned and fell from grace, there were consequences and things certainly became more difficult.  In Genesis 3, God declared to Adam:  “…cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life.  Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee, and thou shalt eat the herb of the field.  In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, ‘til thou return unto the ground…”

The Lord had provided the perfect home for Adam and Eve — they “had it all,” — but they chose, instead, to listen to the lying voice of the serpent, the enemy of our souls, the one who hates all those created in the image of God.  And as a result, life would be a struggle from now on, and after a lifetime of struggle, toil and hard work, death would come, just as God said it would.

This earth and all it’s inhabitants now must endure hardship — and death comes more quickly than it once did.  Instead of living for hundreds of years, today, the life expectancy for women is 75; 70 years for men.  And since the fall of mankind, our work has been hard, but not without reason or purpose.  Though it’s clear we MUST work, we’re also ENCOURAGED, throughout Scripture, regarding our work.  We’re encouraged to always do our very best, to work hard, to provide for our families and loved ones, and so that we may be able to bless and give to others in need, glorifying God.

Psalm 90:17, “Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us, yes, establish the work of our hands!”  Proverbs 12:11, “Whoever works his land will have plenty of bread, but he who follows worthless pursuits lacks sense.”  Proverbs 14:23, “In all toil there is profit, but mere talk tends only to poverty.”  Proverbs 22:29, “Do you see a man skillful in his work?  He will stand before kings;  he will not stand before obscure men.”  Ecclesiastes 9:10, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might…”

Paul wrote to the Colossians, “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward.  You are serving the Lord Christ.”  To the Thessalonians, he wrote, “…if anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat.”

Yes, work is essential, but it should also be a blessing, IF we submit our hearts to God.  He established the work we would do, even before we were born, and as faithful servants of our Creator, we are to do our very best in all things, working as unto the Lord… working hard, not cutting corners, not being slothful or careless, and at all times, we are to be mindful that the unbelieving world around us is watching.  The way we work, the service we provide to others, as we endeavor to do our very best in all things, is a testimony to our character and a reflection of God in us.  We’re also to constantly be working to do better, to STUDY, to be teachable, to strive for learning and wisdom and knowledge so that we can continue to grow as ministers (servants) of Christ.  2 Timothy 2:15, “Study to show thyself approved, a workman who need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.”

And as we live our lives as Christ-followers, we’re also to remember the words of Jesus in Matthew 5:  “…let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father, who is in heaven.”

 Why am I discussing this topic today?  I guess a couple of reasons.  First, there are many today, who would choose — once again — to listen to the lies of the enemy and choose NOT to work.  Since the recent “stimulous package,” I hear all the time now, how people are “MAKING” so much more money on unemployment than they ever did working.  In reality, they are not “MAKING” anything… they are creating NOTHING.  They are providing no service, they are doing no work and producing no product.  They’re simply CONSUMING, eating from the hand of Big Brother.  I’m reminded of the picture of the dead mouse in a trap, with the caption that read: “he didn’t understand why the cheese was ‘free.’”

Those who choose not to work refer to this additional income they’re getting from the government as “BENEFITS.”  (But the last I checked, “benefits” were part of a wage package one receives from an EMPLOYER.  You need to have A JOB to earn “benefits.”)   But more and more lately, the “free stuff” is being considered an “entitlement.”  Let me remind you what Scripture says:  “If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat.”  THAT is biblical.  Government handouts are NOT.  On the contrary, those “benefits” so many enjoy; those “entitlements” are simply more lies of the evil one, conditioning us for the planned socialist New World Order.  Those “benefits” are designed to lure us into bondage and slavery to the Almighty State.  So beware.  The “cheese” really ISN’T “free!”

Now I understand there are those who, for medical or other reasons, CANNOT work, and they need assistance.  And I’m not being critical of those who truly NEED help to survive and live because of circumstances beyond their control.  Most of the people I’ve met in situations like that would dearly LOVE to be ABLE to work and provide for themselves and their families, but they can’t, and I empathize with them.  But Biblically, it should be the CHURCH ministering to those in need.  It should be individual Christ-followers providing help and assistance, serving them in Jesus’ name.  NOT the government.

When a person is ministered to, blessed and served in the name of Christ, there’s gratitude, humility — and quite often, a softened heart toward the things of God.  On the other hand, when one receives their “entitlements,” or government “benefits” there is often pride, arrogance, greed and a never-ending DEMAND for even MORE “free stuff.”  They’re trained to believe, and come to expect that the world “owes” them.    It’s the exact opposite of God’s intention for us to work and be productive, taking care of ourselves and our families and giving us the ability to freely and happily give a portion of our earnings to bless others.  God loves a cheerful giver.  I doubt that He likes our current system of forced government taxation and wealth re-distribution and social engineering much at all.  In fact, I’m pretty sure He hates it… and I’m pretty sure He’s greatly disappointed that those who call themselves by His name so rarely have a true servant’s heart or a true love for their neighbor in need…but that they, too, simply EXPECT “somebody else” to deal with the need — they, too, expect Big Government to handle it.  Shame.

We are commanded in Scripture to work, to work hard and always do our very best, to do everything we do as “unto the Lord,” not just because work is a necessary burden or a “curse,” but because through our work, we can be a blessing.  I hope I’ve made that point.

But equally important is the second point I’d like to make.  God didn’t just give us a life of constant work, but He’s also emphasized the importance of rest, renewal, times of solitude and restoration.  We must work hard, but we must ALSO have rest.  I’m learning that now.

I’m not boasting or being prideful when I say I’ve always worked extremely hard, even from the days of my youth.  I’ve always tried to do my very best at whatever I set my hand to do.  At jobs I had in my younger days, I always went over and above what was asked of me.  I always did MORE than my job description entailed, and I was rewarded for doing so.  I’ve been self employed now for 31 years, and I continue to do much more than the bare minimum.  In fact, now that I’ve been in full time ministry work for the last 20 years, every day I wake up with the urgent desire to do MORE for the Kingdom of God… to reach more people for Christ, to use every means possible to expose and reprove the works of darkness, to shine the light of truth, to glorify God and to serve among His remnant believers.  This urgent desire seems even MORE urgent in these dark days we’re currently living in, and so I’m working harder and faster now than ever before, as I do believe the time is short.  There is coming a day when no man can work — so I’m doing my best to redeem the time, because the days are evil, indeed.

But meanwhile, many who know me and see the work I do have warned me that my work load is unsustainable, and eventually, if I don’t take a break, I’m going to “snap.”  Moreover, GOD has told me multiple times that I MUST take a break.  In my stubbornness and determination to do MORE, oftentimes I’ve ignored all the warnings and kept on pushing myself even harder.  There have been multiple times, over the past few months that I’ve found myself so utterly and completely exhausted — emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually — that I’ve been unable to get out of bed and have slept through an entire day, only to get up the NEXT day and resume my schedule.

I’m not exaggerating when I tell you that I’ve been doing the work of at least four full time people, by myself, for months on end now, and no time off.  In addition to my work with our nationally-distributed newspaper, I also do a radio program and a weekly TV program.  All of this requires intense study and research, with a 24/7 stream of information and news.  I also do Christian counseling, and those calls can come at all hours of the day and night.  Not to mention the office and administration work that I must attend to daily.  And when I’m able, I am eager to join other Christians for street ministry.

But you see, I’m the only one here.  This makes “a day off” a near impossibility.  If I take one day off, I return to TWO days worth of work that MUST be caught up in one.  If I take two days off, I return to THREE days of work to complete in one, just to stay on schedule.  Currently, I have not had a “real” day “off” since before Christmas.  In the past, when I have taken a day off, I feel extremely guilty for neglecting my duties.  In years past, when I’ve been able to take a “vacation,” I find it takes me about three days to “decompress” before I can even begin to relax.  And then when I return, I pay for those days dearly, with an even heavier backlog of work to attend to.

But as good as my intentions are in being diligent with my work and ministry, this is not the example Jesus gave us, and not the way the Lord would have ME to live (or YOU to live) either.  In the book of Mark, we read about Jesus sending the 70 disciples out to minister.  When they returned, He told them, “‘Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.’  For many were coming and going and they had no leisure, even to eat.”  I can certainly relate to that.  Most days I’m up at 5:30 in the morning, work until evening, and then grab a quick “snack” before collapsing in bed.  My wife and I rarely have time together. She also works extremely hard. I’m not complaining, nor am I looking for accolades or sympathy.  I’m simply stating that the time has come for me to go away and rest a while.

In Matthew 14, after Jesus fed the 5,000, we read: “Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of Him to the other side, while He dismissed the crowd.  After He had dismissed them, He went up on a mountainside by Himself to pray.  When evening came, He was there alone.”

As important as our calling is, we are not made for constant work — not even constant MINISTRY work.  God made the Sabbath for man, because He knew we needed time to rest, renew, refresh, to pray and commune with God and with our loved ones so that we would “not grow weary in well-doing.”

On July 14, my wife and I will be celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary.  By the grace of God, He’s made a way for us to get away, to a quiet place for a few days, taking time to rest and renew and refresh.  After that we’ll attend a ministry training event in Ohio, then make the long trek back home and back to work again.  I’m grateful for this opportunity.  For the first few days, we have no real plans — just rest.  We’re not even sure where we’ll be going.   And we’re not sure what we’ll find in other states as we drive; whether the areas we visit will be open, or locked down; whether we will find riots and confrontation or peace.  But I believe I’ve heard clearly from the Lord that we are to GO, rest, then assemble together with other remnant believers for ministry training and fellowship with God’s people, and I believe He will bless our time away.

We can barely afford to take this trip, and it will be difficult because there are no “paid vacation benefits” for us.  We will need to be very frugal and it will be a modest “getaway” to say the least.  But I’m very much looking forward to time alone with my dear wife — who SO MUCH deserves this time; she has sacrificed so much in 30 years.  Please keep us in prayer while we’re away.  There will be no new messages from me for a couple of weeks.  But Lord willing, I will return safely, refreshed and ready to resume the work the Lord has blessed and honored me with.  God bless you.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 297.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

The Enemy is At the Gates

Rob Pue

In case you don’t know, America is at war, and it’s a war for the very survival of our nation, our freedom and our entire way of life.  More than that, it’s a war for all of Western civilization.  This is our last — our FINAL — chance.  If we lose this war, life, as we know it, will be gone forever; indeed, it’s very likely it already is.  And I hate to say it, but after what we’ve allowed, as professing Christ-followers, to take place over the last several decades here in our country, perhaps that is God’s will.  It certainly seems as if His righteous judgment has begun.  Do you SEE what’s happening?  Do you understand the seriousness of what is taking place RIGHT NOW?  (Lord God, I pray they do).

There are a lot of fists flying lately.  So much anger and hatred — and brutal violence that has gone unchecked as police officers have been ordered by governors and mayors across this country to “stand down,” and let the rioters burn, attack, kill and destroy at will.

Maybe the war has not yet reached your own front door, but make no mistake, it’s coming.  Maybe you’ve had the luxury of being able to just sit back and shake your head as many historical monuments honoring our American history and heritage have been vandalized and destroyed — or taken down purposely, by our own government officials, so that the enemies bent on our destruction are not “offended.”  Indeed, even the American flag itself is considered an “offense” to many AMERICANS now.  We have lost our way… because we’ve lost our moral compass, long ago.

Maybe you’ve had the luxury of living in a place where you can still walk the streets in relative safety, without fear of being beaten or even killed.  Maybe you’ve been blessed to live somewhere where there are no angry mobs blocking streets or interstate highways, jumping on your car, smashing your windows, pulling you out and beating you up.  And maybe you feel safe and secure, because the mobs have not yet come to YOUR small town, suburban or rural neighborhood, intent on burning your house to the ground  — with you in it, if possible.

So many remain apathetic about what’s going on RIGHT NOW all across this nation.  Worse yet, so many sympathize with groups like “Black Lives Matter” and “ANTIFA” because of years of steady, intense indoctrination by our public schools and colleges, as well as our news media, Hollywood, and even our own government officials.  And so because of these brainwashed sympathizers, with no concept or knowledge of our history, our Constitution, and most importantly, the TRUE WORD OF GOD, we’re now fighting on two fronts:  both foreign AND domestic.  We’re fighting the foreign enemies, with a foreign mindset and philosophy; and we’re also now fighting the enemies within — and many times, they’re our own children.  Indeed, the foreign enemies have brainwashed a majority of our young people and they’re now using them as “useful idiots” to further their cause.  We’ve been quietly invaded, while nobody was paying attention — or intentionally looking the other way, too self-absorbed to bother to care — and now our own people are aiding and abetting the invaders.  This should concern you.

The image of the “clenched fist” is everywhere now.  It’s spray painted among the graffiti that now covers much of our communities, businesses, parks, and state capitol buildings.  The “clenched fist” is coming, and it’s coming for all of us who still believe in the traditional values of Christianity, the natural family, and America, “land of the free and home of the brave.”  But the “clenched fist” isn’t just “coming.”  It’s been here a while.

The fist is a symbol of rebellion, resistance, anarchy and revolution.  It’s been used as a symbol of communist takeover for centuries.  It reappeared here in the United States in the 1960s within the “Students for a Democratic Society,” a precursor to the “Democratic Socialist” movement we see today.  It was used by the Black Panthers.  It’s been used by feminists and advocates of abortion, in the Women’s marches, in “pride” parades, it’s been used by Islam, and now it’s being used by “Black Lives Matter” and ANTIFA.  The fist is intent on SMASHING everything — include US — so if you haven’t paid attention before, you’d better listen up.

Are you aware of the Communist Rules for Revolution?  There are 8 basic points that have been emphasized for decades.  Here are the points, or better stated, “the eight levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a socialist state.”

Let’s read through them and see how successful our enemies have been so far:  1). Control healthcare and you control the people.  2). Increase the poverty level as high as possible.  Poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you’re providing everything for them to live.  3). Increase the debt to an unsustainable level.  That way you’re able to increase taxes and this will produce more poverty.  4). Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government.  That way, you create a Police State.  5). Take control of every aspect of their lives: food, housing and income.  6). Take control of what people read and listen to.  Take control of what children learn in school.  7). Remove the belief in God from the Government and schools.  8). Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor.  This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to tax the wealthy with the support of the poor.

Does it not seem like those in OUR OWN GOVERNMENT, even those who claim to be “conservatives” have wholeheartedly embraced ALL of these goals?  Indeed, both Republicans and Democrats seem to have followed this list purposely in my lifetime as a means to an end… and it seems we’re now coming to the end, which is, of course, socialism, which is but a brief stepping-stone to full Communism.

I’m sad to see so many professing “Christians” embracing the “Black Lives Matter” movement.  They don’t understand that even the organizers themselves have plainly stated they’re “steeped in Marxism,” experts at Communism and they’ve declared that is their ultimate goal.  They also don’t understand that “Black Lives Matter” is a product of Islam.  Those who created “Black Lives Matter” have no concern whatsoever about black people or civil rights.  “Racial division” and hatred is simply a tool they use to further divide and conquer; and by “framing” it as a matter of civil rights and “social justice,” they’ve been able to build a massive army here in America, more than willing to destroy their own neighborhoods, cities and the nation.  Without a doubt, when you UNMASK “Black Lives Matter,” you’ll find Islam, the Muslim Brotherhood and radical jihad behind that mask.

If you have any doubt that a One-World Government (a COMMUNIST One World Government or New World Order) is the ultimate goal of our enemies, allow me to present some more evidence.  In 1963, a Florida member of the House of Representatives presented to Congress “45 Points of the Communist Manifesto.”  Let’s see if we took the bait… I’ll just list a few of those points here:

1). Promote the UN as the only hope for mankind.  If it’s charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a One-World government with it’s own independent armed forces.  2). Do away with all loyalty oaths.  3). Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.  4). Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.  5).  Get control of the schools.  Use them as transmission belts for socialism and Communist propaganda.  Soften the curriculum.  Get control the teachers’ associations.  Put the party line in textbooks.  6). Use student riots to foment public protests.  7). Infiltrate the press.  Get control of editorial writing, policy-making positions.  8). Gain control of key positions in radio, TV and motion pictures.  9). Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them ‘censorship’ and a violation of free speech and free press.  10). Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio and TV.

11). Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal,” “natural,” and “healthy.”  12). Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion.  Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a “religious crutch.”  13). Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”  14). Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a world-wide basis.  15). Discredit the American Founding Fathers.  Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the “common man.”  16). Transfer the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies.  17). Discredit the family as an institution.  Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.  18). Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use “united force” to solve economic, political or social problems.

I’d say the plans of our enemies have worked out pretty well.  First they infiltrated our institutions and destroyed our moral infrastructure.  Each US president since the 1960s has pushed this agenda along a little further toward the goal.  And today, our cities are burning, our citizens are under strong delusion, we’ve murdered more than 60 MILLION of our own unborn babies and our consciences are seared.  We’ve accepted, embraced and celebrated sexual perversion, to the point where we now have parents taking their little ones to the local library to sit on a pedophiles lap and hear a story about little boys who can be girls if they choose, little girls who can be boys if they choose — and in kindergarten, they’re encouraged and taught how to sexually gratify themselves.

Most Evangelical pastors actually SUPPORT the efforts of “Black Lives Matter” because they, too, have been led astray by the false “social justice gospel.”  And of course, because all the evils that prey upon our children — and all of us — are now considered by pastors to be “too political,” 99% of our pastors will never speak a single word about any of this to their congregations.  And so the “sheep” are led astray, left to fend for themselves in a world filled with lies, deception and the brainwashing of the enemy…

But God’s Word warns us to not be ignorant of Satan’s devices.  That’s why I’m sharing all of this with you now.  Chances are pretty good that your pastor will never teach on any of these things… and we are like sheep among wolves.  We can’t trust our own government, our institutions of higher learning, our news media, our health experts, and certainly not our Hollywood and sports Heroes… and sadly, no longer are we able to trust most of our pastors.  Even as we tear down historical monuments and statues of our Founding Fathers, we replace them with statues of Baphomet and monuments to Baal.  In Lake Worth City, Florida recently, the City Council there began it’s meeting with a prayer to Satan and Allah.  I AM NOT KIDDING. Welcome to the “new normal.”   Is it any wonder our nation is in a state of turmoil and confusion — struggling to find a “needle of truth” in a barn-full of lies?

Moses warned his people what would happen if they did not remember God and follow His commands, but rather CHOSE to abandon Him.  The warnings of Moses fell on deaf ears then — and I suspect that most today will continue to ignore them as well, until it’s too late… What we’re seeing in America right now is eerily similar.  Here are a few points from Deuteronomy, chapter 28:  “The Lord will send against you curses, confusion and rebuke in everything you do until you are destroyed and quickly perish, because of the wickedness of your actions in abandoning Me.  The Lord will make pestilence cling to you…The Lord will cause you to be defeated before your enemies…You will only be oppressed and robbed continually and no one will help you.  Your sons and daughters will be given to another people, while your eyes grow weary looking for them every day, but you will be powerless to do anything…You will be driven mad by what you see… the foreign resident living among you will rise higher and higher above you, while you sink lower and lower.”

It gets worse, folks.  I encourage you to read Deuteronomy 28.  In fact, read the whole book.  Those were some of Moses’ last words, which he spoke shortly before his death — these were warnings and words of wisdom of the utmost importance that he wanted to impart to the people, knowing his days would soon be over.

We so dearly loved our “freedom of choice” — and now our nation is under the judgment of Almighty God.  We ignored multiple warnings.  I’ve been warning people and exhorting them to repent and get right with God for more than two decades in full time ministry, and all the while I was shunned by the religious leaders, the pastors and the professing good “church-goers.”  I was called “too harsh,” “too radical,” “too intense.”  I did my best to TRY to wake people up and motivate the “Church” to action.  To STAND for righteousness, unashamedly; but few would listen.

I don’t claim to know what the rest of this year is going to hold, but I can tell you, it’s already been worse than even I could have imagined just a few months ago.  Here in America, our foundations have been destroyed… so what can the righteous do?  Things are happening so quickly now.  NOW, will you listen?  NOW will you seek the Lord?  NOW will you repent?  NOW will you ACT?  If all you do is hear what I’m saying and agree with me but do nothing, stand for nothing, never open your mouth to speak truth… if you FAIL to OCCUPY until the Lord returns, then you have indeed, failed.  The time is now; the hour is late.  The enemy is at the gates.  I advise you to take this warning seriously.  It may the the last one you get.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 296.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Lies, Ignorance and Anarchy

By Rob Pue

In 1948, George Orwell published his futuristic book, titled 1984.”  Here’s a short excerpt from what he wrote, 72 years ago:  “Every record has been destroyed or falsified.  Every book re-written, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered.  And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute.  History has stopped.  Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

Amazon describes the book 1984 like this:  1984 was George Orwell’s chilling prophecy about the future.  And while 1984 has come and gone, his dystopian vision of a government that will do anything to control the narrative is timelier than ever.”  Yes, Orwell seems to have had a pretty good grasp on where the evil hearts of men would eventually take us.  And we’ve arrived.

Very little of what you see and hear in the officially-sanctioned mainstream press is true.  We’re at a place where we EXPECT our government leaders and “public servants” to lie to us, profit illegally from their positions and exploit their power — all at our expense.  It seems everything is a “stage production” — everything a well-orchestrated drama, played out in the media and consumed by the masses, and all designed to get us to believe lies, thereby molding our behavior and each of us acting out our designated roles in their perverted theater.

Two-plus-two no longer equals four.  And if YOU THINK it does, you’re a “conspiracy theorist,” or a “hateful bigot” or a “science denier!”  I’d like to share something with you that came across my desk recently.  Here’s what it says:  “How did they convince the world to: social distance, mask up, have no funerals, forcibly homeschool while still taxing us for public education, stay in our homes, stop going to church, forfeit incomes and personal businesses, spy on and report our friends and neighbors to authorities, hug our grandparents through plastic, have us all on the verge of a civil war…

 “All to turn around and tell us that most of it is nixed and completely negated if we want to: riot, kill even more people, loot businesses (many already on the brink of bankruptcy), deface, replace or destroy national monuments, burn our cities, defund and disband our police and set everything on fire…

 “And all the while, we’re allegedly at tremendous risk of an ‘oh-so-deadly’ virus that can be diagnosed without testing, or WITH so-called ‘testing’ being counted and reported dishonestly and reported on death certificates even if we die by falling off a cliff…

“And even though it’s ‘super dangerous,’ the things that actually keep us healthy, like: health food stores, farmers markets, garden nurseries and seeds, gyms, health facilities, chiropractic centers, naturopathic health centers, outdoor activities and parks are taken away, but cigarettes and alcohol, fast foot joints, Walmarts and abortion centers were deemed ‘essential.

 “And now our country is becoming a war zone with a soon-coming mandated, UNproperly tested vaccine pushed by Bill Gates, that’s already shown severe reactions in so-called ‘testers.’  How did America, Home of the Free, become a fascist, communist regime — destroying lives and creating dependence so quickly?  Global totalitarianism, over a so-called ‘virus’ that’s becoming more and more questionable to more and more people.  Why are so many just so blindly complying?”

These are good questions.  I told you when this all began it was all very “fishy.”  Things didn’t add up, not at all.  I was accused of being a “conspiracy theorist” and a “fear monger.”  But people are now waking up to the frightening reality of just how easily it was to manipulate and control us all — over the “pandemic-that-never-was.”  And every day the game changes, because they need to constantly keep us off-balance.

NOW, Fauci says widespread lockdowns are no longer needed in the US.  The CDC has now stated that wearing masks is not only counter-productive, but harmful to our health.  Yet more people than ever are wearing the masks in public, and enterprising businesses are springing up with custom-designed masks of all sorts.  And INTERESTINGLY, some look very much like an Islamic “Niqab,” which is a veil for the face but leaves the area around the eyes clear.

Despite the latest admissions by health experts — and as I said, even the CDC — masks are now REQUIRED for ALL people outside their homes in 11 states as well as Washington DC.  Many cities and counties in other states are also implementing their own mask requirements, and there are many private businesses that will not allow you in their stores without a mask and/or without scanning your forehead to take your temperature.  You cannot fly on ANY commercial airline without a mask either.

In Georgia, that state’s Department of Health, working with county Boards of Health, are now sending government officials out to make random stops, going door-to-door at randomly selected residences to collect blood samples.  County health officials are being given “police-level” authority to impose citations, fines, arrest people, confiscate property, as well as children…and they can do this with impunity, just by claiming they have a “suspicion” that there may be some sort of “health risk.”

Personal privacy is quickly becoming a thing of the past, if it’s not completely gone already.  “Contact tracing” is now being used to track and enforce stay-at-home orders.  So-called “Health Authorities” are now grabbing data from cell phones to track peoples’ locations, travel and movements in countries AROUND THE WORLD, to make sure they’re complying with “social distancing recommendations.”  The newest update on the Apple iPhone also includes functions for contact tracting.  To the best of my knowledge, once you install their newest operating system — which all iPhone users will eventually be forced to do — you’ll have no way to disable that contact-tracing feature.

So, just in case you thought the “fake-virus-crisis” was over and we were back to “normal,” it isn’t and we’re not …and we may never be.  But, as they say in “theater,” “on with the show…”  Act II was the nation-wide riots, which destroyed thousands of businesses that were already on the verge of bankruptcy after being considered “non-essential” by Big Brother and forced to close for months.  The riots were based on “racial tensions,” of course, a tactic used frequently by the Left, with an emphasis on “out-of-control” police officers, who apparently kill people on a daily basis for fun and sport.  At least that’s what the rioters (and those paying them) would have you believe.

I’m sure you’ve heard by now that we have a new sovereign country here within the United States.  It’s known as “CHAZ,” which stands for The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone — about seven city blocks in the heart of Seattle.  The “CHAZ” area is known for it’s homosexual population and sodomite-friendly businesses.  The area was taken over by anarchists and rioters on June 11th after the violence there became so severe that police abandoned their precinct headquarters and fled in fear for their lives.  CHAZ remained a “no-go-zone” for police, even as USA Today called the rulers of CHAZ “peaceful protesters,” and the Seattle mayor likened the whole thing to a “festival” or “block party,” where people were gathering lawfully and exercising their First Amendment right of free speech.  I’m not kidding.  That’s what she said.

Ironically, while the rulers of CHAZ are overwhelmingly in favor of illegal immigration and open borders for America, the first thing they did after capturing the ground was build a wall and set up armed guards and checkpoints.  I should mention they’ve now changed the name to “CHOP,” which now stands for “Capitol Hill Occupied Protest.”

An undercover reporter observed there is a constant heavy aroma of marijuana in the air within the borders of “CHOP.”  People are sleeping in tents, buildings and streets are covered in graffiti, armed patrols are going door to door extorting money from business owners and demanding that white people within “CHOP” pay “reparations” to blacks.

And while the warlord/leader of “CHOP,” rap performer “Raz Simone,” owns million-dollar properties in Seattle and drives a Tesla — AND has declared the area a “sovereign nation,” independent from the United States, he’s also demanding our federal government provide free healthcare and free income for all residents of his kingdom.  And while the Seattle mayor continues to insist the new “nation” within her city is peaceful, on Saturday June 20th, two people were shot, one was killed, one left in critical condition.  It seems law and order is a hard thing to maintain when the police are defunded and disbanded.

It’s important to remember that all of this came about through the efforts of anarchist groups like ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter, which are both correctly described as domestic terrorist organizations and hate groups.  And make no mistake:  both of these organizations are well funded by New World Order Globalists.  Black Lives Matter was given more than $150 million by George Soros years ago, when they first began.  ANTIFA is comprised of those who believe in anarchy, communism, Marxism, “social democracy,” and socialism.  ANTIFA clearly states their goal is to achieve their objectives through “direct action, violence and militancy,” and this includes causing property damage, doing physical violence and harassment of “racists” and “political conservatives,” who they deem to be “fascists.”

For the record, the definition of “Fascism” is as follows:  “a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.”  Does this not sound like EXACTLY what ANTIFA (AND Black Lives Matter) is all about?  They want complete power, they want to forcibly suppress all opposition and criticism, they hate the idea of capitalism, therefore seek to control industry and commerce and they put an aggressive emphasis on “RACE.”  Once again the Leftists are DOING the exact things they claim to be against.  They’re the epitome of hypocrisy — in EVERYTHING they do, every time.

And while all of this was going on, the United States Supreme Court ruled on Monday, June 15th — by a 6-3 vote, that existing federal law forbids job discrimination on the basis of “sexual orientation or transgender status.”  Supposed “Constitutional Conservatives” Neil Gorsuch and Chief Justice John Roberts voted with the majority.

This decision now essentially mandates every business and every institution — including churches, schools and youth organizations — must now hire and retain “transgenders,” regardless of any firmly held personal beliefs or Christian faith.  Now, a man who was hired as a man, but suddenly “comes out” and “transitions” to look like a woman, cannot be let go from his job.  And a man playing “dress up” when applying for a job at any institution cannot be turned down.  Don’t think the LGBTQP+ militants won’t immediately start testing this out on the most prized trophies of all:  Christian ministries and Christian-owned businesses.

For all practical purposes, the Supreme Court’s decision has once again made another unconstitutional so-called “law.”  As I’ve pointed out many times, it wasn’t that long ago that any fifth-grade civics class student could have told you that courts do NOT make laws — only Congress has the power to do that.

Yet once again, even our president has stated, “They’ve ruled and we live with their decision.  That’s what it’s all about, we live with the decision of the Supreme Court.”  Well, I have no doubt we will HAVE to, Mr. President, but YOU of all people should know about our system of checks and balances and the roles of the three branches of government.  Yet it seems NOBODY in American government ANYWHERE does.  Having sworn an oath to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States, it seems our leaders should AT THE VERY LEAST know what it says.  Perhaps they can’t read cursive.

Another win for the sodomites, “transgenders” and pedophiles — with another Supreme Court decision, now “codified” into yet one more fake law by a decision of six individuals.

Meanwhile, the persecution of Christ-followers is only growing worse.  Governors and mayors threatening to bulldoze church buildings that continue to hold services despite “health” warnings.  And a man was sentenced recently to 15 years in prison for the “hate crime” of removing a LGBT flag from the apostate United Church of Christ in Ames, Iowa…the heartland of America.  Yes, they’re coming for Bible-believers.  Perilous times are here.  But remember:  “Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 295.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Desolate, Burned and Overthrown

Rob Pue

Before I get started here, I want to preface by saying that I’m addressing this issue as an older, white, conservative Christian male.  I’m just an average guy, and I think I represent the views of other older, white, conservative Christian males pretty accurately.  But my description of myself, in the minds of some, would translate to: “privileged, racist bigot.”  I take offense to that.  I’m none of those things and I don’t think others like me are either.

I have dear friends who are Black, Latino, Asian, Eastern European, and Russian.  I don’t divide or label people according to their “race” or heritage.  I value them for who they are, what they do, for the different relationships I have with each of them.  On a larger scale, I don’t view people in general by their race either.  People are people.  There is one race, the Human Race.  We are all descendants Of Noah.

Today in America, many of our cities are burning.  Many of our cities look like third-world war zones following riots by Leftist groups like ANTIFA and “Black Lives Matter.”  One of the saddest things about these riots is that so many Americans feel they’re justified, reasonable and to be expected.   You may call me a “conspiracy theorist” if you like, but there is so much about the George Floyd incident that just does not add up.  Why was the entire episode filmed so perfectly, with the words “Minneapolis” and “POLICE” perfectly framing the entire scene?  Why did the license plate on the squad car spell “POLICE?”  (This is not normal for police cars or other municipal vehicles).  With George Floyd subdued, not resisting and in custody, why was he not simply placed in the back of the car?  Why were we allowed to see the Minneapolis police officer allegedly murder him in cold blood, knowing he was being videotaped, while the other officers on the scene never lifted a finger to intervene?

Why, when the ambulance arrived, was no attempt made to revive Floyd or administer CPR?  (This is not normal for EMTs — attempts at resuscitation on the scene are ALWAYS done prior to transporting the victim).  But these guys didn’t so much as check for a pulse.  And it was later revealed that the “EMTs” were NOT EMTs at all, they were other police officers.

Why were pallets of bricks and containers of rocks placed on the sidewalks in cities around the country — BEFORE this incident took place — ready for the rioting that would ensue.  And WHO put them there?

Why did a picture of George Floyd appear on The Obama Foundation’s Twitter page on May 17th — a full week before he was allegedly murdered?  What was the connection between the Minnesota Police Officer and George Floyd?  Turns out they knew each other, and worked together as security guards at the same local nightclub, for 17 years.

WAS George Floyd really killed?  Though there were multiple funerals in several cities, his body was never viewed, only his casket.  Could this have been a “staged” event, MEANT to enrage the populace and to justify extreme response by ANTIFA and “Black Lives Matter?”  And considering the video of his alleged murder was so graphic and horrific, why was it allowed to remain on Facebook, YouTube and other social media — as well as broadcast on every mainstream media network for millions to see, over and over again?  Did such violence not “violate community standards” of those outlets?  Or were we MEANT to see it?  Was it all professionally choreographed and produced for our consumption — designed to CREATE outrage?

There are many questions.  However, one thing is certain, the rioters, looters and destroyers were well organized and well funded — by SOMEONE.  Advertisements posted nation-wide offered rioters $25 an hour to take part.

I believe this was just another attempt to divide and conquer America, with more “race baiting,” the likes of which we haven’t seen since Obama was in office.  You might remember him referring to his “own private army.”  I believe his fingerprints are all over this, and he’s now called his “own private army” to active duty.  Indeed, during Obama’s ENTIRE occupation of our White House, we saw more racial tension, domestic terrorism, and Islamic attacks, kidnappings, rapes, and beheadings — even here in America — then ever before, …or since.

Those who live in larger cities that have been targets of these riots are frightened.  And it’s not a “race” thing.  Black-owned businesses were destroyed right along with those owned by white people.  The destroyers did not discriminate.  Like locusts, they destroyed everything in their path.  And the threats have continued… ANTIFA has vowed to take the carnage to the suburbs, small towns and rural areas next.  They’ve even threatened to go to the heartland, to destroy farmers’ crops and kill cattle.  They’ve made it clear that no one is safe.

And as we watch all this, the mainstream media narrative is this:  “White people are privileged and DESERVE the wrath of black people.”  Furthermore, “rioting, looting, burning and destroying is ‘just what black people do’ — it should be expected of them, they don’t know any better, and anyway, it’s justified because racism must end!” 

Those are the media talking points.  But THAT is the most “racist” thing I’ve ever heard.  This is NOT “just what black people do.”  What a ludicrous insinuation!  Are we going to fall for that?  If the truth be told, (which it almost NEVER is in the media), MOST black people do NOT hate white people, and MOST white people do NOT hate black people!  Don’t fall for their “divide and conquer” strategy, because if you believe such lies, you’re doing just what they set out to MAKE you do — through the repetitive brainwashing you’ve been exposed to.

The video of the incident in Minnesota should cause all of us to be outraged.  But what if what we were led to believe was all a set-up, all a lie?  What if it was staged to purposely elicit a response and justify the burning down of America?  What if it was purposely designed to bring down Christian Conservatives, American nationalism and Patriotism?  What if it was MEANT to shame us — for being Americans, or for being white?  And at the same time, vilify our law enforcement officers — to the point now where the Minneapolis City Council has voted to disband the entire police department.   Other cities around the country are considering the same thing now as well.

Who or what will step in to fill the void if we lose our local police departments?  Islam, with Sharia?  That’s very likely, you know, especially in Minneapolis, where the Islamic community has been given “the key to the city” already.  Remember when Christian churches were not allowed to meet because of the “pandemic-that-never was?”  Yet in Minneapolis, the city allowed the Islamic “call to prayer” to be broadcast over public loudspeakers during Ramadan.  Or maybe the federal government will have no choice but to use martial law to restore law and order.  I guess we’ll soon find out.

It should be noted that the destroyers were not all black people.  MANY were white.  They called themselves “white allies.”  No, this isn’t about “race.”  And rioting and destruction is NOT  “just what black people do.”  These attacks were well planned, well in advance, well-funded and well organized — and then launched at the most opportune time, with violence and destruction unleashed simultaneously in hundreds of cities nationwide.  It certainly drew the attention of us all, and many were glued to their big-screen media indoctrination machines.  And again, I cannot stress this enough:  we only see what they WANT us to see, so ask questions, dig deeper, and watch that “man behind the curtain” VERY carefully.

Civil unrest like we’ve seen recently is the ideal recipe for our country destroying itself from within, and I believe that’s the plan of those who NEED to bring America down in order to usher in a One-World, New-World Globalist government.  After months of being unjustly locked down under the guise of “public health and safety,” nerves are stretched to the breaking point.  People are frightened, and frightened people are much more willing to be compliant and obedient, even to unjust dictates and unconstitutional  so-called “laws.”

Frightened people are also much more willing to buy into the official narrative of all this:  “police BAD,” “white people BAD, (and privileged),” “Patriots BAD.”  “Evil GOOD,” and “Good, EVIL.”  I recently saw a video online of a black man approaching a young white girl.  He stated he was with ANTIFA and demanded she get down on her knees and apologize for her “white privilege.”  Without a moment’s hesitation, she immediately dropped to her knees and begged his forgiveness.  Even Democrats in Congress have done this.  Even the FBI has done this.  But this is ridiculous.

I can tell you there’s no such thing as “white privilege.”  I remember well, back in 1988 when I was working to open my own business — a photography studio — and I tried to get a small business startup loan.  The banker actually TOLD me, “I’m sorry, but you’re the wrong color and the wrong gender.”  He went on to say that if I were black or a female, there were all kinds of options available to me.  But for a single white male, nothing.  So much for “white privilege.”

But “White Privilege” is just another Leftist buzz word to create more division and hatred.  Don’t believe it.   Whatever happened to “it’s the content of your character, not the color of your skin?”   We’re  being manipulated, and if you can’t see that, I don’t know what to tell you.  Don’t let the God-haters divide us, because if they do, we’ll surely be conquered.

Much of the blame for all this can be laid at the feet of the modern American “Church,” which has abdicated its responsibilities to the government.  And the modern preachers who have chosen to present “feel good,” “self-help” “talks,” rather than biblical sermons based on the whole counsel of the Word of God.  Indeed, many have aligned themselves with the “social justice” movement — another way of saying they’ve become the useful idiots of those who desire to turn America into a Marxist/Socialist/Communist country.  It’s when we FORGET the Lord and His Holy Word that we lose our moral compass; reacting out of emotions rather than devotion to God Almighty.  Check your emotions.  Because we know the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked.

In Isaiah 1, 4-6 we have this: “Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters.  They have forsaken the Lord, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward.

 “Why should ye be stricken any more?  You will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.  From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores.  They have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment.  Your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire.   Your land, strangers devour it in your presence, and it is desolate, and overthrown by strangers.”

Does this not sound like our country today?  A sinful nation, people laden with iniquity, evildoers, children that are corrupters.  We’ve forsaken the Lord and provoked Him to anger.  And now, our country is desolate, our cities burned with fire.  Strangers devour our land, and we are overthrown.

2nd Thessalonians 2:11 & 12:  “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie; That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

Lies abound in our world today and so many are so eager to believe them.  So many take pleasure in unbridled hedonism and evil and sin.  It has nothing to do with the color of one’s skin.  In America today, we have a SIN problem, not a SKIN problem.

Yes, there are “bad cops,” but not all are bad.  Yes there are black people who could be described as “thugs,” but there are just as many white thugs roaming our streets to steal, kill and destroy.  And we’re in a spiritual battle like I’ve never seen before, and it’s being played out in the physical realm.  And the violence, division, hatred and murder will only grow worse and worse.  UNLESS we repent — individually first — and then collectively as a nation.

God still has a remnant of true believers.  I’m grateful to count myself among them.  Not by any “good works” I’ve done, but according to His great mercy, He saved me.  He chose me long ago and I CHOSE to follow Him.  We’re at a great turning point now and we have a decision to make — what’s it going to take — for those who will — to turn back to God and repent?  Because that’s our only hope, you know.  America may never recover from the devastation of the recent days, months and years.  But know this:  not even the gates of Hell itself will ever prevail against God’s people — His true Church, His beloved saints.  This world is filled with violence and trials and tribulations, but all who stand firm in Christ shall be delivered, and saved.  Lord, help us to remain faithful.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 293.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Don’t Just Blindly Trust! Verify!

Rob Pue

It seems like the so-called “Progressives” have gotten just about as much “mileage” out of the coronavirus/COVID-19 exercise (at least for now), as they’ve been able to, so it appears it’s time to move on to the next thing.  Following Saul Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals” rule number 7, “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag,” and clearly, the “virus” has dragged on a little too long.  Most people are literally sick of it.

Most of us are waking up to the fact that we’ve been lied to, played for fools and suffered the loss of many freedoms, all in the name of “public health and safety.”  We know now that the infection rate and the death rate from COVID-19 was greatly exaggerated.  We know we were misled — most likely on purpose — regarding the need to close down businesses and churches, the need to wear masks, the need to “social distance,” and coming soon…the need to get a mandatory vaccination.

We learned that hospitals were ordered to write “COVID-19” as the cause of death on countless death certificates in order to purposely inflate the numbers, even if the patients died from other causes.  We learned that this was all planned in advance during a Globalist meeting of the minds called “Event 201,” held in October of last year.

In many areas today, you’re still not allowed to sit or lay on a beach on a sunny day, but you are allowed to spend as much time as you like at your local liquor store or Walmart.  Likewise, children are not allowed to play on playgrounds — but daycare centers remain open.  Clerks at convenience stores must STILL stand behind plexiglass, wearing masks and rubber gloves.  Have you considered that they’ve just touched every single item you’re buying with those rubber gloves?  The same ones they’ve been wearing their entire shift?  Seems goofy to me.  It also seems goofy to me that all the fast food I’ve had at drive-through windows is now being prepared by teenagers dressed as surgeons.

Hospitals were NEVER overwhelmed with patients in the vast majority of the country.  In fact, here in our state of Wisconsin, the governor ordered the Expo Center at the State Fairgrounds in Milwaukee to be converted into a makeshift “overflow” hospital — at a cost of $24 million.  But it has yet to see it’s first patient.  MANY of these makeshift hospitals were set up around the country at tremendous cost — and then taken down after never seeing a single patient.  Meanwhile, state and county fairs, 4th of July celebrations and other summertime activities have been cancelled through the end of summer, all over the country, due to the “pandemic-that-never-was.”

Understand that I am NOT saying there was no virus.  Absolutely there was, but it was not nearly as “deadly” as we were led to believe.  It was all part of perhaps the biggest ruse perpetrated on the American people EVER in history.  Many questions still go unanswered, including: why has Bill Gates been so involved in all of this from the very start?    We know he’s a New World Order Globalist, strongly in favor of “population control,” as is EVERY member of the President’s Cornavirus Task Force.  Why is that?

Progressives and Globalists have also shown us their intent to implement a new “digital currency” in the near future — a “digital dollar,” if you will.  What form will this take?  Most who’ve studied this agree that it will most likely involve a microchip implant, delivered through the vaccine or an invisible digital “tattoo.”  Those without the microchip or tattoo will be shunned from society — if not incarcerated.  If you think it can’t happen here, just look at what has ALREADY happened here!  There’s even been talk of the NECESSITY of separating families, if their homes do not have a separate bathroom for every family member.  Yeah, folks, this is STILL going on.

Meanwhile, a new thing has emerged from all this:  “contact tracing.”  Millions of people are now being hired as “contact tracers” — their job is to identify those who have tested positive for the virus, and then track those individuals, as well as anyone they’ve been in contact with.  Apple IPhones have new “contact tracing” software in their latest update.  In some public places now opening up, workers are requiring your personal identification, name, address and contact information before you can enter.  This should concern you.

And through all of this, any information — (even from countless well-educated doctors, nurses, scientists and researchers) — that is contrary to the offical talking points on the virus has been aggressively censored by social media and online search engines.  Articles, videos, scientific studies and other information that goes counter to the official narrative is labeled as “false news” and if not completely removed from sites such as Facebook, viewers are informed that these alternative “second opinions” are untruthful.

Now, as many states are beginning to re-open, albeit at a snail’s pace, other states are doubling down on their draconian rules.  But even in those states that are opening, we’re not back to “normal.”  Under  the Federal guidelines, there are three phases states must follow in order to open again safely.  Note:  there are NOT four phases.  The “third phase” is the BEST you can get.  And in this third phase, so-called “vulnerable individuals” are STILL advised to practice “social distancing,” avoid social settings and time spent in crowds.  This is AFTER the “all clear” has been declared.  And “Large Venues” — even in the FULL THIRD (and final) PHASE of reopening, must continue to observe “physical distancing protocols.”  And yes, “Large Venues” specifically includes “houses of worship.”  So even when this is “all over,” if it ever is, we still don’t get our freedoms back.

Over the past weeks I’ve watched the psychological conditioning or “grooming” that’s  taken place.  People wearing masks, forced to walk single file, following arrows on the floor at stores.  “Stand on the X,” six feet apart from anyone else at the grocery store or post office.  In some stores and other public places, workers now scan your forehead to take your temperature before you’re allowed to enter… in addition to collecting all your personal data.   Is this conditioning us to have our foreheads routinely scanned later — when everyone is supposed to have the invisible “tattoo”  or “mark?”

I can’t help but feel we’re all being “molded” and trained to conform to arbitrary rules — rules that seem to change from one day to the next.  It seems they’re trying to see just how much conformity and voluntary obedience they can get from us.  It’s been said it takes three weeks of consistent behavior to form a new “habit.”  All these new rules for public (and even private) interaction have been ramping up for way more than three weeks.  And the vast majority of people are dutifully complying.  Now, in some areas, if you dare leave your house without wearing a mask, you’re publicly “shamed” by others as being a “bad person” for not wearing a mask.  Recently, ALL airlines have made it mandatory for every passenger to wear a mask, or you’re not allowed to fly.

But as I stated at the outset, people are growing weary of all this.  As Alinsky said, “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.”  And so it seems the Progressives have moved on to capitalize on another crisis… the alleged murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer.  After all, they could never let a “good crisis go to waste.”   And once again the hypocrisy of the Left is incredible.  While you’ll be shamed for not wearing a mask in public or standing too close in a line trying to get into a grocery store, and while it was considered CRIMINAL for patriotic Americans  to gather in PEACEFUL, God-honoring protests at the loss of our liberties and freedoms through unconstitutional mandates during the “virus crisis,” to those on the Left, it now seems perfectly reasonable for crowds of hundreds to loot businesses, burn buildings and destroy cars and homes…under the guise of “protesting.”

But this is not protesting, folks.  It’s rioting.  It is anarchy.  And I believe that, like the “virus,” it was pre-planned and launched at the most opportune time.  We all saw the video of the Minneapolis police officer needlessly kneeling on the neck of George Floyd for almost nine minutes.  But please don’t just blindly accept what you’ve seen.  Because remember, we ONLY see what the media — and the social media giants, and even YouTube — WANT us to see.  This video was graphic and violent.  WHY, I ask you, do outlets like Facebook allow this to be viewed over and over, when images of unborn babies in the womb are considered “against community standards” and aggressively censored?  We only see what they WANT us to see.  And I have some questions.

First of all, IF this truly happened the way it’s portrayed, certainly there should be national outrage… at the officer that caused Floyd’s death, AND at the other three officers who stood by and did nothing to intervene.  Floyd supposedly died just a foot away from the squad car door.  The video shows him already subdued and not resisting.  Why didn’t they just put him in the back of the squad car?

Also, did you notice that the entire incident was perfectly filmed in high definition, complete with the words “Minneapolis” and “Police” framing the entire scene?  Did you notice the license plate on the police car?  It said “POLICE.”  This is not normal for a real police vehicle.  Do ALL police vehicle license plates spell “POLICE?”  This leads me to suspect the video — and the entire scene — was pre-planned and choreographed for our consumption — to stir up outrage and racial division like nothing before it.   We’ve also discovered that the officer that was shown kneeling on Floyd’s neck was also one of Floyd’s co-workers at a local nightclub… both the officer and George Floyd were security guards there.  They knew each other.  Interesting.

Another suspicious aspect of all this is that when the ambulance arrived, they did nothing to attempt CPR or attend to the victim — and those supposed “EMTs” that flopped his body onto the gurney have been identified as other police officers, not EMTs.  What’s up with THAT?

We’ve also learned that pallets of bricks and containers of rocks were conveniently placed on the sidewalks BEFORE the riots began.  Who put them there?  Not to mention that ANTIFA has been recruiting for “protestors” and “rioters,” advertising nation-wide and offering $25 an hour to those willing to take the job.

Meanwhile, thousands of people attended multiple funeral services for George Floyd around the country.  But these were all “closed casket” funerals.  Which raises the question: was George Floyd REALLY killed?  Or is all this, too, a highly-planned “psy-op” designed to foment more rage and racial division and plunge us further into our own national destruction?

Cities around the nation have now been  transformed into war zones.  The Minneapolis City Council has voted to dissolve the police department there  — in a vote that is said to be “veto-proof.”  What do you suppose they will replace the police department with?  When anarchy reaches an unsustainable point, which won’t take long, the ONLY response will be martial law.  Our nation is burning…and the flames of rage are being fanned by “community organizers,” causing the most  destruction possible, and it’s all being presented to us in living color on the nightly news.  Beware.

Both ANTIFA and “Black Lives Matter” came into existence under the Obama administration — both highly organized and funded to riot, loot, burn and destroy.  It’s been alleged that ANTIFA is the paramilitary arm of the DNC, funded by George Soros.  Remember when Obama talked about his own “private army?”  Well, it seems he’s now called them to active duty.

It’s important to note that “Black Lives Matter” does not represent ALL black people.    Many black people have publicly condemned the actions of the destroyers — and many of the destroyers are WHITE!  “Racism” is not our problem.  Most black people do not hate white people; and most white people do not hate black people.  We are, once again, being played for fools as we are simultaneously being divided, and conquered.

Suddenly rioting — not just protesting — is not only acceptable but justifiable and expected.  Friends, dark forces are at work, and we must be discerning and question everything — especially if it’s coming from the mainstream media.  Especially if it has to do with “racial division” or “racial inequity.”  (Buzz words the Left loves to use to manipulate minorities, vilify white people and cause as much distrust and hatred as possible).  Don’t just blindly swallow what the media is feeding you; because they’re experts at deception.  That’s their job.  Learn to discern — take the time to stop and think, ask questions, pay attention to the “man behind the curtain,” and dig for the truth on your own.  My advice: DON’T just TRUST.  Verify.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 292.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

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‘Casting Down Imaginations’

Rob Pue

All of humanity was born to worship.  We have an instinctive need to reverence our Creator.  This is just how God made us.  In the beginning, mankind had a close relationship with Him.  But in Genesis Chapter 3, we read of how the king of demons, Satan, tempted Eve and caused her to doubt what God said.  And the rest, as they say, is history.  Adam followed Eve in her quest for forbidden knowledge and power, and together they traded perfect communion with God for a life of pain and toil, of blood, sweat and tears… of thorns and thistles, culminating in death and then the judgment.

But that need to worship never subsided.  It’s woven into the very fabric of our souls; that innate need to revere the One who created us — to worship Him, and to somehow return to Him and re-establish that bond that was broken so long ago.  It’s the one and only thing that will ever satisfy our souls;  and the one thing that we will never find apart from Him.

The problems we encounter in this life begin the minute we depart from our Lord and try to do life on our own.  The consequences of this are immediate and devastating.  This is what happened to our first parents.  This rebellion is the “sin nature” that we are now all born with, so that even today there exists within us a great turmoil, a constant tug-of-war between our desire to know God and worship Him and our desire to stray away from Him and worship something else.

Now, God created us with minds to think and reason.  He doesn’t hide from us, and then expect us to have blind faith in a Creator we can never know anything about.  On the contrary, He makes Himself abundantly visible to all who have eyes to see.  We are without excuse.  The Bible makes it clear that we are able to know God, by the things that He made.  In other words, by observing His awesome Creation all around us, we know that God exists.  What’s more, He provided us with a book, The Bible, the very words of God Himself, so that we can know Him more;  and He did not spare even His own Son for our sakes, so that we may RETURN to Him and restore that perfect relationship, as He welcomes us back and draws us close to Himself with loving arms of compassion.

Let’s summarize these points:  We are born with the knowledge of God and with a desire and PURPOSE to worship and glorify Him.  This knowledge of God and desire to worship Him is reinforced as we observe His Creation all around us.  We also have His written Word to teach us all we will ever need to know.   Yet, many of us still prefer to deny Him, to run and try to hide from Him, because His light exposes the darkness of our sinful hearts.

Now,  what happens when we do this — when we deliberately choose to deny God?  Romans 1, starting at verse 28:  “Since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, He gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done.  They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity.  They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice.  They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful;  they invent ways of doing evil;  they disobey their parents, they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless.”   The heart of man, apart from the renewing and regeneration of Christ is hopelessly lost.  The Bible says it is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked.  Surely it is obvious that this is true.  Even little babies, as precious and as “innocent” as they are,  do not need to be taught to sin.  We are all born with a self-centered, sinful nature.

Depraved minds.  But you see, even depraved minds STILL have that in-born desire to worship that we are all created with.  And so, apart from Christ,  we begin to invent things to worship that will fit conveniently into our lives without requiring anything of significance on our part.  As if we can fulfill our need to “worship” but still live as WE choose, accountable to no one.  Deep thinkers with depraved minds will expand on these thoughts to create entire religions and theologies.  In other words, we use our IMAGINATIONS to invent things to worship, instead of God.

What is the root word of “imagination?”  It is “IMAGE.”  We create an image to worship, — one that is to our liking.  In modern times, this “image” is usually an unseen thing — an invisible “god,” theology, idea or concept.  But in ancient times, man built idols and graven IMAGES to bow down to as a substitute for the real thing…  Rather than worshiping the Creator, they worshiped and served created THINGS.

In Exodus, Chapter 20, God gave His eternal laws to mankind, written with His own finger on tablets of stone.  The Ten Commandments.  And first on the list was: “You shall have no other gods before Me.”  Why do you think this was the first, and most basic law God gave to us?  Because He knows the heart of man, and our need to worship.  He also knows how susceptible we are to demonic deceptions.

Let’s read more of this Scripture.  “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.  You shall not bow down to them or worship them…”  But yet what has mankind done?  Turn again to Romans, chapter 1:  “…although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.  Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for IMAGES made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.”  Then in verse 25:  “They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator.”

There is nothing new under the sun.  Mankind has been worshiping idols in vain ever since Satan deceived Eve in the garden.  It’s our eternal struggle to worship, but yet to worship without submitting ourselves to God’s authority.  So we use our imaginations to create a god to suit our selves… ultimately, one that WE, ourselves, control.  Most of us no longer carve and mold a golden calf or a totem pole.  But we invent gods in our minds that suit us better than the one TRUE God of heaven.

This is what is happening still today.  Even professing Christians are not immune from idol worship, and many create a god in their own image that bears little resemblance to the God of the Bible.  How many liberal Christians will admonish you if you “judge” or speak firmly about sin, repentance and holy living?  How many will declare it is not “Christ-like” if you confront the evils and wickedness of our day, such as abortion or sexual depravity?  “You’ll never win them to Jesus if you don’t welcome them and love them,” they say.  Or they’ll declare, “MY god would never condemn anyone to hell…MY god is a god of love.”  Religious people are great at creating gods in their own image;  in their own imaginations.

Those who do not know God, those who are not diligent in studying the Scriptures are easily led astray and deceived by Satan.  Paul warned the Corinthians, “I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.  For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it easily…”

To the Galatians he wrote, “I am astonished that you are so quickly… turning to a different gospel…  some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ.  But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned.”

Today we have many who profess to be Christians, but who deny the truths of Scripture or pervert the word of God by compromising it with their own imaginations.   And throughout the history of mankind, Satan has been at war with us, seeking our eternal damnation by luring us away from the pure word of God, with enticing things that appeal to our carnal natures.  Paul warned us of angels preaching false religion, tempting us to worship something other than God Almighty.  Scripture also tells us that Satan masquerades as an angel of light.  This is the same angel that appeared to Mohammed, calling himself “Allah.”  This is the same angel that called himself “Moroni” as he appeared to Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon religion.  This is the same so-called “angel,” who appeared to Satanist Aleister Crowley, and declared, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.”

What it really comes down to is that we, in our sinful, human natures, are still trying to achieve what Satan promised Eve so long ago in the garden:  that we can become LIKE God.  In fact, many New Age religions will even teach that we can BECOME gods ourselves if we follow the path of “enlightenment.”

But let me clue you in to something that seems, to me, to be elementary, yet so elusive for so many:  as human beings we have two choices:  we either worship God or we worship Satan, in any number of disguises he will appear to us in, whichever disguise he knows will appeal to us most.  There are NO OTHER alternatives.  It is one or the other.

I was speaking to a New Ager recently and she was trying to explain to me how she prays to the Universe and how if she thinks good thoughts and surrounds herself with positive energy, the Universe will reward her with the desires of her heart.  Her ultimate hope for eternity is that her body will return to “star dust,” and that her soul will return to the Universe where she will be reincarnated, hopefully to a much higher, developed sentient being on this planet — or perhaps another planet, because as a citizen of the Living Universe, we do not limit ourselves to just the narrow mindedness of Earth.

Now, this woman reveres the “Universe” or the “Living Universe” as the ultimate “higher power” or “thing” that she worships.  She rejects the Bible and the God of the Scripture because she tried Christianity and it didn’t “work” for her.  In her mind, she cannot understand why anyone would follow a book so full of rules and laws and things that limit her freedom, words written by MEN thousands of years ago… words of superstition and bigotry and things that are clearly so old fashioned and irrelevant.  Now she is much more enlightened and on a “path” that appeals to her way more than the narrow-mindedness and confining dictates of a religion that limits her freedom to do as she pleases.  And, as the Wiccans say, “if it hurt no one, do as you please.”

Not knowing the Bible, the word of the eternal Creator, she does not realize that Scripture describes her to a tee:  in short, this woman “worships and serves created things, rather than the Creator.”  You see, in her mind, the Universe is the biggest, most powerful thing she can imagine.  (There’s that word again:  “imagine!”)  But she neglects to remember that the God of the Bible CREATED the Universe!

Why would you worship and serve a created thing rather than the eternal One who created it?  Friends, be warned, that those who DO, and deliberately choose to deny God and persist in their rebellion, will eventually be given depraved minds.  They will no longer be ABLE to discern the truth, even when it is staring them straight in the face.  It will be nonsense to them.  Good will be bad and bad will be good.  That’s what it means.  I believe there are many in the world today, who have passed this “point of no return” already.  Since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, He has turned them over to depraved, reprobate minds.

We are seeing a lot of this lately.   In fact, I believe we are nearing the close of time, the last days, and people are choosing now to seal their fate, and pick their eternal destinies.  It is a scary thing, but know this:  God has never condemned a single soul to hell who did not have ample opportunity to know Him and return to His loving arms.  The spiritual forces of darkness surround us, unseen as they are, but no less real.  Satan and his demons are contending for our souls and many are being led astray and deceived.  The most insidious part is that he rarely comes in his true form, but rather, as “enlightenment,” as a more pure, loving “path” to “god.”  So now, more than ever, we must remember the words of Paul to the Corinthians:  “Though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh.  For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down IMAGINATIONS, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”  Study and KNOW God’s word, dear friends, and you will not be deceived by the schemes of the devil.

Audio versions and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 153.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Reason to Grieve

by Rob Pue

The five stages of grief, according to the Kubler-Ross model describe a series of emotions experienced by terminally-ill people prior to death.  This concept was first introduced by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, a Swiss-American psychiatrist in 1969 in her book, On Death and Dying.”  According to Kubler-Ross, the five stages of grief are: Denial, Anger, Depression, Bargaining, and finally, Acceptance.

As we look around our country today and see how things have changed so drastically in such a short amount of time, I believe many people are in the midst, right now, of one of those five stages.  It’s become obvious to many that things will most likely never be the same as they were before our government took such drastic measures to close the nation down under the guise of controlling or containing the coronavirus.

At first there was Denial as the government ordered all “non-essential” businesses and workers to close their doors and everyone to self-quarantine in their homes… (“this couldn’t possibly be happening here in America — perhaps in some third-world country, but certainly not here in the land of the free,” we said).  But not knowing all the facts, we gave our governmental and health leaders the benefit of a doubt.  After all, two weeks to assess and get a “handle” on the situation seemed reasonable.

But then more information began to emerge.  We learned about Event 201, we learned about the nefarious connections between Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, the World Health Organization, the United Nations, the CIA, the CDC and the Globalists pushing for a one-world government and a new “digital currency” to be mandated through a “vaccine” containing a personal tracking micro-chip.  Websites and hotlines were launched for neighbors to report neighbors to police if they were not “social distancing.”

Liquor stores, big box stores and marijuana dispensaries were considered “essential” but other small businesses were forbidden to open.  Two weeks of national lockdown became a month.  Then another two weeks, then it was proposed that things remain closed another month.  Summertime activities and events were cancelled, indicating they really have no intention of opening our country back up anytime soon.  At least not until the “vaccine” is ready, for all to take.  Those considered “essential workers” were issued “travel papers” — just like in Nazi Germany.  And then we learned the coronavirus is much less threatening than we were led to believe and that the numbers of deaths were intentionally being greatly inflated to make their case.  But hospitals across the country remained empty — no patients for COVID-19, or otherwise.  Medical facilities began laying off staff, some facilities closing altogether as they slowly went broke.  In short, we learned we had been lied to about all this, and the lies were continuing, perpetuated by the mainstream media, pumping false propaganda and fear into the hearts and minds of millions.  Those with eyes to see and minds to think were viewed with disdain and labeled “Conspiracy Nuts.”

And so we entered the “Anger” stage of grief at the loss of our freedoms, and the quickly coming destruction of our great nation. People around the country began to protest, demanding their constitutional rights and freedoms be restored… demanding a redress of grievances.  Patriots rightly argued that it’s only common sense to quarantine the SICK — but not the entire country. Let the rest of us get back to work.

But though thousands protested at their state-houses, on the streets and in front of the local City Halls all across this country, the governmental over-reach continued to get worse.  Indeed, they clamped down harder than ever… arresting parents for allowing their children to play outdoors; stores that were allowed to remain open began posting armed guards (yes, you heard me right) at their entrances, insisting customers wear a mask in order to enter.  Public parks and beaches closed — even though fresh air and sunshine are actually healthy remedies for illness.  Most churches — 97% of them — across the nation forced to remain closed, labeled as “non-essential,” pastors arrested for holding even outdoor services; congregants given citations and 14-day quarantine orders if they so much as drove into a church parking lot.  Yes, the Anger stage — righteous anger — which led to protests.

Yes, millions of Americans are angry, because our voices are not being heard.  Officials still occasionally “throw us a bone,” promising we will open again as soon as we possibly can, safely.  But we’ve come to realize that “we the people” are actually powerless against this tyranny, no matter how vigorously we’ve protested, and so we entered the third stage of grief:  depression, as we came to realize that not only will this summer be “cancelled” for all practical purposes, but in fact, life as we knew it just a few months ago, will likely never be the same again.  Not for us.  Not for our children or grandchildren.   Depression — emotional depression over the death of America, along with a financial depression as American citizens now, having been unemployed for so long, have lost their jobs and the businesses they worked so hard to build and maintain, have been ripped away.  Yet bills still need to be paid and families still need to be fed… But now we must beg the Almighty State for our survival.  Depression, yes.  Indeed, the CRUSHING of the American spirit.

This has led some to bargaining.  Some business owners, in good conscience, re-opened on their own, being careful to follow the “social distancing” and extreme sanitation protocols the government has mandated… surely, it’s been long enough.  After all, we were told it would only be for a short time.  The number of COVID-19 cases has markedly decreased to the point where it’s almost non-existent in most places now, even WITH the greatly inflated and falsified numbers.  Surely there would be no harm in opening up… say for example, a hair salon, where clients could come one at a time, with staff and customers all wearing the ridiculous masks, and strict sanitation practices followed between each interaction.  But no, there would be NO “bargaining” allowed — dare to defy the State, go directly to jail, “do not pass ‘Go.’”

Then finally, Acceptance.  As more and more cities and towns across this country have already announced, there will be NO 4th of July celebrations, parades or get-togethers, no summer craft fairs, no parks, campgrounds or beaches open, and IF schools are allowed to open in the fall, we’ve already been told things will be MUCH different — with little to no interaction between students, no extra-curricular activities.  No nothing.  Churches, too, must remain closed.  And should “home church” meetings be observed as having more than ten people attending, neighbors are encouraged to call the police.

No church weddings or funerals either.  No family get-togethers, cookouts or graduation celebrations.  We were told it would be for two weeks.  Now many are entering the “Acceptance” stage — accepting there’s no use denying it or fighting it any longer: inevitably, we will all be forced to take the “vaccine,” and allow the new Global government to implant us and our children with micro-chips and track and record our every movement, our every word, eventually even our every thought.

I was listening to “Coach Dave Live” the other day and he presented the following food for thought — we don’t know who to attribute this to, but it does put things in a bit of perspective.  Here’s what he read:

“Imagine you were born in 1900.  On your 14th birthday, World War I starts, and ends on your 18th birthday.  Twenty-two million people perish in that war. Later in the year, a Spanish Flu epidemic hits the planet and runs until your 20th birthday. Fifty million people die from it in those two years. Yes, 50 million.

“On your 29th birthday, the Great Depression begins.  Unemployment hits 25%, the World GDP drops 27%. That runs until you are 33. The country nearly collapses along with the world economy.  When you turn 39, World War II starts. You aren’t even ‘over the hill’ yet.  And don’t try to catch your breath.  On your 41st birthday, the United States is fully pulled into WWII.  Between your 39th and 45th birthday, 75 million people perish in the war.

“Smallpox was epidemic until you were in your 40s, as it killed 300 million people during your lifetime.  At 50, the Korean War starts. Five million perish.  From your birth, until you were 55, you dealt with the fear of polio epidemics each summer. You experience friends and family contracting polio and being paralyzed and/or dying. 

“At 55, the Vietnam War begins and doesn’t end for 20 years. Four million people perish in that conflict.  During the Cold War, you lived each day with the fear of nuclear annihilation.  On your 62nd birthday you have the Cuban Missile Crisis, a tipping point in the Cold War.  Life on our planet, as we know it, almost ended. When you turn 75, the Vietnam War finally ends.

“Think of everyone on the planet born in 1900.  How did they endure all of that? When you were a kid in 1985, and didn’t think your 85-year-old grandparent understood how hard school was.  And how ‘mean’ that kid in your class was. Yet they survived through everything listed above.

“Perspective is an amazing art. Refined and enlightening as time goes on. Let’s try and keep things in perspective.  Your parents and/or grandparents were called to endure all of the above – you are called to stay home and sit on your couch.”

Those are some sobering thoughts, to be sure.  Our modern American culture has become so self-centered we often tend to forget all those who’ve gone before us.  Yes, Christians are being persecuted today and it’s growing worse here in America.  But consider what the disciples of Christ endured — and endured faithfully.  That’s just one example.  It was the FAITH of our forefathers that built this nation — their faith in God, and it will be OUR faith that will REBUILD it, if it’s to be rebuilt at all.

Indeed, the 20th century was wrought with perilous times, which our ancestors endured.  Life has always been difficult.  Jesus said, “In this world, you will have trouble, but take heart!  I have overcome the world!”  He also spoke of the love of many growing cold in the last days, and of perilous times and great delusion and reprobate minds, and more.  But then He said, “those who endure to the end shall be saved.”

There’s a major difference between our parents and grandparents who endured all that hardship during the 1900s, and most people living on earth today.  Our parents and grandparents had a deep, abiding faith in their Creator, God Almighty.  I can imagine there were many who held fast to the Scripture Paul wrote in Romans 5:  “…we glory in tribulations also, knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope; and hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.”  Yes, our parents and grandparents KNEW their Savior and their God, and that gave them the strength to endure ‘til the end.  I dare say that great faith is sorely lacking in us today.  Perhaps God is “shaking things up” in this old world now, working all these things that WE see as horrible, for our own GOOD… Perhaps — just maybe — a great revival of faith will come from all this.  When Christ returns, WILL He find faith on the earth?  You tell me.

Our American spirit of ingenuity, freedom, independence and liberty is still strong.  We GRIEVE today because we want to do MORE than just stay at home and sit on our couches.  WE DON’T WANT TO BE ‘NON-ESSENTIAL!’  We want to grow, we want to build, we want to achieve, we want to GO and DO… most of all we recoil at the thought of injustice, tyranny, lies and liars.  But our American spirit will never prevail without our Christian faith.   And as Christ-followers, we know we CANNOT simply sit on our couches and let the enemy wreak havoc in our world.  We know our DUTY is to occupy until He returns… to invest the talents He’s given each of us wisely.  Not being allowed to do that by these Globalists and Luciferians sends us into a state of Denial, Anger and Depression.  Because we know there’s no “Bargaining” with the devil, and we will not — we CAN NOT — ever Accept the unfruitful works of darkness.  We must continue to expose, and reprove them while ministering to those around us, and praying “Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.” It’s only when we lose our faith — and our faithfulness — that we will, indeed, have reason to grieve.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 291.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Their Secret is Out

Rob Pue

It seems the natives are getting restless.  Over the past week or so, we’ve seen citizen patriots rally for their freedom in multiple states here in the US.  It began in Columbus, Ohio at the Statehouse there on April 13th — one month, to the day, after President Trump declared a national state of emergency regarding the coronavirus.  Ohio has continued pushing with multiple rallies and protests since then.  They’re relentless there; in fact, they’re holding a rally right now, as I compile this message.

Thousands of citizens in Lansing, Michigan did the same two days later, demanding and end to their state’s “stay-at-home” orders.  Since then, we’ve seen rallies, protests and demonstrations all over the USA — in Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Maine, New York, Colorado, Texas, Nevada and California, just to name a few.  I expect there to be more the longer this national “lockdown” continues.  And we’re not alone… as the Washington Post reported on April 20th, “Even as some countries tentatively lift coronavirus restrictions, more than half the world’s population is still subject to some form of mandatory confinement, and governments are facing pressure to ease lockdowns. Protests have erupted from Paris and Mumbai to Beirut and Baghdad, and rallies demanding the end of stay-at-home orders are spreading across the United States.”

The people of America, I believe, have come to understand this was all a big hoax, as real, TRUE news and information has come out through alternative — rather than the mainstream — media sources.  We’ve learned the deep, dark connections between Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and others who’ve purposely orchestrated our country’s response to this “Planned-Demic” and we’ve learned how this was all PLANNED FOR and hypothesized about for more than ten years.  Even Fauci himself “PREDICTED” — all the way back in 2017 — that Donald Trump would have to deal with a “surprise” epidemic of some kind during his first term in the White House.  The final planning meeting was held in October of last year, and then the virus was released.

With even a small amount of investigative work online, you can find plenty of credible evidence from actual REAL, reliable and truthful sources, showing without a shadow of a doubt, that we’re in the midst of a Deep State plan by socialistic Globalists to bring about a New World Order.  THEIR SECRET IS OUT.  But if their plan is going to work, America cannot remain free.  It MUST be swallowed up by the Globalist movement.  We are at a PIVOTAL point right now!

And you’d better believe they’re going to fight as long and hard as they can to keep us  all locked down — and controlled…to “get our minds right.”  They need everyone as docile as sheep, frightened and fearful and looking to Big Government to make them safe — and keep them safe.  In fact, we may be seeing even tighter restrictions imposed upon us as they amp up their attack on America with false news and fear.  Perhaps even to the point of deliberately infecting people with an even deadlier disease, to keep people in fear.  I hate to even suggest that might be possible, but these people are evil.

And make no mistake, the devil’s team plays to win, and they’ve thought this through very well…  they’ve run computer models and simulations and held symposiums and think tanks to consider our every response to this so-called “quarantine.”  They even had a pretty good guess just how long it would take before people started pushing back, which is where we’re at today.

Some of you may think I’m a crazy conspiracy nut and that for some reason, THIS TIME our government and the mainstream media is actually telling us the truth — after all, there’s got to be a first time for everything, right?  But no.  As I’ve stated before, this was a “PLANNED-Demic.”  The only thing that may have gone wrong for them is that the virus was perhaps not as deadly as they’d hoped for.

Two weeks ago was supposed to be the worst week in American history according to the White House Coronavirus Task Force.  We were told to expect between 100,000 and 240,000 DEATHS — not “positive tests,” but actual deaths.  Of course that never materialized.  But it did sound pretty scary at the time and kept many cowering at home.

But now we’ve had enough of the nonsense.  We enjoy our freedom as Americans, and our freedom was given to us by GOD, not by the government.  So regarding how long all this will last, I guess it all depends on what Americans DO.  If we acquiesce to their unconstitutional demands and obey the edicts of the tyrants and conspirators, then I can easily see this NEVER ending, just morphing into a hideous new reality, and many eagerly lining up for their ID 2020 “vaccine” — along with their welfare check.  But if American citizens continue to rise up and assert our First Amendment Constitutional rights, we just MAY have a chance.

You see, what’s happening now in our country is illegal.  The government has clearly overstepped it’s authority.  Let’s read our First Amendment rights together:  “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

We have MANY grievances in America today, and it’s our right to petition our government for a redress of those grievances.  Starting with the fact that since all this began, we’ve had power-crazy governors in multiple states try to tear up our constitutional rights — like Nancy Pelosi tearing up a State of the Union address — and do their own things, clearly violating the laws.  They only get away with it because the people are ignorant of their rights and ignorant of the law.

Americans are also fed up with the hypocrisy within all of these restrictions.  While most businesses are forced to remain closed — even small businesses that rarely have more than a half-dozen people in their buildings or offices at a time, others are allowed to freely operate.  Walmart is allowed to freely operate, but we’ve been told it’s now illegal to get a haircut.  Liquor stores and marijuana dispensaries are considered “essential businesses,” but churches must remain closed.  I’m quite disheartened to see so many churches simply obeying tyrannical edicts from “on high” and closing their doors, even after we’ve seen clear evidence that this “pandemic” is nowhere NEAR as deadly or serious as we were led to believe.  The common flu bug is worse every year.

As I’ve stated before, hospitals across our country are NOT packed with COVID-19 patients, and that is the TRUTH.   Most of them are empty and laying off hospital staff because there ARE NO patients, of any kind.  They were instructed to cancel all elective surgeries and to remain open only for emergencies.  They were told to make space for coronavirus patients that were about to overwhelm the system.  Yet in my area, one of our local hospitals has just closed down 16 of its regional clinics, because again: there ARE NO patients.

During that final “run-through” exercise last October, known as “Event 21,” the response of the church was specifically discussed.  It was decided that “Faith Leaders” must be brought “on board” early in the “pandemic” scenario, because they are trusted community leaders.  And just as they planned, the government told the churches to close and the churches obediently closed.

Because I have dared to question the official narrative of all this, I’ve had countless professing Christians accuse me of being reckless and irresponsible, and inciting rebellion among the people.  That is not the case at all, and if you KNEW me, you’d KNOW that.  Unlike most Americans, I do not get most of my news and information from the mainstream media.  Most of my information comes directly from experts in their specific fields, from “insiders” who were actually THERE when all this was planned.  From doctors who know the REAL numbers.   I see how we, as a nation, are being purposely manipulated and how so many are being hurt so drastically by all this.

Do you understand that most Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck?  Many work more than one job to make ends meet.  And most Americans have been out of work for more than a month now.  No work, no income.  I’ve spoken to many of those who, for the first time in their lives, have had to TRY to file for unemployment.  But THAT system is so overwhelmed, it’s nearly impossible to do so.  If you call, the wait on the phone is hours-long, and the online system for signing up takes hours to complete, and then just crashes.

Can you understand the anguish and turmoil so many small business owners are in today because of being forced by the government to shut their doors?  I know many like that who will never be able to open again.  It’s hard enough operating a business, paying employees, complying with all the regulations and paying all the burdensome taxes —  and trying your best to earn a profit under the best of circumstances.  But now to be forced to close for no good reason…  if this isn’t a serious government overreach, I’m not sure what you’d call it.

And the intrusion into peoples’ lives through all of this has already been horiffic.  In many states, the government is using DRONES to keep people under surveillance.  Hotlines and websites have been launched, for neighbors to turn in their neighbors to law enforcement if they think they’re not “social distancing.”  In our state, our misguided and wicked governor tried to change the rules on our spring election at the last minute — making it a “mail-in ballot” election only.  When that didn’t fly, he tried to postpone the election, but was over-ruled by the Supreme Court.  Our election was held as normal and all was fine.

But NOW, in what I believe is his “payback” for not being able to mess with our election, he’s sent down an executive order EXTENDING our “Safer at Home” quarantine until the end of May.  (Legally, he cannot do that, but he’s trying).  He stated that there’s no way to tell how many people were infected with the virus because they went out and voted on April 7th.  Are you kidding me?  Yet people are welcome to wander Walmart or the local liquor store as long and often as they like, and THEY are not at risk?

Incidentally, he also tried to over-step his authority by banning people from visiting elderly people, even if such visits were only through the windows of their loved ones’ homes… grandchildren couldn’t color a picture to take to Grandma’s house and show it to her through the window, without violating the law!  In another story, some vigilant neighbors called the police because of a 5-year-old’s birthday party in the neighborhood, where more than ten children were present.

Churches that attempt to hold services — even “drive-through” services — are being actively targeted for persecution.  They have police officers handing out citations to people, along with 14-day quarantine orders just for driving into a church parking lot, even if they never get out of their car!  This is insane, people!

But the apparent randomness of what is allowed to remain open and what must be forcibly closed is not random at all.  The goal here is to make sure CHRISTIANS know their “place,” and are trained to obey the government without question.  The goal is to destroy the small businesses and the family farmers, while building up the Big Box Stores and online companies.  The goal is to break the backs — and the wills — of everyday, ordinary Americans, so we’ll eagerly look to the government for our sustenance and survival.

But Americans have had enough and they’re starting to push back.  Most people know by now that this has all been a scam — a ploy by Globalists to control and manipulate the populace into submission.  We saw the propaganda videos coming out of China when this all began.  But now we know — through alternative news outlets and citizen reporters — that we only saw what the “powers that be” wanted us to see.  So when the warning came to our shores, we were willing to cooperate for the safety and well-being of all.  But now that many Americans know and understand the truth, we’re angry and we’re tired of the lies, manipulation and games.

It’s time to open America back up again.  We must do so now.  When there is a health crisis, you don’t quarantine ALL of society.  That makes no sense.  You quarantine the sick.  That’s biblical.  Look at Leviticus 13 and how society dealt with people who had leprosy.  They quarantined the SICK — not the WHOLE WORLD.

God will work all these things together for good.  It’s MY prayer that through all of this, average, hard-working Americans — AND ESPECIALLY CHRISTIANS — will learn they CAN take back their country.  They CAN stand up for their Constitutional and God-given rights.  They CAN speak out against tyranny and big government intrusion into their lives.  It’s OK to call evil “evil” and good “good.”  We do not HAVE TO accept all the perversions that the enemy of our souls has been forcing upon us through “pretended legislation” any longer.  I hope and pray we learn that here.  Because it WILL go only one of two ways:  either we’ll assert ourselves and say “NO” to the evil …or we’ll submit to the evil and let it destroy us.  Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Rebuilding Babylon

Rob Pue

In Genesis, Chapter 11, we read about the descendants of Noah, who were living in the area known as Babylon.  After surviving the destruction of the earth and the great flood, perhaps it was just “human nature” that they would become prideful.  They considered themselves the “survivors” of something more horiffic the world had ever seen.  But… they also forgot GOD.  And so out of pride for their own PERCEIVED human achievements, they began to construct a huge tower… it was said to be about 650 feet high and about a quarter-mile square at the base, when construction ended.

According to my research, the Tower of Babel was abandoned and the people of Babylon dispersed in about 2247 BC — just a little over 100 years after Noah and his family had left the Ark.  It did not take the descendants of Noah very long to multiply and begin again to fill the earth — and once again, they chose to rely on their own understanding and human abilities, rather than to seek, honor and follow God.

According to the Biblical account, in Genesis 11:1-9, “Now the  whole world had one language and a common speech.  As people moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there.  They said to each other, ‘Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly.’  They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar.  Then they said, ‘Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.’

“But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower the people were building.  The LORD said, ‘If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.  Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.’  So the LORD scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city.  That is why it was called ‘Babel’ —because there the LORD confused the language of the whole world. From there the LORD scattered them over the face of the whole earth.”

Why did God confuse the peoples’ language and scatter them over the face of the whole earth?  I believe one reason was the peoples’ PRIDE.  They sought to build a prideful symbol of how great they had become, and that symbol would be a tower, reaching to the heavens so that they could be “like God.”  It is said by some that the Tower of Babel was also used as the Temple of Jupiter, and so the people there had not only forgotten the God who mercifully saved them from the flood, but were also now worshiping a false god in His place.

One thing God despises is arrogance and pride in the hearts of human beings.  As our Creator and Sustainer, He wants to commune with us, to guide and direct us as a loving Heavenly Father, and He wants us to depend upon HIM for our needs.  Not pridefully act upon our own sinful, human natures.

So when God confused the peoples’ language, the Tower became known as the Tower of Babel, since “Babel” means “confusion.”  Likewise, the city where they were centered was also called “Babylon,” again, meaning “confusion.”  Romans 1:22, “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.”  Romans 1 is SO rich with so many things we need to be aware of and HEED today, especially — a powerful reminder of what happens when a people or a nation decide to abandon God and pridefully go their own way.  All through the history of the world, such action results in the same end:  Verse 21, “Because that, when they knew God, they glorified Him NOT as God, neither were they thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish hearts were darkened.”  And then, also in Romans 1, we read THREE TIMES how God “gave them over.”

In Verse 24, we read that God “gave them over”“to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves.”  In Verse 26, God “gave them over” — “unto vile affections.”  And in Verse 28, God “gave them over” — “to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are morally wrong.”

No doubt, there was much of this sort of depravity taking place in the so-called “civilization” in the city of Babylon.  And so God scattered the people from Babel.  The Tower itself was later destroyed by Xerxes in about 478 BC, and so the ruins can no longer be found.  All their prideful arrogance against God, wiped from the face of the earth.

What were the people of Babylon actually trying to achieve?  I believe they imagined in their hearts they were doing a GOOD thing — uniting, for common defense and security, for sharing of wealth and resources, for peace and safety… perhaps trying to create a “Utopian World” of peace and love… but again, they had forgotten God, and NO endeavor of man, without the blessing of God and dependence upon God will EVER be blessed by God — especially when mankind abandons Him, and begins to worship humanity — or worse yet, a false god of their own imaginations.  And while Scripture does not speak, in the story of the Tower of Babel, of a “one-world government” or “one-world leader,” this, ultimately is likely what the people there were endeavoring to institute as well.  Because we ALL have an innate need to revere and worship.  We will either worship God or we will worship someone or someTHING else.  Undoubtedly, the people of Babylon sought a universal LEADER — a MAN they could set up as King, and revere as a god.

Some things never change.  Over the centuries, we have seen MANY attempts to rebuild that  proverbial “Tower of Babel,” and usher in a One World Government — led by a special, revered “class” of people (or perhaps even one MAN as “ruler of the world”) whom the people will blindly and willingly submit to and obey.

On the surface, such plans have always sounded like great ideas — as if they were for the ultimate “good” of mankind and society in general.  But the constant and recurring fatal flaw in all these attempts has been the ELIMINATION of God from man’s plans.  And so the silly ideas of powerful men are quickly revealed to be the wicked devices of our eternal enemy, Satan — and eventually smashed to bits by the Hand of God Almighty.

We are seeing this demonic spirit of “Globalism” resurface again in our time.  Every day now, the push for a “New World Order,” a “One World Government” seems to be more and more bold and aggressive.  That SAME spirit that dwelt in the plans, hearts and minds of the Babylonians has continued to rear it’s ugly head down through the centuries;  often known as Communism and Socialism — the same ideologies we have seen in so many failed nations in the past.  And today it is back, and what was once a covert, secret “agenda” is now “out” of the “closet” and being proudly proclaimed as the answer to all that ails us by the so-called “Progressives” on the Left.  In fact, not only are they NOT hiding their evil schemes any longer — they are openly advocating for them in our houses of Congress in America and governments throughout the World.

The most recent — and most concerning — attempt at a One World Government is being orchestrated by the United Nations.  We’ve obviously all heard of the UN, but how much do we really know about it?  It began as the League of Nations after World War 1, to solve disputes between countries.  Obviously that plan failed when World War II came along, highlighting a “need” for a new organization to promote “global peace and harmony.”

In August, 1941, Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill held a secret meeting where they discussed the possibility of starting an international peace effort.  Out of this came the Atlantic Charter, which paved the way for the creation of the UN.  In 1942, representatives from 26 Allied nations met in Washington DC to sign the Declaration of the United Nations.  And on October 24, 1945, the official United Nations Charter was ratified by 51 member nations.  Today there are 193 members, representing countries from all over the world.  That new ‘Tower of Babel’ now exists in the form of the UN, but once again, the God of Creation has been excluded.  And the “new Babylon” has been located in New York City since 1952.

It’s interesting to note that while the UN professes to ensure the safety, security and equality of ALL nations and peoples, it clearly is a government and authority unto itself, where SOME are more “equal” than others.  For example, with 193 nations now represented, and the headquarters in New York City, one might be surprised to learn that delegates to the UN have what is known as “diplomatic immunity” when on American soil.  This means that delegates and ambassadors — and their staff and family members — can commit ANY crime — from jaywalking to murder — and still be immune from prosecution in American courts.  They cannot be arrested nor can they be forced to testify in court.

Additionally, while 193 countries are members of the UN, the United States pays more than 25% of the total cost of running and maintaining the UN — at taxpayer expense.

And it’s clear — from the UN Agenda 21 to the latest UN Agenda 2030, that the United Nations has as it’s main goal a New-World, One-World government.  While it has no military of it’s own, member states deploy military personnel to foreign countries at the direction of the UN, meaning that FOREIGN SOLDIERS often patrol the streets and cities of other countries.  Case in point:  Haiti, where UN soldiers from Jordan were deployed after the hurricane in Haiti in 2010.  Rather than help rebuild the country or maintain peace, this UN deployment became a foreign invasion and occupation.  Virtually NO humanitarian aid was provided by the UN, and the country remains in rubble even today – 9 years later.  Not only did UN “peacekeeping” soldiers NOT help the people — when the people peacefully protested AGAINST the occupying foreign armies, UN soldiers opened fire on them with deadly force.  Similar tyranny takes place WHEREVER the United Nations forces are stationed.

Clearly, the UN’s goal is world domination.  Agenda 21 — nearly 27 years old now, was designed for the United Nations to control all land, water, minerals, plants, animals, construction, means of production, energy resources, … as well as all education and information people receive worldwide.  It should be noted that EVERY US president since George H. Bush has been in favor of Agenda 21 — and has worked toward it’s full implementation in America and worldwide — since it’s inception… UNTIL President Trump voiced his opposition to it in 2017.

Indeed Agenda 21 has been very successful in moving toward that new “Tower of Babel,” but now they’ve stepped it up even further, with a new program known as “Agenda 2030,” which openly calls for a One-World government by that time. Agenda 2030 has 17 goals. Time does not permit to discuss all of them here today, but let me mention just a few, and translate what they mean to you and me.

Goal #1:“End poverty in all its forms everywhere.”  This means centralized banking systems, cashless “currency,” control of all finances; the ability of you and I to buy and sell.  Goal # 3:“Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.”  This means mass vaccinations, whether you want them or not; government-controlled “health care,” and “death panels,” forced sterilization and forced abortions worldwide.  Goal #4:“Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunties for all.”  This means we will all be indoctrinated with UN propaganda from cradle to grave… control, not only of our public school systems, but also our social media, entertainment and news outlets.

Goal #5:“Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.”  Here we have forced acceptance and celebration of sodomy, pedophilia, “transgenderism,” and all manner of sexual perversion.  By the way, in case you didn’t catch it, “empowering all women and girls” is Liberal “code” for “free abortion on demand.”

Other goals of Agenda 2030 include UN control of all water sources, control of food production, control of all private land, new UN taxes being imposed on sovereign citizens, UN control of the economy and private manufacturing and innovation, UN control of public transit, including determining who — and where — sovereign citizens may and may not be allowed to travel.  Not to mention “big brother” surveillance — not just in public places but even through monitoring of our own homes, cell phones and computers.  There is no such thing as “private communications” anymore.   And of course, stationing UN soldiers from foreign countries to patrol — and CONTROL — the movements and activities of free citizens here in America and around the world.  It goes without saying, none of this can  be accomplished here in America without forced gun confiscation.

The UN fully intends to implement these — and likely even more drastic measures to ensure a fully operational One-World, New-World Order within the next ten years. But like the Tower of Babel, this nefarious plan of Satan, too, will eventually be crushed by the Hand of God Almighty.  The question is, will we, as Christians, continue to remain oblivious to these goals and plans of the enemy?  Or will we educate ourselves and others and be a restraining force against the evil that threatens to engulf us — and our children and grandchildren?  2nd Corinthians 2 cautions us to not be ignorant of the schemes of the devil… and we also need to take to heart 1 Peter 5:8, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”

So learn to discern. Study God’s Word and learn from those who went before us. Do not fall for the devil’s schemes; no matter how innocent and lovely they may be presented to you.  And most of all, keep ONE thing paramount, no matter WHAT the future may hold:  WORSHIP ONLY THE ONE TRUE GOD OF HEAVEN, JESUS CHRIST HIS ONLY SON, AND OUR COMFORTER AND WONDERFUL COUNSELOR, THE HOLY SPIRIT.  Those who stand firm to the end shall be saved.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 266.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

It’s Not About Your Health

Rob Pue

Spring has arrived here in Wisconsin.  Flowers and trees are beginning to blossom as the warmer temperatures and sunny days remind us that God’s amazing creation is still doing what He designed it to do.  It’s safe to say that winter is gone now and all around us is new life.  The robins returned here a while ago; and just like every year, had to endure one last, final snow storm of the season shortly after they arrived.  Now, the nest building is in full swing as Mom and Dad Robin prepare for their new families.

We LOVE it here in Wisconsin, at least in the spring, summer and Fall; because the winters are long, cold, hard and brutal.  We look forward with great anticipation to these beautiful days because they seem to go so fast, and even faster the older we get.

But this year is different.  As we go about the work of cleaning up our yards, planting our gardens and spring cleaning our homes, we SHOULD be looking forward with great anticipation to our summer camping trips, family vacations, the 4th of July celebrations, cookouts, picnics, fireworks and kids catching fireflies.  Instead, there remains a heavy sense of uncertainty, dread and doom.  Most of the annual summer events, small town celebrations and county fairs are cancelled — already, even though it’s only May.  Campgrounds around our state remain closed for the forseeable future, along with most businesses and all restaurants, except for drive through or take-out.  The authorities are making no promises as to when any of our states will be open again, and it seems as if they’re deliberately locking us all down with unconstitutional orders for as long as they can possibly get away with it.  I’m tired of talking about this but I have to.

We have BEEN living under these drastic measures for two months now, as we watch our liberty and our hope bleed out and die a long, slow, agonizing death — and this once-great nation turn so quickly into a socialist state, ruled by tyrants.  Everyone’s life has been seriously disrupted and it seems the government is doing it’s level best to make things as miserable as possible for all of us.  Small business owners who have poured their whole lives into their companies were forced to shut down suddenly in March.  Now, after nearly two months of no income — and no hope for future income anytime soon — most have lost everything.  For them, the “American Dream,” which they worked so hard to achieve with a lot of blood, sweat and tears, has been unceremoniously ripped away from them.  Their dream has become a nightmare.  But maybe they can get a job at Walmart.  I hear they need guards there now, rather than “greeters.”

The “stimulus plan” offered to small businesses ended up coming with so many “strings” attached that many companies that really needed those loans ended up returning the funds, once they read the fine print.  Accepting a loan or grant through the stimulus program meant an automatic and extremely thorough IRS audit, among other things.  Individuals were promised a whopping $1200 check from the government, but I don’t know anyone who has received anything yet — and it’s been two months with no income for most.

As the normal “flu season” ended a month ago, we were told the country would be “open” again by Easter.  Then we were told by the end of April.  Now the Federal Government has handed down a three-step plan to SLOWLY open things back up — but only state-by-state, and only IF each state meets the near-impossible guidelines in the plan.  I say “impossible” because they keep changing the rules of their little “game,” and they continue to manipulate the numbers, regardless of the truth.

This plan comes in three phases, and if a state manages to somehow make it all the way to Phase 3, (which takes a minimum of six weeks even under the very best of circumstances), it’s important to note that there IS NO “Phase 4.”  Phase 3 is as good as it gets, but this still comes with serious restrictions.  For example, in Phase 3, even “low risk” people are told they should still minimize time spent in crowded environments.  “Large Venues,” as they’re called, which include sit-down dining, movie theaters, sporting venues and places of worship will be allowed to operate again — but ONLY under physical distancing protocols.  How’s that for getting back to “normal?”

