It Is Time To Fight Back

When I was a little boy growing up in Cleveland, the first twelve years of my life the neighborhood in which we resided was rather ideal.  It was not an elegant showplace like Shaker Heights or the upper west side of Manhattan by any stretch of the imagination.  But it was both comfortable and pleasant.  Our neighbors were very good friends.  In a few cases they were, as close as family members.  There were big beautiful trees galore and Christmastime was heavenly as neighbors engaged in the annual friendly rivalry to see who could have the best decorated home.  Even our Jewish neighbors hung out with us Christians during that most wonderful time of the year because of the shear joy of the Christmas Season.

But at the age of twelve, our pleasant neighborhood began a rapid decline along with the deteriorating health of my Dad whom I called superman, because he had been so strong and seemed indestructible.  My two symbols of stability were both dead and gone by the autumn of my twelfth year.  By then most of our close neighbors had moved out or way making plans to go and were replaced by brutish unfriendly inhabitants.

Unfortunately, my childhood of friendly patriotic neighbors who were like family and a school environment that reflected my parents high expectations intellectually did prepare me for the hell that was fast approaching.  The following school semester was one of being confronted by bullies after my meager lunch money, or just to beat the crap out of me because they outnumbered me and could.  To be perfectly honest, their parents were not very nice either. The days of community wide celebrations of Christmas and Independence Day where everyone proudly displayed their American flags quickly became a fond memory of the past.

The ensuing years of mere existence through middle school were brutal.  Between the changing neighborhood landscape, the new vicious neighbors and their awful bullies, most of whom were a few years older than us remaining holdout in the old neighborhoods.  Life had transformed from the American dream into the neighborhood nightmare.  As time progressed, I grew weary of putting up with those bully cretins.  Eventually I set a goal of learning how to defend myself and getting into shape to successfully succeed in my endeavor to overcome those bullies.  I no longer used the chronic asthma I had been suffering from as an excuse not to stand up to those bully cretins.  After learning I was not the only one dealing with the bully headache, thus I stopped feeling sorry for myself and focused on stopping their madness.

Across the #American landscape is a leftist/Soros inspired gaggle of bullies.  They have been given their marching orders by trash talking congresswoman way out Maxine Waters and others. A tribe of leftist bullies were recently allowed to cause the indefinite closure of the ICE office in Portland, Oregon. Their hope is to permanently damage our republic by utilizing legions of illegal border crossers and leftist government policies that would return us to the dark decline America experienced during the Obama regime.  Bully woman Way Out waters has proclaimed “They won’t be able to stop at a restaurant”  “they won’t be able to stop at a gas station.”  She even blabbed “God is on our side.”  I guess her God is Satan, who rules over her dark mind.

Washed up actor Peter Fonda wishes to bully young Baron Trump and turn him over to pedophiles.  A left-wing activist mob harassed Florida AG Pam Bondi and her boy friend at a movie theater.  One of the male bullies spat on Ms. Bondi’s hair.  Leftist bullies converged on the ICE office in Detroit, because of their sick desire for open borders and America’s destruction.

My fellow Americans, the time to act is now to protect, restore and preserve our republic.  If we do not fight back, we will have anyone but ourselves to blame if the leftist bullies and get away with wiping out our liberties and unalienable rights which come from God.  With God all things are possible, including overcoming and defeating the leftist bullies who have chosen to be our enemies from within.

It is time to fight back in the prayer booth, in the prayer closet, via self and property protection whenever the situation presents itself, etc.  The United States is a nation of the rule of all, we must once again teach those laws and begin to follow them.  If not, the leftist bullies will receive the end result of the confrontations they like to start.  God bless you my fellow American, God bless America and may America bless God.  Be blessed every Friday via the Ron Edwards Experience on KCKQ AM 1180, shrmedia, and at 4:00 PM ET, 1:00 PM PT and midnights Sunday on the Talk America Radio network.  Don’t miss a page of The Edwards Notebook commentary daily on,, during AM News on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nv.

© 2018 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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The Phony Outrage Over Certain U.S. Border Policies

Thousands of American children every week are separated from their parents who commit horrible crimes.  One of the most terrible crimes against a nation is an orchestrated invasion of illegal border crossers pouring in nations that literally hate and want to destroy us. Many MS 13 gang bangers/killers have slithered into America and raped, robbed, hacked to death and shot multiple thousands of sovereign American citizens.  For years, many illegal border crossers have been rewarded by being caught and released back into society to collect benefits and get to beat up weak Americans.  Many born in this country have stupidly supported open border, no wall policies of globalist oriented presidents for decades.

Now we are blessed with president Trump who correctly called for the proper vetting of nabbed illegal border crossers to make sure they are not here to kill, steal from and destroy us.  The leftist lamestream media, every former first lady and president was out and about touting a false evil narrative depicting the separation of children from parents who brought them into our republic as if it were torture.  The use to be quiet Laura Bush had the nerve to yelp about children separated from parents who dragged their offspring into this nation illegally.

Hordes of idiotic illegal immigrant loving indoctrinated activists viscously harassed Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen until she had to leave her dinner at the MXDC restaurant in Washington, D.C.  The brutish mob consisted of Democratic Socialists of America goons who kept shouting No Borders! No Wall! Sanctuary for All! I would not have blamed Ms. Nielsen if she had instructed her body guards to physically restrain those irritants so she could have eaten in peace.  What those leftist gumps fail to recognize, is the children they claim to have been so concerned about, received the best healthcare, meals, and lessons on personal hygiene ever during their young lives.  Sadly, many of them had to be instructed on what a toilet is and how to use it.

Contrary to stupid beliefs, securing our border will not stop legal immigration, but merely refine it so that illegal border crossers don’t saunter in with their children in tow.  Of the over 12,000 children recently blessed to receive great care at the border, only about 2,000 thousand of them were escorted into our country with their parents.  Pep. Elisha Cummings recently bellowed on about children being in internment camps.  Ironically when children were detained with their parents during the Obama administration, many leftists like Cummings complained about families being held together.  Now that children will once again be detained with their parents, open borders leftists are complaining about families being detained together.  The truth is, the leftists in and out of government along with trans nationalists simply want our borders to be left open endangering you and me.

It is time for every American who loves this republic to realize that our society is under siege.  Leftists, globalists, rinos and all democrats are vigorously working by any means possible to bring about a collapse of our exceptional American way of life.  They do not wish to help other nations improve their standard of living, even for the children.  But they are willing to use children illegally brought into America as a wedge issue to exile and upset the incurably ignorant and brainwashed masses.  They are more upset about children being separated for only two weeks from their illegal border crossing parents than Kate Steinway being permanently separated from her parents after being gunned down by an illegal border crosser.

The phony outrage over certain U.S. border policies is merely a small part of the orchestrated effort to destroy our nation of laws concept, national sovereignty and eventually your unalienable rights which come from God and are recognized in the Bill of Rights.  Good solutions to this madness are to push first back via the voting boot as well as putting the already elected politicians feet to the fire and force them to govern according to the oath they took.  “We the People” must not allow elected officials to forget their responsibility to America first. Rinos like Ryan and leftists like Aunt Pelosi should not ever be reelected just because we may recognize their names more than their opponents.  Our republic can no longer afford their dangerous mission to literally destroy this republic.  Helping to rebuild our republic is the Ron Edwards Experience talk show Fridays at 4:00 PM EST, 2:00 PM CST 1:00 PM PT on, and KCKQ AM 1180 and Spreaker.  Don’t miss The Edwards Notebook an award winning radio commentary, daily on,,, and KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nv. During AM News.

© 2018 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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Republican Party RINO Syndrome Disease

“We the People” are witnessing a massive outbreak of Republican Party RINO Syndrome Disease.  For various reasons, the outbreak of Republican Party Rino Syndrome Disease is swirling throughout the political landscape infecting senators, congresspersons, and many others.  Just recently, Senator John McCain bitterly proclaimed from his deathbed a deep disdain for President Trump.  The suffering senator even tweeted the most Americans prefer Globalism. Unfortunately, many Americans including most students and even the leadership of the Republican party do favor globalism.  The reason they do is because of the non-stop multi decade indoctrination of generations of students against the good principles that made this republic great.  Old deputy droop along, better known as Mitch McConnel and his wife are in a giant king sized bed with the Chinese who bought them off years ago.

Oklahoma Senator James Lankford and many other rino republicans took the oath of office pledging to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States of America.  But do they? No way Jose.  Unfortunately, far too many republicans quickly abandoned the elephant and strut around as RINOs working with leftist democrats to undermine the noble mission of President Trump.  He seeks to shore up our republic and restore her to greatness.  It is sad to witness one republican after another bow to the will of foreign leaders and leftist democrats like Schumer and Pelosi.  Together they maintain their multi decade mission to undermine our nation via intertwining economic trade agreements and other tricks designed to sift away the wealth of our republic and destroy our sovereignty.  Also, until the election of President Trump the United States was becoming dangerously vulnerable to our enemies via unstopped hordes of illegal border crossers.

Traitorous American elected officials ranging from Mayors to members of the House will fight for the imaginary rights of abusive illegal border crossers, like the MS 13 criminals who have been wreaking havoc at William Wirt Middle school in Riverdale, Maryland. Thanks, but no thanks to RINO republicans and their leftist democrat party friends, sovereign Americans are regularly raped, burned, run over by vehicles and bludgeoned or stabbed to death by MS 13 members and other illegal border crossers. They even turn the other way when the unalienable right of Freedom of Religion for Christians is stomped on by activist bigots seeking to find excuses to shut down their businesses.  Speaker Rino Ryan is literally seeking to inhibit the effort of President Trump to simply seal and protect our southern border.  Ryan’s only concern on the issues of the border and illegal border crossers is to grant the illegals DACA amnesty.

Such a callous attitude toward American sovereignty should be rewarded with a swift kick in the pants or skirts and being booted out of office immediately.  Both Speaker Ryan and Majority Leader McConnel should be utterly ashamed of themselves for being the biggest reasons why House republicans are now trailing democrats in recent polls regarding election preferences.  I believe that citizens must be more diligent in their search for political candidates to vote for.  Simply looking to possibly vote for democrats because establishment republicans are acting like democrats is counter productive and only helps to guarantee the destruction of our good American way of life.

The Rothschild owned publication Economist recently named President Trump the biggest threat to the “liberal” New World Order above other legitimate threats such as Jihadism and terrorism, communism, Chinese expansion and North Korean hostility, which may soon go by the wayside, now that President Trump has formally met dictator Kim Jung Un.  The Economist echoed ailing Senator John McCain’s lament over Trump’s America first effort, which is aimed at preserving our national sovereignty while encouraging our allies to do the same.

One of the main reasons Donald Trump was elected president was his Make America Great theme that includes maintaining our sovereignty, reviving the economy, military and national pride.  Unfortunately, swamp masters like McConnel, Schumer, Ryan, Pelosi and many others are fully infected by Republican Party Rino Syndrome Disease.  It has rendered them as unwilling to join in the effort to preserve and strengthen Constitutionally limited form of government.  Sadly, that gaggle of globalist gumps refuse to place our American interests above those who seek to destroy the United States from within.  As a result, some voters are losing faith in many republicans desire to live up to their good campaign promises, including putting our national interests first.   Join me on the Ron Edwards Experience every Friday on, and KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada.  Also, The Edwards Notebook commentary Blows away the Myths and reveals the Truth daily on,, and during AM News on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada.

© 2018 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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Trying To Kill A Nation Through Mediocracy

Be the best you can be. Always try to be your best. Do everything to the best of your ability. Go as high as your God given talents will take you. Those and other statements of encouragement were commonly spoken throughout America in times past. No matter what side of the tracks one was born on, parents told their children to work hard and do their best. That also applied to students attending school studying for tests, participating in athletics or even spelling bees.

America was known as the “can do” nation of optimistic achievers doing their best.  Sovereign citizens from all walks of life understood that God created us in His image. Americans also recognized that God created everything ranging from planet earth to the farthest galaxies of outer space.  As a person, part of being in the image of God is working and creating with a spirit of excellence. God formed man from the earth and has instilled in us the desire perfection in everything that we do. Whether it was the Founding Fathers of this great republic or doctors discovering more advanced methods of finding and treating cancer like they are at the Cleveland Clinic.

The concept of a constitutionally limited republic was not based upon mediocracy. It was the excellent concepts of Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness that opened the door to an entirely new concept that enabled individuals the freedom to pursue their goals through equal opportunity. As a result, individuals were free to pursue a more excellent way of living.  For the first time in human history, the success of a person was based more upon excellent effort and faith than what was dictated by a caste system or serfdom.

Men and women in America were inspired to be the best in their chosen fields. The incentive of reward also inspired the slew of inventions and innovations that streamed forth out of America throughout both the 19th and 20th centuries. High expectations and excellent effort in all sectors of society, caused the United States to become the envy of the world. Our universities were second to none.  The same could at one time be said for government schools in general. Whether black or white, rich or poor, if you attended school you were expected to do very well.  Excellence was always the goal.

Unfortunately, soon after the Civil Rights and hippy dippy eras, there began a concerted effort to undermine the United States morally, educationally, economically and politically. For as long as the United States has been in existence, organizations and individuals did not and to this day do not want “We the People” to enjoy the blessings of Liberty and a more excellent way.

The British could not crush the freedom fighters who waged an excellent war against tyranny.  Through the years, no external enemies could demolish our republic. But alas, the leftist internationalist enemies devised ways to harm America from within through mediocracy. The first major wave of instilling mediocracy was perpetrated against the black American community. The Civil Rights movement was utterly corrupted. That ushered in a lowering of educational and moral standards. Urban communities were devastated via lower expectations affecting the family structure, personal achievement and personal development.

Eventually, the evil plot of mediocracy was carried on throughout most of our republic. By design, government schools diminish the thinking capabilities of countless students now known as snowflake crybabies. Because of the mediocre teaching and relentless indoctrination, most mediocre American students prefer a mediocre lifestyle under communism over the endless possibilities for personal growth and excellent achievement in a society of personal liberty, equal opportunity and prosperity.

If America the beautiful does not free herself from the scourge of mediocracy, enemies both foreign and domestic will have their way over the United States for generations to come. It doesn’t have to be that way America. Let’s work together with our patriotic president to restore our republic through Providential guidance bolstered by the will to never give in to those who seek to kill, steal from and destroy our beloved land of liberty. Please join me at 4:00 PM EST, 1:00 PM on the Ron Edwards Experience Fridays on, Spreaker or AM 1180 KCKQ Reno, Nevada.  In addition, The Edwards Notebook syndicated commentary Blows Away the Myths and Reveals the Truth daily on TalkAmericaRadio, and during AM News on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada.

© 2018 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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Once Again Certain Americans Need To Learn From History

It looks like we are in for a long hot summer in America.  I am one who does not like extremely hot humid weather.  It is even more painful when the prospects of ignorant, indoctrinated Soros paid gumps may seek to riot in American streets this summer.  The reason for such plans are always the same tired excuses given by bitter useful idiots who don’t know anything and got that mixed up when it comes to justice, freedom, liberty and reparations.  To this day, many black Americans who stupidly call themselves African Americans do not even understand how reparations are designed to be carried out.

Just recently in Seattle, white patrons at a certain bar were required to pay for the drinks of black female patrons.  The reason given “it was a form of reparations for slavery.”  That makes about as much sense as white shoppers being forced to buy groceries for black grocery store patrons as a form of reparations.  It is stupid and victimizes people who had nothing to do with slavery and gives a false sense of gotcha to those receiving reparation drinks or whatever.

Black Americans would be better served by the example of other people groups who have dealt with cruel and unfair treatment.  After the Empire of Japan bombed Pearl Harbor during World War Two, it was not long before Japanese residents in the United States suffered a major ordeal.  They were rounded up and systematically tossed into concentration camps.  The reason given is were at war and the Japanese might carry out war activities within the continental United States.  After all, it was the Japanese who fooled America into thinking they wanted to be our friend by signing a peace agreement with our republic.  They had even given beautiful Flowering trees to cities like Washington D.C. and Cleveland which annually bloom every spring.

The Japanese residents in America suffered in concentration camps and had faced racist treatment prior to the Peal Harbor attacks.  But they took it in stride and like the Chinese who also immigrated to the United States received shabby treatment.  But rather steep themselves of a caldron of bitterness, the Japanese and Chinese immigrants patiently learned how to succeed economically.  They supported businesses in their respective communities and gradually became highly successful, despite whatever white Americans thought of them at the time.

In addition, although the Japanese could have been very bitter, but to the immeasurable embarrassment and chagrin of those who tossed Japanese into concentration camps, they enthusiastically mobilized their sons and sent them into the American armed forces to volunteer their services.  The Japanese regiments were among the more highly decorated in World War II.  Although they went into the military ranks under suspicion and resentment, they came out as heralded heroes.

But of all the ethnic groups in America it seems that Black Americans have had the most difficulty securing their place as assimilated.  Many early political leaders including Abraham Lincoln expressed concerned over the ability of Blacks to adjust because of the slavery culture in which the first few generations were raised.   Despite apprehensions, freedom and education brought tremendous hope and optimism to Black Americans within three generations.  After three generations, many blacks were overcoming the culture gap.  In time Blacks in every other nation on earth saw their ethnic counterparts in America experiencing a higher standard of living than Blacks in any other part of the world. In fact, by 1970 a black high school student in Alabama or Mississippi had a higher chance at obtaining a collegiate education than a white student in Great Britain.

Great Americans like Frederick Douglas, Booker T. Washington and George Washington Carver all believed that hard work, an education and faith in God would ensure a pathway to success and blaze a trail for following generations to follow.  Still others like W. E.B. Dubois and white democrats fought to instill a level of bitterness and hatred for America in Blacks and conned them into expecting government gratuities as a main source of revenue.  Experience has proven that such a mindset has corrupted and debilitated Black Americans socially, economically and most horribly in family life where females now run over 70 percent of all Black American households.

Many tend to uphold the Black female as morally superior to the Black man. Yet they fail to answer the question that if Black females are morally superior, why is it they continue to raise the most damaged generations of Black boys in the history of the republic?  After all it is they who have complete access to their boys without any input from men, because of their aversion to Black male authority.  Remember, they preferred government handouts over a working Black father in the home.  Until the 1970s, the majority of Black American households were headed by Black American men who either had one or two jobs.

In the mid-sixties there were groups of Marxist agitators who promoted violence an attitude of entitlement among Black Americans.  One of the most famous was Eldridge Cleaver, who had been trained in Marxist philosophy and evil tactics while serving a fifteen year sentence in a California prison.  In 1967 he became Minister of Information for the Black Panthers.  Their goal was to use violence to wipe out the economic and social structure of the United States and roll out communism so that everyone would be equal, but equally poor.  Just like today’s Black Lives Matter movement, it wasn’t about working to improve the quality of life for anyone.  But to destroy the prospects of a good life for everyone, except the elites at the top of course.

After leading a wave of violence in 1968, Eldridge Cleaver and his wife fled the United State and hid out in Cuba for eight years.  A funny thing happened.  While in Cuba he witnessed the horrendous failure of communism as a means to improve life for the common man.  Mr. Cleaver concluded that it would be better to come back to America and pay for his crimes in prison than to remain free and morbidly disappointed in Cuba.  Black Americans today would be much better off if they researched the Eldridge Cleaver story for themselves and came to the logical conclusion that while it may not be perfect in America,  it is the best hope for mankind after God almighty.  Here’s hoping and praying, that they awaken from their democrat party influenced nightmare and seek to live rather than just exist as Soros, Alynski inspired cretins.  I know it might seem impossible, but miracles do happen.

Enjoy the miracle of Blowin’ away the Myths and Revealing the Truth via #TheEdwardsNotebook commentary every day on #freedominamericaradio, #goodtalkradio #talkamericaradio #shrmedia during #MoneyTalkwithMelanie at 5:10 PM EST, on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada during AM News, just after 4:30 AM during the Captain’s America Third Watch show emanating nationwide from flagship station AM 860 WGUL the Answer Tampa Florida.  The Edwards Notebook is also heard regularly on FM 101.5 and AM 1400 the Patriot, Detroit.  Last but definitely not least, #TheRonEdwardsExperience talk show is heating up the airwaves to a growing audience Fridays at 4:00 PM EST, 1:00 PM PT on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno Nevada, #shrmedia and and at 7:00 PM PT Thursdays on #goodtalkradio.

© 2018 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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The Tares Are Working To Drain The Church And Society

According to the good folks at One News Now, leftist/progressive evangelical Christians are circling to drain the church of support for President Trump.  Even though God mentioned mentions national and city borders in both the Old and New Testaments, there are never Trumpers who think it is their holy duty to fight to maintain dangerous open borders.  They are either horrendously ignorant or are either consciously working to undermine American sovereignty. They have expressed their desire to thwart the president’s mission to rescue our republic from a literal invasion of anti American brutes.

Among the 41 Biblical mentions of borders, 1st Chronicles 7:29 reads: And by the borders of the children of Manasseh Bethshean and her towns, Taanach, Megiddo and Dor.  These dwelt the children of Joseph the son of Israel.  There is a left leaning “Christian” organization called Reclaiming Jesus that has very little disagreement with the moral, national, economic and even leftist religious efforts of the eight miserable years of the Obama administration.  In fact, “Reclaiming Jesus” anti Trumpers falsely equate “America First” with heresy for followers of Christ.  They claim to be patriotic and love our country.  But I question the validity of their “patriotism.”  To them, our current president and those who agree with his call to simply secure our borders to be guilty of xenophobia and ethnic nationalism.

They express little if no concern about the deadly effects of allowing millions of people every year into our republic who have little regard for our way of life.  The “Reclaiming Jesus” leftists represent the clear and present danger that threatens our sovereignty and ability to thrive as an independent nation under God.  The plainly state “Our churches and our nations are part of an international community whose interests always surpass national boundaries.  They especially misuse the word of God to make their point.  “For God so loved the world.”  (John 3:16),  We in turn, should love and serve the world and all its inhabitants.  Yet the word of God specifically Isaiah 54:12 states And I will make thy windows of agates, and thy gates of carbuncles, and all thy borders of pleasant stones.

Isaiah 60:18 Violence shall no more be heard in the land, wasting nor destruction within thy borders; but thou shalt call thy walls Salvation, and thy gates praise.  Ezekiel 45:1 states, Moreover, when ye shall divide by lot the land for inheritance, ye shall offer an oblation unto the Lord, a holy portion of the land:  the length shall be the length of five and twenty thousand reeds and the breadth shall be ten thousand.  This shall be holy in all the borders thereof round about.  Notice the reference to borders?

God is the originator of borders, even before man was formed on the earth.  He secured the waters within borders to prevent the entire planet from becoming water world.   Land was separated from the waters to allow for the fishes of the seas and the land for animals of the dry land.  Without natural borders either there would not be land creatures and humans, or no aquatic life.  To summarize the situation, “We the People” must be vigilant in the effort to maintain our national sovereignty by protecting our borders.

I hope before it is too late, those leftist heretics will turn from their wicked ways and stop using God to destroy America the beautiful.   Without borders there is no United States of America in the long run.  There are many fake leftist/progressive Evangelical Christians who want to bring America down via illegal border crossers, rather than encourage other countries to adopt economic policies that would avail prosperity for their citizens.  Let’s get together via The Ron Edwards Experience talk show Fridays at 4:00 PM EST, 1:00PM PT on #SHRmedia and KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada, Roku and daily at 9:00 PM EST on #freedominamericaradio.  The Edwards Notebook commentary Blows Away the Myths and Reveals the Truth daily on #TalkAmericaRadio #freedominamericaradio #GoodTalkRadio, the weekend edition of Captain’s America Third Watch that emanates nationwide to 70 radio stations in 29 statess from flagship station WGUL AM 860 The Answer and and regularly on FM 101.5 and AM 1400 the Patriot Detroit.

© 2018 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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Does Today’s Immorality Mean The End Is Near?

When one views the severe lack of morality in society today, it would seem those claiming this age is about to come to a close are accurate in assuming, it is all over very soon.  But I wonder if they could be miscalculated in their assessment.  Yes, Hamas terrorists and others are still fighting to deny Israel the right to have embassies in Jerusalem in the capital city of that nation.  Retiring House leader Paul Ryan, Senator Mitch McConnel and many others are literally working to undermine the efforts of President Trump and insure a democrat party defeat of Republicans in the midterm elections.  Government officials elected to work for the benefit of our republic are without a doubt seeking to flood America with millions of illegal border crossers, just to break the economic back of our nation.

The reason for their evil mission is to both undermine you and I and bring the United State under the control of such evil luminaries as the United Nations, George Soros, Nancy Pelosi and others of that ilk.  Because of rampant government school indoctrination, at least fifty percent of all American students desire to exist under the oppression of communism and foolishly prefer women abusing Islam over Christianity, which inspired the recognition of our unalienable rights which come from God.  Both China and Russia are working together to build massive militaries that could soon dwarf ours and like Iran have threatened to harm America.

Thanks, but no thanks, but professional societal dividers in media, academia, and the entertainment world are bringing about permanent walls of division between Americans. Because of the mishandling of race, economics and illegal immigration and crime, our republic is on the verge of committing suicide because of an unreasonable hatred of America, Liberty and God and oh yes, President Trump.  The deep state is literally trying to drown America by using a sea of immorality on all levels of societal existence.  But waves of great immorality have swept throughout America and the world throughout history.  When Jonathon Edwards began preaching in Northampton, Massachusetts, in 1734, the moral conditions were at an extreme were at an extreme low, as was prevalent throughout most of the American colonies.

Under his preaching that stressed the importance of an immediate, personal spiritual rebirth, a revival began in his church among the youth and then spread to the adults.  Edwards wrote that “in the spring and summer following, anno 1735, the town seemed to be full of the presence of God; it never was so full of love, nor of joy and yet so full of distress, as it was then.”  In two years 300 converts were added to the church, and news of the revival spread throughout New England.  The British Methodist preacher George Whitfield continued the movement, making several separate trips to America and spending nine years preaching across the colonies.  Between 1740 and 1742, an estimated 25,000 to 50,000 people were added to the New England church, changing the region’s moral tone and gaining the name of a “Great Awakening.”  Eventually, the revival became so pervasive that it served to build up interests that were intercolonial in character and inspired a major opposition to the British Anglican Church and the royal officials who supported it.

Some historians say it helped set in motion a spirit of Liberty that eventually brought America to it’s political freedoms.  Today, there is a growing revival of Americanism and faith in our creator.  Millions of Americans are literally praying for a restoration of American greatness and the defeat of those who are hell bent on destroying this greatest nation in history.  I for one believe that the end of our republic will be at the very least postponed. For that to be fully realized, our republic will have to fully reestablish the recognition of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, which must include the end of the legalized murdering of innocent babies.  A nation that refuses to protect its most innocent and vulnerable, cannot forever expect the blessings of Providential guidance and Blessings.  America, the choice to secure either the life or death of our republic is at hand.  Please choose wisely.

Of course, it is wise to tune in or click on to The Ron Edwards Experience Fridays at 4:00 PM EST, 1:00 PM PST via, Spreaker and KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada.   The Edwards Notebook commentary Blows away the Myths and reveals the Truth daily on,,, and during AM News on AM 1180 KCKQ and on the Captain’s America Third Watch weekend edition talk show emanating nationwide to 70 stations from flagship WGUL AM 860 The Answer Tampa, Fla. &

© 2018 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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How To Destroy A Nation From Within

The United States of America, the republic was founded on noble principles.  The United States Bill of Rights was written with a unique sense of the importance of recognizing and preserving our unalienable rights which come from God, not government.  The Constitution begins with “We the People” of the United States, in order to form a more Perfect Union, establish Justice, insure Domestic Tranquility, provide for the Common Defense, promote the General Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty, to Ourselves and our Posterity, to ordain and establish this Constitution of the United States of America.

One should then conclude that our form of government, should not only look out for the preservation of our own individual rights, but also for the best interest of our republic.  There are several ways a nation can protect its own interests.  One of the most common approaches is a powerful central government that dominates the people with an iron fist from cradle to grave.  Such governments usually threaten to destroy anyone who dares not to display total allegiance to the state.  North Korea is a supreme example of such dreadful arrangements.

In the case of the United States of America, the government was not originally designed to brutally rule over the “People.” But rather, was formed to defend the right of everyone to live for their own sake and that of their families, not at the behest of big government.  In America, loyalty is or should be expected as a bi-product of an appreciation for the numerous blessings of for example, Liberty of or from religion.  The freedom to bear arms for self, family and property protection is a major part of our national heritage, along with recognition of our unalienable rights which come from God, not government.

To recapture and maintain the blessings of Liberty, we must remain vigilant in making sure the principles to perpetuate Liberty are vigorously passed down to succeeding generations.  Parents, educators and even ministers are responsible for either blessing or cursing our republic.  What is taught to one generation dictates the direction our nation takes during the next generation.

In the Bible, it is written, My people parish for lack of knowledge.  It is also known that a nation is nothing more than a large collection of people.  What they know or do not know and care or not care about are major factors in whether they exhibit wisdom, a sense of national unity and patriotism are predicated upon what is taught to the students.  Since the inception of our great republic, there has been a cadre of people who have wanted to undermine and fundamentally change America into a much lesser nation.  They were small in number compared to the general population that appreciated the United States and wanted her to be the “Shining City on a Hill Nation.”

Eventually those leftists opposing American greatness, just like parasites they invaded the schools, many churches and in time even corrupted the concept of family life.  The government schools of indoctrination have done a masterful job of convincing individuals like former Senator John Kerry who as a result set out on a life long mission to undermine America.  He negotiated a horrible nuclear arms deal with Iran during the Obama administration that only benefited Iran and included a 150 billion dollar taxpayer funded payoff.  That is bad enough, but the indoctrinated egotistical John “Lurch” Kerry traveled the globe meeting with world leaders to preserve his abysmal Iran nuclear arms deal and Obama’s legacy.

John (I’m all that) Kerry counselled officials of other nations and convinced them to go against President Trump and remain in that potentially dangerous nuclear arms dea. But only Iran and stupid European nations that can make a little short term money on the side benefit while Iran would be free in a few years to build nuclear weapons like crazy.  President Trump had no choice but go it alone and pull out of a deal with an Islamic nation that threatens both America and Israel.  Former secretary of state John Kerry represents how a nation can potentially be destroyed from within.  He is a home grown indoctrinated traitor from within who was trained up in the way “he should not go” and has been on the wrong side of history ever since.

Unless there is a permanent change in what is being indoctrinated into our students, our dear republic could be destined for doom and destruction.  Such a dismal fate does not need to come to fruition, because it is completely avoidable, if “We the People” have the will and desire to see the good ship USA righted again so she can be great again on a long term basis.  Wake up America for you have a rendezvous with destiny.  Enjoy the destiny of radio greatness via the Edwards Notebook commentary daily on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada during AM News, and and Spreaker.  Join me in conversation Fridays during the Ron Edwards Experience on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno,, and Spreaker, Fridays at 4:00 EST, 1:00 PM PST voice your opinions at 844.790.8255. let’s meet you on the radio.

© 2018 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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There Is No More Room At The Inn

For over forty years, the United States of America has been playing the stupid role of international patsy when it comes to the issue of illegal border crossings.  The Federal government along with certain state governments long ago abandoned their role of defending this republic and their respective states.  Americans not indoctrinated to support the Saul Alynski inspired mission to destroy America from within, support President Trump’s correct approach in dealing with those seeking to bully their way illegally into our nation to wreak havoc.

I whole heartedly agree with the President enforcing immigration laws.  Hopefully he will convince Congress to finally get to the business of writing and approving laws that are designed to enforce the protection of our borders.  Thank goodness the president called for not allowing border crossers into the country until there is room to process them, one at a time.  It is going to be very interesting to see how the wannabe illegal border crossers handle the soon to come searing heat of the summer sun.  If it were up to me I would make sure they receive no food or water and would remain in Mexico until they we decide to process them for entry into America one at a time.  If they can survive for over a thousand miles, then they can hang out in Mexico until whenever.

What is really disturbing are the legions of misguided Americans protesting on behalf of those seeking to illegally enter the United States to be a drain on our economy and a thorn in our side.  They purposely overlook the fact that one of their pet groups they pretend to care about, (black Americans) will be the ones primarily displaced by the teeming south of the border hordes who were chanting in Spanish, Obama’s “yes we can” slogan.  Who can blame them?  For decades their kind has been getting everything they want.  Even illegal border crossers who physically brutalize Americans and their property and their property have been kissed on their backsides and allowed to go free.

But this is an example of what happens when a nation such as ours goes off the rails morally.  You anti-Christian leftist bigots have been allowed to kick both God and moral decency out of society.  As a result, the natural progression of your low standards of morality and living have taken hold.  Thus, what was once called good and heralded, is now by many mocked and condemned.  Protecting our borders is a prime example of what is now condemned by many, even though it is a good and righteous thing to do.

The pattern is the same wherever leftists bigots show up.  A nation, school is created, then through hard work and intelligent effort success is realized.  But eventually like parasites, leftists show up and are allowed entry and as their numbers increase in number, they weaken the host school, business, or nation.  Consider the Ivy League Universities.  All of them were founded by either Christian ministers or churches, not the leftist bigots who rail against Christian influences in our republic.  Those universities were the absolute best in the world at educating students.  The leftist bigots say that “God was not a part of our nation’s founding and should be banished from both education and society.”  So please tell me the truth as to why almost everything regarding education has basically been morphed into indoctrination of students against all that is good, including America itself? By the way, a major part of the indoctrination effort has been the flawed, evil concept of open borders for our nation.

It is well known by both patriots and the bigoted leftists who seek to fundamentally change America, that no nation can long prosper and remain great with open borders.  But yet the anti American leftists seek to usher in every person who wants to illegally stroll in.  The American leftists also known as democrats have pretended to love black Americans ever since the KKK was put out of active service. They have conned them into voting democrat for so long, it is now in their DNA to vote so foolishly.  But the democrats know that eventually black Americans will awaken from the stupor of supporting democrats and their destructive leftist policies.

That is why democrats are now pushing for foreigners to flood into our republic to bolster their voter base.  California has officially enabled illegal immigrants to vote in state elections.  If the democrats had good ides and good intentions, they would not be tempted to endanger out republic with illegal border crossers, just to gain a larger voting block.  Thank goodness there is no room at the inn for hundreds of illegals gathered at the California border.  If people around the world truly want a better standard of living, perhaps they should fight to improve their own nations, instead of seeing to bust in and ruin ours.

Borders matter. Without them we will not have a country for people to legally immigrate to.  Individuals should be allowed to enter in who seek to make, not take.  They should aspire to adopt classic American values and to be a positive addition to this greatest nation of all time.  God Bless You, God Bless America and may America Bless God.  Hopefully the president will find a way to prevent the 18 judges heading to the border to speed up the process of letting hordes in.  Let’s get together Fridays at 4:00 PM EST, 2:00 PM CST, 1:00 PM PST via The Ron Edwards Experience on,, Spreaker and KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada. Follow me on twitter, @theronedwards and check me out via

© 2018 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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Placing The Blame Where It Belongs

All who were blessed to be taught authentic American history clearly understand that the United States of America was founded upon Christian principles. The concept of one living in a land of liberty could never been established and carried out, if it were not for Christian virtues. Self governance as a high priority if adhered to circumvents the need and should squelch the desire to overpower the people with a nanny goat government that bosses law abiding citizens around, from cradle to grave.

Is abundantly clear that government schools, colleges and universities are methodically poisoning the minds of countless American students against all that is good, decent and intellectually stimulating.  After several generations of such dogma, parents have become increasingly unable or unwilling to train their children up in the way that they should go. Thus, many are formally departing from principles and practices that enhance the quality in America.

In 1776 the future President John Adams said, “Statesmen may plan ad speculate for liberty, but it is religion and morality alone, which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand.” That mindset was widely held among the Founders who helped shape the political, educational, and legal foundations of the new republic.  Men such as Daniel Webster, Benjamin Franklin, Benjamin Rush, Samuel Adams and George Washington echoed these same sentiments.  They firmly believed that the strength of the republic was dependent upon the morality of her people, and that the Christian way of life must undergird it. The saw the education of young minds at the heart of it.

Not surprisingly, most of America’s oldest universities were founded by preachers and churches.  Harvard, William and Mary, Yale, Princeton, Kings College, Brown, Rutgers, and Dartmouth were started by Christian ministers and church affiliations.  Harvard University, for example, which was founded in 1636 by the Puritans adopted the “Rules and Precepts” of the university that stated:  “Let every student be plainly instructed, and earnestly pressed to consider well, the main end of his life and studies is, to know God and Jesus Christ which is eternal life (John 17:3) and therefore lay Christ at the bottom, as only the foundation of all sound knowledge and learning.”

