The Consequences of B.A.M. a/k/a the Black Adoration Movement

By Sidney Secular

November 16, 2021

We inch closer and closer to the day when it will be illegal to arrest blacks for any criminal act. Why? Because all blacks are perpetual victims. They are victims in the present. They are victims in the past. Their ancestors were victims as will be their descendants in perpetuity. Indeed, so much guilt accrues from the treatment of blacks from Eden to Eternity that there is simply no way the rest of humanity can make responsible any black for the commission of any act– even against other blacks! Indeed, even this guilt falls upon the Oppressors because obviously had they not oppressed this wonderful race, none of these crimes would have occurred!

Worse,we rapidly approach a time when the country will be called upon to pay blacks a monetary stipend to prevent them from committing crimes! Of course, when they do anyway – and they will! – it will still be paid because it is always considered someone else’s fault! At least this is the belief by many that as anyone with a trace of black blood has been conditioned to believe themselves “entitled,” it becomes necessary to act accordingly to avoid social catastrophe. They are entitled to reparations and they are entitled to behave as they wish regardless of the damage that they do to themselves and others! In fact, they are entitled to make the rules and because of this unassailable situation, many whites order DNA testing kits hoping to reveal a trace of this genetic marker derived from some ancient African“ancestor!” Of course, once validated as “black,” these lucky “not-too-whites” will both avoid the stigma of “oppressor” and cash in on black-directed GovMint largesse that will continue to balloon until the balloon goes up on a revolution to stop this nonsense. These brainless white libbers imagine that they are leading mankind down the yellow brick road to a racially pure utopia but, in fact,they have put us on a road to a very bad end.

Recently, the city of Philadelphia banned police from making traffic stops for minor violations because blacks are,by far, the greatest violators despite constituting approximately 44% of Philadelphia’s motorists! Of course, this should come as no surprise since blacks, at 13.4% of the population, presently make up over 50% of those who commit the heinous crime of murder! But the fact is that blacks are always given a pass when the situation can no longer be hidden or, in the alternative, when they get too many “black marks” for their behavior to be countenanced. Perhaps we should be concerned about the day that police are forbidden to investigate murders given the percentage of blacks involved in that crime!

The new group Advance Peace Fresno (APF) has a $1.8 million budget derived from city, state, and non-profit sources with the express purpose of paying blacks to not commit crimes, especially gang-related violence. Advocates say the blackmail or “black male” stipends are important to keep the participants from falling back into their “ack-ack” ways. The “logic” (if one can use that word in this context!) justifying this extraordinary insanity is the ridiculous belief that those involved never received “allowances” during their eternal period of“childhood” and that somehow these stipends will make up for their lack of civilizing nurture, thus making them feel worthy. It is rather like the reparations for which they continually clamor believing that receipt of same will prove that their life failures are somebody else’s fault. The APF folks believe that by receiving unearned money without the normal conditions involved in the transfer of wealth, these blacks are proved to be“mature.” Using that “logic,” robbery is a sign of maturity and forcing whites to recompense blacks for nameless and non-existent“oppression” creates “equity”and “equality.” So, according to the culture, innocent people must mollycoddle criminals who “feel deprived” lest their “deprivation” leads to further unlawful behavior for which, of course, they are not really to blame – yada, yada, yada & etc.

The other leftist meme or corollary to this socialist – and stupid – way of thinking is the belief that being poor creates the need or impulse to do drugs and otherwise get involved in destructive behavior such as committing crimes. This is,more often than not the case, with blacks. However,that same statement cannot be said by the left with respect to other groups even if they suffer from poverty. Now, there is a reason for this. Many largely white poor rural areas do not have higher crime rates than the rates found in wealthier areas. Indeed, it was noteworthy news some years ago – when such things could be publicly disseminated! – that the statistically poorest town in America was nearly all white and had almost no crime. It was once commonplace in rural areas, poor and otherwise, that doors and windows were left unlocked since robberies and home invasions were virtually unknown. In our modern multicultural society, trust evaporates proportionately to the degree of the heterogeneity of the population – that is, its ethnic, religious and most especially racial makeup.

As well, it is generally the case that when large numbers of blacks move into an area, other racial groups and especially whites, move out. This is called “white flight.” Excuses are given such as the need to have better schools or go where taxes are lower instead of identifying the exodus as based on the natural need to be around those to whom one feels closer racially or culturally. However, it is also admitted – quietly, of course – that any influx of blacks seriously debases the community at all levels. For some reason, black anti-social behavior is blamed on whites discriminating against them, whereas the whites simply wish to live in a civilized society and not be victims of ongoing black criminality. Hence, “white flight.”

Jason Corburn, a Berkeley, UC professor justifies the Advance Peace Fresno program by stating that over an 18 month period, $20, 000 was spent to keep 40 blacks from shooting each other. He estimates that 20 to 50 shootings were prevented that way. However, the blackmail would have to be continued indefinitely to see if it really worked! This is simply not economically feasible, especially as the number of perps who required such economic maintenance would naturally continue to grow. There are 25,000 gang members in Fresno. What happens if they all demand money to keep from participating in their normal behavior? Can you imagine how quickly larger urban areas would be bankrupted by employing such a program and can you also imagine how long it would be before the amount involved, however great, would prove insufficient to restrain their natural way of life? Logic was never a strong suit of ivory tower leftist intellectuals.

There’s a much easier and more logical way to stop the shootings. Just get serious about responding to the menace of gangs.Arrest gang leaders and put them away for long prison terms. Outlawing them altogether would solve or at least to some extent, alleviate the problem. There’s no reason to tolerate them as gangs are not fraternal groups that represent various well-intentioned behavioral goals but, rather, they are the stimulus for much of urban and even suburban crime. Such a program would lighten the judicial caseload and would allow for getting rid of the plea bargains that plague a judicial system often, itself, on trial. As well, it would lessen the opportunities for many felons to perpetuate their criminal activities and influences.

Such a response would also lead a campaign to stop “de-criminalizing” lesser violations because there is often a very fine line between minor and major crimes! Usually, such distinctions serve as an excuse to let blacks off the hook enabling them to return to their criminal activities. For the fact is, lesser crimes usually lead to more serious crimes especially if they are not punished! Not punishing a criminal for a lesser crime not only leads to more crime, but poisons the public’s perception of the police,feeding into anti-police propaganda and lessening respect for law and order. The thin blue line will get even thinner if the police are not properly supported and funded and, worst of all, it leads to good cops quitting the force and leaving behind those whose behavior justifies all the anti-police propaganda!

Victims of crime, no matter their background, income, or political affiliation are supposed to be protected. Criminals, no matter who they are, are supposed to face the consequences of breaking the law. Today, the scales of justice are out of balance and weighed down against the politically unfashionable. The rise of Soros’ and Bloomberg’s “progressive” prosecutors pose one of the greatest threats to the rule of law. These legal ideologues have seized control of district and states attorney’s offices all over the country virtually putting an end to the true “rule of law.” In many major cities, they absolutely refuse to charge minority criminals with entire categories of misdemeanors including petty crime, shoplifting and vagrancy. In Chicago, theft under $1,000 goes unaddressed and as a result, this class of crime has risen exponentially. In Philadelphia, drunk drivers and some burglars are released without bail. In Baltimore, the “Baltimoronic” States’ Attorney, Marilyn Mosby, already steeped in unethical political dealings, declared that the war on drugs “over” in the midst of the deadliest drug crisis in the history of that city. In a way, however, she is right! Once one side surrenders, a war is indeed “over.”

This is another example in which once the blacks engage in criminal behavior to a degree that can neither be hidden nor ignored, the matter is “solved” by letting the criminals go unpunished or, in the alternative, pardoned for their excesses! This tactic results in a new downward trajectory of “acceptable community standards,” a spiral that can go lower virtually in perpetuity. In Los Angeles, the Soros’ supported District Attorney – who is fond of releasing convicts from prison indiscriminately – has stopped enforcing laws against disturbing the peace, resisting arrest and making criminal threats against citizens. These DAs render their cities “dead on their arrival” in their work with woke mayors in legalizing disorder. Democrat mayors everywhere have de-prioritized enforcement of quality-of-life laws by hamstringing law enforcement to the point at which either fewer arrests are made or good police officers simply quit. Tens of millions of decent Americans suffer the daily indignities of having their property vandalized and/or stolen while having to walk on needle strewn, excrement covered sidewalks, all thewhile being denied safe access to parks and public places paid for by their tax dollars.

The quality of life is further lowered by virtue of such things as ignored noise complaints! Why? Because pulsating and pounding bass-based rap-crap is not considered noise but rather, it is now part of the new norm in community standards and popular music! Also unaddressed are property damage and drug dealing accompanied by wayward shots that injure and kill innocent bystanders. These intolerable conditions heat up the urban pressure cooker, frustrating people and, in some cases,making them prone to criminal acts themselves. Anti-enforcement policies only cause insecurity and result in more crime,often from people who otherwise would remain law abiding.

The opposite approach to “quality-of-life” crimes – that is where they are properly punished – would demonstrate that the authorities are serious about protecting citizens and put a damper on the escalation of minor crimes that eventually evolve into major ones. This approach, dubbed “broken windows”, is invariably successful in reducing crime. Punishment proportionate to the offense is a necessary first step in reducing the crime rate. Yet, the apparently demon-driven Senate Democrats have unleashed a flood of proposed legislation aimed at retroactively reducing the sentences of gang members, crack cocaine dealers, and fentanyl traffickers. These ideas are unfathomable under any circumstances but are even more so in the midst of the worst drug crisis and urban murder surge in American history. Our legal system is infected with a metastasizing cancer of political correctness and racially motivated prosecutions – or rather, lack there of – that are poisoning America’s trust in the justice system. The obviously overblown response to the so-called J6 “insurrection” and the extremely barbaric treatment of the arrested protesters – none of whom was part of what actually was illegal! –is as unworthy of American “justice” as letting BLM and Antifa get away with their truly insurrectionist activities in 2020. These continue in Portland and nothing is being done about it. If this situation is not brought under control,a repressive and oppressive Communist dictatorship is sure to follow. After all, who will be able to stop it? Certainly, not our justice system .

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Factors and Feelings That Fed the Frenzied Riots of 2020

By Sid Secular

By August 2020, the demon-driven mainstream media at the behest of their liberal overlords had riled up the ignorant, the gullible, the perverse, the fanatics, and the politically correct conformists among the young and otherwise immature of all ages so as to engage them in riots, demonstrations, lootings, arsons, culture mulching and general waywardness. The catalyst used to produce this poison potion was the media’s concentration on promoting angst among the easily offended to produce conflict with normal folk who did not see evil intent everywhere and were happy enough with their hopes of a second Trump term.

Of course, as in all conflicts, there has to be a “cause,” whether that cause is Fort Sumter or the battleship Maine or the Lusitania or Pearl Harbor, wars – even culture wars – require a symbolic, “call to battle” that seemingly cannot be ignored by the faithful. That “symbol” in 2020 was the death of a ne’er-do-well, meritless low-life, ghetto ghoul named George Floyd. The “phenomenal phenomena” that created an outlandishly big “to-do” over the death of a criminal “nothing-burger” by a self-administered overdose of fentanyl – and no, he wasn’t killed by the cops! –roughly coincided with a national quarantine of economic, cultural and social life that emasculated the US economy and allowed Big Brother at all levels of government to strangle the national psyche via face mask mandates, “social(ist) distancing”and demands for the use of deadly experimental“vaccines.”

Unemployment claims that under Trump’s leadership had bottomed out at around 3.5% —as low as it could go in a fluid capitalist economy –soared to nearly 10% representing some 31.5 million unemployed. The bi-coastal elites stood above the fray while producing frayed nerves in the “blue” States and cities they governed. Meanwhile, the previously recovering but now economically stagnant “fly-over” country took it on the chin and shins, having been hobbled with the closure and bankruptcy of almost half of their small businesses now designated as “non-essential” and therefore,closed.

The ire felt by “right-thinking” people over the Left’s contrived fiery “police/white racism” meme added to the inflammatory atmosphere created when liquor stores, casinos, abortion “clinics” and porno parlors were deemed “essential” while churches, small retail stores, restaurants and groceries were shuttered having been slapped with the sobriquet, “non-essential.” As well, big box stores such as Walmart and Target were open for business while local merchants whose stores were never crowded to the point of health concerns, remained forcibly closed. Very soon it became obvious that the Deep State was waging war not against COVID but against America’s small businesses while the multinationals remained undisturbed.

Forty percent of Americans earning less than $40,000 lost their jobs. Many have never returned to work because stimulus payments, food stamp supplements and forgiveness of rent when taken together exceeded their salaries in terms of overall dollars. As well, those now out of work were needed at home to care for children officially excused from school and left to their own devices – technological and otherwise –without adult supervision.

But the lockdowns and the phony George Floyd clap-trap were not the only catalysts for unrest. Inner-city “youths” – also known as blacks – who are always looking for something to steal and/or destroy, were eager recruits for Soros-funded makeshift mobs and their palettes of “throwing bricks” delivered by trucks while they themselves were delivered to the places designated for violence by shiny new buses. These happy hooligans were soon joined in their rampages by college students, recent graduates and dropouts all burdened by student tuition debt and further enraged that their institutions of learning never told them that their “education” was useless for earning a living. So as their newfangled courses and degrees had no hope of providing a living wage, they naturally blamed society,something that libbers of all stripes are wont to do.

Thus, when the good weather rolled around, these “young academics” were itching to demonstrate their dissatisfaction and looked to find allies to cover their educated rumps. The result was a cohort of malcontents that easily became foot soldiers for the organized and subsidized BLM and Antifa brigades. Of course, insult was added to injury when many in this callow corps finding themselves in low-wage jobs, retreated to Marxist poop to explain their lack of upward economic mobility and decrying society’s culpability in not appreciating their woke genius and potential. COVID-caused mass quarantine combined with the economic tsunami became tinder for the public firestorm of rioting set off by media agitation over the perfectly predictable demise of George Floyd during an arrest for yet another crime.

These conflagrations inevitably sparked further “youthful” histrionics. For instance, during the so-called “demonstrations,” a TikTok video went viral on social media. Remember, it only takes a few “tick-tocks” of the clock for such things to encircle the globe. The video was disseminated by a “ticked-off” recent Harvard graduate of the black variety who threatened to stab anyone who desecrated the holy name of Black Lives Matter by saying, “All Lives Matter.” Her overblown melodramatic declaration won a huge audience – as was, of course, intended. However, her failure to consider “real life consequences” came into play when the video came to the attention of the company Deloitte US, a world-wide financial firm that had planned to give the graduate an internship later in the summer. Needless to say, the firm decided it wasn’t wise to employ someone who threatened to kill anyone who said something with which she personally disagreed – even if she was black!

In response to her sudden loss of opportunity, this “Harvard alum” posted a new video showing her weeping while curled in a near-fetal position and complaining how the world – and especially Deloitte – was unfair and hurtful to her. This video was posted for the world to “share” her pain. In the Woke culture, pain is supposed to be shared not so much to alleviate one person’s pain, but to assure that everyone is miserable. This strategy is analogous to the Marxist principle that the haves are to share everything with the have-nots so that everyone can feel good and “equity” can be obtained. Yeah . . .

Thus the Harvard harridan instantly became the poster girl for BAM, the current frenzied Black Adoration Movement, a new zeitgeist of black worship whereby blacks are said to have invented everything and can do no wrong for two reasons: first, because of the magical melanin in their skin that confers black privilege to the degree of its concentration – that is, the blacker the better! This results in  “hue” – black – “mans” individuals or groups getting away with criminal behavior against“humans” who are not so endowed – that is, whites!

The second reason arises from the unrelenting victimization throughout all history of all blacks by – naturally! – whites. Thus black violence is justified and the criminals remain unpunished. This stunningly stupid swill should cause millions of decent, intelligent Americans of all races to revolt against the destruction of our history and the communist takeover and ongoing transformation of our society including attacks on law enforcement and the outrageous behavior of the raging revolutionaries heretofore presented.

The main iteration of today’s male leftist “randy revolutionary” involves ongoing mindless pronouncements couched in vile profanity while having his pants located just above his knees. Add to this our “hero’s” endless taunting of the police and the use of spray paint to vandalize monuments of actual heroes of the Historic American Nation and you get a good idea of the type. Of course, the use of spray paint has for years done double duty by creating the “art” of graffiti, dubbed as such by a debauched culture. Nonetheless, the establishment recognizes that these rioters and looters have delicate egos and must therefore be handled with care as befits the fragile beings that they are, lest they suffer injury from the macro number of micro-aggressions that abound in their delusional world. Indeed, most of the middle class snowflakes melt away like butter on milquetoast anytime their bluffs, blusters, and banalities are in any way challenged.

Earlier generations of protesters, despite carping about “the system” did not incur mountains of debt but generally went to work, bought affordable homes and started families after their period of cultural revolt – albeit such families became increasingly dysfunctional as a result of our increasingly dysfunctional culture. Indeed, that culture eventually saw the very basis of civilization – the family – in extremis arising from divorce, contraception and abortion and the increasing temptation to do one’s own thing and “let it all hang out.” Over time,personal debt increased while savings shrunk to pitiable levels when compared with other Western countries. And of course, nothing flourishes in unrelieved debt, neither families nor nations, and so the consequences became obvious.

While all this was going on, the Cultural Marxists (i.e.communists) were taking control of the curricula in public schools and most private schools as well; indeed, they became the new Educational Establishment. Today, freedom of speech in the classroom depends entirely upon whether or not the Left agrees with what is being said while those on the Left are permitted to shout down all opposing and conservative views to prevent them from being presented and debated. Now college students and recent graduates are woke; that is, they are godless, arrogant, ignorant and violent, people who are wont to strut and demand, but who melt away when any heat is directed their way. They have degrees but are poorly educated. They are broke but have enough money to buy pot. They are ambitious but ignorant on how to plan for the future. These are the ingredients of rot, riot, and a retrograde revolution. Universities are amply funded by American tax dollars through student loans together with grants from multi-million dollar Foundations who ask only for ideological obedience – to the Left, of course!

But those same universities provide no educational foundations for their charges! Bachelor’s degrees have become the 21st century equivalent of a high school diploma and are recognized merely as the first step in getting an education that may lead to professional careers! Why? Because much of what is “taught” in college is remedial education that should have been taught in high school. Nevertheless, those who obtain these pseudo BA degrees believe that they should be counted among the educational elite and all that that belief entails. When the BA no longer garners such intellectual gravitas, millions of debt-racked dolts have become conditioned for social discontent including looting,riots and vandalism. This situation is little different from the French peasants whose poverty and helplessness primed them for Revolution.However, unlike our present revolutionaries, the French peasants at least had real reasons for their discontent!

The “belea-gored” middle class, especially in the white suburbs, for the most part did not join the radicalized rioters and ghetto ghouls in their violence, looting and destruction especially as their businesses were targeted after their jobs were lost in the fake “plannedemic.” Small stores that had somehow endured two months of shutdowns could not survive the flames and looting that devoured entire city blocks in what remained of many blue, left-run minority favored, major metro areas. The nation’s wealthiest, from their fortresses in Malibu, Silicon Valley and other favored zip codes played the Jacobin role of cheering on violent protests, smug in the knowledge that they were exempt from the consequences of their follies as was illustrated when a BLM mob was tear gassed while trying to enter Beverly Hills! There are some things the most sensitive of liberals will not accept, even from blacks!

The absurdity and irony of this whole scenario is that the system these perps claimed they hated because they were being ignored and denied was in the process of being corrected and by the very president whom they despised because he was no longer a “celebrity!” Donald Trump’s policies had just begun to arrest decades of economic stagnation and was in the process of achieving record low youth and minority unemployment. As a result, the rioters covered over their own poor personal choices with a veneer of “cosmic injustice” and the damnation of a system that was already in the process of being co-opted by their Cultural Commie leaders with the fall of Trump, a fall they helped bring about. All that remains for our unhappy “youth” is a return to the poverty of the ghetto while their Leftist leaders grow ever wealthier at everyone’s expense – including theirs.

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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How Lethal Leftists Demonize, Demoralize and Devour Those Without Power

By Sidney Secular

Psychopaths, like those now in control of the USA, have a complete lack of empathy, and obsessive desire for dominance (as shown with COVID mandates), use psychological or physical violence to establish control and have an exaggerated need to appear superior to everyone else (accomplished by virtue signaling or bullying tactics). Their amoral, immoral, or pushy traits help them rise to the top of a society’s hierarchies and power structures. They aren’t loners either. They find others of their ilk and work with them as predators. A hierarchy develops among them as in organized crime, drug cartels, sex trafficking, online scamming operations and religious cults. They exploit other dysfunctional people and useful idiots to do their dirty work for them. The worst case scenario is where psychopathic behavior is rewarded while truth telling, honesty, morality and liberty are punished as we see at the present time. Presently, they are involved in the cults of socialism, social justice, fake environmentalism, climate change nonsense and leftist their means of control. They find their way into the philanthropic organizations and foundations to co-opt them and eliminate transparency and oversight before using their assets for their own purposes. They employ nepotism and have each other’s backs If you examine current leftist and globalist movements, you see modernized versions of communism and psychopathic modes of operation.

The use of “gaslighting” as a weapon is a classic communist mainstay. This is the sophisticated manipulation of a person through psychological means into questioning their own sanity and motives.

Gaslighting has been developed in Communist China to an extreme level. Dissidents were compelled to stand before a large crowd of true believers in the communist “faith”. The crowd would browbeat them with exaggerated or false accusations of criminality or immorality. The victim bowed and gave in, begging forgiveness and to be allowed to live. The victim was made to believe he had sinned. Many victims had no idea why they were being punished in the first place. Gaslighting is perfect for public subjugation because it makes people who love freedom think they are evil and need to be controlled; it makes the natural desire for freedom appear selfish and anti-social. Psychopathic behavior is normalized by convincing people that morality is relative or a matter of perspective and that abusive and destructive behavior has to be tolerated to achieve a better world or at least temporary public safety. Once the population can’t differentiate right from wrong, they can’t coalesce into groups that would rebel against the “status woe”. If you wonder why spouses or family members stay with and even defend their abusers, it’s because gaslighting has been used to disarm them. If you accept yourself as crazy or morally deficient, you start thinking maybe you aren’t being abused at all or after all. If you lash out and defend yourself against the abuser, you are then perceived as a horrible person, a danger to society, or a terrorist.

This control tactic is being employed everywhere in the Western world right now. Millions of law-abiding Americans are abused by the establishment through lockdowns and censorship while BLM and Antifa thugs are allowed to run rampant without consequences. The media and the psychopathic fawning politicians are trying to convince us that the J6 event was an insurrection rather than a peaceful protest infiltrated by the Left to produce “crimes” then blamed on the innocent. The “respectable right” goes along with this characterization. The Washington Examiner and other Beltway bilge publications need to hang their heads in shame for the effrontery to go along with this false flag operation.

Under the scamdemic mandates, a vast portion of the US was shut down and hundreds of thousands of small businesses were lost. Anyone who disagrees with these measures is labelled a “tin-foil hat conspiracy theorist,” a danger to others, or even a “terrorist”. It is obvious the lockdowns were completely useless in controlling the spread of the imagined virus since states with the harshest mandates had the highest infection rates. We know that the masks are useless and actually harmful based on scientific studies and common-sense observation and thinking. Instead of “following the science,” Fauci and the bullies and psychopaths doubled down on their doom mongering and domination. The media completely plays along and continues to label and libel anyone who points out the REAL science as “conspiracy theorists” and dangers to society. Inventing and invoking imaginary “white supremacism” and “institutional racism” for what the “hue-mans” are doing is the latest application of gaslighting.

The race-baiting used by leftids for years now is a prime example of gaslighting–telling people they are evil or responsible for evils they have nothing to do with continues undiminished as an insane establishment narrative. No matter what happens, they will find a convoluted way to blame it on whites or conservatives. There are only 3 ways to stop the brainwashing and gaslighting: we give in, submit to, and embrace the false narratives as true and become psychological slaves; we separate completely from the leftist totalitarians and organized psychopaths and go our own way(we need to figure out how to do that pronto); or we remove the psychopaths from the picture and rebuild. Until one of these 3 things happen, the psychopaths, lefties, and globalists will continue to work at wearing us down. That is all they know to do—they have seen it work time and again and can’t believe it won’t work now.

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Meeting Invitation and Special Presentation

By Sidney Secular



Casual, informal, and friendly atmosphere. The event will be held outdoors, weather permitting. There is no charge. There are no membership requirements. Pot-luck format, but food or beverage donations are not required. Unrestricted Q&A will be encouraged. A great variety of free newsletters and newspapers will be available.


BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: The extent of Big Brother’s control and takeover of North America and Western Europe and the exponential speeds at which it proceeds is shocking even to our most pessimistic patriot prognosticators. Any dissent at all is met with prompt persecution or prosecution. Big Brother marches us down the path of suicide in “double time”. The simple act of protesting against the bizarre: “knee taking” of millionaire footballers to protest the invisible or imaginary “institutional racism” by booing is viciously condemned by the Thought Police. Every hero of Western history is now seen as wicked, with the taking down of the almost Christ-like figure of General Robert E. Lee being the latest depredation.

All were “evil” and must be vilified and given no appreciation for the honorable deeds they did. Ditto for all patriotic songs, anthems, marches and symbols. These incarnate a people’s self-respect and desire to pass along their inheritance to their descendants and to the future welfare of their country. All must be abandoned and condemned to a nihilistic, communistic, completely unrealistic future where the inspired and inspirational white creators and innovators of Western Civilization are condemned to second class status or worse. All the failures of the multi-racial/multi-cultural/diversity Frankenstein experiment are attributed to a lack of zealousness and ruthlessness in their applications and impositions. They say we need more reverse discrimination, more imprisonment of those defending the Historic American Nation, more re-writing of history, and defamation of all our people’s heroes,songs, rituals and traditions.

The National Football League will be playing the “black national anthem” of “Lift Every Voice and Sing” BEFORE “The Star Spangled Banner at every game this season as a probable “prelewd” to phasing out the latter. Columbus Day now is now either phased out entirely or shares the spotlight with the trumped/drummed up Trojan horse of “Indigenous People’s Day”. What does the “respectable right” say to all of this? “Republicants” can only muster/mutter, “well in the context of their times, the ideas of earlier heroes were then accepted “. But surely that is no excuse–if “racism, sexism, homophobia” etc. are objectively and inherently evil, how can social context excuse them? If you agree in the slightest to such charges, they “have you” and you have guilt-tripped yourself.

That leaves the “respectable right” with nothing but retreat. Perhaps a robust and intelligent defense and positive presentation of the beliefs of 99% of the white population before the infiltration of Cultural Marxism is in order. Our ancestors were not evil people but had the basic wisdom of empirical evidence and social traditions developed over thousands of years. If you cannot articulate these basic truths, you cannot defend yourself. Giving in to the worldview of our lying and evil detractors and adversaries will only lead us down the path of destruction.

Mr. Jim Schneider, a veteran CofCC member, will be speaking about a major aspect of our overall problem, that of supposed “racial justice” and the many double standards that work against us. He will discuss the efforts he is making to counter these problems. Mr. Schneider is a local political activist.

You must be registered to attend for security reasons and because space is limited. Please RSVP at your earliest convenience and indicate how many people will be in your party. Contact information follows. The location is a quiet residential area a bit north of the Capital Beltway. There should be plenty of free street parking nearby. I will furnish exact location and directions when you RSVP. The meeting concludes at sunset.

Sidney Secular
Local CofCC Chapter Director

© 2021 Sis Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Post-Pandemic Problems and Prognostications

By Sidney Secular

What is being pushed as the “new normal” is a prologue or prelude to more misery, insanity, deprivation of privacy, coercion, and increased tyranny if the pompous, pugnacious, pernicious powers-that-be are allowed to declare officially and officiously that supposed variants of a non-existent virus are spreading throughout the population. They have even already established names for these imagined critters. They are already champing/chomping at the bit to vaccinate everyone however admittedly unnecessary, issue vaccination passports, and intensify the lockdowns and mask mandates. About 25% to 30% of small businesses failed, remain closed, or are only partially open or have limited hours of operation.  Most fast food joints still have their dining rooms closed – its drive through only. This will likely remain as the “new normal” since many places can just give you food in a bag to eat in your car – so they won’t have to pay dining room staff and so keep afloat.

The irony is that everywhere you go you see signs begging for employees, even where the “boorocrats” have forced through higher minimum wages assuming businesses in general have been playing Scrooge with their employees. This situation is more common than commonly realized. Many employers lament that people don’t want to work anymore. They post signs on doors asking patrons to please be patient because they are short on staff and doing the best they can. Recently, signs have sprung up on store fronts and restaurants that say, “Thank you to our employees – they’re the real heroes!” It’s even common now for managers to thank employees for just coming to work. This is because so many refuse to work and have no intention of going back to work anytime soon because of the large GovMint handouts they are receiving. The Federal and state govmints have been doling out free money to people for NOT working. In March, Biden signed the “American Rescue Plan of 2021”, providing more free money and other benefits through September 6th. There already is talk of extending that date INDEFINITELY. The planned future lockdowns would be an easy way to ease into permanent handouts. The system already provides free cash, housing, education, healthcare and more. There’s little incentive to find a job, set goals for the future, or even seek a better life. Drugs and vices and gaming devices feed the feelings of futility and vice versa, and crime is fostered.

Now our politicians have decided to take their inner-city program of entitlement nationwide. But the bennies are not really benefits when they are supposed to be rewards for doing a job well!  As it now stands, they aren’t benefiting anyone but the Demonrat politicians The NWO globalists have been unfolding a plan before the sleepy, ignorant eyes of the sheeple for some time now. The goal is Universal Basic Poverty and Dependence as the vehicle to control the masses. The “plannedemic” is all about intensifying that control and increasing the sense of power that bullies possess and for which they crave even more.

The manipulators have stated openly that soon no one will own anything. Personal property and private homes, the envy of those who don’t have much of them, don’t deserve them, or already have too much of them for their own good, will be eliminated. They expect you will like it that way – less responsibility and more time for self-indulgence. You will smile and say “cheese” when you have been hooked by their cheesy inducements and they have clamped down on you with a baited mousetrap. Fear of the bug-a-boo virus just provides another excuse for not working and isolating people from one another, creating more dependence and despondency, and so the vicious cycle/circle gets more vicious.

As you look around you and see the masked multitudes who still feel compelled to continue the “maskerade” and the socialist distancing as they play the game of putting the squeeze on you and then relaxing it, only to squeeze you harder next time, relax it a bit, then squeeze yet harder, you see how effective their control mechanisms and squeeze plays are.

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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The Judicial System is On Trial

By Sidney Secular

Legal cases tend to lack the drama or melodrama of TV series like Law and Order or its offshoots or Perry Mason. They are not long, drawn out affairs, and they usually do not intend to establish new legal principles. In most cases, the State wants to win to look ethical and good, and enhance the reputation of the prosecutor so he/she can move up the judicial ladder of success or move into a more prestigious or visible political career. The defense attorneys, win or lose, want to save face for their clients or themselves, and use cases as springboards to obtain more clients.

The right of a defendant to be treated fairly becomes a secondary issue in today’s heavily politicized or pugilistic environment. Crowded court dockets with backed up caseloads extending sometimes into years foster a situation where haste and short-cuts lead to results which are not fair or proper. Today, 94% of criminal convictions are the result of pleading guilty without a trial by someone’s peers which was once considered normal practice.

Many additional factors lead to improper judicial decisions. These range from financial ruination to wide-scale structural problems within the judicial system. The massive expansion of the prison industrial complex nationwide has meant that states need inmates to fill prisons to get a decent return on investment. The politically expedient “tough on crime” campaigns of recent years assisted in filling up prisons with those committing minor offenses. The fear of long prison sentences has caused defendants to plea out early even when they are not guilty. The National Registry of Exonerations, an American database that has tracked all exonerations of innocent defendants since 1989, has listed 580 cases in which innocent defendants have pled guilty. People don’t want to feel that all the cogs and wheels are working against them to end their lives as they have known them. Sentences resulting from jury trials can result in tenfold increases in jail sentences from plea offers or even life sentences upon conviction, especially with the newfound follies of “hate crimes” and punishing people merely for their political convictions. Furthermore, the system can punish defendants for refusing to plead guilty as a form of secondary add-on to their sentences as a form of retribution. This is sometimes referred to as a “trial penalty”.

Fear often makes the innocent defendant, already weary and worn out from the judicial process, choose a lesser sentence rather than face the choice of going free versus going to prison for the remainder of his life or for the best or better part of it. The odds are heavily stacked in favor of the prosecution and the state in most cases, anyway.

Once a defendant has been held in jail for a time, they will “see the light” more readily and clearly. The promise of an immediate release and reunion with family and friends will induce a plea of guilty if a release with probation would be the result, without considering the long-term consequences of having a “guilty” record.

Today, many defendants cannot afford to put forth a quality legal case even if their lives or livelihoods depend upon it. A public defender is a poor option, but many times is the only choice available to those without means. Public defenders have very large caseloads and many times don’t have the time to prepare the best case possible for the defendant.

The courtroom is increasingly a place where only the wealthy can afford to be. According to the National Association for Legal Gun Defense, the average cost of a criminal trial (without a victim’s death) with a private law firm representing the defendant is about $320,000. A typical death penalty trial can cost the defendant $1.3 million. These estimates include the cost of a defense attorney, a legal assistant, a private investigator, expert witnesses, court costs and bail bond expenses. The average cost of employing just an attorney for even simple cases will likely top $25,000.

Since the “pandemic” began, there has been even more pressure for prosecutors and defense attorneys to settle cases outside of trial. Courts are limiting human presence as jails are said to be hotspots of COVID-19. Many courts stopped having jury trials for months, making it even more difficult for a defendant to exercise his Constitutional right to have a trial with a jury of his peers.

The four professors writing for “The Conversation” performed a study involving 700 U.S. adults. What they found on defendant behavior was alarming. The results confirmed that both guilty and innocent participants were more likely to plead guilty when warned of the increased difficulties posed by COVID-19. The innocent participants ranked the “pandemic” as a more important factor in shaping the decision to plead guilty than the “guilty” participants.

There must be a way to allow Americans fair access to a trial as required by the Constitution without undue harmful effects on their constitutions and pocketbooks. By frightening defendants or making it financially impossible for them to present a decent case, the system does not allow them to maintain their innocence until proven guilty. This is just another harmful assault on the poor and middle classes that the powers-that-be seem to be intent on imposing upon them.

It would hardly be surprising to see many of the January 6 protesters plead guilty when in fact they are innocent of any wrongdoing or of any of the “trumped” up charges against them.

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Inflammatory Disorders, Cancer Markers on the Rise

By Sidney Secular

Dr. Richard Urso, an ophthalmologist in Houston, Texas, is also concerned:

“Early on, we were seeing things, mostly thrombotic, but later, as we get into two and three months [after vaccination], we’re seeing a lot of inflammatory issues. I’ve had a host of people with inflammatory ocular disorders, as well as having orbital inflammatory diseases.

I typically don’t see this rash number of people. For people who don’t know, my clinical practice is probably one of the largest in the United States, if not the largest, and we get a tremendous number, in volume, of patients who come through our office. And I’m seeing late inflammatory disease, and it responds quite well to inflammatory medicines.”

Some have brushed off the notion that the virus could be a bioweapon because it didn’t cause sudden, mass deaths. But this is a misconception. A successful bioweapon can be something that causes long-term, progressive, chronic-type diseases, noted Dr. Richard Fleming, a physicist, nuclear cardiologist and attorney.

In 1994, Fleming introduced the theory of inflammation and vascular disease, which explains why these inflammable thrombotic diseases, and the causes, including viruses like SARS-CoV-2, produce disease states like COVID-19.

“As I laid out in the theory in 1994,” Fleming said, “you’re going to see an inflammable thrombotic response. That’s the primary thing that people are noticing, be that heart disease or retinol disease.” The other factor is a prion component of this virus, “which is also a chronic smoldering disease.” Fleming noted:

“If you’re going to actually develop something that’s going to have a massive effect on your ‘enemy,’ your goal isn’t to kill the enemy any more than it was the goal of the United States in Vietnam to kill the enemy.

The goal was to maim the enemy so that more of the enemy would be taken off the field. What we’ve seen is something that’s been implemented that is an ideal by a weapon designed to demoralize and to feed people the enemy, and to cause a slow smoldering process.”

Fleming cited data from Pfizer that showed in the 12 to 14 days following the second injection of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine, elderly individuals had a 2.6-fold increase in symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. “This is an inflammable thrombotic process affecting every organ system and prion diseases that not only affect the brain, but also affect the heart and other vital organs of the body.”

Dr. Ryan Cole, a Mayo Clinic-trained, triple-boarded pathologist, also said that he’s seeing potential cancer-causing changes, including decreases in receptors that keep cancer in check, and other adverse events post-vaccine:

“I’m seeing countless adverse reactions … it’s really post-vaccine immunodeficiency syndrome … I’m seeing a marked increase in herpetic family viruses, human papilloma viruses in the post-vaccinated. I’m seeing a marked uptick in a laboratory setting from what I see year over year of an increase of usually quiescent diseases.

In addition to that — and correlation is not causation — but in the last six months I have seen — you know, I read a fair amount of women’s health biopsies — about a 10- to 20-fold increase of uterine cancer compared to what I see on an annual basis. Now we know that the CD8 cells are one of our T-cells to keep our cancers in check.

I am seeing early signals … what I’m seeing is an early signal in the laboratory setting that post-vaccinated patients are having diseases that we normally don’t see at rates that are already early considerably alarming.”

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Texas is Taking the Bull by the Longhorns (Somewhat)

By Sidney Secular

Tired of taking bull from the FedGov, Texas is doing what the FedGov is tasked to do but won’t. Texas is beginning to arrest migrants on trespassing charges near the US-Mexico border. Governor Greg Abbott says action is needed to slow the mind-numbing number of illegal border crossings. Abbott also said that Texas would continue building the border wall Trump started to build. Abbott has called on other governors to deploy law enforcement personnel and National Guard members along the entire border. The detainees are being held at what had been an empty state prison In Dudley, TX that can house about 1,000. All arrested so far have been single men. Apparently, family units will not be detained.

However, the largest Texas counties along the border, where the crossings are highest, are not cooperating in the enforcement effort. Those arrested will be charged with state crimes and will serve jail time. The amount of time spent in jail will be minimal and it was not announced what will be done with the detainees when they are released. What we need is more than just a runt of a political stunt but the value of the State’s efforts may well be cancelled out by Biden’s Washington and their love for illegals to add to their voter base.

THIS IS IT. If you’ve read the Bible or haven’t rejected it out of hand, it is not hard to see that what it calls “The Great Tribulation” or something akin to it, has begun to befall all of us, especially with the Covidiocy. I won’t turn this into a theological diatribe, which believers tend to get into easily, thereby turning some people off. I would just suggest you read The Book of Revelation to see how eerily its predictions seem to be coming to pass. Many Americans would like to go back to pre-COVID days and pretend or hope that things are returning to normal. However, it will be at best an abnormal normal with much lingering unemployment, evictions of tenants and or bankruptcy of small landlords, some chronic supply shortages, lingering lunacy involving some residual COVID nonsense such as masking, socialist distancing and lockdowns, paranoia among the ignorant owing to the depressing duplicity of the politicos, confrontations between the woke and the awake, sky-high prices, and the looming threat of the return to full-fledged Covidiocy to sharply remind us we’re far from being out of the woods!

The voting tragedy and travesties of the 2020 elections must be completely turned around through very forceful and persistent action if we are to have any hopes of restoring the Historic American Nation as a viable entity. There are those still insulated from the nefarious things that take place around the world daily and the Pollyannas would rather not be perturbed and disturbed by being forced to have to think of or confront such things. They favor the palaver and poop meted out by the mainstream media via their “communications devices” and the Jewspapers assuring them they are in the good hands of the govmint at all levels who are looking out for their interests (no kidding!).

Alternative news and views from “extremists” who are, by definition whites and those who do not agree with them, will have a hard time penetrating the new “techno-curtain” communists erect around them to prevent them hearing from contrary news and viewpoints. We’re all being slowly boiled to death like the proverbial frogs or slowly smothered with a miasma/smog of lies that seems somehow to be in sync with suddenly increasing incidence of eye cataracts in the population. Maybe, like the fellow in The Matrix who wants to swallow the blue pill, we just don’t want to “see” what’s happening! The mockingbird media, internet search engines, social media sites, and mainstream media video sites are working feverishly to drive home the official New World Order program for global governance. History and truth are being snubbed and scrubbed away as emphasized in the book, “1984”. The media operate on the premise that a lie told often enough soon becomes the truth and reality in the minds of most, especially if they are unaware or reject alternative explanations or ideas. Meanwhile those who tell the truth are avoided, shunned, or “canceled” or otherwise live in a state of suspense.

If you’re in a position where your truth telling will influence too many people, you may be putting your life on the line.  But one cannot cower to those in power and be a free human, let alone a normal American. You need to be able to express yourself to have human “dignity’ as they call it. If you let them get to you beyond a certain point, you are a goner.  A simple bumper sticker, “RESIST” expresses the needed spirit–you needn’t say what’s being resisted. Over 60% of Americans have taken the jab, and the pressure and jabber for the jab will become overbearing or very intense if they implement another full blown lockdown. Indeed, there is already speculation that FEMA camps will be set up for “non-vaxxers” if the government’s grip on us isn’t broken.

It should be obvious by now to even to even a half-wit who still has his faculties functioning, that this COVID crapola is the clearly the biggest scam in all of recorded history. The hyped hypotheses are coming at us like attacks of pixels from the pixilated. Some say the jabbed are condemned to die soon, some say sooner or later, some say very much later as it will affect the DNA of our descendants. It’s now been said we’re catching diseases from the jabbed, so there’s no escaping that the paranoia is spreading quicker than any epidemic.  It’s said the so-called vaccines only ameliorate the symptoms of the disease–so why take a chance on them? Just go to bed and take chicken soup or whatever one usually does when one gets the flu or a bad cold! Is a disease with a 99.5% survival rate – if it exists at all! – worth taking an admitted poison? We’re already accustomed now to go to work in our pajamas, so its no big deal. Scores of new side effects from the jabs are noted almost daily. The number of deaths from the jabs in the US is 50,000 give or take several thousands as of this writing – its hard to keep score as the reports all differ from one another and no one in charge is telling the truth anyway!

The unreported cases are likely as much or more than the reported ones also. Blood clots and resultant strokes seem to be a major side effect along with heart issues. Strokes were already the third leading cause of death in the US before the virus “attacked” us, so those already prone to get them will likely get them easier now. None of the 4 alleged “vaccines”* being used went through the full testing process and are literally “experimental”–so if you get jabbed you are the equivalent of a lab rat or guinea pig. Where animal test subjects were used, they all died These potions – not vaccines – are officially “for emergency use only”. As you may know, so-called emergencies can turn into events lasting generations! The declaration of an emergency that was issued as a result of our entering the Korean War is still in effect!  All 4 of the said vaccines have about 15 ingredients in them – no one really knows how many. Formaldehyde, used to embalm bodies is certainly one of them. Tissues from aborted babies is another.**

There are hundreds of videos extant that show magnets sticking to the injection locations and radiation also emanating from these spots, all of which sounds very scary. Why do we have propaganda pushing for the jabs even for kids and babies when their infection rates are almost nil? The recovery rate for adults is over 99%, making a mockery of use of the term “pandemic”.  The ruling junta is getting so desperate to jab everyone, there is talk they will be sending out medical “brown shirts” to twist your arm to get it jabbed. The first areas to for these visitations will be those that have low vaccinations rates–the more rural, conservative and especially western states that are the most resistant to The Great Reset. Lone holdouts in the libber strongholds could also be quarantined in their homes making them increasingly the subject of social opprobrium they probably already are for being conservative or “different”. If you decide to be jabbed based on the visit, the jabbers will be equipped to jab you on the spot before you have a chance to change your mind.