What makes me so angry about all this — and what should make you JUST as angry — is the fact that it’s pretty clear now that this has all been a big hoax.  Yes, there was a virus.  But the virus, for 99% of the people, was no more serious than the common cold.  Even after all the media hype, and even with doctors being coerced into attributing the “cause of death” on as many death certificates as possible to “COVID-19,” thereby bolstering the numbers to TRY to give this thing some level of legitimacy, the number of those dying from COVID-19 are still well below those who died of the normal seasonal flu.

Now today, as I write this, according to The New York Times, the latest numbers indicate that New York is the “hottest” of “hot spots” in the entire country.  If you’re being fed a steady diet of mainstream media disinformation, you’d probably think that was pretty serious…  thousands dying, dropping dead in the streets, hospitals overwhelmed with patients, serious shortages of personal protective equipment, masks, ventilators, and the like.  And many believe this because that is the official narrative.  But it’s not true.  And according to The New York Times’ own report, the infection rate — in the ABSOLUTE WORST part of the country, mind you, the region hit the hardest with so many infected and dying — the infection rate there today is at 0.0012%.  Those are not MY figures, folks, those are the official CDC numbers as reported by The New York Times TODAY as I compile this message, on April 30th.

So in the most dangerous part of the entire country, the area hit the hardest, the infection rate is 0.0012%.  For THIS we continue to keep the entire nation under lockdown, all plans for summer cancelled, and many states are becoming even more strict, harsh and tyrannical with their unconstitutional rules.  In Michigan, the governor there has now made it illegal to buy garden seeds.  In Idaho, a mother was handcuffed and hauled off to jail because she let her kids play on a public playground.  This is IDAHO, folks, where the official infection rate is 0.00003%!  In California, officials filled a local skate park with sand to keep kids out. Here in Wisconsin, the state Board of Aging and Long Term Care tried to make it illegal for people to visit their elderly loved ones — even by simply waving to them through a window.  I am NOT making this up, folks.

Walmart stores now have guards at the doors.  They only allow a limited number of people in the stores at one time, and all must follow the yellow caution tape, all walking single file, in one direction, and they must exit through a different door than they entered.  Only essential items are allowed to be purchased.   Other stores that have been allowed to remain open are now requiring customers wear face masks, or they’re not allowed in at all.

Let me share something with you here that came across my desk recently…  It reads, “When the State tells you it’s safe to go to Home Depot to buy a sponge but dangerous to go and buy a flower, it’s not about your health.  When the State shuts down millions of private businesses but doesn’t lay off a single government employee, it’s not about your health.  When the State prevents you from buying cucumber seeds because it’s dangerous, but allows in-person lottery ticket sales, it’s not about your health.

“When the State tells you it’s dangerous to go golf alone, fish alone or be in a motor boat alone, and it’s ILLEGAL for YOU to get a haircut — but the Governor can get his stage makeup done, and hair done for five TV appearances a week, it’s not about your health.  When the State puts you IN a jail cell for walking in a park with your child because it’s too dangerous, but lets criminals OUT of jail cells for their health — It’s not about your health!

“When the State tells you it’s too dangerous to get treated by a doctor of chiropractic or physical therapy treatments, yet deems a liquor store essential, it’s not about your health!  When the State lets you go to the grocery store or hardware store but is demanding mail-in voting, ITS NOT ABOUT YOUR HEALTH.  WAKE UP PEOPLE!  If you think this is all about your health you’re mistaken!  Please open your eyes!  Stop being led like blind sheep.”

No it’s not about your health.  And the part about letting criminals out of jail is absolutely true — and happening nation-wide.  Inmates are being released to protect them from catching the coronavirus.  But… I thought we were all supposed to be “sheltering in place.”  I don’t know of any better way to make sure people are “sheltering in place” than by being in prison.  And yet hard-core convicts, including rapists, pedophiles and killers are being released from prisons and jails around the country, including places like Riker’s Island in New York and Cook County Jail in Chicago.  In Tampa, Florida a man was accused of shooting and killing someone the day after he was released from Hillsborough County Jail there.  This is going on all over the country.  Meanwhile, mothers of small children are hauled off to jail for the “crime” of letting their kids use the public playground.

Does ANY of this make sense to you?  A dear friend of mine asked the following questions:  “Why can you go to Walmart but not Penny’s?  Why the Dollar Store and not a mom and pop shop?  Why can’t you have an elective surgery but you can have an abortion — which is “elective?”  Why should you stay inside but yet it’s a known fact that heat and sunlight kills the virus?  What makes one person ‘essential’ and another not?  Why have most other death rates dropped during the virus?  Why did world leaders meet in New York in October 2019 for a “simulation” of a coronavirus pandemic — just a couple months before the coronavirus pandemic began?  Why are the common people being controlled by the governments and no one is controlling the government?

“Why are hospitals paid more for COVID 19 deaths?  Why does Sweden have some of the lowest cases but yet never locked down anyone at all?  Why did Anthony Fauci and Obama give the Wuhan lab $337 million dollars? What does a computer geek have to do with a pandemic? What about the “vaccine” he wants to make mandatory — and include a microchip tracking device with it for everyone on earth — BEFORE  we can “reopen America?

“Why did the CDC have a job posting for pandemic relief workers in November 2019? Why did Dr. Fauci say in 2017 that the Trump administration would be faced with a ‘SURPRISE pandemic’ and then how is it that HE is the one in charge now of the pandemic team in America?  Why are they infringing on Christians’ religious freedoms but yet Minneapolis, Minnesota is allowing muslims to install speakers in neighborhoods to do their hideous Islamic call to prayer?”

We should all be asking these questions.  As for me, I have HAD IT with this nonsense.  I’ll sooner die of “lead poisoning” than take their “mandatory” vaccine!  I also refuse to wear a mask and participate in their charade.  We’ve all been played for fools, folks.  And yes, it makes me ANGRY.  We gave the “powers that be” the benefit of a doubt for two months now, but clearly, the “virus” is nowhere near as contagious or deadly as they have claimed and yet the restrictions imposed upon us seem to get tighter and tougher with each passing day, even as fewer and fewer people are getting sick.  And the numbers NEVER DID warrant the shutdown of the entire GLOBE in the first place.  Now, hospitals from coast to coast are empty, laying off doctors, nurses and support staff.  Some facilities are closing altogether because there ARE NO patients, of any kind.

WE HAVE ALL BEEN LIED TO.  I don’t understand why President Trump (who HAS to know this is all a farce and always was) has not told us the truth or opened the country up long ago.  Perhaps he, too, is being controlled now, along with the leaders of 124 other countries around the world that are doing the same thing to THEIR people.

Last week I attended a “Reopen Wisconsin Freedom Rally” at our state capital in Madison.  I’d estimate there were between 6,000 and 9,000 people there.  It was a very patriotic and a very God-honoring event.  Like-minded people came together demanding our freedoms back, and demanding our governor reopen our state.  There were multiple heartfelt prayers and several pastors spoke from the podium, including a BLACK pastor.

I only mention he was a “black” pastor, because the day after the event, a democratic legislator issued a statement calling our event “an exercise in white privilege.”  She also basically called us all a bunch of “rednecks” and “hicks” — waving confederate flags and wielding assault rifles.  I ASSURE YOU, I WAS THERE, and there were NO confederate flags, NO assault rifles and there WERE plenty of “people of color,” as the democratic racists like to call them.  What WAS missing at the capital that day was the American flag.  The governor refused to fly it over the capital building that day, and the building was completely closed to the public.  OUR STATEHOUSE, folks.  Off limits to us “peasants.”

I guess that today, here in America, where we’re all supposed to be equal, with equal rights and equal justice for all, SOME are more equal than others.  We are witnessing the United States follow the same road as Venezuela, right before our eyes.  And many have become so frightened by the hype from the government and mainstream media they refuse to leave their homes, and if they do, they only come out wearing a mask to fight off a germ that I don’t even believe exists anymore.  Strong delusion and perilous times.  Indeed.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 290.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Freedom is Essential

Rob Pue

It’s time to open our country back up again — NOW!  Today, as I compile this message, it’s been exactly one month since President Trump issued a National State of Emergency to combat the coronavirus.  The United States is not alone.  More than 100 countries worldwide are in the same boat.

Initially, we were told it would only be for two weeks.  Then we were told the country would open back up by Easter.  Well, Easter has come and gone and still the world is in quarantine mode, and now some reports say it will only be another two weeks.  Bill Gates has said we must remain in a national shutdown for at least ten more weeks.  I have to wonder, what is HIS area of expertise?  He can’t even keep viruses from infecting his Windows computers!  And that little tyrant, Dr. Anthony Fauci, has stated that the world must remain locked down for another 18 months.

I can tell you, that if that’s the case, there’s going to be MASSIVE pushback. In fact, massive pushback is already percolating here in the US.  On April 9th, protestors held a demonstration at the capitol building in Columbus, Ohio, chanting “Freedom is essential!”  Meanwhile, the people of Michigan are also furious and are planning a protest at the state capitol there this week.  And, a “Global March for Freedom” has been announced for May 2nd if the “stay-at-home” orders are extended past April 30th.  Organizers of this event are hoping for international participation in every city hall, public park, and downtown in every country.

Meanwhile, things are getting crazier.  According to World Net Daily, the “experts’” prediction of 50,000 people being hospitalized in New York by April 1st turned out to be 400% too high.  Hospitals across the country are hurting, along with all the rest of the businesses.  As they prepared for a huge influx of new COVID-19 patients, they cancelled all elective surgeries and most are only open now for emergencies.  But the coronavirus patients never came, so most hospitals are now sitting empty, as we’ve seen in videos posted online by citizen reporters who have personally GONE to their local hospitals and clinics to check the situation out for themselves.  What they found was that  what we’re seeing on the evening news is NOT what is taking place in real life.  We’re being LIED TO, folks, on a MASSIVE scale.

In actuality, doctors, nurses and other hospital staff are being laid off or let go, because there are no patients to treat, and there won’t be, until this nation-wide lockdown ends. My own daughter, who is a registered nurse, was let go from her job last week. There are no patients, and the hospitals are hemmoraging money.  They had no choice.  The truth of the matter is that medical workers are getting laid off by the thousands all across the country.

Meanwhile, state and federal restrictions of American citizens are becoming more and more ridiculous.  In Kentucky last week, judges ordered at least a half dozen people to wear GPS ankle monitors (just like convicted criminals), because they violated the “stay-at-home” orders.  An official of the World Health Organization has stated that they “may need to start entering private homes and remove family members” — for their own “good,” of course.  I can just imagine the Nanny State starting to go door-to-door and forcibly removing children from their parents, placing them “who-knows-where,” and forbidding any contact between parents and children.  If you think such a thing could never happen here, just look around you.  Never in my wildest imaginations would I have believed our entire COUNTRY — and even the entire WORLD — could be FORCED, through a united effort of ALL the world leaders to close down private businesses, forbid meetings of any kind, and penalize people for leaving their homes.

People are literally being arrested now for going outdoors, while at the same time, prison and jail officials are releasing convicted criminals with no supervision or oversight — once again, for their safety.  This makes NO sense.  I thought they wanted us to “self quarantine.”  What could me more “quarantined” than a prison or jail?  But they’re letting the inmates go free, while arresting and penalizing law-abiding citizens.

And people are also going “stir-crazy,” as they are now unable to really GO anywhere or DO anything, because everything is closed. No more “date nights” for married couples.  They can’t even go out for dinner at a restaurant, unless they drive through and eat in the car.

But even being in your own car, completely separated from other people is not “good enough” now for the tyrants that have imprisoned us all.  Police in Greenville, Mississippi raided the parking lot of the Temple Baptist Church last week and issued $500 fines to everyone in attendance at the church’s “Drive-in” service.  On Easter Sunday, the Maryville Baptist Church in Hillview, Kentucky held their service as usual.  But prior to the service, church workers had to clear the parking lot of nails, which were spread throughout the parking area by “someone” who wanted to stop the service.  Police there issued warnings and a 14-day quarantine order to every person.

I also think of all the brides-to-be that have planned for spring weddings. They can likely still get married, if they can find a courthouse that’s open now to fill out the legal paperwork.  But the bridal shops are closed, the reception halls are closed, the photographers are closed, the caterers are closed.  Everything is closed.  So there will BE NO church weddings until further notice, nor will newlyweds be allowed to celebrate and eat a meal with their family and friends.

Here in Wisconsin, the governor has closed forty state parks, forests and recreational areas, so while technically, you are “allowed” to go for a walk or to go outside and walk your dog, they don’t want you going very far. It goes without saying that children are not allowed to play or visit with friends, go to the park or in some cases, even play outside with their siblings in their own back yard.  In one case, a couple of kids were playing in their backyard, and neighbors called the police to report them for not “social distancing.”  The police showed up with FIVE squad cars, called the kids’ father on the phone, and ordered him out of his house, with his hands in the air, at gunpoint, then proceeded to question him about his kids playing in the back yard, while all the neighbors watched the excitement of the dad being interrogated in the driveway by a SWAT team.  I can just imagine the neighborhood gossip.

This is insane, people. How much longer are we going to tolerate this? I understand that the end-goal of the UN, the WHO, the CDC, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, George Soros and other members of the “deep state” is to use this so-called “pandemic” to bring about a One-World government and implement the UN’s ID-2020 “vaccine,” complete with a microchip implant to track everyone on planet earth.  The question is, are we going to simply go along with all this like good little guinea pigs?

You can call me a “conspiracy theorist” if you like, but if you do a little research, you would see that there DEFINITELY IS a conspiracy, but it is FAR from a theory.  This has been in the planning stages for years.  Yes, there is a virus out there.  As a matter of fact, there are MANY viruses out there.  And other germs too.  But let me ask you this:  if the TV news didn’t TELL you there was a virus, would you even know about it?  Truly, the mainstream media has worked hand-in-hand with the New World Globalists to indoctrinate us with fake news and propaganda, to keep us all under control and fearful for our lives if we do NOT comply.

I do extensive research on this topic just about every day.  I get all the latest RELIABLE news and information from trusted sources — NOT the mainstream press.  The infection rate and the death rate that was PROJECTED to be accurate has proven to be all an incredible hoax.  Did you know that an Army field hospital set up in Seattle (which is supposed to be one of the so-called ‘hot spots’) closed down after 9 days?  It never saw even one single patient.

LifeSiteNews described our situation well:  “the American economic boom of the past three years has been reversed in a matter of days, millions have lost their jobs, tens of thousands of small businesses have been shuttered and will probably never reopen, and three-quarters of the American population has been subjected to some form of house arrest by state, county and city governments.

“All over the country people are being fined or arrested and jailed for violating suddenly imposed restrictions on their every movement and gathering, often with the aid of their neighbors, who turn them in to the police, following instructions on how to be a ‘snitch.’ Attendance at religious services has been forbidden altogether or limited to ten people, even in vast cathedrals, while ‘permission’ is granted to crowd supermarkets and convenience stores, buy booze, purchase cannabis and have pets groomed.”

This article goes on to say, “In New York State, the Bill Gates-subsidized Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IMHE) “model” predicting doom in that state has been exposed as little short of a hoax, as its dire predictions are continually being slashed to match actual numbers and are still wildly off the mark. Yet, in New York City, hovering drones bark out commands to observe ‘social distancing’ of ‘at least six feet’ in a message that ends on a chillingly Orwellian note: ‘We are all in this together!’

 “America’s almost instantaneous transformation into a police state is based on ‘models’ that ‘predicted’ upwards of 2 million deaths from the Wuhan virus without ‘mitigation’  in the form of a preposterous attempt to quarantine 330 million people. And the people have obsequiously bowed to every ridiculous command.

“It is becoming clearer with each passing day that the death toll from the Wuhan virus is not rising exponentially as the ‘experts’ predicted but only modestly in some places while leveling off and even declining almost everywhere else in the country — as well as the world.”

Until now, I’ve given President Trump the benefit of a doubt for his actions in this.  I DO believe he wants the best for this country, but I also believe, now, that he is being controlled, somehow, just as all the other world leaders are being controlled — and FORCED to comply with these “lockdown” orders.  I believe he WANTS to open the country back up immediately, but he is being forbidden from doing so by powers greater than him.

We know some of the players that are behind all this, and we can guess who some of the others are.  But my question is, how much longer are we going to put up with all this?  How much longer are we going to cower in our homes, keep our businesses and industries and churches closed, keep ourselves separated from one another so we cannot communicate as a group of like-minded patriots and freedom-seekers?

Will we allow this to go on into the summer and fall?  Are we content watching our American way of life be taken over by communism, relying on the government to “save” us and supply all our needs?  What will Independence Day, 2020 look like — you know, the day we celebrate our American history and FREEDOM?  Will there be any parades, any family get-togethers and cookouts, any fireworks or summertime vacations?  Or not?

We’re on a dangerous course, friends.  This cannot continue.  Those who are planning the Global March for Freedom on May 2nd are not fooling around.  Because freedom IS essential.

To those who say I’m being reckless and irresponsible by calling for a total and complete end to this nonsense right now, because they say by encouraging that, I’m putting people in danger of infection and possible death, my advice to you would be to turn off the TV news.  Even Fox News.   Turn it all off, and do some research.  We are still, at least at this time, able to research and study all this for ourselves through independent CREDIBLE sources online and we’re able to get the truth.  And the more truth I learn about all this, the angrier I become.  We’ve all been duped, and the “solution” the so- called “experts” have called for to this “Planned-Demic” is destroying us.

Don’t bother writing your congressmen — they don’t work for you, and if you didn’t know that already, I don’t know what to tell you.  No, our “public servants” have made us their slaves.  And if we don’t see a complete end to this tyranny within a week or two now, then I do believe it’s time for American patriots to rise up and demand our freedom back.  We’re not just fighting a battle with a foreign enemy; we’re also fighting the enemy within — not to mention the spiritual battle in the heaven lies behind all of it.

God is allowing all of this to happen.  He’s allowed all our idols to be smashed and He’s given us the opportunity now to wake up, rise up, rebuild and revive His people.  This is a great last-chance for many, who are now suddenly open and interested in what the Bible has to say about all these things.  We’re at a point in history like no other.  Please understand, that what each of us decides to DO now will have eternal significance.  Let’s not waste this opportunity God may yet give us, and IF He allows us our freedom back, let’s do life right —  as we rebuild and CLEANSE America of all the evil, all the filth, all the liars and lies, all the blood guiltiness and perversion and immorality.    Because if we’re going to see the “swamp” that America has become drained, it’s going to be up to US.  Meanwhile, let us always remember, Jesus is LORD… and one day even the tyrants who now seem to be so invincible will bow their knees in shame and admit just that.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

What in the World is Happening?

Rob Pue

It’s been said that a lie can travel half-way around the world while the TRUTH is still putting on it’s shoes.  We live in a time of great deception, like no other.  Some are now coming to understand that, but others are still blind.  Even though WE KNOW the government and our politicians lie to us about just about everything.  And we know the mainstream media is nothing more than the indoctrination and propaganda arm of a giant octopus of globalists and New World Order elitists.  Yet so many still believe that SOMEHOW, THIS TIME, the government, politicians and media are really telling us the truth and only have our best interests in mind regarding this coronavirus “pandemic.”

I don’t claim to know exactly what’s happening now.  There are many theories.  But clearly something’s not right here.  You don’t shut down the engine and economy of the entire GLOBE, locking down the majority of citizens of Planet Earth because of a virus that has proven to be largely harmless to most of the people.  Things are not as they’d have us believe.


On October 18, 2019,  The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum hosted “a high level pandemic exercise” in New York City called “Event 201.”  This event included CEOs of major corporations, media and communications professionals, business, finance and economic leaders, health officials, UN officials and government leaders.  Key players included New World Order Globalists and those pushing for global “population control.”  This was a SIMULATION of a world-wide pandemic, to study how such a catastrophe would impact the world economically and socially.  It was sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Bank, the World Economic Forum, the Center for Disease Control, the United Nations Foundation, NBC broadcasting, the Bloomberg Foundation, and the Central Intelligence Agency — yes, the CIA.  And the TYPE of pandemic that was studied was a CORONAVIRUS.

On the same day that Event 201 began, the World Military Games began in Wuhan, China.  This was an “Olympic-type” sporting event for service members from around the world to compete in sporting events.  And the United Nations had a very large presence at the World Military Games.  Incidentally, the United States came in 35th place in awards out of 56 countries at the games.  China came in first, and Russia second.

Also, for some reason, there was a mass exodus of CEOs resigning from their companies in 2019.  In all, 1,480 CEOs resigned last year, and nearly 300 more quit between January and March of this year.  It seems they knew something we didn’t know.

We also know that China has been busy building economic, diplomatic and military alliances with countries around the world, including Mexico and many Central and South American nations.  There are Chinese army troops currently on the ground in many of these countries right now, training and financing their armed forces.

And did you know that 200 Italian businesses are now controlled by Chinese owners…. and Chinese investors and firms now own a majority of 2,400 US companies?   Additionally, China owns 150,000 acres of prime farm land in the United States.

We hear the word “pandemic” a lot now.  But just what, exactly, IS a “pandemic?”  A ‘Pandemic’ is declared when the death-to-infection rate of a disease reaches more than 12%.  Here are the current statistics on the Coronavirus:

In Europe, the death rate is 0.4%, except for Italy, which peaked at 6% and is now declining.  According to the official reports, 99% of those who died in Italy — with their deaths attributed to the virus — were 80 years old or older and had other underlying illnesses already.  China’s death rate from the virus peaked at 3% but is now reported to be less than 0.7%.  On March 26th, Dr. Anthony Fauci HIMSELF wrote in the New England Journal of Medicine that the effects of the Coronavirus would be substantially less than that of the normal flu virus, with a mortality rate of less than 0.1%.  So why, now, all the hysteria and over-reaction?

I’ve been researching all of this extensively, and I HAVE the numbers, but for the sake of space, I’ll leave it to you to do the research and math.  But suffice to say that as of April 4th, worldwide deaths from the coronavirus have been less than 0.5% of those infected.  What’s more, studies show that only 2% of people age 19 and younger contract COVID-19; 12% of middle-aged people get it and just 24% of people 80 years old or older catch it, MOST who are already sick with other illnesses.


Millions of people worldwide have essentially been locked down.  All businesses considered to be “non essential” have been forced to close.  Here in America, draconian measures have been taken to assure “social distancing,” meaning that in most places now, it’s forbidden for ten or more people to gather, even outdoors.  In some states, groups of two or more people are forbidden.  Hotlines and websites have been set up for people to essentially “turn their neighbors in” to law enforcement if they feel they’re not following the rules.

In addition to professional sports, movie theaters, theme parks and concert arenas have been forced to close for the foreseeable future;  93% of churches in the United States are now closed.  Bill DeBlasio, Mayor of New York, has stated that churches that disregard his order to close may be forced to close permanently.  In China, they’re demolishing church buildings.

And here in our country, those who are considered to be “essential workers” are “allowed” to leave home, but they’ve been issued “travel papers” by their employers to prove to law enforcement they have a legitimate reason to be out on the streets if they’re  stopped and questioned.

On March 27th, Trump signed an Executive Order allowing him to activate up to 1 million Individual Ready Reserves.  These are retired military personnel, not regular “Reserve” troops.  Currently, there are 12,500 National Guard members that have been mobilized, and countless numbers of heavy military vehicles have been seen being transported throughout the country.

On April 1st, Mike Pompeo ordered all American citizens who are currently in other countries to return home immediately.

And here’s something you won’t see on the evening news:  The Pentagon and NORAD is now sending high-level staffers — and some of the most critical US senior military commanders and nuclear and special operations forces to the Cheyenne Mountain bunker facility in Colorado — 2000 feet underground — to ensure that in the event of a sudden security crisis, including any potential nuclear mission, there will be enough healthy troops and leaders to carry out orders.

Social distancing rules are becoming more and more strict in public, even now at Walmart stores, where only a certain number of people are being allowed in the building at a time, and aisles have been cordoned off so customers must move single file, all in one direction while inside the stores.  Several states have ordered that IF people must leave their homes to obtain essential supplies, only one family member is allowed to make the trip.  Even outdoor facilities, like playgrounds and parks have closed down.

Still, as we see every day when President Trump and his White House Coronavirus Task Force hold press conferences, THEY are NOT ‘social distancing,’ but rather, standing shoulder-to-shoulder.  Likewise, the MEDIA at these press conferences are sitting right next to one another in the audience.  Curious.

The media has been reporting that hospitals across the country are being ‘overwhelmed’ with patients coming to be tested and hospitalized with the virus.  Hospitals across the country have set up tents outside to accommodate overflow patients and for virus testing.  Refrigerated semi-trucks have been brought in to serve as overflow “morgue” space for deceased patients.  HOWEVER, citizen reporters have checked on this:  in city after city, ordinary citizens have visited their local hospitals — including hospitals in New York City — and posted videos online showing hospitals that are completely empty, totally void of people.  Empty emergency rooms, empty tents, no people anywhere.  Videos are circulating all over the internet showing the same thing:  in MOST cities across the country, there ARE NO COVID-19 patients, no overwhelmed hospitals or hospital workers.  In New York harbor, the 1000-bed hospital ship “Comfort” has a total of three patients.  In Los Angeles, the hospital ship “Mercy” has 15.


I don’t believe the entire world has been shut down because of a virus that has been PROVEN to be much less serious and much less devastating than the annual flu bug.  There IS a Coronavirus and it DOES make people sick, but it’s not an airborne virus — you can only catch it through direct contact with bodily fluids from an infected person.  And, as studies have repeatedly shown, even among the most vulnerable people in the population — those over 80 years old — only 24% contract the virus.  What’s more, unless one is very elderly and suffering from other ailments already, most people recover at home within a few days or a couple of weeks.

Many people — even Christians — believe in the mysterious figure on the internet known as “Q-Anon.”   “Q” has been predicting a lot of things for a lot of years, but I have yet to see even one of those predictions come to pass.  The current theory from “Q” is that while everyone around the world is “locked down” the “good guys” will be arresting the “bad guys,” including members of the “deep state,” “shadow government,” pedophile celebrities and traitors.  That would be great if it were true, but I don’t believe it is.

A theory that I find much more plausible is a coming global financial reset — as the world economy is destroyed under the guise of a deadly “pandemic.”  This seems like an opportune time for the implementation of a new, one-world currency.  Debt would be erased, the slate wiped clean and the world would start over with this new currency, which would, of course, be a DIGITAL currency.  In fact, during the stimulus package negotiations in Congress, Nancy Pelosi even floated the idea of a “digital wallet” which would be mandatory for all.

This also lines up with the UN agenda for what they call “ID 2020.”  (It IS the year 2020, after all, so this is right on schedule).  “ID 2020” is a UN plan that uses a VACCINATION as a platform for a digital form of identification.  Your digital ID would include everything about you, including health and vaccine records, assets, credit and debt, and could could also TRACK everyone in the world digitally — for our own “safety” and “protection,” of course.  Imagine: no more missing children, no more identity theft or stolen credit cards.  And now that the media has pretty much the whole world frightened out of their wits over this coronavirus “pandemic,” it seems millions would eagerly line up now to get the vaccine, which would, at the same time, wipe out their debts as we start over, and even include “free money” in the “digital accounts” — something millions will actually need, having lost everything after months of no income.  And what could be easier than an implanted microchip in one’s hand or forehead that’s simply scanned wherever you go, for whatever you may need?

Incidentally, Bill Gates and other world “elites” and globalilsts have been big supporters of “ID 2020” as they seek to bring about a one world government, a New World Order and a One World Economic System.  We’ve already been told we’re on the “fast track” now for a coronavirus vaccine, and what would normally take a year or more to develop could come in just a few months.

There’s yet one more theory as to why the world has suddenly become a prison planet, which I believe is very plausible as well, but space does not allow me to elaborate here.  Maybe next time I will speak on that.  In the meantime, let us pray together that the plans of the evil ones are thwarted.  We also need to prepare, as true Christ-followers for the persecution that God’s Word TELLS US is coming.  And it IS coming, and it’s out of our control.  But friends, remember, it is NOT out of GOD’S control.  We may not escape persecution or perilous times, but as we read in Revelation, we WILL overcome the enemy, “by the blood of the Lamb, the word of our testimony, and loving not our own lives, even unto death.”  Let us be faithful to our Lord and Savior and stand strong ‘til the end — no matter what comes — and regarding the work He has called us all to, no matter what comes upon us, may we all finish well, KNOWING that He will work all things together for good for those that love Him and are called according to His purpose.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 287.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Welcome to the New ‘Normal’

Rob Pue

Let me begin today by noting that this message is being compiled on Monday, March 30th, so that you will have a reference point.  Because by the time you read or hear this commentary the information contained here will have likely changed, but this is the situation as it stands today.

As of today, the country has been officially “locked down” for 17 days.  It was March 13th when President Trump declared a National State of Emergency to fight the Coronavirus, and since that time the majority of states have issued “shelter in place” or “stay at home” orders.  Businesses that the government consider to be “non-essential” have been forced to close their doors, with no indication when they may reopen.  Restaurants nationwide are closed, except for take-out and delivery orders.

Interstate travel within the United States has not yet been prohibited, however, several states are issuing strict orders regarding those who travel there from “hot spot” locations including Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Miami, Atlanta, Detroit, Chicago,  California, Louisiana and Washington state.  In most instances those traveling to other areas are ordered to “self-quarantine” for a minimum of 14 days after their arrival.

The Mexican and Canadian borders are closed.  Just today the states of Texas and Florida are prohibiting visitors from Louisiana to enter.  A friend in Canada reported over the weekend that there are now long lines at grocery stores there, with only a limited number of people allowed in the stores at a time.  And when they ARE allowed inside, most of the shelves are bare.  The governments in the UK, Germany and other European nations have now banned all gatherings of TWO or more people.  Currently in the US, the ban is generally for ten or more people.

As more people are now being given tests for the virus, the numbers are naturally rising. The official numbers today are: 147,794 confirmed cases, 4,886 have recovered and there have been 2,596 deaths attributed to the virus.  Most who die after contracting the virus have been “high risk” patients — those with pre-existing medical conditions or compromised immune systems.  While their cause of death may NOT be the coronavirus, but one of those underlying conditions, if they have the virus when they die, they’re considered a victim of the virus and added to the numbers.

This has, of course, caused the closing of all public and private schools, as well as churches, clubs and other organizations — in addition to all private businesses if they’re considered “non-essential,” even if such businesses rarely have ten customers or clients in their buildings at a time.  I find it interesting that liquor stores are considered “essential businesses” in every state… and in those states that have legalized the use of recreational marijuana, the marijuana stores are considered to be “essential.”  Not to mention the abortion centers that are still allowed to remain open in most states, under the guise of ‘womens’ healthcare.’  How can THIS be considered “essential” when killing one’s child is an “elective surgery?”  I thought it was a choice… remember “My body, my CHOICE?”  Whatever happened to THAT?!

Meanwhile, thousands upon thousands of small businesses across the country have been forced to close.  Over the weekend, President Trump announced that the mandated “social distancing” rules will now extend AT LEAST to the end of April, and indicated that the lockdown may extend into July, August or even longer.

Please know that I do a great deal of research, and cross-checking references on news items before I share them.  It’s not always easy to tell truth from fiction.  But here’s what I know:  In October of 2019, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in partnership with the World Economic Forum hosted (quote)“a high level pandemic exercise” in New York.  This event included CEOs of major corporations, health officials, UN officials and government leaders.

This was a SIMULATION of a world-wide pandemic, to study how such a catastrophe would impact the world economically and socially.  This “study,” incidentally, was paid for by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  And INTERESTINGLY, the TYPE of pandemic that was studied was a CORONAVIRUS.  You can research this for yourself.  It’s called “Event 201.”  And it was just two months later that the coronavirus began in Wuhan, China.

It’s interesting to note that many of the CEOs present at this exercise (including Bill Gates) have since resigned their positions.  In fact there has been a record number of CEOs of MANY corporations that have resigned since “Event 201.”  Why would they all suddenly do that?  What do they know that we don’t know?

Over the weekend, news reports began coming in from Rhode Island, where police, backed up by the National Guard, are now going door-to-door to (in THEIR words) “hunt down” New Yorkers who have fled the state seeking refuge from the Coronavirus.  Last Friday, police also began stopping cars in Rhode Island with New York license plates and signs were posted ordering New York drivers to pull over to a checkpoint for questioning.

According to the Huffington Post, National Guard members have also been posted at Rhode Island’s airport, train stations and bus stops to interrogate travelers.  The penalty for not complying with the state’s quarantine order is a fine of up to $500 and 90 days in jail.  Meanwhile, videos posted on social media over the weekend show massive movement of heavy duty military vehicles — not humanitarian aid vehicles, but rather tanks and armored personnel carriers — on trains, headed to all parts of the country.  We have seen such movements here before, even just five years ago during the “Jade Helm” exercises which involved four of the five branches of the military in multiple states, ostensibly to train for controlling civilian populations “in other countries,” they said.  “Jade Helm” left a lot of people suspecting martial law was imminent under the Obama administration.  But we have never before seen such military operations in action, simultaneously with a nation-wide lockdown of all American citizens.

As a matter of fact, we’ve never before seen ANYTHING like what’s happening today. Those the government deems to be “essential workers” have now been issued “travel papers” to show law enforcement should they be pulled over and questioned by police.  Just like Nazi Germany.  And while we’re not downplaying the fact that the Coronavirus is real and IS affecting people, numerous very credible doctors and scientists have stated repeatedly that the infection and death rates the government and media are showing us are false and nothing more than projections — guesses — of a worst case scenario.  These same experts have repeatedly stated that the typical flu virus is much more serious and takes many more lives than the Coronavirus has, or will.  These doctors and scientists are wondering the same thing many of us are wondering:  what is REALLY going on here?

Here’s a headline from the Chicago Tribune, dated March 20th:  it reads, “Those trains you see transporting military vehicles? Illinois National Guard says they’re not part of enforcing a lockdown.”  The article states: “Though the governor activated the Illinois National Guard earlier this week to help combat the virus, the service members don’t have a role in enforcing any lockdown order issued by the government.”  OK.  But it’s interesting how the military IS indeed, now, enforcing lockdown in Rhode Island.  My guess is it’s only a matter of time before all-out martial law is declared nationwide, under the guise of keeping everyone “safe” by keeping them locked in their homes.

Meanwhile, while half of Americans were “sheltering in place” in their homes, many glued to the mainstream media “news” on TV, Congress passed the largest economic stimulus package in history, to the tune of 2 TRILLION dollars.  The average American will receive a check in the amount of $1200 in a few weeks.  However, as usual, our dedicated “public servants” added more than a few pounds of “pork” as it broke our national piggy bank to smithereens.

Notably: $25 million for the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts; $75 million for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting; $50 million for the Institute of Museum and Library Services; $150 million for the National Endowment of the Arts and Humanities; $88 million to the Peace Corp; $250 million for the IRS to cover “taxpayer services” and “enforcement;” $350 million for Migration and Refugee Assistance; $30.8 BILLION for the Department of Education (or should I say the “Department of Indoctrination?”)  What do these things have to do with helping the average middle class American, suffering from potentially months of lost income?  I don’t know.

At one point in the stimulus package negotiations, Nancy Pelosi was insisting on implementing — RIGHT NOW — a new “digital currency” in America.  That provision is NOT in this final agreement, but clearly it IS on the overall agenda, along with ID 2020, “Real ID,” Agenda 21, the Green New Deal… and most assuredly, a new One World Government and a New World Order.  While on the subject, we may as well add mandatory vaccinations, implanted microchips with all our personal data, financial information, health history, social media, cell phone, internet and other electronic interactions, personal tracking and locating, and more.  The days of your personal business being YOUR personal business are over, I believe.  Because if Government and the mainstream media can team up so well to foment THIS MUCH FEAR in Americans, the world we lived in just a few weeks ago, I’m afraid, is gone forever.  Welcome to the new ‘Normal.’

There will be many small “mom and pop” stores and literally thousands of small businesses that have been forced to close by our government and will never have the resources to open again — even if the ‘powers that be’ allow it.  You can’t just shut down someone’s business, their LIVLIHOOD for weeks or months, with no notice, and expect them to rebound just fine with their $1200 check.  It’s not happening.  I grieve for the many companies that are closed now, and likely gone forever — many family businesses that have been in operation for generations.  Wiped out by Big Brother.  I truly don’t know what they will do.

As I said previously, we don’t know what the entire purpose of all this is, but it’s very obvious to all with eyes to see that this is about much more than a virus which is less of a threat than an average case of the flu.  Nefarious forces are at work, with evil intent.  But what the enemy has meant for evil, I believe God WILL work for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.  Yes, even in this, good things have happned.

For example, the public schools have closed down.  No more government indoctrination of our young people with liberal, socialist ideologies.  No more perverted sex-education classes.  Now, PARENTS have the opportunity to raise and teach their children at home.  The same is true with the colleges that have closed down.  To a large degree, the indoctrination has stopped, and Lord willing, many young people will have a chance to come out of the Leftist “brain fog” that has been clawing at their souls, and seek out the real truth for themselves.

Likewise, since the public libraries have closed, there will be no more “Drag Queen Story Times” for the duration of this government “exercise.”  If this should go into the summer months, the thousands of homosexual “pride” parades will also be cancelled.  The bars have closed down, the strip clubs have closed down, along with other evil “entertainment” venues.  It seems that the hand of God has suddenly SMASHED all of our hedonistic idols in America.

This crisis has also caused us to rethink how we “do” church.  With all the church buildings closed down, many Christians are now meeting in homes in small groups, digging in and studying for themselves what God’s Word has to say regarding all we see coming upon our world today.  Also, with so many lost souls wandering the streets and surfing the web at home now, seeking answers and TRUTH, I pray many will come to know Christ as Savior AND Lord through all of this… something that most likely would never have happened had our churches simply continued “business as usual.”

We don’t know what the future holds.  We never know what a day may bring.  But we do know our Lord is returning one day, and perhaps one day very soon now.  We see the signs of the times and know that even amidst the delusion, lies and wickedness in high places, our Creator, GOD is still in control.  Again, I implore you to not waste this opportunity to draw close to your Savior.  Make Him your Lord and prepare yourselves spiritually, so that you may be ready yourselves for that Day when you meet Him face to face, and so that you will be able to bring a multitude of others along with you into His kingdom, for eternity.  May you have that peace that passes all understanding, even in the midst of these trials, even as we walk boldly into the unknown days ahead.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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A ‘Planned-Demic’

Rob Pue

I’ve put off compiling this message as long as I could.  But I can wait no longer.  Today is Sunday, March 22 and I’m astounded how the world has changed in just a week’s time!  Actually, it’s been coming for a while now.

A couple of months ago, we began to see images coming out of Wuhan, China — a mega-city of 11 million people — that were shocking and horrific.  People being rounded up by officials in haz-mat suits, grabbed off the street, thrown into vans and taken away.  Other videos showed people falling over dead in the streets from this “Coronavirus.”  YouTube videos, taken by people living in Wuhan, showed how the entire city was completely locked down — people forced to stay in their homes.  Several videos I saw showed officials actually welding the doors shut on apartment buildings, to keep the occupants trapped inside.  Aerial views of Wuhan depicted a giant mega-city completely devoid of people — a literal “ghost town.”

Reports out of China told of how thousands had already died of the virus, their bodies quickly incinerated to stop the spread of the disease.  A couple weeks ago, we learned that 40 new “mobile crematoriums” were in place — and a gigantic “hospital” for the sick was built from scratch and put into operation in only ten days.

Indeed the news was grim.  “But such a thing could NEVER happen here,” I thought.  “It would take a lot more than just a ‘virus’ for anything like that to happen here…”  But again, how the world has changed in just a few days.  As Americans, we were concerned about those stricken with the illness in China, those trapped in their homes, those hauled off by police, never to see their families again.  “This is bad,” we thought.  “But it could never happen here.”  And we went on with our lives, because it HADN’T happened here, so it didn’t really affect us — yet.  And there were questions as to how much of what we were seeing in the mainstream press and on YouTube was really true.  After all, we’ve seen the media choreograph “fake news” time and time again to push an agenda.  So we “felt the pain” of the Chinese people, but life went on here, as usual.

This past weekend was our annual Wisconsin Christian News Ministry Expo and Conference, held on Friday and Saturday.  It was a wonderful gathering of “eyes-wide-open” Christians yearning to hear the truth.  A couple days prior to the start of our event, I began getting phone calls from people planning to attend, asking me if I was going to cancel due to the news stories coming from the mainstream media regarding the coronavirus.  These calls continued right up to the day we began — I must have had at least a hundred of them — and everyone who contacted me was greatly encouraged when I told them “No, we will go forward as planned!”  Many great testimonies came out of our event — some, nothing short of miraculous — as the Holy Spirit of God truly was with us all during that time.

But prior to — and in the midst of our Conference — the mainstream media stories started to get more and more intense.  Government officials, at both the state and federal levels, began issuing directives telling everyone to avoid any large gatherings of 250 people or more.  On Friday afternoon, President Trump issued a national “State of Emergency” because of the virus.

By Sunday afternoon, officials began closing things down… issuing orders for people to “self-quarantine” in their homes.  Before long we were told to avoid places where TEN or more people were gathered.

Monday morning brought even more serious government orders.  Businesses were ordered to close their doors.  In fact, the public shopping mall where we held our event closed on Monday “for the forseeable future.”  Restaurants were ordered to close, except for drive-through, carryout or delivery.  By Monday afternoon, just about all public venues had shut down — schools, stores, offices, restaurants, hotels, libraries, government offices, banks — even medical facilities, except for emergencies.

And on Monday morning, though I did not really have the time to do it, I thought it would be prudent to restock our emergency supplies, so I went to Sam’s Club.  The store was in chaos:  shoppers and workers wearing rubber gloves and face masks, RACING through the aisles, pushing and shoving one another.  And of course, as we have seen nation-wide, hoarding toilet paper.

Soon there was talk of shutting down inter-state travel (something that has not happened — yet).  And in just the past few days, several mega-cities have been put on strict lockdown, including San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago and Las Vegas.  People have been ORDERED to stay in their homes (something I see no way to enforce short of all-out martial law).  Indeed, so far— as of today — three entire states are locked down: New York, California and Illinois.  That’s about 70 million people, with more states soon to follow suit.  This means that gatherings of ANY size are now banned in these states and people must remain in their homes, except for those with “essential jobs,” and errands such as buying groceries, medicine or going to the doctor.

As I write this message, air travel is still in operation, but the airline industry is on life-support.  One of the speakers at our conference flew in from across the country and his trip HERE was a typical flight — but on his flight HOME he was one of only six people on the airplane.  You can now fly from Wisconsin to California for only $39.

The immediate result of this pandemic scare has been to cripple the world economy.  The markets have crashed, worldwide.  To illustrate just how serious the government is about this now, they actually moved “tax day” from April 15th to July 15th.  Imagine THAT.

I get news from a wide range of sources.  In fact, because of the work I do, I’m “plugged in” to the news just about 24/7.  But this past Tuesday night I turned on the TV news to see what the mainstream media had to say.  The President was giving a press conference along with a multitude of health officials.  That day, several states held elections for the democratic presidential primaries.  At the bottom of the screen, they were scrolling through the results of those elections, showing Joe Biden had a huge lead over Bernie Sanders.

At first, I thought to myself, “Well, good, at least even the Democrats aren’t buying into Bernie’s plan  of socialism for America.”  But then immediately I realized the President and his advisors were talking about sending everyone in America a check for $1000, with more checks to be issued periodically in the coming months, at least through October.  The press conference went on to talk about how the GOVERNMENT was going to do everything possible to take care of us all.  So while we were all busy being distracted by the “left hand” of the threat of socialism coming from the Democrats, the “right hand” of BOTH parties was now TELLING US socialism is basically here already — and NECESSARY — because of the current “crisis.”  After all, they certainly couldn’t let a perfectly good crisis “go to waste,” and indeed they won’t.

Let me say right now that I am NOT downplaying the seriousness of this virus.  Yes, there IS a coronavirus out there and it IS affecting people, and people ARE dying from it.  However, as you have heard multiple times before this, from a great many other sources, THOUSANDS more people die from the flu each year than have died from this virus.  “Coronavirus,” by the way is common — the common cold is a “coronavirus.”  This one is more serious, no doubt.  But let’s get some perspective, because our government and media, I believe, has “hyped” this for a specific agenda.

Consider this:  82,000 people are sick with Coronavirus at the moment, of which 77,000 are in China, which has a population of over 1.1 billion. This means that if you are not in or haven’t recently visited China, this should eliminate 94% of your concern.  If you do contract Coronavirus, this still is not a cause for panic because: 81% of the cases are MILD; 14% of the cases are MODERATE and only 5% of the cases are CRITICAL.  This means that even if you do get the virus, you are most likely to recover from it.

This coronavirus, or COVID-19 has a fatality rate of only 2%, and looking at the ages of those who are dying, the death rate for the people UNDER 50 years of age is only 0.2%.  This means that if you are under 50 years of age and don’t live in China, you are more likely to win the lottery (which has a 1 in 45,000,000 chance).  Indeed, on any given day, more people die from cancer, heart disease and diabetes than from COVID-19.  What’s more, on any given day, suicide takes 28 TIMES more lives than the virus.  Again, I am not saying there is NO virus, or that it’s all a hoax, or that we need not be concerned.  But let’s get some perspective on it, rather than react out of fear as the governments of the world and our mainstream media would prefer.

I also have a few questions.  Government and health officials, while virtually closing down all commerce, crashing the economy, and locking people down in their homes, have told us to avoid crowds of ten or more people.  In some places such gatherings are forbidden now, by “law.”  But why, then, do we see all the government and health officials gathered together, standing shoulder to shoulder (so they can all get on-camera) during their daily press conferences?  Why don’t they speak one at a time, keeping the “mandatory” 6-feet-apart distance from one another?  Where are THEIR rubber gloves and masks?  I’m just asking.

Also, are you aware of a thing called “Event 201?”  If not, I think you’ll find this interesting, and I ENCOURAGE you to research it out for yourself.  In October of 2019 — just five months ago, and just a month before the first case of COVID-19 appeared — The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum hosted (quote) “a high level pandemic exercise” in New York.  This event included CEOs of major corporations, health officials, UN officials and government leaders.

This was a SIMULATION of a world-wide pandemic, to study how such a catastrophe would impact the world economically and socially.  This “study,” incidentally, was paid for by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation.  And INTERESTINGLY, the TYPE of pandemic that was studied was a CORONAVIRUS.  Yes.  Research it for yourself.  It’s called “Event 201.”  It’s also interesting that the first suspected case in the United States popped up on February 1st in New York City: on 2 (the second month) and 1 (the first day of the month).  It is ALSO interesting that many of the CEOs present at this exercise (including Bill Gates) have since resigned their positions.  In fact there has been a record number of CEOs of MANY corporations, including Microsoft, Disney, Pepsico and hundreds of others that have resigned since Event 201.  I don’t believe any of these things are coincidence.

We’ve been told this is a “pandemic.”  Indeed it HAS absolutely affected the whole world.  But I believe — and this is my own personal opinion now — that it’s not so much a PANDEMIC as it is a PLANNED-DEMIC!

Never before have such draconian measures been taken to combat a virus.  Remember, the flu takes many more lives each year than this COVID-19 has, or will.  Take just one city, for example: New York… 9 million people and 38 (yes, thirty-eight) have tested positive for the virus.  (Not DIED from it, just tested positive.  Statistically, they will all recover). They’re locking down a city of 9 MILLION because of 38 positive tests?  This is NOT normal, folks.  And I do not believe it’s about a virus.

I believe the end goal is to utterly destroy the world economy and lock us all down completely in order to usher in a new One World Government or New World Order, starting with a new one-world currency.  How that will end up looking, I’m not sure, but surely we will find out soon.  But it IS interesting that they chose a “virus” with which to lock us all down.  They needed a disaster, but it had to be a WORLD-WIDE disaster.  A “9/11” event wouldn’t impact the whole world.  Such a disaster is also too messy and too costly.  A “virus,” on the other hand is a “boogeyman.”  You can’t see it, you can’t smell, feel or touch it.  But you CAN FEAR IT — IF you believe what the government and mainstream media TELLS you about it.  Remember: we only see what they WANT us to see, and there is always an agenda.  The vast majority of so-called “news” from the mainstream press is mere “theater” to mold our minds to their liking.

At the outset of this year, I told you that 2020 was going to be a time of chaos, confusion, division and trouble.  But I had NO IDEA things would get this bad this quickly.  I may be wrong, but I predict that before long, our entire nation will be under martial law and complete lockdown while a financial “reset” takes place.  The business and economic sectors of our nation have been destroyed, just as surely as the Twin Towers were left in rubble on 9/11.  Now, we wait — most of us locked in our homes, plugged in to our flat screen propaganda machines.  Only God knows what is coming next.  Me?  I hope it’s the Lord, to tell you the truth.

By the way, both my wife and I HAVE ALREADY HAD this virus, I’m pretty sure.  We were both sick with all the symptoms they tell us COVID-19 produces.  But we were sick, then we got better and that was that.  And that’s how it will be for all but a very few “at risk’ people with already-compromised immune systems.

Meanwhile, some advice:  use common sense.  Wash your hands.  Build your immune system so you have a defense against this.  I’d also advise you to stock up on food and supplies, because this storm may well last for many months.  Some have said that even in a best-case scenario, it’s going to take a decade to recover from the damage that’s already been done.  Personally, I don’t think things will ever go back to what we used to call “normal.”

I would also advise you to prepare yourselves spiritually, because while the EFFECTS of all this are seen in the physical realm, never forget this is a SPIRITUAL battle as the enemy’s forces attack God and His angels and saints. And finally, as we see things get worse and grow darker in this world around us, remember this is not our home, but we ARE to occupy until our Lord returns, and be about His business.  Always be prepared to give an answer to anyone who asks for the hope that you have in Christ Jesus.  The lost world will be looking to US for answers very soon now, so we must remain calm, always remembering that we have NOT been given a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.  May you have the peace that passes all understanding today, even in the midst of chaos.  God bless you.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved


Don’t Bury Your Talents

Rob Pue

In Matthew 23, Jesus was in the temple, giving a harsh rebuke to the Scribes and Pharisees — the religious leaders of His day.  He condemned them for their hypocrisy, failing to practice what they were preaching… doing all their deeds only for the admiration of men, loving the best seats in the synagogues and being honored, yet none of them were true ministers of God.  None were servants… but they sure loved being revered and served by others.

Jesus also pronounced “woe” unto the religious leaders because instead of leading people to the Kingdom of God, they were leading them astray, and as Jesus said, making them “twice the child of hell as yourselves.”  He went on to call them “blind guides” and “fools,” and declared they were “straining at gnats while swallowing camels” as they neglected the most important and “weighty” matters of God’s Word.  He called them “whitewashed tombs” and rebuked them again for persecuting God’s true followers.

Clearly, the Lord was not pleased with the religious leaders — or should I say, the “PASTORS” of His day.  It leads me to wonder just what He might be thinking right now about the state of our modern American churches — and the pastors who run them.  Do our pastors today prefer to be well liked, popular and honored among men?  Would He consider them to be “blind guides” and “fools” preferring to speak only the “easy” things  and soft words that would make the people feel good about themselves, while neglecting the weightier matters of the law — thereby making their followers “twice the children of hell” that they themselves have become?

When good, true Remnant believers in Christ — modern day “prophets,” if you will — BEG today’s pastors to speak out boldly and courageously and LEAD the people in the whole counsel of God (yes, even  regarding the “hard” things), do they accept the responsibility of their leadership roles and listen to the prophets as faithful servants of Christ… or do they instead “stone” the prophets and run them out of town?  Maybe they just politely “suggest” they might be “happier” in “another church,” thereby kindly inviting them to “please leave.”

There’s a lot of false teaching today about how Jesus was always just “love,” “love,” “love.”  Our Lord is pictured in most of the artwork we see as an effeminate man, with soft blue eyes and one would assume He was a soft-spoken, gentle man with baby-soft hands that never did a hard day’s work in His life.  We envision Him embracing EVERYONE with compassion, love and understanding, never raising His voice, never condemning, never even hating that which is obviously evil.  We tend to quickly turn the page when we get to the part where He took the time to make Himself a whip and proceed to beat the money-changers in the temple and overturn their tables in a fit of rage.  And we conveniently forget His words in Matthew 23:33, when He declared of the religious leaders, “You serpents, you brood of vipers, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell?”

No, the “modern day Jesus” we have imagined in our deluded minds would never sentence anyone to hell.  “Jesus loves us all, just the way we are.”  This is what we’ve been taught by our modern day Scribes and Pharisees who love the adoration of men — and all the benefits that go along with that.  Today it’s “Come as you are, sing ‘Just As I Am,’ (not the hymn, the new rock and roll version) and leave just as you were… Just be sure you come back next Sunday!”  In return for your faithful attendance, they promise never to offend you, never to challenge you and that your heart will never be convicted — and sadly, never be converted.

But in Matthew 24, Jesus left the temple and began instructing His disciples on future events, the destruction of the temple and the signs to watch for at the end of the age.  He reminded the people that no one knows the day or hour of His return, but He gave us specific things to watch for that would alert us… and He warned us to always be prepared, to always be ready — BECAUSE He COULD return at any time.  Even now, the “end of the age” could be today.  A FEW will be prepared and ready to meet Him.  MOST will not.  For as we know from His instruction in Matthew 7, “Enter ye in at the straight gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat.  Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” 

And then He immediately warned again of those who would lead us astray through vain religion.  He said, “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly, they are ravening wolves.”  AND He warned that not all who say “Lord, Lord” will enter into the kingdom of heaven.  MOST, in fact, will choose the broad way and will instead be told, “Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity.  I never knew you.”

Now, please understand… Jesus DOES love.  Jesus’ love is AVAILABLE to all who will come to Him in humble repentance and faith.  But it’s not “automatic” and it’s not “cheap,” and it’s not “free.”  Forgiveness requires repentance and humility. Remember, God gives grace to the humble but He opposes the proud.  Indeed, “Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.” 

You see, Jesus loves us perfectly; He is longsuffering and not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.  But for those who choose to remain disobedient workers of iniquity, the harsh reality of hell awaits.  Revelation 21:8, “But the cowardly and unbelieving, the abominable and murderers, the sexually immoral and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” 

I understand this is not an easy thing to hear, and I understand that most pastors today will not tell you this.  Most will say Jesus accepts us all just as we are: cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, haters, sexually immoral, those who dabble in sorcery, wiccans, pagans, earth-worshipers, those who idolize Hollywood and sports celebrities, liars, cheaters, even those who hate God and persecute His people.  But they’re lying to you.  The Bible says that God is angry with the wicked every day.  It says apart from Christ, His wrath ABIDES on us.  It says those who do not believe in the only Son of God are CONDEMNED already.

If you disagree, your argument isn’t with me; it’s with God’s Word.  I’m just telling you what it says.  Jesus waits with open arms to accept — by grace — all who come to Him, but you must COME, and you must come with a heart of humility, repentance and faith.  And please understand, tomorrow is not promised to any of us.  TODAY is the day of salvation.  To “put off” getting right with God is just pure stupidity.  You may say, “I’ll get around to it…”  But my friend, when will THAT be?  To know the truth about this — the most important and significant thing there could ever be, which is where you’ll spend eternity — and apathetically ignore it is foolishness.

In Matthew 24, Jesus gave us the Parable of the Fig Tree; He reminded us of the days of Noah; He told the story of the faithful and wise servant and the story of the wicked, self-indulgent servant.  In Matthew 25, He told of the ten virgins awaiting the Bridegroom — five wise who were prepared and five foolish who were not and missed the “marriage feast.”  Jesus ended this parable with the admonition: “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.”

Now I’ve said all this to give you the CONTEXT for the point of today’s message…the Parable of the Talents.  This parable of Jesus has some deep and significant meanings.  Jesus told this story because it was something we could all relate to:  money.  I find it interesting that the word for the money in this story was “talents.”  A “talent” was equal to about 3,000 sheckels.  But bottom line, a “talent” was something of great value.  I should note here that God has given all of us a measure of talents; not necessarily money in our case, but talents, skills, abilities, and spiritual gifts.

Since we all pretty much know the story, I’ll paraphrase here, for the sake of time.  Jesus told of a man who was about to be traveling to a “far country.”  Before the man left, he called his servants, and to one of them he gave five talents, to another he gave two talents and to another he gave one.

The servant with five talents went to work and invested them and earned five more.  Likewise, the servant with two talents invested his two and earned two more.  But the servant that was given only one talent, Jesus said, did nothing at all with it.  He just buried it in the ground.

When the Master returned, the servant who was given five talents now had TEN to present to his Lord.  Likewise, the servant who was given two talents had FOUR.  The Master was well pleased with their work while He was away.  To these two, He said, “Well done, thy good and faithful servant.  Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.”  They were also rewarded by being made “rulers over many things,” the Bible says.

But the servant who buried his talent in the ground and did nothing with it at all, had no increase to present to the Master.  This servant explained “I was afraid and went and hid thy talent in the earth.”  THIS servant, his Lord called a “wicked and slothful servant.”  Even the one talent he was given was taken from him and his Lord declared, “And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness.  There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

So what’s the point here?  Obviously, Jesus was the Master who was traveling to a “far country.”  He was soon to be crucified, killed, buried, rise again and ascend to the right hand of the Father in heaven.  However, Jesus has given each of His servants — each of US — a measure of talents, and He expects us to get to work and USE these talents to gain more.  In other words, while we are here on earth in this life, we are to use the talents, skills, abilities and gifts God has given us to increase the Kingdom of heaven… to “go therefore and make disciples.”  To be about our Father’s business until He returns.

Unfortunately, many of us today are like the “wicked and slothful” servant.  We’re AFRAID.  We’re cowardly.  What might the world think of us if we declare ourselves to be “Christians?”   Instead of “investing” the faith God has graciously given us and bringing others into the kingdom, we “bury” our talents.  We hide our lights under a bushel.  We cower in the closet while the world around us burns.  We give the devil the ground that belongs to our Lord and Savior.  We simply HIDE.

And sadly, today many pastors are the epitome of this wicked and slothful servant… BECAUSE THEY ARE AFRAID of being unpopular, or of “rocking the boat,” of of being “counter-cultural,” they simply go along to get along.  Preaching a powerless, non-offensive false “love gospel” made up of 2% milk instead of the meat of the WHOLE Word of God, they just bury their talents while trying to keep all the people happy and blissfully ignorant and content.  But when the Master returns, He will NOT be pleased with such cowardly, wicked and slothful servants.  They will cry out “Lord, Lord,” but I dare say they will be cast into outer darkness and there WILL be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

This chapter goes on to talk about the reward given to the sheep which Christ places on His right hand.  To those He says, “Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.”  And to the goats on His left, He declares: “Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.”

How does He differentiate between the sheep and the goats, the blessed and the cursed?  By what each one DID with the “talents” he was given while occupying the earth.  The righteous sheep took care of even the “least of those” who were hungry, thirsty, those who were strangers, naked, sick and in prison.  The wicked goats couldn’t be bothered.

Now don’t miss this:  I do not believe this is talking ONLY about physical food and drink; it’s not talking about illegal aliens crossing the border.  It’s not JUST about opening a food pantry at your church or giving coats to kids or doing hospital visits or singing songs to prison inmates.  These are all fine things.  But I believe Jesus was talking about the SPIRITUAL even more than the physical.

There are desperate lost souls out there — right now — planning to murder their babies through abortion.  There are those who worship demons — or created things — who are spiritually “naked” and need to know the God of heaven.  There are MANY imprisoned by the lies of homosexuality and transgenderism that YOU can not only visit, but help set free!  There are MANY who hunger and thirst for truth — truth that perhaps only YOU can provide, if only you will.

You know, it’s been said that after the terror attacks on 9/11 the churches in America were packed with people from coast to coast, all looking for answers.  But a month later, those same churches were emptier than they were before.  Because the people went there to find God, but He wasn’t there.  I implore you today, be a good and faithful servant.  Have the courage to tell the WHOLE truth about the God who saved you, because you weren’t saved just for YOU.  You were saved to SERVE.  Don’t worry about what the world thinks of you.  You’re not of this world.  Prepare yourselves, because you don’t know the day or the hour when our Lord will return.  And by all means, do NOT bury your talents.  Invest wisely.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 284.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Why Can’t We Be ‘One?’

Rob Pue

Jesus and His disciples were in the Upper Room.  The “Last Supper” had just been finished, and Jesus prayed to His Father for His followers.  I’m reading now from  John 17:  “I am praying for THEM.  I am not praying for the world but for those whom You have given Me, for they are Yours.  All Mine are Yours, and Yours are Mine, and I am glorified in them.  And I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to You. Holy Father, keep them in Your name, which You have given Me, that they may be one, even as We are one… 

“…I have given them Your Word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.   I do not ask that You take them out of the world, but that You keep them from the evil one.  They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.  Sanctify them in the truth; Your Word is truth.  As You sent Me into the world, so I have sent them into the world.  And for their sake I consecrate Myself, that they also may be sanctified in truth.”

Continuing in Verse 20:  I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word,  that they may all be one, just as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You have sent Me.  The glory that You have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as We are one…”

This was Jesus’ last prayer before He went out to the garden, where He would not only be betrayed by a friend, He would be horrifically beaten without mercy, and suffer an excruciating death in the most inhumane way possible.  So, what was Jesus concerned about now, knowing what was coming, very soon?

His disciples — those who believed in Him and who trusted and followed Him.  The men and women He had walked with, talked with, laughed and cried with, and most of all taught the things of the Kingdom of God to.  He was praying for THEM.  Verse 9 tells us specifically, He was NOT praying for “the whole world,” as the false teachers of “universal salvation” will tell you.  No… He was praying for God’s children, His disciples.  And He declared these were the ones who belonged to the Father.

A very important point in Jesus’ prayer was when He prayed that they would all be ONE.  Just as Jesus and the Father were one in unity and purpose, so He asked His Father that His children might also be UNIFIED, as one.

Jesus knew the world hated them, just as the world hated Him.  He knew it was not  going to be easy for them in the days ahead.  They would face terrible persecution for the rest of their lives.  He asked His Father to sanctify them in His Word, set apart for His purposes, and just as the Father had sent Jesus into the world, Jesus was now sending them out as His representatives… to guide the lost, the religious, the carnal and worldly to the way of the Father and His Kingdom.

And then Jesus went on in His prayer, praying not just for those who were present with Him at the time, but also for all those who would believe in Him later, through His disciples’ testimonies.  Yes, Jesus prayed for US, folks, and His heart’s cry — at a time when He must have been in great emotional and spiritual agony — was that WE, like the disciples, would be ONE, together in faith, following the Word of God, united as ONE with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Yet it seems that our Lord’s prayer was not — and has not — been answered… yet.  I do believe it WILL BE one day, perhaps one day very soon.  But after more than 2,000 years, our Savior’s request of His Father, it seems, has not YET been granted.

In fact, it didn’t take long at all before those the disciples taught began quarrelling and engaging in division and dissention among themselves.  In Acts 15, we read: “Some men came down from Judea and began teaching the brethren, ‘Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved.’  And when Paul and Barnabas had great dissension and debate with them, the brethren determined that Paul and Barnabas and some others of them should go up to Jerusalem to the apostles and elders concerning this issue.”

In Romans 16, Paul warned, “Now I urge you, brethren, keep your eye on those who cause dissensions and hindrances contrary to the teaching which you learned, and turn away from them.”

Again in 1st Corinthians: “Now I exhort you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all agree and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be made complete in the same mind and in the same judgment. For I have been informed concerning you, my brethren, by Chloe’s people, that there are quarrels among you. Now I mean this, that each one of you is saying, ‘I am of Paul,’ and ‘I of Apollos,’ and ‘I of Cephas,’ and ‘I of Christ.’  Has Christ been divided? Paul was not crucified for you, was he? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?”

Can you sense Paul’s frustration here?  He went on in Chapter 3 of 1st Corinthians: “And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ.  I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able; for you are still carnal. For where there are envy, strife, and divisions among you, are you not carnal and behaving like mere men?  For when one says, ‘I am of Paul,’ and another, ‘I am of Apollos,’ are you not carnal?  Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers through whom you believed, as the Lord gave to each one?  I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.  So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.”

Clearly, Jesus Himself wanted His true Church to be unified, following His commands and God’s Holy Word literally.  We are not to follow or worship the doctrines of the imaginations of MEN.  We are to be following GOD and God only.   Jesus chastised the religious leaders of His day for making up carnal, worldly teachings and commands, straining at gnats while swallowing camels.  But yet today, those who claim the name of Christ are more divided than ever.  In fact, we now have more than 33,000 different denominations, all claiming “Christianity.”  How can this possibly be, when we are all supposed to be reading from the same Book?  Simply stated: each of these denominations have added their own doctrines of men, rules and requirements, rituals and traditions… most of them irrelevant, much of it nonsense.

In the process, the study of the TRUE Word of God, and teaching of the WHOLE counsel of God has fallen by the wayside.  We “major” on the “minors,” each thinking we have it all down correctly.  And we avoid, like the plaque, the “hard” issues — those cultural, moral and social issues addressed in God’s Word — (AND by Jesus Himself FREQUENTLY) — lest we might possibly offend a lost and perishing sinner.   We all think WE are following “The Way.”  But obviously, we are NOT.  Why?  Because we’re biblically illiterate.  We follow MEN rather than the Word of God, which, IF WE READ, STUDIED AND APPLIED IT LITERALLY, we WOULD be “one.”   But in most church buildings in America today, most people no longer even carry a Bible to their Sunday service, much less take ten minutes a week to read from it at home.  Instead of following Christ, they’re following “Pastor so-and-so,” or whatever denomination they may affiliate with… and as long as this continues, there will never be unity in the Body of Christ.

In small towns and large metropolitan areas across this country, there are churches.  Small towns may have 20 churches.  Large metro areas may have thousands.  Yet no matter where you go, it’s rare that the pastors will even speak to one another.  It’s as if they’re in competition with each other for the “business” of new “customers.”  Those who attend these churches follow the doctrines of THEIR “church, THEIR DENOMINATION, and sadly, MUCH of modern day so-called “Christian” doctrine has become purposely filled with lies and deceptions and deliberate OMISSIONS.

How else could there possibly be entire denominations “accepting and affirming” of what God’s Book calls an “abomination?”  How else could these so-called “churches” be ordaining open and practicing homosexuals as “pastors?”  How else could we have arrived now at the point where 67% of professing, faithful church-going “Christians” now believe that same-sex so-called “Marriage” is just another lifestyle choice and is just fine with God?  How else could we have self proclaimed “Christan” clergy blessing and celebrating things like Planned Parenthood, where the main goal is to sacrifice as many innocent preborn babies to Molech and Baal as possible?

How else could so-called “Christian” churches be coming alongside Muslims to celebrate “Ramadan” with them?  How else could some “Christian” pastors come together in perceived “unity” with Muslim Imams, yet those same “Christian” pastors could not tolerate praying together with a Christian pastor of another Christian denomination?

Let’s read this, from the book of Jude:  “For certain individuals whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.” 

It’s a sad state of affairs.  Rather than being ONE in Christ, unified under His authority and His Word, we have fragmented into more than 33,000 different pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle of confusion and chaos, and few there be that will even bother anymore to open the Answer Guide — the Bible — and preach, teach, study and BELIEVE it literally.

This denominationalism happened for a reason, though. Biblical doctrine matters. Truth is truth and lies are lies and we must be very careful what we believe… and WHO we get our instruction from.   When someone goes off the rails, and refuses to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints, a separation must take place.  If these “filthy dreamers,” as Jude calls them, refuse to return to the absolute truth and authority of God’s Word, we are to separate and have nothing to do with them.  Now, I am not calling for more DIVISION… I’m calling for more of God’s Word and for doing away with the foolish doctrines of men.  Because that’s the ONLY thing that will ever unite us as “one.”

If a person has the Holy Spirit within them, it’s very easy to differentiate between shallow “churchianity” and God’s true Remnant.  If you DO have a real, faithful God-honoring church to attend, you’re greatly blessed, because these are becoming more and more rare today, as increasingly, people are walking away from the fake smiles and shallow handshakes you get at the social clubs and they’re starting home study groups — meeting together with other believers and going from house-to-house, as the early Church did.  There they study, pray and praise the Lord in Spirit and in Truth, and they have a support group system in place — a real Church FAMILY; something they never were able to catch a glimpse of in the pre-programmed Institutional denominational  “churches.”

I do believe a great revival is coming to our land in these last days, as the Remnant believers begin assembling themselves together as Jesus intended, truly UNIFIED as ONE Body of Christ.  They’re tired of biblical illiteracy and they’re doing something about it. Meanwhile, I believe the effeminate, cowardly pulpiteers who continue to preach only the happy, self-help false “love gospel” are going to continue to struggle to keep the masses entertained enough to keep them coming back to sit through yet another stage performance week after week.  The latest figures show that about 5,000 churches close down forever in America every single year, and that number is increasing.  The devil’s doing a great job — because at the same time, we have a record number of new mosques being built.  This is what happens when we indulge our vain imaginations.

We MUST assemble — even more so now, as we see the Day approaching.  But we must absolutely be much more discerning as to HOW we assemble, and WHO we assemble with.  And beware of the schemes of the enemy….because our adversary, the devil is coming to your local “church” regularly — because your local church leadership is eager to welcome him in, eager to accept his financial offerings and eager to keep him amused and coming back.  They dare not offend him, lest they lose a “member.”   But friends, there can never be unity in division.  And the ONLY thing that will unify us is an intentional, serious study of God’s Word.  We must dispense with the “glitz” and “glamour” that has become modern American churchianity — until we DO that, we’ll never be “one” — because God has HIS true and faithful servants, but the evil one has deceived many.

Heavenly Father, give us a hunger and thirst for the TRUTH of Your holy Scriptures, and let us finally be ONE, united as Your true Church, following the truth, the whole truth and nothing BUT the truth that can only be found in Your Word.  God’s precious Word is sufficient, friends.  So let us be ONE, united in faith in Christ alone, in God’s Word alone.  Everything else is just vain religion, and religion is NOT Christianity.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 283.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

The Wisconsin Christian NewsPaper Story

Rob Pue

I think I was about 8 years old when I wrote my first “Bible commentary’ for a school assignment.  (I received an “F” on that assignment, by the way, because the teacher said the subject matter was “inappropriate” for school).  When I was ten years old, I developed — seemingly out of nowhere — an interest in writing and publishing.  I acquired a mimeograph machine and began publishing a small newsletter magazine of my own.  I mailed copies to family, teachers and friends — even sending copies to relatives overseas in Ireland and England, and north, up to Canada!   This was strange, because I really had no experience with any of this.  Yet, for some reason, it seemed to come naturally to me.  It was then that my parents told me of our family history: the Pue family had the fist printing press in Ireland, and published the first newspaper there, starting in the 1600s.  After researching our family history more deeply, I discovered that there has always been at least one person in every generation involved in newspaper publishing, and at least one person in every generation involved in Christian ministry.  I find it interesting that now, I seem to have combined both vocations into one.

But my publishing days as a youth were numbered as I began working, doing lawn and garden work as a pre-teen and young teenager, building up enough customers to fill a full week’s schedule.  When I turned 16 and was old enough for a “real job,” I was hired at the local Holiday Inn as a dishwasher; within six weeks I received a promotion, and continued to earn my way to higher and higher levels of responsibility at the hotel complex.  It was a wonderful learning experience.  After graduating high school, I attended college and had several other jobs, including as a radio host at a secular station, and then as a graphic designer at a weekly newspaper.

Meanwhile, I was also studying the art of photography on my own.  I did wedding photography as an advanced amateur on the weekends.  All this led to my ultimate goal at the time, of starting my own photography studio, and in 1989 I opened that studio on the main street of our town, at the age of 24.

My wife and I were married in 1990 and then in 1992, Lisa and I were blessed with our first child, our son Robbie.  I remember spending precious evenings together with him on my lap, reading Bible stories, and then when HE began to read, he would read Bible stories to US — and to his baby sister Jennifer, born in 1994.  We prayed as a family, then, for “Baby Alex in Mama’s tummy” — our youngest daughter, “Alley,” who was born on Mother’s Day, 1996.  It’s hard to believe but our “baby” is now married and she and her husband are working in full time ministry themselves.  Looking back, I could not have been more blessed by God.  He had given me the desires of my heart: a wonderful, Christian wife, a God-honoring home, great kids and my own photography studio business.

The studio continued, and grew.  Eventually we had a booming business with 300 regular, loyal clients for whom I did engagement portraits, wedding photography, childrens’ portraits, high school senior portraits and more.  I also developed a unique program in which we did portraits for people with a mobile studio.  At the peak of my business, we had four photographers on the road, working in nine states, while still maintaining our regular studio work at home.

Traveling frequently for work, I would tune in to various Christian radio stations while driving.  I’d also stop at the local Christian bookstores in various cities, where I discovered Christian newspapers.  At that time, there were about 120 Christian newspapers throughout North America.  (Today, ours is one of about 12 still publishing).

Whenever I would page through one of these papers, I thought to myself,  “This is a great idea, but it could be done so much better!”  They seemed to be filled with a lot of “fluff” — concert listings, crossword puzzles, poetry, recipes…. but no real “substance.”   While on the road, I would also tune in to “Crosstalk” on the VCY America radio network, hosted by Vic Eliason, whenever possible.  “Crosstalk”  was one of my favorite shows because they would discuss serious news and information from a Christian perspective — things that were never covered in the mainstream media — or in church.  And I thought to myself, “This is great.  But it should really be put into newspaper format, so more people could get this information.”

Then God spoke to me.  “YOU should start a Christian newspaper for Wisconsin, Rob.”  I dismissed this idea immediately, because there was no way I could handle more work with my busy schedule, and I knew that while a Christian newspaper for Wisconsin was a worthy idea, surely there were OTHER people much more capable than me to do it.

I continued on doing my studio work, raising my family, and helping out at church.  I did develop a few things related to outreach ministry at my photography studio.  Since we worked with a lot of newlyweds for wedding photography, and lot of parents for childrens’ portraits, I built a Christian lending library with books and videos on parenting and marriage issues, and invited our studio clients to make use of the resources.  We also started putting our own Scripture tracts into each of our clients’ orders.  Yes, I did get some criticism for doing this, and more than one family informed me they were offended by our Christian witness, but we continued on anyway.

Business at the studio was good.  But God kept asking me the same question: “When are you going to start that Christian newspaper, Rob?”  I kept fighting Him.  “You have the WRONG guy, God, SOMEONE ELSE needs to do that.”  I really couldn’t see how such a thing could ever be possible.

As time went on, the Holy Spirit continued to bring the subject up and I continued to fight the idea.  Then, for no apparent reason, I suddenly began to dislike my photography work.   I had no reason to be discontented.  The business was doing very well, and I was at the peak of my creativity in the studio.  Yet, for some reason, with each passing day, I became more and more unhappy.  I got to the point where I dreaded going to work, and eventually the Holy Spirit spoke to me again, asking, “Rob, when are you going to start that Christian newspaper?”

Finally, I understood.  I could run but I could not hide.  God had been calling me to start a Christian newspaper for Wisconsin, and I had stubbornly refused to give up what I believed I had built: my photography studio business.  In reality, I was only doing the work.  It was God who built my business to supply my needs for a time, and now it was time to let go, move on and follow His calling.

So I presented God with a challenge…  I told Him, “Ok Lord, if You want me to do this newspaper, then You will have to help me sell the photography studio.  If that is Your will, then sell the studio for me, and I will do as You say and start the newspaper.”  Of course, I didn’t really believe anyone would be interested in buying my business.  It’s not easy to sell such a specialized business, especially in a small  town like ours.  I decided I would advertise it for a couple weeks and if no one responded to the ads, I’d be “off the hook.”  Surely God would understand.

But to my amazement, the first person to come look at the studio bought it, at the price I was asking.  Then, on December 31, 1999, I was unemployed for the first time in my life.  The studio was sold; I had no job to go to the next day.  A very odd feeling.

I began with many preconceived ideas about the newspaper.  Among them, the idea that all the churches would be supportive, that they would “line up” to sponsor and support the new paper, which God would bless and which would be a wonderful outreach tool for all of Wisconsin.  And not just the churches.  I thought we would have support from many places within the Christian world… Christian radio stations, bookstores, and other ministries and businesses.   I couldn’t have been more naive.  Our first edition came out in April of 2000.  I had spent all the money from the sale of our photography studio to pay bills and get the needed equipment to start the paper, and now I had virtually zero support from ANY source.   Churches wouldn’t support us if it wasn’t THEIR specific denomination;  most Christian bookstores wouldn’t even allow us to distribute the paper there because it was given away for free — and I was told they couldn’t spare valuable space in their store for something they didn’t make any money on.  Christian radio stations told me they viewed us as “competing media.”  Things were bleak.  I remember more than once sitting down to a very humble dinner with my wife and three small children and eating our “last meal,” because truly, I had NO IDEA where we would get the money for the next one.

I was able to get one edition of the new Wisconsin Christian News printed and out, but there was little hope for a second one.  It appeared as if God had led me out into the wilderness, that I had followed Him in faith, and now He was about to leave me there to suffer and starve…and my family would starve along with me, and it would be all my fault.  Perhaps I had misunderstood God.  Maybe He hadn’t called me to this ministry after all.  Maybe it was all a horrible mistake.  What had I done?!

We had virtually NO support —  and no income for my family.  Here I was, having given up everything I had worked for; believing — even KNOWING in my heart God had called me to this work — and yet we were flat broke… and broken.  Thus began my wilderness experience.

I have since come to understand that God often uses the Wilderness Experience to prepare His servants for His work.  In the wilderness, there is a character cleansing, a faith building and time of testing and perfecting.  It’s a terribly painful and emotional process, but in the end, you learn who God is, and you learn to not question and not to doubt.

As I write this message, by the grace of God, we are about to begin our 21st year of publication.  On paper, and by human effort, there’s no way we should still be here.  On paper and by human effort, it is clearly impossible.  We still receive almost no support from churches, but the Lord told me long ago to take our newspaper OUTSIDE the four walls of the churches to the PEOPLE who need it directly.  So we distribute in public places like grocery stores, restaurants, hotels, truck stops and other high traffic areas.  We distribute in jails and prisons, and we receive a great many amazing testimonies from those who have come to know the Lord for the first time — or returned to Him after many years away — by coming across our paper at a time in their lives when they needed it most.   Even this is God’s will, because if we had received support from churches in the beginning, I might have been content just distributing the paper there, thus merely preaching to the choir.  Instead, I was forced to take the Word to the streets, where we’re reaching many people who would have never gotten the message in a church, because they’d never go there!

Today, our newspaper is distributed not just in Wisconsin, but NATIONWIDE.  Our website contains literally thousands of excellent resources and is used by people WORLDWIDE.  I’ve been blessed to have been given the opportunity to do a weekly commentary on VCY America, which also airs on several other independent radio stations across the country.  I write for about 35 other publications and Christian websites, and I also host a weekly internet TV program every Wednesday, which can be found on our Facebook pages, on YouTube and at .

We have more readership than ever before, and God has brought to us some of the best writers in the entire country.  We provide information, education and inspiration that you cannot find anywhere else.  And we are not “politically correct.”  We deal with the REAL, hard issues that the mainstream press — and most of the churches today — do not want to touch.  And we tell the TRUTH, that so many hunger for.

But that has come with a price.  Today, while we have more readership than we’ve ever had before, we’ve also now seen a sharp decline in financial support.  Several years ago, we had to turn to donations from individuals to keep the paper going, because the advertising income was no longer even coming close to covering our expenses.  But just over the last year, we’ve seen a huge 45% decline in support from even those donors, while our costs to publish continue to rise.

It’s been a long and often painful journey.  Along the way I’ve witnessed firsthand MANY miracles the Lord has done in my life and the lives of so many others…too many to mention here.  And I’m so thankful to our Lord and Savior for His patience with me, and for the opportunity to be used for His work.

If you’re not familiar with our newspaper, I’ll be happy to send you a complimentary copy.   I’d also ask that you prayerfully consider supporting this ministry work financially on a regular monthly basis.  While we impact THOUSANDS of people every month — OUTSIDE the four walls of a church building, yes OUT THERE among the WOLVES — we are not a large ministry.  Literally, it’s just ME and a handful of faithful volunteers.  And honestly, we NEED your help now more than ever before.  God DOES provide, and He IS faithful.  But He provides through HIS PEOPLE.  I come to you today, in all humility, to let you know of the need.  If this ministry is to continue during these dark days, then His Remnant Believers WILL need to come forward and begin supporting the work.  Because the churches won’t; nor will most businesses.  And with our nation so divided and with so much DISinformation and MISinformation — so much demonic deception going on — more than we’ve seen in my lifetime… SO MANY hurting, confused and lost souls out there… the Lord knows that the truth we provide is needed DESPERATELY now.  I am in the midst of a CONTINUING walk of faith, and it would be a great encouragement to me to know you’re willing to walk WITH me as I follow where our Savior leads.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 282.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Coronavirus, Political Correctness, and 20/20 Vision

Rob Pue

How is your vision today?  Proverbs 28:18 tells us, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”  If you look at this same verse in the ESV verson, it says, “Where there is no PROPHETIC vision, the people cast off restraint.”  Another version says, “Without REVELATION the people run wild.”  And in yet another translation, we read, “When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild.”

I like all of these translations of God’s Word and all of them can teach us a part of what we need to know regarding Vision.  We need vision.  I dare say, in this year of 2020, we need it more than ever.  Indeed, we need 20/20 Vision!  Without it, as we have read from just this one verse of Scripture, 1) the people perish; 2) the people cast off restraint; and 3) the people run wild.  Yes, we need vision — GOD’s vision — His PROPHETIC vision and HIS revelation and His divine guidance.  Sadly, most in this world today seem to have poor vision, suffering from near-sightedness, if they’re not completely blind.

I am not one to engage in fear mongering or date setting regarding the last days.  But I have eyes to see, I can think and I have God’s prophetic revelation in His Word, the Bible, as my divine guidance.  It’s the VISION upon which I base my understanding of the times in which we live and the urgency of the hour.   I see all that is happening in this world, and we have been warned, many times throughout the Bible what to watch for, coming upon the earth in the last days.

Surely many generations before ours have seen frightful things, the inhumanity and debauchery of those who chose to remain separated from God, even signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth.  We have seen many wars and rumors of wars.  All those things that we are tempted to point to as signs that the Lord’s return is near, men and women before us have already seen, and still Jesus has not yet returned for His own.  Yet we are assured that ONE day, He absolutely will… and He will not be returning as a Lamb.  He’ll be coming back as One who makes war on the enemies of God and God’s people, as a Righteous Judge.

Revelation 19 describes what our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, will look like when He comes again:  “His eyes are like a flame of fire, and on His head are many diadems, and He has a name written that no one knows but Himself. He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood, and the name by which He is called is ‘The Word of God.’ And the armies of heaven, arrayed in fine linen, white and pure, were following Him on white horses. From His mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron. He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty.  On His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, ‘King of kings and Lord of lords.’”  There will be no doubt;  you’ll KNOW Him when you see Him.  And every inhabitant of this earth WILL see Him…  It will be the most fearful sight some have ever seen, and the most glorious sight for others.

As we just begin to get into the year 2020, already we are seeing the things Jesus warned about in Luke 21:  “And there will be signs in the sun and moon and stars, and on the earth, distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves, people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world.  For the powers of the heavens will be shaken.  And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.  Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”  Yes, depending on where you stand, your redemption OR your judgment.

Do you realize how many earthquakes are now taking place all around the world every day?  Do you realize there has been a marked increase in volcanic activity worldwide recently?  (By the way, this is NOT man-made ‘Climate Change!’)  The earth seems to be convulsing under the weight of the prideful sin of men and women in this world.  Have you heard about the locusts in Africa?  Hundreds of MILLIONS of them, swarming, eating everything in their path — and their numbers are expected to increase by 50% by early summer.  Plagues of locusts have always been associated with God’s judgment.

What about the Caronavirus that originated in China?  While we can’t get any accurate numbers, it’s clear that thousands there have died of this pestilence — probably thousands more than we will never know.  Entire cities have been quarantined.  China is said to have built a hospital for victims of the virus — in only ten days… But from what I’ve seen, this is more of a concentration camp for victims of the virus than a hospital;  bars on the windows and doors, surrounded by armed guards in HazMat suits, the entire perimeter surrounded with walls and fences — not to keep people out — to keep them IN.

Details from China are sketchy but rumors abound.  It’s said that officials there are shooting the victims, and that the bodies are then burned to prevent the disease from spreading.  But all their caution is in vain;  the virus has already gotten out and it’s spreading across the world.  One scientist speculated that this virus  has the potential to kill 1/3 of all human beings on earth.  Where have we heard THAT before?

Yet here in America, we take little notice of these things.  If it doesn’t directly affect us,  then, to us, it doesn’t matter.  We continue on as if nothing is wrong.   We choose to remain willfully ignorant to the judgment of God being poured out on our country and our world in so many forms.  We continue on as usual.  We turn on the TV and watch the latest fake news, the latest sitcom, and of course, the Super Bowl, complete with the Luciferian half-time pornography show.  Whatever’s going on OUT THERE doesn’t affect us — yet.  Nothing to see here.  Move along.

Meanwhile, our US Constitution is being trampled underfoot and lawlessness abounds.  The Leftists have declared war on those who hold to biblical, patriotic and traditional family values.  They’re no longer even trying to hide the fact that their goal is now full-on socialism, which we all know, always leads to communism, which we all know always leads to tyranny, death and destruction.

We are welcoming into our country hoards of invaders who worship a false god and whose goal is to rule over us if we comply, or kill us if we don’t.  Our young people are being so indoctrinated and confused, many are unsure whether they’re boys or girls — and their Godless “parents” are encouraging this confusion.  Christians are being prosecuted and persecuted for their faith, some losing everything — yes, right here in “the land of the free and the home of the brave.”  We ought to change that.  It would be better stated, “the home of the cowardly and unbelieving in the land of the apathetic slaves.”

Our institutes of “higher learning” have become mere indoctrination centers for this New World Order, teaching students to hate their country, their heritage and history and to embrace everything wicked, evil and perverse.  Our libraries, once filled with books of knowledge are now gathering centers where parents bring young children to sit on the laps of pedophiles while being read stories about men pretending to be women and women pretending to be men.    And we’re told, by the news media, the entertainment world, the government, the schools, the courts, and even the churches that should we fail to pridefully celebrate under the rainbow battle flag, that we are hateful bigots who must be severely punished — as an example to others who might dare defy the devil’s deceptions.

But most of us don’t see what’s happening, and most of us don’t care either.  We go about our lives as if nothing really matters — and we will continue this way — until the chickens come home to roost in OUR OWN lives.  Luke 17:  “…as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.  They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and then the flood came, and destroyed them all.  Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded.  But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.  Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.”  That’s the judgment of God Almighty on a people whose every imagination of the thoughts of their hearts is only evil continually.

2 Peter 3 reminds us, “…that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, ‘Where is the promise of His coming?’”  Friends there ARE those bold, courageous preachers of God’s Word who go out on the streets of America and warn the wicked.  There they find scoffers who spit on them, scream at them, beat them up and then the GODLY are arrested by police.  This doesn’t deter God’s Watchmen, but it does grieve their hearts, knowing that the vast majority of people they come across are walking dead men — and women.  Controlled by their appetites for lust and hedonism, self-indulgence, with no restraint, and no fear of their Creator and ultimate Judge.  They don’t know God and they don’t WANT to know God.  Claiming themselves to be wise in their own eyes, their foolish hearts are darkened, and so for many, I believe, it’s already too late.  God has given them over.  And as we read in John, Chapter 3: “…he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”

It’s not up to us to convert hearts, but it IS up to us, as true Christ-followers to proclaim the truth, to restrain evil, to preach the Word in season and out — and yes to fight and make war with the lies, deceptions and schemes of the devil and those who worship him.  We are to love our neighbors enough to tell them the truth and warn them of the judgment that is surely coming soon, while at the same time having nothing to do with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather, reproving them.  Because there are MANY  who are the children of their father the devil, and they like it that way.

The year 2020 is just beginning now, and already we are seeing sheer chaos in our country.  What will things be like in November, at election time?  We’re at the place where we EXPECT our government leaders and “public servants” to be deviants, liars, cheaters and frauds.Here’s some more, by the numbers:  After nearly 50 years, we are still killing 3,000 of our own precious babies EVERY DAY in America.   The pornography industry generates $12 billion dollars in annual revenue – larger than the combined annual revenues of ABC, NBC, and CBS.But that pales in comparison to the $150 BILLION made on human trafficking — in THIS COUNTRY ALONE.  People are also hooked on legal drugs, pumped out and promoted by Big Pharma, which rakes in $450 BILLION every year.

The time for Political Correctness and non-offensive, ear-tickling sermons has long since past.  The time for willful apathy is over.  If you are a true follower of Almighty God, the Holy Spirit MUST be prodding you in your soul to OBEY the words of Jesus and enlist among His Holy army of saints in this spiritual battle for the hearts, minds and souls of mankind… we MUST be working now, while there’s still time.

I don’t know what the rest of this year holds, nor do I know what the rest of my life will hold.  MY life may end at any time.   But I’ve been called according to His purpose and I will fulfill my duty to my Lord, my Savior and my King.  What about you?

If you want to get engaged, you first must learn how.  You cannot do what you’ve never done before, and you cannot teach what you’ve never learned.  On March 13 and 14, we’ll be holding the most important event of the year: our 20/20 Vision Ministry Expo and Conference, in Marshfield, Wisconsin.  We have some of the most informative, inspiring and sought-after speakers and presenters in the entire country coming together in one place to bring you life-changing information, testimonies and messages of truth and encouragement, TO PREPARE YOU for what is surely coming.  If not THIS year, then certainly, VERY soon.  Because while the Lord is patient and kind, and not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance, we know the road is narrow that leads to life and few will ever find it.  Even FEWERif we continue to do nothing.

Plan now to be there.  Our speakers are incredible.  You may not recognize all of their names but I ask you to TRUST ME, knowing that I have put together a program designed to educate and equip you and send you out with the tools — and the courage — you need to be a witness for your Lord in these last days.  Sound scary?  Well… not as scary as hearing our Savior say, “Depart from Me.  I never knew you.”  So COME, from no matter where you may live.  Come.  Our events are so powerful we have people from all over the United States attend every year…. so even if you need to fly across the country to get here, this truly is THAT important.  This is of UTMOST urgency.  You need only look around to know what I’m saying is true.  The sand is running out of our hourglass.   Given the current state of affairs in this world, this may well be our last chance.  And when you come, please bring your children and grandchildren.  They NEED this information desperately.  March 13 and 14, in Marshfield, Wisconsin.  Call me for more details.  You’ll get the 20/20 Vision you NEED as you prepare for these last days — days that MANY are, RIGHT NOW, walking into blindly.  One more thing:  though your heart may be convicted that you NEED to be here for this, the enemy is, RIGHT NOW, planting seeds of doubt in your mind, giving you a thousand reasons why you CAN’T come.  Don’t listen to that voice.  Instead, hearken to the voice of the Holy Spirit, and do why He says.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 281.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

‘As Long as We Both Shall Live’

Rob Pue

I love my wife.  In fact, those who know me, know that I often wear a T shirt that says just that… just a plain black T shirt with the words: “I Love My Wife.” Wearing this shirt in public never fails to stir a reaction and start a conversation.  With most people, it’s as if they’ve never seen anything so strange — a guy wearing a T shirt that says, “I Love My Wife” on it.

Usually the women will smile and say something like, “Oh, that’s so sweet.”  But most often the men will laugh at me and say something like, “Did your wife buy that for you?” Or, “Did your wife make you wear that?”  “Nope,” I smile.  “I bought it myself!”  Most just shake their heads and laugh.

But why is it so strange, so odd, so laughable that a man would want to proclaim to the world that he loves his wife?  Sadly, that’s how things are in this day and age.  More common is the married man who will complain to his co-workers and friends about his “old ball and chain.”  Or call her something like “my old lady.”  And then there are the wives, who complain to THEIR friends about their fat, old lazy husband.  Such seems to be the state of marriage in our world today.

God’s Word, however, says otherwise, about His design and intent for marriage. Proverbs 18:22, “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.”  THAT is an understatement if ever there was one!  My wife is the most precious gift God has ever given me in this life.  I can’t imagine life without her.

God designed marriage to be the union of one man and one woman, and it was meant to be for life.  Jesus Himself said that the very idea of divorce was a man-made concept.  “…because of the hardness of your heart,” He said.  And then He went on:  “But from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female.  For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh.  Therefore, what God has joined together, let no man put asunder.”