Even Harvard’s original seal, which can be seen etched in the walls of the campus today, states upon it these words: “Truth for Christ and the church.”  For you American detractors, I’ll agree with only one of your constant complaints.  “Our republic isn’t perfect,” but I must tell you she is good in many ways.  As long as the principles of doing right, trusting God, appreciating our nation, striving to build great families and encourage individual achievement our republic was assured greatness.

But in recent decades we have witnessed American decline in education, individual liberties, parental rights, freedom of or from religion and, the God given right of self protection.  There are several main factors to blame for those setbacks.  But for me, the number one cause for the decline of our national quality of life lies squarely at the feet of the wimpy and complacent church, or body of Christ.

From America’s humble beginnings until the 1960s, the Christian church of various denominations had a major influence on society.  Our republic became number one economically, militarily and educationally.  Believe it or not, American cities were at onetime renowned for their beauty and civility.  The American dollar, known as the greenback was the unchallenged economic standard of the world.

Unfortunately, over time the body of Christ and Christians in authority throughout society literally gave up their positions of authority to the leftists who have set out to literally ruine America beyond repair.  Good people of God shrunk for positions of authority in education, the entertainment industry and even mainline church denominations like the Methodists, Episcopalians, and Lutherans to name a few are headed by leftists who do not encourage adhering to the moral standards enumerated in the living word of God.   Now America is in a battle for her very existence as a great nation. You might call it our second Civil War.

The good news is that America now has a president who is seeking to govern n behalf of our republic, rather than allow foreign interests and leftist destroyers have their wicked way.  Many Christians are waking up and discovering the power of prayer and seeking to obey Christ and occupy until He comes.  Christians are once again realizing they are not the doormats of the world and are to be salt and light in the world setting a standard instead of simply trying to go along to get along.  Most surprisingly are the increasing numbers of patriotic Christians who honestly care about the United States and are not just sitting around waiting around on the fly away doctrine to take them to their mansion in the sky.

The United States is worth fighting for and with Providential Guidance “We the People” will defeat those who seek to bring tyranny around our necks.  To put quote John Paul Jones: “We have only just begun to fight.”  Are you in?  Don’t miss the Ron Edwards Experience Fridays at 1:00 PM PST, 4:00 PM EST on AM 1180 KCKQ Reno, Nevada,, Spreaker, and now at 8:00 PM PST on goodtalkradio you can enjoy The Ron Edwards Experience and throughout the day The Edwards Notebook commentary airs on both and  The Ron Edwards Experience also graces the radio stations and internet connections on Sundays at 12:00 AM

© 2018 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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The Making Of A Great Nation

A nation is made great by its people and the principles they embrace. In addition, a nation remains great by its leaders and the statutes they enact. It has been stated that a nation rises and falls on the condition of its leadership. While others, like my Dad often said that a nation is only as strong as its families. In the Bible, it is noted when ancient Israel was blessed with a king who reverenced God and held the word of God in high esteem, the nation prospered. When they had a bad king who did not respect the word of God, or did not govern on behalf of the best interests of the nation, there was much misery accompanied by economic hardship.

In our own republic we have endured the misery that comes with eight years of over taxation, regulation and an onslaught of laws that go against the grain of maintaining a high moral standard.  In the year since the inception of the Trump administration, our republic has experienced measurable increases in economic growth and respect from many leaders from around the world.

For you never Trumpers who believe he is a paragon of evil, you may be shocked to learn that President Trump has accepted Christ.  In addition, unlike the previous Obama administration, President Trump is working diligently to improve the quality of life in our nation and standing in the world.  Is Mr. Trump perfect?  No way Jose.  But neither are you or even the great King David of ancient Israel.  But despite his flaws, King David sincerely loved God very deeply and sought to be a good king over Israel.  That is why God himself called King David, a man after His own heart.

I believe the President Trump loves both God and the United States of America and will historically be judged to be a good, or possibly great president.  American history is vividly clear that a faith in God and a reverence for His living word provided the basis for the founding of this republic.  That same reverence for God by many of our presidents has had a profound impact upon the greatness of our nation.  One truth is undeniable:  The Bible has been one of the greatest influences on America’s presidents.

“The first and almost the only book deserving of universal attention is the Bible.  I speak as a man of the world… and I say to you, “Search the scriptures.”: John Quincy Adams, Sixth President.

“The strength of our country is the strength of our country is the strength of its religious convictions.  The foundations of our society and our government rest so much on the teachings of the Bible that it would be difficult to support them if faith in these teachings would cease to be practically universal in our country.:  Calvin Coolidge, 30th President.

“Inside the Bibles pages lie all the answers to all the problems man has ever known… It is my firm belief that the enduring values presented in its pages have a great meaning for each of us and for our nation.  The Bible can touch our hearts, order our minds, and refresh our souls:  Ronald Reagan 40th President.  President Trump and his family continue to endure the onslaught of evil unrelenting attacks from those dedicated to literally destroying America from within.  Their vehicles driving their evil mission are open borders, government school indoctrination, and the elimination of high moral standards.  However, I believe that America will soon be reborn and experience a new era of greatness and fulfill her manifest destiny as a light of liberty and conduit of God’s unyielding love and guidance. May God bless President Trump, that he will follow Providential guidance in the valiant effort to make America great again.

Please join me every Friday at 1:00 PM PST, 4:00 PM EST as I host the Ron Edwards Experience emanating from flagship station KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada,, and Spreaker.  Also catch a page from The Edwards Notebook commentary daily on and during Money Talk with Melanie at 5:12 PM on

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American Parents, Fight For Your Children

For at least five years, American government school educators have been indoctrinating students. The long ago abandoned the concept of making sure the young Americans receive the best education possible.  No longer are most educators making sure their students are tops in math, science, American history, language skills, etc.  Now their focus is anti gun rights, a 57 variety of sexes and gender bending, hatred toward the United States, Christianity, fatherhood and the free market.  In fact, many educators proudly instruct elementary students on how to have oral sex and sexually pleasure each other in other ways.

Finally, some parents have had enough.  Many throughout the United States and beyond are beginning to turn their quiet frustration into bold action.  Admittedly, some parents have tried to quietly express their disappointment in the demented direction government schools have taken.  To add insult to injury, American taxpayers fork over more money per student than almost every other nation on earth.  But unfortunately, Students in this republic are among the least truly educated yet most indoctrinated.  Through the years I have identified the government school system as the number one enemy of the United States of America.

For the first time in American history, most college students believe is ok to destroy the free speech of those who for example likes America and President Trump.  On college campi throughout the land if someone simply wares a MAGA hat, they may be beaten into a coma.  That kind of behavior is permissible, as long it is pro American, pro legal immigration, pro Trump supporters, etc. being beaten and deprived of their right of freedom of expression.  The root of moral corruption is deeply ensconced within government schools and are morally destructive to students before nine years of age.  Students are now indoctrinated with material that would make many adults blush from embarrassment.

It is horrible that tax paying Americans are coerced into paying for curriculum and recourses that instruct dangerous and promiscuous behaviors that most parents find morally abhorrent.  The Centers for Disease Control has stated the activities now being taught in government schools are a health risk.  I personally find it reprehensible that school administrators and their educators act as if they have more authority over the children they indoctrinate, than the parents who birthed them.

I thank God more parents are coming out of the shadows and refusing to allow their children to be indoctrinated into perverts.  A grassroots movement of frustrated government school parents is morphing their frustration into real action.  The parents rightfully want an end to sexualizing their children and a return to properly teaching them in the class room.  To further make their point, parents are conducting a “Sex Ed Sit Out” protest on Monday April 23rd 2018.  The protest was the brainchild of a few mothers who were communicating on social media about their displeasure over the graphic nature of current sex education resources in government schools.

It has grown into a global movement with protests being planned in the United States, Canada and Australia.  Parents are livid in cities like Fairfax, Virginia and Rocklin, California where they have been featured in news reports for being hotbeds of controversial, gender-bending, sick graphic sex education and anti-bullying programs.  Parents were not informed that these “subjects” would be taught to their children, sometimes as young as five years old.  Personally, I am encouraged to see that parents are beginning to get directly involved in the battle to restore true education in America.  We owe them a debt of gratitude.  But one cannot lay the total blame of the current “state of affairs” at the feet of school educators and administrators.

Parents in general must reclaim their God given responsibility of parenthood, by properly carrying out their duties as their children’s first teachers. Whether they realize it or not, our republic is a refection of it’s families and that includes our schools. Without strong families and Providential guidance, the fall of our republic will be fast upon us. But it can be avoided if “We the People” are willing to stop the mental abuse and spiritual corruption of America’s young people.  God bless you, God Bless America and may America bless God.

© 2018 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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How Cancer And Leftism Are Similarly Destructive

We all have read about or witnessed relatives and friends who suffered the horrors of cancer.  As a twelve-year-old lad, I saw up close how that dreaded disease can take down even the mightiest of men, whom for me was my own Dad.  What begins as one bad cell grows into a little lump and if unchecked through great nutrition and good procedures will eventually morph into a massive tumor that can and often will wreak deadly havoc upon the human body.

Many now believe that the root of cancer stems from a combination of negative stress, bitterness, lack of proper sleep, bad eating habits and smoking sugar-cured tobacco.

Of course, if such factors are not corrected or changed, the likelihood of cancer increases dramatically over time.  When or if cancer is detected in the body, swift and decisive action must be taken.  Thanks to increasing nutritional and immune system awareness, more and more people are at least on average living much longer and increasingly being cured.  But without a solid plan of action, including faith, exercising and nutrition, cancer will destroy the host body from within rendering in premature death.

In similar fashion, decades of government school indoctrination created a massive cancer of leftism.  It is an evil philosophy that literally based upon destroying America from within, stripping away our national cohesion and security.  History has shown time and time again that no nation can long flourish with open unsecured borders.  The cancer of leftism is designed to literally eat away our rights.  Compounding the effects of leftism is a malignant Congress that has long refused to care enough to pass tough laws against rampant illegal border crossing into our republic.

The Cancer of leftism has literally eaten away intelligence and common sense throughout society. As a sad result, much of America’s famous can do spirit and know how has been reversed into we cannot do the right thing and we don’t know “nothin” and got that mixed up.  In fact, the United States is wrongly perceived to be a paper tiger nation of idiots.  Why else do you think that ragged rogues from banana republics believe they can just show up to our southern border and shuffle in with no problem?  People throughout the entire world call we Americans stupid. That is because they know many Americans in and out of government will help them screw over our own nation to the tune of billions of dollars every single year.

So far, illegal border crossers receive a taxpayer funded education and better medical care than millions of sovereign American citizens.  The United States is called the most powerful nation on earth.  But yet has conducted the weakest border security possible.  In fact, illegal border crossers and their stupid American born supporters boldly tell us what they want, what they will do to us and instead of being locked up, are allowed to tell us we cannot do anything about whatever they say or want to do.  The cancer of leftism has been literally destroying our quality of life for decades.  Any giant caravan of 1,500 dregs demanding to get into our republic illegally and tries to act upon it should be made to dread the day they were born.

When a nation is so weakened by the corroding cancer of leftism and no longer exercises rational self -interest, illegal border crossers will be emboldened to swoop in to kill, steal from and destroy the framework of that society.  It is not to late to cure our republic from the cancer of leftism.  But we do not have the luxury of an indefinite period of time to right this self- inflicted curse.  It is my prayer that “We the People” will stand together and reestablish the rule of law, a higher moral standard and sincerely seek Providential Guidance.  Through the grace of God, the republic we cure from the cancer of leftism, may be our own.  God bless you, God bless America and may America bless God.

It is my pleasure to bless you with the Ron Edwards Experience talk show Fridays at 1:00 PM PST, 4:00 PM EST emanating from KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada, and Spreaker.  Or you can catch a rebroadcast of The Ron Edwards Experience Saturdays at 12:00 AM via Don’t miss a page from the “award winning” commentary, The Edwards Notebook on the Captain’s America overnight weekend talk show emanating nationwide to 74 radio stations from flagship WGUL AM 860 The Answer Tampa, Fla. I am also a regular contributor on the Captain’s America overnight talk show, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:05 AM and Saturdays at 4:05 AM.  Also, you can enjoy both the Ron Edwards Experience and The Edwards Notebook commentary every day on For more information please go to my website

© 2018 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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America Is In Utter Jeopardy

President Trump recently signed the largest six month spending bill in United States history.  Illegal border crossers are having a field day crossing our southern border like they did during the Obama presidency.  Border officials are back to catching and releasing those who shuffle into our republic illegally.   Leftist democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Chuckie Schumer are still celebrating the massive funding of sanctuary cities.  Obviously neither Chuckie or Nancy have any regard for American born sovereigns and legal immigrants who are often raped, robbed, or beaten to death by illegal border crossers who moonlight as dastardly MS 13 gang members.

History has proven ever since the barbarians sacked Rome, that enemies will infiltrate any nation foolish enough to not secure their borders.  Once ancient Rome lost her way and the emperors no longer revered that society, border security was no longer a high priority.  American government officials today, like their Roman counterpoints of long ago have abandoned their sworn duty defend and protect the United States of America. President Trump and a few others are rare exceptions among the many D.C. dwellers who prefer to put America last.  Some senatorial leaders Mitch McConnel and former Vice President Joe Biden are beholden to foreign powers like China who pay them off through their offspring.

The vicious hatred of President Donald J. Trump by people ranging from republican party statists like Paul Ryan or the retiring Jeff Flake and democrats like Chuckie Schumer is not because Mr. Trump is the most horrible person to set foot in the Oval Office.  The hatred of Trump stems from his mission to reverse the curse of putting the interests of foreign nations and illegal border crossers over the interests of you and I, Americans born and raised.  The simple yet powerful mission to make America great again immediately became a dividing line between those of us who love this republic and appreciate her many good attributes and the others who wish for her demise.

As horrific as the situation is politically with the swamp dwelling statists who are seeking to kill, steal and destroy our unalienable rights, especially the right to bear arms and protect ourselves, family and property.  That struggle pales in comparison to the awful drumbeat of government school  indoctrination that has literally caused the creation of legions of young Americans who are literally seeking to destroy the republic from within.

Such utter madness has been utilized in other nations like Germany, where Hitler had his brown shirts and in China where young people went head over heels for Mao.  In both instances, their nations paid a heavy price for indoctrinating the young into accepting evil.  As great as the United States is and has been, she is potentially now in greater danger of collapse than at any time since the Civil War.  Not because a foreign power can just wipe us out, because they cannot.  But rather because of the multi decade unrelenting dumbing down and at the same time indoctrination of American students into believing lies concerning everything from the right of self-protection, border security and American history in general.

The big jeopardy that America faces is a series of self inflicted wounds that have been strategically foisted upon our beloved land of liberty.  Number one is government school indoctrination instead of real education of young Americans.  If the education process is not soon decentralized and returned to more local and state control, American students will possibly be permanently locked in last place educationally, rendering them unable to intellectually compete with their counterparts from around the world.  A close second is that our civilization has been on a slippery slope away from the awesome values, principles and fundamental beliefs that provided the foundation to build America the beautiful into the envy of the world.  Our republic is in utter Jeopardy.

But coming together and reversing these and other wrongful trends, will not only stem the tide of destruction that has been gradually heaped upon our nation, then seeking to be one nation under God will go a long way toward authentic restoration of the United States of America.  If not, she will be relegated to being one nation gone under.  America is too great to die and with God’s grace AND Providential guidance, she won’t.  But the choice is up to you my fellow Americans.  Please choose wisely.  God bless you, God Bless America and may America Bless God.

Voice your choice for the Ron Edwards Experience talk show every Friday at 1:00 PM PST, 4:00 PM EST emanating from flagship station KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada,,  and Spreaker. The Ron Edwards Experience is rebroadcast Saturdays at 12:00 AM on the network radio stations and internet outlets of  Also don’t miss a page from The Edwards Notebook award winning commentary during AM News weekdays on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada, and every day around the clock on Last but not least, The Edwards Notebook is now a part of the impressive lineup of Captain’s America weekend show, hosted nationally by Matt Bruce on 70 radio outlets across America emanating from flagship station WGUL AM 860 The Answer Tampa, Florida and

© 2018 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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Dig A Ditch For One And Eventually Others Fall In

In 1973, the United States of America legalized the killing of unborn babies.  It has been calculated that at least 70 million unborn Americans have been denied their God given unalienable right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The idea for the wholesale elimination of Americans was born in the evil mind of Margaret Sanger, during the early decades of the twentieth century. The racist democrat was on a mad woman mission to rid the planet of whom she considered human weeds, commonly known as black Americans. It was bad enough that she a white American thought it was her duty to eliminate black people. Even more insulting were the numerous dumb black ministers that Sanger and her fellow Democrat party racists convinced to persuade their parishioners to kill their babies for economic reasons.

The common mantra for many southern black church goers was, “you cannot afford that extra child, or because of racism life will be too difficult with few opportunities at best.” Those dumb ministers willing to help Margaret Sanger in her quest to exterminate blacks were recruited to control the “rebellious” ones who might see through the vail of deception being used to wipe out those whom Ms. Sanger dubbed, “human weeds.”  Sanger was often infuriated because she thought not enough black Americans knew their place.  Most black Americans had not yet been indoctrinated and stupefied by government schools.  Until after the Civil Rights Movement, just about every black American who attended school learned. As adults, they also sought to build a better life for their families and remained patriotic, despite the horrible practices of racist democrats and their Ku Klux Klan allies.

Chronicled in the exceptional book entitled the Negro Project, Author Bruce Fleury pointed out that Sanger’s American Birth Control League was a vast repository for racist views espoused by people like Dr. S. Adolphus Knopf, Lothrop Stoddard, and Dr. Harry Laughlin.  Theses men were renowned racists whom Margaret Sanger totally agreed with and hoped to help wipe out or at least greatly reduce the black American population and other so-called minorities as well.  Margaret Sanger also held a special place of hatred in her dark heart for the Catholic church, because it had been adamantly opposed to killing unborn babies.  There were several failed attempts to pass birth control legislation that was supported by the New York Times, during the 1920s and 1930s.  Sanger never gave up on her mission of eliminating black Americans through abortion until she was forced to upon her death.

Sanger’s mission of death for the black American community became law in 1973.  The law did not specifically name black Americans, but proportionately more black Americans have and continue to participate in the practice of murdering their babies via abortion than any other people throughout the republic.  I believe that such a widespread disregard for life has opened the door to death in many aspects of everyday life for black American.  For example, nationally over 70 percent of all black American households are now run solo by feminist females who have no desire for a good husband and father figure on the premises.

That trend began when democrat party administrations during the 1950s and 1960s persuaded black females to prefer a government handout over a husband and father in the home.  Females were told that the men would not be able to support them and their children.  Of course, there was discrimination against black men who had fewer opportunities than others.  But ironically, during the 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, and early 1960s, despite whatever discriminatory practices the democrats practiced, among most blacks who rejected the welfare mentality they were improving their lot in life.  They worked together and usually provided a better life for each succeeding generation.

Now other negatives have cropped up because of the constant drip, drip, drip of wrongful activity, particularly abortion.  I believe the old saying “when you dig a ditch for one, eventually others will fall in” has come to fruition.  The curse of abortion in recent years has spread like wildfire through the general United States population.  Such few Americans are now born we are no longer replacing those who die.  It was recently reported that people 65 years and older will soon outnumber young Americans.  That will grind our troubled social security system to a halt.  The sick attitude of “I don’t need or respect a man” is now more prevalent throughout America and greatly contributing to the divorce rate in the general population.

If the current trends do not reverse, the social ills now common in the black community will become commonplace elsewhere.  Senator Hubert Humphrey warned in 1967 that the then 30 percent abortion rate of the black community would help cause the disruption of social norms and a diminished quality of life across the board.  That has occurred and with the abortion rate now at 30 percent in the general American population you can expect to witness the same level of societal disruption. Many of us are praying that people will see the folly of their ways and turn toward a higher moral standard. My Dad used to tell me when I was a little boy growing up in Cleveland, “the strength of a nation is determined by the strength of her families.”  Unfortunately, what the racist democrats wished upon black American families is now plaguing much of the rest of society.  That ditch of peril for one race has spread to many others.

Wake up America while there is still a little time.  We still have a rendezvous with destiny and together “We the People” can fulfil it.  Join me Fridays on The Ron Edwards Experience on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada and everywhere else via and at 1:00 PM PST, 3:00 PM CST, 4:00 PM EST.  Don’t miss a page from The Edwards Notebook syndicated radio commentary weekday mornings at 6:29 AM during AM News on KCKQ AM 1180 and and nationwide on Captain’s America Third Watch weekend show, emanating nationwide from flagship station WGUL AM 860 the Answer Tampa, Fla. And

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America Has The Right To Rebuke Bad Trade Deals

Four over forty years the United States of America has been on the receiving end of being raked over the coals by numerous economic trading partners throughout the world.  It has not mattered whether friend or foe.  Just about every nation America continues to trade with enjoys a major trade balance in their favor at the expense the United States.  One must wonder, are United States trade negotiators for the most part not very bright?  Or are they so heavily influenced by the concept of international concerns that looking out for the best interests of their own republic is beyond their ability to comprehend?

Every time most media pundits opine about the current state of affairs regarding America her trading partners and adversaries, they without fail favor those nations that consistently take advantage of our America.  They have never once expounded about the literal economic disadvantage America consistently faces with 25 percent Chinese tariffs being levied against the two remaining United States based automakers. Toyota remains the number one auto producer in the world.  Not simply because they make the best cars.  Arguably American auto producers have closed the quality gap with foreign competitors.  But Toyota is free to produce and sell millions of cars in our country while enjoying a minimal tariff of around 3.5 percent maybe less.  Japan on the other hand slaps America with a ten percent tariff.  Our great buddy Japan makes it too expensive for most Japanese consumers to consider purchasing American automobiles by tagging on a seven percent import tax on U.S. motorcars.

I find it abysmal that many Americans make fun of our United States president, calling him nationalist and protectionist as if they are bad things.  Of course, the man is both nationalist and protectionist.  In fact, every American who has the sense to want what is best for their own country is technically a nationalist and protectionist.  I admit of being guilty and proud of being so.  Putting America first is not wrong or backwards.  For you folks who are proud internationalists, protecting our republic does not mean putting down or harming other societies.

Finally, we have a president who is doing his best to follow through on the pledges he made during his campaign for office.  That is most refreshing and when you think about it, like him or not president Trump is very trust worthy and what you see is what you really get.

What we will witness is an America that will soon shake off the self imposed shackles unwisely fastened upon our economy via stupid one sided trade agreements.  Those agreements benefited every nation in the world except this one.  Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell continue to prove to be nothing but obstructionists against the Trump agenda designed to literally strengthen both America and her economy.  I rarely, if ever heard or read about either man complaining about or trying to slow down former president Obama’s effort to fundamentally change America into something that resembles a meager nation of lack.

With the departure of economic advisor John Cohn, Trumps critics openly condemned the president for “going to far” regarding trade negotiations.   They simply were satisfied with more of the same.  The departure of Cohn is a good thing, the democrat was not having any of the president standing up to trading partners and seeking a level playing field to help America.  Sometimes even a solution may come with a bit of temporary pain.  Of course, certain countries will squawk and belly ache.  After all, President Trump is upsetting the long standing worldwide tradition of basically screwing over our republic.  It is as if the world is saying how dare you even challenge us for taking advantage of you.

But if you take the time to talk to Europeans, many Asians or Mexicans they will eventually refer to how stupid they think Americans are because of what our government allows them to get away with.  All over the world, from Toronto to Tokyo, to Beijing and even Dublin, skylines are chock full of sky scrapers that were partially paid for with the trillions of dollars sifted from the United States through unfair trade practices.  Add in the Obama era regulations and taxes, the recipe for American disaster was cooking up the total hollowing out of our economic base.

Out of all the legacy manufacturing centers, Cleveland and Pittsburgh are the only two to make a noticeable transformation into centers of upstarts for new companies attracting millennials and in Cleveland’s case one of the world’s top medical hubs.  Both are also now experiencing a reasonable tourist trade. But Gary, Indiana, Youngstown, Ohio, Camden New Jersey and too many other cities still all bear the scars from the ravages of manufacturing that literally died and was resurrected in cities throughout Asia and Europe.

But just as the world grew accustomed to taking advantage of the United States of America, now they will gradually accept the new reality that or great nation is no longer available for being economically abused.  Feel free to partake of truth and fun via The Ron Edwards Experience talk show Fridays at 1:00 PM PST, 3:00 PM CST, 4:00 PM EST emanating from flagship station KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada,, call in and share your thoughts at 844.790.8255.  The Ron Edwards Experience is rebroadcast via at 12:00 AM Saturdays and weeknights on at 9:00 PM EST, 6:00 PM PST.

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Allow America To Prosper Or Lose It

Every day I rise from my bed, I am utterly baffled at the number of Americans from various walks of life who more vigorously support policies that potentially cripple our beloved republic, than those that most benefit “We the People.”  Every time I read about or hear individuals, primarily from the political left harping about fewer opportunities for black Americans a laugh, because I now realize they are blatant liars and do not give a rip about anyone but their own selfish political gain or mission to help harm the United States of America.

Just recently Al Green Rep. of Texas complained about the disparity between Black Americans and White Americans when it comes to income.  In fact, at a recent hearing the normally grumpy congressman proudly invoked the race card.  It should be more accurately described as the stupid and hypocrite card.  The not so good representative continues the many decades tradition of only complaining about this and that and rounding it off with the traditional charge of racism.

Representative Al it’s racism Green along with his fellow leftist democrats do not and have rarely ever supported policies that benefit black Americans, especially economically.  He and the others have never during my lifetime voted to support tax cuts, reduce regulations that strangle business activity or fight to insure a higher quality education is provided for students to enable them to be more competitive in the arena of finding a good job or opening their own a new business.

Mr. Green wants to promote the concept of white guilt, where there is none.  White Americans walking around today are no more guilty of past oppression of Black Americans than the evergreen trees growing on their property.  Let me be perfectly straight with you.  Representative Al Green and his leftist comrades are guilty of playing a corrupt Saul Alynski inspired game of never being satisfied.  They are always griping and finding either racism, or unfairness under every rock and behind every door knob.  Their goal as stated by former president Barack Husein Obama is to fundamentally transform America.  Not into something greater, as a land of liberty and opportunity, but rather a carbon copy of the changes that have taken place in Venezuela.

To further prove my point, every time the subject of building the needed wall on our southern border is broached, the same usual suspects always complain.  They chant racism, xenophobia, nationalism, etc.  They encourage illegal borders to boldly protest and disrespect out own government, rules and traditions.  They funny thing is, the very people Rep. Green and the other gripers claim to be concerned about, are the ones they are literally helping to destroy.  Our elected government officials are supposed to work on our behalf, but most no longer do.  Not give the advantage to illegal border crossers, while complaining about the plight of Black Americans.  You rarely hear democrat party representatives exhibiting authentic concern about the lack of consistent academic achievement in black American communities.

I believe that one of the consistent goals of the government school overseers is to keep the masses incurably ignorant and intellectually stunted.  Let us not forget that one of the first actions of Obama’s first term as president was to shut down an academically superior Black high school in the Washington DC area.  The last thing the leftists want is a population of high achieving blacks showing example after example of learning and doing their best. That far outweighs being a bitter angry American hating member of the incurably ignorant masses.  Destructive leftists like Rep. Green, Nancy (crumbs) Pelosi and many others depend on the ignorance of those who consistently vote them into office and cheer on their leftist representatives effort to screw them over.  America is now at an incredible crossroads.  She is poised to take off economically and be restored to greatness on many levels. For her to finally reach her full potential, individuals like Rep. Al Green must not be allowed to squander the great opportunities that lie ahead for us.  Allow America to prosper or forget about it.   You can prosper from The Ron Edwards Experience talk show Friday at 4:00 PM EST and 1:00 PM PST, emanating from flagship station KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada and also enjoyed via, and The Ron Edwards Experience is also enjoyed at 12:00 AM Saturdays on

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The Bible And It’s Place In Society

It has often been called the “Book of all Books,” the Bible holds a very unique place in American history, popular culture, politics and of course religion.  Unfortunately, though, in society today, biblical and American history illiteracy has been so prevalent that when President Ronald Reagan spoke so eloquently of a “shining city on a hill,” very few Americans realized that the Gipper was referring to a sermon given by John Winthrop, the first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, in 1630, which was based on the words of Jesus Christ in Mathew chapter five.  When people hear Martin Luther King Jr.’s timelessly magnificent “I have a dream” speech, most do not recognize its numerous biblical allusions and quotes.  Nevertheless, the transforming power of the Word of God remains to impact lives everywhere.

The illustrious words written in God’s holy book has mightily impacted so many of those who have had a lasting positive impact on our republic.  The list of historic luminaries partially listed in The American Patriots Bible, is almost endless.  But here are a few of those famous men and women who loved both our Heavenly Father and our republic and left an indelible mark for God on the fabric of our beloved republic.

Francis Scott Key, Author of “The Star Spangled Banner,” stated, The patriot who feels himself in the service of God, who acknowledges Him in all his ways, has the promise of Almighty direction, and will find His Word in his greatest darkness, “a lantern to his feet unto his paths.”  He will therefore seek to establish for his country in the eyes of the world, such a character as shall make her not unworthy of the name of a Christian nation.

It was Robert E. Lee, General of the Confederate Army noted, “In all my perplexities and distresses, the Bible has never failed to give me light and strength.

Chuck Colson, Founder of Prison Fellowship and radio commentator said, “The most remarkable thing, though, is the difference Scripture makes in the lives of those who sincerely follow it.  I’ve never heard anyone who said, “I’ve studied the Bible; I’ve lived it for years—and it doesn’t work for me.” The people I’ve talked to say that the more they truly absorb Scripture and seek to live by it’s precepts, they find God is able to accomplish amazing things for His purposes through their lives.

Statesman, Inventor, and Scientist Benjamin Franklin told his contemporaries, A Bible and a newspaper in every house, a good school in every district—-all studied and appreciated as they merit—-are the principal support of virtue, morality, and civil liberty.

It was Writer and Social Reformer Helen Keller who stated: Unless we form the habit of going to the Bible in bright moments as well as in trouble, we cannot fully respond to its consolations because we lack equilibrium between light and darkness.

Prolific patriot, Revolutionary Leader and orator, Patrick Henry noted:  The Bible is worth all the other books which have ever been printed.

People throughout America and the world often tried to figure out the secret to the pure genius of renowned scientist George Washington Carver. He was not at all shy about sharing his secret.  The secret of my success?  It is simple.  It is found in the Bible, “In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.”

Actor Charlton Heston once said, “To call the Bible a great book is an understatement.  It is, quite simply the cornerstone of Western civilization.”

The debate about whether the Bible should be more prominently utilized in society rages on.  On one side, the leftists continue their war against everything that even hints at a higher moral standing, the recognition of our sovereign God and His Providential guidance.  Then there are those who recognize the worthiness of seeking the true and ling God through his Son Jesus Christ.  Many are completely aware of the numerous examples of God’s merciful intervention into the events of this great republic from it’s very inception.  Our first president, George Washington warned of the societal calamities if America were to reject the blessings of God’s guidance, wisdom and even correction when needed.

Nowhere is the result of rejecting God and His principles more apparent than in American government schools.  God was resoundingly booted out and soon after, what was the number one school system in the world became an intellectual cesspool of indoctrination against everything that is good, righteous and even patriotic.  Like my Dad told me decades ago, what is taught to one generation defines the direction that nation will take in the next.  It is now time to reinstate teaching what is right to American students, so that our republic can be resurrected as that shining city on a hill nation as described by Ronald Reagan years ago.  If America refuses to invite God back into our nation, then I can promise you, she will not be great again.  Please choose and choose wisely.  God bless you, God bless America and may America bless God.  Don’t the Ron Edwards Experience Fridays at 1:00 PM PST  4:00 PM EST on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada,  and also nightly on at 9:00 PM EST, 6:00 PM PST

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Diversity Now An Athletic Skill

If the United States athletes have wondered why there was a noticeable decrease in Americans taking the time to watch their athletic pursuits, they need only to look in the mirror for the answer.  Hateful open border advocates like alpine skier Lindsey Vonn have spewed hatred toward president Trump for daring to act on his campaign promise to work toward securing our southern border.

Of course, there is plenty of blame to go around.  Including the Olympic Committee that made sure that awards are no longer just based upon merit.  It is now more important that Olympic teams are diverse in sexual choices, religions and skin color.  I what could rightfully be dubbed as affirmative action on steroids, has literally begun the process of eliminating the reason for the Olympics.

The Obama era of divisiveness occurred while there was great pretending to unify.  But unfortunately, it set the miserable tone of racism, entitlement and divisiveness among the American Olympians before they arrived in South Korea, to compete.  Matters only deteriorated even further once they made it to South Korea to display their athletic prowess on the world stage.  You know the situation had gone to nutsville, when there was a coin toss to determine who will carry the American flag in the Olympic parade of nations and the person who loses the toss accuses the coin of being racist.   United States speed skater Shani Davis is one of literally millions of Americans who was mentally victimized by his former government school educators.  They literally brainwashed and indoctrinated him to the point the he is literally void of critical thinking and common sense.

That can also accurately be assumed about most of the current crop of American Olympic athletes/activists.  Ms Lindsey (I’m all that) Vonn’s hatred of president Trump borders on insanity.  She even went on to declare herself “Captain America” not Trump.  I must say that those Olympic athletes prove beyond a reasonable doubt that there is not a dimes worth of common sense among their sorry ranks.  The entire world has witnessed the sizeable decline of the National Football League because football players who are too mentally challenged to understand that it is not racist to throw criminals in jail, to build a border wall, or stop illegal border crossers from storming into our nation and wreaking havoc.

American athletes seem to have spent more time coming up with disgusting ways to bash the Trump administration and Vice President Pence than preparing to compete in the actual Olympics.  It used to be that Olympic athletes at the very least, publicly carried an image of being a positive role model for young impressionable American children.  For some that is no longer a major concern.  For example, Bronze medalist Adam Rippon recently used his status as a role model for young children to encourage illegal activity, according to Freedom Daily News.  Rippon also publicly complained about the condoms being distributed at the games in PeyononChang, South Korea, were bland.

The bottom line is that the attitudes displayed by the American athletes even before the games began were a perfect reflection of the deeply negative leftist philosophy the so permeates the minds of almost half of all indoctrinated Americans today.  Such a mentality only serves the purpose of those in influential positions who are on a mission to fundamentally transform America into a burdensome over baring of the government, by the government and for the government dictatorship.  History has not been kind to the population of nations and people groups that foolishly romanticize about those who hate them and wish for their destruction.  Leftist leaning black Americans foolishly romanticize and revere renowned racists/communists like the dearly departed Cesar Chavez who described blacks people as unable and lazy.

Many White American students and athletes, particularly of college age adore the dead Chinese dictator Mao, American leftist icon Mrs. Clinton and the list goes on and on.  Of course, in their own underdeveloped minds, the adoration of such individuals and the societies from which they come is representative of today’s dumb diversity.  The diversity movement not only entails uplifting societies where women are oppressed legally, (Yemen, Iran, Saudi Arabia) people are enslaved, (Sudan, North Korea) and where citizens in general are starved, (North Korea) but also placing those brutal dictatorships in higher regard than the United States of America, which is and has been a blessing to the world in so many ways.  Diversity also calls for no wall of protection for our southern border and sacrificing our national sovereignty for all illegal border crossers and terrorists in their midst.

This attitude is now reflected by athletes like Lindsey Vonn and little Adam Rippon who are now better at preaching open border diversity and hating president Trump than winning the gold.  We now have a president who desires to live up to the Constitutional statute calling for protecting us from enemies both foreign and domestic. While at the same time there are many Americans who prefer our republic to be destroyed by enemies, both foreign and domestic.  Is that crazy or what?  The good news is, despite all of the madness of the unrelenting left, our nation will soon be truly great, despite the leftists mission to make it a hell hole overrun by illegal border crossers.  Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.  Don’t miss The Ron Edwards Experience Friday at 4:00 PM EST, 1:00 PM PST on KCKQ AM 1180, and also catch The Edwards Notebook commentary daily on

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Three Eagles Refuse To Fly To The White House

At least three members of the NFL Philadelphia Eagles including safety Malcolm Jenkins, have stated they will not visit the White House to celebrate their Super Bowl victory.  Wide receiver Torrey Smith, defensive end Chris Long and safety, Malcolm Jenkins, have already told that they did not want to participate in the team championship visit to the White House.  Jenkin’s, who is a well known leftist oriented activist told CNN that he did not “anticipate” joining the team if they visit Trump’s White House.