[*Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca]

[** Aluminum, mercury thimerosal, aborted fetal tissue, human albumin, antifreeze (ethylene glycol), phenoxyethanol, phenol, methanol, Borax (sodium tetraborate decahydrate), glutaraldehyde, monosodium glutamate (MSG), sulfate and phosphate compounds, ammonium sulfate, gentamicin sulfate – and more. . .]

In the UK, France, and other areas of Europe, resistance to the jabs and lockdowns in the form of demonstrations is increasing and reaching significant levels. Canada is completely lost to global communism as is Australia and New Zealand and the USA is not far behind. Recently, the presidents of 3 countries (Burundi, Tanzania, and Haiti) that had refused the jab for their citizens suddenly died “unexpectedly” due to suddenly arising medical conditions (“side effects” of not taking the jab) or outright assassination in the case of Haiti. The new leaders of these countries are now “fast tracking” vaccination programs for their countries. Doctors everywhere who have warned of the dangers of the vaccines have wound up unemployed or dead. All the jab advocates are also life-long depopulation advocates. The devil is loose. The deception is thick. Do not be afraid to share this article and what you know about the Covidiocy with others. Be strong, bold, and courageous. Speak truth to power. If you are of a religious bent, “know that” all the cowards who refuse to speak the truth will be thrown into the “lake of fire”.

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Politics as Religion

By Sidney Secular

The cultural Marxists have appropriated the values of Christianity to suit their own purposes. This is an effective strategy since the ethos of Christianity is still prevalent, albeit losing its special character.and adulterated with leftist sentiments.

Modern-day politics are polarizing to the point where political religions are created that become polar opposites and strongly oppositional to one another. The left develops grand plans to transform society into new sacred orders unrelated to how humans have lived successfully heretofore. People become divided between the righteous and the right-wing(the evil ones) on whether those accustomed to stability and satisfaction with the Historic American Nation are willing to conform to or accept the new transformational visions. Differences in opinions and values, and especially differences from “their” opinions and values become heretical, the offensive become offended, and the offensive call for suppression of “offensive” viewpoints.

Failure to conform becomes a rejection of the search for the “Good”, and the new dispensation represents the way of the new “Good”. The priesthoods and hoodwinkers of the erstwhile political religions demand damnation of those who express unsanctioned views who are deemed heretics and morally wicked–on the contemporary scene these are not contretemps. The morally wicked and heretical are stereotypically deemed evil “racists”, “white supremacists”, “homophobes”, or some newly generated term au courant or du jour, or who are partial to the outdated patriarchy controlled by evil white men. This nexus of politics and religion is especially distressing and depressing because in the West the anti-white politics and preaching become a religious crusade and all its adherents become offensive crusaders.or inquisitors.

Despite their atheistic or pantheistic denigration of Christianity, the ideologies of the left, like Communism or wokeism recycle Christian elements or themes, which even in their denatured or mangled state are still recognizable in terms of their source. Even Christian confessionals become infused with discussions over political ideology. All the leftist ideologies adapt the Christian .principle of saving and serving the poor to serving primarily non-American or primarily un-American illegal aliens and refugees, assisting allegedly downtrodden minorities in obtaining contrived “social justice” or special privileges, all the while and for the most part ignoring America’s poor whites. Adding insult to injury, foreign aid is earmarked for the poor or the ostracized “of color” in other countries, which is unconstitutional and is a wasteful project since more often than not the assistance does not reach the intended parties and just enriches the foreign oppressors..

Any study of political religion or politics as religion would be incomplete without examining its specifically American manifestation which may be characterized as civil religion. This feature of American life was at one time a celebration of our political and cultural leadership of high moral character. but it now denigrates all white leaders of former days no matter their worthiness, and now celebrates progressive heroes exclusively. Managerial government comes in for special adulation. Thus, there are special places in the American pantheon for Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Delano Roosevelt who were pioneers in building the American administrative state. The heroes of America’s changing civil religion are revolutionaries important for their contributions in moving the country towards socialism.

The centrality and deification of Lincoln in America’s civil religion is far from an accident or the result of the sense of overwhelming sorrow over his assassination. Lincoln was an unabashed centralizer who bashed and greatly diminished states’ his greatest legacy. He characterized America as the world’s best hope and his forcing the South back into the Union presaged the transition of America from a republic to an empire. The building up of his persona and supposed accomplishment has been useful in expanding the managerial regime and justifying foreign wars. The Presidency of Woodrow Wilson saw the establishment of a new religion embodied in the “Crusade for Democracy” and its attempted spread through The League of Nations. The left uses continuous indoctrination, a fixation of most of Christianity, to control or change society. They do not intend to relax their work until every mind has been reshaped.

Unlike the right, the left has been able to harness moral guilt on behalf of its transformative vision. Even more significantly, it has weaponized hatred by recasting it as moral indignation in the face of injustice, prejudice or intolerance.

The left seems to easily maneuver its wannabe opposition into becoming a pale imitation of itself. This is illustrated by the conservative establishment’s borrowing of the left’s rhetoric and reacting to the left’s thrusts by trying to parry them, but only winding up parroting them.

The left has captured the moral high ground and can utilize this advantageous position on the battlefield of ideas.

Thus, the left is on track in undoing human history and even human nature. It operates like a runaway train. Conceding any ground to it will only speed up its forward momentum. You have to fight fire with fire. Only a moral counter-force that can mobilize momentous power can halt its advance. The other choice is to get out of its way by separating or seceding from it and letting it destroy itself.

Misrepresenting reality, stealing elections, and allowing alleged “right-wing extremists” to rot in jail and other outrages are deemed acceptable since the ends justify whatever means are employed to usher in a pollyanna-like prejudice-free golden age where everyone lives happily ever after. Only the hapless could believe such leftist fairy tales. This apparition is dangled before the eyes of the deluded as opposition is driven out of the public square and into fearful silence.

Exposing the left’s fallacies, dastardly deeds and double standards.are of no import once the “right” has been cast successfully as the “bad guys”. Once again, only an opposing ideology possessing great moral and compelling force can hope to turn the tide. The conservative establishment cannot just claim that we’ve already adopted the left’s egalitarian values, so let’s stop there before we reach “socialism”. Without realizing it, we’ve already fully adopted socialism. All it takes is for a police state to enforce it and we’re well on the way towards that inevitability. We have bought into the left’s value system. Religion is a necessary facet of civilization and right now we’re stuck with the left’s religion masquerading as politics overcoming true our guiding force.

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Has The Great Tribulation Begun?

By Sidney Secular

If you’ve read the Bible or haven’t rejected it out of hand, it is not hard to see that what it calls “The Great Tribulation” or something akin to it, has begun to befall all of us, especially with the Covidiocy. I won’t turn this into a theological diatribe, which believers tend to get into easily, thereby turning some people off. I would just suggest you read The Book of Revelation to see how eerily its predictions seem to be coming to pass. Many Americans would like to go back to pre-COVID days and pretend or hope that things are returning to normal. However, it will be at best an abnormal normal with much lingering unemployment, evictions of tenants and or bankruptcy of small landlords, some chronic supply shortages, lingering lunacy involving some residual COVID nonsense such as masking, socialist distancing and lockdowns, paranoia among the ignorant owing to the depressing duplicity of the politicos, confrontations between the woke and the awake, sky-high prices, and the looming threat of the return to full fledged Covidiocy to sharply remind us we’re far from being out of the woods!

The voting tragedy and travesties of the 2020 elections must be completely turned around through very forceful and persistent action if we are to have any hopes of restoring the Historic American Nation as a viable entity. There are those still insulated from the nefarious things that take place around the world daily and the Pollyannas would rather not be perturbed and disturbed by being forced to have to think of or confront such things. They favor the palaver and poop meted out by the mainstream media via their “communications devices” and the Jewspapers assuring them they are in the good hands of the govmint at all levels who are looking out for their interests (no kidding!).

Alternative news and views from “extremists” who are by definition whites and those who do not agree with them, will have a hard time penetrating the new “techno-curtain” communists erect around them to prevent them hearing from contrary news and viewpoints. We’re all being slowly boiled to death like the proverbial frogs or slowly smothered with a miasma/smog of lies that seems somehow to be in sync with suddenly increasing incidence of eye cataracts in the population. Maybe, like the fellow in The Matrix who wants to swallow the blue pill, we just don’t want to “see” what’s happening! The mockingbird media, internet search engines, social media sites, and mainstream media video sites are working feverishly to drive home the official New World Order program for global governance. History and truth are being snubbed and scrubbed away as emphasized in the book, “1984”. The media operate on the premise that a lie told often enough soon becomes the truth and reality in the minds of most, especially if they are unaware or reject alternative explanations or ideas. Meanwhile those who tell the truth are avoided, shunned, or “canceled” or otherwise live in a state of suspense.

If you’re in a position where your truth telling will influence too many people, you may be putting your life on the line. But one cannot cower to those in power and be a free human, let alone a normal American. You need to be able to express yourself to have human “dignity’ as they call it. If you let them get to you beyond a certain point, you are a goner. A simple bumper sticker, “RESIST” expresses the needed spirit–you needn’t say what’s being resisted. Over 60% of Americans have taken the jab, and the pressure and jabber for the jab will become overbearing or very intense if they implement another full blown lockdown. Indeed, there is already speculation that FEMA camps will be set up for “non-vaxxers” if the government’s grip on us isn’t broken.

It should be obvious by now to even to even a half-wit who still has his faculties functioning, that this COVID crapola is the clearly the biggest scam in all of recorded history. The hyped hypotheses are coming at us like attacks of pixels from the pixilated. Some say the jabbed are condemned to die soon, some say sooner or later, some say very much later as it will affect the DNA of our descendants. It’s now been said we’re catching diseases from the jabbed, so there’s no escaping that the paranoia is spreading quicker than any epidemic. It’s said the so-called vaccines only ameliorate the symptoms of the disease–so why take a chance on them? Just go to bed and take chicken soup or whatever one usually does when one gets the flu or a bad cold! Is a disease with a 99.5% survival rate – if it exists at all! – worth taking an admitted poison? We’re already accustomed now to go to work in our pajamas, so its no big deal. Scores of new side effects from the jabs are noted almost daily. The number of deaths from the jabs in the US is 50,000 give or take several thousands as of this writing – its hard to keep score as the reports all differ from one another and no one in charge is telling the truth anyway!

The unreported cases are likely as much or more than the reported ones also. Blood clots and resultant strokes seem to be a major side effect along with heart issues. Strokes were already the third leading cause of death in the US before the virus “attacked” us, so those already prone to get them will likely get them easier now. None of the 4 alleged “vaccines”* being used went through the full testing process and are literally “experimental”–so if you get jabbed you are the equivalent of a lab rat or guinea pig. Where animal test subjects were used, they all died. These potions – not vaccines – are officially “for emergency use only”. As you may know, so-called emergencies can turn into events lasting generations! The declaration of an emergency that was issued as a result of our entering the Korean War is still in effect! All 4 of the said vaccines have about 15 ingredients in them – no one really knows how many. Formaldehyde, used to embalm bodies is certainly one of them. Tissues from aborted babies is another.**

There are hundreds of videos extant that show magnets sticking to the injection locations and radiation also emanating from these spots, all of which sounds very scary. Why do we have propaganda pushing for the jabs even for kids and babies when their infection rates are almost nil? The recovery rate for adults is over 99%, making a mockery of use of the term “pandemic”. The ruling junta is getting so desperate to jab everyone, there is talk they will be sending out medical “brown shirts” to twist your arm to get it jabbed. The first areas to for these visitations will be those that have low vaccinations rates–the more rural, conservative and especially western states that are the most resistant to The Great Reset. Lone holdouts in the libber strongholds could also be quarantined in their homes making them increasingly the subject of social opprobrium they probably already are for being conservative or “different”. If you decide to be jabbed based on the visit, the jabbers will be equipped to jab you on the spot before you have a chance to change your mind. [*Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca] [** Aluminum, mercury thimerosal, aborted fetal tissue, human albumin, antifreeze (ethylene glycol), phenoxyethanol, phenol, methanol, Borax (sodium tetraborate decahydrate), glutaraldehyde, monosodium glutamate (MSG), sulfate and phosphate compounds, ammonium sulfate, gentamicin sulfate – and more. . .]

In the UK, France, and other areas of Europe, resistance to the jabs and lockdowns in the form of demonstrations is increasing and reaching significant levels. Canada is completely lost to global communism as is Australia and New Zealand and the USA is not far behind. Recently, the presidents of 3 countries (Burundi, Tanzania , and Haiti) that had refused the jab for their citizens suddenly died “unexpectedly” due to suddenly arising medical conditions (“side effects” of not taking the jab) or outright assassination in the case of Haiti. The new leaders of these countries are now “fast tracking” vaccination programs for their countries. Doctors everywhere who have warned of the dangers of the vaccines have wound up unemployed or dead. All the jab advocates are also life-long depopulation advocates. The devil is loose. The deception is thick. Do not be afraid to share this article and what you know about the Covidiocy with others. Be strong, bold, and courageous. Speak truth to power. If you are of a religious bent, “know that” all the cowards who refuse to speak the truth will be thrown into the “lake of fire”.

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular:

For White Boys Who Think of Suicide

by Sidney Secular

“Even Satan presents himself as an angel of the Light.” — 2 Corinthians 11: 14

I was born in the last years of the segregated South, and I remember both the period before integration and the period afterward.  I was born to a father who was an electrical engineer, and a mother who was a waitress, and we had a comfortable, placid life until my father sustained severe brain damage in a car accident, requiring that he be retrained as a barber.  That was was around the time when my mother had to begin waiting on tables, to keep our finances afloat, and things became hard scrabble.  Looking back, I can see now that we lived in what many people would consider poverty.  My mother had seven children, too many even for those times, and the financial and psychological stress became more than she could handle.  She buried herself in Christian fundamentalism, seeking solace, but instead became more unstable and volatile.  In time, she began to suffer from extreme religious delusions, believing Jesus had returned to the earth and could be sought out if a sufficient effort was made.  Our home became increasingly violent, dysfunctional and broken, until it disintegrated midstream in our childhoods.  My father went to his parents’ home, where he died in a dark back bedroom, whimpering about his undying  love for my mother.  For her part, my mother wandered away, stark raving mad, to search for her Messiah in unlikely places, and in the intervening four decades I have had no contact with her.

My parents’ ancestors had not had easier paths, even though their people were all from once prominent and wealthy Southern families.  Their families had obeyed the law in owning slaves, but had never abused their servants; instead they had considered them to be extended family members.  While I’m sure horror stories existed, I believe my own family’s lore recounting symbiotic and amiable relationships generally reflected the norm of those times.  In any event, both families had ended up landless and scattered as a result of Mr. Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation.  No one has ever talked about reparations for what many of them suffered:   bankruptcies, suicides, malnutrition, rooming house lodgings in their dotages, and early deaths.  Generations later, some of my ancestors were still living in shantytowns, occasionally being rousted out of their squatter villages by the police or military.

Out of these origins, we watched with familiar misgivings as soldiers with bayonets integrated public schools during the Civil Rights Era.  I remember that the school hallways soon stank from the odor of our fear, as our new peers pummeled, kicked and stomped their way into our hearts.  The Media invariably portrayed timid black children entering schools through crowds of jeering and aggressive whites, but our experience was somewhat the opposite:   we accommodated our government’s directives warily but meekly, and still got our asses handed to us.  Prior to integration, there had been order, discipline, optimism and a sense of community.  Afterward, we occupied institutions that were intimidating jungles, so much so that the frequent physical and sexual assaults that we experienced were usually not even reported.  We had been told what side history was on, and we were loath to disagree by making complaints.

Long before there were terms like “Media bias,” or “virtue-signaling,” or “Libtards,” we learned their meaning.  During the urban riots of 1968, a liberal teacher decorated our classroom’s bulletin boards with photos of black rioters shot dead on the sidewalks by the police in Detroit and Watts.

“This will cause them to attack us more in the hallways,” a few of us pleaded.

The teacher was nonplussed by our comment.  “We have to demonstrate that we’re on the side of the civil rights movement” he responded with bewilderment.  “You must think of the greater good of our society, and make an effort to be team players.”

In my mind, this response was irresponsible gibberish, unconnected to the realities of the school hallways we were required to navigate.   Yet, throughout my life, in response to my reservations in similar situations, the respondents have always deferred to God, morality, or the greater good.  And none of the answers I have received have been logical or sufficient.

I tried to play the game.  I tried to believe I would be treated fairly in the newly emerging integrated and “Diverse” America.  I soon realized this society will ultimately  exclude the melanin-deficient, despite their delusions about having a place in this country’s future.  I had new lessons to learn, and after college I joined a federal agency, one divided into agents and support personnel.  The agents held a large majority of the higher grade positions, and to achieve upward mobility it was clear that one should attempt to become an agent.  I applied to get into the agent training program, and was repeatedly turned down for admission.  It did not matter that I had two advanced degrees, one of which specialized in our agency’s mission.  It did not matter that I had known poverty via the misfortunes of a brain damaged father and a mother who was a violent lunatic.  There were no slots on the application to present that information, and, while I was shut out of the academy, it was common knowledge that others walking in off the street received preferences based on race and ethnicity.  “This is a non-issue,” I was told, in response to my complaints.  “Most of the applicants hired to be agents are still white.”  I appealed to my work colleagues, and quickly discovered that whites who succeeded in getting admitted to the academy were indifferent to those of us who got left behind; they simply concluded that we must be deficient in some manner and thus worthy of our designation as lesser mortals.

It did not help to point out other corruptions in the selection process:   the family members of agency officials were admitted into the academy in statistically impossible numbers, and the children of slain agents were simply waived in if they met the minimum admission requirements.  Someone’s father catching a bullet did not seem to create more merit than my father having scraped his head down a highway;  sometimes  a death is a vastly more merciful fate than the fate of those who go on living.  Be that as it may, for fifteen years of doing the agency’s skut work, I received the same consideration as any external applicant doing similar office work elsewhere, and the rationale for this was, ironically, stated to be “the necessity for all applicants to be treated equally.”  The problem with the rationale presented was that I could not expect the same reciprocity from other employers if I sought to be hired by them — they would be loyal to their own employees in ways that mine had not been to me.  Between the racial preferences and the partial nullification of my labor investment, I’d received a double whammy.

No one gave a hoot about any of this.  I filed grievances, and quickly discovered that the grievance process was intended to channel and smother dissent, not to deliver justice or meaningful redress.  There was also an Ombudsman, whose position was ostensibly intended to help mediate grievances like my own.  This possibility for recourse looked promising, until it was discovered that her husband’s job consisted of maintaining the agency’s Affirmative Action statistics and monitoring the success of the agency’s Diversity Programs.  I sued, and a judge ordered the head of our Legal Counsel Division to attend a mediation meeting to seek a resolution for my suit.  The gentleman declined to put in an appearance, and instead sent an Assistant U.S. Attorney, who was openly hostile toward me.  She stated that I would be offered career counseling, absolutely nothing else, and proceeded to deride me in my presence with descriptive terms like “snob,” “elitist,” and “malcontent.”

“Appeal their decision,” a petite and usually passive coworker urged when I phoned her with my results.  “Don’t be afraid of them.  They’re not competent enough to be scary.”

My coworker was wrong.  They were plenty scary, and I was aware that the agency had unlimited time, personnel, and tax money to fight my lawsuit in the courts.  I was also aware that there were few other venues for the airing of my grievance — no lawyer would even touch it — and that most of the people similarly victimized are not even fully aware of their plight, inasmuch as diligent efforts are made to keep the discrimination covert.  What I had experienced was not today’s often imagined “systemic discrimination” allegedly directed at nonwhites, but instead the real McCoy — a de facto discrimination against whites that is now codified, institutionalized and commonplace.  It is discrimination sanctioned and promoted by our government, academia, the Media, and the private sector, and there are no advocacy groups for its victims, no support groups for its survivors, and no films or books created to pull heartstrings over their suffering.  The victims, if they are perceived at all, are looked upon as being inconsequential damage, unworthy of acknowledgement because they had their injuries coming.  For its part, my agency, and countless others like it, generally grind up their victims as invisibly as possible, ruthlessly, silently, insidiously, without genuine compassion or interest, licensed to do damage by goals they believe to be noble.   I had even at one point done a Freedom of Information Act request to obtain statistics for the racial preferences, and the agency had released printouts of numbers that no one could decipher.  When asked for an interpretation, the bureaucrats simply ignored me.

I had spent ten years jogging down icy highways in February, to meet the academy’s physical requirements.  I had specifically obtained a second advanced degree because it was in our agency’s field of expertise.  None of it mattered one iota.  “You are being treated fairly,” I was told firmly.  “No one is mistreating you.”  That was no doubt their opinion, but I left the mediation meeting feeling thoroughly violated, and, for the first and only time in my life, I contemplated an impromptu suicide.   The agency had a cafeteria many floors above street level.  It had an open air balcony, and I spent two hours there that day with a hastily scribbled note in my pocket, trying to summon the nerve to step from the seat of my chair onto the balcony’s railing.  In time, my angst was interrupted by a cafeteria worker, visibly annoyed by my long presence.  I had loved ones waiting at home, and it took less courage to live than to jump.  I went back to my office.

My unit supervisor was a pleasant black man, and I was later told to meet with him for my lawsuit’s reward, the career counseling.  He waited until the last day of the deadline for providing the counseling, and then called me into his office and turned on his computer.  For an hour and a half, he read the agency’s job postings to me, the job vacancies listed on the agency’s website.  When he was done, he gave me a sincere pat on the arm and uttered familiar words:  “Go back to work now, and try to be a team player.”  One of his white underlings was far less diplomatic.  “We are trying to be tolerant of you,” he said.  “We know it is important to keep our friends close, and our enemies closer.”  This same gentleman, during a previous time of friction, had once reassured me that he had been taught how to kill adversaries within five seconds with merely a pencil.

My black boss, not long after my career counseling, brought into our career ladder two semi-illiterate black janitors, and hired them to do the same work I was performing.  The career ladder brought them inevitably up the rungs until they were one grade level below my own.  I remained one grade level above them only because I was their supervisor, and I spent my last years at the agency laboriously correcting the work that they could only go through the motions of performing.

Things got even more gruesome.  I never saw another promotion in the agency, during the remainder of my tenure.  Meanwhile, the black agents in our agency had previously had a discrimination lawsuit against it.  Most of these people were mediocrities who had achieved their positions only through the racial preferences dispensed to them, but, not satisfied with that largesse, they had then become disgruntled when their advancement through the management ranks was slow.  They had sued, received financial settlements, and, as part of the settlements, the agency had agreed to reeducate all of its managers through diversity training seminars.

In the seminars  we were taught that Affirmative Action preferences were necessary in order for America to keep pace with its rapidly changing demographics.  White Americans would soon be a minority, and the emerging America would contain a new but historically disadvantaged nonwhite majority.  White America had debts to pay, for its  mistreatment of nonwhites, and it should pay its debts in a good-natured manner.   In the meanwhile, our democratic principles of government, we were told, along with consumerism and good will and the English language were destined to keep the country glued together.

In these seminars, we were told not to pose questions or to contradict the speakers.  “If you have questions or comments,” the facilitators said, “you may approach the stage with them only when the seminar is concluded.”  It was in this milieu that I first began to have epiphanies that when they keep telling you to be a team player, it means you’re about to get raped.  It was in this milieu that I had the epiphany that when they keep telling you to get on the right side of history, it means eventually they’re going to get around to killing you.  First they destroy books, careers, icons, statues, graves, and memorials.  Emboldened by their success, they will inevitably move on to their actual targets.  You, in the flesh.  The intial request is an appeal for access to institutions.  The subsequent request is a demand for dominant power in the institutions.  The final request is for us to be complicit in making ourselves irrelevant and extinct, in a country that our ancestors explicitly built for themselves and their descendants.  Indeed, the New America gives every indication of gleefully capitalizing on the founding stock’s own democratic principles, documents and institutions, to achieve that end.

In the seminars, listening to their sophistry, I found myself brimming with many questions I had been directed not to articulate.   If all cultures, groups, and nations are to be respected and accommodated, why was my own being so visibly assaulted and dissolved through social engineering and mass immigration?  Why was our demographic and political displacement described as something desirable, when no non-Western nation or people would interpret it in such a manner?  If previous discrimination against minorities was so damnable, how was justice achieved by routinely penalizing whites through Affirmative Action discrimination?  Did this not merely redirect the discrimination against a new group of innocents?  Why should we be expected to cheerfully fund and facilitate our own society’s reinvention through social and governmental policies?  Why are we forbidden even to describe our displacement and replacement with those same terms — when they accurately describe what is being done to us?   Most of all:   How did it become completely impermissible for anyone to ask these questions?

Once again, I noticed an absence of meaningful redress.  Once again, I found there are no avenues for meaningful dissent; there can be no meaningful dissent when there are no  venues in which it can be heard.  To pose objections in spite of this reality is to be designated as a braying jackass in a wilderness, even worse, it is to be designated as morally suspect, as being illogical, indeed, as being evil.  Once again, we are to be the dehumanized collateral damage of the “arc of moral justice,” and our moral worth depends on the extent to which we submit to that condition silently and willingly.  Our own group’s need for self-perpetuation, for self-determination, for equality under the law — these things have all been rendered irrelevant, meaningless, in a society in which all things are now politicized and polarized.

Yet, to reiterate, America’s founding documents and founding institutions were created to first benefit the descendants of the European founding stock.  They clearly proclaimed that they existed for the benefit of the founders’ progeny.  It is thus folly to contend that they were intended to be tools for the dissolution of the nation-state created by those ancestors, and for four centuries America, with the exception of eight states in the South, was largely an ethnostate with an identifiable and relatively homogeneous culture and people.   All of that is now being destroyed in the name of an ill-defined largesse or the purely mercenary desire to import cheap labor, consumers, or votes.  The resulting metamorphosis will achieve the destruction of all that is familiar to us in the span of a single human lifetime, a lifetime of a mere seventy years, spanning from the gutting of our immigration laws in 1965 to the year 2035, the earliest date at which whites are predicted to become a minority in the U.S.  And the year 2035 is tomorrow — an eyeblink away.  The currently emerging American society will be characterized by the end goal of many of the forces arrayed against us; we will evolve into a society characterized by one-party rule, rule by the Democratic Party, a political entity that is increasingly anti-status quo, anti-white, and radically socialist in its leanings.

Reacting to this with a shrug is the purest kind of madness.  Acquiescence to it is collaboration with a fate that will strip us of the right of self-determination, because other groups vote in blocs and we will, quite simply, be outnumbered and outvoted.  It is collaboration with the dispossession of our culture and our history, because both will be inevitably pushed into America’s margins.  It portends the confiscation of our wealth, because our wealth will need to be taxed away from us to subsidize the poverty of the incoming hordes.  Most importantly, all of this will dispossess us of our future as a people, because we will have become the Boers of North America and our future will be determined by others.  If the histories of the Tutsis of Rwanda, the Uyghurs of China, the Christian Armenians of Turkey, and European Jewry are indicators of the dark proclivities of human nature  — as indeed they are — it may ultimately cost many of us the greatest price of all.

Are these notions beyond the pale for contemplation?  I think not.  We live in a time in which many nations guarantee their citizens’ rights in their constitutions, yet those rights are routinely disregarded.  We live in an era that is characterized, like all of the human history that preceded it,  by purges and genocides, an era in which billions of humans are entirely content to live under the tyrannies of Communism, radical Islam, or authoritarianism.  These are the dark and dangerous waters into which our politicians cheerfully plan to cast us adrift on a raft built from blind faith, a hodgepodge raft constructed from scraps of the ideologies promoting globalism, universalism, racial egalitarianism, reverse racism, and other “isms.”  It will be a vessel unfit for any approaching storm,  a craft that will easily upend in a vast and tumultuous human sea, and one where there is every reason to believe that our adventure will finalize with our disappearance.

In response to this predicament, for the largest part, our own countrymen are fat and comfortable and happy.  They are far too relaxed and stupid to entertain any notions involving fear, and the cynic in me no longer believes that what remains of America can be saved without upheaval, radicalism, and violence.  While I would never advocate violence, nor will I condemn it, not while my country is being gleefully and unnecessarily butchered all around me.  And in the face of today’s unrelenting turmoil, there have been, of late,  clarion truisms that keep ringing in my mind.  One is the statement of Mr. Trump, on January 6, 2021, that “If you don’t fight like hell for your country, you’re not going to have one.”  Another sadly resonating truism is the one allegedly made by the Capitol Breach rioter Riley June Williams, a seven word sentence that sums up our predicament:   “There are no longer any political solutions.”  An even more disturbing insight that keeps entering my consciousness is one attributed to the writer Guillaume Faye:  “When you are forced to choose between violence and extinction, regrettably, the only correct moral choice is violence.”

How sad, even to have been placed in the position to need to contemplate such thoughts.  This is the corner into which our idiot leaders have now painted us, and most of us will no doubt live to see the fruits of their folly.  I am aging fast, and I may be spared such a fate; even so, I know where my ghost will abide when its time comes.  I will be at the running track at my agency’s academy, the academy where I never got admitted.  I will be running in the brutal cold of February, running as I used to run, groaning to push forward with a clenched jaw into the wind.  I will be catapulting around the track, believing against all of the available evidence that this country still has a future for my children, believing in a future in which an uncorrupted justice will yet prevail.

Believing anyway.

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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A Noise-Some Existence

By Sidney Secular

It would appear there is a conspiracy, as it were, against silence in the world–a movement to make irritating noise the norm–either for someone’s entertainment, for some unnecessarily noisy and obtrusive commercial purpose, or as a way to simply be annoying or be noticed. The noisome perpetrators intrude on the natural order and on the natural right to privacy and silence to which the rest of us are entitled. If the Founders lived a generation or two later, and America was founded during the early Industrial Revolution, they probably would have been annoyed enough by the noise to enshrine rights to privacy and quietude in the Bill of Rights or in Amendments to the Constitution.

Silence is normally the natural state of nature, with exceptions which usually add to nature’s allure such as birds or crickets chirping, waves breaking on the shore, or water tumbling over a waterfall. Loud, annoying noises in nature are infrequent and short-lived such as thunder thundering, an avalanche advancing, or winds announcing the arrival of a cold front in Winter.

With the coming of the Industrial Revolution, unnatural loud noise came into its own, became acceptable as part and parcel of a supposedly advanced civilization, was almost welcomed as a price of “progress”, and seemed as inevitable as the rising of tomorrow’s sun. However, it has become another tool in the toolbox of insensitives, malcontents and malevolents to employ to annoy, or as an incidental adjunct of the activities of self-absorbed egoists and those who lack a conscience or sense of caring. The spread of urbanization meant crowding people closer together where those out to annoy with noise have an easier time of it and where otherwise tolerable noise becomes intolerable because of the crowding and the easier intrusion into people’s personal spaces. Noisome noise has become part of the modern proclivity to deprive us of our privacy among insensitive architects and builders who are insensitive to people’s needs and who are just in it for the money. Road drone, car and truck horns, squealing tires, ambulance/police/fire vehicle sirens became part of the urban experience. Sometimes horns and sirens are employed indiscriminately and as a weird way to attract attention. Taxi drivers play their intercom radios and regular radios together in a cacophony that taxes the eardrums of passengers.

Noise sometimes becomes a concomitant of various ways to entertain ourselves or gain attention. Rock concerts would not attract sufficient partisans without the “music” amplified to ear splitting levels. Show-offs play their pop music loud enough to pop eardrums and the blasting bass of boom boxes playing “base” music is utilized as a means to garner attention. Years of listening to the Rolling Stones can make us stone deaf, and perhaps stone deaf to any remonstrations against loud noise–especially if we are also stoned on weed while tuned in to the tone deaf music..

Gratuitous noise, even at lower volumes can be just as grating to those grossed out and made especially sensitive to the growing gross noise levels. Being put on hold for long periods when telephoning a store or lodging a consumer complaint while there are many before you in the queue can make you grit your teeth while the same repetitive on-hold music or jingle repeats ad-nauseum. Do you notice that they don’t change the recording for years while they assault your ears and there’s no way to talk to to anyone about it? When you shop in a clothing store that caters to the juvenile set, and most do, you have to try to think while distracted by a rapper or rock star churning out juvenile junk. It’s especially distracting and off-putting to those who don’t enjoy retail shopping in the first place.

Then again(and again) we are forced to be privy to the private cell-phone conversations of the multitudes around us who are tuned out to whatever is going on around them to the point where they nearly bump into you or come close to being run over as they cross the street. The participants in these seemingly endless, engrossing conversations turn up their speaking volumes to assure their being heard above the sound of the herd around them. Their phones become mega phones or loudspeakers to these loud speakers.

When you go into a house, more likely than not, a radio or TV is going non-stop although the resident stopped listening to it long ago, or it is just the thing to do. They are tuned in to the constant propaganda that keeps them towing the establishment line and the non-stop big pharma ads that keeps them wasting their money on a thousand contrived maladies. You are expected to carry on conversions without having the volume lowered. Then again, at work they play their radios without any concern as to whether it bothers others in nearby cubicles or offices. Unnatural noise has been integrated into the everyday experience of these people to the point where it becomes normal and to where they can’t make do without it.

The scientific research on the connections between obnoxious noise and human health are clearly established and should be the subject of a separate article.

In a study conducted by Texas A&M University published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, it was shown that human related noise can drive away pollinators(bees, bats, and moths) and animals that disperse seeds(birds and foxes). One forested area that had been noisy for 15 years had only one-fourth to one-seventh as many seedlings as comparable quiet forested areas.

Let us have a National Day of Silence when we consciously cut out unnecessary noises or lower them to sane levels. This would be a good way to bring attention to the problem. We already have days dedicated to celebrating everything else including every silliness under the sun.

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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“Infrastructure” Spending

Sidney Secular

This was once all-purpose wasteful spending on useless public works that supposedly tied the country together via transportation, communications, and utilities-related foundational structures.

Now it has been expanded astronomically to embrace anything the politicians want to spend money on, especially on pie-in-the sky utopian schemes, mostly misplaced environmental priorities. Only 5% of the proposed Biden “infrastructure” spending is for what a normal person would call “infrastructure”.

President Trump never really got around laying out a detailed blueprint for real infrastructure improvement based on overall objectives. That was supposedly a priority for his second aborted term, but Biden has latched onto it as a means to massively launch the Green New Deal and great reset schemes with great spiels and new woke versions of past democrat

And true to amorphous and nebulous form, Biden has cobbled together an over-the-top $2 trillion plus “infrastructure plan” named “Build Back Better” signaling budgetary priorities for the next 4 years. Copying FDR’s lingo, one component of the scheme is establishing a “Civilian Climate Corps”. Paying for it all would come from several sources.

A big hike/spike in corporate taxes and taxing those making over $400,000 per year would pay for some of it, and other means are being “delibberated” and negotiated to figure out how to fleece the taxpayers without alienating too much of the voter base. An old supposed solution is borrowing money and paying it back on an extended schedule on expected returns on investment. The biz whizzes of The Wharton School of Business believe the Biden plan will reduce the national debt by 6.4% by 2050!

Another funding source would be a gas-tax hike. There hasn’t been one since 1993. With gasoline prices spiking due to Biden’s war on oil pipelines and fracking and pent up travel demand being released with the easing of the COVID lockdowns, that could be an option if the gasoline prices can be tamped down some to dampen voter outrage. A promising variant on that theme is a mileage tax–the more you travel, the more tax you pay. This is called a vehicles miles tax, or VMT. This would incentivize the purchase of more fuel efficient cars, and it would especially would charge up those in the market for electric cars or gas/electric combo cars.

Besides the libbers, this also seems to appeal to to what passes for conservatives nowadays. An adjunct of this would be the electrification of school buses and the federal government’s car fleet. This would help drive gasoline-powered transportation into obsolescence–as is the libber plan. This is impractical, but that never stopped utopians from going ahead with their schemes.

But because most electric and hybrid vehicles have maximum ranges of less than 300 miles between charges, and because most such vehicles take an hour or more to charge, they are effectively useless in the wide-open spaces in non-urban America. They could turn out to be somewhat practicable in the urban corridors of the east and west coasts but of little utility in flyover country. Of course part of Agenda 21/2030 is to drive people from the rural areas back into suburbia and the cities with “stack and pack” programs, so the libber ideas dovetail that way.

Other big ticket items in the Biden plan include: $100 billion for high-speed broadband; $16 billion to put people to work plugging oil and gas wells; $213 billion for affordable housing(max stack and pack for mixing up the masses, minorities, and migrants and economic classes for maximum diversity and integration like a tossed salad, and tossing out mainly white neighborhoods in the process); $100 million for school construction(to contain the burgeoning migrant and illegal masses); $25 billion for child care facilities ( A relative trickle); $400 billion for care of the elderly and the disabled(How about the vets?

This sounds like a huge slush fund); $180 billion for R&D (Think Green new Deal and Big Pharma drugs); $300 billion for business and manufacturing(Its gonna take much more than that to help restore the manufacturing base); $100 billion for workforce development programs(much more than that is needed to retrain those left unemployed by destruction of the petroleum industry and all the past offshoring of whole industries). Much as some of this seems desirable, it is all unconstitutional and should be achieved by other means.

The public, browbeaten and exhausted by the Trump beat-down and  the plannedemic hysteria-mongering will roll over and be rolled of their money to support all of this. Beyond all of this, the latest libber economic “thinking” is to not worry about budgetary restraints or return on investment and just print the money needed like it was going out of style–the national debt and hyper-inflation are nothing to be concerned about.

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Silly Sexpectations and Transgender Travesties

by Sidney Secular

Showing once again that the RINOs are retards, cowards, or emerging/closet liberals, outgoing and underwhelming Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson has not so shockingly sided with the Left to endorse transgender/sex change operations on minors. In just one day,  he was repudiated by his own legislature which voted overwhelmingly to override his veto. Hutchinson defiantly defended the still prohibited practices, asserting that AR kids would be taken out of state to have the procedures performed anyway.

AR’s neighboring Republican-run states could bypass that possibility by passing similar legislation. The transgender movement has come out of nowhere to where it is one of the two driving forces behind the social revolution that has powered Sloppy Joe’s lethargic presidential campaign and now his campaign to “reset” America. The twit has tweeted/twittered on his Twitter account: “Let’s be clear: Transgender equality is the civil rights issue of our time.

There is no room for compromise when it comes to basic human rights”. True to form, his maladministration is pushing the transgender revolution with the conviction of a religious conviction. True to form, CNN received its marching orders and one of its “journalists” punted and pontificated that “it was not possible to know a person’s gender identity at birth, and there is no consensus criteria for assigning sex at birth”.  Biden continued his weird, wayward ways claiming that “there’s not a single thing a man can do that a women can’t do as well or better. Not a single thing”. The suddenly effusive gasbag has really developed his gaslighting into an art.

Putting this pointy-headed idea into perverse action is making a mess out of competitive sports. It is ridiculous and unfair to allow male-bodied athletes to compete in female sports. “Sports Illustrated” magazine is illustrating its devotion to the new nonsense, absurdly featuring a transgender person in its annual swimsuit issue. Men pretending to be women are swarming into women’s sports with nonsensical, unfair results. Girls sports records are being shattered. This is an issue the GOP could obviously champion and tap into the support of nearly all conservatives against liberals and come out looking like champions–it should be a slam-dunk for them.

The NCAA is another major sports promoter/organizer that should be defending the integrity of women’s sports, but instead is doing the opposite by punishing states which pass laws against transgenderism. The NCAA is beholden to advertiser-driven liberal media for television revenue as professional sports leagues are. In January, a bill signed by CA’s hopefully soon-to-be recalled Gov. Gavin Newsom requires the state prison system to begin asking each individual entering its custody to specify their personal pronouns and gender identity.

Jumping at the invitation, 255 biological male inmates have requested to be transferred to women’s prisons. MA and CT  have similar rules and results. CA is pushing the looniness to new lows–Democrats are pushing legislation (AB 2826)  which would impose fines on department stores  which separate clothing and toys by gender.

© 2021 Sid Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Rallying Around Trump

by Sidney Secular

Trump won the election and it matters viscerally. The millions voting for him knew his personality flaws and his failings. He started on the Wall too late, hardly dampened the hiring of illegals and hired mostly a bunch of useless assistants. Yet, the people kept faith in him. Why? Standing in the cold on the Mall on January 6th with perhaps 400,000 waiting for hours for him to speak revealed an answer as simple and old as the basic human need to organize in self-defense. The people were there to hear their leader.

Shivering and waiting, they wanted someone to give them hope for the future–a sense of resolution, confidence, and superior strength. But strength against what? What we these people afraid of that made them stick with Trump for years even with the relentless attacks from the media and the Left? They stuck with him because they felt he was one of them, only with the power to stop the Globalist nightmare.

What the Left is setting about doing now tells us what the Trump movement felt but perhaps didn’t quite articulate: That we are being dissolved as a people and a nation through the relentless lying and propaganda, the Big Tech censorship and surveillance, and the importation of incompatibles. Trump felt this threat and stood up to terrible abuse but stopped short of effectively doing anything much about it.

At some level he still remained terrified of being called a racist or a white supremacist or even Eurocentric. He never saw Jared Kushner as a menace even as he let Kushner’s liberalism gut his agenda. He fought against the Marxist media that wanted him dead. Yet, he also constantly tried to appease them, wanting desperately to be liked. But Communism never has loyalty to anyone or anything it uses, and it destroys everything. The history of the 20th Century taught that lesson. But reading history is not something real estate tycoons have time for.

Trump is a man of great intelligence and courage,  but no intellectual understanding of what he is dealing with. But ultimately it was Trump’s failure to sway/dislodge the GOP RINOs/Old Guard that made the difference in keeping him from being victorious–if he had been able to do that, his vote total would have been so high it would have been insurmountable even with the election fraud. The final blow came when the the VP Poker-Face Pence GOP hack stabbed him in the back and certified the election results, to Trump’s genuine surprise. The pick of Pence was always questionable from the get-go. Pensive-looking Pence did not show any of the fire and desire similar to that shown by Trump.

We were left with the most corrupt election in American history and handing the country over to the Left. The Trump Revolution was very real and immensely powerful–but died in its tracks—and the January 6 rally showed why. The camaraderie among Trump supporters coming to the rally was very immediate and palpable. We were all in this together. They all said the same thing: We were going to fight for Trump–We were going to take the country back. But what awaited them in DC was typical of the entire movement. An empty field, a podium waiting for Trump to speak, and that was it.  There was no organization to bring these people into something bigger than Donald Trump.

It would have been easy to set up tables for each state–At each table, an organizer would have sign-up sheets for that state. That type of thing should have begun when Trump announced he was running in 2015. Very soon Trump organizations larger than the GOP itself would have dominated the political landscape–organizations that would have told the GOP: “You need us..we don’t need you”. These organizations would have set up their own communications networks, radio shows, meeting places, and election candidates. An entirely new political party could have been crafted out of the Trump rallies, something we desperately need now–but no emails were gathered, no officers appointed, and no funds collected. Nothing that Trump said on January 6 was new–In fact, people were drifting away towards the end.

The failure to organize may have crippled us fatally. Everyone at the January 6 rally would have loved having a job helping his movement. These guys were computer programmers, social media wizards, electricians, writers, printers, real estate brokers, and others with important skills. They would have worked for the minimum wage. No one in Trump’s world ever seemed to think of these people and no one thought of them on January 6. They stood in the cold, emptying field while the Swamp creatures in the nearby buildings looked down upon them sneering. A cup of coffee would have been nice.. a place to get warm.. a free hat to say I was there. Yeah, a free hat. But nothing. Trump sabotaged himself from the start–endorsing the treacherous Paul Ryan.

Trump went from one Swamp creature to the next, making himself reliant on the GOP establishment that hated him so much, trying to communicate through the Marxist media, and whining pathetically when they didn’t tell the truth. Trump was warned that Antifa was coming to the rally on January 6. There was no attempt to weed them out. Now it’s over for us, but for Conservatism, Inc. there’s always more years of talk show twaddle, Beltway Balderash, columns in The Washington Examiner and The Washington Times newspapers, long lines at book signings generating cash, but all signifying nothing.