But now, almost 50% of all marriages are “put asunder.”  Studies show that the average marriage in America today lasts only about eight years.  That’s long enough for the couple to have children, but not long enough for the couple to raise them in an intact home, and so the children must suffer the breakup of their family and lose the security of their home.  Studies also show that this always leaves the children with life-long emotional scars.

Surely the enemy of our souls is wreaking havoc on our families today.  The very definition of “family” has been changed in recent years to mean whatever we want it to mean — two “Mommies,” two “Daddies,” a “Daddy” with two “Mommies,” a “Mommy, a Daddy and Mommy’s ‘special friend.’” … whatever.

What’s more, many of today’s young people are not even GETTING married to begin with anymore.  Cohabitation — living together without being married — has increased by 900% since 1970.  It seems people want to “test drive” a potential spouse before committing to marriage.  But study after study shows that those who live together before marriage have a 35% higher divorce rate than those who don’t.

I’m grieved by the fact that there are so very many couples today who are unhappy in their marriages and so many that are divorcing.  Indeed being UNhappily married seems to be the “norm” today.  If you’re happy in your marriage and you actually love your spouse, YOU are the strange one.  Just wear a T shirt like mine and see the reaction you get.

Yet as newlyweds, young couples are so in love with one another. They love to spend time together, they love and serve one another and they work hard in their relationship to bless each other and please each other and satisfy each other’s needs. But sadly, it’s now expected that the couple will most certainly grow apart the longer they’re married; as if that’s just a natural and normal eventuality. Life gets hard, people get bored and discontented. There are bills to pay and work to be done. Most of all, people become selfish and self-centered.   But again, that’s not God’s design for marriage— or family.

In fact, it’s precisely BECAUSE of those hard times that MY marriage has become stronger, because we’ve gone through those hard times TOGETHER, and WITH GOD at the center of our union.  Would life be any less difficult doing it alone?  If you’re discontented in your marriage, will you not STILL be discontented if you’re alone?  If you divorce will there not STILL be bills to pay and work to be done?  Do you think any of that will be easier doing it ALONE?   Or is it just your intention to “trade up” to a “newer model” spouse, simply because you’ve become bored with the original?  THAT is the DEFINITION of “selfish” and “self-centered.”

The only biblical reason for a couple ever to divorce is because of unfaithfulness and infidelity.  Yet even issues like these can be worked out, with repentance and grace.  Sadly though, many are just not interested in doing the work it takes to keep their marriage, family and home intact.  We live in a “throw-away” society, where there’s no longer any sort of stigma attached to living together unmarried or to having an extra-marital sexual or emotional relationship or to being divorced.  These things, like just about everything else the devil could dream up, are considered perfectly “normal” today.  But whatever happened to “‘til death do we part?”  Or, “as long as we both shall live?”  Indeed — a few years ago my wife and I attended a wedding where the couple changed those time-honored vows to say: “As long as we both shall LOVE.”  In other words, “as long as we still have this same emotional feeling we have for each other today, but after that, no promises.”  So much for the sanctity of the marriage covenant.

My advice, if you want to hear it, is do not live together UNTIL you’re married.  Keep your marriage bed pure.  Take your vows before God — and take them seriously — and then INCLUDE God and Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit IN your marriage.  Those who serve as witnesses in your wedding party are there for just that reason:  they are WITNESSES of the vows you’re taking before God.  Choose your wedding party wisely — make sure they are GODLY people, who are not just there to wear the shiny dress or the neat tuxedo and stand there looking good.

You see, most people don’t realize that your maid of honor, your best man and your other wedding party witnesses are there to hold you accountable to those vows you make.  Unfortunately, what most often happens, is people choose their best friends to “stand up” in the wedding.  And then when trouble comes in the marriage, they run to those same “best friends” to complain about their spouse and cry on their shoulders.  Then, instead of those witnesses giving the troubled couple Godly counsel and helping to build the marriage up, the bridesmaids say, “Whatever makes you happy, you go girl…” and the groomsmen say, “man, you don’t have to put up with all this… there’s plenty of fish in the sea.”  So instead of doing their JOB and making sure the couple remains faithful to their vows, they actually ENCOURAGE separation, infidelity and divorce — if it makes their friends “happy.”  Instead of helping to BUILD your marriage and help you weather the storms of life that WILL come, they’re actually undermining your marriage, under the guise of being your “friends.”    We need a return to moral absolutes.  And if we take a vow before God, we’d better MEAN it.

I understand life today is complicated, busy, filled with distractions and it can be easy to become discouraged, discontented and depressed.  Life can be overwhelming.  But do not forsake your marriage vows.  And with Christ at the center of your marriage, you never will.  Yet many today have little to no time for God — unless they need something.  They may have a FORM of Godliness, (or today it’s more likely to be a form of “spirituality,”) but it’s a faith with no power.  I don’t know how anyone can get through this life without a close, abiding relationship with Jesus — married or unmarried.  And as we know, a cord of three strands is not easily broken.  So keep Christ at the center of your marriage and you will weather the storms of life together and come out stronger at the end.

I’d also advise you to turn off the TV, turn off the phones, tablets, computers, and other distractions and focus on your spouse more.  It’s easy to come home at the end of a long work day and collapse in your favorite chair and then turn on some time-wasting, mind-numbing “entertainment” on the television.  Or for a married couple to sit together in the same room hour after hour, never speaking or even looking at one another.  Instead, they’re looking at their phone, or some other distraction.   “Device” usage has become epidemic.  It’s an addiction.  I’d advise you to unplug — and then interact with the one you love.

What would be more profitable for your marriage?  Spending night after night watching TV or Facebook — or giving your husband or wife a back rub or a foot massage after a long hard day at work?  As you SERVE the other person, you will find you’re not only blessing THEM, but YOU will also be filled with more loving emotions for them — and find YOURSELF equally, if not more blessed because of your loving service.  And if you haven’t had a good relationship for a while and you don’t “feel” that love you think you need to have BEFORE you can serve them — just trust me:  do the ACTIONS first and the feelings will quickly follow.  If you still can’t bring yourself to serve your spouse with a pure, loving heart, then do it the Colossians 3:23 way: “as unto the Lord, and not to men.”

If you have children, you’ll also be modeling a good marriage for THEM.  They watch everything you do, you know.  Husbands, love your wives properly and your daughters will learn the attributes to look for in a man when it comes time for THEM to get married.  Likewise, your sons will learn how to properly treat their future wives.  And when Mom and Dad have a good, solid, strong relationship, it helps the children to feel much more safe and secure and loved themselves.

So SERVE each other.  Don’t think only about yourself and your needs which you perceive as not being met.  If you’re in a troubled marriage, your needs probably AREN’T being met — but consider also that neither are your spouse’s needs being met.  Do YOUR part first.  Some will say they just CAN’T — they don’t “feel” it.  Things have gone too far down the wrong path and there’s no love in the marriage anymore.  They’ll say they can’t serve their spouse because they have fallen out of love…  they may even be at the point where the very sight of their spouse makes their blood boil and they feel nothing but contempt for their partner.

That’s very sad, indeed.  But again:  do the ACTIONS first, and the feelings will follow.  You know, a lot of the problems that couples encounter in marriages stemfrom one thing, and the devil uses it very effectively against us:  PRIDE.  How often we have arguments with our wives or husbands, and then days and weeks go by… you may not even remember what the original argument was about anymore.   Yet the hurt gets worse and the heart gets harder, the longer you remain prideful and stubborn.

How do you counter this and ruin the devil’s plans to hurt you both — and maybe even destroy your marriage?  SIMPLE:  you drop your pride.  Whatever the argument was about, it doesn’t matter. Whoever was wrong; doesn’t matter. Even if you still believe you were absolutely in the right and your spouse was absolutely and completely wrong about EVERYTHING — even if you believe you’re the victim and your spouse “owes” you something. Just forget all that.  Drop your pride. Go to him or her, hug them and just say, “I’m sorry.”  Try that.  You will see that invisible wall of separation between the two of you crumble before your very eyes.  Your relationship will be restored within seconds.

Then you can talk about things more, communicate better, kiss and “make up.”  Rather than letting an unresolved issue simmer and boil to the point of divorce, YOU have the power to fix things in an instant of time, by simply letting go of your pride and saying two little words, “I’m sorry.” 

Marriage is meant to be one of God’s greatest blessings in this life.  A husband and wife, together as one, with Christ at the center of their union, and a home filled with children… and eventually grandchildren, brought up and raised in the fear and admonition of the Lord.  It’s so sad that we forsake such unfathomable blessings because of our own selfish, foolish pride… because we allow distractions and the cares of this world to drive a wedge between us… because we allow the enemy of our souls to distract us with discontentment, even though we are so amazingly blessed.  Friends, count those blessings, love your spouse, get rid of the pride and soften your heart; SERVE the one you love and thank God for them.  Pray FOR them and WITH them.  If you do these things you’ll find you have a marriage that others will envy and one which makes God smile with joy.  The Lord loves us; let us love our spouses with powerful love like THAT.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 280.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

America is ‘Going to Pot’

Rob Pue

This message may “date” me a little bit, but I wonder how many of you remember this:  do you remember, back in the 1970s, watching the evening news when the local grocery store broke into the programming with a horse race?   Yeah, I said a HORSE RACE.

It was called “Let’s Go to the Races” and it was about a minute-long clip of a horse race, and it was sponsored by the local grocery store.  Here’s how it all worked… to encourage the viewers of the evening news to shop at their store, the local grocery would hand out free horse race tickets with every purchase.  Then, each evening, during the local news broadcast, they would play a short clip of a horse race.  If the number of “your” horse on your free ticket matched the winning horse in the race, you would win a big prize…. anywhere from $2 to $500.

This wasn’t considered “gambling,” (something that was still “unseemly” to most people in those days) because, after all, the tickets were “free,” with every purchase at the local grocery store — and everybody has to buy groceries, so most every home would get at least one race ticket a week.  The store benefited because, as people saw the excitement of the horse races on TV during the evening news each night, they were enticed to shop at THAT particular store — they had to buy groceries anyway, so why not have a chance at that $500?  The TV news station benefited because they knew that all those grocery store shoppers were going to be SURE to tune in for “Let’s Go to the Races” every night, so they would be watching THEIR channel’s news broadcast, instead of one of the other TWO that were available in those days.

I’m not sure how long “Let’s Go to the Races” continued.  But I don’t know anybody who ever won anything on it, and eventually it faded away…  But was this just a mere advertising gimmick, or was it something a little more than that?  You see, it wasn’t long after that the citizens of our state voted for a constitutional amendment legalizing a state-run lottery and pari-mutual betting.

Soon we had dog-racing tracks throughout our state.  That didn’t catch on real well with folks, and the dog tracks went broke.  But today you can go to any convenience store and find dozens of different ways to play the lottery — from scratch-off tickets (costing anywhere from $1 to $25 apiece) to any number of different “pick-your-own-numbers”  lottery tickets.

And then it was only a few years later that the state negotiated with the Indian tribes, allowing them to build 22 casinos across Wisconsin.  These casinos have continued to expand, as they rake in over $1 billion a year.  Most now feature luxury hotels attached to them, as well as bars and restaurants.  It’s estimated that casinos in Wisconsin make a net profit of 48%, while returning a mere 2% to the state.

By the way, that was one of the “perks” we were promised when casino gambling and the state lottery were legalized here — we were promised huge relief on our property tax bills.  But the “lottery tax credit” represents just a few scant dollars for most homeowners — not even enough to go out and buy one of those more expensive lottery TICKETS!  So much for THAT.  SERIOUSLY, it really is no more than just a couple of dollars.

According to the website, approximately 333,000 Wisconsin residents have a gambling problem.  The average debt of callers to the “Problem Gamblers’ Hotline” is nearly $47,000.  The website also cites that 65% of compulsive gamblers commit crimes to finance their gambling and that 90% of pathological gamblers gambled with their paychecks or family savings.  More than 60% borrow money from friends and family to avoid credit problems and 20% borrowed from “loan sharks.”   Women, children and older adults are among the highest risk for gambling addiction.

Knowing this, it’s pretty sickening to see the casino buses pulling up regularly at retirement homes and assisted living centers — clearly, they’re preying on the senior citizens who live there… lonely widows eager to get out and socialize with their friends, while also hoping for a big win.  Most return home on the casino bus with nothing left.

Nowadays, most people think nothing of this.  Just another normal part of life.  In all, 48 states now permit some form of live gambling.  Hawaii and Utah are the only two that don’t.  To make matters worse, ONLINE poker and casino games are now available to players in EVERY state.

I can’t help but think back to how it all began — with a simple “advertising gimmick” promoted by something as innocent as your local grocery store.  You see, “Let’s Go to the Races” softened us up.  If that had not been such a popular and “fun” thing for people — even just ordinary, everyday folks who would NEVER think of “gambling,” then I doubt we would be seeing gambling as such a huge industry in our state today.  Not to mention the rest of the country where gambling has ALSO increased.

We used to be a nation of innovation, creativity and industry.  We used to MAKE things, PRODUCE things — things of value — here in America.  Now one of our top industries is gambling, which produces nothing but profit for those who operate the games, promising huge jackpots, but handing out mere pennies instead…. and leaving in its wake a lot of broke and broken people, homes and families.  It’s very sad where this has all gone.

Fast forward to today.  Recently, as I was out traveling on my distribution route for our newspaper, I couldn’t help but notice that many of our smaller cities are in recession — tons of empty commercial buildings.  Factories closed down.  Businesses for sale or “going out of business” or already closed completely.  Shopping malls are all but completely vacant.  And yet the businesses that ARE in operation all have “Help Wanted” signs out.  As I speak with business owners, they can’t find the help they need.  They all say the same thing:  “Nobody wants to work anymore.”

Another thing I noticed is the HUGE increase in tattoo parlors, “vaping” shops, adult bookstores… and the latest craze seems to be stores that sell “CBD” products.  Even stores that have nothing whatsoever to do with health or “wellness” products are now selling “CBD” as a sideline, to help bring in extra cash flow.

The one thing all THESE stores seem to have in common is the notable picture of the marijuana leaf.  On just about every street you’ll come across at least a couple of stores that sell CBD products and they all have that picture of the marijuana leaf.  Is it just me, or are we now being indoctrinated with the imagery of the marijuana leaf, with stores everywhere selling CBD products — as a way to just get us “used” to the idea of pot — for “medicinal” purposes, of course!

Now to be clear, CBD is NOT marijuana.  It is Cannabidiol; the second most active ingredient in cannabis.  CBD is derived from the hemp plant — a “cousin” of the marijuana plant.  It does not get a person “high” and has no intoxicating affects.  The products are available in oils, creams, lotions, capsules, drinks and even in “gummy candy” form, and CBD is said to be beneficial for a myriad of health issues.

However, the ONLY real scientific studies on CBD that show any positive effects at all are for childhood epilepsy.  Under a doctor’s supervision, some studies have shown that CBD can help these children in some cases.  But the marketers of CBD are making all kinds of outrageous claims for these products, saying they’ll do everything from easing chronic pain, to helping with insomnia and anxiety and even curing cancer — but none of these claims have any scientific backing.

What’s more, CBD products are very poorly regulated, so poorly, in fact, that some products may contain little if ANY CBD oil at all —  and some have even been found to contain small amounts of THC — the ingredient in marijuana that gets you “high.”

But all this is really beside the point I’m trying to get across here.  I believe what we’re seeing now, with the huge increase in all the marijuana leaf imagery and what can only be described as a CBD “craze,” is a push for all-out legalization of recreational pot, nationwide.  Of course, it will happen incrementally, but I don’t think it’s going to take long.  Maybe at first it will just be made legal for “medicinal purposes.”  But we know, just like all the other stuff we’ve seen come down the pike, this is only a stepping stone to the real goal, which is fully legalized recreational marijuana.

Eleven states have already legalized it completely.  The rest of the country isn’t far behind.  Several others have made it legal for medical purposes only and other states have very loose, unenforced laws regarding the use of marijuana.  Only in 8 states is it still fully illegal.

So I believe what we’re seeing now is marijuana put on the fast-track toward being fully legalized, for any purpose at any time, anywhere; and in those states where it’s still illegal to posses or use, the CBD industry is at it’s peak.  It seems people can’t get stoned fast enough.  And while they KNOW they’re not going to get “high” off CBD… well, they can TRY…

But how has that worked in states where it’s already been legalized for recreational use?  Well, first of all, let’s look at who the big WINNERS are in this:  once again, like with gambling, it’s the almighty State.  In Colorado, for example, in 2018, legal pot sales were more than $1.2 BILLION, with the state getting $270 million in taxes.  (Compare that to the mere $45 million they received from all alcohol sales).  Now, if you think legalizing pot in all 50 states is ever going to reduce our income or property taxes, take a look at how that worked out with the lottery.

What’s more, even though there are age limits on legal recreational pot, it’s still MUCH more accessible to kids in states where it’s now been legalized.  This is a problem because studies have shown that until somewhere in their mid-20s, a young person’s brain is still in the developmental stages.  Ingesting marijuana on a regular basis during these crucial formative years causes irreparable harm to the young mind — resulting in cases of life-long depression, anxiety and even schizophrenia later in life.  Not to mention the younger a person begins using this drug, the more likely they are to become addicted.

In many areas where pot has been legalized, we’re seeing “tent cities” pop up now — communities of homeless people.  Some flock to these states and towns from other parts of the country simply BECAUSE they can purchase pot legally there.  So they hang out with others in these “tent cities,” and the tent cities grow. But others, having become hooked on the drug, have now become homeless — except for their “tent.”

Marijuana-related traffic deaths rose 62% following the legalization of marijuana in Colorado.  Not to mention the loss of productivity…  when you’re hooked on pot, you don’t want to do much of anything, especially work.  It’s also a “gateway” drug.  Young people, in particular, having tried and enjoyed marijuana, will be much more likely to move on to cocaine, heroin and meth.  And 68% of those who use marijuana report using it DAILY.  Now many will say they can stop anytime they want… but DAILY use?  Does that not sound like an addiction to you?

In my opinion, the last thing our country needs is another drug.  The pharmaceutical industry has been reaping billions every year pushing a prescription drug for every possible purpose — MOST of which, I dare say, are totally unnecessary, and MOST of which have worse side effects than the malady they claim to cure.  We also have a problem in this country with other illicit drugs.  Should we make cocaine, heroin and meth legal too?  Where will that get us?  You legalize something, you get more of it.  It’s a pretty basic concept.

So I’m just wondering — is it just me?  Or do you think, also, that we have a problem in America with addiction?  We have gambling addiction, porn addiction, alcohol addiction, prescription drug addiction, illegal drug addiction … do we really need ONE MORE THING to victimize our children — and our most vulnerable adults with?

I just ask you to be aware and BEWARE:  when you see those pot-leaf pictures on the video stores, the convenience stores, the drug stores and coffee shops, understand it’s just a process of NORMALIZING the image for you… getting you used to the idea.  Soon, they’ll take the next step toward full legalization, as they have in other places.  We don’t need more drugs.  Most of us are already comfortably numb in our apathy and ignorance.  Instead, let’s remember 1 Peter 5:8, “Be sober-minded, be watchful.  Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.”  Don’t let that be you.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Abolition of Abortion and ‘Church Repent’

Rob Pue

In the 1960s, young people threw off all moral restraint and lived by the adage, “if it feels good, do it.”  This was the era of “free love,” which translated, means, “unbridled lust, casual sex and all manner of hedonism and self-indulgence.”  The values and morals of their parents were discarded in favor of lawlessness.  “Sex, drugs and rock & roll.”  In their minds, many justified their irresponsible and sinful behavior with catch phrases like “make love, not war.”  Perhaps in their vain imaginations, they actually thought they were MORE moral as they equated “sexual liberation” with “love.”  News flash:  the two are NOT the same thing.

By the turn of the decade, as 1970 came around, things began to change.  There was a price to pay for their behavior.  Sexually transmitted diseases were much more common.  Women, who gave their bodies away to men they believed “loved” them, found they were now pregnant — and SINGLE.  The men wanted no responsibility and so they vanished… But the women didn’t want the party to stop either.   Yet there was still at least an ounce of moral values in our country, because the solution at that time was NOT to KILL one’s own child… abortion was illegal.  But not for long.

One young woman who indulged in the “free love” and “if it feels good, do it” lifestyle during that time was Norma Leigh Nelson McCorvey.  She gave birth to her first child in 1965 at the age of 18.  Single and unprepared to be a mother, HER mother adopted the baby, a little girl named Melissa.  Meanwhile, Norma’s lifestyle continued its downward spiral… drugs, alcohol, and even lesbianism — a lifestyle she continued until the mid 1990s.  When she was 19 years old, she gave birth to another baby, this one given up for adoption.

By age 21, Norma was homeless in Dallas, Texas, and she had become pregnant for a third time, despite her lesbian relationship.  After attempting to get an illegal abortion, and not able to, she was introduced to two attorneys:  Linda Coffee and Sarah Weddington.  They were actively seeking out pregnant women who wanted abortions but could not obtain them, because at the time, it was illegal to kill one’s child.  Essentially, these attorneys were seeking a “useful idiot” to use to make their case for legal abortion in Texas.  They needed a “plaintiff.”  Norma McCorvey, homeless, pregnant, addicted to drugs and alcohol, deeply depressed and with only a 9th grade education, was the perfect “poster child” for their cause.

Known in the press only as “Jane Roe,” Norma McCorvey became the “Roe” in Roe v Wade.  It would take three years for the case to reach the US Supreme Court.  Norma never attended a single trial, and claims she never really understood what she was doing or how she was intentionally being taken advantage of by the attorneys in the case, which has since resulted in the deaths of more than 60 million premature babies in the womb.

It was January 22nd, 1973 when the US Supreme Court handed down a 7-2 decision, and abortion — for all practical purposes — became the pretend “law of the land.”  I say “PRETEND” because, as we all know from our 5th grade civics classes, courts do not make laws.   Nevermind the very OBVIOUS fact that abortion itself is UNCONSTITUTIONAL, and is directly contrary to one of our nation’s most fundamental founding documents (the Declaration of Independence) — because it deprives innocent children of — oh, things like… LIFE…LIBERTY…THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS… (LIFE!  It’s the FIRST ONE, folks!)

But America was ripe for Satan’s picking.  There were many in the same boat with Norma McCorvey.  Having spent their young lives free from all personal responsibility, indulging in illicit casual sex, drugs and weird religions, they didn’t want those “good old days” to end.  The men wanted no responsibility for the children they created with a woman they didn’t even know or care anything about.  And even the women gave up their natural affections for the babies inside them.  And so when the High Court handed down its decision, there were many who applauded it.

Of course, in 1973 there were FEW who really understood what abortion truly was: the deliberate murder of an unborn baby.  Most people believed the lie that a baby in the womb was nothing more than a “blob of tissue,” and abortion was just a simple “solution”  to their “problem.”  Yes, sadly, CHILDREN had become “problems” for people, rather than blessings… and that’s the result of denying God and His natural design for marriage and family.

But today, we have no more excuses.  With modern technology, there’s now more than ample scientific PROOF that a baby in the womb is, indeed, a real, living, SEPARATE human being — from the moment of conception.  And we know now the real truth of abortion.  We understand that it’s the deliberate KILLING of the child by burning it with chemicals, or dismembering the baby, tearing it limb from limb.  It’s truly BARBARIC.   Yet few — even today, with all we know to be true — seem to care.  Will anyone stand up for these helpless, innocent babies that are being slaughtered by the thousands every single day in our country?

Back to Norma’s life:  Norma was eventually befriended by our friend Flip Benham, who was the head of Operation Save America at the time.  She became a Christian.  Pastor Flip baptized Norma in 1995.  Soon after, as she learned the truth of what REALLY happened in Roe v Wade, and what REALLY takes place during an abortion, she deeply regretted being a party to that travesty.  She also renounced her lesbianism and worked to get the Supreme Court to overturn the Roe decision and she supported many pro-life causes.  She died in February of 2017 of heart failure at 69 years old.

It was Flip Benham who said, “abortion in America will end when the CHURCH in America decides it will end, and not before.”  Indeed, the CHURCH COULD BE the most influential institution there is to put a stop to the slaughter of millions.  Yet the Church has remained largely SILENT on this issue for almost 50 years now.

Now, most pastors and churches will claim to be staunchly “pro life.”  They’ll claim they agree that abortion is wrong and they DO understand it’s the deliberate murder of an unborn child.  Yet the vast majority of pastors in our modern American churches will never utter a single word about it from the pulpit or teach their congregations on the subject or lead them out to the killing centers to expose and oppose this horror.  In short, they KNOW about it.  They SAY with their WORDS that they oppose it, but yet they will do NOTHING about it.

SOME will support Crisis Pregnancy Centers and homes for unwed mothers.  But that’s the extent of it.  There are MANY churches that boast proudly about their short-term mission trips to foreign countries, yet will REFUSE to go two blocks down the street and intercede for the preborn babies being slaughtered there every day.  It’s just much EASIER and much less CONTROVERSIAL to go and do “good deeds” in foreign lands, far away from home, than to “rock the boat” in their own home towns.   Today’s pastors want to be well liked and popular among the people, and if they were to actually DO anything substantial to end abortion — or even SPEAK AGAINST abortion, they’d be sure to make at least a few enemies.  God forbid!

But just IMAGINE what would happen if every killing facility in the country had even ONE entire church from that town turn up every Sunday morning and hold their church service on the street outside — imagine if a hundred church-goers would gather and expose and oppose OPENLY the horrors of abortion, standing in the gap for the most innocent among us.  Now imagine if even 10% of those faithful church-goers were to make it their personal mission and ministry to witness outside an abortion center at least one day a week in their spare time, even for a couple hours.  How long do you think it would take before abortion became front page news — and pressure was brought to bear to end this atrocity?  But again, that isn’t happening, because of cowardice, fear and because people choose the approval of men over the commands of God Almighty.  If we cannot count on CHRISTIANS to defend babies and put an immediate END to their legalized murder, who, I ask you, CAN we count on?  I dare say that those who continue to ignore these precious little ones, even as they never miss a Sunday service, are “Christians in name only.”  As Jesus said in Matthew 15, “These people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me.”

But a new movement has begun in America.  It’s known as “Church Repent.”  The GOAL of “Church Repent” is to call church-goers out and recruit them to join in this spiritual and physical battle to save innocent lives.  It is essentially going and begging and pleading with those who call themselves Christians to get involved and join the scant few who DO witness outside abortion centers, standing in opposition to what goes on there, and loving the pregnant mothers going into those places enough to tell them the truth BEFORE it’s too late.  Remember, every abortion leaves one dead and one wounded.  Studies show that women who kill their babies suffer mentally, physically and spiritually for years afterwards.  You see, they chose to believe the lie of “my body, my choice,” but then they have to LIVE with that choice, for the rest of their lives.

“Church Repent” works like this:  first, abortion abolitionists call to make an appointment with a local pastor.  If the pastor agrees to meet with them, the abolitionists go and explain to him that they need his congregation’s HELP — in person, at the killing centers.  They politely ask the pastor if they could please hand out information to the congregation, and simply INFORM the people of this most vital ministry work, and then just INVITE them to come and join others out on the streets, to help rescue women and children.  That’s ALL they’re asking for.

It’s important to note that this is an ESSENTIAL first step – contacting the pastor of the church and seeking to meet with him privately FIRST.  (If this first step is neglected, the abolitionists will be seen ONLY as angry “protestors” later; the pastor and church congregation will NOT understand why they are there and ASSUME they are there only to cause trouble).  But 99 times out of 100, the pastor will refuse that meeting.  Moreover, if they DO agree to the meeting and hear the abolitionists plea, most often excuses are made such as “that is not our calling,” “we don’t get involved in politics here at our church,” and “we agree with you, but this subject just makes people too uncomfortable, so that’s not something we would get involved with.”

At that point, the abolitionists will have no other choice but to go directly to the PEOPLE of the church — and since the pastor made it clear they’re not welcome inside, they stand OUTSIDE the church on the public sidewalks near the entrance to the church.  They’ll show up on a Sunday morning before the service, and as the church-goers arrive, will attempt to hand out literature and information and invite them to join in their rescue efforts.  Yes, they will also normally have large signs and posters showing graphic photos of the horrors of abortion.  Many object to using this type of imagery.  But it’s VITAL that people actually SEE and are personally confronted with the truth of what an abortion really is.

What normally happens next?  The pastor calls the police.  In some instances, which have been recorded on video countless times, the pastor and/or his elders will confront the abolitionists and act violently — even cursing and swearing at them.  Yes, you heard me right, and there are countless cases recorded on video where this has happened.  But you see, the abolitionists did NOT come to protest the church or shame the church (although if they ARE ashamed, then they SHOULD be).  No, they came to plead for help from church-going “Christians.”  And again, if Christians won’t help, WHO will?

Now, I’ve used the term “abolitionist” several times here.  Some of you may not know  what that is.  An abolitionist is one who calls for the immediate ABOLITION of abortion — an immediate END to abortion.  This is in contrast to one who calls themselves “Pro-Life.”  You see, the “Pro-life Movement” has been around since Roe v Wade.  The Pro-Life Movement seeks to REGULATE abortion through governmental legislation.  But how’s that been working for us?  It hasn’t.  And it never will.  And here’s why:

Those who call themselves “Pro Life” but don’t get personally involved in the battle will always support Pro Life Groups and self-proclaimed “Pro Life” candidates running for office.  But it’s all smoke and mirrors.  Once elected, these “Pro Life” candidates do little to nothing to actually end abortion.  Many actually purposely KILL proposed legislation that WOULD end abortion.   Meanwhile, on the other side, the Pro DEATH people support the “Pro Abortion” candidates.  UNDERSTAND THIS folks: NEITHER SIDE wants abortion to end.  Why?  Because on one hand you have the Christians and Pro-Lifers funneling tons of money to the candidates that promise to fight abortion.  On the other hand, you have the Pro-Abortion groups funneling tons of money to THEIR candidates.  If abortion were to simply be ABOLISHED, the gravy train ends… no more campaign funds or lobbying deals.  So neither side will ever end it — it’s all just for “show.”

Again: abortion in America will end when the CHURCH in America decides it will end, and not before.  Until then, our nation stands under blood guiltiness and under the wrath and judgment of God, because AS A NATION, we have legalized and celebrated this horror — and those who take His name in vain, calling themselves “Christians” stand idly by and do virtually nothing.  Don’t count on your “Pro Life” legislators to do much of anything to end abortion, because if the truth be told, they are no more “Pro Life” than the pew-warming church-goers are true Christ-followers.  If you want abortion to end, YOU, my friend, must get PERSONALLY involved in this battle and call for an immediate END to this atrocity.  And if you see a “Church Repent” group outside YOUR church, be kind to them.  Talk to them.  Understand them and help them.  And KNOW that if they are standing outside on the street, then most likely they’ve already talked to your pastor and your pastor has already decided to do nothing — and he’s already made the decision for YOU that YOU will continue to do nothing as well.  Are you alright with that?

A wise man once told me that all down through history, every time a nation began to kill its own children, that nation self-destructed from within, within ONE generation.  Look around.  Is America self-destructing right before our very eyes?  Why do you think that is?

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are ALSO available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 278.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

“Fear” The Devil’s Tool To Silence Critics

Robert Pue

Fear Not!

Today I want to talk with you about the greatest challenge that all of us face.  This is something we all struggle with.  It is also the greatest weapon the devil uses against God’s people.  It’s extremely effective, and it’s rare, indeed, when it does not completely put a dead STOP to great things we might have done for the Lord and the Kingdom of God, and great blessings we might have received in return.

What am I talking about?  FEAR.  The most paralyzing emotion there is.  Fear dictates how we feel, what we say, what we do (or DON’T do), and when God’s people are fearful, when they FEAR anything other than the Lord, it is always, ALWAYS of the enemy.  It is a tactic of spiritual warfare, used by the devil and his demonic spirits to shut us down.  And it works so well.

In Genesis 3, following Adam and Eve’s disobedience and sin against God, we read, “And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden.  But the LORD God called to the man and said to him, ‘Where are you?’  And he said, ‘I heard the sound of You in the garden and I was afraid, because I was naked and I hid myself.’”

Prior to this, Adam and Eve lived in perfect communion with God;  all their needs supplied, not a care in the world; a life of perfection and abundance, all for their enjoyment.  But the instant the devil came on the scene and enticed them, and they took the bait, the immediate result was FEAR.  The heart of man has been frightened to death ever since.  Allow me to refresh your memory with  just a few examples.

I think of Noah, a man the Bible describes as “righteous, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God.”  As God tells Noah what is to come, and gives him instructions for the construction of the ark, Scripture does not say anything at all about Noah’s response, other than Genesis Chapter 6, verse 22, where we read “Noah did everything just as God commanded him.”  And Chapter 7, verse 5: “And Noah did all that the Lord commanded him.”

As I read this story, where God speaks with Noah and tells him about the horror that is coming upon the Earth, I have to wonder:  was Noah not fearful?  The entire world and all it’s inhabitants WILL be destroyed.  What’s more, God is commanding Noah to build a gigantic thing that has never been conceived of before… 510 feet long, 85 feet wide and 51 feet high.  That’s big enough to hold, among other things, 500 semi truck trailers.  And there was no modern technology, just his own two bare hands and a few primitive tools.  It took Noah 100 years to complete the task.

Scripture doesn’t tell us much about it, but we can assume that as the people in the neighborhood saw this great structure begin to rise from the ground, Noah must have shared what the Lord had told him.  Certainly he must have preached to them and told them why he was doing what he was doing…  his message must have been one of repentance, and the peoples’ response, we can only conclude, must have been one of ridicule and derision.  For a hundred years.  Imagine, faithfully serving God for 100 years, amid constant ridicule and taunting, with no help and no friends, and not winning one single convert.

I think, also, of Job.   Do you suppose Job was sometimes fearful?  His own wife, fed up with the utter despair this poor man was enduring, told him to “curse God and die!”  What about Abraham, or Lot?   What about Joseph, sold into slavery, thrown into prison, given up for dead by his own brothers…

Do you think Moses was ever afraid?  Told to defy Pharaoh and his entire army and  lead his unbelieving and ungrateful countrymen into the Promised Land?  And when they finally arrived at the edge of the land, and the young men were sent to explore it, ten of them returned in terror because the inhabitants there were powerful, described as “giants.”  Look at Numbers, chapter 13:  “We went into the land to which you sent us, and it does flow with milk and honey!  Here is its fruit.  But the people who live there are powerful, and the cities are fortified and very large. We even saw descendants of Anak there.”

The people were filled with fear.  Only Caleb and Joshua had a different attitude from the others. Verse 30 records, “Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, ‘We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.’” When the people complained that they couldn’t, both Caleb and Joshua were insistent:  We read that they “tore their clothes and said to the entire Israelite assembly, ‘The land we passed through and explored is exceedingly good. If the Lord is pleased with us, He will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it to us. Only do not rebel against the Lord. And do not be afraid of the people of the land, because we will devour them. Their protection is gone, but the Lord is with us.  Do not be afraid of them.’”

Did God’s people listen?  Of course not.  And so God judged the people of Israel by making them wait 40 years to enter the land. He also promised that every person 20 years old or older would die in the wilderness and would not even see the land — with two exceptions — Caleb and Joshua.  Why?  “Because My servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows Me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and his descendants will inherit it.”  Verse 38 adds, “Not one of you will enter the land I swore with uplifted hand to make your home, except Caleb… and Joshua.”

How sad, the many blessings we lose and how we postpone the will of God by our disobedience, caused by our fear.  The Bible is filled with similar stories of fearful men, who overcame their fears and we read about them still today, as heroes of the faith.  Why?  Because of their COURAGE.  They WERE afraid, but they still obeyed;  they pushed beyond the fear of men and held fast to the promises of GOD.  Young David who defeated Goliath.  Jonah, so fearful that he tried to tell God to find someone else to preach to Nineveh.  For that matter, look at ALL of the prophets of God… NONE of them were welcomed.  NONE of them were popular or well liked by the people.  I can assure you, ALL of them endured fear.  And yet, they obeyed.

Consider also Mary and Joseph.  And Jesus Himself, in the garden the night of His arrest, as He prayed that the cup of His suffering might be taken from Him, but nevertheless, He prayed that His Father’s will be done….  And Peter, who denied Him three times, because he was fearful of the persecution of men.  Peter learned that night, what it means to take up his cross daily.  And each of the apostles of Christ, all martyred for their association with the Lord and for preaching His word… do you suppose they were ever tempted to be afraid?

What about the men, women and children in the middle east even today, having their fingers, hands, arms and legs cut off — for the entertainment of the Islamic savages?  Do you think the Christian women and children are fearful when their husbands and fathers are beheaded or crucified in front of them and then they are sold into slavery?  Do you think the Christians who refuse to renounce their Lord and Savior in Iraq and Syria are afraid as they are locked in cages and set on fire?

Matthew 10:28 tells us, “Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.  Rather, fear Him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”  That’s good to remember, but it is still scary when you are face to face with demonic spirits, when you are standing for Christ at the very gates of hell.

Friends, the point of all this today is that our American Church has literally NO IDEA what it’s like to suffer for the cause of Christ.  The things that go on week after week  in most American churches are ridiculous, carnal and vain.  Worse than a waste of time, because souls are literally being led astray by “easy believism.”

The Christian life is HARD.  It is a life of taking up your cross DAILY, and DAILY choosing to follow Jesus.  Taking every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ.  Scripture tells us that THIS IS HOW we demolish arguments and every pretention that sets itself up against the knowledge of God.   This is the KEY to spiritual warfare.  And make no mistake:  THIS IS WAR!  Is it easy, plesant or fun?  Of course not!  Let me give you a quick crash course in TRUE Christian living:

2 Timothy 3:12: “All who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.”  John 15:18:  “If the world hates you, know that it has hated Me before it hated you.”  1 John 3:13:  “Do not be surprised, brothers, that the world hates you.”  1 Peter 4:  “Do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when His glory is revealed. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.”    It sounds like Peter learned a few things on that awful night after he heard the cock crow.

My friends, please listen:  the Establishment Church in America knows NOTHING about true Christianity;  certainly the modern preachers are not proclaiming it.   Because of the fear of the opinions of man, they are suppressing the truth, cowering, afraid to speak it.  ABSOLUTELY afraid to lead.   These so-called “shepherds” have the duty to protect, teach and lead the flock of God’s people and prophecy truth from GOD’S WORD, but instead, week after week they spend their time tickling itching ears with feel-good self-help talks, ALWAYS dancing around the issues so delicately, so as not to offend the lost sinner.   Our churches are so politically correct and so seeker-friendly, we welcome the desperately lost to our meetings, and strive to make sure they feel “loved” and accepted just as they are, comfortable in their sin, rather than convicted in their souls.  Those who REALLY WANT to know God are left to fend for themselves spiritually, with NO leadership and no direction.

Because our modern American pastors want to be popular and well liked, “only a few  of the millions of lost souls will ever find” that narrow road which leads to salvation and life everlasting.  Shame on those who fear the opinions of man and therefore, refuse to speak and prophecy the truth which they KNOW is SO VITAL.  These are not ignorant men.  These are men who know the Scriptures, and know them well.  Yet they choose to speak only the soft things, the easy things.  Our modern American pastors, charged with leading their flocks are instead choosing to be smiling, hand-shaking, popular people-pleasers.  That just does NOT line up with what the Bible says God’s people are to be or do.

God’s word tells us 365 times to “FEAR NOT!”   Yet today, we are so fearful, we will not even speak about God to our own families in our own homes.   How, then, will we ever stand up and confront the evil at the gates of hell?  We live in a time and place where baby killing is commonplace for the sake of convenience and profit;  where sodomy is celebrated and our children and invited to try it out for themselves;  where parents refuse to teach their children about Jesus as they were taught, choosing instead to  just wait and let the child pick for himself which “path to God” he will decide to take —  exposing the poor little kids to all sorts of false gods and doctrines of demons.  Instead of liberty and justice for all, our poor are oppressed and kept dependent as virtual slaves in our ghettos.  Christianity is shunned but the evil of Islam is praised;  evil judges and wicked magistrates persecute the righteous and reward the lawless.  Who will stand and fight these demons?  WHERE are the Christians?  I’ll tell you where.  Most of them are hiding in fear.  And the few who ARE fighting are ridiculed and shouted down — not just by the evil ones — worse than that — by the so-called “Christians” who are too cowardly to join them.  And these cowardly “Christians” can be the meanest of all.

It is time for judgment to begin with the house of God.  As Christians, it’s time for us to “man up.”  Do we BELIEVE GOD’s Word or not?  “The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe!” (Proverbs 29).  “We have not been given a spirit of fear but of power and of love and a sound mind.”  (2 Timothy 1).  “Am I now seeking the approval of man or of God?  Or am I trying to please man?  If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.” (Galatians 1).  Friends, God has equipped us and God is WITH US.  We need not fear what man can do to us.  Ever.  Where is your faith?  As our world continues to spiral out of control, it is up to us, as Christians, to OCCUPY until He returns, to FIGHT this spiritual battle.  Not just for our own personal sakes, but so that God’s will is done on earth, as it is in heaven.  We are HIS INSTRUMENTS to get that done.  We are SUPPOSED to be His “Salt and Light Brigade.”  The fact that our country and our world has become so hellish should be evidence enough that the American Church has become little more than a social club for the cowardly.  Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof!

This culture war is heating up to levels we have not seen since the days of Noah and Lot.  Which side of the war are you on?  Because there’s no fence-sitting allowed.  There is only God’s side and the devil’s side.  It’s time now, to PICK ONE.  So again, I urge you, as God’s Word says, ‘FEAR NOT!”

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are ALSO available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 177.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Stepping Into The New ‘Roaring ‘20s’

Rob Pue

As we step into the new “Roaring ‘20s,” I wonder how far we’ve come in the past 100 years?  What was life like — in America and the world — in 1920?  Let’s take a walk back in time and take a look.  I love to study history and some of the things I learned about 1920 surprised me.  You may be astounded too — and see a few similarities between THEN and NOW.

First, some basics:  In 1920, only 2% of homes in rural areas had electricity;  35% of homes had this convenience in larger cities.  The average income for Americans in 1920 was $750 a year.  That amount dropped to about $200 a year for farmers.

Life expectancy for men in 1920 was 53 years old.  I guess if this were 100 years ago, I’d be “pushing up daisies” by now.  Average life expectancy for women back then was 54.

A first-class postage stamp was two cents.  A pack of Wrigley’s gum was five cents.  A loaf of bread was nine cents.  A gallon of milk: 28 cents.  Silver was $1.37 an ounce, and a brand new car (complete with that “new car smell”) was less than $300.

Popular toys included the Raggedy Ann doll, Lionel trains and wooden Pogo sticks.  There was no such thing as commercial air travel.  Charles Lindbergh didn’t make his famous non-stop flight across the Atlantic until 1927.

In January of 1920, the League of Nations held its first Executive Council meeting, after President Woodrow Wilson traveled to Paris to negotiate the Treaty of Versailles, following the end of World War 1 in 1918.  In November, the League of Nations held its first General Assembly in Geneva.  At its peak, the League of Nations included 58 member states, though the US never joined.  The League of Nations eventually became the United Nations following World War II.  Our country was one of the original UN organizers.

It was on February 24th, 1920 that Adolph Hitler began to emerge as an up-and-coming leader in Germany, when he presented his National Socialist Program in Munich to the German Workers’ Party, later renamed the Nazi Party.

While the radical Left had not yet figured out a way to manipulate the masses with a thing called “Climate Change,” there was still severe weather back then.  Note the Palm Sunday tornado outbreak of 1920, when 37 tornadoes swept across the Midwest and southern states.  More than 380 people were killed and at least 1200 injured.

The 18th amendment was passed in 1920:  Prohibition of alcohol.  But Prohibition did not achieve its goals, as “drunk and disorderly” arrests increased by 41 percent; drunk driving increased by 81 percent and the federal prison population increased by 366 percent.  The 21st amendment, passed on December 5, 1933 repealed the 18th, thereby ending the era of Prohibition.  Today, the alcohol industry in the US rakes in $90 billion dollars a year, and $10 billion in tax revenue for the government.

Interestingly, an exemption was made during Prohibition for whiskey to be sold by pharmacies for medical purposes.  Partly because of this, Walgreens drug stores grew from a chain of 20 stores to almost 400 during Prohibition.

It was August of 1920 when the 19th Amendment was ratified, allowing women to vote in American elections for the first time.

And on September 16, 1920, America saw the worst terrorist attack in its history, when a horse-drawn cart, carrying a massive amount of explosives was detonated on the busiest corner of Wall Street.  Thirty-eight people were killed in the bombing and hundreds were injured.  No one was ever apprehended for this crime.  America would not see such a devastating attack on its soil again until the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995.

The Ku Klux Klan was revitalized in 1920 under new leadership.  The Klan brought unprecedented social division and civil unrest, focusing their hatred on Catholics, Jews, Asians, African-Americans and even Europeans who were not from the northern Nordic countries.

In November 1920, the first commercially licensed radio station began broadcasting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  The first broadcast brought live results of the presidential election.  Americans loved this new “talking box” invention and within two years, had purchased 100,000 radios.  By 1923, a half-million Americans had radios and by mid-decade over 700 commercial radio stations were broadcasting across the country.  A Westinghouse radio cost $10.

The 1920s also saw a sharp decline in Christian morals with an increase in alcohol use and public drunkenness (despite Prohibition), “Speakeasies,” Jazz and dance clubs, and women embracing more revealing fashion wear, including the “flapper girl” outfits.

Then there were the Hollywood movies becoming more popular as well as a huge increase in the acceptance of sexual lewdness.  And believe it or not, homosexuality began to become acceptable in the 1920s, with large communities of homosexuals developing in bigger cities like London, Paris, Berlin, New York and Rome.  Some Hollywood stars were already “out of the closet,” living as open homosexuals, even as they became heroes of the American cinema.  Mae West starred in a provocative play titled “The Drag.”  And I’m pretty sure you did not realize that in 1920 the term “trans-sexualism” was first introduced by a man named Magnus Hirschfeld.  It was also in the 1920s that evolution began to be taught in public schools.

Preachers at the time were unafraid to speak out on the cultural, social and moral issues of the day and often led their congregations OUT of the church buildings to confront evil.  Tent Revivals were commonplace, often held every night for a week or more.  Street preachers were also courageously and boldly speaking the truth of God’s Word from soap boxes on street corners.  As a result, many who had drifted away from their Christian upbringing and reveled in the decadence and perceived moral “freedoms” of the period repented and turned back to God.  Others, who had not known God before were introduced to Him.  Mass baptisms were held in local rivers.

And it was in 1920 that the term “Fundamentalism” was coined… used to describe strict adherence to Christian doctrines and a literal interpretation of the Bible.  A “Fundamentalist” was one (quote) “doing battle royal for the Fundamentals,” which meant defending biblical inspiration and the inerrant authority of God’s Word.

But not everyone was repenting and coming to Christ.  The “Roaring ‘20s” continued to roar and liberal licentiousness continued, as the Leftist agenda in America progressed.

When I speak of the Leftist agenda, did you know the American Civil Liberties Union (the ACLU) was established in 1920?  Yes, on January 19th.  The ACLU has continued to be a champion of all things secular-humanist, unbiblical and ungodly, pushing it’s “progressive” mandates on all of society and using legal force to achieve its goals.

It was also in the 1920s that Americans began their obsession with professional sports as an entertaining pastime, distracting the hearts and minds of the masses from the most important matters at hand.  The most famous athlete of the time was Babe Ruth.  And The American Professional Football Association was formed in September of 1920.  It was renamed the National Football League two years later.

Just a few more interesting points regarding our world of 100 years ago:  The Johnson & Johnson Company patented the first “Band-aid” in 1920.  And the Ford Motor Company was now producing so much wood waste in their factories that they began making it into charcoal.  This new product was sold under the name “Ford Charcoal,” later renamed “Kingsford Charcoal.”

And finally, it was in 1920 that the US Postal Service ended the previously accepted practice of shipping CHILDREN through the US Mail.

What can we learn from all this?  As God’s Word reminds us, “there is nothing new under the sun.”  And as the saying goes, “those who fail to learn from history are destined to repeat it.”

By the end of that decade, the party was over.  The Great Depression hit in 1929, with a total collapse of our financial system.  Those who had relied on God’s grace and mercy all their lives, and were already living off the land on farms were used to low wages and they were grateful for all God provided.  They worked hard, prayed hard and were thankful for all the Lord’s bounty.  THEY were barely impacted by the Great Depression at all.  But for those affluent partiers in the big cities — those who depended on their “great”  human wisdom and innovation as leaders of industry and finance — it was a different story.  Many, having lost everything, committed suicide.

In fact, the suicide rate, even during the prosperous times of the 1920s PRIOR to the stock market crash was on a steady increase.  Apparently the “good life” of the “Roaring ‘20s” was not all that good.   By 1932, the suicide rate in America was at an all-time high.

In an especially poignant example of one living such an indulgent vain existence, a young man named Lytle shot and killed himself in a hotel in Milwaukee, leaving behind four cents — and a suicide note directing that “my body should go to science, my soul to Andrew W. Mellon and sympathy to my creditors.”  The note also asked that his body not be removed from the room until the rent was up.

Fast forward 100 years in the future:  TODAY.  We are at a crossroads in the world now.   On one hand, it seems, we have the WHOLE WORLD now embracing all things Godless and unholy.  We live in a time when a MAJORITY (yes, I said a MAJORITY) of regular church attenders now approve of the idea of sodomite so-called “marriage.”  “Transgenderism” is being taught in our public schools and libraries as completely normal.  Those who disagree are labeled as “haters.”  “Hate speech” laws silence freedom of speech… and “Conversion therapy bans” are being set in place in nearly every American city to keep misguided, indoctrinated young people confused and lost following their “recruitment” by the LGBTQP+ militants.

Sexual immorality is rampant.  We not only accept such behavior — we celebrate it — with PRIDE.  In fact, it’s MANDATED by rule of law that we celebrate it, with even rainbow “pride” flags flown over our state houses and other government buildings.  Meanwhile, sexually transmitted diseases are epidemic — to the point where now pharmaceutical companies are even advertising on national television for medications to “control” these lifetime illnesses, which people inflict upon themselves in their unbridled lust.

If that were not bad enough, we’ve been killing our own children through the horrors of abortion for nearly a half-century now.  Those so-called “Progressives” on the Left are having a field day, and the scant few willing to push back against such tyranny are persecuted and prosecuted.  Unlike the 1920s, the street preachers of today are ridiculed, physically attacked and often jailed.  Pastors refuse to even speak on any of these evils, and to most it is absolutely UNTHINKABLE that they would lead their flocks out to the town square to proclaim the truth of God’s Word.  The days of the Tent Revivals and mass baptisms appear to be over — along with the days of repentance, it seems.  Truth has fallen in our streets.

But perhaps there will come a day, in the not-too-distant future, when calamity strikes once again, and these poor lost souls will be just desperate enough to seek God.  It’s not only VERY LIKELY, but I believe, it’s IMMINENT.  God is patient and long-suffering, not willing that any should perish.  But there ARE limits to His patience, and I believe we have been pushing those limits for far too long now.   God’s Word tells us that those who earnestly seek Him will find Him.  He doesn’t hide Himself from us; but neither does He force Himself upon us.  It’s up to each individual soul to repent and turn to Christ as Lord and Savior, …or not.  True Christ-followers MUST continue to preach in the streets.

God’s Word MUST be boldly proclaimed — NOW more than ever before, because I believe our time is short.  A day of reckoning is coming, soon.  Perhaps instead of the self-indulgence and debauchery people reveled in 100 years ago, the “Roaring ‘20s” of OUR day will be the ROAR of Christ’s wrath as He returns on the clouds of heaven to make war with those who hate Him and His saints.  But I know THIS: NOW is the time for HIS people to rise up, awaken and prepare — and be ready to always give a reason for the hope that we have in Christ Jesus.  Our loved ones, friends and neighbors will need the real TRUTH very soon — and we will be the only ones able to provide it.  So let us work while the sun still shines, being about our Father’s business as He has commanded.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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2019 Year in Review

Rob Pue

The new year is upon us.  So before we get into 2020, let’s take a look back at what happened in 2019 — because I’m sure there’s a lot we’ve forgotten already.  On January 3rd, Nancy Pelosi regained her power as Speaker of the House after Democrats regained control.

Those mysterious “booming” sounds continued around the world this year — accompanied by unexplained flashes of light.  The booms often happen in the middle of the night and seem to be coming from underground somewhere, though there has been no seismic activity recorded.  No one knows the cause of this phenomenon, but it continued worldwide in 2019, shaking homes and large buildings like an explosion.

It was also a year of harsh and violent weather.  On January 7, California highways were closed due to mudslides, snow and flooding.  Four days later a blizzard hit Missouri and then went on to impact 1500 miles of the United States, from Denver to Washington.

By mid-January more than 35 million people were under weather alerts, and more than 100 million by January 19.  Then on January 27, a rare tornado hit Havana, Cuba causing severe damage.  And yet another winter storm impacted 75% of the US on January 28.  By the 31st, it was colder in Minnesota than Antarctica, with temps in some areas at -56 degrees below zero.

2019 was also a year of marches, strikes and demonstrations.  On January 14, more than 32,000 teachers in Los Angeles walked off the job, and on the 19th, hundreds of cities were again flooded with protesters in “Women’s Marches,” which were highly focused on removing Donald Trump in the 2020 elections.

Nicolas Maduro was sworn in for his second term as president of Venezuela on January 10th, but most countries do not see his presidency as legitimate.

Islam continued its world-wide Jihad.  According to the website, there were 1,721 Islamic terror attacks around the world in 2019, in 53 countries.  These attacks killed 10,100 people and wounded another 10,499.  If it be any consolation, this is less than half the number of Islamic attacks that occurred during Barack Hussein Obama’s last year in the White House…

Al Shabaab stormed a Nairobi hotel on January 15, killing at least 21 people.  The attackers then committed suicide for allah.  And on January 27th, two terrorist bombs went off in a church in the Philippines, leaving 20 dead and 100 wounded.

Monsoon rains in Australia caused severe flooding and destroyed more than 20,000 homes in February.  On the 8th, the governor of Washington declared a state of emergency after it was predicted the state was about to get its annual amount of snowfall in just one storm.  By mid-month more than 160 million Americans were under a winter weather watch or warning of some kind.  On February 22nd, Flagstaff, Arizona received a record snowfall of 36 inches.  Tennessee called for a state of emergency on February 24th due to extreme flooding.  And California broke THEIR flood records on February 28th, as many towns there essentially became “islands.”

On February 11th, public school teachers in Denver began their strike, following their comrades in Los Angeles.  The drug lord Joaquin ‘El Chapo’ Guzman was found guilty on all charges on February 12th, and sent to a maximum-security prison in Colorado.  On the 15th, Donald Trump declared a national emergency on our southern border.

On March 3rd over a dozen tornadoes hit Alabama and Georgia, with almost no warning.  On the 6th, at least 11 states passed anti-vaccination bills, requiring doctors to disclose more information regarding the risks of vaccines.  On March 10, an Ethiopian Airline flight crashed shortly after takeoff, killing 157 people. The flight was especially full because it was carrying UN officials headed to the UN environmental summit in Kenya.

Weather forecasters called the March 13 phenomenon a “Bomb Cyclone.”  This storm brought with it hurricane-like winds, blizzard conditions and hail.  At least 70 million Americans were impacted.  This was followed by massive flooding in Iowa and Nebraska.

Leftists protested President Trump’s executive order requiring universities to allow students to have free speech on campus or lose federal funding.  Trump signed the order March 21st.  The next day, Robert Mueller delivered his now-famous fraudulent report regarding Trump and his alleged “collusion” with Russia.

On April 1st, Colorado proposed a “red flag” bill, which allows guns to be confiscated from people who are deemed to be a threat to themselves.

On April 7th, record rainfalls in Iran led to flooding that killed at least 70 people there.  Julian Assange, the founder of “WikiLeaks” was arrested on April 11th in London.  On April 15th the Notre Dame Cathedral caught fire in Paris, causing massive damage.

And on April 21st, Easter Sunday, nearly 300 people were killed and hundreds more injured in an explosion at churches in Sri Lanka.  The Islamic State claimed responsibility.  The next day, a deadly earthquake hit the Philippines.  And also in April, the US implemented a law banning “transgenders” from the military.  Donald Trump stated that “transgender service members would cause tremendous medical costs and disruption.”

Two students were killed and another injured May 1st when a fellow student opened fire at the University of Charlotte, North Carolina.  May 3rd: North Korea began testing short-range missiles.  The teacher strikes continued in May… over a thousand walked out in Nashville on May 6th.  Two days later, thousands of Oregon teachers went on strike as well.

On the 8th, Denver, Colorado voted to decriminalize the sale and use of psychotropic “Magic Mushrooms.”  And Alabama passed what opponents called “the nation’s most restrictive abortion ban.”  The bill states that abortions are now a felony in Alabama, with no exceptions.

On May 17th, Taiwan voted to become the first Asian country to legalize same-sex so-called “marriage.”  Not to be “outdone,” the “thought police” in Brazil made “homophobia” and “transphobia” a crime in May, punishable by imprisonment.

On May 21st, 19 tornadoes tore through four different states, wreaking havoc throughout the Midwest.  By May 27th, a record 3.6 million people were under a flash flood warning and over 50 million under severe weather watches.

On June 4th, Los Angeles revealed it had the highest rate of homeless people ever.  Meanwhile, it was reported that more than four million people had fled Venezuela due to severe poverty, homelessness and starvation caused by that country’s socialist regime.

Things got hot as summer began.  Many cities on the West Coast saw triple-digit temperatures in record-breaking heatwaves, along with wildfires.  The heatwave was world-wide.  ANTIFA protestors clashed with police in Portland in June.  On the 17th, Iran declared it would not comply with Obama’s nuclear “deal,” and three suicide bombers blew themselves up in Nigeria killing 30 people and injuring 40 more.  On June 30th, Donald Trump landed in North Korea for talks with Kim Jong-un, marking the first time a sitting president did so.  And also in June, Ecuador became the 27th country in the world to legalize same-sex so-called “marriage.”  Northern Ireland followed in July.

On July 1st, four people were injured by a shooter in a mall in San Francisco.  The next day, two were injured at a mall in North Carolina.  On the 4th of July, a 6.1 magnitude earthquake hit Southern California.  The next day a 7.1 quake struck the same area.  Heavy rains and flooding continued around the world; from Washington DC to France.  Heatwaves continued here in the US, causing power outages in Wisconsin and New York.

Iran seized a British oil tanker on July 19.  On the 26th, the US Supreme Court ruled to give President Trump 2.5 Billion dollars to fund the border wall.  The same day, four people were killed and two wounded after a man went on a shooting spree in three Los Angeles neighborhoods.  Wildfires continued to ravage the Western US, from Arizona to Idaho.  Then on July 28th, an Islamic attack left 65 dead in Nigeria.

Meanwhile, the sodomite “Pride” month of June became “Pride YEAR” as people celebrated homosexuality worldwide, and the perversion of Drag Queen Story Hour continued to spread all year.  It’s now being embraced by public libraries in at least 43 states.

The “Religion of Peace” continued its reign of terror in August with a Taliban bombing  in Kabul on August 7; a shooting at a Norwegian mosque on the 10th, where multiple weapons were found being stockpiled at the mosque; an ISIS attack in Kabul on  August 18, and a knife attack near a subway station in France on the 31st.

Here in the US, there were two mass shootings the first week in August: at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas and a bar in Dayton Ohio.  On August 8, an illegal immigrant and felon went on a stabbing spree in California.  On August 10, Jeffrey Epstein was mysteriously found dead in his prison cell.  The well-connected Epstein was awaiting federal charges on human sex trafficking.

ANTIFA protests erupted once again in Portland on August 17.  And there were more shootings in August: at a football game in Alabama August 30th and in West Texas on the 31st.

Hurricane Dorian hit the Bahamas in early September, leaving 70,000 people homeless there.  Another Taliban suicide bombing took place September 17 in Afghanistan.

On September 25th, Leftists here in the US orchestrated the latest attempt to remove Donald Trump from office, by alleging Trump was guilty of some crime by calling the president of Ukraine to discuss the illegal “pay-for-play” deal of Joe Biden’s son, Hunter.

Another Islamic terror attack took place in Paris on October 6th.  Meanwhile, here in the US, California cut power off from a million people, in an effort to curb wildfires there.  Heavy rain collapsed a dam in Siberia in October, killing 15 people… and flash floods caused chaos in Spain and Italy.

California banned all fur products on October 14 — no more fur clothing, handbags or other items allowed there.  CHICAGO teachers walked out on strike on the 17th, affecting 300,000 students for 11 days.  And four people died in Bangladesh October 21st when police fired into a crowd of rioters there.  The riot was sparked by an offensive Facebook post.  And on October 26th, it was announced that ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi was killed in a raid by US troops.

Protests in Hong Kong took the lives of many throughout 2019, including one protestor who was lit on fire on November 11th.  They were protesting inhumane treatment of Hong Kong citizens under Chinese rule.  Another school shooting November 15th – this time in Santa Clarita, California.  Five killed, along with the student shooter.  Flooding ravaged Somalia, France and Italy, bushfires raged in Australia, and an earthquake rocked Iran in November.

On December 7th, a Saudi Arabian military officer in flight training killed three people at the Navy base in Florida.  Al-Shabaab attacked a hotel in Mogadishu December 10th.  On December 18th, the House of Representatives voted to impeach President Trump.  The following day, Trump signed a massive funding bill — another $1.4 billion dollars, in order to avoid another government shutdown.

And New Zealand was once again in the news as a volcano erupted December 9.  Then, on the 21st, citizens there handed over 56,000 guns to the government during what was called “New Zealand amnesty.”

As we head into 2020 now, I believe we are on the precipice of one of the most tumultuous times in history.  In just 11 months, we’ll be looking at the 2020 presidential elections.  Noting how truly INSANE the Leftists have become since Donald Trump took office, I think I can safely predict that we are in for extremely rough times, no matter WHO wins the White House in 2020.  If Donald Trump wins, what we’ve seen so far will look like child’s play, because the demoniacs will go stark, raving mad.   And if the Socialists take the White House, we had better be prepared for our country to be COMPLETELY made over in the image of Satan himself.

I advise everyone to prepare yourselves now, while there’s still time.  Prepare physically and prepare spiritually.  Only those who are ready and those who prepare, and those who stand firm ‘til the end, with Jesus Christ as Lord will be saved.  Stay strong in the Lord, even as the hearts of men fail them for fear as they see what is coming upon the earth.   I pray you take my warning seriously.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 275.

© 2019 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

What Comes Out of Our Mouths Reveals What’s in Our Hearts

Rob Pue

We live in an increasingly crass and crude society today.  Sexual perversion and sexual innuendos are everywhere we look… from billboards on the roadside to popular music on the radio — (which you can’t avoid, because it’s even played over the speakers at your local convenience store and in public restaurants) — to every television program and movie to the hallways of our public schools, halls of government and the store window displays on the main street of your town.  One can no longer even walk through a public shopping mall without seeing what would have once been considered X-rated material, now proudly displayed as advertising and window dressing.

I remember instructing my children when they were teenagers, regarding their friends’ swearing and filthy talk and jokes.  At that age, you know, kids want to feel and act like “grown ups,” so I told them that GROWN UPS do not swear.”  My point was that swearing and filthy talk was immature, and shows a person’s ignorance and stupidity.  I was quickly corrected by my kids, as all of them, nearly in unison shot back: “OH YES THEY DO!”  “Really?” I asked, “Grownups swear?  What grownups do you know that swear?”  Their response:  “TEACHERS.”  Yes, their public school teachers would use foul language that would make a drunken sailor blush on a regular basis — and that was many years ago already.  Nice role models, huh?

On our Wisconsin Christian News Facebook page, we post vital and late-breaking news stories on a daily basis.  Our Facebook page now has nearly 12,000 people who “like” it and another 12,000 or so who “follow” it.  We reach a lot of people through this form of social media.  I’d like to believe that most of them are Christ-followers, but sadly, that is not the case.  Some are mere Conservatives.  Some just consider themselves to be “religious” or “spiritual,” and of course there are also those lurking out there who like to monitor our page for “hate speech” so they can be offended by the truths we post, and respond with constant arguments and objections.

But I’ve also been amazed and saddened by the number of professing CHRISTIANS who comment on the articles we publish — AGREEING with us — but using foul and vulgar language to get their point across.  Yes, I said PROFESSING CHRISTIANS.  They agree with our message… but then they drop the “F Bomb” or use other vulgar language throughout their comments.  It seems to be just the normal way they speak.

When this happens on our Facebook page (where anyone can comment), we remind them that foul language is not permitted on our page, and we delete those comments.  We also warn them that if it happens a second time, they will no longer be allowed to post on our page.  On rare occasions, some have apologized and thanked us for our gentle “rebuke.”  But more often than not, they shoot back with even filthier talk, and we have no choice but to ultimately ban them from using the page.

It’s very sad that this seems to be the way MOST Americans speak these days.  I hear it when I’m out in public just about every day now.  Young people, especially, cannot seem to complete a sentence without using the “F Word” anymore.  But many adults are no better.  Have you been in a store shopping and observed a mother with young children who are acting unruly — and she is SWEARING and CURSING at them, thinking nothing of it?  I have.  And worse yet, have you seen young children — 4, 5 or 6 years old — throwing a temper tantrum and SWEARING at their parents, using some of the filthiest language you’ve ever heard?  How incredibly sad.  You know, they learned that from SOMEWHERE“Kids these days?”  What about “Parents these days?!”

What’s wrong with us, that so many speak such filth as part of our everyday conversations, and think nothing of it?  What ever happened to SHAME?

I remember when I was in high school — yes PUBLIC high school — everybody swore.  The halls of the school were filled with vulgarity… and that was a very long time ago.  The teachers did nothing to stop it or to reprimand students speaking that way…  they just accepted it as “the norm.”  And I remember sitting with a group of people as we waited for the bus one day after school,  and one guy saying, “Rob, what’s wrong with you?   You never swear.  EVERYBODY swears.  But I’ve never heard you swear.”  I must have been about 15 or so at the time.  I explained that I just don’t do it and told him, “I never learned to swear.”  “Never LEARNED to swear!” he exclaimed.  He couldn’t believe such a thing.  “You don’t have to LEARN to swear!  It just natural,” he said.  …Not for me, it wasn’t.

And as I stated earlier, now, from what I understand, school teachers THEMSELVES are using the same sort of language in front of their students, giving tacit agreement that such talk is just a normal way to express one’s thoughts and feelings.  Yeah, great role models we have.

I’ve also been in situations where I’m speaking with a friend and one of THEIR friends walks in and starts swearing up a storm.  It’s obvious that my friend accepts that sort of talk and probably participates in it as well, but because of who I am and what I DO, he’s embarassed that his other friend would walk in and start swearing — not out of anger, just as part of normal conversation.  My friend then introduces me to the other person as a way to caution the guy to “watch your language”:  “This is Rob Pue,” he tells him.  “He’s the publisher of Wisconsin CHRISTIAN News.” 

Not so long ago, that statement would make the foul-mouthed person feel ashamed of himself, for swearing in front of a Christian.  You could see them shrink back and begin apologizing for what they said in front of me.  (Not that my delicate ears can’t handle it — as I said, I hear it constantly nowadays).  Just that people USED to have a measure of conscience.  But no more.  If anything, learning that I work in full time Christian ministry just emboldens people now, to swear MORE….  as if to say, “who do you think YOU are that I should change my behavior in front of you?”  Our society has lost it’s collective conscience, our sense of shame.  We’re proud of what we should be ashamed of and ashamed of what we should be proud of.

It’s sad, because what that guy told me in school when I was 15 seems to be true now:  EVERYBODY swears.  Parents swearing at their children, toddlers swearing at their parents… foul language everywhere we go, as part of normal, everyday conversation.  You see it a LOT on social media.  I find it very sad and especially disgusting when young teen or pre-teen girls curse and swear and use filthy language in their communications on Facebook.  Some of these girls list “The Bible” as one of their favorite books.  Some post pictures of their adventures at Bible camp or their church youth group — and then a TON of “selfie” pictures, trying their best to look “sexy” and “sexually provocative” along with an abundance of “F bombs” and other nasty language and presenting themselves as anything but “lady-like.”  Where are their parents?   Obviously these young women learned this behavior and attitude somewhere.   And these, again, are very often professing CHRISTIAN young women.  I have to wonder what they’re really LEARNING in “church.”

God’s Word has a LOT to say about our speech and how we are to portray ourselves, as Christ-followers, to the culture around us.  But now, let’s be clear… NOW we are talking about TRUE Christ-followers.  We can’t expect the carnal, worldly person to act like Jesus.  But if WE are the “real deal,” with the Holy Spirit living inside us, then it should take no effort whatsoever on our part for the world to see God IN us.  But if we’re false converts, fooling ourselves… that’s another matter.  We may be able to shut down our consciences and fool OURSELVES.  But we’re not fooling anyone else; and we’re certainly not fooling God.  As Jesus said in Luke 6, “…out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.”  So what is TRULY in our hearts will naturally flow out, whether that be goodness and light, or darkness and filthy sewage.

The Psalmist wrote in Psalm 141:3, “Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth;  keep watch over the door of my lips!”

And Proverbs is filled with admonitions on how we are to speak.  Proverbs 10:  “The mouth of the righteous brings forth wisdom, but the perverse tongue will be cut off.  The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable, but the mouth of the wicked, what is perverse.”

And Proverbs 15:28b, “…the mouth of the wicked pours out evil things.”  And of course 18:21, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue…”

Jesus taught His disciples about these matters also and He warned in Matthew 12:36, “I tell you, on the day of judgment, people will give account for every idle work they speak.”  Also Matthew 15:11, “It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.”

Then we have Ephesians 4:29, “Let no corrupt speech proceed out of your mouth, but only that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.” 

Ephesians 5 is especially instructive on this topic:  “But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints;  Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks.  For this you know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.  Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.  Be not ye therefore partakers with them.  For you were once darkness, but now are you light in the Lord: walk as children of light.  For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth; Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord.  And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.  For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.”

When we become true Christians, following Jesus with His Holy Spirit living inside us, it’s just not possible for us to continue living our old, carnal lifestyles.  In Colossians 3 we are told, “But now ye also put off all these things: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.”  I just don’t know how one could be filled with the Spirit and speak like the devil at the same time.

We are not only smarter than that, we are better than that… we have, as Christians, the very Spirit of God within us.  That Spirit has come in and replaced the spirit of darkness that used to dwell there.  And as we learned in Luke 6, “…out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.”  So how, then, can a person have the heart of Christ and yet speak like the devil’s children?  Doing so makes us look stupid.  Every swear word a person utters as part of their normal conversation — to me — seems to lower their IQ by ten more points.  It also immediately reveals them to be phony “Christians.”  Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof.  Quenching the Holy Spirit, if the Spirit was ever there to begin with.

In this day and age, where it seems “everybody swears,” please understand: even if that USED to be the way you spoke, it doesn’t have to be anymore, once you are born again with the Spirit of Christ within you.  You’ve been given a new heart, your soul has been washed clean, your mind becomes the mind of Christ.  God’s will becomes YOUR will.  Why, then, would you continue speaking, acting, and portraying yourself as carnal and worldly when you should now be a NEW creation?  “Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed, by the renewing of your mind you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”  (Romans 12:2).

I pray this message has given you something to think about.  You may like to share it with someone who needs to ponder all these things as well.  And I pray that as we take the name of Christ, as CHRISTIANS, that we’re not taking our Lord’s name in vain — calling ourselves “Christians” while we really never had any heart-change and have never been born again by the Spirit of God.

As the world sinks deeper into darkness and depravity, chaos and confusion, some of those lost ones will soon be looking to US to find God.  I believe the hunger and thirst for righteousness will increase in these last days, at least among SOME, and those of us who name the name of Christ need to be set apart, our lives shining examples of what COULD be for those who are lost and seeking.  So let us represent our Savior and our Lord well.

My prayer is the same as that we find in Psalm 19:14, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.”  Amen.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 273.

© 2019 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Count Your Blessings

Rob Pue

In these times of trouble and tribulation, with all that’s happening in the world today, it’s easy to succumb to a spirit of hopelessness, despair, and grief — for the deceived, lost and perishing people around us, and yes, even for ourselves.  It’s especially grievious when those deceived, lost and perishing are people we know and love.  Perhaps even our own spouses, children and grandchildren.

We look around and see how Satan and his demons seem to be in charge of everything now, and how truth is now regarded as “hate speech,” having fallen in the streets long ago.  We see how successful the enemy has become at twisting hearts and minds, and fundamentally changing our society and culture and the entire world all around us, and it’s easy to become discouraged.  There are so many lies, so much hatred, so many who have departed from the faith and chosen instead to follow doctrines of demons.  Yes, it can become very disheartening.

But here’s what I KNOW:  “God’s Word is truth” (John 17:17).  And the Bible He has given us, from Genesis to Revelation is FILLED with all we need to know about the history — and the future — of this world.  It is FILLED with all we need to know to live our lives as God’s own children, to raise OUR children to know and love Him, and to learn to disciple others and share the Good News of the Kingdom and Jesus’ redeeming work on the cross with them as well.  It’s also FILLED with warnings about what NOT to do, how NOT to live in this world… as well as instruction on how to fight the spiritual battles that threaten to ensnare us every day.  In short, God’s Word is FILLED with everything we need to equip us to live here on this earth and to prepare us for eternity.  We need no other instruction than that which He has already graciously given.

Having said that, I’d like us to consider today, just how much JOY, PRAISE, and BEAUTY we also find in God’s holy Book.  And though it’s easy to take our eyes off of our Creator and dwell on the negative, there are virtually countless Scriptures that talk about God’s goodness, His peace, the Comfort of the Holy Spirit, and especially giving thanks.

Just as WE appreciate it when our earthly children are THANKFUL to us for all we provide and do for them, our Heavenly Father wants US to be thankful to Him as well.  And we have SO MUCH to be thankful FOR!  You know, you cannot be discouraged or depressed AND THANKFUL for all the many blessings you’ve received from the Lord at the same time… it’s just not possible.  So I encourage you to be THANKFUL today… and every day to the One who Created us, and this amazing “habitat” called “Earth” that He designed as our temporary home.

I’m reminded of the old hymn by John Oatman, written in 1897, titled “Count Your Blessings.”  It goes like this:

“When upon life’s billows you are tempest-tossed, when you are discouraged, thinking all is lost; Count your many blessings, name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the Lord has done.

 “Are you ever burdened with a load of care?  Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear?  Count your many blessings, every doubt will fly, and you will keep singing as the days go by.

 “So, amid the conflict whether great or small, do not be discouraged, God is over all; Count your many blessings, angels will attend, Help and comfort give you, to your journey’s end.”

Oftentimes, when I find myself loaded down with burdens and cares, I’m not able to sleep at night, or to calm my troubled mind.  So I spend time in prayer and then I begin to count MY many blessings.  A word of caution here:  if you DO this — (begin to count your blessings) — instead of helping you fall into peaceful sleep, oftentimes I find myself UNABLE to name all the many blessings God has so graciously given me, and I find I’m actually so filled with thankfulness and wonder and awe at what God has done for ME, I’m too excited to sleep after not very long!

I think of God’s beautiful Creation — the entire universe, designed and set in motion and sustained by His mighty hand.  Through a powerful telescope on a dark, starry night, I’ve seen with my own eyes the rings of Saturn, and other planets, close up; not to mention our own moon — created by God and placed in just the right spot to not just light our way at night but also to help sustain life on our planet.

And this beautiful, wondrous earth.  I have been blessed to be able to see and enjoy more  of it in my lifetime than I ever thought I would… I’ve been to the highest mountain peaks in North America (and played in the snow at those summits with my kids on my birthday in August) …as well as the lowest point called “Death Valley.”  I’ve swam in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, I’ve been to tropical rain forests and desolate, wind-swept deserts.  I’ve seen the raging rivers and the awesome power of Niagara Falls.  Living in Wisconsin, I’ve spent much time taking in the splendor of the Great Lakes.  I was even blessed to pilot a steamship part-way across Lake Michigan one time.

I’m constantly amazed at God’s creation.  Just the sheer BEAUTY of it is beyond description.  And I often wonder what Eden must have been like, before the fall.  When everything was perfect.  As incredibly beautiful as our earth is today, none of us can even begin to imagine what it once was — and will one day be again — when the New Heaven and New Earth appear.

Before Adam sinned, everything was perfect.  But once mankind disobeyed God and brought sin and death upon us, our earth began producing thorns and thistles.  There were no thorns before that… just beauty and perfection.  I think of what Christ did on that old rugged cross for those who repent and call upon His name… and how His tormentors tortured Him so cruelly before nailing Him to that Tree… they even went “the extra mile” by fashioning a crown of thorns and jamming it into His head.  Think of that:  THORNS… the very thing that was brought upon this earth by our own disobedience and unbelief.  Those thorns were part of the curse when God cursed the ground because of OUR sin.

But now think of THIS:  Jesus Christ, our Lord, REVERSED that curse and conquered sin and death for us as He wore that crown of thorns on His head!  Truly, those who murdered Him knew NOT what they were doing — and Satan perhaps even thought he had “won.”  But God worked even that wretchedness together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.  Yes, He wore the crown of thorns — He bore the curse and He REVERSED the curse for all who will repent and turn to Him.

Yes, I’m very thankful for this beautiful world God made for us.  And all the animals and birds and flowers He filled it with for our pleasure.  Each one an incredibly amazing, unique  creation.  Some of you know I am a bird-lover;  if you just look at the incredible design of BIRDS alone — the many different ways each one is designed… some colorful and bright, “painted” with such creativity and splendor by the Master Craftsman Himself.  Some with unbelievable eyesight… I’ll always remember the time I was out on a lake watching in awe as a Bald Eagle soared high overhead, circling.  Suddenly, he swooped down, just above the surface of the lake, and before my eyes, snatched a fish from the water and flew it home to his Eagle family for dinner!  Yes, God let me see that.  Amazing.

Some birds don’t even fly — they swim, like penguins.  But each one is beautiful, and each is designed with everything it needs to live and survive, and each is FED by the hand of God.   Now think of all the other animals the Lord made; then think of the “lillies of the field!”  Some designed to be our food; some just for the pure beauty of seeing them, because God LIKED them!

And I have to wonder, looking around JUST AT CREATION, how anyone could ever even question the fact that there is a God in heaven who made all this.  Romans 1 tells us, “the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead….”   Yes, those who doubt God are indeed, without excuse.

The human body is also a miracle of Creation.  There is nothing else like it, designed for our souls to live in on this earth, but also blessed with the senses of sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste.  Did you ever consider God did not HAVE to give us all these things?  But He wanted us to be able to experience ALL these wondrous aspects of His creation — and in the New Heaven and New Earth, I can only imagine the wonders He has in store for our new, restored bodies!

Then, think of the changing seasons.  The warmth and beauty of summer.  The spectacular colors and crispness in the air at harvest time.  The restoration time when the world sleeps during the winter, and then the rebirth that comes in the spring.

If you look around, you’ll see there is such BEAUTY and MAGNIFICENCE in this world that God provided for our earthly home.  It’s hard to believe there are so many who continue to hate Him, deny Him, persecute those who love Him and seek to destroy all that is beautiful, lovely, and good.

Yes, there is great beauty, but also great ugliness.  One one side, you have the things of God and His incredible creation, His amazing design for mankind.  You have the natural family, one man and one woman, designed to be united for life in holy matrimony, a covenant union, producing beautiful babies that we are to nurture, train up and teach all we know about our Heavenly Father, teaching THEM to honor and revere their Lord too.  On the other side you have darkness, evil schemes, greed, lies, deceit, treachery, sorcery, demonism, hedonism, and death.  Spiritual warfare continues and daily we are to put on the armor of God that we might stand firm in our faith and resist the wiles and temptations of the enemy.

And again, the work of spiritual warfare — which we are ALL, as Christians, CALLED to engage in, serving as a restraining force against evil in this world — is much easier for us when we count our blessings and remain THANKFUL to God for each one.  Psalm 95:2, “Let us come into His presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to Him with songs of praise!”  Psalm 106 and 107 both begin with the same words:  “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.  His steadfast love endures forever.”   And in case you didn’t catch the gist of those Scriptures, look at all of Psalm 136!

Philippians 4:4, “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice!”  And we all know Philippians 4:6 and 7, “Do not be anxious about anything but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

And continuing on in Philippians, in Verse 8:  “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

We have so much to be thankful for.  Yes, the world around us may be dark and growing darker every day.  We may very well be at the closing end of days here on this earth, and we may be precariously perched on the precipice of the Great Tribulation, when the wrath of God is unleashed on all those who hate Him.  But while we are still here, while we still have breath in our lungs, there is still good work for us to do.  And our job is to BE His Church, to BE the salt and light of the world, to serve as His restraining force against the evil of the enemy, to preach the Gospel and make disciples, and to ALWAYS be thankful  to our Creator and Sustainer and to praise Him in all circumstances.  There is no greater calling and no greater purpose.

When the enemy of our souls has you discouraged and depressed — again, simply begin to count your blessings and name them, one by one.  Thank the Lord for all He’s given you, and then with a grateful heart for the privilege of serving your King, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back to work.  Use your talents wisely, because there comes a day, perhaps soon, when no man will be able to work; so let us be about His business as good stewards of the faith and press on, rejoicing always and thanking God for His abundant love and grace toward us.  Let there never be found among us any hint of grumbling or murmuring or ungratefulness.  Our Lord has made us His own children, and we’ve been blessed beyond all measure.  Thank Him, every day,  and let’s do EVERYTHING we do as service unto our Lord.   I pray you and your loved ones will have a blessed and happy time of Thanksgiving this year — not just for a day, but every day, as you work to minister to and serve all those around you.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 270.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

You Are Not Alone

Rob Pue

On just about a weekly basis, I hear from readers of our newspaper and listeners to the radio program who share with me their sadnesss about feeling all alone in their faith.  As more and more of the institutional churches all around the world today become increasingly liberal in their practices and theology, and fewer and fewer pastors are courageous enough to preach the WHOLE Word of God anymore — or show any respect to the dear senior saints in the church —(those who have studied, learned and walked with the Lord for decades) — they all have the same dilemma: it’s becoming ever more difficult for them to find a true body of Christ followers — in other words, a true, Biblical CHURCH to attend and be a part of. And it’s not just the “senior saints” either — even younger believers are struggling to find a church home with preachers and teachers who are interested in studying the deeper areas of Scripture or in GOING OUT and DOING the Kingdom work the Lord commanded us all to do.  They’re seeking TRUE Christianity — that which is filled with the power and might and glory of God and the Holy Spirit.  They want desperately to put their faith to work, into ACTION.  But instead, they get “self help talks,” coffee and donuts, rock band concerts and social events designed to be “fun,” but offering next to nothing in the way of spiritual growth and Biblical education.  Not to mention, any sort of “call to action” or Spiritual Battle Plan to reach the lost and perishing.

As a result, many have dropped out of church altogether.  Some have started home church meetings, but all who contact me have one thing in common:  they are LONELY.  They feel all alone in a world gone mad, the churches in their areas having gone off the rails into liberalism and the social justice movement, with no interest in anything of any significance.  They feel as if they are the only ones who still yearn for the real MEAT of the Word of God, or have a desire to go out and make disciples and share the Gospel —  and they have no one with whom to share fellowship, brotherhood or sisterhood.

I feel their sorrow.  I know firsthand, just how shallow the “fellowship” in many churches truly is.  Oftentimes it’s no more than a couple seconds of handshaking during “Turn and Greet Your Neighbor Time” in the midst of a Sunday service.  Oh, there are still plenty who love the social times — the potlucks and picnics and game nights and get-togethers held frequently… but this is not what THESE folks long for.  They want something significant;  something worthy of their time.  They long for BROTHERHOOD, they long for SISTERHOOD.  They long for a church FAMILY.  Such a thing is very RARE nowadays, sadly.

I’ve just returned from Montana where I organized a Christian Conference for those who are tired of the vain religion found in most churches today.  The Conference was for those who want more — they want REAL Christianity… “Book-of-ACTS” type of Christianity, where they are directly involved in ACTIVE ministry, outside the four walls of a church.  They’re not looking to simply serve as a church “usher,” or as one of the men who passes the collection plate on Sunday morning.  They’re looking to be discipled and then learn how to make disciples themselves.

They’re also VERY aware of all the evil in this world.  They understand that “we wrestle NOT against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”  They understand there’s a spiritual battle for the hearts, minds and souls all around us, and they want to get engaged in that battle, for the glory of God.  It is, after all WHAT WE ARE HERE FOR!   In their local “churches” they never have this opportunity.  The church doesn’t teach on these matters, and, in fact, barely even acknowledge vital areas of Scripture like this one, found in Ephesians 6.  It’s one of those vital areas of Christian doctrine that was — at one time — considered ESSENTIAL  — but today, it’s become one of those areas that is conveniently “skipped over” by most.

I say I understand the sorrow these folks have because I’ve been there too… I grew up in the church and I know just how shallow the relationships in most churches really are.  And they’re shallow because it’s rare to find “Christian Soldiers” in American “churchianity” today.  I liken it to the bond that is created amongst a “band of brothers” fighting on the battle field in wartime….  your comrades in arms “have your back” and you have theirs, and you become actually CLOSER than a brother under such battlefield conditions.  THIS is where we need to be as we fight the enemy of our souls and his demons… because the spiritual battles are always more intense than the physical ones we face.

But there is no spiritual warfare training or spiritual “bootcamp” in most  churches today, much less any opportunity ever to take ones’ faith out of the seats and into the streets.  And since church congregations never learn to serve the Lord on the spiritual battlefield together, such deep and lasting bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood are never formed.  Most church relationships are mere “niceties” — not much more than acknowledging someone with a nod of the head, a handshake or a pasted-on smile.  There’s no depth.

I know this because I lived this for about 50 years of my life in church.  Oh, people were “friendly,” but there were no deep bonds of brotherhood.  And then some time ago, by the grace of God, I came to learn about the REAL Christian life.  As I was discipled and trained up by men of God who did street ministry, and then taught how to go out and do it myself, my eyes were opened to what is REALLY required of us as Christ-followers.  It’s not just to simply attend weekly services or serve within the church’s weekly programming.  We are ALL called to GO OUTSIDE the church building — and be the salt and light of the world.  I admit, I was pretty apprehensive about doing this the first time I did it… let’s be honest:  I was scared.  But once you step out of the four walls of a church, and begin to witness to others, share your testimony and speak the Word of God in PUBLIC, all fear immediately vanishes.  It happened with me, and I’ve seen it happen with EVERYONE who has dared go with me ever since.  No longer was I “fearful and unbelieving” of what Jesus said — truly, He IS with us, every time we go out and everywhere we go.  We have ministered together at abortion centers, at “pride” parades and festivals and many other places.  YES!  OUT IN PUBLIC!  OUTSIDE the church buildings!  Whoever heard of such a thing??!   What crazy radicals we all must be!!   Actually, this is EXACTLY the work Jesus commanded us ALL to be doing, as we occupy until He returns.

Having worked alongside these brothers and sisters in Christ for several years now, in multiple cities across the United States, I have also, for the FIRST TIME, discovered deep, intimate fellowship and friendship and brotherly love — the kind you read about in Scripture.  We’ve been engaged in Spiritual Warfare together — going out and confronting evil together, sharing the Good News of the Gospel, together.  And we have grown to love one another.  It took me 50 years to find real, true Christian brothers and sisters.  TRUE Christian love.

These are the true remnant believers in Christ, and yes, they live all over the country — all over the world.  And I have no doubt that I could call on any one of them for ANYTHING and they would always be there for me; and I for them.  THAT is true brotherly love.  What a joy when you find such intimacy, together in Christ.  And what a CONTRAST between relationships like THAT and those shallow “head-nods” and “handshakes” MOST church-goers get once a week.  Truly, it is the difference between the GENUINE and the FAKE.  And I am greatly blessed and deeply thankful the Lord has brought me to a place where I have such a “church family,” because this IS  the TRUE Church of the Living God.  It’s how God meant it to be.

So as I said, several of us just returned from Montana.  We organized and hosted a Christian Conference for some of those lonely saints — sheep HUNGRY for that same type of truth, that same type of purpose, that same type of brotherly love with a band of brothers and sisters in Christ.  Just like everywhere we go to minister, the folks we met in Montana felt as if they were all alone… and they WERE.  But what a JOY to go, and “plant a flag in the ground” there for JESUS!  What a joy to meet these saints of God, share our ministries with them….  and help them organize and come together in unity for service to Christ.

Our Conference included myself as one of the speakers, along with speakers from Ohio and Minnesota.  It was a long trip.  It was an expensive trip.  It took a great deal of time and energy and work.  But what ENCOURAGEMENT we were able to bring to our new friends there!  Where previously there were multiple individuals all feeling as if they were the “only ones” — now there is new cohesive GROUP of Christ-followers, with an ACTION PLAN to BE the salt and light, to GO and be DOERS of the Word and not just hearers only.  As we gathered together for study and prayer and worship over three days there, we bonded together as co-laborers for Christ.  And when we left to return home, amidst many hugs and sorrowful goodbyes, we KNEW we had set a spark in that part of the country that the Lord will fan into a flame, for HIS glory!

We did not go to plant another “church.”  God forbid.  We went to teach, disciple and train, and to help connect the lonely saints and to show THEM how to GO and DO, as Jesus commanded.  Just the same way, that at one time, someone ELSE showed us.  They were thankful and grateful for us being there.  Like me, many years ago, they never knew such TRUE Christianity existed.  All they knew of was the stagnant, vain, powerless “CHURCHIANITY” they’d grown up with and grown so used to — the stuff they had become so frustrated with that they’d given up hope of ever finding other, like-minded Christ-followers to labor alongside and with whom they could bear one another’s burdens.

But the fact of the matter is, God has His remnant people all over this nation.  The modern American churches and pastors can call us “radicals” and “crazies” all they want, but I have to wonder:  when did it become so “radical” and “crazy” to actually DO what the Bible TELLS us to do?!

Let’s close with a few words from the writer of Hebrews:  “Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering, for He is faithful that promised.  And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works.  Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is, but exhorting one another, and so much more, as we see the day approaching.”

Yes, we must hold onto our faith.  God is faithful and He keeps His promises to us.  I find it interesting that the writer, here, uses the word “provoke,” in stating we should “provoke” one another to love and good works…  in other words, we should not be content sitting in the pews once a week, and doing nothing more, but rather, we should be CHALLENGING (or PROVOKING) one another to go deeper in our faith, to live out our faith, and to perform good works…. Good WORKS as opposed to NO works, or perhaps worse yet, “VAIN” WORKS of entertainment, handing out candy when we should be interceding for the most innocent among us, standing in the gap for widows and orphans; speaking TRUTH into the lives of those who have been deceived by the devil and his demons… EVEN IF, and perhaps ESPECIALLY IF they find the truth offensive.

And yes, we must “assemble ourselves together.”  That doesn’t just mean going to church.  It means creating bonds of brotherly love, and then learning how to utilize each of the gifts the members of the Body of Christ have been given — all the parts assembled into an efficient, WORKING Body.  Each with a unique and special purpose, created and designed by God to be His hands and feet in this world…. once again, occupying until He comes… serving as a restraining force against evil — and even moreso as we see the day of His return drawing closer.  And when that day comes, I pray He finds us all busy, doing the work we’ve been called to do.

If you are one of the lonely out there, and have a desire to do more, to BE more, to fulfill the purpose God has for YOU in His kingdom as an ACTIVE member, as a Christian soldier in this spiritual battle we’re in the middle of — if you want to join with other, like-minded SERIOUS Christians who have a desire to serve our King, feel free to contact me and no matter where you are in the country, we will help you.  You are NOT alone.  There are MANY out there just like you — and though God’s faithful, remnant believers may be few in number, they are everywhere, and when we are obedient to His call, it doesn’t matter if there are only a few… because wherever two or three are gathered in His name, there HE is, in the midst of them.  Amen.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 269.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Are You ‘Fed Up’ Yet?

Rob Pue

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, multiple states began working to implement amendments to their state Constitutions to protect the sanctity of traditional marriage, that of one man and one woman, united in holy matrimony.  I, along with many Christians were firmly on board with these measures, knowing that the foundation of a strong society DEPENDED on the natural family structure to survive and thrive… indeed “traditional” marriage was the “norm” for thousands of years.  Homosexual relationships were rare, but we could see what was coming…. though we had NO idea just how INSANE things would eventually become.

I admit, I DID think a Constitutional amendment was a bit of “overkill” at the time.  Certainly, I believed,  we would NEVER see the day when sodomite so-called “marriage” was “legalized,” much less accepted as the norm, much less celebrated and pushed like a steam-roller over all of American culture.  Certainly, I thought, there would NEVER come a day when people were not only encouraged, but FORCED, by “rule of law” to celebrate and PARTICIPATE in such an abomination.