What a dunce, first the White House is the “Peoples House” and presidents are temporary occupants.  Second Jenkins stated, “I’m about, you know, creating positive change in the communities that I come from, whether it be Philadelphia, New Jersey, Ohio, Louisiana, or this entire country.” “I want to see changes in our criminal justice system,” Jenkins added.  “I want to see us push for… [economic] and educational advancements in communities of color and lower income communities.  “I also want to see our relationships between our communities and our law enforcement be advanced.”

Some people quickly anticipated that Eagles running back LeGarrette Blount may also decide refused to join his team of last year, the New England Patriots when they made the trip to the White House.  “I just don’t feel welcome at that house” Blount said last year.  “I’m gonna leave it at that.”  Whether the president invites the Super Bowl Champions or not is not really a big deal.  After many of the NBA Golden State Warriors showed their bigoted leftist backsides, including MVP Stephen Curry’s refusal of Trump’s invite that never even happened.

I have a big problem with the refusal of those “oppressed millionaires” refusing in advance to accept an invite to the White House. The problem is, those spoiled refusers are rejecting the very president who agrees with their recognition of a need for economic advancement.  The only difference is that president Trump wants to see all Americans with equal opportunities, both economically and educationally.  I believe what is also behind all the hate is the president’s America first agenda.  To people like those “oppressed millionaires” our republic is the only nation on earth that should have open borders for anyone who wants to stroll in.  Any opposition to illegal border crossing is in the indoctrinated minds of those “oppressed millionaires” a sure sign of racism.  To quote talk show host Larry Elder “NFL players are taking a knee to protest a “racist” president who wants border security to prevent another illegal alien from murdering another NFL player.”

If brother Jenkins is serious about securing economic help for depressed black communities, it would behoove him to let go of his miserable bigoted attitude and use his public persona to garner real help for the four communities he came from.  Without evidence, who is he to judge President Trump in such a negative way.  How many times have we heard leftists declare that judging someone without knowing what is true or not is wrong.  One must wonder, if brother Jenkins is just too stupid to recognize that because of the policies enacted by Trump, more black Americans are finding jobs than ever in American history. Also, because of fewer regulations, it is becoming easier to open and run a small and growing business in our republic.  The president has been following through on his campaign promise to get the economy growing again.

The bottom line reality is, brother Jenkins and many others reflect the dour expressions the democrats exhibited during President Trump’s state of the union address.  They do not genuinely support what is good for the republic.  There is nothing that can be done to satisfy those people. The reason being is because, they are programed to never stop agitating for more progressive or leftist oriented ideas and government policies.  That is why they stand for illegal border crossers at the expense of the very black people “they pretend” to be fighting for.  Somebody please tell those “oppressed millionaires” that the gig is up and that they are now irrelevant.  Despite their negativity, the United States will soon be amazingly prosperous, powerful and positive.  God bless America and May America bless God.  Join me every Friday at 1:00 PM PT, 4:00 PM EST on The Ron Edwards Experience on KCKQ AM 1180, Reno, Nevada and Remember, it’s all about “We the People” of America together.  I am happy to announce The Edwards Notebook commentary is now a part radio station and internet lineup.

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The Power Of Prayer In American History

It was during the sweltering summer of 1787, when the Founding Fathers met at Independence Hall in Philadelphia to hammer out the exact details of our republic’s governing constitution.  There were anger filled arguments that frequently flared up among the delegates of the thirteen colonies.  The verbal jousting was at time son intense that the entire convention was in danger of breaking down.  Into the thick atmosphere of division and conflict, an 81 year old statesman slowly rose to address the men with wonderous words of profound wisdom.

Although, many historians proudly proclaim him to have lacked any Christian leanings, Dr. Benjamin Franklin nonetheless understood how crucial moral and Biblical virtues would be to this new born republic.  (Something that is sorely lacking amongst most of the leaders of today) Appealing to the words of Psalm 127:1, Franklin addressed George Washington, president of the convention, and counseled his fellow delegates to beseech the aid of Almighty God before they proceeded any further.

Dr. Franklin led his fellow founders in the search for Providential guidance with this prayer:

I have lived sir, a long time and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth, that God governs in the affairs of men.  And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, it is probable that an empire can rise without His aid?  We have been assured, sir, in the Sacred Writings, that “except the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain that build it.”  I firmly believe this; and I also that without His concurring aid we shall succeed in this political building no better than the builders of Babel:  We shall be divided by our partial local interests; our projects will be confounded, and we ourselves will become a reproach and bye word down to the future ages.  And what is worse, mankind may hereafter from this unfortunate instance, despair of establishing governments by human wisdom and leave it to chance, war, and conquest.

I therefore beg to leave to move that henceforth prayers imploring the assistance of Heaven, and its blessings on our deliberations, be held in this assembly every morning before we proceed to business, and that one or more of the clergy of this city be requested to officiate in that service.

God indeed, answered the prayers of the Founding Fathers, as on September 17, 1787, the drafting of the U. S. Constitution was finally completed.  It is without a doubt, the greatest political document ever written.  Franklin’s words remain forever true: as our republic today faces enormous moral, political and spiritual issues and concerns, we shall most surely fail in this “grand experiment” of liberty unless we without ceasing seek the “Providential guidance of our Creator.”

Never before has our great republic faced so much potential destruction and yet so much promise to be great again.  “We the People” not the politicians by the Potomac are the ultimate deciders upon which direction America takes and ends up.  In the Bible, Second Chronicles 7:14 plainly states If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land.  That is why I am encouraged, because over the past three years at least, a growing spiritual army of Christians have been praying to God on behalf of America and even seeking HIS forgiveness for our national shortcomings.

I believe that prayers are being answered, ranging from the presidency to our national sovereignty, including border security.  Those of the left are not exactly rolling over and giving up on their mission of destruction, but so what.  There have been few worthy struggles that were akin to a walk in the park.  The Founding Fathers risked and lost practically everything and in many cases their very lives.  But they did not die in vain.  The greatest nation in the history of the world was formed, yet she has not even reached her highest potential.  I am of the opinion, that as the sizeable remnant of sovereign citizens who love God and appreciate America the beautiful continue to pray for our land of the free and home of the brave, the great America renewal and restoration will continue without long term pauses.

But the key to success is not giving up, nor giving in no matter how tough the battle, because the war is ours to win, as we keep the faith and fight until the enemies of liberty either have a change of heart or a change of address.  God bless you, God bless America and may America bless God.  Be blessed every Friday at 4:00 PM EST, 1:00 PM PT during The Ron Edwards Experience, emanating worldwide from flagship station KCKQ AM 1180 in Reno, Nevada, both terrestrial radio and internet sites,,  The Edwards Notebook commentary is also enjoyed daily on and during Money Talk with Melanie heard daily at 5:00 PM EST on SHR Media, High Plains Talk Radio and

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The Political Left And Their Evil Mission

For over five decades, the political left has been mostly comprised of democrats and sneaky republican rinos.  In more recent years, rino republicans have joined the ranks of the elite leftist class in America. Rather than commit to an about face concerning their mindset regarding Black Americans, democrats simply changed their tactics.  Throughout the periods of slavery, Jim Crow and unequal opportunities, the democrats were always leading the charge of keeping certain people down.

Of course, after the Civil Rights era the democrats and their enforcers, the Ku Klux Klan could no longer compel Blacks via hangings, cross and house burnings as well as other harsh tactics to accept the lowest rung on the ladder of society.  Until after the Civil Rights Movement years, for the most part if black Americans went to school, they did learn and usually qualified to attend university.  But along the way, something rather deviant evolved.  The democrats/leftists secured almost total control of the government school system and major Christian denominations.

The government schools were over time transformed from centers of learning, where students were challenged to achieve and do their best, into dens of indoctrination.  Beginning in the late 1960s, black students were starting to be convinced that life in America was unfair and they would always be victims of efforts to keep them down.  Gradually black Americans were intellectually challenged, less and less.  So, when they did not qualify for university, black Americans were then convinced that the white man was blocking them from collegiate opportunities.

While there were some cases of racism, if one looks long and hard enough they can find whatever they seek.  But for the most part from the 1980s until now, black Americans who seek to go to university but cannot get in it is usually because of not qualifying.  One might enquire, how did this happen and what was the possible motive?  From the outset of this column, I pointed out the mindset of the leftist democrats.  Throughout their history, they never sought to sincerely encourage all Americans to be the best they can be.   But rather to some Americans, you cannot do that, or will not be allowed to do that.

Instead of competing with republicans in the battle of positive ideas, for the betterment of black Americans in particular, democrats have sought to gain politically from the misery, real or imagined of selected groups, mainly Blacks, Hispanics, females and others.  For the most part Black Americans have been pimped over and over like an old hag for the same dirty purpose of voting democrats into office, decade after decade.  That charade continues, despite the worsening overall quality of life of many Black American constituents.

The democrats/leftists worst nightmare has been the possibility of Black Americans awakening in mass from the political stupor of over five decades.  With the recent vast improvement in employment and entrepreneurial opportunities for Black Americans, along with some turning away from the leftist philosophy that has decimated Black families, education quality and even moral behavior for decades, democrats have resorted to drastic measures.  With fewer Black Americans bowing before the golden donkey, democrats/leftists are now mainly focused upon illegal border crossers and trying to keep our southern border open for them to stroll into our republic with no restrictions.

Democrat/leftists are willing to put our republic in mortal danger, just to maintain and increase their voter base by giving illegal border crossers the right to vote.  There are officials in California who would like nothing more than to allow illegals to vote in that state.  Hopefully, more and more black Americans are waking up and rejecting the loser philosophy of the left.  It has not served Americans in general very well at all, particularly Black Americans.

Democrats, led by the likes of Chuckie Schumer are on a mad mission to gain much more control of political power.  Plain and simple, the Democrats have decided to satisfy their lust for political power over “We the People” by joining with other leftist organizations and illegal border crossers.  It does not matter to them that the end result of their philosophy is only wicked destruction.  The horrific evidence of their way of thinking and actions are prevalent throughout our republic and the world, with varying degrees of depravity in locations as diverse as Chicago, Los Angeles, Gary, Indiana, San Francisco, Mexico and Venezuela.

I can only hope and believe that more and more Black Americans will make their escape from the political plantation of the democrat/leftist political juggernaut.  It has done nothing but make bad situations worse and reverse the good progress many black Americans had begun to make decades ago.  Because of the Trump tax cuts and elimination of many dreadful regulations, economic opportunities are more plentiful and will keep expanding in the future.  I am sincerely hoping that people will go and participate in the great American field of dreams and opportunities to create a better life for themselves and their families.  If they do not, they will not have anyone to blame for being afraid or unwilling to go for it, but themselves.

The evil mission of political induced dependency is easily defeated by utilizing one’s own God given abilities along with refusing to allow others to dictate the outcome of our lives.  God gave us free will, so let us use it to remain free and enjoy the liberty to truly live.  God Bless You, God Bless America and May America Bless God.  Please check out and enjoy The Ron Edwards Experience talk show Friday at 4:00 PM EST, 1:00 PM PT on, AM 1180 KCKQ Reno, Nevada and 9:00 PM EST, 6:00 PM PT nightly on and on

© 2018 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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The Second Civil War In America

What many Americans thought would be a battle of three months lasted four horrendous years (1861 – 1865).  The first Civil War cost over 360,000 Union and approximately 260,000 thousand Confederate soldiers their lives. It remains the greatest and possibly the most tragic event in United States history, where an incalculable sacrifice of “brothers blood” was spilled to restore to one republic torn in two.  While the reasons for the Civil War are sometimes still debated, political disagreements between the North and South began soon after the American Revolution ended in 1782. Those arguments gradually increased between 1800 and 1860. Quarrels over unfair taxes paid on goods brought into the South from foreign countries as well as perceived shifts of political power in the federal government to favor the Norther states fueled the Southern call away from central federal authority in Washington and to a restoration of states rights.

Unfortunately, the southern governments desire for more state control wasn’t based upon the Founders concept of unalienable rights for all citizens.  They preferred to be free from the scrutiny of northerners in the federal government who frowned upon the concept of brutal slavery.  In fact, slavery was the defining issue that drove the southern states to make war on the Union rather than accept Abraham Lincoln’s election as president in 1860.  After all, slavery had been a part of America’s history for over 200 years and was protected by southern state laws regarding unlawful seizure of property.  In the early 1800s, slavery was promoted as an economic issue and second as a moral issue, but it eventually evolved into the pivotal issue that divided the nation’s political leaders.

Extensive theological debate was waged over a Biblical understanding of slavery, which Scripture never expressly denounces, though abolitionists gave convincing argument that the spirit of the Bible condemned slavery.  But the bottom line was that if the South lost her slaves, her socio economic system would collapse.  Unfortunately, the southerners either ignored or simply did not wish to adopt a more solid form of economic development that involved the free exercise of the creativity, innovation and manufacturing which was successfully working in the Northern states.  Because that would mean the blacks would be free to live for their own sakes and experience personal achievement, the southern democrats were not ready to see blacks educated and living well off the fruits of their own efforts.

When one closely views America today, there are similar developments.  OK Black Americans are not in physical shackles and possessed like caged beasts of labor and raping like in the days of southern slavery, but there is a form of slavery practiced today that is just as oppressive as the physical slavery of old.

The slavery I am referring to is both mental and philosophical in nature.  When one views the living conditions of many American urban ghettos, things are not much better than what the slaves experienced during the years of forced labor.  For example, slave masters are not today blowing away young black males at record numbers.  But rather, it is other blacks who are today voluntarily harming their fellow black Americans at a level that dwarfs the multiple years of oppression during the awful democrat party ally Ku Klux Klan reign of terror.

Frederick Douglas and most other black slaves desired not only to be free, but to assume their rightful place as Americans.  Their thirst for real knowledge was unrelenting.  It did not matter that the democrat dominated south at the time did not allow blacks to read.  If they had an opportunity to learn even the simplest level of reading, writing and arithmetic they would go for it with gusto.  But today, after decades of programed government school indoctrination at the behest of democrat/leftist control, most black Americans now enslave themselves with self proclaimed victimhood.

Until democrats dominated most school systems in America, even during the Jim Crow era, if a young black American attended school, they were educated and qualified to get into university, of course many democrats did not allow or want blacks to attend college or university.  Ironically, today with leftist democrats in control of the schools, most black students do not qualify to attend university.  Moreover, democrat controlled schools have gotten rid of good skilled trades instruction such as plumbing, electrical, construction, or computer programming.  The democrat/leftist concept of low expectation years ago was enacted to set black Americans on a downward path of low intellectual achievement.  What the democrat/ leftist could no longer do through legal edict is now voluntarily carried out by many Black Americans against themselves.

So now, we have a second Civil War brewing in the United states.  One side is comprised of those who want the status quo of low Black achievement, bitterness against the United States and the self-destruction of black Americans to continue.  It would be wrong if I did not remind you about the leftists goal to fundamentally transform America into another Venezuela or Argentina.  If that were not true, there would not be the vast urban wastelands in our republic that resemble third world countries today. Check out skid row in Los Angeles, for example.

On the other hand, there are many, including yours truly who want to encourage our great nation to fully engage the astute principles enumerated in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. What is taught to one generation dictates the direction the nation takes in the next.  That alone is a very good reason to restore a high quality of authentic education and the traditional family as well.  In addition, a return to America’s Judeo/Christian ethics and belief in God almighty would also reap great benefits.

The opposing sides have been established and the second Civil War is fully engaged.  Which side are you on? Check out The Ron Edwards Experience weekends and The Edwards Notebook now on daily.

© 2018 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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Avoidable Demise Of The Black American Community Was Self Fulfilled

Whether it is an individual or an entire community of people, everyone encounters some level of setbacks.  But it is how one responds to problems that dictates whether they end up as victims or victorious.  One cannot deny the horrendous life that Frederick Douglas was born into.  He was destined for a life of miserable slavery, or so his cruel masters thought.  His mother had been forced upon by her owner and Frederick was born during the year 1818 in Talbot County Maryland.  Frederick Douglas who was later to decide for himself to not be a victim of his circumstances, never allowed the circumstances to snuff out his goal of obtaining his freedom.

Young Frederick Douglas was subjected to a series of often repeated lies.  One of the favorites the southern Christian democrats used to tell their black slaves was that black people were cursed by God to be in bondage.  Douglas would often ponder that statement, wondering how a loving God would do such a thing to the entirety of a race of people.  Though that and other statements bother Douglas, he remained open to the possibility that he was being lied to.  He figured that if what they were telling him was true, then they would have allowed him to read it for himself in the Bible.

Frederick Douglas had a knack for noticing the blatant and cruel hypocrisy often displayed by his masters and the democrats in general.  For example, it was often noted that men should always be gentlemen toward ladies and not beat them.  After all, he was taught to always show the utmost respect for any white woman he encountered.  But one day after a Sunday church service one of the black women slaves was whipped unmercifully until the bones in her back were exposed.  Her beating was touted as a means of frightening other slaves into not even thinking about attempting to escape.  Such cruelty enraged Frederick Douglas and only served to strengthen his resolve to free himself from the cruel drudgery of such existence.

Even as a young lad of servitude in Baltimore, Frederick was always attracted to knowledge and finding better ways to conduct his chores.  For a season, he was blessed to obtain reading lessons from the wife of the master who brought Frederick there to serve at her beck and call and on the city ship yards as well.  But after the husband found out and sternly reprimanded his wife for daring to teach Frederick to read she not only stopped teaching, but became increasingly cruel to him as well.  But rather than become bitter and focus on the obvious setback, young Frederick turned his thoughts toward finding other ways to quench his thirst for knowledge.

One remarkable story I will always treasure is how during the infrequent times he was allowed to spend time playing out of doors with some of the neighborhood children, Frederick would trick his white playmates into helping him completely learn the alphabet.  He would suggest word games and then play stupid.  The white children were all to willing to show their superior knowledge by telling him the proper spelling and pronunciation of words.  Frederick Douglas was always willing to try and better himself intellectually and spiritually as well, because he always knew that he would eventually obtain his rightful position as a free American.

Of course, after three tries, Frederick Douglas secured his freedom.  But just being free was not enough for him.  After making his permanent escape in 1838, he was married and embarked on a quest to find his place in American society and with God.  To his great surprise he quickly learned that the word of God is for all people and thus accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and savior.  It was not long after that before Mr. Douglas researched the marvelous words of the United States Constitution, Bill of Rights and as many of the Federalist papers he could get his hands on.  To his amazement he discovered that as with the hallowed word of God, the great documents of this republic were formed for all Americans.

However, America was not living up to her lofty goals of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all of “We the People.” But that did not diminish Douglas’s admiration for the nation.  He operated successful businesses including a news paper called the North Star, Frederick Douglas also became arguably the greatest orator of the 19th century, in his mission as an abolitionist to precure freedom for those who remained under the bootheel of slavery.  His quest for personal excellence did not sit well with many of Douglas’s fellow abolitionists who thought he spoke to well for a “black man.”  They wanted blacks to free, but not too bright, or self sufficient, kind of like democrats today.  President Lincoln called him friend and was greatly influenced by Mr. Douglas in the effort to end the inhumanity of slavery.

Douglas followed the Biblical encouragement to use his God given gifts to the best of his ability and that through excellence, those well applied gifts would make room for him far above the level of those who only saw him as a lowly nigger worthy of nothing good.  It would behoove black Americans today to escape from the bottom feeder mentality of bitterness and hatred toward America, if it is a better life they are in search of.  Like Frederick Douglas black Americans must stop the self fulfilment of the desire of Democrats in general to see Black Americans as needy beggars at the table of their dominators, or democrat party masters and government school indoctrinators.  The horrific conditions experienced throughout many of the urban black ghettos throughout America were first fueled by decades of government school indoctrination against higher intellectual development and critical thinking.  Then the stabilizing family was rendered unstable as black females in droves chose government welfare payments over the presence of a strong breadwinner father figure.  Today, the demise of the black American community is legendary.

Unfortunately, the problems faced by many Black Americans today are self fulfilled via negative proclamations over their own lives , the republic and everybody who is no longer bitter about America’s past democrat slave culture.  Unless Black Americans get over the past, they will continue their current self induced destruction of themselves and future generations, much to the pleasure of their democrat party plantation masters and elites like Bill Gates, who has been accused of putting sterilization drugs in vaccines for Africans.  I am pleased to announce both Edwards Notebook commentary and The Ron Edwards Experience talk show are now part of the terrestrial radio and internet broadcasting network.  Fridays at 4:00 PM EST, 1:00 PM PT it’s The Ron Edwards Experience on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada, and and weeknights at 9:00 PM EST on

© 2018 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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The People Of God Must Regain Their Rightful Place In Society

America’s DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE was written as a proclamation to the world of the reasons why the colonial leaders called for a separation from England.  But while the declaration gave a detailed list of legal offenses that England had left unresolved, the Founders saw these as more than isolated wrongs.  Rather; they saw them as part of a predetermined plan to take away their religious liberties and reestablish the church of England to rule over their hearts and souls, thus spiritually enslaving the colonies.  In that light, one understands the power on Patrick Henry’s fiery words, “give me liberty or give me death.’

Faced with such prospects, the Declaration stated that the American colonists were set to defend “the laws of nature and of nature’s God”- words that define the principle upon which the Founders stood.  The laws of nature were understood to mean the will of God for man as revealed to man’s reason.  However, because man is fallen and his reason does not always comprehend this law, God gave His law in the Bible to make it absolutely clear.

THUS, IT WAS THE CHURCHES THAT became the primary source that stirred the fires of liberty.  Many Church leaders told the colonists that the British government was usurping their God-given rights, and the King and Parliament were violating the laws of God.  The Founding Fathers were convinced that it was their sacred duty to begin a revolution to uphold the law of God against the unjust and oppressive laws of tyrannical men. The fight for political freedom was seen as a sacred cause because civil liberty was an inalienable right, according to God’s natural law.

The New England ministers, in particular were decisive in rallying the popular moral support for war against England.  They pressed their congregations to overthrow King George because they believed that rebellion to tyrants was obedience to God.  From many pulpits, ministers recruited troops and strengthened them battle with patriotic sermons.  While the church leaders were well aware of the Biblical admonition to submit to civil authorities (Romans 13), they clearly noted there are numerous passages that recognize the need to resist ungodly authority.  For example, when the apostles were commanded by the Sanhedrin to cease preaching that Jesus Christ had risen from the dead.  But Peter boldly retorted: “We ought to obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5:29).

Therefore, it is no coincidence that one of the watchwords of the American Revolution was “No King but King Jesus.”  For most of the patriots, their faith gave them the courage to stand on God’s word and risk their lives and properties to break the tyranny of an unjust human authority.  In their Christian world view, obedience to God took precedence over country, over government, and their primary allegiance was to the Lord Jesus Christ.

In 1775, the Lutheran pastor John Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg preached a sermon on Ecclesiastes 3:1, “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.”  Concluding the message, he declared, “In the language of the Holy Writ, there is a time for all things.  There is a time to preach and a time to fight.  And now is the time to fight.”  He then threw off his clerical robes to reveal the uniform of a Revolutionary Army officer.  That afternoon, he marched off with 300 men to join General George Washington’s troops and became Colonel of the 8th Virginia Regiment.

Numerous ministries turned the colonial resistance into a righteous cause and served at every level in the conflict, from military chaplains to members of state legislatures to taking up arms and leading troops into battle.  Ultimately, after two main British armies were captured by the Continental Army at Saratoga in 1777 and Yorktown in 1781, the other words of Patrick Henry to his fellow Virginians proved true.  “Three million people, armed with the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us.”

The fighting spirit of Christians throughout history serves as a sterling reminder that in order to sustain liberty in our republic we must be willing to first learn about true liberty.  Then “We the People” are commissioned to restore liberty where it has been lost and then sustain it everywhere.  Many pastors have been purposely misleading their flocks into both utter spiritual and natural oblivion.  They have lulled many generations to sleep via the fly away doctrine which has people thinking they are being raptured out of here at any given time.  But the word plainly tells us to occupy until “HE” returns.  In other words, do not cower away in the dark corners of society and complain about how bad things are if you refuse to utilize your God given talents to occupy positions of influence, business ownership, proper parenting, good schools, etc.

Both Biblical and American history have numerous examples of mighty men of valor who left an indelible mark on their respective societies.  God prefers men even flawed men who have the strength of character to stand and fight against corruption and tyranny.  But those who sit and do nothing or allow those who wish to corrupt, take over and change their institutions are only destined to be either swept away or dominated.

I believe that America will be great again because of a large remnant of Americans refuse to allow those who desire to destroy our republic to have their way.  Do not be concerned about the giants of evil in the land.  If we fight, pray and have faith, like the patriots of old the victory is ours for the taking.  God bless you, God Bless America and may America bless God.  Please join me every Saturday on the Captain’s America radio show at 4:05 AM emanating nationwide to 60 radio stations from flagship station WGUL AM 860 Tampa Florida. If you are not in the Tampa area simply engage

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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A New Year And A New Age

On January 20th, 2017 Donald J. Trump was formally sworn in as the 45th President of the United States of America.  Despite certain public polls that indicate the president remains a very unpopular figure among most Americans especially females, our republic will rise again even though many Americans are ignorant of the truth.  In fact, I will call it a new American great awakening.  Of course, millennials will have to learn that the socialism they now prefer is not the road to real economic prosperity or justice as they like to call it.

The decades of poisoning American students against everything you can think of as good brought America alarmingly close to utter collapse during the election of 2017.  Had Mrs. Clinton been elected president, I submit to you that “We the People” would have to be concerned about everything ranging from major military invasions to the complete collapse of our America equal to what occurred in Venezuela.  Believe it or not, the honest reason why the dragon media has been on a seemingly endless attack on Trump is not because of his tweets or certain behavioral proclivities, though that is what they promote to an incurably ignorant mass of sovereign citizens.

The real problem with president Trump, is his attack against long standing institutions and customs that have been in place to bring about the gradual decline and wasting away of the United States of America.  Our republic is the one and only nation that stands in the way of the underhanded mission of the United Nations, other lefist organizations and cabals to plunge the world into a false sense of security then sudden collapse.  Venezuela is exhibit A for such a plot.  Trump understands that for a nation to remain great, her people must be economically prosperous, appreciative of the nation, have stable traditional families, faith in God and maintain high moral values.  That does not appeal to those who envision fundamentally changing America.

But fortunately, there is a growing remnant of Americans who love God, country and family.  We understand that if our republic is to be that shining city on a hill nation again, we must be willing to refocus America on the very principles that made her great.  It is not so much a revival that is needed, but rather an awakening.  For the first time in our nation’s history, over half of a generation is void of Christian values, knowledge and respect for our constitution and bill of rights or why it is important to protect our national sovereignty.  On the surface, one might say the situation looks hopeless and that America the beautiful is doomed to land on the ash heap of history.

But if one actually takes a look at history, there are numerous examples of various civilizations overcoming tremendous odds and avoiding the ultimate destruction of their society.  Our own republic was threatened with the possibility of being wiped out before the inauguration of our first president.  Then again in 1812 the British burned the presidential residence to the ground and attempted to grab the port of New Orleans, but our resolve to overcome was underestimated a second time.  When one considers that Great Britain was the super power of that time and rarely if ever lost military conflicts it was miraculous that the United States defeated the British Empire twice.

Perhaps we today can take a page from history and close ranks with those who are not willing to allow our republic to be driven into oblivion. I recommend that we reaffirm our faith in and relationship with the one who first shed his grace upon America long ago and seek his Providential guidance.  It was good enough for George Washington, George Patton, George W. Bush and recently, president Trump who called on Americans to pray to God for His Providential guidance and forgiveness for our individual and societal shortcomings.

As we embark upon a new year, we will also encounter a new era of American resurgence and leadership. I believe you will soon witness massive exposures in government and the taking down of the deep state, who’s swamp dwellers, like the British of old thought they were invincible.  If were not for the years of praying and seeking forgiveness for allowing America to fall so low that she would choose a snake like Obama for president, this nation would now be on the road to nowhere fast.  But wise American believers from all walks of life took the Biblical verse 2nd Chronicles 7:14 to heart.  It reads. If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Dear reader, fasten your seatbelts because it is going to be a bumpy ride on the road to America’s recovery, but fear not because the swamp will be drained, and our republic will truly be the land of the free and home of the brave.  God Bless America and may America bless God.  Be blessed as I Blow Away the Myths and Reveal the Truth weekday mornings via The Edwards Notebook on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada at 6:30 AM EST and throughout America it’s on or  The Edwards Notebook is also enjoyed overnight weekends on 60 radio stations in 28 states just after 4:30 AM EST, 1:30 AM PT also emanating nationwide from flagship station AM 860 WGUL  Tampa, Florida and everywhere else  at  Last but certainly not least, It is The Ron Edwards Experience talk show, every Friday at 1:00 PM PT, 4:00 PM EST on AM 1180 KCKQ Reno, Nevada and worldwide, also and Spreaker.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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A Perfect Description Of The Evil Effort To Undermine President Trump

Actually, this weeks column is a reprint of the excellent analysis of the operation to destroy the Trump presidency brought forth by retired general Paul Vallely.

Career officials, managers and staff within the DOJ and FBI wanted to help ensure Hillary Clinton won the 2016 election.  Those people were ideologically aligned with President Obama and tried the goal of maintaining progressive advances as part of their motive.  A small group was formed within the DOJ and FBI to facilitate the goals.  The first goal was to remove Mrs. Clinton from the burden of the FBI investigation.  Once that goal was achieved, they move onto Clinton’s 2016 challenger.  By the time the 2016 GOP convention drew near, everyone accepted that challenger would be Donald Trump.

As such, the FBI “small group” began monitoring candidate Donald Trump in June/July 2016as part of a plan toward the benefit of candidate Hillary Clinton.  However, the FBI and DOJ officials also needed a reasonable basis, a legal justification for their behavior and the time they were spending.  The plan to justify that behavior was to create an official counterintelligence operation.  To get the counterintelligence operation going, they needed a reasonable basis for creating one.  That basis was the formative seeds of claims of Russian connections to the Trump Campaign.

To establish the basis the Russian elements needed for the operation; the DNC and Clinton campaign paid Fusion GPS to contract Christopher Steele to write a dossier that would form the legal grounding for the counterintelligence operation.  Fusion GPS hired DOJ Deputy Attorney Bruce Ohr’s wife, Nellie Ohr, who was well versed in counterintelligence operations, CIA operations, and using tradecraft to create illusions.

Nellie Ohr worked with retired British M16 Agent Christopher Steele to manufacture the Steele Dossier.  The dossier would take innocuous connections between Trump and Russian people, enhance them, fabricate some nefarious appearance, and then be turned over to Bruce Ohr’s counterintelligence buddy in the FBI, Peter Strzok.  In essence, the Clinton’s created the Russian “angle” out of thin air; and the FBI and DOJ used that creation as the legal underpinning for the counterintelligence operation.  The cointel op was always just a ruse for wiretapping, surveillance and monitoring of Donald Trump campaign officials.

The FBI (Strzok) and DOJ (Ohr) dressed up the Steele Dossier to apply for FISA warrant (FBI) Attorney Lisa Page).  The surveillance was happening with or without FISA approval; but the FISA warrant would make the surveillance legal.  The initial application to the FISA Court was so sketchy (June/July 2016) it was actually denied.  Denials rarely happen.  One-in-a-thousand.  The Steele Dossier was dressed up some more.  More stuff was added, thanks to Christopher Steele and Nellie Ohr, to the second FISA application in Sept/October.  That FISA application again submitted by Bruce Ohr, Peter Strzok, and Lisa Page.  That warrant was approved.  If Mrs. Clinton was elected, the entire counterintelligence operation just disappears into the ether.  No-one would ever know about it.  But Mrs. Clinton Didn’t win, Trump did.

Subsequently, the entire Trump Counterintelligence Operation was likely to be exposed.  So, the team behind the Cointel scheme, again “the small group”, had to make up for the Russian interference in the Election narrative, a larger narrative, to cover their tracks.  The manufactured basis for the FISA warrant, ‘Muh Russia’ now needed to become real; or at least have the appearance of being justified.   That’s why the goofy “Joint Analysis Report on Russian interference” was created.  Brennan (CIA), Clapper (ODN), Comey (FBI), and to a lesser extent the outsider Mike Rogers (NSA).  This became the  “17 intelligence agencies” blah..blah..blah.

Actually, it was never 17 intel agencies, just four.  Only three pushed it.  Mike Rogers said he had low/moderate confidence in the underlying intelligence within the report.  The report was created as evidence to enhance the cover.  Nothing more.  General Vallely believes that if you put the Steele Dossier together with the Joint Analysis Report, you will find 90% of the FISA application documentation.  Additionally, the entire crew, from the Obama Administration and current career people within the DOJ, FBI, etc., understood the larger scheme, needed ongoing people to continue ensuring the story was maintained.

That drove the need for a Special counsel investigation.  Mueller’s investigation was really just another way the players within the original scheme could keep a lid on the events in 2016.  That is why many of the FBI/DOJ “small group”, the crew who cleared Mrs. Clinton in the email investigation.  Controls were needed.  Inside Mueller’s dirty little group, the “small crew” essentially works to watch over what information the Trump officials or Congress could possibly be discovering under the auspices of investigating ‘Muh Russia’ etc.  If the “small group” comes across a risky trail being followed, they work to impede, block, delay or deflect anyone from that trail.

This a summary of the way things look from a researched perspective.  There is one guy at the heart of this operation who can blow the lid off of everything.  His name is the infamous Mr. Bill Priestap.  Priestap’s position in 2016 was director of Counterintelligence for the FBI.  There is still much to be discovered regarding the deep state, but this research put together by General Paul Vallely is more than a great start.  Too bad, the dragon media has not even begun to search for and report the truth.  By the way, I Blow away the Myths and Reveal the Truth weekday mornings via on The Edwards Notebook on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada at 6:30ish AM PT, 9:30ish AM EST and throughout America via or  The Edwards Notebook is also enjoyed overnight weekends on 60 radio stations in 28 states just after 4:30 AM EST, 1:30 AM  PT emanating from flagship station AM 860 WGUL Tampa, Florida and everywhere else via Last but certainly not least, it’s the Ron Edwards Experience talk show Fridays at 4:00 PM EST, 1:00 PM PT on AM 1180 KCKQ, Reno, Nevada and worldwide, and Spreaker.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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Restoring The Beaten Down American Standard Of Living

In the battle to restore the American economy, traditionally the attention of most lawmakers and sovereign citizens is geared toward the lowering of taxes.  In fact, lower taxes are one of the most important components of a thriving economy.  Without tax breaks, the incentive to grow existing businesses is practically null and void.  The eight years of the previous Obama regime was atrocious.  In addition to the lowering of taxes in America one of the biggest necessities for the starting a small business is the availability of low interest loans.  In recent years the Small Business Administration had been more of a hindrance than a help to those entrepreneurs hoping to land even a small loan to hang out their shingle.

The good news is that the pessimistic years of a flatline American economy are probably over for a substantial number of years.  So far, president Trump has eliminated well over 800 of the rights and economy inhibiting regulations that president Obama wrote into law. I believe that president Obama purposely used burdening regulations to stymie our ability to open and run small businesses. He was not interested in seeing Americans, particularly minorities prosper in the private sector.  His mission was to create a pessimistic atmosphere, where black Americans in particular would ignorantly blame American capitalism for their less than sterling lot in life.

I thank God almighty that many Americans refused to accept Obama’s downtrodden vision for our republic and despite ongoing scandals, both real and imagined, the economy is revving up.  Along with fewer regulations and lower taxes, one of the biggest stimulators of the economy is the growth in the number of small businesses.  One of the most prominent avenues small businesses have are small business loans.  I can honestly say that for small business owners, happy days are here again.  After eight years of going nowhere fast, the Small Business Administration is taking off big time in favor of Americans who dream of owning a successful business.

Thanks to new Small Business Administration administrator Linda McMahan there is over $30 billion dollars available to small business through it’s lending program.  In fact, there is now much greater funding for loans to veterans, women and emerging communities.  Minority lending has dramatically increased.  Now, more and more entrepreneurs are stepping out to take the risk of stating a business.

American veterans who want to open a business can now partake of the boots to business program. It not only provides loans for our military heroes but assistance if needed in transitioning from military life to the dream of becoming a civilian business owner.  One of the most stable aspects of American life is our middle class.  It has been a huge balancing force between the wealthy and those on the lower economic rungs who seek to climb up the ladder of success.  The beauty of the American middle class was that at one time it represented the highest standard of living for the greatest number of average citizens in the world.