With Biden undoing all the good things Trump did at warp speed, it’s heart-warming to know I still have my large Trump coffee mug  to keep me company and allow me to cry in my beer, drink large volumes of coffee to keep me awake as I scroll through volumes of disheartening news, and remind me of the mugging the country suffered as a result of the fraudulent 2020 election.”

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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The House That I Hide In

by Sidney Secular
That’s what we tend to do, internally/mentally if not physically, when surrounded by deluded, deranged libbers. In 1945, then young liberal Democrat crooner Frank Sinatra recorded a song about the meaning of America, “The House That I Live In”. He continued crooning that tune as his voice and his politics matured and moved rightward.  These are the lyrics:
The howdy and the handshake,
The air of feeling free
And the right to speak my mind out,
That’s America to me.
How quaint that Americans used to believe that. The list of topics that can be discussed in public, even in moderate and respectful ways, shrinks by the day. Conservatives of all stripes are increasingly reluctant to express their views and beliefs in public and even on the internet, that medium whose early proponents often championed as a vehicle for unfettered freedom of expression.
Indeed, many on the right had seen the internet as the key to bypassing the leftist domination of the other media. in 2020, however, the internet became just another venue in which the Left could assert its cultural dominance, as tech companies used algorithms, content warnings, suspensions and bans to limit the spread of ideas they didn’t like, a process that came to include even the former President of the United States. The impact of such open censorship is amplified by massive self-censorship, as people learn about careers sidetracked and even ended by the discovery of stray remarks made years before.
Something of this nature happened to Chris Harrison, the host of the ABC dating game show, “The Bachelor”, after he wondered aloud whether it was fair to bar a contestant for attending a party in 2018 in which the guests dressed like planters from the antebellum South. Harrison was forced to take a leave of absence as the censors took leave of their senses. Harrison will be replaced in the show’s future seasons. Even more pointedly, a member of a folk-rock band, Mumford & Sons was forced to take a leave of absence after it became known that they had dared praise Andy Ngo’s book, “Unmasked”, which is critical of Antifa,
These examples could be multiplied many times over, but the point is clear enough that Sinatra’s “air of feeling free” is now a suffocating miasma, and “The House I Live In” has become “The House I hide In”. There is an overarching attempt to cut off any appeal to the past, and American history is being buried. When the censors are compelled to allow us to see anything from the past they don’t like, warning labels are applied and commentary is applied to put them “in context” so the censors themselves are not censored by those who lord it over them and they can feel confident in their virtue-signalling. “Cancel Culture” is running on full throttle right now, running on all cylinders, as it throttles us.
The only way to throttle the cancel culture short of throttling its purveyors is to keep telling the truth as you see it–not recklessly, nor provocatively, but insistently. It doesn’t take long for beliefs that everyone knows to be true but that no one is willing to defend in public–to vanish. This has been the fate of of what the so-called conservative movement purportedly is out to conserve since that “movement” from its conception has been shot through with tactical timidity.
If we can’t stand up and defend what we know to be true, we may as well be locked in our homes.
© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved
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Dysgenic Islamic Inbreeding

By Sidney Secular

During the KV-197 band C-130 pilot transition program run by Lockheed Corp. in Saudi Arabia, American instructors found that most Saudi trainees had very limited night vision, even on the brightest of moonlit nights. Also, the trainees had very poor retention rates from their training, including the mechanics and maintenance personnel as well. Many required constant reminders of material from the previous day’s lesson. Indeed, it took Muslim pilots years before they could safely night-fly, and even then many were reluctant to venture beyond the lights emanating from a city.

It turns out that their poor retention rates and diminished capacity to learn is a consequence of 1,400 years of inbreeding! A Danish psychologist named Nikolai Sennels  has researched the disastrous effects of 50 generations of first-cousin marriages. Although prohibited in the Judeo-Christian world since Moses, it has been permitted and commonly practiced in the Muslim world since Muhammad. Muhammad is the ultimate authority on all matters, including marriage, so the practice is not likely to disappear any time soon.

Inbreeding resulting from first-cousin marriages in Islam has worked profound changes on their gene pool, affecting intelligence levels as well as measures of mental and physical health. According to the research of Sennels, almost half the world’s Muslim population are inbred. In Pakistan, inbreeding approaches 70%. Even in England, more than half of all Pakistani immigrants are married to first cousins, and in Denmark that figure is around 40%. The numbers are equally devastating in in other Muslim countries: 67% in Saudi Arabia; 64% in Jordan and Kuwait; 63% in Sudan; 60% in Iraq; and 54% in the United Arab Emirates and Qatar.

According to the BBC, inbreeding by Pakistani Muslims explains why British Pakistani families are 13 times more likely to bear children with recessive genetic disorders. And while Pakistani births are only 3% of all births in the UK, they account for 33% of all children with genetic birth defects. The risks are 18 times higher of bearing offspring with cystic fibrosis and spinal muscular atrophy, and the risks are 10 times greater for deaths due to malformations. Other adverse negative consequences of inbreeding include a 100% increase in the risk of stillbirths and a 50% increase in the possibility that a child will die during the birth process.

Reduced intelligence is another consequence of Muslim marriage patterns. According to his research, Sennels demonstrates that offspring from inbreeding have IQs 10 to 16 points lower than offspring of other marriages, and they develop much slower socially. The risk of having an IQ lower than 70–the official standard for “retarded”–increases by an astonishing 400% among children of first cousin marriages. (These same effects were seen in the Pharaonic dynasties of ancient Egypt and in some of the royal families of Europe, where inbreeding–particularly among the Hapsburgs–was the norm at that time.)

In Denmark, Muslim immigrants are 300% more likely to fail the intelligence test required for entrance into the Danish army. According to Sennels, “The ability to enjoy and produce knowledge and abstract thinking is simply lower in the Islamic world.” He claims that the Arab world translates just 330 books every year, a total about 20% of that done by Greece alone! In the past 1,200 years of Islam, just 100,000 books have been translated into Arabic, nearly the number Spain completes in a single year. Seven of ten Turks have never read a book! Sennels explains the difficulties this creates for Muslims seeking success in the West. “A lower IQ together with a religion that denounces critical thinking surely makes it harder for many Muslims to have success in our high-tech knowledge societies.”

Only 9 Muslims have ever won the Nobel Prize, and 5 recipients were awarded the “Peace Prize”. According to “Nature” magazine, Muslim countries produce just 10% of the world’s scientific research measured in articles per one million inhabitants. In Sennels’ native Denmark, Muslim children are grossly over-represented among those with special needs. One-third of the budget for Danish schools is consumed by Special Education, and between 51% and 70% of retarded children with physical handicaps in Copenhagen have an immigrant background. Learning ability is clearly affected: Studies indicate that 64% of schoolchildren with Muslim parents remain illiterate after 10 years in the Danish school system. The dropout rate among immigrants in Danish high schools is twice that of the native-born.

Mental illness is also a consequence. The closer the blood relative, the higher the risk of schizophrenia. The increased insanity may explain why more than 40% of patients in Denmark’s largest ward for the criminally insane have an immigrant background–and the U.S. is not immune. According to Sennels, “One study based on 300,000 Americans shows that the majority of Muslims in the USA have a lower income, are less educated, and have worse jobs than the population as a whole.” Of course, this contributes to the dubious allegations of Muslims of victimization and the desire for retribution against non-Muslims.

Sennels concludes: “There is no doubt the widespread tradition of first cousin marriages among Muslims has harmed their gene pool. Because the religious beliefs of Muslims prohibit marrying non-Muslims, this has prevented them from adding fresh genetic material to their population. The damage done to their gene pool is most likely massive since their prophet allowed first cousin marriages 1,400 years ago. This has produced overwhelming direct and indirect human and societal consequences.”

Islam is not simply a benign moral equivalent to the West’s Judeo-Christian cultural traditions! It is a malignancy in a culture in which the primary victims are Muslims themselves. Simple Christian compassion for Muslims and a common-sense desire to protect Western civilization from the ravages of Islam dictate a vigorous opposition to the spread of this dark and dangerous theocracy.

These stark realities must be taken into account when we establish public policies dealing with Muslim immigration into Western nations. They should also be considered when attempts are made by Muslims already in the West to demand the inclusion of Muslim laws and other cultural dictates into our legal systems and cultures.

Footnote: This article was adapted from a similar one appearing in the Special Mid-Summer 2021 Edition of the Citizens Informer journal. This journal is available only in electronic format. For a copy of the said journal, please submit an email request to:

© 2021 Sid Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Higher Education Being Lowered From Its High Horse

By Sidney Secular
The corrupted and denatured universities are losing their near universal monopoly on knowledge attainment, knowledge storage, and specialized training for high salary professions. Besides, they just cost too much, so they’re on their way out, but they don’t want to admit it yet.
The position of the universities is somewhat analogous to that of the monasteries in Medieval Europe which were all-powerful as knowledge repositories, book producers, and the home of proto-science, and operated in a kind of bubble–a world of their own. The combination of the Reformation, competition from the printing press, the nascent universities, and political maneuvering against the Catholic Church led to their dissolution in the early 16th Century. Now its time for the university bubble to burst, as well.
With the degradation and the near disappearance of the true “liberal arts”, which had provided the thrust for free inquiry and the discipline of philosophy which were at heart the search for “truth”, or even “The Truth”, the universities fell into the “everything is relative” syndrome, automatically destroying the idea of universal truth. Thus, universities faltered and fell for the allure of political correctness via the sabotaging influences of Cultural Marxism, the Frankfurt School’s “Critical Theory”(criticizing tradition and established ideas for no good reason except to undermine society), and the infiltration of the culture distorters and destroyers, and so became the incubator for all the Left-wing and Communist craziness that is overtaking society.
The Left blindly demands that more “minority” applicants and those who don’t perform as well on supposedly culturally biased school entrance exams be allowed into the “elite” universities, or even charter high schools. Thus, as this happens, “elite people” will begin sending their children to institutions of lesser repute, and the Ivy League schools and their ilk will cease to be regarded as “elite” as they are dumbed down to the least common denominator in accordance with equalitarian dogma.
Educators and analysts continue insisting that those of lower academic capability enter “higher education” in order to “earn more money”. They overlook that this simply results in the dumbing down of higher education. The Bachelor’s Degree is losing its value as employers lose faith in what it represents.
The proportion of university-age students attending universities has risen from 13% in Britain in 1991 to 50% today, with similar results elsewhere, meaning that the requirements for the Bachelor Degree are being diluted to graduate dummies, making the degree nowhere near the gold standard it once was.
Already, employers are setting up their own systems of assessment, sometimes giving the job to a non-graduates. They are bypassing degrees and reverting to de facto apprenticeships where they establish their own entry requirements and train people on the job. Surveys have found that employers regard young college grads as deficient in such key workplace skills as written and oral communications, critical thinking, and analytical reasoning–the very things that college was supposed to teach them.
Universities, especially for non-STEM students, are turning into very expensive day care centers. Young people are maturing more slowly, living more sheltered lives. The “I-Generation”(those born in the mid to late 1990s), the ones after the Millennials, is less likely to ever have done any work and less likely to drive than the Millennials were at the same age. Thus, the university for them is not a rite of passage, but merely an extension of “home”.
Hence, we see the genesis of the “snowflake” phenomenon. As immature individuals, the students want to feel intellectually “safe”, protected from ideas that upset them, and to enjoy the right not to be “offended”. The faculty increasingly agrees; and even if they don’t, they censor their teaching accordingly to avoid bad student reports and having their contracts terminated.
The obvious fact is that many high school students would be better off learning a skilled trade where there are many opportunities available than saddling themselves with huge student debt by obtaining a degree from a mediocre university leading to questionable employment prospects.
It would be frivolous to obtain a liberal arts degree but for the fact many benighted employers still require a college degree. However, more and more companies that used to require a degree for certain administrative jobs no longer require one.
Already, the massive expansion in the number of universities that began in the 1960s is now contracting. Smaller colleges are simply closing their doors, unable to fill the spaces and thus unable to stay afloat. Experts predict 25% of colleges will “fail” over the next two decades.
Since it is readily apparent to everyone that the Left acts stridently to restrict free speech on campus and prevents prominent conservatives from giving speeches and commencement addresses to the student body, the public concludes that the academics are biased, that their research is not to be trusted, and that they should not be funded by taxpayer money or be permitted charity status. In 2006, 41% of Americans had a lot of confidence in higher education, but by 2017, that was down to 14%.
“Academic mobbing”–in which fanatical leftist “lackacademics” destroy colleagues whose research challenges leftist dogmas–further undermines public confidence in academia.
It’s obvious that universities can be regarded as the ideological enemies of conservative governments. Hopefully, such governments can soon overcome their cowardice and obliviousness to all of this extreme Marxism and simply abolish universities’ tax breaks and partial public funding, and so let them sink or swim on their own.
Then there’s the technology-driven competition the increasingly woke and expensive universities must face. They are rapidly becoming redundant as it becomes easier to educate oneself on any subject.
There is a “freelance fringe” of academics who hang around university towns and perform tutoring of students in addition to other work, such as journalism, who have become increasingly prominent and available as a result of publicity on the internet and social media. Students are also turning to quasi-academics, often YouTube personalities, who become their de facto teachers.
Due to this competition, the teaching of non-STEM subjects will contract, and the availability of some STEM programs are also likely to contract. Once a significant number of key people, often those who are more intelligent or perceptive, start to lose confidence in the system, then their lack of confidence will become contagious, especially among those turned off by the extreme Marxism of much of the educational establishment.
Of course, the incredible stratospheric level of fees required to obtain a college education that result in terribly burdensome loans will ensure that the college bubble will burst, and the Left will be left to lose one of its key weapons and advantages in the promotion of the downfall of the West.”
© 2021 Sid Secular – All Rights Reserved
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Plutocrats Promote Perversity

By Sidney Secular
Silicon Valley’s elite are hosting meetings to hatch plans to escape the disasters they see coming; and when they come, they’ll leave the rest of us behind. The techies naturally are relying on tech as their modus operandi. The buzzards bandy about techie buzzwords to sound smart, sort of like stock ticker symbols for potential investments: Blockchains, “Crispr” technologies, quantum computing, hedging bets on hedge funds, deriving massive profits from derivatives, trans-humanism, underground and hidden bunkers, isolated survival communities, the “Event”(possible “Armageddons”), environmental collapses, inevitable global warming, cornering the food supply for themselves during disasters, colonizing Mars or The Moon, resource depletions, nativist panics(adverse reactions from middle-class Americans), mass migrations, rising sea levels, post-human utopias, etc. are the topics of discussion. Topics revolve around perceived or imagined threats, or the means of exploitation of the masses, resources, or stock gyrations.
The quest or thrust is not for using technology as a means to benefit society, but as a means for the super-rich to isolate themselves from those of lesser status and escape the consequences of the Frankenstein monster technologies they create. It is a trans-humanist vision that reduces all reality to data and treats humans as beings that just process information and consume resources. Life is sort of a video game won by those who find escape hatches and and can form alliances with entities that can assist in their aggrandizements; those that can scope out the presumptive winners in the digital economy; and those that can navigate the survival-of-the-fittest landscape. The players are freed from the moral implications of their scenarios and their activities. To call attention to the human implications to all of this is to be cast as an anti-technology curmudgeon or an anachronism.
Some topics bandied about by academics, journalists and science fiction writers that feed into the pervading high technology amoral mindset focus on fanciful conundrums and include: Should children get implants for foreign languages? Will autonomous vehicles prioritize the rights of pedestrians or those of its passengers? Should robots have rights? Will changing my DNA matter? They never stop to think that mixing up the DNA of the races through integration and subsequent miscegenation has already messed things up, but that the consequences won’t be known until they show up in future generations, just like hybrid vigor in plants and animals dissipates in future generations and leaves the future specimens weaker and more prone to disease and death(or maybe they’ve thought of this and pushed it out of their minds).
Dehumanization continues in the form of advancing automation; the insecure gig economy; the demise of retail; the lessening of human interaction in general including, of course, the Zoom phenomenon; and the cancellation of normal human social activities due to the “covidiocy”.
The manufacture of computers and smartphones still use networks of semi-slave labor that rely on near-starvation wages to turn out low cost junk that’s programmed not to last long.
The mining of rare earth metals is essential to provide substances that are integral to the performance of high-tech gadgetry. Quantitatively, more than 80% of these rare earth elements are mined in Communist China with limited mining conducted in North America due to scarcity here, and not due to any lack of desire to compete with the Chinese. This mining destroys human habitats and replaces them with toxic waste dumps which are picked over by peasants who sell the reusable materials back to the manufacturers.
Out-of-sight, out-of-mind poverty goes on as we immerse ourselves in alternate realities portrayed in TV shows, movies, and videos, where many times the humans that remain after apocalyptic events are near zombies that fight with one another in zero-sum game struggles. We begin to see humans as the problem and technology as the solution. Diseased human psyches can be corrected with dangerous drugs, or digital or genetic upgrades. The mental gymnastics required for these profound role reversals between humans and their machines depend on the underlying assumption that humans basically suck. Let’s either change them, get away from them, or do away with them–that’s the thought or psychology behind the plutocrat drive for survival and domination . If humans reach escape velocity, the result will be not a continuation of the human diaspora, but an escape vehicle for the elite from the world they ruined to go to un-plundered and unpolluted worlds.”
© 2020 Sid Secular – All Rights Reserved
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Moorish Spain: An Islamic Or Multicultural Paradise?

By Sidney Secular
One of the anti-European and anti-Christian left’s most cherished delusions, and one embedded in the establishment’s versions of history that we all have been subjected to is that “al-Andalusia” or Moorish Spain(AD 711-1492) was a more civilized and enlightened entity than the backward contemporary civilization of Medieval Christian Europe. With the recent establishment of the cult of multiculturalism, contemporary Muslim countries,  especially Moorish Spain is held up as a successful multicultural society in which Christians, Jews, and Muslims flourished together beneath the tolerant eyes of enlightened Islamic rulers, vice the boorish, crude, and unenlightened monstrosity that it actually was. Moorish Spain, if no worse than the other Muslim-controlled societies of its time, was certainly no better.
The first point to grasp is that the Muslim invasion of AD 711 did not encounter a backward cultural wasteland on the Iberian Peninsula. Spain had been under Roman control and influence longer than any Western land outside of Italy and produced more Latin scholars and emperors than any other Roman province. The Visigothic inhabitants were the most Romanized of all the peoples that took over from the Latin Roman Empire. Visigothic leaders spoke Latin and had spent many generations in military and political service to Rome. The several centuries that followed the fall of Rome saw a blending of Roman and German elements creating a new civilization. This new civilization produced a wealth of sacred art and music and men learned in all the academic disciplines. Visigothic law also demonstrated a typically European concern for limiting the power of the ruler, and produced a series of documents similar to the Magna Carta.
While a promising Christian Hispano Visigothic civilization was developing in Spain, Islam was born amid the tents of largely illiterate Bedouin nomads on the Arabian peninsula. In the latter half of the seventh century, Muslims overran the northern coastal area of Africa, destroying the Christian kingdoms that had existed there. In 711, a mostly Berber Muslim army (The “Moors”) invaded and conquered almost the entire Iberian peninsula within ten years.
Arab chroniclers recorded the astonishment of the uncultured Muslim invaders at the splendor of the Spanish cities, and were mesmerized by the huge treasures of gold and jewels of inestimable value they were able to carry away. In response to the plundering, the Christians buried or hid various articles from the marauding invaders, and archaeologists and treasure seekers today still come across these valuables.
Spanish Jews, who had been subjected by the Christian Visigothic rulers to significant legal restrictions, allied themselves with the invaders in the hope of improving their condition. For a time, the Jews were recruited to become viziers to protect the newly conquered areas for the Muslims, but once the Muslims were firmly in control, the Jews were reduced to a position similar to the Christians, and their condition began to steadily deteriorate.
Muslim commanders offered high posts to Christian lords who agreed not to resist the invasion, and they were allowed to keep their lands, servants, and religion because of the numeric inferiority of the Muslims, and not out of any “tolerance”. These agreements were broken as soon as it was convenient to do so.
The Jihad was an important element of the conquest. Burning down and flooding infidel towns occurred, as well as cutting down their fruit trees, killing their animals and destroying their buildings. Whether the defeated were allowed to live or were massacred was up to each individual victorious Muslim commander, and there were a number of recorded cases of outright extermination.
A favorite gambit of Islam’s apologists is to equate Muslim Holy Wars with the Christian Crusades, but the latter were instituted because of the depredations of the former. A “Crusade” was a unique event that only a pope could proclaim, whereas Jihad is a permanent state of being decreed by Islamic law.
Beginning about forty years after the conquest, the Umayyad Dynasty was in control of Moorish Spain from 756 to 1031. The court historians usually cite this period as the pinnacle of Andalusian civilization. Actually, this period was marked by religious and political persecutions, beheadings, impalings, and crucifixions. The level of these depredations has never been exceeded in Spain. The Moors were coarse, uneducated and not very skilled at writing or mathematics. The Moorish mobility was especially ignorant, and was proud to be labelled with that distinction. Thus, they used Jews, Christians, and freed foreigners to handle their administrative affairs.
Non-Muslims were given the choices of  converting, being killed, or accepting the status of “dhimmis”, a class obliged to pay a special tax called the “jizya” with all sorts of other additional, arbitrary, taxes added in increments. All these taxes supported the pashas’ ostentatious palaces, harems, slaves, and city embellishment programs. Keeping people in this status was preferred to making them slaves.
Muslims required Christians and Jews to be confined to their own neighborhoods, except for economic transactions. Christians were required to either stand or kneel in the presence of Muslims as a sign of respect.
Christians were usually not permitted to build new churches, and were required to obtain permission to repair existing churches. The muezzin loudly called Muslims to prayer, but churches were forbidden to ring their bells. Displays of crosses were not permitted on persons or in churches and buildings.
Any disparagements of Islam or attempted revolts against Muslim rule(and there were several) were met with reprisals including beheadings, being impaled, being flogged to death or being boiled alive. Property was taken from dissenters, especially the Christians. Christian martyrs against Islam have received little sympathy from modern historians who dub them “troublemakers” and”self-immolators”.
The situation of the Christians and Jews under Islamic rule gradually deteriorated over time punctuated by massive anti-Jewish riots that broke out in Grenada in 1066. The picture of a multicultural paradise in Spain painted by establishment historians is meant to foster the idea that since Jews and Arabs are similar genetically and are “People of the Book”, they are capable of getting along with each other. Transposing this idea to the modern multi-culti dispensation results in the conclusion that we can all get along if we try, so that the Muslims are now invited to migrate to the Western nations without a care or concern. The Muslims will somehow now become benevolent and a positive influence when added to the ghoulish goulash stew being created.
The populations of most of the Jews, Christians, and even Muslims in Moorish Spain suffered under the most stifling and strict rules governing cultural, religious, and social life found in any Muslim domain then or now. Music was prohibited, except for playing tambourines, and Muslim clerics were empowered  to enter any home where music could be heard in order to confiscate or destroy the musical instruments. Christian slave girls were the only people allowed to play musical instruments.
Chess, backgammon, and dice games were prohibited. Muslims certainly enjoyed higher status than Christians and Jews, but not any more freedom, autonomy, or power than non-Muslims.
Moorish women from aristocratic families were permitted to enter the legal, educational and medical professions.
However, then as now, Muslim women generally spent their lives solely within the family circle, and their relationships were restricted to their parents and other women.
By the year 1200, most of the Christians and Jews had escaped or immigrated to the northern slice of the Iberian peninsula still controlled by Christians. Gaining support from these newcomers, the Christians slowly advanced  against the Moors, and gradually pushed them southward, and by 1492 they were unable to resist the royal decree that expelled them from Spain altogether, ending nearly eight centuries of their domination of the peninsula.
Contrary to conventional wisdom, Islam did not play an important role in preserving classical learning and transmitting it to Western Europe. The classical Greek and Roman texts were studied and preserved by the Christian monks and lay scholars of the Western Roman and Byzantine Empires. They were never lost and recovered by by the Muslims.
Arab scholarship in Moorish Spain hardly existed. Arab intellectuals were ignorant of Greek. What scientific and philosophical works they read were Arabic translations made by Christian scholars. Many Arab rulers disapproved of the study of such works altogether. At one point, all philosophy and logic books in the Cordoba region were publicly burned.
The gorgeous Moorish architecture, such as the famed Alhambra, so admired by modern tourists, conceals an origin unflattering to its builders. Islam has little in the way of a native architectural tradition. It started out with nomads in the Arabian desert who had few permanent structures of any kind. As the area conquered by the Muslims expanded, however, it appropriated and converted Christian houses of worship into mosques and gradually began incorporating Romano-Christian architectural styles into its own constructions. Constructions built by the Arabs themselves in North Africa did not last long because of the Arabs’ sloppiness, poor materials, and lack of knowledge of building techniques.
In Spain, Muslim rulers constructed buildings by cannibalizing columns and other building components and materials from Roman and Visigothic churches. For example, much of the Great Mosque of Cordoba was built with materials taken from demolished churches. Even the technique of alternating red brick and white stone used in the Great Mosque of Cordoba is adopted from the Roman technique called “opus vittatum mixtum” that can be seen in the surviving Roman aqueducts in Spain. The Mosque’s mosaics are actually Greek-influenced.
Popularizers of the myth of the Andalusian paradise like to emphasize all the things we can “learn” from the history of Moorish Spain. This endeavor consists of trying to find, at all costs, evidence that the said entity was a bastion of tolerance, feminism, and multiculturalism, and therefore worthy of emulation. Such a mindset only guarantees that we will never be able to learn anything from the study of the past. Academic proponents of the “Andalusian Paradise” are perfectly frank about their desire to employ historical scholarship in the service of the contemporary multicultural project.
Part and parcel of this academic fetish is a conscious effort to downgrade the West, often culminating in a denial of its very existence. In this irrational and senseless conception, the Spanish Christian population subjugated by the Muslims in the Eighth Century did not have enough in common with the Christians across the Pyrenees or elsewhere to consider them all as parts of a single civilizational entity that might be called, “The West”, or used to be called “Christendom”.
Islam inexplicably escapes critical examination and somehow is considered worthy of being embraced despite all evidence to the contrary, as are all non-Western cultures no matter how depraved or backward they may be.
Contemporary historiography concerning Muslim Andalusia is thus yet one more front in the great struggle of our time; that of reversing the decline of White European civilization in the face of an unremitting assault from a multitude of enemies, both internal and external.
The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise:
Muslims, Christians and Jews under Islamic Rule in Medieval Spain
Dario Fernandez-Morera
Wilmington, DE: ISI Books, 2016
© 2020 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved
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Fraudulent Facade For A Worldwide Filching

Sid Secular

Skipping over the gory stats and details for the moment, suffice it to say that the momentous and nearly global lockdown over the nebulous COVID-19 virus was called for and instituted at the very top of the evil empire pyramid attempting to take over the world in one fell/foul swoop to institute the long predicted and touted totalitarian New World Order via a total elimination of our basic liberties. Fudged and fake stats from the state have been used to add gravitas to a supposedly grave situation which, if the virus is in fact a fact, is nothing more than a seasonal flu.

At the very unlikely maximum, total deaths from those who have supposedly contracted the newly created/fabricated/discovered disease would be 2%. The overwhelming numbers of “recoveries” are never mentioned or placed into perspective by the reporting agencies or their mouthpiece media outlets. A very large portion of those alleged to have succumbed to the disease are those over 80 years of age who were already suffering from maladies having the same or similar symptoms to the COVID-19 symptoms, or had already very weak immune systems and were “sickly” and so were liable to “catch” any influenza that was making the rounds of the Globe. Furthermore, to inflate the numbers, the cause of death of anyone in the said age group who shows the usual flu symptoms is always reported as COVID-19 upon the instructions of the authorities, thus rendering the numbers invalid. This is typically the case in nursing homes and hospitals, where the word of an authority is the last word. This has glaringly been the case in Italy, Spain, and Austria. Meanwhile, the usual seasonal flu typically claims over 60,000 victims each year in the US alone, and there has never been a lockdown in these instances or in the case of any other disease, for that matter. There are lots of suspicions and questions that need to be addressed and answered here.

There is so much stuff going viral on the not quite fully defined COVID-19 entity that it will fill several volumes in due course; but the essence of the phenomenon, its planned instigation, and the purposeful machinations surrounding it are already clear enough so that one can read between the lines and the lies to see where this massive diversion and subversion is all heading. The pertinent and pending question is whether the healthy, necessary, and most welcome expanding reaction to the lockdowns via local demonstrations by those with some sense of sanity and urgency can coalesce into a nationwide movement that hits a critical enough mass to hasten the end of this madness. We’re going to hang separately if we don’t hang together to confront this juggernaut that is going for our collective jugular.

The crisis scenario presented to us as a do or die situation by a bunch of scaremongers and bumblers at first was that two million of us would die–this was lowered in increments down to 100,000 and then to 60,000. The latter figure would be 20,000 less than the number of flu victims during the 2017-2018 flu season and one-fortieth less than the original prediction. Even as the globalist CDC and the WHO backed down in their predictions, no one criticized these nonsensical forecasts or attempted to discredit them, and there were no repercussions as a result of these outlandish estimates–in fact, the fear propaganda continued unabated even as the healthcare system was not strained in the least in nearly all parts of the country. Even in the New York City metro area, which the reporters were venting over, tens of thousands of ventilators remained in storage. “Citizen reporters” filmed many hospitals in NYC that were far from busy, with some looking like ghost towns. Some laid back hospitals around the US even laid off workers, since not only was there no “pandemic” present, but the lockdowns cut back on the usual number of patients as elective surgery was postponed or outlawed, and the incidence of car accidents was way down, as residents hunkered down in their domiciles.

The mockingbird media continues to present and exaggerate daily death counts without ever putting them into perspective and comparing them with the vaster number of deaths from other types of flu, pneumonia, cancer, heart disease, strokes, respiratory disease, diabetes, accidental deaths and even suicides. Delaying the conduct of otherwise normal medical procedures is also killing an unknown number of people as is the advice to stay at home and reduce their healthy outdoor activities and access to sunshine, as is the anti-social admonition against social interaction or even getting close to anyone, and treating passers-by as lepers. Allowing the virus to spread without the artificial restrictions will speed up the acquisition of natural immunity, called herd immunity (as if it were a slight), hasten the end of the current outbreak, and will build up immunity for future epidemics/cannedemics.

One shouldn’t get one’s hopes up over development of a vaccine to prevent this malady. As we are now increasingly finding out, these concoctions are many times more harmful than helpful, and can cause the disease they are tasked with eliminating. Many of some 50,000 who die each year from the flu receive the flu vaccine and it does them no good. Vaccines are suspected of being implicated in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome(SIDS) and retardation of natural maturation in children.

All this locking of arms of the medical cartel with those usually antithetical to liberty and individual rights(with no dissent tolerated) certainly gives rise to a very healthy skepticism about what is going on and why.

There are two angles dangling before us:(1) A new, potentially dangerous virus emanated from China, however it got started, and governments acted overly cautiously and went overboard with draconian measures which drastically reduced freedom and liberty. This was the ongoing trend anyway as governments in the modern era naturally move towards socialism and become over-active to justify their existences and bloated budgets, and obtain or commandeer new powers which are never relinquished whenever the alleged problem dissipates. When it became apparent that this flu was not a deja vu of the Spanish Flu, governments naturally kept their new powers.(2) The other explanation is that the entire pandemic is part of a far more sinister power play, a continuation of the “false flag” syndrome increasingly employed in recent years which are accompanied by “drills gone live” such as was the case with this event. A number of “pandemic simulations” were conducted in the months leading up to the current outbreak of COVID-19. The NY Times’ “slimes” reported in March 2020 that the Trump Administration conducted an exercise in 2019 simulating a pandemic crisis situation. This was the now notorious Event 201, a collaboration of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Johns Hopkins University, and the World Economic Forum, which simulated a Coronavirus outbreak and envisioned ways the public and private sectors could work together to stop the spread of this or any other virus. The recommendations and policy proposals arising from this gathering were responsible for the ensuing nearly universal world lockdown. These hyped up drills usually wind up with the declaration of a concocted “war” on something(such as the war on terror, the war on drugs, and now the war on ‘bugs”) involving greatly increased governmental powers and campaigns conducted on a world-wide scale.

It’s still too early to say how this will all play out. The sudden shutdown of the US economy and its ruination had to be a prime aim of the satanists. America is very sturdy and flexible and it could bounce back in a big way once restrictions are lifted. It could result in fatal blows to internationalism, free trade, and open borders, or things could go the opposite way and we could continue to be sucked into a death spiral with open totalitarianism, permanent “social distancing” in varying degrees, rolling lockdowns, social mayhem, regional conflicts along political divides, secessions, and widespread violence. The US may get more nationalistic and self-supporting while at the same time becoming more authoritarian and oppressive domestically, and a social credit system like the one operating in China could be adopted. Such seems to be the goal of our masters. Over there, those who don’t get with the government programs are severely ostracized to the point of becoming social and economic pariahs/outcasts.

It looks quite probable that this is a manufactured crisis designed to kill many budding movements trying to improve the “status woe” in one fell/foul swoop. These would include the budding anti-vaxx movement, ecologically/environmentally oriented small businesses and traditional farms that are challenging the domination of big agriculture, alternative solutions to the domination of big tech in its censorship of free(conservative) speech, and the opposition to the ink-quisition on writings and thoughts that oppose the standard narratives. At the same time it is greasing the skids for the imposition of the 5G technology(5G installations are occurring in the locked down schools and other places where no one is present to see what is going on), the institution of a cashless regime/digital currency, the facilitation of the use of robots, the proliferation of the internet-of-things, imposition of methodologies for tracking our every movement and to determine whether we’ve received the mandatory vaccination shots, and forcing the plebes further into debt as they increase their borrowing and use of credit cards to overcome their emaciated bank accounts. All the while, our masters are continuing to do the research that will one day determine what we will think before we think it so that they can have complete mastery over us. The worst part is that the sheeple have gone along with every governmental mandate except for scattered protests that have not coalesced into a coordinated movement national in scope. One of the famous Huxleys pointed out 90 years ago that we were on the path towards an efficient totalitarian state, and it looks like we’re about to arrive there. The fear-mongering and constant diet of daily globaloney propaganda from the boob tube and mainstream media has caused many people to lose their capability of discerning between fiction and reality. The big whoppers occur in tsunami bursts that take advantage of staged or propitious unfavorable events that occur in the normal course of things, while the lesser daily news and distorted views reinforce the over-arching narratives. On some level we can only hope that even the dullest of the dolts begin to realize that things cannot continue on the track they are on now. The establishment news-makers scream loudest about disinformation when they are the one who propagate it, as they fly off the handle when their conformist positions are challenged. Maybe some dullards will soon see through these feverish flounderings, fronts, and facades.

The control freaks are busy developing “apps” that will track everyone who downloads them and will “beep” when a person who allegedly has the virus walks near someone who doesn’t. Privacy concerns will be rigorously ignored while at the same time enumerations of the applicability of the Privacy Act will be enumerated as a feature/clause of each commercial transaction, but almost no one will read the fine print involved. Why fool with these expensive toys when they can be used as spying vehicles? Will they force us to buy and toy with these toys and phase out other types of phones just to faze patriots? Lord have mercy! Is this just a phase or craze that will go away?

It’s not about what’s said and debated. It’s about what’s unsaid, buried, thrust aside or left out. Why does it seem like Silicon Valley’s digital censorship is the same as China’s? Simple answer–it is the same. The diversion of the KungFlu phenomenon engages the world’s attention while at the same time digital tyranny is killing democracy, and while the US Congress and the President sit it out quietly and let it happen.

Surveillance of the public followed the largely manufactured “war on terror”, the implementation of the Patriot Act, and the advent of social media which allowed and furthered efforts to profile, track, and trace individuals. Now the China Virus provides a further pretense to further the already deep reach of the Deep State and its surveillance and corporate partners. What began with the ludicrous supposed threat(and denial) from a Muslim friend of the US President who was on dialysis and allegedly lived in a cave that couldn’t be located has evolved into pathogen/pathogenic propaganda which the media has exploited to frighten an ill-informed public, and thus clear the way to introduce ever more intrusive surveillance modalities.

As alluded to above, Google and Apple have jointly created a system to track and trace people allegedly exposed to the China Virus. This technology would rely on the Bluetooth signals that smartphones can both send and receive. If a person tests positive for the virus, public health authorities would be alerted. Anyone who came near the infected person’s smartphone in the prior 14 days could then be alerted.

Bill Gates of Microsoft has wormed his way up the globalist oligarchy’s hierarchy and now passes somehow as the world’s leading expert on vaccination. It’s uncanny that Gates at the same time is a proponent of greatly reducing the world’s population. Gates is now tied with George Soros as the man most hated by patriots after pushing for a ban on “mass gatherings” until a “global vaccine” is developed.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is funding very advanced studies at MIT to develop a “Mark of the Beast” type patch that would be implanted under the skin. The patch would contain a high-tech tattoo that could identify the wearer as one who has been vaccinated. This information could be accessed using a specially equipped smartphone that could emit signals that could detect the vaccination information. It’s easy to imagine a day soon when people will be required to have their tattoo scanned before being granted access to any public venue. The same tracking technology could then be developed further to eliminate the use of dirty money, then later on any kind of money.

President Trump may be committing political suicide by employing Doctors Fauci and Birx as his spokespersons since Fauci is closely allied with the Gates Foundation and Birx has strong ties with the Obama Administration and also the Gates Foundation, and Gates is engaged in an intense behind-the-scenes struggle with Trump over who gets to dominate the virus fighting narrative.

It gets much worse. Fauci’s NIAID actually funded a study on the Bat Coronavirus at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China that has been accused of developing the COVID-19 virus. Gates had already been funding research on new methods for vaccine delivery. There is practically no area of the current pandemic unpanned by Gates and where the footprints of the omnipresent Gates are not to be found.

Fauci, which means “jaws’ in Italian, opened his big yap in January 2017 when he stated that there is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming Administration in the arena of infectious diseases, and then predicted a “surprise outbreak” which has just occurred. Surprise, surprise!

Trust in public authorities and the media was already wearing very thin before the COVID-19 pandemic. All the lies in re: Washington’s wars–weapons of mass destruction, Iranian nukes, Assad’s use of chemical weapons, and the Russia-Gate hoax have seriously undermined the credibility of Washington and the US mainstream media. Thus alternative explanations, mischaracterized as “conspiracy theories” by the media, are running rampantly riot all over. However, all the doubters need to come to common understandings and positions or else the confusion, debilitation, and irresponsibility will just get worse.

To continue to survive as a society, we need realism, decisive action, and commitment by public authorities without favoritism. We should demand and force through substantial reforms once we get our act together. Despite all kinds of maladies being identified with or blamed on the COVID-19 virus, hopefully the bug-a-boo over it will eventually dissipate, but the assault on our liberties will not be reversed unless extremely decisive action is taken.

© 2020 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Hip Hop Diplomacy

By Sidney Secular
Multinational corporations, globalists, and the US State Department are using “hip hop” music and other Afro-American and Latino “sub-cultural” expressions to promote and incite disaffection and revolt among alienated youth, especially Muslims, in parts of Africa, Asia, the Middle East and even Europe. Feminism, sexual abnormalities, extreme Leftism, and soulless materialism have been and are being fermented, directed, and funded to produce unrest and upheavals such as “color revolutions” and other destructive movements while tidy profits are made off the untidy “weaponized” rabble. The meaning of “color revolution” has never been pinned down, but apparently refers to the generally failed attempts at revolution in the former Soviet-bloc nations, the People’s Republic of China, and the Balkan countries and probably is associated with the “Rainbow” flag dissidents and Leftists are fond of displaying as a symbol of discontent with the status quo. The movements are not necessarily associated with “people of color”.
Once corporations began seeing the earnings potential of of “rap” and similar forms of “music”, the exploitation campaign was quickly established with the assistance of those promoting the New World Order and globalization concepts. An example is Budweiser’s sponsorship of the Black rapper and businessman Jay-Z as a means of building a new consumer base for its products and profits. International-oriented corporations exploit opportunities without giving any thought to the underlying effects of their messages. Alcoholism is a problem in the Black community and Jay-Z is not helping this problem by endorsing a beer company.
Adding an artist as the face of a corporation’s product lends the product instant acceptance in the minds of mindless consumers. Companies like Adidas backed by Run-DMC, and Nike backed by Spike Lee and Michael Jordan turned into hip hop branding. The methodology is to create commercials utilizing product promotion in a rap song or video where the artist appears. .
Use of hip hop in this type of corporate advertising evolved into a much broader agenda that is being used to subvert nations, peoples, and cultures. The goal is to promote acceptance of the “American Dream” which incorporates deracination, alienation, and consumerism in the US and elsewhere in the world wherever American “culture” has made inroads, which is nearly everywhere.
A prototype for this deleterious campaign was established during the Cold War through the use of jazz music and abstract expressionism, sponsored through the CIA front organization, “The Congress for Cultural Freedom”. The jazz tours during the Cold war era involved sending racially integrated bands led by Dizzy Gillespie, Louis Armstrong,  and Benny Goodman to parts of Africa, Asia and the Middle East to counter Soviet propaganda about American racial practices and get people the various countries to identify with the “American Way of Life”. The underlying message was that equality could be gained under the American political system for those who had suffered anywhere under “European colonialism”.
The current “diplomatic” program was initiated by the US State Department in the mid-2000’s, when in the wake of Abu Gharaib, Karen Hughes, then Undersecretary of State For Public Diplomacy, launched an initiative called “Rhythm Road” modeled after the aforesaid jazz diplomacy initiative of the Cold War era, except that now in respect to the “War on Terror”, hip hop would play a central role in countering poor perceptions of the US.
In 2005, the US State Department began sending “hip hop envoys”–rappers, dancers, and disc jockeys–to perform and speak in parts of Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. The tours have since covered the broad arc of the Muslim world with performances taking place in Senegal, The Ivory Coast, across North Africa, the Levant, and the Middle East and extending even as far as Mongolia, Pakistan, and Indonesia. The hip hoppers not only stage performances but conduct workshops where they sell The American Dream around the world. The tours are a means to not only exhibit the integration of American Muslims into the broader American culture, but to promote democracy and foster dissent in countries deemed not sufficiently under the sway or control of the US. Assessments of unacceptable levels of Americanization or democracy utilized in determining where the hip hop diplomacy should be concentrated are made by globalist organizations such as Freedom House and the National Endowment for Democracy.
This hip hop diplomacy is used in tandem with other globalist programs fostered by the US State Department in association with the social media giants such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter that instigate social media campaigns that go viral among youth. These programs and social media campaigns have played an important role in developing the “color revolutions” and other campaigns such as the “Arab Spring”. The “Arab Spring” relates to a series of uprisings and rebellions which occurred across the Arab World in the mid-2000’s, achieving varying degrees of success.
In regards to the Arab Spring phenomenon, then Secretary of State  Hillary Clinton stated that “Hip Hop is America”. She had a role to play in having a rap and hip hop concert come off in Syria. She was instrumental in having rap and hip hop groups create lyrics and music to foster revolts that occurred in North Africa during 2011. “Artists” in Tunis, Cairo, and Bengazi wrote lyrics and cobbled together protest footage, rhythms and rhymes which they uploaded to proxy servers. These impromptu productions were then picked up by Al Jazeera, and then played at gatherings and solidarity marches in London, New York City and Washington, DC.
Hip hop has become a potent means of subverting the traditional cultures of the world and creating a global mono-culture behind the facade of diversity. Globalization is destroying traditional cultures, religions, and ethics in the name of “freedom”. The globalists aim to employ hip hop to undermine authority in Muslim states, and foster discontent within the Muslim enclaves of European states, such as in France, should the ruler of the state be on the outs with Washington.
The image changing thrust of the globalists can take the form of plays, TV shows, videos, novels or hip hop music. The Unites States is projecting itself as having a revolutionary, even messianic mission to refashion the world in its image. The message from the US to the world is that anyone can be anything they like and adopt the lifestyle they want if they accept the nihilistic “freedom” offered by the US and make the American Dream their dream , too. One’s birth, which is to say one’s birthright and heritage are of no account since anyone can reinvent themselves. This creates a state of perpetual individual and societal flux with ever changing fashions and trends, which is useful in swaying the masses politically and for the mass merchandising  necessary to keep the capitalistic growth model “in business”.
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Coronavirus Event: Pandemic Pandemonium

By Sidney Secular
Every imaginable theory, “conspiracy” or not, has been broached re: the cause of the virus outbreak, the perpetrators involved, and the outcome that will result, intended or not. We will reserve final judgement on the matter until more facts come to the fore, the many facets can be fully explored, and some investigative dead ends dumped as possibilities. “Know that”(modern parlance) many past epidemics have turned out to be basically duds with comparatively few deaths. This was the case with the recent episodes of West Nile, SARS(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), Swine flu, and Zika. In each of these cases, very ominous announcements from public health agencies, the World Health Organization, the Centers For Disease Control, and other supposedly authoritative sources were spread via the mainstream media who spread the scariness on thick. There was massive hype about huge death rates and talk of quarantines and isolation.
In each of these cases, the number of deaths in comparison with the populations of the host areas was very, very low. The same publicity pattern emerged initially with the Corona virus event, but in this case, the powers-that-be have taken advantage of the social media modality to virally spread rumors and unsubstantiated claims quickly and widely to inflame the hysteria to unprecedented levels in an apparent bid to bring the entire world to a near standstill economically and in many ways socially as a means to facilitate the imposition of the globalist agenda and drag President Trump down in the process by putting a major crimp in the economic progress he has been successfully accomplishing thus far in his presidency. The elites want populations to obey all orders from the medical cartel–the gigantic complex of institutions, practitioners, schools, big pharma, medical journals, etc. that control the health sphere.
The intent is to herd people into the medical matrix from cradle to grave, and fabricated or exaggerated epidemics are very good vehicles to get people to follow what the experts and doctors prescribe as solutions. The medical establishment is especially concerned with the upstart anti-vaccination movement that is beginning to gain traction. Vaccines are one of the most profitable medical creations. and evidence is mounting that they do more harm than good. The goal is to pass laws right away that mandate vaccination inoculation before the anti-vax movement can obtain measurable success.
A very good place to blame as the source of an epidemic and to serve as an example of how to control an epidemic is communist China. That country has locked down its borders tighter than a drum and has placed large cities under quarantine. This could serve as an example to what can and should be accomplished elsewhere to control an epidemic. Any Western source can exaggerate by saying there are one million epidemic cases and people are dropping like flies. Such allegations cannot be readily disputed. Western sources have claimed the virus is a bio-weapon creation of the Chinese that the developers lost control of. News reports allege without proof that China is reacting admirably and that we should look to China as an example of how emergencies should be tackled elsewhere. Most people will just follow whatever the mainstream media propagates.
All the emergency and drastic actions taken in and of themselves will convince most people that the virus is extremely dangerous. If the situation should lead to riots or major disorders, national and state militaries and large police forces will lick their chops in anticipation of money and sophisticated equipment being obtained for use in major urban areas which already have severe crime problems and are always understaffed and underfunded in meeting their challenges. These additional resources could than be used in unauthorized ways in the gradual imposition of a police state in view of the gradual loss of our basic liberties
The medical-industrial complex is rife with corruption, incompetence, and a lack of morality. There are no reasons for the public to believe or trust our political leaders, so-called scientists, or mainstream journalists anymore. Sources offering unorthodox or alternative ideas and solutions should be given a fair hearing.
© 2020 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved
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by Sidney Secular

“All notions of security are  superstitions.” —Helen Keller

“When you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice — You may know that your society is doomed.” —Ayn Rand

Cultural Marxism has always involved the effort to destabilize societies in order to redistribute their wealth and to impose political tyranny, and, when successful, it has always resulted in totalitarian regimes that ended up killing more than just national economies.  In the past, Cultural Marxism generally built up a head of steam by exploiting  class conflicts inside of societies, but it found that effort to be unsuccessful in U.S., because here the poor always aspired to become like the rich, rather than wanting to kill off the rich to grab their money.  Stymied by this mindset, the Marxists diligently searched for other societal fault lines to exploit, and they settled on a campaign to inflame the race and gender divides in America.