In all, 31 states passed Constitutional amendments, securing, (we thought), traditional one-man/one-woman marriage.  Wisconsin was one of them.  After a long, hard battle, in 2006, a referendum was approved by nearly 60% of the voters during the November general election.

The sodomites were not happy.  They stepped up their counter attack, funded by a coalition of “Progressive” donors, including groups like “Fair Wisconsin,” “Good for Wisconsin,” the “ACLU,” “Attorneys Against the Ban,” and notably, even a group called “Catholic Families’ Basic Rights.”  They lobbied hard and used intimidation and shaming tactics to push their agenda forward — and though they were definitely a very small minority, they were VERY well organized and VERY united in their cause — and VERY well funded.

As if “on cue,” Barack Hussein Obama, who, in 2008 (election time incidentally) stated, “I believe marriage is between a man and a woman.  I am not in favor of gay marriage,”  made a stunning announcement on ABC news.  The date was May 9, 2012. (Again, ELECTION time, … incidentally) —  Obama declared his personal SUPPORT for “gay marriage,” stating “I’ve been going through an evolution on this issue.”  You see, over the previous four years of his occupation of our White House, he had been working fervently to “fundamentally change America,” and he was confident now that he had succeeded, to a great extent, especially on this issue.  It was now “safe” for him to come out of the closet.  Especially, I believe, because his re-election had already been “ordained.”

And then on June 6, 2014, Wisconsin’s Marriage Amendment was overturned by ONE woman, District Court Judge Barbara Crabb… the same Barbara Crabb that supported the ban on the National Day of Prayer and ending the housing allowance for Clergy.  Her history of judicial rulings hostile to Christianity is well known and perversely “impressive.”

Sodomite activists continued to seek out similar activisit judges sympathetic to their “cause,” and one by one, all the state Constitutional amendments were eventually challenged — until the issue went to the Supreme Court, where on June 26, 2015, by a 5-4 vote, the highest court in the land issued an OPINION — that all state Constitutional amendments were “unconstitutional” — and same-sex, so-called “Marriage” would now become the perceived “law of the land.”  (I would be remiss, if I did not offer a 5th grade Civics class lesson here.  It’s pretty basic:  COURTS DO NOT MAKE LAWS, therefore this decision, just like the demonic Roe v Wade boondoggle, is a farce — but a farce that nearly EVERYONE has just blindly accepted, out of ignorace and submission to the Almighty State.)

Christians were naturally appalled and disheartened, but the pulpits all across this land remained largely silent and there was little to no pushback from church leaders.  Nor was the topic even really spoken of from the pulpits.  One pastor I know devoted a TOTAL of 15 SECONDS to the issue.  His ENTIRE statement was (and I quote): “Regarding the decision by the Supreme Court this last Friday (he didn’t even mention WHAT the decision was), I just want to say, ‘we don’t agree with that.’”  And that was that.  Sadly, “that was that” for just about EVERY pastor, church leader and so-called “church” all across this country.

The result?  Today, according to Pew Research, 66% of Protestants and 61% of Catholics now support same-sex so-called “marriage.”  These are professing “Bible-believing “CHRISTIANS,” folks.  What’s more, entire denominations are now considered “accepting and affirming” of sodomite relationships and same-sex “marriage….” to the point of ordaining open and practicing homosexuals as “Pastors.”  Not only are these denominations NOT teaching their people the truth of what God’s Word says about fornication and homosex, they’re actually embracing all this — and teaching their “sheep” to embrace and celebrate it as well.

In the secular culture, we’ve seen Christian-owned businesses: photographers, florists, bakers, wedding venues — even privately owned restaurants —and many others — heavily persecuted and prosecuted for their strongly-held Christian convictions when it comes to the sanctity of God-honoring marriage and family.  Many have lost their businesses, their livelihoods, their homes, their life-savings and retirement — forced to hand it all over to the sodomites (and their ATTORNEYS) who have targeted them for persecution.  They’ve worked out a system where they target a well-known Christian-owned company, (usually a small, family-owned business unable to financially defend themselves), file a frivolous lawsuit against the owners, connect with an activist LGBTQP+ attorney and then seek out a sympathetic activist judge… and the Christian is fed to the proverbial “lions” as the “rainbow” crowd celebrates yet another victory.

I have said for years that this has all been just a stepping-stone to the REAL agenda of the LGBTQP+ agenda… and the NEXT “stone” to be stepped on is that of the “P” in “LGBTQP+” — pedophilia… our children.  We have all seen the outrageous examples.  Young children being indoctrinated with sexual perversion, too sickening to mention here, in public schools, preschools, even “churches.”  This so-called “curriculum,” by the way, is often that provided by Planned Parenthood.  And now we have the incomprehensible phenomenon of “Drag Queen Story Time” taking place in public libraries.  Parents take  their young children to these “story times,” to watch a man, dressed as a perverted “woman” read a story about a sodomite relationship, dance and gyrate suggestively, teach the young boys how to put on makeup, wigs and female undergarments, teach them that it’s ok for a boy to feel and act like a girl, and vice versa, and even for these sexual predators to hold little children on their laps, kiss, hug and fondle them.  And ALL of this is being PROTECTED by local police.

The public, by and large, doesn’t care enough to oppose these events.  Only a very TINY minority of dedicated CHRISTIANS will turn out to oppose them — and then THEY are treated as the criminals by the police, and as “haters” by the community — and all that Christian “hatred” is HYPED in the media — for simply going to try to protect the innocence of the most innocent among us, our little kids.  Public libraries used to be institutions of LEARNING.  But THIS is what our kids are learning there now.

Need more evidence of this evil?  Presidential candidate Joe Biden announced recently that if elected, his number one priority will be to enforce the Anti-Christian LGBTQP+ “Equality Act,” purposely designed to silence and persecute Christians even more.  Another democratic presidential hopeful is South Bend, Indiana mayor Pete Buttigieg, who IDENTIFIES as the “WIFE” of his sodomite “partner.”  And this man is being taken very seriously by the public now — after giving his male “husband” a passionate kiss on stage when he announced his candidacy.

Also, after a three year campaign called “Free the Nipple,” feminists in Fort Collins, Colorado have now won a “victory,” as the city council there has voted to allow women — and girls as young as 11 years old — to go topless in public.  The focus of this is clearly on the young girls — more indoctrination and sexualization of our children; more opportunities for sexual deviants to prey on our kids.  Then, of course, there is “Desmond is Amazing,” the 12-year-old “drag queen,” who performs and dances in homosexual night clubs for money, and his so-called “parents” are cheering him on — along with throngs of sodomites and Leftists on the many national TV programs he has appeared on.  If this is not blatant child abuse and pedophilia, I don’t know what you’d call it.

Lifesite News reported recently that a 14-year-old girl has suddenly decided she is really a BOY — a decision she made after being encouraged to “transition” by the public school she attends in suburban Chicago.  This report states that the National Education Association has now PARTNERED with the LGBTQP+ “Human Rights Campaign” and other groups to produce materials advocating automatic affirmation of identities, name changes and pronouns for gender-confused school children, regardless of parents’ concerns.

In Montreal, Canada, the new city swimming pool facilities will be doing away with gender-specific changing rooms and showers.  They’re calling it “social progress.”  Elizabeth Johnston, also known as the Activist Mommy has recently reported that, in the United Kingdom, the push for LGBT-dominated curriculum in the public school system is not just pushing “acceptance” of this death-style any longer, but rather complete domination and conversion.  “They aren’t looking to teach children to be ‘accepting’ so as to create some peaceful future generation of nonjudgmental people, but rather to completely indoctrinate, brainwash and transform ALL children into the next generation of gender-ambiguous, free-loving, God-denying, LGBT-identifying people,” she said.

In a recent interview, Dr. Elly Barnes, an LGBT activist and founder of “Educate and Celebrate” has now blatantly declared the true goal of the LGBT indoctrination in the schools.   In a video interview for the Gay Star News, Barnes stated their goal is to (quote) “Completely smash heteronormativitiy.”

And according to the UK’s Daily Mail, children as young as six years old are now receiving instruction on how and why to touch or stimulate their own genitals, as part of classes that will become mandatory in hundreds of primary schools in the UK.

A “Straight Pride Parade” was recently held in Boston, home of Emerson College.  College president Lee Pelton compared the parade organizers to “white nationalists,” and described the parade as “motivated by ignorance, fear and hate.”  He also called the parade — meant to be a celebration of traditional one-man/one-woman MARRIAGE — a “perversion.”

In other news, toy maker Mattell recently announced it’s new line of “gender-fluid” dolls, known as “Creatable World” dolls, due out on store shelves in time for Christmas.  Meanwhile, as deluded “parents” are encouraging their children to embrace their gender confusion, they’re also pumping them full of opposite-sex hormones, in an effort to help them “transition” to the opposite sex.  But LifeSite News recently reported that the UK National Health Service is investigating these drugs, which have now been linked to more than 6,000 deaths of young people.

And in Tennessee, a 5-year-old autistic boy was recently branded a “sex offender” and a “SEXUAL PREDATOR” after hugging a classmate and kissing another on the cheek.  Meanwhile, school teachers and college professors are among the first to be FORCED to use the “proper pronouns” for gender-confused students.  “He” and “She” are no longer allowed.  Now we must use the words “Ze,” “Zir,” and “They.”  Failure to do so has caused more than one teacher to lose their job, and their pension.

If you have any doubt as to the overall goals and agenda of the LGBTQP+ militants, consider this:  you will NEVER see a “Drag Queen Story Time” take place at your local nursing home or assisted living center for the elderly.  You’ll never see rainbows and “pride” celebrations there.  But WHEREVER CHILDREN ARE PRESENT, this agenda is being pressed and MANDATED around the world.

They’re coming for our kids, folks.  The sodomites are GROOMING and RECRUITING YOUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN into a deadly delusion, and they’re not even trying to hide that fact anymore.  I could say much more, but time does not allow.  I WILL say, that Jesus LOVES the little children.  Scripture tells us their angels have constant access to God the Father Himself, and Jesus said, “But whosoever shall offend one of these little ones which believe in Me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”

The wrath of God is coming to those who harm little children and use them for unspeakable, filthy purposes.  DO NOT BELIEVE the lies that this is all about teaching “diversity” or “love.”  It’s about adult perverts getting the “legal right” to sexually abuse kids with impunity.  And just like the “homosexual marriage” thing, we never thought it would come to this.  So I ask you:  are you “fed up” yet?  Have you HAD IT with this nonsense?  The light of GOD’S TRUTH is the only thing that can ever dispel the darkness of the lies and delusion of the enemy.  How long, O Lord, will we continue to hide our lights under a bushel?  God, help us!

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 267.

© 2019 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

This is Our Last Chance

I have a deep feeling of foreboding — and serious impending doom, as the full wrath of God’s judgment is unleashed upon the world — and AMERICA — very soon now.  UNLESS America and the WORLD repents (and quickly), I see no way of avoiding it, and no reason God would put up with all this much longer.

This may surprise some of you, but I will tell you that I do NOT believe in a pre-tribulation “Rapture.”  I believe ALL of us — ‘REMNANT’ Christians included — will be going through and enduring the Great Tribulation that is coming.  All one must do is recall the lives of Jesus’ disciples, and how they ended; or read Foxes Book of Martyrs, to see that all through history, those who held fast to their faith in Christ have ALWAYS endured great persecution.  Are WE so special that we would escape the coming wrath? Indeed, we are perhaps the most wicked generation that has ever lived, since the days of Noah.   And persecution of TRUE Christ-followers is coming — persecution unlike anything the world has ever seen before, or will ever see again.  But as Jesus said, “all those who endure until the end will be saved.”  However, the COWARDLY and the UNBELIEVING will NOT inherit the Kingdom of God, as we know from the book of Revelation.

I will not to get into a debate of WHEN the Lord’s return will be, or whether or not the “rapture” will take us all out of here before, during or after the Great Tribulation.  What I have learned from my own study of Scriptures may differ from the popular opinion of many of today’s preachers.  But if you want to go deeper into a study of this, study for yourself WHEN and HOW the doctrine of a pre-tribulation “rapture” came to be.  It is a fairly RECENT doctrine, but is now taught by MOST evangelical leaders and preachers.  I can only say, read also the book of Jude and know that the Bible clearly warns that false teachers will creep in “unawares,” and we are commanded to earnestly contend for the faith — the TRUE faith — and not follow the invented doctrines of men.  And if you would like more Scripture, simply read the sequence of events as described by Jesus in Matthew 24…. and again, “those who endure ‘til the end, will be saved.” 

We are in the midst, right now, of the Great Falling Away.  Truly, I’ve never seen anything like it.  On nearly a daily basis now, we are seeing those who had been professing Christians — and I’m talking about well known, INFLUENTIAL Christian LEADERS — falling away, renouncing their faith, embracing apostasy and influencing OTHER church-goers to follow their new doctrines of “enlightenment.”  And we know that the Day of the Lord will NOT come until the Great Falling Away comes first.  Folks, it is HERE, now.

I truly believe that right now, TODAY, is really our LAST chance to avoid God’s terrible wrath.  And for those with money to invest, you might consider investing NOW in “millstones,” because our children’s hearts, minds and souls are being corrupted and destroyed like never before.  As we look around, it doesn’t take much effort to see that.  ANTIFA (which stands for “anti-fascist” — an obvious and deliberate misnomer) is STILL very active — and the majority of ANTIFA members are young people — middle school, high school and college-age students, whose minds have been grotesquely twisted by the public education system.  And this has been in the works for decades, an agenda deliberately set in motion YEARS ago by socialists and communists bent on the destruction of America.

This is our LAST chance BECAUSE I do not believe we will see another generation after this one with the freedoms we still enjoy and take for granted.  This is IT, folks.  The kids in the public schools and colleges are clueless as to our history, and more importantly, TOTALLY CLUELESS regarding the things of God.  Because their PARENTS are equally clueless, and these kids, for the MOST part are being raised in Godless homes by Godless parents.  Even if they DO go to a church faithfully, they are NOT getting the REAL truth of Scripture, and the parents have turned the spiritual education of their children over to milquetoast, effeminate, cowardly church leaders who give “feel good” self-help talks and embrace “social justice,” but do NOT preach the real Word of God anymore.  They preach “another gospel,” — one that does not offend, one that says “God loves you just the way you are, one that says you can continue in sin and feel “good” about that because we are now under “hyper-grace,” and repentance and faith have become irrelevant.

Now, I know there ARE some very good and Godly parents out there, raising their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord, but these are very FEW indeed.  Likewise, there ARE some very good pastors and church bodies out there that DO still hold fast to the WHOLE counsel of GOD.  But only a remnant, and the “remnant” is VERY SMALL.

Likewise, pastors, churches and parents have turned the “education” of children over to the Almighty State — the Public Indoctrination Centers, which we KNOW are now run by Leftists, Socialists, Communists and One World/New World Order adherents — with a wicked, demonic, secular humanist worldview and agenda.  Hear me now:  our CHURCHES embrace and endorse the Public Indoctrination Centers.  Today’s parents have accepted the public education system as the “norm” and are, for the most part, completely tuned out as to what their children are actually learning in “school” now.

Well, let me share with you what they are learning.  Here is a list of things I came across recently.  I don’t know the author of this list, so I’m not able to give credit where it is due for this compilation.  But regardless, it’s all very true.  The list is extensive, so let’s go take a look.  In the “public schools” and “colleges,” your children will learn:

God did not create the world.  History is not “HIS story.”  Fornication is to be encouraged, as long as you do it “safely.”  Abortion is a good way to fornicate without having to take care of the children produced.  Drugs are bad, the schools say — but drugs are also GOOD, their fellow students say.  Today’s children in public schools will also learn disrespect, promiscuity, and something called “Reverse Porn.”  This is where female students acquire a desire to be lusted after, and so they dress and act and portray themselves accordingly.  They’ll also learn how to become easy targets for sexual abuse.

They’ll learn that human beings are NOT made in God’s image; we evolved from apes and are equal in value to animals.  They will learn immaturity and entitlement, but they will NOT learn personal responsibility.  They will learn to idolize sports, worldly music and other forms of entertainment.  They will learn all about sodomy and be told that it is just another “alternative lifestyle,” based on “love,” equally valid to the sanctity of God-ordained “marriage,” and be encouraged to try it out for themselves, because it JUST MAY be “RIGHT for THEM.”

They will learn to embrace feminism.  They will be purposely confused regarding gender roles, (and their own gender identities) and encouraged to accept “transgenderism,” even to the point of bodily mutilation.  They’ll learn deviant sexual practices so grotesque they cannot be described here.  Of course, they’ll learn that it’s acceptable to fornicate with both boys and girls — regardless of their own biological genders.  They’ll learn that it’s ok for boys to dress like girls and girls to dress like boys, and for boys to use the girls’ restrooms and shower facilities if they so choose.  They’ll also learn to use their cell phones for “sexting.”

They’ll learn that demanding home owners give up vast amounts of money to pay for other peoples’ childrens’ education, sports and extracurricular activities is an acceptable way of financing Government Indoctrination Centers — this is pure socialism, which has been accepted by the general populace now for decades.

They’ll learn that God’s law — the standard of morality, which has ALWAYS been the WORLD’S moral compass is immoral and WRONG — even ILLEGAL to discuss or display in public.  And of course, they will learn disdain for and disobedience to parents.

They will learn that America and it’s Constitution and it’s history is and always has been wicked and evil, and must be replaced, as soon as possible, with a one-world government.  They’ll learn that ALL the world’s religions — with the exception of Christianity — are all equally valid and true, with ISLAM being the number one “spiritual path” to embrace — followed closely by paganism, earth worship, new-ageism… but ultimately, they will learn there really IS no God, and therefore, no higher authority than the almighty State, which they will be taught to blindly obey.

Now MOST people — even most Christians — will CONTINUE to send their kids to these wicked indoctrination centers, even KNOWING all these things, because they are already PAYING for them with their property taxes (again, accepted socialism).  They will believe they cannot afford to home school or don’t have TIME to home school, and they’ll believe that even though their kids are being taught all this wickedness and all these lies, THEIR kids will be ok, because they’re being raised in a “Christian” home, and THEY will teach them the truth in their “spare time” at home.

Well, let me tell you — if that’s the case, you had BETTER be deadly SERIOUS about teaching them the truth at home, because they’re not going to learn it by “osmosis.”  And it’s going to take a LOT more than a busy parent’s “spare time” to correct all the mind-altering, soul-stealing indoctrination their heads and hearts are being filled with EVERY DAY — ALL DAY — in the public schools.  The average parent now spends less than two minutes a day in serious conversation with their own children.  HOW, I ask you, can you “undo” all the lies they’ve been taught when you never even talk to your kids about all this stuff — and when YOU YOURSELF are so “busy” that you, yourself are CLUELESS about all they’re being “taught?”  You don’t know — and let’s face it — you don’t WANT to know!  Parents’ priorities are so out of “whack” today, they’ll spend 4-8 HOURS a DAY with Facebook, TV sitcoms, beer drinking, sports and other entertainment, but less than 2 MINUTES training up their own children with the TRUTH of God’s Word and His natural order — instilling in them a Godly, CHRISTIAN worldview, that is more than the nonsense and fairy tales they get in Sunday School or Children’s Church.

We are in serious trouble, folks, and we have no one to blame but ourselves.  We are to “train up a child in the way he should go.”  As parents, we are COMMANDED to teach the things of God to our children DILIGENTLY!  God’s Word says, “talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down and when you rise.  You shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.  You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.”  (Deuteronomy 6).  I dare say, most of us do NONE of these things.  Teach our children “DILIGENTLY?”  “Oh, my goodness, we just don’t have time…. gotta check my Facebook!”

Yes, the Great Falling Away has begun.  Our Christian “leaders” are falling away into apostasy and lies.  Wisdom has fallen in the streets.  People no longer desire the truth, but are satisfied with sound bytes and “memes,” “fake news,” and a powerless form of religion that makes them feel good, but in many cases, is not just powerless — but deadly falsehood.

The UN recently stated that it plans to see a “One World Government” in full operation in less than 12 years.  So that would mean just one — POSSIBLY two — socialist so-called “presidents” in the White House, and our nation’s sovereignty will be no more.  I cannot even IMAGINE where this world will be 12 years from now if we continue on this trajectory.   And our young people — the “leaders” of tomorrow (and “tomorrow” is coming faster than you understand) — are all “on board” with this and will be leading the way.

As lawlessness increases, the love of many will grow cold.  We have become a nation of people without natural affection… we no longer even have affection or true love for our own precious babies and children.  We have blind guides leading the blind, tickling their ears with lies.  And we are a nation that embraces all things evil, and vilifies everything good and Godly.  How long do YOU think we have before the full fury of God’s wrath is poured out?  EVERY competent Bible prophecy teacher I know of believes we have less than five years before that happens.  Less than five years.  Let that sink in.

Equally sad to all I’ve just talked about is the fact that so MANY professing Christians are actually HAPPY about all this.  Because they’ve been taught that the worse things get, the closer we will be to Jesus’ return.  Well, yes, that is true.  But KNOW THIS:  when Jesus returns, He is NOT coming back as a meek, humble servant who just “loves” everyone just the way they are!  He is coming back with FURY and WRATH.  He is coming back with a SWORD.  And MANY there will be who will stand before His Holy Throne and because of what they DID NOT DO — because of what they were “too busy” to do — because they were so COWARDLY — because of what they REFUSED to do TODAY —  because they did not invest their talents as wise stewards and OCCUPY until His return, STANDING UP, holding fast, and SPEAKING UP for God’s Word and Truth, MANY who are SO excited for Christ’s return will hear those awful words: “Depart from me, you workers of iniquity.  I never knew you!”

And there will be great weeping and gnashing of teeth….  Heed my words today, people.  Take this seriously.  Because seriously, this IS our LAST chance.

Audio versions and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 263.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Popular, But False

I remember watching Christian-based movies back in the 1970s and ‘80s having to do with the end times.  They were not very well done, and I found one aspect of these movies to be a little bit hard to grasp.  They always showed Christians under great persecution.  Society had changed so much that Christians were now portrayed as haters – as a dangerous faction that had to be done away with.  Christians were, in fact, HATED, because they were perceived as being hateful.  They were attacked in the streets, churches were burned, some were hauled off to concentration – or “re-education” camps.  Many had to worship secretly in private homes, and even these home meetings were made illegal.

At the time, I could not understand how such a scenario could possibly happen in America, even though Scripture warns about persecution in the last days.  But today, I realize these scenes portrayed in movies a generation ago were not so preposterous, but instead, prophetic.

Indeed, how quickly things have turned around.  Today, in our age of unbridled tolerance, everything is readily accepted, and no one is willing to judge right and wrong or declare moral absolutes.  No one, that is, except the bible-believing Christian.  In a world that seeks not just acceptance, but celebration of any act, any lifestyle, it is only the Scripture-studying Christian who recognizes a law higher than man’s, it is only the Christian, seeking to proclaim God’s Word, that represents a thorn in the side of the sinner.

The tide has turned, and the direction is irreversible.  Those who hold to the Scriptures cannot, at the same time, turn a blind eye to sin and evil.  We can’t look at the great wickedness of abortion and ignore it.  We can’t watch the militant efforts of the homosexual lobby to indoctrinate even our children into an aberrant lifestyle, and look the other way.  We can’t, in good conscience, watch in silence as millions embrace the demonic religion of evolution, as they declare the existence of a Creator to be a fairytale of the ignorant.  And as we seek to obey the Great Commission, we cannot help but speak out, and share our faith in our Savior with a world heading full speed down the road to hell.

Christianity is not for everyone.  It is not INclusive.  It is EXclusive.  Jesus said, “Enter through the narrow gate.  For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

This is why the world will hate us.  Because we dare to proclaim the words of Christ.  In a world that wants no personal responsibility, no “judging,” no moral absolutes, no such thing as “sin,” when we dare to speak otherwise, we will be called “haters.”  And so, today, we are.

But we don’t want to be.  And so many of us try to compromise.  There are many so-called “Christian” groups out there that now pick and choose what to embrace from God’s word, or worse yet, they re-write Scripture to fit the new world order.  We have large denominations that have rejected God’s plan for Holy Matrimony and replaced it with the world’s definition.  These same denominations go even further by ordaining as pastors and priests those who are without natural affection.

Meanwhile, in the past decade we have seen the emergence of “Mega-Churches” – where thousands gather weekly, where their message goes out to millions via television and radio, and where the Mega-church pastors, such as Rick Warren, Rob Bell, Joel Osteen and others have now become the most popular preachers in America.  The trouble is, you really can’t be speaking the full and true Gospel of the Lord and at the same time be “Mega-popular.”  You can be popular, or you can speak the truth.  It is not possible, in these last days, to do both.

Rick Warren, whose Purpose Driven movement, I have personally seen destroy dozens of churches, openly embraces Islam and has partnered with Southern California mosques, proposing a set of theological principles that includes acknowledging that Christians and Muslims worship the same God.  This may sound sweet and lovely, and it may appeal to many who desire peace and unity among religions, but the bottom line is, it’s simply not true.  But it IS popular.  The ignorant masses love it.

Time Magazine called Rob Bell, “the most exciting voice in the church today.”    Perhaps this is because Bell preaches a more popular “gospel,” of Universal Salvation, where everyone goes to heaven, and in which hell does not exist.  Like so many others, he also embraces homosexuality and is constantly seeking ways to cast doubt on the authority and reliability of Scripture, choosing instead to “reinterpret” Scripture to fit more comfortably with cultural whims.  Bell’s teachings are decidedly NOT biblical.  But in a world where the truths of Scripture are said to be antiquated and obsolete, they ARE popular.

Joel Osteen has openly admitted that he does not preach on sin, or call sinners to repentance, and I am not sure he has ever preached the actual soul-saving Gospel message in his life.  But he does put on a very encouraging pep rally.  Unfortunately, these uplifting messages are extremely popular.  It is unfortunate, because so many hear these messages and believe they are hearing Scripture.  They are not.  He uses the Bible as a lucky charm.  As he begins his church services, he advises the congregation of more than 43,000 people to hold their Bibles in the air and proclaim, “This is my Bible: I am what it says I am; I have what it says I have; I can do what it says I can do. Today, I will be taught the Word of God. I’ll boldly confess. My mind is alert; my heart is receptive; I will never be the same. I am about to receive the incorruptible, indestructible, ever-living Seed of the Word of God. I’ll never be the same – never, never, never!  I’ll never be the same, in Jesus’ Name.”

The trouble is that he does NOT teach the Word of God, but instead teaches a false, prosperity gospel where God becomes our errand boy.  The gist of his theology is stated in his book, “Your Best Life Now” — “If you’re struggling financially, go out and help somebody who has less than you have.  If you want to reap financial blessings, you must sow financial seeds in the lives of others.  If you want to see healing and restoration come to your life, go out and help somebody else get well.”  These are nice, happy thoughts but they are NOT the gospel.  But they ARE popular.

When Pope Francis was chosen by the Roman Catholic Church, Time Magazine declared him “The New World Pope,” and he has made it clear that ecumenical outreach and inclusivity is going to be his top priority.    This includes more dialogue with other religions.  In his first ecumenical meeting he stated, “I then greet and cordially thank you all, dear friends, belonging to other religious traditions; first of all the Muslims, who worship the one God, living and merciful, and call upon Him in prayer…”

He later included even atheists in the big tent, by saying, “You ask me if the God of the Christians forgives those who don’t believe and who don’t seek the faith.  I start by saying…that God’s mercy has no limits if you go to Him with a sincere and contrite heart.  The issue for those who do not believe in God is to obey their conscience.  Sin, even for those who have no faith, exists when people disobey their conscience.”

Most recently, Francis declared that the Church must end its “obsession” with gays, contraception and abortion.  All these statements of the “infallible” Pope have met with wholehearted acceptance and celebration by the world at large.  Left-leaning celebrities have gone on TV talk shows declaring him a “breath of fresh air,” and the world has celebrated his statements because now the leader of the largest church in the world is finally getting on board with the program.  His statements and actions may not be biblical.  But no one can argue, they ARE popular.

Friends, the issue here is biblical literacy.  It’s been said that the Bible is the number one best-selling book of all time, even today, but it’s the one book that few people ever read.  Those who hold to biblical truth will understand that Christianity is not a big tent.  It is a small gate and a narrow road.  FEW, the Bible says, find this road.  MOST, the Bible says go through the wide gate and the broad road that leads to destruction.

Just because a speaker sounds good to you does not mean he is speaking the truth. Do not trust your heart. God’s Word tells us the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. As fallen, sinful human beings, we will always seek validation and permission for our wicked, sinful desires.  Many will come, even in God’s name, to grant such permission and soothe our consciences, and such people will be very popular.  But do not be deceived.  1 John 4:1, “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.”

Rather, we must be redeemed, by the blood of our Savior, and then we must live according to our new nature in Christ.  1 John tells us, “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.  If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  If we say we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.”

Christians are sinners, saved by God’s grace.  As we walk by the Spirit, and obediently declare His truths, we will inevitably come into conflict with the unsaved, those who wish to have no authority or moral absolutes, other than those they construct in their own imaginations.  These people will seek a utopian world of inclusiveness and permissiveness and acceptance for any and all behaviors.  They will seek to create a world without judgement or consequences.  Those who oppose them will be labeled as haters.

Matthew 10:22, “You will be hated by all for My name’s sake.  But the one who endures to the end will be saved.”

These should be startling words.  None of us wants to be hated.  But the time is coming when we will have to make a stand.  In fact, it’s here today.   Each day we have many choices to make as we go about our daily affairs.  Do we compromise with the world?  Do we go along with the crowd to avoid conflict?  I’m not suggesting we seek out conflict, but when error is spoken, do we speak up to correct it?  Or do we go along to get along?  Remember Luke 9:26, “Whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when He comes in His glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.” 

That which is called the “Church” is being corrupted at an unprecedented pace today.  Be vigilant and be in study in the Scriptures so that you can discern the truth from the lies.  It is the responsibility of each of us, individually, and our duty as Christians to know the truth and to daily proclaim it, unashamedly.

Audio versions and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 262.

© 2019 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Judge Not?

What is the atheist’s favorite Bible verse?  Sound like a strange question?  Well, what is the favorite Bible verse, the one most often quoted by the liberal left, the non-Christian, or even the minimal Christians you know?  Now the answer might be apparent.  It is Matthew 7:1, of course, the most popular Bible verse in the world today, having replaced John 3:16 as the most well known.

“Judge not, lest ye be judged.”  Oh, how people love to throw that verse in our faces when we dare to question unholy living and ungodly lifestyles.  When Jesus was tempted by satan to sin, the Lord fought the devil by quoting Scripture.  Now the devil is quoting Scripture to US, to excuse known sins — sins people are AWARE they are committing, but simply do not care about.  They’re going to do their own thing, their way, as long and as often as they choose, and how DARE you Christians have the nerve to judge them!  Of course the next logical step is for them to pull out the “hypocrite card,” since Christians judging others, in their minds, is the absolute height of hypocrisy.  According to them, we’re not even following our own Bible because it tells us to “judge not!”

This is the attitude of so many today, as our culture slides over the cliff into wholesale depravity.  In other words, when Christians question wrong behavior, wrong government policy, sinful lifestyles and wicked acts, we now have our enemy, the devil, and his followers, using SCRIPTURE as the two-edged sword against us!

Christians fall by this sword, because the Word of God is, indeed intensely powerful and sharp.  But this sword of the Word is to be used properly AGAINST God’s enemies — not BY His enemies against His children!  The world has COMPLETELY turned upside down!

Why do Christians fall by this Sword?  Because they don’t know or understand who they are, and what the Sword of the Word really is.  And bottom line, this is because they don’t really read their Bibles.  First of all, Christians – true, saved-by-grace, by Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf, CHRISTIANS, are new creations.  No longer children of wrath, we are become Children of God.

Ephesians 2:1-6, “As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.  All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our sinful nature and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature objects of wrath. But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions — it is by grace you have been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.”

So as I read this, it becomes clear that as born again Christians, we are God’s own children now, no longer counted as His enemies.  He has removed our sins as far as the east is from the west, when we repented and claimed the precious blood of Christ for the removal of our sin.  At that time, we died to sin and its power over us, as Jesus conquered sin and the devil at the cross.  THEN, God raised us up, WITH Christ, as new creations, and Scripture tells us we are, even now, already SEATED with Christ in the heavenly realms.  We are “in Christ.”  Christ dwells within US.  We walk this earth as foreigners in a foreign land; a land controlled by the enemy of our souls… “the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.”   But the great mystery is that the Bible says as Christians, we are SIMULTANEOUSLY seated in heaven with Christ!

This does not mean we won’t still sin.  We have not been made perfect, as God is perfect.   It simply means our sins are forgiven, placed under the shed blood of Christ, when we confess and repent of them.  Yes, even Christians can still sin, and perhaps most of all, it is our responsibility to keep short accounts with God, to immediately confess, repent and then rest in the knowledge that our Father has forgiven us — because He has judged us righteously and fairly.  Our penalty has been paid already, by our Savior, Jesus Christ.

What does all this have to do with the topic of judging?  Simply this:  the enemy, and the anti-Christian, will point fingers, accuse and threaten us with the single verse of Scripture they know so well.  “Judge not, lest ye be judged.”  (Some may also be familiar with, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone!”)  These accusations, hurled at us from the enemy, cause us to doubt what God actually said, what He actually meant.  You see, satan’s tactics are no different now than they were in Eden, when he asked Eve, “Did God really say…?”  Satan is a masterful deceiver.  Scripture calls him the greatest deceiver, the father of lies.  Of course he will use even God’s word to lie to us!  And if we do not know the Word intimately, we are easily swayed and confused.

God did not mean we should never make any judgments.  He created us with an intellect and an ability to make judgments many times a day.  We get up in the morning and make judgments as to what we will wear.  We go about our day and make judgments as to how best to use our time.  We make judgments about our food choices, about what we fill our minds with, about how much time we spend in the Word each day, about our employees or our employers, about our future, how we will spend our money.  We make judgments at work.  Certainly no employer would want an employee who had no judgment!  We make judgments constantly.  To do otherwise, would completely incapacitate us.  If we could no longer judge, we’d really be quite useless.

Let’s look more closely at Matthew 7.  Verse 2:  “For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”  So, logically then, is the opposite also true?   Does this mean that if we NEVER judge others then we are free from ever being judged ourselves?  Hardly.  The Bible clearly states, “For it is appointed unto man once to die, and after this, the judgment.”  Yes, we will all be judged.  But WHO is doing the judging?  The just judge of all the World!  Christ, our King!

But God’s Word says He will have some help.  First Corinthians, Chapter 6, is a real eye-opener.  Here, Paul is telling the believers that they should deal with their disputes among themselves, rather than file lawsuits and have their cases handled by unbelievers.  In Verses 1-4, he also gives us a few more important things we should know.  Let’s look…He writes,  “If any of you has a dispute with another, do you dare to take it before the ungodly for judgment instead of before the Lord’s people? Or do you not know that the Lord’s people will judge the world? And if you are to judge the world, are you not competent to judge trivial cases?  Do you not know that we will judge angels?  How much more the things of this life!  Therefore, if you have disputes about such matters, do you ask for a ruling from those whose way of life is scorned in the church?”

Wow.  Study this for yourself.  This Scripture says that WE – Christians – will judge the world!  It also says that WE – Christians – will judge angels!  As saints of Christ, this is part of our future job description… judging the world, and judging angels.  Imagine that!  So does Paul, in First Corinthians, then, contradict the words of Jesus when He said we should “judge not?”  Not at all!

We ARE to make judgments and we ARE to judge others — in this life and in eternity.   True Christian believers, who properly understand their role as judges, are the most qualified and best possible people to render righteous judgment in the world!  But we must judge rightly, and righteously.  Jesus made judgments when He walked the earth.  While many were done privately, tactfully and quietly, in some instances, He was much more vocal and forceful, as in the case of overturning the tables of the money changers at the synagogue.

The one thing, however, that characterizes Jesus’ life on earth, was His love.  Even when He made a righteous judgment that ended in condemnation of someone’s sin, He did not pronounce judgment in such a way as to give them no hope of reconciliation — He always provided a way home to Him;  some did not take that opportunity, but the opportunity was always presented.  He did not judge others in an attempt to make Himself appear more holy (which would have been impossible anyway), and He did not judge without also offering a way of salvation.  This is where, many times, I think we get it wrong, as Christians today.

We see something that goes contrary to our Christian worldview and make a righteous judgment about it, but don’t stop at condemning the sin — we also, many times, condemn the sinner too.  This is not what Jesus would do.  We see ungodly leaders destroying our country.  We filter that through our Christian worldview and determine it to be evil.  We have made that judgment.  The judgment was correct, but not complete.

We see the alcoholic, unemployed, living on government subsidies.  We call them irresponsible, a slacker.  We see the abortionist, killing babies all week long, then serving as a deacon at their church and call that an abomination.  We see the demon-possessed man, tattooed from head to toe, with more piercings than a pincushion, chain smoking cigarettes and cursing at those who pass by.  “What a freak,” we say.  We see the young teen girl, caked in black makeup, dressed immodestly, and dabbling in the occult.  “Hopelessly lost,” we say.  We see the cowardly pastor, too afraid to really speak the truth and the full Gospel, leading his sheep astray, and we declare that, as it should be, WRONG!  We see the false teacher or televangelist, fleecing his flock, promising health and wealth if they simply fill his collection coffers.   Or the professing Christian, promoting godless music or entertainment.  Or the man or woman involved in adultery against their spouse.  Or the abusive, the lazy, the addicted, the liberal, the atheist, the homosexual, the transsexual, the bisexual, the trans-gendered, you name it.  We see all these things, judge them righteously, and call them wrong, offensive to God.  We call all these things sin, and rightly so.  But our judgment often remains incomplete.

Let us consider a few more things I believe God would have us to remember.  First, how do we know we are judging righteously?  What is our standard for casting judgment?  It must be God’s Word, and His commandments.   Without weighing all things by God’s word and His commandments, we are in danger of judging wrongly.  However, if something goes against God’s word and His commands, we MUST condemn that action or thing.  To remain silent – or in today’s language, “tolerant,” –  would be to effectively  call evil good, and we would stand in danger of judgment ourselves.

Secondly, I believe with the great privilege of judging in a Godly way, we also incur great responsibility — the burden of praying, even for our enemies, and those we disagree with intensely.  Those with whom we could not be more opposed.  Christ told us to love our enemies, and to pray for them.  Not to condemn the PEOPLE.  Truly, THAT is God’s job, and one even He takes no delight in.  If we simply call the demon-posessed man a “freak,” having passed judgment and walk away, we are passing judgment unrighteously.  If we call the confused teen girl, caked in black makeup, dabbling in the occult a witch, we MAY be right, but we are also judging harshly, and wrongly.  If we call the adulteress a whore, we may be right, but we are also judging wrongly, not in accord with God’s will or His example.

Christians are to be salt and light in this world, which is ruled by the enemy.  I said earlier that we are foreigners, living in a foreign land.  Heaven is our home.  God is our Father.  We are His children.  That being the case, as His hands and feet in this godless earth, it is our responsibility to represent Him, as we have taken His name, calling ourselves Christians.  Simply passing judgment or calling names does not do anything but condemn – both the person we judge, and ourselves.  Yes, we condemn ourselves when we do not judge in love, as Christ taught us…for the same measure we use to judge will be used in our own judgement.

We must proclaim the Word of God, preach the full Gospel — including sin, judgment, repentance, faith and restoration — and we must do all these things with the love of Christ.  We must NEVER condone sin or get cozy with it.  We must NEVER be known as “tolerant” of what clearly goes against the Word and will of God almighty.  But once we make that judgment, we must immediately be prepared to carry on with the next step:  reaching out to the sinner, explaining the way of salvation, praying the person will turn in repentance and then follow you, and the rest of God’s children, back home to Christ.  THIS is judging in love.

Audio versions and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 261.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

300,000 Pulpits Across America Remain Politically Correct And Silent

I’m about to make a statement that may shock some of you, and perhaps that’s a good thing.  My statement is this:  Christianity, as an INSTITUTION, is dead in America; it has been deemed good for nothing, and has been thrown out and trampled in the streets.  For at least two generations now, children who have grown up attending American churches with their parents every week, LEAVE their faith behind when they grow up and leave home, never to return.  And can you blame them?  What they experienced growing up in their modern American churches was nothing more than vain, powerless religion.  They were given “flannel graph” “Bible Stories,” bribed with candy and prizes simply for attending Sunday School or “Children’s church,” and entertained in every possible way… but they were not given God.

The Communist, Homosexual and ‘social justice’ Socialist agendas have infiltrated our seminaries and Bible colleges, and they have been churning out young new “pastors” who MAY have a head full of knowledge, but the knowledge they’ve acquired is flawed.  Their goal now is to make FRIENDS, not disciples.  Should they be handed the reigns of a church body to “shepherd,” they first want to be well liked and popular among the people.  They desire to be “hip” and “cool,” in hopes of filling the seats with happy followers who ENJOY going to church, because there, they find a comfortable social club, entertainment, good times.  PERHAPS — MAYBE — an opportunity to “do good works” and feel good about themselves for that.   Unfortunately, too often, what they do NOT find, any longer, is God.

As far as I can recall, God began to call me into ministry when I was about 8 or 9 years old.  The Holy Spirit began speaking to my heart, and giving me some assignments to carry out for the Kingdom that were appropriate for my age, ability and level of understanding.  It wasn’t until I was 35 years old that I began full time ministry work.  I realize now, that at the time, I had been steeped in “churchianity,” and had a skewed understanding of God and what His true children had been called and commanded to DO here in this life.  Over the years, I’ve learned and grown spiritually in tremendous ways.  But this, IN SPITE OF, not BECAUSE OF my church attendance or participation.  The deeper things of God that I have come to know, I ONLY know NOW because of my own study of His Word, and a deep communion with God and Jesus Christ through prayer and the guiding of the Holy Spirit.  AND I was blessed to have TRUE Christ followers come into my life to train, disciple and “coach” me — to force me out of the safety and security and comfort of those four walls and to follow Jesus — FOR REAL.  Because the truth is, I was NEVER comfortable with Institutional “churchianity” — I KNEW there was MUCH MORE to it all — and so  I’m grateful to God for sending me such teachers, because leaders like that are EXTREMELY hard to find.

Today, pastors are the LAST people in the world who would EVER enter into controversy.  They are happy if they can just maintain the status quo, keep everyone content, and never make anyone uncomfortable.  This is wrong.  That’s not just my opinion.  That’s the model we see from EVERY faithful man of God in Scripture; INCLUDING Jesus Himself.  Historically, the men and women God called into service were “nobodys” in the eyes of the world — they were just everyday, ordinary people.  But they were faithful to speak God’s Word — ALL of it.  They called out sin, and they called sinners to repentance; they did NOT just become “accepting and affirming” of ALL people, because they KNEW that apart from God, we remain His enemies.  Until we turn to Him in sorrowful repentance and humility, we are of our father, the devil.

Yes, all human beings are created in the image of God.  But until we become His children, we are NOT His children.  There is no such thing as “universal salvation” for all.  Scripture tells us that MOST in this world will reject God, and follow the broad road that leads to destruction.  Only a FEW ever find the path that leads to life.  If only there were more disciple makers and fewer people-pleasers, perhaps things would be different.  God calls us, as His TRUE followers, to comfort the afflicted (with the good news of the Gospel), and to afflict the comfortable (AGAIN, with the good news of the Gospel).  You see, the Word of God can be REAL GOOD NEWS — or REAL BAD NEWS for you — depending on where you stand.  But God does not change with the whims of men, or with the changing times, and His Word never changes either.

Sadly, today, I dare say that MOST church-goers have never truly obeyed Christ a day in their lives.  They’ve never witnessed to anyone, not even their own spouse.  They’ve never confronted evil with the knowledge and power of the Holy Spirit.  They’ve never been in any situation where lies, falsehoods and deception were being promoted and accepted and been brave enough to STAND UP and say, “NO — God’s Word says this…”

American Churchianity has become all about socializing, about a “feel-good” message, and a happy, uplifting singalong time that is called “worship.”  “Prayer” in our modern churches is all about US — what can God do for US?  And worst of all, we are NEVER taught or trained to LEAVE the four walls of those buildings and represent God to the world around us.  So is it any wonder “Christianity” in America today is so powerless and irrelevant?

Today, the ideologies of Islam, Communism and perverted sex are quickly overtaking our culture.  I see no way to turn things around at this point, because as good is called “evil” and evil is called “good,” modern American faithful church-goers simply go along and get along.  Scripture tells us we are to have NOTHING TO DO with the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but rather, we are to EXPOSE them — speak up, tell the truth, push back.  The “Church” is to be God’s restraining influence against evil in our world.  But our pastors have trained us to be “dumb dogs” who WILL NOT speak… in most cases because we don’t know what to say, because in MOST cases, we’ve never been properly trained or discipled.  You cannot teach what you do not know.

And so today in our world we have perverted sexuality of all kinds being accepted, promoted and celebrated as normal — in our schools, in our media, in our entertainment, in our public libraries, in our government, in our workplaces, and even in our churches.  And 300,000 pulpits in America are absolutely SILENT on the matter.

Today we have a “man” running for president of the United States who self-identifies as the WIFE of his sodomite partner… and people are taking him and his candicacy seriously.  He is VERY well liked and popular among the people.  Countless cities across the nation hold “pride” festivals and parades and the LGBTQP+ flag has been raised over official government buildings in celebration of the pride of sodomy.  What’s more, not only is sexual perversion pushed upon our young children from the time of birth, now we have cities and even states passing laws making it ILLEGAL for clergymen and counselors to tell the kids the TRUTH about all of this.

Today we have more Muslims in public office — from school boards to city councils all the way up to Congress and the Judiciary — than ever before.  We even had one in the Oval office for eight years.  These Islamic infiltrators are welcomed and honored, even as they openly call for transforming America into a fully Sharia-compliant nation.  We also have open Socialists and Communists in our government offices and holding office as judges over us — and they are very well liked and popular among the people, especially the young.  And again, 300,000 pulpits in America are absolutely SILENT on the matter.

And today, despite the fact that we have irrefutable proof that life begins at conception, and we KNOW without any shadow of a doubt that babies in the womb are REAL LIVING PEOPLE, we have those who have pushed and passed into LAW what can only be described as infanticide.  Now, not only can we legally murder our own children right up until the time of birth, we have those who voraciously advocate for POST-birth “abortion.”  We will have officially gone from “no child left behind” to “no child left alive” if the baby killers have anything to say about it.  And YES, they have a LOT to say about it!  They run the world today, along with the Islamic invaders and the sexual perverts.  Why?  Because today in America, 300,000 pulpits remain absolutely SILENT on these matters.

When REAL Christ followers, REAL Holy Spirit-filled believers and children of God stand against all these unrighteous things and PUSH BACK against the forces of evil, they are labeled as “radicals,” as “haters,” as “bigots,” “homophobes, “Islamophobes,” as “Right Wing Pro-Life Activists.”  I have to ask:  when did it become such an outrage… when did it become SO RADICAL to stand up and speak the TRUTH?  When did it become SO WRONG to BE that restraining force against EVIL — yes EVIL — that has swept our world off it’s feet and twisted so many minds into delusion and depravity?  When did that become so wrong?  And ESPECIALLY — why do most of our PASTORS today think of those of us who work to stand up for righteousness and God’s Word and Truth as “radical troublemakers?”  What is WRONG with this picture?

Just IMAGINE if a powerful tsunami of revival were to sweep across our land, and just IMAGINE if our pastors in the pulpits were to somehow muster the interest to study and learn God’s Word for themselves and YIELD to the Holy Spirit, and then SOMEHOW muster the courage to actually TEACH THE TRUTH to their people, and then SOMEHOW muster the courage to actually LEAD THEM OUT of the church house to BE that restraining influence against evil….  just imagine that.

How long do you think it would be before abortion in America were to end?  If just ONE CHURCH in EVERY CITY in America were to step outside their four walls and hold their church service at the doors of the nearest abortion clinic EVERY week — how long would it be before the killing were stopped forever?  Now imagine if FIVE churches in every city were to do that.  Now imagine if there were TEN.  But sadly, no.  There isn’t even ONE.

And what if, instead of continuing to spread the lie that muslims and Christians worship the same god, and instead of accepting and affirming our “muslim neighbors,” taking them at their “word” that all their intentions are good, and that they only have America’s best interests in mind… what if instead of continuing to perpetuate that LIE, America’s pastors were to intentionally EDUCATE their people on the ideology and history and PLANS of Islam for world domination?  Not to mention, what if America’s pastors were to TRULY educate their people on the never-changing TRUTHS of the Word of God.  How long do you think it would be before this Trojan Horse was rejected, and people’s hearts were turned back to the Father?

And what if — just IMAGINE now — what if SOMEHOW America’s pastors were to muster the courage and risk the possibility of offending someone with the truth — to TELL THE TRUTH about NATURAL sexuality… and contrast that with the devil’s lies and the abomination of sodomy, transgenderism, “gender confusion” and all manner of twisted sexual perversion.  What if, when a city council was voting on whether or not to make it illegal for counselors to help sexually confused people, or when they were voting on whether or not to officially recogize and celebrate the LGBT “pride” festivites, or install a rainbow-colored crosswalk or allow a Drag Queen Story Time at your child’s public school — WHAT IF those city council chambers were PACKED with well informed, Holy Spirit empowered CHRISTIANS?  Which way do you think those votes would go?

You see, as Christians, we have power, but we don’t realize that, because we have never been taught or trained to use it.  Our pastors prefer to remain silent, well liked and popular among the people.  They avoid controversy like the plague.  They’d rather let people remain happy in their sin and delusion.  And yes, I dare say, they’d even rather just let them go to HELL, than muster the courage to be bold, courageous, faithful prophets and shepherds of God.  And again, when REAL CHRISTIANS actually DO stand up and push back, these hirelings are the FIRST ONES to call them some sort of “fill-in-the-blank-phobes,” and “radicals” and “activists.”

I once had a pastor try to insult me by calling me a name.  He called me a “Christian Activist!”  “As opposed to what,” I thought, “an inactive Christian?  A pew-warmer?  A FAKE Christian?”

If Christianity is dying in America — and make no mistake, the REAL THING IS on life support now — it is only because of the cowardice of those charged with leading, teaching, training and discipling God’s people.  Scripture asks, “how will they hear without a preacher?”  The answer is, they WON’T — worldly people are NOT going to come flocking to ANY church door — no, not even those that are so “accepting and affirming” of sin — because men love darkness rather than light… even dull, powerless, fake light.  The Word of God IS offensive to those who are perishing…. so when we speak the truth, we are NOT going to be well liked and popular, especially in today’s wicked world.  But it is OUR JOB, as true Christians to still SPEAK IT!   Yes, we do so in humble, loving ways.  But we must NEVER BACK DOWN!  We must NEVER compromise on the truth of God’s Word.  We are to be the salt and light of the world.  Pray for a revival, by all means, because God may yet be merciful and bring one about… but do not be discouraged if you are in the minority.  There IS a remnant, but the remnant will ALWAYS be small.  As for me,  I have decided to follow Jesus.  No turning back.  And though none may join me, still I will follow.  Amen.

Audio versions and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 260.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

A Licentious Nation Of Pretend Christians

Once upon a time, not so long ago, JUNE was known as “Dairy Month” here in Wisconsin.  I suppose other states had similar celebrations related to what their states were known for.  But in Wisconsin, Dairy Month was celebrated with parades, festivals, Dairy Breakfasts, Farm Tours and other things, to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of our state’s farm families.  While, officially, the month of June IS STILL “Dairy Month” here, (I THINK), one would be hard pressed to know that, because NOW the month of June marks the official “kickoff” of sodomite “pride” festivities all across the world.  And in Wisconsin, SODOMY gets FAR MORE publicity than the dairy industry ever did.

Now, these celebrations actually start well before the month of June and last well into the late fall — and in some places, they never end.  The “pride” of sodomy, with it’s rainbow colored flags, debaucherous parades and so-called “family-friendly” festivals seems to never end.  And make no mistake:  this is not just some passing “fad” acknowledged by a small handful of people on the fringe of society.  Today, America — and the WORLD — is fully immersed, 24/7, 365 days a year — so enamored we are, with the act of sodomite sexual activity.  It seems this world cannot get enough.

The LGBT movement began adding new letters to their alphabet some time ago, to include the “Q” for “queer,” whatever THAT means.  And now, though some will not admit it, the FULL acronym (at least for now) is actually “LGBTQP+” — the “P” standing for “pedophilia” and the “plus” meaning — well… “whatever one would like to add, that’s just fine.”   “Love is love,” they tell us.  “Love wins,” they say.  But LOVE has NOTHING to do with it!

While this movement is cloaked in the illusion that this is all about who (or WHAT) a person chooses to “love,” and that those involved in the LGBTQP+ agenda are all about “love and acceptance, diversity and inclusion,” the truth of the matter is, this stuff is nothing less than demonic delusion, the deliberate twisting and indoctrination of young hearts and minds, licentiousness and evil…as the devil seeks to steal the souls of our children and grandchildren.  And he’s making pretty good progress.  Once again — while the modern American so-called “church” sleeps.

I’ve just returned from Columbus, Ohio, where about 100 Christians from 21 states gathered to minister on the streets at the 2nd largest “pride” parade in the country, with a half million participants.  You heard me right, a HALF MILLION.

During this time, SODOMY takes over the entire city.  Open (and PROUD) nudity is commonplace, right out on the city streets.  Rainbow flags and regalia are everywhere you look.  Not just in the parade — even on banners on downtown city streetlight poles…. PROUDLY DISPLAYED by the city of Columbus.  Yes, the entire CITY celebrates the sodomite lifestyle… or better stated, “death-style,” as we all KNOW the end result of this perverted sexual activity.

But while Columbus, Ohio boasts the 2nd largest of such parades in the nation, these events are taking place in nearly EVERY city and town across the country.  If YOUR city doesn’t yet have one, just give it time; it won’t be long… it’s coming to your backyard… soon.  How will YOU respond?

Let me tell you what happens at one of these events.  First there’s the parade itself.  IN the parade, you will see many so-called “Christian churches” with floats adorned in rainbow colors, near-naked men dancing and gyrating on top of the floats, sometimes simulating sodomite sex, while others walk alongside, holding signs APOLOGIZING for the way “Christians” have treated sodomites.  There will also be signs such as “LGBT families for Jesus,” “God thinks you’re fabulous,” “OUR church LOVES you!” “We embrace diversity.”   And of course, “Love over hate.”  These churches promise they are “open and affirming” of the sodomite death-style, and “ALL are welcome.”  Of course, in their world, “ALL” never means “all.”  When REAL Christians bring the message of forgiveness of God through humble repentance (the opposite of perverted PRIDE), these church-goers have no problem whatsoever showing us their middle finger and screaming vulgarities.

Then there are the businesses and corporations — nearly EVERY company you can think of, from Noodles restaurants to Target stores to UPS.  TRULY, too many to mention.  Most appalling and sad are the thousands upon thousands of CHILDREN at the parade — and IN the parade, babies pushed in strollers, toddlers riding on the shoulders of near-naked men – walking as couples, stopping every so often to grope one another and give each other a passionate kiss in front of the thousands of cheering onlookers.  Older kids walking in the parade… their faces full of sadness and confusion as they dutifully wave small rainbow flags, as instructed by their so-called “parents.”   And then there are the thousands of kids TAKEN to the parade by THEIR so-called “parents to watch all of this hedonism.  Some in the parade hand out candy to the young children — candy shaped like sexual organs.  Others in the parade hand out condoms to the teens.

I find it ironic that children under 13 cannot go to a theater to watch a PG-13 movie.  Yet they are encouraged and TAKEN to these events BY THEIR PARENTS to view some of the most outrageous and debaucherous activities you could imagine.  And the more outrageous and offensive the better — the crowds love it, the filthier it is, the better.

Then, there are the public school buses in the parade, decked out in rainbow colors and flags, boasting “City Schools Celebrate Pride” — and the teachers’ unions marching in the parade, touting once again “Diversity makes us stronger,” and “Public School Teachers LOVE kids.”  (Yeah, I BET they do).

Everywhere you look, it’s nothing but sodomite sex, nudity, “drag queens” greeting young children — and young children frightened out of their minds as they are forced to view these demons — more frightening to a kid than an evil circus clown.  I could go on, but I won’t.

Then there are the handful of Christians.  Our group, as I said, consisted of about 100 people, from all over the United States.  We are all part of the Salt and Light Brigade and we gather for important opportunities to witness for Christ wherever we have the chance to stand up for God’s natural order and design, and God’s TRUTH.  We are peaceful.  We are KIND.  We are NOT the “Westboro Baptist Church” types.

The local police hate us.  The Columbus police chief is an open lesbian; and of course, the city police department also participates in the parade, so you know whose side the cops are on.  They rope us off, ostensibly for our “protection.”  But it has nothing to do with our protection.  They rope us off and surround us, to make sure that WE do not cause any problems — AND, dare I say, to make us an easy target for those “loving” sodomites to abuse — like shooting fish in a barrel.  As we seek to share the Word of God and witness to those watching the parade around us, we are attacked on all sides — to the great AMUSEMENT of the police.  You see, since the sodomites have NO valid argument for their lifestyle choices, all they can do is drown us out with noise, so that our message cannot go forth.

On more than one occasion, the signs we hold have been stolen and destroyed.  We have been pushed, shoved, spit upon, our personal property destroyed, we’ve been punched, and the foul-mouthed swearing never ends.  People blow whistles loudly non-stop.  They use air-horns, blasted inches from our ears, STEADILY.  They bang on drums and cowbells and blow trumpets to drown out any Godly message we might try to speak.  They cover our signs with rainbow flags.  They call us every foul name in the book and SCREAM at us through megaphones — again, inches from our ears.  ALL of this, mind you, while the police are right there, inches in front of us, smirking and smiling in delight to see us there in our makeshift “cage,”  enduring the abuse for more than three hours straight.  They try to provoke us to violence.  But we do not act in the “flesh,” rather we take their abuse and continue our mission.  Make no mistake:  if WE were to so much as “bump into” one of our abusers, the police would be right there to wrestle us to the ground, handcuff us and haul us off to jail.

There is virtually NO opportunity, in an atmosphere like this, to speak one-on-one with anyone — oh they DO talk to us — but only to call us filthy, foul names, cast aspersions on OUR sexuality, our mothers, ANYTHING to elicit violence from us.  And again, while we are being violently attacked by the sodomites, the police offer NO protection or equal rights or free speech for US.  It’s “open season” on Christians.

This was just one such parade.  In Louisville, Kentucky, another group of Christians went to witness at that parade.  There, one minister had a bag of dog feces dumped on his head and rubbed in his face.  In another instance, in Oklahoma City, four Christians were arrested by parade security officers, one man tazed.  The charge?  “Trespassing!”  Trespassing on a public street at a public event — because he was preaching from the Bible.

Several times at these events, I HAVE had an opportunity to speak directly, one-on-one with people.  As I compassionately shared our reason for being there, and explained how these young adults had been lied to and deceived by our culture and their schools, I WAS able to have an impact.  On one occasion a young lesbian couple came to attack us, but by God’s grace, the situation turned around, and I was able to take them aside to a quieter spot and have a wonderful conversation with them, and in the end, tears began to well up in their eyes, and one said, “I think I have some things to think about now.”  And then this couple and their five friends LEFT the parade.  With some things to think about.

But things have changed drastically over just a few years.  No longer is there any chance of civil conversation.  Now, as I said, all they can do is drown out our message with noise.  They WILL NOT listen.  They WILL NOT hear.  Apparently, they have been trained to respond this way, because this is how they act now at every such event.  It’s called “jamming” — drowing out our message with horns, megaphones, whistles, cowbells, drums, you name it.  ANYTHING to keep people from hearing what we have to say.  Oh, and I might also mention that WE are forbidden by police from using any form of amplification so that OUR message might be heard.  Yet THEY are freely able to blast these vulgarities inches from our ears through megaphones turned up on “high.”

You might wonder WHY we do this.  We do this because we are grieved, because we have compassion, because we have the TRUTH of the deception and lies that millions today are embracing.  If WE do not go and stand up for God’s Word and Truth, WHO, I ask you, will?  Local Bible-believing and preaching churches WILL NOT go.  The apostate churches are IN the parade.  And for us to even get a hundred people to get involved, it took dedicated men and women of God from 21 different states to come… and all we could gather (after MONTHS of begging other Christians to help us) was a hundred… out of the ENTIRE United States.

Meanwhile, the sodomite agenda rages forward, full force.  In cities across the nation now, we have crosswalks painted in the rainbow flag colors.  Multiple state governors are celebrating too — raising the rainbow flag above the state capitol buildings.  Even in the small city where I live, the local Department of Motor Vehicles now proudly flies the rainbow flag.  When this happened, there were only THREE people that cared enough to oppose this publicly.  Of course, these three courageous speakers were, afterwards, treated with extreme disdain, called “haters,” “bigots,” “homophobes,” and worse.  Much worse.

Need I mention how our pubic schools and libraries are now ALSO being taken over by the sodomite agenda?  You’ve no doubt heard of “Drag Queen Story Time,” where a man comes dressed as a woman — not just as a “woman” but as an outrageously HIDEOUS woman — sometimes with a full beard, piercings, wearing jewelry with satanic symbols, brightly colored rainbow wigs, and a TON of makeup… and they read stories to little children about sodomite sex.  And once again, when a few (a very FEW) Christians show up to these events to preach the truth and expose the lies, they are ALWAYS abused, and most often arrested for “trespassing” — again, at a public venue, open to the public, paid for with our tax dollars.  I guess some people are more “equal” than others.  Because today, the Christian message is not only excluded, but openly and unapologetically persecuted.

What has happened to America?  What sort of “inheritance” are we leaving to our children and grandchildren?  As I’ve said before, “as go the pulpits, so goes the nation.”  Even so-called “good” Bible-believing, Bible-preaching pastors and churches avoid all this like the plague.  They WILL NOT speak on it.  They REFUSE to instruct their congregants on what the Word of God has to say about sexual perversion and abomination.  And so the people in the pews are sheep without shepherds.  As the pastors focus on “happy fun time” with milquetoast VBS weeks, filled with fun and games, summer time church-wide cookouts, and loud, raucous rock bands as the people raise their hands and sway back and forth in what can only be described as vain “worship-tainment,” the people remain blissfully oblivious and apathetic to the whole world around them.

I admit, I am beyond frustrated and discouraged by all this.  CHRISTIANS — TRUE Christians have the very power of GOD within them.  Scripture tells us “the righteous are as bold as lions and the wicked flee when no man pursues.”  But in our world today, the wicked rule the day and the so-called “righteous” are nowhere to be found.  Probably because VERY FEW who attend church (yes, even YOUR church, no matter how “good” you think it is) are really TRUE Christ-followers.  Go ahead — just TRY to get some people from your “good” church to go out of those four walls to the streets — to the very gates of hell at one of these “pride” events and stand up for Jesus… and SEE for yourself how many you will get to participate.  I can tell you now, the pastor will NOT be in favor of your actions.  He will not only NOT encourage your efforts, he will DISCOURAGE you, and tell others to avoid you.  You will quickly see you are surrounded by goats.

Perhaps professing Christians don’t care about the LGBTQP + agenda steamrolling over God’s Word, twisting the minds of young children and fundamentally changing the mindset of millions of Americans because as these deviants become stronger and more bold, it gives THEM license to practice their OWN forms of sexual perversion, whatever that may be, and to not be ashamed or concerned, because as the popular lie most churches preach now is: “God loves everybody, just the way they are.”   No such thing as “sin’ anymore.  The Bible calls this “licentiousness.”  We are a “licentious” nation of pretend Christians, and we should be ashamed of ourselves.  Indeed, we have nothing to be proud of.

Audio versions and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 259.

© 2019 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Our Authority Over The Enemy

Why does our culture and our world continue to spin deeper and deeper down the drain of sewage and depravity?  Everywhere we look, good is called “evil” and evil is called “good.”   Everything is backwards from God’s natural order.  Everything is a demonic counterfeit of God’s perfect plan and design.

Today, as we read in Romans 1, it seems God has given the world over to depraved, reprobate minds.  Vile affections, blood lust, worship of false gods.  “Filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, spiteful, proud, boasters, INVENTORS of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant-breakers, without natural affection (even for their own children); undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, and unmerciful.”  Is it any wonder that God has given most people in this world over to reprobate minds?

A dark cloud of judgment has fallen upon our land.  And it is our own fault.  Why is the church today, so powerless?  Or perhaps better stated, why is modern American Christendom — the INSTITUTIONAL so-called “churches” — why are THEY so powerless and effeminate?  Outwardly, they practice a FORM of godliness, but they deny the power of GOD.  I dare say that MOST professing Christians and church-goers today are just as carnal as the worldly.  They may act “holy” during the “worshiptainment” they enjoy at their local “Godmart.”  But they really have no idea whatsoever what being a Christ-follower is really all about.  Salt that has lost the savor, therefore USELESS — except to be thrown out and trampled under the feet of men.  That is, if they ever HAD any “salt” to begin with.

Increasingly, Lucifer and his demons are reigning on this earth.  Mind you, it is only because God Almighty allows it, for now.  But nevertheless, the demonic realm is very REAL, and very effective at destroying all who will fall for his lies and deceptions.  And make no mistake, ALL he offers are lies and deceptions, because he is the father of lies and there is no truth in him.  His goal is to lie, deceive and twist as many minds into godless rebellion as possible, leading to the ultimate death and destruction of as many of God’s image-bearers as possible.  That means YOU, friend.  We are ALL targets, simply because we are made in God’s image, and though our Creator is not willing that any should perish, MOST will, by their own choice.

In the book of Job, we read that “One day, the sons of God (the angels) came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came with them.  The Lord asked Satan, ‘Where have you come from?’  ‘From roaming through the earth,’ Satan answered Him, ‘and walking around on it.’”

Ezekiel 28 is a two-fold prophecy — regarding the proud, boastful King of Tyre, who thought he was a god.  The King’s judgment was pronounced:  “Because you regard your heart as that of a god, I am about to bring strangers against you, ruthless men from the nations.  They will draw their swords against your magnificent wisdom and will defile your splendor.  They will bring you down to the Pit, and you will die a violent death.”  Such is always the end of those who celebrate “pride.”

The second part of this message in Ezekiel seems to refer to Lucifer, Satan.  It reads, “You were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.  You were in Eden, the garden of God.  Every kind of precious stone covered you…You were an anointed guardian cherub, for I had appointed you.  You were on the holy mountain of God…From the day you were created, you were blameless in your ways until wickedness was found in you.  Through the abundance of your trade (evil), you were filled with violence and you sinned.  So I expelled you in disgrace from the mountain of God, and banished you, guardian cherub.”

The Lord goes on:  “Your heart became proud because of your beauty; for the sake of your splendor you corrupted your wisdom.  So I threw you down to the earth…”

Yes, Satan is a CREATED being, and was anointed by God and given the position of “guardian.”  But he rebelled against the Most High, and was cast down to the earth, where he remains today, as the father of lies, the enemy of our souls.  1 Peter 5 warns us that he now “prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”  We are therefore warned to be SOBER-MINDED and WATCHFUL, and we have God’s promise that if we  resist him, firm in our faith, he will flee from us.  You see, he HAS to.  Because we — IF we have the Holy Spirit of God within us (and not ALL who claim the name of Christ actually DO)  — then WE have the very power and authority of God within us also to trample satan beneath our feet.

In Matthew 10, we have this:  “Summoning His 12 disciples, He gave them authority over unclean spirits, to drive them out and to heal every disease and sickness.”  In Matthew 28, starting at verse 18, “Then Jesus came near and said to them, ‘ALL authority has been given to Me in heaven AND ON EARTH.  Go therefore, and make discples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to oberve everything I have commanded you.  And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”  Yes, JESUS is with us — He is IN us — and gives us HIS authority on this earth.  And the authority of GOD includes authority over the devil and his demons.

Look also at Luke 10:  Jesus commanded the seventy to go out, two by two into ‘every city and place.’  His directives were to “heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those with diseases and DRIVE OUT DEMONS.”  But He warned that while the harvest is great, the workers are few.  He warned that His disciples would be going out as sheep among wolves.  The Christian life is NOT one of ease and comfort, not one of potlucks and ice cream socials and youth group pizza parties.  This is serious business.  This is our JOB.

When the seventy returned to Jesus, they came with joy saying, “Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through Thy name!”  And Jesus replied, “I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.  Behold… I give you… all power over the enemy, but rejoice not that the spirits are subject unto you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven.”

Friends, do you REALIZE — do you UNDERSTAND — that the supernatural spiritual realm is REAL and PRESENT right alongside us?  Though we cannot see it in the natural, it is no less real.  Demons and angels walk among us on this earth and the spiritual battle rages in the heavenlies and in this world.  The “prince of the power of the air” commands legions of demons to do his evil bidding among us every day.  But he can only do this if WE allow it, and open the doors to the demonic.

But knowing that God is INFINITELY more powerful than the father of lies, knowing that Jesus Christ Himself was manifested in this world, died, was buried and rose again, that He might destroy the works of the devil, WHY then, is this world descending so rapidly, now, into utter destruction?

1 Timothy 4:  “Now the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will depart from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and the teachings of demons, THROUGH THE HYPOCRISY OF LIARS whose consciences are seared.”  I could do an entire sermon on that verse alone.  Today, MANY have departed.  MANY are following the deceitful spirits and teachings of demons.  And this Scripture TELLS US that these demonic teachings come through the hypocrisy of liars whose consciences are seared.  Dare I say that many — if not MOST — of our “churches” today have become nothing more than carnal, satanic social clubs, where professing “pastors”  NEVER address the topic of spiritual warfare.   Hireling  “shepherds” that will NEVER talk about the social, cultural, moral and political issues that are twisting our own minds and those of our children, destroying marriages (indeed, even redefining MARRIAGE to include unholy sodomite hedonism), tearing apart families, and dragging millions of souls to hell every day.  By their silence, they have given their consent.  Sadly, there are now an increasing number of churches CELEBRATING all this wickedness as well.  Not just remaining silent — now they are ADVOCATING for and CELEBRATING sodomy, infanticide, Islam, fornication, pornography, socialism, fascism and more.

Paul wrote to the Corinthians, “I fear that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your minds may be seduced from a complete and pure devotion to Christ.  For if a person comes and preaches another Jesus, whom we did not preach, or you receive a different spirit, which you had not received, or a different gospel, which you had not accepted, you put up with it splendidly!”  Yes, there are MANY false Christs and false gospels and false spirits being preached today, and there are MANY who put up with it splendidly!

God has placed before us a choice, between life and death.  Sadly, most have chosen the broad path that leads to destruction.  Even MOST who attend church regularly and do all the vain religious rituals, having neglected ENTIRELY the weighter matters.  But Paul continued, “Since we have this ministry because we were shown mercy, we do not give up.  Instead, we have renounced shameful secret things, not walking in deceit or distorting God’s message, but commending ourselves to every person’s conscience in God’s sight by an OPEN DISPLAY OF THE TRUTH!  But if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing.  In their case, the god of this age has blinded the minds of the unbelievers so they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.”

What an admonition!  We are NOT to walk in deceit or distort God’s message but seek to touch EVERY PERSON’S CONSCIENCE.  How?  By AN OPEN DISPLAY OF THE TRUTH!  We are not to tell the carnal, worldly person “Jesus loves you, brother, just the way you are!”  That is a lie from the father of lies himself.  UNTIL we come to Christ in humble repentance and faith, we remain under God’s wrath, an enemy of the cross, and Scripture tells us we are of our father the devil, and the deeds of our father we will do.  And that is NOT OK!  God is not “alright” with that.  The wages of sin is death.  Instead, as much as we are able, with all our might, through the POWER of the Holy Spirit within us, we are to present to EVERY PERSON’S CONSCIENCE an OPEN DISPLAY OF THE TRUTH!  Unashamedly.  Boldly, but humbly.  For such WERE some of us!

But the world is growing darker, folks.  And at an alarming speed.  Why is evil getting so bold so quickly?  Why are we seeing things coming upon the earth now that we would have never dreamed possible just a few years ago?  Because we have opened the doors — we have rolled out the red carpet — we have opened “portals” into the demonic spiritual realm.  We have done this by believing lies and by hiding from God’s light.  We do this every day through the entertainment we choose, through the sin habits we continue to indulge in, through continuing to allow millions of babies to be slaughtered in the womb.  And make no mistake, the devil and his demons FEED on the blood of the innocent.  The blood of the innocent is CURRENCY in the demonic spiritual realm.  We are under blood guiltiness, but few professing Christians can be bothered to actually DO anything about it, or demand justice.

The same is true with the sodomite agenda.  Christians remain silent.  PASTORS remain silent on ALL of these things,  as thousands upon thousands of our young people and young CHILDREN are indoctrinated into this death-style.  Parents even march their little kids in the “pride” parades and take them to “Drag Queen Story Time” at their local libraries.   Countless children and young people are lured into the human trafficking market, sold as slaves and prostitutes.  Then we celebrate the death-cult of Islam, welcoming demon worshipers into high places in government, education, media and other areas of great influence.   I could go on:  the plague of Pharmakea; the indoctrination of children in public schools — and the rest of us through constant use of our “screens” — the invasion of our country by hostile foreign enemies.  The list is endless.

And we do ALL of this with PRIDE.  Yes, we have willingly opened massive portals into the demonic realm, allowing an ever increasing number of demons to have free reign in every area of our lives and our world.  As we invite and welcome and celebrate the arrival of more and more demons, we seal our fate.  Only God’s faithful remnant will find eternal life with Him.  Yet we must press on, we must boldly proclaim TRUTH at every opportunity and seek and demand righteousness and justice!  Most of all, we must remember the words of Moses — and actually DO what we have so woefully failed at.  From Deuteronomy 6:  “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength.  These words I am giving you today are to be in your heart.  REPEAT THEM to your children.  Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.  BIND THEM as a sign on your hand and let them be a symbol on your forehead.  Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.”

This spiritual battle — this spiritual WARFARE — is REAL and it is intense, and the enemy is seeking to devour us all — especially our precious children.  We need to step up our game.  We need to “amp it up.”  We need to be bold WARRIORS for Christ, seeking to be a restraining influence against the enemy.  But we can NEVER DO THAT if we never speak up, or never leave the four walls of our local Religious Service Providers.  Salt that has lost its savor cannot be made salty again.  It’s too late for them.  But for the faithful, NOW is the time.  TODAY is the day for us to BELIEVE what Jesus said:  we have ALL authority over the enemy; Jesus will be with us, even to the end of the age.  Christ is IN us — and as His disciples we have the very authority of God to cast these demons OUT, and they have no choice but to OBEY… WHEN we understand and BELIEVE that authority, and come out of our hiding places and begin to exercise it.  Just as Jesus commanded.

Audio versions and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 258.

© 2019 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

‘As In The Days Of Noah’

A short time ago, my wife and I were having lunch in a small restaurant on a Sunday, and nearby was a lady pastor, dressed in black clergy garb and collar.  She was sitting with several couples around a large round table.  It appeared this was a group from her church, having lunch after their service.  As they ate, there was a lively discussion about “fundamentalist” Christians, and how deluded they are.  “The problem,” this lady pastor laughed, “is that so many people are stuck in the mindset of what they have always been taught.  But now we KNOW so much more.  Now we have SCIENCE, which explains so many things that were mysteries to the Bible writers.  If only these fundamentalists would open their eyes and adapt to the times!”

Here we had a modern, ultra-liberal lady pastor, (and very likely a practicing lesbian, based on other things we observed), surrounded by adoring members of her congregation, and she was instilling doubt in the minds of her flock — doubt that the Bible could be trusted, and more than that, she was actually holding Biblical Scripture up for open mockery and ridicule — along with anyone who would believe God’s Word.  Now, you might think this was maybe a Unitarian Universalist gathering, and it could have been, but it wasn’t.  It was a group of people from a MAINLINE so-called “Christian” denomination, and if I shared that denomination with you, you might be surprised.  I won’t do that here.  I’m trying to be tactful.

But this is an example of what is taking place in our world today.  As I sat nearby, overhearing this discussion, the Lord showed me an image of this lady pastor — not as she appeared there in the diner — but as she really is, in her true form: as the serpent we read about in Genesis 3.  From the very beginning, Satan’s tactics have been the same… instilling doubt in the minds of God’s people, causing them to distrust God’s Word, and scoffing at people who believe Him.   Here was a mainline protestant “pastor,” presumably entrusted to teach and instruct and rightly divide the Word of Truth… openly and proudly lying and planting the seeds of doubt in the souls she is responsible for.   Literally, there was NO DIFFERENCE between this lady and the serpent in the garden.  Both were betraying the Creator.  BOTH will reap the same reward.

As human beings, we do not know everything.  We are not omniscient.  But we have been blessed with the knowledge the Lord has seen fit to entrust us with.  By reading, studying and meditating upon God’s written Word, we have all the information we need to base our lives on this earth upon.  If we needed to know more, we can rest assured, God would have told us more.  Some things, however, will remain mysteries to us.  Some things are not for us to know.  It’s not foolish or simplistic of me to say this or accept this.  It’s simply a matter of faith.  I trust my Creator to provide for me and give me the knowledge, information, discernment, judgment and wisdom I need in this world.  As I seek to know HIM more, He reveals Himself and His ways to me.  He’s my heavenly Father, and I trust Him.  Good grief — why wouldn’t I?   And how arrogant and presumptuous to assume I know better!

This is not the topic of my message today.  But this anecdote is instructive because it is important to remember, Satan, the serpent, is still here today, and still using the same old tactics he did in the garden…and moreover, sometimes he will disguise himself as an angel of light — or, in this case, as a modern day, liberal protestant pastor.

But it’s easy to see through the devil’s disguise.  Because anytime someone tells you or tries to teach you something contrary to God’s Word, or anytime someone tries to get you to doubt God’s Word or as they will say, “think critically” — (which is code for “did God really say…”) —  you can be sure you’re dealing with a serpent.  Of course, in order to know if something you’re hearing is contrary to God’s Word, you have to already KNOW what God’s Word really says.  I’m assuming, here, that you do.

But now, let’s move on, because I want to talk about a few things we can count on, from God’s Word.  Specifically, how Jesus said when He returns, the world will be like the days of Noah and Lot.  So let’s get started, back in Genesis.  Biblical scholars place the time of Creation at approximately 4004 BC.  That makes the Earth and all things in it about 6019 years old.  And at that time,  in the beginning, when God created all things, He declared everything “Good.”

But it wasn’t long before the serpent lured mankind into sin, and this was accomplished first of all by causing Adam and Eve to doubt what God said.  One simple doubt, one lapse of faith and good judgment, brought death and destruction upon all mankind.  If you read the Bible through from cover to cover, you will see a pattern woven throughout the history of all humanity…  all of our woes, all of our sorrows, all our regrets… we bring all these things upon ourselves because we doubt what God said.  How many times did Jesus lament, with great sorrow, “Oh ye of little faith?!”  If only we believed.  If only we had the faith of a mustard seed!  Indeed.

History moved on.  Many centuries came and went.  In Genesis, we read about Cain and Abel, Seth, Enosh, Jared, Methusalah, Lamech and finally, Noah.  Finally we come to chapter six in Genesis, and I’d like to share that with you, starting at verse 5.  “The Lord saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time.  The Lord was grieved that He had made man on the earth, and His heart was filled with pain.  So the Lord said, ‘I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth — men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and birds of the air — for I am grieved that I have made them.’”

Of course, we all know what happened next.  God purified the earth through the flood, saving only eight souls alive, and we began again.  Then the Lord promised to never again destroy the earth with a flood.  He said, “I have set My rainbow in the clouds and it will be the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.”  It is interesting to note that the rainbow — the symbol the LORD chose as His covenant with us —  has today been hijacked by the homosexual lobby, and they’ve turned it into a sign of prideful rebellion against God and nature.

Bible scholars place the time of the flood at approximately 2304 BC, so there were approxiamtely 1700 years between the creation of the earth and Noah’s flood.  It was about 406 years later, in approximately 1898 BC that we read another account of God’s anger.  You can read about this starting in Genesis 18… the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.   God said, “The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous…”  Yet He promised Abraham that for the sake of ten people who might be found in those cities to be righteous, He would not destroy them.  Apparently there were not even ten, because the next thing we read, the LORD sends two angels, appearing as men, to investigate the cities, and to rescue Abraham’s nephew Lot and his family.

As we read the account of the angels visiting Sodom, the way the men of the city of Sodom behave is eerily familiar.  These men are homosexuals.  They march in unison against Lot’s home.  They surround it and make demands.  They yell and scream and condemn Lot for “judging” them.  They attack and try to break down the door.  It sounds very much like the typical “gay pride parade” of today…  anytime there is a homosexual “pride” march or parade, there is always anger and hatred, there is always those among them accusing Christians of “judging” them, there is always mockery of God and Christianity, along with vile displays of perverse sensuality, and vicious disrespect of the things we hold sacred.  Because the same demonic spirit inhabits modern homosexuals as it did in the days of Lot…Satan is not that bright — he only has a couple of tricks.

Now here we are today.  As I write this message, it is literally impossible to keep up with all that is happening in our world, regarding man’s rush to self-destruction.  It’s mind-boggling and we have taken the offense of Sodom and Gomorrah to a whole new level.  Not only have we used our silly Courts to try to redefine the God-ordained institution of marriage, we have made it mandatory to steal the innocence of young children, and indoctrinate and confuse them about sexuality, and then we’ve made it illegal to counsel them to remain “straight” when they become confused!

We not only kill our own babies for convenience, we then sell their body parts for profit.  And we have leaders in power who praise child-rapists and savages who behead and torture innocent victims, while calling humble, peaceful Christians who follow God’s Word “homegrown terrorists.”   I can’t imagine it was any worse in Noah’s time or in Lot’s time, can you?

But Jesus said it would be like this.  And once again, God’s Word proves true.  There will be plenty who laugh it off, and cast doubt.  And the Bible even tells us plainly that THIS will happen.  There will be those who defiantly boast, “Where is the promise of His coming?”  But remember how I said to identify a serpent…

We are reliving the days of Noah and Lot right now.  Look at the words of Christ in Luke 17:  “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man.  People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark.  Then the flood came and destroyed them all.”

He went on:  “It was the same in the days of Lot.  People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building.  But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all.  It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed.”

“I will come again,” said Jesus in John 14:3.  Really, that is the only solution to this mess.  We don’t know when He will come, not the hour nor the day.  Only the Father Himself knows the appointed time.  But, observing the signs of the times and believing God’s Word, we know that surely, we MUST be at the very brink of eternity.

So how shall we live then?  In fear?  In dread?  Should we hide in our closets, or our churches and just let the wicked world around us burn?  No!  God’s Word tells us:  “For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present age, looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior, Jesus Christ, Who gave Himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for Himself a people that are His very own, eager to do good works.”

We can get caught up in the mess, we can put our hope in the leaders of this world, we can hope and pray “our” candidate wins the White House next year and solves all our problems.  But we would be wrong.  Our hope, our only hope, lies in the Savior, God’s Son — just as it always has.  I’m not saying we should resign ourselves to a wicked, evil world.  Surely we are still to be salt and light here.  We’re still to stand up for God’s Word and Truth, we are to share the Gospel and, like those angels who were sent to warn Lot, rescue as many as we can from the fire.  We are to stand in the gap for the innocent, and to minister and love those the world — and the “religious leaders” — choose to pass by on the other side of the street, refusing to look upon.  We must still BE that good Samaritan.

But meanwhile, we also have a great hope.  We know God’s Word and His promises are true, and we know we need never doubt, nor should we put our trust or our hope in the temporal and vain things of man.  Our faith, our resolve and our fortitude will be greatly tested, as through the fire.  But we know, the one who endures to the end shall be saved.     The rain drops fell in Noah’s time.  The fire fell upon Sodom.  And now the Grace of God will come from the sky next, riding on the clouds, just as He departed.  Luke 21:28 tells us, “Look up, and lift up your heads, for your redemption is drawing near!”   Any day now.  Watch… and pray.

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 136.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Be Careful What You Believe

The book of Daniel speaks of the end times, when, as we read in Chapter 12, verse 4, “many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased.”  I don’t think there is any question that knowledge has increased at a dramatic pace over just the past few years.  In many cases, frighteningly so.  The trouble is, there are so many in our world today that “KNOW” so much that simply isn’t true.

We live in a world today that is FILLED with misinformation and DISinformation, “fake news,” that is deliberately designed to confuse and deceive us all.  Jesus said of our adversary, the devil, “…he does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him.  When he speaks a lie, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”  Yes, the father of lies is working overtime these days, and many there be that are easily deceived.

Have you considered, lately, just how MUCH information we drink in every single day?  And just how MUCH of it is lies?  We’re being indoctrinated with demonic LIES at an alarming pace.  It’s been said that if one tells a lie long enough, eventually, even the liar will believe it to be true.  This seems to be the case now.  Just look around… I read recently that there are now SIXTY THREE different “genders.”  Now, you had BETTER work very hard at memorizing all 63, because if you make a mistake and call someone by the wrong “pronoun,” you will face the wrath of the legal establishment.  Such was the case recently in Canada, where a man was fined $55,000 for calling a man a “man.”  Can you even BELIEVE THAT?  But YES, that REALLY happened.  And the same is likely to happen here in the US, where multiple states with activist “lawmakers” and judges, working for the LGBTQP+ agenda are now implementing stiff penalties for the “crime” of “misgendering.”

The Leftists in America — and around the world — are “of their father, the devil,” the father of lies.  And they are experts at lies and deception.  They are determined to destroy our way of life at all costs, starting with the destruction of the family, by vilifying males — especially WHITE males, along with fatherhood… and even MOTHERHOOD, for that matter, as they cannot kill off enough babies to satisfy their demonic lust for innocent blood.

NOW, if children ARE (somehow) born alive, there are those that want the freedom to commit open and “legalized” infanticide.  No longer content to kill the unborn, now, like everything else, “ANYTHING GOES” — as long as it fits their ultimate agenda to steal, kill and destroy.  Who else but these demons would dare have the audacity to call the abomination of abortion “women’s healthcare” — and have half the population BELIEVE that lie?!

Who else would demand that we open our borders to dangerous criminals, thugs, gangs and invaders from nations that hate us — invite them in by the THOUSANDS, and then tell us we must be compassionate as they (once again) steal, kill and destroy our nation from within, as the Leftists roll out the red carpet to welcome them?  Notice they always speak about “compassion for the children” when talking about “immigrants.”  But folks, these are NOT immigrants.  They are foreign invaders.  And why, suddenly, are they SO concerned about these CHILDREN — when they march and protest and DEMAND that our OWN American children be “legally” murdered — at any and all stages of life?  And they laugh about it.  But we all just “go along.”  We are SO dumbed down, SO apathetic and lulled into complacency.  Open your EYES, people!  Look at Europe.  Europe has FALLEN to Islam.  Nearly a THOUSAND Christian churches BURNED to the ground by muslims in France last year alone — so what do we do?  Import Islam to THIS country too, because, of course, THAT could NEVER happen here!

Who else but these fiends would even TRY to convince us all that there are 63 different and distinct “genders,” and all are equally valid?  Yet many here in America are now coming to accept that idea as “fact.”  Nevermind even the SIMPLEST science or biology lesson.  And IF a child manages to make it to 4 years old, they are then sent to the public school indoctrination machine, where sodomy and “transgenderism” is not only DEMONSTRATED for them, but made to look like “fun” — and something EVERYBODY needs to try out for themselves, because you NEVER KNOW — you, too, just might be “gay.”  AND THEIR SO-CALLED ‘PARENTS’ ENCOURAGE THIS!!

I’m so tired of the lies.  “The Affordable Care Act.”  How’s THAT working out for us?  “Women’s Healthcare.”  Yeah, right…. where every abortion leaves one dead and one wounded.  And even the CHURCHES are getting in on the act…  The watered-down, feel-good “talks” (you can’t call them sermons) pushing the fake “health, wealth and prosperity gospel” was not enough to mock our Savior.  Now we have sodomite “pastors” pushing “inclusion.”  Now we have so-called “Christian’ churches marching IN the “pride” parades, as near-naked man dance and gyrate on the “church” floats in the parades, simulating sodomite sex, to the delight of the roaring crowds of onlookers.  Now we have “Chrislam,” because, we are told, “Christians and Muslims all worship the same God,” so we all need to unite.  No.  We do NOT.

I haven’t watched television news in a very long time.  But recently, my father-in-law was staying with us and he enjoys watching Fox News, so the TV was on… I lasted about a half hour and couldn’t take it anymore:  one fake news story after another.  One left-wing propaganda-filled puff-piece after another, disguised as “news.”  And because they call it “fair and balanced,” so many of us fall for it.   But do you realize that Fox News is partially owned by Saudi Arabian muslims — and partially by the demonic Disney Corporation?  Yeah, friends, I hate to tell you, but even Fox News is “fake.”

The news media is absolutely corrupt to the core, in league with the so-called “progressives,” and they are MORE than just “complicit” in the multi-million dollar witch hunt against Donald Trump; they absolutely helped to orchestrate that debacle.  Meanwhile Hillary Clinton, a PROVEN felon, walks free.  Hollywood and the entertainment industry is also part of this puzzle.  Turn on literally ANY television show these days, and it’s only a matter of MINUTES before they bring a “homosexual” or “transgender” character into the mix.  Even on programs that you would think would have ZERO connection to such things, like “House Hunters,” or home remodeling shows.  Every few episodes, the audience is introduced to a loveable sodomite couple looking for a house, or making plans to remodel a house.  You don’t want to get me started with the indoctrination of even our youngest children to this stuff — on television, the internet, public schools, libraries, churches, popular music, you name it.  And it’s ALL lies.

But as I said at the outset, we are living in a time when “knowledge has increased” — dramatically.  We have technology now that I could never have dreamed of just a few years ago.  And it is NOT as wonderful as we might think.  Today, there is almost NO PLACE you can go where you are not constantly being watched, monitored and your data being recorded.  Consider Facebook.  Now, I admit, I use Facebook, because we have a Wisconsin Christian News Facebook page, where we post REAL news from alternative media sources and reliable investigators.  It IS an alternative — and very effective — way to reach thousands of people.  So we use it to present REAL news and things of significance.  It has a purpose.  It’s a tool.

But many people are obsessed with Facebook.  They post ALL their personal information on their page, from the meals they eat to the places they vacation, to the movies they watch to the books they read.  They post information about their home, their jobs, their free time, their pets, their children and more.  Now, IMAGINE, if you will, what people would say if the CIA or Homeland Security were to REQUIRE us to hand over all that personal information.  “Absolutely NOT!”   “No way!”  But along comes Mark Zuckerburg, right out of college and invents this “fun” thing called Facebook — and people willingly and happily relinquish all their privacy.  Do you REALLY THINK the stuff you post on Facebook is not being recorded, tracked and placed in a data base?

Then consider our cell phones.  Do you realize that they are ALWAYS listening to us?  And they are linked to Facebook as well?  Let me tell you what happens FREQUENTLY to us… my wife and I will be driving in the car and talking about some arbitrary topic… THINKING we’re having a private conversation.  But we are NOT.  Even riding alone in the car, just the two of us.  THEY’RE LISTENING.  Most recently, my wife mentioned to me that we needed to get a new coffee maker.  And the next time she checked her Facebook page, there were dozens of ads for coffee makers.

On another occasion, I was involved in an accident when a deer jumped in front of my vehicle.  I was in the middle of nowhere, and had no idea how I was going to explain my location when I called the accident in to 911.  I need not have worried about that.  Because they could tell EXACTLY where I was, because I was using a cell phone.  The “authorities” ALWAYS KNOW exactly where we all are and what we are all doing.    I also have to wonder WHO may be WATCHING us through those HANDY little cameras that are now built into EVERY cell phone.

Not to mention devices like “Alexa,” which people WILLINGLY place in their homes and find so useful.  Just call out “Alexa…answer a question.”  And this device will search the internet and give you the answer.  But PEOPLE!  Do you not realize these devices are ALWAYS listening to everything that is going on in your home?  Good grief, we don’t even have privacy inside our own homes anymore.  The same can be said of the new TVs, refrigerators, washers and dryers that can be remotely controlled from an app on your phone… THEY are listening to you too.  Did you know that?  Do you CARE?   MY question is, WHO is listening to THEM?  And why?

Trust me, it’s not JUST to market and sell things to you.  Data and information is being gathered and stored and USED on each one of us constantly.  We’re watched by video cameras at every stop light.  We’re listened to by all of our devices.  Every key stroke on our computer is being recorded SOMEWHERE.  And we find it delightful and convenient, willingly and happily handing over all our personal information.