Because of a relatively free society and economy, companies were founded and grew into the largest manufacturers in the world.  Through both tremendous growth and other developments, eventually Americans could get well paying jobs and afford to buy a home and even pay for their children’s college education.  For many years the American standard of living continued to improve.  But unfortunately, those who did not agree with a free market economy concept gained a major foothold government, education and even the American church world.  They were able to convince many from all walks of life that since everyone was not for example making $15 dollars per hour then society was evil.  In other words, the capitalist haters, promoted equal results as being better than equal opportunity.

The middle class and general American concept of equal opportunity meant a greater chance of success for a most people, as opposed to government forcing a non market based wage.  Ask those workers at Seattle restaurants who lost their jobs due to their workplaces being forced to pay $15 dollars an hour, how are they doing?  When you add America’s highest corporate tax in the industrialized world to the mix therein lies a major blow to the American middle class.  That tax alone has been a major inhibitor to new major corporate investment in America.  In fact, 50 United States corporations moved their headquarters to places like Ireland, Toronto, Ontario and elsewhere and took countless American middleclass jobs with them.

The restoration of the American middle class is not as complicated as some would have you to believe.  Already one can see the potential of a revived American economy. The gross domestic product having been above three percent is a good first start.  The improvement of international trade deals that will enable American manufacturers to sell their goods abroad as easily as other nations can sell their products in America is another avenue to help restore the middle class to a higher standard of living.  Government entitlement spending must by all means be reduced and a private sector method based upon economic growth must be developed for retirement and pension payments.  That’s just for starters, more in an upcoming column.  Enjoy be enlightened on a page from The Edwards Notebook daily at 6:30ish AM PT, 9:30 AM EST and the Ron Edwards Experience talk show 1:00 PM PT, 4:00 PM EST Fridays on AM 1180 Reno, Nevada and worldwide via, and spreaker.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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The GOP Could Parish For Lack Of Knowledge

The republican party, originally founded July 6th, 1854.  The Grand Old Party was established to combat the scourge of slavery.  The democrat party was never going to advocate for the freedom and unalienable rights of black slaves.  Thus, those seeking liberty for all Americans were forced to form the Republican party.  Back in 1820, the United States congress had agreed the Missouri Compromise, under which Missouri entered the Union as a slave state, but slavery was forbidden anywhere else in the Louisiana Purchas north of 36` 30.’

However, in 1854 the principle was threatened by the Kansas-Nebraska Act, under which the white inhabitants of the two territories were to decide by referendum whether slavery be allowed there or not.  There were numerous Americans in the northern states who disapproved of slavery, including many northern Whigs and a very few northern democrats to form a new political party.  The original impetus emanated from anti-Nebraska meetings in the North Western states of Michigan and Wisconsin to figure out what actions to take if the Nebraska Act passed.

The meetings were not only opposed to slavery, but demanded the opening up of the west by small homesteaders and the building of railroads.  In Michigan there were meetings in Kalamazoo; Jackson and Detroit and after the act had passed in May, the new party was formally founded in Jackson, Michigan in July.  Leading figures were individuals ranging from Austin Blair, a free soiler lawyer who was prosecuting attorney of Jackson County to Frederick Douglas, an escaped slave and abolitionist who became arguably the greatest orator of the nineteenth century.  He was also a successful businessman.  Douglas vigorously promoted the belief that every man should be free to make his life a good one, by his own efforts and a belief in God.  It was his own personal research of the Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Biblical scriptures that helped him come to the logical conclusion to join in the effort to for a political party.

The republican party has always been the better of the two major political parties.  The platform was centered around the eradication of slavery, the preservation of our recognized unalienable rights, including the right to bear arms, freedom of religion, freedom of expression, lower taxes and in more recent years, promoting life over abortion.

After all, it was the republican party that was known for the embracing and promoting the concept of not impeding the right of black Americans to succeed in business, education and even government positions of authority.  As a result, early on a good number of Black Americans were elected to congress and other government positions during reconstruction.  The republican party platform is a marvelous reflection of the best intentions of great Americans who understood that all of God’s people are worthy of same chances in life.

Unfortunately, in recent years the republican party has sort of lost the right way.  That is because of being run by political deep state trolls, swamp dwellers and elitists who have succumbed to the spell of being untouchable and indifferent toward those of us who want America to thrive as an independent sovereign republic.  We want our republic to be protected from the ravages of leftist dictates and other actions designed to literally destroy her from within.   It is as plain as all outdoors that the republican party came close to being roped into either participating in or watching while leftist democrats and rinos catapult the United States into a long lasting miserable state of decline, loss of sovereignty.

The good news is that we now are blessed with a good president who understands that a strong independent America with secured borders will be a greater blessing to ourselves and our allies.  In addition, we will now be in a better position to prevent the destructive missions of Islamic terrorists and other enemies.  I firmly believe the tide of destruction against America will boomerang back to those engaged in participating in such endeavors.  In the coming days, increasing members of the republican party and more Americans in general will again seek out and operate in the time honored principles that made the United States the envy of the world.  Then the Republican party will not perish for lack of knowledge.  Don’t miss the Ron Edwards Experience, on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada Friday at 1:00 PM PT, 4:00 PM EST and everywhere else via, and weeknights at 9:00 PM EST, 6:00 PM PT on also follow me on spreaker.

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If You Break The Law You Must Face Justice

This column is primarily written for leftists, rinos, and others who struggle with the concept of right and wrong.  If one steals, they must make restitution.  If an individual murders another person, he or she are required to pay for their evil deed in like manner. Unless of course, leftists are there to protect the murderer.  When parents do not properly bring up their children in a correct manner, then the nation shall end up on the wrong path toward destruction from within.  If a human being stupidly attempts to defy the laws of gravity without the necessary safeguards, that individual will suffer the smashing consequences.

Likewise, if an individual or a teeming horde of illegal immigrants stream into our republic, they must be legally be brought to justice and deported.  If not, our nation will be overrun by those who at the behest of the political left in America help transform the United states into a bastion of leftist hoopla.  That would result in an unstoppable national decline.  It is with no surprise, but dismay none the less to witness the Cloward Piven strategy influenced media outlets like the Boston Globe, Cleveland Plain Dealer and many others that attempt to turn the support of patriotic Americans against president Trump’s policy that focusses on the principle that being in the country illegally is a crime that should be addressed.  After all, the United States is a nation of laws.  At issue is the adjustment President Trump made to Barack Obama’s overly lenient deportation policy at the department of Homeland Security.

Despite claims by leftist activists, the president’s goal is not the mass deportation of illegal immigrants, most of whom have no intention of becoming a positive part of American society.  Even the vast majority of DACA offspring are not doing much to improve their lot in life above that of leeches living off of the generous U.S. taxpayer funded welfare payments.  Today the clarion call to allow anyone from anywhere into our country, no matter their motivation is in complete opposition to the intent of the Founding Fathers regarding immigration.

In a letter to John Adams, George Washington stated, immigrants should embrace our way of life so that, “by an intermixture with our people, they, or their descendants, get assimilated to our customs, measures, laws: in a word soon become one people.”  Alexander Hamilton concurred, and said “The safety of a republic depends essentially on the energy of a common national sentiment; on a uniformity of principles and habits; on the exemption of the citizens from foreign bias and prejudice; and on that, love of country which will almost invariably be found closely connected with birth, education, and family.” Hamilton also said, the preservation of a national spirit and national character.

It goes without saying, that the Founding Fathers desired immigration.  They understood that the immigration of people who desired to be a positive addition to our republic was crucial to the growth of the republic.  But they did not want the dregs of the planet to flood into America just because they want in.  But rather, they looked for the best of what the rest of the world had to offer.  The Founders wanted those special people who wanted to live the American ideal, accept our ways, to become Americans, not underminers of our republic.

President Trump was elected to resurrect in federal immigration policy the practice of allowing only legal immigration that benefits both our republic and those coming in legally to become Americans.  So, if anyone comes into the United States of America illegally with or without the goal of molestation of our nation, then they should be uprooted, rounded up and booted out.  Then if they return, be locked up for a substantial amount of time.  Such a policy should be enacted and made known to all other nations as a fair warning.  If you break the law you should face justice, even if you are an illegal immigrant, no matter what the open border, sanctuary city leftists say.  Let’s meet and talk things over on the Ron Edwards experience talk show, Friday at 1:00 PM PT, 4:00 PM EST on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada or everywhere via, or weeknights at 9:00 PM EST, 6:00 PM PT on or via podcasts.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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What Is A Racist defines racist as a person who believes in racism, the doctrine that one’s own racial group is superior or that a particular racial group is inferior to others.  The word racist origin can be traced to 1932 as a noun, 1938 as an adjective, from race racism is first attested in 1936 from (the French word racisme, 1935), originally in the context of Nazi theories.  But they replaced earlier words, racialism (1871) and racialist (1917), both of them used during the early years of the twentieth century, in a British or South African context.   In the United States, race hatred race prejudice had been used, and especially in the nineteenth century political contexts, negrophobia.

When it comes to the practice of racism, few public examples are more worthy of pointing out than democrat Thomas Woodrow Wilson.  He was born in Stauton, Virginia on December 28th, 1850 and died of stroke complications on February 3rd, 1924, in Washington, District of Columbia.  Among the things president Wilson is famous for is his ushering in of the regressive income tax and establishment of the controlling Federal Reserve Board.  Mr. Wilson was also the first president to premier a Hollywood movie at the White House.

The movie titled Birth of a Nation was a 1915 American silent epic drama film which depicted black men, played by white actors in black face as unintelligent and sexually aggressive towards white women.  The racist film also portrayed the democrat party militant arm, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) as heroes.  The film’s release was also credited as being one of the major events that inspired the formation of the second era “Ku Klux Klan” at stone Mountain, Georgia with the blessing of democrat Woodrow Wilson, president of the United States.

Believe it or not, racism was beginning to die a natural gradual death until the release Birth of a Nation.  Democrat racists like Wilson and Hollywood big wigs like D. W. Griffith a co-producer of the film recoiled at the mere thought of Black Americans, especially men working their way up the ladder of success in America.  Birth of a Nation along with the political efforts of president Wilson among developments like the resurgence of the KKK, helped insure that black men in particular would stay in their place on the bottom rung of society.  Join me on the Ron Edwards Experience, Friday at 1:00 PM PT 4:00 PM EST on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada & worldwide via, and weeknights at 9:00 PM EST & 6:00 PM PT on and spreaker.

Today, the words racist and racism are used frequently to describe America and individuals like president Trump, because he dares to try and secure our porous borders and stop illegal immigration.  So today, thanks but no thanks to demented leftist activists, educators, dragon media elites and swamp dwelling establishment politicians, racist is now redefined as one who is guilty of promoting an America first policy.  To add insult to injury, seeking to protect America from Islamic terrorists and illegal immigrants who commit dastardly acts of murder and mayhem is now considered racist by many indoctrinated leftists.

Negro thought police members of the NAACP and Antifa have publicly indicated their disdain of president Trump, because they say they see him as racist.  Yet the so-called racist president Trump asked Chinese leader Xi Jinping to help resolve the case of thievery and release the new three stooges, Liangelo Ball, Jalen Hill and Cody Riley.  They were arrested for allegedly stealing designer sun glasses from a Lois Vuitton store in Hangzhhou.  The stooges are back in our republic and hopefully they have learned a good lesson about yielding to temptation.

Time and time again, both citizen Trump and now president Trump has sought to help Americans of all stripes including Black Americans. He has provided thousands of jobs for decades.  As president he is working to improve our economy so that a greater number of opportunities are available for those willing to work, no matter what their color.  The president has also given his support the effort to end the number one cause of death of black Americans, which is the scourge of abortion.

Frankly, I believe that the legions leftist complainers who label the president a racist actually understand that he is not a racist.  But rather they are part of an overall Cloward Piven inspired and George Soros funded effort to change America into a socialist hell hole.  One method among many to fundamental transform America is to tell lies via the dragon media, educators and even leftist preachers and popes.  The leftists hope that the masses are incurably ignorant and will be useful idiots in the army of destruction of the United States of America.

That is why I am not surprised that leftist blacks can call president Trump a racist without hesitation or evidence. They are stupidly comfortable with working diligently for the historically racist and economic opportunity killing democrat party.  The same party that sanctioned the ruining of the economic viability of the cities and neighborhoods populated by black Americans.  Let’s meet during the Ron Edwards Experience, Fridays at 1:00 PM PT, 4:00 PM EST on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada or worldwide via, or weeknights at 9:00 PM EST, 6:00 PM PT on and podcasts on spreaker.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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The Hamas War Against Israel

You either have to be dead or deaf not to be aware of the terrorist group Hamas.  The Islamic terrorist organization is one of the most violent.  I was shocked to recently find out that the Hebrew word hamas means warlike, valor (noun forum) or to be active, brave, constant (verb form) I do not know, and doubt if I will ever learn Arabic fluently. But it is assumed by Hebrew scholar Glenn Kay who provided vital information for this column that this Arabic cognate of the Hebrew hamas is the word utilized by the terrorist group Hamas.  Kay also pointed out to my amazement that the word hamas appears in the Biblical scriptures 68 times.

Considering what the Bible says about hamas, I would advise all terrorists to find a new profession.  Before any Antifa gumps or Soros saps try to label me as bigoted or worse, let me state for the record, telling the truth does not make one a bigot or worse.

Genesis 6:11 & 13 is the first place in the Bible where the word hamas appears.  The earth was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence (hamas)…And God said unto Noah, the end of all flesh is come before me, for the earth is filled with violence (hamas) through them; and behold, I will destroy them with the earth.  In the early chapters of Genesis, God is point blank about the fate of those who practice unprovoked hamas in destruction.

It was the ongoing practice of hamas that brought the flood of God’s judgement on the earth.  Right now, Israel and the Middle East in general is filled with hamas.   It is possible that the entire earth may once again become filled with hamas by the terrorism of Hamas, bringing down world-wide destruction.  That is the view of numerous prognosticators.    I for one believe that soon the thrust of Hamas, Isis and other terrorists organizations will be subdued for some time, before the tribulation.

According to Glenn Kay, some theologians believe that the anointed cherub in Ezekiel 28 is a reference to Satan.  If this view is correct, then according to Ezekiel 28:16, it was hamas (violence) in the midst of this cherub that caused the Lord to cast him out of the mountain of God.  Hamas also appears in Psalms.  Prayers are lifted up for deliverance from violent men of hamas.  The enemies of God is anointed are described in Psalms as people who breathe out hamas [cruelty] (Psalms 27:12), The habitations of hamas are called the dark places of the earth (Psalms 74:20).  Psalms 11:5 openly states that God hates those who love hamas (unprovoked violence) the wicked and him that loveth violence (hamas) his soul hateth.

According to Kay, two passages of scripture that should serve as warnings to today’s terrorists are Obadiah 10 and Joel 3:19.  These verses deal specifically with e hamas violence perpetrated by Edom, another name for Esau, the ancestor of Arabs, against Jacob and Judah, the ancestors of the Jewish people.

Obadiah proclaimed, the children of Edom shall be cut off forever because of their violence (hamas) against their brother Jacob.  Joel says that Edom shall be a desolate wilderness, for the violence (hamas) against the children of Judah, because they have shed innocent blood in their land.  (If you travel to Israel, you will plainly see the desolate Arab and Palestinian sections right next door to vibrant, prosperous Jewish or Christian enclaves.

So fierce is the wrath of God against the descendants of the Torah says, thou shalt blot out the memory of Amelak [grandson of Esau, and another ancestor of the Arabs] from under heaven (Deuteronomy 25:19).  The Hertz commentary makes a remark about this verse that is worth considering in view of today’s Hamas terrorism against Jews in Israel:  A people so devoid of natural religion as to kill non-combatants had forfeited all claim to mercy.

I believe Israel’s prayers for deliverance from hamas will be answered.  But not via the flawed concept of trying to divide Jerusalem with her enemies who have vowed to destroy her.  If president Trump will man up and move the United States embassy to Jerusalem, after some political gnashing of teeth,  blessings of peace and stability will come to both Israel and the United States.

In time, Israel’s prayers for deliverance from hamas will be answered.  Isaiah’s description of the Messianic Kingdom includes this promise:  Violence (hamas) shall no more be heard in thy land, wasting nor destruction within thy borders: but thou shalt call thy walls Salvation and thy gates Praise (Isaiah 60:18) May the Lord speedily deliver Israel from the hamas of Hamas and other terrorists.  Amen.

Every Friday, join me for the Ron Edwards Experience on KCKQ AM 1180, 1:00 PM PT, 4:00 PM EST or, or  Overnight weekends, The Edwards Notebook emanates nationwide to 60 radio stations in 28 states from flagship station AM 860 WGUL Tampa, Fla. During the Captain’s America talk show just after 4:30 AM Saturdays.  You can also hear the Ron Edwards Experience talk show 9:00 PM every night EST on God Bless you, god Bless America and may America Bless God.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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The Globalists Are Engaging In A Massive War Against Trump

While the leftist progressives are chomping at the bit hoping, crossing their fingers and toes, hoping that Robert Mueller and his not so merry band of politically motivated investigators will find anything to bring down the Trump administration.  So far there has been a methodical drip, drip, drip deep state plot to undermine the president and prevent his effort to govern on behalf of “We the People.”  Mueller and his minions are no more serious about cleaning up rampant sins of government officials than Bill or Mrs. Clinton are.

Those hypocrites do not honestly care about interfering in elections, or any other abuses of power.  If they were, there would have been concern over former president Obama’s interference in the election process of Israel leading up to the eventual election of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in March of 2015.  Mr. Obama also stuck his nose in Uganda’s decision making process.  That nation was trying to clean things up morally by not agreeing to unnatural sexual practices and same sex marriage.

Obama did not appreciate Uganda or any other African nation wanting to observe Christian moral values.  In fact, he threatened to cut off all American aid to those nations if they adhered to Christian principals, especially those regarding marriage and other issues.  Yet there was no concern from the likes of the federal government investigators or the dragon media about such abuses of power.

I have a not so funny feeling that the biased Mueller warlock hunt will continue unabated in the desperate hope that somebody, somewhere will cough up anything (true or not true) that will harm the Trump administration.  It does not matter to Mueller and company whether president Trump is actually booted out of office or not.  What they want is for the Trump administration to be totally hamstrung and unable to rescue our republic from the curse of leftist/globalism.  They totally disdain our constitutionally limited republic form of government that allows for you to live as you see fit, so long as you do not harm your fellow sovereign citizens.

The globalists are engaging in a massive war against those like president Trump. Because they dare to promote the idea of people you and I have a better shot at living a life of fulfillment, in a republic blessed by the same God who inspired the famous founding documents of the United States of America.   Yes they indicted Paul Manafort, former Trump campaign director for money laundering and tax cheat charges.  But nothing on Trump and his campaign.  It has been said a million times, there is no Trump collusion.  Colluding is not technically a crime.  But deleting 33,000 subpoenaed emails and smashing computers that could have contained evidence is obstructing justice are criminal activities.  But up until now and maybe for a very short while longer, the globalist credentials of the Clinton’s and others of that ilk protect them from the justice they so deserve.  Globalists will not go after other globalists, if they can avoid it.

Mr. big time in his own mind, George Papadopoulos a former junior foreign policy advisor to the Trump campaign tried to set up meetings between then candidate Trump and Russian.  Papadopoulos’s effort was soundly rejected as inappropriate.  Barbara McQuade, a liberal professor at the University of Michigan Law School who is a former U.S. attorney and has worked extensively in criminal and national security cases, told the Washington Post that Papadopoulos probably accepted a plea deal because, it is possible he may have information that can be used to build a case against someone more important than him.  “I think it’s a fair conclusion to think that he has information that is valuable in the prosecution of others.”  McQuade says, “You would only offer that cooperation if you’ve sat down with him and learned that he has information that is of value.”

I believe that is wishful thinking on her part that Trump is brought down.  The bottom line is the election of Donald Trump for president represents the difference between life and death for our republic.  Under the Obama regime, Mrs. Clinton sold twenty percent of our uranium deposits to Russia.  America got nothing worthwhile in return.  I firmly believe that if Mrs. Clinton had been foolishly elected president, we would know nothing of the awful Clinton scandals with Russia and the huge money trail that cannot be denied.  The Clinton funding of a fake dossier against Donald Trump to try and sway the election away from the Donald was shameful and should in time bring justice down upon those who would participate in such underhanded behavior.

The big political boomerang is flying and may soon swoop back in the direction of many including Podesta, Comey, Mrs. Clinton and others who have themselves been colluding to bring down the pro American Trump administration.  So far, not so good but better days are ahead.  Every Friday, join me in conversation during the Ron Edwards Experience on KCKQ AM 1180 1:00 PM PT, 4:00 PM EST or or  Every day is better at 6:29 AM PT, 9:29 AM EST with a page from The Edwards Notebook on KCKQ AM 1180 and worldwide via and  overnight weekends The Edwards Notebook emanates nationwide to 60 radio stations in 28 states from flagship AM 860 WGUL Tampa during the Captain’s America talk show at approximately 4:30 AM Saturdays.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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Preparing To Rebuild America

When one looks at the United States of America, unless one scratches below the left leaning surface, it might seem the end  is near for this republic turned mob rule democracy.  The incurably ignorant masses are brainwashed beyond belief concerning everything from child rearing, protecting our own borders, religious freedom, freedom of speech and economics, just to name a few obvious points of interests.

The Clintons, the FBI, the Democrat party and others were the real collaborators in an explosive scandal involving the Russians acquiring 20 percent of American uranium.  Those same globalists seem to be guilty of the colluding with Russia that they accused Donald Trump of.  The Clinton’s were paid for their efforts to the tune of $145 million dollars along with a cool half million for speaking engagement for Bubbah Bill.  The Democrat party even paid for a fake dossier on Trump/Russian collusion while all the time it was the leftist democrats who were the dirty guilty party.  Sadly, the only concern investigator Robert Mueller had was to by any means, make Trump look guilty.  Such events would normally be associated with banana republics.  But I guess that is what many leftists would like to see our republic reduced to.

To add insult to injury, I believe the United States is one of the few great nations throughout human history, where over forty percent of its population is totally indoctrinated against the country they were born in.  Names like racist, xenophobe, white supremacist, are hurled at some Americans for wanting legal immigration and protected borders.  Black Americans who favor border security and a strong sovereign United States are labeled uncle as uncle toms and coons by the lunatic leftists and Soros funded activists like Antifa members and oppressed rich NFL football players.

Of course, the useful idiots don’t understand or maybe do not care that they are being used to help pave the road to their own destruction.  For example, most leftists hate the idea of American border security.  But the lunk heads fail to consider that the Islamic hordes they want to flood into our republic will not discriminate between who they will brutalize, if they ever obtain the percentage of population they have acquired in Europe where they rape, pillage and loot Europeans by the scores on a weekly basis in places like Sweden.

But despite these and other major self-induced struggles plaguing our republic, including the ongoing slaughter of innocent unborn babies, I believe we will soon witness a major positive turnaround regarding the United States of America.  I even believe that murdering babies will one day no longer be the law of the land.  My optimism is rooted in the belief that it is not yet over for this republic, often mistakenly dubbed a democracy.

My positive outlook toward the rebuilding of America is not rooted in faith in the government.  But rather in a growing segment of “We the People” of faith who will no longer sit idly by and allow the sorry saps of the left to have their destructive amoral way over our lives.  I have a much greater amount of faith in God, who often intervened in the amazing effort to establish the United States of America.  Thomas Jefferson understood that as long as Americans remained a moral people the United States would be a blessed and prosperous republic.  By now it would seem as though people could recognized the connection between American declined in recent years to the falling away from the very principles and beliefs that enabled America to become an exceptional nation of greatness and hope for the world.

I believe that America will experience her full destiny of greatness.  Primarily because more and more Americans of are seeking Providential guidance and are refusing to accept the bigoted globalist/anti liberty tyranny that has ruined many societies like Venezuela.  You may not realize it yet, but the rebuilding of America has already begun.  Our republic is now in the clearing out stage, where the battle to restore truth while beating back the harbingers of destruction is being waged and will ultimately succeed.  In time the tide will change and those seeking to destroy our America will themselves be rendered utter failures and face their just rewards. Dear reader, prepare to be a part of rebuilding America. You’ll be glad you did.  #MAGA  Enjoy the Ron Edwards Experience every Friday at 1:00 PM PT, 4:00 PM EST on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, NV,, and evenings at 9:00 PM EST on

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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Wake Up America

For every human activity there is a root cause or established beginning.  For example, the uptick in thugs murdering police officers for sport or who seem to have nothing better to do.  When I was but a young lad, my Dad would often say, that if good is not taught or perused, then evil will most certainly be there to occupy your thoughts, words and eventually actions.  We were taught to respect our parents, police officers, the United States flag, America, our preachers, teachers and by all means God.  Other than God, none of them were perfect, but for the most part, they were very good people, who were capable of making mistakes.  But we did not condemn all of society and render ourselves as useful idiots to be used by others who had big plans to harm our republic from within.

When I saw or heard those horribly (in their own addle minds) oppressed multi-millionaire football players disrespecting our national flag because they say that racism and oppression are so pervasive in American society, I could not help but that “what ungrateful mental midgets and hypocrites they are. Recently, there was a photo released of Seale Sea Hawk football players and coaches cheering on one of their team mates who was burning an American flag.  Yet they will tell us they are not disrespecting the flag.

Those gumps know nothing about of oppression.  Those self-proclaimed victims should have studied a bit of history. Or maybe check out what happens to people in real oppressive societies.  At the very least since the plight of Black Americans is their “concern” seek out older Black Americans who suffered authentic racism and oppression.  Maybe then those self-anointed NFL victims of today would wake up to the reality of the blessed life they have.

Little do they know, that they are perfect useful idiots to the political elite class who seeks to dominate “We the People.” The elites have always understood that an informed and moral people cannot be fooled, dominated, or used to help destroy America from within through politically motivated discord.  That is why they utilized the one size fits all government school system to gradually wean generation after generation of students away from the onetime steady diet of high quality education, patriotism and Christian/Judeo ethics.

As each generation was pushed further away from high quality education and Christian/Judeo ethics, the acceptance of leftist amoral philosophical leanings became more and more acceptable.  On top of being stupefied, generations of Americans have also been brainwashed into becoming embittered against American society.  Many are so conned into believing that the United States represents nothing but evil, yet they themselves support evil practices like sharia law and illegal immigrant brutes having free reign in America.  It does not matter to them that citizens from around the world would give a limb to legally immigrate to America and trade lives with them.

Gone from American education are the positive stories of great Americans like Frederick Douglas, who overcame brutal slavery long before Lincoln freed the slaves.  He worked became an abolitionist, a highly successful businessman and arguably the greatest orator of the nineteenth century.  But despite the racist motivated hardships Douglas faced, he never hated America or hoped for her destruction.  In fact, after he took time to read the Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Bible for himself, he quickly learned that those writings were nothing like what his former democrat party slave masters falsely described to him.  Madame C. J. Walker, the first female millionaire in American history overcame immeasurable odds to achieve such a high degree of success, not through bitter hatred of America, but the vehicle of setting goals and obtaining them, fostering a great example of beating the odds, despite some small minded people.  Neither she or Frederick Douglas used their success to convince others that they are only victims and that America is only a racist society.

Those great Americans and many more overcame tremendous trials to secure great success in their chosen vocations.  To the grumbling gripers of the grid iron, if Madame C. J. Walker who lived during tough times for Black Americans, could out achieve most people living today and never developed a hatred of the United States or try to persuade others that they were just victims, what is your pathetic problem?

The truth is, our country is plagued with far too many incurably ignorant and bitter individuals who would rather see America destroyed than get past problems, both real and imagined.  This pattern was recently played out in the fall of Venezuela right into the hands of dictatorial elites who have rendered a once prosperous and vibrant nation to be nothing but a dying hulk of starving people.  Also, the communist/globalist inspired Antifa brutes here in America are allies of bitter leftist blacks and brainwashed leftist whites in the unholy mission of bringing about the downfall of this great republic.  According to World Net Daily, Antifa mobs may attempt to cause mayhem in the streets of America on November third in their wicked effort to get president Donald Trump removed from office.  I happen to know that their sorry effort will fail.

The ANTIFA mission is a representation of the true focus of NFL kneelers and other leftist who use bitterness, ignorance and misinformation to try and duplicate the downfall that happened in Venezuela, because they think so lowly of themselves.  Again, their warped mission of destruction from within shall fail miserably.  For those who think that the odds are heavily against the United States, I say so what.  Never forget, the odds were dramatically against the founding and establishment of this beloved republic, the United States of America.  But those great men and women founders did not allow their vision to be thwarted.  As a result, America the beautiful became the envy of the world where God shed his grace upon her.

We shall soon witness a true rebirth of our republic as one blessed nation under God with justice, liberty and opportunities for all Americans and legal immigrants.  God bless you, God bless America and may America bless God.  Be blessed by a page from The Edwards Notebook commentary weekdays at 6:29 AM PT, 9:29 AM EST on KCKQ AM 1180 or anywhere via  The Ron Edwards Experience is now holding court and sharing the good news on, and AM 1180 KCKQ Reno, Nevada Friday afternoon at 1:00 PM PT, 4:00 PM EST.  Your weekends are also made better by a page from “The Edwards Notebook” nationwide at 4:30 AM Saturday via flag ship station WGUL AM 860 The Answer and everywhere else via during Captain’s America talk show with host Matt Bruce.  You can also enjoy The Ron Edwards Experience weeknights at 9:00 PM EST 6:00 PM PT on the

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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They Can Dish It Out But They Refuse To Take It

While growing up on the beautiful shores of Lake Erie in Cleveland, one of our favorite autumn activities was going to old Municipal stadium to see the Cleveland Browns.  Those were the days when the Browns were still an NFL level football team.  There was Brian Sipe and Bernie Kosar who consistently led the Browns into the playoffs with thrilling last minute victories.  I was a little guy when the first Monday Night Football game was televised in Cleveland on September 21st 1970.  At the time it was a quite cool to witness the Browns defeat of Broadway Joe Namath and the New York Jets, 31-21 in front of 80,000 rabid fans including myself.

My school grades were very good, so I was allowed to go with my friend and his dad.  Had my Dad been alive, I know he would have either been the one taking us, or both dads would have gone.  My image of football while growing up entailed team work, building of good character, a positive piece of the fabric of America and patriotism, etc.

The recent pathetic display of public disrespect toward America, the national anthem and the flag of the United States by those obviously overpaid NFL snowflakes is disgusting to say the least.  Even the great Jim Brown, who in the past battled against certain racial injustices never ever considered to publicly disrespect our nation or flag.  In fact, he recently said, “we should not disrespect the flag.”  NFL commissioner Roger Goodell however has been in lock step with players who chose to set a bad example for younger Americans by showing disdain for a nation that pays them millions to throw a ball around while blocking and tackling each other.

I do not decry their high salaries. I believe whatever the market will bare, is the way to go.  But I find it rather hypocritical for Goodell and others like LeBron James to complain because the president of the United States did not agree with NFL players and others disrespecting our flag, the anthem and our nation in general.  Another glaring sad development in this sordid affair is that most NFL players and commissioner Goodell are products of a destructive government school system that indoctrinates rather than teaches American students.  They have for decades been presented only negative distortions and flat out lies about our republic turned mob rule democracy.

They are also convinced that even the good about America they may stumble upon is not worthy of recognition or respect, including the opportunities they are blessed with.

Many NFL and NBA players have complained about oppression in America, but I have yet to hear or read about any of those hypocrites expressing concern about the real oppression of black Christians who are regularly slaughtered, enslaved, raped and tortured by Islamic brutes in other parts of the world today.  It was not many years ago that RG Three was forced to turn his shirt with a Christian message inside out, because it did not meet “NFL policy.”

I will never forget Islamic quarterback Colin Kaepernick did a press conference with a Castro shirt on while wearing socks depicting police officers as pigs.  That is heralded in leftist circles as “freedom of Speech” to kneel or turn one’s back on the American flag in protest of “inequality.”  Only brainwashed Alinsky inspired rich dolts could be warped enough to feel unequal.  My fellow American, you have been witnessing an orchestrated and increasingly bold mission of those seeking to literally dissolve the cohesiveness of the republic through never ending complaints, both real but mostly imagined.  Unfortunately, many of those that have engaged in such ridiculous narcistic behavior have no regard for anyone but themselves and their destructive Cesar Chavez influenced ideology.

The good news is that we are now witnessing a rising tide against such pedestrian activity. Millions of Americans are growing tired of the in your face leftists who are working to literally destroy America and leave her as a decrepit nation, not unlike Venezuela where everyone is equally poor, oppressed and starving.  I Thank God we now have a president who is willing to fully exercise his legal authority to defend the United States from enemies, including those who are trying to destroy via division amongst “We the People.”  You shall witness a growing support for our president and others who are not going to sit idly by and let those who only wish to bring about societal destruction to have their way.

Like the founding fathers, we must remember to seek Providential guidance for His wisdom and grace to see this battle all the way to a victorious end.  God Bless You, God Bless America and May America Bless God.  Let us get together for the good of America every Friday via the Ron Edwards Experience talk show at 4:00 PM EST, 1:00 PM PT on flagship station KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada, also and    Don’t miss a page from The Edwards Notebook on the weekend edition of Captain’s America talk show at 4:30 AM emanating nation and worldwide from flagship station WGUL AM 860 The Answer Tampa, Florida and  See more listings at about page.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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Dividing Israel Could Be Very Bad For America

In the Bible we are instructed to be a blessing to the Jewish people.  In fact, God states “If you bless Israel, I will bless you.”  “But if you curse Israel, I will curse you.”   The Israelis secured small slivers of land in 1967 after being brutally attacked without provocation, by Middle east neighboring regimes.  To this day, those very nations call for the extermination of Israel, the very country that has been nothing but a blessing toward those who despitefully abuse her.  A similar declaration was made in the 1930s and 1940s for the extermination of the Jewish people by the Nazis who were allies and teachers of the Islamists.

The United States has been an ally of Israel since it was settled.  But along the way, despite good intentions, sometimes the United States has made some serious blunders when it comes to standing by her number one ally in the Middle East, if not the whole world.  World leaders have been Biblically warned. If you divide Israel, I will divide your nation.  The reestablishment of Israel was foretold many centuries ago in the Bible.  Anyone other than a bigoted leftist understands that Jerusalem should be reestablished as the undivided capital of Israel.

I for one believe the old Biblical warning “NOT TO DIVIDE ISRAEL.”  Many United States presidents have tried and failed in the futile effort to divide Israel just to appease Palestinians and others who lay claim to parts of Israel.  They foolishly believe that if they just screw over Israel and give the Palestinians what they want, there will be lasting peace, lover and harmony.  But truthfully, nothing could be further from the truth.  Muslim terrorists want to either rape, enslave, torture to death, or just wipe out many other people all over the world who are not Jewish.  Their goal is to turn the world into an Islamic terrorist hell hole.

If you refuse to believe me, look at the difference between Jewish and Christian communities in Israel compare to the Islamic enclaves.  It doesn’t matter if they are wealthy Muslim/Palestinian or middle class and poor Jewish communities.  Overall the conditions are almost always better in the Christian and Jewish communities.  I will have more space to examine exactly why in another upcoming column.

But concerning the issue of dividing Israel, such attempts have not been good for America.   I believe that for every action there is a consequence.  In the Book Eye to Eye by William Koenig are numerous illustrations of bad things happening every time America planned on throwing Israel under the bus by contemplating discussions to divide in order to appease her sworn enemies.

One example that comes to mind is during the week of October 11th 1999.  Jewish settlers on 15 West bank hilltops in Israel were evicted as part of the ongoing “Land for Peace” process, which was actively supported by President Clinton.  The settlers resisted the eviction; the confrontation was reported in the national media.  While Israel was forcing settlers off the covenant land, the stock market was melting down, with the Dow having its worst weekly drop since 1989.  On October 15th, the market lost 266 points (the loss of hundreds of billions of dollars in market capitalization).

That same day, hurricane Irene slammed North Carolina; and the next morning, the powerful Hector Mine 7.1 earth quake rocked the southwest, that was the fifth largest earthquake to hit America in the twentieth century.  Neither the hurricane nor the earthquake caused major damage or casualties; but their stories, along with the stock market meltdown shared the nation’s front pages with the reports of Jewish settlers being evicted from God’s covenant land in Israel.  There are many more horrific examples of great happenings listed in Eye to Eye, Facing the consequences of dividing Israel, by William Koenig.