This attack plan began with modest demands that women and minorities have equal access to institutions, integration into them, and an equal status in all venues.  After making headway for several decades in those contexts, the attack then predictably moved forward to more aggressive attempts to control institutions and extort reparations from them.  Ultimately, however, the end goal can be expected to become an effort to completely reinvent the institutions and impose authoritarianism in them. We know this, because Cultural Marxism doesn’t seek partnership with those in power, it instead seeks to depose and obliterate the powers that be.

As an example, the American Civil Rights Movement, which began with polite requests for social equality for Negroes and equal access to institutions like schools, trade unions, and government agencies.  Those goals were largely achieved, and have now evolved into frequent and strident demands for reparations,  institutional control, and wealth redistribution.  When the modern demands are impeded at any point, invariably there are now zealous charges of racism and shrieks that historical grievances that must be righted.

Few concessions and confessions decrease the loudness of the shrieking, and in all of this, little mention is made of the fact that 600,000 overwhelmingly white soldiers gave their lives in the American Civil War, at least in some part to emancipate Negroes.  When we add civilian deaths, some scholars suggest a figure of closer to one million fatalities may have occurred.  Likewise, little mention is made of the trillions of dollars spent in social welfare benefits in the last half century to raise blacks to parity with whites, or the 60 years of reverse discrimination to which white Americans have been subjected in the guise of something called “Affirmative Action.”  Instead there is the snarling rabidity of Spike Lee, telling his kinsmen in awards ceremonies that it was “black Americans who built America.”  Odd, this exaggeration, coming from a representative of a relatively small American subgroup that once constituted less than one-tenth of America’s population, and was primarily kept busy scrubbing chamber pots.  Ironic,  this vitriol, coming from modern purveyors of discontent, insisting that it was actually their group that founded and built a society that would never have existed if history had waited for them to do the job.

In blood and cash and self-negation, any debt owed Black America has already been paid in full.  Yet instead of any remotely humble acknowledgement of this, we are bombarded by a narrative insisting that America’s primary identity stems from a relentless victimization of people of color.  And this is a narrative promoted by both the Left and the Media, the latter of which in recent decades has generally functioned as the Left’s mouthpiece.  In this role, the smallest of micro-aggressions perpetrated against blacks is fodder for the Media narrative.  A white swimming pool manager, failing recently to recognize a black family as members, requested identification and received coast-to-coast TV vilification for that sin.  A white drugstore manager refused to accept a black shopper’s coupon, and received similar coast-to-coast media scorn.  In a notorious incident, two black men were asked to purchase something at a Starbucks or to leave.  They refused to do so, even when the police were summoned and made the same request.  They were arrested, with seismic hoopla resulting.  The incidents that were “reported” do not yet meet the threshold of being qualified as “hate crimes,” but hang onto your hat, because such times are soon coming.  And in the meanwhile, entire households of the melanin-impaired may be slaughtered in their sleep by people of color, and those incidents receive only local media attention, or get designated as unexceptional run-of-the mill crime, and/or get promptly flushed down the public’s memory hole.

The sin of these distorted narratives is greatly compounded by the Media’s insistence that there is a war by the police on people of color.  It does not matter one wit that this “war” is statistically impossible to substantiate.  In essence, if people of color are numerically more likely to die in encounters with the police, it is only because people of color are more likely to be involved in the crime occurring in our streets.  There is nothing mysterious about this equation, yet the Media has seldom been accused of being encumbered by an obligation to pursue something called “The Truth.”

Similarly, the “war between the sexes,” a largely nonexistent conflict throughout most of human history, has been fueled and exploited by our adversaries to create societal divisions  with the purpose of destabilizing the existing status quo and replacing it with a new one.  Here, too, the Media agenda is relaxed in its inability to perceive certain realities, like the unequal life spans of men and women.  American women on average live five or more years longer than American males, and this is at least in part a sad testimonial to the greater burdens borne by men in the struggle for survival.  If life itself is the most precious of human commodities, then how are men not being profoundly shortchanged?  The Left’s gender warfare agenda also ignores other realities:   despite the endless screeching for complete equality, women do not demand that half of our wars’  body bags be filled with females.  Perhaps it’s because that would constitute a true equality whose price they have no real wish to pay:  99.9 percent of all combat deaths continue to be males.  Similarly, they have no problem with the fact that the vast majority of workplace deaths are males, because men are performing the most dangerous jobs.  They also have no problem with the fact that females are sentenced to vastly less jail time when they commit the same crimes committed by males.  Unsurprisingly,  many recent studies have revealed that half of all domestic violence is perpetrated by females, so women should also insist that women constitute half of all domestic violence arrests.  They do not do so;  instead, the vast majority of arrestees are males, primarily because males often do not report assaults made on them by their female partners.  And as a final example, to reiterate a point slightly, women should very rationally demand that Affirmative Action quotas be created for hard labor professions like coal mining and highway construction, following the logic that if small or petite men can do these jobs, then women can help serve the cause of justice by filling them and shortening their own life spans.

Is there any likelihood that any of these blatant inequalities will be remedied?  Dream on, ladies and gentlemen.  It will not happen because such remedies will not advance the agenda of the juggernaut that joyfully grinds men — and especially white men — into their graves.

The gender narrative is thus in some regards as one-sided as the aforementioned racial narrative.  The gender narrative allows women to aggressively demand all of the perks of parity, while retaining most of the perks of being sheltered as “the weaker sex.”  Take, for example, the FBI’s discriminatory physical requirements for newly hired Special Agents.  In order to become an agent, men are given ten points in the physical examination if they can run 1.5 miles in 8.59 minutes or less time, and women receive ten points if they can run the same distance in 10.34 minutes or less.  In effect, women are given more than one and a half additional minutes to run the same distance(!).  In the same manner, a male applicant gets ten points if he can do 71 or more push-ups, while a woman gets the same number of points for doing 45 push-ups.   These and similar lesser physical requirements for women beg an obvious point:  if the aforementioned ten and half minutes qualifies female agents to chase bank robbers down a street, how is it anything other than blatantly discriminatory to hold males to a more demanding requirement?  These unequal requirements are blatant sex discrimination on their face, discrimination no one has the necessary cahones to litigate.

The bottom line, while pontificating about equality, many women remain sheltered from much of the heavy lifting in our society.  They still expect to be first in the lifeboats when a passenger liner sinks, because they expect to have their cake and eat it too.  Clarity, justice, true equity — these are finer points that make no impression on many fevered Liberal minds, minds unaware that they are shaped and herded by agendas that are hardly interested in anything resembling genuine fairness.

Like many forms of evil, Cultural Marxism disingenuously appeals to our higher ideals regarding justice, equality and freedom.  We are told that our destiny involves achieving  a state of complete equality in a post-racial and post-gender society.  But Cultural Marxism, like many ideological cancers, has merely waged its warfare by cloaking itself in disguises intended to exploit our most noble and humane aspirations.  In reality, its appeals are merely a means to an end; it promotes divisions to destabilize and deconstruct societies and thus create a more fertile ground for itself.

To rehash one primary thought, the pattern of initially demanding access and equality is a pattern that ultimately ends in institutional control and oppression.  This is exemplified nowhere better than in the nation of South Africa, a once First World, modern, industrialized society that is now rapidly devolving into a violent and dysfunctional nightmare.  The once bright promises of socialism there are now sand in the mouths of ordinary South Africans.  Water and electricity are routinely rationed in cities that were once on par with those in any other Western nation.   Racial and gender relations have worsened, despite promises that the fall of Apartheid would lend itself to utopian levels of racial and gender equality.  Just as important, for our analysis, the society in a matter of three decades has devolved from being an orderly and stable one to being one characterized by some of the highest rape, crime, and poverty statistics on the planet.  It has gone from being a First World nation that was founded and built and dominated by whites to one in which whites are now largely banned from the labor market and white real estate holdings are being forcibly confiscated.  And it has devolved into a place where women of all races frequently exist in economic and physical peril.  What emerged from the settling dust of post-white rule was a hyper-violent, repressive, conflicted, balkanized, and disintegrating community, a community in which survival itself has become problematic.

This is no environment conducive to genuine racial and gender equality, and if such descriptions strike some familiar chords with Americans, they should reflect that in South Africa such a metamorphosis was unthinkable only a few decades ago.  A society that South African Europeans spent four centuries building — and which would not have existed without their presence — went quickly from a national mindset of “It can’t happen here,” to “It will inevitably happen here.”  Imperfect as the old South Africa may have been, today it barely operates.

America is very unlikely to escape the same disaster.  As we have mentioned, a very short time ago, as the European desendants of the founding populations of the U.S. and South Africa, our status and safety in these countries were considered divinely ordered certainties.  Even so, as rapidly as a society can create sacred cows, it can just as quickly create scapegoats and pariahs to render up as burnt offerings to the gods.  We assumed our homelands to be invincible, and our places in them to be secure, but notions of such security are on some level purely imaginary.  As the wise Benjamin Franklin once said, “Even when we think ourselves secure, we are not truly safe.”

It can be speculated that tomorrow’s America, very much like South Africa, will be neither post-racial nor post-gender.  It will merely be a “post-America” society, in that the original America will be permanently dead.  Racial and gender conflicts will still abound, because racial and gender realities will continue to exist, all of the vaunted and extensive social engineering notwithstanding.  The conflicts will merely have been successfully manipulated as part of a divide and conquer strategy that places the barrel of a gun squarely in our faces  and then pulls the trigger — obliterating everything once familiar to us.

The fools and traitors and cowards that lead us will have merely ushered us into dark and dangerous byways, under the pretense of illuminating those places.  Instead, rather than creating light, they will simply herd us toward the terminus of the road that ends in extinction.

© 2020 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Cultural Apathy and Atrophy Through Conformity

By Sidney Secular
The Government in our democracy can avoid the appearance of being heavy handed and dictatorial by letting the conformist, brainwashed, fear driven masses themselves enforce the latest far left “standards” of acceptable behavior upon any non-conformists, recalcitrant upstarts, or anyone thinking outside the box by using a form of indirect coercion on hapless victims via a nudging type of soft shaming, dirty looks, avoidance, or non-acceptance.  This is a total totalitarianism where one is afraid to say certain things, but more importantly, is required or forced to say other things that they don’t agree with or believe. Shame is is used shamelessly as a control weapon by those who have no shame.
Being obligated to deny what we believe in or know as fact, and assenting to what we don’t believe in is a form of ultimate tyranny, and there is no better way to deaden or destroy the human personality and the desire for personal growth. The result is that people become morbid, cynical, uncaring, and self-absorbed–and make lame excuses for not making a difference or fighting evil. Once people start saying things merely for social approval or for the sake of their careers, they lose their self-respect and probity. They become easy to manipulate and control.
This is the purpose, essence, and methodology of political correctness, aka Cultural Communism. Truth becomes a moving target, yet conformity to whatever is truth or “in” at the moment is required. Real truth then loses all validity and value and is even scorned, which makes it easy for the elites to continuously and flawlessly exercise full powers over the masses without fear of engendering enough blowback to stir a mass uprising.
The universities churn out indoctrinated and deluded graduates somewhat steeped in their specialty but little else, who have no sense of tradition or history, who usually have no practical experience in their field of endeavor.  The think tanks are inhabited by the thoughtless who are given marching orders by moneyed sponsors who pay for stilted research so the politically correct conclusions can be drawn. The thoughtless fashion the fashions and obsessions that are politically correct or change frequently enough so that no tradition can take hold. They rely on the monolithic and mediocre mainstream media and entertainment idols to repeat ad nauseum the same propaganda points and memes. Current manias are maintained by endlessly ranting about them to the exclusion of issues that are more important so that sponsors are satisfied, excitement and buzz can go on continuously, and the memes can be memorized and internalized for instant use in social situations.
When asked about their opinion on an issue in discussion or focus groups, social settings, or in response to surveys, people merely parrot what they’ve already been programmed to propound or pout about in the form of bromides and the aforesaid memes.
The politicians merely parrot back the memes of the moment to assure their audiences they are all on the same wavelength and meme team. A pitiful handful have the intellect, courage, and stamina to stay the course with alternative viewpoints and rational solutions. Politicians just have an extra bit of charisma or chutzpah and special gift of glib gab that can wow or sway but when analyzed in the light of the next day there’s nothing there worthy of taking away. Mastering the art of the quip or giving quick lip to a meme is essential for political viability. Promising to reduce taxes or cottoning to favored groups offering them special favors is essential for political survival. Surrendering to majority opinion is the way to go and always the default position to take.
Applying for a position in academia or the corporate world is now a kind of obstacle course for the person that does not share in the oppressive obsession with race and sexual proclivities to the exclusion of other matters that really matter. An applicant must fill out forms eliciting his or her attitude towards diversity–there being no permissible diversity in attitudes towards diversity. Applicants sometimes have to fill out a “personal diversity statement” constituting an essay similar to one required on a college final examination to determine whether the applicant passes or fails the job hiring test. A preamble for the test question such as the following may be employed: “The purpose of this statement is to identify candidates who have the professional skills, experience, and willingness to engage in activities that would enhance campus/corporate diversity and equity efforts”. This requires the candidate to “suck it up” and fully commit to the inane/insane ideology of diversity or be able to act consistently as if he adhered to it. The applicant must state he will strive to “make a difference”, i.e., reform society to make it totally totalitarian, and be so consumed with proper virtue signalling that any failure to engage in it properly could mean instant termination. The applicant should become a sort of walking Wikipedia on one or more of the “isms” such as racism, sexism, etc. and be fully prepared at all times to expound upon it. The candidate must be prepared to fire up his false sense of indignation against manufactured maladies and injustices, and somehow keep that spirit continuously burning once the job is obtained in order to keep it.      .
You might have thought that there was no opportunity for the diversity diversion/delusion/illusion to rear its ugly head in disciplines such as the physical sciences, mathematics, and engineering–but you would be wrong. The applicant has to promise to promote racial, sexual, and class diversity in the science lab even though this would very probably mean discriminating against people with the best research records or backgrounds, results be damned.
Here is the recommended model for an opening diversity statement for those applying for a post in a university department of science or engineering: “I am well aware that being a scientist or researcher does not mean just being successful in one’s research efforts. One should also be excellent in his/her interactions with the community in order to be a leader in transforming the community”. Einstein and Tesla would not have been  accepted because they were notably loners not interested in making marks on the social scene, nor were their scientific theories likely to “awoken” their communities.
The following is an excerpt from an ad for academic positions in the Humanities: “We specifically welcome candidates with interdisciplinary teaching expertise in one or more of the following areas: postcolonial studies, “decoloniality”, critical race theory, “queer or color critique”, ethnic studies, indigenous or settler colonial studies, disability studies, feminist theories, gender or sexuality studies, transnational studies, or composition and rhetoric with a specialization in any of the above areas. As we strive to create the most intellectually diverse, equitable, and inclusive institution that we can, we especially encourage candidates from historically underrepresented groups to apply”. Rational comment on this ridiculous statement would be ludicrous if not impossible.
Rational comment on the state of the academic world in the West would be lost on those who could use it most.
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A Thumbnail Sketch of President Trump’s Performance as POTUS

Sidney Secular

It cannot be denied that President Trump has derailed or at least delayed the socialist/communist makeover/takeover of the US. He has successfully branded the corporate/mainstream media as the “fake news media” and “the enemy of the American people”. He is the first leader or conservative of note with the temerity to do so. Some other noteworthy actions by the President include the beginnings of an assault on the outlandish sanctuary jurisdiction mania of the blue cities and states, increased efforts against the plague of human trafficking, appointing nearly 200 conservative justices to fill vacancies at several levels of the federal judiciary, and eliminating a multitude of rules and regulations that hamper small and medium sized businesses from operating efficiently and at lower costs.

Although he talks about it, he has done nothing, however, whether through executive order or otherwise, to break up the corrupt, unaccountable fake news media monopoly that has caused so much damage to the United States while operating as essentially commissars of the Deep State. The same may be said regarding the high tech tyrants of Facebook, Google, Pay Pal, Amazon, etc. who are denying patriots and conservatives their free speech rights under the First Amendment, de-platforming organizations and entities that are in no wise unpatriotic or dangerous in any way, ruining or greatly hampering the ability of organizations to accept credit card payments, and removing publications for sale or distribution that that go against establishment narratives and pet/pat establishment versions of historical events. These virulent Un-American censorship policies represent the transition from a democracy to a dictatorship that democracies invariably devolve into. The “go to” entities that the corporate entities go to decide who is a “hate group” that can be discriminated against are invariably the worst hate groups themselves, such as the SPLC, the ADL, and increasingly the ACLU, who are out to transform America into their dreadfully deranged image of what they would like the US to become. This is what “cultural communism” is–a softer and gradual way to transform a society into a communistic one. The only difference between the US and the USSR are the gulags are the physical persecutions that the latter employed—and we may be coming to that sooner rather than later.

Similarly, Trump has not cracked down on the communist thugs/dregs of Antifa, which still virtually has a free hand to verbally and physically attack activists who support the President, some who engage in mundane activities like handing out campaign literature, and even everyday supporters who wear MAGA hats.

Trump has done little or nothing to stifle the masterminds of the criminal conspiracy that has worked non-stop since the day he was elected to drive him from office, and this includes very conspicuously the Clintons–he said he would jail Hillary if he was elected, and many expected that, what with all those comix showing her behind bars. The cultural communists and swamp creatures continue entrenched in positions where they can continue to inflict psychological warfare and brainwashing against the average citizen.

Trump is willy-nilly undermining common sense environmental protections enacted by previous administrations. This has nothing to do with private property rights as you might assume at first blush, but to make some fat cat friends happy. Now that he has wisely encouraged petroleum extraction and turned the US into a net exporter of petroleum products vice an importer of same, it is not in the public interest to continue promoting the very environmentally damaging fracking method of extraction of petroleum resources, as the EPA is currently doing. The Trump Administration continues to promote drilling in wilderness and environmentally sensitive areas, a short-sighted, unnecessary, destructive and insensitive position to take.

On immigration, President Trump’s defining issue, his record is mixed at best. Legal immigration, which has many of the harmful effects of illegal immigration, is something Trump wants to increase. He is under the delusion that we need foreigners to fill our needs for STEM workers when we have more than enough Americans who can do these jobs, and who are unemployed or underemployed now because of foreigners who have already kept them from obtaining the jobs they deserve. The legal immigrants he wants would still be almost entirely Asians who the elites would like to see replace whites in high tech jobs because they are more easily mollified with lower salaries, more easily replaced when they start demanding higher salaries, less prone to organize, and because the elites are anti-white anyway as is apparent with their promotion of the “white privilege” nonsense. Many of these legal STEM workers would be Chinese who would be prone to steal intellectual property for China, which has already been amply demonstrated. A moratorium on all immigration is long overdue to allow assimilation to occur, which has been thwarted by the multicultural nonsense, and because of the overpopulation/environmental/resource depletion concerns.

Trump has taken action with respect to the 70,000 or so visa overstays each year, but has not addressed the much larger and much more serious problem of 300,000 or so anchor babies created each year and the problem of the schemer “dreamers” who hang around in limbo while we pay for their welfare costs. Many problems vis-a-vis immigration could be solved by across-the-board implementation of the E-Verify system to weed out illegals from the workforce, and a consistent program of immigration law enforcement vice an occasional raid on a meat packing or chicken plucker plant to round up a few illegals, which is too lucrative an operation to scare off slaughterhouses from continuing to use refugees and illegals. Such a program will cause a massive exodus of illegals with no roundups or special action required.

As far as “The Wall” is concerned, most current efforts are directed at replacing ineffective currently existing portions of the Wall. The new construction is not without problems, however. A windstorm knocked down 100 feet of the supposedly better replacement wall and said wall has been effectively surmounted by ladders. At the rate construction is proceeding, it will take many years and much larger funding to be completed, as well as requiring future congresses to be more supportive of the effort than the current one. The entire effort may be of little value or futile as other means are developed to invade the US. Some 23 tunnels have already been bored under the Wall over the past 25 years or so, somewhat “undermining” the Wall’s deterrent value. There seems to be a problem in detecting these tunnels in a timely manner. Thus, some of these tunnels are very sophisticated and contain such amenities as lighting and air conditioning and are large enough for motor vehicles to pass through them. They are long enough to penetrate long distances past the border. On a still small scale, contraband and drugs are crossing the border via drones. Here are questions not raised anywhere else that I’m aware of: The Government apparently has to purchase the private land upon which the fence will be constructed. How much of the funds allocated for the Wall represent this cost? Will “eminent domain” procedures be necessary for some of these purchases? How much time will be consumed by such procedures? There is actually a 3-mile long section of private wall being built near Mission, TX which is being funded by private donations at a cost of $42 million. A federal judge confirmed on January 20, 2020 that this private endeavor can proceed. Two more private wall section purchases are being planned presently. The Contractor for this effort, Fisher Industries of North Dakota says it can construct the border wall cheaper and faster than the Government can. Why wasn’t wall construction by the private sector considered for the overall project? The sponsors of this private effort hope the Government will adopt the private wall sections as its own.

In the area of foreign affairs, President Trump is treading on treacherous ground vis-a-vis the muddled situation in the Middle East. The powers-that-be have been seeking to antagonize Iran for over 30 years with discriminatory policies that harm Iran’s economy for trumped up phony reasons. How much more of this treatment will they take before starting a war over it? Trump’s attacks on people and countries in the area, of doubtful legitimacy, are solidifying the enmity towards the US that has been building up in the area for a long time, especially enhanced by the Iraqi debacle and the never-ending Arab-Israeli conflict. His big buck donors and the undue influence of Javanka in the White House are major factors in keeping the pot boiling–hopefully it will not boil over into another major conflagration in the area.

President Trump very recently signed the new USMCA implementation bill without seeking input from conservatives or realizing there was any conservative opposition to it. This was revealed in a March 2020 report issued by The John Birch Society. This replacement for the reviled NAFTA has the potential to be much worse than NAFTA in the long run, in that it could lead to a North American Union with all the negative features present in the European Union compact, and thereafter result in an “Atlantic Union” of a merged USMCA with the EU, creating an essential component of the feared New World Order.

All Americans who love our nation’s heritage realize how much we have lost and that we are in a survival mode right now. At times like this, just hanging in there against overwhelming odds is a victory.

The internet is being censored and regulated more each day. The printed word will always resonate and remains a vital tool in waking people up. We need to assure that our printed media provide the function that the pamphlet “Common Sense” by Thomas Paine did in energizing the colonists to fight the Revolutionary War, but our printed media have been dropping like flies in recent years due to rising costs, the lure of playing with the internet, and the general apathy and inertia that prevails. Please send me a letter or post card for a listing or sample copies of the best of the remaining patriotic publications. The address is: Sidney Secular. P.O. Box 7753, Silver Spring, Maryland 20907. Thank you.

© 2020 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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The Rabidly Blue Avant Garde Reds Are Taking Over

By Sidney Secular
As Virginia turns blue, we can view its political transformation as a sort of template for a slow motion French Revolution spreading across the fruited plain. At this point in US history, amidst the daily cacophony of blustering and phony confrontation between the two permanent, nearly identical political gangs and their media hacks, almost all of which is much ado about nothing, there is one overriding issue: that of the survival of the Historic American Nation and those Americans who believe in it and desire to see it thrive again. The vast majority of those that identify with the Historic American Nation are White, but not exclusively so, but identify with its basically White culture and political structure. Thus, White Americans are suddenly and increasingly vilified, marginalized, humiliated, deracinated with a view towards being displaced, replaced, and erased. Hopefully, a significant remnant of the sheeple are not so brainwashed and lost that they can begin to see this extermination campaign for what it is.
Those not hopelessly lost should read the article, “How Voters Turned Virginia From Deep Red to Solid Blue”, from the November 9, 2019 New York Times “newspaper of record”. This article/gloat piece details how the flood of foreign non-whites into the Northern Virginia suburbs of Washington, DC and suburban Richmond over the past 30 years has overwhelmed the rest of the state politically speaking, resulting in a freshly elected rabidly leftist legislature that gained its majority by constantly harping and campaigning on gun control and gun confiscation–but now that they are in charge, they are rapidly changing the state in a kind of redux and reprise of the French  Revolution to overthrow all semblance of traditional values and policies. They are attempting to instantly turn the state that gave birth to the Constitution and housed the Confederate capital into an eastern version of California.  

The tsunami of leftist lunacy includes new bills in the legislature that will remove citizenship requirements to obtain a drivers’ license (House Bill 1211 and Senate Bill 643). All an illegal alien has to do is show up at the local vehicle registration office. It is a certainty that legal residents of Virginia have to show some form of ID to get a drivers’  license, thus when the new law is passed it will discriminate against legitimate inhabitants of the state.
Meanwhile, 7 new gun control bills have already been passed, less than 2 weeks after nearly 25, 000 people swarmed Capitol Square in Richmond to rally in support of gun rights. These include local gun control ordinances, red flag laws, and the reinstatement of one gun purchase per month policies. An attempt for an assault weapons ban was shot down when several Democrats, knowing where their bread was buttered, joined Republicans to vote “no” on the measure.
The rampage doesn’t stop there. There is a long litany of new measures that will enable VA to do overnight what it took CA to do in about 2 decades. Legislation is being prepared to release thousands of the most violent criminals from prison, including rapists and murderers who use guns to harm or kill people. Most of the political class want to strip honest citizens of the right to defend themselves and they don’t care a flip or give a rip about what the murderers, crooks, and such people do. While the politicians are afraid of us honest folk, they do not hesitate to embrace the criminals. Birds of a feather one presumes; and one presumes the politicians and fat cats feel they can abide the damage they cause and hide in their gated communities.
Another important goodie on the leftist agenda is to undo Republican-backed restrictions on abortion. The VA House of Delegates has voted 52-45 to roll back the requirement that abortion be performed by a physician, allowing nurse practitioners and physician assistants to perform them–bloody good practice for them, apparently. The measure will now be taken up by the VA General Assembly which has a newly empowered Democratic majority. Thus, VA may become a safe haven for women in neighboring conservative states to come to VA and get the deed done.
To date, the VA House of Delegates has now passed the following bills, which now await VA Senate votes:
–Except for the Virginia Military Institute, Virginia’s public colleges and universities would no longer be able to ask about applicants’ criminal histories or deny admission based upon criminal history information. (House Bill 1322);
–Illegal immigrants would be eligible for in-state tuition at Virginia’s colleges and universities (House Bill 1547). This is discriminatory against students from other states, and begs the question of how in the world these varmints would have the educational background to qualify for college admission;
–Virginia would henceforth allow registration and voting on the same day (House Bill 187);
–Law enforcement would no longer be required to ascertain the immigration status of inmates placed in jail, people convicted of felonies in circuit court, and people committed to a correctional facility. Additionally, law enforcement would not be required to notify ICE about an illegal alien’s conviction (House Bill 187);
–Taxes would go up. The bill would give counties the same authority cities now have to impose taxes on cigarettes, “transient occupancy rentals”, meals, and travel campgrounds, without any referendum process or cap on increases;
–Driving would become more expensive, with gas taxes allowed to increase annually ad infinitum (House Bill 1414);
–Marijuana possession would be decriminalized (House Bill 972); One could see this coming as a sure thing.
–The State could build up to 5 new casinos (House Bill 4).
Meanwhile, the VA House and Senate have already passed the following additional bills:
–An end to health care requirements/prerequisites for giving women abortions;
–A mandate to shutter all coal-fired plants within 25 years and a requirement for carbon neutrality;
–Adoption of so-called “gender identity” protections;
–Termination of photo identification for voting;
–Drivers’ licenses for illegal immigrants;
–Increase of the minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2025;
–Authorization for localities to remove or destroy “war memorials” (meaning Confederate and Southern monuments);
–Parole for violent felons.
It’s not just in Virginia where this leftist takeover is taking place, and where a subsequent massive remolding of laws could occur given the continued unabated influx of third world immigrants and refugees. Cities such as Atlanta, Houston, Pittsburgh, and Philadelphia and their close-in suburbs as well as states such as North Carolina and Minnesota are being demographically transformed as the “New Americans” vote overwhelmingly for leftists, and frequently far-leftists at that.
Members and supporters of the Historic American Nation are being pushed into or are leaving for the outer suburbs of metropolitan areas and into the surrounding rural areas. Eventually they will be pushed into or leave for the primarily rural states or “flyover country” where their votes in federal elections will count for naught if the Electoral College is eliminated, which the leftists are beginning to agitate and campaign for.
© 2020 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved
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The Fear Factor

Sidney Secular

Luke 21:26 says: “men’s hearts failing them for fear and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth”. Another translation says it this way: “People will be afraid and worried about what is happening in the world”. I believe this is referring to white people in the time of Jacob’s troubles or tribulations, which almost certainly has to be the present time. The condition of our soul is troubling the people as they face a world that has turned against them.
The days of hard working white men, being able to provide for their families is vanishing. Job opportunities for white men have decreased as corporations and universities plow open a large pathway for “minorities”. Even many white women are sucked into the anti-male rhetoric as efforts are created to protect them from “male masculinity”. We are bombarded with the media’s constant referrals to how minorities have to struggle to get ahead in this white male dominated society. Of course, these struggling minorities, we are told, would include blacks, Hispanics, “Native Americans”, women, and the transgender-bender-blender community. Thus, by slick wording white women are separated from their natural male allies and grouped together with racial and moral aliens.
“Evidence of economic growth and prosperity in the U.S, is hard to miss” writes Sibil Marcellus, finance reporter for Yahoo News, and “The stock market is booming and the unemployment rate is at a low 3.5%, but the U.S. is the only rich country in the world where the mortality rate is going up, not down”.
According to the Brookings Institute, “Much of the aforesaid trend is driven by men without college degrees in America’s heartland”. Of course, that means white men. White men are being blamed for everything that is going wrong with the world.
According to Brookings, “Significant sectors of our society are dying prematurely from preventable deaths(deaths from despair–via use of opioids, etc.) and almost 20% of prime aged males are out of the labor force. What’s interesting is that Hispanics and blacks who started off at lower levels of life expectancy have continued to make progress. They’re not in the depths of despair for the most part”, says the report, “Geography of Desperation in America”. The report continues: “Poor African-Americans are three times as likely to be optimistic about the future as poor whites. The metric that stands out is not any measure of happiness. ‘Happy’ today doesn’t matter a whole lot. It’s hope for the future or lack thereof that’s really linked with premature mortality”.
Society is currently orchestrated to drive women into the job market while men, especially white men, are left with feeling a sense of failure, even though it frequently is not their fault.
Look for opportunities to help others. Studies show that it is hard to feel like a failure when you are helping someone in need. Also think in terms of working or cooperating with other whites to improve the condition of the race in general–that will keep you busy and working towards important goals.”
© 2020 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved
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The Undeclared War

by Sidney Secular

“No great goal is achieved without great struggle.” —Chinese proverb

“All of war involves the art of deceit.” —Anon

The most perfect achievement in something called “the art of warfare” is sometimes said to be the conflict in which a victory is achieved without a single shot ever being fired.  The conflict’s battles are bloodless, the casualties are invisible, and any final body count is never fully tallied by the losing side until the dust has settled and their defeat cannot be remedied.   It is an achievement of a state of conflict so perfect that the combatants on the losing side of the struggle often don’t even know they are engaged in it, and, to the extent that some do become aware of it, they can opt to turn a blind eye and pretend nothing is happening at all.

It is in such a conflict that Westerners currently find themselves entrapped.  And the West is rapidly being erased.

The facts are relatively simple ones.  We face intimidating numbers in terms of the invaders flooding into our countries, and none of these intruders, we are told, can be considered invaders per se, whether they come legally or illegally into our midst.  We also face monstrously pervasive and monolithic ideological concepts and forces which  — after decades of conditioning and propagandizing — are often universally accepted by our countryment as being truthful and legitimate.  For example, the notion that “All men are created equal,” despite the abundant evidence that this truism isn’t true at all.  Or “All cultures, nations, lifestyles, and religions are essentially the same in the context of cultural, national, lifestyle, and religious relativism.”  Or “At the end of the day, all human beings want the same things.” Or “Race and gender and borders are artificial and false constructs.”

Reality exposes all of these and similarly assumed truisms as being false, and half a century ago, most of Western man would have interpreted them as being what they are:  collections of fatuous platitudes.  Nonetheless, today these cliches are now taken at face value to be indisputable laws of nature.

The end result of the confluence of the two forces we’re discussing — massive, purging human migrations, and the new predominance of ideologies that promote notions of universalism (and thus accommodate the invasions) — has materialized at the very worst time in the history of the West.  Just as massive Third World invasions of our homelands began, that is precisely when all of our traditional ideological defenses collapsed and were replaced by today’s “feel-good progressive thinking.”  We are now so thoroughly hobbled by the ideological dominance of Liberalism and Cultural Marxism that, even as we face the greatest existential threats ever to loom over Western Civilization, we are forbidden to use the most fundamental words for our defense,  words like “We” or “displacement.”  Wrap your head around this thought:   even as we stare down the threat of being permanently purged off the map, we cannot use pronouns that describe our collective endangerment, or even use blunt descriptive terms to characterize the nature of our approaching demise.

This ability of our adversaries to proscribe even the words we are inclined to use to describe  our predicament is proof of the magnificent level of power that our adversaries and their orthodoxies hold over us.

We are as a result presently consigned to the position of helplessly awaiting our engulfment, and it has become clear for several decades that it will not be possible to save ourselves by working within existing legal and political institutions.  In addition, it is clear any effort at resistance made outside these structures will be ruthlessly suppressed by the authorities, and any attempts even to destabilize the existing status quo will probably be ineffective, because the momentum is now all moving against us.

We know full well the causes of the struggle in which we find ourselves.  The Republicans/Capitalists embrace the ongoing invasions because they want an unrelenting supply of cheap labor.  The Democrats/Socialists want a cheap supply of future voters.  The nation’s internal enemies and its fools want the white nation to be supplanted by an international polyglot Third World population, which will be more amenable to erasing the institutions and free market systems that have existed.  All three groups and their agendas percolate in a vast pool of propaganda, apathy, subversion, and convoluted altruism, in which our children and grandchildren are both intended and fated to drown.

Comprehend the horror for those of us who are sane and unpropagandized, to see most of our countrymen embracing the notion that becoming a minority in our own country is “cultural enrichment.”  Comprehend our horror that our rapid loss of the right of self-determination is written off as our “natural destiny” and a “sharing of democracy.”  Imagine what is going on in our heads as we watch a parade of states like Maryland, Texas, Florida and Georgia converting over to nonwhite majorities — and thus Democrat/Socialist majorities — permanently locking the entire country into one-party Democrat/Leftist rule.  This will happen in a number of years that can be counted using your fingers and toes.  Is it any wonder then that the brilliant British activist and writer Jonathan Bowden carefully surveyed the West’s deafening silence and inaction in the face of its dispossession — and ended up in a mental hospital?

Let us ponder the unspeakable, no need to hold back at this point, while the last scraps of the Bill of Rights still shelter us.  It is possible that we can save ourselves now only by disrupting the civil order, or that we will salvage the remnants of America only through great conflict.  It is also possible that such a conflict, even if we win, will be a pyrrhic victory unless it is followed by gargantuan efforts involving  resegregation, repatriation, and reeducation.  And such remedies would only be possible at this point through martial law, a suspension of constitutional rights, and blunt force.

Unthinkable thoughts, indeed.

But before anyone catches their breath in horror, let me pose a theoretical question:   Why should we automatically perceive these things as monstrous sins, when the machinery of our own democratic institutions has been skillfully subverted and used against us to achieve our dispossession and extinction?  Our opponents cannot stack the electoral deck by adding (ultimately) one and a half million Left-leaning invaders to their voter base every year — and then make appeals to fairplay, the rule of law, democracy, and decency.  They also can no longer convincingly engage in virtue signaling by gushing about “Diversity,” as it becomes more and more clear that “Diversity” is actually a euphemism for the gleeful slaughter of the traditional American nation-state.

It would appear, ladies and gentlemen, that we have been maneuvered, purposefully, into a corner from which only militancy, radicalism, and violence will now save us.  To reiterate, since viable lawful options for resistance have been closed out for us, the end game now appears to leave us with only one recourse:   to shove back against our displacement using some kind of force.  In the absence of force, the powers that be — the individual members of which often do not shun identity politics for themselves when it is to their advantage — fully plan to give away our children’s birthrights:  the right of self-determination, the right of cultural cohesiveness, and, in one context or another,  very likely the right of survival itself.

We are far beyond begging for a place at the table in the future America; it is becoming abundantly clear that they plan no seat there for us.  What we are witnessing is the evolution of a society that will be based on a hierarchy of victim classes, and one that reduces most of American history to a history of oppression — despite the fact that such a narrative is dishonest.  It will be a narrative in which we ourselves will be reduced to footnotes, despite the fact that whites overwhelmingly founded and built this society.  And make no mistake, this narrative  will perpetually relegate our children into both an irrelevant and a reviled pariah class.

Ironically, while all of this occurs, white people will most likely continue to emote about their sins involving prejudice and tolerance, while the rest of the world occupies itself by invading and devouring what white people have built.  Our meekness will be interpreted then as it is now:   very simply, both our silence and our inaction will be interpreted as consent.  Indeed, what possible leeway will there be for anything other than silence?  As a popular judge once said:  “Justice always requires two things:  venues for both action and a voice.”  We have been granted neither.  How then are we consigned to anything other than either the road of complete surrender or the road of rebellion?

If conflict occurs, this is not a struggle we deserved or asked for or created for ourselves.  It will be a struggle thrust upon us by traitors, political prostitutes, and fools.  Sadly, most of these people are internal enemies, all dwelling comfortably within our gates.  These human pestilences have thrust this misery on us with reassurances that it is to our benefit and there is nothing to fear. These people are, by any sane logic, liars, because we will either rise to engage in resistance, in one manner or another, or as a people we will not survive to fight again.

The primary function of any government is to protect and perpetuate the nation-state and culture that placed it in power.  In their failure to fulfill this fundamental and primary duty, our powers that be cannot morally dictate that specific rules of engagement be honored in this struggle.  In essence, there are no longer any binding rules of engagement, because, through their actions and inaction, the powers that be have lost the moral authority to impose them.  Through their own treason and negligence, these powers that be have rendered the previous rulebook null and void.

Such observations are no doubt alarming to most ears, because they are alarming even to those of us who have reached these conclusions.  But compared to the darkness that is coming, these assessments are no less extreme.  Yes, their connotations make any peaceful folk shudder.  Consider even so that advanced multiculturalism, a fraud cloaked in a disguise called “Diversity,” ultimately results in either eternal societal conflict or the submergence of the host society that foolishly welcomed it without limitations.  There are few scenarios more extreme than those two, and we are, perhaps, left only with the profoundly grim words of the French writer Guillaume Faye:

“When you discover that you must choose between extinction and violence, the only moral choice is to pray for violence.”