Remember the TV show “American Idol?”  I don’t even know if it’s still on the air.  I haven’t watch television in so long, I have no idea.  Do you realize that entire THING was MARKETING?  Disguised as a “talent contest,” the producers of the show would pre-select a new “rising star” in the entertainment industry before each season began.  Yes, that is MY opinion.  It was all a farce.  Then they would get viewers to tune in every week for months, to see all the contestants, and WHO would “rise to the next level” and become the next “American Idol.”  Friends, they took you for a fool — advertisers lined up to pay for it.  And so many eagerly tuned in every week to see how their favorite contestant would do… but all the while, the eventual “winner” had already been pre-selected… and now they didn’t even have to spend money on marketing this person — because America had already become hooked; and the ad dollars paid for it all.

Seriously, there is almost NOTHING REAL, almost NOTHING TRUE in this world anymore… with the exception of God’s Word, the Bible.  And even God’s Word is being perverted and twisted in some new “translations” and “easy to read versions,” that just “happen” to leave out KEY AREAS OF SCRIPTURE and essential doctrine.  Yes,  as we read in John 17:17, God’s Word is truth.  But make SURE what you’re reading really IS  GOD’S Word.  Don’t settle for any fake substitutes.

I could go on… I could tell you about the lies of Obama and Hillary Clinton, the lies of the Supreme Court, the lies of our legislators and our “public servants.”  I could tell you the truth about the so-called “war on drugs,” the pharmaceutical industry, the sickening and tragic growth of pedophilia and human trafficking throughout our nation and our world.  I could tell you about the genetically-modified ingredients in the food we eat.  Good grief!  Even our FOOD is fake!  And I could tell you how our educational system is churning out obedient, brain-washed little “transgendered” socialists, eager to support the New World Order and the Leftist agenda.

Call me a “conspiracy theorist” if you wish.  But I urge you to be diligent and be discerning.  Question everything, because as I said, almost nothing you hear in these days when “knowledge is so greatly increased” is going to be the truth.  So BE CAREFUL what you believe.  Words have meaning and lies have consequences; some of them ETERNAL consequences.

We have ONE truth, however, that we can always count on, and which NEVER changes.  Not with the winds of popular opinion, and not even with all the twisting and manipulation our Leftist “friends” can scheme up… and that… is GOD.

Having said all this, let me now close with the words of God Himself — words that absolutely CAN always be trusted…we can rest assured, of our Creator, we need never have any doubt.  These words of Scripture seem especially appropriate today.  From Malachi 3:  “And I will come near to you to judgment; and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, and against false swearers, and against those that oppress the hireling in his wages, the widow, and the fatherless, and that turn aside the stranger from his right, and fear not Me, saith the Lord of hosts.  For I am the Lord, I change not!”   You better believe it!

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at (715) 486-8066 or email  Ask for message number 255.

© 2019 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

This Is Spiritual Warfare – Dress Appropriately

More often than not, as I sit down to write these commentaries, the finished message is completely different from what I initially set out to write… as the Holy Spirit guides me, frequently taking the message in a different direction than what I had in mind… so I have a “backlog” of topics in my head that I intend to address in the coming weeks, and as time allows.

But today, I would like to just give you a few updates about what has been going on in our ministry here at Wisconsin Christian News.  Our newspaper is now in it’s 20th year of publication.  What seemed impossible “on paper,” what seemed impossible to EVERYONE, God has been faithful to make a way for, and to expand… to the point where we are now a NATIONALLY distributed printed newspaper, available in several states across the country on news racks.  We also have subscribers in nearly all fifty states, and our website reaches people around the world.  We get a tremendous number of amazing testimonies from people — worldwide — on a regular basis.

People are HUNGRY for the truth that we provide — in the pages of our newspaper, on our website, on our Wisconsin Christian News Facebook page (which is updated daily with important news items), through my radio commentaries, which also air nationally, and coming soon, Lord willing, we will be starting up a weekly internet TV program.   Twenty years ago, the Lord called me to begin this work, and it has been a DAILY walk of faith; but He has been faithful and gracious to build and expand upon my meager “5 loaves and 2 fishes” that I had to offer Him.  Truly, this ministry is very SMALL, but I dare say we are accomplishing more, and having a greater impact than a lot of much larger organizations.  Again, I stand in awe at what God has done here.

So today, I encourage YOU as well… God is calling YOU to do something significant for His kingdom; and it may seem impossible, and it WILL be EXTREMELY difficult — that I can assure you.  The road is narrow and rocky.  But if YOU are faithful to Him, if YOU take that first step of faith to serve your King with the gifts and talents He’s given you, He will use you for His purposes and His glory, and there is no greater calling  — and no greater responsibility — than to invest your short life here on this earth as a servant of the Most High God.

So let me tell you a little bit about what’s been happening here with this ministry.  Recently, my wife and I attended a Christian conference in Ohio, where we were blessed to fellowship with like-minded, ACTIVE believers and Christ-followers who are ALSO God’s ministering servants.  We heard from some powerful, insightful speakers on a wide variety of important topics.  But we ALSO wanted to do some street ministry — to be salt and light in this dark and deceived culture all around us.

There’s currently a “movement” going on among those who would like to see the abomination of abortion ENDED in America.  Those involved know that if the Institutional Churches in America would rise up and DEMAND an end to abortion, the killing would stop immediately.  It’s only because of our apathy and indifference that it’s allowed to continue.  While many church-goers give “lip service” to being “pro life,” FEW really do anything about it.  I’m reminded of Jesus’ words in Matthew 15:  “Hypocrites!  Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying: ‘These people draw near to Me with their mouth, and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me.  And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’”  Indeed, while the vast majority of both Catholics and evangelicals will claim to be “pro life,” less than 1% are actively engaged in the battle to save babies.  And so the blood of the innocent continues to run as rivers down the streets of our nation, while the “church” simply sings their praise choruses louder.

In 2014, Barna research confirmed that more than 90% of pastors KNOW the Bible speaks directly and clearly about the social, cultural and moral issues of our day — things that are destroying marriages and families, bringing death and destruction to the innocent and deep deception and confusion to our young people — but the same study showed that less than 10% of those SAME pastors will EVER preach on these issues.

So this “movement” I mentioned calls the pastors, church leaders and church-goers to repent — and urges them to get personally involved in the battle to save babies.  Again, we believe that if professing Christians were to rise up and actually DO what Jesus commanded, THEN would God hear from heaven and heal our land.  So all across this country, there are a FEW who go to churches to INFORM and EDUCATE the congregations on the truth of abortion.  At least they TRY to.

First, they set up an appointment to speak with the pastor and politely ask permission to hand out literature and invite the congregation to stand with those who GO to the abortion centers to rescue babies and provide mercy and hope to the mothers.  Because you see, there are so FEW who really know enough — or care enough — about those innocent, precious babies, knit together in their mothers’ wombs by God Himself, to get actively involved.

So they go to the pastors and simply ask for permission to hand out information — and ask those within the congregation to come and intercede for the babies, and the mothers.  Ninety-nine times out of a hundred, the pastors refuse to allow even information to be distributed.  They give a variety of reasons,  including “our church is not called to that type of ministry,” “we’re ‘pro life’ but we don’t get involved in politics,” and even “while I PERSONALLY believe abortion is wrong, who am I to judge if a woman chooses to ‘end’ her pregnancy?”

But when the pastor refuses to allow an appeal for help to his congregation, these faithful Christians don’t just give up  — but now instead of working WITH the pastors, they have to get their message to the people IN SPITE OF the pastors (or should I say “hirelings”).  And so this is what we did recently in Ohio.  The plan was to go to a local church near the Conference venue as people were arriving for the morning service.  We would take signs (yes, graphic signs showing the HORRORS of abortion — because the sickening TRUTH of what abortion truly IS MUST be shown —  as well as signs appealing for help from Christians) and we would stand near the entrances to the church parking lot and hand out literature, to EDUCATE those church-goers, and plead for their help.

When Sunday morning came, it was pouring rain; it was COLD, windy and miserable.  Yet more than 80 from the Conference still went out, and stood as a witnesses “at the gates.”  As people would arrive for the morning service, we attempted to hand them literature through their car windows.  We were KIND.  We were POLITE, we were PLEADING for them to just take a simple piece of literature.  I have to tell you, you would be SHOCKED at how many of those “good church-going Christians” had no problem showing us their middle finger as they drove on by.

This was a “mega church,” the size of a shopping mall.  I have no idea the number of people who attend there, but it was huge.  One car stopped in front of me, and the man rolled down his window.  I handed him a piece of literature, which he immediately threw back out on the street and continued on his way without looking at it.  A short time later, he drove back around, rolled down his window again and confronted me, in a very harsh, mean-spirited way.  He introduced himself as an ELDER of the church, though he couldn’t have been more than 25 years old.  He asked why we were there, why we were doing this, and I explained it all to him.

He told me his church was VERY involved in the “pro life movement.”  Yet when I asked him to name just ONE THING his church was doing to save babies or help mothers, he couldn’t think of one.  Then, he threatened to call the police if we didn’t leave immediately.

One of our group actually went inside the church, to see what it was like, and to try to have a discussion with the “greeters” and “hosts” at the Information Center.  He quickly discovered this church was of the opinion that abortion is a “woman’s right,” that as Christians we are not to “judge.”  When he asked where they stand on the topic of marriage and family, he discovered the church had no problem with homosexual marriage, “transgenderism,” and that “all are welcome” — that this was a “no judgment zone.”

But our friend ALSO reported that their coffee bar and lounge was “SPECTACULAR.”  And then he went into the church bookstore, and right there, featured in a large, prominent display were dozens of copies of Joel Osteen’s “Your Best Life Now” books.

Did we change any minds that day?  Did we get ANYONE to join us from that church?  Of course not.  But the police DID come, told us we were doing nothing wrong, and went on their way.  Incidentally, some who minister in this way outside churches often experience violent confrontations with the pastors themselves.  For their safety, the ministers  video tape everything, and you’d be shocked at how many PASTORS use filthy, foul, vulgar language as they curse and swear at the street ministers.  Such is their hypocrisy.

Nearby was another large church with a sign out front advertising for their big Easter celebration — in which they were planning to have 75,000 candy-filled eggs dropped from a helicopter on Resurrection Sunday.  And such is the state of the modern American church today.  Pathetic.

On another note, we were recently confronted locally by a muslim woman who picked up a copy of our newspaper at a local restaurant. This restaurant has been a distribution point for Wisconsin Christian News for more years than I can remember, and every month they literally go through HUNDREDS of copies. But this muslim lady was extremely offended by an article by Usama Dakdok. Usama is a Christian man who was born, raised and educated in Egypt — a muslim country — and is one of the foremost experts on the Islamic ideology in the world today. His articles are truthful and educational, and he’s a highly sought-after author and public speaker on Islam. He KNOWS what he’s talking about.  You can learn more about him on his website:

But this muslim lady took great offense to his article, and is now actively working to get our newspaper banned from being distributed locally, because — as she said — we’re “spreading lies and hate about Islam.”  She’s also made it her life’s new purpose to stir  up the local Islamic community at large against us.  Usama was gracious and kind enough to call and speak with this lady personally by phone — only to discover she could not defend her viewpoints or explain the even the most basic tenets of Islam at all.  She believes Christians and muslims worship the same god; that Islam is a beautiful religion of peace (even though wherever Islam reigns in the world, there IS NO peace); and she even claimed that USAMA was a “terrorist” himself — simply because he was quoting from their own “holy book,” the Qu’ran.

One thing occurred to me through these two recent events.  The average muslim really has no idea what their religion teaches; they can’t explain it nor can they defend it.  But the very SAME is true about the average church-going Christian.  Again, going back to the Barna study;  more than 90% of pastors KNOW what the Bible says about the most vital and serious issues we’re facing today, but almost NONE of them will ever talk about them… and so the average Christian remains JUST AS IGNORANT of their faith as the average muslim is of theirs.

It’s only when people get SERIOUS about their faith that they really have any effect in the world.  And this is what’s happening now — if you have eyes to see.  It’s SERIOUS SPIRITUAL WARFARE.   When a muslim begins to truly follow their “prophet,” the media says they have become “Radicalized.”  When a Christian begins to truly follow Jesus, the world (and even the church-people)  call us “hateful bigots.”  This is a battle of good versus evil.  The devil would have Christians remain apathetic and ignorant of God and His Word, worshiping, instead, a “god” of our own imaginations in our “spectacular” church coffee bars and lounges — but doing very little else.  But the faithful remnant believers are beginning to wake up and get engaged.  They’re tired of vain religion — and they’re learning to serve their King, as our Lord separates the sheep from the goats.  Meanwhile, one need only look at the daily headlines to see just how serious the muslims are.

Of course, “Muslim versus Christian” isn’t the ONLY battle we’re facing.  This spiritual warfare has MANY fronts.  We’re also fighting to end the shedding of the innocent blood of precious babies.  We’re also fighting the scourge of the militant LGBTQP+ agenda, “transgenderism” and the destruction of God’s natural order.  GOD’s faithful versus Satan’s.  Good versus evil.  Ephesians instructs us to PUT ON the FULL ARMOR of GODbecause this spiritual battle is INTENSE, and becoming moreso daily.  So I encourage you to do that, because the devil is serious and God’s warriors must be prepared.  So… dress appropriately.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at (715) 486-8066 or email  Ask for message number 254.

© 2019 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Battle Scars

As we endure life in this world, walking by faith and not by sight, walking in the Spirit of God and not in the flesh, seeking to serve the Lord and His Kingdom, doing that which He has commanded us — and entrusted us to do — it can get very lonely sometimes.

I think of the apostle Paul, whose letters — which he wrote from prison — are filled with sound doctrine and teaching; but also his deepest personal feelings, as he endured great lonliness, being separated from his friends and fellow believers in Christ.

Look at Second Timothy 1.  He clearly missed his young friend, as he wrote: “I thank God whom I serve, as did my ancestors, with a clear conscience, as I remember you constantly in my prayers night and day.   As I remember your tears, I long to see you, that I may be filled with joy.  I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well.  For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands, for God gave us a spirit not of fear, but of power and love and self-control.

“Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me His prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God, who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of His own purpose and grace, which He gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began, — and which now has been manifested through the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel, for which I was appointed a preacher and apostle and teacher, which is why I suffer as I do.

“But I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed, and I am convinced that He is able to guard until that day what has been entrusted to me.  Follow the pattern of the sound words that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.   By the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, guard the good deposit entrusted to you.”

And then Paul added, “You are aware that all who are in Asia abandoned me.”  Yes, Paul was there, writing to Timothy from prison.  He was jailed for preaching the Gospel of our Savior, and he was alone.  No one stood with him.  All had abandoned him.

Then in Chapter 4, we have this:  “Do your best to come to me soon.   For Demas, in love with this present world, has deserted me and gone to Thessalonica. Crescens has gone to Galatia, Titus to Dalmatia.  Luke alone is with me. Get Mark and bring him with you, for he is very useful to me for ministry…. When you come, bring the cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas, also the books, and above all the parchments.   Alexander the coppersmith did me great harm; the Lord will repay him according to his deeds.   Beware of him yourself, for he strongly opposed our message.   At my first defense, no one came to stand by me, but all deserted me. May it not be charged against them!   But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it.”

In Second Corinthians, Paul describes what Christian ministry is REALLY like.  Starting at verse 24:  “Five times I received, at the hands of the Jews, the forty lashes less one.  Three times I was beaten with rods. Once I was stoned. Three times I was shipwrecked; a night and a day I was adrift at sea;  on frequent journeys, in danger from rivers, danger from robbers, danger from my own people, danger from Gentiles, danger in the city, danger in the wilderness, danger at sea, danger from false brothers; in toil and hardship, through many a sleepless night, in hunger and thirst, often without food, in cold and exposure.  And, apart from other things, there is the daily pressure on me of my anxiety for all the churches.”

There are many today, who will tell you the Christian life is all joy and happiness.  “Just walk the aisle,” they say, “repeat the ‘sinners prayer,’ and MEAN IT,” they’ll tell you…  And “Jesus has a wonderful plan for your life!”  “Just ask Jesus into your heart and you will go from misery to ‘your best life NOW!”  But friends, this isn’t true.  This is a false Gospel…  The fact of the matter is, the Christian life is NOT an easy one.  It’s NOT all happiness and joy.  If you are TRULY living out your faith and serving Christ, you will find yourself in frequent persecution, you’ll be mocked and ridiculed.  You’ll lose your friends.   You may even find yourself being sued in court; you may lose your business, your home, your freedom, and yes, in some cases, even your family.

Jesus Himself said in Matthew 10, “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have NOT come to bring peace, but a sword.   For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.   And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household.”

You absolutely will NOT fit in with the modern culture if you are following Christ today.  It is at that point you have a choice:  keep your mouth shut and practice your “religion” in secret, in which case you will NOT endure any persecution and you can just “get along” with everyone — or you can be a faithful servant, obey the commands of Jesus and season this world with salt — being a beacon of light in a dark and dying culture.  Yes, you HAVE that choice.  So what will you choose?

Those who choose the latter often find themselves very lonely and very misunderstood.  Because they walk by the Spirit and not by the flesh, the world cannot understand them.    Spiritual things are spiritually discerned; and those without the Holy Spirit CANNOT understand.  It’s not that they don’t want to… they just don’t have the Holy Spirit inside them, and therefore they CAN’T understand you.

“Religious” people will not understand you either.  Many times you’ll even be viewed as a “troublemaker” or a “crazy zealot” by those in your own church, if you dare step outside the box and actually DO the work Christ called you to.  You WILL endure hardship and you WILL experience persecution if you’re openly and faithfully and unashamedly living the Christian life.  Those who preach “health, wealth, prosperity, happiness, roses and rainbows” are lying to you.  You should ask yourself what their motivation is… and oftentimes, you’ll find it’s very simple: it’s so that THEY can be well liked and popular among the people… and well PAID.

How lonely it must have been for Jesus Himself — MANY times — as even His own disciples had a hard time understanding some of His teachings.  Yet He patiently taught them and explained to them the parables the world could not understand.  And though they walked closely with Him for 3 1/2 years during His earthly ministry, on the night of His arrest, they all abandoned Him, when He needed His friends the most.

Look at Luke 22.  Here, Jesus was on the Mount of Olives, following the Last Supper.  He went there to pray with His disciples.  But His disciples couldn’t stay awake and watch with Him even one hour.  How lonely our Savior must have been as He prayed, “‘Father, if You are willing, take this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done.’  An angel from heaven appeared to Him and strengthened Him.  And being in anguish, He prayed more earnestly, and His sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.”

Not exactly “health, wealth, prosperity, happiness, roses and rainbows”… is it?  That was NEVER Jesus’ message.  That’s a false Gospel, that creates false converts, who quickly fall away.  As it has been said, “everyone wants to follow Jesus — until they find out where He is going.”  Now, I am NOT saying that the Christian life is miserable.  As a matter of fact, I don’t know how ANYONE can make it through this life without Christ.  There IS a peace.  Though the world around you continues to spin out of control into chaos and evil, as a true believer in Jesus, you DO have peace in your heart.

As Paul wrote to the Philippians, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;  and the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”  Friends, we would NOT NEED “peace that passes all understanding” if the Christian life were EASY.  But BECAUSE we know Christ as our Savior, BECAUSE we have His Holy Spirit within us, we can have a peace of mind and heart that the world just cannot ever comprehend.  But it’s still, often, very lonely.

In the ministry work I do,  I get a great many phone calls, emails and letters from those who are seeking answers, and often seeking my counsel.  Some have grown children who have become wayward and left their faith behind.  Some have unbelieving spouses who are carnal and worldly, rather than spiritual.  Some deal with ridicule from co-workers.  Most all of them have very shallow “friendships,” with only a few at the churches they attend.  They often have NO ONE they can fellowship with, or commune with or talk to about the deep and rich things of God.  They feel so ALONE.

All of us, who carry the name of Christ and live out our faith — FOR REAL — have endured great emotional and physical hardships.  It often seems we’ve been in one battle after another, and we have the battle scars to prove it.  And it is when we are alone in the battle that things are most difficult and heart-wrenching;  when all have abandoned us, when even those we thought were our friends turn away.  This is also the time when the enemy likes to come and attack; and unless we remain in prayer and communion with GOD, we can easily become discouraged and depressed.

This is why we are exhorted — in the book of Hebrews — “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.   And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.” 

How sweet it is to have REAL, GOOD fellowship with like-minded believers.  Not shallow small talk, fake smiles and handshakes during “greet your neighbor time” at your Sunday service… but deep, meaningful fellowship and friendships with the saints of God.  How wonderful to have a support system like that.  It is so refreshing to our souls when we have friends we can be open, honest and transparent with as we share our Christian walk together.  We can “compare notes,” and we can relate to one another as we let our “Battle Scars” show.

When I quoted from Hebrews about not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, I’m not just talking about GOING to church.  I’m talking about BEING the church — all in one accord — with fellow saints you KNOW are true believers and true friends that stick closer than a brother.

Some of the greatest times in my own spiritual walk have been with friends like this.  Recently, one evening, following a busy day at a Christian conference, I sat with a friend, one on one, and we just talked together.  We shared with one another our experiences in ministry, as well as the heavy burdens we both carry.  Though our ministries — and our battles — are different, and though some of our battle scars run deeper than others, they are all part of the same spiritual warfare we’re both involved in.

And then, after we talked a long time, we PRAYED a long time, with each other and FOR each other.  I’ve never felt such peace in my heart as I do at times like this.  As disciples of Jesus living in the times we are living in, I UNDERSTAND what the writer of Hebrews meant when he said, — “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together” —  how it is even MORE important as we see the Day of the Lord approaching.

The spiritual warfare continues to wage all around us.  Those of us who are engaged in this warfare NEED one another.  We need real, deep, intimate friendships; fellow believers we know we can TRUST in any and every circumstance.  We need to KNOW they “have our backs” in our times of need.  We need such friends we can talk to and pray with on a deep, intimate level — and not have to worry about gossip being spread.  We need MORE than shallow, vain, repetitious corporate prayer time.  We need more than “small talk” — we need REAL brothers and sisters in Christ.

It’s like a little glimpse of heaven during these intimate times with our fellow believers.  As Jesus said in Matthew 18, “For where two or three are gathered in My name, there am I among them.”  If you don’t have this in your life, I encourage you to seek it out.  Pray that the Lord open those doors for you and then, even though you may have deep wounds and battle scars, let yourself be vulnerable enough to let them show, and let others know your needs.  Fellowship together, PRAY together…  build an intimate, close bond of friendship.  Because it’s HARD living a faithful and obedient Christian life.  And it’s even harder doing it all alone, with none who understand.  So stand firm to the end, fellow believers… and if you need or want to talk with ME, I’d be honored to be your friend.  God bless you.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at (715) 486-8066 or email  Ask for message number 253.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Be Of One Accord

In Matthew 21, we read of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem.  After the disciples brought the donkey to Jesus for Him to enter the city upon, we read, starting in verse 7, “they brought the donkey and the colt, and put their cloaks on them, and He sat on them.   A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road.  The crowds that went ahead of Him and that followed were shouting, ‘Hosanna to the Son of David!  Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord!  Hosanna in the highest heaven!’

“When he entered Jerusalem, the whole city was in turmoil, asking, ‘Who is this?’  The crowds were saying, ‘This is the prophet Jesus from Nazareth in Galilee.’

“Then Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who were selling and buying in the temple, and He overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves. He said to them, ‘It is written, My house shall be called a house of prayer, but you are making it a den of robbers.

“The blind and the lame came to Him in the temple, and He cured them.  But when the chief priests and the scribes saw the amazing things that He did, and heard the children crying out in the temple, ‘Hosanna to the Son of David,’ they became angry…”

The population of the city of Jerusalam, at the time, is estimated to be about 600,000 people.  As Jesus entered the city, riding on a donkey, the vast crowds went ahead of Him, spread their cloaks on the road, cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road and they were all shouting with joy:  “Hosanna to the Son of David!  Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord!  Hosanna in the highest heaven!”

But when Jesus entered the temple and found it defiled by the religious leaders, who were profiting by God’s House being turned into a den of theives, He was righteously indignant.  He proceeded to cleanse the temple from those who had defiled it, and because this was costing the religious leaders MONEY and POWER, they became infuriated… even though Jesus then began healing the blind and the lame — and I would assume — others, who  came with all sorts of problems.

When He entered the city, the Bible tells us there were huge crowds worshiping and honoring Him.  Obviously, they knew Him — Who He was (the Messiah, God’s chosen Lamb) — and they all acknowledged that publicly.  Jesus further demonstrated His Holy power — which could ONLY have been of God Himself — by healing all those who came to Him.

But it wasn’t long before those same crowds — more than a half million people — who just days before were shouting “Hosanna to the Son of David!  Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord!”  — turned on Him, and those same crowds began shouting “Crucify Him!”   They had been profoundly influenced by the false religious leaders, the Scribes and Pharisees — the priests and those who truly SHOULD have known the Scriptures well enough to KNOW EXACTLY Who Jesus was.

In the end, all the disciples abandoned Him — even Peter, who vowed he would never deny Him.  He was left alone, to carry the heavy burden of the cross.  All had left Him, for fear of their own lives.  And I would guess that many who had previously followed Jesus, witnessed His many miracles — and were direct beneficiaries of those miracles themselves — also began to doubt that Jesus was the One who had come in the name of the Lord.

Of course, many wept and mourned as Jesus was tortured and crucified.  But they felt helpless to do anything about it; nor would Jesus have allowed them to intervene.  He had come to fulfill His mission, and His final words, as He died there on the cross were, “It is finished.”  He had accomplished His mission.  He had defeated the enemy, serving as God’s spotless Lamb of sacrifice, giving His earthly life after unspeakable torture and disdain — from even those who had previously claimed to be His best friends.

When He rose from the grave, He had TRULY finished His mission, by defeating death and hell — and the enemy of our souls.  Afterwards, He spent many days with His disciples before ascending into heaven to take His rightful place at the right hand of God.  But not before promising to send the third Person of the Trinity into the hearts of those true Christ-followers.  Yes, the Holy Spirit would descend upon them, and instead of having “God with us,” all true Christ-followers can likewise, even today, have “God IN us,” through His Holy Spirit.

Now, let’s pick up the story in Acts, Chapter 1, where we find that out of those 600,000 who had worshiped Jesus when He entered the city — even after all the miracles they had witnessed and received; even after they had seen Him rise from the grave, even after Jesus had spent many days witnessing and PROVING His divinity — only about 120 were still His true disciples.  In Acts 1, we read that following Jesus’ ascension into heaven, the disciples returned to Jerusalem and went into the Upper Room.

In verse 14 we read, “These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus and with His brethren.”  Then, Peter, (who had formerly denied Jesus three times), finally understood all that had taken place, and he explained it all to the 120 disciples assembled there.  Later, after those 120 had received the promised Holy Spirit, Peter became even more bold, and THROUGH the power of the Holy Spirit, had the courage to stand before the city and declare the TRUTH of the Gospel to the crowds, BOLDY and without apology, even knowing doing so could cost him his life.

But God worked mightily through Peter and the disciples — even with all their flaws and shortcomings.  And Scripture tells us that following Peter’s sermon, 3,000 souls were added to the numer of true Christ-followers.  Yes, 3,000 had repented, and called upon the name of the Lord and were saved that day.

I often wonder what it was like in that upper room.  Jesus, their Leader, their LORD, was gone from this earth now, yet the Bible tells us, they were gathered together and all were in “one accord.”  They KNEW what they KNEW and nothing could change their minds.  They were deeply committed to Christ.  Suddenly, all the Scriptures and prophecies made sense.  Finally, they “got it.”  There was no division among them, even though there most certainly were men and women of all different backgrounds, gifted with different abilities, strengths and weaknesses.  They were ONE, just as Jesus asked His Heavenly Father that they would be.

Look at John 17.  Jesus, right before His betrayal, trial and crucifixion, prayed to His Father in heaven regarding His disciples, whom He loved so much:  “…I have given them the words that You gave Me, and they have received them and have come to know in truth that I came from You; and they have believed that You sent Me.  I am praying for them. I am not praying for the world but for those whom You have given Me, for they are Yours…

“Holy Father, keep them in Your name, which You have given Me, that they may be one, even as We are one.  While I was with them, I kept them in Your name…I have guarded them, and not one of them has been lost except the son of destruction, that the Scripture might be fulfilled.  But now I am coming to You, and these things I speak in the world, that they may have My joy fulfilled in themselves.  I have given them Your word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.  I do not ask that You take them out of the world, but that You keep them from the evil one.  They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.   Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth.  As You sent Me into the world, so I have sent them into the world

“I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word… the glory that You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one even as We are one.  I in them and You in Me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that You sent Me and loved them even as You loved Me.”

Wow.  There is a LOT here to meditate upon and come to understand.   1)  Jesus gave His disciples the message from the Father.  2)  the disciples believed Jesus, repented and believed the Gospel.  3)   Jesus was not praying for the whole WORLD, but only for His disciples, those who were true Christ-followers4)  Jesus knew He would soon be leaving this earth, and He prayed that the Father would KEEP them in His name, and most importantly, that they would all be ONE (in heart, mind and spirit).  5) BECAUSE the disciples followed Christ, the world hated them. 6)  Jesus didn’t ask the Father to remove them from the world, but that they would be kept from harm by the evil one.  7)  As Christ-followers, they were not of the world, just as Jesus was not of the world, but rather, they had the Spirit of God within them.  8)  Jesus sent them into the world (they were NOT to keep themselves — or the message of Christ to themselves, inside the four walls of their places of worship, but rather, Jesus sent them OUT9)  Jesus prayed not just for His disciples, but also for all those who would hear and BELIEVE the Gospel THROUGH THEIR WORD.  And 10)  once again, He prayed that all would be ONE, even as Jesus and His Father are one.

But it was not long after the disciples went out to preach and teach — and turn the world upside down through the message of Christ — that division crept in.  Paul addressed this very thing as he wrote to the believers in Corinth:  “And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ.  I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for you were not able to bear it, neither yet now are you able.

“For you are yet carnal.  For while there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are you not carnal, and walk as men?  For while one saith, ‘I am of Paul;’ and another, ‘I am of Apollos;’ are you not carnal?  Who, then, is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom you believed, even as the Lord gave to every man?

“I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.  So then neither is he that planteth anything, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.  Now he that planteth and he that watereth are ONE: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour.  For we are labourers together with God: you are God’s husbandry, you are God’s building.”  (NOTE HERE:  “God’s BUILDING” does not mean the brick and mortar structure with a cross on it on the corner — the TRUE Church is made up of BELIEVERS and FOLLOWERS of Christ.  WE are the Church.  WE are God’s “Building!”

“According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon.  But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon.  For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.”

Friends, believe it or not, we have come to the place today, where there are now 33,000 different so-called “Christian” denominations in the world.  THAT does not sound — to me — like we, as Christ-followers, are ONE.  That sounds like we have directly and purposely divided each other — against the will of Jesus, whom we all claim to serve, and against God the Father, who ALSO desires us to all be “of one accord.”

It’s interesting the strange alliances the God-haters build and maintain:  LGBT people and feminists and pro-abortion people aligning with Islam… could there BE anything more odd?  Yet THEY all “play together” nicely and support one another out of their common hatred for God.  WHY IS IT, then, that us Christians cannot seem to get along, or agree on the pure Word of God we all claim to follow?  Why is it that we cannot all agree — be in one accord, and simply take God at His Word, BELIEVE His Word, and just OBEY His word?  I believe the answer is that most who proclaim to be Christ-followers don’t even know what His Word says.  The pastors are not properly instructed in their seminaries, and therefore they cannot properly teach their congregations, and the people themselves have so little time for God, they are mostly biblically illiterate.

Surely, in that upper room, at the start, where the 120 faithful ones met “in one accord,” there were many different personalities, people of many different backgrounds, men and women with many different gifts and abilities.  Yet they all agreed that Christ was LORD.  WHAT A FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH if we were able to get back to that place in our world today!  “Denominationalism,” by it’s very definition, means to DIVIDE…  and THAT is the OPPOSITE of what Jesus wanted.  So today, I beg you to get back into your Bible.  I dare say for most of you, it’s been a long time;  TOO LONG.  Read, Study, show yourself approved, so that you may be able to GO OUT and be world-changers.  And STOP DIVIDING amongst yourselves over trivialities and out of pride.  If we are going to be the Salt and Light of the world, we must all believe and OBEY the same thing:  God’s Word.  It’s time we abandon the traditions and teachings of men.  Because while the enemy never sleeps and HIS followers are united against God (and US), it seems all we, as faithful church-goers can do is fight amongst ourselves.  And THAT needs to STOP.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at (715) 486-8066 or email  Ask for message number 252.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Outside The Four Walls

I attend a lot of Christian Ministry Conferences — and I also organize and host at least one large event each year.  For the past several years, I have put together TWO large Conferences each year.  When I plan a Conference or Ministry event, it is not your typical “church conference.”  Our events have a PURPOSE and a PLAN.  It’s not a mere exercise in vain religion or a “feel good” experience or a Christian rock concert.

We bring in speakers who provide the real MEAT that so many true Christ-followers are searching for today.  We discuss the topics that, for reasons I’ve discussed many times before, are “off limits” in most modern American churches — topics involving the great evils we are facing every day in our culture, but which most pastors — and most churches — and most “CHRISTIAN” CONFERENCES — would not touch with a ten foot pole.  Topics like the plague of Islam, the heretical mixing of Islam and Christianity into a hideous, demonic thing now known as “Chrislam.”  We discuss openly the cancer of the LGBTQP+ monstrosity that is overtaking our world and twisting the minds of our young people.  Not to mention the scourge of the shedding of the innocent blood of precious babies in (and now even OUTSIDE) the womb that we, as the Modern American “church” have allowed to continue for nearly 50 years now.

But we don’t just sit and complain about these issues.  We always provide practical solutions and an ACTION PLAN — providing those who attend with real-life things THEY CAN DO to push back against the tide of evil that is growing in our land — and make a real difference.  Our speakers teach people how to boldly stand up for the truth of God’s Word — how to be the Salt and Light Jesus called us to be.  You know… the REAL “Church” body of remnant believers that Jesus assured us the gates of hell would not prevail against.  We teach people practical ways to BE that true Church.

One of our annual events includes Conference speakers and teachers along with a ton of educational resources that people can take home with them and use and share with others, as they draw closer to Christ and take seriously the commission He commanded us to carry out.  These are resources for learning and study.  Not simply for the sake of “head knowledge,” but rather to teach us to be true DISCIPLES.

At our OTHER annual event, we not only have speakers, but then after the teaching time, we LEAD THE PEOPLE OUT of the facility where the Conference meets, and we go to the streets.  There, as we lead by example, people learn how to share their testimony, how to witness to the lost, how to intercede at abortion centers (and YES, we HAVE saved babies and seen some of these abortion centers close down forever because of our being there) and how to share a biblical worldview with those who have — in most cases — never heard such things ever before in their lives.

In addition to the events that I organize and host, my wife and I also travel and attend conferences and events in other areas, all over the country, as often as we are able, and as we can afford to do so.  We are very selective as to which events we will take part in, because we do not want to waste our time.  If we’re going to learn, we want to make sure we will be learning something SUBSTANTIAL.  And if we are going to do ministry, we want to make sure it will be ministry that will be SERIOUS and EFFECTIVE and FRUITFUL.  We join with other, serious, like-minded ministers from all over the country, who we have met and work with regularly.  It’s a “remnant” — but there are more of us than you may think, and our numbers are growing, as more Christians are growing and becoming more serious about their faith and realizing that “church as usual” just is no longer enough.

Last summer, we were at the oldest abortion center in Ohio.  We were among a group of about 100 ministers on the street outside that killing facility.  This is a day I will never forget, because it was the first time that I was personally involved DIRECTLY in saving the life of a baby.  If you’ve ever done this type of ministry, you know how difficult it is to get the opportunity to actually SPEAK directly with the women and men going into these places.  Primarily because they are heavily guarded; and the police protect the killers — not those of us who go to try to stop the murders.  Evil is protected, while the PROTECTORS are considered “dangerous.”   So, as the women arrive to have their babies killed, the minute they get out of their vehicles, they are immediately surrounded by “death-scorts” — like VULTURES these workers of iniquity surround the young women on every side and shout in their ears loudly, so that OUR words cannot be heard as they walk them as quickly as possible into the building — before they have any opportunity to change their minds.

But on this particular day, one car stopped in the middle of the alley, and the young man rolled his window down to talk with us.  I immediately took that opportunity and stuck my head right inside their car, looked them straight in the eyes, and the Holy Spirit gave me the exact words they needed to hear.  The couple did not really WANT to abort their baby, but thought they had no other choice.  My heart broke when they then parked, got out and as usual, were surrounded by the vultures and taken quickly inside.

But ten minutes later, they came OUT!  They came out and talked with us, and THEY CHOSE LIFE!  I will never forget that day, because I am certain that the Lord used ME (yes, little, plain old ME) to save that baby’s life!   The parents’ names were Sedrick and Kaisha.  They came to speak with us and learned that we were not the hateful bigots the “death-scorts” and abortionists portrayed us as.  Quite the opposite.  They learned WE were there to offer help and hope:  financial assistance, housing, medical care, help with education, pre-natal and post-natal care — whatever they might need was readily available and offered to them lovingly.  We also shared the Gospel of Christ with them.  They came to see that WE were there to serve and minister to their needs in a kind and loving way; while the abortionists and their cohorts were there simply to kill — for blood money.  Sedrick and Kaisha’s baby is about a month old now.  Praise the Lord!

Over the past few years, we have also gone to numerous sodomite “pride” parades and festivals.  These are the most offensive, disgusting, hideous sights one will likely ever encounter, as they parade, and dance and celebrate and simulate deviant sex acts in broad daylight to the delight of a half million on-lookers.  But these events are also the places where we have had the opportunities, MANY TIMES, to engage people in serious conversations about God and His natural order.  FRIENDS, YOU CANNOT DO THIS SITTING INSIDE YOUR CHURCH AND JUST PRAYING SOMETHING WILL CHANGE ALL THIS!  YOU HAVE TO GO!   And so we do.  As distasteful and ugly as it is, we actually GO to those gates of hell — and represent Christ.  And you know what?  Those hellish gates have not YET prevailed against us!  Not once!

It is deeply troubling to see so many — especially so many high school and college age young people — with confused, twisted minds and tormented souls.  Having spent years in government indoctrination centers known as the Public School Systems, these young people have been encouraged to experiment with deviant sexual behaviors.  Some even believe (having been recruited by the militant LGBTQP+ demoniacs) that they are truly meant to live as the opposite of their biologial gender.  Such confusion of mind.  Such tormented souls.   So much DECEPTION, so many LIES.  So much DEMONIC DELUSION.

But in GOING OUT to the streets where these events take place, we have seen, many times, much fruit from our efforts.  I recall one instance where we were at a sodomite “pride” parade, proclaiming God’s Word on the street and seeking to strike up conversations with people in the crowd.  A young woman approched me, with about five of her friends.  She was living as a practicing lesbian, and I would guess her age to be about 21 years old.  She and her friends came to attack our group.  Yes, physically attack us.  They came at us with the intent to hurt us — badly.

But by the grace of God, the Holy Spirit ONCE AGAIN gave me the words to speak that she needed to hear.  As I began to speak and explain how she and so many other young people had been lied to and deceived, her entire countenance began to change.  Her group stopped attacking us, and she (apparently the leader of the group) wanted to hear more.  I took her aside, away from the loud, noisy crowds at the parade, and we sat down on the grass some distance away, and we had a conversation.  I shared some things from Scripture, and also explained the AGENDA behind the LGBTQP+ movement… And as I spoke, tears began to well up in her eyes.  She knew that she was hearing the real TRUTH… perhaps for the first time in many, many years.    Meanwhile, her friends were still there, surrounding us and listening intently.

We spoke for about a half hour, and then, with tears in her eyes, she (AND HER FRIENDS) thanked me for being so kind to them, for telling them the truth… and then she said, “I think I have a lot to think about now.”  And then she — and her friends — LEFT the parade and went home.  I still pray for her today.

This is what Jesus called His Church to do… to be salt and light in a dark and wicked world.  To OCCUPY until He comes — not to bury the “talents” He has entrusted to us, but rather to invest them for His kingdom.  Sadly, often our biggest obstacles are regular church-goers and professing Christians who view us as “radicals.”  In fact I once had a pastor verbally attack me and call me a name.  Want to know what he called me?  He called me an “Activist Christian,” and he meant it in a derogatory way.  It was hard for me to comprehend his thinking…. “as opposed to WHAT?” I thought…. “being an INactive Christian?”  Yes, that is what he would prefer.

You see, we have come to a place in America — and the world — today, where Christians who actually DO what the Bible TELLS US SPECIFICALLY TO DO are now considered “radical,” “weird,” or “fanatics.”  Is it any wonder, with so many simply “doing church” inside the four walls of their buildings, and doing nothing more, nothing of any substance, that the world is SO UTTERLY DELUDED, TWISTED AND CONFUSED?!

I am nobody special.  I’m just a guy who believes God’s Word — and who could no longer sit idly by while the world continued the downward spiral to hell — and not DO anything.  I could no longer just sit and listen to a 20 minute “self-help talk” with a few Bible verses thrown in once a week, and then sing “praise and worship” choruses talking about how much God loves us, while ignoring the weightier matters of the law.  As scary as it was at first, I KNEW I could no longer sit there and ignore the words of Christ.  And so the Lord led me to an AMAZING WORLD OF REAL CHRISTIANITY — OUTSIDE the Establishment, Institututional churches.  I met others who have taught me to, as Jesus commanded, ‘GO THEREFORE!”  And though I was shaking in my shoes the first time I joined these faithful Christ-followers on the streets, within about ONE MINUTE of stepping out, all fear was gone.

And every time I have had an opportunity to witness or testify or speak, the Holy Spirit has given me the exact words to say!  The BIBLE IS TRUE, FRIENDS.  It’s not just theoretical.  So I ask you:  what real ministry is getting done at your local Religious Service Provider?  “Childrens Church” with Veggie Tales movies?  Pizza parties and potlucks?  I do not mean to downplay ALL churches;  certainly some do many good works.  But you’d be hard pressed to argue the fact that today, MOST so-called “ministries” never leave the inside of our “Christian safe spaces.”  I have to wonder if God even listens to any of the many fancy prayers recited each week, or the many repetitive “praise choruses.”  I dare say, it’s more likely He “vomits them out of His mouth.”

In all my life of attending church, I have never been so fulfilled, or so FILLED with the Holy Spirit as I’ve been since discovering this TRUE Church OUTSIDE the four walls.  It has literally changed my entire life, physically, mentally and most importantly, spiritually.  As an added benefit, the FELLOWSHIP of ministering alongside these like-minded SERIOUS followers of Christ is SO very rich and deep.  It is not at all like what I experienced in the Institutional churches.  We have REAL and powerful prayer times, we have a closeness, like a true FAMILY (because it IS a family, the family of God!)  I have no doubt that I could call on any one of the MANY people I’ve ministered with out on the streets — all throughout the country — any time I needed ANYTHING, and they would all do ANYTHING for me, …and I for them.

I never experienced anything like it before.  In the Institutional churches, “fellowship” meant shallow chit-chat about the weather, sports, or restaurants for a few minutes when the serice was over.  You didn’t dare share your true feelings, or allow yourself to be vulnerable, or let it be known that you were ever going through anything spiritually difficult — you just put on that fake smile and shook hands, and acted like all was just fine.

Let me tell you, in God’s TRUE remnant Church, it’s different.  It’s ok to be vulnerable because these are not just friends, they are your true brothers and sisters in Christ.  We have wept together, laughed together, prayed together, and ministered together.  We have served and worked side by side for the glory of God.  There is just nothing like the REAL THING, and I’m so glad God brought me OUT of the phony and into this amazing world of His TRUE, courageous, faithful, servant-hearted followers.  We have many upcoming ministry opportunities in the coming months.  If you’re ready for the real deal, call me, and I can tell you more.  I would love for you to come to discover what I have found.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at (715) 486-8066 or email  Ask for message number 251.

© 2019 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Unequally Yoked

Rob Pue

Today I would like to begin by reading a passage of Scripture from 2nd Corinthians 6.  These are verses 14-18:  “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?  And what communion hath light with darkness?  And what concord hath Christ with Belial?  Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?

“And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols?  For ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, ‘I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.’

Wherefore, ‘come out from among them, and be ye separate,’ saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.  And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be My sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.”

Let me read this to you again, in another translation, the Holman Christian StandardBible:  “Do not be mismatched with unbelievers. For what partnership is there between righteousness and lawlessness?  Or what fellowship does light have with darkness?  What agreement does Christ have with Belial?  Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?  And what agreement does God’s sanctuary have with idols? For we are the sanctuary of the living God, as God said:

 ‘I will dwell among them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be My people.  Therefore, come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord;

do not touch any unclean thing, and I will welcome you.  I will be a Father to you, and you will be sons and daughters to Me, says the Lord Almighty.’”

These are very wise words from Scripture, and the concept of being “unequally yoked” with unbelievers applies to ALL the relationships we have in our lives.  We should avoid being unequally yoked in business, with friends, with the companies and stores we shop at, with the people we may hire to do home repairs or car maintenance — always seek to work and interact with brothers and sisters in Christ.  But all of these examples pale in comparison to the poor soul that is unequally yoked in MARRIAGE to an unbeliever.

In my work with Wisconsin Christian News, and at our Ministry Center here, I do a lot of counseling with people who have many different, but very troubling issues they are dealing with.  I also get a great many prayer requests and pray with all who ask.  And one of the most frequent problems we deal with are people who are unequally yoked in marriage.  They are married to an unbeliever and I have seen firsthand, many times, the devastation this brings to not only marriages, but FAMILIES.  The children suffer as well, and often the horrendous results can linger and multiply for generations.

I’ve had both women AND men come to me for prayer, in DESPERATION, not knowing what to do, because their spouse is an unbeliever — and in many cases, a HATER of God.  This causes severe tension and strife in the relationship.  The relationship often becomes abusive and traumatizing.  And it’s not just the husband and wife relationship.  As I mentioned, their children are ALSO scarred for life in situations like these.  And don’t forget about the parents of the couple who are unequally yoked.  The Grandmas and Grandpas who love their grandchildren dearly, but are powerless to speak into their lives the Word of God — or offer good, Godly counsel and a lifetime of acquired wisdom and knowledge — because the unbelieving parent forbids it.  Yes, the Grandparents ALSO suffer tremendous heartbreak and loss.

Oftentimes, young people of differing backgrounds get married without even considering the things of God.  They may have their wedding in a church, and they may have a “form” of Godliness in front of the Pastor, but their hearts are far from God.  It’s sad to say that I’m seeing this more and more often today — in fact, it’s become the norm in our society now.  Young adults growing up without any knowledge of the Lord… their parents did not bother to train them up or raise them in a Christian home, knowing God.  So they don’t think about Him at all.  In other cases, one of the spouses DOES know the Lord but is lukewarm at the time of the wedding.  They don’t think it’s really any big deal that their fiance’ is an unbeliever…all they know — or I SHOULD say, all they THINK they know — is that they are “in love,” and nothing else matters at the time.  And in the back of their minds they may think, “when the time comes, we will get right with God together…. he (or she) will come around in time.”

But friends, it doesn’t work that way.  God gave us His Word for a reason.  Second Timothy 3:16, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.”  God doesn’t speak just to hear Himself talk.  His Word is for OUR benefit.

Young people, if you are at the point in your life where you are “courting,” with intentions of marriage, you may not feel that Christianity or God is all that important to you right now, and it MAY NOT BE.  But if YOU know the Lord and your “intended” does NOT — or worse yet, is HOSTILE to the things of God — you are headed for certain disaster.  Not just in your own lives, but the ripple effect will be devastating to many others as well.

Even people with STRONG faith — but DIFFERING faiths — need to beware.  Consider marriages between Christians and Jewish people.  All the young couple knows or cares about at the time is that they are “in love.”  But they have not considered what will happen down the road, when children come into the picture.  How will the children be raised?  Christian or Jewish?  What about Catholic people who marry Protestants?  How will THOSE children be raised?  What about the young man, raised in a Christian home but who has become lukewarm and apathetic about his faith, and marries a pagan “earth worshiper?”  How will THEIR children be raised?

And consider the effects on this young man’s parents — the GRANDPARENTS of these children.  They are STRONG believers in Christ.  They have the Holy Spirit within them and they love the Lord with all their hearts.  They have prayed with their children and FOR their children all their lives.  But now, their son has decided to marry a pagan.  And maybe even worse than that — a young woman who is hostile and HATES the one true God of Creation.  Those grandparents will end up absolutely devastated and broken hearted when the pagan wife refuses to allow the Christian grandparents to speak into their grandkids’ lives the things of God, or share their many years of wisdom, or show them the REAL LOVE of Christ.  I guarantee you, you have no idea the level of devastation this will cause the loving Grandma and Grandpa to know their grandkids are living in a godless, pagan home.

Yes, this is serious business.  One man I counseled with, has been married for many years, to a wife who seriously HATES even the mention of the name “Jesus.”  She cannot tolerate it and gets extremely and unreasonably angry when her husband simply reads his Bible, alone in a corner of the room.  Suffice to say, they are NEVER able to pray together or attend a church together, or share the same friends.  And this faithful Christian man’s home is FILLED with the demons — invited in by the pagan wife, and so there is an ongoing battle between darkness and light, in the relationship and in the entire ATMOSPHERE of the home.  This is NO PLACE and NO WAY to raise children.

When I was a young man, looking for a wife, I courted several young ladies.  None of them took their Christian faith seriously.  And yes, I even dated a young woman who was NOT a Christian and had ZERO interest in God.  But I, in my ignorance, thought it might be possible to convert her, to win her to Christ.  Suffice to say, that never happened.  I spent a lot of time in my early twenties searching for the wife the Lord had created for me.  And then I found her, and we have been happily married now for 29 years.  I thank the Lord God Almighty EVERY DAY that I was not stupid enough to marry any of those other young women — it would have ended in sheer disaster.

But I kept on praying for a real, GODLY wife.  One who took her faith as seriously as I did.  One who wanted the things of God as much as I did.  One who was seeking a Christian husband as fervently as I was seeking a Christian wife.  Yes, I grew impatient and even began to doubt such a woman existed anymore…  But then one day, when I LEAST expected it, by God’s grace, and by what can only be described as a true MIRACLE, God brought us together — in HIS TIMING.

I understand how badly people need love.  But we must also consider God in that equation because God IS love.  Meanwhile, the Bible tells us that our hearts are deceitful above all things.  Nothing can be more deceptive and deceitful than what we perceive to be “love.”  How many young women have given their bodies and their virginity away to men who told them they “loved” them — only to discover a short time later, they were only being used for sexual gratification?  Listen, people of God:  you MUST take EVERY word of Scripture seriously.  You MUST take EVERY thought captive to the obedience of Christ.  To do otherwise, to FORGET God, is to invite certain calamity, which will have repercussions on your family and your lineage for generations to come.  For what fellowship can there be between righteousness and unrighteousness?  Darkness and light cannot coexist peacefully.

Marriage is not to be entered into lightly.  When a couple is joined together in Holy Matrimony, God is essentially creating a new FAMILY unit where there wasn’t one before.  If you do this the right way, with GOD at the CENTER of your marriage, you and your spouse will be a TEAM, with God on your side.  A cord of three strands is not easily broken.  You will then have a GODLY marriage, be able to pray WITH and FOR one another, and be of the same mindset when it comes to raising up God-honoring children in the fear and admonition of the Lord.  A family of THIS sort will reap eternal rewards and the “ripple effect” of a marriage like this will be pure blessing and love.  Yes, there will still be difficult times in the marriage, as there are in all of life.  But you will have the Lord Jesus Christ there among you, the Holy Spirit within you, and God the Father as the Designer and Author of your family; and no matter what happens, you cannot fail.

But if you’re a young person who currently has knowledge and faith in God even the size of a mustard seed, KNOW THIS:  He who began a good work in you WILL SEE it through to completion until the day of Christ Jesus!  There WILL come a day, perhaps when you begin having children, that all this is going to be a LOT more important to you than it is today.  And if you are then married to an unbelieving — or worse yet — a God-hating spouse, then instead of pulling together as a TEAM, you will be pulling in opposite directions, and eventually, pulling your family apart at the seams.

So what now?  What if you have MADE the mistake of becoming unequally yoked with a non-believer?  No, I do not advocate for divorce or separation, unless there is infidelity in the marriage or unless you or your children are in danger.  If you’re a Bible-believing Christ-follower, then no matter how hopeless the situation may SEEM, there is always hope.  First, I would suggest that you humbly repent before the Lord for your youthful rebeillion,  and ask for His guidance, along with forgiveness, for going your own way, rather than what you KNEW was right.  You had hoped you could change your spouse after the wedding, or when it became important to you, and now you see you were mistaken.  Repent of that, and seek the Lord.  Continue in constant, fervent prayer for your unbelieving spouse as well.

First Peter 3 also suggests that unbelieving spouses MAY come to know the Lord by observing the example of the Christian spouse’s life.  So as you live each day of your marriage, MODEL TRUE CHRISTIANITY for them.  Let them see Jesus IN YOU.  This, coupled with fervent prayer, and seeking the Lord in your OWN life will help you.  Make sure the Holy Spirit resides in YOU, and do not resist the Holy Spirit, but rather, take counsel from Him.  He is your Comforter and the Bible tells us the Spirit will lead us into all truth.

And if you’re the husband in the marriage, know that YOU are to be the spiritual leader, the PRIEST of your home.  DO YOUR JOB WELL!   If you’re married to an unbelieving wife, surrounding herself with false gods and idols, you have the authority to get rid of them, cast them out, along with all the demons that are attached to them.  Cleanse your home of all the devils your wife has allowed in, and then, continue to pray and model Christian love.

Friends, it’s NOT easy.  I know, I counsel MANY people in these situations and it is heartbreaking.  As Christians, we are to be a peculiar people, set apart for service to the Lord.  We are here for God’s glory.  There is nothing more beautiful than two believers united in Holy Matrimony, with Christ at the center, raising up a quiver FULL of Godly children.  But there is also nothing more heart-wrenching than two people pulling in opposite directions in the most intimate of relationships there is…marriage.   Light simply cannot coexist with darkness; righteousness cannot be in harmony with sin; and God’s children will not “play well” with the devil’s kids.  If you are unequally yoked today, I urge you to repent of your rebellion, seek the Lord, pray hard and model Christ for your lost spouse.  And it is MY prayer that God will answer those prayers and bring you together, in one accord, to worship and glorify Him — ‘til death do you part in this life, and forever in eternity.  Amen.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 249.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

The Lie Of ‘Toxic Masculinity’

There’s a new “buzz phrase” going around these days — and it’s catching on; becoming another MOVEMENT — promoted by Leftist, “Progressive,” feminist activists.  I’m sure you’ve heard of it.  It’s called “Toxic Masculinity.” “Toxic Masculinity” is a new mindset these “progressive” feminists are attempting to force into the cultural talking points, which vilifies traditional manhood and all things “masculine.”

The Leftists have been incredibly successful over the past few years in pushing their crazy ideas.  What was once UNTHINKABLE in America has now become the “norm.” Good has become “bad,” and BAD has become “good.”  While most of these ideas are only accepted now by a small, but VOCAL minority, if things do not change, it won’t be long before this nonsense is embraced by an overwhelming majority…like everything else they’ve come up with.

So what IS ‘Toxic Masculinity?’  According to FEM Magazine, “toxic masculinity harms all genders.  It promotes sexism, misogyny, violence and rape culture, while enforcing dangerous sterotypes of masculinity and femininity.  It is a fundamental pillar in the patriarchy and its normalization throughout cultures demands action.  Next time you hear comments that promote toxic masculinity, remember to call them out;  taking actions to disband this mentality are necessary in order to dismantle the patriarchal structure.”

There you have it, in their own words…. the ultimate goal is the demise of manhood, the dismantling of what they call the ‘patriarchal structure.”  In other words, “Men BAD, women GOOD.”  More division.  You see, the Left is not content to divide us by ethnicity, religion, or political ideology.  Now they must ALSO divide us by gender, which I find ironic, because it is these same Leftists who want us to accept as fact that there are now as many as 13 different “genders” — an insane idea which they insist we must all embrace as truth.  And WOE to the poor soul who makes the “mistake” of calling someone by the “wrong” pronoun!

FEM Magazine goes even further in their fight to destroy manhood.  In an article from December of 2016, they wrote, “Machismo leads to homophobia, sexual harassment and murder, as violence becomes a channel through which to acquire control.”  And so these radical feminists are now portraying men as sexists, misogynists, rapists and murderers.  It was not long ago that it would have been unthinkable for people to accept the idea of “transgenderism,” much less the idea that there are now THIRTEEN distinctly, different “genders.”  But now, “transgenderism” is being forced upon an unsuspecting, but largely apathetic populace under the force of law… “Get your mind ‘right’ and accept all these different genders or you will pay the consequences.”

Isn’t it interesting, though, that the same people who want to vilify males as rapists and murderers are the same ones who want to do away with the TRUTH of the matter, which is, there REALLY ARE only TWO genders:  male and female.  For goodness’ sake, even the ANIMAL world understands this.  You do not see male dogs confused over their gender.  You don’t see male birds confused over their genders.  God made all created things male and female.  One is not “better” or “worse” than the other.  On the contrary, the TWO (and there ARE only TWO) different genders were designed by God to COMPLIMENT one another.

Are there men who abuse women and act wickedly?  Absolutely, and that is behavior that we have NEVER accepted in civilized society.  Abusers of women and children and those who are bullies have NEVER been considered “good” men.  They have been looked at as the rude, crude JERKS that they are.  But the same can be said of women.  If you have any doubt, just look at the recent Womens’ marches that have been taking place around the nation, ostensibly to support “womens’ rights.”  Consider the foul-mouthed speakers at their rallies and the mean-spirited hateful vitriol that flows from their mouths as they proudly wear their “vagina hats!”   Most of these feminist activists are more vulgar than any men I have ever known.  Yet THEIR actions are considered just fine — simply because they are female….

But wait a minute:  I thought we were not supposed to focus on gender.  I thought there were 13 different “genders,”  and all of them were “equally good.”  But it turns out, I guess, TWELVE of them are “good,” but ONE is very, very BAD.  It is very, very BAD to be male or “masculine.”  That just cannot be tolerated any longer.  Masculinity, they say, MUST BE DISMANTLED, along with our “traditional patriarchal structure.”  The clear and obvious hypocrisy of the Left never ceases to amaze me.

There is no question that manhood is under full assault in America today.  Just like the LGBT movement, the idea of “toxic masculinity” is now becoming more and more widely accepted.   And as usual, it starts with the indoctrination of young boys in preschool, grade-school, middle school, high school… and then this idea that masculinity is a horrible, awful thing is solidified in their young minds in college.  This is why we are seeing more and more young “men” embracing feminism; dressing —and acting — more and more like women.  I dare say that MANY young men in our public colleges today are, in many cases, more feminine in their behavior than the young women are.  They have been indoctrinated WELL by the propaganda that has been drilled into their heads all their lives.

Let me ask you a question:  if you wanted to bring down a nation; if you wanted to DESTROY a nation from within, how would you start?  By destroying the natural family.  By twisting the truth and deceiving the minds of milllions of young people over a period of just 12-16 years, the time it takes for a child to go through public school and college.  Drill your lies into their heads for just 16 years and you can fundamentally change an entire culture and society.  Mission accomplished.

This is what has taken place in America.  The first step in destroying the natural family was to bring down the HEAD of the family, the Dad.  And so, not so long ago, we began seeing fathers portrayed in TV sitcoms and movies as bumbling fools and idiots.  Not so long ago, we began drugging our children — mostly young BOYS — to alleviate the “problem” of ADHD.  (By the way, have you noticed there aren’t many young GIRLS who have ADHD and must be drugged with Ritalin?)  No… it’s always the BOYS who suffer from this malady.  If they act too masculine or display too many male traits in school, that is simply unacceptable.  And “for the good of the child,” they tell us, “they must be treated for ADHD.”  And so we drug our children, on the advice of the so-called “professionals.”

We’ve been lied to, folks.  We’ve turned our children over to the mercy of the almighty State and after 12 years of public school and 4 years of college, and much medication, our boys finally manage to “get their minds right.”  Now our young men eagerly join the Womens’ marches, the “pride” parades, and embrace transgenderism.  Not to mention the holocaust known as “a woman’s right to choose.”  Now they dress like women, act like women, speak like women.  These are not the young men of that Greatest Generation that fought for freedom in World War II.  My own Dad left school at the age of 17 and enlisted in the US Navy.  He was among our fighting men in the South Pacific and HE WAS THERE when we liberated the Phillipines.  Can you imagine a 17-year-old boy doing such a thing today?  Or, are they more likely to join ANTIFA and wreak havoc on their own country?  Or simply sit at home and watch porn and play video games in their Mom’s basement while wearing their “skinny jeans,” painting their toenails and poofing up their hair?  You tell me.

It goes without saying, they have also abandoned the God of the Bible.  If they have any “faith” at all, it’s in some weird religion.  Many young people today worship the Earth.  Many worship the pagan “goddess” of feminism — or as they are now calling it, the “Gynarchy.”  Many seek out satanism, eastern mysticism or ancient demons masquerading as “angels.”  And many are simply atheist or agnostic.  This is the easiest route, because it gives them the perceived “freedom” to do as they please.  Like the satanist Aleister Crowley wrote, inspired by the devil himself, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.”

So to bring down a nation without firing a shot, first you destroy the family, and you start that by destroying the head of the family — the Dad.  Then you feminize the boys, and confuse their minds, so that many of them actually believe they were meant to be girls.  Those who still have a little common sense left find themselves in deep, dark turmoil in their souls.  They instinctively KNOW they are male, yet they are not allowed to BE male.  Everything all around them in the culture tells them:  “masculinity is BAD!”  They are so conflicted in their spirits…. and then we wonder why we’ve seen such a dramatic spike in the suicide rate — especially among young men and boys.

There is NO SUCH THING as ‘Toxic Masculinity,’ friends.  God made us male and female.  And make no mistake:  there are only TWO genders, designed by God Himself to compliment one another.  Even our physical anatomy proves this out.  DIFFERENT, but equal… and BOTH ARE NEEDED to procreate AND to raise spiritually, mentally and physically healthy children to be responsible, well rounded adults.  When my children were young, they would walk BETWEEN my wife and I and each of us would hold one of their hands.  My wife would hold our kids’ left hand, and I would hold their right.  Because a child NEEDS BOTH PARENTS to feel safe and secure, and to grow up healthy in mind, body and spirit.  Two men cannot do that.  Nor can two women.  It takes a Mom AND a Dad.

“Toxic Masculinity” is a lie from the pits of hell.  It is so sad for our young men.  They are ashamed of themselves, just because they are male… and if they happen to be WHITE males, then they’re even more ashamed, because as we all know now, the Leftist mantra has been:  “white males are BAD, ‘people of color’ — especially ‘WOMEN of color’ — are oppressed victims, who must be PROFUSELY apologized to and then celebrated, worshiped and adored.” 

Meanwhile, our families disintegrate, relationships between fathers and sons are destroyed, the minds of our young people are radically confused and twisted, and suicide rates are increasing exponentially.  ‘Toxic Masculinity’ is a lie.  It’s just another brick in the wall the Leftists are building to further divide us and separate us from the truth, from rational thinking, from God’s natural order and design.  When a nation no longer accepts and follows God’s natural design, it reaps the consequences, which are too many to mention, but suffice to say, we are seeing all those consequences play out in living color before our very eyes this very day.  So how’s that working for us?

But what IS true masculinity?  What is the role of the man in God’s natural order?  First, the man is to submit to God, his Creator, follow His commandments, and with the guidance and counsel of the Holy Spirit, take up his cross daily and follow Christ.  He’s to be the husband of one wife, taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.  Once united to his wife in Holy Matrimony, he is then to be the MINISTER of his home — the spiritual leader.  He is to SERVE his wife, protect his wife, and provide for her.  He is NOT to use his authority as head of the household as a tyrant, but rather as a SERVANT.

Then, together, the husband and wife are to be fruitful and multiply.  As the wife follows her husband as he follows Christ, the children then see modeled for them how to “do life right.”  They grow up with a Mom and a Dad in the home, actively involved, guiding, nurturing and training them up in the fear and admonition of the Lord…. as Jesus said, “teaching them to obey all He commanded.”   THIS, my friends, is what makes for a strong, solid FAMILY, and the family is the FOUNDATION of a civilized nation.  Destroy the family and you’ve destroyed the nation.  The first step is taking down the head of the home, the man… the husband and father.

So men:  do not let the agenda of pop culture shame you because of your gender.  STAND UP!  BE the MAN God created you to be, with all the attributes and virtues of a REAL man of God.  Remember, it only took 12 men — Jesus’ 12 disciples — to turn the whole world upside down.  So embrace the freedom you have in Christ — or perhaps a better way to state it — embrace the DUTY you have been given by God Himself, to be counter-cultural, world changers, watchmen on the walls and truth tellers.

I can tell  you, this will not make you “popular” or well-liked by most; especially those in your own home, your own church.  But as you life out and model true masculinity, those around you will begin to “get it.”  Real men love babies, real men stand up for those unjustly led to slaughter.   Real men push back and fight evil.  Real men protect, lead, provide for — and SERVE — their wives and families.  Real men have a PURPOSE, ordained by God.  Be a REAL man.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at (715) 486-8066 or email  Ask for message number 247.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Smell That Storm Coming?

We are living, today, in a time like no other in the history of our nation.  If you look back just over RECENT history — like me, you are probably AMAZED at just how far our country has fallen in just a few years.  Today, we are on the breach of the “perfect storm.”  You can SMELL it coming.  It appears that all the pieces of the puzzle are coming together to launch America into an all-out civil war.

This couldn’t have happened this way just a few years ago.  But today, I see no way to avoid it.  Our nation is more divided now than it has ever been, or at least since the FIRST civil war.  And it did NOT have to be this way.  But nefarious, diabolical forces have been at work.  And make no mistake:  they have been working TIRELESSLY, focused INTENSELY and NON-STOP — like a laser beam — toward their ultimate goal of America’s total destruction.

I have said before that something supernaturally EVIL was taking place when Barack Hussein Obama was “elected” to be president.  Here was a junior senator from Illinois, someone, who just a couple years earlier, no one had ever even HEARD of, now being hailed by the media in what can only be described as a “coronation” as America’s new “messiah.”  YES — in case you don’t remember, that was the word that was being used to describe Obama at the time of the election.  Our new “messiah.”   It literally gave me goosebumps.

On that first election night, I watched in amazement as MILLIONS gathered around the world to join in the ecstatic celebration when Obama ostensibly “won” the presidential race.  It was nothing short of WORSHIP of this man, who promised to “fundamentally CHANGE America.”  Again — someone who seemingly came out of NOWHERE and took control of the highest office in our land.

I have many doubts that Obama was EVER “elected” fairly even one time, much less twice.  There is a lot of evidence of massive voter fraud — all of which was quickly and quietly dismissed with little to no objections from anyone — and it seems clear to me that these were not so much “elections” as they were “appointments.”  SOMEBODY or some THING APPOINTED this man — I believe it was predetermined.

Let me refer back to an article published by World Net Daily in 2012.  The article featured information from an interview with a man named Allen Hulton, who gave a sworn affidavit to investigators commissioned by Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who was investigating Obama’s qualifications for the office on the basis of not being a United States citizen.

Hulton, who worked for the US Postal Service for 39 years, delivered mail to Tom and Mary Ayers in a Chicago suburb in the late 1980s and early 1990s.  Hulton firmly believed that the parents of former “Weather Underground” terrorist Bill Ayers helped finance Obama’s Harvard education;  that Ayers’ mother knew Obama was a FOREIGN student,  and that Obama HIMSELF, was convinced at that time — long before he even entered politics — that he was GOING to become president of the United States.

This postal carrier spoke with Mrs. Ayers on at least 20 different occasions and she was very proud of her sponsorship of this “foreign” student, which Hulton understood was from either Kenya or Indonesia.  On one occasion, he met the young Obama himself outside the Ayers’ home, and when he asked the young man what he was studying and what he planned to do after college, Obama looked him straight in the eye and said with dead CERTAINTY, “I’m going to be president of the United States.”  He was in his early 20s, and he had NO DOUBT — he WOULD be president.  Like I said, supernaturally evil.

And so he was.  And in just 8 short years, he turned this country on it’s head — and greatly confused the minds of an entire generation of young people, which I believe has led us to where we are today:  on the brink of the “perfect storm.”  Consider this:

The 18-year-olds graduating high school this spring were between 8 years old and 16 years old during the Obama years…. so they spent their most impressionable, most formative years of their lives under the Obama reign.  Those who are now graduating college were between the ages of 10 and 18 during the Obama years; perhaps an even MORE impressionable age.  And what did they see and experience during those most formative years?

First they saw the first black man seated in the Oval Office, which in itself was considered a wonderful and “progressive” move by Americans, because we were now willing to make racism a thing of the past.  But if racism was to be a thing of the past, why was his skin color constantly brought to our attention?   Then they saw this man travel the globe, bowing down to foreign leaders — ENEMIES of our country — and APOLOGIZING on behalf of the United States.

And for eight years, everything that was evil was called “good” and all things good were called “evil.”  Islam — Obama’s religion — was hailed as “peaceful” and “loving” — even amidst DAILY horrific terrorist attacks all around the world.  Even here in THIS  country, we had FREQUENT attacks by Muslims.  In fact, as far as I can recall, EVERY terror attack on our shores — from the woman beheaded by a co-worker in Oklahoma to the people stabbed in the neck in a St. Cloud, Minnesota shopping mall, and every attack in between — were ALL perpetrated by Muslims.  Yet the so-called “president,” and his willing accomplices in the media REFUSED to admit that Islam was a wicked and violent ideology.

On the contrary, it was CONSTANTLY drilled into our heads that Islam is a “religion of peace.”  Overseas, we saw this “religion of peace” lock Christians in cages and set them on fire, drown them, or tie them up in groups, place explosives on their necks and set them off.  Daily beheadings.  Lest we forget, all of this was CONSTANTLY in the news during the Obama years, yet Islam was CONSTANTLY touted as “peaceful.”  It was just a “FEW RADICALS,” we were told, that were the bad eggs.     Europe opened its borders to the so-called “migrants,” who flooded in from Islamic countries and once again, terrorism reigned everywhere Islam went.  Yet it was still considered a very GOOD thing for them to be taking over western nations.  And Obama rolled out the red carpet for as many Muslims as he could possibly import here to America.

Meanwhile, our young people witnessed racial division and strife like we have never seen in my lifetime.  They were told: “White people BAD, Black people GOOD!”  “Police BAD — gangsters and thugs ‘misunderstood.’”  “Men BAD, women ‘oppressed.’”  “Muslims GOOD, Christians… ‘hateful bigots.’”  And then, “sodomites GOOD, normal people: again, ‘narrow minded, hateful bigots.’”  Obama even lit up the White House in rainbow colors after forcing sodomite marriage down our throats, wiping out dozens of states’ constitutional amendments protecting the sanctity of marriage in one fell swoop.

And all this evil and wickedness was considered “GOOD.”  This is what our young people grew up with.  In their public schools, history was re-written, showing just how AWFUL the United States was.  Many of our national historic monuments were torn down on the basis that they were “racist.”  The abortion industry received a massive influx of federal dollars — and we EXPORTED abortion overseas to fund baby-killing in other countries — PAID FOR by you and me through our tax dollars.  And all this was considered WONDERFUL PROGRESS by the Leftists in power.

THIS is what our young people grew up with, this is what they experienced during their most impressionable, formative years.  They learned to hate their country, and love all things evil.  And during these years, do you think they heard a SINGLE WORD to the contrary from their pastors or churches?  Not. One. Word.  God’s TRUTH was abandoned in favor of “feel good,” phony “love gospel” and “social justice” sermons.  Christianity became irrelevant, silly and powerless…. “a waste of time.”   Young people and adults alike were trained to look to Government — specifically LIBERAL and LEFTIST Government as their god.

The devil had cornered the market on lies.  He had the Oval Office;  he had the media;  he had the teachers and public schools; he had the Hollywood, music and sports celebrities;  he had the social media giants; he EVEN had the churches and pastors — to the point that today,  polls vary from between 57% and 74% of both Evangelicals and Catholics now accepting sodomite “marriage” as absolutely fine.  After all, “who are WE to judge?”  “Love wins,” …right?

In 2016, Hillary Clinton was “supposed” to carry on the so-called “progressive” work started by Obama.  Nobody thought Donald Trump would win the election.  I hate to be so cynical, but today, I have to wonder if even THAT election was a setup…  could it be that the powers behind the scenes built up everyone’s expectations so highly for a Hillary “win” that when she LOST the election, (perhaps by design?) that the outrage would be just THAT MUCH MORE VIOLENT?  And it WAS and IS violent, in case you forgot.

You see, the Leftists, like their father, the devil, THRIVE on division, hatred and violence.  And that is what we have in America today.  It’s what our young people have grown up with.  They’ve been trained well.

In the mid 1940s, a document called the “Communist Rules for Revolution” surfaced.  Of course, all the fact-checking websites call it a hoax — “fake news.”  But regardless of it’s origin, it HAS been around since the ‘40s.   Listen to a few of the points this document covers, then YOU decide:

  “Corrupt the young, get them away from religion, get them interested in sex.  Make them superficial, destroy their ruggedness.”  (Can you say “toxic masculinity?”)  It goes on:
Get control of all means of publicity, thereby, get the peoples’ minds off their government by focusing their attention on athletics, sexy books and plays and other trivialities.”  (Today we have ‘social media,’ and free porn on every kid’s smart phone).
Also: “Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters of no importance.”  How about this one?
Cause the registration of all firearms on some pretext, with a view toward confiscating them and leaving the population helpless.”  And one more:
Cause the breakdown of the old moral virtues of honesty, sobriety, confidence, faith in the pledged word, ruggedness.”

These are just a few of the points in the “Communist Rules for Revolution,” and whether you want to call that document a fake or not, no one can argue all of these points have already been accomplished here in America, and in most of the world.  But those who would destroy our country have been even more successful than that.  For example, who would have thought, when Obama pledged to “fundamentally change America” that today we would be embracing “Drag Queen Story Time” in our pre-schools, kindergartens and public libraries?  Who would have thought that today men would be legally allowed to “marry” other men, and women to “marry” other women?

Who would have thought that COUNSELING for those who WANT to come out of the sodomite lifestyle would be FORBIDDEN and that such counseling would be punishable by LAW? Today it IS.   Who would have thought that parents would be allowed to “transform” their little boys into “girls” with hormone treatments and radical surgeries?  That public schools would be forcing girls to share shower, locker room and restroom facilities with boys?  And that those SAME public schools would be teaching DEVIANT sexual perversion to kids as young as 4 years old?!

Who would have thought that on the 46th anniversary of Roe v Wade, in the state of New York that a law would be signed and celebrated allowing you to kill your own baby right up to the time of natural birth — with no consequences whatsoever, and you could call that “Womens Healthcare?”  Of course, MEANWHILE in New York, you can’t legally purchase a large soda.  And in California, it’s against the law to posess a plastic straw…

We have lost our collective minds.  Satan has taken control of our minds, twisted God’s Word and truth and we have watched it happen and if the truth be told, we have LET it happen and we’ve really done NOTHING of any significance about it.  Let’s face it: The churches have retreated and become nothing more than vain Religious Service Providers.

It’s a sad state of affairs.  And it happened so fast, we were pretty much blind-sided.  But we would NOT have been blind-sided had the Watchmen on the walls been listened to.  Because, as one of them, we WERE shouting from the rooftops!  But  instead, the Watchmen were shunned.  And today, the church cannot be bothered to actually DO anything.  They’ve waved the white flag; they have given up.

I haven’t given up.  I DO believe we are headed for some serious, SERIOUS troubling times in the not too distant future.  The storm’s coming.  Do you smell that storm coming?  You know, SOME of those who have no time for God today are going to be seeking His answers — AND His mercy and grace — very soon.  I hope the Remnant Believers receiving my message today will be ready, willing, able and unashamed of their Lord to BOLDLY provide those answers.  Because we HAVE the answers in God’s Word and His Holy law.  We’ve just been trained to keep our mouths shut… Well, I think it’s time we take back the ground the enemy has stolen in the name of Jesus.  Are you ready to DO something yet?  Or are you going to wait for the storm to wipe you out?

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at (715) 486-8066 or email  Ask for message number 246.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Persuasive, Pervasive, Progressive, Perverted And Persistent

In my message last week I discussed the problem of pornography, so rampant in our culture and society today.  It was difficult to elaborate on all the issues this sin entails in just one message, so today, I will continue on the topic.

The use of pornography is a serious issue, and a serious PROBLEM for many in America — and around the world today.  I dare say it is the worst it has ever been now, because it is so easily accessible — just a click away on any smart phone.  Pornography is persuasive.  It is pervasive.  It is progressive, it is perverted and it is persistent.

How serious is the problem?  According to one study, over 30,000 people are watching porn at any given second.  Approximately 40 million people in the US alone are sexually involved with the internet.  25% of all search requests (that’s 68 million) and 35% of all downloads on the internet involve pornography.

The study goes on to further show that as much as some may try to avoid porn at all costs, still over 20% of adults and over 80% of children get exposed to porn unintentionally.  And 20% of men and 13% of women admitted to accessing pornography while at work.

But what are the “benefits” of porn?  Perhaps we should ask, what does pornography DO for you?   Well, here is just a partial list of the effects porn users admit to:

  • Feelings of shame, guilt and self-hatred
  • Emptiness, loneliness and depression
  • Creating emotional attachment with an artificial world
  • Having troubled relationships
  • Divorce
  • Risks of unhealthy sexual activity
  • Intimacy is lost in the marriage relationship
  • As well as legal and financial problems.

For many today, pornography is more addicting than drugs, and more damaging to the soul than just about any other activity.  Our enemy and his demons must LOVE this stuff.  The above statistics are true of all who use pornography; but for the Christian ensnared by porn, it also has the effect of ruining our relationship with God, as it becomes a “besetting sin” — one we find nearly impossible to cast out of our lives, once we become “hooked.”

And lest you think Christians are immune to this sin, think again:  studies show that 50% of Christian men and 20% of Christian women are currently addicted to pornography.  The same study showed that 54% of Christian PASTORS admitted to deliberately using porn “at least several times” in the last year.

A few days after I published my last message on pornography, I received an email from a man who is desperate to escape this trap.  I won’t share the entire email, but here is just a bit of it:

He said, “I feel unworthy to claim to be a Christian or a servant of the Lord.  I struggle with a battle against porn and through that, selfishness.  Lusting after another woman is selfish and sinful.  I know, because I believe and read the Bible.  The thing I hate so much about it is that it makes me ashamed of myself so much to the point that I stop praying or talking to my Father in heaven.  It makes me feel hopless and alone like a prisoner locked in a cage far away from everyone.  The most horrible part of it, is that it has made me and my wife distant and I can’t even tell her that the sin in my heart has made me not want her as much as I should, as a husband.  I fight this battle every day.  I have repented lots of times and rebuked Satan in the name of Jesus but still, I struggle.  I really hate myself because I am worse than a non-believer, because I know Jesus and a fair amount about His Word, yet I still struggle with sin that He hates.  I have been crying and broken over two battles:  the battle against the sin of the flesh and me and my wife are falling apart as a married couple.”

Like all traps of the devil, it starts out subtly.  The enemy whispers in your ear, “It’s not so bad… everybody does it.  God will surely understand, you’re only human.   It isn’t hurting anyone.  Go ahead, you know you want to.”  This is how all besetting sins begin in our lives… we are persuaded by the evil one to just TRY it.   Sort of like how he trapped Adam and Eve in the garden by whispering in their ears, “Did God REALLY say?…”

Let’s look at James, chapter 1.  “Each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed.  Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.”  Yes, it all begins with just one look, and soon we are PERSUADED to look again, and again, and again…

Soon, it is all you can think about.  The weed of pornography fills our minds and hearts.  Philippians tells us, “whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, think on these things.”  But with our minds filled with pornographic images we cannot seem to forget, there is no room left for anything good or Godly.  Our addiction has become PERVASIVE.

As studies show, many people cannot even stop looking at porn while they are at work.  And as I already stated, over 30,000 people are watching it right this very second.  Instead of the intimacy God designed between a man and a woman, consecrated in the covenant of marriage, this evil pervades every area of our lives.  The marriage relationship is destroyed, and once that foundation is gone, the family begins to crumble as well.  Yes, pornography is PERVASIVE, destroying everything in its path.

But it’s also progressive.  Many people using the internet today stumble across an enticing image on their screens, even though they had no intention of looking at pornography… but again… they are PERSUADED, and soon find their minds and hearts PERVADED with this stuff.  And once a person gets a taste, just like a drug, it takes more and more of the drug to achieve the same “high.”  They begin seeking out even more filthy images, which leads to PERVERSION.  No longer does “normal” sex “do it” for them.  Now they need something riskier, something heavier, something MORE.  Thus, they find themselves looking at — and fantasizing about — perverted sexual acts.  One study indicated that 30% of porn users admitted to seeking out CHILD porn.  I will not go into the “other” types of images people search for.  Suffice to say, it is PERVERSION.

And like the writer of the email I shared found out, the demon of pornography is PERSISTENT.  This poor man feels trapped, he DOES NOT WANT to do what he does, but he cannot seem to help himself.  He knows he is committing adultery of the heart, he knows he is hurting his dear wife and their marriage.  He knows he is destroying his family.  He knows he is deliberately sinning against the Lord, yet he cannot seem to stop it.  He has cried out to the Lord for deliverance and even rebuked the enemy in Jesus’ name.  Yet the temptation — and the sin persists.

Someone once said that “sin will take you farther than you want to go, cost you more than you want to pay and keep you longer than you want to stay.”  How true.  Yet, God is faithful to rescue us.  In Matthew 17, Jesus was approached by a distraught father whose son was overcome by a demon that made him fall into the fire and into the water.  Jesus’ disciples couldn’t cast the demon out, but the Lord rebuked the devil and the child was cured.

Starting in Verse 19 we read, “Then came the disciples to Jesus apart and said, ‘why could not we cast him out?’  And Jesus said unto them, ‘because of your unbelief:  for verily I say unto you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say unto this mountain, ‘remove hence to yonder place,’ and it shall remove; and NOTHING shall be impossible for you.  But, this kind goeth NOT out, but by prayer and fasting.”

Prayer and fasting.  Jesus knew a little bit about prayer and fasting.  Right after His baptism, before He began His earthly ministry, Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness, where He fasted and prayed.   This is how Christ, Himself, dealt with the temptations when the enemy tried to persuade Him, and pervert God’s Word.  Jesus gained the victory over the devil through prayer and fasting, and He tells us in Matthew 17, that we, too, can cast out even the worst of demons if we only have the faith of a mustard seed and spend time in fervent prayer, and fasting.

We need to be intentional, and we need to be deadly serious about removing this besetting sin from our lives.  In addition to prayer and fasting, we often times need to completely REMOVE ourselves from the temptation.  Matthew 5 seems especially appropriate on this subject.  There, Jesus said, “You have heard it said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’  But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”  And THEN He added: “If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away.  It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.  And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away.  It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.”

I’m not suggesting you disfigure yourself.  There is a much simpler answer:  since MOST of the pornographic images we seek out are on the internet, get yourself OFF the internet.  Protect yourself with easily-accessible software that blocks unwanted content.  This will ALSO protect your children.  As we discussed last week, the average age of a child encountering pornography for the first time is just 7 years old.  Chances are, if your kids have not ALREADY seen this stuff, they WILL, if you do not protect them.  And once exposed to this “virus,” as we all KNOW, it becomes persuasive, pervasive, progressive, perverted and persistent.  Better to cut yourself off from exposure than allow yourself — and your kids — that temptation.

Still, many find themselves “torn” over the decision to put a stop to their porn addiction.  On one hand, they hate it.  On the other, they ENJOY it.  Some think they are incapable of ever stopping their addiction completely.  But 1st Corinthians tells us, “NO temptation has overtaken you except what is common to man.  And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”  YES, you WILL continue to be tempted, because this thing is PERSISTENT.  But if you truly want out, you need look no further than God.  He PROMISES to provide the way out, and we KNOW that continuing to indulge this besetting sin is NOT God’s will.  His will is for you to have life, and life more abundantly.  His will is a good, solid, marriage, with your mind — and your marriage bed — undefiled by this perversion.  It is HIS WILL that you be free of this demon.  So have no doubt:  HE WILL HELP YOU!

One final tip:  you may be under the impression that in order to do away with this in your life, you need to use willpower.  That is not the case.  You simply need to look at things logically.  What is pornography use actually DOING FOR YOU?  Here’s a little “secret:”  you do not have to use willpower to stop doing something you do not want to do.

For example, you don’t have to use willpower not to sit down and drink a glass of bleach.  Why not?  Because you DON’T WANT to drink a glass of bleach!  Doing so would offer you nothing of any value.  The same is true of this — or any harmful addiction.  When you realize that it is offering you NOTHING GOOD, nothing of any value, it will not take willpower to stop doing it, because you will not WANT to do it anymore.

Consider the benefits you’re currently getting from pornography:  Feelings of shame, guilt and self-hatred; Emptiness, loneliness and depression; you’re creating an emotional attachment with an artificial world; Having troubled relationships, the possibility of divorce; you’re at risk for unhealthy sexual activity; Intimacy is lost in your marriage relationship; not to mention legal and financial problems.

Stop believing the lies the enemy has been whispering in your ear.  The grass is not greener on the other side — you already know that, and that TRUTH will never change.  God has made a way for you to escape the snares of this enemy, and He will deliver you.  But you must do your part.  Be intentional about defeating this enemy.  Fast, pray, seek the Lord, think on all the GOODNESS of God and His kingdom, instead of the trash you’ve been filling your mind and heart with.  Replace all THAT with God’s Holy Spirit and then let the Spirit guide you into all truth.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at (715) 486-8066 or email  Ask for message number 244.

© 2019 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

When Are Christians Going To Care About This?

I am wondering, today, how much more of this LGBTQP+ NONSENSE we are going to tolerate before church people, pastors and church leadership will FINALLY speak up about this demonic and deadly deception that is raping the minds and hearts — and stealing the souls — of our young people.  When are CHRISTIANS going to CARE about this?  When are CHRISTIANS going to fight back?  Or are we just going to roll over and let the devil have his way with our communities, our culture and our kids?

Sadly, MANY pastors and church goers are not even aware of the extent of what is REALLY going on all across the country and the world — and right in their own back yards in some cases.  Not only that, but if they ARE aware, they remain absolutely SILENT on the issue;  pastors refusing to properly teach and preach on the subject, and therefore the people are left to make up their own minds.  And having no input whatsoever from their “spiritual leaders,” and most not bothering to read their Bibles for themselves anymore either — most people are making their minds up based on what is popular in the media.  Exactly what the devil had hoped for.  Sheep without shepherds, tossed to the wolves, following the vain imaginations of their minds, with their “moral compass” being whatever “feels” and “sounds” “nice.”  We are SO lost.

Well, let me tell you, it’s even worse than that.  Because many in church leadership ARE VERY WELL INFORMED on these things — AND they are COMPLICIT in these abominations, serving as LGBT “allies” in their “open and affirming” so-called “churches.”

Let me make it very easy for you:  if your church has any fellowship with the World Council of Churches, the Wisconsin Council of Churches, or the “Council of Churches” in YOUR state, you can be certain then, that YOUR CHURCH is one of those apostate synogogues of Satan that is leading people straight to hell under the guise of being “loving,” “inclusive” and “tolerant.”  Sorry to be so blunt, but that’s the plain and simple truth.

This “Council of Churches” not only serves as a willing accomplice to the LGBTQP+ militant agenda, they also embrace eastern mysticism, all forms of paganism, and they welcome Muslims with open arms — even as guest speakers to teach their congregations, because, they claim, “we all worship the same god.”  No.  We do not.  There is ONE God:  Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  These people worship none of them.  They worship satan, as they join him in masquerading as angels of light.

But your church doesn’t have to be associated with the World Council of Churches to be apostate.  Nowadays, it seems to be rare, indeed, to be able to locate a so-called “Christian church” that DOES STILL believe, preach and speak the truth of God’s Word ANYWHERE.  The seeker-friendly movement that became so popular back in the 1990s has morphed into a hideous soul-devouring monster, brainwashing followers to accept all manner of sin and debauchery as “just fine.”  Honestly, if I hear one more professing Christian tell me it is not for US to “judge,” I’m likely to make myself a whip and start overturning some tables.

But you can’t really blame them.  For decades now, 300,000 pulpits in our nation have remained absolutely SILENT on the most vital and critical issues impacting the family and God’s natural laws.  Most of our pastors are SO weak in their preaching, so as not to offend ANYONE, they have left their congregations with no “meat” of the Word at all,  and just a thimble-full of 2% “milk.”  Everything now has become emotion-based.  If I had to guess, I’d say 90% or more of those sitting next to you in church on Sunday never once even open their Bibles at home, if they even know where it is.  Instead, they rely on the few bits of hand-picked Scriptures projected up on the screen to support the pastor’s opinion, and if they DO follow along, it’s not with a real BIBLE — it’s with smart phones and other devices, that many times, just the night before were into porn.  Again, sorry to be so blunt here, but SOMEBODY needs to call out the “elephant in the room!”  For goodness’ sake, do we not CARE AT ALL about the future of our children and grandchildren?!

Indeed, we seem to “major” on the “minors” today:  we look down our long, legalistic noses on those who smoke, drink or use drugs.  Let me ask you:  would we, as church-goers, embrace, accept and “AFFIRM” heroin addicts in our midst — and CELEBRATE  their addictions with them?  Of course not.  True Christ-followers would do all we could to help them come out of such bondage.   Yet the most deadly of all abominations unto the Lord, that which Romans tells us SPECIFICALLY that men will reap within their own bodies the due penalty for their sin — the sin of SODOMY — THAT sin we LOVE.  What is WRONG with us?!

Recently, as you may have heard, another professing Christian rock star, Lauren Daigle, has basically given affirmation to the sodomite lifestyle, when she went on the Ellen Degeneres show.  Ellen, a well-known and outspoken lesbian, asked this singer if she thought homosexuality is a sin.  Lauren Daigle responded, “I can’t honestly answer on that,” and added: “I have too many people that I love that they are homosexual.  I don’t know.  I actually had a conversation with someone last night about it.  I can’t say one way or the other.  I’m not God…. I just say read the Bible and find out for yourself.  And when you find out let me know.”

Honestly.  You couldn’t make this stuff up.  Here is a young woman, followed by millions of adoring teens and young adults as a “Christian” singer.  OBVIOUSLY, as we seem to do with ALL celebrities, these young people look up to people like this for guidance, and they follow their lead…  and if the truth be told, if they GO to church at all, most of their PASTORS would likely give a very similar answer as well.  But WHAT a SHAME.  What a missed opportunity to speak the truth of the God she claims to praise in her music.  But then, to speak the truth would mean losing fans, losing money, losing the admiration of PEOPLE.  She chose the approval of men over service to the King.

When I posted this news article on our Wisconsin Christian News Facebook page, even I was surprised at how many professing “Christians” are SO LOST, SO deluded.  You’d have thought I’d committed bloody murder just to post the news article on our site.  I was told it is not for us to judge.  I was told it is unChristian to not “love” everyone.  I was called a “hateful bigot.”  I was told “we are all sinners and none of us have any right to declare what is right or wrong.”  I was told that I was the reason that Christians get such a “bad name.”  And of course, there were countless “hate the sin but love the sinner” comments.  WHICH, in case you don’t know, is NOT in the Bible —  it was a saying of Gandhi.  But if you read your Bible you’d know that.  No, friends, God does not cast the SIN into hell.  The unrepentant SINNER goes there by his or her own choosing…sadly because so many church-goers are too afraid to offend them in this life.  So they “love” them straight into eternal separation from God.  And hell is enlarged daily as so many, deceiving themselves in the vain imaginations of their own minds do what they FEEL is right in their own eyes.

Now, I don’t know who Lauren Daigel is.  I’ve never heard her music.  She may have a voice as beautiful as the Heavenly Host itself;  but as a Christian “leader” — and make no mistake, you don’t need to be a “pastor” to be a leader, because she is a “pied piper,” and she has a huge following — mostly young people, and she IS LEADING them…  and as a Christian leader, it is her responsibility to KNOW what the Bible says, especially about THIS topic, which is so prevalent and spreading like a deadly cancer worldwide now.  Instead, she said, “I don’t know.  You read the Bible for yourself and when you find out, tell me.”  If that is not the epitome of laziness, I don’t know what is.  But that is the state of the American church today.  Lazy, apathetic and carnal…

Satan has turned what God created to be a beautiful thing:  the act of sexual relations within marriage into a hideous form of recreation and entertainment, that is, MOST OFTEN, DEADLY anytime it is engaged in outside of Holy Matrimony.  It’s ESPECIALLY  deadly when the unnatural acts of sodomy are practiced.  And how we have TWISTED God’s gift of sex and perverted it today into something foul and rotten and disgusting.