Could they all be just mere consequences?  Even though I believe not, you may investigate the long history of trying to divide Israel followed by disasters and come to your own conclusion.  But I for one believe that if president Trump follows through on his promise to move the United States embassy will result in a blessed series of events that will benefit both the United States and Israel.  Enjoy and be enlightened via The Ron Edwards Experience Fridays at 1:00 PM PT, 4:00 PM EST emanating worldwide from flagship station KCKQ Reno, Nevada, and  The Edwards Notebook syndicated commentary is enjoyed weekdays at 6:29 AM PT, 9:29 AM EST on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada and during AM NEWS.  Catch “The Edwards Notebook” on the Captain’s America overnight weekend show emanating from flagship station AM 860 WGUL Tampa, Florida and Saturdays at 4:30 AM EST, 1:30 AM PT.   For more listings visit

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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The NFL A League Of Hypocrisy

While growing up on the shores of Lake Erie in Cleveland, one of our favorite autumn pastimes was going to old Municipal Stadium to watch the Cleveland Browns, when they actually won football games.  I’ll never forget witnessing the Cardiac Kids pulling out many last minute victories, just after many of us would think it was all over.  In fact, the first Monday Night Football game was televised from Cleveland 42 years ago on September 21, 1970.  At the time, for a young guy, it was a thrill of a lifetime to witness the Browns defeat of Joe Namath and the New York Jets 31-21 in front of 80,000 rabid fans including myself.  My school grades were very good, so I was allowed a rare evening outing on a school night.

The image I had of football growing up was one of team work, striving to be your best, a high moral code that was stressed by my own high school football coach and, patriotism, a positive piece of the fabric of America, etc.  The current pathetic display of public disrespect toward the United States by the highly paid NFL players is a glaring example of the self centered attitude of cry babies who exaggerate problems and only foster division.  The great Jim Brown, who himself has been deeply involved with social issues concerning past racial injustice and economic development recently said “we should not disrespect the flag or our country.”

NFL commissioner no good Goodell (a deeply leftist ideolog) is an encourager of NFL players publicly disrespecting our national flag. In fact it does not bother him, that the players are setting a bad example for younger Americans.  Despite the fact our economy is the bedrock that allowed for them to make millions of dollars throwing a ball around and tackling one another, many NFL players would rather encourage disgruntlement than trying your best to succeed in American society.  I do not decry their nice salaries, whatever the market will bare is fine with me.

I find it rather hypocritical, for no good Goodell and others like Lebron James to complain because the president of the United States does not agree with NFL players and others disrespecting our flag, our republic and the heroes who fought and in some cases died to protect their freedoms.  Another glaring sad development in this sordid affair is that most NFL players and commissioner Goodell are products of a leftist oriented government school system.  It is that very system that indoctrinates students against rather than teaches American students about the United States.  For too long, American students have only been presented negative details and even lies about our republic.

Because of the relentless effort of government school educators and university professors many, including most football players are convinced that even the good about America they may stumble upon, is not worthy of recognition or respect.  That includes that fact they are blessed to live in a republic that offers them opportunities they could not dream of achieving anywhere else.

Many NFL and NBA players complain about oppression in America.  But I have yet to hear or read about any of those hypocrites expressing concern about the real oppression of black Christians being slaughtered and enslaved by Islamic brutes today in Islamic countries.

Not that long ago, RG 3 was forced to turn his shirt with a Christian message inside out, because it did not meet “NFL policy.”  Sometime later, hardly anyone uttered a word when the Islamic quarterback conducted a press conference with a Castro shirt on while wearing socks depicting police officers as pigs.  So now it is heralded as “freedom of speech” to kneel or turn your back on the American flag in protest of “inequality.”  Only brainwashed Alynski inspired rich dolts could be warped enough to feel unequal.

I’ll never forget when Dallas Cowboy players were not allowed by the leftist Goodell to wear a special patch in honor of police officers murdered by a Black Lives Matter supporter who shot them while they were providing protection for the very leftist haters who were protesting against them.  Antifa anyone?

My fellow American, what you are witnessing is an orchestrated and increasingly bold mission of those seeking to dissolve the cohesiveness of the republic through complaints, both real and mostly imagined.  If you go on a cruise and a disagreement breaks out, you do not try to sink the vessel to resolve the issue.  Unfortunately, many of those participating in narcissistic anti flag protesters have no regard for anyone but themselves and their destructive Cesar Chavez inspired ideology. They are willing to sink America into oblivion.

To prove my point, over the past twenty years, those who consider themselves to be African Americans (even though they were not born in Africa) have been the overall most abused, robbed, raped, car jacked, and murdered segment of the American population.  Was it mostly Trump supporters, young white males, KKK goons, police officers, or republicans committing those atrocities?  No, no, no, no and no.

If those hypocrites were true to their convictions, they would do us all a favor and move to Sudan, Cuba, Venezuela, or maybe try their luck in Lebanon, China, or Russia.  Those spoiled athletes and others of their ilk believe it is ok to rail against our republic and the flag, because they have free speech rights.  Yet, they and other leftists are filled with enraged hatred against others who like president Trump, who do not share their hatred of the police, America, the flag, the Constitution, etc.

They can dish out disrespect, but they cannot take any constructive criticism, which reveals a self- evident boatload of hypocrisy that is one of the hallmarks of their leftist ideology. But through it all and God’s grace, the republic will rise above this and other dubious developments.  You can tune in and enjoy the not so dubious Ron Edwards Experience talk show on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nev. Fridays beginning October 6th 2017 at 4:00 PM EST, 1:00 PM PT also worldwide on SHR Media and  Don’t miss a page from The Edwards Notebook commentary weekdays at 6:29 AM PT, 9:29 AM EST during AM News on and AM 118 KCKQ Reno, Nev.  At 5:12 PM EST, 2:12 PM PT It’s The Edwards Notebook commentary during MoneyTalk with Melanie on SHR Media and Your weekends are made a little better with a page from The Edwards Notebook commentary during the weekend overnight instalment of the Captain’s America radio show emanating nationwide from flagship station WGUL AM 860 Tampa, Fla. at 4:30 AM  God bless you, God bless America and may America bless God.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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Slavery Mentality Brings About Nothing But Death

About 990 years before the birth of Christ, the children of Israel were released from Egypt after 400 years of slavery.  As expected, upon being freed from their long tenure under the tyranny of slavery, there was for a time much jubilation among the chosen people of God.  The hard hearted Pharaoh allowed the former slaves to leave Egypt with an immense amount of wealth, consisting of mostly gold, silver and assorted jewelry.

What began as an eleven day journey ended up being dragged out to a forty year trek of many traumas, punctuated with dramatic swings of attitudes, ranging from awe and reverence to disdain and unbelief in the almighty Yah.  Not long after gaining liberty, the sense of gratitude gave way to complaining about everything from manna, to no longer having the leeks, onions and garlic of Egypt.

The children of Israel were promised a land of their own, by God who provided all their needs including protection from the harsh elements of desert living.  In fact, the Lord promised the children of Israel a land flowing with milk and honey, where they would prosper and become a powerful nation.  But unfortunately, God’s chosen one’s lost their appreciation for being liberated.  They berated Moses and accused God of leading them out into the desert to die.

At times, the complaints were unrelenting.  Of course, the horror of past slavery occupied more of their attention than properly relating to the God who oversaw their liberation and the many blessings that could have been realized in a relatively short period of time.

The stinking thinking of the chosen people was best illustrated in the Biblical Book of Numbers 13 describing how the twelve spies were sent out to observe the land of Canaan.  All twelve reported glowingly about the bountiful food, fertile soil and even stated that it flows with milk and honey, just as God had said.   Rather than expressing and encouraging faith in God’s promises and saying “let us go take the land,” ten of the twelve spies expressed fear over the odds against them being able to occupy simply because of the size of the people.  They were enslaved by the small mindedness of the majority of the spies.  To his credit, Caleb tried to persuade his fellow Israelites to as he stated, “Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are able to overcome it.”

The people bought into the lie of defeat and continued to dwell in the desert for forty years.  God allows us to make decisions and use the words we speak to shape our destiny.  It was the people themselves, not God, or Moses who decided they could not possess the greatness God had waiting for them.  God provides the vision and provision, but we are to act in faith to secure it for ourselves.  If not, the of our dreams carcasses will drop in the desert of our own wrong thinking and speaking.

For the children of Israel to take possession of their land, the complainers and others who lacked vision and faith died off, so the believers and doers could cross the Jordan into their land and life of promise.

Today throughout our republic, the plague of a slave and bitter mentality is literally blocking generations of black and increasing numbers of other Americans from choosing to build a great life for themselves and their families.  Some march around in the dark of night like the walking dead seeking to destroy property they do not own and harm people who do not agree with their evil philosophy.

When I was a little boy growing up in Cleveland, Dad sometimes said that a nation is only as great as her families are strong.  It is imperative for us to learn from history and advance from it.  If not, America may be soon endure a long hard road of needless suffering, just like the children of Israel did until the dead weight of the slavery minded slugs were dropped off in the desert.   I firmly believe “We the People” can soon witness the elimination of the poisonous slavery and bitter mentality  and with God’s grace lead victorious lives of greatness.  God Bless you, God bless America and may America bless God.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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Racial Problems Must Be Allowed To Die A Natural Death

For the most part, believe it or not the United States is not a republic of seething racists running around looking for whom they may discriminate against.  In fact, the majority of those pointing the finger of blame at others as they accuse them of being racist, are themselves mostly likely to be guilty of such tom foolery.  In the city in which I currently live, the very people who are always at the ready to declare that conservative republicans are racist, are themselves are among the most racist or bigoted people I have the displeasure of knowing.

Fifteen years ago, when my family and I first moved here to Oakland County MI, we experienced the same old tired dislike from dopey democrats. Those people were not happy that an American family who happened to be black, dared to afford to be able to live in their nice community.  On the other hand, there were fabulous neighbors whom we are blessed to know as friends.  With the exception of one neighbor, everyone we became friends with is either republican or libertarian.  In fact, one of the leftist democrat neighbors had our political signs either destroyed or stolen during every election season.  We finally nailed down who it was after the election of Donald Trump for president.

It seems as if people who are always belly aching about racism are part of an orchestrated effort to destroy America from within.  It is called divide and conquer.  The overwhelming number of racists are limousine leftists, the leftist media, government and collegiate academia elites who socialize in homogenous lilly white groups who hate with a passion the very thought of upwardly mobile blacks, especially the men.

That is why great Americans like Lewis Latimer, Reginald Lewis, Frederick Douglas, Booker T. Washington and others are no longer taught about in government schools.  The leftists benefit from others including black Americans, who are suffering from a lack of authentic knowledge.  If black Americans are convinced by the leftists that the United States is a racist nation that is against them, they become a collectivist oriented ignorant enemy consisting of useful idiots, who will help their leftist controllers bring misery to America.  Some will continue to receive paychecks from either George Soros or some other globalist billionaire.   All the while not realizing that the leftist elites only appreciate blacks who are below them economically and socially.

Racial problems would die a natural death, if Americans were allowed to benefit from the blessings of real education, free market economics and a goal of higher personal morality.  Our republic can be made stronger when sovereign citizens maintain a sense of national unity and pride and are willing to focus and build upon the positives, both individually and in masse.   The leftists, including the dragon media and other gumps continue to play the stupid race card.  The reason is, they are hell bent on preventing the unifying economic nationalist agenda from succeeding.

Long ago, when Frederick Douglas read about and learned the truth for himself about our Constitution, Bill of Rights, along with Biblical passages that informed him that our rights come from God and are meant for everyone, there was nothing that could stop him from achieving greatness.  He also realized that a great America provided more opportunities for him to attain greatness, despite with the real democrat racists threw at him.  He was too busy and too blessed because of his efforts and righteous belief in Providential guidance to hate.  Douglas tried his best to convince the abolitionists and other “kind hearted” folks to present high moral standards and the philosophy of self help and Providential guidance to black Americans released from the bondage of slavery.  Most of those presented with such a way of thinking and acting lived much better lives on average than the ones who focused on the misery and legacy of slavery and racist democrats.

That is why today the leftist/bigoted democrats and other negative forces including academic bigots convince Blacks they are destined for nothing but a life of lack and few opportunities.  Unfortunately, far too many blacks buy into that leftist inspired hogwash. More often than not, they prophesy and then create their own life of misery for themselves and their children, one generation after another.  Our America is at a cross roads of endless possibilities.  I believe She will very soon, starting with the body of Christ seek God’s forgiveness for allowing the sea of crippling lies to permeate the minds of generations of Americans.  Then take the appropriate actions to return the republic toward the road of greatness as the land of the free, home of the brave and endless opportunities.   Racial problems can be allowed to die a natural death. Come on America, together we can do it.  Let’s meet via a page from “The Edwards Notebook” America’s best radio commentary now weekdays at 5:12 PM on Money Talk with Melanie via SHR media and overnights on Captains America radio show nationwide on dozens of radio stations emanating from flagship station WGUL AM 860 The Answer, Tampa, Florida.  The Edwards Notebook is now a part of the Morning News lineup on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada at 7:30 AM PDT, 10:30 AM EST.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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Why DACA And All Paths To Illegal Immigration Is Bad For America

One of the reasons that the left supports illegal immigration, DACA, or dreamers pouring into America is the effort to drown out our American heritage.  In fact, the deferred action on childhood arrivals (DACA) was devised by former president Obama to force his successor to make a very unpopular decision.  But what Obama did not calculate was that someone with the thinking skill set of president Donald J. Trump would emerge and correctly put the responsibility on congress to do their job and legislate on the matter.

Of course, the leftists and rinos are salivating at the prospect of illegal immigrants being allowed to drag their offspring into the United States indefinitely.  Why? One might ask.  Are leftist activists who run around beating up people for praying in city parks and standing in support of many good aspects of American culture, are so concerned about the horrible conditions many illegal immigrants escaped from?  Or are the suddenly scared straight over confederate era statues originally erected by democrats like Nany Pelosi’s father did when he was mayor of Baltimore?  Are the leftists authentically concerned about the blacks, particularly black men whom they say receive a bad break being born in America?  If you said yes to those questions, I question your ability to discern truth from fiction and the condition of your thinking cap.

The obvious truth is, the collection of societal complainers for the most part, do not, nor have they ever truly cared about the condition of black Americans, particularly black men.  If they did, the economic policies the leftist politicians foisted upon cities like Detroit when they assumed power during the 1960s would not have been modeled after Marxist or Keynsian economic theories.  Those policies literally killed off much of the steel, auto, textile, clothing, shoe and other industries in inner cities years before NAFTA and GATT wiped them out even further.  To this day, the overall economic upwardly mobile track of black Americans is a fraction of economic advancement since before the full influx of leftist economic and regulatory policies that crippled urban economic engines.

To add insult to leftist injury, the leftist infiltration of the government school system totally obliterated the good quality of education standards. As a result, Americans were in many cases purposely rendered unqualified to enter college, get a decent job or start their own business.  That and other developments such as a steady media diet of distortions concerning current events and issues such as race relations, and economics has caused uncalculated damage.

For those blessed to receive a collegiate education, what really transpires is well coordinated indoctrination against God, America, the Founding Fathers, capitalism, the traditional family, the constitution and now democrat party Confederate era statues that now freak out snow flake and embittered students.  So now, after decades of indoctrinating students against reality, morality and high intellectual development, we are witnessing a generation or two that places more emphasis on emotion than setting a goal to seek and do what is right.

Leftists in academia and the dragon media fully understand that in order to destroy America from within, many people have to be focused emotionally on the issues.  For example, DACA was designed to skirt around our laws against illegal immigration.  “Oh how cruel it would be to boot the little dreamers out of the country,” they say.  But yet, no concern about harm of allowing illegals to bring their offspring into the country and not even instruct them to appreciate being here or to assimilate.

The emotional leftist DACA lovers like trained seals go yelping noisily in the streets in support of every single idea, issue and government decision that is detrimental to our republic.   The promoters of DACA believe the “DREAMERS” should not be punished for the actions of their parents. So why should Americans today be punished for the actions of their great grandparents, or even their European ancestors?

It is said that the beginning of knowledge begins with the fear of the Lord, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.  Proverbs 1:7

As long as the leftists are allowed to control education, the media, major Christian denominations and elsewhere, America will remain a fools paradise and a haven for self-destruction.

Wake up America and seek righteous wisdom, before it is too late and you sink to oblivion.  I would that you choose life.  Look forward to choosing to listen to the best radio commentary in America “The Edwards Notebook” weekday mornings during AM News on AM 1180 KCKQ Reno, Nev.  7:30 AM PT, 10:30 AM ET.  Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10:15 AM ET, 7:15 AM during MoneyTalk with Melanie via SHR media and as well as regularly during the weekend edition of the Captain’s America show nationwide via flagship WGUL AM 860 The Answer and

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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Avoid Trouble If You Can

Looking back on the wonder years of my childhood growing up in Cleveland, because of my father I learned quite a few life lessons before his untimely death when I was only twelve years of age.  Among the many points Dad made sure he drove home was to never start trouble with people and try to avoid trouble if others start it.  But if there is no way to avoid it do not run, but stop it.   For the most part, Dad’s meaningful advice served me very well.

In later years while attending City College in New York City, I enrolled in Thai Chi classes.  One of the best indicators of the quality of your sensei is their approach to encountering trouble.  When he stated “the more proficient you are in Thai Chi, the more you hope to avoid physical confrontations, if possible.”  When sensei said that, I knew I had arrived at the right class.  While observing the political situation throughout the republic, I am somewhat dismayed.  My displeasure is not centered around the different ideological battles.  In a society where liberty and freedom of expression are paramount, there will be openly expressed differences of opinion.

Unfortunately, after a multi decade government school mission of indoctrinating American students against the principles of personal responsibilities, liberties and freedom of speech, we are witnessing gangs of Cloward-Piven-Alynski strategy goons wreaking globalist havoc against the right to speak your mind.  When I view the American landscape, I am reminded of an old saying, if you move your feet, you lose your seat.  The American church moral authority has been replaced by humanist/globalist amoral leftist activist groups and government brutes.

The founding fathers understood, that for “We the People” to remain free, we must maintain a high degree of morality, particularly when it comes to self governance.   In a society of decency and morality, people recognize the right of others to say what they want and live according to the values they believe in, so long they do not infringe on the rights of others, like the leftists of today seek to do.  Of course, you should be free to express your beliefs to anyone, but they are equally free to choose not to listen.

But once true morality is ushered out of society, it is replaced by immorality which snakes in through many ways including Antifa styled fascism, a growing political persuasion of the day among the ill informed.  The majority of the founders of this republic  relied upon a firm belief in God and His instruction on morality enumerated in the Bible.  It was a firm belief in the word of God that gave life to the concept of your right to live for your own sake, not the government’s unconstitutional dictates.

The Founding Fathers and many others understood that for America to be great, her people had to be good.  Those that oppose liberty also recognize that premise and worked to rid the United States

The Founding Fathers and many others understood that for America to be great, her people must at least strive to be good.  Those that oppose true liberty also recognize that premise and worked to rid the United States of her Judeo/Christian moral conscience so that liberty can be replaced by tyrannical fascism.  In fact, one of the main proponents of fascism today and since it’s founding is the democrat party.  Democrat party politicians and members have a long history of destroying freedom for others.  In the past, democrats utilized the Ku Klux Klan to plunder the rights of black Americans and spew hatred toward Jews.  Today, Antifa gumps are the democrat party choice of brutalizing those who desire liberty, want to protect our borders and preserve our sovereignty.

Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, Chuckie Schumer, John Conyers and Margaret Sanger award winner Hillary Clinton and most democrats do not desire a great America of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.  They long to lord over us through globalism and are attempting to literally destroy the stable traditional family concept.  They are also on a maniac mission to rid society of positive American history and Judeo/Christian ethics.

For a long time, those of us on the right, meaning constitutionalists, patriotic Christians, Conservatives. etc. have gone out of our way to work things out with leftists.  That is the case, even though they seek to destroy liberty, prosperity, wipe out Christianity, the Constitution, Bill of rights and more.  But the time has come that we can no longer avoid the trouble of seriously dealing with those who are seeking the eradication of our exceptional nation.

Just as the founding fathers sought Providential guidance and protection, I believe we must do the same.  The time to officially end compromising with the leftists ATIFA types who want to turn America into another Venezuela is over.  We have already crippled our republic by giving in to leftist demands.  Our military has been demoralized, the economy slowed down, education dumbed down, even biblical teachings watered down.

It is great to avoid trouble if you can.  But since we cannot hide from it, it must ultimately be defeated.  PG time is over. It is do or die time for the republic.  “We the People” can either choose life or death for America. I would that we choose life.  God bless you, God bless America and may America bless God.  Be blessed by a page from The Edwards NoteBook as I Blow Away the Myths and Reveal the Truth weekdays at 7:29 AM on AM 1180 KCKQ during AM News and  Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 10:15 AM on MoneyTalk with Melanie via SHR media and high plains talk radio and Saturdays on the weekend Captain’s America show nationwide on over 56 radio stations emanating from flagship station WGUL AM 860 The Answer and

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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The Wisdom Of Faith In America’s Fight For Liberty

Throughout the annals of American history one of the major ingredients utilized to ensure the successful launch and growth of the republic has been faith in our creator through his son and our savior Jesus Christ.  In fact, contrary to dishonest modern day educators, professors, most dragon media personalities and leftist deniers in government, faith in God was paramount.  The Bible says that faith without works is dead.  The founding fathers understood the importance of exercising faith in the fight for liberty.

It was George Washington who desperately wanted Providence on his side as he battled the mighty British empire.  But to help insure this, his troops needed to be above reproach.  One way to insure that, was to have chaplains on board.  Throughout U. S. military history, Christian military chaplains have had significant roles in times of both peace and war.

Historically, chaplains during the fight for American independence relied heavily on the word of God.  Two mostly used scriptures were, Joshua 1: 7 1. Be strong and confident and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee:  turn not from the right hand or the left, that thou mayest prosper withersoever thou goest.  The second was in the book of Romans, where Paul states:  I am convinced that neither height nor depth, no death, nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor anything in heaven or earth can separate us from the love of God.

Chaplaincy in America has been going on since George Washington’s day.  Washington’s view was that the only victorious army was going to be at least an ethical army, but hopefully a righteous Christian army, because the odds were so overwhelming against him.  During the revolutionary war, Christian chaplains visited the wounded, take care of the dead, wrote letters home for soldiers who could not write, gave discourses of a patriotic nature to keep the soldiers from deserting.  The chaplain was a very important link between the commander and the troops.

Chaplains have been counseling soldiers since 1775 on things like trying to stay sober; don’t cheat at cards; do not gamble away your pay, send it home; and many other daily actions, needs and deeds were commonly addressed.  It was chaplains who encountered Revolutionary War soldiers to keep the faith and maintain the will to fight. Even when their literally frozen and it seemed as if the mighty British would exterminate them at will.

By the time of World War Two, America’s army was so large that chaplains were encouraged to get involved in a big way in trying to counsel soldiers.  We even had chaplains in Nuremberg to try to counsel the German P.O.W.s   Chaplains now have now conduct funerals and engage in pre-marital counseling duties.

The United states army Chaplaincy is the oldest of the military chaplaincies.  In 1775 the Second Continental Army voted to pay chaplains a whopping $20 dollars a month…just above first lieutenants.  At the time there were no authorized uniforms, no supervisory chaplain, no doctrine but the word of God:  Ministers simply showed up at an encampment of the Continental Army and volunteered to serve as chaplain for a unit.  Of the 218 that served in the Continental army, about 25 were killed or died in the revolution.  That is 11 percent, the highest casualty rate we ever had in the chaplain corps.

Chaplains became so recognized for the value they meant to society, they were drafted during the civil war for one year in 1862.  The first Civil War era duty was to advise the commander on the moral and spiritual health of the unit and make any other suggestions for the happiness of the soldier.

In 1863 General Grant directed chaplain John Eaton, of the 27th infantry to care for the educational and physical needs of freed slaves who were not already in the Union Army. An army chaplain was in charge of one of the first efforts to help freed slaves.

In World War Two, the Chaplaincy grew from 145 to 9,111 in one year.  Chaplains began to narrow their focus to just spiritual duties.  That in my opinion was a big mistake.  Because, it helped to open the door to the marginalization of the chaplaincy, but also the influence of Christian faith in society overall.

Throughout all of America’s major wars and conflicts, chaplains have been on duty praying with and for soldiers.  They also have been providing needed counseling and have been there to prevent countless soldiers from committing suicide.  Chaplains have now become involved family life.  A big problem we have had since operation Desert Storm is that a lot of families deal with both stressful family members at home and soldiers suffering from battle fatigue.  Chaplains have been there, sharing God’s love, wisdom and prayers.

The legacy and role of faith and chaplaincy has been attacked in recent years, especially during the Obama regime, where dedicated Chaplains were even ordered not to mention our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Could you imagine Trump ordering Muslims not to mention Allah?  However, they soldier on doing God’s work and encouraging faith in our creator, just as chaplains did during the time of George Washington.

Because of an unyielding faith of chaplains and many Americans in general, things are going to be better for our republic, despite ongoing leftist efforts to bring about her demise.  For those whom like our president, have faith in the almighty, you shall witness firsthand America’s soon to come revival and return to greatness.  To those who long for the demise of America, just know that now is not the time.  In fact, I believe her best days are soon to reveal themselves.  We shall soon witness that the faith of the founding fathers and dedicated chaplains who also served was not in vain.  God bless you, God bless America and may America bless God.

Build your faith with a daily dose of The Edwards Notebook, now heard on AM 1180 KCKQ Reno, Nev. Daily at 7:30 AM during AM News.  Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 10:15 AM on Money Talk with Melanie via SHRmedia and

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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Hypocrisy On Steroids

Hypocrisy is defined as: the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one’s own behavior does not conform pretense.

I was watching a recent edition of FOX News Sunday with Chris Wallace. On that episode, one of the big topics was president Trump not going hard enough in his statement against the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia where protester Heather Heyer was mashed down by a motorist who had been spooked by people attacking his automobile.  Many allege the driver to be a white supremacist supporter.

Equally tragic was the death of two Virginia state troopers who crashed in the helicopter they were utilizing to observe what was occurring on the ground.  In regards to the violent protest itself, President Trump did state, “We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides,” the president added “It has been going on for a long time in our country—not Donald Trump, not Barak Obama.  “It has been going on for a long, long time. It has no place in America.”

The president also called for a study of the situation and Attorney General Jeff Sessions called for a civil rights investigation into events surrounding the “Unite the Right Rally.”  But still, lawmakers spent the day after the violent protests condemning president Trump for not being forceful enough in his condemnation of the white supremacists behind the rally.  The protests were in response to the leftist history police having the statue of Robert E. Lee removed.

Rep Adam Schiff, D-Calif., tweeted that Trump must “speak out against the poisonous resurgence of white supremacy.  There not “many sides here, just right and wrong.”  At least Trump got support from former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee who stated, “Donald Trump, I thought was very explicitly clear in condemning what happened,” He will never satisfy those who hate his every word.”

Personally, I find it both ironic and hypocritical that many of the same people who condemn the president have for years refused to directly condemn Muslim or Islamic terrorists who shot down unarmed American soldiers at Fort Hood, or set off a bomb during the Boston Marathon.  Certain politicians are running around yelping about “the racist nationalists,” their horrible actions and words.  While trying to describe president Trump as someone who does not mind such madness.  But what those dishonest hypocrites will not reveal is that as far back as the year 2000 and many times since then, the Donald spoke out against David Duke.  He called him among other things, “a bigot, a racist, a problem.”

But if people want to seek and rout out racists, they can begin by reviewing the long dirty racist history of the democrat party.  They should look at the actions of democrat luminaries like Woodrow Wilson, and his connection with the Hollywood racist, Birth of A Nation movie.  That one movie helped set race relations way bay and inspired the horrendous Jim Crow laws that democrats used to discriminate against black Americans on every level of existence.

Or maybe president Lyndon B. Johnson D-Tex.  Who set up another round of setbacks for Black Americans economically via his Great Society boondoggle. The ripple effects of that alone are still reverberating throughout most urban American neighborhoods.  Let us not forget another democrat party disaster, “Urban Renewal.”  It was touted to be a way to rebuild American cities. Of course, that was never the case.  Actually, Urban Renewal, much like Great Society was a multi trillion dollar plan to utterly ruin Black Americans financially and socially.

Democrats never ever wanted and to this day do not desire to see Black Americans, especially Black men in masse living economically successful lives with intact families.  With a lot of help from the government school system, they keep ignorant Blacks on the leftist political plantation who are very happy to continue voting for their mental, spiritual and economic oppressor whom they love dearly.

Do not for a second think I believe there are no racists in America today.  But they are of no importance to me.  I do not care what a racist may think.  But I do care about many government officials hypocritically going to nutsville over alleged racists. Especially since they ignore the truth about the legions of racist illegal immigrants and terrorists allowed in this republic who see themselves as superior to Americans.

By the way, now that racism is so troubling, then why on earth has the hypocritical government, especially democrats been in favor of flooding our nation with ultra racist Islamists who hate Black people with a passion and still enslave them in the Middle East today.  In the Islamic Quran’ Blacks are dubbed as raisin heads without souls and declared to be slaves.  Some conservative leaning businessmen here in Michigan (who asked to remain anonymous) shared with me about the high level of hatred toward blacks that Muslims often have expressed to them.  Since I long ago studied the history of Islam and even recently helped produce a documentary about Islam that can be found on You Tube.

I just want to let you leftist hypocrites know that more and more Americans will ultimately see through your efforts to divide and conquer America for globalism.  Racism will die off as Americans begin to seriously rebuild our republic as they rebuild their personal lives and families.  Increased economic opportunities and a return to a more righteous standard will also go a long way toward accomplishing authentic solutions to problems that can be solved once the hypocrites are relegated to their rightful place in obscurity.  To President Trump, hold the line and do not give in to what hypocrites like McMasters who want to neutralize your administration.  God bless you, God bless America and may America bless God.  Be blessed by a page from The Edwards Notebook daily at 7:30 AM on and AM 1180 KCKQ Reno, Nevada.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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Good Shall Be Called Evil And Evil Shall Be Called Good

When I was a little boy growing up in Cleveland my Dad gave me a stern warning.  Several times, he alerted me about an impending development.  “Before I would become an old man, what I have been taught to be good would be condemned as evil.”  In the reverse Dad warned, “evil would be heralded as the new standard of good.”  I knew my Dad to be the most honest and straight forward of people.  So, I sadly believed him, but secretly hoped like heck, that this would be one of those rare occasions Dad would have been mistaken.  Of course, Dad pointed out that that the statement about calling evil good and good evil is in the Bible, so my hopes of it being false were completely dashed at that point.

So here we are in 2017.  Unfolding before us is the Biblical prophesy concerning good and evil.  It used to be, at the very least, political figures tried to give the impression that they were trying to enforce the law and stand against what was known to be wrong.  For example, if you illegally ventured into the United States and committed a violent crime, you would face the long stiff arm of the law.

In 1954 during the Truman administration Joseph Swing, the Director of the United States immigration  and Naturalization Service in cooperation with the Mexican government implemented Operation Wetback.  Both the Truman administration and the Mexican government understood and agreed upon the need to protect our national sovereignty, American farmers and business interests with the efforts of countless illegal immigrants living in the United States without legal permission.

After implementation of Operation Wetback gave rise to arrests and deportations by the U.S. Border Patrol, that was widely considered the right thing to do for the overall good of the republic.  But my oh my how times have changed.  Today approximately 49 percent of the American people centered around cities like Chicago, Los Angeles and elsewhere are totally against the idea of protecting our national sovereignty by curtailing illegal immigrants from entering our republic.  Today their opinions rarely change.  Even after illegal immigrants rape, shoot, or even murder their fellow Americans.

Far too many Americans have reversed their view or the general concept of right and wrong.  It used to be that if someone ran for president on the promise to restore the economy, protect our borders, rebuild the military and bolster our national status in the world, they would be heralded, by both the media and the people.  That was the case with John F. Kennedy, when he ran for the Oval Office.

In more recent years, millions of Americans have been convinced by deviant government school educators crooked college professors that it is now bigoted, racist and downright evil to protect our sovereignty and way of life.  Those of us who reject political correctness and embrace authentic correctness are mockingly called nationalistic, because we simply want America to prosper and be strong.

Let me be the first to officially admit guilt to being nationalistic.  After all, I was born in the United states of America.  Despite the ongoing effort to of the leftists to spread their bitterness against all that is good about our republic, I will do the genuinely correct thing and defend her.  Many leftists like way out there Maxine Waters like to point out America’s faults. Of course, there are faults, human beings are not perfect so wrongs will occur.  But the good of America far outweighs the bad.  When one looks closely at what the leftists tout as solutions to America’s problems, those are not solutions at all.  But rather they are diabolical plots to bring about deadly harm to society.  Political correctness is an intellectual death march for America

“We the People” must seek what is authentically correct and work to reimplement those principles so that what is truly right can be reestablished into the fabric of America.  If not, the promoters of calling evil good and good evil will succeed in their mission to bring about the greatest national collapse in world history.  If you like the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, “The Edwards Notebook” is for you.  A page from The Edwards awaits you weekday mornings at 7:30 AM PDT/ 10:30 AM EST on AM 1180 KCKQ Reno, Nev. and  Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday a page from The Edwards notebook awaits you on MoneyTalk with Melanie at 10:15 AM via SHRmedia, High Plains Talk Radio, daybreak USA, etc. Also catch “The Edwards Notebook” on the weekend Captain’s America radio show that emanates nationwide overnights from flagship station AM 860 WGUL The Answer and via www.am860theanswer.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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May Common Sense Be Common Again

When I was but a little lad growing up in Cleveland, about the age of four I did something that was truly idiotic.  My parents had gone to work and my grandmother served me a bowl of cooked cereal along with a side of eggs and bacon.  After quickly blessing my food I was ready to dig in but the cereal was unusually thin and lacked the usual consistency I was accustomed to.  So, upon the (didn’t know it at the time) illogical conclusion that because the sugar was granulate, then surely it would help thicken my runny cereal.  I dumped in one heaping spoon full of sugar after another into the thin cereal fully expecting it to thicken up.  When it didn’t I kept dumping in more sugar.  (ICK) Of course I kept doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result that never came.  What a drag.

Eventually, my Nana walked into the kitchen and approached the breakfast nook where I was seated.  She observed that my eggs and bacon were gone, but the cereal remained.  Knowing how much I liked cereal, Nana asked “why have you not eaten any of your cereal?”  I told her it was rather soupy and runny and that I was trying to thicken it up with spoons full of sugar.  Even at my young age I could tell by the look on my grandmother’s face, she probably thought I had lost every ounce of common sense I was born with.  My embarrassment was compounded when she confirmed what I was thinking when she exclaimed, “ You must have lost your common sense during your sleep last night.”  I did not want to let on that I did not understand why she said that, or was also very sad for disappointing her.

But my curiosity got the best of me and so I enquired about what would cause her to say I must have lost my common sense.   When Nana fully realized that I did not understand, she patiently told me that “the sugar would never ever thicken my cereal and too much of it would make me sick.”  She went on to mention about how sugar simply melts and becomes a sticky liquid.  OK, lesson learned.  Nana cooked me another bowl of cereal that was very much to my liking. Yummy

Of course, when one makes a dumb mistake as I had done, they live and learn, make the right changes and life goes on.  Or at least one would think so.   But when it comes to leftists in American society they either seem to never learn from their mistakes or are they just crazy?  Leftists in government literally wiped out the economic dominance America enjoyed during the 1950s and 1960s.  But rather than allow the economy to fully mature into the bastion of opportunity envisioned by Americans, ranging from the founders, Milton Freidman to Donald Trump, the leftists have over and over piled on economic inhibitors.  They of course comprise of restrictive regulations, increasing varieties of and higher tax rates and of course, those awful international trade deals that have also melted down the overall growth and power of our economy.

To add insult to their injury, rather than learn from their horrible mistakes,  the leftists continue to honker down and call for more of the evil same destructive ideas and “mistakes.” As a result, our standard of living has gradually been reduced from number one in the world in the 1960s to number nineteen by 2016.  It is amazing how many Americans go along to get along with leftists who are hell bent on destroying the United States via tried and failed ideas that have never improved the quality of life for sovereign citizens anywhere.  If only the people of Venezuela had not allowed their government to slide into socialist oblivion ten years ago, most likely today they would be shopping in fully stocked grocery stores instead of hunting rats for fresh meat.

Unlike when I learned at four years of age that sugar does not thicken cereal, adult leftists are self-assured that only more of the same failed socialist/mistake policies will someday suddenly benefit America and mankind in general.  Unfortunately, the demise of Venezuela, the destruction of Detroit or the swamp in Washington D.C. have not awakened the dreamers of doom from their mission to dominate you and I from cradle to grave.