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Book Review: Edward Snowden – “Permanent Record”

Sidney Secular

In 2013, twenty-nine year old Edward Joseph Snowden shocked the world when he broke with the American intelligence establishment and revealed that the US Government was secretly pursuing the means to collect information on every single telephone call, text message and email the world’s population was sending. The result would be an unprecedented system of mass surveillance with the ability to pry into the private lives of every person in the world. Snowden’s memoir, “Permanent Record” is the extraordinary story of how this bright young man became a spy, whistleblower, and exile–the Internet’s conscience.
Edward Snowden was born in Elizabeth City, NC and grew up within the shadow of Fort Meade, Maryland, the home of the National Security Agency (NSA) where he worked as a contractor to help develop the mass surveillance system that he ultimately exposed as a major danger to the world. During his seven-year combined stint for the CIA and then NSA, he participated in the most significant change in the history of American espionage–the change from the targeted surveillance of individuals to the mass surveillance of entire populations. The system he helped develop makes it technologically feasible to collect all the world’s digital communications, store them permanently, and search through them at will.
Technically, Snowden worked for the Dell Corporation while he developed systems for the NSA, but he was given a free hand and was treated as an independent and unsupervised contractor in his dealings with NSA. He designed a duplicate system to the primary one he developed for NSA Headquarters to assure that if NSA’s systems were inoperable or destroyed, a backup system would be available for use. Snowden physically developed this secondary system while on a tour of duty in Japan.
When Snowden returned to the US from Japan at age 28, he was placed in charge of a Dell technical liaison team that worked with the technical divisions of the CIA in order to design and promote systems solutions to any problems “The Agency” could imagine. Snowden’s team developed the now famous “Cloud” computing architecture which enables any agent, no matter where physically located, to access and search any data they need, no matter the distance.
In sum, Snowden’s job of managing and connecting the flow of intelligence gave way to developing methodology  to store it forever and to make the system universally available and searchable. These projects came together for Snowden in Hawaii, where he moved to work on a new contract with NSA at the age of 29. Up to then he had been laboring on individual projects on a “Need-To-Know” basis, unable to understand the cumulative purpose behind his specialized, compartmentalized tasks. He came to understand how all his work fit together to form a system of global mass surveillance. He performed the work of integrating all the systems he had developed deep in a tunnel in a sort of subterranean Pearl Harbor in HI. Three hundred twenty million American citizens were thus being surveilled in gross contravention of the Constitution of the United States and the basic values of any free society.
“Permanent Record” reveals how Snowden amassed documents that provided evidence of the US Government’s lawbreaking and turned them over to journalists, who vetted and published them to a scandalized world. The book recounts the series of events that led up to Snowden’s decision to reveal the nature of the system he developed, the moral and ethical principles that influenced his decision, and the evolution of those moral and ethical principles.
In the early stage of the Internet age, few realized that the personal information that was shared among people was being gathered and sold in secret, becoming a prominent commercial product of the E-Commerce world. The feeling of personal privacy violation was slow to be realized by many people. Aside from log-in and financial transactions, hardly any online communications were encrypted in the early 2000’s, which meant that in many cases, governments did not need to obtain any approvals from companies in order to determine what their customers were doing or capture their personal data. They could just spy on the world without telling a soul. The US Government fell victim to the temptation to collect personal information, which became an unrelenting fever. “Absolute power corrupts absolutely”, said British philosopher Lord Acton. The system of near-universal surveillance was set up by the Government without our consent, and in a manner that deliberately hid every aspect of of its programs from our knowledge. To reveal any basic fact about this system was to invite severe penalties including a life sentence in a federal prison cell.
Edward Snowden came to realize he was a party to his country’s abuses of its powers and came to feel that disclosing the extent of those abuses to journalists would not be advocating for anything radical, such as destruction of the Government. He felt he would be advancing the nation’s stated ideals. Privacy is just a modern-day form of “liberty” that came into its own with the Internet revolution.
It has been six years since Snowden revealed to the world what the NSA was up to. “Permanent Record” is a revealing memoir that outlines a major illegitimate Government activity while providing an interesting, well-written biography of a major player in national affairs.
© 2020 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved
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The Coming Collapse

Sidney Secular
Americans have all kinds of ideas as to what the collapse of the nation would look like. Since Americans have yet to experience the real thing–only peripheral crashes and crises, they are under the delusion that a collapse would be an overnight affair, like it would be if pictured in a Hollywood production. Historically, this is not how it has worked. The collapse of empires(and ours is one) is a process, not an event, and we are in the process of collapsing now.
Yes, there are moments or intervals of shock or scariness resulting from manipulated downturns, and all our noteworthy downturns have been manipulated. Such was the case with the Great Depression and the major downturn of 2008, both of which resulted in the system being propped up artificially, like a boxer being administered to with smelling salts between rounds, only to take more punishment later. There are lesser ups and downs, or hiccups, in the capitalist economic order of things resulting from changes in the economic variables, which iron themselves out or adjust themselves naturally if not interfered with too much by the powers-that-be. However, the long term trend is for the American system to collapse in up-and-down fits as improvements in economic conditions are followed by downturns which are sharper than the preceding upturns. This is the opposite of what we are always led to believe or assume. If everything seems to be going reasonably well, people expect that the System will continue to pump out prosperity, and warning signs are not heeded. Most people think the Government knows what it is doing, and will save us from ourselves, no matter how we fail to live within our means individually and nationally, and no matter what negative signs and developments are extant. For example, many economists predicted the credit crisis and derivatives crash of 2008 but no one listened until it was too late.
Americans’ normalcy bias took control and pushed aside any logical reasoning or facts indicating a crisis was coming. Of course, the power of the sheeple to reason has been gradually whittled down by an increasingly ineffective educational system and the emotionalism and quick-fix mentality that replaced rationality and which is associated with the Cultural Communist indoctrination that is pervasive in the liberal-dominated blue state areas of the country. The ongoing drug epidemic, especially the opioids and marijuana manias that have mainly affected the middle classes in recent years, is a major factor in inducing lackadaisical attitudes in that portion of the citizenry that our system relies upon to be civically active so as to maintain economic and social stability.
There are several factors that cause mass blindness to economic and social realities. First and foremost, establishment elites deliberately create the illusion of prosperity by manipulating economic data and statistics to show progress where there is none. It’s the old story of statistics lying as liars figure out how to falsify figures. In almost every case of economic crisis or geopolitical disaster, the public is conditioned to believe they are in the midst of a financial or economic boom or an era of relative “peace”, and the media will cooperate with just enough “feel-good” stories to sufficiently offset their “meat and potatoes” gloom and doom scenarios. The public is encouraged to ignore fundamental warning signs in favor of foolish faith in the System. Those who try to break the apathy, call attention to the pollyanna or utopian mindset, expose the truth and reveal the manipulation going on behind the scenes are deemed doom mongers, “conspiracy theorists”, security threats, terrorists, or fascists.
Crash events are like stages in the process of collapse; they create moments of clarity for the otherwise blind. They are engineered to benefit the establishment. While the elites keep the system going through spewing false optimism and keeping the public ignorant and apathetic, at the same time they are using crash events as tools or means to the nefarious end of creating panic so they can rebuild and mutate the system into something more to their liking–and into something unrecognizable only decades ago. Each consecutive crash further weakens the society and contributes to the continuing deterioration of the overall structure, until eventually the society we grew up with is barely a distant memory and seen only in photographs and nostalgia magazines.
The deterioration process is taking a long time, and we’ve been subject to the ongoing manipulations for well over a century now. Right now the “bull market” in stocks is being perpetuated to make it appear all is well and getting better. Of course, that perception is just so much “bull”.
The same people who were pointing out the economic bubble under Obama are now denying its existence under Trump. People in the freedom and nationalist movements who have some conception of how bad things are getting are now so imbued with the idea that Trump can single-handedly turn things around that they worship him as a white hero on a white horse. Because of the positive actions taken by Trump(and he needs to take many more and reverse a few bad decisions), the elites and psychopaths who are giving him such a difficult time will double down on their efforts to turn things in their favor, such that they will bring the country completely down or leave it on its last legs by engineering a really serious crisis. Think of yet another “controlled demolition”.
Whether it was intentional or not, and whether he realizes it or not, the elites have a highly useful political puppet in the form of Donald Trump. He is useful to the elites in that he inspires sharp national divisions as a self-proclaimed champion of conservatism and civic nationalism, which are stances that are increasingly like waving a red cape in front of the liberal bulldogs and media-indoctrinated sheeple and that only serve to harden their opposition to him.
If the elites do not trigger a crash under Trump, that will give the public the idea that conservative ideals and national sovereignty work. This is the opposite of what the elites want, so expect the engineered collapse when positive expectations are peaking. The skids have been greased for the coming collapse in many ways.
The basic economic fundamentals are continuing their plunge. Inflation and unemployment are much worse than reported by the media and the Government; the decline in US manufacturing continues; there are massive closures and bankruptcies in the retail sector; all time highs are being reached in consumer debt, corporate debt, and the national debt; racial tensions continue to be exacerbated by the media; the foreign invasion continues albeit at a reduced pace; American workers continue to be displaced by foreigners; and the fact that the FED’s repo market purchases are barely keeping up with demand from liquidity starved corporations, are all being shrugged off as inconsequential while the country is distracted by Congressional circuses in the vein of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
The question now becomes: Will the crash occur before or after the 2020 election? We can gain some sense of timing from the public admissions of globalist organizations such as the IMF and the UN. They have announced the year 2030 as a target date for the finalization of globalization, a cashless society, and reaching their sustainability goals. This means the elites have about 10 years to create a crisis and then “solve” that crisis with globalism. Ten years is a narrow window, and if the elites intend for conservatives to take the blame for the next crash, they will have to initiate it soon. They may not have a choice, as the chain of dominoes could fall at any time, hastened by the FED’s liquidity tightening policies started in 2018.
The next crash event will create massive poverty, especially among the large segment of retirees relying on social security alone for their sustenance and those who stopped looking for work after the 2008 debacle. The latter are not reflected in the unemployment statistics, which would raise the unemployment figure to around 20% for those unemployed and underemployed. The atmosphere of anxiety and fear engendered by the crash event will make the public more malleable and easier to control than ever. This will open the door to significant political and social change, leading to much more centralization and less freedom. At that point, the erasure of the Historic American Nation as we have known it will have been completed.
Make no mistake, we are living in the midst of an epoch moment. We have to anticipate and prepare for the outcome of the collapse. This is the task of the aware and responsible individuals who can take drastic and effective action now.
© 2020 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved
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National Day of Action Strategies

Sidney Secular
In my NewsWithViews article from May 2019 entitled “A National Day of Action”, I called for a series of “parallel”  demonstrations against our racial and cultural makeover via immigration by utilizing small groups of people that would be exponentially more effective than the apparently simple methodology, small number of participants, and limited commitment of resources would indicate at first blush.
I suggested October 3 or July 5 as good candidates for these national days of action. The 1965 immigration legislation that gutted our restrictive quota system to “diversify” our population was signed on October 3, 1965. Thus, October 3 could be highlighted to bring much needed attention to what has transpired since that day of infamy in 1965 to gradually transform our nation into something hardly recognizable to patriotic Americans by destroying our cohesiveness and unity. July 5, the day after the July 4 Independence Day holiday, is the day when thousands of overwhelmingly Third World immigrants are routinely sworn in as “New Americans”, “naturalizing” them although they cannot be a “natural” match for our basic American culture.
The first consideration in organizing grassroots action in politics for conservatives is selecting the right people to do the job. There have to be well-informed, thoughtful and caring activists with some experience in dealing with the media, corporate entities, and/or politicians with the skills to communicate with and the courage to confront the establishment. Our actions have to be efficient, quite simple, and surely effective. We don’t have the funds or the effrontery to hire mindless rent-a-mobs to get our way by sheer force or force of numbers as are the wayward ways of the Left.
The next consideration is choosing the right target. Illegal immigration is the best target since it is now well publicized and is already under attack, so a well-placed push in the “right” direction will be very effective. Many of the invaders from the Western Hemisphere are coming here to accumulate money to build a “nest-egg” at home in their native countries, helping their families there while living here at least partially on welfare. When they do actually earn money here, they frequently displace otherwise qualified American workers, lower the general wage levels in the industries involved, and remove money from circulation in the US that would otherwise boost the American economy. Other invaders are here to conduct criminal activities such as the drug trade, gun-running and human smuggling; or to have anchor babies. So Target Number One is to block the illegals from coming here. Target Number Two is to block the remittances–the transfer of funds to a foreign country, and a major way of doing that is to deny them employment here and thus encourage them to leave the US.
All American employers must ensure completion of the DHS-USCIS Form I-9 for each employee they hire in the US. This form can serve as the basis for using the E-Verify program to determine whether prospective employees are illegal aliens. Employers retain the completed forms in their files and do not have to mail them in to the US Government.
Eight states mandate the use of the E-Verify program and the aforesaid form is used to identify those employees eligible as citizens or who have bona-fide working status from an immigration standpoint. The form is 98% reliable in making these determinations. All the other states that do not mandate E-Verify should be targets for activists.
Instituting an aggressive E-Verify program nationwide would dramatically decrease the hiring of illegal aliens. President Obama required all federal contractors and subcontractors to verify the citizenship of their hires. It would be an easy step from there to mandate it for general purposes nationwide. Of course, this is not being done because large and medium-sized businesses like the cheap, inexhaustible supply of cheap labor illegal aliens provide. As an example, average salaries in the US are eight times those of Mexico.
A determined, persistent program of pressure on legislators from the states that do not mandate E-Verify will eventually pay off from the publicity engendered, especially when the legislators increasingly hear from their corporate donors that they are being “harassed” over E-Verify at stockholder meetings and through propaganda produced by activists.
Making employers aware of the ways and means of implementing an E-Verify program could make them more amenable to adopting such a program. This would include publicizing the website,  which contains information regarding its use, and visiting employers to help them complete the I-9 form. Homeland Security maintains a list of E-Verify corporate users. It could be suggested to an employer that he contact such a company he has a beneficial association with to obtain information and suggestions on implementing such a program. The payroll system elucidated on the website,  contains a system that can be used to filter out illegal aliens from being hired.
The possible actions that can be taken to blunt the immigration invasion are limited only by one’s imagination. However, a National Day of Action with focused demonstrations in coordination with all the other possible activist  activities related to E-Verify will significantly raise the visibility of the issue and foster increased attention to other possible modalities that can be utilized for true immigration reform.
© 2019 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved
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Red China Is Hell Bent On World Domination

The Communist Chinese are spying on us and conducting a plethora of other direct activities to destroy us as a prelude to world domination. These activities deserve separate and special treatment and will be explored in future articles. This article focuses more on general Chinese activities internationally and China’s return to its former hard Communist character.
Internationally, the presence, tentacles, and influence of the Red Chinese are expanding according to long-term plans without any tangible or serious opposition.
In 2015,  a completely overlooked communist revolution took place. The Himalayan nation of Nepal was taken over by the Communist Party via a popular election but only after the communists had ravaged the country in a bitter civil war and thereby gained physical control of 80% of rural Nepal. This sent shock waves through the region because Nepal had long been aligned with pro-Western India. In 2018, Nepal refused to participate in annual South Asian military exercises aimed at combating terrorism in the region. Instead, Nepal announced it would participate in joint military exercises with China. In June 2018, China and Nepal announced a deal for construction of a new railway link from Chinese Tibet all the way to the Nepalese capital of Kathmandu, a distance of almost 400 miles.This project is part of China’s ambitious “Belt and Road” initiative to construct infrastructure all across Eurasia and even overseas, ostensibly to link China, with its vast markets, to the rest of the world.
The program being pursued in Nepal has become the model of how Communist China is methodically advancing its interests all over the world. The methodology involves China’s offer to build/rebuild infrastructure in a country in exchange for greater access to that country’s markets–as well as political allegiance, if not outright alliance. Turkey and Sri Lanka are two countries taking advantage of this initiative, and many others that are strapped for cash are seriously considering China’s blandishments. In the case of Sri Lanka, the government of that debt-ridden country has been compelled to sign over most of its rights to a major southern seaport, Hambentota, as well as adjacent private land to the Chinese in exchange for a substantial amount of debt forgiveness. This port, on the major east-west shipping lane from the Suez Canal to Singapore and the Far East,.gives China unprecedented access to one of the world’s major commercial sea routes as well as a potential military vantage point over the entire Indian Ocean; and the Chinese, flush with cash, is proving much more than willing to dole out supposedly no-strings attached financial aid  to many countries causing these countries to set aside their worries over China’s true motives and to begin questioning their alignment with the West.
The “Belt and Road” project(literally “One Belt, One Road” in Chinese), of which China’s Sri Lanka’s activities are only a small part, was launched by Chinese President and General Secretary of the Communist Party Xi Jinping in 2013. It is nothing less than  a modern re-creation of the ancient land and sea trading routes that linked China with the rest of the world–a sort of 21st Century Silk Road. This initiative coincides with a very significant Chinese military buildup and a dramatic rise in Chinese Communist subversion abroad, in places as distant as South Africa.
For nations caught in the Chinese Communist net, the results are increasingly worrisome. Nepal’s communists have outlawed Christian missionary activity there, made charitable activity by any Christian affiliated organizations illegal, and have curtailed the right of Nepalese citizens to criticize the government.
In China itself, the Communist Party is undoing several decades of market reforms and is discouraging the taste for Western music and media. There is a slow but steady movement back to the totalitarian communist past. Crackdowns, arrests, and imprisonments are soaring in the name of anti-corruption campaigns, targeting everyone from street vendors to critics of the government. Dissidents are “disappearing”–but worse abuses are on the way. Xi has removed the two-term limit on his rule and is now leader for life. His “anti-corruption” campaigns are morphing into transforming China into a panopticon state. A network of cameras watches Chinese citizens everywhere they walk or drive, while government sponsored software compiles data on tens of millions of them, assigning each one a number similar to a credit score–except that these scores reflect a citizen’s loyalty to the Party, obedience to the state, and general sense of civic duty. Points are deducted for jaywalking, late bill payments, criticizing the government, buying too much alcohol, etc. If a citizen’s score drops too low, they will be denied the right to air and rail travel, refused access to social networks, and kept from gainful employment. Still under consideration are additional “social infractions” such as playing too many video games, spending money wastefully, and making too many posts on social media. By 2020, next year, the Chinese government expects to have all of China’s 1.4 billion people under 24/7 surveillance—this is Orwell on steroids. Not only that, China’s major corporations, such as Alibaba and Huawei, are allowed to operate only on condition that they use their resources to enhance the government’s surveillance powers both at home and abroad.
Chinese law mandates that foreign firms in most fields must be partnered with a domestic Chinese firm, a partnership wherein the Chinese firm must control 51% of the combined entity–an imposition that many foreign companies are coming to realize is a cynical ploy, whereby Chinese firms avail themselves of Western intellectual property, only to kick the Westerners out once their usefulness has been exhausted. Indeed, the Chinese government is increasingly harassing Western firms, and in some cases forcing them to relocate to remote areas because the Chinese had decided to build something more to their liking on the site without offering the Western firms any compensation for the ouster and relocation. Sometimes the Western firms had already poured millions of dollars into developing their sites.
The Chinese government is also interfering with company internet usage. A fundamental anxiety is that the government will want to see everything that flows in and out of the country via the internet. This could mean appropriating company intellectual property and trade secrets. Despite such egregious practices or attitudes, Western corporations continue to pour capital into China, afraid their competitors will wind up taking their place. Companies will perform all sorts of contortions and obeisances to ingratiate themselves to the ingrates–the increasingly autocratic Chinese authorities. Google, exhibiting the behavior communists like to point to as a characteristic of capitalists, i.e., doing anything for big bucks, is secretly working on a search engine for China that would censor access to the internet to comply with Communist Party dictates.
China’s willingness to let outside capital in is more than matched by its refusal to allow capital out–in any form.
It is virtually impossible to transfer money abroad via the usual methods ubiquitous elsewhere such as money wires, drafts, money-grams and other methods of currency transfer. Any money transfers which do occur are strictly monitored and controlled, and often rejected for arbitrary reasons. Access to foreign marketing sites such as and Facebook is strictly prohibited. Culturally, China has always seen itself as unique and set apart from the rest of the world, and that attitude continues.
Chinese economic and military achievements give the Chinese people feelings of assurance that they will never endure the humiliations of the past and will remain a great power. Asians typically never really forgive and forget past humiliations. They are willing to endure the curtailment of their freedoms as long as their country remains strong. It is a testament of their work ethic and resourcefulness that the Chinese can achieve so much in the face of daunting political and geographical obstacles. China is moving towards a sort of high-tech cultural revolution where education in general is highly prized. The Chinese are increasingly educated, wealthy, and accomplished and produce leaders in science, technology, and the arts; but the Communist government is adroit in channeling these virtues and resources for its own purposes. Despite a modicum of free enterprise,  the Communist ideology is still paramount.
One factor driving China’s remarkable economic growth is the avoidance of debt and the reliance on savings. The Chinese avoid the market distortions of the business cycle and are mostly sealed off from the global banking system. China is a creditor and not a debtor nation which gives its leadership great leeway in commissioning grandiose building projects that often turn into flops with low occupancy, but these are inconsequential in the overall scheme of things. China has created the world’s largest and best high-speed railway system. It is almost a joke to compare this system with the American railway system. The “Bullet Train” project to connect Los Angeles to San Francisco is moving at a snail’s pace and large cost overruns are already projected resulting in at least a doubling of original cost estimates.
Another factor in China’s success is the Chinese work ethic, which is second to none. In most Southeast Asian countries, it is the “overseas Chinese” that powers economies from The Philippines to Malaysia. In the enclaves of Hong Cong, Taiwan and Singapore, the Chinese solely run the show and the record speaks for itself. The passion for business, ethnic pride and sense of national destiny characterize the Han Chinese.
A largely overlooked factor that powers the Chinese and helps assure their success is the strong will to preserve traditional families and civic virtues. The Chinese rejection of, and contrast with, Western decadence in the phenomena of premarital sex, drug use and trafficking, pregnancy out-of-wedlock, high crime rates, and low standards of morality is stark.It is assuredly not the productive and hard working Chinese who pose a threat to the West–It is the Communist regime of Beijing that is harnessing this unmatched energy, drive and capability that constitutes a mortal threat to the West. The West, presently in a state of steep cultural decline, is now weak and vulnerable enough to easily lose its hegemony over the areas of the world where it still maintains military or cultural dominance; and further, it is indeed subject to be overrun and conquered through subversion or military might by a superior civilizational force and/or even simply by a massive physical force via a huge invasion by Far Eastern humanity, even without a military component, exceeding anything known to history.
The naivete, greed and thoughtlessness of foreign governments, and multinational/Western corporations are serving the long sought cause of Communist world domination; and the Chinese with their vast population, have ample incentive to seek, by subversion or conquest, Lebensraum abroad.
Twenty-First century China is now morphing into an aggressive, expansionist power intent on challenging the might and dominance of the West across the Globe. With the complicity of rootless, soulless, greedy, and allegiance-less foreign corporations willing to be exploited in this design, China bids fair to accomplish its aims and purposes as perhaps the most powerful and dangerous regime the world has yet seen.
© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved
E-Mail Sidney Secular:

Mass Immigration And The Future Of America

The past several decades have seen unprecedented growth in the world’s population. This explosive growth has been concentrated in the poorest nations of the world, while birth rates in affluent Europe and North America have sunk to below replacement levels, particularly among the descendants of the early settlers of these Western nations. In recent decades, migration from these poor regions to the West has been encouraged and facilitated by the elites of Western nations through various economic and social incentives and other factors.

These factors include opportunities for chain migration, lowered barriers to acceptance by host countries, widespread advanced mass communications technologies, lowered costs of travel and migration, insufficient economic growth in many backward areas to accommodate rising populations, problems blamed on alleged global warming, and the turmoil and disruption in war zones and areas of ethnic and religious strife, some of which is brought on by the “perpetual war for perpetual peace” crusade engaged in by the US including its “War on Terror” which is terrorizing vast areas of Africa and Asia, and the spread of militant Islam which is terrorizing many disparate areas.

Among the Western host populations, this “global swarming” has produced a small number of well-heeled winners and a very large number of losers. The winners include the left-wing and leaning-toward-the-left entrenched political elites and their supporting institutions, foundations, NGOs, and bureaucracies; the multinational and multi-culturally oriented business elites who profit from an inexhaustible supply of inexpensive service industry labor and entry-level high-tech labor; and those who operate and control large and nearly monopolistic institutions in the media, high technology, and educational sectors and the bureaucracies that support the “Deep State”. The losers have largely been the native middle and lower classes composed primarily of the descendants of the European founding stock and the later immigrants from southern and eastern Europe.

Working breadwinners from these classes have seen their real wages stagnate or decline; taxpayers have looked on helplessly as their taxes rise to pay for government/welfare services earmarked for immigrants; normal citizens have become the victims of the increased crimes and gang activity of immigrants; and established and stable neighborhoods have been infiltrated and destroyed by hordes of invaders displacing them and making them unsafe to live in or just to enjoy.

In essence, the immigration confrontation(its more than a “debate”) has pitted the socio-economic elites against the majority of the population even if many in the host population are unaware of the economic, social, and cultural damages they are incurring, or that they are being shoved aside and displaced.

Average citizens and even mass-based interest groups have little influence on the changes being wrought by the largely unrestricted and destructive immigration invasion taking place. Examples of these largely powerless interest groups include the American Association of Retirement Persons and other retiree oriented associations, the American Legion and similar patriotic groups, the National Rifle Association, and the major auto insurance companies(immigrants are notorious for their macho, dangerous and drunk diving). When the elites and general public disagree on something, the elites invariably get their way via government diktats. The dwindling majority does not determine policy outcomes.

A recent poll conducted by the Pew Foundation found overwhelming majorities in 47 countries in favor of further restrictions and controls over immigration. These sentiments are just as strong, or in some cases stronger outside Europe and North America where populations are still not inured to the presence of the alien hordes.

Despite the calumnies and indignities heaped upon them, and in view of the constant pro-immigrant propaganda inflicted upon them by the establishment and its bleeding-heart churches and charities, the populations of North America and Western Europe express positive attitudes towards third world immigrants. Nevertheless, these populations favor further restrictions on immigration by majorities ranging from 60% to 75%. This demonstrates that concern with immigration is not based on xenophobia but a realization that the the pace of the immigration onslaught represents a threat to native folkways(without their seeming to realize the physical threat to the natives themselves).

The public confrontation(“debate”) on immigration nearly always opposes “multiculturalists” to “assimilationists”. The former believe immigrants should not be required to adapt to the cultural norms of their host nations, as this would somehow demean their native cultures and hence the immigrants themselves. This conforms to the Marxist concept that whites of European stock are an oppressor class with the less fortunate racial and ethnic groups being exploited classes, and is also in line with the Marxist disparagement of nationalism and its promotion of global internationalism so that white European influence can be diluted and the distinctions among nations slowly obliterated. Assimilationists believe immigrants should learn European languages and acquire European cultural habits as soon as possible to achieve economic success and minimize conflict with the host populations.

The assimilationalist position assumes third worlders are willing and able to adopt the ways of their Western host nation, which is an untenable position and is not based on any example in history. Third worlders tend to cling to their in-groups, sometimes to a paranoid extent, and can have difficulty mixing and mingling with the general population especially if there are language barriers present. Non-whites are naturally tribe oriented vice whites who have much less racial group consciousness and tend to operate as and see people as individuals and only secondarily as members of groups.

Most non-white immigrants have difficulty being patient, putting off immediate gratifications, and engaging in long-term planning which are almost prerequisites to economic advancement in an upwardly mobile oriented society like the US. Thus, many third world immigrants join gangs, get involved with drugs, fight over drug or gang territories, get involved in illicit schemes, drop out of school, and continue their abuse of women–treating them as second class persons after they arrive in America. The fawning liberal multiculturalist oriented American judiciary helps perpetuate these proclivities.

An imprudent aspect of current American law is the provision for family reunification which includes even adult parents and siblings. Thus, a single immigrant can bring in as many as 18 relatives within a 10 year period. Such “chain migration” is the main driving force behind our current demographic displacement/replacement crisis. In 2013, for example, 44% of immigrants arrived as immediate relatives of current immigrants and another 21% arrived under “family preferences”, for a total of 65% of all immigrants. The bias for family members largely explains why the majority of immigrants come from less developed countries, which have larger families and more siblings than families from industrialized countries.

There will be little political loyalty to the US among the immigrant third worlders if they do not become more flexible in their ways. A modern state requires affective human bonds to extend beyond the limitations of kinship and face-to-face relationships. As the country becomes more populated and diverse, such bonds should expand beyond the immediate in-group in order to have a healthy society.

Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam performed very comprehensive sociological studies of the American scene as delineated in his book from the Year 2000, “Bowling Alone”, and subsequently. He found that the effect of diversity is worse than imagined. His findings indicated that the more there are people of different races living in the same community, the greater the loss of trust. Inhabitants of diverse communities tend to withdraw from the collective social life of the community, to distrust their neighbors, and regardless of skin color to withdraw even from close friends, and to expect the worst from their community and its leaders.

Once America loses the ability to deliver material security to its inhabitants, it can be expected to revert to a more primitive social structure. This process could get very ugly. As historian Niall Ferguson has noted, “The most intense and brutal violence in recent history has involved ethnic clashes among groups that were part of empires that were in the midst of disintegration and decline”. Whether America can avoid such a fate depends upon political decisions which will have to be made in the very near future. American politicians and leaders have been avoiding existential questions concerning the future direction of American society for a long time now, so the prospect that major problems will be squarely faced is not a favorable one.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved
E-Mail Sidney Secular:

“A National Day of Action”

“The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.” — Amelia Earhart

“The first step in being unafraid is acting like you’re unafraid, even if you’re terrified.” — Anon

“….even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.  So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. ” — 2 Corinthians 11: 14 – 15

We can and must find ways to resist the destruction of Western man, his nations and institutions, and our strategies must involve more than writing essays, manning petition tables, and lobbying unresponsive politicians.  We are no longer involved in the process of  creating the language of our side of the debate; we have spent half a century doing this and educating others, and we are now quickly running out of time in which to save ourselves.  The time to act is upon us, and the question now becomes:  What targets do we specifically push back against, and how specifically do we do the pushing?

For the last half century, the inhabitants of the West have watched as a steady erasing of their societies has occurred before their eyes, with the Third World arriving in inexorable waves, permeating, reinventing, and ultimately obliterating the racial and cultural identities of nations that were once indisputably European and First World in nature.  There was absolutely no moral imperative that this purge occur, but our enemies, seeing human migration as a force of nature, decided to harness it and to weaponize it, and they have succeeded in doing incalculable damage to us as a result.  It is massive Third World immigration that will most likely be the force that ultimately destroys Western man by  scouring him out of existence, and since immigration is the primary and most visible weapon being used to erase our societies, any appropriate response should include it as the first target for any offensive.

To reiterate, mass immigration is the primary symptom of the assault being waged against us, and a response directed at mass immigration — and its attendant facilitating machinery — is thus the most logical offensive response that we should make.

Accepting this premise, let us theorize what active resistance might look like, and, more specifically, what a widespread organized response might look like.  There have been proposals of a National Day of Action, but what specific forms might it take?  What nonviolent forms of civil disobedience would be the most appropriate and the most efficient in targeting mass immigration, without bringing down on our heads the full power of the federal government or local law enforcement authorities?

It should be noted here that in the past, most efforts attempting to achieve political solutions to curb the on-going invasion have been delegitimized and marginalized.  And on the individual level, individuals objecting to mass immigration have simply been widely dismissed as being guilty of racism or intellectualized racism.  The mere use of the word “displacement,” to describe exactly what is being done to us, has traditionally drawn sneers and spittle from the parties orchestrating or facilitating our purge.  Further, in the past, many proposed and then actualized tactics have had minimal impact on the immigration debate;  for example, in the U.S., an Hispanic boycott of their own employment sites was noteworthy in its failure to gather participants.  Of course, the boycott was intended to protest what was perceived as anti-Hispanic immigration legislation, but few Hispanics remained home on the day of the boycott, few refrained from economic activity, and the overall economic impact of the boycott was so negligible as to guarantee that no subsequent similar efforts have occurred.  Further, an effort in March of 2014 by activist Kyle Hunt to organize an “anti-Diversity” nationwide “White Man March,” a day involving scattered demonstrations and pushback activities, apparently resulted only in a few banners being draped on overpasses and park benches in different cities.

Resistance taking the form of a boycott effort, or a “nationwide” demonstration, or something similar, would therefore have a very high potential for failure, primarily because it would be planned for a mass scale that cannot be realized.  Any action should thus seek to achieve maximum impact with a limited number of participants, or, to utilize a strategy of Nelson Mandela (non-hero that he was to us), we must attempt the greatest level of impact with a predictably limited number of willing activists, with the hope that mass actions will later materialize.

Perhaps a more simple analysis would begin merely by asking when a day of dissent should occur.  The 1965 immigration legislation that gutted our restrictive quota system was signed on October 3, 1965.  Ironically, the legislation passed through Congress with extensive promises that it would not alter the American demographic, political, or cultural landscapes.  The legislation was signed into law outdoors, before an entirely white audience, on Liberty Island, with Ellis Island and the crisp silhouette of Manhattan in the background.  As he signed the bill, President Johnson made the biggest understatement in human history, reassuring the audience by announcing, “The bill that we sign today is not a revolutionary bill.”  October 3 would thus be an appropriate date for a National Day of Action, or, perhaps July 5th, the day after the July 4th Independence Day Holiday, when many thousands of overwhelmingly Third World immigrants  are routinely sworn in as “New Americans.” (Our quota system was gutted as being discriminatory, yet few Europeans now arrive as immigrants on our shores.  So much for the Left’s definition of “non-discriminatory.”)

But what specifically might we do, as acts of defiance?  In the past it has sometimes been proposed that activists impede the functions of the government’s immigration bureaucracies processing our new colonists.  This might be as simple as gathering in small numbers on specific dates, like those mentioned, and blocking the entrances or otherwise impeding the activities of these government offices.  The offices in question would be those facilitating our country’s absorption of colonists;  the effort would not target offices involved in deportations. With a few dozen participants in a dozen U.S. cities, the impact even of such a limited offensive would be explosive.  Media coverage would be extensive, and participants in such sit-downs might exploit this by carrying placards with messages (a few possible examples come to mind:  “Stop Erasing America,” or “The American Nation-state Never Agreed to be Purged” or “In These Offices, They Faciliate America’s Extinction”).   As an alternative,  the demonstrations could be conducted silently, accompanied by someone handing out well-worded fliers, or accompanied by an articulate spokesperson who would speak to the press.  Ideally, identical activities would occur at each immigration/colonization office targeted.

The response of the Media, of course, would be shrill and vicious.  Government shills and religious and civic figures and Hollywood luminaries could be expected to be venomous in their denunciations.  Even passersby — like Pavlovian dogs — could be expected to snarl and shower abuse on the participants.

We would need to be prepared to be temporary martyrs for the cause of political incorrectness, ennobled by each epithet hurled at us.  The thunderous outrage and condemnation might nonetheless focus the national eye on the colonization process, galvanizing further debate and resistance.  Not to mention, that for a few hours or for a day the machinery of our destruction would be stilled.

The following year, on the same date, the exercise would repeat.  And then the year after that, and onward.  If the action successfully gathered momentum and numbers, additional demonstration days could be selected.  With any luck, the number of protestors participating in the demonstrations might grow, the resistance to the machinery of mass immigration would spread, and the functionings of the immigration bureaucracy would be substantively impeded to a point where they began to falter, requiring an overhaul culminating in more restrictionist immigration policies.  The alternative is that the bureaucracy will ultimately collapse anyway, under the sheer press of the numbers of people arriving; the difference would be that the faltering of the system would result in it becoming more restrictive rather than more easily exploited by our invaders, and the latter scenario of exploitation has been the one that has been the most commonplace in the past.

Protestors can expect to be cleared from the demonstration sites by law enforcement.  Offenders would be warned away, ticketed, fined, etc.  If a pattern of repeat demonstrations could be sustained, tickets might turn into a night in jail, and, with repeat offenses, even multiple nights in jail.  If the number of demonstrations indeed increased, even more draconian measures might be applied, despite the nonviolent nature of the activity; the demonstrators would be a manifestation of an enraging political nonconformity, like a red flag being waved before a bull.  Nonetheless, at the end of the day, and though the Heavens might appear to fall, it would still be worth the price, to preserve what is left of America.

Assuming that this movement could be expanded, in theory it could branch out to other manifestations of America’s ongoing destruction.  An agitating, albeit orderly, no-business-as-usual refusal to quietly submit to the death of our nation-state and culture.

In all of these actions, the rules of engagement would be the same rules that have been used in any life or death struggle.  The more pragmatic rules of conflict would apply; our straits are too dire for them not to be followed.  Anyone who assists us will be considered our ally.  Anyone who attacks our enemies will be our ally.  The stupid, the brainwashed, and the docile will not be designated as our enemies, even if they wander into our path and temporarily block our advancement.  We are fighting for them also.  These, and all other basic rules of conflict and engagement, will apply.

We are at a crossroads.  We will either shit or remain palavering and theorizing on the pot, until the approaching day when we end up residing inside the pot.  Nietzshe once wrote, “A brave army is a convincing argument for the cause for which it fights.”  Yet, how brave have we been, in our deafening inaction?  We are two decades from slipping into minority status in a land overwhelmingly founded and built by our ancestors.  We will not do so and then see our situation stabilize; any intelligent mind can perceive that our community will simply continue to dwindle in numbers and influence until we are irrelevant, dispossessed, and despised, floating in the midst of the wreckage created for us, clinging to the tattered remnants of a constitution and a rule of law that no longer protect us.  Only two options thus remain before us:   find some concretely meaningful way in which to bravely resist, or embrace a soon-approaching extinction.

We dissidents have been, to a significant extent, de-platformed, silenced, or marginalized in the arena of public debate, a place where all silence, enforced or otherwise, is interpreted as both compliance and consent.  This forces us into an uncomfortable means of redress, one demanding some form of active resistance.  In the past, violent men have said we have a moral right to resist what we are witnessing, a moral right undergirded by a duty to preserve and safeguard the world created by our ancestors, coupled with a duty to pass that legacy forward to our children.  However repugnant we may have found the actions of some of those men — and as much as we may attempt to embrace nonviolent tactics — the organic logic of those particular beliefs remains irrefutable.

We can draw strength from the words of Thomas Jefferson, who said:  “When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.”  It is not justice when our government abdicates its primary responsibility to defend and perpetuate the people and culture that placed it in power, and instead codifies into law the forces that will annihilate us.  It is primarily because this injustice has become law, and because venues for peaceful dissent are being closed off to us, that we must now begin the work of a more active resistance.  To achieve an active resistance,  we must take the struggle out of the blogs and into our institutions and streets, to actively confront and impede the machinery of our destruction.

Again, we must do so knowing that this conflict in which we must engage, this purposefully concealed and obfuscated conflict, is ultimately a struggle for our very survival, because it is a struggle for the survival of our nation-state and culture.  Whatever lies are told to us, we must cling to this truth.  Because of its existential nature, this is the most important struggle of our century, of our lifetimes, and there is no more important one in which we can engage ourselves.  There can be no more honorable struggle than the fight for the survival of one’s own people, and the very laws of nature itself demand such a struggle.  It is only a perversion of nature that defines “being on the right side of history” as being a capitulation to extinction.  Let us resoundingly reject such madness, and let us reject it by moving one another to action.

While there is yet time, let us begin.

© 2019 Sid Secular – All Rights Reserved

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The SS Empire Windrush: The Mayflower In Reverse?

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

The SS Empire Windrush, a ship that will live in infamy in the minds of European nationalists, arrived in London from Jamaica in June 1948. When it disgorged 417 black immigrants, it marked the start of the large-scale, organized, non-white immigration into Northwestern Europe. Thus, it can be viewed as the reverse of the arrival of the Mayflower on North American shores, in that instead of the English starting the displacing, it was the start of the English being displaced.

The story of the vessel is yet another manifestation of the gradual destruction of the white race and its cultures.

In one of history’s unintended iron­ies, the vessel that would mark the end of racial homogeneity in Britain commenced life as a National Socialist cruise liner. The ship was commissioned in 1930 as the MV Monte Rosa.  Until World War II, she was employed in the “Strength Through Joy” National Socialist program to give more than 25 million Germans an opportunity to enjoy free cruises and leisure pursuits during their vacations. The program was seen as a means to break down class barriers and enhance the German sense of community, as there was no privileged status such as first-class accommodations or perks given to certain passengers and not others.

The ship was converted to military purposes in 1939. She was one of several vessels later turned into a hospital and evacuation ship employed to help rescue many thousands of Germans trapped in Latvia, East Prussia and Danzig by the rapid westward advance of the Red Army toward the end of the war. Many of these vessels never made it to a safe destination, and untold thousands were killed by Russian torpedoes. This was the case of the Wilhelm Gustloff, on which an estimated 10,000 perished, the greatest tragedy in maritime history. However, the Monte Rosa made it through safely.

In May 1945, the Monte Rosa’s German career ended when she was captured by British forces. She was renamed the SS Empire Windrush and handed over to a Jewish-owned New Zealand shipping company. She was one of several former German vessels passed on to Commonwealth shipping companies, primarily Jewish owned, by the Jewish secretary of state for war, Emanuel Shinwell. Shinwell had a side career of passing British secrets to the murderous Israeli revolutionary military force called the Irgun in 1947.

With the crumbling of the British empire, the Empire Windrush was employed to ferry British troops from their Commonwealth outposts back to their homelands. During May 1948, the ship’s operators were given the authority to increase profits by filling her to capacity with black Jamaican settlers on the return trip to Britain before the commencement of the next assignment to ferry British troops around. This momentous decision was taken arbitrarily without thought as to consequences and caused great shock to British politicians when it came to light. The British minister of transport authorizing the importation of large numbers of blacks was Harry Louis Nathan, formerly a member of the Jewish law firm of Oppenheimer, Nathan and Vandyk.

Government contracts and the Jewish control of maritime activity played an instrumental role in the burgeoning commercial passenger industry that would bring waves of blacks, Pakistanis and Indians to Britain over the next two decades.

It cannot be ascertained whether the motivation for this transportation of people was initially purely profit-driven or was also part of a concerted campaign to inundate Britain with non-whites. It would appear to be a combination of the two, with a progressive tilt over time toward the latter.

Several politicians and senior civil servants expressed misgivings over the landing of the Empire Windrush with her unwanted “newcomers,” the elites’ politically correct term of choice. There was still a housing shortage since large parts of London were heavily bombed during World War II; strict food rationing remained in place after the war (in fact, rationing in Britain was worse after than during the war); the feeling of a need for control over every citizen, necessary in wartime, had not yet fully dissolved; and in spite of the myth of a labor shortage later propagated to justify the coming of the invaders, no industry was seriously undermanned.

Into this tense atmosphere of apprehension, discomfort and shortages came the strange strangers. The newcomers had been told before leaving on their voyage that they would be fed and housed upon arrival. The locals’ unease was at first disregarded, and then shunted aside as an act of Parliament provided for a hearty welcome for the intruders. Many more ships carrying dusky Caribbean settlers arrived after that first docking.

After the initial false narrative that the British government brought in the Third-Worlders to help overcome a labor shortage, the government, tongue in cheek, expounded the fantasy that Commonwealth subjects should be “freely admissible” to the United Kingdom to hold the crumbling empire together. The British solicitor general, Frank Soskice, yet another Jew, proclaimed that the British government had no legal power in peacetime to prevent the landings in London of the Empire Windrush. Thus began the new initiative of “Destruction Through Diversity” whereby numerous other troopships disgorged dusky immigrants into Britain.

Winston Churchill remarked during the next administration: “Problems will arise if many colored people settle here. Are we to saddle ourselves with color problems in the UK? Public opinion won’t tolerate it once it gets beyond certain limits.”

Of course, by then it was too late. Black immigration increased dramatically from 2,000 in 1948 to 42,000 in 1957. A government report of December 1953 stated that the new population could not secure employment, not because of discrimination, but because the newcomers had “low output” and their working life was marred by “irresponsibility, quarrelsomeness, and lack of discipline.” Black men were said to be “volatile in temperament … and lacking in stamina,” and black women were “slow mentally.”  Worse yet, “future social and criminal patterns were being established.”

The famed Notting Hill Race Riots of 1958 were the culmination of white reaction against black crime and miscegenation—300 to 400 whites violently demonstrated against black criminality resulting in six days and nights of uninterrupted interracial warfare. This event represented a clear opportunity for Britain to turn back the tide, but the proliferation of Jewish lawyers stymied all efforts at effective white resistance.

Within 50 years of the first docking of the Empire Windrush, the racial composition of England had changed entirely. Following the black Carib­beans, the Punjabi Sikhs and Hindu Gujaratis came from the Indian subcontinent. Next came the Muslims from Pakistan and Bangladesh. Many big towns now have areas in which white people have become rare; talking about immigrants in those places as “minorities” sounds perverse. More than one-third of inner London’s children do not have English as their first language. Settlers now include Afghans, Africans, Arabs and others all the way through the alphabet  and the Zulus.