Everywhere you look, everywhere you turn today, it’s all about sex.  Unnatural, TWISTED and PERVERTED sex.   They are teaching sodomy and “transgenderism” as a normal way of life in pre-schools and public schools with “Drag Queen Story Time” — where a man, dressed as a female whore not only reads a story to innocent young children, they also perform lewd, disgusting dances, called “twerking” in front of these poor kids — AND THE PARENTS BRING THEIR KIDS to these things!

In Texas, a six year old boy is being forced to “transition” to a girl by his mother.  While at his mother’s house, he must dress as a girl, is called by a female name and is taken to a psychiatrist who specializes in “gender dysphoria.”  Soon he will be forced to take female hormones.   But the boy doesn’t WANT to be a girl.  When at his father’s house, he willingly dresses as a boy, acts as a boy and goes by his given name.  BUT NOW the father is being SUED for “child abuse.”  How much more outrageous can we get in this world?!

Well, let me tell you.  According to LifeNews, a feminist ELCA Lutheran “pastor” is “making fun of Christians who take a serious decison to be abstinent from sex until marriage and to remain faithful to their partner in marriage.”  Here’s what she is doing:  she is calling for Christian girls and young women to send her the “purity rings” given to them by their parents as a symbol of their vow to remain virgins until marriage.  This so-called “pastor” plans to melt them down and create a statue of a vagina, to be unveiled at  a Conference she is hosting next year.  Those who send their purity rings to this devil will receive a “Certificate of Impurity” as well as a “SHAMELESS IMpurity ring.”

This demon’s name is Nadia Bolz-Weber, and she is in Denver, Colorado where she founded the ELCA “House For All Sinners and Saints.”  She recently resigned from leadership at this House For All Sinners so that she can have a greater influence in the culture by acquiring what she calls a “larger stage.”  She advocates for church-goers to use pornography, she embraces sodomy and “transgenderism” and is known for preaching sermons filled with profanity.   Upon leaving the “church” she founded, she was replaced by a sodomite male, married to a “drag queen.”  This is called “Church” in America today, folks.

Does it not concern you that a school nurse is forbidden to give a student an aspirin without parental permission, but can take that same student to Planned Parenthood for an abortion without even informing the parents?  Does it not concern you that kids under the age of 13 cannot go to a PG-13 movie, but kids under 3 can go watch a Drag Queen gyrate all over the floor and read them a story, all the while encouraging them to explore their sexuality and try sodomy out for themselves?

Consider this: wherever you find children, whether it be public schools, libraries, or even churches,  you will find sodomite indoctrination, rainbow symbols and the LGBTQP+ agenda celebrated and embraced.  But you won’t find such things at your local nursing home.  Why is that?  Because these demons are after your children, that’s why!  They MUST recruit them into the lifestyle.  They must snare and entrap as many as possible as young as possible.  But WOE to them.  It would be better, Jesus said, for them to have a millstone tied around their neck and be thrown into the depths of the sea.

And woe to the lazy, apathetic professing Christians who should know better too — even though their cowardly leaders will not lead and teach on these things.   If they truly followed Jesus as they claim, they ought to know better.  And some of them do.  They just don’t care.  Yes, indeed.  WOE to them, as Paul writes in Romans, “who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the very same, but have pleasure in them that do them.”

So I ask you again, as I did at the start:  how much more of this are we going to put up with before Christ’s remnant believers RISE UP and put a stop to it?  Because you see, if that is to be, it is up to us.  Most of today’s professing “church” has joined the other side — the devil’s side.  And you’d better be extremely careful of those who refuse to rightly divide the Word of Truth, lead as true shepherds of God’s people, or worse yet, celebrate this abomination and teach others to do likewise, all in the name of “love.”  Because God IS love.  But He is also the Way, the Truth and the Life.  But our adversary, the devil, masquerades as an angel of light, and he too, uses the word “love” — but beware the father of lies and all who follow him.  LISTEN TO ME PEOPLE:  voting “Republican” and then going back to your favorite TV sitcom, conveniently overlooking the nice, cute homosexuals it features is not going to solve this.  This is spiritual warfare — the DEVIL is highly organized and well funded, while, at the same time, it seems, GOD’s people couldn’t care less.  I’M TELLING YOU:  We had BETTER start caring.  Or YOUR OWN child or grandchild will be the enemy’s next victim.  What will you do then?

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at (715) 486-8066 or email  Ask for message number 241.

© 2018 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Sharing God’s Truth With Those We Love

It seems like every week I hear from several of our newspaper readers and radio listeners, contacting me about their grief and concern over loved ones who are wayward and lost.  They want my prayers and my advice on how they can reach them for Christ.

In every instance, they have been praying for their loved ones for a very long time…  their kids, their spouses, their extended family and friends.  These are serious, true Christians, saved by the blood of Jesus and filled with the Holy Spirit, and their hearts GRIEVE for those they love so much, but cannot seem to “get through to” concerning spiritual matters.

In many cases, these are parents and grandparents whose children and grandchildren grew up attending church, youth groups and have HEARD the Word of God their whole lives, yet when they come of age, they reject their faith.  In other cases I hear from folks who are concerned about their parents, now reaching the end of their lives, and still seem to have no time and no interest in eternal matters.

I understand just what they are going through, because I, too, have those I dearly love that just will NOT listen or care about God, their Creator.  They live their lives according to their own will, and suffer lives of heartbreak, mistakes and constant ills.  Others I love seem to have no problems in life at all — everything is fine for them, and these are even tougher nuts to crack, because since all is going so well for them, the feel they have no need or “use” for God.

It’s all so very sad.  I have heard it said that witnessing to your own family and loved ones is the hardest and toughest type of evangelism there is.  Perhaps because we are so close to the situation…. these are not just folks we meet on the street or at work or at a cafe, somewhere between “coincidence and God’s will,” — these are our dearest loved ones, and it is very personal to us.  Maybe it is because we just seem to have a harder time saying what really NEEDS to be said to those closest to us.  Seems like satan is always able to silence our tongues and it is frustrating.  We don’t want to turn them away further, we don’t want to come across as “holier than thou,” and so instead, we often times just say nothing at all.  It just seems “too hard” to speak.

The Bible tells us, “train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”  That is God’s Word and promise to us, and therefore, we can be assured that it is absolutely, irrefutably true.  But we must examine what this Scripture is really saying.  It’s saying “Train up your children to know the things of the Lord.  Let them come to know and understand WHO their Creator is, what SIN actually is, how we are so predisposed to it and separated from God, but also how the Father loved us so much that He made a way for us to put the enemy of our souls under our feet, because Christ has already done that, and if we are truly His children, we have the authority in Jesus to do the very same.

The Scripture means we TRAIN our kids…  get that:  WE train our kids… they see our faith, our genuine faith, lived out in front of their eyes all the years they are growing up in our homes as we prepare them to leave the nest and go out on their own.

One thing I hear a lot is that “we took them to church every Sunday.  They GREW UP in the church.  They attended youth group regularly.  So WHAT in the world happened?”

Sadly, THAT MAY BE the very problem.  You see, we are two — and possibly three — generations away now, from when attending church really meant something.  And attending church is only a small PART of the Christian life.

You see, nowadays, here in America, “attending church” is often the WHOLE of one’s Christian experience.  And things in most churches today are not good.  In many cases, they are not even biblical.  Christianity has become something we “add on” to our busy lives, it is no longer our LIVES.  It has become an ACTIVITY we take part in; no longer is it WHO WE ARE.

The messages preached in most churches for the past few generations has been less than genuine, and instead of Christ-likeness being modeled, it is hypocrisy.  Youth group activities consist mainly of silly entertainment, with a little “Bible” thrown in to make it look legitimate.  But it’s really about keeping the kids busy, entertained and “fun enough” to hold their interest for an hour or two.  The same is true of Sunday School, and “Childrens’ Church.”  I guess what I’m saying is, if that was the case, where you simply raised your kids “in the church,” as they say, there’s a good chance it may have done more harm than good.

If your kids did not see the true Christian life modeled for them every day in your home; if the Father in the home did not lead as the spiritual minister, but instead left those duties up to Mom and the church; if the whole of their Christian lives consisted of a couple hours on Sunday and Wednesday night, but never went any deeper than that, then sadly, you may have inadvertently set them up for failure.

We are so busy these days.  I understand.  It’s hard to carve out time in our hectic schedules for regular time with God in our homes.  For parents of young children, I would advise that it is NOT too late for you.  IF you make this a priority now.  But it has to be a REAL priority; a primary concern.  In fact, it needs to be THE primary concern, above all else.  Above sports activities, above extra curricular school activities, above watching TV, playing video games and all other forms of entertainment.  And especially, it needs to be FAR above “screen time” on your phones, tablets and computers.   The things of God need to take front and center priority in our entire lives…. everything else must be WAY down the list.

So what DOES it mean to “train up a child in the way he should go?”  Moses spoke the most important message of his life at the end of his days, as he knew his life was coming to a close, and he needed to impart the most essential information to his people before he died.  Look at Deuteronomy 6:

“These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart.  Repeat them to your children.  Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.  Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them be a symbol on your forehead.  Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.”  That sounds pretty important to me….  We ought to take heed.  The things of the Lord our God need to be first and foremost in every aspect of our lives.  When our children SEE us living out our professed faith in God FOR REAL… THAT is what impacts them.  When they see the power of the Holy Spirit working in every situation we encounter; when they see how we respond in Godly, biblical ways to even the most desperate and seemingly hopeless crises we all go through — THAT is what impacts them.  FAR MORE than a pizza party and a movie at their weekly youth group.

But what if we have DONE that and our kids and grandkids have still chosen to go astray?  What if we have been praying for them ‘til we can pray no more and still those we love so dearly remain hard hearted and calloused to the things of God?  Well, Scripture does not lie….  those seeds HAVE been planted.  It is up to God to give the increase.  The Word says, “when he is old, he will not depart from it.”  Very true.  But what it does NOT say is “how old is OLD?”  It may be early adulthood.  It may be when THEY begin having children.  It may be on their deathbed, long after you’re gone.  But we can be assured that God’s Word remains steadfastly true.  If we have trained them up in the true fear and admonition of the Lord, then when they are old, they will remember.  This should encourage us.

Still, it is a tough battle.  It’s a very EMOTIONAL battle, as we are forced to watch those we love struggle and continue to reject the Lord.  And maybe in your case, it’s not your kids.  Maybe it’s your spouse.  Maybe it’s your son’s wife.  Maybe it’s your sister, who has a form of godliness but denies the power thereof, because she is stuck in “churchianity” and refuses to ever come out of that safe space, that “BOX” that the modern American church uses to contain the sheep and keep them fat and happy and oblivious to the WHOLE counsel of God’s Word.  Maybe it’s a friend who is quite content living in sin and debauchery, and is unwilling to seek the Lord because he KNOWS  he is going to hell because of the way he’s lived for 70 years and he really believes there’s no hope for him.  Or, maybe he just can’t be bothered to “change.”

We ALL have loved ones in all of these situations.  We all know SOMEONE we deeply care about that we want to reach for Christ.  And again, it seems to be those closest to us that are the most difficult to witness to.

I would suggest that we do three things:  1)  Pray and ask the Lord to guide you,  through His Holy Spirit, as to how to approach that person, because each person is different and each will respond with whatever sort of method resonates with them the most.  2)  Live out your own life and model for them what a true Christ-follower IS and DOES.  Often times how you spend your free time, how you respond to crisis situations, what they see you value the most in life will speak volumes to them and Lord willing, they will come to a point where they want what you have.

This has happened to me more than once, and my wife has experienced the same.  People we work with, those who are mere acquaintences, who live absolutely Godless lives, who WE may think there is “no hope for,” will eventually come to a place where they need someone to talk to, and THEY will come to YOU for advice on something deeply troubling to them…  This is your opportunity to speak LIFE to them in Jesus’ name.  Don’t let the enemy keep you from boldly sharing your “secret.”  Because the Gospel should NEVER be a secret to those around you.  They should be able to look at you and see JESUS.

And 3)  do not be ASHAMED of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes.  Remember the words of Revelation:  we overcome the enemy “by the blood of the Lamb, the word of our testimony, and loving not our own lives, even unto death.”  Life can change in a heartbeat, for all of us.  Tomorrow is promised to none of us.  But one thing remains true:  the blood of the Lamb, our Savior, Jesus Christ, has already overcome the enemy, and all power is given unto Jesus both in heaven and on Earth.  And our Lord said that we would do even greater things than He, if we follow His commands and stay connected as a branch to His tree of Life.

Now remember, we were instructed to not cast our pearls before swine.  Pretty strong language, but essentially, that means simply that the worldly, carnal person CANNOT comprehend spiritual things, because they are spiritually discerned, and they do not have (or in many cases want) the Holy Spirit.  It is too scary for them at first… so do not think it some great accomplishment if you manage to get your lost loved one or friend to go to church with you and listen to a sermon.  Because chances are great that that will just fall of deaf ears, like it always has.  Jesus sent US — HIS children — to do the work, personally, one on one.  We don’t drag people to church and expect them to get saved.  WE are the ones who have to do the heavy lifting and hard work, and get our hands dirty, risk getting our pride hurt… WE are the ones who need to be vulnerable enough to share all that we know.

This comes, as Revelation tells us, through the word of our testimony.  Our personal testimony is a VERY STRONG tool.  When God gives you the opportunity, do not hesitate for a second, because you may never get another one, and if you miss it, you’ll regret it forever.  Always be ready to share YOUR testimony.  We all have one.  Don’t preach complicated theology they cannot understand, since it’s spiritually discerned.  Just tell them what God did for YOU.  How YOUR heart, mind and life were transformed in Christ.  How God gave you all the desires of your heart — not by giving you everything you ever asked Him for, but rather by transforming YOUR desires to fall into line with HIS desires.  HIS desires became yours, and thereby YOU were transformed, in the renewing of your mind.  You were born again, and filled with the Holy Spirit, the Counselor, who is always with you.

And lastly, again, do not be afraid to speak.  Do not let the enemy silence you.  Revelation 12:11 concludes, “…loving not our own lives, even unto death.”  Put away your pride and fear of rejection.  The word “minister” means “servant,” and as God’s children, we are to be servants of all, ministering to all, especially those we love the most… therefore, our job is to minister, regardless of what it may cost us.  Let’s be honest.  Sharing your testimony with your loved ones is NOT going to cost you your life.  But even if it did, what is the worst that could happen?  You’d simply be ushered into the throneroom and hear those words, “well done, thy good and faithful servant!”  You see, we literally have NOTHING to be afraid of!  Also remember:  God does NOT want ANYTHING from you that doesn’t cost you SOMETHING!

Having done all of this, if our loved ones continue to reject God and His Word, then we have done all we are called to do.  But let us remain steadfast and not grow weary in well doing.  Let us remain faithful to the call.  I have struggled with this with a loved one a very long time.  And I believe the Lord has shown me that this person WILL indeed come to the Lord’s table — but perhaps not until the day of my own funeral.  And if that is the case, if that is God’s will, then Lord, let it be.   I pray those we have a burden in our hearts for will respond to all our efforts.  But let us always remember… one plants the seed, another waters, but it is GOD Himself who gives the increase.  Amen.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at (715) 486-8066 or email  Ask for message number 239.

© 2018 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

God Calls On The Faithful, Not The Fancy

It must have been quite the scandal.  A young, 14 year old girl, Mary, engaged to be married, had just returned from a visit to her relatives, Elizabeth and Zechariah who lived in the hill country of Judah.  She had been gone for three months, and when she returned, she was pregnant.

She had not seen her fiance’ Joseph in all that time.  We can assume that Joseph knew nothing of Mary’s delicate condition;  as a carpenter by trade, he had likely been busy working, perhaps building a house for himself and Mary to live in after they were married.  In those days, a young man would not marry until he was well established, with a way to provide for his new wife and a place for them to live and raise a family.  Joseph was looking forward to the wedding day, and doing his best to make everything ready to receive Mary as his bride.

Imagine his shock and dismay when Mary returned to town.  Imagine what HE must have thought… his hopes and dreams dashed; all he had been working for these many months, seemingly gone.  He may have thought to himself, “Well, at least I found out what sort of girl she is BEFORE we got married.”  But he did not know what he was about to find out.

We can only imagine the buzz around town.  You know how people talk, especially in small towns.  Mary takes off for three months and comes back pregnant.  Obviously the child was not Joseph’s…  how her reputation must have been dragged through the mud among the townspeople.  She perhaps went from being a “nobody” to being despised.

And her STORY!  “The child she was bearing was not by the act of fornication, but of the Holy Spirit!”  She may as well have claimed she’d been abducted by a UFO.  How the people must have whispered and gossipped behind her back.  Her parents, also, must have had doubts.  Often times we read the story of Jesus’ conception and birth, but do not really think much about what the people involved endured through it all.

Yes, surely, Mary was the target of much controversy in her little village.  And surely most people expected Joseph to call off the wedding, and abandon her in her “sin.”   “She made her bed,” they likely said, “and now she’ll have to sleep in it.”

Things were different in those days.  Premarital sex was absolutely off limits.  Fornication was perhaps the greatest sin one could commit, other than murder.  Sex outside of Holy Matrimony just was NOT acceptable.  And Mary, they thought, had committed that horrendous crime.  There could be no forgiveness for her, at least among the townspeople, to say nothing of the religious leaders of her day.

But Mary knew something no one else did.  And she had no doubts.  Because three months earlier, she had seen something no one else in town ever had:  she saw for herself the angel Gabriel.  He came to her in person — in her home town of Nazareth in Galilee.  Mary was not only pure of heart and innocent of the crime people accused her of.  But Gabriel declared, in Luke 1, “Hail, thou art highly favored.  The Lord is with thee:  blessed art thou among women.”

The Holman Standard version of the Bible continues, “But she was deeply troubled by this statement, wondering what kind of greeting this could be.”  Obviously.  Here was an angelic being, the angel Gabriel, standing before her, calling her “highly favored” and “blessed among women.”   She must have been shaking in her shoes… but then imagine how much more disturbing the news must have been for young Mary, as Gabriel went on to explain:  “Do not be afraid, Mary.  For you have found favor with God.  Now listen:  you will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will call His name Jesus.  He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David.  He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end.”

Can you imagine YOUR response in such a situation?  Luke simply states, “But Mary asked the angel, ‘How can this be, since I have not been intimate with a man?’”  ABSOLUTELY she would ask that.  But the mere words do not convey the emotions and doubts and fears this young maiden must have been experiencing…  on top of that, these were the words of an angel.  Angels didn’t just go around appearing to EVERYONE in those days, anymore than they appear to us today.  This was something truly fantastic and supernatural.  And it was happening to HER!

Gabriel explained, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.  Therefore the Holy One to be born will be called the Son of God.”

What would YOU have done in Mary’s situation?  I can only imagine.  But likely still trembling in fear and excitement, Mary responded, “I am the Lord’s slave.  May it be done to me according to your word.”  By the way, Gabriel also let Mary know that her relative Elizabeth had ALSO conceived a son — even in her old age — and was at that very moment, six months pregnant.  And he added, “For nothing will be impossible with God!”

Immediately Mary set out to visit Elizabeth and Zechariah…  and when Elizabeth heard Mary’s voice in greeting, the baby inside her lept for joy!  Elizabeth then CONFIRMED what the angel had told Mary:  “You are the most blessed of women, and your Child will be blessed!”  Elizabeth went on, with sheer joy:  “How could this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?  For you see, when the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby leaped for joy inside me!  She who has believed is blessed because what was spoken to her by the Lord will be fulfilled!”

Such joy, such excitement.  And such wonder!  How could all this BE?  Yet it WAS.  And it was happening to Mary, just 14 years old, some say, and not yet even married.

Mary must have wondered what her fiance’ Joseph was going to think of all this.  Would he believe her story about the angel’s visit?  And the confirmation from Elizabeth?  Yet she had great faith, and great obedience to the Lord.  Luke goes on in verses 46-55 with Mary’s song of praise because of what the Lord was doing in her life.  Unbelievable, yet very, very true.

And what about Joseph?  We don’t know a lot about him, but we can surmise what HE must have been going through as well.  After a three month visit away from home, Mary returned, pregnant.  He KNEW the baby was not his.  Matthew tells us only, “When Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.”

We know from Scripture that Joseph was a “just” man, an honorable man, and a Godly man.  He was a FAITHFUL man, one the Lord knew He could count on to provide for Mary and the baby Jesus, to protect and defend them.  Yet, Joseph could not wrap his mind around the situation.  After all, he was only human, and this was the first he had heard of the situation.  He could have joined the rest of the townspeople in their derision and slander.  He could have accused her of sleeping around and he could have made it public record that this baby was NOT his — HE was not a fornicator!  He could have defended his own pride and reputation.  Imagine Joseph’s turmoil.  The sleepless nights, the anguish as all his hopes and dreams had been dashed, yet he knew he had to do the right thing.  He loved Mary, still, regardless of what she might have done.  But what would he do now?  Matthew tells us, “Being a just man, and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her away privately.”

But then we read, “But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, ‘Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife.  For that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.  She shall bring forth a Son, and thou shall call His name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins.”

Matthew reminds us that all these things were foretold by the prophet Isaiah… which Joseph likely was familiar with, being a Godly man.  You, too, can read about it in Isaiah 7.  But still:  how INCREDIBLE that the Lord had chosen HIM as the husband of that virgin, foretold in the Scriptures so long ago.  But Joseph was a good man.  When he awoke, the Bible tells us, without a second thought, he did as the angel had told him, and took Mary as his wife.  Yet Mary and Joseph did not consummate their marriage until after Jesus had been born.

We all know the rest of the story of the birth of the Savior, how the entire heavenly host of angels praised the God of Creation, how the shepherds came and, in awesome faith, worshiped the baby Savior, as He lay sleeping — in of all places, an animal’s feeding trough in a barn.  We also know what took place after.  Joseph proved himself to be a faithful man, a good provider and protector of his family.  When Herod sought to kill the infant Jesus, he again did as the angel of the Lord instructed him:  with NO hesitation and with no doubt in his mind,  he immediately took his family to safety and settled in Egypt until after Herod’s death.  Then, again following the Lord’s instructions, he returned his family back home to Nazareth.

It’s a beautiful story.  But it is also a TRUE story.  It is HISTORY, not a fairy tale.   It’s the miraculous story of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  The ENTIRE story of Jesus’  birth, childhood, ministry, death, resurrection and His soon return is indeed, the greatest story ever told.  And depending on where YOU stand with God, it’s either real GOOD news or real BAD NEWS for you.

As the song says, “Wonderful, Merciful Savior, precious Redeemer and Friend;  who would have thought that a Lamb could rescue the souls of men?”

Such is the love of our Heavenly Father for His children.  Jesus said, “There is no greater love than this: that a man lay down his life for his friends.”  But second to that, as a father myself, I can tell you there is no greater love than a parent for their precious child.   I cannot imagine the INFINITE love it must take to sacrifice your own Son to save the souls of those that are born predisposed to hate you.  Scripture tells us, “While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”

Jesus came to show us Who God is, and like His Father, during His earthly ministry, He called the “least in the Kingdom” — men and women of no reputation to be His followers, ministers and disciples.  Imagine, a 14 year old girl and a carpenter, from the middle of nowhere, bearing and raising the very Son of God Himself… because God knew, these were FAITHFUL people He could trust.  These were His true servants.  They BELIEVED God and they OBEYED Him, without hesitation.  That’s real faith.

It is the same today.  God calls those who love Him, those He can count on to be faithful to Him, who believe Him.  He calls faithful men and women to be His servants, His hands and feet in this world, and those who are the MOST faithful you will probably never hear of in this life.  To the world, they are “nobodys.”   But the prideful, the “high and mighty,” the famous — those He has little use for, and in fact, Jesus Himself most often had to condemn the religious leaders, the Priests, Scribes and Pharisees  — as well as the rich people — for their hypocrisy.  Those He made examples of, for us NOT to follow.

It’s sad that so many today follow and worship the celebrities, the fancy folks who we see on TV, in movies, in politics, in popular music, in the media… even many church leaders.  Worldly people LOVE the rich and famous.    But those rich and famous ones  may have made a name for themselves here in THIS world, but unless they repent and turn to Jesus Christ as their LORD, and not JUST their pseudo-Savior, life on this earth is the only heaven they will ever know.  Because it doesn’t matter that they know who Jesus IS.  What matters is, does Jesus know YOU.   For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?  God doesn’t care if you’re a ‘nobody’ in this world.  In fact, that’s usually who He chooses to do His best and most important work.  In the Kingdom of God, the first become last and the last become first and the greatest is servant of all. These are the ones who honor Him with their HEARTS AND LIVES, not just with their lips.  Those who BELIEVE and OBEY.

So let us each examine our own hearts today.  Do we truly BELIEVE and OBEY God, or do we just know OF Him?   Could YOU have done what Mary did?  WOULD YOU have done as Joseph did?  Or would your response – today – be drastically different?

You may not be seeing angels, but God has still given you His Word.  Will you believe?  Will you obey?  Jesus commanded us to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature, teaching them to OBEY all He had commanded.  Not just the “nice” parts — not just the warm and fuzzy parts, those parts of God’s Word that make us and other feel GOOD — but the HARD parts too.  You see, Truth is often a hard pill to swallow, but it’s always what we need.  If we neglect to preach ALL Jesus commanded, in order to be popular and well-liked in this world, we are not good and faithful, nor are we servants to those who need Jesus’ saving grace the most.  So let us be faithful.  Let us be servants to all.  Let us always tell the WHOLE truth, protect and provide for the helpless and innocent.  Be about His Kingdom business, occupying until He returns.  Let us judge with righteous judgment, never afraid or ashamed of the only One Who offers a transformed heart and mind, and everlasting life, for all who will forsake the world, lay down their lives and humbly seek the Savior.  And then, when our time on this earth is through, we may hear those amazing words that Mary heard: “you are highly favored; you are blessed.  Enter into the joy of your Lord.”

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at (715) 486-8066 or email  Ask for message number 238.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

ABC’s New Kind Of Family

My family and I no longer waste money on cable TV, but when we did, one of the only “Christian” programs I could find was the 700 Club, aired locally on a channel called “ABC Family.”
Now, I don’t agree with everything you see on the 700 Club, and I have some real questions about some of it. But overall, I enjoy the news presented from a Christian perspective, and I enjoy some of the testimonies and appreciate the fact that you can find people praying to the one true God in the name of Jesus Christ on television.
But what bothers me most about watching the 700 Club on “ABC Family” is that before the program starts, this network feels the need to run a disclaimer stating, “The views and opinions expressed in the following program are not those of ABC Family.” After the program is finished, they do this again, with a similar statement.
I know this should be expected, but this really bothers me. Because for a channel that calls itself “Family,” “ABC Family” is anything but.  I was shocked when I first discovered this channel, thinking this would be good family entertainment, and yet, the movie they broadcast that night was so racy I couldn’t continue watching it. The movie featured a family that was the epitome of dysfunction: adulterous parents, a promiscuous teenage daughter dancing in strip bars, engaging in premarital sex while in high school, drug use, etc. Other shows on this channel promote sitcoms featuring inept fathers, unwed mothers, divorced parents, homosexual and bisexual relationships, adultery, blasphemy, you name it.
Yet none of this content includes a disclaimer at the top and bottom of the show. Only the “Christian” programming. Should we take this to mean that while the 700 Club does not reflect the values of ABC Family, all these other programs DO reflect their values? Most likely, yes.
Indeed, the tag line on this channel is “ABC Family, a New Kind of Family.” So if you watch this programming, you should be aware that YOU are being programmed to accept the New World Order’s “New Kind of Family” – one in which homosexual marriage is normal, drug use is normal, witchcraft is normal, strip bars are normal, all manner of blasphemy and perversion is normal. But the God of the Bible is NOT.
Most people would not catch this. But with a modest amount of discernment, you can see how we’re being slowly brainwashed to accept the perverse as normal and to reject the things of God. In fact, it is not all that subtle anymore. It is pretty obvious.
This is just another example of how I know the Bible is true, and how I know Jesus Christ is the one true God. Because you can list off  thousands of arguments to answer the skeptics – But to me, the truths of our faith are basic and easy enough for even the simplest mind to comprehend.
Consider this for instance: why is it that in America today, we can speak about any topic in just about any social situation, and that is just fine? We can talk about politics. We can talk about sodomy and “gay marriage.” We can talk about global warming. We can talk about the war on drugs. We can even talk about other world religions.  BUT…walk into a group of people and say, “let’s talk about Jesus,” and that simple phrase will make peoples’ skin crawl. “Let’s talk about JESUS.”   You may as well have tossed a snake on the table.  They’ll roll their eyes, consider you a nut and write you off. Still, they have a knot in the pit of their stomachs, and a profound uneasy feeling. Simply because you said, “Let’s talk about Jesus.”
Now why is it that this same group of people will be more than open to discussing Islam, Yoga, UFOs – anything at all – yet the mere mention of the name “Jesus” makes their skin crawl? Where does that knot in the pit of their stomach come from?
The answer is that Jesus is REAL – the one true Son of God and their God-given consciences are convicted. Jesus is alive and active and REAL. And in our fallen world, a world ruled by Satan, the name of God’s Son is offensive to those who are perishing.
Would you like another example? Consider the unsaved, unrepentant sinner. When he experiences his worst times of frustration – being stuck in a thick traffic jam, being cut off by a rude driver, or working on a home project and striking his thumb with a hammer – what does this unbelieving, non-Christian shout? Dare I say, he yells the name of God’s Son, the name of the Son of the one true God – “Jesus Christ.”  Now why would he do that? He does not believe in Jesus Christ anymore than he believes in Allah, Buddha, or Zeus. Yet it is the name of Jesus that he shouts.
The answer is that Satan, the enemy of us all, and the evil ruler of this world, loves it when the precious name of our Savior is used as a curse word. It is blasphemy and degrades the Son of God and cheapens His sacrifice for us. The fact is, Allah, Buddha and Zeus are not real. Shouting their names would be meaningless. But shouting the name of Jesus, that means something – even to those who refuse to believe in Him. Because although their hearts are hardened to Him, and although they refuse to believe in Him, still they shout His name. It’s because they are controlled by their “god” – Satan, whether they know it or believe it – or not.
Why is it that Christianity is the main target of groups such as the Freedom From Religion Foundation and the ACLU? Why do these groups want the Ten Commandments removed from society? Why do they fight to have prayers in the name of Jesus Christ removed from public? Mind you, they don’t necessarily fight to remove ALL prayer. But it is when people pray “in Jesus’ name” that they begin to panic. Yes, they claim they are fighting to prevent a public endorsement of one particular religion. Yet, when schools in New York mandated students to memorize and recite Islamic prayers as part of a public school curriculum, where was the outrage then? There WAS NO outrage. Why? Because Islam is a false religion. It’s meaningless. The god of Islam is not real, thus poses no threat to Satan. It is only Jesus Christ and His followers who must be attacked.
Folks, as I survey our modern world, it is the worst I’ve seen it my whole life, and continuing on a downward spiral at an alarming pace. It’s not just America either. In London, England, city buses were recently  adorned with large signs that read, “There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.”  Why do these anti-God groups invest so much time, effort and money — and make it their life’s work to drag people into hell?  When one Christian bus driver stood up and told his supervisor he could not, in good conscience, operate a vehicle with a sign like that, he lost his job.
I’ve given a few examples here of how even the simplest mind can grasp the facts that the Bible is true.  But the ultimate truth can be found in God’s Word, because the Scriptures were God-breathed, written outside the laws of time. In other words, He sees the end from the beginning. He does not predict the future. He knows the future like He knows the past. So we can read His Word with confidence that it is true. If anyone still doubts, let him read the following and then ask if this does not perfectly describe the tribulations our world is experiencing this very day: “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities – His eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
“For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools…” (Romans 1:18-22).
“Therefore, God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts…
“Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts…Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, He gave them over to a depraved mind…They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless.
“Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.” (Romans 1: 24-32).
Those are haunting words that should terrify us: “God gave them over…” The Lord is patient and does not want any of us to perish. Yet even He has a breaking point.
Many, like sheep, are being led astray by the brainwashing of the world. Many are hypnotized by the mind-control programming of television, accepting the world’s “New Kind of Family.”  Many can blaspheme the name of the Savior and think nothing of it, and rather than be convicted in their spirit at the name of Christ, they simply get angry and lash out at anyone proclaiming – or bearing – His name.
But if what you have heard here makes sense to you, consider that God is calling you to a new life. Repent of your old, worldly ways and choose God’s way. Jesus said that those who take up their cross and follow Him, and those who stand firm to the end will be saved. Be aware of the brainwashing of the world. Be discerning. Know good and bad, right and wrong. Using your God-given free will, choose righteousness.
“Prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled, set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as He who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do.” (I Peter 1:13 – 15).
“I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul. Live such good lives among the pagans that though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God…” (1 Peter 2: 11-12).
“…in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. They will say, ‘where is this coming He promised? Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation…” (2 Peter 3:3-4).
I really sense an urgency now like never before. I feel some real trials and tribulations are headed our way, sooner rather than later. There is now a great dividing of God’s people vs. Satan’s — as men and women, young and old make their final, eternal decisions. What side will you be on? Will your faith endure until the end? When Christ returns, will He find you faithful? May we all be prepared. May we all be ready.
© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved
E-Mail Rob Pue:

Demons Unrestrained On The Earth

The seasons are changing again…  here we are at the end of October already, and there’s no doubt, summer is over…  in fact, as the beautiful leaves continue to drop from the trees, leaving behind only skeleton branches, clearly, Old Man Winter is on his way, at least here in Wisconsin.   I enjoy the fall, even the fall yard cleanup, as we close up our outdoor activities, gather and stack firewood, mow the lawn one last time, and then put away the rakes and bring out the shovels.

Sometimes, my wife and I have even decorated our yard for fall with harvest time themes; a hay bale or two, a cute scarecrow, a few pumpkins.  We enjoy the fall colors and harvest time themes, but we have never gone in for the Halloween stuff.

This year, however, I couldn’t help but notice that Halloween seems to be a bigger holiday than ever.  Of course, most people celebrate this day innocently enough, and see it as just a day for the neighborhood kids to dress up and go door to door for sugary treats.  Grown ups enjoy seeing all the kids out and greeting their neighbors.  And most kids are just in it for the candy.  I dare say that for the vast majority of people, there is no dark side to Halloween — they don’t think of it that way, and don’t celebrate it that way.

Still, the imagery we see surrounding Halloween today is darker than ever… and it’s everywhere.  And… these images of death and gore prevail all year long….  it’s not just for October 31st anymore.  Take a walk through your local Walmart, and just have a look.  You’ll see T shirts, hats and other clothing adorned with skulls and other death imagery, all year long.  You’ll see “Monster” energy drinks, posters with vampires, knives with dripping blood, imaginary animals or creatures with fangs and claws, and again, dripping blood.

Television, books and movies  are growing increasingly dark.  Once upon a time vampires and werewolves were feared… today, young girls are in love with them as these “creatures of the night” are romanticized.  Some of the most popular programs on television have to do with death.  “The Walking Dead,” is a popular show about zombies.  Of course, we all remember the Twilight books and movies, with helped to make vampirism so popular.

Some TV channels air nonstop horror movies the entire month of October.  Recently, I learned there is a cable TV channel devoted exclusively to horror, called “Chill.”  People love these things.

So popular are these scenes of death, that young people — and even the not-so-young — are no longer satisfied just reading about death, evil, and monsters… now they are tattooing their bodies with gory images, skulls, gothic crosses, and satanic symbols, so they can keep the death symbolism with them always.  In some of the larger cities there are actually “Vampire Clubs,” — night clubs where people dress up and go to party, many actually participating in blood-shedding rituals.  Of course, we have all seen the “Goth” style of dress — all black clothing, usually adorned with chains, faces coverd in pale, white makeup, with eyes, nose and mouth outlined and accentuated heavily in black.

There does, indeed, seem to be a very real and growing interest in death — and especially with the UNdead;  by that I mean zombies, vampires and things like that — people who USED to be dead, but somehow, whether by some sort of virus or satanic curse have now been raised from the dead, raised from the grave to walk the earth again.  They are technically still dead and usually appear with rotting flesh, sunken eyes and tattered clothing, but now, able to move and walk again, are somehow inbued with supernatural strength and abilities to wreak havoc, kill, destroy, and create MORE UNdead, ungodly, cursed creatures like themselves.

But even those who truly believe such creatures are only imaginary or fictional, still have a strong interest in death, life after death, and communicating with the dead.  In October of last year, the movie “Ouija” came out.  The motion picture website describes the movie this way:  “A group of friends must confront their most terrifying fears when they awaken the dark powers of an ancient spirit board.”  This movie brought in more than $50 million in profits in its first two months in theaters… to say nothing of the profits from DVD and streaming movie rentals, DVD sales, and of course, the huge new profits Hasbro enjoyed with a renewed interest in Ouija Board games.

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are also available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 134.

© 2018 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Hope For The Next Generation

The news can often be quite depressing — and distressing — especially when we see what has become of the young people of this nation.  We are seeing pre-school age children indoctrinated by public libraries and public schools with the LGBT agenda, as they disguise their nefarious plans with a “happy fun time” they call “Drag Queen Story Hour.”  As children go through Elementary School, then middle and high school, their minds are further molded by the likes of Planned Parenthood, CAIR, and countless sodomite groups, that have wormed their way into the good graces of the school boards, city councils and even churches.

Even the parents’ minds are being persuaded now to accept as normal that which God calls an abomination.  And so you’ll see the parents happily embracing “Drag Queen Story Time,” and mandatory teaching of Islam in public schools, under the auspices of so-called “diversity” and “inclusiveness.”  Not to mention the pro-death agenda of Planned Parenthood being taught as “Sex Ed.”

Things only get worse when young people reach college age and go off to a state-run University campus.  There, the professors and teachers seem to have two main objectives for incoming freshmen:  1) Get the kids to reject their Christian faith (if they have any left at all), and 2) Get the kids to question their gender or sexual orientation.  It is all indoctrination.

What’s equally disturbing, is that today, the public schools and Universities are re-writing the textbooks, eliminating civics and history classes, and spewing anti-American propaganda in every grade, in every classroom, so that by the time most young adults graduate college, they are so ill-prepared for life in the real world, they often return home to live with their parents, who don’t even recognize their own kids anymore.

“What in the world has happened?” they wonder.  “We took them to church, we sent them to Youth Group.  So why, now, do they no longer believe in God, or for that matter, any moral absolutes whatsoever?”

Friends, the devil is after our children, and he comes in many disguises.  Have you ever noticed that EVERYTHING the liberal leftists introduce has a sweet-sounding name, but what it actually promotes and does is the exact opposite of what the name implies?  Think of “Planned Parenthood.”  No… it’s not PARENTHOOD they are helping your children to plan…. it’s the opposite:  planning to NOT become parents…but STILL engage in perverted sex of all kinds.

Think of “The Affordable Healthcare Act,” better known as Obamacare.  They promised we would get better insurance coverage for about the same price as our monthly cell phone bill.  We all know that there is nothing “affordable” about it… in fact, insurance premiums have skyrocketed beyond what most people can afford — in most instances, far beyond what one pays for their home mortgage, property taxes and insurance combined, every month.  To maintain an “Affordable Healthcare” plan is quite similar to purchasing a second home… except you don’t get anything of value for all that money.  Because the deductibles are so high most people are never able to actually USE  the insurance.

Think of the “Patriot Act.”  Sounds quite Patriotic, doesn’t it?  But in reality, it simply opened a Pandora’s box of more government intrusion and spying on all of us ordinary citizens.

Then there’s CAIR — the Council on American/Islamic Relations, — ostensibly to build bridges toward multiculturalism and understanding between two completely opposing worldviews.  But in reality, this organization is set up to indoctrinate our young people with lies about the true intentions of Islam in America, and to begin preparing our kids for coming Sharia Law.

How about the term “Marriage Equality?”  Who wouldn’t be for “Equality?”  But the reality is, those who pushed this through have tossed out the laws of God and nature, and redefined marriage from what USED to be “Holy Matrimony” — the union of one man and one woman for life — to “whatever feels good, do it.”  This sounds an awful lot like the words of the famous Satanist Alister Crowley, when he stated, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.”  “Love is love,” they say.  But sodomy has nothing whatsoever to DO with love.  It has to do with unbridled, unnatural lust.  And they are grooming our children to embrace it completely, without question.

Today we have kids who are so confused they are committing suicide in record numbers.  Even their parents are so full of the LGBT “koolaide” they take their little pre-school kids to celebrate the “pride” parades and they think nothing of it.

And what of the Church in America today?  Do we hear any truth about ANY of these issues from our pulpits?  No.  Today it’s all about OUR feelings, OUR emotions, OUR happiness.  “God thinks you’re fabulous,” was the sign posted on one of the parade floats in the homosexual “pride” parade — a float proudly sponsored by the United Methodist Church, a float replete with near-naked men gyrating and simulating sodomite sex acts with one another, all while flying the banner of “God loves us just as we are.”  

After years of this indoctrination and brainwashing in the public schools and universities — bolstered by pop culture on television, in movies, in modern “music,” and even in our churches — our kids return to us from college HATING America, ANGRY at the world, and suffering from an epidemic of anxiety and depression.  It is no wonder that such a thing as ANTIFA exists.  For many, paid-protesting is the only job they really enjoy, because they get to take their rage out in public, burning, looting, destroying, beating people up in the streets  — people who still believe in God and Country; people who have a working moral compass.  “ANTIFA,” by the way, stands for “Anti-Fascist.”  But the REAL fascists are the thugs out on the streets with ANTIFA — their faces covered in black masks as they lob Molotov Cocktails into crowds of police officers and through the windows of the stores on Main Street and shut down traffic on major highways.  Such are the ones who advocate for what they call “Democratic Socialism.”  Another misnomer, because that, in reality, is the recipe for MOBOCRACY…. MOB RULE.

In many cities in America today, the LGBT agenda has been SO well accepted and embraced that city councils have painted crosswalks in rainbow colors, and you dare not GO to those neighborhoods if you’re a practicing Christian or if you’re politically conservative.  You’ll be taking your life in your own hands.  You will find no one “tolerant” or “accepting” of YOU there.

So much deception.  So many lies.  It is no wonder so many of our young people are so confused.  It’s all they have ever known. They have grown up, literally from birth, having all these lies force-fed to them by the State, by the powerful Powers-That-Be, all with the end-game of fundamentally changing America into something the devil can be proud of.

This is not the same country I grew up in.  I doubt it is the same country YOU grew up in.  From marriage and family to race relations to a healthy work ethic…  everywhere you look, things have taken a drastic downward spiral into depravity, lust and decadence.

Well, ALMOST everywhere you look.   Because I have been greatly encouraged recently by some of the younger generation I have come to know.  They see THROUGH the deception.  They see THROUGH the lies, and they’re not buying any of it.  On the contrary, they are courageously pushing back against the forces of evil in our land, taking ownership of their own futures and by the grace of God, standing up for His Word and Truth.  Unashamed of the Gospel…. and this DESPITE whatever “church” they may have grown up in.  Because as we all know, MOST (I dare say more than 99%) of the pastors and churches in America today will never say a single word or give any comment or teach or lead their people properly on ANY of the aforementioned issues that are so destroying so many souls.  To do so would be just “too offensive,” and God forbid the pastors offend anyone.  Much better, they reason, to remain well liked and popular among the people.  Much better to never make any waves or draw attention to what God’s Word REALLY says about all these things.  “Just show them the love of Jesus,” they reason.  Unfortunately, it’s not the love of Jesus they are showing, it is the cowardice instilled in them by the seminaries they have attended, because the seminaries, too, have been infiltrated long ago by the leftist, “social justice” crowd… just another phony name for the transforming of our once God-fearing Representative Republic to a Communist nation, where God is only welcome (for now) inside the four walls of the churches — and only IF the pastors are “smart” enough to keep their mouths shut.  And so I will dare say once again, I would estimate that more than 99% of the pastors and churches in every town — yes, even YOUR town — are simply “loving” people straight to hell.

But praise the Lord, because as I said, MANY young people are starting to “get it.”  They understand there is something drastically, terribly wrong going on, and they’re not afraid to fight it.  Like Jeremiah Thomas, who you read about earlier in this edition of Wisconsin Christian News, a true modern day hero of the faith.  Or Lexie Hall, who gave her testimony as she came out of the vain religion of “churchianity,” and has come to know REAL CHRISTIANITY.

But all this is DESPITE the fact that they have attended church growing up.  On the contrary, what they have come to know and understand, they have learned OUTSIDE the churches.  They’ve learned it from Godly, faithful parents, who have trained them up in the fear and admonition of the Lord.  Parents who have lived their faith out in real life, every day.   Parents for whom being a Christian is who they ARE, not just what they DO once a week.  Parents who truly LOVE their kids enough to tell them the truth, rather than leave them floundering to make up their own minds about what’s right and wrong.  Parents who CARE more about their kids than they do Facebook.  Parents who are involved.  Parents who have sanctified their children for the Lord even as God Himself was knitting them together in their mothers’ wombs.

In many instances, these kids that are becoming bold, strong leaders for the Kingdom of God have been homeschooled and raised in REAL ministry families… trained to know the truth from birth.  While the church kids struggle to see through the scales on their eyes, THESE KIDS see right through the schemes of the devil.  They see the lies and deception, and the vanity of all the glitter and delusion of pop culture.  They live for something bigger than themselves.  They live for Christ.

And they STUDY — to show themselves approved, workmen that need not be ashamed.  They know the Bible, God’s Holy Word, and they’re not afraid to share the Gospel, even with strangers on the street, because they understand, peoples’ eternal souls are at stake.  Many, who labor alongside those who work to abolish abortion in our land also know that for the most helpless among us — the precious pre-born BABIES — their very LIVES are at stake, and they mourn for those killed and they cry out for God’s mercy, that even one little baby might be rescued from death.

I am proud of these kids.  They have more courage in their little fingers than a hundred seeker-friendly “pastors” will ever muster in their whole bodies their entire lives.  These young people — the next generation — are such an encouragement to me.  Because if ANYTHING is going to change, it is going to be up to THEM.  They are the ones who can reach others their own age who are so deceived, so brainwashed, so lost.  These lost souls may not listen to us old folks, but they just MAY listen to someone of their generation, when they see how DIFFERENT they are in the way they act, the way they speak, the way they live, the things they value and the things they don’t.

I remember when I was in high school, (that was a long time ago), someone noticed that I was “different.”  I remember one day, a guy in my class asked me, “What’s wrong with you?  You never swear.  EVERYBODY swears.  Why don’t you ever swear?”  And I had the opportunity to tell him about how I was living for Jesus.  But I didn’t have the courage.  Instead, all I said was, “I don’t know, I just never learned to swear.” 

Well, now that I’m older, I would never let an opportunity like that slip past me again.  And I would admonish the young people reading this to heed that advice.  For some, you may only get ONE opportunity to tell them WHY you are the way you are.  Only one opportunity to tell them about your Creator and the God your serve.  Don’t miss out on that opportunity!

I believe a revival is coming to our land, and I believe our young people may very well be the ones leading it.  It seems most of us old folks are just too set in our ways, too “tamed,” too “feminized” and too afraid of what others might think of us.  Not so with some of the young people I have met, the kids of Operation Save America, Missionaries to the Preborn, Students For Life, Created Equal, the Salt and Light Brigade, and many other ministries that serve God with all they have.

In Acts 2, the words of the prophet Joel are repeated, starting in verse 17:  “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh.  And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams.  And on My servants and on My handmaidens I will pour out in those days of My Spirit, and they shall prophesy.  And I will show wonders in heaven above and signs in the earth beneath;  blood, and fire and vapor of smoke.  The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes.  And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

In these verses, the word “prophesy” does not mean to predict the future.  It means speaking the WORD OF GOD, boldly, as the prophets of old; despite opposition, despite being counter-cultural.  Despite persecution and ridicule, these young people will prophesy, speaking the truth of God’s Word, so that those who have ears to hear will call upon the name of the Lord and thereby shall be saved.

But friends, these kids cannot do it all on their own.  Surely they will be filled with God’s Holy Spirit, empowering them with courage to speak.  But as parents, we MUST diligently TEACH our children in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.  We must MODEL what TRUE Christianity really is.  And it is NOT stupid Youth Group “fun time” or pizza parties.  It is NOT “Christian Rock” concerts.  And it most certainly is NOT dragging your kids to  a dead church with a cowardly pastor and never doing YOUR part as a parent to truly LOVE your kids enough to diligently model for them the TRUE Christian life.

So I challenge you parents to consider all these things and ask yourself: what is more important in your life than raising your children to know and LOVE Jesus, serving Him with humble spirits?  Do you want to raise up warriors for Christ?  Or angry ANTIFA wimps?  And I also challenge you young people:  be done with the foolish things of this world.  Question what the world is pushing, and compare it to what God’s Word says.  Then ACT on what you KNOW to be true.  May Christ be praised!

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

‘Well Done, Good And Faithful Servant’

Those of you who know me, know that I have a deep concern for the cultural, social and moral issues of our day.  The depths of depravity that our nation and world have fallen to, the likes of which we have never seen before.  And I have an especially sorrowful heart for our young people, growing up in a world of mass confusion.

Many of us often ask in desperation:  “What is the world coming to?”  When men claim to be women; when men “marry” other men; when one’s gender is said to be “fluid;” when our tax dollars are used to murder innocent premature babies in the womb;  when we roll out the red carpet for foreign invaders seeking to take over our country and we kowtow to their demands, while many of our own citizens remain homeless and starving.  When we allow violent thugs to overtake our streets, their faces covered in masks as they loot, burn and destroy our cities, and violently beat those they disagree with bloody — and they are not only ALLOWED to do this, they are ENCOURAGED to do this, by those whose job it is to maintain law and order.

We have become desensitized to all the wickedness and evil in our world, and sadly, while all this is going on, 300,000 pulpits in America remain silent on every ONE of these issues.

I grew up in the church and came to know the Lord at an early age and I knew, even as a youngster, that He had called me for service.   I have studied God’s Word my whole life.  I have served in nearly every area inside the Institutional Churches.

But it wasn’t until just a few years ago that the scales were lifted from my eyes, and I came to see something very profound.  After faithfully attending and supporting the churches I belonged to for years, it became obvious that we were really NOT following Scripture.  Oh, we were studying it, alright.  But it never went beyond the four walls of the building.  Then one day, while sitting in church, a thought came to me:  it was as if we were all in SCHOOL, listening and “learning” every week, but it became obvious that we were never going to “graduate” to anything more substantial.  It was all vain religion.

Church had become a place we WENT to, an activity we DID.  But we were never taught to BE the Church.  Jesus said we were to GO OUT into all the world and MAKE DISCIPLES, teaching them to obey all He had commanded.  Jesus said we were to be salt and light.  He told us to take up our cross and FOLLOW Him.  But we were not doing that.  It was all inward-focused, all about US and OUR personal salvation and happiness.

Shortly after starting full time ministry work, I began to meet some remarkable servants of God — people who actually FOLLOWED, and actually DID what I had been reading about all my life in God’s Word.  These were men and women of God who took their faith beyond the four walls and were actually DOING something, instead of just being “spectator Christians.”  These people were DIFFERENT.  And you could tell that from the moment you met them.  Yet these people were also spurned and ostracized by most churches — some so badly that they had left the Institutional Church and had never returned, because, as they found out, the Spirit had departed those places.  God was no longer there, and hadn’t been in quite some time.

But let me tell you a story about one man I have come to greatly admire.  Truly, he is a modern-day hero of the faith.  His name is Rusty Thomas, and he is the head of an organization called Operation Save America, or “OSA,” based in Texas.  Their mission is to ABOLISH abortion — not just regulate it.  Not to just incrementally curtail it.  But rather, to ABOLISH it altogether, for it is the most heinous crime against our own children, bringing what the Bible calls “Blood Guiltiness” down upon our nation.  Rusty also leads the Kingdom Leadership Institute, training up the young people of our next generation to be bold, courageous servant leaders for the Kingdom of God.

I first learned of Rusty and OSA in the summer of 2017.  They were holding their annual national gathering in Louisville, Kentucky, and I followed their mission trip to Louisville via live videos on Facebook.  There, I saw hundreds of committed Christians — all part of the OSA team, from all over America — who had come together to take part in the national event.  The mission was to shine the light of truth on the darkness and  evil of the abortion industry at the last remaining surgical abortion center in Kentucky.

Entire families had committed to a week-long mission trip (many far from home)  to stand up and speak the truth about this evil — and share the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST to the lost and perishing on the streets of Louisville.  Whole families, spending their summer “vacation” time doing something SUBSTANTIAL for the Lord.  Yes, I was impressed.  This was no mere “vain religion.”

I was further impressed at the mercy and grace the OSA team members showed to even those who attacked them — sometimes physically.  And when the Spirit of the Lord fell upon the young people at this gathering, the young people rose up – without any prompting by their parents, and began preaching, praying, praising and worshiping all on their own.  This became even MORE significant when these young people were assaulted by a large group of satanists who had come to curse and attack them.  Some of these kids were literally trembling in fear, yet they stood their ground for Christ.  Instead of fleeing, and instead of cursing back, they knelt and offered up genuine, tearful prayers for the satanists, even as those evil ones were screaming perverted profanities at them.

Afterwards, during the church service that followed, Rusty was asked by one young man if he could be baptized… and Rusty did not leave that baptismal pool until three hours later, as one young person after another committed their lives to Christ and left the dirt and filth of their former worldly lives in that pool.  Among those being baptized that day was his 15-year-old son, Jeremiah, whose life was DRAMATICALLY TRANSFORMED that day, in that place.  As he came up out of the water, he beat his chest in triumph — a NEW CREATURE, transformed by the Holy Spirit of Christ.

I was further impressed as I watched the videos coming out of Louisville, when Rusty and a few others, determined to save the lives of God’s precious little ones, sat down, peacefully, in front of the door of the abortion center.  Yes, blocking that doorway — to the very gates of hell.  Let me describe the picture for you:  HUNDREDS of committed Christian families gathering to worship, praise, preach the Gospel and stand in the gap for the most helpless among us.  Dozens of young people, POWERFULLY MOVED by the Holy Spirit to pray for those who were cursing them.  And a few brave men and women willing to risk arrest and jail time in order to save the lives of precious babies.

Coach Dave Daubenmire got on the PA system and gave a message to the police officers that were present.  He pointed out the STARK CONTRAST between the satanists, who continued to violently curse and swear and scream profanities at these young children — and the young children on their knees, crying out to the Lord for the souls of those who were cursing them.  And he asked the police, “What do you see here?  You see the kingdom of darkness on one side, and the kingdom of light on the other.  Who or what do you want ruling in America today?”  THIS was REAL Christianity.  Not vain religion.  And I never saw it portrayed so beautifully ever before in my life.

And then Rusty and those sitting peacefully and praying in front of the doors to the killing center were arrested and hauled off to jail.   They were found not guilty in the local court — but they still face years of jail time in federal prison, for PEACEFULLY praying and standing in intercession for babies about to be murdered.  And so the police, instead of arresting the murderers, arrested those trying to stop the killing.  Such is the state of lawlessness in America today.

When OSA held their regional event in Indiana last November, my wife and I joined them and it was an honor to meet Rusty in person and all those who are part of OSA.  This past March, I invited Rusty to speak at our annual Ministry Expo and Conference in Wisconsin, and he graciously accepted.  He gave the most passionate, tearful message, pleading for Christians to WAKE UP and SEE what 45 years of child murder has done to our nation.  Two weeks later, Rusty called to ask me to speak at this year’s national OSA gathering in Indiana this past July, and it was an honor to be among those wonderful speakers and those faithful, true servants of Christ that week.

But a week after he called me, life for the Thomas family changed forever.  Their son, Jeremiah, who was baptized in Louisville, and who was now FULLY committed to Christ like no young person I’d ever known, had been having pains in his chest… in the same exact spot where he “beat” his chest after rising from the baptismal pool.   Jeremiah was a “star” player on his high school football team, and they all thought it was just a minor football injury… But they went to see the doctor.  And then they learned it was NOT just a minor injury.  It turned out to be a rare form of bone cancer that attacks teenagers, and Jeremiah had it.

The doctors gave the prognosis:  only 10% of those with this type of cancer survive.  The doctors said there was really nothing they could do for him.   The Thomas’ sought alternative and natural treatments, and then chemotherapy, and some of these treatments seemed to be helping.  Jeremiah boldly preached the sermon on Easter Sunday at his church.  But then, he lost his ability to walk, and with that, his dream of ever playing football again.  His response?  “It’s ok.  I’ll just preach from my wheelchair!”

And preach he did — every chance he got, Jeremiah and several other young people from OSA had been out on the street preaching the Word of God at every opportunity since that incredible transformation in Louisville 8 months earlier.  The cancer didn’t stop him.  In fact, it only emboldened him, and Jeremiah was determined that whether he lived or died, he would spend the rest of his life serving the Lord with everything he had.  And so he did.

When the Make a Wish Foundation heard about Jeremiah, they offered him anything he wanted.  He could have gone to Disneyland.  He could have met a celebrity.  He could have taken the “trip of a lifetime.”  But Jeremiah’s wish was different.  He wanted to speak to the Governor of Texas to ask that he abolish abortion in that state.  The Make a Wish Foundation couldn’t make that happen.  But GOD could.  Governor Abbott called Jeremiah on the phone and the two had a long conversation; Jeremiah, just waking from sleep and heavily medicated, was remarkably articulate as he spoke with the governor.  And the governer promised to make Jeremiah’s wish come true.  “Your wish is granted,” he said, promising to make abolition of abortion a priority in the next legislative session in Texas.

Over the next several months, Jeremiah’s story went world-wide.  Literally hundreds of thousands of Christians around the globe were praying for him.  And Jeremiah continued to preach out on the streets as often as he could, pressing on, even through tremendous pain, and paralyzed from the chest down.

Meanwhile, the curses of the God-haters continued.  He received thousands of hateful comments on social media and elsewhere, wishing him dead, bidding “good riddance,” and even callously calling his situation a “late term abortion.”  But Jeremiah responded in love, asking, “How can I pray for you?”  Such grace, such maturity, such selflessness… I have never seen before — not in any adult, and certainly not in any 16-year-old young man.  Truly, he WAS filled with the Holy Spirit, and his story touched more hearts and lives in a few months than any I’ve ever known — and his legacy is one that will likely remain unmatched by anyone in my lifetime.

On the evening of August 25th, I was wakened in the middle of the night and prompted to pray for Jeremiah, as I had been doing for months.  But this night was different.  This night, I later learned, I was just one of thousands who had been wakened also — joining in an all-night vigil.  And then the next evening, we got word that Jeremiah had completed the race, and he finished it well.   My wife and I attended his funeral in Texas this past weekend.  What a tremendous outpouring of love and what a celebration of a life well lived, by a courageous young man, for his Savior.  Truly, he lived by one of his Dad’s favorite Scriptures found in Revelation 12:  “And they overcame by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony and loving not their own lives, even unto death.”

Near the end of the funeral service, Rusty took the podium and called all the young people in attendance forward.  He charged them with the duty to pick up where Jeremiah had left off.  To put away the frivolous things of this world, pick up the baton and continue running the race.  To dedicate their lives to serving their Savior.  And later he made sure they understood:  “Jeremiah is not to become an ‘idol,’ but he IS to be an example” of a good and faithful servant.  He has now entered in to the joy of His Lord.  Jeremiah and the other young people of OSA give me hope for the next generation.  You see, it’s not about “playing church” once a week.  It’s about a life transformed.  You can have that too, if you want it.   Time does not permit me to share more here, but you can find out PLENTY MORE online, as his story is one that has literally touched MILLIONS world wide.

Rusty will be joining us again back here in Wisconsin for an event we are calling “CHURCH ARISE, OPERATION SAVE WISCONSIN,” — in Marshfield October 17 and 18 and in Milwaukee October 19 and 20.  I encourage you to come and meet Rusty and our other great speakers, and learn more about how YOU, too, can be a part of something bigger, living your life and running the race well as a good and faithful servant to your Savior.  Call me for more details.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at (715) 486-8066 or email  Ask for message number 234.

© 2018 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Worshiping God Or Our Emotions?

Today’s message may seem insignificant, at first, because of the myriad of very serious issues and assaults we’re facing on our true Christian faith in America and around the world.  Normally, we discuss these topics in detail here, which admittedly, are very concerning and require our immediate attention and action.

But today I would like to talk about something else, which has been a real concern with ME for a long time now.  It has to do with REVERENCE, or perhaps better stated, the LACK of reverence we have in our churches for our Lord and Savior, and our Heavenly Father.

The “seeker friendly” movement crept into our churches a few decades ago, and it has continued that way, as more and more churches have followed the concept of “just give the people what they want.”  Pastors and Elders attend “church-building conferences,” to learn how to get more numbers — more people in the seats.  Seminaries now teach new ministers how to be non-offensive, politically correct, and to provide a “worship experience” that will appeal to the EMOTIONS of the people, make them “feel good,” and at the end of the “service,” leave with a feeling of satisfaction and comfort.

Part of this equation is music.  Music has always been a part of worshiping God.  Perhaps the most notable was David, who worshiped God through music and many of his Psalms were sung in worship to the Lord.  In the “old days,” as I was growing up, we sang the timeless hymns of the faith, so richly filled with biblical doctrine and reverence for God.  I didn’t really appreciate them at the time, at least not as much as I appreciate them now.  I guess you don’t know what you have until it’s gone.

And those old hymns of the faith ARE all but GONE now, from MOST of our evangelical churches.  They have been replaced by “praise and worship” choruses, most of which are comprised of very “shallow” lyrics, which are repeated over and over, ad nauseum.  As a case in point, if I hear Open The Eyes Of Our Heart, Lord,” one more time, I think I’m going to be sick.  Indeed, that seems to be a “staple” of modern church “praise and worship time” in just about every church I’ve attended for the past decade, at least.

The song goes like this:

“Open the eyes of my heart, Lord, Open the eyes of my heart.  I want to see You.  I want to see You.  Open the eyes of my heart, Lord.  Open the eyes of my heart.  I want to see You.  I want to see You.

 “To see You high and lifted up; Shinin’ in the light of Your glory.  Pour out Your power and love as we sing ‘holy, holy, holy.’”

That’s all there is.  But the song is endless…  the “worship team” repeats these verses over and over and over again.  It almost seems as if they feel the longer they play and the more they repeat it, the more the “Holy Spirit” will descend upon the people and “move” among them.  In reality, I fear a better analysis is that the music and words tend to do one of two things:  1)  either lull people into an emotional “trance,” or 2)  make people so bored they stop singing altogether.  Neither one is true “worship.”  And I believe neither one is truly honoring to the Lord.

You see, nowadays, “church” seems to be all about US… OUR feelings, OUR emotions, OUR needs, OUR wants, OUR desires.  The words of this song, to me, have really become meaningless babble.  Like the prayers Jesus warned about in Matthew 6 when He said, “when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do.  For they think that they will be heard for their many words…”

 To me, most of these modern day “praise and worship choruses” are really just vain repetitions designed to bring people into an emotional state of mindlessness.  This is not biblical.  In fact, it’s heathen, in my opinion.

Now don’t get me wrong:  I DO appreciate and enjoy some of the modern Christian music.  There are some very wonderful musical artists out there today who create beautiful, God-honoring songs of praise.  But sadly, those are not what we’re singing in most of our churches today.

Today, MOST of the churches have tossed the hymnals in the dumpster.  In fact, at our Ministry Center in Marshfield, Wisconsin, we rescued some of those old hymnals from the dumpsters of several churches and we’re glad to have them.

Let’s compare, for a few minutes, what is sung today with what USED to be Christian worship music.  “Open the eyes of my heart, Lord; Open the eyes of my heart; I want to see You; I want to see You.”  Now remember, you have to sing this AT LEAST six or seven times before the Spirit “moves!”  Then you go on:  “To see You high and lifted up; Shinin’ in the light of Your glory.  Pour out Your power and love; As we sing ‘holy, holy, holy…’”

Then you sing the whole thing over again, six or seven more times, and HOPEFULLY the Spirit will fall upon the people.

I attended one church where most of the music consisted of these modern “praise and worship” choruses.  But then they would include ONE of the old hymns in each service.  As I looked around at the room, I noticed something.  During the modern songs, about 10, maybe 20% of the people were actually singing.  But when they did the old hymns of the Christian faith, the room literally SHOOK with the volume from the sheer number of EVERYONE singing in unison.

Let me make a few points here:  if you’re hoping to “mesmerize” people into a state of emotional bliss (one pastor explained it as: “giving time for people to ‘ENTER IN’ to worship,”) and thereby bringing the “Holy Spirit” into your meeting, then WHATEVER it is that descends on your meeting is NOT the Holy Spirit — and those in attendance are not Spirit-filled to begin with.  If you have to “call down” the Spirit” from the heavens, it seems to me that it ain’t HIM!  No, as Christians, the Holy Spirit resides INSIDE us.  We don’t need the vain ritual of endlessly repeating shallow choruses to “feel” the Spirit.  The Spirit is with us always, guiding us into all truth.

Now let’s look at some of the old hymns, those that have been tossed in the dumpsters of so many churches today.  “O Lord, my God, when I, in awesome wonder, Consider all the works Thy Hand hath made….  I see the stars, I hear the mighty thunder, Thy power throughout the Universe displayed….  Then sings my soul, my Savior, God, to Thee.  How great Thou art!  How great Thou art!”  THAT song begins with the wonder of God’s creation, as described in Genesis.  It goes on to talk about Christ’s return, and how we will bow, in our humble adoration of Him.  The problem is, we don’t WANT to “bow” to ANYONE today, not even God, because we’re so prideful.  We love ourselves too much!

Another old hymn talks about contentment in Christ, in all circumstances.  “When peace like a river attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll.  Whatever my  lot, Thou hast taught me to say, ‘It is well, it is well with my soul!’”  THIS one goes on to talk about the buffeting of Satan that will surely come to the Christian’s life; the blessed assurance we have in Jesus, how helpless we are without Him, and how He rescued us from sin (yes SIN — a novel topic today), through His blood, shed for us on the cross.  And because of that, it is WELL with my soul!

Another that talks about our sin, our desperate situation and our need for the Savior.    It starts:  “Would you be free from the burden of sin?  There’s power in the blood, power in the blood.  Would you, over evil, a victory win?  There’s wonderful power in the blood.”  This song goes on to talk about the Lamb of God, the ability for us to be free from worldly passions and pride, and how to be cleansed, through Jesus.

How about “Amazing Grace, that saved a wretch like me?!”  I wonder, how many seeker-friendly church-goers today consider themselves to be wretches?  No, nowadays, we all think we’re pretty special to God, just the way we are.  But Amazing Grace declares the truth that “I once was lost but now am found.  Was blind, but now I see!”

God calls us to a new life in Christ, upon our salvation.  But modern day theology tends to teach that we are fine just the way we are, and we can just “add Jesus in” to the life we’re already living.  A “Get Out of Hell Free” card, if we just repeat a simple prayer.  And the music we sing today in most churches reflects that ignorance.  If we are not wretches, hopelessly lost in our sin and depravity, why then, did Jesus have to be the perfect sacrifice to rescue those who call upon His name?  If we don’t understand WHY we NEED a Savior, we will never truly come to know Him and we will never really honor Him as our Lord.

Once saved, we are then to GO OUT and do as Jesus commanded:  to be salt and light in a dark and dying world.  To fight evil, to do the Lord’s work, to make disciples, teaching them to obey all Jesus commanded.  We are to be “Christian Soldiers.”  And SOLDIERS don’t just sit there once a week, or stand and raise their hands to look “holy” while repeating vain words that really, if we are honest, mean nothing to us.  We’re to go OUT.  We’re to move ONWARD.  Now I’m going to give you the entirety of one song in particular, which describes the spiritual battle we are in.  After all, if we are NOT truly in a spiritual battle, if we are not TRULY supposed to be Christian soldiers in this battle, why then, do we have such an in-depth description of the Armor of God we are all supposed to be putting on?  Are we supposed to be wearing our Armor of God to protect us as we go out to our favorite restaurant after the service?  No.  We are to engage the enemy in battle, and the gates of hell shall not prevail.  So listen to THESE words:

“Onward Christian soldiers!  Marching as to war, with the cross of Jesus going on before. Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe;  Forward into battle, see His banners go!  Onward, Christian soldiers!  Marching as to war, With the cross of Jesus, going on before.

“At the name of Jesus, satan’s host doth flee;  On then, Christian soldiers, on to victory!  Hell’s foundations quiver at the shout of praise:  Brothers, lift your voices, Loud your anthems raise!

“Crowns and thrones may perish, Kingdoms rise and wane; But the Church of Jesus constant will remain. Gates of hell can never ’Gainst the Church prevail; We have Christ’s own promise, Which can never fail.

“Onward, then, ye people!  Join our happy throng;  Blend with ours your voices in the triumph song.  Glory, laud and honor unto Christ, the King; This through countless ages Men and angels sing.”

THAT is a Church I want to belong to…. God’s REMNANT believers, standing up for His righteousness amidst a world of death, decay and destruction;  a world destined for damnation apart of Christ our King.  I’d much rather be among those saints of God than the shallow, feel-good, seeker-sensitive emotionally-laden spiritual eunichs that inhabit most of Evangelicalism today.

Let me close with these words of encouragement to you:

“Stand up, stand up for Jesus,  ye soldiers of the cross;  lift high His royal banner, it must not suffer loss.  From victory unto victory His army shall He lead, ‘til every foe is vanquished,  and Christ is Lord indeed.

“Stand up, stand up for Jesus,  the trumpet call obey;  forth to the mighty conflict, in this His glorious day.  Ye that are brave now serve Him against unnumbered foes; let courage rise with danger, and strength to strength oppose.

“Stand up, stand up for Jesus, stand in HIS strength alone;  the arm of flesh will fail you,  ye dare not trust your own.  Put on the gospel armor,  each piece put on with prayer;  where duty calls or danger,  be never wanting there.

“Stand up, stand up for Jesus,  the strife will not be long;  this day the noise of battle, the next the victor’s song.   To those who vanquish evil a crown of life shall be;  they with the King of Glory shall reign eternally.”

What POWER when we KNOW biblical doctrine and celebrate it and sing it to our Lord in song.  When we sing the words of Scripture, when we have the HOLY SPIRIT inside us, rather than waiting for it to magically “fall on us” because of our many empty words!”    PLEASE, friends, don’t ask the Lord to “Open the eyes of your heart” if you’re not willing to see!

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 232.

© 2018 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Now They’re Coming For Our Children

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”  John 3:16, which USED to be the most well-known verse of the Bible, until the Leftists started quoting “Judge not.”  Now, that seems to be the only “Bible” anyone knows anymore.

For those who are unaware, in addition to these radio broadcasts, my main ministry work is Wisconsin Christian News, which is now a NATIONAL Christian newspaper, based in Wisconsin.  We have subscribers in nearly all fifty states, and some larger distribution in other states as well.  In addition, we maintain an active and well-visited website AND, since we are a monthly newspaper, we utilize our Wisconsin Christian News Facebook page to post late-breaking news stories and items of interest on a daily basis as well — and THERE we have an opportunity to interact with our readers.

Last night, I posted an article about “Drag Queen Story Time” — now expanding from public libraries to the public SCHOOLS.  I am always amazed that SO MANY Christians are completely UNAWARE that these things are happening.  Because this is not “new” news — it’s actually OLD news.  It’s been going on for some time.  For those who don’t know, “Drag Queen Story Time” is a program which is now taking place nationwide, in which men dress up in full female regalia, loaded with makeup and then they read stories to little pre-school and kindergarten-age children about how being a homosexual is “fun,” a way to “express your individuality,” and that there is “no such thing as “boy” things and “girl” things.  “Children,” they say, “should feel free and open to choose whichever gender they would like…” Even if they would like to be a boy one day and a girl the next.  And they’re doing this to four and five-year-olds.

This is all part of the LGBTQP+ agenda (note the “P” they have now added at the end, which stands for Pedophilia — the NEXT thing they want us to embrace, normalize and celebrate).  In fact, pedophilia has been their ultimate goal all along.  If you don’t believe me, you can research a document from 1987 entitled “The Gay Revolutionary,” and specifically, “The Homosexual Agenda.”  I will quote the first paragraph of that for you here:

“We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all-male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together. Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us.”

Yes, this has been their goal all along.  But they began with acceptance of homosexuality, then they demanded “partner benefits.”  Then they demanded sodomite so-called “marriage,” then they introduced us to “transgenderism” and “gender fluidity,”  and then all this was FORCED upon the rest of us under penalty of so-called “law.”  Now, today, to speak against sodomy is considered “hate speech,” and you will readily find yourself banned from social media outlets, and in some areas, even face stiff fines or even jail time if you happen to use the wrong pronoun when addressing a “transgender” person.  Counseling for those who struggle with the sin of homosexuality has also been forbidden — again, punishable by law — even if the person WANTS such counseling.

So, I posted this article about “Drag Queen Story Time” and many were utterly shocked that such a thing existed.  Many questioned if this was even “real.”  You know, as Christians, we live in a “Christian Bubble,” and most church-goers have utterly NO IDEA what is happening in the real world.  It’s a spiritual battle out there, and the church is fat and happy, playing stupid games and holding potluck dinners — asleep at the wheel, while the devil and his demons run wild.  The demons are now fervently running after our children, and even the parents are going along with this “Alphabet Soup” nonsense.

One young woman in particular, engaged me in conversation on my Facebook post.  She started out by saying she was shocked and appalled to find out this was going on.  She stated, While I accept and love everyone for who they are, what they do in the privacy of their own bedroom is one thing, but teaching this to kids is a whole other ball game.”

When I gently instructed her that as Christians, we are NOT to just “accept and love everyone for who they are,” and that doing so is actually the OPPOSITE of what a Christian is SUPPOSED to do, things began to heat up in our discussion.  I told her that contrary to what she may have been taught, God does NOT love everyone.  God’s love is AVAILABLE to everyone, but unless we repent and make Jesus Christ our Lord (not just our Savior), we are NOT His children, and we remain His enemies.  I also explained that God HATES all workers of iniquity.

She shot back that it is impossible for God to hate anyone.  That God is only pure LOVE, and that He does, in fact, love everyone just as they are.  This went on for some time, with me providing Scripture verse after Scripture verse to back up my position.  She responded by simply regurgitating what she has been taught by her local church.

She knows John 3:16.  But she does not know the verses that follow, John 3:17-20, “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him.  Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.  And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil.  For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed.”

Of course, we went through the “thou shall not judge” argument they always toss out at you, and many other things.  I tried to explain that God DOES INDEED have the capacity to hate, and He hates many things.  In addition to ALL WORKERS OF INIQUITY, which we know from Psalm 5:5, I gave her Proverbs 6 to chew on:  “These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto Him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood.  A heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief; A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.”

What do all these things have in common?  They are all body parts of PEOPLE….  He doesn’t just hate the eyes with a proud look.  He doesn’t just hate the tongue that lies, and He doesn’t just hand the HANDS of those who shed innocent blood…. He hates those children of the devil that engage in these things.  PLEASE UNDERSTAND:  we are NOT all God’s children.  God has HIS children, and the devil has HIS children.  In fact, Jesus called the Scribes and Pharisees “snakes,” “a brood of vipers,” and “whitewashed tombs.”  THEN He specifically stated, “You are of YOUR FATHER, the devil.”  Yes, the devil has kids too.  And God DOES NOT LOVE the devil’s children.

In Romans 1, we read how God even turns such people over to depraved, reprobate minds.  In 2nd Thessalonians 2 we read, “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”  That does not sound like God loves EVERYONE to me.  What say YOU?

Then this young woman quoted John 13, but out of context.  Verse 34, where Jesus said, “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.”  This, as she understood it, meant that we are to love EVERYONE because God loves everyone just the way they are.  I tried to explain that this was something Jesus told His disciples privately during the Last Supper.  He MEANT that we are to love our Christian brethren — not the world.  I also explained that friendship with the world makes us enemies of God.  I doubt very much that Jesus would EVER instruct His followers to “love” those who harm little children.  In fact, this might be a very good time for us all to invest in MILLSTONES.

She just couldn’t comprehend it.  I finally gave up on the conversation, but first I challenged her to not simply accept what someone else told her, but to study her Bible for herself and see if what I was saying was true or not.  But I warned her, MOST people are too lazy to study Scripture.  They would rather just believe what they believe, go to church for an hour a week, or maybe an hour every other month, and leave it at that.  After all, like this young woman, most believe they are “good people.”   I also warned her about what Jesus said in Matthew 7:   “Enter ye in at the straight gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat.  Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”  And “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”

Not to mention the part where Jesus warns that MANY will hear on judgment day, “Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity.  I never knew you!”

But again, she just did not “get it.”  She remained convinced that God is incapable of hatred.   In the end, she told me, maybe it was CHRISTIANITY that had it wrong… and MAYBE  if we were more “open and affirming” of people, and not so judgmental, and that MAYBE if we were more “LOVING to people who are different from us, more people would choose “that path,” (meaning Christianity).  (As if there are MANY paths to God).

Our friend, David Arthur, who lived for thirty years as a transgender prostitute, and who was rescued from that life of abomination, and who now ministers the TRUTH of God’s Word to those caught up in this demonic deception has a real problem with that concept.  When people make the argument to HIM that Christians need to be more accepting and “loving” of sodomites, he very firmly states:  “DON’T YOU EVER TRY TO LOVE ME INTO HELL AGAIN!”  He has lived that life.  He knows.  To “accept” and “affirm” and “love” someone IN THEIR SIN is NOT love.  It is nothing more than cowardice and being ashamed of the Lord God Almighty and His precious Word.

Late in the evening, after praying for her eyes to be opened, I decided to look this young woman up and view her Facebook profile, to try to get an idea of where she was coming from.  Sadly, what I found on her profile was not surprising.  The things she “likes” and posts portray a life of utter confusion and contradiction.  She attends one of the cotton-candy, “love gospel” churches in town.  But she is also into horror movies, vampires, a half dozen different bars and night clubs, an online adult sex toy store, paganism, witchcraft, Wicca, the movie “50 Shades of Gray,” a thing called “Kinky Couples,” and much more.  Yet she claims to be a Christian and know the Bible.

Friends, I am more convinced than ever that the current explosion of sexual perversion of all kinds — and now the OPENLY preying upon children and the push for legalizing pedophilia is the greatest threat we are facing as a nation.  Look at all the Leftist, Socialist protestors who violently attack Christians and anyone that holds to the idea of traditional marriage and family.  Look at all the FOUL, FILTHY language people use today — in everyday conversation.  Look how the sodomites are actively stealing our childrens’ minds — and even their very souls — with the consent, approval and celebration of the parents.  They have all chosen to believe the lie that “love is love,” that sodomy is “normal,” that God MAKES people that way when they’re born… and under the guise of “love,” we are “loving” people straight to hell.  And our pastors and preachers and professional Christians who SHOULD know better, either DON’T know better or are too afraid to offend anyone, and so they remain silent and simply continue their “God is love” mantra… leading their flock to damnation.

They are supposed to be the watchmen over the sheep.  But they are traitors to the cause of Christ… and this is nothing new.  Read Isaiah 56:  “His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber.”  Indeed, many of our pastors don’t even KNOW this stuff is going on, they are so tuned out, asleep at their watch post!  Nor do they care.

Isaiah goes on:  “Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter.  ‘Come ye,’ say they, ‘I will fetch wine, and we will fill ourselves with strong drink; and tomorrow shall be as this day, and much more abundant.’”

The professional Christians just give us happy talk, intoxicate us with sweet wine and sweet lies….  and we buy it all because it’s what our itching ears want to hear.  The gate that leads to life is quite narrow, indeed.  And few there be that will find it.

So it is up to YOU, my friend, to study deeper, to learn the WHOLE counsel of God for YOURSELF.  Don’t rely on what you have always been taught or always heard and always believed.  Study and learn to rightly divide the Word of Truth, lest you be led astray by those evil men who have crept in unawares.  There IS an LGBTQP+ agenda, and the minds, hearts and souls of our children are at stake here.  It is time we get serious.  It is time we push back the forces of darkness and start standing up — unashamedly — for God’s Word and TRUTH.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 231.

© 2018 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

The Legacy We Leave Behind

This message is going to be a bit more personal than usual.  You see, as I am about to turn fifty-three years old on August 21st, I confess, I am starting to feel my age and doing a bit more reflection lately.  Emotionally and spiritually, I don’t really “feel” fifty-three.  In fact, it seems like only yesterday that I was a teenager or a young adult, vibrant and strong and full of ambition.  I’m still full of ambition and I will probably always be what people call a “driven” person… but the reflection in the mirror is not what it used to be.

It’s probably around this time that a lot of people begin to think about their legacy…their accomplishments, and wonder if they have made any sort of positive difference in the world.  Is the world better off for us having been here?  Or has our existence been completely in vain?  Have we touched any lives?  Has our life had any meaning, or if we had never been born, would anyone have noticed?  I don’t mean to get off on any narcissistic tangent here, but I hope you’ll indulge a few personal thoughts.

One of my hobbies is studying our family history.  I find it fascinating to learn about my ancestors, where they came from, what they did, what sort of legacy they left after they were gone.  The Pue family comes from Northern Ireland.  Our family had the first printing press, and thus the first newspaper ever published there, starting in the 1600s.  In every generation since, there has always been at least one person working in newspaper publishing and at least one in full time Christian ministry.  It seems in my generation, I have combined both endeavors into one.

I don’t remember my grandfather; he died when I was just two years old, but he was a great man.  His parents raised eight boys and three girls in a small Irish cottage near the seacoast.  My grandfather’s name was Alexander Pue, or “Alec” as he was called.  He left home as a young man and traveled to Scotland, where he learned a trade as an architect, builder and stone cutter.  I believe he was about 20 years old when he left the old country for good and emigrated to Canada… he never saw his mother again.  He started a business there, and in 1910, at age 28, he married my grandmother.  Several of his brothers also followed him to Canada.  His sister Margaret came over in April of 1912.  In her memoirs, she writes about sailing in the path where the Titanic disaster occurred just a week before, and seeing all the debris still floating in the water.  Her ship stopped there, and they held a Christian  memorial  service   in honor of those who lost their lives on Titanic.

Some time later, my grandparents moved to Chicago where my grandfather continued his business.  He built many of the huge, ornate buildings in that city, many of them still standing, some historic landmarks.

My Dad was born in August of 1925.  He was four years old when the Great Depression hit.  Though the country was in turmoil, my Grandfather, a devoted Christian, weathered the storm and kept food on the table for his family, even as a self-employed builder.  I’m blessed to have as keepsakes some of the tools he used in his business.  My grandparents raised two daughters as well as my Dad, and sadly, a fourth child, my Dad’s young brother, died in 1917 at just four months of age.  Life must have been tough.  I can’t imagine it.  But they made it, as they kept God at the center of their family.  My Grandfather insisted on it.

He was also an Elder at Chicago’s well known Moody Church for many years.  He even preached the sermons there on occasion.  My Dad attended there as a child and recalls when a young Billy Graham came to teach them as their youth pastor.  Moody’s Senior Pastor at the time was Dr. Harry Ironside, one of the most prolific Christian writers of the 20th Century, having published more than 80 books, a number of which are still in print.  On my office wall, I have my Dad’s Sunday School Diploma, dated 1939 and signed by Dr. H.A. Ironside.

I never found out, until after my father’s death, that he had never completed high school.  Instead, at age 17, he joined the US Navy and went to fight in World War II in the South Pacific.  When you watch the old documentaries and newsreels about the war, and see our servicemen on those ships, and see those planes on life-and-death missions…and the amphibious vehicles landing as the Philippines were liberated by the Allies in 1944… my Dad was actually there.  He did that.

I believe it was the highlight of his life, and of course, it would be.  Few of us will ever be involved in anything quite that significant.

As all Americans during that time worked together for the one common goal of freedom and liberty, and ending the bitter tyranny our enemies were bringing upon the whole world, my mother, too, joined in the efforts.  Raised in a tiny, rural town in northern Wisconsin, she grew up studying in a one-room schoolhouse a mile or so down the road from her home.  When she and her siblings did not walk to school, my grandpa would take them there in a horse-drawn wagon, or a sleigh in the winter.    I cannot even begin to imagine what that sort of life was like.  She grew up in a time and place where electricity was not commonplace, going to a one-room schoolhouse, heated by a wood stove.  Telephones were rare, radio was the tool for mass communication, if you were fortunate enough to have electricity.  TVs did not exist.

After leaving school, she went off to Chicago to join in the war effort, building war planes for McDonnell Douglas Corporation.  When you see those old newsreels of ladies building airplanes for the war effort — (they called them “Rosie the Riveters”) — my Mom was one of them.  I can’t imagine the intensity of it all.  The work must have been extremely hard, and the pay, not much.  It took a toll on her later in life, as she ended up with severe hearing loss, undoubtedly caused by the work she did as a young lady, serving our country.

My parents left Chicago with their four kids before I was born.  Knowing nothing about country life or farming, my Dad bought a farm near Marshfield, Wisconsin and moved his family there.  That’s where I was born, and five years later, my youngest brother.

I’m blessed in that we have a few old silent movies of those days, and lots of pictures remain, showing what our family life was like.  We think our winters now are harsh… but I remember snow storms on a regular basis that completely covered the cars and drifted as high as the garage rooftops.  Our family farmed, but my Dad also took another job working for Sears as a repairman, where he was employed for more than 30 years.  He had a hard time retiring.

It was March of 2007 when my Dad had an episode with his heart and was having severe blood pressure issues.  My sister and her husband came and took him in to the Emergency Room that night.  He had no idea as he left home for the hospital, that he would never come home again.  Complications happened.  We can second-guess the doctors and the procedures that were done, but they can never be reversed.  My Dad went from the hospital to a nursing home, then to Palliative Care… and four months after his visit to the ER, he passed away.  My Mom changed dramatically and quickly after that.  It was as if she suddenly realized her job on this earth was done, no one left to take care of, no more work to do… she followed him into eternity just four months later.

We do not know the number of our days, none of us does.  Our end can come quickly, like a thief in the night.  Or we may experience some health issue that will come upon us suddenly, and nothing will ever be the same ever again… we, too, may one day go to the Emergency Room and never again return home.  We don’t know.  God knows.

And so as I grow older, my kids now all gone from home… one about to become a father to his SECOND child, (making ME a Grandfather again!!), and my two daughters now graduated from college, my life has changed as well.  My wife and I are adjusting to this “Empty Nest” business.  We’re doing fine, but it’s a different life than when we had little ones at home every day.

So I look back on my own life, and wonder what I’ve accomplished.  I’ve never left my home and family and sailed to a new country by steamship, starting a new business and a new life in a foreign land.  I didn’t leave school at 17 years old and go off to fight for my country in wartime.  I have survived many challenges, but I’ve never lived through the Great Depression, or moved my family to a different state to live a lifestyle I’ve never known before.  And while I’m honored to be working in full time ministry in service to the Lord, I’ve never studied under the likes of Billy Graham or Dr. Ironside.

I DID accomplish quite a bit as a young person.  Even from the age of 12 I was very industrious… in fact, as I have lamented the fact that today’s youth often seem to lack motivation and focus, my wife has informed me that, “Rob, you are not normal.  It is not normal for a kid to do the things you did.  You did things that most kids would never dream of attempting.”  I won’t go into those accomplishments, but suffice to say, I probably wasn’t normal, and probably still am not normal.  I did start two businesses from scratch and (praise the Lord) they were successful and helpful to people;  I did start a Christian newspaper in a place there wasn’t one before, but then GOD did that, He just did it THROUGH me.  But regardless, I still seem to fall way short of the accomplishments of those who came before me.

I’m very proud of my own kids too, the things they have and are accomplishing, the things they’re doing with their lives.  It’s a different world now, with new challenges, things I never dealt with at their age.  But I look back at my parents and grandparents in awe… truly, I don’t think I could ever have done the things they did… and I wonder where our future generations are headed, given the way our country’s leadership has changed our collective worldview.

It seems the age of industriousness, innovation, and self responsibility is just a fading memory in the rearview mirror.  I look at my grandfather, sailing across the Atlantic to a whole New World at 20 years of age, and wonder… what are 20 year-olds doing today?  I think of my Dad, leaving the comfort of home and family and all he ever knew and going to fight a brutal enemy in a very foreign land, at 17 years of age… and I wonder, what are 17-year-old kids doing nowadays?  Will any of us ever measure up to that Greatest Generation?

Today, as our country is in decline, we are not united as a nation.  Many of us support our enemies and defend their religion, while vilifying our allies and denigrating the one true God who created us and who provides all our needs every day.  On our college campuses, privileged kids, many of whom have never known what it’s like to work a day in their lives,  sit under the tutelage of liberal teachers and professors with even Communistic worldviews, as they learn to hate their country.  Most of us, even most Christians, no longer attend church or have any regular connection to a church home or family.  And for that matter, I dare say that today, MOST of the churches have engaged in the Great Falling Away.  We have cell phones, tablets and smart boxes with the world at our fingertips, but we can’t carry on a human-being to human-being conversation anymore.  We cannot even agree what Marriage is or what makes up a family.

As I look around my community, and all across our state, I see there are job openings nearly everywhere.  Even part time employees at a fast food place or gas station start out at $12 an hour.  When I was a kid, $12 an hour was a dream — something I could only hope to achieve in my life…someday.  But today, employers cannot find people to fill the jobs.  And workers are in a tough situation too.  Today in America, the official full time work week is 30 hours.  Our government has so arranged things that if business owners have full time employees, they are penalized and regulated to the point that they cannot afford to keep them.  So they keep their employees on as part-timers.

On the employees’ side of things, many survive only because they’re able to receive subsidies and gifts from the government… but if they work more than 29 hours a week, or if they work two jobs equaling more than that, then the government considers them “too wealthy” to continue receiving aid.  So the hardworking individual who wants to make something of himself and provide a better life for his family is relegated to a part time job and partial gifts from “On High.”  If he dare work more, assuming an employer would be willing to get taxed and regulated into bloody submission by the government by providing a full time job, then the poor soul actually LOSES  money and his situation is worse for having a chance and wanting to work harder.  We cannot win with these kinds of rules.  But I digress…

Each of us has but one life to live on this planet, and then we meet our Creator.  I pray that each of you is prepared for that eventuality, for we never know when that day will come.  It may even be today.  But what will our legacy be, when our life here is over?  Legacies are made moment by moment, by the little choices and decisions we make each day…. you can’t throw together a “legacy” at the last minute and expect it to simply “look good.”  A legacy is borne out of character, and something that can never be faked.

So how will we be remembered?  Are we doing our best to make the world a better place for us having been here?  Are we putting God first in our lives, being good examples, role models, and providers for those whose lives the Lord has entrusted us to care for and nurture?  Are we influencing the world around us, leading the lost and lonely back to God?  Are we standing in the gap for the most helpless among us?  Are we pushing back against the forces of the evil one?   Are we doing GOD’s work as we live our lives each day?  If we are, then the legacy we eventually leave behind will be truly something future generations can look back on with admiration, joy and love.  There will be smiles, and people will be proud for having known us.   If we are not going about the Lord’s work and living righteous, holy, admirable lives, our legacy will be quite different.

We only get one chance here in this world, and then comes the judgement.  A life is a terrible thing to waste, but how much more awful the wasting of a precious soul? How are you doing today?

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 230.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

The Grace Of God That Brings Salvation

They stood on the other side of the street from us, singing loudly, “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.”  But these were not sinners, saved by grace.  These were unrepentant, carnal reprobates, using a familiar old Sunday School song to justify their rebellion before Almighty God.

This was at the homosexual “pride” parade in Columbus, Ohio in June… one of the largest such parades in the nation, with a half million people in attendance.  That’s 1/4 the population of that city.  Also in the parade were dozens of professing “Christian” churches, marching WITH the sodomites and celebrating their sin along with them.  They carried signs on their floats and as they marched, APOLOGIZING for God… apologizing for the true Christians who came out to preach the WHOLE counsel of God and to rebuke their prideful rebellion.  Some of the signs read, “God thinks you’re FABULOUS,” “LGBT Families for Jesus,” and of course, “Thou shall not judge.”

And those on the sidelines sang and chanted louder:  “Jesus loves me, this I know.”  Sadly, they seem to “know” so much that simply isn’t true.  In conversations with some of these LGBT allies and professing Christians, we learned that they believe God loves everyone, no matter what.  That Jesus does not condemn sodomy or same-sex “marriage,” or even “transgenderism,” but rather, they believe God MADE them that way, and that God Himself gives them the GRACE to live any way they want.