To assure that America will become great again, she must literally be liberated from the shackles of doing the same dumb things over and over again.  To begin her road back to greatness, America must reestablish virtue, critical thinking, a belief in God.  Last, but not least common sense.  Do not miss the virtuous commentary, The Edwards Notebook weekday mornings at 7:30 PDT, 10:30 EST during AM News on AM 1180 KCKQ Reno, Nevada and on  The Edwards Notebook is now featured on Money Talk with Melanie every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 10:15 AM on and  Don’t miss The Edwards Notebook on the weekend edition of Captain’s America show emanating nationwide overnights from flagship station WGUL AM 860 the answer, Tampa, Florida, Talk stream live, ROKU iTunes and more.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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Excuses Or Real Remedies

The old adage “ninety percent of all the problems one faces is their own fault” could easily be applied to many sovereign citizens of the United States of America.  For this is a nation uniquely conceived by the founding fathers, where the rights of the individual was to be paramount.  On the other hand, the power of the federal government was to be contained within the framework of the Constitution.

In the past, American students were taught about the United States Constitution and the amendments.  Most parents used to instruct their children about right and wrong.  Of course, they encouraged their offspring to live according to a high moral standard.  Believe it or not, most private and even government schools reflected the values of those parents who worked to provide an environment in which their children could achieve greater success than they did.

Unfortunately, the stability of decent government schools unraveled and the malicious dumbing down of students and continues unto this very day.  The numerous problems caused by government schools could have been avoided, if only the sovereign parents of several decades ago stood up and insisted that government stay out of the business of educating students.

Some parents, preachers, commentators and others will complain about America’s terrible government schools.  Unfortunately, far too many people doing the complaining are themselves awash in a sea of ignorance and timidity.  Therefore, they are utterly useless in the effort to build the needed wall of separation between education and state.   Of course, government schools are not the only avoidable problem eroding away the greatness of our republic.

It was Jesus Christ who said “the poor will always be with you.”  When I first read that scripture, I wondered why in the United States should that be so?  After all, America is the land of opportunity, or it will soon be again.  But wait a minute, generations of Americans sat idly by and allowed the government to gradually take away the ability of people to start their own businesses.  Government policies and unreasonable taxation has prevented most Americans from being competitive in the market place.  Another government induced crimp in in the overall economic strength of the United States is the U.S. dollar still removed from the gold standard.  As a result, the value of the dollar is tied to the whims of the Federal Reserve crooks.

When one throws in other liberty inhibiting quagmires like the Internal Revenue Service, the rob Peter to pay Paul welfare state, a government school system that is designed not to prepare most American students to compete in the market place, it is not difficult to believe the before mentioned prophecy of Jesus.

So now because of so many government misdeeds, the American family is in jeopardy.  In the black American community, most households are run by one parent.  For many decades, black females were taught and accepted the premise that they do not need a man.  So today in 70 percent of black American households, fathers are not around.  I believe God designed the family to consist of Father, Mother, children and the family dog.  My Dad used to tell me that a nation is only as strong as her families.

In the white American community, liberal drivel is increasingly demolishing family cohesiveness there as well.  Unfortunately, out of wedlock baby births in the white community has reached over thirty percent.  In the late nineteen sixties,  Senator Hubert Humphrey warned that if the out of wedlock baby percentage ever eclipsed thirty percent, that would lead to the unraveling of the social and economic cohesiveness of black families.  Now that the larger white population has reached that level, it is frightening when one thinks of how bad things could go for our republic, if the out of wedlock baby birth rate has the same negative impact on the general white population as it did on the black community. Now in many cases where both parents are present, American children are denied full time parenting. The reason being is in many cases, both parents must work outside of the home because of either high taxes, or the decreasing spending power of the American (fiat) dollar.

Today when it comes to raising children, good parents seem to no longer have authority over their young ones.  The Bible says to train up a child in the way that he should go.  It also states that the parent who loves their child will use the rod of correction, when needed.  (Not to abuse) But States like Utah now persecute parents that spank their children.  Such unconstitutional encroachments have developed into a negative two-edged sword.  In one way, it has produced a generation of children that has no real conscience concerning what is wrong or immoral.  The other is a growing population of Americans who are accepting nanny goat government meddling in the affairs of what should be the primary domain of sovereign morally sound American parents.

Many Americans now seem to pride themselves on being victims when it fits their leftist political goals or to further the effort to turn our republic into a Venezuelan or globalist hell hole.   Some black Americans run around saying that they are victims of slavery, or that slavery still exists.  Feminist females yell about experiencing sexism and how they cannot succeed in a male dominated society.  Yet females own the majority of small businesses in America and are even taking over the sports broadcasting industry on air positions.  If you watched ESPN lately, you would know I am not exaggerating.  Females in America have it better than almost all females throughout the world.  Even government school education is designed to promote females and demote the role of males in society.  Yet the onslaught of excuses continues, while real solutions are shunned and called bigoted.

That is why in certain circles, there is a vicious hatred of president Trump.  He is about real solutions to problems plaguing our America.  As time passes I believe that we who appreciate the good aspects about our republic will soon begin to see a breaking of the strongholds of the excuse class that is helping to try and destroy what is left of our great nation.  As that occurs, real solutions will increasingly take hold, whether the leftists and their excuse mongers like it or not.  The bottom line dear reader is, America will overcome excuses and through solutions be greater than ever.  God bless you, God bless America and may America bless God.  Join me on a daily page from The Edwards Notebook  7:30 AM PT, 10:30 AM EST on AM 1180 KCKQ Reno, or

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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There Are Few Things More Irritating Than Blatant Hypocrisy

Whenever I witness the horrific monster of hypocrisy rearing its ugly head within the government, academia, the dragon media or throughout the ranks of leftist street and college campus protesters and complainers, it brings back bad memories of days gone by.   In addition, I am reminded of the massive societal display of hypocrisy can be overcome.  But if not, America will eventually be reduced to a nation where most people simply exist, at best.

I am sensitive to the nationwide practice of hypocrisy.  Because on a personal level I experienced the effects of having to put up with it almost daily.  My journey into the bowels of hypocrisy began at age twelve, soon after the death of my adoptive father.  He was a great man who loved God, America and our family.  By the grace of god, he taught me many good things concerning the reason I must strive to do what is right and how to successfully navigate through and overcome the challenges of this life.

Not long after the death of my father, there were sudden and dramatic changes in how family life was conducted.  I learned straight away that without Dad around the full force of hypocritical mal treatment of me at the hands of both my mother and two older sisters.  Basically, it was open season on my backside.  Quite often for minor infractions like forgetting to take out the garbage after coming home warn out from high school football practice could be rewarded with hate filled tirades filled with nasty names.  Or a thrown ash tray, from which I quickly acquired the skill to duck or elusively bob and weave out of harms way.

Those flying ashtrays helped in my experience of learning to defend myself utilizing martial arts training.   If the two older sisters committed greater wrongful acts like physically fighting with or verbally berating mother, all would be forgiven.  Even when one of the older sisters stole family heirlooms to sell for drug money or squandered thousands of dollars for other misadventures it was treated as a rather insignificant affair.

The fact that I maintained good grades, especially in high school made little or no difference to mother or the two older sisters.  To be possibly the first black American in America to begin a broadcast career at age sixteen in a major United States city, (Cleveland) was mostly ignored by or not appreciated by mother or the two older sisters.  Nothing good I did was ever good enough or worth recognizing in their eyes.

When CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, BBC, CBC, or even sometimes FOX news anchors like Shepard Smith show nothing but disdain for president Trump, who only wants to see America restored to greatness, I am not surprised.  Those hypocrite news anchors show nothing but love for former president Obama, Chuckie Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and way out there Maxine Waters who all only want to bring harm to our republic through various means, including via a one payer government medical care system.

Hypocrisy comes in many gruesome forms, ranging from private family situations to the national media and political arenas.  Such hypocrisy if not abated could eventually cause unlimited harm to our republic.  For example, the hypocrites in the dragon media all made such a fuss over the “nothing burger” Russian collusion theory, or lie.  Yet every one of those hypocrites who verbally went on and on about the harm Russian dictator Vladimir Putin could render against our nation have no problem with murderous illegal immigrants, or Islamic refugees, who refuse to assimilate into American society.  The legions of hypocrites also support the dangerous and dumb effort to keep our southern border wide open with no physical barriers to permanently protect our border with Mexico.
Time and time again, history has revealed that a well-constructed wall is the greatest obstacle to illegal immigration.  That is why nations all over the world are wising up and building walls or huge fences to maintain their sovereignty.

For a significant period of time, hypocritical republicans condemned president Trump for “not being conservative.”  Yet it is they who hypocritically endanger our medical care system, by helping democrats maintain the Obama socialist medical system.  If a market based medical system is not allowed, eventually the entire system will first be morphed into a one payer system that will ultimately collapse and good medical care will become a fond memory of days gone by.  Forcing male taxpayers to take on the expense of paying for medical services that can only be utilized by females is both wrong and hypocritical.

Republicans have been telling us for seven years that they want to repeal and then replace Obama care.  Yet, even with a president with pen in hand, ready to sign a better medical care system into law they squander time and try our patience.  The ultimate evidence of their hypocrisy is how they benefit from a wonderful medical care system that meets their miserable needs, while we have been forced to watch the quality of medical care for Americans in general deteriorate under ever increasing unconstitutional government scrutiny and intervention.  Wake up America. You can now catch The Edwards Notebook commentary, weekday mornings on AM 1180 KCKQ Reno Nevada and weekday mornings during AM News.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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Do As I Say, Do Not As I Do

There are few things more vexing than hair brained hypocrites that “don’t know nothin’ and got that mixed up.”  They always tell others how they should live and what they should do, while doing the opposite themselves.  In fact, Jesus once stated, “how can one condemn another for the splinter in his eye, while having a huge beam in his own eye.”

Ever since then presidential candidate Donald Trump made his famous glide down the escalator in Trump Tower, the American leftists have been condemning and cursing him and his family.  Not because of horrible deeds.  But because they believe that Trump’s desire to see America great again is repulsive to them.  Both the political and religious left consider making America great to be a horrible deed and will crudely attack anyone who doesn’t agree with their goal of recreating a Venezuelan style communist hell hole here in the United States.  Yet as they want to force their oppressive designs upon us by telling us we should live like peasants to save the environment, they expect to live a life of luxury like Al Gore and the Obama’s do.

Leftist minions have called me bigoted for simply wanting our sovereignty and borders protected.  I can assure you that those rich hypocrites like Elizabeth Warren and George Clooney live behind protective gates or walls. But they want our butts to be in a sling and vulnerable to harmful attacks by illegal immigrants and American hating Islamic devotees who will, kill, steal from and destroy those who did think and act as they do.  I for one do not want our republic overrun by those who believe it is ok to sexually assault little children and destroy their genitalia.

It is irritating beyond belief to witness those self-absorbed leftists demand that southern border ranchers put up with whatever the illegal immigrants foist upon them.  That fact that many Americans are shot, raped or robbed because the leftists are often allowed to dictate immigration policy, while seeking their own protection behind iron fences and brick walls.  Another example of “do as I say do and not as I do.”

Many of those same wealthy progressives and their poverty minded attack dogs have sought to have communities like Birmingham, Michigan forced to accept so-called affordable or subsidized housing for people that didn’t work their way up the ladder of success to actually afford living in that city.   I for one could not look myself in the mirror if I allowed myself to be a pawn of the leftist effort to wedge lower income people into a wealthy neighborhood.  Not only is it a disservice to places like Birmingham, Michigan, but also to the people used by the leftists who are stunted in their ability to partake of the limitless possibilities and opportunities to rise far above the lowly ranks of subsidized housing dwellers.

What the hypocritical left likes to promote is artificial achievement at taxpayer expense.  Such practices do not bring about real integration.  That is because the lower income residents wedged into wealthier communities have nothing in common with those who worked their way up the American ladder of opportunity and success.

The hypocritical do as I say do, but not as I do crowd say that white Americans, especially republicans are racist. But I can tell you from personal experience and observation that it is the white leftists who, like their KKK fore fathers are the big racists.  In the very nice community where I and my family have resided for fifteen years, the neighbors who have displayed any racist tendencies are themselves the racists and pro open border bigots who also disdain those who have an America first mentality.  Yes every single one of them are democrats.   To this day the leftists neighbors who support the likes of Hillary Clinton and denounce republicans for being racists have never said a pleasant hello to me, my wife or our son.  The neighbors who befriended us (voluntarily) were all republicans of varying degrees of conservatism.  I just chalk it up as yet another fine example of the do as I say do, not as I do progressive crowd of hypocrites.

The moral of the story is to ignore the real bigots and other dividers of American society.  It is now time for like minded patriotic Americans to work together in the rebuilding of the republic.  We must see to it that the United States is renewed as the land of opportunity and in God we trust.  While the leftists want to tell us what to do, they do not want morality restored.  That is because morality and self-control obliterates the need for overbearing cradle to grave government ruling over our every detail, including medical care.  The end results of the societal do as I say do, not as I do mentality are broken nations like Venezuela, Iran and Cuba, just to name a few.  Wake up America.    Join me daily on the Ron Edwards Experience via at 6:00 PM EST.  See you on the radio.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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The Ongoing War Against The Most Vulnerable

It is my opinion that when America legalized abortion, she unwittingly unleashed an unrelenting war against both the unborn and American children in general.  The leftists who pushed, prodded and protested on behalf of the so-called right of females to murder their own children, certainly opened the door to an overall less appreciation for Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.  As the old saying goes, one thing leads to another.  That is certainly true, regarding both positive and negative outcomes, no matter what the topic.

I firmly believe that due to the constant multi decade effort of legions of government school educators indoctrinating students against all that is good, we are witnessing some horrible decisions and actions.  For example, it is true that evil actions have almost always occurred.  But in America there used to be a national consensus on the difference between right and wrong.

One clearly chose one or the other.  As a result, there was an effort, battle, or was that ensued to defeat the wrong doers.  The Civil Rights movement, the Revolutionary war and the Second World War come quickly to mind.  You may recall what happened to the general quality of education in America.  Not long after both the Christian Bible and prayers were banned from government schools, major problems began to show up and have been pervasive throughout the decades after that unwise decision.  Almost immediately, the disturbances devolved from chewing gum in class and talking out of turn to fighting, threatening teachers, destroying school property and stealing.

Without a strong moral compass, both American government schools and society in general have drifted way off course.   That is why I cringe almost every time I hear leftists and useful idiots proclaiming a woman’s so-called right to abort, or kill her little baby.  This is just one of the many results of continuing to promote the downward spiral of moral attitudes and beliefs in general.

If a nation stubbornly refuses to protect the unborn who cannot defend themselves, then everyone else is eventually in jeopardy.  For example, little children via pedophilia and the elderly via government death panels, etc. Of course, such evil has been in the earth ever since Adam and Eve sad yes to satan and no to God.  But now, there are those who maddeningly dare to promote and fight to normalize know evil try to convince socieety that they are rights.

One example is how from Brussels, Afghanistan and remote islands people think it’s good to have sexual relations with children.  In addition, many (not all) of those who do not care about our national security are pushing for sanctuary city status and gruesome shari’ah law standards for American municipalities.  Well guess what? Many (not all) of those who’s religion or actually a political movement includes the call to scourge wives and the adult male molestation of children, both genital and sexual.  That is a common practice among the “peaceful religion” of Muslims or (political movement) participants around the globe.  Let us not forget, many Americans who are victims of the wiping out of morality are in support of shari’ah law usurping our constitutionally limited form of government.

Another element of the decrease of higher moral attitudes are more and more shari’ah accepting Americans not being outraged over Islamists coming to the United States and fighting to have marriages between fully grown men and undeveloped little girls made legal.

I will never forget my Dad telling me how one thing leads to another.  That is very apparent when one objectively observes many events of the times we live in.  Among them was over 400 pedophiles going after children.  Thank God they were arrested after a three month investigation.  It is my prayer that “We the People” will seek providential guidance in the wise effort to renew America through the reestablishment of more righteous standards.  For where there is righteousness, there are many blessings.  Don’t miss an upwardly  moral page from The Edwards Notebook syndicated radio commentary featured during  great radio shows like the Captain’s America Third Watch emanating nationwide from flagship station WGUL AM 860 The answer Tampa, Florida and worldwide via

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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Fight Or Wither Away

When I was a little boy growing up in Cleveland for the most part, life was good.  Dad was the steady force that kept or family strong and on an upwardly mobile tract.  Although I was thrilled to have such a great and strong father, there was one thing the plagued me like no other.  As a little tyke I was naturally very thin for my age.  In addition, I suffered from allergies and severe asthma attacks.  As a result, at the time my physical capabilities were particularly limited due to being in a constantly weaker than normal state, due to the severity of the asthma.

My mother wanted me to follow every one of the doctor’s dictates, even the stupid ones. The most ridiculous was not to allow me to exercise. The reason given was the possibility of an asthma attack if I even mildly exerted myself. On the other hand, my wonderful Dad believed that if I engaged in a little activity to start, that eventually I would get stronger or at the very least not physically deteriorate. Dad had the common sense to recognize that by following the doctor’s order to have me just basically sit around and imitate a house plant would guarantee my ultimate rapid deterioration.  Because the less one does, the less he is capable of doing.

Dad started out by showing me exercises like pushups, sit ups and jumping jacks.  He also encouraged me to join him on walks.  Starting out, it was utter torture just to accomplish one meager pushup.  It didn’t help that because I was the thinnest and weakest boy in the neighborhood.  A few bullies from school would try using me as their personal punching bag.  I thank God for giving me just enough hutzpah to not be afraid of those cretins.

Knowing that he could not hold my hand and protect me twenty four hours a day, Dad understood that it was best for me to face those bullies and to defend myself to the best of my ability.  That way of thinking and trying my best eventually earned the respect of those bullies. They grew to admire the fact that despite my less than stellar physical prowess at the time, I did not exhibit fear and fought back as best I could.

Of course, time passed and three months after my twelfth birthday, my Dad was promoted to heaven.  The heartbreak of losing the greatest Dad ever was almost unbearable.  But I knew that he would not want me to cave in to despair, so eventually I soldiered on as only he would have it.  I never forgot his encouragement to do my best.   I sought to get stronger physically, mentally and eventually, spiritually without making excuses even when the difficulties sometimes made me feel like quitting.

Through the years I eventually did become much stronger in every possible way.  However, there were still bouts with horrible asthma attacks during the annual late summer and autumn allergy seasons.  But despite the gruesome asthma attacks, I kept fighting and eventually improved my diet and kept increasing the intensity of my physical workouts.  Thanks to never giving in to the misery of asthma seasons, they are now a mere blip on the screen of life.  But had I given up and given in to the foolishness, I would have remained a weak and droopy daffodil who merely existed in ongoing agony.

So when I survey the United States of America and particularly Western Europe I see societies that are either to frightened, lazy or unwilling to take on the sick challenge being laid down by Muslim terrorists who have vowed to destroy, enslave, torture, or convert us all.  Unless “We the People” stand strongly together against the disease of leftist/globalist ideology and Islamic terrorism, our beloved republic will be choked off from the lifeblood of true liberty which comes from God almighty.  Then America the beautiful will have missed her destiny as the sweet land of liberty and that shining city on a hill nation.

We cannot allow ourselves to be intimidated by the dregs of the society.  There are those who hate president Trump only because he wants to protect our borders and has openly reminded the world that he was elected to be president of the United States, not the globalist United Nations.  Just like with asthma, the longer we take to strongly stand against those who are working to end our national independence, crush our Constitution and remove our representative republic form of government, the more difficult it will be to prevent them from turning America into a borderless version of Venezuela.

Personally, between you and me, the United States is worth fighting for.  Long ago I grew tired of the discomforts of asthma and through God’s grace overcame. Thus we Americans shall grow weary of the suffocating mission of the leftists and put it asunder.  The leftists have been pushing us around for much too long. But soon, the scientific principle of an equal and opposite reaction will mightily kick in and melt away the bothersome and loathsome hordes who have been focused on a spiritually dark mission of destruction.

I can say with blessed assurance that America the beautiful shall brightly shine away the doom of oppressive darkness and will be greater than ever.  For she has only just begun.  God bless you, God bless America and may America bless God.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

America Had Better Get A Grip On Reality, Or Else

Hopefully the peaceful rallies in support of United States Constitutional law will continue to be held across our republic as they are surely needed.  I was honored to participate as a speaker in support of  the Constitutionally limited republic form of government the Founding Fathers left, that was built upon the recognition of our unalienable rights of including both men and females.

Ever since I have been on the earth, one of the pervasive issues of each decade has been women wanting to either take more control of everything, from the home to corporate America.  Just recently, American females learned of another reason to celebrate and strut their stuff.  It was reported that in some corporate environments, women now take home bigger pay checks than men.  For some time, females have been occupying more jobs and running more small businesses than men throughout the United States of America.  Good for them.

In fact, at times it is all liberal females all the time.  There was a time a few years ago when it seemed as if Breast cancer was the only disease on the planet that mattered.  Even the NFL adopted the code pink breast cancer dress code with players running around in their pink attire.  Oh My!  I must say that is a bit much for me.  Also, it was just sickening to watch Major League baseball players use pink bats.  So, in this ongoing age of I am liberal woman hear me roar, it is humorous to witness those same females go to nutsville If an American man winks at them.  All while running around supporting the spread of abusive Islamic sharia law. Yikes.

Think about it, on one hand, females have utilized the court system, academia, liberal churches and the dragon media to indoctrinate most people into thinking, it’s all about brutish liberal women and “the men we don’t respect better learn what we want and what makes us happy.”  “Oh, by the way we want to let in non-vetted refugees who abuse women and convert or kill everybody else.”  While at the same time opposing those of us who want to preserve American identity as the land of the free and home of the brave.

In addition, many of them are still stressed over the election of Donald J. Trump.  I guess you can call it Post traumatic Donald Trump syndrome.  This phenomenon begs the question, what would they do or how would they handle it if they woke up one morning and their husbands (if they can attract one) could legally beat the crap out of them, because he felt the need to.  I can just imagine any liberals or rinos reading this having a fit and calling me names. But that is what could occur if America becomes totally sharia compliant like many liberals are fighting for.

The ultimate reward for battling against the president who is putting America first and is trying to protect us from the cruelties of Islamic behavior like that which is displayed throughout Europe and the slave camps all over the Middle East and Northern Africa, could be devastating.

Believe it or not, the very American females who viciously attack patriotic Americans for opposing sharia law would be the primary recipients of Islamic brutality.  For example, loud mouthed females (like Rosie O’donell) would quickly be beaten or tortured into submission.

In Livonia, MI an Islamic doctor and his wife are being treated like privileged characters.  They were recently arrested for little female mutilation.  They are also accused of conspiring with another doctor in Minnesota who is charged with genital mutilation on a seven year old girl at a clinic.  The accused Michigan mutilators were released on bond for house arrest while they await trial.  I wonder if they were not Islamic would they have been allowed to wait in the comfort of their home to await trial.  The leftists loved that decision.

Yet there was not a single bit of respect from the rabid leftists who cursed at us for daring to publicly  show our concern about the encroachment into our society.  They called us bigoted for wanting to preserve the protection of our unalienable rights from those who are working to destroy them through the barbarism of Islamic sharia law.  Of course, they threw in the usual Islamaphobe name.  But I countered with the charge of Liberty and Christianphobe against misguided Americans who condemned “We the People” who desire the Constitution, Bill of Rights and Federalist papers to remain the intended influences in our United States of America.

To the leftist American females who tried to disrupt the Act for America event I attended, you gals need to wake up to reality.  You called me a bigot for not supporting sharia law. So allow me to enlighten you to the fact that under sharia law and Islamic society in general, 1. Men must scourge their wives Quran 4: 34.  2. Women are beneath men Quran 5: 6 3. Religion of peace among Sharia compliant only, not with infidels; Quran 48:28-29.  “Democracy is the train we ride to Islam in America” and that my feminazi gumps is just the tiny tip of the massive ice burg of brutal Islamic dictates and goals.  To the fiendish feminist snowflakes who boldly rail against Christianity, men, liberty, the United States and freedom of speech, you better watch out.  If the sharia law bigots get their way, it is you who will be brutally discriminated against along with the Jews, Christians and Black people that the Muslims hate with a passion.

This final note to all feminazi America bashers, beware of what you ask for.  Because in the case of sharia, it could come to a town you live in and make your life miserable.  Ask female victims throughout the world, including in England, Paris, Sweden and Germany.  Wake up America and regain your God inspired rightful place of greatness. After all, you are the land where God shed his grace upon and blessed like few others throughout history.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

The Drivel Of Political Correctness Must Be done Away With

Just because London Paris, German, Sweden and other European locations have allowed themselves to be violent targets of devout Muslims, it doesn’t mean that we in the United States has to doom ourselves to the same stupid fate.  After all, we in America have enough problems with undereducated brainwashed thugs who are wreaking much havoc in some inner city “hoods.” In fact, many children in those “hoods” now suffer from post traumatic Stress Disorder. That is the same problem that many American soldiers face after the trials of war.  Think about it.  There are so many shootings, robberies, rapes and other destructive acts in the black “hoods” of Chicago, the east side of Cleveland, most of Detroit and elsewhere that many young black Americans do not know there is a better way of life.

Sadly, many black Americans blame America and the white man for all of life’s woes. Yet it is their brutal “brothas” and “sistas” who are doing more damage to greater numbers of other black American than the KKK and all progressive bigots could dream of.  The vast number of murders, including abortion, the support of the directives of the evil democrat party are what led the black community down a primrose lane of destruction and misery is also to blame, not America in general.  In other words, refusing to seek real solutions is what makes problems larger and brings about destruction.

That is true for any situation including the United States utilizing European style political correctness instead of concrete solutions concerning national security against Islamic terrorists.  Though the United States is not in the same boat as Europe, but we are still in a precarious situation that could soon rival the foolishness of open borders Germany and Sweden.  But despite our obvious vulnerabilities, with both internal problems and national security mistakes via political correctness, we have a huge chance to turn it around in our favor.

Unfortunately, because of the two headed monster of political correctness and many Americans who now favor globalism over our Constitutional guidelines Americans have been placed in obvious danger that could easily be avoided.  During the eight long years of the Obama regime mostly Islamic jihadist male “refugees” were allowed into the country, along with record numbers of illegal immigrants.

The Middle East Christian victims of barbaric Muslim violence were not allowed passports and visas to enter into the USA.  The main reason is because they (unlike the Muslims) would most likely assimilate into American society and become a positive addition to our melting pot republic.  That is something the globalists like Obama remain opposed to.

Many believe that the United States may not be in as much danger from terrorist attacks as Paris or London because of geography, but I beg to differ.  First of all, we have already experienced numerous terrorist attacks that have been both domestic and foreign in nature.   Unfortunately, several generations of American students, including today’s snowflakes are so brainwashed that they literally equate protecting our national sovereignty from elimination with racism while battling for open borders and sharia law courts.  Such idiocy is putting our America in almost grave danger.

The United States and the west has been at odds with Islamists since 1979 when they declared war on America and the west.  When it comes to dealing with terrorists, for the most part our policies of appeasement with them has only emboldened the Islamists to carry out their murderous mission.  In fact, the goal of those promoting and forcing political correct dogma upon us are foot soldiers in the evil army of those who will do anything to destroy our unique republic form of government.

We cannot afford to allow the infiltrators to continue pouring into America.  Islamic strongholds like Dearbornistan, MI, Minnesota, and elsewhere are breeding grounds for terrorism on the level experienced in Europe.  If such strategic foolishness is not abolished, then you could soon witness the tragic end to our land of the free and home of the brave.

We must see to it that the effort of those who gave their lives, so we can live in liberty is not wasted on the whim of political correctness.  God said to occupy until he returns, not roll over and allow your republic to be trashed by those who want to either convert you, kill you or commit America to a gruesome global dictatorship.  God Bless You, God Bless America and may America Bless God.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

It Is Time For America To Lead By Example

During the eight horrendous years of the Berry Obama regime, America was in rapid decline.  Of course, you are probably saying duh to that obvious truth.  But even before the worst president in United States history, our republic became wrongfully entangled in unnecessary international trade and purchasing agreements that helped to deflate our nation’s economic might over several decades.

There is an old saying, “there are some things that should be left alone.”  It is also one thing if a nation is defeated outright by an enemy that is militarily and economically superior.  But in the case of the United States verses enemy nations, most of the time the government figures out a way to place itself in a poor strategic position.  Or to put it another way officials figured out a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.  Who can ever forget how during the Vietnam war our mighty military warriors of the air bombed the Viet Cong so severely, that they desperately sought to engage American negotiators at the Paris peace talks.

The sick desire of American big wigs to risk being defeated through appeasement proved to be the case in Paris.  United States government hacks agreed to embark upon foolish rules of engagement that were equal to one arm of every US soldier being tied behind their back.  Of course, the lack of negotiating prowess cancelled out American military superiority.  So, in time, our nation left Vietnam without securing victory.

As recently as the late nineteen seventies, the United States was the greatest manufacturer of goods and services the world had ever witnessed.  Detroit was the motor capital of the world.  Bothe Cleveland and Pittsburgh were the top steel producing cities on earth.  The greatest concentration of textile industries was in the Carolinas.  Western Michigan along with perhaps South Carolina was arguably home of the greatest concentration of furniture manufacturing in the world.  America’s midwestern farmland was once known as the world’s breadbasket.

Many American companies came to be the global leaders in their fields by first conducting most of their business within the borders of the United States.  Business in America was so brisk that several individual states like New York, Ohio, California, Texas and others individually ranked among the top ten economies of the entire world.  Regulations were not as cumbersome as today and the John F. Kennedy tax cuts of the soaring nineteen sixties helped propel the United States to a level of prosperity never heard of before throughout the history of human existence.

Unfortunately, through foolish trade agreements the federal government agreed to with competitor nations, our leading manufacturers were placed in a competitive disadvantage in both domestic and international markets.  For example, some U.S. auto makers lost market share while others like American motors and White Motors (a maker of trucks) went belly up.  The lack of the incentive to make higher quality products also contributed to the decline in American auto manufacturing which enabled competitor societies like China replace the United States as the world’s manufacturing floor.

Thankfully, the United States is still technically the preeminent national power in the world.  But due to a series of series of past decisions (some fairly recent) and agreements that work against American prosperity, sovereignty and even moral fiber, an about face in the approach to our national decision making is needed.  If not, the republic will not completely recover, renew, or rebuild.  America has a manifest destiny as the true example of true liberty and justice for all shining city on a hill inspiration to the world.

That is why pro American president Donald Trump must overcome the globalist elites in both the dragon media and government.  They are unfortunately so indoctrinated against American exceptionalism and greatness that they only support the practice of making decision and agreements that put the United States at a disadvantage.

Let us not forget, the United States is the one and only society that has the capability to stand in the way of a dictatorial globalist bully government.  President Trump is hated by the leaders of Germany, France and Canada because he dares to put our country first.  Instead of seeking to endanger the USA by governing like Germany’s Merkel, Trump is holding fast to his promise to govern for our benefit.  After all, that is what “We the People” should expect.  The world will ultimately benefit from a prosperous and strong America.

Our nation has traditionally influenced other countries to improve their lot in life.  Either through example or foreign aid.  The wise decision for America is to rebuild her economy, military and educational system, reconnect with our loving creator and seek his providential guidance.  The result would be a renewed United States of America without limits and would be a true inspiration to all who genuinely desire a better life through taking advantage of equal opportunity.  I would that America choose the path to greatness and the best possibilities for those who choose to participate.  Don’t you forget to choose to enjoy a page from The Edwards Notebook commentary weekends on the Captain’s America Third Watch hosted by Captain Matt Bruce 2:00 to 5:00 AM emanating nationwide from flagship station WGUL AM 860 The Answer Tampa, Florida.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

Pro American President Makes Big Difference

One of the most important lessons concerning how to get along with other nations is being taught by President Donald Trump. For much too long, the United States government has been guilty of trying so hard to be friends with enemy nations and certain Islamic groups at the expense of our nation’s safety, status and reputation. Progressive democrats and scared republicans have often agreed to treaties and trade agreements that only place our republic at a disadvantage.

Unfortunately, such stupidity began long before the horrendous eight years of the Obama administration.  NAFTA and GATT treaties quickly come to mind.  We must never forget the awful SALT and START international arms control agreements between the old Soviet Union and the United States.  Much to our nations potential peril, the United States would honor those treaties and reduce our nuclear missile arsenal, while the Soviets would neither stop building nuclear weapons or reduce their stockpiles.

Often, American officials would also allow both Soviet government and military leaders to closely inspect our sensitive and secret military locations and technologies.  However, our officials rarely stood up to the soviets who would not allow U.S. officials to closely inspect their facilities to make sure they were complying with the arms reduction agreements.  Such patterns of appeasement do not, nor have they ever helped foster lasting peace or true respect among nations.

In fact, when the United States shows either weakness or a willingness to allow adversarial nations the advantage in agreements or treaties. One example is the nuclear arms deal that both former president Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry brokered with Iran, while Iranians were screaming death to America!!  So often, the American appeasement crowd only shows toughness against those who dare to put the interest of the United States above those of our adversaries.  That is why there is so much gnashing of teeth, pure hatred and lies hurled against President Trump from various progressive oriented individuals, organizations and the leviathan influenced dragon media.

History has an amazing way of repeating itself. Decades before U.S. international blunders, Sir Winston Churchill experienced tremendous hatred and lies hurled against him by those in the British government who were more trusting of Germany’s Hitler than Churchill.  As a result, Hitler’s V1 rocket blitz of London reversed the utter folly of appeasing enemies or competitors while not dealing from a position of strength.  If there is to be a real defeat of the brutish Islamic terrorists and the reigning in of certain nations who have gotten used to having their way, there must be offensive and defensive measures taken to catastrophically demolish them.  The past eight years of appeasing enemies has caused the emboldening of Islamic terrorists and other adversaries to act as if they can do anything they want with no appropriate backlash.  In our present world structure, timidity and appeasement are a recipe for disaster.

If you have ever wondered why so many American progressives/democrats hate President Donald Trump, it is because of his unashamed love for our republic and the mission to govern for our benefit first.  The progressives are programmed to put the interests of our enemies above our sovereignty, safety and even our right to live in peaceful tranquility, away from possible harm via illegal immigrants and Islamic refugees who want to convert or kill us.  That is a major reason for sanctuary cities.  Where illegal immigrant murderers and leechers are hidden from justice so they can be free to harm sovereign Americans and exist on our tax dollars.

President Trump has and continues to demonstrate why and how the chances for peace and prosperity increase, as the leader of the free world demonstrates his understanding of how to lead and a willingness to stand firmly with worthy allies such as Israel and Great Britain.  Meanwhile, the president is gaining the respect of some of our detractors.  Nothing earns respect like letting those who have tested America understand that now is not the time to engage in such tom foolery.  There is an old saying, “one cannot love his neighbor if he doesn’t love himself.”  I believe that applies to leaders of nations as well.

Former president Obama did not demonstrate a love for America.  Thus, he was unable to conceive of putting American interests in high regard.  Basically, Obama was unwilling to strongly oppose those who have set out to destroy us and our allies, because he was first unwilling or unable to defend the nation he was elected to protect.  Therefore, the globalists love him.

On the other hand, President Donald Trump represents the increasing possibility of peace through strength.  Of course, the globalists hate him and want him gone.  More and more people throughout the world are starting to feel a little better about the prospects of a brighter future.  What many people may not recognize is that by putting America first, president Trump is building a nation that will be strong enough to fulfil her destiny a major stabilizing force in the world.  Yes, a pro America first president does make a positive big difference.  God bless you President Trump, God bless America and may America bless God.  Be blessed by a page from The Edwards Notebook during the Captain’s America Third Watch weekend show emanating nationwide from flagship station WGUL AM 860 The Answer Tampa, Fla or worldwide   You can also follow me on twitter @theronedwards.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

How A Nation Is Being Made Great Again

The first president of our republic, George Washington stated,  “It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.”  A nation is made great by it’s people and their values.  What is taught to one generation usually dictates the direction will take in the next.  It has also been said that a nation rises and falls on its leadership or lack therein.  Throughout the Bible, it is noted that when ancient Israel had a king who reverenced God and held the word of God in high esteem, the apple of God’s eye nation prospered.

But if Israel was saddled with a king who did not respect the principles enumerated in God’s instructions, life within the country was often full of misery.  A prime example of that scenario today is Venezuela.  For many years, that onetime prosperous nation diminished under communist regimes that were governed in total opposition of God given unalienable rights of individuals.  In fact, God’s beneficial principles regarding everything ranging from economics, private property, overall prosperity and national security has rendered the people of that beaten down country helpless, with no hope for a better life in sight.