After catching fire during a voyage, the SS Empire Windrush sank to a watery grave on March 30, 1954, but her legacy was to cast a pall over the nation. The leftists are doing their best to keep the memory of the Empire Windrush alive. A public square in Brixton, London was named “Windrush Square” to commemorate the 50th anniversary of her landing in London with the first set of black invaders. It was featured during the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games. The salvaged wheel of the vessel sits relic-like for veneration at the offices of the Open University in Camden Town, London.

Sidney Secular is an officer in the Council of Conservative Citizens (CofCC) and a freelance writer. CofCC has an excellent newsletter that keeps you informed about its activities and includes provocative articles and editorials as well. To find out more, go to its website located at



On June 22, 1948, the United Kingdom was changed forever by the arrival at Tilbury of the Empire Windrush, with its cargo of blacks from the Caribbean immigrating to the white lands of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. The ship sailed on May 27, 1948 from Jamaica, stopping briefly at Trinidad, before heading toward England. The image of the Carib­beans filing off her gangplank has become a symbol to many of the destruction of the white race.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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The American Right And Duty To Bear Arms

Although we have had many liberties enshrined in the US Bill of Rights since colonial days, the right to bear arms is likely the oldest recognized God-given right of them all. Without the right to bear arms, the other Bill of Rights “rights” can be taken away from us, so it is the most important right and therefore should be the First Amendment to the Constitution, vice the Second. Many mass murders in history have resulted from a public that was disarmed/unarmed.
In England,  the mother country of the US, the citizenry, or more accurately peasantry, were well stocked with their own weapons, and the King actually relied on the common man to help maintain law and order. English king Edward IV required all “Englishmen and Irishmen” to have adequate archery weapons and each town was required to have an archery range on which each citizen was to practice on “feast days”. Price controls were actually placed on longbows so that every commoner could afford one. The consciousness of the British people as proud, armed, and free gradually developed in contrast to the unarmed or disarmed peoples on the European continent where the emphasis was on professionals to maintain law and order.
Under Queen Elizabeth I(reigned 1558-1603), the term “militia” was reinvigorated. It was defined as a universally armed citizenry. This was merely re-emphasis of of an older tradition going back to 690 AD and likely earlier whereby ownership of weapons entailed a duty for all able-bodied men to serve in the militia, or “fyrd”.
In the beginning, the American colonists purchased their own guns and obtained additional firearms from their state governments. As early as 1623, Virginia ordered each plantation owner to ensure that he had a good supply of armament. In 1631, the Colony ordered that no one work in the fields unarmed. Militias were to meet each week after church services for training. By 1673, the Colony was providing firearms to anyone too impoverished to buy a gun, and similar legislation was being enacted in the other colonies.
The American colonists were accorded the same gun rights other “Englishmen” already had. The American colonists viewed the 1688 English Bill of Rights as recognizing liberty for self-defense, including self-defense against government agents.
This has nothing to do with a “well-trained militia”, let alone the National Guard or a standing army that the liberals keep interjecting into the debate. The true militia is entire body of free men and women, which could include boys and girls, and could involve use of “assault weapons” or any type of weapons, for that matter.
In any event, cooler heads in England recognized the colonial obsession with arms and called for reconciliation with the colonists. However, the British hotheads prevailed, leading to an attempt to disarm the colonials, which in turn led to the American Revolution.
As the revolutionary agitation increased, Maryland called for all the colonies to form “well-regulated” militias in 1774 and set the example by requiring all Marylanders aged 16 to 50 to arm themselves into military-style companies. “Well-regulated” here did not mean a force closely controlled by a bureaucratic government, but one where the natural leaders and those with high expertise would be selected by their comrades or naturally rise to the top of the ranks. Virginia, led by George Washington, immediately followed the example of Maryland, since they were sister colonies in temperament and their leading families were closely related/associated.
During the Revolutionary war, while there was a “Continental Army” of the confederated states, answerable to Congress, sovereign state militias played a major role in the fighting, often unaided by American regulars.
After America won her independence, the US was governed by the Articles of Confederation from 1781-1789. Despite the widespread and well justified opposition to a standing Army, the Articles established just such an army. Already, too much power had been allowed to pass from the states to the national government. This trend continued with the establishment of the Constitution in 1789. Concurrent with the establishment of a standing army, the issues of the rights of citizens to bear arms and provide for their own defense versus the Government taking over these functions resulted in much turmoil and debate, which still continues to this day. This concern was the primary mover in establishing the Bill of Rights which firmly established the right and sacred duty of individuals to keep and bear arms. This issue was debated more than than the others related to issues of liberty leading up to the Bill of Rights.
The legal right, sacred duty, and responsibility of American citizens is to keep and bear arms; and be safe, responsible, skillful and competent in their use if it becomes necessary to deploy and discharge them where the use of force is considered necessary. This is the true meaning and thrust of the Second Amendment. The US Supreme Court reiterated this interpretation in the 2008 D.C. v. Heller decision.  Still, repeated attempts are being made to reinterpret the Second Amendment as a “collective” vs. an individual right.
We will now consider the related issue of “concealed carry” and the permits that may be required to authorize it.
In the earliest days of the US and in the colonies, there seem to have been no laws concerning the bearing of concealed arms, and it must have been common to carry weapons in that manner. When men went around armed, apparently no one worried whether the arm was open or concealed and the Second Amendment makes no mention of it. Anyhow, since our rights come from God and are merely guaranteed by the Constitution, we have the right to keep and bear arms, regardless of any concealment.
Over the years, beginning in the early 19th Century, various restrictions/bans have been enacted by the individual states on what can be carried and in what manner, and the requirement for permits has been established in some cases. By the mid-19th Century, restrictions increased to the point where prohibition of concealed carry became the status quo in the US, and any kind of carry was only permitted in special circumstances. This was the situation until the 1980s when the trend reversed to a significant extent. Now 40 states allow concealed carry, and in 16 states a permit therefor is not required.
© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved
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On the Liberal/Leftist Mantra: ”Our Common Humanity”

There is an overabundance of the use of the words “we,” “us,” and “our” in the following polemic. Whites in America have been discouraged from describing themselves with these terms in discussions about race, because we have been discouraged from having a collective identity. In defiance of that convention, I have used the terms often in this essay.

I will begin by stating that America’s Europeans — Europeans everywhere — are experiencing massive displacement by swelling non-White populations, a shift that threatens to make our political and cultural landscapes unrecognizable in the near future. As this happens, public discourse has been reinvented to accommodate the visible changes in our societies. Let us start by examining just a few examples:

  • Demands for redistributions of wealth are now increasingly presented as being reasonable and inevitable; the imported poor must be fed and subsidized.
  • The historical narratives of Western nations are increasingly rewritten to include non-Whites, even if the rewrites are historically inaccurate.
  • The rare acts of violence committed by Whites against non-Whites are extensively examined for any hints that they are “hate crimes,” while vastly more numerous incidences of violence by non-Whites against Whites are generally dismissed being merely criminal in intent.
  • Institutional discrimination against non-Whites is intensely denounced as being unthinkable, while the legalized discrimination routinely directed at Whites in job hires, promotions, and college placements is either ignored or applauded as necessary.

Ironically, all of these things, and similar convolutions of logic and justice, now occur while great to-do is made about a need for “colorblindness,” or the need for “equality under the law,” or “understanding.” As our societies are enthusiastically deconstructed and reinvented, one of the most perpetual refrains that we now hear is the insistence that Whites search within themselves for tolerance by tapping into their sense of the common humanity that they share with all other human beings, and especially human beings of color.

As appealing as this sounds, if we are to examine humankind’s “common humanity,” it may be important that we include in our examination a thorough appraisal of the vast destruction that we humans have repeatedly inflicted on our own species, other species, and the natural environment. We should perhaps intellectually embrace the reality that placing multiple and very different groups in previously homogeneous areas — like the U.S., Canada, Germany, or Australia — greatly increases the potential for intergroup conflict, overpopulation, political upheaval, resource depletion, environmental devastation, and a host of other problems. And let us least of all forego an examination of the potential for this kind of demographic change to rapidly submerge the original populations of those countries. Are the odds of perpetual conflict and collateral devastation not exceedingly high? If they are, is it not exceedingly foolhardy to take these risks?

Fundamentally, it’s because the people who are engineering this transformation and a great many of their followers hate White people far more than they worry about the downsides of multiculturalism. Most of us, whatever our political persuasion, do not look into another man’s face without seeing therein a fellow human being. But seeing a shared humanity in another person’s face requires reciprocity. We are not receiving reciprocity when other individuals and groups condemn us for wanting the historical and cultural and racial continuity of our own lineages and societies to endure into the future. We are not guilty of any sin merely by virtue of having a racial or cultural or religious identity that we desire to perpetuate — just as no other group is guilty for having these things and wanting to perpetuate them. We also are not receiving reciprocity when we are forced to demand the same rights of association or freedom from discrimination that other groups around us consider to be their entitlement. And it again follows that we are guilty of no moral misdeed when we make appeals that the same standards of morality and civic engagement apply to our group — especially when we can see very clearly that they do not.

As a rule, it is better that enlightened individuals hate no man, and hate no group of men. Be that as it may, we are not guilty of “hate” by virtue of wanting to keep our own house. There is no guilt in wanting our children and grandchildren to remain a majority in the United States in order that they may remain in control of their own political destiny. We are not immediately guilty of racism or any other “ism” for preferring the company of our own ethnic group, our own religion, our own race, and our own social class. We are also not guilty of malevolence because we perceive the desirability of holding membership in a dominant religious or racial group — these perks are a reality in every country with a dominant ethnic or religious majority, and they cease to be desirable only in groups hell-bent on self-immolation. Has anyone on the left complained about Korean supremacism in Korea or African supremacism in African countries? Of course not. It’s a concept that they apply only to White countries.

And horror of all modern horrors, we may want our children to marry into their own race and class and religion! Yet, nothing even in this is innately sinister, and if any of these things are sins, then most humans in most nations of the world are guilty of them. We know better; these things also are a part of our common humanity, not sins to be overcome, but to acknowledge and accommodate as if in many ways our welfare and survival may depend on them. Because in today’s realities, they often do.

The founding documents of America were formulated to be examples to the world, but they were primarily compacts intended for the benefit of the descendants of the founders. Only beguiled or fevered minds dare to argue otherwise. We want the America that we inherited to remain our legacy, and also the legacy of our children and grandchildren. The world may follow our example if it desires, but there is no moral imperative that it be allowed to invade us en masse, displace us, and usurp that birthright. These sentiments, by any sane logic, are not sinister. They are pragmatic. They are entirely legitimate by any moral logic known to man.

Let us thus move further beyond the pale, at the risk of inspiring greater fury, and state new truths that are self-evident: that no two individuals, groups, or institutions are equal, nor were they ever construed as being equal by America’s founders or founding documents. Let us speak plainly: The moral posturing in our founding documents about equality and rights was solely for the benefit of our British overlords. The documents speak of their contents, meaning, the egalitarian and democratic principles of government contained therein, as being “for our progeny,” and the only brown faces present at the authorship of those documents were the ones scrubbing chamber pots. The documents speak of slaves, who formed the vast majority of Blacks, as property and Native Americans as “savages.” And in 1790 passed the Naturalization Act that made it quite clear that the founders intended American to remain a White country. The notion that the founding documents represented the formation of a “propositional nation,” meaning, a nation based solely on democratic ideals, and thus a nation conducive to the creation of an American dumping ground “nation of nations” — is thus an absurdity.

The welcoming of massive influxes of dissimilar peoples is only a moral imperative in the West, and the sins of which we have spoken are only sins for the melanin-deficient. It is by codifying these sins into violations of never intended moral laws that we have made ourselves pariahs in our own lands. Can our adversaries acknowledge the bloody history of multicultural, multiracial societies, and then deny us the human right to be afraid as we watch the gleeful and irrevocable erasing of the American nation-state? Any student of history knows there is plenty to fear. So, too, do our enemies, who are promoting America’s deconstruction.

If we must emote with great shows of guilt over the loss of the Native Americans’ world, are we not allowed to mourn the loss of our own? If Native Americans were morally justified in resisting their displacement, are we not morally justified in resisting our own? If it is permissible to say that Iowa is too White and needs more diversity, is such a statement substantively any less racist than saying that Mississippi is too Black, and needs an increased percentage of White people? If all groups in America are afforded the privilege of having a group identity, do Whites not have that same right, especially as we shrink into minority status in the country our ancestors overwhelmingly founded and built? If it is permissible for non-Whites to advocate solely for the welfare and interests of their own groups, are we guilty of mere hate or intolerance or intellectualized racism when we advocate for our own?

Is it a sin to wish, when passing a baby carriage, to see the future of our own people in it? Is it a sin, when passing a school, to want to see the progeny of one’s own people playing in the school yard? When we are in the marketplace, is it a sin to want to be surrounded by our own people’s faces and the sound of our native tongue? Is it a sin, to spurn the notion that our most desirable future involves becoming strangers in our own land?

We already know the answers to these questions.

If a special understanding and empathy are required for the future, then what must also be understood is our resentment toward our own government, inasmuch as in what our leaders have planned and failed to plan for us, nothing is guaranteed for our own group except extinction. Let our adversaries comprehend our contempt for our own people, who, like bumbling zoo pandas, no longer possess even the primal instinct to procreate sufficiently to replace their numbers that die. Let there be empathy for our disdain for these human pandas, who have allowed themselves to be manipulated into believing that their dispossession is inevitable and natural and good. Pandas who allow themselves to be uniformed and stationed to defend borders in other countries, rather than rallying to obstruct armed and unarmed invasions across their own. Pandas so monstrously beguiled as to believe that their ancestors spent centuries building infrastructure and institutions — all while doing the great bulk of the dying in this country’s wars and famines and epidemics — so that it could all be deeded in its entirety to people whose ancestors played marginal parts or no part in creating those things.

Let us ask that our adversaries see our common humanity in our discomfort, when we see our kinsmen bowing and supplicating in raucous debates about “cultural appropriation,” because some melanin-impaired dolt decides to wear beaded dreads or a sari, and while the complainants screech their arguments in our language, while wearing Western attire, while using technologies and mediums our ancestors created, and while enjoying the benefits of the wealth and institutions and freedoms that many of their own ancestors, to reiterate, played little or no part in creating. Let them understand our rage, when they whine about “White privilege,” while enjoying the racial preferences that are now routinely showered on Third Worlders newly disembarked from boats. Let them refrain from sneering about cultural appropriation while basking in all of these perks, as they applaud overpriced performances of Hamilton — American history deformed into universalist hip-hop blackface. Further, let them understand our resentment when the same complainants and their collaborators survey the feast that they are consuming and then jettison the parts of our culture and history that they have decided are irrelevant — such as recent college curriculum purges of Shakespeare, Plato, Descartes, and Immanuel Kant, for being too Eurocentric.

Can we correctly assume that all of the demands for empathy, humaneness, and cultural sensitivity will remain one-sided?

You can bank on it.

Finally, let us request a comprehension of our all too human despair when we denounce the sum total of all of these hypocrisies and assaults — all of them paraded as virtues, and all of them better described as treasons. In that vein, let them understand our rage when we start expressing what are, for “us,” two simple truths: that the intent of both our opposition involves taking a completely viable and advanced nation-state and destroying it, and that — in both our silence and our inaction — we have made ourselves accessories to murder.

© 2019 Sid Secular – All Rights Reserved

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There Is No Morality To Accepting Extinction

They lie

They lie when they speak in glowing terms of the “enrichment” created for us by America’s burgeoning “diversity.”

In reality, a vast and inexorable destruction is spreading across America, and it is the entirely unnecessary and entirely deliberate dissolution of what we once revered as our nation and culture.  Americans had a people to which they belonged, and a cultural identity as distinct as that of any other society on earth.  Only the willfully blind can fail to see that both of those things are now vanishing quickly and forever.

It is a tribute to the gullibility of human beings, our acceptance of the lie that our dispossession “enriches” us, even as the waves of people displacing us reach deeper and deeper into our public coffers and polling booths.  It is a tribute to our ignorance, that we sit unblinking when our leaders tell us America has always been an experiment in multiculturalism, and the evolving New Babylon is rooted in our historical experience.

At its founding, America was 80 percent European, and undeniably Christian, Western, and European in its character.  For 200 years that identity was promoted by our immigration laws, and those laws in time fostered a nation 90 percent European.  It was indeed no perfect experiment, and there were definite fault lines involving race or ethnicity, but we knew who we were and with God’s help and great sacrifice we created the most magnificent civilization in human history.

Now, in the course of a single lifetime, our identity will be extinguished.  With the gutting of our immigration laws in 1965, in the course of a single 70-year average life span, by the year 2035 or thereabouts we will have gone from a nation ninety percent white to one in which Europeans are but one of many minorities, floating in a polyglot sea of people drawn from every corner of the globe.

In the fevered minds of the Cultural Marxists and the stupid, we will be a happy picture of coexistence and cooperation to which the rest of the world can aspire.  Such folks currently argue that the rights of the individual will still take precedence over group rights.  They insist our standard of living will remain intact or actually improve, as the numbers of consumers and producers expand.  They reassure us our principles of government will protect everyone, and those, along with the English language, will be the glue that will bind our society together.  This future, they would have us believe, is our natural and inevitable destiny as a nation, a destiny we can embrace without further examination or fear.

Those are the biggest lies of all.

The entire world operates on the premise of group identity politics, in which members of racial or ethnic groups vote or act in unison on the basis of what they perceive to be in the best interests of their group.  It is entirely natural for groups to engage in this behavior.  What’s more important, every group in America also operates on the premise of group identity politics, except for Europeans, for whom it is considered taboo. We can extrapolate from this reality to conclude that in the America of tomorrow, group identity politics will continue to hold sway, and members of various ethnic electorates will continue to vote for whatever is in their best interests, including things like more immigration and more racial preferences in job hiring and college placements.  The only group that will be regarded with horror if it does likewise will be Americans who are pigmentationally impaired.  The latter group, of course, will in time no longer be in control of its own political destiny.  Its wealth will be taxed away from it to support hundreds of millions of imported poor, and racial preferences and quotas will be expanded to create places at the American table for unending onslaughts of new arrivals.

We will have facilitated our own political and cultural dispossession, foolishly, myopically, in defiance of the way every other group functions on the globe.  Ominously, we will have rendered ourselves powerless and irrelevant in a world growing ever more crowded and violent.

The traditional American nation, the one with roots expanding back four centuries, will have committed suicide — with a major push from our new elite which does not identify with the traditional White majority.  In the course of a single lifetime, an eye blink in history, we will have erased ourselves.  In the final analysis, we will have done this for no rationale that is genuinely pressing, unless it is desirable to give one’s children’s birthright to strangers.  And if we had limited all immigration to Swedes, it would have been our right to have done so.  Instead, we will have squandered the inheritance left to us by the unimaginable suffering and labor of our ancestors, effectively disinheriting our progeny.  Instead, we will have banished ourselves into the abyss for no morally compelling reason at all.

As all of this transpires, the proponents of mass immigration will decry any and all negative responses as being reactionary, racist, and sinister.  We face these accusations already, and they will continue to be powerful deterrents to galvanizing public resistance.  They will probably remain deterrents until Americans of color, and even immigrants themselves, can be persuaded that the magnitude of today’s mass immigration is replicating in America the same environmental, economic, and social problems that the immigrants fled from in their home countries.

Whether Americans of color respond to this reality or not, the descendants of America’s founders have every right to reject their current beguilement and to act in their own best interests.  They should in fact do so because a sane man does not give his house away and pretend he has honored the ancestors who built it for him.  They should do so because an intelligent man does not give his house away and pretend he has created a blessing for his children.  They should do so because a wise man does not give his house away and pretend, as he crouches in its cellar, that the new residents are bound by the house rules he posted in the foyer.

A wise man knows extinction does not confer any form of morality.

It is oblivion.

© 2019 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Libtard to English Language Glossary

“The truth is so rare that it is delightful to tell it.” —Emily Dickinson

“The purest of evils is the one that parades itself as virtue.” —Chinese proverb

With the possibility that the forces of Libtardism may re-occupy our capitol city at some date in the future, this glossary of words and phrases has been created to better enable English- speaking residents to comprehend the Libtard language.  This glossary is roughly organized into different subject matters.


white person:  a pigmentationally disabled individual

white people:  the evil people subsidizing everyone else

wigger:  a pigmentationally challenged person whose heart and lips are still in the right places

racist:  any white person who has a racial identity

victim of racism:  any successfully convicted defendant

interracial black crimes:  street crimes

interracial white crimes:  hate crimes

ethnic cleansing:  shooting your black assailant

social justice warrior:  Antifa thug

gentle giants:  thugs with less than two homicides

black fathers:  MIAs

Black Lives Matter:  the sanctity of black lives, unless black people are doing the killing

prejudice:  making a judgement you don’t like something

police tyranny:  the thin blue line

racial harmony:  whites who die quietly

Jews:  God’s chosen people, because they said so

anti-Semite:  any person who notices someone is Jewish

Nazi:  any person who disagrees with a Jew

Israel:  a place where we send $3 billion a year and get oranges and angry Arabs in return

Jewish colonization of Palestine:  a divinely ordained colonization

European colonization of America:  racist imperialism

AIPAC:  U.S. Government Treasury

The Knesset:  U.S. Government Command Center

The U.S.S. Liberty:  a form of amnesia

Righteous Gentile:  any member of the U.S. Congress

Progressive/Liberal/Democrat:  Bolshevist

federal judges:  Bolshevists appointed to office

lobbyists:  any of a variety of prostitutes

Congressmen:  See preceding definition

The Democratic Party:  The Manson Family

The GOP:  A slur word for elephants

Capitol Hill:  The Mustang Ranch

District of Columbia:  Dodge City

the American public:  gerbils

tax obligation:  wealth redistribution

women’s reproductive rights:  a woman’s right to kill her baby

pest control:  abortion

women’s health clinic:  abortion mill

eldercare:  third trimester abortions

men’s reproductive rights:   a man’s right to pay 20 years of child support

Equal Rights for Women:  the 98% of the military’s body bags filled by men

free love:  free venereal diseases

miscegenation:  single white motherhood

gay rights:  a pain in the ass

animal rights:  KFC menu

CO2 emissions:  flatulence

nursing home:  storage for old people

senior services:  euthanasia

freedom of speech:  the right to express ideas I agree with

justice:  social engineering

equal justice under the law:  preferences codified into law

democracy:  mob rule

liberalism:  mass delusion

immigrants:  undocumented Democrats

illegal immigrants:  uninvited colonists

assimilation:  the process by which Westerners acclimate to their engulfment by the Third World

immigration enforcement:  open borders

undocumented worker:  illegal alien

uninvited houseguest:  burglar

pinatas:  loaded, discarded baby diapers, often used to decorate barrio sidewalks

refugee:  invader with a good cover story

H1-B visa holders:  imported scabs

Johnson’s 1965 immigration laws:  D-Day for the Western World

diversity:  cultural chaos

cultural enrichment:  colonization subsidized by your tax dollars

freedom fighter:  terrorist

Nelson Mandela:  See preceding definition

Winnie Mandela:  Nelson, plus a tire necklace and minus the penis

Hillary Clinton:  a red herring

Ruth Bader Ginsburg:  the less pretty sister of Margaret  Hamilton

Artificial Intelligence:  Maxine Waters

Maxine Waters:  proof Congress has an Affirmative Action Program

Nancy Pelosi:  a highly regarded D.C. proctologist

Madeleine Albright:  a woman entrusted with the foreign policy of the most powerful nation in the world, who was unable to discern that her family is Jewish

Barack Obama:  a black man who won a Nobel Prize because his melanin imbued him with magical powers

President Obama:  President Osama

Elizabeth Ann Warren:  Chieftess Crazy Squirrel

Satan:  Donald J. Trump

Martin Luther King Jr. :   Jesus

Maya Angelou:  Mrs. Jesus

Angela Davis:  Mrs. Jesus with PMS

James Watson:  proof that statements of truth are no  defense

Jerry Springer:  the best historical argument for restrictive immigration legislation

Katharine Graham:  a woman who won a Pulitzer for owning the Washington Post

The Washington Post:  The Compost

The New York Times:  The Jerusalem Post

Hollywood:  West Jerusalem

former Hollywood celebrities:  politically incorrect movie stars

adoption agencies for celebrities:  rent-a-pet programs

black themed films:  noble Negro movies

TV court shows:  forums for determining which of six men is a baby’s daddy

TV talk shows:  See preceding definition

U.S. court system:  See preceding definition

ebonics: the language used by litigants in these proceedings

Mainstream Media: Politburo                     `

welfare: tax-funded vagrancy

Twelve Step Programs: clubs for professional cripples

unisex bathrooms: businesses that can’t afford urinals

gender fluid: gender clueless

racial dignity: a rumored historical mental condition which cannot be substantiated as having existed

white guilt:  a mental condition caused by a melanin deficiency

miscegenation:  erasing centuries of bloodlines for two minutes of pleasure

Equal Employment Opportunity Employer:  an employer whose devotion to equality is demonstrated by his use of racial preferences

The play “Hamilton”:  American history in blackface

Diversity:  A euphemism for extinction

Multiculturalism:  See preceding definition

“Changing demographics”:  See preceding definition

“Nation of Immigrants”:  See preceding definition

“Rainbow Nation”:  See preceding definition

Affirmative Action:  legalized discrimination

special education:  tax-funded baby sitting

U.S. Public School System:  See preceding definition

history:  revisionist history

white history:  the story of how white people ruined America

slaveholding vampires:  the founding fathers

black history:  the story of how black people built America

Hispanic countries:  countries for mestizos

Asian countries:  countries for yellow people

Arab countries:  countries for Arabs

African countries:  countries for black people

white countries:  countries for everyone

California:  the northwest province of Mexico

Las Vegas:  Sodom and Gomorrah with room service

Puerto Rico:  America’s future

agism:  acknowledging that old people can be ugly

racism:  acknowledging that black people can be annoying

specism:  acknowledging that animals are tasty

xenophobia:  wanting to keep your own country

homophobia:  wanting children to have parents of two different genders

socialism:  making your money mine

capitalism:  your money that belongs to me

empathy:  virtue signaling

inclusiveness:  reverse discrimination

hate (as a noun):  any opposing opinion

reactionary (as an adjective):  commonsensical

truth:  propaganda

enlightened thinking:  political correctness

tolerance:  declining to complain about a lack of lubricant

“Do the right thing.”  /  “Do what we want.”

“With all due respect…”  /  “What I say next will disrespect you….”

“Resigned to spend more time with his family.”  /  “He was fired.”

“Be a team player.”  /  “Eventually, we’re going to get around to raping you.”

“You’re starting to sound like a  racist.”  /  “I’ve run out of rational arguments.”

“You’ll spend eternity knowing that you got on the right side of history.”  /   “You’ll spend eternity staring at the bottom of a coffin lid.”

© 2019 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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The Harvey Weinstein Scandal In Perspective

Remember when the scandals surrounding Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein drove the Las Vegas shooting off the media center stage? Instead of endless speculations about the motive of the shooter and whether he had (right wing) accomplices, we became immersed in titillating vignettes of Mr. Weinstein’s lustful encounters with various well-known and obscure females over the course of many years.

These encounters ranged from harassment to (alleged) rape with a great deal in between. After the story broke, virtually every victim who came forward insisted she felt “powerless” in Weinstein’s clutches. Of course, nobody died or was seriously wounded, and one assumes that having obtained his “pound of flesh,” good old Harv satisfied his “victims” with favors he exchanged for their favors. So whatever we may think of Weinstein or his alleged victims, the arrangement was essentially quid pro quo.

Now, none of this was new to Hollywood: In the “entertainment” biz, the casting couch has been a staple going back to the days of Aristophanes and Euripides. Nor is it limited to women since much of Hollywood swings both ways. But while the world was being titillated by the expose` of Weinstein, it was publicly acknowledged that all of this has been known for years! None of it came as a surprise to anybody in Hollywood or the media! Furthermore, it was of little interest outside the entertainment hothouse except for those who get their news in supermarket check-out aisles.

Furthermore, though it was a juicy story, most Americans were not outraged because the “victims” had no one but themselves to blame! In fact, they could hardly be called “victims” as all of the women that opened their legs for Harvey’s found their careers and incomes enhanced. Yet, though was a little late to play the despoiled virgin, they began to pile-on in ever increasing numbers.

And that, dear friends, was the real question: why did a man like Harvey Weinstein who affects nothing but his Hollywood coterie suddenly become all-important in the news? The human mind—even the best—has a limited capacity for attention. Provide something new and older issues are displaced. The more sensational the matter, the more quickly it will displace those older issues—even important ones.

At present—despite all efforts by the media to downplay and hide the facts—Americans know that their government is steeped in corruption or fatally inept—and possibly both. There is no longer any question that the Obama administration and the Clinton “campaign” were corrupt and involved in illegal activities hidden by federal agencies including the Departments of State and Justice, the FBI and the IRS.

But despite indisputable evidence of these irregularities and illegalities having been made public, still nothing happens. Criminals have been “cleared” before investigations began, while the innocent are charged without evidence, and nobody—nobody!—believes that anything ever will be done. In other words, Americans have come to understand and expect that our government is possibly fatally corrupt and there isn’t one damned thing we can do about it!

This situation has made a lot of ordinary Americans really angry and they are making their anger known to “representatives” serving in a Congress that cares nothing about their opinions, but cares everything about the desires of their elite friends and donors. Furthermore, as these matters continue to surface, the only serious government inquiries are designed to remove Donald Trump from office. However, the Deep State is aware of the increasing hostility of the American taxpayer towards those efforts. So, what to do?

As it is too late to hide the criminality in Washington, the best thing was produce another matter that shouts “Scandal!” in the loudest possible way — a sexual outrage involving beautiful women and a lecherous guy who looks like Jabba-the-Hut and making a perfect foil in such a lewd scenario. And why not? Most people would rather see, read and hear about Harvey Weinstein engaged in debauchery with beautiful Hollywood starlets than concern themselves about who gave away the store to Iran and Russia or failed to protect an ambassador and his people in Benghazi.

Harvey Weinstein’s was an old story that became useful when things were starting to become a little too dangerous on the left. So Harv took one for the team and will, no doubt, come out having lost very little while putting the Deep State well into his debt, a debt he will be able to collect once things settle down and upstarts like Donald Trump and the American people are removed from the Hollywood “set” that is American politics.

Matters like this are called “diversions,” and have been used by politicians even longer than the entertainment industry has used the casting couch.

© 2019 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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The (Dis)Temper Of The Times

Anyone who has worked as a volunteer with a local animal rescue group knows that most of such group’s efforts involved feral cats and their kittens. When a mother cat and her litter were brought to a vet, after being examined, they are given a distemper vaccination. Distemper is a very serious disease and no examination of a feral animal was conducted without this essential treatment.

However, a significant percentage of those receiving the shot died fairly quickly. This resulted because the animals already had distemper but didn’t show any observable signs. Thus, the vaccination hastened the onset and virulence of the disease, sometimes causing death in a matter of hours. The inoculation was not the cause of death, distemper was: The treatment merely hastened the inevitable.

The more one studies our present cultural and political quagmire, the more we see a painful example about the consequences of matters that should not — under ordinary circumstances — have produced the current catastrophe. Actually, the present situation is the result of an underlying condition that had existed for a considerable period of time, but was not evident except to the highly trained or experienced. For instance, the election of Barack Hussein Obama — illegitimate and perilous as it was — should not have led to our present crisis, the exposure of a traitorous “Deep State” and its ongoing coup d’état against the duly-elected President of the United States!

In the two years since Donald Trump’s election, every branch of government has been engaged in an open rebellion against the man We the People elected to office! Most of the supposedly “free press” has joined the Deep State in its efforts to nullify the election of 2016! For older Americans, such intrigue is a great shock. Many find it difficult to believe that responsible individuals have not stepped forward to restore the Rule of Law, but so far, this has not happened, nor, we are assured, is it going to happen! In fact, our “political class” with the aid of the bureaucracy and the media is even now scheming to prevent the election of any candidate not of its choosing, whether it be Donald Trump or any other outsider.

Obviously, America’s body politic, like those feral cats, was already infected with the condition that has spawned this open, obvious and unrepentant assault against all the principles that our nation represents, such as “liberty and justice for all.” The malady precipitating our present state reached a crisis point in the mid-20th century. Forty years earlier, the so-called “Civil War” had redefined the United States into a very different country: And, while the first half decade of the 20th Century appeared innocuous, two World Wars and the Great Depression completed Lincoln’s efforts to destroy the Republic of the Founders.

Many see the 1950s as the last of the “good old days,” but that is not so. Every vestige of the culture began to change in that decade, from music and entertainment to the rejection of what were acceptable social norms. But, if the 50s were dubious, the 60s were radical. Whether it was dress or entertainment or racial customs or religion or education, all acceptable norms were being questioned and discarded in favor of what was “new” or “fashionable.” Everything old became passé`: Not just music or books or fashions, but morals, ethics, traditions and truths.

Every generation after the 1950s witnessed our continuing decline, but as it was done incrementally there was no great hue-and-cry to end it. So, despite such eye-opening novelties as bare breasts, buttocks and four-letter expletives in movies and TV, the poisoning of the culture was mostly ignored. Those who spoke out were condemned as prudes, squares and killjoys.

But even less obvious were the changes taking place in American politics! Yet, as the worst became obvious even to the oblivious and apathetic, most Americans did little more than complain and bemoan the loss of “the good old days.” At this point, the Obama Presidency catapulted the body politic into a death spiral and there is little hope that equilibrium might be restored. Many believed that the presidency of outsider Donald Trump might “reboot” our political process and, for a year or so, it seemed that “middle America” might actually be returning to its rightful place of power and influence.

However, the refusal of the federal government to actually serve the People – rather than the reverse — has created a presidency solely dependent upon what the Chief Executive can accomplish autonomously without any help from the rest of the government! Barack Obama over used his “executive pen,” but with the full cooperation of the other branches of government—including Republicans—the bureaucracy, the military, many if not most of the States and, of course, the news media. It often seemed as if Obama did so because he was too lazy to go through legitimate Constitutional channels.

Trump on the other hand, has been denied those channels:  Even his Executive Orders are often curtailed simply because they require somebody to follow through. A President is like a general: That is, he is only as powerful as the army he commands. If the current stalemate continues, like those feral cats for whom assistance was lethal, the deadly disease of the (dis)temper of the times will result in the death of America’s body politic, and with it our nation.

© 2019 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Fighting The Juggernaut

“In those dark hours [for the French in World War One], that vision of France as a generous nation, of France as a project, of France promoting universal values, was the exact opposite of the egotism of a people who look after only their interests, because patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism:  nationalism is a betrayal of it.” —    President Macron of France, flatulating on Armistice Day, November 11, 2018

“The beginning of any society is never charming or gentle.” — Franca Bettoia, as Ruth Collins, in “The Last Man on Earth,” 1964

“The Last Man on Earth” was a Vincent Price movie made in 1964.  The year before the beginning of the end.  In 1965, all of our restrictive immigration laws were dismantled, in accordance with ushering in a new era of civil rights, and, in many ways, I personally date all subsequent historical events using that milestone.  Even in 1965, as a child, I understood that this was a watershed moment, and one ominous in its implications.

Few others had the same forebodings.  America, people reasoned, was strong, invincible, and confident.  With promises from politicians that the demographics and politics of the U.S. would remain unaltered, our nation’s gates were flung open to the world.

They lied, as the evidence of our own eyes verifies, and, forty years later, I entered the lobby of a local library and encountered an ancient woman diligently yanking down public notices from a bulletin board.  When I asked what she was doing, she smiled, and said, in accented English, “These notices are written in ten different languages, translations paid for with my tax dollars.  If someone had the right to put them up on a public board, I have the same right to pull them down.  Let them learn English, as I did.”  As I pondered the woman’s response, she trundled out the door and down the street, away from the scene of her mischief.

She turned out to be Colette Berger, an immigrant herself, a woman who resided in a house whose roof was visible from my own residence.  In our next encounter, I observed her at the supermarket, hiding  Spanish language magazines behind English publications.  Again, the smile of a disobedient child, and a quip:  “If I’d wanted to live in Guatemala, I’d have gone to live there.”

Over time, I learned she’d come from France after World War Two as a refugee.  But there was much more to the story, as I learned in pieces over the years.  She’d been born in a village near Reims in Northern France, and during the war was hired, along with her brother, as a train depot guard, guarding both cargo trains and German troop trains in a freight yard.  She eventually revealed she’d been sufficiently trusted by the Germans to receive passes to travel on both German troop trains and truck convoys.  She’d met a German soldier, had a baby by him, and then placed the baby for adoption when the end of the war culminated in her hasty emigration from Europe.  “They weren’t asking about civilians’ motivations,” she said.  “The Maquis [the French Resistance] were lining people up against the walls and shooting them.”  She’d come to America, lost a young husband to cancer, struggled with poverty, lost a second child to a gulag called foster care, worked hard, bought a house, and survived in her old age by opening an illegal beauty parlor in her basement and an illegal rental cottage in her detached garage.  Throughout our acquaintance, she continued to make veiled references  to her activities during the war.

Finally, one day I stated flatly:  “You, Colette, were on the wrong side.”

She did not shrink from the comment.  “Yes,” she readily confessed.  “The Germans’ sins were considerable, but they would have ensured the West’s survival in some recognizable form.  No one else is going to do that now.  I understood from the beginning what the Bolshevists would do to Europe and the world if they won, and they have indeed won.  They have repeatedly forced the West into a trajectory that can only lead to our extinction, a trajectory that has always left us with no other recourse but to fight back.”

It was an Aha moment.   She was not only an ideological renegade, like myself, but someone who was apparently willing to take genuine risks in order to act on her beliefs — risks ranging far beyond pulling down public bulletins.  As I came to know Colette, she indeed turned out to be a one woman army, battling what we both perceived as the forces of darkness:   a soupy and toxic Cultural Marxism manifested in the promotion of things like universalism, socialism, deracination, miscegenation, white guilt, social and moral decay, nihilism, multiculturalism, and a tsunami of other assaults on all things traditional.  These things, Colette contended, were merely the incarnations of an effort to destabilize and deconstruct American society.   She rejected without hesitation the notion that America, the world’s last real bastion of freedom, was a nation in which patriotism should be primarily defined as a blind loyalty to democratic principles of government; she scoffed at the belief that loyalty to the American nation-state and culture was a form of bigotry and chauvinism.  “To insist on such a thing,” she said, “is to deny human nature itself.”   Erasing the latter two things, she argued, was a tragic insanity that would almost certainly and inevitably erase American democracy itself.  That goal, she insisted, was our enemies’ ultimate intent.  “They plan nothing short of our destruction.  That is what gives us the right and the duty to resist,” she would say.  We talked for endless hours about the reasons for America’s constant accommodation of the poisons destroying its foundations, and she summed it all up in two sentences:  “Human beings, in general, are herd animals, driven by the need to conform, and white people, in particular, often deal in abstractions.  It will be their epitaph, because the rest of the world deals in realities.”

Colette’s activism took many forms, and in much of it, I soon joined her.  She manned petition tables, and lobbied for restrictionist immigration legislation, despite the irony of doing so in accented English.  She campaigned for political candidates, gave them money she did not have to spend, spoke her mind with jaw-dropping frankness, wrote letters to newspapers, trolled websites, and engaged in other forms of soft sabotage.  She trolled internet trolls, to locate their battles and fight in them. Once, while working on a job hiring panel, she refused to hand out the racial preference points that she and her colleagues had been instructed to give to nonwhite job applicants.  She not only withheld the points she’d been asked to give, but went further and subtracted the points she knew her colleagues would obediently bestow. (“Bolshevist social engineering,” she called it).  She boycotted businesses that promoted social decay in the name of progressiveness, and she had six email accounts she used to badger political and cultural luminaries.  She paid for books like “Alien Nation,” “The Death of the West,” and “Adios, America,” and mailed them to prominent people, attempting to reshape social policy.  She was dogged in her determination, and her battle motto was “We fight until we win.”  She never waivered in this resolve, despite a framed Whitaker Chambers quote on her office wall, to the effect that “We must fight simply because it is morally correct for us to fight.  We must fight, even though it is virtually impossible to fight for a people who will not fight for themselves.”

“These things are the best I can do,” she said, “because I’m too old and too frightened to put dynamite under bridges.”  Because of the inherent danger in resisting the powers that be, she in fact recommended covert and nonviolent sabotage:  “There can be no full frontal assaults on the enemy until we have sufficient strength and a chance to win.”

Despite her bravado, there was little evidence any of our activities made any impact.  All of our efforts in sum were mere flailings against a goliath.

Colette regarded both the Democrats and the Republicans with an almost equal contempt, but when a specific act of violence against Republicans occurred in our neighborhood, it spurred her to greater action.  The violence had been incited in the heart of a down and out person who had wandered up and down our neighborhood’s commercial strip, where he’d absorbed a steady diet of messages discrediting the Trump administration’s lawful election to power. Up and down that commercial avenue, trees and lamp poles were festooned with banners, signs, and even hand knitted messages urging the locals to “Resist Trump,” “Fight the Power,” and “Reject Hate.”  Goaded on, the derelict had “rejected hate” by engaging in some very enthusiastic violence.  Rounding up me and a local sympathetic indigent, Andrew, whose loyalty and silence were contracted with a gift of banana bread, we spent one early Sunday morning by riding our bicycles in a swift B-line down the empty avenue, pulling down signs and banners, unravelling the knitted scarfs around tree trunks, and removing fliers.  Colette’s logic was the same as the logic she used when I first encountered her in the library:  “If they have the right to put these messages up on public property, we have the same right to tear them down.”   Afterward, we celebrated gleefully with lumpy servings of her homemade clafoutis, submerged in cream.  “Not a bad operation,” she said, smiling with affection, “for a cowardly crone and two village idiots.”

Whatever she may have thought of herself, Colette was no coward.  On more than one occasion, I saw her on the receiving end of a progressive’s kindliness, which she had a knack for quickly transforming into rage and contempt.  One such encounter at a petition table ended with a wad of spit being deposited on her forehead.   She remained tranquil in such encounters, strenghtened by a moral certitude that I have only begun to acquire as America’s situation has become more visibly dire. It was my honor to have fought in the opening skirmishes of our conflict with a tiny graying French woman, a woman who had fought her way through life, yet also found the strength to fight in the eternal battle against the massive forces of evil now arrayed against us.  Three days before her death, anticipating it, I asked her how I could best honor her life.  From her quick response, it was obvious she had expected the question.  “You can remember me by continuing to fight, “she said.  “Do whatever you can, whenever you can.  Resist — regardless of all of the might and scorn and fury that may oppose you — in every way in which you are capable of resisting.  I will leave this life knowing that I and my village idiots, in just one Sunday morning spent tearing down banners,  were worth ten thousand Marines who understand our fate and do nothing.”

It was important for me to speak honestly, in the face of her approaching death.  “We did not accomplish all of the things that we needed to accomplish,” I said.

“It does not matter,” she responded.  “We will fight until we win.”

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The Dope On Legal Pot

A number of political and economic factors are at work to create a seemingly irresistible momentum promoting unrestrained medical and recreational use of marijuana in the U.S.

One impetus involves the alleged medical benefits of the drug, which are said to include pain relief, the alleviation of anxiety, lowered risk of diabetes, better sleep, and increased appetite for those on chemotherapy.

These claims are based on the alleged benefits from an extracted component of the plant called Cannabidiol, or CBD for short. It can be ingested as an oil, included in food, or introduced by inhaling the drug’s fumes in a process termed “vaping.”

There are as many studies that refute the claims of the drug’s beneficial effects as there are studies promoting them. Since most studies are of  fairly recent vintage, the side effects of long term use have not yet been thoroughly evaluated.

There is a general absence of safety standards for the consumption of pot or its CBD component, even under medical supervision. In some ways the current medical acceptance of CBD and its claimed benefits mirror earlier enthusiasms for opioids, which precipitated our current opioid epidemic.

It should not come as a great surprise if a campaign were to soon blossom that promotes pot as a substitute for opioids, based on their

greater affordability, the fact that they can be home grown, and the fact that its consumption would not require a physician’s prescription to obtain it.