There’s that word, so often abused by so many whose foolish hearts are darkened.  “Grace.”  There is a growing movement among Christianity, especially among the “Social Justice” crowd, that God gives grace to EVERYONE, universally, and that that grace to live any way you like is just how Jesus is, and what Christianity is REALLY all about.  As if the God of the Old Testament was an “angry old man,” but then Jesus came and God got “born again,” into Mr. Rogers.

Friends, this is a very dangerous course.  It is the deception of our enemy, Satan, STILL whispering in our ears, “Did God REALLY say?…”  Our enemy, the evil one, knows Scripture quite well, and twists it very effectively in his efforts to deceive the whole world.  If possible, even the elect of God.  Indeed, there are MANY regular church-goers who believe in this concept of unlimited, unending, universal grace to all.  But this is a gross, irresponsible mishandling of the gift of grace and this is the reason that so many who BELIEVE they are truly saved “Christians” will one day hear those horrible words, “Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity;  I never knew you!”

If we go back to Noah Webster’s dictionary from 1828, we read the definition of “Grace.”  It says, “The free, unmerited love and favor of God, the spring and source of all the benefits men receive from Him.”  And:  “Favorable influence of God;  divine influence or the influence of the Spirit, in renewing the heart and restrainging from sin.”  And:  “The application of Christ’s righteousness to the sinner.”  And:  “A state of reconciliation to God.”

Interestingly, if you go to a modern dictionary, such as the online “,” you will find virtually all references to God removed from the definition of Grace.  Today, “grace” is defined as, “elegance or beauty of form, manner, motion or action.”  “A pleasing or attractive quality or endowment.”  “Favor or goodwill.”  “Mercy, clemency, pardon,” and “a manifestation of favor, especially by a superior.”

How we have abused the grace of God today!  Let’s go back to the Bible and see what God’s Word says about Grace.

One of my favorite verses about grace is found in Titus 2.  “For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldy lusts, we should live soberly, righteously and godly in this present age; looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ, Who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.”

I love this passage of Scripture.  It explains grace so well.  First of all, “the GRACE of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men.”  That would be Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, Who dwells inside each believer in Christ.  Jesus has appeared to ALL men, this is true.  As Romans tells us, “for what can be known about God has been made plain to them, because God MADE it plain to them.  For since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities, His eternal power and divine nature, have been CLEARLY SEEN, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.”

Truly this is GRACE in itself.  God allowing us mere, puny people to know Him.  But GOD IS SO GOOD.  In His GRACE, Jesus left His heavenly dwelling place and came to earth and appeared to us, as ONE of us, bringing with Him, through His sacrifice on the cross, SALVATION for those who believe, repent and trust in Him as their LORD — not just their Savior.  Let me be clear here:  God’s love is AVAILABLE to all of us.  But not all of us accept it;  and until we make Him our Lord, the Bible tells us, we remain His enemies.  And when we pridefully despise Him — especially blaspheming His grace by continuing in our sin, even though we KNOW instinctively that we are continuing in sin, we become workers of iniquity.

And what does the GRACE of God that brings salvation DO?  He teaches us that: “denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously and godly in this present age.”  SOBERLY, RIGHTEOUSLY AND GODLY.  Sadly, so many today have been taught by our “seeker friendly,” “God loves everyone,” “Universal Salvation,”  “Your Best Life Now,” cotton candy-preaching churches that God loves us — and SAVES US — just the way we are, and there is no need for us to change.  They believe we are never to be judged, as long as we try our hardest to be “good” people.

Biblical illiteracy — or deliberate deception from their pastors and preachers.  Probably both.  When was the last time you heard a sermon teaching that we are to live soberly, righteously and Godly — in this present age?  That means TODAY, folks.  We are not supposed to plan to “get right with God” later, when it’s more convenient, perhaps on our death beds.  We are to live soberly, righteously and Godly NOW.  And Jesus Christ, our Lord, Who is the Grace of God that brings salvation, teaches us how, if we will hearken to His voice through the Holy Spirit that indwells all true believers.

And as we live in this present age, here on earth, in our earthly bodies, enjoying the Grace of God and thanking Him for His WONDERFUL grace toward us, we look forward to that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ…  but AGAIN, ONLY those who are truly saved by grace.  Only the sheep — not the goats.  Only the wheat, not the tares.  Only the truly saved, not the evil men who have crept in unawares.  For them, the glorious appear of our great God and Savior will not be so glorious, as He returns with a sword to bring righteous and just judgment.  Again, as Romans tells us, we are without excuse.

Because as this Scripture in Titus concludes, we read, that Jesus, when He suffered and died on the cross so that we might live, “gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.”  And so those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life have been redeemed from all iniquity, all sin.  Upon our confession of Christ as Lord and Savior, upon our repentance from the darkness of this world and our former lives as sinners… once we are saved — BY HIS GRACE, we become purified, a peculiar people, zealous for good works.

It is no longer WE who live, but Christ, who lives IN us, through His Holy Spirit.  We cannot walk an aisle, say a prayer and then continue on our path of our old sinful lifestyles, doing as we please, living to gratify the desires of our flesh, while quoting tidbits of Scripture out of context and thinking we are Christians.  There needs to be that REPENTANCE, that TRANSFORMATION — that renewing of our hearts and minds.  If it does not exist in your life, then by calling yourself a “Christian,” you are taking the Lord’s name in vain.  And you are living a life of delusion.

The precious grace of God has been SO abused by so many in our modern world.  It is very, very sad indeed.  False teachers have told us that we need simply come and worship Him (in THEIR synagogues of satan).  They’ve told us that we can just “add Jesus on” to the life we are already living.  Such lies.  Titus goes on, in Chapter 3 to say, “For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving diverse lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another.  But after that the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared, Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost; Which He shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour; That being justified by His grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.”

THAT, my friends, is grace.  We WERE foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving all manner of lusts and pleasures, full of malice and envy;  filled with hate.  But GOD IS SO GOOD!  He showed kindness toward us, undeserving as we were.  And He showed mercy, even though we were so sinful, our hearts so dark and filthy.  He showed MERCY.  And after He saved us, we were washed clean, regenerated, renewed and filled with His Holy Spirit.  We were BORN AGAIN.  THIS, my friends, is what makes eternal life in Christ possible.

We have done nothing to earn His mercy and grace.  Because He loved us — while we were yet sinners…. BUT:  (and here is the POINT)…. though He loves us and does not want any to perish, IF WE CONTINUE to flaunt our sin in His face, if we continue to justify our carnal lusts, even though in our hearts we KNOW better (and all of us DO)…. if we take the grace of God and spit on it, and toss it in the gutter, continuing in our lawlessness, then His mercy and grace does not apply to us.

The Christian life is not an easy one.  It involves denying ourselves, forsaking our fleshly, carnal desires and CHOOSING to follow Him, even when we know it will lead to persecution in this life.  God’s love, mercy and grace is AVAILABLE to all men.  But if we do not respond, if our hearts are not washed clean by the blood of the Lamb, then we remain His enemies, and we will remain His enemies for all eternity.

Please understand:  God does not send anyone to hell.  We CHOOSE to go there by the way we respond to His wonderful offer of mercy and grace.  In order for us to go to hell, we have to ignore EVERY single message, every single attempt God makes to save us.  You have to ignore and despise every one of your Grandmother’s prayers, all the prayers of your parents, every Christmas carol you’ve ever heard, every Easter service, every time a street evangelist tried to hand you a tract or start a discussion, every broadcast on Christian radio, everything you’ve ever read or heard about the REAL God of Creation in the Bible, you have to ignore all those invitations to church, all the pleadings of your loved ones to simply LISTEN.  You have to literally jump through every hoop, every obstacle and warning sign God has placed in your path throughout your entire life until you come to the end of it, and the Lamb’s Book of Life is opened….  only then to find that your name is not recorded…

You refused to listen.  You CHOSE hell.  You CHOSE to listen, instead, to the false, lying “love gospel” preachers you heaped up for yourselves to tell you what you wanted to hear:  that you could remain in your sinful lifestyle and that nothing need ever change… God loved you just the way you were…. no — you lived your life as an ENEMY of God, and deep down, you know that.  Standing before the throne of GRACE on Judgment day, you will know it too, and you will weep bitterly, with gnashing of teeth, as you come to realize you deserve the eternal punishment and separation from this holy, wonderful, merciful Savior….  because you believed the lie.  You CHOSE to believe the lie, because you loved darkness rather than light.

My friends, TODAY is the day of salvation.   Do not despise those who come to tell you the truth.  Pay attention to the sign posts — God has been calling you.  He is patient and merciful and kind, and filled with GRACE.  But He is also a righteous and Holy Judge.  While the Christian life is not one of ease, it IS one of peace.  Turn to Him, let Him wash you clean and place within you a new heart, sanctified and set apart for His service.  Do not take His mercy and grace for granted.  You cannot remain in your sin and still inherit the Kingdom…. no, the Kingdom is reserved only for HIS children.  And He wants to adopt YOU into His family … today.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 229.

© 2018 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

LGBT Thought Police Are Here

I have just gone through quite a week, to say the least…. and more is coming my way.  It seems when you speak the truth in our modern world, you become the hated of all men (and women).  Case in point:  my recent commentary here, entitled “Earnestly Contending for the Faith” received quite a bit of feedback.  Mostly positive from people who understand what I was talking about… the need to EARNESTLY CONTEND FOR THE FAITH, breaking out of our “Churchianity” mindset and doing MORE than just attending church and feeling you have rendered your full and complete “Reasonable Service” to God.

I CONTENDED that “Contending for the Faith” involves WORK.  And the work, as those of you who DO IT know, is not easy.  I quoted from the book of Jude where we read, “…it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.  For there are certain men crept in unawares… ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness and denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ.” 

Jude goes on to use as an example the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah:  “Even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.  Likewise, also, these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion and speak evil of dignities.”

Sounds like our day, doesn’t it? Evil men (and women) have crept in, unawares, and now invade every single nook and cranny of our society and culture, including our professing Christian Churches, where, I pointed out in my last message, that 67% of professing believers in Christ now ALSO BELIEVE that sodomite marriage is perfectly alright.

So I heard from some of the listeners after my last program. As I said, most listeners on VCY understand the situation of real spiritual warfare we are dealing with. Real DEMONIC influences, creeping in and twisting God’s Word, defiling and deceiving our people — young and old alike, but Satan especially targets our children. If he is unable to kill God’s image-bearers in the womb before they are born, then he will twist their minds into a hideous abomination.

What’s more, the parents are now encouraging this depraved mindset.  Many today are raising their kids in absolutely GODLESS homes, with no Bible study whatsoever, no information about God AT ALL — unless it is a false god…  And so today, anything goes, as long as it is depraved.  Bring the POWER of the name of JESUS CHRIST OUR SAVIOR into the mix, and you will be hated of all men.

We’re in a spiritual battle of good vs. evil, the Godly ones who KNOW the truth versus the evil ones who have crept in unawares.  I have said before, and I will repeat it again here:  MOST of the professing Christian “churches” in this country are absolutely over-run with carnality and cowardice.  Carnality from the preachers and pew-sitters alike, and cowardice to face the TRUTH of what God’s Word truly says.  The people are DESTROYED for lack of knowledge because so very FEW church-goers even know what the Bible SAYS.  Biblical illiteracy is epidemic.  Our pastors refuse to speak on more than just a few easy passages, lest someone get offended.  Meanwhile, the people perish.

Ask yourself:  what has changed in most modern churches in the last ten years?  I dare say nothing.  Even though our culture most certainly has.  The demonically-influenced Obama — who many heralded as the “new Messiah” — saw to that.  He not only expanded and heavily funded everything evil and abhorrent to the Lord, he also brought in the false god of Islam, and fundamentally transformed the thinking of an entire nation.  Under his watch, we went from being a Constitutional Republic to a country of “Democratic Socialism,” better described as “Mobocracy.”

He refused to prosecute crime, yet he personally committed countless treasonous crimes against our country, God and nature every single day he sat in the Oval Office.  Talk about the OBOMINATION that brought desolation!  And lest you think his days are over, let me remind you, he is now working just two miles from the White House, and it is my belief that he is one of the main operatives behind the scenes working to bring all-out civil war to this nation, using his “community organizing” skills, honed through study of his hero, Saul Alinsky — who, I might remind you, dedicated his book, “Rules for Radicals” to Lucifer.

But again, while our society and culture has changed drastically in the last ten years, virtually NOTHING in our churches has changed.  Maybe the “worship team” changed drummers….  maybe you got new carpeting or padded the pews.  Maybe the church got a new, younger “pastor,” more “in tune” with the times.  Likely the doors have been opened to all manner of worldliness, while “repentance” is a word never spoken.  When was the last time YOU heard a sermon on repentance?!

And NONE of the SERIOUS, major cultural and social issues that are plaguing this land can EVER be mentioned — MOST “pastors” “CENSOR” such things from the pulpits…  They will simply say we must “love everyone” and just pray for them.   Let me tell you something though:  God does NOT love everyone.  That may sound like a radical statement.  But clearly, we know from GOD’S HOLY WORD, which DOES NOT CHANGE — that He HATES all workers of iniquity.

Today, workers of iniquity abound.  A few weeks ago, Maxine Waters encouraged people to physically attack all Trump supporters.  Since that time, there have been more than 200 attacks around the country on Trump supporters.  Physical, BLOODY attacks.  Our college campuses are no longer places of higher learning — they are outposts of radical socialism and fascism.

Truth has fallen in the streets, truly.  Truth is no longer an acceptable thing.  Today, it is abhorrent to the people.  TRUTH SOUNDS LIKE HATE, TO THOSE WHO HATE THE TRUTH.  Hedonism rules the day.  And if you think for a moment that the sodomite agenda is not real and flourishing, think again, because I have seen it.  I have personally FACED it, up close and personal.  SO IF YOU HAVE NOT, then please, save the emails:  don’t try to tell me how “loving” the militant sodomites are.  I know better… if you have not seen them in action for yourself, then you know NOTHING — other than what they WANT you to believe.

Those marching in these sickening “pride parades” are some of the most depraved, mean-spirited and hateful people you will ever come across….  and let me again remind you, they do not march alone anymore.  They are now joined by countless so-called Christian “churches,” pastors and clergy.   The TRUTH of God’s Word, His natural design and order for marriage, family and parenting is simply NOT ALLOWED.  It is now deemed HATEFUL and BIGOTED and the lying Left must SILENCE all dissent, because they know they have no moral or righteous leg to stand on.  We literally, now, have some in our pulpits calling the Word of God “hate speech!”  How much more reprehensible can you get?

Let me tell you what else happened this week.  Our Vimeo account was abruptly shut down — DELETED without warning.  Vimeo is an internet video-hosting and archival service.  If you want to post videos to your website, which we DO at Wisconsin Christian News, you need a server or a host site to post the videos to first — unless you have the money and resources to purchase and maintain your own equipment to do that.  And the equipment to do that is prohibitively expensive for most, especially ministries like ours.

At the start of the year, we purchased a video-hosting plan from Vimeo to the tune of $1,000.00 so that we could include video content to our website.  Since January, we have posted countless videos there, with never a single problem or issue.  However, early last week, we began hosting David Arthur’s new program on our Vimeo account, as a way to help out his new ministry.  He does not have the resources and cannot afford to do this on his own, so we wanted to help.

David Arthur, in case you don’t know, is a former “transgender prostitute,” who was radically saved by the grace of God.  He has come out of that lifestyle and now has a ministry to help others do the same.  He is not “mean spirited,” “hateful,” or “bigoted.”  He simply speaks the truth from God’s Word and he gives encouragement and hope to those trapped in the demonic sin of perverted sex by giving his own, powerful, personal testimony of salvation.

Well, we ran ONE — you heard me right — ONE of David’s TV programs on our Vimeo page, and then our Vimeo page was IMMEDIATELY DELETED by the Vimeo “Thought Police.”  Mind you, we PAID for this service:  DEARLY!  Users of Vimeo post all kinds of materials.   ANYTHING GOES on Vimeo — EXCEPT, (and listen closely now), EXCEPT TELLING THE TRUTH ABOUT HOMOSEXUALITY, TRANSGENDERISM AND SEXUAL PERVERSION.  You do THAT, and you are DONE!

But it is worse than the money we spent to pay for their video hosting service.  When they delete your account, you also LOSE all your content.  Meaning that all the time, money and effort involved in professional video production is just stolen from our ministry.  Why?  Because THEY CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH being spoken of, therefore, we are silenced.

What did Vimeo say?  Here’s their statement:  “Any commentary that makes derogatory or inflammatory statements about individuals or groups of people will be a violation.  Homophobic statements that call gay individuals ‘unnatural’ are not permitted under the Terms of our Service.”

I have to wonder:  how many videos do they allow that make derogatory or inflammatory statements about Donald Trump?  Are THOSE taken down and accounts deleted?  No, in fact, Vimeo is PACKED with such things.  How many videos do they allow that make derogatory or inflammatory statements about Christianity or those who believe in natural male/female marriage?  And I hope you caught the part of the message where they stated to me, “Homophobic statements that call gay individuals ‘unnatural’ are not permitted.”

Friends, there is NOTHING “Natural” about sodomy.  (They HATE that word too, by the way, because it DESCRIBES the ACTIVITY that homosexuals engage in).  No, friends, make no mistake:  homosexuality is not about “love.”  It is about unbridled LUST and depravity.  THERE IS NOTHING NATURAL ABOUT SODOMY.  So for us to state in our video content that homosexual activity is “unnatural,” is NOT “homophobic.”  I have no “phobia” about homosexuals.  They are simply lost, confused people, caught up in a demonic perversion that is, INDEED about as UNNATURAL as you can get!  Yet the THOUGHT POLICE at Vimeo have silenced us — at least on their service.

It’s no different from the college campuses that experience riots, burning, and physical attacks if a conservative speaker tries to make a speech there.  It’s no different from those in the “pride” parades physically attacking Christians who go there to try to snatch these lost souls from the claws of Satan’s grasp…. while the police look on in amusement.

We live in a world where truth, indeed, has fallen in the street.  TRUTH, now, sounds like HATE, because so many now HATE THE TRUTH.  They cannot TOLERATE it.  They WILL NOT tolerate it.

What can you do about it?  Number one:  NEVER BE AFRAID TO SPEAK THE TRUTH.  Never buckle under the intimidation they try to throw at you.  Stand up for Jesus and God’s Word — EVERY CHANCE YOU GET!  And number two:  If you are so inclined, you might like to contact Vimeo and politely, but firmly express your thoughts as to their censorship of truth.    You can reach them at:  Vimeo Inc., Attention Legal Department, 555 West 18th Street, New York, New York, 10011.  Email them at

Finally, please keep ME in your prayers, as well as our ministry, because we are under attack and wearing a target on our backs every single day.  We have, as God’s Word warned, become a prey to the ungodly.  Isaiah 59:  “Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands afar off; for truth is fallen in the street and equity cannot enter.  So truth fails, and he who departs from evil makes himself a prey.”

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 228.

© 2018 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Of Their Father The Devil

In these days of trouble and distress, many are understandably looking forward to the soon return of our Lord, Jesus Christ.  Jesus warned us in Matthew 24, “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”  And in Luke 17, He said, “Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot…Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.”

What was it like in the days of Noah?  Genesis 6:  “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”  And of course, we all know what it was like in the days of Lot, when God destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, because of the great abomination of sodomy that men were pridefully indulging in there in the sight of the Lord.

2 Peter 3:  “Scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own sinful desires.”    This was repeated by Jude:  “In the last days there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions.”  Matthew 24:  “…then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another.  And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray.  And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.”  2 Timothy 4:  “the time is coming when people will not endure sound doctrine, but having itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers to suit their own passions and will turn away from the truth.”

But the Scripture that came to life for me recently comes from 2 Thessalonians 2:  “…that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first…”  And later in that chapter, “…They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a strong delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.”

Certainly, our modern culture could not be worse than that of the days of Noah and Lot.  Certainly, the Lord’s heart must be desperately grieved at what He sees on the face of the Earth today.  Our modern culture fits the above verses of Scripture to a tee.  And in the modern American Christian so-called “churches,”  we most CERTAINLY have a FORM of godliness, but it is one that is vain, empty and powerless.  The Spirit has departed.  As you will see from the examples I’m about to share, there has COME a great “falling away,” among the church leaders and those they are supposed to be shepherds over.  God has ALREADY sent them a strong delusion, and they DELIGHT in wickedness!

Scoffers and God-haters deny Christ and follow their own sinful desires and ungodly passions, no matter how depraved.  And indeed today, the very Holy Scriptures of God’s Word are now considered “hate speech,” punishable by law in many places.

A few weeks ago, several of us from Wisconsin joined the Salt and Light Brigade team at a series of street-witnessing events in Columbus, Ohio.  Remnant Christians came to serve from 21 states, all across the nation.  In all, there were about a hundred of us taking part this year.  Our mission was to minister the TRUE Gospel, warn the wicked and rescue the perishing at several venues.

First up was street preaching at a local mosque.  We did not go to be “mean,” “hateful,” or to  pick a fight with Muslims — we went to give them the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Our plan was to witness to Muslims as they entered their mosque for their Friday call to prayer.  But to our surprise, upon our arrival, we discovered there WERE NO Muslims — their call to prayer had been cancelled.  And while the mosque was situated in a Muslim neighborhood, none came out of their homes or apartments.

What DID we encounter?  The entrance to the mosque was being guarded by about 500 self-professing “Christians,” and “Pastors,” standing arm-in-arm with pagans, witches, and homosexuals.  YOU HEARD ME RIGHT.  Their message was “Love Over Hate.”  (Of course, WE were deemed the “haters,” as we came with the truth — right out of God’s Word).  Somehow, they had heard we were coming, and they arrived ahead of us, and these so-called Christians chanted and shouted PROFANITY at us, as they stood in solidarity with the false god of Islam, Wiccans, Pagans, Witches and sodomites.  YES, AGAIN, YOU HEARD ME RIGHT.

Still, we brought the truth, the best we could, and after about 90 minutes, we moved on to our next venue: a homosexual “bath house.”  Our team set up on the street in front of the bath house, which had no signage out front;  in fact, most of the people we talked with on the street were incredulous when they learned what was taking place inside that building.  Nobody knew what it was.  But as our team stood on the sidewalk out front, preaching the Word of God and holding signs exposing the truth of sodomy, MOST of those driving past us made obscene gestures and cursed us, as it was obvious that most in our society today now agree that it is the CHRISTIAN message that is “hateful.”

Vice President Mike Pence was also in town that day to make a speech.  This was the day before the huge sodomite “pride” parade, and so the city had closed off a street to accommodate  a homosexual “dance party/protest” outside the hotel where he was staying.  So we went and did our best to take the Word of God to this debaucherous celebration as well.  Upon our arrival, our group was quickly corralled inside a “police tape” line.  The sodomites were extremely well organized and prepared to attack us, verbally and physically, and attack us they did, in plain sight of more than a dozen police officers guarding us like prisoners.

The Salt and Light Brigade takes the Word of God to the streets of America, all over the country, confronting evil, warning the wicked and rescuing the innocent.  I should mention that wherever we go, one person in particular, follows… a lesbian witch, who seems to know our every step, our every move.  Wherever we go to witness, she and her cohorts are there, to curse and hinder us.  Once again, she was everywhere we went on this trip.

The next morning, we assembled at one of the local abortion centers, in an attempt to rescue pre-born babies.  To our surprise, this witch (and yes, she IS a witch;  in fact, on her personal Facebook page, she lists her occupation as “Worker of Iniquity,”) … but this witch is ALSO the head “death-scort,” at the abortion center.  Her job is to make sure that the women and girls going in to have their babies killed cannot hear our pleas for life.  She set off car alarms, and even ran a noisy leaf-blower to drown out our cries for mercy to the moms and dads entering the facility.

Let me set the stage for you:  when a couple arrives at the killing center, they park their car and are then “escorted” by these “death-scorts” — they surround the girls, wearing their rainbow-colored smocks and shout in the girls’ ears and make other noises, to drown out our words, so they cannot hear us.  So if you’ve ever wondered  why Christians who go to intercede for the pre-born are sometimes shouting, there’s your answer.  We MUST shout, in order to be heard… and we have only about 30 seconds to make our plea, before the girls are ushered inside.

On this day, though, I was blessed to be one of three in our group to help save a baby.  A couple pulled into the alley, but before parking their car, the man rolled down his window to talk to us.  This almost NEVER happens.  We pleaded for the life of their child.  I looked into the man’s eyes, and explained we were there to offer real hope and help:  medical care, food, shelter, clothing, education and financial support, adoption and more.

Still, they parked the car, the “death-scorts” surrounded them like vultures and whisked them inside.  But then, ten minutes later, they CAME OUT!  They had chosen LIFE!  The girl remained in the car, while the dad came to talk with us.  We counseled with him for a good half-hour, and at the end, he remarked how he had never in his life seen such caring and such love from any group of people!  A stark difference between those INSIDE the cold, heartless killing center and those pleading for them to let their baby live.

Now, I mentioned that the head “death-scort” at THIS abortion center is the witch I told you about.  But I should also tell you that the head “death-scort” at the local Planned Parenthood facility in Columbus is a Lutheran PASTOR.  These are VOLUNTEERS, folks — they do this because they LOVE abortion…. they get the ultimate satisfaction in their lives with each baby that is killed through their efforts.

We ran into this so-called “pastor”  on our next stop too:  the sodomite “pride” parade, where thousands march in the parade and a half-million spectators attend.  Upon our arrival, about 25 police officers met us, and quickly quarantined our group behind yellow police tape.  We held signs with pointed messages designed to cut to the hearts of those marching in the parade.  Since we could not speak with them directly — the signs would have to convey our messages.  Our messages were not mean or cruel, there was no name calling — but they WERE truthful.   We also did our best to witness to others near us on the sidewalk.

But whenever one of us would try to talk or preach, this LUTHERAN PASTOR and others from his group — INCLUDING THE WITCH I mentioned previously — were there with “noise-makers” to drown out our words.  The  pastor banged on a “cowbell” inches from our faces for 2 hours straight, never stopping.  The witch was constantly yelling profanities, pushing and shoving us, every chance she got.  It was a little disconcerting when she spoke to me by name.  Yes, she knew MY NAME, having seen me before at other events in previous years.  Obviously she’d done her homework.  We WERE able to witness to many, but they did all they could to make sure the true Word of God would not go forth.

In the parade, as usual, were dozens of so-called “Christian churches.”  Heated debates arose with these “church-goers” who came to angrily confront us  — in fact, the homosexuals we talked to were MUCH more willing to listen to our message than the “accepting and affirming” apostate “christians.”

Everywhere you looked was debauchery, nudity and filth, being pridefully celebrated on the streets of Columbus, Ohio.  Little kids, from newborns on up, were dragged along by their parents, marching in the parade.  Other little kids were watching the parade from the sidelines, brought there by their parents.  In most parades, the participants throw candy to the kids.  At this parade, they throw condoms and sex toys.  I knew this would be the case, and so when I had the signs made up for this event, I made one design especially for the parents of these innocent little victims of the sodomite agenda.  It read simply, “Do you think this is appropriate for young children to see?” 

My wife was holding this sign, and we could tell it cut deeply to the hearts of those marching, and those watching.  It also cut to the hearts of the kids old enough to read the sign for themselves.  The sodomites absolutely HATED this truth.  Before long, one of them came up behind my wife and ripped the sign from her hands and destroyed it.  You see, they cannot stand truth, only the celebration of their own carnal lusts.  They MUST destroy truth, and drown out the preaching of it, at all costs.

You may be asking why we do this type of street ministry… Because we are called to be Salt and Light in this dark world.  IT’S OUR JOB.  Our reasonable service to the Lord.  As Christians, we are NOT to sit and do NOTHING as evil overtakes us, but rather to OCCUPY until Christ returns.  Ezekiel 33 warns:  “I have made you a watchman for the people…so hear the word I speak and give them warning from Me.  When I say to the wicked, ‘You wicked person, you will surely die,’ and you do not speak out to warn them from their ways, that wicked person will die in their sin, but I will hold YOU accountable for their blood.  But if you DO warn the wicked person to turn from their ways and they do not do so, they will die for their sin, though you yourself will be saved.”

God uses HIS people to warn the wicked.  We do that.  We take His Word seriously.  We cannot, in good conscience, sit idly by, while the devil and his demons destroy our children and our nation, turning it to a Christ-less culture of debauchery and death.  We must warn the wicked, intercede for the innocent and preach the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We cannot call ourselves “Christians” and do any less.

I came away from this experience with a feeling of deep sorrow.  You see, we experienced Genesis 6 firsthand: every imagination of the heart of man is only evil continually.”  Moreover, we witnessed COUNTLESS clergymen, pastors and priests — those who SHOULD be speaking the TRUTH of God’s Word — instead standing on the side of the devil, right alongside the demons of Islam, right alongside pagans, witches and homosexuals.  They should know what Romans 1 warns:  “Although they KNOW God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things, but also approve of those who practice them.”  Indeed, not only do these “clergymen” approve of these evil practices — they PARTICIPATE AND CELEBRATE these same wicked things — AND TEACH OTHERS to do likewise… and they WORK HARD to oppose Godly men and women at every turn.  Our nation is in dire straits because of these clergymen, who are most certainly of their father, the devil.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 226.

© 2018 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Tuck Us In Dad?

When my wife and I began having children, many years ago, we were advised by many people to TREASURE those times, because, as we were told, “they grow up so fast; before you know it, they will be up and out on their own.”

Of course as young new parents, we took this wisdom with a grain of salt.  It seemed, at the time, like we had a lifetime ahead of us, all the time in the world.  But what everyone told us then was true:  before we knew it, they had all grown up and were gone.  Of course, they still come home to visit now, but we no longer have those precious days of our kids’ childhood.  Those days have passed.

Our three children are all grown up now.  Our son is the only one married.  He and his wife live two hours away from us and have given us a precious grandson.  Proverbs 17:6 tells us, “Grandchildren are the crown of the aged.”  How true!  We love that little guy SO much!   Our middle daughter is a now a Registered Nurse in that same city, and our youngest daughter has just graduated Bible College with Summa cum laude honors.

They grew up so fast.  I remember the day we dropped our youngest daughter off at Bible College in Iowa (so far from home), and I cried as we drove away, knowing that we were now “empty nesters.”  The last one was now on her own, and my wife and I were now, once again, alone.  I wanted to go back in time, and do it all over again.  I questioned how I had raised our kids, if I had done a good enough job, if I had been a good Dad to them, and thought about all the ways I could have done better, …if only I had known then what I know now.

One regret I have still haunts me.  You see, as my kids were growing up, I was the one who always tucked them in at bedtime and said their prayers with them, every night.  But as they got older — I guess about high-school age — I was getting older too, and my work was always extremely demanding.  I would come home from work completely  worn out and tired, and slowly, I began to tell them, “You’re old enough to say your own prayers now, and tuck yourselves in.  You don’t need me to do it with you anymore.”

I’ll never forget:  occasionally, my daughters would still ask, at bedtime, “Tuck us in, Dad?”  And my exhausted response would be, “No, not tonight.  You’re old enough to do that yourselves now.  You don’t need me to help you with that anymore.”   This is the biggest regret I have from my parenting days, because I didn’t realize how precious those times were.  Or how, on those occasions when they still asked me to tuck them in and say prayers together at bedtime, maybe they really NEEDED their Dad on those nights especially — even as high schoolers.

Eventually, they stopped asking… and now, of course, they don’t ask at all anymore.  They are adults now…those days are truly gone forever.  I still get choked up just thinking about how stupid and selfish I was, too tired to spend that precious time with my little girls, when I had the chance — even though they were now “old enough” to tuck themselves in.

Sometimes we have the privilege of having our 2-year-old grandson spend the weekend with us, and then I get the chance to read Bible stories with him, play with him, and of course, tuck him in at night with bedtime prayers and a kiss and a hug.  It’s the most beautiful thing, and I tell my son and his wife, “TREASURE these times, because before you know it, he will be all grown up and gone.”  Of course, with their whole lives ahead of them, they take my advice with a grain of salt.  I guess the experience of the thing is the only thing that will prove the point.  We don’t realize what we have until it is gone.

I tell you this because I believe God feels the same way about HIS children, those who are saved by His grace, those whose Heavenly Father they are.  I’m talking about me now.  And you, if you are a genuine Christian, one of God’s kids.  We are HIS children.  We are precious to Him, and no matter how old we are, we will always be His “little ones,” even if we’re 100 years old.  He still wants us to come to Him daily, and spend time with him daily.  He does not EVER want us to “move away from home.”  Home is with HIM, even though we still live on this earth, and see Him now only dimly.

God does not want His kids to just “come home to visit.”  And God wants us to always ask Him to tuck us in at night with a prayer, a hug and a kiss.  We never become “too old” for that.  As a father myself, I know how it grieves me that those precious days of my kids’ childhood are gone now.  They have their own lives, and though they still often come to me and ask my advice on things, ask me to help fix things, still look to me as their Dad, we no longer have those daily, close interactions, we no longer have that daily private time together… and I deeply regret, … that in my ignorance, I let that time slip away much too soon.  It didn’t have to happen that way.  It could have lasted longer, if only I knew then what I know now.

Jesus loves the little ones, and those with the faith of a little child.  He told His disciples, “‘Let the children come to Me;  do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.  Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.’  And He took them in His arms and blessed them.”

In fact, Jesus felt so strongly about His love for children, that we read in Matthew 18:  “And calling to Him a child, He put him in the midst of them and said, ‘Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.  Whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me, but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.’”  That is GREAT love.  The love of a father for His children.

Yes, God loves the little children, and He loves US old folks too, when we are humble and child-like in our worship of Him.  But in our human ignorance, we “grow up” so fast.  We become wise in our own eyes.  We tend to lean on our own understanding, …as if we were able to truly understand anything.  We tend to “visit” God on the weekends, but we do not commune with Him daily.  It’s very sad, and as a father, I can tell you, it GRIEVES the heart of our HEAVENLY Father that we act this way.

Even more disturbing is all the dysfunctional families there are in this world today… children with no fathers; homes in which neither parent knows the Lord and so they have nothing of God to share with their children.  The children grow up with uninvolved parents, too busy to spend any time with them at all;  no spiritual training, living lives of self-centered narcissism.  The parents don’t tuck their kids in or say prayers with them — and I’ve seen far too many that teach their kids horrendous swear words rather than the PRECIOUS Word of God.  What kind of home is THIS for a child to grow up in?  It is no wonder we have such a messed up culture.  It is truly heartbreaking to see families that are SO lost.

Recently, I have been asked to speak at several funerals.  During those times, I have taken the opportunity to share the Gospel message, because funerals are one of those rare instances when people are truly seeking hope… even unbelievers are HOPING that what they have heard about God just MIGHT be true, and they are yearning for comforting words of HOPE.  There is no greater hope than that of the Good News.  So when I speak at funerals, I speak specifically to those who do not know Jesus, those who are not saved, those who know OF Him, but have never taken Him seriously or, if the truth be told, never given Him the “time of day.”

I explain that life goes by SO quickly.  James 4:14 tells us, “What is your life?  It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.”  I think of the elderly in nursing homes, 80, 90-years-old or more….  I have spoken with many older people, and they all wonder the same thing:  “Where did the time go?  It went so fast….”  “It seems like only yesterday,” they say…  I know that I don’t feel as old as I am.  Inside,  I still feel like about 30 years old… but sometimes when I look in the mirror, I see my Dad looking back at me.  Where DID the time go?  It seems like just yesterday I was tucking my little kids in with bedtime prayers and a kiss.  And now I’m a Grandpa!

I think one of the biggest hindrances to people coming to Christ and a saving knowledge of God the Father — not to mention the gift of the Holy Spirit — is that well-meaning preachers have put so much focus on the salvation message.  “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.”  Absolutely true!  But so often, we put the heaviest emphasis on life AFTER death.  And no one thinks about death.  No one thinks about old age.  No one even considers how fast our lives go by… to us, it seems, we have all the time in the world to “get right with God.”

Yet our lives ARE but a vapor.  And some squander their lives in vain pursuits of the pleasures of this life, thinking they can get serious about God “later,” when they’re older.  But as we all know, for a lot of people, death comes very suddenly and unexpectedly.  They never get that chance.  And for others, who plan to get serious about the things of God when they’re older, “when they have more time,” when they’re retired, maybe….  the longer you put that off, the easier it IS to just put it off, and eventually, you find yourself on your deathbed, having squandered a lifetime apart from God.

The POINT is this:  the GOOD NEWS of the Gospel is NOT JUST about life AFTER death.  The TRULY Good News is that God wants us NOW, in THIS life.  He wants to be our Father NOW.  He wants us to be His children NOW.  He wants us to come to Him as little children.  He wants to love us, guide us, teach us, lead us, FATHER us.  Because He LOVES us.  He wants us to be HIS precious little ones….  He wants to give us the KINGDOM of God, IF we will go to Him as a little child.

Some say Christianity is a “crutch” for the weak.  How ridiculous.  That’s like saying for a young child, having good parents is a crutch for the “weak kids.”  God designed marriage and family as a model for the relationship He wants to have with US — in THIS life.  You see, life on this earth is our “childhood,” if you will.  And when we “graduate” from the “school” of this life and “move out,” those who are in Christ don’t move AWAY from their Heavenly Father — they MOVE IN with Him!  But meanwhile, we can have a constant, deep, loving and intimate relationship with Him — ALL OUR LIVES!  Those who put off getting to know Christ, following Him, learning of His Father in heaven and the FAMILY of God He wants to adopt us into, are missing out on a LIFETIME of blessing.

It is said that those on their deathbeds rarely regret the things they did…. but they regret deeply the things they did NOT do.  So I urge you today, if you do not have that deep, intimate relationship with your Heavenly Father, if you are not so close to Him that He tucks you in with a prayer and a kiss every night, no matter how old you are; you CAN HAVE such a relationship.  Go to Him.  He promises that all who seek Him will find Him… to all who knock, the door will be opened.  He doesn’t hide from us, but REVEALS Himself to us and allows us to choose if we will become a part of His precious family, or if we will remain outside that family.

Without the Heavenly Father, you are a spiritual orphan.  And you do not even realize it, but you remain a child of your father, the devil, living in a dysfunctional, loveless, self-centered “home” on this earth.  Only those who are part of the family of God are His.  And once you are His, you become a child of the King of Kings — not just for eternity after you die — but RIGHT NOW, in THIS life.  I guess if you’ve never had such a home and family, you have no idea what it is you’re missing.  And THAT is the Good News that so many preachers fail to get across.

Becoming a Christian is not JUST about your eternal salvation;  walking an aisle, saying a prayer and then you’re “good to go,” your ticket to heaven is “punched,” and you can calll yourself a Christian…  that’s actually taking the Lord’s name in vain, if the truth be told.  Understand that.  Becoming a TRUE CHRISTIAN means becoming adopted into the family of God, and living FOR and WITH Him.  In fact, through the gift of the Holy Spirit, Jesus Himself will be INSIDE you, all through this life.  That’s what being “born again” IS.  There is no greater blessing in this life.

So I urge you.  Don’t reject this message.  You may be a spiritual orphan today.  You may have come from a very dysfunctional family on this earth, and you may be currently a child of the devil.  But there IS a Heavenly Kingdom, and the King has offered to adopt you, to rescue you from that life.  He longs to take you in His arms and bless you.  Call upon Him today:  “Tuck us in Dad?”  I guarantee, He will NOT be too tired for you.  In fact, it will be His greatest joy and all the angels of heaven will rejoice when you simply ask Him.  May Christ be praised.

© 2018 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

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Foundations On Sinking Sand

Today’s children are growing up in a world that most of us parents cannot easily relate to.  Its a world far removed from the ideals of  Mayberry and Leave it to Beaver. Such television shows of yesteryear portrayed solid families, with solid morals and values. There was such a thing as absolute truth, absolute right and wrong.  Was the world really ever like that? Perhaps not, exactly. But no one can argue that American culture has taken a severe deviation from the course we were on just a generation or two ago. Indeed, if our grandparents (known as the “greatest generation,” who lived through World War II and went on to rebuild America) could see the world their great-grandchildren are growing up in today, they’d likely not believe their eyes. Moreover, they’d likely have something to say about how we, ourselves, are living – and about how we are raising our kids.  I dare say, they would not be too proud of most of us.

As I look around, I see teens and even pre-teens brashly displaying tattoos and drastic, hideous piercings — sanctioned – and often paid for – by their parents; in the name of “art” and in the name of “freewill.”  These same teens are bombarded on every front with filth and debauchery – from the television and cable programming piped directly into their brains an average of six hours a day, to the anti-Christ teaching drilled into them in state-run schools, to internet pornography, to video games that exploit and victimize women, dabble in the occult and addict young “gamers” to the degree that they find themselves unable to stop playing; sneaking away at every opportunity to feed the beast of blood lust in a myriad of games whose objective is to kill, steal and destroy.

If this is not enough deviance, take a look at what has come to pass for “music” in our progressive, new world. Much of what I have heard is not “music” at all – but rather a raucous, rebellious expression of rage, with leather-studded maniacs screaming obscenities, fueling even more rage among the teens. Yes, I am old, but I believe I have been given the gift of acute discernment – and to me it sounds like demons straight from the pit of hell.  What’s more, SOME of this stuff – this STYLE of “music” – is known as “Christian.”  They call it “Christian Death Metal,” “Christian Punk Rock,” or “Christian Alternative” music. But call it what you like, if you heard it, I think you’d agree: this stuff is utterly demonic in nature, making a mockery of everything holy.

More and more pressure is placed on our young people today, to have premarital sex. Illicit sex in our culture is commonplace, and our children are becoming sexualized at younger and younger ages all the time. Think I’m exaggerating? Have you SEEN some of the clothing styles youth are expected to wear nowadays?  Out of frustration at trying in vain to find suitable school clothes for her young, elementary school daughters, one commentator coined a phrase to describe our modern youth fashions. She called it “Prosti-tots.” Modesty is out. Vulgarity and outrageous, inappropriate sexualization of our children seems to be “in.”  Instead of expecting purity — and anything less rightly declared shameful — today, we are “progressive,” “realistic,” “sensible” — to the point that we not only expect our kids to have sex, but some parents even allow it to take place openly  in their homes, using the excuse of, “well at least they’re not out in the back seat of a car somewhere.”  Oh, now THERE’S some wise parenting!

What in the world has happened?  How did we arrive at this point?  I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again:  I cannot understand how ANYONE can make it through the maze of this world without God, the salvation and love of Jesus, and the firm foundation of biblical literacy.  But THIS is exactly what has caused our current societal breakdown into madness.

Somewhere along the way, church and God came to be viewed as irrelevant here in America; an abstract idea designed by institutions to control the masses.  And the masses did not want to be controlled.  Thus, they rebelled, and in their rebellion, they turned their backs on God, threw Him out of the public square and chose a life of secular humanism where they need never heed the Word or will of God, but instead follow the deceptions of demons, glorifying and worshipping self:  self-will, self-desires, self esteem.  Immediate gratification is the order of the day, and we need deny ourselves no worldly pleasure.

Ironically, in our zeal to be free of the bondage we imagined ourselves shackled with by the confines of Christianity, behind the Iron Curtain, Christians were (and still are) persecuted and killed for their faith on a daily basis.  In reality, THEY are the ones controlled and in bondage to an institution – the institution of a wicked worldly government that esteems – of all things – secular humanism.  These dear, faithful ones of God daily risk life and limb for just the chance to study His word, but instead find themselves controlled by the institution of government.  THEY have no choice.  But WE CHOOSE this bondage on our own.  We step, willingly, into the trap we set for ourselves.

I’ve watched the American Church devolve over the past few decades into something largely unrecognizable today.  As the Greatest Generation passed on, we did not carry the baton forth honorably.  We have allowed the very foundations of our faith to erode, and it has happened because we tore down the solid foundations of our forefathers and replaced them with shoddy workmanship on sinking sand.

In 18th century England, Robert Raikes began the first Sunday Schools, as a way to educate the poor children of factory workers, who otherwise would receive no formal education.  Using the Bible as their textbook, Raikes taught these children to read and write.  Thus, the children received not only instruction in literacy, they received spiritual instruction for life.  It was taken very seriously.

Today, many Sunday School programs are a sham.  They offer no grades or transcripts and keep little or no record of performance for any given week.  Attendance is often tracked only as a way to encourage children to attend regularly, with “awards” of candy or other treats given as “bribes” to keep them coming.  What’s worse, many Sunday School teachers really have no business teaching; nor do they have much interest in it.  I have been in churches where the entire class consists of a very short “story time,” where the truths of Scripture are not imparted to the youngsters reverently, but more like a fairy tale…and it must be short, lest the class become unruly.  This is followed by snack time, and the rest of the class is spent babysitting as the kids color a picture, while the “teachers” wait restlessly for church to let out and the parents come to pick them up.  Worse yet, I’ve seen entire Sunday School classes consist of nothing more than the “teacher” putting in a VeggieTales video and allowing the kids to “Veg Out” in front of the tube.  So much for solid biblical instruction.

At the same time, our churches have seen a fundamental shift, from sound biblical preaching to “seeker friendly” and “emergent” “talks.”  They are no longer called sermons, they are called “talks.”  These talks must be kept short, lest people become restless.  And they must leave the congregation feeling better than when they came in, or they may not come back again the next week.  Most importantly:  never, never NEVER say anything that would make anyone uncomfortable!

So our kids begin with Veggie Tales and candy, and when they’re older, they move up to the “adult” church service, where they’re fed more candy-coated anecdotes during the non-offensive “talk” given by the cool pastor in blue jeans.

Oh, how things have changed!  There really was a time in America where the Bible was mandatory reading as a textbook in public school.  Sunday School was taken very seriously and the children were respectful and reverent.  We remembered to keep the Sabbath holy;  which often meant no television, radio or other worldly pursuits.  Prayer was a part of everyday life in the home, and not just at dinner time.  Families attended church together regularly, and received sound instruction in the Word of God, which was seen as valuable beyond measure — for teaching, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16).

How sad that we have torn down these foundations.  Foundations so vital, not only to our family units, but to our marriages, our children’s’ development of moral character, and most importantly, our eternal salvation, and reverent, right relationship with God.

Do I blame the churches?  Not entirely.  The churches, as institutions, have simply given the people what they wanted.  You see, we really DO want God.  But we want Him on our terms, with no responsibility or obligation on our part — or at least as little as possible.  We want to feel good about ourselves, thus we have heaped up a great number of false teachers to tell us what we want to hear.

Instead of heartfelt worship of our Creator and Sustainer, who rescued us from sin and damnation, we choose instead to sleep in on Sunday.  Or, we send our kids to Sunday School and youth group and feel we’ve done our Christian duty.  I believe it is the men in our families who are most directly responsible – men who refuse to be godly husbands and fathers, who refuse to set an example, who refuse to live the faith they claim they have in Christ.  These are the men who will abdicate their responsibility as spiritual leaders in their homes.  Instead of TAKING the family to church, they SEND the wife and kids to church.  God is never mentioned in the home.  Sunday, for these men, is a day of rest, a day of football, worshipping their favorite team on TV.

The wife and kids return home from a morning of candy-coated, feel-good, fairy-tale style stories, and see that it really doesn’t matter enough to Dad to make the effort.  Soon these children will be grown, having developed a worldview devoid of a solid theological foundation, ready to be swayed and manipulated by left-wing new agers and “free thinkers” in the state-owned colleges, where God is ridiculed, along with anyone “stupid” enough to believe in Him.

THIS is how we have arrived at the place we now find ourselves.  You know, America is at a crossroads.  Never before, in my lifetime, have I seen our country so polarized.  Madness seems to reign, as we embrace every religion, including the false and utterly violent religion of Islam, calling it peaceful… we embrace every religion and weird idea to come along; but we refuse to take God our Creator seriously.

Now we find ourselves in another election year.  Inevitably the bleeding-heart socialist liberals will trot out the old mantra, “We must do it FOR THE CHILDREN!” to justify yet more government control, more government spending, more tossing aside of our American freedoms.  It’s their favorite phrase:  “Do it for the children.”  How could anyone argue with that?  Of course, we must stop at nothing when it comes to our children.  Many will go along, willingly placing their wrists in the handcuffs that imprison them – handcuffs we will certainly pay for on credit, like everything else.

If you really want to do something FOR THE CHILDREN, then stop the madness.  Learn the truth, know the truth and stand up for the truth!  Put your money, time and talents where your mouth is.  Are you a Christian?  Then learn to discern.  Kick out the false teachers and false prophets.  Get out of that social club they call a church and begin to worship the LORD in reverence — and sanctify yourselves, a peculiar people, set aside for His purposes.  The Lord our God truly is our only hope.  IF He still has patience toward us stiff-necked people.  He’s longsuffering and patient.  Hasn’t He suffered our insolence long enough?

“If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14).

© 2018 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

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Radicalized Christians

September 11, 2001 marked the start of a pivotal change here in America and worldwide.  The global Islamic community danced in the streets, and they had good reason to celebrate.  Not only was America violently and successfully attacked and brought to its knees, but it was also on this day that a world-wide conversation would begin about one thing:  the religion of Islam.  It was a conversation that would resonate throughout the four corners of the earth, and one which continues to this day.  Our children, fifteen years old or younger now, have never known it to be any other way in their lifetimes.  Islam is on every television station, it is in every newspaper, it is in every news magazine, on the screens of every smart phone, iPad and laptop in the country, and on the minds of every man, woman and child in the world.

Now, if the narrative were actually a true representation of Islam, that would be one thing.  But unfortunately, that’s not the case.  Not only is the global media providing nonstop coverage, but it is also extremely biased in favor of this evil religion.   Before the flames at Ground Zero were even extinguished, and even amid the smoke and rubble and burnt bodies of murdered Americans, our national leaders were declaring Islam to be a “nonviolent religion of peace.”  It was surreal, unbelievable.  And this has been the official continuing narrative ever since.  Constantly repeated by heads of state the world over, as well as by every police commander in every city where another terrorist attack takes place.  How many times have you heard the line, “it is too soon to tell what the attacker’s motivation was.  It just seems to be a random act of violence.  We are, quite frankly, stumped as to why he would do such a thing.”  This inspite the fact that the man’s name was Mohammed, Ahmed, Nasir, Ibrahim, or Moktar.  Friends, it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure this out.

But it’s not just the government leaders and police commanders pushing this “religion of peace” nonsense.  Islam is also being heralded as co-equal with Christianity by notable CHRISTIAN leaders… everyone from Brian Mclaren to Rick Warren are on board with a thing called “Chrislam,” because after all, they say, we all worship the same god.   The Pope has been visiting mosques and participating in Islamic prayers, in attempts to build bridges to the Islamic world.  And Joel Osteen brags about how Muslims attend his church and buy his books.  Now granted, most mainstream Christians KNOW Osteen is apostate, but he — along with people like Rick Warren are arguably the most famous “preachers” in America, and the general populace accept their endorsements as truth.

Here in America, where Christianity is reviled in public government schools, where you dare not carry a Bible to class or even keep one in your locker, where students walk the halls cursing like sailors but dare not utter the name of Jesus because it is just too offensive, and where the ACLU and Freedom From Religion Foundation wait eagerly to pounce upon any coach who would dare to pray in Jesus’ name before a game or any music teacher who would be so arrogant as to include Silent Night in a Christmas program, our children are now being forced to wear burkas, and visit mosques on field trips where they are taught to bow down and worship Allah.  They’re being forced to memorize the Five Pillars of Islam and to affirm “there is no god but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet.”  If you think I’m exaggerating or such things are not happening DAILY even in the small conservative communities across this nation, you are sadly ill informed.

There is no doubt, Islam is on a roll…  you couldn’t buy this type of advertising or publicity at any price.  I’ve said before that this is not all just happening naturally, but SUPERnatural influences are involved here.  Islam is NOT a religion of peace and Christians  do NOT pray to the same entity that Muslims do.  Allah is Satan.  Is it any doubt that the father of lies would be perpetrating such delusion on the whole population of the earth in these last days?   Truly, as Christians, we are NOT just wrestling against flesh and blood here, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.  (Ephesians 6:12).

Over the past year or so, the press has been having a hard time continuing to defend the terrorists and present them in a positive light, and so now they have started to differentiate between the “peaceful,” or “moderate” Muslims and the mean ones.  They continue to sing the same, tired old tune of “Islam: the religion of peace,” desperate as they are to to continue the charade as long as possible.  So now there is a new phrase being tested:  “Radicalized Muslims.”  Even though savage killers are committing barbaric acts of terror around the world on a daily basis, IN THE NAME OF ISLAM, we are now told that these things are all being done by just a small group of RADICALIZED Muslims.  Most Muslims, you see, are just “normal” and nice.  They’re your neighbors, no different from you and me.   It’s only this small band of “radicalized” Muslims that are the problem and we shouldn’t confuse all Muslims with these radical ones.  …And by the way, it’s still ok for your kids to take that field trip to the Islamic Center, to learn how sweet and loving Muslims really are.  After all, let’s take the “high road” and show how progressive and advanced we are, by not judging all members of this religion by the actions of a few.  Ok?  Good.

Friends, this is just another lie.  Or as our Muslim neighbors would call it, “Taqiyaa.”  The Qur’an teaches that Muslims SHOULD lie to us infidels, in order to win our trust, so that they can first gain a foothold in our society, then the upper hand, then domination and finally their ultimate goal: total Islamic governance and rule under Sharia law.  This is Islamic doctrine, and this is how they spread and increase.  But I would contend that it’s no longer just the Muslims practicing Taqiyaa.  Now, it’s also our government leaders, our police commanders, our news media, our school teachers and college professors, and even many of our Christian pastors.  Even the Pope is now practicing the Islamic doctrine of blatant lying to non-Muslims.  And the world is buying it all.  Because this Taqiyaa is coming from people we were supposed to be able to trust.  How insidious.

But how is it that so many are falling prey to such lies?  Why do women support Islam, inspite of the fact that they are horribly oppressed and treated no better than cattle in this culture?  Why are young people joining ISIS?  Why are professing Christians converting to Islam in record numbers today?  WHAT is the appeal?

First of all, the overwhelmingly positive “press” that Islam gets in our culture surely doesn’t hurt.  When everyone from your kids’ kindergarten teacher to your favorite anchor on the evening news to the kindly old pastor at your church on Sunday is declaring Islam to be the most wonderful, enlightened path one could ever hope to follow,  it is no wonder people who don’t know any better form a positive, though ignorant, opinion and worldview on the subject.  Islam is also well known for preying on the young and the downtrodden.  Most of the new converts to Islam in the US are young people, experiencing a personal crisis in their lives, seeking answers …and in our culture of shallowness and superficiality, desperately seeking something to be a part of that offers a higher path and some sort of significance.  The recruitment of new converts inside our American prisons is also huge.  Again, feeling outcast by society, Islam promises hope for a future.  The structure of the religious rites is viewed as just what the inmate needs when he “gets out” — a chance to turn his life around and do right by “god.”  Suddenly their lives have meaning and purpose.  Finally, at last, they consider themselves on the right track.

Another appeal is that Islam seems to offer unity and brotherhood.  In Islam, the entire community celebrates religious festivals and carries out the rites of worship in unity and harmony.  As one commentator put it, “they live out their faith publicly, they are deeply religious and fiercely proud.”  Contrast this to Christianity in the United States today, where we seem to just go through the motions of religion, for “show.”  We are forbidden to have Christian symbols in public, and there is even a controversy over a greeting of “Merry Christmas.”  But we never speak up about religious oppression, because we don’t really seem to care anyway.  To those outside looking in, it appears Christians are not proud of their Lord, they are ashamed of Him.

Young people are longing for something more. They can see through the phony and the fake, and they are tired of being superficially entertained. After years of all the cute stories in Sunday School, they want something real, and Islam seems to be legitimate. Legitimate enough that its adherents are willing to die for the cause. Such sincerity has enormous appeal. Contrast this to Christianity, where professed followers can’t even drag themselves out of bed once a week to get to church. Christians are entertained, pandered to, never asked to do much of anything for God, and the message preached is often meaningless.  Instead of being fed the meat of God’s word which they so desperately crave, they’re given candy and milk — and even the milk is 2%. Then they go to Islam and Islam reinforces the notion that Christians are weak, hypocrites and whores. They are already primed and ready to hate the world of their parents that they broke away from, in favor of something that lures them with the promise of substance.

You see, it’s different in Islam.  They pray five times a day, and this is enforced by Islamic law.  You don’t get much more serious than that.  As one writer said, “this practice helps Islam dominate a Muslim’s life, filling his daily rhythm with Islam.”  Research shows that the more effort a person puts into something, the more he is likely to believe in it and value it.  What’s more the prayers involve moving together in time. When Muslims pray, they all face the same direction, they bow down, get on their hands and knees, and put their face on the mat, all in unison, and then rise back up. Again and again.  When people move together in time, whether dancing or marching or praying, it creates a physical and emotional bond between them.  Brotherhood.  Belonging.  That’s why all military training involves marching in unison — because it is so effective at creating a strong feeling of unity between soldiers.  So the method of prayer in Islam helps Muslims feel unified with each other.  Contrast that to a typical church experience for a young person whose doubts have already been nurtured by school, the media, and pop culture.  They go to church but don’t fit in.  There is no unity, and only superficial friendships.  Church members don’t seem to live their faith on Monday like they do on Sunday.

One commentator explained:  “Islam completely takes over every aspect of Muslims’ lives. Not only are they required to pray five times a day, they have to go through a washing ritual beforehand. Islam dictates the laws, and the laws cover many public and private behaviors. In an Islamic state, it is impossible to be a casual Muslim.”  And so the more serious a person becomes about their Islamic faith, the more they adhere to the teachings, and delve deeper and deeper into their doctrines.  When a Muslim learns what Islam really teaches, and if this person wants to be the best Muslim he can be, then he MUST wage jihad, he MUST work to bring about a worldwide Islamic Caliphate, ruled by Sharia law.  This is the ultimate goal of Islam.   The Qur’an COMMANDS Muslims to expand the religion by war and conquest.  So to be a good Muslim, one MUST become a RADICALIZED Muslim.  In their minds, it is the highest level of religious piety.

I say these things not to praise Islam, God forbid.  But I say these things to show where we, as Christians, have fallen short and where we need to do much, MUCH better.  Radicalized muslims are those who are no longer lukewarm, but are seeking to be the best muslims they can be… following the teachings of their holy books as closely as they know how.  They are sincerely WRONG, but they are sincere.

What we NEED are some radicalized CHRISTIANS, willing to die for the cause of Christ if it comes to that.  Christians who are willing to take up their crosses daily and follow Him… Christians who are not ashamed of the gospel of Christ because they KNOW it is the POWER of God unto salvation for all who believe.  We have been taught to be cowards, to be ashamed of our Lord.  To act one way on Sunday and then to blend with the world on Monday.  For that matter, many church-goers don’t even make it to Sunday afternoon before they’re swilling down beer and cussing at the TV screen during the football game… no different from their unbelieving neighbors.  So much for keeping the Lord’s Day holy.

But imagine if the national conversation shifted.  Imagine if the front page headlines began featuring “Radicalized Christians” living out their faith every day… how different it would look from the Radicalized Muslims living out their faith.  Our God calls us to repentance and renewal.  Why don’t we read His word, pray sincerely, seek Him and follow the Holy Scriptures we profess to believe, with the same enthusiasm we see in the followers of allah?  Imagine if we did, what a powerful, changed world we would be living in.   We are losing the battle God has assigned us to, because we have surrendered out of cowardice and fear.  Are you ashamed of God?  Then stop acting like it.  It’s time to let our lights so shine before men, that they may see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven.  Yes, it is time for some RADICALIZED Christians.

If you want to hear more about the infiltration of Islam in America and American churches, I urge you to attend the special seminar featuring SHAHRAM HADIAN, on June 20th at our Wisconsin Christian News Ministry Center here in Marshfield, Wisconsin.  Call me for more details.

Audio versions and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 256.

© 2018 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

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The Three Greatest Threats We’re Facing

There is a lot of evil in this old world.  The bad news is endless, and it seems our society here in America grows darker and more Godless with every passing day.  Many remain optimistic. They look forward to many good things, and “making America great again.”

No doubt, we HAVE seen some good in the past year.  Just the very fact that President Trump has removed the wicked idols of Islam from the White House and brought back the prayer to the one TRUE God of heaven is a VERY good and positive thing.  Yet evil still reigns in our land, and blood runs in our streets daily.

If I had to identify the most evil threats we are facing as a nation and world, I could easily narrow it down to three primary points.  You see, there is nothing new under the sun, and Satan only HAS a few tricks.   And he and his demons have been using these things in an attempt to destroy everything Godly, righteous and holy since time began and the serpent and his demons were cast out of God’s presence.  It seems in these last days, all three have arisen again, more ugly and more vicious than ever — determined to utterly kill and destroy every one of God’s people and everything good and sacred.

First on the list is the demonic deception of homosexuality.  I can hardly believe things have “progressed” this far down the path of deviancy, here in the United States and spreading like a cancer across the entire globe.  As I read about what the world was like in the days of Noah and Lot, I have a hard time imagining that it could have been any worse or any more deviant than the days we’re living in RIGHT NOW.   Those on the “left” will equate the depravity of sodomy and the right to commit acts of sexual abomination with such things as “civil rights,” “freedom,” and they will use phrases like “love wins” — when even the Supreme Court of this nation hands down a demonically-influenced decision and seeks to legislate this ugly immorality and impose it on us all.

And, you see,  it does so by FORCE — as it must — for  “where the Spirit of the Lord is,” Scripture reminds us, “there is liberty, (or freedom).”  And CERTAINLY, the Spirit of the Lord is nowhere IN this picture.  One need only observe what Satan does every single time to ALL the laws of God and nature — he perverts them, twists them, whispers confusion into the minds of even God’s people, and he turns them 180 degrees to the opposite  So, in order for this Homosexual Agenda to go forward, there must NOT be, there CAN NOT be, ANY freedom…. it must be MANDATED, it must be FORCED upon the people.  For this sin of sodomy is so wicked and so perverse, there are very few who would accept it willingly of their own freewill. (Statistics show, it’s less than 3%).  But now, we are even indoctrinating our PRE-SCHOOL age babies to question their very gender!  And the parents are ENCOURAGING THIS!  How much more perverted and evil can we possibly become?

I have no doubt that there are SOME listening to me right now with smoke coming out of their ears, calling me a “hater,” a “homophobe” and worse things.  While claiming to be fighting for love and tolerance, many of those who practice sodomy would readily kill me if they could.  No “love” or “tolerance” for me.   On the contrary, they — and their legions of advocates — are the LEAST tolerant and LEAST loving people on earth.  They are FILLED with lust and rage, with murder in their hearts, indwelled with the same demonic spirit that inhabited the men who marched through the streets of the city of Sodom in one of the world’s first “Gay Pride Parades,” then surrounded Lot’s house, tried to break down the door, demanding their perverted lusts be satisfied.  Hear this people:  IT IS THE SAME SPIRIT!  This is nothing new, it has simply resurfaced in our world today — and it is back with a FIERCE vengeance.

What we know today as the “LGBTQ+” agenda has been accepted and normalized by MOST — hear this now, I said MOST — of the people of the world, including NOW, MOST  professing Christians and professing Christian churches.  The latest stats now show that an average of 67% of professing CHRISTIANS not only accept, but CELEBRATE homosexual so-called “marriage.”  67%!!  THAT is where we are at, folks.  Most church-goers are so biblically-illiterate that they have embraced it under the guise of “equality,” “civil rights,” “love,” and “tolerance…” just as the sodomite lobbyists planned.  Just as Satan planned.  We have fallen for the same scheme he used against Eve in the garden, as he whispered in her ear:  “Did God REALLY say?…”   It doesn’t surprise me that the unsaved world has fallen for this lie —the Homosexual Agenda has MASSIVE funding by just about EVERY major corporation in the world to accomplish it’s evil goals.  But when CHRISTIANS tell me sodomy is perfectly alright with them, and that JESUS would love and embrace the sin of sodomy, something is very, very wrong in our churches!

Then there’s the abomination of baby killing in America.  Most call it “abortion,” but let’s get “real” here — we all know what it is, even those who advocate for it:  it is the MURDER of a baby.  Precious babies, God’s “image bearers,” knit together in their mothers’ wombs — 60 million of them murdered in cold blood here in the US alone since 1973.

The TRUTH of baby killing is out there, for anyone with a rational mind to see.  We now know,  through the amazing technology of the 21st century, that life begins at the moment of conception.  We know these little ones feel pain as they are burned alive and torn apart.  We’ve even heard people justify the horiffic act of “partial birth abortion,” in which a baby is nearly fully delivered, except for the head, and then it’s tiny spinal cord and brain is pierced with a knife, sometimes decapitated — just seconds from birth.  The pro-death crowd defends this practice because, they argue, the life of the mother may be at stake.  How can THIS possibly save the life of the so-called “mother?”   In two more seconds, the baby would be born alive and healthy.  It’s a ridiculous and hideous argument.  We kill our own children for the sake of convenience and profit and then the hired killers sell their precious little body parts for even more blood money!

Again, this is nothing new.  It is the SAME demonic spirit that has caused countless cultures before us to kill THEIR children, and then to suffer the wrath of God and ultimately fall.  Child sacrifice, down through the ages, has been done for the worship of false gods… from the ancient Aztecs and Incas to the Druids of Europe to the Romans… and in the Bible we read of children being murdered as sacrifices to Moelch, a god of the Ammonites and Canaanites.  And just as the church is deceived by Satan when it comes to sodomy today, you’d be hard pressed to find a single church-goer out of a hundred to truly stand against this horrific abomination and do anything significant about it.

Again:  nothing new.  Even King Solomon, who was known as the “wisest man to ever live” fell for this demonic deception, as we read in 1 Kings 11:  “As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the LORD his God, as the heart of David his father had been. He followed Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and Molek the detestable god of the Ammonites. So Solomon did evil in the eyes of the LORD…”  It is THE SAME EVIL, DEMONIC SPIRIT that has enticed cultures before us to kill THEIR children that is confusing and deluding us into the very same practice.  We KNOW what we are doing.  We cannot say we don’t know.  Yet even professing “God-fearing” Christians will do nothing to stop it.

I once had a pastor tell me that all throughout history, whenever a nation began killing it’s own children, that nation was either destroyed or self-destructed within a generation.  A biblical generation is usually considered to be 40 years.  It seems we are 5 years overdue for the full fury of God’s wrath.

Finally, the last greatest evil invading our world today is that of the demonic false “religion” of Islam. Islam officially began in the year 610.  That’s when Mohammad received his first visit from the demon, appearing to him as an angel of light.  But I believe the demonic SPIRIT of this false religion dates back to the beginning of time, when Satan first rebelled against God, our Creator.  Down through history, this demonic spirit has raised its ugly head time and time again.  In the book of Daniel, we read of Nebuchadnezzar, a wicked Persian king in the province of Babylon, who demanded the people worship a false god.  Whenever the music played, the people were to bow down and worship this false god.  Anyone who refused would be killed in the most horrific way they could dream up.

Of course, it was God’s people — Shadrack, Meshak and Abednego — there in captivity, who refused to prostitute themselves to this false god.  And so these righteous, courageous young men were thrown into the firey furnace.  I’m sure you’ve heard this story before, but I’d encourage you to read it again and refresh your memory.  You can find it in Daniel, Chapter 3.

My point is, the evil we see perpetrated today by the Muslims, has been going on for eons of time.  And so just as this demonic spirit inhabited Nebuchadnezzar, (in the SAME part of the world where Islam now reigns, by the way…), and just as Nebuchadnezzar demanded worship of his false god, and just as those who refused were sentenced to death in a firey furnace, the same is happening today.  Only today, this Satanic activity has a name:  ISLAM.  Five times a day, that eery, dark, hideous music plays — that “Islamic call to prayer” — and they must then stop everything and bow down to this demon called “Allah.”   The demon is back.  Today we have Muslims taking those who refuse to convert to Islam and worship the demon, locking them in cages and burning them alive — in a FIREY FURNACEIt’s the SAME THING!  It’s the same demonic spirit.

Donald Trump wants to make America great again.  That’s a lofty goal.  And today the world celebrates the “peace agreement” between North and South Korea.  But Scripture tells us (and I’m paraphrasing here), “when they are all saying ‘peace and safety,’ then destruction will come suddenly.”  There IS NO PEACE AND SAFETY apart from God.  Unless America repents — unless AMERICAN CHURCH-GOERS REPENT — unless our PASTORS AND SO-CALLED ‘SHEPHERDS’ REPENT — there will BE NO peace and safety, only God’s ultimate judgment upon a wicked and rebellious nation, and deservedly so!  America USED to export Christianity — sending missionaries to the uttermost parts of the earth to win souls.  Now we export Abortion and Sodomy and we IMPORT Islam!   How long do YOU suppose God’s patience will endure?   A better question might be:  “What are YOU planning to do about all this?”

You see, just as Satan uses people — filled with demonic spirits — to achieve his evil goals, God uses HIS people, filled with the HOLY SPIRIT to accomplish His.  There is a spiritual WAR being waged — but God’s people, willing to walk the narrow road, are few, indeed. Our problem is not the evil THINGS I have mentioned, so much as it’s the church-goers and professing Christians who refuse the Holy Spirit, and turn away from the truth, embracing the lies of the world and it’s wicked ruler, Satan — without even realizing they’re doing it.

Wisconsin Christian News has partnered with the Salt and Light Brigade.  The Brigade is a group of remnant believers from all over the nation who respond to crisis situations, feed the hungry, preach the gospel on the streets and fight evil wherever it raises it’s head.

On June 14, we will begin a NATIONAL Gathering and Deployment of the Salt and Light Brigade near Columbus, Ohio.  Our staging area will be a campground, with facilities for up to 500 people.  You can camp in a tent, RV or camper, or sleep on the floor in the gynmasium there, or get a hotel nearby.  The event will go from June 14-17, and during that time, we will take on these three most dangerous and evil threats I have just mentioned. We will GO and minister the Gospel at a local mosque, at an abortion center, and at the 2nd largest sodomite “pride” parade in the country.  Last year there were only 22 of us standing against a half million sexual deviants marching pridefully down Broad Street in Columbus.  Among those marching in the parade were at least 40 so-called Christian “churches.

You may THINK you could never be involved in such a ministry.  You may think it’s too scary, too frightening to speak and share the gospel on the street — especially to those whose worldviews are so diametrically opposed to your own.  But having done this many times, I can tell you, God goes before us, and stands with us, and the Holy Spirit speaks through us as we go.  And there IS great fruit borne from our efforts.  I, personally, was able to have some very meaningful discussions and share the truth with some profoundly lost souls last year.   The main thing is that we GO.  We really DO NEED ‘All Hands on Deck’ right now.

You may be praying for our nation and our world.  But may I suggest that THIS event just MAY be the ANSWER to your prayers?  Jesus told us to GO!  We are going.  Will you join us?  If you don’t do anything else for the Kingdom of God this year, please make plans now to give the Lord FOUR DAYS of your time, and your life will never be the same.  You see, we MUST do this, if we are to have any hope for the future of our nation, for our children, and our grandchildren.  We simply cannot wait any longer.  If we don’t do this NOW, when WILL we?  Call me for more information.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 224.

© 2018 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Battling The Dragon And His Demons

The world, today, is riddled with sin and depravity, the likes of which we have never seen before.  As human beings, we have lost our moral compass, because we have continued in our rebellion against Almighty God.  Make no mistake, the God of Heaven IS our Creator,  the King of Kings and His Son, Jesus Christ, our Messiah IS Lord of Lords.  This is the truth, and truth cannot be changed.  GOD does not change.  He is the same yesterday, today and forever.  And 2 + 2 will ALWAYS equal 4 — even if we want to believe it’s 9 — or in today’s world, with our reprobate minds, we may even try to assert that 2+2  equals ORANGE, or BLUE or RAINBOW SWIRLIES!

But the feeble thoughts of man are all futile, because truth is truth, and we have DENIED the truth.  We have rejected our Creator and our Savior.  We have cursed Him, we have even taught our children He doesn’t exist, and is just a figment of the imaginations of ignorant, superstitious, uneduated men of old.  (And today, everyone KNOWS that MEN — especially old and WISE MEN, are no longer relevant… in fact, they are to be despised).

And therefore, because we deny and reject the King of Kings, and the ancient, timeless TRUTHS of God’s Holy Word, like the people we read about in the book of Judges, “every man does that which he feels is right in his own eyes.”  NO MORAL COMPASS.

Of course, we know from one of those wise old men of ancient times, as we read in Proverbs 14, “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.”  We also read: “A wise man feareth and departs from evil, but the fool rages and is confident.”  And Psalm 2:  “Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing?  The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and His anointed…”  WHO do we think we ARE?  We think we are wiser than God.  We think we know what’s best for ourselves.  Indeed, today, we are so narcissistic, we actually believe we, ourselves, actually ARE the only gods that exist.

Friends, there is a battle raging all around us and we don’t comprehend the enormity or significance of it.  Certainly the worldly, unsaved don’t see it; and very FEW church-goers truly understand what is going on.  We are not taught about these things in our Institutional Churches today.  We’re taught about how to have a happy marriage, how to be a good neighbor, how God just LOVES everybody, the whole world, no matter what, and of course we are taught  how to tithe to the church.  We’re taught about how to have our best life NOW, how to GET BLESSINGS FROM GOD, and riches and prosperity.   In more and more churches, we are outright LIED to, and the greater, weighter matters of the WHOLE counsel of God are never spoken of.  So we need not wonder why our world and our country is in such disarray.  “We all, like sheep, have gone astray, we have turned, every one, to our own way.”

Our problem is spiritual apathy and biblical illiteracy of course, but at the most basic level our problem is sin.  But where did sin originate?  And who was the first sinner?  Some may say it was Eve, or even Adam and Eve together.  But that is not entirely accurate.  Sin and rebellion against God FIRST arose in the very inner circle of God Himself.  In the beginning, “war arose in heaven… Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.  But the dragon was not strong enough and they lost their place in heaven.  The great dragon was hurled down — that ancient serpent called the devil or Satan, who leads the whole world astray.  He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.”  (Revelation 12).

Now look at Genesis 3:  “Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made….”  We all know what happened next.  That ancient serpent, called the devil, or Satan, began leading the whole world astray, by first preying upon an innocent and naive woman using lies and deception, causing her — and her husband with her — to question God and reject Him.  God had given them the WHOLE WORLD to rule over and subdue and to be their home.  At that time, He had only ONE restriction, and that restriction was for their own well being and safety.  But the serpent was craftier, filled with lies and deceit, and wanted nothing more than to destroy God’s image bearers, bringing death and destruction upon us all.  And they fell for it.  And so do we.

Even as believers in Christ, how often do we, in our own imaginations, try to justify what WE want to do — even though we know it is against God’s will — by listening to that serpent’s voice that whispers, “Did God REALLY say???”  And if it is like this for CHRISTIANS, how much worse for those who have outright rejected and despised the very THOUGHT of God, our Creator?

Now, GOD, from the foundations of the earth, made a way for us to find our way BACK to Him, through His Son, Jesus.  Jesus explained to Nicodemus, “Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil.  Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed.  But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.”

Jesus may have been referring to the words of Isaiah 9 here:  “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned…”  But of course, even in Isaiah’s day, the people loved the darkness more, and because of their arrogance, the Lord allowed them to go their own way and suffer His wrath.  Later in Isaiah 9 we read, “So the Lord will cut off from Israel both head and tail, both palm branch and reed in a single day; the ELDERS and DIGNITARIES are the head, the PROPHETS who teach lies are the tail.  Those who guide this people mislead them, and those who are guided are led astray.”

Of course we know that in the last days, “people will not put up with sound doctrine.  Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.”  But it seems this is not just something that happens in the last days…. it’s been going on forever.  How many prophets of God were shunned, tortured and killed for speaking the truth, for shouting ‘Thus saith the LORD,’ even in the days long before Paul wrote these words to Timothy?

As we see in Isaiah, and all throughout Scripture, God is furious with the elders, the dignitaries, the false prophets who teach lies and mislead people and lead them astray.    What words did JESUS use to describe the Scribes and Pharisees and religious leaders of His day?  God is equally furious with the cowardly pastors of today who do the VERY SAME…. speaking lies, refusing the preach the whole counsel of God in order to remain well liked and popular among the people… telling the people what they want to hear, rather than the truth.  Truly, they ARE a brood of vipers… SERPENTS, like their father, the devil.  Jesus described them well.

You see, we have set up for ourselves TEACHERS, rather than being “homeschool”  STUDENTS, rather than being Bereans and studying on our own, to show ourselves approved workmen that need not be ashamed.  We have turned Christianity into a spectator sport.  All we are expected to do now is sit and listen and then go home.  Our Bibles are dusty, friends!  We cannot blame the false teachers and cowardly pastors for ALL the judgment of God that has fallen upon us.  Ultimately, we are responsible, ESPECIALLY in this country of America where we still have the freedom and ability to KNOW God’s Word and Jesus’ commands.  The false teachers and popular pastors are not changing their ways.  They have been with us from the beginning.  If we want to know the truth, it is up to US to seek and find it.

But that is a narrow road that few will ever take.  The broad way that leads to destruction is much more convenient.  It’s a four-lane highway of ease and comfort.  And we live our Christian lives on ‘cruise control,’ as we crank up the praise and worship music, raise our hands in song, sway back and forth to the “beat” and utter our prayers in vain to a God who will NOT hear because we are such children of disobedience.

We are not supposed to rely on the “professional” Christians to teach us.  We need to study, learn and understand the things of God OURSELVES  and we are without excuse because God has made all things plain to those who seek that truth.  Let me ask you:  do you think the devil uses people in his evil schemes?  Of course he does.  Likewise, does GOD not ALSO use people?  Yes, and He does not seek out the high and mighty “professional Christians.”  He seeks the humble of spirit, and He uses those He knows He can trust because they truly love Him.

The enemy of our souls — the serpent — was cast out of heaven along with a third of the angels and they are with us NOW, today, on this earth, wreaking havoc.  Those angels are demon spirits and they thirst for the blood of God’s image-bearers.  Peter tells us, “Be alert and of sober mind.  Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.  Resist him, standing firm in the faith…”

Back to Revelation 12:  “Woe to the earth and the sea because the devil has gone down to you!  He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.” 

Friends, this spiritual battle is raging.  It’s raging stronger every day, and God’s people are being trampled by the serpent and his demons.  Destroyed for lack of knowledge.    And so demonic delusion reigns;  legalized, legislated murder of our own babies, sodomy, “gender confusion,” brainwashing of our children to an evil, godless agenda, resulting in murder, rape, pharmakea, worship of false gods, rejection of our loving Creator, spiritual and emotional bondage.

God is looking for WARRIORS in this spiritual battle.  Faithful servants who will get up out of their padded church pews, take up the Sword of the Spirit and go engage the war.  It’s up to US, my friends, because it is obvious that the vast majority of our pastors, prophets, elders and “professional Christians” simply want to be well liked and popular, but never get their soft, delicate hands dirty.  They have missed that portion of Scripture where James writes, “You adulterous peple, don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity with God?  Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.” 

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be an enemy of God.  I also NEVER want to hear those words, “Depart from me, you worker of iniquity, I never knew you!”  On the contrary, someday, maybe someday soon, I want to hear, “Well done, thy good and faithful servant.  Enter into the joy of thy Lord.”

Please friends.  You know the stakes.  You know the time is short.  How much longer will God’s patience remain?   Get up.  Stand up for Jesus!  The dragon and his demons are having their way.  Who will stand and fight the enemy, as David marched boldly and courageously to Goliath and said “NO!”  Jesus has been given all authority in heaven and on earth, and that authority He gives to US TOO — His faithful who can honestly be called by His name.  He said we, as His followers would do even greater things than He, if only we would fear not, understand our authority in Christ, and step out and stomp the head of that evil serpent with our heel!

This is OUR job.  Not a job for the delicate professionals….  it’s for those who aren’t afraid to get hot, sweaty, dirty, and beat up in battle.  Nobody said this spiritual battle would be easy.  But we CANNOT be defeated if we will just STAND.  Remember Revelation 12:  “And they overcame by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, and loving not their own lives, even unto death.”  The spiritual battle for the souls of men, women and children is raging.  Will you enlist?  Or will you remain asleep while the prowling, hungry lion devours you — AND your children and your grandchildren, and our nation?  It’s time to put on the armor so you may stand your ground and after you have done everything, to STAND!  Remember Matthew 24:  “The one who stands firm to the end will be saved.”

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 222.

© 2018 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

What is it, in your life, that is truly important to you?  As I think back over my lifetime, there were many things that consumed my time and attention when I was younger.  Most of those things that were SO important to me then, just don’t matter anymore.  The older I get, and the more I study God’s Word and seek to follow Him, the more wisdom I have gained.  As Paul said to the Corinthians, “When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child.  But when I became a man, I put away the things of childhood.

Please don’t think me arrogant or boastful, because even after all these years of following the Lord, I am still no more than a student.  But the more I learn of our God and His Kingdom, the more I want to learn more, drawing ever closer to Him, as the Holy Spirit fills me with a hunger and thirst I never knew I was missing when I was young.   I DO hope this message will help open some eyes and hearts — of both the young and the old.  Because today as I look around, I see so many people who are SO lost, seeking the pleasures of this world that exist for but a fleeting moment, and ultimately never truly satisfy the soul.  My heart aches for the sad, lost and lonely, and knowing what I know today, I understand there is only ONE thing — one PURPOSE — in this world that will ever be worthwhile.

Our American culture has really gone downhill, just in the past few decades.  When I was a teenager, the subject of homosexuality was only spoken of in hushed tones.  It was rightfully categorized as a mental illness, and certainly not at all commonplace.  Today it is glorified and pridefully celebrated everywhere you look, and even the majority of regular church-goers now believe it is just another acceptable “alternative lifestyle.”  Many today are even on the verge of accepting the next step down the road to depravity:  “transgenderism.”

When I was young, my parents and grandparents did just fine without fifteen different prescription drugs every day, which now are considered “essential” to living.  In the 1980s, the government waged a “war on drugs,” telling people to “Just Say No.”  It was  about that time that the pharmaceutical industry exploded and began pushing prescription drugs on the populace with wild abandon.  Today, with every election cycle, we hear the cry of the lying politicians: “The helpless elderly are so poor, they must choose between buying food and their medications!”

When I was young, yes, we had rock and roll music.  But in those days, the songs were, for the most part, all about love.  I’m not saying they were WHOLESOME, God-honoring songs, but they were nothing in comparison to what passes for popular music today.  We have gone from words like “I Want To Hold Your Hand,” to things I could not — and WOULD NOT — dare to even speak, because they’re so filthy and blasphemous.  That’s our “music” today.   In the 1980s, “Rap” music began to become popular, which was followed by the more extreme “hip hop,” with their vulgar and violent lyrics, and today we have what is known as “Death Metal,” and even worse:  “CHRISTIAN Death Metal,” as if there could ever even BE such a thing.

When I was young, a FEW people had tattoos.  Only women had their ears pierced.  Today, people young and old are tattooing every blank spot on their bodies, and piercing everything from their ears to their noses to their private parts, and proudly displaying all of it in public and on social media.

And yes, when I was young, people drank alcohol and used illicit drugs.  But it was a shameful thing to be drunk or to be labeled a “druggie.”  You certainly could not buy booze at your local gas station.   Today, people self-medicate with such things, and when they get to the point where they can no longer function in society, society rewards them with the label of “victim,” and provides “disability” benefits, so they no longer NEED to hold a job or support their families, because truly, so many today are no longer capable of doing so… all because of their horrible addictions.

The other day I was in a convenience store and saw a man, probably in his mid-forties, though he looked much older.  He was obviously drunk, and as he wandered in a daze through the store, he had two young toddlers in tow, cursing at them with the foulest of language because he couldn’t stand to be bothered with their needs — and he was buying a case of beer, at 9:30 in the morning.  I asked if he was alright or needed any help, only to be cursed at too, and told to mind my own business.

When I was young, there was no such thing as “smart phones” or even the most basic of cell phones.  But today, we seem to be addicted to them, a world of information, communication, gossip and pornography at our fingertips.

In the world of news media, government and politics, we once wondered if those in charge were telling us the truth about the most important of matters.  Today, there is no doubt:  they ALL lie, and we would expect nothing else.  Once upon a time, we went to church to seriously and reverently study God’s Word, and we attended church for a good dose of reality, as our pastors called us back to repentance and fealty to Christ week after week, reminding us that while we are saved by the grace of God alone, we, too, had a duty to take up our cross daily and follow Him.  Today, if we attend a church at all, (and most no longer do),  it’s only for what WE can get out of it;  it all depends on whether or not WE feel comfortable and affirmed in our personal sins of choice.  The idea of Repentance has been removed from the modern “gospel,” and the pastor is rare who will speak of — or explain — that there is such a thing as sin, which separates us from God.

Truly, our parents and grandparents would not recognize America today, nor would they even want to live in a world like this.  What have we done?  And what do we truly value?  It is said that people make time for the things they truly value… and so we fill our days, nights and weekends with sports — from football to car racing.  Then, there’s music, television, movies, the internet, and other forms of entertainment that we dearly hold on to as our national pasttimes.  We honor Hollywood celebrities and idolize the popular music, movie and sports stars.  And through it all, we have forgotten those things that truly are most important.  Most of us know nothing about history or the great men and women of God who came before us, nor do we care to;  certainly it’s no longer taught in our public schools, having been replaced by “more important’ things like “sex education” and “gender studies.”   And we have replaced God with a twisted, secular humanist view of life based on fake science, wholly invented by those with a nefarious agenda to remake our country into a socialist “utopia.”  Our nation spirals into insanity and our children are growing up embracing the lies of the enemy of our souls.  And we’re too busy with nonsense to even take notice.

People often tell me I’m too harsh, too political, too critical, too negative.  I live a very lonely life, sometimes, feeling like the weeping prophet, Jeremiah — shouting from the hilltops a clarion call to return to those things that are of utmost importance, yet no one wants to hear.  “Why don’t you lay off all that ‘pro-life’ talk?” they ask.  “MY God LOVES people, just the way they are,” they say.  “I choose to love people rather than condemn them,” I’m told.  And I’m told many other things too, much worse.  Suffice to say, I am certainly not very popular in this world, and especially among modern day church-goers.

But I don’t follow any particular “religion” or “denomination.”  I follow God’s Word, the Bible, and that’s enough for me.  I’m not a theologian and I have not been to Seminary.  I have no letters or degrees after my name.  But I have God’s Word, which I learned as a child, and which I continue to learn every day.  Though I did not always follow the Lord perfectly, even as I was in the midst of some of the poorest decisions I ever made as a young person, the Holy Spirit was there, guiding me, speaking to my heart, asking me VERY CLEARLY, “Rob, what are you DOING here?  This is not for you.  You know better.”  And so I did.  And so I left that life, and as I said, the more I seek the Lord, the more I hunger and thirst for His wisdom and fellowship.

Today I am at the point where I cannot get enough, and I am also at the point where I can not stop this ministry He has entrusted to me, even if I had a mind to.  I have an URGING from the Holy Spirit to do more and more and more… I feel the time is VERY urgent… as if each day could well be my last chance.   I see lost souls everywhere I turn, but so FEW even care.  We are SO lost as a people and a nation.  And I grieve.

A member of my extended family is about my age and has never married.  He has a good job and has his mortgage paid off.  No wife or family, he has chosen to spend his money on THINGS.  A couple years ago he spent $80,000 on a fancy new truck — the best there is, with every possible option.  This past summer, he bought a very expensive imported sports car.  To the best of my knowledge, he gives nothing to the work of God’s kingdom, has no involvement in any church and no interest in the things of God.  His life consists of work, his expensive “toys,” drinking and sports.  He knows better, but like most Americans, he doesn’t care.  This really, is where we are at today.  The spirit of Apathy is THICK.  Don’t get me wrong;  he’s a very nice guy and we love him, but that’s not going to “cut it” when he stands before the King of Kings to give an account of his life.  And I have to wonder:  is he truly satisfied with life, having based it on mere possessions and frivolous entertainment?  Does he not LONG for something more SUBSTANTIAL in his life?

If America is going to survive as a nation and if we are going to survive as a people, then there is only ONE answer:  we must REPENT, in humility and in sorrow, and turn our hearts back to our Creator, God Almighty, the One Who has given us so much grace, so much love and patience, even as we have shaken our fists at Him and spit in His face.  What other hope could we possibly have?  Have we not YET had enough of the vanity of entertainment and riches and useless THINGS?  Do we not LONG, desperatley, for a life of substance and fulfillment, with the knowledge that we are investing our time, talents and God-given resources for the Kingdom of God, rather than squandering them all on our own carnal pleasures?  Isnt’ ENOUGH ENOUGH already?

Peter thought just that, as he warned in his first letter to the saints.  In chapter 4, he wrote, “For you have spent enough time in the past doing what pagans choose to do — living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and destestable idolatry.”  John gave a similar admonition in 1st John 2:  “Do not love the world or anything in the world.  If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them.  For everything in the world — the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life — comes not from the Father but from the world.  The world and it’s desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.”

Paul wrote to the Corinthians, “The wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight.”  But he also warned them, “The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned.”  And to the Romans, he wrote, “You know the time, that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep.  For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed.  The night is far gone;  the day is at hand.  So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light.  Let us walk properly as in the day time, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and sensuality, not in quarrelling and jealousy.  But put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify it’s desires.”

Friends, when I began this ministry work, I had no idea what was in store for me.  It has been a life of trouble, difficulty, great challenges and much persecution — from the world AND from the church.  I was a young man then.  Now, after nearly 20 years of full time ministry, I am much older, and I hope, much wiser.  Somewhere along the line, as I sought to do the LORD’s will over my own, He has trained me up to be a servant to HIM, and to others.  I serve with pleasure and with great zeal.  I think back on those things that were once so important to me in my younger days and as I said, they just don’t matter anymore.

I have learned to constantly turn my eyes upon Jesus, and look full in His wonderful face.  And as I have been persistent in doing so, the things of earth have grown strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.  We have only ONE life on this earth to serve the King of Kings.  He is our Creator, our Father, our Provider, our Sustainer and our Savior.  Jesus said, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.”  That is WHO I work for, according to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  I do it for HIS glory, but I ALSO do it for those I dearly love.  My wife, my children and my grandchildren.

I wonder why so many professing Christians, and so many regular church-goers just don’t seem to care much about God, but they SURE care a whole lot about the Green Bay Packers.  And I wonder: what sort of world are we leaving to our grandchildren?  What will be our legacy when we are gone from this world?  Will we have made any difference at all?  Will all the days we’ve spent on this earth have any significance in eternity?  I pray you will ponder these things along with me.  Lord, I pray, help us to turn our eyes upon Jesus, and come to LOVE those things that truly matter.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 209.

© 2018 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Our ‘Reasonable Service’ Os Not Comfort

By Rob Pue

Today’s message may not be very popular.  But it is time to call things like they are.  First, a disclaimer, what I am about to say does not apply to EVERY pastor and EVERY church.  But I believe any thinking person must agree that it most certainly DOES APPLY  to MOST.  Yes, the VAST MAJORITY, … of pastors and churches… and professing Christians.

First, a few questions:  why is our nation under such outrageous confusion and demonic delusion?  Why is it that so many of our children cannot even say for sure whether they are male or female — and the parents are now encouraging them to “explore and experiment” with their sexuality, some even at preschool age?  Why do these same parents take their young kids to sodomite “pride” parades and “drag queen story time” at the local library to gleefully celebrate “diversity?”

Why today, with all the modern science and technology we have, do so many STILL refuse to acknowledge that a baby in the womb is a real living human being — a CHILD?  And why do we ignore these MILLIONS of HUMAN BABIES who are murdered legally EVERY SINGLE DAY for MONEY, while claiming to be so concerned for the victims of  school shootings?  Why do we not simply put an IMMEDIATE END to this holocaust, if we really ARE a compassionate people?  Why is this even a question or a controversy?  NO — this has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH “WOMEN’S HEALTHCARE!”  That’s complete nonsense.

And why do we think the answer to gun violence is creating “gun free zones,” and banning ownership of guns by law-abiding citizens?  Will the violent criminals suddenly abide by the new gun laws any more than the drug dealers have stopped selling heroin, cocaine or Meth?  The Left tells us we cannot legislate morality, or “shove our religion” down their throats, yet they seek to legislate IMMORALITY — and THEY do it constantly, and with stunning success.

And while we’re asking these questions, why is it considered a “good” thing to create “safe spaces” on our college campuses where free speech is off limits?  Why are SOME forms of speech — even outright HATEFUL speech — viewed by the social media “police” as perfectly fine, while other opinions (specifically those having to do with traditional marriage, family, and Christianity) are blatantly censored?