Venezuela was a proud and prosperous democracy, became the oldest to collapse into communist authoritariananism since World War Two. Power grabs and the overall trashing of the rights of the people have led to massive protests and brutal dictatorial crackdowns against the people.   The awful communist regime has even invited in murderous Islamic terrorists to help shoot starving Venezuelan citizens who simply desire to support their families and feed their children.

American history is chalk full of examples showing faith in God and appreciation for the Bible provided the basis for the founding of our republic.  One fact is undeniable: The Bible has been one of the greatest influences on many of America’s presidents.  So just to appease the progressive haters of America for a few seconds, I will say that America was not perfect.  But being perfect according to certain people with warped moral and leftist political beliefs is not the issue here.

King David of ancient Israel is still revered as the greatest leader in that nations storied history, despite a few mega missteps.  In fact, Yahweh call David a man after his own heart.  Why? You might ask. Simply because of his deep love and reverence for our creator.  Despite King David’s foibles, it was always his deep desire to build up the nation of Israel and be a blessing to the people whom he loved deeply.  King David did not, nor would he knowingly allow those who were on a mission to undermine Israel to get away with such madness.

In our nation, it was president Calvin Coolidge, a man who not only respected the word of God but also governed according to Constitutional mandates.  He stated: “the strength of our country is the strength of its religious convictions.  The foundations of our society and our government rests so much on the teachings of the Bible that it would be to support them if faith in those biblical teachings would cease to be practically universal in our society.

It was president Ronald Reagan who acknowledged “inside the Bibles pages lie all the answers to all of the problems man has ever known.”  It is my firm belief that the enduring values presented within the pages of the Bible have great meaning for each of us individually and for our nation as a whole.”  The Bible can touch our hearts, order our minds and refresh our souls.”

Unfortunately, the current Saul Alynski anti liberty, bigoted anti-Christian, pro socialist agenda being fueled by a hatred President Trump is rooted in a much deeper hatred for America becoming greater than she has ever been.  Those in opposition to that goal understand that our liberties, free market economic principles and subsequent blessings are partially engrained within the belief in the irrefutable same Biblical word and Providential guidance that helped to make America the envy of the world.

Despite the current bigoted progressive war against the Trump administration, I remain optimistic about the future of our republic.  Mainly because millions of Americans have and continue rising to thwart the vendetta against President Trump in different ways.  Many are praying for America, others are teaching their children the truth regarding the good aspects of American history.  Many of us in the media are working together and separately in the effort to tell the truth regarding the issues of the day.  The deplorables are fighting back and are letting the president know he is not alone in the political civil war between those who want America to be a blessed and prosperous republic and those who seek to either drag her into globalism or destroy her.

The progressives see president Trump as an enemy because he has dared to remind Americans that “we worship God, not the government.”   They have been trying since the days of John Dewey to kill God and destroy our national connection to the one who shed his grace upon America.  I am happy to say, at this time they shall ultimately fail.  I am personally asking you to call the president’s opinion line 202.456.111 and let him know you have his back and are joining the pushback against those who seek to kill, steal and destroy our exceptional nation way of life.  God Bless You, God Bless America and May America Bless God.  You shall now be blessed by The Edwards Notebook commentary on High Plains Pundit and SHR media every day.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

France Loses Sovereignty And Liberty Again

The liberty and sovereign nation hating globalists got their way again. I am referring to France, where brainwashed voters chose to further their nation’s standing in the world.  Sadly, because the people of France chose potential destruction over rebirth.  Paris the city of lights will continues to lose that shimmering luster.  The European Union will continue to force France to take in Muslim refugees.  Of course, they are only on a worldwide mission to destroy western civilization and replace it with sharia law.   Sharia law is designed to brutalize women and wipe out general societal norms and decency.

I must admit that while growing up here in America and having the opportunity to see Paris during my college years, no one could have convinced me to believe that the French would allow uncivilized Islamic refugees to destroy neighborhoods and the general quality of life in some neighborhoods.  In the Bible it is written, “My people parish for lack of knowledge.”  Right now, not only in Paris, but in France could conceivably parish due to a lack of wisdom and little confidence in their own society.  History has proven that the lack of wisdom does bring about destruction.  When one opens the door to destruction, it will waltz in and destroy you.

People can allow themselves to be or are forced to accept being brainwashed like American students in what used to be compulsory education but has evolved into forced indoctrination.  The end result is a growing population of pop culture gumps who are convinced it is better to allow dangerous enemies into America than to protect our society from brutes who will rape your women for not wearing a head towel.  Former president and always globalist Obama campaigned for fellow French globalist and extreme leftist, Emanuel Macron.  Obama told the French people in a campaign video that “appeals to peoples hopes and not their fears,” offering a subtle shot at sovereignty protector LePen, who drew comparisons to President Trump.

“En Marche Vivala France,” he said.  It is quite evident that globalists will stick together no matter what destruction, their philosophy unveils.  The globalist/leftist way is indicative of a lack of both wisdom and an no appreciation for history and the results of placing more allegiance to an oppressive European Union than French sovereignty and unalienable rights.  The recent election results in France are one of the many reasons I agree with the Biblical scripture in Proverbs 1 Amplified “How long, O naïve ones you who are easily misled will you love being simple minded and undiscerning? How long will scoffers (who ridicule and deride) delight in scoffing.  How long will fools who obstinately mock truth hate knowledge?

The answer is until either wisdom or circumstances dictates a change in thinking and actions.  As more Muslim atrocities occur and the French finally grow weary of their weak economy and loss of sovereignty, the French people will awaken from their current stupor and repel the madness.  Then the odds will favor a serious change in direction in the 2022 elections.  If not, France will suffer many years in utter Islamic and EU misery.

“We the People” of the United States of America can avoid such long term freefall from greatness.  But there must be a willingness to admit we have allowed far too many destructive elements to become influential.  Among them is the government school system that is turning out millions of socialist oriented graduates annually.  Then there is the breakdown of the family, unconstitutional government encroachment into almost every area of our lives.

But possibly the worst thing of all or biggest mistake Americans have made is not adhering to the advice of our first president, George Washington.  He warned that if America ever turned away from God and his infinite wisdom, that it would not bode well for our republic.

The great Frederick Douglas had it right by maintaining his strong faith in the promises of God in HIS word.  Even during the lowest points of enduring slavery, Douglas believed that because of his no quit faith in our creator, he would not only escape slavery, but also prosper as a free man.  The word states that as a man thinks, so is he and Frederick Douglas not only escaped the shackles of slavery, but prospered mightily as well.  He knew the without God there was no hope or blessings.

The same holds true for America.  If we ignore the sage advice of George Washington, national sovereignty and wisdom will evaporate only to be replaced by a dumb preference for globalist inspired tyranny.  America, the time to choose either national life and blessings, or politically correct societal death is now.  We made a good first step in the right direction with the election of President Trump.  But without God in our midst, the foolishness of destruction through progressive politics will overtake our republic like the droughts that devoured the wheat fields of ancient Egypt.  “I would that you choose life America.”

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

The Difference Between Compromise And Giving In

When one considers compromise it involves two or more individuals or groups giving and taking concerning ideas, actions, or both.  On the other hand, giving in simply means to allow the opposition to get everything they want, while receiving nothing or very little in return.  For much too long, conservative leaning republicans have often found themselves left with very little to write home about.  Sure, conservative republicans win in the battle of ideas.  But they often end up watching their progressive counterparts in the democrat party and RINO republicans stop them in their tracks.

Also, black robes gone wild liberal judges often do their part to even block constitutionally mandated actions of the president especially when the actions positively benefit our republic.  For example, president Trump has been taking actions to ensure the safety of Americans.  He has tried to reduce the deadly and financial high cost that illegal immigrants have had against numerous Americans, either through robbery, rape, knifing, gun shots or vehicular homicide, or billions of dollars in welfare payments and other benefits.

Among the more important duties the president has is to not allow treason against our republic to flourish.  I believe that individual Americans, cities, and state governments that give aid and comfort to criminal illegal immigrants which can prove harmful to sovereign citizens through criminal activity and the sheer massive cost of housing, feeding and educating their young is a form of treason. Thus, the president should step in and not allow any illegal immigrants or any refugees who do not want to become a part of our unique American culture.

Those in congress who insist upon giving our federal tax dollars to American city governments who want to waste money they do not have on housing and hiding illegal immigrants should at the very least, not receive one single dime of our tax dollars via the federal government.

Article 2 Section 3 of the United States Constitution states:  Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.  To those who still refuse to see or understand the obvious, any illegal immigrant who shoots, rapes, robs, or uses a vehicle to run over an American sovereign individual, they are an enemy.

Any American who aids or hides criminal illegal immigrants are themselves guilty of treason.  Any government official who places the interests of criminal illegal immigrants and hate filled refugees above that of American sovereigns or our republic, should in my opinion be removed from political office during the next election.  When it comes to the issues of compromising and giving in there are some things that should not be given into or compromised on.

No nation or empire, no matter how mighty or wealthy can prosper, thrive or even survive once they turn on themselves and compromise their borders, hen allow in enemies who seek to drain them financially or defeat them through invasion.

Ancient Greece and Rome were both overthrown because their governments went rogue and became open to outside invaders.  That describes many congressmen and women, mayors and some governors who are either progressive democrats or rino republicans.  They are so uncouth that they dislike individuals who want to protect our borders more than those who desire to stroll in illegally and seek to destroy us.

It is easy to point at and blame those who seek to undermine president Trump for the difficulties he has encountered in his mission to make America great again.  But to overcome that obvious detriment to our existence as a great nation, the root of the problem must be addressed.   First and foremost, like the Founding Fathers who gained enough wisdom to lay the foundation for the greatest nation in history, we must seek providential guidance.  For without it, America will utterly flounder, remain in decline and give in to those seeking to destroy her.

It is not difficult to realize how far adrift from greatness our republic had gone, as she gradually dismissed the importance of maintaining her reliance on God’s wisdom and guidance.  “We the People” must not give in or compromise on important issues that can either make or break our republic.  The choice is ultimately up to you and me. By God’s grace we will do what is right and secure America’s future of greatness for many generations to come.  God Bless You, God Bless America and May America Bless God.

May you be blessed to enjoy The Edwards Notebook commentary now heard and appreciated on numerous radio stations and other outlets throughout America.  With your partnership, The growing listener supported commentary will continue Blowin’ Away the Myths and Revealing the Truth as part of the rising tide of honest media in America and worldwide.  To partner with The Edwards Notebook go to

© 2017 Ron Eswards – All Rights Reserved

Time To Take The Brown Shirts To The Cleaners

In many locales throughout the United States of America, there have been sovereign citizens physically attacked, while law enforcement personnel backed off and watched.  (the uproar in downtown Berkeley comes to mind)  Those paid rioters and property destroyers believe they are entitled to damage property and even shut down businesses that pay taxes to the big fat government they hope becomes even more draconian.

The progressive protesters promoting violence just to get their evil way is a bi-product of the hand out heaven welfare entitlement mentality.  Rather than teach young Americans to grow up and be responsible adults and set positive goals, students are now often indoctrinated by bitter progressive educators.  For example, one teacher in Oakland, Cal told her middle school students that “it is OK to violently attack conservatives, Christians and American patriots in general.”

When you couple an entitlement mentality with unbridled bitterness in the effort to indoctrinate young students with no framework of reference, the end result is often a progressive drone ready to destroy anyone who does not march to the Alynski inspired drumbeat.

Two teenage girls in Princess Anne, Md. Were accused of burning a “Make America Great Again” sign.  Princess Anne deputy chief fire marshal Caryn L. McMahon told the Baltimore Sun, the reason for charging the two females with a hate crime was because they committed arson “with discrimination or malice toward a particular group, or someone’s belief.  Personally, I believe that such an approach actually makes matters worse in the battle against criminal activity.

Unless one is engaged in an act of self-defense, there is usually no reason to attack another individual or their property.   With the mentality of being more concerned about the motive of a wrongful act, rather than simply making sure that the wrongdoer is apprehended and dealt a just punishment for the crime, the system of laws can sometimes be stupidly utilized.   On the other hand, when a crime is called a hate crime, the act can be dealt with according to the political leanings of those responsible for meting out justice.  Now in many instances, it is no longer about what criminal or bigoted acts were committed, but rather who did it.

In Berkeley, California street rioters, (some who were paid) sprayed mace in women’s faces, burned property and beat up women and elderly veterans who supported president Trump’s goal to make America great again.  In fact, the indoctrinated useful idiots spewed intolerant statements of hatred toward Trump and the mere concept of protecting our national sovereignty.  Yet the police in Berkeley did nothing to protect the patriotic Americans who were cruelly attacked by the hate filled progressive hordes.

So basically, if progressives in street gangs do not like you or your way of thinking, then in their addled brains it is alright to spray chemicals in women’s faces, beat up elderly veterans or indiscriminately damage downtown businesses like they did at UC Berkeley.

That is just a small sample of the madness being unleashed upon our republic by the real bigots, who are seeking to destroy our nation.  Either through hate based rioting or gradually through government school and collegiate indoctrination.  The good news is that more and more Americans are growing weary of such poppy cock and are ready to wrestle our country from ingrown enemies.  Such as those who hate president Trump, our constitutionally limited form of government, authentic education, the traditional family, etc.  But even more shamefully they despise the very God (of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) who shed his grace upon America and in fact just recently spared her from utter progressive destruction.

The bottom line is that “We the People” must give thanks to God and like the founding fathers seek his providential guidance.  This is not the time to back down in the face of adversarial progressive hatred.  But rather, we must move forward boldly armed with the truth and God’s love for country, one another and for all who have eyes to see and ears to hear the truth.  Then together we shall overcome and defeat the hate filled modern day brown shirts and with God’s wisdom make America great again.  Just remember “in God we trust.”  You can also trust in a page from The Edwards Notebook heard overnight weekends on the Captain’s America third Watch emanating from flagship station WGUL AM 860 The Answer or worldwide via Also, an informative and dynamic talk network airs The Edwards Notebook throughout the broadcast day.  The Edwards Notebook syndicated radio commentary is a listener supported broadcast. Your partnering with us is most appreciated.  Simply go to

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

The Truth Shall Keep Us Free

From the outset, I must give the socialists/communists/progressives who are on their evil mission to destroy America credit for never backing down from their wicked goal.  Just so no one gets it twisted, I in no way agree with them.  Ever since the early years of the twentieth century, government school teachers or indoctrinators gradually increased the level of bigoted anti American, anti-constitutional teachings to succeeding generations of American students.

People like John Dewey, despised our nation of laws and liberty with a government of by and for the people.  He strongly believed in a Godless, centralized government that rules over the people with an iron fist.  Dewey and others understood that to obtain their objective, they had to eliminate morality, common decency, God, the knowledge of our unalienable rights, critical thinking and high quality education generally.

So now, there are legions of embittered hate filled progressive minions.  Some are being paid to cause violent mayhem during what could be a long hot summer.  Even though I have understood since my childhood chats with my Dad about the horrendous philosophical base of progressivism/ communism, etc. I still find myself wondering why on earth why anyone would volunteer for oppression like so many Americans do nowadays.  But I quickly refocus and remember, but by the grace of God, there go I.

Thanks to a God loving and patriotic Dad, I was spared the full onslaught of methodical brainwashing that occurs in most government schools where students are indoctrinated into hating the traditional family, God, America and equal opportunity.

In fact, it is the progressives who unfortunately understand that to destroy the United States, the people must be weaned away from their faith in God.  Then the knowledge about our unalienable rights (which come from God) and the importance of the individual as opposed to the domination of mobocracy.

If one studies the biblical account of how the children of Israel, under the leadership of Moses and advice from his father in law Jethro, you witness the first recorded instance where the responsibility of governing was decentralized.  The duties of government was spread out among men of high moral character.  Those gentlemen did not need to an overseeing dictator to scrutinize every move.  Today, people of good character do not require a nanny goat government.  Unfortunately, many are so brainwashed they do not realize that.

That is why government school educators and professors continue in their dastardly mission to demoralize America by indoctrinating students against the need to be wholesome and good.  I believe they want “We the People” to be enslaved under the bootheel of a government that abuses our unalienable rights and destroys our ability to achieve success and accumulate real personal wealth.

If you review authentic American history, you will discover major biblical influences upon the Founding Fathers and our republic overall.  In 1984, political scientists Donald Lutz and Charles Hyneman at the University of Houston wrote a paper regarding the research they had done to determine the sources that most influenced the development of the American political commentary published between 1760 and 1805, the founding era.  This research paper, “The Relative Influence of European Writers on the Late Eighteenth-Century American Political Thought, was published in the American Political Science review, 78 (1984).

The researchers isolated 3,154 quotes by the Founders over that period of time and identified the source of those quotes.  The researchers found that 34 percent of the Founders quotes came directly out of the Bible.  Baron Charles de Montesquieu, a French legal philosopher, was quoted 8.3 percent of the time.  Sir William Blackstone, a renowned English jurist who’s commentaries on the laws of England were highly accepted in America, was next at 7.9 percent of the Founders quotes, and John Locke, an English philosopher, was fourth with 2.9 percent.

Amazingly, three fourths of the biblical citations in the 1760 to 1805 sample sermons (one of the most popular forms of political writing secular during those years) and only nine percent of all citations came from secular literature.  It is a reflection of the powerful role of the Bible upon the thinking of the Founding Fathers.  Equally powerful is the evidence of moral, ethical, economic, political, family, educational, and military decline of America as the percentage of secular and amoral pronouncements increased while Biblically influenced references dramatically decreased along with the recognition of our unalienable God given rights. Don’t miss the powerful role of The Edwards Notebook commentary on the daily and weekends on the Captains America Third Watch show hosted by Matt Bruce where I am a regular contributor Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:06 AM and Saturdays at 4:06 AM emanating nationwide from flagship WGUL AM 860 The Answer Tampa, Fla. And worldwide The Edwards Notebook is listener supported and your partnering with us is most appreciated.  Go to

It Is Time To Stand Up To The Bullies

As a little boy growing up in Cleveland, I learned the hard way that I had to stand up to the bullies.  In fact there was this one particular case in which a bully was unrelenting.  He took full advantage of my willingness to try and get along with him.  I was also very thin and three years his junior and so it was easy for the much heavier bully to push me around.  I was never afraid, but my weak efforts at the time were no match for the bully.

My Dad who now resides in Heaven, never berated me for being so thin and easy pickings for a few bullies who outweighed me by a significant amount.  He commended me for at least not being afraid and because of that, would be able to develop myself and in time defeat them.  In fact, he went against the advice of our family doctor who had been treating me for chronic asthma and gradually introduced me to workout routines.  For about the first year the workouts were very easy and were designed to get me used to moving and improving my circulation and breathing.  Over time, my body strengthened and the asthma abated.

Eventually, almost each and every one of those bullies were defeated in their effort to be a royal pain in my life.  Even the one I could not convincingly defeat ended up paying me a tremendous amount of respect.  That was because of my lack of fear and being able to give him just enough physical pain to convince him it wasn’t worth the effort to pick on me.  The obvious lesson learned from those experiences was to adapt and innovate in order to overcome negative situations and those who choose to be my enemies.

The lesson learned from those times of putting up with and eventually beating the bullies was “not to give in to those seeking to take advantage of me.”  Also, “if it comes down to it, be in a position to overcome the bullies or at the very least fight hard enough so that you gain their respect and they will eventually back off and leave you alone.”

During the annals of early American history, when she was a baby fledgling republic, she was harassed by Muslim bullies who not only wrote threatening letters, but also attacked American commercial vessels.

At first, president Thomas Jefferson did not understand why the United States of America with no history of starting trouble beyond her borders, was being bullied by Muslims vowing to crush or convert the new republic.  That bullying threat was eventually put asunder in the year of our Lord 1805 by mighty American warriors who were among our first marines.  Those easy victories in Montezuma and Tripoli inspired a famous song about their famous exploits.

The overwhelming vanquishing of the bullying Muslim mercenaries earned the respect of the trounced Islamists who underestimated the new constitutionally limited republic of by and for the people.  The recent episodes of Islamic terrorist violence around the globe, points to a glaring problem that anyone accept either a dead person or a Muslim sympathizer will admit needs to be strongly addressed.  Even the Quran’ instructs Muslims to retreat when they face a strong adversary they know they cannot defeat.  But once those they long to conquer show weakness or political correctness, the Muslims will spring back into action trying to find ways to convert or destroy the society they have chosen to invade.

For decades, Muslims in Iran have been shouting death to America.  In cities and towns throughout England, Muslims have been condemning that nation to hell.  Back in the United States, Muslim refugees, like their brothers in Europe have raped women, committed honor killings, etc. and have gone on a few shooting rampages on American military bases and elsewhere.

The Islamic terrorists use of trucks and automobiles to knock people over like bowling pins in Nice, France and near Westminster Abbey, is in my opinion symbolic of the lack of resolve to face the Muslim bullies head on and defeat their effort to overtake our way of life.  The Islamic terrorists are merely energetic offshoots of many Islamic governments around the world.  It is not enough for the brutish Islamists to have their own miserable societies, where women are treated like chattel, and little boys are raped, especially in Afghanistan.

They claim it is their duty and right to overtake the world and force it to exist under the dark cloud of their way of existing.  Sadly, in Dearborn, MI on Warren Avenue there is a display of numerous huge Muslim flags proclaiming the Islamic conquering of our nation.  Such a bold display should not be tolerated or allowed under any circumstances.  The Islamists are actively working through various ways, including our legal system to bring about sharia law upon our constitutionally limited republic.

The Islamic suicide bomber attacks at two Coptic Christian churches in Northern Egypt where 45 people were murdered and 126 injured unprovoked and unwarranted.  America and the rest of the world must grow up and stop the Islamic bullying against civilization.  The only thing the Islamists who want to destroy non Muslims understand is either they are allowed or stopped in their tracks.  I suggest, that in God’s name the Islamic bullies be soundly defeated, because they won’t stop their mayhem or have their come to Jesus moment until they realize the one they believe in is not all he is cracked up to be.  Do be sure to enjoy a page from The Edwards notebook commentary on and during the nationally syndicated Captain’s America Third Watch show hosted by Captain Matt Bruce via

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

Without God It Is Not Good

In the Bible, the book of proverbs tells us that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.”  The American founders certainly understood the importance of sound education that maintains the link between biblical moral absolutes and the future of the nation.  It was my own dad who first told me that what is taught to one generation can dictate the direction the republic will take in the next one.

In 1776, the then future president John Adams said “quote” “statemen may plan and speculate for liberty, but it is religion and morality alone, which can establish the principles upon which freedom can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand.”  That mindset was widely held among the founders and the result of such thinking was the republic that eventually became the envy of the world.  In fact, the national recognition of the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob led to the strong moral underpinnings that helped established the principles upon which freedom securely stood. Men such as Daniel Webster and Dr. Benjamin Rush clearly understood that America would be mighty so long as she maintained a moral standard.  Unfortunately, those seeking to change the United States from the sweet land of liberty into a mob rule democracy of tyranny have been able to indoctrinate generations of students against everything good, while they watered down the general quality of education itself.

The result has been devastating to say the very least.  The founding fathers saw the education of young minds being at the heart of growing our republic and maintaining it.  The progressives who want to politically enslave all of us are working to totally abolish liberty, justice and the pursuit of happiness through the indoctrinated abolishment of morality anything else that strengthens America.  Many Americans are not aware of the fact that most of our nation’s first Universities were founded by preachers and church affiliations.

Harvard, William and Mary, Yale, Princeton, Kings College, Brown, Rutgers and Dartmouth were all founded by preachers and Church affiliations.  Harvard University for example which was founded in 1636 by the Puritans.  The rules and precepts of the University that stated:  “Let every student be plainly instructed and earnestly pressed to consider well, the main end of his life and studies is, to know God and Jesus Christ which is eternal life (John 17:3) and therefore lay Christ  at the bottom, as the only foundation of all sound knowledge and learning,”

Even Harvard’s original seal, which can be seen etched in the walls of the campus today states upon it these words.” Truth for Christ and the church.”  Yale College was established in 1701 with a stated goal that “every student shall consider the main end of his study to wit to know God in Jesus Christ and answerably lead to a godly sober life.”  The college of William and Mary was founded in 1693 to supply the church of Virginia “with a seminary of ministers” that the “Christian faith may be propagated.”  And Kings College, known today as the ultra-progressive Columbia University, purposed to “inculcate upon [students] tender minds the great principles of Christianity and morality.”  Princeton had as a founding statement, “cursed is all learning that is contrary to the cross of Christ.”

The founders of those and other Ivy league universities and colleges along with “The Father of American Education,” Noah Webster believed that in order to secure and maintain the blessings, rights and privileges of a free people, they must be self controlled by the biblical principles of morality.  They understood that once sovereign citizens lose through indoctrination, the higher moral standards, then it would only be a matter of time before they would accept the immorality of preferring tyranny over liberty and equal results over equal opportunity.  Please pray for the renewal of real education at Harvard and against the indoctrination efforts of progressives.  They are slated to begin teaching a resistance class against president Trump’s effort to restore American greatness. The syllabus includes readings on Black, Palestinian and Queer Reciprocal Solidarity.  The course is designed to help the progressives make up for lost ground in their effort to undermine and destroy our constitutionally limited republic form of government. 2nd Timothy 4:3-5 comes to mind.  Harvard founder John Harvard must be asking God in heaven, how could those people dream up such foolishness?

As America has peeled away her moral underpinnings, her shining city on a hill stature has been undermined economically, morally, educationally, militarily and otherwise.  The Founders were absolutely correct in asserting that America would falter if she lost her religious foundation.  For those who sincerely want America to be great again, please encourage the reestablishment of our Christian educational heritage that rendered the original high standards of education.  America is destined for greatness again, but without a return to excellent education she will end up as average at best.

Speaking of greatness, do not miss a page from The Edwards Notebook commentary heard overnights during the Captain’s America Third Watch show nationwide on dozens of radio stations via flagship WGUL AM 860 The Answer, Tampa, Florida or worldwide on and now on The Exceptional Conservative worldwide throughout the day and night. Also on the Freedom in America Network.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

How To Collapse A Nation

Throughout the annals of history, there has never been a nation of any stature that thrive after no longer defending it’s own borders.  Ancient Rome is perhaps the greatest example of a great nation that lost it’s greatness through open borders.  For over ten centuries the Empire of Rome ruled the known world.  She was the ultimate example of national prestige, power and glory.

The purpose of this column is not to extol nor condemn the policies of the Ceasars of Rome.  For there were both positive and negative developments, decisions and actions that occurred during the long history of that great empire.  But as empires have come and gone, one of the major reasons for their ultimate demise was usually an orchestrated plan to destroy them from within without war.  Of course, like many nations, Rome started out with many good intentions.  One of which was to elevate and improve the basic human condition above what it was before.

We all know that before Rome, there had been Greece which for a time succeeded because that nation was the first since the time of Moses to at least recognize that the people should have a voice in the governing of the nation.  Unfortunately, the democracy of Greece ultimately collapsed under the weight of what became a mobocracy.  The diverse mob oriented groups increasingly became immoral agents of national destruction, similar to the Soros rent a mobs that are on a mad man mission of destruction in America today.  Along with the devolutionary tendencies of democracy and the overall decline in morality that ultimately destroyed both Rome and Greece, there was yet another huge reason for their ultimate demise.  It is called open borders, where friend and foe alike are allowed into a nation unchecked and are allowed to do whatever their little heart’s desire.

Of course, not to be outdone in the history of national self-destruction, hundreds of American cities are now sanctuary cities where illegal immigrants are fed, housed and hidden from justice all at the expense of American born taxpayers.  This ill-conceived concept is approved by government school indoctrinated American citizens who prefer any society over the one they were born in.

Cities like New York, Detroit, MI, Chicago, Seattle and others are led by mayors who are willing to put American born citizens in at greater risk than they have already faced in many neighborhoods.  Those mayors and state governors who are willing to even bankrupt their jurisdictions just to house and support illegal immigrants against U.S. law should be thrown out of office.  Obviously, their oath to defend the United States constitution means nothing to them, nor their job to protect “We the People” either.

Sadly, since the founding of this great republic, there have been those who set out to destroy our constitutionally limited government concept.  Today there are people in academe, the media, the entertainment industry and in other high places that do not believe you have the right to live for your own sake.  They also certainly do not want you to enjoy living in a society where your unalienable rights which come from God are recognized.  Or as the founding fathers put it, our creator or natures God.  That is because, America was meant to be a place that prevents government from giving and taking away rights any time they felt like it.

Those wanting to destroy the concept of liberty, meaning freedom coupled with responsibility for everyone, have always been ready to destroy our unalienable rights.  They cannot, because our rights do not come from them.  Anyway, like the mighty Roman empire during it’s heyday, the United States could not be just overrun militarily by our enemies of liberty.  So, the progressives set out to gradually wrestle America into submission to the grip of voluntary self-destruction, for example via the world’s highest corporate tax rates and sanctuary cities.

Thus, after just over a hundred years of gradually pealing away the Judeo/Christian, Constitutional and free market principles that made America the onetime envy of the world, nearly one half of her population now favors the bootheel of communism or Islam over their own God given liberties.  That same sizeable segment of Americans desire our national borders and sovereignty to be a thing of the past.  That is why their ilk did not care when two illegal immigrant men raped a fourteen year old black girl in Maryland.

Their big evil goal is to fundamentally change the United States by allowing in Muslim refugees who want Sharia law. They also seek to ban Christians who are trying to escape being murdered, raped, burned alive, enslaved, and beheaded by sharia law practicing Islamic brutes. because the Christians would be a boon to America.  That was the policy of the former Obama administration.  Those wanting open borders and sanctuary cities hope to use those burdensome policies to help collapse our republic and bring her crawling into submission to a dictatorial global regime or partnership.

But despite such madness I remain optimistic that this last great hope for freedom on earth will through Providential guidance retain her manifest destiny of being a light and example to nations worldwide for people to reach their highest potential through liberty, opportunity and justice for all.  Now you can Enjoy the best radio commentary, “The Edwards Notebook” on worldwide, throughout the day and night.

To Destroy The Constitution Or Bust

House minority leader Nancy Pelosi once again recently displayed her callous disregard for the constitution and Bill of Rights.  She stated that president Trump’s fiscal year 2018 budget fails as a statement of values, but succeeds as a “deconstruction” of the federal government.  I am amazed at Pelosi’s callous disregard for the constitutionally mandated role of the federal government.  On the other hand, for the sake of argument, it is possible that former speaker Pelosi suffers from a brutal lack of knowledge concerning the constitutionally mandated role of the federal government.

Either way, as long as incurably ignorant voters continue to elect her and others like her to office our republic turned mod rule democracy will continue to languish under threat of utter collapse.  Pelosi has big problems with a budgetary increase in defense spending, Veterans affairs, and school choice.  No surprise there since socialist/progressive democrats have for years strongly opposed efforts to permanently help Americans who happen to be black with support for school choice, for example.

Bristling with an evil disregard for our national security, Pelosi and others like her balk at the concept of a strong United States of America because they prefer China, Islamic terrorists, and illegal immigrants to be in a position to be able to overrun our republic, either politically or otherwise.  If you do not believe me, please explain why do the progressive democrats and even some rino republicans favor increasing the levels of record wasteful spending on programs that either do not help or harm America.

Just in case you do not get it, one of the best ways to destroy a nation from within is to increasingly spend taxpayer dollars on programs that do not improve what the money is wasted upon.  Exhibit A are both the EPA and the Department of Education.  EPA rules have decimated economic activity, while Department of Education has reduced American education from number one in the world to last place among industrialized nations.  In fact,  American students are the most indoctrinated against their own nation in the world.

Speaking of wasted money, I have a problem with homeland insecurity that the president wants to expand.  I will explain why on an upcoming page from The Edwards Notebook radio commentary.  But to address Pelosi’s take on Trump’s proposed cuts to the Department of Education, once again she is totally off base.  First of all, nowhere in the constitution is there a call for centralized government one size fits all system to brainwash students and confuse them with common core.

Education is technically the responsibility of parents along with local and state entities.  In fact, schools were originally meant to reflect the great Christian values that were once the hallmark of the typical American home.  Unfortunately, after generations of well executed indoctrination of students, America has suffered from corresponding declining levels of both intellectual and overall national prominence.  Pelosi has said that republicans “never miss an opportunity to suck up money from the middle class and working class families to the richest people in our country.”

I am happy to be the one to break the news to Pelosi, that no one in the history of the planet has taken and wasted more tax dollars of working and middle class families than the Obama administration, with her active participation.  When government takes money away from the private sector and wastes most of it on programs and departments, that is what helps kill the overall economic strength of the country for middle and working class families.

Instead of having their progressive hands out demanding our tax dollars, National Public Radio officials should support a true free market economy with much lower taxes and fewer regulations.  They would  benefit from a greater revenue stream, that is if NPR’s format is competitive in the marketplace of listeners.  Americans are the most generous people on earth. That is a bi-product of our Christian heritage of generosity.  Unfortunately, big government anti Constitutional bullies like Nancy Pelosi and academia gumps do not favor the blessings of liberty and private sector prosperity. The reason being is because it eliminates the need for big government to boss us around from cradle to grave.

They want to saddle us with equal results as opposed to equal opportunity for one and all.  The Trump White House posed this question, “can we really continue to ask a coal miner in West Virginia or a single mom in Detroit to pay for these programs?  We ask them to pay for defense, and we will, but can we ask them to continue to pay for the corporation for public broadcasting.” The answer is obvious, but nutsy Nancy wants your money, your liberty, and to permanently change America into something that more resembles Venezuela or Cuba, not the constitutionally limited republic envisioned by the founding fathers. Also, don’t miss a fantastic page from The Edwards Notebook radio commentary on the Freedom in America Radio Network, during the Conservative Syndicate Show, TECN network, during the Captain’s America Third Watch and other great broadcast outlets as well as FM101.5 the Patriot in Detroit.

Healthcare Does Not Have To Be A Progressive Headache

The republican effort to unravel and replace Obamacare is on the surface a worthy endeavor.  Some republicans want to slightly scale back the gruesome government’s role in health care.  Of course, those wanting us to be saddled with Obama’s legacy of government health care have noted that fewer people would be covered with health insurance if “Obama careless” is replaced with Obama lite healthcare.  It is nice that some republicans want to reduce the awful effects of Obama government healthcare.

But one must wonder why other republicans like speaker Paul Ryan, refuse to consider a real free market approach concerning our healthcare.   The business of heath care should be about seeking the best way to help sick patients overcome illness and enjoy a healthy lifestyle.  Unfortunately, long before Obama care a lot of government intervention and regulations were wreaking havoc even though they may have been applied with the best of intentions.

I cannot tell you how many regulations emanating from both big government and insurance companies that make going to hospital an adventure in double misery.  First dealing with the illness, then literally volumes of mainly inconvenience oriented government and insurance company regulations.  The piling on of Obamacare has only degenerated the doctor patient relationship. The physician is simply  pushing papers and is forced to operate according to regulations that have nothing whatsoever to do with promoting the healing of sick patients.  America has lost over 25 percent of doctors because “well intentioned regulations” have also killed off the economic incentives for doctors to continue in the medical field.

Also, new innovations and inventions that could have been more quickly brought to practical fruition are horrendously delayed or scrubbed, because government or Obamacare regulations plug up the pipeline to bring forth new medical technologies and medicines.   Ultimately it is the patients who suffers.  No healthcare plan that is under the domain of the government will in the long run be beneficial for sovereign America.

The Paul Ryan and company Obamalite replacement is a huge insult to both common sense and the American people.  For too long, Americans have been conditioned into thinking that any change without government over lording is much too painful to endure.  Thus we are now facing the possibility of having to put up with more of the same with just minor improvements.  President Trump touted the great aspects of the Ryan/establishment plan to replace Obamacare.  He mentioned ow it would take many months to realize the positive effects of the new GOP plan.  One reason given was how it would take a long time for the market to rev up.

Well exactly Mr. President, that is why individuals like yours truly have been saying since day one to please cut taxes and reduce regulations first.  So, that while battles over healthcare changes are waged, the economy could have already been growing.  As the result, more jobs, new business growth and better earnings across the board would soften the transition from Obamacare to a beneficial system.  Plus there would be more prosperous individuals to choose and purchase from a greater variety of private sector insurance company plans.

It is usually through such private sector competition that prices are adjusted for the benefit of the customer.  Allowing the marketplace to function unencumbered by government controls and needless regulations, would open the door for doctors to devote much more time to engage in the actual healing of their patients.  That is far more beneficial than keeping up with reams of regulations that bog down the business of healing.

President Donald Trump, please do not allow yourself to be surrounded by those who do not share your lofty vision of making America great again.  Remember sir, that when government tries to guarantee such things as jobs, housing, healthcare and education for everyone, what really arises is a one size fits all hot mess for all, either directly or indirectly.  Everyone else, let meet on a page from The Edwards Notebook commentaries, at various times during the Captain’s America Third Watch emanating nationwide on 48 radio stations from flagship AM 860 WGUL Tampa, Florida and now on TECN or The Exceptional Conservative Network throughout the broadcast day and night.