As a matter of fact, the New York State Department of Health has enacted regulations that would allow the use of medical marijuana as a substitute for any condition for which opioids are prescribed. So, rather than use one type of drug to replace another, we could very well have full-blown epidemics resulting from the use of both drugs.

The decriminalization or legalization of pot is basically a leftist crusade, with some philosophical justification provided by the Libertarians. Once the left initiates a crusade like this, their flacks in the Corrupt Leftist Media will relentlessly promote it until these enthusiasms eventually become accepted.

The Democrat Party has made decriminalization or legalization of pot  part of its Party platform. Republicans have mostly remained silent on this issue, just as they often do before they test the political wind for the scent of campaign donations or political support. The Libertarians are enthusiastic about decriminalization and legalization, just as they are about every destructive vice. Thus, there is no viable political opposition to this movement.

Legalization of pot by all fifty states would garner nearly $50 Billion in annual sales tax revenues and an estimated one million jobs. Since many states are currently experiencing a static tax base and various stages of austerity, the marijuana industry is viewed as a panacea to help sustain their spendthrift ways. Politicians of all stripes will feel the need to support pot because of its fiscal benefits.

Marijuana stocks have been promoted intently since the campaign for decriminalization or legalization started to gain momentum. This will drive up demand for these stocks and increase the number of people

holding these stocks, who will then have a vested financial interest in marijuana, further increasing the pressure on politicians to enact or adopt pro-pot legislation.

So-called “Pot Scientists” have been working to create varieties of the hemp plant with greater concentrations of THC – tetrahydrocannabinol — the active ingredient in the plant. This allows it to be grown on smaller plots of land requiring less overhead. The more potent varieties look, smell, and taste like weaker varieties, and indistinguishable from them.

All this enthusiasm for decriminalizing or legalizing marijuana means that the country really is going to pot. The only question remaining is will there be any “splendor” in the grass Americans use to fry their noggins?

© 2018 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Dumping the Kool Aid

It is a dog-eat-dog world, one characterized by nations collapsing, economies imploding, wars, genocides, and chaos.  It is a world in which group identity politics reign paramount, meaning, it is a world in which humans collectively act and vote and war with one another on the basis of the group to which they belong.  And there is every reason to believe that humans  have been and always will be motivated by this form of group consciousness, because it is a consciousness rooted in our DNA; we are hardwired for it.

It is in this world and this reality that today’s new and fraudulent Enlightenment came to us, demanding that Westerners and Westerners alone, in the name of a higher morality, jettison their previously held notions of race, group identity, and nationalism, and replace those things with an embrace of universalism, globalism and deracination.  It has become increasingly apparent, as this evolution of Western societies has progressed, that its logical culmination will inevitably translate into the numerical displacement of Westerners in their native countries, leading to their eventual political dispossession as well.   As this becomes more obvious with each passing decade, we are told that the creation of nonracial societies is the natural evolution of our nation-states, and all resistance to what is happening is fundamentally evil and futile.

What a huge, steaming load of horse dung.

It is in this fecal reality that we now abide, one in which most of our neighbors are incapable of comprehending the extent to which concepts like “diversity” and “multiculturalism” must ultimately raze the West to the ground.  Rather than resentment and rage, in thousands of American neighborhoods one now encounters yard signs denouncing xenophobia, promoting diversity, or demanding exhibitions of kindness and tolerance, along the lines of “Hate is Not Welcome Here,” “Celebrate Diversity,” “Wherever You’re From, You’re Welcome Here,” or “Create Inclusive Community.”  These virtue signaling messages are often found in the front yards of individuals who likely as not decline to speak to their own neighbors, even if passing them on the sidewalks.

What, then, is one to make of these messages?  In essence, they can be perceived as emblems of brainwashing, peer pressure, the need to conform, and collective madness.

Forty years ago, in Jonestown, Guyana, the very same behaviors were evident as almost a thousand settlers in a cult led by the demagogue Jim Jones created an imaginary socialist utopia.  Mr. Jones was an imaginary Christian who kept cult members under control by telling  them they were living under the  threat of a U.S. military invasion, and all the while, Mr. Jones busied himself with torturing and molesting his coreligionists.  When he became mentally unhinged by the prospect of a dozen defections from the group, Mr. Jones slaughtered the entire village, lining them up to drink poisoned Kool Aid.  Those few who refused to imbibe were forced to drink the poison, or were injected with it, or shot.

Today, on an infinitely more massive scale, we are also being asked to drink the Kool Aid when we are asked to imbibe the imaginary benefits of having the American nation-state being numerically, politically, and culturally displaced through a massive Third World invasion.   This latter invasion, however, is far from imaginary, as any examination of its incredible demograhic impact will reveal.   America’s founding European stock, which was ninety percent of the population in 1965, will now be a minority here within twenty years.  Our history, historical icons, traditions, cultural institutions and way of life will be invariably altered and eventually irrelevant in the face of this onslaught.   As things grow grimmer, our wealth will be taxed away from us to subsidize imported poverty, and our political voice will be stilled.  Ironically, as the oxygen grows thinner, we will find our founding documents and freedoms increasingly used as weapons to neutralize and deconstruct and colonize us.  And, all of our delusions aside, if political persecution is in our future, no one will look back in hindsight to see who should receive clemency for having been liberal or Jewish or gay.  There will only be the discomfiting glare of guilty white skin and the reflections of the new America’s archaeologists and historians, studying articles like this, wondering why some members of the new melanin-impaired pariah class were not as gracious as most of their group in ceding ownership of their country.  As if all of this won’t be nightmarish enough,  we can be certain that things will be destabilized even further as devastating environmental destruction and resource depletion unfold hand in hand with the importation of hundreds of millions of people.

If our political dispossession seems improbable, we need only examine California, once a bastion of strength for the Republicans, and now a stronghold for the Democratic Party, undeniably a result of massive Third World immigration and the move toward socialism that has been required to subsidize the poverty imported along with many of the immigrants.  Texas, Florida, and other states are on the edge of making the same political and demographic metamorphosis seen in California.  Once this occurs, the Democrats / Socialists will have a permanent stranglehold on our national political system.  This is not destined to occur decades into the future.  It will occur tomorrow.  The Republican Party, like America’s founding stock itself, is headed for its burial ground.  As this occurs, our only resistance involves pathetic attempts to punch back at liberals by adopting their own terminology and presumed moral highground regarding concepts like civil rights, tolerance, and a slop pail called “diversity.”  This strategy can only be a recipe for failure, because it exemplifies our timidity and our lack of moral courage to speak plainly.

For those of us living in the real world, the pretend benefits of America’s reinvention are an unmistakably dangerous mirage, delivering us into what will almost certainly be a permanently Third World, socialist, and one-party state.  This brings us logically to a fundamental question:  What then do we have the right to do, in response to the purge being directed against us, a purge that never needed to occur?  The answer is simple.  The primary function of any government is to protect and perpetuate the nation-state and culture that placed it in power.  Our government has failed in this duty.  Like any people facing their purposeful erasure, we have the right to force our way back from the edge of the precipice where our traitors, fools, and cowards have placed us.  We must begin by adamantly rejecting the pernicious lie that the sins of our past obligate us to collaborate in our own extinction.  We must begin by acknowledging that, like all other peoples,  we have the primal right to survive, and this right confers on us a second right, the right to resist.

We owe our ancestors and children no less.

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Theater Of The Absurd

“All apes are equal, but some apes are more equal than others.” —Charlton Heston, in The Planet of the Apes

Twenty years ago, an affable and attractive coworker had a birthday, and reminded me of it when I appeared at our office.  Wanting to stay in her good graces, I rushed to a corner drugstore and purchased a birthday card.  It was from the bottom and cheapest shelf of the card rack; the cost was premium in my mind.  On the cover was a monkey, wearing a colorful party hat.  The cover read, “Don’t monkey around….”  Inside the card it said, “Have a Great Day on Your Birthday!”  Upon returning to the office and shoving the card at my coworker, I became alarmed when she subsequently began to shriek.  She was black, and the card, she said, with its depiction of a monkey, must surely be intended as a racial insult.

At that time, the unfolding dangers facing our race were never or very rarely on my mind.  I protested that the card was simply a card.  She increased the volume of her objections, until a small group had gathered, including our big boss.  He listened to her for a few moments, and then, with a snort of disgust, fed the card into a nearby paper shredder.  “Problem solved,” he announced.  “Everyone go back to work.”

Now examine some of the stories currently appearing in our national news media.  The stories are not appreciably different than the incident I have just described.   In one recent news story, a white man, working as a manager at a community swimming pool, did not recognize a family group visiting the pool.  Thinking they might be interlopers, he requested identification.  The family responded with outrage.  The pool manager was promptly slandered by the national media, and the pool promptly fired him.

In another story, a white Ivy League college student spotted a black woman sleeping in a dormitory study room.  She worried that it was a homeless person who had intruded into the building, and called the authorities.  The sleeper turned out to be a fellow student, and was incensed that the police had been summoned.  There was coast-to-coast outrage and media coverage.  No one begged the question as to why the black woman did not avail herself of her nap in her own bedroom.  No one begged the question as to why in our “See Something Say Something” world, the summoning of the authorities was not a common-sensical and  entirely legitimate act.  The story’s overwhelming focus centered on the nonsensical belief that this incident was unambiguously racist.  The student who made the allegation was ultimately excused as having previously exhibited mental health problems.

A diner in a Manhattan restaurant noticed that English-deficient employees were awkwardly attempting to communicate with some of the English speaking customers in Spanish.  He complained loudly that the employees should be speaking English, and was filmed during his rant by one of the Hispanic employees.  He too was vilified nationwide, and ejected from his law offices by his landlord.

Two young black men, visiting a coffee shop, were asked to make a purchase or leave the premises.  They declined either option.  The police were summoned, and made the same request of the couple.  They again declined to make a purchase or leave, and were arrested and removed from the premises.  Once again, this was hyped up intensely, and the story was spread from coast-to-coast.  The coffee shop chain in question trained thousands of its employees in racial sensitivity classes, and announced it was opening its restrooms to homeless people.  The two black victims received free college tuition.  I kid you not.  (As an aside, I will confess that I was once personally requested to leave a coffee shop for exceeding a 30 minute time limit.  The request was not made nicely.  I got up as requested and left.  End of story.)

A black woman, shopping at a drugstore, presented a coupon that appeared suspect to the white manager.  He refused to honor it, and she became belligerent.  In response to her belligerence, the manager summoned the police, quaking all the while like a leaf, and while being filmed by the angry customer.  From Maine to California, we were treated to this spectacle.  The manager was subsequently fired.  He had used no slurs.  He had engaged in no aggressive behavior.   His head was loped off anyway.

These are the things that fill our airwaves and TV screens; quite obviously, the vestal virgins of old were less sacred than the feelings and sensitivities of Americans of color.  And ironically enough, these incidents appear to be considered just as newsworthy — or even more newsworthy — than the widespread slaughter of people of color by members of their own communities.  Yes, on some level, these news items are intended to entertain and titillate and inform, but it must be admitted that they are also intended to support the Leftist/Liberal narrative by presenting lessons as to what behavior is and isn’t acceptable in the realm of racial morality.  These “lessons” are shoved front and center in the public forum for our attention, while little or no mention is made that the bulk of all violent crime in the U.S. — including interracial crime — is committed by people of color.  And God forbid any mention be made of the half century of legalized discrimination directed at whites, or the countless trillions (yes, trillions) of dollars that have been expended in social benefits, to raise Americans of color to parity with the rest of us.

Instead, there is a steady drum beat of vehement denunciations of clumsy whites who have flubbed things up during racial interactions.  As our examination has already indicated, these “racial incidents,” as pathetic as they usually appear to be, are often accompanied by an abundance of double standards.  Similar grievances brought by whites are casually ignored.  While a failure to honor a store coupon becomes national news (!), the legalized discrimination, numerical displacement,  and violence directed at whites — not to mention, multiple similar atrocities –get routinely dismissed as irrelevant, because those things do not fit the media’s Leftist view of the world and the messages the Left wants to transmit.  Whites, to the Leftist’s mind, are born guilty.  Whites are slated for revilement and displacement, and have earned both.  They have it coming.

The America of tomorrow is, theoretically, to be one in which no group is to be dominant, one in which various racial and religious groups will vie for resources and influence.   But we are idiots if we expect that this new status quo will be more fair than the current status quo,  a status quo in which whites are constantly vilified, blamed, taxed, elbowed and discriminated against to aid and abet the birth of the new multiracial, multicultural America.  Common sense should tell us that nothing will get better, once we lose the right to control our own political destiny, and that such a loss of control must inevitably occur as we continue to shrink in numbers and influence.  Rather, be reassured that things get vastly worse, and we will be completely powerless to push back.  It is inevitable that in time, our very existence will become a political act.  It is in some places a political act already.

South Africa, you’ll remember, was recreated in 1994, to be a “nonracial” rainbow nation, a mosaic of races and religions coexisting peacefully as one community.  That was the firm promise made to the world.  Yet now, most whites have been effectively banned from the labor force, and confiscations of white real estate have begun.  The government offers ten percent of the value of the properties, and when the owners refuse the offer, the land is appropriated by force.  In the meanwhile, prominent leaders of color call for the extermination or expulsion of all whites.  While all of this occurs, the blame for it is placed at the feet of whites, because of their past mistreatment of South Africans of color.  No matter that whites are the primary source of tax revenue supporting the unwashed masses.  No matter that they were the primary builders of the Republic of South Africa, creating what was once a modern, industrialized society, one even possessing its own space exploration program.  Good-bye founding stock.  Hello, newly minted pariahs.

Behold, your future.

We are riding the same juggernaut, step by step, and an intense effort must be made to resist and to derail  the leviathan.  Perhaps, as Nelson Mandela said, “We must win by finding ways to make the country ungovernable in its current state.”   If we presently lack the courage or the resources to do this, we can at least begin by refusing to cooperate or participate in the media narrative that has just been described.  The white villains in these phony and contrived dramas usually defend themselves publicly, making profuse apologies, and then get crucified anyway.   No pile of mea culpas saves them.  They must learn to shout what my boss shouted the day of the monkey-on-the-birthday card incident.  As he fed the card into the office paper shredder, he described the uproar by denouncing it with four words:  “Theater of the absurd.”

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Censoring Liberty

There is a Canadian woman being held in a German jail without any recourse to friends or family or even legal representation. She is presently charged with no crime but was arrested for a video that questioned the so-called “Holocaust” and is therefore that most evil of criminals, a “holocaust denier.” Most Americans would view her situation as a version of Orwell’s 1984 and believe it fictional. It isn’t. Today, in many Western nations, not only can an individual be imprisoned for being an “anti-Semite,” but that person’s lawyer can be arrested and imprisoned for providing a proper defense against that charge to his client!

Even worse, this attack on human liberty lacks limits. Exactly what is “anti-Semitism” and, in the same vein, what is “racism”—and, is either a matter of criminality? After all, both of these concepts are political constructs, the latter emanating from communist Leon Trotsky, the word never having existed before he created it. Now, most people know the definition of “bigotry.” A bigot hates people for something over which they have no control whether it is it race or nationality or any other part of the human condition. On the other hand, matters of choice—such as religion—with their inevitable results are different as these can motivate people to do things that are in fact deserving of condemnation. Yet even the actual bigot does not break the law unless he commits a crime motivated by his bigotry!

Today the terms anti-Semite and racist are based not only on people’s reactions to matters of nationality and race, but on beliefs and behaviors found in and committed by the groups involved. In other words, if today I point out that communism has mainly Jewish origins and that the present-day left is financed and led by a great many persons of that religious and cultural persuasion, I am immediately judged to be an anti-Semite.

It doesn’t matter if what I say is true, it only matters that I am pointing out a reality that certain groups do not want publicly voiced. If I question any Jewish historical construct, again I am an anti-Semite even if I can prove my claim with facts. And the same can be said of unpopular comments about blacks! No matter how factual the comments, their utterance is simply not countenanced. Thus bigotry is no longer a matter of mindless hate directed at particular groups, but any negative response, however valid, to the actions of those same groups.

Yet this understanding is not maintained throughout the culture. For instance, any intolerance directed at whites and especially white males, as well as traditional Christians is perfectly acceptable though it contradicts the claim that mindless hate and intolerance is never acceptable. So we not only have a very broad definition of anti-Semitism and racism, but that definition is subject to a complete reversal contingent upon the target group.

Thus it is considered “Islamophobic” to criticize Muslims for raping and killing their fellow Muslims and infidels alike, but it is politically correct to persecute a Christian baker or florist for refusing to participate in a homosexual celebration because it is contrary to his or her religious beliefs. Yet, if it is wrong to even hold Jews or blacks responsible for any truly objectionable behavior, why is it legally and morally permissible to persecute whites and Christians for beliefs and behavior that is neither illegal nor immoral! Catholic Brett Kavanaugh is crucified for unproved sexual allegations while Bill Clinton is acknowledged to have raped and abused many women but gets a pass.

A somnambulant public needs to understand that the terms anti-Semitism and racism are not legitimate. They don’t represent mindless bigotry which though morally reprehensible is not legally actionable. Rather, they criminalize a rational response to the actions of certain groups and thus violate our God given right to think and act. As long as these spurious “crimes” are used to shut down debate and opposition to acts of the State, we are essentially in chains.

© 2018 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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America’s Diminishing IQ

Wherever one goes on social media or any other public forum, one of the main thrusts of conversation is the apparent mental deterioration of the American public. Today’s Americans are not only more ignorant than previous generations, but as illustrated by our violent politics and social chaos, we appear to have lost the ability to function as civilized people. Much is explained by our deplorable educational system, but the loss of the ability of many people of all ages to rationally think and act cannot be explained away simply by bad schools or toxic entertainment. Even the most credulous are beginning to believe that there is some underlying reason for the collapse of the American intellect, something that is more basic than bad teachers, schools and curricula—and they’re right.

Many Americans already distrust the medical community when it comes to vaccines as well as our chemical industry when it comes to pesticides, “treated” seeds, food additives etc. etc. etc. ad nauseum. Everywhere we turn, we discover our government and its commercial allies “helping” us through the use of chemical and other agents more fit to be weapons of war than blessings of health and peace. For those who clearly see that as a nation we are becoming more stupid with the passage of time, there is one agent that is altogether ubiquitous in our lives and is a known cause of intellectual devastation. That agent is fluoride.

Two-thirds of our population drinks water to which fluoride has been intentionally added though ever growing research indicates that this heavy metal (to help understand this fact, mercury is also a heavy metal!) is a neurotoxin that can lower IQ and cause other health problems. Most problematic is prenatal exposure, raising concerns about pregnant women and their offspring. Perhaps the precipitous rise in autism can be explained by this generations long exposure to a brain destroying chemical. More than 300 animal and human studies have proposed that fluoride is not safe at any level whatsoever but the establishment studies claim that no one has suffered any harm from its ingestion.

Fluoride displaces iodine from the thyroid and without iodine, the body cannot make the necessary hormones connected with that vital organ thus raising the risk of hypothyroidism, a matter that in turn affects energy and induces weight gain. And we wonder why America is not only less intelligent but overweight! Fluoride is a mitochondrial poison, sabotaging the body’s ability to create cellular energy in the form of ATP, an agent that reacts with all the enzymes in the body.

Dr. Hardy Limeback, a researcher and professor emeritus of the University of Toronto Dental School gave a presentation on the dangers of fluoride that has caused many dentists to rethink the value of the substance to prevent cavities. Meanwhile, infants who aren’t breastfed received hundreds of times more of this poison in their formula feedings. The latest research put out by Dr. William Hirzy, a former “risk assessment” scientist with the EPA shows that to avoid a 5 point IQ loss, an adult should absorb no more than 0.001 milligrams per kilogram per day—about the same amount found in human breast milk. Further research shows an overall 5 point IQ drop in the United States with our current exposure to fluoride and that Americans are getting far too much of this heavy metal with the resulting harm to our brains and other organs.

Possibly our present crop of “snowflakes” may be the result of government tinkering with our well being in the name of helping its citizens.

© 2018 Sid Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Capitulation And Despoliation Through Immigration

Even during recessions and depressions, America has traditionally been the best country for economic opportunity. Thus, it has been and is a magnet for some of the best in the world and increasingly over time, some of the worst in the world. From being fussy and strict about which foreigners were allowed in here during colonial and early national times, over time and in cycles we have been swamped by the world’s undesirables. This unhealthy invasion spiked with the Immigration Reform Act of 1965 and has not relented since then. Concomitant with this inflow has been an increase in the scope of the welfare benefits provided to the new arrivals. Our welfare apparatus is more liberal than that of any of the European democracies. Its reached the point that the rights and privileges accorded to citizens, illegal aliens and legal immigrants are nearly the same, and citizenship has become nearly meaningless. If the Democrats have their way, ICE and borders would be eliminated which would result in unlimited immigration and the ruining of America beyond redemption.

It should be mentioned for the record that “settler” and “immigrant” are two different concepts. “Settler” is one who relocates within a country or colony but remains a citizen or established denizen of the realm, whereas an immigrant is a foreigner who enters a country, illegally or legally, without any of the rights and privileges normally accorded to its residents and citizens. The settlers of colonial days were already Englishmen who were accepted as equals with the other residents of the colonies and did not have to go through the same procedures as immigrants would.

In these materialistic days, it may be hard to imagine that in colonial days, most of the aforesaid settlers came here for reasons other than profit. Freedom back then was a major motive for settlement, whether freedom from tyranny, freedom of religion, or freedom to begin life anew in a friendlier environment. In any event, immigration in colonial days was handled by the particular colony involved and was inconsequential in numbers and tightly controlled to prevent the entry of paupers, criminals, the diseased, the mentally deranged, the morally challenged, and other undesirables.

After the US was established, and contrary to the myths perpetrated and perpetuated by politicians and journalists, during most periods of our American history, up until recently, America carefully restricted immigration, and being we were populated by English settlers, we certainly are not a nation primarily composed of immigrants. There are still many of us descended from the colonists/settlers. Our founders fully expected the nation in the future to be stocked with the original founding stock without resort to other races or even other ethnies since the colonists were a fecund lot who it was felt would easily carry forth the principles upon which the nation was founded, preserving its blessings for the Founders’ “posterity”. By the time of the American Revolution, the idea was firmly ingrained that only a few immigrants would be admitted who had special skills that were in short supply within the nation, and so served the national interest.  This was George Washington’s stated position.

It is nor surprising that our Founders were fervent immigration restrictionists. After all, they had just fought a bloody, protracted and expensive war to establish a nation built upon a new paradigm. They were determined to protect what they had achieved from the influence of foreign populations with different political systems and cultural practices.

In 1790, nearly two centuries after the first settlers arrived, just 0.3% of the population were identified as other than descendants of Northern European peoples, aside from the African slaves. Becoming a citizen in the early days was quite difficult. A person had to reside in the US for 14 years and declare their intent 5 years prior to applying for naturalization. This strict attitude began breaking down immediately upon the advent of western expansion since there were few limits on immigration into the new territories created by that expansion. Standards were beginning to be relaxed to allow importation of foreign workers to fuel the new industries that were developing as a result of the Industrial Revolution, especially in the North.

Barely fifteen years after the Mexican War ended, the tragic four-year invasion and deliberate despoliation of the Southland by the Yankee Government resulted in the laying waste to the then most productive and affluent region of America, largely erasing its culture, economy, ruling class, and political influence. Lincoln supposedly wanted to force the “rebel” states back into the Union to take advantage of the revenues collected from the South’s highly productive and lucrative agricultural system to fund his “internal Improvements”, i.e., federal boondoggles, instead ordered the destruction of the means of production for that system,  thus killing the goose that was producing the golden eggs(tax and tariff revenue) he was so covetous of.  Go figure. Nevertheless, an immigration invasion, unacknowledged by the court historians and so passed over with nary a mention in history books, was largely responsible for the capitulation of the South. The continuing flood of books diagnosing the cause of the Southern defeat, even those from pro-Southern authors, do not acknowledge this factor.

Lincoln’s War was waged in order to use force to keep sovereign states from leaving the Union, as they entered the Union with the proviso that they could leave it just as well. As result of the forced re-entry of the Southern states back into the Union and to avoid a recurrence of any future secessions, the nature of the Union had to be changed so that it became “one nation indivisible” as a practical matter. This meant that the form of national governance was transformed from a strict constitutional republic to that of a nearly completely centralized unitary state. That transformation was most acutely felt in the South since it’s society was based largely on state and local governance, more so than the remainder of the nation.

Immigration and the utilization of recently arrived foreigners in Yankee efforts at Southern subjugation were very important factors in the success of the Northern war effort.

A new wave of German immigrants of a socialist bent arrived in the US following the failed revolutionary 1848 uprisings in Europe. These “forty-eighters” were very culture, political inclination, and outlook from the mostly Lutheran Germans who had been arriving in orderly fashion since colonial days. Political analysis shows that Indiana, Iowa, and Illinois would have given their electoral votes to Stephen Douglas, the Democrat candidate in the presidential election of 1860, but for the loyal support of the newly arrived Germans and other foreigners, giving the election victory to Lincoln. These voters were the least knowledgeable of American history and its institutions. The new Irish immigrants were immediately recruited for the Union armies before they understood what the fighting was all about. In all, 150,000 immigrants were recruited into the Union army early in the War. A majority of the 80,000 union seamen were aliens. These are huge numbers. Southerners were actually under the impression that an immigrant army had been sent against them to destroy them.

Uniformed Yankee immigrants were used to thwart the secession of Missouri and frequently launched attacks on settlements that were sympathetic to the Southern cause. William Quantrill, a leader of the forces attempting to thwart the Yankee depredations is invariably trotted out as a kind of murderous outlaw whereas he was involved mainly in defensive activities and his attacks paled in comparison in damage and deaths to the Yankee depredations he was reacting against.

Several books could be written on the detrimental affects that the onslaught that the immigrant and now also the refugee invasions are having upon our country. Periods of heavy invasion alternated with periods of light invasion and assimilation following the Civil War, as policies varied from time to time, but overall the gradual displacement of the founding peoples of the nation was leading to the undermining of what the nation stood for culturally and  politically. There was a significant respite form the deleterious affects of the invasion during the period 1921 to 1965, when immigration numbers and the ethnic composition of the immigrants reverted to 1890 standards. In 1965 with The Great Society ideas of President Lyndon Baines Johnson in control, the dam broke and immigration since then has been largely unrestrained as to numbers and quality of aliens admitted, with the illegal alien invasion numbers approximately equaling the number of legal immigrants coming in each year–about one million of each every year..

The basically unchecked immigration we are dealing with is slowly transforming our nation into third world status. The disparate groups comprising the immigration inflow are encouraged not to assimilate or even learn English in many instances. These groups have no ties to or interest in the culture, customs and values of the founding peoples and we are losing all the characteristics that made our nation unique or special. We are turning into the collection of squabbling nationalities and hyphenated Americans that President Theodore Roosevelt  warned us against.

To appease the elites and multinational companies in their quest for cheap labor and cheapened citizenship without regard to the plight of our displaced native workforce, we are ruining our natural environment by dropping all opposition to the immigration invasion and the population explosion unfettered immigration entails. It is hard to believe we have the world’s third largest population, right behind China and India. We will soon surpass India in population if there is no change in immigration policies. Think of the Potomac becoming like the Ganges–just the thought of it should spur you to becoming an activist on immigration issues. We are laying the groundwork for a fully totalitarian government to replace our democracy to keep all the competing forces from all quarters in check.”

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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The Cultural Communist Revolution

Patriots and nationalists share the uneasy feeling that America is becoming unhinged, unrecognizable, and about to become ungovernable. The Cultural Communist Revolution has already wrought immense change in its political and cultural landscape over the past 30 years or so.

California, always the trendsetter, leads the way down the slippery slope towards erasure of the American experiment, with the other blue states gleefully following like lemmings. In 1994, enough of the old California–the Golden State of memory–the mecca for millions–remained so that immigration realists collected over one million signatures to place Proposition 187 on the State ballot that year.

Proposition 187 would have established a state-run citizenship screening system and prohibited illegal aliens from using non-emergency health care, public education, and other services. It was perfectly reasonable and indeed passed by an amazingly decisive vote of 59% to 41%. Immediately, the next day, judicial tyrant Mariana Pfaelzer declared it unconstitutional.

One million signatures painstakingly gathered were wiped out by the stoke of a pen. That single action was enough to demoralize and paralyze Conservatives to resist the takeover of the State and thereafter the country by the enemy. The most populous and some would say the most alluring state in the US is now an increasingly non-white, leftist bulwark that gives the Democrat Presidential candidate a great advantage in the Electoral College right off the bat.

The cancer of “Californication” now spreads across the fruited pain and into urban areas leaving them desolate basket cases and turning states into true welfare states with the declining ability to make ends meet financially.

The Left and its corporate and media allies, in the absence of any resistance from so-called Conservatives, is able to ceaselessly work its way through the institutions of the judiciary, academia, media and the entertainment industry to control the minds of the masses and steer them yet further to the Left.

The Leftist program increasingly embraces a component that may be termed “The Great Replacement”, a movement to phase out the power and influence of Whites and diminish their numbers partially or entirely through miscegenation and non-white immigration.This is well illustrated in TV commercials across-the-board  wherein it is impossible for White people to do anything, anywhere without the assistance, presence, or friendship of minorities, especially Blacks. A interplanetary alien watching American commercials would think that Blacks are a master race comprising over 60% of the population.

The big question now is whether or not President Trump has just delayed the inevitable a little longer. Are Whites awakening quickly enough to start taking back their country? Folks sit back and wait, decade after decade, for the “spark” to come that will turn things around, but it just may not. We must again begin the painstaking, laborious, mostly unrewarding grassroots work of the kind that put Proposition 187 on the ballot and this time not let judicial tyranny stop us.

The Left never gives up nor even temporarily retreats, and now, “feeling its oats” will push its agenda all the more forcefully as seen by its fanatical reaction to the Trump victory. Whites and Conservatives in general do not try hard enough, ease up after a temporary victory, or give up after a temporary defeat. This lackadaisical attitude  just encourages Leftist fanaticism all the more. The situation is so far along the path to Communist tyranny that fewer and fewer patriots will stick their necks out publicly.

A strong patriot move movement can still develop if and when the remaining patriot organizations coalesce into an effective alliance, and patriots begin to support them financially. Patriots have been “out-to-lunch” too long in coming through with financial contributions to begin the long march AWAY from the existing institutions to upend the Cultural Marxist takeover of our country.

Whatever one thinks of Donald Trump, he has raised the stakes. Either nationalists engage now or there can be no complaints if a radical Democrat wins the 2020 Presidential election and begins an orgy of persecution of the “deplorables”. Rumors are suddenly flying that Hillary Clinton intends to obtain the Democrat Presidential nomination again. At all costs, we cannot allow her to gain the upper hand over us.

© 2018 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Overcoming Evil

Patriots, especially nationalists, share the overwhelming feeling that America is becoming unhinged, unrecognizable, and potentially ungovernable. When you access alternative and even mass media, you begin to think and feel that the US is becoming a hollowed out shell of its former self.

It is easy to succumb to inertia and hopelessness. However, being aware of our predicament should lead us in the opposite direction.

Very few Americans are able to recognize, let alone repudiate an imprisoning and disheartening matrix that we “aware” people see easily. There is a heavy responsibility that comes with this level of awareness. We have to face that responsibility because there’s no going back to the status of a passive, rootless drone. We have to psychologically adjust to and cope with the situation, modifying our lifestyles as necessary to do so.

What we do as individuals will have a cumulative effect. There are a variety of steps we can take to increase personal satisfaction and happiness in the midst of evil, and which will also have positive influences on those we interact with, including the following:

1. Abandon the government/public school systems as sources for the education of your children. Instead utilize home schooling alternatives or the most academically renowned private schools of a conservative persuasion.

2. Increase your consumption of healthier foods, reducing the proportion of processed foods in your diet. This will improve your health and reduce your dependence on frequently harmful, costly drugs.

3. Reduce the level of your material possessions to those you really need and enjoy, and actually expect to use.

4. Explore the feasibility of abandoning a conformist and stultifying corporate milieu for self-employment.

5. Sidestep the Cultural Marxist plague by enjoying family, friends, hobbies, and special personal interests that provide purpose in life and reduce stress.

6. Maintain an interest in the opposite sex even though you may have had difficult relationships their members in the past. Often such difficulties result from immaturity that you overcome over the years.

7. Form or join an organization that promotes your interests or is engaged in activities that promote patriotic or nationalist goals. Become physically involved or expand personal relationships and decrease activities that are a poor substitute for personal interaction such as internet surfing and Facebook type activity.

8. Increase your exposure to the natural world by spending more time in rural, pastoral, or park/forest environments and develop outdoor activities such as gardening, which is very healthful physically and emotionally.

9. Ignore the system’s corrupted arts, entertainment and hedonistic influences. Keep TV viewing to a minimum.

10. Pursue music as an avocation or recreation by playing a musical instrument or simply enjoying more of it.

11. Read books promoting nationalist visions, patriotic themes, your educational development, uplifting fiction, or the classics of the Western Tradition.

12. Become more involved in religious activities.

We need to start a “Long march AWAY from the existing institutions” to upend the Cultural Marxist takeover of our institutions.

Find inspiration wherever possible, and pray to Providence on behalf of what is noble and true.

All of these actions will help you keep your head about you when the unwise or uninformed are losing theirs.”

© 2018 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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MS-13 Gang: A Malicious, Malignant, Murderous Barbarity

The gang phenomenon is much more widespread across the face of America than is generally recognized. As of 2014, there were over 33,000 street gangs, motorcycle gangs, and prison gangs in the US with 1.4 million members criminally active, with these numbers growing continually. Today’s gangs go far beyond the localized, rebellious, hooligan groups engaged in “juvenile delinquency” that were extant in former decades, especially the 1950s and 1960s, that were publicized and became well known in the wake of the Hollywood productions of “West Side Story” and “Blackboard Jungle”.

These were correctly seen as temporary stages of teenage immaturity and anti-social behavior that mainly urban youth grew out of as they became adults. Today’s gangs are sophisticated, well organized, nationally and even internationally based and are engaged in activities that the Mafia and organized crime were heretofore well known for. About 48% of all violent crimes in the US are committed by gangs.

The MS-13 gang, also known as the Mara Salvatrucha, is an international criminal gang that was started in 1980 in Los Angeles, CA ostensibly to protect incoming migrants from the country of El Salvador from the depredations of others. The gang festered and grew in the 1980s and gradually expanded the scope of its activities. After a time, the gang began to accept recruits from the Central American countries of Guatemala and Honduras which border El Salvador. These three nations contain the most violence-prone populations in all the Americas with the highest rates of murder in the world, let alone this Hemisphere. Their inhabitants are a natural breeding ground for the disease of gang activity, whether in their native habitats or as migrants to Mexico and North America.

Although the etymology of the name is unclear, Salvatrucha refers to a specific “Devils Horns” symbol which members use to identify and communicate with each other in the manner of a fraternal greeting. The symbol bears a striking resemblance to symbols used by satanic cultists to recognize and identify  each other. The symbol is also used by heavy metal rock bands and their fans.

The gang is allied with at least six other Hispanic gangs and there are at least fourteen rival gangs largely of Black or Hispanic composition, demonstrating the massive intrusion of the gang phenomenon into the specific areas infiltrated by them.

From Los Angeles, CA, MS-13 cells spread to Latino communities across the US, at first to urban and now lately expanding to low and middle class suburban communities. The number of members is uncertain and estimates range from 10,000 to over 50,000 members. In contrast to the gangs of old, the gang increasingly attracts adherents from older generations and women.

Gang members “distinguish” themselves by covering their entire bodies with tattoos which exhibit gang symbols. At one time they tattooed their faces, but are moving away from that practice, the better to commit crimes without being noticed or identified.

Barack Obama knew that gang members or potential gang members were part of the illegal immigrant/”unaccompanied minor” surge that he encouraged by falsely designating them as “refugees”. The run on the open border allowed many older male teens to slip through the the border as the Border Patrol was overwhelmed by the deluge. This led to a bump in gang recruitment and activity.

MS-13 gang activities cover nearly all criminal categories including: people smuggling and trafficking, robbery, racketeering, larceny, extortion, battery, murder, money laundering, prostitution(including child prostitution), drug smuggling, and kidnapping.

The gang’s activities are distinguished by uncommon savagery and brutality. The MS-13 initiation ceremony frequently involves beating someone to death in front of others, or the prospective member undergoes a severe beating himself. Victims are often hacked up with machetes, the weapon of choice of the gang. Machetes are commonly employed in run-of-the-mill fights in Central America, the primary source of member recruitment. Members use guns to a lesser degree than other gangs.

Arrests appear to have little affect on the exploding growth of the gang. The gang is international in scope and will threaten a target’s family in its home country, where American authorities are many times powerless to intervene. Deportation is of limited effectiveness because deportees are already networked into the criminal element that runs human smuggling routes. It appears that deportation only increases gang resolve to be more effective in entering the US.

Areas of MS-13 concentration include Los Angeles and San Francisco, CA; the Washington, DC suburban areas of Fairfax County, VA  and Montgomery and Prince Georges counties in MD; the borough of Queens in NYC; the counties of Nassau and Suffolk on Long Island; Newark, Plainfield, Jersey City and Elizabeth in NJ; the Boston, MA area; Charlotte, NC; Atlanta, GA; and Houston, TX. Internationally, the gang has a presence in Toronto, Canada and is strongest in Central America and Mexico.

Some of the more egregious and publicized of the thousands of crimes committed by the MS-13 include the following:

–On December 23, 2004, an intercity bus in Honduras was intercepted and sprayed with automatic gunfire from assault rifles, killing 28 and wounding 14 passengers, most of them women and children. The massacre was a protest against reinstatement of the death penalty in Honduras.

–On May 13, 2006, Ernesto “Smokey” Miranda, the original founder of the infamous gang was murdered at his home in El Salvador after declining to attend a party for a gang member who had just been released from prison. He had turned over a new leaf, had begun studying law, and was working to keep children out of gangs.

–On June 22, 2008 in San Francisco, CA , a 21 year old MS-13 gang member, Edwin Ramos, shot and killed a man and his 2 sons as they were returning home from a family get-together. Their car had inadvertently and briefly blocked Ramos from completing a left turn on a narrow street.

–In November 4, 2009, gang leaders in El Salvador put out a contract on a federal agent who was responsible for a crackdown on New York gang members for multiple offenses. An informant was responsible for breaking up the plot.

–In 2011, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in New Haven, CT was vandalized several times with the MS-13 insignia and “kill whites” sprayed on the memorial in orange paint.

–Rances Amaya, the leader of the MS-13 gang in Springfield, VA,  just south of Washington, DC was sentenced to 50 years in prison in February 2012  for child prostitution involving recruiting juvenile girls lured from middle schools, high schools and public shelters. Once acquired, the  girls were required to have sex with as many as 10 men per day.

The Center For Immigration Studies released a report on April 4, 2018, “MS-13 Gang Gaining Members By Recruiting Illegal Immigrants”  listing 506 cases of MS-13 criminal acts in the US between 2012 and early 2018.(END).”

© 2018 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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President Bush: Islam Is The “Religion Of Peace And Tolerance”

One of the strangest and most misleading statements ever uttered by an American President occurred when George W. Bush described Islam as “a religion of peace and tolerance.” He was probably told to make that statement by his controllers who were busily planning the New World Order.

The true nature of Islam is found in the 109 verses of the Koran that demand war against all non-Muslims, or so-called “infidels.” Many verses are quite graphic, and command believers to sever heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be.

If Islam were subjected to the same scrutiny and historical standards by which the West is routinely judged and condemned –- based on such considerations as slavery, imperialism, warfare, intolerance and misogyny — the verdict would be devastating for Islam.


Some Westerners accept the notion that Islam is simply another monotheistic religion, and thus similar to Christianity and Judaism: They believe that Islam preaches the New Testament virtues of peace, love, and tolerance. Many are shocked or embarrassed to discover the bloody genesis of Islam and its history indicate otherwise.

Paying “lip service” to peace and tolerance may win over naïve infidels, but when every twelfth verse of the Koran speaks to Allah’s hatred of non-Muslims — or else calls for their death, forced conversion, or subjugation — it is little wonder that sympathy for terrorism and violence runs deeply in the broader Muslim community. Very few Muslims can bring themselves to roundly condemn Islamic terrorism.

Violence is so thoroughly a part of its religion that Islam has perpetually waged war, either with other religions or among its own factions. Moreover, Muslims who don’t join in Islam’s latest “Jihad” (holy war,) are called “hypocrites,” and warned that Allah will consign them to Hell if they don’t join the slaughter.

Except for a few rare instances where Islam has not massacred infidels within their domain, there is little else they can point to suggesting theirs is a peaceful or tolerant religion. Where Islam is dominant — as in the Middle East and Pakistan –- religious minorities usually suffer brutal persecution. Where Islam is in the minority — as in Thailand, the Philippines and Europe — there is often violence when their demands are not satisfied.

Whether Muslims are in the majority or the minority, either situation affords them a justification for religious terrorism, which is endemic to Islamic fundamentalism. Islam parades as a religion of peace when they do not have sufficient power and numbers on their side, just as violence and terrorism increase as their power and numbers increase.

Dr. Salah al-Sawy, the chief member of the Assembly of Muslim Jurists in America, stated in 2009 that “the Islamic community does not possess the strength to engage in offensive Jihad at this time.” His statement tacitly implies that an “offensive Jihad” is a legitimate option once Muslims DO achieve sufficient numbers in America.

Islam is the only religion that has to retain its membership by formally threatening to kill anyone who wants to leave the fold, much like the old Cosa Nostra used to do. Islam also teaches that non-Muslims are less than fully human, and by “dehumanizing” its enemies, it facilitates killing or terrorizing all infidels.


The Koran has few verses extolling the virtues of peace and tolerance to balance those calling for infidels to be fought and subdued until they are humiliated, converted to Islam, or killed. Muhammad’s own legacy, along with the remarkable emphasis on violence found in the Koran, have produced a trail of blood and tears across world history

Muhammad was himself a military leader, laying siege to towns, massacring their men, raping their women, and seizing the property of others. He often rejected offers of surrender from the besieged inhabitants and butchered those he captured. When his men had reservations about the manner in which they fought, he promised them slaves and booty if they fought and Hell if they did not.

The violent verses of the Koran have played a key role in many very real massacres and genocides. These include the brutal slaughter of tens of millions of Hindus across five centuries, beginning around 1000 AD with Mahmud of Ghazni’s bloody conquest. Both he and the later Tamerlane (Islam’s Genghis Khan) slaughtered an untold number who were merely defending their temples from destruction. As a consequence, Buddhism was very nearly wiped off the Indian subcontinent.

Judaism and Christianity experienced the same fate — albeit more slowly — in areas conquered by Muslim armies, including those in the Middle East, North Africa, Turkey and parts of Europe. Zoroastrianism, the ancient religion of the Persians (modern day Iranians) is despised by Muslims, and today barely survives in Iran due to its persecution.


Just as many Christians never read their Bibles, Many Muslims are willfully ignorant of or “blissfully” unaware of verses in the Koran that preach universal non-violence. Their understanding of Islam comes from what they have been taught by radical and fundamentalist Imams.

Unlike most Old Testament verses containing violence, most verses in the Koran are open-ended, meaning they are not restrained by historical context or that context found in surrounding text. Many Muslims interpret the Koran in this manner.

These violent verses are just as relevant or subject to interpretation as anything else in the Koran, and thus part of the eternal and unchanging word of Allah. Although the Koran itself claims to be clear and complete, apologists and Islamic leaders speak of the “risks” of trying to interpret verses without their assistance.

The Sunni theologian, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi justifies terror attacks against Western targets by noting that there is no such thing as a civilian population under “Jihad.” He openly sanctions offensive Jihad because the Islamic state must spread the word of Islam and remove all obstacles in its way.

He declares that “Islam has the right to take the initiative…this is God’s religion and it is for the whole world. It has the right to destroy all obstacles in the form of institutions and traditions…it attacks them to release human beings from their poisonous influences that distort human nature and curtail human freedom. Those who say that Islamic Jihad is merely for the defense of the ‘homeland’ of Islam diminish the greatness of the Islamic way of life.”