Why do we think it is perfectly “normal” for men to “marry” other men, and women to “marry” other women?  Why is it that the average church-goer knows more about the Oscar and Grammy awards, more about sports scores, more about the latest TV sitcom than they do about the basic fundamentals of the Christian faith or for that matter, what USED TO BE 5th-grade level American history?  Why is Islam considered to be “loving and peaceful” — despite the daily horrors we see committed by muslims WORLDWIDE in the name of their “god,” while Christianity is considered to be hateful, violent and bigoted?

Why are SO MANY people — even regular church-goers — so very confused?  It’s because of where they are getting their information — and more to the POINT, where they are NOT getting it.

You see, in the “old days,” which really were not that long ago, our Pastors and Preachers served as a restraining force against evil in our culture.  They preached the WHOLE TRUTH of God’s Word, unapologetically, boldly and courageously, TEACHING their congregations the difference between right and wrong, between good and evil, between morality and immorality.  They confronted the vital issues of the day head-on.  Our Pastors led the way, not just preaching from the pulpit, but leading their “sheep” OUT of the church house to make a difference in the world outside.  If there was a great evil in the town, the Pastor would lead his people out to confront it, and the people were thankful for his leadership, and his guidance.  His boldness for the cause of righteousness emboldened the PEOPLE.  HE stood for something, and therefore, THEY stood as well.

But things have changed.   Some time ago, I BEGGED one particular pastor to PLEASE preach on these evils that we are facing in the world — the evils that are destroying our society, twisting the minds of our children and their parents alike, forever fundamentally transforming America into a hideous thing that Satan and his demons can be proud of.  His response?  “These topics make people uncomfortable,” he said.  “They don’t want to hear about them.”  When I challenged HIM to challenge the church members to get more involved in local evangelism, street ministry and outreach, his response was, “Most people are just not as COMFORTABLE as you are doing things like that.”  In short, he flat out refused all my pleadings.

Sad to say, but this is how the VAST MAJORITY of our pastors and churches are today.  When was the last time you heard ANY ONE of these most vital cultural issues discussed from the pulpit?  When was the last time your pastor encouraged you to be a bold, courageous Christian, making a difference in this world by going OUT of the church building, and also TOOK THE LEAD, and LED YOU OUT to the streets to do just that?  My guess is, it’s never happened.

So my next question is, why do we go to church?  What is our purpose in going to church?  Some will say, we go to worship God, through music.  Some say we go to commune with God, through prayer.  Some say to study His Word, through Bible studies and sermons.  But I believe many go because it’s expected… we want to be “good Christians,” and in our minds, “good Christians” GO to church.  So we feel guilty if we DON’T go.  We feel it is our DUTY to go, to support the church and pay our offerings.  That, we believe, is just our “reasonable service.”

But what does the BIBLE say about our duty — our “reasonable service” to God?  Romans 12:  “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.  And be not conformed to this world, but be TRANSFORMED, by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable and perfect will of God.”

So friends, our REASONABLE SERVICE — our DUTY  to God — is NOT just to “go to church,” sing songs, bow our heads when someone else prays and sit through a 15 minitue sermon once a week…  but rather to present our very BODIES as living sacrifices.  We are to be holy, even as God is holy, we’re to be sanctified, set apart for His service.  And SERVICE, I might remind you, implies SERVING — DOING something, for goodness’ sake!  We are to go out and witness to others, MAKE DISCIPLES, teaching them the TRUTH of all Jesus’ commanded — and then BRING THEM IN to the church house as new members of the Body of Christ.

At the same time, we are NOT to be CONFORMED to this world, accepting whatever abominations the winds of pop culture throw at us as “normal,” or “just the way things are,” but rather, we are to be TRANSFORMED, by the renewing of our minds.  How in the world will we ever be transformed — how will our minds be RENEWED, coming into alignment with the will of God —  if the TRUTH of what God’s Word SAYS about all these things is NEVER EVER spoken of from our pulpits, because our pastors are so afraid of making people feel UNCOMFORTABLE?  And instead of the congregation being made up of true believers and followers of Christ, we are allowing the things of this world to invade our sacred meetings, and not only that, but to take over and DICTATE what is spoken of inside!

It’s been said that a Pastor’s job is to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable.  But again, things have changed.  Today, they leave the afflicted alone, accepting and affirming them in their all their varied sinful, worldly  lifestyles, in order to make sure the people REMAIN COMFORTABLE!

But my friends, the peoples’ souls are STARVING for bold leaders who will tell them the truth.  There is a FAMINE in the land — a famine of Biblical proportions — a famine of GOD’S TRUTH!  I fear so much for our young people, who spend the whole of their formative years in the public school systems, being indoctrinated with evil, leftist agendas and disinformation and revisionist “history,” and fake “science.”  Then, when high school is over, instead of moving on to a good specialized education where they can learn a trade or get a degree that will help them become productive members of society with a good job, our colleges and universities are now offering some of the most ludicrous classes I’ve ever heard of — further twisting reality into lies — and brainwashing our young people with even more Leftist propaganda.  And the biggest increase in these new college level courses all seem to revolve around sexual deviancy and perversion in one way or another.  Have you noticed that?

WHO will tell them the truth?  Who will mentor them before it’s too late?  Kids aren’t stupid.  They KNOW vain religion when they see it.  And they SEE the vanity of meaningless, powerless religion all their lives growing up in our so-called “Christian” churches today.  It is no wonder they run as fast as they can as soon as they are out on their own, most never to return, UNLESS, by the grace of God, they find TRUE Christianity, but unfortunately, that is not practiced in MOST of our churches anymore…  it just makes people too UNCOMFORTABLE.

Want to know what IS taking place at church Youth Groups today?  Here are just a few of the highlights from one local church in my area:  “Wear your favorite baseball cap night,” “Will it be ketchup, mustard or both?  It’s HOT DOG HONK night tonight!”  “Jump Rope night.”  “Swimming pool noodle night.”  “The Ice Cream Sundae Race.”  I could go on…  but I can’t.  Is it any wonder that in the teen years, when these kids find themselves in the midst of the toughest challenges of their lives, and having had no solid foundation for their faith, they simply walk away from church — and TO drugs, sex, violence and crime?  And then the parents are shocked.  After all, they sent them to Youth Group and Sunday School and took them to church every week.  “What happened?” they cry!

Friends, I AM NOT COMFORTABLE going to the streets and confronting evil either — especially when I have to do it all alone, because the faithful church-goers refuse to join me, and the pastor ABSOLUTELY will never join me.  But what does MY COMFORT have to do with anything?  Was Jesus comfortable, as He was persecuted by the “pastors” of His day during His entire earthly ministry, even until they murdered Him?  Were the disciples COMFORTABLE as they were arrested, jailed, tortured and ultimately put to death?  You see, it’s not ABOUT US!  It’s about serving our Savior, it’s about passing the very TRUTH of GOD’S WORD on to our children and grandchildren.  Revelation reminds us, we overcome the enemy, “by the blood of the Lamb, the word of our testimony, and loving not our own lives, even unto death!”  It doesn’t say ANYTHING there about being COMFORTABLE!

If you want to know what this world is coming to, you need only look at Isaiah 59:  “Your iniquities have separated you from your God.  Your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear.  For your hands are stained with blood, your fingers with guilt.  Your lips have spoken falsely, and your tongue mutters wicked things.  No one calls for justice, no one pleads a case with integrity.  They rely on empty arguments, they utter lies; they conceive trouble and give birth to evil…. Their deeds are evil deeds, and acts of violence are in their hands.  Their feet rush into sin, they are swift to shed innocent blood.  They pursue evil schemes, acts of violence mark their ways.  The way of peace they do not know, there is no justice in their paths.  They have turned them into crooked roads;  — no one who walks along them will know peace.  So justice is far from us, and righteousness does not reach us.  We look for light, but all is darkness, for brightness, but we walk in deep shadows.  Like the blind, we grope along the wall, feeling our way like people without eyes.  At mid day we stumble as if it were twilight; among the strong, we are like the dead.  …For our offenses are many in Your sight, and our sins testify against us.  Our offenses are ever with us, and we acknowledge our iniquities:  rebellion and treachery against the Lord, turning our backs on our God, inciting revolt and oppression, uttering lies our hearts have conceived.  So justice is driven back, and righteousness stands at a distance.  Truth has stumbled in the streets.  Honesty cannot enter.  Truth is nowhere to be found, and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey.”

Friends, we cannot rely on our pastors to speak the truth or be the courageous leaders they are supposed to be, because the fact of the matter is, our churches are not filled with true believers and followers of Christ anymore;  our churches are filled with apathetic,  COMFORTABLE worldly people… and in order to keep them coming back, the pastors must make sure they remain COMFORTABLE.  Scripture tells us that the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine, but instead, will heap up for themselves false teachers who will tell them what they want to hear.

We have reached that point long ago.  And now our children and grandchildren are paying dearly for us allowing that to happen.  What are we going to do about it?  NO, it’s NOT comfortable to go out and confront evil, to preach truth to a world that hates you for Christ’s namesake…  but what is our reasonable service?  It certainly is NOT our own comfort.  So are we going to get serious about this now?  Or not?   Think about it.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 221.

© 2018 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Popping The Christian Bubble

How are things going for you in your life as a Christian?  How is your walk with Christ?  What, exactly, does that look like in day-to-day life?  What — for you — does “CHRISTIANITY” consist of?

I ask these questions because so many church-goers seem to be living in what I call a “Christian bubble.”  We seem to be increasingly isolated within the four walls of our church buildings.  Regular church-attenders and pastors alike have become so intimidated by the ever-increasing anti-God bias of our modern American culture.  So much so, that we choose to just keep our mouths shut, keep our faith to ourselves.

In the past, I’ve described it this way:  as the LGBT movement has been embraced and emboldened with the support of corporate America, the media, the government, the public school systems, and even the churches, unrepentant sodomites have “come out of the closet,” pridefully waving rainbow flags and celebrating their sin, while Christians have been perfectly content to take up residence INSIDE those same “closets,” too afraid to speak up, stand out or even QUESTION the abominations raging throughout our land.

I dare say, Christianity has become all about US.  We go to church on the weekend, and for most, that is the extent of our Christianity.  SOME of us read the Bible on our own at home, but not very many.  SOME of us also have a regular prayer time, but not very many.  These things are all well and good, but there’s just one problem:  living this way is not biblical!  You see, the Christian life is not supposed to be all about US and OUR needs.  We are not just supposed to be feeding OUR souls — we are supposed to be winning OTHER souls, discipling them, and teaching them all Jesus commanded.  We are SUPPOSED to be the Salt and Light of the Earth.  But we’re not.  Even if we DO pray — and a surprisingly low number of professing Christians make this a priority — we pray in error; usually asking God for only those things that affect US, only those things that WE feel WE need.  Instead of praying, “Thy will be done,” we thank the Father for His provision, and then proceed to ask for more and more and more… but sadly, usually, only for OUR own personal needs and wants.

Equally disturbing is this notion that Christians are to have nothing to do with the things of this world.  We are told by our pastors and church leaders to stay out of “politics,” to stay out of controversy, to mind our own business, to focus all of our attention, give all of our tithes and offerings ONLY to the church.   It is continuously drilled into our heads that we’re to have nothing to do with anything outside the four walls of our meeting places.  This is SO unbiblical, I can barely believe we have bought into such lies.  Yet it is the prevailing practice in nearly every church I know of.

Just ask your Pastor if you would be allowed to announce a gathering of church folks at the local abortion center, to stand in the gap for the voiceless, preborn babies about to be torn limb from limb in their mothers’ wombs.  Ask your pastor if you can recruit others from your church to go to a schoolboard meeting and protest the pro-LGBT curriculum being used to indoctrinate your children.  Ask your pastor if you might use a room of the church on a special night to show a documentary about the evil agenda of the socialists, liberals, feminists, and muslims seeking to throw God out of every corner of America.  I already KNOW the answer:  “Sorry, NO.  We can’t get involved in things like that.”  And THEN the church leadership will begin to view you as a “right wing wacko,” and start seeking ways to marginalize you.  They’ll tell others to avoid you.  They will secretly laugh at you behind your back, because you are so radical, so “counter-cultural.”

But I have news for you: our Savior, was the most radical, and the most counter-cultural Person to ever walk the face of the Earth.  And HE Himself gave us COMMANDS  to follow, most of which we KNOW about, but most of which are NEVER preached on  nor taken seriously — except of course, the ever-popular out-of-context, misinterpreted  “Judge Not,” which sadly, even our Christian leaders are now teaching as the “Whole Counsel of God.”

Turn to Matthew 5.  Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth.  But if the salt has lost his savor, wherewith shall it be salted?  It is henceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out and to be trodden under the feet of men.”  He was speaking to His disciples here.  Those who truly WERE — in every sense of the word — CHRIST-FOLLOWERS.  He told them they were the SALT of the Earth.  In this passage, Jesus was explaining a concept in terms His followers could understand.  In those days, “salt that had lost its savor” really only HAD one possible use:  it was used, literally, as PAVEMENT on roads.  They paved the roads with otherwise useless salt.  So it REALLY WAS trodden under the feet of men.

There are many translations of the Bible, and some say “…if the salt has lost IT’S savor…”  But in the original text, Jesus ACTUALLY said, “…if the salt has lost HIS savor…”  This makes quite a difference.  Because He wasn’t just talking about table salt here.  He was talking about PEOPLE.  WE, as Christians, are to be SALTY!  We are to have SAVOR!  If we DON’T, Jesus said, we are literally GOOD FOR NOTHING in the Kingdom of God!

Likewise, Jesus continued by saying, “You are the light of the world.  A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.  Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick, and it gives light to all that are in the house.  Let YOUR light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”

So unless I am grossly misinterpreting this, Jesus specifically told His disciples, in one of His most important teaching times, that His followers were to be the SALT and the LIGHT of the world.  We are not to lose our savor and we are not to hide our light.  Why would He teach these things, if in reality, He meant for us to hide inside the four walls of our church and NEVER EVER EVEN ATTEMPT to impact the culture around us?  Never EVER get involved in the things outside our churches?  Never EVER speak of Jesus’ commands or stand up for God’s Word and truth when sin is pridefully celebrated and normalized, and the doctrines of demons taught to our children and grandchildren as “the new normal?!”

My friends, we live — most of us — inside a “Christian bubble.”  Most of us know nothing about the horiffic abominations going on outside our churches, nor do most of us CARE.  We occupy ourselves with vain religion, with ritualistic “praise and worship.”  But if we are NOT engaging the culture… if we are NOT being salt and light to a lost, deceived and dying world all around us, all our “praise and worship” is useless.  In fact, the very form of “Christianity” we practice has, today, become “good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled on by men.”  And so why are we suprised that Christianity no longer has a “voice” in America?  It’s simple:  we NEVER open our mouths!

What was the message of John the Baptist, as he made way for the start of Jesus’ work here on earth?  “Repent!”  And what was Jesus’ first message when He began His earthly ministry?  You got it:  “Repent!”  Jesus also gave the Great Commission at the end of Matthew 28:  “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost; TEACHING THEM TO OBSERVE ALL THINGS WHATSOEVER I HAVE COMMANDED YOU.”  This “Great Commission” is also recorded in Acts 1:  “You shall receive power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you, and you shall be witnesses unto Me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost parts of the Earth.”  He said all these things as His final instructions to His followers, and then ascended into Heaven.

But my friends, we have been TAUGHT — most of us all our lives — to misinterpret these commands of Christ.  We have been taught that the Great Commission means we are to 1) either give money to overseas missionaries, or 2) to go overseas and feed the poor, dig wells and build houses.  Again, these are not BAD things to do, but it’s NOT what Jesus commanded.

In Matthew 28, He commanded us to TEACH EVERYONE to observe all He had commanded.  So did He actually mean the exact opposite?  That we are to keep our mouths SHUT and never speak out against evil, never talk about sin and the need for repentance, but rather to be loving, accepting, “open and affirming” of sin, lest we offend someone who may be pridefully embracing and celebrating their sin?  And when He said we are to be His witnesses, He put it THIS way:  “first in Jerusalem, then in all Judea, then in all Samaria, and THEN to the uttermost parts of the Earth.”  So did Jesus actually mean the exact opposite?

Did He mean we are to FIRST go to the uttermost parts of the Earth and do service projects, all the while neglecting our personal “Jerusalems?”  And WHAT IS “Jerusalem” to us?  It is our HOME TOWN.  FIRST, He said, we go to our HOME TOWN.  Then we go to our state, then we go to our nation, and LASTLY, we go to the ends of the Earth.  If we do not have the COURAGE to be salt and light in our own home towns, we have no business going on a tropical vacation disguised as a missions trip.  Sorry to sound harsh here, and I do NOT mean to downplay the vital work of those saving lives in foreign lands.  Certainly the missionaries that go there have good intentions and many absolutely ARE doing the Lord’s work.

But what about the rest of us?  They are KILLING BABIES down the street from our churches, and Christians just “praise and worship and pray” louder.  Tell me:  do you think God hears such prayers?  They are teaching ‘TRANSGENDERISM” as a normal, natural alternative lifestyle to your CHILDREN and GRANDCHILDREN, and most of us do nothing about it, for fear of being looked upon as “judgmental,” “offensive,” or “harsh.”  They kicked God out of our public schools in 1962 and Christians did nothing.  Now they are erasing and rewriting history.  They are KILLING BABIES!  And we KNOW BETTER, yet we remain silent, content, fat and happy inside our “Christian bubbles.”

If you want to talk about “harsh,” Jesus had some VERY harsh words for people like this.  He did not show LOVE to everybody.  Matthew 15, “You hypocrites, rightly did Isaiah prophesy of you, saying ‘this people honors Me with their lips but their heart is far from Me.  In vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of men.’”

Truly, Jesus had some VERY harsh words for the cowardly religious leaders of His day.  He called them:  “hypocrites,” “blind guides,” “fools,” “whitewashed tombs,” “serpents,” “brood of vipers,” and “liars.”  In John 8, He told them, “You are of your father the devil.”  It seems Jesus was not very “Christian” by today’s standards, was He?  He also reacted with righteous anger when He found the temple had been turned into a den of thieves, making a whip, physically attacking the wicked ones and overturning tables.  I doubt He would be very welcome in most of today’s churches.

So do you think He would just “be ok” with abortion?  With a sodomite “pride” parade?  With leading innocent little children astray with the lies of the devil, teaching them to question their very gender?  Do you think He would be ok with people just going to church, listening to the sermon, babysitting kids in “Childrens’ Church,” serving as money collectors during the “offering time,” and never DOING anything more?  Never engaging the culture or questioning the lies of the wicked, evil liars who are leading our precious little ones to hell — or worse yet, KILLING THEM in cold blood before they are even born?!

SATAN rejoices, no doubt.  But what would Jesus do about all this?  Would He be sitting and listening to endless sermons, raising His hands in so-called “praise and worship” while MILLIONS outside those four walls are perishing in their sinful delusions?  Come on, folks!  It’s time we pop the bubble.

There is a WHOLE WORLD of REAL CHRISTIANITY going on outside the building where you go every weekend.  You need to understand, you don’t GO to Church, you ARE the Church — IF you’re a true Christ follower.

I was just as guilty of living inside that Christian bubble.  For years, I never knew, never realized, there is a WHOLE WORLD of REAL CHRISTIANITY outside those four walls.  There’s so much more to it than a weekly “service,” personal Bible study and personal prayer time.  We are to the the Salt of the Earth.  The Light of the World.  We ABSOLUTELY ARE called to ENGAGE the culture, and there are MANY TRUE CHRISTIANS who are doing just that.  Most likely you have no idea about this world, because your pastors forbid you to associate with such Christians, and certainly will never promote such “radical activism.”

Why?  Because it takes COURAGE.  It takes thinking outside the box.  Bottom line:  it takes taking Jesus Christ at His Word, taking up our crosses daily and REALLY — I mean REALLY — following Him.

Do you want to be a part of this?  Do you want the REAL DEAL?  Or are you content just “playing church?”  The day will come when the Righteous Judge will separate the sheep from the goats, placing the goats on His left and the sheep on His right.  And the lukewarm — those happy and content inside their “Christian bubbles,” — He will vomit out of His mouth and say, “Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity.  I never knew you.”

If YOU ARE READY to get serious about these issues and if you’re ready to meet like-minded people, I encourage you to join us, March 9th and 10th at the 2018 Wisconsin Christian News Ministry Expo and Conference in Marshfield, Wisconsin.  All these issues and more will be discussed by some of the most notable leaders in the Christian world from around the nation.  You will be educated, informed and equipped to have an IMPACT for Jesus in this lost, sad, sick world.  If you don’t already know about this EXTREMELY VITAL Conference, I encourage you to call me for all the details.  No matter where you live, anywhere in America, if you are serious about your faith, you NEED to be at this Conference.  And you need to bring your children and grandchildren with you as well!  I guarantee it will be life-changing.  And if you actually ACT on what you learn there, God may yet have mercy and heal our land.  Please don’t miss this opportunity.  We may never get another one.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 219.

© 2018 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

As Go The Pulpits, So Goes The Nation

Another school shooting.  Another call from the so-called “progressives’ for gun control, OR the outright confiscation of guns from law-abiding citizens.  “Remove the guns,” they say, “to keep our children safe!”

Another lie from the lying left.  If the truth be told, the liberal, humanist, socialist “progressives” couldn’t care less about children.  They have an agenda — to disarm Americans in order to institute their UN-sanctioned “one-world government,” and a “new world order.”  In other words, tyranny.  Tyrants in control, enslaving the people.  Game over.

Many will say I am putting forth a conspiracy theory.  But many are ignorant of the wicked devices of our enemy, and many are ignorant of what is REALLY, truly going on in this world.  They’d rather follow and believe the “fake news” of the mainstream media than delve deeper into the real truth of this evil agenda.  And yes, there IS an evil agenda.

Look at our public schools.  No longer do we teach “civics” classes in public schools, because the powers-that-be must make sure our kids remain ignorant of our history and our rule of law.  Kids have no idea about our Constitution or Bill of Rights, the Revolutionary War, our fight for Independence.  That “Greatest Generation” that fought World War 2 to free the world from tyrants is quickly fading into history, no longer able to tell their stories.  And our public schools do not tell their stories anymore either.  In fact, if any American History is taught in public schools AT ALL anymore, it has been “twisted,” “spun,” and “revised,” to make AMERICA the Great Evil of the world.

We send our kids to the public schools — or should I say the “Government Indoctrination Centers” — and after 12 years, they hold the exact opposite views on cultural, social and moral issues that we hold.  And after four more years in government universities, we no longer even recognize our kids at all.  What is wrong with us?  Do we not have eyes to see what is happening right before us?  Tell me we’re smarter than that.

It’s been said that public university professors have two main goals for incoming freshment:  1)  get the kids to reject their Christian faith — if they have any faith left at all.  And 2)  get the kids to question their sexuality, their gender, and encourage them to “experiment.”  No longer is there any such thing as “absolute truth.”  Now, it is “moral relativism.”  “What’s right for you may not be right for me, and that’s ok,” they say — UNLESS of course, “what’s right for ME” happens to be traditional family values, faith in God and a love for the country called “America” that USED to be.  Then, of course, you are a “hateful, racist bigot” and your opinion counts for nothing.  You MUST BE SILENCED!

So now we’re in the midst of yet ANOTHER push for the removal of guns from the hands of Americans.  Every day, I am seeing more and more signs in public places stating these are “Gun Free Zones.”  No guns permitted.  How’s that working for us?  All the mass shootings that have taken place in recent years have happened in “Gun Free Zones.”  Apparently, those bent on wreaking havoc and taking lives don’t read the signs.  These “Gun Free Zones” are nothing more than shooting galleries for the mentally disturbed, the disgruntled, the demonically-possessed.  When you pass laws to ban guns, I assure you, the only ones with the guns will be the tyrannical government, the police and the criminals.  GUNS ARE NOT THE PROBLEM, folks!

Let’s just look for a minute at our public schools.  I graduated from high school in 1983,  35 years ago.  I can tell you, even at my small RURAL school, even way back then, it was a cesspool of immorality.  Bullying was rampant, beyond belief.  Filthy, vulgar, foul language and blasphemy filled the hallways, the lunch room and even the classrooms.  That was 35-40 years ago.  I cannot even IMAGINE what it must be like today.  Because at that time, things like pornography were “hush hush,” even though it existed.  Homosexuality was shameful.  People did not celebrate it with PRIDE — much less jump on the bandwagon at the urging of their teachers and try it out for themselves to see if it might be “right for them.”  In grade school, we still stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance every morning.  We didn’t indoctrinate and twist young minds into joining “ANTIFA.”  How FAR we have fallen!  Our CHILDREN, my friends, are in GRAVE DANGER in our country today.  Not JUST from rogue shooters — but especially from those we TRUST — the school boards, the teachers, and those pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Today we have “drag queens” leading story time for pre-school-age children in public schools and libraries, and the parents not only ACCEPT this, they EMBRACE it, all in the name of “diversity.”  Today our kids readily accept the idea that abortion is simply a “woman’s right to choose,” and that Planned Parenthood is really all about “women’s healthcare!”  Give me a break!  Today, our kids not only have to deal with all the things WE had to deal with in school… they ALSO have the added burden now of deciding for themselves whether they are male or female  —  any input on this matter from parents is STRICTLY prohibited, as we have seen in recent news stories.  We have lost our collective minds, reaping what we have sowed.

In 1962 the US Supreme Court banned prayer in public schools.  A year later, it banned the reading of the Bible in public schools.  Where were the Christian parents?  Why were they not OUTRAGED enough to stand up and fight — for morality, for righteousness, for their children and their Savior?  Christians did nothing.  Imagine if the day after prayer was banned in public schools if every DAD went to every public school principal and in righteous anger declared that this will NOT STAND!  We may have had a chance.  But Christians did nothing.

And so today, we scratch our heads and wonder what can be done about all the killings in the public schools.  God was tossed out on His ear a generation ago;  so  now we only seek Him after another bunch of our kids are shot down in cold blood.  THEN we gather and hold “prayer vigils,” holding candles while we weep.  But many don’t even know what prayer IS.  They stand and hold a candle, but there’s no repentance, no real understanding of what we are so guilty of as a nation.  We are SO very lost.

America is suffering under what the Bible calls “Blood guiltiness.”  In another infamous case where the US Supreme Court was unlawfully allowed to “make a law,” it declared, in 1973 that women were now legally able to have their own children murdered.  And the blood of the innocent little babies, knit together by God Himself in their mothers’ wombs cries out from the ground to Almighty God.  We are guilty of shedding innocent blood.  Ezekiel 22, “You have become guilty by the blood that you have shed, and defiled by the idols that you have made, and you have brought your days near, the appointed time of your years has come.  Therefore, I have made you a reproach to the nations, and a mockery to all the countries.”  These are the words of the Lord.

Need some more?  Pslam 106, “They poured out innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, and the land was polluted with blood.”  Lamentations 4, “How the precious children of Zion, once worth their weight in gold, are now considered as pots of clay, the work of a potter’s hands.”  In otherwords, common, disposable… garbage.  THESE ARE OUR CHILDREN, people!  THESE ARE OUR BABIES!  Their blood cries out from the ground, as did the blood of Abel, to Almighty God.  And as we have so cavalierly shed the blood of 60 MILLION innocent babies in this nation in the last generation, though we cannot see it, because it is kept behind closed doors, out of sight, a “taboo” subject we are never allowed to discuss, their blood is running like rivers in our streets, and so why are we surprised when we are reaping so much violence and bloodshed elsewhere?  Frankly, I’m surprised we aren’t seeing more.  Frankly, I’m surprised the Lord has not yet poured out His full wrath on this nation and destroyed it as He did Sodom.

Yes, I am ANGRY!  I am ANGRY that you can go to just about ANY Christian church in America today — and you can go there for the next 40 years, and you will NEVER hear any pastor touch these subjects with a ten-foot pole, for fear of offending some in the pews, for fear of talking “politics” from the pulpit.  For fear of being “distasteful.”  For fear of the weekly “take” falling short in the collection plate.   It’s SICK!  And YES, I am angry.  “As go the pulpits, so goes the nation.”  Our Pastors, who refuse to teach, who refuse to preach the WHOLE counsel of God, straining at a gnat while swallowing a camel, neglecting entirely the weightier matters of the law, while instead talking about “how to have a sexy marriage,” “how to be wise stewards,” “why we need to ‘tithe’ in order to be good Christians,” “God’s love for all mankind, how we’re ALL God’s children….”  The list could go on, but I … …just can’t.

Guns are not our problem, folks.  Our problem is the fact that we, as a nation, have rejected God.  You may not realize this if you live in a Christian “bubble” like many do.  But you would be AMAZED at how many people in America today know absolutely NOTHING about God, about His Word, about Holiness and righteousness, and about their need for repentance and the Savior.  Even regular church-goers have been so woefully and poorly taught, they cannot explain the truth of the Gospel, and they CERTAINLY would never have the courage to share it if they ever took the opportunity.  Christianity has become a “spectator sport,” where we are never asked to do ANYTHING, always encouraged to stay away from those “wackos” who fight the murder of innocent babies, who speak out against sodomy and the reprobate minds that have become so warped by the enemy’s deceptions that they cannot even say for sure whether they are male or female.  “Stay away from people like that,” our pastors tell us.  “They are radicals.  They are nuts.  They do not represent what our church believes.”  Indeed.  They do not.

The Bible tells us in Ephesians 5 that we are to have nothing to do with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather, EXPOSE them.  We also read that it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret — and yet today we have Christian churches not only endorsing baby killing, sodomy and the demonically-twisted lie of “transgenderism,” we even have churches PARTICIPATING in these evils… approving of abortion, FUNDING and PRAYING FOR Planned Parenthood, ordaining sodomite preachers!

Go to Romans 1:  “Although they KNEW God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things, but also approve of those who practice them.”  Go to ANY sodomite “pride” parade and you will find literally DOZENS of so-called “Christian” churches PARTICIPATING in the parade with their own vulgar parade floats; while, meanwhile, a mere handful true Christ-followers will be on the sidelines trying their best to minister God’s Word and tell the Truth amidst hundreds of thousands of lost souls, so filled with hatred of God, they would kill every Christian if they could…  and our PASTORS tell their people to stay away from the truth-tellers, the bold, courageous Christians willing to put their lives on the line for the Gospel.

Well, the risen Christ had a different message than these hirelings.  He said the RIGHTEOUS will triumph over the evil one.  How?  “…by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, and loving NOT their own lives, even unto death.”  Radical?  Yes.  Acceptable in our churches today?  No.  You’d be a wierdo.  You’d be a radical.  You would not be welcome.  Pastors would encourage others to stay away from you.  And they do.

As go the pulpits, so goes the nation.  The blood that flows from our public schools is the same blood that flows in our streets — innocent blood of our children, the judgment of God on a nation that has rejected Him — a nation whose every thought seems to be only evil, all the time, only honoring Him with their lips when it becomes convenient, …or necessary to calm the guilty conscience.  Until we repent and turn — corporately —  as a nation, back to our Creator, I don’t believe He listens to our superficial prayers, offered up in vain.  We can stand and hold candles and gather and mourn together EVERY TIME violence erupts in our land, but until we turn BACK to God, He will not take part in any of our sorrowful assemblies.

We are lost.  We are sheep without shepherds, led by cowardly hirelings.  I’m sorry to be so blunt.  I do not wish to impugne ALL pastors.  Certainly there ARE some bold, courageous ones out there, and I know some personally.  But the VAST majority in America today are hirelings.  Jesus was even more emphatic than what I have said here, using words like “Snakes,” “Brood of Vipers,” “Whitewashed tombs.”  And He told those religious leaders they were “of their father, the devil.”

It’s time for some COURAGEOUS CHRISTIANITY in America today.  We have to decide if we’re serious about this, or if we are just going to let the evil one have his way with us while our children and grandchildren die, with twisted minds, broken hearts and lost souls.  If YOU ARE READY to get serious about these issues and if you’re ready to meet like-minded people, I encourage you to join us, March 9th and 10th at the 2018 Wisconsin Christian News Ministry Expo and Conference in Marshfield, Wisconsin.  All these issues and more will be discussed by some of the most notable leaders in the Christian world from around the nation.  You will be educated, informed and equipped to have an IMPACT for Jesus in this lost, sad, sick world.  If you don’t already know about this EXTREMELY VITAL Conference, I encourage you to call me for all the details.  No matter where you live, anywhere in America, if you are serious about your faith, you NEED to be at this Conference.  And you need to bring your children and grandchildren with you as well!  I guarantee it will be life-changing.  And if you actually ACT on what you learn there, God may yet have mercy on us all.  Please don’t miss this opportunity.  We may never get another one.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 218.

© 2018 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

God In Us

I learned of Jesus as a child and came to Christ at a very young age.  Like all new believers, I did not receive all knowlege of the truth right from the start;  my life has been a journey of discovery and revelation.  The longer I walk with Jesus, the better I come to understand and know Him, the more He reveals Himself to me and the more I come to comprehend spiritual things.  One thing I DO know is found in the first chapter of Philippians:  “He who began a good work in (me) will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”  I am constantly learning as I draw ever closer to the Lord.

But it’s strange that as Christians, we all read the same Book, yet few of us can agree on what it says.  We separate and divide ourselves up into little groups and then often condemn those outside our own little group as heretics and apostates.  I believe this is the sin of pride, as so often, so many boast that only THEY have the truth, and everyone else has it wrong.

Don’t misunderstand what I’m saying; there ARE many who claim the name of Christ in vain — there definitely ARE heretics, apostates, false teachers of all kinds, and the Bible warns us to turn away from such ravening wolves.  But today we have no less than 33,000 different fractured factions… 33,000 different “Christian” denominations and there is often great animosity between those of different churches.  How can this be when we all claim to follow the same Scriptures?  And how can we, as the Body of Christ impact the world if we cannot even speak to one another because of our pride?

Paul spoke of this to the Corinthians, saying, “Brothers, I was not able to speak to you as spiritual people but as people of the flesh, as babies in Christ.  I gave you milk to drink, not solid food, because you were not yet ready for it.  In fact, you are still not ready, because you are still fleshly. For since there is envy and strife among you, are you not fleshly and living like unbelievers?  For whenever someone says, ‘I follow Paul,’ and another, ‘I follow Apollos,’ are you not unspiritual people?  What, then, is Apollos?  And what is Paul?  They are servants through whom you believed, and each has the role the Lord has given.  I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.  So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.”

What did Paul mean when he said he was not able to speak to the Corinthians as “Spiritual people?”  It means they were walking in the flesh, not by the Spirit.  It means THE SPIRIT OF GOD WAS NOT ALIVE AND ACTIVE IN THEM!   This is what I would like to discuss today, because one area of essential doctrine of our faith that has been very misunderstood and misrepresented is the Person and work of the Holy Spirit.  In the denomination I grew up in, the topic of the Holy Spirit was never explained or taught.  Yes, we did believe in the Trinity — one God in three Persons… but that third Person of the Trinity was never explained or talked about.

Indeed, many Christians seem to be fearful of this.  We hear words like “The Holy Spirit,” “The Holy Ghost,” and “Spirit-filled,” and many of us run for the hills.  We don’t understand it, and so we shy away from it; but in doing so, we are missing out on the fullness of God and the real blessings of the true Christian life.

I understand why people are afraid of this subject and I grieve when I see some groups make a mockery of the Holy Spirit.  To them, the manifestation of the Spirit involves outrageous, dramatic exhibitions of their own professed “holiness” — barking like dogs, “Holy laughter,” rolling and flopping on the floor, and losing control of their own bodies.  Make no mistake:  this is not of God.  This is not the true Holy Spirit at work.  This is fleshly, prideful man, seeking his own glory, not God’s.  But this has nothing to do with the Spirit of God.  I find no place in the Bible where the Holy Spirit caused people to put on any chaotic performance for the sake of being seen as “Holy” by others.

But know this:  the Holy Spirit absolutely DOES have a place in our Christian lives.  In fact, I don’t believe you can be a true Christian without the Spirit.  You can have RELIGION, but it is vain, powerless, CARNAL religion.  On the other hand, if you are truly indwelt by the Holy Spirit, you have the very POWER of GOD living inside you.  I don’t know how you can truly be a Christian without that.

The Holy Spirit was not some new thing that came about only on the Day of Pentecost.  As the third Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit was present even before the Creation of the universe.  Genesis 1, Verse 2 states, “The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over face of the deep.  And the SPIRIT OF GOD was hovering over the face of the waters.”  There is no denying it, the Holy Spirit is absolutely real and co-equal with the Father and the Son!

In John, Chapter 14, Jesus explained this to His disciples:  “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.  And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever.  He is the Spirit of truth. The world is unable to receive Him because it doesn’t see Him or know Him.  But you DO know Him, because He remains with you and will be in you.  I will not leave you as orphans; I am coming to you.

“In a little while the world will see Me no longer, but you will see Me.  Because I live, you will live too.  In that day you will know that I am in My Father, you are in Me, and I am in you.  The one who has My commands and keeps them is the one who loves Me. And the one who loves Me will be loved by My Father.  I also will love him and will reveal Myself to him.”

“Judas (not Iscariot) said to Him, ‘Lord, how is it You’re going to reveal Yourself to us and not to the world?’

“Jesus answered, ‘If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word.  My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.  The one who doesn’t love Me will not keep My words.  The word that you hear is not Mine but is from the Father who sent Me.

“I have spoken these things to you while I remain with you.  But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit — the Father will send Him in My name — will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you.”

Wow.  There is a lot of information here in this short section.  First of all, Jesus told His disciples, (and also US), THREE TIMES in this passage that those who are true followers of Christ are those who keep His commandments.  Jesus promised to ask His Father to send “another Counselor” to be with His people, because He knew He would soon be leaving this earth.  This “other Counselor” is the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit.

We also learn here that those who are not in Christ cannot receive the Holy Spirit, because they do not follow His commands.  But for those who DO love God, Jesus promised this Holy Spirit would be with us and IN us.  In other words, JESUS HIMSELF, though He would be leaving this earth soon to return to the Father, would also be IN His followers, in the form of the Holy Spirit.  And what would the Spirit do?  Jesus said, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word.  My Father will love him, and WE will come to him and make OUR home with him.”  This Counselor, this Holy Spirit, sent by the Father in Jesus’ name, will “teach you all things and remind you of everything I told you,” Jesus said.

Who receives the Holy Spirit?  Those who follow Christ and obey His commands, those that love Jesus.  In Acts chapter 2, Peter proclaimed, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”

I believe there are many professing Christians in our churches today who have gone to church all their lives and done many religious activities, but they are without the Holy Spirit in their lives, and do not even realize it.  OR, the Spirit may be present, but not ACTIVE in their lives because they have not acknowledged Him or hearkened to His voice.    And what a gift they are missing!

After studying this subject, I can now look back over the course of my life and realize that I had the Holy Spirit within me even as a young child, though I did not recognize or realize what it was.  The Lord speaks to me spiritually constantly, and now that I understand this is the Holy Spirit inside me, I know this is not just my own carnal “conscience” speaking, but God Himself, guiding me into all truth, ordering my steps.  It is this Holy Spirit within me that has taught me the things of God, helped me to understand the great wisdom of the Scriptures, and throughout my life, has reminded me of all Jesus’ words, at times when I needed them the most.

In Galatians 5, Paul admonished us to “walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.”  I cannot count the number of times the Holy Spirit has guided me in my decision making.  There are so many lost and worldly people today who know nothing of God, and do not have the Holy Spirit inside them.  And so it is no wonder they live self-centered lives of carnality and lust.  They walk in the flesh and live to gratify the desires of the flesh.  But the Spirit-led person has the ability to say no to ungodliness and worldly lusts, and to live soberly, righteously and Godly in this present age.

And though the Christian life is not one of ease and comfort, the Holy Spirit inside us is also called our “COMFORTER,” because the of the benefits — or the FRUIT — of the Holy Spirit, which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.

Isaiah Chapter 11 talks about Jesus.  In verse 2 we read, “The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.”  Friends, the same Holy Spirit that was in Jesus Himself as He walked this earth is the same Holy Spirit that Jesus gave as a precious gift to US, as we become His children.  As true Christians, WE, TOO, have that  Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and fear of the Lord.

It is only with the Holy Spirit inside us that we can be of any use to the Kingdom of God.  And it’s only with the Holy Spirit inside us that we can have eternal life.  As we read Jesus’ own words in Acts 1, we learn that we will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon us, so that we can be His witnesses.

What else happens when we receive the Holy Spirit?  God promised in Ezekiel 36, “I will give you a new heart and a new Spirit I will put within you.  And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.  And I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes…”

There are many, though, who profess Christ but still try to live with one foot in the world.  This does not work.  You cannot serve two masters.  You cannot profess to be Godly in church but then be worldly when you step out the door.  This GRIEVES the Holy Spirit.    Luke said in Acts chapter 7, “You stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Spirit.  As your fathers did, so you do.”

Sadly, many profess Christ with their lips but their hearts are far from Him.  Thus the Spirit is quenched and grieved, and such a poor soul can only live a carnal existence on this earth.  They cannot live in the fullness of Godliness without the POWER, without the COUNSEL and without the BLESSING of the GIFT of the Holy Spirit.  Though they may call themselves “believers,” they are deceiving themselves; no better off than the unsaved person.  These are the spiritually shallow, the ones with itching ears who cannot accept the great and wonderful truths of the FULL COUNSEL of God.  The ones who will hear the Savior say, “Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity, for I never knew you.”  “The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are nonsense to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned.”  (First Corinthians 2:14).

Friends, God has promised us the amazing gift of His very own Spirit.  With God Himself living inside us, giving us a new Spirit, a Spirit of life and the wisdom, counsel, guidance and the comfort of Christ, we truly become new creations.  We are transformed in the RENEWING of our hearts and minds, no longer seeking after worldly nonsense, but now living new lives as children of God.  God’s will then becomes OUR will.  This is what it MEANS to be “born again.”  Jesus came to earth to be “God WITH us.”  Then He promised the Holy Spirit to those who truly love Him so we can have “God IN us.”  We can’t be true Christians without the Holy Spirit.  So don’t resist the Holy Spirit.  Don’t quench the Spirit.  SEEK the Spirit, and listen to His voice.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 212.

© 2017 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Would Jesus Approve Of Christmas?

Most of the Christian world will soon be celebrating the Christmas holiday.  Some, however, will not, and in what I view as a wrong and self-righteous spirit, will actually CONDEMN anyone who does as a heathen, pagan or heretic.  The debate over Christmas is one that has gone on for centuries.  Now, I understand, there ARE well-meaning, sincere and faithful Christians who choose to NOT observe the holiday because they believe it is wrong.  So let’s briefly investigate that as we ask the question: “would Jesus approve of Christmas?  Or does He hate it?”

Some say that Christmas began with the sun worshipers in the time of Nimrod at the Towel of Babel.  Later, it coincided with the Roman Feast of the Birth of Sol, the sun god.  Those who stand against Christmas will tell you the early church never celebrated the birth of the Savior, but that in the fifth century, it was made a “Christian” holiday by the apostate Church, as a way to make the church more appealing to the worldly.  We’re told even the name, Christmas, means a Roman Catholic “Mass of Christ.”

Other nay-sayers will bring up the idea of the Christmas tree, and quote Jeremiah 10, “Learn not the way of the Heathen . . . For the customs of that people are vain:  for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.  They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not…”  Does this describe a Christmas tree?

Still others will bring up the idea of giving gifts, and declare that they cannot, in good conscience, celebrate Christmas because at Christmas we give gifts to ONE ANOTHER, rather than to God.  So, they assert, this gift-giving is not honoring to the Lord.  Further, the commercialism of Christmas entices our selfishness, greed and lust.  So, they say,   Christmas could never be an acceptable way to worship the Lord.

And of course there are those who bring up the fact that Santa Claus is not real… but rather a fictional character derived from Saint Nicholas.  Some will even claim St. Nicholas is simply another name for Satan.

If you choose to abstain from Christmas, that is your choice, and you are free to do so.  The celebration of Christmas is NOT mentioned in Scripture, you’re right.  We are not commanded to observe it.  When it comes right down to it, in Romans 14 we read, “One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike.  Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.”  Yes, God gives us that liberty, and as Christians, EVERY day should be holy as unto the Lord.

But what if we DO celebrate Christmas?  Does partaking in this holiday forever brand us as heathens and pagans?  Must we repent of years of merry-making at Christmas time?  Does the Lord, as some will loudly declare, truly despise Christmas and the celebration of it?  Let’s use some common sense.

First of all, Scripture makes it very clear that God looks first and foremost upon the heart, upon our intentions.  The vast majority of people I know are Christians, and the vast majority of them DO celebrate Christmas.  In doing so, not a single one of them does so to honor Nimrod or the sun god Sol.  Not one.

Further, while I do have some Catholic friends, most of my friends and all of my family are protestants… and we all celebrate Christmas.  Does this mean we are actually worshipping the Roman Papacy, as some accuse?  Of course not.  We worship with sincere hearts, in spirit and in truth, and our faith remains in Christ alone… not a sun god…. not Nimrod…. not the Pope.

What about the dreaded Christmas tree?  Isn’t THAT proof that Christmas is for heathens?  Read the Scripture.  It is talking about making for oneself an idol out of wood — not decorating a Christmas tree.  For goodness’ sake, the Lord Jesus had not even been born into this world yet, nor the thought of “Christmas” as a holiday even considered in the days that Jeremiah penned those words.

In my family, we decorate a Christmas tree every year.  We hang pretty things on it, including craft items our kids made in school and church while they were growing up.  Each ornament contains a family memory.  The lights of the tree, like the lights on homes, businesses and street corners are not symbols of satan.  They are lights, people.  They’re pretty.  They’re colorful and bright at a time of year that otherwise can be cold, lifeless and dull.  Yes, we have a tree.  It smells great.  It looks pretty, and yes, we put presents beneath it.  But in all my years, we’ve never yet bowed down to it to worship it as an idol.

And what about the giving of gifts to one another, rather than to God?  What would Jesus say about that?  Once again, as in all things, we need to look upon the heart, the intention behind all that we do.

Friends, I love Christmas.  I always have.  Certainly the holiday can — and has been —  corrupted in many ways.  For some today, it is purely a secular celebration, an overindulgence in materialism, gluttony and spending.   That’s sad.  But that is not the Christmas I know.

Whether it began this way or not, in our family, Christmas is a celebration of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  Yes, we know He wasn’t born on December 25th.  But that’s the day we observe as Christmas.  In Titus we read, “But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.”    Indeed, Christians are great at fighting, accusing and demeaning one another, and that is a shame.  That is not how the Lord would have us to live as the Body of Christ.  Rather, let our hearts be pure and our intentions honorable.  Why must we forever argue and accuse over foolish things that only cause hurt and division within the body of Christ?

I love the songs about the birth of Jesus.  I think it would be great to sing them all year long!  But reserving the sacred hymns of Christmas for this time of year makes this time of year special, and more endearing.  I guess my favorite would have to be “O Holy Night.”  What a wonderful song of praise!

I love the lights and decorations around town, the smell of pine needles, the warmth of a glowing fire in the fireplace.  And I love taking time to think of each of my loved ones, one by one, considering what they would like… thinking of ways I can bless them.  If I don’t get a single present under the tree for myself, that’s fine with me.  I just love giving gifts and blessing others.   It blesses my heart far more than receiving things for myself.

And contrary to the thinking of those who would despise Christmas and dismiss it as pagan, in reality, today it is the PAGANS THEMSELVES who want to do away with Christmas.  It is the heathen that try to stamp it out.  It is the atheists who demand no one utter the words “Merry Christmas,” because to do so is so horribly offensive.  THEY are the ones trying to stop Christmas from coming…because, they argue, it is TOO CHRISTIAN, and though they say they do not believe in God, the truth is, they hate Him, and THAT is why they seek to silence any mention of Christmas!

But Christmas is here to stay, my friends.  And I am thankful that it is.  In a world where for 364 days of the year we are all so self-absorbed, so consumed with the worries and cares of this life, I thank the LORD for Christmas… for what it has come to stand for — the birth of our Savior — His gift of grace, mercy and lovingkindness, GOD WITH US…and for the joyous traditions we celebrate each year as we, too, show grace, mercy and lovingkindess one to another.

As a child growing up in my parents’ home, we always had Christmas.  We would decorate the tree as a family.  And I remember each year we’d get the Sears Wish Book catalog… filled with wonderful toys and fun things we could dream of.  I remember rehearsing for weeks for the Sunday School Christmas program, and then the night it finally came, after the program everyone would get a bag of Christmas candy and a popcorn ball, a gift from the church.   And what joy when the last day of school came before Christmas break.

My parents first had three girls and then three boys.  I’m number five… the middle child among the boys.  I don’t remember a time when my sisters lived at home… they had all moved out and lived in other towns by the time I came along.  But as a kid growing up, I recall the anticipation of having all my sisters — and their husbands — come home for Christmas.  My Mom was the best cook ever.  I know most people think that, but in my case it really was true!   We always had a wonderful feast, and of course, the Christmas cookies and treats, recipes no one could ever duplicate.  I remember going in to town and always finding a way to make my meager piggy-bank savings come out to equal a gift for everyone on my list.  Taking my treasures home, and wrapping them with eager anticipation, imagining how much my Mom, Dad, brothers and sisters would each love the simple gift I had chosen  for them.

Over the years, Christmas has changed.  Both my parents are gone now, and the old house is no longer our gathering place.  In fact, all of MY children are now grown and out on their own too… so MY house is where Christmas happens now.  It’s a beautiful time of year.  Its a time of giving, a time of sharing, a time of loving one another and of being together.  School, jobs, careers… these may take us far away from one another… but we can always return HOME at Christmas time.

It’s a wonderful blessing, Christmas.  It can also be a very sad time for those who have no family and few, or no loved ones left in the world.  And it is for ones such as this that Christians reach out and provide for even the least of these.  Christian organizations sponsor Christmas meals, gather gifts for poor children, comfort the widows and orphans, and even provide a special gathering place to celebrate, so that no one need be alone on Christmas.  Now, I ask you:  do you not think Jesus would approve?

Sometimes, I’m afraid, we simply take ourselves too seriously.  Now, I didn’t say we take SCRIPTURE too seriously, one could never do that.  But sometimes, in our desire to be accepted by God, we want to make sure we don’t do anything wrong… we want to be pleasing to Him, we want to make sure we take no missteps.  An admirable desire.  But friends, Christ came, as a humble human baby, born in a manger, He lived to minister, teach and serve, and He died to save mankind from death and hell.  Yes, we must strive to be Christlike in all we do.  We must live by the Word of God.  But we can never earn our way to heaven.  I fear that is what some are trying to do, who abstain from Christmas.  They want to suffer for the Lord, by not taking part in the celebration… choosing instead to perhaps just be silent, read Scripture alone, denying themselves any part of anything that resembles “fun.”  AND pointing the finger of doom toward any who dare worship the sun god or take part in a “Christ Mass.”

WHAT does that accomplish?  Who, I ask you, is blessed… by THAT?    What would Jesus do?  There are ways to observe Christmas that the Lord will honor and bless… and of course, as in all things, there are ways we can corrupt it.  It’s not about the stuff.  Its not about Black Friday.  Its not about getting… It is a time to come together, to come HOME again, to reunite with those we love.  Its about cherished relationships.  Its about giving and its about blessing others as Jesus has blessed us.  In this world of broken relationships, dysfunctional and fractured families, the Lord knows, we NEED this.    I wish you all a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year…  May the Lord be ever present in your homes, and in your hearts this Christmas season, and for always.

© 2017 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 213.

Anti-Christian Discrimination Hits Home

Whether you realize it or not, we are — right now — in the midst of perhaps the biggest culture war the world has ever seen.  Many church-goers do not realize this because they live in a “Christian bubble,” and have no idea the battle that is raging all around us.  Ephesians 6 tells us, “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”  Yes, my friends, there IS a SPIRITUAL REALM, and that is where the battle is being waged;  the undiscerning only see the incremental RESULTS of the battle, not the battle itself.    Just as the fish in an aquarium have no clue that there is a whole world outside their tank, many of us cannot discern the spiritual realm that is just as real as those things we can see, touch and smell in this natural world.

But this natural world is beginning to smell awfully bad.  Even those who are largely tuned out know instinctively that something is wrong.  This is not the same world we grew up in.  That which is truly evil is now called “good,” and that which is good and decent is now called “evil.”  Even professing Christians are often taken in by the deceptions of the enemy, acquiesing to the changing cultural worldviews of the left, under the guise of “Christian love.”

Of those who work non-stop to destroy everything good, Godly and righteous, many a professing Christian will say, “We just have to show them the LOVE of Jesus.”  But friends, these are the ENEMIES of God.  They care nothing about the love of Jesus.  They HATE Jesus with a demonic passion!  Do you not see that?  They will NEVER come to a knowledge of the truth as long as we fail to show them their error and shine the light of truth on the sin they so proudly embrace.  They will never come to the Savior as long as they do not understand how LOST they are — because they do not understand they desperately NEED the Savior!

And so by our acceptance, we have allowed the cancerous evil in our land to grow and expand, to the point where many now accept the abomination of SODOMY as just another “alternative lifestyle.”  In our worldly, fleshly human “wisdom,” we believe it is a positive, modern and “progressive” thing to accept the sickness of “homosexual pride.”   SO MANY of us have believed the lie, not even realizing it IS a lie, foisted upon us by a highly organized and MILITANT leftist agenda, bent on dismantling the very laws of God and nature itself.

And Christians are so “loving,” (and I say that in quotes), we are willing to roll over and give God’s enemies more and more ground, whatever they want.  Few are willing to stand up and fight for truth, righteousness and justice.  I think of the bakers, photographers and florists who have lost EVERYTHING for choosing to follow their Lord and Savior rather than participate in what God calls an abomination.  They have been persecuted, beaten down, and have lost their businesses, their homes, their life savings — EVERYTHING — all because of their faithfulness to God.  And few who call themselves Christians have stood with them in their time of persecution.  If the truth be told, the average church-goer is not even AWARE of the stories I just mentioned, and those who ARE aware do not seem to care very much at all.  Even fewer are willing to come alongside and fight the battle with their Christian brothers and sisters.  “Just let it go,” they say.  “It’s the law of the land and we must obey,” they say.  “All we can do is pray for them,” they say.  Yet they don’t even do THAT.

In case you’re not aware, I have recently become personally involved with a case of anti-Christian discrimination.  At our Wisconsin Christian News Ministry Center here in Marshfield, we hold many special events, where guest speakers come in and present  teaching seminars on the most important cultural issues of our day, always from a Godly, biblical worldview.  Our Ministry Center is all about sharing Information, Education and Inspiration, raising up disciples, training them to not only be aware of the issues at hand, but also capable of defending and earnestly contending for their Christian faith.

Part of promoting our special guest speakers includes advertising and promotion of our events.  We always have large posters made to hang in the front windows of our Ministry Center.  In late October, as always, I placed an order with our local Office Max store for some events we are holding in November.  One event is a tribute to Veterans and a Hymn Sing on Veterans Day.  Another will feature Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality.  When I initially sent the computer files to Office Max for printing, I was told there was no problem;  both posters would be promptly printed and ready for pickup early the next morning.

But the next morning, I got word from the manager of our local Office Max that the poster featuring Peter LaBarbera’s event would NOT be allowed to be printed because it violated their corporate policy against “hate speech” and discrimination against “certain groups of people.”  The bottom line here, friends, is that Office Max has a corporate policy to promote the LGBT agenda — 100% in everything they do, and they’ll have nothing whatsoever to DO with anything that (as our poster reads) “Exposes the Truth About the Homosexual Agenda.”

Rest assured, there was NO hate speech, certainly no threats of violence, no discrimination against anyone included within the contents of the poster I wanted to have printed.  It simply told of Peter LaBarbera’s work, his area of expertise, the location, date and time of the event.  But because it talked about “exposing the homosexual agenda,” Office Max refused to print our project.

Now, I have a real problem with hypocrisy, injustice and bullies… and this situation has all three of those elements.  It seems to me that if Christian bakers, photographers and florists are FORCED to cater to the whims of the homosexual agenda, then Office Max should have to abide by the same rules.  Not the case.  You see in America today, the homosexual lobby gets whatever they want, while Christians are routinely steamrolled into bloody submission and labeled as “hateful bigots.”  To be clear, I don’t think ANY business should be forced to do something that goes against their firmly held beliefs.  But if Christians are forced to violate their very FAITH IN GOD, then the sodomites should abide by the same rules they have forced upon Christians.

By refusing to serve us, they simply made my point for me.  There IS, INDEED, a “homosexual agenda” out there… and the AGENDA IS: to silence the Christian voice and ANY opposition to their vision of a Godless, sodomite new world order.

Many have advised me to “just shut up” about all this, “let it go.”  “Go get your posters printed somewhere else.”  (Which I DID, by the way, through a local independent printer that was happy to have my business).  But that’s not the point.  Sure, I could go elsewhere.  But so could those others — the homosexual activists — who, instead, have RUINED the lives of so many other Christian business people who only wanted to live out their faith in a Godly way.  Yes, these Christian business people have lost everything, at the hands of the homosexual mafia and the activist judges they seem to control.

You may think this is a small matter.  And in the big scheme of things, it probably is;  but if I were to simply shut up about it and let it go, it would be just another incremental step toward the end of civil rights for Christians in this country, which is their ultimate goal.  My situation pales in comparison to these others.  But I believe it is time we stand up to the tyranny, hypocrisy, injustice and bullying.

Are you aware of an organization known as the Human Rights Campaign?  (HRC).  As with all things demonic, the name is a misnomer… just like “Planned Parenthood,” “The Affordable Care Act,” “American Civil Liberties Union.”  You see, every organization the “liberal left” is involved with has a positive, nice-sounding name;  but what it actually DOES is the OPPOSITE of what the name implies.  Because that is what the devil DOES:  HE LIES!

The Human Rights Campaign really has NOTHING TO DO with “human rights.”  In reality, it squelches human rights, in an effort to promote the LGBTQ+ agenda.  On their website, the HRC states, “The Human Rights Campaign represents a force of more than 1.5 million members and supporters nationwide.  As the largest national lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer civil rights organization, HRC envisions a world where LGBTQ people are ensured of their basic equal rights, and can be open, honest and safe at home, at work and in the community.”  So, in other words, all they are asking for is equality, right?  Well, in THEIR world, some are more “equal” than others.

Part of what they do is to pressure businesses and corporations into pushing the sodomite agenda at the corporate level.  If they can control all the big corporations, forcing them to comply with their outrageous demands, and shaming those that refuse to comply through their annual rating system, they can control the public conversation;  this affects everything from television and movies to the store displays and advertising we see in public every day, thereby molding the minds of the undiscerning.  Have you noticed the sharp increase in TV commercials showing happy homosexual couples?  This is NORMALIZING abomination.  That’s what it’s all about.

Office Max recently announced that for the sixth year in a row, they have earned a prestigious 100% rating with HRC in 2017.  In a press release, they boasted, “We continue to recruit a workforce that reflects the diversity of the communities that we serve, recognizing that our organization only flourishes when we hire, promote and create paths to leadership for people of every background.”  Once again, they speak of equality; but SOME, it seems, are more “equal” than others.

This is not the first time Office Max, which recently merged with Office Depot, has discriminated against Christians.  In 2015, they refused to print flyers for a pro-life organization in the Chicago area, until legal pressure was brought to bear.  In MY case, I received a phone call from a man representing the corporate headquarters, apologizing to me, and promising to send me a written statement of apology.  It has now been a full week, and I have yet to receive any such statement.  I doubt one will ever come, unless we continue to press for it.

After we released this story to the media last week, Office Max and Office Depot has received many phone calls and emails from Christians expressing their opinion of the corporation’s anti-Christian bias.  In response, OfficeMax Corporate has been sending out “canned” replies, stating the situation has been resolved to my satisfaction.  But again, they are lying.  NOTHING has been resolved;  I have received NOTHING.

Thus, I am asking YOU, now, to HELP US, by voicing your opinion to OUR local store here in Marshfield, Wisconsin; to Office Max Corporate Headquarters, and to YOUR local store, if you have one.  Remember, Office Max and Office Depot have merged and are now one and the same.  To help us, you can call my local store at (715) 389-8820, and you can call the corporate headquarters at: 561-438-4800.  Push Option # 2, then push “0” and ask for the “Executive Consumer Relations Department.”  There, you can leave a detailed voicemail message.  I ask that you be polite and respectful, but FIRM, letting them know how you feel about the anti-Christian discrimination policy here in Marshfield, Wisconsin, which is also corporate-wide.

And as Christmas time will soon be here, and many will be out shopping for gifts, you might want to know that according to HRC’s own website, a total of “887 of the nation’s largest businesses have demonstrated their commitment to LGBT equality and inclusion.”  This, I dare say, to the exclusion of God-fearing Christians, because in order to earn that 100% rating from the HRC, a company CAN NOT do ANYTHING that endorses or assists ANYTHING Christian.

Having said that, one will find it very difficult to buy anything anywhere in America anymore.  Many of us know of the LGBT bathroom debacle at Target stores, which earned Target a 100% HRC rating.  But are you aware that Wal-Mart ALSO has a 100% rating?  You may want to check out the HRC ratings list at  You will be ASTOUNDED to see just how deep this runs throughout corporate America.  It will easily answer the question as to how we ended up as a nation and world that pridefully shakes it’s fist at God Almighty, marching in parades that celebrate not only sodomy but every other sexual perversion man can dream up.

Come to think of it, maybe this is the year we ought to reconsider the commercialism of Christmas altogether.  Celebrating the birth of our Savior does not NECESSARILY HAVE TO include an orgy of BUYING useless trinkets — especially from those companies that despise Christians, yet love their money.  If you DO buy, I encouarge you to shop at local, independent businesses, so your hard earned money no longer goes to companies that fund things which God’s Word rightly calls “reprobate.”   Be informed, seek the wisdom of the Holy Spirit… and as we read in Ephesians 5, “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them…. Be very careful, then, how you live — not as unwise, but as wise, redeeming the time, for the days are evil.  Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.”

May the Lord open your eyes and bless you with understanding and courage in these matters.  I also encourage you to join us here at our Ministry Center on November 16th, when Peter LaBarbera will explain all these things in much greater detail.

[Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 208.]

© 2017 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

The Salt And Light Brigade

Our Wisconsin Christian News Ministry Center, located in Marshfield, is also the regional headquarters of the Salt and Light Brigade, which we partnered with some time ago, to raise up courageous Christians in Wisconsin, train and disciple them, and give them an opportunity to use THEIR gifts for the glory of God, OUTSIDE the four walls of a church building.

The Brigade does many things.  When Hurricane Harvey hit Texas, our Brigade members were there, on the ground, rescuing people from the high water in boats.  Then we fed the people, then we helped them with their   physical needs, helped remove fallen trees and helped empty homes of debris that were devastated by the storm.  After the cleanup, the worked continued, and now, just this past week, five homes have been rebuilt and restored by volunteers from all over the country, all part of the Salt and Light Brigade.  These are men and women who have sacrificially given of their time and talents to help others they don’t even know who are in desperate need of help with nowhere to turn.  Most importantly, with every step, with every action, with every bit of help given, the GOSPEL of Jesus Christ was given as well.

When people had nowhere to stay, nowhere to lay their heads at night, no money and no resources and no hope, we fed them, physical food and spiritual food.  As the people came to receive help, the gospel was constantly being preached in makeshift church services, outdoors in the open air, in tents, on the ground, in vacant lots and on street corners.  The people who were helped had nowhere else to turn and they were SAVED — physically AND spiritually — by our Salt and Light Brigade teams.
The interesting thing, was that as we went to these devastated areas to help, we tried to partner with local churches, to have a headquarters from which to operate.  Almost none were willing to help us.  And almost none of the local pastors or churches were out helping people either.  What a missed opportunity for these pastors and churches…  instead of going OUT to reach out to the lost and hurting in their OWN AREAS, they remained closed, offering NOTHING, no hope and no help —  and the Gospel of Christ was NOT proclaimed from among them.  The sum total of their response to this disaster was to sit in their churches and just pray for those who had lost everything.    They remained silent and sleeping.
But the Salt and Light Brigade, in addition to helping people in desperate situations, also has another mission:  to raise up courageous Christians to understand their roles  as members of the Body of Christ;  to disciple them and to give them a place where they can “plug in” and put their faith into action.  We teach and train men and women to earnestly contend for the faith, understanding that we are in a spiritual battle with the enemy of our souls, and to that end, we fight the evil one, in all it’s forms.
This past Thursday, we began our Spiritual Bootcamp, at our Ministry Center here in Marshfield.  I had been promoting this event for months, and had personally BEGGED people to muster the courage to come and learn how to speak up, GO FORTH and unashamedly STAND UP for their Savior in public.  The focus of this particular Bootcamp was to shine the light of TRUTH on the ugliness of abortion — THE MURDER OF INNOCENT BABIES IN THE WOMB — something nobody wants to think about, and certainly something that nobody wants to talk about or look upon.  For more than forty years, the church has remained mostly silent on this issue, their heads in the sand, as millions upon countless millions of babies have been slaughtered.   By their silence, pastors have allowed this wicked practice to continue unabated.  The pastor is rare, indeed, who will EVER speak a word about it from the pulpit, much less train their people — or lead them out — to defend the premature babies being killed, to GO to an abortion center and expose the wicked works of darkness that take place there.
They won’t do it, so we must.  And so we did.  I was a bit concerned because even after all my work to promote this event, and a great deal of prayer, the day came and we only had eleven people registered to participate.  Of the eleven registered, I was not even sure THAT many would actually show up.  We were scheduled to begin at 4 in the afternoon.  A few folks from the Missionaries to the Preborn drove up from Milwaukee to join and help us.  They brought with them large signs and posters showing the truth of abortion, along with literature and other resources to hand out on the streets of Marshfield.  Coach Dave Daubenmire, who is the head of the Salt and Light Brigade came from his home in Ohio, along with his wife, Michelle,  to train and teach us, and lead our little group.
And at 4 o’clock, the people began to arrive.  Soon the room began to fill.  It became evident that we did not have enough seats for all who had come, so we quickly acquired more.  We ended up with about seventy people in all.  We wanted to take the signs showing the graphic truth of abortion out on the streets, but in order to be effective, we had to do this before dark.  This left no time for ANY teaching, training or guidance of any kind beforehand.  If we were to be effective, we knew we would have to GO FIRST.
Coach Dave led us in prayer and then announced that now he was going to walk out the door and begin proclaiming the truth out on the streets.  If anyone wanted to follow and join him, they were welcome.  If they were fearful or not yet ready to step out, he made it clear that no one would think any less of them for staying back.  And as we headed out to the street together, EVERYONE joined us.  Our meeting room, which previously had been packed so full we did not have enough seats for everyone was now empty.  And for the first time that we’re aware of, the citizens of Marshfield saw the raw truth about abortion.  Praise the Lord!  We caused “no small stir.”  Our activities were even covered by Sky News of London, England.  They had heard about our upcoming event and called me to ask if they could cover the story and interview some of those involved.  So our tiny little work here in what many would consider the “middle of nowhere” will now be proclaimed around the world, on a major British news channel!
I was greatly encouraged to see Christian men and women, most for the first time in their lives, having an opportunity to put their faith into real action…. in the hardest place of all to minister:  one’s own home town.  They went, unashamed — and with the power of the Holy Spirit, BOLDLY witnessed for Christ, handed out literature and information, gave their testimonies, and shared the gospel to folks on the street as well.  It was amazing — and LIFE CHANGING for those who participated.
Coach Dave spoke after dinner to a full house of enthusiastic, grateful Christians, who for the first time ever, were filled with a new excitement and courage they never realized they had all along.
The next day, we continued our Bootcamp, four hours south of here, in Milwaukee.  Here’s the amazing part:  more than TWENTY of those who participated with us from the Marshfield area came along to Milwaukee too!  Friday night we had some more great training time.  And then Saturday morning, we confronted the evil of abortion at one of the darkest, most demonic abortion centers in the country, in downtown Milwaukee.  We went to the very gates of hell and declared that they WILL NOT prevail against the Kingdom of God!
“Of course, I am pro life,” you may say…  “But I don’t need to go to an abortion center to know how evil it is.”  YES, my friend.  You DO.  Because until a person actually GOES to “ground zero” and sees for ones’ self what takes place at one of these places, you really have no idea.  And it’s easy to SAY you are “pro life.”  Great.  But what are you DOING about it?!    Those who went were forever, and profoundly changed.  Hearts were broken, eyes were opened, but most importantly, we saw the URGENCY and the importance of GOING and standing up for the innocent, helpless babies, led to slaughter… and their mothers who have been so LIED to, and so deceived and so exploited, for blood money.
Coach Dave made a very good point.  He said, “Imagine if the disciples had asked Jesus, ‘Jesus, You know abortion is going on and we know You hate such evil.  What should we do to stop it?’  What do you think Jesus’ answer would be?  ‘Just pray about it in the synagogue?’”  But you see, if most Christians do anything about it at all, or even think about it occasionally, that’s all they ever do, they just pray.   I doubt that would have been Jesus’ answer.
In Ephesians 5, we read, “Do not participate in the wicked works of darkness, but rather, EXPOSE them…everything exposed by the light is made clear, for what makes everything clear is light.  Therefore it is said: ‘GET UP SLEEPER AND RISE FROM THE DEAD!”  The Scripture goes on:  “Pay careful attention, then, to how you walk — not as unwise people but as wise, making the most of the time, because the days are evil.  So don’t be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.”
Yes, it is ESSENTIAL that we GO OUT from the four walls of our stained-glass fortresses.  James 2:20 reminds us, “Faith without works is dead.”
Let’s also read the words of Christ Himself from Matthew 25:  “When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory.  All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.  He will put the sheep on His right and the goats on the left.  Then the King will say to those on His right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.  For I was hungry and you gave Me something to eat;  I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink;  I was a stranger and you took Me in;  I was naked and you clothed Me;  I was sick and you took care of Me;  I was in prison and you visited Me.’
“Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You something to drink? When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or without clothes and clothe You? When did we see You sick, or in prison, and visit You?’
“And the King will answer them, ‘I assure you: Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me.’  Then He will also say to those on the left, ‘Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the Devil and his angels!  For I was hungry and you gave Me nothing to eat; I was thirsty and you gave Me nothing to drink; I was a stranger and you didn’t take Me in;  I was naked and you didn’t clothe Me, sick and in prison and you didn’t take care of Me.’
“Then they too will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or without clothes, or sick, or in prison, and not help You?’
“Then He will answer them, ‘I assure you: Whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for Me either.’
“And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”
If we are to be obedient to Christ, He must not just be our Savior, He must also be our LORD.  We must obey Him, not simply sing love songs to Him or cower in our churches with our vain religious programs.  Standing up for truth, shining the light of GOD’S WORD on the evil, wicked deception and death that takes place at abortion centers is both mercy ministry to those who have believed the lies, and those who are being murdered, AND it is ALSO EXPOSING the wicked works of darkness, as we call those involved in this abomination to repentance.  The sad part is that for so long, we have been lulled into apathetic slumber in our churches.  If the Body of Christ (and that’s US, HIS CHURCH, by the way), were to rise up, we could put a stop to abortion tomorrow.  The demoniacs understand how important it is to be out on the street, in person.  Why don’t we?  The time has come that we can no longer be content just sitting and listening, forever learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth.  It is time for Christians to rise to action.
Let me close today with Jesus’ words found in Matthew 28:  “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you.  And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Friends, I pray we wake up and stop being so cowardly and timid.  Let us take Christ at His word and BELIEVE His promise.  We are not to GO to church, we are to BE the church.  We are to GO to the WORLD — and that means, especially, to our own home towns.  We are to make DISCIPLES, not just soak up information.  And we are to call the lost to repentance, teaching them to OBEY all Jesus commanded.  There is nothing to fear, and those who joined us last week know that now, having stepped far out of their comfort zones to earnestly contend for the faith.  NOW they have REAL EXPERIENCE, not just “Book knowledge.”  Now they KNOW, truly, there is nothing to fear because as our Lord promised, He IS with us always, even to the end of the age.
If you’d like to join our Wisconsin Salt and Light Brigade, join one in your area or START one in your area, call me, and I’ll tell you how.
Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 207.
© 2017 NWV – All Rights Reserved
E-Mail Rob Pue:

Pablum Rather Than Power

The world is changing rapidly.  It may not have affected you directly yet, but I can assure you, it soon will.  I am not setting dates here — people have been expecting the Lord’s soon return ever since He ascended into heaven — but never before in the history of mankind have all the “signs of the end” come together so completely.

Just in the past few months we have seen Luke 21 play out vividly before our eyes:  “…there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring;  men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.”
In recent weeks and months there’s been a major solar eclipse, giant sunspots and solar flares, and comets streaking across the sky.  On earth we have had major devastation from hurricanes, torrential rains and massive flooding.  In other places, extreme heat and drought.  Wild fires are currently raging out of control in the western United States.  The supervolcano in Yellowstone National Park has become increasingly active, showing signs of a major eruption, which scientists now say is likely to come much sooner than anyone anticipated.  We’ve also seen an increase in earthquakes, as well as massive mudslides and sinkholes around the world this year.  Truly, the entire planet seems to be convulsing with more intensity and more frequency than we’ve ever seen in my lifetime.
In Matthew 24, we read about how Jesus spoke privately with His disciples on the Mount of Olives, regarding the end of days.  Jesus said that in those days, as the earth was convulsing, as we are seeing now, “… they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.  And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another.  Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.  And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.  But he who endures to the end shall be saved.  And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.”
So how close ARE we to what Jesus described to His closest friends?  Today, TRUE Remant believers ARE, indeed, being delivered up to tribulation.  I think of those who, rather than deny their Lord, are losing their very HEADS in Islamic countries — even here in the United States.  Others are being dragged into court, having their businesses, homes and everything they own taken away because they choose to obey God rather than deny Him.  Even though the true followers of Christ are the most loving, peaceful and kind of all people, they are also the most HATED of all…. just as Jesus said we would be.  Good is called evil and evil is called good and WOE to us because of it.  In America today, you can “identify” as anything your crazy imagination can come up with.  But identify yourself as a Christian and you will quickly incur the wrath of just about everyone…. even other professing Christians!  You see, it’s OK to be a Christian in church;  just don’t you DARE step outside the box and take your faith outside those four walls, or you’ll be HATED, even by those who sit in the pews beside you.
And did you catch Verse 10 of Matthew 24?  “Many will be offended, betray one another and hate one another.”  GOOD GRIEF!  Read this again!  “Many will be offended, betray one another and hate one another.”  This falls under the category of “I never thought I’d see the day…” because I have never, in my entire life, seen so MANY offended by nearly EVERYTHING.  So much tension, distress and hatred in the world.  Here in America, college students are careful to not commit “micro aggressions,” lest they offend someone.  Pastors preach pablum rather than power, so as not to be “offensive.”
Our very American History has now become a major offense, and so we must tear down the statues and monuments that commemorate our own heritage.  They are just too offensive.  Speaking of statues, are you aware that those who hate God are erecting statues of the satanic “Baphomet” in multiple cities throughout the country?  Or that feminists are erecting a giant statue of a naked woman directly across from the White House to protest women being treated as “sex objects?”  How sickening.  Question for you:  why is it that in their protests against the sexualization of women, feminists ALWAYS sexualize THEMSELVES?  I don’t get it.
Jesus went on:  “Many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.”  Truly, the pure Gospel of Jesus Christ has been so watered down and defiled, and the very ones charged with guarding and defending and KEEPING the faith pure, are now so cowardly, they will no longer dare to even SPEAK the Word of God in it’s entirety.  Instead, they dance delicately around the “tough” issues, the MEAT of the Gospel, the very soul-saving HEART of the Word of God, so as not to offend anyone.  Thus we have today, in the VAST MAJORITY of professing “Christian” churches, “a form of godliness,” which is completely powerless.  It’s salt that has lost its savor, “Good for nothing,” Jesus said, “but to be thrown out and trampled on by men.”  And so it is.  This is the state of Christianity in America today…. what was once the very STANDARD of morality and ethics and everything good and decent has been thrown out and trampled on by men.
Why?  Because we decided it was no longer convenient for us to retain the knowledge of God and so He has given us over to depraved minds — even in our churches.  I look out over the vast majority of American Christianity, and I KNOW there is a remnant of true believers, faithful followers of Christ.  But for the most part, the Establishment Churches are dead, practicing a non-offensive, vain, worthless form of religion.  As the popular pastors look out over their congregations, they may not realize it, but all they’re seeing are graveyards filled with tombstones, waiting for the names…
Next, Jesus spoke of lawlessness, and the love of many growing cold.  I’ve never seen so much lawlessness in my life.  We are at the point where our American legal system is all but COMPLETELY lawless, where the innocent are found guilty and the guilty go free.  Lawyers take advantage of the downtrodden and persecuted.  Corrupt judges no longer UPHOLD the law — now they have been allowed to “make laws,” despite what our Constitution clearly states.  Politicians are EXPECTED to be corrupt, and most of them are happy to oblige.  The love of many growing cold?  Again, I never thought I would see the day when there would be so much hatred, everywhere you look.
Our college campuses are hotbeds of hatred, fueled by the lying, liberal left.  These so-called “Institutions of Higher Learning” are nothing more than socialist indoctrination centers…. AND the birthplace of ANTIFA — those that claim to fight against “fascism,”  though they would be well served to look up the definition of “fascism,” because it is the very thing they practice.  And now those who control them, as “useful idiots,” are planning to start all-out civil war in November.  They are so emboldened by our impotence, they are not even trying to hide their intentions.
We were all shocked at the terrible shooting in Las Vegas recently, with fifty people gunned down by “who-knows-who.”  But ANTIFA is openly planning similar strikes in no less than THIRTY CITIES all across America in November.  They’re even openly doing online fundraisers to fund their civil war.  Are you prepared for what may happen in YOUR city should they follow through on their threats?  Friends, we are reaching the breaking point in this nation.  Something BIG is coming.  We must wake from our slumber.
In Daniel 12, we read that in the time of the end, “many will run to and fro and knowledge will be increased.”  While many have been looking for Christ’s return for centuries, it is only today that one can travel around the world in a single day;  it is only today, that we can obtain ANY amount of information we seek, with just a few clicks of a button on our smart phones.  Yes, many are running to and fro, and knowledge HAS increased.  One researcher stated that just the amount of published information has increased by 200 MILLION PERCENT in just the past fifty years!
It is during this time — when knowledge will increase — that the scrolls revealing the mysteries of the end will be revealed to God’s true children.  Obviously, Daniel wanted to know more, but he was told:  “the words are closed up and sealed ‘til the time of the end.  Many shall be purified, made white, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand.”
Who are the “wise?”  Only those who study the Word of God, pursue the Word of God and SHARE the Word of God URGENTLY, to all who will listen.  THEY shall understand and be able to discern the signs of the times we are living in.  The wicked will remain in perplexity and turmoil, as they continue to self destruct, under the weight of the sin burden they have chosen.
In Romans 1, we read that all mankind is without excuse.  We have the knowledge of God written on our hearts, because He has made us that way.  But when the proud, vile, God-hating heathen refuse to retain that knowlege, and instead arrogantly choose to follow their own selfish, carnal lusts, God gives them over to depraved minds and they become “without natural affection.”  And so today we have 54% of church-goers (to say nothing of the NON-church-goers) approving of the practice of men “marrying” men, and women “marrying” women — and the God-ordained family unit is destroyed, replaced by a cheap imitation of our own imaginations.  I cannot think of a more clear example of being “without natural affection” than the abomination of homosexuality, transgenderism, and all other forms of sexual depravity that is now taken for granted as just harmless “alternative lifestyles.”
Except for perhaps one thing:  the loss of natural affection a mother and father have for their child.  The very DEFINITION of LOVE, that of a mom and dad with their precious baby.  But now today, for more than forty years, parents have been “legally” killing their babies in abortion centers across this nation.  And the blood of the innocent runs in rivers throughout the streets of our cities.  Church-goers have mostly remained silent on this issue, and many even agree with the killing.  Any Christian with the courage to stand against this most horiffic of abominations is quickly labeled a “Radical extremist” or a “nut.”   There are some who have called for complete ABOLITION to abortion.  These abolitionists have sought to work with pastors to educate them on the horrors of abortion and beg their help in the fight to end it, but are summarily dismissed with a fake smile and a phony handshake, and the words, “I appreciate what you are doing, but we are not called to that type of ministry.”
So these courageous Christians then try to take their message directly to the people — standing outside the churches and calling church-goers to get involved themselves.  But what happens when these Christians try to speak to the church-goers without the permission of the almighty pastors?  The pastors call the police and have them arrested.  Yes, this happens, ALL THE TIME, all across the nation, as the abolitionist movement has grown and become more organized and effective in the last couple of years.
We do not understand that BLOOD is the CURRENCY that powers the spiritual realm.  The demonic powers that are embodied in all things evil in this land FEED OFF the blood of the helpless millions of precious babies we CONTINUE to kill, as the “Church” just “sings louder.”  And so the evil in our land grows fat and ever more aggressive.
But as we read in Daniel, KNOWLEDGE is increasing.  And as Jesus said In Matthew 24, “this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.”  Today the gospel of the kingdom HAS been preached in ALL the world, via the internet.  Truly, we are ALL without excuse now.
My hope and prayer is that God’s true Church, His Remnant Believers will rise up and make disciples, BE salt and light in this lost, dark world… while there’s still time.  On October 26th, we will be hosting a Salt and Light Brigade Cultural Issues Training event at the Wisconsin Christian News Ministry Center in Marshfield, Wisconsin.  The next day, we will continue with a Spiritual Bootcamp in Milwaukee.  Then on Saturday, the 28th, we will take what we have learned, and go together to the streets, outside an abortion center, where we will preach the Word, minister to the lost, and do our utmost to stand in the gap, DEFENDING the precious little ones about to be murdered.  I AM BEGGING YOU TO JOIN US!  The enemy will whisper a thousand reasons in your ear why you can’t or shouldn’t take part in these events because they will be SO POWERFUL and they will REVOLUTIONIZE your faith!  He will also try to fill your heart with fear.  But PLEASE:  DO NOT BE DECEIVED and FEAR NOT!  If you will not stand up for your Savior now, put your faith into ACTION now… when will you?  Honestly, will you EVER?  We need you there.  GOD needs you there!  He is calling YOU today!   Please gather the courage, and call me for all the details.  You can DO this!
Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 206.
© 2017 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved
E-Mail Rob Pue:

Assembling Ourselves Together

For those who are unaware, I have just begun a new ministry work here in my home town of Marshfield, Wisconsin, as an extension of our newspaper and radio ministries. By God’s grace, my wife, Lisa, and I were able to purchase a downtown commercial building this past May, which now houses my newspaper office and radio recording studio. But the MAIN purpose of this building is our new Ministry Center outreach, which will focus on education, mentoring, counseling and discipleship training — teaching courageous, unashamed men and women of God to be TRUE salt and light in this world… to get OUT OF THEIR SEATS AND OUT ON THE STREETS — with a POWERUL IMPACT in this lost, confused world. We are encouraging remnant believers AND reaching out to preach the TRUTH to the unsaved and the lost. So many, you see, are SICK AND TIRED of vain religion. They are HUNGRY for the “real deal’ – the TRUTH we hope to provide through this ever-expanding ministry work.

In the last edition of our newspaper, I told the story of how the new Ministry Center building came about, which was only by the direction and the grace of God… as always, WE did not do this, GOD did this. We were just obedient workers, following His direction. (That’s really all God asks of us, you know… He just wants us to follow and be obedient, diligent workers). Many times in the midst of this latest work, I cried out to the Lord, as I saw the enormity of the task before me: “Lord, it’s too much! I can’t DO this!” I said. But each time, He stilled my heart and the Holy Spirit gave me the quiet assurance that, “Yes, Rob, you can. I would not have brought you this far if you were not able.”

Since the building was vacant for almost three years before we bought it, it took us over two months of near non-stop, ‘round-the clock, HARD work to get the facility ready for public use. There were many friends who came alongside and put their time and talents to work on the project, and truly, Lisa and I could not have done this without their help. Each one who came to help brought with them a different set of skills, and all were eager to put their God-given gifts to work in service to the King of Kings, looking forward eagerly to see what God will do here.

We also purchased several pieces of furniture that were needed for the Ministry Center, and each item came in a box marked “Some Assembly Required” — arguably the three most daunting words in the English language. We all love the idea of having the Radio Script 202 piece of furniture we purchased and putting it to use. It’s the ASSEMBLY part we dread. Opening the box with a thousand pieces. Finding the instruction book that is often confusing, poorly written and badly illustrated. Yet if we want the finished product, it’s up to US to assemble it. That’s just how it is. It all requires real WORK.

Imagine, then, if you will, what it takes to “assemble together” an entire commercial building that has been vacant for three years and needs attention and work in every single square inch, and you have NO instruction book; only the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and the wisdom of many counselors. Imagine, also the frustration of finding that every project you touch ends up taking five times as long as you thought it would, and costing ten times as much money to complete. But once again, as we were faithful to seek His guidance, God has accomplished His purposes and so now this new ministry has begun.

But it’s not JUST about the physical building. In order for there to be Christian ministry work here, there is going to be “some assembly required.” We will need to figure out how to do it… We DO have lots of very ambitious goals, but once again, none of this will be possible without the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the wisdom of many counselors… and GOD’S true, remnant faithful assembling themselves together.

In the book of Hebrews, we read: “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another — and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.” The writer of Hebrews exhorts us to NOT FORSAKE the assembling of ourselves together as believers. He lets us know that there are SOME who DO forsake such assembling…. but we are reminded here how important it is that we do just that, and even MORESO now, as we see the Day of the Lord approaching.

I don’t think there is any question that the Day of the Lord is approaching quickly. Our world is on fire and our culture is disintegrating before our very eyes. The remedy for this is for God’s people — God’s TRUE, remnant believers — to assemble ourselves together and be about His business. In Luke 19, Jesus told us we are to OCCUPY until He returns. In this parable, Jesus strongly condemned those who refused to do so, who refused to be “ruled over,” and thus, wasted the grace and gifts that were given them to invest for His Kingdom.

In 1st Corinthians 12, Paul talks about the various spiritual gifts that are given to each believer in Christ, and although we are all given different gifts, we are all part of one Body — the Body of Christ. All being equally important, the Body does not functionproperly if one part is broken…. or in our case as human beings, if one or more parts simply refuses to function out of laziness, apathy or pride.

Now let’s look at Psalm 2, which, on the surface may seem unrelated, but let me quote it for you now anyway. It reads: “Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth SET themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against His anointed, saying, ‘Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.’”

I have given you several areas of Scripture to consider. Now, let me help by “assembling” them together to make my point. First of all, in Hebrews, we’re told that as believers in Christ, part of the family of God, we are 1) to HOLD FAST to our faith without wavering. We’re reminded that God is always faithful. 2) We are to be considerate of our brothers and sisters in Christ, bringing about an atmosphere of love and GOOD WORKS in the family of God. 3) We are to not to FORSAKE the assembling of ourselves together (because some “professing” believers DO), and 4) all of this is extremely important now, in these last days.

We are not to be lazy, or selfishly keep our gifts, skills and abilities to ourselves, but rather, we are to INVEST what God has given us, for the sake of the Kingdom, for our brothers and sisters in Christ and for the sake of those who are lost and perishing. God does not give us gifts just to bless US. Rather, each gift is given for a PURPOSE. The gifts we have been given have been given specifically TO us, so that God may save OTHERS, THROUGH us…. so that we can make a difference in this broken world.

Hear me now: NOT JUST IN OUR OWN CHURCHES, HOMES AND FAMILIES! No, we are to be the SALT and LIGHT of the WORLD. Jesus said if we squander these gifts, we become “salt that has lost its savor, no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled on by men.” Yes, indeed, we are to OCCUPY until our Savior returns.

Now, you may feel helpless, like you have nothing to offer God. Or you may KNOW you have many skills, but have no interest in serving God with the gifts you possess. You may be too “busy,” too distracted with the cares of this world. You may be fearful of the opinions of others. Or, let’s face it, you may just not care. As someone once said, “the opposite of love is not hate; the opposite of love is apathy.” But most likely, you may simply have no idea how to USE your gifts, because you’ve never really been asked or taught to do ANYTHING.

But this world we live in is in terrible turmoil. Good is called “evil” and evil is called “good” in almost every aspect of life and things are getting worse. Did you ever think the day would come when men having sex with men would be acceptable to the majority of church-goers? Because we passed that majority mark a while ago. Did you ever think the idea of men “MARRYING” men would be acceptable to the majority of church-goers? We have passed THAT milestone now too. Did you ever think we would see the day when men dressed as women would be allowed to DEMAND that the whole world go along with their little game of “dress up,” validate their delusion and INSIST, under penalty of law, that you call a man “she” or “her?” And what is the state of the professing “church” when THOUSANDS of helpless pre-born children are led to slaughter EVERY DAY in this country, and faithful church-goers just stick their heads in the sand, ignoring it, saying nothing…DOING NOTHING to rescue the innocent? What’s more, what is the state of our Church when 99% of pastors in America will never utter one single word about ANY of these issues from the pulpits, much less teach, guide and direct their congregations as to what the Bible says we, as Christians, are to do about it?

You see, we are following a different “gospel” in America today. I believe most churchgoers are practicing nothing more than vain, powerless religion. Turn to Galatians 1. Paul said, “if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!” Yet today — (listen now) — today our churches are preaching a non-confrontational, non-controversial, politically-correct form of “gospel.” Some call it “grace.” Some call it the “love gospel.” Some call it “seeker-friendly.” I call it “Candy Church.” It all boils down to mere vain religion, and it’s good for nothing… in fact, it’s worse. It’s very harmful, indeed. I will even go so far as to say Establishment Churches that practice this politically-correct nonsense — at the cost of destroyed lives and lost souls — all for the sake of money and popularity, ARE INDEED, as Paul said, ACCURSED!

Let’s go on in Galatians, because Paul had more to say. He asked his readers: “Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.” You see, this is where we are at in American Christianity. We have become a bunch of politically correct, non-confrontational, non-controversial people-pleasers. And I’m sorry to tell you this, but this makes us USELESS in the Body of Christ. If all we DO as our service to the Lord is spend time within the four walls of our own church buildings, working as an “usher,” passing the collection plate or serving up the potlucks, facilitating the programs within the “church,” we are “salt that has lost it’s savor, good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled on by men.”

So many of us have been taught that “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together” simply means God wants us to go to church every week. I’M telling you, that sometimes — especially if you are in one of these politically-correct bodies of “professing” believers who NEVER do anything more than stand when they’re told to stand, sing when they’re told to sing, and sit when they’re told to sit, shake hands with your “neighbor” when you’re told to do THAT, and then go out for lunch afterwards and back to your normal worldly life, then SKIPPING church may be the best thing you can do! Especially if instead, you are truly WORKING to be a part of the Body of Christ, as an effective servant and witness for GOD IN THIS WORLD that we, as Christ’s disciples are supposed to be “occupying” until He returns!

You see, “assembling ourselves together” is meant to have a purpose, not just be a vain religious ritual. At our Ministry Center, and in all the ministry work I do, we are working to BUILD A TEAM. GOD’s TEAM! Each member with a set of skills and gifts, given by God to be put to use for HIS Kingdom. To my way of thinking, “assembling ourselves together” doesn’t just mean meeting together. It means DOING something. We have the POWER OF GOD within us, if the Holy Spirit truly resides inside us. Christ HIMSELF LIVES WITHIN US! What a terrible waste to squander such a precious gift, by doing nothing but continuing to live as you’ve always lived, by continuing to follow the pop culture of this world, never saying or doing anything to be “set apart.”

Back to Psalm 2, as I close for today: “Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against His anointed, saying, ‘Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.’” Friends, the heathen, the God-haters are RAGING! Just look around you! And with all the politically-correct powerless pulpits, the people, left to fend for themselves, are imagining vain, ridiculous things, going along with the popular culture of this wicked world, and virtually NO ONE in our churches is willing to stand up and preach the real, hard TRUTH of God’s Word.

We have to decide if we’re serious about this. If the Christian life is nothing more than attending church, listening to a non-offensive, politically-correct self-help talk once a week and then going back home, you are squandering your spiritual gifts. What a waste. I encourage you today: DO SOMETHING! As I said, we are building a TEAM here:

GOD’s TEAM. Are you ready to take your faith to the next level? Are you ready to get serious? Then it’s time to step outside your comfort zone and get in the game. The devil has a well-organized, extremely well-funded EFFECTIVE team, and the heathen are raging. What is your church — better yet — what are YOU doing about it? Do you want to join our team? GOD’s TEAM? Call me, and I will tell you how.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066. Or email and ask for message number 202.

© 2017 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

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