How Progressive Democrats Gain Political Power Off The Citizens Misery

In 1962 Detroit, MI was the wealthiest city on earth. The former motor capital of the world was once part of a mega industrial trilogy that included Cleveland and Pittsburgh. At the time of their industrial zenith, Cleveland, Detroit, and Pittsburgh were the world’s manufacturing floor. Made in the USA was symbolic of our industrial might and high standard of quality.

Unfortunately, our industrial power was eventually reduced by at least one third. Over seventy thousand manufacturing plants have been shuttered primarily because of political and ideologically inspired shenanigans by activist politicians who fooled the people into supporting destructive policies that brought about the decline of America in numerous areas ranging from morality, education, and of course manufacturing.

Both Cleveland and Pittsburgh are partially recovered with revived enlivened and appealing downtowns as well as numerous neighborhoods that are attracting millennials in droves looking for walkable urban enclaves with bistros, restaurants, parks etc. The Cleveland Museum of art and other cultural attractions there and in Pittsburgh now receive many thousands of tourists from around the world. Detroit is beginning to show signs of a turnaround downtown and in the midtown district. I must admit, that when I first saw the citywide decrepit conditions throughout Detroit years ago, I was utterly shocked and dismayed.

I had to learn why would such a high percentage of one place put up with such horrible conditions for over five decades. It was so disheartening to witness the vicious gnashing of teeth by many Detroit residents against any ideas proven elsewhere to improve the quality of life on any level or issue.

Of course, we all know the ongoing after effects of numerous decades of the dummying down of several generations against all that is good and intellectually stimulating. For example, despite horrible deaths of over 100 million citizens around the world due to communist cruelties, the number of American college students now prefer the boot heal of communism over unalienable rights or personal liberty.

History reminds us that the democrat party has for the most part been an organization of oppression in one form or another. In decades past, democrats physically attacked black Americans who dared to use their God given brains to rise above the lowly ranks prescribed to them by those vicious democrats who’s mission was to deny liberty to certain people because of their skin color.

In time, the democrat policies of physical KKK racist abuse grew out of favor. Then there was a slick switch to non-violent forms of oppression. It is summed up in the Curley effect. As described in a noteworthy article written by Harvard scholars Edward Glaeser and Andrei Steifer in which they described the “Curley Effect.” It is named after its noted prototype, James Michael Curley, who served four (non-consecutive) terms as mayor of Boston, between 1914 and 1950. What Curley did in order to entrench socialist democrat party control of the Cradle of Freedom was diabolical.

As mayor, he used the strategy of “increasing the relative size of his political base through distortionary-wealth reducing policies.” Democrats are or should be known for implementing wealth redistribution, massive red tape regulations, burdensome tax increases, etc. that make it gruesomely difficult to conduct viable economic activities. While at the same time convincing people they are oh so oppressed and need to continue to vote for more democrat party political oppression to get them the help that never improves the quality of their miserable lives. Of course, those redistributive, regulatory and over taxation policies made urban dwellers and many cities overall much poorer. Gary, Indiana, Detroit, MI, and Hartford, Connecticut are prime examples.

Many people get sucked into the progressive democrat party vortex of dependency upon their political patrons or plantation lords. Then they become a permanently locked in pro-democrat party voting bloc. Some others smart enough to know they were ill-effected by such redistributive policies emigrate to other cities. Unfortunately, many are not intelligent enough to change their voting patterns and ruin the cities and states they move to by voting democrat. Thus, spreading the dreadful disease of Curleyist policies to more cities and states. Colorado and Salt Lake City are prime examples of that pattern of destruction, where droves of citizens escaped from California, but continue to vote democrat in order to create the political climate they sought to escape from.

The Curleyists constantly get away with engaging in incendiary class-warfare rhetoric that demonizes wealthy people as exploiters of the poor. It is a shame that millions of Americans are more oppressed today than Frederick Douglas was after he decided to escape from slavery and create a very successful life for himself.

He sought the truth about life in Christ, our Constitution, Bill of Rights and the concept of living well by his own intelligence and effort. Douglas clearly understood that through providential guidance, a willingness to work and not give up that he could achieve greatness. He knew better than to accept the scraps of life from the democrats of his day who wanted to dominate him and all black people.

Today, many Americans could benefit from utilizing the level of common sense and faith Frederick Douglas benefited from long ago. If not, they will continue to exist in squander while progressive politicians implement the Curley effect to keep them on a treadmill to nowhere. The ever growing presence of The Edwards Notebook radio commentary is now heard on The Exceptional Conservative Network throughout the broadcast day and night.

Don’t miss a page from The Edwards Notebook commentary overnights on the Captain’s America-Third Watch, simply the best Live overnight radio show broadcasting across the United States from flagship radio station AM 86 The Answer. Also via the internet on Conservative radio, iHeart, Freedom in America Radio, Net Talk World and more.

Illegal immigration is not immigration – it’s an invasion

I cannot believe that so many Americans are so dull they cannot comprehend the difference between illegal immigration and legal immigration into America. For starters and to our detriment, the United States has allowed in more illegal and legal immigrants than any other nation on earth. Japan, a nation known for high intelligence does not allow Muslims into their country because they are bright enough to understand that the Islamists are on a serious mission to dominate over non-Muslim nations and convert or slaughter their citizens via sharia law. I also know that Japanese students are taught by their parents and school teachers to appreciate their nation. Students in Japan also know the fundamental difference between illegal and legal, even when it comes to immigration.

Thus the average Japanese citizen doesn’t grow up to be an anti Japanese idiot willing to endanger their nation by fighting against those who want to protect Japanese sovereignty from illegal immigrants. You will not see Japanese citizens trying to force their government to let every illegal immigrants including murderers to stroll into the land of the rising sun. The nation of Mexico has a lot of nerve to chastise our patriotic president for seeking to protect our sovereign border.

Even former president Barach Husein Obama approved of Mexico’s right to defend her southern border. In fact, he put our tax dollars where his belief was and gave that nation $72 million dollars to help pay for the construction of Mexico’s southern border fence.

Switzerland does not allow illegal immigrants to go into their nation. I have read that they refuse Muslims entry because of the dictates enumerated in their Quran’ which tells them to conquer the infidels. On the other hand, you have the government of Sweden that allows every Islamic abuser into that open democracy. I guess you can consider Sweden a sanctuary nation. Even though the Islamists have been raping women, burning cars and businesses for years, the goofy Swedish government blamed President Trump for a recent Muslim burning spree. The real reason for that melee was police trying to rightfully arrest a notorious drug trafficker. The looting rioters were never arrested, because the police were to chicken hearted to lock them up.

I marvel at how nobody including Muslims mess around with either Switzerland or Japan. You do not read or hear about crowds of anti-Japanese or Switzerland demonstrators who want their government to place the rights of illegal immigrants above the sovereign rights of those born in those two nations. The first reason is that students in Japan and Switzerland are not brainwashed in school or through entertainment against their respective nation states. Reason number two is neither Switzerland or Japan do not allow their kindness to be viewed as weakness that other nations can take advantage of.

Americans must quickly understand that it is not racist or xenophobic to protect the legal borders of the United States of America. In fact, those vagina walkers, snowflakes and all misguided protesters against American sovereignty, just know you and your allies are not even helping your own personal standard of living for your children. Because of people like you, our enemies are laughing their backsides off at your condemnation of this republic that recognizes your right to express yourselves, even if unwisely or harmful to our nation. But then again that is the goal of your ilk. You in fact willingly seek to give those who want to overrun our republic the advantage by dividing America so that she cannot stand.

I fully understand that American progressives want the United States to fall. There are fat cat politicians like traitors John McCain and Keith Ellison along with many others who are literally seeking to harm America, whether through Ellison’s Muslim Brotherhood connections or John (I used to be a hero) McCain trying to undermine president Trump’s mission to reassert positive Judeo/Christian values and rebuild the military.

I find it amazing and agree with syndicated radio talk show host Dennis Prager who once stated that “college educated folks are without common sense, wisdom or real knowledge.” I first stated years ago on a page from The Edwards Notebook syndicated radio commentary that the number one enemy of America is the government education system.

Currently it poses an even bigger threat to our nation’s manifest destiny than all the terrorists, illegal immigrants and American hating refugees combined. A united nation can defeat powerful external enemies. But those enemies from within can topple even the mightiest of nations if the people are not united on the principles of providential guidance and appreciation of the nation itself.

To fully restore America to greatness, we must reestablish an education system that uplifts and properly feeds young minds. I am calling upon American parents to also consider home schooling. That has proven to be a superior approach toward properly educating young minds. Get a dose of great education on a radio station possibly near you via The Edwards Notebook syndicated commentary. Let’s meet 5:00 AM Tuesdays, Thursdays and 4:00 AM Saturdays as I contribute on the Captain’s America Third Watch emanating nationally from AM 860 WGUL Tampa, Florida or

Don’t miss a page from The Edwards Notebook commentary overnights on the Captain’s America-Third Watch, simply the best Live overnight radio show broadcasting across the United States from flagship radio station AM 86 The Answer. Also via the internet on Conservative radio, iHeart, Freedom in America Radio, Net Talk World and more.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

The leakers must be found and fired

No nation, empire, corporation, small business owner, or even a family can thrive if they are infiltrated by those who are spying on them and leaking out important or detrimental information. That also applies to the Trump administration that is seemingly more infiltrated with enemies from within than any other administration in United States history. Unfortunately, the federal government is filled to the brim with loyalists to the previous Obama regime, George Soros, illegal immigrants, etc. The goals of Obama, the NSA and the CIA still include the fulfilment of the Saul Alynski inspired and George Soros funded elimination of our constitutionally limited form of government.

Soros, like Obama believes that either big government or Islam should dominate over you and I. If it were not for decades of government school indoctrination throughout the republic, nether Obama, Soros or the legions of dirty leakers would be in position carry out their dastardly mission to destroy America from within. Because of the progressive government schools, about half of those born in this country are brainwashed into believing that it is racist, xenophobic and Islamophobic to simply seek to protect and guard our national borders like Mexicans do with their southern border.

Recently, Saudi Arabia expelled 40,000 Muslims who they deemed more extreme than they are from their country. Yet not a single complaint from the dingbats who start riots or block traffic because 600 criminal illegal immigrants were rounded up in America. That is more evidence that the education/indoctrination process in the United States is in serious need of a major overhaul. It is a crying shame that Yale University officials entertained the idea of honoring the criminal oriented Black Panthers. It is a violent organization full of progressive members who hate America. Those gumps have also brutalize Black Americans who refuse to live in their “tolerant bubble of hate.” I have yet to learn of the Black Panther socialists supporting one single idea that is good for Americans, Black, White or whatever.
Government school brainwashed American foot soldiers of intolerance in places like Minneapolis, Minnesota support Muslim refugees who have threatened to venture into prosperous neighborhoods to conduct violent acts against sovereign American citizens and their property. Then there are others from the progressive ranks who are training throughout the country on how to punch Americans in the face who support president Donald Trump.

But back to the leakers in government and the fact they need and deserve to be rounded up and punished. “We the People” must be willing to pull up our sleeves and work diligently to wipe out the pervasive atmosphere that contributes to the mentality that lends itself to such activities as leaking sensitive information to undermine a sitting president. It is pure evil insanity for leakers like those possibly in the bowels of the CIA or NSA to participate in the effort to prevent president Trump from rescuing our nation from those who quite honestly hate the strong pro-American posture of the president.

If I were President Trump along with ferreting out the leakers I would check out and probably get rid of the new phone and communication system former president Obama had installed just before leaving office. That is according to It is unfortunate the leakers do not understand or care that their mission of destruction can harm them as well as the administration of Donald Trump. In other words, without a strong emphasis on defeating those who are trying to harm America from within the government or the ranks of refugees and terrorists our way of life will only deteriorate beyond recognition.

Political opposition on genuine issues and principles is healthy for the country. But for dragon media elites on a mission of undermining for the sake of undermining through false stories and glomming onto illegal leaks in hopes of harming Trump is both unprofessional and potentially dangerous.

Certain leaks could prevent the ability to have needed honest conversations with allied leaders from around the world. Many of whom president Trump is trying to reassure that the United States is recommitted to being a strong leader of the free world, or what remains of it.

I am all for a full investigation. Not on retired General Mike Flynn, but on the Obama/Alysnki inspired mole leakers who are acting like the criminally insane progressive enemies from within that they are. Hang in there my fellow Americans it is going to get better and by God’s grace, America will be great again. It won’t be easy, but it will be worth the effort to make it happen. God bless you, God bless America and may America bless God. The Edwards Notebook, simply the best commentary in broadcasting can now be enjoyed during the Andrea Hawes talk show heard worldwide emanating from Saturdays 2:00 to 5:00 PM EST.

Don’t miss a page from The Edwards Notebook commentary overnights on the Captain’s America-Third Watch, simply the best Live overnight radio show broadcasting across the United States from flagship radio station AM 860 The Answer. Also via the internet on Conservative radio, iHeart, Freedom in America Radio, Net Talk World and more.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

Never ending campaign against President Trump

The election of Donald Trump for president of the United States represents the desire of many Americans to see our republic rescued from utter oblivion. Of course, “We the People” who desire America to be great again are not so naïve to think that Trump alone can improve the fortunes of the United States. However, the president is the commander in chief endowed with powers and responsibilities. Among the most important is to protect the United States from harm.

The president is commissioned to do all he can to protect America from enemies both foreign and domestic. Kit would not hurt if the judicial branch would agree.

Unfortunately, we now live in a time when a sizeable segment of society and the government are positioned to expend all their energies to stop the administration of Donald Trump from properly protecting our republic. The recent 9th Circuit court upholding a suspension of President Trump’s travel order is a perfect example. The surface level battle presented for the incurably ignorant masses is of a political nature. The progressive anti-American protection democrats and rinos verses patriotic republicans and Christians who desire America protected is connected to a deeper spiritual battle. I am basically referring to the ongoing struggle between those that desire destruction and the wiping away of our unalienable rights, personal and responsibilities against those who want a Constitution and God influenced American nation of truth self-reliance, protected borders and national sovereignty.

I have mentioned several times in the past in my radio commentary, The Edwards Notebook that the democrats are literally at war against the Christian and Constitutional influences that were major parts of the foundation of what has been great about our republic.

Among the major reasons why Chucky Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, John Lewis, Cory Booker and all progressives are hell bent on destroying Trump is their hatred of Christianity, personal responsibility and liberty . Let us not forget, the unalienable rights America used to be known for recognizing were derived from Judeo/Christian ethics or principles. They comprise the foundation of freedom from tyranny. President Trump fully understands that not only should we be free from government overreach, but also safe from those who seek to illegally invade our nation to do harm. I must say, it doesn’t matter if someone seeks to harm us or not. If they come into America illegally, they should be quickly deported, and if they commit another criminal act such as robbing or killing Americans they should be at the very least, jailed for a long, long time.

The ongoing campaign against president Trump is also being fueled by his bold stance for the right of Christians to operate freely in society. The Donald has boldly done what many “holier than thou” Christians have been either afraid or unwilling to do. He spoke out boldly against the obvious unethical, un American liberal control of every element of the government including the Appellate Court which now is endangering our nation to it’s very core by ruling against Trump’s common sense effort to vet those coming into our republic from nations where vetting is not existent.

History has plainly exhibited for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear that nations seeking to embrace firm Christian values are usually more prosperous and freer than those where such beliefs are rejected or not allowed. The progressives know this and understand that they must convince you that you need them more than the wits, rights and abilities that God gave you. This explains how most Black Americans remain stuck in the back end of the golden donkey, near the bottom of economic growth and living standards in the United States.

For progressives to succeed in their mission to permanently damage America, large percentages of the population must be kept ignorant, as bitter victims and indoctrinated against America. That is why they so energetically hate Donald Trump, Betsy Devos, Dr. Ben Carson and others who will fight to unshackle Americans from the ravages of wrong thinking and actions that derive from the poisonous indoctrinations of the political left that has infiltrated every segment of communicating in the country.

Progressives like the anti-Constitutional Ninth Circuit Judges do not appreciate our unalienable rights, which come from God. They are even against our nation’s ability to protect herself from real enemies. There is an authentic tug of war over the soul of America. I just happen to believe that the ongoing progressive war against our patriotic president will ultimately fail. This final note, let us pray for Providential guidance in president Trump’s dealing with Israel as she also fights for her unalienable right to exist. God bless you, God bless America and may America bless God.

Don’t miss a page from The Edwards Notebook commentary overnights on the Captain’s America-Third Watch, simply the best Live overnight radio show broadcasting across the United States from flagship radio station AM 860 The Answer. Also via the internet on Conservative radio, iHeart, Freedom in America Radio, Net Talk World and more.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

Andrea Hawes: a great American story

It was the year 1969 when a great American story in the form of Andrea Hawes began. She grew up in rural Thomson, GA firmly ensconced in a nurturing environment. She was born to teenage sweethearts Annette Lee and Vietnam veteran Joe Nathan Hawes. Thanks to the unfaltering mercy and love of God and the devotion of both her mother and grandparents, little Andrea blossomed into a vivacious teenager full of high expectations, an inquisitive nature and high intelligence and an abundance of wisdom.

There is a Biblical scripture that reads: the wise will hear and increase their learning, and the person of understanding will acquire wise counsel and the skill to steer his course wisely and lead others to the truth. In so many ways that describes the life and times of Andrea Hawes. From her early childhood, Andrea was blessed to have a mom who gave her a bedrock Biblical foundation. It proved to be a stabilizing rudder through her adventurous years of traveling throughout America and the world as a rock musician. I can assure you as one who used to be a huge fan of rock that, Andrea’s skills as a writer and performer are superb. Two of my favorite selections from her Midnight Ritual CD are Come Inside and Believe in Me.

Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of the story of Andrea Hawes is about her transformation from free- wheeling young rocker princess who demonstrated for abortion or as she dubs it “murdering babies, into a patriotic happy warrior against the massive progressive onslaught against America. Ms. Hawes is now a fully armed walking, talking, writing war machine against the ravages of the 1960s inspired cultural war against our republic that has destabilized everything from the family to even some Christian denominations.

Her sterling book, Generation X! Millennials! Run! Escape from Aquarius accurately chronicles the devastating effects of promoting drugs, sex and rock and roll over God, family and country. A major turning point in Andrea’s life occurred on the bright sunny morning of September 11th 2001. On that fateful day, she was on her way to work in lower Manhattan in New York City when Saudi Arabian pilots were slamming jets into the twin towers of the world trade center.

In her most worthy book, Ms. Hawes pointed out how a relative she contacted concerning the tragedy expressed a bit of gladness over the gruesome attacks. Because of that and numerous other events, eventually Andrea came to the realization that the thinking processes of many Americans had been ruined. One of the main culprits was the free love hippie generation of the age of Aquarius, death to America and no common sense.

I personally regard Andrea Hawes’s book “Escape from Aquarius” a high quality informative read. Not only for Generation X and Millennials, but for all Americans. You can simply go to #Amazon for your copy. I have already read it twice and will be referring to Escape from Aquarius for some time to come. In ten chapters are the formulas for success in overcoming the scourge of the 1960s-cultural revelation or debacle. To put it bluntly, “Escape from Aquarius” is a blue print on how to pinpoint societal problems and a way to overcome them as well.

Most definitely, the Biblical scripture instructing parents to train up a child in the way that he should go and he will surely not depart is exhibited in the exiting life of Andrea. It was the Biblical teachings of her mom and the commonsense encouragement of her grandfather that were the anchors that prevented her from permanently going adrift during a time of involvement in the chaos of the leftist cultural revolution. In fact, those earlier teaching are the primary influences in her life to this very day.

Andrea Hawes easily deconstructs the evil designs of those who are hell bent on destroying America morally, mentally and spiritually. In her Book “Escape from Aquarius” and during her popular weekly talk show on Saturdays at 2:00 to 5:00 PM EST by the grace of God, she single handedly rescues the minds of those who have been misled in government schools and by progressive leaning entertainers. Andrea Hawes’s unique approach is not only informative, concise and engaging but her brand of witty humor will have you laughing at the utter failing folly of those on the leftist wrong side of history.

Don’t miss a page from The Edwards Notebook commentary overnights on the Captain’s America-Third Watch, simply the best Live overnight radio show broadcasting across the United States from flagship radio station AM 860 The Answer. Also via the internet on Conservative radio, iHeart, Freedom in America Radio, Net Talk World and more.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

You will either be bitter or better

I recently went against my vow to not attend a Hollywood movie because of the unrelenting bias against everything good and decent exhibited by most those who are involved in the movie industry. But being a lover of history, especially when it involves stories of ordinary people that accomplish extraordinary goals in spite what appears to be impossible odds to overcome.

The curiosity bug got the best of me. So as the old saying goes, never say never. So I gave in and agreed to go see the movie Hidden figures along with my wife who had been enthusiastically looking forward to viewing the feature film. I must admit that my interest in the movie was aroused over the true story nature content.

Hidden figures is an incredible story about to say the very least. Three outstanding Americans who only happened to be black and decided not to allow any barriers to prevent them from succeeding. They relied on both their own determination and Providential guidance. The phenomenal untold story of mathematicians Katherine G. Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson working for NASA at a time when black men were not even hired there to sweep floors in nothing short of miraculous.

The ladies served as the real brains behind one of the greatest adventures ever. It was the launch of astronaut John Glenn into orbit around earth. It was a stunning achievement that renewed our republic’s confidence, turned around the space race and galvanized the world. The visionary never give up trio overcame every Virginia democrat party racist inspired act of bigotry. Despite the unending insults and unwarranted indignities, the three women overcame trials and inspired generations to dream big. They showed us all how to never succumb to the sick desires of those who want to see people fail.

The movie headliners, Taraji P. Hensen as Katherine G. Johnson, Octavia Spencer as Dorothy Vaughan and Jannelle Monae’ as Mary Jackson and their supporting cast reminded me of worthy advice my Dad gave to me when I was a little boy suffering from severe asthma and struggling physically. He said: ‘son you can overcome and find a way win this battle of illness.” Little did I know while struggling to draw breath that I would one day overcome the asthma and obtain a high level of physical fitness, that I still maintain today.

When I turn on the tele and view mobs of brutish Americans and illegal immigrants mixed in for good measure grumbling about whatever issue their paymaster George Soros has them focused on, I have great concern for our republic.

But while I was watching the Hidden Figures movie, I could not help but be inspired to fight harder to succeed in what is my calling and purpose. Without giving away too much of the movie details, I am amazed at how those three pioneers and coworkers never allowed bitterness to overtake their lives and inhibit their ability to turn evil setbacks into advancements.
The crybabies of today fail to realize that as my Dad explained to me, life is a series of challenges no matter your station in life. I marvel at how those ladies chose greatness over America hating bitterness. In addition they didn’t run around complaining to whomever would listen either. Complaining doesn’t really help anyway. The Biblical definition of complaining means to be left behind. Most of the street complainers are literally left behind economically, intellectually and spiritually.

The ladies featured in Hidden Figures seemed to understand something I came to realize years ago. Despite the awful treatment they endured, they were still blessed to be in the United States where there were great opportunities worth fighting for. Not many nations back then or even today offer opportunities for even the more privileged citizens such as those in caste system nations like India during the 1960s.

Have you noticed how in today’s America certain people exaggerate problems and make authentic situations much worse for others by trying to destroy businesses, block traffic and ruin public spaces. The difference between people like those great ladies of NASA who fought the right way to obtain an authentic life of success and were prepared for opportunities and achieved greatness and the gruesome progressive gumps of today is astronomical. The rioters of today do not have a real leg to stand on when they yelp about oppression except maybe if they would refer to the economic oppression of eight years of the Obama administration. Obama’s policies destroyed or diminished economic opportunities for most Americans.

The big culprit in the inability of people today to comprehend or care about authentic issues like the three ladies of NASA could is the government school system. It has seriously damaged the capacity of many people to comprehend right from wrong, up from down or in some cases they prefer evil over good, while pretending to be standing up for “justice.” In fact the so-called victims of today cannot perceive reality while many collect paychecks from George Soros to help create bigger problems than the ones they complain about.

I am thankful that God has heard the prayers of millions of Americans over the past few years and has mercifully allowed a serious chance for the restoration of American greatness, power leadership in the world as a land of opportunity for all who desire to be all that God has called us to be. Thank you Katherine G. Jackson, Dorothy Vaughan and Janelle Monae’ for showing us how to overcome evil without becoming evil yourselves. God Bless You, God Bless America and May America Bless God. Please join me Tuesdays & Thursdays at 5:06 AM and Saturdays at 4:06 AM on The Captain’s America Third Watch nationwide via flagship station AM 860 WGUL Tampa, Florida or

Don’t miss a page from The Edwards Notebook commentary overnights on the Captain’s America-Third Watch, simply the best Live overnight radio show broadcasting across the United States from flagship radio station AM 860 The Answer. Also via the internet on Conservative radio, iHeart, Freedom in America Radio, Net Talk World and more.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

The political divide

Recently I was viewing an episode of The O’Reilly Factor with Bill O’Reilly on the FOX Network. Among the topics of discussion was the horrendous race relations in America. FOX News senior political analyst Britt Hume joined OReilly to discuss the great political divide in America. As to the problem with race relations. Of course, race relations could be better. But I am not as pessimistic about current or future race relations in America as some others are. Of course, relations race took a nosedive during the ultra divisive Obama years. In fact, Barak Husein Obama’s administration was the most socially, racially, economically and morally divisive regime in the history of our republic.

Rather than try and encourage Americans of all stripes to build upon America’s many positives, the Obama administration chose to promote negativity. Both individuals and progressive groups were encouraged to show outright disdain for the United States and to never be satisfied with any possible solutions to problems often complained and exaggerated about, such as the tired racist behind every doorknob complaints. Obama’s minions like Black lives matter and code pink, preferred to either block traffic or berate others in order to feel better about themselves. Such sad sacks that they are.

In fact, despites what Obama said, he was no more interested in solving problems in America than the members of the negro thought police Congressional Black Caucus, which prides itself on only complaining about problems, including those that no longer exist like separate drinking fountains and slavery. Basically, the satanic inspired anti American instructed those warped enough to abide by his dogma to constantly agitate for “justice,” but as I stated before never ever be satisfied. No matter what, the agitators are programmed to never accept authentic solutions to problems they complain about.

For example, the negro thought police, their white progressive masters and the street gumps are all focused on turning America into a brutal lower rung on the ladder nation. The nations they admire most are Cuba, Venezuela and others of that ilk. Congressional Black Caucus members have for eons taken annual visits to Cuba to learn from that nations dictators how to undermine America from within. For years, progressive blacks and others have complained that republicans seeking political office do not visit black neighborhoods or address black gatherings. Yet when Donald Trump went to more black neighborhoods than Mrs. Clinton could have nightmares about to explain his positive vision for America, the negro thought police complained from the heights of heaven, to the depths of hell. Of course they also reamed black Americans like Steve Harvey for listening or Dr. Ben Carson for accepting a position in the Trump Cabinet. I must say, my observation of their hypocrisy is 100 percent correct.

Progressive Congressional Black Caucus member John Lewis has said that Donald J. Trump is an illegitimate president. If we go by Mr. Lewis’s point of view or standard, then he himself should be judged as an illegitimate congressman. He does not support any policies that would promote actual economic growth and equal opportunities for those he claims to represent. Both he and his fellow Black Caucus members supported the gang violence and destruction of property and blocking traffic throughout America, but rail against any ideas to help black people help themselves without the need for government handouts.

Another reason to conclude that Rep. John Lewis and others are nothing but hypocrites is how they demand tolerance for different points of view, ways of life, etc, etc. Yet, if you are a republican who simply wants to protect our borders, rebuild every good aspect of American life, leftists like Lewis simply scorn you and consider you not worthy of any cooperation. Such a small-minded lot are they.

But enough of the obvious negative stuff, the good news is that in spite the current racial divide I see a nation that will soon live up to it’s creed of “One nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all.” I see “We the People” of this republic working together to stand beside her and guide her through victory after victory over whatever evil plots, plans, tricks and traps the progressives may set.

I see America reconnecting with her true allies around the world, including the apple of God’s eye Israel. I implore you dear reader to get ready to be amazed at the dramatic positive changes that will unfold in America over the next few years in every aspect of our republic including the inner cities. I believe that even our enemies will once again respect the United States of America who will once again deal with our rival nations from a position of strength. In spite of even those enemies from within, America the beautiful shall soon be great again and united in the grace of God.

Don’t miss a page from The Edwards Notebook commentary overnights on the Captain’s America-Third Watch, simply the best Live overnight radio show broadcasting across the United States from flagship radio station AM 860 The Answer. Also via the internet on Conservative radio, iHeart, Freedom in America Radio, Net Talk World and more.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

To be or not to be a career politician

The Founding Fathers of America understood the importance of not being a career politician. It was the humble attitude of first president George Washington that set the proper tone of how government office should be first approached and then be walked away from. Washington displayed a humble appreciation, first for being asked to militarily lead the fledgling republic to victory over Britain. Then later as our republic’s first commander in chief. Washington was universally loved and could have remained president for life, he stepped down at the end of his second term.

Washington then gladly returned to private life on his estate with his wife Martha and operated successful businesses. He didn’t crave power. Thus, it was not a struggle for him to walk away and enjoy the benefits of what he and his colleagues developed. In other words, Washington and the other framers sought to govern on behalf of the people, not for the advantage of an overlord progressive government that seeks to dominate us from cradle to grave.

Our nation’s founding father George Washington believed that “We the People” would function much better with a closer relationship with God than with government. He along with the majority of his fellow founders, with perhaps the exception of alexander Hamilton disdained the immoral concept of a massive centralized overbearing government.

The book of Proverbs shares with us that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” The American Patriots Bible points out that the Founders certainly understood the obvious truth and from the beginning stressed the important relationship between a sound education based upon Biblical moral absolutes and the future of the nation.

In 1776, the future president John Adams said, “statesmen…may plan and speculate for liberty, but it is religion and morality alone, which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand.” That mindset was widely held among the Founders who helped shape the political, educational, and legal foundations of the new nation. Men such as Daniel Webster, Benjamin Rush, Samuel Adams, and George Washington echoed these same sentiments. They believed as do I that the strength of the republic was dependent upon the morality of her people, and that faith in our creator must undergird it. They saw the education of young minds being at the heart of it all.

I will never forget my own Dad telling me that what is taught to one generation dictates the direction the nation takes in the next. That has never proven more true than right now. Since the 1960s the progressives have been working via indoctrination centers, known as government schools, colleges and universities to gain control of the moral compass of society. They fanned out and gained control of the media, movie industry, and in some cases even mainline Christian denominations have tumbled into spiritual darkness and fell asleep at the wheel.

In fact, in recent decades Christians allowed their societal authority to be snatched away by the sheer influence of those who utterly disdain the concept of our constitutionally limited republic. Those haters also revile capitalism, the middle class, our Bill of Rights and most of all, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who shed His grace upon America.

But alas, another new age of awakening has dawned in our beloved republic. Outgoing president Obama and his ilk tried their best to place knockout blows against America. Obama’s legacy has left a dwindled middle class, a hollowed out American military, the spread of Islamic terrorism via ISIS, diminished race relations, illegal immigrants, American hating Muslim refugees, dwindling manufacturing productivity and no regard for the separation of powers.

But guess what, at the end of the day and despite Obama’s mission of destruction our America will once again assume her rightful place as the respected leader of the free world. Many people (including yours truly) have and continue to pray. I believe God has heard our prayers and will heal our land. It will not be easy as America transitions back toward greatness. But the needed effort will be worth it. Not only will our children and children’s children thank us, but more importantly they will thank God almighty who I believe will openly bless our republic. Lastly, America the beautiful will soon again be that beacon of liberty and light to the world. God Bless You, God Bless America and May America Bless God. I am also proud to announce more growth for The Edwards Notebook commentary which now Blows Away the Myths and Reveals the Truth on every evening at 6:00 PM ET.
Don’t miss a page from The Edwards Notebook commentary overnights on the Captain’s America-Third Watch, simply the best Live overnight radio show broadcasting across the United States from flagship radio station AM 860 The Answer. Also via the internet on Conservative radio, iHeart, Freedom in America Radio, Net Talk World and more.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

Extreme vetting or destruction

Whether sovereign citizens or the federal government wants to admit it or not, despite the election of pro-American Donald Trump for president, our republic is still under major attack. The onslaught is in full operation from both external and internal enemies who have or continue their mission to destroy our nation, they are working to change her either into a communist utopia or an irritating abusive Muslim enclave. Liberal FOX News contributor Juan Williams on a recent episode of the Five talk show was uttering his usual progressive drivel. The topic of discussion was refugees coming into America. Greg Gutfeld, Dana Perino, Eric Boling, Kimberly Guifoyle all agreed that Trump’s call for extreme vetting is reasonable.

Especially, considering the circumstances America is in due to Obama’s evil mission to get as many illegal immigrants and Islamic terrorists as possible into the USA before he leaves office. The one exception was the progressive Juan Williams who firmly believes in Obama’s open borders policy.

The majority of Middle East refugees being brought in are young Islamic men who are true believers in the concept of converting the people or destroying the society they immigrate to. A much smaller number are women and children who are also bigoted believers. Of course, Mr. Obama has refused to allow many Christian refugees from the Middle East into our country. He does not care that the Middle East Christians are more persecuted than their Islamic counterparts. The Muslims are hell bent on killing Christians and Jews, or raping little boys like they do in Afghanistan. I’ll never forget when an American soldier got in trouble for protecting a little boy from being raped by adult Muslim men. The reason given was that is part of their Muslim culture. YIKES

Again, Mr. Obama’s goal is to bring in as many Muslim refugees into our republic as possible. He hopes to have so many Muslim refugees in America that pro American Donald Trump cannot be able to reverse the changes he hopes will be inflicted upon our republic. This dastardly mission is chronicled in the book Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest through immigration and the resettlement Jihad. Let us never forget, that Obama proclaimed that “America is no longer a Christian nation.” Now he is flooding America with Christian, Jewish and black people hating Muslims to try to make his sick vision a reality.

Obama is so full of hate for our exceptional nation that he will be the first retired president to immediately go to political war against efforts to rebuild, restore, reinvigorate America and protect our borders.

The election of Donald J. Trump is a great accomplishment. But unless “We the People” who agree with his message and goal of making America great again and do not keep the pressure on our representatives to work with Trump, our hope of a renewed republic will be dashed. Then the progressives who want America permanently removed from greatness could possibly get their way. Because of a lack of Biblical based moral instruction over the past four decades, many Americans are now far less inclined to do the right thing. My Dad used to tell me when I was a little boy that the government is a reflection of “We the People.” Thus, over the past eight years the government that is constitutionally mandated to protect us from enemies both foreign and domestic has done the opposite. The wayward people lacked wisdom and elected a progressive enemy as president. They have also elected at least one hundred congressmen and women who are card carrying communists who hate America and the concept of personal liberty as much as Obama does. If you are wayward morally and are not at the very least rooted in common sense you will make awful choices, including destruction of the republic you live in.

The American government has been filled with many individuals who like the individuals who voted for them do not know right from wrong. They have been no more inclined to protect our borders than foxes elected to protect a chicken farm. Many in government have been working with president Obama to fill our nation with those who would destroy our nation after slitting our throats, if given the chance. Also, globalist republicans like John McCain and Lindsay Graham have sabre rattled against Russia for supposedly hacking into our nations election process. But those two sidewinders have yet to raise their voices against murderous minions being unleashed throughout our republic.

Chamber of Commerce, globalist republicans like governors Nikki Haley of South Carolina, John Kasich of Ohio and Rick Snyder of Michigan all support Obama’s mission to fundamentally transform America even if it means bringing harm to you and I via non vetted refugees that hate our way of life.

If you don’t believe me, please tell me why they have supported Obama’s mission to push more and more Islamic Somali American hating refugees into Columbus and Minneapolis. As a result, there are have been numerous terror recruitment problems in both of those cities.

Our America has been granted a chance to reverse from the Obama, United Nations and the democrat party plot to irreparably harm our republic. I also believe we shall soon overcome and witness a true revival fortunes and greatness in America. May God Bless you, God Bless America and may America Bless God.
Don’t miss a page from The Edwards Notebook commentary overnights on the Captain’s America-Third Watch, simply the best Live overnight radio show broadcasting across the United States from flagship radio station AM 860 The Answer. Also via the internet on Conservative radio, iHeart, Freedom in America Radio, Net Talk World and more.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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