The widely respected Dictionary of Islam states: “Jihad is a religious war with those who are unbelievers in the mission of Muhammad. It is an incumbent religious duty, established by the Koran and in the Traditions as a divine institution, and enjoined specially for the purpose of advancing Islam and of repelling evil from Muslims. The destruction of the sword is incurred by infidels although they be not the first aggressors.”

Followers of Islam never relinquish what they conquer. They also never make any real effort at moral progress. They are the least open to dialogue and the most self-absorbed people on Earth. Since they feel Islam is perfect and has divine sanction, they brutally shun self-examination and repress criticism of Islam for their behavior. “Moderate” Muslims do not dare to contradict or dispute fundamentalist Muslims.


The popular argument among apologists is that the many verses encouraging violence in the Koran apply only to war. They often claim that Muslims may only attack in self-defense. This is undermined by the fact that war has frequently been instigated by Muslims as a pretext for violence, both in Muhammad’s time and since. Islamic armies have traditionally waged campaigns of aggression against their enemies, which they define as all non-Muslims.

Many Westerners turn a blind eye to Islamic violence, having swallowed the Liberal poison that all religions and belief systems are of equal validity. In this sense, Muslims and empty-headed liberals can condone Western juries that exonerate perpetrators of so-called “honor killings,” because they are merely following their cultural norms found in Sharia.

Liberals will defend Muslim violence just to spite patriots, conservatives, or nationalists who condemn the violent and savage practices of the Islam. Their control of the dominant narrative will be the death of the West, if we don’t do what must be done now, and not allow phony accusations of racism or bigotry to distract us.

© 2018 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Islam – A Short Synopsis Of How It Conquers

Islam is not a religion  nor is it a cult. It is a complete system or self-contained society. Islam has religious, legal, political, economic and military components. The religious component is a cover for all the other components. It conquers via population growth by way of enormous reproduction rates and migration.

Islamization occurs when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their so-called ‘religious  rights.’ When politically correct and culturally  diverse societies agree to ‘the reasonable’  Muslim demands for their  ‘religious rights,’ they also get the other components directly or under the table.  Here’s how it works (percentages source CIA: The World Fact Book   (2007) — and remember, that was ELEVEN YEARS AGO, so the percentages have only gotten LARGER in each country except where it is already 100%!).

As long as the Muslim population remains  around 1% of any given country they will be regarded as a peace-loving  minority and not as a threat to anyone. In fact, they may be featured in articles and films, stereotyped for their colorful uniqueness:

United States — Muslim 1.0%
Australia —  Muslim 1.5%
Canada —  Muslim 1.9%
China — Muslim 1%-2%
Italy — Muslim  1.5%
Norway — Muslim  1.8%

At 2% and 3% they begin to proselytize to other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with major recruiting from  the jails and among street gangs:

Denmark —  Muslim 2%
Germany — Muslim 3.7%
United Kingdom — Muslim  2.7%
Spain — Muslim 4%
Thailand — Muslim  4.6%

From 5% on,  they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of  the population. 
They will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing  food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on  supermarket chains to feature it on their shelves — along with  threats for failure to comply.

France — Muslim 8%
Philippines — Muslim 5%
Sweden — Muslim 5%
Switzerland– Muslim  4.3%
The Netherlands — Muslim 5.5%
Trinidad & Tobago  —  Muslim  5.8%

At this point, they will work to get the  ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, the Islamic  Law. The ultimate goal of Islam is not to convert the world but to establish Sharia law over the entire world.

When Muslims  reach 10% of the population, they will increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions ( Paris — car-burnings). Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam will result in uprisings and threats (Amsterdam  — Mohammed cartoons).

Guyana — Muslim 10%
India  — Muslim 13.4%
Israel — Muslim 16%
Kenya — Muslim 10%
Russia — Muslim 10-15%

After reaching 20% expect hair-trigger  rioting,  jihad militia formations, sporadic killings and church and synagogue burning:

Ethiopia   — Muslim  32.8%

At 40% you will find widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks and ongoing militia warfare:

Bosnia — Muslim 40%
Chad — Muslim   53.1%
Lebanon — Muslim  59.7%

From 60% you may expect unfettered  persecution of non-believers and other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing  (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon and Jizya, the tax placed on  infidels:

Albania — Muslim 70%
Malaysia — Muslim 60.4%
Qatar — Muslim  77.5%
Sudan — Muslim 70%

After 80% expect State run ethnic cleansing and genocide:

Bangladesh — Muslim 83%
Egypt — Muslim 90%
Gaza — Muslim  98.7%
Indonesia —  Muslim 86.1%
Iran — Muslim 98%
Iraq — Muslim 97%
Jordan —  Muslim 92%
Morocco — Muslim 98.7%
Pakistan — Muslim 97%
Palestine — Muslim 99%
Syria — Muslim 90%
Tajikistan  — Muslim 90%
Turkey — Muslim 99.8%
United Arab Emirates — Muslim 96%

100% will usher in the peace of  ‘Dar-es-Salaam’ — the Islamic  House of Peace — there’s supposed to be peace because everybody is a  Muslim:

Afghanistan — Muslim 100%
Saudi Arabia —  Muslim 100%
Somalia —  Muslim 100%
Yemen — Muslim 99.9%

Of course,  that’s not the case. To satisfy their  blood lust, Muslims then start killing each other for a variety of  reasons.

‘Before I was nine I had  learned the basic canon of Arab life. It was me against my brother; me and  my brother against our father; my family against my cousins and the clan;  the clan against the tribe; and the tribe against the world and all of us  against the infidel’   Leon Uris, ‘The  Haj”

It is good to remember that in many, many countries, such as France, the Muslim populations are centered around ghettos based on their ethnicity. Muslims do not integrate into the community at large. Therefore, they exercise more power than their national average would  indicate. And we continue to cater and negotiate in a politically correct way so as not to  ‘offend’ our Muslim ‘brothers.’ Time to wake up!

© 2018 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Leveling-Headed Policies

Egalitarianism and Marxism mandate the leveling of all outcomes regardless of heredity and environmental influences. The idea is that nobody is allowed to have any advantage over anybody else. Hierarchies of merit or privilege are not allowed to develop. Merit is not officially acknowledged or rewarded. Therefore, inherited wealth is confiscated through estate taxes.

All schools must have equal funding and curricula for each grade level, and courses must be standardized and adapted to the “lowest common denominator” of student performance. Extreme and inconvenient methodology must be employed if need be to suit the purpose, such as busing of students to maintain a preset percentage mix of black and white students.

Now that the school population is more varied than ever in racial/ethnic composition, the classes or student bodies must have a preset white vs. non-white composition. This is constantly tweaked because the population mix is in flux now that other minorities are growing in numbers, so that some continuity of results can be maintained. This is very upsetting to all parties concerned.

Studies indicate that one-half to two-thirds of intelligence is inherited, while environmental influences account for the remaining factors impinging upon intelligence.

As one ages, hereditary influences become proportionately more important than environmental ones. Hereditary factors remain constant throughout our lifetimes, but as we mature we develop more independent thinking skills and discipline which, all other things being equal, reduce the influence of peer pressure or other environmental strictures that shaped our intellect when we were young.. We are be better able to separate the wheat from the chaff in the multitude of media and advertising messages we receive as we learn from experience. This maturing is reflected in improved Intelligent Quotient(I.Q.) over time.

Some far-thinking leftists are beginning to realize this reality–that is the reason for the sudden emphasis on the fabricated and supposed evils of “white privilege”. This concept is that society gives more preferences and advantages to Whites, many times in subtle ways, which thus becomes an environmental consideration vice a hereditary one. Inwardly, however, the leftists know but won’t admit that the advantages Whites may have are based on heredity, and the only way to to ultimately eliminate this privilege would be to do away with Whites.

Therefore, dysgenic miscegenation  is encouraged so that the White hereditary influence is diluted and eventually eliminated. All humanity is to be socially engineered and leveled to the same common denominator to create a “tan man” hybrid. Counter eugenically, the controlled media and the entertainment and advertising industries promote this outcome.

The government and large commercial entities employ affirmative action and diversity goals in their hiring and promotion activities to give financial advantages to non-whites over whites which indirectly fosters higher reproduction rates among the non-whites.

© 2018 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Dressing Down: Casually Going Downhill

T-Shirts and  jeans (tattered with decorative holes and tears) at one’s place of work? No problem! You won’t be “dressed down” for dressing down by wearing these singular items of “clothing.” As a culture, we’ve gone from classy to cool—also known as “informal”—and from thence to “casual,” and finally to cruddy and coarse.

One can only hope that given enough time, the pendulum will swing in the other direction before everyone—no matter what his or her body type!—is buffaloed into making an appearance in the buff and such an affront to our sensibilities becomes de rigueur—in warmer climates, anyway.

For it has become clear that certainly one of the most profound cultural changes originating in the 20th Century was the gradual rise of casual dress. As with any other such change, it began slowly, in the beginning limiting itself to more personal settings—home, athletics etc.—but as the century went on, the social circumstances in which such raiment was considered “acceptable” moved into areas previously restricted to more formal attire such as church, public celebrations and the workplace.

Of course, in one sense, these “new” fashions released us from generations of tight fitting and physically restrictive clothing that hampered blood flow and body movement, and probably emotional development as well. But in the process of clothing becoming both loose and less, its wearers were also being reshaped, eventually becoming altogether too little and too loose both morally and ethically! Indeed, they were influenced by the attitudes radiating from and signified by the new “looser” styles of raiment. The goal of “comfort” went much further than mere fashion; it also produced a desire to be “comfortable” morally, ethically and practically. Such a desire required the abandonment of far more important things than corsets and high starched collars—that is, standards and principles!

As Americans, our casual style of life and dress represents a sort of “utilitarian chic” composed of an admixture of comfort and practicality, two concepts relatively new in the “fashion” industry. One hundred years ago, the closest thing to casual was sportswear—tweed blazers, plus-fours, knitted golf dresses and oxford shoes. As the 20th Century “progressed”, casual came to encompass and absorb everything from workmen’s garb (work boots and lumberman jackets) to the khaki and camo of Army regalia. The quest for the low-key—or off-key—has overwhelmed entire fashion sectors: millinery, hosiery, shoes, evening and formal wear, fur coats (if you can avoid being attacked by PETA!) and everything else that can be draped on the human form! It has infiltrated every hour of the day and every locale from the boardroom to the courtroom to the classroom—and even the bedroom.

Americans routinely adopt casual dress. Supposedly, the new dispensation represents the freedom to be “me” and do “my thing.” But the question then arises, has “my thing” blurred the lines between beauty and ugliness, between taste and tastelessness, between dignity and an appeal to the approval of the mob or even between man and woman? It would seem that the real question must be, how does wearing sandals, slippers, flip-flops and/or tattered jeans or shorts provide traction in business or demonstrate taste or even rationality?

Some of today’s CEOs wear sandals to work while intelligent kids from decent backgrounds copy the “fashion statements” of “da hood” and wear their baseball caps backwards and their pants so low that they need “fashionable” underwear rather than outerwear! Cargo pants can’t carry much cargo but along with dungarees, they can drag so low as to pick up anything from detritus to dung. But no matter how low you may go in your dress, you may still consider yourself “middle class,” although a truly definable middle class—that is, the people who actually define any culture—is fading in character and shrinking in size as it takes on the worst characteristics of both the upper and lower classes.

To dress casually has become quintessentially American—albeit Western Europe in many instances has unfortunately followed in our unhallowed footsteps! Our dress code has deliberately taken on the false appearance of a lighthearted, relaxed and cheerful culture. However, driving in the fast lane with our eyes closed and becoming amoral and apathetic is the final outcome of this particular pendulum’s swing and if we cannot stop or slow down its momentum the pendulum—and the culture—may just become fatally unhinged.

© 2018 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Tuberculosis Threat Coming From Unvetted Refugees

Those with a narrow focus tend to fixate on terrorism threats coming from unvetted refugees. But there’s an equally grave security and safety risk from the myriad diseases that accompany the refugee invaders and so-called unaccompanied alien children.

Tuberculosis (TB) is one of these diseases: It is an airborne infectious disease spread by coughing or sneezing. There are about 13 million people in the US that have been exposed to TB and could develop the disease.

Even Africa has attempted to educate people about public health measures to avoid spreading TB, and its public service announcements advise citizens to cover their mouths when coughing or spitting, and to increase ventilation in crowded places. Yet, there are no such campaigns here in America.

To acknowledge the dangers of TB and other highly contagious diseases would be tantamount to warning Americans of the many dangers of the refugee invasion which our elites are trying to hide from the general public.

Americans seem to prefer pestilence to prevention and in general, are slow to react to potential danger until it has already manifested, and so we have not instituted such a preventive campaign.

After 20 years of decline, US TB rates are increasing. This can only be traced to America’s massive invasion of immigrants from TB hot-spots around the world. Four immigrant-mobbed states—CA, NY, TX, and FL have half the nation’s TB cases.

The Center For Disease Control (CDC) allows immigrants to enter the US without screening or treatment for latent TB. There are many more people with latent TB—one-third of the world’s people!—that actually show symptoms of the disease—and the latent cases could become active at any time.

Treating TB is no treat: It is labor intensive and difficult to effectuate. It requires patients with active TB to take drugs daily over a 6-month period, and the doses must be administered by a health care worker who must watch the patient swallow every dose. If the patient can’t come to a clinic, the health care worker must go to the patient.

Treating active TB in routine cases averages $17,000 for full treatment, but can run up to $430,000 when patients are resistant to drugs, in which case multiple drugs must be administered. Moreover, about 5% of patients assumed to be successfully treated will have a recurrence of the disease.

TB doesn’t attract media attention like the over-hyped infectious Zika and Ebola diseases get. Consequently, only about half the funding authorized to develop better drugs for treating TB are actually spent for this purpose, showing how lackadaisically the threat is being treated.

Besides TB, the invaders also bring in yellow fever, measles, whooping cough, bubonic plague, diphtheria and many other diseases that were on their way to eradication only a short time ago.

The Book of Revelation prophesizes that one-third the world’s population will die of “plagues” during the “end-times”: Could these latent TB cases and other disease outbreaks from immigrant invaders be what is referred to?

Playing politics with public health issues like TB could be a potent killer of American citizens, just as the A.I.D.S. virus proved to be…

© 2018 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Yester-Year Yearnings: Nostalgic Americana


It was once a favorite pastime for everyone in town

Anyone who drove down most Main Streets during the 1930s-1950s would likely find a neighborhood movie house with blinking bulbs and neon lights on its marquee. These social hubs, where rich and poor alike rubbed shoulders often stayed open seven nights a week and were owned by locals. Some seated a few hundred, while others boasted an upper balcony, just like the downtown palaces. During the Great Depression and during World War II, they collected scrap and sold war bonds. The cost of admission wouldn’t buy a bagel or cup of coffee today.

A medium-sized city could have more than a dozen neighborhood theaters with frequently changed showings. They had semi-exotic names like the Palace, Cameo, Globe, and Riviera. All showed second runs of films that first played downtown.

They called our local theater The Mermaid. To be sure, it was a far cry from Loew’s State Theater downtown with its palatial Indo-Persian-Chinese architecture. The Mermaid lacked marble stairs, a Tiffany chandelier, and uniformed ushers with flashlights–but it did offer a modest foyer with a box office flanked by colorful posters of coming attractions. Of course, posters also filled the outside glass cases. Many were colorful lithographs. Some now command fabulous prices at auction, such as The Black Cat(1934), $286,800; The Mummy(1932), $435,500; and Dracula(1931),(502,000).

People packed The Mermaid on weekends and most other nights. Lights dimmed around 6:30 P.M., which caused filmgoers to applaud and start devouring a box of Good & Plenty licorice or Chuckles jelly candy, washed down with soda pop. Matinees on Saturday were also a huge attraction.

The show opened with coming attractions, a cartoon, a cliff-hanger serial or Three Stooges comedy, and the latest newsreel. Comic book characters like Batman, The Phantom, and The Green Hornet made great action heroes in the serials. Two films followed–a low budget B movie and then the feature attraction from one of the big studios: MGM, Paramount, 20th Century Fox, Warner Bros. or RKO Radio Pictures. A frequent feature attraction was a Western with stars such as Roy Rogers, Gene Autry, or the iconic Hopalong Cassidy with their famous horses.

The lights went up around 10:30 P.M. and people walked home beneath street-lamps or stopped at an ice cream parlor for a sundae or milk shake and listened to the jukebox. Worrying about crime at these late hours was virtually unknown.

Neighborhood movie houses fizzled during the 1960s. Many were boarded up, gutted, or turned into bowling alleys, churches, or thrift shops. Even first-run houses downtown closed with the shift to shopping malls and shoe box size multiplexes that were cheaper to run with a greater variety of films, as the money-mongering mentality took hold.

TV, cable and videocassettes finished off the survivors.

The death spiral of the neighborhood theater was hastened by the types of movies incresingly being shown, which were unappealing or anathema to normal American mores and tastes. R-Rated, X-Rated, and unwholesome films proliferated. Off-color language, violence, sexual innuendo, base and morally repulsive themes, and inconclusive, ambivalent or unsatisfying endings with the “good-guys” not coming out on top began to dominate movie fare, signaling a propitious overall decline in interest in going to the movies. Even the normally wholesome and creative Walt Disney movies were going downhill.

When the neighborhood theatres closed, many mom-and-pop shops did likewise–thus ending an era of American small town life that was naturally communal, since alien and disruptive elements were absent.

As a character in the movie, “The Last Picture Show” says: “Won’t be much to do in town with the picture show closed”.

The refrains of the late Joe South’s tune, “Don’t it make you wanna go home?” reverberate in my mind.”

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Embracing Discrimination

Modern liberalism forbids any kind of discrimination, in any sense of that word. It this continues to be extended to every aspect of life, it will destroy every human society and institution, as it is in the process of doing now. This is the crisis our civilization faces.

Liberal ideology manifests in tolerance and non-discrimination as the ruling principles of society, the principles to which all other principles must yield. A society which cannot discriminate, distinguish, or differentiate between itself and other societies will go out of existence. To truly be, we must be able to be ourselves, whatever that entails. As part of that definition and determination, we must define boundaries for ourselves. Erasing our national borders, a liberal objective, essentially erases our identity as an independent entity.

These liberal principles are very simple and radically extreme. Yet very few people, even hard-line conservatives are aware of these principles; or if so aware, are in dire fear of mentioning them. Instead of opposing the primary principle of non-discrimination, conservatives oppose its secondary manifestations such as multiculturalism and political correctness.

Let’s say we got rid of multiculturalism and political correctness; would that end Moslem immigration? No, multiculturalism is not the source of Moslem immigration. The source is the liberal belief that we must not discriminate against other people on the basis of their race, ethnicity, culture, religion, etc. This was the idea behind the 1965 Immigration Act and the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The latter basically said that all discrimination is wrong, period. No one in today’s society is willing to oppose this this utterly ridiculous idea. No one up to now has had the nerve to question the immigration of Moslems per se, or say it should be reduced or stopped, except for mild and contrived restrictions in regards to migration from countries harboring terrorists. If we hadn’t experienced a recent spate of terrorist incidents, the insidious Moslem immigration, incompatible with our basic principles, would go on without practical opposition. The few writers and pundits who have the nerve to say that Islam is a mortal danger to our society still will not say we ought to stop or reduce Moslem immigration. This is because of the overarching liberal zeitgeist which says that it the most morally wrong thing for people to embody is to have or show a critical view of a foreign group, and to want to exclude that group and keep it out.

The equality principle of modern liberalism is expressed in the idea that unassimilable  immigrants must be permitted to flood our society, changing its very nature, since we cannot pronounce judgments on these immigrants.   The prevailing attitude is that one who makes these types of distinctions or value judgments must be banished from polite society, or more and more commonly at least be banished from a mainstream career.

The Civil Rights laws and implementing regulations, in destroying our right to select those with whom we wish to associate or do business with, obviated the freedom of association guaranteed to us by the Constitution.

The liberal inability to agree to establish a standard or common set of ethical guidelines for behavior creates an “every man for himself” approach to life, banishes God from a role in setting forth rules for behavior, and negates generally accepted Judeo-Christian behavioral models from the public sphere.

The inability to discriminate or the prohibition against doing so in regards to one’s dealings with others, or in determining standards or proper ethics or morals, extends “downwards” into the lower realms of personal tastes and behavior. Thus, boorish attitudes and behavior are tolerated, sloppy personal standards in in dress and clothing choices are accepted, foul language becomes standard, improper English usage and grammar become normal, people trample on each other’s personal spaces by not respecting their right to privacy or dignity such as by talking on cell phones loudly where a quiet atmosphere should obtain in places like medical offices or at the theater.

It appears that sufficient conservative resistance to liberalism cannot be generated in acceptable forms to retard or stop it. It is pessimistic, but one can only hope that liberalism will collapse of its own contradictions and irrationality, or that unprecedented occurrences of sufficient magnitude will shake society to its foundations such as physical disasters, disease epidemics, economic depressions deeper than we have experienced, or unprecedented terror attacks sufficient to change the prevailing paradigm. Absent such extreme occurrences or some newly developed technique to force discussion about Islam, unbounded immigration, and unalterable racial differences, there will be no change in the ruling paradigm. Somehow, the idea that discrimination is the greatest sin must be attacked and destroyed. It must be shown that it is incompatible with our continued existence as an organized, orderly society.”

© 2018 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Multiple Abuse Of Drugs Is Now An Epidemic

The opioid epidemic is addressed in the media as if both doctors and patients are unaware of how harmful opioid pain relievers like Vicodin, Oxycontin and Percocet are. Use of these substances has suddenly “exploded”(media term) in recent years with no sensible causes put forth for the sudden increase. After all, these drugs have been around for a good while and their abuse is suddenly out of control as if people have suddenly forgotten how to avoid doing things that cause physical pain. It’s not as if there is a sudden dearth of modalities for physical pain relief or management. A host of specialized pain management centers have been around for about 50 years now. Once ostracized pain relief modalities have been gradually accepted as effective such as chiropractic, acupuncture, homeopathy, osteopathy, yoga, herbal treatments, physical therapy, and a host of “holistic” modalities are being employed.

Unfortunately, the pain being experienced is not so much physical as emotional and stress related(more like anguish). The opioid problem is primarily one associated with Whites, and lower and middle class Whites at that, which leads us to the crux of the problem. The lower and middle class Whites are the groups most shunted, left behind, and disrespected in our politically correct society. They are the ones most affected by the loss of manufacturing and technical jobs as whole industries and large companies have moved offshore. Domestically, Whites, including recent college grads, have had no increases in jobs in many years since all the new jobs have gone to immigrants, and to a lesser extent domestic non-whites through affirmative action and diversity policies. Disillusionment, disappointment, and mental/emotional anguish then are the primary root causes of the opioid epidemic.
The areas most affected by the opioid crisis are the Appalachian region and the “heartland” areas characterized by rural areas and small towns embedded within or adjacent to the farm areas. These are largely white “blue-collar” and white lower middle-class areas that have never caught up to the rest of the US economically to start with, especially in the South. Many of these areas have been decimated by the drastic decline of the manufacturing base which used to provide steady, decent paying
jobs, many providing for pensions for longevity on the job which have now been lost as the larger companies absconded or the smaller ones were absorbed by larger entities. Some of these geographical areas are almost literally ghost towns or shells of their former selves. These are bleak reminders of what once was and are very depressing psychologically to the remaining population who don’t want to move or don’t know what to do with themselves, and so seek solace in drugs.
Now comes marijuana which is increasingly being used and legalized as a recreational drug and suddenly and questionably accorded new medical benefits,, while its many established and very harmful attributes are glossed over. The new benefits are dubious since too little time–just a few years–has elapsed to demonstrate them conclusively. However, the harmful affects have been known for a long time. It has repeatedly been noted over the years that marijuana consumption leads to abuse of “harder” drugs. How about finding out if marijuana use will lead to increasing, already catastrophic opioid use? What if blue-collar whites (in addition to the educated types) suddenly start getting on the marijuana kick? It is no secret that marijuana has been implicated in almost as many auto accidents as alcohol abuse. What if people become addicted to all three–opioids, marijuana and alcohol? Detrimental affects of marijuana include memory loss, impairment of judgement, schizophrenia, psychoses, and even death. Now, synthetic marijuana is starting to be produced in laboratories with the same baleful affects ensuing.
Lo and behold, marijuana use is most prominent among Whites, especially the baby boomers and their offspring. Statistics on marijuana use, like opioid abuse, by race, are not well known or publicized, which tends to be the case where whites are the ones most affected by a phenomenon.
As a foretaste of things to come, we can already see the havoc that widespread use of marijuana will create everywhere by examining what has happened in and to Colorado since “grass” was legalized in 2012. That state is increasingly coming under the influence of the drug cartels, as the Hispanic proportion of the population increases.  The drug cartels are sponsoring the spread of a new variety of marijuana that has much higher levels of THC, the plant’s main psychoactive ingredient. This is generally making the “pot” in Colorado much more addictive and harmful than run-of-the-mill marijuana. The new plant is indistinguishable from the “regular” plant in looks, smell, and taste.
The number one problem in Colorado schools is student pot smoking. At lunch breaks, the kids pile into cars, roll up the windows, and smoke away. Re-inhaling the trapped smoke is called “stove piping” and is causing truly intense “Rocky Mountain Highs”. When the students return to class, they become hopelessly unable to learn anything new.
States bordering Colorado are suing the Rocky Mountain State for damages caused by marijuana smokers coming across their borders, engaging in crime, and depleting their law enforcement resources. Legalization has not reduced crime as was promised. Black market pot is actually cheaper than subsidized marijuana. There are more pot shops than liquor stores in lower income areas. Burglaries, robberies, and other crimes have increased.
“Synergise” all of this with the opioid epidemic and you have an exponential increase in crime. Half of all babies admitted to the Pueblo, CO hospital are addicted to marijuana related to their mothers being addicted to pot. Combining alcohol with pot also has synergistically harmful consequences.
These are only the beginning of the pot woes. Recreational marijuana can lead to testicular cancer. High humidity is a side affect of growing pot in homes, resulting in damage from mold. Inordinate amounts of water required to grow pot are draining the state’s water resources, and since ecosystems cross state lines,  are draining the water resources of the generally arid surrounding states. A task for the future will be to determine how much pot can be consumed before one can be considered legally impaired for driving purposes. Pot residues linger in the body for days whereas alcohol residues are eliminated within hours.
If many of the other states that have not yet legalized pot follow suit, (which the federal government is recommending that they do not do) the entire country will eventually “go to pot”.
The Trump Administration is increasingly criminalizing drug abuse, so unless incarceration is accompanied by new rehabilitation programs, overcrowding in already overcrowded prisons will increase. The White segment of the prison population is already the one most mistreated and discriminated against, and a new influx of Whites will just exacerbate their problems. Of course, increased incarceration means removal from the workforce, which just increases the economic problems Whites face.”
© 2018 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved
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A Matter Of Perspective

When Alexander the Great entered the kingdom of the Phrygians on his way to conquer the world, he was met by a delegation of that people carrying the famous Gordian knot—or so goes the myth. It was thought that no such conquest as Alexander intended could be achieved without the would-be conqueror “undoing” this large and complex knot. The young Macedonian King looked momentarily at the puzzle and immediately took out his sword and with one mighty blow, cut it apart through the middle—thus “untying” the knot! Alexander had seen that great “puzzle” from a different perspective. Instead of trying to determine the course of each cord, he looked upon the whole and acted accordingly!

Those who would conquer the world today provide us with just such “knots” in order to engage our minds in useless efforts to seek out their hidden meanings and intentions but, as with Alexander, we need not bother! We need only to seek out who has created the knot to know how to proceed! And this is nothing new! In Scripture, Jesus Christ tells us that we cannot get figs from thorns and that a tree is known by its fruit; that is, one cannot get good fruit from bad trees and vice versa. A “bad” organization is not going to produce good plans for our future.

The so-called United Nations—that organization created as the foundation of the New World Order—has presented an “updated” version of its original Agenda 21 now renamed Agenda 2030. If you go to the UN website, you can download all 41 pages of this effort at “transforming our world.” It is presented as an agenda for “sustainable development.” Of course, you may be assured that the “transformation” intended as well as what and, more importantly, who will be “sustained” will be presented in the most benign of terms in order to soothe and placate the vast majority on the planet whose existence will be grossly changed if, indeed, they are permitted to continue to exist at all! But you will not read in this handy little guide about the intention to establish a New World Order with a tiny elite at the top and those serfs and minions permitted to exist to serve that elite, on the bottom.

Like Alexander gazing upon the Gordian knot, one need only look upon the organization presenting this “agenda” to understand what it means and therefore, what it intends. And, like Alexander, we must be prepared to strike it with the sword of liberty to end its convoluted and devious evil. Wasting time trying to understand and/or explain the hidden agenda is just that—a waste of time! All of these New World Order strategies must be first, recognized, second, rejected and third, destroyed.

Time is running out. We are almost at the point of no return while far too many decent people and lovers of freedom waste their time with trying to discover who the enemy is and what it has in mind. It is akin to a man whose car is stopped on the tracks at a railroad crossing with the train coming on, choosing to read about this history of railroading rather than putting the car in gear, hitting the gas and getting the hell off the tracks! Believe me, my fellow Americans, this train is very close!

© 2018 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Promoting Garbage Disguised As Art

Manhattan’s House of Horrors — commonly referred to as the Museum of Modern Art — recently received a $100 million donation from a billionaire art collector to help fund a $400 million renovation project. Another misguided mogul contributed $50 million towards the same endeavor.

It leaves one dispirited and dejected just think of the benefits their $150 million-dollar contributions could have accomplished for truly worthy causes. These wealthy individuals could have made a real difference in the lives of handicapped children at Shriner’s Hospital for Children, or St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

What sickness or evil motivates the promotion of indecipherable degeneracy as “art,” over truly ennobling and life-enhancing cultural enrichment?  

Ultra-rich leftists, globalists and culture destroyers — like the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and Soroses — seek to replace true artistic expression with neurotic garbage to distort and pervert the appreciation and understanding of truth and beauty. This is done to eliminate cultural standards, and confuse and madden the masses into accepting anything that comes down the pike from our self-anointed “leaders.”

These emotionally sick people seek to create a mass psychosis where everything unnatural is tolerated and promoted, while absolutes are absent and where the childish efforts of poseurs are celebrated as “genius.“

Modern art has followed the same path as modern education, music, and social “science” by contributing to confusion and perversion, rather than enlightenment. Fashioned by the usual suspects, the ever-changing dictates of “public opinion” rule the roost.

In the final analysis, a people whose cultural standards are so low that it can no longer distinguish truth and beauty from falsehood and ugliness, is a people ripe for all manner of deception, oppression, and enslavement. 

For some reason, our wealthy elite believe we’ve got to keep all those “artistes” employed –- the talentless ones who churn out childish modern “art” — so they can party all night and sleep all day, and never have to sell-out their faux “Revolution.” This allows them to keep generating the kind of garbage that no one in their right mind would want to purchase.

Likewise, graffiti, that could be best characterized as “ghetto art,” — adorning the facades of abandoned buildings and warehouses –- is often the subject of adoring articles in the liberal media. There is an almost uninterrupted blight of such huge and weird “art” displays running for miles along the METRO’s “Red Line” corridor into Washington, D.C.

Maybe we need grants for “midnight art,” like Slick Willy used to fund “Midnight Basketball”: It can’t be any less culturally enriching than the Museum of Modern Art, and it might keep the “youths” diverted from seamier activities”.

© 2018 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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“Too Little, Too Late” – Crossing The Rubicon

“In  times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” — George Orwell

For those of us disheartened by the steady deconstruction of the America we knew as children, the advent of a  few plain-speaking politicians — ones who refuse to mince words about America’s dismantlement — is encouraging.  These brave souls state flatly that immigration issues are paramount to our survival, and they sometimes state even further that we have imported indigents and subversives to our own detriment.

Some will daringly admit that even in the absence of importing indigents and subversives, immigration on the tidal wave levels that we’ve now been experiencing  for decades is clearly not in the national interest, unless the ultimate goal is to wreak havoc.  How wonderous these utterances are, to those of us who have waited decades to hear them.  We have long been aware that the importation of unskilled labor impacts the labor market negatively by creating a large pool of cheap labor, thereby suppressing wages.

We have watched as the sheer number of people coming strains our schools and hospitals and social services, depletes our resources, frays our infrastructure, recreates our culture and values in unnecessary and alienating ways, and ultimately threatens to  completely dispossess America’s founding European stock.  It gradually dawned on us that our dispossession will occur not only via a steady tax redistribution of our wealth to have-nots, but also though a numerical displacement that will strip away our right of self-determination as we become just one of many minorities in this country.

For any citizen with half a brain, these evolving realities have been self-evident, and they are a betrayal not only of the sacrifices of our ancestors — who would have rejected such scenarios out of hand — but also a betrayal of the obligations we have to our descendants.  It is our particular descendants who are the ones mentioned in our nation’s seminal documents as being the intended beneficiaries of America’s founding principles;  these documents refer to “our progeny,” and they say little or nothing about creating a legacy for the rest of the globe’s humanity.  We were intended to be a “light upon a hill” to the rest of the world, the intent was never that the rest of the world would move onto the hill with us.

Recent generations of Americans have nonetheless extrapolated notions of “universal ideals” from the founding documents and applied them to the welfare of other peoples, extending this generosity even to an imagined right of all foreigners to join us in the American experiment.  Our politicians threw open the country’s floodgates with promises that the founding population would not be dispossessed of its status and inheritance.  Nonetheless, even when it became obvious that our dispossession was ongoing, critics of it were beaten about their heads with politically correct notions about tolerance and inclusion, notions that the founders would have rejected as madness.

Through the courage of leaders like Mr. Trump — who may yet be destined to sell us out —  a few hardy pioneers are now denouncing America’s half century old status as the planet’s dumping ground.  Even so, even in this late hour, as a Third World socialist police state looms in our future, there are familiar shrieks of outrage when anyone to dares to utter a truth as self-evident as the one declaring that the island nation of Haiti is a dung heap.  Our adversaries even bristle in disbelief at comments that European immigrants who come with assets and similar cultural heritages to our own are more desirable than indigents arriving with the primary goal of “getting free stuff.”  In the media and our places of power, it has all become a theater of the absurd.

When such truths can no longer be uttered in a nation, and when its founding stock is already far along in the stages of numerical, cultural, and political dispossession, then the legendary Rubicon, the “point of no return,” has already been crossed, and nothing our leaders can or do within the system can seriously be expected to save us, their victims, the people who will in time pay the tab for their negligence, corruption, and folly.   When the current tyranny of political correctness allows for the pulling down of statues and plaques honoring honorable people who fought on the losing sides of battles,  we are past the point of no return.  And when the tyranny of political correctness allows for the continued robust survival of the legalized discrimination embodied in Affirmative Action, and our leaders even after half a century still do not dare to denounce that discrimination — or even mention it — then the river Rubicon has already receded far behind us.  In such contexts, it becomes ironic to build physical barriers to our invasion — like The Wall — when all of the killing fields for our destruction have been well-seeded.   In sad summary:   in myriad political and cultural venues, there is already no turning back, no remedy, no hope.

With or without massive border walls, with or without high tech admission systems, without or without social program adjustments, with or without tinkering with college admissions or employment policies, or burdensome governmental interference, no effort will effectively slow the momentum of the forces which are making America unrecognizable, reshaping it into a Third World socialist police state.   The future America will be irretrievably Third World, because in less than one ordinary human lifespan we opened the floodgates to admit a Third World population that must  inevitably outnumber us.   This cannot bode well in an  America where group identity politics are afforded to all groups except whites.   Tomorrow’s America will be an increasingly socialist society, inasmuch as socialism will be the point of reference for most of Third World America’s ancestors, once a nonwhite majority emerges.  By necessity, resources will be diligently diverted from whites to subsidize a predominantly nonwhite and/or immigrant majority.   And we will also  by necessity be a police state, inasmuch as coercion will be more and more necessary to maintain order and prevent inter-group conflict.

This future struggle for order is prophesied even by a casual review of current day media, ranging from children’s and adult movies to book releases; there is now an unending plethora of themes about the urgent need in many contexts for tolerance, understanding and coexistence, an imperative that is vastly less urgent in homogeneous societies.  Our enemies will undoubtedly sing perpetual songs about kindness and racial cooperation, even as they smother us, disembowel us, and and bury us deep in our graves.  Their melodies will  soothe us into less kicking and yelling during our interment.  Likewise, in every school,  relentless barrages of maxims like “Sharing is the proof of caring,” are instead the  proof that our children will be well primed for the redistribution of their wealth during their adulthood.  Such mottoes walk hand-in-hand with glib rationales like the one  that asserts that Affirmative Action discrimination is justified “to help each individual reach his full potential.”  Such slogans never include mention that every beneficiary of Affirmative Action comes into existence at a cost paid by someone else.   And all of these and similar factors will eventually coalesce to place us under a headstone with an epitaph that by all rights should read “America:  From Invincible to Extinct, in a Single Human Lifespan.”

This brings us to the most unspeakable truths of all, ones that were inconceivable to us just a few decades ago.  First, as mentioned,  is the ominous truth that we have imported our fate already.  Huge swaths of America are already long gone, and the momentum of her disappearance can be slowed, but nothing else.  Secondly, a related truth:   Whatever we may have hoped, we are beyond any feasibly optimistic dreams hoping for assimilation and coexistence.  While we as a people frolic like the Eloi in the sunlight, we nonetheless are staring down an immutable future of dispossession and endless ethnic and political conflict, an America in which multiple adversarial  groups will be vying for resources and political clout.  We will have deliberately directed ourselves into places where only defeats and destruction await us.  And in contemplating such a future — one we did not ask for and did not deserve to inherit as our curse —  we are left hugging what appears to be the most sad and ominous and troubling conclusion of all:   that nothing short of radicalism and militancy can now save us.

© 2018 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Hispanic Gangs, Illegals And Law Enforcement

As of 2014, there were about 33,000 street gangs, motorcycle gangs, and prison gangs in the US, with 1.4 million members criminally active. Many gangs are sophisticated and well organized, and all use violence in pursuit of their illegal money-making activities. These criminal gangs commit about 48% of all violent crime in the US.

The most notorious, wealthiest, most violent, and probably largest of these gangs is the infamous MS-13 gang, also known as the Mara Salvatrucha gang. It is renowned for its murders, robbery, extortion, drug and human sex trafficking. It is especially renowned for its savagery and brutality, including hacking up its victims. The gang is also associated with the Mexican drug cartels.

MS-13 cells were first established in Latino communities across the US, but have spread across the continent and are making significant inroads into middle-class suburbia. Its members likely exceed 50,000.

Arrests seem to have little affect on the exploding growth of this gang. The gang is international in scope and will threaten a target’s family in its home country, where American authorities are powerless to intervene. Deportation is of limited effectiveness, because deportees are already networked into the criminal element that runs human smuggling routes.

Unbelievably, the gang’s biggest group of enablers are some of America’s police chiefs. Beginning in 1979 with LAPD Chief Daryl Gates signing “Special Order 40” — that forbade police officers from inquiring into the immigration status of suspected illegal aliens — police departments all over the country have followed the LAPD’s approach.

Politically astute police chiefs realized they could use illegal ordinances like S.O. 40 to re-define crime in such a manner as to make it appear that they are doing a better job of fighting crime than they actually were.

Some police departments actually abdicate “policing” over immigrant neighborhoods and abandon them to brutal gangs like MS-13, who victimize and terrorize its illegal inhabitants like “The Black Hand” did to Italian Immigrants in the film Godfather II.

These gangs warn illegals not to report crimes to the police or else face death for themselves and their families in reprisal. With the crime victims not reporting crime, the police chiefs issue fraudulent statistics reporting significant drops in crime, and look good to the politicians and public they deceive.

Thanks to these corrupt police chiefs and advocates for open borders and multi-culturalism, illegals are getting away with a variety of crimes such as: Felony re-entry after deportation; Illegal employment; Identity theft; Tax evasion; Earned Income Tax Credit fraud; And driving without a license or vehicle insurance.

There is also the falsehood used by defenders of illegal immigration that if police enforced the immigration laws, no illegals would come forward to report crime. Police chiefs also parrot this lie.

Hispanics, illegal or not, are often disinclined to report crimes, since the cultures from which they hail often view law enforcement as an enemy, due to its collusive relationships with criminals, the harsh treatments often meted out by police upon the general populations, and the bribes frequently needed to garner assistance from law enforcement.

The lack of comprehensive reportage of Hispanic crime often gives the impression that illegals are more law abiding than the typical American. This ludicrous concept is spread by the advocates of “Open Borders,” pandering politicians and the corrupt mainstream media by using the narrative that Hispanics have superior “family values” to those of American citizens.

The MS-13 gangsters are mainly from El Salvador with a sprinkling from the adjacent hellholes of Honduras and Guatemala. These 3 nations are the most crime-ridden in Central America. Invaders from these countries have no special skills to speak of, are basically uneducated, and can only displace more deserving Americans in low-end jobs, if they even bother to seek gainful employment.

They are almost uniformly violent to start with. That there may be some people from these countries that may be tolerable is irrelevant. El Salvador is presently the murder capital of the world. Those coming to America to “flee violence” are suspect. There has never been an adequate mechanism to vet people from primitive cultures. Violent criminals routinely claim to be “Political Refugees” fleeing violence, and are thus coached in their home countries on how to fool American officials.

Sadly, American officials staffing both private organizations and contractors and federal agencies are staffed with people who are frequently hostile to the well-being of America: They have no real interest in effectively vetting “refugees,” nor do they have they the mechanisms to do so if they were so inclined.

© 2018 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Indian Reservations: Drug Conduits

Spaced Out In The Wide-Open Spaces

Drug smuggling has reached epidemic proportions on Indian lands. While we usually associate drug smuggling with the Mexican drug cartels — entering the nation through our Southern border — the problem reaches far beyond the American Southwest. Large-scale criminal organizations have found havens and allies in the wide-open and isolated regions of Indian country.

In the eyes of law enforcement, reservations have become a critical link in the drug underworld. They have helped traffickers transport high-potency marijuana and the drug Ecstasy from eastern Canada into cities like Buffalo, Boston, and New York and have facilitated the passage of cocaine and methamphetamine from cities in the West and Midwest into rural America.

In some cases, outside drug gangs are working with Indian criminals to distribute drugs on Indian and non-Indian lands. On a growing number of reservations, Mexican criminals are marrying Indian women to integrate themselves into the community.

As one of a multitude of examples, the US Department of Justice reports that as much as 20% of all high-potency marijuana produced in Canada is smuggled through the St. Regis Mohawk Reservation. This reservation, which straddles the US-Canada border, is also a hotbed for smuggling multi-thousand tablet quantities of Ecstasy into the US every week.

Another important example is that remote areas of the Tohono O’Odham Nation in Arizona are used to funnel drugs, weapons and humans into the United States, and to re-direct weapons and the proceeds from racketeering back into Mexico. An extremely well organized criminal enterprise operates on this reservation.

There are many similar examples. The lack of jurisdictional cooperation from the reservations, inadequate border patrol activity on the US/Canada border by both nations, the ease of going back and forth between the two nations, the thinly populated and isolated terrain, and the minimal role played by the states in which the reservations are located allow Indian reservations to harbor all manner of illegal activities.

Indian reservations come under the jurisdiction of tribal councils rather than the states in which they are located, making detection and arrests incredibly difficult. Tribal police forces are vastly undermanned–so that, for example, by 2009, the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota became home to at least 39 criminal gangs with over 5,000 members.

Of course, there are definite financial advantages to average reservation dwellers to aid the drug smugglers.

Most Indian reservations now bear more of a resemblance to inner city Detroit or Baltimore than they do to the great open plains. Rundown trailers, piles of trash, and empty beer cans dominate the landscape in these places, where both unemployment and substance abuse are rampant.

Drug smugglers will run rampant on the reservations until the federal government begins patrolling these and adjacent areas in earnest, and fences off these lands–which would probably accomplish as much as the proposed wall on the Mexican border with regards to enforcement activities.”

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